HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-19 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa-· ·ur ~ -- ' ---. ' ·'Mo•~-·~ . • . -~ In • • • • ... ,· " .. '!- • • . i I I G.~"· "E~capes ~-. ' .. r ,_,.,.... .. :....,~.i. ----- .. _: .. ,,. , I. '' \. J aQ~;u,er· .. Q --~~\Lr I ·.' ~ :~,. ... . • . c ~ !(1, J ,. YI li · w-t1aer ~~'loor\cliudl I te • nlai>t Dd ~ ,.,,fhp other- 'l'ile flit ~ 5uod11. Ov•· nlchl Jon. 51. A. Utile . w.,_ 'day~ INSIBB :J'OD~ 'l' Se< lht Oki Workl•fil'll. II 1Dlll !""""°" '°"' childt.,.. -lllal'• -AMf Vo1Mkrfritr1 advice fn t~e Family Wetkly. Afltr tht o....,,· . .....-tht r°"r OtOOTdl. 1&'1 Broldwav'• mm to 11a.iu .,.., wttk "' 'J'V WEEK. ---. ~ ,.,.., .. , C'-"W It-a c~ 1J (,.,.,,.... 11 ..... llP IPI • 11 -. -n .... ..... 1 .. 1' ........ , .... ltD """"' .., -.. ..,... .... 11 . ~ -.,..._ --'I- • . -. . . . • . . . . • -.. -~ • . -- • ,, . >i )1, ~l · ;~ .'f, • .• - •. J. .:. ' -'• . :1 . I l . -· -. - • ' . . '1· •. * • •• • :ft . . . . . ' . T-:--· ,. · ·1:1~ . · ·e · s '' I' f I ~· , • ' ' f I . . ' .... . ' . ,, Y., ;. ' -· -, ,o.n ·· , • ~, , r ,=1 • J.,.1, J •'~I ; I' ) '•,.] ;1·~'('13. /1 ! ... ;it' '' j~ I I·~•, ,', t'; "'~.tf'.-:'l"lf,., 't,4\':1W')~ ~:;1it ":'~td ,• 1.'r' • ~·! 1::1" ' . SohlKr~lt-.;' ~ ·Cr~· ·'~··-.,.1'~,; Porl4~: ... ·, : •. -• • .. . t" l ' B' · wmni••n;~ii ,.'J',.. . ~""' -----------·----------------- --·- ~ ' -. • VOt:..62,,NO."M, 4 SECTloNS.176 .PACW VOL. a, _, M.~ .,a.....,, H PAHi : • ·! ,. r I',.' ~... ~ . _, .. t. ·- • ' ·.-.: -~ . ·--· ..... -··-. --. - ' I ' ' ' •• .'?.' '• " .. . -- ' "· J.f . .. • ' . - • I I ' lolll.V l'ILOT s 11"""1, Aprtl 19, lM .... _ ..... ~ -._.. . ~---.J • •. . ~. _.._~.... . . -,. .. . .,__ ..... . -· Governor Tells · Fwoll Bilfih 3~SUi~~ * * * .. ·. * * * . . .: . . =-. : ·. . -~ ~~~eiit· R~pr8$sf0ij, .Pei:ifs :_. Press to W~tch ~.~1 .1f1 $3f.).Jfitil~ , ,.. · . · · · . Left Wing~s ~ - •·· ··: · Scotlldale Ariz. ~ Aasl1tant City -Manqir Dole Colftt' found weeds ~ In front Of the DOW civic i..:flua. and P,romptt.y called police. ~'f.!'•. weeds· were growllli M'tf· >whlre, and when officers orrived "Iii 'lfOllDd Carter .ahd •·CliJtllilljn on .,.thetr hands and tn ... piil!Uic thorn up. The planla were idenU. lied 11 MarlJuaJU\ PY a ~er who works part.time for Utt clfy [II part of a juvenile court 11ntence- lqr ..... session of marijuana. f.c , •.. ' · ·'·• ··• • l ...... -~'.:.~·-~ ~, \._ n ~~;...,.. ~:.~18~ ~f.,Louiavllle, ~Y-·WU'llaPPinl on bis second diy 1'5 a .fireman when the alarm .,,und~ ,t!e .. l~a~ from the ,bod, . · d down !he pole and was l!lmost ~ the truck before he realized he : ad · t~;g~tt"" h~ .trousers. His 1eo1uboo-he pull~ bis coat lower 1ancl bis 1Xlots ·higher.-Fortunate17 ~Che ftrecwl~rmlnor. ' ' - DAILY PllOT ~ ............... ..... --'_,.., . c.,. .... .CAUl'0 .. 11' C>lltAHGa COU1 l"\IM..ISftlNO C<IM'Nft •.Mrt H. WH4 •' • ........,. tllf NII_. _.. J~kl.Cwkr WCI,,.-... OMWll .... .., Tli-Kn .... ·-• • n...-. •• A. M1tt,a.l11• , .. ·~'r"'~ ..... - '-'r_ ms_ T. alks, N_, iro_:·_n' Sii .. ~.s .. ' ~FRANCISCO (AP) -c;..; ll<a-. nm.! !imAr.:: ::.. have :1 ... ~~~~~In:;:~ ft. :/ '. PD dlarpct F?lday n!«ht tllll 1111 -• ••16'd "1'. mlDloa dimip ID far in --m-.,... ·---.-~..m. more ~ned 1ffth_ warn· thrte Midwestern stat.es, and one offi-ts. The Quad Cities includes Davenport, County Man Get8 5 Years in Pot Smuggling C8se Sue.z Artillery Duel in 12th Day t who wu Olllled from hla JIOllUon of par- ty HCrttary .. 'llluhday. AHhoqh no ... ukod NllOll directly about·lhe CJech ~tuatlon, towonl lhe end of his -new• eonfenne:t ht worked in IW: readloo to the Sovlela' iltal -- "We hope tllat -..... ti free- dom wiU rtmlln. Ytl the -·union baslClodtbol.e.aadaiUcl '* declslve-ly. ftey lllva·to cor«Mtr now, in terms ., my --. bow tllat mlOI of. feet lbelr rtlaUans with the Unlteil Sia~ .. and with the w..-WWI<!." Nllon11 · Janlu&&e, which wu bro~­ cut around the W«Jd, WU dlpliaml.UcaJ· ly lmpnclse to avoid undue embltras•· menl lo the Rlllalans. But it !II Undlntood thal' Nixon WIS ayinC tllat ••• ltllll Hmllation lalke projedod for lite •P<inl or esrly -could be -pootpaoed. Secrelary ol SW. WUllam P. Jtottn, tn hla tint new1 o:lftference Clll April 1, voiced much the 11me theme. "esaldlhmlba-ol~ 'JO··~ ~~laiil'ihe Ruu11111' doctrine of lnterveniftl In the affalrl ol Ila alllea whoo t"8Y perctlvod .. ---. ..a.i.-w111 rt1.itkim ·"Tiry dtfflcult." But Rosen weal .., to ay that. cla- pill the Soviet oceupallon -In ~ t11t u"*" 111a11o w11 llWoul to lmpnrve relatlam lhrw&h -t evtr -pouiblL Rites Conducted In Huntington For Mrs. Moiola Cltbollc rlllo .... --lod11 fn ilunUlllkll -for Mn. MW P. Mololl, a lanl llmt ,._-vlllly real· deill ·---dliil 1u1-w-.y 1n Brnley, CllU., at the .,. ol 14. !Gm In naq, Mn. Molola livid In Fountain ValkJ for C yun. Slit made her home for the put ftve yun fn Brawlly with her daqbler, Mn. Allnd A. Bottbanl. . -today and Frldl1 --.... duc1ed 11 SL Simon llld Jade Cllhollc Chutcb. Burial !GIJowtd al H 1 l y Stpuldn ~. OralCi-;· . -lier ~. Mn. Mololl II survived bf !WO aoai, Alhl llld JamOa, 'botll \=;: p-: two pol-' ao4 •. -lllld ~~--I'•" . . . , --~ ~·----..... 1'Nd llololl. I FOOllllin v~ dlJ'.......uman. 1ra tllliil tn 1111 I•-• pl.tno enall wlllki trOftllni !rel Oianat Coun1J lo lbt. lnipadal ValleJ. A Fountain Valley •-tar)' achool la to be named for bbn. ~ )lolallf1 llu9'••· JllMI, dleid in 1111. He -lo --llaly fn lttJ and w11 -ol.Foanlaln Vallly'a earliest ..wen . .....ina tn fll1llinl lllld dalr1"il -bll laolh: Ines ap.lnst rlJht.wing l(llvities than claJ SI.id he felt people in an area dow~ Iowa; Rock Island, Moline and East M• they are with the "very true threats strum were treating the CMting flood ~the~" -· "I -·•• ho "· Id crests too ligbUy. The prob!•-L<mmt oaid Is a lhor· . Wuwu pe u ... t the press WOU Civil defense and state Officials made ""''" trtat with equal conldoulnas the thrt1t laJe <lf volunteers to patrol the dikes to from the. other skit," ~11an Aid at these preliminary flood dam11e estima.t-watch for wuh«lt:i. . the·~ llUIUll McQuade Awards ban-es : ' .. , _ que!, .p....,n.r by ~ ~ of -15 mi1lioa In Nim-ta, where 1llO , • . c~e':::"'~ 11~ Jolla v. Ken-f~ ;,:..; llll~ :O':ko1a .• i;,,, · Brifuh Spy Squ. ad ne4J" WU ····••ltd .., • fnan with 5,000 lam1lles ... evacuated and l,OOI 1tftlat -lnp onct 111&1 blr brother, the remain homtleu Jn • 111e s... llokrt r. ~y .... killed -At least 11riiunon111 Nor111 Dakota. i·e· rrogating by anoUitr uaualn ..an.c:ted with the And the Civil Ddenae coordinator for . left. northwe1tem Illinois says ruidenta in • The IOVtmor compmd 'tgtlcs of l!ta "''· where the Mwlsllppi ii. dut to American Couple campus dluldenla to tactics Cl(. "the lilt· c:rtll .\prll 21, are laklnJ the 11~tlon , . . !er ,..ur.• ad......,_ -v1o-upuy. lellCe 11 sporte( ,ltl)-~1 -t "There'• be<n so ml!Ch publicity liven ~pt.. ~ve works," aald Donald E. I,an- • .:!'ftt' publlc is dr~ Out. 1uvin1 me, "that people believe all they have ·!!:! ~ to the dilaldeats." tile sover-to do is sweat this thing out." ....,.. llil. Lemme said Frida)' that apathy in the ·t~~\o ~i~ ;!Yew Mayo~ •· .. "! ... ~' ~·-·~····.··· •• But ~on't 'fry to . Guess •t -~.... ..,.. '!'" . By nlliv U111 , : ' Alvin M. Com bu llrVod the put year -., .. ...,,..... • : as the mayor. John "J'ck" ~ .. ""' -1~---' Green .... la .iee ~,.. lnll)i_'.the m.14-Mve a __ ,..,.._. Comlil'"*'i leadlnl ·cpon~ .for •Ieo:Uan lo tile ---··-.... .,their ._..dlalr. . -"'"-"-' lo ..... lbt em year In the But that ... Ilse -liit ym ;when ~ mmd1mtn dlOM t.q oVer'Jooli: ~~' bid ' -and-Com~~ ~~ • · . • Donald D. Sblplsy =f:",,i.rvod ~ATO 'Games' Begin ::,~..:.:""~"'4,..~·- ln North Atlantic . . .. -= r~C:'::t~~Ju4ia~; ' ' . ' •. . ,,,,._.. ~·~·--...... .. . " . . . . -· a"""'.....-~ _..u. u1e WASHINGTON (UPll -MA'lll llblce-cOunci1 ue. 4«ry Matney· mid 'lleiir10 --·---'-M<crackeo.·~ ................... k Mlllid "Coll·Clllr,"' ....,1il.ll>e:Mor1h' bones for the paOtlloii ~w&ldi plyi no At1llXlc today aod -tbrou&h Y.sy m"" than the rlle !0< a councilman -s. lt7i per mootb. 'Ille enn:laea --the c:ommand Lui APrfl k ·oeemed certain that of Rem' Adm. K. SkJonl « Ncrway. com-Mayor Ja'ke Stewart would surrender the mander of aJUed naval f<rctl: for the gavel to bis vi~ mayor, Grten. When I.he ScandlM-IPI"--Vmela Iran dult bod oellltd however Cota WU Denmark, Gtrml.ny, N«w.y, Britain mayor and GTten~wu back'at 0.: same llld 1111 Uotted Slata lake parl old stand as -ll18)'0<. German Measles Vaccine Ready Soon WAllllllGTON (UPI) -Rubella, or German -· a nullanct to moot d1lldree but I -.., to adul1I aod 111born Infants. may ba c:mtrolled by a MW vaccine available to the public in ab«lttwo~ . U.S. S.....,. Genin! William B. ltew· an Aid Ftida:y tbe vacclnt will be - CNMl&Jdod for bo71 and alrls but DOI for pnpaet -· .. _ ol adolmc:mt Jirll lnd:adult WCllMD 4*aJd nat flt~ tindttw: .. ;l"OlltinelJ,"I ltftirt eddtd:' ' Thia year no-bu elalmed vlct«y u yel Green had a cautloul ""no comm•t" on qued.lana about bbl chlDcu. Mayor Com Aid that lhll bu -I -.rful year for bim and "I bave been bappy ....in, the people ol my c I t y a thdr ll18)'0<. Somedsy, perhlpo, I would sllolly ""elllfn." : 'Ille tloctloo el mi1w lllld vice mayer coma Wort tb1 .council at t:• p.m. in council cbamben ol ~ HaU. 1111 Slretlandl'WUAvmue.. Countian Given ' . -~ . ., . . . .. . . 90 Days' Prison LOMDON' (AP) -An American - crlbed as an amiable "country club" type in hls IOI wltll a sllihl East turo- pean accent was being intaropted with his wile Friday ntaht by 1 Scotllnd Yard counter-<1P101111e aquad. No charses ware fll«t qslitsl the cou- ple and autborltif:s would not dflClw l!lttir .l!lonlJtltl .. Ill)' dtlalla ol tbe -. Senl!I' 0-111·1111 u.s, Embaay went ID ~' Ylllll for dllc:uallnr with the de lectlver. BrlUlh ·Police · aid they cbecked with the U.S. Bureau ol ln- vestiJ1Uon btfore tbe raid. . Mor• lban IO detectives beaded by $Miiand Yard Commm>der ~ Smllll -In .. the lovtafl -In the stockbroker bett ol ~·· -· ern 111burbl where the eoupla livid with their threa cbUdren. Ooo publllht•f' report sail! the ~ prmntly beln( ci-tloned may orlslnll- ly have .beee II Gtnnan nlllaoallty bot now bod 'U:S. puaporls. Another report aald the raid oa their hcx.ue came u 1 rtlldt of statements mlde by an E a 1 t German who bod delaclod to lbt West. ... Earthquake Fear Reqches Baja; . . . . Some Flee Area MEXICO CITY (UPI) -'Ille "Earth- qum pan1c• 1btt 1eat -U.s. Cali- lorni""' lleoUti' tbe llate, has - Muioo'• Baja Cllllomlo, an4 -real--.. leavlnt Ille .... u • reoult ol I ..nea•ol quak• over Ibo put w.k_ llid tbt DIWIPIJ>lr "Ukbnu Nttkiu" Friday. '"lllore Ir ponlc:, and IM _.. far tbe penlMJll will be lorn from lhe --·bj I put~· oUI lie MWiP<I*" In I report -LI Pa. ·-·BIJo Callfornlana, filtrfal ol I calllli~, hive bOc>tn lmllis lhe area1'P MW.,.ptr laid. . 'Ille LI Pu area< m lhe -tod ol tile'~ ' about lllO milll IOUtll ol Sin ~'bas felt iUea ~ 11111 'monlfi; . • "fllr11 lll'Goe" tnmOr Friday, ' _...,. ...,, Food_ for Thought ~-~ Baby's Death An Alllhelrn man coavldod ol lnlllcllns wbat ,...... lo be lalal lllJurlaa ... hla n-~ "'II>'. .... ord4red rr1411 lb ~ the -10 d111 In C111J!O Stale Steak, Ham and Eggs Can Kill Prlloo. ' A -1111 ~ mli• an llY· Ins ol llHrl --"IOdll folk· lcn" mlllol fllllll,..,... tbelr manhood toy Mlill too much -· bull and -· "Wt ha'" -sold • tbe Idol tllat -= and bam 11111 .... ... the on'1 flt for • 11111111 .... to .. ~. 111d Dr. Georp a.rtatakl, ,..,._ " -11111. SIMI School tl.Medlclae fn Mn Y•.k, 11 l """'-·lo Ana. --.._ I diet 11111 ba fllle l or l - ..., • tlla , ..... ""' ill -.. tile rest flf US.• ., I~!·~ -.ftt art """"" to the dtak. ontatll Al!I that American -and womtii could Nctuct tbe hurt 1tt.lck d t 1 t h rala lmmedlatt ly by to puctnt 1 with 11"'1"1' a-to dltl, estr<:lae Jud&< Jama F. Jodie delayed ..,,. and 1o11Dc wt1P1-lenclnJ of G-!. llubl>I, IO, peodJns I He Aid "Iba Urna i. Ne .• .for prac-report from the facility. llllbbl, If found llclnf !>b7lldano lo ... cholalarol --· , ..... -1bl• -prlaon twn le -....,.....,, for "'""""' burl ., J:..!':S--pDty " ltlooy dllld -· "It'• pntty Md w1*i 1111 llral aymptom. •IMIM In 1 ~ Court trial whlck "" U I -ls -,.. fill dad.• lbt cioar .... ol bla wilt, Vlrslnla. ~. 00 ,,,. -Aid -...,. .,.. .. .-i-.... Jlll!&tJ-r. J..,. lbt ''lrodlllonol dill" ti-. pen, llml>, niled tbal -hosliDC ol - fCll and -.......... -lwlce Seyllr Hubbo rwultod In llll llnl ln!itn .. 1111111 latol lltarl -• -rlbl, alolll -· injured -and mm. -lnjurlea tbal led to the illfant'a lkiald_mllk_ ba ..... --- llltuted for -mil~. -fO< Ice Raft,._ wu mode In lallmoey ....... !>OIYunoaturllod marsmna for befott Judp Jlldp to injurlu aufler<d INttor, aiid llah and poullty for two th1nll by two Olhtr Hubbs children -all thnt ol the dinner mu t3. were adopted -one of 1fhom Ibo died. f, I I \ I \ • j ---... ___ _ • ' ' . • ' -weekend , ... ___ __._ : y~ ........ t" ~· ' YOC. 62, NO. 94, 4 Sf9IONS, 76 PAGES --\ ~ I SATURDAY,.AP.RIL 19, 1969 TEN . ,_ . . ' . ' . -. -... . ' .,. . Weight Jury Adds Its to Courthotl~se - G I • ::; .-.:· • ;.~·IPGi · . . -.. _~ .. . ••!: . .;··(..!!. By TOM BARLEY CH ._ o.ltr Pltl9f Jtetf Complainb about the new Orange County Courthouse are legion blll one set Di .sufferen Friday resolved to take ac- tion that may bring related objections Oooding in ill wake. . Jt atem1 from a preview of the ageDda _ that will be placed before county oupervbors Tuesday that the Orange County Grand Jury will ask coonty of. rtcial&.. to take a long bard looi: at facilities thlt· were delcribed. -before the jury room Wll used -U the finest such aocommodatloo ·ever ~ for a grand jury. Their room, lllY' the grand jury, ls not oo grand u it wis cracked up to be. _ Four Tanks wst; Reds Pay Dearly SAIGON (AP) -American armored units killed 100 North Vtttnamele in two battles but lost at least four tanks and seven other annored vehicles, military spokesmen said today. A day-loog baWe Friday 50 miles north- west of Seip -the 11th Armorod Cavalry RtPsrtt ,.. tanb ~ two new 1""1~jw0'1.ton M!ll tanks -pba---· WOUl!ded, field reports Aid. Later FrWay nlchl, tllree armored ptr· aomel carriers were destroyed by fire and four other tracked vehicles were. bad-- ly damaged when North Vietnamese sap- pers attacked a "wagon train" circle of tanks and peraonoel an1en three mil .. liOlltbeaot <i the ~ zone. lleepile the loss of the tanb in the first baWe, ..-...i caYOJrY. oillcal caDod it • .icio<y, 'll>ey said 12 enemy hodiel :were found alte< .Uie-batlfe. "It was a good le&IOO fer <llarlie. He learned be cao't mess around with the Sberidma and l'l away with it," said Col. Jimmie .lach <i Hampton-N.C., coounander <i flie •llth Regiment. The figblln( mipled when units of the regiment ran anto a North VW:tnamese ambul!b in TQ NDl prqvioce. The Sher- idan tanks, artillery and helicopter gun- ships P"'"""' lhe enemy for lllOll <i the day. Maj. JGbn Brooooo <i Hochelle, Ga., a 1quadran. commander, said the first rocket grenade w a s fired prematurely by the North Vietnamese attackers "and that eoabled us to get them before they could arry out the rest U the ambush .·• * * * 'I Love You,' GI Tells Rescuers After Fleeing VC SAIGON (UP!) -A U.S. soldier cap. tlftd by the Communists 14 months ago escaped and was re9cued by an Ameri· <:an helicopter, U.S. spokesmen sakl to- day. They said his first words to the 'CC'.¢er crew were a happy shout ol "l Joye you! I love you!" The GI was identified. as Spec. S Thom· as H. Van Putterl, Zl, of Caledonia, Mich. Ile bad vanished and appamitty been capWr<d oo Feb. 10, 11111, wl>if< gumling a road tcraper in Tay Ninh Province near lhe Cambodian border. Van Putten waa spotted Thunlday by a U.S. Anny -rvation hellcopler about 71 miles nor1hwest ol. Saigon near Tay Ninh City• spokesmen said. He had es- caped J& days earlier, be said. The -lmmodiately .... hospita~ !zed for -.i <i what doctorl de- scribed as malnutrition and detlydraUon. His weight bad dropped from !IS pounds to .W during capllvity. But dodor1 said today Van l'utW1 ap. pmnUy will he well moogh to Dy home SUnd•y to his parents. From his lmpltal bed, Van Putleo de- s¢hed his rescue. He said he spotted the helicopter .shortly before it saw him. o\Vhen that chopper came down it was the1 mod beautiful UlinJ l 'ye seen in my life. Wow! 1 Wll WAVllll my Jhirt and arms and doing everything to lei his (the pllol'•) 1ttenlioo. "\9htn I jumped hi the chopper I grab-hecf the pilot'• ahoulcler and l yelled, "! Jo~ )'<)Il l I km )'Oil! 'i'hat WU reallr, sbro!thing. And I hugged the guMnet.' Theb he told the crew: nl've escaped Crom the enemy. Glvt mo sornethlnc to eat." Tbe crew nnd him a meal of fruit cocfllall, cbic:ken with noodlel, aoit•wann root. Mer. V*'1 Putten sakt Jt Wll the best food ''in aD my file." And-<i their objectlons comes u no ·ltlefl to aeoustl<s ll!d. qaln, this Is 11e 5Ul'JlriJe to this writer. In fact, reference aurprise to the writer. " was made to the utociJhing lack ct Grand Jury n-p have been Iott In ......rproofing In a recent Pilot Logbook the third floor-pre. room via certain article which stated: hNo COUDty body'& •:tauJta" which ~ in ~ .. , •OIJID. deliheratlons are more guanled thao rnunlcat!Gm IHNctun( ;,(this !111nlllion thooe of the grand jury but •.• the in-· bullding., • nocent (!) bystander could stand 10 feet 1'be 17-memher Wile!• wants adequate any from the door and clearly bear ventuation;· ~perl1;C01:1trolled llg1d:lng, -highly se<:ret golnp ...... -.__ ameniina . fO< ..-. That was no exaggeration. It was dif. •"tmt wW reDect h. dignity of· grand ficult for-this writer to restrain the im-jury aervice;'' 1~1te apparatus for pulae to run to his...typi.oriler aod-&bowing <i ~ aod inside locli"'for capilaJl!e.oo what OOJl\C ""'l!l"ll would·:: grand jury ~ (We koow wjiat ha'!_e rg!lfded as a golden omirtunity. thooelacllttlelr ~.) • . Bal the ""!"'J'lain1 to .he ·lald before · There's ...... On the· 1mpress1te: 1141 supervl8ors by jury foreman· William ....tbiy waot the ooilOitunity to "pr1vmt.lll- Martfn <i Laguna ~ -~ coofin!. ~ liltry"~.~l oot qljilif!i!! ------ to be In the .l?U<f jury room .c111rtng sessions," a light outside the room wtdcb wtfl IDdtcate that the jury fl ln·- and a general meeting room large_.. to provide for a lemk:trcular ar- ren_..i with more spece helw,.. cbalra than fl -Uy permllt.d. And the grand jury would <learl3' lo90 to he much nearer to Superior. Court Judie Robert Ganlner than tt 11 right now. Jt¥ige Gardner, the criminal court jurist to whom the panel must Gften mer, ii .. the -flool-<i the 111 million building and the jury room fl on the noor below. It woo't boll down to what agitated county <iticlals hope will he the jury'• acceptance <i sw.eplng altenitlam to ·-. Big J TuraS ~iit -· . . - long B·each ·w elco~·C~~lled ~. HOW ABOut A WAI.NETTO FOR· TJE\SPEECH1 ~AMf ' . 'Dirty' Did Mon'. Dennis Honrohlin·Ttfnpts;Kortn.Moddon f Wanta W alneito? • Help OCC Team G~t to Plwen~ ''How.about~a Walnetto?'' If someone stops you on the street nut· week with that line straight out of "Laugh-In," don't slug him with your purse -buy one. li'!"f.'I~. a.Poiarofd camera, a,guitar, lu~'-Jobf for' your.cars, lilt ~lcates, dinn!rs rat a'Newport Beach· restaurant, radios, 1 glassware -and, of course, Walnetllls. 'Ille blUlelbip New J""'"1 rushed to- ward Mil today to tend.her If.Inch """' to the armada the Navy is ueembUna: to guard its electronic ~ planes of{ North Korea. HW>dreda of relaUves <i the l,IOO mu crew who expected to welcome tblm in 1-Beach today w .... left waiting and disappointed. . \. 'l1ie Navy•s IDllOUllC<lllelt FridOJ' that ·Irvine Company eng;,_.. today ""' otudying poos!ble lulure -<i • major teWage pipeline wldch wWld he -Oil\ Id<> the --Corona de! Mar and Laguna Beach. The big pipe, known to ~ 11 a sewage tdfall, Is one ol two altematiftl being 'fU'dled for discharge of wastes that will be generated by development <i 93,000""""' on Irvine Randt In the.- inland <i ec..na lie! Mar Ind Laguna. 'Ille -· -.. w-bi! to ..... the 93,000 ad'<s by Hnklng M lD the <lnlnll" County Sanitation D 1 • l r I c t. system. LINE INTO•SEA District directors have llll>'oved -struotion <i a 00,. ..-i oulllll line which will stretch several miles to sea from the mouth of the Sama Ana River in West Newport. Eilher way, the sewace dia]xml pro- blem will be a alzeable one for Irvine C«npany engineen. ,. . You'U be giving a boost to students from the Orange Coast College forensics team who'll be selling Walnettos both on and off campus through next Saturday. The money will go toward sending 10 prize..winning team memben to the na- tional championships in Phoenix May &- 10. 1he rWalnetlo gimmick ca:ne about wben 1be Peter Paul company, which n\Jkes· the caramel candy bars popular· ited bf TV'a "Laulb-In," heard about life stUdents' plight and sent the foren- sics ttam a free case of W alnetto.! \o help the cause. A drawing for the prizes will be held Friday at 11 a.m. in tbe OCC Student Center. You doii't have to be there to win. The next evening, at 8 p.m., the forensics team~ will present a program ln the col- lege-forum entitled "Our American Heritqe." A study <i the poeolble pip!l!De to the ,.. hemen Oorma de! Mor and Laguna indicates It woold jut into the ocean neor Pelican Point. COmmunist8 · Claim .TalkS . . --You won't only be buying a Walnetto- you 'll be taking a chanCe on more than 70 prizes donated by ·Orange • Co a st merchants wbc> are betting that OCX:'s student speakers will give their ...,. good representation by the .time they get to Irvine ofliciall -that no pllno are firm at this point. 'l11ey llllliclpaf< at feul H months more llludy before any coone <i action ts delennlned. • -· --• + • To help tdeao along, the . ...,!JinOd sanitation -· homl bao &Food lD allow ita staff to conducl • _,, and Op~~m ~~r~und!es8 - ~ -~ -" PboeoiL . Among the goodies up for grabs are a• So·U someone• offen )'Oil a Wa(nelto next week, it's no. jote. Juat..:a clevei: campai&n for a good cause •. ....,.t to the Irvine Co. .. the ad· _ .. <i mq aillq -· "'" ch.Mfing the outfall, <if Weot . Newpon Beocb. PARIS (UP!t-Allla'l ·tlill-~ niJt ne.,ilaten al tho -,.... ealb declined lormal -Jl'rtcley on Praideot Nldli't st•et'llilat · J b It chaJQI for 'plllCe r .... ~.dfbdtlJ Corona delMar Marine LONG STUDY AJIEAD tmpmiid.""Bal --.dote..lo.t h.e Meanwhile, Irvine Randi waler diltrict Communist delep-Aid , bis , ..,U. staff and consultanU hive atarted on• 1J ml&m.wu .,,,_..._. to 14-mooth marine liudy project to In-"The facta do not ·~·-hlo O(>ll- sure that if an ocean outfalI ii plamed -mlsm," •Ml ene Commmdll in refamce perhaps olf °""'11 de! Mar -the beauty to Nlson't -canfennee, - and niarinO life off the 1C011ic cou1 """Id 00 denlopments ootalde Ibo --llllas. sllf iitaict. · ne u.s. and South-Vletam111:del.-. "'lbe JrOblelns m enonnous," said .. Uona declined offtdal · cwua-t. M Dies o~ Son's Birthday Maline Sgt. Robert -of Coronl> del Mar hfo been fcllled in Vietnam: He dled, his family was told thil week, on the birthday or his two-year"fkl. son, Bobbie. The 2>year-0ld Marine helicopter a<riaf gunner went down with his Darning craft oo April ti, according to the U.S. Demiee~ 'lbe helico!ier crubed after receiving small arms and aliomatic wdpons fire from the gm,nd l! miles ...,lhwest ol Danang. At the time, the helicopter w., on an emergency medlcal evacuation mission. All abprard were tJDed. Sgt. Gendron. who r~nlisted just one molWh ago, le ablo survived by bls wife, Nancy, • baby daughter, Renee, nine months; bis mother, Mrs. Murtd Geo- dron, <i tile faml13' home, 01 lril Ave.; ,1 • Irvine engineering and p-.g head did -of North -11111 llll'Yllt. · his lather, Robert G<ndnln, of Coeta,, -J""!"-eon,. mitH lhq - -tho' fiD Mesa ; a-· iUcll<nl, also of Coeta Jones rellted 1hal the mor1ne llludy, tell of the Pr-'l lllli&>mt, · - Mesa; maternal grandpar<nts, Mr. and ..nlch began recently, will requlr< a four-Coomwnllt . .....,. llld'tMli !1¥,1*8' Mrs. Harry Heid, <i Tustin; and polemal ,..,.. oboerv-<i C1in'ellt clJonges, no progreu In the lltliiieillalinj "°"'' granctmothei, Mrs. Mary Gendroo, of sea noor coaflpr1tlon and other natural s1on '!llunday. They 111cfihe deldhrct Fountain Valley. · facton. 11 due lo United Statet' ~ t0 eccepl, 51!.GendnmwashornlnPaaadenaand "AIW that we will bne tollludy the the piliiclple<i~~ ' Uved !n Corona del Mar !or about to marinellfelnthe-10detel'milleV111 <iltl~frmrSouth_~... · yeara. Re was graduated from, klcal outfall wuuJd affed It.'' ADlld llPi j •1 ... a...-..[1&111-· · ~ COron1 del Mar High School,, be w~ J°'* ·1treail~ WI ftnD'I ~ ~ '. IDltill;tbt, llM 11'-1'11ii '1LM'i',. · a trick Ur. He allo played wi,th _a .. :::.~~pd db~ ! ::J .-J·t •• l ' .:JI • =:.-broadcasting from Sin · the coUllinO"!i H to,' hme. *'.alf. E.m!,-~ Sto~ . Hts mother ..xrmemorlal ,.rvi<!er will we stand ,t;> "9e the moot tt the .-lo. • · he held ooon at Paclflc View Memorial dam•&ed. · -· • • ftlANILA (UP!J -1Uleen JClllllis barJ' Park. 'Ille date depends, she explalned, To aid their studios, the lrvbit llanch eel -~ wlndoJ> In the u .... oo when bis remainll are rocove~ Wat<r Dlstrtct wtn -• J'ltb Dr. Embut)' J'!id'1 nlPt and bar'!"d 111 u there 1, 00 r«o•ery the -lets Wheeler North. c.i Tecll kelp export .... AJllericao JIN. PoUce"r-. ., will he performed with a ll·gun aalute head <i the l\ercllholl -Lib In tho .............. • . allltl' wlthln Ill dlys. C«ooo del llBr• -U.S. lmi-tallia In , . fqlll_ .0 ldmlt tbi JMia tJl llP 1 B t <i Ila replar 11111 ~ I,._ lal South Vietnam. . .,. ' • I • :o...., •. --• -• -·-.. ----.... ·---· .. --.. ., 111 .. -" •• l .. -...--,. • • • • •I I I s ' 5'lllnll>', Aprll 19, lM • ";t LONDON ow6 -The iiua.11111, WW· ried OV"!:._1'~ ~wbll Ibey call '"Jlio F!iin( Pµeblo.'" ore· trying to rutrain the Norlb .Kor< ... la the inci- dent, dlplomaUc 1011rCe1 rtp«leil. 'I'!\< lalormaoti aald the Sorilt Joodu. lllllp wai cloe1ll1-nod °"''"" poo. oibl• dlpkmlllc: IDd pollllcal -,....,, lho ahoot1ng down of the U.S. N1vy ECl21 reconna1asaDce plan by North Kena. Ju a couequence, the 10UtCe1 a.lid Fridly, the !Cre!n)la ,.u lr7:ini to uert ""-·~ ~,,.. lo l'Jqyq with the truculent Nodh K-. -.,, • for lbl Sqv~' lnterventioo wm not eallrtl1 clur. bu\ bope for eventual arms ta.lb .with the Nl%on ad· minlltrlllcm •11-J:.tved portJ,y bei>lnd Ibo atlmlji( !o lin their K.,.aa aJli , ... 1be Kremlin .. does not Wll\l a ~W ma· jcr jmenatklul .~ ti<Neen the Unlled ·-.,..:i.u: Communist -Id .ID • .illl!ll . ..,. Jlmltlng ~-Ibo -indicated. 'l1iltt iJlo Iii -· -In l4olcow . . . '~ ., -.. 1 . . ..., Sovie is over the poalblllty ·tbll CommwUI! Cllinl had IOIDlthlni to do with the downing of the plane. 11le diplomatic' sourctS 111\d the JWaslans appear to be uncertain OV• er '!hot role Pekinc coold have plaJOCI. Chiu Is Jmown to Herl llr"'J lnflu. eoce In the Norlb Jt«ean copllil, llld pert ol the Soviet 1ttempt to ateer the Koreans away from further provocation could be a test ol Moecow's power there. lloftver, the North Kort.ans Were re- pon.d lo be in toogb mood Ind to c:oo- sider tbemaelve1 .in a str<mg military pooitlcn . Publicly the Soviet Union bu accept. ed the Norlb Korean veraloo of the pl.ane's lntruaioa into i&s llnpace u juatl!icltloo fer IU dellructlon. The Soviet sovemment newllJ>lper l<vestia described Ibo llrorlfl 'lburadly as "The Fll'lal Pueblo." Bui the dlplooaUc llOUl'cee noted that the -had onlered their lllipl In the See of Japan to Ullst in the ltlrcb for debris and poalble survivors. ·Czech Repression Peri"ls i(rms Talks, Nixon Says Bemad<ll< · D<111in, 21, of Pmagh, tlorlhern lrelcmd holdl pr'" conf.r- -ftce 'attn totn1f1ftQ tlecti<m and b~ coming JIOtlngtlt member of Parli- rfl~t lince William .Pitt aat_ in the ~r in tM 1780>s. Scit11 Mw Deo-i~in, ahe might shake Up Parliamint by · ·'IDfarino ;ean.s and a 11Deattr to the • chambt'r. ' . : Scot!Jdale Ariz. -Assistant City Manager D•le Ci1rte_r found we.~s growing in mmt Of the new c1vtc ·l>laza, lllld promptly cllled police. ;ne weeds were growing every· :-where, and when officers ~ved they found carter and a custodian on their bandJ and knees pullllg them up. The planta were· ldenti· fied as Marijuana by a teen-ager who works part.-time ~or the. tjty as part of a juvenile court sentence- f~r po:ssession of marijuana. _,. . . . . '. Reita Foria, Jndi<m Tri«clic:cl · itudent m Loftdon who won the lfiii World bco.xty contt1t in , 19flfl, Mr qwllfi<d .. 0 - a& Mr aecond attempt. "I'm oOtt the moon. It'i fabulom:• 1he · told f1Wnds afUr learning she Md pautd her final ezamfna. tianl 'at King'• CoUege Hospital. . Min Faria aaid she will itort ' IOOrk oa an inttrn at the hospital .o/WT a two-month vacation in . India. ,-• ci.-Allon, 18, of Louisville, Ky. Waf napping on !Us second day as .. :fireman ' when the alarm ioundod. He leaped from the bed .. l!lid aOwii "the pole and was ,al!)lo~t to the truck before be realized he ~ad forgotten his trousers. His eolution-be . pulled his coat lower 'and his boot.I higher. Fortunately .Ille fire wu minor. · DAI LY Pl lOT ....,..,..... , ............... ............... ,..,. . c........, -OAAHfi• CO.Ul PUtl!Mt!HO (CMl'AN'f 1'•~ l'f, w_,,,. ---J•li L .C'"ky VJa Pt'Dllllnl _, 0...111 #otM9"" _ ..... -n-., A. Mif,h.i11.• -·--C#t ............ )tfW! ....,.... ....,.1111 """"' ..... ........ WASHINGTON (UPI) -Pttsident Nixon has publicly w&l'Md tbt Soviet Union that further Soviet armed r&- presaiCll tn Cz.ecbolloVatia could · .aer- lbully an.a projected arms control talks and an' eventual summit meeting. This, at least, wu the lnl<rptttation that diplomatic aources put on the presi- denC1 lJID&rkl at a White HOUie -news cpril.....,. ~y about the lalat dra· matic changes in Clecbollovakia. Nixon wu obvi~ly anlious to make a C<lllllD<lll on tbe fall of liberal Coech COmmunllt te.der Aluander Dubc<k, County Man Gets 5 Years in Pot Smuggling Case An Anaheim man has been sentencild to · rlY< years In federal prilon for bia wt In • · 1111uailn1 oper.Uon In which a Newport. Beach com~ion was Involved. Paul William Wehrle, 45, drew lhe prlaon term from U.S. District Court Judge Albert Lee Stepbens in Los Angeles. Scbed:uled to appear before the same judge April 21 for sentencing on idenUcal charges of smuggling marijuana Jnto this country from Mexico is Wesley Gordoo Pllnke Jr., 20, of 2544 Newport Blvd. Wehrle and Pllnie were two of three men arrested by narcotics officers at cliino Airport Jut Dec. t. Investigators uld they found ~12 pound! of un- proceued marijuana -vall.'ed in the underworld market at '25,000 -stowed away In the llgbl llrorllt operated by the three men. Gilbert Zamora, 11, of Garden Grove WU 1UboequenllJ cl<lfed of tbe IDllll• gllnl charges. A,...ia I.lid a oystem -operaled woo.by Pllnke and Wehrle flew tbe loed- ed plane from Mexico to tbe alrport where they were met with a rtnted van. The marfjuanl WU then transfrrred to the vehicle from the plane for di!trlbu· tion. Harvard Sudents Win Concessions, Suspend Strike CAMBRIDGE. M86S. (AP) -A stud""l strike at •Harvard bu been ampended following un!venity concessions on the Reserve Ollic<r Training Corps llld a pnlGIJae to Improve communiclU<ll be- tween student. and govemlng boards. A.-meeting 11 Harvard'stadium Friday voted 1,411·1,129 to resume ellss- es for aeve:n <l•YJ and then take a lt<nt ballot ca whether to resume ltriking cl- who was ousted !rom his po&ltion or par- ty secretary on Thursday. Although no one asked Nixon directly about tbe CUch llituaUon, toward tbe end of his news conference he worked in his reaction to the Soviets' latest action. ''We hope that aome ve:stiges of free- dom will remain. Yet tbe Soviet Unloo has acted tbel< and •cled qulle deciaive- ly. They have to consider now, in terms of eny future action, bow that mJ"11 II· feet their relations with the United Stat- " and with the Western world ... Ni.Jon's language, which was broad- cast around the world, wu dlplomatical· ly imprecise to avoid undue embarrus- ment to the Russians. But it was understood that Nixon was saying that strategic arms limitation talks projected for late spring or early swnmer could be lurtller poatpooed. 5-tary of Stsle William P. &Im, in bis first news conference on April 7, voiced much the 1&rne theme. He said then tbe preae:nce of about 70,000 lrffll in Cztchootovalda and tbe Russians doctrine of Jntervening in the affairs of its allies when tbtY perceived an intemil threat there madr: East-West relatiom "very difncu1L" But Rogtrs went on to HY that des-- pite the Soviet occupation fOl'CeS in Czechoslovakia, the UnJted St.Iles was anxious to improve relatlom throu&h what ever meana possible. Rites Conducted In Huntington For Mrs. Moiola Catholic riles were conducted today in Huntington Beach for Mrs. Maria P. Moiola, a long time Fountain Valley resi- dent who died Jut Wednesday in Brawley, Calif., at the age of 14. Born in ltaJy, Mn. Molola lived in Fountain VaJley for 42 year!. She made her home for the past five years in Brawley with htr daughter. Mrs. Alfred A. Borchard. Services today and Friday v.·ere con· ducted at St. Simon and Jude Catholic Church. Burial ' followed at H o I y Sepulchre Cemetery, Orange. BWdes her daUjhter, Mrs. ~1oiola is survived by two sons, Alfred and James, both of Brawley; 12 grandchildren : tv.•o greal-lfandchlldren, and a brolher and sister In Italy. Anolber son, Fred ?.toiola, a Fountain Valley city counclbnan, waa killed in 1963 in a· plane crasb whUe traveling from Orange County to tbe Imperial Valley. A Fountain Valley elementary school is lo be named for him. Mrs. Moiola 's husband, JameJJ , died in .J952. He came to America from Ita]y in 19U and was one of Fountain Valley's earliest settlers, en1aitnc 1u farmin&: and dairying until IUs death. Food for - Slidinfj at tlle Pier •• Aa one of thelt·compatriots takes' oU on a slow- moving left sbtil)der, seven other surfers move in on peak area cm south side of Huntington Beach Pier looking tao . what Ibey hope will be bigger waves to come. Some surfers practice ye41' .around at the pier1·but warming air arid_ water is brinJing ~ Governor Tells Press to Watch Left Wingers SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Gov. Re• gon dlarged Friday night thet the news media are men conctrned with wam- fnp qilnlt rfalrt-wlni acUviU.. than they .,. with tbe ••very -threat. from tbe Jeft.11 "I-would hope that the press would treat with equal conaclouaneu tbe threat from the other akle, 11 Reqan said at tbe llOth annual McQuade Aw'"'5 ban, qllll, a-ed by the Auocilllao of CalboDc Newsmen. He noted that the late John F. Ken- nedy wu auuslnated by a man with lolllat 1""'1inp and that bia lntber, the lale Sen. Robert F. Ktnnedy, WU killed by another ~in connected ',,ttb the left. •· ~ Tbe 1ovemor oompared tricGcs of cempus dlssidenla Jo JacUcs ol~'Jhe.Hit· let youtfi." and noted, most campus vio- lence II sparked by left-wine l!IU<lent groups. ... "The pobllc II drofllllni out; .i""ving the lloge to the dlssid_, .. theji aover- nor uld. • out more thia month. · 1 • Fkiod Bill in 3 Sf.ate~ Soars Over $31 Million ~ . ~ . By ne ""-lated Pra1 Officials estimated flood waters have caused $31 milllon damage so far in three Midwest.em states, and one offi. ciaJ said he felt people in an area down· . atream were treating the coming flood crests too lightly. Civil defense and state officials made t~se prellmi'nary flood damage estimal· es :. .::i-~ mi1lloo 1n Minntsota, where 700 families were still homeless. -$19 million in South Dakota, where 5,000 families were evacuated and 1,000 re.main homeless. -At leut S7 milllon tn North Dakota. And the Civil Defense coordinator for Ml'thwestem lllinoil says residents in his a.rea, where the Mississippi is cfue lo crest April 28, are taking th~ ai.tuatlon lightly. "There's-been so much publicity given protective works," said Donald E. Lem· me, "that people believe all they ha ve la do is sweal this thing out." Lemme said Friday that apathy in the Quad Cities area could cause trouble - the kind seen in 1965 when the Quad Cit- ies alone suffered $1.5 million in damag.. es. The Quad Cities includes Davenport, Iowa ; Rock Island , ~1oline and East Mo- line, lll. The_ problem. Lemme said is a. shor· tage of volupteers to patrol the dikes to watch for washouts. British Spy Squad Interrogating American Couple LONOON· (AP) -An American des- cribed as an amiable "country club" type in his 50s with a slight East Eur~ pean accent was being interrogated with his wife Friday night by a Scotland Yard counter-espionage squad. · Be~ch to Gei New Mayo1". -" r . ~ • No charges were filed against the C<IU. pl~ and authorities would not disclose their identities or any details of the case. Senior oHkilJ.s of the U.S. Embassy 'vent to Scotland Yard for discussions v.·ith the detectives. British polk:e said they checked with the U.S. Bureau of In- liestigation before the raid. But Don't ~Tij to G11ess By WIUJAM REED • °' ............. ~~ : .By f ~.m. M~y HIBi~ M . should have a. new mayor. ~ are scheduled to select one fl thetr number to serve the next year in the ctremonial post. NATO 'Games' Begjn In North Atlantic . WASHINGTON tUPll -NATO service and submarine warfare exercises, cgd_e- named "Coal CUff." bei;an in the North AUantic today and continue through Y.ay 3. The exercises are unde r the CQfOmand cf Rear Adm . K. Skjong of Norway, com- mander of all ied naval forces for the Scandinavian approaches. Vessels from Denmark , Germany, NO'l"Way, Britain and the United States take part. Gerinao Measles Vaccine Ready Soon WASHINGTON (UPI) -Rubella. or ~nnan meules, a nuisance to mcst children but a ae:rious danger to adults and unborn infants, may be controlled by a new vaccine available la the public in about two months . U.S. Surgeoo General William H. Ste\\"• art Yid Friday the vaccine will be rec- onunended for boys and girls but not fer prtgnant women. "lmmunir.ation of adolmc91t girls and adult women should not be undertaken routinely," Stewart added. Thought . Alvin M. Coen hu served the put year as "the mayor. John "J-ack" Green now is vice mayor and iS the leading contender for election ·to the mayor'1.cbatr. But that was also true lalit year when councilmen chose to cverklok Green's bid ant~ put Coen into the·mayor's chair. Dona ld D. Shi pley allUdy has eerved tvo·o terms as mayor. Ted ~ was mayor years ago. 'The list of contenders includes Green, . !4nry K•ulman. and Coeq _,.bo Jl<l>!>ably 1t00ld accept·ano_tber term. New .. tO the CGincil arc Jerry Matney · and George Mterackcn . 'lb~y art ·considered :dark · hdrses ror the, position which payg no more than the rate for a councilman - $175 per month. Last April it seemed certain that Mayor Jake Stewart would surrender the jilavel to his vice mayor, Green. When the dust had settled. however, Coen was mayor and Green \Vas back at the same old stand as vice mayor. This year no one ha s clalmed victory a.s yet. Green had a cautious "no comment" on questions about his chances. Mayor Coen said that this has been a wonderful :rear for him and "I have been happy serving Ult: people of my c i t y as their mayor. Someday, perhaps, I would gladly serve again." The election of mayor and vice mayor comes before the council at 4:30 p.m. in council chambers cf Memorial Hall, 5th Street and Pecan Avenue. Co11ntian Given 90 Da'ys' Prison In B~hy's Death More than 50 detectives headed by Scol.lapd Yard Commander Ferguson Smith c'°3:ed in on the lavish home In the stockbroker belt of London 's south- ern suburbs where the couple lived with their three children. One published report said the couple presently being questioned may original- ly have been ol German nationality but now had U.S. passports. Another repert said the raid on their house came .as a result of statements made by an E a s t German wbo had defected to the West. Eartliquake Fear Reaches Baja; Some Flee Area MEXICO CITY (UPI) -The "Earth· quake panic" that sent some U.S. Cali· fcnilans Oeeing the state, has re.ached Mexico's Baja California, and some resi- dents are leaving the area as a result of a series oC quakes over the past week, said the newspaper "Ultimas Noticia.s" Friday. "'nlert ls pa.nJc, and the people fear the peninsula wilJ be tom from the con- tinent by a great cataclyim," said tbe newspaper in a report from La Paz. "Some Baja Californians, fearful of a catastrophe, have begun Jetving the area," the newspaper said. The La Paz area• on the southern end oi the peninsula about 900 miles 10Uth ol Sen Olego, bu felt nine earthquakes this ·month. including a "fairly 1tn:11.1" tremor Friday, tbe DeWllJ>lper said. Atlanta Students Hold 26 Trustees "..,,. 11Md11 m ,._. ,,_ "'4t41l ·W11 • .... a.... At no time during the eigbt..Uy strike, whk:h •• touched ell when police &JTest- ed 200 penClnl occupfinl an adminlstr .. tim bu!Jdinl· April 10, dld a majority of Hamird'a ll,OllO -Join 11M> boycott. But the demanda nJaod bJ tbe d<m01>- strllor1, led bJ Studenta lor a Democra<- lc Socle17, were aupported by many 111>- d-and flCUlly members. Steak, Ham and Eggs Can Kill An Anaheim mail convicted of inflicting "·hat proved to be fatal injuries on his five.month-old baby was ordered Friday to speOO the next 90 days in Chino State Prison. · ATLANTA . Ga. IAP) -SludeT\11 at Atlanta University Center kept about J5 trustees locktd In an adll\inlttratJon building today "demanding that the slx- CQJlege complei be renamed for Dr. Mat· tin Lui.her King Jr. Suez Artillery Duel in 12th Day By Ualtod Pr-eu W.roallollal ~ mt Jsr..U artillerY. .. c11ong. eel """" -the Sua eaftal !pr the Jlth colllecutl•e day tod1y, an EiYJ)llon communique 1akl. EOJll ll«Uaed lsrHll Wlu of opening • 11re oo d•tuan automobiles near Port 8.tld and ·Qanla,. and said the EmJtlan artillery relurned tho f~e. < ..... A doctor sayr American males art dy-tnr of hurt auac:ts beCI.,. .. llOdll loll<- lore" makes tbttn prove their manhood by tattnc too much ateak, him and egs. .. We hive been aold on tbe Idea thal beelsle•k Ind ham Ind eas m tbe only food flt for a manly man to ut, '' slid Dr. Gt<q< Chrtstakl, proleaor of nw-ttloc It M~ 61nel ScllOOI of Medicine in New York, at a conference in Ana- heim. ''Such a ditt may be fine for a ccw· boy oo the r~e. but iU: dMth on the re.st of us. especlall1 thOle who are bound to tbe dtsk. Cbrlstakls 111d that American men and womtn could reduce tltt!: heart attack d e a t h rate lm1nedlatrty by 80 percent I with proper attention to diet, exercise llld lolln( ... i,111. He said "the Ume is rlpt .. .for prac- ticlnt physicians lo UJe cholestttol tests to llCf'ffn everybCldy for coronary heart d!Mate. .. II'• prttty ud when tbe first symptom as a dlltue II when JOU laD dead." The doctor 11kl mliddle 'I'd men on the ''traditional dJtt" of btef, port, lamb, eu;s and butter ha"fe more than twice as many fatal heart attacks as other men. He aald skimmed milk ohould be oul>- stJtuted for whole milk. lherbet for kt cream, polyunsaturated margerlne for butte r, and fl!h and pouttry ror two thirdl ol the diMcr mtatJ. I Judge James F. ~udge delayed sen- tencing of Grant L. Hubbs. 30. pendine a report from the facility. HubM, if found sane, faces a possible state prison term of I to 10 'yea!'1 . Hubbl wu f0und gullly of ftlony child abuse: in a Superior COwt trial which saw the clearance of his wile, .Vlr&fn!a, 47, on tdcnUcol cborJ.,. Judp James F. Juda• rul<d th1t Hubbs' beating of Hensel Seyler Rubbo rtSUlled In tbe three broken rlbl. skull frl<CIUr<, lnj\lred lmeel Ind held injurlea that led to tbe Intent 's d<!ath. Reference was made ln te1Umony befort Judre Judge to lnjurlts suffered by two othtr Hubbs chUdren -all three were adopted -dne of whom al.so dltd. I King Was a graduate of Morehousr:. one of the six predominanUy Negro col· Jege.s in the complex. Dr. Hugh 11.. Gl<>1ter. Morebowit pm. tdent, aakl Friday he would resip ratJier than tctede undtr durw: to student -. mand1. Glolle announced his resignation from a balcony adjoining a third floor room at an 9dmlnistr1Uon buJldtng where he a.nd other officlala: had hHn locked in since about 1;30 a.m. Friday, Stod!flt leaclu1 met-with l.htm lhrougl-.out the diy, tht second day ot student demon- 11lrmlions. • It ~ ' • • .. 0 I l I ' r ' I ' • ·- 1-t. D_ory, f.~t .. , . ' . . ' ................ ' ·· • ·fty'JetlN Vm..as:.(Witl. ' -.·: · .• :., ....... Nit.....:~:;;..'-: ··WllM>'tllebilli)' Ofllhlii>'iW 11r1r,;a.11- fiil IOli>io M NewportPler 'tw'o'1ftOrilbs qo, watahent>" recu1lri: P'fe ~.wtat . pup onlf doyl to !iv<. • .. 41\'ll never survive," one-¥:•uLOok it hef: ahe'i 90 weak the can't even ' . . ' ... . ... . . ' -DAILY ~l\OT PllMM '°'...,. ~1ri.n:1 'GEOllGE THE: S~AL' HAS FOUND MANY FRIENDS ALOl!lG.olllEWPORT!S $KORE · Or~ P.PGttiSomo Love·From Thr_y .. r-old Cllrl11y W•lft · ..• . . ~.. . ·. -·· .... - -· .. ---.. .._ ... _.;.. .. • ... l. ' .. ,. .. M.~t tN P.e~ .. -• 1 ... ~ Bli~dness ,ff.is . New ··-.Figh~· ~ • 1 •· • • ... .,. . .. ,, .. ' By AllTRUR R. VINSEL . _ • ...,,.1!111(.J'~..., . : . ' .... ---------·---····· Lying ill a sui, but He wu-only lt when the boy dertioed tor the mini!~ fibbed ru..·· ·-·1o~U~ ~w·~· way""' _ __ ~,- sbot 'up on Iwo Ji ma, while bis aophomort claa& buddies studied coklred pins in war maps ~k at home. Returning 1o;he stal.,, b& lalu enroll· ed bf a Bible college a,nd 1ened five more yean_ -.J! combat with , sin in the Baptist aenitt .of .lbe Lord -then became.•. fll'lic<.mao,. i~lecl. lo tbe laws_(lf J1\&I\. · .,. James N:H..,,., 40,llll m .. u., .. ..., and ·fiibtm1 aptn; !!OW-tlll!!'•ictim If an · enemy whooe orll!J! and meqiod of lllack is a·mystuy. · • · · One-nlrht in . 1911' !iO ooi;C!.l' difflcutty In focusing his tiinoCutarr wbi~ watch- ing · ~ntct · uv1ng 1 Fte!turn·~ in the famed Laguna Beach Jl'tstival·;of" the Arts. but. it was not •-mechanical -mal!Wl<:tion,-' . Three months later, Henry wu blind, a victim of optic neuritis, confined to a ter- rifying new world · in which damaged nerve endings cruted gtoteaqlle, LSD- like diitortion of light and images. "At first I was really foUled up," he says. "When your· eyes are first· aoing, you see weird faces and strange· tights com- ing at you, caused as the little nerve en- dings atrophy," says Henry, of 41& E. 18th J!l., Cosio Mesa. • "wfieO-Y"''Vt< llwt~ bltn In lood physical shape and ver•f active, it makes It even more poJ<hologicallf terrill'i!IC," odded. u..wn; -.n.1o1iO iM in eight yean in two separate MariM Corps, enlistmenls. • N.., Yeor'a Doy of J.967" liul11 found him di.Sabled and be began • series of stints in V e t e r • n 1 ' Administration l)ospitab, trainint center! for the Jtan.· !ficopped ·ooi Servica !..-the· Blind Inc.; Santa Ana. "It tabs quije • wtµ.le to learn," says Henry,. who now attends Chapman Collqe in Orqe, reconling classroom discl.miom to be rewritten later in Braille. and supplemented by telltbook rec«dings. He maintains a B average aft.er com- pleting his lower . div1-ion counea at Orange Coast College and expects to ,,..iu.te In J-lfll <00tinuin& on foe mastu's degr'9 or plmlcjng right inlo 10Cial work. BLIND COLLEGIAN HAS KNOWLEDGE AT FINGERTIPS J~l"Dtt Ji9nry Studies for CarMt' in Soci.al !'o~k .. most victims. ·"I-can see· li&hl and darkne&s with· my left eye and occasiaaally l can te:TI bn- ages, but rmst t1 the time it's. . ..... " ~ .OQ.......,, 111C: says. "Some dlya I get up and· think 'Wow". it's getting better, Ind the next day I'm j1&sflike I wu before," he continues. "I've always been in pretty good pllyaical condition -that hurl a lol," saya Henry who goes dancing wilb his • · cond wlfe, Koy, Sa.turd•1 . n!!llill ot the Moooe Lodge in Suifo Ana. · · "I <ion~ ovon bump i$J .(l<Opl< loo much," odda the big, friendly man who seem1 like anyone etse wilhoul his red- and·white cane, easily makint Na Wa_y around by sound and a blind man 's sense or bearing. "This is lhe st.ad of the third year. J've been blind," he lays, "I even learnecfhow lo plaf blind golf at tht Veterans' Servjce Center in Palo Alto." Then a subt~ drop could be heard in his tone, up to that point the enlhusiastlc conversation of a man preparin1 for a career: In .belpi.ngi.Other people ·WUll <!Uter kinda of hanclicapil • "But J just don't get~as mucb of a kick: out of golf anymore." ,., ... .. A new c.-i.s 1twaft a challenie for Hem;J, aoce "a fu&t•mentalill BQtilt minllttt. Ulen , • "1ominc !lllhwoy p· . id -.Al =:::;·~"'=' ::-.. p:M!~ .. r._e_$ • _en~ ~ushes ong Marine CClrpl c r I m In a I int<Wcen<e apecWist,. and • welding 111ppl7. -~ :=~z-t~~~;: €1'1sing ·iif Job l;e:~tprs._·~-know the fa!rlr tat" ., ...... and uy ~ la _. Iii -U.. l<ir ' 4 Perish;,26 '.'. lnjJJied m Fire ~ An.ANTIC CITY (AP> -.,_ -· died and • W;,!-"~.!!_i-~­... ~ • WJU?Q ., tiPI -·a tire tlliil b/eaall an a "'*inr -llN(ll lwe lloon·tl i IJ."""1 Im· ,,,., .... tiMnl lliflllrW. ~ • ,,_,al tbe -........... :tllhe bulldq~ i-u. ........ ---.--................ -far~·.· . ·:. • All ~"'* ai,; ~ api\bwllft Mid • fnjaroil -..,. liootod .. the ~-for ·liunia ·ond---in-halatlon. He told JJ ,,_ -lied ... least one in critical condition. 1 I WAS1!JNJJTON (AP).-The NixOILod-·~bu .. -... .,. Job Corps • to begin clooln« 'immediately and siJ: othen lo start shut.Ung down by M17 '1~ 1 move likely to fan !urtber tt;- -la C<ngress. • • ~ ..in @<lion in u..· closing pr.c.., came Friday, a week afler Secretary of Lobo< Geor1e P. Slnahi """"""°" tllat Sf of tbe corps' Ill C<Dten lilll be clcited br July I. • • -Alon er-.. (~). sold the Olllde al Ecoilomlc ~ notified lllo -.n by telegi:1m 'Frldoy. He aJ. Md>'. bod OlllOUDCed tl>al. he would. lo· tf«!UCe a 1'e!Otuuc,i ~xt week provkiJn& "tbll no Job C.O,.. lnllaUalion be lbul clown lftil QJngreu completes ill ..,. mo! )eglAlollve and budietary deUliOra- tions "' t~i. program." · Bertrand M. Hard iog, acting OEO d(- r«IOr. •Id ti! "OEO cellltacla for '.fob • Corps centers. have 90-4•1 ~ clause>.iral lhe ~set the_.., qi actJon. 1'T6ere"s not &Cini to be ln,·1m- eral locki'!B of (loors ovemilhl," he Mid. ' 1mUitatiom listed fer immediate clot- Ing are three. in Puerto Rloe>-Guayaini, Juana Dlai, illd Vlecujs • plua Cimp KlJ. mer, N.J.; Oak Gleo-Cali!.; M<!f<IO<ltf, Mich.: and Hunllngtoo, W: Va. Scheduled to otart !huldownl May t 'are the facllftJes at Clinton, Iowa ; St. ~ l'alaod Strini. !Uine: Kalio Hud, lfa11iU; Omaho, Neb.; and M""!' Lake, WMh. ••.• :. ,.. Cranston"• llllice Said -Will"lif ,.nt Monday'\o the Agriculture and In· terlor Departmeoll djrectin& them lo clooe lhe other 41 ttntm. ~ ls some d(Nbt that CranstOD'• raolUtioil could fori.-e the administralioa to abandon kl plan... Ji co1.dd,.boy,:•ver1 ""barr .. tbe Nmlnlitr1t100 polltlcally. ' . ilk "l .''' •• ··~ ~ .,~··:.,.,.1~.~-~ .... ~--· ;- -But the te'al's weaknei£ proved . an &W!l. She couldn 't prOtist too J?WCb w~ '7o:~g!llars and. t~ •ll~ pel· , , lei! her !!ours on end. · · • -. .. ' . ' -. . , ~orphaa is "George" DOW, and Me's turniq -illto"mort than· a novehyi • She gradnllt'd into tun mucor status · last Week when she dlacoVered the IOUrCe of all lhe 0fish piece.< brought 116 way 'aeb doy In "":-_shelter ~'\lfeguard .. ~irters · . . ... . ''"~ liacie1f up ahd. lookniliii.t~p- lng at "the larder doOr-the dory fleet a few feet up the beach. . George ts plump these days, peppy, fri<ndly, devoted and downright saucy. She· knows her name even though the gelK'!et tani Correct, and if~uyone· can caH the .W theirs, it's 3-yur-okl Chrissy Wages, dllJlhter of fisherman Verne Wages and his wife, Carrie. _ While the other benefactors came and w,;,i during G<orge•i long :peddle for aurvivaJ, Chrls.y ptnlsted. • • She took fiab head.I and a few better pieces of food dally to P'te seal's shelter, · · and ne'* 1he 's bting thff!a! ' ~ ~ -: ' · · Feeding time, consblfng l!Midiy>'of ·• . .GUESS WHY ·GEORGE IS PLUMP ANO l'ULL"OI' " • . Lota of Little Frlond1Toko:C.ro:.;1!:rlinllrr0m Sell1 ' ~ "' • 4'·-"'-. .... • ..· ~ ,, _ _...i,,_., .··-..... '.•. .. } ~: .... ·-1:. ..... ,,. ...... , .... ' ·l" .. ... .... ---..... ~ ....... ,. ·1 '. , • •w-_~:"I'·. • •• · "'~· I ..f<;i, l"T.'I ·-1:,.. I ' .. fish livera aml1 eea treut bacU, is in-eo· lerspersed·wilb cooling dips m:lhe !l!lri> . . unty And -George loves the surf tnonf than Floodltejlall-1.Io~~ lhe·quiet water. ·· ·•Last niglat during Lhe big. 1ltves," · · ' 1ki.'"" ~~be~~~:'.\:~,~~ .·r·· .o, · Cost · Over $6· Milli. ·o· n backwash on out and slide down another wave.·-~ . ¥...,. • . • . . . - ~me idea of the cost of fiood devasta· : 1 : 9<f4.: ,'f'9'1"d9. ~ aJld adn\ifJ.tiOll"_ frum: the lishe~, "bo readily ::odm!L that .Ge!trge'11 kind aren't welcoine around liet Jines. . ~ . . . •.... ,Tbq sure . seem to .be .. weJcome ~n Uon in Orange County iw been revealed by Ute Flood Cont.ml District in rtpair . work authorized by lhe Board of :: Supervisors. Pacific Railroad bridge and ttlfaatlm of ercxl.ed aideslopes GO Coyote ·en.ti channel downstream fn:m lmpa ml - Highway. : ·shot.. thougli. _ . . . "l(s gr~"'t for business," said . one listiehnan. "Maybe in .IUDlmer 1fJ, .s:an ·~ti ffijh (!ve11 ·aa: seal f~,:· ... -. ~ wlii>!e jhj1lJ may ~ u: IOfnY a. a Disney moYie; but ~doe!tf1 Uill'lk so. N'eitlier-i!O 11.r miftll fflendlf• · · In jobs estimated to C06l in excess of $8 million George Osborne, chief nood con- trol engineer, asked and was a:ranted board permission to seek aid from the O.bome propooes tllat the CClrpl 'di Engineers take on these projecb because, H the dlslrict does the wort, H must be completed within one year lllC federal govemmtnt re.imbunemart. ;i. "t •• .... ••·t•t' t r't't.:::-1.~·• . ., Suh'.~Y. ':Pl,~~ri~~ ori R~ad Route - l!.S. Army Corps Qf Englneer~ for :1 • -Removal of sand and silt and restora- tion of banb oC the Santa Ana ruver f' tnim the~riYer's mouth to' the Santa Ana · Fieeway and from Glas.sell Street to •Imperial Highway in Anaheim. "This would put loo heovy • lood on• di61rlct's copabWtla," ba WI. "It '11111 be much better il the e,.i.-1 do tlio ""t fUrlded dlnctly by Ibo ....,li-ment." .- -5and and silt remov•l and bank ' repair tn San Juan Creek in the San Juan Pilot Writer's , . . Capistrano area from the: Ortega • Aft ·ieria1 sUrvef to dtt.enMnf:' the best ~Highway to the San Diego Freeway. G d h n· ' ali~Menl 10i' 'llie fulitii ' AllsO cr.e ... k ·ran mot er • .,a. &u" .. -Erosion repairs for Brea Creek Chan--..;;a Roa<f ·was -S:pohlved this week by the 1 1 Co c k the u · :1Jt81ite CilUrlty"Board Of'Supetvi9on. · ne rom yote ree to ruon • J The roadway· :ts a __,__._. arterial fl.1rs. Agostina T. Valtenl, IDOtber .,.. ~ Louis Valtena o( Newport Baell hi~way from the PecHic Coast H~ay Oi'l Closes Harbor grandmother of DAILY PILOT~ -"' South Laguna to the North American · ohn I killed ~~-pl.ant, oow under ,l'tln!Ur•nf'tftwi writ.er J Va lenl, Wll . "' . •-"'m'" ffio1111l -·--:--17· ' OXNARD (AP) -Oil believed from Thursday in I San Bernlrdlno traffic i.oo ... --eM• cidenl :, The engineerinl firm of Voorheis. a leaking undersea well near Santa Bar- Trindle & tielson of Newport Jlea<:h was 'bara w a s blown lnto Channel ls lands Mrs. Valteria. 70, wu a naUve al Bdf awardied "the. '2t58J cootrxt. : :.... 'Harbor Friday, forcing the facility to be Silt was a retired grocer. County Road ' Comnllsaioner Al Koch · clost.d for several h:lors. MrJ. Valterza was l>URQllr In said .the aerial i;urvey method is Jess ex· The harbonnaster's office said booms pickup truck driven by Gupuoe ~ periliVe' than .i grwnd ~Rivey.-'He Mld ·were k>weted across the entrance chan-.of San Bernardino. He, too, died .. the alignment is expected to follow Aliso nel and no boats were allowed out. stantly. ~. Creek but the exact roo(.e IQ.ust be Union Oil Co. sent cleanup crew! to the Funeral servicea are pmdirc .t l4oi determi~.. acene. biU Mortuary in San Bemardino. 4: 1~===:~~-=-~·~~-:;;:;;:;;;~~····~-~--~···~---~···· 1tripee, checb. Beltleo1 or with belt loops. I """ sell you thooe if y6a're from Boiee or Balli--~ more but not from Cincinnati. apPa~ntly •. This guy it either a -1 lrig All right,_ ''Q~~ng;~· . CoQnty ·Buy-1.:~;frq.m~. Bidwell Week'' then? 11bot, a not, or iome wlie ea.,· to,.;er of min~ palnq my ... ; Whichever be lo, I feel .oaly .. pi!J ii! my heo!rt fOI' hi!n· . -. Howeft!I', 1ince I would hate to rlak goi\hii! !Otluid up' la Hamiltoa l'eri~I woald lib to ·luue a Piil>lle Slatement. I w1u ·1Mi de118Lte\I io ha.., any man for a cualonter' reganlleel of what port of the c:oantry he la from. ' . p;...,..M lat """k'1° od: IAt'• llart all O''er. I wao "only cb'Ollminf bow '.dee it woald be if lt.e P~i· dent woald IOI uide oni week and proclaim it "N•tJon1l.Buy• 11~111c1wen w .. i.. .. ' . ~ ·~ ·1a11 mJlok. eano-n fly. lag to my·11oni fiim far plltt!• ltke ClndtmliU -io boy • •ult, • '!" fln,it..p•ir •f, ~· b ·• • .tt'e"d'mpon"tllt "by t •ir . wivet,. ~f ~ w,bo "·o'u1.t be nver in mJ womait't 11lto1• . baylnf '"'"' for themoeh .... · Bat then I ll"l o ""'""' ta II from • Mr. Farquhar. Th•!'• . the ,p.Uiq •e p:re -..aiiy· way. • · ·t ·n--..ct i.1:--.-u.1 . illdiaiM'8-on. ....... 1o buy .here lnoteod ef from ·titm. . U.· ct.Imo lie ;...,,, a •en fa.a.......,10 men'• · •ten i~ l'iorweod whlc• he ta~ U o IDhilrb 9( Pnc~t~ and .ti.I• ..•• nephe!' i•.Dl1tri~:t ""'o"!'ff 111 . . . ' ~·t- Bamilton Periali, Be 1mJ1 tliot'o the oounty CiaieimietH• In (ilo you aoPJ>Ose he meant l!"•mil· .1011 l'arilb?), AOcl'bi1 nephew . . could Jock -ap If I · •-croe1 over into hi1 eounty. &1 .. nwhile, here I have a .n~. "!l!Jpmen( of ~~! p .... .---•.pa~ ball •l"'!v,e and knee lengtlr, Wlilob I want tu eeU IO my~tomen in ·Orango Couty for 17 and 18. Fin not allowed to sell them in Cincinnati? And DJ)' new permanent preeo olacb, '8to114. SoUda; · . ' 1:s...,1 Cincinnati, I coaLI · .. k the Piaideut to ehmgo it, ancl proclaim "Oran,ie County Bay-li,F,_. Bld,,.,n w .. k." Or elle -If he would 111alq\ '.Ii "Nashr L Buy. II -From -Biclwell· Week. bcept-Cincinud." ~ .. ~ i!.tw· .. ~ nen tra..,llecl 11iro.,• Ci..m., natl, I'll lui-.e to ui Y.,., f., • writletl •la-I tJud ,... dlcl not ....i t..t Week'• lld~ -t bef..,,,·I woalcl clue - ""Pt your -ner or 1n .. 11on ....... . ., :'Jack · .Bidwell at 3467 Via Ucld, ripl where yoa lllnl olf ·, ewport l!l~d. to l!O to-U.SO Joie, ... Ucle 'lllHtor. 1'ree parkfuc.at ....,..of 1tore. Plioae 6'7MS10. · Cop)'ligh.t 1969; Jac:k .BWwelL, l ( ' 1 ! I I ~ \ I 'f -y ,ILOT --~ -·-. . Pulpit .. FiiiaJJ.c~s. Sque~zing ., . ' . ...,.,1111..-· .... .d ._., lflle•tl Omd, am J>odllc' View Drive, Corau det Mir,~ .. will lie the MrmoD IUbjed II both <lllllrcll, -Hell Avt., Hun-Tbeolo1icat'Selellliey w11J allo • Uo~~ claaMI and\ lptlk~~~-federal ·Help for Parochial School!? c ·..;:r:.1.'"' 1.m. commllllloo ".. • WOl'lhlp services at Cea.b'll ,,,._ ca-a. llrd Stroet and ·'Oral!&< Avenue, Costa Mesa, A 'Will feature Pastor Henry E. l Jones orudlilll "Dom to "" GlorHy God." Al the 7 p.m. •1 • 1trvk:e be will contimJe the " tWdy of the book of Ad .. br- 1--lnglng a meaace entitled 0 fhe ~1beme of the Prophets." Midwtek OC!l>;ltlea alate4 -'l!lundl)', f p.m., iDdude Bl- "'' 1bJe study, prayer meeting, ~ Piooee:r . Girll and Chri!Uan -"Service Brlple. • Caul Chorale and. Smim will preaeoi • a1 •• and 10 a.m. Subday at Colo-~IJleriu Q ..... for the 10 a.m. "Doin& Your Own '' ThinJ" _to J1.e J>l'!IChed J>l lllo -Rev.1lillii R. 'l'ilmer, 11111'111')" eara Jor iii!onll are '"Ill< Dea!i'es or a Rel~ allo ptov~ at both J>oi!n, , 1\lan," Is 1111....-.... lo!!le·th!J Melllodlot ~ .. th Fen..-'~ •t -v~ Uolltd :-,_ Heh Sundat tn-Metll\pGll .~no1 Baker jlle dlurch 10C1al hall. St., COiii ~ 1'br ll'Ov. .. --., 'Josel!h w. r~ ·1.u1 , ~'sumW ~P · prUaiiltlllt"t1nc11t1:1!f1.m .. , Willi llunday school a( "f :l.6 ..,...,.,, a.Ill' .. Cealnl · Ba)lllal """"" ti. _....., Baell, 7MI M~tlni at' ilie ~ t'n I or Warnl:C Ave., wlll bold regular citlzen.s Buildlng, t5lh and -II. II a.m.' Pastor ltvtne', Newport Be a c b , ~~l\l.!. •.. ~!h.,¥Hch-beld"al Newport Ually C••'r•b '",_..., ~..u'Wol:I meinbers. Will heir .Put.or thll hour, ' Lorea Dale Fllcidngtl-• -ch ' 'l'rainiq: uni.on meets at 6 "The" Challenge of Truth'' at . p.m. ~ to the 7 p.m., 1 1o·LU1. SUnday. ' . welcomed. Each famll1, abou1d wonblp. tervit't. A' proalirUy development bring a main.dlah and lalad or Evangelist Joe Boyd, former course wi I begin Wednesday main cUah and deasert u wtU AJJ..American football Ii tar 7:30 p.m. Pastor Flickinger'~ as table aervice. from Texas A and M, will con-course will be given in three duct a aeries !>f meetings at parts and will include in- Ftnt Cllllrda et a.mt, the church April 21 throu~·27, struction, Inv o Ive men t 8a..tlll, Lapu Beltl, G 7:30 p.m. each. event~ g · meetings, and e v a I u at ion illgtibrlve, will aponaor,a Jee. Nw:sery care w1l! bf: provu:fed meetings. Registration may be ture, Monday, 8 p.m. bf during these .sessions. made Sunday or by calling Martin N. Healer, C.S.B. He 114U181. will spult on "Whal It IJfe!" Dr. Charles H. Dlerenlield a.J;11'l TtiOI "Pe(Sii-lroai' 1.0~" • er to saha·u•uab'' is th e topic of an illus_trated lecture slated by the Baba 'is of Orange Coun· ty for tonight, 8 p.m. Dr. Amin .Banani will speak at Altadena Fed- eral Savings and Loan Association hospitality room, Santa Ana. al the meelioi slaltd at .the will ~ "Sland Up and churdlbulldlnc. Filhl' II I, 9,30 and II a.m. Dr. Philip G. Murray will;========·::::::::, , --iervtces for St. Andrew's 'Ille Rev. Jloier G . Preabyleriaa Cburdl, 6llO St. BetlWortb will' apeak on Andrew's Road, N e w po r t 'jBioten Cisteru" at I and Beach. Dr. Morgan S. Odell, 10:30 a.m. terVica at c.m-Soutbtrn Clllfoi:nla reprtsen~ .-q U~ Me 1 •a• I 1 I lallve for San Francisco deliver a sennon entitled "Ground to Stand Oo" at Sun- day senices, 10 a:m., for Co nun1111lly Coqre1at1...i Church. 611 Heliotrope Ave., (See PULPIT, Pap I) QUICK C11lch up quicHy en Joctl t Y•nh, Retd your co111p1ct, <01J1prthtn1i'f1 ho1111low" ffi. tio11 •f tli• DAILY PILOT, ' BJ GBpBGE w. CORNELL NEW 'YORK (AP) - A crucial edueatlonal atrua1", pnclpltaltd bf the llpncfll ·-.. Oii pam:blal aChooll, ~tf:'. .oa ~Y acroa the 'Ille key ~ II over ,pro- ~help .. . 114TILll OVD ll .,. ilnderwaylaaleaata·doron .iai..,· and it allo ia ...... conatdered ID Qincreu. Tho reJlclou8 llnea ol -ltolion ... mlltd, with ..... Protestant.I and R o m 8 n CatboUca on b,ptli .... lides, but with predominant support for 1 Ila~ aid, pus!ied by ,_ with cltu:rcb scbool lyltems, mostly CatholJcs and 90me Protestanla.' ' It's an HI conflict, but Jt Is grea.Uy heightened this time by lhe flnancW crisis In parochl~ll, lore Ing manj to c'°" ~ threatening • other• with a aimi1ar fate, sendlnl their pupils lnlO public schools. Already, the nllmber ol Catholic elementary parOcbio1 pupils hN declined by about 400,000 llnce lllf, delpilt rb- inl populalloo.11}tb addltlonal acbooll belns ~c.-IJ'ldeJ ellmlnaltd •\a rillq pace. MORE TRAN lO·...,. shut down in the flnt two weeks of March In II cltles, with -era1 thousand pliplls abilltd to publlc ICbooll. n•a a crisis for publlc educallon u well, 11ya MJct. Jama c . Doaobuo, ol Wuhlnila>. D.C., director of the Dlvialon ol Elementary and Secolldary F.ducatlon of the U.S. ~tbollc Cool.._.. He told a recent con- cressJ<lnal bearing that the wholeaale tranafer oi Catholic pupils to public acbooll would put an unbearable burden on property tu rates, force cur- ri<Wa? cullfocb and further overload public achool claases. enroll about U mi1llon pujilh, wblle Proteatanl-run - lary """ _,, ~ eoroU 1 total o1 m,ooo. 'llie largeat Prottatant .,..... - wllb 117,000 llllld<oll-ls that m the Lutheran Cburcb· Milsour!Synod. " It haJ termed government aid "acctptlble IO lone U ii does DOI lni.rtere wilb the distincUve purposes" for wbich church achooll· arc malnlalned. HOWEVER . m1n y Proteslallts and Jews oppoae government uslstance, on the ground tbai it ii contrary to the conatltutional pn>hJbliion againsl any law reprdlng establtsbment of ,.lllfon, and .that it would create educa· Uonal divialvenesa. However, because ol the J>ll'Qchlal school crllia and its IN CONGREllS, the question reaiiltant ........... oo public was over extension Ind ~· ble upamlon' of -the !lei "ochooll,-many o1 the lllWll F.ducation Act, '"""" glvea -opponeriU are lakinl a IDCll'e paroclilal pupils' ·;-r-lbart Jn tempered view, inc I u din ~ P,vernmen~prov~. library :;:;!"=" O<dlnariJy the and labc.-atory Jl!l<cariall, and, In Boston rec:ontly remedial aervices.1, , an . ClllTentJy, Catbollc ocboqb (lee SCBOOl.8,_ Plie I) ' ' . •• ORANGE COA-Sl CHURCH · D·IRECTORY ' ,, LOOKING FOR MEANING & RELEVANCE? ' ,., H . '. FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURC ••· •"· c.1 F1lnlew Rd. At F1ir Dr., Costa Meal 9 A.M;.-Chu<th School 1.0 A.M.-Worahlp .. .._ ....... , ... ' ......... Stllilff .,..,. 11 Pm. ......... C•••••1· 14M,IO II ~~~~~~~! -HAUOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH . 1Dt ...... St ........... c.....,._ a...c...a.w1 ... ....... Sunday Scbool 9,45 a.m. Morning Wor•blp 11:00 a.m. Baptht Training Union & p.m. Evenmg service 7 p.m. I WodneldaJ Blbla Study & Prayer .......... · 7:00 p.m. I FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 611 HAMILTON, COSTA MUA 11.t'f. loD Scll1111lttkopf 's.114 S h I •·~S Trtinint Union ••.•••. , • 6:00 I , , ~Y· c " : •• '' • • · E•1nin9 Worthip • .i •••• ,. 1:00 I .Mot11lftf Wor1h1, •••• 11 :00 WM. EYtnint Stf'fict •••• 7:00 1 ,._ '41-tltl N...., AhreYI A••hM9 UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH UIJ S. L PAUSAID ID. U.NTA AHA Hll•HTS 1ttltDA't ICMOO\. .................... , ............. 11• A.M. MOtltllte WOISMIP .. , •• ., ........................... 11 A.M. •VIMIM• WOllHIP' ...... , ............................ , P'.M. MIDWlfllC llRVICI WIDMISOAY ............... l :M P',M. I ...._ L AcM. p .... , ~rcll PMM HWU1 le;°"""._,E!!!llESll"""~"""'""""'""""'""""""""~-I FllST llAPTIST CHURCH ti-·---· 17411 M1111h. ... _,_ ln.o......._ Su"4ty Sdto.I •••• t :JI &11 Mon1i11t Wonhip ., f 1JI & 11 JI_,. AMlllMt If t1 """" "142·2421 FIRST CHRISTIAN • CHURCH Victoria & Placentia Ave. I Costa Mesa J•JMt t. "9rcy .,, .... lfftl•Hfftn ,.,,._ ••rtr w...-. .... .. .... •=• ··"'· 1""9 lcr.t ........... t :M I.Ill. Mt!'ILI ... W""""' ........ 11:• 1.111. Ytwtfl .Nlllilt ... "·•"' •••'" ' •·""· """" -· ................ ''·"'· Nursery Care Provided 141-4771 141.&141 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES llA.NCHD oP THI MOTHt• CHUICH THI '11ST CHUICH OP CHl1ST, SCllHTlll IN IOSTON, MASSACHUSITIS • "DOCTRIME OF ATONEMENT" Subject of Lesson-April 20 Costa Me11 -First Church of Christ, Scientist . 2110 M ... Yw41 Dr., C .... W.. S11ffy k1111I t:1 I A..M. CllM;• s.ni• 11 A.M, R"'11t11 IM"" 2151 M ... ,_,.Dr. Huntington BHch-Flnt Church of Christ, Scientist 111 Oll'fl Churc• & SwttHy Sc•••l--f:JI & 11 :00 leHlflfi ... ...-.10 °"" Lagun1 Be1ch -First Church of Christ, Scientist 6J5 HIP Dr. CJiutd: & 141Noy Wt1I f:Jt I 11 :00 ....,,.. loom, 214 hNtt An. Newport 8e1ch-First Church of Christ, Sci1nti1t JJOJ Yhi L,. c ........ s....., k ... t-t:ll .. 11:ff ........ lMa, JJI I Ylti Lw. Newport Be1ch-Second Church of Christ, Scientist JIOI Pedflc Y'-Dr., c ...... •I M• CHrc• & S.llMy S."o•I 11 A.M. ...... a..-.JllJ I . C... Hwy. • All are cordially invited to attend the church services and enjoy the privileges of the Reading &oms CWW c ... PmWN AT ALL SllYICU CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 W. WILSON ST• COSTA MESA llTWllM HAllOI e1M11 PAIRYllW SUNDAY MORNING lllLE STUDY •• , , ..•.•.•.• ,, • t :41 AM SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP I COMMUNION •• ,10:41 AM . FIRST CHRISTIAN SUNDAY EVENING WORSHI', .•...•••••• ••··••• 6:00 P'.M. -WEDNESOAY EVENING lllLE STUDY •••••• , •••••• 7130 PM Church •f the Delly Wert! NEWPORT UNITY I NUISllY CAH PIOVIDID THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH [5( Welcomes You. Newport Harbor Lutheran Church Lutheran Church of the Master ST • .IA.MIS, J2ot VS. Udo, Newpon IHclt I S•iwky s.mc..-7:JO, f :OO. 11 :00 v ,......, 10:30 -,...,,,.,. 1:00 ,..... \ Iii Holy l•cltorbt & Hooll119 Senkes - 2501 Cliff Dr. l,18-4293 1'.! .................. .... n. ln . ...,... J .. ....... ·-- 2900 Pacific View Dr. CORONA DEL 1i4AR DR. WILLIAM R. ELLER Phone OR 3-5022 I locror, till low-. Jolie P. Ashof II; AIM., ne I..-..... , c,.,.. I ' i>h0119:675:02 10 ..,.... Strvlco . . . . . l::lf.t:• t .111. I 1' ,I :1 I ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS Pacific View Dr. at Marguerite, Corona det Mar Sundays: 8:00, 9:30 -Child Care at 9:30 Holy Days as announced ..... n. .... ,,... .....,, hwh-..... '44o046J ST. JOHN THE DIVINE. 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. Sundays 7:30 & 9:30 Church School -9,30 • Thursdays: 6:30 & 10 a.m.; ijoly Days as announced I; Ylc9,n.a.. ...... W.D• ...... _,.._MWJJ4 ' ...., kh..r .... . t :41t1d ...... ........ lervlco .... ~11•111• Nursery care aVailable at all service• WELCOME 1:45 A.M.-Ftmily W..-1hi~ t :41 A.M.-S•Hty Chvrclri School 11 :00 A.M.-FtlfiYo Wonhi, N1,_.,rrnw..t CHRIST LUTHIUN CHURCH Misaouri Sllllod 1H Vlctora. St., C•t• Meg L•tMr v. TorMW, Put•r 541 5404 EPfSCOPAL Wws~I• ,...,lctl• t :lS & II AM. • ..... , Scflolol· t·• A.M. ' A:lull •IN9 aa11i ,,,. A.M. . . CHRISTIAN IUMINTAlY SCHOOL 14J-HW ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH ' 111111· tt ~~"l.:.:""',...... PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH ft:I In.,_ C. Clltr, P... I M11• V•r4o DrlYt I l•••r Strtot, Cost• Mtio. ~lif. Sund1y S.rYlces ANDIEw c. aN01111soH, ,._ t i• A.M. ... ,............ ,,. A.M. .. ..., ......... ctMlrcll MlmlntWonlei.oi l :at. t :lVl 11:00 S-ulld•Y School: t:oa, ,:$0 & 11:• l1MP'.M.•-.i ..._.., , 7ia PM. blt<W.M ~ ll:M A.M. '*"""r;:::: Pr_inco of P11co ~wth1rt11 Scl!otl -Ml11 Estlitr Olit..n, PtiKi,al 11;==:=:;Y;:_;_;;;;;;;"::_.,:::. $. ;;:-;;=:=::;1 Offlco Pllono1 149-0121 School PM11t: 14f·Ol6Z I I ' I First Assembly of God· Church 146 E. 22nd-st .. Coata Mata 541-3761 M. C. Cronic, Pastor ll•y Nickt1on, Mini1h:r of Yoiilth SCt41DUU OP s1mea S.~·~ klpool ·····-·········t·•~······ t :J• .... ..., w ...... , •......... 11~ ..... 7:00 .... Church Choir -Shtril l'eubtft, Qlroct•r Ylsltln Weko• -N_,., A.....,,_ STATI UCINSID P•l.SCHOO~ Wiii-. llrHMr ...... : '41·Zl2) a HARBOR R&ORM lEMPlf meetins .at Wo loliov• 111 You . . • 1: UNITARIAN ,, I UNIVERSAL I ST I CHURCH 121' Vlctorio St,. Coif• M1111 646-4652 s~rod•Y• I I ,lO;JCI A.M. 1 1 Attend the church of your choice· on Sunday A Cordi•I Welcome from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH '•"'-• '•'•"' COl(IMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 111 At... 671·0•10 1:1 1 l11for1111I Wo11hip t:JO Trodltl•11•I W•rthi, Huntingloft l1•d1-Norfh COMMUNITY MnHODIST CHURCH 6662 H•il A••·· .t42o4461 Wt,.hip I Church Sch•ol t & 10 :10 AM CHURCH . M•ln I: Ad•mt Street1 111 -I CHURCH lj Dhn• o. M9'fteW D. •· Hllf'lt Mlii...... ..... ... Mill... •Alll llN LllMOW flOll: INPOIMATIOflh CAU .,..,... L-:k.i~kl .... r l~===~P~ho;n;a:~54;1;·5~7~1;,l~D~1~y~or;::N;l~g;ht~='=='=='=~/l==~:==::=:::=~::::::~:::::=:=~::111 St. J1mu Eplacopol Chur<h 3209 Via Lido, N-rt Beech SABBATH SERVICES -RELIGIOUS SCHOOL I S.Hay Scho•I lrvin-Eest II.ff UNIVERSITY MITHODIST CHURCH • Huntington Beach I l i Morlllftf W.nhi' 11 , l :JI & ~l:HAM f 'l it.I• Sthool •••••••• t :45 AM Youtt. 6rou,1 ••••••• 6:00 PM i E••11it1t Wont.i, •• , •• 7:00 P'M ................ -WM.-••·•· '".....,,fl"'~ tt tU MrYltn I Sth I lr,,in•. Newperl leech r """' '"'""' ,,,.,,., CENTRAL ~! G L A D T I D I N G s "'' •.M. ,,,,,, '""' CORONA DEL MAR BIBLE CHURCH ,J, , "'"'"'" o .... ;,,.1 ,,..;" ~~· .~ -.,._uacH I ASSEMBLY OF GOD Ol"FICE.: • w. '°'" Hl'i[hW•Y· N.t . : c,,; ~ ~· o~ 15th & Monrovia , Newport Beach Piion•: '-"·'111 0 otr1oe1 •-··""' --·· ...... ~ C" 11/J flock Wett of Hoat Hospl .. 11 641·1621 or 141·1111 DIAL-A0PIAYll-64M6Jt ,_ i$. f~orn11 l•nvH;11:r, 1'11r.r -'"" MDltr, M1111QI DirMIW , ' • CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE .. "...-rt .... Mt!llW a.i'tll tt U ....... Cfilofd: 1t•i.. ki.tct. 1.M Anttltl SIJHD4Y Sl!llVICE. •.• 11 UA Mlnh:lef' •••• Alber"I lurlt1, lt.S.c.F. elJPl'ITM (MAl'IL C>niftl't C-ll YMC.I\, 2lOD 1Jnl¥nalty (Ir. GO AHEAD! SLEEP IN SUNDAY MORNING! .,... .,.... ... 1:11 AfMwlH,.,.,.... CALVARY CHAPEL ............... NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH ..,c,.~......,.;... ,... ""' .... c....... t.t-........... , ............ '-'""' .... ...... aflill'7 ~ ... 1•••• ... , ....... , .. ~ WMfll' ,... _ _.....,,_ ............. .... 642-6713 646-9512 .JJ.ar/,or d~lian C~urc~ Of MIWPOIJ UACH-C.....,._I ........... ..., ............. , ~ 411 L 1M Jr,. C.... ..... Church School -f:45 A.M. &nphumng ThePlmolGod The Pmon of Christ The Power of tht Hofy Spirit I Sunday School , J.M I Momi111 Wo"hip 9 •!Id 'IO:JO AM lw11ln1 Serviu: 7 PM Thl;r'4•Y lllble Sf\idy I ~~~7 1'M I, Nu~ry during ffrvk:'J I A fvll Youth Program 11 Cm. of Orange .ind llnf. Sr. 11 """'-· I l'IJtOr ff, [. J-; lfCA i.1b1. I. UllftM a.re• of 'i' RELIGIOUS SCIENCE ljl 410 10th $t,, H1111tintl•" l••th ,htri. Sl6·Zl20 Atlu lt & Y•ulil $1r'fict1- l I :Otl A.M. llNUT PATI., MINISTll ' I -?. ~ ~ + ......... + ... ' .. ~-s ·1 I :r,. '-' ~ ~lt'MA'I~ COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL • 611 HELIOTROPE Wettllfp-1 t:OO A.M. Cli•rdi w... 111ot ..... Or. f'tll• •• MLIPf'I" Mhr:: ..... Miu: ......, ...... o.c ••. 67J.IOQO f :45 A.M-SuH., School, fllrMl"f c•,. for Oftt'Y Mnke 10:10 A.M.-"A 0..,... ltftletln of .1-Qrlsr'" Sermon Oy P•1lor 7:00 P.M.-"Pnl. T1tti M• WM Mo,t n. Yi11M" Sermon Oy Pttlot Mon. 7:JO P.M.-Cottoge ,.,..,., M"'41tf-646oJ160 Wed. 7:10 ,.M.-loll> lood, T.-hl .. ,.....,..., Wh!MMl11 c11o1r sr,. et Mtl s.911oy s.nkn P'r•ytr M•tling-, S•h1rd1y •:JO A.M· HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W. Wilson, Costa Mesi ¥. L Ht•TWfCI(, '"''•' CAI~ .. NTlY S41o4104 M11 .... .t .... -- SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 A.M. -$1;11doy Scho.i ClosMS for •H qes 10:50 A.M.-"WHt WI' lot'"9-No, I'" s. ....... "" ,..., 6:00 P.M. -Y••" Sonica 1:00 ,,M, -.. Wiii C•Ufo~• h t!I hltr•"4 lty ........... , .. ....... ""Patot COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ~klltof -KlflllrM:10ll -• .._....., -CW Ctn Cod• Mt1• FIRST UNITED MITHODIST CHURCH 19th St I HtrOor l/'fd, Wo,..t.i, & Church Scho•I t i10 & II AM 541-7727 Cotti Mtta North MESA YHDE MITHODIST CHURCH Mt .. V•t4• I l•k•r St. 14•·271t Wor1hi, I Clri1ttll School t :OO & IO:lD AM H""tit1tff11 htcll FIRST UNITED MnHODIST CHURCH 2121 17th St ••••• IJ6.j111 S1rvic1J -•:lO I 11 t .111. Nwr1try lhr1 2"d 9r11dt • 11 Ch1rch School -•:JO •·"'· W•r1hip .••• 1:10 AW IJJ.f2lJ Metlint t1111,1rtrily 111 St. M11k ''•1Dykrit11 Ch,,,rch E11tbluff Dr. I J•m"•r•• J:d, L•gunt l•••h LA<iUNA lllACH MnHODIST CHURCH 216)2 Weslty Dr I• So. lagu111 Worthip t :lO & 11 AM Ch111ch Scheol •:lO AM 4,9.JOll N-pert l11cli CHRIST CHURCH IY THE SEA 1400 w. '•'"•• ll'fd. IJJ.]105 Worth!, & Churcli Schnl t & IO:l O A.M . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ Church Pmbvterlan 21111 M.,..n. I..._...._, H ....... .._. ... An. o ........ , ...... ,_... s.....y W ....... 1 t :1t AW c:e.-clt JcllMI: I 1:-41 A.M. °""' Jll ,,... St ...... f61o4f40 Churdt of th• CoYenant ............... c.... .... ln1co A, K11rrlt, ,., .. , ._.., W....., a a.r.ti kWM: t :JO ,.,. MMDI St. Andrew's Prnltyterlan Churdl Ill St .................. ,.., ...... .,. CHAILD Hltnn DIUIN,.IUt. PAITOI I w...,,.&a... ...... 1a.t:11111AM • Worship -10:45 A.M.m N....., C.. PmW:M PlloM: 675-3915 Jillnlsler: Dr. D. W. McEJroy Ma..7147 a TEMPLE SHARON 1 1 !.!.. t:t:. ~~°".!.":C! --M-ST "ATTHEW LUTH'" ·N CHURCH I . n. Clllllf"fttl.,. ........... fM tile I Trinity ·-& --..... .... I II ... ' .., """ ""N H"k' '"' UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH ~M> ~ IMl11o•rl S,.11M'l ,,, ............. c........ I ~"""1 •• "' •02 w. ·-·..,.... Community .__ .. .......i_ Chu_.. UN'vl••1TY P RK SCHOOL Aff ,..,. i-11tt.,.. Mtftf • •" • hlJ •n••••IM S l"...UJ•--n • ..., ,.. •••••tH m I WORSHIP AND E .. P. 411 -•-tot MIO.I, ,_ -M Ht. , • --"N• s1•Y1cn fllDAY. 1111 ..... - I S. •I 1 .,... lfl UJt!Yor•lty •r J1Mly 1 ....... -7:11 p;.wt. OAtU.S TU•Nfl. PAITOR • IPt 10:11 A.M, S,ltftM:l """'9r-.......... ....,,.. t,2.0412 14J .. J.JO WM•ll' • l 1Jt 6 11:M U.......a....• tdMf. t :OO A.M. r1 lttY, M. HloMi!tn~. l'•1tor IJ).flll ....,m ftff'IJll llitfM Oltlr -011tt h •WI .... u n Wt ltlit wt it1 Eltr"t l Llrt •"ti "'••• ltl 4•4·1111 ~~·~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· ------ .. Pulpit and (Cenlla11ed ft'rem Pase 4) Corona de) Mar. Church school and chlld c~ wtll also be hell! ot thot ho\11'. "Doctrine of Atonement" is the them e oi the Bible lesson- iien;non at all Cltrittlan Stlence churches in lhe area this Sunday. · Speatting at both 1:30 and JI a.m. worship services, Putor George J . Busdiecker, will preach "Our Risen Shepherd King" at Newport Harbor Lutkran Cburcb, 2501 CUI! Drive, Newport Beach, Sun- day. EpilcGHI Clllrdi, :aM.! ~ AV<., Cciolo )( .... ..w -..e communloo bola at !:!O IOd t :JD 1.m. Sunday. O\urch ICboal ~ 1 for all •&ts meel durlof lie lo ml I y i;ervice at 9:30 a.m. Dr. Jack E')Si&D Ad<l4111ton. lawyer, minister, authof and lecturer, will be the 1uerit speaker at the . Llpaa Beee" Cll..U of lltU,S... Scleoce, 20062 Laguna Canyqi Rood. Dr. Addingtoo will talk .. the subject "Sciertific Pr•yer." Services .--e btld at I a.m. and 11 a.m. oervlce Ill the HlJllllnclan Beach ChoPol, ltji oncl Onni•· Al the ....... ..,.ice, 7 o'docl;tbe -bJtj1 Blpliot Youth Pellowablp Group wJll .,.....,i the -am. A pancake brtakfaat will be held next Sunday lrom 7 to 11 1.m. at the fellowship hall ol tile -ciiopel, Ith Ind °'"""· A lwl·nl&lit rttr<at !or DW'• ried coopfol will be held al ' BieaNlocruult~ln W"8tlnimtw Sunday. Falhtr John °"""""' !ON!) wW opeat on "Family UWic."- The rtltt« will clooe with refreshments and dlscussion. • ' .Ull,Ymol: J • Local ChWtches I Urged to 'Merge' BJ l.OVll CASSEU u,, ........ ,... Merger ol major Prolellaot dtn0minaU001, on a national ~tJl!~aY .!i~ . '<(alt. 'I1Jef ... beCln "°" to practice a.ialian unity at the ............ inmldllleuajty ... - by . COCl1 lo ·-two atternaUves: t. They could unlfe - mlniltr1a ---uiot tl!oY --.......... Ing tocether. -Iha -..... -wblJe """'"< '11 "'"""~ ... that each -lo lho -blned -tlao 1"'1111UJ -·-tualft-with bfo orfclnol p a re a I deoomlnaUon. The women of the church are sporu1c>rine a family night potluck dinner, 5 p.m .. SUn- day. The program will be "Puppets for the Lord." Those 11Uendlng should bring a dish to. shal'!: and table service. Rolls and beverage will be furnished. Dr. Henry Gerhard, minhter ol the churoh, hu invited Dr. Addington to give a weekend ~ m Scientlfic Prayer on May 3 and 4. "The M ... ka of a True Nearing Completion Tbal. ln _,. the poli· lion two by -. ol nlne Proltllant bqdleo, ,.ho .,. cond~ lllOiloi>a<e merger negotlitlons In a forum called the Consu!tatioo on Church Union (COCU). At lta recent meeting ln Atlanta, Ga., COCU adopted a .. t ol guidelines hr lntorcurch action at the 1ocaJ: level. l . They could -.l>IJlh a £"1erated clu'ch, w!licb -seek dual (or triple, or qLJadruple) -with Ille various naUona1 deMmlnao tioM involved. Jumor dlur<b ""° the hist> school youth meet~ tile t o'clock botr. Baby~ ii pro- vided durq: lhe !int service. Shepherd" balld upon Eaekiel 34: u.11 wJll be the message The new <-hrirtian SCionce Cnurcb, at 24411 Moulton Parkway Lagu.. Hills o1 Dr. Wm. R. Eller a1 the will open at the end ol April. Th• '280,000 structure was designed by Thoma; 1:45 and n a.m. wonbfp W. McCortell, A.I.A., ol Laguna Beach. ' ' · THE GUIDELINES 111Ue.I ways in which churcbes of dif- fertnt denominatioos, ee:rving the same community, may pool .their resources or even unite wilbout w~ting rar their parent bodies to work oot all ol the detail! ol a national merger. The cui~ drolled by• committee undtr tbl ch>irmamhip ofllr. WllllMn P. 'l'homi->. lllated clert ~ lbe United~ Ch11tth, empllarbe Iha! local in-un:hcooperallmnoed not bo reatrlc:ted lo tbo nine denominations now; ponlc~ in COCIJ. services Sundly, at Lldltuu --------...:..--.=...------------------ "Kids to Kamp" newspaper drive has begun at Warner Avenue 8 a p 111 I Church~ Warner Avenue and Gothard Street, Huntington Beach. The drive will last tbrouah July. Papers may be brought to the church Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon. Further infonnation about the paper drive may be obtained from Pastor David B. Wood, 847-7050, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Morning worship is at. i0 :30 · a.m. at Raurrecllon Lutheran ·~ 91112 Hamilton Ave., Huntiugtoo Beach. Nursery care Is provided. Pastor Arthur R. Tingley, will spnk oo "The Way of Active Concern." Sunday school is held al t a.m. "The Abortionist -Sainl or Simer?" wW be the subject of the meeting of the Ualtarlaa- UnlvenaJlst FeUow1hJp o f Lapna Beach to be he.Id Sun- day, 10:30 a.m. Mrs. Esther Lewis wlll speak at the American Legion Hall, Legion and Catalina StreeL!i, Laguna Beach. St. John the Divi1e Ann Landers "The Risen Clrist Speaks lo His Church" Is the title' ot the sermon which J""" E. Piercy, minister of J'lnt Cbrf1tian Clntrdt, 792 Victoria, CoN Mesa, will ~ dur- ing bod! of the morning Cllure• ti ~ Miiter, 2900 Pacific View Drive, Corona de! Mar. The lellior high Luther Leque will Ill""'{ part of tile wttkeod In a retreat at the John Crean ranch. worship hours. Sunday school Dr. Detmond w. Bittinger. meets at 9:30 a.m. The 7 p.m. head or the departme.rrt or vesper service will be con-socioioc, !Oclal welfart and ducted by the seii.or hlg!i anthropology, ch 1 pm an yooth group. Coli<se, 0r.,.., will be L'le --guest speaker at Ra 1' b tr Flr.st United M: e i Ill o d I s .t · C'ariaUU· t'ltardl, 425 E. 18th Cburcb, 2711 Seventeenth St., : St., Costa Mesa. Huntington Beach, will con· O:turdl 3Chool meets at 9:45 duct two worship eervice1 -a.m. and worship i!1 at 10:f5 Sunday at 9:30 .and ,ll a.m. a.m. The church ii obMrvinc The yooth minister David Pit· Sundiy as llliber Educalicin tmen wm cOOiluel th. Day.· services. The inquirers class · · - meets at 10:45 a.m. and "The Miracle-stories or Mat. church scboor meets during thew.~ P'oct or Fiction",,. the both ieMces. Y-"' ;;;...,~ ....i.i• _. .... r-tiUe'Of the sermon to be liven meet at s:so;,.m. by the Rev. stanley P. Allen 'nle Comm"tsaion on at Feaatal11 Valley Evangelism will meet Mon· Presbyierlu an.rcll. 9420 day, 6:30 p.m. Talbert, JI a.m. Sunday. "Salvation lJ Life" will be tbe Sunde:y rtleMage ciw:r1 by the Rtv. Wlllil J. 1-for the Finl Baptist Cllare• ol H ... tillgton Beach at both the 9:30 a.m. service, hekl at Peek's Chapel, 7101 Bolsa, We&tminster and the 11 a.m. Church school beains at t :U a.m. St. Matutew L • t la e r a • a. .... of Irvine broke ll'ound for its new wonblp.educa· tlonaJ facility in University Park laJt Sunday. The lite of the new church is at the cor· ner of Culver Drive and Sandburg Woy. The Rev. Herbert Nier· mann, the church'• pastor : 17415 MagnoUa. St, durin1 Sunday evenin.c aervictJ for the next three weeks~ The theme of study Js "New Forms Of Mluion". This week:, 7 p.m., the Rev. Vah.sc Mardrirosian, dJrector o f Spanish apeaking ministry ol Southern Callfornia B.aptilt Convention, will be guest speaker. The past thirty lln1Jes group, sponsored by t h e Epioeopol Cllvrclo of tho J\1esslall, Santa Ana, will bold its second monthly branch meeWis Sunday-at the !.evere Houae, toO W. Firot St., Tustin. Ruervationa may be made by calling ·Dick Stroup 529-2301 or Betty Greedy 633- 54.11, evenlnp only. "Jesus Is tbe Way" will be the theme of Paitor Eu1ene Schramm's sermon at Redeemer La~eru Cburclt, 16361 Springdale St., Hun· tington Beach, at I and 10:45 a.m. Sunday tchool and adu1t Bible clulta are held at 9 a.m. Communion will be celebrated at the 10:'5 a.m. service this week. Wedneaclay al 7:!0 p.m .. the aecond in a Wl1ea: of Bible &tudla enUtled "Know Whit You An Wlln<alng" will be held. Blind Grandfather Walter Alben, chairman of the building commiltee; and committee memben Lewis Mertz Ind Dooald Lang par· tictpated In the ceremony. The Rev. P. G. Neumann will preach "Vandalitm in U. Name d. Peace, or Orilt's Lepcy of Peace" at the 11 1.m. -!tr Finl Baptilt Cllllrdl and cl01 -· !Ol Mapojia, C<llta -·At S111>- ' .· Now Sees the ·Light DEAR ,WN LANDERS : Please tell me why, out ol a lamily' ol three boys and three girls (all middle age and With nice families of their own), not one of them can find one hour a month tci visit an SO.year-old father who is nearly blind and can't hear very well. The poor old man has bad arthritis and he hasn't been out of the house since his---------- wife's funeral three and a hill years ago. Every year at Christmas the children send beautiful plants and expensive r Jannet bathrobes. When his birthday rolls around , they send lovely cards .saying, "I hope you have a nice day." Why on ~arth don 't they sbow up in person and help make the day a nice one? I can see it now -these six knuckleheaded kid3 will gather at their father's funeral, wring thelr hands, dab at their eyes and tell each otber they had no idea the end was near. I know this situation is not unique. Ann. There are thousands of people all over the world who lead their own comfortable lives and never give a thought to an old molhef'<>r father. Why do they have to wait until death come! and it's loo late? If yoo can answer this you're a smart lady. -J•UNDICED EYE hate to have anythina happen to her. Don 't suae!t a minister because wt are not reli1ioua people Ind Ille wouldn 't go. I might add, my pan.nts araue a great de.al. Thein iJ not a happy riwrlqe. What should I do? -'iANTA FE, N. M. DEAR SANTA, u yea ... find &lie ll'tk:le It mlpt be a good idea lo hlllld fl le lltr without comme.t -la • catul muaer. U 1• cuaot ltcate tbe article, matiOll It to your.~; ....... .... on Ute new medtcadn w"10 has done wOnclen for w.raea over 40. i tu1pHt 1be 11 llav· ing menopausal p r • b I e 111 1 'Which, added to the pM(em1 el a shaky marrlqe, are eDOGP, to ~w uybocly latt a neurttic deprenl011. Meantime the cllurdt Is meetinc 1! the Uol..nlty Pork l!lementary School, San- burg Way. 1be cllurch SponlOl'I the Lutheran campus mlnfxtry ot UCI. Sunday wor1hip &ervlctJ bqin at 10:30 a.m. and Sunday IChool and Bible classes fer aaes three and over begin at 1:15 .. Ha.fl to the Man Who Never Doubted! Hall and Farewell" will be lbe Ml'DllJll topic ot the Rev. Bruce Kurrie, new minllter at the Presbyttrbia cnn:• " • C.-01~ ll50 Flirvlew Rood, Coota Maa. Wonhip and church achool will be at t :JO a.m. The lnllaltallon service for Pastor Kurtle will be held at 4 p.m. Sunday, followed by a reception. d.ty'1 eveninc terrice, 7 o'clock, the Rev. Harold -....... youth minoter, will spiak m "'n>ere't One in Ev•y Crowd -Or -Who't Who In the Avent• Boptiot Church." Finl Claittlu Cllurclo •f Lopu -· 115 Lecioa. will bold Sunday -at 10:451.m. wl)h 1be llev. Bruce Cu1hin1 preachin1 "Faultlesl." COmmtekll will be cele!nted. At the evtninc temce the rnlllionir7 film, "'l'llNulh the Gates of Splendor.'' will bt ..,...,.., c-11 Meoa \Jallarlaa Vol· vend1& a.ru, 1211 Vte- torla St., wlll reoocnJae - C ommunien will be memben at the 10 :30 a.m. celebrated at both the 1:15 and aervfce Sunday. 11 a.m. HrYi~ Sunday at . . amt Llltll~ Clloiei, 1'0 ' L«tu\'tr"uthor JOIQhine Ylctori1, COiia Mna. The ; CuMblgton Edwards' .;, 111 Rev. Loli¥" Tornow will · ~ 11 the Newport Harbor preach "'!'he d<iod Shepherd" Sev-.ra1 .WV.Ital Clllre• at both oerv1c... fund railing banquet, Sunday Sund&Y scheol Ind Bible I p.m. The church ta located ci.a-meet at t :JO a.m. 1t 271 Avocado, cart.a Mflll. Nurtery care ta provided 1t all COot of the banquet ls IUO ...,,tcaa. per pe-. The pl'OOeldl will Boroseope 10 to ... butldln( IUnd fO< the new church unctvary. For _..uons, ~Mn. Ver· na Jones, MS-mt. SCHOOLS ... (Caotln ... From Pop I ) American B.apil!t leader, the Rev. Dr. Paul L. Sturges, aaid aid to parochial acboolo woold be 1cceptable to hhn il Catholic authorities ac;i'eed to publicly supmiaed standanls in their achooJ systems. • 0 TllE ·nME has com('' he sa.id, "whe.n American BaP.' lists must shed the vestiges· of parochial fear, shake off the remnants ol ri a r r o w denomfitallaaolla and ae<opt the polture of matun! rtalists in a pluristic society." However, there llti1J atfl • sharp voices of ol>posttion. "The cry for aubsidy to churt:h achools is a ·cry for subsidy to the church," the Rev. Dr. C. Stanley Lowell, associate director or · Americans Un!ted for Separa· tion o! Church and State, Cushing OKs TEV's New Testament writes ln christianlty Today. Some Calholl,co allo oppoae old to parochial '1Cbool!. It could 4'harm our church," uy1 a group ln Dttrolt, called Catbollcs for Public Educa· lioa, 1dding that IUch aid woukt incrt.Ue "aegregated sd>OOI systems" contrary to trmds t o 'i a rd ecumei'lical co.peralion. , Luthe,1,1an . I . - ¥ outl1 Plan . 'Movement' CHICAGO (UPI) -A new Lutheran student ·movement wm be klekecf olf In late August at a lh:-day con. 1UtuUng convention of 1' epr e s en tat Ive sof the denomtnaUon'a two principal student orP,nlzaUons. A joint .convening committee of the Lutheran S lu dent Anoclatton of A m e r i c a (I.SAA) and Ga.mma Delta, meeting hert, set Aug. U.21 as the dates ahd Denver as the tentaUve site for the con. NEW YORK (UPI) vention. The I.SAA b made up Today's En&.tiah Verdon ol the of ~ . and university New Teotamen~ publi-b)' •. ,ltudenta alflllated chiefly with the American Bible Society lbe Lutheran Church 1 n oncl popqlarly known by tile ti-Arilerlca and The American tie "Good News fer Modem Lutbl:ran Clwrch. Its cotm- Man," hd 'receiV<d tfle •fm. terpoJ1. Gamma Delta, ii primatur, or official 1pprovaL ~GI Lutheran Cbun:i> ol CarUln1l Richard Cushing, MilDtrl Synod otii~. An:hbfabop ot Bolton. Parent Poll Gives Trend: One 1uggestion, which would be fairly eaay to put into ef. feet , is for two or m«e neighboring churches to car- ry out joint programs ol otudy or service. Fer eumple, 1 Methodist Church , an Epiecopal Church Mid a Presbyterian Orureh couJd jointly !pOMOr an inner city piiaion wbicb no one ci them could handle alone. Another "'"'°"llty fol for two or more cburchel of differmt d~1Uons to lbare, a pro- rwional staff member - such as a (lirectar ol r&igioos education -who would 1tn1e the needl ol both ...,. greptlonl. Or, goin( one step furlheT, they could jointly wp- port a clerl)'man engated in a •peclal llind ol ministry~ for ewnple, to uDchurdied YOW>i people In the community, or to residents ol homes for the oged. " A 11DRD 1uggestion from COCU call! for joint uae ol buildin1 fa c-111tie1 "to eliminate cM!y,dupliclUon." When two churtftes stand practically dieek by jowl, it seems wasteful for both of them to. buikl specialized fodlitles, ouch .. pari111 halls er ki&cbm, which se UMd for only an hour ..,-.0.eac& Jrett. In fact, with a will to do ao. 1 several d:tun:bes a( llfiie11t· -CGUld~ .... mlllullly ..,.ui>le ICbeduJes for llfwinlJ an entire piW, in- cludinc the main auditclium or sanctuary In wbldi Sunday w""'11p IOrVicel are held. The teulblUty · of this ar· r111gement hu already been demonatnted In the new "model city" ol COiumbia, Md. PLANS FOR a1winC Jll'O' sram, rtaff or fadlM:kc, the Tbompoon cmunftlee .icr. could be formulated In Micll • way as to include ~ parishes ol the .Romab ·CathoHC t'burcb or fl. !'.Alterjl Orthodox churcbes, .., weU ... churches of Prote1tan~ denomlnation.1 , ne.t partidpatinc in cocu.. : : n-Ill -~ ball bact-:cl~ ~ by leadm who ... --ing why '"they" •e IO aJow ii woriinc out a mqrer It ~ na~ le•el. ~ inerm oaw bta:Jiw a mat ter ol local -. '""" may be tuot -til .-lecl·tp pump oew life into the mover· ment:. , '. •• Temple Se~· •• Music Show J• ,, Temple Beth David= Orange Colmcll will preoent · IMUal Musical Rmft' Q'J 1:15 p.m .. Ind Sunda1 ..., ternoon, l :!O p.m. Tbe lht!M of the coocul will be ''TltM lmpoqlbJe Dream." ~ The aduJI choir wm p-c ~ lolk muolc ••I "Soilnd ol Muoi<:" oaledlaai! as well 11 iolip tram "Min La Miricha." ~ The event will be' held Community ·Church, 4111 Kalal~, · Alamit011, and the Uonal Chwcb cboir plrtlcipale' In a portion ol lllt. review entllled "1bo llnom of America." More than IU miWoo copies of the TEV New Testa· ment have betn put in circula- tion l1nce Its fint appemnce in September, ltlll. The firat prlntln1 ol ao edition ol 100,000 copies with the imprimatur is belnc prepared. The Rtv. Dr. Latoe E. HolJniren, a pnerol teerelary ol tho Bible Soci>ty, uid there wUI be no chances in the te1t. Anti·TV Ads CONGREGATIONS par"1 to go lurlber pr~·~----~~~~--·' toward" 'Help for Poor' School Opening The Moot Rev. John J. Ward, splrflllal director ol the St. Vlnce:nt de Paul Socie.tYi Wllf --the Orange C«uity Ozonam Schonl ol Charity at 'St. ilnlllOlty cimt Church, Anabefm, Tua411y, I p.m. Seukm wW be conducted !or el(llll week1 . . Dtafgned to· acquall'lt IQIMn with the wort' ol the st. Vincent de Paul Society onif the need fO< volUbteer help ol the -· the achoo! •lil be •11•111orec1 bl' lht Frtderlc Olanarn ParllCu!ar Council of tile ooctety. Urban Talk Set LOS ANGELES (AP) - More than 2,000 Catholic parent.II ln Loi Angela: say they refuse to buy a product if Women of H u n t I n I t on it.stelevlalonadvertising Beach's Resurrection featuru tex, violence, vulgari· Lutheran Church will bear a ty or Insolence. talk on urban min1ltry at their The Orl1199 Coo.+'1 Most Complete PRINTING SE.RYICI Many; who answered a aeneral meetinc' Tuaday, I survey by the Los Angeles p.m. The .Rev. Satnuel Ujile, An:hdloce .. n Cwricll o f putor ot • ·-Long Beach CMM!ic Women said they just Lutheran chmch, .I@ be the tune out objecLionable com-1 ri'~peo~k~<r~. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;:;;iii;;;;;;:;;;~~~: merclal!. I~ Other result. in the survey ol PB(•nl& in 15 parochial eleioentary achool1 showed that a& percent of tbOle que• 'tlontd felt~ wu too much .' vlottnce In 'ttleVillon: not enoogh family pn>JrOl!Ullin« In early evening and nOt enouah lnf(lnil1Uve ahow1 on art, ~ aod i;Wture. Moit famlllea qlieltloned had two or more ttlevillon ..... YOUR OWN BUSINESS Earning Polenll1l ~nllmffed We offer fln1ncl1t 1sslsfl1c1 ••i•• ·, .. n. Miirlft• diktct.tn •• 111 '"' tt-, s-n ''"""'" -rrt. C•111p•U trel11il1t ,.. .. , ..... W•11't 1nt.tf.r• with ,, ..... •cc11p•tio11. SIMD THIS At '°I ... llOCHU~ U11IY"'4ll CMnchllla lr11den · 1121 .................... c:.m. ' .. . . .. DEAR EYE: Wiiiy'! Bec.luse they are selflsb aDd ill· con1idtrltc a.ad 1bprt&l&hted. lt'1 1s s:lmple as that DEAR ANN LANDERS : Recently I ran •cross an artl· cle caUed ''Profile of.Neurotic Depression." l was boniDed to discover that the symptom! sound very much tike what my mother is going throuah. The article said these people need DEAR 'ANN : I'm elm.inc; an attractive man -objeci, matrimony. His 1l1 t er (maiden lady) ls \ovtly but she's a complete introvert ~ impossible to enterta.ID. Ha has hi-that he'd llU me to invite her "lo spend the Memorial Day holiday wit& me. I'm :afrald l'd be trnmC oot afttt 24 1-o. Bot I don 't want to hurt my chaneea. What b the wise thhlJ to do? Aquarius: Dori't Wander Too Far "' C.: cn4t l7to1111 .. c.IMti cn41 1JN111 IJWL·THll .. treatment. ' l didn'l re11liu my mother was sick and now I feel like a heel becall.!e I've been im- -GA. DEAR GA.: Say .. uo1 tln1t "ftllT'1 •boat 7 • 1 r dluca. Ir-• waets .. JDMTJ yoa be wm, 1£ .. -·~ .. woa't ca.e W. 111 I I • ltecaate 111 we~ Uce tt llft -· patltnl and snappY wllh her. t-::'*''L!t~~': -w Jfow can I get htr to 10 to~a • ~ Ktr f:," ~ r.i; doctor without hurt.inc l\er wlpl: :="'fl c.11• 111 " = pride? Even thou&b J doo't =-=-· ......., ".,,.. • show it at times. l IOYe m, ..tr11t111~ ... ..::'.:=...~_J; moUy Ver:J~ ~ and l,'d : ~-.:~;...=.~ ~t t .fte•ill p.dt TIN~' Mtllt & Iii/Ill M~ Mo:tOUUI • OOli'IM/.. • CW .. ~!TREES ... ?.f.~e WORLD ....... '--'--'0-.. SUNDAY APRIL' 20 By SYDNEY OMARR RICCllEATION BJNT, Vary ....... -. .......... wrl ... Msiem WIJJ' Mers ... -t· ..... -*1 ..... MDJ ...... ...... ·--... _ .... " ... •Ill blJ aprlWe al .-.,a..- ARIBll (Ma<b 21·AJlril 11): °"''"' lo loo -al a ..... ,.., -appll• lo -you .. , .. ...u __ ,_,.,ii lo~-ln-ancl --· ContiO[ ._. 1btJ> dtJ can be -.ctlve. TAUlllJI (Apr!! -ay Ill: Be..,. bud....,. matlm. Mote or """'r eJhlliltl Jm. ,..._ in 11111 -· Strive to promote· tl'l.~t. 11aou.. 11111 c11p1oma11o "fl' proaph ~ m .. 1 - U8R.\ (Sept. u.oct. 21): AQVAlU\11 (Jan •. Joi.Feb. A tour of historic Whe.t yOu seek may not be fa r JI): SUck close to home bue. ~".:l:· B~t,:: ar;.,.tem~-:.~~ Reallaetl!allOIDedlsput ... re Sc ... ripps M.irama. r' Ranch Control fhi.t .,.,_ Alfters baled on pure emotion •nd come from wl1hln. Spiritual •lll aoon, be fOl'flDll8l. Ac-b f -llollaylrotspectalaid. tivitycoone<tedwlthfomllyi1 can e a program or 8CORPIO (Oct.13-Nov. ll): preferr"1. Doo 't .wandtr too - -• 0oa·L.....,. a11o111 ·--· far. , • your club or social Mate, othon cloot to you m1y P!ICl!IS (Feb. tt-1'1.orch II): • 11ova -~lai•• 0on·t -~ YClllne!f ~ org· an1'zat1'0' n ..• now buying. Bo . If valua, boolc: iliueo. Tntth 11 , ,,_., matter 11 amiably grulelt we.,..., ~ f-l oettlod..Act .......u.cty. 11 tllly nl.!t. Whit Ir II value WUkDAYTOUISol Saippt Mlfa_ llandt_ ) o!,~m:;i;~.1 (N!:~i! J'! =•!:.. othlr tbfnp especially deslpd fo• cMc, ooclal, churdl and , othor groupJ. M•k• ............. -far,_ I -·lo. T-, •. lo II' TODAY II 'lOUR 011anlzatlon;g1<1u1u1tesfar'201"mott.C-· ' ~ ~.,. ~ = JlaTllDAY,... .. ~ Ing"" cott .... leU·O< lu!-.S anilable too. W1f« .to be '-'!. c.otzot ::::-: ....... -..= 1 For ,_,.•\JON wf intonn.tlon all 277·1110 .......,, Udlo and be DolaOa hlva 'liloNilflf""'-! (or 291-o204 woekdays only). ~RN (Dec. ~... you in -~ Wodoiu HiVI ~WI' blfcio : It)· One you Ulllally JOi,,lld lt due. 1f ~IJ OPlN SM. S..., ..., .......,,,. W ...,. upOn 1N.Y 004-be 1Vlilabl.. (OI' m.rl.... Mil'"1' t)c.. M1Y DAY 4:3!f-.. ~0 t•s.tfV«•• t•• K-thlt and pi--. MMlll lober. ""' · ~~ b'f -. • l ' ' • lti1v1 -...-Mlf. r. ~~t4: ...... -..,,.,, re11once. sio.. ...,._ Acctnt 5 -.: "' ..: Scrlp;s 'Miramar RaiidJ :fr~•· r-=~ l11d rtah ~,~ r .. 1• 1 ~ .. '~ ' '-----------.....J~ l ' . "t • DAILY PILOT • -... • ~ '= -.--.. --• f ; I " f ' .'-1~ .-• I ~' ~ 1r. ~-----'-' ; ~. ' ...... ' ., •• :_ .. .;, .. .L:. .... ~--=--..._ -.._ ____ .. ' ----~ .. ' •• • What's, ~e hind ., Uproar Over Sex Education ! ' • • '\ ' • ., Nm IJ1.MAN • • ... 11Jr.11er fl. 'l)iwd !Ind,..._. . ·• ' • • ~ ·.POI--= •••.. .,---2~~~!!'.!!~~!!:~~~~~~~---' .......... to the , ,.......,, . Aller -lfYe 'JW'S.. . - ~ their cblldnsl, I apectal ochnol board mlttinc was convened in October In air objectlana. St*Wn from all over the atate condemned the progrm. Nut followed rajllos attracting buodreds (J( pareola who cla.-.d 10< rtmoVat (J( "Family Ule" from the schools. -Booaw J . N~. a -a1, N.J~ • ~; asked 'bi:s (iv e .. year·old d.,.tdtt, J.ut November what sbe was ctniog at U.. c!imer ~le. he .,., ""'"' •.inia lltt)e tum aback 'by her amnr. "The sperm swimx up here In ,_ the e::• she replied, golng on to give, uys !Jr. May, a rather acxurate explanation tf human eooceptioo u .she had learned !I in first grade that morning. "The only '~*'88: I can't remember," she said, "~ .»-' the daddy gets the sperm Into the ......., ... !When an angry mtemew with acbool i!flciala 'convinced him bla davpi!er need ""1 aal<io have her que:llimi ans-.d In dus, Mr. M'ay foand a .new miasion in lie. Siiii'e then be bas spent •at least a ~ d. ntghi. each week, llOIDdima ....t ni&hl." crissm>silng New Jeney e In Individuals and l«turinc lo ·Oil the e.vils of ·an education. . , MA Y'S crusade . 1w been •>· lilWaling but far from lonely. Jn the paal llx mootbs. myriad -l>ave spnmg '!I' ......, the country In denou!q_aex fucatlon as immonl, . ...iw.nive, Cam- ~·-Nllil(. --.,.... .. ..-lecbos ..... --.tbt•lll 'Amerioa la In-.,,,,..,,.. ,.....,. .... ..._ .... _...qliiil -.,1a ............. _..... • .., ~lMe-. - that ever rocbd the natloo'a--1BAT lllUWlCAll' Urlad ..... IJnderllUCbbanoenuPAUSlt(~ 'ilia! tW ob: ediaciltlaa 't""r -... Against IJncoaatitWooal s.. -•> ..,,.. 11111 lfn. Alice•-"' 11o1 ... c and MOMS (Mothers for Moral Stability), In Catllomla'I Saa Matff County. Sbe outraged and frl8f>tened pmots .... ..,.. 1....i tt "exceedingly objodlanat>lo" lo rying their complaints In ocbool boaiUs. -"tbla IOrt d t1dng In a m1Dd sr.atebouses and even to Congras. , IMUP.~' as wu done 111 TV. "You~. Legislaton In Arimoa, Catlloriia Iowa down .lilodesUy belw ... boys and prls In New Jeney, New Yort and otiai..M the c~ and 11 leada In Jll"Oo .... debating whether In inveotlpf< mlaculty, she .....ts. ..-;ct or aboiish -educatloo. A bill Mrx. Welner Md oeverat neighbors be!,.. eon...., .....id withhold Federal ,. .... so lhocked by what they saw that funds from ,.. education ...,..... or Ibey form«I ~·1or P>nntal J1iP1a ... lated teacher traming. In bar the program from beinc"llhown in Stunned educaton, who tboogbt Ibey San 1\11teo ..mo111. wbicb had (J(fered it had won community support for ,.. In teachers ol-tlle system'i·family life education through intemjve elfortl to tell aex~Uon f'OW'll!I· Wbait.~1 more, the parents about the . courses .... asking, panilla group demanded that the "Why now?" Nobody fea1ti knows. ·lflte:m'• whole ~1.-educltklll·~ be . dlopped. To aoUcit mclltY for their cause. .Moot ol·the opponenla say they "just they 'have cllllribute!I, ._ other didn't know what was going on•• until mate:rla1s. a Fmnily Life Education their dilldmi enlightened tbOm. Some COioring Book with llUCb captions ax trace the public reaction lo a Mlrdl llA "Tbil is the poycblalrlst who tellll little San Franaaco Educational ~ pro. -1»w 1n have intercoune. Color !State Guidelines Local Scene: -1 Hit Cautious Note , : -N .... -· --lu-rolaUve·tohuman · California l!Chool districts, In ap- proaching family life and ,.. education, -have SU-1 lrom the Stale Board (J( E4ucation anil · recommended guide. lbs 10< illlplem<Ollng programs. '!lie boon!, at its-April 10.11 meeting In Secrmnenio, termecf"voluntary family life el health oducalioo a. ''necessary port ti our overall educational system" from Nnderprtm thn>ugb the Uth grade. ~But the earliest hmuctioo about ...... ... production, the board recom- rieoded In -" ten ,wdelines, -.r""' be inln>ducecl prier lo the.,." .... THE 11!>.l.BD'S ....,iutlm eudoulug lamily Iii• and ... education and adop- .. tile advioory guidetina W a I ........,tod by Dr. Jolin R. Fon!, a boon! member and San Diego ]lhysician. and won approval oo a M voice vote after a ...-.. bearing. 'lldrty-propooenta and -ts. Including seven leglslaUn, i..tified at the bearing, and an overilmr c:rowd opill. ed into the halhr~ ol the State Resouttel Bull<!ing.. . In its reoolution, the board Yid that .. too mudl misinformitioa is being kam- ed by our children ~receive no formal inaructi<ln In family life and oex ..iuca.. tilin, and mmy _.. truly dam't!od emo- U:nally and JQtbologically.'' n-.. lbt boord'1 suidellues !or localm.trlcts: ~,...-........... ...,. respcimibllity for ... educMB. but the ~. along with the church, lw a l!condary role in "supporting and sup- plemmine the bome'I respt'lll'iibjlity." ~ .._.. be given by i alified" instructors wbo ,have rea.iv· • 'special tralnin&. and pltyslcillll should aJled .. .. Ci>lliullants In the clevelopmeot of curr!culum. -All -..... med should be stUdied and _ .... bf a citlJem' com- mit... compriled ot members of the miedical lll'<ilwl•ioo. I c h 0 0 I .. m1nistralon, pofttlla, clergymen, poli<e ollie<rs and community representaUva. -Prognms dealhol, -sex educaUon sliould be voluntary and •not be man- ~ ... !..EarUest ~ rell:tive to 'buman .. ~ul effects of premarital sex. etc., Md a code ol. morals with no derogatory ldatruction relaUve In ..,ugJous beliefs llid ethics, and In parents' beliefs and t4llcbinp. Emphasile lamlly unit -and .e .. WllY IDOfal values." reproduction should not be introduced prior In the age of 9. -•1Acquiataee and ilstruc:tlee ef parents wilh materials (not just an oulli.ne) to be uWized in home and in the cla.s.voom with re-evaluation of o~ jedionable materials.'' -EvaluUoa of 1ex edacatiwllteUd be a continuing process, as well as the ift.. service training of personnel involved. --&aetaSflJ programs such as that in San Diego could well be med as guidelines for other district,.,. -Tiie program •f the Sex Information and E.ducalion C'.ouncil (SIECIJS) "is not · apJlrOpriate for California schook..'' , , 'Ille guldelln .. on SIECIJS. an orgniza. tioo which favors full au educatkln from an eirly age, arose from a reeom- mendaUon of Dr. Mu Raffetty, stale auperintendent of public instruction. Ford· said at the coocloslon of •Ille meeting that the ban was intaided. against SIECUS materials that .. go against the guidelines we have set and present aeJ. in an amoral way. These materials are OUUawed." ln·adoptinc Fonl'a resolution, the board omlttod three proposata by the State Department of Education. TIIE DEPARTMENT pr.,_.i that boys and girls be taught sex education _..i.ty. that it start in the liftll lfllde and that there be no "instructlon· or disc:ussion of suual technJques." Allo omitted from the resolution was Rafferty's recommendation that the board·iJWuct the department In draw up a .suggested "!'W"8e of study In lie sup- plied local districts on request. Among the 31 speakers at the bearing, there .... tbla testimooy: ••0nce the program is in, then this ii a foot In the door for expanding It lo the type ol program that people find pornographic and dar~erous"--Sen. Jobn Schmitz, R·Tustin. "Despite the scunilous attacb, 19 pet· ma of our studeris have taken the coor.ie, though Ibey gtt no credit and no grodes. Tall< In our studeots and their pareuts, and I know their .._,... )'ill be overwhelmingly favorable" -Supt. Paul W. Cook, Anaheim Union !liib School Dlstrlct. "Physicians have sought pogitivt, prideful attitudes lo heal1h. lncludln( fGnily 'life and sex education in an ap- propriate perspecli"'" -Dr. Maxine Sebring of San fiancisco, Catllornia Medical AJsocl1tiGD spokesman. Some Teach, Some Don't 11 .... ·, a special DAILY PILOT ... port en the st'.atUs of ''Family lJfe" cur· ricalum and coories among school dblrt:U along the Oraqe Cout. N ......... Mcl!i IJallled SdiooI Dillrld: Trustees eltn!melT lenlitlve to public opinion and not liUly to adopt far- reaching proiram wilhout public support. However, cuiricu.hmt for de t a I It d , modem family life and aex coonea bas been studied and outlined at request of PTA. Team of teacbtn bas completed written curricutum. now reviewing a~ visual materlab. Lopoa -IJlified --· No sex education C'OUl'lf:S taucbt aa such • Some elements ct repodocUon taught in biology at bigb ldlool level and hygiene taught in bealUHcience coune. PT A has looked at pouibility d lamil7 life ........, but no t'h i n I •lmmirleitt - particularly In view ct c:orrent public ........ n-.i--~ mp Sdlool Dlatrlcl: School board hid approved a 1U and family life program ICbedaled In begin with --. but atrmg public reactioo ~ ~ 11 from getting oil the ground. RllllllqMo 1leacl l!leme•tuy kllool Dla1rlcl: No program. Weatmluttr Bl-. l•_rJ Sc • e •I Dlolrict: Family life program taocht ... guiar school hours In students with parental permission. Prognm bu caused DO ~t furor to date. Oce:U View Elemeatary s c • o o I Diltrktf Family life course taught on voluntary basis alter ldlool hours. No violenl objectloo. .. _ v.u.,. -tary - Dlolrict: No program. Tulla DIP 8cW llbtrlcl: Di>lrict of. fen ~se~ elective courae called "Famlly Life" wbicb eovtn dating and .. 1ect1on ol maniqe -· but no physiology. No plans for oveNIJ aex education course. Su J_. -,,. Sc•oot Dlatrict: No prnposaI bu been brought lo the boon! and diJtric:I educaton !eel other new programs have priority. Junior Hlgb School glrll .... shown fllmx and puberty i. d-"' ]lhylical educallao classes. " ~ IJllW -Dla1rlcl: School board la January lllto,led • Faml· Jy Life pn>pam for tbe fifth, 10th and Uth grades. '!be fifth grade unit .... taught last ...,lb .Md throe weeks ct oex education and family life inltruction is now in prolf'SS It tbe loth grade. There lw been yocal oppc>lillao from • groop called "Concerned Pamit.s," b u t unarvwertd letters ltllt home indicate most parents ... not tsrribly ..........i. S<ol 1leacl Ele"""*-7 Sc • o o I Dlatrld: No program. ~---~-----Oar•-las..-f'....Uee ----------• ' Bottom of the Barrel : I\ goes on In Hdliywood In a year. Don1 let ll\Yfiiiilfbl you about ROllYwood -1t11 still all plastic and tinlel. We wan( In live In San Francisco and do the -here. You !mow tho:ie TU· fire)' lamps we Ult on the. set? Wt'd ha ..... witb the _Golden C14te Brld&• on It. lno\btf wiUi a cable car on il- Soy, l"'I Ifill have cable can up brtt, clm,. you?"' LIU A aCENE out d "lip the Down Stain:..,'": Lois Bode, who -1t fou.lh old Mlsslon llfah. -w«lrlug ~ late on .,_Y ""-when ""' suddenly real· bod tat arvund f :JO) that she hiid left lw Volts...-parked In o - a'!llJ -.. lltb St. -""' " tha bulldin(. ihe diJcol;;f!iUiat .. -ol aludtnl.s-led h)· Cody Jones. -·· ...... _ -'3 l!ar-had. llfted lw car ad de!>osiled ~ u!dJ ... u. llclewallr, --" tha tow truck. We Love You. Miss Bode. li1BY AND BING Crosby IUQed • ~ic . bt.ct doC into Urihtd Air Froig!ll lo sllip lo L.A.. lnsurtd for '3tl0. "'lllat"ll be llt," aalcl Paul Pebr. Dine : ''Gee. '"' aent hiln down on PSA a while baok ond tt coly - $!£." Peul: "OUr --.... pm!.ler." ROLLING sfoNB. the ex- celkllt pop-roct .._.,., pibllshed on Brannan SL, Is now •lllnl m,a cOJ>!!s per issue in the U.S. Md - In Eun>pe -.. a llritiah -Is about In be louncbed. wltb rinanc1o1 help ,_ the Rolllita -them-aelva.. DON BAYLE "°"inr;a bll ol bile: "lilt o;...tfe wortoed llx yean 10< a-.l M-. prior In °"' marrlq. ~ ':3i. ~,""1 they clm'I . . IN 8CBOOL DISTRlcrs where sex education is jult getting "unc!U way, the opposition has scored heaviJy. Educators have backed ~ from prnposed p-ograms in recent Weeks at ICbools in RoleUe, N.J., llie Cathollc dlocae d Syracuae and Rio Unda, Calif." But the older, "8!abliahed programs .... hard1y bnmune. In AnWim, CalJf., wbue. a Family Life Education course was balled from its i:nceJ>ti°'1 in 1965 u a national model le< llCOpe and candor, all · went amoothly for four years. But when the roof fell in last 1~ the turnabout was sudden and savage. Aller .• handl1il of pmnts complained last Aacust . that the course was cor- "The eduCldon have joined the pornographers in a d1abolical plot." cbarges Mrx. ElelllOr 0-. an Anaheim booawile spearheading the battle as vice pruident " CitlJem . Commitlee ol California. "IDgh ocboo1 lhicfrnla here are Jeaminc about onl-genital Rl,11 sbe ..,.., referriiig In -explamllons. 11lt'a up to us to rid 80Ciety·of all this filth, not tticb our childreo what it is." AN OFFICIAL lnv..UJ.,. o I ~ornia sex education ii underway. Superintendent of Public Instruction l\lax Rafferty, a bitter aitic of mme JeX· ioducatkn courses, bas predicted that ii districts like Anaheim dool druticatQI revise their ae:z COW'9fll Jegislatim will be paMed "with a whoop and a holler" lo do the job !or them. (Last ·week, Anaheim voten replaced two incumbent trwteea wbo had support- ed oex education classes.) Mr. Rafferty proposes a return to Ur eluding oex . edueallao as biology and aoatomy In bigb ocbool -- Teens Get Advjce On ·Birth .Control PJ.-P ..... ~Fedenll• For the past two year1 sexually active unmarried teenagers 1 e e k i n g con- traceptive counselling and ler'Vices have been welcomed at a clinic or their own in San Francisco. The clhlic was beglS1 in an effort to stem the eRidemic of out-Of- wed!oct 1iirths among teenagers, Sadja Goldsmith, M.D., its director, says. Dr. Goldsmith noted that illegitimate births to teenage mothers in San Fran- cisco Couuty bad increued 118 percent in a recent seven-year period. Docton throughout the natiori, Dr. Goldmtith said ..... grappling with the problem of how best to stem the 318,000 illegitimate births a year. Mott than 1"3,000 of. these CICl!Ur In ....... mothers. ' lllegiUmate pregnancy, Dr. Goldsmith empbaelxed, exacts a bigb loll from the ...._ mother in terms ol ·lncreued physicaJ hazard. inten'uplim of educa- tion, and dependency which may entrap ber for life. Tbe teenage clinic sponsored by Plan- ned Parenlllood ct San Francioco lw u its prime objective, or. Goldsmith Aid, the pttventioo of the first illegitimat.e -y. It is hoped that c:ounselllug and conlraceptive service under cartful medical ~on, based on eodl girl's needs, will give the girls the in:sighl and the tools to manage their sauality in· telligently. . THE Q.JNJC meets two days a week.in the alt<Mchool hwrs. Any girl under II who walks through the doors b served. Some are referred by a school nunie or social worker; mme by a parent; some by friends or ftlltiva who have heard abwt the clinic. "No appcintrnents are necessary," Dr. Gohismith said, "but if girls do can in advance they are told lhat boy-friends are welcome at the group discussion." 1be initial clinic visit starb with an hour of group di9cm,tjon, usually at- tended by 10 to l~ girls and a few boys. 'Ibe di3cusllion is led by an adult with a background in group work and sex tduca- lioo. A cllnicat psychologist. a public health nune, and a psychiatric social wmttT hive «ned as discussion leaders. 1be di!cussion b wide ranging . Com- mon misconceptions about sex and birth ccotrols are examined. Alelhods ol con- traception and an u.:planation ol bow t.bey work lead to an e.xplana.tion of the male and female reproducti\·e systems. Some of the pressun!5 preventing RJ.• uaJly active gi{ls from using birth control are discussed, including fears of doctoi"s and pelvic examinations. THE SUBJECl of oommuc»caUon with partnts b initiated by the group leader Bl some point. "The importance of being able to ialk with par«lb about the clinic visit U stressed," Dr. Goldsmith sald, "and glrb .............. obtain parental C'OORflt for their clink: visit if at all possible." But ~ are not turntd: away if they are uowilliDg or unable lo obtain porental -Alter the groop discussion. Individual rirls an ·teen by lnO&ber staff member who obtains a compiete medical and social profile. School adjustment. as well as plans fir college. Jobs. and 11\arriqe are explored. The gir1'1 rtlaticnsh!p With boy friend, the"'°'"' ol her sexuol ac- tivity, and her plll 1lae d any la<m ol birth control are eliclted. '"11Us interview is carried oo in • "10Xed afld llCCeJllant mtnDer,» Dr. Goklsmith noted, "ll'ld we have 1....i the glrll willinl to talk al>out themselves aod welcomlng the op- portunity to do IO." 'Ille girl then -br the doctir. All« a -pie•• medical hl11«1 and physical enmination. lncludlng a breul and pel"fic uam. a !:t ....,.., and a culture I ir gonorrheo. """ptioo la pnscrill- ed for the sexually adfre llrls. 'lbt choict ct <Ullractptive ls.""""1 on pal!eol pref ....... and -Jud.lo--~ Nlntt)'live pertel1l ol lilt 611 -the pil!Jhe mt the dlapbracm. II h -preacribed if there are no con- traindications. In tbla age groop, the plly· sician explained, if a girl hu only ju.st begun to menstruate or if her mem~ pattern suggests me is not ovulating (re- leasing an egg) normally, she will be guided to a method other than the put. After th.ill vi1it the girl is given a return appointment every morih or two. If she misses an· appaintment, she is contacted by ~ or letter, with due regard for coofidentiolily. This careful follow-up, Dr. Goldamilb said, has belpe<l prevent prepancy in girls with ctisorxani:ied lives and bas resulted in a low droJ>-<U rate. All girls who wamt <r need it att tested for prqnancy. A growing raunber of keoager:s are coming in for this teet. ,,_ nDt '"8riaJt ... -... birth ...-.!. Tbe --girts ar< gi"oen careful coimaelting oo the services amiable to the pregnant schoolgirl, in- cluding compreheMive programs for maternity care and school cootiouation or their possible eligibility for lh<rapeutic abortion. MORE TUAN Mt girls have taen part in the group dilCUSlions on sei and birth control Almoot fOO girls f3IO) have been set11 for conlraception. Seventy percent are white; 21 percent Negro; 5 pereent of Spani!h anceatey and 5 pen:ent Oriental . Eight pel"OOll ol the paUeni. had a prior pregnancy and a hialnry of induced abor· tion was not uncommon. That the majority of the girls ,,.,. not sexually irresponsible is demomtrated by the fact that more than three out of four oC them made a "realisUc attempt to pre- vent pregnancy in their prior leXUal ex- periences, through the use ol coitus in- terruptus, rhythm. or the condom," the physician explained. Twenty-<me girls of the almost 400 who wanted contraception. stopped using birth control because they were no longtr au.- ually active. Two girls stopped to become pregnant. There were seven unplanned pregnancie1, two due to failure of their contracepUve methods, five due to pa.. tient failure to use the method Or to use it correctly. Four of the girls obtained therapeutic abortiom, the othen con- tinued lheir pregnancy. • - ONLY U PERCENT of the girls -one out of approximately 33 -dropped out of the program in. the two years of ils ex- istence. This includes girla who were IOO to foDow-up but may be cootinuinc as contraceptors. Eijjllt percent of the girls ,. .... foond In be infected with gonorrhea. and ar- rangements were made for treatment. of every case, either through private phylf. clam w by the Venerul Diae.ue Clinic of. the San Francisco Health lleportmenl Explaining the oon-~tal attitude ol the clinic, Dr. Golclsml1h pointed out that the "job " helping the girl In .. 1 standanls , ... her conduct bu ...,.nny been dGlle earlier In her life by lw farnl- ly environment ••• We feel tbcR glrla wm be more receptive to • straight ......,. ol resi-lble -trocepdoo than to • mind ........ """" ... 'dool do tt but II you do do it, do it with this.·• .. AT TBJ: SAME TIME," she contin- ued, ........ alert In the girt who Is """ ing pushed lnln lleXUal activity and -lraception by a boyfriend, pett group er parent when this is not what she wants tor herletf. Jn many such iMlances we have helped the girl delay or dlscontlauc coitus. AltllooP tt WU antldpeted that !hero might be controversy o•er the trtatn'ltnc. ol oexua!IJ actlv. mlnon, Dr. Goldimitb • -tha( In the two yean atnc. the dinlc bu been open tbc<e has been a ••substantial a.mount ol t'Ommunity sup- port and vlrlllally no dl!Ocultl... Schoof -~ public heal1h nones, ...ta! -tm and ,.utll organbatlolll hav. been Informed about the teen dinlc and many refernl& t.ve ttallted." 1bm: are -. plans for upan.skln of th6 clinic lnln branches •t various loc> Uoos ~ tbe city. . He and the majority ct . the o~on especially opposes courses &hat tbty trace In the Sex lnformotion and F.duca- tion Couocll the IJ.S. (SlECUSI. a lroup IO<med In 19GI u "a cleorfucbouse ol in- formation oa sex.'' SIECUS began promotllll some new ideas on su education as soon as it "as set up. Ill meuage was twofotd:' First, that it's easier to get across the basic facts of reJrO(luctioo before st~ are old ellOOjjf> lo be an6Uooatly involvod in the subject. Seoood, that rather than merely delcribe human reproduction. aez. educati~1 should jry to give a oom- pteben.\ive view of how sex . afftcUi penonatity, the family and society. Such ideas. to be sure, didn't originate with SIECUS. But with Dr. Mary S. Calderone, its Uecutive director, fulfill- ing a heavy speaking schedule, SlECUS got most ol the cndil -or b--for. the rapid Bpf'ead d su education along the linea that SIECIJS supports. PARENTS LIKE William Berko, a 29-year~ld father of four 'and member ol the school board in Rahway, a New York City suburb, blame SIECUS for what they call the amoral context in which sex education is being taughl "Take 1 look at this stuff," says Mr. Berko. displaying a sheaf ol SIECIJS pampblets as he ex· plains why be removed three of ~ children from the Rahway schools. Particularly galling to Mr. Berko, 1. constrvative Catholic; is the assertion In a SIECUS study guide for teachers and pareats that "attempting to indoctrinate young people with a set ol rigid rules and ready-made formula! is doomed to failure in a period of transition and con- flict." "In my church," says Mr. Berko, ".cbildren go to cat.echism classes just to learn a set of moral rules -to Jearn their faith," including Church teaching& on RL "I don 't want tbem taught in school that this is all just a matter ol. opi· nion." ''Another thing," adds fl.fr. Berko,. ••who's going to vouch for the moral in- tegrity oC the teachers that are going to give this in.mucti.on to children? I belie\·e there are some teachers who wou1d be saually stimulated by talking about sex with children. and would pry into students sex lives. It coukl do a dilld tremendom psychological harm. .. ANOTBl!R SOIJRCE of poychologkal ~. say many of the oppoli.tian. ii •imply giving litJidents too -" tn- formation too soon. "Every baby boot I've ever read and any doctor I ever asked bas told me it's wrong to give chil· dren more information than they CfJ1 ab- sorb," says ?i1rs. Robert Montgomery. who along with other parents has suc- ceecled in at least delaying the introduc- tion of fifth.grade sex education in Sum- mit, N.J., another New York suburb. Antagonists in the ~-education dtbat~ regularly accuse one another of being warped by sexual "hang-ups" or omess.ions. "These people are sict -. very sick," says SlECUS's Dr. Calderone about leaders ol the right-wing attack. Reasons Rabway 's Mr. Berto: "When I opposed sex education in our schools., I was tokl I had hang-ups. I think they have bang-ups. So where does that 1et us?" Each side also aceuses the other er calculated deceptions and base con- spiracies. "Deep-laid plans have been carefully initiated to spread this sub- versive momtros.ity (sex educaUon) over the whole American education system," says the Birch Society's Mr. Wekh. Proponents of sex instruction, for their part. attribute almost. all the opposition to "Birchen" whom they accuse or whip- ping up parental fears as a recruiting gimmick. TIIE BIRCB SOCIETY and others make much of Sf.ECUS's f o r m e r tttasurer and director, Isadore Rubin, who holds a PhD in public health and edits Seso\ogy Magazine. With factual articles but lurid photo illustratlons and titlu, Se10Jogy has been variously described as presenting "medically aound material in a popular forinat for peopl@ who wooldn't otherwise read it" or, in the Birch Scciety's view, "Ji Ult more than slick srriut." Mr. Rubin. identilied in 1.955 testimony to the House Un-American Activities Committee as having attended Com. munist meetings In IMS,' is also the foeu.t of Bird! insinuations that SIECUS ill Comm~ He denies any Communist aflillatioos eit.btr cwnnUy ar during his &S30ciation with SlECUS. Such attacb have Wldoubtedly been d · fective. Mr. Rafferty wonders aloud at SlECUs·s lint to •·a patently pornographic publicaUoo." Oaltland TV l!aUon KTVU recently asked its viewers, .. Is Sex Ed1JC1Uon a Communist Pklt!" 'Ille response: 703 ol 1,:115 ""'°"' who called in Aid )'es. ---W.. Saturday, April 19, 119 The Comment Page of the Daily Pilot seelts to inform and stimulate readers bJ pttsenUng a variety of com- mentary on topics of lnte~ esl and significance from htformed observers e n d spot .. men. ...... H. W"°" Pollllllw CHECKING • UP r9 · ,. ,... , - iv~ry ,i T~n~ ~\fife . . ' . ··. . .U-.y .Bio~~ ~tie • -,,. ' • • , J .• ' ,1 •.• ·Flap Brewing Over Plans .for Helicopter WASHINGTON !UPI) -A "U we do.nol lo>no whal we ~p ·ii brewing over a new are gettinl or what. we are Anny h<licopkr. If the bird spending, l« h<sy-sske lei turns out to be a bi.llm dollar us not spend it unUJ we tnow boqnck>p:le Congress won't be about these matttn." abk.to say it wasn't warned. . Rivers summed up his Rq.arcDea: of how it all 111swer this war : en<IJ •. crltlCI of the "military "The Anny ssys they r-1 u.tUdrlaJ complex" can bt ex· it, I had rather have it than DAILY 10.10 SUN. 10-7 INFANTS SLIPPERS Comp. •t J.99 s ....... ., ""'• . . lnfa.nt.s cottoo tHTY duth. slippers with-poly roa:m lining, fmger tab and bell accent. 3 to 8. au~ SALE! T AILE . TOP GRILL Low, l°"' price on handy, avocado green barbeque grill that makes outdoor cooking fun! ~e it • ' r .• . . . pedfJd to add. to their am-. want it." · · mll!llUon pUe lhe story ol lhe _McConnact sludt· w 11 h 20-GALLON GARBAGI!• CAN :!~!wt~~c~ ~E?::~=~. S11H•tr o.ii~; . ·1· 76 ... ro-Mus.), and Chairajan L. the Hoose, h< aplalned. had Sa . th 1 nl · · Mend!! Rivers" (DS.C.)._ of taught him to follow th< ve now on ese s .u y th< Hoo"' Anned ~ ~ad<nhip of old hand•. like pre • galvanized garbage Rq. J 97 Comrirlttee threw their con-ruvers, instead· c.i ·relatively cans. Just charge it. · · ,_ ·aiderable prestig!: behind this junior memben like Pike. And . new generation chopper. he had ooe otber-reuon. ni.y did SO despite explicit ''Where Ibo MtionoJ intemt . predk:tlons last July thal the of oor coon!lJ is """""""'· ii Cheyeflne procurement was l am going to err in judgment, destined to become a multi· ' I would rather err on the side billion dollar "disaster." ol strength than ori lbe side of Ooe week ago the Army, weakness." which heretofore had beeni.=========.I busy ddendlng Cheyenoe sud- de:n)y reversed !tse.Lt J t ~Junlly put th< word to Lod:he«t Aircraft C o·r p. , developer of the Cbeyenne: Eith« . uplaln in ilrilll>g ••your inability to cure 1.0!.lf failure to make satislactory ~·· or face the possibility that the govern- ment would cancel the coo. tract. tintoitunaltly ledmlcal 11up ·penlJI (only -models -been manufactured ·in two years) and the cost has soored far' \J"Y"nd orllinal estlmata Rep. 00! Pitt, (().11.Y.), I materick member of the Armed Sorvlces eommttw. ssld -ntly thal -· began ·in 1115 u a $100 mlllkln pro- .,... bid .... climbed put Ibo fl billion mark, In pn> jedlJd coota. DEA'.l'B NO'J'ICES ARBucnE • WELse WatdUI Ms1ury en E. l'ltll 'SI., Ollll Mess ~ - BAL'l't MORWAIUES ' ·o.r-*1 Mu OR U45I CoollMess Kl~ BELL BROADWAY MOK1'JAJIY Ill ....... "Y. ONll - LI~ " ' • SMl'lll'I MOR'nJAJIY .~ • m Mata St. ' Ratla&IU ,Beed LEUDI . GARIAGE CAN TOTER Move trash cans with i!as.e ! Tote~ holds two 20-gallon cans. Blue enamel JiniJh steel tilbing, plastic grips. . '!16.6 LI Res • ..1:97 WOYBI RU&S ADD ' . BEAUTY TO ROOMS . • • ·133· 'lleg. J.78 -· ·S••n11 0.(9 . . . O•r Re9. J .97 · . . . . . 15.7 · I . 2 for $3. . -I· Qi ,~~ ... .,, .. , ... _ .,.=;.~ cotton, they have reg. ·o button dO\\·n collar. Pat- tern~. -. ,. ·'!•" LECTJUC DRILL . S~j, Otd9! . ·· · . . ·2000 """drill humdu•· 6 44 1rla.I tested 2.6 AMP mo-· . tor. Die ca.st al11minum . • = housina;_ baU ttmlst and • • ' .oett·lubri01ling btOti...,. , .. ile9. 1.44 DECl'PAITS AJID ~O $HliTS FOR . ;.L'll BOYS, GlilS · · · o•r lle9 .. ..., to : J.17 e•. They'll be adorably out- fitted in lively lrttle 'declc pants . ·. COII!bed CCit10n . crew 'neeI Shins. 2-:4. · .. C:OMVENIENT 'CAR·: SEATs s ..... o.J'r': '. -.... Hook~v•r ... 1s in ~ue or 596 b!l.cL~IL.llilckly .padJl.ecl __ -· ·-· .• c for comfort. The price is low, so why not save now Ref. 8.33 and charge it! , 1 .. • ' "!'r •• • ~ ' ~ ' r .. ~' .; .. · aun-WAYllGHT ~ . 8UlBS,AllD SAYf ! • • • .. ·.S-.... Olll9f • • • t ·3 :7· c _ II ... 54e4Jc: . . . . .. ctiooie ttotD 50/.J.OQJ 150 """'" .,. sonoo•2!19 . butbl. .-. :;..= ... -...,,..., ot . . -I ,..,..,, Aori1 19, 1,., • ' r . ~ '. ... " ' WOMEN'S NYLON OR ACETATE PA"TIES ' 0.1,, J4'4 . Reg. J.78 t. J.a'T Package of 5 or S pair 100% nylon or 100% ace- ll\le pan~. Popular colors, sizes 5 to 10. ... VINn STOCllG : •. .Oil FOOIWADEI AT A ~~ SP£<1Al PRICE! ~~ • c/i SH ... •9 Otd9f "?'. ~ .... 186 ? ·~ ~ ~, Reg. z.u, ,.,, Men . !ave now on bean..f guage footwader. Full ~ut comP,lete with 91W7 peruiers comu in ~!' brown. JU1t chars• Ii.:,., , ,; ' .. ' . KODAK CAROUSEL SLIDE TRAY Bew. ao Slllle• · c ... ,;. t12.29- -. ,. , • .:...,1,:ilA,0r • .•-· NEW YORK S-1tl<::K:-"EXCRANGE -WEEK'S · •.AND'"' YEAR•s • ·' • I/ ' • ' • • ' ' • ' • ! • i • r ' • ? • • ' • • l '• ., • • • ' • ' " • • • • " ·• ' ~ • ? : l • • • <! • . , • • •I •• •• • .. • '• ! • e • .. " .. ' ' .. •• . , " •• .. ~ •• .. .. .. .. .. ... ;',\ 1~~ ' .. " ... ,. ' .. • .. ,. l'i. •• " <V• . ,, " " . . . . , •• •• .. ••• 1i; • • .. " ' •• .. ·~ ~ .~ :""· •• • a ri:. .. •. t i.{ • u • . \~ 1':1 • ~. 1~' ,,_ ' " " .. l" .. i , .... t:'· ' . • ~· ,.._:· .... ' ::~. ~· "" ·I~, •' :i I -'' I ~· ' . . '· New York Sfocks Continu~iro111Page8 . ' ' '"" "" ,...., ...... -........ a. ........ tt " ,f ... "-~ IW n. .__. ,,._ IMf ' I s1i· ..,_,, lfftl 19, lM IDGH; WW; . CLOS;E , ' I • I • • ' (' . .. • ' ' .. I· ' ' ' ,f ' i I l l ' I l I I • If OAll.Y ,llOT _ --ea ucs • SI Heat· Estate Qutsti- ncl , :~-· By R,.11'?" ! ~nd1l t ~ce.16 • I """' C•n you give me mo" l~or~•tion on lncotn• •v•ravlnt? I btllev• I c.n ust thf1 method to ••ff my· Mlf tOlrM income tut• ", : . R.S. c .. t• Mesa 11 The efrect of the income averaging rules ii to 1pread ~ the tax on bunched income oyer !l five-y~ period. "ii Although the law. was de~ignect.tJt Aelp those who Have ..t unusually large l!ICOme m a patttcufar ;ear, such as v..Prt>fessional athJe(es, artista, authors an entertainers, · "tis available to all individual taxpayers, with minor ex· 11 ptions. Therefore, it may •apply to &alaried pei1ons1 vestors and businessmen in appropriate cases. "' Income averaging is available to a taxpayer whose me for the taxable year U mpte Jhan one-third ater than his average incomt fot the. prtOr .. four s. The averaging applies to the amount of the ex- s over 133 1-3 percent of the four year income raie. Since there is no need. for ,-et1ef from the ching of income unless the ncess income'iJ 1ubstan- fl:' , averaging is only-·available when the excess ~ nt is more than ·$3,000. -1Y:Z 1i: Income averaging may only be used by individuals: ,Wo _:~rations, trusts and estates do not qualily. Also in· ..,. ""bil! .for lhia taJo oaving1 devic<i ere tboSe •Who just ~g·· ;~11111 .taxj>ayers, such as recent acboo1 graduates. w.i H \li Phere are certain variations to the income averag-ffh ~,,.rules where the taxpayer has long-term capital s1. lfa ), income from gifts and inheritances and wagering 1~ mt he. rfl.. ~~ 1ince there may be substantial tax 1aving1 by the ~ if: ;r these rules it may be advantageous lo review t;t L ~past years' average incorn~ before preparinc 1968 m? ~ p,e tax rj!lurns. See your CPJ:. oitax coru:ultan.t for ~:" n: ~r information. ' . . . . ; 4"' 22'~ ~r• •ppaer1 to be • lof "'9r• new canltrvc:tion ~ !m: ~ place In the Cost• Mn~ BHCh • ...;.. Do 21.,. 111~ r Ii tb' ? . · " .w·.~ .aave •ny 9ure1 on 11 · !:::': Ilv. ~ . L:N.C. C0tt• Mn• : ~~ t verall building activity in Costa M~sa and 1i:.,. 1tm )art Beach, as determined by build.4Dg permit ~ fl t! i tion, jumped substantially in 1963 compared to u• ,.~ f-up $25,307,431, lo a total or $66,589,625 .. !!tt Wt ,uilding permit valuations identified · with: new Im :z: jential construction tn the tw~ty area l:l•o showed li,ll llll )cl increase over 1967. There were 117 prC>jects lo!e,1-1\y; wi '16,455,749 in 1968, compared with $10,343,8.52 ln lw7 it: fl~~ projects. " J,.. COSTA MESA !!~ ,,, n~ ft 1 Single • Fam _;;.1Mul 'U ' 11t l~ ll DllS ifii ft: Total Units Units 268 447 715 Valu•tlon 6,523,904 {,1~7.275 10,681,179 '!:~ 'llll NEWPORT BEACH ~~Ii ~-Si.Dgle-fam -665 .: 2.0,367,367 It' llf ·Mulll'Units -m · · 18,446,742 ft l"TOR'I NO"TE t Jl.1tld•ll R. McCM'1119 Is 9!I ""•ntnwl.t Wtvrt, ,,.l!d@f!I ... .,., E•••"-"-I coll-lectvrw. I tllrrdor of ,.,. C.11 ..... 11 "'9cllllo" tt el Jtt• "TMdll"lo wt'*' of '"JI.Ml is.i.twff If! ~1111."' ...... .....,r JI'(\ j llllll 11"11 -ts la lll"dlll R. Ml:C11"1Ur, c/1 h OellY .. llllt, h• IUO. 1~t ~ MtM fHt.6. : , .. 1 ...... . .... . .. -~ -.. ...... --~ ........... _ ... ,. ·--...... , ..... ~... . .......... . ····-····;-: .. .;;_, -· .... 2" ...... Sold Sa les Rate --' ' ~ ' '-t ~kin, Pria: ! ancf (tfte builde<'1 ol~.oo, to . delhll ..... dl«I by • spol<OSllll( .. ' . UJ fl<!An J:aUll!ng m I -~Uy high sal., rate al ~ Viw Homes in N...pqn n.Ji.. , ' iii~li 2J FAM ILIES CAMP ON MISSION VIEJO'S DOORSTEP AS ELDORADO HOMES OPEN In lhe lint weell the models Wert: open, mMe than 1,51» people, Yioited Harbor View Homes. Within three weeks, 50 bomtt wtnt sold. To dite, over 200 homes have beea sold withln the community, whlcb b: ju.sit 1 few minutes' drjve from Balboa Bay. According to Duffie Fryling, ' \. Sandpointe : Tract Shown In P review Viejo Draws Crowds Home Buy ers Flock to 2 New Tracts sales IJ\Wllger for Harbor p·t S t vi.w -... "the Donald L. ogram · e Bren Co., developer (I( Jlarbor View Homes, P'Y• clooe ,,. On l rvm" e tentlon to detail that results in conatruction savings. H e passtS those savings along to R h S the buyer. Today, n .... eo. anc to. ry homes are known for their Mlss•-v· . t•---I -~ t . originality, their imaginative Advanced P"""'AmS for .vn ieJO, 1ic new 1111: are~~ campou was at trader, or camper -spent use of living space, as well as · -·· Orange CA:lunty town thlt Eldorado , where 23 families five njghll in the Eldorado for their competitive pricmg. development ol the 83,000-acre Over 200 Macco C«poration recenUy «lebrate.d its thlrd were on band when the 70-Homes color coordinating of-For example, when was the Irvine Ranch in Orqe Coon- e x e.c u l I v e 1 1 dtr and birthday, proved last weekend home 1Zth unit opened. Two flct, amid carpet and drapery last lime you saw a, custom ty will be ~vit-w"ed by a panel governmental ~. and that it can still 1eoerate the more families purchased samples. home in New.port Beach for -of four executives rrom the other offidal1 recently at-homebuyer ucitement which bome.s in the unit over the The Marleyi ¥iere the fir st only $27,99S?" Irvine Company at the dinner tended the ireview llhowini of had made it famous in Its ear· weekend, meaning that it was to discover Mission Viejo. meeting ol the Sales and five new LeldershJp Homes at ly days. one-third sold out in the first They liked the ic!ea of living in In just a few years, the Marketing Council of the the community of. Sandpointe For tile 32nd and 33rd time two days. a plan.Md community with a Donald L. Bren Co. has been Building Industry Msociation in Sant.a Ana. in the commwrity'a history, Si.I families c amped well-rounded program f 0 r hailed as one ol the most WAudied"~um•Y. at Rodger Young A special guest waa Meua new units of homes were overnight for the opening of childrtn recreation center hlghly regarded homebui.Jdlng ...,., G. ~ynne, Jr., chairman of welcomed by families . cam-the 67·home 16th unit at La , ,00 a• goU toUne-The .,xi conunwtity development The program Will st.art at Macce Carporadon's board or pin1 overnight to m4ke JUf'e · Paz. Five more fall}Wes -DeVore.s came down fo see riims in the country. Eight 7:00 p.m .• preceded by a ~=· ~~ornia for a they would be able to buY. tht bought hori:ies in the unit ever what the Marleys were exctted gra!Ji prizes and.. ·awards of cocktail hour at 5 p.m .. "~·--. ·home.of their choice on~~ the wee.keDd, tiringing the .12-at>Out and became 90 enthused meiit have been awarded by reports \V. E. Mitchell, council Sandpoinle Jiomee: a r e ot the""u choice. day sales to lL that they decided to bu~ an the American lristihte or first vice president and pro-amona Orange County • 1 , W?1'n last Saiurday mprntng , There were two families in Eldorado Home, too •• Both Architects and ~ the National gram chairman .. futest teller&. 'lbe firet Sand· buy-':f'g fluny ·WU over. 29 line at Eldorado : The James families wanted large Comer A.ssoclatioo of !tome Builders "The Irvine Ranch : Where polnte unl.t had 754 homes families -which bad camped Marleys of Hawthorne and the view lots 90 their wives decid-to the company. 1t'1 Been and Where ·It's pretK>ld prior lo it.I gi:and for u long u five dly1-~ Jamea DeVorea: of Fullerton. ed. to ca.iiip. In addition to awards for in-Going"· will be tile subject of opening. Ctrrently, 9eCOOd purchased .Eklorado and• µ The wives, who are long time "'he M le ho ha . novation in ardlitectural the presentation, with Mitchell unit tone 'sates are 'very ·paz HOmeajp one hour. Silts friends, took-a week off from f ar ys, w ve two design and interior planning, as moderator. brisk. Only 15 minutes from · 0ie t '' -;i .. d·~ ..... ...._. 0 ••• re1ar· I · b arr! ed daughters, chose the 1hree-tocatw. hs been ·a ma1·or fac-The four I:vine Company m WO ,.. .. -.. ... "'6 IKlr ..... ir sec LI JO S, v bedroom Alondra mOdel fo \'. .. the bellch, theM three, four first. ~wo dief'. totaled ~:. ac-"fonday ~g for . the ntDDber oC reasons, incl~n ag tor 'tri helping selfHarbOr View «;Xecutives include : Wipiam L. and five bedroom homes llart cording to la.Jes .,er Salurd•.Y operung, and -mnce the close 'prox.imi• .. of the Homes. Aldrich . director of public 'at t.17,395. Stuart Mchrtand; they did not have a tent, ki'~i.-and den.-'! ~vor.,· , There are six Harbor View relations; John W.. Sickler, Sandpointe, at T a I b e r 1 ""'~' • •...:: ~ H • -~-1 1 blic senior manager of residential on the other hand, r-·-• the omes uJUUO; s open or pu d lo D . I A Avenue and South Main Slrttt, ""'11"' • ...,.j~ M eve pment ; an 1 e . twi>bedroom Trevino b e,s t uw...,._u..... ore are now is local<d at the hub of the CALIFORNI A HOUSING STARTS suited ·~-n~,. belni planned (unde< coo· O'Farrell, senior manager ol cukural educational recrea-1966 1.-a UJ'ICU" """' ....._,.J: ) H -commercial developmeotj and liooal ~ industrial 1fldlitiet ~OS OF UNITS -'"'"' First ln line at Ule La Paz all"u"uon • omes come m a Richitd E. Mc Fa r-1 ind, that hive beff'I responsible fer 225 opening were 1'-fr. and Mrs. .cboice of one arid t~story marketing manager. Donald Wilm•• of "Fullerton . models, with up to · five <>ranee Coonty'1 phenomenal · ,· "-'"'~ ~ . ed Their reports \l'ill trace the An eniri..,...r at N 0 r l h u.::wvums, aiN pric at b ol lh growth ,.. ·-e-·--""995 to $38"""" ackground e property, Eve~ area in a ~inte 200 American RockWell Corp.'s ..,H,, bor .·-· the largest planned deveJop- home · baa a holt. of features !~. • Autonetics Division, Wilgus 1~~~-..1 atV1Fe~ H~~d arc ment of its kind in the nation. which In! included in the sales · i ·.~ .. ·· expects to be traNferred to """°u:u .... u .l\Ald and Due to its siz, ... 1.i l'I g I e 1he firm 's huge new elec-Pt.acArthur Blvd. Tbe develop-ownership, and 'lltrat.egk klca· price-Pk ~~th~·~~ 17' :r• .• tron.!cs plant now under con-ment is minutes away from lion. this vast complex is :'1 itt le.: ilt-W: inc~ SEAS~.:Jir R'fTJE~TED .: .I, . ~ strueUon near Mission ·Viejo. beaches, the Newport Center viewed by maiiy· as -the pro- err u Ull, a i • ·• • 1bey have been shoPPlng the and Fashion Island shopping totype of futurt u·r-b an double oven with black 1lan 150 '~· ... · 30tltheastern Or•••e· COW>ly mall, the University of •---··~ .. •-and • · • " -oe developments. Spannirw 130 uuuaa, ·-.. ~, WllllW Ila • _tt"":-t. ~ area for tWO JnOrJths., felJ in Cllifuilia at Irvine, Corona ""O "j!~ iR.ancho c· apis·. . trano's di-. Sliding """irll win-I ~ ~'i:.l:i ·Jove orilh a very large ("near-del Mir ,Jligll School, aod :lhe square miles from the moun· dOWI and b8ra create• patio . r::· ~ ', ]y f '"'-, Or "'--1y Airport ta.ins to the PacUlc Ocean , the view from each kitchen. 12.5 ~~acre') cul-de-sac lot in ange \AAlll • . many coruponenU ol thi! }k; . , , · ; .; .. al · La Paz Unit 16, and the San Take ~ ·San Diego or development make it unique in ~i~ 'F:na: l Vn;t on Sale uoJNG"':®AGE '~ '''} M~ Wll1i.ho~~':! lhat . ~~ =~ ~ m~':::;::::on developing"'" '" ,. ,. Times Shows IOO .. ,; . they cboH lhe San Mij)uel and pr_.s .... th Jo 'Ford cominunities wiU be em· -l~J,. :. because it has a eeparate Boad. Or,•t.Ue CoaM" Highway phasize<I in the review of pro-1£: ._ ~ l:apillrano opens its buyer against crowding from Q "l----\:--i...Jlfl---+----<i--"";.,""-''._~'i'~:;.-1·1 formal dining rOorn,' kitchen, to M~ur Boulevard and blems and opportunJtles being f ) final tmil for ·,.1, today, ol· the JlOllUlatlon boom aod pro-1st Uartef ,'>~,.j ::~~ .:'!ilJ0::;.cr;:,o,::;turn==nortlt==· =======lac=ed=b=y=the=Irv=tne=· =Co=mpan===Y=.· ~41 ferlng some of the last tecting tbe es:ciusive charm of . for ~r husband. fmportantlr 15• available parcels of oversize the area. 1be land ii also Share Rise ~ LLl ........ ,u.i. ..... ~,.L. 1-U.LLJL.1.L1-U.1.1Ju.&..1., 1.1.L.LLJLJ.J.1-U",""IWJ• upstairs features are ,the large :'. ~it.el · j.n , S o u t h e r n deed-rertricted to protect the 1966 1969 1969 master suite with front deck ~ ca~il9nua. architeCtural qUallty and style 10VllQ. lt'OllCl9IC1 ·~'· ... ., ~ and the large fourth bedroom, . Ope.rating earnings p e r wtµcb Mrs. Wilgws, a teacher, The inountaintop M:lection of of the homes, and lo provide share of the Times Mirror will use as an arU and crafts 211-3 acre rancho sites. bound· protection against u"'igh"y Company for'"' lirs• quarter Hous;ne" Starts D;p studio. ed on all sides by the commercial developmenb. of 1969 increued 54 percent " &o Eldorado Homes offers six ClevelaDd Natiowtl $.orest, has Rancho Capistrano is ope n over the corresponding period modeb priced from $20,995 to ·received a tremehdous buyer for inspection 00 wee.kenm. of last: year, Dr: Fr.aoklln D. J F b R $26,495. La Paz Homes' fi ve • H I beainniog today. The pte. Murphy, boon! cbllnnan, an-n· e ruary eport modeb range lrom $25,990 to reaponse. orse , overs, pro-"' ed In p •"-•-·-will be open. and a r.eprum. nounc a r .......... ,. $35,990. fesalonal people ~bo ,want a tatlve ~·ill be on du!f ' at tile ealnin11 report rtle.ued Fri· Both sales oUi~s are on weekend hl~f•J, and recreation building to answer diy, · 1iousjnc starts in California 1truction of needed new units. Chri.santa DMve. They may be nature. 1:0 y-t·n e familfts questio111. It is a . ·pleasant Eaminp be.fore an -es· conttmied downward In Unless there i1 some easing reached by taking the Santa . throughout Stiulbem ~alifomla drive and many enjoy stopping traotdinaey gain linoQnted to February, according to 1 the In the availability o( mortgage Ana or San Diego freeways to have tunRd out in numbers to at the famous old San Juan approximately 4S crenta 1*" latest available statlltlcs com-credit by mld-year, the pro-La Paz Road , crossing over visit ~ plant new 1oots in Capistrano fl.fission -one of share for tbe flnt 11 'Week11 piled by Bank of America jection of 1801000 new starts the entry bridge into Mission the J.,lnd of I.he Dons,' . tlie ,most beautiful. and ending Marth '23 compared eeonomlsU. for 1969 will have .to be scaled Viejo and following the direc-~cted by &ht 'bnspoi1ed hl&torical 1pots In California, with 28 cents per llhare ,fw the Housing starts reached a down, the report s~ted. 1..ional signs. beauty Jjld the \ear I y and site of the recent vi.sit by like period Int•. Net income $easonally adjusted annua11-----'---~-------=--------ll C&WOl'ftla charm of 'Rancho President Nixon. Drtt.e t48\ on n111e to aboUt 16.5 mlDlon .as ··rate of 111,000 units ln leapbtrano, buyers rushed to Hiway 74 from San Juan ag.aimt t:J.$ mi'Won Jut yes, February, sorDe • percent purchate the fint 45 rancho Capistrano, about 23 miles. Revenu• alao, adv~ dut-below the avulge b-the final •ilel in lhe llnt week they Juat pall El Cari.O , Ranger inl. the perlocf. Wl!lt 1111 . thrtt -tits o1 ltel. Bllll< wtre offered. ·.NO'lf ~ pro-' Station signs will r..d l. r e c t amounlfnl to 'fl .7 million tom-• eamomiits cited a d v er 1 e pert)' value .ii enbabced evtn vi&iton 1o the right tor 1boot panel wtth $73.1 mill.Ion in weather as lar1cly mponsible more by the comple\iMI of four miles t.o the gates·of Ran· JIA. for t be January.February lines bringin1 water from the cho Capistrano. Sale of The Sun Company, of decline in new slarts. i ~P,Qij~_W:ater DistMct to A free color brochutt may Sin Benwdino California, ad-Although starts sh 0 u Id each rlDCho aite, •nd the com-be obtained _by contacting ded more than $4.5 million or recover in the immediate pletlon of fadllUe1 pro\'lding f\ancho Capistrano at 4570 36 cents per share to results future, the bank noted that electric IJO'lttf. In addition a Campus Drive, Suite 2 , for the Ont quart.er. Total net growing monetary restraint is 100,000 1anon reservoir has Newport Beach or call 54&. income wu estllnated at ap-cau~mc increasing., concern been completed, assuring an 7h1 Contact Dick Beamish or proximately· •10. million or 7t that mortgage funds won't be ample water supply. Ron Digins. cents• share. available to supPof'( the con- Rancbo ~C a pi 1 tr an o 1s1riii~--=~-----------~----,~·iiiii;;;::;;;;;;·;·;-;;;;;;, JOCaled just U miles Inland f.n:m Sin Juan Capistrano, at a dellgbtlu~ amog·fret, 3,300 root e&tvatJon. The charm and lflftdeur whk:b exi.!ted 100 )'W'I •BO hu been JnServed la Jt.I N.tural form. as ancient lplnbh oaks still C a I t trmc:loua: lhadows over 70 per· ceol of the sites. The rolling terrain 1s covered in heavy paoturo 111111. providing ... e<llenl er121nc areu and atDJ' view homesJtcs. Ranch faclllU.S locluclo al· lroc:\hoo fences and ltlbl .. , • .-Uoo bulldinl w I t h ldldn fecllitTe 1 and llttplo<e. and numerous picnic area, These 1 r e sup- plemtdM by • .. .. Ith " Nlural pme and wlldlile In lhl -ns lortt~ Ind mtllmlr.d mll<I of hortebock ridln& trolls. 'l1>e ...,.ber ol rancho slta 1l R&Dd1o tapl1trano l • Umll<d bJ the original land grant lo UI, Insuring the MESA COMPANY MA DBL IIGUIL -----..-11 • G/fyoucan ulfford thec;pest ... then you can dwell In DOVD S~E$, NEWPORT BEACH. Here the quiet ele- gance of Bayc:rest"a ''forever view .. homes, the preauge of Newport"a famcius Wa&I Bluff, ond pdl!illa bea<h- es c:ombine to make this lliE place to live. You may purchase an exquialttl existing Bayq9et home. Of'. you 1miy choose a '"forever view" lOl and tvan Walla & Sons, Inc. will dealgn and build a dream home just for you. If you can offord ttio belt.."" Beyctett ••. custom hornet. $74,lll50 to $i ll0,000 layrrrst .. ' JJ,1.-wsa.~s...,1~ q.,.&rhriw.n ffllf .u ,..,.,. ' Models at 14'0 GlfmUe D1Ye, tlawport l!oodl. "'-(7t4)-1S50 • Qpor> dolly i ' fO to .5 fl"' . ~,.j.,j .,,, 'ID'"/ B.-s..AM, I • -f ' ·i11'cll-CIPISTllNO · Land of the Don s. ,. UNSPOnED, SECLUDED l Y. to 3 •ere rancho si tes unld the . grut oaks of Cleveland National Forest· Dttj iA ~ areat oak ·region San Clemente, and )lewporf o( the Cleveland National Beach. Only 23 scenic milet J=orat lies a JOO..cre islaad ol from San Juan Capistrar10t rollinc bills. ...m nllop,and R1.11cbo Capistzano sites are ~ .-y Pdea bown u latbo priced from S8,fXX) lo .$1~ Capistrano. Vaatrcacbcsoftbe terms 10~ down, lS years. 'Nationsl Fon.c TCICJ"C8tion area · taerctclt in ...,.-,. dir~. ~ Go-..eie:mellNiwned biirfer against population and ·com· mcrcial CnctOICbment. '·Rancbo C:.pU!nno wiU belortg to juM. ,131 +wners; ia /'• simplt. Ed. ol tho ~I to 3 acra :aiteJ ii tleai'{d and ecccnlltle to utilitiC. 'and ~ --Anc;..t Sf!mbb 09b atiU ltl.l'ld on most or the 1i1e1. Tb i1 printe preacoc, o nce sold, cu ntl be d11pHca1ed At Jtad!o·Capotram\ JOllU tnjor ~ ttclusioci lor At\ ..,.,.. ,.._, die beloiy d two ]llim"t -ed'kkes, •temperate )W1ocmd climate It 3J001t.. denlJoa, aod JO. I m1-tlex-tocouta( ~ atloll. ac Uswa. Dua Point; Pl~aJan t Scf'nie Dri1·': FrOlf San Bernardino, Rivenide: Riverside F"''Y· i.ou1b. Hwy ?4 \\'CSI. Frc m Corona :,tlwy 71 ~uth . H"''Y 74 v.'CSL Or drive to fabled Missi on San Juan Cap~ lrano, then eat on Hwy.,. a follo w 1ign s. Yo.u 'll b·• welcomed! """'...,.""' 1ree.·~1 .. 1ed brocllurc. lllCID CIPISTUlfD ... 45?0 CamlKSS Drive, Suite 2. Newport 8elcb. Calif. 9~ ":: 1714) ,S46.7343 ~ n l :t y or :re m- !l<l :he "" md Ille ion mg al • n .. <il ro- ~re !l's of <II uiy L. •lie er, iat A. ol tnd d ' lhe iy, .,,. Jn. le :a- is .... ln 130 Jn· :he his in ew m- ro- ing y, l • -·--· -· --------------------..,..-,-----,-,-----------.-:----,:;---o;-:;-~--. MEXICAN IRICK~FIREPLACE FOCAL POINT OF LACUESTA LIVING ROOM 'Few' Cuesta Homes Left SallildoY. April 19, 1"6, -DM.V f'IUT 11 ·:.~~scraper B~r ·~. ~-~-.~. ~ .. ~ .. ~~~~ ; Rising, ... 'in County ' r • /) • I ./) . . . eJ..umbleau Segerstrom Cenl;er's newest -vertical rtlnforced coocrete :~=~~~:!~;,~~.:~ REAL~ ESTATE SCHOO~ National Bank _Buildlng, has The Main Slrtet entrance •to , advanced· to the third floor the Bank will be cOaneeted•to · stage of construction, it was Buffums by a landlcaped _, b r--M .art esplanade. . annoua.'QI '/ U1:cln: ori y, One or the many business development manqer. lel'Vica to be included in the Co±-"'1i...1=on ' da'· for !he ~....-u ~ i.c: develogment is a walk-up hi&h-l'ise project has been sel banking window In t b e for Oplober, with -Y · bulldiq lobby. Special hours .sa.beduleclfor Dece~, J969, · fnlm.·1:)11 a.m. to i p.m. will accordin& ,to Moriarty. In ~-· increase the value. of Ulis in- dition lo tile bull~'s third slalllllloo IO te-. and. the story ~. he iodicat.d · public. that work ha>' l)egun on !he . Luslnr activity Is now mulli-level parking garage underway tn the )leveJ.opment which ,will be attached to whlc:h Is a,palt ol 'Segerstrom SC~NB a ,tQwer. CM\er. a fou,r-block, six-~ 'The pa[king structure will area designated 'rti--the con. provide space for 300 cars. and stroction oC · commercial and will be constructed for con-high·rise office facilities. Also venient vse by employees, under c o n s t r u c t i o n in tenants and visitors ol SCFNB Segerstrom Center all! the as well as the Paci f I c Orange Ccllnty Realonal Of. Announce& a . COSTA MESA LOCATION;· • 145 WT 19tli St. (Behind The Mesa Theater) SALESMANS CLASSES TUES~ BROKERS CLASSES THURS. ' 12:30 -3'30 7 P.M.· 10 P.M. 9:30 A.M. • NOON FOR FURTHER INFORMAnON CALL 1) TelephoJ1t. Co.~and BuHuma. 1 .fiefs.of Merrill. Ly$h, Pierce, A f~w· new home! are huge structural beams. years with pr 0 f e s 5 I 0 n at With 0 160,000 square feet 'nl Fenner & Smith, Inc. 642·7024 OR JE 11·1012 JAMES M. DECOT, LECTURER available at Rancho La Cuesta Family rooms, formal din· research a n a I y s t s and useable space in the building. Already a part of the finan· HuntingJ.on ae,ach , prkir to ing rooms, raised panel double designers combined with the the • Orange County Regional cial and commercial Center opening of the third unit. The entry doors, cultured marble newest in a t e r i a I s and Office of Southern California art the seven.story • United homes and aome choice lots pullman tops and custom technological procedures. First National Bank will California Bank Buildin&: and art be.in~ offered at original lighting features are included Visitors art invited to in-utilize 15,000 squall! feet and Buffums' Men's Store. - unit pnces due to j o b in purchase· price, Fricker spect furn ished and decorated the Pacific Telephone Co. will Southern California First transfers and buyers' inability i-~'"~Y"~·~;d~~~;~L_~mode;~I :h~om~es:~d=ail~· ~Y:•~t~0<~c~u~py~23~,000~sq~u~ar~•~f~ee~t.~~jN~a~tional~~B:an~k~Bui::·1di~·~ng:is~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to meet lender qualifications, Rancho La Cuesta reflects Brookhursl Street and Atlanta Engineering research pro-located at 1055 N. Main Street, accord1nc to tract 1 a Jes the uperience of over 63 Avenue. duced a dellign for SCP'NB of Santa Ana. manapr Bud Fricker. Other horne3 at Rancho La ' Cuesta Ill! selling for $24,995 to $.13, 795 on good financinJ plans. The lhret and four bedroom homes havt one and two stories and are located 1.6 miles from Hunlington Slate Beach. Features such as hand- finished hardwood cabinets, ball bearing draw guides are furnished, as -well as concrete ~ driveway&, wood roofs and f.onstruction Takes Dip In Newport March was the lighest month for new construction activity in the city of Newport Beach in more than a year, Quilding Director Oliver Grant reported today. He pointed out, however, that the $1.5 million total - ' down from $7 million in March, UllSI -WIS just a tem- porary lull. "Already for April," he ei:- plalned. "we've gra nte d ' pemllts for more than '3 million in new homes." 'Ibe figure for the caleodar year to date, be said, U $18 million. includJ.n& last month's · totals. That is double what it wu for the first three monlhs r of 1961, whJch saw an all·time r high Of $t4 million in new con- strudion. "We've got a lot of stun in "plan check," saJd Grant, who anticipates another banner year. MOit of the new homes, he 1 said, att goln& in above 1 Corona det Mar in the Bren (Harbor View JDlls),.and Lusk tr.cta, eut of MacArthur Boulevard. ' Ap~ent .. . Parley Set i Ai Irvine ' ' '!be saccesaful' ploming, linanclng and ' maqaging or apartments will be dOtaned by recopir.ed proletskm11 in I two-day seminar to be held Friday and Satun!.ay, April 2S and :II, on the UC Irvine <am· pus. "The Apartment Houle" seminar is planned for in-•uton. .... oflk:en. builders, devel o pers . p roperty ma~ ruHors and ap- 1 pralJen:. It ii s_..i lly Univenity Entmlon. '!be Ont day will be devoted to JUCh topk:s as chooslng lhe 1ite, market raurdl, cboCJs.. ing the type ol buildblc, 111" planning, apartment design and amenitlea. Subje<W ... Satunlay include .......... the J>O<Ure lo the lender; linancmg wltb joint venture pcmlblltttea and cco- ln>IUll( apartment ...,. ... .,..,._ Fee for the se:mim.r ii $35. f « .... daJ' .,,q tt ii ... t.unch and put!°' are In-cluded. F« fllrtber details, can the Exl<mloo olflce at 113-MJ!. ON THE TUB E ,.,. ffl• Ntt ~l4• .. wWt't ~'i'9f!J;t ew JV,-...... TV W Ek -dlttriMt..i ~th th• Stt.'11.., e4ltl•11 •' +he DAILY 'ILOT. ' ' 1, • ' _, ' .. • •• 'r • Tha t's Harbor View Homes. All good things rolled into one qlliet 'rillage neighborhood. Start with the homes, You'll see i ndividuality with a fair. Soaring belm~ ceilings. Formal dining rooms. All-electric kitchens adjoining arzy family iooms. Bedrooms on a grand scalc.Jnnovativc lloor plans emphasizing private patios. dramatic entri es and lots of sunlight. And we're building you a complete neighborhood to go'Withyour'hoille. One with quiet, safe streets, your own school, grassy park anil private family 1ccrcation club. All this and Newport Beach too! You're minutes from the stores and shops of Fashion I sland. the academic infiucnce of the University of Califo.mia at l rvine and·miJes of beautiful beaches. 1 '"'It's been years si nce anyo ne has seen homes this size at these prices· in Newport, and you may never sec it again. Take the San Diego at Newport Free- ways to the MacArthur t urnoff, t hen come seaward to Ford Road.. We'll be glad to show you the opportunities of Harbor View Homes. It's a pleasure. • '"''"" • , • • I I· 1 1· I I I ) I I 1 I I \ J . DAD. Y ,llDT S.ttud•Y. AorD 19, lM . ) An Era of Silent Laughter Harold L"loyd's Comic Geniu.S 'Reborn' in Balboa , By NORM.IN ANDERSON °' .. ..,,-.s1• Now1~1.movte1oers eeldord aee the averace mu ·copirc with t,tie complexitieJ ()( life. lllltead they see com- plex lndivlduala f1illng to cope with the sinip\e world, lftd It'• seldom, if ever, funay. But there was a tJme when Amerkans saw the average man and two generations laughed their way through bis pitiful efforts to surmount his problems. He was hilarious. eipert, 1 eom.plete master of his trade aod one of the finest comedlan.s of all time. Tljat was Harold Lloyd. 'Neldt:y -eventnc, as part Rf I t ~ exhibition o( th e Movie Show, w11ich closes today at its gallery at the B&Jboe Pavilion, the Newport Harbor Art Museum p-esented for the first time in the United States "Harold Lloyd's World ol Comedy," and it was truly an evening of laughter. The film featured highlights of Lloyd's career, through both the silents aod talkies, in· eluding some of the funniest scenes from such films as "The Fre!ihman" and "Safety Last." LLOYD ON HAND DAILY PILOT SS.ff ...... MASTER COMEDIANS SEE COMIC'S SHOW Harold Lloyd, Stirling Holloway at Balboa Filming car, by bone and bugay. and finally, by a double-hone i.dem, llke aome Roman ,~; orrlvl1l(l In the nick of lime. 'nit's what he was auppoeed to do in the fihns of thoee days, end in the nick ol time. Then al&o there was l.Joyd's lint outiag in a MW a\lfO, a peril in illelf, but ooe lnu&Jlt wilh tragedy with his wile. mother-in-law and brotber·in-- 1 .... -pimying him. Again, jt w• a cblle 1CeM of sorts. qr perhaps. cal' out of control driven by a man who didn't know whol·be was doiq. Ou another cxxiolon, 'Lloyd was the ·paijeol ~ ~oing the ,,..,,,,,, ............ and going home burdened down with sacks -and a live turkey. He traveled by streetcar, a crowded one at t h a t . Some.place along t h e line a spider got in the act. down. Lloyd's coat and out hlsl troJser legs aod onto someooe else's. Lloyd coped -and in 30 doing, made it impossible for any one else to cope. FEW REMEMBER Few of today's moviegoers -prob.ably most « thooe born afler the First World War - rmiember the movies of Harold Lloyd, or 8 u s t e r _Sinf,~1™fs~ 'Out,standing: ~rtist,s,' Bui., ... . . • • S'i'. l.OtllS, ,.Mo. (YP!) .,,. , w ---.i· aboul our llan- Wltillm S. P&lty, Cb&niin of' dds. Wt ll>!>ly the belt Judf- tbe board « the Columbla mart and lroqutnUy ,..k 8rQaOcuting System, b 1 s outside advice." praised the Smo~ Brothers Evtlyn Y. Davis, a ntinority as "~ artists," but stockholder TOR to _. the uys they fallt(I to Uve up to question "Why did we h1re the their contractual obligatiorui to Smoth~ Brothers in the nm ~by 'to 0Ye111pl1y CBS. place?" Paley defended the Paley answfl'ed tl\al thei:'i:t'1-':;~)/;-"-c"~• MGM~ television network 's can-Smothe s otherl 1 • e1 i I the John Franktnhtimtr· j cellaUon ol the. brothers' Sun--outt-r art11t1' ~ e.ilu .1.· 'Edwdrd LaYts.' ~lion of day night show at the. annual are" and "did vttry well ool,al• • metting of CBS stoctholder•. lbtlr SunQy nllbt lhow." r * HEY KIOSHt l 1 the fixer He said CBS "is opposed to Jn anrwet to a no t b e r L l&t N u-,..,, I I leaving matters ol taste in the atockhokSer'• question •bout ~ 1 &;sed ai the Ntzc- luuw « a performing artist Vlolenct on televlstoo, Pale7 Prizc-wi'ritll .-1 or a etnlrat autborily." ·Wt!. "We line-trying to '-· 0 .. _ .. HLL .... J . elimioate • all -~~-~ vr """""',._.... - "We have always tried to • ...._.... ,_ expand creative freedom, but~;~~~~;:====11 we have an olJliiation to our ~ •~ .............. "°" audience.. Whit ).! good taste F~-for one may Q(fend another," CllST ht said. -, -·unn w ''The srhof..ber1 Brothen un--...... ,...., ...... -:"" fortunately -. unwilling to FREE AARKING accepr the criteria of. our pro- gram practices committee and they failed their contractual obligations in d,ellvering tapes of their ~how for preview." Paley said of the ~tee. ''There Is nothlni ~cious . ' ' • ' r " '• lu-1tt~1 er '~· .. . . . Cliff It-""" "CHAILY" pill!;. "FOi LOYI Of IYT'" Wllll .SldM'1 l"tllller C1o11H-5411!f•' l :Jt ".M. SATURDAY APRIL 19th P.T.A. SPRING SERIES OUR FIRST SHOW: "GULLIVER'S TRAVELS" And 3 C•rtoon1 10:15 & 12,45 IE6ULAI PlllOIMANCI STA.ITS AT J:ll P.M. t?o\i Did 19'el a '"',9 s.,.., ... , -·-....-- TOtrfm AT 6:11 & t :55 J'"' Fo\d .\ lJ \II h \Ill II\ AND AT l:Dt ONLY THE STALKING c MOON • 'ffONOOUlll• • Jlll.N.WIOR" • ,..., UstlHY Mettle 'IMlttl "HOT MILLIONS" ••• . . Lloyd. hi< son and grand· daughter were preaenl Tues- day night, in company vdt.h Laguna's st.e.rling Holkw.•ay, and he preseried an insight in- to one of his most famous scenes -hanging onto a painters' ladder on the side of a downtown Los Angeles skyscraper. during a two.-hour period each day. Those were the days. he pointed out. before trick camera shots and f a k e bac~ Thal -Uoyd himself bonging precarioosly to a rope. (He did the •me thing in -film, bmging oato the mimie hand of a fluge clock atop another buikiinc.) be1ow. just in case,·• Lloyd ad· mitted. Tilere's no way to do justice to Lkryd 's comic touches without actually seeing them . But consider lllOllle viewed TueodoY ' Keaton, or Charlie ChatJlin, or ll~~~~i~~;~~1!! any of Uie otber comic greats of the sileiQ and early talkies. Today, possibly only Red Skelton, S i d Caesar or A r t Camey can demonstrate the master comic touch o( Lloyd u the simple, average man. ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! Cliff' ROIERTSON lo "CHAILT" •'8U1MWY.aT ll. .. .. _ ~. tM-ono "' ACADEMY AWARD WINNER - The scene, in which Lloyd can't get to the top. C6 mlde the buildlni .and stands in C'Oll· st.ant danger of getting to the bottom the. fast and simple. way, took two montihs to film, "I did have a wide pleUorm with a thick mattress down Two Scribes' Views FRANTIC CHASE Lloyd'1 frantic chase, by any tramportaUcll m e. a n s avai)able, tc save his true. love from an.ill-fated man:iage. He. sped lbrough !/le -ts by car, by motorcycle, by &treet- It's doubtful if ,.,,.yone C?an ever maMA!r !Jo1.d'I toucb. It's a pity. Such Jigbtheanted, s 1 a p s t i c t. side--splitting humor is 10rely needed. Reflections on the Oscars By VERNON SCOTT llOLLYWOOD (UP\1 Reflections on the. 1968 Oscar race: 1be scientists in llollywood who turned seers to predict the winners were astounded about boW wrong they were. No one fott:11W • Ue for best actress and few, if any, picked Ctllf Robertson. By BOB THOMAS •IOLL YWOOD (A Pl-Acad- emy aftermath : 'lllere were grumbles from Motion Picture Academy old timer& who said of last Mon· day's Osca.rcast., "It wasn't like it used to be." To wh ich moet observers would com· ment, "Thank heaven." Gower Champion's master· minding of the 4lst awards show brought Oscar into the jet age at long last. Gone was the musty, fussy tradition Day," •·West Side Slory," '"My Fair Lady" and "Tht Sound of Music." Oscar never fails to provide at least one surprise each year. This time it was the Katharine Hepubum • Barbra Streisand tie. The Price, Wal· erhouse man who counts the ballots, William Miller, was worried that Ingrid Bergman might mention only one name when she announced the Win· ner. When he handed Miss Bergman the eflvelope, he told her, "Now be cure to N........oMShwf .. !.II hMI .. At 7!11i APIS-7:11 Ptyftlt M..,___9 :OS CONTINUOUS SHOW SAl;. I SUN. FIOM 2 P.M. Ooe had the feeling that Barbra ·Streisand expected to win. and would have been con· &iderably happier had she not been forced to share her mo- ment of glory with ftatharine Hepburn. Now Peter O'Toole is a three-time loser. He. lost for "The Lion in Winter" this time; previously in "Lfiwrence of Arabi.a" and "Becket." that made the Academy broadcast one of the great and Ruth Gordon were popular yawns of the year. with the crowd. The two old At the. Oscar Ball after the. timers brought out lhe sen· telecast, Academy President timentality of show folk. Gregory Peck was compli· read the whole thing." He 11=~~~~~~~~f 111 also had written on the an. nouneement card, "It's a tie." ~ ~ Afterward lbe actross uked ,,..,.,, •wf Nobody mentiooed or gave. a thought to Eliiabeth Taylor •ad Richard Burton during the 41st Oscar clambake. No one shed tears that mented on the streamlined VantsSa Redgrave., who presentation. :~r H~ha~~r ~e:J: ~$lfJlliJlllJ count. not even to Ingrid Bergman. How one could find fault with best picture laurels falling to ''Oliver, .. which ls one of the. best musicals ever made anywhere. Gower Champion shouJd win a gold medal for putting some zip and zap i.rao the telecast after years of dull shows. Cliff Robert.son i.! one of Hollywood's nice guys , and his winning of the Oscar should bring him more and better roles -which he richly deserves. Too Nd Katharine Hepburn was absent. She misaed what certainly woold have heal a standing ovation ror beinl the on1y actress ever to win three Academy Awards. Joanne Woodward's beef against Academy mtmben and threat to boycott the awards fiszled when husband Paul Newman insisted she at· tend. Joanne's nose was out of joint because Newman wasn"l nominated for best dirtttor of "Rachel, Rachel," the film that won her a nomination. Sad that Ron Moody dido 't win for his magnlfic~nl portrayal of Fagin In "Oliver." Character actors of Moody's vintaa:c seldom get a aecOnd chance. VlctorieJ by supporting performers J tck Albertson makes it clear the United ''Wait tlll next year," he States is not one of her said with a twinkle. favorite countries, ran oot of Peck has hopes of making the money to a Connecticut the show even more appeal- Yanktt and a phenomenon ing. He also is going ahead from Brooklyn. with p I a n s to rHxamine. All the major awards: went Academy memberahip, with io clean, clean, picturts. Not a the aim of making the awards single mod, oudie or sexy pie· m ore reftective of r e a I lure had a moment in the achievement in the film limelight. world. Columbia Picturts won the This week's winners again most Oscars with. eight -sJi underscored the need for for "OliVf!r": one klr "Funny change. Many observers ques· .Girl" and one for "Young tioned whether "Oliver!" de. Americans." served to be the top winner. Ye.s, Hepburn and Streisand This movietoer found "Oli· received exactly the same vtr!" to be the moat entu- number d votes Crom the tainlng film of 1111. But as mere than 3,000 memben of cinematic achievements, '"Ille the Acadtmy to make the lie. Lion In Winter" and "Romeo One was inclined to feel a and Juliet" seemed far more lump in the throat when deserving or the best picture award. Patricia Neal failed to win the T h. e Academy vote.rs, the best actress award after her majority in the over.SO age gallant baUle Lo recover from class, seem to favor movies the series of oear--fatal strokes tlllt entert&in. That was ap- she suffered three years ago. parent thiJ year, as in the Alan Arkin. nominated for ye1n when the members best actor, will be back again chose as best pkturt-"The and again because he is one of Greatest Show on Earth." this country's finest actors. "Around I.ht: World in llO 1bere was no question 1bout the leg:ltlmacy of this year's tie. But a cloud re· mains over the previous ont'. In 1932. balloting was much more informal. and the word got around town tlllt Fredric March had won as best actor for "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Wallace Beery thought he should win for "The champ" and he expressed his feelings to his boss. Louis B. Mayer. As .a founder of tht Acad- emy and perhaps the mo,,t powerful man in Hollywood, Mayer could move mountains --or the Academy. A iie be- tween March and Beery was announced at the Academy banquet that yeer. Oscar pre.dieters have lost a harl:linger for the director's award. ror 20 years the ()s.. car has always gone to the award winner of the Dlrec· tors Guild oC America. But this yeu \he directors chose Anthony Harw:y for "The Lion in Winier ," and !he Academy voters picked Carol Reed for "Oliver!" The. splash and excitement -===================== of the show, the ii1ars, thrl· awards and tbe surpri ses prove once. again that Holly· v.·ood still has the touch lo make mere mortals. and ac· tors at tttat, very much larger ....,, lift. Winner -3~Awards Aman Folk Ensemble To Appear at lrvi1ie BEST ACTRESS· Katharine Hepburn WINNER -"IEST PICTURE OF TllE YEAR!" __ .. ,.,.c.;o.u - JOIEl'Mf.ll"IM-All lfl(l{)MMftJIM PatR ~ IOOHAIUNE 0100LE ;rn HEPBURN """"".12!.\ 1H€ UON IN WINT€R :.-:.:;;":'"-~ Tiie Aman Folk Enocmble wtll appear in UC Irvine's QaW!crd Hall Sunday at l :lO p.m. wltll 1 -« col- orful -· and dancn « ll>e Near EM. North Africa and EuWn Europt. Et&bty dancers and mu!li· cl•ns ol the troupe have made numeroua appeari:inces o n .sta1e. .ann and r • d I o . Presented in full, authentic """""1<1. ll>e _,.ble will demoblltrlte the e t h n l c P"rionninll ans « Serbia, Croatia, Iran. Tu r k e. y , f\faCfdonla. Mcrocco. Algeria. Afghanistan, Egypt and the SoYl8 Un.ion. moY111sun1111'1AT10X lllR:l oa IT IMll IXCUllM= lldlltl •• t11 ..... ....,.. ...._ o.. tu•• ti. CMT'r I ..... """'*......,.. ..... ,... c... ,....,,-',... SUT • ,...,,,.... ..; ,_ _. ... ..._ •'*'· • 1,.,"''·' CfNJUHY 21 r.==~T~;:r.~:~: Tickets will be available 1t ,, • ..__..._ ....... ,,,, .. 1 1j pes for 111.1nce Limt.. Gfnml TUA •TAii n.IATftl L • ANGIL • admission is $3.50 11nd .!Jludent admissioo is $2. ·-------·------------- ,.THI UClLT ONIS"-M All (0"1r SllCIW -_..,_ I 111.1211 I ·-~ ·-""'6wth! J-W.WW•rd .. IACHl1.. IACHIL"-M Al•ll An.In ''THI HUH IS A LONILT HUHTll" AU Color S~ • ~ '~ '~ ~· i . WARNER ........ -... ,....,, OH11 Mertlll "WllCklN~ CtlW'"-M l-yW... "PllTTT POllON"-M a-..,..... ... "HOUll OP CAIDS"-M ..................... S!lll!ll l'tTllRES in coll-.;10 • llO!ERTSOIUSSIXlllES ,_is , ' &A~:/4 ....... CLAIRE BLOOM ncma•·•w· ·-G-.... ··-~·- ALSO l'lAYING ---------- ACADEMY AWARD WINNER JACK ALllRTSON S.pportl°' Aclor lo "THE SUIJECT WAS ROSES'" ELKE GIVff SOMMER LOCKWOOD LEEJ. JACK COBB PALANGE TIIE\'IUIEm ROB IA& W&4& - Somi!thlntt BOtherintt YouBahy7? FftVSOUTH COAST UA PLAZA THSATiat Sao~ F-al lrblol • S46-27Tl .. ~ 0,.. 1:•1 *" Stant 1:• ,,,_ ~j' A WOMAN WITH A •. PASSIONATE HUNGER! ~ 1111 1111.ir.--11 r.cl18I. am:hal liST EDITING SIE.VE. MCOUE.E.N AS 'f>UWTT' ~·~COIT41111SA. -~Jlot _______ .. ___ _ I (,. ACADEMY AWARD WINNER - ~- 2nd FIRST RUN SHOW GEORGE PEPPARD JEAN SEBERG RICHARD KILEY "PENDULUM"' J -Ac16iM"fAwARO~ WINNER - llS1' IDnlH• • y y i I ------· ----------------------------------~.......-~---~------ Hello apili, boys and &lrll, and wtbxne bock to -«i!Uon tf Uacle Lon'1 Corner. Well, K's 1--l(aln. Somebody -lD a poem thal wasn't berown, and one of our readers caucI>t her co it. It wasn 't a wirller', but if tt had been, there w<>uldn't be ll'IY Kennedy haH dollilr goinc to thls person. NOW UNQ.E Len wasn 't familiar with the poem that was published, but this week one ·young:ster lent in a poem called "MJdnicbt on t ti e Ocean," which Uncle Len himself Ullld to ncite when he ~·as a boy. That one wu promptly di!quallfled. Remember, boys and girJs, the poetry as well as the drawings mUlt ~ your. own • work. You may think ya.i're ~-----------------------------! putting one over on Uncle Len. but someone will find out about it. Next weekeM ft get ready for O.ylight Saving Time, and that's what our next art con- test will be all about. Let's * who can submit the mOet originaJ pidurt of the spi'ing time change. HONORABLE menhon win- ners in. this w:etk 's art contest are: * PRIZE WINNER This week's contest winner is Linda Crouch, 7, 296 Bucknell Road, Costa Mesa * Any child under 12 can enter Uncle Len's Art Contesl Here's all you do; (!) Draw picture on piece of plain, white paper 51'.i inch., wide and 4 inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace picture. It must be your own work. (3) Put your name, age and address on back of drawing. Mail'it to.:Un!'}e Len's Art Contest, Box 1560. DAILY PILOT, co9ta ·xesa. Winner will l'eceive Kennedy baltaoDar. • Jeri Haneline, 9~. Hun-'------------------------------'! tington Beach; Diane Pratt, 9, Costa Mesa; Otto Jones, 12, Santa Ana Heighta; Joen Cooper, 10, Mission Viejo; Peter Plourd. 7, Costa. Mesa; Lori Cummings, 10"2. Mis.!ion Viejo; Josh PtaSley, 9, Seal Beach; Diane Smith, I , Newport lle>cb; Cary Miller, II, Huttingbl ll<ech; Audny Paige, 11, Huntington Beach; Dudley Pratt; I, Costa Mesa, and John -pie. 7. Corona del Mat. .-----Caro/~ THE REVOLIITION BEGINS In t.hc year Seventeen Hun- dred and Seventy :Yive Paul Revere · made his famoug ride, VfX'/ late that special night .He rode lhrougb the towns in.a streak of light. F.arly nut morning a war i1<rlll That aff"ected every American. Co~ne·------, RIDDLES AND JOKES ( * Dear Carol: Does England have a Fourth of July? PRIZE WINNER "'IP'fl • pu• 'fffY. • os1• pu• 'HA 1.11MtUV -D-. .,,.....,., , .. '"' L--' ~ -- Dear Carol: \Vhat· did the limestone say to the geologist? Dear Carol: Can February March? •A•W ffJdy ~'ON :J•Mtuy -DI.-P1llllw, It. ...... rt left- Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1 Enclrclt: ·-· 'C•,us flprt: lnform1f 10 Travel .... ts' =·· '· 14 Not with OlltetS 15_,P,inling 'f:C'ss: nfoniat l&. F•llt 17 [UfttptlnS 11Sh~4• lt LIOI unit 2Dexp0-47 housln1 ......... 2Z Tb~• • wh .. lddtd "'24 ICWtS r;: .. 11, l·?• .,...... 21}~:~ 30 ..... , 31td 32 ...... ,, .. ":r."' nu. ' .. -1 31 Ol't nater 40L.-.r: Allbr. 41 In ... ooMf-dltt ·-O~I .. ... 44 Nttn. •f units •5 Florldlan's neighbor 41 llKt tratk bulldlll 51 P1ftlc:i::r' info• 5? Llftlltlt . Jroftsslons 54 IC. Nd· west city 51 Anc:l .. l god 51 C11slled .... 1 •1 IJIMI •• Galntin:, 62 osqui , or house· fty '3 Steel CO'ltfil'll ... """' tlfl\11 •s Extent Of SfllCt 66Nol""' 61 kind of '""" GOIN l lldUfeor ltfllnrs Z Ft•lnint -· 3AltclMI nllJ• 11• ,Dt1,St1 4Wtlc•" 5 [ldf" coun•l•r , .... ...,f\11 1 Slick I Gft•l aarrlet Jlftf Isl.ad Yesterday's Pi.nit Solvrd~ 4119/69 'P•t wi£h: 36 Black Z words 38 Gll'llltnt 10 Electrical l' Gas 11 ~~'!~~ c•mp1111 Clair Rifft 2111.!':J:e: 1? lllt vsed 42 Montana's i• Pflnu,. . otJtlM'r 13 ••voa wt 4J 'msland • -!'': 46 ''Fables Z words In Slq" 21 P1troniJICI ••'* 2J Down 47 S.1'•• ZJ Kln4 of ... MIY ntlftl place Cl --··-l=low 25 Flrst-rat2 ~• Less swag• 27 Jezebll's 50 Respondtcf husband 10 ttie 11- 21 c.taln clock ,...,. Cllh• 53 ..... , t• Uft9Wl•lpltd A~lh1111 •en: Slant 55 Jotwney JJ In tn 56 lllk: ~a• Co•b. fo111 ••ntr SJ F•thl!f' 34 ltial: Al*. •I Host• 35 lrllM's '° Tltlt •f Hiii et -n1ptet ~nr-rr PAUL REVERE Paul Revere, Paul Revere, Why were you never in fear? You fought for your country, you fought like a man; I wish you were here when we fought with Japan; Lots and lots of blood was shed, Some people were even shot in the head; Why do we have to fight all of these wars~ I wish we cquld separate them with big brass doors . A Kell ..... , '*' ..... r -~ .. C•l'Y Mlli.r, 1\, tm M•'-· lllflt Drf\11, Huftlil'll'tH •-11 fir r111 wlllakll Mlll'Y In 11•• It.IT .... -nlltlSf, M.911 ,_ ""91 M" .....,., .. Urtele ......... """ "''' .... <•llflrW, hlMll .,... .......... te Alli AMff, c/e Or-. C.. I.Pr ,,..., lo 1161, C.... M .... C•lff. ANIY MMf ~ *"°*II'"" ltl Of l'N WORLD •OOK EHCVCLOl"Eor-. .. O'Hare, •" II, elf Ots Mel-, I-•· fer hl1 1111eStlon: Doet tJat Universe •ave N ud S, E and W directions! We did not have room to spell out north and south, east and west in the title. But let's hope the question is in· teresting enough to make the abbreviation forgiveable. The topic. of course, lakes us on an Imaginary survey ·or the endless, eternal reaches of uncharted space. A apace traveler, of oourse, must have directions to chart his course. But he left our north-south, east-west direc- tions behind on hi1 home planet. We get our bearings from our built-in North and South Poles, the two ends of the axis around which the earth rotates. This planet· sized solution can se rve as a model for cosmicslzed direc- tion. The Immense galaxy of 100 billion stars also rotall!!S on an axis, a central hub of crowded stars. The galactic axia bu, naturally, two fixed poles that point in opposite directions through the wheel· ing st.vs ol the Milky Way. ions. Within our galaxy, a spaceman can figure his di- rections because we know the dlrection in which the Jm· mense system rotates oo its ax.is. Out beyond, a spaceman faces the staggering dimensions of cosmic space - and cosmic directions have not been determined . Now is a good time otytar to search out the constellation Como Berenices -a poetic name meaning Berenice's hair. Locate the handle or the Big Dipper and s e a r c h westward for the bright star Denebola in the tan of Leo-the- Llon. Qie:tween your t w o celestial point$ you pass right by a smsll Y -shaped group of stars. This is Como Berenices, the North Star of the Galaxy -and having the north direc- tion you can figure out the other three. Al'lltJ' aendi I WO RLD BOOK Gt.Ole i. lteMlll S.lts, '" 11, of Lomt Llfldl, Ctllfo.mlt, for her flllltliorl: How much water evaporates from Ute ear.Ur! The Gllactic North Pole is mort « Jen the north direc- tion of the earth and the Solar System. It points through a smallish constellation called Como Berenices, near Leo-the· Lion. It is visible in our spring and summer skies. A spaceman out in this region .....id "' the major part ol 1::-1-t-t--t Ith. galny toward his south. On 1 ship out in the ocean, you can .see an immense amount of water in every drecUon. It would be very dif· ficult to figure the amount - but at least this much wafer has evaporated from the earth during your lifetime. To get a more accurate estimate of the process, it is necessary to figure the rate of evaporation. And this equation requires a time factor. We need to know bow much of the Earths water evaporates in a ctrtaln amoont of ume. Of cour1e, the amount varies from place to place, with day and nlaht and the changing 1ea1ona . However, apertg h 1 v e estinulted the average 1mount on a global buis. And t.bt starry pinweel would be rotatinJ in a clochisc dlNCtlon. FacJnc toward the gllacllc south. the galactic east would be on bis left side -just 11 it ii on earth. Headinl GUI farther toward the galactic north with l1lOll of the Milky Way behin<I him, the west direction woukf be on the left aide ol hio lhlp. ' 1'hele dlrtcUon1 apply very nicely on a star trek Ulroogh OQr own Milky Way. But its ~llnf. llAMtudded &rm> linlDy dwindle aw1y In an -rim. The 1aJaxy Itself II _....ied by lmmeuunbJe oceersa el lptee strewn with eountlm other IJ a I I J: I t I . TIWR liar 11....,. att Upped and tilled al all ION ol """" and aetth to bt SClttered bclter·skclter In all dir~ During an average year, the amount of water that evaporates fn;rn the tntlre surface of our earth is estimated to be 95,000 cubic miles. A cubic mile of •ater. of coone, would rm a aquare tank one mile bl'1> and coe inll• alcctl -side. Only U,000 o1 the9o cubic mllel come l1'om the larxl. and the rt.st comt• tram the oceam. And IOOl1tl' or later, all ol It falll as rain or tna• - munwhllt the sun I 1 replenllhll1J the Wiler cycle by evaparatinl moN Wllfr from the land and ICL PEANUTS -- PERKINS JUDGE PARKER TUMBLEWEEDS MUTI AND JEFF GORDO ~~'/ __ ,,,_009, r """0" 000. ....... 00Me5 ~f ~ONI!. JOMP.;l'-..fl MISS PEACH • "l1lh:'' .. , . ~· . ~ \..;: \ , ........ \,;: ~llY PILOT jiJ ly CHrles M. Sd:u\ .... \ ..... ' \ , .. , . ---· ·c(tf. _, . ly John 'Miles • •• ~ ~ ••• '~ 1, ~ ·.~ ... . -•':"' ,. By Harold Le DoUll TMAT CAU. 'FIOM A WOMAN #rlOfl" M.M! rB MOT TaE ... fT W'T' , IE TllE •• By Tom K. _Ryait ly Al Smltli ~? ;> "I . QK.,'ltlU KEEP IT·· ~CAN +\AVE rr1 ' p '1. ? ly . Gus Arriola L.:.:::;;:::.:.:~iM:o-.1611',WJI ly Mel I I I I I I I i'i; r ,r,, . l r I I Y' r J"4 llAll. V PILDT • No Game ·· ior · BLOOQ ANO SANO -Bullfighting is gett!n~ rough - er all the time in Spain.· Matador Angel Llorente {top) continued with bis corrida despite being gored in the face. And Paco Bautista (middle and bottom I Ul"l,T.._.lff got up after being gored . left the bullring for a dose of painkiller and returned to the ring to dispose o! the bull. Both mishaps occurred at the Madrid bull- ring. ' • ,,,aaton 1 Wins 1. ID Six;· 106 -1()5 ' flg~s . Yo.r k, . -· BOSTON (AP) -The Boston C.ltics, backed by old pros SIJD . ,Jones, John HavJlcek and 11nberalded E m m e t t Bryant, charged into the champlonahlp rwod of the National Basketba11 Associa- tion playoffs with a llJ6.lP5 victory over t the New York ~ 1Fl'tday niatft to tl'.ke the Eastern DtvlslM fihl.1a -t.J:. Jones, humiliated as he managed' "j(&st J5 points in the fourth· and fittb.prqej. oL the best-of-7 series, regained hilold'ICor'· ing touch, connecting for 11 _pQlri!_I, ill _a brilliant shooting exbibition, Havlicek, gol.nj the entlil'ilista.nce "'hit for 28 poin~, IJlcluding loor oo h>(o' crucial basket. in the ck>siilc:~• aa the Celtics staved on a furiohs New York ' finish. Bryant, a form,p-Knick who spegt most of the re~~ u a reserve Boston backcoip1 ~st. came through in the clutch: hitting 1for 19 points, The Celtics, who "-"1aled just one vic- tory in seVen meetingJ with New York d~ring the recular c~P,l.ign, will make a Spor~ in Bri ef bid r .. th• 1tliii111e In 13 yean against the wiMer fJ1 the Western Division finals t>etwet!Jn LOI ~Its iand AtlanLl. Los Anteles can ·wrap up the mies in the 111\)1 -S\l!doy night. .. '!'be c..1~· •• ~-oil \• old men &lier • !~J!ai>e;ncular .. _finish, ~!"'!-~W'e "1Y\hing but against tM ~-. New York refused to qu!t watn the final buzw. BoMon Jed ,u.a1 at lhe half, widened U.. adv~ to 77<t> in Ille tblnl period before New Yort managed to ,close tho gap to a.?e on the fine play 'of reserve Mike Riordan. , .The Ctltici regained a nioe polnt lead, 94-35, ~ay throoghj:he finale before the Knicb launched a d'etermined closing challen.ge • .New York drew "A'ithin two points '14 on a layup by Riordan with 2: 15 left. The two teams then ei:qianged baskel:l down to the wire. Riordan made the score 105-103 in Boston's favor with three second& remaininc. Jone1 cashed one oI . ·-. ;j . '""'l . • CdM P<Jl;O~~ Ro~p; Napoles '.fKO'~ Co.kes· , . . '" NEW YORK ,....... Corona del .Marthim and Water ·Polo Ass(l., cmtinued lt5 ma1tery ov11 NatiCNI AAU water polo championships foes at New York Athletic Club Friday. Coach Ed Newland 's Californians scored 29-3 triumph.5 over Harvard and St. Francis of New York. TheY.'ve now outscored three rivals, 95-6. TOOay they Astro Hurler s Give DOdgers Free Pa~s~ S-4 .. ,.... ... ~ . ·. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Bases-loided walks to Bill Russell and Wes Parker capped a three-run ninth inning rally that gave the Los Angel~ Dodgers a 5-4 . vic- tory over. the ·Houston Astros Friday night. Dooley Womack. ~be. fourth H~s~n pitcher in the ninth, forced in the tieiJll Dodge r Slate Apr. l~rl . .,. HOll~lon, 7:» p.rn .• KFI 1':Jr. »-Dodo••• .,. H-tor.. 11:55 p.m .. Kfl (Mell ' -Apt. 21-0••'* 111 Sen F•enclsco. 1:55 11.m., KFf (6.40) and winning runs after successive dOlf· bles by Tom Haller and Bill. Sud~kis started the comeback. After Sudakis' run-scoring double cut Houston's lead to 4-3, Jack Billingham replaced Fred Gladding on the mound and retired Paul .Popovich for the first out. Ted Sizemore followed with a single, sending Sudakis to third, and took sec- ond on the throw lo third. Skip Guinn took over for Billingham, filled the base! with an intentional walk and then struck out Willie Crawford . But mana'ger Harry Walker then called on right-hander Womack to pitch to right-hand hitting Russell and the move backfired. Miller's sacrifice fly and Rader's sing- le delivered Houston's first two runs in the opening inning but the Dodgers tied It with a pair In the fifth off Don Wil· son, Drysdale's single knocking in the second run. LOS ANO•LEI '''"'' Cr•wtonl d 5 o I o NOUSTOJof 1brll~I 5 1 I 0 • I ' • . were to ptay~.Cbicago and probably i.tbe New York AC's Btt team. · '--Sunday they wlnd it up, probably against West Point and then the NYAC's A• squad for the title. Ferdie Massimino scored six against St. Francis while Pat McClellan (5), Dan Christy (4) and.Pale Hahn (4) were close behind. Ertc Carson 'had · six agalnSt Harvard while Massimino, Mike Martin and Bob Leach had rive apiece. .... .... .... LOS ANGELES -Sluggln1 Jose Na- poles of Mexico City won the welter. welgbL cbampJonsbJp or the world Fri· day .Ugbt wben be blasted defending ti- tle holder Cu.rt.is Cokes Into submission as the bell soonded (or tbe 14tb round of their scheduled IS-round 8Jbt. The 3~year-old claa•pJ• from Dallas, ~th eyft alrdosi battered shut, wa1. far, .rar llebfftd oe pohlts. 'His C9tne.r Uked referee George Lalka to stop the fight beh\·een the 13th and 14th rounds. La~ka hurried across tbe ring to award the championship to Napole~ as the bell r111r for the lfdl. .. .... .... . ' UCl'1 goU team captured a major col- legiate prize Friday afternoon by winning lhe inaugural Orange County Invitational tournament at Mountain View Country Club in Corona. Coach Tim Tiffs Anteaters came out low vdlh 320 strokes, Cal S t a t e (Fullerton) and Chapman posted 321 and University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 323. Duke Hopkins was low man for UCI wi~h a 75. .... .... .... LOS ANGEL~ -BaUllng to raJly after losing the flnt two c•mn of their best-of-seven Western aeries 111 the SLanley Cap ltockey playoffs, the Los Angeles KJnp meet tbe St. Louis Blues agaia toalghL Los Angeles lost the opener 4..a la St. Louis. The Bl1tt1 won the secold oae with 5% mlnutts to play. Now the scene changes to the Forum . .... .... .... RANCHO LA COST A -Laugh Ins Lee Trevino, the U.S. Open Golf champion, came from seven shots off the pace With a second-round 63 Friday and moved into a share·of the lead with George Archer - each at 142 -in the $150.000 Tournament of Champions. Young Di ck Lotz, the first round leader \\·ith a 67, fell back in the pack when he struggled over the 7,114-yard par 72 La Costa Country Ctub course in a 78 for 14~. \ ' ~ free throws w.lth one aecGlld left and thO Celts let N•\t Yort•sWllll• -lluf! a shot al the bqzzer. Player~ch J;l,ill Russell, who ;sl4tted tbe .<;eltics to their basketbl!ll dynuty, ~turned Ill~ ~Omlan­oe, scoring'.)J' 'l(anj( sr•bblnl :n re· bounds iri 41, rrilinites bf ·~ion.. • · Reed captured individual ·s. c or I n g honon with 32 poiots. Walt l'raper, playing: despite a p.µmw_ cr1?in ,mti3c.le pull, had 17, while.RiOrdan, lSill Bradley and Da ve DeBusscbere had 15 each. "'-"-. . ' D8>eh•• s S.S 15 8r.:llrt 1 1·5 11 Reed I• "-1 » Freiler I 1.J II 8•rnell 2 3..-I C. RuSH!I f M 4 IUomn • 1·• U .. _ • ' " • ,,,_,, H1v~ •· ltuuett ,_, " '"''"' Sitt Ir• ---• • ' ,. ' •• " ., " ... ~ ,, " ••• ' '" ' MtW O 0.0 0 Strlclerl ' ' ' '" • 8-l'N" 0 0.0 0 Tf'l•ll U Jl·D 11$ TtMilt 41 ll·H lN ~ Yori!. 11 )1 U 19-lGS eoston 2• JJ 2s 24-•0. Fouled ovt N'w York., 8redltlv. Tol•I Fou .. -N'W Yott H. loslon 14. 1<-1•,m . 22 ,857 Watch ' Ang~ls , Sink . Lower. 6-0 'ST. l'AUL-1,ffNNEAPOL!S (AP) - Tom Hall, a rookie left-bander, pitched a two-hitter and the Minnesota Twins whip- ped the California Angell &-0 FridaJ before a home opening crowd of Z2.~7 fans. Despite a couple of fits of wildness, Hall breezed to hls first victory of the Angel S late 17~. 19-A.l'IOll5 ti Mln111sot1, 11;10 1.m., KMPC Apr. l'O--Angel$ II MlflllllOle, 11::15 '·"'·· l(M"C {1101 (1~!)· 22-Al'l!ltls 11 Chlc1110. 11 :$5 1.m., ICMPC Kt_~e; i1liot'ft9e11 ti c111c1110 (Mllw), S:2S •·"'·• Apr. 2S-Angtl$ •I IC1ni11 Cily, 5:2S p.m •• KMPC !7!0) ADI'. 2~11gtl$ 11 K•n5-i City, . J:lf fLfll., l<MPC (1101 A.pr. 27-A.notll II K•nst• City, 11 :25 ··"'·· ICMPC (110) IT~:;· 21-Angels el SNTl!t, 1:ll jl,m. KMPC ........ "-A ... •11 II Sffrlle. 1:ll o.m., KM,.C (1JO) r sea,<>o while the Twins punched out clulch singtes for all their runs and their fourth straight victory. The Twins gave the 146-pound Hall all the runs he needed in the fourth inning when losing pitcher Rudy May got into quick trouble after walking" Harmon Killebrew and Bob Allison. Leo Cardenas drove home Kiflebrew from sec<>nd with a sharp single off Jim Fregosi's glove. Frank Quilici singled to center, scoring Allison but May got out or further trouble when Jay Johnstone's throw from center cut down Cardenas, who slid past third. Hall, who yielded a first inning triple lo Fregosi, ran into a control problem in the ~venth when Lou Johnson led off with a single and went to third on consecutive wild pitches. Dick Stuart walked before Aurelio Rodriguez and Tom Egan flied to right field. MINNESOTA T0\11• If C•re· .. ?b ICl11et>rcw 111 Reeu lb Oho! rl Al1i•on 11 u11a....ir cl Miii-id c Cer.ien~• $l Ouillcl lb THiii o lb r ~ ~ . ' . I 0 0 Q l 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 • 2 2 0 2 I I I 1 o o a . ' ' ~ 0 l 1 J 0 I I l 0 0 0 C._LIFOllNIA '''~" Jollni!-cf 4 Q O O l'rl!!IOil H l 0 I 0 LJOflnSOtl rl • O 1 O ll:e!cllardt If • o o o Sluari 111 2 O O 11 All~r9t1 lb l 0 0 0 E1Jan c lO O O ""°°" 2b J o a o RMavo 10 00 voupl\ tooo EFl•ll~11 1000 Morion pl\ I 0 0 0 WrlljM11 0000 Bo•b0n11 0000 TOllll 1,121 C111lo•~l1 ooo ooo ooo -o Mlnnt10!1 000 102 01~ -' E-._, ll~rlgu11, Fregesl. OP-Minnesott J, L08- Cllllforni1 ~. Mln11UOl1 •. 3B-F•t~I. Sfl-lova•. II' N ll •11 t• SO ill:.M8¥ l. 1-l i ~ , ' J J E. Fill\"' J • J J 0 J WrigM 1·12JOOO 8o•b0n 2·3 t 0 0 O 1 T.Htll W, 1-0 t t I O • i WP-T. Hill 2.. llDrbon. T-Z:21. A-22.UI. lh1&ullrt lfOI l"Mltwl• 1001. l<otto 11 0 I 0 Htllffc 1 211 JAlou rl Mor~n d Torr,., H NMlller II Jledl1" lb 'ltf•r'I 111 Mefllo;1 7b Ed ... '111 c '111'\'llh! c Mleddff'I u 1Wll9Dll 11 GIMdtng p 8JtllnQl!m 11 ....... • t J 0 • 0 • • ' ' ' . ' ' (]Cl Boss Mag Move Sudalll1 lb • J J 1 Popovlcll 2b 1 0 0 I Sire,,_, H • I 1 • Dr'YW•le 11 2 t I L 8reW9r p OOf t Get>rl1l111 pl! I I f t MC8Mn 11 0 I t I F1!rly pl'I o f t 0 te!ll ·--. Toho I • 0 I t ' 0 l ' J 0 0 • I 0 I 0 J 0 0 • 2 0 I 4 1 0 • 0 I t 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 •• 0 13 •10• l1ol.ot '°" JOO OOll 100 -• Ltot ....,,... ... , oat ... cm -' E-Hllt.r. Ol"·Ltos .......... 1. LOB-tfousror. a, ··Lot Anutln I. 111-5o,1111kiJ 2. Crtwfo'11, N. Mllllt, ..:i..-. loltll.,, 511-1111'11ry, M01111n. !-Menke. Ptr\tr. SF-fol. Ml!ftr, "-11:11. 0. Wl ..... G~I .... lll!llnqnem Gvln11 ··-Orysd~l• ........ L •• Mc8Nn W. 1·1 " 1,M11111•1so • • J , • ' ,,,, .. l·l 1 1 ' 0 ' 1'-' 0 0 0 I 1 OQ002P ,,.,.,.,,, i·t,Obooo f , I t 0 1 ' • Davi s Offered Azt ec Joh, Decision Due by Monda y By EARL GUSTK EY OI h Da/ty l'lltt Jttll UCI basketball coach Dick Davis has been offered the head coach- ing post at san Diego State College, the DAILY PILOT ha s learned. Rustler Spikers Top OCC, 7~·69 Long tumqred to be the Aztecs' No. 1 candidate, Davis was tender- ed the positipn Wednesday and says he will decide whether or not to leave UCl for San Die20 by the fir.st o! next week. , San Diego State's George Ziegenfuss stepped down from the basket· baU job in mid-March after 21 seasons as head coach. , Davis, 37, has been head coach at UCJ for the past lwo seasons go- ing 20-8 and 1~9. Both seasons he took the Anteaters to the NCAA's college division western regiono1s. By JOEL SCHWARZ OI .. Oti1tr _. .... lttfl Quick. think of a aeven-lelttr word 'that's a synonym for victo,.,.. Try, Seymour, u in JJm Seymour, Golden WOii CoUese'• lolented tToct and field llar wbo poc:ed U.. RuJtlen to • 7Mll wiD over ~rival Orange Coat Friday In an Eutem Conference dual meet on lbe Pirate oval. The lanky Gokltn West athlete won -.. ..,11 -the hl1h and Intermediate -and the lrlple jump -and t!>en ardland lbe Ru!tlen to victory )n t h e dedda1' mile relay. 1lle bif1e11 loser In tho holly ocill•llcd --"" down to the nnal ...,.1 r was the record book as athlete~ from \hi' two colleges smashed 13 record s nnd established a 14th. Jt was a mttt fllltd with SCaM>nal bests, but the outcome retited on I.he ~ frtm the triple. jump Md the mile re.Jay. I 'At the stan of theJaton race, Orangt Coast held a 62.fO le , but Golden West WU iahla: oo«wo In the triple jump. and was fa•oftd in the relay. ~ Pirates held !:eir own for lhrct and a half 'legs of he relay. but lhcn Seymour turned his ck into overdri ve to pul1 awey .Jrom Orange Coast's tiring anchor man Ed Shipley. ,. ~linules later the triple jump was over \\'llh Sf'ymour and teammate Tom Luzaoo holding on lo fltst and second to glvr: the Rustlers their 5'COOd haJr· bn?:ltdth victory over Orange Coast In as many years. Other stars for Colden Wm wm high Jumper Don Shiekts. who tel a roeet and 11h1dium record with a 6-10 jump: ~printer 0on liarr1s, who SCI I pair o( meet rCC()TdS with a wind aided 9,1 and a 21.9 : and distance man Rick DeNuccio \\'hn sel st:indards with 4:21.0 and t :20.i cfforlit j)•1•t~ Wt1I !761 CHI Ort• C-1 )., -I, Pt!trr.1 tGWl ,, Efll~ (O{j ). J°"""~ fOC L 04\1•nct · ,a~'t, , r1.• •«I !!tf•t -. 06ldWll Wttl lltl>Odtoll. MtMtl'lll!I, Agt, Ht..,.lil. Tlmt. 4 .1. • i ' . He was tl-8 with the Irvine freshmen for two years before taking over the varsity post in 1967 when Danny Rogers resigned. Davis gained prep coaching notoriety at Glendale High with eight straight winning seasons and an overall 171-39 record. ~ Should. Davis accept the San Diego State offer, he'll have his work cut out for him. The Aztecs \Vere 10-15 last season and the frosh club was 14-9. Ziege.niuss 's two teams prior to last season's were 24-S and 21-6 Should Davis elect to stay at UC!. it is expected that Aztec athleUo airecl<lr Al Olsen will offer tile post I<> either Ed Gregory of Fresno Stalt or .lim Klllin~sworth of Cerritos College. Davis admfts he's highly templed to take the Aztec Job. San Oleg State next ~season!.. enter! a university level conference containing th Aztec•. Cal State (i..ong Beach\, Ca l State !Lo• Angeles), Snn .lose Stale UC Santa· Barbara end Fresno Stale. 1 -"' Also. the Aztecs have 18 full NCAA basketball ~Ol•••hlps to wrc to Mgh school prospects. UCI: w.•th a •mall•r enr~llrilent, can offer onl ach1eve1ncnl awards, which pay Just tuition fee s. "i ..,. T ' s-.y, April 19, lM MllY "LOT JI I " t ' , • . j . • • Corona .Swimme rs Win Irvine · ·:1~rirown lturt-Krumpholz and Jell Hllhnan llld Corona tie! Mar High &:boo!'• varolty 1wlmq'len to the 1 r v I n e Leque champlons'1lj> Friday afltrnoOll at &tancla fll&h. 1be,sea Klnis. under coach Dave M.IUovidi, ·tumid aw•r. Colla M-, llJi.111 for tbe I · Ue. Victor)', eouplecl with 1 ae- c'Olld pl8ce 1n dull meets, nets tbe Sea IDnp the ov!rall champlomhlf. CoroDa de Mar crushed the oppostllon in Bee compeUUOI\, challtinl up 10S POints to run-ner up Estancia's 74 while Cee · action was won by Coat. Mesa with 'II polnta. • ' • ;. ,; -.... •t ... ,1 I j..t\,_lJ ""'•1 ·' j • record In the Ill · l'~ t :·'In ~~Ion, bu\ Ibo depth 1,07.1 effort,' \ .' I< ·Of,~ .. , Mar ptVVlld too In all, 10 leipe1rmds leU}•"llll<h. 1 t alt in varalty ac.Uon. "< ... ,, 'VJ.,.. VIW'llt Me11'1 brllli.lnt tell)' teams ..,.#.~ r.llr .!. 1. totle ,_. worked ·over the' t e a • 11 e ·~~""'· o·~· ltO'/'I. 1L. 'P oo, l:U,t , tlaffl l. CWont Otl IM~ records with ease, we qairtet ''""'· 1 i. 1111.• .. FM1nt•11t of .Roa MislOltlt, Jay Spanagle, v~ ::· .. _ 1• KnMW11G11 1cdMI ~, Gamm~tl,and,,.JefilRolllO'J ~-JlS::I fi!~' .!fMJ~ .. .,..,,,.q up ·Wnn a 1;44. , 1CGM1 l :JJ.2 s. .. ..,,... 1tiw 1:5'.3 6. m~~ey.1_1_ '. • !...;;. R T:~~<~0,~'~!J.,. 1CM1 u., "111510 u , Gammon !'_f':" oy '""'"' r-11) t • ..,,..,. lc;Mo\I Al J. were joined by Din :whttaker F•,., ccdMt t3J '· McG1r1 1(.llMJ ''·' . lh ·-f~ I ·, t• s. ltOlmMI (CM) 1.C..I •• Wt! .... (I.Ill 1n e ._, 1w re I'/ .. com-n.t. pile a lltilq&nt 3:2.1.11n lbe 400 1c~ 1~~:.rt' ~ctM~· f:1~":. ltte relay ll«tHOn c.MI 1;11.I '· Otwll (I.Ill ~Vid ~· aue ·' Estanci" 1:11.0 J. Otfo IC.I 1:1t.I '· ,..,.i1 v. '°" -tl"VI ':tl.l turned the ~in 57 t for DIVl!'ll - 1 ....... (CMI Jn.IS '· • Zllll!Mn'Nn ll"VI IN,09 3, Ztldln !CMI a loop standatd and Whlt:Mer 1n.r, '· w1n1a1 !CMI 11•.1• s. Gt,,_ of Mesa sped 'the SO free in 1E1~ ::-1! 'i. ~~1 11~'f" s.t.i '· 22.7 for another rtCOrd. loltt (CdMI ... l .... II ICM) ,.,1 '· Whitaker •Ito swam ttie 100 ~ 1C,::> !·11~-,:~~i.~~c'Jlf~.1 free in 50.J for a record. , • fMfft rMlnll 1. 11.ck 1CM1 .so.• 3. ~~-· M..... J·•· R@@Jr . RO'/' (CM) Sl,, .. SlllMI" IC.Ml »-' '· """' .. ~ • ...-UIU.I -~ Nell! (~Y) Sf.t "-.,It~ ((,\lo) "·'· Knanphob was a double winnu for CoroN'. del Mar u the sophomore Oash won the 200 Irle In 1,57.5 and the 400 frff in 4i02.S while mate Hillman was setting a league w~wontlbe diuing corft. 1 oe-liidl - 1. ~tt1.111 .D'.t • • I • !MHI !"KM'C!l 2. Mlt!Met ,(CM) •. I 3. ' pe wltb 313.05· points. Plum... ICMI 1 :l'l.I '· llrldbum Mtll '"'OO-Mven of 11 events 1c11MJ 1:1t.• s. tit lllfMtfl .. "',.., " ' (CdMl '"' ...... ICdM) 1: .... t. a ,;.. -1. K"""""°lr (CdMI ' At Trophy Meet ·' Artists' Cottam 1:01,) 1 ...._. ((dM) '4tl5.t 3. lluldlll 11.lfl 4:0f.t .t. >~ ICM! •:17.t S. 111',,.rd Cc.NII t :lt.7 &. H•!I fCMl 4:21,t. IOI 9'"'' -I. Hltlrn•l'I ICllMl I :01.t fMMI rtco.-J 1. s.or..1111 (CM) 1:'7.1 3. Wtllllt (l!sO l:ot.I 4, HOMI (CdMI 1:0..I S. 0~1r !E10 l:lt.I"' 0 • .,1, IE1!1 1:11.1. 1-. "" .. "" rwl•'I' -t:• .. C.tto Mft• IMtskli., ltll'f. 0.,,.,._, Wl'lltllt.,.l S:W llfltlt ~l I. C-dtl Mir 3:2'.t J, t:1t111Cl• J:4t., 4. f'911111411t V1llrt S:M ... l'"IMI KSlnl: Cor-..... M..-115, I F • l T dn C•t• MIS9 Jll,11.1'9MI• 4 fl-.inl•!n n ·ina s 0 . y v::: ... ~,·~~~ ,, '~ dfl Laguna Beach Hl&h'e track forces qualified two entrants Frkiay f« the finals of ill SOlh aMual Trophy Meet today. Eastern Conference Co-claamps at Ease W.aking the grade were sprinter Telford Cottam In the 220 and Laguna's mile relay team. consisting of .Brlan Bagley, Tom Jones, Cottam and D a v e Hustwlck. T h a t 10\lrsOme posted the fastest Members of Orange Coast College's tennis te1J,m, wh.ich tied for the Eastern Conference title with a 941 record include (front row from left), Gary Godshall, Ray Biggerita!J and Jim Ogle. In rear, from left are, Sturgis Stentz, Norm Davies, .. Mike Caro &nd coach Morrie Gerard . 11ie Pirate netters retui:n to actjon in the Ojai toumament _n·ext•weekend. · · · · quaWylng time Friday, 3:31.5. R I A C A S 'k f Huatwlck anchored the e!-ust e .. s t ocut r ea pi e est fort with a si.11.g. F'inall were held Friday in : Cee fltkS events. Hand o,vis Tars Rack Up District Rivals ·~1~~~~~~ 6 1 D f t · , <>ranee coast area l!ntrant. • . e ea I . , flnili'm lh• running events By ROGER CARLSON 15.7 and 20.8 and Barnett the w.o.iie -1. curt Hort 1E1t t:w.s 1Nw1 ' co1M. cc11M1, ._.....,;ft today at 1!30 p.m. at the AZUSA -Noel Paulson lg· niled 1 three-run rail)! in lhe top of the filth Inning with a long solo home run and Golen 'Vest CoUege went on lo down host Citrus, 6-1 , here Friday afternoon in an . E astern Conference baseball game. 11te victory enabled Fred lloover's Injury-plagued team to move inl.o third -place in the EC !ltandings. The Ru.~tlers i are no\Y a.s, 41h: games behind ~ first-place Mt. SAC. Paul!on'1 homer sailed over the left-centerlleld fence at the 421-foot mark. It was one o! three hlla banged out by the RusUer second-sacker. ..... Witt l•l .~ , !ltbl ,. ,.r-CHH> l. D•Yi.iton Cl11) '-IOll -1 i(iff.-t Ml M 7 J .,... ..... U>... k Of"" Dtitr '"" 1i.tr lon& jUmp In 20-51/1. "19TUMl,.INH) s .v. nc:ri'l'::l ~HI. rr. 1•f .ti ... MW ICdMI . 4. . Niii• ' Llaunl ....... trac ' N.wp.rt Harbor Hl.&h "t the·-11 'th 1.L:i~"i~Hi\ .. ,raie11:A:!rem :. ,~"". ·'-"1 · ,,1,,,.·l "'·alif1er1· oy won VIII I! WI a ,. .• ,, O'Nl.I !CdNll lf.J " ».twill • 2 •• -. tc''M"1"°i~ I HH i 'CU ' School's varsity track and 9:56.S clocking. 1e:i~ ~~~.; _ l. Ntw[lllr1' H •rob• He~!HHr'1s. 3 Cwnb'i:"'ccdMl. VM•ll't field team, sil:.,ume champion The high i·ump fl...·red to '""•""· Aoows. •uti.r. , ..... , 1:21.5 1li ~ -1. vien lCMJ lt.t 1• L~ris i;.<j'-<Yl111ftt,11 ~ -,,_r11!1~t'\"'~ t t h N rt M otabi ~.. cMtt1 rtC«d} 2. c.i. MfM 1-111•~ 'rou~"iccMr'~. ~.s1~.,cJr1H1 '· L1w1en 1 ~ L •11.,•• 1fr: 'l'I' -o t e ewpo • 1!S1. et go tither way, but lt was Lee c1i lr.el K'Dl"lflv: N••P!ll1 Herw til'I, ut _ l. Kt11_,., ic'M1 '·! i. 10,f. -). Tn ,. 1. mheet,1 le11t11lithettle dou,.bt II to Haven 'fl'ith the winnln1 tf· fll911Cfl 1t. · rpf~"s.'~~j. ~J:TMf~llM) '· A mn ~,,ill. .. ~f'r:' R!~'m.(L11 1.Hff'~1' = w D s s 1 ma er. fort and tn thf: discus, Stu ... H Ji'!Zl' -1. vou111 \CM> s., 1. 1.1. The Sailon of coach Bob Aldri ch came throuJh with O!scus. -1. Rovsttt CCdMI 111-n v, !'N"A~1~4ik!·, ·1~:i'. U!9' "-Tudl•• ~,:,',lrlJ1 T1~ -Ttl· 17:1,11 .!: ·1 I d he 't I ff rt f 11•1o"t 2. Slm•ln lCdM) 11 .. ,\l'J J. Ctllllt ICMJ i"ti.y - . C•I• MUI !Vitti. •. L•wlon '· Wt_tt~ Ii"' Tlmt J-la1 ey tramp e I oppos -an ear Y e O o .-n o 1~.0 4• S•••it <E•!l ''''"' s. Jum1> K•• , lombDY. 1<:tn11t<11l "·o '· E1· -tt.1. He,• , -1; !! r e ~M> 2. tion with nine. first places set the r,ace for the mt of ICdMJ ''·~-~ • 1• "'-"1 M¥ 4· NewPD•• i: l.bv1Tf.'lluCh:J·1"att\r''rfr..t ..!: in racking up 9514 points to the even ng, 1_ ~!,;11;cMi ~_;1~'.1':~.":~~1 ~i~ ,l:eir ·~~~dl-1.'· J~ 11~~1111. ~'1\0 HH -1t111 1 -1. Pol•nd 1•1 1. runnerup Estancla'a 70 and Host Corona del Mar took-''·'> 4, w19,.., teso IO-IDYI J. SnYH• 0111 IE$tl 4. Tlr l>llwffn Hune••lorrll Mat1tu110 1c1 3. e1>n•• SMl. Timi - Costa Mesa's 39 in the sixth the Bee illl.e while CO$ta 1esr1 «>-4'n. ict'o:;. MJ:~ .. (~' 1~"1c.~!Zll" 1c~1/J) ~~rH8tt1 1t .. ~·" ~\~W~ ~1 •. i: annual event at Davidson Mt!a wu wiMing the Cee o~~s ~~Ml 1.1·51!~~:~ r~:~l ~~·'su!: ltt.;? 1i.. ''1::"11f1!311~. ).K•r=: ~·" -1· tci.i!"-~,.1u1t ISMi F ... Id Fr1'day night tro""" -· ,,., ....... , ''"'· ICMl. • ..,ll' L~r\ l - ' ~ u1h !Fl J. . .,...,.. Fir.el _.....: car• Mn. "· l!J. ll!'IN'ltr ·raM"r J, ,..., -I . T1rnt - It wasn't even cloee u tht v1n11r ,1 1~,;M,1· :a.Mu::ui:~d~JH\0·~ '·.:i-;; ~=,"h~'"'°"' • M•' "· NIWPDrt U.'n.u="'ic:? l-,.J.1111"1~1• 11~1• !: Sailors dominated the meet Sh9I ""' -I ·~ ICM) SJ•"J.· INH) s. Newme~ U!sll. from start to finish, wiMl•ur Aldrkll INHI 1t-1cw. 3 .•• ,,.." C• ) UQ -I. •••bier !"IHI 1:27,I t. Liv· '"O tf:1!~J.1f~IY fCM) a.11\.11 J. 11.•lllw •Ir !CdMI 3. 01Mn (Et!I ' Kiiton everything they Wert tabbed 'Olse11t -,.._ Aldrkh !NHI 1n.111'1 (CclMI $. Y••l'IDld ((Ml. to take and ta1r1 .... all of the J JWiMlfl !<.•Ml 10 .. 1t . L1111rek 12' LH -1. s1ewar1 1Est1 u .2 closely figured events to boot. ''""" ~CdMI 1 111r.. vis fCM! 1 .setv11r 1c ...... 1 5. H11. ~l::ii1 rr ' 1 I I 11f~h~di~ 3b I f I I ·~, , I M 1 'I ' I ' . ' ...,._ ilhtl 1'5·10 4. R!llV (CMI 144'11i J. fMttl record} 2. Hoft9n ("IHI J. DI· Jn the crucial aprlnts it Lt1r.'! 1ci.1 1i :"1.s 'fN'U1 ~·'s11~i "''d tCdMi. Was D·-1 B'-~ -ml~ lNHJ J, °"'~ ( tMJ. ,,"' ... ,-I. Ml/lier (CdM) n ,, f. Tlltl .. ,.. !UUU. .. v MO lttlll' -I. rw,_rt H1"'9r .... 3. Scll11!11 (NW ) '· A'll'llllCI throuoh f« the Tars wl IAQmJ, Flit!. """'' Jlllffrtl '· !NHI J. Htum1,, tll!'r ll. • l!st•lld• l. C-• 1111 Mer '-tnt1 1:110 1 II. !CdM 3: Bue Pitchers Mauled By Mountie Bats, 12-3 first place eUorts Of 10.4 and Mt'S9 Lt.,. 1(Mf '· ~lftdte• oiM·' '·~ uo·-I. 0.9" ICM) 1:19.1 t . J9fft !CdMl $. 01y !CdMJ. .C.. 1 23,2. INHJ :t. ~1NHI I. lllfllf" (NHJ llO 11111~ -r. Cortne lltl Mir Lattr he· anchored the reC· S. Pa:tit::U1t1 -: Wlll IN~ 1W ,, ~!~~o J~11tsf:· r~,Wllt•tlJ ~:=-~r.~· 11 ~ , I P1~m:.J,~ f 1' 1' : I l 0 ord br• .. i.;.,.., -n· relay learn st1Nin1 IE1t1 1w s. •~tit!" HHI u., H•t11 Jurn1 -1. M•rcr.~ I "I ........, .. ume .t. &endl INHJ 1M J. No fl M'.11 (mttt l"ICOf"d) 3. fl' h .~ , ~ '" that sped the dlllartt in 1~,11 J. J.,,~ior'j~~r~ 1&-!~-CV.17· t: ). s.v1., IE,dM s-• •· ,, l<:Ml>l'llY. 11 ~: I ! ! 3· 27 5 s. KnMM lCdM • , !.;., w,'!!!... < 4Ml, >< , •Is :U t!OS ' Cllrvt 111 !>tr1cfif1>, n · · ·• Mlle -1. lftlil't l':r,1 •:JI l "--•w w ... ,. -• ew<n•n !"•'\ Fino. lb Crnila Mela's Ralph Df:an IMHt ,_,ll 2. C'Jlrllt _,.! \Iii f1J.~i}· (~~r:;. !~~~w!n1K•11,~M\Ett! w1rd. rl o 1 o "op_, the ll80 In l·.!t.O but 3. H1111> n:1n .c.. 00111" I'M J, ,.;i: v.utt _ 1. NM'lur• (ll11 ·11.a Summ•"· lb $ 0 I a ... ....... Cl\'41"" INHI. '· DAYIS (CMJ 3. """'" ( •fl s. ~~1re~~I, cl ' I D a Newport runners finished HC· };.,4:1 i iw~:"l~~~~ ~/Ji ho~i··,~ 11".ri',,":r ~~~: '·c=~ ~~)M•r I.!. i~1on, e !' !' I ond, third and fO\U'th to con-~·h 'l:iP. _ 1 -tit"'" 000 ._1 ~~:~11. M, Htw110rt· H1rtitr .io. Ca!!• :~~~:·:~ 0 tinue the onslaught. . ~ • .,e.~r:l\ .\'~• ~~11~r,~~M'i c" ;,:r.ur· o11 ! I Rich WOOd, Geor1e Barnett • ..., cd•• l"H1. Siio! ""' -1. "'1•11 (CM) ,._,,, '~~ • 14 and Curt HoYt were the only 11~~ .. ~) ~ · 1":,Y: t'ISl a.• '· oun-[':• ,~eJ',;:4\Mr'~•1'' ~c't.l. Go!~.,. wt.!T,. ~J1 '~'"i1G-6 10 ~ Estancia wiMers u Wood '·ri: ~ i~ ~Nit~~ ':"l·_ ~~,It ~ttf.'' '1·1111 J. kllllr•, .. n CllrUI ece l»l 000-1 ' l took both hurdles tuUy In JE•ll,.l· K,,·-, •. CtllM~ ... ~.w1:l'l:i, ,,. -"'1: Alw1rd INHl J:f4.I 7. NAnONAL LEAGUE ChtJgo ' Pittsburgh ~lt111treal St L<N~ New York .11hfl•delphla .~ll1nta ' Lot A•&ef" °&An Jo"'ranct1co CinclnnaU 61n Dl'i• •row ton EA9T ~: L 9 I 7 ' 4 $ 4 • ! 7 I 7 "'F.5T ! • • ' ! l 2 I $ 4 7 7 Pel. .900 .700 .«< ,40\I .300 .m .Ill\\ .117 .144 .429 .301 .In "' fll.., "'t~t ICM) 3 .• "•llt (CMI I. CHM \ AMElllCAN LliGUE GB I 41ii 5 • Sii I B&.ltiinore Detroit Boa ton N"' Y0<k Washincton Clevel111d KlnlUClty Chle.,o Odfand -Seattle ~ AUT!fOIUZID EAn w • 5 ' 5 4 t WEST $ 4 4 4 I I L Pel 3 .727 3 .615 4 .900 4 .SM 7 .3M 8 .Ill ! 3 4 4 4 ' .125 .171 .IGO .IOO .41t .171 GB Ill Ill 2 4 • •,; 1 I I II I 1969 ...... America Avallllblt w/Autom1tic Trammlulon eol.D SIAL USID CAU l'llllST SUCTION Of USID Sl'OIT e AU IN SOUTHllN CALllOllNIA ~ULL SlllVICI AN D PAltTI ~DR ALL IMP'OllTID AUTOMOllLIS I) I 11lj111 1 I J\iilfllll ('_, J100 WUT COAST·HleHWAY-lllWl'DllT ~CH MZ·MOI Mf.1764 AatNt.4 M• e AUITIN·HIALIY Dael"' AtlfhrilN HRIA•I D-. W.. ' Sanlca ;. j " I 11 ' i i l 1 ! I 11 111 LI 111 I '.· WALNUT Mt. San Antonio Colle1e h I t t e r s ganged up ·on Gary Dunkelber,er, the ati! of the Orange Coast pitching staff and buged 17 hill oil of lhe .redhead 1nr(nlte to 1 JJ..S Eastern Conference baseb.111 victory ·here Friday afttrn6'1\. slump, blnpd out half of the Pirate hits, The win Wu the mounties' t%th in bonferenoe action agalrilt. no • -,ea. Orange ~ 11 DOW s.1 ar.d hid a thre.pme wtn' streak 1nep. pod. In the process. ,. Mt. SAC collected a total or 20 lilts off of Dunkelberger and his reUever, Mil Swaim. SllortitoP BID .Tenklnt, !'ho Is .tmer,mg from a Jong • . , Ara y.., Think!,. Allovt lvylnf A ''rlvtla AltplaN? CALL JOHN IAKEll 675-4440 'j 1· i l ! 1 ' i I II ytv .,. • ,.,._ wltll • WC:tUlul "'11~ •1111 looi t11.i MllMl11 y.., RI.,. I flltof It' • ell'"!" IW-ol tr1n1110tJtlitfl, ""''" • trlwtft •r 9JllCllllY•· tlr,_..nt wlll Ill l"lt )'Ollr IHl!lntu. An •1rpl9!'11 Jn 'fOllr t\ltifltH un M .... ,..,ti.I 11 1 ty-r1ter, ,,o..rr office flltnlt11r•, 91\d vt11r llutlnns •inomlllllt. T••WIM •n l frDllM el" .i.. Ii htlllllld •1 en, Dllltr <HIM1191 M UIPIMl!I Ill \'Gllr 111/elnlu. I *"olld lllc1 to lo..-llMI •PPD""lllnllr It 1rt ffWl'I . !Ind l llCllH llir ad~•11l•on. •lltr •llltr KY1nllgn to tit 1114, MIM ,_,,. OUlll'lt11 •Plt•MI r-own •1rJlllMI. EXE CUTIVI AIRCRAFT VALUES Af'lrHfM l'lfl111C• tr '-MM Tllf'7t •lt.ie1* ,:_.,. M ~ •I -l'MI~ Ill Lent a.c_11, ;,. I .-lptlf'lf II, SOuill 11-.. t ll'...,t. tll/ltJ 1• lt'1 (Htllt 1-Yl•M Wflll I full J 1ltl TK-•lre •ll!Oellel, n " ,....,. wltll 111tr• Mul....,.....1, '-11 *""· 1•1• !HJ "fHr Twlo! ~. 6 J llllS 9""° 11-[MI, •ttl!Udt Mii(, 1\111'1' 11111:. lflt't1M1"1t.,--.... S!Mlt ........ U,,_ '"' c._ llu<IMI. • ••I'll MW dlrfrM rneltr ~ Inly 11• ,_...fl. KM Omrll. AOf', S nt. M9rii.,, tllMI IHI c-.,,....,., llllo$ • liOt NAV/COM Ofllnl. Tl'l'I ""1w9 Orlfl' 1•. LMI MW • .._... C1WM1 -"'*" wtN .. tltal, mt Cts-C••llllMI. Or11¥ M ""°" tll'l(t ,,.., SM"" rot H•I M A ..... "llM W at M•wl(Ml/Llc/Cl!Ml, 11-. 1'61 c...,.. T"!'lfl Sll'(ll'lflftr, Ilk•....., Wllll llll\' 1• lllwi TT. 1'1111)' IJIR .1 ....... IU. 111111 Or,.,.+/lec ....... """' OL Mt.• 'IVI OOtf'T llOKllt Alltllll.Nlll AMO Wf OWtf WHAT WI. AOVlllTl$1. 'Wl NAVI AftOTHalt .. , .. ITOCK IN ANOTHllt l.OtATIOH lO..,... "''"" ··~ ,.,,, ...... It# Can ., Write JolHI laker, 714 / 67&·4 440 ~ lox 273, Corona c!•I Mar, Callf. Mir IOllW9f, Jiii~ ~ L•lhl l:P .I ), =::..\.st.• :t. CMf_I Mesi 11~ Hut ' -""1(11~tm) ,.-}:~1t:.:i:IJol1,..~~ t :s,s.1 :;:r,11llou9ll ll't ~~~~-;: I~ ,i.~'Q;M! hS1.0 .. "•I..., -...et I - 1. ir1lll)roolt t. t . SftntNJem jCllMI 1;5'.I i· ltlft¥111t ll'ff J. C•'llNd 41_!«1'11. Tll"M -IC.,_) lt51.I S. -flt'( j~~J 2: ... 2 a. 4>.~ . .,_ 2 ~. ~ MMC* li< ~ 11 ... CCM) 3:11.3. . 81~i 1. C01111)111k1 '· Cad\t:ll9. -Timi so lrM -L Ol"°"r ( Ml 74.t '· -.wie rtlt'I' -He-1 I -1, l1tun1 .. ltlev IQIM) tJ.J Otto tCdMI 21l ~- 11.cfl 2. F•I~ 3 Y11UIP1 • Lte (E9') ff.t. Hemet, Tkne -3:J1.J-:. Hett 2 -1: 70t lndlvkhlll "'"lt't -1. W•ll•• ConNMidD f, l.tft ~tcos J. V1lle't fE,f) 1:117.6 2. Sold IFV1 1:1)1,r J. Chrlitl111 4, lrH. Timi -3:32.6. Web5ter !E11i l:IM,O 4. Kint fCMI 1 :O..• $, Otlwr· (CdMI 1 :M.6 '· Mlllch ~ . IH . !Cilfl\j 1:07.0;> ' lllJT." HM!, J -1, Dvk1lr1 (Vl '4:, JOO •'flV -1. ltltl't°"' ICMI .st.I '· MY rt I J.i Tlmt.~.~j Pf•t2 "."""1 W .. llr IEftJ l :OA J, JM!o(!IOll CCdMl 2_ 1 1~ rt..!·1~r ('l!l:.'1~ 1:11.7 •.' GuwtMIOl\f CCMl.. l:Ol.1 5, It l'lf IE ). Time" -10.t . M'f'ij'", -i'«n~Jlll ICM) 1: ... 0 6. Ktml'IWrl~ ftdMI >. ;/, (81 . A1sl\tt !()Timi -10.t. 1:11 .$, HNI -I. L1ttlmet (I•) Ho ""'°'"' 100 frft -1. Cl!ttord !fstl 52.• t . ..... 11 ''· Time -lls H"'hes ic;.crMl SJ.I ;. Lolll IC!llMI Sl.3 no -H~1 1 -I, kllUI (YC) onl't 1 O!to (Cd.Ml U,J: .S, Md'•rllllll' (!!Ill ~t.1:11'· ( r,~ [1-rt i . "~l ti;;,..!; U.1" L" (Iii) .... '!·"-'tr.lit -1. nl e.3 i lt9'hlf lot 1*11' -1. K•w1bl (lhtl 1:9',f '· I \ iim"l-~ ..... --=--.. ~r -Solt (l'Vlr t:M;t--i:-JMlftOll !CdMI . t. H. !Cl. Til'N! -2"-'· 1:06.1 4. Kini' lCM) 1:07.S $. lrltltol' Httl 5 -I., •• ,. '"""'") 2. Miiier ICdMI 1 I .... tC l. TllTll -If.I, «1C1 ,,.. 1 l.Nlhlw !CllMJ •·ot J IJt HH -Hut I -1. McCulloltfh fwtl r~J-t • steowtttl"'! (Cdt.\1 i~~)1. .J•Nlol_:llrtt"s C~13·2 ~ei' 1:11.t , Wt!Kltf0 (E1!1 4:1U I. lilMl 1t11iiet11 'rao) 2. Pid.11 U.-' 3. Slwcli !CM\ l :".2 J, L~tt !CdMI 4:$3.6 IMJ, Tll't -16.t. Ht913-I. CMffi11 '-Vltrttwt IC.Ml J~9'.I. l'I ~ Aet,..n<let IPow•r) a. IMl•r JllO ,,.._.._. ,_ J""-lEtll 1:11.1 II. Ylme -11.l. · .2. Mlb !COMI J·\1.S ~. Tie """""" 110 LH -HNI I -I. v.......-1,.n J._..,. ilifl '..;/ OY191 CCdNll 1·11 J l\l'CI 2. Plli9y IL i. TlltM -14.7. Hfll J. (:1torrell fl'VI 1:M.I 1 O'ltJtn 1u.i1 -I, fldr11t1 rt':'l.. ..... ~ 1·1' t. ~ , '1.:~:l~'·1p f.-,.1~"' ti lo.;.:)" .• (,., '91~ -I. ~ dtl !Mr l°l~ -~. "!1•1 ••--.1, •cl 3:U,2 1. c.t• N.9M l: .... f l. btww:l1 1.-W•llf:ft.i. Time.~ UJ, . -·1. 1:.,.) "'-.JI01i1"'9ln V•ttw.,J:Jl.l .,_ ,•llH'I' l.. MOii j .I' fL'l•l-1earlM1,co..-;•• MM 1113. '~~ 't -·~Hf l !.. I. ~: Etfillrl'ICJlll .14 ~If ·~ 14' l'•l•ln I'll J. 6'11Nf 1. t · 1, V•lf;l'. 'tf, . ·"'' f ~ T!mt.-J :».A.HN12 -l.I I~ ~ • ,. 2. Mlf'lfll v.J1tr l s.11 ~ '· • , .. llltf.,,, Time -1:37,:t. . !111 11Md111y ,,..., -4. toil1 Mt1,, ' tC•ri>enlW+ o•,..u, ·~•l*ll<fl, ~11r,.1 '" ~j ~ (e._ ~I 1·5'.S 2.. 0 bt911Cl1 ,1:11.t 1 ·1'!..,,.t-ln _,.,._ Ti~ ... lJ.).' ,, V•lllV 2:11.t •• c--ftl ,.,,.J:tl:t :.;. -,, '911 , DI ,,,. MCI"" -11,,. l'llf F,.. -I. W11tl .. , (1V)~~rf'·' ! Tl,.,. .Jl•~ ~, -1 L'!."' l"l z. •r•I (CM' t :Of.f J. LWMll,,J:!ttt t :DI • ' F=iti • " -1,~~r~,lr~i ~fl''. :e~ ~=~~~)\f~, • ..,_ • ::::..:· ~~), I .tsiencar Jlt'f'f?I ~ ).,,.i.lndtlio, ~lfl:,1 ... , t. . ''"'' -, it• t· ,...., I. M?""""ri~l11ffAi-r'l.\ (CdMI '°" (C) 61111' .u1lrrlf". Tin!•,-n .s•.Cufr•i'YrM.1·1j."H (l'V) i"-Hut 1 -1. si, .. ~· I 11. L•r .u.• '·OU"• jCMJ'2t:t: ' "'. ~ W~'l TltM -' 2t 1, I ~r lot ~11Uf! fNdll'r ·zr_.J. ltlec fl'VI 1 Nolt. t.;\ ·~ -it. · 1itl.t' t . W•"""'7t~ fQ'l!I l:lt.2 l . J -1. fl I I ' I t. ~' Hol"fOlh !C:•MJ , llMA ,A. llli"'""en , ™' ... ..1 ..... --l. IE1tl 1:f',t J, Otvl)fr HIV) 11M,I 6. . ! '"~ i•llflff'. T -No1~ ll"YI j;ll.=· 'I , !Iii IJ -· fT' ... t I °"7. SO fly -1, (CMl '(MM ~I ii") on ... itr, Time -2o.t: -...certll~!~L •It 1f'\')l.p l~I· 12' Llt -HI 1 -I. MKDulT firmH;.f~tl ,., .... , ..,..JC~l :It.I J. 1"11'111•~ I. o.i..-ICI. Tlrnt -15,4. Lund· (CMI 'tt.• &. JKXMift ff'VI n.1 ""\ -I. Z•rnll"ll CCI 2. D1t!u 100 Irk -I. WIJrlht fil'V) '2.1 '· ("ID . !me -U.1. Hl.t 1-1, GI" ~.....-.. !Eill Sl.6 J. Mt.A-fCMI ,,_ IYI 2. C•lotll INDI. lme -14,1. 5'1.l "-.... !CM! SJ.I J. L!lttn fl!sO Ht,.1 I -1, L•Y /Pew-9'1') 2} H1ntt 5'.I I. MCN-ICOMI 1:9'1.t. llM\, TI~ u.41 H'f1 -1· 50 1194 -1. L. ·~ fE1ll H•.~'-iw ·1-"'t ~ ... ,. (M .. I rtc0tdl "·' ,_ C.r-.rttr ICMI c~;"'...,:;ri 11 r9C:ll I, s.ftlJNrks. 7'.I l. Jllmitr IC~MJ lD.I '· Gr1nt T ..... -II~~ .M .1 ..., -1. ,....,., 1. tES!l J1 .J S. lllulef ti" VI U.J 6. il'•lrntr '"""' J.' ,,QI .. '-"l 1111111 IMCll. · CC:dMJ D.7 . 11:'.r -It. ' " W "t c.er1t Ntll JG IH'Mrl -1. Y•rwDCllll CCMI Jl.2 I. ,..tiJl·f~ l11:J.ri,..in cl1 ·1 O'Hllll' ICM) 11.• :a. JltNV lltll :M.I '· 6i1ller (iDJ 1f:i:.tif .... •J~~ . l"hl!Dlll (FVI )Lt J. 1111'9 CltO SJ.J I. c LJ c .. 'or'~r~~ 11 i.<v~ 1 1'::1',.J",::/..,31.!· 1. c.,. MtM , ... 1. 1r~1n• 1c1· Oi.IMQ _, I ~. ~_.,. GI~) 1:0 .3 1. ;_'G° -• 6WM1m1W•U1 "\_ UIYM F-!'111 ·Vflli't !1 :41.' 3, 1!1t111tl• '"-.,' )._ · I I f. l:M,t 4. C.W •• Mir 1:47,f . ~:r:~~1111r"'" • 1 ('"I· Fl119I tcOtitlr. C•I• Mfta •· l!tl1n- SP -1. i.ba.c:k 1'1 2. Fotm.n CCI <!• 11111' l"*lnlilln V•lltw •i HCI\, l. Ntw!Tf:6"'t:l~ O•Ytl'l~f.? IEiD) $. C~ •tWrM.2t. ·-~.~T ;~~;· I ft~ VACATION HOM~ i a\11 L ON WH~ILSI • +,...·,!(,...I;.,. I 0. whtrt J'Dtl want, 1t 1y I UIUUI I whtre you want wi thout ' · <"I 1 . schedult• or relervatlona. ;., r CHOO;~~u;,~~XI ! . .. 1 CAMPEil ............. 11 ....... -., ..... --.. ,,...., ...... ......... Oft COMPLITILY SI LP.CONTAINID CONDOR MOTOll HOME P1<Up to l RI SI Rlll' HOW (, TO ASSURE DATES YOU WANT. ·-lllASONABLE RATES •• COME IN OR CALL TODAY fOR FULL INPOltMATION ASK FOR Mlt. 'MALCOM RllD THIODOll IOllNI. JNO llAUDll ILYI. 642..0010 COSTA MnA NEw ozln CARPET TILES I 12-lnch aquam or carp.t wttti a, ntDbt>r Mok. Son. ~· qutot. No Wlxlno .. •lotdlio. MMe of •111,,..,...lltwlt Ywtra flbtr. 18 co/Ott. UM In dine. kltohen., tK-rOOrnt, bMhl. :~.:';.,; •....... _,_ 57! 12"'•12"111• i'r -'-'• ~ K ••rl HOME IMPl\OVIMINT Din. HOO HAllOI 11-YD, COSTA MllA • AlfMld Pa!Mu .GOLF HOW YOUR GR" A ffECTS SHOT DlllECTION Your' 1rip 'directly aff.cts 1ht directton ind patt.rn of your shots. l~trtfort, I proper &rip i.s necessary if )';OU hope iO hit consisttndy .CCUrate Uots. 1 It ls 1 ireneral principle that the farther to thl. left 10U tum your hancts wh!!Lllacin1 them on the cl'1b'{illuatrttieo I 1 ), • the more likely your shots will fly or slice to the ri1ht. Tht more you position your 'hands to the right {illustration #2), the more your shots will fly or hook to th1 l1ft. • . . Each 1olf1r should e1tper1· .. r ment with th• posiUonina of his hands until .ht:finds th.e hippy medium (illustr.tion #3) that will allow him to consistently re. turrrtht .clubfac:1 to a square poSition-for ·rel1tively straight shots-durine impact. •CllMf""n.-1,,.. GOLFING PRAC.TM:E ,.OW CAif PAY Off LATER! The aU·neyt, jult-published Al'ftOlct P1lrner booklet, "PrlClic.1," show1 YG1J how to pr.WC. M bOf!1t1 for pow1r ,.., 1n wovr l1vorite cours1. S.nd IOc ind • sllmped, return 1nv1lopt to Arnold P1lmer, tf.o ll'lis MIWSl)IPU. Crestview Roundup Viejo Wins, 5-1; A rti-sts Lose, 6-4 Mission Viejo beat San Clemente, >1, a'nd El Modena stopped Laguna Beach, 6-4, in Orange Coast area Crestview League baseball games Friday afternoon. El f.1odena 's Doug Carlson hit a home run on the first pitch of the game at Laguna but the Artists scored twice themaelves in the first two in· ninp to take a 4-1 lead. But that advan t ag e evaporated in the fourth in- ning when Laguna allowed three unearned nms to score on two Artist enors. Pitcher Steve Hazan went all the way for Mission Viejo, striking out seven in a five-hit performance. The D i ab I o s scored three runs in the third on four mu. Mission Viejo rapped eight Saddlebaek Smashed SAN DIEGO -Paul Cox \\'On two events. but that was ju.st about the only thing Sad- dleback College's track and field te.am had to holler about after absorbing a 91-23 defeat at the hands of host Gross· mont College in a non-<!on· ference meet. Cox took the long jump with a leap of 21·11 ~ and the discus \Vith a heave of 138-1. Gromnont also ,.,,hipped Palomar, 67-55, in a con· current dual meet. hits in the victory. The Diablos are now IH in league play and 10.5 for the seaSon. MISSION VII.JO fJI •• r 11 tlll Holmes.cf l l'I §lll'O, H ( 1 1rllt1tr. II l 1 G r1v.e J Ol Le11r.er. ltl J 0 O 0 H11111. I l 0 2 I Mor""',!" )127 Hltll'Nlfcl'Cl.U 301 0 Meredith, ti 3 I I 1 TOllll H $ I J SAN CLIMSNT.I: CU r nr11r111 Lom.bolrCI\, el j I > 0 A-rl.O#I, ?b l I C11rl11..,.,11, u J G J~nr-,:;' J '1 Y g IC1ie11, 11 l o o It.shin. l~ l 1 0 Wrlor.t.t 1 I j 1 Al~:·1r. ~J 1 S ~ Seer•~ IMIMll s.11 c11mo11111 oao 010 o -I !' f Mios1loll Vlelo IU 010 ~ -J Net Prep Summaries -----·......,,. J Oilers Nip Saints··, ,, .. ' LEGAL NOTICE 4!0AL NOTICB llOlQ .. 94MCM.UT.... NOT.Cl W • .............. lllln'r 1.-. ., Nant•••" N"4Ct k ..... --~ .. .... IN ,.... tUMIUoa cou•T .. '"""'* .... 111 ...,. 11¥111 :'.~Ji ........ = ... ,.,..._..-fllr ~ 'TMI STA1'1 Oii' CM.'""NIA .. .,_ ,...,.. --.JIY, M.: K• .. .. ~ .. ......... ·-TMI eouwn °" obltu ..,. ......... -.., !! llrrn ,,_ 11111 ollltt .._ "1•lft•11111 dltt. ..._ AO -1 (ffATtOlt lhll 91' ......,.., .... K "!! lnw.t......... O.IW "'"»th ay fl N!'ll. lM. 111 111t ~1...-9' .. ~ ol TAJ'.- Tars, Vikes Go 0-0 lt J .. fillll1ll -°""'91 ",..,, Chy " D. I , Wllkfl ' MY JEANNI! MdofJV, Mlnol' DA--~ .. ·~ ~ S.. fl p, D. lMS TMf. P!.Ofll.E OF THE ITATI! OF r"->~ N • .._ I ...,. ti All1t. ...... AM. Cll!tlf'Ma tAllllO•NIA, l#f,W ....... ~. ~.. .... ,......_ Or•IWll C.... 0e1!Y ,!!~ TO• IN Alltftlllv •n MCCW\ ~ W ~ rM1r rMtflill °""II ti, It, 'It 110 •-• t\. -If JllS. ~ 'l'MI W ...,_, .. ...,,...,. -..r.llL. dttf .. fWIWili"M .. .....,. ....._.."' ...,. ...,._ 111 .. """" ...ur • • LEGAL NOTICE ..,_ ,.. .Mii ., 1118: CNl1 "' ""' Wlth one e1cepUon, Friday wu a day fer quiet ball and 1troq pitching arm! for Orange Coast area Sunset League ·baseball teams. Westminster's 8-1 loss at Anaheim was the o n t y slugfest. Huntington Beach t<Oted In Ille eighth Inning I<> nip visiting Santa Ana, 1-0, and Newport and Marina played to a 12-ioolng scoreless tie before daylight expired. Newport now has three tits to play over before league play •od$ In tbtte w.W. Anahe.lm burler John BaJen. tine bad • perfect came in the works for five lnninga •&last Ille !Jons but Mike llayat1' •Ingle In Ille sixth brokt 11 up. HunUnaton Beacfl plftber Tom Joliet went all tbe way for a shutout q:ainlt Santa Ana. He now has lJ """ aeculive: scoreless iM1np in Ille boob. Jt was Joliet himself · who provided the impetui1 (or ~ Oilers.' He singled fn Ille oiglltb and was lifted for a plncb nan- ner. Lan-y Walker. Pat Murphy, two bait.rs later, doubled to left and Walker ICOrtd. ending the game. ~ w ~ -'Y .. WM .....,. Win "-""' ctt om... Stott of Cllllorllll, •I .,, ..... d\edllr9I 111 llflbHllll9 ...i ...... f!1t c-t •oorn ef °'"""*11 I IK•led If 1fll tll<ift ll'IC raottM 'I lllOll9 J'.si:t'IS 11 1'DO W... tlll SfrHI, 'leml Ari-. N'f'lllilt fl lhl llr'", · (l•Ttl'ICATI 01' IUllNISS C.llfQl'lll9, °" 111' 10ltl dltY If Jiiiy. 1Mt. Murph~'s WU the only extra l'ur...., ftOflCI " ..,., •'-""' ,... TM ~!:': = ht .. '*"' M\ffl ... ,,..,. ......... (9IKll, " -· ':: ·-· al •"-.... lll'llllllfliel'IM wl" "" ... --ftM1 C-*' "·~ wllY .. w ..... ~ .. u-t .-1111; came: "* ·~ '" ,., tNt ...,,._ ..,.... ::.!"c:u~~~ ~ """ ,.."'"' -c:cordilll ,. 111t "'!!lion 111" Both teama bad seven bttl. '"'.rtMr ~~ lllf Ml"''"••'",.. "'"'*"' ,,.,, .... , .. O'lEt()M AUlO f'A•TI '*Ott;. ~ Fiii' 1111id lfld -· ... "" Jol&d struck ou1 five. Tbe Sin-prr:.: II 0r...e... C.llf'V"t, • I'll :i~ .:::.... ~ :;:":' f\t~ .: ""'tlel' ~ Ill !tit C-"t. ".,°':.::: ta Ana pitcher T OJD .... '/..,., ltft. .. ....... ~ II .. ~l SJtlt ti QNlotlll&. "'" ... --°'· ' all .... I It/A. L. 1'1Mr1ll• I I ·~ M. C11f, 11f4 ~ 1'6t. .1 ... ••• ~ """ W;.:J wa:l h/J•• M. ll(v0e • • Clftlt l'ollntllll \'eljn' C.llforllll VI, I!;, ST Jvr,.•1\ Wly, 1 Tbe ~ clit -llM!lilllct ~ Cotti Dllb-~!lat, o.-• Nrll I .. 1Nt ' • Cltf't of IN ~ °'!'r1 down -... Co-I~ ___ ...... OL.' • .-.;i1 IJ. 1Hf , \ 156-# ,~ ~ (IM Iv Mll'lt Y. ,..., ~ ........ -w. STATE Of CAL:ll'QllJOA. I o.u:IY Plate in the third and fif ... tn-LEGAL NOTICE COUNTV ott o•AMGI 1 • ~•ut. A. McCIAC••• c On -II It. tw, """"''mt, I ffollrr "76 ~ ,,.,.,,.: nhip. l\ll"l•MHt COUllT ft# lMe, 1'1,1bllc Iii and for llld Stm. --11'1' ~=.C::;.., The New po r.t.~Ma:rin.a nAT• °" UL.ur-OIMtA.,. _,... ,.,..,Ide M. '"' 1u1oW11 '--• .,.,..., ..,. ,......._. •• dlock ~~·-·t ...... 1 • ,,._ couwrr0ts ""'.... 11""" .,.,_ w-. """"" • ~ .,_... k.9t'I . uir:a . was a ~u ,._ -.u. -"" A4ml et1 "' tM wlJtil!I ~ tNI l"utiolllhed or.._ c.." o.11v ,.net, Marina's Dave Kl wncw ·w •••11110 ott H111'IOll ~.._.. 111 utculed t11e ..,,,., Ai1tll l1 1, "..-fM• :t. lfft """' l'O• ,....Tl 01' MOLMIAP.MIC (Olflclll .1110 1:::::..:~·e,::~• ::.C=.:::::,:::;:,::-=---Went all the wly to 'fen ~ r WILi. .,... .... Lnl•llS .,...,.. Ml..,. IC. Hen:v t 'CV".AL N~rcE T N ..,...., ~~... ~~ MINT11UIY • NdltY f'llbllc c-.. 111 .. 11i. ~ V 1 ar1. e:w...,.. a ~ve: ~ e., ... ti. OOACAJ DAVIS DE JO..O, ~·~la In lier topped that. wblf~ 1'· o.e.n111. °'-CRll\lY p431n M"'"""'"~I V'-~' M , wa' NOllCE tS HEltflV GNEM Tl\tl M'f' c..nmltsll!I Ea1>lrn C81tTll'ltA.TI 01' SUllNISt .. .,_, u .... ~ . $tc\lrn,> l'ultk W1tloul ••'* "" fllld NW. t•. 1tn l'ICTITIOUS NAM• throw11 out 1t tbe pla\e in thl .... • """'" tor , ,re111tt "' •u1111ttM 0t1"" c-t 0111• ~11o1. Tiie ul'lll.nltlMd oo.s tmlfY 111 •• COfto first innlnt by left Heider Paul ~:,:i:,.,~ ~=~ ~.';! ""'11 it. it." 11111 IM'f' l. '* ..,_. :C.!::'r1' 9~;esc.~1~':!. ':r'tt!~it. Holmes. .,,. i. wblc:11 It flllM for,fllrn-P•rtlcuJtr.. LEGAL NOTICE tltlout fltm .,..,,. « MAIUNE F111E eM lh1t !flit n,..,. ~ •S.C. 11 M•tlflt Ille EQUIPMENT SERVICll! COMPANY llld Wnll 1111 llHfl. ... fir il.ty •• IM, ,, t ::IO "4aUI ,,..t Aid IJl'm Iii cnmPOIM ... Ille follow· 1,r11., ln tllt ~ ef 0-rt..,..,t Ne. C•ln'll'ICAT• Oft IUSIW•U Int Mrson. ~ ,.._ Ill full tl'lll PWC. ' J el ..... cowl, 11 7C$ Wtsl Eitcllfll Slrwt, l'tCTITIOUS Ml.Ml ef rn!~ II ts follows: 111 ttw Cltv f//f S.1111 AM, C1llforlll1, Tht undlnlff!lll don urtlfV sl>o i, CO"' MICH.-,EL 0. WALKl!lt lkl ill'llLlf' 0611d Alrll 11, 1Mf dvctl"' 1 ~-•I llM H•rbor Blvd., M. FINKE. 1Jl2 VI. 81~ Bt'ld., NO. t. W, E. ST JOHN, C f"!ltl C.RfO(l'll• Vf\CH:r the fie-Nt"'""°rt 8 eld\. C1llfor111t . lt,f agnolia Wins, 4-l COlln1Y Cllrt. II~ fll'l'll' ,,_ 'ti' 'IACKOOOlt IM-Oiled .t.prlL lD, 1Mt lOlllTSON, MOWllll I OAllLAND, ..,..,T .. , Id fl II compOM<I of M.. 0. WALKEll ,,.. c-~ .. ., ... s..,,, .. .... "' 11111 STATE OF CALIFORNIA I --' SINlt. °"'*""'' IM fol1lwkiil Nfl.Oll, wllOll Mmt COUNTY OF ORANGE IS Tf//f: 1n•1 ,,..,.... ..... Pl•te• of rllldlftel "" foliow.: °" AptH 10. Ifft, btlotl ""'· • Noltl"Y ""'"""" w PefltllMr. Mlr11rtl Louise Nord, a!!" O!lver P ubltc 111 11111 for Mid s.111. Mno,...nv ~I.tied Or-(NII Otl1Y 1'1164. Otlw, Ht-' lltecl\, Cl l 1111 ·-"" MldlRI D. Wilker ... CdM Loses Tie Aprlt It, "· 2" "" H!-tt 0.1'..:I Alrtl l7. 1"' PhUiP M Fll'b kntWll to rne '° bt -Ml,.11'1!! LOlllM Nerd • O •• ., .... ·~ STATE 0, CALIFORNIA ) --WllcM 11&11'11 I au ..... r • If;GAL NOTICE cOUNl'Y OF o•ANGE ) u lllilhll'I l11slrum1~1 11111 1quiowlM1td 111 1--..,,===-===-:::::-:;,:--I o.. Alol'll 11 ,,.. llelole -. 1 Ko11rv neculf:cl IM -· SU,l!llOfl: COUlT OP TMI! PUOll< 1ft .ncf for 'u1ct $11", 11ri.on1ltv !OFFICIAL SEAL) STATI' Of' CALll'01UOA l'Olt •-rid #M,.tret LIUIW Hotll ktlowil ';! t~~ ~i,b~CiAloml1 TM• COU.TY 01' OllANGI mo! lo bt 1111 ,..rMll wfQI NIM ~ .. o o o ""'la trt For Irvine Lead W.st'"l1111tr 01 .. ' ' ' ' . ' . ' . W. Mc.~rJiwr, It Welllr, C ~. /ACClr!Ml', cf M. Sl11CM z, r1 ~tic.II., 20 ••• . ' • • ' . • • ' . • • ' . . ' ' Corona del Mil dropped a 4-1 declsiOn toi'Magnolia Fri· day in baseball action It Boy-~ Park and with it Went 1 sbaN of Its three "•Y lie for the Irvine Leaiue lead. J, S1rw;hU, lb HI,_ lll Hallltl, • .. ~. McPo,...ltl, 1 1ue11i.1111. rt Mick. lb E~~11lnt, lb Mllrle, P-< T<1tels MtCullev, !I Kiker, 1b ''''"n•, lb ltlct, c Mlor!llo, II T/'IOl'n. cl FreflCll, rf l1lflntlne, o TemPlt. 2fl TOl•l1 ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' . • • ' . ' . ' . ' . " ' • • ' ' ' ' • ' • ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' • • • • • • • ' . ' ' • ' ' • • ' . "' ' . . ' ' ' ' ' ' . . ' . ' ' ' ' ' " . But with the loop going three-rounds tbP yur the Sea Kin31 cutainly can't be counted out. In other league play Fri· day. Loar a, currently lied with r..tagnolia for the top spot. whipped Costa Mesa, S-2, and Fountain Valley nosed past Estancia, 2-1. Doug Omer proved to be sure .,, IM!n•• Wt S1ml1111er 000 000 1-2 1 c M.ll~lm G-11 cm )t-f 10 1 CIAfll .. , Mir Ill .. MUNTlNGTOM llACM tit .. . _____.,_l'ttmer, II .Y/!l~fcM, ti ' ' • • • • • ' ' • • • MtQucw11, lb M~rpl\y, 2b 8etj1, H llV<ltr, c S""'°M' ti Sll11b111, rf ltul:. ct Wl\ltt~d. lb Jolltf, ,. Wlctr, ,,, To!1l1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • " . ' . ' ' ' . ' ' ' • • . ' . ' . ' ' . ' ' tt>1 0. Sn,dfr, lb 1 R. s..yoe•. 211 1 Wlew,u I WtrO, 31> I EiuM, ti O Ktnv. c O Thom~cn, a I Crippen. "" I TOI a fl ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' . "' • • • • ' ' ' . . ' ' . • • ' • • • • • • ' l'IOoll, lb IANTA ANA flt) ~lllllr. II •• r Ir! tti tt\IAn.-rt .. ' ' • • • ' • • I • ' ' ' ' ' • ••• • ' • • • ' • • ' • • ~!\l~!U, d 11•1001J11gl\, u Ev•ns, 20 McCowen, P \Vllllarm. rl Af11110, lb Leonanl, 1b aru.,._,,, r! Ptl!"IOI!. c WOOd...,1IL lb Tolll1 J o I o ~,,,.,., c ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' I 0 1 O lt;tlrQ.,,.r, JS J~ -, o• o 1 L"'lll'*t•'· lb -1 " I 1 I' C:re1~. rl·:zb •' 0 I 0 1'1nklut, cl • ' • ' • ' • • • J . a J o onnors, 1b • • ' • ' ' 4 t o o • Omltr, 'p 1 I O I klrt~lllln, :lb > 'o t o lt\'f!IP,rl • • •I '. ·o a o Tot111 " .,.. 0 1 ~CHI '' IRrtl~tl S1nl1 An• OCO OCO DO-I 1 Hunliftlllo• ooo ooo 01-1 1 • It H • Mir 010 OlO 0-1 1 I \IOI OlO •--' ~ I Baseb~ll Standings l'AJTEltN CON1'£111!Joltl' Ml. SAC W LT Pct,01 u 0 1 1.000 Cftellt~ GOLOEN WEST F~!lfrlcn lt lW<tlOll I • I .•tt 3'~ ISi .t il t" 711.lall •• ' • .!leO ' S1nlt AM OltANOI! COAST Cllrus I • I ,Sllll I • t I ,40 I''> J70.'117 ~In ller11•rdlnt Rio Mondo Cyprei1 ' 0 .30I ••• •tl .:Jtl-11'• 1 11 I .n1 tl1 """"'' l.Hrwl Golden Well I, ClttUI 1 Mt. SAC n. Dr11111e COISl 1 Cft1Ue, 1, Fulllrlon J Sen aerctoo I, 1ttwr11c!" J Illa Hlllldo 2. Slnt1.A11t 1 Ti.ilMll'Y'I 01nh:1 Fullerton ti O<t""e Cct•I II.lo Monoo ll Golcltn Wf ll S•n lft-1! "'"" An• Ml. SAC ti Rl~loloe (ypr~n ., c :1rU1 S ISf>Co AmH SI. Pt11I SI, An!ftonv Se"'l1• 111111tr Ot! '.hlil )( Ls.t•Ut '. ' ' ' ' ' , , ; • , 1 ' ' ' . l'!llllY'I lwf'• M1!tr Dfl •• StrYile ' BllhD!> Arntt l, S1. A11tf\on' 51, Paul I. Plu• X t .,. ............ °"'"'' Set\1111 II 9isl>oP AINI $!, An!hollY 11 $1. Ptvl M1t1r 0.1 11 Plu• ){ .. ' ' ' ' SUNSET Ll!AGUl! W LT G& WHlttll t I I NewPGrl 'l l l An1ftelm $ l O !' > ,,.,.,1 ... 4 J1 ? Slftl• An• ~ 4 I ,,., Hu11"nt1c11 ae•c~ l 5 o l': Santi An1 V~lleY 1 6 0 ~·~ Wf!Slmln1t1r l 6 J 1 S ,. ..... ,.I ktrn NewllCll"I 0. Mlr\11• a !llt l Alllhelm o. Wtslmlntler 1 H11nllMlon ae1c11 I, Sift!• Ant ~ we:ster11 t , S1nll An• V1 ll!Y l. T111tdlY'I 0 1ml1 M1rl111 II .t.nthelm Wr.;ltrn ti 561111 Aftl Se11t1 A ... YllllY II "lt'W<>Gri H••nl\ntlon ae.cll al Wn!mll\Sttr lllVlNI! loarw 1<1111ncll• c oraM 1111 Mt r l'011nl•lll v111., ll!!t!tFICLI \.•AOUl w ~ •c c111 M•• ~ ' ' ' ' ' • l'rtU1"1 Sftfils LOll't J. Coslt M1.,.t M11noM• '• Cotorll d91 Ml• l FOllflftln V1llev J, Ellll'OCil I T"*"' o-Cll'll• Mtsl 11 F011nhln V11ltY 'e11111cl1 " COfOlll <tel M•• Lo1rt ti M•t~c•:a F~hlll tllESTVll!W LEAGUE w ' ' ' ' . ' . • VIII• Pl!'\ M;11loh Vlelc El N""""" TuSll" S•" Clernen•e • • ' ' °''"" ' L""""' Beetll I 1 l"tNflY'I OI Fl\tt • • S•rt Cleme"!I! j. Mlt11Gn Vi<'lo 1 fl MOClell• '· L•ov~• !tKh Fcclllfll '· Drtn9e l VJllt P1r~ I, T1n1ln D T"$tl.l'f'I ..,..,.__ O't"'le ~t T~l!ln v;111 P11~ 11 Lwount a11cll 5'111 Clemtn" ti El M~n• l"'OOlhlll 1• 111,.lert Vl•i~ l'l.l:!'WAY llAr.UI w ' .. ' ' • •• ' ' ' '" 3•; • • .. .... A-G71S .ut>Ktlbld lo the Wllfllll IMtrllrlltlll Ind ,.r FIC ... "'' HOTtC• oir MIAllllM Of' ,nlTtoN .atloW""'"" W utellltd tfte s1me. Ot111ff C0\111111 l'O• f'lOIAT• 01' ,0.119M WIL\. (Offldll Se•ll ,,.,., eommi-:.,1111 EulrH too much for the Sea Kings. AND ~ ~.Tft.OL•.n,• ".~::."-~~ """" K. Hwr( ~ubll: ~·,,.!. Col11 Dll" l'IJof, 'lbe fireballing riihlhander o!:::O."' .... · """" ' =:c~r:.· ~ .. i1orni• ""'11 u, "· :io •rtd MW :s.. ''" '~"' fanned lS Corona batters in NOTICE is HE•e1v otvEH TNt Di'tn'te Countv LE.GAL NOTICE ' I . ' E~ -s. V111ttner1 ,1111.,t11ed ";Zr"~ ,,.,, c-11.• EJ.•I.. '· s x 1nrunga. on! :111~':' i::-.::....= -.!:t .~·.., {'!Iv. 24 "" ,.,.,.. -: 1be Sea Klnga' Y run, lhl lllllllrta ef ~ tatam.nltrf lo ...... llAl!led OrMH ColSt D1llll "1111• c•1tTll'ltATI OF Sl.ISINllS ) which WU unearned came NtlllorMI' ·~ ll!Kllfrl•. ,.,_ .. whlc.11 "-r111•. 216 ""' """' a. ll, 1"' J$I... FICTITIOUS HAMI! ,, _;t t"'· Is 1ntde tor further ••rt'lcullrt; ind ffllt T~ 1111t1enl9ned a. c.ertlfV tie II ~ in the second frame .. er -1111 11me ..w pi.c. o1 h11r1,. "" -LEGAL NOTICE ovdlrt• 1 w.1-11 ~. o . SOii toi.~ Sentinelsd led off the game ~s .. ~.~MI,.'..,.'' 1~!!_,•:»,..•m, ,.·· WHl'mintllt. c1111om111. ll!lller nw lie•. "' ......, ""'"n ""'•" f'oWJI llllow firm lllmt o1 GOLDEN COAST,, with two tallies. said aivrt. II Courllwl!.IM. 100 w. t lfl ce•Tll'ICATI 01' IUSOll!SS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1rtd th~, Bill Ward o' Corona sing!-',',"",,~, .. "'. the ti111 o1 s.~t• A111. 1'1CT1Ttous •••M NAMf: MJd nrm 11 CCl'Y1POMll o1 ""' fo11cw1 , "' ~ ,. Ti.. ur.oHnl<fMcl does herebv ce-rtllv Hf~, whose .,...,. 111 hill 1fld llKe ~ e:d and was sacrlflced to sec-D11td ""rt1 11. '"'· 11111,.. 11; C<lfldudlnt . b\lt.IMu {IS ... 1 ... l'e51 ... ~~.-1i ,, 1111iow.: ond by Mike 'C'-nll. As John ··-· • •. ·.E.:..!T,, JOHN, Covnl't Clefk. "tvld\llU II 1216 Soul!! 0•18 StrNI, Cte\tl w. Miiie<. Jr., sin Sllrd\11! ~ ""' _,, A11Rii.lm. Ctlllornll, Uncltr l~e 11cilllou5 Of .. Muntlngl(l11 81tC11, C1llf<lrrtl1, Kelly received baJI four Ward Atter .. r ti L•• 1;rm n1me ol SMJKI INTERNATIONAi. O.ted April 10, IN,, , kick-• the '1• Hirth NIWll<1 ..... CO. -11111 uld 111m II~ el 1111 Crtlt W. Mllltr Jr. '° broke for third and t:\.I ,......,.. .• _., <1111. tJl6I lotlcWlnt .ffW!l. wll<lw NIFl\e "' tun ..... STATE OF CAl.IFOANIA ) ball out of the mitt of Sen~ i~~ ... 0,.,."";.~~:ltft.... 111a Gf resfdena 11 IS lollow1. 1o-w11, COUNTY OF ORANGE ) II :, . Le Lo 1ol Gto,... S. rA1slldl. lllU E1h11'11 Clr· o.. A..,.11 10. 1.-.i, btlort me. ·~ tine! third-baseman e ng· Publlslled Or•ne• Coast D1ltt ~~ .. ; c11, G•rdlft Grove. c1morn11 '2&40 Notiry ,.11blic in •rid ,,,, wld Stele. necker and then scored as AllrU 1'· 21• 1" t"69 D•ted A11rn n. "" P•nontll~ ,_.,e.i ere It w. MIU•r Jr,., •• har N~ICE Ge<l'9• s. MISudl nn Jt1rdusl Dr HunllMIOn. lle.adl. the horsehlde rollt:\.I m· LEGAL vi STATE o, tALIFOllNIA 1 cintomll. ~ k, _to bl"'-"''°'·· l t d the Ii""' · -COUNTY OF ORANGE I 11 w~ Mme fl iumot:rlbe!I to 11w within e!S f own '""' T-41142 0.. A11rll 11, Ifft. be'for• m,, • Not1.., !n1lrument 11K1 1dlnowltdted ht •~tcllltd NOTttE To c11•01to•s •vb!lc I~ 111d for 111d CO<t!llV ind Stele, -ume tUl'fatOlt tDU•T 01' TM& "''11111•llV •ppetred Geort• S. M1MICl1 (OFFICIAL SEAll STATI! OF tALll'O«N1A PO• known "' -fo bl "11 PlrlOI\ ""°"" Je1n l. .JC!bsf TMl!•(Ot»ITY 01' OaANOE ~llM ios wbscrlbed to ~· within In· Nollrv. Publtc.C1lifornl1 --1'111111111 Vthr Ct) Ht. A'42MI 11rum1111. 11111 1cknowltdt..S lo ""' ""' Prlncl1>1I Olfl<• In •• r h rll Eili te of EONA !RENE LEVINSON, h• e~1cvted I~• •1me. Ortll!ll COlll\111 < ,ltodod1t, lb ll~rtl, 711 C1rrcll, c;1 C1trillon, rl Dll!lt. II ec.y11. lb Wllkln:Oll. c Hell. U Dt~ls. D Tell!> ~ 0 0 G Oece11ed. "f\'llM" mv ll1nd tnd ~1!. Mv Commlulofl EJIPlrn l I 2 g NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN "' Ille Kt11 HIVl!l'll #Mrc.lt 1 1,n l I 1 o c,....n~ o1 '"" 1bov• 1111M<1 dtteftnl Noi.rv Public ln 1tld tor ~lll>nthfod nr•no1 cei •t 0•11Y •'Ir!, ) t I 1 111a1 111 persons r.tv!n1 Clt\ms 191!r.sl ti.. :uld COllnl'f 1r.d Sii"· Aprll 12 If 1' ind ,,,,_v S. Ifft '""' l o O 0 I"" ~oetd•'ll .,, r!"""lr•d I~ l"t I~~'"' !~e111 1---'--'---------- :1 0 2 1 will! Ille netes11rv otOU(llets, In IN otnc1 NORTON O. Ntll+IOKA, Attv. LEGAL NOTICE 1 c c o ot tht c;e<~ ti ,,,. 1bov1 ~.lltled cooir•, or 251 E111 ~ 51,.11, Nt. tll J o D C· Jo prf'Stnl II••"''· wllfl ll"J Fl«eUll'V la ~ C111f'w11i1 l a ....:ucr.eri. to "'" u/ldtr$ltroed tlll K~ ,..lJJf1 O O > MtltneJ!. SH!lerteri & KnuPI', lJIG Publlr.Md Or1nte Cotsl D1l1V l'i1ol, tt:ltTIFICATE OF IUSINISI ?I 2 } WIW!l"l lloulevi rd, LM A 11 get Is, Aprll lt, 2', 111<1 Ml~ l, 10, ltff 7,2 ... t l'ICTfTIOUI NAME l:sltntl• Ill 1ceuror~1•, tooa, whic.lt 11 the Pitt• at Tht u~t1itlled ~ certlf't lie Is te,.. 1b r ~ rbl fMlntts ol lhe ~'9Mll In 1 11 mtlle_, LEGAL NOTICE lluclil'l!I I busl"'"' If 2431 Fotdlllm Dr., OW'Mlt. rt •uu1rd, t ! Powtn. '.ill Lost1n. " C°""*•· " Vtlltft, a. Lt""°'~· lb ,OWtr$, ' Py!W, cl Tot11s 2 I e I pertal'llllO to Ille est1t.. ol stld ~111. CMll MHI. C•lllornll. unoer Ille Ile• J O u u lwllhlh ,..... IY*\1111 •fir< !h.e flril •ul:lllcl· ,..JnSJ t!llDUt firm "1"'e of tf9LM PltOOUCTS J O I l !Ion ol this nolltl. C••Tll'ICATE OF •USIJUiSS Ind 11111 111d firm II C'OrTIP<ISM al 1"9 J O o ( Dtl!!O April I. 1fft lfltTITIOUS *Ml! lolklWlnt HrWn, w-.e 1111:.., In full Ind i 0 0 0 Edwin I . LevlMoft Tiit lllldersi.nlll do cerflfv "'" 111 pt1c1 ol rf5Jdentt Is 11 to : rdllli1' l 0 I ~ ~:.;.~'·~~~~lord ::11'!!\: •ae':d:~11r1!w!..\!~ vr::;~ ~~ 0r~'."'ii..1: .. ~~~r11~!ll Ft ' l 0 D 0 E•ftd or£ ti the WIH of llcllllow llrfl'I nime ol ONOERG•DUllD Ot.ed Aoril ~O. 1f6t I 0 0 a lht ebcwe Nmed decedelll CJTY HAU.. tf\11 111.i wlcl firm Is com· Lou•1 fl. Ede11helm 1 0 0 0 MITCHELL.. SILll!fl1£110 & l(Nl.ll', p,y.td cf !ht !llllcWlt111 Mr.ans. wholse STATE DF CALIFORNIA, 1 '} I I 1 U .. WlllNrt llllllvlrC Mm!• Jn IUll l fMI l lltes o1 rl!ll.ldMC:e I re COUNTY OF 01'1:,&,NGE ) U St1r1 •1 lft•ln11 '"'< ,.~ •• .,_. ('·~fltlit ..... 11 llltlo~· 011, AP•H 10, !Ht, btfote me, f Noll"' Fo..nt1in Vlllev 100 ~1 l-2 5' T•I: UIJ) HS-1111 $1tPl>tii An!"°"" khlrrner, 1•11 Put.II( Jn lnll IOI' Mid Sllle, --llr Er1tt1Cl1 100 CoOlt t~I I l IAIM•l>IYS fer f>~K~l•t1 Venltr, Casi• Mest. C11i~r11lt ~P1>•1r...i louls R. F.dtnl>o!m k-n lo IT'I Pull!loh•:t 0rth9• Coa1t Dt11'r I'll<!!, Jimes Tetente !luli.<, 1612 Mll\C'FCI to bt Ille Mtlllft whCl11 Nine 11 1utltcr~ ~r• in ,a,prn 1?, it, 26 •tld M•~ l. ltO UHf Or .. c os11 Me~•· c1Hforn!1 ec to !ht 1111thl11 i11'1t\lrMnl •• ,.," 011td Aprll 11, "" 1cknowle<l!lffl lie tXKllled tl'Oe Mftll. ':f L1vl!\UV1 U V.'l lke!', If l.\1r1.N11, cl S«cnl:, c Leo. lll Coo'<iev, P BltZIM , 111 GM!berr, 2b S1sln1, rl Vince, ~ SllflllJtv, lb Wolwrton, rt loll ls " ,t h r',' I LEGAL NOTICE Steollen ,&,, Sd'llrmtr COfllct11 Seit> ' 9 Jtmfll T, !utlflr Miry K. 11111ry • I 0 ~ IA•·iJ1' STAT£ DF CAl.ll'OltNIA I NO!•rv Pliblk . c11~nl1 ··' l O l o !U~l!fl!Olt COU•T 01' THS COUNTY OF OllANGE I tt Pn11cl111I Office Jn ~ ' ,' ' ',I STATt: 01' tALIFORNIA l'Olt Oii Ap ril u. It.If, "',,•~,•, mt, • !"!,',~ ~,·~~'..,~ £•olru , l 1 TMf: COUNTY OF OllANGf: Publlc In •1'111 lot, 11, 111, --· " N 2.t. 1'1':1 : l I ) t NI A-62JU a1>11!1rtd SlePl>en Anlllonv Sd'olF'Flltr 1nd 1 CV. I Dell Pilot, 2 0 0 l NOTICE OF Hl!i.•ING ON PETITION Jamel TtrtllCf 8ull•r k"°"'rt to m~ ~~ A:,~lblli~'i: :1'.-:::e ~T lNt ' ...._.. • a • l FOR ~110111.Tf: 01' WILL ANO FO• Ill! PerUnt .,,....,,. "'"'"' ... IU ,, • • ' --~--- l O I c Lll!TTEfl5 TrSTAM"lfT.loltY 11:1 ll'<t wllh!n lnttrumt"' •ncl ick/IOWllOI LEGAL NOTICE I 0 0 C Est.i. ~ CLAUDE H. lt1CKAltDS, !!II t~y exewtecl il'!e 1ootmP. 1 0 I 0 DPcll<e<I. (Offlcf1I Se1!) 1 0 0 C NOTICE 1$ HEREBY GIVEN Thi! Mlrl K He!lrt' l'·l3i4' , J1 J 10 ~ Un'led C11ilornl1 8111k. 1 Ct!l!Qrnlt .,.,.,..,. ~11Dllc -Ctllter~lt ~All·l5l1 , Corll!ll'illul. 1111 "lad l>trt!n 1 ~elltlon ltr l'rlriclHl Ottlc.e In Cl!ltTtl'ICATf: 01' COl,OllATIOlt ' • t.1111 ~ 121 p,.,,~le ot W\11 11111 for 1st111nce el L~I· Ori~ COllll1Y DOINO aUSINISS UNOlll •• r ft I'll! I••• TH ltmlftltrv lo PeltlloMI', mtrtflCe '11¥ Comml1~lon ExplttS l'ICTITIOUS NAMli Fle1c1er. lb Cl•r~. u llertoll. cf Merrow. rt SPtllmytr. Ph S!tmv..on, lb HlnsieY, If Acktern111, JO E-"•ros. t Llndoo', I Tote It c I 1 0 to whlth J1 ml tlt tor f11rtller •t tl1tul1r1, Nov. 11, 1'72 THE UNOEJl:SIGNED CORPOllATIDN I 1 2 0 •nd 11111 !lie ti"" Ind PIKI ol l>tltlnt Ill• Pllbllll\M' Orlntt t.Hsl D1llv l'llol, dGls ~rebv tttlTIV thtl 11 II tonductl,_ - l 0 0 0 .. me Ill• Dftn set tor Mtv f, \"'·el t :lO "''II If. 24 •~d MIY l. 10, 1Nt 1$1.., rttlll drv<lttnlllt b<lstMSS 111111 I.Iker l a 1 O 1.m .. 111 I~ QIUrtr00'1'1 of Ot111rtmet.t No · ::;:..;;:..;::.:::::"'::.::c,;:,:;,::-=----1 Slrff!, Cosll Mew. C1tllor11l1. ""*t ll>e ~ I o o J el ,,.10 court, 11 JOll W. Eklhlh Sir"!' In -LEGAL NOTICE flct;lt0\11 llrm n•me ol MESA NORTH J O I 1 111• Cll'y o1 Sii\!~ "'""• C1IMar11!.t. ONE HOU R MAllTINIZ ING Ind ·It'll! !h• l 0 1 0 Oiled Aorll 16. !Hf ~'"'' cl ~•Id cou•ot1floro •fld Ill t1rl11tlp1I ' • • • W, E. ST JOM!t SU,t:•IDlt COUltT 01' THE pl..-• of bu~'~···• '' I'\..,,.., ... ., C01111lv Clert STAT• 01' tALl,OltMIA l'O• CASA CAJllOCA CORPO•ATION, td I O o C MAllMON AMO JENSSN TMI' COUMT'I' 01' OltANOI! S011or1t R ~d. Ce1tt M~1. C-IV ~ ' 0 0 ,' an-11 11 L•W SUMMONS Oranoe. Sl~!e nl C•!llor11l1 \ ' 2 1 '" N, M•l• Sir... CIM Nu11111tr D-t4m D•!!'d N~r•h '3. '™ Sctn ., ln11l,._t !ultt llOJ MYllNA J. FISHER. Plt lnllff V$. ICDRP, ~'"'•LI ' Dlf 01t l-S 10 I S1Rll AR .. ttllfwlllt '1Jt1 Al!:THU!t W. Fl'HEfl. Dl:ffl\ll•nt CASA tAfllDCA GOO 020 0-1 1 l T1l1 f1111 141-fstl PEDPLI!! OF THE STATE OF COl<PDRATIDN At11r""1 ter ~lllti11"" CAL!F.OllNIA 1o the 1bo¥t lllft'led Oel~n Iv.in L. Llnctu Publlollod Ort~ Co1st Otltv ~lkll. dtnf: l'-.•l'tlelll .• ~.u 11. ,,, 15, no 146.,.t You ire /\trebv dtrtcted lo Ille ' Wl!n·"' M. Linder wrlll•n •leld!nl ln r~!IPOhSe lo !l>e ~rwl1rv · • ~~·'-~ ~Ille e:~ ":= ~1~: ~~t1~~~Fc~i.,::~~~IA ~ 11. ~ I ------,"''7::=------Jc:our1 In 1111 tbo'll tn!lli.d 1d l1111 br-hl On ll\ls 1Jrd div ol Mardi, ~f, be!lrf"' IA•·l5" H1l11JI vou In 11ld ceur!, wllhfn TEN me, ,. Nro'''" Publlt In ~1'111 for Mid c~ su,.••10• tou-.T o,. THt o..,. .. 11111t nw i.ervlc.e Ot1 v.:u "' 11111 fV 1nc1 s111,, Pf!rsc1111i., -•'" 1-STATE 01' CALll'OflNIA l'Olt s11m~, JI w"'IO wll'l'llft lflt .tloltf L Llllder i nd Wllml M. Llndtl" TMI tOUNTY 01' OltAN•I ftltl\ld tountJ. or w;lf!lrt THIRTY d1~1 ~;_n lo FM Ill bt lilt l"f"nldenl •r.tl Mt, Ao6fl11 tt sorvtd tlltWl\tl't. SKretirv ,., the cor-ltlOft !1'111 l•ttvltd NOTICI! 01' HEAll lNG ON 'l!TITIOH Yov tre l>ere!N nclltled tt.11 unl1s1 lht wl1hln lllilru""'nl on btlltlf cf •l>t FO• ~ltOIAT'E 01' WILL AMI> l'Olt VOV H flt.• wrl~n r~lvt lleldl"'' corpariUon llll!teln Mmld. t " .. L•nR•S Tl!STAMENTA•Y llld P!1Jnliff Wiii l1kt ludtmeftl for KknQW lf'dtecl 10 mt 11\tl lolKll wrJIOrtlillt·· Ellllt' of MIKE G. VILLAFANA, In~ rn<IM'¥' Of dtft'ltU tltmtl'llled In 17r<:ul-O the .. "''· •-•" O.r1•1rd. Ille cel'l\Pll lnt l l 1rltlnt Uf«! con1r1r;t, \'llTN"~S ,..., h.-'!d Ind tell, •• NOTICE IS HEii.EBY GIVEN TNI or wm 110111 t. ll>t CA111rl fOI' l l'l'f' (OFl"ICIAL SEAL) T' ANTONIA VILLAFANA I nd MANUEL OIMt '*Ulf dfrnlndtd In tile <:Ol'llPlllnf. f'hVllTI M.. S11Yt" Adrian \\lilt went the: toule VILLAFANA ~IYfl Ulf'll ljtrtln I lt!lltioll Y111 FlllF Meli;~ IPll lllvlct II "' Nclerv PWl!c-Ctlltornll Im' tor Prob.'111 ol Wiii ind for 1St11111<t of '"°"'" .., '"" mllt.r CGMIC:l'td wt1t1 or1"" Covftlll Frtday night at Anahe I La Ltl!en Tn11"""11rv "' ~tllllontrf, "" ~l•lnt ... this ·-· ~ M, CammltSIO'I EUlrt't Palma Park to spark Mater reterl'llte to which i. mHt tor lurlhtr ltt<ltntv 1t.ou111 bl oenwtltCI wm..!n !ht De,.-... , '· 1•11 !' b b II "rlltol1r1, 1nd 11111 !he nmt •nd 1!Kt 11""" Hmll t itled 111 tl!li 111m"10n1 fer JOHN c. SALYIEfl, AlfT, Del High Schoo s ase a ~ IM1rlno lh1 .. m. ~··Min Ill for M1v rmn1 I wrlllefl pltllllne to !ht COl'l'lllll lnt. 110 W"ktlfl Of'l .. team to an 1-1 yl..t-over t, ""· 11 t ::io 1.m., in 111e cwrlnrcwft e1 D•ttrd F""-21. 1Nt. ,.._.,. IMC:lil. ti..,.,. --3 , E>tP1rlml'fll Htl. l o1 $1kl cw'1, 11 !'Ill W. (SEAL! p1 lll'•twd nt1"" Cotll Diii¥' Pilo!, county Catholic rival Serv1te. El1hth Slrtt"I. Ill lht Cltv II knit ""'· w. E. ST Jo+iN, Clerk APl'il n. 1'. "' ... Mt'f' i, 1"' ...... , \\'ill, hiking his sea'sonal C1ll!llr1111. a, Fr1rtk J. 1teuJ1er D11N .1o,r11 11. 1•~· O..putv c1e't LEGAL NOTICE record to 5-3 with the easy w. E. ST JOHN Dlfl•M "' M(Ctrtlft I ----~=----'-.,. • .-d. 1 I f h.t c,,..,r., ci.~ M~111. M11t11-.11t1v • or... 1• \"Cr lC. gave up on y our Is l'llAHI( ""MOOltrl u .. Allmt A-•· Slolllt lll ~·Ul'6 and struck out eight. He \\'alk· •~""" • L•• '~11 M .... t~~~:r111• '''''~'''T:A:;11i10."'°11ATt0N .~ -.S I.-atidl I""" T L trtt ) j f.. •• Cd h\'O, L"I IMU. ClfH.,..lt"HtU Alttffl!" fw l'Mlllllfl DON• aUSINll!SS UNOI:.. • He was only" in trouble in the T~•· UUI m.m• PutohlhtO Ot•-CH $! Dtl!¥' l'!lol, l"ICTITtoUS WAJllll .. ,,... ftr PllllllMn rM•th 1$, n, :it •nil ...... ii J. II. THE UNDERSIGNED CORllOAATl6N secOPd innln• when Servile ,,.., 1t H. -IMv l. "'" ..,,.,. dou llen!bv tt:rtii... 11111 11 11 ~ ._ Witt Pins LEGAL NOTICE 8-1 Verdict On Servite Woldag, He~nlagso11 Set Marks S•v•n"• l(fllne<IV Trcr lawtlf F11llerton llut"• ler~ S11nnv ~1!11 Lt Htbrt ' ' . ' ' ' • • ., ' ' ... l"llbll.tled Ort'!Oe c-· Otlll" Pllo!, • rellll drv<~111IM1 bctslrttH •I ttOO Hi' placed runntrS at second and Mr!I u. it, 2s. ltff '''"' LEGAL NOTICE .-,00.ievn . un11 A·'· co111 M , ." third with one out but escaped LEGAL NOTICE C'IHfamla. vnder 11-. 11c1111ovt """ nh---.1 HOlKE M IVUC fflAMSl'l'lt ef KoMAltT ONE H0\111 MA.ltT1Nlll"if.,; U KCuiw. llterww ..,, , .. uin •~d ""'' ""' M""I o1 s'"ill co~tlr~ _ NOTIC .. TO t•RDITO•t (ltn ''""'" u .c.c.1 ~~t.riclptt Pll<I of blnlntll II Lion Aquamen D1·ow11 Cavs ,. ~m tWl J. NO lfl lrlli Tlfl'lt. l :UI *lit Ft" -1. en "....otn cs! t tWI 3. v .... 1....., lSI. 'firne· lrJl~I -'I ~l(t !~I ,, lm!lh . C11ttl1 IW . T1f'l'll: 1:11.1, F1" 1t1l1~ -1. Wtttritlflrlltr {fiulll<'"•li\~. ··""'· H""'I T'jl!WI I: .t. 1'.''""llttttr c~ et41 llftli..t MIOIPY R1f1v -I, Wt1lr11l11ttt. <ffl r.· Brl:im: 81'tOtf'nf , •H -I· 1'#1 J. H\1111 1$1 "~' TltMi : , i. rw1.T ·;,t. ~--i·~bl I, ti-11 1$\ J, 1~ 1~.!:.t·1 MIO:lft ".:. I· Pl\1111111 CW! ' T"'°""'* nt /,r,\ l , "tt dler IV.'I f lWit: 1:12.1. so •1v -,_ ·~'"' I 1: rorcorfl~ T ' '.~ .. L 'iii'i')' lft {WI J, IM C5 :is:-'· I' 1, rw1 z. ti .... <WO ~ "":!' ' ,,,.,., ~­~ -~ I ~ L~~n IWI , ~ !ii. ; ,,1_ ~ 8rt•s1 -, if: !W1 J 'l!=f'!ll~ WI I. I ' . ,,. ltl'A - \ ""~~ ... M lfllr. Urn .. • ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' . ' l'l'lf.ll"• Stirn s .... 111111 •. L9Wtll I l!ut~• f'ltril; 1. l'IJ!lt r""' i T,.,,v I, s.u~"" Hiiis ~ T14.1J't tllfl'lt l1 M1to.1 •I Kll'Olltd, l111.M11.,,.t G1mn Trov t i F11l!wrlofo '"""' f'•r~ •I S1,11111v ~111, w.......,., .. Mt ~¥"11\1 t! I("""'""' ~ OllAMO• LIAaUI W L S il ' ? 1\ s ' • ' ' ' ' • J ,,., .. ' . . ' : J j Mtllf D91 {I) Sl.ll'&•tot COl.ll1' ... TM• ,..,..,ff. _. I" l "11 i lfATI! O~ U.Llf'Olttt1a00 .. 111 of No~:.: 'r:'u:"'.,: ~llor~ OAivtt EN,TEltPlll$1E!'..J~C.:, flki." HMWf , ti lln1111n. lb Mvt t, :;& Nunlt. II W•rb\ntlO<lo n Wiil. ~ MIYPet'I, l s1mpscn, rl G1ble, c APPieton, c;I Enos. pl! ICrl""''< c;I .... l I t 1 TME COUNTY Of' OllA FOl'9UWll Ttlfllfertri. wllol.e lllls'11e11 JOSfl Ltnt. Kfllldlde • ..._,. '"" ~ , 1 1 o "'· A..,., • ' D~ s111e fl/I c.n,.,,,.11. , 1 'IE.1llt.. ef DENNIS C 0 N It A 0 ldd,.... i, <QI I. 17• ft., COiii Mesi. D•ted MtiftJ\ )!, 1 ... I J altOOGINSl(t, Dtteted. CIMi!llY ef Ori -. ltlle II! CINfomft , 11111 (CORP, ll!AL ) l I I t t.IOTICE IS liE•EBY GIVIEN lo lt'le 1 tlUI( trl...,,... lt t bout lo bl mlde lo ~ Ellltrl<r\111. IFIC. 1' 1 I I l Cffflllo ~ Ille lb-IWmtd deuodtnl P!'1'1l'!lfl I . kotl llld El,Jlfte I , Seo!!, E1rl Wl¥N Ttrf'I" Jr. ' Hl l 1 I 0 IMI IN "'"'°"" ,_.v1111 ci.Jms .,,1ntl Tr111of•lftl,, .,.,..... M!Mu ldd!'ftl 11; "~l.dl!lt .,,.. • 1 1 C "" Miii 1:1tetdtftt .,.. ..-.i•ed Ii! n11. un .......,. •1¥11.. S...C• u . Cell• w 1n11m c . •llCltiuM'I ,,.,.. f I 1 0 lherl\, wllt! ti.. r>Knll,,. -"trl. In N6t. c-1'1' of Clf•nw. St1t1 of Ctll· fe(rell.., t I e I 1 ""' olflct ol "'' C!@t1t el !ht '""'' ">rtlll. STATE OF CALll'OltNIA ) ' 2 , I l H llt4f4 cour1, or " lttwlll ""''"' wtlfl Tlll .......,."' "° " 1"-le•"4 .. llclt• OOUHTY Of' Olt:ANGE l II. - l o o c $t ""''"*'' -"""· lo !'le 111'1· Id 11 4U I, 11111 SI, Cotti_ Mlsl, c..nl't Oii '1111 ti.rt .., d Mlrc:fl, !tit, ir. e o • o ~ 11 Adtlt (. l rOdtCNltl, r f1 " or-. "'"' ., Ctn~. -· 1 Nott•rv P\lblk r.. ..,. tor 11111 c -. 17 I I S ~ Soden & AdklMOll, ~llOr.wn S.111 ~ I• dlW'itltrl t.. -•1 ,,. 11111 llllt. l'tf-ltv "'"''" E1rl s-llt Ill et L1w. &so N"'90f'I Cf!ltef 0.l'lt, 111 Al 1h:Kl lll lrldt. llilfllr'll, -llnlll\I W11'N Tttr,, Jr~ 11111 Wfltlam C. 111 r ~ t1ll S.111 41. N•-' ltttll. C11Jwfl1•, 11111 IOllCI wl11 ff ll'llt lltt hr Mlflft1 l~burfl •-1111 "" If h lhl ..... 1c •• a. 21:1 Ft tt, lb OrwMn. r Brt•1s. t 'Ill rl .. 1( •• H I . B1tttw. a, II Ott!llt.O', :rtt NOlllJtl. " '-·" Wilbtrn. a 8trtn1"' Ol'I , ... _.,le.It I• llf 'i.tt d llr\l!;J11t11 II the 1-" Tl'llll ........ ,.., tlld lo(tilld II l"fttidtftl Allll SKrmrv o1 Tiie W • • t I I 11!11ferillMd In '" INlll'1's ... i.1111 ... OI I!. 17111 St,. Collt Met, CO\lllfY ff ...,llloll 1!1.t1 •.-.,!"" 11w w19"1n i... ' t I t I!'! tJtt "'•It 111 l"''d llKf'Ctll•, wil~ln Or-. Sht!e II C11lf0tllll.. il'nl"W11t 0rt ltlN!! " If-. c.....,....., J I I I IOU• monll'l1 tlltl' Ille l!r1t 111V~lk.ttl1;11 Tiit lluftl .,..,.,., wl~ llt COllWl'!Wl\ollf'CI ll'ltl'tl" ,..mtd, and ~ltfofll to n~ 0 C 0 e d 11111 rKllU', Oii Of' lft.tt the tlll Ill? fll Mly, INt, fl IMI IUCll CO!'Ml't!WI ttta!tM "" .... l 0 1 I O.IH Mitfcll 1\, Ifft, AIT lto"tw (_o,. J!.IC.• ll'2 H1'11or l lvf.. WITNESS.,,., hlllll 1nd -L ' I • 0 Aclt-11 C, lto119ln1kl cett• ,...., ~ " OfM191, ~lt'9 or IC>f'FICIAL SEAL.I ~ t 1 I Admlnhtr1trll ol !ht 'Nl~ Ct~. P"'Mh M. SI""" 2 0 0 G _, !ht tl:lolol "''"" t«Nflll SO flt II..,.,.... "' tM l'f_,.,__ t ll "°'""' 1"1191ic.c.'""""" , , 0 ~ "'"""· s.-.. • A•"'-~ .. l\IMtt. lflll .O.rtt.-. llttd llT 0r-c ..... !! J g o Q Atltr"4ft II L1w Trtrtffill'ttl ~ .... ~ '1"11'1 lftl .. st. N., ~IM'll11-lin>!tn ' • • ... Ntwltrt CNlll' °"'" If .....,.,. ............... -: ,..,., .,.... •. .,.. ...... ''" I I O c l ~ kitlil. (tll!wnll Oltff~:..: I~ 1::ti. f r-ltrN ::,lfllW;!r~\.~~ Aftp,. IS I ' I AllffMn '9t ~...,, l•llfll I , ~. Tr111•r11 NI_. h«fl. C.....,,.11 fell* .. liMlfllel Publltf!lll Or-c .. 11 °''" ... lit. """1tfilfd °"""' CUii 0.1111 .l'llct, fulllltflfif Or-. Cusf, Drtltr l'tt Old 1W Cl 1-4 I I ....... Cit 2' Ind AMCI L 1L n. 1... stMf ...... It, \Mt 1.sMt ......,. U, n, ...... Mir'-Nt lttVllt a lOC ._. • • ' • ........ ,, . ~.' ----··-·------------------.....-----........ ......,..,.~,..,,.....,~--~ -· . ····-"·~~ Medlte.rranean S~iets Buildi"g ' NAl!LES. llalr.. (UPI) -. Soviet Nny combat llrqth . in U,e Mtdlterranean ls at a recon1 hlg)i, lhe North AUan· UcTreMyOr I anizat ion (NATO) commander for -Eur..,< .said today. The buUdUp II still under way. Adm. Horacio J\lvtr0. of San Juan, Puerto Rico, made the dioclolare In a 'l*"h to troops cl five nations .and NATO nltlono dlplomlls. The ertmony marted NATO's 20th amtv•~~. "'!,;~ ol SOvl<I sbip- daya (one 9'1ip 8P,'ndinl one day) In the Medilerran•an has ...,,_ .......... t<Vonfold over the last five years ancf Soviet. naval combat 11..r'nleth in the arta hi currently 14 an all-time high," Rivero.1aid. COMBAT SHIPS 1"1bere are today over 50 · thipo ol lhe SOVid 11 .. 1 in the LEGAL NOO'ICE QUBNIE By Phll" lnterltilcll Sen. Mansfield Gives Good M~rk~ ' President WASHlNGTON 1AP) different rea'sons. He indicated Senate Democratic Leader the slash, which includes a Mike Mansfield wttli a lew ex-$390 million trimming of cept!ions, has 1iven ·good "human resources" programs marks lo President Ni1on's is going in the wrong dlrtc- , newly detailed 1t1tslative pro-*1A ~·· gram. Instead, he proposed spen- "By and large 1 .approve of ding an additional $1 billion what he hi.s suggested," for cOmbatting hunger and u - Mansfiekt said in an )nterview. tending the war on poverty for "I am pleased to note that be five years, instead of the' one has placed strong emphasis on year advocated by Ni~on. peace as his first priority." This would make "a really •PADDY, j'IJ. IN L.ovE. Wl1'H ... 8££ 1" uJed ~,for: un-cltr&rod&ite IOl('pclulle in- •t.ruction I n f!l\lb*rin1. Because of it.I versailllly il can terve as a vehicle tor tbe study of computer oiihitecturt aod lll relll· tloosblg to computer pro- &Tammin( . • BUSINESS AND PRQF~SSIONAL 'GUIDE MATTRESSIS • MATTRESSES 80.,TIO:. HO~t:S . TRA.IU:lt8 .,,....., ...... • O.ta M-Mattre. 0.. tlll Newport mq. Uberty 8-1303 UPHOLSTERY Mesa Upholstery Uberty 8-4781 JJH NIWPOIT ILYD. • .. ' Mo Listens • I .. , Ta · Lantlets1 Th'e Montana &e.nator alw meaningful war on hunger" said the Preside.it's proposed --~~i~bl~e~, h~e:_sat~d~. _ _:.__:_ ___________ l!:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~11 budge t changes. and plannedl · revisions or existing prog'rams SINCE ." .. LEGAL l!C11'ICE ··-ClltTl,tCATI CW IUSIMUS • ,.ICTITtoUI KAMI! Tbt "'"'""1'itd *'" cerlltv h• b c- ll llttl"' • blia'-1t 20oc:I Vli1' Cl ._,, N_. lMCl, C1llfor11L11. u!>der 11111 fk- tllleul fl"" ... mt ., "HOLLAND YACHT~l!W,.OltT" and fhlt 1.11d firm II CMl-td I/II 1fte lo:lllewlllt Mrto11, """°" MIM kl full '"" 'IKI of rur-.na IJ II "'!Jews; Wllllt in I.. kll\lb, l'Ml Vl1t1 C..iorl. Ne-.-t IUd'I, C1Hf11rol1 D11td 4"11 \I, INt wnn11n L, Sc11u11 ~TAT! Of< CALll'OltNIA I COUJfTY OF OllANGl9 I It Oii ""'It 1•. Ifft, before mt, 1 Nellt\' Pullllc '" ,,.. for Uld ''"'· Mnot'\lllY 1 ..... r.d Wltllem l . khul1 -r.ow1t to l'N fo lie ftle Mf1M ....,.. llll'M fl 1~crlll­ "' fe ftlt wlll\111 l111lrvrnf1t! •nd •c-norw1....., tit utwh•d lllt urne. (Offlcltl k•!l .x.t..ii E. Dtvls ....,..,., ~I<' • C1ll .... nil PrlltCINI Ol'llClll !11 Orllltl C.Unty M-, COlllmlnlor! E.qolres JUlll fl, 197'0 Pulllfsl\M Or'l lltl CO.st D1l~ Piiot, ~rH 1f, M..eM ,,,_, J, Tt, !NI JJM' LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Soviet WWII General ·' Lauds Stalin ,. d 'd up to "a cauUous a n d careful" approach to domestic problems. Mansfield said he approves of Nil:on's plan to increaae rund1 . for fighting crime and the prooposal to· mend ta:r credits to encourage pfiVate business plant investment in ghetto areas. SLASH SPENDING But, Mansfield said, he thinks Congress shou1d sJ1sh spending by an additional $1 billion to add to the '4 ·billion cut proposed by the President.. Nixon wants a budget for fiscal 1970 of $192.9 billion, $4 billion Wlder fonner President Johnson's figure. Ni1on said the trimming Is . n~essary to fight iri1Jatlon, which he has indicated is 1t10SCOW (UPI) ~Marshal among the first ordera: ,of Georgi K. Zhukov, the 'Soviet domestic business. Union's greatest war hero, to-Mansfield also said he does day called dictator Jose£ not regard Nixon's proposal Stalin a vigoroUs a n d tor 8 7 percent increase In courageous wartime leader !ocial security benefits as suf. and a wise diplomat. ficient. He said tht increase Zhukov repudiated former should be around 10 percent. Premier Nikita .s. Khrushh· Man:ifleld indicated h e' chev's portrayal or Stalin as thinks Nl:ron will win his fight a bungling, intolerant. panicky to close 59 Job Corps centtrs. and incompetent leader-. a move some Democrats have So thorough was the de· lined up to fight. Stalinization progra'D'l under NIXON ADVANTAGE Khrushchev lhatSt.al.in'1 body was removed from the Red "I 'think the advantage Is on Sciuare mausolewn beside the the President's side in this body or V. I. Lenin and buried controversy," said 1'-tansfleld beside the Kremlin w1,ll. who himself has •.:rpreued In his memoirs, m8mories mi.!lglvings over the closings. and Teflect.ions; published this "Once you begin to dlsrnantle. these centers 'it becclna week, Zhukov said Stalin was harder to reinlltate them and 8 "a polite JIUSOD who allowed good deal more ~ostly, to arugment and conver1ed-lree-boot." ly on various topics.'' Mansfield 's pleasure over "He does not deserve the Nixon's program is not shared reprimand . that tie had not by all his Democrailc col- prepared the country for Jeaaues. war," Zhukov saJd. "He made Sen. William Pro1mire of mistakes in his anticipation Wisconsin said earlier tllat the (of the Nazi attack) and was $4 billion budget cut is·"erou- wrong in his personal reac-Jy inadeguate." Government tion." · spending should be sliced flJ Among Khrusbcbev's IC· billion to allow expiration of clisations waa one that Stalin the 10 ~t income surtax, followed World War I l whlcltwoilld be "far better iit- developments on an elemen-nalimary ~edlcine," he said. tary school globe. Zlluiov said S\aJin wu a SOLON CRITJCAL •Ttca 10 c111omi11 tolerant and_.;,.. .. ,.,.._ ___ .......... _ Sen Gaylord No Is on SUPat~ll COURT OP 1111! """"' ....,.,.,.,...,,....., • , ITATI °" CALIPOl.MIA ,Oii "If 90meooe (llYI thil is not another Wisconsin Democrat, "'' coi:-':..:. °" ... 1 so, then r say Jt's untrue," was critical of Niroo'1 pro. Est•" .. HEJIHJIT MATHIEU, Sit.. Zhukov said. posed spending c:;uts. but for ~£ IS Hllill!IY GIVEN "' ~1------'----------~~---- cr""Mn d thl ........., llllMd _..,..,."''.,.--------------------""'' 11 ,.,,..... ·"'""" cillm• 1t1l111t t111!I "'"' ftctdllll ,,.. -lflll fo ,, .. ttlem, wttfl ttlt _.....,., ~ 11'1 1111 lffl« ef ~ dWll: of JIM •lllln 1nllnM murt. GI' ,, _. """"' """' fflt lll(fflllr)' ~ fl 11141 ""*"11ntd 11 Ille ofnn .,, a,,_. kll"*-1111111, ""°""" •l law, lnfJ,,aktll • ..,.,,.,.,.. H\lnffl'ftllvfl ~. C1lh"''-"""-wMc11 1' tht •llat If ... ~. "f::tr'"""d 111 '" """'" " l11111t ...... ., .. Id ~. w filllr' lflitr fl'll llrlf Mllelo ''°" " ""' fltflot. D(ftMI ~.~""~fllty, Jr. ~.,. ... Wlll'flA ......... '*"*'~ ALL.II kLl'C.,":'J'" ""' -............... c.lf ...... T...._1cn•, ..... ... ......, ........... '"'°'I""" or.. c..t D•lll< PIM!, ""'It ''· ,. .... Mrf ;a, , .. , .. , 7SHt .. PUT Wit IN • YOUR POCIET • Sfll unwanted ltl!l'lll with a. DAILY PILOT a&ulfttd Ad. PHONt ,, Ul·.5671 • I See By Today's Want Ads: THAT ' IT'S Diii A • • DAY 1 ll ' ' I ; I ) I • " ' .. SlNSlTION! STEREO The colorful sound of Orange Coudty Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... From Fashion Island, Newport Beach All ORANGE COUNTY SCHEDULED AIR LINE ' . SERVICE WILL OPERATE OUT OF LONG BEACH AIRPORT FROM APRIL 21 THROUGH MAY 2 ( ~PPROXIMATELY).. · During the closing of. the Orange County '.Airport for Rt· ,I ~ i ' ,I I f pain, flights wll depart a11d arrive at Long hach Alrpcirt. Pauengers should go there until construction is completed. Check In time at. Long leach Wll' be the clllt-ry 30 min· utn before depal'ture. • AIR WEST SHE'S , ONE OF THE TEN MOST INFLUENTIAL WOMEN • •• • • .i IN AMERICA ' • • • • ' I . • • • Just About Everyone Does . . That's · . Mo ,. , " ,. t I ,/ You Cen 'Li sten' to Ann !Aniltrs , Deily in The DAI LY PILOT ... --"'!""-~~--------------------~-------------·-----·-.. _ - I, JI -DAU. Y '!LOT Marriage Ucetases "Preparation H" ~~£:" .. SHRlllS HIRRllOIDS ' '. . -. ~..=:... Alllieves pail 11111 itdlifla ~ 1:11~~:l'l~'i:st•1111 ·.29 RISE "II(' l.atber, 1 -.. •·• -· • suwru · · 1 'Fem Iron" i•ll!lb'. "·l , ... 1 ·.Ci.!!.',,..·.,.. *-llY . .'~;· The wery, very . feminine iron .~:i _ 12!'' • ! • ===··· ·11~ tablet ~ii. checks."" ~·eat •t 1 '19'13 'l 9'. ' I I ;,l!!t·• ll' IL.. • .. low blood iron .. tJOmtl'I 15·50! • ' • • ' " , · ~ '" . . "' ·s· · "OipPfty-do" . , .. Milk of Magnesia ·: ~-: :i: ~~1 : b;1::.1 39 \_.:;.-PHIWPS' ••• The pntle lmtivHrta:id that &ives 98 .. . . er. le&UIM' DI' [Itra lll?ld· COl!flete lJut eaten. relief. ~or Mint flavor. C 2..ll 111z. Sln • 1.11 21 IL Sin .1=. ..... "RillSl-Away~· - s,AY• Aspirin 'lit-~ Ii ... .. • F~ po!itiw Ollbt ol 1 59 8.S.P.' 5 Cr1i1 ••• For the relief of symptolM of 1-ftc dandruff and itch y sc1lp. hi!lache, fll!uraf1ia, llllSCUlar IClles • ..i ·P u. \I-ltl.1.811·u. • II(. t3c 1Ws· fi "BAN" -------------llWDll ' "Absorbine Jr." SIUTIDlllUl • .,Kee!S 8SC • 98C ;a Pllll"'1,JWm•tllljffw .. • ~ow yoo can massage away 111ustlt tmiseness, e11tt. 1.H 1 u. Sia -!fr"ednm twice as fast! llf. 1.45 4 tL ~ ' · ~'Bi'ylcrm" ... ··-~ _, ,~'K,eq-Syaephrine" · • 77 · · -llll!'E=•i':r'n::i~ • ;. llSE..S-Wl .... F«""P">J ttlol~ C ~""91: ..... ii'r . ""'""'"tio"""dllfails. I '"Piliillln ~ "lie I" ' XO AMIUIPTIC &Elllltlll-for battroom-femiaibe '1l'elle-7gc nursery caJt! You'~ be deligtted willl Ille '31itify "cut--0f-tloors" fresMm it lemsill the air. lie 121r.Sln " "pHisoHex" aNT11•m•LU • a111110 Pllilt.;.-83C fllll 1l<th -lnlli!i. .. 11c11a.S.,_ .. uyns11 · u· 111111ms1111 · 1111 Cl-.0 ..• fOI ...... 1. 11eamin1 healthy Mi" 2 19 . . ·-2.HltLJlr • SUsiq Skit C\111ser ••• Forms • lllk· 1 29 I .-...-: .. \ ~~1 shield Iha! remains on the s~in lang ~ ''Skin Br~or'' ; , rtlSJlli--1.11 5 IL Silt • -; . . ~ ~ "Chewable" Mllfti,.Yibmins l'!?~ ~J:l~=:=: ·57c ••v.:,. _, .,_,. ,,_ ...1 ,~ " "' ., " Jtc 4 ti. Siz1 M•-, .. n•lt -•w --'"" 1 98 lablet daily as 1 dietary Sl!'PlemenL t!j "O ,, · · • , 111. 2.51 lll's • ep 11111 STIUlll . . ';ul en ,., Mtl ••• Replar • BBC "Pepto-Bismol" • .... ~ ~ ~;;~ 11 ••: .. "BOl.D" 11111CD11 7nc ....... sm., .... ": "SALW' ""° 7· 5c Mmw/lJsM. M.Ull J11111M '.'~'.' liaise &.inn •ii.ID ""'' ~llllllllJ ... -. ... •1111 .. tlWoL Mfta'·IMfli•&· 111111. . . . Mixmg·:eawl SET. "Jonny car' MODERN ABSORBENT -tastt lbt ~till ~t t~trS Ctl•! . 16 oi.Jlo Rtlun1 Bottles : Pak al l-79'c 'for "SP-RING Screw Diivers STIJILEl -Wi~.'"'"oed l"'lj<Oo( IJ"'-bl'!ttti ·l\a~S. -._.,. T • (} 3l4" . C I" C Ile 49 Ile 69 llallt u.· 111•1 • .~"Colorsilk" Takes just minutes .•• you can cover grey, go lighter, go t!arker , •• ttie only way you1.can't go is wrong! Shades from black lo brown to Snow Blonde come out perlecl! Cllor Slam'" 11 ... n3~ wasl 111! CGMl'lffi KIT 2.00 ~"Natural Wonder" LIPSTICKS ·II S Y1111 Elop1t Li••lick Cases ~~~~150 Ill. f-._ ... S,per. llltJnls! II. • '''hwl •' l1t1" ."Peallts" 11 :.~. l1at•• l SllttC ~59c · ~ "Hard as Nails" 111~ NYlON m 1.00 ,. • NEWPORT UACH • .tl20 JlVINa tN 'Wl!ITCLlf• PU\IA ' H\INTINGTON l~H ADA*S & lllto6KtfUUJ ,_ " HUNTINGTON 111.ACH ., , " S .. INGOALl • ..,_. • . . ' . ~ - Dolll.Y I'll.Ill' JI • . ere· FORD . srA!lbAlD IQUIPMINI • • • w11 .. 111 .... 107'•.e Twnllll Ndli.-lW ft. • Cl"'1 ~ .. ~.._ • lD.<I a.>llli: f9 ol •IOr~~ e ,..,._,Ir ........ W/ bl-!!Jntld CO!lnD . 'Abl.Wffl!lnf li.M . doff! Ml VlnJ ~........ -1111 tart... II dDth JrMrt5 • OI ...... letrt e F.-d llrdo< Ce, ~lt9tuwd ' °"'*' SI,_., -· t Cloll"Nd, ....... 1icll: •'-• ..... --·'-"' .. ,... • "'""'' N¥-.-. • full , ... -11 ..i .• "ull width -II w/foiltlflt', llllf.IDdr.iilos = -bect.s • Fl~ f.:"~W ·-~M91~1ft .. s::.~5~= . & t:-.:.::1• ~ lllldr ...... .,.,.... • ..._ • tllie'lroc Willdlrlleld """"" • Wr , MAYHICKS LIKE THiii COlOIS WILD freudialJ 'Gilt Anti-fstatilishMint Origin1I Onnamon Tt.nb Verm illion ·Hulla Brue, Plus 10 others to choose from ' ' . . ' NOW Oii /J/$.Pl.AY. •• -\ '. Built Right Sized Right Priced Right CHOOSE FROM . O~ER 400 .. C.ARS ~AND . TRUCt(S *F.0.8. plus dt11tr prip. . . ,ll'llion charge & llX & lie, BRAND NEW 1969 ' -·, BRAND NEW .1969 BRAND NEW 196, M·U.ST AllG FORD L. I .D • Whilew•ll Tires & Wh!tl Covtrs ' .. '1 1t • .. ~··'' ••• -:;.: . . - . 'F~.CJ( .SEDAN )t ' I' 2 DOOR 4 DOOR . . HARDTOP s99 DOWN s5· · 3· •3~ ~ =:'-·-~ 52311 s2649~1 ·,,_,_,_,,_ ~Jal• WI~ ~., 1"1.UI TAX•& UQM. ' t"-;48~-·~ •• : ... ;.;·;fl::U:IO:;:ill:g ~,.:Yl;Wf=l~'·MO .~·_-~;;:E·s;;,,,;,~ ::0."'\.:,, -, 10!;;._._ ~- on apprOYtd crtdit mru· . ;;a Californla Funding USED CAR [tJRRAl ' ... '68 MUSTANG . . ' '67 T-BIRD LANDAU '66 BUICK '66 CHRYSLER'· . . fASTOAU H2 1995 v-1,.m1r-~-.i..-. $ 1 4 '"'' rtcllD. l!Mllw, WXIC US) ' NllWP9Jf J-OI. 11.:r, . 9 . >,.,, ~ ~:r. '$1'4'· . 5 . :'!": ..:r'w ... _._ . ifil's:rn. . ' '66 VOLKSWAGEN '66 FAIRLANE ·soo ' ~ ' "67 RAMBLER '65 MERCURY '64 MERCURY * Xl•.OO.IWOTOf 1· ·4· ·9'~ ' . ,_,,. • 1295 : P-4-0l.H.r. $14 9) ·--1095 ~-.!.~~~~.:: $ , . ,1 '\I-I, ·~I~~ $ , ' '· ' V:t .. A=I~.:~~ " . . VS\·11.i' '~ $ IOll, IS~-;-' ' • • :::..:t'T'M> '17J': ,_,., • ' =~e_ ·~i'!;.,"J;;. r lif:1~11, tint· ' ' .,.._ 'l'".,&.~iWftlls· .. -. S:ntl. • • • • . wtlll. T Ml 11.u.. lllt J IM). • , • , . • . J-IOol DIUIXI ~~~~~~~~· ....... ·~· . ~~~~~~~~~ '65 MUST ANG '61 GALAXIE 500, '65 ·FORD '65 BUICK . ~65 THUNDERBIRD ::..-.:::;:-::t: $I 49· ·5 . cr:;1:ti:: $1!11 9"5 '"Gl.l nfl ., • " • ~ . ->r -~ •• ' • ~~~~~~~~~ '6l QLDSM9i,lL! · ·. · '68 foRD · . . . . =-:;-r-.;~er:.~2· ·495'." · ~U$34·· 9·5' •. ..::itlZ. S:f' ......... ( ........ ~ ·' . ; ...... :: . ' """"''..... 1695'-' ' -..,.._, v"~> ..... $ tr-., IKllll'Y elr --JJt .............. rffle. ,,......, Ull"l",~r . ' ' .... _,, ...... ,, $1695 .~···=-·m ~-,...._, • (l'PC ., ..... "' 1495 fld 11r, _... $ ~-=== '65 GALAXIE 500 .. ··=-~ "'· $1195 r:=s.s.,....rMll.'**· , . . . . '64 FALCON •• ' . ..,.. WAGON ~.~-":<-'l'.l.."'! .. "i:: .._191'.._!fl 111•;r... L ...... rMk, ~fVY'l) • ' ' ' r I \ . I HOUSES FOR SAL'E Le HOUl!s l'ORjALE I HOUSES FOR SAL E HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSI S FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HouSES FOR SALi! HMIS' FOR sALE ----.-- f.i"~·~"'~'~.,~iiiiiiii;.·~1Dclo~~Goo~-~,.~··~liiii' iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~lllOOiii Gonar~I 1odo o -r•I 1000 General 1000 -al I • llOOGoMr.al \1 ~ G.,;oral lOOOGanaral • 1000 \ THE REAL BSTA'l'BRS 5116~231.3· * . . 646-7171 BIB Bl• ... AlflA, WP~ SAWMAN ,. • • 1a~k 1ay cul"~:s.c PrOfessional landscapigc n Ott Ibis ucep- liotW 3 BR 2~ ba hollle'.'Maoy outstanding fea_ll\l:es in<Juiling har<lwood fioon, inter· oom, Blt·in reltigerat~; oUllle F/P,<ftmily room plus large formal dlillllg room. Sharp and roomy onJy $32,9601 flNIR HOMU . • 1,. • • 1 11ay <lad Beach ' 0 Of 111£ MOllTH IAYPaotq "MOwhl:r IQ'S "Sell" thls· bMutlful Dover Sham 5 Jedroorn home with Pirr I: Float. FormaJ dining room. lafle break- ... For Better · :1uys! fast arta. ~Uonall1 C0tona Highlands ,.. ·1 A Large Estate .•~ wata'.froR,t.t,.~· How would a lowly 4 Bed· • , . can be 1t&rted .,ith a race. Reduced from Jl4 rm.,,Dtft ~lhi s~~ ~-Jocated, QJ\Jttly ~· If Yov Want 500 to $125,000 for qui ed home l.ppeat {o yoo<t Orat."1 ~duplex. ~ .. .,..nt sale. . 1 , lo 1 · houae has 2 bedrooms, a . "P.S. !'LOVE YOU an uriconventional unordinacy_ contemporary home in the very best area of ~1esa Ver-de wi th a large family room (room for pool . ta"ble), formal dining room , Jllarble gl.Ms at- rium entry, large patio, built-in gas •BBQ. beautifully landscaped and com p I et el y sprinkled, "ith foui big bedrooms, this is it. Priced to sell at $39,950. Own er commut- -ing to San Fernando. Call for Appointment l s on • corner l, ee cozy flreplace A. plenty of simple (you o"'n itJ real-windows to give it a Ll~DA ISLE -See this lsUcally priced at $41,500. cheery atmosphere. The delightful 5 bedroom "Bay· • other house comlsts of a front with" Pier l Slip, new. Owner "'111 coo~rate on large bdnn living room &: And you'll love this 7 '!"il Palm Springs Apt· Hotel at first sight. Located 2 blocks off o! main street behind Bullock's & near Fashion Plaza, in the lee of the mountain. Attractive setting with sparkling pool. Priced at 7 times annual gross -$9'2,500. Largely repeat clien- ~lle. Asking $125,000. financing -might con-kitchenette' with extra OPIN SAT & SUN sider lease-option. Absen-quality mahogany pa114!l- 101 LI• Ille. ttt Ov.'lll'r \\·ants action! Ing. 2 lar_ge individual ga- (Ask guard for directions.) rages. Price only _S35,~- IAYFRONT -Undl'r con-A Dec orator's Home For Goodnus Salcel struction on beautiful Lin-Among tht' features is a Why dpesn•t some smart da Isle 5 Bedroom, choose King-Size Built-ln Cabinet buyer needing a 5 bdtrn. your own dacor •. $13S,OOO. Bed -didja ever Sl't' one? 21" bath like-new home Shown by appointment. Olh f 1 . 1 d move In on this true value DANA POINT 8 attractive apartment units just 5 years old . F irst time offered. Total asking price $95,950. M litUe as $12,960 down will buy. Monthly income is $995,000. Looki119 For A Buy? Here it is! Dandy 3 bedroom 2 bath -Ready for immediate occupancy -Carpeted & Draped. $21 ,500 -$1250 Down. er ea ures me u e cus-.at $36,500. With construc- IAYFRO!'fT LOTS -One tom built davenports and tion cost ruing almost of the finest locaUons on chairs in fabrio to match daily this horn~ could' not spectacular Unda Isle. be ~1 .. ......4 rl BAYFRONT Leasehold Interest may be imported French wallpa-re.,...... .... at this p .ct. obtained f • .,,. 900 p<"r. AH of this plus a de-Furthermore. everything Big beautilul cus tom built 3,000 sq. It. 3 bed· room home only 7 years old . OOck for 60 loot boat. Priced ~t $139,500. 5 Bedrooms -3 Baths or .....,.,., · has been dojle in such good HARIOI ISLAND -Pier luxe ~terco &. color 1V can taste. l_!JeMe call us for &: Slip wiU take a boat In be yours for only S42,500. aplitinent. OCEANFRONT RESIDENCE Oceanfront corner location provides dreamy view. Permanent bay view from carpeted suodeck. 3 bedroom, 3 baths. dining room, double garage. Extremely attractive appear- ance. $69,500. Enjoy life here. The cleanest, neatest home in this top area. All tile kitchen \\•ith electric built-ins. Room for boat or trailer. Looking for 2300 sq. fl that sparkles? -_This is it! excess of 60 ft v.1th v.i de B & B h 1 :l:~;,.~.-~=h~~ ay eac ea ty, Inc. 646-7171 • Open Sunday • 546-2313 for approximately lot and 2407 E C H' slip value. Aoklng $115,000 • oast 19hway DOVU IHOUS -Pano-Carona del Mar 675-3000 ramie View home situated on 14 ~. 5 Bedrooms, 1000 General 1000 REDCA1l.PEr THE~EAL ESTATERS large living room, richly • · panelled family rm with Gener1I brick fireplace, View from aJJ "tooms. Pristlne cond.I .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ~-~------$14<~N SAT .. SUN BUllD FOUR MORE ' ' R.EALTY 153' G••Y Dr. BAYSHORES BlAllTY -· ---------- -J ; 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beac:h l===== ; Rentals -673.-3663 Siles -675-6000 General 1000 Gener•I. 1000 . ~~IR SHOllS -Ex-Come see this largl' 4 BR 3 qulS1tely decorated home, bath separate dining room large sunken livl.ng room, patio & boat ard Onl ' , -1"""'""'=~~~ BEAUTIFUL VIEW .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;== Gener•I 1000 General 1000 That's right, your own pri-OPEN HOUSES 3 Bedroom, family room, Y · Y Lanai, huge master suite, $55,000 ·--·------ , gp.cious, wtll kept FOUR , BEDROOMS, two ba'h home' ! with HARDWOOD FLOORS, : detadled double garage and I tiep&r&te yant. Plua two bed- room rental at rear of kit • room 10f' a oouple additional unlta. C.OnvtnienUy located to .cbqols and shopping. A barpin <at $32.IQ) • SUB· MIT JO<.' DOWN. OPEN FOR INSPECTION Sun -l to SMon -2 to 6 1843 Tradewinds vale view of Cat&lina and the blUe Pa.cifiC". This is truely a lovely spal·ious homt>. secludt'd in privacy. A uniqlK' homl', professiog. ally landscaped anrl decor· a.ted. $.17,500, you OWN the In Beautiful Baycrest land, SUbmit your smaller Wear your white gloves for home on our i:uannlee sale this inapection _ 3 spacious plan. bedrooms. -Dream kilch-WE SELL A HOME en .• Park Wce landscaping EVERY 31 MINUTES ~~!Z~ ., u ... ,. "''Walker & Lee e~ensiv-:_ly I an d.s C: aped 2'22 Vista Drive NB with -l'OOln for pool.Priefll ' 1llO Maui Circle- NC'\Y listing. Large custom pool home in Mesa Verde Country Club area. f'ully {'quipped RoyaJ Pool with its board, ladders et('. A great home for entertaining! About 2300 sq ft. Most at· tractive front cow1. yard. $115,000 Open $und•y 1.5 • Scin aJtel'DOQll only. WESTCLIFF -Clien t must iiell lmmaculatt> 3 bedroom, family Tm, 2 bath homl'. Heated &:. Filtered pool, automatic sprinklers, recenUy painted. Asking $46,500. ;\fake offt>r. can for appointment WISTCLIPF -Nt>wly • , ~-_ ., _ painted J bedroom &: den '2J'>l Pre=· t Pl1ce home, new draperies, new _rr ,,-.... ,/ "[; electric oven, new dia-.. 1, • '1'al!'...,. ti ot $1S7/ ~ ..mo. lnchtd1-taxes & ins. new water beater; located 4 BR & FAMILY on l<1rGe ('Ornl'r lot near schools & So. Coast Plaza. Intl'rior being rederorated. Ideal home for the Jat1e lam.Uy, Asking $27,950 OPEN SAT/SUN l·S 3067 Trinity, C.M. "'6 convenient to schools. uue 1 ntome --• • .,._m1 Op•m .Evos. bdnu & famil,y room on "''· ~'oriN SATURDAY $21,500 A.••l'ly I "'7171 e "'2•1• 20t3 WestcliH Dr on low-interellt GI loan.< •"500 i oWNER BUILDER mu s r ONLY$24,000I ;~-r~_r:~:.;:=y~or 1300C..ld1Je Sharp3bdrm2ba thCond~ II now sell what wu to be his COLLEGE PARK AR EA MiDITERRANIAN _ Im· minium in choice location INOOME FOR LIFE on wide A real l'leaner upper with a 3152 Country Club Dr. pre&i1i\·e custoql qua.Hty across from pool & club I 98' lot, ideally locatrd, four big 5%<;;, assumable loan @ home adjacent to Dovor house. Call no1v for appoint-_-""'~======-I n1 $1~ th · Quick po~seuion on vacant, deluxe new three bedroom. o Y , "" per mon inc. Shores on choice corner. menl to Sl'C. two and one ball bath horn· Choice Back Bay taxes. 3 BRs 2 bath!, dblc large 4 &,i&mily room with Spacious _livi ng roon1 1vith OPEN SAT /SUN 1.5 I H , fonnal dilliig room. 80xl20' beam -It• F 1 d' es. Each home with lleP8"" Loc:at" garage. lln1'· ... ~ ngs. orma in-140 L • I L CM IOft lot . room for a POOl or two! ing rm, 4 bedrooms, family exrng on n. over'lim1twocar1ara&o. ~ 1 d · ·1h fl •· nIERE'S MORE! Immediate occupancy on lhis •-'A ERNIE••._,. ...urpora e O\\'ner esires rm, v.'1 rep .. ce and wttt lovely lafle custom built qulck salt'. bar, beautiful master iiuite CAlJ.. FOR D~AILS! CLEVELAND v.·ith separate drtssin~ rm. homl'. Spacious farolly room Steam bath. heatrd & fll- pl us dining room. Huge bed-._.,. _ _. Salespeople Needed tered pool. $97,500. in !his unusual 2 BR homl!' CotlfTRY UYIN TAKE OYER FHA LOAN nb' $1800 TOTAL 00\\'N mova YoU In. 3 bdrrns, fire- place. Vtty 1harp. Paymenls to sWt G.Y budget $198 pt'r . month PAYS ALL JfSa.. COATS ~ WAL&LACE REALTORS 546041- 10,.. 1-;....i rooms, 3 baths, I queen sizel. • Realtor'-Ca.II for Appointment wit h addlUona.1 guest room Ch\.•ner anxious. \Vill sell ~ 2 ''NO DO\\'N" G.r. al S32,500. 143 Broadw•y 645-01&1 !146-5310 NEW -&autiful 4 &d-over car garage, High nurelnerni lllNtrtl room, formal dining room beamed ceilings & knotty Submit vour smaller home O LEGE REA LTY huge family rm. complete~ pine interior. HUGE ~ x on our l('uarantee sale plan: SANDY BAYFR N~ 1 ldlnts1lt\irbof,CM. ly separated from kitchen 20.:r lot "'ith many large WE SELL A HOME \Yarm 3 Bedroom & Family l ':::;=::=::=::=::m=::=: [' living rm, \\'alk-in \\'Ct trees. Approved plans for '} EVERY 31 MINUTES room, 3 ba.ths, privatt" en-[i bar, over 3,000 sq. ft. more units included, cio6ed patio near Yacht TAX runtul $82 5QO Walker & Lee aub. submit . "'·""' o,. .m 1... ·Ol'EN SAT a suN s26,5oo Open S•l/Sun 1.S p.m. 1338 S..tio<Jo 1915 Bayside Drive 4 -Two bedroom triplC'xes and that owner must sell quick-iohn macnab ~ Westcliff Dr. 646-ml Open -Eves. 1 BR DUPLEX TWO STORY $35,950 106 L • d 1·1 D ly, I 't baths each. carpets in a s e r. &. dnl.pcs • garages. North REALTY COMP~NY Ci.ean oldC'r units 11.·ith dou· Hal P inch in & Assoc. Costa ?.leM location. PRICE 901 DOY• Dr., S.fte 120 ble detached garage on ~ 3900 E. Coast llwy, 6T:i-l3.ll2 SJ.J,950 EACH. Call for par-"42-1235 140' lol. A~sume rxisting 4 largr bdrms, formal dining ticuJars. I:!!!!!!!!! S13,4oO -6% loan -no loan room, separate den, dinette NEWPORT HOTS-r.::::-:' fee. Only arf'a. 211 baths &-excellent $2900 DOWN! )r~' $18 950 location. Seeing is believing-You'll 'lin(f valul' ualol'C'! 2 WESTCLIFF 1 I'll I ·1111111 ~ < I II\ I II I\ I( I \ I ! \ I •1 o"·ncr hoUght l'lf"\Y horn(', separate baths, large li\'ing CALL AL BL.ACK 540-1151 roo1n 11•i1h high be11n1l'd I open C'\"el) He ritage Real ceilings, used brick lire-_u!!!!!!ms....,•.,".,· ,,c.,",.'·-,.',.<&-54-·IO Estate. place. Built-in rangf' & ovl'n. '!!!---------- 3 "' ........ p"'""' '"'" Open Sat/Sun FIX A unLE lion. 540-17'ltl l: SAVE A LOT. 4 BR & fam TARBELL 2955 H•rbor t!l!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!' I ily room, 2 baths, !ireplaet'. ~====~=~ Y QWER 3 BR !am nn, built-ins. Jn 1.1C'S8. Vcrdl'. FOR SALE BY O\\'NER blt.na. hdwd fln. patio. ANum~ big VA loan . $162/ 3 bedroom ilunUngton Bay frplc, drps. Nf:.,.,·ly reron-mo pt.YS-all.·Askina: Ui.150. Co~minium $18.950. Phone dition!d. fenced. $23.500. CALL Gl..£N ~ U EE Nl_96U520~~~=~~~­ JJ93 FanbeaU-Ln C~I. 546-1151 (open t'ves) Heri-For Daily Pilot W&11t Ada. 422 Tustin, Npt Hts Open bettmed eciliJll!!. 2 liN'PlaCt'S, 3 BR + den. M5-3S30 !age Real Estall' Dial 642-5678 DAV IDSON RHlty 5.f6.S460 l.'ws. 548...§M Need a Garbmslan&:leT 1'tnd ft with • warit •d! UNITS on front or lhis level EASTSlDE tot. TY•O cxisling units on rear a.re pr(!SCnUy rented. Located close to EASI' lTI'H SI', SJ-IOPPING CENTER. Pri~ to sell at only $32.500 -SEE THIS TODAY!! MESA VERDE FOUR LARGE C0~1F'OR­ TABLE BEDROOMS, I ~ balhli. Conveniently an-ang- ed electric builf-in kitchen, clean, wt>ll landscaped yard • 005e to shopping, $26,500. FHA LOA N COt.'lMIT~lENT $23.900 • 71.,% . 30 YEARS. CONYENIEICE PLUS Con1forta.bly arranged three bedroom, two bath home in NEWPORT HEIGHTS Area. Large living room \\·ith fire- place, modern kitcl)en, lart:c detached il'IClosM patfo, with fireplace and ~c to entertain guests. 't\\'O car garagl'. Comer lot, g'OOd lin. ancing. Mere's a sk'eper · ACT NO\\'!! E\-eni111s CalJ 64&-1050 $500 DOWN!!!!!! On this _. bedroon1, 2 bath family home. CIOSe to every. thing. Just introclu~ to the market~~!!!!!! \\'on't be around long~!:!!! $140 per month includes principal and .int('rest. WE SE LL A HOME EVERY 31 MI NUTES Walker & Lee 2043 \\'estclifI Dr. 646-7711 Open iEvcs. BREATHTAKING- VI EW CUSTOM BU ILT! S39,SOO I 2 baths. Bn\IT-in ki1chf'n, Firepli:.cc. Electric garage door opener. Patkl, Artisli- Jhe Buy of the Year! · Waterfront View of Catalina and lay 2 Bedroom. 2 bath Channel Reef• 'Own Your Own' Pentho~ Apartrnenl with lireplace,$62;500 Ask for : Chester Salisbury Realtor 315 Marine Ave., B•lbo.a Is. .. -------- General • • • 1000 ~ener•I : 1000 ·~Coldwell ; Banker ~· OFFERS: ' . , Oc:ean Front Camea Shores Spacious 2 Br's + C. Oen w/wet Bar & Frplc. Formal Din. Rm.·S700 'sq. It. Room to add. Pqol sized 'patjO: 3 car garage. Great borne in Best Area. \Vhite Water View of Ocean ................... $159,000 ~1rs. Raulston j , Most Unusual Home · For the executive with discriminating' taste. Fine use of w/panelling, brick & tile. Lrg Billiard rm, Ocean View Terrace, Walk-in wet bar ........ .' ..... i l30,000 Mrs . Harvey , ;_ Pifr & Float + 2 II.nits . Custom ~story home. 3 Bedrooms, master Br .. ,ui, .with 555 ~q. ft. and ¥lew. Nice apartment over garage. owner anxious, price reduced. . ................. $79,500 Mary, Lou M,ariDI\ , 0 Get Set-R~dY."":' ~o! Anytime. Own your own apt. 2 Br's· 2 Baths. Tremendous Ocean Vjew. Slips avail. Carefree ~ome for people who like to ")et" around the \\'Orld ....... : .. $68,500. Mrs. Raulston Bayc:rest -3200 Ft. 4 Br Blillt around large atrium. This 3 Bath home offers an exceptional value at '56.· 000 -Huge living Rm and ~1aster Br suite -easy terms . Walter Haase layc:rest -2001 Santlato OPEN HOUSE SUN 11 • S Spanish exterior. 4 Bedroom, Formal Din- ing. & Family Room, 3 Baths. Lot 90xll0 detached garage. .. ................ 56,llOO ~1ary LO~ Mari~n' , Su111mer Fun -Bayshores No\v is the time to buy in this great Bay- side area. 2 private beaches. 2 story home \v/4 Bdrms, 2'h Ba, extra Lrg Fam. Rm, Blt·ins .......................... $48,500 Bayshores - 3 Br + Fam. R111. Freshly painted 3 Br • 2 Ba Fam Rm or Form Din. Rm. w/ne\v 75 low Lse. Studio & Ba .. in Gar. will sell over wk-erid $34,850 Joe Clarkson East bluff A real doll house. three Bedrooms, Family Room . immaculate lath covered g~en beautifully landscaped room for a pool, Carpets and drapes. Mrs. Davies COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 2200 E. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT IEACH Kl 9 -3351 3 Bedroom H-On 2/3 '.Acre Baycrest Custom $79,950 Small Home On Tlte .Beach Build Your Ho111e High Above The Sea Mountain Lot 5 Bedroom Trl·i....1 $39,750 Hones OK Older 3 bedroom !arm Miue 'on huge lot zon- ed lo. horses. Only 10 mlD-from down· town Santa Ana or , Colla Mesa. House -needl pelnl l!ld ima· etmtloll and so is re- a.cl IO ~ '34,9'1. iw.;~ no and • m.li iii ... Beautiful spa c Io us home designed for the executive "'ho enter- ~ Features include sunken Jiving roomJ formal dining room, large family room. master suite, Roman bal.h, all built around private SpanW! l>'l.llo. Call loday tor shoiring appointment. \Valk. ln lhe surl. Fish nnd 1wim just steps from your doot. O\\·n- er win finance at 7~ ' interest for 30 years. no loan charges. Ideal home lor sportsman or artist. Bring your scu- ba 1ear and check· book. INVESTOR'S COR·NER I Th is week 's best Investment buy is a very de- ' luxe duplex on the beach at Newport Beach. The upper unit has 4 bedM?Oms , huge Jiving room, full width balcony, and an unrestricted view of the ocean. On a year around basis it rents for $3.50/month or much more on a season· al weekJy basis. The lower unit is 2 bedroom! and rents for pio. Price ls $43,500. Hurry! Jt you're the uncom- mon man who "'ants to build bis own • \\'ho enjpys contemplatior • or I.he changing moods of I.he sky and sea ,. who enj/)ys !Jving high above the city • il you are, then come out ti> day, to see a homesite you'll never forcet. $2000 107:<110 vacation site on improved road in the San Bernardino mountains 3 m i l e s fr\lm CresUine and Lake Gregory. Lot has moderate slope and i~ covered wilh large ct· dar pines. electricity and water are avail- able. Oo1y $500 down and seller wW carry balance. For map call today. 5 bedrooms 3 bath- rooms, formal dining room. beam ceiling, den. beautiful new car· peting, ch .. r!U! mod- em kitchen, "1Vered patio. heayy 1bU:e roof. large pro!esalon- ally landJcaped corner loL Don 't bu,y any holUe at 8Qf price un- Ul you've MID this one. orie 645 • 0303 28 OFFICES e CALIFORNIA 'S LARGEST 2299 HARBOR BOULE"ARD Tele hon~ 645 -0303 • \ • • • --~---- --------. ------··--·------------------------·----------------~-~---·. ~ .. -. --· ·-... -.. - . HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE presents $~ccofa ~ ~fi6~. Ulfage ' PREVIEW 16111 r. tustln _ cott. MA•• ·408 Mendoza Terr. BEST BAYCREST BUYS FIRST TIME OFFERED lo• your quality conscious bu.yers. 3900 sq ft of gracious liv· , ing. A S bdrm convertible study custom built 1 jlome wi\h buill·in out d .. r livifli. • \ , , I ADULTS Most homes are built wltb only children in mlbd. We have flv.e homes designed lfl' !be 1 comforts and fUn of adults. lleaUtilul to look at, room fo r bobbies, privato office, separate 1 diJlillf rm, guesJ.:room wilb ·batb, 3 car ga, rag~, walking cllstance to cburcbea, Westclilf Come up fo r air and stay lo enjoy the view. 3 B.R., fam. r1n., pool. Appointmehts in\ keeping With the design, construction & price. Corona Highlands. $120,000. ' ' PRICE REOUCEOI Owner anxious to sell this warm & friendly home on ce>mer. 3 bdnns. dining room, family room. Wonder- ful work shop • dark room • luxurious built· ins. •hopping, and restaurants. OPEN ~UN. AFTERNOON ONLY 7"/, w;11i 20"/, down -71'J% wllh 11'/, On. , SWIMMING lime is near. Exciting 4 b<jrm, den, family room & dining room borne with sparkling pool. Terrific entertaining & play area. "Immaculate. no 2ncls -no,polnti -2t Y" on balance Priced from $30,950 ta $33,950, Exclusive AQent p. a. palmer , incorporated 2828 E. Coast Hiway Corona del Mar 673-3770 DE LANCY REAL ESTATE 3377 VIA LIOO Open Sund•y 1 -S 1907 Holidoy Rood Troct Ph: ~113 From L.A. C•ll MA 5..a34 ., 1~~~~~~11 1000 1 General General OFFICE OPEN S•I. I. Sun. 1000 j·General 1000 Gtneral --------i GOOD I N c 0 ME PRQ. c t L" • $20,950 FULL PRICE PERTY 3 UNITS o n oun ry _1v1n9 PETE BARR.ETT REA~TY 4. Bedroon1s. 2 Full Baths. Cypress Drive, minin1uin F~r hol"!les, dogs, ~igeons and Plush Carpets &, Drapes n1ainte'.nance, old Laguna kids plus charming 3 be<l-1605 W01tclllf Or., N.B. througbout. Double Garage. chann. $27,500 , roo".1 home for _people. La1.-ge 642-5200 Cul-de-sac street. \Valk to * * * family roon1 .with used brick schools. GI no cash needed. CHURCH on Cypttss Drlvt:, fireplace. Nicely curpeted, $100 Deposit refundable or &eatll 135. $60.IXKl detached garage, 1~;00'.I sq. take over 5% o/c FHA IOllD * * * n. lot .. Corral a~ • sla_lls. Gener•I l 1 11000 c;ener•I , 1000 with payments or $124 pet 2 UNIT'S corner c I c 0 , Be quick, full price $26,000. month. Catalina, large wooded lot, :; ONLY $141.00 -. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WE SELL A HOME ple nty of parking, charming 3 BEDROOM EVERY 31 MINUTES putlo. 148.000. PLUS QUEST UNIT " a mo. No qualifing. anyone can as- ;;aume existing GI loan a t l ti% in!. 3 bednns 2 baths, ' ·double carage. covered pa- ~o. best Costa Mesa area !'Jear Catlxilic Chlll"Ch. $22,0CO !' THE WT WORD in 10"1 tion. floor plan & ele. W lk & l * * * J usl perfC'<'t !or that Jn·la\\' a er ee 3 COMMERCIAL UNlTS. 700 \\'ith plenty or privaey. block S. Coast H Y.'Y, good Shake roof and uscd brick parking, room to expand. charm located on a quiet gancc. 4 . h<lnns, 3 bath!, i682 Edinger family room, 3 car g~. S42-t45:i or 540-5140 lriner abium \Vlth quarry Open Eves. tile floor. Many luxury tea----4----"8"E"o-'R'-M=---- tUl"eS & an unobstructed vie1v of the Back Bay. A FAMILY RM -r-a r r.:. w-perfect home for entertain-It sparkles! 2 baths. Elegant • . ing. natural brick fireplace. All ... ORANGE COUNTY'S Roy J . Ward Co. electric push button built- ,' LARGEST (Baycrest Office I ins. Delightful patio over- '29;, E. 17th St. 646-4494 18-U Santiago Dr. 646-1550 looking a park like yard. ~ SALES\VOl\lAN 'VANTED S40-l720 White elephants! Dime.a-line. TARBELL 2955 Harbor $110.00'.l free lined cul.de-sac street * * * in ttw-Nl!Wport Heights i UNITS Broad1\•ay • l.Aguna area. Large pool sized lot. Canyon Rd, lot 114. x 189, Bright cheery kllche11 ll'ilh artists' center, parking. no built • ins and dishwasher. drainage, probJems. $100.000 super clean 1hroughou1. 2 GOO D REAL ESTATE fireplaces, 2 1 ~ bat~. $33,i;;o Jal N. Coast Hwy Laguna Beach 494-7:il8 Is YOur Ad in uur classlfleds! Someone will be tooldna; for· it. Dial 642-5678 2 \.l TO 4 ACRll Rancho Capistrano Is now ol!ering a lin1ited 85 parcels of fabulous, oak studded, ran~h &ize spt'eads. The only ones of thei1· kind In the Booming South Coast Area High above tile snwg belt. Privatr roads and locked gate guarant('(' the natural beauty of !his forn1rr Span. ish Grant surrounded by beautiful Cleveland Nation. al Forest. All utilities avail- ablt'. PRICED FROM $1,000 10',; 00\VN -1.i YRS. For true eountry living. re. 1 U1"en1ent or just plain invrsf. menl at a bargain prk-e. Call or \\Tile foi" co1nple1e details and free color brochW"t's. ' Hancho Capistrano General 1000 General · 1000General 1000 General 1000 ·1570 Campus Drive., Nl'\\'po11 Beach. 92SGO 546-7843 Open Houses THIS WEEKEND • ..,_,... ~ lfNctorr •Mi YH rWs .... .,.. n ,_. .. Hne awtt ... An-..-~ .. lhM4 i..t.w .... 4MCTIM4 ............... ~, ~ .. .,... ..W. ht t.ffy'1 DAJLT PILOT WANT ADS. ,..,._ ........ .,.. ...... ,... .... ., ......... -tH t• list .a lllf.,-"•• bi tlib ···-.... ""'"'· (2 Bedrooms) * 1100 While Sails Way, Corona del Mar 644-2244 (Sal & Sun 12-4) ** 1606 \V . Oceanfront, Newport Beach 646-2414 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 224 Heliotrope, Corona del ?\tar 67[>.3000/673-0554 (Sat & Sun 1·5) (3 Bedrooms) 4821 Cortland (Cameo Highlands) CdM 673-2222 ' (Sal & Sun 1·5) 3138 Barbados (Mesa Verde ) CM 54f>.3008 (Sat & Sun) ** 3715 Seashore, Newport Beach 67f>.4130 (Sun 1·5) 421 Cabrillo Street, Costa Mesa 548-9500 (Sol & Sun) 511 Avenida Compana at Vista del Oro (Bluffs) 67f>.6000 (Sal & Sun 1·5) 535 Vista Flora (The Bluffs) NB 675-6146 (Sun 11-4) ·446 Esther St., Costa ~1esa 646-2414 ISal & Sun 1·5) 422 East 18th St.. Costa Mesa 646·0555/673·6116 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 420 Lenwood Drive, Costa Mesa 642·0253 !Sat & Sun 11·5) 5301 Bruce Crescent (Lido Sands) NB 642-4927 (Sun 1·5) 1843 Tradewinds (Bayc rest) NB 646-7171 (Sun 1·5, Mon 2-6) ** 106 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 67f>.3210 ISun 12·51 26 Yawl Road (Beacon Bay) NB 642-8235 I Sun 1-5) 107 Via Dijon (Lido Isle) NB 67f>.3000/673-&182 (Sun 1·51 2342 Colgate (College Parkl CM 646·8811 (Sal & Sun 1·5) *1226 Londonderry. Costa 1'.1esa 646·8661 or 539.5933 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 9342 Richfield (South Shores) HB 96211471 rsun 11·51 (3 Bedrooms & Family or Denj ' !2606 '.Rodlands Dr .. (Back Bay) CM 548-2663 (Sat & Sun 1-4) 3062 Ceylon Rd (Mesa Verde) CM 545-6155 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 112.\ Essex Lane (Weslcliff) NB 642-1598 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 2569 Oxford Lane (College Park) CM 54().5566 (Sat & Sun 12-41 * 1126 Goldenrod (Harbor View Hills) CdM 673-2222 (Sunday,only\ 1021 Whitesails (Harbor View Hills) CdM- (Sat & Sun 1-S) * 2.110 23rd Street, Newport Beach 646-3255 !Sal & Sun 1-S) 1300 CambridgerWe stclill) NB 642-ll235 (Sal Onl y) 2127 Leeward, Newport Beach 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1·51 1014 Santiago Dr .. (Baycrest) NB 642-8235 (Sal & Sun) 1147 Gleneagle, Cosla Mesa 54().1720 !Sun 1-S) 564 Park Drive. Costa Jtfesa 646-0555/6411-1050 <Sat & Sun 1·51 616 Virginia Park Dr., Laguna Beath 494-5997 (Sun 1·5) 2607 Ocean Blvd .. (China Con•! CdM 675-3000/675-5764 ISun 1-5) *1901 Kings Road, Newport Beach 546-2313 <Sun 1·5) 261 2 Redland s (Back Bay) Costa Mesa 546·5460 Eves: 549-1058 (Sun 1·5) 1866 Rhodes. Costa Mesa 54~·2313 1Sun 1·6) (4 Bedrooms) 2114 Vista Laredo, (EaslbluffJ NB 675-2101 /543-4166 (Sun 12 :30-5) * 1233 Highland, (Westclill) NB 642-8235 (Sw1 only) 363 Vi sta Baya, Newport Beach 67f>.4130 (Sal 1-5) 2715-Wavecrest, Corona del ~tar 646·7171 (Sun 1·51 468 Serra Dr .. (Corona Highlands) Cdl\J 67f>.3000/646·5227 (Sun 1·5) (4 Bedrooms & Fami:y or Oen) 2065 Flamingo Dr., (Mesa Verde) CM 540-4905 (Fri-Sun Hi! 1412 Serenade Terr. (Irvine Terr) CdM 642-5200 (Sun 1-51 * 1907 Holiday Road (Baycresl ) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1-5) * 2600 J .. ighthouse Lane ( Broadmoor) CdM, 675-2503 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2107 Santiago, Ne,vport Beach 642-8235 (Sun only ) * 1842 Santiago Dr., (Dover Shores) NB 64&-1550 (Daily 10-5) 1338 Santiago, Ne\vport Beach 642-8235 (Sal & Sun) 2001 Santago fBaycrest) NB 67[>.2000 rsun 1·5) 2341 Irvine (Back Bay) NB 540-1720 (Dail y 1·5) 1626 Baker Street, Costa l\fesa 646·0555/646·1050 (Sun only 1·51 1354 E. Oceanfront (Balboa Penn) NB 645-:!0QO (Daily 1-5) 1415 Santiago, Ne,vport Beach 646-3255 (Sun 1·5) 207 Princeton Ave., Costa l\lesa 646-7711 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2006 Holiday Road (Baycrest\ NB 646-7755 !Sal & Sun 1-51 322 Cabrillo, Costa l\Jesa 548-0588 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2622 Vista Drive 1Bayshores) NB 642-1771 (Sun 1-5) 3067 Trinit)', Costa l\1esa 642-1771 !Sal & Sun 1-5) (5 Bedrooms) 2836 Al ta Vista Dr., Newport Beach 644-1192 rsat & Sun 1-5) ** 101 Linda Isle, Newport Beach 642-8235 ISal & Sun ) 1536 GaJ axy Dr .. Ne\vport Beach 642-8235 (Sal & Sun l (5 Bedrooms & Family or Den) * 2118 Windward Way, Newport Beach 675-6000 (Sun J.r,) 806 Bison (Eastbluff) Newport Beach 644--0319 (Sat & Sun 1-5 ) *424 21st Street. Newport Beach 646·7711 (Sat & Sun 1-5) CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE (l Bedrooms) 14-0 Le<i ngton Lane (Monticello) CM 642·1771 !Sat & Sun 1·5) DUPLEXES FOR SALE 3801 Chanoel Place, Newport Island 673-6000 (Sat & Sun 2·4) (2 Bedroom & I Bedroom) 1429 \Vest Ba v Ave .. Balboa 675·1642 (S un 12-5) Al'T + INCOME ** 320 Via Lido Nord (Lido Isle) NB 67!>-0305/675-3243 (sat & Sun) APARTMENTS FOR RENT (I Bedroom & Bachelor) 420 Pacific Coast Hwy, Huntington Beach 536-2.170 (Sat &: Sun 12·5) ..... • * w ... ,, ... ''For A \Vise Buy" Colesworlhy & Co. 642·7771-0P-EN EV-E::i. --$9oo DOWN-- DREAM COTTAGE Its· spacious yard of TO\VER· ING SIIADE TREES anti tropical plants plw; cool COVERED PATIO & Rocky ?IIountain covered slUC'c:"O front is enhancod by 3 spat'- ious bedrooms and bcaulilul- ly c: a 1· p <' ! e i:I Harchvoocl Floors. Eliicient Kitchen \vith ELECTRIC B U I LT INS. VA & FllA Tenns at ONLY $21.900. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee 2790 Hatbo1· Blvd, at Adams 545-9491 Open 'ti! 9 P~1 Maui Hawaii 3 Bedroom plus family rrn, near ne1v home on FEE lot. Property is fl'ee and clear, 200 ft lo beach. \\/ill sell for small d0\\'11 lo re· liable party or trade !or good seasone<I trust deed. SALISBURY REALTY 673-6900 Jlj il.larine Ave., Balboa ls. LRG SPANISH 4 Br Family Rm Impressive 4 yr old Ne\\·port ho!nt' y.•/ custon. stereo & vacuum system lhru-0u1 . 2 frplcs: c:rpls, drps complete, 2 back yrds. S.;4,(XX} OPEN SUN 12-4 INr Irvine,,\ 22nch 405 Francisco Dr. Owner . 549-0507 4 BEDROOMS- $137.00 mo. Gold medallion island kitch- en, anyone can aMume &1 , ';, VA Joan no qualifing, Pull prtec $24.500. ORANGE COUNTY'S ·LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 BALBOA PENINSULA POINT 3 BR hotne in quiet area.. Pairttin~ & dttorating will add charm! Lol 5o x 100 Jt. Llu'lfe patio, Room to tX· p:snd. Try olfcr. S•l2,!'i00 Bilbo. Real Estate Co. JOl!ephinc \Vt'bb. Realtor 100 E. &1Do:1 Blvd., Balboa. Gil-4140 ' Breathtakin9 ls the \l'Ord for the thrilling Yiew !rom this quality built hon1e in DoVer SllOl"t's 4 Bedrooms .£:. family m1 buill around large pool vrry spaciou., -rooms many quality feature~ l\!ust Be &>en To Appreciate $'l3."i,CKXI Call Jack Scroo,,.gy \ Res &M-:.'250 GI LOAN ASSUMPTION Big 4 BR -"'lorthsidc Costa i\'lesa 2 year old home. Sprinklers, 2 private patios & looks like a n1odel hon1e. $28.000 GI Joan availa ble 10 anyone -Full sales price $32,950 Newport •• Victori• 646-1811 ALOHA \'ou1· own lillll' !roph·ILI par. adise right here in "'cstcliff, Ne1vport's prestige area. Fee-Jan<f. Near shopping centtr. 3 bdrms, 2 baths, beautifully landscaped by Beeson k y.·en kept by proud o\.\-·ner. Roy J. Ward Co. IBaycresl OflieeJ 1 1842 Santiago Di·. 646-l:"J50 WAS-$22;500-- NOW $20,900 3 bedroom. Carpeting 11\roughoul. 10 x 20 covered patiO. All built·in kitchen including refrigerator. He· cenUy painted inside and 1 out. J une 1 n1ove-in plus a~ &ume 6~? V.A. loan. $4300 down, $134 PITI Privo.lt Pa11Y. 962·7689 --0PE_N_H_O_U_s e- SAT /SUN 11·5 270 23rd Strffl, CM Eastside .f BR, lg cor. lot Rite_ e''KEH"ii>Y'-1 . 4-BEOROOM-422,500-1 NoUting ec1u<1t nt Thill price ln rnost sought after are#. JsolatM l"f!llr liXiflfl: room Wllh fittplaCC. Bi1ck p&tJo y,•llh ps tired BBQ. Drtam -----------kitchtn with 111 thr. built.In 4 a:t 2 11at1i '"'W'C•. "'~m•. 322 CABRILLO TARBELL 2955 Hart.or , 0pen sot/Sun 1.s FOURPLEX tmmed. pmeulon. R-4 t.onc. 1 Tw bed llch 1 O,n build 3 more units. o room, t un I, L VIL.-t R It bullUn k1tchf'n, w.w. carpel, ~ _ ~_r • •• or_ dn•~. P:.tlo. usume e.~­ $11,950-$120 •Month i'ltinf Unancing-, walk to Attnictlve horrtl':. Gciuorou~ major Shcpp\ng. UT.500. siiC"d bt(lroom!I, ctl«>rful kit~ Brkr. 642-900;'; chen, extJ-q caUna: area • • • l'L.AC1. yoor _...,., •d •ber• 24 YEARS OF Satlllda.t, AprM llJ, 1969 REAL , , . ESTATE ~o·a EXPERIENCE ~ ' TH . Ru • TOP HOME VALUES e Sp1osh SplHh Family fun in yow· 011·n pool. Ideal spotless 3 BR ho nt e & family room, in cboice We11tcliU localion. 2 blocks to main shopping <.-enter. A ln.l.ly \varm & rriendly home 1vith wood &: ,brick f ro n t. 2 fireplaces, gas lighter. Spacious living room look- ing out on pool. Ladici:. drean1 kitchen, na tural 11·ood cabinets. elec. buill· ins, dishwasher. GQOd size bedrooms, 2 ba lhs. Pro- fC'SSioMl landscaping, · 11·hole yard con1plcte1y lighted. First timl' offered at last years price • Only $44,950. Call now: 546-5440 Price Reduced $5950 No1v priced b e Io w market -4 BR -:l story home jiut a short walk to ocean '-in Ne,v p o r t SM res. llxl ::i' I i v i n g- room. marble llreplace & hearth.' w/1v carpets & drapes. separate I 5 ' forn1al dining room , deluxe kitchen v.·ith bit-in OV("n &-range. PLUS breakfast nook area. 4 good·sized bedrooms • loads of closets -Act no11• ..al lhis lo1v -low pritt of only $43,000. 5<\6-~·10 Big & Beautiful Eastridgc Estate, 2 story <-'Ontcmporary, 3 BR & den. family room and custom pool. 21 i baths, Jront enclosed court yard, unusual sfOJl{" fil'l'place, built-in kitchen as h cabinets. Pri~ $37.500. Sec for sure. 546-5440 Interest Conscious? Assume 5V2-Jo. Loan Then inspect this 4 large bedroom exeeuth '{' honic In Ne\.\"(>Otl Be a c·h , designed for easy li ving: TelTific kitchen vd th all elccll·ic bl1·in oven & range, dishy.•asher, ex- pensive filed tops & splash. extra I a r g c service· rooin, 2~ baths, traffic free lviing roon1 1\·ith rireplacc. I a r gt• fan1 il y room with l.ireplace opens out lo patio y.·ith fi repi t. Separate 14.xIO formal dining room. You'll not find a nicer home at only $)3,950. CALL N 0 \V . .... ,.., Vacant & Wa iting For some JucJ,,-y family 10 move right in, cboice Bay. crest location • Reflects loving care · IROO sq. feet living space. 2 baths, stall shoY.'er • Lots of privacy on !ht' corner location. 14x26 living roon1. Brick fireplace ~ Large kitchen wilh electric blt ins • Oish1\•asher. Nice fenctd yard • Room for pool only $•1Z,9:i0. fl.lake your offer. 5<$.5440 Near Westcliff Center -Newport Beautiful 3 BR Mn1e 11,ith hardwood floon. \\'alk to school & shopping. :l baths, spacious I I v i n g room, lireplatt. Fenced rear yard 1vith lovely eovcn.>d pa tio. Lowest pl·iced hoinc in Harbor Highlands -only S28.500. Call for showing. 54~ Towering P ines in )'Our OY.71 yard. fo'ine 3 BR hon1e & family room in l\lesa Verde. FullC'- tional floor plan, 1 ~4 batM, built-in oven & range, large serv ice porch, large living roon1, 11·/1v carpets & drapes. Near sJlOpplng. O n I y S25.9JO -VA/f'HA tinan. <-'ilig. 546-~ 4 -2 Bedroom Triplexea 0\\1ler desperate to srll these \\"ell loca!eO triplex- es -north Costa ?i1esa location · ncai· freeways & shopping centel"8. Each unit has 11 Z baths • carpets & drapes garages. Prired at $33,!Y.ia each • Submit your or. fer. 546-54'JO Grab Your Paint Brush f\ lilUc paint & clean up 11·ill do \\·onders lo lhis fine 3 BR + family roon1 home in convenien! lo<·u· lion near schOOls. "Ex- toeUent functional floor plan with lraUic fret' liv- ing room -F'lreplacc. l~ balhs. Tiled stall sho\\·er. Large covered patio • ?i1any trees & shrubs. Price $26.950 -VA or EZ 1'1 IA 1ehns. ~S.5440 Spanish Haclend• Lovely 3 BR &. large family room hOme in Cos- la l\IC!la!. Walk to all schools & s h'op.pin g, Dlstlnclive tile entry. 23' li vi n g room \Vil h fire p I a c r. outstanding kitchen \Vilh built-in O\'en & range & O/\V, quality carpels & drapes. 1 ~;, bath, ::;tall sho've.r. Asking $30 ,95 0 E Z terms. 546--5440 Name Your Terms FHA-VA-Convent'nal Vacant 1794 sq ft home 2 story 4 bdrms & fan1ily r o o m , completely re- painted interior, r i c h nylon lV/w carpets and drapes, terra.ced kitchen \\ilh built-in electric eye- level range & double oven. dish1vashcr. Huge ma.,ter bdnn with own bath with white pullman top and oval b asin. K i mstock sean1le~s shov.·er. extra la r ge \1·ardrobc closets. Buy on no do\.\·n VA tenns or to•,; tl0\.\'11. Prit.'t' $30, 750 - Great value. 5-16-5-140 Believe It or Not So1ne loclo' bQYtt can aRSUJne th I 1 ~ 5"% loan at no usumption C011t11 -Beautiful 3 BR • 2 bath hOme In a choice location near all schooll:. Neat as a pin. Spacious living room with Ar12ona brick tlttplace, Terrific kitchen • all tiled sink C splash. Bit ins Of course, and d ish w as her - Outstanding yard -fenced with patio. You won't Iind 11 better conditioned home HERE AT ONLY $29,000- Hurry, 54i6-M40 Pool Time It's close at ham. 'This 3 BR/FM Mme in Mesa Verde is priced right tor a quick sale. Newly painted interior, l~.6 baths, stall sho,.,.et\ 14x21' 11 v Inc roon1. fireplace, ample clqget space. Custom pool 1vith auton1alic sweeper, lots or decking. Priced at S28,500. Make oUer ~ starl packing. 54&-5440 A Sleeper! Pin· Point Sharp • Newly painted in and out • 3 JOO(I· .. siz e bedrooms le famU, • room in ?lofesa Verde -, ~ -~ s~~h}g I: to : schools. 1% baths • stall sh:IY.~r • large livtnr room has good carpel.a: ,\ drapes • brick fireplace - Bit in oven & range all electJ•ic. Nice yard • sprinklers -. patio -only $24,950 • lOf,{. down. ........, Want• Dream · House? ? This Meh. Verde 3 BR • Fainily room and dlnin& room is truly an outstan. di ng va.lue. Haa !!> much lo offer for luxury living • , Extra high ceiling in Jtv- ing room. Formal dining r o o m · Luxurious new \\'/w carpet!. Extra large kitchen with all · electric bit ins -and Island Range • 3 baths • Parklike yard • room for pool • See tbil today. Priced at $4.0,900. -Butter Cup Y•llOw Locally J BK/fam i ly room hon1e on ~asl side of Costa Mesa. •That will delight the wide family. traffic free living room - Good quality w/w cpta I: drapes. f i replace . Outstanding kitchen with bit in oven k range. La rge breakfast bar - Good 11ize bedroom. l.oed!l of closet space. Beautiful landscaped yard with ex- pensive aluminum patio. Excellent VA NO DOWN payment or FlfA tenn.s. Price only Pi.500. -Relief F rom Taxes Good write--Ofi here -one triplex in Ne w p11rt Heighls -Idea.I locati>n • • near shopping & school • crn·llt'r retiring -Prl~ S35.000 · lOSt. do1vn • HURRY! 54&-5MO CONDOMINIUMS Li ve Easy ln !his 3 BR 2 bath home on the Bluffs. ToP. loca· lion, end uni! wllh view. Lovely built-in kitchen, Jj.x2Q living l'OOlt'I, w/\V cpts & drapes. Only ' l years old . Ni ce l y landscaper! wit h sprinklers, private patio, Only $26.SJO -S3000 11o\\,n. - Choice Loc1tion Cute 3 BR home \vilh almOl!t ne'v green \v/w slWtg cpl, custom dra,,pe11, t~. b a bh, 2 showeni, outstanding kitchen \\ilh bit-in oven & range & dis h washer. Experu:iv{' dark \.\'ood cabinetii. Ntflr pool & recreation hall. near all schools & shop- ping. Prlctd right · at $19,980. F.Z I e r m s , ~140 2 Story 3 BR Hello Fun .l Leisure,. •• lfe11lth & happiness in this fine deluxe unit - 2 baths. luxurious interion \\i th all deluxt built·IM 4 dlsh11-ashel'. SWlm In beautiful pool. attractive rlubhouse lar&e livlnr room. y.•/w cpts A drapes. while s t o n e 1 fiteplaCt'. Price o n I y - $Z},9j(l le Low down J>a¥· , mcnt. ~ * We have 21 Condominiums to show you NOW! * ; * * SALES OPENING * * IN OUR COST A MESA OFFICE Complete tr•inlnt prosram (cla1sroom -on the ieb). Profit sharing PAUL· WHITE· CARNAHAN R«•ltil Co . 1093 BAKER STREET, COSTA MESA -• * *1 .... _. W'••l'"•"~"'"I"' ' covered pat1o. IJ-.ev an tootdnc -041LY tARBELL 'l4IOI04 ~P~llJ~lT:!.,!'~lou~tn~..i~~~~~li.,.1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""'"'"'""""''""'"'"!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!,....""',...,.."!'. • ,I ·-. - ----------------__________________ ..;., __ ~..o..;;..;.,_...;..,_ .... _________ .1 -------·-----·------·....-....--------~,.,.--"""."..,.,:-"":'"----------------.......... -----------------~--~ "'•· ... " 19, 196t I S '011-SALI ROiJSBS FOR SALi! HOUSES FOii SALE llOO-·I uoo GoMrol ' 1000-••1 Ult . ' ' JDON1 . MISS THIS RAHC 0 LA CUESTA -If you've mused lhe closeout o! RANCHO I.A CUESTA'S 3 tber units .... OoH'T MISS THISllJ " I I• Each ia~~~g unit cosls more, so take advantage ol these prices. Come & see aur niodels qn Brook.burst .ai Atlanta Jn Huntington Beach. There are 1 &: 2 stories, 3 & 4 bedroom homes with ~ pr 3 baths, MissJon tile or shake root, f~ places, concrete driveways, heavy rough cut beams, built-ins, fiunily rooms & dinin& rooms. Close to Huntington State ' . 1, ' ,. Beach. These beautiful homes are priced from $24,995 to $33,i95 with VA~ or Con· ventional financing as low as 10% down. No 2nd TOs at 7.2% interest. Call I" ,(. 968-29'l9 or visit any day 10 AM to 7 PM. 1000Generaf 1000 " • . Seles through the Mul tiple Listin g ; ' Service of the Newp ort Harbor- ' " Costa Mesa Bo a rd of Realtors totaled $14,679 ,850 fo r th e firs t 1 ; 3 months of 1969 . Th i• re-pres ents • . 470 un it sales. List your prQ"perty with a Realtor toda y. I i' ;;;';;'l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l;;OOO;; G1naral , 1000 • 3 Bedroom 1 -14 YVIEW SPECIAL 1 & 112 Baths I . $22,500 . Take Over Largt Upper Bay klcatkin with ial'l{c 5¥4% FHA "Lo.th \ encloBed yanl. 3 BR home .Nice ~!ii.side location, car. 1 with hardwood floot'5. AT· pets, fireplace. front court , 1itENT10N VETER.ANS use yard, a~ huge, back yard. I ~ GI Joan hen!, no down. Hurry lhJS y,·on l last long right now, day or night!! at $2fi,500. Nowport JEAN SMITH , •• Realtor 400 E. 17th, C.M. 646-3255 * $24,500 Custom built kitchen. Ea.sl- A side, C.M. 3 BR 1%. bath, dbl ,i::arage, largf! covered I . Rhome w/inc unit needs paUo for entertaining sur- Pne TLC. Walklr.tg distance rounded by Deautiful ~hrubs ' io everything, $33,500 &: fiowf'ts. Excellent financ- / tt!rms. ing available. 1 ' By appt only 1860 Newpor1 Blvd .. Cf\I 'tORBIN·MARTIN RI" ..... .,.,. E .... 644-1655 I ;;, REAL TORS * LACHENMYER ' )iJ6 E. c .... Hwy, CdM w NTED - 1 "· 675-1'62 A ' . LIDO ISLE IYATERFRONT -Pier & Slip, 5 Bedrooms, m baths, bit-in kitchen and wet bar fl5S,OOO ••• Waterfront-Pier &, Slip \Vi(h sandy beach -4 bedrooms and family room, 4 baths, completely modern family borne ............... t -· •.. t ••••. · .•• '2-001000' p. a. palm er incorjlarated 3377 VIA L t~ • . .- Office 67:1-7300 From ·LA: C1ll S-1034 --·-----------------·- General l OOO Gentrol 1000 BALBOA PENINSULA POINT 46 feet of B•yfront with pier and fl oat. 9 Bedroom, 5 Beth home! Would you believe $116,000 Full Price I Exclusive with BALBOA BA y PltOPERnEs 108 MtFadd1n Place, Newport . a .. ch at the Ne\vport Ocean Pler 673-7420 67:1-9127 General iOoo l Gene;;,·r---lOOo ------- Open House Sa t., Sun 1.5 Owner ready for offe r! Spa1 .. ious 3 bdr . Fan1 • Pool home. Privacy &: wic'.le open !ipar es. Drop by 2510 • 23rtl St., Newporl Beach. Open House Sat., Sun 1-5 BA YCREST. l'i1odem J bdr . Dl-n Home. Some VIC'l\I • f ee Simple. ()y,•ncr anioous asking $t9,500. Cozy & Olltrming with cen!cr Al· rium. Backbay off Irvine Reduced lo $38,500. 4 bdr. 3 bath, formal dining roon1. largt' sldr. y11rcl fo1· hoo l, pool e1 e. JEAN SMITH , Realtor 400 E. 17th, C.f\f.'&1G-J25:i Baylronl Hotel In fabulous Avalon Dining mi. 2 bars, 1"1 room~ plus Vie:w 011•11f'r Unils. BUR R WHITE, Rltr. 2901 Ne1vf)U1·t Blvd ., N.H. 675-4630 ·-Room-Room-Room 4 BR, 3 baths. immaculate, Newport Heighls, $37,500 Go The Joneses One Beller Livr in !his lovtly Broad· moor honu.• in Corona dtl /'flar "'ilh a view of the mountainis. a pool and 4 Bdrms. 2\.a baths. p11.nclled family rm. Separate dining rn1. 2 fi replaces, ASSUM· ABLE 61h ~h LOAN $64,500. OPE N SAT & SUN l·S 2600 Lighthouse Lani' Cheshi re Real Estete 675-2503 anytime DUPLEX Nea r Ocean. 3 BR 2 b11. r;ich unit. 3 Frplcs. $52,· '"'" Georg• Williamson RC!el!or 673-·1300 Eves. 6U.J56-I WANTED on Lido Isle Lal'Rt home . large lot CaJI 615-fiOOO Agent I tRG comer spilt Iv! hm. R.E. Saleswoman I ~y'!'o~u~.".".,",", ",,",".,""'""!""•·"•""n. · r1t7d3 all puqme rm \Ve h1a~ the 11.dvantage of an vPstiga!e our 4 rl irrcrenl ..,-.,-._,.-.... _,..,.. .... .,I '• upelain·. •-•-ny & •··. exc us1ve on Ivan Wells' new S B -• ~ + trade-in progr11n1s. tep1 to est Beach · al for pool table!, music home a captive audience I ••• 0'" · 4 Bn, 2 ba, 2 car gar, 6 yn m: or can be convt'd to 2 or n!:w:ues. lLlt'.'e tn new, · · r · •-• od r youni:", only i29,000. I . Also 3 BR. 2 BA on exc1llfl(, urnis,n:u m e C ood RI l we1 level. 2 dbl gar + on Galaxy Dr. ayw . ty. S4a..1290 i .-workshop. 2 ltK patios. 2522 Roy J. Ward Co. Ask for f.1. ORANGE COUNTY'S. GJOO \\I. Coast J-l iway, N.A. ! -,3.1.rd St NB. <Crnr Tustin & Pinover 646-1550. LARGEST. . ). 646-91<3 ---. 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 -3 BEDROOM-SUMMER FUN 4 BEDRM- i ~o, FAMILY ROOM Around this shin1mering $136 A Month ' ·i $19,4501 pool with BBQ & pool side f J_ bathli. Lustrous bulll·in ll"CI bar. Delightful 4 txtnn Anae Ir own. Family room. Ba,ycrest homf.> with family ··~Ce for-boat or camper. room &: formal rlining room. $134.SO a month paymenl11 . ':lffs thrin rent! By as.~uming Jo'llA IOBn. 2 baths. Tiled en!ry hall. Elet•. 1rir built-in kHrhcn. Appeal. ing red brick fireplace. Ow· erM & rnclo~ patio. 54[). 1720 Prime Commercial C.Orner 19th & Pomona, C.M. next lo 18 story bldg. Fivt' slores fully leased al $1006/ mo. Potential unlimited. $110,00> FIP . 29SO down & oy,•ner \vill carry Isl TD. Gcl\CO Rlty C.O. 642-4122 AlllELL-441-6691 Arnold & Freud 338 E. 17th SI., OT TARBELL 2955 Harbor PENFNSULA POINT ~ A MEMO &o 1aUJer IP tO)'I )'OU no loni:tt a,ed, *" them for ~uh with Realtors 646-7755 "POOL"-$26,500 Paint, rleeoratc ror charm ! Good 3 BR home on 50 x 100 He11.vy shake roof, plastc1 ft 1 1 XLNT 1 S.U 500 walls, fiN'p!ace. built-in kit. B · I~ R locli. • ·today! DON'T JUST WIS.II for some-J"="-------th.1111 to furnish your home chen. 2 ha th~. Hf'atcd & fi l. a ea 1tafe Co. · · · · find ~at bu)'! ill t~ day'11 Classified Ads. 1 ered pool 540-rno 6734140 TARBEL.l 2955 Harbor I 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Ba.lboa z WANT AD ORDER BL AN K 13·-, 5-S-H-ORT .. WORDSMAKE .. C,.NE .. LiNE=NO .. AD-LEsi 'riiA·N·i 'i:iNEi- ' TIMES • TIMES 7 TIMES 12 TIMES 1.,.----1----1----11----1----1----1--------- I-·-" ---1----l----I----$4.50 $6.80 $10.65 $!5.90 1----1--------- $5.10 se.2a 1 st3.io n o.10 $6.00 $9.76_/_$)5.55_ $2•.30 °.!PAYMENT ENCLOSED 0 SEND BILL 0 TO f lllUll COST ' or I .. -I ' P~bli~h fer.••••••• .• tley1, b19lnnin9 • , ••••• ,, •• , •• , .••••••••• , . , ••• , Cleuiflcetien , , • , • , , • , , • , •• , , • , , • , , ••• , • , ••• , , • , , , , , •• , • , •• , •• , • , N • ;.· ............................. :,· ......................... .. A drto •••·•••••··•••·•·••"••·•••••••••"••••••: •••••••..••••• City •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• P~en• ..• ,.,, .•..••••.•••• , •.• •. -.... '-----· ···-··~·· ··~~ cur HIRE -r.t.STI ON YOUI ENYILOrE -• i · I I' BUSINESS REPLY MAIL ffrtt a. ..... N• 11. c.ttt ~ .... c..111-1. Oron1e Ce.It DAILY PILOT P. O. lox 1560 • ,, C.... M ... , Celif. 92626 Put 011ly one word i11 tei:h •I'•~• ebo"'•· il'li:ludt yt11r .~d1t11 or phen• nurnbtr. Tht cot! ef your etl 11 et tht t t1d of lh1 tln1 on which fh t le1t word of 1our 1d ii writ· !•11. Add $2.00 t•ff• If 1011 Ge1ir1 1111 ef DAI\. Y PILOT l ei• otr~itt with meiltd It • p li•1. ···-·-- 4 2 -5 6 1 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 - s 6 7 8 ' ' 0 HOnCZ TO ~,~Dita ~·~I .. ~ u: ==.. :...-:l ~~/~. ~fp • &PilWtp ~pril .., . -141\cpltwt p l$Cphw/)> llcpil•lp to .,..,....,,.,. ol a ,...lutlon ol tbo ti ......... t.• Heavy duty repair· • , "1 the Oronce C.Unty Flood·COIAn>i' · llOIOllled ~ 15, man'! 'helper 30cph"lp !Ocplnrl'p(U fOO;ltwlp 11111, -.. th~ notice. NPTICE "' naqv <IM:N that UI ... ,... Ii - the Clerk of Aid Jloaj'd wlll rte.I•• Iii -fi'" the Counly metolllc pipe tneludln1 Adml nlatr1llon BulldlJic, Ill North 8-S , Smtta Anii S<Wtr pipe, dr•tn pipe _ on nr before the -ol l :GO p.m.• ol April 1-. -ind "!ldlrcr«IJ!ll _ , bids or proponll JW the __..,, ti IOllUuo Cntt tila ' "" 141\cpltw/f l!<pbwlp Cl!annel lrom Slntl Ana Rlnr ~ to Brlatot ltnet. I.II M1lcer IJld coulktr n cplnr/p B;da mUJt be 'IUde O!I tbo ~ lor•lllt ...,_, ol •11 non-metallic •ddriiled to the Clerk ol the ol a-.1...,, ,Ora... pipe Joiilll 211\cpilw/p llcphw/p 3lcpllw/p Connly Flood Control Diltrlcl, marked "Bid for n.c.;;,lnlctloo 4.11 OOeraton .-1 tendtro of Santiago Creek Chunete. . 1~ ,, , ol .pntWSllUc·and Bids 'hall be '"' 111!111abtn1 atl i..,.t4UlPl!IOll( ...i eleetrte tooto, •lbrot· 011terllll In ocooni,no. wtth Plaal Uol S...,lll<otlOns tlM,.. i111 JDl'!hl""I and for for the following work': ' '· · similar 'meclianica\ SCllEDULE OF WOllK lftlll to61s (not !'!'l!"•lely Hem I I E&cav1tton G( "'!II'.-. ""*"'""' ,,.Ucrill on c1 ... 1riec1 lit"fn) 21!1cphw/p • 7.lephw/p JJ¢pllw(p r I lump 1U1D bu.ii:----r) r~, C.31$ Stell ~ . Hem I IS.SIS C•blc yards G( Imported OOll-10d fill on 1 per mon 2H\cphw/p llcphwlp llCpinr/p cuhlc yin! bMil. . • , UC Trudi Gruxr The fore1olfta quanUtits 'are Qpralrp.I~ Ol)lx. belni atvtn and ti~man 45Cpbwlp as a buls for die calDpar1loo Clf:b1G14" and 0.. Oruae ~ 4.71 Water truck driver flood Control Diltrlct doa not, upnaly or by tmpllclllon, (under %500 gallons) 16cphw/p aaree that the actual amount of work will earrespood therewith, 4.IS Water truci driver but m:erves the right to 1acl"elle ot decnue the amount of an.v (2500 to 400I g1llons) 45cpl\w/p 40cpbw/p !OcpliW/p IOcphw/p •• IOcphw/p 30cpbwlp JOcphwlp clau or Portion of lhe wcrt, u mt)' be detmtd necasary or UNSKILLED LABOR "'pedlent by the uld Dillrict. IU7 FIO(JJWI Ul\cphw/p 25cphw/p 32Cphw/p All bids ue to be compored on Ille bula ol the rore1olria U7 Labofer 11\\cphw/p l.lc:phw/p 32ephw/p schedule of work Items. 3.11 Watchmao 24'iicphw/p 25cphw/p ~w/p Minimum wage rates for this prt1ject have betn Jl'fildtt•r· Welder:!: Same wage rate~ cra{t to · which welttina ls mined by the Board of Supervisors and are Mt forth in thb incideotaI (except as cderwise separately cl~itfied) notice. ~ · .. • • .. _ (l) travel time Ls conside~a,.as time worked AtibrevJatlons used in the sched\ll.t of ,redlttrmlntd ·~•Ji (J} 9cluda J.Gc pflw/p forholldlys , rates In conjunction with tmplo)'er paymenta lilttd in Ult rteht Triyel and subllstence paymepts to each wor~~n ~ hand columns are idenilfled u rol10W1J: . lo execute the work shall be mlde'~u ·such travel anfj 1ub11at- phw per hour worked ence paxments are defined in the lpplica!>le, CoUe<"tive ~r.p.in· phwlp per hour worked or paid Ing agreements filed in accordance with Section 1773.1 or the Pursuant to the provisions of ~lion Jtlt' of the Lltior Labor Code. Code of the State ol California, the Board ol Superviwa ha Attention Is directed to the provisions of Labor Code Sec· ascertained the general preveiling tatt of wqes. and employer lion 1n7.$ concerning employment of apprentices. payments for health and riUare, vacation, pension and slmfilr It requirtll coritra~ora or subcontrecton employinc trades· purposes to be as follows: men in any appnntloeable occUpation to apply to the ;pplicable Blale Rtte Euipl1yer Payme1ts .rer joint apprenticeablp committee for a certificate of approval ·and Per ll•r CJ1.11iileaUon ff anti W Vecadet P•ld fu:inl the ratio of apprentices to journeymen tlltd oo the SKD..LEO LABOR contract. JS.33 Carpenter 31cphwlp 25cptiwi p ~Ip . Contractor may be required lo mite COntril>Utions to apprtll· 5.13 Cement M.,.n IOcpbw/p 35cpllw/p 36cpj!w/p lic:<shlp progn011. • · -,. • 5.t6 Concrete or a!phalt . Contract'or and subcontractors shall ~ho comply with Sk· spreading, mecbanlcll tion Im:& in the. employment of appre~t1ces: tamping or rinlshing For 1nlorm1hon relative _ to . apprenticeship .st~ •. ~ machine operator 30cp1rw;9 30cphw/p(2) tocpbw /p tact Director of Industrial RelahOns, San Francl.5CO, Califonua, S.03 Driver of dump truck or Division ol Apprtntlceshlp S!andards branch <Jffices. fll yards but less than Al'Pl\ENTICE SCHEDULE J., 25 yardl water level) 45cphw/p 40cphw/p 30cphw/p PulOll 1nd Ra~ ... 5.49 Driver of dump truck 1be app re ntice rate is by percenta1e of the journtyman'a (25 yards Gr more • rate unless otherwise indicated \\•ater level) (single Ctal&. Interval 1st Znd 2rd 4th iii! I~ 7ui, IOI unit or combination Carpenters 6 months 75 78 8~ ~4 S'l 90 93 M of vehicles) 45cphwlp 40cphwl p 30cphw/p Cement Masons 6 months 75 79 &1 87 91 95 5.16 Equipment Greaser 30ophw/p 30cphwlp IOcphwlp Reinforcing 5.03 Drivers of Transit· Ironworker & mo'nlhs 77 83 89 95 Mix Trucks tJ cubic Structural yards or more) 4Scphwtp 40cphwlp JOcphw/p Ironworker I months 77 It &5 89 13 97 , 1.03 Fence ereetor 301/tcphw(l) 26cphw(I) lOcphw(l) The rate of comPenaatlon for any clas!ification not listcll ' 5.46 Gradechf\cker 30cphwl p 30cphw/p(l ) 60ephwlp ln the schedule, but which may be required to execute the p~ 5.46 Heavy duty -1 -Pl*d contrtct; 1han be -commensurate and in accord with the repairman 30cphw/p 30cphw/p(J) tocphwl p rates specllled for similar or comparable dut"ie!. 5.56 Motor patrol Provided that not leas than I 1h Umes the prevailing tate operator 30cphwl p 30cphwtp(2) IOcphw/p shall bf' paid for any working time in es:ces'I of B hours fn any 5.46 Pavement breaker one calendar day and for Saturdays, Sundays and 7 )egal holi· operator 30cphw1p JOcphw l p tocphw lp da ys, to wll: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, S.46 Piledriverman. brid ce Labor Day, Veterans Day, Tbanksgivini Day and Chri.stmat. or dock carpenter 36cphwt p Z5cphw/p 45cphwlp For less than I hours per day, the per diem rate shall be that 5.16 Power concrete cur. fraction of the foregoing per diem rates lhat the number or ing machine operator JOcphw/p _30cphw/p(J ) IOcphw/p hours w~rked bear to I hours. S.16 Power concrete . Provided that notwithstandlng the general provisions con· saw operator JOcphw/p 30cphw/p(2) 60cphw/p tained hereln, Flagmtn, Guards and Watchmen shall be pa.id 1.10 •1ntorclng not lw than 11h tin1ea the prevailing rate for GVertlme (over· ironworker 301,Icilf'w{l) l5cphw(l) JOcphw(l) Urpe ah.all be time worked 1n excess of 8 hours per day or 40 5.27 Roller operator JOcphw/p 30tphw/p(J) IOCphw/p hours per week), and the slraight prevailing rate for time S.fS Rubber-Ured, heavy worked on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays where such time duty, high speed does ~t ~natltu~. ov~rtime. . I earthmoving machine . B1dd~rs attention 11 c~lled .to the above mentioned Statute• operator 30cphwlp 30cphwlp(2) 60cphw/p which wjJI ~equlre them, 1f awarded the contract, to pay Mt 5.27 Screed operator 30cphw/p 30c-h\v/p(2l 80cphW/p l~s than 111d geMrtl per dlem rate of wages set forth, to all 5.46 Sklploader operator, ltborers, workmen and mechanics employed in the el<ecutlon wheel type over ~ nr the proposed contract . yard up to and The blddtr must submit with his proposal a certifitd check Including 1 'k yards JOcphw/p 30cphw/p(2~ IOCphw/p or bidder's bond made payable to the order of the Oranae County 5.56 Skiploader operator Flood Control Olatrk:t for an amount not le!S than 10 percent of wheel type over ' lhc a~gat'e sum of the bid, as a guarantee that the bidder will 11;: ya rds JOcphw lp 30cphw/p(2) IOcplnv/p enter into the Jlroposed contract within 5 calendar day1 tr tM. 6.23 slructural and orna-11mhe is awarded. to him, an~ in event of failure to enter into mental ironworker 30 'hcphw (I) 25cphw(f) 30cphw(l) sue .contract said check will. become the property of the 5.56 Tractor loader Oi.s t,,,r1ct. -rator JOcphwtp 30cph / Il l -h•/ e amount of tfle bond to be given to secin a faithful per· 5.46 fuctor operator w p '111\,:p " P forman<:e of the contract for said work shall be 5Q percent of the (drag type shovel contract priC!: thereof, and an additional bond ill an· amount bulldozer tamper' equal to 50 pcrcenJ,. ol the conlract price for said work, which scraper ind ' bond shall provide ~t U the pe_rson or his aubcontractors fail push tractor ) 30cphwlp 30cphv.·/p(2) 60cphw/p tG pay for any mat'er1als, provisions or other supplies tJ8eC1 in, 5.27 Trenching machine upan, for, or about the performance of the work contracttd to operator (up to & foot bt dont, or for any work or labor thereon of any kind, or ~or depth capacity, manu· amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance A~ Wllh facturer's ratin~) 30cph11i·. p 30cphwip(!) IOcphw/p respect to .sueh work or labor, that the _su:et1 or sureties will 5.56 Trenching machine pay for the same, aJ1(i also ln case swt IS brought upon the operator (over 6 root bond, ' reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the court. depth capacity, manu-In the rirformahce o~ the terms ?f this con~·ract, the Con· facturer 's rating) 30cphw/p 30cphwlp(2) &ocphw/p tractor sha I not enpge 1n . nor. pe~1~ s~ch .au~tractors 15 5.51 Universal equipment' he1 ~ay ttrl!._I~! frcm1 ~aging 1n d1scrun!ni..at~ m~pHlynient opentor (shovel, back-o persoi:a ~use. o ti.: race, ~!or, nation.I or1gtn· ar ocestry, hoc, dragltne, derrick, or religion ~ sue~ . per1ans. V1~l1tion of this provision may derrick·barce. Clarn-result In the 1mpoa1tion ·of penalties referred to in Labor Code shell crane pilcdrlver section 1735. and ~uckin'g The Contractor wlll be required to secure tbe paymtnt of machine I 30cpb"/p 30cphw/p(J) IOcphw!p compe~sation to his employees 1n accordance will\ lhe provislom 4.16 Water truck driver of Seek t;onhe3700 of tht•'-Labor Code and prior to performing the ( 4000 gallons wor o t contract u1e ~~~ctor .~all sign and file with the or more) f5cphwip 40cphw, p 3tlcphw/p Dlllrid the f~lowlng certil1cat1on: I am awart of the provi· INTERMEDIATE GRADE LABOR slons ol Section fiOO of the Labor Code. which require every • 68 At employer 10 be insured a1ains1 liability tor wortmen's comi>en· · r compressor. sauon or 10 unda-take telf·lnluranct in accordaoct with tht pump or generator provisions ol that code, and I will comply with such provisio~ operator J 30cphw/p 30cphwl pf21 IOc:phwlp belGre commencing the performance of the work of thia con· Buie Ra\t Employtr Pa)'lltlltl FM' tnct." Per Hodr Cla11Ulcatlo1 Hand W Vac:atitfl ,...._ The Contractor will also be required to furnish a certlfi- Jf ~~~D f-ABOR (Cont.I cate that he carries compensation iMurance coverlna: hb . II s 1 ra er Gr employees upon work to be done under the contrtct which may ~~r t Zf\icphw/p 25cphwl p 32phw/p be entered into between hhn and the said Dlltrict for the f.11 """'""re e curer, construction ot aid work. lmp!rvlOU$ i:nembrane No bid will be accepled from a Contractor who is not and ronn oiler Z4 \1cphw/p ZScphwl p S2cphwlp licensed in accoNance with the Jaw under the provisions of 4.92 Concrete mixer Dlvlaion Ill, Chapttr t of the Swines.I and Prof~lons Cod I oper1tor (1klp lype) 30cphw/p 30ephw/l)(J) IOcphw!p the SI.a te or Calitornla. e o 4.33 Cribber or shorer 24'r1cphwrp 25cphw/p 32cphwl p ~o bid will be l'te!:lved unless it is made on the blank form f.02 Cutting ton::h opcr· furnlShed by the Cl\lef En1ineer. The 1pcclal attention Ol roa. attr (demoll1 lon ). 24\?cphwlp UCphwt p 3Zcphwtp Ptttive biddtrl Is caJJtd ro the "Information fw Bid/m" 4.4.2 Drillers (Co~. d1a· •nnexed to the blink fonn of proposal for full dlrectlom as io mond or wagoo) 2f\.,cpbw/p ~pbwlp 3acpbw/p bkldlng, etc. 4.15 Drlvtr of dump Plans and sPfeiflcatloos and other aintract documents may truck (leas than f be secured without. ~har1e at the District'• office or will be yards nter level) f5cphw1p 40cphW/p 30cphw/p malled to licensed comrtctors upon ttlc~OIJe or written requut. 4.61 Driver of dump Oran1e County Flood Control Di.strict truck (4 ylnis but Post Offlco Dor 1071 1M1W., 1ddrw) JeQ than I yerds fOO West Eighth Strett (5trttt addre.u) wa.ter level) 4Xphw/' ~~· ' 30cphw/p Santa Ana, Ctllfomia 1.13 Driver of dUmp The Boord ol Supervlson ,.,.,..., the rtpt to re)lct truck (I Y~ but and all bkh and to •alft any inlormtlity ln •UY '-'h.1 1 ......... 8:'! lw than II )'ards No bidder lU1 'tJilWraw hil bid for a period ol a d w•ler level) 41cphw, p IOcpilwrp 30cpbw/p 1nor the lim< oet (or the optnlnc lhereol. •Y• UI Drlvtr o! dump By onter o1 tho l!olnl G( &i(l<f"bon ol lhe Or ~-·-truck Ill y1rds bul Flood Contrei Diltrlct, 'Ora!l(t countJ, CIJUorniL 11111 ....... ty !tu thtn 11 yants w. It. St Jobo ' •Iler level) li<pilwlp IOcpbw/p ltlcpi!•IP County Oi<tk ind 1%-o(tlclo l.n Drl_vtr ol trlnslt· iSEALI Clerk of the 8oAn1 o1 $Ul'ft· tnuc trucill (un<ler vi.ton of !be Orinse County 3 cu. yd.) 41cphw/p IOcphwlp lOcphwlp Flood Ctnttol Dblr!cl 1.07 Fine Grider 24\;<phw/p l.lc:phw/p Rcpliwrp By Mabel L. c..teir 4.0ll Guin<• ch•"' Ullcphw/p 2kphw1p licpilw/l) Deputy Gunitln!' Ml~h ..._ __ Ooat DI"" Pllot April 11 If 11 U!5 Reboundman 141\cphwlp l!cphwlp 32<phwlp 13, lllil -~... "' • • • D 1114 711"9 > •• , '· •• ., . ·----·----·-·----~-·--~-·~-- -........ ""t· ~ H ., Saturday, Apr I l•i 1C)Cl9 DAILY ,llAT" g OUSI S •F OR SAi.£ HOUSES FOlt SALE -• H DUSU llOlt SALE HOUSES FDlt SALE HOUSES F OR SAlE ·HOUSES FOR SALE • HOUSE S FOR SAL E ~"N riLS , ~•NIALi 2_[1 0.-.. , l*fioM!•I IGOOC .c ........ ~J..Ma~_J250C....... jlol likr 1250 Lido lllo· 1351 ;;;;;;;....., llM<h l 400 Laguno 8Ncll 1705 Hou-Furnhhod ._ Hou-U~ ---..: --c-1 90 •• RO * Ow T ~-_... Rentals to Shiro 2005 ,._~ ... -:0 • I OPE'° HOU • ~rr NT. Fincs1 bcb ner r•l)s.-.r..--THE --· .. 1 , " SE SAT & SUN 1 - 5 It. Joe on' Lido. ~ill jj('U 40' Eltpnl Westmont v.'itb BonUI -"" ' ' 1021 ' W~lte1ans or BO' 3 ., • "'"'"' 1dca1 '"' room.'"'"'"' bJt.tns. 1ov.i, CHEAP ONE ~~1';'.,E .=·.~ :::t -· .. a••-•, H .. "' · YI Hiii Hrupe & J.nco~ 100% draperle1, carpellna. FtlA ..._ 80 M & r'llES •-i-aruvr -I • de 29% d I 1 ~ • R ' DEN W/ ...... For •• ,.,,,,.,. CDYICE . GREAT VIEW of Harbor. lnimaculate 3 ~· 1%. O~; w~a: o~:~ ~r VA,~.~897~~ EXTREME CIRCUMSTANC. call $4S...UIOO ~ BR, lamlly rm \Yi(h 'room to add, Lowest cept clear lmpf'OYC!d prop. l:S HAvE FORC'Et> Tli!: NEED-==::..:Rnpo;.;;.-.,.,-~~---3-rd tor~ 'Y\Midroam I price in excellent area. ' as dt1 pym.1. Drive by 320 • OWNE~ TO SELL IMMEO. kmlJe roommate Beaeh ~tha $225.~ P"' ~· Qi •' ... 0pon Sundoy 11 ,-S • • , IOI Lindo 1111 Drive ., ' A Rwe Find 1111 Watetffont Just completed, lavish, 3 ~, .. ~ Balh, $ingle story home, 52' lot. Large s~acfous rooms, Finnish sau·oa,~:Walk in closels, fuJl y carpeled, landscaped & complete'Wltb uni- float concrete slip. Priced al only ,t!00,000.' OPEN SAT & SUN l • S 6'l$.(l1lj or 6'JS..3243 detailed txteriot of PALOS btt ~1. \ \'UL Udo Nord tpen, call Spnwlinc ra.nch •()'le borne. apl Yr, ~-Call 6t6..a8l7 ~ 4821 C ~ d Out1t oncll"1 Bu,yl VERDES STONE, WOOD. ROOMMATE ..W.. mate o Qn srucg>. Low swttp10J: . -· . .,. SJ>ttCiol1$ 3 BR, ranch 11lyle f'.WnthCs w/extended .over-or f_emalc. Efficient i Cameo Highlandi . home on huge ~r tot. hangs qualllieit. u;...2100 , · INT e:RESTING ENTRY, OC EAN VIEW, 3 Opens to one or ttie·IOYeliest . SHARE home with v.-orltin& 293 E. 17th St. BR", 2 bath home ,,,.ith SHAKE r:oof and qua!· P<lOo I gardens on Udo. Pacific Shorn Real?)' Well desi&ned 3 BOW.I. 1r lady. Santa Ana Heigblf LINOA ISLE DEVELOPMENT CO. BILL GRUNOY 675-32.10 -' ity decor. $79.500 lhmtlrcton Beach DEN FLCX>R PLAN bu en-area. 545-1140 3 BDRM, tam nn. 2 BA. I -----'-' ~-Lido Realty, Inc. 8C7..858t'l try hall or poh1hed agate LADY to ihare home with ~. Mated. tlltemt DI • I OPEN SUNDAY ONL y 3400 Via Lldo S73-tlil30 Btu. Ribbon Special floors. WIW CARPETING one or more emp'°yed :::i,· ~k. i:~ or--;_ ,,,.'' 1000 '?-f• Mesi 2 Jnvitint l5xJO' pool, loads o( TllRU -OUT. ELEGANT ladies, 536-1986 <P;l; ,,..,.. Jill r I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;; 11 6 Goldenrod CHARM! • .,,..1,,., onct II"''°· 2 Story RE AR LIV. RM., HAS -:=:==:=:;;:::;== option 00. mo. 12'6 1 ~ A• 5 BR. By owner. 5% ~~ 1'"'HA Harbor View Hilh Cheerful and inunaculate 3 4 BR, pres\ige area., Bll·lM. WHITE · 8 R 1 CK FIRE-Cost1 Mesa 2100 ~7· 5 3 9 - 5 9 3 s "' General 1100 ... 1518 Dolphin Jeff loan. 1'Ull Jlric'e. fl.4.500 v.•t 3 Bedrooms. family rm, 2'h baths. beautiful BR, 3~~ ba, 2 1'Tplcs. Dini cptsJdrpg. fully Jand11e. As-;.~CE a: ope'hs to tonnal , consider 2nf:l. ~2Ull huge patio & I nn plus tam rm, Lo\iely sume 51.4 ~ GI loan _ o..-.·ner U\llli: area. C'-tles:s 2 BR, 2' · ba, de" poo . • St/St J.story home • SSS,500. will help fin . $35.500. $150, 3 BR, available until July 1001 only. Utll paid. 6T".>-4002 or 54&--7360 11-tn. 14MEDIA'lf POSS • .,..., n ... OWNER, 3 bdnn, 2 ba, East A W lk 1 p I J R I Lona, ranch style kllchcn v.•/ ' ·e1ee kitchen. PLUS huge Side, nr shopping & school&. Don V. Franklin, Kealtor • er R ty 67S.2676 •u ones e• ty numerous natural \Vd. cab- covered boat-port, min. land-$31,500t 54&-9500 l":!:=:=:=:i==:::=~~18·17-1266 Eve, 968-.1167 1 Evenson 4 BR 2 bath horn(!, neW! .., ... 'l.~nlPif, 'ill bull ' ' ·"cape rtiainlel\llJICe, Rtduttd ,;c~.:,...:,::.=.:,...---3250 E . Coast liwy, C~M I• IW!IS & ceramic Ille coun. to 142.900. BY o~.~ ~1B5J>ii~' BA.1 =:;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::=:;=:;6:;7=3-722:;2;:2=:;~=:;=' =:;=:;=:;=:;:;I s s'd~fa~~?,~ ~~nMm1, BEACH HOME ~~·NGHEAS & A~E~.IL~is!~ 1 . .BR., 1ar,. patio. quiet. Tropical :telling for adHs, I Blk shop~. $165. 5444780 Qulet street. Sl30/mo. JACK HAMMOND s4o; CURT * 642--0070 * & wo1·k rm, 300> sq ft, cham1 Brand Ile\\' 2 BR. \Valk lo WSHR., GARB. DISPOSAL DOSH, Realtor · -Newport Be•ch 1200 Eestbluff 12~2 pool. size patio. 3rd cart beach. Price-S?l.900. HUR· & auached breakfast area. Me11 D.el M•r 1105 ----------1 boat si:-ace. Nr bch, Sll!i,000 RY!! This charming, ntS!ic style ---'------S EASTBLUI-'F _ O:ln--R. C. GREER, Realty R. 0 . SLATES Rltr. honle, is imma<.'Ulate & Meu Del Mar 210S Heritage ft.ea.I Estate :.:.::::c...::.:o..:.::::._..:::::;:: I ;J BDRM, 1% ba, paUo, I' $170 -LOVEl. Y well kept ed, College Park Atta. r bomP tor letlllf!, 3 Br, den, 1 tchools 4i shopping. $185 r Ba. Lrg fncd yrd. Color TV. 11-to. AVfl.il May 1.st. Avail 1'.tay li-Oct 1. Rcls. 6-4097 or &fl.-6596, v.'OI 540-.15()6 considl?l' sale. I 1130 \V. Coast }fighwa.)' BY Owner: Selltlease. • BR. AVE $2000 dominiums. 2 side by side. 33M Via Lido 613-9300 847.3;119 Eve; 962.7369 "NEAT AS A PIN" TfmU- lmmac cond. ldcal Joe. Has SPLIT LEVEL · 2'200 f 3 · OUT. Offered Ior lrnmed. N . ( · everylhing.•540-0594 Cod sq. t. ca. BR .t: LIDO NORD BAYt~RONT -POOL ANYONE,-sale & n1ove in, for only ear OUNTRY CLUB '°"="=~-'-'-=~-omin ium den. 2 BR & den. Extra 40 rt on Bay. 3 slilJ',' lg boat, . . . . . • $ . _ ] BDRM, 2 ba, very clean. Model "F'' dclu.xc rondiHon wf cboiee 3 BR S3600 f T Spanish exterior. Pr 1 c e d 31 ,950 FULL PRICE $26 500 low do Owner THE BLUPec: loc-.aUon &. view. s;u <XXI I. n ·bi Sho ~ t. tenns right! Best location! Assume $2SOO ON. PYMT. _&12-&172 Eves. 673-3468 ~wport Booe~ _E~ !!,!•~Si~ Tasteful large 3 BR 2 bath zro9 ~ Lucas, ';~1740 · r~ $67,SOO. Shown by ' appt. ~~i:·ven ~~m: ,,:,:~ior FHA Joan, 646-4414 llURRY ON THIS ONE! family room, 2 fireplaces, _ _ ---. 3 Bdrms-21/t Ba th$ !-.lark Le!! Rhr. 548-9349 MISSION REAL TY tlown. 4 bedrooms. C A L L ~~~ug:a:~'i.~ Mes• Verde 1110 PRICE· $33.500 c.~1. Investment Co. 548-7711 Dill• Bia\ £stat1 I 985 So. Cna11 Hwy., Laguna ·Principles only_ 545-8155 Original lov,. le~sehold. WELL Ors~ncd 3 bdnn. 3 Balboa Island 1355 Phone jTI4 1 494-0731 SUMMER RENTAL 540-1151 (open~) Hef'it.O, Summer and year round Real Estate. reservations being taken. =_,~~=~. ~~=+ . PROPERTIES WEST' ·FOR ·Leu<\'!2"5 Mo. <;a ' Cost• Mesa 1100 A Summer Pond See thf.5 swim pool & 3 BR home on nice Eastside St. £..Z tern1S &'low, low 51,4 % loan can be kept. $26,900 A.® ?!~~"!- p.:ear NB Post Ore. 6;$-2414 4 BR. • $35,500 2865 Chios, Mesa Vei'de Quiet St.reel; 2 baths Fireplace, shake shingle. roof; front & back yard sprinklers; l block to elementaty school, near Estancia & pa.rk. Patio ·&. play area. By-o\.\'nef; Call: M6-115S .3 • 2 BR Unih $28,950 3 garages, 9 )'I'S old, lnl· proved for profit. $950 OOWN $20,500 ] SR 2 ba ~1ontic, Condo. Cpt/drps, blt-l~ disti11', dbl gar. Pools. lnuncd. poss. B"'! O\\'NER, bt!aiit .f Bdrm, On broad gi-eenbell ba, J\tacco Hom{'. Crpts I ;;,;;;,;;;,;;,;;,;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;I SANDY ANKLES -1vitl be lrgo ,''amArm, formal dining Call O\VNl!:R li'r:>-6146 c1\·1is. Ir-pk·, lovely view.!• S , I I I d G I B!Y O\VNER 4 Br, bltns, yours \1•hen you arrive honl<! rm, , crpts, drps & in-Ope H ~~ Alta vis·ta Dr•·vr. rY>CI• s 1n e m enced. ou. tch Haven area. 1 1 · 4 B n ouse Sun/ J 1-4 """"' .--o t us R, 2 ba plus Rcn- . newly redecor. Mesa Vi:!n:lt 1 1028 Bayside Dr. 675-4.lJO tM>mc. Park-like ytu'd ij ~ lercom, elec gar door · 64'1l'2 -Priced to Sell this Vlcek-5881 Terr1er Dr., l{nlg Bch. I U · 535 V . t Fl ,... 111 ruts. 1~~ bl to beach. opener. Elec sprinklers. All 11 a o r1 __ _ Ty,.t • 3 BR, 2 bath Units. '""""""""""""-""'"'I H • Units will pay n s,CXXJ of clec kit. $45,950. Corona del Mar 1250 high summer Rcnla1 • O....·n-unhngton your mortgage CO!I. Toi.al 2813 Boa Vista. 6T';Ml84ti 1 BU( JO BEACH! --. -· er says sell regardless. Harbour 1405 price $40,CXXI. dishwasher. 8308l828 ::!f VERY Small furn Beach App'1. • . _ 1 Cottage. 'No pets. Yearly .:=""'=====;=1' 1125 mo. Call 642-.1828 • Newport Booch nab I PAY 1117 • 3 •-2 '-~ CANON REAL TY -----• -p d mo. o.i, ""'• WATCH THE BOATS 67,3581 \VATERFRONT. by owner . .....,,. a res RJty 49-1-8833 Vrm, pan) den. Assume \V\ll'l'C cli;c in N.B. t:a11 yuu .r 627 So. Coast liwy, Lag Bch ' "iA, 0,,.-r w/ca-2--•. r· d al h" GO BY 4 BR. - 2 BA .. dock, 55' on ·' ..... ··~ '"' 1n · l t is for $26,000? t 1 -1·0 h -" 126,500. :rm I" d ,· 8 " a. in I.his t•harming home, frplc 1va er enc osed palio $14,500. '• r"d.uu new ocean vle\v ' " Save SS call Ownc•r. !luge A'---"'" • · I I •~ Co t ~-I 3000 54M772 · ' · rustic 3 BR, 2 baths, S75,000 H_untington Beach 1400 ""' "" en main c mnne nies, one n emporary, '"ner1 hv rm, frpil·, 3 BR, 2 BA. * * * * large 3 Br. 3 Ba., dock, one Spanish. Each has 2 BR ---'-----"= CORNER lot, 2-i;to\-y, 4 BR bllns, w/w crp!s. dbl ·gar, DUPLEX PRICE REDUCED $110,000. Consider leasetop.. 2 ba. carpeting. and all LEASE -2 bcd1'00m & den. 2 2~1 BA, den, din tn1, fned _Co.o_p_~I. 612-49'!7 Good location . " .. , S'l:i.91'.'.o.i ~'ner in Oregon . \Va!I t.'9,-lion. 592·59911 builtlmi. Don't miM 1hese. bath. l.ru"gt! garage &:: fcne- pool play yd, nr Cntry Club, .OPEN ~UN 12:30 . 5 Vieii• Jols .......... S.l7,500 000 _ NO\\' $26,999 -GI 00 SS' \VATERFROJ'lo'T \Y/ -10' !-.lust see to apprecialc. Each ed yard, CIQS(! lo Churches many extras. Avail July 2114 Vista Laredo I ()(.'('anfronl hnnu• .. S75,000 down, S<'Jler pays points. 4 dock. 3 Bdrn1, den, fain rn1, $21,950. By owner. 494.9525 and Shopping. El Toro. $--18 500 Ownr 54~19 BR -1 I 10 .. 30• or 499-3000 Y'eekdays 837-0918 alt 6 PM ' . . The B!uHs J BR. 21 ,, ba ca Oplx S64,500 '. , .. ......,_ ~ t ot, '" liv rm 2 BA. Dil'Urce sale. \\'eekends after 9:30 4 BR, fam rm, bt!st buy for , BR 3 h ,1 di patio, buil1-1n double oven, $12 000 3392 Gilbert DrivC" FABULOUS view honll'. 4 f=,-c-==-~---~ 129 ~ N .. · a, "c 1crro;1nl'an ~ 1· I h ' · · 119' 4 BR 2 '" •"""'· e.w loan can bear· charmer Ca!h<'drat L"f:'ilings. range, ll"'l'P ace, FA cat, 847-3724 BR 2\; ba, all buill\n :i; . ......, gar, \V/\V. ranged with 10');, dn. Open SEilPLJo: ~"P. W«JJ1 ~~-carpets, drapes, shake roof. _ kitchen, large pool-table Fncd yd. Children Ir. pets house Sat&. Sun. 1608 Ehn REAL ESTAT~ -·-•-cul-de-sac lot. 1'.1any extras. Laguna Be•ch 1705 size playroon1. 11·cl bar, 01{. Broker 1'!«980 AvC'. 540-9534 . 2515 East Coll.'11 Hiway, Cd:'>! $ 13, 999 --con1pletely carpet('({ and SOO: I-BR. Cott~: gar. 4 BDfu\I, 1'4 ba, close 10 til.>-210.l 5484166 33".l Marguerite, CdM ~ draped sterro 11 pea k er -stove, refrig, (rplc, w/w schools. shoppin&: •. churcbes. 673-1550 2 BR, buill-in range & O\'en, systrm. By o..-.•ncr. $39,500. Broker 534-6980 -garbage-dl~f)08&!. FA heat. -. 494-!ki2j By 01vner. 546-7308. Prin-FEE cornt•r lot best Joca ---bl · O' l $115: 3 BR. gar, fncd yd. cipals only. $23,900. lion, $28.900 ' -Sparklinn View g;;'~c~ c~c~.1~k P~:: 'E BY OWNER. north end, 3 Range & oven, w/w. Pets 1.: REPUBLIC home, 8 mos ofd, ':II $135 per month including ORNER BR 2 ba, playroon1 1v/\VCI children 01\. ~980 Bkr. 2 s\o""", 4 BR, 3 BA. fii.m 3 BR & !an1 rn1 \\/POOL. U you appreciate 1hc finest. . har, builtin ki1chen. 2 rm, ;.:treat rm. 3 car gar. · Lo\'ely Iamily home, near scl' '.!716 Windover this 1veck-laxes & insurance. ••sac• .. ~~• lireplace.s, oul1ide g a s Costa Mell 3100 u2.~. By o•v-. "'tH905 schools and Weslclitf Sho"-end. Professionally decor. lf"! ·~~~r.m RIAL •ITATI barbq, carprt.•. dra""s. lush 1--------.C.:.: A;;;:CTIV.E -~ ... ~R ...... 2 BA & ping. $52,500 ~· ,.. a 1 t"dai4 ~~·· lam. room. ....!1 .. MMl1Lci; 0 !1 1 ' 11',"';;';,,~-:;.~ lruit tl'ef's. $42.500. '.i'i»-9525 COZY 2 bedroom, just re- fam rm. Assume 5 .i.;,c;,. & \\'ALKER RLTY 6jj...~,20CJ 01-n1 d1n1ng room, tri-.,_._,1(~. '494•1177 CORONA DEL i\IAR 2 BR, painll'd. Cnrpets <'leaned, lr\'cl. magnificent harbor -----n.•\\' pain!, flCI\' sh 11 g ocw drapes. ·Sl4D mr n10. ~1~:-~o~~ll A~:~e~~l70 3246 TAX SHE: L TE R v 1 c 11•. Separa!e childrcns SOL VI STA Eli1ERALD BAY _ Lovely carpets, SI SO/mo, Ncivpor! Real El!taters, 613-88U or 1 , nuplex • L BR fiu·n, l iPlk 11·ing, $69,:,00. Across I r o n1 ll unlington ocean vlc1vs frou1 a <.vzy :Z IX'nch _ 3 BR, 2 ba, pool, ~7171. , ~' • 3 ~R. 1 JI BA. Completely ocean & ba y, $1500 income Df.Laricy Real Estate Center. Priced be!O\\" others hcdrn1 hon1e with L'Unver1i. $215/mo. Call r.r 0 11 day '3""B"E"o;in~M"'. "2~Ba~th"'.~bl"t-7in crpl d &: ~rps, fncd yard. B,y lover &17~ tax cteduci Tel"· 28'28 E. Coast li"'Y·· Cd."1 in area at $24,900 for quick blC' den 2 bllths, buillin ~TadgC' Davis, Agl . &12-7000 Vacuum & \Valer soft, lilV. Qwner. 545-3008 _ illic value at SJl.500. 642-1172 673-3i70 sale. Beauliful 3 Bedrooms kitchrn 'view deck co11vcn· ,t, dishwasher. Paved Patio Owor-Bkr. nn cul-de-sac. No Do\\'n tor iently 10Cated s.is,';,oo, Ol.D LAGUNA Cl-IA RM & BBQ. Attached' Dble. 1115 --========= 413 Aeae•·• A"". GI or low do"'·n flU\. Sec hnported Monaco panell~, 3 C Ca ~ ., BR 2 BA ar. II ~'48-1419 Eves. RENTALS Houea Unfurnished I/I -1 i TOWNHOUSE : Split Level 3 bdrnu, : ,ba~ Doutle r a r are, carpet d.--ape:, Firepla~. e I e1 bullt·ins. ADULTS ONLY , .... ~.~'·i ·F~= I R11ltl, Inc. • ~ 001 Dover Dr.,.NB Sult~ 6<~2000 Ews. "3 fil;.W~_fOLJ'ent­ View homes. !801 Charles, 3 BR. lam, 2 $300 . mo. Ruby LI O')' 213: 670-4601 . ~ ( 3 BR. duplex: 2 ba's., blW dshwshr., new paint, cpta. drps. Nr. beach. Year ..l!z SDI MG-7573 . 1 - TO\VNHOUSE 3 Br .. 2\:t ~ wfw epll, drps, fpJ, F~ patio; elec. bltns, 2 car carJ pool. $175. 642!m9' - 3 BR. 2 Ba. cpta, drps, bltfi.t nr. beach. No pets. $240 YJ' ly lease GG-3196 J • '"I TAKE TRADES"' ~b~Olson, Rltr. 546-5fi80 SPACIOUS 3 BR hon1e 11·ilh mllS!IVC' play room, formal dining room. fully carpeted. Immaculate condition. Quiel lralfic ff"l'(' 5trt"Cl. Close lo schools. Pl'iet!d for im· mediate sale at $.12,$0. College Park e O\VNER BOUGHT NEW l!OME. MUs'r SELL e B1ycrest 2 slo1y Dutch Colonial. 3 BR, !his one! IRVI NE C:OVE • Dran111.lic • • etc., 2 blocks to 2 BA. Frnced yrd, lrull ,WE SELL A HOME t-onte.mpnrary home \\'ilh beach. Owner. 497-W6 CLEAN -Sp:ic 2 BR, ivfiv, C~!!!'· del Mir 31J!I tree~. Nr park. EVERY 31 MINUTES classic navor. l'.:xlra high 2 BR C H AR 11-1 ER, drps, dlspl, fncd ytd, gar. ,.., <m·ner • 673-92'll w lk & L C<!ilings thro11ohout, radiant l't'decorated, nr.w s1..~ ... cpl, Vl'g. garden sp if desired. SPAClOUS.w/vie.,.,· 2 -~ 1223 CALL RAY GAU L.T 5'()..ll51 (open eves ) }leritage Real Esla!c 3 BR. J * ba., farri. rm. Ft'Pl New 1v/1v cpts, drps. Love.. ly patio & garden. Del gar. Assume 511 ~ FHA Top !hape. Open house Sal. & Sun. 12-4 P?il. 2569 Oxford a er ee -drape•. 127.~•. o ·w-" c , , 1"'1~35~ . .;_54_>-_lc.:096:c:.,_-___ duplC'x, re-<lec, cpts, dps ' Lovely Colonial family ho1nr.. O\VNER.Clean 2 bdrm, 2 ba, heat in home & patio, mar-""" = 1 ..;,.. 1 1 • Cho . B bl •-· d. · 1 '" 4~63 2 BR """ patio '"'" d..., range, re ... ,., P, pr ice aycresl location, dC'n, ""ill finance 6~1'10, "enu_,., irnng rm or"· -=~,-~~~~~~I -•-· ' .....,, .,..s, ~tio. Adults. m -ta~•,".:'_-~ i''ormal dinin..,. room deo 119 ~. 6 "9 7682 Edinger teak cabinets in kitchen, ~TOP f Id • B 2 B slow n!lrig Tropical set ,.... ' !AU Owner Must Sell \VALK lo CCC. 2 BDR~I, 2 BA. crpts, drps. 2 car gar. l'llonHeello Condo: 2 pools, clabhousc. Sl8,500. 2 3 31 R ichmond \\"ay (or! Fairview). OPEN SUN 1-5. Prine only please. b , , • ,j(}(}. v .. ·n prop. 73-4ou OI" .,.. ~~">]•" v.·or : ., r. a., · ' · · $210. 673-4989 -4 bdrn\s, 2 fireplaces. rtee-' ..-.-.:xi or :....,. "" large family nn w/FP, 3 family room. Small down. ling: for adults. 1 Slk. lo Irle built-ins. 3 car garage, Vii:\\' -Pool . Spaciou.-; 2 BHt-~~Open .l'.:vC's. bednns, 3 baths, beautUul F..'l:C'f'llcnt value at under -"'°"'--''-=-l'-140,;,_, . .;,'4_4-4~190C:---SPACIOUS 4 BR, 2'A baths boa! or trailer acCt"ss. homr 40' !iv rm, lrg master Pool Tim e is He re views of bt!a1·1\ & surf • S.ti.000. 1'.1ust sell. 497-1642 3 Br. House. S115 n10. bit-ins, S350 mo. Don V suilc. 0\l'ncr. 6-14-224~ F kll Rlt 61' -Roy J, Ward Co. -,,====-=====I Sham hon1c! Cur•-1• lhru· $165,000. H 1944 Pomona Ave. CM after ran n >'· ,,_~.. " _ , ,. .-~ \V ALE Watching Ot.-ean· Lane N•wport 8e1ch 1200 646-15.'"I() 6~1i-O'l28 Balbo• Peninsuli1 1300 out, drapes, <.'UVCt'Cd patio Turner Associates view lots, Laguna Beach, 3:30 pm . 2 BR., cpts, drps. frpl, Of! -;;;;;;;;;;;.;;,;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;.I \.\'ilh brick BBQ, Jots of deck· 682 No. Coast Blvd. SS.950 with llma"U down pay-YRLY. Lea~-c. Sl95: 3 & den, No pell!. $195 Incl. utll. 'u Westcliff 1230 • Ing. filter, heater, dressing Laguna. Beach ITI4) 494-1177 mcnt 497-1021 eves. 2 balh8, dbl. gar, all new in-Jasmine. 673-5109 I ~ $26, 900 -5 BR I'm Sitting On Top Of The World- ---------OPE N HOUSE room. Large comer IOI rom-1 °:::====;::== terior. 548-9536 3PARKLES & shines in.side SUN 12 -S p\etely biock rcneed &. many I• VIEW 3 BR. 2 bath home & ouL Living rm & dining 1429 West Ba y Ave. niorr exlra fcatutt~ Vacanl Open HouSe $48,CW. Sale or exchange. 4 BDRM, I:Y. ba, tt.?5. per Vets • no down, Impounds '1 cost only, Lux. features, lrg fam nn, hrdwd firs, lrplc, bltna. 2 BA. Xlnt prestige loc. 1 blk Killybrooke g~ schl.-E. or Jiarbor, N. of Baker. Prine only. Ull Stonefield. Ov.1ier. 5.14-2760 rm; service porch. elec Balboa & pri<:Cd way below ihc mar-Sun 1 -5 Bkr. 6"5-6591 Res. 49-1-1161 mo. Near Fairview '"-b;~ O can crpts & drps ket aL $27,950. GI or FHA 616 Virgini p rk S.~.CXXI DUPLEX, 2 and 1 Baker. 5"M369 Jn this 3 BR., 21k bath hon1e in the blulis. .LtL'ih Jan<>- acapina: -and $.'.b\Ll a v.iew ol Bay & ~an~ Deluxe lhru out this 3 BR 2 B.'l Reduced $6.000 tc1ms -won'1 la~t! Better a a BR. view, just remodeled, 3 BR. 2 Ba .• Lgc. tam. 1111. home. Prof. lndscpd & NC'w price S62.500 • Tenns ca ll nvw. pvt, wild kltcheM? 494-9748 wtfpJ., cptl, drps, bltns; maint. v.·/ children's play Ownet· rr.11dy to movt". Love-MUTUAL REAL TY Drive S.15.!0l DUPLEX, 2 and 1 dbl. gar. $~. M9---3.1l2 eves ynl k pct area. Hcary ly ru1·n Duplex with rrrrlfic MZ-1418 anytlmc BR. view. just remodeled, REDECORATED 2 BR ~ appts. shake-roof completes thi5 Bay View. Large 44 ft x 44 JUST CUT PRICE Be~t buy In a honie "·here pvl, wild kitchens! 494-9748 furn., utilitiea pd. Vacant. S4t500 charming home. By Owner ft walled patio for complete Sl600 you can givf! up being a laxi -• $1S5fino. 296 Knox St., Ott REDUCEOT 0 - 300 Avenid• Cumbre U2,950. 642-1598 privacy, View ..-.·orlh $50,000 for your family!' Large 3 Dana Point 1730 FOR Lease 3 Br. 2 Ba. hup OPEN SUN. HUSJES1 marttetptace m ·lot "·orth S60.<XXI -and you WAS Sl2,SOO BR, fam rm, sep/dlnl~ _______ _;__;_ 0.Lancy Real Est efe town. The DAILY PlLO'I Wl thr Duplex to boot! NOW $20,900 ' rm, 2 frplt:s, 3 balhs. Re-DANA POINT HOME tcnccd ~-~~2!14 2828 E. Coast Hwy., CdM , tliwtliect sectJM. Sav• Newport Beach Reilly l11bcdroo,.,.m,~ 1 Covbalh._siu-vpcti~ duct'd lo $44,800. Owner mu5t l!l'll. J Br .. wrt-S23."i: 3 BR. 2 ba. Completely 673-lTiO ll'IOOey. time It e:ton.. i..ook 1627 Newport Blvd. 67".>-1642 1roug ~ • e: .. -u -alto. McCi1nn Property bar den, gamt' room. 2 POOL -3 Bdrm. Fam rm. J :;s~~~~~;c:::r:-:J.cnow""'0,!!.;,!_~-----1 ":=::::::z::::I ~' 1~:ire ~~~ Ymouy o6~~ 1257 South Coast Blvd. fl repla&e<"h··11 CU~~t mkv I e \Y :v~~~ ~ Avail. $20,950 S134/mo pays all -51,{ ";~ Int. HOME -Jt.-2 lo!. Excel ti · "1 Laguna Beach 494-59!17 ocean 1 s. 11uer t. al Rand Realty 645.2340 NEWPORT ISLAND \Vl>Stslde. 3 BR 21.~ ba, room PETITE v .A. $4300 d 0 w n...., SU4 l'~!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l~!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l~~·~35~.!·~"·~·~,..~"""~===J.~D~I·~· ~641$lS~-~~lo~r~RES~"U~L;rs::; Fumished Duplex r-4 0 5 .,_ "'"l"..., P.l.T.I. Pr Iv RI e Party, -_ SPACIOUS 2600 Sp, fl. 4 BR, $39,500 ' u• r uru .... ~""" 96'!-76W ' Gener1I 2000 General • 2000Gener1I 2000 2\i b«, Jam nn, 2 1,,.1,, + 38tll CHANNEL PLAO: .,..,,, PRlqJ(AL HARDWOOD FLOORsfi ·=;.;.:..::;_ ___ ..o.;===:::...---...:::.::.::::::::.::_ ___ ~::::. 15.~7' rec nn, brick patio OPEN WED thru SUN 2. 4 U • • on Jrg altrac lot. Conv or call: Don, Bohler, "'"' _ n1versity P1rk 1237 Only $23.950.J I led ~ PRffiY 1 Sharp ,. txhm Stardtat Home oca · ' C"l"'ll J:lV\11 n.ool1-Tro1'l1 ~oil n.-,,,.............,, r: """ "' • on cul-de-sac Hlret'!l Ass· :!"'t"Wn Occupancy ~L---,·-uct, Mt'n. 5"~ G t 1oa 11•0 ~ ··• ...,. 2 Bedl'ooms, l 'i'I bath!, near ume ;io, .o . . n. ""· 139,500 by owner. 642-0896 U-r Newport B•Y. 2 BR lg · ,.,...-, Uv room.·· .$13,900 Bay &:: Ocean on Pt-nlnsula mo.EAL E J BDRlll, r/rm, 2 BA. Dbl J large bdrms, I~ bA. lam-3BB.2~Jb8, 2rtory •• #4,950' Point R STATE BY gar, hid filtered poo' patio, Uy rm, 1 blk to "Y". Com· 3 BR trl , • • um ........ m,500 0n1y .,..2'>0 McYAY blck . wall, dsh""·hr, oowly IQr'lable family honie, crp~ 2BR,den sgl fam ...• :"2.950 BURR WHITE, R lt r, r .10451 dee. Can assume 5'-' 'i{ loan, Ir: drps, lee simple. Early Doug Joy RE 133-0504 ~ ~.~ ~· .wi~ lea; $245 ~~~riced to ~IL O\VNER 1'"1nanced; Brand 67~1;0~~~~1.v~J:.ot9 PJtES'TiGE tM>mt'. 3 _Bdr .. ~-,,....... ~.!!, ,!,, n err Y . new 2 Br. 2 Ba. Vacant. Yee :::;z::C:::=z=z::I corner lot. All elce. kllehen ~or O't11'"'<1'VU1 OOVER YIU.AGE, 2 slot)' Stmple. 67J-4869 -Ir charroalcr. Extras in· BY O\VNERo 3 Br, ""' din-Condontio;um 129,500. Owo ""'~-=-~"-----OCEANFRON. T elude lOO'l Sho< carpets, inl( rm, brick planters. New land. Adults. S195 mo. incl 3 BR, Condo.; xlnt lac. by CU11tom dra~s. b lfll 11 in drps & crptg, pri[J}f! loca-taxes. z bdn. 21,7 b&, beau!. ~ adulr pool: many extras. By Beach & Oce11n VK>w al your childl"tln's desks. walnul tiOn, n1 schOols. $30.450. paUo, landscaping, dbl gai:. ·°""""==,.129-'-,500=.,_8J3.-0729==:=:=. fr, door. 2 BR home (JV'('r paneling. \\'&ll'r aoflentt. 642 -· I ''I · 1 •~ Ow -triple car Cat. R-3 lol. roonl ~• .. -.A r "'11.w.> poo . ••a.in . .,_, ncr • k ......... p11wno en e •· gar. By O \'""Tr"D : 3 en, 1 ., ..,_.. Bkr. 64&-1918 "'"' Bay 1240 tr extra 1.1t1ll.s or addition. 1torage & Ahop. !i-%>:lfi FllA Tnw•~ ,. ~ Asking $59.SOO. Ocean front· $29 000 841 7738 • fam •nn. Back Bay borne. BACK BAY CU.tom 4 Mt, 2 PROf'ESSOR'S llome, con-age 111 limited A Is tncreas-' · - Takt ovtr my Sl,1.<;( loao, &. lfnn. din. Ir p I c . temporary Upper Newpor1 i~ value. Ste IJ tod•y. YA NO DOWN- $13J per mo w/o taxes. Modern 2200 II/I $40.150. ~ aru. ~ BR, fllM rm. • Or ~ S\4 s' J04an, .f en Priced at s.28.~. 2606 ~/evn. Mlj...1542 2"' ba. Ptthnett'r heat. 9'®" 2u •-t•-•<' ""~.~ Dr CM H t~ An•~.. _, ,_ • 131 ..,., aep, VWol fMn. rm. ~...,, " • SlCKll. OOWN , (!a -...... ., '"""' "" jlll .. nil&e<I lrplc • Pak. Verde $20,500 . 1 .. .4 DOWN 2 bdnn, 2 ba, <k•luxc rondo. terrom. llltinl, Cf"Jl1"· ~ ~77ll7 11lonc, cus1om drp11/cpls. Re- B--• ~· 2 Br., luxu-·'•& lmm<!<Uale po s 11 " 1 s I<' n \Vlne cellar, Q: a r 11. .11: e ..,_ 1~ 1 '"'""' '"'"" 'J ,..., .... i...... Ne••· "B 1~-. 1 ore. •w "'I< uo:1.wa .,.. • owner .ram-Lnd 2 · ~97 1\1)1 .. 11 .... 1.. 1?11,:. Jo"lnancing ·~ "" .....,..., eptg., bltM. !CJ'.1(1., car avall. ~6.i wknds. C\'Ca. , .,,.,..,_...,.,...,,..,.,..,., len'E'd. ~.881W.Wilton,CM. IDT owner: reduc.ed --=-e P O INT-.!££2 BRASHEAR REALTY &43-860 OWNER drastically: spac. Cape c0tt OWNER 1 BR 2'Ai bath, tam l.argf' 3 bedroom. 2 blllh 847-ISll Evn;, 5fl·2«2 rIXER UPPER 3 BRi 2 4 er., pool, Call arter. $ nn ci>l{d1115, bll-lns Ne:i.r baths. ~ under aJJ PM; 548-!M7? 1 ="" Large 10 1 \ ~°"Pill~ ~~ii::~ TRANSFER othtn at S21, ai. Good loca-3 Bifl Waterfront No. Q ========= fe.nc:td yard, N~ opr.n llnor ' Uon. CALL 54).ll51 topen Balboa Owes. $60 ,000. l utbluff 1242 J>011, Spacklwl mule.r bed-~BR +l&famrn1,lllccnew. ~) lle.rltagr Real Estate ~~r trade IOt acrea.a-ot ---------room It bath, Panelled nun. le: lol~ bolt &If(!. Quick 3 BR, 2 BA JIAlECREST. w01 'cont1idet olher. ~ml BLUFFS lb room w/bl.a fireplace. poul'Ulon. 125.800 SUbm.it, A..'1:1\(ft\e -tn<J> Cl or no . dn BLUFP'S ~ bey, Pool-kn. Just unliated ' ~ O>mc we thill wttk-t1wS! . H.tfd1 I Realty to vttL Low dn nlA. nl&-Vletr. S BR. S BA. By tJma Model, l bdrm, 2 Ba.. !'143 t _ <ktan BJvd. 6n-0072 1740 Wama-, r .v , SCZ-4400 saoc;o. Owner/qt. l:."'lfl owner. Sm> dn. 644--0T71 C'O'Yt'rtd cl'l(!loled p • t i o. OPEN HOUSE ~180.I llew llu]>lex, 30l 32nd St. G""nbelt, $3UOO. By 0-Lido Isle 1351 SAT/SUN 11 :»-4:>0 BY OWNER 3 BR ~ Wtetulty dee. w/w orpt• er. 6-l4.lJ9T • blJJO l~le vi.. 0rv;;-i 1251 R EILLY DRIVE 2-E. akle, 1-W. aide. VCf"Y $53.IXMI. B)' ov.•ner. 5d.om 5 B1W 'BA. BY OWNER b0rni1, 3 ha_ Jm nn. dln rm, SlT.IY.iO. 3 BR, Alley aeteN lrg tnnsft'rable lo9rui 5~· )fOBltl: l1omt, Bay Front --306 Bison. O~n \Vrekt'ntl• l~ patio, 1ep. meld'it rm, IUtr. 64Z.9T.IO 1-.."'vt:a, Ml-mo 614~. Nt«I cash. MS-1009 Ol'I 'hi! Pt'nUmila. $19,500. ' s+l,500 • 644-0.110 bU·lilL fl'13--04S2 tor •Pl''· • KBllEDY OAll.Y P1LOT WA..''1' ADS! ~or 6i;N2'lli DAILY PIUJTWANT ADS! \Vhitf! ,.lrptiantal Dlme-a·flne , ________ _ ---------- O ~eorronqe lh• 6 tcrombled wOfds below to mo~• 6 Jimpte w0td1. Prlnl 1111111•1 of each In iii liri• of square,. ITUSDAJ I """_' ,......, , ,_, ..__, ,_, ~, \ ' D D u 0 D I PONRAH I .. .___.___I' .._I .._I .._I .L.....JI f. OC ~ ICOYllP I ~ ~-;;..;l;...:..;1;....;-,-,~,~,--' ' A cu1torner got tlrtd of re· celving tl i1 monthty poymenl I ! I l MEN I cords, IBM pvnched, w i1k kii f--r,-1...-..,,~~,-~,,~ name sper!t'd incorrectly. Fi- - _ _ _ . _ nolly, he returned the co•d .__.._.___._....t._J.......J :irh th is penned message: I D 0 NW I S I O.or mochineo You hovo •,~,-.~, ~,-,--,-ogo;n •pelled my ncmo _ _ wrong. P lease COfrec:t oM '--'--''--'--"-L-J ocknowledg•. If no! corrected IT 0 y N U I I nex! month, I sholf -your t..,-. 1 --.- 1 ~1, ~1~1 ~. u c-.~,. ,,,. <>..11.,WB .. by f;J\lrif' Jn t~ ll'U'3ioQ words '--'---''---'--L-L.....J )'OU d ... loo lf'Olft ftp No. 3 below. ..... "".---" 9 mw.~:';~ .. l I' r r 1· I' t I' I' I "5~· I I I I I rou~ I I I I I SCRAM-LETS ANSW~R IN DIME·A·UNE Huntlnglon Booch :WO ---- FREE RENTAL BOQ:!{f DROP IN & BROWS~ Real Sharp 3 Bedroom..,1 Bath. Near schools H shopping. ll75 mo. rl!nt ti quires 1st and last moril plus a small deposit. Op!JOi' Available. WE SE.LL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUT~!, .Walker & Le 7682 Edineer 842-4455 or 54().SJ40 - ·-Open Eves. -==~'-,---J WATERFRONT Cl.llltom Br. 3 Ba. Lq. Fam. Rm:; dock. Leasefoptlon $600 Mo. 592-5998 - 2 BR. condo. Crpta, dl'pll, bl tns, \\'Shrfdryer. Patie. Pool. Adull~. 5.17-8559 Fount1in V1lley MIO l BR., den. fam-din. rm-..; bltins. $215/month. Leue. Avall. April 20. 839-1665 3610 IMMAC la.rye 2 BR home w/ gar, cpts. drps thruout, 14'! fncd yanl. $165 month. Adultl Pl't'f. 324 E. Ed~, Santa Ana. 61l-:i270 Loguno Nlgvel , 31117 MONARCH BA'i ARE4- ADULT (l)IBllJNlTY 3 BR. dell. 2 BA "°""'· ....... -...... pool S%i0 mo. 10 to S. 49&-l.JQ CllARMING 2 BR, din rm, v~w home:. Prtvate bead\ l Arch Bay .. 61J.-Olm .n .. Dina Point 3740 BEA tn'IFUL ntW '4 x !51J Mobile home. rutty CUlleled t\ draped, bll:Utin stow 1 BJt 2 ht, beauUhal. dtibhoOle • pool, ecrou from oeeu • beach. $1>5 .... • $100 clop. No pets. n> m-nn a -~ ... -.ms 2 BOMI. t Ito, l&o - '"'f('r )'Ol1ftll' c o u p 1 e • t- N .. ,..... lifrtL 11& MM1J1 Olol M2.3m tor RES\M'I r -~----~-----~-·-·---~ . • ll~ Ii QIJLY PILOT _ S•turde1;y, April lq, 1969 Aol'ITAl.I l<•NIALS' ·'I RiNT·ALS fumlthM Apll. Fumi>IMlf A;ti. Unfurnls!Md REAL ISTATI •ltEAL ISTATI Fl~~IAL ANNOUNCIMIHTI O.IMrol GoMrol IUS!NlbS o.. 1M NOTICU ~~~~--~~~~~~~1·~~~·~"'-~~·1-;;;;;c.;.;.;;.;.;.;;.o,;;....~-1 OoMrol 4000 ~· .. ltl<h 4~ Cott!'.~ 5100 Roni•!> Wonfod 5990 Office Rental 6070 lut. Opporl!fllltloo -l'euM·~'Adol 6400 . --t ' -1 '-'='"-''-',.;.;.-'"'=-".-'I l BDRM Unfu~ Apt h1 Beach al"ft (or empl0)'9(f lady up to $110/mo . : 2 BR.. new rurnltutt. I Fam!IY wtl•••"" , ~ Brokt.r MU!ISO • /, o·~ : ·Ciao I 0 527 .SO Wk. Up 100 CLIFF DRIVE l.al'Sf" bflchtior /\pt fum. AU Deluxe l'eat~ Octlltl View. Walk to beach $1 70 -yearly lea&e 494-2449 Po'\NORAMIC view ovtrlook- lng Aliso Beach. 2 BR furn. ~II el~. Matun:o lld ults, no clilldrc11, nn pelll, Sl.85 mo. Call evt'"i 4!$-3755 t.oa1a ?tteN'• r1Cwt11t l most 642--0086 1uxurioW1 apl.1 now rentin& •NDLObDSl Unfur. 1 • 2 BRs. Adul1' e L~ " e on1Y No 11. 1760 Pomona FREE=~ 1CE Ave. jurt th or 18th St NEW G R EN APTS. LADY alo"' """"' partialcy kl he I fl,llll. l Br. apt. by June bt 1-aDRM. Modt:rn tc n "'' Rea.. yrl,Y rent 673""'305 range & OVtln, di!hwuhtr, LAGUNA llACH CANDY SUPPLY BLACK Gft1t · Du><. co.ta Air Condltlonod ROUTE M .... 17th St. .,.,. Call to ON EQRD'/ AVENIJE !Part or "111 Tlftlll ldeall(y da1I -..., Detk tfl*C81 1vi.uablt tn Excel~t ll1C:OIM for 1""' ~ .. _ !#le< lltllldlq ., ""' w,..,, ..n !da>I 1SfiliiliE'""'""'""'"ld"'tt.,..en-wt=ttt->"""llOW.-. -~ k>C&don la downtown or evu,), Reflllinc and atonHtudded collar. Comer: Lquno ltoch. Alf '°"1> colllctins ,...., .,,,. hdtraJ • !Ith. CM . bed,. evptted, bautifU:J Co l1n Optrat«r Ditpen-&G-8730, 5a-ano ~neltd partilk>llJ4 T"' o aers 1n Coe!At. Meta and TIGER4tnped cat WM.rina cntrancM: n.tQe on •UITOUhdlrlr are a. No yellott 1lea oollar w/btlll, i'or~lt Aq:., NIU' lffdl to llf!ll.IJl&. (Handle• name I .. ~ vi So ~ Ila c * V.ill• Pomona ..... ! 1Studlo t Ba.ch. /\.Pit. ·, . 1l ncl utll1. l. phone .sc.1.,,·, ' 11daid Servit.'f'. TV avail. • 'Rooms $15 wk., up LAGUNA O,c e .11 n I ron t •&chelor Apt. 1''urn or Unfurn S135 rno./leaM!. Sile adult. 494-3223 etc. Encloscsl gar. ocympic 4 BR. or 1 N'pt·,. Costa MeMt size pool,. S.B-Que & laundry area: will Wt up: (ncd yd. rae. E1ec & v.·atcr pd. From I :•=""'='=m>""=M"o"'. 6J3..4136==""'"' i 135 n10 up. Adults only. li00m1 fer Rent Sn$ Muoctpal Plftlna ioca. l50 bralWi candy A lblek:I.), ~; M:~. ~ t., per montb for spaee.,Dnk ll.650 total ct&h rtQulftd. 1,=;;,.;:"=-' •• '=~".-~:..v;:tc.c.,.;,.,.h~st~.1 and cbatra aY&lllW. tr ;;. For m 0 r, lnfonnation rvuJ1v ..-...... ,.,,. ~l Buaintal h'oun uawaiQa and dttaU. l8Dd namt A: Tustin Ave . C.M. Short Whfftlyo Wont? Wliaddyo Got? SPICIAl CLASSIFICATION FOR ' e New Cale & Bur SUNNY ACRES P.lOTEL 2376 Ne\\"J>Orl Bh'\I. 5.a8-9755 RENTALS 241 \\I. Wilton, CM· 642-MOl -sttvi.ce av&ilUle tor $10. addre• ...ad phone ~ hair, cboc. bl:wd. w/wht ROOM F'or n::nt, furn, Near All utUldtl paid ~t ber to: 1 e)'etiron. 646-2112 • NATURAL IO~N SWAFPlllS Spoclol Rate Apt,. Unfurnished Newport Beech 5200 Springdale & Doug I as te~e. "ROtrrE DEPARTMENT'' -----· Missile Plant, Prete r OA.U.Y PILOT p o ... _ --VERY tame young binl found in Shoreclltta, CdM vie. P1eue call 61()..310& anti ldenllty. 5 Llnoo -5 tlmt1 -5 bucks •Ul.Ei -AD MUil lNCLUDI • WATERFRONT • -ron-A'~"-' · --1-Wl'lll ¥9t llt~t ,. not. ...WJlll Y911 111•nl Ill Ir.._ GtMr•I 5000 a,eqtleman., Quiet , home, -n.c.o:::11• •£o<,..,., Anaheim Calilomla 92803 ... YOU• ~ '""°' ,,,.,._.. +-.$ lllltt ol ldvtrlt.l11a. SUS CASITAS Pier &.: sllp: dlx. duplex: 3 Bn-0162 LACVNA BEACH ' 1-NOTHIHG FO• 1ALI -TRA.OfS ONLYI RENY Br, 2 Ba, Ipl, ref. No pets. ...... ASSOCIATE WANTED PHONI 642..5678 FURNISHED l·BR. & Bachelor Aptio;. ·2uo NE\VPORT BLVD. •"'Medallion by Hotpolnt ·1. JD&\1 F'or employed man No selling -kffp your reiuiar L..t 3 Room• Furniture $32$ Lsc. 642-3425. on day ~b.ilt. Costa Mesa Commercl1I 6015 job· work part time n!tillina To Pl1c.1 Your Treder's P1r1dlte M ! * 911111 Pomona Apts. I Costa Mesa's newest & most luxurious apts OO}Y renting. 1 1 • a: unlarn. Adults onJy. lie} petJ. 1760 Pomona A\'t'., t 80Uth of lSth St. ! u•l HOLIDAY PLAZA , ~UXE. :ipacious l·Bdnn. I ~-apt. Sl35 Plus util. l ~ted pool . Ample parking .n!J No children -No pets 1.965 Pomona, CM I BEAtmFUU.Y FURN 1 lmmae, d ean! ,2 Br, pool j Adults, no peU $150. 22'12 5 & Up l & 2 BR apts. Brand ne"'" $12 Per week. 548-7969 . attra.dive new candy -.rid *... ~ * 17 P't, fiber aI&sa outboard $20 • $2 Treinendous 811.y View· TWO Rooms for Rent Kt. FOR Sa.le or trade bY owntr. snack Inf.Chines. can &Jci>ect Lo"at In Corona de1 Mar. and bil wheel tilt b.-aUer. fl ton!h-'l'o Month Rentals Around J une 15th. Lease on-Priv.. Furn. 67;...1003 or ... oo· x 180.5' commercial pro-VERY HIGfl EARNINGS Cocker &: ~ mixture, WW trade for Jt.nruseapin&. \VI.OE SELEc'fION ly. 745 Domingo Dr. 64~1260 (213) 429-7517 perty. l.9th SL, Co&ta Meu.. on modest inYHtment OI ana..wrs to the name of San-PHONE Appliances Ir TV's avail. 2 BR. lower duplex nr ocean ROOM lor rent. \Vorkina ntxt to ~pt of Motor less than $3,000, Write for dy. Please ntum no q11es-&44-f68T NO DEPOSIT O.A.C. J.'rpl. gar. 1ie\v cpts, refria. lady. $15' per week. Vehicles. Income $470 mo. interview appointment, 1lv· Hoes aaktd. Rewa'rd. Phoner..--,,.-,.,-.,.-,-,,,-~- H.F.R.C. Still yearly avail Junt lst. Call after '· 642-7697 Owner w/ lease back at in& phont numbtr and ad· 64&-8303 Tustin vitw lot. 29 ac Coi'- Furnltur1 Rentelt 309 36th St. 213: 248-1921 same. $45,950. 49t-9525 dttu to: SPEED vt:NDOR, BQY'S amall bro 8 ona. 320 ac N, San Diego 517 \V. 19th, 01 543-3481 2 BR, newly dee, drps, \v/w LRG. Prv room. semi prv roP. Leue % acn of M-1 1"50 Chapin Avenue, Bud· wk&. Vlc We~PPYLn, Olty, 1st Td total $.100 l\~ 1568 W. J,.ncln, Anltfn•1'14-2800 3 BR. ·2· BA. tplc. $235, bath, houM! privl. Mesa proptrty with sm&ll otttce. in&ame, Ca.l.itotnia, 94010 Co!wnbia Rd 6 Prlnceton, Will trade all or partJor . Philadelphia 'Matnliae, suh-213: 981-7039 Verde area. $l5 wk. 545-1.304 Completely fence(! with 2 WANT£D: Man to do CM. JS:Jl).6:j() Wed. 546--4515 Owner e75-3243, 673-0.105 \ease 2 BR ~i,s ba ant. \tash· GOLD Medallion 2 Br. 2 ea. PVT.,, :Room , kitchen priv. large &ates. su..6304 furniture atrlppl.nr &: wood at retdrn to 223 Welles!eyl---------~·1 't d Near 21B.t &. Santa Ana. $15 -blea ..... 1"''"" .work on 70% Ln . .,wa~. er. dryer. r .... -.r t. ~ s,. rps. CplB drps bltns A Its no k ,,,." 1""• '-"lo 2 PM --• '" all Ut,·1 c.M. ·--•'ft 6 ' ' · ' w · V'1S-~""' re lnduttrill R1nt1I 6090 hula; remove all finiahl:--:-o==-===~= '53 GMC Van Camper, will ~ ~ .. ,. 1.re si35. 67:\-2370 ======== --------1 trvm "'°"""' • anuque LARGE REW ARD! m•• f" Pick-up 111 eciuaJ ~'-·m_·--=~-~~-12 BR 2 BA Sl65 · Sl75 & Guest Homes SHI FOR lease Laguna Niruel. furn. Pol't&ble aet-up, from small brown• wht mutt w/ valUe or Dune Buggy, $140; 2 & DEN 4-plex. 2 Ba, S185. 3 BR 2 BA, frplc, $235. of1 San Dteao Fwy at Crown Palm Sprl. to Btvtrly red collu. Vie N. New°port 1't 616-3688 * range It oven, -w I w . 213-981-7039 HAVE vacancy in com-Valley, new commercial I.: H!Us atta. Sl.500 req to Blvd., NB. Call fG.3222 or . ' Children OK. Bkr. 534-6980 fortable licensed home for industrial units. Delta Elee-enter business, can averqe 2225 Canyon Dr. #l, CM. 1~2 BR un1t.1 O.C. no vac, l lt1ap]e. 54()..5566, 642.-4807 , CH.ATEAU La POINTE : lm'ely.2 Br. furn . .apt. Pool, Cotti Miu 5100 i clrp0r1; adults, 00 pets. I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii J I ~ Pomona, C. ht 11 East Bluff 5242 elderly lady. Must be am· tric. 08)'5 • 831-1400. Eves. • $45 day after 2 w ot prof. ,.,..LO· . all ble • tl80 Z..f inc. 10,000 ac N. bulatory, private roo m, 499-4198 kno ~.. Call •7 vu nn&, 1m ru s ..... , h = s •NEW DELUXE• board &.: care mo. Near1~~~~·==~~~~ w ...... w. " p.m. bitta Lost Sat A ........ on wy .,.,,, nr usan- 3 B•. 2,, ba, apt 10.. ........ 127x00 CORNER M·I, lncd, TI4/7~191S3. ~p N ' B •· 1 pr. ville. Trade all/part for ?. • 711 • ..,......, shops & park in Costa Mesa. ' &i .w1.1.1. • • ru:a · area, Owller 615-3243 613-0005 Incl spac. mstr. suile, din 646-8ll5. ~ta bldt 19th :250 Whittier, axes too much tFiii year? Hetrloom • reward! &0-2933 · · WiLSON West ; 1 ·Br. furn. HARBOR GREENS :;r !pe:; :~~sep~ut~ PRV rm in lic'd board !: 642-3490 eaa m 0 ' Build a tax hedae with >:Our after 6 P~· ~cc:,es p:e~~r r::n;!.~1 N Catholl care home ror elderly, am· _ own part or fUll time PLEASt find our q , Shae· res. or com. prop _ Val. SIS,· rec. area. r. c bulatory man <>r woman. Lots 6t00 bUJineu. SE?i-tlNAR on IY Blk/Wht male Cocker 000 cir O\\'fler· 546-93S8 Oiurch & school & Corona Nourishing meals, congenial --------Start-Bulld-PromQte yo u r SJ)anlel. Wear'g nea collar · · · I All "'" IDcl . $13'. Pool, Adults. 549-2627: 968-1740 II ., ' • Naauiu Palm5 • r. 1&:2BR.· Pool : Afr ,E. 22nd St '42-.1645 BAO!EUlR . UNFURN. ) liiBR. Util paid. \\'ant older from $110 del Mar High. almo11phCre. Lrg yn1 & CHOICE building 1 it e , own business. only. Vic Sturgeon &: 20th Der Wlenerschnltitl, 1951 e ONLY $Z70 e patio. Avail now. 5'8-52'J5 panoramic view. Upper DEAN HOWARD A: CO. S.A. Ana "Duke" Reward! Harbor, CM. Land &: bldg. 837-871 Amigmi Way, N.B.. REST home for ladies or N~•vport Bay. Cor. MeRa & P . 0 . Box 1455, fq:ta Mesa 542-511'9 a.ft111 or eVl!11. l11ct1me SfiOO mo. net. $45,000 .11ingle man, only. $99.50. ALSO AVAILABLE '('.can after 5 PM 642-619'! 1 • 2 & 3 BD~'I. Coron• del Mir 5250 man & wire. R &: B &. laun-Ba Y v I e w, By owner 7 , • !I!! -LOST . SilVtt treY miniature equity for lots, Back Bay . iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I dry. large room &. light 714/521-1432. CANDY supply route, part~ m.aJe poodle, 1 bad ~.,,'™'-~'"-~-~=~ l 1 1 BDRM, xtra clean. crpti;. lfeated Pools, Otild' Care: l -, quiet adults, 2039 Center, Adj. to Sbopping - nursing, beaut i Ju 1 sur--.~v-IE=w-.-,-oce--an.-rorner--1 tull time, days/eVff. Refill Reward. Lost on Lido Ille. Equ!Urs tOtalina: $65M in .. ~ roundings, clOl!C in. 494-2425 bluff, possible 6 sty , &: collect money from coin 675-1828 Motel, T.D. + home for I Wallace. 548-1885 No pets alloWed v medical or apts. Will build oper. Db:pensen in Costa BLONDE ShlU)' dol' 1 yn Cllltom home, income or ii rt• Ml R t 1 5-•t """' ·~= Mesa A vie. No se!Ung. . • · ? ' ! OWNER I srUDIQ..Util pd. Q u i e I. 2700 Petel'llOn \Vay, at ll•r· ; pel"90n only. nr. 17th & bor &: Ad~!, Cost.a Mesa. : Irvine. $95. 642-0538 546-0370 " " 1c. ei:i 11 s ..,,..,..,, to su1 ~ $1650 Total cash ttq. Send old. Lie No. 2385. Vie \V. · SU-2164. or .;73~ STORAGE GARAGE LAGUNA woodsy view lots, name, address &: phone to: 15th. St, N.B. Re~\'ard LI . ON TEN ACRES $lS. Do\vntown Costa underground utilities, pvt. Route Dept., P.O. Box 3&46, 8-1834 ~a Brach Cornmen:1at ( !Me wide mobile home May i i --Oct. Adults onJ3'. Cornpl I fu\\, U50 mo 548-24?J6 !!.i?l-BEDROOM, FURN. -r 1 ~ E1-crnµno-0r .• CM . • • 546--0451 * r a11 . 1 . port Beach 4200 i SINGLE Young Adults Lux· I ury garden apts wifh coun. ' ~ club atrTlOlphere and ~ Bft.l~ul~';!:~: I~~~ •.16th Newport Beach. ,.,,, cn41 fi45.<l550 i. BLOCK to beach: 2 Br .• fa6dern kitch., garage, w/\v ~s. Xlnt furn!t~. May Cfit to June 15th. 83J.-1234 ~.Ext 313 Days; 67'".i-5928 1.ii!:venings. 1 ) BEDROOM, util paid No pets. Young wor k ing : fifuale. ew&.1077 before 2 pm. Ask tor J~. ' . ..SR. 2 811. ~J blk. beach. !:\JUI. pd. 1165 t.fo. ti! July "'M.' 1213 \V. Balboa 494-5189 ' : ' Cl • Cibron• d•I M•r 4250 ORLEANS APTS. 1 &: 2 BR. Fum &. Un!um Mesa. 642--4228 eves. ,16:i'=!150=&=$9:,;,250=.='94-97==",...= l;iAnal>e:;;:;;;;:im;;:,;92803::;;:::;·-_,,,_,-LOST: Blk. ptin. Poodle, Building .. Sll8,0CO. equ1ty, Frplcs I priv. patios/Pools. -ans. to "Brandy"; child's Want buildable land, Bkr T . Co tnt'I B'-'"-t t e Garage For Rent e Acrel.. 6200 BEAUTY Salon. Modem, ...... v· F . . CM 491-1330 ennis • n II-Lii • pu · Single -$20 Month nt'!vly dee, 5 sta. Vl!l')' reas. ,...... ~c. &ll"Vlew, ·1.,,--,,,--.,,.,----- tlng areen. e S42-364S e .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;,I 673-2835 day., "6-4608 eves. Rtw. 5-G-::1381 HA VE $60,000 TF on 10 3 BR STUDIO POOL 900 &>a t.ane, CdM 6"-26JJ I ========o= COUNTIY HANCOCK STATION for WlUTE-IOld wOman'a ..i.:a.tch. acres oI Oceanvlew land. !MacArthur nr. Coast Hwyl Income Property 6000 leue, Newport Beach. Good Small, round, Tluot BJ.k TR.ADE 1or cleat' house 2 BR., patio, gara g e , fireplace. Convenient loca· llon. S175 Month. 499-1916 OFFER: Removal by April 30, 2·story 3--room apartment & garage building from Cap. istrano Beach Club site. t741 Tustin Avenue Balboa 5300 Offers in writing to Capis-. trano Beach lnveslment CO .. off 171'h Strut tOC>O Palisaire, Pacific Pal· tosto Mesa 642441 Nr. 10th SI. Beach ;.,d,,, ea1•. oom AVAfif'MAY4tSt Sm1ll Tr•ll•r P•rk z BR. w/gar. -. fenced yd . 3 Bedroom, 2 bath plus dt'n In Cost• M•s• w/patio _ waler pd • gar· apt, Newport Beach, unfurn \Vilh 2 BR. house, Spend $170/ dener. S300/n10. mo with $17,000 down • $80 •• 2526-E San ta Ana Ave .. $115 BURR WHITE, Rltr. 000 total price. HurryJ 61~% 2228-A Placen tia Ave ... $115 2901 Ne\vport Blvd., N.B. financing. SEE and then call 675-4630 \VALLY McCOY. Realtor e 636-4UO e I !'~!!!'!!'l!!""'!'".'~~"!""' I 642·6487 Eves. 545-4412 --HA-RBOR.---GRACIOUS Adult Living. 4 UNITS TOWNHOUSE Ocean & Ba.)' view. Spacious 2 BR. 2 BA., walk in 2217 Harbor near Wilson, closets. beautiful carpets & • 2 bdnn studio, $125. draperies. Pool. Boat slips • Heated pool , no pets. 'for tenants. Sublerranean Adj. to shopping. parking. 673-3003 3 BR 1 * ba, bit-in range & oven. With range. $150. Huntington Beach 5400 Well•·Mct.,dto, Rltrs. EXCLUSIVE 1810 N•wport Blvd., C.M. ON· THE-BEACH Prestigt-area Corona del Mar. Attractive owner's suite. Asking $125,000. Call Frank Szabo, 776-935(). IN. VESTMENT DIVIS I 0 N. WALKER & LEE, INC. NEWPORT BEACH TAX SHELTER: ACREAGE gallona .. now, goes high<' cool band. '42-14"'. Vic cf 197-1210 23 Plus acres in valley ctn\: in summer. Avallable now. Cliff & Dover Dr. ''w°'ANTE==o=-,.,Lwke-,--,y',.s°"H'"or"'bo-, er; all usable, with water k Prf!aeot dealer aoin&: North. • AFGHAN "Lisa", blonde, area or Pacific Orange highways right al the prop: Some financing available small and thin. REWARD. County t'l'Vel'"Se telephone erty. full price $46,600 or with sood credit. ca 1 I * 494-9748 • directory. Trade for ? ? ! ? will trade for income. For """1319 r-•1 "" ,.,. E·-• more information, please -Large bird desi&n pin. ..,.... """"""""' •... · R!:\VARD! Clear 11 lots Palm Springs, call Glenn Thomp!IOn with * * 61W72& w * north of airport • for beach Eckhoff & A.llOC., Inc. !:l!'."'~·-W!!!o'.!!n'.!!lld!!__._!63~0~51:=:==:""===;=:::;1Property. Equicy $50,0CO. 1818 W, Cllapman Aw. PRIVATE party bu $10,000 ,erson1l1 1 6405 John $each, Bier. Orange. Calil. 494-8563 541,2621, Eves-wkncls 538-6'r11 cash. down _ J>t,yment + e~· 7% INT!RESI' ecutive ~lty to invest !'J Write for tree brochure Clear 200 acres Mendocino 6205 :".,:me~ wn:o~ dellCribinl 7% interest County, 2 creeks. soda Resort Property m co nee 1.1-church bondl beina aold by •Prine. oaks, aspen, holly ly Pilot Box M 410. Valley Baptisf: Temple, P.O .• for clear be11.ch prop. Equ. FOR RENT Furn Mllnlmoth M o u n t a i n Condominium, sleepa 8. 675-41.ll _ Mount. & PoNrt 6210 BY Owner; 2~t view site acres. $30 down I: PO monthly. Owner • AJent ,....,,. Real Estate Service 6215 INDIVIDUAL wisbe1 to in- vest in I o c a J business. Outright pUttha&e or active associate, Write Box M 856, Daily Pile!. Box 5002, San J o s e , Jty $100,000, Bkr 494-8563 California 9filSO Clttr bank &: otfice build- LI C INSl D in1' Baldwin Park, equity Spiritual Reldlnas, advice $150,QXI • for clear beach on &ll mattera, 1(ll s. El property. John Seach, Camino Real, San Otmtnf2. Broker, 494-356.1 -==========I 492-9131. 10 AM-10 PM 2 Vacant San Clemente l_nvutm•nt Oppor. 6110 SPECIAL S2 READING Lou zoned for 7 Units. GROWING Mfr. co. netds Attr•ctlve Export TRADE tor Npt/C.~I. ln-YO\JNG WOMAN comt, and/or comm'l tree prlvale investor, interested dancer will teach you all 6 clear $24,500 rquity, Prop. in capitol invest. of up to · w .,.,.,. 71 $25,000. Pleue retM,y m. llltest ateps. Call Ardell erties esl "O;IJV"'!l.I ( !k:) dicating terms. etc. Box p. .213: 591-4538 l-lO PM HAVE: Land N.E .. Antelope . R ne11.r shopping, adults. 548--7729 2 &. 3 a.droOm A'pts. ' "1$135 mo. 602 HeUotropt, '"-:!""~!!!!!~~~~!!!! l t.uxury llvtrw to pleue the ~:;;· ~;,· ~·n-~12;.1~1=== Gracious Adult Living U'IOet dlscrimtnat:fni. f'rlw Deluxe 8 unil just being con· structed, overlookin&" all of Back &y. Drive by 745 Domingo DriW. then call owner/bldr. 64!).1260 ATTENTION Rellred ~xecullve will mind your home for the summer while you't'l' away, Xlnt rel!. N .8. area pref. 431, Daily Pilot RETIRED Gent. PtnDna.ble Valley, 237 ac, all or part, INVESTOR Wanted for NB young 16, med buUd •elcs val $250 ac. WANT: Hous--• arowifl& aportawear ~· ntlftd intalllpnt 1rtm lady ~. units or ! ! M)"l'n t; 2 Bdrms., w/w cpts, drapes, available at 4300 pool . srud'"~ o.K. lhe Hunllngl•n MESA EAST APTS. ,. -------~=~ *NEW FOUR·PLEX* Near Be11.ch, Huntington Beach. $65,900. 847.J957 nat'J dlrtrlbuton. Need to a young 60 as companion. 673-6756 $25,000 wutkfns capital, Box M665, Daily PUot R E Went.cl 6l40 secured by new equipment. COUPLF.S, linflff; lonely? 'I\ * *' " ... 673-3855 • * Palm Springs for N~ or vicinl!y. Htlve 3 nice homes, ta ke any lype PIVP., erty. Owner, 645-20(6 ·o.r eve1, 642·5855 Fun in sun plus Income. Desert Hot Springs Duplex. 2-2 br, $12,000 eqty. For 2 br house nr shopping C.01ta 11Iesa Area. 642-3214. Lovely View Big Bel&'· 1ot, cabin size, year around open ,r, for w11.gon or car up to 68. Will take or give diflcrence. &10-520! HAVE View 3 BR, 2 ba. home Laguna Beach, equity $15.0CO. WANT Unlts1 Town. house or submit. Bkr. 675.6591 . Res. 194-7161 E·slde home &: inc, 3 BR + 2 apts $27.950 val. 6 E-side units $57,000, mo inc $'7'.20. Trade for eq S. Calif home .. Lemmer, brkr. 646.3~ San Clemente Income . 2 Stores 2 Lots 2 Offlc-es 2 ApUI. Take TD 's or trade Good financing. Make oiler. cau 494-3262 Elec. golf cart with top, 1vind1hield, etc, OK fol ' st~!; vat. $175: for furn., f~hing tackle, etc. 543-2018 See at Tewinkle Hardware. Have Comm lot St. to St~on old Ne1\'pc11rw/small bouse. Want : 2 ~ 3 unit11 East. Costa Mesa. Bier Englund, 673-414-4. 196-1 SUZUKI 250. Excellerif condition. Luggaae rack.: motor o/hauled, Swap for· -scuba ~·r-or ? '! r 846-$j18 2 Indust. bldgs on PlaC"en . ." tia, Of. Value $150,000. Trade -~J of $95,000 eqty for prop anyh(!re, Bal in TD or ?1 548-1542 Oceanfront Duplex, 4 and 2 bedrooms, $21.,000 eqUity. \Vant view lots in Laguna Beach area. Balboa Ba.>- Properties. 673-7420 $3000. Clbin Cruiser, 2 bunks & head, ship to shore 135 Grey Marine. Perfect cond. Trade for prop. T.D. or ? 539-507:! or 527·Jii15. Have: Medical Prof. bldg; Ria lto. free & clear, val $125,000: trade all or part rcr. Want: land, TD's or ! ? J.lyen; 673-6756 • Ship's radar (2), RCA Pathfinder, 45 mi .radhJ1; rost $5700 ea. exchange for R.E .. late model, car or ?. Owner. 541-2164 or 673-5929 17 Ft. outboard for statlon waaon or auto of equal ViJ. ue. Phone &W-4687 * * * h•tctEAN Bachelor ApU. 1 .:· All util incl $75 up 145 E. 18th, C.M. 642-3474 8 UNITS, 2-4 unit bldgs. l BR. furn. $1000 per mo. in. com~. $87,500 F.P. 646-4039 • • _ P. 0. Box 2203 N.B. New in arta"T Join the awing ------------ &~AE. Balboa B~!l!Ms ~~ 38~ ~:.~~t,~~: Pacifi~ fil?J c pt s/drp s, sundeck. l.!J YEARLY lease. 2 Br. neowly $160/mo. 2286 Canyon Dr. 'ttdec.. Balboa Pen. a Vllil Nu pets 5t5-3215 aft 4::!0 or lo.fay lsl, $160 mo. 213: \\'ttkends. or Ml 2-227'2 711 Ocean AVI'! •• H.!f 1714) 536-1487 31}-4844, eves. CHEZ NICE aep. Townhouse; 2 Br ORO APAlt1'Ml!:NTS EANFRONT 1 BR ~ 4 ~-o"~~ I Frpl, cpts; ga10o5e. Adults, iu.n Atlanta. BR. ti! June 15th. no pets. S140 ri.to. 548-8428. New 1-2 Bedrooms . Pay ~ 673-472.ol 2652 Orange Ave. electric only h ... -LGE. 2 Br. spli t level nso 536-3927 or 536-2727 t«J,lntington l•ac ~ p l w··"· ~-Upper 2 Br. $135. No pets 00 • <=n::rs-... ~_."n Q &j~EMPORARY Living 1 2&85 Mendoza 545-5421 P1i vate Ga~s 'br s & bach's upstairs. All &SIDE 1 br. frplc, beams, <I BR king sizf' dlx, cpt.11, .newly decorated .. ocean patlo, w/w crpl, 1 adult no drpg, bltn~, dshwshr, grge, '\lklv.·. Ftom $100 to $200. pet."I $1 28 yr. 673-16'.19. vlC\I'. quirt. cool. , Near 'SUmmer or year around 3 BR 2 ~ Condo bench. stores, golf. S1~5. !Nfltals. Agent, 536-2570. 420 "'' • cptg, 842-3914 Pacific Cout ""'Y· blt~ins. dish1\'., dbl gar. 2 -,=,.-,,--,~-,.-~-pools. S1901mo 546-5580 2 BR s!udio apl , c1'Pls, QUIET & BEAUTIFUL drps, b1t.;m , «need ;ld'ylts only: 2 Br., uHI. pald 2 BP.. unfurn. Ariulls <>r patio, laundry rm. gar. 'Pool, $200. h T·21.25 retired. No pc'IS. Sl3.'i. :!08 nr Huntin~ton Cenle.r. Rochester. CM. l Id 1150 17616 Cameron, Hunt. Bch. yr o . . 897-1313 Villa f''ino Apls. 3 BR. RQ.lN:D NEW 2 &: 3 R !!ACH. Apl, 1 mill" froni Unf. Chih1rtn \Velco1n,., $150 ... _,... B · ·~ach. Water & gos paid . 117~ \\'. Centtt Ap!. 1 from J150 mo. Cpfs. drp!l', 's* Mo. dllhwshr. Nr Beach. 8'17--19;;7 M&-mi 2 BR, 1 ''2 aa.. Palio. CJ.'Pts. lh.... drpi;, bl1n.~. Adull.1, no pc\JI. n'-'1. apt. Jum.: Willer & $140. Avail May 1. 54~500 ps paid. Adult onl)'. rn. 918 {Pilm, 1-lunt. Beach J Bfl ~'l'ffn a.pt. ~pl, r.pbl, HUNTINGTON Continenta.I Townhoust': 3 Br.. bl lns, pool, elr, $180. 968-3170 E\'f'. D1n11 Point Businen Property 60~ -·-HIGH TRAFFIC COMMERCIAL Choose fh:Jm 2 di!ferenl C·l zoned prcpertits on hlgti lrAffic streets in S.A. 1. 1919 W. 17th St .• small alr-cond. office or stoni, good ,parking, onb' S35.oo:>. 2. 1920 W. 17th St .• La rge 67.5 X 255· lot (with oilier hoW!el, Terrific location for good franchise or free stanc.i Ing store or office. ?.!ust be sold • priced under mnrket. Rick Alderette, Rltr. 547-646,q Bu1inets Rental 6060 FREE DESK ~PACE in mall •hop in exchange for tak.!ng messaees. de!. Call 546-4478 Eves. Office R1nt1I 6070 SU/MONTH __ $364618 or 536-t979 drps. bltns. pltKI, _ pool. 5740 Adlts, oo pets $120. fl46..6163 ---------·I l!t noor, small ol!ict with ~~:. B:d:~h' wti,:; ':'~ 2 BDRi\1 unfurn. QW!rlookl DELUXE 2 bclnn, 2 bu., beth, Ideal for Rr1tl Estafe WANT TO SELL? to IUD. pi...... SERVICE DIRECTORY. Mono! le LHn 6320 • 63>-9291 • Call Farrow and start pack-• LONDON-Laguna A c t Clrpent.rJn1 6590 ing! 1st A: 2nd loans for quick Workshop. Inquiries. or I CARP.ENTR . cuh. Bomiw on )'OW' pro. 494-4404 Y • ftpl.lrl • perty @q without disturbing g~'l fix: it. Quality wort. your low intertst la! TDs. ALCOHOLICS AbouymoUI Call Jell 642-M6f eves ORANGE COUNTY'S Also buyers for 2nd TDs. Phone 50-7217 0t.· write to Rt:PAIRS, ALTERATIONS LARGEST Sattler"-Co. Inc. P.O. Box 1223 Costa Mea. CABINETS, Any -job. Serving Harbor Area 20 yn. 25 YR. exper, 5C8-G'1ll 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 336 E. 111t. st. SlllVICI PllllCTOllY QUALITY 8'palrs • Alie,... BUSINESS ind &12-2171 M5-0!1l "·ttom -New conat. by hour FINANCIA_L~s--"NEW "1t1 WANS AJt. Appllfn .. llopolro ar eon .. , .. 616-M42 Bus. Opportunlti .. 6300 RANGED" Top cuh for P1rta 6510 HOUSEHOLD repe.irl of all __ ,.,_____ seasoned 2nd.a 543-8381. Bkr. SUPREME RebipratJon I: kinds -fut. reuonab~. AFFIMILIAMTEED. INCOME Mortvo ... , fD 'o 6345 Appliance .. pak. Ask for Bob 67>-iul . ' ' Tom. 548-1353, MT..(1191 MASTER cupebtl!'r, $4 per (NO SELLING JNVOI..VED) NEED $16.~19.000 will hour. ~dine· Repain. Qualified individual will be pay top interest + pointa; .. lttfnt 6550 64U«l9 or ~ selected by Multi-State Inc. 3 yr pay ott. Prime Lido 10 supply e11tabll!Jhed busi· Isle ~nt 4 BR home, COSTA Mesa Pte-School Cement, Cencrete 6600 ness 1vith finest triple A-1 propm.y val $12 o o o o; Uct~. Ar' J.6; opetl 1:461---"-·----- natlonai products (candy " Pretent 1tl, bllanei $SI.boo to 5:45; SU Per U . • CUM'tJM PATIOS• snack&). Sl,'50 Cash requir. Phone prinCSJial prtY COMPARE! 5tMI03 concrete st.wing 6 removal ~. For per80ll&l intervie\• 67J..8U2 a.s23T State Uc. • "2-1010 in Co&IA l\1csa Ir surround· 2T,OOO lit TD on Ocean V~ BABYSilTING In my home 1t CONCRETE work. bonded ing attas, send 11Bn'M!, ad· LoU, p.ya~ W month, ~ days a week. Exp'd moth. " lie. Corw:re~ sawing. dress &: phone number to lO% due 3 yn.: 'lo% di-. er. Juncbts, lltnced )'Vd, PbllUpa Cement. MS-6380 Mul ti-State Inc., 907!; E. Im· count. 494-lUT MtM Verde area. 545-0Mt Cement Work-an kinds periflt Hwy, Do\vncy, Calif $4500 ht TO, I% dut 3 yn:, iABYSI'MlNG My hom6, Free F.stimate 90242 .... U% discount. near Pomona School. JA.rtt * &31-0314 • FRIGIDAIRE 491-1210 ""'· CEMENT w.,., no job toe JET ACTION ~1 amalJ. rtuonable. Fret: S~RVICI DIRECTORY tontractoro 66'0 ADDITIONS-REPAIRS ' REMODELING Designing I Plannlng Kitchens-Batlui, rte. Lic'd &. Bonded. Free est. A & B CONSTRUCTION 1122 Paularino, CM. * 545--1941 * QUA L 1 TY remodeling, custom desJ&n service. Reft on req. Frank M. Barden . Constr Co., 1-639-1466 an 4 pm Corpot Cloonlng 6625 Carpel l Upttol OWtl>w If It's done ri&ht. •.• It's "DUNN-WW.."! Free Estimates ••• 548.3Sf.4 ..,. C1rp1t Loylng & Rapolr 6626 C '~PE'I'S (nylon.a, wools. ~stef's,) Vinyl& a.net TQ. es. Latnt styles and colon. Commucial and Resjderilial, Expert installation. llLANKINSIOJ> FLOORS .... 14Ql SfO.lXI Frigidaire 18 min. eycle it Money W1nhd: 6JIO BABYSl'JTING in 1D)' bomt, e1tlm. H. Stufllck. 548-8615 -14 dally. G nle 66iO : i::~i! ~~ :~: WANT $3),cnl (X)(Ja.tmj loan wms Chll• ce,. 6610 -0 --"- 1"'-"----"'"'-'I SI 27 goU conrse. 57~ Joann. SUO. trlpl•X apl, ocean vle~·. lt r. Bkn, Sheriffs el.r. Ed Rid-·-~~ 2331 FJoMda. ~ 30 li4G-fi6i1 race. garage, S165. ~fo. die Rllr, Ask for ?.tr. flt'stcr G1rdtn Grow 4610 GLE You.ng Adults Lu:t· i gardt'.n apt.a: 1.1•ith coun. club a tmospbel't' and mple1e prlvitcy. SOUTH BAY a.us APrS. moo (GIAPMAN Ave., Garden .....,. mo 63&-303ll 4705 lA!lCE ~. v\ew, ...,.. tllO' ind.-utll. :a,.,. only. -"" .. DAIU • PllDT o iii£A· UJrfE& Toa GI ~-ttltm ..... jqo! _,.. • "'1· Dial --DAILY PILOT Wl>Nf ADS BIUNG REm/LTSI adults only. no pe t 11. 646-88U 3 BDRM, 2 bA. trplc, clo!td 64Z-4192 or 4$:Sl19, alt 5:30 garagf', adults, $150. Mo. 32"7 49(;..1036 PR..'VATE OFFICE \VI th B. Cnbrillo. MS-4691 REAL ESTA TE 2 HR. rpl-11, d~. bJ l-ins, pr. Generil reception room $125/nio. 4 rooin ~uito S300 1 1110. Air conditioning, pa1·k111" &. M'Cn'lftfW !iervlcc. Sl 1:1. Nr OC'C It. sho11s. Adults. 6~ 2 BR apt. downstatn, cl~n. C'f'PIS, tlrps, bll·int. lnq 1S52- A Coriander. Ms..5268 S11JOIO 2 Br. newly Mc. $145 -\\'ate-r paid. 98' £l Camino. CM . 962-6050 QUIET, di-luxe 3 ar. 5tudio, Adull11 only. Hid jlool. 1m Sanla A.nn Av~.. 64&-.'i542 2 DORMS. rh~. crpt&; pVt p.'t!io &. 1.r;:irngt". 2 chlld1'!11 ok. No pt>l!!. Il.10. !4-T.MO. CHARGE )""lllr -.an! •d n<>w Rent•I• W1ntM 5990 s WOMEN tn Mtd. rmrt.15. nttd 3-6 BR. 2 Ba. furn. bouM or apt., from JuQ> 1st to &-pt . 6. \Viii com:ldt'r )ltarly. Xlnt rers, 6n..tcri PROF, wlft I 2 dauahttra ~Ire 3 or 4 BR htt in C.t.l .. N.B., or H.B. arcu. ~t1U1in1t JuM 1st . \Vilt pn.y u.1> to S3)1'J mo. cau 64..i-1900 Qritnge County Bank Bldg. 2ll E. 17th Sttttot Cnsla Mesa 642~1485 NEWPORT CIVIC CENTER OWets 5\litab!t Jor Con1o merc:ial, Medkal, Deni&!. Air-rond., crpts. elev3tor 3So PER SQ. IT. 541-5002 Ott 6Ta-.2464 300'SCI. Ft. Office CX>Sl'A MESA 646-213'1 \\' ANTF..O: J en unfum h.se, I LJl'...ASE: •tore or orficr, 1974 )'T'I Jtt&w. Prclt!r CM. *f, ft. good IOC!!lion, W E. • 646-866'4 • tflh SI. C.M. '4&4011 of 40, 30 min. wuher.1. Find with $50,000 TO on lO acrtt BABYSJT1'ING Rtlltblo lawn servb, out bow e:aay It ;, lo oWft oeeanvl•w )lttltop I and · MY HOME * • ANY AGE OllLD Ca.rt, \\'OUld like mow, edit. trlm., A PQl.•ing laund ry, 4!Mo-ll8'1 842-8811 aft $:30 PM. c;ompan1<1n for my 8 mo5 fr 531·140t * Garden Grove, Santa Ana, PAT 109' INT. on wtill 1trl Jnfant to 2. C. M. LAWN SF.RVICE Tu.,un. Oranar, Anaheim. aecured loan, $100,000 lrltk. MIMl'lry etc. 64)..8352 ?tl~vacuum Coln·O·Matlc -' 6560 u 8-$<6 att" 6. PM Equipment, Inc. 2U..~ W. V&Wlc:la ru11...... ru: f>2&-lll3 llA VE Beau~ shop in Colla Mesa. 4 Ila. WW .n ot tnde for ? OMttt, , ANNOUNttMENTS BUILD. ll<modo~ Jtet>alr c...tt-ro 6'20 EXPER Ja-Garde..,. incl NOTICll Bridt. block, eoner•t•, ADl)..A-Rooro, apt. unillt )innthly Bm'lce, re'as. """"' IP-Mil 6400 ,,,,..,,. no Job 10o -11. ""' .._ rwo ''°"' m.oTOS °' M0-7167 Uc Contr. ~ 1Ptda1Jat. tree I a 7 o u t , JOHNSON'S Gardtn~ Serf. BIFOCAL Cta.n W/llJI. dellp. 2> Yn In tht F1nest equip. ~rt 1wd ..,..._ V1c. nu. a c.,,..ottrl.. -Podflc Coast cai.1 Rat!-~ Ha-. MS-Im Bids. 11;.'IUI. 11' .. lcdayt, cUI • EdP La;.,, ' \\'AN'l'ED: otf·llJ• liquor oft. Gray sham POOiit CAJtPINTllY Sat A: SUn at~ .rvtc:e Atalnte11•n~ 1.~- 1 °""18 COW\ Med, •lu. Vic ol Garntld • MINOR. R£PA1ll No Job Mdtiona • Remodeltrc f>IM808/84~;1io .ft. 4 ~ • 839--5632 or 64-62S3 * 1 cenNCA.11; 642-3139 t:)i. Goldtnwtll HB. $36..ltll :, ~~.~~~I=-1'rtd IL Genvlek. L'c. AL'S Gardentnc s:r'lle e -.~TTRA==c:r=1'-'v"'E"SA=LON=-I BLACK I-White ~ V~. SG.UT5 lf no amwtr let\'t ll3-80C1 * 5'9-21"1'0 Lawri m1.lntenatft. pntebo Vt.ry RtuOtllblo 15th • ru.·nn NB. M$.2539 llUf ~I 6'l-m2. H. o. Dial 506611 for RtSULTS inc . tl-.11 ~ ij6 - Call : 9'2--'1231 Dial IC¥tl ror RDtJ'LTS Al'dt.rton Whitt Dep'bantst. Whllf' EJephantlT • iERVlC! DIRECTOR·Y SERVICi DlliCTORY JDllS i. EMPLOYMENT 101$ i. EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYM!NT IDB$ & r~LOVMINT $11"""71 Apt'R lt, lM JOIS i. EMPLO~ , • .. . ..cv r ':'.'.~! OAllY"L~, JOl5 i. l:llll'LDTMlliJI ~I.I, ' '6IO Upltolslary 6990 Helo'W..,tod. -7200 !411, WenttddMn noD Help WanlM, Meft 72QO Help Wontod, Mtn 7'llOO -~-----.. -----·-----~THONV,'S C Z Y k 0 S K I • s CU.tom eOat .. Js. " "'-'Ir''" ,...In WanfH. tt\en 1200 Hel' .w1nttd, Mrtn_ 7200 H•~::.:,.Med. 7,r LOT ,.Ian. muAt be mature. -•· ~:o::==----...:..:;.i1 Ne"'' cu lk1Ucr:-1hlp in mis¢. Beach ar ea , J1ck CLRK GanMn S.rvlce L'phoblC!fY. • Ew"OJ>et.n IRIC$0N'l' JANITOR • "6-lM Or1lt1ma11 , hl1 .100"6> "YACHTS • ITIM ba~ ..... 0. °""' FlnaJlclOo. ff'l-1154. 1831 ,..... ... l'llnt ,,. v;e.,... :Ne.,,... 81"'-.ruf, , -lbly ..._...,.. '1011$ .. EMliO~ ITI JWCO CITY DF NEWPORT BEACH CONTROWR (hslslant) ....,,._...,.. iju>:k. 234 E. · ·1 1 11th C.O.ta Mesa, 548--7765 'I lmtnlldlate openlna lot-· E>;:p. llartlculturist c'0 1614 -1131 per month *· ~ Calpenk!n • Hardware Men EXPERIENCED POLICE OFFICER PRODUCT -~Ll..W BROO ~ob Wantod;'\.a!ii 10'lO GJ,l<D£!1fJR$ STUQ;:NTs s~s T I Tu t t-'.Jio .. , v.'011<in&" Che~ Wll..Y thru rol~ £ lsh ' '1.unlD'°:~'tak~ lee:~. E.-cper1e1~. lll'f!1\lj('(i. ful re~ponsiblllty for main- • Fiberllal Laminalot'I * Wood lhapl!:r Mtn • C.blnet Shop mill men Exc11l .. 1 EmployM Bentflll ENGINEER Wrin" r .. 1 April 30, 1!69. SERVICE Statton Al· cltrtl: i.ypblt 10 T~ tendant.11. Pttfer 25 Yl'I .ir our purehuU.: de Po1ition1 r9e1ulr11 • ol.der, married. 'l'o train ti _ to pertonn iuch cl dyMmk lndlvklual ma:r's, ua't: n\&'t''•. Urich's. functionl ~ lYPhv P:;11· * Rudder Installcni EXPERIENCE APPLY Personnel Office Thlr4 Floor \ 6:30 p.m. Exttllent oppor- DetrH & S..S yrl. exp. tunlt)' in I.aw enforttmtnt. • ~ulret U.S. citizemhlp; wUh J)t'O\IC!n abWl}I In fin· -""°:;;,;":;"':=:""::=· CM=====-I C)rden, llllnr a..:I ancial anab'tlll, corporatfl ~ Must be able to t)'J)e ad taxes and ,encnl act.'OUnt-A9encie1, Wemen 7300 ately. We will acc:tpt &Pl REASI 64&-4203 Uli ·na tKoe & ca.re of TAKATA . y, 1Yatlablf! on or JAPANESE 1-lURSERY , Junt 15th. 8o.x 807, ~ • Apply in PetMln 1206 W. Strucl(. Orange The Broadway ~lcehanil.'tll enahW!eiilll: for hla;h school grad; minimum dnlgn and development uf 1 21 )Ul'ti of qe: maximum Ould handlit1£ pUmpa and 30 without experience, up to ~1te1M. Responalblc for 36 wlth experience; mini- , complete !lpeeiticaUon11 tru· mum 5'9", 150 lbs.; 20/30 niotors, lilting&, materlab. uncorrected vbkln. O>utact •te. Pl'efcr working know· Pet'80Jlnel Office, 3300 New- leQge of motors and experl· port Boulevard, Newport e/'IC.'t' wi!.-'\ metals, plastics, Beach, Calif., (TI4) 67:\.6633. and lastomer.i:. Ina: activitle1. eKPRSS£-CY'S.TYPISt'S ca~ with •· mln.irnwa 1 worth More? six months clerical 5'16-0'l2-I. Complete &an:lenln;: Balboa. 11ervlce. Headquartien '°' -oo=NV=ALESCENT~~--AID-E­ all YoUl' nursery neects. PR.AC. nune or com,panion • GARDENING, clean up . available full or part tJmt, !\tow & "1ge. Call K.I.. !orig or short tenn. Bonded SECURITY- PATROL Fuh1re erowth and 6:pt1.n. CIJl ot 11end resume. All Jnlo P..xperience. Good a •, __ otters an. e:<Cf'llent op. ,.1a-• _ .... L.-ne.fJhl ""'' contidentla.I, Our tervlce e• .... ., .,.., ~ NEWPORT BEACH 47 Courts of F ash ion 1'~ASHION ISLAND Newport Beech portunity for advancement 12 days vacation du~ to hla;her level manqement tablished over 20 Yl'l'I, ctn year ot employment. -i * position. help you eam n101'e? Individual seleclrd will be SUperior A..,ncy Walter. and insured. &12-4,121 HOMEMAKERS .. 547.QiSJ WEED contn>I: lc.wn care, EXPECl'ANT P.1olher nds light hauling: Expcr'd. Jer-babysittng, tile h s e w r k . ry or ~tare: ~-Own tn.N, Udo area. Over 'O yrs, 1,erm. Radkl car provided. Non 5moker, thinker. Uniform aU'nce. App.; 4 P~t -5 Pi\t, Rm An Equal Opportunity Emploft.r J. W. Robinson HAS OPENINGS FOR ~•ponalbte for coordinating 1857 Harbor Bl. Ollbl ~esa eUorts of subsidiary and lt1 -==Ca~H;,";:";:':,642-=::,;n:;•:l= d ivisk>ns, ;; 405, sis N. Broad1~·ay, Sa.nta.r--------- EQUAL OPPORTUNITY l;MPLOYER Position require• a four year Help W1nted accoun ting de~ Crom I C-W°"*' 7400 credited collt'fe or univer------------AM. e JAPANESE GARDENER ~613-30~~10~----- l\Wntenance & Cleanup FLOORS !rtrlppet. &: waxed. Parts-Counterman CAREER OPPORTUNITY! 1~ DALE WAY cosrA MESA. CALIF, !2626 (TI4~ 545-3251 • DISHWASHER STOCKBOYS e 1ity and mlnln1um five years applicable experience, Send ~sun" and salary re- quirement~ lo 1lle Dally Pilot Bo.~ # flf-Ci. Call 548-Zlrl Cp't cleaning. Walls wash- IAP~ Garderer. com· ed. Guaranteed. 531-ai67 Apply In person Join todays fastest gro\virlg pro[ession-Mutual Fund sales Full time po8ition. Exeellent compe.ny. benefit!. plelr:" yard .service, tree esUrnalH. M'J-1332 COM~lERClAL & Rci;iden- tial Lawn malnt. Lawn & garage cleanup. 548-58Ll! Gener1I Services 6682 PROFF.SSlONAL Tree &: Yard Service 841·18'43 H1ulin9 6730 GENERAL HAULING i. CLEANUP Sl2 per load. 962-6S46 after 3 P!it HAULING, General, Top, trim, remove trtts It: hedges. Big John 642-4030 Housecleaning 6735 CARPETS. \\'lndows, D.r5, clc. Re~idcn. or Comc'I. X!nl \\·ork &as? Refs. M~-4111 WILLlA i\.I~ r.LNG. SERV. C&rpcts-furu-compl. hsc. and apt, clng. 6,t!-8164 H OUSECLEANJNG , daY"o1lrk; babysitting even. Jngs & \\-eek-ends. 548-4659 e HOUSECLEANING e Excellent work. $2.50 bour. Call"6-5995 e HOUSECLEANING, x In I refere~s. By day or hour. Ca.a 536-211:; Income Tix 6740 ----L1'1'COME Taxes prepared Your home, )ong fonn com- bined, $15. 494-3422 Ironing -6755 IRONI NG, good \\'Ork, quick SU\lice, a!J;O do small .,.,·ashing & rluU d r y . "64&-6176 e HAVE All steadiell \'lill take few more .15 and .20 Phone 646-9&58 J1nltori1l 6790 Domestic Htlp 7035 Chinese live-ins. Oieerful Permanent. Experii;nced Far Ea.st Agency 642-8703 George Allen Byland Agency l.'mployer Pays l"ee 106-B E. 16th. SA 547-0395 Youn9 Fry Cook or Kitchen Trainee Permanent, full tin'll? job. Ow.net> for advancement APPLY IN PERSON Bob's Big Boy 154 E. 17th Street C:OSta i\lcsa MALE OR FEMALE D L , ( rt No experi~nce ne~ssary. ean ew1s mpo s \\1r:' tr:?in · fuU Of part lime Mutual Fund Advisors Due 10 ••panslon the Pen""· \Pc11·t11 Ift:pll I ' •v ARTISTS 1966 Harbor Blvd. Npt B. 1603 \\~~;,.,.0 S·I"""'"' saver is accepting applica· ... u ..........,. I.ions fol' part tim<: LAY· Costa Mes~ S.A .. 1212 N. Broad.,.,•ay OUT. PASTE-UP & PRO. -Sales Representatiill -~7-SJ.1!_ ___ DUCTION Artists. Experl· APPLY P.ERSONNEL DEPT. Fashion lsl•nd Newport Beach Equal opportunity employt'r PART TIME IT"'. s.J""Y MECHANIC '"""' '"'"""'· Apply to pt~. co1nn1ission whill' 111 person Wed. thn.i F ri. PEN· TOP STARTING PAY ll'8.inillg', Frd!Crllal organ\. 0,1ie man sl.10p, for a la nd. NYSAVE R. 15'15 Newport NEW BRANCH IN ORANGE zation established 1891. Ap. scape . maintcnan<:t! <.'Oln-Blvd., Costa Mt'5a. COUNTY. WE NEED 25 pli cants should be over 25. puny .111 Newport Beach. --MEN FOR ADVERTISING Xlnt management opportun-Full rune. permanent .c~n· PLANT EXPANSION AND DISPLAY \VORK. NO ily. High incom~ potential. pl?Ym<!.nt. Must . bf> fa11)i11ar Oppo1tunilies for EXPERlENCE, WE TRAIN. Call personnf'l nianagcr. wl!h sn1all equip1ncnt. f::x. Assembly Carpenters WORK FIVE DAY \VEEK. 6r:.>-'IJ7o cellcnt benefits. and Molders 6:30 TO 10:30 P.ht. FOR JN. --CALL Jim Ballc11£er LUJIRS BOAT CO. FORMATION CALL MR. ~lAClllNE shop dl'ill Pl'l'Sli Monday thru Friday 349 W. l&th St., C.J\f . JAMES. operators, mi lliflJ.: 1nachine 8 AM to 5 Pi\1 MONDAY & TUESDAY Joperators, deburrin; hands. &12-0325 • ASSISTANT litANAGER, 774-7251 Top \\'agt's. xlnt \l'Orkiw,; --for restaurant. Young. neat.1 ~~====~=~ l.ond. Cape EnglllC('rini;:. DISH MACHINE-gd. personali1y, ambit~. LATHE OPERATOR r.sw Can1ino Capistrano, OPERATOR E:tpcr .. not ~c. Full . time. 5 Years exper. minimum. Laguna Niguel. 831-U64. Union scale. llospltal, SU!bl-Lil Prusam s, Huntington Mll.!lt be able to make own f\11 Nl'.\1UJ'\oT 3 years t'X· ca.I, medi~al, dental plan, Harbor. 846--069l lll!:l·ups; lop wages; apply: Equal opportunity employer OCA NOW HIRING WE TRAIN NO EXPERIENCE NEC. * WORK WITH HYDRO.AlR FILTERING SYSTEMS * CHEMICAL SUPPIJES * DELIVERY WORK * DISPLAY WORK * ADVERTISING WORK * ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT TOP STARTING PAY * FAST ADVANCEMENT * SI'ART WORK AT ONCE For' Interview call Monday & Tueaday 11c.n51 Posilion open in f:ish- ionab\e Newpo11 Bear.:h n>staurant for ambi1iuus, personable )'OUng nKH1. experienced in restaurant n1anagement Reply to box # giving resume. Box M-621, The Dail.11 Pilot. pcl'icncc. E x c c.l I" n 1 op-paid vacation. over li~c p.1y, COOK, rry-Bt'Oil: S20 day NEWPORT PRECISIO~ pcwlunily ii·ith archileclurai 4 pnt -12 shirt. Apply 1n per. sl.'.Lrting pa)'. Union house. 909 W. 16th, Nt'\vport Beach FAR WEST SERVICES ··n:.:ini:>l'rini:; doin:;: 1 a r g l' son. , Hospital & dt'ntal plan. A~ 642·902t> INC., operators of a1nount of divrrsif1C"cl 1\·ork. Howards Restaurant ply in person ONLY! SERVICt: station salei>inan. Snack ShoP.S, Coco's, Frank L. Mope &-Asl>OC. 401 I <10111 'v. Coas1 Hv•'Y· NB Howard's Rcllllaurruic Bondable, experienced, over Reuben's and Reuben Civic Center Dr. \Vcs:, Suite • J\.1ECHANIC e Full tiJ11e. 'IOOI W. c.oast Hivy, N.B. 21 yrs. F.V. area. full & E . LH Re1t1urant1, 111.kl, SA. 5'17-9-181 Musi be experienced and STEREO & Radio installer. part time. 962-1602 9:30 am-ere now accepting ap- FRY COOK· relief shir1, have own lools • Over 25. J\.lust kno\v tools . Op. 4:30 pm. pli4;~tioni for th e 1 r 18 or over, ex-rle~d. Al.so need Exp'd. part time poi1unity P 1 u 8 · ANH EXP'D. DONUT MAKER ~ • •-R · •--1ru " 1749 N t mgmt,,. trainee pro-Start ~2.00 hr. No phone SE V. STA. HELP. No ..,,.. mcnL'I, -ewpor Apply Dolly...().Donuts, please. Apply in pc.non. phone calls. ruch1icld, Cor. Blvd , Costa Me!!ll · 19148 Brookhurzt St. gram. PleaM apply In BUSBOYS ,-.- DISHWASHERS Ovt'r 18 Cottage Calfee Shop. 562 _of 19th & Newport Blvd., ~ERIENCED Tree Olm-Huntington Beach person 1672 Reynoldt, \V. 19th St. Costa ~tesa C.J\.1. • her needed in Bishop, Calif. SHEET metal shear & for . Sent• An•, (ellf. Experienced_F_R y e PLASTIC FABRICATORS Earn Sl.00 hr. 61~189 ing operator. Drill pre~s COOKS. Apply JOLL y \•til~ _mechanical aptiludc, * Exp'd C.OUnteml&n operalor, also are welding. ROGER p I Of. reliable. Also, J\.tACHINE * full tinic driver 833-2330, ask for c. Bates. BOB'S BIG BOY J ersanne SHOP TRAINEE CITY Alll'O PARTS 154 E. 17th St. fice. 1297 Logan Ave., Browning Manuiacturing 2072 Placentia. C.M. FO~EMAN, Exp'd . for Cos Costa Mesa. 1919 Pl · c M . . h18.lntena~ Co. Rehable. ta ~1csa _ acenlia, · · BlITCHER To a1d m all sober. Salary open. \\lrite fl.fATURE Man, penna.ncnt & * MAST ASSE~1BLERS * 54S-ll7l dept!!. sml mk t. Npt. Hbr. Daily Pilol BaX M l21. draft ext'm pt. needed by Ex:pcr. desired. J\.1usl have ARGUS AGENCIES ap. Sun. Box i\1--025 Dally SERV. Man. Sl20 \\•k. Perm. fumiture--dcsign store, for small hand tools. Call !:>cl. Accountants Pdo• sal. + bonus. Av Sl2 xtra delivery, installations & 8:30-\l AJ\.~~~~Fri. Credit Managers YOUNG MAN deliv~ries. SERVISOFT 506- related duties. Ex Pe r · ---------1 Administrative Trnees Pick up & Dlive l')· 31st St.. N.B. preferred. Salary o Pell · e REPAIRMAN e CALL BOB, 54$.7796 Apply Hub Auto SUpply 1---~-.. 1 -1,-m.---•. ---Call: 492-4131 For App'!. ' e FIBERGLAS •• r w ... ~ .......,. .. 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M. 2120 Harbor, Costa Mesa STOQ{ I: DELIVERY SERV1CE Station altendant. Expcricn~. mature. good Combina!ion EXPERIENCED St! r v ice Ask for Harold -495 E. 17th Must have ex per ience pay, bencfiLo;. ~hock Boo.Ls. NIGHT DISHWASHER stationMan.Part-t ln1e C.?¥1. Dl.\IS. Permanent. Apply 393 Newport 673-2050 G t' APPLY IN PERSON FRY COOK 1.!Ut>t be experienced Apply in person DENNY'S No. 121 12924 Beech Blvd, G•rden Grove EXCEPTIONAL S A L E S OPP. for SaJe1 Rep. on asphal1 roo(ing products. Sal., Com m, expenses, car allo\\·:1111'f' &: benrfltll. E.!!tab. E. 17th St. Costa Mesa EXP. Service Station Al· AND CLEANU~ nights & weekends. ni.n 8 TOW Truck Driver. Over 21 tcndant, full time, Palisades 6 p.n1. -2 a.m. Apply in per-An1erican, 17495 Brookhurst, Must live in Cota Mesa or le1Tilork•)I in Orange Co. p::an~~.· -~~!::~ienccd Union 76, 1476 paJjsadcs Rd, son lo Dan CooMke, 3000 Club-1'~ountain Valley Newport Bch. 964 \V. 17th area. &nd rcl!tunr to G.D. 544-6160.--..r Santa Ana Heights. holl.!le Rd., C. . e SALESMAN WANTED •.:S.::l...:C::.M:... __ ~---Page. BIRD & SON INC. Sp RKLE J I ,_, Se 1-~~==""''=~-YOUNG MAN interested in Singer Co. Inquire _al So.•· L.A. Times Dea1er want!! P.O. Box 121 \Vilmlngton, A an tor.... rv. e DISHWASHER e ASTROTEK CORP. Coast Pla2a, Mt. David9on C&lif. !Xl7~.·I ·-~---Window!!, resid., come!, 0 75 U ·u J.D learning trade. Must have youngmanforparttime --const. cleanup. Free est. a,ys .. Set! Terry Openlnfils; La ie rm . good reft'renccs. Good pay or call 54()-2633 .,.,.eek-end work. 673-74.13. COOKS: Sautc, b1'01ler, relief ,.._.,,1 =='="~·-E_._1_7t~h_S'-l.'-CM"-~ Top pay, A-1 machinist only & benefit!!, steady employ-COOK, Exper., for highly SERVICE Sta. Alt.: Penn., &. p11'fl 111nn . See Et11ie EXPER. warehouseman in 1267 Logan Av, C.?lf. ment. 646-7721 HT x so N reputed re 8 tau rant \n 1 .. ,, t•-• u-·,0 .. .,.._ ....... Brock. Towers Restaurant, EY..PERT Janitol'ial Service t b' & w Sil 81 E 1 t u "" • " " """"· U"ta ,~,.~"' C • ft • ·-· p um 1ng heating. ~Ir. LIOO CAR A -, 4 . METAL FINISHJNG. Orange County... ~p Y o Harbor Blvd. C.M. """ ·~· ow; wy .. '-"'6"na 531-7636 or 546-1794 White El••'•••·• (cl d T t 1 CLERK Addini: machine, calculator. r-.tust be accurate working \VJth fia\ll'a COLLINS RADIO tO. 19700 Jamboree Road N•wport Be•ch Equal opportunity employer * HOTEL INSPECTRl;5S !Day Shift\ MAIDS !Day & Night Shift) For large, lu.~ury hotel. Ap- ply to hoUSt'kecping dept. THE NEWPORTER INN ll07 J.amboree Road Ne\\'PQrl Beach Rft'S -ICU Excellent working conditions, ebo'ie averaa;e salary arxJ fringe benefits. Call person- nel dept. bet. 8:30 am _ & pm, Mon . thru Fri. 527-1144 Stanton Community Hospital J. W •. ltol>inscn Has Openings for: e SILK FINISHER e }'uU tim r. position. Excellent company benefits. APPLY PERSONNEL DEPT. F 11hlon 1 slend 1 Newport Beach Equal opportunity employer * NURSES AIDE To perform clerical and stu- v1riln dal1 n -m1cbines - A VARIAN SUBSID~Y 2722 Mlchtl..., Orlve' tA<tl. °"""' Co. ~ Irvine, caIH. 92664 An equal opportunity D C!ITlpioyl!r M I: F t>I N ATIONAL Corpora~, dl!:sittl n e a t , a well qualified e x e C: St;cttt.a.ry for vt~ Prttkfenl Sales " General Sales Iii' lor new ottittl Gpl!:nint 'In Nf!wport Beach FirlluiitaJ Plua, N.B. Write c/o BoJC No. F9.1l£ CWit ; ~1 ' ' Apply !lo Por .... : : Drive In llquo~·.-; 706 Ptciflc CMSt ~! Huntlng!Gn llNch' : TELLER ' ' Savingt Ir loan need9· itr4 for Teller I New Aecounti Clerk. Working expmeno( and good typist ~~~ Excellent .~ ~ lions. Apply World Sa~ &: Loan, m s. Cout 1f1'yJ Laguna Beach. f-! l Bldcpr ,Sec, :1 I Challe-job d I mature &-steady •·1 I apply 11 1150 Newport Blvd., C.M'J: DOMESTIC HELP.,, I' All klnd.5! HOUlekeepeno c-. Maldo ' Coml!!"I<!<!!' Rcferencel mi. Fee I: ~. ~~obs. c.au Miu ~.~, ARGUS AGE NCI ES' 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M,' ' SEVERAL OPENINGS : for women in Housekee~ 0top1. or -. -. PARK LIDO .. '"I Convalescent Jlospltal ·; • 1445 Superior Ave., N.J1~ ' 642·2410 fl ' . indust. & comnierc. Dick West. 546-1700 17th. Costa h-1esa. Age 18. 1 Box hof-482, Daily Pilot 8l'ach l)l'lll'l'en 5 & 9 pm BRING n~ULTS•. Apply In ""r.;;on. ........,,,.. 011<' ucsc ay _ ........, ··~ DAll.Y PILOT WAi'lT ADS! I.:==""'=,;;;,=~-========= SOCK IT TO 'EM• (.1-IA.RGE IT1 a--tARGE yoUr want ad no\v. L_a_n_d_o<_•_,p_;n-'9,_ __ 6_8_10 =======·==-===""'===== Helo Wanted Men nOOHtlp Wanted, Men 7'200 Helo Want9d. Men 720CHelp W1nttd, Men 7200 M .. 1., w .. ., ... ,. ~ • ., 7?00 Hel" W11nted. Men 7'100 LANDSCAPE RS dent contact work in the oU. GENTLEf.1AN want.I a Bl• ; k:c or a school nurse. Must die aged lady hou!otkee,.r have a valid appropriate 5 day1 a wttk, Live lru: Calir. drivers lieftlse and 8 out. Own trana:portatlon I • ATTENTION I ~ landscaping, and will trade a IT ft outboard with bl&' wheel trailer for your services. Lell ret together befOl'l your bU!)' sea.son. Phone 644-4687 SHEET METAL v•Hd, .,..,...i first.a;do c<r. ""'1nto~w· . CaU 494-2531~1 tificate-. Ten months $433. • .... -lt MECHANIC "A" pee mo. Nowport M•sa urn. LOVE °""' a "'~li'!f High School education Including courses In !ied School District • aassi-under 23, who l.!1 a ; Needed immediately. High school plus mechanical drafting (2 semesters) Trigono· fled Personnel OUice, 1001 typW, can lake llho • . High School education plus a minimum A or more years expert·ence in layout, 1 d G d Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. 111 able ro 'Wrk in the f · · eh · -i me ry an eometry, an at least one year ,,~,, ~ DRAFTSMAN STOCK CLERK I . I o one year experience 1n wa r ous1ng 1 lofting, fabrication, and assembly of . . d 1 1 1 d .......-vuuu once in awhile. LOVE. operation including storage and handling I · · 'h experience in ra ting 0 structura an Marine Ave., Balboa lsl•N •, P1nerh1n9inn 1 sheet metal parts and assemblies in ~ e mechanical elements. Will prepare detail and r-• o raw stook. Will store materials, fill il · Id M 1 h b * HOSTfSSES J•MAICA INN Ho TE P_•intinn. ____ 6850 aircraft or miss· e lie . us ave a-assembly drawings from design schedules * .. • .-- • _ ___ requisitions·, maintain location files. ta ke . k d 1 · · b d d '' lll'Nis 2 more maids, full ci • PAINTING Int &.: Ext. inventories .ind. related supply duties sic now le ge o mmlITludm fen Ira. 111 or layouts under the supervision of an en· part time. Age 25 or ~ • and bend allowances an o ma er1a gineer er des1·gner. DAYS and NIG HTS A 1 · :no•·"' Lowest contracted prices. as required. Mature individual required. PP ':f 1n pcr90n 1'-.l• • Fully in.1. Sa.lis!action guar. s pecifications used in 1 heet me4tJ. work. Coas t Hway., Corona ,6 il F1'tt est. Call Jim Weeks. Can layout, plan, form work from tern· Apply In ,,.rson or cill Appl.11 In person Mar 1..'• J 6.,,_1166 Apply in person or call plates. Adept in the use of power s hears, ( 714 I 546-8030 * CORE WINDE.'!;; • INTERIOR P•l•Uog 12 ,,,.,. I 7141 546-8030 power brakes, foot presses, squeasers. REUBEN E. LEE .,..,,,..,,al apt, """'~ l Bay area. Jmmed ~rvice. and all other machinery and equipment 3333 Herbor Blvd., Cost• Mes• of tractions l dcclmallJlld. ~ Call Bob, 6'S-«46 3333 H rbo Bf d C M C ('f used in sheet metal work. 151 E. Paclfl< c,1, Hwy. ''" "'""· App' .., Pn , • INT -EXT. ANY stOE I r v " osla esa, 11 • Call or Apply lo Polo Helfrich If. AtMliaosnilotiScy•leRm•esDievlaslornch Newport Beach '""""Pl., N.B. ""' l JOB. Xlnt ~. rels, free -' (714) S46-IQ30, E x t. 153 ............... ..., _ _..,jMOT'HER'S helper 1n 'if 1 est mt. 642-4fi69, 646-3749 If. Missile Sy1tems Division 3333 Harbor Blvd .• Coste Mes• change tor room A ~ ' 1NT. " EXT. P&1nu,,.. AU AHanli'c Research M lnllt Sy•t•m• Dlvl•lon c ,. T ii", J span"" ••"• 01<. ~ : • 1"'· CaU OW<Jo. 543-MlS CORPORATION ATLANTIC RESEARQI A Dlviolon of th• Suoquoh1nn1 Corp. T ~, WAITRESS Wani.d. Ello • .euon rates. Free est. Uc'd If. orpora ton --"';:'"";:;'<,""""•::·-;54>-;;:.,!JOl:::=;c...-G"q , INTER or Ext. PAINTING, CORPORATION ~ "'1 Ov" 2!. ApPly to ,._ ; Ill.MED. SERVICE. Local A Dlvition of the Susqueh•nna Corp. ,,.,. .,.11,1 opporful'l ity ""plov•r .ttJ: 1t.llll"D£1t.J • ,,.,..,.,.~ ,.,_., Rancho San Joaquin ~ : U S C.. h ... I A Div of~-J M r 'JOO c-,... Or. ' "',.,,,.., ,.....,. c ttL FREE est. 548-162'7 '. . ''"'"' ;, Req11ir e A" Equ • Oppotl11,.ltv • Tne Mi lo or f,.,., • 1y App y ,......., ,_ o...._,. c-, AlrlN'fl ou~. t.'l , ~~~~~~~~~·-~·~'~"~·~· ~~~~~~~~l~~~~~Q~~~Su~oq~ue~h~•~n~na~C~o~r~p~. ~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l'llOM J<ld-1111 DENTAL I t Ji.. I PAJNTrNG, Papering 16 )TS i'-11 1 ·~ M ltarbor area. Lie Ir bond· An •ci111I o19portu11ity ..,.,lover M/f Plca.se Call For chairsldf-, under 30, .1 I, ed.,Rds furn. 64Z-2356 Help W1nted Men 7200Help W1nted, Men 7200 An Appointmenl. linglon Harbour. Call ; . PAINTING A: maintenance, Help Wanted, Men 7200 H.lp W1nted, M.n 7200 Help Wentecf Men 7200Help Wanted, Men 7200 !'!!~~"'"""'""""'·-""'"""' IH' Tue~. R46--0GlT 1~i 1 !ntorior • .,1or lo ,, ADMINISTRATION SECRETARY II COOK !or """II kl tch1";.i : Rcuooable rate1. 646-3185. $UI to $557 C'OCl:tpil lou11f:r., call l RECENT COLLEGE GRAD MACHINIST ''A'' We have a need for professlonals TWo~atenoe>:l)(!Htntor. :~f.100~;7n 10 am 1 > 'tl•1terlng, R~D•ir 6880 We need a yoUng, energetic BA. BS Hl h Sch I d ti I th with the foUowing backgrounds: ~~;;~::~:.~~ :f:"'· HOUSEKEEPER I , f • p A 'I' c H PLASTER.INC. • B g oo e uca on p us ree years pro-Woslm-t'nsltr ce.re. ll~ln: ~Iv. ~ . ,. All .,...,. ,,,... .. umato. or .. 1 A who ,has some experience In writing duction machine shop experience. Setup and Pr.sed Development Schoel Dlstrl<t ""·· ""'· soo Wk., "\~ • Call 540-682.i procedures and management reports. operate machine tools to l:rrform machlni~ ) Experience in cost estimatinc, budg~ 1•121 CEDA.RWOOO '''k_,. 541J.S'l==u=_,,.--=~ 6190 He will survey and analyze Qivlston operation utilizing stan arcSs or fUmls h eUn", accounting, cost analysis, WESTMINSTER. CAUF,'. BrioKKEEPEJt for er• : P_lumlll."'=------functions. systems, forms and proc:l'dures, -prodacUon iooiing. PerCorms layout .and • firm Muat have ~ .,...,mi" • r and proposal development, wlth a LAGUNA Beach u n.I f 1 c d · "'"":,~ , PLUMBING REPAlR and develop & install new methods and sys-bench work, and may plan sequence o op-perltnce with CPA 1-.,, DRAIN CLEANING tems. elations for lower classifications. knowledge of EDP appllcaUons Is School Oistrici ii ..ccepW. Call 494--0763 tor intnvie~1-requlred. Degree in accounting or appUcallOna tor • 1ehool 54S-37orMD-Tll7 The ability lo wrt'tc clearlv and con· 1 d 1r·a1 d -ta~·. th'· -·,·u ~a 12 RELIEF COOK •'' PLUMBING REPAIR cisely is a must. · 1 Apply In penon or ull 1 n us 1 engineering an several ;;.~h ·~iti; ... Tes';; Will Experienced, for conval~ Ji No job too omAll 1714 I 546-8030 I ~ar• of experleoce. 'bo ,;..,,, m qualUlod ... ctn• hOlpllal. 642.M<< I. • 642-3121 • Plt1M tonf•ct or send resume to: Please contact or send resume to : pUcanm, Pe.raona applylne D ENTALCh a lr -•l~~ LEE KELLEY 3333 llirbor Blvd., Costa _Mes1, Calif. LEE KELLEY mua• "'U.S. cltlloeM. Con-Aa51 .. anL Exp'd. H.B. Of Sewl"I 6960 (·714) 546-8030 (714) 546l030 tul tht r."°""'1 Olllct, no: Call 96>J31' ; I I I 3333 Harbor Blvd., Cotta MMe. Calif. ~ . Blumont. ~ by oENT:U. Aeslstant, ,_ • DreumaJclrc. Altm\a.tk)nl CUstom De•t&m .......... Alterationt-641.s&U Neat, accurate, a:! yn:. op. 33U H~ Blvd •• Costa Mt ... Calif. Mlu llt Systomt D ••on Apnl 24. oo. fine worklrc """11tlon~ .IA; 18 to 35, nnt appearlrw. &XECUTIVE M-srs'-D1mi.. If.Atlantic Research ~ M1u11. s,.._ DM.... * w .(1TREss * ...,.... ..w,., -.=--. Atllnll·c Res•• .. h C t" Atlantic Rtsetrch 11>11 -· No .,....;enc. Capable .. -. .......... ,..,~ orpora 100 • """'"'"· AiW' In P'-l!IMm-:;_1 TrM S.rvlco CORPORATION : Corporation I c:..,..tlto BOB'S llG BOY SEOY·Ll!e BKKP'G *'" EgJ'ATE Main! Tree Strv A DlvhlM tJf tfite A. Dltftloe of the s.,....,.. Corp. °™' E. 17th, C.M. wk. lnttre1tln1 wid. :fl ft---• • trlmni\nmi tree SvsqtithcmM Corp. A Divl1ion of the Su1quth1nn1 Corp. _ 83l-3mi or m.33lll LI --6980 rwlflllv .. cv; • ..,... ,..,, •qt•I •p1torlwJ1lty •rr111'l.Y•' f'ULl. l I m " , txpt1rknced ttl•-642.-6300, Ml-200;\ , u, 1, t in-• llMUtfllll • "" • ..,,1 0..'9rlttnltf !'molt~ "" •q11tl epportunlty 1tll'l19loy1r M/f. Milo et F.Milo Mey ... ,,,., 9Cflklr l!:9lTOW e~rk. P.O. White elt!phMlS! Dime-a-line I ~ ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..,..,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.,,,. ,_ ___ .,...,,..,....,,.....,...,...,...,...,...,..,,....f ~""""'""""""""'""'""'""'""'""'"'""'"""'""'"""""" Box UIO, San Cltmf!nll • ' ' I " ' -- ,. I J 'r;--------~--~~~-~~~~---~~~--~~--,·~--c-·---~~--~~~------~--------~-----~--~·_.... ........ ._.........-.. ----·-. -~--• Of .. "' ............ "'"' -~ • . [ M DAltY PILOT 5.wrd.,, AprU 19, 1969 : lliJIJ-·-Lov-.... "';;;&&' E -Y-INl I IMPLOYMINT Ml~HANDISI POR MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDISI FOR MERCHANPISl--l'OR MllC!"NDISI FOii MERCHANDISE FOii = SALi! AND TllADI SALE AND TllADI SALE AND TltADI SALi AND TWADI sALE AND TllADI SALE AND TRADE '. Help W-'/400 ~.!".:'"°" -'14oci Ho~.::'"' 074411 Fu!l!liu,. • Jooo,F_.W,.. -'-'IOOO Fumltu,_{, IC!lll 0PIMM·I ci-w-..-i1id Mllall•nMUt l SECRETARY --,._..,, ~Plorme;J ~J_I , ''-.'J ~~~ l"" 1 ' 'Mo~_llllt--' '. ~;:m~,~-'°~ *mPUtKH u~~NEEDID. • ~ ~j:±.an ~· ~:~z~ ~~~:?~~'_f U .RN l.T URE · 'MOOMl.t<l1.tn10u1 ~~=~~~ ~~~ .... ~ : ~:."Typists •• ,.:!!&=:.~.!!.::.. oC::::: .. ~O!~ s.:~it'' -A u·c T 1.0 N tot a llK"ntt&ry ~ Enatnqer-le.nee detlrtd, Frlda.y-Tue&-e =taries 81 \\'ood carved arm divari, lg. man's Mair INS. Group diJPose11 ot: steel Hu~;4~ BH.eb 1'll Administrator.\ d-.y "''Ork Wffk. or love seat. 5 Pc Octagon dark oak din set dt!lks, cbaira. tabte1, tiles, Alt organs It pianos marked • nchers w/black or avocado Cramed chairs; 8 Pc BR ahelvtng, locken Ii. dnt.fling ilown drasUcall,v'' SEE· SATURDAY NIGHT ,, ' - \ I I I I I I ~ • I 1 I 1~ I I I ,, • ' 1 You should have &OOd short· * ruan&ftltt • PBX OIYirs. set. 9-dr Mr. & Mrs. dresser, lg mtrror, 2 room furniture. BURG stereos, ~ pianos hand and typing skills. with MHIAIOU • r-commodes. decorative headboard l)J. Spanish MCMat.an's 772-3400 & orgQllS. 1 New ' 1 Used ~~:,7*7::.:: ~:mm~:~'tt~~ W•~=~:... ~°!,d:.'iC:.;'~lh matching box sprlbgs, mat-·~~~~:1:~·d·s!.". ~~:~;,~., .. Me.. 6•30 P.M SHARPll sibk' ptorson wjth the ability )Tl'l, aecret&rial experieooe. ti It.ml Sold lndivldually __ _ (In back of p~ f-tousel • • •• to handle a numbtr or cler. you wan Shop Around -Before you buy lff US! Garage Sale 8022 icaJ ""' admina""Uon do-* TELETYPE VALUE $1095.95 -FULL PRICE $529.95 lies. IN1£RIM or terms as low e1 $-i.66 per w .. k GARAGE SALE: lG mm Good sla.11.ing rate and an o:· utlltnl company bP.nelil pragram Including 1welve days vacation during first year of employment and a Quistmas to New Years holiday vacation, EVENING INTERVIE\VS MAY BE ARRANGED Varian Data Machines U O Stor Cb Pia B k Fin · sound projector, Tourmellne OPERATOR se ur e arie n or an ancinJ mink stole, sofa & chall-. pr. PERSONNfl SERVKf No Fancy Front -UT Quality Values Inside Span;•h 1.,,.,r.,., rotor TV 1.linlmun1 ooe year private line experienee. Knowledge of PBX desired. Hours 10 am to 6: 30 pm. Confect P•f Folsum 13:J.0600 COLLINS 445 E . 17th St. Cost• Mes•, C•lif, 642-7523 lntervltwing Mon. thru F ri. I a.m. to 5 p.m. Equal opporlunity employer ARTISTS I antenna. wonien's clothing , • • • , , sz 10, 1nuch more tnlsc. .. SAT & SUN 646-0106 1906 Ttreslta Ln. NB \\10MEN'S Clothing, sz 7 & 9. Men's g, \\'Omens shot>s. F\irniture, misc items. 171· B MDnte Vista CM. Sat & JOBS & EMPLOYMENT -_su_n_lll-0. "'='°'~'~-~-- --------Purniture 8000 FANTASTIC e New Pianos 9 I EARLY WURLITZER. BRADBURY nspect All <tyl" • fa>bhos. '11 A W S II "'UICKLY 1 American made, 88 no«-, del S e e ..,. • w-bench & tuned. Price start. ing at $499. Pianos rented opt tn buy Wurlitz•r Organs e NEW e ?.1any other niakcs. r.1any AOK Commission Gallery nn GAROEN GROVE BOULEVARD - 1 mock West of Beach Blvq., off G.G. Frwy. start at ssm. ::": - EVERYTHrNG IN MUSIC Mi1e•ll•neou1 8600 Miscellaneous 8600 ---= styles & finishes. Prices!~"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beach Music Center B'k: : S I Bris101 Plywood Factory Sale! & Service I IRI a e ;~-.i~8~.F~l~~ ' RADIO CO. Due to expansion !he Penny· saver ls accepting apptica. lions !or part time LAY· OUT. PASTFrUP & PRC). DUerJON Artiilts. Experi- enced preferred. Apply in person \Ved thru Fri. PEN. NYSA VER. 1545 Newport Blvd .. Coste M!'sa School1·ln1~~!~.!'2~ SPANISJt Returned from LIFETIME Ci f.t, ~1odel Homes on sale al typewriting, C b 11 d r e n. less than v.1bolesale! Group grandchildren, or yoll.r!ell! lncludes beautiful 9 6 ' ' I n d l v I d. u a 11 y tutored quilted sofa & love seal, Chilcoat 10 lessons typing 3 Spanish oak deoxirator school. 173 Del 1.tar, CM, IP.hies, swag or table lanips, ~2859 "'all placque, king. quttn, Sorority l.fouse Clothing SIJIC'! All types, all sizes. Many household items foo, 2429 Andover, C.M. 54f>.0037 Daily 12 noon 'tl! 9, Sat 9-5 Our new fabrics are arriving, I =C~-7M~-~~-~=~-- 17104 Beach Blvd .. (H\\'Y 39) must make room! SEAICi Exercycle, like new ' A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY 2n2 Michelson Drive (Adj. Orange Co. Airport) Irvin., Cefif. 92464 An equal opportunity employer M·f Assemblers We have ao inun@diatc need for elecll'tlnic assemblers with a maximum of l yr. exp. You must b(o willing to work. On the 1st shift from 7:30 a.in, lo 4 p.m, KDowledge of color code. component parts & soldering is mandatory. Good starting rate :t-excel· lent benefits includifl&'. 12 d&Y5 vaeation during ~ ls! year of employment. Varian Data Machines A VARIAN SUBSIDlARY 2722 Michelson Drivt \Adj. Orange Co. Airport) JrviM, C•lif. 92664 An equal opportunity employer ~1-f EXPERIENCED e ESCROW e SECRETARY UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3141 E. CNll Hwy Corona del Mer 67:1-9240 Equ"l opportunity employer- EXPERlENCEO STENO UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3ai9 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-2003 Equal opportunity employer 19700 J•mbor•e Road Newport Bt•ch Equal opporlunlty cn1ploy@r See Betty Bruce at Hun~!~ B~~~KAru .?!!:!~,;;.:[~, ~lhng exptor. necessary. Full UO \V. Coast Hwy., N. B. lime ~mployment, com~ By appoint. 646-3939 beneiill!. App, at gen. offices PALM ST ATIONERS· l ~,~ .... CH~IN"E~s~ho"'p"'d"'r"il"'1 "'.,""",,,, 1604 S. Harbor ~lvd. operators, d@bun-ing hands. Fullerton, CaJ1t. Top \vage,;, xlnt \\'Ot'king TELlfR CdM. Exf"rienct .PreftrrH 675-5010 POWER MACHINE OPERATOR Sail! by Schock 501 29th Street, N.B. ~·--~1823 -· cuncl. Cape ' Engineering, 27694 Camino Capistrano, Laguna Niguel. 831-1164. Jobs-Mon, Wom. 7500 * HOTEL DESK CLERK- CASHIER Jleavy expnrience on NCR 4200. Good salary, .'i days. Apply in person. Only cxpcrJcnL't:'d need apply. LADY Pensioner. share home fur lig ht hoilllekCCl)- ing, co1npanionship plus. small salary. 646-7087 or '""" · THE LOCAL I• w firm requires NEWPORTER INN part time typist for autonia.. Ul11 Janiboree Road tic typewriter, E1.o·e:s pre. Newport Beach ft"rred, hours to be arrang. 64.,_1700 M. 642-9900 -- COMBINATION, Shan> Ba' • WAITRESSES Mruds k Go Go Dam:•rs-e BUSBOYS Top . wages $3.00-$3.50 to start. Ph. for int. 54f>.9983 Xnlt working col'Xlilions. Ap. SASSY LA.SSY, 2901 Harbor, ·ply in person alter I pm. c.M. THE FISHERMAN GOING To Europe this year? Brosh up your French ronversa.tion in my class. 642-<760 e VIOLIN Teacher. quali· fied, expcr. Enrollment srec this wk! 67;rS328. MERCHANDISE FOR SALE ANO TRACE - Furniture 8000 AOK Liquidation Fron1 Banks . Financt Co's F.stat!'s . r.1odel J lon1es QUALITY FURNITURE Spanish -l\fctfilerran!'an l\laple • Mahog . ~fodern Br<!_nd name bedrooms & king or any size box springs & mattres..~s. Custom made sofas & ~ove scats. Exquisite dining rooms & hutches. Guaranteed frost tree refrig· e1'3tors, color TV's, late n10. d!'I \\'&Shers & dryers arc all on salr a! sacrifice prices~ AOK Warehouse 77!.! G;11'fi,.n Grovc Blvd. ·~ Block \Vest of Beach f\"rur Carden Grovc f"rwy 0J)C'n 10.9 • Sun 10-6 MOVING or lull si1.!! bedroom suite <..'Omplete Incl box springs, n1a1tress, linens & boudoir lamps, Spanish oak 6 pc dinlng set priced f'lse\vherc at approx. $1195.00 ALL FOR ONLY $399, $20 down, $4.99 pf!r ... eek , out of st.ale credit OK. \V i 11 separate tor quick sale. 20th Century Furniture. 9 '? 7 2 Garden Grove B 1 v d • , Garden Gr'tlve Daily 10..9, Sat 10-6. Sun 12.5 Come in or call 1714) 530-5240 17 Pc. King Size Bedroom Large 9 dra1vcr dresser. mir· ro •. 2 bedside stands, king size headboard, h-ame, quilt· efl mattress, 11beets, blank· ets, etc, Choice of Spanish or Modern Style All For $249 No clown . Pmti. only S9 mo , WELK'S WAREHOUSE HD 3-\\'bccl Frame, r,,usc. 'Cy!!' & Car Parts. Tools, Posters. Mens' Clothing. 21&-l5th, JIB. Sun. only. Caragt' Sale-Saturday 1.fouschold furni ture, incl 's -4 !\\'in b!'ds, $10 eaeh, 217 Ruby A\'e. Balboa Island. 3 Family furniture, lamps, appliances. misc. Sat & Sun 10 to 4 Pl\l 321 Coral, Bal Isle GARAGE-RUl\1MAGE Sa.le Sat April 19, 9: 30 am-4 pm I7!i6 loll'a SI., CM 545-7975 Antiq,uos ~.:;o.. ___ ~1_10 (2l~LARCE t'rigida !re Refrigerators, auto deh'Osl , bottom . freezers. $149 and $99. },ood freezers, 12 cu ft upright $98. \\lestinghou~e elec range 30' ', $99.50. Whirlpool 2 speed washer $119. Kenntore. 2 speed washer, $124.50. Frigidaire deb: (Laundry pairl azlec copper $179. Other \l'ashers priced as Jo,.,. as $79.50. Davis-Brown 64&-1684 l~ mi. So. Snn Diego F\vy. $45. H'"""•'•" B'"•h "'~536 R d d I $10 95 Call'"'-,,.__!15tl'J Ea1'1y 1969 r.fodel e Ute 0 • MENS MacGrFgor golf clubs. .CONN ORGANS 2 Days Only! Roll·Klng bag & cart $70. Solid state. all types J)('rc .. Sal l~;J·?o Su l ·3()."<:0 Good condition. S'IG-1802 chin1es. Lesl le S~akers. '" n · ;,i. Vanguard Triml.inc Au!o Sµinr! & 1hca!l'r 111odels al ANYTHING Air Conditioner $51). gre11! savings no1\'! GOES • 548-4888 • One!' a Year Sal!' WURLITER PIANOS 2400 w. Coast Hwy • FIRE & Burglar Alarm NB, 642-6316 Systems installed as low as Low tel'ms _no rlown pymnt l'!!"!l!!!~!'!!!l!i!!!!~!!!!!l~l I $99. Call 642-3490 Open SUn 12 to 5 1~ ?.1on & Fri eves 'til 9 * AUCTION * STEEL guitar Sl.5. Gould M usic Company paddleboard $35. It you will sell or buy 536-2683 2045 N. Main SA 547-0081 give Windy a tr~, ' HAi\fMOND . Steinway "t· Auctions Frid~y 7;30 p.m. 3-WHEEL goll cart. new bat-aha & terics, good condition. m -nei; · used pla11a5 Windy'$ Auction Barn $450 8.10-282:: or all makes. Best buys ln . . So. Calif. rigbt here. Behind Tony s Bldg, Mat'!. - SCJL'11DT MUSIC CO., W7S~i Newpoprl, Ci\l 646-8GS6 Misc:. Wanted 8610 / 1907 N, ?.Jain, FURNITURE . All newlv ~ ~ · ·----- Sailing Santa Ana uplKJ!stered. Sofas, hide-a. $ WE BUY $ THE BEST DEALS h"1s. cha;rs, lo"'"""· .,_ On Pi•nos & Organs liques, dining table 11·1 5 $ FURNITURE $ chairs. Polaroid camera. APPLIANCES Are Always At 54i-l781 or 546--0957. 3281 Color TV'1-Pi•no'J-Sltr••· Colorado Ln, 01. I Piee• or HouJ• full \VARD'S BALD\VIN STIJDJO NE\\'PORT Beach T!'nnis CASH IN 30 MINUTES 1801 Ne~1'port,_C.l\1:, 642-8481 Cluh !llen1bership for sale. • 541.4531 • GIBSO_N J-50 Save S200. Call Harry REFRIGERATORS \11ith Har,:shcll CtlM', Butler, SO-J-482-3SS2 or j Luskey Cn~s-Cro~s DiI-ec- '1Til<'. 1956 1-:ast Banci'tlfl. j tories · Ne1vpor! Beach. San Fro1n !\'IODEL HO~tES S320 ne1v. $200 or offer. Sl>11eral to choose (ron1 Eric. 675-51&1 afler 6 P!\I Camarillo, Calif. Or.mentr. 492-4337 GOr \\'. 4th SI., Santa Ana Dunlap's, 1815 Ne11·port • S.\IALL upright piano D~VE!\PORT, rto111n (iJl('d, Open Da.Uy 9 • 9 Costa ~Tesa * 548-7788 niade in S!eini\·av factory 6 !an tweed, excellent con. Sat. 9 . 6 Sun. 11 , S O'J\EEf>'E & Merrit range. !\-lo.kl' olier. 49;,....-i564 ' dilion $•17. Andirons, han<l =====~.CC~--I l\1'0Ught & poker $ 3 0 Complrlr• Fr'C'nch Provincial Chromt' loP. rxcellent con. STUDIO PIANO, $175 .needs 675-40IJ. 3 21 Poinsettia: LABRADOR Pup, 4 mos. old Bedroo111 set, dining ruon1 dition $50. Call 673-182.8 Fri luning. CdM fem. Good 11·ith children. includes china, table 11·/ & Sun. * ;).19-2418 * .7.=""'°""°~~=~~~ See aft. 1 Mt! 2340 Elden, l('1111es .t· 6 chairs. color UPRIGHT Freerer. $ 7 5. PIANO TUNING Ii Re · M~:L~ Buffet. 56" wide by CM 4/21 FREE TO YOU -----1 l"V , \Viii separate, Mu~t be Kenmore Classic G"~ SIO"", E pall' 35 hi gh. Good cond. $20. f'REE Must sell entire sold 81 a sacrifi-pri"e.' ..., .... At"-rt"""A•",:......,reasonab,!_! ,,967 Oil? duplicator, . uses sprlt lo you. Large Bamboo ... ,. ... $150. 858 Victoria, Apt B, ,..., '"'""s u•....., fluid, \\/Orks fine, $ 4 5 • 30 Jt tall. You cul canes or Houseful of Furniture Tcrrns available. C.!'vl. I<IMBALL Consalettc piano. &12-3219 or S39-2S76. ~* A~~nts as desired . :: y1·s nc\v. Queen sz Spanish AOK Wareho o L. .. ..... .............. USe KE:NM RE Aulo \vasher & 54,6-g.,96881 finish; like new $675. All!ATEUR ••• ,,-, Swo• •= BR ser. corner groups, din t d ..... " v-N ·i~• ' T1'l'l Garden Grove Blvd, e cc ryer, matching set. · transceiver. Xlnt cone!. 1275_ K • • 1:.o1,S, 6 wk.s old. 4 all rm sci, sofas. bar stools, 1 Bl ,_ 1., 1 Ro""-" • ,.,, I g 0 wh;to 3 1 all bl k bumper pool table. Much ·~ ocn. ·vest 0 Beach ... uuu "" ., .. ar. · 6'1" GRANO. \Valnut finish. Hy-Gain 18 AVQ vertical all ' orange, ac · , . Near Garden Grove Fnvy 847-811:; very good cond. band antenna. !JO. &1"!6'6 1 grey stripped. 2 mothe1· l\fEDICAL E.'<p'd bi 11 in g more -Everything l!O<'~! I 0-·1•9 * S:o• 1n" .,... cats Heallh <:At: ""'"' 4121 Sal,_ Suo_ I". ··-" ~ .... ....., WHIRLPOOL gas rclrigcra. * ll46-2188 * ~~'~Y'~-~833--0l<~~~7;,~'~"=-~-~liifi._>i;j;ifi''j;-~-f-'-~=ij;;~;;;;;-1 clerk & lite bookkeeper lor·l-~~--c~-~~~ • ~· - at the Pier, H.B. inedical facility. Send Short Handed ~l BayshoN' D1>. 20 Pc. Maple lor, no frost w/ice inaker NE~V Hamm4'.'n? Model h'. \VHOLESALE 5 gal SEALPO INT Siamese, resume P, O. Box 258, South J have an immediate open· (Bayshores) NB. $100. Speed Quff'n gas dryer, Spinet. Oak finish. $650. PM nia.rgueriles $2.50 ea. l1i gal female. l 4 mos. All shots, Laguna. lng for 2 Real Est.ate sales • 646-1310 * 3 ROOM GROUP $20. Fret' washer· w/dryer. only 673-7030 twisted jumpers, $1.1. ea, decl&\\'ed. To elderly person I T --'"'""""""""~""''"'~.... lncluoes: Uving room set · _639-..,28~7~6~o~r~64"°"'2-_37=1=9_==~ 1--· various ot .. -r plan'--466 E . only, 548-5184. DRAPERY open.tor, exp'd. peop e. op . ~mm1s~1ons, 1 · '"' ..,, &: fabler. Claasic Draperie!, e.xcellent lratn1ng. liberal 20 PC. ''MADRID'' ta.blc' • lamps . bedroom \VASHERS & DRYERS Television 8205 18th St.. c.a.t. FEMALE German Shepherd 3853 Birch St, N. a. ad budgl'I. high sales vol· Sf't • ,qUilted mattress • ma· Several from ModtJ Hoines S~ALE""'~,~,~Mco-~1~B~R~~~-'vith papeni, affectionate, * ... 1431 * ume. Call for interview. 3 Room Group pie dining room. AU ror.,. Dunlap's, 1815 Newporl Z1~m-I50 p23",Color (remote) & ~ i; r'oPr' 3 ~ 4 !:s excellent guard dog. To ....,. f>itOM MODEL HOMES $449 Costa r.tesa :wS.7788 ~"· · ac an.t Bell Color . ' .,... =c· single temalP. 675-2843 '1/21 BABYSI'ITER needed Tues C, F. Coles•,...orthy 642·7m 21", Early Amer cabinet tional. apt So/ gas slove, thru Fri. 2:30 pm to 5:30 REAL ESTATE. Shouldn't Includes: Quilted 90fa & No do\vn . Pmts. only $18 mo. RARE i;al!': Genuine old \V/ tambor doon;, $199. gas dryer, \Vasher, brkfst NEED good home for lovable pm. 2 ch.i.ldren, 2 &. 4. ya11 be selling t~ hottest chair -2 end tables & col· WElK'S WAREHOUSE Chinese lacquer screen. 6 Revere auto cartridge tape set. 6T:r4214 675-6342 blk & wht friendly pregnant 646-9T.l0 area Huntington Beach? fl!"' table - 2 lamps -dress. panels, Citing Dyn.. t:Ol· recorder $149.95. Davis. l'vlAGNAVOX Slereo; bdrm. cat. \Vlll plal'e kit!ens. DISHWASHER Call Phil McNamee Village er -mirror -hearlboard -lrctor's item. Reas. 499-2·147 Bro\vn. 646-1684 set·, French inlaid table·, ... , 836-449:: 4121 I ~· .. 71 quilted box spring &: mall· 60C \V. 4th St .. Santa Ana .. .. D""' Rea Estate .,_.....,, t'.!r NO\V OPEN! Dolls, c.-ol---glas.<i, old clocks: misc. POODLE: . Terr. Mother & 6 ~ ·~ "IOJ ress -5 pc-. dining roo1n : Open Daily 9 . 9 C & 2106 \V. Oceanfront (Across'!='=~====--,-,-,,-,~ tc>blc & 4 hi·back chairs. Sa 9 lector ·s & Giff i tr ms . am•r.as Equip. 8300 548-7000 lovely young pups ncl, good Sharp CarMr G•ls !rom Pier & Dory Fleet) EXPERIENCED d j n n ~r CO?.IPARE AT $749.95 : L ' -6 Sun. 11 . 6 HELEN'S ANTIQ UES 2.123 ROLLEJFLEX Camera 3.51---,G=1B=s=o=N~J7.~so~-homes. &l2-5808 4/'lJ. ~l:ys. Clerk Typlzll!. GaJ PART Time typist. girl Fri· \\'l iters ~ waitresses, ban· $399 ~~:~re~~~~dutbu~;oq':a~[tyt, Ne\\'fXlrl Blvd, store J . 01. Tcs.i;ar Lens MX Synch. $80. '>'>ith Hardshell case, 2 YR. old Med. sized male Fridays, ~ts. Bkkprs, day, 3 to 6 hrs a day. Flex· quet1 wait1"1 ''"s' Bus bo,;._s. N d Prnt 1 116 .$85. Large rose occ. chair l.fONDAY Specials, jewelry 645-2629 $320 new. S200 or offer dog. Has tags & shots, lami· RNs "1: LVNa. Both f@e Ii: tee ible. Age 17 to 25. $1.65 per App Y, a er pm. <Kn ° O\vn-son Y mo. ~. Lge round oak coffee & misc\. James' Antiques • Eric. 675-5160 alter 6 PM, ly pet. 642-Z724 4/22 paid jobs, Top co's? Call hr. 64" ~10 ••k ~ Pbyll.is Bl'O\\'ll s Restaurant. 31106 WEI.K'S WAREHOUSE I bl SI 2721 E. Coast Hwy, CdM S G FREE4° to -"·me 6 t no..;. 548-........ ~ .... IUI So. Coast Hwy., So. Laguna. a e 5. Couch $2:1. Inlaid porting Goods 1500 IRL'S, Boy'11 bikes $4 -$8. '"' . cu' ·-,,_ SALES CLERK 40 .. _ wood coffee lable SJJ. 1 .......... Vast stock Amer/Eur furn&: ~ Parts 10c _ S7. Clo'"--·. ,11 puppiei:, part B e a g 1 r.:. ARGUS AGENCIES ' . •u .. , HOUSECLEANING He I P -•· 1 •-t.a ""'~ ""' ""70 5 day \\'eek, Sat incl. ' . 600 \V. '11h St.. Santa Ana ba by crib $25. Red naug, c oc..... fTY Morgan AnH-HUNTING Rifle \Vln. mo sizes lOc _ $5. 1949 Arnold, .,..,,...,., 4/22 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.l\1. Call only 642-.. fi63 \\'l.nled, C' 0 u P 1 (' · F.x· Open Daily 9-9 C:i!iloung"r 1\·/vibrntor $45. ques. 2428 Newp, Bid., c .r.t. 70-338 mag. I\'/ adj .scope & CM. 548-9526 2 l\oIOS. old puppy, part BAIU.WD night!. MAVER· lor appo\nlmcn; perienced & reliabl!'. Call ' 511 1. tJ-6 Sun D-6 \Vnh1u1 hall table S IO. KENl\fORE 30" doublt' oven casl'. Like nciv S I :J 0 . l.Q~U~7.L;-----~K~-CC--~S~---,.-,.-_ Poodle·Terri!'r, black, n1a!e. CvtS 54()-1249 _ 642--'"19 · 536-.1fi:"? " · ng • lZe heel IV/ '1A" TCK 1728 Ne\.\'por1Blvd, C.M. SALESLADY E · ced -1 RETURNED FRO'! 1.0 gas range SlOO. F'rigidairc )~ _ _ _ quilted 111 a t I , , •ompl•I" lMV"'"2769 aft. 5 p.m. ~/21 . . . . xperi!'n \VAITRESfu & BUS 80\'S . " " Apply alter 6 p.m. onl). tor bakery. NEEDED. CALL FOR 1 LUXURY APARTJ\I EN T CLO Mahogany c h i n a dish\vashrr. deluxe $.ti. 471 SKIN D1v1ng equip. T"·in N()ver used S98; \VOrtli $250. 4 ADOR. 12 Siani. Kittens, 6 Beauty operator full or 544-6160 /\PP'T 847_2.).'Jl Complete hard rock n1aplc cabill('t, 2 glass dr11. S45. Magnolia. CM. 54&-3704 5{J's, rcg .. etc. Make offer , Si7-0400 ,vks. 0!1!. \\'Caned & hsbrkn. part lime. Balboa Island. BEAUTICIAN Needed to ' hOUS(!ful, king bc<h'OOn1, Olrlrr & lru-gcr ch 1 n a KENlloiORE \VashE'r. good 2 ___ 13=·="'~'-='-"~'-~---JCA=R~P~E'l'=s~.~v~;~,y~l~s.-cT~il~,-,-, ~1,-,-1• 67:l.-rol5 Aft. 4 P.J\ol. 4/21 ** 61>3101 ** take over clientele. 61~2835 • -Me & cui;tom living: roon1, 7 pc 1tin. cabinet gtasi; on ·1 sides. $SJ. cond. guaranteed. SJ5. RIFLE. 300 H & 1-l magnum, est gtyles and color& Com-1 t'Am Guinea P igs, 8151 MOTH.ER'S helper. live-in; days, & eves 64&-4608 Aty,nci•:~ n 7550 Ing roon.1, c.'Olor TV, rrosr 3 Ql'lginal N. Currier pie· * 847-8115 * Enfield action, \\'ilh scope & merclal & Residential. Ex· Michael Drive, Apt A, lh•n· lllht duties.· Costa Mesa o p En AT o Rs-spec. om free refn.gcrator, washer & tures. 536--3612 Sal & Sun. \VASHER & DR YER (stack-case. SlOS. 54g...{i794. pert installation. tington Beach 4/21 home. 847-6848 For app't. ma•ht-Good ••v St•ody FEMALE dl)"cr. Will Wll a.II or part, * Double bo.x springs & e<l) S75, excellent 1.-ond. --642-1403 54().7262 SMAU. femaJe ~--k~·--.. ..... ......,. · · , tem1s avail t•-I•--Ml 111 •LAA '-"" -... ,,..... CHILD care, my horn@. 8:JO Garment factory. 642-2666 Bkkpr, (fee pa1dl .. to 5600 . ma u.:ss, i~ ne1v. reason. 9b"2-1670 see nMus ~ • VACUUMS • nerd s g'o o d home . to 2:30 WHk-days. $30 per TEl\IPORARY Typist, 5 day SIC. 1nature, ~table ,. AOK Warehouse abl('~ Bali Hi Trlr Crt. Sp WASHER &: Dryer Rcpa,ir. KNITTED fABRKS $10 up. Repa!Mi & parl.5. 496-2585 4/19 \\'t't'k. 545-4147 "'eek. Write: P. o. Box us Stock Cshr (spht le' 1 ~Q S.ij() 7722 Garden GrovP. Blvd. Gl, S.A. CoJI 53l-3L'l0 Xlnt-guarantced service Reasonable, Coast: Vacuum, BEAtrrIFUL Half-Shepherd JANITOR C M Or Ph. 642--7725 Exper. IBJ\! ~; Bl()(•k \Vest of Beach Reas rates. 847-8115 33.l E 17lh C 1'1 642-1560 POPP>·-4 mo·•h• old, lo·-• ' 1 ' · AIR Bkkpr tfee paid) to S:l75 I Near Garden Grove F'J'\\'Y LOVELY 8 ft sofa, never US· ""'FOR SALE · ' . ' . children. 54ti.'2959 4ffl Vitamins Mfg. plan! DRIVERforcattti""'tnlck, You•g 1 .. _4,-10 50 O 109 * S IOS -t qut"lt-• Bon1l 1 S _ M h" ll"O Re .. ,_ 1 & MillNE\VPORTBcachTenn1s for appt. call 646-3931 21 or over exp. ·;,, nee . .,..,.ty" (~pfl;-'"ftt l , .. , 10 S;j~:i ~=!>"7---"-~-,--~""~-~ ,-, ' "'' ' sco -•wing .ac '""----·--~"a:._~,. 0"1mP8" 1 2 Club family membcn;hip. 2 ADORABLE kiUens. wean---• ~ -•·-531 1041 ~· • F"-'lur rel"~ h•m d;~ chguardcd $115: matching euus "'"' . n Y a.m. G t''IM _ _, ..... DESPERATELY,..,.,..., Kuuuea11UI!b"· -SIH.t-~~. ... ... e .......... ..,.. J s~ 53 '68 SINGER z· t ~ =train....., shots 646-4698 .,.,... "" 1 ud' mod 1 ovc St'nl •J. 7-8032 , Jg·zag. au o. p.1n . 9'l9 Baker, Costa Mesa. · ** ,~ .. •·-** · · . babys.itter 3:30-12:30. CM. \\'AITRESS wanted Apply In l\lALE Pay 11 IOS. <' homes, EA with walnut cabinel. Take ,,,..~ after ~i. weekdays 4122 M "-, ·~ ·~ 1103 decorators cancellation. • Sl'ERN Hardrock maple 4 1961 OLDS Conv. Exttllent ....... 1QUE G-, al area. Y uum · onir.iuov Peraon. ~fesa Lane!, EngincP.r l\1/E dcgr!X' bed $50 ovE>r 5 pymnts, S7.:5 mo. nn • ·-~... c e FREE Refrigerator, frtt;r:cr EM ~. -A CM 113 500 Spanish & Mediterranean etc poster · · Box spfin& Coll s~ ~16 an·M.....,., cond. RCA color TV A: st_aro ·~-Portobl• 18,. TV ,.-, .. • "•rks -· 96• _7 mo-1 =,;~~;,IT::,TO:::,'~:;;' ='--''°~°'-=~=""=··=;·==I IF,., pd\ .......... " RD fVRNITURE & mott-·· 125 ••c h "~ ,...... ·-SI t h -• " ~~ "" ..-·-· Dye &moldio:xprrif>nce ... ._ · -·. eep eac •ng cart. Excellent condition h:tgll only, 4/19 H.lp Wanted Help Wanted Cabinet Maker ffee pdJ S'1 ph 11144 Newport B lvd., CM 673-4668 Musical Inst. 8125 machine Ir: records S40. Sun, S50 646-4225 YR USED l!Ofa $10: used dineUe -----------April 20. 1741 ·Pomona, No. -· _ ·==~~~ 4 old blonde female ~ lp;;;;W~o;-;";;";;;;;;;;;;;;7;;400;,;:;;;;W:•:"'°:;;";;;;;;;;;;;;7;;400~1 Heavy experiellC(' every night ti! 9 $2'2: iiair lanip~ S!I; mat· Guitar Headquarters lC, cr.1. Call days Mon-Fri STAUFFER Reducing die. To good home. Matrrlal Oerk !fee iobl $3..'5 Wed., -0 -L & Sun 't"•I 6 ""7797 MACHINE ~3581 ~.,.. tress &. Box S22: 11.F.R.C. e NE\V and USED e ~ .,.,,,.. Inventory experirnce C II "' • ., Aecounlanl (fP.e jobi .. 12K QUAL. Kng Sizt' b!'d "'' !'l48-J.181 Fender • Vo.'< • Slandcl lO KEY elcc add'g mach $30. a ~-.7 7 \VJ<: female puppy . ' STENO -SECRETARIES lnteresUng positions requiring one to three years otfice experience. Pleas· ant personality plus accurate skllls on e!ect.ric typewriter and shorthand required. Conttct Denna Ehle 17141! 546-IOJO .uJl Heritor Blvd., CMt• Mes•, '262• Ml11llo s,__ Dl•llloo Allantlc Rese1rch c;oltPORA noN A Dtmloo ,,/ Ille s.,.-.. C:•p. ' ) >,11 elf"'' '''''hrllil'I' ,.,..,levt1 - Mtl• et f •111tle "''' •p11l'1' - • Resurne n-qulrOO quilted m .at l., complete I 'so=rA'""'l~S0.,----&'""'2~1a-,..,.-~1-,-rm-e GIBSON • MARTIN Rt:iyal io:ltt typewriter S50. EARLY Amer. couch & chr ~hort-h11ired, blk/brn -"'Ill Mtrchents P•rsonntl Nevtr used $98.' worth $250, chairs, $2.5. ea. Xlnt cond. e WILSON e YMIAH.A Ren1init:ton Rand prinl'g 2 end tablez. copperto~ 00 llm11 ll. 646-7586 4/21 Agency 847-0406 Call 549-4230. Orum Heedqu•rterl calculator S75. Smith-Corona Frigidaire, mod. Labier; & FRE:E Rabbit II.duh, frmale:. :.!IMS \Vt~tdUf Drlvr SOJ>~A & Chair. new, never ROUND Maple Table, 4 cllfS • NEW and USED • stand, t.)'ptWrlter $35. AU ln chair, etc. 546--0603 • l yr old tame trlendty peol Conl<'r lith & lrvlnt u~. Make otfer. 548-$l25 & pad. Naugahyde couch. LUDWIG, ROGERS, AsrRO rood conrt. J?OO w. CO&!t UPHOISI'EIUN(; • (Euro-646-8298 4171 6.J5.2nn -sc;..5685 (lr 962-3059 eves only. All good. 548-53.17 tarse selection \\i th new 4 H"1'·· NB. pean crtlllsmen) Free est., Kl'ITENS, 6 1o1ttks old. newport , peisonn~ • agency Profestton•I Strvlce for the employer •nd th• appllc•nt 833 Dov•r Dr., N.B. 641-lt70 54 .. 2741 Schools.lnstrudlon 7600 PIANO ~~..,n~: The \'e'I')' bell\ in ll\.~lrucl'lollll. Call M-4-21\.19 20 PC. MODERN 3 ROOM GROUP Includes: f'\oral sur• & chair walr.ul h1,bl~, . lamps . complele bedmom "''ith quill ed rnattreBS • $ pc, dlootte, etc.ADfl'lll',., $277 Nv down • Pmls, oflt7 $10 mo. WELK'S WAREHOUSE pc. sets and cymbals atart· FOR Salt' Air cotnpressor ., ... "'"""' 'fWIN bedroom !t'l •A5, End • dt".. pickl.\p, ~5 Main, HB '1'1<>-0UN 4/21 .,.. ing at $99.50. Pedah1. hi·hats 40 gal tank $12.'i ~hop Be tohlc• s.·,_ r~ bo:v•_ ~-11 · · "' rnard's Vphol 536-&loa ..........,ENS J bl • 7 7 ..,. .... , -v ..... and 11e1s rep.a.ired, All mall Sn11lh $1%1. Lincoln 225 amp ' , "''' ' · ac ... , grty. Sunday nnly. 673-6302 part&, acce110ri« I.: cymb.'\b al'e i\"elder $"15. Rrfria. sz;;, CHARTER Membtrsh1p fot v.·~b; old. 6i.r5881 .t/19 3 ROOMS FURNITURE. ln stock, l.gt' hl•Avy desk $20. Bdnn sale. Nl!.WPORT BF.AOi FREE puppy 6 mo old, l~s MUST SEU.! " EVERYTHING IN MUSIC itel, l!ke ne'" S\50, QUI T64~~~S CLUB. Ca 11 chlldtn 962-5189 4-19 1<2-4844alt S oowltcl)o. B h M ' ( t 148-4'96•ft 5.15pm. '==-=,.......~---TOP SOIL 4 \Vl!ITE naugahyde dining eac USIC en er •. RUSSEU. v -b 0 t I 0 m STERLING Flat\\"att -Laguna Beach "94-8.l 71 chnlrs, like new SlO each. F··•·-Sal•• , o--·t-surfboard, tin bGx. xlnt Intern at Ion •_I '• _co. '""135 ~"98 ..,.._,, "'-·~ ... ., TINE.'ITAl.. 12-FERTILIZER, horse wl •~ , 6o..-vo "'-u .. 12 -· 'Ill 9, o.1 ".. cond. SGa; eJec. <Uitilr Ir . St.~ piece ... _ ...a•v ""''"' -» """ pl ce elti"'"' 61'J..8*)9 &1W1vina-s. 548-.l24J 4121 Maple Hutch $SO m04 ,,..,,. Blvd .. 1H""' 391 ""P-$511; Y•m•h.t ro Tnin • ' --··--1~-1 ml. So. San Oltgo Fwy. bike, "d". ~w forkll JG,;. Tropical bull sna.ke I Bl:.""D sprl"R &: mattre1s. Nr * 642~ * H1n.ti~lon Bench 847-8.')36 ~9-CQ<ll & cage. $9. BTiitol &: \\lamer. 549-2309 60':' \V. 4th 51 .. S.nltl An• 11 P.F.•'RIGER:'TOR. DI ft I n & 12 S!rlnq. hollow bocl)'i "'\' Hl'<·llnlrta cta.mpt'I' ~ab,l ,-,==,.-,!16So,_.36.\0-'_ ,,--,-~ FREE kltte~. 673-4236 4122 Oprn Daily 9 . 9 tbl & chni~ 2 rooms or clel'lrlc guitar. $Ga. $:ill. 1:: .. PackArd lkll color A\\'NINC 8 x It. plastil· CL'TF; Blk. Rabbit adult, Sat. 9 . G Sun. ll . 6 bedroom lurn. 642·3324 eYt'i'I. • 846-3>19 • 1V. m11kr offl'r, 8."5.S-B \lie-coalM canvas. 'l't'lesroph'lt m11Je. 64&-tro.i tilt , find att•• boys ui I.(). I THE QUIO<ER YOU CALL. Nei-.J • "-'°"roensiangh•t tnrin, Ot. frame 11 pole.«. s~:>. :\."li-llll A~rr~L"l'. m11h11T fe:mflll!: day'• Ousirtl'd AdL n1r Q\JIC'KER YOU SEW. rtnd '' •ill'! • •·ant ad' Wblte Elephantzr C11ARt>E )'!)I.IT want ad now. Silll"l'!e.."".' ttl. 5.16-.~ 4122 -----'----· I I ' t • I ' ·, . t . ' ( \ I • t • : • ' • I • FOUi CONVINllNT OFRCIS 10 SDYE YOU •• e NIWPOIT ~CH ····--Ull ~ llM. • • COSTA MESA ............. -......... ,no ;'f"til .., e HUNTil*TOH HACH -·-Jot 1'11111 - e U.6UNA -CH ..... __ UZ ..... A._. \ • I • ANTIQUl'~ Mahoi::a11,Y step $LJDF, projector $25. GIRL'S Schwinn Stl~ table, leather top $25. n.rtc ID-13.16 . ~ blkf,. Chrome fe1*rt ud rh-.wer chest, while \\'It~ PERFECTofl·wbitc .~tn,5.546-1115 ronnie11.. top $20. sa..~ boo!•, :-±;::.,:z;;..:::...:;c:_ ___ I ~1oilltov, she 9 $25. )~our h:c upholstored armlou ct)alr RENAULT tnnamlllion $20 cream chairs, antlquo heart $25. 6 straight chah, V.l>Ven Radiator ~ 81)1,re lire and design, go.Id RY"''' 11e•ts. SC1..l8/back• n1 ea c h . rim $4. each .. Bucket sea ta $3 ""\ Hand· tied l.l"l'• ~. wool ·each. 545-4475 vrime-a>a.tcd, ready to hag t Jlainl aJ'O' color $15 each. ~5 ' gold, oU-whi e. 4' x 5' ROUND dlnlni: !able 36" Antique smoke 1tand v.ith · • 49-1-775.l * diameter, v.·alnut w It Pl dra1rer $15. 1933 Wallace. ne\'&mar top S35 End tables, Apl . I, upgtaln, C . M. AQUARfUMS 6 and S gallon1 1 coUee table, walnut with G\2-2932 $.J to S4 each, one stlf con-nevamar top SlO each or 3 0111\t Meter $15 19•· port•ble tained Pemco $25, 3 10 lor S2,; Danish mode1'fl oc· $1.>. ~ gallon S5. $8 and no each, 2 ca.sional chair& with zl~ 15 gallon $12.50 to Sl5 each,. pered cushions $15 each 2 ~~~ l\tERCURY, f'li't't')'lhin:: 3 SlB.rxil $3 and SS. 96l-83l9 table lamps $10 each or 2 but enginf! $25 plus extra BOOKCASES $6 . S25. 1960 for $15. Italian style an- lransmlssion. 59 !-~lal 500 Rambler radio S'1. Stereo tiqucd tamp $25. Everything S:!j, 11<'cds work. End taWes, al'lll !ISBOrled good speakers excellent condition 540-8538 -:. $j. !needs refinishing) $1 · $15 .• BOwling ball $3.50 PADDLE; board. excelknt Dcser1-Ain' heat lamp fQ. ar.rt $4,.\0. Dresaers and J t..a.. Sa~" IJS Oars: for 2 man nift $5. chesl.!I Sta •· $25. Otild's ~inj use. ~cc · 4-V\V. rinis $15 and $.} f'&ch . desks no 515. Chain $2 • ~-~· -------~1n1n filrn editor and splicer $ii . Night standi $5 $8, n.e.,.N, Volvo 544 parts: $23. Proj«tor cover $5. 2100 llollyv.·ood headbo8rds SS. fender$ la pajr-Grill a n d ~·ederal St., C.~f. Dvuble silt' box t>P{ings ~nd sheQrSl.2 Hood $10 Bumpers ~ BUCKET scats. bolt down, mauress $12 eaCh. Twin S7 Dl!ck lid $9 Olher Volvo SIS each. 4 track cai· tapes size box springs and mat-body,, mechanical and gla.u ~::each. 673-554!1 tress SlO each. Patio table items S1·$15. 67~76 --:FALCON" Po t bl v·l!h foldlng legs $20. Gas SURFBOARD 9' 4" nnd bike patio ba.rbet.'U: a e:~IJ~~~ ~atc1_-in cabinet :sa. 36.'<36 trailer $20. 67~2336 o·ondillon S2S. Elcct~lc' spH, -~::~:a •1a:!~n.$l2. P~"'C'r LARGE 4 pl('C(' ~tlonA.1 propane g~s tank, sheJv:s uiJdl'r d::h car =si;~~r sofa, needs upholsttnng ~ and plas11c cover S 2 J , H 'd "OOd TV bl si5 1'fahogany d1'CsMr 5 1 .1 J-;alboa Point. 67>-4929 a\ \IC t ct nets, 1'fahogany highboy Sl~• Qf. cat· i. us oni 6 e er n g flee desk S20. 67S-l148 ::ocr STAlNLESS steel \1irc whc1•I $4. Com I o r ta. b I e -~~="7~~--"-"--­ ropc 6xl9 lOc loot for ,.t"Jclio couch bee $ 2 5. 1:.-" El\IBOSSING tapc' SOc Jo!elint's o. hr. I yard g, l\i i si.-cllancous glass\\'Bl"C roll, Argu~ C-3 fiash at· lJrange life ''l'Sls $-!. 4x8 ~,j " bofl!;s;; c-s..;. 892-95'16. 15432 la"hn1cnl $1 . ~ .. heavy duty c\lcrior Aee Pl~·ood nc1v Duke Circle. Hunt:izagton drill p7.50. 1926 UnlW'rsi!y SW. Pncu1natic boat fender Bench of Minnesota Jr. year book ~S. Foot locker $.1. Torque PIGEONS 13 . b!I Sl S"JO. ·ss Ford spotlight SJ. 111-ench 150 lb. S25. Com· feed ~2 =:-· squa · Hcovy duly batte1·y c~r i •1~sion checker st o . · a.rr JIO"''er $15. Large comptts!Er only 1 ·raflsman sabre sa,,. $10. mo~·er Sl2. Singh~ box $25. Girl's i..r · bike $6. Craftsman circular &11.111 8" sprtngs and nu_i.ttress no. Unicycle $4. T\U>e 1.cslf'r SZ,. RD'RJCERATOR, apt sWi •"t'lgldo.ll'f!, aood coodil.ion, l.'l'eti.t tor 1urplus or beer xturate S21. 67"'.HX>47 ovcn-1,... ALL 011,y S&turda.y 8-5. ll!M. Boise Wicy, Costa, Mesa.. 5-46--0291 2 cribs $Il>-SL'i. Bathlnette $4. Portable TV SlO. Iron ~-Wiglet $10. 11lgh chair $5. Clothing X--$2. Bicycles $ l 0 -S 2 0 Bakery goods le-&lc. Ca.r llf'at $2. BOAT Trailer. homtn13dc. j 15'" \\'heels !or 16' and under ' 125 . .Never used S14 wid..Tr cat hed SID. Night tttble $2. 545-3319 DELTi\ 6jQ ;..: 13 tubeless 4 ply tires, guaran!f'l'tl for 25,000 n1Ucs one n10nlh old, paid $90 for 4. Sl5 each. Kl !)..4:131 BRO\VN 1\,·ced bed divan, re<-en!ly uphollrtered S:!l. 546-2646 2 IRONS Sl ench. New sun\· m('r handbags SI.JO each. Galcleg lable 45" x 34" $2j. 42" roulld table wlth 14 x 24·· legs $15. Good chaise loun;::f', \11>0d $3. 8.45 x ti \\'hilc sidc11·aJJ tire $3.51). !I :-.. 12 broadloom $20. Black new SL"quin dl'eSJ; $15 .. Facial sauna, nc11· $1.50. Old table Sec!'Cla!")' S20. 6 V battery charger $3.50. Off v.·hile 12'' x 1:1.. bathroom sink for "''all mount laucet {ova]) $S. Le1vyl vac1.1um $5. Black pole lamp S2. Kitchen itcnl.S Z.M..'-Sl . 6·'6--9568 Saturday and Sunday. lo-t PM, 1911 CliU Dr .. Jl'ewport Beach ood II 1__ Too.~tl'r S2. lol1scell&neous 536-3021 , ~:?;;. "'' she h""'ks Sl5. clolhing 50c • S2. 2 Bikes S3 -~~~=~-~~-BED Divan, r r cent l Y '1 sh~! yellow l\1icru·ta SJ. n••h. ~"l04 1968 PROOF 11ets S15. 1969 r, Jkh d f TBI R ~· ' ~ uphols1rrcd brown tv.·ecd ,u ca s or D Sloo{.>' SJLVEI T Proof ii;ct $12.50. B.U. Lin-S2i. 546-2G~G s .•. Can\'as l'Ol"er tor 16-1&' { ea sci $5. Old coin sets '59 to '69. !14'.!aled in I "~=~~~~~.,.--~ J11&I OBD $25. Assorted silver' coffee urn S7. Couch pla<>tic $1. l!l&I nlint St'! COF1"EE And elld lnbles $..}. . •r1s r.ollilc Paint 25c to SL $20. Rugs $10 · $20. Stutfed $1.7.!. 1957 mint set Sl.:;Q. Bookcase $5. Chair, grl'cn '.::?•! Pira!c Rd oU CIH! faloon S7. Clothes 5c • $1;). 8 u 11 ,, naui,:-ah~·dc $15. Step stool \. ~-k . R _, .. ro s ccn1~ 6.-D. ti::, 64, I 1·i\"f', Sal. only _iu·n ~"" s e1n. eco1us 68, 6$-D, 80c. 536-30'.ll SJ. 364 Virtoria, No. 8, Costa 2.x:. Toys 5c -$8. Doublel.~"-::,CC...:=-=:..=:::.__ 1\teM. \'IE\Vl\IASTEfl, l\'ith slides qidllcd spread SS. Slide Ne1v 1!!62 and 1963 "CR" cflll :ind light anachml'nt SID. s2.;..o. 407 N. Bayfront, ~lis $2 Shure "CB" desk LADIµ Oothcs, size 12, all T:ibl<' rndioil S3 each . Boy J3:ilboa Island. 6 7 5-4 so :; n11ke ~10. General standing goo8/ Sl-$5. 646-2174 · ~1 u111 nie!<s kit $2. \\'hitc Hou~ 104 \\'avr bridge S25. Telephone STOVE $25. \Vasher $2.l. lral·k shoes. sl:.:c 811 $3. , l.\''"IC 11'\'f'r sv.·ltchcs) fur $1. DJ)•er $Z5. !)l\'an $10. l\tlr· 1.a-;una Beach. 497-1 4().1 ANTIQUE •li~he.~. v a s Cs. l'ilot and. indicator lights 3 J'Or SI. Utility cart $2. T:EAUTJFUL lo\rin"i,:~fl'mulc lamps ::.X:-Sl S.;jl Individual fo1· SI. Johnson I or 2 cha.n-~hairs Sl,50. Rlij,'! $7. Tent 1lachshund. ,\KC rcgi!il1e1'Cd sail Ui~he~. hand paintC'I $.1 nel 14 ccy1tal1 SJ.SO. Turner $~•. Olds Cornet $25 .. Case ~2:i. 962-.1752 each Ban1boo pa!io chairs. 2 "CB" hand mtke $4. D-104 S:ll. Che!ilt SlO. Clothing for $ S, roulld table free. desk mike $22.50. 53&-.1021. Hlc-Sl Dishes 1 0 l' -$ 1. I:':FRIGERATOR $2:;. llt'd ~-·:.. Desk SlO. Bunk bed~ 12::>. Hi-chair S1. 8' nlOdern ~1la $20. Coffee tabll' SJ. 1-'.nd fables $5. l'>ldsai" lamp SJ. Electric k n I t e $3. :->1d1'11'1tlk loys 2ik'. todcller loys 2:x:. Paintings $.1 • SlO. Canopy sand box $6. J){'Ju \"e . 'ilrolll'r SlO. Dinette set $2:;. l\ids, tttns. wom<'n~ qu;iilly .. lothes SlO. S::. Dishes j(' • S.). sat. Sun., :.36-4451. 8391 "\!un~ter H.B. [l!·:SK SlO, ant1qur trunk $10. r~reakfast c h a i r s s:i, Childrrn's gan1es and toys ~J(Jc . $2. Men's clothing 50c. ~20. Tape recorder $10. ~n1a:i ptn ball machine SG. llr!!.fl(''i SID. Assorttd pl}"lvod 50c: • S5. Lamps $1 . S.2. Party supplies 50c SI. Christmas I 1 g ht s and il!'corations SS. Decorator l10!1les IOc • L 17287 Sl. e~rbara. F.V. \ING C'hair $111. \Valnut cn<I and roffce tables $J • S25. 0f'sk SIO. Patio furnitu re Sl . $j, \\'hite naugahyde chair ~10. Onon1an $~ SlO. J •ortablc type1vrlter S25. t\quariums $7 • S l;;. Con1plt>te kilrhen utensils 5c · $1. t~abric 25c • SI . Bed ~1.i. Building ma!etial • l•l(lls • sock!'\ sets 50c • $2:i !:oy's clothes size 6 50c. SL ·1 runk~ SlO, t"'ra.me!I 50c • S2. ~itvrr Sl -$25. Dishes 5c • .~.~ Plyboy magazi11es ·511. ti9 :l5c each. Jleavy ::::dvanizcd swing frnn1c $10. Twln bc-1:1 complete S\5. 4 x ~ train and ear layoul com- 1,le le S20. \Vindo\1' car cooler ~. Garden tools ~ S3. Books 25c -$.1. J\;lust sell :!.000 pounds. 8921 L 111 Paloma F'.V. SI \Varner \\"fl\l:u:nolia, i\Iagnoli11 lo l.aStcUa to SI. Barbara to ! .. iPaloma ;·· TV S12. Elrctric grill S.l. ~:lcetric frying pan $8. Small fron t;. H a n d "T"l('ratcd l"t'rorri ploycr, nev.· t IS only) SIS. 494-4200 l\lOVING: Rocking chi.Ir $S. ~ef'ley firm douhl!! box ~ pring11 a.nd maHteP S20. 1,11l'hen chairs $3. Antique lamp11 SlO pair. Du!'ICll.n Phyfe J11mall pcde11tal lf.l)J,, n1ahoilany SlO. A n t I q U e 1·ndio spcakM S20. L.li;c:hl fiX· rures 50c. Lf.mp shadc1 {J(k:. ,\1r conditioner $3. Balhinel· 1,. $3. GE r.Jr:ctrlc haby 11111.te S2. Knlllbl.f: 1ua.chlnr S1:i. Electro-lu:oc floor \VU , 5 ~11!\on.•. used h•'1l'f' Sl. CUf'. lalM 50c. Throw ru.g Sc. Towt!I~ IOt'. Tablf"Clutl~ 50c. N11pk\n;i 2c. Clatk• !!Oc. PillO'll-1'1 10!":. Clothe! lOc • &(k:. 'Veed!ng hoop skirt "-Orn oOCf' $3. Short hoOp Jkirt S2. Gk>vta IOc. Searl& ~. Football !\hocF TJc. Pun.ea lOc. Je-.elry 10c:. Christmas dccon1Uon1 10c. ~irl Scoot knlf!' 2Sc. Aflet 111\l hoc,11.$ $3. Toys Hle • ZX·. l k11UJChold 11em11 IOc -ric. S.142 Porumvulli. 962-3l81"0l' '6 ... 10 l'.11,\Rr.E yotrr wanl ad now. Reclining patio chair Tx 7 PICNI lable 4 benche!; $22.50. 616-336-1 noral piclures framed $2 Corner booksheh•cs s 2 5 . NIGHT Stand $12 Brass and glass tea car1 Sl2. ~6-0469 ZENITH Bia.ck and v.·hitc TV $Z). l\fG luggage rack S2.50. \\'hilc uniforms, size 13-14 .. $.a. l\latcrnil)' clothes, size 12-l~. 50c-Sl. Kl 9-2898 each. Jndividt,1al place card Sunbeam c J e ct r i c holders Sl.50 each. Singer lawnmower $22.;i6. Drapes sc\\·ing machine, "year one $10. Roya.I blue carpeting v i n I a f e" $20 Linen $25. Tappen diahwaaher ~ lablecloths $1 to $5. Linen pcrtone $25. Solid maple napkins 10c·50C Kitchen "·estiem twin bed S25. 2 utensils Sc·Sl Co(fce table tables $15. 125. 3 chairs $25. S1.50 l.al1!'e hassock $2. 4 Reducing bike $10. 5J8....8518 dra1ver chest u~ w.·o 678 (308) RIFLE S 2 5. n.1onth.s s20 .. 4 ne1v h1gt: back Clarinet $25. Case $10. 2 dinette chairs, avocado and burner cnmp stot·e $t bron:.:e S9 each. 2 glass !l62-llJ9 GOOD Used carpels 12' x '.!{)', 11 !>:: ll", 6 x 9' light and durk t'Olors. lOc sq fl. End table Sl.50. !..amp SL Co!fec IRblc SS. i\.fal!ress $3 each. 284 Knox St .. C.1\1. bedroom lamps $1 pair. ---:-. . Electrolux vacuum, nc1\' GIRLS Bike $1.5(1. Boy's .l'"AlL-Long hw11an ha!r, condition $2.'i A u to m a t i e Bike $5. Bunk Deds Sll. V:-V brov.•n, cleaned and slyled, Sunbeam mi.'<mll.llter Sl2. Top rack 57.50. Ladies paid SSO . .sell for S25; finn. Saturrlay 10-5. Sunday 11·5. clolhing si?C 10-14 25c lo $3. l 646-8298 6T>4075. 321. Poinsettia, J\Ien's elolhing sit£' '10 50c lo ~====~~-,---~~ Corona dcl l\lar. $1. Boy"s and girl's clo1hing N AUGAllYDE Hide-a-bed $ 2x $2:;. 01air SlO. Rolla"·ay bed QUAIL t'gg1 llk: 549--42.88 ;;, 'j~,·~rf"~: ... and pad 11•1th metlrcsg S15. 645-1338. DINING set: Table . PLY\\'OOD~2"and ~"4'x simulated "'1>0d heatproof S:\IAU. Baby crib 19. g· cxlf'rior S8 and SlO each. lop \\ith le11f. opens to 60" 968--1622 S.tS-5034. 1060 Victoria, C.r.t S2.l 4~~~ange chairs $5 each. 19" TABLE~tod--,--,-TV-.-.,.,-w 64&-83:i:l pictu~ tube Sl8. 536-7481 FRESll picked v a I (' n c I a oranges lOc lb. Sl box. PICNIC 1nble with benches 548-7088 $6. l\l csh plapyen SJ.. Roller OAK dining table S20 6 matching ch a Ir s S2J l\la!chin!'.;' buffet S2j China eabill('t SZ> Liquor cabinet $2.J Dining table v.·Hh 6 liegs, seats 8, S2.'i. 646-2819 skates size 9 $5. Amplifier S7. 2 l\lotorola 2 • w 1 y microphon!'s $5 11.nd $2. Volcanil' rocks s:i. Tik.i torch SL Viking ta!>(! deck $1'. &Hscapc $5. Co2 Plstol SlO. 81\11\t 7.oom elecr1·lc r:ye ZIG-ZAC lit'lving n1achill(', niovlc i·nmrra $1!1. Clothr:i excellent condition S25 At· Iron Sl.50. Co:< ga.o; cn~inc tnchme.11ts • includ~ng 2 0 ancl Sluka aio'J'!ane SJ. de c or a I 1 v I' dlSCS SlO \Vood11n door S5. Saturday Bl'auliful antique! se\vlna only, 842-1092 machine cabinet $20 Extra · . llUll'.r net playpen "·Ith pad ~VEBTRDS $7. Card1nab $12.j() glrl's 20" bikr: ~ _15_._"-"-""'-'------ Child's trailer hHch on bike SMALL Refrigerator. good or tractor $4 Bassinet v.ith condition $25. l>tl-42!Mi Eves. fold up ltga, ttmov&.ble R E f R f G E R A T OR $25 hood, mattttu, liner, rood \Va.sher and dryer both for colldlHonS7.500ri1i nal , sz. Hammock Sl2 lramed 21 x 40 oil paintina, Howw:-OOld items St $10 • ~IL~ $22.5(1 56-2247 675-62Ti . QUA.IL eggs lOc. ~M288 PORTABLE llichaJn, brand new for (if! or gn:at tlf'lp BEAtrrlfo"UL Siamese Seal- poinl kittens $15 each. can 646-5956 or Lt 8-2538 v.·eelrends and afl[T 5 Pl'>t HOPER 36" gas range '25. ColJee ta~ $8. Chrome kitchen table Sl2. 4 kilchtn f':hairs, chrome S10. Big rcver1ible \\'indov.· fan. like new $15. Curtains and drapes $10. 646-46.1.<J BRAND New tv.•in b ox ~prin~:.~ SHi. DI.II Sunday 674-4439 and \\•eekday~·~-~o COMPLETI!: BPd, clean. 220 coil matln'ss ST.>. 548-jl..0 SOLID \Valnut F\\"ivel desk chair $25. 548-5750 CliF..ST Of dra~-ers with cedar c\OM!1 125. 548-5T:i0 DRESSING Table. old, go&d condiOon Sl8. 548-5750 'liVD( Size studio bed SJO, 2 nauphyde zipper bolsters S7. 23" Philco TV. remote control. lovely D a n I s h walnut cabinet $20. ~ for ?.tom, es~ cam· KEN~fORE Con,,ole sewing CARPETING. rood oondilion, ping M. 6C-.3T1.1 ' n1achi~ $25. Cabinet SlO. wied, U II wklth, bone color \VHM'E S.tln IOfa bed $2S Portable typewriter and SI sq yard. Sm&l.I piecn Man'• lmportf!d ~ ca.w "Singrr" $25. New nu. available a.ls>. 549--l.J82 robe SlS. 6'J5..0;t94 , !JOCk $8. \\lalnut eocktail KENMORE a u to m a_ t i c JA),fES Bond 007 Open road table $5. Oil painting $5, Wl.lher. \\wlm gQOd $15 AU ncing ~t. brand nt!w $8. land.acaJK'. Smn.1.1 Adrntral kind! of used \\UlwT f&r'lt; Womens' clothes siie S-10 $5 radio S.i. 2 magazl!'llt n.tckl combination 11.'l.sher a.nd _ $l2. 613-3502 Sl.50 and !'iOc. LAd~ drtg. dryer, u 1~ SS. 847-ms ~----"-----1 scs, good condition or nil# PATIO S.lr: aU v.~k : Bolex· S5 and S7.50. Double 9cd and DAY btd, fine tor childjS7.50 g Movie cam~ $%i. UHF' mattress s10. 159 \V.19th. Wome~ ~id 6 A tor' all a;Rn•r:ner SlO. B row n I e C.M. 642-0076 tor $9 1.n en llld· Kodak S3. Antlque1: Trunk 1928 A'IWATER~Ktnt radio dieni SS. Smm pro]ecfm' CS. $2S. Enamel meat platter S2S. Spoaker $%). l.fotorola 546--8693 m. T'ran5illor r:id~ $5. KNIT m•ehlne la l' x s· 90Jid ~laht t•blc $S. Bootle ~-car rernrd plam. l sl#d. 6 wilt sz;. Samosn 200 ;rear od dC'ak SIO \Vab:tu! bench 1'ln wash bllrlJ,rd $5. Jt'~'(lry old mott.cr-ln-law persuadn 19" x 6' x 13 high $10 S2 • $:Ii. Silver pitcher S5. s:r>. £dl$00 eyl:lnder rro:>rds Walnu! m11tblf" tablt :xi·· x La~'" nlO\\"tt S3. 6 dni."'tt $1..$0 ead\. 1924 Cldlllac !,5" x 1~" high $2S Round chiesl $3. P.llrror S3. Lam,. Supc-~mhi\lltu.re !l l e r co plantn lllble $20 Incl~ St. Sil~rt°"' FM n:dio $10. gpcaker $42.!iO MCIL Scott pl11.nl! j4!...00\2 Bongo drum S1 Chain 50r:. AM-Frif tu~r sz. tJ15 Bll\'"E. boy's Rienepdt!-SIS ~'ling ball and bag Sl. \\'•11&-+"'arro fttward poi\er Rl.11111 xood· Jim ~1141 :,,an~:::~· $1~ $25. Anliqut car parts •nd 10 COLD ""· 12 in fqUArt' Swutrn. fd'll!U. bloutts lOc ~~r!H n-no. l 9 0 'j mlrroni 15 each, P•lr of and 25c. LP AJbu.na 3 for WtlL~ra.rao &hlppin& ~ ~-~ r-"--'-' .... ., S2$. Ve"" n..rt 1880 Brit.lib r ··~• .... 'll ""'".....,... c U. Papt:rbaekJ lOc. P.l'elmac '# $2.i IHICh. Yelm i>UloWI .. $1 Stt I '°° J I 3& revolver $~. G.F .. lti-f'I Sl.50 ~11rh. MS-8GM Cd". ·.,.... ..!.. um nt, prl"-an1p llkf" new SU.SO. .... VI~ l\10d<'I .. ,. •• Ford wrtndtet 8RtGGST°"Stmnon J llP AU'l'O . .,.,,.,. .,n,-s~ ·1 •-s ... PM 214 lA .. ..i " ... ,. ".J ......... 1-. "" ' • . w. rot1ry "" mower e.,..ne Brine tallk S2:t Pipe $25. I \VUson, oil F'ahvtcw. SIO 51f..1775 Bninzr Pttlidtntlld roln ---'---'---- While dl!Plllntl! Dtm.a-a\tlt •I~ Sl:i cal'h. 642-8479 Pl\f I OAll.Y Pll.o'r WANT ADSl SLOT citn: and •d!tsmrics. exaollent co n C:l tlon : 2 tra.naformel'll J8 wit $2.liO, 20 wit $3. 15 slot can Sl.!'A}..ft Pach. 4 wtietir con- trols. 3. Sl.50 each .. '!'rack: Cun't's 30c each. 9" &tralght · 2!X: each. 6" ··straight 20c each. 2 spltlll nNld supports 75c eac:h. 675"()62) LA Mo11"Cr Crafta.man 3~' HP Brtaa;s and Stratton motor szs. C..tcher SS. lofov• Ing. 64&-1342. 261 Mesa. Or., C.l\t. LARG·E~<~bur-,~-,-.-.,-,tove with grill. Excellent work· lng conditon S25. 642-9208 SLOT Ctlr set arid cars sz;. Hoy'I bike Sl2 Girl's biltt $1. 5-16-4109 GIRL'S Blkt'!I 31" S9 rach. llTKE A poose S'7. Ctlb $5. Baby buket a1w.I pad $1. Cl1i)(f5 car Mill ti. Punku1 i;e•t SI. N~ • lr~lnc !lfattel Vroom $5. Merry..go- ..+uur S3. Maple high 'choir· rpUqd St 12' ~ $1~. ~. Chair and bed eofa $2). W~ dlncuc chairs S2 eadl. Bathincne $2, ft.ack col· -"-:l-4~!-°'----~---1 l('clion~ SL. SpecW. prden ltOD!RN Dntc 1$25, ctw.ir rockll :'!Oc. !Unday only. '10.! \Vttlte l!llholatt'~ bar- :.lllil Cypf'l!ti, S.A. Height!, .,rel chair $10 548-8014 off Palisades M ·Sf:RVEL Rcfriaerator for CLOTJIF.S, Like DC\1·: ~ten's iaraie or cl.bin S 2 O. 11·001 sh1t•ks. size' 4()..'l l ~ Coldspot refrigerator for pair. S]lorf coet 44 long St g~ or cabin $3). Philco OvC'rooat-roinc:oat s;;. Tewn v.<ll!her. e'lttllen1 cabinet, ~hirt:s, red a'1d \\'hit(' stripe needs wOl'k Sl5. 2114 Con- !il.:'l(l t-ach. Dresses. site 14 tinental, C.l\I. Sl-$5. \\'on1en's dres& shots O~IES==rs~.~p~,-,,-.~,-.,7k_a_nd~ 9•~ to 10 narrow $2-SlO. gn.l<I S25 each. F'encing s:;. Abu • Rokrn S '"' e d is h Bath tub shov.·er and \vndow gourn1l't ,,moker $8. ?.015 curtain $2. Lamp $2. Lamp Cliff Drive> at Wolla, shade alld ceramics 50c • Nr.wport Br.ach L1 8-t2j~1 St. 54~288 EXEClITIVE Revoliiing d<'!!k CHROl\11:: T_o_p_\-Vodg--o.-'OOd- chair with arms, like new gu stove SlO. 2600 lineal ft. S25. to.Ii ~ med I cl n e 1" x 4" T.G. fir fiooring 2c cabinets, 16 x 28. e11.ch $3.50 per It. 40 gal cement retard- Fibcrglus 'rv ta.bles with dent $6. 1965 J>an;on St. storaQr holder. very nice, 548--2898 set of four $4.50. GE .. elec- tric f('('(ling di5h, ustd once S;J. Deluxe baby bithinette v.'ilh ne11• plaatic lub $6. Pait> lamp $3. Baby walkrr S:t Four foot cofftt table 1vith hand rublx'd f\nb:h, tikC' l'll'W S10. t.1clal TV tables 2 for SI.50. 24l2 Bo"" cloin Pl. off rai,r.Or., C.~L IR\\'ON \\'OOt! burning JIOVt' S25. Otcorator s t a I u e s $4-$'20. \\'rough! iron hang. ing-und standing 111.mps $21).....$2S. Decorator chests anri staircases S 2 0 -$ 2 5 . Tapeslrirs SlS-S25. v.rau dcroralion!! Sl.50-$6. Brick di~pla.v or patio table $2.j. 548-1914 STEAM And dry iron $t.50. Sandwich grill Sl. 21" Console TV. S20 Table 1V S2.J .. both v.wtc DK. 646-1525 KELVINATOR Refrigerator. cross top lrt>eic!r $15. Large platform sv.·ivel rocker SIO. Upho\s!!'rcd chair S l . !-~ittplacc screen $2.50. Ll 8-1089. 145 \". \VUt.on, C.1\1. BAR Stools S15 a piece Whirlpool washer ir running condition S20. Valet seat SS. Gold quilled bedspre11d, like nc1v S15. 1\1•0 '" h I t e bedspreads SlO and $2, au double bed size. 54:>-722l SCRAM-LETS I • DAILY PILOT Here's How Yn Co11 U.. Ow Famo11 Dime· A· UMS ' ..... -..... -wllll -·~ -" ... el ow 4 Mt~-'• efflc• • Ne c1•M11 cMI ......... e Wltom-Mprketl-.. lf•"" $15. C.-ll ............ ,., ... REF'RfGERATOR • Croaley COSTOM·FIT mattresa for i'OLOING plc:nlc table $1. Shelvador, 10 cu tt. Ex· IJ0.6f Ford/Mtmd')' wagom Rockinl thalr $10. Cotttt c e 11 en t con d It Io i'J .SI7 each. P•dded bar stool table $5. Lamp $3.!IO. Toya guarantieed and deliver, S:D. '3. Hobby hOrte ~. BoOster 25c • $3. TCXll1 50c each. Air Hair dryer ,4. Croubow uat St. S..t bench $8. J.'orce uniform tul. tm 34, (new) $25. 67H702 M edlwn bn>wtl turb&n \.\11 W&lat. Novtls 25c eaeb. & \\'ON DER hor!ll! $4. Baby wllb J'Old cut $21. Pair I ~V~Jc,_lorla=_st,_. ,-64541-,.17-.:--: swing $3. New G.E. ,baby Daniah nlOdern cuahiona $4. LARGE retrlrtrator $311. iM dish $4.50. Ski rack $3. Boy1,..:24:.:53;.,:,N.:°""=·~":.:.:.M2'0.::::__"' .\V. 18th SI. No. 5. C.M. POLISHE'OAmtrlca maatnaium wheell 15 x I for Chevy $%i each. Qwvy f bRJTtl rnantlaid with aerle1 "C'' AFB carburetor =:!. SIMSOISU ..... and girl's clothlfti'. .11be1 3 MAPLE dininc table $22. and .14 $1 and less Ladlies Kitchen act $15. Spril\gl and clothtrc aize 9, shoes 7N $t. mattress $8. Steel bed Pal)<'rbackS ~. T.V. Tnya !tame SS. Mens' suits ST· $2. Nc'v tay telrphonH S4. SlO. V.'omen·s clothes. size s~r $2. 17614 Santa Jl}.l8, 15c -$7. Mena' clothes 'fM!pa Circle, Off Mqnolla 15c • $2. GE Steam iron $5. tieilrttn Slater and Talber1 Travel iron $4. Iron board WET suit, fl ts 5'6", lfO lb. &(1'..al22 $4. Table $3. Reoords $<'. -SJS~·-646--__ =~-=~~ Bl.\IE occasional chair $25. Brakled ru&• S2 • $6. Small VIOLIN ~.SO. Bird hath Blue table lamp $15. Both lamp tables ~ • $10. 461 $1.50. \\o'rinatr type Ma¥tq .,li\te nev.·. Rabbit pen $5. Bniadway, CM S15. Plants r.oc. Ootbln&: l5c Crib SS. 962-9857 COSCO n1etal f o Id In I _-_n_._-=~~~~-~ GIRL'S 16 .. bike SlO. 4 door highchair $5. Blue "'OOd.en KENMORE hair dryer $S. gray no-mar ehe1t $15. Like potty chair, complete .$1. J.lot'orola. Vlbruonlc, com- 'new baby <11-eMer Sl5. Baby walker S2. Small plete with rear apea.ker $20. Child's table, 4 chairs $6. lricycle S2. All in good con-Records 25c each. Eunka 962-18&1 dltion. &13-1811 vatuum cleantT SW. SW:p QUICK sale Siamese kittens 71,l x 7~ EAGLE Umbttlla. ta.b!e $3. LI 8-00&l S20, CF A papers $ 1 0 . tent S~. Set men's wood ENCYCLOPEDIA 30 YOlume 962-4864 aolI clubs $6. Putter $3. American $2S. Glun'aN To 20c $3. Watne Iron $2:.50. Spaulding p.Fllte rilen's c-~en tools ., each. ca,.. NEW s,.nish \\'l'Ought lron J-·· I"' ''' '"ool-o-brald uu •• fixturew. flemlsh glass fix· ;.-;,-.:· Twin'" r-:-ldcre•I ning jara 5c • lOc. Vese~ tures $5 • S25. Se!.$ of dlshes :...t10n..-~spre d '1 ~16 · I r In d e r $3.50. Chicaa:o ..... ~ a s pair. wall fau-t 1a Alamtte $IO · $2j. Pots, pans 50c • $5. All exciellent condition. 2848 '"' !\fen's 81Acks S2 pa.tr Wll Catalpa, Eas!bluU &44-l624 grease gun $3. 2" pte valve and 32 L28 and 29. SingJel..:==::.:...===...:::.:::_ S5. ~•" gate -wlw $2.~. niaplc bed v.·lt h i;pring and ?ilALLARD DuekJlngs $! ~ Repeal wall fauceit SS. niattress $20. Chain S3 -$5. btteding pain: $6. Eves., Door locks S2 each. Eleetrtc No r i c a pa r t m e n t ,.,,eekendl!. 540-48'.lS. 20352 Ice crusher $10. Hardwan rtfriit!rator $75. Coat of ~ress. SA Heights. lOc • $20. Plumbinc lOC • S2. a~ \\<\th Sl\'Ot'ds, ball and DOUBLE bed and headboard ~cl~lk: : $l:io. ~ chain ~3. Garden ~ $1 • $25. MG-7800 S4. Grinder and vice $Z.1=-=:.;::::..:.:=..____ Larkspur, CdM \\'ork: beneh S15. Muntz:: PORTABLE TV )2.\. 646-1824 TWIN bed, box 1prlnp, maL- l!tereo tape S25. AC ~CURLY Cockapoo puppy, tress and frame $25 • .f .\fetter $1 5. Spieaken and very playful female only wwayback cha.In $2 each. crtblnr.t $5. Slt'ven~ model 15 Sl5 ~ ' 54&-m49 !lingle shot .22 rifie U7. \~G chlllr $20. l:awn I "RAB"°"~s=rr=.~su=..,.--M~,-,-1~,-n, ~g;ig.i mowc>r s;;. Edger $2.50. male $3. 546-1965 LARGE olive drcssr.r SlO. Brn.11i; single headboard no. I =E~L=ECTR==o~L=u=xc-"v-a-,-.-.-m-, 42" dian1eter black and Single bedspreads $ 5. workll good, needs hole $5. whltc round msrblc colfce 646-8722 or 646-5473 548-1764 tab!(' SlO. 1-IOO\'er upright DOUBLE bed, good condition GIRL'S clothei, sb:e 12, vacuuni v.'Ork.& of $5. 23" S2S 5'19--0895 Console T.V. needs tube $10.1-'-·--------blou.11es, skirts, sWl!atft'I, S' x '20" pool $5. 16561 PIANO S25. Antlque1 SlO. drelllll!s, swim aulit 25C -12. Sin1onnc Lane. 1-1 . B . Records 50c. Typewriter I ~"='-=1'164"°'""'°"""""==--842-1881 Sh. Drapes SS. Dlshe1 $1. MIXED Poodle puppies want Plctllmr S5. Au t·o m a t t c a IO\ring hOmt_U._&lfr~ ' .. .. •' r • ' • : ' •r ... ' ' • • l '•. . ' -· l ' ~~·., ' • ... I ' ' . ' ' • ' ' ' •' o' I .. " . ' ' ' . 1 ' .. ' .. , . \ , . .. . i ' ' 1.1 .. ;1 ,, • ' ' l ' EARLY Ain<'rl <.'an scnle v.·ith frui! $6. l\1i\k t;lass 50c-S::. Plctu1Y"s and frame~ Sl-$3. Odd pi<'ct'S of glass in- cludin;:: table top lJ" x ~ii" :iOc: -~"'-U1Ulty lablf' $2. Movif' light bar and bulb $4. '\'hHc gold diamond engage· mcnt and v.'Cdding ring lit'! SLi . J.'lower pots 2;x.. Al· tache ca.se $3. Clothing, girl'!" si7.r 14 to pre-teen 9, 50c-S3. Boy's 1'itt 7, 50c-$1. Men's medium 11ki sweater, heavy jacket~. vek>ur shirts Sl-$3. Sa . ..Sun. 9-6. 644-1624. 2848 CataiJ>R. El11tbluff. ':.9 FORD 4 doo1· no engine ANSWE RS °' lroMmi""" llO. 292 Ford rnginr box job S7. wnshE'r $20. Dre!ses, !itt 11}. •· • 12 SJ . ~1161. JlT E. CHROl'>-tE dinette set with I • , 1 Adams, 118 sturdy cha.in $25. Adrntnl ,, p' Al< Barrels, 100 gal and 150 gal SlO and S15. Fish {ank., 5 gal S2. StQre dli;play !able, Jorniica lop $15. Antique ehcst of dra\l'CMI., made around 1770 S25. Servel refrigeralor $4. 1891 Velvet autograph book SS. 5 cars-hot wheels, start and finish, jump!!, 28 f~I of track $7. Antique oak flush box planter $6. Driveway sweeper, attaches to hose 1;x.. l\lt'lal 1vindow a\lmings, nr1v Sl .!iO each. Plyv.'Ood exl 4 x 8%$8&$10.~. 1060 Victoria. C.M. COLI.EGE Girl wishes to sell good quality clothes, .11lzc 7. Sl-$2. Shoe11 size 7%-3. St. 54S-53:>4 ' WIG Case St Electric wall clock Sl. \Vall can opener SOc. Knife holder 50c. Down bt"rl pll101v Sl. Girl's suede boots $2. Aluminum uni- brclla lahlc $6. Brunr:tte wig s~. Shoo polil'lhtt $4. 1100 \V<'s!cliff, Patio, re n r 1 Nc1vpor1 Beach. 642-SJj9 " OlNE'ITE Table, modern lormlca walnut $25. Ctwno SJ each. 193.'\ Wallace, ApL l, C.!\t. &12-2932 0SEJ\TS For 1960 faloon 4 door tront and rear $15. S.at for Ford Woody 11t,,tion wagon $10, Drctlltn! con- dition. 1933 Wallact, Apt. 1. C.t.1. 642-2932 5·'1 FORD «implele, l'ngln.! not installed $15. 642--1828 S~!ltALL Pool t1.b!e, romph:tc $10. GirlA' white 1 hoe skates, likr new $3. Dolls 5Qc-.$3. TOJ Cenfl'I' Sl, C.M. NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5671 Adju~I -Orplui n -Policy -Nin1hlr -Diso\\·n -Boun- ty -Bl::~'D yout CARD A customl'r got tired of re- ceiving his monthly paymc>nt cards. IBM punched, \Vith his nmie spelled Incorrectly. 1-~inaily, hf': returned the card with thl11 penned mes- sa&e: "Dear machine: You have again spelled my name wrong. Please correct and acknowledge. If not corrtctf':d by nvct month, I &hall BEND your CARD." PORT-A.cRTB Siii. Coseo folding hi-chair Si Petenon sll'oller $10. Infant seat Sl. Baby clothes, infant to 2 years IOc SI. OW1can Phyfe table and 4· chairs S25. 714 \\'Ci?IO Drive, CM. 642-5716 BLUE wash basin $5. Toilet is. 548-6j60 BEAtmnJL male &alpolnt .Slame!i\C kittl'n 7 11-eelu old. SL'>. MJ 6-2002 PO\VER mower Sti Motn bathroon1 faucet $5. A.sh record and componr:nt cabilll'I SlS. Businet, com· plete $5. 549-2526 WALNUT stain chest of • drl!.\VCl'S 12 drlV."C~ $25. Bookcase bed S25. Ala\\rrss and sprlngs $2.i. 1\1!\ple lll"in bed, complete $20. Bookcase S7. Rosf' velvet l'hair $8, floor lamp $5. 1..argc mir- ror $5. Utility table $2. Wall shell S2. Aleta! kitchen stool $2. R.arHo-record player SlO. Ski• $l. Crutches S 6 . liarbecuc $3. Sprinkler Sl. Plctun:1 $1 . Vase!! and dl11he1 25c. Je1.1-elry 15c. Clothlnr $]. 528 Riedlanda Ave. NB DISlBtAS'T'ER sink $22. Co!· fee table $8. Electric floor polisher $8. Wool rug aM pnd $10. Electric alarm ck>cks SI $-i. 3 bathroom gcales $2 • $6. Fireplace llCl'leTlll $5 • $8. 25" sho\\-eT door $6. 6 door IOCkl $1 • $4.. Shaven $3 · $6. 3910'1) Qian. nr.l Pl., NB. 673-1603 TYPEMUTER rebuilt like new $25. Bdige .tet, la.rae table. 4 chairs $2.1. 548-n65 2 BIKES, boy'11 and girl'!I, $10 each. Refrl(erator $25. Sl6~2012 2 WROUGHT Iron and crystal Ulble lamps 111ith 1hade1 S'1 each. 2 new •mall ... bedo fU). 3!00 Marcwl Ave. NB f13-03ST DOUBLE btd' Mlh hrnf" $15. Portable TV, worb $22.50. Couch. nttd1 cutm. $10. Electric appliances !JOc -s;. s-. ""' . $2. Man'• bllce $1 TV a.nteana, boolttrs $5 Heh. f\adio Jl. Min'on. 50c • $2. Window a:Jus 'l each. Hardware 5c .. $4. Jt&tUo and TV tube11 10c each. Doon tl . $l. Lwnbtr .. 15. klt<hM chAJn .$2 each. Gariten lool• 25e $2. Sat A: sun. 9-.t 2m Santa Ana A\-c,. CM WI houN: ln drl\<e. 2 1~" UIEVY Rim!!. Tim .$1$. 64$-2133 and 002-4:is7 ------3 PIECE sc:Ctional SlO each 1'.!AID"S~art S25. 50' of I" M"cUon. High back ~ flex SJj, 220 wlrlnfil'. $15. ca.slonal chi.tr S20. Marble \\'ooden barrel $3.50. Comer table $25. M.lrror 24" -c 36" book ca~ S3.50. Beam bot-$3. lTI E. 19th SI. CM ties S5. Stec>I rultar $25. DINl7M'E set n7.50. Sota Bowllng ball and bac $3. bed $5. Olalr no. Chests of CoUEf: tables $2. Honie 3boc dtaii·en 17.~ and $lO. coflet> lablc $6. 897-7350 Dresaer .vlth mirTOr $7.50. FISH bowll 50c • S 1 · TV CoMOle aet $Z. Waaher Aquarium!! 15 gallon $15 • $20. Anlique cut gla.ss. alsD Sl2.50. 10 gallor. $9.50. 5 rhina platl'll $1 to SS each. g11llo11 S2.~. Acceuorie1 25c Su 9-5, Sat.Sun or ?tfonday • ~-50 Pans '59 Cadillac S1 11.I 18'1'5 Harbor Bh•d., No. 4, • S25 B11r·B-Q on wheels behind Hiendert10n'1. S2.50. Tiki lamp!! Sl5. 20" ho • bike •$8 20" ·bllte lCE t.'Nsher $4. Vaporlzet $4. Y 11 • .... u. Elecll'ic baby dish $3. Potty frame $3.50. 397-•,,,,.. 1e11t Ot lold11) $2.50. Irish LlGHT brown 90fa aood con· coffee gluse1 $5 set. 2 dilion $25. 201.52 Harbor Isle. Maple tissue boxe11 Sl.50 962-71'5 11 .B. eaeh. Maple trame for RETRIEVER pUpa 6 v.-eekl m~icine cabinet $2. 2 case- Sl5 to $25, 84T-99U men! \O•indoll•s 3' x 386" FULL size mattre118 $25. Box COlan\Ond P • n es) SS each, spring $15. 81'8nd new living: 1,,;SIS-<007:.::..:;;c:,,._~---­ room lamp $25. 2 twln size SIAMESE show cat 1 . bcd~preads $15. 2 h\'in 11izt Household pell only, no bedspreads children d('siJ;ns papen, Usually $150, now $5. 968-4049 m each. ~. Alk far S4. Good u~ vacuwns SlO • c"='~"·c,..,~~=~~~­ IRONS Sl • .$4.50. Hair dryer SINGLE bed $21. Dinette let lZ5. Boy's bike $3l. I-fa ir S2.i. Good TV and tabll! $18. dipper set $2. Electric Brau ceiling Jlfht new $5. plates SI • S4. Deep fryers Boy's bicycle 110. Floor SI • S3. Garden hose $2. TV fumace $25. 613-8103 !ltand S2.50. Vacuum cleaner FIBER drums for truh or hags 75c pll.l'kage. Lazy packlng St each. 548-662.1 Susans 12 · $4 . MiscellantoU& Item&. SaL MEN'S golf clubs, complete all day, Sun. tll noon. 925 E. 1tarltl' iiel, 2 woods, 5 Irons, "'-lboa. Apt 3 Balboa wood covera, bag $ 2 0. °'' . ' 548-2996 floor model TV plus an. ttnna, works good $25. Studio couch $25. Bar--b-que with windtnaktr a.nd motor $10. 132 W. Wllaon St. Space 41 BOWUNC ball, ca1t, ahoea. 81'>-f, womea'1 S3. Lawn coaaters $2. Cake dllh $1. Oeeonttor fruit lamp $10 • V aaes Sl each, Student lam&' $1. Hand crank Ice CftaJD l'.reeze:r $2. cones of yam $1 -13. 338 Santa lube!. 646-5.n2 WELDER and hood $25. Alr COIUpfCSIOt' $2). Eniine $15. 383 block with rinp. piston• $25. Crank-cam llfttt R arnu $25. Htad1, nhauat 4 V manifold with .,. .... pump and pan $25. go.me AUTOMATIC washer, A·l condition S25 Gu dryer $25 Retrlgerator, u ta $10 Of· ticc ehalr $10 Lawn mower S5 Wet tuU$ 5 Verlfv: copier $10 Larp fan $10 Baby crib $5 Table S5 Vacuum cle an er $5 'I'ypnTlter $10 Bo)>'• blkr: SlO. m w. m St. oft P1acentla A Yt. MOVIE &erttn. new $14 Pro- jector $25 Piano bench .$16. -TURQUOISE n & Ill & h yd e couch and ch&Jr, Danish modtm S25 \Valnut fl:lrmlc:a dlnellt:! set, Jour.-ott white chairs S25 Complete Ml green alan dlahu, U9l'd once tl5 c:oitee tat¥ $2 Whl!e hang""' lamp IS s.t-Sun nite only, 1-W. !185 W. Wlhon, C.M. CONSOLE TV S15. Portablel-0 -------- TV S3. Bar stools 2 for $L'i. MOVING: Dolls with. clo!hes. Hooked 9xl2 rug $25. lOx.10 trunks, crib $25e • 75c. TO)'I rogs S7 each. 4x6 tup 2 for And _games lOc • 25c. Clothes s:i. Aluminum awntnaa S15. 5qe a bq. Belp naua;:ahyde Couch SlO. Rotisserie s:i. chi.Jr and ottoman o n Aquulums and equlpmenl ca.•ten $10. Brown wtg $15. LARGE kitchen table wteh· SS. Lugcqe $2-$5. Rattan 4TI ?Ucnolla. C.M. !W&-3704 ~,...:a:t = = hMgtng baskets 75c. Sun HIDE-A-BED, 111ttn tabrlc, and box ~ $15 Metal !!ha.de 15xl5 $15. Crls!'I aOllll 6 feet $25. 64Hllli room dMdf'T' $5 · 1t11 curtains $2. Juicer $15. TV MOVING to0n: Lounse cha.fr Panoru St. C.M. Apt 8. Wnp 'lSc. Cock $1.50. Dr8S $16.50. 2 arnall bedroom . ronn $4.50 2 sman Wnpa lamps S?. u"Wtg room lamp WINDOW 72 x 41 wtth t $1 .~. Ba119lnette Sl. Jump $2. Hall table $3.50. 5 foot llCl'ftnl, like llflW S25 Wt. seat $3 &lb)' wBrmtt $4 dow 12 x 48 $21. 131 sue. ..'..by i..n• " lti'"h 1tepladdtr $4. Glua snake Isabel. C.M 175-41511. lt New .... ~ ... • Rt $1. Corn popptt 75c. • c:hait $.1.50. 2 lnlanl RN.ts $2. Aluminum percolator 1k 2 A.M. to s P.M. Sato.San Knick·knac.kl Sc • SI. 2169 atumtnum chain SOc each. DRAPES $2--pr • .[)ft-, • E. Ocean. Ballx>a. 673-7615. Diabas lOc $1.50. 2962-B 12-16. 5(1c.$2. 8utttt "5 Silt-Sun 12-6. Pepper 'lttt, C.M. 5«)..099S Small buffet tlO a... lctr 150 LB BARBELL 1111t with DINiNG •t with 4 dl&ln patio $142 Old t:ruM: SS dumb-1>1!1111, ttqual standa $25 542 Catallnl: N.B. Maaa.tlne ~""all$2 ~f!tt sis. Lloool "O" puge train 54~ ' comier cue $10 ~ , wSa ~O aiet with many accesaoritl Shoe1i 5,Mt $1 Por.kitt Wb $25. 541-1945 4 SLICE toa.mr $5. 1 illce II Ladle. COit ~ !Mia B~ILT . IN Frl1ldalre ~:0$3. Waffle maJctr$3, !~.i~~ Mondi¥ d11h1V81~. need.I aome .::o:..::::.: ______ _ v.'Ork '10. m.6161 rlOO DAY &)ua dome: dock $15. 88.tttry kitchen wall USED crib. bought Mvr at dock $3. I daY wall clock $llO and mattrta 125. both $! 5CS-98TO In excellent cond!Hon forl-'~·~o:..::::.:~---­ $25. S antique pe.rchment TV n" REBVIL T picture boond booka Cz'ia...:i7a0 tlO lube'. Tlbie model ~ each. 96i-:l.17 or ~ 646-mo PINK cordul'O)' b • d r o 9 m .AKC Gmnan.S be p b ie rd • ct.ir US. 53M5t18 male, 1 '~ )ltUI aid. Jn FOR SALE: BahJ equip-~~ Glrt'1 ice Jltata men!, playpen $5. Jump 1-'""::..:=.=::_ ___ _ lll<ll $3. Canttt $3. Swtna OllLD'S d6k, I draWl'T, S SS. Walker Sl. Oft.Ott baa· al'lolve1, P.latcb~rc chalr. JI, Balh tub 11. Adull • Exorllent amd111bn. $25. reuphol!tertd rocker $$. m-na -- 962-4374. 9062 J.tallard. r .v, GOOD. Slilrl<C'd, e I e ctr I c if1• (,(RL'S bike Sl4. Glrt•J '#f.llhe!r l.nd dr)'tr $2.i each Schwinn StincraY $3), both l1"3 A1•1fnnorrr' Terr a c: e, with baaktll. Man·1 ke I ~C::·•:;:';..· ---~--~ lkaltl $2. ~ l White elepbanlll DlmM·liDt 12V !l5 amp Aotaltt• 1tnerator $15 l2V n.tc. Rem> ,...,...,. flO IJIP :II v Falrbllnkl M"Clfa motctf' $25 New 2 bUracr llDnoMine lhwt $23 1!4" JU.CO ,..;n, S20 J~" taper lock~ SS· lGeO Babcock st. c.11. ..... I ... ~ " ... '•rt. . ·' f1•' ',, ... j\ ,. ·l'I+' " " ' '" . ' .,, " --- ...---~.,...----.,.. .... -,...-----~-~----~--·-~-•c-----,..,,---------~----~-~~---·--~~--..,.-·~--... I I ~ • .-,.,.J9, 1'69 ' -' TilANSPOllTATION TRANSPOltTATION TAAHSl'OllTATION TllANSPOlTATION TllANSPOlTATION TJl4HS'ClllTATION TllANSPOltTATION TltAHSPO~ATION '!f Mll.V l'ROT FttEE TQ Y0U ,-• I """a Yochll 9000 -· c......,. 9020 1'1111,.1 1 11 •1:c~!:1!*~'!~·~;;~·~t!520~ ln111arW'Aul.M " lni••IW -... -1....,......,... 9600 _Im ....... AU... 9600 L bundles-« ~ ·-~ c:;..:.:,: ·-... --..... .,,, OAVID '·FRASER J4' CHRIS CllAl'T : '·--• OW•. AUSliN MIALIY -~ llNZ UNAULT TOYOTA rda 1111f w¥lta to pidt 23• O)aQMbli. 28 f!ioW. Slmt $7,•l I f. '6'f SPttft'E, 1JOr!-cond. !'5 Mor~•• ...,. S1'50. Or Wt o&r ifl.;1705 -.22t 1.L , .. TOYOTA -up a! 1!>6 E. n St. Cll -·•·i~ 1 ... ·~---BR., -~ p!W>; · • MJI llllift • .,.... ~'t >< 4119 ..... ~. -"'~ . .. .. . 11y1Jw • ......, .... xlDt ..., -d n.aJer l G(l(JO homo. Pure-brOd 3:..~~~:'.1.~ 6 !19.000 copil, By.-. &1$.4510 -1f on '6)' , ~: ~ W~~~t~o-.•• mnature sch d • u z er• , 4r en. dll Ketch •• m.500 25' l\trridlal\ fb(lla. equl~ .-,;. ( -v.;y ....... Mother. Fathl!'r & "°"· Must 40• Dll Ketch aft cab •• $30.000 ped for fleh1ac or crWIJl&. 1 * 12l9 ~-~ ~OOO'J'!tl, Of Camptt· '"' all """"· oa-mi .. .., . .,.... CUii" """""' ""''"" fllOO. Owntr ..... HERB FRIEDLANDER 0~ .. ,_,,,, 4121 ................... ' • $17,500 lou$. ••&-mt . ' ' -·· LOVABLE "" l•m. bll< 32' Tollycraft twin""'"· '61 13150 BEACH BLVD. HW, 39 llOllNS FOllD cocker mix, yr old, lovei FIB, 80 hn. ~A: offer. Sp!l•"=!ki ~~!'-~30 (2Blocks So. G. Grove Fwy.I 20&0 Harbor Blvd. chit, hsebrim, lnced yd lps. 37' Crus Sloop, alps 5 ;. $9500 , CUST Ski bClat, 1,000 ~ten::. ~ . Costa<,._ ' 642.ootO 842-2189 4122 CAU..: rnoCK AVERY •... Low ml xtn skis. hvy duty 1961 Y~A 350 cc ~~="=·'!!!!~~~~ TERRlER-P1:lodle, 8 n10S. old ~ .. ~1!'*D11?~N5ewport trlr, OI~ torcts sale! ' '68 VW 1Ca.lnper. 16,fOl ml. ••~ ~· ,.,.. ·-ONLY 440.MILES · female. heo.Jthy, Io v es · Must see to apprec. 642--.u.u Xlnt cond. $2700. children -prefer hon1e 22. RYAN tiberglasg cabin '66 GLASPAR, 16' Avalon. OCt 'rhl blk '-~ .._. ..-Ca.U 962-8785 \\.i/5a111e. 1-Ta.'I had 1111 her Mere. Top&. 1i6e eurta\J\11. 5 e uas O('Vtl' """in on ~AB OVER CAMPER !!hol:s. S4S-ST56 cruiser. Full galley, Aleeps Loaded 'th lras, ~l69J , the dirt. Just like It C!amt ~ . ~~· • l, cpts, 100 bp Mere. out "'' ex • · otf the sho1vroom floor \Vh.y _. B Vlctona AOOR. beige Chihuahua n1ix, board motor in w81Tanly. 494-3321 • Buy A '69! Piivale ~. , ·-:---· -· • ---· yr old. loves child. hsebrn, Hvy duty hitch, cullt. trl. 15• Srbtol Fiberglass Ski ! call ll30-ot03 Or m.'9340 C1mper Rent•~ 9522 nd!i loving home, nds le~ elect brakes, new ~;; full Boat w/ t<l'r 4" HP J·'-· 412'2 ' , ' " ..,.., ... 64 ~ David•on ._. 00A""f1• mi.n~ yard. 846-2451 chrome rails. At Newpm1 son moto1 STOO. 540-0640 Spririt. ~. lo ~ J", R"ENTAL"'s-· 2 MONTH old part Slip. Sacrifice. S4200 -tenns Australian s i I k y s, 2 or S3600 cash. 549-3283 ~t Triilert 9032 wfndshield tic r a 8 h bars It's none too early to make females. To gooci. Mme with l7 FT. Pertormer. Islander ::;,:=:...;.:..::.::.:.: __ ..:.;:: $250. ~-9121 ' tttll!rvationa lo: SprinJ' Iiol. children. 5'48-!M39 4·19 Deluxe model tall Ober-TRAILER lor 18' boat. '66 Bultaco }tatadar · iilaJ'I,! · 4 PICTURESQUE plump .. 1 ... -) outboard. CW;tom "American" make, with Reblt trans, many extras. ' WEEK-.F.ND ,OR WEEKLY ~ controlled till, S"" .... tire &: v-~.:.~t -1·"" 548-0291' ' pUppieis. affectioMte, varied &nap down cover. Big w~ ..... ~ ~ •. , .... · "'.,... """ hydraulic lights & license, · 65 Suzuki colon. 6 v.•ks.,31SM Vl.rginla till tqiller. $700 or best off. S:\5 x 15 tires. Gf6.:'i26l tfl 5.. · lPO ro \\'a.y, So. Laguna 4/19 er. Phone 6'4-468'1alter7 pm PM .... ,,, Asking $225 or make 4 BEAlITlFUL kittens, a WANTED TO BUY boat &: v.ttks old. I beige, 2 lite onshore or oU!ihOrt' moor· grey, 1 stripped. 833-2795 ini, Balboa Island. \\'rite to 4/19 912 Ja.mi c a \Vay, w" offer. 548-6409 • ' 68 JIODAKA. Road or dirt. Tuned exhaust. ' Big tires. shock~ & air. $375. ~1170 9525 '68 Dune Bugqey "Meyers Menx Body'' -or Eves. FA.CT'ORY Allt''CllfllllTJON. , ' . - JNG. auto ~ power sle(t', fllQ viq)1·1 1nttr. plu!J m"h' IDIJ'e. 1'btWWcf 1n ~X· PR£ OPENING -('llW 1960 BORG,VARD C.OUpe. ~b' restored. $>45. 646-8l13 days., su.-0850 qul<lte midnight blue. MUJt .J/!.ALE ate It drtvt to bellt-vt. ·,sev. ' ·;, et'&l f O\Cf M.8.'1 .!O choole. "WI CAN:Y WAIT ~l OUI" DATSUN '6' 1000 DATSUN Roadster, 5 apd tru.n,., 133 hp, dlr, honey.gold yol1011•, l~l'lllpLli I .Jl111po 11•, GRAND OPENING F~. RADIO IN&TA\.LED bk:k bucket seats. r:adio, , 3100 W. Cow;f Jtwy, , tie.ater, Wl'ilf's, less than lboo 6 .• , ....... ~cwport Beach 11,, .• 100 GALLONS OF GAS m1. Under fact waiT. Take "";nw ~ '" Aulho"--' 'I" ~a1e with purchue of an,y NE\V ofdel' foreign car in trade or iu.a.i •• µ u.:; r . . , RENAULT ln stock during $175 ca.sh deh:. \V1U fine pr\v 67 MERCEDS 200 D our pre-opening da)'!I prty. LB YN\V 485. caU Ken, Di~!C;I, ~.ooo ae~\13.1 mu~s, $195 Will Deli~er 494-9773.; =UN :~~atic transm.1ss10n-.Like HURRY slati<>• w...,..,, Herb Friedlander "Time Limit Oller:• Radio, healer, automatic, 1J750 Beach Ulvd Ul\Yy 39) BRING YOUR TRAO&Jtir dlr, :d.pt cond. Honey heige 2 ·blks So G G F\\1' " TCi OUR NIDV LOCATION exterior, $100 ~sh dels ~r 89J.T:>66 ' · ' ·~7~4 take older car in trade. LB ______ ....:.:_: ..... , WBJ · 5.s!I, caU J a rn e s 494-9T?3 . ENGLISH FORD B&Z IMPORTS ''•""'MALE=~k~ll~1.-..,-.-,""'""'"'--""'1d. Bakersfield, Calif. 93300 affectionate, tame, trained 14' GLASS Runaboul, 50 hp lo box. 213 Tustin, Newport Evinrude, trlr. cover, Xlnt BNt Slip Mooring 9036 SLIPS io rent rOr ~-;;-f~ sale. S2.2S per ft, Boca.rdus ,.._,.., Auto SerYitet & Parts 9400 ~!ro: w~~~y he~i~~· ORANGE COUNTY'S 410 Main St., tires, Chrome roll· bar, in. VOLUME ENGLISH Huntington Be•ch Beach 64Z-2931 4/19 shape. $695. FREE kittem, adorable grey TOl\ofCAT BOATS male, beige male, blk/wht 2614 Npt Blvd., NB 6'1S-2400 female. 644-0i88. 2 9 2 1 SACRIFICE!! 23' 0 w e n 11 Carob, CEastbluff) NB 4/22 cabin cruiser. Radio, bait BLUEBIRD unifortn, !'!ize 7, tank, dinghy, full equip; includes skirt, blouM', vest trailer. $ 2 6 0 0 • 0 FF ER and suspenders. 540-8638 54!>-1141 days, 96S-3l!lO eves. ·==~-~---'-1-2'_1 16' TRAVELER. f&Jnily ski, 100 SQ. Yards St. Augustim> fishing. 80 hp Evin. X1nt gras.<; you renlove. 1965 co~. Many extras $1700. . Parsons St. :.48-2898 4/22 6'45-C639 KITrENS, fl-ee to good 8' JET Inboard. A real cuti~. home. Trained.· 6 "'ks old $599. Phone 642-9336 962.4775 .(/22 -- PETS •nd LIVESTOC~ S•ilbN~ 9010 Cali 8820 \VANTED boat slip for .q• cruiser. 646--0264, 9-.'i. , 1955-'56 CHEVY Frame · BO.It Servicts • 9037 solid ft'ont axle &: steering -------gear. $100 on,best offer. 1681 Underw•tlr ~lv191 ;: Tustin sf.. Aflt. 1, Costa Small jobs, 8W2-0745 Mesa. After 6 PM 2 \VEBER 45 DCOE Carber- Bo.lt· Y •cht rators for TJU.4 C:Ompl aet· · Ch•rtert ___ 9039__ :u:•,,,· =Cal=! =54UIS6==· =· '='=""== SLUEWATER CHARTERS Triller, Tr1vel 9425 lf·Drive sail or power boat.f. i-'~;o.;;....-'--'---'..;..· Harbor cruises/sport fish,. 1966 :m· HOLIDAY, fully self Daily -Weekly * 646-9000 contained. Siee;. 6 Extras CAL 24 for CHARTER -avail, 642-«24 $25 day. $150 wk, 846-2957 Fishing llooH 9040 _.__. .. - Trucks 9500 ----' G.M. dependent.rear hand brakes. FORD DEAL.ER . -::WJ""'==;S:,;IM;;;292;_;,=== Convertible top, Absolutely COMPLETE MB '61 220 SE Coupe O~w "•• ..... Ll<,·UCY ,,. sALEs-sERv1cE """'" t>is. rad~. ""'' SPRm _$2_ PARTS CENTER v /black leather, 4 sped, -------- •l'7 Xlnt. $Zl95. 714 ·871-56S5 I\ ~ ~1 R~r.t~~RD . -~M~G~ ·-= =t'°',SP=~=:':=.;'=!~:-=~=·=';'=1~=-·=~='.;..6511""~ ~h o 200J Hacbo< Blw. '66 MGB-GT Coupe SUBARU ~, ~s • Cmtll' Mesa 64Z-0010 0et'p slate grey · nni!'!h \V/ I---·-'-' ' II·, ~"t ~~~~i''"'h black l•alh<r' Joto•·. SUBARU W JI = Fully equip. incld. \Vi 1· c FERRARI whe•b, AM/FM rad~ & ........,. Ext. 661 -----'----1 Pirelli ""1a1 fo ... Ab'"'"'· Re1·1'I D1'v1'<1'on 197 HARBOR BLVD FERRARI lY sllowroom fresh. Several 18' ~ O • Newport '1inpc)'rt1 Ltd. Qr. other new & used GT C.OUpes ·COSfA· M!:SA _,., •'-to choose from. 1000 W. C.tt Highw•y ·DUNE BUGGY anie Count:>''• vuy .au......,r-' ' . ized ~ealer. , ,N;eW19rt18e•ch s7:i0. lttetal~ 54&-665l SALES. SERVICE • PARTS -. * 540-2733 LEAVING for Europe. ~lust sell beaut yng Himalayan neutered male Bluepoint $50 494-2376. ' 3100 W. Uiast Hwy. , N:!t ~~ .. l~~~ .. ~'rtiog n;:!~ '56 GMC~~:"n~1~5Drives &: I 1mpo~~-A~.;. -96® &t~-MD:ew-·rt Brac~40-1764 _ 5_~NB_E_A_M_ 21 ' ISLANDER 4 T, HOW . 1660 aitbcock, loo~ perfect. (G45428) S695 -----'91 .. !1111• -,,,=;A;"'=:"°;~=·'='='='=IG=D='="'="=I BARGAINS! J1rWpo11 311111orrs As new, sips 4, galley $3495 ~C:.._M,.,.=~~~--~ This weekend only. 2 yr. •t;---w 29' COLUMBIA 26 $PORT Fisher plus slip 24,000 mi. '''arranty. \V~ fine (i)~litJ-1Doa.~~'------8'-8'-'2.5-' 5 Sail5, inboat.tl. plus lots fully eqUippecl, $ 4 0 O 0 carry our 01vn contracts EJ:c--..ta.ud .. ,11:-...,.1 eoo~.n 646-4039 oar. I •t"•irw:t~ -..,.7• ALASKAN Malamutes, for more! ................ ~.,.,., Mow ~ breeding, AKC 36' SLOOP 9048 2014 Harbor c.r.1. 1967 JAGUAR registered, healthy, Black Radio, D/F, fatho, 5 sail!'!, SO.t Stor~'~ 612·9336 ! 4.2 Coupe _& White coloring , , .$7S wheel, djng"h);'., try •• $12,500 , __ JllJAT fil'QRAG~_ ·;,7 CHEV. ~ Ton pick-up; \Villo\V green, radio, 11ter· and up. 49~ -ePAcrncYAa:IT SAf,ESi Sail or powe.r up to 20' eng:l"t'cently-O-' h"a·u I e d : ""eo. Uke--nE!\\-. low mile5. · ADORABLE Blond cocker 3446 Via Oporto, Newport Fenced yard. New p 0 rt Jielper sprgs. &: I o ad VCL 924 spaniel puppy. Purebred 24 Hour Phone .... 673-1570 Bayiront levelers: S425. C&IJ: 549--2044 $4295 female, 8 weeks S 3 5. Coming CUSI'OM DLX K t1 Monthly rates include .• • ' _A_ft_. s_P_M ______ , 1967 TOYOTA 847-9525 SMALL SAILBOATS Use or hois t '64 DODGE Van R&H, panel-Coron1 Sed1n ST. BERNARD Pup. 2 month Lido 14 #1837 ........ sJ049 Launching ed, crptd. $1295 Good cond . Aul• •·a•• •ad•'• Ha·• d Sa~ts •239 •~9 .-,o.=.. Call Anthony's 833-0812 eves. .,. u '"'" • "' ,.., ol male. Brown & white. "" , ·" .. • ~ • ....,..; ~2281 ""~=~=.....,0,,-,--I to find bench seat. Beauti- S51). 642-1044 alt 3 pm call Dart 12' (NEW) ••··•• .$440 '51 FORD P .U., ·.,,. eng. full Extremely clean. KXU 548-6331, ask for John. Glass Snawbird •••.•• .$350 9050 $175 or Best otter 579. N 0. h 195. Bo1tt Wanted !:.Ar:. Allntl !LABRADOR pups. blk, AKC ew mg ys ••••••·•· • ....,....,.,.,. 1 $13. Great family· dogs & 1-IANY,CATAMARANS hunters. 962-5737 Sat & TOMCAT BOATS .,,,kdays. 2614 Npt Blvd, NB 6/:r2400 \VJRE hair Fox TetTier pup. pies, AKC, 1 wks old. S40. j 644-1156 Pedigree black male Dach. I sund. 2 years old, $35.00 , Call 5J6.Mll H.B. 1SIBERIAN Husky, AK C, I male, all :shots, proven stud, blue eyes. 642-8464 £'Ve. AKC Reg p1\lvrn York.shire I stud, take pick of litter or $75. 962-3139 AOORABLE & lovable male, Beagle puppy; A.KC regis. 645-2313 LAB. Retriever Pups AKC Registered 533-6727 Eves: 541-2621 Days C H AM PION stock, AKC, I mit1. Schna.taCrs, shots, trim- : med. 8 wits. $80. 8J9.5140 ' LHASA APSO -Poodle Pup. ~ pies. $.15. Call 499-%128 AKC Reg. Poodles. Toy's & ' Mini's. $50 up. Toy Stud Ser. ~ 547~1 or 547-9591 :GREAT Dane Pups. AKC : fawn &: brindle. * ""'953 * GERMAN ·Short Hair Pointer puppies, females, 8 wks. Good hunting dogs. 962-5313 I WATCH FOR 'TIS OPENING SOON $14'5 J~rlupor t 31111p or1 ~' TRIUMPH '67 Triumph GTB Gleeming ruby red w/ black inter, Every po1111ible al"C'eS- aory on th~ truly beauti.M spts. car, Must ~ &: drtve to believe. Also, '68 TR·250 availabJe for Imm. delivery. J}rlupo1 1 31111polf:, 3100 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 642-9'10.j 540-1764 Authol'ized t.1G Dealer --·&fTriumph 200) 4 doo1·. Unusual car. Lie. TYU-760. Only $2675 ••ltmi6 111PORJS· OYOTA·YOLVO 1966 Harbor, C.M. .~9303 '66 Triu~. Spit Fire $~~JII~ Think fiat? Think HERB FRIEDLANDER 9625 Gaitlen Grove Blvd. ~-3333 TR 64 Spitfire Xlnt cond. Complele overhaul, 1 i k e new. $995 or best oiler. 54&-1184 '66 Triumph Mark II Spitfire. Xlnt cond. Wife whb, nu radial tires. s:t*;. 968.2389 TRIUP1PH '64 TR -4 2 to chllc»;e from ' $1499 Think Fiat? Think HERB FRIEDLANDER 9625 Garden Grove Blvd. 89<J333 '65 Tl!IYMPH 4_ Rdstr, dlr, 4 speed, over· driv~. wire wheels. new disc brakes. Jet black ext. new top, good rubber all &l'O\lfd. Xlnt cond. $100 cash dels or trade. Will fine prvt party. LB RIV 291. C.all Ken, 494-9773 or 54~ VOLKSWAGEN G.M. MOTORS '68 V\V Bug. R&R, 4 1pd. l\\fYS4n> $1690 •. This week. end only. 2 'yr. 24,000 mi. warranty. We carry our own contracts oac. 2014 Harbor 642-9334 '66 V\V \Vhite wall&,.radi.o s1299 · Think Fiat'.' Think C.M. HERB FRIEDLANDER 9625 Garden Grove Blvd. 8>1-3333 1969 VW {3 mos. new) low miles. Must sel'. t h i !'! weekend!! Sell $1895. er best offer. Call afternoons o:-evening, 67~2372 w 833--0447 1968 VW. Air-conditioning. mint condition. $ 1 9 7 5 . Private party. 84Z-3164 '67 VW Ruby red, -radio, new Michelin tires, Xlnt amd, must sell! 54frl5.19 '61 VW, newly reblt eng. & trans: good trans. car S575. 1192--1460 65 VW 26,000 mi. Superb con- dition! Must See! $2100. 541)..1)6411 '68 VW, R & H, Xlnt cond. $1675 Full Price. Prvl. prty. TI4 • 112-9340 i][;J WE ARE ONLY #2 MOYll'fG lf' fbrck outbrd 211' SLOOP, Marine head, '68 BSA Victor, l M mileL w(IJ 19 Evin. trlr. All ac-llchta. New dae 11&11. A.aklni Xlnt cond. $850,_ ce1to "'°' IC-6999 SIJOO. m.-6l82 •• 543-'193.1 * • 2r INBOAJtD. ,w1th trw.iltr, FIXER t.Tpptr-lr s 100 p 1964 HONDA. 250 •tt. reblt nitdt 1ll"Ol1l! $250. 158 E. W/sailt A: tn.Utr. M&ktt of· crwtne. runs good, $350, Milon. C.11.~ ... 231 Palmer. CM. •642-1119• ,,. Doy °"""" Ooot•ry ,._ All.~.~1. 13:'i00: -.-*em " • ' ~-·-~~-----.........__-~-------~ -~------------------_____ ...... ____ ~ SO WE TRY HARDER FOR YOUll '69 TOYOTA From $)770 4 %% BAllK FlllAllCING WITH 15% DOWN 0.~ef CtMlt 48 MO. BANK FINANCING AVAILABLE WE NEED YOUR TRADE IN! U4SfHe AtAll.41U ~s 646-9303 ~ TOYOTA-VOLVO ~ 1966 HARBOit , C.M. I ' ........ ~.:. •ti l\31 • 'Ill• J1guar XKE la one of·lhe worLl'1 -• llllooi .. -. I ·mobiles at hali.lhe sreal aatomobUe prlce. Under $6000. Wlw are you wilting for? ' JaguarllJ .?Do& BUICK . 234 E. 17th; St .. , .. Cnt• MeiA OPEL · ,. .,. -ri.S ;" •• ~,, ""~>; New C1rs 9800 New C1rs --·1101:1DAY -RAMBLER IN COSTA MESA AMX and JAVELIN . HEADQUARTERS FOR ORANGE COUNTY BRAND NEW ~6°9 RAMBLER 'H AMBASSADOR DPL Owner's personal car. ·2 door Hardtop. '.Ev1ry conc~ivable exlres, including eir. Come in end s11 thi1! FANTAS.TIC YALU&. PRE-CHECKED USED CARS '64 ~rd ;64 c1ais1~ Z4ffr, YI, $995 w.,._. .. , cyl. Sfte9i ..... IT'alll.. offf4rJq, •ec110 g ,7 II•"' ""'I... & HIHlf9f, owe ,.,. OST JJI. CONNELL CHEVROLET 28211 Harbor mw. Cn1ta Me5ll 546-1200 WUI Buy Yoar Volk:nrape w PwldJt a .., !Op dolluL Paid 1or ...... Coll IWpll . . 673•1190 Auto Luslna 9110 /LEASE 'EM I '68 Cad Cpe deVW~. full pwr, air, vinyl root'. Driven only 14.500 ml, Looks new. 2C l1liPI lie at Slf'. mo. New '69 Eldo~do •. full @quip, Incl -•''"""' .... ""'·" peor mo. 24 mo. IH. alao-'88 Eldon.do $179...40. . .SOUTH COAST . CA·R .. LEASING 300 W. CaHt !licl\.,.,, ~ NeWport Beach ' LEASE • RENT •· · l'CW.llLAR , . li\li(f.S . . ·..,_ -~. ·.., ·~·\t.,. -AU:T}IC)lllllD L!U!llG SYS,TEM Get Dur CDri\pct1tlvt Ra.tea Theodore ' ROllNS fORD · ' 2000 l!&ri>or BlYd. .f:osta'Mea ~ 6CU010 -· . G.M. MOTOll.S ':.114· lr.rtlor Bl'11. Coilta M1!p ' 642.J331 i'nnsporiation oars ffum $4'-t. $1"' twe c&rrJ .our own contn.eta --.. CHO!Cll' 'IT ru.-loodod. ~Xlnt a>nd.' ·11 Japar 11 SManr. --XUio..· l!I:· cond. Of1 • no. ~'1294. i..;,,o '1$-llOI •ulCK UICK '64 , Eiedta. Ht, l/f>WI', -I{""' ~~ •• """-Int cOnd. I 2 0 . ~tl . . 1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY LAGUNA. BEACH . 494-1084 ' .. ··~·· 547~3103 . SEE THE CIADER UNIVERSITY OLDSMO!llLI-GMC 2150 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MISA '68 YW· MIUAAa •ACK lei!, Mild liltllritf, _......_ ~=-fWll ~. lie lie. ...... 111.tt.,.. ....... fillfi . : ........... 2116.95 IAL ~66 PORSCHE rn -'''· ..._. .,......., Wick w.i. It du.,... ,.,,.... -ixtrft =-111111-. UC. ,.., .SW25 'Ill:!:-... ... -. . "" ......... ..,... 4170,;s IAL. '63 vw ··-&M mefltlllc, •'"1'.I lftlttJlf ,fWll, llf!IW/'(lt. JM, OM ...... Vli"'::i • " ,, :,:, -'Ill ....... ,, ' .. .. ) .. ------------------.. - 2261,95 1AL 'lS. lllllMIS".· .1~~"'1 ., coco ~ °'"' Mer -rMlcf!lll~ nr.-... l+o.211"4 ·~-. -...... -- 1'4.ts "• -ai!i:.~. 364195 l~L .95 IAL-. '. ~ ... '66 GHIA '*'"• ,, '1'1llew Midi: 111t1r* ...... 11ull.t>t Ufl, Lk, .... ,.,$l23 f t 1"'·"· ' .._,, 111 • ......... ' 1:::..:.;.... 1532.95 IAL '63 vw ..... •niltf!I orMnr WVI lntWlw r..U. & l!Nler. SlllM!"9 ai..e Hon. '·!C· fLZ 656 : ' 11,, ... M.t11 .. .lt.00 lie. 1111.fl ' ......... . 1077.95 IAL '67 YW - 0-COl!trHtlnf lrttlrllr', r8"1o,•llltftr, llewt!M orlO II ur. I.le. No. UJH ... _ lffl.• M.H fin , .... .. .1 ... N . · -· ........... ·""· 1511-,. . ' ~fl ML, •. .. IUtill) NEW 1Nf~ KSWAGENS -'; . •1977--~~;:~~ .. ~ . ' " .. .. ' I ' ' .... ~ - • ' PHONE~ . .. '65 CHIVROLIT' El CA~INd: A.T. RIH. I! RJ76601 l ' ;'$1195 ·-· '64 QLDS Co""· AJ .. lllH. P.S, IPIC . 4151 s· 9 . ,_ 5 _ ' . ·sn5_.-'. "'66 .eu icic. H.T. CPE. WILDCAT •. A.T., RIH, ;.s., '"t b11c•1t i11h, lilte "'•· (R U 4'11 CiM111 c,_, Air coM .. A,' -r., P..S., l i t(:• INHY 1161 . ' 52295- i . ·51695·· I . . ' " ' ·6t BARRACUDA :Co11p1. A.T.. r.s.. A.IH. CVSG I IJJ '6S WBLElt ..• - Amb1111d1r St1tio11 W111. A.T.,·~IH, P.S. ITXT lJf.)~ 51195·::· ' '-tile fl111ntlf1t , 1-.tf ,....,. .... ,11~r.t11 " ceNN.Rt.- • ~· CHIYROLIT -·. e . • • 2121 '1arllor •d., Costti M- -.• ::. --646-1203 .. llAND , NIW 196t BUICK '2444 • $199~ . ~ . • '" TIMPIST • • c..toM ·c,._ UH, ii• r.s., f1ctorr '" ceolttl ... etn9. ISTDl771 • • . -·1·191· '. • • • • • '" •u.C1 . ·: . WJldcof 4 '"'· F..-,. •.r,, .1vto., ,._ ....... •RIH. ISVX 0111 ~ . . • • $2191 .• ·------til • · 'H IUIC1 ··-• : seem. c..,.. "'" ,....,, . f1!f9'J .1,, ~-._ • : Stlll • • ,'H . OL~IMQllLI • , .4 ·'"' H.T. ,hcte,Y 1fr 1,...., .... rt., a ~. ...... tlolOY 14'1 • -·-. • ·$1195 .• -. " • 'U OLDSMOllLI • .Lo .. ,,.. , ....... ir.n ~, - f1cfory.1lr. ISUP 112J • : $2291 .• • '64 RAMllLllt . i lltto St•~ w~. Feet.*' IP.S., •wto. I _ 1 ll}J _ : ., ••• ·-•••••• : JAG~Alt '·• =~-· ._eo..p1oto s.1 ... s...,;JI :1co •n<I· Plf!a· Dopo, :motitfor~kS.. . ... ,,,. . I "'!~·T )•••····! • 23' E. )71 ST. • • 141.nu-· • • • OPIN: •. 7 DAYS . AND • • IYININH · . • ~~t!U l'.K '" . . ' CO~T4 M~S~. I • • ·------------~~--~~------------.--------· -. ; , -.... ~-. .. -~ .. ·---. ~ ' s.t .... J,""1119,1969 ,,• 1 .. • ~~~!!::!l~~~~~=~~S~pO~RT~Kn~· ~O~N~~~~~~ , nANIPORJATION , TIANSl'OllTATION-.'~N~ATION ' TRANSPORTATION •~A~~PORTATION ~;;;;;;;;;;;;::::-:;;;c·~·;";;;;,;;;':IOO~~~~~;; .. ;;,.~!! ~Con .9900 UMd c.'!.. ~ ~-~I' 9900 UMd Cui 9900 Usod c... 9900 =="--·--'"'-!!""" ·. C~OLIT . l • 'co_~ CORVAIR __ FO_._,R_D__ FOR,D '* CiiEf. Vu, like "'w 1S62 OOMET &. ~ •hilt. 1915 CORVAIR """''" no '66 FORD --,-6S F11tback ·I E c a i "' • ~ ....., z "' oo· ... E • .. ' ... e e n 0 c i! ,., :1 ii& •• • • ·-• • . il~~ l~ ·~ .. ,. .,. !~1( • .,. !! • ~ ... a; I 81 ""'11• I e1 ....... !{' -I VI ~•;1 ! f< • ' CD ij! E.-~ . "~; m -• •I· lllo • :! ' =-•• ..~·· ft c:ll ' ,, ... ~ • In t Ill tll:.< ., J . q• ~ p I i .,. lr,i ... ~i .. , w 8j " I-... ff . ' .. < I lliilil • " "'"'-,... W ! .. , :i":i . c t • e~ l o ; • n • a • 1!~ c: VI • • • i. • m -c ? ! • • I r.~ ~ ~ .,. P.i 8l .,. . i • ... ~-i I .... , ~ i .0 ~l g 0 ~~; •,1~ .. ' • q'. ~ B I ~~t s "''. ! .... !:i I • • ~ .·~ 0 .,.. i;: I! w l ~ ~ " ~< 0 . *~ . ~~ • i ~ • r. . ' (~·- .,. 9''. i al ... I~:• .. VI ,.. • "' ~;C II • Cl ~., a n • ~}t i = m. -c f!JJ: .,. ~. i !l w ~,,,,. =- ~ ~~ •. -.. ~; ' , .. . . ·' "' -c .~ . •• • ~:· mlllll aefll Clan bodf. $475 or beat, O>Us>e, auto trans, R. It H. VS, autornatic, radio. heater, ' ~ ._ *"12$ •· tir.m atttt. 41K1,~ c.\isi int bkt Kills, x1nt Country Squire lie. RGK 098, $1200 1.5 onJy lS60 CHEVY w/ new motor1 c4oo. 1 owner. M6-3157 or V/qqon SlOO over whole.sale Kel.ty .a 1\r """·' eyt. "'''cash . CONTJNENt' '••' ~1 . . ' WI h ~-·· ~ Blue l!<\Ok•• ~ Lewil11m· ,,f!J!r or trade for 'f. 673...Ql~1 · 11111 ·~vA'i'ii '4. oP! itT. 1 '"'-.. ~ i-.:ar dt&' pis!, M&-93m f A •-~---bet ol Equipt. with fact. air, P.S., CR.i:V, W8'ot1· Excellent '63 LINCOLN • 'tt~:"Cail~ ar ' t • P.B., power windows, etc. '63 ford fut back H lop, dlr, ~-.·-~ ell(lne .,...., k.,, CO.,...NENT' AL SVX'170 V-8, pwr """ owtted by lit· ...., _,__ n 'll 1960 CORVAIRt enafne·xlnt, $1995 tie 'ole lady irom 'San • ~ ' ·••62-CHEV. 4 dr. '~. Fq11 fact. equip. ·body good, lnterlor sad! Clemente. Take foreign 'car , GOOD' SHAPE 1:17:;, . LeaU,.r Int. s~: #'25-A mo. """'" JOHNSON & SON in trade. LB PFG 931 Call ft .f '* 5:0{!133 .._, i I· : tJ --"$109f Lincoln.Mercury James 54~4 . 19Gll. EL 0.mloo, V-3, low JOHNSON & SON DODGE 1941 H•t'bor 81,d. 6<!-7050 1!"6 FORD Cnty S<d•n' •ta milea~. pt00. PvJ party. ---r-.. ---,66 Fo d \\'ag , 10 pass. Fae alr, P/s, 540-7695 , Lincoh1"Mereury '68 DODGE Polara; air, , r P/b. 14,<m n1i. $2,006. i '"" H bo Bl·~ uo _ lo -"· ha ,.._ FL • G.T.A. Convert ... vs. "'"l ''5 ' • ( -~. J_ LJU ar r .-u, .,.....,......, pwr., w ,.....,.. V1! ....,, au1omaUc transmwion, .nir-'"' , , CfllY~ 1963 CONTINENTAL. Blue· ear, mWlt seU. A&k. SZTOO. power sleerini;, radio, heat-'63 FORD Galaxie 500 421: 4 •1..--~,...,.. grey. black leather int. Full 499-2590 er, SfN :rn. ~300 is $100 spd, headers, dual holl~14,s. r.JR A t~ n;.,1;;; pov.-er &: air. Very clean DODGE DART 196.1 Good ovef wholesale KeUy BILie 4_:57 end, and ~ p.iilt, Ull!J o$,!?'COl1d car, · 5 6 $995. Call art 5. 494-9509 . oond. For sale by Owner. Book. Dun Lewis Imports, tires. Make offer. 673-S(lJ ~ Good cond .. 1-lcmi ======== 548-4811 646-93)3 Take over pmts. on '67 J'ord -· f'l'l.,or~ 011"" c' OJtTINA '65 Fon! Cnlry S<d, v~. G•l. 51111. Vinyl lop, nlilio, ~ " / FALCON auto, dlr, pwr st.rg, xlnt brake;i. Good cond. Call 0Cl!R. YSLE-R -· Ne-port 4 -' •~ "-·h d " ak after 5:30 p.m. 539-9240 ~ " "•7 CnDTINA "'~· ~ ~ •~ or I ' itr, tac air, P/a, ~ 'IVH. nu ~ '61 FORD Falcon Station foreign car in trade. CaU '61 l-'ORD Sed1111 StaUon !ires. Coo8 col*!. $850. 1600 .·4 apttd ·radio. Low \Vqon. New tires. 'Ken LB UEV 484, 494-9713 \\'agon. Po\ver & air. Gaixl 846-9136 m.ile&&e. The de lux mode! $325. • 613-3179 '64 FORD Sedan, V-8, auto., ,bu'C'y'="$1~65~. "~'"""',-,-''=-;;:;;:- with ,bucket seal!!. WFV196 . _ . . very rood cone!. $550 '65 GALX. 500 2 Dr. Hdtp. COMET 1 $13.SQ· • BUSIFSJ' marklfpiaC. r\n M0-7828 390 V-8, aulo .. lull Dwr . .. NS"" s· . OWUted ' """"'-s,.. . -' '64 OOMET, 2 new tires, ne1v brake&. E:t. cond. VaJue $650, sell $495. 546-8044 J011 uN & ON '4 • 'time • i1!1 ... "'Loo1 lS YOUR AD IN CLASS!· AM/Fl>!, .,,., . • ,: Uncoln:Mercur)· Wlm. 'I'll• OAJl.Y PlLOT FlED! Someone will be DAILY PILOT WANT Jf'6 1941 liarbor Blvd. 642-7000 now!!! lockiT11 tor Jt. nitl M2.56'f8. ·0111 6f2..567I ·r Nlw can ~ , ; 1-1 9eoa ... ~. c.f., 9~ ,..wean ·!.-~IT'S Hi RE! . . , \.I',. -FQRD.· ' ' . ". -~ . ' 9800 NowC1rs 9800N1WC1n • SPECI~ QISCOUtiTS · THIS WEEKEND.! ,C:O,!lfE 0 lN AND TlJRN YOVHSELF ON/ MUSTAl'fGS FAl~!.AN~S GAWIES • • • T·tlRDS TORIMOS CUSTOMS ._(jet Tl'llly U11usual Savin9s y On Over 300 New ·'69's Duri_n9 This BICJ Clearance ! • · ALL REMAINING 1961 .SHELBY GTs NOW AT ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE. LIMrTID DIC AND HMO CARS AT IYIN eJEATll SAYINGS! ', IT'S ~:. . -LITTLE-6'ASr 19'7 VOLKSWAGIM 2 dr.,Sed. E•q11i1ife. J1111 •~•rh111l1d. !\JQL lbll 20'1, dow11 or tr1d1. $1595 ~~~. . $58 =:.~ 1968 FORD 4 ~-VI TllANSl'OITl.TlON SPICIALS Now ••er•tlnt 15 c•ra-;.r W..k th•t can be ret•llecl •t whol ... le to the pubUc. le11t th• dhl•l'I on th••• older ur1. C111tom. '!•O ~g., 111tom1tlc, bl1ck w/white lop. (IJSIZI 14tlll 11111 look pric1 ·s211 s. 20 %.' tlciw11 er•..,.,._, ~ SAVE!! "$1395 ~~~. $39 :-..:.: '.· 1~141 LINCOLN C~Mi;INEl!TAL Fu)fy eqw,tpped, full pow1r, 1ir ~ond. IULf-. " ,. 77'1' Bl•1 l ook pric1 '1995 10'1;' dow" o'f 1967 TOTOTA CORONA Delt.tlle 4 Dr, F1clorv ~uipp1d. ISUY125) Blife loo• price $1415. 20% ilown or tr1d1. $1095 '"" $46 '"" Pl I Cl Ill ..... 1'68 FORI V.. , 4 dr., 1ufo, po wer li11rin9, r1dio l lt11!1r . lffl9, No. IJSl24491ll 11,, look price $2]50. 20 ~ d11w11 or tr1d1, $1795 ~~~. $49 :-..:.: 1'64 C.HRTSLH NEW TOUH W19011. t p111. F1ctorv 1ir. f11ll ,_,,, IUCK6161 ?0% id1w11 er tr1d1. $1295 :~~~. $47 :-:..:.: 1'63 FALCON \iJAGON . Fully equipp1d. llSP7971 10 % d1w11 er lr1d1, $495 '"" NICI $21 :"'..!: h ide. $995 '"" PRICE $39 ::..:.: 1966 IUICK LI SAHE f i.tll pow1r, f1cfory 1it. 2 Or. j-4.T. l ll.PM1401 101. do,.,11 or tr 1d1 • $1695 :~~~ $58 :"'....:.: ''7 l'ORD COUNUT SEDAN ~IH, PS, Air Co11d. U11d1r 14,000 mil11. fee· tory w1rr11tv. IVOF 495 1 $2495 "'" ""' . 1'67 MUSTANli Vt, 1vt1 .. i'S, f1ctory 1ir ,l\&H. ITl\H4t1f) 10% dO.'fl or tr1d1. . . $1795 ~~. $49 :-..:.: USID CAI SAU nu;:n lfflCTIYI 41 HOUIS UNLIU ,.ntOUSLT $OLD ALL PATMINTS PIHllD ON APPIOYll C.llfT OP~ ... SUNDAYS . ., ... . . lRUCK · • CAMPER SUPER. comR PICKUPS 1'.0 HEAVY DUTY TRUCK SPECIAL NEW 1969 F· 100 PICKUP Fl1 r11ide. I 15" W.B., l 1pd. 1yncro. tr'"'' 1055 F-1prin91, '95 R·1pri1191 ,etc.. r • · -··~·t·~1 $2099' . ORDER TODAY I • • CAMPER SPECIAL! BRAND NEW 1969! F-250 PICKUP • ~.· • .&nd ' SCOTSMAN CAMPER ·~r: 53495 ,,.,: "•· f2511(1"lll Scoh11'19f! _c•mper is compl.t.ly fwrnl1h13 with it1""bo1<, 1foV1, •le. Sl11p1 6. F-250 pic.i.tp h11 lOO 1n9., ''"P I oil g~1r9f1, 1950 lb. r11r 1pri"9' 151 l.00 .. 16.5 I-ply, t11b1l11s tir11, dlit. h11l1t end defro1f1r, olc. M1"y le cltoo11 fro111 •I !hit Pric1I S1v1 111 Eldor1do, Fo11rwind1, G0Jdli111e 5cohm111. 0¥1r 10 v1ri1d floor pl111\ 011 di1pl1y 11"' re.dy for iM111edl1fe d1liv1ry . • J'•• I ' -' I '·"'·*• t fl'·'"· Mon-Fri .• 5111·1.m.-t. 6 p.111. .PkltTS & Sl!RVICE HOURS PARTS ONLY ~~~~~~~~!!"!!!"!~!!"!~!!"!~!!"!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!!!!!i!!!~ 1 ______ s_,._1~0-•._•_.f~·-'~•·-"-·--~----''~·~··~·~k~·~·~··=·~M=••~•::...:.>~•·=•~·'="~'~·=·•~-'~'~"=·~=; ___ _.:_•~"~"·~·~·~·~·-~··~S~•''....__< ------------------~------------------- I ,, 1, i l I I I l 1 ' I -Can '" ' . • I . -,. ' .. \l~ " • • . ' ,, f I • ! t," 11·e. ~ •)·"~ .... Y' ey.--_ ~'; ""1'' ':lf•.~ff:!l!i.' .. . ....... ~.. . ' ( .. . . .. . .. '" VOi.VO $1.4M Rttt with Matchln1 mtmor. Tbty last tor "EVER". RMI nice lnaldt and • ' out. A ruJ ps 1&Vtt. SLW 223. ltil Must~ ...... .,.. "";169' ,,. . . ,, . ,. ' • • ~!'!\ -.A .... 19,IM • 3 3 • . tlOO ...,., .C.. . '' ') •,' . . ; .. ~ \ (i_ -i·.:, ~· \ .. ,, . . .. .. • ' • J ....... c. .. • I ... .... -. ' ,. ' . . . ' ,, ) . ., . . '.' ' ' ' . ' • I , ..., ' ,.., • u ,.. '0 OML'f l'IUIT_ ' ....... 1 ~ HARBOR DODGE USED CAR SUPER MARKET FOR YbUR · '. 0 · PROTECTION $ · '61 DODGI CHAllOIR e •2"2··a4'"i ;"S7""1' .. ;;;;""1· 1·=·· ·:· · Tu &lic. min. nm. '61 ~. •;AM ITA. WGN. 127-M ~--.., _,., '!'· ..... Mel.,, CYl""4 s2 2aa;:. .. s77= s77 w:t • t. ·SAL f • • i •ii YOLKSWMNll · P.U.' ·.· ' • .. -.,.., · .. ....ti. 1111U1n ·· ' • •'•' '' · t-, =· SA···::: s16= S .••. ::.:\. • JI': _ ,,. 4'1•• ~ uc. n•. "'\'· LOOK FOi.Tiii cJ,u, no IN Tiii WiNDSHlllD • 100%'u aid ,,, t ui•I• Jllh sw lfllli Ill ... t1i11 ~"'411 11u•-'tilo i1r ·IH ..,w..-.. cbMlcll ~ 1w loo-,; •'4,0DO ...., wlolch - --~ '""-~· J!I~ ""'"""' ••• lllf!hloJcal IJl:1I, I ......... ., •• ,r ~ 11111 .. ...,, "."*' lioitw • ill 1un. '1!h · t iJli'illH '"1' .• f!rll Ml ..... ""to,.._ ' • 7 ., -•ll•ClllY. _..,LI. CUSTOM COUN · .... ..................... tsw.11C136.S$91Go~!ilw S J88~1G' ... 56·3= 563 =·.-"3 • 'I! ' l it. "Ml·. l'YMJ • • # " 7 ' ~ • • '111 PLYM. FURY Ill HDDTOP --· • USElnRUCk~ • : --.. -,16-M;,..;.DGl--A--.1-00-...PIC-K-U-P--- : s11· a"'a"'::.-s'"4'"1\;$4~· o- • ~&'lie. V-~f. . =~· •• 'M F0aD FAl.CON KONOUNI . ..,., ...... &M&-. .... tw.-_,.,-.MTM • s1oaa::: s36=.s36 .:ml. : • • +T1x&Uc. ~ PYMf. • • '•• fOltD 1/1 ""'F-1.. . . .... .... "' .............. .,~ : s991*!'"s33: s33~i:;i . • AVAIWU : ·1ANK FINANCING ON Alt 'NEW , AND USED CARS • L..-------...-~; __ _. _____ .............. _____ . _____ '!"l'~~~~ ... ..;./ _______ • ___ ~ . ... ~ . • • • • • • •• •• •• -•• Sauth ern California 's Charger Headquart ers Bucket seats • Hideaw1y headlt;hts • Full vinyl ·Inte- rior#• Nylon carpeting • RMr deck spoiler • Full racing lnstn.nnent1tion • Bumper g~ards • Ash tray light • H.O. springs • H.O. tmion sway bar ••• XP2989Bl93733 · ,i s2 618~~JtfL sa· 1 ·roul.DOWNsa1 -TOTALMill.Y. ··IMMEDllTf e t,..,., .. PAYMDIT PAY-.i ·DWVEilJ "I~ :"1•69 uDODGE1• CORONEJ'''.'~·:·~~:1i697iA,.RJ SWI NGER· ' ": -"'WN~-NEW -2~DQoR COUPE. ' 1'. •RAND-NEW 2·DOOR HARDTOP ·Iii~.!: $22 8 :i":~! 52188 · ••. ~~"9'1 PAYMDIT, , _TOTAL PRICE , +,"'-·"~ " '~AYMlllT PATlfflff TOTAL l'!HCI +·w ""' WI IP ,, 1111 ...... ._... '""" 'e . : 1969 ·DODGE' "WtSTIRN SPI RTS SPECIAi!' . . 1969 DODGE CO.ROMO ; ,•. --lltAND~ 2.DOolt HARMOP COUPE . BRAND NEW ' STATION WA(fQN , •• Nft•i-61tltludlriv vfnY! nio~wsw ttrn. full whMI discs. rtmott control mirror. full fltfory equipped, huttr, 6efrosltl';.'t tt..:Motor ~99El2.3DA.7. . . ,.: ~if ·-'"$(.9 ~ i -~2Ll23A"812'5'»8 " s79 ........... T~-,...... • ,_._,,.., T~o~!,~.._,, •2 s11",, ·= ~IAn DILIVRY TOTAL PllCI .t.:::. J MMIDIAn DELIVERY "TOTAL l!lllCI .t•;;, l. ........ ....,.. .......... ~ ..... :-·-. ............... •• : • I l ! . I ' Dvri .. THE LARGEST SAU MR HELD IN ORANGE CO. By tho NO. l Volpme Dealer HARIOR DODGE '2,500;o0o~ .. INVENTORY '!lllfm•lllw, 1969.1»9.ff YI TON PliarUP f • ------- .Faillily fVee.Kly APRIL 20, 1969 America's Newest anCl Best Camping Areas By ERWIN A. BAUER SPECIAL TllAV•L ISSUE Z S a • aµ ( $ c o DAILY ·PILOT ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA A Guide to Offbeat Vacations lit the West Indies By ALEC WAUGH t . ' I 'i , I ' I I l f • I I t I .I I . l l • 1 . I I I H 11 : ( I I ' ' ( I I I Ask Them Y ourseU 'OA DR. J.411£5 T. CIUCE, "'1-ecl!Or, Ro1tlldl p.,Jc MOf/t.Orilll '"'""*• Bullllo, N.Y. c. ... ,,.,..,. ....... -.cl "'--"' C1-..4lhrl I. CU.., 11.io.., Fi.. • AD exc:eu of any Yitamin can be dan- gerous. On the other hand, lack of rita- min C lead.t to a tendency toward easy bleeding and bruieing. The proper dos- age of ritamin C ehoald be determined by a physician. 'OR IUQVEL FELCH Beeryoae ...... '° eo11o ..,,,,,. ~ ............ . Do )'Oii ,...U, ~ o/ ~f~..y1-Mn. Jol11 C••lello, S10"1 Broolr.; Loa, l.i.-4, 1¥.Y. e EY9ryooe thinks rm eix feet tall and built like Sophia Loren. But I un juat an average-sized gifl with a nice figure -certainly photogenic but not to be con- fu.eed with the Amason woman eex thing. FOR 8.AR.Rl' WIUYNB, "'°"01'1 esput I• ii lrae '1w11 te0me11 "-" poorer BNMOrie• llaA me..1-llr•. /•rt1M• Me- Ccuua, LotoeU., Mau. • Many women llainlc they have worse memorle.-but if thDy do, they'•e been brainwashed into thinkjog 80 by men. In· dividuala may cWler slightly, but it has oothin1 to do with their seL FOR BANK ..u.RON. A.UUU. Brau r ,,,. '"' Y°" ... ., -""' )'Oii 'e' ialo alae kuer'1 6os lo J*l on yotar Mi. .w11--11 • .,.1ce JleCaire, Deetmar, ...... • Just a habit. I originally etarted do- ing this becauee I don't like to hue both my cap and helmet on for longer than neceeeary becau11e it ie eo rnuch hotter with both OD. POR COY. RONALD llE..4C..4N Flud ore your eletN on &l.e El«:tand Colle1• .,_. te• U. IM .eledion o/ oar Pre.Ulen11--Roy L. S,._.ra, PrelllOn&, CeU/. • There are a number of ehortcominp inllerent in the eystem which appear to m.ako it not relevant to today'• modern world. I would not like to see tbeae prob- lems cornicted, howeftr, by turning to a pa.rely popular vote for tho Pre11idency. Ally refonn of the Electoral College ahould be on a buia which would pre- eene oar Federal ayatem. FOa SE!¥. BDF .UW UIYNEDY, 11..-cU..IU c... cM ..... rwi psWk .,.,.,,.,...,. ,. &l.e Ro6ere K.en..-y lie...,.,., F.U1 -11. D., F .at, 7'~ • Contributiooa from the public are •ery moch appreciated. Tbey ahould be eent in ca.ro of the Fund to Poet 09ice Box 2400, Waehington, D.C. 20013. FOR llEX R.UUUSON Row.oU ,. y.,,,. .oa 1¥oel, •IMI '° YOll MN 11111 ~ .,. eldWrea1-l.laa soi. • .... , c.11., Repl4•, ,.,.. • Noel is M. aod I do h.ue another IOD, CareJ: who is 24 and iB a writer-director· producer in London. FOR DR. D..4YID TIMRVD, or&potor of dee N«liorwJ Doi IU,Uiry la..,,._, .. ,_'--&l.e N•· ...,., 0.. R....,,.,. oler ......... proleedo-/or ,,...,_,,,... ..4rde 01.an, S..ld., F..L • The owner'• Social Security number, regietered with the National Dog R~ try and tattooed oo your dog'• inner hind leg, eoablea ue to notify you immediately when your miseing dog ia found and re- ported. For foll detaile, write to Nation&l Registry, Box SS, Stanton, NJ. 08885. FOR PROP. BEllCEIV EY .4/VS, /ap1qe espat I ... NfUllAf •11 •r~ ree4Jndy .......... •CNJU '""' HllteJlteJ8: "R• .... ,,.., lutt.'' .,,,.., u.. d&e pit.rue .... 111-Mn. R•roU Pi.11, C.ittu11ille, C11. • "Bad hat" meam much the same u .. bad egg" or .. bad guy." It eomea from 19th-century Britieh slang. lt originally may have referred to the •to•epipe bats wom by Irish touahs. Or it may hne. originated in die Duke of Wellingto~'• contemptuous exclamation when ho sur- veyed the first Britieh Reform Parliament ( 1830) ~ "I. never saw 80 many shocking bad bats in my life!" FOR PEl'ER BRECK oJ .. Bil Yolley" I ~ ~ yoa .,.. • bree.4er o/ ntre elulcolate lor•••· l••I •"•' •re &luty1--Bee Loehu, .4r- cete, c.u/. • They are bonea whoee di1tincuishin1 markinp are chocolate brown bodice aod ailver manes and taile. The breed is con- sidered rare. w ........ • t-.,._ • c , ... , Y-............ .W.--.._ _. -11 ... .. _,_ ... ,.,, ..... ,_ ............. , ....... ....,....,-. ... _.. ..... ,.._ Y-W, ,._., W..W,. Ml a-....-A .... New Y .... N.Y. IMIS. We .....,. _.., uh.. 41 1' , ... P .. Ille ..W I• _. -..... WHAT T1iiE WORLD! a.. .. °""' Milt and yoga dildple ,..., Max intwpreNd his .,_... for the ameftt .. brary ~for Family Weeldyi "If you get ln- 'IOIYed '"-~ (bottom_of poster), your spirit wiU the , .. a buttwfty (boy-ond-gltf buttetfty). ly c:OAC11ntratlno on reading, you come dOle to Ohm (the tquiggle), whkh II a montro-not llc.e o prayer, exoctfy, but a thought, lb taying the word God. Involvement Is the foundation .(the temlCild block) of knowledge and the oc:hiwe- ment of peace (swami in meditation on Mount FuiD1 zigzags are enervy from planet earth. The student who goes that rour. e¥entuolly oets to ... the world through the.....,,, mind (boy and man superlmpoeed).'' So there. Max on boob Her loyal HlghnHt Alexander Cbhen, who produced tonight's Tony Awanls (NIC .. tv), has also produced some of the world's top perfor~ among them, Marlene Dietrich. "She II a difRcult woman, the great.st P8"" fectlonlst1 the hardest penon I have ftW worbd with," he told Family Weekly, ''but rlgklty profealonol. She anMs thrM houn before every per- formance, chedcs ..,_., detoll-ond doesn't realty need a stage manager. She has been called 'her royal high.- nea'; she likes that Image and builds on lt.,,..l>oes IM have many friends? "SuN. I'm one." School Drop Badrt Rod Steiger al\d wff. Claire Bloom lectured to drama students at Syracute Unlvenity. Asked whether he c:onUdered formal educo- tion neceMary to octfng. Rod tald: "I dropped out of high schoot at 16 and Roel & Claire at Syraane lied about my op to Join the Navy. I never had an adolescence, ne¥er went to a sen5or prom Of played on a foot. ball team-plus what I might hove pldced up along the woy Kholasticolly. I wish I had more of a formal eduas- tion. Then I wou1d have the ability to five life more fully." Artfltk Mechanic Comedienne Fan- nie Flagg's hlgh-.chool aptitude test ranked her an "Artistic Mechonk." When she was ~ her tv In• riew program In Birmingham, Ala" she turned that alull Into a profitable .5de- Fannie Flan Une. "After the thaw," she .aid, "rd go to used-car Iota, buy one, fix it up, and resell it. ft's women who do the deciding, and they are Intel ested ln how a car looks, not how ft runs. In fact, I was so good at it that I was of· fered a iob as a girt salesman." Tire Wear It's just an old husband's tale that underinftating automobile tires will keep them from wearing or blowing out. "Instead," watM the Safety Council, "it causes a tire to Rex abnormally and ......... too much heat at exp esswar speed-to rapidly that a tire may blow." Joh.en, All Ate you a foinet? Might as well be, evet yone else Is. Aa:ording to Frank L Remington In ''Today's Health," approximately 125 milllon Americans, or more than 60 percent of our entire population, belong to ostO- dations. leagues, societies. and dubs. FamJ.Jy ~ , ....... .,.., ... ,.-. April 10, 1111 • 5 Hi-Fidelity 7" 33-113 RPM unbreakable records • Printed Conversational Manual & Pronunciation Guide • Th~ quick, modem, up-to-date method developed by leading educators for military personnel being sent overseas- who had to leam a language fast • 15 languages-French• Italian• Spanish• Russian• Danish• Hebrew • Norwepan • German • Chinese •Persian •Cambodian •Hindu •Korean •Indonesian •Turkish Naw, thanks to the miracle of a MW and unique tccbniqnc, a pro\'Cft combination of the printed and spoken word, you can learn to speak a fORitn lanau•IC virtually overnipt. Yes, nni if 1.ou'.e newr bad a 1inJ1c 1.....-.c ~ in your life, you can learn to speak a second lanauaer in quicbr 1hne the you cttr druJMd poWblc! And 8l a cos& mbelinlllly low l Only. , .. Mlnutn I Day Will Buitcl Your lanlua• Sllilfl How c.a laquqe skBh be built to qok:kly! •· cause 1hne modem lnstrlletion Records c:onoen- lratc on lirint you the CSIClllial wonk, pltrasn, esprnsions tU& a penon nerds to dlec:tlvely com- munica1e with fom.n-soeatina rot*· You hear n1dw inslructors '1iea~in& t.hdr own lansuaer. Therefore you leam riJhl rro111 the slarl lhe tan- pqe·, actual. au1hmuc 50UftCls. lJMnc the famous WOllLD PUILJSHING In- struction Records. lcanlina becomes• picMurc. All you do i.\ li\lm to the m:onls • t-.Cy p&., ••• fol- low the ck1r low of con-.crYrion your records and lmaniction Manual provide-tint in EnsJish, then in 1he lansuqe you arc learnin&. Jn arnazinslY !lhorl time you absorb words ancl pltnms ••. un- dersaend their mcaninas nea willilout the Wp of 1hc 1remlatJon. Before lolls. ,_ ha11e cnOulh words and phraws 11 your CDOlm1Md lo ectually COftYCBC witJI pel'fm eMC and IMUrancie. Protrams OrilinallJ Prepared by U. S. Qovemment for Overseas Persennel Why are 1hac famous WORLD PUBLISHING Pf'Ol1U'l" for taicbiM fomp lanaue.n 10 •&$1 -so tJUick -10 dkcihoe? Because tllle1 were de-•Md by promiMnt ~ ror the u . s. OoY- cmmmt to prepere rNlleary penonncl for owr- lltM duty. The raults are Rmarbblc -~ hilMsl ..-d. ~ pnictical procruns of J~ instnKtioa ewr ~ 'Bey ~ to be. were· C1"HICd for people who c:oulcln' donl loot n el t1ucly -c:ouldn' waste dint.~ who fteeckd to know • J1111aueee fwl · Now t1'ac M1M l1t = imlruc:tioll pro-ll'f'M. edilcd by WOltL LISHING to meet Cftryday ..,..., can help you quickly ....-, e5- wntial ~ ..... ·Id you speak .... lan-J"lllt of yaur dkn lutftdy-jast Jib a •!Ye-m miraick .. record tilM." Compare itt Quality to Courses Selliftt at Ten Timn ttNt Bars•in Price Each lnstnactioR Set siws you ' ,.,..aity double-faced, ~ '7" Viayl recionh °' ..... ""9Cc:hed darilr. "°'dam '° ...-l1kc • udft ~~learn from adul MCiw ift!lrudOn! 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I ...• ae,_ ... zr.c.At -I - - - - --·-- - - - -._ - -:;.J l I . ' ' ' \ ' ( I SUPPOSE YOU had three teen~agers and wanted to plan their first trip out of the country. What country would you choose? A.a all Americans (including the American In- dians) have roota in some other country, however far back, you would probably choose a country related to your family bloodlinea. That is what I did when my own children were very young (the twO youngeat were six and nine), and that is what my husband and I did last summer when we took my three teen-age step-cliildren on an an exciting trip to Ireland. I have always been grateful for my Irish rreat- grandmother and f atber from whom I must have inherited my leavening good humor. My large amount of Dutch blood is sound, but the Irish is what givea me the bounce. My husband, Curtis B. Kellar, is just about the same mixture of Irish blood, but be can claim lateral descent from Dan1 O'Connell. a great Irish liberator. He also bas Duggana in bis family tree. Most American children are so English-lan- guage oriented, so conditioned to a diet of hot dogs and hamburgers, that it is not always a good idea to take them abroad for the first time to a country where the food is strange and the language completely difterent--not unle.u they are wildly adventurous. Ow ttv.e Betsy, 16, Martha, 14, and Bill, 18 (and not quite all these ages at the time)- agreed with us that Ireland waa the place to go. I knew the country so well myself that I was sure they would be happy. Our ftying trip via Irish In- ternational for ten days waa one of the best pos- sible times to be in Ireland-July 19 through the 29th. The weather is ita most reliable then. But for us, it outdid itaelf. It waa the warmest, sun- niest Iriah summer in 60 years. We didn't see a drop of rain. In traveling abroad for the first time with your children, you must, of course, consider their in- tereeta ~uee bored children traveling take all the joy out ot it for everyone involved. Our chil- dren fortunately took a lively interest in tennis. horseback riding, biking, and they certainly liked &'ood food. Ireland waa the place (especially with all thoae lovely castles thrown in-the one on our cover is Birr Castle, in County Oft'aly), with a delicate blend of homeyness, foreignness, and fantasy. The next thing to be sure of when you are traveling with children is that the schedule isn't killing. As I am all for savoring a country, and my husband feels the same way, we saw to that immediately. Also if you are flying at nigh~ let- ting children get too hungry is bad business. So before our departure for the airport, I gave them roast..beef sandwiches and fruit. If you take your children to Ireland, try, as we did, to let them have their very first night in a real caatle. Ours wu the elegant Dromoland Castle, a short drive from Shannon Airport. It makes a wonderful transition because it flies the U.S. ftag, aa it is American owned. After a night flight, of course, the best thing is to go right to bed. This we aJJ did after the children's first quick, excited tour of our Dromo- land Castle. We went to neighboring Bunratty Castle next and attended the Bunratty banquet-- a reenactment of medieval dining complete with the fine Bunratty singers and interesting medi- eval food (no Irish potatoes then!). The children were delighted at having to eat with their fingers. aa the only implement pro- vided wu a nice sharp knife and, later, for the syllabub (dessert), a spoon. My husband and I served as "Lord and Lady of the Castle" for the evening. My husband graciously granted amnesty to the "prisoner" in the dungeon after firat get- ting the consensus of the guest.a (thumbs up or down) when the "poor wretch" was dragged be- fore him. We included a wonderful experience I had not had myself, well aa I know the country. We went sight-seeing to the Cliffs of Moher, those dra- matic rocks that overlook the turbulent Atlantic SPECIAL ISSUC Explore th with You By AMY V ANDERBIL Ocean from a height of as much u 700 feet. We watched the Arctic terns that have )>een coming there for hundreds of years to nest and raise their young. We hiked along the wen-worn paths that on our day were covered with the heavy mista that overhung the dramatic spot. That night, after still another medieval ban- quet (this time with a pageant of Irish history thrown in at the newly restored Knappogue Cas- tle) , we 'Yere once again "Lord and Lady" with the children sitting with us, delightedly gnawing on bones and backing off brown bread with sharp table knives. The next clay, bright and early, we piled our- selves and our luggage into our rented Vaux.ball station wagon and took off via a strange part of Ireland-the Burren (pronounced "bum")-a lu- narlike .. desert" that extends for many miles. Strange flowers grow right up from the rocks on its moon surface. The fauna take on the protec- tive coloration of the rock masses. Our destination was tbe region of Galway and eventually the ancient city on Galway Bay, where you can still hear the Gaelic language spoken on the street. The city itself, which has been there since the earliest times (and was even mentioned by Egyptian historian Ptolemy), shows a strong Spanish influence because it traded for centuries with Spain. You can note this in the architecture and even Am11 VatUkrbilt, ll.ub4"4 Curti.a B . K•llar, atld Iler atepeh.ildren Gt freland' a Dromolatld CutU. ( ' I . 1 Wonders of the Old World Children This noted traveler-author took her youngsters back to the land of her great-grandparents; here's why she thinks it's a good idea for your family-plus tips on how to do it Autf.ot of "Amy VOftderi»llt't ~ looll of ftiqwtt.,H "Amy V~k'• ~ c:oMbook." ond "Amy VCMdelbilt'• &.ryday ftlquetW' in the dress of the people of the Galway region and of the city. Columbus ~ said to have heard masa there in the Church of St. Nicholas before setting out on bis f amoua voyages. this was my Meoncl trip to Galway and my second didppointment that I didn't have the time to go by steamer to the Aran ~lands. The Aran ialanda are barren and completely Gaelic in char- acter, deep in Irish culture and folldore. Of course, we bought the Aran ~landen' aweaten for the children and for friends at home: Right in the Great Southern Hotel in Galway City where we stayed, there ~ a roof-top restau- rant that not only atrorda a beautiful view of the city and the bay but also serves some of the finest !ood I have bad in Ireland. On the road from Galway to Dublin, we en· countered many "Irish travelera"-gypsies to us -who love the area. The Irish travelers who live and move about in their colorful wagons are the tinkers, the ragpickers, and the horse traders of the country. Etrorl8 have been made to get them to settle into cottages, without luck. Although they are distinctly f oo~looee, they don't wander beyond Ireland's shores-and understandably. Like true gypaies, they are moody and tempera- mental. Don't snap their pictures without per- mission ·and without "crosaing their palms" with at least a sixpence. No trip to Ireland ia complete without consid- erable time in Dublin, so we spent three dayB there, and they bad to be divided between the In- tercontinental Hotel (comfortably American) and the lovely small Rus&ell, where I usually stay. lectluM of the pressure of tourist busine88, this famous hostelry is being enlarged but will not lose ita charm or, I hope, the excellent restau- rant where you can get all kinds of flne Irish foodJJ, aucb as Dublin Bay prawu, Irish brown bread, delicate Irish smoked salmon, game birds, and delicious de88erls that made the children's eyes bug. The Irish cu&tom of serving three, four or even five deeaert.8 didn't diaplease them. either! In Dublin we shopped. We went to the new Abby Theater, too. We gorged ourselves on mar- velous food at the Shelbourne Hotel in St: Ste- phen's Green (close by my favorite Irish cOMture house, Irene Gilbert). While the children went riding in nearby County Wicklow and played tennis with Irish children, my husband and I considered buying an old Georgian houee on Mount Joy Square whose rehabilitation has the bleaaing of the distin- guished Irish Georgian Society. Much too soon~ru1idering the lure of all our Dublin friends and the parties planned for u&- it waa time to think of our next atop on the way back to Shannon and the trip bom~ We decided to drive via the great city of Cork with a tw~ day stopover at Tralee. one of the most popular of all the touriai areas of lretana. One of the moet excitin~ aide tripe we took in Ireland, particularly for me, aa I bad never been there before, waa the Dingle penineula, which we explored from our hue in Tralee. En route to · Dingle, we were able to show the children eome of the earliest surviving stone structure. in Ire- land, "beehive cells" made of unmoriared stone overlapping each era from the foundatfon.s of the country's earliest eecleaiaatical atructurea prior to the 8th century. Some of the f armhousea along the Kerry roads on the Dingle peninsula maintain the "beebivea" aa part of the National Trust and charge a shill- ing to visitors. There is no doubt that the Dingle peninaula ia a choice part of Ireland. In the little town of Dingle, we spent part of the morning on the beach watching the children gather cockles a.nd enjoyin~ the sight of the Iri.ah cowe up to their belliea in wet aand, cooling off on the warm day. Here and there we:re a few families bathing, a not-too-usual aight in Ireland. Although the coun- try ia actually eemitropical because of the Gulf Stream and in some parta (including Dublin) there are palm trees growing, the sea ia very cold by our atandarda, and, while hardy Irishmen may swim. it isn't often the tourilta do. In Dingle then ia a small, charming hotel called the Befiniab Bouse. There we bad a deli .. cious lunch cooked by the wife of the proprietor who also waa willi.ng to cook the cockles we had gathered so the children could taste them (• Tiu fa.rwt- louau of Ir~ lad nt4Ua tAe nutic cAarM of c..t•riu. t.aate of combined muaaela and clams, I would aay) . They made the aon~ we all sang, "Cock.lei and Muaaela," even more meaningful. We etarted back the next day from Tralee to- ward Shannon, ftve happy people ready any time to become Irish travelers again. Por help in l>lanning 11our Irish trip, write Irish Tourist Board, Dept. 10, 690 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10086. • S.. More and Save In lrelandl G~t mor• /or -"8'FV tro•el tloUar ~ tom "°" MOU rot'" ""t trip to /,..lattdl Mail lt.60 plu JI# 11'i,,,,.,.g f <W a con of "f,..lattd °" 16 o D•11" to F.W. Bt>t>lu, D.,t. Tl /K, Btne 701, Gnaftd Cntrol · Statin, N"° YoN, N.Y., 10011. • i . ~~. l" • I I ~ ------·--· ··--· -------~-~ . -- . . Relax _ in a State ol itement . . . and take some of Oregon home with you-a new you, refreshed and ready to take on the workaday world. Oregon's cool green docs that to people. Pick your own pace-lazing it up on an uncrowded Pacific beach or jet-propelling it throuah white-water rapids. Pick your own place-a snow-high mountaintop, forests of giant evergreens or sagebrush plateaus, all in Oregon's 97,000 square miles of spectacular =~tsS:~:anm; ~~~~-:r .t to'n styRle. A EnetwGork ofofine Nhi&h- utes to cap a back-to-nature day with chateaub!'1and by cand~eli&)l~. Plan now to CDJOY a real vacation this year. ....... Lall8, °"'of.,... of drhMo ....... OMtoft'• Caecade ............ : ...................... m;·r;·couP<>it'o;t···iTE··;:c;oiv············ .. ········ Tf'IMI Information, Room 388, Highway Dept., Salem, Oregon 97310 ,,.. .. Mnd me free lteme checked: O Fullo·color booklet. O Highway map. 0 Otegon Parka. O 01'9gOn eYenta. AOORESS ________________________________________________ _ CITY _________________________________________________ ~ 8TATE __________________ ~---------------___,.1p __ _ • .,... print ..................... ············· ............. •!_•·········· .................................•........ i I • t l I I l I I Who are you, really? 'what you think. What you do. What your friends think of you. They all contribute to you being you. And, we'd like to suggest a tiny way to help make being you even easier. Tampax tampons. Sound silly? Not at a ll. Internally worn Tampax tampons can take the diffi- c ulty out of those difficult days each month. Those days when it's sometimes hard to be your best you. You see. Tampax tamponR will let you wear the clothes you really want to wear, every day. They l et you swim, ride, run, h ave all sorts of fun, any day. Because, un- like bothersome pins, pads and belts. Tampax tampons can't show or chafe or cause you discomfort. Convenient Tampax tam- ppns. Just a suggestion that can help keep you free to be you. Every day of e very month. TAMPAX. ~ SAHITAltY l"ROTECTIOH WORN INTERNALLY MAO[ ONLY av TAMl">\le l"COllro.AlIO, ~"'"""'·MAS$. ' - SPECIAL ISSUE .. A Wanderer;s Offbeat Guide to th Long before the jet tourist, this renowned author explored i fast-disappearing spots which still retai I WENT TO the West Indies first in 1927; they looked much the same during a visit in January, 1939. They were still the same when I went back for the first time after the war in 1948. And during the following 10 years they did not alter much. The same kind of people were leading the same kind of life in the same kind of atmoapbere. Tb:en tlle )ets arrived! The})&c1c- age tour hit the Caribbean with the violence of one of its own September hurricanes! Because of this change, I was a little bewildered when the editor of FAMILY WEEKLY suggested I write an "offbeat" guide to the West In- dies. Twenty years ago I would have bad no problem. But in the jet age'? Well ... Perhaps the wisest advice that I can give would be. "Go there . out of season-in May or June or aft-er th~ hurricane season in the fall. It will cost you two-thirds as much, the hotels will be half empty. You will be welcomed by the residents. You can change your plans at the la8t moment. The climate is only a little lees paradisiac. Yes, yes, I know. It is between January and April that the North- erner wants to be away from bis snowbound porch. But even then be can still make an offbeat tour. There are still a few islands that retain their own personality. In particular, I can recommend the two French islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe. Martinique was my first West Indies island, and it is very dear to me. It is very French (as, indeed, is Guadeloupe). Both are de- partments of France, and the men of the Islands are very proud of being citizene of France, with their own representative in the ch4mbre de deptttia. But they are very different because Martinique was unaffected by the French Revolution. Early in the Napoleonic wars it I Familv Wuklfl, April 10, lHi By ALEC WAUGH Autt--of "My l rother Evelyn" and "bland if1 the Sun" wu captured by the British. In con- sequence, the seven f amiliee who bad owned it when the Baatille fell were still in residence after Waterloo. And thoee seven families are still in power. Guadeloupe, on the other hand, was taken over by the revolution- aries. The guillotine waa set up, and the old families were liquidated. The social climate of the two is- lands is cot11equently very different. Even a short-time vacationist will be aware of that. Both are very beau- tiful. high and green with deep, cool valleys and with golden sands. In Guadeloupe is the northern-moat of the windward island1J, and in the 18th century, when French and Brit- ish were fighting for inastery of the New World, its northeast trade wind decided the fate of empires. Farther north among the leeward islands the status quo was retained. It was bard to attack against the wind. Barbados, for instance, liea such a long way to the east that it was never once in- vaded; this is why it is eo British. There was less changing of owner- ship in the north, coMequently is- lands like Antigua, St. Kitt.a, and _, Fort ck Fra.ftu, M4rtiftique, retain.a a.U the ft,avor and gra.ce of old. France. Martinique I would recommend a hotel in the hills just behind Fort de France, which wu once the home of a French admiral and is within walking distance of the sea. Marti- nique is a country to walk through., through its cane fields and the palm groves and the ftshing villages. In Guadeloupe, it is wiser to con- centrate upon the main town-Pointe i Pitre, which is developing a con~ siderable gutronomic reputation, the ha.ute cui8iM of Parias transported to the Caribbean littoral. Nevis have retained a British atmos- phere, while a northern island like Puerto Rico is still Spanish at heart. The Virgin blande were originally Danish; they were acquired by the U.S.A. after World War I, but there is very little left of the old Danish atmosphere, apart from the charm- ing architecture. They have become the homes of retired American citi- zens, most of whom relieve the bore- dom of retirement with some form of relatively unexacting work. St. Thomas has the finest marina - West Indies varied islands; now he shares those old charm and leisure in the area, with Antigua u its only challenger. And here, because Arneri- carui are more gregarious than Span- ish, French, and British, it is much euier for the visitor who arrives with letters of introduction to enter the life of the re8idents. Here the package tour seem.a less omnipresent because Americans can travel independently more easily; they feel at home in their own state- side atmosphere. They are content to stay on one island or to divide a month among the three islands. St. John'~ the least urban of them, otf ers the greatest range of choice for those who are looking for a restful holiday. Much of it bu been taken over aa a national park by the Rockefeller Foundation; you can ei- ther stay (at heavy cost) in condi- tiona of luxury, where each bungalow has its private beach, or you caQ have an economical camping holiday in the woods. If you do not want bonky- tonks and night clubs, St. John's is your beet bet. But personally, because the history of the whole area is of such a per- manent fucination for me (the is- lands were, after all, once so impor- tant that at the Treaty of Paris in 1768, Britain nearly· handed Canada back to the French, retaining Gua- deloupe, instead), I would concentrate on the windward islands : St. Lucia, Grenada, and St. Vincent. There It more of history there t.han farther north ; or perhaps I should aay there ia more evidence of history. In St. Lucia there is the beach behind Pidgeon Island, near where was fought the Battle of the Saints, which reatored British mari- time supremacy after the s\lrrender of Yorktown ; and the ruins on the hills above Caatries are of the bar- racks where British soldiers were stationed in the 19th century. Grenada's capital, Georgetown, is the loveliest city in the Caribbean. Darryl Zanuck, when he was filming "Island in the Sun," waa shown stills of the va.rious islands. The moment he saw Georgetown, be exclaimed ex- ,. Tiu beautv of GrtM.da i8 but ll'PJWICUU~ '\ by approa.ching it from the 1eo. citedly, "Thia is the Rlace l" It is best approached by eea. You then appreciate that it bu a double harbor. You sail toward what eeema -and, indeed, is-a waterfront. You expect to anchor in an open harbor, but then you awing round a spur of land and a wide bay faces you. On the left ia the Carena&'e, backed by ochre-brown brick houses with red-tiled roof a, the work of French- men in the 18th century. In spite of all the fighting, the pillaging, anon, hurricanes to which the island waa subjected, Georgetown wu miracu- lously spared. It is a museum piece. St. Vincent, the southernmost of the larger islands, is like the other leeward islands, green and moun- tainous. It is ftve years since I was the.re, and its inhabit.anti were com- plaining then that they were not get- ting their abare of touriate. Perhaps that is why it wu charming. I swam at the same club that I had visited for the ft.rat time in 1938. My hotel wu built in the garden of an old sugar mill. There waa a rural peace about it all. South of St. Vin- cent atretcbee the Grenadines, a string of islands headed by Bequia, where Lord Avon (Anthony Eden) in search of seclusion built a house. _,.. He abandoned it a year or eo a&'O because a luxury hotel waa going up on bia aide of the Ulland. To get to Beqaia you had to take a launch, and the channel can be very rou1h. Bequla ia the next ieland for large-scale development, but there are three or four other island.a far- ther south. I can recommend to any one two weeb baaed on St. Vincent, with a week on the Grenadines. I alao would recommend to anyone who is worldn1 through the northern island.a that they break away from Antigua and spend a few daya at Montserrat. That, too, is a high green i.aland. A shamrock adorns the center gable of its Government House be- cauee a number of Irishmen were aettled there by Oliver Cromwell. It, too, baa a f eelin&' of the put. Ita houses are built among the ruins of old aqueducta and the round hills that the oxen worked. There la scarcely an island in the group that I would not recommend to the vacatlonlat.-6nd if there are one or two, I will ref rain from men- tioniJll' them. I may have aeen them at the wronr time in the wrong mood. Yet, contradictorily enough, the one island that I most want to see again -the one that I am reeolved to see T~e beadu of St. Lt&ciG m-e botlt. "~ Gtld UwtlJI. arain, even If that would mean miaa- inr all the otbere-ia one that I would hesitate to recommend to any- one whom I did not know rather well -the island of Dominica. If ever there were an oft'beat ia- land. it ii that. It lies between Guadeloupe and Martinique. It wu French quite often. The peuanta in the bush speak a French dialect. It would have been better for it if it had been always French. It is an unlucky island; from the at.art ev- erything hu juat ~ne wrong. It ia beautiful; too beautiful maybe; it has "the fatal gift of beauty." Its mountalftl are too tall for it.a aize. They bring down the raina which wuh away ita road.a. It.a eoil fa fer- tile, but it ia hard to get the produce to the cout. At the moment It ia cuhiq In on the banana boom, but it la unlikely to attract touriltll be- cause it bu no beacbea on the lee- ward cout and, on the windward coast, the current.a are d.allrerous. I wu once involved in a swimming accident that nearly proved fat.al. Yet even so, it baa steadily over the years attracted the midt and eccentric, people of character and ability, who failed "to ftt In" in Europe and America-but did here. I have written many papen about Dominica, trying to explain ita marric. Here I will content myaelf with aay- ing: "Take a chance and try. It may have aomethfnr for :you. If It baa, it la aomethin&' you will ftnd nowhere elae in the world." + ''1'1M Caribbean on $5 ond$10 a Dtly'' C.-"' ~ cab0tit w<nUl.Mf1/U NOOffott bargaiM ift tM Cciril>b.a." . • . J>lM 8~ NCllllCIV., CIM MioMi B~A. lllciil 11.60 pl"' Zif •Ai,,,W,.g fw • ~ of "Tiu Cciri&beo" cm 16 •"4 110 G Deir" ea F. W. Boob, D.,,t. Tl /DI, 80% 701, ~"4 Cntrol Statioft, N"° York, N.Y., 10017. IUS-TIC TOCIC PlANTBl Imagine making beautiful things like lhese worth up lo $4.95 each - for only $1 ,._AHO MITZI MflT Everything you need to make this charming "Rus-Tic Tock" Planter when you ;oill lhe ,_ N.cioMI HMdc:.raft Sodety. IMAGINE this artistic Rus-Tic Todc Planter contributing its old world chum to your home ... perhaps cheering a kitchen wall, or hanging gracefully above a credenza or end t.tble. It's fashioned after the famous old cuckoo dodcs of Germany. And it's so beautiful -we'd like you to have it as a FREE gift to introduce you to the benefits of membership in~ National Handcraft Society. A Surprise for you i~ ber, yoo ~:le~"T'~ightful s ise package every month. And every pack- age contains a new Handcraft Kit with every- thing you need to make a churning keepsake for yourself, your home ... or to give as a gift. One month you may fash ion a beautiful "Partridge in a Peu Tree" to add a luxurious touch to a wall. Another month you may easily assemble a rich looking jewel bolC. Or perhaps it will be a Ritzy Pig bank or a breathtaking centerpiece to grace your table. Whatever your surprise Handc~ft Kit con- tains, you know it will make up into something beautiful, something usable ... something you can be proud to show your friends. These H~~lr~fi'~~ ~y ~~~r,n stores. They are exduslve creations available to Soci- ety members only. You'd expect to pay be- tween S2.98 .and $4.98 in a store-but the cosl to you is just $1. Yes, $1 a month (plus 25' to cover shipping and Insurance) is all you pay. Assembling Handcraft Kits is easy -and such fun. Ea.ch Kit contains everything you need, from a generous supply of materials to easy-to- follow instructions. Join the fun of. membership -share the thrill of opening each month's exciting "surprise package". Experience the pride of making beautiful, useful things with your own hands. ship certificate today! L Why lose another minute! Mall the member- clfP.--. !' .... • ., I • NATIONAL HANDCRAFT SOCIETY '-... -5 ;, D-519HMdaoiftllds-,DetMoinet,lowdGJM '=r==-==-==-==-=~~~-=-=="" ·-·' See Mexico By JOHN R. WILHELM ~el HjeM W!l.IM'I OvWe .. Al ....... Jluieou ci ·~·,,.,..... due Cltld cuao tnwl oa ad- 1Hlf&t4o• l>eeaMH ~~earrv "'°'"' lotM. I F YOU CAN spare three weeks for a family trip to Mexico, taking your au- tomobile is a less expensive, more exciting way of do- ing it. You can drive your family to such wonders as the Pyramids to the Sun and Moon (lar~er than those of Egypt) out.aide of Mexico City or the 1,000-year-old prebie- panic stone temples and ancient citiee of Chichen-Itza in Yucatan. The roads are paved from bor- der to border and from coaat to coast (at one point you can drive from the Pacific to the Atlantic Gulf in only three hours in Mexico at its narrow Tehuantepec neck) . The motor hotels are reasonably priced and up to U.S. standards. Gasoline stations are modern. ftoom the last Coast of the U.S., you should figure four or five days tQ the border, usually Laredo, Texas, and from the Chicago area, it would be a minimum ot three- daya driving time. On the West Coast, you have a different story; aside from Ensenada and Baja California-which we don't con- sider as mainland Mexico-you would enter at Nogales near Tuc- son, Ariz., and take the famed Pacific Coaat highway. Norales is only a day's drive from much of the West Coast. From Laredo, Texu, near San Antonio, to Mexico City (734 miles), it is two days to Monter- rey; then comes the fucinating tropical area of Tamuunchale (real swayina-banana trees, royal coconut palm groves, brilliant ~u­ gainvillea, and ftamboyant trees), IO Familr w .. 1c1w: April t0, 1111 with an overnicht atop right i the midst of this balmy tropi setting at good hotel.a in Vall or Tamuunchale. A fast retu route on a new superhighway le you come back through Saltill and Laredo or at El Paso, Te Those driving down the Paci Coast highway from Nogales, o the Arizona border, see the ocea often at Guaymu, Mazatlan, an San Blas, if they wiah, then c inland to Guadalajara, Mexico' second city. There is a long day' drive farther to Mexico City. A together, you should allow a. min mum of five days from Nogales Mexico City <l,426 miles). But you can . find unexcell deep-sea fishing at Guaymaa, gether with ftne motor courts the plush Playa de Corte.I ho Winter or summer, the Mazat beaches provide good awimmi or fishing. At the border, you must pi up a "tourist card" which is t only document required, and it issued free. But you must ha proof of birth, such as a birth ce tiftcate, new or old paaaport. a sworn statement from a 1 official stating your place of birt Nobody looks too hard. Also It Is important to kn that for your automobile, you mu bring proof of onerabip of t car, such u title, regiatratio or, it it is not fully paid for, notarized statement from the li holder saying· it is permissible remove the c~r from the Uni States. This is usually a formali done by asking the finance orga zation to give you such a doc ment. A U.S. driver's licent1e ae •· :::::wss rn by Car! S P E CIAL ISSUE . Good roads, motels, and service. stations provide comfort and spectacular sight-seeing for the whole family equally well in Mexico. A word about inaurance. Your U.S. insurance is not valid in in- terior Mexico• and it i1 customary to buy a special policy at the bor- der. It coats about $2 a day for a three-week trip, with a die- count, if by the month. Thia i1 for full coverage. Many offices sell- ing Mexican insurance are open at almoet all hours. Highway maps for the entire country ate available free from oil compaltlea and some insurance companiea or from the American Automobile Association, if you are a member. Alm at Mexico City, and then make such side tripe as theae: 1. Mexico City itself can be toured by car, and we suggest at least three days for sight-seeing. There are good motels listed in any of the standard guidebooks. Big hotels such u the Camino Re8l, Maria Isabel, or Continental Hilton all have garages. A Sunday trip to Xochimilco, the floating gardens, can be made in the morning; then attend an afternoon at the bullfights. The Pyramids are 80 miles north of Mexico City. 2. A trip to the exotic playport of Acapulco (225 miles) can· be made in about seven hours from Mexico City. Stops can be made for lunch in Cuernavaca or an overni1ht break in Taxco, the old cOlonial city famed for its cobble- A to•f'i.C caUf'adio" i• Jll~ieo Citr i• U.e Ballet Folklof'ieo. stoned streets and silver mines. Acapulco baa a plethora of good motels and hotels. Allow at least four days for this trip to give yourself one-day trav- eling tiine each way and a mini- mum of two daye in Acapulco. You may like it eo much you will stay there your entire vacation. Do not drive at night as atrollin1 cattle are a hazard. . 3. On a trip to the Gulf Coast you paae the towerinr snow<av- ered volcanoea outside of Kexico City en route to Puebla, and then down to the gardenia-covered swimming pools near Orizaba, the highest pealcin Mexico, and wind up at Veracruz-paved roada. all the way (263 rniles)-with modest but rood hotels. If you have time, drive aouth from Veracruz and ou.t to the pe- ninsula of Yucatan, extending into the Caribbean. Here are the moet famous •tone cities of all, Chichen- Itza and Uxmat You are not far from the jungle-isolated Palenque ruine, only diacovered a few years ago. Note: this drive Will require some ferry crossings and aome lonely but beautiful roada. 4. Mexico Sooth: Here you can visit one of the world's few ma- triarchies. where the lovely statu- esque Tehuanaa actually run not only the families but the busi- nesses. Sloe-eyed. they dresa in colo rful oriental-style gown& First day south from Mexico 'City, Oaxaca can be reached (815 miles), replete with modest but comfortable hotels and motels, and it is only a half ..day farther to the Isthmus of Tehuante~; where the Gulf and the Pacific lie only three hours apart by a good road. Below Tehuantepec, which fa a goodly distance from the Ameri- can border, you could continue on until the Guatemalan border (about 500 miles) and all the way to Panama City (1,596 miles) in the Canal Zone. But it would take several weeks each way. Auto travel indeed ls easy for the averare motorist in Mexico-- and the sigbt-eeein1, unexcelled f • $40 Worth of DllCOUnt Coupons ~ .,..,._, to ••• awd •H tMf"•" ~ "'4W Hiid for il-lutNe.cl "Dollclr-Wi .. ~" E<UA ontow IU w Mm"• 1"'11.. a11d Diaoot&M Cot1pou t0orlA •P ~ 140 01t eanou attraottou. 0.id.e. GHil- cabt. an: 1-M~. B-A~. F- Nftll York, .B-WuAiatgtot., D. C., C- N.-o BRg!oflll. A.CoJifonM.. Mtt.il 11 plu 15~ •Ai"""1 for eaol .,... WOK toa1't ~ F . W. Boob, Dept. T~l 4, Boe 101, Grawd Cntnal ScatiOR, NNJ York, N.Y. 1001'. -:"1.:-v-• . --------------- Beautify yo.ur home with these ancient "Chi n-ese -Ca rv in gs" Exquisitely Antiqued in Solid Ivory Color. Set on Oriental Black Pedestal. 91h # Tall. AncMnt Chlnete flgw .. this lln .. 11 fot up to $10 & more In art atOteS. Now youra fot only $2 each while wpply laats. Crea,. a corner of old world beauty In your home with the.. IOlld Ivory color f'9ur'a. IO exqulal,.ly detailed and aave with the order form b.law. Ea~ figure II apptOJt. 9¥1'' tall, ond it mounNd on on oriental blade ,,.cte.tal. You'll understand why they are ao appeall.,g once you lff the ••· qulsh craftamanahlp. The amall blade and white llluatrotlona ahown cannot convey the rich antique look and charm of these magnlflc•nt flvwM. Y041 must ... them In your own home In large KOie to oppt'9da .. their beauty. Set of 4 Rare Decorator Pieces $2 Each Supply Very Umltecl lec:oUM our wpply of Chi-Flgu,..11 lltwltH, Ofden wUI be filled CHI a flnt -fll'lt .. rwd boat.. c- 111 Of -u C-pcHI· Satltfactlofl 911e1ra11teed. -------------------·-wotlLD All1' OIOUP o.,t.440PW 606 Pod lood, W..tpott, Co1111. 06llO f'leo• cMct ..t.cticMI of Chi-Pleuret ot $2 -ti -1111Mcl °" pedettoL (~ add 2,0 per order '°' pp • hdlt) ·~·'----0 CHINES! lOIU> 0 WAUIOI 0 CHINfSE LADY 0 PISttEIMAN NAMl ------------- 1 A.DOIUS ------------1 CITY STAll ZIP--I OIAW.~ .................... ..., I ...... ,._. tu9>. ....._ ..._.. _.. ~-~-~--------~--- ~ .I I I I I ' I .. f' I I -------------~------------. -:----- Perfect spring tonic: Be prepared when spring fever strikes. Buy Zebco Skill-rated Tackle now, during your dealer's mo ney-saving "fishin · Fever Sale;' Special season-opening prices on dozens of items in the tackle department! -------------~------ ........... , .... .,.. ....... A lifetime of filllina thrllb ror any ~. no matter where be fishes! New Zebco 800 f1>es both ways-fresh or ult waler. Liabtweight, yet paclt1 a heavyweight punch: bandies 15 lb. line with eaae. c.oatplete with 85 yarda 10 lb. ~ line. M1tching rod is 6-ft. Zebfln 3366, medium-action two-piece pre11urized tubular glua with chromed atainleu steel line guides. ReeVrod Combination No. 3495 ... u~tJSOO ~·· la..tte ••. in a new. lugpgc- size Travel Pak! Pamous Zebco 33. choiQe of champions for performance and accuracy, now comes with its own custom· ~ncd four-piece rod, 21 1-"" quicl-7.ip vinyl canying cue. Model 33 reel is better t.IMtn ever this year: new si1.·foot Zcbflc1. 3364 rod breaks down 10 foiar short lengths without loa of famoua Zcbfka actiQn. Complete. go-anywhere outfit .-cU in suitcue for traveling. No. '4295 'Travel Pak •.. under •43" For...._ wt.o .,,...._rt. ._, t.bc cla1.ic Zebco 909. Classic styling. dulic performance for the accomplished angler who wanes the Yer)' beat. Zebc:o 909 red fcatvru widHaage pow« dng ol new Fukoa 404; SlllOOtb. quiet gears tJw re- lp<JIMt wit.la imtut power; Delrio bear- ilap t1w won't biDd or freez.c:-e¥Cr! Matchinc ZebOe.l FasT~ 2500 rod ii Zebco's finest. Has power-plus magnum tiuu. power bUde, r~ stainlea llecl line guides and carboloy tip. gold-plated for lifet.hne tervic:e. Ottaet handle lw ea· clusi¥C positive reel lock. ReeVrod Com· binatioa No. S500 ... UDder t5800 I ' oM _.... for tbe young trophy· l.U.ers. Reel and rod are combined in • single lighcweiaJtt unit that's pcrfoct.ly baiaoced. easy to '*· Has l'alnOU$ Zcbclo contoured thumb contl'Oi, ll&inlea teed ..,tn~ad. c~ covers and body. Jointed t~piece fiber gbm rod is SO" long; total weipt. only 8 ounca. Appro1· imately 50 yards of 6 lb. te5t monofilarDenc line on interchangeable spool. Pniccice plus attached. Recl·N·Rod No. 77 ... uader•toee •dllcatl•nal TY Today we laeard, bo• proad · alld elated, Oar moppet'• 6nt ..-.rd, eo loq .wajted, Deaandha8, wttll lafaat ..-ob Imperial, A bowl of the latest brealda.a eereal. QUIPS AND QUOTES Two old frienda were in their private plane, dying to a hunting party, when it went down In the mountaiu. Ti.ey were only alightly injured but very fright.en ed. One sportsman atarted praying aloud: "If we live through thia, we will give up wild partJee, girllr, gam- bling ..... His friend interrupted: •'Don't include me in tha~I see a rescue helicopter coming." -Al Robert• AU tflelt"riagu cire luif'W-"'it'• tM litnfllT togdll# a.ftentXWd. tltat'• touglt.. -Ltu:il.U J. Goodrecir V.te N.te la load polideal ~ Tla1s tndlm 1 freqaeDtly note: 11te ome wlao hu •e perfecc auwen Haa never reptered to Tote l -D°'oday BIM" 1.,., tlu ;aa ffiriti"IT rOOM the CJ•Q'rr wif • Mid to lter ltubmld: "Look at rowr n~onl: attempted robber,, attempted CJrHt1, at- tempted mvrdn--toAr u it ro.'re .-uch 4 faAIMr~ ,,, -A 1lft4 B erbert A middle-ased bachelor waa lunching with some f rienda when be wu asked if he hadn't ever come cloee to getting married. ''Well. once,0 be said. "I was , roinl' with this girl. and one night I went over to see "her and aaid : 'What do you aay we take the money we've been saving up to get married and blow it on a movie?' She a&fted, and that wu the end of that." -Del• Bnuutt PeopU wit.a atnu e1 ltowr •e- dium. alwtdd be ada.tMd of tMM- 1el11u for bei"U 10 pr./tuliced a,ga.iJ&at .,,iritua.lin&. -BmKnue ''WAn tA. tHCUll# lift. CIM tl. -i.r. rcutlc, t01t.r dotl't ,otl git1' •OWN tl&oMglU to OJ>fti"'1 4 ~ 1Mp1" !I : t t 15 n r 15 .t e t •• d :t FOR10 DAYS FREEi Here·• the moat excltin1 news in the history of AltroloSY ~ .. a technolosical brealcthroucb-that may keenly dect your life! Now. for the 6nt time, the hunchecb of thouaands of computations neceaary for your full·teale penooal Hol"OICOpe can be handJed electronically in a fleeting moment ... cast from more than ttHnlv·fiw m.Ufota bib of information ~ grammed into the IBM/360-40 Computer by world- famow Aatroloser Katina Theodosaiou. F• u. f•fHltN n.n You•d o.... PG11 .... Un-. til now. a detailed, penooa1 Horoecope like this would have taken Mia Theodoaiou up to 30 boun or 1DC11e to prepare by hand. And it would have colt you up to $300 or more, instead of a mere fraction of that sum. Now. with the IBM/360-40, Mia The- odoaiou can cast your individual HOl'Q9COPe in relatively short time, with no poaibility of human error! 11le ~ savinp are passed on to you. For De Ant T'lllle ••• ,...... 111111or beMa Of Your Y..t Mo« '"horo9Copea .. are prepered in broad 1en- eralitiea beca111e uatally they are baaed only on your aamip. And, since they fpore the el8eDtial facton of exact pbice, how. date and year of your birth, their ambisuout "projediou.. apply to ~ born under one of the 12 aunslpal AT WT-... CG., ........ ... Clllll• •1111 PEllOUL -llCIPE pla ... PN11clld•ller.enalaaf,.., ..... ...,._ ............. ... .................... ,.... ....... _ ........... ~ ............... ,. U'MA.__,_. ... ........ _,_ '° c ........ Now Miu Theodoaiou mes the electronic IBM/ 360-40 Computer to complete all tfme.conlumjnl reteareh. You 1et a cwtom-made, detailed H~ 1COpe-a penonal analylil unlike any other! The IS. to 22-paae Report of 10-to 12-thousand words will be u uniquely Wot'" u the exact moment, latitude, lonsitude, day and year of your birth. Your one-of-a-ldnd Time Pattern Report Pft189Db atartlfns. new imtshb about yourself ... and atartliq information about the forthcomin1 36S days in what could be the molt eventful yeu of your life! lm11I• ....... Tiiie ........ .,." FCM' T"9 YMr AllMd. Your computertred Penon.al Horoecope will dUcua important questiona like: Which days are likely to be hilblY emotfoaal? When should YOO pame to consider malor decisions ... and when abould you feel more con8dent about maldna them? When should you be cautbu of .. friends,. -wary of anodates? When la the belt time to capitalbe on opportunities? When and tolwn nOt to travel? U.. Yow ee..pu1i1rtw1 Hor.: .. 11 0.,. PR&t If you are not completely aatidled, return it to u . Your money will be refunded instantly and without queltioa. Be ture to mall the coupon with y0ur remittance NOW! MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE -MAIL TODAY TIM£ PAMIM ~H lllSTITUTE. IMC. 507 Rockaway Avenue, Valley Stream, New York 11582· P11111 lend 11J Tiii! PATI'ERN REPORT"' Req&191a.d on 10.DAY FREE TRIAL ' wtl~ wll lndude nty PlratKt'on fof f'9 nut 12 "'°""'9. I und9-.nd efW NI 9111 not compllllt) utilfled, I lft9Y l'MUm ..... 10 cMys wf '°" ............... ~.., ...,..,. ,._ 0 I endoee SI0.00 fOf 1 TilM P8nem Aepott (SIM ll!C 9Df llflll dal9 ,_..end "*'-' ~ =-0 I encloee AS.GO fof I...,.. ( .... St.OS tor 1'9t deel pomge wf epectel handling) °' CMrge"" 0 Olnen # 0 l)tatd #----------0 c.... BlencN # 0 ~ , _______ _ U!E PACE llELOW TO Of!DE!! YOUR HOAOSCOflE UIE PM?! 8l1.0W TO ON>ER EXTRA H0!!0899!'E o 111r. a ..,.. o -~ """'1 O •. 0 ..... 0 ..... ~MICT) cm: _____________ _ WA.ft----------.as..--- T1m ~Mimi• --'---~----------"" -------------.......... _,,., o._ ___ ---------__ ..... ______ .. _,,_, "---- .. -,.••iiiwtc'illt7JN-• ~-----------------------------~ ~ltillt 19'f Tl111t httM11 ltftwcll IMtltftt, lllC. -----~--"-~-~---~~ • ( . . IOWI llllllnt 11111m1 Nllat 1111'11 Iii mondsl New aerosol mist starts work.ins ahqost instantly to help stop choking asthma attack, release air trapped io tuop. helps you breathe freely again. And it's IO euy to uee. At the ftnt si4JI of an asthma attack, just pJace the Bronk.aid tap io your mouth; squeeze mouthpiece and bottle together, and inhale deeply. Brookaid Mist's superflne particles of medicated mist speed directly to your lungs. In most instances., wheezing swiftly subsides; mucus-plugpd air passap open, and air trapped io your tunp 11 released. lo less than a minute, you are breathing freely and easily aaain: Ends women's 11 ,,Lii once-a-mon n odor problem . ......,,.-._ ... ,,.,..,.... Women have a ipeCial odor prob- '-' c:a-.1 by body eecretionl and b7 ~ Fortanat.eJ; 10'! can tint~ th... embarrurins odon DOW with e.y-~me QuuT Drodacat ftw fOOIMft. (l) Qva•T !aelpr keep your ...... 6ocfy odor-f.tee. So .. 1. lt Clm be .... wi&boa:t irritating •.. ..... ta I.be ...t intimate ueM. (2) Qnn .... ......,.todoron 70W' ~ -DO Oldl:Dary deo. dorut cu-lUtder bru. pu~- hoM, sirdl•-.._ oa Military ....,..._ Wod:a risM-... aD4 hen .,. ... odor ............. 'n,-Qumft....,. ll'•tbe...-i deodmatforJ1CM1..t,., ..... em.QwnDeoib-. r-ir.;;;;::;;:;it-., Cleans JrHsy, dirty enames by turnina grease into soap which washes ••Y quickly ... leaves enaines brlaht· and clean. Re· duc:es fire hazard. For cars, trucks, tractors, outboard moton and pow-er mowers. ,,,_ ... ---"- THIS SUMMER an estimated 30 million Americans will go camping at least once and most will go many times. Summertime in the U.S. has become a vast mi- gration of campers. All of our Government apncfM together have not found it easy to keep abreast of the camping explosion. Inevitably there have been each problems u overcrowding of campgrounds and lack of facilities, par- tical&rly -during the travel peak of mid- summer. It bas been neceuary to provide tena of thousanda of new campsite.a every year over the put decade. Park planners and buildera have been busy all winter in anticipation of thia year's crop. Here are some of the beet new campiq anu to enjoy in 1969. When t he Cumberland River waa dammed a few years ago and formed Bark- ley Lake in weetem Kentucky, it isolated a 170,000-acre peninsula between Barkley and Kentucky Lake. That penin.aula wu named Land Between the Lake, and it wu eet aside purely for camping and outdoor recreation. It would have to rank high on any Hat of outltandina' new areu. A.t Rushing Creek. for example, there are 250 aitea; about a third are electrified and euitable for trailen. Other major areaa qist at Hillman Ferry and Kentucky Lake State Park. Each individual site baa a table grill and parting area. Water and prbage.dlspoeal facilities are nearby. So are boat.launching sites and awimminr beaches. The tlahin1 ia excellent. Campers should also explore Palo Duro State Park., located in a ecenic canyon just south of ADarillo, Tex.as. There, too, ia plenty of private space for campen-end plenty to do. Nearby la the Taaa Panhandle Plain.a ·America's and Best- By ERWIN A. BAUER Museum. North of Amarillo, near Borger, la new Meredith I.eke, where rood baaa and pan8-hi.ng la predicted for ·1969. Another spacious c&IDPl'round with numerous fa- cilities baa juat been completed. One of our least-known National Parka ia Platt near SuJpbur, Okla. It ia a region of much geoJ01ic interest, surrounded by the Arbuck1e Mountain.a. Now dnder devel- opment around new Arb11ck1e Reservoir ii Arbuckle Recreation Area, a likely deati- nation for family campers. Beaides boa~ ing, swimming, and fishing, rood hiking trails parallel Upper Rocle Creek. ay laN May or early June the shallow waters of Whiakeytown Dam near Red- ding, Calif., begin to warm, a aia'nal for activity in the new n~y campgrou.nda. It ia al.so the beginnina' of the water-ski- ing, acuba-diving (the water is alcohol clear). and swimming season at the Whis- keytown-Sbaata-Trinity National Recrea- tion Area, a three-lake region in the center of very beautiful woodland country. Keep in mind that good camping apace is at a premium anywhere in Calif omia, where camping ia a way of life, and, there- fore, such a spot as the WSTNRA may be crowded. In fact, so may all other camp- sites surrounding it during mid and late summer. But fishing for trout and bass ia good. There are countleaa hiking and climbing opportunities, and game hunting is permitted in the f au. Campers who prefer escape with their camping ordinarily do not bead toward New England. Yet a special magnet seem.A to ·draw othenf toward such places aa Acadia National Parle, Maine, and to Cape Cod National Seashore, Mua. EstabUshment of the aeaabore in 1961 preserved a bit of our national heritage, aa well as a priceless 40-mile ribbon of dunes and seaside environment. Nature traila lead to the first sources of fresh water the Pilgrims found. The swimming and tlahinr are great. Other typical attractions are the Well- fleet Bay Sanctua7 and the famous Sand- wich glua museum. But in, July and Au- gust, the camping situation is tight. even with the addition of many new units dur- ing the past year. It is not wise to travel far to Cape Cod without a site reservation. For a complete listing of campaitea, drop a note to Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce, Hyannis, Mua. Three years ago, 526-f oot.bigh Yellow- I • - , Newest- Campiilg Spots SPCCIA L I SSUE The camping boom is on-so is the coast-to-coast development of new areas for the outdoor family tail Dam wu completed on the Bil'born Tbe Apl)91uhtan Trail for ldJdas from River, and it created a 70-mile-loDI' lab Kaine to Georsia wiDda alnmt 100 milee 110uthweet of Billinp, llont. llilliona of tbroqh the park. Ridiq bor8l9 can be dab were atocbd. Campen will be wiae rented, and there are dailJ aaturaliat pro- to pt in the bonanaa certain t.o follow crama and.naton hiba. But WI eampalt. at Bil'born Canyon National Recreation are available on a ant-come ftnWened Area thia year. buia (14 c1a,. maximum) and can en ap About 150 campaitea were inataned at qblcJd7 la mldaummer. Rona~ Bend near Lovd], .W>:Q.)~ __ .. _ _._._Ul!Jlnut to Shenandoah, be--H-1~----- plete with boat docb and launchins ramps. eaUM campiq apeee ia oner a problem. Kore will be read7 elaewhere for viliton ia Canyonlanda National Park in Utah. in 1969 •. Beaidee the ftahfns, the aurround-Since thia ia a new park with ita l'09d ina' region ia rich in hi1torlcal and arehe-network atill undeveloped. it i.e a favorite ologieal intere-t, RocJc hounds have Jons with campera who own four-wbeeMlrive known the area aa a happy-huntiq srGund. jeeps to vlait the remote and apeetacularly and Yellowstone P.,-it ian't too far awa)' ICeJlic areu. over the Beaftooth hia'hwa7. Tbe park couiata senerall7 of that coJ.. Alll .. lor l'olllt camperounda near Pan-orfal canyon COWLtlJ betcuea ·!be Green ama City, na .. la untque in betq the oDJy and Colorado Rivera. Some breatb-takina' privately owned 't"C'ility on th.la Uat. It ia views of the riven are poaible from alllO unique in that a1moat every concelv-placee lib Deadhorae Point. a tbouaand able type of convenience la furniahed-&nd feet above the wat.er. not too far from the beet awimmfq The main improved CallJonlanda camp.. beachee. Nearby to .Alliptor Point la St. pounda la at Squaw Plata. Primitive camp.. Andrews Stat.e Puk. .with l&O individual ins la permitted in the Ialanda in the Sky aitee, and Weet Panama City Bwh camp.. aection. No firewood la available (brine crounda. Beaida all of the be ftahiq and your own fuel), ·and it ii ablo aood advice water sports, a good part of thi.a area la to earry plenty of drinldq water. one vaat, neon-Hahted amuement center. A .... ., of new areu will be open whieh eome campen enjoy. and furniah at leut limited camplq ,.,. Expanding campiq faclliti• are brins· cilitiee in '69. A partial list of tbele would ina more e&Dlpera than ever before to old favorite Shenandoah National Park. bish . in Vifdnia'a Blue Ridle. The in-park campeitea are loeated at Bia' Meadows, Lewia llountain, Loft Mountain-and the newest at Matthews Arm near Elk Wal- low. Bi1 Meadow• aild Loft Mountain are the moat complete, with ever,thiq from pay showers to laandermata and many grocery ltore9. include North Cucadel National Park la Wuhinaion, Gudaldpe lloantainl N.,_ tional Park in 1N11t Tau, Point Beyea National Seuhore (look for cam .. lt. for thil at Samuel P. Tqk>r State Park near-. by) in California, and Osark National Scenic Riverwa1'1 in lllaouri. Ol&rk preaenee about 160 udie. of the Current and lacb Fork Rivera, alon&' which boat-campiq dOWD11tream la po11- 1ible throuah the Osark lloantalna. For- mat campeitee exist at llontauk State Park and near Van Buren. where local oat4tten can arranp river trlpi under canvas. One point pretty well auma up the p,... eat campiq picture: campen never had it ao pod before. Nor have tbe7 ever had IO many acftiq place. to l'O. • 9,000 c:..,. ........ s-Hv.,.. ...... Wea& ~CW.. of l,IJOO .,..,,,,..,..,.., U..V-I~ .u coff.m.. <~ fr#, douu itt WC*" •tau J ,.iu f.U.OOllw f'H4 ... ,,_, Snd 18_.I Jtlu 16~ Ml~ for -- ,,Uu 1'4cll flt., IU-fHI#• .. GtMU•.M to C.•~ to F.W. BHb, D.,,t. Alll/I, Bn '101, GNtMf Cntnal St.tin. N..,, Yor~, N.Y. 10011. Fodlr W-"'r, April to, 1111 11 MEN WANTED NOW TO TRAIN AS CLAIMS ADJUSTERS 0 ... ~ ...... iC .... 11 ,_...., ...... .. ........ , ,,,, ...... c1.-............. .... ........ ........................... ... lnl tW•dl t O..• ........... .. cw.. ........ .,... ...~ ...... -.:a.c-c. ... ,_ ..... _ .. ~..... -......._...,...._...., .... ,... ... •n~~ WM.s,_,......_._,llllfr.,.._, ................................. - ,._., M1Mi9 llACH, R011DA. et W WCAS, NlYADA.~•n•h•• nnt rtl8 ..... fer .... .................. c....-..0 .. ...,. ;, I ~ I'' '. f ' ~ I . I . I I· .~ •• ' • • l I ,, •. c :. ' t' I • INSUIANCE ADJUSTBtS SCHOOlS, Oepl PW 1872 N.W. 7th Street, Miami, Flori& 33125 Name •..••••.• ., ••••. : ...••••••••••••••.•..• Age •••••.•••••• Acldress ....... : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• City. . . . . . . • • • • . • . • . . • . . . . . State ....•..•....• Zip •..•••..•••• Phone ....•........... ElisJble fOf VA Benefitsl .•..•.•••.••••.•• I l I I la__ --·--.. ---=- ----=--• - SPC:CIAL ISSUE How Celebrities Spend Their Vacation By JOEY ADAMS Author of "Jo.y Adam.' ll!ncydopedia of HUMOI"'' THE VERY IMPORTA.NT PEOPLE we read about are just like anybody else-they work hard, all the while looking forward to a vacation. And how do they spend it? Well, it depends. There'• my old friend Miiton lerle. He spent a whole theatrical season saying, "I can't stand it-I'm going to Europe where people don't recognize me." He went and was back in a week. "I stayed at the Ritz in Paris," he told me. "Rotten-nobody knew me" .•. On the other hand, P.rt. Meft, the famed hostess, does get away from it all. She vacations in Hona-Kong. She likes the feel of int:rtgue there. My wife c:lndy Aclants likes Hong Kong, too, but for its shop- ping. She once bought 12 dreues, eix alligator bags, 10 sweaters, a --rina, and three bracelet.e---and the atorea weren't even open ... AJ.c Chin,..., though, takea the prise for getting away from it all. He vacations in Reykjavik. Iceland. The only other person I know who has spent a holiday there is Illa FlhgM'Glcl. Alec says if he did see Ella there, he didn't reeol'llise her . . . Many VIP.a go where the "sports" are. Athletic ones. Arthur and Kathryn Mumry tour Europe, playing at a diJferent tennis court every day. What's more, they travel with 10 or 12 other tennis nuts ... Sen. Jacob Javits and Mayor John linchay of New York go to the Bahamas or Mexico to play tennis. It'e the only time anybody ever shouts "Love!" to Mayor Lindaay ... Jadde Gfecnon goes where the golfing is good, particular- ly the 19th-hole approach. I met Jackie in Rome last year. Nero must have been envious. Jackie waa touring with an enormous entour- age-but without a transistor radio, which most tourists consider as important as wash-and-wear. So Jackie hired a 28-piece orchestra to fill our musical void. He bad his usual quota of cocktails, and I asked him why. "I drink to remove warts," he growled. "Not from me-from the people I have to look at!" ... When it comes to follow- ing your interest, put Mickey SpUlan. down as offbeat. The creator of Mike Hammer is a circus buff. He hitches a trailer to his car during the summer and follows the Big Top. He'd trade action with Mike's ever-ready .45 to be shot out of a cannon ... There are in- dividuala who enjoy doing nothing at all while vacationing. Wootly Allen, for example, took his first big money from show business and bought a summer home in the fashionable Hamptons on Long Ialand, N.Y. The ftrst day he got a serious sunburn which soured him on beach life. He still baa the home but never roes there. "When there's a l!lOnaoon on Long Island, I'll go," he told me ... Then there's Eel SulUvan, who doesn't believe in vacatione, certainly not traveling ones. "You see one mountain, you've seen them all." be deadpans. A typical New Yorker, though, he'll cross the street to watch a sub- way excavation ... Eddie Fisher told me the most fun he ever had (and I didn't believe him) was working a farm, milking cowa and feeding pigs . . . Everybody knows that billionaire Howard Hughes never leaves his penthouse hermitage in Las Vegas. The story is, though, that he refurnishes it periodically (also changes the cook- ing style) whenever he's bored. He hu been to France, China, and Mexico recently without going out of hie front door . . . Jadr Paar likes farms, too, be says. He bought one in New England and got enthused about a lion farm in Florida-until one of the lions mauled him. Only the real-estate people in New England hurt him worse ... Wben Cary Grant gets free t ime, he's sure to visit his mother in Bristol, England. When he detours through sunny shores, frugal Grant sends fresh oranges to friends-freight collect ... And me? I love travel. I can't sleep unless the "Fasten Seat Belts" sign goes on. You can understand then why I was flattered when the President of the United States said I could serve my country by traveling as a good-win ambassador to A!ghanistan, Vietnam, Indonesia., and other Far East nations . . . Then my wife Clndy said, "So that's how you can best serve your country-by Jeavin'g it!" • _,,,:;___ -~~ ........ ------------------ ..... -l No Sale By JACK TIPPIT -- 17 ·-" ~~~e.-.WOlw.m•.-..WIK.HC.,..,_, ... _._ ..... ., ... ~_. ..... ..,._..__....._.,,....... .... Won't swell or buJae because the sole is completely oil-proof -even diesel oil. Won't What it wUI do ii live up to its name -Durables. And stand up to anything you'll have to put it through. Hit doesn't, we'll buy you another pair. Or aive you your money back. We're that sure of our promises. Durables. Booll and Shoes to suit your needs in ten different 1tylea. From Wolverine, the people who make the fincat boota. Get a pair. And ace for younclf what it won't do. For the Wolverine dMter ne11rest you call: I00-2A3-G3&6 frH anywhere In the U.S. In Connecticut 853-3600. crack. harden, or mark -even under the most extreme temperature changes. slip on concrete, woocS, or tile. The non-skid sole won't Jet it. Won't separate from the sole. Won't break you. ., WOLVERINE® I I r - 1 l I • ~ f • ..... Bird Guard lets you reap all you sowl Stretch this virtually weightless, nearly invisible web over your vqetable gardens, berry beds, prized fruit trees, etc. Keeps out birds; yet lets in growth-aiding sun, rain and pollen-bearing insects. 12 ft. tow of acrylic net spreads to cover 240 sq. ft Cuts to any size. 4"122 lint Curd .. $2.'8 ELECTROCUTES FLYING INSECTS INSTANTLY! NO FUMES OR SPRAY! NEVER NEEDS REFlLING! lUIES AND KJllS fllES, MOSQUITOES, GNATS, MOTHS! No poisonous chemicals, smelly fumes, messy bags, refills. At last you can relax and enjoy in comfort the summer in your backyard, patio, porch, pool, at the barbecue pit, etc. like a magnet, INVISIBLE BLUE LIGHT attracts ftying insects to recessed electronic grating . . . where low, safe current instantly kills them. Hilrmless to people, pets & birds. All you do is plug It in ... works automatically at almost no cost, day and night. Attnictive styling. Approx. 6'" high. Ring on top for eilsy hilnging ... indoon or out 6l1 l3 Oec1ronk: Insect Killer .•.....••••.........•........................ $5,'8 • -------4Jt.;!lllil'fl•1mt•Ul'•'•S»------- anNC•• • .,..,., .... --............ ~., ............ I MdoM ( ) checlt tK ( ) money OfClet for --------(lenJ N• C.0.0.'a) ,.._.. rulh rM tt-. foflowtnc. ---#41122 Bkd Gu.rd 8 '2-• ptua 35¢ ~ •nd t.ndlln .. ---#62133 Ei.cttonlc lnMCt Klllw e $5.tl plus 75¢ postap and handllns. .. ~., St.eta Zip ____ _ .... ,,.,..., ~ ....... edd 3~ ..... tllx. 1An1PACTMN1 eUMAllTllD Oil MONO HfUNDID e 1fft, Sleelt Glm, INC., AT\AHTIC CITY, H.J. ------------------------------------------ SPECIAL ISS UE AMERICA'S FESTIVALS: By TOM FAY WANT TO RELIVE the days of the Spanish Main or get a firsthand look at life as it really was on the American West.em frontier or perhaps join in an authentic Indian pow- wow, peace pipe and all? You Call if you attend one of the ICOl'eS of America'• feetivala and PA&'e&nta. l'U&ranteed to de- li&'ht both youq and old. While any f eetival ii a welcome addition to your vacatton, if any one in pUtiCiilar trcires your fancy, write to the state'• chamber of com- merce for further information. Here is a partial list: MAY "500" Festival; Indianapolis, Ind. (1-Sl) .•. Apple Bloeaom Festi- val : Wenatchee, Wuh. (1-4) ... Buccaneer Daya Celebration; Cor- pus Christi, Texas (1-11) . . . Bach Muaic Featival; Providence, R.I. (8-10) •.. Jumpin&' Frog Ju- bilee; Ana'ela Camp, Calif. (15-18) •.• Arla A Flower Festival; Lake 01We&'O, Ore. (17-25). JUNI Jaafeet 1969; New Orleana, La. (1-7) ... Portland Roee Festival: Portland, Ore. (6-15) ... Fiesta of Five Flags: Penaacola, Fla. (7-16) ... Fifth Annual Greater Arts A Crafts Featival ; Green- wood, Ark. (18-15) ... Lilac Fes- tival : Mackinac Island, Mich. (H- 15) ... Oldtime Fiddlers Contest and Festival; Weiser, Idaho (18- 21 ) . . . Indian Festival of Arts ; La Grande, Ore. (19-22) ... Penn- sylvania Dutch Folk Festival; Kutztown, Pa. (28-July 6). JULY Tom Sawyer Daya ; Hannibal, Mo. (1-6) ... Laramie Jqbilee Days; Laramie, Wyo. (S-5) •.. All In- dian Pow-wow; Flagata«, Ariz. ( 4-6) • • . National Cherry Fes- tival; Traverse City, Mich. (7-19) ... Wtndjamme.r Days ; ~Boothbay Harbor, Maine (8-10) ... Circus City Festival: Peru, Ind. (16-18) ... North American Indian Daya and Rodeo; .lJrowninJr, Mont. (16- 20) . . . Gold Discovery Days; Custer City, S.D. (25-21) . . . Frontier Days; Cheyenne, Wyo. (22·27 ) ... Lumberjack World Championship; Hayward, Wis. (25-27). AUGUST Austin Aqua Festival; Austin, Texas (1-10) ... International Sea Festival; Long Beach, Calif. (2-16) • . . Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial; Gallup, N .M. ( 14-17) . . . Lumberjack Roundup; Latt- Dunmore, Vt. (15-16) ... All- American Soap Box Derby; Ak- ron, Ohio (23 > . • • Old Settlers & Threshers Reunion; Mt. Pl_. ant, Iowa (28-Sept. 1) ... William "Mn. Sadie TJit°" of 315 SkimM4""Mrn Street fvljWed e1 lifelong dream 11uterd411 b11 Hili1111 °" tlu cniiae •lii1' Rotterdam . . . Sadie, wliat tM dew ia tliu!" 11 FaMil11 w ••kl11, April to, 1119 : I Stire Bet for Vacation Fun · Tell Drama; New Glarus. Wia. (80- Sept. 1) .•• Rhode Island Tuna Tour- nament; Narragansett, R.I. (80- Sept .. l ). NOVIM- Death Valley Encampment: Death Valley, Calif. (6-9) ••• Washinrton. D:C., International Race; Laurel, Md. SIPTIMllR . ( 11) . . . Milwaukee Holiday Folk Pendleton Round-up; Pendleton. Ore. Fair; Milwaukee. Wis. (21-28). (10-18) ... Cherokee Strip Celebra-DICIMID tion; Perry, Okla. (13) ... 'Monterey Jazz Festival; Monterey, Calif. (19-Craftsman's Fair; Newbury, N.H. 21) ..• Sugar Cane Festival A Fair; (2) ···Christmas P-.eant of Peace; New Iberia, La. (26-28) ... National Wuhington, D.C. (mid-December)i Tobacco Festival; Richmond, Va. LQNG-aUN IVINTS (28-0ct. 11). Gold in the Hills; Vicksburg, MiN. OCTOBER (March 7-May 10) ... Stephen Fos- Aloha Festival; Oahu, Haw.Ji' all ter Story; BardstoWll, Ky. (June 14- montb) ... Mountain State Forest August Si) ... L08t Colony O.utdoor Festival; Elkins, W. Va. (2-4) . . . Drama; Manteo, N.C. ·(June 20-Au- Ozark Folk Festival; Eureka Springs, gust 24) . . . Stanford Summer Ark. (16-19) •.. American Royal F!!8tival; Stanford, Calif. (June 28- Live Stock and Horse Show; Kansas August 14) ..• The Book of Job; City, Mo. (17-26} ... Craftsman's Pineville, Ky. (July 1-Auaut 81) Fair of Southern Jlighlands; Gatlin-... Berkshire, F~m;al; Tanstewoo4, burg, Tenn. (21-26). ._...' 1 ·--.-.-~ _ Mus. (July 4-A 1 1 ~~ • 1 Jtl1 f 1 1 •"'ft 1 1 ,1"4i411 ritual da~u af'e pcif't of tl&e ezciti•t1 featitxJla --I -1 r 1 ~ ~ -~ T • i. 1 -~ - I ' ' Ever It;s a fantastic experience! Where else but in Utah would you find a valley of grot.esque stone formations Sland .::ms!:1!:!c~a:U~ ~~::;ri~ bya them? Goblin Valley State Park in Utah's fabulous CANYONLANDS is only one of the wonders. Explore Utah's three national parks, nine national monu- ments, nine national forest.a, 22 major lakes and reservoirs and 35 state parks. II. Learn all about the different world of Utah. Mail this coupon today for your FREE Utah Travel Kit containing a full-color booklet on Utah; accommodations, rates. Gobll-D7oo~~·~~::~~~~i:n:: etc.; comprehensive • highway map of Utah. NAME ... . :lJP ... . . . .. . ....... .. of tlu S01'tlit0ut. ... A New Mapzine abotrt cats and kittens created onlJ for CAT OWNERS! ---·--- Order ... CWllC FILll JDlrLBll ®-"•'*' m--."""-'---_____ ,_.....,... .. _ ---, ............. L-....... ----o ...... 0 •TATI ntOTO CUDITS Co-n lrlth T-"t loanf. I j P'Qve 21 AIC1 SyracvM UnlYertlty, ,,_,... 4 • 5, huh r-1tt 1oant. P'Qve Ii F~ GcmtrlWMnt Towkt Oflk:e. P'Qve 9: ,_ ~ Airways; Ou- 1i-...... ll'ages 10 • 111 fos .. m Aw Lines. 'oee '51 Montana Ct-ftber of Com· -· P'Qve 23: Mexican National Tovrlst Council. W•tn Y H Dner By Mail F ro1 f •ilY Weekly ... Pl.aw allow up \O four -ks for cleliwry. Thf ~s art plKtd by •tt111Ublt COfllPAl!ltS. Tiit ittfM and to111 •t dlfcbd for rtff • ability 117 flntlfy Wtt-IJ, too If JO<l'ft any llUHtioll about ""'' or~r. ju" -ltt: ~u ~111t11t, family WtttlJ, 641 Lt1lngton A-. Nfw Yotll, i..Y. 10022. Blow Yourself Up POST~' SIZE 2ft.x3ft. .... .. .... .. "'"-• CelW .......... 2"""11~ .... 1 111 ... wtft~~12ft,~11.MP ... ,.,,_ NNIT I. Or11- .................. =f= .... A$2S '3 so ........ . 3 • 4 n. Bio-Up $7 .50 ,...Jlpaw,_... •3eo l ft.. l~ ft. s-1111111 W Of coll!' ... IUllM ra 40 ... , to llMtllbl9 pMea. AIM .. tw lllllt. l ..._ UCL lllC.t.1 • ..--..llfllT& tenll Qedl • MoM7 Onlw .. PHOTO POSTER, Inc. 210 r. Dnt &. Dlpt. FW.QO .... v-. N. .... 1QD10 ....................... FAMILY WElll Y COOKBOOK J)elighls wilh T{IC:e ~ . . Artichoku hold 4 qiey b~ of me, m.eat, 4ttd veget4blu CT01mled with melt- ing cMeae ift a lUlicio'Uf mtree aerved with cMrrt/ tonwtou_a.nd kumqMGt•. MELANIE DE PROFf Food Editor • Ji1uffy white rke, plain or .eaeoaed, i.& the perfect accompaniment to memt and poultry. Here are di.&bee· that aleo abow off thoae tender kernel• of rice u a mMl important redpe ingredient. Rice Stuffed Artichokes 6 cooked artichokes (aH iutruetiou) 1 tablespoon butter or marprlne 1 % Iba. ground lamb or beef 1 medium-sized rreen pepper, diced Yi cup chopped oa.ioa 2 dons garlic. ai11ted 1 cup packaged precoobcl rice 1 teupoon salt ~ teaspoon pepper Yi teupoon basil lean• 1 larre ean tomatoes 'lz c11p chill sauce % cup &nel:r an.ippecl panley 6 small aquares sharp Cheddar chHM 1. Heat butter or margarine in a large skillet. Add the meat. green pepper, onion, and garlic: cook until meat is lightly browned, stirring occasionally. 2. Mix in the rice, salt, pepper, basil, tomatoes, and chili sauce. Cover tightly and cook over low beat about 15 min. or until rice is tender. Add parsley and tosR with a fork. 3. Place cooked artichokes upright in a baking dish and sprinkle them with Ac- cent. Spoon in the rice mixture, heaping slightly. Top with cheese. Brush arti- chokes with butter, margarine, or cook- ing oil. -'· Set in a 350°F. oven about 20 min. or until thoroughly heated. 6 1erving1 How to Prepare and Cook Artichokes Wash artichokes. Cut off about 1 in. from tops and bases. Remove and discard lower outside leaves. Snip off tips of remaining leaves. Turn artichokes upside down and press firmly to open up leaves. Stand them upright. Remove chokes (thistle portions) using sharp knife and a metal spoon. Stand artichokes upright "in a deep saucepan large enough to hold them snugly. Add boiling water to a depth of 1 in. Add 1A teaspoon salt for each arti- choke. Cover and boil gently 30 to 45 min. or until stems can easily be pierced with a fork cadd a little more boiling water if needed). Turn artichokes upside down to drain : cut off stems. Keep warm. Orange Rice Mold 2 cup11 milk, K&lded 2 cape boiliag wam 4 teupoona 'Hllilla extract 1 t~upooa nit 1 cup uncooked regular long--graia white rice Y1 cap cold water 1 tableapoon (l en•.) anlaTored gelatin 1 capaapr 1 eu (6 os.) frozen orange Jaice coneeatrate, thawed 2 caps chilled hea•1 cream, whipped to soft peaks 6 tableapoona sifted confectionen' au gar 2 uaapoou nnilla utract. 1. Combine the first four ingredients in a heavy saucepan. Bring to boiling; add the rice gradually, stirring with a fork. Continue to stir 1 min. Cover and cook over low heat 45 min. to 1 hr., stirring occasionally, until almost all of the liq- uid is absorbed and rice is tender. 2. Soften gelatin in cold water and add to hot rice, stirring until gelatin is dis- solved. Mix in sugar and orange juice concentrate. Cool completely in the re- frigerator . 3. With a final few strokes of beater, blend the confectioners' sugar and re- maining extract into the whipped cream. Fold into rice mixture. 4. Turn into a 2-qt. mold. Chill until ftrm. 5. Unmold onto a chilled serving plate. Surround mold with half-alices of orange and garnish top with a twisted half-slice and mint sprigs. OM I-qt .. mold (or tw&n 1-qt. molda) Exclusive $1 Offer: (' Currier· & Ives Fabulous "Four Season&" Original Paintings Selected by America's Most Famous Uthographers Reproduced in Full C.olor For Your Home ALL 4 LARGE PRINTS ONLY $1 Imagine! Four of the most beautiful prints ever created by Currier & Ives chosen espe- cially for your home. First printed by America's foremost lithographers during the last half of the 19th century, these beautiful masterpieces bring back to life our nation's most colorful era. Currier & Ives selected the most beautiful paintings of artists and reproduced them with such rich color and detail that t heir names became world famous. Their lithos have become the most sought after art prints in the decorator field. Because of our volume r-Th--;,-0;;,-ST-.,,,-AD-----------------. rch · a th to e ""' • ..., ""' , Dept. CU-10 "1 pu asmg, we can now ouer em you P.O. BOX 980, BOMF.STBAD BUILDING I at the amazing price of 25c each! NASHVILLE, TBNN. 1uo2 I Pleaae rush me the 4 largel. tun color Currier & Ives "Four 1 1 Off er Will Not Be Repeated Seaeons" for only '1 plua luc tor potltap on full mone~ back guarantee if I am not deli&'hted. I The .superb color and beauty of these four Encloeed .. • (PlllM l'rlllt) I seasons will enhance the decor of any s~le 1 in the home. Each litho is a large 11" x 14" Name .................................................................................................... r and is printed on heavy vellum with crisp Addreu ............................ _........................ ........................................ .. .. I white borders. But hurry, don't miss this City ........................................................ Stat. ...................... Zip ...... · ·'i amazing art offer. It will not be repeat.eel o SA VB EVEN MOBBl Special offer: Order 8 sets ot all ' I thisseasoninFamilyWeekly. :er:~!=~~ou •ve80c).htra I 0393 I 4550 JI • RTY sAl1.1. nee .• •••• L-------------------------J Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque 15 Minute Treatment Must Show Immediate Improvement or -YOUR MONEY BACK! A J..cliq New York Doctor worlda1 with a I wtic laboratory. Ma deftlopecl a aimple medicated ~· that riw away blackN.edt ud wtmebads ia a matter of miDutee. It wu clemonttraled recently oa me teea-ap pit ud three teelHp boys. The rwalb were breath-tak.iq. Bl.clrheadt really rimed away. la f.c:t. maay coald be --- the clotll -t to WMll ol the Muque. But t1a1a ,,...., all! Ac:ne-piapla iaproftd after oae applk:adoo, ealarpd poree reduced.. aad rouch. maclcly coap)e:doat became c:leaaer, beads ud other pore .. &lier" actaally w dearer wl ....W Mokiq. Tbeee resaltt ol oa your towel. And yoar tk.iD feelt deaa cenaialy iMicate wiry tee11 tpn, both boys ••• really deaa ... refrethed. tmOOth like ud &irlt. are aow uyiq .,.. it one product · 1'elTel I that really worb", for pod, dear, clean. healthy Mint .•. and why motlllen of teea- a&en ~ beutily eDdoned itt ate. The Muqoe en.. Treatm.t it iadeecl. remark- able~. DOl oaly h.ir healthy .m., bat aJ.o for the coa&deace, poiee and telf..aeem • fine complaioa hriap to teen-qen r Aaye.e c.. u.11 If you Aler the ..,., of leell-ap bJadt. bwla. wt.itelaeadt, .ca.piaplel wl rouP. wiahtly coeplalw pyoanelfthithoae tnalmeat ., .., rial. Apply thit deJiPtftal)y M.iat-Scew ... er-wl withia 2 OI' 3 mi. Now it the thne for ectioa. Poa't take a b.ck eeat or be a wall-lower became of bad akin • If you wut to pt your full there of fu ud putiea •.. dear ap your complexioa ud let Mint Julep Maqae ~ the Way"! Y oa 01'e it to younelf to try a tiDcle fifteen mia- ale ~ treatmeDt to CODTinc:e yoonelf that thit new Queea Heleae muque-eream can work wmder. for yoa. aaee aa aheorbiq qmt c:aDed ArsiDa driee A .... doa! M0111ERS el Teea-Apn aad tarat tllit ere•• iato a plutie-like mMqUe. Yoa will aow feel • thoap laaa-Queea Beleae Mint Julep Muque it a MUST drecle of "'tiny &apn" were t0ftl1 ........_, for yoa., tool It will help filla1ea taui-1 ekin the ma, ....._., pore-caked dirt. w.l-• f-=e wl throat, relax tired face mwlea liieedt wl fenip m.,..itiea. Aa it &r.. wl wl tlimalate a t:n.her, deanet, more yoath- barcleDI, itt wdoe 11eliee clraw out watle fal complmon. Try a Medicaled Mint Julep ..n. from llae por-. ... la 15 aaillaae. you Muqae TreabDeDt YOURSELF. You11 be •ply riw .. =uqae away widt lakewara , delipeecl willa the akia-tip1eaiq ~ watel' wlUcla dietOl\les it m-ediately. wiw. wl mere alift feeliaa Iha& C09el witla etery ,_,....,._._,,_ __ ._ ..... 111•1 .... aL Queaa Beleae Mint Muque it oaly 1.1-00 for the tix ouce jar. eaoqla for 4"'flr 3 _._el daily bolDe treatmeatt. Bay it tioday ! Scart .... it iDUMCliately! Pnm to yoenelf et oar rilk, for one full moeth. If, at •Y time darin1 the month, you are DOt completely tatia6ed. simply return the uaated porno. &Dd you will pt b.ek e'fel'J pe911y of ,_.. purehate priee. r-MAIL NO-RISK COUPO~ TODA~1 I SIA UTI 1ALD .:.P. : ._. ,..,_im,.... ,.. I I ...... ,.... I I 8ellaa•u· I I ...__.•t111Glllt911ttwlllillllc ....... I I M191 ...... ~..._ ... ha., I I ~ • _, 1i1tck,. __, ,.,u.. I I Ohz.ilf ........ 3 ...... ..., ........ .... ., .. 0 SP£CIAU1Wa(2) )In..., $5.00 ~ttm Oll•ibwe ............ ..... 0 $1.00 ..... ......_ s.M COD,._. ..... .......... ..... LIM ........ la, ... • L--.... -.. _ .. __________ _ ---· SPECIAL What Do You· ISSUE Know About America's Vacation Habits? "SEE AMERICA FIRST" is a motto · that Americans take serl- ·. ously. In 1968 about 130 million Americans spent more than $25 billion traveling this hemisphere. Do your favorites match theirs? What ...... most popular city for ... ......... ~ New York Ci~ had 16,260,000 viaitora in 1968. Thq spent •t 1h billion in the city. Waahington, D.C., ia a close runner- up, but leu money ii spent. People who come to New_ YarL.come for the theater,. -Di.ht clubs, the ftne reataurant&-all of which increase the tourists' expenaes. People who visit Wubington are apt to come in family groupa for aishweefna'. What Is the worlcl'a busleat IMwW1 The Mexican border-which had '1'1 mil- lion cr088inp from the U.S.A. to Mexico in 1968. Of theee, 1, 7lo,000 atayed at leaat one night. The other rJ!illiona w~ day: trippers, bound to such over-thM>order fun spots 88 Tijuana and Jual'eS. Which place had the MOit tourists pw-awplta .......... , Lu Veras-by far. Leu than 200,000 people live here, yet there were 16 million tourists in 1968, and they left about $800 million in gambling louee alone. The 3.6 million who .ftew into McCarran Field made it the world's busiest airport for the lize of the town it sened. Which ...... MOit popular ........ ...... , for ........ towllfs! Canada. Some 131h million U.S. citizens A MW,~ "'"',._· Can rou MtM itf visited Canada last year for at least one 24-bour period. Many more visited and retumed the same day. Which dale hen the fo ... 1t-9f'Owl1t9 ,,........ ..... .., Hawaii-which last 1ear had more than 1,114,000· tourists, a 22-percent increaae over 1967. They spent more than '500 million in the Island atate. and hotel rooms renting up to '60 a day are the ftnt to aell out In spite of the crowd.a, the ltlanda have preaerved their beauty. What 11 the moat vl1flecl atata! Florida had 21 million tourists in 1968: Fifteen million came by car. What ...... lllOat popular U.S. tour- ist alliadlon! Disneyland bad 9,600,000 vitltors lut year. They spent more than f66 million. Not NASA, b•t touri.lt f4fJorit6. KMtD itt Yet Walt Disney had to bock his insur- ance policies to raise the ftrat $5 million be invested when it ft.r8t opened. Which National Park Is the most pop- lar by for! The Great Smoky Mountain National Park. It geta more than six million visitors a year, and oil buay weekend& there ii a 20-mile traffic j~ lined up on the Ten- neuee and North Carolina approaches. Yellowstone. the daddy of all U.S. nation- al parka, founded in 18'12, i• also tbe larg- est of them all, with 8,400 square miles. Yet bec:au.ae of fta remotene11 from cen- ten of population, it "only" draws two million visitors a year. What la the moat popular retort la- land of atl? Puerto Rico, which in 1968 reachM ~e million-viaito:re mark. At the top of the aeaaon, 600 jeta arrive each wee~ bring- ing mainland touriata, airfare being the cheapest mile-for-mile in travel .(aa low 88 ·"5 one way from New York City). In addition to luxury hotels, there are at least 50 guesthouaea, with rooms for about $12 a day per person. -BEN MATTHEWS PHOTO ANSWERS: The Muaeum of An.- tl&ropolog11, Mexico Cit11, i8 le~. Above ia tlr.e apace-c0tt.tf"OI enter, part of DUM11· lan.d:a ''Flight to the Mocm." More Exciting Vacation lcleCll Familia tDM toollld lfk• to 11•t tM moat /flf'I& ovt of ~ t1aeaticm ~114,.. ""'If and /or Mielt.ael Fi'Offt•'• 18.6~-pafl• p4d. "Bett.r Va.. eatic>M /O'I' Yo.r Mtnf.~." Mail II.II to F.W. Boob, Dqt. AIU/I , Boz 101, Graftd C.xtral St4tiMI, N-.o York, N.Y. 10011. Now ••• Plastic Cream . Invention For Artificial Teeth For the Ant time ecience now of. fen a ...... plMtic CNUI that holcta #"'-teeth abnoet like Na-ture henelf holdll natural teeth. ltfonne an .a.ticmembnmethat boldll both .. uppen and Iowan" ... ...,,. before. It'a Fn:ol>IDn-a reYOlutionary cliacoYery for daily home UM. 80 different it'• protected by U.S. Patent ff,008,988. Flx.Ol)llNT not only boldll den· tu.res (irmu, but it holds them ,,.,,,... co11&/orlol>ly, too. lt'a llO eJu. CLEANEST EASIEST, SAFEST Way To Rid MICE {d~o~j ----------·--~' NOW! Rid your home of miee com- \)letel7 with d-OON• Kome-Prufe, the amuinc mOUM killer that'a- llOST lf'f'ICTM •.. hu twice u much ~llinc inaredient u other le&dinc bnnda. It.'• an iqndjent recommended by the u .8. Go..-nment. -CUAMST ARD IAllUT .•. juat. pgll tab-bait feeda automatically. MfDl ... w.1"1u1Md u d~"'ufe around children and peta. No wonder Mollae·Prufe outael11 all other moue kll1ers eomblned- d-COR llOUSE·PRUFE YOU MAY HAR PIN-WORMS AND NOT KNOW IT ltdaoetlnr, Jo. of lleep and a torment. Ina lteh are often telltale lirn• of Prn-Worma • ~ • usly paruit.ea that medb1 experta ay Infest l out ol •VWJ'lpeNonaeumined.Enttrefam-Uiea may be vk-tima and not know It. To set rid ol Pln-W onna. they D'IUlt be killed In the larp intestine where they lift ud multiply. That'aeuetly wbat layne'1 P-W tableta do .•• and here'• bow they do It: Pint-a tdentlf\c coadq carries the tablttl into the bowell before they d.i.olve. Tben-Jayne'1 mod- ern, medblly-.pproved l~t 1oee richt to work-ldlla Pln-Wonm quickly, eul•br. A ... PJW plter-t!Ut. Don't take ehances wltb dancer-oua, blfbly coatadoue Pfn.-Wonm which infect entire lamiU.. Get sen· aine l•YDlfl• P-W Vermifuae ••• ama.U, euy-to-take tableta .•. 1pecial 8'see for childNn and adul Tortured 9 Year$ by 2 CORNS and a WART tic you can bite harder, chew harder witltouJ pola. You :::l, ..... •t and eQjoy appl•, • com-on-th.cob .. n. PIXODSNT'a apeCial pencil-point diapemer l= put it~ where it'• Awildll ooa1nr OY8r and PUinl. ; .Juat ~ application may liiilt 'round·tbe-clock. Even reaiata bot co«ee. Denturt11 that fit are .. ... tial to health. So .. your den· tiat regululy. Get F1xoDBNT at all drug counten. "problem" • • persp1rat1on solved .... fer tlt11111ds Witt '"''ire l9t1YilJ An antipenpirant that really worka! Sohr.ea underar~" problem1a for many who had despaired of effective help. Mitchum Antl-Peraplrant kees» underanna abeolutely dry for thouaanda of grateful U9en, with complete gentleneH to normal skin and clothin1. Thie unuaual formula from a trust- worthy 66-year-old laboratory is guaranteed to eatiafy or dealer will re!und purchaae price. So get the positive _pro-. tection of Mitchum Anti-Per..._ ..,Jrant, Liquid Qf creem. *3.0<r, .. 90.da1supply.Availableatyour favontedru ortoiletr counter. BACKACHE Aching Muscles You Iona to .... those pain•, even temPot'•rll~ unUI th• c:euM Is cleered up. For palll~~ . .L~ temp()!ary, pain relief tr)'Uftt'm-• Piiis. femous for over 60 yeera DeWitt'• PUlsconuln enener...ic to reduce peln end • Vet'/ mlld diuretic to help eliminate retelned ftt.1.ld• thus flushlns out lrrltatlna peln c:euslna bladder wastes. DeWitt'• Pill• often succe4td where others fell If pain pera •lw•Y9 ... )'OUr doctor. Insist on DeWitt'S Pills ••ti' llw, ••••••Ill_., to DBIUllA·IOPT rid• o/I u•••," wrll•1 • ll~IY •1'r. N-you cu ..., IOC)db,e 10 1-1 .. mr•, calhue, ~wans whh woeder..York· ... DllMA·SOFT. Thu u~ lonaula toflus Mid dilM!ns ltic. hatd to ,._c .,owtM IO ntey nab~ pai•I-')' a Mftl)', 1-------------- lca•i .. •• "'"' ._ .. • ""'· So .so.·c MaLel Eatl•t WI .. 1ufcr. DEllMA·SOPT ar Dru iu1. a GmlNG UP FALSETEETH lllGHTS MAKES MANY Up to 35 ~ Easler IW Flfl OlD ClJnlcal te.ca pro•• JOU can now C.ommon Kidney or Bladfter Jrrlta· .. , and chew bet~r-make cl«lt.wa lions nloke mnnv men anft wl)men ••eraceup_toS51'C> moree«eett•-lf Ceel tenM' and nervous trom frequent JOU qm:nale a lltUe PABIUI~ :iurnlng or ltC'hlng urination nl"hi )'OUrpla\el.J'ASIAIBboldeu and <la)•. Serondarlly, you may loae an.CS Jowen more Arml1 eo t.bq t .. 1 tleep nnd ha\·e Headache 'Bac:brhc more eomtortable. PA8'ldl a i. not. and !eel older. Uttd, dtprened. Jn :.:9. =·t.:ir~&:::l·J::-1 tuC'JI cues. CYSTEX utually brln1ta • ... . rcl1.UCln.: <'Omfort by curbing trrltat-Denturee \bat At an .-ct.I.al to lnl{ l(tmnt In acid urine and qulC'kly bealtb.8o ... JeW'dent.19\l"IC\llUI)'. qslnK pain.Get CYST EX at druaicl•ta. Oft PA8'1DIB at all dl'QS OOUD.._ &Sl'fiJ&, 11r1n1• I I 11s1nmrr ••• 2 2 3* f.tlll; • i? r ~r.111n':m "~ r~l-i1 -~,.. .. liej~ ! ti!'Uli~, 1~1'P~1,1._:-Plf?1·imBi !i1' . 4 . ' i ~ .... ~ 1_1._n!a.SI ~IF~ lira. •l-~1frz 1 · ~ ~ i uu~ • -• 1 mn ~ --1 1.n~r~nu~o ~ .._,. __ I i i!rJP.IPJ !'t,~nm ;a ''J!tmn : • · ~ ~·~ ~ li~ir!I'11r RNtr:r !t~ ! 1 D!~·r=i i b-.·~,~.. .. ~ H~fljl ,1 ~f~l,.11, Ii I ,,F ,nf•i , a ~ I i H 1Jrn~f I I '' i 1U,t11 arl I ii . I fm!limHJiti! ii l!H!lHCi!1' i ~ j~ f!lJ!!1~f,'H~~ Cb~=ll! I . J;l~fl a· ig' ti f~ .. .:. lalirl SfiJ~ ! I is• f ! r; r. .. . ~arli!U1~fsh!! 11 ~~~Jlflufi~ c i ~iRif l~! 11 ss , l•f ,ij~~1f P!1!. ~!,tPll1ttP I~~· 1:~ s ~1 .: ~ -} i :lic!i~ li i I ~jlilJ• i ~1 u l~l~f fl, If ! r 2 ~ ! t1f1 J l~ij1J1 ffif ~ rifflR rf 'fl L1!i s' i .. ff, f Ii ,_ · ... ~-·1 • ,--"~.~-~----------, .---------_-:.~~.--.~.~--:--~ ... I • . :".<> . ; i; iiiiitf; :1ii1':;~~~UJI :~~-· •1,J 11 I . !l •EtJ~f .. i. _ ll'ra•.11· ·nm·: . -.. ,. iii 1 , , 1s11·•1 1 1 n· . s·1 . . . . . ' • • 1 I ' . ,,... . • ... l~ . lln .11 . d : • ·- I iilj' I • I : 1' tl1J !air. r:111 .. 11.; I ~ 1•u. 1r1T 1'1. f!i''. iiil'fl 1, ~ '•i ~ I I t ! • i I i : I i I; • , _, ~I I , ... .. I JI I I . . . . . . .. . . . . iJ· . 1:' 1 ··~ . ·~-J I ~ 11 ·cl I [ ~ ~ : j ; ; ~ ; ~ ~ ; ~ I: L 1•19il" ' f .. ·;·1 I ·1 r ........... ·. . . . .. m' I ' .., . ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . .. •I -o o o o o • o o o • o o o o o • f -. '"' ~J ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' I . · • ' . ! ~5: ;J.i. :,~r. 1 ·t~';: ! I : . IC~::C.:aCC=c•aa; _ i:.i i •T;~ .. ·t.o,.i)<J" ,.,_ ' " .-0 .. , -,, -:.i -· _ ~ _,.-Li,.: ,. --', """""',; 11!,....r ·-.1:. 1L. 23-11'... _.._.___ L----------------------------- .,,.__ =--ii Q i II a· 'I r-r,OQ f ... >~ ~ I lil (!0JtjiSf 5• ~ i U 11 1:1 •lJ-... M ' JHf !:f11n:~ r ,.,,. ,~· fi'ar 11 °1t1 ~ &!lsct.11 IQI Otsrof -~ . -~H~1"_ ~frf1 o · E · jo 1:.1 2-l(f n . : i ffrl ~,, fl _ _ D? I -a.a~ • l:'-°'<!!!1-f i ~f'.1~-iiil.;1~n11 C == . ,.tr4"1 ! 0 htlilillht CA -= , II . a. lj COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH HUNTINGTON HACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY IRVINE WEEK OF APRIL 19 • APRIL 25 DICK WILSON'S WILSON FORD SALES r------------ FORD 18255 IEACH ILVD., HUNTINGTON IEACH ---------- IRAHD NIW 1969 MUST ANG HARDTOP $99 Tot•I Required Down Payment On Atty N£W CAR or NEW TRUCK .. .,,,....c ...... WILSON· ·FORD .... ., .. ...,..,. ......... ,.., .............. .,.... ......... .... ... A--. ...... c:.llf .... ., ......... c..., ..... ,.., .. .............. 5 YEAR or 50,000 MILE WARRANTY from FORD 8RAND NIW 1969 :THUNDERBIRD s3999 -$71.30 36 ..... $$64.45 36 "'°· $2298 .......... ,_.H .... 1 ........ =· IRf. flNlll elr....., ... ...,...., Mell• ... ._ ... ~ ....................... .,...~ ........... ............ ........... , ............... .... llAllD MIW.1fff s~o~ FALCON &UVO llAMD MIW 1t6t PAIRLANE '"Down $70.95 36 ..... Pf111 Tea I Li~11 .. 011 •PP· lta11lr etetlit. "' Down $64.45 36 mo. Pita Tea I Uc .. •• .,. .,,. lta11li cretlit. ~ .. MIA lf&di •1 ......... 1•119 ..... llAllD NIW 1t6t TORI NO G. T. S2588 . "' Down $I0.6S 36 me. Pl111 Tax I Uce11H 011 •PP· lte11lr cretllt. -V4 .......................................... WI*..,_......._ .... '-dlllll ..... .._. ...... T • ....... _,_. .... ,.,... ltr illl&eier & ..,....., MCll41t W ... CllWtl&y ....... Al """"' ....... .,._ ~ ................... ,., .......... 1 ......... . llANI NIW 1t6t $2298 · $99 Down 70.95 J6 mo. RANCHERO Plclulp Pf111 r .. ' uce .... H .,,. ~ ... \Cf~··· .uw... .._.,., c...-. ......................... -.tl&y ......................... ..,,.., .,,.., ,._. ~ ....... _....., ...... asetr JI ...... C..-. ,,..,. ..... •!er ...,.. fl&&r ....... • llAND lllW '" Down $64.45 36 ..... F·l 00 Pl111 Tu I ~.,. .. Oii .,... ltHlr cretllt. ,..., ~~ ;;w-., w c.1.D . ......, a .,... ,..,. .,_,., erw., -.... v.w .... a. Tw1s• ••• .._...., ,._-. ,..,. aaie. ... a.'""'..,_ & "'a. rw......., '""'a rw....., • =:=---•r, ..... MN.._, ............ elr ll&lf&J ..... a, ...... & ....... '*'9n.YlsYt ... .._ .... ..... ~......_ ........................ , fltll ....... ,............ . JusT 2 Mii.is SOU1H OF THE SAN DIE&O FRWY~ ON IEACH ltYD. 18255 BEACH · BOULEVARD · "842-6611 HUNTINGTON BEACH · SALIS DIPf. ' •. ., .. 10.p ... 7 ..... 11mc1 onN r ................ ., .. 1, .•. Me:t., I•·•· .. t p.a . 592-5511 ' .. - .. Ill ~ •• .. .. .. .. SATURDAY APRIL 19 r v r N I N (, and emoUonal crlpa with Emit fft hia ldvanced En&tlah claa. 0 9 CIJ m Tiit Ci.t and Mn. MUlr (C) (~ "Uncle Arnold the Maeniflcenl" C1rolyn'1 Uncle Ar· nold (ruest Jack Gilford) PIYI a vbit and embarrams the children with his repetitious )obs and tricks. 6:00 IJ ne .,, ..... (C) (60) l@ cv 1 ne LMlrt•ce ... 1 >9 oo m H..a.,.a,,...., <C> m .~C> ~ <C> <30> 8 Pwter w.,.... (C) (30) 9:00 I§ ~Hepl's HtM1 (C) (30) .... City (C) (60) Sam Riddle 6 113 NIC ~ ..... hosts. le: ( ) ltlrt lrted" (edvtn· &J TIM lnv•rs (C) (60) • ture) '6&-James Stewart. Maureen 6:308 News Conflfenet (C) (30) O'Hara, Brian Keith, Don Gallaway. .......... ·--..... (C) (60) ID Bill Ancltnol (C) (30) ,.,.., ._ Bobby fii) Ctltiqtle (C) (60) Stanley Kauff· lord and Jade Walker auest. man views scenes from "Salesman," I ..., Crier (C) (30) 1 non.fiction movie recordinr the I Lowe Lucy (30) PlaJi•& tM liitar (30) (R) door·to-door, day·to·dly IMs of four salesmen. :: fc:r~: ~ Stara (C) 9:30 R ~ (j) hlticNt Juction (C) tJ ~IT\ (36) Steve tells Uncle Joe th1t he's 7:00 1£1!1 1.1J CIS Evtnln& ,.... (C) beinr left out of all the family's (30) Rorer Mudd. preparations for the upcomlnr birth CJ INIC SllMJ (C) (30) Bob of his -anct Betty Jo's blby. (R) Wriaht. D (i7J (]) &) Helfrwetd hlMll PH'?:.~nlftnaty C1me (C) (30) i 160> fJ Outh Valley DtJS (C) (30) • News (C) (30) Larry Burrell. m I lflcai TIM Kin& fi•llJ Hol· TIM Stouun fa11lly (C) (30) iday Cneist ( (60) The clan takes 9:S5 U Wonderful World ef $ptft (C) a cruise t.o Hawaii· aboard a luxury 10:00 II a (j) ... n n I 11 (C) (60) A line<. The hour Is filled with island wounded youna man stumbles Into melodies. Mannix's house and rasps a cryptic &J Wonders of tbe Wor1d (C) (30) message. (R) (Rescheduled) m feature (C) (30) "Pioneer Vil-I The Dtf1t1dtr1 (60) lage at Bladl Crtek." A reconstruc· • Jwil!Ot ZOlle (30) ted pioneer village just north of News (C) (30) Toronto, Canada, takes visitors back Enest Tabb (C) (30) into history. Buildinp, customs and : NET ~ (2 hr) "Hut costumes are shown exactly as they Time I'll Sina to You." (R) were a hundred yean aao. I Box de Me1ice g) ultonietro 10:30 THE Cat (C) (30) 7:30 tJ ta (i) J.ctie Cl•IOll (C) (60) • W11at'1 My Unt? (C) (30) Willy George Bums. Georlie Kaye end Bruner hosts. Marsh & Adams guest. m Maria WNdrvff htcllds (C) B 9@ m Ada•-12 (C) (30) ~> a FOREIGN INTRIGUE I KHtJ w .... <c> <30> • • Hollywood aid the Stars *with COUNTER-SPIES! 11:00 aumm" ... (C) ALAN LADD visits Wtr1d Temonw (C) FRANCE with girl · Mowie: (C) "Seec et tM ls- J• ust before D-DA y1 llnda" (musical) '42-8etty Grable, • Victor Mature. U Mtwft: "'O.S.S." (drama) '46-OJ RewiHCI fr9d ,....... (C) Alan Ladd, Geraldine fltzaerald. 11:15 II falea 5Z Mewtt: ..,.,.. Hert D tl71 (])ED Tiit Dltll& e... to Dnltf' (drama) '54-8urt Lan· ~ {J()fltoi Jim Lanie welcomes caster, Deborah Kerr. ruest Willie Mc:Covey. fJ SlblrUJ Nl,tit Mewlt: "Adwtle D M-$ Mtllit: .,,.. Stt-Md c.a.r (dtama) '62~enry tioa" (mystery) '~Willllm Hof. Fonda, Chartes LauJhton, Walter den.ft• fitzpnl~. Pidaeon. m Adl,.s Htlidly (C) 11:30 Im THipt .. (C) (60) Im Franciscus end wife Kit filOwtt: "Bl9t Men In 1 loll" fly their plane to the Cartbbean, (~ r1ma) '56 -Laurence Hervey ~re they meet Jim's broth• and Martitl Hunt. ' s1ster·ln·l1W and the two couples I 'llilM (C) start 1n exploration actventure ttiat Tiit &i,rm (C) takes them throuah ancient pirate 11:45 Mowlt: °'No MllMK Vien"' (c.om- caves, cisterns 'nd dunaeons In ) '48 -Dani Andren, Lilli the Vlraln lsJandS. Palmer. mm FtlllVll <C> (90) "Bamk ~a 11ow1e: <C> .,,...... ., ai..r at Tenat~certo for Or· [spectacular) 61 -Jt1nne et.In chestra.11 (R) John Dttw 81rrymore. ' • u. Cl.... In s..et Stri, a:oo 11 ~m '" s..rt <C> (3.0) 12:45 c.-. Sltlll'dlJ: "Th• Wed· G> The NtwfJWICI la• d na of Lilli Mat1ehe." ( 0) b Eubanks hoata. l:CIO tJ Movte: "nit Nlpt R•ner" Mewlt: "Tltlqs Te C.-" (dr1· iram&) '57-Rey Danton. IN) ·~ M...,, Ralph Ntn (C) ~-M-llllM -..: ''Bldllm," "Out· I ...... a.-cat of the I ....... ··Mad0nn1 l:JI 9 Cl) Mr 1'M S-(C) (30) of ttlt Sewn Moons." Sylvia Syaney ruem n the dl'llded 1:3011 MoM: "'ltlltllmn Alt« Dirt" Miss Houk. an extr10rdin1ry achool· @ama) '42-Brlan Donlevy. teactier whO comes to Intellectual Z:OO U Adwllbtr• ef Utt S..-r (C) Tony Time on Broadway The Tony · Award. The Broadway theatre can bestow no h igher honor. T o win it means chat a unique experience between live actors anc! an audience has been achieved, that some rare moment of magic has been created. That is what the T ony Award stands for. This ~ason the professionals of the Broadway theatre give out those precious silver medallions on Sunday at 10 PM. The proceed- ings--complete with scenes from the Broadway plays and musicals that have been nominated for che award-are presented by Alex- ander H . Cohen. on behalf of the League of N ew York Theatres under the authorization of the American Theatre Wing. live and in color from New York's Mark Hell inger Theatre on NBC. THEATRE TEAMWORK-Alan King and Diahann Carroll are co-hosts of "Broadway '69-The Tony Awards." The program, entitled "Broadway '69-The Tony Awards," is hosted by Alan King and Diahann Carroll. The Antoinecte Perry Awards (!heir full name) were founded in 194 7 in memory of the distinguished aclress and director who died in 1946. Miss Perry, who was born in 1888, devoted most of her life to the theatre-first as an actress, then as a director, and in her last years as one of the founders during World War U of the American Theatre Wing. She had much success as an actress but it was as a director that she became part of theatrical legend. She directed over 30 plays, including such hits as "Strictly Dis- honorable .. and "Harvey." The American Theatre Wing provided entertainment and hos- pitality for service men on leave at Stage Door Canteens, and also hospital entertainment for the wounded. Miss Perry was also a trustee of the Actors· Fund and active on behalf of the Musicians' Emergency Fund. When producer Brock Pemberton, a close friend of Miss Perry, firs~ helped to establish the awards they were a very private affair, just for people in the bUJioess, and were awarded only for "out- standing" contributions to the theatre, not the "best." And jt wasn't until 1949 that the medallions which now symbolize the award were first designed and given out. In the intervening years the importance of the awards has grown and what was once only a private little industry dinner is now an event of national interest and importance. This will be the third year in a row that Alexander H. Cohen has produced the award proceed· ings on national television. He has emphasized that an award presentation can also be a show with solid entertainment values. MORE aovs " OtRLS NHDED FOR NIW TV COMMERCIALS Thit it tfi• let•1t word from tfie Melor e9ent1 e11d produce" in Hollywood. ToleYi1lo11 comm•rclal1 ere bi9 bu.>.11eu. It 11 • bu1i11H1 tllat employ1 a larqe numb•r of cllildren tnd p•y• tllem ler9• 1al- erlH. lut where did "''" lilcl1 com• fro,., e11d how did tlley 9et tfiere 7 Well, would you beli••• tfi•y're fou11d in such fer 011t plac .. a• F11llerton, Senta Mt, or tfit 011t•r reqlons of long 1 .. ch or Pomo11a 1 Som• of tllHt yo11n9· 1t•rt may 1;.,,, rl9llt ne.+ door! l11t who fi11d1 tfi••• t1le11ted boy1 •1ul 9irl1 to fill +Ito prod11cfio11 11 .. cl, 7 tllo 1h1dlo1 e11d egenh don't hen time, 10 u • re1ult, there i1 • large demtncl, a11d to Olf lfih daman", • P11blic llolo· ffon1 Company cellod TAKE I P'llOOUCTIONS, INC. hu turnod ,.. 011er91.. e11d P01ourc01 to fill- ing tfils nood. TAKE I ODUC- TIONS m1lro1 profeuio11al contect1 111 Hollywood for newcomort, SINDY ENNEN Local school girl's eernings reach •10,000 in TV ocm- mercials 11 few months after being signed by Ta~ I ft>oductions. IF YOU ARE IETWEEN THE AGES OF l AND "· AND WOULD LIKE A CHANCE TO DO COMMER- CIALS AND T.V. Cel 547-6251 " .. Take 1 ProductlOftl, Inc. 0RAN6E CO. OFFIC .. ..... ._ THE DAILY PILOT, lV WEEK, APRIL 19, 1969 SUNDAY APRIL 20 All 1t1tlon1 reserve the riOt to chance pr01J11m· m1n1 without advance no- tice. ~ F:::-: ~~ (C) S)llpui•: "Children In Peril -e Battered Child." second day of a symposium on child 1buae i nd rel1ted mtdiCll, soci1I ind educe· tlonal problems. Proaram lasts for 10:l01 6 ·~1}$~ 9 Ci) m Frorieri el Flltll OTChilTenp of 1 Cloter Moon: Nation Buildln1." The third In 1 1:15 6:30 1:55 7:00 n.. Cllrtllopllen series of four pro11rams polntln& up Tiiie 111111 ~ tht need for Justice ind deYelop· llwt u. T1lls o., (C) ment In poverty areas of tht ..ortd. T• -' Jerry (C) Donald B1mhouse reports. s-11J flluia (C) D ~ C1"l &> 1 ... and ~ 7:30 ..._ (C) CC) Vk:ePresldent Spiro T. A(new ...,... Tllilllnladt Qelr (C) and two state officials discuss the SnMJ ..,._ (C) lncreeslnr conflict behween the Fed· CI) °"'f llld W.ell (C) lnll ind State rovtmment.s. 1 :45 fie Qrisllt*n (C) m FaJtll for TodaJ (C) 1:00 9 (()a.a., u ... .., ftlt (C) 11:00 IJ 9 (I) Ntf!-Hoct., (C) Th~ ennonlfes: Thi PUceful Rewlu-... Elstem and Western ONblons tlon." 1111 dl1r1cter of this coun· champions meet. lfY's 20·brandl M1nnonltl O>mmll· -0-TIJls Is tM Ufa (C) nlty tod•J end the process of china• IJ ANGELS hope to ;tLpt~e :"~ <f>mtned. * thha.veATWFTEINRSNOOBYN2 PM II THE CATHEDRAL OF 11 I Ancell w.,..._, (C) * TOMORROW-IN COLOR! Q7J (})a> NIA a.•etb•ll (C) with REX HUMBARD, n11s. MAUDE AIMEE & ~Movie: "nit 811 Slf' (western) MUSICAL STAFF! 'S2 a.:: ~~'H.:'(~> Martin. I=:." y...,,... (C) 1~-= ~~ Q111rdl ~ Ca1't11ou (C) ll;JO . er ... Lena (C) Woiitrlu (C) An,.a. Bueblll (C) Dick En· (1}l Cl) Alllll · ...,.. "-(C) ber11 ind Don Wella ctll tlM action (1) ltd la tM ~ (C) · between the Aneela and th1 Minne- I ~rll RtpOtt (C) sota Twins. 1:30 l..t Up ud lM (C) ''The 0 Mowlt: ''TIM Claa'I' tf t1M Ucht denlna Gulf." Am part of 1n iri1tc1t" (adventure) '36 -Errol examination of rael1I undemand· ~n. Olivia de HIYllland. ii m SMndaJ 11.u.. "9ftlt @ Cil m n. ....... <C> • Mllrir. "ilacl CoW' (1dven· ture) '47-Anthony Quinn, Kather· 12:001 Oillopes 111 Art (C) Ina OtMllle. llltallil9ftf hrent I= =·~.. · @ F11ture (C) ".Bakersfield City £.lcMlt DIEX (C) Schools." 111e -.., <C> 1' cm 111 s. easa 9:001 Cl•tra Tit,.. (C) 12:15 ~ (i) Doub!~ f .. ~,..: "Weekend llJ fawritlt s...o. (C) Dr th tather, stemn& Ven Heflin John Aduns. Grant A.M.E. Church end .Pa~icla Neal; and "Imitation of l.o$ Anples. 11uests.. of life, starrln& Lana Turner end el °'*"'1 (C) John G1vln. a> Unt (C) 12:30 B ~~1r1ctera In lite Am (C) "The liri Mu11e11n." The character of th1 Ci) KldllJll aic~~ ... (C) "Musician" is rev!aled ~routh. a Ci) T• aed *" (C) perform;:ince of 'Tno for P11no. Vio- l__... M~ Un ind Cello" bJ Rivel. Miiton New 1-.. atMI M Stem hosts. . -..it .. I lY Wonllip of die West (C) t:lO 8 c.n.utiees Witll • "7clU-1:00 m Mtlt Utt Press (C) b1at (C) The aubJect for today'a dis. @Cl) El) Turu•ut of cusslo~ la "FM1in11s of P~ 11111lona (-c} Winners of ma)or and M1alnt1111ret1tlon of Rullty. rolf toumamert1:s In the list 12 ~· USA (C) months pl1J the $150,000 tourna- 1 ~€~ •-(C) ment 1t la Costa Country Club in -1 -• Rancho la Costa, Calif. Don J1nu· .__ (C)(C) I is defendin& ch1mpion. -.-• • CMJtie Qan .. I ..... ludltrt Co•bat 1'S la at lift (C) Rewtnl Fires (C) 10:00 8 hllCIM T• (C) Ruth Alhton Ci) HollJWOOCI Wf'llUlna (C) 1iYI . 1:30 • OI C.•pm (C) Senator Gile ,_.. _, Nee (C) cGee {W)omlna Dtmoctlt) dis-M••••Q•' ...,. (C) cuases worfd ind n1tlon1I problems t17.t Cl) nJ ,......,. (C) with students from Cl11"1mont Men's . 8iwtr. .,..-..... (dr1ma) '62-Collea•. canSo Anc:oM, Mula Buatamtnte. I&) Voice of C1tv111 (C) f\f TI RNOON 2:00 Nlflc s.Ma.(C) "On Curi'' l .......... ttiec.... .... : (C) .,.,.. ......... r1ma) '67 -lnaer StMN, Don Mumy, B1rry Nolton. Jal All! ..... , Dertlf (C) m r... liall 11..a111 ti'"' CUrtD ....... .. • Tiie Rat hhl (C) 2:l0 C..lllt..t (C) cmmm~ <C> An excerpt friim Jlma ~·· "Anne-ran's Wike" opens the first ol a •ries of three specials, "New Im· a11es for LMn11:· The lhnie sJIOWS focus on the reletionatllp of th1 arts to contempor1ry IMna. 0 Miiiion $ Movlt: (C) .... , FrteM Fikb" (drama) '43 -Roddy Mc· Dowell, Preston Foster. 9(i)M~RMnd m U.S. N1¥J m. 3:001 ftct die Nltiol (C) T1lea of Utt Coldel West @Cl) &> DilCIMtJ (C) "S1>1n· ish Califoml1." Pro11r1m uamlnes tile SPlnl.sh •ttlement In Cefffor. nla. (R) I Outer LI•lts f 1e11 and Pieces (C) Eaalp O'T .... 3:301 lnalder/Ollbk (C) P'rm Confennce (C) Hnt Qun, Win Trawl Cl) Future (C) "The Red W1ron." I UD R,._ (R) f11t.r1 t..dlea Day (C) 4:00" Yi~nt (C) fD fl' Con11mio111I RI· port (C) new NBC News week!J pf'OllT'lm that attempts to report de- velopment In Con111ess, spot trends. and provide the viewers with an in· alght on what Con11resll\'len think on vital Issues. William Monroe Is anchorman. D Movie: (C) "Arau" (adventure) '53--Gi11 Youn11. Polly Berren. I Man From UNCI.! (C) Iron co (]) lM1111t (I) F1ea U.. Nation (C) V1ftbn1 Sobft lol Hljol Alltrieaa P'Tobie•• (C) 4:30 !Newllll•n (C) . m Nae Exper1••t 1n r.-.. (C) "Bl& Sur." A new PllY by Frank Ga11liano In its pnmlert showina. Story tells of a middle- 111ed oreanist who wiM a car In a raffle and leaves his small Mid· western town for 8111 Sur In Cali· fornla. On the way he meets an odd assortment of characters. ~nt Troobnick sters as JeremJ, the re- tired or&anist. ...... (C) (i) I Drt1• of Jeanie (C) : Mrsteropn' Nelpbottlood (R) Cf) Ml hrade (C) Muslca J hlabru • Tiie D1lrotaa • Scope (C) 4:45 f1l) F11tur1 (C) "Ivory Klnlldom." W11tho1s, cobras •nd bat-eared foxes ara shown llvinr wild ind free in Rhodesia's Winkle Nlfk>n11 Park. 4:55 IJ Wonderful Wor1cl tf Sport (C) 5:00, Nen (C) Cl.tt Roberti foul Wilde .. Mt I I bl I (C) Mewlt: (C) "lladt lud hr· (teen musical) '64 -ft'lnkle Av1lon, Annette Funlcallo • 19, 1969 ... Guard." I Stier' Ill, Don IC> An "Finne- st of I •Im- shows of Ult flftld dy Mc- "Span. smlnes :eflfor. Red ••• ~ 1 de- ends. n in- think >e Is ture) ft¥t. . by iert die- In lid· .eli· 1n !ne re· :R) ,. le SUNDAY 7:30 PM PARIS BLUES Paul Newman I Sidney Poitier Diahann Carroll Joanne Woodward COLOR MONDAY 7:30 PM FIRST RUN! THE SOLDIER TUESDAY 7:30 PM DAVID I LISI WEDNESDAY 7:30 PM BUil IRCH, BUii THURSDAY 7:30 PM ROAD T8 1811 IDll 111t1. lob alld DentJtrl FRIDAY 7:30 PM FllST RUii! THETUI' SATURDAY 7:30 PM THE PITHS OF BLOO I \. i ·~ I •• (' Ml •BW-fllr!lst-e.., CC> •'lil1iii and All Thlt Tl'lfflc." M6 ods to deslan safer e1rt 1nd fllatl· W1J1 Ind to lmprowe driver COlft· petenc1 ,,.. denloftllratld In tills study of traffic con,..sJon In America. i 9 @ 8'1L Wl&e ""' <BO> c (30) Tiie Jet s.t (C) ( 60) Wurrud. aulded by tow belutlfu1 1ir1in• stwwardtaa, Joins the IWf' • mo¥1ni. Mf . rwtt• wor1d-rovlnc ''Jet Set'' In their neYer...,dln& quut for udtlment ind "somettlln1 new" In all parts loft~~...,.._ Iott left (C) (30). (R) M• r,.. UNCU (C) 5:30 lli,11 St.ry (C) (30) @ oo m Wllcl a-.... CC> (30) "In Starch of 1 While." Mtr· lin Perkins end Jim Fowler 1111 the coest of Southern CallfOfnll with Marineland of the P1cific crew member& to hunt whale. (R) II lob CuJ (C) (90) Aanea MOOl'9hHd, Jim Bldtus. Irwin Coror. Sindy Baron, Bach Yen, Bia Tlny Little and Andy Ruaell 1uest. 11 S,, (C) (60) Hml (C) (30) ......... 22 TIM F"9Cll Qef (30) 7:00 w ~ -~ (C) (30) Thi awet0me 111ndour of the Padfic Coast fomtS I bldutrop It Lu-. rices time and tldt In 1 valillrt effort to rescut • h1plm kttten threatened by the poundln& surf. ~ 9 oo m "-* ,... <C> <30> ~ ""« £Vil." A toroerer trla to pllct the younpters under a i ll. (RL Cl) m Lllld " t11e ...... ~) "The Chae." Sttvt and Mart 11r11 to help lnspoc:tor Ko· hick ~· rlVOlutlonaria In •· chan&• for tht freedom of ClptM Eartllll Kevin Htltn al.lllta. c.m.n.11: ...... ) ( ) Clif Kirt n1r11ta i ~ te Trntf (C) (30) mour of Franco." Host Hal S.W,.r PfOVldtt lnalfht Into ltttlt ritlttd cantm of Europe'• pyat ml.lfttly. I=._ (60) (ll) S""dl, Olk:k Chandler, Dint Ebr ind ~· 81lf'dMtt autll ' 7:» 8(1) ._... ._ (C) (30) 8 tm (1)9 AIC ....., .... Rou, Howlld IPPU" u a bully (C) ...._ 1lrll. llrW' (mUllcllf) Who Ma to bt a htto. Nttt Mil\ '62 -Elvls ..... Stefll ~ IOlel • fllht lit an olW boy, Jerry l.aurtl Goodwin, *-J Sl1t1. EMI (Roany Howlnl), the peir btcofM plays Rosa Cltptlttef, I tufta....,.. frfonda Ind tab I tritl into ttlo Uippw Who "moonltfhtt" II , Evtflladu ....,_ 1 wllcl belr It· r:dllb ...tOfblntr. (R) ~ ttiem . .i.R> "••••••! ..... (C) II@ Ci) !'I WaR ...., CC> (60) ,..., ._ "tristtt Tace. P11t I of hfo parts. .. .. r• ..__ =---=-..=t ':.':. ': :: ,. .. ,.a.,,,, Llny ...... epectable huntln1 doc out ol • fun · MJ ~ lllt Cw (30) lcwlni. tnMlbll·plOM mon(RI. (R) o. 1rii11p ... tt D II-$ ..._ .,,.,. ..._. (30) I.at DuBrida {dtalftl) '61-sldntr Poitier, Paul fonntr ci..Jnnen of the boenl for N.wman, Joenne Woodward. Community Ttlt¥iston of Southtm m Tiie ~!.~ ~ .. (C)d II (30811>1 C.llfomil, dilc:ulla his ntW rote "IHwin1 t """ · (I 11 aped1I 1allt1nt to Pmldtftt 8UtrUd fUm undOIW~tr dlvfn1 In Nixon for ldtncl and tllc:hnolou """l_ Plrtl of tilt wor1d. with Dr. Albtl1 Hibbs of Clllfomll II r: ~ lrtstltutt of Ttchnoloa. (R) L• ~·u "'WNnm (C) <60> io:oo •ca CIJ MllllM: ,.,, ..... (C) nd Tht ,..._ btra B th {lfl) Trt • bold uperiment with o . 1 "' .. m ro · m1J1'1 mlnd. Utt IMF blinks out • onROaueetUE.R GAMES L VE' C an enemy •1ont's memory (rued · I • ( ) Henry Silvi) then Mb out to 1n1lla * T-BIRDS vs. DETROIT him think h~ Is tomt0nt-.. 11 ......... (C) (2 hr) LA. D 9 CJ) ID' '1!'J. ....._ f.ilnla va. Detroit Dtvtls. Oldt Lint WIJ '0--"TIM T..J (C) (to) rtl. Alan Kina ind Olah1M C.noll boat CH) CJHB 1't Fii (C) (60) tht entertainment special hoftortnf tRunnrsp." l~or Erskine outstandln1 wor1t on Brotdwey dur· Is """ top priority In tht •rch ln1 1968-69 111son. Pro111m oriel· for perolt Yiolltor John Enns, one n1t11 live from the st.at of tht of the "Ten Moat W1nl1d" crim-Mark Helllnttf Thottre In Now lnlb. (R) Yott. Tht evenln1 Is enlivened by GI llewle! "'l1llltp lo C..." (dra· scenes from Broadway's ludlnl dra- mt) '36--Raymond Ma11e1. Ralph matle and muslcll shows. Rleh•rd'°". I m ..... <C> <lo> ti) W1Rd1r1nt (C) (30) "Ntw Ztt· • SIMflecl ....... (90) l1nd: A British P1radi.." C.meru Llber ~ (C) (30) visit Wtlllnaton 1nd Aucldand, the M•6oft ,.,.. lariat cities end mt.lot Ports of : DawW Sa1ti1N1 (C) (2 hr) In Now Zttl1nd. "Group In the Nude," uYtf'll PIY· I Tiie F1sllor F•U, . chlatrists discuss their wort In tht Pll (C) (90) "The lnvltible nude therepJ 1r11. Put II of to- norlty.'' A th,...part wmlnatJon nlahrs show is "Bleck Theatre-- of welf1re problems, tllt plilht of Ooln& Their OWn Thine.'' .tth th• Mexlcu·Americln, end the 1uests Robert Hooks of "NYPO," effects of teltvlalon on children. theatre m1n11er P1tricl1 Curtlt, "None of My Butlnm" concentrates producer Jeue De Vore, 1dor Dldt upon the flndlnp reported In a na· Wiiiiams, 1ctor/pl1ywri1ht Doualn tlontl sumy mlde by the Commit· Turner Ward ind director Ropr lion of Income Malnttt11nce Mt up Furm1n. urty last JOOr by former Prtlidtnt 8> c..h Ew hr• "' Ml• Johnaon. The C6mmlaalon '""' to lO:JO I~ S"'7 (C) (30) lllumln1te the WOl'b of the Pon-Jet ,,_ (C) (2 hr) dtrous wottare IJ$ttm. "The lrwbiblt Minority'' documents the llnlales II> Golden Opportunities ot five million Mulun·Americlns * in Travel--lEARN HOW to win better mettri1I pins. u well TO TRAVEL! GET PAID u m11ntatn tnd dtwlop an ethnic FOR DOING IT! identity and 1 11n11 ol dlplty. Tht procram chronicles the Chlclno'a m ...... _......... .. ,,.... pll&ht frol!I tht barrio of East Lot (C) (30) Anaetes to tht slums of DttMr. "A 11:001 D m ,.._ (C) Word From the SpolllO(' lludles ~ ti T.-... (C) the effects of ttlevbion 1dvertitln1 Wiid Adt•tll• (C) end procnmmln1 on children. CJ) 6 (I) ..._ (C) l:J0·~-~ ....... 11u.11:15Dllewto: .<C> ...._ Tt1 ~ ~fl'f, f>' {30)f.Nln"1, Go Home." The 'frf ,.,...... (comedy) S5-11ett1 new nanny (Jt1nttta Nolin). hired Grable, Sheree Nortfl. to take Ciro of tht baby Illa up ll:JO 8 llewte: "llr. ~ (dra•) • rl1id ldltdui. that lnelUdts visit· 'U.-C.ry_ Gr1nt, l.arelno Dly. I houri for the parents. (R) 1 e 00 ,.._ (C) 1't Ill SMw (C) (30) illlii f. ....., (C) ''Vitt· 1'1lt w.... y...,,.. n1m and tht lntllloctlllla." t:GO 8 (I) S..U..rt lftttMt1 (C) m TIM Ell,._ (C) ' ) ll:A5 llJ Mewll: MCeptall Slrocc9" (ad· ta Ci) m.....,. (C) (60) wnturt) ·~rs Hayward. peli To tvll.'' Ben and Hou 1%:00 I UUI. 111 I llftdtr (C) Ctrtwffftlt attempt to rnteff1to 1 World Tt.enw (C) cuatody bftttt owtr 1 tttn11er Who (I) 1-... (C) hu lnhorbd a aold mint. Patrieil 12.!JO Nik9' C.., FUND RAISER Top show-business personalities have volunteered to wield the g•vel during KCET-Channel 28's first annual on-the.Ur-fund. raising Auction, 6ve nights i.D color-April 22-26 from 6 :00 PM t'O Midnight. Joining with Los Angel~ volunteen from business, spom, politics and education will be: Steve Allen, Dick Oark, Many Allen, Buddy Ebsen, Anne Baxter, Henry Fonda, Henry Gibson., Tippi Hedren, Ben Hunter, Many Ingels, Shari Lewis, Carol Lynley, Doodles Weaver-end well-known disc jodcies Roger Carroll, Michael Jackson, Johnny Magnus, Dick Whittingtoo, and the entire smft of Radio KLAC. Utilized for the 6nt time by the four-year-old Channel 28, the TV Auction concept is a proven means by which a non-profit. TV 11Ms-M.rt7 All.-""" RM• Mm• 1w• " bit 60011 lo Co•· ..,,.;11 TV-C"-•I 2811 fwsl •· """1 fllflll.rllisi.1 AMttlo., It, ,_,,;., 111 tJOl""l•rr otlio• 1rr1. Photopqb.tl tllith '"',.,. "' KCEI AMtlio• "'"'"""'"" t11'1ll• wor•i•I 111 ABC o• lhe 11 I of U,1;,,, • Jtro """', P ,,_, Y •• Sbo.Utl As•, Jtr•"1 Sn111 Bn1n (us Ro11 ~ lllilh • l1e11111if"1 Plllo•i•o Mid told tif.Utl to 0..-J 28 b1 AH u,,,, Pllrrins, 'Betlnl1 Hills. MMt, bolds • lrn•I posln wortb • trip for two lo Plllrlo V "'l11rl111 fro• As• Mr. Polin TrtW•I Snttit1. /oi•i.1 161 to•· lt is "Ti""'' 1/,. 6"11 •01Ue-- fro• lb. JV orltl '"''°'"""' ;. Holl1wootl. Otb.r 01111'-"Ml1 ;,,., lo b1 1111tliotutl °" Cbtat- tul 28 itu/"41 "" .,,.,",.,,,. pllitl ro11"'1-lrip for '""° lo C11p1 )(.,,,,,,,, lo wil•.ss th• Apollo Tn lo•ebi•8-lit1n lo KCEI 111 North ,,.,,,,,1e.,, Rotw11l. Public TV sutioo., su~ as KCET, can raise a subeumial sum toward its annual operadng budget. Similar auaiom held throUgh the yean in Sacrameoto, Sao Prancilco, Bostoo, Oiicago and Washington D.C. have been highly eftective in bringing in revenue. Workers for comm&1nity·supported O,annoJ 28 have uaembled op hundreds of donated articles to be auctioned during the five-night two fun event. Eve.rythiog auctioned will have at least two TV ex· bust posures with the business and or donor noud. 1'e most valuable Pa~ items will be on-the-air eve.ry night and sold on Saturday, April Hop 26, the final evening. All merchandise has a minimum value of till $25.00, retail new. Exceptions att antiques, aJt obj~ jewelry with and pcnooal belongings of celebriries. !11°r mto tury H min T a d; a fe fam .. it," is sl f. l nun add ~ CLOSE -UP Ii . ;,,.> ·. ,t- ~ GULL COTTAGE'S RESIDENT AND RESIDENT GHOST Hope Lange, as Carolyn Muir, lives in a quaint cottaae on the cw England ~t with two children, a housekeeper and a dog. aled ope t:aoge, .mamed le;> Alan Pakula io real life, livea with her .gbt two ch1ldreo an a beautiful home oo the California coast with her ex-busb_a~d, two dogs and a ~e. H~r children, Christopher, 11 and ible Patricia, 9, are ~y a prevtous marriage to actor Doo Murray. , Before accepting the role of Carolyn Muir her fint in a series priJ H_ope did all the cooking and much of the ho~work at home. Sb; ! of ~II pr~p8!es her own lunch-a sandwich, fruit and cheese and ~lry with ~ts _m a brown paper bag, she comes out of her home each mornmg m slacks, no makeup, hair just "barely touched" and gets into a chauffe';"'ed limousine that whisks ·her away to 20th Cen· tury Fox Studios. Hope admits it's a "luxury, but a neces,,ity. It gives me 2-0 minutes each way to study my acripl" The attractive blonde works a five-day week. usually 12 hours a day. She still does her own cooking on weekends and entertains a fe~ fr~ends oo. Suo~ay_. If she is n~t busily engaged in rollicbome family hfe, she IS pamting, or reading, or practicing Yoga. "I became fascinated with Yoga exercises and the attitude behind it," she said. "I do relax with such completeness and the world is shut out." ' Hope reflects a routhful sense of humor, a z.cst for . living and an easy manner which places most people at ease with her. Edward Mulhare once complimented her by remarking "Where there's Hope, ffiere's llf e." ' What aboot the obvious "romance" between you an Captain Gregg in the series, she was asked. She Jlicked a quick smile and said, "You'd better ask the captain about that." So we did. The captain was almost as evasive with his answer. "You must remember," be said, .. I've been a ghost for lSO years and I'm not in the habit of rushing into anything," pausing for effect, "allowing that I could." How does Edward Mulhare fit into this serjes as Captain Daniel Gregg? Gregg is a 6'2" sea captain of 18th century vintage, with a love of the sea that matches bis quest for adventure and he preaents a dashing, handsome figure to most women. Edward Mulhare easily measures up to this, except for the rank of captain and the age. But Edward's love for the sea, excitement and bis reputation among ladies owes no apology to Captain O reg. H is collection of books and classical records fills his bachelor boon when he is not quietly dating. With a deep and rich background on the stage, Edward admits his attraction to a TV series was, first, money. But be is quite happy that the series made more of an attempt at keeping some of the artistic qualities of the theatre by taking a little more time io its production and its careful selection of talent and technicians. Francis Albert Sinatra Does His Thing ''Francis Albert Sinatra T>oa His Thing" apin, alons with suata Diahann Carroll and the-Sth Dimenaioo, wbai his full.hour music special of lut No- vember ls rebrOedcut Monday at 9 PM on CBS. Backed by a cooceri.ize orcbeatra uoder the baton of Don Costa, Sinatra does bis thing-wbicb ii, of counc, singing in that inimitable style which for three decades bu been a leacod in modem entertainment-in a variety of aongs fanliliar to the ex-bobby aoxen of the '40's, to the t.eeny-bopoen of the '60's and to all Frank Sinatra fam in between. Included among thete tunes J are "Helfo, Young I.Oven .. ' and ''Bau- bles, Bangles and Beads," "Here'• That Rainy Day." · Guest star Diahann Carroll ainp two ballads, •ne Music That Maka Me Dance" and "Where Am I Ooin(l'', and joins Sinatra io a medley of weU- k.nown spirituals. lbe Sth Dimension, distinguilbed al- most as much for their way-out ce»- tumes as for. their 1:reab. co11temoorary sound, sing .. It's a Great Ufel• · and ..Stoned Soul Picnic." Sinatra blmda bis voice with those of the two youna women and three youna mm in a chorus of "Sweet Bliodoe11." ALL THE CASH YOU NEED-FAST FOR JUST ONE LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT! For any RMsonl You can pey off bills, take a vac:.tion, lmproye your home,*· Reduce your monthly peyments and hav. mot9 caah for yoursetf. 1. CAU. NOW, confidential COMUtution wtth 1 f1IONTIO financial analyst to determine YOUR best Interests, and the loan value of your propeey, 2. CALL NOW, and FRONTllEJt will combine your various monthly obllptions. 3. CAU. NOW, the FRONTIER payment pl1n wttl be t.ilored to flt YOUR budpt-no obllptfon, of COUl'M. Oii• CALL TO 937-2500 DOU tr Au.I ia-.w ...... =·= ........ ,MU'f . MTI UY.-& ••• , I» ... --faLIY ..... ,.. .... Cllmlf .... ...... M .......... 1-.1WNl MORTGAGE Home Office: 5100 wti.hlrw Btvd. Loi Anc ... 90036 ..... 1 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, APltlL lt, 1,_ REGULAR DAYTIME PROGRAMS MONDAY thru FRIDAY ', 1 I J f> !'._ I '• (. Scully bolts. Rod Serlln1, Jim Bad!· <:ox, Olll1ey Weever, ROii M1r1t 8 9 Cl) ID Tiie II** ._ (CJ ua. C111d Evtrttt and their wives •nd Paul l.1nde. ~ Raj()um halts. Mertdlth Mto- rutlt tttla week. • f ... t11e ..... 01t (C) RM Ind Keir Dullel. IJ LAM It .. ...., I'"' Tiil JC) l:OO 8 s-1N s...e.r (C) Mowll: s.. Dlytime Movies. at llJ ..... J tmn(J). &> Dltllc .._ (C) &:JOI OdJlllJ (C) .llcklt .loaeph is hostess.. 11:0011~ lewt " Ufe (C) H Ek.atioa Elccbtp <C> ~Oldl Treq c.tMM <C> m ...,..,, (C) m A11ct1ea <C> wect .... T...., l•.s.Mcl (12' CJ) Jldl LI .._ (C) ...,., 8Hreet (C) dly only. 1nntl 11, In 1n EdllatiMll F..-11 ~ ud His fn.dl (C) rlhlm Kerr. to 111ist C11anntl 28 in Its auction Tecblail Cef1* ()) W, &~ An llltdw m Slllftff JeU (C) fund-raisin& proftct. offers 1 vldeo- 7:00 II CIS Monalq ..... (C) .loaeph I Frtdly only. m .. .,., .... (C) bpt " the auction's first 60 mln- Bentl, John Hart. Huahu Rudd. 9~ • 1 ~ ""'1J HlllMIH• 11:15 Q News (C) Douc Dudley. utes. !,~~.tt: TodlJ Sltlw (C) r/ McMlfo~~blllN (C) 11:25 89(1) CIS ..... (C} Doqlu 2:45 CJ News (C) Ted Meye~ I E.wdlt Wltll Ilona (C) D llMlr. See Otytlmt MO'ties:" EdWerds. l:OOI f1M u.....ae, .. (C) Mr. w....... (C) JOfin~1nt hosts. 11:3019 Cl) Sardi for THMfTW (C) P.D.Q. (C) DtMls .llmu ..... fltil .. c.t (C) I . See Daytime Movies. tjl@ m £Jt ·-(C) Biii ~ m":..r.. ......... (C) Co•llOdltJ Report Dtll•ls tllt Mtt1.ce ullen holt1. • ~ 1 See Dlytlme Mowltl. .7:15 fB Stoct M1rttt lea (C); ~I ,....,_ 0 Tiit Alln!Mru11 &I• (C) N Tom Frandsen hosts. 7 .... D ..... _ M In ... _ (C) Ed N I Tues.·Frl. Hamel hosts. -·-'"" on I -'. @(]) ...,.._,, Hlppenin& (C) r.ti T-(C) Doman and Elwell Q) Ftlil tilt c.t (C); z..on .. ,.,, son .., .............. Monday only. l .ltlllfo• Fublfts (C) 10:00 II AA'1 &rtmti. host. I Enet: Don Rodewald. Tiit Fllntltoftn (C) D QI()) m , ...... itJ (C) Dur-~ World Adventure, (C) Mon., Dillln1 for Delllrs .... l••llJ (C) Ina this wee"l. Jim Blekus. PeuY ed., Fri~ iflW'll ~ Dett lld : Don Wilson. 1:00 R t3 Cl) Clpbln Kanproo (C) Cass and Vin Johnson. ire the ltttln1, ) ues., urs. 3:301 · ......, Pllr (C) Geoff EdW1nla. Wfth Bob Keesh1n celebrity ruests Who will discuss 11:'5 II ...., ud lirtlMen (C)· c.l· ,.._, I Abbett & eo*t1o Cartoons (C) the Inner pe.rson1lltles of .lick E. itl Wttll Come. (C) Wedntsday :::: ~fil MiOtJ Mouse (C) ~e::~n.Et':!.1e M.:!~"'.n:~n: only. ~fl) 9) Oat Utt To LM (C) hcbt Robin Heed (C) Lawford. Lany Blyden hosta. Mr FMJ1tl MartlM 1:15 (i1) CJ) Video Dlaat (C) tD Trvtll or Cw•••* (C) Hobo KlllJ (C) 1:25 • COIHMllllty lltllttlll ....... (C) 10:15 m Edlledoul m-. Mon. 4:00 II Mr. Ed; Mowte: See D.,til'IM 1:301 :l."~C)c.rtoea (C) 10:30 II ii~~..:;.'!: _. .. 12:00 ! ~n~> eo~=ey Bllul Movies ~iz:n,!;'H!~ CJ) Wtbst« WeMoet (C) Stlenn1n, Nanette F1bray,· Biii Bil· Mltliit l: Stt Daytime Movla. Tiil 1fiilii011t1 (C) , ... .,, (C) M Teter lr111a11 11osts. A111n 19 oo m Hlddtn ~-(C) ti'1 mm.,.,. ,..... <C> HO" The lucr_SMw (C) by, .lick Cassidy ind Linda Kaye ~ ~ a..ttd!M 4:30 0 (j) IE It Tabs Two (C) Vin Htnnlna cuest. Rt(ul1rs are Wally afltce of f Ptllidetd = i::.t.~ Movt-. Jllll&B .DOVGld§ SllOJr 3:30--5PM • WEEKDAYS IN COLOR ...... Cl) LWJettw SMw (C) News (C) Bill Bonds. 12:301!~As tile WOftd Tmas (C) ::r. ::-:: = <:t 8' 0.,. of Otlr U. m MIU Dou.SU (C) i IC Mid Carey stars. SlllUy's Pizza hr1r @(J)F••aJ Y• ._..A* .... Td (C) ( Uoydlhuton. • f111ny Yo• Sllo.W Alt (C) m Mewtt: See Daytime Movies. ht Hunter hosb. 5:00 • KNIC NewMMct (C) IJr.::t:C:-(C) . ~,=L(C) Tiit Mdaia FlllllJ 12:55 D ~(])QI..,..., Dec:tlr (C) w JI•_, n.o.ao. ._ (C) lues.~ura. Lendon H. Smith, M.D. n. 1MJ ..._ l:OOIJft(f)Lwe Is a MnJ Spt.· · ..._ '*'4niiit I . Dm• ...... (C) 11 ~ ,..~ =<cFM1ke 5:30 p ~~ m AIC ..... (C) Fr11• Darow hosts. i Tiit lat htrlf (C) fB C.....utJ -Stoel Report Tiit .... .,..... (C) 1:3011 ()) Tiit. &llldi1tl Ulllt (C) ; &IUlpn's ls&IM (C) (j) ID betlter WtfW (C) lllis D1J 198 (C) .... , ..... lat ......,. (C) @murs M• a 0..1 <C>i------------. onty Hin hosts. 1..sdloll ,,..,..... mT at Tlllt ..._ (C) Join Rivers 11 ClllHtl 2I often * time ter Ill '- hostess. AllClllll CltJ Hll CentJ Sdllell ,... 2:00 •it fE :;':!.st;:,<~ (C) =:· :.--::... ~ :. ?:, Tennedyhosts. Nancy Culp ind _.. Pf'Ot7l9I ,_ ........ ,,.. Dtvt G1rrow1y I nt this ...... pm ... IClltftltd ..... ~net ltb; c..t1n1..... ......, l!JOMl-Z:JO iC ~ (C) Wednesday T....., 10-.20 All-l:JO 0@(1) .. ...,. .... (C) ....... ., t-.45 ..... 80b wblnks hosts. n..u, t-ASAIM:IO at Mewta: Set Dlytime Movies. frWey lO:OD W.2:30 2:30 IJ 9 (I) Tiie Up " NiaM (C) .. _________ ..... IL lt, lN .. CC) , wec1,.... In CJ luctfon "vlde. t 60 mlft. ... (C), lflld. .... )aytimt I (C) ... ' (C) franli • • •• • .. MONDAY APRIL 21 For morning and afternoon llstinp, please see DAY. TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience,. are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 fJ (C) "A D1J ef f.,.. (western) ·~ale Robertson, Mart Corday. 9:30 U '1111 Roclltlc ....._ WlnHr" (drama) '50 -John Miiis, Valerie Hobson. 0 "A Clllld la Waltilll" (dr1m1) '63-Burt Lancaster. Judy Gartand, Gena Rowlands.. 12:00 U "Cattle Qttte9" (western) '51- M•rie Hart. Drake Smith. 12:30 m "11tt Riqef" (mystery) '50- Herbert Lom. "DulW Siplb" (mystery) '4S-Zadlary SG'Ott. 2:00 t!) "lectoa of UM Doa•ad" (ad· wnture) '58 -Bill WUlllms. Kurt Klllftr. 3:00 0 "lllNe Brnt M•" (drama) '57-Ray Miiiand, Ernest Boranlne, Frank Lovejoy. 4:30 U (C) '1111 hid te 1111" (com· edy) '52-&b Hope, Bin& Crosby, Dorothy Lamour. Paul Newman SWEET BIRD OF YOUTH In Color II ne Six O'Cllck loYie loldly, Part I. TllSdlJ, Part II. ~ • I • ~ '' I ' 5:00 • n. "' ..... (C) (30) JtnJ Dun~. D m 11..tNJ......., (C) (30) U GEORGE BURNS has * SURPRISE for ALLEN! DON'T MISS the FUNI U Steve AllH Sh• (C) (90) Georp Bums, Elrt Grant. Gertrude Mehr and Robert Klein suest. fJ Sii O'Clecl llllwil: (C) "Swelt ~ If lllltlt" Part I (dr1m1) '62 -Paul Newman, Geraldine Pap. 1 1 S.., (C) (60) hf Clidl (C) (30) M Jemt1 hosts. 1 ...... (C) (30) Men Cllfla (C) ~a Nlllt? (30) "The Princna and the Swineherd." Hans Chrtstlan Andel'Mft'I talt of I prince ..tlO dls- IUIMS himself a a peasant to lteacn •• princess,.: ':"·rw DUl~(C) 5:30 KNIC N11Mtwlce (C) (60) I lMt UcJ (30) v=;ptettielttlHloftltt .......,_....,(C) I (30) "Youth Set'v· Ices." Llwrtnce t Hou$ton, ldmln· btr1tor o1llistrudlonal a.me. for the Los An1t1es City Schools, de· i tcri::S th• summer recn11tlon pro· ~~ ....... (C) !iii c... (C) 1:00 cas &e•1 News (C) (30) ltlr Cronkite. D .... MJ lW (C) (30) W1llJ Brvner holta. Sou111 ~ Alan Alda ind Jolnna Blmes Join Ar'llM frtncls aa peneU ... tD P111 tr• (C) (30) Ellzablal Mol and Jim Bldm au-t. fB ......, lllwi« "HIMJ,., lb Ill Jimtl Sttwart Ind Ced! KelllWIJ. fm IE flltlwll (C) (60) ''Tht Wor1cl of Dawfd Amr1m." A fllm por· tr1lt of the noted Arntfican com· pow-conductor, ftahlrifll tbt worllll premiere of his ''Thf'M Sonp for Americl," with IJr1ca from the writ· lnp of John r. Kennedy, Martin Luther Kina Jr.. ind Aobtrt Ken· nedy. I ((),..., Mtlr (C) ca.-• .,,. (C) Ut's MID I Dul (C) 7:30&8m .. 11•• (C) (60) ''M1nrt0n. ~ Steve fOfTllt pllJI tti. title role of 1 rutfll9'1. flll-dtlw aunm1n who lhoota Ftllua, 111111 his mule Ind tlfT'Orinl Dodal Ctt.J. W 'echedui.d fi:'. ~14~ ;r,.i (~~ encore telecat of the "t1~ht'; :t.cs, hlahlJ ac- clllmed 1nimated muslcll apedll •bout the elephant hero of JeM Dt Brunhoff's books. P«tt Ustlnow narntn. (R) I Lelt .. Spece (C) (60) .. n. ....... (C) (60) "81· zarrt.' A youna wom1n'a mwy •bout • suppolldly dect111d man who la not reelly dtld Sib off In lnvtlll· ptlon Into the dlsappeerance of the "corpses'' of smtral bUll ..... mtn .• (Continued) BOIDS&IAHAI EYEWITNESS NEWS 4:30/11:00 PM Eyewitness News. A new conctpt In ntWS reportiftl. Covenitt IS It happens. Reported by people who were there. 8fll Bonds and Stu fUflan taM charae of 1 te1m thlt hustles • Fnt Ind factual. Eyewttntss News. The fatnt news In the Wtst. lllC-TY ...... $1.00 -I 1I1 May be used on envelopes M reium eddress 1obek. Also very handy as identiflcatton labels for marting personal items wch as boob. records. photos. etc. Labels stk~ on glass end mf1Y be used for marting home canned food items. All lobek are printed wi~ styltsn v OCJU9 type Oft fme quartty wnite gummed paper and p&e~ed in reusable m~ic ~I top corrf8iner. I I r - - - - ---- - - -._ ----, RI .... CiMpea. cl, ... -a .... ··-.. : I I ,.. Priatlit. ..... o.." ... 11n. I Ne•P*i .._. c.lif. '2"1· I I I I --·· .. ·········------~--------········-----------· I I --·--···---······--~-············-···-----------I I I I ······-~·-··························--------------------I I ........ -,..,z;,~ I I I P ILOT PR INTING L----------~---- ,...10 FREE BONUS WITH EACH OIDB OF LAIRS WE Will INCLUDE ,_ SET OF 'ACICA6E MAIUN6 LAIB.S. .... ,. .......... ...... _ _J THE DAILY P1LDT. TV WED(. Al"R1L 19, 1969 ...,..y (Condnued) • = '=-=' ~ (~ <~Jl~clc a-s...-.,..~ fD -(drama) '65 -ftatfJf M•dntiodl. ! and ... T~ A stvdy of Rad M~ the ftdtltioll "' c:llildr'Wa values, I T..a • c.11, vcu CC) (30) fOCUSiQ •tr I ~ •.Dd wllrte, ,.,.,, -(60) rictl Md ~ in • (]) ..... _. fMil FitMt f~llJ t ...... ~I Pl'Oi· . ect lft M1alltlc CitJ, .. jersey Dle..tt .,_. i•* 9m-F.-m:u (C) .. l l!!W!l.J ..., ,.,_.. e ca ........ I (C) {60) Don Ho hud· 1 t'.JO D ~ CQ (JO) Ted il&eytn.. lioes the eDaWe of a special lftltll· e a.illJ ..... cal hour produced entirely In Haw-lut•9fll())i@BWI ,._. Riw- aii The show allO feeturn The ""' (t) (ID) ne •• lized Yenion Alia. RaDin Wilton. Ho's ton Dwirtit. ! °' the E4pr lee Meters dasaic mid The K.lmetlameha School Choir. "'S4loaD RMw' AlllldDo." stamn1 (W) ....,.. ......_ ~ A..sman, 1 1111111 (C) (30) Joyce Y• r.tt.. .S Jmaifer Well 118@ I "&lb" (60) Con-is pm r lhd '-W.•lioll as it was dUdar Bernard Keeffe anafy2ies the Oft the ar-.., mee dum11 the fnt mowement of Beethoven's "Ero-1963--64 ....._ Tiie ._, offe11 a" ~pathy, and le.Ids the l.on· 1 a wtew of ........ fife IS re- dm! Pttilbarmonic in a perlorwnce fleded in !lie etlbpbs in tilt ol M mowement ~-!Clllicm , c.dr111 8. -(C) {60) l:JI Qt Ci) ....,. lacy (C) (30) (jl) (I} EB.... Iii ,.., (C) iey Winters plays Shelley Sum-, (60) "1>naef ..._" lburice bans niers. 111 overstuffed movie Qlleen' 1uests 11 1 MpKed EAllishman tor whom luey ps to wort. os· wtio, ta .ate a pmbtillr debt, temibly ai a secretary, blrt--1m· accepb 11 ISlipment ta deliver lmown to the hefty actress-for a car11> at liquor to an Indian the rul purpose of forcinr her to villa&'!. reduce. (R) 1 I lbnlllil .... (30) I s.w. hfal't (C) (30) n. .. ~ ('C) (30) @ (I)&) ,.,._ Place (C) : n. Crut W. (30) "Revival.'' c ) stewen ~ Dr. Rossi not I On the Westen Frocrt. the Amer· tD make any statements; Carolyn 1 icans becin ID rewitoe the hopes of leams at het lather's condition: the Allies.. Lew admits . the truth lbout his m ..... New Yot1t tn_P~ Fred tens Mar1ha IO:JO g lleN! (C) .,.._ a..s, Mr. that Dr. RoSJi IS to blme. ~ (dram) '57 -Robert • 11M Wf• (C) (90) M,._.. ~h "'err m ... tile Odds (C) (30) Johnny m'N:'i (C)(i,, " . ~ =·· 0mrt @) IMttltiwi (30) "URS for Glass ..., FibetS." f"lbefJlass is an air fitter. t:ll 1 space suit. an autD body part II Budweiser 'E Presents and a rocket casina OC1 the way to * FRANK SINATRA with the moon. Dr Rid\ard Brenneman Di h Ca 11 d and (lle:Sts chcuss murdl and a ann ~o ~n development in the fiberllass field. The Fifth Dimension @!) ee.te Sim ...,. a I IHciA( I frncis Albert Silla-11;00 ID u • ., ... (C) tn Dees His Tlliltr (C) (60) A re-: • .,.. llikklict put showinc of the special that Liln a.II ('C) Aod Sertiae hosts. futured Diahann Carroll and The Beley White Norm Cnlsby Nancy r:-rfth Dimension. Don CosU and His Kulp and ROwe Nm ~ On:Destn pnMde ttle backing for 18 llelir. ...., w....-(drama) puputar IOl'll of the 30's. 4-0's, '48 _ ~ ... Andren. Jean Peteri. SO's. and 60's. (R) Oun SlochaR.. a ooo~-......,~: tmm 9 oootCIJ ... <C> ~ -~ (su~) 62-fJH'Efcai.,... (C) (60) "Oh. Sidney Poitier. Bobby Dann. P~er Say Can You Sine?'' UM:ofn Furber Falt. Barry Gordon .. A psycho~giC:-1 moderates 1 ~ owier wtiether dra~ •bout a pnson psychiatrist the national anthem shoUtd be <Pt>itier~ ~ attempts to ~ chanced. Guests di9cusl lilt history ~ •nti·IOClll tendencle;s of an •m· of the anthem, ""1 it is hanf to pmonect German-American Bund sine and altematMs to "The Star· luder. (R} Spaneted BIMef." 8 REINER RAKED by EB ..,l&W CC> * REBELLIOUS ROUES! ll:JO 8 ....-. (C) ""llldl T....t" JESSEL JEALOUS! (horror) '64-Jot111 Tina, Huther • c..i. ........... c... •I Sears. tt.n (C) (60) Cari Reiner is guest 8 £~ 'i\!9T.t ._ ~ « honor as J.cJl Carter, Lenny (comedy) '40-lriaa Donllwy. ~ Sammy Shore. Harwy l<of. I cm CJ) m..., ..... CC) ma11, Rose Marie, Sheldon Leonard. ........-at-Ir (Q Kitty ltCMlf and Ketty Lester share U _ ,.... ...._.__ ........_ .._ ~ (ad the · of routint him. :-u -: ·-- -• ut;l,mmn. on.ts CC) venture) '57--Em>I ~ (60) "Give Me Tomomiw." Eart ID ActiM n.ln: 'Spies of the Corey him out as (Uide for 11· frr." Confederate ,eneral Justin Hawley l:G01 •S.•mu'••11 f1telJ CC) 1ftd his family, en f'Ol.rte to Arizona C...-itf lllllil ~ (C) tD recower a fortune in buried told lhn (C) to reestabfish their ancestral home. 1:15 lllewie: ~ lMI" (ro· Nancy Malone. Didi Sa~ John mince) 'S&-Jolln Suon. Jill St . Hoyt and William Traylor auest. John. 1969 )) B~ct ~ of •lues .• •hite, in a Proj. ey. L Riw- rsion Issie mn1 man, ¥at, was the ffe11 re- the (C) rans iian ebt, iver fian 11." 1er- of Mr. iert !SS er, art to an nd Id. Is. cy a) 'S, h, !f !r te "I 0 •. " TUESDAY APRIL 22 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 U (C) "Jupitaf'a Dartin(' (musl· cal) 'SS-Esther Williams, Howard Keel. 9:30 IJ USon of Monti Cristo" (1dven· ture) '40 -Louis Hayward, Joan Bennett. fVFNINC 6:00 IJ n. lie ..... (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. I m H1..U.,.lriHtey iC) (30) --Allen .. (C) (90) Ed· d Fisher, Ch11'1es Nelson Reilly, John Byner and Carol Wayne auest. D Six O'Clodi Movie: (C) "s...t ilid et Youtll" Part II (drama) '62 -1'1ul Newman. Geraldine Paae. ,., Cards (C) (30) llbla• (C) (30) 11 Spy (C) (60) I IHcW I KCET Audioe (C) (6 hr) First eveninf of KCErs TV Aue· tion. Thousands of Items ere up fo1 biddin& by viewers all O'ltf Southern Cllifornia. Celebrity 1uctloneers, In· ctudin& steve Allen, Anne 81Xter, Roaer Carroll, Henry Fond•. Henry GibSon, Dick Whlttin&ton end Art Seldenbeum, have donated their time. Many celebrities hive donated personal items for auction. With 111 proceeds goina toward m1inulnin1 1n1Ni11C1• . .,. lllllllkl .... 11-llkl" ••• Tmlll·S.•n ~ TPll Md . •oWBlkl B "'Coedb,e, MJ LadJ" (dram1) 'S-S.-Walter Brennart, Brandon de Wilde. end •p•ndin& the proirammlnr·--1----~ TH BIGGEST WHEEL IN TRAIL BIKES GIVES SURE POSITIVE . ALL-SURFACE TRACTION 12:00 IJ ... lftalo IHI Rides Acaift" (western) '47-Ridlard Allen, Jen· niter Holt. 12:30 GI "£net.anted Cottare" (dram•) '45-Robert Youna. "Tiie Brt"'* strlnCftr" (mysterr) '45 -John Loder. 2:00 m "I Accuse MJ Parents" (drama) •« -Marr Beth Huahes. John Miilan. 3:00 G (C) "DIYid l a.tlllllebl" (dra· ma) '52--0regory Peck, Susan Hey· ward. 4:00 fl "TH Hucbter" (drama) '47- Clark Gable, Ava Gardner. end facilities of Channel 28, Bi& Board items for viewers who went bif ber11ins on expensive retail prizes have been donated. These include trips, hotels, clothinr. the•· tre tickets, jewelry, restJurants. household foods, sportin& fOOds, art and ·automobile · appliances. These are just a few of the items that will be displayed end demon· streted with retail price or value _ noted. Just dial (213) 626-2477 end a battery of 40 telephone oper· ators is ready to receive your bids. ti) Un Celer Par. Esta l'W (Continued} Pewer freM ff.. eit9'ite i1 tt••af~ ~ cliel• +. ffti1 ' J.f • l .IO itll.el•n ........... ty,. tire. n. ,.. .... 11 lilfh ..... lllty •Ml HIMl'tie"le frecffe. 11Mler el .... at e..y 1.,fece CH• 4iti ... . CHANNEL LISTINGS Information for these lop Is furnished by the televislon stations. TV WEEK Is not responalble for leat-mfnute chanaes In program llstlnp. fl KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles Site, ell tt.e e,tfe111I tlil ICCeHery .,., .... blh i1 ,.w1y •• "'" • .,., 111rf .,.4 wet 1~1141, H well •• M•'llf. D KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles IJ KTLA (Ind.) Los Angeles U KABC (ABC) Los Angeles G KHJ (Ind.) Los Angeles GI KTIV (Ind.) Los Angeles m KCOP (Ind.) Los Angeles EE KWHY (Ind.) Los Angeles m KCET (NET) Los Angeles II> KMEX (Ind.) Los Angeles m KMIR (NBC) Palm Springs m KPLM (ABC) Palm Springs (]) KLYD (ABC) Cable Bakersfield @ KERO (NBC) Cable Bakersfield (I) KBAK (CBS) Cable Bakersfield IHJ Kl YD (ABC) Bakersfield ID KERO (NBC) Bakersfield a KBAK (CBS) Bakersfield A star (*) preceding a log listing Indicates ·it is a paid adver· tlsement. Channels 22, 28 and 34 are UHF in Los Angeles, with 28 being the educational (ETV) station. Channels 17, 23, and 29 are UHF in Bakersfield. SIGN ONS lTEST PATTERNS) Chennel 2--6:48 AM Sunday, 6~ AM Monday throuch Frldey, 7:18 AM Setun:lay. Channel 4-7:00 AM Sundey, 6:00 AM Mondey throucti Frldey, 7:00 AM S.turday. Cllennel 7~mmfns starts at 8;30 on Sundey, 7:00 AM Monct.y throup FrlClay and 7:30 AM on Seturday. This mapzlne ls~~ ~y fw this n~per by 1V MD., • division of Cktflln Miii .....,..... C... Inc.. editorial and produc· tion offtc:es, P.O. Box 11 ·:L!l~endale, C.lff. Add,_. adwrtlslns lnqulri• to tti. dlaptay adYef'tislnc aepoirtment of this n-sieper. T1ie c•MIMHtf•• •f tt.. &T-11'1 I H, ••· ,1... 2 •• ,.9411 ., •••• .U.ale11 aMI ...... ,.., ti,. ,1 .. a ,. •• rti.w. trecti••, •••11 ., .-., lilll1 •"' ,...... 14 .. 1 fer "-11ten, fi1h•r-11, ., J111t pl•!• ...... N• 11eMI te P"t the 8T ·I I ewey . fer the wl11ter • . . i\11t 111•••• tt.. .,H .. el Ski Acceatety. •• ,. •11 ht 1eceMl1 wltt. .. t 111· f11t ...... UH lt fer wl11ter IMI••· .... flsllittt. tewlttt •• ,.,. •-' .......... ,.. I FRE.E 'Send for Our Huge C.telog .... .... .. ,.. ,_ ..... Allllilt- HEATHKlr ... ·:-. II I Te rucli Heeftllilt lfectr••I• c .... , telie He~ IW4 ... left AM.. •••• .. a.11 • few .a..rt "I""' .. no h at a.1 ., te•• s..te Alt• ,.,.._., te H•"'-11¥4 .. ~ llY4. •• lell, • few .._. MMb •-' Y••'r• a..,. SALIS & PAITI MIATMllT n6-t41t Ht IAIT IALL. ANAMllM ,.------------------------ • FICI Riis Qll llD, ... • Wi .... , ........ , ........... Ub? · .. In spite ot cbe fact that bia face bu appeared on billiom of st&m.J'I and dollar bil1a. and bit portrait ti..,,. ID nuy public ~ ins m cbe COOJltry, we~ not neo c:omp&dely aue wlm Oecqe Wubiop>o looked liU, tbouab we tb.iok we an ... W01hin1to11 portroill by Gllbat StMllrt (cmto), Rembrandt Peak (upper left), loltll T"'mb..U (ul!rr rltlet). Rembrt1Nl1 Peale apln (lower left), ClerUtilDI G11"'°6n (lower rW#lt). So says llidwd Ha.mer .. author of the 1eript of .. Meet ~ Wuhington," a ooe·bou.r Project 20 proaram airina on NBC, Thunday at 7:30 PM. 1be proaram often many cootanporary portra.ita of Wubiqlon. IOme of which do not even seem to be of the same mu, Mr. Banter notes. When he died, bis family_ and friends asreed that oo portrait bad caught the .. true" WubiqWn. 1be bat raem- blance, accordios to Mr. Hamer, ia probably the Hoodoo bust. made from a Jife mask. It ia shown from 1eVeral angles in the prosram. Gilbert Stuart, who painted the bat-known WasbinJton portrait. thows a calm, serene face. But Stuart himlelf said: "All hil featura were indicative of the most ungovernable passions." For aome reason. the one personal fact everyone knows about Wub.ington is that he bad falle teeth. "Bad teeth did pJaaue him aU bit life," Mr. Hamer says. .. and be 1f!U continually in search of a decent pair of falle ooea. Once be paMt $60.00 for a aet n..ade out of hippopotamus tusk. But IUCh plat.a were then very crude, and Georae Wuhinatoo'• dfons to uep them in place may account for the aet, riJicl look. of bis f acc in most of the portraits. He could oot laup easily, or even smile, becaUle of bia uncomfortable dentures, and thus he got a largely uodaerved reputation for coldneaa and 9everity." WE PAY MORE CASH For any nea r nt>w or u\ed furni ture. appl1oncc~. colored TV"., ~t crC'O\, piano\, orqan\, \t OYe\, re· friqrrotor\, bedroom\ \et~. dininq room '>eh. of . f:cc furnit ure 1 p1cte or hou\eful Doy. niqht or ~u ndoy 636-3620 ..... u THE IMILY PILOT, TV W£D<. APRIL 19, 1969 1UESOA Y (Continued) lllya, 1 ,._. Gtllll PfQlltlt\ita who I IPUI ..._ (C) towa io.. Md life. (R) l:lO UIC ,. .... ._ CC> (60) 8 CAROL LAWRENCE 1in&s I LM '-' (30) * and danc• with BAJA > ttie ....._ et n.e MARIMBA BAND! GREAT! I ._ (C} II ••cam 5 (C) (60) Mia Carol 11• (C} Lawrenct ud Jub Wtdlltf and 7:tl C1S b111i1t1 ..... (C} (30) Hla Bajl Man.ba Band art tht lttf Cronkite. inlJ'ldlentl of I OM·hour colof •n· I •.ra llJ U..t (C} (30) tttf.llnmat spedal. ' ,,. (C} <30> m .... , .. ue. CC> <60> 00-.at <C> fB See APollo 10 Moonshot Rf:r Adell (C} The number * IN PEllSON! YOU CAN! to1r£!::2i!!. ~·f~ BID 'NOW TO MIDNIGHT! I · ill Ille Siii (C} fJD ICE1' Adell (C) Call (213) Uta MIU 1 Dell (C} 62~2•n to p&ece blcis. 7:30 QI Ci) l.wilr (C} (60) Mur· @I)~ "'-•••• (C) dodl Lanctf's catUt-buyina trip to 9'.JO 11 a CiJ Derta o., CC> (30) Mexico talles an unexpected tum Doris and Buct decide ltlat Juanitl when he bec:omts ttlt victim of 1 needs to have 1 nicht out and ar· slap holdup and later the prilontf r1n1• to have fr1nk Gorian, the In 1 boa-c:ontnllled border town. owner ti the lt>Orti"I IOOda lto11, a@ @ m cmmtl Or4tll l1k her '°' I dell. (Rexhtduled) ef Ille Amlricu ~(C} (90) U (jj) (I) G • Y PD (C) (30) "Confrontation." Pn>eram focum "Naked In the Sbetta." Mike Haines, on-ttrlfe-marked San francllCO Stile Jeff-Ward and Joh11 COiao are handi· Collett as a microcosm of urban capped In their llMltiption of 1n turmoil. In "Roshomon"-style, ttte assault when a youna wife refuses prosr1m 1111 nine persons tellln1 to slan 1 complalnl (R) the aame story: 111 ulk about the I""" (C} (30) Ttd M11t11 went. the aame crisis of urban ~ lift, the same crisis of authority, 10:00 QI Ci) 50 ........ (C} (60) but see it throulh different eyes. Harry Rusontr and Miu Wallaet frank McGee reports. rePort. Liit ill S,a (C} (60) ,!.._ (C) (60) @(I) S Med Sci• (C} (60) (I) aJ TWa Life (C} (60) Man on Campus." Pete, Line ·• UM Houll." Sid c...r and Julie IO back to IChool to in· 1uests 11 a 11rrulous. 111•·fo.ltll wtstlpte the mystertons duth of a home owner. and Paul Lynde as en hilh IChool teac:haf. (R) oily real tslata 1pttt •Pf to make D MlliM $ lllwit: "Dftid alld a deal. (R) IJia" (drama) '62 -l<lir Dulle•. I Mrill .... (30) Jantt Mariotln. n.. .._ S.-(C} (30) OJ Trvlll • c:.--.llHCel <Cl (30) m COLLECTOR'S ITEMS' m,.,, ..... <60> • fB BID! BID' BID' * ARlWORK, ANTIQUES! * BARGAIN.$! BARGAINS! BID NOW TO MIDNIGHT! KCET AUCTION ACTION! fJi) mr ._.. (C} Call (2l3) BID NOW TO MIDNIGHT 62s-~: place bids. fD ICE1' Allclatl (C} The auction 10:301 .... : (C) "Tiie .._.., (cl<•· runs till midnlcttl ma) '55 -Kirt Doualas. Gilbert l:OOI :.=~ 1::-•lutt URola~ (C} (30) ICET Adell (C} Call (213) f ...... C:..U.. 62s.2•n to bid. 11:00 an• e .._ CC> I DID•• ..-.c. w...-~ ~ QI (f) 11111 ..._ (C} (60) In U.. C... (C) a medlt'Vlf fanusr. Clem Kadiddle· lilewit: ......., l11e. • (dllma) hopptr "'"'" in a joullln1 matd! ' Md Nadlly, Marjorie Rey· with the Black Knletlt (slnatr Striio nolds. francfli) for ttte hand of the dauah· fi1) (]) 9 Cl) ta Ci) -(C} ter of Kin1 Bourbon v (Jan Arvan). m iCO .... (C} C.11 (213) In anot!ter Kit, Skelton and Jimmy 62~2477 Closs play tipsy tourists who lanale m ......... (C} with the jtlloua boyf rlend of a 11:30 II .... : .... ....... (dr1· fiery Mulcan lir1. (Rescheduled) ma) '48-Vivitft Lailh. Raapb Rich· II JleM IMpn .._ (C) (30) ardaon. Buffy Sainte-Marie 1utsts.. I B@ ~=-.._ (C} D ~(I) Q) It TU. a Diet (C) ~ (ldwtnture) (~) 'Mad In Japan." Noted news ' ~n Ladd, Galt R&mlll. commentator Alu DrMr 1uests u ,~mm.., ...... (C} Char1u Cattlett, a double-d•lina iiUld" cJJt..w (C) SIA aaent who oppoMS Alexander 12:20 • lhwit: "'fece la • ..,. Mundy's efforts to dltcll out the < rama) '63--Rofy Calhoun, Marina poaibllity ttlat die Clllnut Rids B«tl. have developed a la•r hand cun. 12:301AdlN n...tre: "Breakdown." Sharon Acker also 1uests as Edwina 1:00 a.._ (C} Hopkins.. Cila-llr 11111tti1 ..., (C) U Srtfflll (C} {90) free lie 1.W. Chit (C) IMt .. .,.. (C} (30) 1:15 lhwit: ....... ...... (advtn· .. u Ci) m -,....., Mtwte: lure) '57 -James Ctalc. Audtly • ..._,.. (comedy) '60 Tottar. -6111llna M1rcour1. Julu Dlaln. An 1:30 IB n ---Amtrlcan philosophw-tourist 1t· 2:30 AIMllPt a..: "M1dt leln1'' t.mpts the cultUlll education ol and "l.atctny in Her Heett." 1969 • who ines A ~Tl Carol · •nd t the " •n· I shot NI iHT! (213) (30) •nlta d •r· the store, Uled) (30) 1lnes, •ndl· If •n fUMS (60) II ace (60) llSlr ..... , s •n nake ! iT! ?13) ma) ~.,. 13) 11'1· idl· ... illl C) ... Something Special from Curtis Mat hes World's largest Color Picture (295 Sq. In.) with exclusive CM, eight (8) year adjustment Warranty. only This new model has so many special f eatura you would expect to pay much more. Massive Mediterranean styling. in genuine pecan with . tambour doors will compliment any decor. SS4995 GUND opa:1NQ THE ENTIRE MONTH OF APRIL -~ After 15 years of serving the beach area, I have finaHy realized a life time dream. A beautiful new store in a central location with the finest products available today • FREE DRAWINGS FOR PORTABLE TY & OTHER PRIZES • HART TV ml ADAMS HU.NTINGTON BEACH 962-3384 (Next to Albertson's) WEDNE SDAY APRIL 2J For momin1 and aft.noon llatinp; please ... DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your conwnlenc:e, •• the day'• movies. All sta- tiott1 r...-ve the ricM to chance procnimmlftl with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES ......... .,.. ("'""'1) 'S4- Si"""lf11nl Heyden, Gloria Grahame. .................... (CIOIMCIJ) •n--Oennis O'Kelft, Helen W11Ur. • (C) ..,.,... " ....,_, (dtl· mt) '55 -Rlctltnl 8urtD!I, Jolin Dtrtk. Raymond MnMJ. 12.-00 • ., IOIM ..__.. (wtltlm) _·~James EJliloR. 11:JO!l.,_.... r,. • v.a1n w.. (drama) '48 -Join Fontatnt. Z.-OOaJ"'Crw ........ (mptery) '52- 0onlld Houstoft, Nttuhl Piny. ••Dtc> .,... ..... <~ '46 - JtlMt Crllft, Altn Yoanr. 4:JO. ~ SarW' {ICWnture) ·!3-R~nl GrMM. I J f N l~L l:tO.. ... -(C) (IO) Wly DU~. D., "....,_....._, (C) (30) .......... (C) (90) AiJia Moortheed, Still« I M•ra. a. Biker and Biii Plummer aue& D Sil O'Clta llewlt: (C) "'Y•lllt ,..._ .. (advtnture) '54-Jeff Chin· dler, Rhondt Aemln1. 11 !pf (C) (60) ..., c.. (C) (30) ...... (C) (30) 11.-v CfHftl (C) ~ .... (C) (6 hr) Second wenln1 of Ult fiv&-dty auction. To bid for betttr Community lV, ctll (213) 626-2477. ., u. Ctlor ,.,. f.ltl ,... Q)UUI ..._ (C) l:lO I DIC ........ (C) (60) I a... L11CJ (30) v.,... " lie w.. " .. .. ~~ 1~=1(C) 7:90 R CIS &Mile ..._ (C) (30) Walter cronklte. I ... ,. .., Uet1 (C) (30) Pm 11' (~ (30} Cl) You AIUll fw It i&T ..... (C) Clll (213) 6-24n to place bids. I (I) lftertr Hlllbillles (C) WH11ert91l(C) Ufl Mtlie Io.I (C) 7:JO B -c.,•11 (C) (60) Johnny Cuti and Vikki Clrr luesl Bob Newhart 1l10 ls featured. D @Cl) ID 111t vq5a1n (C) (90) "The Slddlt War:mtr." A """' hom joins the wnnlltr1 at Shiloh Ranch and finds INmlnt the ropes a toueh chllltnp. His problems .,, compcM1nded when a troubled YOU CAN BE IN MOVIES ~ ·mu ' 11 'AllJ I CClllERCIAIS & TY l 1 ; . : C ID lll!SSAIY Rich.Art Prociuda.i a" .,... .... .., ............ .. .... , .. , pe_opl• ill H.ttyweod e..4 New Ywlr who need aU typ. .t people fust Rile putoliieiac .... eftcl ... , movies end teS..lal•. • This is not• 1-..a. No 1peci•I ta'-t it required, onfy • .... , c1 .. 1 ... •4 tt.. wiU to succMCI. WI 6UARANTH EXPOSURE FOR YOU ..• IF YOU QUALIFY. U...itecl Numlter el Children AcceptM. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, APRIL 12, 1969 airl's 1uardlan thrut&ns his life. harem lift, football and Ptmmtnt Ralph Bellamy suests. (R) machinations. (R) D lost Ill ~ (C) (55) m ..... Yow lift (C) (60) D @(})Ef}Htr• Co•• tllt fil) DO YOUR OWN THING! ii*i (C) (60) "A Cryln1 Need." M. The prospective brides threaten to * BID for 2· inutes on leave Sntt11 unless the Bolts find STEVE ALLEN SHOW! a doctor for the community. Jason fil) llCET bctioft (C) Ctll (213) f01S to San Francisco and accepts, 626-2477 to bid. si1ht unseen, Dr. Nlyn Wri1ht on 9:30 II ~ Ci),,.. Acres (C) (30) the recommendation of a medical OiTver dtcldes Hootefville ahould school dea~nd latllf finds out have a barb.....a..... ind ..iues Eb the doctor is a woman. Kathleen ..... ""' .,. Widdoes 1uests as Dr. Wright (R) $25 for a correspondence .courae In 6 MUlle11 $ Movie· (C) "lurn the trade. (R) .._ l •n" (dram~) '62-Janet G lltws (C) (30) Ted Meyers.. Blair, Peter Wyn11rde. 10:001J 9 Cl) I IBcw I Tiit Japa. GI Trudi or Coftttclutaces (C) (30) nest (C) (60) A look at Japan and m .._ Muon (60) its people throueh the eyes of for· '.,,, mer U.S. Ambaaador Edwin Rei· fli) SECOND BARGAIN NITE! schauer, CBS News' Perry Wolff and * BID 2-0VEN ANO RANGE former Tokyo Correspond&nt lsor PLUS THOUSANDS MORE 01enesoff. Reischauer is host. 01enesoff Is producer and Wolff is NOW THRU MIDNIGHT! exeeutive producer. m llCET Aldon (C) Bid until Cl @Ci) @E TM o.tsidtr (C) 111idnll!tt. _ (60) !.'Whit FlowtfS -Oa!W Are!'' Qi (I) lat of Hollywood (C) "The The unexplained disappearance ol Mlracle of Our Lady of Fatima." an attractive model leads David fl) EJ Caartt M1nda111itnto Ross to a simple cde of murder with a not-so-simple 901utlon. Far· 1.-00 m Ha (C) (30) ley Granier and Melodie Johnson m lCET Auctitn (C) Call (213) guest. 626-2477 to place bids. 1J m News (C) (60) fl) Prttaltrt! G Mlr1Mll Dillon (30) 1:25 1J Wonderful World of Sport (C) m T1le Ntw Sound (C) (30) l;30 II Tiit Sood surs (C) (30) Bert's Eiil Exciting Mexican Cruise! Plice hires a new ni1ht cook <1uest * BID NOW, SAIL LATER! Tom Poston) who claims he has to KCET AUCTION ACTION! hldt out because he is irresistible to women. Even after their waitress Eli) KC£T Auction (C) Call (213) isnores her jealous boyfriend and 626-2477. falls for Julian, the new man, Rufus &I> Marlana and Bert can't believe he is the 10:30 G Mowit: (C) "Kiss Ilia, Kill llll" world's 11eatest lover until he end (adventure) '66--Tony Kendell, Brad Claudia mysteriously disappear. Va-Harris. lerle Hawkins is featured as stella, OJ News (C) (30) the waitress. and Joseph Mascolo @I) Fallasta Corazon as Enrico, her boyfriend. {R) ll:OOI O O &I> @E Nnrs (C) 1J Win WHll tile Stars (C) (30) • Alfred Hitdtcodl ~~~ Pai1e and Morey Amsterdam Liars Club (C) fJ tm @ m n.e llinr r.u, <C> ~wit: "Four in a Jeep" (dra· (30) Memory son1s and modern me) 51 -Relph Meeker, Viveca tunes are featured as the Kini clan ;Lind~~ '6' ~ ~ Ntws (C) take to the screen. l.3tJ ~ l..!!J 16%1 m MtfY 8rHfin (C) (90) : KCET Auction ( ) ~!I (213) m .... die Odds (C) (30) 626-2477. The money·ra111n1 pro-ject lasts until midni1ht each nllfit. 9:00 8 levttty Hillbillies (C) (30) Drys-U) BtwltdMd dale orders his secretary Jane to 11:30 fJ Mo.it: "Harriet Crall" (dra· pose as Queen Elizabeth I, who the ) •r:nJoa Crawf--" W dell Hlllblllies think is still Enrland's ~ey ~ n utu, en ruler. Filmed on location in Eng-0 @@m Tonl&lrt Sllow (C) land. (R) , 1J Movie: "Tit Wt Meet Apln" Cl@@m ll'rud1 nt11I 1 On (romance) '44 -Merle Oberon Stlp (C) (60) "This Town Will George Brenl ' Never Be the Same." An .. ori1inal 0 @ CI) U) Joty lisltop (C) drama by Edward Deblasio about m Donald O'Connor (C) the last day of a collapsing news- paper and its effect on both the 12:15 G Movie: "Dtld to lie WOfld" staff and the town. Barry Sullivan (drama) '62-Reedy Talton, Jana and E. G. Marshell star. other prin-Jearce. c~pal parts are played by Jo~n Beal, 12:30 m Action 111Ntrt: "Parole, Inc.'' Bill Devane, Vincent Gard&nll, Paul Collins. William Roerick. Fred Scol· 1:001 0 News (C) lay, Staats Cotsworth and Paul Mc· Com•unlty lutlttin loud (C) Grath. From tlte lnaidt Oat (C) D Wrallln1 (C) (60) 1:15 IJ Movie: "Utlll Bltlnt" (west· 0 @(1)$-AIC Wedn11day em) '57 -Rory Cllhoun, Susan Mn: (C) "John Soldfarb, rt.ae Cumminp. C.•• Home" (comedy) '65-Shi~ • · MacLaine, Peter Ustinov, Richard l.30 m n s.n..t Slrip Crenna, Jim Backus, Scott Bredy, 2:30 m All NIPt Sllow: "Ct1e of Gold," Fred Clark. Wilfrid Hyde·White, "Devil Bat's Daulfltel'' tnd "Gts Harry Mor1an. A saucy sa11 of House Kids in Hollywood." 2, 1969 mment 0) NG! n " (213) I (30) .should es Ell 1rae In f$. Japa. n and >f for· 1 Rei· ff and lror host, olff Is (C) Are11• ce of David IUrdet • Far· hn900 1ise! ER! ON! (213) l(ffl" Brad (dra· veca ) 213) pro- i(ht. 'dra· tdell rid" ana ·" (C) yt. san d," ;es THURSDAY APRIL 2A For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenjence, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAmME MOVIES 9:00 O "I Met My love Apln" (ro- mance) '38 -Henry Fonda, Joan Bennett. 9:30 a "Mot'OCco" (adventure) '30 - Gary Cooper, Merlene Dietrich._ D "Topper Tit•• Trip" (comedy) '39 -Constance Bennett Roland Younii. 12:00 a "TIM Hoodlu11" (mystery) '51- Lawrenc:e Tiemey, Allene Roberts. 12:30 m "To•, Didi Ind Htny" (com· edy) '41 -Bu11ess Meredith. "El All .. in.. (adventure) '54 -Scott Bredy. 2:00 m "Unt .... 1s1111d" csci-fi> •• ,_ Barton M1cllne, Richard Denning. 3:00 0 "Top Stcflt Affair" (comedy) '57-Kirtl Doulles. Susan Hayw1rd. 4:301J (C) "TM Bllcl Ttllf' (1dven· ture) '57-Anthony Steel. EVENING 6:00 IJ The 111& Ntwa (C} (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 €'e Huntley-Brlnklty (C) (30) 1J St.ff Allen 5'lo* (C) (90) Tim Conway and Kern Chandler guest. 0 Sill O'Clock Movlt: "R1ton Pea" (western) '51-Dennis Morgan, Pa· tricia Neal. 0 I Sp, (C) (60) GI Pay Cardi <C) (30) Art James hosts. I Baba1n (C) (30) Merv Qrlfftn (C) kFa Aatctloft (C) (6 hr) The third ni(ht of the money-reilinl event. Bid number. (213) 626-2477. Ell Un Color P.. Esta PW .&> KPlM Ntw1 (C} 6:301 QllC Ntwte1wice (C) (60) I LAM a._, (30) Yopp 1D tM lottD• of tM Sii~ (60) I eH• lrin.S., (C) I!) . Nt.n (C) , ... (C} 7:00 R CIS £Mins Nt.n (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. O Wlaat'a My Linet (C) (30) Wally Brunner. GI Paaword (C) (30) Allen Ludden hosts. a Ci) Hip Ind Wiid (C) fl!) KW Audloft <Cl Bid number: i 3) 626-2477. (I) Mdlllt'a NftJ rn. Adwetlbn (C) Ufa Maka 1 0..1 (C) 7:30 1J Qt ()) TM QMll and I (C) (30) In order to aet rnot9 Pl• senprs for the Amsterd•m QutM- and more tips for them•!Yet- Ouffy ind his p1ls make a bet with another ship's pu,.., that the ute to America's r1iln>1ds. Queen can win 1 nice to Enll•nd. at hi ftf y.., Ult (C) (60) =~~IM)<'fi\ A~~~ fll SODA FOUNTAIN & 1 YR ect 20 production desi&ned to * ICE CREAM SUPPLY ) breathe life and su~nc. into 1 BID NOW TO MIDNITEI myth-ob~red figure of hlstofy. ~ •ll'frT A ......... -_ Bid num .. ~·. Melvyn Douglas., who won an Emmy QI! _, ,..._,,. , .. , ""' Awerd last year for the but I*· (213) 626-2477. formance by .1n 1ctor, is the prv-@I) O .. _. Esta LOCI 111m's narrator. New fMm foota19 t:lO 8 U Ci) fl:') Dra&ntt (C) (30) b inttfWOml with a treasuf'9 house ''Polle. '"C'Onimi~R-13." Fri· of historic paintinp. etchlnp end day and Gannon Cr\cll down on dis· dmrinp brouctit to life by still· honest tow-truck drivers who heve pietures·in-ection technique. been fleeclnc drivers on the Ld 8 Lett la ~ (C) (SS) Angeles freeway system. Complalnb @ ffi aJ Jacqu11 Ceate11 pile up et the Pol Ice Commlsslofl Special ce> (60) "The Lt&end of 1nvestla1tlon Division 1bout certein Lake Titicaca." Where ls the lost wildcat tow service operetots who treasure of the lest lne1 of Peru, enct outnlaeous prices from un• wtlo WIS killed by the Spanish con· suspectlnf victimL The officers dis-I quistador Francisco Pizarro in 15331 cover that the explolt1tion fre-• Leaend has it that the emperor's quently worsens after the victim's ransom In &old and precious stones car Is take to the aarare. (R) Is at the bottom of Lake lltlcaca, G,.... (C} (30) Ted Meyers. the world's hlahest lake, nestled In the Andes between Peru and Bolivia. 10:00 B 9@ m Dun Martin t_tj Jacques Cousteau used the Calyp90 (60) "Top StmYictor Borae. JimmY in the lake that sits 12,000 feet Stewert end Raquel Welch jola above sea level. Deen and The Golddluers. 0 Miiiion $ Mowle: ubed t. Hen1 1J GI Nt.n (C} (60) lon(' (comedy) '62-Binf Crosby, fJ s.p.,... n...tre (C) (60) Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour. 0 Mersi.al Diiion (30) I~= :~) <C> <30 > m n.. " .. Soutld <C> c3o> fl!) YOU'LL BE A WINNER! @(I) Tiie Avttt,_. (C) * Thor'bred Riding Horse fl!) INDIANAPOLIS 500? Bid Now, Ride 'em Later * BID NOW & BE THERE!' Auction Now to Midnite! Auction Now to Midnfte! 1 fl!) KCET Atldion (C) Bid till mid· m KCET. Auctioe (C) Bid number:' night. (213) 626-2477. ! Ell El C.er1D M1nd1•lefttD fl) M1ri1111 8:00 IJ ~ ()) Jonetluln Winttl'1 (C) &) Pall90rt 1D Trewtl (C) (60) Ethel Merman, Steve Allen and l0:30 ! u--t-. .,.. .. _ ,...,Id , u-·-" The Third Wave guest. • ,.,,,.,,,.; • -_, ren s "'"" GI Hazel (C) (30) ( rama) 62 .-Audrey Hepburn, fl!) KCET Auction (C) Bid number: Shirley M11cl.a1ne. @3) 626-2477. ID News (C) (30) @I) Felld1no! (C) fl) F11fnt. Corazon 8:25 IJ Wonderful Wtrld of $poft (C) &) Twlllpt lone 1:30 a tD oo m ironside <C> <60> 11:0011 a o m m """ <C> "Shell Game." Chief Ironside and 1J Alfr9d HltchcoO a famous jewel thief play cat-and· GI Li1t'1 Club (C) mouse with their mutual interest-" 1 multi·million-dollar rem collec· ID Morie: "Meet Mr. C.llapan tion Ironside has been retained to (mystery) '55--0errlck DeMerney, protect. Sorrell Booke and Charies H1rriette Johns. Aid man ruest. (R) @ (I) Q) @ Qi (j) lhWI (C) 1J Bolla& (C) (60) Tom Harmon ft!) KCET A11ctiee (C) Bid number: and Micki!)'. Davies are rinpide. A (213) 626-2477. ten·round h(htwellht bout between m .... ltOid (C) Eddie Carela and Rodolfo Gonzales. ll·~" II MM· ''tall Out It 43 _ u @ rn m a .. fld9M <C> c3o> .-• .., ..... "Samantha end Darrin In Mexico (ldventu,.) '57-John Payne. City." Sam's hopes for 1 holiday In 0 9 Ci) m THicM .. (C) Mexico City with D1rrin seem dashed a Mtwie• (C) ..,, ...... , Cnell" when Larry takes credit for D1rrin's (1dwnture) '44 -Joen Fontaine 1dvertisin1 plans for • Mexican ' Basil Rathbone. ' client. Sam pops down to Mexico fJ 11=11 nn ~ a..-I'--(C) City and makes Larry fumble the WJ ~ ~ ,......, _,. deal. He calls Darrin to come down GI Detlald O'C...lltf (C) and help, and Endof1 compllcatu 12:25 D MM! "11M ....,.. ft..r:' thinp by putting a spell on her (dr1m1) '44-fartey Gr1n11r, Dina aon-ln·law's "Instant Spanish." And'"'- 1 Merv 5rtffln (C} (90) 12:30 0) Action Theatre: "B1dl1nds of Beat Ult Odds (C} (30) Montana." Mlllica J Estrtflaa (C) 1:001 IJ ""' (C}. t:OO R 9 Ci) CIS n...daJ Mowit: CM••ltr l1llean loanl (C) "Ad OW' (dnima) '62-Georp Ff9• tM 1..W. Out (C} Hamilton, Ja90n Robards Jr.. Jack 1:15 IJ Mtwie: 4'Tlle c..., aftd a. Klugman, Sam Leven., Ruth Ford. IMf' (comedy) '39--0ary Coolltf, l>oft Schlry's 1ereen adaptation of Mer1e C>Mron ~~a)1 m=-~1 <.:.?.11, t :JO GI 11 ~ • llifldf (~ (60) Eddie Albert and 2!JO GI AIJ·flllflilt Sllow: "four Men and Dean Jona te1m on 1 muskal trib· 1 Preyer'' end "Cairo Roed." R8dUC8 SIZE 11 lllSTUIE W aiatline .. out of boundaf" Now -you can reduce the 1lse of that lax mideection while JOU rest at home ... even while you work at 1our desk at the oftlce. Relax-A-cizor EXECUTIVE<•> unit for men civH thoae aoft belly muaclea a ruJ workout - without work. No weicht loul Not a vibrator. Not a ....... de- vice. Not a bicycle or dtair. Relu- A-cizor la exercise. Co.centrat.ed exercise. Ta .. a u little aa • •I•· utea a day! Here's why ReJax-A-ctzor work•: many men lack good muecle tone because they don't pt enou&'h ex- ercise. Relax-A-cizor &'ivea effort- less, concentrated exerciH to such body area1 as the waistline and abdomen. Regular uae causes this area to reduce in alse mea1- urabJy to the extent thne mu1- cles lack tone becau1e of tnauftl- cient exerciae. And the leas the muscle tone the great.er the de- gree of size reduction. RelaxAcizor. ,..., Oleander 5·8000 Olympia 2-2550 Toll Free: ZEnith 5297 • r ~ ••. FIHI llllL TlllYI .••. lllW·A-clnr, Oet. U ·Ol·OI ~so"'· u ci.. '"'· l• ........ Calif. 9005• "'"" IWll l!lt •J ~-c..r If "H .. ti 11.-ce tllt lire tf Ytw •••Ille.'' flt cost. fllo •11,.u ... llllt I• pill• ......... 0 Mii. 0 lllll. 0 MIU NAM,.__ _______ _ AOO.f._ _______ _ CITY----_lfATf__ Z.ll'~.----- 0 I • _,., ll. 0 I • ""' JI. 1J£i~V.J£ill~·····""'~ ..... 15 r llBSWMmR l I Motel I I Managers! I FR I D AY APRIL 2!5 For morning and afternoon llstinp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for JO'S' convenience, se the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to chanp procramminc witft. out advance notice. 155 ot.ber interesting jobs in~ boopitality field; no I DAmME MOVIES I ezpenmoe neoeeaaiy; ex-t:918 CC> -n. .,.. Mricm 11111" oellent eaJaries often with I <......_> 'S3 -Louis H.,.ard. Vvoelca H"rst. aputment included; age •.JO e ._.,. (dtaaal) '37_111~ I no burier. Openings for 1 Ooectas. Ma11eM Dlltrida. DCC>~ ,._ ,,,__ P qlft men, women, couples all tW" (drl.N) 'SJ.--..fGdlard Eon. over continmltal U.S., Ha-°'"' WJaW, ca.... MltdMM. I .. . d, 1,1!:008"'hltH11tn ~ (d11ma) '50 wanudw1mexpan new --Ooa Hamy, Fomst T.,tar. motels, hotels, resorts are lZ:lO !>·~ i:r~mi:; I being built every day! DiiM" (ldwlftture) ·~ Von FREE BOOK I -~ ..... 't.. ~=-··· I 3:GI CJ (Q ~ ............ tells where the job& are, I :.-,:1> ·~ Tierney, Come! what they pay, what you 4:l0 R-. ._ u.-r (western) I need to qualify. bow. Lewis I ~u ... O'Briaft, ~ Barr. bas been tn.ining in the I home or in our resident 1 :-., I .. • • .. I ecbool for over 50 years, L .. 8 n. 9'I -CC> (fiQ) JilnJI bow our Lifetime Place-IDuil.11 r ; • i u ; CC> (30) I ment eervice at no extra I -. u. a. CC> ('90) Bil Dau. 0.. c. Sntittl ... Doe Slier· charge worb. un iuest. a • era.a .... CC> ... I Send for the free book; I liill. .. _.. (•taiQO ·s7 OM Daillf, GiqJar Rotws. look through il If it seems 1. _ (C) (60) like a career you'd be "' Cir* (C) (30) ...... (Q (30) I interested in, we can ar-1 ~·.:.:."8 <C>(C)<& ..., n.. range a penoml interview to.ru. .qtrt ol !lie bir -.t. Bid .... ...-. (2ll) 626-Z4n. lin~;l~;8 1 -l~i'c=":'7~ I ............ ., ... -.I pootA:anl to: I I ... ~ r";:'.!i lCl I llWis 111111I111tt1 ~•Is ~ - , .. , ..,, .. , ...... _Office) I ,. "·~ -(C) (30) 7080 Holf1wood Boul.vard I WW"& ., u.r (C) (30) Suite l 1698 , • (C) (30) I . (J) a... .. '* (C) "The Hollywood. C.lifomi• 90028 I Eli Bncraft Sby.-RandJ 8ooM lftd llif Eric:bDll sbr. fl) KET ..._ (C) Bid nuniber. I App10Yed. for I CfuEn. ~ It.rs-:..;! (Q .& ll-.u.J4U6 .,... 9 (I). -....... (C) L .. 1GuathtPnbm .... . --dAftutic debut ... ...,... ""7· .... 1. lftl 1 bwnbllna secret serric• aaent nett tries to amom11 WH1 and Jeff. wt101e pl'Ot.ocraphlc memory m1ke1 Ben Merc:Mn (Bo HopkiM) tell I him a Yitai cor In Jtmu Wtsrs hll older brodw l1'e (Chert pita for 1n1ri111 1n opium rina. BrlSP) thlt Ult SonMtts hl¥t Ir· rived In town. Lyle, f•rin& they e _.. a.,.nt (C) (60) ire thera beclu. ht killed J1mea. Cowy." Mllicln blndit El decides to buttlwhlck them. Lobo brub jail ind plots to plun· fJ Ntn (C) (30) Ted Meyers. der Cannon Rlncfl 111ppllts lo ti> Ftldwll ... M..w ';'MP his lmpri10nment by Mano-lO:OO 'fB @ g, ~ s.mt (C) (60) lito. Mt"°"1 CIMO ruests,. (R) • Do bl T "·" A ltl ii I IMt • s,.c. (C) (SS) • u • •-· mu ·m . (fl)()) m "" Is r.. ....... lionllre claims In Identical double (60) Shin! Wallb, stl'lie Won· Is puttin& throu&h deels In his der Pat Plul•n and The Hollie llllM, ~In& In his offices and iu9st. e¥tn usina his homes. The Saint is D II-S ~ (C) "f'9 Tl1p.. hired by ~ men, etch cl1lmlng (di.m1) 'S--Ridlard Wldm•rk. nna the other IS the lmpenonat«. Louise. II GJ News (C) (60) m ,,... • C'Mlell...m <C> c3o> u cm rn m w.1 .. lite o. 18 ""1 M-. (60) fua (C) (60) "Weep the Hunt.er m BID! ACRES OF LAND' Home." Clinton Judd defends a pair • • of youn1 boys 1fter their hou kJd. * BAJA MEXICO, CAL CITY, n1pini p1o1 erupts into 1 lhootlni. ANTELOPE VALLEY! Wtten ..Lnrence Com1na Sr. learns NOW THRU MIDNTTE! the kidnapln1 of his son w~s a fll ICU ._... (C) Bid till mid· hoax, he suspects . Larry's fr!fnd, nl,irt. Don, whom he considers an evil i~ E o c..tt lll•Dda•leott fluence. is invofved. He takes a 11Jn ._ 1..._ _ (JO) to their hideout, pl1nnin1 to scare , .. , . . them, ind is shot in the lei. He • ICET AlldiN (C) Bid number. accuses Don of the shootinf and (213) 626-2477. the boys art tried for usaull Harold fl) L.--. (C) Gould, Richard Dreyfus •nd Peter 1:25 IJ Wt •• f.. W.W ef SC*t (C) Jason 11Jest. (R) t:lO 8 QI Cl) c.-Pyle (C) (30) O lbllhal DillN (30) ==rtss:i.isast~~n h:s:. m Tiie .... SMod (C) (30) Muriel, lfter the Sarie has paid for m Gershwin, Van Heusen, an ~ beluty overhaul for * 1st Edition Sheet Music his plein kin. Reva ROM auests. BID NOW TO MIDNITE! B caJ @ m..._ tf lite,, .. (C) (90) "Nifhlmare." Alter years m lCET ADCtioft (C) Bid number: of audlina. D1n Ferrell 1ets a (213) 626-2477. lead on the identification of the gJ MariJna robbery trio responsibl~ for the 10:30 D Movie: (C) "Allntie Ma1111" dclttl of his wife. Mcrtm Balsam, (comedy) '58--Rosalind Rwssel for· L&ny Stordl. Laraine Stephens. rest Tudler ' Steve Ihnat. Tro, Donlhue and John llJ""' (C). (30) Alar pest. (R) 8 Aa'Oll lite Seftll Seas (C) (30) · f1lllstl CerazM "Rttum to Rome." 11;001 D 0 a> m..... (C) 0 @(j) EE C..rltiotl C.p (C) Alfred H~ (JO) --Blrry hosts. Craia Hund· Uan Clall (C) leJ, 1>1e1r-old jazz pi1nist and Mwie; (C) ......., Frisco, INdcr of the Cuia Hundley Trio, Hello" (musical) '43-Alice Faye, . flCIS bis did in toniaht's aame. John Payne. I Mll'f liriffiD (C) (90) @ Ci)@ @ Qj (I) News (C) l..t a. °'* (C) (30) m lCET A.-. (Cf Bid number: ...._ T.,.ta (213) 626-2477. t=-a am cas r,.._, lltiwil: cc> m ltwitdled. (C) 1lce tTllte Suea" (ad'tenture) 11:30 IJ MOWW. (C) .. ,"' ,._.,. (ad· '63-Ronald lewis. Janette Scott. venture) '60-ffidl1rd Burton, Ca· Rontkl Howard. The story of the rotyn Jones, Robert Ryan. wms that lollowed Kina Arthur's D tU Ci) €f:) TMilllt Sllew (C) deattl. 0 Mowie: (C) .. Ole Y'qiflian'' 8 AUDIENCE gets RICH! (western> '46-Joel Mc<m .. *WILLIAMS wants WIT! M 2.~~ ':-' <C> RANEY runs RAMPANT! 11:35 Ci!()) Frid17 S11ew: ''Tenor ln a g ...,..., Afttr .,._ (C) (60) Joe Texas Town." Willilm.s. SUe Riney, Buddy Rich, 12:20 fJ Movie: °'SllaM .._. Wit11 the The Jama Cotton Blues Binet. Pat Devit" (d111m1) '59--James C.aney, lkCormict and Rty Hastlnp auest. Dana Wynter. fJ cm Cl) EE Lii's ..... • Dul 1?:30 m Actio11 Tllel1n: "Red Ufht. .. (C) (30) Monty Hill hosts. 1 :00 D 0 ..... ((!) ~ ~ !* , .. lift (C) (60) · O lhwle: .. .._... (western) '39 ED M1n1-81ke, Cycle, Auto! -lloyd Nolen. * Everything on Wheels! ID F,.. lite 1.-. o.t (C) BID NOW TO MIDNITE! 1:15 8 Movie: "Tint ........ C" 8' mT Aectiee (C) Bid number. (comedy) '52 -Gloria SWll\$00, (213) 626-2477. frtd Clalt. e &Wises 34 1:30 ID s.n.t strit1 t:JI II @ (I) m. ,_ ff Will 2:30 ID AB-ftipt Sllew: "TM Small SnMelt (t) (30) ''tuill" A min Bick Room," "fury 1t Gunsight who bel"MIW'IS he killed Jtmes Son· Pass'' rnd "Brin& Mt ttle V1mpire." _....... ......... ------------------~- C) (60) ulti-mll· dcMlble in his :es and Saint is :!aiming :or. All types concrete work for the home. Patios, driveways, pool decka, sawing, etc. Licensed • Bonded Exnert work. Reasonable. PHILLIPS CIMINT YOUR HOME SERVICE GUIDE REPAIR REMODELe REDECORATE Cleanup Specialist-mowing edging odd jobs and light ' moving. Reasonable. call DICK 541 ''" Gu.llty P9uMMft9 • Cll•-U.lllt.........i ltlO ll'turnllen, Ille. 271 lucknell C09ta Meu HAaT TV -15 Years In Area- Servicing AH Brands! our DuMont, CUrtls Mathes Dealer for the Harbor area. , .. ., .. 2'14 Federal Ave.., Ceda M .. Gardening, lawn renovation. l .. ~~~~~~~ .................................... .;54;•~7S02~ ...... ... -De· Hunter llST IN CONCRETE GRAND OPENING SPECIALS DURTNG APR.IL To Celebrate Opening of Our 1 a pair Walks pool decks, rtoors,.patios MX kid. Concrete Saw Cutting hooting. Any size Job, work•guaranteed leems Reasonable-! was a Servin~ Harbor Area friend, 642-1514 (after 4 p.m.) l!Yil in- s a gun o stare le,. He II( and Harold I Peter 0) en, lusic rE! umber: Cleaning CRYSTAL JANITORIAL & WINDOW CLIANINO Complete Janitorial service. Business, residential and construction cleanup. Free estimate. 541-1727 House Cleaning Quality Work Call Us! IROOKS CLEANING SERV. 1111 Clay St., Newport INch 642-2112 anytime ........ !I, for· -------- frisc:o, ADVANCED CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS Faye, , Work Guaranteed, Fast Service Very Reasonable Rates. c.all Slt-1456 IC) 1mber: ' (ad· I, Ca· (C) iniln" C) in a 1t" 1) '39 "' C" nson, Small 1sipt )ire." CARPET & FURNITURE CLEANING For 1 Day Service and Quality Work . . . CALL STERLING FOR BRIGIITNESS! 641-IS20 CARPE'tS -VINYLS • TILES Latest Styles and Colors Commercial 8r Residential Expert Installation BLANKINSHIP FLOORS 642-1403 -540-7262 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOU CALL 641·5'71, ext. 315 Complete garden malntenance ! Reasonable! JOE COR~--- 19302 Salmon Lane Huntlnwton leech H2-4764 CARL GABRIELSON GRADING Dump Truck. Skip Loaders. Back Hoe, Remove Trees, Ivy, Dirt Trash & etc. Also Cleanup Yards & Garages.-Llc-Bonded Call Anytime H2-t74S BOB'S YARD MAINTENANCF. Light Hauling, Odd Jobi Cleanui>-Reliable, Reasonable No Extra Charge for Weekend Work ... CALL 1-4'6-20lt anytime HUNTINGTON BEACH TREE SERVICE Tree Trimming, E:Ktracting and Ornamental Pruning. Expert! Reasonable! l46-077t VETS BONDED PAINTING Free estirna tes, licensed, insured. Small jobs welcome. 642-0427 Painting, papering. 16 years in Harbor area. Licensed a.nd Bonded. References furnished. HA.ROLD C. WATSON . m7Avalon It., Coeta M .. 642-D5' THIS SPACE RESERVED 'OR YOU CA.LL 6G-561I, ut. - IUD HALDERMAN PLUMllNO 24 hour service, Beach area. Licensed bonded. Expert work. 20 years ln OranR~unty;­ Dlscount prices! '75-3124 DIAN PLUMBING SERVICE 24 hours. All problems. Wor&t guaranteed. Licensed -Insured UIJ W. Floytl Clrcle, Santa Ana A1·75'6 uyttlM CAL'! PLUMBING Plwnblng Repair No job too small • 6424121 A&B DISCOUNT PLUMBING Specializing in Repair and Service. Reasonable Prices! Complete Line o! Plumbing Fixtures. 724 W. 1ttt. St., Cott• M .. 642-16'0 WILLIAMS CLIANINO SERVICI Cleaning Ir Repairing Your Furniture Can Be New Again! 642-1164 IUROIR QUALITY UPHOLSTERY Over 20 Years Experience Satisfaction Ir Workmanship Guaranteed. tst W. 17th, Coet• M .. 541-ltSJ CZ'YKOSKl'I Custom Uttholstery & Re..-lr European Cralumanshlp 100% Financing-Do-It-Your- self Upholstery CJuses Start May ht! Reglater now. 1lt1 Newport II., Celt• MeM 642-1454 NEW STORE! "21 ADAMS (Next to Albertson's) HUNTINGTON llACH H2-3ll4 ROY IULLA'S ITKVINI T.V. Quallty work for 16 years. Home or shop sel'Yice. All makes-<:olor or eaw ltsi .... ,.,. lhd .• c .... Meea 1UHM RAINBOW TV No Service Charge! Expert Work Color, Black 6: White or Stereos 546-3720 anytime Remodeling -Addttlona Ji"l.ne work. Uc. and Ina. LOS PADltlS CONITR. CO .. (Ucensed Contracton) 627 l'. C...t ""hw•y LatlUM ...ch •·1"5 ., ........ ,,, ft& WOODY CONSTRUCTION Cent~ et Peunt•lft Valley Ucensed contractor. Build, remodel, repair. Brick, bloc.k, conaei:e carpentry. No Job too amall. .. ~ Repe.ira-Alteratlons-Cablneta Any size job 25 years experlence. Work K\W'&Jlt.Hd. C811 IOI HllllY Ml-6111 ROOM ADDITIONS Licensed Contractors LAUTIR8ACH & AtMde._ .. .... 16ttaat.,c.t. ..... 646-lm ,...17 WITH EVERY ESTIMATE 1 * ROOM ADDITIONS AT HACIEND R THUNDERBIRD HOTEL -& Meals not incluclecl • ~:.Tmat•• CONSTRUCTION 11Q1 Wntmin1ter Blvd. GarcMn Grove 63~9831 1 I YUi$ DPllllNCI .... 18 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, APRIL 19, 1969 ft !PORT! HICHllOHTf ~~.... X· ', ' •• ._.,.:)-: , ' i SUNDAY, APRIL 20 11:00 AM 11 Qt Ci) NHL Hockey (C) Eastern and Western Division chal_!!Plons meet In Stanley Cup Playoffs. O (]1) (j) NBA Besketbell (C) Fourth playoff game of the finals. ('llme is approximate. Starting time depends upon playoff teams and location.) 11:30 O Ancets Ba...,_11 (C) California ~ngels vs. Minnesota Twins. 1:00 D (ill Cl) Tourmment of Cti.mpions (C) A year's worth of major tournament winners compose the 27 or more leading professional golfers playing the $150,000 tournament at La Costa Country Club in Rancho La Costa, Calif. Participants include defending champion Don January, leading money winner Billy Casper, Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer, lee Tre· vino, Gary Player, Julius Boros, Tom Weiskopf, Miller Barber and Roberto de Vicenzo. First prize is $30,000. THURSDAY, APRIL 24 8:lO 11 Boxln1 (C) Tom Harmon and Mickey Davies are ringside. SATURDAY, APRIL 26 11:00 AM D 9@ Major LHgue Baseball (C) Boston Red Sox vs. Detroit-llgei:s at Detroit. Curt Gowdy and -Tony Kubek com· mentate. Miier .. ..., (left) ~ tnlDlw and ~ ,_ ....... ~ llyron Net.-.n.r wtnntnjs the llU Byron N..._. QeW eta.IC "' .,., .... ...,_,, who ..,,,.. .. ABC 5Dofts •Jqlleft -e ... om-.m-•_, ........ .,-• .., M on hend apln tNa yur fw the A8C tetec.st ii tt. •a blumey -~ ln ttls ...... AK-1" .,,_ llw, C'OtOf _,.... ., ttle tNnl nund s.tu,.1 and ttle final round Sunday from ,.,......, Ttal Clolf a.. 1:00 D @ Cl> Syron Nelson Golf Cleulc (C) The 72·hole champion· ship, formerty known as the Dallas Open, is telecast live today and tomorrow from the Preston Trail Golf Club in Dall¥. Tex.as. "lo~ Byron" views the last two rounds from tfie television tower behind the 18th green where he works with Jim McKay. Last year's final round looked like a runaway for Miller Barber until Kermit Zarfey carded an Incredible 29 on the back nine and wound up second by one stroke. Though Zar1ey posted a 64 for the day, Barber collected the $20,000 winner's share. Gt Sports Special (C) The Cerritos Channel Crew Races, a four· way regatta over a 2,000 meter course, are aired live with a three-wey meet of freshmen, junior varsity and varsity shellmen from UC at Berkeley, Cal State at Long Beach, San Diego State College and the host school, USC. The eight·oared racing shells compete< over approximately a 11,kmlle Los Angeles Harbor course, beginning at Berth 192. Wilmington, and ending at the Matson Terminal. Costing some $2.750 .. c~ the 63-foot·lone thin cedar shells are propelled to speeds of up to 12 end 14 knots per hour by a eC.ht oersmen end a coxswain. Biii Welsh describes the two hours of watery sports. 2:30 11 9 Cl) CBS Golf Classic (C) Final match. 5:00 D @ Cil ABC's Wide Wortd of Sports (C) Eighth anniversary. 1969 I :ion the :>on ns. of ing at nts iey ·re· ber de. vs. lffl· ' ... ·n· IY ,. ie th er 1e th I() ly :h tg .. a 'O (. m AM Tllealrt: "Don't Take It to Distinction sutst. Hurt" end "Fire CNtr Rome." I &w n.vect ~ (C) I lllitams ......... 11IMtrt: -"htd to 10:00 9 Ci) Tite Ardaie Sllew (C) Bil Hoat." ~ CI>.m...., ...... c.. l:OOU~ ... Dick (C) • ot 11e Edi <C> mn. .,... ....... 0 Mn: (C) "s.tr1 tf llery" fhe final two nM19ds of (western) '51-RA!ndolph Scott the Byron NellOll Golf ~ SATURDA Y APRIL 21 M 0 f? NIN C 1:00 Las Eahlla J U... time sruts Is t.IMltld llwe from 7:2S 10:30 9 Cl) ..._11/Sllperaa• (C) the Prtlton Tr1n Gott Club In I Pdlra fir lJwtq named fcw one at the 111nt's ell· 1:30 @oo mu-... <C> o.11u. C.•pus Prefllt Mow1r. "AbrHd Wltll Twe 11 ...... : "'1111 ef Deer (mys. ab.U.1 tile Most of M•turftJ . nb" (~~) '44-Wllll•m Ben-tefy) 'U-Vlc:tor Metur9, Rkhlrd 7:45 Sacred Htert (C) d•x. Dennis 0 Keefe. wldnaltt. 8:00 I~ Cophtrs (C) l crn (]) m F...mtlc: F.. (C) ..... s,edll (C) Liv• cover-6 m SU,., Six (C) -1'it liblt ...... .,. ol the c:rww nices with USC aJ Caper (C) C1nelanclla p1.,a.., host to UC Berbley, Lona " Codllle Cat18ons (C) 11:00 ' tjl (i) m Malor LMpe ... Beech Sbta and Sen Dleao State Teles of Wells Ferio ball (C) Cu~~ and Tony Kubtk at the Los Anpi• H1rf>o(1 2,000- Sltunllf Matinee: "The Third call ~e action between Boston end yard cou,.. celled Centtos Channel. Visitor" and "The Slasher." Detroit II) lbMea 8:30 II Qj Ci) lup Bunny/ Road R•n-fJ (fiHI> G> lieor1t of * Jn· l:lO 19 (I) Tiie LNe Ra..., (C) ntr Hour:_jC' ate (C) .. Z.-00 ~ lrtw SedetJ (C) "Is Ftd- 10 Cl) • Top Cit (C) aJ ~;nrd Theatre: Frontier Garn-tl'll Aid 1 Boon to Education?'' The C.•ri laat bier. issue Is ·debated by students from (i7.) &> lullivtr (C) l1:308 ~ ® Tiie Hecutolds (C) · Crescenti Valley end Franklin hlah Mov : "IT0tnln1 Slrtkls Twice" (i1l :11 G> A!Mflcan lanclstlncl schools. (drama) '51-Ruth !roman, Richard ~ :Col: a(~)· "Sewn M fl'HI O Satunley-..... F..tlrr. "The Todd. _,, , • , 111 Clown," st.arrlna Red Slletton; end 111'1. ftded Now' (western) 56 -Randolph (C) "Garibaldi," mrrina Rtnro &cuU KMEX (C) Scott, Gall Russell. Ricci. 9:00 9 @ m FllntltDMS (C) IJ Mw: (C) "Ca..,." (ldven· MW: '"HtllfJ Aldrldl Qets ture) '46 -Ray Milland, 81rt>1111 Ila..... (comedy) '43 -Jimmy Stlawyclt L don. 12:00 I a (J) Slam.an! (C) fJ Mevtt: .. , W• a Sll1pffftlr" (i1) Cl) m Spider Man (C) 8r11,eah (drama) '50 -Scott BradY, Mona Jack La 1"11e (C) lZ:lO fa Ci) MIJ Q...t (C) Freeman. SapbnlM 'heltre Mevtt: "Mhtistry tf FMr" (dl'I· I CertMt TlMalre: "Blonde Bait" lAld6e 48 ,... Varps ma) '44 -fray Miiland. Marjorie • Sai.a, Mltlnet: "Americano." 9:30 !~ WICllJ Races (C) Reynolds. ~ fw Advnt.rt (C) 6 m 1811111 Splits (C) fJ @ @ aJ Happenl111 (C) Mic· Z:lO Qj Cl) CIS Gelf Qmlc (C) E!) Fantastic Yerlll (C) key Rooney and The Friends of Al Gelber&er and Dave Stockton !AM Brotlbury portr1111 a I~ tekgroplwr-M ••...c K~ /or the Fort," color epilotle of Death Yalley Doy1, on KHI, Cltan- nd 9, Salurday 01 1 PM. . . Help Him The ENURTONE Method h•I proven In over ~000 c:nn th•t bed-wetttnc (Enu,.-'•r, c.n bf cured. when not ceUMd br orpnic def9c:ts or dlMa- ••· Not • dr1.11 or diet. just • lirnple exerdle t9chnlque. fhe EnurtDne method Is recommended for..-4 throu1h ~o. •nd recommended appllcellon 11 from Ju•t two to fourwekl For Information without ot11111tlon and Informative book on En.,,_.. wr1tten by en eminent llelltll 8Uth0fttr, mel 0DUp0n.....,. • , COMPACT P19110 A superb new stereo componettt system. Perfect audio reproclllCtlon .. ~eg. Price NOW $16ft81 -1 -· ONl-Y--a~=- FISHER 160-T FM XP-S"s & GARRARDI FULL PRICE NOW ONLY ... $299~., ~7-50 T9rmt UMITED 9UANTITY .AT THIS SENSATfONAL NEW LOW PRICE! INCLUDES: e lemote eo.tro4 Mlcrop•••• •A•...tlclecor•11.e¥el e Pree 1 ·How C•11"" • Falt ....... -Falt,...,. . ,_ ....... ' ............. .. • C..Cat Hell 9-aty Dp-lc S,...er