HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-24 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• • . • G..-,e. Se~Ool : B.a • St~aqalit · A ~-uden~· . , ' -• For __ He~siitg to .. ' haTe, Wn_ .. ~itleJi11rn . ... . . ' '' . ' ~ ., . • " ' , { l • ' ' " J ; • • • • • I I ' .. I • ' By, CQanty Judge BUlib;g;· ' I . ' . • ..... THURSDAY AFTERNOQN,, APRIL ·24,. }969 • " VOL. a. HO. N, S :J•CTIOflll,.Jf,l"AGJI • r ' .. • 4 • -'- ·o· es· · .... _ o· ·, j ' ' • r: I I ,..:,... ' : ,( ' ~---.' I •t· ,j l '> •• ,,, ar': , r\ , ' .. or ' . ' l " e Hits Officer lly ARTHVR R. VINSEL !!. Of fM DlllY P'lllf Slaff •A gangly'youth in . aa .;lle1td 'LSo- pray,er trance is jailed today after _pro-ci~~ing be was God,;thetf ~J~g:d~ , a:Costa Mes8. policeman who was iojared ti01bl.O.iy he faces six weeks off duf)'. .Thrll!e.'olhtir investigators arriving at t.hC scene '<If a suspiciOu.s person report stibdued the suspect, who they claim reportedly had taken a dose of the hhllucinogenic drug. :Xhe suspect, James A. Crawford, 19, ot 2196 Placentia Ave.,was·booked o" suspi· ctpn of> assault with a deadly weapon · againSt a pollc·e oUicer following the 1: 10 ~1n~ incident. :Patrolinan Dave Dye, slightly heaVi.er tlian the sj>'·foot, ISG-pow>d "1Specl, was tiealed at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital fcir a dislocated shoulder and later reJeas-· f''' '' , I .I . . DAILY PILDT Sl•ff '""' 110SEMARY AiiD TIMOTHY LEARY LEAVE COURT :A Crazy Sy.tern 'Preying on the Lovely People' ed. • • " 'Officer Ron P'almer wu alll()ng police , . , • • oh'ivin~on the•c••10.i!i·lhe%1!1Cibl0ck.~£ ·-~t-· e~ .. a; ·~· .... lF.,~ .... :"··/co· urt Delay PlacenUa ~Avenue ... -1n ',r~ 'tC)-a ~--.· .··. .J • .1,_ • • ' r • -'-'"le ~"""··-· -,, ' • caller's repor;t o 11 pu91u , ... "tt'>"""""' '• :i.::.;r. (/ ,. • .. -.: '.i... • ""'""ring nd .. '~ ~ •• 4 1"''i' ?''"e arou. > ~·· ,. • .~-·-· •: . ..:. 1"IJm God," he q_uotea·"Crt'1!>1'l 'a!J..) S' ... >f -~F·.._·:~lt; '· . ' mumbling,just as Offilir Dy~ wallred UJ>" • .._. -l .ltp· · .,... ll" · to Sta ••ask the youth's idenuljr.rm whit 11o • · '· UYS . 011. . -ere Y W8' dolng out at the e.arly morning hOUr. · '.J' .. . A defiant Dr. Timothy Leary spent 30 • The talkaUve doctor stood quietly < . ' I , ..... ·.· . . ' ' Sideburns Bar . Student: Fr.om Class, . . ' . . :.. . . ... . . A Gatden Grove high .l!lcl)oot• student ed.UciUonal')>l:Oeesl than.tine of hl.s own: with nearly ·a atraJgbt·A p-ade', averi~ hlgti' school.,cOunielor. · today is bm'red· from the Santlago"'-High · 'fr\lstee8 Of the Garden:9rove Unified: School campus for not shaving bis ( . muttblkJ¥ip lfdebuma as ordered.... · ~ ,J>}lti' ct voted · him into semi- Micbael Picker, 171 of 11&6.J.:. Puryear. pennanent ~on. however, when. 1'ene,. Cllrdtn:.Grove; niali\taw"that ·his 'm: hif ·l!pilplthoiirt rather· Frank; and sideburnll'are·no more dmupUve. to· Ule· FuDerton It~ Scott J. Raymond at·• tended the liear1ng Tuuday. · Judge Declares 'Bottomless' ~Girls Obscene ' ., -· , . . ' . ' .. \ I 1 Jf~ the·· toast Is "bottoms upl' in the• ~Partment A Go-Go today,, lt•hlld better· be In reference 'to the 8e erBge•aftd not to· the live entertainment .. : ·Ai.Ct 'Whai goes f0r the PopUlar Santa "Ana t>ar appli~ ,equally to the' C{>untry· Gic!$o, z near .Anuefin Ml\ the Harbor: JM', La ''H&bfa, Superior Court' fudgo ~la~d~,<>fteOI f'l\led, W_!dnesday. H end-' ed It t\fO.day dellberaUon ol citation-stud .. , ded ,at11Jments by .declai:ID8 the bot· tomless entertainment at' the three taverns to.be qbscene.i · But that entertainment does not fuclude the inc>vles whlclf have been equally con- demned by district at to r .n e ,Y ' s fn.. · ve.!Ug8.t0rs. . . Judge Owens' lemPA!'afy injunction' can be applied onir. to'the"live P.trfomt"" ers arid not to films whleh Wt!re de- scri~-in court 1 u "filthy, suggttti.ve · and completely ob!!Ctne." _ · • Any decision on the films muit come at. . "Oh brother," moaned , Trustee Ron. Bishop, wboee no vote wu the. only dissent; as three other trustees forced· Picker off lhe -resular campus, bUt said he could attend another for. problem' youngsters. , · eorltacted at home today, YO\Ull'Picker· ·~ w0ru part.tlme and is paying his dwit attorney's fen besides maintalntng his A:minus grades -said he doubts he will fight th• board 1111!ng. • "I haven't got the $2,500 in legal ·fees it· would lake and beildes, I'm busy with too· many · other things," said the onetime. campus leader. ' , ' He iaid he.dkl nOt lhink 0 he would see~ Mlp~fiofn the ·AnferiCBn Qvll liberties Union,' wh17h offers free counsel in such: coses. · Young Picker was SUJPended April 7 by Vice Principal Gary L. Walker baaed on· the school'• dreis code forbidding beardst moustaches or sklebilms. · · ~ t:~~·.~~~':1 in~!:::. long·h~ 1:i:-y,ear-old oor h) ~t·· wu thrown out. '1 a Loi Ailgeles CoUnLy1 jlldge aft<! the boy returned to classes. nu ......... •JlOl!'!od . ,by · c1Ung .•. IrlvesU$ators said Officer Dye li8d no \Varnlitg. and did not provoke the suspect, \Vho-sUddenly snatched hlm'up, slammed hlm onto the paVement and began kicking Md beating tbe ,\l.icti~._ , seconds befOf'e an.Orange County ·Super· before Judge Robert Gardner and offered ior Court bench Wiruimg .a Jelay of pr(). no comment.as the jurist agt'eed to delay · ci!edinga wem.esctay Ind 30 minutes in a · the Learys' arraigriment unW May 2. the Ume • of trial, .Judge tO'tfen.1 ' com- mented. His brief .made it clear that he· dOiet 'not intend to commit himself on a1 Riverside cue in W[llch the •haW plain-. Wf was'the loser\ • , Patn1er, orncer Dave &renson antf ' Sgt. Gary Shull finally subdued the strug- gling boat company employe and drove Nm In for bookinB on the felony charge. Physicians who treated the officer ~d he may require a cast to allow; Jbe shou)der to pfOperlY mend and esfin:iated his Ume out ·of roUUne d\Jty lit up lo sii weeks. The violent predawn· incident t!ad an h4ooic note. . . Only Yiednesday, a reporter· ~atling with Sgt Larry Bet!ch, noted that things O!J the daily police "bea! had bet\\ fairly quiet for a time and the pattern would likely break soon. /'Yeah," said Sgl Bersch, wtil-,qs in- jip'ed himself several weeki ago 1n an un- provoked assault by a juvenile suspected ~ narcot.ics involvement. :·You're probably right, and I just hope no one gets hurt," he said, '"but in this buslnel!, we've got to eicpeci lt --oc. casloonlly." Tht nea:t occasion al that moment wu 16 hpw'! away. If ,. ) courtho'use'corridor haranguing "a crazy Also ordered by the jUdge was a $10,000 system of justice that ls destroying itself bench warrant for the arrest of the cult by preying on the lovely people." i , , l~der'~ son, Joh_n Bush Leary, 19, be!lev· Leary was in court to fact a Laguna • cd by investigators ' to be in ''the New Beach narcotics charge. York area ." The lean, caSually clad LSD culUal, ru,, · Leary, 49, his wife Rosemary, 33,. and long, graying hiar bound behind hi1 head the boy are c~ged with possessiOO of with a colored band, tokl newsmen tha_t JU.Brijuana. They were named Jn an "po\ is .here.to.stay. and tbis naUon!1 ad· orange County Grand Jury indictment rnitUstraUon "is. ·rapidly gelling to the after the panel considered "idence ob- poinl w~ere It will hav.< to jail evecy tained by Laguna Buch police in their young person in America if It wants t.o arrest of the colorful family last Dec. 28. 'cof'ltin\ie 1ts ouUawhl.1 of the JX'Qetice:11 1 Oflicets said they found 10 ounces of . "Twenty to 3t milUon people are turned marijuana and 40 LSD capsulu: in the on'in the United States,".-L:em'Y declared. battered station wagon driven by the •·Do US'ete people who th1ni ~y CJn con. Learys duringlheir Laguna aojourn. Dr. trol our lives and minds rtally want to Leary said he and his wife will be living p.it us all in jail?.. in Mountain Center, Riverskfe County, Patting the hand of.. his w I f c , pending their next appearance In Rosemary, Leary sa.Jd he wlll "speak for Superior Court. the )'®118 ]>t!Ople of America as long as ''It's very ntce out there," Leary grin· they want me to. They want to be turfl."'1 ntd as he and his wife lert tl\e co1mty on,11 he said, "and tJiere is no power on courthouse. 0 Wl\Y don't you all take a this earth that can mist their demands." trip lo lfhere you can take a t'rlp ?" I . .... ' ' .. ----~ point of law that ls not as clear in reference to moVles and pictures 11 it is, to live er.tertainment. But· he made-it clar that pierfonntr1 at all three · taverna wU1 now 1 have to adhere to a ruling that he recently ol.- fered as a JUggesUon during court bear· lngo: "Tell your glrla ld:keef><llieJr ponll on,;,:\~~ r.=lllw :~'iiitirf.lbm t3 db exaclly that l<d to the filing of a cjvll aCUon aginll the three l!or• by Disl(lct Attorney Cecil IJl<b. lllckt argued'that the three I/Ir olmen "main· talned a place of lewdneu and assigna- tion'' and Superk>r Court Judge ·Byron K.i McMUlan · bac~ed' hil stance With an order that banned any fdrm of bottom- less entertatnmenL ' · Judae OWens, mainly supported that ruling Wednetda1 with a brio! that branded the bottom!.., perlormancea u udlrt [or. money's sake.,, .He dlsinlssed· the plea that the ptrf~ancea "'1'e an (See BOTl'OMLESS, Pip t) Pick.tr bu been acCept.ed by both Jleed! College, Portland, Ore., and . ease-; WCfiern Reserve ol Cleveland, provided; he obtains his high school dlploma. He said he m1y lhav'e after all to' eliminate the h8'1le. . "B\4 It b aomewhat 1~1aterlous lha~ tnY aideburM ~ dilru.~ve to the educa· Uonal process and' rrq counselor'• are, ~1· he pointed out.. •• l'ran8port Minister . Qliits· in Canada . . rrrfAWA (UPI) -Transport Mlnllter Paul Helly!r inday alUIOWICOd his rea.lgnaUon from Prime Min.lit.er Fierre EllioU Trudeau'• cabinet. HeUyer told a news con(mmce he was quilting beoau,. he had not been able Jo 1et cablnet approval for hlt housing pro- gram -rm>mmended by a task force which ho headed' ' . ' '' :i . . ' . . '. ' .. ' .. See H€ariitg . ·. ; ) . : . C6ntiriued By•JACK BRQBACK . -,Of .. Dlltf" ..... ,stiff • ~nenls of the Or8llge , C<Nl.t-/ 0 Harbbr DlstrK.i apj>tar1tb. have lost their debate. during a four·hour' · marathon) hearing .. which .ended Wednesday night before the Locitl ~· A£encr Fonna;ion'\ Gouunissi.00. .. -· . . . • ' ·• • Twelve county cities have been cam.1. paigning for more than one year with the aim to cause ~Uop of the 35-year-oklr Harbor ·Di.Strict · . · ~t '. . ,, 'Yel a!ier the lour hours of t~y .. th~ ... ,.,, w~arily conUnued the Miring, tintit-J°,;/;i, I( ' - , The <:entmuance, ooupled wlui the clear ·appearailce tliijt the cl~' reyreJt[}o, ~ves , were badly shot down d\lJ'\ng <Jebate, .. suSi~1 to.-,. vef:e.fan coun\y government observers that ·the. Harb6r Dis.trlct will eventually win ' its cue tiefole the, LAFC. ' . .. The line up 'Of witnesses was heavily weighted in favor or UxiSe whO want the <!Jolrid continued ·as a separate entll7 rather than .. cbanged to .a regular countj f!eparlmenl of harbors. beaclies and Pafks. ' ·' I Ten persona spoke rortbe 'd.fstrict witlf qn1y,· 1our ~ the o\liablullon pell' Uons. ..... ~. .II t J The cities' p~al was presented hr La Habra 1:1ty'eouncJlinan Dean Shull, I ",, (See ,HARBOR, Pqt t)" , Weatlier .. ' Another brtgbt dfY Is on the 1 agenda fO( ~Friday, .. wltb., a few guty winds to •Ur thinp. up. Temperalllreo_ Will remain cor\stan( in the middle &O's. • INSmE TODAY In &lteir tllJ)lcoU11 coot, tn1.- ru//hd, 'undfT<totcd WGy, Ilia Brimh lrauc add<d. -. ·claa and stvl< to ;\m.rica• f<kl>idon oWr-tile VtQra. Ste ·TV coltmua, Page IQ • ~: . ...... ' . c~ ..u _...., .... " ~ It :::::' .... +I Crw.-i'f 11 C...... i • ~....... t ,.,,... ..... .. DI-. ~ " e ...... ,,.,. ..._WI,... ' I lt)M .......... ,.ll'llltl u ' ...... - ,i--. '"'" .~ " """' ..... ,.~ . ........ ~ 11 ......... • MM .... , ........... tl ! Mtffltile ....... ,, .... ..... .. Mttrlltft n ·• I - .... ~_ ........ ,.;. ... ""···· ....... ~~ s PILOT LOGBOOK I Spoke~ English \Vorks As Well as Body English llY TOM BAllLEY o1 ... o.ur ,. ... Steff Long befo"' we aet root upon tht!e friendly and bolpltablo -.0, we learned that a Brltl!h a.-coold work wonders for the !Jnmfiraol ID punu!t of facts and!« fun. · Looking back now, we rather Imagine that the !Int purv.,ar d thlt priceless piece of informaUoo had the latter category in mind wbeo be caught our ear in a Fleet Street tq room. Fr<Sh from a journalistlc oojown ID 1U11J1Y Call- fomla, be. regallll hb admiring audience with what I have since learned from my own admJttedly long range viewpoint mw:t have bei!:o grossly exaggerated accounts of his amorous adventures among American Women in Pursuit of Men. * . ,.Blimey, lt't euy," oar Cockney confuilnt usur- ed us. "Ju.st chat 'em up and you'll •ave 'em eatin' out of yer 'and. All you 've got to do is puf on a bit d.. tbe old Olford (accent) and you can Uka your pick fr?m a wbolo ,cartlood d y ankee birds... ' Happily bound as we are within a marRal status that hu pleasantly persisted from its creation in perfidious Albion, we have not -to any lf'Nl extent, let us blushingly add -tried our own "bit of Odont'1 on vwy ZDID1 blrds, Yankee or otherwise. But we have not been averse lo a mental popping of the plmn In Clll' mouth at moments when a very correct and sUff..uppei;-llp approat:h could conceivably turn a key in a reluctant door. Indeed , thett have been occaslons In our journalistic career in thia bailey clime when the carefully pltd1od BBC tones blended with a dash of Sav1le Row savolr faire have been !l.IC- cessful in situations which would have defied <lwners of a Ma.ine twang <lr a Midwest drawl. * We happily recall a m0$l efficient and crisp legal secretary who bad sent other crestfallen members of the Fourth Estate about their business with the abrupt annoonctment that her boss waa out of town and no one would get to see anything unUJ be got back. Our own tentative inquiry drew the same immediate response. Upon which we bestowed our tight lipped guardian of a lawyer 's secret with our best Prince Philip smile we have in common, I believe, those finely chiseJ.. ed features and athleUc demeanor -and soothingly murmured: "I'm _so terrlbly aorry, actually. I can quite Wldmt,and, madam, that you beah full respoosibll!ty for the safekeeping of thia lawsuit and I most certainly do hope that I haven't unduly troubled you with my inquiries." · Well, after we'd relived the time she lost hear earring In the Chapel Royal, ,-esurrected the incident when she WU nearly knocked down by PrlnclMI Mqaret's car and drooled together over the. recipe for Scots .xines she brought back from F.dinburgh, we both took a quick look at a catam docwnent that turned out to be a front page story -that day. * And then ~there was the fudge's clerk who-. But that's another story. We'll tell you all about that litUe affair and the role played by a "bit ¢ Ox- ford" when the gavel is down and the hefty damages are paid. But while we're chatting, let me mention this lovely, long·le&J.ed bird down tn the county clerk's office. She i1 definitely dlJhy and ahe lapa up the British biL In fact., she'• always asking me to tell her about- (Editor's Note: Thi.sis a logbook, not a diary. We have re·read 11our fifth paragraph and suggest that you do the same. By the way, 11our wife want& you t-0 quit fooling around with the chisel.) V.S.,. South Offer Reds Concessions ' PARIS (UPI) -'Ille United States and Sooth Vietnam offered the Communists lllree ,,..,... -toda)' b<¢ flral indlcaUons were they had faded to break the deadlock that haJ panlyud the Parts peace talks for weeks. The bluest conceuion came when Al!\blllado< Henry Cobol Lodge declared Am..sbn wllllnt'ne11 to join almultaneous .netoUitkm on poUUcal as wen u.mUJtary lasues -an original de- mand d die llano! and Viet Cong delega- tlon1. A Vlei Cong spokesman, Tran Hoa! Nam, promptly rejected Lodge's caJI tor ·~ political 'Ind ip!Utary talks. Nam told a news conference the U.S. of- fer was nothing more than a "U.S. pkly" to buUd up the prestige of the Saigon 1overnment. In another major concessi<ln South Vietnam lnd!cai.d It had dropped !ta in- sistt.nce that the Viet Cong disavow their Communl,lt affJllation before they could parttclpale ID the pollilcal life of South .Vietnam. • The third concesilon al.so came from Sooth Vtetnam. It aald for the flrat time that mutual withdrawal of forelsn troops was the key Issue in the talta. Previously South Vietnam had opposed any hints of an urly withdrawal of U.S. troopa from the country. The -""" ao sweeping ti was doubtful If the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong could reply form ally today although the nonnal procedure would be an automaUc denUnciaUon and new cha.rga the United Statea WU in- lei>sllying the war. Tran Buu KJem, the Viet Cong's ''foreign minister," instead attacked President Nixon's recent press con- ference on Vietnam as proof of American desires to prolong the war. "The latest peace plan bouled· by the Nixon adm1nlstration ls nothing but a plan to inlenllfy the war and negotiate from a posiUon of ll'trength, to prolong the presence of the American Ex- p<d!Uonary Corps ID South Vlatnam, Im· peding the progress of this conference, so as to buy tlme for the realizaUon of its ' key of 'de-Americanizing' or 'Viet- namiiing' the U.S. aggressive war,'' Klem sa!d. Klem .repeated his demands thi South Vietnamese government of Prelidtnt Nguyen Van Thieu be replaced by a ••peace cabinet" that would negoUate peace along Communist lines. The U.S. concession on simultaneous discussion of political and military mat- tefl at today'• 14th negotJating session WU Che second major cooceulot1 made by the U-5lllee llnce the . tslk.s DAl~Y ,l~Of S11ff ....... SOS LEADERS CONFRONT JUNIOR COLLEGE TRUSTEES WITH ARGUMENTS FOR RECOGNITION OCC'1 Wiiiiam Ktttltr, Gtorge Rodda, Donald Hoff {from left) Unmoved . ' OCC Trustees Reject SDS Vocal Student,s Press Point, Lose 4-0 Vote By THOMAS FORTUNE Of Jfl• O&llY l'lltt Slaff He said the so_s petitioners had met al\ the criteria for formatioo of a campus Vblble, vocal backrn of Stuclenta for a orpn~ti<Jn. , Democratic Society (SOS) lost out Thurs-'1We did ncX·requlre them to defend the day night at Orange Coast College to all hbtory of SOS. We have Chrtstien the nameleM school tax voters who abhor «•anizatiom' on ·campus t1hat have a campus Vio)ence. milch bloodier history. We did not· leel Junior college trust-ees listfllled to the that is pert.¥ient, arguments of students for more than two "The gr0up has beelt peaceful ldn:e It hours, then voted 4 to O to deny an appeal ftrlt petitioned ~ ?jovember. It ha4. ex~ for recognition of a SOS chapter on the hiblted eatausttve ~. ~ board la: OCC campus. way «f oa a tangent wi1h lta: propbei¢es of dootn." Board members agreed .students had made ~ application under college SPEA.U FO!l STUDENTS · regulations. They based their decision, He lddf!d that be is a VWnarn wt.an, they said, on judgmental grounds -con-ts not foe SDS but sj>eaks for all the cem over probable negative public reac-students as their elected repreeentative. tion. David Heskett, SOS member from UCJ, .More than 100 ll'tUdenta stood wall to said that If students are going to be wall and overflowed Into the hallway subversi);eJ.uxler one label they will be out.side the tiny board room that seals under another . only 30. "It seems to me you're admitting there are"i!Ubversives aJI over the place but you Among those present were a contingent d 't t th JI • ed b of SOS members from UC Irvine, a on wan e co ege s name marr Y these people who dm't have God 's proper number of establlshment·supportlve OCC respect for capifaliml." athletes, and members of the American He and others said that SDS bas ~n Lqlon. nothing but constructive at UCI, sponsor-Emotions ran strong, but the audience in.g speakers and films, conducting through the loog hearing was not unru1y. cl8S9i!s and hoicling cOnclaves so far on PUBlJC INSTITIJTION teaching and Korea. Board President Worth Keene said, A Legionnaire who said he is with the "This is a public supported institution counter subversive mis&ion of California and we are depeodent cm local tax American-Legion . quoted J. Edgar dollars. 'Ibe people either support us or Hoover, quoting American Communist on campus the board was dai~ itself an opportunity to obtaln a membenti.iP, list and cntaUoi a secret orpoialtjeo. ~ "It's ..rt of like puttq a .... und• the nl&.'' be sakl. l " Heart and Lung(, , Fwwn 200 Miles-~ ·For Transplant HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) -Two Howton transplant experts removed the heart and lungs from a youth killed in a traffic aO: cident and flew them. 200 miles Wed- nesday night in a new organ transplant chamber. < A spokesman for Wilford ~lall, an Alf Force hospital at San Antonio, said the dOnor was a l~year old son of an Air Force master sergeant. The hospital would not disclose his name. -•tarted Jan. I& . -,. openly fight us." Part~Presiditlt :c l)all who "I find that very'"""·" aald a student. DS'lo oe at·u '"'' · ' tald, It wu believed to be the first aUemPl to fly such organs from one clty to another. Houston transplant surgeons have decried for some time the lack of donor organs at ~e.ir hospitals and have sougbt ways to fly organs to the 'sutgicaJ team from other cities. 4 Flying to .slin AntOll!o from ~ Methodi!t H!k!Pllel and returnlnl Werll Dra. Edward B. Diethrich and John ~ dicote to per:form the organ removal, From Page J HARBOR FOES LOSE • • • president of the Orange Col.inly League of Cities. He cbarged that the dlstrlct had oulllv• ed it& usefulness, involved overlapping jurisdtctions, had expanded funds for local rather than regional benefits and had parallel administrative agencies con- trolling harbors, beache:s and park!. VOTE OF PEOPLE Shull called for a vote of the people on the issue at lhe June, 1970 primary. Most damaging to the clUes' case was a sJuhlng IS-minute barrage by the usually quiet County Counsel Adrian Kuyper. "Seldom have I seen a less thought out, leS! revelant proposal. than the one before you today," Kuyper charged. "You are being asked to dissolve a giant district with hardly an answer to any of the basic quesUons. "You are asked to approve outright the dissolution of a district. 35 years old Utat has developed three harbors. I am shock- ed at the brevity of the case. There was obviously little thinking and less 1tudy." Only City Admlnlstral« Doyle Mlt!er or Huntington Beach stood up to Kuyper's withering attack. DAILY PllOT N"'JM'fhedl H ............. .....,. '"'' ,.....,. v.n., c.., • ..._ CAUfOINlA OllAHGI COASl l'\llllSMIHO CtlM'ANV lt•b•rl N. w •• 4 f'rukllfll llnll f'u._.I...,. JM.Ii It. c., .. ., Vitti ,,..ldlftl 1'111111 0-.rlll MMllter n-•• 1C .... 11 '"* Titt111•1 A. MYrphl11• Mtn»ltll IE4UCll' "F« three yeara we negot~ w1th the district in good faith for "a joint powers agreement that would b • workable in our jurl9dlctlon over our own harbor (Huntington Harbour)," Miller e1- plained. "We thought we had worke:d out a plan with district officials only to have · the commlssion tum it down. "When we stocx! befort the LAFC llOme time ago asking for deletkli of our city from the district we Wt'l't told by the chairman, 'we will set that bargaining in good faith Is carried out,' " Miller con- tinued. "It never wu . The matter never reached the Board of Superviaon." "The chairman told us we were only cine city and should get an expression from other cities in the county. We have done so and urge the commisalon to be responsive." The role cf Harbor Director Kenneth Sampsoo_ in the controversy waa the sub- ject o! coosidera.ble attt:rtlon by some witnesses. Attorney Rodger How.II, w1¥> aald he was rtpreSent.lng the alngle family homeowners, charged that what dlseolu-- tion opponents really wanted was "to fire Sam pm." Dee Cook, fU'Dler Newport Beach city councilman, called the attack a vendetta agan.t Sampson. Commbsk>n member Robert W. Battin, a county supervisor, sakt he had heard ol considerable frlctlon between Samp&On and city official!. He asked coonty admtnistrative officer Robert Thomas if he had investigated the dlff....,.,.., Thomas ·replied that be had not, "l don't care lf a man ii an angel or otherwise if he does the job." "Yo1.1 ahoWd investigate," rtplied Battin. BRIEF REVIEW Sampm, In ~I a brief "'view ol district finlDCes and bentflta, ac<rtd a telling point. "Horneownen in ln}and cl.ti• have no real mnplafnt," the dlstrlct director said. "In Fullerton, a city remote rrom h.-faclliUes, they pay U percent of d btriot operat!oM, with u percent ol the cou~·s -latlon and U pe!Ullt of the bolt OWnel dl!p. •11n comparl90n, Newport Beach, whtre 7.t· perc<11t of the dlslrlct'a floancel are ralord, there ts only US percent d the C<Qlly'• JIOl>Ul•tlon and the bolt poputa- tlm Is SS percent." "'lbe tax burden, 11 Sampsm ccncludtd, ''doe! fall on the people in cities most direc:Uy bcoefituna. In fact, the tu beneltt to Inland property own<n ll aboul $12 a year on a $20.000 home." Janice Boer, a Joni Ume foe of tho d!Jtrlct who now dl!/""11 It. urged com- mlssiootn not to take a urneat u ap- proe.ch to the problem. Keep the known ~vlls," &he urged, "don't mike It more evil," She charged lhtl there aft 19.000 ICl'tS of the Mmloo Viejo Ranch valued 1t men then '' mtJllM that It not included In the dl.trlct and urg<d stale logioloU"' ~tion to include tbe af'!1. The fln( wu abandoning the Manila summit formula .for the withdrawal ol foreign farcea from South Vietnam. Nixon AskS Hike To 7 Cents in First Class Mail ''You lell out a democratic proeegs for a ;; m." ~ .: the ~ we·bave png few dollan:. It's not up to what the tax4 WHAT CON!fmACY . payers say1 U'a up to your lndlvidual con.-"What is ad· th.ii about 1 Oonapiracy?" science. asked Jack :Vaughn, OCC atlldent who "You cannot deny the times are chang4 recently ran ~cct81fully fer the IChool 1nii brother. Make a blow for open board. "Now took, I don't even know that mindedness." man (pointing to UCI student Hulett). Said Trustee Donald Hoff, Why . don't tliey Jet. us In on the con- •11 challenge the concep( your group is sptraey?" . going to aolve all the problems. I resist Ste\-e Kauffman, OCC student who with the effort to destroy because something Vaughq hu: been a principal spokesman better is eoing to come. 1bere is no for sos, said, "SDS and student& as & guarantee the idealism with whkh YOU whole have COOlf;ructive th1np to say. By st.art is going to persist. l!lhackling the future you will only hurt WASlllNGTON (UPI) -Pm!dent PUBLIC REACTION the collegt." Nixon today asked Congress to ~ the "Dr. WaU!lon (Supt. Norman Watson) Don Elder, a young man who identified price for mailing a first class letter to mentioned the judgment.al factor. That's himseU as a local btWnessman, warned "We don't have a recipient to lnatch yet," methrlch. said b e r 0 re be Jeti Mel.hodist Hospital. "We have three pr°" spective recipients outside the hospital, but their blood types do not match." He said he did not know if St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital here had any suitable donors. La Habra Soldier Killed in Vietnam seven cents. Post cards, and second and where we're at. We'd suffer the side er-the board that by turning down SDS it third class mail would also be raised ln fecb that come from public reaction." was playing right into their hands. A La flabra soldier has been killed In an effort lo slash the nation's postal Student Body Vice Prtskient Ray Gen-"You are verifying rumors that you are action in the Vietnam war, the U.S. deficit. drln explained why the student senate repressive, and giving them an issue," he Defense .Department ha!! announced. Jn a message to Congres.11, Ni.Ion said had voted 5 to 2 to recognlie SDS (an ac-said. Dead is Army Spec. 4 David D. Han- hi.s proposals would reduce the record tion that was vetoed by OCC President Gendrin noted that by refusing nc:ognJ-bury, the husband of Cynthia D. Hanbury, $1.2 billion 1970 postal deficit by more 'iiillr;;;.;;;Robert;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;M;;;0«e;;;;;;;i;).;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;tlon;;;;;;;;;of;;;an;;;;;;org~aniza-· ;;;lion;;;. ;;;;;;alread;;;;;;;;;;i;y;;;opei;;;;;r;;;at;;;lng;ii;;;;;;;;21;;;1;;;w;;;.;;;F;;;irst;;;;;;;;;A;;;ve;;;.,;;;La;;;;;;H;;;a;;;b;;;ra;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii than $600 million. 11 The President said the only alternative to the rate increases would be to add $600 million "to the alrtady comiderable burden to our taxpayers." Nixon proposed: -Raising lht rate for first class le tters and post cards one cent to seven and all!: cenUI, respectively, effective July 1, 1969. The 10 cent a1r mall letter rate would l"f>- maln wichanged. -Second class mall, newspapers and magaztnea clrculaUng ootside the county in which they are published, would be railed by 12. percent July 1, 1970. This would be in addlUon to the eight percent increase acbeduled to take eUect next Jan. 1. -Third class mall, used by direct advertisers for »Called junk mail, would be increased by 11 percent effective Jan. 1, 1970. The minimum aingle piece third class nt.e would io up one cent July 1. Bulk rates for third tlau mall are scheduled to be increased on July I. 7 STYUS TO CHOOSE FtlOM In his postal rate mtuag.e to Congress, Nixon said: '"Ibil administration is detennlned that the cycle of ll'f:ller and greater postal defJclts and more and more rate increases will be broken. The only way to break that cycle ls through tffec::Uw, )ong-range refomui In the way tht postaJ sy1tem opera&a." SOFA BID SALE! Frono Pqe J BOTIOMLESS •• •xprealon ol lrff 1\)Hcll Wider the First Amendment with the comment: "the First Amendment dO<I not protect obscenlty.11 !Ueki' olnce <!alma to haV<I procwed 20 cues lnvolvin& lewd condllct and obsctnlty at the Apartmtr1l A Go-Go, nine al the Harbor IM and five at the Coon!ry Girl. All tho tntertalners - 1mon1 thtm snake danctr Carol Cybulski n •••• ,. v•ry comfortable •of• b.c:f, for Sittlnq and SIHpitHJ. A wid• 1el1Ktion of Fabric.-s and Cofon to choo•• fro,.., • .... 400 • 00 Now 299 .00 With Sk irts •so. •xtr•. H.J.GAl\l\ETf fURNllURE PAOFISSIONAl INfEAJOA OISIGNIRS 22 11 HARIOR ILVD. COSTA MUA, CAL/II. ,46-0171 646·0276 of Laguna Beach -flee trtal on the , chari~ IL. ____________________ ..., ____________________________________ ._. ' I I I~ I' I • I I~ 1~ . I I I ' . . ...... . • • Honting~on •eaeli EDITION ,. ·, voe:. 62, NO. 98, 3 ,SECTtONS, 34 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFoRNIA· • ·r-· ' . . ~, .. ' . .. ,. • Toda,.-. l'I••' N.Y •. Steek.I TEN ·CENTS \ ' 'Time We . ·Listened to Youth,' OffiCer Says By TERRY COVILLE Of tMo DallJ' Plitt St.tf "You, know, maybe the youth of today really do know mort than adults. Maybe JtJs about time we started Ii~ to tliem." These \l{tre the SOlhewhat surpri!ing words of a "cop." HWltington Beach Detective Sgt. Robert Rinehart, speaking Wednesday at the .YMCA 's luncheon series, Spotlight on Issues. Sgt. Rinehart currently' Ls assigned to the nai:cotics detail. He once was in the juvenile Section of the detective i>ranch .and ·has given hundreds m lectures on the problems ol1oday's youlh. "They lack any respect for any type·ot .,uthority including police, &Choo! and parents," be'said, referring to the young rebels.·' Why! "An overpermissive society and, too often, a superior aUitude taken by adults," replied Rinehart. Rinehart' explained Chat perhaps adults too often take an attitude that uperlence • o.(l(y. PH.OT ltan """' GOOl;Y .PUP RESTS AFTER ORDEAL IN oni -TANK. 'Crude' .nc1· Rucuer, ff·rem•ft, Fred Heller -. .. Greasy • . • . .. Dog Fished From Oil Tank A.paPe>', covered with black globs of crude oil from nose to lail, was fished out o( an oil settling tank this morning by Huntington Beach firem en. The dog was noUced in the oil pond, Nixon Asks Hike To 7 Cents in First Class Mail • WASHINGTON (UPI) .._ President Nllon today asked Congress to boost the pr.lee fo r mailing a first class letter to seven cents. Post cards, and second and third class mail would also be raised in an effort to slash lhe nation's postal deficit. located next to the ·Garfield .ffit stati011, at 7:50 l!-.m. and was re:tCUed frQm his in· vo)untary bath bY lireqian Fred ,Heller. Heller, wearing protecUve gloves and boots, climbed down the steep concrete embankment Or the pond, grabbed Lhe dog .and carried klm to safety. According to fire Capt, Lee Lauer, ''Crude," as the puppy waa dubbed , will be taken to the SPCA where he will be giveu ·I ~al aod deteq:l!llt bath. . . Stork' Mcrketa NEW YORK (AP) -'liie stoct·markel firmed and closed with a modest gain to- day after drUUqg in a fairly nMTOW range earlier. ·(See q-tlons, Pages 2f. 27). Trading was -moderately active near the cloee. 1be Dow J'ones iatul!Uial average at 1:30 p.m. was up 2.87 at 920 .31. alone makes them know more than youth, w:hen, in fact, the youngsten, through better eduaaUpo, probably know more than adults about pollUcal systems, narcoUcs and JOme other things. He also btained a soft atitude on love-ins, s.it-ms and demonstraUom as Jeadlng to a lack Of respectfor.autborlty. Six points parents might keep in mind when deiling wilh their offspring were ou.Uined by Sgt. Rinehart. 1. Keep cool, don't lose your temper when talking to youth. t. Li.sten lo· whal they are really saying, not just the words. 3. Get the facts abOut a subject be.fore you dlscus:I It. Don't .try to bluff them. 'They know more than you think. 4. Be firm, bUl fair. Listen to both sides of a story and make the pwlishment fit the crime. 5. Set good examples. 6. Don't try to panic kids. Ooni thrtate'n or scare them; It doesn't work. GetUng closer to home, Rinehart talked about Sunday'a riot on the beach. t•you know/' he said, "rumors are alre&dy floating around Huntington Beach High School lhat lhe rtot. was started because a cop beat up a 7·yeat· old girl." It really started when 1 youth arrested on SWlplcion of po&SHSlng aecorial tablets bolted and ran, ezpl.ained lhe detective, who-added, "but youth are ready to· believe rumors about the police. A definite need for yoyth pt()grams is evident in HunUngton Bea"ch, 'added Rineharl "Perhaps we rely on the·beach . ' too much to keep our youth entertalned." He did poinl out ihal only about three of the 35 juveniles arrested _ ln Sunday'll riot. were from Huntlngton Beach. The others were all from out of •town. In conclusion Rinehart made a final, salient point: "Narcotics and Jaw are not police problems, they are our probltma; We make the laws, the police are onl1 doing their job in eofon:inl lhem. II )'Oii don't agr'ee with the laws, chaqe them, legally. 'Di>n'I )iJlCIA lllem." Harbor District . Winner? Huntington's Miller Offers Strongest Opposition By JACK BROBACK Of 11111 o.trr r11tt Sllff Opponents or the Orange County Harbor District appear to have lost their debcite during a four-hour marathon hearing which ended Wednesday nisht before the Local Agency FormatMm Commission. .. Twelve county cities have been cam· palgniog for more than one year with the aim to cause diS!!OIUtion of the 35-year-old Harbor District. Sunset Beach Facing Fight Over, P.uple~ I Suruiel Bead! ~lemJ have be<ii cOm: puC.ted locia7 . by ... ~ iUlbs •of ' . . plans to build ~. ajjlcle, two story lfvplex in · the~· center fl '!tbe mile-Jona: railway right of waY ruooing through the heart ot the' beach community. Residents or the unincorporated ter· ritory, sUU weary from a long battle to prevent construction of a tract of duplex· es on the strip o! land owned by the Southern. Pacific Railroad Co., are now faced with the possibility o{ comtruction at Broadway Street and Pacille Avenue. A Santa ?.fooica general contractor, William Chase, filed plans calling for construction ol. a building with two three bedroom units Oil behalf of an unnamed clienl younty officials said me ,applicmtion is "perfe<tiy !<gal" and that the land·la zoo. cd for .such construction. Filing .of. the . application could apur plans f~ aome public .body to buy t.be fKt.. foot strip of sand and convert it to park .. ing facilities. Residents of the area point oot that there is no plue now ffX' beach users to park and that building multiple family homes on the railroad strip would only make the parking sihiatlon worse. They have pr<>p09ed to the county and have made a condition to OOMideratlon of annexation to Huntington Beach the con- vers ion of the strip to a parking lot. With the threat of immediate con- struction residents might give greater thought to annu:ation to Huntington Beach. Monday night tile Huntington Beach City Council agreed to a long list of condiUons and ordered steps which could lead lo purchase of tile strip with a comblnatioo of federal, state and revenue bood money Uuvup the cltY Parldnc Auth<rlly. The county Board of Supervisors Jias ordered the Orange County Harbor Jllatrlcl to study the possibility of the coonty pordlastng the strip and using II ~g for vlailors lo the county Yet after the four hours of testimony, the LAFC wearily continued the hearing until June 11. The conUnuance , coupled with the clear appearance that the cities' represen· taUves -were . badly shot d,ow.n during debate, rsuggests to veteran county government observers that the Harbor Di.strict will eventually win ils case before the LAFC. The line up of witnesses was heavily \\'.e.i ghted in fa,vor of.tho.1C ..yho wan\ the ' • : ·. ' I , On .tlte Hoof district ,£orltinued as a separate entity rather than changed to a regular county department of harbors, beaches and parks. Ten persons spoke for the district with only four backing the dissolution peU· t.ions. The •cities'. proposal was presented by La Habra City Councilman Dean Shull, president o! the ·orange County League of Cities. •, l . . 1 , • Preper!ng iheir· sh~ for ·811Du8I 4-H Fair this weekend at Orange Counly Fairgrounds m Costa Mesa-are Ell~n · BOrchardl (left), 12, Fountain Valley, and' Sharon Sendra, 13, Huntington BeaCh .. Girls ar.e · members of Fountain Valley Cloverdales 4'H Club. Tbey will exhlbtl sheep at 9:30·a.m. Saturday. . · Senate -Passes 'Beard' Bill · Banning Stage Sex Acts OrialnaUng two years .ago !itb·ati .fn- vitation-ooly Play on ap ofangei <:Ouniy amlJ'i1, the State Senate today approved I bW prol!ibiling virtually all simulated ' sex acta In collea:e drama" productidns. He charged tbai the d~lrlcl had outliv- ed its usefulness, involved overlappln& jurisdictions, had e:ipanded funds fot local rather than regional benefits and bad parillel administrative agencies con-- trolling harbors, beadles and parks. Shull called for a vote of the people oa the issue at the June, 1970 primary. Most damaging .to the cities' case wu a slashing 15-mlnute barrage by the (See HARBOR, Pa1e Z) New Controls Curb Sewage In SA River -, ·--.·-By ;ORN VAL~· I ·""cl Of .. ~~ ......... J -:-.,. Mn new tu.let requ:irtng 'dbinfeetJon ol. sew1ge dumped into the Sanla An1 JJ.iv.er went into eflect Wednesday, hopefully eliminating future quarantines or Newport Be8ch ocean water1: ' The Santa Ana River Balin Water Quality Control Board, after hearing .several hours of testimony in• Newport Beach from county health. and ,c,lty of• flcialB, voted unanimously to impose the rules. The cities of Redlandl, San Bernanilno, Colton, Riverside, Ontario and the Naval Ordinance Test Latibr ... tory at Norco are affected. Under the strict and definiUve pro- visions, the cities must discharge sewage effluent with a bacteria count which W"OU!d make body contact with it safe for humans. The heavy, record storms or JanlWJ and February. -be.skies ruining sewer lines in Riverslde -washed out percolating baains used by 1everal upstream cities, forcing them to dump treated, but bacteria-laden sewage into the river. The combinaUon of the treated waate and the millions of gallons or untreated sewllje dumped Into the ri•er from Rlveralde brought about the record quaraittine of five miles of belch in Newport and HUntington Beach. The bacteriologjcal yardstick r 0 r measuring future discharges c11ime fi-Om Orange County Health n<i>arlment bea~ Dr~. John, Philp, who asked ·that a .co~ oform bacteria count ol 50 mlcrobei for ever') 100 millilitefs of effluent be the limit. Before the ruling, ciUea were uked o"" ly to "disinfect" the lrealetj sewage, but no specific badetia count limits had ever been Imposed. Philp'• lesllmony and ehatjJes lront the Harbor Area GVU , the blame for lbe quaranUne clfew ~nlment from aeveral (See. RIVER, P ... %) Oraalf e Jn a message to Congress, Nixon said his proposals would reduce the record $1.2 billion 1970 postal deUcit by more than $600 million. The President sald the only alternative Co the rate increi.ses Wduld be to add ~ million "to the already considerable burden to our taxpayers." Straight A's No Help Only the kiss and hug are likely' to survive if! the Assenlblt 11pprove, the~bw by Sen. Lawrence E. Walsh (0.Hun· ling\9n Park) passed 2S to 9 by the ppper house. rlie measure was the 'outgrowth of an lnveat.igation by State Sen. J1mes E. Whebnore (R·Fullerton) into-the now· ramous production of "The Beard" at cat Stat. Fullerton. w-dler AnotJ>er brlgltl 40)' la on the agenda ror J!'ridll)', wllh a few gusty winds lo llir lhlnp top. Temperatures will remain conatant in the middle IO's, Nixon pro11"5ed : -Railln& &be rate for first class JeUtrs and post carcb One cent to seven and six cents, respectively, effective July 1, 1969, Ttle 10 cent air mail letter rate would re main unchanged . -Second class mail. newspapers and magazines circulaUng out.side :he county In which they are published, would be raised by U percent Jul)" 11 1970. This would be In aadit1on to !he·eight pel"l?'nl increase scheduled to take errect next Jan. 1. --Thlrd class mail, used by direct advertisers for »<:ailed junk mail, would be Increased bY. 16 percent effective Jan. · 1, 1970. The minimum single piece thtrd clus rate would go up one cent July I, Bulk ratea for third clw mall art scheduled t• be lncreued on July t. School Burns Over Sideburns, Expels Top Student · A Garden Grove high achool student with nearly a straight-A grade ave.raae today is barred from the SanUap High School campua for not shaYlnJ' h1J muUon-chop sideburns as ordered. Michael Pieter, 17, of 11•1 Puryear ~Garden Grove, maJiPinS thlt his sideburns are no more dlaruptive to the educ:a~ooal pnicesi tl!U u-·w hil"""" high adlool COlinlelor. • '. · -• Trustees ol the Garden Grove Unified School District voted him Into eemi· pennanent suspension, however, when he., nls sympathetic father Frank. and fullerton attorney Scott . .J. Raymond at· tended the hcartng Tueaday. "Oh brother.'' moaned Trustee Ron Bishop, whose no vote waa the only dissent, as lhree other tnstees forced Pic'1ttr of( the regular campUs, but said he: could attend another for problem yowigstm. . Contacted et home today, young Pk ker -who works put-time and is paying his own attome1's fees besides mainlllning hla A-minu.s grades -.a!W, be cloubtt .... • wllifigbl tbe boml ruling. 1 ' , . , ~,., h0yen2llllli'p,1110 la'lqil f'!" II ,;,,uid'ine ~ t•mo!iilly wlln loo ~ maey other t!llnls." WAI the onetime campus leader. ' ' He aaJd he did not thint he1 would aeet help from the Amerlclll ·()lvll Llberlle.s UniGn, whkh oilers !rte C<IWlSl!l In such cases. ~ Young Picker WU IUS~ Aprll 7 by Vice Principal Gary L. Walker baled on tile tchool'• dn• code forbiddlnc ~ mOOstacheo or lldebuma: The youth'• attorney" argued befort the board ,tbat,a almUar ~dent involving a Jon&·halred 1$-)'tar-old boy in Arcadia WU thrown oul by I Lot Angeles C<lllnty Judie .aod ,.,. bov returned .to cJas3ts, fiu.t.d "': ;;;{,o;.{..r b. cld~'( f &ridirrilo.ln whldl thli ll\lar·""''n· iln':•~t.i~.' ,,., \, '·' ~ ... • ir:;-. ,• Piher hill bliin lcCeii!ec! 6, JiQlll• fl<td' College, ~llatMI, •.910., ~~ Wl!l\em "' of ~eland," ·he obtalnl hi• ltllh tlCltOOI dlpk>ma. '"" lie to;! he ~Y thfve aflerj, all 117 elimlnate·the hllllle. 1 ; "But l~'ll ~w~ MY""rlo)is.;t!tol iny 1lttebuln<'mt illai#Jve to·lllO edact-llanai proCat Ind my Counle!Oi'•1 • .,., . not '" he 1>0tttttd out. . ' • ' ' The ayant-gal,'de play by onetime beat poet Michael McClure deplcla a simulated ac:l or ortl lntercourse ~t~ the ,late star Jean Harlow and Billy the Kid, a baodlt from another era. The Walab bUI would apply 1lso to mo;- tlon pictures, television pttSentlUons or •nx ,other m,ecqa "" l'•ll, u ' tile .~ ~ffti f;.oe~liilatf 0<,oUCh -· b>'•=·~ ., ' · ·•P~/Of lhla' titllbez' .. amot -~.. . .. laip>Y;Ndppofted ttqjli ... _ .. w .... . . tAW!"'ll'' .-alt ' I . Tbe bllt-recOlyed eiii>ooiilOO !(Oii several Olniocrits; inCIUdlng, Sen. AJ>. lhony Belllnion el BeverIYllfilll and Seit'.• NlchG1"1 Pelrl1 o( Oaklalld. , . Petl'la cenced.,t he ran tile rl•k GI ,be\nl •\abtild Iii! a po~pller"~n GP- ]>Gllrlg .il10' .... ~Lr· btll """"' "! the tt11111.,...of. ~ 1ettl~•ture dfclallng. the (See SEX, Pase I) . INSWE TODAY Tn their typfcaUu cool, """ ruffled, under1t4ted wou. tli.e British haue added 1ome clait and rtri. to A"""""' tc~ . .,,.r.the ~ .. ..:..s.~"t\' ~.1 'PJ:ge,tfl1' I~ 'lo ># \~ c......... • CllM!fle41 -.ii C-lc• ,, (,...._,. 11 --. .._ II •111~ ..... ' ................ ·-...., -" Mfl L...-.n IJ -· . Miit,,_. L~ 11 ........ " _.. . _..., fl9'flt .... -----. --.. .... ..... , .. ,. -~ .. ----" -. ·-. ........ " --.. l " . "PILOT , ., I • LOGBOOK ... Spoken English ·works As Well as Body English By roM BARLEY Of """ o.nr Pli.t st•ff Long before we aet foot upon these friendly and hospitable shorei, we learned that a British accent couJd work wonders for the immigrant in pursuit of faet.s and/or fwt. . Looking back now, we rather .lma,gine that the first purveyor of thit priceless piece of information bad the latter category in mind wben he caught our ear in a Fleet: Street tt4 fOQm. Fresh from a joumali.sUc sojourn in sunny Call· tornll, he. regaled his admiring audience with what I have fllnce ·learned .from my own admittedly long rarige viewpoint must have been grossly exaggerated accounts of his amorous adventures among American Women in Pursuit of Men. * "Blimey, It's easy," our Cockney confidant assur· ed us. "JU!t chat 'em up and you'll 'ave 'em ~lin' out of yer 'apd. All you've got to do is put on a bit of the old Oxford (accent and you can take your pick from a whole cartload of Yankee birds." Happily bound as we are within a marital status that has pleasantly persisted from its creation in perfidlpus Albion, we have not -to any great extent, let us blushingly add -trled our ;own "bit of Orlord" on ~ery many birds, Yankee or otherwise. But we have not been averse to a mental popping or the plum in our mouth at moments when a very correct and stiff.upper-lip approach could concei.vably tum a key in a reluctant door. Indeed, there have been occasions in our joumalislic·career in this balmy clime when the carefully pitched BBC tones blended with a dash of. Savile Row savolr faire have been suc· cess1ul in situations which would have defied owners of a Maine twang or a Midwest drawL * We happily recall a most efficient and crisp legal secretary who had sent other cresUallen members of the Fourth Estate about their business with the abrupt announcement that her boss was out of town and no one would get to see anything unUJ he got back. Our own tentative inquiry drew the same immediate response. Upon which we bestowed our tight lipped guardian of a lawyer's secret with our best Prince Philip srnlle we have in common, l believe, those finely chisel- ed features and athletic demeanor -and soothingly murmW'ed : "I'm so terribly sorry, actually. I can quite understand, madam, that you beah full responsibility fof the safekeeping of this lawsuit and I most certainly do hope that I haven't unduly troubled you with my inquiries." Well, after we'd relived the time she lost hear earring In the Chapel Royal, resurrected the incident when she was nearly knocked down by Princess Margaret's car and drooled together over the recipe for ScQts scones she brought back from Edinburgh, we both took a quick look at a certain document that turned out to be a front page story -that day. * And then there was the judge's clerk who-. But that's another fltory. we'll tell you all about that little affair and the role played by a ublt of OJ:· ford" when the gavel is down and the hefty damages are paid. But while we're chatting, let me mention th1J lovely, long.legged bird down in the count)' clerk's office. She Is definitely dishy and the Jap1 up the "British bit. Jn fact, she's always aatlng me to ttll her about- ' Bad~mOil OCJ(J Trustees. Block ·SD -, ' Bill Now ·' ' . 1lJl:Assembly Special lo Ille DAILY PILOT SACRAMENTO -A b1ll compelling the state Lands CommiSsioa to give coastal cities And counties prior Mficti of hear· ings On offshore oil drilling applications was tent to the Assembly fioor Wed· nesd'1. The measure (AB 622) was authored by Assemblyman Robert E. Badham (ft.- Newport Beach). . It has the endorsement of Lt. Gov. Ed Reinec ke, chairman of the three-mem]?er lands colllD\W.ion. · Overwbelmfrlg approval is e~ed. legislative observers said. • The bill would require the commlsSion to give 60 days notice on hearings on all exploration and drilling requests from the oil industry. It was requtsted by Orange County and its coastal cities In the wake of lands commission approval last January Of offshore oil explorations by the Shell Oil Co. No Orange County agencies were ad· vised of the Shell appllcaUon until after the ac.tion was taken. Following protests, the approval was rescinded. Seal Beach City Manager Lee Risner Jast month succeeded in w i n n in g Assembly committee approval o f amendments to the measure, which originally gave no specified period for prior notice. Mayor Doreen Marshall, of Newport B:each, said today she is "delighted" at the prospect of Assembly passage of the bW. Beach Interviews Architects for Civic Center Although lh<re IJ sUU corulderable doubt over the location of a new Hun· tington Beach Civic Center, .the -city Design Review Board apparently will have an architect 1or the project long before the council makes up lta nUnd , permanently m a center site. Memben of the board Ihm far have tn-. terviewed the finns of Charles Luckman, Welton Beckett a n d A>soclates, Kun . -V oe~(~$tu4ent.s P~ess Poin~ Lose 4:.Q Vote • 117'~ FOl'l'UNI: , , ''Wt did Dl!l ,..wn -lodeW!d tho """"ly ran ~l ~'!!'¥!ti' w \ ., .. ...., '""._ • ~ ' ~-board ''Now ~ °"" • evto 1 ' • ,.r ~ "Of IDS. lfe bav. "J.--..n man • I to UCI $ trH , '\'ligilt. toqi.-.... of Sl>lden\s for a . organir.atlons "" campus that have & Why t~ll' Jct us~"' the-·· llemOC:nllo IJOclol7 (SDS) !oat out Th-muc!I bloodier ,h~Y· We did not led splracy•" clay nlgJll at Orangl c...t ·c.uege lo all that l$ pertlnint. · . ' , the oamelest IChool tu volm wbo abhor "The S1'0UP .has been peaceful sinct Jt ~ S~ ~ufl:an, occ~i:.,"': cam~us violen~: ~ first ~)n November. It bu ex· 1;u sOOt !Jd, .~sOO"rand atudtnb 18 a Juillor college trunees llatiDed to the hiblted exhaustive pad~: The board lJ . whole have constructive things to ••Y· By; argumeota of students tor ~ than two wey ol.f ~ a ~ei:it with lls prop~ies shack1ing the future you will oo1y burt' hours.,lben voted Uo Oto dOny an appeal ~doom. · the college." for r~1Uon cf a. SOS C!18P!er <ID-Y:,,~ . He ldded·that be ts a Vietnam veteran, Don Elder, a young man who identified OCC campus. • ls· not f<t SOS but speakS fer all the himself as a local busines&rnan, wam«I !lo~ memh<ra aireecf lll(dents bad , ~Is 81 \heir elected repreoentativ<. the hoard that by turning down 51/S JI made proper appllcaUon under college David Heskett, SDS member £rem ucr, was playing right into their hands. regulations. They baaed their decWon, said that if student.:. are going lo be "You are verifying rumori that you atN, they said, on judgmental grounds -con--subversive under ooe label they will be repressive, and giving them an iaue," tie' cem ever probable negative ~Uc reao-tinder another. said. .... tion. · "It seems to me you~e admitting there Gendrin noted that by refusing r~snL More than 100 ltudenta atood ttll to are subver'lives all over the place but you t'lon of an organization already oper=, wall. and overfiowed into tbe hallway tloo't want the college's name marred by on campus the bQard was dEm)'ing .• outside· the Uny board room that Matl these people who dm't have GOO's proper an opportunity to obtain a mem.-.Wf. cnly JO. ~ for capitallslo.'~ · · list and creating a secret qrgani~tion. . Among those present were a contingent· H~ and others said. that ,SDS bas been "It's sort of like .:putting a serpen\ of sos members from UC Irvtne a nothing but constructive at UCI, sponsor-under the rug,'' he said. number of establlahment-tUpportive Occ ing apeaker! and films, conducting athletes, and members of the American t:~as9eS and holding cooclaves so far on Legion. teaching. and .Korea. . . Emotions ran strong, but the audience A Legumnaire. who ~ he 1.5 "'.th ~ through the tong hearing was not unruly. counter subvers~ve rruss1on of Califorrua PUBLIC INSTITUTION American ~gron qut;iled J. Edg~r Board President Worth Ketne said, Hoover, qU?ling American Commun.1st ''This is a public supported institution ;,arty Presidmt Gus Hall, who s.:id, and we are dependent on local tax S.DS is one of the groups we have gwig · for us" dollars. The people e1th,er support WI or "Wha. t ·1s ·'I .... bout ,_ , .. openly fight us " ai uua a a consp1.racy . "l find that v~ry gross," said a student. asked Jack Vaughn, OCC student wbo 4'You sell out a democratic process for a· few dollars. It's not up to what the tax· payers say, it's up to your individual con· science. "You cannot deny the times are chang· Ing, brother. Make a blow for open mindedness." Said Trustee Donald Hoff: "I challenge the concept your group Is going to solve all tlle problems. I re~ist the effort to destroy because something better is g.oing to come. 'Jbere is no guarantee the . idealism with which you start is going to persist. PUBIJC REACTION .. Dr. Wat&Jn (Supt. Nonnan Watson) mentioned the judgmental factor. That's where we're at. We'd suffer ihe side el4 feels that come from publlc rea_cUon." Stuihnt Body Vice President Ray Geno drin explained why the gtudent senate had voted 5 to 2 to recognize SDS (an ac- tion that was vetoed by OCC President Dr. Robert Moore). He said the sos petitiooers had met an the criteria for formation ol a campus organization. From Page J La Habra Soldier Killed in Vietnam A La Habra soldier has been killed tn action in the Vietnam war, the U.S. Defense Department has announced. Dead is Army Spec. 4 David D. Han· bury, the husband of Cynthia D. Hanbury, 214 W. First Ave.,.La Habra.. ,, " (Editor'• Note: Thfl ii a togbooJc, Mt a dio:rv. Wt have rt..,.tad vour fifth paragraph and ,.uggeat that uou do &he aame. B'I/ the ILIQM.· - 11our wife wants you to quit fooling around tDfth the ch'3el.) ~Victor Gruen, John Parkin and . B~ Inc\ Asaociates. ' I ' l ,.,~ .. ~ drtlft ;~~,~ ..._ t. S~ay ~~ wlll be.~te~k61als SEX ••. content of art on collelfl c~puses. \.. __ .... __ .... ___ ..... _..,....,_...__ .... __ .... ~!i·.,I ~~;·~, stein· ' • f<? MM• liilil •"-'<-"-J.id,• -. '" . He called, simulat,id , , sex a c t a "reprehensJble," but said the legislature should avoid palit;ical interference in ex4 perlmenlation in Ideas by college students. From Pqe J HARBOR FOES LOSE ••• usually quiet County Counsel Adrian Kuyper. "Seldom have I seen a leM thought out, less revelant proposal, than the one before you today,'' Kuyper charged. "Yoii are being asked to dissolve a giant district -:ith hard1y an answer to any of the bulc questions. "You are asked to approve outright the d181oluUon of a district 35 years old that has developed three harbors. I am flhock· ed at the brevity of the case. There was obviously llttle thinking and less study." Only City Administrator Doyle Miller of HunUngton Beach stood up to Kuyper's withering attack. "For three yeare we negotiated with the district In good fallh for a joint powers agreement that would b e workable In our jurisdiction over our own harbor (HunUngton Harbour)," Miller ·ex· plained. "We thought we had worked out a plan with district cfilclals only to have the commission tum it down. "When we stood before the LAFC some time ago asking for deletion of our city from the district .we wete told by the chairman, •we will see that bargalning in good faith ls carried out,' " Miller con- tinued. "'It never was. The matter nevet OMIY PllOT OllAHG& COAJI ,.Ull.ISIOHO COM.-All\' R•b1 rt N. W••4 ,. .. ,""". Mii ,...,e,1111ow Jacit It C'lfl•'I' Vlclt ,., .. ._,,. 11111 G9fttf91 """"""' '"'-·· "''"' lilllor lh•fflM A. M1i1rltlil11• "'--'flt Edlior Alb.rt W. ltl11 Wilti11n R114 "-"'' """''""lvfl MKll lf•llW Clty E.it.- Hill ...... R IHdi Office l ot lfll Stfttt Malr.111 A4llrtM1 P.O. a., 1'0. •IM• ..... _ .....,.... lltd'I< ttll W..I ................ c.tll "'-': D Wrtl ..,. Str"l "'"""' a-111 "' •-.i ..... _ reached the Board of Sup«vlaon," 1'The chairman told us we were only one city and should get an expmalon from other cities in the county. We· have done so and urge the commJtslon to be respoosive." '!be role of Harbor Dftctor Kenneth Sampson in the controversy was the sub- j~ of considerable ~ by some witnesses. Attorney Rodger Howell, who aald be was representing the single family homeowners, charged that what dissolu· ti.On oPJ>Onents_really wanted was "to fire Sampson." Dee Cook, former Newport Beach city councilman, called the attack a vendetta against Sampson. Commission member Robert W. Battin, a county supervisor, said he had heard of considerable friction betwttn Sampson and city officials. He asked count.y admlnistrative offlcer Robert T'bomas if he had invesUgated the differences. Thomas replied that h.e had not, "I don't care' if a man is an angel or otherwise if. he does the job." "You should h\vestigate," replied Battin. BRIEF REVIEW Sam1>300, in presenting a brief review of district fb>ancea and benellta, llCOl'ed a telling point. "Homeo'wners'; In Inland cities have no real complaint," the district dlrector said. "In Fullerton, a city remote from harb<r facilities, they pay 6.8 percent of district operations, with 6.1 percent Of the county's population and 6.6 pereent of the boa\ ownershlp. Beach Hospital Given Approval Hm~ Jntercommunlty Hoopltal Jn Hurtlopn Beach won lhrff.yeer ac- creditatloo \hll woek from the Joint Commb<lon oo Accreditatloo o I Hospitals, The ladllty at 17'172 Bea<h Blvd. was bultt In 1116'1 with 14t-l>eds. An !Q.bed •d· diUon bu been &Jll'l'OVed by the Otango Co.only H°'pl\11 Planning Association. The survey at the hospital was made last monlb by Dr. Arthur N. siru.au Iran Ille Chlcago beadquorten of the commlssiOn. The lropection requlled two da)'t and led to the accrodltillon. In a Je«er lo tile hoopllal ad- mlnis1ration announcing tho dec!S!on, the Joint Commlssloo D!roctor Dr. Jolin D. Puter!Jeld ,.Id that "the eommlsslon wMhes to commem you for malntainlng standards dtsttv\ng the ;ccredit.ation and for your constant ltfort.s lo improve quaUty of patient care." Hospital officl1ls said the normal IC• c.rtditatioo expected Cot a new ho6pltel is one Y"ll' and were ...,joyed al the thtte )'~a:'3. ·~· ~ .. SUnday af1ernoOn the board wDl In· teivtew the arm of v amer and Btldeman. Under C001ideral!on II a -dly hall and police facllltj. P......,tly the city is involved in the P\ll'chale of 12 acres near Huntlniton Beac!I High School, bµt the location matter 1110 Is far from lleltled with the waterlront aWl under con· elderltlon and M least cne other site a poooiblllty. RIVER ... Beilenson objected that the Walsh blll would set a "double standard" for college and public drama. He warned that the next possible step would be an aUempt to ban controversial books in college libraries: · He said performance of the prize..wtn- 11lng play, "America, Hurrah," which contains a brief simulated sex act, would be banned at state colleges. · Sen. Mervyn Dymally (0.Los Angeles), warned that deviate semal behavior also might include such dances as the "Watusi, Ille tw~t. Ille mamba or the Staginn School Event cha, cha, cha." ••:1 upstream city represenlaUves. It wOU1d be a misdemeanor for anyone Spotli~t will be on schools tonight at H.unliJ1gton Center whe.n Ocean Spokesmen for San Bernardino and to engage in, or a teacher or echool of· · k p b-Jtedlands panlcularly toot is~e w_ith ficlal to permit, procure, aid or counsel a View ool District presents special student program mar mg u their critics, steadfastly maintaimng person to engage in a simulated act of lie School Week. Program is set for 6:45 p.m. and 7:30 .p.m. Ar· that they were not at fault for the bt.ach sexual intercourse or deviate RXUal con· ranging stage area are Chris Martz (left), 14 , and ~uzy S1erack, ~3, quarantine. duct during a production on a state col-while En~lish teacher Marge Miller and College View School Pnn- Since the storm.s, Redlands has been Jege campus. cipal Cecil Klee supervise. dumping treated sewage into the river. 1~;,;:;;;;iii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"i San Bernardino has not. Newport City II Harbor Coordinator George Dawes, ap- pealing to the board for swift action to clean up the riv'er, cited more than $22,000 lost by some Newport beachfront buslnwes because of the quarantine dur· ing Easter Week. He said the figure would be much higher, if rental.!, grocery sales and other business lossee were computed. The upstream cities must start their disinfecting proceduru Immediately and report thei.r test findings weekly unUJ the discharge into the river is ended, the board !aid. STILL IN EFFECT Meanwhile, the beach quarantine b1 still tn effect with signs of perhaps Jetting up by June. Dr. Philp, however, said that the bacteria counts are still l'UM!ng "very hlgh, and It's Jmpooslble to set a dellnlto date tor llfUng of the quarantine." Rtinoff from the river Is expected to subside In the next few wetks as stored water behind PNldo Dam disappears. Heavy snow runoff from tbe San Bernardino Mounlalns Is light enough lo allow trapping of the water !OOn in underground basins In Orange County. 2nd Overturned Truck in Canyon For the second day in a row traffic waa blocked Wednesday on the Santa Ana Canyoo Road becau!le ot an oven.Urned truck. This time It was a Oood of lemon.a which cascaded from a .truck blocking all eartbouod J1ne1 for two hours. Clllfornia lUghway Patrol officers 11id the eastbound truck went off the roadway and hit a telephone pole between Cru- ccnt Drive and Imperial Highway. The dri ver, Fred W. Haerich, 2$, Anaheim, was only sllghUy lnjurtd. tuesday, a !Anker truck carrytn11 cleanlng fluid overturned and blocked all lanes on the Wghway for several hours. I .JJ. J. (}arretl Jepeab So/a Bed Promotion J 1 STYLES TO CHOOSE FtlOM TI.e1e are "ffY c.omforteble Sitting end Sleeping. sof• lads for A wide 1el~tion of F41bric1 end Colon to choo1e from. ' ,llOf;ss10NAL INTElllOI: DE.SllJNEllS SOFA BED SALE! • • ... 400.00 Now 299.00 With Skim •so. extre. 1215 HA RIOA ILVD. COSTA MfSA. CALIF. "646·0271 646·0276 i' ,, I I . . Eddie, St~ikes Out Again For the absolute tun of it SEE "ltOOM SERVICE" Co1inie Steve1is Follows Debbie, Liz in Divorce ........ ~ .... C.-.ty "My lndlnaUoo ls to remain OPENS FRIDAY a bachelor. By strlkin& outl)=~·~··~·~ ...... ~-~~'"'~"~"'~""·~u~111,,.._~,~"'~"~ ... ~,.~·~·~-~~~~~·~·~-=~ twice, I've I~. I can't see myaelf married In t h e foreseeable future. I'm going ~ ON THE lo watch everybody else aet f[tii'I DIOt married." '='!,I I UDO PENINSULA · When Joely was born to ltEWl'OIT lfACN • Olt.Ul!ilr ---------- DAILY rlLOT lltff flloN The Morning After • Rita Kisner looks aghast at the cond.ition of her · mother, Annabelle Quigley, who's just had a hard night, in this scene from "Barefoot in the Park," closing out an ex tended run Friday and Saturday at the Huntington Beach Playhouse. 'Peer Gynt' to Close Scott's OCC Career Santa Ana's "Ask Gii·l' Orange Coast College drama Instructor Lucian Scott will close out his theatrical career at OCX: next month by playing the title role In the ·college production oI "Peer Gynt." Scott, who also is directing the Scandinavian fantasy, will play th e character as an old man in the seC-Ond half of the production. Peer as a . yOung man will be played by R<>berto Marcarelli. Other major roles In the play, which Qpens May 14 for four days, will be played by Barbara Smith, Bill Cochran, Sheila O'Connell, J am i I a Mynderse, Dennis Hanrahan and Maeve Robinson. Completing the cast are Mark Salyer, Donald \Vhite, Cast Listed Angela Collins, Mary Baker, A 17-character cast has been Barbara ~1awdsley, Cameron annoonced for the production Young, Wal t Douglas, Rich of "Ask Any Girl," which will Peterson, Tom Walsh, Kathy Yurenka, Steve Scott, David close out the l96s.69 season for Luddington, Kenneth Wilson, the Santa Ana Community Mike Gerner and K e n Pla yers next month. Hardiman. Frank Rugell is directing Scoit, who has been on the the Christopher Sengal com- OCC faculty since J 9 5 5 • edy -the laSt show at the originated the college 's annual soon to be demolished Players summer musical, beginning in Theater. Ruge II staged "An· 1956 with "South Pacific,'' niversary Wallz" and "See which he repeated last year How They Run'' for the Hun. for the school 's ?.0th an-tington Beach Pla yhouse. niversary. Ann Filian takes the leading lie· will leave the college in role of Meg Wheeler. a small June to teach drama at New town girl seeking fame and HELD OVER S!UIUR PICTURES in collaboration with 1111BERTSON l.ISOCllTES p<mn~ CLIFF ROBERTSON .• CtfA~i1 ....... ClAIRE BLOOM ·n-•·n-· ,OOOIG• .... ·~"u~~··- ALSO PLAYING---------- ACADEMY AWARD WINNER JACK ALIERTSON Supporting Actor in "THE SUBJECT WAS ROSES" 'Tt•ek' Bou a ht York City's Neighborhood matrimony in New York. 'J'he t=:i Playhouse. two prominent men in her life1;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 HOLLYWOOD (UPI) "Peer Gynt" will b e are Lee Howi ngton and her ITelevis.ion's "Slar Trek" has presented May 14-17 at 8:15 oUslage husband, Ron .Filia:n. !been canceled from NBC-TV's p.m. in the OCC auditorium. as tw~ ~rotbers operating an BALBOA NOW fprilrie ttm e. but WiU go into Tickets m fr'ee, bulmust t>o.'w adverltstng agency. . dom estic syndication n ex t obtained at the c o 11 e g e Rounding out the large cast 673-4048 SHOWING ;year. bookstore. are Nina Brayleton, Gary i~~~~;i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11 Walbridge, Ruby Ha sson, Lin· 1 da Haskell, Barbara Paregoy, Ii F COST•..--Helene Ash, Merrilee Har· I NlllOOl o• SOµTH COAST rison. Cheryda Loadholtz. San· ! C:UIRAL !A. PLAZA THEATRE die Clark, Susan Stone, Buddy ' CORPORAllON ~an Diep frteway at Bristol • 546-2711 Fort, Ted Grand, Ruth Acr11 of Fm Pll'lllhlf ha: Offkl ilpeni l:ll 1M 1::11 WE ARE PROUD TO PRESENT FOR ONE MORE DAY Two Performances Only ............ 2 & I P.M. STARTS TOMORROW Trimble and J ane Alexander. "Ask Any dirl" will open May 9 ,and will run for three weekends. F r i d a y s and Saturd ays. at the Players Theater, 1020 W. 8th St., Santa Ana. Reservations may be ac· quired by calling the box of. Hee at 541·2188. De Wolfe Joi.tis Eddy ' Comedian Billy De \Volre has been set to appear with singer Eddy Arnold May 16-17· 18 at Anaheim's Melodyland Theater. De Wolfe , currently being seen on "The Qu eer. And I" TV series, joins the Hugo Montenegro orchestra a n d chorus in sharing the stage with t h e country-western performer for the f i v e performances that weekend. Tickets are available at the Melodyland box office, by mail and at all agencies. OPEN 6:45 7M r. ••"•• .. ,-. it.nh11ul• -ENDS TUESDAY- 2 Of US -7:to It 10:05 MODl!L SHOP -1:10 011tr "A JOYOUS COMEDY" -NEWSWEEK '****-Hlth"t latlitt -N.Y. Dollr News "0110 of YHr's Out1taltdi11t fll1W1 " -le1to11 Gl°'9 "hnpeccoble Werl of Art" -Plttll.11r9il Pe1t f ' I f WINNER INT!RN.~ AWARDS ' • Miss Stevens, Fisher's publicl-1 ty man said, 1' All he told us was that they've been married for some""1!fue. He won't say when or where lhe marriage .took .Place." .• ' ~· • ~1,.., •• Ltv.JtMz . . _;: HlLD OYll WIHNal l lST ACTOlt AWARD CIHI ll:tieoernllfl "CHAlLr' "~ ''fOll LOYI OF IYY" WI"' SlllMY Poll!« ~ UlDI b'I Oeluu U..11• An11~ r 1liiY tJIMI m , ROii US\16'5 ELKE GARYWOOD SOMMER LOGI\ LEEJ. JACK -COBB PALANGE_'*-•· SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUl PATRONS: c .. mry t. odverllli .. NyelHI .. r cHtfol ,..,s. u4M 11 (NOT 161 wlll ••t be .ct•lttM to ... ''l 11 Tiie Attic" .t tM Hl0Woy lf Drl"N I• n..m 11•· lfts occo111p .. 1et1 br ,., .. , •r och1lt 911•dl•. Hwrw •• .,_.. Ill• II •ec•ll'lllrllllMI Iv •-vlh-M Boris K1rklfl-Vlnc"'t P'rl« "THE IA.YIN" •1et"*"""' fff Multl-M Wl1111er ti ' Ac.O.my Aw1n11 llflt Plctvr• "A Miii l"lr AH SNHlll" Wlll'l 111!11 Actor-P1ul Scoll11d Ell1tbeth T1ylo!' ''T•mklt ., 1119.;;".;;'"';,;;.,,"-..:; ----1 U1·127l SlewMcQl/Hn .,SAND l'lllW" -• ci..rleton H.,llHI ""...t ef,.. .,.. .. --G .._ .... -• 147·JH1 I .Tit.rr1 l1ct! TIM llATLI$ ''T•U•w $111tnt.n .. "--G Greoory Peet • ''The Stolld .. Mff•"--G ... .. .., .. ttie Attic• -M ..................... .:;~~~~:~M~~~:~~ ] ;> COLllMblA Pl(."JVRt:S FRED ~NNEMANN'S --I JSCCJ18S"loussier. trio f ~ AMAN FOR AJ.I:SEASONS " ; ,_ ..... ,'~ llOll£1\T HOLT •TECHNICOLOR'~ -Plus- ' • CAL·STATE FULLERTON GYM.' 800 N. STATE COLLEGE BLVD; FULLERTON, CAL:IFORNIA 2tltV BltCK FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1969 -8:00 p.m. contemporary interpr.etation of · J, s . Bach pure Bach to modern jazz ASSOCIATED STUDENTS PRODUCTION ADM ISSION : $3 .00 ONE COMPLETE SHOW ONLY Tickets available at all l>\Jiual Ticket Agencies, Llbe1ty, Wall lchs "Man For All Sea1ons'' ..........•..... 7:30 P.M. Ec':t~~~~. ~$:~.7F~~=· Mus ic Sto1es, Sound Spectium In Laeuna Beach, Sh~fer',J Hous• of ''Taming Of The Shrtw'' ..•.•...••.... 9:35 P.M. Music, 7i.7 N. Harbor in Fulle rton, Colle&e Reco1ds in Collep,Pa1k · '==================='il ____ 2_P_.M. ___ _J1Shopplng Center, Fullellon. BACK AGAIN FOR YOUR PLEASURE tNI •lUTIST Of ALL MUSICALS . . . ·-.9::11'"- JUUE" ANDREWS· atlSTOffU PLUMMER . W ... ~O.,S OM Sliewl .. .t 7:Jt le11 OMc. 0,... 6:45-Shw 5""" 7,. Ceeff1110• s...ar fro• 2 , .. SI n'E MCOUEEN AS '001 1111 " l!!-.. --.1-a•·11111-•.sna11110• •-ot~(QlrAl<ll$.to.-J••SKl1 .. --· ... ·-------· "CANDY"R RATED 2•d TOP FlATUll Geort• P1pp1td J••n Seb•tt ll.ich1rd Kiley "PENDULUM" CHILDREN WITH PARENTS ONLY PLEASE! good grief itS candy! -codemv Aword Winners I ' • ~ , BEST ACTOR • • ..... ~ CLIFF ROBERTSON I" HUNTINOTON a•ACH • 1147•.-0 • S!Lllt!! PICTURES in callabcrllion with 11118ERTSOll l.ISOCIATES pqoonls A( CLIFF ROBERTSON. I' i CtfA~'¥ •• -ClAIRE BLOOM nwa· llW'£· 6 ... e. ~ -G-·1.1·...c~·""" • I c)li- ·== ·-----·-ll/llJITllll•' Plut • ACADEMY AWARD .WINNER! SIDI: IM{:a..JUN AS 'WLUTT' • = 21 DAil Y PILOT H WortJa ' PHAllMACY TOPICS Life lnsu1·ance W 01·th It? lty TERRY OU.NT. l.P~ Varlc~ veinl are swollt!'n, enlarged vrin!l, usua!Jy caus- ed by leaking valves, When normal, lhl'se valves keep the blood from fiowln.i baek· ward on the return trip to the heart. When defect.Ive they leak, allowing the blood to flow backwards and In· ettu:lna: pre5!1Utt in the vdna, which bteome atnlch· 00 and swollen. • • • P~ple \l.'ho stand att mort: likely to K£:t variCO&e "eim, because the pre511ure i1 five times greater when standln&: than Jyini; down . • • • Pregnant \\•omen aTI' sus-' ceptlble because of the in- creased abdominal preossure from the enlarged uterw1, and greater bloodllov.• to and from the lower abdominal and pelvic areas. • • • Girdles and tight garters contribute, by obstructing the flow of blood and In-creasing pressure on the veins. Women ahouldn't gJt for any length of time In a i;irdle ~use the big veins in the lees are· tlghtly con- stricted. • • • Su~rt hoae are helpful in mfld cues, but should be fitted eJCactly to precise leg measurements. Bicycling ex· erdses while lying on ooe's t.ck an recommended. u are aw1mm1ng and walltina. • • • For modern senrict-with old- fuhloned court.es~'. brilij;: your prescriptions lo: PARK LIDO PHARMA.CY UI H_,ltal Road ....,.,., hach 642.-1511 87 SYLVIA PORTER Milllona ol you are u.sin& life insurance today u a means of sa .. ?ng -and as a c.esult, you a r f unwittingly penalizing )'ourstU by acttpting interest rates tar below tbe le\lels )'OU could earn U you invested.your money in ·stocks, corporate bOnds, real estate. A full $8.S bUJJon of the $14.3 bllllon paid out in total life in· suraoct benefits lasl year represented "living benefits" -used as retirement Income or for sending children to col· lege or representing policies simply cashed in. etc. Less than half was paid in death benefits. THE "NE'T RATE of In· terest earned on invested funds'' of U.S. life insurance companies in 1968 was a mere 4.N percent before Federal in- come taxes -just a tiny bit f1\0l"t than the dollar's 1055 in buying power due to price in- creases. And policyholders by no means enjoyed this rate of return on the funds they were investing in the form o( premiums. Betwee n 16 and 18 J)frCt!nt of the out-go of life in· sUrance -companies is for overhead items. If you, the family wishing to build up a retirement nestegg, switched every penny you are now paying in life insurance premiums into well-chosen stocks or m'Jtual fund shares or even high-intere.st bonds, the size of your nestegg pro- bably would grow to several times the value of the life in- surance coverage you would accumulate over your pre- retirement years. And I'm not even mentioning higher-risk l\low you've got us where you want us. San Jose $1 PSA hangs around wh1ra you live. 900 !lights a wtek connect aoutharn and northern r-:-· Cellfomla. 8 ciUn. All Jets. Lowest air fares. Call your travel agent or cozy up lo PSA. ------------------ Investments which might .nvell at a far faster rate. Why, then, do nlne out of 10 U.S. famllie!I and seven out of 10 Individuals -In tflis qiuntry have I life insura~~ ~hy ls this so especially In view or the dramatic rise in Social Security 1urvlvors b e ne f i t leveb:, the rapid eipansion of private company pen sJ on coverage, the greatly in- creased amow1ts of savings by individual Americans? TUE ANSWERS are of vital concern to tens ol millions oI us. SpeclflcaUy: -With llte insurance you can create by j111t the stroke of a pen an "111Stant estate" as protection for you r !amily. You need not wait years to ac- cumulate It yourseU. -Death payment.1 from lire insurance, under almost all circumstances, are not subject to Federal income taxes. Russian Decision Hertz Avis NEW YORK (AP) -Avis may try harder but apparently the Russians weren't told so. Four years ago Avis Rent A Bank Maaager Rebecca Mad arlene of J:luntington Beach has been appointed. assis- tant manager of Secur- ity P a c i f i c National Bank's Co s t a Mesa branch. She is a former s u p e r vi s o r at the branch. Car. whose slogan a! No. 2 in----------- the auto rental field is "We Try llarder, '' ran an ad- \'erlisemenl showing a pholo of the Kremlin and follo~·ing copy : ''There is no Avis Kaise r Hikes Complete Printing Service Top Quality -Fast Service 1111·11%"1i!!Hi 642-4321 --·---- OVER THE COUNTER ·A· I ____ __._.__ ___ ---·-- - '4t -4 4. A!t .t .'!' ..... S.i .F.*.T. x .. J .e • • . .. Thursday's' Closing-Prices--CO~plete fi!1! ,e WWW w ;; ;aza;tpt;lfF& 4 .1w;;Hc w1 , , " f •• Thursdl)', AprD ~. 1969 H m a New ~ York . -St~k Exchange List D I• ~-~ + " """lw ~ '" +l•F,?.' • M . , ... I 'It ,. r• M -DAILY l'Mf 2f' list • ......... , • .-1rc: .~,...,..,..,.. .... __ .,..,,,.,..,~.,.._,,~..,r••c""""",..'·-·~-,,,•·••~'"'""'""'"'""""T"O""'"""J'li'""""""""i,....,•=-·=••w••••,,-1 •••••••=••••_....,.,,, •• ,.,,,.<:,...''""'"""'""''''""'''~"•"0'4"'"'"'""11':'.!""'',~tr.r••~.~.~·itc•~-7."::::"•""";~._........ •. ·~·----·--~-·----- n DAILY l'llOT -.~2f,1M DAILY PILOT· WANT ADS HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Bucco/a~ ~f~/i U ffage 16th & TUttln -Costa Me1a ADULTS Most homes are built with only children In mind. We have five homes designed for the com!orts and fun of adults. Beautiful to look at, room for bobbles, private office, separate dining rm, guest room with bath, 3 car ga- rage, walking dlslaoC<! to churches, WestcliU shopping, and restaurants. 7% with 20% down -7Y.i'lo with 10% Dn. no 2ndt -no polntl -29 yrs on b.lance l'rlced from $30,950 to $33,950 E xclviivt Avent p. a . palmer incorporated D71 VI A LIDO Tract Ph: -5113 From L.A. Call MA WC134 . -----------. ~ Gentr1I 1000 I FOUR BEDROOM •Family room, Fireplace, 1~ • be.th, built-in kitchen, w/w cupetl., drapes, washifll fa· dllties in over-aiz.c double garq-e, Sprinklf!rs t r o n t, completely fenced rear yard I with 15'll20' patio. Only Jnin. I utes from rm.jor shopping ' and .choola. AU.. F 0 R : ONLY $27,950. ntA ~ VA TERMS. 'SOUTH SANTA ANA I WILL SELL FllA -localed I only two blocks fron1 llar- bor mvd. Four bedrooms (3 ; and a den) 1wo bath home ; with fireplace, FIA heat, ! built-in kitchen and dining ' area. New carpetr, com- • pletely draped, air-condi· • tionlne unit in master bed· I room. Heated and tillered : pool, covered patio, encl<>&- ! ed court yard and detached double prage_ Only $2200 • dawn which is Jess than the ' price ol the pool. \VIU. SEU. FAST· ACT NOW!! Mother-In -Law Unit , Instant 'Appeal '!For the :famlly that wants more than the ordinary. l Newport Heighta area, llhake I roof, bright country kitchen with all the built-ins, tarre family room with used brick I fireplace 3 m1.11y large 1 bedrooms plus the extra 11nit with ill own prlvall! 1 bath. An outstandina-home. 133.1'0. ••1·or A Wik Buy'' Colesworlhy & Co. 642-Tm OPEN EVES. iohn macnab IAYFRONT C>wnl:o:r u.)-s ''Sell'' this bffutitul Dovel· Shores 5 lkdroozn home with Pier &: Iht. Formal diftln& room, lup brtakfut area, ucep. tionally ape.cious 'Waterfront Wn.ce, R@duced from $142 .. SOD to $125,000 far qujck ..... Call f!Jf' Appointment (714) 642.a23S 901 Dover Drive, S\llte l20 Newport Bf:•Ch 1 BR DUl'LEX ONA older units with dOUo tU detached garqe on 50x 140' lot. Amlme txlstirc m~ . 6% loan • no loan -.Oob> $18,950 •, ~. ---- PEl=ll=l ON 1' ... -.-<o· ., •• * 60-lm Anytime* &Lrcuo1em1 .... '4 Bit +. Brirc ,,_.. paint ~ • llllWI this ......... home wttb 2000 *l ft, built- -ftl a.r. ~ btam1 In ldded fam[ly room. M-lllllDI J1lA ..,, 5""" tntl!J'to .... -""'" all • Sci~ IC ..,,. 121.900. CAU. llAlf u:E iMO-JJ.11 ('I"• nwJ Htrftqe Rtal Elt.9!11 l> • 1000 2~ TO' ACRES Rancho Ca pi1tr a no Is now offering a limited 85 parcels of fabulous, oak 1tuddOO, ranch size spttads, TN! only ones of their kind in the Booming South Coast ...... Jligh above the smog belt. Private roads and locked gate guarantee the natural beauty of this former Span.. ish Crant surrounded by beautiful Oeveland Nation. al Forest, All utillti('!{ avail- able. PRICED FROM $8,000 10% DOWN -l.J YRS. For true country living, rt• tirement or just plain invest- ment at a bargain price. Call or write for complete d!!tails and free color brochures. Rancho Capistrano 4570 Campua Drive. Newport S..ach. 92660 546-7143 DOVER SHORES A sweeping VIEW of upper Newport Bay from this spacious 5 Bedrooms, 3 batb home separate-family rm with wrl bar and fireplace lovely gardens includina- beautilul rose ganltn with fountain o\\.'l'lers moving from aM'a Wants Action NOWI Reduced to $58,IXXI Call: Jim Cobb 3 Bedroom House On 2/J' Acre Horses OK Older 3 bedroom farm house: or. huge lot zoned for horses. Only 10 minutes from down- town Santa Ana or Costa Mesa. How;e needs paint and imagination and so is reduced to only S:W,000. Bring your horse •1'111 make an oiler. Forest E. Obon, Inc. -Rare Find • $54,000 Newport Spanish Beaut Jndacpd • 4 BR. tam rm, Z BA home on large 11 x 120 coi:nu lot 2 .frplCB, crpt.t, drpg complete, 2300 !'lq. ft w/all custom @'XtJ'U. Eliminatto middle man. Cal1 549-0507 R>olic at the Beach It's only o!'Ml' block away, ('ha.rm~ 2 bedroom with ...... Aal<U1i1 $20,500 ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST m E. 171b St. 6"-44M Buy Of TM Y-1 Waterfront Vk>w ot Cata. Jina ~ 91¥. 2 BR, 2 ba; Cbannel Rec:J 'own )"OW' owrl ~ Apt. with F"rpl<, $62,5(1), Ask tor: OW'Jltf!r S&lisbury, Rltr. 315 ~tarinl' 673-lBOO REAL Elt.te saltsmr.n or brokers wank'd. Leon Vibert Reallcr 18i2 NCWJM)li Blvd., OJ • 54"'1& tMn.Y Pll.(71' WANT ADSl '· HOUSES l'OR SALE G-.ral 1000 YOUR OWN "HAll Of f AME" Will belonr tu )'OU, when your 1ettJed Jnro this beaut!Ju!Jll appolnt- f!d t bdrm home. Jl'11 only $% .v«n NEW le .lll!!ts on a LOW MAJN. TENANCE LOT \vlth SHAKE ROOF " large covered patio. Condi- tion ao BtMACULATE it hardly looks lived in. 'lbtte's nothlnc to be done here, JUST ?o.IOVE JN! Priced at $30,500 le only S3000 down pay- ment required. Joa.. t:O:Ts ~WA LLACE REALTORS ---$46-4141- (()pen Evenings) 6s rf§.f :M\4 Vista Del Oro Ne~'Jl(lrt Beach Sparkling Lights * I1illtop View ol Bay and Ocean * 3 BR, 2 ba, sgle Jcve.l * Luxurious crpts & drps ;r Cozy panelled Den * Separate r11¥lf!l' Sui!e w/huge walk-in closet * Many, many extras * Putting distance to putting green * Hop, 1kip & jump to swimmlnc pool * $46, 750 • price ~uccd 644-1133· 644-4233 E vos. BAYVIEW SPECIAL $22,500 Upper Bay location with large enclosed yard. 3 BR home with hardwood floors. AT- TENTION VE.TERANS use your Gt Joan here, no down. Call right now, day or nl.aht! J Newport ol Vlc~ori• ~·11 + 2 Units Pier & Float CUstom 2 11tory home. 3 Bed· rooms, master Br. up with 555 sq, ft, and view. Nice apartn1ent over gar&gt". Owner anxio\13, price tt- duced ·--··---·-···-$19.500 Mary Lou ~farKln Mesa Verde 4 BEDROOMS 1hls home Is scttlf!d among other beautlftll homes. LaJ'ie }'HA loan, 5% % int. Any· one can assume, Blt-ins. }~A heal, fireplactt, 12x24.' sun room with carpets, Ohle garage. $32,000 1800 Newport Blvd .• CM Rltr. 646-3928 Eve. 54-0-0088 * LACHENMYER Pete BaneH Reilly PRESENTS Exceptional Value! I 3 bdrm 2 bath home on love- ly Estelle Lane. Tile entry, SJ>&Cioua llvina: le famil,y room overiooks tree shaded yard. Kltcheft <=lblnels le <.'Ollnters plore. l61li Weatd.lt( Dr., N.B. 642-5200 2 BR homt w/inc untt ~· aome TLC. Wtiklng dls:tanc. 1o e.ftrythinr. $3.3,500 ........ Bt 1.ppt onb' CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS 3036 E. Coa1t Hwy, CdM 675-1"2 llOME on 00 x 185 tt ff..2 lot fldjactnt to Comm'l. E:cc potential. Rt:nt It wh,Ue )'Ol.I v.·atch your I n ve 1 t men t JtrOW, MJ&bt oor11itkr small Comm'L }"or1in Co. """""" "DEEN TRANSFERRED" CUiiom J BR, 2 BA near Jlarbor lllch. Bll·lna, bum· cd edl.lns. mammoth uted brick ti~. new plush _,... carpt1Hrw. 645-llit Ha-rd Cho· ic-e Put ·Off? ,_LEG--::-:AL =--NOT!_CB _-, .. ~::;;;.~~~.:i:- c•• .. ,,.CA;::. SUSUll.SS oaNM• ML"'-"' ,KTmous t&AMI '"1'1C• .. MUalM• Tht uMirt..-.d • Ul'tllY ~ ,,_ •oa HIOUTI .. WM.L ~ • IMI--' W1 Cr-"'w AMD Hiil LSTTllU TltTAMl:ltfAllllY 6 h Y h!IW9111, T-. WI OtMM c.-tY. .._, ... ti 1¥11111 A•tJOttN OlAGJSIT Whe 1.e Gets U · de t.ed t ear "''-"' -'""'"""" - -......... '"""'" · ... , ••• ' e r n.pr ece n of w•TflltN LANO ANO 01'11!1.0"· OAACE.JET 0.C.•..., MENT co~ • •tr1'1t<1hl• '""' ,..., .. ., NOTICE is H••••v Gl'l'fN lMt WASHINGTON (AP ) -The Ni ion ad min latratio11's oom1natJon of Gtn. Earle Wheeler to an unprecedented sixth year u chairman of lhe Joint Chiefs of Sta~t merely post~ the tougbe:r decision of flnding a replacement in 1970. The four-star geoeral ls being kepi on mBinly to help President Nixon through the current sensitive period of the Vietnam peace se.arch. But some Pentagon veterans also suspect the Preside.nt looked around and found no other military man quite so qualified to head up the JCS as the S<lft-spoken, 61-year~ld Wheeler. "He's in a class by himself,'' one ranking Pentagon civilian commuted after ·the ad· ministration ·announced its desire to 'keep Wheeler aboard until JuJy 1970. He's already served longer in the post than any one else. FASCJNATING Wheeler's extension makes all the more fascinating lhe forthcomin1 silent struggle by the serices to get their own man In Pentagon suite 2:E782 where the JCS chairman has a direct telephone line to the President. It will be a year before Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird starts drawing up the traditio'nal list of recom· mendations to the President on a new chairman, but already Pentagon ofiicials are speculating. Gell. Andrew J. Goodpaster, deputy commanding general in Vietnam, who was a military aide to lhe late President Eisenhower and is known to be a Nixon favorite. Gen. Wil l iam# C. Westmoreland, n<>w A r m y chief of staff, is mentioned but there is some feeling that he might be passed over because Pentagon superiors consider him an excellent troop leader but not the administrative, paper-oriented type. Adm. Thomas H. ?ttoorer, the chief of naval operations was once considered most ... firm II ~ 9' rht NfflwW.. ...,_ Dllil IU.Mlfl ~ Ml llltll ,,.,._ likely lo gel lhe job, but some hasn 't rilled the .JCS ~,,.='•• ~:.'!i .,.. •*-• 111 , -.tHIM tor,,...,. "'.,.""',:11~ •-•late he may have lost cha1·rma··•1p si·-Adm 0.1111111 " °'"' 21011 ",..,..,. tht ~MM ci.eM+nt •-•~• ... lef' tn" 11NC1. "'"" VerM ''~""'11i., C11N, tot1• •,,~,-• -'"""...,"'.,,.":'~,., 11 •,..:,: :; favor because some eon· Arthur W. Radford • 1t-1e1 s. kltWt'll, 1u.1 w. m-c1 • 11 t-••men ~ren'.• lmpre•··• Aum••• 1t11:.7 Sh'ttf, ,.,.,,"", Call'°'1'11.. fllrttier Mttlc111t,.., 1noi1 ftlll "" _,. .,...... ..... • ~ •-• ~ ' Dtlld .-.,11 t, 1fff. 1nd 11'ct llf twerll'll lftt umr JIN 'I his testimony oo the Pueblo 'There ls some feel'•"' now 01vkl '*· 0. ... 1 .. , 1w "'-Y ,,. ,,.,, 1t t:• 1.m .. 111 .,.• ff I '"'e ' 111-ld S. kft'nb -rt-.r OW.ti"*'! No. ) (JI M a . a r. however, lhat Moorer lelt COii-,,. .. of c1111om1e. Lot """'" c~h'; Court, 11 c°"'f'lflOl.l•·1100 w. "" stTwt. And It could be datk horse -smen disaatislied with his o.. .-..,u ,, l,.., _.. .. mt. • Not•f'f 1n ~ CllY • s.nt~,. A1111, c.u1w"••· I•• G c · b .,..~.. l"vbllc "' •I'd ttr ..-Id ,,,,., ",_.u., D•IM: ""'" 11. 1..,. Ule en. re1g ton W -explanations about w~y the in-.,...ttel D•"M '· o.-w hMIO " w. l . sT JOHN. cwntf cie" Abrams, who s u cc e.e de d lelliirence ship Pueblo ........ 1dn't saiw1b •1111-._ mt '° .,. ti. "-.. "' .. 111 • .c.1111 0 ""'" ""'-lllllMt 1r• wllteflll. te trll wltflln ,....,..,. I I UW Westmoreland as commander gel help when Non.h Korea 11111!'VMlf1t 1nd KkNW""9N 1111v ,JI. 414 _... ~ ....,..,,,. of U.S. forces in Vietnam. rseiied her in January !Ma. =r.c'::L';:,t.1 ~~.;r;,c:r121• " ... Some officials believe Good· Getting along with Conps ~:~ P~:~11 •'*""',.~ ..... ~ ~_, ........ ,_, .. ,,, pa.ster In now the best bet hi h Iii , , •· • -..... PHo•· because of bis ties with Nixon. [a~e$ t g on a !'1'1t tary i:-8n J~ ~nc:A~:'~o;_. APru n. ''· • '"' '""' The M-year-()ld I 111 D o i IS o prerequis es w n M., Co1M11111or1 Ex.Ir.. LEGAL NOTICE s comes to the JCS role. ~~,, itn native served as defense ~ Wheeler apparently h a s MIC(:AlllE, GIEOllGIE. ,lllTt • ...IMS, liaison officer to President Ei-served to the saUsfactlon of s•L••11 c•11'~r~~l~T' "!U,:~"•ts ·--~wer &Dd S':J:ed On a _,_ the · · of W""'hin..t • AtlffMn •f Law. / .. '""'61"" ... ---ma1or1ty ...,....16,on s 1..,, crt111111ew llflllt'<I.,., n.e llllftral9n+e11 a. ,.,, "" ., 1•• pie of months u er President ff . Id T••'-· <•''""""' .. ,.. eondvdlM • bualMu •• na F•l"'ltW KeMedy before ta••-g ........... 0 ICJa om. ,.,.._, (IU) m.&m-OUI nt-t14' ltoed, So.Ill• .. CIOll• lo\l'H. C•~forni.,. ...,, '-""'. PubHsllld Ott"" Co.IJt 01llV' PllGt, Ulldel' the fkTlllwl flt"' Nlml a mand or the 8th Infantry LEGAL NOTICE a.rH 17. ''Ired,,,., l, .. lKt 713-tt ORANGE COAST OENTAL X.llAY Division ln Germany. LEGAL NOTICE ~R!,To:.Y-:'iow~~ .. .:.=. ".;,; Nixon f 0 u n d Goodpaster NOTICE OF PU&LIC H. A 111"' G 111rr-1 Ill tvll ...... 14-9 ol tttlcllnc• Ill In _.,._ &EPOllE TtlE CITY cqut1C:IL OJI • , .. ,., .. follows: se.rv g a.9 comma11 ...... nt of the Ti.IE CITY Ofl l'OUNTAIM VAlLIEY NOTIC:IE TO ClllEOITO.S JMl.ES c. E\IEllETT , l'HYl.LIS H. National \Var College j n NOTICE IS HEllE8Y GIVEN !Not 1111 01' auLW TllANJPIEI: EVEllETT, 211'112 c..vr11p119h 11.0111. Et Wash, to 0 C he h T~IY, Mey,, 1Kt, ti l 1DO l'.M. I" tlw Ci.tu. tlfl _ '1tf U.C.C.1 lltQ. Ctlltotnlr. tng n, . ., w n e CoullcH ChMnber;. Cli'I' Hin, 10200 11t1rr Nolle• 11 her.VI' 9IY"" 10 tttt cmuon 011K APtll 1. 1Kt. decided last summer lo make AYl!'ll .... F-t1l11 V1flf!'I', C1lllornl1, ftll ol FAit WEIT SERVIC:ES INC J1mn c. Ew~ll h'·m lhe No. 2 man 1.n the U.S c1,.,. counc:11 w1u hold • ,.uti11c 1'1t:•r"'9"" '••M••~ whole '--i-i iddr~ 1s 16,; Phvm1 H. Eftt~t 1 !ht tollow!11111· ,_. ""'~ STATE OF CALll'OlllN IA ' l ,.,,,.....,.;.., .. or•lol111U Jll• " -Rt,llllldl, S.nli Al\ll, Counl'I' of Ortngoe, COUNTY OF ORANGE I H military command in Viet· · · s11111 of c1111or1111. tfl;,t ' bulk 1rttir1er it. ~..... ...1 -An Alr'IMdlNlll lo Onll11erq Nt tf. tlll lboul fo ,,_ mid& lo (I) MICK.\EL On Allorll 7. 1"9, ....... rt 1111• t '"'I•' nam. LuKI UH Orlliunat, ~· •l'ltfld.i, PATIN uii' GLENN w. HITTNER. Public Ill •1111 tot 1111111 S!tlt. --·11., Air Force Gen. John p decre11l"9 mlnlmvm tloor ~" 1r11 Triniter.es whoW 1111,1nn1 •dclt"' 11 •PP<t••ed J1mft c. EYH•rl •1111 'hYHll. H. rec.11ltfml!'llh lo• MKk>led 11 v In• ( ) 117 1 M l'llt Pll (bl :NS w 111 E'Ytrttt k!IQWll to "" 10 i. t111 "''°"' McConnell , the other member Q111tt+r1 In me Ri, RS. 1nd 114 D11trld1. 1~'"' (!l s:m. Mt c;b, Tvst1n, cOu11w w11o11 111ma •rt 1~11w.11~ t~ wlltll~ of the J"olnt chiers, would be 3 Th!s matter 11 t.erne ••ocnsell 1111r1ua111 of Orlliee 111,. of ciiltornlr 11111rulflent •lld 1dl11C1W '' •~ to ~ PlllMI~ LIWI Ill ttle !1•111 af The ,,;,,.!'ti' IO be l't1nmrre11 ls llQ/fl'd 1111 Mml. ranking choice on Laird's list, c1111orn11 tGov't. coc1e tJ.aoo 11 111.1 rnd loc:•led 11 ''°' H••bor ei'ld .. coot• Mes., tOFFIC~!; sh~Llo.vls ofticers believe, but he Is due tt-.e Foun1•111 V•!lf!'I' Zl!<llno O•lllnence. (01111ty af Ortnof, s11te of c1Ulorn1r. H t' p. bll -c1111o1nl• Thfl ZOllll'lll Or.!lt11nt1, Zonlno M1111, and Slid prOHrt'I' Is cieacrlbed In 1ener1t 0 1"' 1110Hfc. 1 to retire as Air Force chief of exhlbrb ••t °" 111e 111 tM P111111r119 as· · Prlll(I•• n staff in July. Like Wheeler, he ~rlmetlt •nd 1tt 1v1H1ble 10• PUb1k · An itock 1n 1r1e1e, 11.rurn, Hull'f'!\Mt ~·1• 'or'\:.. 1:.,1,,1 lnw«llon """ exlim lnrHon. 1..., vood wilt af ttwl ((rl'f" "-Y llj"'\',;: got a one-year extension ThoM! Clesl•1"' 10 ""'1fV In t1YOO' °' 111 l't1t1ur1111 1oc:1ted 11 lf<I! HlrtlOJr .... ,,,.1-,. >:,," c 11111t o111y 1'11e1. OPPOSltlon to 1~ P•-ul• Wiii be llYlll 91 d c ' IN. ( ,.,. af 0 .-u .. , ..... beyond the usual four years an oPJIO'funli'I' uo ck> w. If turlt:tr In-St;tf' o1 ~.:i1orni~' G11n ri119;, ,t,pru 10, u, 24 •nd M1y 1, "" "°'"'' service in 1968. ior,,...tloll 1• 11e1ireo:1, you ,,...v C011ikf !flt TM 1:11111 1,,...,,,, 'w111 11e COMt.rmmtled LEGAL NOTICE INTERESTING CASE Pl1Mlfl9 DHlltlml!'lll ,, NZ-1"1' Ind rRler llft .., efffr the 111 drY fJ! ,,,.,, 1Kt, II lo the ll)ove llttm. UQ:llO A.M. It Er:wr11d Escrow Con>or•· •All·Ult Westmoreland and Moorer CITY COUNCIL OF THE !loll. '", w. l !ngiln AY• .. IUl!NI h tk, NOTICl' TO CllEDITOIU CITY OF FOUNTAIN Covnlv of Or11111t. lhtt al' Cltllornlr. SUl'llllOll cou•T 01' TNI pose interesting cases. \/ALLEY So ,., II known '° lflt Ttlf'ISflffft,. .u STAT• 01' CALll'OaNIA PO• W t I d d ~rY E. Coll buslne11 n1'"'" 1r:cf lddrt1sn used ti'/' !ht THIE COUNTY 01' OlflNll•I es more an em e r g e City c1 • .-Tr1n1tel"OI" tor 111e 11w" .,,.,.1 1e1t 111'1. ... . .w:ws. from his long command -0ver PublbMO or1110t cor11 0111v l'llet. rre: E111te of DORA c. HUl'FMAN. U.S. forces in Vietnam as a April,., lNt rtMt NOiie. D~.N .... ,,,· ,, "''''y GIVEN .. tM Oiled: A"4'11 IJll'I, lfft. .. typicmandal, jet-jawaledlhoum ghi Ii tar y LEGAL NCYTICE ~:~~~r:~un ~1~~~ ;!,~. -.=-..,. ~\::!. '::"",'::.: com er . some Glerill w. Hlllntt "" 111<1 Cle<.fdent 1rt r1<111lm "' I f II h, . 11\em, with IM M(tlMIY YG\l'Cfltf't. Ill pe-0p e e is image was P-mtf Tr1n1IHtt. ,he oltlc• af ,,.. t1t•t o1 the •bOW tarnished by a failure to bring CIEATll'ICATI! 01' •UslltEIS EMEllAl.D t:SCll:OW COlll'OllATIOM eti!Uled CGllrT, or le Jlf'tHnl them, Wllll FICTITIOUS NAMIE IUI W. UllCllll AH. ll>e neceuttV vouchers, iO tM ""° the war to an end. TM undersivr>ed ck> te•Htv """ •rt a-. P•rlt. C•1...,"'• """ otrtltned 11 111r o11ice o1 lier 1t1Drtlf'l'I+ "W I · I d I cooducill'l9 1 bullllel; 11 CCKt1 Me11. IEK..w N•. as 1"'7"1 &AIRD AND BAIRO, .u11 LOllf k«ft es Y IS a ea er o men caittornli under '"" flciltlout firm Published or11191 C<>1•t 01llv !~~~ &Nd.. Sulit A. 1...,.. lleidl. 011tvm11 and his chier value is heading name of '1NTERNAT100.-.1. PROPERTY Apf1t ''· 1"' ........ tot01. w111cr. is "'' Pl•c• °' 1M1rte11 I " th ff' · I M.-.RKET 1...r 111•1 Mkl lltm 11 ,_ ol lllec ut'ld9rtf1Nod In 111 ,,.,.,,.,. up roops, e o 1c1a says. P05ld of 1he 1o11ow1.., ..er1C1ns, who3t LEGAL NOTICE ..en11n1n1 1o !ht ,.1.11 111 111d dla!Mnt, "He doesn'a have the patience "'ftnts 1nd In 1u11 1nd Pi.ca af rMI-within tour mon1111 '"'' ""tin! 1111bllc•· WI.th bri'ef'mgs and the ad· c;1eonc, •~ •• tolklwt! P-m• uon af 11111 notice. Shlrltv M. J1ck1011, 'S71 Vl11t Dt,. Cl!RTll'1CATI 01' COllPOlllATIOlf Otltd ,t,p11I 1, lft!rf mlnistrative detail that Newp(U"I ~ICh, C•lllornla, FOlll TRANSACTION 01' SUJINl!SI A. LOUflf Fttncbtn Wh I h n C1rcl K. Sh11111er, 20•1 Commodor UNCl!R l'ICTITIOUI NA~I Ell'CUtt(l ee er as. Rd., NPWP0'1 Bt.tch. C1!lfornl1. THE UNOEllSIGNEO CORPOJl.ATtON of tile Wiii af IM • • for Moore 01fl!'d A1>tll n . 1m. doe• h1r.tiv trrtltv th•t ti 11 cond\ldi"' 1 1bov1 ne/l'lfld dect'Cll!'lll ~ r, a year or so Shl•ltY M. JtckMOn Flom• tlJIUtft, floorCO'l't•lne Ind Im-SAIRO AlfO SAlllO ago he appeared ready to c~rc1 K. Sh•UVf• 10towme111i busi""' 1oc11111 11 _.1.s At!•"""'• at Law f Ifill N h f ti. STATE OF CALIFORNIA l Ctllfln9 $tree!, Lot Al1m!tos, CtHflornlt, W>f W... kMll SI~ .• Swllt .t. u avy opes 0 ge mg a ORANGE COUNTY I SS unde• Ille: flclltl~ fltm n1rn1 ~of ~ --~. C•N,.,,.,, ""' second admiral at the head of °" April n. 196t, ~ore me, 1 NolttY Ron,_ Paclllc C0111truc11on Ce. 1nd Ttl: ltlll ftl.t4'1 the most important U.S Pubnc Jn and 1or Miii s1111, .,,._..u, 1t111"" 111me of uld c1WPot.ttl011 llld 111 A=~., :al(ll!f1~1t DillY 1111,1 . ·-•red 51\irli!) M. J•c-11111 Ind CtrCll K . ..,.lnt1pal pl6ce OI' tM,i,llll!lt II II tellowl: A 11 ID 17 2• :M., 1 "t' ,1).41 military panel. The Navy $1'oruger kt:o-to <M 10 toe i'-e ..er-Ron.._, Pac:Hlt Con1t•ciOl'1. Inc .. "" ' · ' WMS!! 111mu trt 1ublcrlbtll to 1111 wllhln :IU1•9 C1l1lln1 Slrttt. LOS A1Mnll'O$, LEGAL NOTICE lndrvmtnl •rod 1dnowk!Oaed tlln ,JI. Ctlltotnll, K11tl'd Ille 11me. WITNESS It• hind lhlt '1h dtJ of Aptll, NOTICI TO ClllEOITOllS A tla t U tk d (OFF IC!~}-... sE,•,,',l ..... _ 1Kt. NI. .wms ,...., ,.,,,,,,_, R1111moor PKlllc C:Olltrfelan, sUJIElllOll COUllT 01' TH• n a n rg roun O·.··~/!~·"i•,• '~""';:i':<0o1,,1totnl1 Inc:, STATE 01' CAl.ll'OllHIA 1'011 "",... /11 ~ S. V111111U, PtH!denl THI COUNTY 01' Oll:ANOI! /1/ A, J. Dur1n, SK•tf1rv Esttle of ELEANOlll. GOOWIM. M' Comm!ulOll EJ11l•t1 STATF OF f:ALIFORNI... I Oecused. T B S AprH ,, 1t'1 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELE! ) I• Nollet fl ht•ebY •IYl!'ll t• ct9111trors t C t Publlsllea Ortlltt CIYll DrllV' Pllol, ON THIS tlh 41'1' llf APrll, A.O~ INt, l\rvlr19 cl6Um 191lnst !ht .-Id tleeldalt 0 e mar en er .. •_~_,_,_,._ ... __ ._._,_,._._._ .. _._ .... ______ ,~or• """ '"" Und9rtlgned, • NO!;,., lo file Mid c:lli lms "' Ill• offlct °' 0. l'11hllc In Ind fat M(d '""""'"' '"° $111t, It'll Cltrk of "11 1fort»Jd Col/ft, Of' ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) -A haunt of empty bottles and broken men called Underground Atlanta is soon to be transformed into a center of restaurants, shops, theaters and bars. Only two blocks from the. busy downtown Five Points district, with its skyscrapers of glass and steel, the en-- tombed four-block section had been forgotten for years after construction of overhead traf- fic viaducts left it abandoned d<ftlln below. Its cobblestone streets were used mostly by delivery trucks. A n y o n e wanderiDg down to have a look at the old storefronls and antiquated, handwrought panels was likely to stumble over discarded wine and whiskey bottles or see some human derelict lying across a doorstep. CHANGED SOON But all this is to be changed soon by a restoration project which will transform the underground area into an Atlanta at the turn of the cen- tury -the Gay Nineties era. The old storefronts, well preserved under lhe sheltering viaducts, that have survived below lhe busy intersections of Alabama and Pryor streell are to be restored and developed as an entertainment and shopping cente:r. Its promoters are determin- ed it will ·nOt be a museum piece, where people only come and look. They e:xpect it to spring to life. A showing of the develop- ment in progress was staged recently for the city's annual Dogwood Festival. If all goe:s as planned, lhe entire area will be a functioning tourist attraction by next spring, PLANS INCLUDE Plans include a cabaret theater; a banjo bar; Old South, tlalian and gourmet restaurants: a deli catessen· bakery; sidewalk care : c11rd: c.andy and candle shops; a Gay Nineties saloon and a ladies' boutique shop. Businessmen will lease lhe properties from Underground Atlanta Inc .• which will retain control over the development. Underground Atlanta w a s chartered in Me y, l 9 fl 7, spcclOcaJly to restore the area adjacent to old Alabama and old Pryor strttts. Henri Jova of the architec- turAI flnn designing: t h e underground ctnter, says their job ls mainly one of bringinc out what is already there. "Tht best design Is the leul design," he said. "Our role i5 to enhance whAt'I there, and wherever possible, thls Is what WCI WIJI di\." LEGAL NOTICE ~,kllM lllert111, dull' commlulontd ttld tro pr1Mnl lller:TI to tM lll'lllnltnM 1wor11, llf1-ll'I' APPHtl'd JOMJ>I: 5. 1t t11t offlc.e of (hrtll!t M. Atlk. U d nd A I d 1------==,,.------IYtJClllel Ind A. J. D11r1n ~lo rne tom Soultl Hiii SltMI, In the Cit'/' of n ergrou I anla ates T .... ,. M the Prnldenl 1r:c1 IK•tt1rv ,,~. L05 A1'19C!ln. Crllf. tOOI., which 11tt1r back to 1839 when a com-NOTICE 01' INTfNT10lf TO 11wt1Y II !he <Vn>OrttlOll tilt! fJlecvted "" offlc• 11 !ht 1111<1 ol' bu11ntu Ill' , ... CllEATE SECUlllTY INTl!lll!tT wllhln lnllr11"1eo!t on ~hlff of the cor-uncltr1'9ntd 111 •fl m•ltt" JN!tl1lnlM munily called Tenninus grew 1s1n. ttll -t1•1 u.c.c.1 t1ar111on '"'"'In n1mtd, 1nd 1dtnowltdt-to Mid nt1te. Suell claims. wllll t~• up around a railroad terminal NOrtcE r1 totret>v gl~n to 111e "' 111 IM 111111 1uc11 co,_..,11on ue<;Uted MCl!Ufrv voudler1, ,,,u1t bl flied "" • Creditors of le} MICHAEL PATIN Cb) ~ Umt. prnenlecl •• •lorfflld. wllhlll tour GLENN W. HITTNER, Otbl0!'1, whose IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I llrw mor:1111 1t11r !he fir.I Pllbllc1tlon of CITY CHANGES b<r$llle$1 &dd•n• 11 lel 11741 Muriel hetfllnlo Ml my hind 1nd rll11teo my of. thl1 110llce. In 1843, Termi'nus became Pt~ce. s.n11 M1 lb) M5 w. ht s1 ... 1. nc111 se11 lhtl d•'I' 1nd Te•• 111 !Ms 011111 Mircll u, 1Kt. Tustin, CCIUnlY of Or11111e, Sl1t1 af cer1111c11t fir.I 1boY11 wrltt+n. Cl\rrle1 M, Artk the town of Marthasville, Two Cetlfl!rnlt, th1t • 1ecurl1Y lnltr••' Is tSEA.L) AM Gtr11d J. Miiier, abc>Yt to be c•eatt.I tiv Otbtor •nd It/ Slep~en Seo!! k!M Executors Iii 1111 Wiii years later, the name was gr1nte<1 to FAR wesr sE11v1cEs, INC.. Ho11rv Public 1" and tor of nlcl ~nt chanaed to Atlanta. The city Se<ure<r P1rtv, whose buslneu ldd'°"' 11 Mkl C011ntv •M S!•lt CH.t.llLIES M. ARA.It ~ 167' At'l'nokll, 5'1111 A"'' County af 5'41-0( 42f Slulll Hiii StNll wa~ incorporated in J847, Or-anoe, 1111e OI' c111torn11, o..ci"""• Hlndlllff<I 11111 x1111, AllY'I. L• A""'"' C•llllrlill """ The Pr09lrtY ln which th' Se<ur11v JIM Wll:ihlA ......... ,, •. svHt M7 Attll'""' fel' t:ft(.illlts During the Civil War, Allan-lnrerest win toe cretled It, In telltf•I, •II us A11" .. " c1.W.ml• ,...s Pll·Mtl'I ta, a maj'or rail center for the nx1u~es and r<111lotM"'' lurnllll•• •"" l'~Ull'ltd or111111e c,,.,, 01llt "llot. Pullll\htd ora1111• C111111 01111 "l"'t· lllrn11hll'lb of Dft)tor COWtl"' P-t'I' Alorll IT, 14 Ind /MJ l, I, 196t nut April 14, 1r:cf MIY !, I, IJ, l N• JH-4t South, was put to the torch by now 1oc11m 11 1;oz Herbot a1vd .. coit• 1-------------------------- Union soldiers and destroyed. ~~rn~.-IY OI' Dr1n1e. s111e "' f,EGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE When rebuilding b e g a n nw •flw~u1d tte11•!t'I' 1r11\s1ctkln w!lt ! be eoflsumm1lt'd on Ot Ill•• ""' h i lllY CITY Of' COSTA #IUSA Atlanta centered around the of Ml,, lHt, ,, lQ:OD A.M. II Einertld OllANGIE CO!,,INTY, CALll'OllNIA old railroad complex. To make ac:r-Co"'°"'lloll, ,161 w. Llncaln Ave.. NOTICf INVITING •101 8~1 P1rt, C1!llor"ll. NOTICE IS HEllEllY GIVEN 11111 -ltd prOPOUls will toe •tctlYed by tM slreet travel easier over the So ''' •• Mown to "" Stturftl ''""· City 01 c~11 M111 11 1111 o1tke .i UM c11y c1111r. 11 "" c11y HtH, n F•lr 0..1..-.. railroad tracks, viaducts were '11 business 11•mes •::d _,_,.,I/Sid b'I' coi11 M,.., c1111wn11, untH 1111 """"" of 11:00 •·'"· "" M•r If. ltH, 11 wttkll lht Debtor tor Ille lllrff we1•1 11:11 1111t, 11..,,. fflt'I' will ti. ~ publlcl'I' •r:cf r...i •loud 111 Ille Collncli O..mbln tor constructed. As more and .~,N FURNISHING ALL LA901:, MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, TllAHIPOllTATION AND more viaducts were built DI~ AP II 151h Ifft SUCl-t OTHER FACILITIES AS MAY llE AEQUlllED FOR THIE RELOCATION ch ' . ~red' Pirt.f ANO INSTALLATION OF CHAIN LINK FENCE ANO SPlllNKLEll SY5TlM mer ants began shifting thcir FAii WEST SE RVIC ES 1NC MODIFICATION IN AllLINOTOH DRIVE llETWEEH FAIRVIEW llOAD AND store entrances up to the wm c Mtln!Yre · · NEWPORT eouLEYARO. Vl'aduct level. EMEl:ALO Esi:110w COlll'OllATION A HI Of Pltns. lpeclflc•llo:u Ind other tOlltrKI doc:UmMh mr1 bl 11111•1~ 61tl W Lfnc:illl Aft 11 .,.. .ttlc1 of tM CllY Clll1t, 17 F1\r Drlvt, Cotti Mtu, C1!110mll upon 1 da- The orig1'nal sto·es. un ....... 011'1tlt, C1111etft!1 Holtl Plllll OI su.oo. A ChetOI of 11.llO wm be mtdt If MN!IK by mrll. PLEASE MAIL • • Ei.c-.... as 1N1·i SEPARATE CHECl(I. derneath, on the • •re a J • • PIJbll$11td °''"" c,,.,, Di lly Piiot, Etth bkl """ be mrclt on "" .,_str 1orm •::d In IM m1nner 11reYlditd d I April u, lfft 711 ln Ille a1111r1c1 docll!'Mnts, tnd •hllll ti. 1tt.0mPtnitd Ill' 1 ctrtllleO or c••hl~~ groun eve!, were bypassed "'' c11te-or bid tlOlld 1or l'IOt '"' then 1~ ot the 1m011nt 01 111e bid, mr•• Pty11111 d th I d ts •-· th IO lhl Cit~ of Casll MeM. an e v a UC uc;,,;omC e LEGAL NOTICE AbbA'l'ltt1on, used 111 tti. acfltdul1 of Preclelerm1ried ,,., .. r1t11 In con!urrdlan principal streets of Atlanta. with m1111~r 111rmcmt1 llslrd In 1111 "9111 hind co1um,.. rr1•l0ent111e0 •• toll°"" P·ltt2f P~ p;r hour od per ([;, Seal Herds CE•TIPICATI! 01< SUSINEll ohw pef hour -~etl POW p;r ll•r """" l'lcllll-"'"' N•mt php per toour pfld POO Ptr Illy Plld Tiit u~nltnt'CI do hf•eby ClrTll'I lhll PhW/I per hour -k•O or ••IO PdW/ .. per dlr wotktd Of Pl~ they Ire tond111;tln1 1 <tll P•OPt•i'I' ,111• Pllhw per •lrll!IM llmt hClur ~td w w~ 1111 business I•* CG"P1'1ne.r1) 11 1106 Pllh Pf!• ll•11'1!1 11'"' hCllll" gw 1ro11 WIM N~WllOrl 8oult!Yll'd, COSll M 'I I ' p11i. Pit 1lr1l1ht tlmt llDlll' "'" ... lo!el Wl9t C111tornl1, ul'lller 1119 t!cl(tlou' firm Mme prnd per mlll dlr oiltlw/p Plf' llrtlgM llmt hotlr -keel Of T & C lllJlLDING COMPANV tr:cf 11111 ot .. Id Are I.inked 511d firm It ~ of lht follDWlllO En'IPloy•r P'YIMllll, ollltr !Non ll'Mlse lttmirtd hff.in, " cltllnld Jn Sttllofl """'°"'' W'-t "'""' In full Md plttft 1nl.I of "" l.tbw Codi!. 1r1 '° Dt Hkl In IC"'1!1!1q Wl!h It'll '1tml of It. 01 •e1I01nct .,. n follows, to-wil: cotltctlvl blf'Hlnl111 11tteml!'ll -llcrble " lhe t'/'M ., cltufllc.ttlon 11 ttie Hl...,l!'Y G. D"'81ktr, 120«! MllUlid wor!!'""'.., med'l'"lc:l tm.IDWd 1111 ttoe PtOIKI SANTA CRUZ {UPI) \ll•w Plf>u,. Slv<llfl Cll'/', c~uftl,.,,lt, Ovll'flml, SUndl~ •nd llol[q~ 1ei1 111111 lV. times !lie bltlc houri'/' u~. I ph S.l'lllltl a. kfr1n, NII Whitworth ntt p11,11 ••Pl k1ttt tiTllllVYer N'/'l'T'ltnll. Thi llolldln UPon ""''ch iudl '''" n nen an e e ant seal pup Drive. _LM """'"· C•llflo•"I•. lfltll ti. .,..io shell bl •Ii ho111:1rrs •tcoUnlJlld 1n "" n111ct1Ye M•tt lni.,, 19,... with a tag on its flipper wash-M•lv•n N-n. IOU v,,._ AYlft\lt, mtnt •PPlk•bll uo It'll prrttcu11r c•rlt, c1tullk111on or f'f11t e1 WOl'kmM _ Vl!'llkt, (1llflornl8. tlol't'd 1111 lhe Pl'Oltcl eel up on the beach last week D•tfd A11tll 14. l"'· '°''" of 111 c0!1eetiv. blr"Mlll11'111 """""ntt r11111111 11 "" ~ 11 "' biologists establl.shed for the ~~ ~· f.~~kh lwlh 111 "" 1tor.mt11uonto1 utror Codt ••• 1111 file .,,., tY1l1tb1t tar 1n-11tr1 i,. first time a migratory "·k Mt1v111 N'ewn-.~n tht '"ie. .i UM DtPlrlrntnt If lncMtr1t1 11e1,11cm, Dlvllklll t1 Liboo-si~ra llfl STATE' OF CAl.ll'ORNIA ) •1'111 Rllftrcn. between seal herds hundreds COUNTY OF LOI ANGELES' I 11 Altllllllor! Is dlr1etN .. Section 7·1.0TG of "" ll1ndrrd Specllk•tllilll 1W'1¥IOl111 of 'I r\ off th f On "-11!h dtY of April !Kt blfore IOI' .,..lo'l'rlill'lt of IPPf'tnllc:el Clll the -k. E¥HY 111t11 -renllct 11\111 M .... m1 es apa e coasts 0 ""'· Ille u...oenttnlld .• Not1ry Pu11nc "' UM lttndlrd w•on INllril ... IPOrlllilnl uni:ltr Ill• "'11Ul1llttq af Ille trMt •I California and Mexico. lr:cf !or uld St11t. Hl"IOlllll'I' •-r.ct wtlldl lie II l!mlltoreO. lnfwmtilon ""''""" It '~lo}'!fttnl Of lpptlr1flct1 •" Melvin Htwm1n k-lo ...,. ~ bl Ille be OtlllfnH from IM Olr«"lor of the DeHrll'Mrll of ln(luJlrltl Relellona Wiit It "In 1900, the northern --~ "•'"' 11 111mc:r111tot io 111e the Mm11111tr111v1 Ottie."' t11t Ct11fort1111 Appretrtlqshi. Cou:icll. elephant seal was thought to .. i1111n """"""""' '"" ec~now~• 111e1 Pu~111nt 1o "" -11111111 of 1tct1on 1110 o1 tht L•&or ct11t1 tf ti. Storti i'lf' t•l'Cllltd Ille llrM, ol C•llfornll, lloe C11'1' ,_II of the CllJ of CCllll Mill h11 1~rl1tnN lhl .. ,.. be extintl," !lid Dr. Richard WITNESS"" hind'"" e/11<!•1 ... 1. ••II P1'1¥t1111ng tit; pl Wlttl In .... COr.lnl'I' In wtllcll It'll wvrt: 11 ID llt Gllnl .. toe P (OFFICIAL SEAi.i It folio..,: . eterson. biologist tit the e0w1rd T. 00r,,..." cLA1111'tCATuo111 University of Callfomia at No11.., PubHc-c1111tr1111 SKILLIEO LASOR Ptlnd11I Olfkll In C1m1111 MtMlfl Santa Cruz. "But about 1910, LOt Aft9tltl Counf'I' Fencl t:recntr .. me 20 f th My Comml11IOll E.xlilrtl Plllmbw o em were JMl'I' 1. lKt s•i1t!Mlkr 0pe,110, Wtit1• T't'llt discovered on Isla d c $TATE OF CALIFOllNIA, DYii" ¥)'Ill. llP" .. lnchlCllnf l\\ \'di. Guadalupe .• , COUNTY OF ORANGE, ti TtK'°" LOlllll" Dlitl'•IOI' -All TyPll 0.. ... Pl'll 1, 1Kt, bllorl ,,,., I Noflt'r 1rtnc:Mftt Maehllle ()ptrlfCN' In the 1930s, a colony aro. Fu&11c In ''"' tor uld c-ty •nd 51•1•· 1111 "° 6' H!lth ctHCUT tnft, rrtlrle ,. -.on1ll'I' "-•rtel S.mwi I . lllrrn UnNtraat l:q11lpt'Mnl _,.tot peared on San Miguel [sland, = 1~ ~~~ :-111e""':r1t1:-=: 1110ftt. blKkhDt. .,..11.,. c:1tm1tttn. off Santa Barbara and thirty ,,,_,, •nd K111111W11ctot11 111 '"' 111et dlfl"ldt. dll'rkll bl,,.. c,.,., p111 l h h he fle<'Ultd 1111 .....,., 111rlwr a muckillO INOdllo!I years ater anot er erd was w!tnen ,..., 1111111 ,1111 tt•L 1111T11tM•olATa •1tA01 LAaM, found at Ano Nuevo l.sland 1ofiF1c1AL stAll eoncrwi. M11tw Ollll'ltot n•ar Santa Cru• wun-M. Sc"'"IO' 0..1 ..... 11 °"""" T•lldl -. 111111 ,. ,. .. '" .., Not1ry Publ~Ufot'l'l!I Wllw lrftf Guadalupe, 150 miles oCl lhe ~.':'t:!:~'... u~~ '!--=:~~:~,,. SASIC llATI ,Ill MOUi: .. ~ .,, ... $.U ... . ., '" •• '" t'QllSt of Baja California in :__cfr.'r~;:* ~'"' M!i:.;Ti:v~ ~me: Mexico, Is 600 miles from San-tTATt OF c...1.1Fo1tNIA. P1PI 1t111t1 •.M ta Cruz and scientists had long COUNTY OF LOS ANGILEJ. "' VNIWILL•D LASOll lASI( llAT• ..... HOUlt O:I ..... II U, ,..,, btt!re ""• 1 NolttV LtlllAF -0.-.1 _. ~-' JU zpeculattd about whether the 11u1111c.1n MO lot 11lcl C-"' ..,. "'"· Arr ci.a.ll'lutilll -'"Ill i.tln .,..,. Dt 11"" lll'IY•lllno cr•n' ,1,., teals ... 1-tfd and the herds -!If -"'" Ht......, G. O!wtl(tl 0.Wtl:N. SUnillf ... ~"'" "'" .... •I ,.,......u .... rr.n Ritt •:.ue.o• •-" '"' to tu. ""' _..,. .,_ TN c911tulld0r tlltll "*' ~ ~ """"i.11 ~ h ltlt in~rmingled. _,. '-tl/tlltflblll .. lflt WllMll Ill-IMINlll ltatn 11111 _,., tllll'IUI~ -"'1111 ,._,,.,.,,_, 111 !ht U1111M1 ,,.._,, """""'"'' .,,. ICl!111w11ds•• .. ""' fNt tutlll ... 1111 .. 11 trwn -""'-" ~ "' .. UlllMcl s ...... In u. "'""""""' Then the seal pup a,_ared "' 111~111C ""' -• .. --.. ,.... W"-fl'IJ ... ,., 11111 Mii _.. At Santa Cruz and W:lS ex-(0FFIC14L SEA.LI ' ... fllW thell .. ~ldtl'"lll un• II " """' M ...... ._ ~ • amlned by Pmrson -who ,,,,.,. >-F-ex 1tHi 0 "' of c .. ,, M..., ,,.. It '""' "' e«OrtttllQ wm. .,. trnll.._ 11 "" NfJ!I,.., Jl"'lk<1lttorni. ""'""'' rtWI"'""""" discovertd he and anolhc.r r~1 Ofll<t lft IKJu .....,_ mW .. 1~ •'Id 11• ..._11flef .. NW11t111 .,. itw. researcher had ta.gged the seal ;,.,c; c"c:~~~"'i:.1,... "'¥ '!' .,f:ti.. C:Ollll(I • 1r1t '"" t1 '""' "'"" rtttt-t111 •lttlt " ••IKI last February on Guede:lupe. Mer. 1., 1m 0.11111 : ....,u ''· l"" -·O< "Need.Im lo say. It was a OA\'10 s. 11rr\ITH, Allt. P't•t surprise to find lhe finl ~ .. 1~:'Zi..,:. tagged pup In Sant.3 CM.'' "'*"1""' 0r1,... c: .. ~ C•*"* ,110t, 1ald Pttet"llOf'I. .... .... ''· " ..... Mt'I' 1 ...... , ,,~., 11\rblklltd o"""" CM•I 11'1' Oii.Diil OF THli Cit• couNc1t OP fHt CITY Ofl COSTA ME.IA. (Alt,ORNI" C. I(, l'IUeJT. Cl'T'f (;t.fJlll: 0,.. THI CIT"I' 0' COS'T,t. MIU. CAl.ll'O!lNIJ, O.Ry ,.1 .... ,., .. ,. .,., 1Ht l, I .... 1- 1 ,, I I' ~-·-----""T--,..----=-------...-...,..--.-,,.,.,~...,.,. .. -.--. Fo ia~ Valley -. Tqday's Fte•I ~· • -__..:::-_..---__;·. EDITI N ' ' ' VC!>C. 61, NO. 98, SECTIONS, 34 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALlfORNI;._ I ' ' I ( ' ! 1 ~ ( ' . I .. THU~SDAY, 'APRIL'. 24, 1969 ' I :·-1"· ,, (tT• ·· .1me . . We Listened to Youth,' By TERRY COVIU.E Of tlll 01JIJ ,Pllol Stilt ''You know, maybe the youth of today :e~Uy do kn~w more than adults. Maybe 1t,. about time we started listening to them." • Tliese ~er~ the somewhat surprising wqrds of a "cop." Huntington Beach ~tective Sgt. Robert Rinehart, speaking Wt¥fne.9day at the YMCA 's luncheon series, Spotlight on Issues. ~gt. Rinehart CWTently is assigned to thl n~C:OUCS detail. He once was in the juvenile section of the detective branch and has given hundreds of lectures on the problems of today's youth. "They, lack any respect for any type of authority including police, school and parents," he said, nferring to the young rebels. Why? , "An overpennissive society and, too often, a . superior atUtude taken by adults," replied Rinehart. Rini!lhart ·explaJned that perhaps adults too often take an atUtudt that e'l'pel'ience l , DAU, Y!ll.O!: l .. ff """' , GOOEY PUP·RESTS'AF.TER O~OjlAL IN .OIL-TANI! -I .:0. "' • · -'Crud•' end -Rescuer, Firemen-~red _Hell1.r', ' Greasy Pup,py Dog Fished From· Oil Tank A pu~, covered with blaCk .globs of crude oil from nose to Lail, was fished out nf an.toil settling tank this morning by Huntington Beach firemen. Th!: dog was noticed in the oil pond, Nixon Asks Hike .To 7 Cents in First Oass Mail . . WASHINGTON (UPI) -· Presideiit Nixon today asked Congress to boost-the price for mailing. a first class letter to se!en. cents. Post cards, and second and thifd class mail would also be raised in an effort to slash the nation's poStaJ deficit. .. ' . , ~ '·'. ' -located 'next to the Gatfie1d rite station, at 7:so·a.m. and was.rescued tro,n·his.ip- volunttp"y bath by f~eman Fr~ Heller. Heller, wearing protective gloves and boots, climbed down the steep concrete embankment of the pond, grabbed the dog and carried him to safety. According to fire Capt. l:.ee Lauer. "Crude," as the puppy was dubbed, will be taken to the SPCA where he will be given a mineral and detergent bath. Stffk' Markets NEW YORK (AP) -The stock markel firmed and c1-I wi!h ·a modeot gaio lo- day after • drifting in a fairly 'aan'OW' r~e earlier. (See qOOtatioM, Pages ·~ 2n. -· Trading was mOderately ~tive1 Mir the c~ Tbe Dow Jooes industrial average at 1:30 p.m. was up ·2.81 at 920.31. alone makes them know more than youth, when, in fact, the yowigst.ers, through better education, probably •know more than adults about political systems.· narcotics and some otber ·tbings. He also blamed a sort atitude on Jove-ins, sit-ins and demonstrations as leading to a lack of respect for authority. Su poinlS porenls mighl keep ·In mind when dealint wjth t.htir offspring were outlined by Sgl. Rinehart. 1.' Keep cool, don 't Jose your temper lvheo talking to youth, 2. Liaten to what they are really saying, oot just the.1words. 3. Get the facls about a subject.before you discuss . it. Don't iry to bluU them. They kndw· mdre. than you thipk. . 4. Be finn, b~t fair. Listen to both.si<t,es of a story and make the punislunent fit the crime. . S. Set good eXamples. 6. Don't try to . panic kids. Don't threaten or scare them: it doesn't work. ·Getting closer to 'home, Rinehart talked about Sunday's .riot on the beach. ''You know,'' he said, "rui;nors are already floaUng around Hunllngton Beach High School that the riOt was started because a cop beat up a 7-yea,r~ old girl." · It really started when a youth arrested on suspicion of possessing seconal tablets bolted and ran, explained the detective, who ' added, "but youth ue ready to believe rumors about the Police. A definite need for y~th progr~ is evident in Huntington BeaC;h,' added Rinehart. "Perhaps we reJY on· the be'ach too much to keep our youth entertained." He did point out that only about three of the 35 juveniles ~eel in Sunday'• riot were from Huntington Beach. n. others were all from out of town. In conclusion Rinehart made a final. salient point: "Nan:otlca and law are~ police problems, they ·are our problems. We make the laws·, the' poUce art on}1 doing their job in enforcing them. If yoll'. don't agree with the laws, change them, legally. Don't ignore lbem." · Harbor District Winner? Huntington's Miller Offers Strongest Opposition By JACK BROBACK Of 1119 Dellr P'li.t JI.if Opponents of the .Orange County Harbor District appear to have lost their debate during a four·hour marathon hearing which ended Wednesday nifht before the Local Agency Formation Commission. "Twelve county cities have been cam- paigning for more than one year with the aim to cause dissoluUon of the SS.year-old Harbor Di.strict. Sunset Beach Facing Fight Over Duplex sunset Beach · ble · ·~ bei· ' · i>ifciw iodity ':;' u:rl'ouike nu.i'!i pl.ans to build a sfil&le. two story duplex in the center 9f the mile-long railway right of way' l'UDlllng lbroogh the heart of lbe beach communlty. · Residents of the unincorporated ter• ritory, still weary from a long battle to prevent construction of a tract of duplex· es on the strip of land owned by the Southern Pacific Railroad Co., are now faced with the possibility of con.rtruction at Broadway Street and Pacific Avenue • A Santa' MonicJ, general conti:actor, William Chase, filed plans calling for construction of a bullding with two three bedroom units on behalf of an unnamed client. County officials said tl1e application is ''perfectly legal" and that the land is zon- ed for such construction. Filing of the aJ?Plication could spur plans for some public body to buy the SO.. foot strip of sand and convert it to park· ing facilities. Residents of the area pcl:int out that there is no place now for beach users to park and that building multiple family homes on the railroad strip would only make the parking situation worse. They have proposed to the county and have made a condition to consideration of annexation to Huntington Beach the corr version of the strip to a parking lot. With the threat of immediate con· struction residents might give greater thought to annexation to Huntington Beach. Monday night the Huntington Beach City Council agreed to a long ll!t of conditions and ordered steps which could lead to purchase of the:·strip with a 'combination of federal, state and revenue bond mobey through the city Parking Authority. The county Boal'd of Sup<'..rvisors has ordered the Orange County Harbor District to study the possib!Uty of the county purclwln& the strip and using it for parking for visitors to the county beach. Yet after the four hours of testimony. the LAFC wearily continued the hearing until June.-11. The continuance, coupled with the clear appearance ·that the cities' rep.resen- tatlves were badly shot down duril}g debate, suggelts :to v~ran· c;ounty government observers tlurt the Harbor District will eventually win its case before the LAFC. Tre line up of witnesses was heavily weighted. in favor of those who want the ' . district continued as a separate entity rather than .Changed to a regular coutKy departmel)t of harbors, bea~bes and parb. Ten persons spoke for the diStriCt..with only four , backlni the ·dissolutioD peti· Uons. The cities' proposal was presented. by La Habra City Councilman Dean 1Sbull, presltlent of ·the ·Orange County League of Cities. He charged that the district bad outliv· ed it! usefulness, involved overlapping jurisdlctlons, had expanded funds for local rather than reg~' behefits and had parallel administraUve agencies con- lr•lling barbors, beaches and parks. Shull called for a vote of ~people oa the issue at the June, 1970 primary. Most damaging to the clUes' case .wu a slashing 15'-minute barrage by the (See HARBOR, Page II New Coqtrols Curb Sewage .. ·InSA River . . ' ' '(.'t By JOHN VALTERZ.!. \. · Of t111 Dlllr P'lllt SraH . .. ' ' - -,. DAILY 'ILOT. Iliff '""' , oia the Roof Preparing their ·sh~ep· for annual 4-H Fair this weekend at Orange County Fairgrounds Jn· Costa Mesa · are Ell'e!'JBorchardt (le.ft), 12, Fountain Valley, and ·Sharon Sendra: 13, Huntington Beach._G1rls ?r.e members of Fountain Valley Cloverdales 4-H Club. They will exhibit sheep at 9:30 ·a.m. Saturday. . Senate Passes· 'Beard' Bill . Banning Stage Sex Acts Originating Jwo years ago with an· fno vitation-only play on an Orange County cam.pw;, the S~te Senate today approved a bill prohibiting virtually all simulated' sex acts In college drama 'productions. Only the kiss and hug are llkely to survive if.tbe.AsfembJy ·approves the bill by Sen. ..wrence ·E. Walth CO.Hun. tington Par'\) passed 25.to 9 by the upr>er house. Strict ne,-rules requiring dl!infectiort 1 of aewa1e dumped into the Santa Ana River . went iqto effect Wednesday, hopefully ellminaUng future quaranUnes of.Newport Beach oCean waters. · The Santa Ana River Basin Water Quality Control Board, after hearing several . hours of testimQ~Y in .Newpm1: Beach from county health and city o(· ficlals, voted unanimously to impo.se the rules. The cities of ~lands, San Bernardino, Colton, Riverside, Ontario and the Naval Ordinance Test Labora· t9"Y at Norco are ctf!ected. Under the strict a,rut definitive pro- vislons,·the cities must discharge sewage elfiueirt with a bacteria count which would make body contact with it safe for humans. The heavy, record storms of January and February -besides ruining aew.er lines in Riverside -washed out percolating basins used by several up~tream cities, forcing them to dump treated, but bacteria-laden sewage into the river. Tbe combination of the treated waste and the .millions of gaJions of untnated sewage dumped .into I.he r~ver from Riverside brought about the· record quarantine of five miles of beach iD Newport. and Huntington Beach. . The bacteriological yardstick r 0 r measuring future discharges came from Orange County Health Department head Dr. John Philp, who asked that a co'!· oform bacteria count of 50 microbes for every 100 millilitets of effluent tie the limit. Before the ru.llng, cities were asked on- ly to "disinfect" the treated·tewage, but no specific bacter1a count Umitll had ever been imposed. Ph11p's leltimony and charges from ·the Harbor Area over . the blame for the quarantine drew resentment from aeveral (Set l\IVER, Pa1e II ' Jn a message to Congress, Nixon said ~ p~oposals would reduce the record •t2 billion 1970 postal deficit by more tDan $600 million. Tb;e President said the only alternative to the rate increases Would be to add '600 million "to the already considerable burd~n to our taxpayers.'' Straight A's No Help · The me1asure was the outgrowtli of an investigation by Stale Sen. James E. Wbetmore CR-Fullerton) into , the now.o famous production of "The Beard'' at Cal Weatller Another briil!t day ls on lbe agenda' for FiJday, with a few ~ty winds lo ollr lbinga up. Temperaturts will remain constant Nixon proposed : -RWsing the rate for first class leil~rs And po4f. tards one Cent to seven and six cents, respectively, ef(ective Ju1y 1, 1999. The 10 cent air iTia.il letter rate would re- main. unchanged, -Second class mail, ne:ws~per_s and ~gazines circulating outside the county in which lhel' are published, would be fJ.lsed by U percent July 1, 1970. This would be in addltion to the eight percent increase scheduled to take effect next Jan. 1. -'Mtlrd elau mail, used by dlrtct ndl/tl'tiSers for so-called junk mail, would be increased-by 15 percent eUecUve Jan. · 11 1970. The minimum single p1ece third class rate would go up one cent July I. Bulk rates for third cl~s mail are al:heduled to be lnmued on July l. 1 ' ' & -..__.__._. School Burns Over Sideburns, Expels Top Student A Garden Grove high tchool student with ilearly a straight·A grade ,average loday is barred from Ibo SlnUago Hlgb · School campus far not shaving his mutton-chop sideburns as ordered. f.fiCh·ael Picker, 17, of 11111 Puryear Lane, Garden Grove,~malntaJns U\at his sideburns are no more dlsrupUve to Ule educaLl~al process than thole of bis own high school counselor. Trustees of the Gardin Grove Unified School District voted hfm , lnlO . tenU· permanent llapef\Sk>n, howe_ver, when he, nis sympatheUc htbei Frank, and Fullerton ~llorney Sco\11-.Rl!Ymond a~ !ended lhe hearing T1Jeiicla7. "Oh brother.'' moaned Trustee Ron Bishop, whose no vote was: the onl7 dluent, as three oUler lrult.tts rorced Picker off the regular ca~pus. but said moustaches or sldeb4rns. , he could attend another ·ror problem The youth'• 'attori>ey artued before the' youngstua. board that a aHnUar ln<!ldeot involvlni a eoo1ac1ed al home lo<laY. young Picker long·bair!d 1:;.year-old hoy in Ar<adla -who worb part-time and ia paying his was throtm out by 'a Los' Angeles 'County own attorney's fees besides maintaining jusJge ,and thelJoy returned to ctaSses. · his A-minus grades -said be doubts he Trustees res1>9nded by citing a will fight the board rullng. RJvertld• case io wbicb Ule'ahaa:Y plaln: "I haven't got the $2,51» in legal fees it Wf was the loser. . •. woold lake and besides, I'm bu'7 witb loo , Plcl<er ~'~ byiboth•JleOd, many o111er lhing•,.. sald the onetime I eouest. ~.< or.1.,_ t .and "'ea;.. campu! leader. • · £· l\' ...... '~ilin• !'I' <;!f••lfn\lr-ilrlvldidl He said he·did nol·.lblnk he would seik he 6~11Jn1 hls,li1J1btachilol'4Jt>i6ma!'' •• ' help rronr, lbe. Alllericln .CMI Liberties f He Slfdl.ii· niay alllve o!ter 'all •lo> Union, which offera free counsel in.auch ellinb:iiate tlie'. hu!le. · • ' cases. "But,! It 111 somewha~1mysltrlous that. Young Picker was aUJpended APfil 7. by mi sldeburn! are dlsrul"lve lo ljle edoca- Vlce Principal Gary L. Walker ba!ed·on !mal 'pryc ... llld my 'counaeldi'a are· lhe acbool'• drua co4e forblddin1 beord$. not.'l'll\ polnled lNL , • ' ,. Slate Fullerton. 1 The <1vant-garde play by onetime beat. poet • Micb8el McClure deplclt •. stmulated'abt or oral iritercourse betWeen: the1ate star Jean Harlow and Bdly the, Kid, a bandit Crom another era. 1 · Tbe Wais~ bill wo1ilcf' applr aJso :to mi>-. tion pictures, televls~on pl'eSen\8.Uons or any other media as: wen ·u 1the 1tage1 making even permialion d tluch' matertal by a teacher a mlldemeanor'. • 11PefformaJices OC thla ·caliber •Camiot I be ~on 1axpay•t'IUJ!poNd'"°'.; I PJ¥s,"\'Walih~sald. · ~ ii ·' · • 'lhe bill• ,_...1vec1'0 ~ .from. • ;~Xthl' oOln11erN, ·lri:ltldirtr; Bfn: An-' ' , lfioi!Y B<Ub.lion ol Beverly Hllls'and Stn. "Nicholas Ptuoil of Ookland. In lbe middle !O's. ' . INSmE TODAY In lhdr l11Plccllt/, cool, un- TUf fltd; undeTstated wa.11. tht Brillsh hove odded '""'' ·11111, and 1t11lt to A.mtriccn ''~ obeT the 11eor1. See TV colum,._ ~·II! l~. ' ~ I *'91n • Clnt,1,,. »J:> • ,..,.... ~ I # Uo!ftet 1-.1t•: ................. ''""""' II er.... CMltr ., t Dffft. JMtlut t IYMI ....... » ~ II S.Ci.I """ 11>11 ~ , .... ' ...,. . .., .. 1'"'1el l I 1f 1-. ..,._ _., ,.._ IH' T........ • 1t --14 ,....... • 'l'ttrls cOn<c!:\led ho ran thi Thie of• 'J>tllii "Jabelecf as 1 pdmogriph&." In Iii!' "~g lho meaiUre' but 'Warned of Uie' 'donam of ·u.. legl1Ja111tt •dicU.Un& Ibo i. Allll lllllWft 11 W9tflM 4 ,,........ ........... ti "'°"rr-.Lic...lt WW• MWI .. -" · (Set SEX, Pa .. II ' • ' ' \ • ''I • J DAILY 'ILOT " "*'117, Apttl 24, 1969 • PILOT • • LOGBOOK 1 . . . . c Spoken English Works · As Well as Body English By TOM BA11LEY Of "" 0.llr ~-lllfl Long before we Rt fool upon these friendly and hospitable aborea we learned that a British accent could work wonders for the immis:ran't in purault of facts and/or fun. Loo~ back now, we rather Imagine that Ibo nrot purveyor of lhb prletleu piece of lnformaUon bad the latter category in mlz>d when be '" ~ ib \ ' • .. caught our ear 1n a Fleet Street tea room. Freoh from a Journallstlc IOJourn In aunny Call· fomla, he regaled hil admiring audience with what I have aince learned from my oa:n admJUedJ,y long ran1e vle~t must have been grossly euggerated account.a of his mnorowi adventurea unong Am.tr.lean Women tn Pursuit of Men. * I ~ "Bllmey, It'• wy," our Cockney confidant wyr- ed ua. "Just chat 'em up and you'll 'ave 'em eat.in' itut of yer 'and. All you've got to do h put on a bit of the old Oxford (accent) and you can take your pick from a whole cartload of Yank!t birds." Happily bound as we are within a marital ttatwi that has pleasantly persisted from its creation in pei:fidious Alblon, we have not -to any great extent. Jet us blushing!y add -tried our own ''bJ~ of Oxford" On very many birds, Yankee or otherw!Je. But we have not been averse to a mental popping of the plum In out mouth at moments when a very correct and stiff-upper-Up approach could conceivably turn a key in a reluctant door. Indeed, there have been occasions ln our journalistlc. career in this balmy clime when the carefully pitched BBC tones blended with a dash of Savlle Row savoir faire have been suc- cessful In altuaUona whiCb. would have defied owuera of a Maine twang or a Midwest drawL * . We happily recall a most efficient and crisp legal secretary who had tent other crestfallen members of the Fourth Estate about their bullne11 with the abrupt announcement that her boss wu out of town and no one would get to see anything until be got back. Our own tentaUve inquiry drew the same Immediate response. Upon which we bestowed our tight lipped guardian of a lawyer's secret with oul' best Prince Philip smile we have in common, I belleVe, those finely chJaet- ed features and athletic demeanor -and soothingly murmured : "I'm 10 terribly sorry, actually. I can quite understand, madam, that yoo beah full responsibility for the 11afekeeplng of thll Insult and I most cuta1nly do hope that I haven't unduly troubled you with my ltlqulries." Well, after we'd relived the time ahe IM bear earring In the Chapel Roya!, resurrected the incident when she was nearly knocked down by Pri.nee.ss Margaret's car and drooled together over the recipe for Scota scones she brought back from Edinburgh, we both took a quick look at a certain docwnent that turned out to be a front page atory -that day. * And then there was the judge's clerk who-. But that's another atory. We'll tell you all about that little affair and the role played by a "bit of Ol- ford" when the gavel is down and the hefty dlmagea are paid. But whlle we're chatting, let me menUon th1a lovely Jong-legged bird down In the cotmty clerk'lf office. She ii definitely dlahy' and ahe Jape: up the BrlUsh bJt. In fact, she's alwaya aaklng me to tell her about- (Edttor'1 Nott: Tht.s fl a logbook, not a diarv. We have re-rtod 11our 'fifth para.graph tmd iuggtst that 11ou do tht sam.t. Bv the Wit/ 11our wift wanu uou to quit fooling around with the chflei.J ' Lt&SW¢f kt .: .?J!1!.-3..$1U,_!¥S::...,' s ·· x .. .::::;;.= • ,. ..... :. _ ...... - Biulfiiim.·rnz OCJC . Trustees B-llfck SD$ . . ' Bill Now · I • • :v~al Students Press Poi'nt., Lose 4-0 Vote •'. ., !N·~~, -. _. ~"' of Student. for.a l'DD'J' .. lc lloalelr (SOS) lost out Thurs-a11 nl#il at Orange Coast College .. all thuiameleu llObool tu V-. wbo 1bhor Special to Ille DAILY PILOT Clblpus violeoct: SACRAMENTO -A blll compelling the Junior college lrultte! lfstened lo the state Lands Commission to give coastal argument. of studenta for more than two cities and counUes prior not1ce of bear· . houn, tben voted·4 to 0 to deny an apPeal lnls oo -.r. oil drtlllllo 1Pl>llcations for recocoJllon of a SOS chapter oo the wia aent to the Aaembfy llOor WecS. OCC carnpu1. " .. nuday. Board memben aJNed 1tudenll had The measure (AB m) was authored by made proper a(Jplicatlon under college Assemblyman Robert E. Badham (ft.. regulations. 1'1ey based their decLslon, Newport Beach). they said, on Judgmental"""""' -coo- It Ms the endonement of Lt. GOv. Ed cem over probable oeaauve public reao- Reinecke, chairman of the three-member lion. , Jandl commiuJ.on. · Mort than 100 ltudents atood wall to Overwhelmlna approval ii expected wall and overflowed into the hallway JeglalatJve obaervera aid. • outaide tbe till,)' board room that eeatl. The bW WOllld require the comml111lon only .JO. • . to give 60 days notice on hearinga on all Among thole }ftlent wtre a con~t exploraUon and drllllnt requW;s from the ol SOS members from UC lrvibe, a otl indu1try. number of ealablishm..WUpportlv~ OCC It wu requested by Orange County and athletes, and members of the Amerlcan' lta co8!lal du .. In Ibo wake of lands Legion. commission approval last January of ErmtJOM ran strong, but the audience offshore oil explorations by the Shell ou ~~USc th~~~ wu not unruly, Co. Board President Worth Keene sald, No Orange County agencies were ad. ''This Is a public !:Upported lnatitution vised of the Shell appllcaUon unUJ after and we are dependent on local tax the action was taken. Following protests doll.an. 'The people either 1uppOrt. us or the approval wu rt1elnded. ' openly fight us." Seil Beach ctty Manager Lee Risner "I find that very gross," said a student. last month succeeded in winning "You sell out 1 democratic process for a Assembly conunittee approval of few dollars. It's not up to what the tax- amendments to the measure which payers say, it 's up to your individual con· origin.ally gave no sped.lied ~riod for science. prior notice-"You cannot deny the Umes are chang· Mayor Doreen Marlhall, of Newport Ing, brother. Make 1 blow for open ~each, said today she· la "delighted" at mindedness." the prospect of Assembly passage of the Said Tru.s~ Donald Hoff: bill. "I challenge the concept' your group is going to solve all the problem!. I resis t Beach Interviews Architects for Civic Center Although there b stlll COMldmlble doubt over the location of a new Hun~ tlngton Stach Civic Center, the city De!lp Review llolrd 1ppormty will ha .. an arehJtect for tho project lmg belere 1l>e council m-up Jta mind perm.anenUy on 1 center lite. Members of the board thU1 far have m. lervlewed the !Inns of Charles Luckmln, Welton Beckett an d Al10Clal4s, Kurt M~, Victor Gru<n, John Parldn and Kil Brady and Aaaoclatu. On ay,lbey will !-.Jew Tom and the effort to destroy because something better iJ going to come. There ls no guarantee the idealism wltb which yo11 •tan 1J going to persist. ' PUBUC REACTION "Dr. Watson (Supt. Nonnan Wat.son) mentioned the judgmental factor. That's where we're at. We'd suffer the side ef~ feels that come from public reaction.'' Stud!nt Body Vice President Ray Gen- drin explained why the student senate had voted S to 2 to recognize SOS (an ac· tion that was vetoed by OCC President Dr. Robert Moore). He said the sos petilkiners bad met an the criteria for formation of. a campus organiiation. From P .. e 1 SEX ..• content of art on college campu.sea. "We 6f·not nqulro them to-.t tho ,_,ity rm·u~ I« U.. ~ hlllai'f a!' 91l6; We ha.. Chrtollaa bl.d. "Nati look l a..•t .V.. bolw I orpnlzatiorm .on . ci.mpus thlt hava a man <Pointlitt lo' UCI student Hai • much bloodier )l~lory. we did not .I~ Why don't tliey let "' ii\ on the qjll- tb1t Ls pertinent spiracy?" · ,. "Tbe group has been peaceful l!nce It • 5tov1 Kauffman, OCC. itu4enl who - flrll ~ in November. lt bu ex· Vaughn has been • principal rpol<- hiblted ·exftausti'fe patience. The board is f1Jr SOS, saJd, "SOS and atuderits Al ~. way mt on a tan&ent with lta iro_pheclei whole have constructive thinga to llJ. By of doom.'""· · ahack1ing the future you will only burl the college." . ~ Ht,ldded tb• heh a Vlietaam veteran, Don Elder, a......,,_ man who ldentintd b not for SllS but speab for all the hJmse ,.-. itudents .II their elected repreeentativ.e. If as a ka1 busioeMmao. ~ Da · the board that by turning down SDS JI vid Heskett, SDS member from ucr, \VllS playing right into their bands. said that if atudert:: are going to be "Yoo are verlfyin& rumors that you ve :,ers~~r one label they will be repressive, and giving them an illu6,"~ "It aeema lo me you're admitting there sa~ ted th by mu.sin = are subversives all over the piece but yot1 · n no · at I . · tim of an organization already oper doo't want the college'• name mm«I by on campus the board was denying ttljf the!e .people who doo't have God's proper an __.......unity to obtain a mem~_..:;;·r-~. for eapt•-11.:-.... ..,.,....,. • ua~ ..... ....,.... 141131u list and creatlng a secret organization., He and otben said that SOS has betn ' "It's aort of like puttirlg a ierpeat Mhing but constructive at UCI, sponscl'· Wlder the rug," be said. · ing Speakers' and films, cm:luctirtg cllllS!Jetl and holding conclaves so far oo teachitlg and Korea. A Legioooaire wbo Bald he b with the couoter subversive misllon d. California American Legion quoted J. :Edgar Hoover, quoting American Communl!t Party President Gus Hall, who aa.ld, "SDS Is one of the groupe we have going for us." "What it all this about a conspiracy?" asked Jack Vaughn, OCC ttudent who La Habra Soldier Killed in Vietnam A La Habra soldier has been killed ln action in the Vietnam war, the U.S. Defense Department baa announced. Dead la Army Spec. 4 David D. Han- bury, the husband of Cynthia D. Hanbury, 214 W. First Avt., La Habra. From Page 1 Tnlllcler and ·Adrian wu.an Aaaoclatu. Bllurday JI will be Burka, Kober, Nlcolab llld Ardluleti; RullilaJ'l J!;vailt •"" SttJn. ~; llldllif!lbli'(~~· · r Sunday afta--1111~bolnl Will In· lervlrw the 'firm. of vll'llti and He called aimulated se1: a c t a "reprehensible, 11 but Aid the Jeglalature abould avoid poUUCal 1n\e:r1'ertnee in ex- perimentation in ldeU by college student.!l. HARBOR FOES LOSE •••• Beideman. , ; Under CU!llderalloo II a -city hall and polJc<! ladllty. Prtaently the city i. involved In the ~ of 12 •cret near Huntlncton Beoch Hiii> llchool, but the locaUon matter .un ii far from aetlled with the waterlrort sUll Under con- 1lderation Ind &t Malt one other site a wually quiet County Colllllel Adrian Kqyper. "Seldom have 1 .Rttl a lesa thought out, Jen revelant proposal, than the one before you today, 11 Kuyper charged. "You are belng asked to dlMolve a giant district with bard1y an aMwer to any or the bUlc quesuon1. "You are asked to approve outright the dlllOluUon of a district 35 years old that has developed three harbors. I am shock· ed at the brevity of the case. There waa obviously UWe thlnklng and l~s study." Only City Adminlatrator Doyle Miller of HuntJ.ngton Beach stood up to Kuyper's wltherlng attack. "For th~ yean we negotiated with the district In good faith for a joint powers agreement that would b e workable in our jurildJcUon over our own harbor (HunUnston Harbour)," Miller ex· plained. "We thought we had worked out a plan with diatrlet offlelals only to have the rommlssion turn it down. "When we ltOod befort the LAFC some tlme ago ask.in& for delellcri of. our city from the d1strkt we were told by the cbalnnan, 'we will see that bargainin& lo good faith ls carried out,' " Miller con· tinued. "Jt never was. Tbe matter qever I OAllY PllOI OltAHOI COAll l'Vlld"tn COM,.AH'T IN•rt N. W••' '""llfltftl lfllll !JubUIMr ,,.. 11. c ... 1:r Vlclt '"'""" .... ~ ~ n •• , K••wl"I """ n--A. "'•r,hln• ,.._..,.. ldllW AllMrt W. let•• Willl1111 1114 ~· ... lllftM ...,. l!dffw City ldltlf ....... , ....... Ofllce lOt Ith Str .... Mtil'i119 >.Uret1t P.O .... no, t?HI --.......... "901 "'' ............. ........ C.!• ... ! • w.tt •• , ...... . '-"" a.c.iu 2U ,..., "'*""' reached the Board of Supervl.lon." "The clllirman told U1 we were only one cJty 11\d llhoold get an upnuion from oll1er dtlet lo Ibo cwatr. Wt have done BO and urge the cm>mlal<n to be responsive.'' 'l1le n>lt of Harbor Director K<1111tlh Sampeon In the controveny was the su~ ject o\ C<lllllderable -on by aome wilnes:Ses, Att<>rney llodger H°""U, wbo.aald lie waa repmentlng the alngle family homeowners, charpd that what diuolu- tion opponents reelly wanted was "to fire Sampson." Dee Cook, knner Newport Beach city councllman, cl.lied the 1ttack a vendetta against S1tnpson. ComnUssion member Robert w.'Battin, a county supervisor, said he bad heard of considerable friction between Sampson and city o!llclal1. . He asked county administrative otflcer Robert Thom,. li he had lnvullaaled the differences. Thomas replied \bat he had not, "I don't care if a man is an angel or otherwise if he does the )ob." "You should investigate," replied Battin. BRIEF REVIEW Sampson, tn preeenting a brief review of diatrict finance. and benefits, ICOred a teUing point. "Homeowners in lnJand cJUes have no real complaint," the district ctnctor said. "In Fllllerton, a city remote from harbor faclllttes, they pay s.a percent of district -alioos, with I.I percent of !ho county's populaUon and s.s percent of the boat ownership. Beach Hospital Given Approval H111tingtQ! Inlercomm~ty Hoop4tal In Huri:'infJten Beach won Ulrft..year ac- credltaUm this W<Ot fnxn lhe Joint CJommiooiOll m .&ccrodltall<ll of il<lepli.~. 'l1le t.cIHty at nm s-h Blvd. was bultt lo 1117 with 141-beda. An -ad· ditlon Ilea been lppn>ved by Ibo Orlnge County llocpit.11 -Planning Aa90clat1on. 'Ibe survey of. the hospf\11 ,, .. made l•t month by Dr. Arthur N. ~111 from Ibo , Chicago headquortm of Ibo -· '!be I~ tequlred two d111 and led la Ibo llCCttdltallm. In a ltUer to the hospital ad· mlnlltraUon &MOOnclni the dec1slcn, the Joi.rt Commission Dfrector Dr. John D. Porttrl.lek! aald that "the comml9!Jion wtshes to eommend you f« ma1titaining standards d,..rvlng Ibo accreditation and for )'(lur tonStant effort.a to improve qual.ky ol p11tient cart." Hospital otficlal1 sWd the normal ac- Cftdltatlon upectod ror a new bolpllll l• one fNI' and were overjoyed at the three ) C;.ri. ,, pouibllll)'. . From · P .. e J RIVER .•. upstream city reprtsen\IUves. Spommeo for San Bernan!lno and Redlandl ponlcularly took Issue with their critics, lltldlutly malntatnlng that they were not at fault for the beach quarantine. Since the stornu, Redland! has been dumping treated sewage into the river. San Bernardino has noL Newport City Harbor Coordinator George Dawes, a~ pealing to the board I« swift action la clean up the river, cited more than $22,000 Jost by some Newport beachfront businessu because of the quarantine dur· ing Easter Week. He said the figure would be much higher, il rental.!, grocery sales and other business lOSRS were computed. The upstream ciUes must 11tart their dlsinfectlng procedure.s hrunedlately and report their test findings weekly until the discharge into the river is ended, the board aald. STllL IN EFFECI' Meanwhile, the beacli quaranUne Is still In effect with signs of perhaps letting up by J""'. Dr. Philp, however, said that the bacteria counta are stlD nmnlng "very hl1h, and It'• lmpollJble to set a definlte date for UfUng ol the quaranUne." Runoff from W river Is expected to subside ln the ne1t few weeks as stored water behind Prado Dam disappears. Heavy snow runoff from the San Bernardino Mountains Is llght enough to allow trapping of the water soon in underaround basins ln Orange County. 2nd Overturned Truck in Canyon For the second day In a row traffic wat blocked Wednesday on tho Santa Ana Canyon Road beCam c( 1n ovtrt'llmtd truck. Thia time it wu 1 Oood of lemons which cascaded from a truclc blocldn1 ill unbound lantt for two hours. Clllfomta H.lghway P1trol officers aald the eutbound truck wtnt off the mdway and hil a ttlephone pole between era. cent Drive Ind lmperill Highway. The driver, Fred W. Hat.rich, 25, Anaheim, was only sUghUy lnjW'td. Tuead1y, a tanker t111ck cmylng cltanln1 nuld ove~ and blocked all lanes on the highway lot aeverll hour$. ---------- Beilenson objected that the Walsh bill would set a "double alandard" for college and public drama. He warned that the nett possible step would be an attempt to ban controversial boolta in college Jibrarles. He said performance of the prize.win. ning play, "America, Hurrah," which conta!rui: a brief aimulated sex act, would be baMed at state colleges. Sen. Mervyn Dymally (0.Les AngelO!), warned that deviate semal behavior al!lo m ight include such dances as the "\Vatusl, the twist, the mamba or the cha, cha, cha ." It would be a misdemeanor for anyone to engage in, or a teacher or 1chool of· flclal to permit, procure, aid or counsel a person to engage ln a limulated act of 15exual lntercour11e or deviate sexual con- duct during a production on a state coJ .. lege campus. Staging School Event Spotlight will be on schools tonight at Huntington Center when Ocean . View School District presents special student program marking Pu!>" · lie School Week. Program is set for 6:45 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Ar .. ranging stage area are Chris Martz (left), 14, and Suzy Sierack, 13, while English teacher Marge Miller and College View School Prin· cipal CegJ Klee s·upervise. ' . . JJ. J. (Jarrell 7 STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM Tll••• are M'1 COfnfortable Sittfnt and St..plt119. 1ofa b.cls fot • • • SOFA BED SALE ! • ... 400.00 Now 299.00 · Wtth Skirt• •so. •rlr-a. Y-/oOOrlt< tnt.rior dcrign<r to!U k 1'dpptf to curist llO• .•• • H.J.GARl\EJT fURN1l1JRE Plon5SIONo\L IHTHIOlt DISICNIU I, 2211 HAl&Olt ILVD. COST.\ MESA. CALIF. •••·017& M..._017• I I r I: I I I I ' .. • ·-·' ' .. Saddleha~k Today's Fbud ' --·--EDITI O N I VO~. 62, NO. 98, l SECTIO NS, H PAGES or· er Down the Requi res Notice ORANGE COQNTY.' CAUFORN IA. . ' • . ·- ~rus · e · THU,RS!>A Y, APRI~ 24, j.969 . ' '' • ' _Ill . • TEN CENTS Earth Moyer. Mission Bill Puts Curbs Overturns ' ' 'Amigos to Sing In S.outh La guna PttISSION VIEJO -About 100 Sad· dleback area Sing Out A mi g o s performers will hit Aliso Beach in South Laguna Saturday afternoon with song books, .guitars, and frisbees. The beach party will be held alter the group's Saturday rehearsal at the Mission Viejo High School at 10 a.m. Sing Out Amigos first performance ill schedul· ed for May 13 at Uie high school PTO meeting. e A nnex Hearb1g Set LAGUN A NIGUEL-Hearing on annex- ing [he Niguel Shores area to Orange County Service Area No. 3, wllich in.- eludes mOflt of Laguna Niguel, has been postponed to June 11. -Alex Bowie. attorney representing the Laguna Niguel Corp., asked for the defer- ment because "differences have been ~tered in regard to a detactunent of a portion of the territory from the Capistrano Bay Recreation and Park District." Bowie said the deferment would pre-- vent the rnatter "from ~ further cOmplicated ." The Capistrano Bay Recreation and Park Di!trict ill now represented in court a9Uon qainst the Laguna Ni(uel COr- poraUon regar~ the abandcmment of salt ~k Roid in \he Niguel Sborea area. Attorney William Wilcoxen, for the cll!ttict, Aas called the abandonment of the roadway by the county to the cor- poration "illegal" ·• Phone Projert E11ed SAN J UAN CAPISTRANO -Pacif1e Telephone Company officials have outlin- ed !efltative plans for a $700,000 elec-- tronlc telephone switching imtallation h~re. The proposal, discussed al a City Coun- cil study session. concerned a 1.3-aere IJ:ite on Camino del Avion aCTOS.1 from Marco Forster Junior High. The in- cri!menlal construction woold replace switching faci!Jties at San Juan and Dana Yoint. .• One Wa11 Str eet s? UNIVERSITY PARK -All cul-de-sac strtets Jn tbe University Park area have been recommended for one-way (counter cfockwise) operation after a review of triiffic and parking condition. The Orange County Traffic Committee also recommended to the University COmmunity Association that I o w e r g?'.OU1ld cover and. where necessary, regrading of islands be'carried out to im- prtlve sight dl!Lance. The recom· m·endations were approved Tuesday by the Board or Supervisors. • e Cle1nente OK• Plan SAN CLEMENTE -The cit) not only hU plenty of room to grow, lt is on the verge of a new guideline for that growth. San Clemente planning commissioners W~nesday adopte<: a new general plan ~ more than one year of study. Dfld1hed for p ,600 by M.Qtm Breivogel,. retired Los Angeles County pliwming colnmlssioner, the plan goes to tht City CoUncil May 7. the. plan calls for a balance or recrea- liOO, tourism, commerce and industry, tdands for industrial development around lhi city periphery .total more than 'lOi acres. High population ~sity.Jllld apart.. ment hou.se clusters are allowed but rutricled in height to prot.ect ocean view. CofC Mermaids • T9 Meet Tonight On Oil Drilling At College A young Anah~ construction worker was killed in the Mission Viejo area this morning when the heavy earth mover ha was driving overturned, crushing hhn. Speclal t11 tbt DAILY PILOT SACRAMENTO -A hill compelling th• state Lands Commission to give coastal cities and counties prior notice of hear- ings on offshore oil drilling applications was sent to the Assembly floor Wed- nes<!ay. The measure (AB 622) was au thored by Assemblyman Robert E. Badham (R- Newport Beach). :~ has the endorsement of Lt. Gov. Ed Reinecke, chairman of the three-member lands commission. Overtvhelming approval lil expected, legislative observers said. The bill would require the commission to give 60 days noUce on hearings on all exptoi:ation and drilling reque!ls from the oil industry. It was requested by Orange County and jts coastal cities· in the wake of lands commission approval last January of offshore oil explorations by the Shell OU Co. No Orange County agencies were ad- vised of the Shell application until after the action was taken. Following protests, the approval was rescinded. Seal Beach City Manager Lee Risner Aldrieh ,Calli- All-~plis. Meet On COntroversy UC Irvine Chall<Ollor Daruel G. Aldrkh Jr. called· an all~pus meeting for to- day in which he was to speak on faculty· student retaUom. Aldrich's talk was to come before today 's scheduled Academic Senate meeUng which dissident students were expected to crash. last month succeeded in w I n n i n g Asser11bl,\' committee approval o f amendments to the measure, which originally gave no specified period for prior notice. Mayor Doreen Marshall, of Newport Beach, said today sbe is "delighted" at the prospect or Assembly passage of the bill. North Koreans Touch Off Due) On Truce Line . I DAILY Pit.OT llltr ,..,. ROSEMARY AND TIMOTHY •LEARY LEAVE COURT 'A Crazy System Preying on the Lovely People' SEOUL (UPI) -North Koreans open- ed fire on South Korean border guards , and touched off a 76-minute machine gun L w • c D la and recoilleu rifle duel across tJie eary ins· o• •rt e y demilitarized truce line Wednesday, the • . · · . ' , 'IN . ' United Nations Command (UNC) an- nounced today. ' . · Donald Lee Bomer, 18, of 921 Keystone Road, was pronounced dead at South Coast Community Hospital, S o u t h Laguna. Russell Greene, deputy corner, said Bomer, an employe of Tomie COnstruc- tioo Co., Manhattan Beach, wu working at the s.ite of a new Saddlebaci Junior cpltege campus at Rancho Viejo Road just east of lhe San Diego Freeway: Greene said Bomer was turning the giant piece of equipment sharply at about 8 a.m. when it got out of control and rolJ.. ed down an embankment pinning· him beneath. A heavy caterpillar trador was required to drag the earth mover oU th1t young man. Green said Bomer suffered head in- juri~ ind severe Internal lnj(lrles. Resu.scllaton was attempted unsuc- cessfully at the scene. ~tboriUes ootified the youth's father. Noble D. Bomer of Anaheim, also a con- struction worker, wbo was working at a job along the Ortega Highway out ol Sao Juan Capi!!lltraoo. Th• UNC said there wen!J>O American, ~JB'&I ... ,,D , i:l·:.....il ' · · · .~ · :. "'. · · '. T '..: · V • _ or;:,~~~~tio!·' /t..wt1,~it ~ '5~~.w~o~~-jji,iJ,i,~~M'g-µn~ ~pcrµig military spokesmen de~h Ko;:r.;h • -.... "'-a=" l't~ar· ge charges tholtJ>ere l>¥ -firing along • _.. • '<' ~ µ.I ;. \..di !be true. li... ?!orth K°"" oatd A dofla'lJ,.O..-'!'lmjiihy Lelt)> ~ 30 The ta1Jr.UY11 doctor -quletly . Ammcan troop1 ,.... llrln1 'inte' Com-seconds befaro an orange County Super-befor< Judge Robert Gardnu and offered munilt territory but 'zude no mention of ior Court bench w\nning a delay of pr~ no comment, u the jurist agreed to d~lay· firing bf iti OWll' troops , '!be VNC anaouncem~nt said the firing ceed1np Wednesday ahd 30 minutes in a the Learya' arraignment unUI May 2. originated on the North Korean si® in courthouse corridor haraniulng "a crazy A1ao ordered by the judge wa! a $10,000 tbe· central sector of the 151-mlle·long system of justtce that->ts destroyi,ng itself bench warrant for the arrest of th~ cult truce line. ~achlne gun fire began 4t 5 by preying.on the loveJy.peoJile.'" leader'a10n, John Buah-Leary, 19, belleV- a.~. from a Co[!llllunlst guard post, It Leary w~ in court to face a, Lagupa ed. by inveatlptors to be in "the New stlld, and was directed at 1 UNC guard Beach narcotics charge. York area." post in the d<!mWtarized ..... "UNC (South Korean) troops responded The lean, casually clad LSD cultist, hi3 . Le~ •. 49._ h11 wife l\OSeJJ:lary, ~·,and with an appropriate defensive measure," long, graying hair bound behind his head· the boy are char1ed with poesesalon of the UNC report said. Abou~ 40 minutes with a colored band, told riewsmen that marijuana. · They were named ' in an after the exchange began, North Koreans "pot is"hete to stay ind this nation'3 ad--Orange County Grand Jury ind{cUr)ent A ~ Beach m~ !Ii ~lilec! today, and.an llCQll•intailce faces t.lony charges, following an unel<plaihed Ital> bing attack Wedn!sday night at !be suspected knife-wielder's apartment. Robert B. Cheatham, 47 ,,of J84 Cywess Drlve, ls listed in satisfactory ccndttJon at SoutlJ Coast Communily ROl]lltal, a(ler blood transfusions due to severe bJeedint from a thigh wound. Ruben Carrillo, II, of 731· Cllff Drive, was arrested on 1uspicton ol 1111ult with a deadly weapon followtnc .the 1:30 p.m. incident at hi3 residence, laid Officer Jim . Bush. Last December, when controversy over firing of. three assistant profeS!IOn wa.s just . hqinnlng, Aldrich asked faculty memben to be more civil to one another. began firing recoilless rilles as well as ministration is rapidly getting to ' the after the· panel considered evidence ob- -machine guns. All firing ctased at 1:10 poinl where It will have to jail every. tatned by. Leguna Beach ,polite In their a.m., the UNC said. young person In America ii .it. wants to arrest of. the colorful family last Dec. 28. Carrillo was arraigned today before Jbdg• Richard lfamllton in South Orango County Judicial District Court and releu- ed 00•$2J)OO ball. . Today it was expected he might appeal to studenU to show mpect for faculty by not disrupting their meeting. It also was speculated on campus that he might announce what subject history profeuor George Kent will be assigned to teach in the fall. The historian, recommended f o r dismissal by senior members of the history department was inatead promoted to tenure this week by Aldrich. The chancellor said Kent may teach subject matter other than history. Lagunan's Etchii:igs Appear in 2 Contests Etchings by Laguna Beach artis& Mary Riker are a~aring in two natkmal con- testl, the Fifth Dulin National Prinl and Drawing CompettUon in Knoxville Tenn., am J..maces on Paper in Jackaon, MJM. Tbe accepted works are from Mrs. Riker'• "In My House" aeries. Locally, the artiat'! wwt l! shown at the Laguna Beach Art Assodat.ion and at a com- mucial gallery. · Sex Act The only damage from the exchange Continue its 'outlawing of the pract;ce." .O!fJCffs said .. they found 10 OlU1CeS of was a smashed loudspeaker on the UNC "Twenty to~ mllllon people are turned. m.a.rijua~ and 40 LSD ~~ ·in ·the· guard pos1, the report said. on in the Unlfed Stat.es," te8ry1decllr-etl. tiattft'ed ·ataUon wagon~ drtv:fit "by the U.S. officials announced the rein-"Qo tbeae people who thit!.k they can~· Cearys dikblg'tllelr l.aguna sojourn. Dr. forcemenl of Task Force 71 in the Sea or trol our lives ·and minds really wanl to Leary sald.be 'and h!I wife wllf be'livtng ' Japan Wednesday, confirming reports put U! all in jail?" in Mountain Cepter, Riverside Coontf.' tbi>! six more destroyers had been added Patting the hand of his w ii i! peoolng thi.tlr ·ne1t apPearance m, to the original 23-ship flotilla assembled Rosemary, Leary said he will "speak for SUperior Court. to provide protection for U.S. aerial the young people of America as )Qng as. ·"It's very nice out there," Leary Pin.. reconnaissance planes and as a show of they want me to. They want to be turned ned as he and his .wife left lhe county strength. on," he said , "and there is no power on courtholl!e. "Why don't you all take a · Captains of Japanese Marltime Agency this earth that can resist their de6iands.". trip lo where you can take a trip?" patrol boats reported to officials in Tokyo that the U.S. task force appeared to be divided into four groups, each with an aircraft carrier. moving at high speed up and down the sea off the Korean coast They aJso reported U.S. Navy patrol craft flying above the sea with jet fighters above and below them in pro- tective c:over. StOf!k "M..,.fut. NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market firmed and closed with a modest gain ~ day after drifting in a fairly narrow range earlier. (See quotations, Pages 26- 27). • Ill . Potter's Gas ·Kiln Given · For Lagtilla High 'Program ; . ( . . The Laguna Beach lfigb Scboor crafts program 11 being improved .J'Y lhe iiff o1; a potter's gas kiln. ' ' School tru!lees1 have accepted with. thank.I the gilt from MN. Willer Calher, A third nian · p-esent when Lai\ma Beach polico arrived at 'the --4 iderdied only .as Armenta Soll!, wu ar• rested as an illegal lmmJgram from Me.x· ico and ·turned ewer to fedtral. autbtritia Man Takes Fall Off. LQ'g.una Cliff "A iG-)>eaf.Old beirded' man tr)rinJ .to d~ce,w;t, th~ 9(;ean .front cUffs at the Vic~ tor Hugo 1Dn . .alou1 Ligwla's Main Beach fdl thl.< m(!rl\lzig iJ\d was taken to Soltth C..Sl ConiiiiunitY Hosjiltal. • Richard Rale WU treated for.minor ln- ju/i., to hlo "'10aldes-'1nd' wrist at the hOpPital ml lbm -med to the Oiimgo C.U.ty . Medical .c.nter, •. aldts said. • . •· I Hale's last Jtsttol'a,dif/eilo w~ Berk~!~, Calif. Eyewltneslp at ~ ~ said 1t •!feared. tbah\Qf 1 im· altemP!!n& .to go ~ tho Cliff ace when &e loot hlo pip. I '' , ! . :,C.uc • 1,.quna's Mmnakls, the wOmen•s diyb.lon of the Chamber of Commerce, will.meet tonlght at-7:)0 in f:he Riveria -of the Hotel Loguna to j>lon the .,..,,., annual beauti!i.callon'1 awards ,:r • ';:!> llljldleon~i ~" ,,.• .... f j ~ liY!mnen will~ reporttng cin all aspects of lhe event. 1be purpoee of lb< •wanll lundleoo Is to live rocoinl-t°" to the lndlvidwils and bulincuea wtdch.bcautUy their aurroundlnp. Annis are given lot new CMstrnction and ltndscapin1 as well •s rcmodnling and morblshlng. ' 1 \ " I f -. . ....... ~· ·--r . " . z DAil Y Ml.OT _l PILOT '~e&m·· ' Bottatn"less I .'LAGUNA TEEN CORNE R . . ./ LOGBOOK Spoke~ t~gUsh: i'w or~·,· >Bar ·; ~irfi.' -;· • \ If the toast Is ;'bottoms up'' In' the By J OM 'GdRM~ .,, 1' ,. ,. ,. . . ' A LoT OF RE.I.VY IOUl'lds will he made "by · Laguno High · 1tudellta thi1 weekend -gu!tan, drwns, orpna, and other drtvtrs include Jeff Whk:attr, Jack SCagp, George Olij>bant, Doug Sm1th, Jim Steven,,, Tom B~li, at'Jd Victor Lee. Vlc Is probably wbh~ the race was O\'tr a ~ C'OUt!it; his "hot" Sunbeam l!polU car lln 't thal hot on tbe quarter·mile. But he threatens to tear anybody apart around curves. By the way, the cat's t.IP for sale. u · you're intoreoted fl)ye Vic a coll Toll blm Gorman sent you. ~ get a $1$ comm1$Skri:. r~. . • The five to eewn-mlnute · fl!cktr. ~ly In color, should prove to be a unique e.xperimttlt In documentM'y. W1tcb for it. A W II B ~ E Iish Apartment A Go-Oo today, JI 1\'d better . s . e as oay ng ::. ~::r~=-~~verage fnd not to And what 1oes for the popular Santa aauped-up cars. • Junior CW. Prfticlent Wayne Organ has organized a "Comm~ Jam Dance aJld Get Together" Friday night al the girls' gym. Fer the .,1 admlallon prJce, atuder:U ·can tiaten, danct, or make music. Anyone who wlli>es to ploy mast bring Ills °"" lnstnJmeni.!. . .. .. IT'S TIME FOR .tudent body •lectlons aftoa<!y. The kids are decldlllc 'lltllch of· flee thern gol!ig to run for, Niiiing from .<SB President down to lopboa.,.e c1.., secntary. (Frommen elecllcn will l;>e he!~ nelt fall.) BY '!OM BARLEY oi fllll D•llY .... Stiff Long before we Mt root upon theee friendly and hospitable lbc:ftt we Seamed thll a BriUsb eccent could work wonders for the lmmlgran1t In pu.r.sult or facts and/or fun. Looklnl back now, we rather Imagine that the first purveyor of this prlctlesa: piece ol. lnfonnation had the latter category in mind when be caught our ear ln a Fleet Street tea room. Fresh from a journalistic 59joum in sunny Cali4 fomla, he regaled his ·admiring audience with what I have aince learned from my own admittedly long raJlle viewpoint must have been grossly engerated 1ccounta of his amorous adventures among American Women ln Pw'suit of Men. * "Blimey, It's euy," our Cockney con1ldant Ulllr- ed us. "Just chat 'em up and you11 'ave 'em eaUn• wt of yer 'and. All you've got to do is put on a bit of the old Oxford (accent) and you can take your pick from a whole cartioC al Yankee birds." ~ Happily bound a we are within a marital status that has pleuantly persisted from Its creation in perfidJous Albkm, we have not -to l1IY grut extent, let WJ blushingly add -tried our own "b1t of Oxford" on very nway birds, Yankee or otherwise. But we have not been averse to a mental popping of the plum In our mouth at moments when a very correct and stiff-upper-Up approach couJd conceivably tum a key in a reluctant door. Indeed, there have been occulons In our journallrtic caner in t.hlJ ba1my clime when the carefully pllched BBC tones blended with a dash ot Savile Row uvolr faire have been suc- cessful in situaUons which would have defied owners of a Maine twang or a Midwest drawl. * We happily recall a most efficient and crJsp legal secretary who had sent other a:esUallen members of the Fourth Estate about their buslneu with the abrupt announcement that her bou wu out of town and no one would get to see anything until he got back. Our own tentaUve inquiry drew the aame immediate response. Upon' wblcli we bestowed our tight lipped guardian of a laWyer'a aecret with our '--, best Princi! Philip smile we have in common, I believe, thOBe finely cblsef. ed features and athl.eUc demeanor -and 100thingly murmured: "rm ao terribly IOIT)', actually. I can quite understand, madam, that you beah full .• responglblllty for the safekeeping of this la'Wluit and I most certainly do hope that I haven't unduJy troubled you with MY. inquiries." · Well, after we'd relived the time she loat hear earring In the Chapel Royal, resurrected the incident when she was nearly knocked down by Prineekl Margaret's car and drooled together over the rec.lpe for Scots acones ahe brought back from Edinburgh, we both took a quick root at a certabl document that turned out to be a front page story -that day. . * -And then there was the judge's clerk who-. But that's another story. We'll tell you all about that lIWe affalr and the role played by a "bit of Qi. ford" when the gavel ls down and the hefty damages are paJd. But while we're chatting, let me mention this lovely, long-legged bird down in the county clerk's office. She it definitely dishy and she laps up the British blt. In fact, she's always asking me to tell her about- (Editor's Note: This is a logbook, not a diary. We have -re·rtad 11ou,. fifth paraaraph and moat.st that you do the .rome. By the wa11i uour wife wanU you to quit fooling aro14:nd with the chUel.) OCC Trustee s Vote 40 To Reject SDS Chapter By THOMAS FORTUNE Of flll O.llY l"li.t ltatl' Vil1ble, vocal backen of Students for a Democratic Society (SOS) loBt out Thurs- day night at Orange Coait College to all the namtleu school tax voter& who abhor ca.mpUI violence. Junior college trustees li!ttned to the arguments of student.s for more than two hOW'I, then voted ' to 0 to deny an appeal for recognition of I SOS chapter OD the OCC campus. • Board members agreed students had made proper application under college regulations. They based their decision, they II.Id, on judgmental grounds -con-- cem over probable negative public reac- ~OIL More than 100 students stood wall to wall and overflowed into the hallway outside the tiny board room that aeat.a only 30. Amon& thoee present were a contingent ol SIJS m<mbm from UC lrvtne, a DMIY PILOT OllAN(Sa eoi..n ~llHINO COMl'AMY leMrt N. Weetl .. ,....._. Ml '"'*"'*" ' J•clt l. c.,,1,, VIQ """"-_. 0.--M MINw TheM11 k 1ttU .... flit••• A. Mv,phTMI -·-Rlch1"4 r. Mill ·--'"" ----112 Fwut A•1. M•IDa, AU11 u 1 r.o .... "'· t26S2 --C.t. ~' • W"I a.r tttwtl """"""IHdl: ftll W"I .......... lt\'11'11 ""W' I .._:M"911hll number or establishment-supportive OCC athletes, and members or the American Legion. Emotions ran strong, but the audience through the long hearing was not unruly. PUBLIC INSTITUTION Board President Worth Keene sald, "This is a public supported ln!tltuUon and we are dependent on local tax dollars. The people either support us or openly fight us." "I find that very gr<>s!," said a student. "You sell out a democraUc process for a few dollars. lt'B not up to what the tax· payers uy, It's up to your individual con- science, "You cannot deny the times are chang. ing, brother. Make a blow for open mindedness.'' Said Trustee Donald Hoff: "I challeng~ the concept· your group ts going to ·soJ!/e all the problems. I resist the eftort to destroy because something better is going to come. There is no guarantee the idealism with which you start la going to 'P'fllilt. PUBLIC REACTION "Dr. Watson (Supt. Nonnan Wat.son) mentioned the judgmental factor. That's where we're at. We'd suffer the aide ef· fects that come from public reaction." Student Body Vice Prtsldent Ray Gen- drln explained why the student senate had voted 5 to I to "''°gnlu SDS (an ..,_ lion that was vetoed by OCC President Dr. Robert MOON!). lte said the sos peUUooen bad met an the criteria f« formatioo ol a campus organlzlUan. Girl Cleared Of Drug Charge II took a SUperlor Court Jury J..,. than one hour W<dotaday to clear a Laguna B<acb girl or charaea ol possesslna and selling huhlJh. Accepted by Judg• Wiiliam Speln WU the pontl'I rUlinr lllat SUtan Alceln>d, II, of t71 £1 Bolque, WIS innoc«tt of two C'OUnts or owning and attempting to tell UM forbldden nartOUc. Art ColOl\1 ottomey Wllllun Wilcoxen successfully argued that there was not sulficlent evidence on either count &o con- vict his cllmt. Mlss AJ:eltod was •n-ested last Sept. 29 after she alltgtdly sold quantltJes of huhish to an undercovu lnvesUgator on two oteasions. The sheriff 's a g e n t testified that he paid Mls.s Axelrod flO on c:z:h occasion. Ana bar applies equ.aUy to the Country Girl No. I near Anaheim and the Horj>or Inn, La Hain, 41uperlor Court Judge Claude Owens ruled Wednesday. He end· eel a two-day deliber1Uon of cit&tl~d· ded arguments by declaring the bot- tomless entertainment at the three taverns to be obscene. But that entertainment doea not include lhe movies which have bteq equally con· deamed by district at tor n e. y ' a in· vesUgators. Judge 0-S' temporary !njuncllon con be apPlled 0011 to the live perform· en and not to fUms whlcb were de- llCribed in court as '1fllthy, llJ.lleit.lve and complet<ly obscene-" Any decll:lon on the films muBl come at ·the: time of trial, Judge Owens corn- mrnled .. His brief made If clear that he does not lnteod to commll himaelf on a point of law that ia not as clear in rtference to movies _ and plctw"ea aa: it la to live er.tutatnment. But he made It clear that performers at all three taverns will now have to adhere to I ruling that he recently ofa fered as a 1uggest1on during court hear· lnp: "Tell your girla to keep their ponta on and they'll keep out ol jall." The alleged inability of the entertainers to do exacUy that led io the filln& of a ·civil action agUm the three bars by District Attorney Cecil Hicks. Hicks argued that the three bar owners "main· tained 1 place of lewdneSJ and assigna-o lion" and Superior Court Judge Byron K. McMillan backed hlJ stance wlth an order that binned any fonn of bottom· ~ ea~ent. Judge t;hfelUI mainly supported that ruling Wednesd1y with a brief that branded the bottomleu performances u "dirt for money's sake." He dlJmissed the plea that the performances were an expression of free speech undet the Flrst AmeOOment with the comment: "the First Amendmerit does not protect obscenfty." Hicks' ofOce claims to have processed 20 case& involving lewd conduct and o~nity at the Apartment A ~. nine at the Harbor Inn and five at the Country Girl. All the entertainers - amon, them make dancer Carol Cybullki of Laguna Beach -race trial. on the cbarcea. ., Church Women Arrange Police, . Youth Discussion The ... .ion turns on at I p.m., aqd will conclud< at 11:30. · There will be a different kind U sound out at Orange County International Raceway ewer the weekend. Saturday night'& actioo will feature 230-mile per hour fuel dragsters. The pace will slow Swxlay afternoon, blll the action guarantees to be just as exciting when the third Fotd High School Scholarship Race will be held starting at 1 p.m. Laguna will be out tbtrt, natch. In.the put, out ol a M«:hool field, Loguna haa finllill<d and tied for filth. Not bad for the smallest school in Orange County, huh? For the third ti.ma, the squad under direction of instructor David Lang will be led by Gary Tobey, Dean Snostrom and Keith Knight. Tohey coplured flnl place in individual competitioo one year ago. More about the race: Ten driven froni each school wllf whip down · the quarter mile against driven from other schoolJ. Tne field will gradually be eliminated. to the top two drivers. At stake for dle top IOOring achools and drivers: over •t2,000 in cash and merchandise, in addition to guaraoteed jobs for me student from each ochool with Ford. • • • IF YOU WANT a change of .at- niosphe<e, droP by Milsion Viejo High School, which is putting on its venion ol David and Lis.a through Satunloy. Ought to be a few ·decibels quieter. • Talking about productions, a o m e Laguna High students are coming out with their second film. After a successful showing of "Ice Cream Cont," Kathy Shea, Jill Hallock, Bob CoUertll, Jim HUI and Jlm WllfT'en are prodocing a piece on Howard ,Hiils, ~,.. of the Progressive EducaUon Club, and Dave llustwicll:, track star aM present com· mis!lioner of finance, are org.anlzing their c&mpaips for the presidency. Should bl an ~g bliltkl. Well, the pa!.ke made tbe acme at school yesten!ay, al)d the lcido ,..111 grooved on it. Detectives talked to American Government claese.s a n d answered questions. 'Illere WM a lot ol verbal flow, and minds art belrming to erpand, or shall I say, open up. The chief was there, too. I doo't know if it is because the tax override failed, but IOphomore Kieth ?-.fcCue is an aWstant nurse at the blgh llChool. Remind me never to get sick third period. Harbor District Winner? Oppon ents Fail to Get LAFC to OK Dissolu tion By JACK BROBACK Of tlte D•llJ Plitt llltt "You are being asked to dissolve a giant dlstrh.1 with hardly an an1Wer to any of Opponents of the Orange County the basic quesUons. Harbor District appear to have lo.st their "You are asked to approve outright the debate during a four.hour marathon dissolution of a di.strict 35 yem old that hearing which ended Wednesday ni~ht has developed three ha,rbon. I am shock· before the Local Agency Formalion eel at the brevity of the case. There wu Comnti!!ion. obviously little thinking and less study." Twelve rounty cities have been cam· Only City Admlnatrator Doyle Miller paigning for more than one year with the of Huntingtoo Beach Btood up to Kuyper's aim to cause dissolution of the 35-year-old withering attack. Harbor District. "For three year• we negotiated with Yet after the four hours ~estimony, the district in good faith for a joint the LAFC wearily continued the bearing powers agreemt;nt that would b e unUI June 11. workable in our jurisdiction over our own The continuance, coupled wUh the clear harbor (Huntington Harbour)," Miller e.x- appearance that the clUes' represen· plained. "We thought we had worked out taUves were badly shot down during a plan with d.Iatrict ~fOcials only to have debate, suggests to veteran county the commission turn tt down. government observers that the Harbor "When we stood befcn the LAFC some District will eventually win Its case time ago asking for deletion of our city before the LAFC. from the district. we were told by the The line up of witnesses was heavily chainnan, '.we will see that blrgalning in weighted in favor of those who want the good faith ts carried out,' " Miller con-- district continued as a separate entity tinued. "ll never was. The matter never rather than changed to a regular county reached the Board of Supervison." department or harbors, beaches and "The chalnnan told us we were ooly parks. one city and should gtt an e1pre1115ion Ten persona spoke for the district with from other cities in the county. We have done so and ur1e the commission to be only four backing the diSIOlution peU· responsive." lions. The role of Harbor Director Kenneth The cities' proposal was presented by Sampsoo in the controversy was the aub- La Habra City Councilman Dean Shull, ject of considerable attention by eome should investigate," replied Battin. Sampson, in pmientin1 a brief review of district finances and benefits, acortd a telllng point. "Homeowners in inland cities have no real complaint," the district director said. "In Fullerton, a city remote from harbor facilities, they pay 6.8 percent of district operations, wlth 6.1 percent of the county's population and 8.6 percent ol the boat ownershlp- "ln compari900, Newport Beach, where ?:l percent of the district's finances are rabed, there is only 3.35 pereent al the county's population and the boat popula· tim is 35 percent." "1be tax burden," Sampison concluded, "does fall on the people In ciUea moet direcUy bellefitting. Jn fac t, the tu benefit lo inland property owners ls about $12 a year on a $20.000 home." .Janice Boer, a long time foe of the district who now defends it, urged ~ missioners not to take a "meat a:r ap- proach to the problem. Keep the known evils," ahe urged, "don't make it more evil." .She charged that there"" 11,000"""' of the Mission Viejo Ranch valued at more than $1 mllllon ttiat 11 not included in the district and urged state legialative actia'I to include the area. From P q e I president of the Orange County League . A panel discussion of Police, youth and ol Cities. witnesses. adults of Laguna ·Beach will highlight the He charged that the district had outllv· Attorney Rodger Howell, who Mid he KILN ... ed I•· ..... In I ed I wu repreaenting the lingle. family May 2 IMual fellowship celebration of 14 useuwR:SS, vo v over applng homeowners, charged that what dlROlu. Churchwomen United. jurlsdlctJoos, had expanded funds for tktl opponents really wanted was "to fire 'Ibe program will begin at 9:30 a.m. at local rather than regional benefits and Sampson." Dee Cook, former Newport School teacher, who la reUring. -Accepted the reslgnaUon of Mn. the Laguna Beach Prt!byterlan Church. had parallel administrative agencies con· . Beach city councilman, called the attaek Margaret Bulens, El Morro ElementllY, The panel discussion wlll be preceded by trolling harbors, beaches and parks. a vendetta against Sampson. School teacher, whose huBband has ac-- a showing of the IJon'a Club film, "Marl-Shull called for a vote of the people on Commlssion member Robert W. BatUn, cepted a deputy district attorney post in juana." the Issue at the June, 1970 primary. a county supervisor, Said he had heard of San Diego County. Most damaging to the cities' ca.se was conslderable frlcUon between Sampsoo. -Accepted the resignation of Charles The meeting Is planned as a con· a slashing l~mlnute barr1ge by the and city officials. A. Whitchurch Jr., high school teacher, tlnuaUon of the League of Women Voters usually quiet County Counsel Adrian He asked county administrative offi«r who will leave to work for a doctorate. Orange CDast Conference in Marcb and Kuyper. Robert Thomas if he had i:nve.rtlaated the -Authorb:ed leaves of absence for the April 14 Laguna CoordinaUng Council "Seldom have I seen a less thought out, differences. Thomas rtplied that he had teachers Mrs. Marilyn Byron, who is ex. forum. less rtivelant proposal, than the one not, "l don 't care if a man is an angel or pecting a child, and Mrs. Mary M. t.foss_ It's topic: "How Do We Create a Com· before you today," Kuyper charged. otherwise U he does the job." "You to expand a walllut grove operation. munity Climate That Makes It Possible l.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii to Enforce the Laws and at the Same II Time Protect the Rights Of Our Youth and Our Police?" The sess.lon will include a proposal to provide two scholarmipa that would ald development of the juvenile divi!lon of Laguna Beach Police .Department. It would send officers to the Delin· quency Control Institute of the Public Ad- minllltraUon Department, USC. Laguna Parking F ree, Cha mb er Directo rs Told A "customer'Hft view of the new parking edict.a ln Laguna Beach shows that instead of an increase In meter cost.!, parking would actually be frtt. That was the view offered by Gordon Strachan, member of the Downtown Business Association parklna: comm.ltlff, during a Chamber of Commece directors meeting Tuesday at Hotel Laguna. 7 STYUS TO CHOOSE FtlOM SOFA BED SALi! I Strachan said that the press had played up all the wrong aspec:L!I o( the newly po$l!d parking restric:tlon. A1 adopted by the City ~II a ,...k lfO, on-street, metered parking con, will be doubled from five cents to 10 ctnt.I per hour, a mnlmum time of two hours was ..t, and parklng tol<"" whicb the mtr<hanta c:ould buy from the clty would be available. Tlte&e ere •ery COfftfortebl. ..fe Mell fOf' Sittin9 ind Sl..,ing. ... -~ Now 299 .00 . The toke.,, to be doi«I out to c~tomen. 1n effect create Tree parkJna: lot Laguna Beach palron!, Slrac:han l&kl. Ho noted ll\al an advertlilng ctmplll!I would soonl be started to get the word out Tokens distributed by the m<fthanta would be 1llcd like five ctnt pkcea. BUJ!nt&!men could buy them from the cl· ty ror IJve ctota and could itve tMm to customers afttt a mlnlmum pun:but. I A wide 1ei.etJo11 •f Fabrict •ncf Colon t. chooH from. H.J.GA RRETf fURNfJURE I ,ll:ORSSIONAL IHTEll:IOA DESf9HflS 12 11 HA-IOl. ILVD. COSTA_ ........ CALIF. •••-t*'' 141-0111 I· I ' • I l · I ·' .. ... ~· . .. .... • • -----• ,,,,.,. ... Lag~ B-.rb Teday'._ l'I fa! • • • ' r ~Ot 6?; NO. 98, ·3 SECTIONS, l4:fA6ES ORANGE COUNTY; CALIFORNI~· · ·THURSDAY, APlll· 24, "•' TEN CENrS ,, t • -' . ;{ or· Down t lte ' . Mission Trail A~igos to Sing In South Lag una MISSION VIEJO -About 100 Sad- dlebaci: area Sing Ou.i i.. m J I o 1 performers will hit Aliso Beach in South Laguna Saturday afternoon with song books, guitars, and fr~bees. The beach puty will be held alter the croup's Saturday rehearsal at the Mlaslon Viejo High School at 10 Lm, Sing Out Amlgoi flrit performance i8 ICheduJ- ed for 1May 13 at the high school no meeting. . • Atlne"' Hearing Set LAGUNA NIGUEL-Hearing on annex- ing the NJguel Shores area to Orange County Service Area No. 3, which in- cludes most of Laguna Niguel, bas bffn postponed to June 11. Aln-Bowie, attorney representing the J..aguna Niguel Corp., ~ed (or tile defer-=. ment because "differenctt have been encountered in regard to a det.achinent of a portion of the territory from tbe Capistrano Bay Recreation and Pirk District, II Bqii!e O:,fd the dell"f'Onl WllUld -V"1t~-matter "'from blii:o•.ntftc fw..1ia- cotnpllcated." . The' Capistrano Bay lfi!iuiloo .,a Distrl ts:wrepcloa~~T. ~l:';~oi . Road In illt J:ii:;iS11il... area. _, .. Attorney 'W!Wam WQcOxen, for the district, hu called the abandonment of the roadway by the county to the cor· poraUon "illegal." e Phone Projert E•ell SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -Pacific Telephone Company olfletnls Jiave ou!lln· ed tentative plans for a $'100,000 elec· tl'onlc telephone switching installation here . · The proposal, discussed at a City COun- Cil study ~kin. c.uittmed 1 1.3-acre ~te on Camino de! Avion across from Marco Fbriter Junior High. 'l'be in· Crementa! constructi<ln would replace nitchinl facilities at Sao Juan and Dua Point. ·e One W•u Streets:> UNIVERSITY PARK -All cul-de-sac street& in the University Park rn1 have been recommended for me.way (counter clockwise) operation after a review qf ~ffic and parking condition. The Orange County Traffic CornmiU.ee also recommended to the University Community Assoclation that I o we r pmd cover and, .. metre necessary, regrading of i!lands be carried out-to im· prove sight diatance. The zecom- ft'lmdationl were app:vfed Tuttdi.y by the Board ol Supervl!ont. • Cle M-te OK s P lali ' SAN CLEMENTE -The city DOI ooly hes plmty of room to grow. it is· on the wrge of a new gukttUne lor that growth. San Clemente Pt.aniDC ~ieei.rmen Wedneslay adoptec! a new pneral pllll affu mere than ·ooe re« ol study. Designed for 13,llOO by ·Mlllcm Brelv.,..i. reti<ed Los Angeles 0oumty .pl..nn, i!iilnmissioner. the pllo ,... to lbe Cit1 ec.mcu May 7. 1be plan calls for a balence ol recrea-UOh, tourism, commen:e and 'lnduotry, t.1:.n<ts for Industrial development around 1be cily periphe<y tot.I """!'·the 1'0 aC(<S. High populallon -IY aod aport· ment house clusters are allowed but .....,icted tn heigh! to protect -view. .. CofC· Mermaids • a'o Meet Tonight ' " . ' l ' ' -• .. I ' > • •• • • • .er rus· ·e· l ·ll Ie 0 .. - Requi re• Notice • Earth Mover. , Bill. Puts Curbs Overturns At College . On Oil Drilling A young Anaheim conatrucU.on worker was ldllei:I in. the Mission Viejo, area.thi1 morning when the heavy earth mover be was driving overturned, crushi(lg hhil. Special to tbe DAILY PILOI' SACRAMENTO-·A bHI cornpeJllJll the state Lands Commission to iive coastal cities ·and countleS prior notice 'of hear- ings on offshore oil drilling applications wu sent to the Assembly floor Wed· nu<:ay. . The measure (AB 522) was authored by Assemblyman Robert E. Badbam !R· Newport Beach). :! has the endorsement of. Lt. Gov. Ed Reinecke, chairman of the three-member lands commls&Jon. !)v~elming approval ls expected, legb:lative observers sa.kl. The bill would require the commission to give 60 days notice on hearings on all explOration and drilling requests from the oil industry. .I~ was r:equested by Orange County and Jts coastal cities in the wake of lands commission approval ~ January of offshore oil exploraU-b7 Ill Sbell Oil Co. No Orange County apnda: were ad- vised of the Shell appllcatlon until after tbe action wu taken: Followiiic protelU, the approval was ~. Seal lleacb Clty Moiiapr Lee. Risilcr Aldrich. &11s· ,, ~ ~ ·, <L.-",. - ~.~u$M~t On COiit.rol'ersy · . UC Irvine Chlnctlldr Daritel G. Aldrich Jr. called an all-campm: meetlng for to. day ·in whlCh he was to speak on faculty- student relations. Aldrich's ·talk was to oome before t.Oda)r's tcbeduled Academic Senate ~ which dissident· atudtota were exPected to crub. Last December, when controversy over firing of three as.mtant proleuor. was just· beginning, Aldrich asked faculty ~ to be more civil to one another. Today it wu expected he might appeal to s\Uiioms, to ahow ,.;poet for faculty by not ·disrilpting their meeting. It a.J.so was speculated on campus that he might announce what subject history I""'"""' Georre Kent will Ile ... 1gnec1 to teach in the faU . The historian, recommended f o r dismi!sal by eenlor member1 of the hiatory deparlmenl -lnatead promoted to tenure this week by Aldrich. The chanctllor said Kent may teach subject matter other than history. Lagunan's Etchings Appear in 2 Contests ~ by La1U11a Baadl artilt Mary Riker are 1ppeatine in two Ntional con-. leltl, Ille Filib Du1ln Nalional Print and Drawtng Compelitlon In KnolVille Tenn., and Imales on Paper in Ja<:boo, Mias. The accepted woru are from Mn. lllker'1 "In My House"-aerits. Locallt. tM artilt 's work ls shown at the Lapna Bea.ch Art Alloclation and at I com- mercial plleey. Sex Act last month succeeded in w i n n i n g Auembly committee approval o r amepdments to th~ meuure, which. originally gave no specified period for prior notice. Mayor Doreen Marshall, o( Newport ~ch. said today she i5 "de.lighted" at the pro1pect of Auembly passage of the bill North Koreans Touch Off Duel On Truce Line SEOUL (UPl) -North. ~oreans open• ed fire on South Korean border guarda and touched of.f a 'fO.minute machine pn and recoilless rifle duel ~ .. demilllaHzed truce line w~ lllj United Nations Command {~ W DAil Y PILOT Std ,..... ROSEMARY AND TIMOTHY LEARY Ll:AVE COURT 'A Crazy System Preyi ng on the Lovely Ptople' k~ary Wins .Court Delay, Donald Lee Bomer, 11, of 921 Keystone Road. was pronounced dead at Soot~ Coast Community Hospital, S o u t b. Laguna. . Russell Greene, deputy comer, said Bomer, an employe of Tomle Construc- tion Co., Manhattan Beach, waa wcwkinr at the s.ite ol a new Saddlebac:k Junlor College-campus. at Ranc:bo-Viejo Road just east ol \he ~ Diego Freeway. Greene said Bomer wu turnlng' the gianl piece ol equipmenl obarplr al aboul a 1.m .. when It got out qf contro and roll~ 1 ed · down an embankment pinn!na him beneath. A heavy caterplllar tracc'or was 11!<1.uired to draa: the earth mover off the young man. Green said Bomt.r suffered head in- juries and aevere internal injuries. Resuaclt.aton wu attempted unsuc- cessfully at the scene. Authorities noUfled the youth's father, Noble D. Bemer of Anaheim, alao a con- structiOn worker, who was worttn1 at a job atq lbe Orteca Highway out ol Sao J uan Capillrano. · · nouoced toda;'. . , The uNc said there were oc»~:•· - ' w !'Jll!tll Komo ~-Itias1 ~-EVIier, U.S. a t!Out!t mliltary apoiium.n 4"nied N , • d!UI!" lh'o•I bore llad beeo the · ""'JI! """:.Ji;oi. Nllrth ' Amerfcan -~ ....... ftrihg inlll munist territory bUt made no mention of firing ljy its -tri>ops. a ·'Pnt llkiJI!~ -fn. S•".1ii.''.. 1 ·~annan -""aeing 'f?'~'-Y< .... ~(e•1 ~··"-" "°'J >~~.ll·,, ·~"~ 1 •· ••• _ >'!£ • • . . --!'· • ,,....,, . , -~ult-Uttt.F A llaiil 'l!inothy:;\;alry lpfii! JO Tile lilbU,. -1ti>d · ..,i.t11 . ~ ~'fol' ' an 'blianti ~-~ belore l• llol>erl ~ind~ A ~ Be.di man ii boopllalllacl The UNC IDn9UJl~ent said the firing originated on the North Korean side in the · central sector of the 1$1-mlle-long truce line. Machine gun fire began at 5 a.m .. from a Communist guard, J>Or.'l, it said, and was ditected al a UNC guard post iD ·the demilitarized woe. "UNC (South Korean~ troops re~pondftl with an appropriate defensive meaaure,'' the UNC report said. About 40_ minutes after the exchange began, North Korean1 began firing recoilless rifles as well as machine guns. All firing ceased at 6:10 a.m., the UNC said. The only damage from the exchange was a smashed loudspeaker on the UNC guard post, the report said. U.S. officials announced the rtin~ forcement of Task Force 71 in the Sea of Japan Wednesday, confirming repPrt! lhli• six m~e destroyers had been added to the origtnal 23-ship. O«illa assembled to provide protection for U.S. aerinl reconnaissance planes and as a show of strength. Captains of Japanese Maritime Agency patrol boats reported to officials in Tokyo that the U.S. task force appeared to be divided into four groups. each with an aircraft carrier, moving al high speed up and down the sea off the Korean coast. They also reported U.S. Navy patrol craft flying above the sea with jet fighter• above and below them in pro- tective cover. SteeJc llfarJcets NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market firmed and elosed with a modest gain to- day after drifting in a fairly n~ rarrge eslier. (See quotaUons, Pages 26- 27). lor Coliil l>encll winning a delay of pro. no comment u the jUr1at •tilted Iii dliay loday aild an 1<q11atntlnce faca felOn7 ceedtnci W6cineaday and 30 minutes In a the Learya' arralgmnenl unW May I. dllrp; .l~ng an' Jlll<Xplaiaed' ola!> couithouse corridor harangw··ng' "a cra7V Also ordered by the jud1e was 1 fl0,000 bl:ng attack Wednesday night at the u1 suspected knife-wlekier's apartment. sy~tem' of justice that ·ta· destroying itself bench warrant for the anal .of u,e c4lt Robeft B. Cheatham, 47, ol 3&4 C)'Jll'ta ~Preying on the lovely people." leader'• !Ol'I• John 'BUlb-Leary, 19, believ· Drive, ls lllted in 11tilfade17 condition Leary was in court to face a t.agv.na ed by inveJtigatoni to be in "the;New at~ Coul Commdy Holpltal, l(ter Beach narcotics charge. York area." bklod transfutions due to 1evere bleeding · from a thigh wound. The lean, casually clad l,.SD cu Hist, his , Lt;ary, 49, hls _wire ft~~, '.Sl·. and Ruben Carrillo, •, of 731 Cliff Drive, tonS:, graying1halr bound behind hb head the bOY are charged with poaat!ulon of Was arrelted on 1U1piclon ol assauh with with a colored band, told newsmen that mariJui;na. · They were named In an a deadly weapon foilow lng the 6:30 p.m. "'pot is here to stay and this nation's Id· Orange Countr. Grand . Jury lncijctment" iricident at his residence, said Officer Jim .ministration is rapidly getting to the aft.et t.be panel cohSJdered evidence ob-Bulb. point where it will have to jail every lalned by Laruna Beach police ·in their Garrillo WI! arrlrigned today befOre young person In , Am~ica if it W1nts, 19 arrelt Qf the colorful f~mJJy last Dec. -31. Judge.ftichard Hamilton in South Onnge conlinue its outlawing of the·pra<:µce." . Offlcer's a.1d they Ow1d 10 ounces of County Judicial District Court aod nieU- ''Twenty to 30 milUon people are turned mariju8na and 40 LSD capsuJea 'in the ed ·on .12;000 bail. on In the United States," Leary declared. battered staUon wagon driven · by the A third man preseat whm La.-. "Do these people who think they can coo.. Learys during their Laguna sojQPm. Dr. BelCb police arrtyed at tbe apa1zpeat. trot our livu and minds rpl)y want to Leary aaJd he and hil wife w111 .be living' identified only u Armenia Solis, ,... ar. put us all in jail?" in Mountain Ce,nter, Rivenilde County, rested u an"Ulepl immigram from Ma~ Patting the hand or his w i C ~.. pending their next appearanct' in ko aod·turned over to.fedenl 1Uthoritiet. Rosemary, Leary said he Will "speak for Superior Court. the young people or America at long as "It's very nice out there," Leary giin- they want me to. They want to be turned ned as he and his wife left the county un," he said, "and there is no power on courthouse. "Why don't you all take I • this earth that can resist their deiriands." trip·to where you can takt a trip?" Potter's Gas 'l{iln Given · F~rLaguriallighProgi-~_ ' ' . ... The Laguna Beach High Schoof crafta program is .being tmpi-oved i>y the git\ of a potter's gas kiln. School trusl,ets ha ve accepted • witll thanks _the gift frOm ·Mr&. Walter C&ther, ' . 647 Virginia Park Drive. It_ will-be O'aljsportOd by the dlstrlcl froqi_, Ser fonner home, 2098% Laguna Clnyon Road. Jn other busineu Tuesday, the IChbol bolrd : I ' Man Takee Fall Off LiJguha Cliff A It-year-old lltirded man lrylng to , deacend ~ ocean front cliff1 at ttie Vie-t« llup IM along Lquna'1 Main Jlea<h !ell lllla momlng and "II taken to §out!t Coast CcmmunitY llospilal. Richard Halt waa treated ~ minor ln-JuHes to bil 1fi1c1o11<Jor and wrial al thl hc!<Pital and then tramfertad to the . ohinge County Medical Center, aides said. . . Hale's last listed addreas wu Berkeley, Calif. Eyewtt.neues' at the sctne said it app<ared thal lie was attempting .k> go down the clU! face when be !oat his grip. • ID Plays Barred. , , -~lll"'rd .to the low bid ol l!,!IO· for· traffic algnahl on Park Avenue ·~~the high school.· The clly Is to pay hllf' the cost. -Learned that vandall11m and theft bu been higher than norm8' Uli.s year,., but .. 1'••"-• -• that insurance will cover the sm COfl of. ·'Beard' Cas e Prompts State Se nate -Bill Passage -•ddlng machine• and oilier .q'!ipm.m to . replace atolen Items. . · · · . • -A~ ~~ onlets thil ln- 'Another bright da1 b on the qenda for P'ridl)', with a few """ 'tfinda to • ltlr things up. Temperalum will rernam conltanl In lbe mlddi• !0'1. Qrliinatlnc ... two ytan ago with an in· Uon pictures, television presentations or 'ofould set a 11~bl~ sll.'?C'anl" fOr·coJlege. c1Ddea~· fcW IBM corp. typewrjten vitltlon-only~ play on an Orance County •OJ otbier media ~.well as the 11tage, and pub UC drama.' He warned that the for the high school . • ' die Stat. Senile '""••a--' making ev"' permw•oo Ol auch material nul P!lsaible step w11111d tie an attempt trf 1-'-t•••ii•flllat hl«h'achooi • ... ~liis CID1J>ll', __, ..-··-by a teacher a miademeanor. wilt 118: of tat ...::z::.,..... ' a bill pn>hlb!ting virtually an . ')Otula)ed J . '!Perfot'mlnCol ro( lllla caliber cannot ban conlrOverai•I booils In college, , · . ...., ' •· no .... -•• a ou acll m collqe drama pn>ductlons. be coodoned on 1npayer41ipponed cam· librarta. • · · :,;~ odlli!M ·~ will ~ .an ; OnJ1 the ktsa and liq are likely to pwies," walab aa1tl. · lte aald perfonnance'<lf ·the prir.e-•irl-'-A,....i:m ~·DlillJ, . .Evam atid t INSW E TODAY In !Mir .'twfc:GUr -~· ""' nlf/1#, tmckt-1tottd ....,, • t.lla ' .nive ii lbe-1~ ·-the blU • The hilt recelYed~ from olng ptay ·~A.merlca; ,Hurrah," which· ~,.,.1..,lj = ...-.; ,i 1.qia·,· Mennalds. 1be . ·,;....,,., by Sen. La......_.. E. Waloh (0.Hun· ... eral ll<mocrOta, '.'ll<n, An--~ a•lillel aimdialed·oex aci, wOiild• fofl•~> -lei'> 4Mo1oo .ol lbe a..-Gf-Otmmm:t tinple Pft) ,-• to t by lbe -• lholJ lloil1""l"ll·•111 I;· 'aacl ~ • be banried at ltate col~. lt9;tll ""; • I "' · • ·" : : • Btillli ..... odtled ..... clGa tHjel,~ to A""r\CO• If~. I owr tM -·· Sd TV co\11!!',j trill ..,.\ tGlllghl 11 7:•,ID U., JU""1i ..... . • , Niclloll<o ~ f# O*JW I • . . , '~ Mefttl'.D)'1riJ!>:~1F"',\iJ .. te.1, -;-~· ·:;.· of• $!.IM 1o: """'"of tlll llolel Lapna ,lo plat\ b .' .,,,. -WU U.,,~o(~,.._ ~ ~--~j 11€.J'lp ~·:rloi< Olt 1!-otUl\feVlale. . btM,M '1it> Piilocilfk= ,: · U.tileP,m- '""'1''1 llllNll beauilllcllloo ....,,. lnvll1l11llilD by Slale Sen. , .... II· blin(••li!beJool aa al""JIClll'~i' In.,. .mtpt, li><Jitde. Mil a.-u the °"''" --· --pollcJ t ~May 11 _ w--. (ft.tullort,.) into the _.. poqi, a.__.. bu1 W. of the ; "1\'atull. 'lift lwill, lbt-~ or tile pla<icl.wtlh Jllinll·--'for 1111 ,_, CommJUft chairmen will be nporUnc" famoua ~af 11'J'he Beard" It Cal dangtn of the ltch;llhft_. inc Jbe d\t, c• chc. tt j : 1 •) I •.i .. *-' ' beginning Ju," f. , ·~ ,.., •I i; all aaptcll ol the evenl. The~ State Fuilutoo. content of art Oil coll•r · It m>ld lot a mJsd~ f~,~' •...MUioilll4•oc= 6f·a ".J!l'lilil ef U>e awardo lluncheocl llto Ifft-~ The ••am.prdt play by oo.u.,ie beat He called lil1-·* a c t a ta ·-ili\;«of(_ Ill'.,..,....~· from Modlrjlfold Ille for.._ . iioo to tbe ii1divlduall and llOllM•n . poll lllcllael llcClurt ~ a "reprthtnlible," 11u1 tald' lofJlslal\ft'<I ; fJdal II; , aid.or-"' plrtllia II .~ lnleft!tWil!le . l'hloh boaullf1Jbelr lllDTOIJlldtnip. • slmillalOd act Gf oral tntercourse ... 1tiould avoid pol~al,~ ~ .,. ,,. ' "':o;_..,,,~ .!J.!:.~!''. Sc~= Gf >11• ' Awardl an .,.,. Tor --aclkln -te -"Jean llltio.. lild'llUIY tlie pltliiieiitlUoi\ ~ .,..,. """""' Ill ·.,.._.,...., I . • .,. n. a!l4 tand101t>inl u ... u 11 remodallnr IC!d. • bandll from another ers. atucle~ts. . . ,~',. ·.,.; .. :""' , ,: d · ""'"~·· M 'I . ·111-olalr • and "'turl>lahlrqJ. 1"' Wallh bill would •PPIT allo lb me>-8etliiiloo ilb)ii!lid ... , "'" .. a..., b,JI lea• c11nJlll3. !lot llLN, 1'ICt ll • ' ' -. • .PO,e :ie: .. • · I tllfM1llll • ~ ..,.-. • c-..... IWI ,..... ,_. M -~ ,. --... (...._. 11 ...... ~ • !OM,.._ ' .,.._...,.. " ~ 11 ...,.._ ... ...... ... . ... """" ............ , JJ .... ,.,_ .... l·-IW1 T....... " .......... .,. ,...... . ..... ~ l) ...... • -. --. """""' " ...... 0 .... "'" ... ,,......_ I u ' ' • I OiJl.Y •llOT L PILOT • I LOGBOOK -· • ' ' . Sp~ken · English! ·Works As Well as Body English BY TOM 9A11LEY ti,.. o.!Jp ...... .., Lani btforo we IOI foot •pon th'" fl'lendly and hospliable ahons, "' leamecl that a Br!Uth acceol could wort wooden for the lmmlsranl In ptU'lllit ot facts and/or fun. · Looklna back now. we rather Imagine that the first purveyor of this priceless piece of information had the latter category in mind when he caught our ear In a Fleet Street tea room. Fresll from a journalistic soj0\11')! in 8tlllJ1Y Call· lomia, ho rt1aled bis admiring audience with what I uve .alnct io.tned 11'!>1!1 my own adm!Uedly 10!18 range viewpoint mu.t have -~ ........ led ......,ts of bis amoroua adv-....,, Am.-lclll. w.-ID Pursuit or Men. * ' "Blimey, It's eaq," aur Cocbe)' conftdant.....,. ed us. "Just chat 'ero qp llld ""'U 'ave 'em tliln1·out Of yer 'and. All you'ft pl lo do ii Pl!\ 011 I bit al tho • old Ox! (aocenl) and you con take your'iplolo -a irlloJe oarlload ol Yankee birdl.11 .. ·~. , • Happily bound u ,.. aro within a m.lil4i 11111111 th1t baa pl1111nU1 persllted-lrom its creation in perfidJoua AlbJon, we hive not -to aey ll'fft extent, let us blushingly add -tried our en "bit Of Oltord" an 'Yll')' m1n1 blro., Yankee or otherwiao. · · · llul wa have nol been lvtrM lo a ...,111 popptnc of Iha pl11121 In our moulll •I momonla when a vary correct and llUl-uppor-Up approach oouJd coneelY1bly tum 1 tey lo 1 raluclanl door, llldMd, then havo -oetulona In °"' journallJtlc career In thla balmy cllma -Ille cartlWly pllclled BBC tone1 blended with a dish of lavilt Row uvotr faire hav1 been 1uo. cwfUI In 1JluaU0111 which would have dolled o"""' ol 1 Moina 1w.., or 1 .Midwest drawl. . * Wa happily rec1ll a mall efficient and crlop 101&1 aacratary wilo had -other cr..Uallon m<mberl ol the ,_ llatato aboul tholr bullnau wttlt tht abrupt •MOllnCOmont that her i.. wu out ol town and no ont wo<lld get to aee ••Ylhlnl until he p t back. Our own tenttiUve }nqulry drew thi ume tmmediatt rupona. Upon which wa bellowed nur Ugfit Upped guardlui of a Jawyer'a HCr11 with °"' boll Prlnca Philip amlla we havt In co-, I bolltvt, U-flnal,y cb1a1J. eel , .. ..,. and alllletlc dam--and -.,1y m111111111'ed: "I'm oo l«ribly aorry, lclually. 1 .... qullo undenllltd, midam, lhal )'OU bub fUll rtlpollliblllty for tho nlekeeptng ct thla lnltdl and I moll ctrtalnlJ do bopo that I havon~ unduly troubled you wltll llt!' loqtdrtea." Well, afltr we'd ..Uved tht Ume llha Iott he11r aarrlq lo Ille Chapol Royal, resurrected the Jneldent when ahe was nearly knocked down by PrlrlCal M~aret'a car 1n4 drooled together over the ~ipe for Scots ICori~ 1he br'ou1ht back b'om Edinburgh, we both took 1 quJck look at a certain docu-t that turned out to be a front page atory -Iha! daj>. * And then thlrt Wit th• /Udl•'s clerk who-. But that's another story. We1l teU you aU about that J tUe affair and the rol~ played by a "hit of Ox- ford" when th• cavtl ll down and the hefty damap1 are paid. Jut while we're ehatUn1, Jet1rne m'1!Uon thll Jovely1 long-leued bird · down in the county elert11 offJce, She 11 defbiltely dlshy and atii1aps up the British bil In fact, she's always asking me to tell her about- (Editor'1 Nott: Thi& ii a logbook, not 4 diart1. w, have rt·rtad .... r flltA PITQO!'Q!'h cmcl "'!lgnt that J/OU do lot -.. Bv lht IOGU, "vaui VJift want& 11ou to qfdt foo ing around-tDISh th.I ch9'1l.) . BotU>mkss • U the toast ls "bottoms up" fn the Af)al'lmant A Go.GO today, it had biller be in referenct to the beverage and not to the Uvt entertainment. And wbat goes for the PoP\llar 81.nta Ana bar appli .. equally to tile Cooiztty Girl No. I near ADlhelm and Ille Harbor Inn, La Habra, Buperlor Court ""'11t Claude Owen1 ruled Wednesday. Ht tnd- ed a two-day deliberaUon of eltatloa«ud· ded arguments by declaring the bot· tomless entertainment at the three taverns to be obscene. Bui tbal enlertainment does DOI lncltJde the movies whlch have been equaUy con- demned by district at t or 11 e y ' s in- \'tllliaton. J•dp -· i.mriOrirl JJ1JWIClioll can. bl applied GlllJ 1o ilia llvt porfonn- .,. '"d nol to. l!bna which wara er. -lo ~ U "llJt1t7, IUlleotlVO 111d oomplll04' .......,., " An~ecltfon •'lito fUml muot come at ' Ibo· al lrtal, Judp Onta ..... m10led. Bil brtal made It claar thal be dooa nol Inland lo C!Ontmlt ltfmleU oo a polril of Jaw thal II nol u clw lo ,.,_ to llJOYIU and plclwa u It ii lollvtattarlai!uMllL B•t bt mada II clellr thal porfonnm at Ill thne llVVlll will now havt lo adllera lo a rullnr thal ho ract11ll1 of· lortcl u a 1111111tloo dw1q COllrl l>e1,. lop: "Till ~ slril lo kMp their pants Oii and Ibey U keep out al Jill." Tha lllopd fn1blllty ol lbe entanal .... lo do ....Uy tbal led lo tht flllnl of I clvU action qinal tho thr• ban by Dillrlcl AtJomty Cecil Hico. Hlcill arped tbal tho thrae bar ownar1 "mlln· talned 1 plaot of lawdnau and lllltn.,. lion" ond illlparlor COW'I Juqo 8)'1'00 It McMlllail biclltd bla illllCt wJUt 1111 onlar tbal banneil lllY form of bottom-lau .. tan'afnmaoL Jlldp Owena mllnil' aupporled lhat rulina Wednaaday Willi I brltl illal branded tho bo!tomle11 narlormancu u · "dirt for money's sake.°i"1-He dismissed th,e plea that the perfonnancea were an uprasslon ol rr.. IPffCh iw!ar the Fiist Amendment with the comment: "the First Amendment does iiot protect obscenity." Hicks' .office claims to have proceped 20 cuea lllvolvlng lewd conducl and oboclntly at tho Apartmonl A G..00, nine at the Harbor Inn and five at the Country Girl. All the entertainers - araq them mak• dancer Carol Cybulaii .. :l.,;1;,"::', ~ r I~~-~ Ille • • • tAGUNA TEEN COltNEll .~ • I • ' 1 I ' · ly TOM GORMAN • \ • "t .. • , ' ,. ~ • • A· LOT OP JIM VY aounds wtll bo' -·•y · JApna lliP . -· this Wtol<end .:.. i!J!tuf, dru1111, ........ and IOUped-up Cl!'I. - Junior Class Pres}denl Wayne Ora:an ha.s <>!Jani.zed a "Communlt.J JIP\1 Dance and Get Together" Frid•Y illa!>t al !be l!rls' i)'ll\. For the $1 admllllon )111oe, llud-·CID . liM,. -· or llllllt music., AnyOOI wllo -to play -lrrlns 1111 own lnstru-11. · Tilt ._1,.1turns oo 111 p:m., ..., wiP conclude at 1 : 38. • There will be a differe.nt kif>I!' « sound out al Orange County International Raceway over the wei:kend. Saturday nlibl'a aclion will lealllro 2»-mllo 1111" hour fuel dragsters. The: pace will , slow Sunday afternoon, but the action guarantees to be just as exek.ing wQen the third Ford High School Scholarship Race will be held starting at 1 p.m . l.qiuia will bo Olll lbere, natch. In ill• paal, out al a IWchool field, IAguna hu !intahed and tiod !or flfllt. Not bad le< tM 15mallnl. school in Orange County, huh! For the third Um?, the squad under direction of instruttor David Lana will be le<! by Gary Tobey, Doon S!iollrom and Keltb Kl>llht. Tobey e11>turtd ltnt place in Individual competllloo ant,.., qo, QU1!I' drl""' foclude Jeff Whllaker, riot!. ' Jack st.us. George Olipl>ul; 'l>N ' '!lll llllt '1o ,._. .. Jlldlir. Smith, Jim Sleve111, Tom Bucolorell, ..,.j 1 pooeillil' Jn -· olloukf proY! lo bl I V~be; Vlc"'ls-probably Wlahln( the unfql!O Hpuimenl. lo docU111a\laty, race wu over a wtndlng courte; hls Watch for Jt. · "hot" Sunbeam sport.a car Isn't tbli ltol * * · ·.,. 00 Ibo quarter-mile. But he 'thr .. !tql'.jo IT'S TIME FOR Olildnl'b001'•~· t.ar '"'Ybo<IY •pot! '10UDd curvt1, ly already. The kids are decldiW l!,ll!lli 'l'f• the way, lilt oor'a up·hr Ille. U Y'1'te , llet tlley',. ...._ to 1'\111 ~· inter-ci•• Y1c , ean. r.u _111111 r,... ~ Pr-t mo to ' Gorman .,., ,.... I get • Ill c<lium..... cl• oeliHlaN. (f'- More abolil Ille r••" T., drj,.,. flOm bo btld !list (lllJ.) each school Will wlilP' dOwn· the quarter · HoWard Hills, president or t he mile agWt driven from other schools. Progressive Educalion Club, and Da\le The field wll gradllally he eliminated to Huslwick, !tac~ star and pr,...t COW• the top two drivers. At ~ke for the top missiOOer Of ftnanet, 1rt: organizing tltdr ~ ocboola ·and dri,.., oYOr fJJ.,000 eampa!gns r.r·fbe Pft9)<1eney. SlloUld lit in cuti. and merchandi.ae, in addition to &n interettinJ bMtle. 1ua11111teed .Jolls for °""-stu~ fr<llll Well, the .poltct made U,, _,. al Oldl -With hrtL ' ocbool yest4rdq, 'and 1J1e . llda fOlllJ • *· • ..--grooved on It. DetecUves talked .to IF YOU WANT a chanfc o1 al· American Government el-Ind mosplian1 ,drop by -Vt.io High amwareij q•eitlona. Tl!eri "" a Jot tl Sohool, WlllCh ~ putlJnl nn ltl veftlon of verbal flow, qd mlada .. ~g to Devld and Lisa throolp llilWldl1. Ousht erpand, or !!hall 1 aay, open up. 1bt clllef to be a te. decibtlt quieter. was t:hert, too. l Talking about productions, 1 om e I don't Dow if H ts hlcluse the t.ai: Laguna High students are mnting out override t,J)ld. but IOPhomore Ki'h with their tecond film. After a 1Uccess!ul McCue is an a.tstant nurse at the hilh llhowinl_ of l 1Jce Cream Cone, 11 KaOiy school. Sbea, JUI Hallock, !)ob C.U..11, Jim Hill Remind me MVer lo get sick tllld aod JUn Warren are ~Ca piece on period. " Harbor District Winner? Opponents Fail w Get LAFC w OK Dusolution By JACK BRODA.CK ot t~1 D1llY l"llft Stiff "You are blin1 asked !() dl11olvt a flaot distrl1.;t with hardly an anawtt to any of Opponents or the Orange County the bulc quf1Uon1. Harbor Dillriol oppear to havt Joa! thtlr "You are asked lo •pprovt ••trilhl tho debate durln& a four.hour marathon diuoluUon of a diltrict S5 ytul old that hearing which ended Wednesday night Jw developed Une harbon. I am ~ before lhl Local Agency FormaUoa ed al lbe brevity ol tbt cue. Tbtrt wu Commlalon. obvloualY lltt.11th1nJdncand1111 study.11 Twelve county cities bave been cam· Only City Admln11trator Doyle Mlllll' paigning for more than one year with the of HunUna:ton Beach atood up 1o Kuyper'• aim to cause di ssolution of tbl 35-yeu-<ild witherlna attack. H1rbor District. "For three )'WI we ntaotilted with Yet after the four houri of testimony, the dltlrlet ln good faith for a joint the LAFC wearily ct1ntinued the Maring powtr1 qreement that would b 1 until Jun• 11. workable In our jurisdiction over our own Tht continuance, C04Pled with the clear harbor (Huntinfton Harbour)," Miller ex· 1ppearance thet the clUea• reprettn· plalnod. 11W1 thouaht we had workld out latlvoo were badil' 1ilol down durlnl 1 plan. with dillrlct olllclala only lo havt debate, 1uqeJts to veteran county lhe eomml.ulon -iurn It down. covemmenl ob991'Ytrs that tbt Harbor 1'Wben we at.ood befon the LAFC tome Dislrid will eventually win Ill euo lime ago asking for deletion of our city before lhl LAFC. from the district we were told~the The line PP ct 111-w11 henlly chainn'I", .... w~I _... that bori in •hoold lllvMtJc1tl," npUed Battin. Sam~. lo Jn01111inl a brill ravlew ol diatrtct finlnca and ballalila, ICCll'ed I tcUJq poJnl. "HomlOWDlrtl ln Inland dtitl hl\it no r•l ...,,plalnt." tho cllaricl d-said. "In 1"ullerton, a city remott fl'Cllll harbor laciliU.,, they pay U perm>I CIC dislrlot opanttono, wlill u par<llll ol lllO county'a populaUon and I.I per<enl ol Ille boat OWl!erohlp. "In comPltllOO, Newport lltacb, where 7.1 percent of the dlltr1ct'a finlnca art raised, there I! only S.31 perctnt ol I.ht county'• popuJaUon and tht boll popula· tlon Ja SI peroeM." unte tax burden, fl SamptOD concl\Hlld, "dool fill on tho pcopJt Jn clUu -dlractlY b<ntlltllltj. In fact , tho las bentlJ{ lo Inland Pl'Gll9fly""""' ii •*t ,11 & )'ea? Oil I Qo,000 homt." OCC Trustees Vote 4-0 To Reject SDS Chapter .. , · ·CJi'lll!4h w<im~ Arrange Police,. Youth Discussion wt11hled Jn favor of thOH w!lo wanl tit• good la!Ut 11 Clrilld otrti'" MIU con- dlJtrlc( conUnued u .• ltJ*lle tntlty tinued ... It never was. The matter never rather than cha:nitd lo a regu!ar ~ty rwtched the Board of Sqpervlson." department of &arbor11 blachl1 and 11~ ch&Srman told us wt were only parks. one city and should get an exprtsslen Ten persons spokt for UM dlltrlct with from other cities in tbe ccunt)'. We have only four baekin, th• diuob1tlon piu. ~:'~v~~ urae tht commi•ion to be tion1. Tho clllOI' -cl waa p.....,,tod br. Tht rolo of Harbor llirtclor Konnetb r • Sam-lo tho. conlrovtrlY WU tho 1t1b-La Habra City ollm•• Dean Shul , ject of conlld .. ablo -loo bf oom• Janice lloer, 1 lq llmt loo tl Illa lllalrict Wbo lt01I defon4,o U, uried <q. riil..,1""'3 not I• !tire a ~·meat • Ill' proach to the problem. Keep tho bmi evlls," llhe urpd, "don't rnUt It men evil," lll10 cillrled lhal ihlr• .,. fl,OIJO ..... ol Uto Mlaalon Viejo llancb valued al mon than $1 mlllloo tllat 1' not tnc:lllde<I in the district and ur1t<f 11111< )f8illallvt ' acUon lo lncillcfo Ult ora1. 117 TllOMAI FOJl'nlNZ .... Dlllt' '"" ..... Vlllbll, vocal backtr1 of Sllld .. il for 1 Democralle Society (SOS) lost out Th\ll'lo day nlaht al Or1n11 Cout CoPe1e to all tha n.meteaa IChool IU votan wilo abl>or campuo Y1o1111co. Junior college trustees lllloned to tho IJ'IUll!ltnla of 1tudtntll for more than two houn, thin Yot.ed C to C to deny an appeal !or .._mu.n ct a SOS chapter on tho OCC campua. Board members agreed students hnd made proper application under college regulaUona. They baaed .their decision, they Nlcf, .. judlmenlal grotlJlda -co .. cem over probable negative publlc reac. MON 1111111 IOO·ll•danll 1tOO<l wall lo wall and cverflowed into the hallway outside Ille tiny board n>0m thal aeals onil' IO. Amon( U-preaent were 1 conU.,.nl or sm membon from UC lrvlnt, 1 (1/\ll ~ PILOI GAAHU COMl '\ll~ll"lfltf CC!ltJ'4NY ~•It.rt N. Wee• ....... "' ..... ~ .... · "••• •. c.,1,, Viet ""lllN tM .. ...,., """""' 1~111111 M:tt,il (Ill-. "'''"' I<. M•rplll~t Mlltllifll 141 ... Jl1ch•r4 P, Nell ·--"' ----212 •• , ......... . M1ill•1 "''''''1 r.o. ••• '''· t2•11 --_ C.~l JM W.I .. , ill'wl ~ni1w.1 .............. ,. tMlllllMl ... 1••IWMf Tilllnbor of Mtsbllaiull111l-a•pporUvt 0CC athletes, and members of \ht Amll'lOlll 1.e11on. Emotiona ran •lro!ll. but tho 1\ldlonot through th• Jong h1arln1 wu not ttnru)y, PlllllJC INmTUTION Board President Worth 'Keen• said , 4 11Thla ls a public 11.1pported ln1UtuUon and we are dependent on local tii dollaro. '!'ho poople eilbor IUPflOrl 111 or openly ll1ht us.' ~ "I find lhat very trOll, 0 1aid a 1tudent. "You sell out a democratic prootlll for a !aw doll1r1. Il'• not up to whit tht tax· peyera !1111 lt11 up to your lndlvldual con- tci1nee. "You otnnot dany th• Umn ire chang.. Ing, brother. Make a blow !or open mindedness." Said Tnisleo Donlld Hoff : "I challenge tht conctp( your 1roup It going to solve all the problems. l resist the effort to destroy because something better is going to come. There is no ~arantee the idealism with wblch )!Oil •tori la l'ios to porslll. PUBLIC REACTION "Dr. Watson (Supt. Norman Watson) mentioned the judcment.al" factor. Th1t'1 where we're at. We'd aufftr the aide If· fett.s that come from public reaction." Student Body Vice Prtsldent Ray Gen- drln explained why the student 1tnale had voted I to I to rtCOl?ll• IDS (an ac- tion that was vetoed by OCC Prealdtn' Dr. Robtrl lloortJ. He aakl ,Iha sm poUtimm had mol an Iha crltll'la fCI' lormalloo ol I CID1plll organiAUon. Girl Cleared Of Drug Charge II toot a l•porlor Coon J\ll'Y 1-than OM hour Wadtioedl1 to clMr 1 l.qtlna Blach slrl or chat .. al -111111 and selling ha&hiab. AcctP!ad by J\1<111 Wllllam Spain w11 tho _,., rulllllf lilal ...... Aalil'od, 11, ol .,. II lloaqvo, WU -of hro counll of ownlnl and allemptlq to •ll tha forbidden llll'<•Olic:. Alt Colony o1iomcY WUIJam Wllooaan suooeufuUy IJ'IUtd that thlN wa1 not 1uflicl1nt tvld1nce on t ither count to ccm. vld hls client. Miu Aaelrod waa amoi.d Jut Sop!. 19 Iller aht 11Je1edly eokl q•llltlUu of hllhiah to an undtrcover in'ltlUlaW on two OQCUloM. The aherlU's a f' n I taolJlled thal he paid 11111 Aaolrocl to on cacb occaalon. praaldonl ol !ho o,..,, County Le11111 'lneaseJ A. panei dilcuulon ol. polica, youth and ct Cltloa. wi · adulla ol Lquna Beach will bi&hlight the He charged that tho dlllrlcl had outllv· w~"";'!'~~ H:ilO:,\: ~~ May I IMllll ltllowlhip, calobraUon of eel Ila Ultlulno11, Involved OV<rl1ppin1 tiomoo1m1r" cbarfod lhal what d1-l1> Church""*I United . Jurbdlctlons, had expanded tundl for t!on opponents feally wanted wu 11io fire Front P ... J KILN .•• I I ••· th Iona! bo·J"-d •·-N Sc:hool !ocher, wilo la rtllrlq. Tho_.,. will btsln at t :IO a.in. al oca ra.~r •• n1 •-1~ ID -.. -... Dee Coct. l<rmor IW)lotl -Accapted tho r11lpaUon of <Mtf. the Lacun• Beach J>rQbyterlan Chu~h. hid parallel adminiatraUvt qenclea con-Beach city councllman, calltd tht attack Marg•ret Bulena, El Morro Elementary The panel dlacu .. lon will be preceded by tto1Jln1 harboro, bo•cha• and porb. I vondettl qainll Sampaon. school tocbar, WhOll buaband baa ac- a ahowtna of the Lion'• Club film, "Marl· Shtdl called for a vote ol the peoplt on Com.11\Jnton member Robert W. Battbt, eepttd a dtpu'1 diltrtet attorney post la ju .... " tht laaua el the June, 1170 primary. a -y oupeiz_1-, 11Jd he had heard of San Dlap CCIWlly. Most dama1lng to th• clU1•' CISI WU considerable u~ction between 8\mpaon -Acctp\td the n&lln&Uon of-Charltf The meeUna lJ pl&Mld a• a eon-a slashing' 1s.mtnut1 barra1a by tho and city oftk:l1ls. · A Whll b"-• J ·~ •-' •···•·· . cw~ r.," ,......., --· tlnu1t1011 ot the Ltague ol Wamen Vot1r1 u1uaUy quiet County Counnl Ad rian He uked county admlniltrativ1 ol!icv who wUI Jtav1 to work or a docioratt. Orange CP11t Conference ln March and Kuyper. Robtrt. Thomaa if ht had tnv11t111ted Utt -Authertied leaves ot absence for the April 14 Lacuna Coordtnatina Council "Stldom havt l aten a 1111 thought out, dltterenoes. Tbomu "Plltd thlt ht had teachers Mrs. Marilyn Byron, who Js II• forum . l1u revelant propoe1l1 than tfit CM not, "I don't Clll if a man JI an anpl or pectlftl 1 child, and Mn. Mary M. M-, . Jt'1 topic: '1How Do We Create I Com. blfert you today ,11 Kuypar charpd. otbmvlM If hi doll the job." "You to expand a walnut srove operation. munlly Climate 'l'lllt Make! It Poaalble 11"iiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;iiiiioiiiiiiioiiii-iiiiiiiiii-;;;;;;;;;;-;;i;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iii;;;;;-;;;;;;~iii~;;;;;iiiiiijj to Enforce lhe Law1 and 1t the Sime II Time Protocl the lli&hts Of OUt Ywth and Our Pcllce!" The session will include a proposal to provide two acholar~hips that would aid development of the juvenile divillon or Lacuna Beach Police llopartment. It would send officers lo the Delin- quency Control Institute of the Public Ad- mlnistralion Deparbnent, use. Laguna Parking Free , Chamber Directors T ol.d A "cuatomer's-eye view of th1 l'llW parkln1 tdleta in Lail.Ina Bearh shows that instead ol an fncreut tn meter costs, parld111 would ac1ullly bo froo. That was the view offered by Gordon Strachan, member of the Downtown Business Association parkia« comrnltt.ee, during a C!Mlmber of Commece directors metting Tuesday at Hotel Laguna. Strachan Aid that ll>e pt'lll bod played up all Iha wroni upecla al tho .. wly pwed parting rellrlcllon. Al adopted by the cu, Councll a week qo, Oll·st-, metered parltlnil colla will be doubled from flv,e cent• to 10 cents per ilour, 1 mulmum llmt al two heurt was Ml, and parldn1 lokona whlcil tho m'"1ilanla could bll7 from tho cf\1 would be available. Tht ioklna, to bo doled OUI to cuetom•n. I• ofltcl craalt froa parldn1 for J,quna BHch Pllroo•. Stt1chan 11kl. Ho noted Ut1t an 1dvtrUahl1 campalin would soon be started to 1et tht word out. Totona cllllrlbulad by tho mtt<halltl -.kl bo uted llkl ft•• cent pl-. luslneaam., could bu1 them from tht ol· ty r.r llvt Clllla and "'"Id ,tvo thtrn to cuolotM'a afltr a minimum~ ' 7 STYUS TO CHOOSI PltOM SOFA BID IALll .. ' ' 111... .,. .,.'Y ttfftflNftW. .... "41 flf Sltt\01 ao4 s1 .. ,1,,. ... Moe Now 299 .00 ·~ A wl4• a'°'"'\'" el '"'1a rod Colon t. lhMle fretn. ,_ i-tt -.. Ir? .... ._ 1t""" ...... H.J.GAl\l\ElT fURNflllRE • 1111 HAilo! nvo. COITA lo!IM. °"LIP, MMl11 "4Mi76 r . GOP Moves to Colorful fl1wrte1•s l\.1mes. Jeane "1acClyment (left) and Gay Beason prepare for opening Friday of new headquarters in Newport Beach of Republican State Central Cbm- mittee. Move to oftices at 3916 Campus Drive follows election last January of Newport Be2ch attorney Dennis Carpenter as state chairman. Executive committee of GOP organization plans first meeting in new headquarters Friday aft~oon. No Help Sc1iool Burns Over Sideburns, Expels Top Student A Garden Grove high school studenl with nearly a straight-A grade average today is barred from lhe Santiago High School campus for not shaving his rouUon~hop sideburns as ordered. ·Michael Picker, 17, of 11661 Puryear Lane. Garden Grove, maintains that his s.idcbums are no more disruptive to the r.ducalional proces s than \hose of his O\\"O high school counselor. Trustees or the Garden Grove Unified Scilool Dislrict voted hiin into semi· permanent suspension, however, when he, nis sympathetic father Frank, and r~ullerton atlorney Scott J. Raymond at· tended the hearing Tuesday. "Oh brol11er," moaned Trustee Ron Bishop, v.·hose no vole \\'as the only disse11t, as three other 1111~\ecs rorct>d Picker orf the regular campus, but said he could attend another for problen1 ) oungst.ers. Contacted at home today. young Picker -who works part-time and is paying his uv.'n attorney's fees besides maintaining his A-minus grades -said he doubts he 1\·ill right the board ruliiig. ''I hal'en't got the $2,500 ln legal fees it 1roi.Jld take and besides, I'm busy \Yith too n1nhy other things," said the onetime campus leader. He said he did not think he would seek h!'lp from the American Civil Liberlie.:!11 • L DAILY PILtf f Allies Off er · Concessions • Pf<RIS (1/Pi) ""'. !1"'9 Unit,d'Slltos and South Vletnatn ofrered t;1e Communists three major concessions today but. first indlcaUons were lhey had failed to llteak the deadlock lhal has paralyzed the Paris peace talks for weeks. n., biggest conce5&lon came wbtn AmblSMdor Henry Cabot Lodge declared Am~'ican .w l 111ngn es1 to join slm tancous neaoUat.lons on political P well s miUtary--lssues -an original de. man \Or the Hanoi and Viet Cong delega. Hons. A Viet Cong spokesman, Tran •loal Nam, promptly rejected Lodge'& call for simi.iltaneous political and military talks. , Narn told a newa conference the U.S. of. fer wu nothing more than a "U.S. ploy'' to build up the prestige ol the Sation .1overnmenL In another major conceukln South Vietnam Indicated k had ~ Ill 11>- •lst<oce· lllat the 'Vt.I Cong d1'ilv0w their Communist arfillatkm before they could Participate in the political Ufe of South Vietnam. 1 The U).ird concession also came from Soulh Vietnam. It aaid for the fint Ume that mutual wlthdrawe.1 of foreign troops w~ the key issue in the talks. P.rev~ South Vietnam had opposed Illy htnta ol an ur]y withdrawal GI U.S. lroop1 !nm the ""f""Y · . n.. -wm ., aweep<nc II was doUbUl&I H the Norlh Vletnamfae and Viet C0nc ' could ttp]y lonnally lodoy al!hoo~ the normal ~ure would bo an automaUc dtnunclaUon ~ and new charges the 'United States was in- tensifying the war. Tran Buu \(.lfftl, th~ Viet Con1'1 "foreign minister,'' fnstead attacked President Nixon 's recent press con• ference on Vietnam as proof of American~ dealres to prolonc the war. LIKE IT ••• CHARGE ITI •••• . ' • • • • • • • • • • • • Plant now and make your yard a summer paradise! · . ..;.;. ... ... Petunia and marl9old beddinCJ plants ••• M•ke your garden a riot of color with easy·l01row petunl11 and marigolds ••• already growing In trays •.. ready to pl•nt now •.. at a down.tCHarth prical Buy several trays I 2 trays for 79' War's Heaviest Bombing· Conducted. by .U.S. B52.s Union, y.·hich offers free counsel in such Jr--------------------...,-------------------, cases. . ' ,, . , SAJG-ON (UPI) -U.S. 852 bomi>(r, tarried out the heaviest raid of the war today, hitfmg Communist troops concen· tratio~ northwest of Saigon with 1,000 to 3,000 tons of bombs, Mllitary sources also reported the heaviest bombing of the v.'ar in neighboring Laos. Military spokesmen said the 8S2s con- centrated against War Zone C. a long- time Communist stronghold SO to 75 miles northwest of Saigon. They report- ed some of the bombs fell a mile and a tialf from Communist sanctuaries inside Cambodia. A spokesman for Gen. Creighton \V. Abrams said, ''There 's troop acti\'it1 up there and they're going after it." The 852 ra id was a major effort against the waning Communist offensive which a spokesinan said, had cost the Reds 100,000 killed and wounded. lnronned military source.s said the raids in Laos occurred "recently and were undertaken at request of the Royal La0Uan Government. The sourcys said the targets were infiltration routes in Sam Neua Province bordering North Vfetnam and Phong Saly Province bor· ~ring Red China. 'The stepped-up American bombinc: in t.f)e "secret war" in Laos coincided with ! announcement in the Vientiane cap· I of Laos that government troops ove into Xieng Khuang on the south- st'ern edge or the Plain of Jars Tues- dtiy for the first lime since the plain fell to the Communist Pathet Lao in 1"4. ~ The troops withdrew sil'·houra: tater to a hilltop stronghold three miles to the \\'es( but the thrust wa.s coosidered signifcant si nce Xieng Khuang has long been a Pathet Lao stronghold and has been used in the past by Russian planes dropping supplies to the antigovenunent forces. Eleven of the 14 flights that Abrams ordered into action overnight dropped their 20-t'on bombloads on what U.S. intelligence said is the North Vietnam· ese 1st and 7th Anny Divisions bivou· acked in War Zone C, a guerrilla re- doubt for the entire Vietnam war. "As far as we can tell, it is the most'' 852 bombers assembled in the Vietnam War for such a concent ration of strikes, a C'Ommand spokesman said. The stra- tegic air command stratoforts have par· licipated in no other war. The bombers, flying higher Ulall 30,· 000 feet in waves of five to 12 planes, S"--ept over the War 1.one C redoubt over a period of several hours, keeping an almost continuous rumble of bomb ex- plosions rolling across the paddy flat- lands. American oCficials had said the Com· rnuoists , had pulled away from ~South Vietnam's cities last week · to rest and regroup in border camps in prepara- tion for another, perhaps stronger, phase of their offemive that began f'eb. 2.1. • {11ry ToNrs Airport Young Picker was Suspended April 7 by Vice Principal Gary L. \Va\kcr based on t'ic school's dress code forbiddin g beards, 1noustachcs or sideburns. The youth's attonley. "°gued bf tore the boa rd that a similar iiicident involl·ing a long-haired 15-year-old boy in Arcadia \Vas thrown out by a Los Angeles County judge and the boy returned to classes. Trustees responded by citing a Riverside case in which the shaggy plain- tiff was the loser. Picker has been accepted by both Reed College, PorUand, Ore.. and Case- \Vestern Reserve ol Cleveland, provided he obtains his high school diploma. He said he may shave after all to eliminate the hassle. "But it is somewhat mysterious that my sic!eburns are disruptive to the educa- lionfll process and my counselor's are not," he pointed out. Monday i\feeliug Set By Art Association Laguna Beach Art Association men1bers will hold their third quarterly membership meeting Monday at 8 p.m. in the Mein Gallery, 307 Cliff Drive. President \Vallace MacKey or San Clemente will preside. Topic o( di!lCussion is "The Gallery, Jls New Face and Future.'' :Members of Orange County Grand Jury huddle 1around flight simulator as Oick 'Riedel, chief pilot &for Martin Aviation, demonstrates its use. Grana ,oo·toured county airport !actlities Wednesday. Members took note of runway resur!ac!ni project currently under way at airport, but spent much ol theirtime looking at facilities for private ail'plane operations. Landscope your yard now with our ornamental plants and ever9reens Choose from : JapaneH Bleck Pine, Bottle Brush, Dracaenia Palm, Dwarf Golden Arbor· vitae (S gal. only) or Split Leaf Philodendron. 1 gollon si1e .............................................. 79C 5 9allon sl1e ........................................ . 3.19 • Plant and feed a new lawn new with Scott's fine prod11ct1 . • • Scott's Golf Brend lewn seed or their dlchondre seed are best sellers! Dlchondre Bonus feeds while controlling weeds. ~;,~~;~::. ~~D·E-~ ......... : ... 9.95 Scott's Bonus for dichondra 9.95 l Golf Brand Lawn -Seed 1 lb. 1.49 Scott's dlcltondra seed ...... 2.95 Our Garden Cent~r is the place to buy quality CJC1rdenin9 eq1ipmt nt! You'll need ell of thtH velue pecked gardening aids: 16" 1pr1ed1r for eliay steel ·or food dl1trl· bvtlon plut others llt11dl If" SPRIADU .................................. 5.88 Round point shovel . . . . . . . . . 2.22 low Rake ................. 3.49 50' nylon vinyl hose . . . . . . . . . 4.44 , Redwood planters. and patio boxes These hand~ plenters come In '.all 1lu1 to mnt :.11 you; pl.anting needs ••• for pot shelves, \ .,..,... .... ,..,_.......,,. ........ _replant-· IZ" 1J1e 2.98 1-6" size . . ............... . Sl'1e .................. 26" 30" patio box .......... .. 4.49 11.89 4.98 Plant Inexpensively In clay pots Tho Hrlhy look of clay pol• lo plant end group for dremetic effect ••• then for e pldurffCIWI touch, our hend·pelnttd Mexlcl n IMrrel plontorl 19" ... cloy pol • 7'/ clay pot ... , . . . . . . . . . . . . 39c 8" clay pot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69c Mexican Barrel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.79 Solve your stqra9e problems! Handsome chalet style steel stora9e buildl119! Attrective end 91ble design steel 1tor19tp bu11dfnt In white with dtcor1tiv1 trim. Tough end durable trlpl• co.ttcf ~11tlc finish over 91lv1nlnd stMI. Doors roll 111lly on nylon be1rlne1. Equipped with ribbed stHI panels fo r more strength. 8 1 JI: 101 •••••• 169.95 l '.11' -----·------··--119.95 1'•''··-·---79.95 NEWPORT BEACH --FASHION ISLAND • • • ---------· 4 llolll Y PILOT Tilursdly1 April 24, 1'6~ Arah.s Ange~~d Sirhan Called 'Fre edom Martyr' ~ -.. Deb ........ ,u ' • Texas legislators, decrying the rising usage ol marijuana. needed on1y to cast an eye in their own backyard. Eight to 10 pounds of marijuana was found growing in the gardens of t,he capitol building in Austin by Grounds Superinten- dent Joe Friz'tll of the State Board of Control. • Gov. Richard Ogilvie of Illinoi~ must get quite a bfl of confidential mail. One of two $295 electric waste baskets which shred the governor's 1ecret mail has broken down after only 3th: months' use. • A youngster's dream, his vny own ice cream truek, came tcr an end for two Houston 10-year·o&d boys. That's when police found the two in the truck, parktd under a downtOWt& bridge. The boys told police th£y had stolen tJie keys to the truck several each night for a joy Tide, re- tur1&ing it before it was missed. The11 said one of them worked the truck's pedals, white the otJter steered. Police turned the t ttoo OvtT to their parents. r days ago and would sneak out • L!tffljC f\!11*"4 JMS":lZ'Jb±iltbi'.i:'I' • A student who was commended by President Nixon for opposing student violence says he was slug· ged by Negro militants at Los Angeles City College. Steve Frank, 22. president of a college group cal- led VIVA. said be received a cut lip from the blow. Jn a letter Nixon recent1y praised Frank for tearing down a barricade on campus erec- ted by militants. 0 AMMAN, Jord"' (APJ , -Tbe death Sentence given Sirhan Bishar1 Sirhan waa unjust but the only thing to be ex- pteleil from the United States. a 1potesman for the Palestintan guerrilla of&anization Al Fftah said today. Many Jordaniari.s expressed the samei aenUment when told that a Cillfomia jury b•~ recommended that Sirhan die in the gaa 1chamber. There was sorrow for the young Ara.b and bitterness toward the llnited states but little .surprise. . "How else would you expect the Americans to tre1t tht Palestinian.a?" said 1 univer9ity student. News of Sirhan's sentence was front paged in Amman's two newspapers, but ii!_ keeping with a gov"nment decision al the outset of the case there was no editorial con1ment. Al Falah said it corµldered Sirhan one of many "freedom martyrs" who will fall for the Palestinian catise. "Sirhan is a victim of American policy which plotted against the Palestinian pc()o pie," the statement said. "And it is not strange that this unjust sentence was Gov. Reagan May Have Final Sirhan Deci sion SAN QUENTIN (UPI) -The last cell In a row of 30 in San Quentin prison's "death row number ooe" is a room measuring just 11-feet long, 4lf.1-feet wide and seven.feet high. Natural light filters in through a tiny barred window too high. to see out. The cell, and a fenced-in portion of the adjacent hallway, will be where Sirhan Bishara Sirhan may spen~ in lonely solitude what remains of his life. About 125 feet away from the cell is an apple . green octagon·shaped room nine feet in diameter and seven feet high. 'There art two lar1e ·metal chairs in the room. Arter some time, Sirhan Wed· nesday was sentenced to die from cyanide gas while stitting in one of the chairs. Attorneys for the 2$-year-old Jordanian, convicted of assassinaling Sen, Robert F, Kennedy, plan a long series of appeals. If all legal efforts fail, the final decision 011 whether Sirhan lives or ilies will rest with the Governor of Californ ia. Gov, North Carolina Gov. Bob Scott Ronald Reagan believes in th e !'lays every governor should own a "necessity" of capital punishment as a basset hound like his dog Dukt. deterrent to crime. "When I come home at night, Duke Jiowever in June, 1967, Reagan spared looks like he has more problems murderer Calvin Thomas from the gas than I have " Scott said. chamber because psych i a tr i c ex• ~-°'~'allowed Thomas was a victim .,;;. .. ii ~ lA&mage that caused a chronic" mental condition. ' -Jo •• ; At the beige.colored maximum security prison 20 miles north of San Francisco, where 194. men and women have already met death in the gas chamtie.r, officials · calmly prepared fOr the arrival of Sirhan. "We don't get too fussed about these things," San Quentin Associate \Varden .James Park said Wednesday. "We could take him right now -anytime. , .we'll treat him exactly like every other con· victed murderer." The two cells adjacent lo the one set aside for Sirllan will be empty. A JCreen will fence the hall way outside the three cells so he will be able to "exercise" without coming in contact with the other death row inmates. Einployn1ent Directo r Gets lndu~trial Spot SACRAMENTO. (AP) Peter . ,.._. paskd.on a youtl:i Who aaw n e der1 ot American imperialist policy a rtfiee- Uon of the Jnjwtice that btfell hia coun· try and his people." ln recent weeks Al Fatah and the other guerrilla organlzaUonp ha~e distributed thousands ot posters . qepletlng. Sirhan as "a guerrilla not a rriufderer." But they did not claim the youth was a member o( any guerrilla group. The postus, printed in Arabic and English, said zionism was responsible for the murder of Sen. Robert F. KeMedy. \Vhile Kennedy Wa5 dead and Sirhan in jail. "Zionism, the real culprit, is slill at large." the posters declared. rn Lebanon, the press was preoccupied \1'ith the riots Wednesday in which 11 pcr!:ons 1vere killed during demonslra· tions on behalf of the Arab guerrillas. The ne1vs of Sirhan's death senteoce wa s reported briefly and factually. But walls in Beirut's Moslem quarter were covered with the Al Falah posters depicting Sirhan as a resistance hero. "All those kids in ye s terday'11 ~emonstrations," said one-shopkeeper, •·they all wanted to be he.roes, maybe a little like Sirhan." • SIRHAN SR. READS NEWS Lives In Israeli Territory UPI Tt ..... i. GRANT COOPER, SIRHAN 'S BROTHER ADEL LEAVE COURT Coope r Plains to Appeal Sentence on Three i'Major Points" G~~;ity-of: Assassination PromptedVerdictof Deatl1 LOS ANGELES (AP) -The jury believed Sirban Bishara Sirban's mind was impaired, says juror George Stille!, but not to a degree to affect its verdict- death in the· gas chamber for the assaSsin of Seo. Robert F. Kennedy. What of the month-Jong testimony from psychiatrists and psychologists as the defense tried to prove Sirhan Jacked the mental capacity to form a mature and 1neaningful plot against Kennedy? .. It stunk -1 don't buy that 1>iuH:' said Albert N. Federico, another juror. He expressed his view ta De\VSmen after the verdict was announced in coun· Wed· ne5day. to affect the verdkt. By most jurors' accounts. the first vote \\"as eight in fa vor -0f the death penalty, two in favor of life in prison, and twl'I undecided. For the next two ballots it 1vas 10 for death, ooe for life. ooe un · decided. The fourth ballot, on Wednesday morning, v.·as unanimous. The origlnal holdouts v.•ere not idenlified. Under California law, the same jury \1·hich finds a defendant guilty sets the p2nalty in a later trial. Superior Court Judge Herbert V. Walker set May 14 for the formal sentencing. State law provld~ for an auton1atic review in capital punirbment cases and Sirhan's lawyers have said they will move for a ne1v trial. Judge \Valker also has the power to reduce the penalty to life in prison. Houston'• Aatrodomt hosted a. Jog- In to inform tht public that the city Ms a living organ bank and the pub· lie may wiU human orgam for future tronsplanta:. Caroi Carter (left) and Barbara. Held helped get the program off to a running start. \Veinberger, state employment director, has been chosen by Gov. Reagan to become the new state industrial relations director. His old job is being eliminated. Weinberger. a forn1er San Francisco buainess executive, succteds Albert c. Beeson, 11, who is resigning May t to return to the management consulting busineu. ·' Stitzel, 57, a pressroom foreman at the Los Angeles Times, was asked : What v.·a~ the overriding consideralion that made him vote the death penally ? "The gravity of the crime." he told nc11•smen. "The cold·blooded murder ot an indivi dual." Other jurors said the sanlc Lhing. rederico agreed with Stitzel the seven· man. five-woman jury believed Sirhan·s mind was impaired, but not to a de~ree Grant Cooper, chief defense la\\•yer. s<iid the appeal \\'OU!d be taken of both tile first-degree n1urdcr verdict and the death sentence. He said there would be three major points : -'lllat Judge Walker did not. exercise discretion in re jecting a pretrial deal allowing Sirilan to plead guilty to first- degree murder and be sentenced to life. \Valker insisted lhe case was too im- p:irtant warldw:ide to be settled out Clf court, and the penalty should be left to a jury to decide. I Washington Gale Warnings -That the grand jury which indicted Sirhan was not properly constituted . Funnel Cl,oud Sighted N ortheas t of Pas cago ulo -That SirilM's private notebooks were !'tiled illegally and should not have been placed in evidence. In them , Sirhan wrote repeatedly: "RFK must die." Callfomla It WIS lllOlll'f ..,,,,,., 1fl $ouTl•t•n c.1IWT>t1 !Odlr. A<tomNnted by ,,,_, 9UltY wil'IO!.. Tiie CO.Ull 1~1• ,...,. -rmtr tod1r !Mn Wl'dMtd••• but ~ w•• 1 cooling trend In 1~1 tl'lttrltr, 111 l• A11telrc1. lod•Y'• ••-"'6' fo)fft W.t 72 o.t'fffl, lOllr 110inr1 •l:HN• Wedlletd..,-1 tllllfr. 11 w11 mos!IY 11mnr wtttr -euttv wlfl01. ,.,,. Air Pollution Con1.,,1 Oi1trkl ,_fed tl!t"° -• "' •"'09 In ti.-'-" ~ .. l ift IOdtY. n.. ~ !lad ,,1. ""' ... 1r1d'I' _,,,., '4111¥r Mith himPer1lU•<t '"'"' """""' U •M ftie ,.., lllf "''""'"' u• I& " <MlttH. tro trlt l'l'IOU~lfln5 11 wt • .wronr ind coo!irr. Hltfl '""'""ra""'-1 11 111P , .. "" lewll w .. ·-4J .... ~. " -·~nnv ""' ,..,..,. wlncty 111 ~ ftlltf'h lodt'f, KtomffftiM bV «i0ler ~r1turn tti.n WftlN'lCllr. Hlt'lu ,,....., ,.,,,.., 71 Jn 11,. ..,_,. ... 11en to H /<1 fhe. lo-. rM11ert•. WednHdl'f'I i't1911• tllll .... .,.. , •. _.., ltltohf for M'WIH Soulhern C.•1"-"' -.11118 l~l l.Ol ·~ --,,.... \.-8Ndl .... ,. "'"'" MOtrlCll ... I, ~tbtllk """ Mt. Wll. -...,, "•lmclllt ....... •"'-i.. ....U. Pll!'ll· ""''-...... l .. "'11\d ?U.S, ilrr Oltte ...U lllf s.tnt1 l l r- .. ,. 41"5. lOS ANG£l!:S AHO Vt(INITY- ~ Wflfll' Frlile¥. t.• teollsfll JO. "'""" ,,..,, Wf'lll "'"" n. CQU1'.U. ANO INTftltMEOIAlf VAJ..L•YS -loell tUI~ ,..\fw:l1, C. ... r of'ljj t.,,. eooit<" IO'lleolll. lOWI JI "' tL .... -Wlrf!'ltr FriOfY wl"' ,,,..,, " ,. n. MOU!ITAIN AltfAS-C:IM• •NI c-oolo .. ......,. ._., ,,,. "''""" ,.,;. .. ,. IHT!lttolt ANO Cf"lltT tlt!OIONS ~~ _....,. J"fldty. Nffllt " k 11 _, ,..,.,,_, n 10 u ...., ... 1~ Cllilr ~ lfr.lln¥ cneltr t<lr!lllll wl'fl *«< .. 11111 wia ~ • •• • Coaatal S.,,ruw .... WI"" •!Otlt> l!w t'alt ! ... 1n tod1r. Wlrlh -*'""lerlv. U lo 11 .,,...... TOH'f's llltfr, 4"11 hi ... Ynt.rUV'1 ......,.tlltt!$ r 1 " • • ot from • hlwl't ti 64 tt • Jew ti M. ,,.. 111\11 .._.fll"l'lt -"" '2 tt A. T¥ -tw ..,,..,.,..,.,.. .... , .. .,.. ..... S 1111, illoon. T lde• ,tlOAY \ _,.., ....... .t·M 1,,,.,J, lG:M 1.m. I.I T"l.11.SOAY ~l"r tilth , ..... l :M1..,.),• ,1,,1 ltw •· ...... ••• 10:511 I.II\, I .I ~ "'-" ............ ,., •. ,,., l t ktn .... .. ......... ll:N '·"'· J.7 1111.. ftfHf tl•lf I ,..,, k" l•lf I.Ill, .... .,.. ''" ''"''"" 1:11 •.Ill. .. , .... ' ltl! 0 . ftnf M-l• t Mt• 11 ll.S. S11mnaar11 G•tt w1rnl"K l0tl1" rtrllflrltd wo •lwte IM W11htn11on to.slllM ·~ 1ft-" a,,.ruo~lll tnt Pttltlc Nor•,,. -' '"'" C:Oltl11 1ec:tloN 11 lhf nortti.n •.cllfft 1nd -" le <r"l11I C11flonll1. tlt•ln e. 1"°"'9rw ot«0rr>d ,.._ Molnt "' IM v1..,1n1e1. di•~ ln1 lo tcl""1C 1-111 b ,.,.,.,... !1!n. fl ""'11ltrn HI,.. 1!:111l1nd, s-,....., fell In "'' ii.111 i.r,.. vldfli. ""'fie "'1.lf!Otnllower1 1lntl'••ll •lrll" tl!llY lrom t,.,, .. FW~•· 11'1 • t llM'l(lljr Hrioll, Nit l!ltn I\~ lncfltl ,et r1!" 4INttd M~"'I· lttlrt. ,,,.._ wrlllh 11\11 1new oc:wrrtd °" bolfl Ille ~11~n ~"f ....,,._,1orn co.u of 1111 t\llloll Wtll~ty. A N-1 dM jllft 111111· "" IS milts 111r1!1111t of ft•ttttwtt. M! ... , •All I Vleitrll wifltll~ -rooled ,,_ •I M• Jlofll\'. MIM.1 •I <11(1! .. Arll(.IWM f it ---~ Molllf. -ff, • T1'111pe1•u111re• A l~uoutrtue "",,.,$1•1~ Atl1n11 ll~ertfi~lll lll1m1rtt ··~ B'o!O" C~lr:-(ln(IMllf Clevll1nd .. _, ~· Melnt1 O·Ul'1'lll Ew...it1 ~ort worlfl ·~-l-ltte~• ·-· I-I/Niii" i<1n111il' ca~ l11 VHn L• A .... llh M11"'I kKft MllWluli:H W-.o!I~ "'-Orie•~' NIW Yorti: -~· ,It !!• 01tleAll ...... ... il!dlil'l Jlfof!Mk!lll!!I PllOenl# ~-. ...,_ t1rolll Cilv il!H l lufT ·~· S..<••"""~ Sl, Lowlt S.111\ft $•1! llli" C•!<t Stn Olf!t• ... Frtntl- 111111 l11"61r• SMllllr --'T~'1'!!1J! Wtt!lofff"" ; Nltll L1w '"'· • " " " • ~ " .. .. .. ., .. " .. ., .. " " " ~ " " " ~ " •• " " " ~ .. .. " • '' .. " " " " .. " .. " " .. " ~ " ,, .. " " ,, " " .. " " " .. • .. " ~ " " " .. " • " " .. ~ " " .. ~ " " .. n " " " " .. " M ~ • • " .. " " " '" Garrett Joins Hunt for Brother '" LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Football stat Mike Garrett hu volunteered to help aulhoriUes search for ms brother, John, .c~ who escaped from his euardl Monday ln .06 the building where Sirhan 8. Sirhl.n was tried. \ The Kansas City Chiefs' halfback 11id he hoped to convince his brother to sur- ·17 render. John Ganeu, XI, 1ccuted o( vlolatin1 1;~ probation Im~ after a ftlony con- viction, was belilg taken to court in. the •0' Hall of Justice for a hearlns and Hn· .u tencmc • ·" • Reddin 'S tand-in' ·" ... " Nan1ed for LA Police ·" LOS ANGELES (UP!l -Rogtt E. ... Murdock, 62, was named interim police ::: chit! of I.Os Anl•les Wedne>day, until a .J:t replacement is ltlected for retirinr Chitf Tom Reddin. ---~~ --·--~-~--------------------------------------- - Ulster Reelin ' Under SahQtage BELFAST (UPI) -Tbe government called in Britiah anny -be:Jicopters and -Ui>ed 10,000 Irish police "'°"'" today to enf'(ll($ drastic acurlty meas-wu after .saboteurs blew up a water plptlino ud furtod water ntionini for I00,000 pel'300I. 1be acts ol llbot.q:e signaled a new era of palltica}. pisia tor Northern Ire- land and a threat by militant Protest- ants to oust tbe govemmen( on grounds it is too soft on the Roman Catholic minority, '11le Catholics haVe led a number of demonstrations that turned into riots. Roben' Porter, home Jffairs minister, announced the ~e callup after an .emergency cabinet meeting discussed aabotqe of ooe aqueduct today and an-other: on Sunday. The twt1 bombings halyed the Belfast .water supply and broqght strict rationing for at least a week. Premier Terence O'Neill called his cabinet into emergency session as the Protestants said his decision to give equal local ..Ung right. to Roman Cath· olics had aroused their feelings to a .. terrible ferocity ." '"Ibe: feelings of Protestants have been v.ilipped to a terrible ferocity and the r esulting tornado will sweep O'Neill out .\i ollico," th< militant grou~ ~d In 1 ffnnal statement, O'Neill's own Protest.ant Unionilt party was in rebell!on. F0!1Der Home Alfaln Minister William Craig, lee.der of the right wini rebels, ,...- O'Nelll would be ousted "in 4 ,matter of days" and succeeded by former DeP.. uty Premier BM Faulkner. At present orily land owners can vote . In Northern Irelan.d's munldpal elec· lions and the land owners ·are ntoetly P1otestants. 'CatholiC9 have taken to the streets in widespread rioting to enforce their demand for equal voting rilbtS- "one man, o~ vote." - Tbe Unionist party ~oted reluctantjy Wednesday to amend the locaJ voting. Jaws under strong pressure from tbe British government and a threat by O'Neill to resign if they did noc. But the process would be lengthy and the polit- ical pressure built up toward a new ex· plosion point. Wednesday night saboteurs slipped past British army guards and blew up the water main in another of the acts ol sabotage that have plagued the coon· try recently. Authorities said 500,000 persons \\•auld be on water rationing for at least a week. Cornell Drops Disorder Charges Against Negroes By ne Associated Press The Cornell University faculty reversed fts earlier decision and quashed disorder charges against three Negro students, but the Ithaca, N. Y. campus hasn't returned to nonnal. City College of New York remained closed, demonstration~ began at two \Vashington, D.C., universities and Princeton University, while protests con· tinued at some other schools. About l,100 raculty members at Cornell reversed their Monday night stand and acceded to the dmlands of the Afro- American Society. in an attempt to halt fear and tension heightened by a 7,000· student "teach·in" at Barton Hall and the presence near the campus of 245 riot- trained deputy sheriffs. A nomber of classes were suspended again today, to permit discussion o{ issues raised by fi ve days of turmoil. touched off when militant blacks, armed with shotguns and rifles, look over the litudent center. President James 1. Perkins. who pleaded with the faculty to change its decision, said, "My optimism for the im· mediate and long·range future of Cornell has enormously increased." Dean of the Faculty Robert D. Miller withdrew his resignation, which he of- fered when U1e faculty rejected the agreement lhat ended tbe armed oc- cupalion of the ceirter. But the chainnan o! the government department, Dr. Allen P. Sindler, sub- mitted his "irrevocable" resignation, and denounced the faculty's reversal as "a complete capitulalion to coercion." Other professors complained of threatening phone calls before the reversal, voted by a 7-3 margin. The faculty also voted to develop a rliscipline system which all sides consider fair . At City College, President Buell G. Gallagher canceled classes again after students from minority groups continued to bar whites from the school's South Campus, which they barTicaded Tuesday. Gallagher said he would meet with pro- test leaders today, and said he had gain· ed one concession: "They have told me I can sleep jn my own home tonight" - inside the occupied area. He spent Tues- day night of{ campus. About 50 white radicals occupied Klap- per Hall, adjacent to South Campus, to su pport the Black and Puerto Rican Stu· dent Coalition demands for greater enrollment of minority group students among the college's 2 0. 0 0 0 un· dergraduatcs and for a separate school of black studies. Egyptian Raids . May Lead -Israel To ·Counteraction l y Ualtod PreH lotmaaUoeal · Ec:yptian raids across the Suet Canal may lead Israel to take stronc coun~ teraction to regain the initiative, senior Jsreeli defenae sources said today ht N Aviv. ' The Israe.U warninc came 1 day afler EBYPt said it no longu recognius the 1997 cease fire. ' Fighting broke out 1glin In Lebanon between police and Paltstlnlan rtfuaees demanding the ,...,.,,..1 aid Arab Jlllenillu In their -nicls a11Jnst ltrael. Six cltiel we. pltced illldtt cutfewa. Illltd ..,1y Ian( enoup for re!!ldt'nts to bu)' foGd. Uni ted Nations truce observers com- plained today that EgypUan gunners had opened fire on U.N. observation posts alon1 tht caoal and fired on an am- b4.danct plainly marked with a red crOM. Tbey lald the attacltt occurred Tuetctay 11nd Wednelday, Gallagher told a faculty meeting: "T will push hard for a separate school for black and Puerto Rican studies." About a dozen students. led by Students for a Democratic Society, stonned the administration building at American University in Washington, D.C., and evicted the president. Eight hours later they were forced out by a band of youths led by fratei-nify members. There was brief scuffling but no reported injuries. * * * Hayaka,va Meets 150 Protesters With 'Praise' SAN FRANCI SCO (UPI) -Shouting demands for amnesty, 150 studenlll marched on the San Francisco State College admini stration building Wed- nesday, but acting President S. I. Hayakawa met Lhem on the steps with praise. "I am glad to receive this peacefuJ pro- test. l am always happy to do busines., this way," Hayakawa told t h e demonstrators as he promised them a written answer to their demands within 24 hours. But lhe answer may have bee n pro- vided by a federal judge \Vednesday who ruled on disciplinary action by the college against more than 450 persons arrested in a demonstration Jan. 23. U.S. Dist. Judge Alfonso J. Zirpoll acted on a petition filed on behall of all persons arrested requesting an injunction halting campus disci plinary proceedings. The judge said at campus hearings the only evidence presented was police reports on the mass arrest plus a list of names of those arrested. He said there was no testimony from witnesses iden· tifying any student in particular as hav· ing committed a specific violation. Zirpoli ordered the records of two students cleared "because there was no substantial evidence to j u s t i f y disciplinary actioo." \ The judge said ms action was not a "class ruling" which would apply to students not yet disciplined, but lawyers said the effect would be that all student., arrested "cannot be disciplined by the school." Czechs' May Da.,.y Parade Canceled In CrackdQwn (' • PRAGUE (UPI) -CiecllOllofia authorities today canceled the ~11 J'1 parade in Prague, cracked down on • dent agitation and censored sources ot4 formation available to the foreign pr~ Bit by bit, Czechoslovakia w a,1 reverting to the closed and tighUy ce- t.rolled society it had become before 19 1961 relonns. ... Tht Prague City Communlst. Party Committee banntd the May Day mllllh to avoid llle ponlbility ol "'Y a.el· Rusalan demonilraUons amon1 ~ celebrlllllr lbe bollday. At Chtrles Unlvtralty11 llber&J school, a llit·ln otrite protestin1 lbe resiane of Communist party ,.... GUila• Husak ended hours ahead Ji# scbedufe. A atudent 1eadtt said fit party's cei1tral committee had ~ stem letter to the dean warning aga1lst such demoostraUons. , '' Sludent resolutions demandi ng 1 t!1! tJnuation o( rtfonns ~'tlrt torn out ~ unJvtr&ity windows-where they .I posted for ediric.ttion of pahtrsby ~ the rore.ian preu. t ' ' - I II • r d ' > • :- y • • ' t . • y • l· ,. d p • I· Q < • I . , ,, i. •• .n od ,,. " " g •• • t- i. h ,. ' • • n > 0 • n ll It • • • of • •· '· 0 0 y • 0 • • e r i r r r I ' • I ' I ' , I I • l I f • I ~ I ' t ' .tNewport _ Bar~~ . ~OJ:. 62, NO. 98, l SECTIONS, 34 PAGES • ' I ' .. . ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. -U s . . • TEN CENTS ?' • Breakup Sta.lied Irvine-Land In Escrow; 'No Plans' Harbor District Foes Lose Round By JACK BROBACK Of lfll Deltr 'U9t Still Oppcnenls of the Orange County Harbor District appear to have lost their debate during a four-hour marathon hearing which ended Wednesday night before the Local Agency Formation Commission. Twelve county cities have been cam- J>!li.gning for more lhan one year with the aim to cause dissolution of lhe 35-year-old Harbor District. Yet after the four hours of testimony, . the LAFC wearily continued the hearing until June J.l. The continuance, coupled with the clear appearance that the cities' represen- tatives were badly shot down during debate, suggests l<! veteran county government observers that the Harbor District will eventually win its case before the LAFC. The line up or wi~ was hea vily Big Approval Seen 'Right to Know' Oil Bill Sent to Assembly Floor Special to the DAll. Y PILOT SACRAMENTO -A bill compelling the slate-Lands Commission to give coastal cities and coonties prior ootice of hear- lnp: on oUJllore oil driJlinc a~plicati®' was sent to the Assembiy Door Wed- nea!ay. 'fhe measure (AB 622) was aulhored by 'Ass>mblyrnan Robert E. Badl!am (ft. Newport Beach) . I: has the endorsement of Lt. Gov. Ed Reinecke, chairman of the three-member lands commission. Overwhelming approval is expected, legislative observers said. The bill would require the commission to give 60 days notice on hearings on all exploration and drilling requests from the oil industry. It was requested by Orange County and Its coastal cities in the wake of lands commission approval last January of offshore oil explorations by the Shell Oil Co. No Orange County agencies were ad- vised or the Shell application until alter Aldrich Calls All-campus Meet On Controversy .\ UC Irvine Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. called an all-campus meeting for to- day in which he was to speak on facully- sludent relations. Aldrich's talk was to come before today 's scheduled Academic Senate mieting which dissident students were expected to crash. Last December, when controversy over firing of three assistant professors was just beginning, AJdrich asked facuJty m~bers to be more civil to one another . Today it was expected he might appeal to studenls to show respect for facuJty by not disrupting their meeting. It also was speculated on campus that he might announct what subject history professor George Kent will be assigned to teach in the fall . the action was taken. Following protests, the approval was rescinded. Seal Beach City Manager Lee Risner last ITlOlltb succeeded m w i n n i n g Assembly committee approval o f ameadlDentl to .._ mum.re, which o~ginal~ave no s~ i:ieriod for ~or reen Maishall, of Newport l!Uch. said today she i. "delll!li.d" al the JWosped of Assembly passage cf the bill. Nixon Asks Hike To 7 Cents in First Oass Mail WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nixon today asked Congress to boost the price for mailing a first class Jetter to seven cents. Post cards, and second and third class mail would also be raised in an effort to slash the nation's postal deficit. In a message to Congress, Nixon said his proposals would reduce the record $1.2 billion 1970 postal deficit by more than $600 million. The President said the only 1lternatlve to the rate increases would be to add $600 million "to the already considerable burden lo our taxpayers." Nixon proposed : -Raising·the rate for first class lctt:?rs and post cards one cent to seven and six cents. respectively, effective July I. 1969. The 10 cent air mail letter rate would re- main unchanged. -Second class mail, newspapers and magazines circulating outside :he county in which they are published, would be rai>ed by U peroenl July I. 1970. This would be In addition lo the eight percent increase scheduled lo take effect next Jan. 1. -Third class mail, used by direct advertisen for »ealled junk mail, would be increased by 11 percent effective Jan. I. 1970. 'lbe minimum single piece third class rate would go up one cent July 1. Bulk rates for third class mail are scheduled lo be increased on July 1. weighted in favor of those who want the distrid continued as 1 separate entity rather than changed to a regulir ccunty department of harbors, beachel and parks. Ten persor:is spoke for the district with only four backing the d1ssolution peti- tions. The cities' proposal was presented by La Habra City Councilman Dean Shull, (See HARBOR, Pace Z) North Koreans Touch Off Duel On Truce Line SEOUL {UPI) -North Koreans open· ed fire on Soulh Korean border guard! and touched oU a 70-minute machine gun and recoilless rifle duel acros,, the demilitarized truce line Wednesday, the yruted Na?ons Comm~ <UN9> ~. nounced today. · The UNC said there wen no American or Soulh Korean casualties. Earllet, U.S. •nd South Korean military spokesmen denied North Korean charges thatt here had been firing along the truce line. North Korea said American troops were firing into Com- munist territory but made no mention of firing by its own troops. The UNC annot.'Ticement said the firing originated on Ui~ North Korean side in the central sector of the 151-mlle-long truce line. Machine gun fire began at 5 · a.m. from a Communist guard past, it .said, and was directed at a UNC guard post in the demilitarized zone. "UNC (South Korean) troops responded · with an appropriate defensive measure," the UNC report .sakl. About 40 minutes after tbe exchange began, North Koreans began firin) recoilless rifles a.s well as machine guns. All firing ceased at S:IO a.m., the UNC said. The only damage from the exchange was a smashed loudspeaker on the UNC guard post, the report said. U.S. officials announced the rein- forcement of Task Force 71 in lbe Se:a of Japan Wednesday, confirming reP'lfb th;;.* six more destroyers had been ad··· ti to the original 23-ship DoUlla assembled to provide protection for U.S. aerial recoMaissance .planes and as a sh6w of strength. Captains of Japanese Maritime Agency patrol boats reported lo officials in Tokyo that the U.S. task force appearllid to be divided into four groups, each with an aircraft carrier, moving at high speed up and down the sea off the Korean coast. They also reported U.S. Navy patrol craft flying above the sea with jet fighters above and below them in pro- tective cover. Stock Market. NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market firmed and closed wJtb a modest gain to- day after drifting in a ·fairly narrow range earlier. (See quotations, Pages 26- 27). QuiCk Thinking . ' . Shirley Reid, 476 62nd St., waits anxiously as firemen work to revive neighbor's ·child, Richard P. O'Shea, 2, alter toddler toppled into wa(er near his Nfwport Shoresi home Wednesday. Her quick action in pulling boy from water and applying mouth-to-mouth resusoitation saved his llfet authorities said. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'Shea, 468 62nd St., was listed in satisfactory condition today at Hoag Memorial Hospital. · . ' New Control on Sewage . ~ : May Cleanse SA ·River By JOUN VALTERZA OI ""9 DlllJ' Plllf Steff Strict new rules requiring disinfection of sewage dumped into the Sahta Ana ruver went into effect Wednesday, : hopefully ellminating futt.ire quarantines of Newport Beach ocean waters. The Santa Ana River Basin Water Quality Control Board, after hearing several hours of testimony in Newport Beach from county 'health and city of· ficlals, voted unanimously lo impose the rules. The cities of Redlands, San Bernardino, Collol). Riverside, Ontario and the Naval Ordinance Test Labora- tory at Norco are affected. Under the strict . aOO definitive pri>- vlslons, Uie ciqes must discharge sewage • effluent wltf! a bacteria count which would make body contact wilh Jt safe for humans. The heavy, record storms of January and February -besides ruining sewer lines In RlversJde -washed out percolating basins u&ed by several upstream cities, forcing them to dump treated, but bacteria-laden sewage into the river. The combination of the treated wa!le and the millions· of gallw of untreated sewage dwnped into the rfver from Riverside brought about the record quarantine of five miles •of beach' in NewpOrt and Huntington Beach. The bacteriological yardstick f o r measuring future dbcbarges eame from Orange CoWlty Health Department head Dr. -John Philp, who asked that a col· o(orm .bacteria count,of 50 microbes for every 100 mllliliten ol'. effluent~ be· the limiL . I ' 'Def.ore the rulliig, cl lies, were asked on-- ly to "disinfect" the treated aew.,e,' but nO specUic bacteria count limits bad ever been lm'postd. . · . Philp's tesUmony and charges from lhe Harbor Area over the blame for lbe quarantine dreW resentment from several (See RIVER, Pa .. I) By JEROME F. COLLINS Of ltMi Dall'I P• s,.;, The Balboa Bay Club may sswead acrou West Coast ff.iabway. A transacUon Is -Jn ·eocrow cal1Jn( !or Bay Club purchase ol lrvlne ~ land 00 the inland side ol the hlpwO)' from .the 111111 block usl to the 100 bloci at !lover nm. . Ralph Berke, aabtant 1eneral -I« the Bay Club, conlinned the ..... today . He 1111<1 ii Is expected to clear acrow on May 15. Coldwell Banker I< Co. at Newport Center ii the real estate arent . 1lerke emphasized: "We have not formulated any definite: planl or Ideas u to what to do with the property." Involved in the transact.ion ii 3,<m feet Of highway frontage oppoait.e the club, l<>j::ated. on 13 acrea 1 of .cit)'.-ned baylronl land. ' Berke declined lo do 1111 apoculallotl on what· the ciub mllbt 4o wllb the Irvine' site, If Jt,citan:•~. , '11lil 'tplng 'ii ..... q 1a "" .,, I" he 88.Mf·, fltbat it· 'fi'tu1d'.bl 'rernia of UI to. say anything: w~·~ P.1;.rllliol .,_ • "" aj1ead." , Inf armed ~· bawmr, .polaCal out !here 11 .: host ol pouibW!les ladnf iho club. AmOng tbem: . --OJnstrucUon ol hlp.-Jae aportmeui. and parking faclllUea on the Wld. which is directly below the adapted route of the Pacific Coast Freeway along the ellffs. -Requesting the state· to re'*1te the , highway · closer to the bluffs. The club would th.en use the former highway site , on which to build. Another possibility. it was suggested, Is that the club might seek "air righta" from the state in order to bridle the highway with auto and pedestrian ramps connecting the two Bay Club sites. Qe,rke steadfastly refused to comment . on any of the posslblllUes. Disclosure of the pending tranudlon follows. a dec;islon this week by Newpod Harbor Chamber ol. Comm~ directors to move out of present headquartera at IJlOI W. Cosst Hi8hway. The b<lllding i. among those on Irvine land. The Chamber's new headquarten: will be fn the former Newport Balboa SaVings & Loan office at· 2Ull E. Coast Highway near Corona del Mar. Bay Club vice president Richard Stevens, who ls president of the chamber, is currently negoUaUng with the city for a 20-year extension of the elub's bayfront land lease. The present lease expires in 1998, I Stevens has told city officials the e1- temion is needed in order for the club W finance a planned $5.3 million eipansion proiram. Much of Ull5 expansion, lnfonned cbservers suggest, coUJd well take place on the fnlancl side ol the hif,bway. Berke said the deal w th the Irvine Company involves out.right purchase, not a long-term lease • The proposed purchase price was noC. disclosed by Berke or by Irvine ex.· ecutives, who were unavailable for com- ment. Oruge The historian , recommended for dismissal by senior members or the history department was instead promoted lo t.enure this week by Aldrich. The chancellor said Kent may leach subject m1tter other than h.iitory. State Sticking SDS Loses Battle at . OCC · Phil1ips Urges County Ba_cking Of Ah· Flights Weadler Another brlgbt day Is on the agenda for .Friday, with a few gusty W\l!dl to atlr things up . Temperaturea will remain _,!ant in the middle I011. 'f o Freeway Line Tbe state ls moving right alone with designs for the Corona del Mar Freeway, Neyport Bteeh authorities were tokl It> day. With the annowx:ement, Division of llla)iwap· Dillt'kt Engineer Hali Aya· nian put. an 'end to all talk that Ille' .adopted alignment near Orange County Airport might be shoved farther south to mate room for an extended runway. ,.Yanian responded lo a reaolulion from fhe Newport City Council opposktg .any change in the route. "In aooordance with pur freeway agreements signed by Newport Beach, Colt• Mesa and Orange Couniy," he said, "n are proceeding WHh the: design of the free.way in its adopted location." Vocal Students Press Point, Lose 4.0 Vote Citing an "urgent need", ShPervtsor Wllllam J. Phillipe WednesdOf pr_.t sUpport ·or Air' C.Ufomla'• ~ttl<in ·for service frorb tlJe:·Oranje' eom1,, ... Jfwrt By THOMAS FORTUNE °" Ille DlllJ ,. ... 11.tf Visible, vocal backers of StUdents for a Democratic Society (SDS) lost out Thurs-- day nigbl ,al 9fange <;oast Colle" !p J~ the nametess ichoOl lii voler1 who abhor campus \ilolenc.. Junior college trustees listened to the argument.I ol. studenta for more lhan two hours, then voted 4 lo 0 to deny an appeal· for recognition of a SOS chapter on lho OCC campus. Board member• .agreed students had made proper appllcaUon under college regulations. They based their decision, they said, on judgmental grounds -cop.. cern over probable neaative public reao- tiOfl, 1tfore than 100 .-ftt;e~ts st~ wall to few dollars. It'•~!'°' up io l'hat !he,~ · to,~•~: .:i . .' "-.: ::~; . .>. INSmE· TODA '7 wall and overflowed into the;; hall•'f; 'paym fi!1• ~· Ull l• ~"If. ¥vJ<lq Ctljf I .. ·'!lie 1 ~ -'~ ·• d 1 lfliPiMoort •In: dhfJr,. ·~V~··)Qi., ' • outside the tiny board room •4t ... lt -'.c1•...:.~· ~ ·~· ·' · · · ·· · i~loiil<flllt•'lfublllf : 'l ruffl~'.~ifil•...,; 01/tt~' only-:.il. J ' ?"' • ;~~~ • _.,..... · '· • '' :·1 ~· Uti "'ijt>~ff~J Britiak 1'ovc addtd ..omc elol1 AmontJ!Pe.l!i~wero Ut!(erll ; , !" caaoot ~ ltal$·~<!-if~ dit~tj<4« to Ui11late ca~ ~.' . arid itwl• to,(,,,.....,. televimlt of SOS" mtnibeh b10sn UC r.vlne, a •lni, ~; Make 1, Wow 1 -t,·~~ 1, f'l:IU• ~ r:Lhe f prop04i1 . 5 r; · over the "eara. S11 TV colvmn, number of establlshmeat"IU ve OCC inindedness. '' r • • ~ ! '.. ·, vatuablj ~ ~~ ~ .¥tic:1a}f._ •l ";°!_'_}.9· t • athlelts, and memberl of• mer10ll' ! ;Sal~ Tr\Jtee ~d ljo{t : ... ;. ; J~ ! bi.tlin~!'J~a Pt19Plt\' ! \ I ..--- Legion. , "I chaliellre ~your traue,)ii. 4lr "ll':"OIJlo April IS to lly •. ,_ ..., =: ,_ ,. EmoUons ran strong. buf aqdie,.. !lotng to tlir;e all the Plllblema. t~~ two rOlliil trli! '41> ~""'l'to. ~ ._.. " - -•• lhroughthelongbearlngw11 tt6lruly .. !Ulf ,et(ofl ·~ destro1 r.ca~;. ~~~~-.~~ .. ~ ~---1 : :::'=' ,: Board President Worth,• ne,nid:O-•tseUel",ll ~~(colne,. ~.Ji no.,,1 tJiHe•~r'*.lln~~.-.s._·. ;:=...,. 1: =-R'.: ''ThiJ is a public "tu ~ ln.stltuCJ9'1 11\4lralnte, ]he ,lddJ4m, ~Ul · · f.ou , .IJI! or .O,,~ , r. . ~. , • , 1... •. .....,.. 11• n ""* ..,..... ,... and we are dependent local laf:• 1~~ 14.tOlha 1l0 peiiat .. , . ,. ~ 4 • The airSJM allO' flqutfted pennilllon ~ "': ~ : dollars. The people either rt 01 or ... Dr. Wat.son (S..pt. Norman Wall{ln) to lly two "'°"' trlp_f· dolly '"""' -,__ " -· • openly fight us." mentioned the JUd&mfJltal factor. That's ltQllywood·Burbank to s.er1mento. Hear~ ==. Llirtw ,i = =: 1l "I find that very gross." a1ld a 1hxlent. where we're at. We'd sufttr the 1ide ef· lngs on lhe. petitions are expected in air ......,. '' "You tell out a democrt1tic proCeta for 1 (Set SOS, Pq:e l) months. . ' ' -1 ... ~ •• ..! •• . ............... J ? ... .. __ • .. + .1 --. I I OAl~Y rn,or H PILOT . ' ' • • . . tOGBOo·ll-. • ' .. .. ' ' . . .. ·-.-.-. -~, .. ,l ..... 't Jll.iiloOt GI flit Clnoge County W(ue ,,.., ' 'Ill Cllli9"1 lhllllit d~ had oiiflw. Id, ID .lllJ!fl!lnelO, lnvol9'd overl>PJllrc Jarl~ ... ,OIJNlll(ld fu11d1r ii' SpokenEnglislr\Vorks mi n:i-wih -ir .~ .... "'"',J '";~-l ....... ~-.mlpirlli. ' Shull CAiied for a vote of the people on the issue at the June, 1970 primary. As Well as Body English By TOM JIAl\L!Y Of lfll oaiti Pllft lt9ff Long before we aet foot ·upon these frieftdly and h61pitable shores, we teamed that a British accent could work wonders for the immigrant in pursuit of tacts and/or fun. Looking back now, we rather imagine that the first purveyor of this priceless piece o! information had the latter category ·in mind when he caught our ear in a Fleet Street tea room. Fresh from a joW'DaUstic sojourn in IWUlY Cali- fornia, be regaled his admiring audience with what J have since learned from my own admittedly Jong range viewpoint must' have been grouJy exaa:erated accowita of his amorous adventuru amonc American Women Jn , Pursuit of Men. * "Blimey, It's easy," our ~lmey confidant aaur- ed us. "Just chat 'e~ up &pd you'll •ave 'em eaUn' out of yer 'and. All you've got to do ii put on a bit of the old Oxford (acceot) and 1ou can take your pick "9zn a whole cartload GI Yankee birds " ' · · .. Happily bound as we are' within a nlaritat status that bu pleuapUy persisted from its creation in perfidious Albion, we have not -to any great extent, Jet us blushingly add -tried our own "bit of Ozford11 on'very many birds, Yankee or othetwise. ' • · But we have not been averse to a mental popping of the plum Jn our mouth at moments when a very correct and 1Uff-upper.Up approach could conceivably tum a key in a reJuctant door. Indeed, there have bieen occuiona in our journallst:lc career in this balmy clime when the carefully pitched BBC tones blended· wtth a duh of Savile Row aavolr faire have been ...,. cessfUI in aituaUona which would have defied ownm of a Maine twana ar a Midwest drawl . * We bappUy recall a most efficient and crlJp legal aecretary wbo bad · sent other crestfallen members of the Fourth Estate about their bul1Dea with tbe lbrupt. announcement that her boll WU out of·tawn and DO CM would get to see anything until he 1ol back. Our own tentative inquiry drew the ume immediate f'llpOnle. Upon which we bestowed our tight lipped guardian of a lawyer'• secret witb our best Prince Philip smile we have in common, I believe, thoae .finely chlleJ.. ed features and athletic demeanor -and aooth1ngly murmund: 11l'm ao terribly l!OITY, actually. I can quite understand, madam,-lbat 1"U beal! lull responsibility for the safekeeping' of this lawsuit and 1 moet certalnly do hope that J haven't unduly troubled you with my lnquJrleai." Well, after we'd relived the time she lost beer' eaning In flit Chapel Royal, resurrected the incident when she wu nearly knocked down by Prinoeu Margaret's car and drooled together over the recipe for Scots ....,.. :abe brought back from Edinburgi, wt both toot a quick· look al a certain doculilent that turned out to be a ·troot page •otory -that Clay. And then there was the judge's terk who-. But Utlt'1 another ltory. We11 tell you all about that little affair aad the role played by a "bit GI O.· ford" when the gavel ls down and the hefty darnales are paid. But while we're chatting, let me mention th19 lovely, Jong.legged bfrd down in the county clerk's office. She is deflnltely dlshy and ahe laps up .flit British bll la fact, she'a always uking me lo tell ber about- IEditor'a Nok: Thil .. il c,J"flboo/t, l\O(G,dlaJll· ~· hove rNeod 11our fifth paragraph and suggt1t that uou do tht sama. BJJ the 1DG14 your wife wants you to quit /oollii(J around. with the chiltl.) Most damaging to the cltles' case was a slashing 15-miriute barrage by the usually quiet COunty Counsel Adrian Kuyper . "Seldom have I seen a less Utought out, less revelant proposal, than the 09e before you today," Kutper charged. "You are being uked to dissolve a giant d.istrli.:t with hard1y an wwer to any of the basic questlona. "You are asked to approve outright the dissolution of a district 35 years old that has developed three harbors. I am shock· ed at the brevity of the case. There was •,: obYiously little thinking and leas study." ~ Only Clty Administrator Doyle Miller 'ot HWIUnll<>n Bead> stood up lo Kuyper's withering allack. · "For three )'tan we negoUated with tho dlalrlct In goqd faith for a joint powen agroement that . would b e worklbJe in our JurildJcUon over our own harbor (Runtlngton Harbour)," Miller ex· plaJDtd. "We thought we hid worked out a plm with dlalrlct officialJ only lo have the commlsslon turn it down. "Wlt'1 we stood before the LAFC some ti.me ~ asking for deletion of our city from the district we were told by the chairman, 'we will ate that bargaining in good faith ls carried out,' " Miller con- tinued. "It never wu. Tbe matter never reached tbe Boerirof Supervisors.'' 11Tbe cliairman told us we were only one city llld llhould get an expmalon from oilier cities In the county, We have done JO and ID'ge the CODUlllsslon to be responsive." '!be role of Harbor Direc:lor K"1ll0tb S&mpsoo in tbe controversy was the sub- ject of COO$lderable -by aome wltnesaes. Attorney Rodser HOWtll, who oal<I he was representing the aingle family homeowners, charged that what dJssolu- tloo. opponents really wanted wu "to fire Sampson." Dee Coot, former Newport Beach city councilman, called the attack a vendetta against Sampaon. Commlulon member Robert W. Ballin, a coon1y·auperviaor, lald be bad beard of considerable lrlctlon betweoa Sampooo and city offic1all. 'I .. . .. -He ul<ed county adnillllstrati .. officer Robert 'lbomu U he bad Investigated the dllferences. Thomu replied that he had not, "I don't care If a man ii an angel or otherwise if he does the job." "You lhould invettigate," replied Battin. , ,, 81inJl'Ollf,if;~ 11,.brie{ review GI dlalrlct llnioCa. lmil ~. icored a .,.iCJ¥DI pOlnt.• 'I.., ,.. ,.,_. ~ •I ' f nl!lom0ownen:m iiiJand:!,' . haveno \.. ....... _____ .... ________________ ..... !;,' 'riiil. eomplalilJ~ Ii* ·. • . dlrOctor gaid. "In Fullerion, a city te from harbor facilWes, they pay a.a ~nt of dt.lricl operallons. with 6.1 per~ of the county's population and U per<:e\11 of the Judge Giv~s Trautwein 20 Years ·1 or Rape Try boat ownership. i "In compariaon, Newpl!l't Beach. wheie 7 .1 pei'cent of the dlatrlct'a fi:Mnces are ralaed, there II only 3.35 percent of the county's population Jnd the bait popula· tion is 35 percent." ' . Terming the defendant a persistent and conaistent rapist, Judge Robert Ga,niner today sentenced Charles J. Trautwein to a maximum of 20 years in prison for the attempted rape of a Balboa Island girl. "The tax burden," Sampeon concluded, street, he has to be behind bars:• Judge uc1oes fall on the people in cities most . Gardner continued. directly benefittina. In fact, the tax benefit to inland property owners is about fl2 a year oa a $20,000 home." , -• ~\.YPrLOT .. ffnetct SOS LBADERS CONl'RONT JUNIOR COLLEGE TRUSTEES WITH ARGUMENTS l'OR RECOGNITION OCC'a WIJliam K1ttlor, Goor91 Rodd1, Donald Hoff jfrom Jiit) Unmoyad • . . . from Page l SDS DENIED AT OCC. •• fects that come from public reaction." Student Body Vice President Ray Gen- drin explained why the student senate had voted 5 to 2 to recognize SOS (an ac· tion t.'lat was vetoed by OCC President Dr. Robert Moore). He said the sos petitioners had met an the criteria fer formation ol a campus qanization. tlon ol an organization already operating on campus the board was denying itself an opportunity to obtain a membership list and creaUng a secret organization. "It's sort of like putting a serpent under the rug," he said. From Page l RIVER ... "We did not require them to defend the history of SDS. ,We hav' Christian' organizations on campus that have a much bloodier history. We did not feel upstream city representatives. that is pertinent. Spokesmen for San Bernardino and Redlands panicularty took issue with "The group has been peaceful since It their critics, steadfastly maintaining first petitioned in November. It has ex-that they were not at fault for the beach hibited exhaustive patience. The board is quarantine. ~aa:!.~~ a tangent with its prophecies Since the $terms, Redlands has been He added that he is 8 Vietnam veteran, dumping treated sewage into the river. San Bernardino has nol Newport City Is not far SOS but speaks for all the Harbor Coordinator Ge<irge Dawes, ap- studenls as their elected rePresentative. pealing to the board for swift action to David Heskett, SOS member from UCI, clean up the river, cited more than said that if student:. are gofng to be $22,000 lost by some Newport beachfront subversive under one label they will be businesses because of the quarantine dur· undtt another. ing Easter Week. "It seems to me you're admitting there are subversives all over the place but you He said the figure would be much don't want the college's name marred by higher, ii rentals, grocery sales and other these people who don't have God's proper business losses were computed. respect for capitalism." The upstream cities -must &tart their He and others said that SOS has been disinfecting procedures immediately and nothing but constructive at UCJ, sponsor-report their test findings weekly until the ing Sflfakers and films, conducting discharge into the river is e.nded, the classes and holding conclaves ISO far on board "8.id. ') teachlng and Korea. STILL IN·EFFEC'l I . ~ A LegioMaire who said be is with the Meanwhile, the beach quarantine is still counter subversJve missiqn of California in effect with signs of perhaps letting up 7 Businessmen Named to Study • City Properties • Newport Harbor's Board of Realtors to- day appointed seven local businessmen to help the city cash in on some of iU unw· ed properties. - The seven will serve on an advisory committee. They will work with the city staff in developing plans for best use of and means of generating income from the municipal lands. whi~h include the 40- acre abandoned city dump. The real estate experts named are John T. Boyd, William D. Clark, Curt E. Dosh, R. C. Greer, Robert S. Hirsch, Richard Kimble and George H. Jones. Named as alternates were Robert Fleming and G. E. "John" Semple. AU the appointees are realtors with the ex. ception of Hirsch, a Coldwell Banker er· ecutive: Kimble, a banker; and Jones, an appraiser. City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt said the committee is expected to aid the staff in giving a prioritY push to the project. aimed at raising funds to help pay for the new civic center. Senate Prohibits Simulated Sex ·-·~l\<;~ 1n ·eon~ge Dra~a Americ'an Legion quoted J.' Edgar by June. Hoover, quoting American Communist Dr. Philp, however, said that the Originating two years ago with an In- Party President Gus Hall, who said, bacteria cowits are still running "very vltation-0nly play on an Orange County. "SOS is one of the groups we have going high, and it's impoi;sible to set a definite campus, the State Senate today approved for us." date for lifting of the quarantine." a bill prohibiting virtually all simulated "What ls all this about a conspiracy?" Runoff from the · river is expected to sex acts in college drama productlons. asked Jack Vaughn, OCC student who subside in the next few weeks as stored Only the kiss and hug are like.ly to recently ran UMUCCeSSfully for the school survive if the Assembly approrei the bill board. "Now look, I dan't even know that lvater behind Prado Dam disappears. by Sen. Lawrence E. Walsh (D-Hll!lr Heavy snow runoff from the San man (pointing to UCI student Haskett). Bernardino Mountains is light enough to tington Park) passed 25 to 9 by the upper Why don't they let us in on the con-ti tr '"" f the te . house. , spiracy?" a ow app .. 16 0 wa r soon m The measure was the outgrowth of an underground basins in Orange County. s J E Steve Kauffman, OCC itudent who with Investigation by State en. ames . Vaughn has been a principal spokesman Whetmore (R·Fullerton) into the now· for SOS, said, "SOS and students as a C d' A"d Q • famous production of "The. Beard" at Cal whole have ccnstrucUve thln~s lo say. By ana 13D I e UltS Stale Fullerton. During the Superior Court bearing, Judge Gardner denied moves by defense · counsel Samuel Hurwitz for an appeal bond and releaserof the HunUngt.on Beach man pending appeal ol the convicUon. Trautwein was accused of an at- tempted sex attack on il Newport Beach woman Jn her Balboa laland ·apartment last August 2 and was finally convicted of assault with intent to commit rape. During the lengthy serlea of coort hear-. ings in the case, Trautwc.in, a vice presi- dent in his father's firm, spent time at Atascadero State Hospital for psychiatric evaluation. shackling the future you will only hurt The avant-garde play by onetime beat. Art • L kin the college." OTIAWA (UPI) -Transport Minister poet Michael McClure depicts 1· ISts ac g Om Elder, a young man who ldenUfied Paul HeUyer today announced his simulated act of oral intercourse between· -The-act.ton ended eight months of courtroom wrangling on the fate of the 5\0cky tclon of a prominent Newport Beaeh marine contractor. who now faces one to 20 years behind ban. "From the record -mlhappily for Mr. Trautwein -he is a persistent and con· 1islent rapi.1t and I could not face myself If I turned him loose on society," noted Judge Gardner. "There is a time when therapy ends and reality takes over. UnUI someone can convioce me that my wife and other men'• wives are sale with him on the DAIL Y PllOl Cu.NOA CCIUl PUlllSHIHQ COMl'ANV a.t..,t N, W••• .... ''""' lilt l'llbll"""' J1clr R. C11rl1y Vice l"rnklttll •1111 GfflH .. Ml"""" Tlle111•• "•••ii l!lilOt Th1m11 A. Mu•p~!ft• ~,,. Ed1191' J1ref111 F. Colliftl ""-' lfftll CllY hller ---2211Witt111'11• 111111.,•rtl M1ili111 AJ4t1H; P.O. lo• 1175, tZ6•l Corps Calling Bids for Groins Sealed blds for conatrucUon of three stone groins and 1upplies of sand-fill to remedy eroslon off Newport Beach will be opened May 13, according to the U.S. Army Corpa GI Engineera. Bids w~ called for the work April IS, With placement of t~e grqlns set for the Santa Ana Rivtr jetty south to Newport Pler, a Corps of Engineers spokmnan said Thursday. 1.ooaUon of the grolna la set near llth Street, llad Street and 18th S"'°l Heart aud Lungs Flown 200 Miles For Transplant HOUSTON, Ter. (AP) -Two Houston transplant eipert.s removed the heart and lunp from a youth tilled in a traU~ ac- cident and flew them 200 miles Wed· nesdllj' night In a new organ trusplanl chamber. A &poke1man for Will~ Hall, an Air Force hoopltal al San ~ •• laid the donor w11 a It-year old aon of an Air For« muter waeenl The hospital would not dltclose hll name. , '1t was believtd to be the first attmipt to ny such organs from one city lo another. Houston transplant mr1eona ha.vt decrttd for eome Ume tbe tact of donor orgw 1t their hospitaJ1 and have JOUgbl ways to fly organs to the 1W1ical team lrom other cities. Flying IO San Antonio from "°"'ton'• M•tho41•t Hospital and returning ...,. lln. Edward B. Dlethrleh and John Ud· r::cote to pcrrorm ti1e organ removal. I himself as a local businessman, warned resignation from Prime Minister Pierre the late star Jean Harlow and Billy the Ci Hall the board that by turning down SOS it Elliott Trudeau's cabinet. Ki~. a bandit from anolher era. For ty was playing right into their han<b. Hellyer told a news conference he was The \Yaish bill would Jpply also to ma. "You are verifying rumors that you are quitting because he had not been able to lion pictures, television presentations or repressive, and giving them an imle," he get cabinet approval for his housing pro-any olber media as well as the 1tagt!.; Show In• Newport said gram -recommended by • task force making even permission or such matmai G~ noted that by refusing recogni· whi ch he headed. by a teache r a misdenieanor. Where are the artiat.1, Sunday painters 1.-;;iiii;i;i;i;iiii;iii;;iii;ii;;;ii;ii;iii;iiiii;i;i;i;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ioo;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;; and otherwise? That's what the Newport Beach City Arts Committee would like to know. Com- mittee members are disappointed at the number of entries 1tO far for the first city· sponsored Community Art Show to be held on the City Hall lawn May t. "We've received applications from only 10 persons so far," said Cynthia Phillips, of t.he Arts committee. "We had hoped for several hundred by now." The deadline for applications and delivecy of palaliap baa been eztended to May 2, she aaid. Anyone who lives in Newport, Corona de! Mar or Balboa Is eligible for the show. Some 34 of the worn will be aelected for dlaplay In City Hall itseU during the month. Everything submitted, however, will be exhibited on the lawn May 4. Aey quuUoM, call Mn. Phillips at 61~ 3408. Hearing Slated In Fraud Case A man accused cl. selling wcrthless stock from hll former Newpcn Beach home has betn ordered to face ar- ralinmeot May & In Loe Angeles Superior Court. )amea M. Hansen, 34, arrested !n Marin County nonlt of San Franciaco, but formerly Hated as reskllng at tit Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, ii ch>rged with t& counts or grand theft . Investigators con-. tend he sold worth!= •tock for 1111 to $'50 a sbare over a two-year period of residence at the Newport Beach home. 1be complaints allege that Hansen took In more than $92,000 from sales of fraudulent stock during that period. fn..stJgallons allegedly reveal that Hansen's brokeragf! ftrm was dehmct and two other companlee formed to make foreign films were without assets. Jte ls free on $25,000 b3.il. .JJ. J. (Jarrell Repeab So/a &J Promotion f 7.,.,ST'fLES TO CHOOSE Ftl~ Th••• •r• ••ry contfortabla sofa b.ds for Sitthu1 and Sl .. pint. SOFA •ED SALE! .... 400•00 Now 299 .00 ' W.th Sk>m $50 • .,.,,., Y ""' /aoorik interior deriaiwr IOill lie MWv lo """' ~· •• , • ' • H.J.GAl\l\Eff. fURNrplRE 'ROfES!IONAl INTllUOR Dl!IC.NERS l 21 IS HARIOR ILVD. COSTA MtSA. CALIF. 6<16·0175 "46°0176 ,, I -' -------------------------------------------------- --------------- He~a. . iD.~~C? ~·· ~· • l --THURS DAY, APRll '24,"1969 · • TEN Chlrs . . Officer Battered .. . . . ' . '· LSD Suspec t ~ay~ He's God , Jai'-ed : . ; . . • DAILY P ILOT l lfff Pllth SDS LEADERS CONFRONT JUNIOR COLLEGE TRUSTEES.WITH ARGUMENTS FOR RECOGNITION OCC'1 Wil liam Ktttlei, Geor91 Rodda, Don1ld·Haff (from left ) Unmov9Cf .. sns Loses Battle at occ Vocal Students Press Point, Lose 4-0 Vo te By THOMAS FORTUNE 01 the 0.llY Piiot S"ff Visible,·vocal backers of Students for a ~mocratic Society (SOS) lost out Thurs- day night at Orange Coast College to all the nameless school tax voters who abhor campus violence. ·Junior college trustees listened-to the ~gwnents of students for more tban two )\ours,.then voted 4 to .0 to de.t)y an appeal for r~tiob of ·a SDS chapter on the OC£ clmjg. ~. ,t .•• ~ imembers agreed students had madr prqper appUcaUOn urider college ~gulations. They basect their decision, tltey aiid, on judgmentaJ grounds -co~ cem over prObable negative public reac· Um. More than 100 oti.1denls stood wall to wall and overflowed into the hallway outside the tiny board room that seats only 30. · Amoitg those present were a contingent of SDS members from UC Irvine,, a number of establishment-.aupportive OCC athletes, and members of the American Legion. Emoti0:ns ran strong, but the audience ~~~~~l!i"'I~ , . said, ':This is 1 pu~lic supported Jnstitution and we. are d~ on-•Jocat tax dollafs. The people diher" lllPPort us or openly fight ua." "I find that very gross," said a student. "You sell out a demOcratic process for a few dollars. It's not up to what the tax- p<i.yli.rs say, it's up to your individual con- science. "You cannot deny the times are chang- ing, brother, Make a blow for open mindedness." Said Trustee Donald Hoff: '_'I challenge the concePt' your group is gomg to ~lve .all lbe prtiblems. I resist th• effort to destroy because someU\!n• btiter~11 ·gOb(g ta·t.eomt. i1 There · lin11~ guarantee the idealism with wtllch you start is,goiog t6 persist. · · "Dr. w,tson (~ Norman Wal.son) mentiOneCI ~e Judglnental factor. That's where we're at. We'd stiffer the side ef· (See SOS, Page 2) Nixon Asks Hike Rash of Traffic Crashes .To 7 Cents in . ' First Class Mail . Leaves Two Hospitalized WASIUNGTON (UPI) -President Nixon today asked Congress to boost the price for mailing a first class Jett~r to se't'efl cents. Post cards, and second and third class mail would also be raised in an effort to slash the nation's postal deficit. In a message to Congress, Nixon said his proposals would reduce the record $1.2 billion 1970 postal deficit by more than$600 ·- The Presiderit said the only alternative to the rate increases would be to add $600 million "to the already considerable burden to our taxpayers." Nixon proPQSed : -Raising the rate for first class letters and j>OSt cards one cent to seven and six cents, respectively. effective July 1. 1969. 11ie 10 cent air mail letter rate would re- main unchanged, -Second class mail, newspapers and niagazines circulating outside !be county iii which they are published, "WOlild b, ~ raised by 12 percent July 1, 1970. Tttis . would be in addition to the eight pert:ent increase scheduled to take ef£ect next Jan. 1. -'l'llird class mall, used -by ·direct JP.verllsers for so-called junk mail, would ~ bB increased by 16 percent effective Jan. l , 1970. The minim\Jlll single pi~ J.hird class rate would go up one cent July .. 1. · Bulk rates for third class mail. are ICheduled to be increased oo July 1. ' Two victims remain hospitalized, one is recovering at home ·and a motorist faces drunk driving charges today, following a r"ash or CoSta MeSa traffic accidents Wednesday . William F. Hambrick, S, of 720 Victoria St., and Saleh A. Khalil, 26, of 2925 Baker St., are both li$ted in good condition Ur day at Costa Mesa·Memori81 Hospital. Motorcyclist Thomas 0 . Patrick, 20, of 2002 Maple Ave., was treated there for a dislocated shoulder Wednesday afternoon and released, nurses said. Keith L. McDonald, 54, of 505 Jonquil Road, Santa Ana, was booked into city jail on suspicion o{ drunk driving, after his cai: allegedly crasDed into the reaf of another. Poli ce said the Hambrick boy was in· jured at 3 p.m., when he ran from the Sf.ode Mcrlut• edge or West Wilson Street near Wallace Avenue and struck the side of a passing car. Motorist Jacob WetZel, 51, of 1373l Yoak St., Garden Grove, said he couldn't avoid the accident and was not cited by investigating officers. Patrick was injured at the same time elsewhere In town when his motorcycle, going south on Maple Avenue near. Bay Street. collided with a car pulling away from the curb, police said. Motorist Sharon K. Clawson, 25, of 2117 Elden Ave ., was not cited. Khalil suffered back and neck injuries Wednesday night when his car was struck broadside by -another in the Z300 block of llarbor Boulevard, after the victim pulled across traffic lanes from a cafe driveway. Motorist Daniel R. Fleming, JI, of 4402 Kent Ave., Santa Ana, skidded trying to , • , " avoid Khalil's car, witnesses said, but he NEW YORK (AP) -The dOck market escaped injury when the vehicles hit. finned and closed with a modeat gain Ur McDonald, the arrested driver. was day after drifting in · a fairly narrow taken into custody When p0uee· arrived at ranee e•lier. (See quotations, Pages 26-West Itth Street and Pla\cenua Avenue to 27). • take an accident report~ Trading was model.'ately active near Jacqueline A. Goggin, JB, of 241 E. 16th the close. The Dow ..Jones indust:ial Place, said she was stopped at the traffic average at 1:30 ·p.m. was up 2.67· ... at _ signal when McDonald's car struck hers, 920.31. but she was not hurt. By ARTHUR R. VIN.SEL Of tM Dllli. f'lllt Sl•ll A -gangly youth· in an alle&ed ·LSP.. prayer trance ls jailed today after pro- claiming. he was God, then· striking down a Costa Mesa policeman who was injured so badly be facea six weeks off duty. Three other invesUcators arriving at the scene of a sus¢.clous pel'SQll report subdued the suspect, who they claim reportedly had taken a dose of the hallucinogenic drug. North Koreans Touch Off Duel On Truce Line SEOUL (UP I) -North Koreans open- ed fife on South Korean border guards and touched off a 70-mlnute· machine gun end rect1illess rifle duel across the demilitarized truce line Wednesday, the United Nations Command (UNC) an· nounced today. · The UNC said there were no American or South Korean casualties. Earlier, U.S. and South Korean military ·spokesmen denied North Korean charges thatt here .had been firing along the truce line. North Korea said American· troops were firing into Com· munist territory but made no mention of firing by its own troops. 'Mle \JNC announcement Hid ui~ firing , ~-llw<Jiv.\11 .~..-. the centrll aeaor Of~ tbi'"'ill';rmre:t~ . truce ~M~hll ·fllitt llni lleim!' &r,6• a.m. froi,11; a 'CollJl!U!llial ~1 "'111. fl sailf.'incl '!~'~a\~ UNi:,,ulid posl .Jn the ilemllltarlad ..... "UNC (South Korean) troops responded with an appropriate defensive measure," tbe. UNC ."'wrt Slid. About 40 minutes alter the es:cliange began, NorUI Koreans began firing recoilles! rlfies 11 well as niachine ·guns. AIJ' firing ceased at I : 10 a.m.,. the -UNC.said. . .. The only damage from the exctiange was a smashed loudspeaker on the UNC guard post, the report said. Aldrich Calls All-campus Meet On Controversy UC Irvine Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. called an aU~ampw: meeting for to- day in which he was to speak QD faculty. student relations. Aldrich'• talk was to come before today'• scheduled Academic Senate · meeting which dissident studenls were, expected to crash. Last December, when controversy over firing of three assistant professors was just beginning, Aldrich asked faculty members to be more civil to one another, Today it. was expeeted he might appeal . to studen\S to show respect for faculty by not disrupting thtir meeting. It also was speculated on campus that. he might announcf what ' 8UbjeC?t history professor George Kent will , be assi&necJ · to teach In Ille laU. , , The ' histOrian: recommended f o r dismissal by senior members ol the.' histQl'Y depai1ment was instead promoted to tenure this week by Aldrlch. The chanceOor' said Kent mai teach subject. matter other thari history. · Sex Act • Ill Pl~ys Barred ;Officer Flushes 'Ba g of Pill~ · 41:.1 • · "Beard' Cas e Prompt& :s t(l.te ,s enate Bill Pas sage ' In Shakedo wn · '. . . -· -.. . . . . • ....., -. ... r· ., ~glnaUng two years.ago "t_¥itl) •? In; , any otpe:r media as well 111 · the, ~age, woq)d set a .. dCJUb~e stan~ard" for college • B·"~vl hla traff' ·'olitof" bell·-" v!~ti~~ly play 00 an ~anae ieouniy t rria1tl111.e•en ~ida M such material and Public drama. He warned that' the ~ ng 1~ vi 1 .., •• -1:ampus.; .the State Senate today approved · ·-· ' ' • · ~med; too -bll .for ~ SP.:8"e fr~m~. a -a bill prohibitlng virtually all aimulated by a teachera~miadetneanor.. "'xtpoasibleatepwouldj>eanaUempt!o Costa Mesa pOliceman sh<X!k the man sex acts in college drama .....MIK'llona' ... , ,"l;'erformances of this, call~ caMot ~ controversial books in ·college. down Wednesday ror .. PQSSlble w.eapon t""" · • .1 • • • .i •· ' , • • d' cha ed he 1 mi 'bog or ·noarly': · :01tly th• kiss and bug are Hkely to be condoned on .tarpayer-suJ>PO!led cam· ftbrari... . • f'000 ubgunder th:Usu.s~'s stllrt. , survive if the As9embly approvea the bill puses," Walsh said. He 14tid perforrnal)Ct'of the prize.win- • Mlc~el J. Tirrell 22 of · Redondo ' ~Y.. Seo.· l:,.awrence ~ •. WaJih., (0.Hun· The " bill received opposition from nlng play, "America:, Huirah," wlUch 1 Beach was booked lnio cOsta Mesa City lington Park) passed 25 lo I by the upper several Democrats, including Sen. An-Containi a brief Siinulaled &el .Ct, would ,Jail ~n sUsplcion ~or pOSses!iion "of hou1e... -... · thony·Beileneon of'Beverl1 Hills and Sen. be banned,at atatecolleael. ' ; dangerous drugs for sale, due to Ille Tbe m~ ,. ... the o.utgl'Owth or an Nicholas Petris ol Oakland.' Sen. Mervyn Dymally (0.Los Anael<s),• 111irge amount. irrveatieaUon ·by State Sen. James E. · Petris ~ he ran the risk of warned that deviate ~1 behavior also -Patrolman Gary Sperling said he""" Whetmore (R-FuUerton) into .the now· beinB "labeled a1 a pornographer" ln..op-might incllkle IUCh danCes u the ~.Tirrell run a red light on Baj(er Slref:t at famtKM Proo1:1ctlon of 't'I\e Beai'd" at Cal .. posU, the measure but warned ~ "Watusi, Ule twi.st, ,Lhe 'mamba or the . J"airview Road during the afternoon Slate Fullerton. dangers of the lqislalure dictating tbc -..cba, cl)a cha." , hours and stopped the.car w issue a eltt· The avanvtante 1)1ay by onetime beat content of art on colleae campuses. ll w~ be a Jnltdemt!anor for anyone Uon. poet Michael McClure depicts a He called shnulated ses a ct t_ ld'-enpp ln, or a 'teacher or IChool of· Tirrell, however, cot out and staggered simulated &Ct o1. oral ihtercoune betwten "reprehenaibie,0 but said tk legislature'-. ficl•I to~ procure, aid or counail a beck to 1he pollceicar, leading ton an ad-the late star Jean Harlow and Billy the should avoid political interr',rence~in u-per10l1 to' enpce. in 1 1bnulated act· of dJUonal cbarge of driving under the in-Kid, a bandit rtom arlotber era. eerimentalion ln ideas by college sexual intercourse: or devi1te 1m11I con-- fiuence"1)( a drug lifter Sperling round the The Walsh bill would .. pply also to mo-' liludents. , duct during a producUon on 1 atate Col- antged ·c:ontr1b8nd. tlon pictum, television presenu.llons or Bellenaon objected that the Walsh bill lcge campus. J • 'l .\• '-· • -~--- The sus~, James A. Crawford, 19t of 2196 Placentia Ave., was booked on suspi- cion of assault ·With a ·deadly weapon. against a poUce officer foUowing the 1:10 a.m. incident. Patrolman· Dave Qyet. slightly heavier tbao ~ s1'·100t, 150-PQUnd si.&specJ, WB.1 treated a.t.Costa,Meo fttemorl.al Hospital for a dislocated:lhou1der,and later releas- ed. Officer Ron Palmer was among police arriving on·the acene in the-~ block of .. Placentia Avenue 1n ft1J10D11 to a caller's' report of a· poml~le cfrUl~user wandering around. · ... , "I~ God," he qu,eted: Crnford as mumbling, just as,.Officer I>y'IJ! watted up- to. ask the youth's Jdeetity:-ll'id . wb:at ti• was dofog out at tht wly.~llOolr. Investigator. '!Ol!l,Ofl~,IJ7t J\ii!.·no w~ing-and did.~ ~v.•U.•"9JllCt, who suddenly snatched1 him 1,Jp, lll:rDltled Jlhn onto the pavemettt in¢ bi:gan,'. -1ciin& (See OFFICEll,,PoP1); ':' t • ' • ~ ...... ...... ":\ . ~ . . '• . ~ • • • 4 J .J . W~fif'ing New Hats . ··t?fek~Sext,ri .co~ta:~es·a fi~e~n'beVe wOri Pro~OtionS: ~ey Jnl!IU~e (fOllt1.1n1 .rear frotni lett) Engineer George Munsey, Engmeer .Barry. Adams {at wheel) Ga~lain'.BUd Swilzer•(standing) and Inspector Jim . 'Richey.1 Also (three ·in ~oreg~ound from left) ·captain• Bil) 'W.eath"\'• , W{lx, -~gjne~r. P~ul. Qurham ·aQ4 BatiaJion Chief Dav~· Teter. · . ~ (.!' j" ',. • I . J •. • ' . . . . ' ~ ' CoQkielif t Stand:ing .Qy '. .. . ' ' " - Arran8:ements are Comp!~-today tor a· visit by Medal of Honor wrMer Staff Set. Joe".Hooper, who' arrives-in ·eosta MeSa• Friday to · review the · troops ~o( the We Care CookieU!t1 • • The U.S. ·Armf reeruiter· now assigned t9 the Sa.n Fern•r\d!> Vall~y .9f9c~ ~ill ¥ ~by ftar~-A'r.~a civic and social . leade(s ·;t 'a ~kta'n1Jk\u~ ,"ric"epuon at . tbe 'cOsta. Mesi ;Gou an4 9oµrltty Club. · 'MayOi Alvin L: Plnklqi uid today that Ule city~or tht Q:ista,Mesa ·eountY,L wafer · District .will ~ provide tr_an.Sportation, il~ n<eded lot Sgt. Hooper: Coo~elifi ·orgarilzet. ·Mrs: · Darrilyn ' dliver · Uid .the . Viei.Qam combat· hero is . d'ue about 1 p.m.' and will visit several spots in .town before the reception. Representatives from El Toro MCAS 1 and Los Alamitos N>.s brass, serVlcc clubS,' veteranS• orgai1izalions, school ' . ' . , . ~ district ·officials and youth organizations will attend. s~ H~ ~ Wai :deeorated ·. shortly after President ~ina'a itlauguraUon, receiving his Medal· OI 89"« •lolls w~h) two olber Gli, 'in' th! firSt-Ntxon ·presen- lalion of Ille highµ! ·41Jleil~an ba!Uo, "'M~.' OUver' iiot~ Wednesday ;hat : While Harbor Area re:iidents have sup.· Jlorted h!''PfoJect With val0r.'oomething La Habra ',Soldier -' > I • Killed :in Vietnan1 A La Hlb~a ooldier hat been killed' In 1Ctlon Jn 'Ille' Vltliiam wer, the U.S. Delen.oe ~I hu aMOllnced. Dead Is Army Spee. 4 DaVld o. HaJ>o bury, lhe husblnd of Cynthia o. l!JnburY. 214 w. First Ave .. La Habra. --.... ·-·--·--. ' ' • t I • . . . ' Can be, d0ne for Vletfia·m Giii .:..".fudjrectly ~ on 1th~ home fi'opt. 1 • "We have addresses of more· than 100 units' to send· cookies ·to; 'and· these ad-- dresM!s ·came from people r~ heft along1tne Orange Coast;" lhe-e1plalned. "Good will doesn't have to be shown utough eookles alone," ihe contlhued, "it ~ be through •Vl'l'Y day life. What a11out the YOUN: •wiva of ~men in Vietnam here. at home?·'! . JWb4lt abo!.lt a· we Car~ Trubcenlift?, 1''They couJ4 use . help getting that heavy rubbisb out to be pi<:ked1~P· Mathe tlleir lawn mowers are broken .•.• " she said. · · .'! · • I ~ . Orange · •Weedier· ' , ' '\ ' t. • i~ ... ': Another bright ctay Ja on the 1 a~nda !or .Fridll)l, with ~ l•'l' gusty ~ winda to stir ~ • Up. TemperatUr<s Viii rellialn cOffstanC I in the middle llO~. INSIDE TODAY In th,lr ·t\n>lcaUv cool, u•- ' ruffled; underatated wau; ihc Bntllh hot!• ·odded ,..,.. clou q!ld 1tyl4 to Am<rlcan tdcvirton 1 over the 11ears. See TV coluntn.. Page 19. c .. rttnN • Cl•»llltf INS C-1« lt c,... • ...., 1,1 .... --n .......... .... ' •9tlrtM--11 ,..... M<t1 -" -~ 11 -. ,.,,.... ....... " -" . -. ...... ,.... ~ " NatltMI..... 4-1 --' IYMI """ M ---.,.,. .......... ----" -. -. .... .,..... .. --.. • ' 2 DAILY '1Lot c PILOT • LOGBOOK . Spoken English ~Works As Well as Body English ByTOM~ULE\' Of ... Deltr p .. Steff Long before ~·~ set loot uj>On these friendly and hospitab1e shores, we learned that a Br1Usb accent could work wonders for the immigrant in pursuit or facts and/or fun. Looting back now. we rather imagine that the first purveyor of this priceless piece ol information bad tbe latter category In mind when he caught our ear in a Fleet Street tea room. Fresh from a journalistic sojourn in sunny CaU~ fornla, he regaled bis admiring audience with what I bave aince leemed liOm my own 'admill<dly Iona nnge vlewpointl11111t bave been grooaly ulfl<ratod 1CCOU11tl "-bil amorous adventures among American· Women in Pursuit of Men. * "Blimey, lt'1 euy," our COctney confidant lllUI'· ed us. "JIJ!t chat •em up ~ you11 'ave 'em eaUn' out of yer 'and. All you've got to do ls put on a bit of the eld Os1 (a«elll) and yon can tit. your pick from a whble .cartload of Yankee blrda:." . . Happily boUnd u we are wlthJn a marital status that bu pleeaanUy persilted from its creailpn In perfidious AlbJon, we have not -to 8lU' lfeat extent, let us blushingly add -tried our own "bit of Oxford'' on~ niaoy birds, Yankee or otherwise. · But we have not been averse to a mental poppin& of the plum in our mouth 1at momenta when a very correct and ltlff..gpper-Up a~ could ....,.lvably-a tey In a rtluctsnt -. Indeed. !here bav~occaalaaa In our joumalJallc career In this balmy .clime when Ille plldled BBC -bll!llded with a dub of Savile !low aavalr faire blVe "'°' . -.ii In lltuatlona wblcb would bave defied owners of a l4alne tw1111g or a Mldweot drawl • -· I We happily recall a moat ~ and crlap lecal teet<tary wtiO had · ' -other crfltfallll1 memben of Ille Fourlb Eotato about t11e1r --the abrupt IUlDOWlCemellt that her boa wu out of town and no .ooe would gel to aee anjtblng unlil he (OI bact. Our own tentsUve Inquiry drew Ille aam• lmmedlato fUpOl!le. Upon wblcb we beltowed our Ught Upped guardian of a lawyer'a ......i -our bell Prince Philip amlle we bave In common, I believe, lhooe finely cblaelo ed fealurea and atbleUc demeanor -and -111ngly m~ured : "I'm ao l«rlbly aony, actually. I can quito underatand, ,..clam, that I"'" beah lull reapomlbllity for Ille aaleteeping of this lawsuit and ,J moat cerlllnly do hope that I baven't unduly troubled y0u with my lnqultlea.'' · Well, alter we'd relived the time ahe !oat bear urrlnc In the Chapel Royal, rewrrectod the Incident when ahe wu nearly ~ted daWn by ~ lbrpret'1 car and droole9 together over the recipe far Scots -ahe broilgbt bact from Edinburgh, we boll! toot a qutek looli at a certain doc:um<lit that turned oat to be a Iron! pqe o!Oiy -that 4'1-. ·' * . . And then Ilion WU Ille judge'a clerk wbo-. pui that'I -llfory. 11'.~ tell you all about that little affair and Ille role ~ by a "bll of 0.- lord" when Ille gavel II down and the hefty clamqa alii paid. · But wblle we're cbaltiag, lei ma ment1'n this lovelf, lonl~eged bird down In the COllJ1Q> cltrt'a office. She Is dellnHely dlaby and ahe Japo up the BilUm bl!. ID ·1ac1, lhe'a ilwaya uldqi me to toll lier aboul- . (EdllM'11;01t; Thi. 11 o lollkol<, ftOf a dlarv. W• htw• re-r•ad -i. I/OUT fifu. paragroph and IUllQ<lt !Ml 11011 do lM """'· BV th< wov, 110Mr ~' uiantt tfOM to quit /oolin,Q OTOMnd toith the chilel.J ' ' ' . . . . ' ' t ' II Judge Gives Trautwein 2p Years for Rape TrY: ·" Terming the defendant a per1iatent and conslsteat rapist, Judge Robert Gardner today 11ntenced Charles J. Trautwein to a maximum of 20 years In prison for the attemp~ rape of a Balboa Island girl. During the Superior Court hearing, Judge Gardner denied moves by defense counsel Samuel Hurwitz for an appeal bond and release of the Huntington Beach man pending appea) of the convicUon. The action ended eight months of courtroom wrangling on ~e fat.e of G.1e stocky scion of a prominent Ne~port Beach marine contractor, who now facea one to 20 years behind bars. ''From the record -unhappily for Mr. Trautwein -be bi a persistent. and con· si.!tent rapist and I could not face myself if I turned him loose on society/' noted Judge Gardner. · "'There ls a time when therapy ends and reallty takes over, Until someone can convince me that my wile and other OAllY PllO T QfltANGI (0AS1 ru•~ ISMINQ COM""""' lteMr1 N. Wt1d """'*"" 91'111 PWli... J1cli It. C111lty Via "rt1lfef'lf I"' Otrwt" Mll\ltfl Ttl•11111 K11•ll l4iiet Tllom1t A. Murphi~• Melltllflt lt!IGI .,.... __ )JO W•tf t.y S"••t M•iK11t Attdre1t: P.O. In 1160, t26:1'6 --.....,.,. .. ldl:1 nu '*•' ... lhlltYerc LffUl'll DHCll! Jn ,_,. A"'- Hurllintl9" IMOl1 • St~ '""' . \ men'• wives art safe with him on the street, be has to be behind bars," Judge Gardner continued. Trautwein was actused ol an at. tempted sex attack on ;.i Newport Beach woman in her Balboa Island apartment' last August 2 and was finally convicted of assault with intent to commit rape. During the lengthy aeries of court bear· lngs In the case, Ttaulw~in, a vice presi~ dent ln his father's firm, spent time at Atascadero State Hospital for psychiatric evaluaUon. Phillips Urges County Backing Of Air Flights Citlng an 11urgent need", Supervisor William J. Phillip& Wedoesday propooed support of Air California's peUtloo for service from the Orange County Airport to Sacramento. The county Board of Supervl90n agreed and voted to notify the Public Utilities Commission of it! support of t.be direct air service to the state capitol Phillips termed the proposal ••a valuable servJce to county officials, businessmen and schools people." Air California applied April 15 to fly two round trips dally to Sacramento. One would be non.mop, the othtr would in- clude a stopover in Sltl Francl.sco, San Jose or Ontario. From P .. e 1 OFFICER ..• and beating the vlcUm. Palmer, Officer Dave Sorenson and Sgt. Gary Shull finally subdued the lltru&· gllng boat compa!\)' employ• and drove him In for booking on Ille f•lony charge. Physicians who treated the ortlcer said he may require a cut to allow the Moulder to properly mend and .,Umated hl1 tJme out ol routine duty at up to six wet ks. 'Jbe violent prtdawn incident bad an lr<>nl<: note. Only Wednaclay, • repo!itt chatting with Sgt. Larry. Berach, noted that thlnfs on ll1ll dalll' J!!lllot. beat had been fllr.ly quiet for a lime and the pattern would liktly break ...... ---------------------------- Bay .Club ' May L.eap RighWt!y By JEROME F. COUJNS Of .. Cleltt ......... I " • The Balbea Bay Club may spread acrosa: Welt COa.st Highway. A transaction ls now iQ escrow calling for Bay Club purchue of Irvine Company land on the Inland 1lde of the highway from_ the lllOO block easl to the 100 block at Dover Drive. Ralph Berke, assistant g e n e r a manager for the Bay Club, ~nfinned the deal today. He said it ls e1pected to clear escrow on May 15. Coldwoll . Banker lo co. at Newport Center is the real estate agent. Berke empbasizld: "We have not formulated any ddlnlle plan> or ldeu aa to what~ do wit.ii the property.11 Involved in the transaction ls 3,000 !eet of highway frontage oppoolle the club, located on 13 acres of city-owned bayfront land • .. DAILY rtLOT Steff""" Berke declintd to do any apeculaUng on what the club might dG with the Irvine site, if il clears escrow. MIKE (LEFT) AND llUDDY GRANl: DISPLAY 'PLANS FOR E-XPANSION OF BUSINESS Tha T1rmlt11 W1r1 Hold!"' H1nd1 In Old Corpot lorn on Nowport Buol•••rcl · . . "This thing Ui so far up in the air.'' he said, "that it would be remiss of us to say anything. We've got a lot of discuss-. lug ahead." From Page 1 SDS ••• Gun Sales Slwoting Up; Mesa Store to Expand Edward M. ("Buddy") Grant sat Jn ilis fecll that come from public reaction.•• tiny office above Grant's Surplus, 1750 Student Body Vice President Ray Ge~ Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. drin uplained why the student aenate Outside the office, stacks of am· had voted 6 to I to recognize SOS (an ac· munition lined th~ v.·alls, reminders of lion th.at waa vetoed by OCC President Grant 's Surplus gun sales. The growth. in Dr. Robert Moore). sales of guns has necessitated expansion, He said the SOS petitioners had met al\ and demolition of the Carpet Barn will the criteria for formation of a campus result in a new section of the operation organization. devoted entirely to rifles and hand guns. "We did not require them to defend the The tt00,000 addition, when completed, history of SOS. We hive CbriMian will include a new receiving area and bring the toLal :square footage of Grant's orpnizat1onl on campus that have a f much bloodier history .. We did not feel Surplu.s to 12,500 square eel. that is pertinent. Grant's new department will be design. "The croup baa been peaceful since it ed along the western storefront motif in first petitioned in November. It has ex· the present building. Grant callil it "ghost hlblted exhaustive patience. The board ls town style", but adds, ''Jt won't be a way off on a tangent with its proP'1ecles ghost town when we start using it." ol doom." The old Carpet Barn property became ~;It available with the death of Earl K. '.H•·aidded'~~!•Vietn:mt'~an. Phillips, the bufJding's most recent Js not~pr ~ '~ 11!' ilJ the owner. The building itself waa more than atuilfn ,., . ir e~~tive. 40 yeara old, and had previously ,housed a .AJ~j!'";11:;.:: .tiie .IOl!>I to~ church, and lhen an auto dealership. "If gubversive anc1fr or.ie ' label Uiey will be we hadn't torn it down,'' said Orant, ''it would have been condtmned. The onJy ~if= me you're admttting there reason it was standing was that the are subversives al OVtr the pl~ .but you termites were holding hands." doa't wa,nt the college's name niafred by Grant now holds all the property on • these people who don't have God's. proper Newport between Rocltester and Cabrillo tespect for capitalism." Streets. He leases a 4Mf station on one He and o~ ta.id that SM. bas been comer. notb1ng but constructive at UCf, IJ)OOSOr~ Granfs Surplus began in 1949, on ing speakers and films, conducting the comer of Harbor and Newport classes and holding conclaves so far on Boulevards, now the site of lhe U.S. Na· teaching and Korea. tional Bank. It moved to Its present A Legionnaiie who said he ls with the quarters in 1955. counter subventve mission of C&Uf&nia Today, Grand claims one of the largest American IA!g\on quoted J . Edgar rifle and shotgun dealerships in the Hoover, quoting American Communist United States, and says his store outsells Party President Gw Hall, who said, even single branches of department store "SOS is one o( the groups we have going chains like Sears. for us." On the first floor are stacks and stacks "What ii all this about a conspiracy?'' cf dungarees, for men and women. asked Jack Vaughn, OCC student who Grant's clothing buyer, Stan1ey Lipkin, recently ran unsuccessfully for the school says the store carries the largest Block in board. "Now look, I don't even know that Southern California. man (pointing to UCI student Haskett). Grant's is no longer a real surplus Why don't they let ua in on the coo--store. The company rattly bids oo "We've been in business so Jong, we could hardly change lhe name, even if we sold ladies' lingerie." Grant and his ;·re, Beverly, live in Santa Ana . He has ee sons; Mike, who is in business with , and two who are optometrists. Big Top Coming To Costa Mesa For One Night The circus is coming to Costa Mesa. Jame3 Bros. Circus, boasting the largest tented big ~p in America , will make a one-day appearance Tuesday. April 29 al i and f..p.m. at the r:itangl County Fairgrounds . Sponsored by the Orange Coast Lion's Club, tickets will be ~.50 for adulta:. Free tickets for children will be distributed through the schools, and at the gate children's tickets will ctl5t 50 cents. Circus day will begin near dawn, with James Bros.' trained elephants helping to erect the huge center poles that support the main tent. The te'nt ls new thb year. James Bros. recently made the transiUon from indoor arena shows or recent years. Performers featured will I n c I u d e clowns, equestriennes, acrobats, trapeze artbts, wild animals and balancing acts. It's going to be a real three-ring circus. Mrs. Churchill Home LONDON (AP) -Lady Spencer- Churchill, U.yeaN1d widow of Sir Winston Churchill, left a hospital today and returned to her Kensington home. Harbor District Foes Apparently Lose Campaign By JACK BROBACK 01 th• Ol!IJ "llot Still Opponents of the Orange County Harbor District appear to have lost theit debate during a four-hour marathon. hearing wh ich ended Wednesday night before the Local Agency Formation Commission . Twelve county cities have been cam· paigning for more than one year with the aim to cause dissolution of the 3S-.year-old Harbor District. Yet alter the four hours of testimony. the we wearily continued Ille bearfnC until June II. The continuance, coupled with the clear appearance that the cities' repreien- taUves were badly shot down durin& debate, suggests to veteran count1 government observers that tbe H4fbol. Dfstti~ , wm ~v'1tually, wisl Hs "tut before the W e. ~ line up of witnesses was heavily weighted in favor of those who want the district continut'd as a separate entitJ rather than changed to a regulai-county department of harbors, beaches and · parks. Ten persons sPoke for the district. witti only lour backing the dilsolution peti· lions. _ The cities' prcposal was presented by La Habra City Councilman Dean Shullt president of the Orange County Leque of Cities. He charged that the district had outllv· ed its usefulness, involved overlapping jurisdlcUons, had expanded funds for· local rather than regional benefits and had parallel administrative agencies con- t.rolling: harbors, beaches and parks. Shull called for a vote of the people cm the issue at the June , 1970 primary. Most damaging to the cities' case was a slashing IS-minute barrage by the usually quiet County Counsel Adrian Kuyper. 6p!racy?" government surpluses. 8irt Grant says. Sieve Kauffman, OCC student who with Jp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;mjj Vaughn haa been a principal gpokesman for SOS, 11aid, "SOS and students as a whole have constructive things to say. By shackling the future you wilt only hurt the college." Don Elder, a young man who identified himself as a local businessman, warned the board that by turning down SOS it was playing right Into their handll. .JJ. J. (Jarrell Repeab So/a /JeJ Promotion f ''You are verifying nnnors that you are rep~ve, and giving them an issue," he said. Gendrln noted that by relullng recogni- tion of an organiution already operating on campua the board wu d"1ying ttseU an opportunity to obtain a membenb!p Ult and cretUng a aec:rtt organization. "It's sort of like putting a strpent under the rug.'' be said. Drunken Driving Charges Facing Auto Salesman An auto aale&mll"l who put al! people ln the market for other trwportaUon has been ordered to ~er felony d.nlnken driving chargea In Orange County Superior Court. The ortler came Wednesday when Robert Downing Sr., 52, ol au~ PlactnU• Ave., Costa Mesa. appeared In Harbor Oi.trlrl Judlclal Court for arralpmenl on the charges. Downing was amsted April 11, after his car zoomed out of Ille parting lol al Dick's Hme Shoe bar, 2384 Newport Blvd., costa Mesa, Uke a mechanical maverick on a wild rampage. By Ille Ume the out-<11-conlnll vehicle stopped, .ix can had been damaged In colllalons w1tb DownLnc'• auto, a tree, • fire hydrant and a .lralllc allnal. with lwo vlcllm.t suffering minor lnjurl ... Downing lo frtt on ball, pendlnc 7 STYLES TO CHOOSE FIOM ,,..,. •r• •wr eomforti1bf• sofa b.tls foit Sittin9 a"d SIMpingi. A wid• selKtlon of Fabrics end Colon +. choot• from. SOFA BID SALE! ... •• Now 299~00 Wllh Skim f50. •xlr&. H.J.GARl\FfT fURNflURE ftltOPESSIONAL INlliUOR DISl9HIRS o,_.. Me• .. n..._ I frl. &es. 2211 HARIOR ILVD. 1 COSTA MlSA, CA.LI F. 64&0 0215 •••·0216 dlspo.<IUon of the cut. ,._ _______________________________ _, 'I •, - --------------- EIGHT ENTRIES -Eight of 15 new entrants in · Mi<s Hnntmgton Beaclrcontest include (se8ted from left) Karen Cutler, 18; Shal'()ll Manuel, 17, and Cathy " DAILY PILOT .......... Stjter, 17. Also, (kneeling from left) Sofia Elll".g- . se.n, 17; Rita• Rhodes, 17; ·Christy Winton, 17; Cring~ er Rowland, 18, and Donna Flory, 17. Beach Girls Vie for City Beauty Title Can one beauty be judged fairer than 24 others? Il'a not an easy taSk, but on May 1 a group of judges will have a chance to do just that in the Miss Huntington Beach contest at 8 p.m., in the Huntington Beach High School auditorium. Twenty-five of the city's loveliest young ladies will compete for the honor held the past year by Miss Jeffye Blackard. G«don Wheatley, proprietor o f :American Beauty Florists, will aerve u emcee for the pageant. In addiilon to em· cee, he Us also donaUng fiowera for -the occasion. Tickets may be J)t1Jtjtased for a $1 donation at the chamber of comerce of. fict, at the door, from members ci the 'Vegas' LOS ANGEW (UP!I Kirk Kerkorian walked ln medlng of Western Air .,..parec1 for a doMe management over control f the cor- poratJon. Kerkorlan owns about 28 percent of Western'• atock, matlog him the largest :s~lder. Since April be has &0licited proxies from other shareholders to iup- port his demand for nJne ol the 18 seatl on the board ol directors. Broker• calculate Kerkorjan mUBt have pro:dea from at least one-fifth of the outstanding shares t~ get control.J.he relaUvely small percentage a a esllmat.ed bec:au.se brokerqe house Jlwndq, April 24, 1969 I Faces paperwork backlogs ...,.. npected to reduce the tota.I number of prolles au!> mitt.ed for todly'1 meeUng. Kerkorian, the son of an Armenian im- migrant couple in Fresno, parlayed a small airline be started after WorJd War II Into an eaUmated perlODll worth today of~S200 million. , Tracy Investment Co., bis whoDy O'f'n- ed holdlng company, is headquartered In Las Vegas , where the fast-rlalng flnandal tilan is No. Z compared to HoWard ~Jughes. · But Kerkorlan, 30metlmes called "Las Vegas' Avis," i.. lrylng hard. ~He had invested an estimated $30 million in Las Vegas property. 'lllrouih C.:JL'I P,!lOT 3 'fest LIKE IT ••• CHARGE ITI •••• • • . .. • • • • • • • • • t • •••• Plant now and make your yard a summer paradise! Petunia and mangolcl bedding plants • • • Mab your garden • riot of color with eaty·to-trow petunia• and marigokft ••• already growlnt in tray• ••• ready to plant now ••• at • down-to-earth price! Buy 1everal treysl 2 trays for 79' C of C women's divisioo or con~tanb , ______________ .,... ______________________ .., themselves. 11 'CONTESTANTS -These seven girls are seeking Miss Huntington Beach crown. 5eated (from left) are Connie Pfister, 19; Lois Bader, 18, and Beth Gillenwater, 18. Kneeling (from left) are Lois Troxwell, 18 : Cathy Southerland, 18 ; Lynn D'Anna, 18, and Pat Bensimon, 18. Larwin Tract BuiWing By Lamplight Says Just Are the conlroversial Larwin homes be,ing built by lamptight in Fountain Valley? Tuesday night Councilman Edward Just announced Uiat the Larwin Company Js working by daylight and lamplight to construct model homes for its 500 lot planned development on Magno Ji a Ayenue b et w e e n Talbert and Ellis Avenues. $27,918 Project On Roads Slated Wark will take pt.ace this summer on a t:z'l,918 construction project to add a 1eft- t.um lane and improved traffic signals at Pacific" Coast HighWay and Brootburst Street, Huntington Beach. · Smith EJectric Company of Stinton tv .. apparonl low bidder on the contract, ~ will begin work on or about May 1, said a state Highway Department in· lcrmation off Jeer. Work is expected to take almost three rnonths, a n d should be finished at th e OOd of AugusL Size of Center Cut by Valley ; City Center In Founlain Valley has Mn cut n e a r I y in half by tOUn· cllmen who voted lo amend the l and use portion ol the city's master plan.. City center is that area which Fountain Yalley hopes to develop a& the 1'princlpaJ omMty ...,,. of the city. 1 Councilmen voled Tuesday lo reduce tne proposed ctflter area from. 208 acres to about ts acres, on lhe recommt:nda· tJon of speci>I coosullaot Charles st.I>' iJolon. ·n e area now schedul~ for future commercial, Professional and 1,partment developmt nt iJ ·localed between Warner And Slater Avenues. WesroftltooKWfsl Strffi. Just expressed concern that If model homes were constructed by AprU 29, they might affect the suit against the city seehlng to ba1t the Larwin. Tract. On April 29 the Orange County Superior Caurt in Santa Ana will hellf' the suit med by Eugene Van Dask, leader of the Larwin opponents, which seeks to nullify council and planning commission ap- proval of the Larwin Tract. Just went on official record Tuesday night as favoring many of the points in the 'Van Dask 1uit. He has consistently been an opponent of small lots; in this case some of the )ota will be built on 5,000 square feet. . Bill Sorenson, (If the Los An&des legal firm of Burke, Wllllama and Sorenson, hired Tuesday to defend the city against the suit, told Just that coostnx:Uon ol the homes would not affect the court decision. "U the homes are up, and the court,, rule against the city and the Larwln tract, they'll just have to ccme down," he said. Just wondered if lhere wasn't some v.·ay the city could halt canst.ruction on the homes, but was told alnce Uiey already have a building pennlt it would . be difficult to revene pennlaslon m the city's part. Little League Field Dedicated · Members of Ocwl Vltw Little Loguo have officially dedicated their baseball field at Graham Street and Heil AvtmJe to the memory of Jack Duplea: who dltd in May 1961 at the controls of a Loi Angeles A!rwaya helicopler whidl "cruh- ed and burned in Compton. Mr. Dupies had been vice pruklent or the baseball league at the ttme ot his death and had long been active In the program for boys. The league ln.rtallett a sign on the fieJd and presented Pifra. ~pies with a dedicatory plaque to be placed In the lM-gue•s mtttin~ room. James Gifford delfverod the eultgy. Entries in the women's Division-- sponsored event cl<Rd last Thursday, after an extension to add more young women to the original 11. Door prizes will be provided by local merchanls and the Marina Hlgh School jazz band will entertain. w-.. of the Miss lluntiJlilon llea<h contest will be eligible to enter for Miil Orange County and other eventa. Valley Council Raps Two Bills In Legislature Two bills before the state legisJat.ure came under fire from Fountain Valley Q . ty Councilmen Tuesday night as two resolutiom wt r e pasRd opposing the btlb. The first one, Assembly Bill 240, would J>rOhjbil cities from placing a businesa license tax on "for hire carrier truckers" "'ho ha!:! places or business outside the ci- ty. City officials feel the bill would serious- ly limit their taxing ability on many businesses conduct.ed within the city, but originating from out&ide the city limit.a. Assembly Bill 374, a proposal to amend city oontracta with the State Employment Retirement System without city council approval, was also opposed by resolu- tion. City Manager James Neal said tbil bill could approximately double the C<llf( to Fountain Valley of lJf'OVidinl retire- ment r.. policaneo and frremeii. Both r.solutions apmsing oppooition will be forwarded lo Sacrameolo. Beach Library Film Wins Told Four winning films have been an- nounced in Huntington Beach Ubrary'1 Imm lllru competition.held April 11 at Goldenwest Junior College. Capturing lint prize in the youth division were· Sam FergtllOl'I and James RoS& for the.lr film "Pot Potarl.'" An Award of merit iii the youth division went to Carol and Diane Mazy from Red 11m School in Tustin. Ta.king bonon in the adult division WU Delbert A. Neilson for ' ' N 1 t u r e '1 Wonderland.'' J. Byron Villacres and Dwtglit · K: ·Clapp received awarda of merit for their Imm efforU. Marina High to Give Dance Concert Friday ''ReflecUons in Motion," a modem dan-ce concert will be preMited at 1,15 p.m. Friday In the Marina Ulllh School IY'l'" nasium. 'Mckets to the show, which will be performed by students In Ute advanced dance clius, will be sold at the door for Landscape your yard now wltlt our -mental plants and evergreens Choote from: Japanese Black Pine, Bottle Bru1h, Dracaeni1 Palm, Dwarf Golden Arbor• vltiie, (5 gal. only) or Split Leaf Phllodendron. 1 '""°" s1aa . .. . .. ..................... 79C 5 talloo tlzo ............................. -··-· 31 19 Plant and fffcl a new lawn witfl Scott's fine products • now • • Scott's Golf Br•nct lawn seed or their dichondr• Med •r• lttt 11llertl Dichondra Bonut f.-cf1 while controlll119 weeds. ~~~Ssq~~. :~D~~ ............. -..... 9,95 • Scott's Bonus for dichondra .. '9.95 Golf Brand Lawn Seed 1 lb. . . Scott's didlondro sHd ...... 1.49 2.95 Our Garden Center is Ifie place to buy quaUty gardening equipment! You'll MM ell of theta velue pecked 9erd1nlnt1 ald1: 16'' spreader for easy Med or food dl1tri. butlon plu1 others litsedl , 16" 5'RIADIR· .c ....... < ........... -···-5188 Round point shovel •. , , . . . . . 2.U Bow RW!e ....... , • • . . . . . . . 3.49 ' 50' nylon vinyl hose .... , • , . . 4.44 Redwood planters cmd patio boxes Th-. MnclMHM pliinters come in •II 1lus to meet all your plontlnt nHda ••• fW pot ahol-, .flOlloa ond po~•· Rtploco oncl replont rwwl ' ,, • 12~ ... 2.98 I 16" size ......••• ~ • • • . • • . . 4.Ct . 26" size •..•• · •.•••••••••.•• 11.191 30" patio box • . • • . .. • • .. • 4. 98 Plant inexpensively In clay pots Tho oarthy look of cloy pots to plant ancl 9roup for dr1matlc effect ••• then for • pldvr•lflU9 touch, our hancf.tMlnted Mexican berrel plantorl 1 ft# "' doy pot ~ 7'' clcry pot . . . . • • • • . . . . • . . . l9c 811 clay pot o o O O 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o I '69c Mexican Barn! . . .. • . . . • . . . . . 3.79 Solve your storage problems! Handsome chalet style stffl storage building! Attractive end 1•ble design 1tHI 1tor .. • bulldl"9 In white wffh decoretlv• trim. Tough end dureble trlplo coated pl11tlc finish over 9olvonlad stoel, Door• roll 111lly on nylon beertnes. Equipped with ribbed 1te1I pan.11 for more strength. I' x 10' •••••• 169.95 • •• 7' -···----··-·····--··-·- 7' ••• ------------ 119.95 79.95 NEWPORT BEACH -FASHION ISLAND .. l.'l>adulll and l .IO children. ''------------------------------.... -_. - l • Texas legislators1 decrying lbe rising usage of marijuana, needed only to cast an eye in their own backyard. Eight to 10 pou~ds ?f marijuana was found gro\VJng tn the gardens of the capitol b~Jding in • .\ustin by Grounds Super1nten· dent J oe Friz•ll of the State Board of Control. • Gov. Ric:hard Ogilvie o( Illinois must get quite a bit of con~idential mail. One of two $295 electric wa ste baskets which shred the governor's secret mail has broken down after only 31h months' use. • A ~oungster'J dream, hi.t 1Jtry own ice cream truck, came to an end for two Hoiiston 10.year·old boys. That's when police found ~ t.he two i11 I.he truck, parked ~ under a downtown brid9e. The boyJ toLd police they had stolen the keys to the truck 11everal each 1iight for a joy ride, re- turning 1t before 1t was 1ni11ed. • They said one of them worked I the truck'! pedals. while the • other steered. Police turned the two ovtr to their parents -I days ago a?m would sneak out , • A student who was commended by Pre1idtnt Nixon for oppo;iing. ~ :;tudent violence says he was slug· ged by Negro militants. at Los .<\ngeles City College. Stev• Frank, 22. president of a college group cal· led VIVA, said he received a cut 11 lip from the blow. In a letter Nixon recently praised Frank for tearing down a barricade on campus erec· ted by militants. • North Ca roline Gov. Bob Scott says every governor should own a basset hound like his dog Duke. "When I come home at night, Duke looks like he bas more problems than I have," Scott said. •• Houakm'• Astrodome-hosted a Jog. Iii to inform the public that the city has a living organ bank and the pub- lic may wiU human organs for future transplants. Carol Carter (left) and Barbara Held helped get t he program off lo 11 runninp start. Arabs Angered Sirhan Calle~'Freedoni Martyr' AMMAN Jordan (AP) -The etth paMed on a youth who saw ln the lt.aderJ senteoct liven 5:11 Bl&hlra S n of American imperialist policy a renec- "'' unjull but the 1y thinc to be ex· lion ot lhe injwtice that befell hl5 coun-~ from the nlted States, a try and his people." sPotesman for the P1Iestlnlan euerrllla 1n recent weeks Al Fatah and the other organtzatlon Al ll"aLah said today. guerrilla organlzatlons have distributed Ma.oy Jordanians expressed the same ~~ousands of posters depictin!, Sirhan as sentiment when told that a Call!omla a guerrtll.a not a murderer. But they jurx bad recommended that Sirhan die in did not cl~m the youth was a member of the gas chamber. There was aorrow for any guerrilla grou~. the young Arab and bitterness toward the · The posters, prmttd In Arabic and United States but little surprise. English, said zionism was responsible for "H lse ld . t th the murder of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. ~ e wou yoL: ex~ .,~ Wh ile Kenoedy was dead and Sirhan in "'!'er1can~ to treat the Palestiniana . jail, "Zionism, tht real culprit, is still at uid a uruverslty ~tudent. large," the posters declared. New~ of Slrh.a~ s sentence was front In Lebanon, the press was preoccupied paged 1_n AfD?lan s two newspa~s, but with the riots Wednesday in which 11 1n keeping with a government declSlon at peisons were killed during demonstra~ th.~ ~tset of the cue there was no tions on behaU of the Arab guerrillas. editorial CO~ef'.ll. . . The news of Sirhan's death sentence was Al Fat~.h saJd it consider.~ S1rh~n one reported briefly and factually. But walls of many fr~om martyrs who will fall in Beirut's Moalem quarter wue covered fo~. ~ Pa!eatinian. cause. . with the Al Falah pMters depicting _Sirhan II a ~ of Amerl~a~ policy Sirhan as a resistance hero. which plotted against the Paleshn1an 'JleO-. . . , llie," the statement uld. "And It is not "All tho~ k!~s '"".' Y cs t e r d a Y s 1trange that this unjust aentence was den1onstrahons, said one shopkeeper, Gov. Reagan May Have Fi nal Sirhan Decision SAN QUENTIN (UPI) -The Jut cell fn a row of 30 in San Quentin Jlflson't "death row number one" is a room mwuring just ll-fee1. Jong, 4 ~-feet wide and seven-feet high. NaturaJ light filters in throuth a tiny barred window too high to see out. The cell, and a fenced-in portion (If the adjacent hallwa y, will be where Sirhan Blshara Sirhan may tpenc; in lonely solitude what remains of his life. About 125 feet away from lbe cell ia an apple areen octagon-shaped room nine feet in diameter and seven feet high. There are two large metal chairs Jn the room. After some time, Sirhan Wed· nesday was sentf.nced to die from cvanide gas while atltting in one of the chairs. Attorneys for the 25-year~ld Jordanian, convicted of assas1inating Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, plan a long ser1es of appeal!. •·they all wanted to be heroes, maybe a little like Sirhan." SI RHAN SR . READS NEWS Lives In Israeli Te rritory If-all legal efforts fall, the final decision on whether Sirhan lives or dies will rest "'ilb the Governor of California. Gov. Ronald Reagan believes in t h e "necessity" of capital punishmen~ as a deterrent to crime. However in June. 1967, Reagan spared murderer C1lvi n Thomas from lbe 1a1 C'hamber because p s y c h i a t r l c er• aminations shov.·ed Thomas was a vlct!m. of brain damage that caused a chronlc mental condJUon. ..:: GRANT COOPER, SIRHAN'$ BROTHER ADEL LEAVE COURT COGplir Plans to Appeal Stntenc• o"n Th r•• "M•jor Points" At tJie beige-colored maximum IJeCW'tf'i prison 20 miles north of San Francisco, where lM'tnl:n anct· women have already met deatti ih the cu chamber, ofllc1als calmJy prepared for the arrival of Sirhan. "We don'l get too fussed about these things," San Quentin Alsocl1te Warden James Park said Wednesday. "We could take bim. right now -anytime .•. we'll treat him exactly like every other con· victed murderer.'' The two cells adjacent to the one set aside for Sirhan will be empty. A screen \\'ill fence the hallway outalde the three cells so he will be able to "ei:ucise" without coming in contact with the other death row inmates. Employ1ne nl Director Gets Industrial Spot SAC.RAMENTO (AP) -P e l e r Weinberger, state employment dlr«tor, has been chosen by Gov • .Reagan lo become the new state industrial relatlon.s director. His old job is being eliminated. We.inber1er, a former San Francisco busineas e1eculivt, succeed! Alber1 C. Beeson, II, wbo is resigning May I to retum to I.hi" managemenl consulting bualness. Gravity p f Ass assii1ation -. . Prompt~d Verdict of Death . LOS ANGELES (AP ) -The jury believed .Sirhan Bilbare. Sirtlan's mind was impaired, says Juror (ie(lrge Stitzel, but not to a degree to affect its verdict- death in the gu chamber ioc' the assassi n ol Sen. Robert F. Kemedy. What« the month-Jong testimony from psychiatrists and psychologi~s as the tlefense tried to prove Siritan lacked tl1e mental capacity to fonn a mature and n>eaningful plot against Kennedy? "It stunk -I don't buy 11-.at 31.uff."' said Albert N. Federico, anot her juror. He expressed his view w newsmen after !he verdict was announced in coun Wed· nesdai. St.itiel. 57. a pressroom forem an at the Los Angeles Ti mes, WWI asked: What \\'as lhe overriding consideration that made him vote the dealh penalty ~ ''The gravity of t.be crime." Ile told newsmen. "The cold·blOOded murder ot an indlvidual." ' OLhe.r jurors said lhe same Ui!ng. F'ede rico agreed with Stitul the 1even· 1nan. five.woman jury believed Sirhan'!'! n1ind was impaired, but not to a degree I<> affect the verdict. By most juror1· accounts, the fint vote was eight in favor of the death penalty, t \\'O in favor' oC life in pri.soo, and two undecided. For the next rn·o ballots it was 10 for death. one for life. ooe un· decided. The fourth ballot, on Wednesday mcrning, wa11 Ullanimou&. The original holdouts were not identified. Under California law. the same jury \\'hich finds 'a defendant guilty sets the p~nalty in a later trial. Superior OJurt Judge Herbert V. Walker set May 14 for the formal sentencing. State law providtl for an automatic review in capital punishment cases and Sirhan's law yers have said they will move for a new trial. .ludge Walker .also ha., the power lo reduce the penalty to life in prison. Grant Cooper, chief defense lawyer. said the appeal woold be taken of both tilt first-degree murder verdict and the death sentenC't. He said there would be three major points : Washington Gale Warnings -That Judge Walker did not exercise discrelion in rejectin& a pretrial deal aUO\mg Sirhan to plead gullty to fitm· degree murder and be sentenced to life. \Valker lnsisted the case was too im· pOrunt worklwide to be settled out of C'ClOrt. and the penalty should be left to a jury to decide. -That the grand jury which indicted Sirhan was not properly C'006tituted. Funnel Cloud Sighted N ortheWlt of Pascagoula -That Sirhan's private notebooks werf! ~ited illegally and should not have bttn placed in evidence. In them, Sirhan wrote repeatedly: "RFI\ must die."' f C'o•at•l """"' .,.. W9nl\ .... Ille ""'' •ttll'I flOCll1', WINtt -"'-1Wl1', 12 '9 11 t""t. T ... r', l'IJtll, .. ft .e. v .. ._..,.., .......... "'"' ,.,.,,, ,,,_.,. .... " .... ·-··· ' .... ..,. ....._.....,,,. ,._ .. , n 1t a Tlof Wl lW .. ,,..,,!WI .. , U.f ..... ~ Su .. , Moo•. Tid e• ...... ., •• l:.H ...... J, It:• t.m. •.• TMUISCl.lT ltlt1! hltfl ............. );• '·"'· ).1 ll'lnl ._ ............... ••:• '·"'· t.l ~ llltfl ...... ,, ..... •;t7 1.111. l.I 19t01J111 """ .......... ,.II:• 1,m, i.t MWR .,... 11 :11 .1,111. l•h I:°' a,,.., 14'9 •'-Jllt a,1'\. IOlft f:JI a.m, '"' .. A•r, lf "' ;..,,, I l •t l •. ... ..... M•1 f M1~ tt v.s. s .... _.,, Go• wem~ .... " r9'Nlnef ...,. 1i.n. rM W1llllrotlet> te111lllM t i '~'' -"'"'" 1'l'lor '•title-NOii!>- -' ff"WOI CMl .. I t«I'-II """ ~ Jl«llft nil -.. c1,.l'r1I C11Htmi.. Jl11'1 w ,-.,, .Ct •trrld 1"9ft It.ti,. fll IM Vlrw1tol1<l, fNI .... ..... .. •• ,,..toil ·-lfl "'--~ ltlflt Ill Nl'lf'ltt fl H .. ll"'!eP!ll. loorTll 1NW fl!M !ft 1111 SIHr1 N,,_ ¥Ml1o .... , .. ..,. ..... ~. 11/lft<"ef tlrtY Nide1' I,.,, Tt•• "' l"wtdt. 11'1 I lfll...floul ....,.,.., --,,,.fl 11.<i lnCfltt Ill ,_!ft ~ Mi.ml. lt1ft11. 1rr-wl!lla 1M _,. o«urrtd .., lloltl ,,.. _,.,.,,,.,,. .... -1~1ttl"fl , .... of .... .,.,""' Wedl'ltMl•1'· • fu-cfM """ '""" ti IS lftllt1 1111rlf'lt111 ti 1t1tt1...,11, Ml.... lllf I lllo"""f .;lldl!Wm "'" ,_,.. 1,.,. 1t .V.0. ~Iott, M Jtt.,. l.1 f'~lll, 11.l'flc•h h t !r dtKtlldtcl ....,,,,. ··~ ' Temperuturn ... _ A.Pld'I~ "'l<I""' BtltWlfl•ld 8:1"'-r(ll eo;,. ,_ .. Clllteto Cl"C!nrllli ,_ .. .,.,_ Des MoiM.• """" lu~• ~ort Worlll ·~~ -· ·-· ._ .. IC•-c11, L., v ... , l .. ~· """"'"" Mliw...,._ee ·-· H-OrlMP11 N• ., .... N«ll'I Piellt .,.. ... o ...... ..... llolli., ~11Mtljlfll1 P'l'llltfllt ·-........ 11:1111~ Chll' ll:fd '""" -kier-lo Sl. La>lt )tl!Nt l tlt Wt City St" oie.o S1P1 ,ftll(IKft Stlllt I t"'-' I "'9111t .... _ ThJ""'' Wt:.l'>'"''q<'> l't!tfl L"' P'l'K. -.. .§1 l1 • • 1J •• ~ " 61 ... .OJ Garrett Joins Hunt for Brother j. u " .. " " ~ ~ .» LOS ANGELES (UPl) -Jo~ootball star !'t ~.. Mike Garrett ha.s vohmleered to heJp ~ .n aulhorilles search for his brother, John, i! :: a• ~·ho e11eaped from his guards Monday in " •3 .M lhe buikling wM:re Sirhan B. Sirhan wu ,1 •• . u •• tried. ,, '' The Kansas City Chiefs' halfback said Z: : he hoped to con,'ince his brother to sur· 1' •• .11 render. ., . " ,. John Garrett, 30, accused of violallng !: :; 1 ~ probation imposed after a felony con· ,, •• ' \iction. was being taken lo court in the !; ;: ·'' 11~11 of Justlct for 1 hearing and sen-.., .. .•1 tencin1 . " .. -,. ,, 11 " .. ... " . to JJ " " . ,. " . n '' ., " .u •• " . • •• ... tt " M •J ·" :~-Redd i n ·• Named 'Sland·in' for LA Police LOS ANGELES !UPIJ -Roger E. ·"' ~turd-Ock. 62, was named Interim police ::: chter of Los AngClles Wednesday, until• .:n replacement Is selected for rtUring CNtr Tom Reddin , • Ulster Reeling U·nder Sabotage BJ:l.!'ABr (UPI) -The fOV....,..I ealloil to -anny holkoplen and -lttlid 11,1111 !Nb police JWrvea toclay to eolorco drutlc MC\lrlly meu- Wfll after &lbotevl's blew Up_ a _ Wl\et M>elioe ud forced water ntioninl for ··-· Tbe ..U <ii Jal>olage •linaled 1 new erw ff poiWca1 crisil for Northern Jre- ·land and a threat by militant Protest· anu io oost the government on grounds it it too IOlt an ~ Roman Catholic minority. 1be Catbolica have Jed a -<ii --that turned Into rlob. Robin Porter, home affairs mi.nlster, announced the reterVe callup after an ..,.,...,Y cabinet meeting disclwed uboll(e <ii ..,. aqueduct today and an- other oo Sunday. Tbe two bombings halved the Bettut W1ller supply and brought 1trict ratl.ooin& for at leam a week. Pn\mier Terence O'Neill called his cabinet into emergency ses!ion as the Protestant3 said his decision to give equal local voting rights to Roman CAth· olics had aroused their feelings to a "terrible ferocity." "The fedinp of Protestants have been whipped fjf a terrible ferocity and tbe resulting tornado wlll sweep O'Neill out of omce," the militant IJ'OU.P aid ln • formal atattment. O'Neill '-s own Protestant Urllonht ~ was In rebellion. F\Jnner Home Af{aln Mtnlster WUllam Cral~ leader of the right wing -Is, ~ O'Neill would be OUJted "in •"matter ol days" and succeeded by former Dep- uty Premier Brian Faulkntr. At present only land owners can vote In Norihtrn Ireland'• mlllliclpal eJec. tions and the land ownen are moatly Protestant.. Cathollcs havo taken to Ille ....... In widespread rlotllli•to enfor<O tb<ir demand for equal votinl l'ii)lts-- .. one m.an, ooe vote ." Tbe Uni-Onist party voted reludanUy Wednesday to amend the local voting laws under strong pressure from the British government and a threlt by O'Neill to r<Sign if they did not. But the process would be lengthy and the polit· ical pre!sure built up -toward a new e1· plosion pOint. . Wednesday night saboteurs slipped past British army guards and blew up the water main in another of the acL'I of sabotage that have plagued 1he coun· try recently. Authorities said 500,000 penOll! would be on water rationing for at least 'a week. Cprnell Dropi Disorder Charges Against Negroes ... "By The Auoclated Press 'lbe Cornell University faculty reveraed fts earlier decision and quashed disorder charges against Urree Negro student!, but th.e Ithaca, N.Y. campus hasn't returned to normal . City Colle~ ol New York remained t:lo9ed, demonstrations began at two Waahington, D.C., wUversitie! a n d Princeton University, wbUe protests con- tinued at some other schools. About 1,100 facuJty tneJnbers at Cornell reversed their Mond1y night st.and and acceded to ·the demands of the Afro-- American Society, in an attempt to halt fear and tension heightened by a 7,000. studeM "teach-in" at Barton Hall and the Jlresence n"1he campw of 245 rkrt· trained deputy sheriffs. A numl)er o( claues were 1wpeoded again today, to permit. ~sion ~f issues raised by five days of turmoil, touched off when militant blacks, armed with shotguns and rifles, took over the student center. President James I. Perkins, w h o pleaded with the faculty to change . its decision , said, "My optimism for the un· mediate and long·range future or Cornell ha~ enormously increased." Dean of the Faculty Robert D. Miller "'ilhdrew his resignation, which he of· fered when the facully rejected the Rgreement thal ended the armed OC· cupalion of the center. But the chairman of tho government department, Dr. Allen P. Sin<iler, sub- mitted his "Irrevocable" resignalion . and denounced the faculty's reversal as ·•a romplete capitulation to coercion." Ot~er professors complained of threatening 'Phone-calls before the reversal,.vote(t by a 7·3 margin. The faculty also \"olcd to develop a discipline system whi ch all sides consider fair. At City College. President Buell G. Callagher C'anceled classes again after students from minority groups cont inued to bar whites frOm the sc hool's Sou th Campus, which they barricaded Tuesday. Gallagher said he would meet with pro- test leaders today , and said he had gain· cd one concession : "They have told me I can sleep in my own home tonight" - inside the occupied area. He spent Tues- day nigh_t off campus. About 50 white radicals occupied Kla~ per Hall, adjacent to South Campus. to s.uppcrt the Black and Puerto Rican Stu- dent Coalition demands for greater enrollment ol minority group students among the col lege's 2 0, 0 0 O un. dergraduate.!I and for a separate school of black studies. Egyptian Raids May Lead Israe l To Counterac don By United Press International 1--:gyptian raids across the Suet Canal may lead l!rrael to take slrong coun. leraction to regain the initiative, senior Israel i defense sources said today In TeJ Aviv. The Israeli ~·arnlng came 1 day aflcr Egypt said it no lonier recognius the 1967 cease fire. Fighting broke out •&•in in Lebanon between police. and Palestin.l""-"tfugees demanding the aovernment a121 Arab guerrillas In their border raids 1gains\ laratl. Six c1Ues were placed under curfews, lirted only lone enou&h for residents to buy food. United Nations truce obJtrver1 com- pl!1incd today that Eayptian gunner• had opened fire on U.N. ob&trvatlon posts 11k>n.g the canal and rlrtd on an am. bulanct plainly m1rktd with a red croii!i.. They 11id the attacks occurred TueMlay ilnd Wednesday. Gallagher told a faculty meetiJll: "l will push hard for a separate school for black and Puerto Rican studies." About a dozen student3, led by Student! tor a Democratic Society, stormed the administration building at American University in Washington, D.C., and evicted the president. Eight hours liter they were forced out by a band of youtha led by fraternity members. There was brief st:uffiing but n~ reported injuries. * * * Hayakawa Meets 150 Protesters With 'Praise' SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Shouting demaiXIS for amnesty, 150 ltudtnu marched on the San Franclaco State College administration building Wed· ne9day, bu t acting President S. I. Hayakawa met them on the steps with praise. "! am glad to receive this peaceful pro- test. I am always happy to do bu.sines.1 ttlis way," Hayaka wa told t h e demonstrators as he promised them 1 written answer to their demands within 24 hours. But the ans\\'er may ha\•e been pro- vided by a fede ral judge \Vednesday who ruled on disciplinary action by the. coll~~ aga.Wt more than 450 persons arrested rn a demonstration Jan. 23. U.S. Dist. Judge Alfonso J. Zirpoll acled on a petition filed on behalf of all persons arrested requesting an injunction halting campus disciplinary proceedings. The judge said at campus hearing.s the only evidence presented was policf': reports on the mass arrest plus a list of names of those arrested. He said there was no testimony from witnesses iden· tifying any student in partiC\Jlar as hav· ing committed a speeific viol.a.lion. Zirpoli ordered t h e records <>f two students cleared "because there was no substantial evidence to j u st if y disciplinary action." 1'he judge said his action was not a •'class ruling" which \vould apply to students not yet disciplined. but lawyer11. said tbe effect would be that all student.s arrested "cann<>t be disciplined by the school.'' Czech s' May Day P arade Canceled In Crackdown ,. PRAGUE (UPI) -Ciechoslo?k ~uthorities today canC'eled the May Day parade in Prague, cracked down on t:lu-o dent hgitation and censored sources of 11Ji formation avai lable to the fo reign pres Bit by bit. Czechoslovakia w a • reverting to the closed and lightly cOtt- 1.rolled society it had become before ~ 1968 r~forms. · 1, The 1 Pragut City Communist Part)' Commijtee banned the ~,ay Day mare• 10 avotd the possibility of any anl~ Russi.an demonstrations among crowdi ctlebraUng the holiday. At Charles University's liberal .JU 11Ch0ol, a sil·ln strike protesUng the ~el regime of Communist party secretJ' Gus1av HuSlk ended hours ahtad schtdult. A studtnt leader uld party's central commJttee had 1t1K...-t stem letter to the dc1n wamlng agaJ Ml such dem.CNtraUons. ·• ' Student rcaoh.1Uons dcmandin~ • c HnuaUon of rdorms wtrc torn ou unlvenlty w\ndowt where thry w i:x>Sttd for edlricaUon ot pa.wraby t the forci~ pres~ , • . ' . -----------------~-----. ------------- 5 Mere Vear•1 End of Nigerian ' War No~ in Sight LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) - The end .of the Nigerian civil war is not in aiebt despite the reported capture Wednesday of Umuihla, Blafr1's pro- visionol capital. One hjgh-ranking Nigerian <1fflcer sm:. he expected five more J'ell'S of llgh.lln& before ' ledet'~ !...,.. lo subdue the Ibo tribeomeQ ol E"teni Ni· prla wbo , seced<d from the federaUon on May 30, 1967. The Biafrans are expected to make their capital now in Orlu, S6 miles northwest of Umuahla. It is near the two Nixon Lauds airslrips by which they receive arm.I and other sup- E l W ·plies. Ur arren In addition to pockets of I resistance behind the linu ol ' At Farewell 11ie 1edera1 troops that took Umuabia, the Biafrana: claim WASHINGTON (UPI) _ they control three quarters of President Nixon saluted Earl Owerri, 30 miles west of Warren as "a friend of justice . Umuahia. The federal 3rd Marine Division took·tbe town last October but authorjties in Lagos now admit one brigade is isolated there. and a friend of 'man" at a farewell party marked with a glittering guest list heavily stacked with candidates to succeed ttie retiring. chief justice. "I leave here without malice In my heart toward a!lyone," said the white haired Warren in a return champagne toast to his host at the black tie din- ner Wednesday night. Federal military authorities said their troops still were fighting around Umuahia. Mississippi Crest Passes •1 u111111111 ,.,., '"""' .... "'' FIREMEN RESCUE DRUG ADDICT Boy Looptd· But L•ndod on Lodge Boy Fin.ds God Addict Survives Leap hour later. "I don't want to fall. Dear God, 1 don't want to die. I don 't want to die," the Tllut1dq, A,,a 24, lM ' . IWLV l'ILOf IS Ni xon Considers • New.·Way Found Value Added Tax To Stop · Hair Loss,, Grow More Hair WASHINGTON (UPf) - The Nixon admlnilltallon la . CONlderlng Hklng Conaresa for a form of national sales tax u a aubSlltute for part of the corporate income tax._ The propoul would be a radical depart'.ure from" the Livin g Cost Jumps, But Drop Ahead WASHINGTON (AP) White House sources Insist last 'month's jump tn living costs -biggest in 18 years - doesn't mean a new twist upward in the inflation spiral. "We don't foresee an in- crease in the price trend. we foresee a decrease," said a Nixon administration source. ''But this should increase the worry about the state or the economy· and the need for ecclldmic restraint." The Labor Department Mon- da y reported that the co.st of livin; rose eight-tenths .of. one percent in March, the biggest jump since the Korean war year of 1951. Last month's Index was 12:..6, meaning it cost $12.56 to buy what $10 would have purchased in typical family goods and services in the 1957· 59 base perioa. A substanlial rise was reported for food, clothing and gasoline. Wholesale JI r I c e s of foodstuffs and industrial raw materials also rose sharply, five-tenths ol one-percent, bringing that index to 111.7, a rise of 3.2 percent in a year. conventional Income tu. It HOU8:f0N, Texu -If .But, if you are not already would be aimilar to European you don t 1uUer !tom male Ilic~¥<!. ilOI' can you be..,.. tuea on products u they go pattern baldne11, you can •ha• ii ,actually .. .....,, your through the manufacturing now stop your hair loss • , , ~ir kill! Even If '?aklnea may process. and grow more hair. seem to •:run Jn your family,'• Tbe tu, called• value-ad· For yeara "they as.kl It lhls'll ctrtilnly . .m.proof of the ded tax, is under study by the couldn't be done." But now. 1 cauae of YOUR bafr lo&s, Treasury for possible recom-flfm of labotatory conaultants Many cooditlonl can cause mendatlon to Congress as ha& developed a treatment for hair lou. No matter which one Pre_sldent Nixon's s e co n d. both men and women, that 11 Is cauam, your hair loss, ii you 11tage proposal for overhauling not only stopping hllr 1oa ••. wait untU you ere slick ba1d and the federal lncome taxes. but ts really growing haJr! your hair roots are dead. you That se<:oad stage ia not ex· They don't even ut you to art beyond help. So, if you still peeled until next year al the take their word for it. If they have any hair c:n top of your earliest, after Cong re 111 believe that the treabnent will bead, 1nd would like to stop finishes its present lax reform help you, they invite you to try your hair Joa and grow hair • , . proposals . to tighten or close it for 32 days, at their risk• and now is the time to do sometbina loopholes m the Jaws. see for yoursell! , A value-added tax is a sales Naturally, they would not Of· about it before Its too late. tax on products all they go fer this no-risk trial unlesa the Loe8ch Laboratory Consult,.. fro~ one stage of manufac-treatment worked. However, it ants, Inc., will supply you with tunng t.C? another, but with the is iO'lpossible to help evtryone. treatment for 32 days, at their con>umer finally paying . the The great majority of ~-k .. lb bell · the ~-1 bi ll. For example, there 1s a of · hair fall 116 • u ey .eve .. .,.. • tax on steel. When the steel cases excessive ment will help you. Just send manufacturer sells the pro-a~d baldness are the begin· them the lnformaUon listed be- duct to the car maker he ups rung and more fully devel· . . . bis prict th f. · h, d 1 1 oned stages of male pattern low. ~ mqwnl':.!I are answered on e 1rus e see F d con1·d "11 b ail d ·• to include the tax. The auto baldness an· · cannot be I enw~ y, Y m an w1til" company passes the tax on to helpe d. out obligatJon. Adv. the car buyer. NO OILIGATlON COUll'ON -----~ T t easury Undersecretary To: Loe9ch Laboratory ComufWtU, tl'IC. Charles E. Walker hinted Box 66001. ll ll West Maia St. Wednesday during hearings of HOUltoll. Tew 77006 the House Ways and Means I am 1ubmittin1 the followin1 Worm.non ..,ilh the under· Commiltee a value-added ta:1 •andio1 th1t .ft wil l lie bpt strictly confidential 1nd that I am study was in the works. under no obliption wbationer. I now Ila~ or have hid the Walker brought up the sub-followiq condldons: ject of value added taxes in Do you ba¥9 dudruft?---11 it dry'!'-« oily'!' __ _ response to a question h'om a Dod )'OW' tUJp h1¥9 pimpl• or other irriwiom'I' ___ _ coagressman who said Nixon Doet your forehead become oily or sreuY't----- told him pri vately he would Docs YoUt tcalp itch? Wheo?·----- send another tax reform bill to How Jon1 hu your hair been chin.nin11 _____ _ Congress next year. Do you 1till hive hair'!'-« luu.?--0n top of yow-bud. 1) Walker replied the proposal How '°"'it it? 1 it dry? • it oily? ' would contain basic "struc-Allach aoy othet ioformation you feel may be hclpfuL tural" changes in the tax NAP.J system -in contrast with just ·~---------------plugging tax preferences. He ADD...,,.._ ________ ..._ ____ _ said It might include a value-cm A added tax as a "substitute" for the corporate tax. White House aides had label· ed the touching tributes to \Varren, who retires as chief justice of the Supreme Court in June, as "off the record." But voluble guests, moved by the eloquent evening, said afterwards Nixon had stressed Warren's "fifty years of public servict." The Mississippi is fabled in story and song as the mighty river man cannot handle. To· day riverside residents from St. Paul, Minn., to Dubuque, Iowa, claimed victory. PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - 1bomas Dickerson, 19 and hooked on drugs for two years, dived out a sixth floor courtroom window Wednesday and found God on an eight inch wide window Jedge. firemen quoted him as saying. r----....,.----- Tbe crowd cheered as the firemen · brought Dickerson down the ladder. But some booed. "He was really shaken •.. on the verge of collapse. That was our problem ... that he would pass out on us on the ladder," Robinson said. But officials w a r n e d residents not to turn their backs on lhe river, for even where the crest has· passed, danger still existed from weakening levees. "I know there is a God now," he said after a breathtaking rescue by fire- men more than 60 feet above the gathering thousands out· side city hall. "l don't know myself why I'm still here." Judge Vito F. Canuso, who refmed to lower Dickerson's BOAT BUFFS Alm•1' l••~•"•'f 11 th• •nly ft.111 • tlm• lie.ting •lfitor wor.!119 911 •ll'f ·n•W'IP•P4' 111 Or•nt• Cot.1nfy, HI• ••· clu1lve cover•t• of llott• Int i ncl yochtl119 now1 11 o dolly fo1tvte of th1 DAILY PILOT. Justice Abe Forlas said lhe toast to Warren "was perfect- ly woo'derful. It m a d e me cry." Adding to the danger were continuing high winds that pounded the waters of the river against the dikes. The crests of the river lingered in· stead of passing quickly. · No (lf],e else could figure why -or how. His dive cani.ed him over a two foot' wide ledge below the window. But he . managed to land on the eigl:lt indI ledge below lll&t. He cltmg there screaming, his f~ on the narrow ledge, his hands p r e s s e d desperately against the wider 11 h e I I overhead. bail bek1w $1,000 on larceny '----------and firearms charges, rustled to a window and talked to the youth while he was ·on the ledge. Fortas. whose nomination by former President Johnson to succeed Warren fell by the Senate wayside, appeared to bear no hard 1 .. Ungs. All the justices were on hMld to honor their leader. Ni.Xon Wins School Duel WASHINGTON (UPI) -II was the first major duel between President Nixon and t he D e mocratic-controlled COl'll"ess. Ni1 on won. The Ho use Wednesday pass- ed a short, two-year extension of the elementary and secon- dary education act that will perm.it the N i :r on ad· ministration to thoroughly review the massive program o/_ federal aid to schools. The Democratic leadership wanted a five-year extension, \vhich would have continued the program past 1972 when conceivably a Democrat cou1d be elected to the White House. THOIUJUGH .. 10 racing now! I llQ RACES DAILY Tu-. Thn.i Sit. Firat r.:e".Weekdays 1 :45 St11ll'dlyS.HOlidtya t :15 ADMllSION NICll Grtndst.nd St .76 Oubhol.M G3.00 ~tdS.t$1 .~ fl~~f•t•I HollywoadP1rt. l1i9ltwood Century 8W. •t Pr•irie The sandbagging went on, the abnost constant repairs to the dikes all along the river continued, and citizen and soldier patrols wal ked the levees through the ni ght alert for trouble spots in the dikes. Officials warned work would have to continue until the back to normal "Dear God, don't let me die, don't let me dte," the youUt sobbed u F:iremen Robert Robtnsm and George McGarvey reached him from an aerial ladder nearly a haU "He wu crying and said he wanted lo be helped. I eai<I I would help tum," Canll30 said. "He said be wanted to go home. We printed u'p .a sign saying I would help him to go home. "I think what upset him mainly, he jwst doesn't want to be involved with drugs. He said he just can't get away from it," the judge ea.id. F.1.ELD'S S.H.O.E.S . FINAL 2 DAYS at HARBOR CENTER FRIDAY & SATURDAY-APRIL 25·26 TOTAL SELL OUT!! EVERY PAIR OF SHOES IN OUR STORE MUST BE SOLD BY 6:00 P.M. SATURDAY! HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! -FOR THESE UNHEARD OF VALUES - -WOMEN'S- CUNIC -GEPPETIO PROTEGE -CAPEZIOS •300 -•500 -•700 -MIN'S- -FLORSHEIM - BATES -KEDS s3ao -•12•0 -HANDBAGS R99. $18.00up - - NOW ! $2.IOup ALL SALIS FIN AL FIELD'S SHOES 2300 HRABOR Bl VD. ONLY ----------- r-. ..r· WEBER·B·Q KITTLE ~ ~~­ '7e!Bn".reflecis heat, cooks Ill· · O LAWN FOOD vor in. Gives oven econi;imy. cover ,Your l•wn .,";10 ••• it upl ends i11re-ups. Alumi num 1sh catcher.Avocadopor-49 9S 5,000 sq. It. 4 45 colli~ 22W' trrlll.. • re9. 4.9S e (ORJ,HO) 497 (o-go) 595 WEED-B·GON r. SPRAYER WHIRLYBIRD SPREADER Kills -· and -, pltnts. Convenient hose end sprayer wl~ quert of W£W.s.GON li&hlwlllhl, rust-proof opr11dtr •Prt1ds uniform pttttm 8 to 12 '"'wide. 4·yr ....... 1 ... WATER HEATERS REPUBLIC • "GEMINI " 20 611. $42.88 30 611. $44.88 40 611. $49.88 50 611. $64.11 INITALLATION A'AILAI U . ~ .. ,,, ' .; 'f:i.i;; 111 "¢••. LAWN ::·&· GARDEN· VALUES! • , , quality vlnyl hos• with br111 couplingis, built for. yt1n of ••rvlct. '277 A quality ty1t1m you install yourself ••• in minu+at with complete t1fety, · IN·SINk·lllA tOll MODIL NO. "" s31•s ......... , OUI PRICI • , , ,, •• , , •• , , ••• M ... Jl~1 Tr •••• ,.. MOOILlll $4688 u•. "'·'' OUI N ICI •••.••••• ,,,, ••• M .... 111--4 Tr, •w•lw MODI\ NO. 11. s54ts .... '''·'' OUR NICI ••••••• ,, ••••••• M .... 17-ITt. •N •lsa· INSTALLATION . AVAILAILE .. ' I ·~ :M I DMLY PILOT IJDJTOIU{\L ~AGE l ~ I ' An Ove'.rdue Reform I --~~1' One ol the most torridly criticized booklets pul>- !Ulied In Oalllornla ha• nothing.to do with sex or-vio- lence. It's a pl'Ollic lltll1 booklet. inteJlded to eilplaln ~ the -and-coos ol bell9~,proposl.UOlls to voters just have a chance to call for a chan&e or a conllmiatlon. .Equally importan~ by· running aa a tam before eteclion, they assure the electorate that they will fUJ>Co 11'!'1' as a t....,. aller Ibey are elected. Voten would coo- . tib.lie 1o e1.erclse free choice among candidates for the two offices in primary elections. The ~'team" part would come after the primary. ~l.i~ fli\ \l~\~ . f"1EDtlM ·' befure electloriJ. · 11;· Trouble Is, the ,explanations often leeve mucb to be i ~ either lbroogb omission of pertinent facts or ~rough dU.19rtlons and laclt ol clarity. 1 .• • The California League Ot Women ·voters has moun· llJd a campaign to Improve the &ituation. League lead· en have told the Legislature voters need a clear state. ment of the issues involved printed in both English and Spanish. They suggest the financial implications of the measures sboold be spelled out, and there shoold be an orderly presentation of facts supporting arguments. The Assembly now bas four bills under study. Col· leclively, they call for: -Review of each ballot argument by the secretary .of state with. if pou.ible, his own analysis of the issues. -Addition of rebuttals by the proponents of each argument in· answer to his adveJ"Sary. -Creat.iOn of a state commission to be responsible- for ultimate content of voter piampblets. It's a long-overdue reform that should ,pass. They Should Be ·a Team California's system of electing its governor and lieu· tenant governor separately lo &ucb a way that they could be of opposite political parties bas never made any sense. Gov.ernor Reagan agreed with these pj>lnts and bas· • sent a proposed constitutional amendment to tbe Legis- lature wbicb would effect the cbange. If p111ed, voters will have a chance to pass on it at the November, 1970, general election. It is a proposal that should be adopted. Costly Involvement Judicial surprises followed by bot controversy have long been associated witb the United States .Supreme Com One was produced at the local l~ve! by·a ·)ury in an Orange County Superior Court Ibis t110nUi. A Newport Beacb man caught a burglar ,In the act of stealing his neighbor's lawn chairs. He hrrici ordered thb thief to )lalt. Running away, the culprit Ignored two shots into the ground, took a third in· Ille (ace before stopping. After recovering. the burglar pleaded guUty to a reduced charge;of 'petty theft, served a weekend in the county jail, then suid the man who sbot·htm for $125,000 . damages. The jury, · in a puzzling diSplay of logic, awarded him $1 ,000. That sum might more logically have been raised as a reward for a good neighbor's protectiveness, instead of exacting it from him as· a penalty. \. ~~ They should, like the Pre5'dent and Vice President of the United States, run as a team on the same political platform.. Then, if the governor dies or: is incapacitated, policy·making will continue on the same line until voters With ·re\vards to the criminal in a case like this, is it any wonder the nation has had problems with people not wanting to become involved? 'eJ tJND~RSfANt> '{ci.f_vE. BEEN OVf A J.ONl1 TIME.' Israeli Premier Will Come to V.S. Rumor: Nasser-Nixon Talks WASHINGTON -PremJer.Golda M<ir di vilit the U .s. this , srmrrwr in •-to privole invltallOllll. lluriqt bet !Cay·ll1s ..peeled a will C<lrll<r willl Pr<sidalt Nlscm. It ir allD deemed likelf tile will meet wllh UN~ Gelerwl U 1lJllll and -·--there. Mn. Meir has been aked·to ·oome to the U.S. by e number <i orgallizallom. Sbe wU1 deliver several addreues. 'Ibeir -and dates .,. still being ... rlqlOll, bul oot wttl de!iniWy be In NOlr .York City. Arab ~ are putting rut ward that Pn:sidtm Nilon would like President c.meJ N-to vlllt him. TBIB CLAIM 18 Ull<Ollfirm<d. Wlia! Rome and Sta~ Department officials say lllq know nothJni about lt They P>fnt out -Egypt -. dlplomliic rdlliooe -the U.S. In 11187 oo cbargM 111boeo ~ admHled to be lajoe. It II con- lmled 111 now up to the £mitjan rulef to 1U:e the initiative in rfft:orlna: official tte. Ind to mate the overture if be wants to come to Washington. But aa:orillng to Ille Arab rumor. Paaident Nixon ext.ended an invitation 1111 week during hi& talk will! Mahmoud 1'nzl, clooe 'friend and foreign policy Id-.-w N...er. Ndlber tbe White House nor Fawzl has JI!,.. .. Y indicaUoa <i the plBllOlle <i tlUs ,.,...... Olhu .....,,.,. have let It be "-11 -one of the matteni brought up bJ Fwd -""wnptloo <i diplomallc ..-. . COSTLY nGBTING -Thooe lrequenl i '81'tillery duels on the Suez and Jordanian ma. are nD'lllinc into big money for -·-. U.S. military experts estimate the massive firing 11 coating as high a11 $1 million a day f<r ammunition. Trus figure does DOI locJude the coot <i looses in men and equipinenl • Much of the artillery fighting acroos the Suez Cam1 ii by RUssien gum on mm.s. The Egyptian batteries also are equipped with la"'5t·model radar and .sighting devices. IT IS DEFINPfEL Y known that Soviet military "advisers" are with ER;ypti.an batteries. The Israeli have intercepted Russian·language inessages. Iraqi troops are now in Syria as well u in Jordan. An Ireq division took up positions in Jordan shortly after the 1967 war and has remained there ever since. Jordan claims .it is not providing logistic support tor this division. Syria disclaims the presence of Iraqi troops, but the Iraq government has publicly announced it. boll! aides. . Jordan's armament ii.American and ·All)~gyptlln artillery Is SoVJet 'll!> Brillsh. Both Britain "1!11 #'U.8. are plied. Similarly, ,_y <i the heavy loiig· • now providlns new weaiioi>i::lo.mate up range fteJd pm of the Itraeli wne fnm , ~·s Joeaes _in U.-"'1..,.<ili!lJk,t. the ...,. ....... -llOd W<re ~ J<rdon Is ... king JaCe.model fight« from the Egyptfans In the June 11167 blitz pll!lei from the U.S., bu!·so fir bas not .WW. gotten them. PROVIDING emmunitlon for dM!Se Russian guno .. Y be a problem r ... Israel, but U.S. authorities have no .in- dication of that. M far as is known, the Israeli are able to get all the ammunition they need-not only for these field pieces but f<r the' .cares of Russian tanb and other weopons they sei>ed frml the Egyptians. . One entire Israeli armored regiment Is equipped with Soviet tanks, guno and othet' weapons .taken from the Egyp(lans. lt is eatimated there are more than 500 Rmlian field guns emplaced oo the FcYPtiaa· l!ide ol. the Suez. Mat of these lrlillay pieces ~ 105rrum and 155 THE U.S. JS supplying Jordan with latest-model radar and anti-aircraft artillery. Units to operate these so-cllled defensive weapons are being trained at ~t. Monmouth, N.J. Simultaneously, Israeli combat pilots and mechanics are Wldergo\ng tralnlng .t U.S. Air Force bases in hapdling Phantom supersonic lighter bombers. . Under a contract signed by President Johmon last December, 50 of these planes were sold to Israel for some $200 million. Deliveries are to start later this year. By Robert S. Allen and Jolin A. Goldlmltll Question of Mid-East War ' TEL A VIV -l!<i°"e he deput,s. a reponer who tnvel! In the Mlddle Easl hll a duty to aak tmi9elf the mly ques-- -.midi really .,...,.. to moot ol his I-citi2leM bock home: Will ll1eno be •war here! 1here are two an&wa'I to the qufttion -a .short·nm answer and a lontl:-nm -· 'l'be thorWun answer ii Sllff. 1.-ee11s -hie. Egypt knows lllis. Therefore, ln the short run, there wW be no war. 1be lolJC.-nm answer requires a look mbeld. )Jnel ii a nation of 2'At million people. Egypt is • nation of 30 million people. It 11 not necessary to add the -<i Syrlml, Jcrdaoiam and Iraqis to make the (lOinl. -.r, the imog• of the Egyptian -moot Amer1canl carry io dlelr -is 11111 becomiog an ""°"'1 ,..trail Nauer i.. not yet made a na· don <i blr pocr people, but be Is Oil his -· .AND HE IS GE'ITING a lot <i help r.-the Rulli ... '!boy art lnln!q hls ....., don to the uni Ievet They have ---11--<iloodand -~W- Thunclay, April 24, 1969 'Tiie odltorlal J'!IO• of th< Doilv Pilot udcl to Inform. and 1tim· alala J'1IGd<n f>tl prumuno thli ~· opinions and com-~ °" lopfu of il!Ur•ll nd dpljiconct, bu providinQ a f~ for tM •rprt11i<no of •• ,-Mldnt' OJ)fnlON, and f>tl pr<-iifog tM -.. vi.... polMr of 111/omicil ob1erocrr olld ,,....,..,. °" toplQ of th< day. Bol>ert N. Weed, Publllller ' . ': ~~::.....-:OlM.,t;;..: ............ ....,., military hardware. 'I1Us is more mooey thll1 the Umted states has given to any nation -except Soutn Vietnam. So the loog.run ~er is, there will be war in the Middle East -as soon as Nasser thinks he can win It It is necessary to ask the next ques- tion: What can Americans do to prtvent this war! Here, Americans would be mi!laken to permit natural sympathies for Israel to lead them to the support ol Israel's Point OC view about peace talks. THE DANGER Jn the Middle Easl ls not the danger r1 war between Israel and Egypt lt is the danger of war between the United States and the Soviet Union. And the peace talks that l&Tael seeks - peace talkll between Israel and the Arabs -w!U DOI Jcaoesi this clang.,.. Only peace talks In which Rim!a and the IJnited States putki.pate can help Americ8J'lll draw the line where Amerkoam must otand. For thert Is no doubt that Americans wlll sLand with Israel if Israel is -· The Egyptians make a mJstake , about tllds. They beli ... that the """"" the United st.ta ii eympathctk to Israel is because the word ''Ameriom" includes tbe Americ111 Jew, Egyptian Mini&ter ol I~ Dr. Mohammed ti Zayat put the belief in the 1mn or a question: "Whit m the boundaries of Israel? J1 it a tiny, po1r Dldon 'Nhich must work hard 11 we do -or Is it aJ big as the Unked Siiia and II rich as United Jewish Ap- peal?" TOO LI TE, mE repor1« thought ol 1lle 1111Wer w!dd> mig!lt 1llo ,.ke tho tmn ol a queltion. ''If&\~ you ever heard ol the lllamlc-Ohrisdan tndldon1'' EY't!I 11 .Israel wcrt not 1 democratic nation with its roots ln Western civiJiza. lion., even if there were not 6 million but only a few thoosand Jews in the United Stlates, the Judeo-Ohr:istian heritage would be determining. "When thy people Israel be smitten down be:f«e the enemy, .. "Then~ thou in heaven, and kx"give the sin of thy people Israel, and bring them again unto the land which thou gavcst unto their fathers." SO SOL0~10N PRA YEO, and so the beliefs and customs, the culture and laws have been passed down frml generation to generati<ll until today it B impossible to imagine that the United State! of America would ever permit Nasser to make good on hls boast .. to drive the Jews into the sea." But it woold be wise to find oot whether the Russians wiU perm!t Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan lo make good on hi!! boast that l5M!.el will never sutTender the Arab land ltl JOktiers now occupy . The onJy way to find aut is to talk ' - not wKh the Egyptians -but with the -.... Dear Gloomy Gus: Did you know that the automobile manufacturers have been develop- ing th• ulUm.,. car? Evtrythine wW wear out on the aame day . -H.B. McD. Ttr.J• ""'"'-..._... ......,.. ...... ... MtttWflt' ,,.... • .... ............ s.. ~r "' """ " OIMMf •w.. 0.ll't" rllM. Why Many Homeowners Haven't Filed c~ ·.·\ To the,Edltor: With all the publicity in the newspapers concerning the fact t hat so many thousands of. taxpayers have not filed claim for their f10 homeowners rebate, it is quite puizling to me that an obvious explanation to much of this problem has never (at least, to my know~e) been pointed 'out. :..: · • The taQN!yer is allowed; t~ rebate · ONLY on the prop<rfy OCCUPIED by him as J.U.s residence. We have four pietts of income property that we cannot cWm. MANY OF OUR friends also have several pieces of property they cannot claim. My husband was talking to a woman the other day who .showed him a stack of 18 claims she could not file. None of these people are being "lax.'' Multiply this by perhaps several thousand others who own income units or at least a second house: they rent out, and you have a logical answer to much of this »ealled "lack of interest." · MRS. W. C. HOLMES 'Badlt1 Laid 011t• To the Editor : In July, 1968, the Pereira Report was presented to the Or4nge County Board of Supervlaors stating. the following of the El Toro Marine Base: "Fundamentally, the airport Ls badly laid out ••• Another major deficiency of the site is that its me as a regional airport with hiib volumes of traffic would sterilize: a large land area destined for urban development in the future. The growing new communities of Mission Vie- jo and Leisure World are already barely compatible with the airport at present." The report also state.s, "Tbe only way the site at El Toro could be suitable for an ultimate regional airport would be to develop a totally new runway system, generally parallel to the Santa Ana Freeway, to allow high volume air car· rier operations." WITH THE RUNWAY parallel to the freeway, the proposed fight plan would be above 15 schools and the landing pat· tern would be directly above the: Sad· dlebaclr: Valley. The Board of Supervisors has called !or an intensive study to determine if the El Toro Marine Air SaUon could be used for ' commercial aviation. After spending $22,000 for the first study, wouldn't you think the supervisors would at least read It and abide by the oplnloq of the: firm they hired to do the study instead of coir templaUng a second study which may COft:t up to $250,000! Why, after ·spending thousands ·of dollars to have Ulla first study made, do w. the people of Orange County sit beck and let tbousa.nds more go down the drain on lllll another report on El Toro Mor!M Bue when the first one clearly stated that this site was "badly laid out." HELEN SCllULMAN ~ f\'911'1 '*'" -~. MomMll'I' wrt""" ..,.... Clllll...., "'-Ir _..,. 11'1 JOO _.. .,. IHI.. ,,,. """ f9 ~ ltff9n f9 llt -.c. or tltrnl-Mi. m.i It ,...,.,...,,, AA M1'ttrt """" lr'lduet •'-!Wt Mil ..... 11 ........... ..,. -........ 1111 WllflfltW 111 """"" If lllftlc:llnt ~ 11 ... rllrl. ~uotes S. S. Flalunu, S..f'. -"When 'Students for • Democratlc Society' shout down two sptakus, how dllferent ts that from ,book burnl.nc in HiUtr'a Germany? Does lreedom of lpeech 1llow one ll'OUP to deny lhlt n,bl to IDOther sroupl" 'It's a Filthy Communist Plot'- ''Oh, gosh. Dick, you got the bridal suite for us on our wedding night It's lovely!" "Well, Jane, T wanted the very best for the very best· brand new wile a fellow ever had." ''Gee, Dick, didn't we have a wonderful wedding? And it was such a nice drive up here to the Bide-a-Wee Honeymoon Hotel. And now· here we are in the bridal suite What'll we do now?" "Oh, we'll think of something, Jane. After all, I'm a boy and')'Gu 're a girl." "W,~l·s.a girl, Dick?" •1oota.'Y, I'M so'aRv' l' Used'. that fourle;ttlr. ward, Jane. It. smacks Of sex educat{on." "What's se1. educalion, Dick?" ';It'!! a filthy Communist plot, Jane. They had a big fight about it when we were ' little. Imagine some filthy Com· munists wanted to introduce this filthy Communist plot into our schools." "Oh, Dick, that sounds horrid." "lt was, Jane. But thank g~ all d_ecent American patriots rose up i!l. righteous wrath and !!topped this filthy Communist ·plotting in our schbols." "Was it just in the schools, Di'ek?" "Oh , no, Jane. I know you'll find this hard to believe, but many well·meaning parents were actually engaging in this filthy Communist plot in their own bomu -behind drawn shades and closed doors, of course." "WITH THEIR OWN childn!n? Oh, Dick, that's too awful to think about." "Worse yet. Jane, children used to join in filthy Communist plotting among themselves. They'd sneak out behind the barn or gather in front of the drug store (, ... ~. and whisper and giggle and leer." "But, Dick, with such terrible things going on, how was America saved?" "By the patriots, dear. You see, once they convinced the couiltry that sex educatiOn was a filthy Communist·plot, people wouldn't have anything to do with it." "Even in their own homes?" "Especially in their own homes. You wouldn't want a filthy Communist pfllt in your own home,· would you? I remember my dear old Dad ·saying to me, 'Son, it's high time I gave you a lecture on the sub-- ject of sex. Never, under any circumstan- ces,' he said, 'mention it' " "OH, DICK I'M so glad you told me all these things. I guess that's what they mean by the intimacy of marriage. Now what'll we do?" "You know what l'd like to do, Jane, dear? I'd like to kiss the bride. Then we can watch television." "What's a kiss, Dick?" "l read about it in an old book I found, Jane. It sounds like fun. Come over here and I'll teach you how. Now first you close your eyes and pucker up your lips and ••• " "Oh, Dick, who's that breaking down the door?" "My God, Jane, it's the FBI! I guess a kiss is part of se1. education. But I swear I dido' know." "Ob, Dick, I'll never be able to hold my head up again. To think I married a filthy Communist plotter!" Roles of 'A ' 'An ' 'The' . ·' ' 1be articles "a," "an," and "the" are among the tiniest and least noticed wordB in the l.ar).guage; we use them in every sentence, without even realizing their presence. Yet, to an observer of language, even the use of these tiny particles teUs much about our attitudes toward things in the real world. For in.stance, this morning, a friend visiting from Europe telephoned me at the office, and said, "Let's meet !lomewbere and have a coffee." NOW, NO AMERICAN would have said "a coffee." And it was oot that the ~ pean imperfectly undentood O u r language -for "a coffee" is what be says in hi! own tongue, too . In the U.S:, coffee Is the accepted na· tlona1 hot beverage. We go down for "cof~ fee," not for "a coffee.'' ln Europe, It is one beverage among many (a.s we would uy here, "Let's ro down for • drink"), but Jn our countrJ tts dominance is verbally indlcoted by dropping the ii> definite article. JN MUCH THE SAME way, the British w111 Say 1'Wt have a te(ly in the houae, '1 while the American i.aaya "Wt have teltvislon." This difference in mode ol &peaking reveals • ablrp dlffttence In thinking. 'IQ the American, teltvisiot has become •I.moat a way o<.ure, while to I.be Briton It 11 sUll only ono lonn ol en· tertaiMltnt in the home. Television, mbr!O\ter, ts far more {l'.Crvasive and in- nuenUat than broedcutlng ever wu - u we can t.t1I from the way we sptat about it. DURING THE REIGN ol broadcutlng, people would have aald "we have a radio" -nevtr "n hive radio.." Jn other words, It was the rteelrlq .set' they c '..:. -.i;.;J....a:a;, ........... ..., bad, In• limited and specific ... ,. - But 0 we have televWon" -which lS the universal upreaion with 111 -ii> dkates a far different attitude to•ard this new medium. It meaos that we are plugged in, that our home is part of the wht:>le TV environment. that it b the medium more than the mess~ that in-volves bs. THE GREATER Importance o1 the automobile to the newer generation than to the ~d can be heard in the slang qu. lion one teen-ager will ask another: "Do you have wheel!?'' Old people would ast. "Do"~ have a car?," but by droppinc the lllOellnlte article, young people W dicate ' 11ow primary ''wheels'' hna " becoml la their way of file. • Words, and the ways we uae them, nr ; drop tbetn, ttll as much aboot CM chang~ • 1ng modt!I of living as our clothes or our f OUl=t'a hardly an accident that "In show " II the 001Y busineaa that has glftn the "the.,, ... .--.a,, Gftf'9e--f l I 1• Deir a-ire: Do yoo think Lady CbaUerly'a 1 ..... &hdlld be banned! A. S. Deir A. S.: =y~ II mtire!y up to IAclJ • • ~ (If countiep problems annoy )'OU, I write to Geqt llld be will help .:. yoo c:mmt llMin·> .. ' ------------------~---·----=· 1=-+===============;;:·,;-~-......;_;;:._---;: :--.-;:-: -~ ~ --~ -· --:7--;·;::-;_-~-::.·;....-,;.·--.;.-.:..-~---~-.;.,.-:..-~---~-..;..-~·.:...:-...:---• • • • • • • • • • . • , Unscented Women 1 ,. I • • WASHINGTON (UPI) -A declloe of uoemPloyment ' tn, Ing, however, to credit the dif· hopeful DOtl sUll too fragile to poor are.u had exceeded tbe ference to any dramatic be olllclally reprded as a full. .. t1ooa1 decline -nofjust for cban1e ill employment pro- fiedc<d treod has emerged the fin! three months of this spects for the reald<nts of from the (OVernment's figures year, but in each of the last poverty areas. 00 unemployment 1n the na-four quarters. The olficlal e.1planaUon for lion's poorest nelgbborhooda. In fad, the bureau's figures lower unemployment ls lbe showed that since m!d-J96&, same for poverty areas u it i,; The Laber d e P a r t m e n t unemployment ln the slwns for the nation -the general niolloel)') reported Tuesday has dn>pped twice as fast., 111· high level f econo-•-a-jobi..-, in the poverty 0 "~ ,. , Ute nation as a whole. Thus, tivity. ~Artistry in Moving'; I ., . - fortM 'BEST.MOYE of YOUR UFE Cal:. 4~.102$ ' Don't · ~ant Men areas" of }!: nation'• largest the P,Overty area drop from 7 But, pressed for an e:s:· cilies:ibad dropped' to 5,8 per-t.o 5.6 in the newest figures planation for the strlting dif· cent 'during the 'first · three represented a 20 percent ference in the rates of montha: fl. 1981, compared with reducUon. while the national unemployment decline, one l-..;:;==========:i::::::;::=====--"''-----'-'----- 7 percent during the same unemployment rate went from expert cautiously noted that period of 1951. 4 to 3.8 percent, a decline of both government 'and private tioo-wide. M8ry at1ll came out the~J~a:So1at:~ only 10 percent. job training and pla~ment d -By L M. BOYD The on ~. By a .-~ble Labor department for.ts In tbe poor areas could -tr '-~• noted that the .,oftl'-t~ear" 11 ...... ......_en were not yet will· bet k' hold. ; H.e1enrrw.111G ... ~:!..NE~~ oome. Second most popuW-1_~~:--~~~~....:.7-~~,......:..::.:.::..'=...::....::::....:::.:....::.::..::.:::._.:::..:•:::::m~g.::::=--~~~:._~-~--~-~~-~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~-~ K;' ui""u w..... WM .Elilabetb, 'lbird wasl clal,,.i: "'Ille &rl ,, ho Helm. T-.was Linda. Daily Best Pilot Cover' Boating In The West 00...\ -• -" eotton Am\lllC -...... liked '°"ke<\ in periuine Into btt · ~ wen Myrlle, Pearl, and brassit:tt simply dofat't wait Efh41. a man." , •. GIRLS CALLED PAMELA, ~s otr Name . cUsroMER .SERVICE: Q, ~ Game man, tend to learn at an "Bv!:N alter !Ollowing the TV extram'dinary early age · how co'1nmi!!tl for yeen, I 1tH1 to deal dedsively with ardent doo't mow the dillerenee lads who "?Ve , , . PLE.llJE bitw,P a SC>"3lled 'ad!M OONT fcrg~,tDs.. ¥ rm1 mar.. ~· and a, pl~ ""olJA ry )'Ola" firSt cousm, )"00! a:di:mlry western. De. you . . -of P""ing along ..... ,Belie,. the 'adull' ....... lJ hereditacy quirk ... four -the cowboy ~ the times as JP-eat as if you marry girl inlsead of the hone.,, •. eomebody elae'a tint cou.ain. •· Q. • "·DID .MiYBQDY EYER steal the Mooe Lisa out of the ! ·LouVM?!' A.. Yes, 1ir,_,one VicentO Petug&ia d1d ID. Jn )911. But ~ tracked li dawn in Ualy two years later. VOIC~ -"1 intend my son to get ainpng leM:N, not that" I upec:t him to be a pro- feasiooal singer, bla I wnt him lo develop a good speak· ing voice." So writes a young i lDd.iana matron. An admirable 1 intenlm. BPt will it work? It's ' known some men wbo sing ~ well ·llODBC.beless a t a m m e r . wheo they talk. And many I 1 gifted speaker doesn 't sing worth a hoot. William Jen- nqs Bryan, for lnolence. That renowned orator of y..t.ryear couldn't carry a lune at all. ,IN SIOUX CITY, IOWA, .. reports Earl · 0. Lindblom. there lives a fellow named Cal I. Forn..ia .••• THAT HAWAII must be it. Am told an en- t~ botanist recently found a violet there eight feel tall. . . . IN THE SNOW· BOUND WINTERS, Woodrow Wilson played the courses with black golf balls. , •• A BABY DOCI'OR says his records in- dicate the children of broad· chested pareols tend to walk at an early age. .. J 'VE NEVER KNOWN a pro- f...-1 house painter lo deveklp buni.Us," observes a physiclat1 of great esperience. YOUNG LADY, IF yoo could pick a new first name fOr yotnelf, what would it be! 1bat WM the question put to a olzable sampling of girls na· ' . WORN · PACl'S -El<· ceeding1x difficult to write such notes at these to Sealon- ed Cltizeos. Nol IO iGIJg 110 I mentioned tbe bloodOO.md was reelJy ged}e and W a I originally called "a blooded houod" because it was bred for its ~ of 1mel 1-. Promptly came a message from an Oceanside, Cal., gentleman oi ret i rement years, saying, "Everybody knows that, yoo nincompoop!" Shortly thereaft« I reported Floreoce started out as a' ~ine name 'and few girls were so called mtll Jl'lorence Nightingale got , fmnous. Im- mediately came a com- mmication from a St. 1.A>uis elder, saying, 1-rhet's not news, kid." Yoo just can't trust~ .... 30, RAPID REPLY: No, sir, am advised the best way to de-flea a dog is with a vacuum cleaner. Your q11.e11tioru and com- mentt are toelccmu:ct and IDiU be ued whcftvtr pos· sible i7l "Checking Up." Address mail to L. M. Boyd, in cart of the DAILY PIWT, Boz 1875, Newporl Be~h, Calif., 92663. Your Bathroom Has Importance to Census WASffiNGTON (UPI) - 'Vhen the ce nsus taker asks, "Do you have a bathtub or shower?" you will not have to answer. "yes, but shared with another household ," even iI Jrue. Under new guidelines from the Nixon administration, you may answer, "yes, but also used by another household." Responding to congressional criticism, Secretary· of Com· merce 1t1aurice H. Stans an- nounced "immediate changes" In procedures for conducting the census. He said he planned more changes after the 1970 census. Stans said 3 million fewer household11 t h a n originally planned would be required to answer the "long f o r m ' ' cenrus questionnaire of 66 question.!. Previously one of every four of the nation's 60 million households would have had to answer the long form. Now one of every five will have to answer it. Stans said lurther s1'pl to be implemented after 19'10 in- clude : -Proposed questions will be submitted to Congress for review two years in advance of future censuses. -RepresentaUves of the general public will be in- creased on . advisory com· mJttees drawing up census questions. . ·-A "blue-ribbon com- mission" will study Such ques- t1on1 as whether the census can be conducted wJth greater reliance on sample tages and whether voluntary censuses can be conducted In the future. During an April 1 bearing before 1 House subcommittet, Census Di.recior A. Ross F.ckler c a m e uOOer crltical questioning about census ques-tlona , . . He agreed, for example, that a question about babies might be an invasion of privacy of unmarried mothers. But be said · replies were neces.sary to .determine population trends and that all answers be kept confidenli.a.l. The census. takers' record in this: regard, he said, is "unblemished.'' Stans said questions about the bathroom and the kitchen -"do you have complete kitchen facilities?" -can be a "major indicator" of urban blight and slum c:ondlUnns. Rep. John ConYers (!). Mich.), pressured the census: bureau to use ''Afro - American" instead of .. Negro" en the questk:wlaires and the bureau compromised with the new language, "Negro or Black." Chairman Sam Ervin (J>. N.C.), of the COll!lltutlonal rights subcommittee wUt allrt heari.Jgs next Thursday on privacy' and the census • NEWPORT IEACH FRIENDS of ~ UIRARY USED BOOK SALE Friday, April 25th 9 a.m.•3 pm. • ' ' • " •• I • I ' 1 ' 2666 ·HARBOR BLVD. 546·7080 COSTA MESA WDDAYS 9to9 SATU'9AY 9 to ·5:30 SUllDAY 10 to 5:00 5 FOOT WOODEN STEPLADDER 0 Smooth weed l_odd1r for •II heu1•hold chore1. D Li•• ptintiiit~ cJ.1119in9 li9hl bulD1. t•ftin9 the t:ilil•s fllll't off the c1ili111. 4'' BAnERY CHARGER O A re1I money••"•' 111 lhi1 dty of fr1n1i1tor toy1 ind 111ch. 0 G iv•1 full ch1111 on 1t911lite1, D, C. incl 9 volt b1fferi1., 0 Now. you c•11 hive 1ndl•11 noi1e 1H b1bbl• for P•"ni••• 2'' Jackson Lawn Spreader D Popul1r 16 inch 1i11 1pretd1 •ny clry f•rliliq r, O All 1te1l -co111truetio" hold1 UP: to 25 lb1. 0 l•••d en•rilil fini1h with fubul1r 1f1el h1nclle. 6'5 Canvas Garden Gloves -1""'1 -O G>ood qu•lify c1nv11 9ard111 910•••· O Prol•ctio11 from c.11h, thorn1, ind 1cr1tch•1. D Our 1upply i1 timil•cl I i~• mtfl•9er'1 11w!n9 1111chine bro•1.l ra. McLANE EDGER·TRIMMER ( 0 Prof•tlion1l q111li ty with 1 h.p. lritt• 1N Str1tt•11 e11tin• •• 0 F.1tur•I e11y tKoll 1f1rf•r, 1•fety clwtch, finterlip ce11trel1, 6995 .• i "'4j~~~:J.'~' ,, . ;_.,_~~-, ,. STRIKE IT RICH AT. Rl·MA'S Adv1rli11d IP•Ci1l1 good thru April 10, 1969{111dI11111 r111i11d f~tf no on• in my f1m il., pl1y•d eny April Fool'1 D1y io••• on me, don't th1y c1r•11 ·' GLIDDEN SPRED HOUSE PAINT 0 Give it • whirl, It'• • t•-' llietl for wood, Drick, 1tucco. 0 Goet en 1111ooth •ncl clriet f•1f, hun4rM1 ·of colon, 679 IOAL 4 INCH NYLON PAINT BRUSH 2'' STUCCO PAINT ROLLER WITH 4 FOOT HANDLE 0 H1ndl•1 w1 ll1 111d ceilin91 will\ 0110. 129 GOLD VEINED MIRROR TIU 0 Stri•int •ff.ct for •ntry. •v•r "''"*•'· 4iniftf f"OtiMt, 1nywk1re. 0 Li•• you 110 in tllo 60 9r1rul pl111 hom•1o O 10 D., 10 inch lil•1 ••• quic• ond •••"t to in1t1N. EACH ' I • ' ..... ·. . . ... SERVISS HAND SAW · O Tough bl•d•d 26 llKli I "· · 1 hind 11w it e·re1I W•r•hen .. 'o Or J111t h•nt ii ., h1 th• t•r•t•• it'll iP11pl-t'l1 ,.ur wlie. C10 wou14 • 11•w C1dilltc.I 1" ,.. '· ' ~ ( . ' .. TURNER TORCH TANKS D U1eful, with l'Ollcil poillt ~mw 111d 14.1 OUllCe fink_ •) 0 Will 1old1r er 1of~ 111 111 Ii im••nt. . ~ 0 V•ry 111y to wetlc witk.. ·~· • .. HAND PRUNER D Anwil type, chrom• pl11e4 lo 11rewent r111I. 0 Pl11lic grip1, h•ncl 9111111 lo preve11t 1lippi119. . ' PLASTIC ELECTRICAL TAPE 0 A m111f for af\ h11111e witi119 fol.1, 0 Acid 1nJ oil r11l1t111f f•p• 11 UL eppr•vH. 0 IUL, that 1t1~cl1 for Kerll't't U11cl1 Lloyd, he epprove1 ef •••rvfhing "'' 1011.1 GRAVITY GAn LATCH 0 G1lv111itH, tlr1p1 Int• lot .. ,.11t101t aut.1111tlcolly, 0 H•t P'"•~ri!IN ,lice fer p1tlloc.t, G.E. DIMMER SWITCH O All of tft.-fei1tvre{ ef irtdir•cf li9htin9 witho11t Hie co1t, 0 Goe••"-bri9ht to ll'tHlu"' ~ diPll with • tur11 of tfto dial. 0 Eaiily huttlltd ht 1t1i.4ar4 roc1pt1tl1. CLOSEOUT SAU " RESIN MOLDS 0 Cheeto from Mo•e1M11, 11htr1y1, flow.,., er • f111., kaychaln. 1111111 90 r•9uletly frofl'I 4tt lo 2.tt D Ju1I ..-.ir In ff.1 te1i11, let 1ot, 1N you t •I • p•rfect re pllc •• 0 Mor• fwn tk•n 1lrin9J119 be1d1 a!Mll b.t+er th.f1py +.t. Yz PRICE \ • I • t • c " .. ~ 1 .. •• r ' .. I• • ' ' ! I I I . I I --. --..... --~-..... ··-..... -- r·· InflRtion ' . . ~ ~ tieipi~g · ~ ' ~ Tax ~oes Mayor Says Reds Tryi1tg to Take City • LOS ANGELES (AP) - Mayor Sam Yorty, asserting .~ SACR.Ai\tENTO (AP) -Communists and radicals are • lnnation provided opponents trying to take over Los , • of Gov. Reagan 's tax revision Angeles, traded verbal blows program with n e w am-Wednesday with o p p o n e n l munition today. Thomas Bradley, who said Legislative Analyst ·A. Alan Yorty Is "attempting to Post warned that inflation has destroy my candidacy with the Red label" forced interest rates so high !hat California is unable to !ell Yorty laid ln a speeth that any of itri bonds at the five Los . Angeles is "an e1· percent maximum allowed by pe.rimental area for liking' Jaw. over or a city by a com- As a result , there soon will bination of bloc voting, black be no money to build school!! power, left-wing radicals and, or university and stale college if you pleue, identified Com- munllts." racilltles' ur go ahead with the told a joint legislative com- m!Uee Thursday. • city councilman, actused Yorty or uslng "gutter tac- tics" arid the "wor&t kind of smears" to retain his post in the city's May 27 runoff elec- tion for mayor. Yorty, in a speech to a patriotic group known as Pro AmeriCa) r~"'ltedly referred to the dlSClOSUre a day earlier that Don; Rothenbere, a cam- paign w9rker for .his opponent, was formerly a Communist. Bradley told a ntws con- ference that Rothenberg came into the campaign about a month aao. Btldley aald he hadn't then known o f Roth~··· -........... 1 week ago that he qult the Communist party 13 years ago. "I'm satisfied he's now a dedicated American," said Bradley, addlllJ that he bad no intentJon of firing Rothenberg. Bradley aaserted that the two-term mayor had called ronner Rep, James Roosevelt and former Gov, F.dnumd. G. Brown, two Yorty opponents in years past, "dupes of the Communists." "There is an old word for his tactics -McCarthyism," Bradley said of Yorty. "The new word for It J1 Yortylam. '' •• Old World Mediterranean Spariish Furriiture OVER $100,000 INVENTORY TO CHOOSE l'ROM DICORATORS CANCILLATION •n; ltllTUINS PIOM MODEL HOMIS ALL llAND NIW OICOllATOIS DllAM HOUll OH DllPLAY Jtems as follow1 : Gorgeous 8 ft. custom quilted sofa with separate loose p~ows w~th heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" tall decorator lamps, banging chain 1w•g lamps in wrought iron, an 8 piect= king size master bedroom suite in pecan panelled li-1editerranean style with top quality 15 yr. 'varranty king size mattress &: box springs. Spanish decor dining set, etc. Whele Hou..,ull wu reeul•r S1S1&.lt ~:10~~~~'.'.'~.~-.. $698~00 Any PIK• Cao lo ............ IHIYWuolly Torms AYGlloble -Now-on to c:.111. Credit Ap,...Htl ,,..,,...,..,. CalUomia Water Pr:oject. he l--~;:.:::.;::::;. ___ _. __ ~~~~~~d l1 Bradley, who is a Neira and Post said 1276.9 million is Pepperdm· e' Guru·d needed in the ne1t 15 moolh.s "Any chance I could interelt you in & little a.dven·. to meet existing construction ture and romance right here in our littlo.ol'~city?'' contracts -and he proposed a ------------------- ltltlq 11111 I ,!J:,•dley aide sald Rothenb<rl ""I Ill! Com-m\m!Jt party in 111111 ofter the Hungarian revolution, Yorty asked his audience:~ "How did he quit? WllJ!.l did he do? Did he go to the FBI and help us ferret ouf these subversives a'nd help us ex- pose whal lhfy're. dolj)g. Oh, , / J J] Farnitar,e At Harbor filvd. financing p I a n that im· mediately drew administration oppositioo. Post suggested Re a g a n reduce the $100-miltion income tax refund he promised the people next year. Suicide Attempt Told Charged in Death no." . 1844 Newport Blvd. Costa Ma. only Ev,.-y night 'til 9 -Wed., $•t .. & $"", 'tll 6. And he recommended lhe governor adopt mandatory withholding of state personal income taxes -a tu col· Jeclion method that brings in more than the current system. Reagan insists on giving Californians the tax rebate and is adamaJ\tly opposed to compulsory V.·ithholding, pro- posing his own voluntary plan instead. II is part of a massive restructuring or the t a x system being pushed by the 1ovcrnor. Post's report is e1pected to be cited by Democrats and Republicans in the legislature seeking to kill or revise Reagan 's plan. · 200 Oppose ·Police Bid LONG BEACH (UPI) -A crowd ar 200 demonstrators triedu n s uccess fu 1 lyto frustrate recruiting by the Oakland Police Department on the Long Beach State College campus Wednesday. However, their march on the campus police station ended quietly when campus PoliC"e -Qtief G. Lee Chandler advised them that .interviewers from Oakland already had left. About 200 of the 500 persons who had listened lo Ken Cloke's speech then marched half a mite lo the campus sta- tion with cries or ''pigs off camPIJ'," only lo learn Oak· land police recruiters already had left. AtArmy Mutiny Trial FORT ORD !UPI) -A young combat veteran told an Army court martial board Wednesday h~ t. t tempted suicide because "! couldn't take any mo re'' of the stoc kade al the San Francisco Presidio. Pvt. Richard L. Gentile. 20, of Hampton, Va., is among 14 Gl prisoners on trial for mutiny as the result of a sit-in demonstration for participating in a San Fran- clsco peace martb, despite an order that all Presidio soldiers were restricted to lhe post that day. The witness said he became a "complete pacifist" after servine one year in Vietnam as a machinegunner. He said he participated in the peace march because he felt "l had SF Gun Control Law Get~ Okay SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - The California Supreme Court Wednesday ruled San Fran- cisco's gun control Jaw is a "valid" exercise of local police power. The ordinance calls for registration of firearms, with a description. of the gun, pay- ment of a $1 fee and the name and address of the owner. Violation of the law carries a rine ol $500 or six months in jail or both. a constitutional right lo ex- ercise freedom ol. assembly." Gentile .showed each of .be five members of the court a red scar running from his wrist to the crook of his elbow which he said was the result or a suicide attempt. Reagan· Gets 10 Days on OEO Grant SACRAMENTO (UPI) Gov. flonald Reagan today had an additional 10 days to decide whether to approve or veto a controversial ,$1.9 million federal antipoverty grant to Sacramento. His office announced Wednesday night the Western Regional Office of Ecooomic Opportuliity gave the governor "an extension of 10 working days" to consider the grant. The original deadline for mak· ing a decision passed Wed- nesday. '11le state OEO bas recom· mended that Reagan veto the grant, a move that .sparked a noisy demonstration by a~t 300 persons Tuesday in state capitol corridors and Reaganta office. The demonstrators shouted obscenities. carried signs with obscene words and roughed up a state p:ilice of· ficer. Your Friendly Store OFFERS BARGAINS IN QUALITY! 11.5 cu. n. Dlal-Oefrost Kelrlaerator • Full-width freezer holds up to 64 lbs. • Chiller Tray holds 'lJ> to J 9 lbs. Ideal for meabl, frozen d&SU bi, soft drinks • Dial Defroet OOllven· ience. Retains partial refrigeration protecQan while defrcsWJg • Huge porceJain..oD.eleel vegetable bin. Holda 9/10 bu. ModdTA·12SE $169'8 WE ) • OUR OWN FINANCING • OUR OWN SERVICING DO • OUR OWN INSTALLING NO MONEY DOWN e 36 MONTHS TO PAY APPLIANCE AND TV SAW ANO SERVKE 1115 NEWrOlT ILVD. • COSTA MESA • 54a.7788 \ " LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A security guard who killed a li- year--0ld Negro youth on the Pepperdine College · campµs has been charged wlth .felopy manslaughter and fa ces a preliminary hearing June~. Deputy Di~t. Atty. Michael Muaich Wednesday i!f!Ued a complaint against C h a r I e s Lane, 60, a 12-year employe of the denominational college in south-central Los Angeles. I ;. ,, ·' . A coroner's jury ruled April 11 tho! the sbOotllig by Lane <I !~year-old Larry Kimmons was the result of a "criminal act" by Lane. ...1 The youth wa!I shot during an e1change of· Words with Lane, who had ordered him to leave the campus. Lane said he pointed the gun at Kim. mons after the youth refused to leave, and it discharged ac- cidenlallf. J,ane is fttt on $6,250 bond. I • • • t Each of our Umpleen Ways pays you highest earnings everyday, any day. even overnight Nobody pays you more. And we are strong. We reached our • t ' lwice as fast as the NatlQn'a Largest. Our recent . .. ~ - merger brought t~e four Wllahlilt Federal offlcea into lhe Glendale family, giving us '22 very convenlenl locations. Come visit one soon. CUNDAU fEDllAl 5A\'INGS--- first billion dollars in 35 years ... cosla Mesa 1833 Newport Blvd . NIWDorl BllCh 2333 rut Co11t Hlg~way THI! NATION 'S SECOND LAAQEST PIDl"Al IAYINOI ANOCIATION WITH ASSETS OVER ONE -llllON COLU1'S. 22..CONVENIENT OFFICES PAY EARNINGS EVEAYOAY,ANY DAY, EVEN OVERtlllGHT. MAIN or:,1oe : Ol!NDALE. 11% CURRENT ANNUAL RATE I 11.13% CURRENT ANNUAL YtE.0 I &.211% • YEAA IONUS ACC0U"'9 • ( -.------ -' .. J, CI Voti g fi -By THO~JAS l'Oll'l'lJNJ gov:r~ent, or it .allows • on New l: • .. °' ,,.. 0.1" ,..,. '"" relatively few •tvdenl" to I · IRV!NE -UC Ir Yin e banislting tile enil(t atudenl t 1tudenLs are voting today and1 body. -• I ' friday on a controversial new Hottest debale issue· Is .t i 'udent constitution. . i 'provilion 1bat permit.· JOO t • The substitute constitutloti ls 1tudent.1 retponcling to a call • endorsed by Stlldent Body for a general assembly to President Ronald JUClgte and mUt 'a decilion which IDiy 1 ~opposed by Vice Pres~t BUI not be changed or retracted • ,Coon. The split e 1I1t1 'fot two quarters. througtlout the student body. "J have 200 friends I could , Depending on one's view-.get up at any time. We could ~ point. the p r o po s e d con-do anything," claims Coon. 1Utution puts great trust in 1be new constitution pream· atudents and encourages their blt, however, states that "the participation in s t u d e n t most democratic form of ' • • l • • • ' ' > • "' ~ DEATH NOTICES * • COLEMAN .,. Ell• LMll1e Coltmen. A•• ,1, of 601 '* Gfif"'/ ,!¥,, N~ 861eh. 011e of '1 dMl!I, M>r!I 22. S..tw'l\'ftl b'I' brolhe~. llObtrt L -Art~ur L C0Jem1": 1lllen. Mn. M1•ion l(n...a5on •"" "-Mn. Htrrift Grft:i; 1en nlecei 1nd .11 ~w.. Cll•i>el $ervlu 111d lnlfl•· •i. mtn!, ,.ridiev, 1:311 PM. W11tml111~r ... N\Hnorkl Pirie MOrtwlN llMI Cem-""'' • SCHMITZ ~ • 01 Armande O. Sdlml!r. AN "· ol · nlJ OnllH Aw., Calta Met;a. O..!e of dull!, April tt. Jurvlwd by will, Mllclncl; 1i.ter, Mn. ll1lpll Hori., l'lorlOt, Strvlces. kll ·'*-" C1111Pel. S.tllrd1.,, II AM. Prlvat. ln- larmtnf, F1!1tw"te11 NllMM!'lel Perk. O!flcitd ~ t ill .,,..,......., /t\Ortu1ry, 110 8l"Old'nT. COii& IMH. PADDOCK l 1lli111 lt:OM P1clcl0Ck. 4);11 We'""' Ave., S111c. ~J. HuntlntlOn 8t1cn. Dl1t of dftth, ,t,prll 73. Surviv~ b¥ dlvvhlll" 1ftCI 1~l~l1w, Mr. aM Mn. GordDtl T'flef; Wcrlhtr$, Ray1I •"d ~redef'lck AclclllC!I; sl1ter1, Eureti. 1lld!1rdiK!ft, Mery trlr.km1n, 8em!t1 HOU.,.tkolie 1rod Flar.nte RISlllllM· "n; 1r1ndthlldrt!l, Jim, S~h.n 1rwl Julie Tyltt'. Jervkn, Dlldl 'I' 8ratner1 ~. S.tufll•v. 11 AM. lni.rment, R0'8 !il!t1 Cem-""'Y. Olldt'I' trc1trier1 M.ortu.rv. a.a.nn. 01rec1or1. ARBUCKLE & WELSH Westcliff Mortuary 427 E. 17th St.. Costa Mesa &46-4811 BALTZ MORTUARIES Coron del Mar OR S-!M5t Costa Mesa l\D f.UZ4 BELL BROADWAY MOR'IVARY 110 Broadway, Costa Mesa LI 1-3433 DILDAY BROTHERS Huntlnctoo Valley l\.1ortuary li91l Beach Blvd. Hunthagte• Beacb 14!-'1'1'11 PACIFIC VIEW 'IEMO RIAL PAR K f:l'!meterv e l\1ortuary Cha pel 3500 Pacific View Drivl'! Newport Beach1 California "4-1700 PEElt FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL ROME -7801 8olaa Ave. We1tmln1ter 193-3525 ' SHEFFER MORTUARY Lquna Beach 4il-1$3S Saa Clemente 4tw1M SMITH'S MORTUARY m Mahl SI. 811Dtlnrtoa Beaell LE M53I - Court Denies Motion For Fraud Dismissal SANT A ANA -Mwoos for dismissal of fraud charges agaimt three men accusOO of bilkinr investors of nearly ·PS0,000 in an "own your own cow', cattle breeding ventur~e 'vere dismissed Wednesday in SuperlOr Court. Refusing to accept defense '" attorne): Frank A I ~ r i c h ' s argument that his c;lients had been ·inyolved in a "perfectly honorable share cropping type of eotirprise", Judge Robert Gardner ordered the trio to stand trial 0ct. 13. Free cin bail are \Villiam S. Eichelberger, 44, of 12100 Battin Picks Larry Kirk SANTA ANA -The aµ- pointment of Lawrence K. "Larry" Kirk, 26-year-old San- ta Ana attorney, to the Orange County Planning Commission was announced Wednesday by First District Supervisor !Wbert w. Battin. Ki<k wcceeds George Pr<- ble ot S.Ota ADI who hu been a commisalon member since 1955. Battm thanked Preble foc staying on since January when his term expired. Kirk is a member of the law firm <i Cunacd aod Kirt, 831 N. Ross St. He is a 1967 duate <itlieUC LASdlool( a gnrluate <i 'Ille UCLA School of La~. Monlecilo Road, Los Alamitos , John S. Sarver, 50 and Joseph E. Witzerman, 48, both 0£ Long Beach and both prin· cipals of the Sarver and Witzerman Advertising Agen- cy in that city, That indictment accuses the trio of three counts each of graOO theft and state Corpora· lions C6de violations and one count of conspiracy. fnvestigators told the grand jury that the trio .sold cattle breeding contracts to 329 in- vestors on the false premise that each purchaser of stock in tbe SJddle Butte Ranch, Princeton, Ore., wonl6 own a cow ''guaranteed to be preg· nant." Investors were alledgedly told that at the end or six years each participant in the pyramid-type operation would be the owner of a herd of 10 cows, all or breeding age. \Vitnesses told the grand jury that they were assured that their initial investment of $600 per cow would be worth many times I h a t amount wi thin a decade. Grand jurors also learned that the 13,000-acre Saddle Butte ranch did indeed exist but there was not a cow to be found on ltle grasslands. Also named in the grand jury indictment was Dero B. Forslund, 52, of Princeton, Ore.. identified b y in- vestigators as the owner of the Saddle Butte property, His trial date has not yet been set. DENTAL PLATES REPAI RS i RELINES WHILE-U-WAIT ~~~~-~~~~~. EASY f CREDIT # iERMS COMPLETE . DENTAL SERVICE JN OUR OFFICE ·ALWAYS LOW PRICES PENTOTHAL '(For Sleep) for Exlraclions and fillings ·W&:LCOME UNION DENTAL PATIENTS ..... _k.,. e 36 MOS. e DtF-FICULT CASES WELCOMED e PENSIONERS WELCOM E e NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY " TO PAY S. l SAT. e O,EN EVE PHONE M111~1r11 e SE HAIL.A. ESPANOL 842-6625 DR TARR ~UNTIN r.TON BUCH CRIDll DINTllT 16121 BEACH BLVD., HUNTINGTON BEACH NEAR EOINSElt -GROUND FLOOR -MODERN Al~ CONDITIONED OFFICE MEMIElt AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DENTIST- AMERICAN CR EDIT DENTIST ASSN. ' both ... -.-..-... Save t..~oney-Costs you lass th an comp1rable si1nn11 Cllll'lV IUIUl'll color TV and Slerto units purch...:I MPlrl tely. IJllllll l • Syl~I· Clllor llithl I!" plctur• tlibl , • "-ll•btl OIMJl•r Ch1n1t. • :s.ci.111.f. • Avt-'k ~ Ti;nlnll Ufttfol (.\fC). • • Ill· rn. ~"""' ., ••. l1lrlO Hl·R IUhlr8I • "" 1rant111or FM St1rt0/ fM/AM Tunlr. I Cul/boolt Nit t nd lttbll oonnalt, t:OMPlfl1&tld k>Wnltl ~101, 1 Br.wlulmo ... .., Air IUllJll!lllon Speeklf IY'ltt fM. • Cl'l!Wtn1"11 l1Gllltlel !or 1dt1n11 ~ua apti-111, Come in today ... ma~• your home tM most exciting place in town! "Dtptndoblllty Some• Sine• 19'17" 411 E. 17th ST. GOSTA MESA 646-1684 Dally 9·1 -Sit 94 I ' .. --· .. ----·-- ---· -------------- --- ---- -----------,,-,... Constitution ' 4, 99 l 0.00 value ORLON KNITSHIRTEYEIT • Shrnlemd !)Ion" •oylic lirit !hill!, mockbJrtlund coll1!ed slyles; solid colors. 11.~3-18 .33 rei. ll.00-27.SO FAMOUS NAME LAMBS' WOOL SWEATERS Entire stoek ol cardi1illS and V<edi Jll!llowB; ~ion coin. Sl«e lor'tlen, •II ms Cttlif $01111S· "'" b!UShe<I ~alhsr '""'Ii• blue, told, •isl I''",. rusl; buill·lu1d1111d SJIOlll' rubbef.sole, 7}2-lZ, rer.14.00 ••••• , •••• 1,99 Mrn's "oe' - I 4.69, 2/9.00 .. , .• ,oo E1sy .. a1 lltlrlY ,.JlllTH If oae101 • polyH~r and collm are pefmanentl/ pressed. Sizes A·B-C·D. OrllR ~a'cry 11c stretcll 11kl11 •111 l1rib1lyle,, crew !OJ.°"' size lits IO lo 13, ref.1.50, l .H,tll .W. 5 .25, 3/15 .00 rer.o.50 Sllert·slened perma-pr eu •111 alrll ti ,, I! .... Dacron polyester and cotlon have soil release 1111111, mediwt spread collar, wmte, and tolCJs·, J 41;.11. ' Sloe flll·MOI . ' 5.69, 2/11 .00 reg9 .00andl0.00 -~ 0ru1 1111111 11 D•a• pelyu tor H4 clltllr in buttoo-da«n and t~g sp1ead collars; stripes and tattersalls. varsity Shop, 111 slores except Matina 4.99 • Sll·l!JIH w1stt ,.11 el lloabn polyu~r and collon in .,ny col«J. Alf •Ilk HCl!W .. in stripes and solids, 111. 4.IO-S.00, 2.91 . I U!llli·•nnr sport shkts by a la111oos maker have short sl eev~s. t"t. 1.~r 10.00, 4.19 ... varsi~ Shop \ ' \ Thursday, April 24, 1%9 DAILY ~ILDT. • ., 56.00 ref. 65 .00 Save 9 .00 on our lightwe jght summer sport coats . Made for the man who expresses himself best in an understated manner. Subtle checks and plaids quietly blend in green, aold • .I • -or blue tones. Cool -Dac10il polyester and w~ol blend,.class1c:2· button, side -vented styling in reg\r.lars, shorts or t0ncs. w .. t w1rslld slicks ~le permanently c'1eased. Choose from assorted colors in belt loop styllnt, re&. 20.00, 15.19. Store for t.{efi • :.: it. ' ' . . -\ .. ' •, .. ,1"1, ... ' . .. ' ' • ' ' I . Newpo;t 111 fashi!JI lsland ·Newport Center • 644·2~00 • Mon., Thuts., F1i. 10:00 till 9:30 Other days 10;00 till 5;30 • • •• "" " ' ' ~-------~------"'"-' -c. ____________ _. ___ ..... r I ------- ------ -- Je DAILY PILGT Defense in · A~tion . El Toro Slates Open House Next Week · EL TORO -Contemporary : tools of defense in action. bl'eathtakina: and uny , stuqt : flying and olber public •I· tractions will be featured May . 2 and 3 when the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station opens Armed Forces month. Open house "'ill be staged ' both Friday and SatUTday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., with exhibits and demonstrations of all kinds, but civilian visitors are reminded to enter at gates 1 and 9 each day , Culver Drive and Sand Can- yon offramps from the Santa Ana Freeway are the best routes to the impress ive two- day open house and air show, Marine Corps s pokesmen noted. Headlining the annual event will be the Navy's famed Blue Angels precision flight team. performing locally for the first time in their F-4 Phantom jets. Only top Navy or Marine Corps fliers are chosen for this elite team, composed of tbe basic eight pilots and-a support contingent of 9 0 enlisted men. The U.S Army's crack Golden Kn ight parachute team, from Ft. Bragg, N.C., will also be featured both . days. Navy Rese rve Capt. Dick Schram, known as tbe Flying Professor, y:ho coaxes amaz· ing maneuvers out of his beefed-up Piper Cub, is oo the easier for •each ind1vidual base acheduJe a.a welt too. l For those with "-'led "--Test. and stunt . pilot Bob utut .um:: Hoover will Pilot bis powerful or interest in special ·events P-51 Mustang through its during the two-aay El 'Toro. paces, then st.un audiencts by MCAS, lhis is the tentltive doing the same with a twin-daily schedule : engined Shrike business plane. 10 a.m. -Gates Open Residents t bro u g h o u t (Display of aircraft and avai- Orange County see various tion equ.ipment) M8rlne Corps aircraft on 11 a.m. -Radio controlled training missions, but these model aircraft demonstration will be on displa y for close in-12 noon -Patriot.le Flag spection each day. Pageant -San Diego MCRD • Every type of aircraft used 12:22 p.m. -Welcoming by the stations Third Marine remarks -C om m a n d i n g Aircraft Wing will be shown, Generals along with arms and equip-12 30 F I I h merrt of the Fifth Marine : p.m. -g 1 Demonstration -T h i r d Division, from nearby Camp Marine Aircraft WJng Pendleton. • l p.m. -Helicopter Assault A helicopter combat assault _ Marine Reserve, L 0 s will be staged by Marine Alamitos NAS ' Reserve Troops from Los Alamitos Naval Air Station. l:30 p.m. -Golden Kni"ghts Sky Divers-Parachute Team Men of the San Diego _ Ft. Bragg, N.C. Marine Corps Recruit Depot will perform at noon May 2 2:05 p.m. -Bob Hoover - artd 3 iri the Patriotic Flag North American Aviation Pageant, after which com-2:35 p.m. -The Flying manding g e n e r a I s will Professor -Captain Dick welcome civilian visltors. Schram USNR Armed Forces Day was 2:50 p.m. -Blue Angels Demonstration created·19 years ago by order 4 p.m. _Air Show and Open Or President Harry s. Truman, on tbe tbird Saturday in May, House concludes but military installations vary'-==5=p=.m=. -G=A=T=ES=CLOS=.::;E;,=:; their observances throughoutlr the month. This allows flexibility in scheduling of the top name at- traclions such as the Blue Angels and Golden Knights, while making operations ON THE TUBE For ihe b.it 911ide t. wlwi t'1 h•ppenin9 on TV, ,...d TV WEEK -di1trib11kd witli Hie S•turd•y •dition of tlrie DAILY PILOT. ' League Stands1Alone Mrs. Nita Oa~man of 1:iagUJ.la Beach, a suffragette who fought for women's right to vote back in 1919, displays soap box skills, for m e m b e r s of Orange Coast League of Women Voters (from left), Mmes. George Hollingsworth, Brent Og- den ·(seated), J oseph Farbel;'. League, a nationwide, nonpartisan group, is 00. serv.ing its 50t2J year. It grew oqt of suffragette movement. • • WHATS GOING ON AT GRODIN'$? Chapter2 The Bnt Laid Plant etc.. our first chapter, in this new journalistic corner disclosed the unforeseen problems In trying to maintain a time schedule, ...... On an ambitious retail ,· project, like charyilng 1he name and image of •. all the Mullen & Bluett stores. Unless you've been holed up somewhere by· Ing to avoid the "Big .. Quake,•• without news- ,,: papers, radio or TV-you .. know the story. we •re -::: late; and becausewe are, ~:.~ you get the "break." .-. As our Change-of-.. Name Sale continues1 the cuts get deeper,.the prices tower. the values bigger. A glance at the items In this ad should dispel any doubt about that Betlerstill, visit your nearest M&&-Orodlns store today and prove It to yourself. Meanwhile our new Grodins image Is begin-- .• nlngtotakeshape.SOme .. new fashion develop- •. ments. our new summer ·. Haspefs have arrlvedl •• This will be good .-s •· fornaturalshciulderbulfs .• .. who accept no aubsl- for this famous aumrner suit Tl/"Jledo Rental• now available! That lndudn ' whltSdlnner jaeketaand ";'. otherl tems of formal • ·wear l'!'welLGraduatlng Seni0.8 will be partfeU. • : l•rlY lnlerested ln"lhl• an-.... nouncement. Contact , . • yout nearest store man- . • ager for further. Informs- ... tion. On the distalf side. A ... ne.w Women's Fashion World h• just°""""" In , •· ourGl&ndalestoraatWil· son and Brand. You ' ladleslntheGlendal&-1..a .. Canada area, stop in and " take a peek. That's all for now. Watch for additional epl· -In the continuing story of Mullen & Bluett ' . -aoon to be Grodins.- : ' or ''local stores make good l>Y becoming the • farlllellnd&pendenlfash- ~ Ion-..., tn the west." '· • • .• GRODI NS If it's got a Mullen & Bluett label ••• it's got to go! 1;3-1/2 • ire with Mullen & Bluett'labels regular1ys39_95 toSoi65* FAMOUS BRANDS INCLUDED 1 & 2 BUTTON STYLES NATURAL SHOULDER STYLES D. B. BLAZER MODELS Whoever heard of a sport coat sale as spectacular as this one at the start of the spring season? Only the pending M&B name change makes It necessary. Only the label is wrong. Everything elseaboutthese good· looking sport coats ls rlghtl Right sty/Ing. Right year 'round·and lightweight fabrics, Right colors and patterns. Pick out a couple today for town or travel-and save up to half the original price. •riot •II prlc&S fn 11/ 3/orc : • IAOADWAY·ANAHEIM CENTER, ANAHEIM SOUTH COAST PLAZA, COSTA MESA '< \ ' t ' I _. 1 llllHK STRAPS A lA PARISIENNE A bevy of straps criss.cross your instep in tflis Paris designed casu~I highlighted by gold·tone buttons. In gleaming black patent, bone and . rlavy kid. Broader __ _.. toe and higher sculptured heel. THfWORlD Cl' MY $(A SllOES! $22.00 valu?17 ~~ T-STRAP CASUAL IMPORT This wonderful new. spring fashion will suit you to a T, with its ri sing heel and rounded toe.As comfortable as it is.delectable. In black patent with.grey _ _.. and white Or blue and white kid trimmed in red. , . " $1499 $19.00 value s ~r.., CLASSY MOCK TIJRTLE PUMP Newest in feminine fashion for spring with handsome gold·tone buckle ornament that l!ldds plenty of up·front interest to make this little number an eye-stopper, for sure. Shapely heel and rounded toe. In · -g·reen or summer beige. 464 S. MAIN ST., ORANGE 333 E.17TH ST., COSTA MESA OTllElt $ & A SHOE ST'ORU IN: LOS·ANGELES; 4012 W. SANTA BARBARA BMRLY HILLS, 9830 w. PICO BLvo; WESTCHESTER, 8915 S. SEPULVEDA BLVD. SANTA MONl<;A. 1000 WILSHIRE BLVD. N. HOLLYWOOD, 6512 lAUREl CANYON BLVD. SHERMAN OAKS, 14045 VENTURA B~VD. CANOGA PARK, 8393 TOPANGA CANYON BLVD • VENTURA, 2280 EAST MAIN STREET LANCASTER, 701 W. LANCASTER BLVD • SHOP DAILY 9'.30·9:00/SHOP SUNDAYS 10·5 • Thuriday, A,prll 24, 196~ DAILY PILOT JI Vital ' ' Statisties of .. lfrS ~ IUMDLY ' . Jt you have new nelibbors ilr know ol .,.,~ movin&t to our ua. p1.,. tell ue · IO that we may extend •' lrlenclly welcome I.nit hell); '\hem to become acqualbted /Ii tbelr new IUJTOUndlnp. ·:Hunllnato.n Be1ch Visitor I Hl-4149 Cosl1 MeSI Visitor , ...... , So. (01sl Vl$ttor 4'-Ml579 . ' Hlrbor. Visitor ,I 494-'368 . ' Gloomy Gus tells it As. You See it I I Meeting• I See by Today's Want Ads -. Camera Fans .•. there's a great buy on a camera today, case & all incl~d­ ed. Rl'member vacaUon time fast approaches.. •• You'll "shutter" it you miss thi! buy! • If you feel ''Treed" in your present job & voould like to go into business for yourseU, there's a bus- iness opp, today for a Tree Farm associate! e Ladies ... il you're looking lot a summer job, a beach area ooUee shop needl 110meone. e Put that idle, empty gar. .age on a paying basis .•• someone needs one in the Newport. c.o&ta Mesa area for storage! MAMMarH r. 5.82cu.ft. FREEZER! for.Just 1 A Smell Additional 1Repl1ce1 ths pm;tnt let Cost t•Mosln tl'll• ttlrloer•tor.> • l11thlllf11 """""* fctsW*t .. o..n ....... --.. DAVIS·BROWN 411 EAST 17th STREET, COSTA MISA For Sel11 l...format ion Ctll 646-1614 -Otptndability Service Sine• 1947 - Ot\llMCll PILIO ,1rnc.it ,_._. .... ,,_ '"""""'' Al"'1 c.... .... ~ .IMft ~ £111111 •• .,..... .... """"'I. ....... , ltbM WUIMI QMIMC, Jf, ..., 111'111¥' ··-Jlildl"' Mii ,....._. YI J.,_ AMII --Ml!!f'I 1'9fl Alletr.-vt T....,e a .. 1111111t ,.,.,.... #iltde 4. ...... YI ,A,lfr'H '· H-.. ''· L"-K1r C*ldl vt 1*11 ... e:....,. c-"==J: ''"!Ill"" ......... * L.et Mtl'Y • A. terv.lltM .... ..... 0. c"'-w1..-. •• •ortcllllr YI tt.nry Carl --.... ldlrll .. Mww w Ul'fl* G. t . Mt'rtf. Jr. Jllllltf\ ~Ito ,IJillltr "" Ar• C. MlllM' V•lde e. a1tfrcki.. "' HtfttY L IMO.If .. .-Wt• .. ;dnw Mertlll .. Drlvt ... -..-. l!\I,._ ,.,,.,. Y11 Al'tctll J , Ptr1ll• M1ril •. Aidlllt ¥1 Mlc!IMl W. ,_. . .,. Mkhett J. llt•llfl "" NtMY A... leltll llWIH..w •llMllll " Wlllltfn C. ,,_ "-11& y.._,. n DllWI Mlftln y- 'Yl1111N1o lkl\ll'k YI R .... L °''°"" 1kttr JI NW v1 CMrln t ul'lltlf ..... I''. C. TJ!tMI VI Auevtl• Tlltwi C.c.111 MW'/ HirlMllM "" lollltt S. ... _ •• , ... n-.... Htf'tbel1 w. llwm L'fllfll H. ~ YI IOlllld J, Lw-. Kl""""-Hie.II "" JtM I. Nicoll l'-l'•i.INI~) 111:-ld L hNllltClll w 11\arM A... Plnllltkin Miry Mll'l•rtf St1n111t .... Deilll•• Mem1lltld lln"le Nlf!de L, J1m11 'ti etlirlft I!. Ja!fttl llt:lllfl' 0. Wint vf Mlcllele Wini B1rtitr1 L, H•1d ¥1 K.nn1!h II, Me1d 0on.,. Lrr.n E111w!iod "' llfln1 Arlhur E111Wood l YnM 0 . Hlmmond ¥1 Robert R, H•mmond Jldl: J . H-Mr .... MIMI A... .._,._,., N.iirt. Metdillni; .ZtllrVI H1rn11Wffr YI P1llolcl A. Hltl'Mndll (ll•l r 1 !1 ,,..,n....,.nctl El•I-Bloom vs Llr1'¥ Lite llloom S4.or1111W J. Hull vs J•mtt L. Hull ""1hln' "-Mcwil•n "' Con1!1M1 Jta~ ....... Jenine Sdlllltr ¥1 Cl\t rltl J. Scllllltr Gi.drl Mat Schw1ru .,, Frink Hlf'rv """"' "'-"' LN £11101! \'S J11MS Wnltr Elliott P11Tlcl1 AM l1ngll YI Kr1"1r lll'VCI B1"'1t Don"" M, Ouclln n Ja,..... C. Oudln Slllrln M. K""h: VI Wllll•m F. Kllfth: H111~ Aurlnoer ¥1 Louis J. AIH'lnter John Dt Gllflft'PI ¥1 Dtlores Dt 01111~ Frint II, D1111t11v1nl ¥1 Pent J, Dun-n1v1nt Oorothv Cte1tl1 ~h vs Jolln Chtrln ... , P1111 s. Shlllll. vs Fumiko Stltflk lltullr J. Peevrr Y1I C. 0. PNver .l111k1 D. W19ntr ,,. PG!"kr R. W1;n1r c.-,,tt.11 Sut K1ufm.ln ,,. Al1n K1ufm111 O.nl1 I . K1111m1n v,. S11r1nn1 c. K•u11t11n 111111 I . Mct>owlll YI Don1ld WWiMi MtOow.11 l"fnn'I' L" 111.tlow ¥1 LtoMrd (1rl '"'" JotlPhlnl 5, Pt rtr n P1ul T. P~r•1 k.111111111 G1U PrnhaU "' ll:!ch1rd All911 Pll!\l'MIU T•IT'l•n A. 0111<111 v1 llrron Wnll'I OllO!I Judr K. Dlstr Y11 GIW9t K, Dleh: Gwtildcllv11 Jo llowl1nd n J1mn R•r- mend ltowllnd "ulfl c . .......,""VI DeNld J, Mennr.i Cllrlt ltn'MOM ll!nn1 VI S.ndre1 t.n11 ... 81n"' "11.-11 t rlltlln ltU, II "' Olbort~ lt•v 81!1 CMtln Y•whn Lldti.ller vs Ell•n Loul11 LetlMlltr 1!11'111\' L, khkri!M!' ¥1 WayM R, kPl!rnmtr Slllrlff J0111 ,1111 "' Jel'ln Edw1rd Pl11t l f!'fftln Wtrd Edw1rdl ,,. Gilvin 0, Elfw1rd1 Cll'Ot LM Robtrhan ¥1 RoY E\lflt!M ........ Terri 0. VIUlhft VI Wl1111m C. V•..,..hn Dotule A. Burloll n Hll'ry M. llur10<I 111/ril'r Mer Coffrnln "" l lllr Jean <-• ,11~ L. ,,_ .,. ltfrmlnd,l. llrvn. _, ..... nwln'-nw ,..,.1 '" H....wndtr n Mlrll MWH-----L-Mtn11e MNIMI W Ollrlll ...... -. HOOVER UPRIGHT With AnACHMENTS i=n Triple action clean- ing pulls deep down dirt lrom rugs and ca rpets. Above floor attachment set inclu des hose, wand, brush ~nd crevice too. l ight· wei&hl 'flltuum uses throw-a way bags. #1330/1331 WITH TAADE·IN 395 ,~)jj HOOVER SHAMPOO AllD POLISHER ACCESIOllES llKLUDEDI Shampoos, power scrubs, waxes, polish es; scrub-wax-shampoo di s- penser, complete set of brushes and pads for every operation includ· ed.#5148 ' 1997 ~ •CHA•Ol IT• •IMAMlltCIH • Wlllrt flllft CMI 1 USlll CllMmt ClllOCMll I Coast Area Crossword Puzzle,. ACAD55 l ., ..... ~ cllfjtsl ,6 Klil4of ·-ollC• JD Portor .... 14\•Ll,t---"'• t~ lSftwt Y•tr1ls 16 ltuts of butdOI 17 Rtllef fnl 11 ,.,, h•d winltt: Z Words 19 A• not: Dial. 2.0 Came to pass 21 C111st to exist ZJ Short vttslon 25 For111 of 11olsturt 26 Bordeaux season. 27 Thea slnensls 2' Native of Mlddlt East 31 Pro-- 33 All ln-34 Shows SOllt llrt 36 Noto numnus 0 Not...,, CZ Gtts In lit • ., of 44 Kind of gl'ltllng 4S Sllldlo ICCtslOry Clh1SW.111tt 4•Wat,..~ .50 ,.,..Of 5! r.::"' 5ll- " Slllp •ecUoa 51 Om•ental ...... 59 Ill of , ... bnot '1 OlliJtct too large to •lss: Slang 64 Narrow 6 -Vegas ••ltt 7 B;;n e: pass19e CDllb. fonr 67 R~lon I Infernal of Fr111tt being " Yuton cli,: 9 ll1rtS!'All'I 2 words intwest 70 Loot 10 Bit of n Fonn or b1nking comoolcatlcn business 72 lnvtt1tfon 11 Ch•lical to 1 caller c0111pcund 73 All-12 "John 7C Bird Brown's 15 Alttr dress Bor71'' l•nvth lllthor ODIN 13-nous: lttwltft ourselves I English II 1 .. i.os author 22 lit• Z Roi1'1 boy c:ont1lntr ffT•ul 24 Ont of 3 KA .... ,. nottrd trio ••H: 27 Lacklog z words In spirit 4 H1 ... 1n1 . 21 , ...... 11'911 -lO Spocl"" 5 Mount of '1 Stomach Yukon I. . 3.5 Shoot Alaska: 37 Thorium 11 1_,. OAr.Zwn& •1111" l l Nol "°d 11orally 39 Trut 41 Cu1Meo11t ., r,~~. ·~ltd c• Long's P•lntr 41 Act of slldln!J 51 Dies In ctrtaln way SC Mon1strry offlc lal 55 Pioneer expressrnan 56 lfuslcal tlftct 51 In no •«t 60 ,.,., ..... 11 6Z Condition requiring rel lei lJ Fulnln1 ••• '5 .iGot IU": 2-• 66 Ll•lt" -· '' it:.t • ,,...,.n-n,...,,,n " PLUS PARTS HOOVER SLIMLINE VACUUM with TOOLS Powerful canister vacuum is lightwei&ht. glides effortlessly. Tool set includes combi· nation rug/floor noule, dust brush, uphol· stery and crevice tools, wands and flex ho se. UsH th row·away bags. #2001 . WITH TRADE-IN 1 58 'sTOllE HOURS MONDI! thru FRIDAY NOON lo 9 PM SAT. 10 AM to 9 PM SUN, 11 AM to 1 PM I C ming AprR 26 Family ~e.lqy The Oustiou Americau Ask Most Alloul Air Safely By BOBEBT S£BLIJIG . Th is aviation expert answers questions that mast frequently concern the pub.lie, explains how -e ore protected from disaster, a~d tells what still must be done. ALSO e SPRING ZING -A fashion report on a whole P.ew blooming crop of hosiery so bright it rivals -the flowers of the season. e CURING SCHOOLITIS -School actually makes some children ill. They're the ones who suffer "school phobia." A psychiatrist tells what to do about it. e BREAK THE RULES -Thal's the prime nilt of life for French actress Catherine Deneuve, revealed in a profile of the fascinating star • All Coming Saturday in the ·I DAILY PILOT I HAID UlftSATD I& W\°'lA.flo~JU It IOftens 111d breaks up hardest hardpan or aummiest gumbo ... Co1Ttct1 ltlctd-1n c~y soils which prMnta MIUnf wlltn dry, • • htlttnt'1 wltl peat moss, belled nursery stock , ... NtUtnll&a tlllh 1lklllnity in soils. It prmcs. ptlosphon11 for stimulation of roots .... tofttns ti1rdwood1 for usy bendln1-many other ..... Pt. $1.95 QI. $3.50 Gol. $10.U There Is no other product that does so complete• job. Clla-K.....co PEH.0.TRATE win S1Yt your blck ••• 1nd your temper. l1/ll&ldiltiliWAt4f~&:flv Aphids; Thrlp•, Scale, Mealyloug1, White · FllH, Leafhoppers, and other Sucking lnHds. They DIE-fast, painlessly, wfille 1udcln9 plant Jui<»s from RoJes, SwMt "-· and othet Om,a.,,.,,tals. In addition it INSTANTLY KIUS POWDEIY MILDEW on contact when bath 1ldet of folloge ..,. •proytd. ' The Systemic ACTIVE INGREDIENT is ob'Sorbed into the sop flow when sprayed on foliage. Systemic adion does not wash off by rains or overhead watering. a or. $T .91 Pt. $2.98 Qt, $4.91 Write for ntw edition of "Doc" Chl·Ktln-CO'a "Hortlcu1tur11 Gulde,''compltttly rtYiMd. FREE I I I J z Oolll Y PILOT Frm1i Red Viewpoint · ~ ~ . ' You 're look ing down the barrel o! a big gun OJ} a Sheridan tank -a sight that a lot· of Viet Cong ha ve seen lately, although most of them didn't live long enough to savor the memory. The Sheridan, only recenUy developed and already the subject of a legis· a ... ~ •. • Jative controversy, may have fallen short of its ad· vance billing as the R-01ls Royce of armored vehicles , bi.it as one GI said, "it's a damm fine weapon for killing Cong." " .·, . ;· (~ : ';', .'~.1,·; ~ -1 '):.?. • .. -• > .,. ' • $ .. ,.. ;.;· 1, r • ,' "' • . ; :":/ .:/) J ·:·:.: ..• -!.'.,: ·" t'. .. r -'.' . .'.·/ . ,r't-~ .-...-.. ~: .... ')> _;' .-_:,-;:'./:: ;:/j . ,. .. I J ., ,,, .','. :'i ·//;' ~·1 l-'J .1~ .' .' ! 1' '; .'/ t·.f"' . ... -~~ I W o~n A·vf!U#ng Taking Night Jobs NEW YORK '(AP)·-"rhe lnd.,bad1~la..,.wrllt<olnto nlghl 'bu"cut down on FC> cocktail waitress, says lho tear f# · crtme t:n die streeta, Jta COntract with the General ducUon. "used to work late at Dlcbt partjculafly In major cWes, Telephone CO. cl Tlli!lanl to The United.California .Banlc and I alw1ys to<it •tad born' hu pi>mpe;d .,... ·Ind '"""' provide c:lb oervico klr llll said It had In abandon ... But I know woo>en wi, womee to refule nllht lh1tts wome.a workina aft.er JO p.m. overtime !hl!ta in most al 'il!S work at other lounges 31'8 or overtime wort dwiDC even-turning down night worlr 1 .... ~--' REFUSE OVEll..-.... oUict1 1n Los Angeles beca~ .. '6 1iuw:•. 1 • •........:. 1.. bteause they're afraSd. • _As a · result companies. are Gary 'R. Davie, I regional -women refused to wor. at 1•• ioOI manager for knOricln ·Glil •night. PROVIDE PAllKlNG ·~-.:i~of~llars~~ Servi.ct, a·natlonwkla-.qency "With our younger women Mrs. Charlotte Cote, ruf on safely ·precautkm to at-furni8t>lnl ., temporary belJl, applicant!: safety iJ a very im-employment agency official in tract wotrien to evenin& wort: ~Y,I' itl -workers Jn ,turning portant f-actor," says the Newark, N.J., says, "Young A by 1'be AllOclated dOWD oVertirile, e.specl&Uy duf'· bank's vice wesident ,for women just don't like standtn& IW'Vt)' ing winter" lfbeft dult' comes personnel, Charles Sherman. on a street QOtner waiting for Press found for uample: · : earlier. '"Ibe women refuse He added that the bank's data a bus at night." She added -Illin9ls Bell Ttlephooe Co. based on ~ flct of aafety in processing center n e a r that companies now buildinl contracts with 1· Chicago lax· the streets " be lakL Hollywood had to provide a downtown offices are pro-• icab ~mp&ny to p.l!ly the fares in some 11.nStances the relu'e. . guard for the parting lot viding employe p a r k i D I of-~ ~=-~egiooa] lance of w~ to · w~ at Helep Brogan. a Ollcag_o facilities. ~ incl:J~~t~Jsi!:; liiiiiiliiiiiiiililiiiiliiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii on lta groonds Ind employs guards with two-way radios. -The Republican lnaugunl Committee spept five percent of its total budiet on cab fares for its female workers in Waahinglon: • Te .z as Instruments Co. in Dallas patrols ita sprawling fenced·in parking Jot with radio cars. -An electrical w or k er s union local in Fort Wayne, c \ ~ THE SHIRT GAME ' play it sexy with see-through or rugged with the safari-look Either way, you're out to trap herwitheye<:atching style. We have shirts ready to meet your strategy for indoor.or outdoor game. a. Capri's polka-dot..-through voile body shirt is tapered very lean. Machine washable Dacron® polyester and cotton. Navy, brawn or black with white dots, stitching. Sizes S.M-L 11.00 b; the bush shirt's ob the right trade in a rugged weave . of rayon and cotton. Brown, gold. green beige er black. Sizes S.M·L-XL 16.00 ' c. Kennington'• •-tluough voile body ahlrl is machine washable Kadel® polyester and cotton. Blue; brown or navy. Sizes S.M-L·l2.00 cl. DaVinci'• Norfolk-style lhlrt-jacket Jn a dis- tinctive whipcord weave rayon. Very dashing in white, blue or brown. Sizes S.M-1'Xl. 16.IJO may co 1J7en's sportswear 84 ' • ' may co south coast plaza, san dlego fwy at bristol, costa mesa; 546-9321 shop monday through saturday 10 am to 9:30 pm '· ' j • • ' • ! ' :· • ' I ANsWERS PLEASE -Questions regarding a music critic's knowledge and the concluding concert of the ciirrent series sponsored by Orange Couhty Phil':. harmonic Society will be answered by Martin Bern- heimer, Los Angeles Times ~itic. Inviting the public to question the expert are (left to rl(bt) Mrs. Her- _m&Jl -'R. Johnson, preview hostess cb~an ; ·Mrs. J ;"'Donald Ferguson, preview chairman, and· Mrs. ~ward.-W. Schumacher, preview speake!'s Chair- . ma~ Wallenstein Conducts • " i Allred Wallenstein will aJn pear aS guest conductor with the Los Angelt;!s Philharmonic Orchestra when the Orange County Philharmonic Society concludes its 15th season. begin promptly at 8:30 p.m. Sunday, Ma)' 4, a't UCJ. Jncluded in tbe program will be Handel's Water Music Suite arranged by Hamilton Harty ; Symphony No. 4G in G Minor, Mozart; Excerpts from "The Damnation of Faust," Berlioz, and Siegfried Idyll, Wagner. Tickets, at $4., are on sale at t he 1·0range County Philhannonic.oUice, 201 West Coast ·HighWay,1 N ~·w port Beach.~ and additional • in· formation may be obtained by calling . the office, fj.46..6411 . Student tickets are $1. 75. The concert, marking the e•f the rorrent subscription series of seven concerts, will • Wallenstein,,one. of the most • I Preview Progra,m • Critic Views Music; The always stimulating, sometimes stinging, comments o! Martin Bernheimer, Los Angeles Times music critic, will electrify a capacity crowd when the Preview Committee, Orange CoWJty PP,ilharmonic Society presents its final program of the series. Area residents interested in hearing Bernbeimer's discussion or the why's, what's and how 's of a music critic's knowledge and feeling about all pl)a$es of the music world and those who dwell inside it are invited to join regular series preview goers. Tickets, at $1 . 75, will be sold at the door of the Irvine Coast Couqtry Cl.ub for the discussion taking place at 11 a.m. Wednesday, April 30. Cofiee will be served at 10:30 a.m. Born in Munich, Bembeimer was educated at Brown University, Munich Conservatory and New York University where he earned his MA wit9; a thesis on ~Richard Strauss. He gained early teaching experience at New York University and has been an avid student of musicology, stage direction and' interpretation. . . - He has written for the Musical Courier, New York Herald Tribune, New York Post and Saturday Review, where he served as assistant to the music editor. He also was managing editor of the Philharmonic Hall Pr&' gram magazine and has been a prolific contributor to many widely c~u­ lated periodicals. He is a member of the facu1ty of the Rockefeller Program for the training of music critics a'l the University of Southern California. important Amer.ican artists to promole firie music in this country, was born in Chicago of Austrian parents, both amateur musicians. While in his teens he became a well·known cellist and at 17 joined the San Fran· cisco Symphony. Turning to conducting, his growing reputation as a con- ductor spread rapidly and he became musical director of, radio station WOR. He devoted an immense amount of effort to presenting all·Bach programs, the only complete recordings of the Mozart piano concertos, Mozart operas and the firSt American Opera Festival. , These projects earned him the Peabody Award f or Pioneering for· GOOd Music. In 1943. he was asked to take over the Los Angeles Philharmonic. where he stayed until 1956, building tbe orchestra into one ol. the finest in the nation. In later years be conducted the Los Angeles Philharmonic on its goodwill tour .or lbe Far East, conducted a number ol summer fdtivals, ·made· ex- tended appearances wiili some of the world~• f i n e s t orchestras, j o i n e d Artur Rubinst~ in the latter's history-making concerto con- certs in Carnegie Hall, and made many television a~ pearances. Wallenstein~· conducted his own sold-out series ,of seven all·Beethoven concertS with the Symphony Of · ·$be Alt, Carnegie Hall , ap~ared with the New York Philharmonic. and conducted the N B C Opera's televised dei Tre Re.'' \ I I \. \._ • . ., . THniMr. Allrll.'!-'"' • , ... , .. . . ,, . ' '. r . FASHIONS · ON REV! EW -Displaying hand-fashioned. ensembles they will model during the annual 4-H showcase tre-(left : to right) Linda Stowers, Debbje and An- drea Drake and Naomi Belton .. "The review, cuifuinatio~ of the girls' clothing project,. will take place at Fashion Island -Sattfr- d3.y, May IO, and the winner will ·be en- tered in statewide competition in August. S~wing Showcase Near Needles,. ·Thread Flying After Jong months of painstaking stitc~­ ing; ripping out and restitching until ~aqh seam· w,as perfect, 250 OraQg~ ·County 4- H girls are ready to piesent the results of their efiorts. The young wome'n will display their han· diwork durihg a fashion ttlview taking · place at I p.m. Saturday, 'May IO, al Fashjon Island. F_'ashion Magic is the culmination of th is year's 4-H clothing project, tomplet- ed under the direction of more than 100 volunteer clothing project leaders. The public is invited to view the se\ving showcase in which the girls will be judged on how well they have assembled a suita- ble costun;ie for a special occasion and selected clothing which is becoming. They also will be judged on poise, posture and grooming. The winner will receive a tiara awarded by Buffum's, Fashion Island, and will en- ter in competition with wiVbers from every co~ty io C~ornia~ ip., f:J)~ ,State~ide ~J{ dress .tevie'w~UkiD' p.U.c,e Jit.t~e U11ivers!t.r ot Calilomial pav1s. ~ampu• ln ·A~gu~t. All 1 patticirants Will r~~ive ·bl~~' red or white ribbons with younger outstanding· members receiving certificates and older' outstanding members being given medals sponsored by Simplicity Pat~ern ·Co. Serving as ~h8irmen of the dress review will be the 'Mmes : Spurgeon Sparks, gen- cfal.chairman; Larty Gubin, Orange Com- munity 4H Club, co-:Chairman; Paul Bel- ton, Midway City Go-fers, program; David MatLirillo, Fullerton Feeders, Breeders and Seeders and Gary Siegel, Tustin Blue and Gold/ commentary; Donald Ludi, Yorba Linda Vecjpos and Ernie Taylor, East Orange Ran~eros, lineup; Bill Gill, Katella Farmers and Gerald Robinson, La Ha~ra Hilltoppers. eligible judging; Ed Con·ger, Canyon Bobcats; Merle Frick, Villa Park Eager Beavers and Robert Ankerman, Go-fers, tea. ' · Th~re is no charge for the Cashion dis- play, and Mrs. Gloria Cooley, a University of California Home Advisor in Orange County, says, "These girls have worked loilg •and+ diligently on their clothing pro- jects. 1We a re proud of what they are do- ing, al)d hope the public will ' come out and · watch Or'ange County's 4-H 'ers in action." ' Treatment Disconnects Current to ·· Supercharg'.ed Child DEAi\• ANN LANDERS' Because ol so much empl>aois on emotlonal problems and psychiatry lhese days, a 81'.0at many pa.n:nts blame themeelves when their cblldr<li bOl>ave obUepemisly and get into tmJble. 1 00pe you will Prinl my let- ter-, which proves that parents aren't always at fault. Lynn now is 4 years old. When I ~ her borne from tile lmpilal she was screatning. She kept it up 10 to 14 hours a day until she started to walk at age seven months. The doctor gave me tranquilizers. At age 2 Lynn was taking the curtains off the windows regularly between 2 a.m. and 6 1.m. She ttn up everything in 1 sight, including our wedding album . ANN I.ANDERS . . ' -. I was ashamed to ta,ke her in public. She always was covered with cuts aod bruises from seU.lnflicted Injuries. Sile looked like a btl1ered dllld. Familt and friends told me 1 ll'BS too sU'i«, too lenient, too atle!'llio, not ·~ terv.lve enoullh. I was loaded with guilt - convtnced It was all my fault. One day Lynn bang«! 1 gosh in her I head wheo I insisted that she take a nap. She oeeded stltchel so I rushed her w the -·· ol!ice. WlJen I told him about the child's impooaible behavior he had her losted the next day. The tests r<veakld that Lyoo was a hyperkinetic child. nus is a congenital defect,·the cause of which is not known. . Thanks to a wonderful doctOr, ne" drugs and therapy, L.ynn is well on the • way ~ being a ~ youngeter. 'Ille doctor has said thM In •i!ew mOf"tb>! she Ifill not need eihe.-dtUpor lherapy. H I had' taken Lym to i. clod.er ee.rlier she would have received 'help Stie". •And time la very importAint. A lrieod d: mioe • ha& • SOil 7 yean old who juol -treatment and it might be too late. The boy is alreody severejy em<Jlionally 'diot.,..be<I. Tell mothers everywhere that JI they eee these symptoms In their child to run , not walk, to the neereot clink whJcb does testing. -GRATEFUL , . D.EAR G: J've p1'nted otber letten ow t.llf1 nbjed. btrt l'm pltaltd to print yOtln. 'l1luk Y'" for wrlllllr. DEAR ANN LAND"5: v.oUr cavali~ treatment of the question lrorn "that nut" who asked if It WM true tllet God it! a CatOOlic,. a ,.Negro and a ' Democrat, was, in my opinioo, undeserved, You strJuld have k.{\ the inquirer that God is indeed a Cathol~·, a Negro and a Democrat. He also is a Hindu, a Jew, a Protestant, Chinese, Japanese alXI Indian -a Republican, a Socialist and an lndependent. He speaka S pa n i s h , Portuguese, Swahili, Russ.Jan, Gennan, Frmoh, lbllian 'and Thlii. God is a priest, a·mbbl. a minister. a merchant, a miner, a fanntr, a truck drive\ an artist, • physician, a lawyer, an arch.ked, an engineer, a musician, a bootblack end' a bank presldent. He la EverylOOll. -ON& WHO READS YOU OFTEN DEAR j)NE:. l 'm.plooeed. ""1 Y'" ru4 me ortn. I wish you'd wrt&e tttee. Thanks for a superb letter. Alcohol is no shortcut to social auccew. If you think yQU have to drink to be • cepted by your ltiends, gel the flCIS. Read "Boo1.e and You -For Tffnltcerl Only," by Ann Landers. Send 35-. In coin and, a long, aelf-addt: sett, etarnped envelope with yoor request. AM Londen will be glad to help YOI with yoor pnibltml. Send them to ber 19 care ol the DAILY PILOT, enclooillc . ..U-eddN!ssed, IMlnped .. vtlope. I ' ' • - I -. )4 DAILY PILOT April Laurels Bestowed . On Coeds by Zon ian The Tee Tattler TOPS ·Form In Valley FountAin Valley now wlll have its own TOPS, with meetinlS taking place •ach 'l\Jeldaj' at 7 p.m. in the Foun- tain Valley Elemenlar)' Each mootb the Zonia Club _ ol Newport Ha-honors one senkr girl from each ol • the N e w port-Mesa high · "sciKloU as the Zonta Girl-of- tbe-month. The seltdion ls based upon leadership, clti- zenslrip, scholarshlp and !el'V- ,.Jee. ! At the end ol the school .• ,.ar the coeds seled the ... ' : they feel moot quallf~ to be : named the Zonta Glrl-of-tbe- • )'far fur their school and the ~ recipimt ol I $50 Sl\'inga • ..;. bond. \ • ' NEWJ'ORT llAllBOR -Miss 1-le inaer, daugh-~ ter o( tbe'0aY1'1 L Frasen ft Newport -. ~ student body treaSurer and United · Fund Week Chairman. She is a member of the Girls' Ath· letic As9ociation, executive crunci! and hp Club. 'Jbe honor roll student also participated in atudent con- . gress, Ameri<an Field Serv- : ice and Spani.oh and Sid ... cltfi. Outside activities in- • elude Tri-Jil-Y and Mariners ' Scouts. She woa the DAR '.: Good C!tii<nsbip .award last .. year and was reapient of 1he ;~ service award fw three years. ~ M"lSS Fraset' plans to It• : tend the University of South- p em California and major m· :. pr-.! hygiene. !t ~A MESA : 1be Most Involved Senior ' Girl, Miss Bette C«nelius. ·: also was named Senior Stand- ... out for ~c and 'WIS • Newport treasurer on • Sfudent Go eot Day. --The daugbt<r of Mr. and ' ; Mn_ M<rl L. C«nelius ol Costa Mesa is associated stu- dent body treasurer, drill team commander~ GAA and student activities c o u n c i I : member. NH HIGH Laurie Fraser ESTANCIA Judy Alch The 12th grader will enroll at Oranee Coast College, and then plans to become a .st'ew· a gold seal and life member· i ardess and a fasbion de-ship. Miss Asch played a ma· • signer. jor role in the senior play and • F.STANClA was effiliated with the school ~ Senior class salutatorian, newspaper. ._ Mia Judy Axb pllDS to ma-The B a n k of America jor in English and obtain her selected her as the Outstand- ·-teaching credeotials for the ing Student in Liberal Arts. r elementary or s e c o n d a r y and sbe is very active in : level. church youth work. The senior coed, daughter ol CORONA DEL MAR ·' Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Asch Touring Eunipe nert Oclo-~ of Costa Me&a, is assoc:lat-ber and enrolli.og at Pomona , ed student body secretary and , CoUege to stud] languages ~ a C8l1fonlla, Sdiotanbip .R~ • will keep Miss ~l Olander ...Om ID<lDber .....-..twilb. \)lusy out Jenn,,. : Horoscope \ CM HIGH Bettt CorMlhn CDM HIGH Carol Ol•nd•r The daughter ol Mrs. Wah- Jen Olander of Corona de1 Mar and Dr. Robert Olander of Costa Mesa is AFS prtsi· dent, associated student body treasurer and member· of the erecutive cooncil. In the past she was active in the GAA , student congress, Pep and German clubs. The Senior Honorary Soci· ety member and Americans Abroad candidate has been affiUated with the Natlonal Q:wity League for f o u r Y'O"-' • .. Garden <:lub Plants lure For Luncheon Plans f<r a buflet luncheon and cm! party ... being -b~ iA1C1ma Bead! Garden Ohib 111«11ben. The event will take place in Laguna Beadl W om a n ' s Clubbouoe al U:30 p .m. Wedneoday, A~l 30. -will include a -travelogue follow'1g the 1.-. alOOg with door prlztS, recipe booklets and coupono. Reservations, limited t.o 100, may be -by callinc Mn. J. Joy AWnooo al 494- 5906. Horn~ Advisor .. To 'Package' _, I I · School, 17111 BUJbard SI. Purpoee: of lhe new group (Take Off Pounds 5eoslbly) Is to help overweight people reduce by means of group therapy; where people discuss their common p r o b I e m without fear of being laughed at or miSunders.tood. All lhcse interested In visiting or joining are invited to attend the weekly m~Ungs. To date the club's lniUal mem- bership bas had a total weight loss o( 5.1 pounds in one week. Additiooal information may be obtained by calling Mn. Lyle Bolton. ~. or Mn. Gene Durst, 968-4703. PUTURE PLANS -LookinJI ovir an artist's rendering of the future Orange County Florence CrlttentDn BOme are Mrs. Robert Ewing and Mrs. Brenda Glua, memben of ·s.a Circle Juniors auxiliary to the home which will spon- sor a brldg&-buffot luncheon Tuelday, April 29;io boost the bullding fund for the homo. Who Can Read Just One 'Peanuts'! Bridge Event Tallies Funds for New Home • Bridge., luncheon and prizes in Orange County and include.& -all these await participants a $600,000 ce~r with living in the annual funkalsing quarters for 50 girls, medical Bridge Luncheon spo......i by c\lnic, 'S"ooi and counse11ng the Sea Circle Junion Tues-rooms pDd provi.!.ions far out· day, April 21. patient activity. Only 7 More Doys Until MARGIE WEBB'S Gigantic 'Once-A· Year' Tent "SALE" -E-BRATION DESIGNER FAlllCS AT TREMENDOUS SAYINGS AIM tNrfteftciOlls cl...-out valuH In our loutl"ue Shop So, Rtmember th• Date MAY ht And h•lp u1 "S•11-E-Brate" 111e Junl<ra, aunliary to lhe It Will serve. the more than Orange C...oly Florence Cril-400 girls who drop out of 2094 So. Coast Hwy. La9una Beach teotoo Home, will host !he school each year because of1l:================== beoe.ftt at 10 1.m. in the ~gnancy in Orange County. 1~ Balboa Bay Club. Arri""" wishing inlonnation The Great Orange Coast's Bridge will continue through oa the circle or the bridge tht eb 1 a1ternooill n, and the bulftt ~~may call ~ .. -Johns, No. ] Paper! a e w open at 11 a.m., ac-...:.;~o:_. ='":::· ___ __::;!'!!...,!!!!!: ___________ _:. _______ _ cording to the chairmen, Ma. Robert Ewlng and M r s . Maurice Walsh. Aulsting with flans for the event, whlch wll be sparked with door prizes apd high and low score prlz.ei, are the Mmes. Rebert Milum, prhes; Susan John!, publlclty, and Randolph Parker, table •I>' polntments. Sea Circle Juniors have been assisting the Crown Circle with ·its benefit. Mrs. lJoyd Winlium has &erVed as tbe Juulon' representative for the project. . ' 'l1le 431h Florence <:nlteninn Home is due for con.structlon Cancer: '·Analyze Data Money Talk . f ' Mrs. Dorothy Weiick;.home advisor for the Agricultural Extension Service, University BalboCJn Chairs Day at Races Mrs. Helen Schuman of Balboa, alumna of t he Unlvenity of S o u th e f n CalUornia Library School, is chairman of 'Ibunday, May 1, Day at the Races a t Hollywood Park. FRIDAY APRIL 25 creative pursuits. Bring forth innate sense of originality. Be inventive. Take initiative. Be gentle. considerate in dealing ARIES (March 2l-Apri1 19): with children. Romantic night. Day features change, variety, TAURUS (April 21).May 20): By SYDNEY OMARR ~ , Not wise to be overly ag· gressive. Control tendency to speak out of tum. Key is receptivity. Your seeurity coold depend upon impression you make on older person. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Short trips, sOcial activity are accented. !}est tO leave detail work for anothe.r time. Now is . 1 a cycle or unwinding. Enjoy • . l ·, \•. "" . ~ . ! JEANETTE ARZDORF } Future Bride • • J • ' i l Midwest Ceremony Planned ~ Wedding vows will be ex· ~ changed June 7 in Grand ,. Forks, N.D. by Jeanette Marie ~ Andorf and U . William .. Mlchael Nice <If Newport ~ Beach. ;: 'lbe couple'• engagement • bu be<l1 annowx:ed by Mr. :: and lln. Ambrose An.dorf of -. Fqo, pa...., of the lutur. ·: bride. " ' .: Mbt Arzdorf ii a senior In • lhe CoUece of Nurslnc at the • UnlV<nllJ of North Dakota, • Grand Forb. • Htr Uanct, IOfl cl Mr. and Mn. William Nice of Newport • Beach, Is a l"aduate or ; Newport Harbor lllgh School :· and &be University of ~, Redl-. He ts .... "" u tht fllpt faclllll<t olfk<r at Grand Forkl Air Force BJse. • ~I yourself. E1press Ideas. Visit and t.raveli CANCER (June 21.July 22J: Negotiations far purchase or sale are iadicated. You gain throll&h cohservative cOurse. Build your case. Collect and analyze data. Finances are brighter as day progresses. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Pursue creative endeavors . Tonight is a fine time to e1· press love, deep feelings. Day features change, p o s s j b I e travel, variety of emotions. Personality shines -you get what you want. VIRGO (Aug. 23-&pt. 22): Steer clear of those who want to be conspicuous. Quiet even- ing is f1vored -very good for attending meeting ol lhose who sh~ your inten!sta. Re-r main in background. You gain by listening. UBRA (5ept. 23-0ct. 22): You may be bewildered by ac- tions of some friends, associates. What appears on surf ace is not necessarily completll story. Know this ind bold your fire. SCORPIO (Oct. IS-Nov. 21): Power, authority are highlighted. Fine for con- summating business transac- tion. In persooal llfe, member of oppoaile sex m a k e s demands-Nothing hallway to-dl\Y -all the W.y or nolhing. SAGGITARIUS .(Nov. 22- Dec. 21): You get news from 1 cllstance. Your crea.Uve efforts gain R"'llB recognition. Day to tini1h. complete: put final lndlvldual touch on project. CAPRICORN tDec. 22-Jan- 19): New approach to money questkln luecteds. You are trusted to handle added fiscal raponsiblllty. 'lbrow out the old; strive for the modtin. Then profit mutts. l AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. of California, will speak to 18): Accent on public rela-members of the NeWport tlons. Day to advertise and ex-Harbor Busines s and press speeial views. Rise Professional Women's Club above petty annoyances . Thursday, May l, in the Villa Permit mate, partner to have Marina restaurant. riiuth of spotlight. B e Mrs. Wenck, a former home gracious, receptive. economics teacher, h o me One of the afternoon races will be named for the school which is currently engaged in a project for excellence to in- sure the future of library education. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): service representative for a Be flexible. You may be asked gas company and home ----------1 to suddenly revise certain economist with a meat pack· ~---------1 methods. Emphasis on how ing company, will distU!s BRIGHT you work, how you get along What's in the Package, and The DAILY PILOT ,.,••e• itt with associates. Social affair stress good money manage-new• caY•t•t• light, tit !rrt tonight could afford chan~ to ment, •nd 1Ki9ht. Reed yo.ir ho"'o- be friendly. Dinner will be served at 7:lS toWft oditio11 tleily •'"' •11iey fhe llt WI. IF TODAY IS YOUR p.m. Bffi111DAY you can be deter·Jpi;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiii;;i mined, fven st_9bborn. But you do strive for Justice. And you are going to be repaid for the aid you grant otberrapplies .spectfica1b' to lhis ~ef.r. De- lightful change, including tra· vel, is upcoming in May. Half Sizes Swimmer Reveals Secrets The secrets ol relalnlng health and beauty were shared for membe.ni of the Orange County Medical AuDliary by Miss Greta Andersen, Olympic medal winning swimmer, at a 10:30 a.m. event in the Greenbrier Inn, G a rd en Grove. Members were Invited to "get in the swim" ~or spring aod summer by M l s s Andersen, who also related her most ouuianding ex- periences in Olympic com- peCtion and channel swim- ming. Don't Ian your coal. ChoaM your crisp, minit care drnMs •ncl lhlft1 ., Half.SI .. Shop Now from $15.00 I SIZES 121\-261\ 11·20 Tbe gold and silver medal- whU\lng athlete holds II world nconis for long distance ::.=~ntaE ~~'sHALF-SIZE SHOP swim, Including !he Enl!lish 1 Channel and Santa Catalina 180S llewporl BIYd,, II <liaMeJ. Miii Ande .... n WU welcom-Costa Mesa llllAll ed by the Mmes. Stnford "'% Medr fMtffl af 11th ltnet"' lloll,...., J•rry M 111 er . Ho~::_o ,~,;:JO, SOUTH COAST PLAZA Bristol at the San Die90 Freeway Hepp& and Brtan Ewald, " BE chllrmon, and Ray Htrndm, COSTA MESA 540-7117 Kmne(h Robbi and R. A. AIM 224 Or•nwtf•1r Mill, fvl,.,,_ IU""• Malt KNH '""' w .. i-tf'l•11 ~ Wtlff1'w'I l{, .. 1v1.., c11e.,.. ••nllAll'llfk•"' .,. M•ttw Cfl•"' Paws.at, committee mcmbtn.11o1o-------------------'·----------------------------- ~~--........._ -----~----·-------·------- • ' i ' ----. DAIL~~ )5 Grass R.oots Surve y Yields ·Poli~y Statement· Or:' R~d·-€hina· . WASHINGTON (UPI) -. a laoialloa <II Commupilt , T11e naUooal boord1 lbell •T11e .nallonal convenUon In lndependenlly," &be uld. "We I-cm the theory that 111 The Leque o! Women Voters Cblna lbe best pollcy! 11 DCll, lormullta q-to brlq 11111 appr<>¥ed thU u a topic doa'I su-1/ ellher can-procruil tUe '"""'" GUI <II which lo< ball a century bu what aort ol cultural 'and GUt memben' thinking mon and the league 's pooltloo will dldata a< ~." •pll'ly ..t. helped sway American public diploma"· -la"-~· the pr··'-·ly. Even"··••· -· •-'•bly •·.!~"-'·· a•-·1 s•-'-'·-• that ~-"I doo1 thlnl: thU Is ...Uy tbink1ng is on the verge of .,.., """ ... ~ _."' ~ _, ... ....,.. ""' .,. .,.,.. ua .,. i.uo."''UU6 uvu Ullll elJluwRN mem..,.;1·• true,'' Mrs. Benson aaid. ''lbe noundng ill stand oo U.S. Peking reihne are deoirable! from hundreds of local boards the Ume state legts!atura are are jirged to run for olf1ce and parties -Ives have kept policy on Red China. What about '8 ''Two China" are recttved at ·wuh!ngton In the midst of conslderlna an many do. women out becaQlt they The action to be made policy acknowled~J:tb Red headquarters, classWed by amendment to the COnsiltu. "Nonpartlaansbip, w ~ J e b ba'len't , ifven women· in- public Sunday II no 1p11r of the Cblna apd Nati China aizeofun1t,1eocrapbyalldtb•· lion. """" to ,.,.. people • a ~-~·to do You moment thine based on establlahed m Taiwan tmder like ind fonnuleted into a Mrs. Benson emphasized neptlve thl1>1, we •fell ii knOW, '1Jckiru!-.... and women's Intuition. It is tbe Chiang Xal-shel:? How could a oollcY adoptod by-the natloaal that the:leljjue ia· nonpartllln. poal\ive t;iecauso It a1low4 111 to envelopu, Thia .11: rapjdfy rtsUlt of a ~year canvass 11two Chfua" set-ap be dealt board. . "We have never supparted concentrate on thf lssuel,1' chanciftc a:nd•J think that ls·alJ <II l"UI roots tb!nidn& UllOllg witb In the Uniled Nations! Still Wider study Is a ~ and de not support poll~I M1e oild. "We een rtach botb· to !lie ,...r:" . tbe Inca! chapters <II the Mn. Bruce B. Benson o1 stand cm the elect•ral CGl!ege. candldalea, whether tl>ey are • Deinacrals and Rei>ublleane." )!n. Benscm b;lleves the league and !Is 15,000 mem-Ambersl, Mass., the sprighUy "syllem <II elect!n& a ~ ruJUi!nr cm ' a pl1'ly tictef. or ' Scxne pGliticlane cr!Ucllo Ille . ~ ~· ol tbe ben. , articulate pnsideot of the iiiiiii Since its founding iO yean leope, uplained the declsl ago, the lflllUe has llW1UC!d making :v.roceu in an in- tbe same courae of deliberate terv1ew wttb UPI. lonnulaUon In taidn& a stand '!be • choice· ol the subjects on controversial and complex for study and possible "!*D" is.sues. And aa in the past, the mendaUon oriainate .prlmarily China recommendation will be ._ with the locaf chapters. The presented as a nonpartisan ex-chapten report back to bead- pression of the thinking of the quarters In a year or so as to women members. what ideas are emerging from The China recommendation discussions and other member poRd these questions: programs. • Gtpniut"" Ii•• II ' ' ' t!!tY cae tlo ......ibN -M -le-'"' Job. and 1tbal tbe7 -... bylllf." .....war. 1..<:lv::"' ~ ~11.:; ~nd {; U::;.:';;...,. ..-: best WSJ II cralinl' lnlerell decide 'to admil mlD to Ibo at the l"UI ·1'111111 , , ; getting leap In tis -half -till ........ lo Wiiie Jettori, tury •I operatlonl, , for lnltlbce.<Wben•10U pt a "We mey become a 'Lea;ue who!e communHJ ril6d up of Voters,' '" lhe oblerved ewer a, bUI,. _yau•ve·_.got a toleranUy. 11We haven't made tremendous wallop." any decisions. We've bartlt Bui lint, &be· explained; you begun to dllcull ti In Ml muat -v1nce ,... . of the """" way. But CIHducalJGa rightneu ol ,the C""l", that II the lhlq P""·" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Town Hall Series COME TO OUR GALA 'ANNUAC Advice Given For Elegance , By JEAN COX Of lfle et.llY Pli.t Stiff Madame Genevieve Antoine Dariaux, former director of Nini Ricci, one of Paris' top fashion salons, gave South Coast women a peek into the glamorous world of couture h""""'· The author of "Elegance,'' which has become a top reference book for the fashion- mlnded woman, ill the fourth speaker brought to µte Art Colony by Laguna Beach ASsistance League for its , Town Hall series. "Most saleswomen ln the house l worked for had been there for 31 years and hated each other with a jungle ferocity. They actually spied on each other, ti she recalled. SPECIALTY "Each of 1bem, ti she ex- plained. "had their ow n speciality. One spoke Gennan, and so handled German PEEK AT FASHION Madame Dariaux ' OIN"OO DB AYO 'I \ I i . . ' . . CELEBRATION! APRIL 25th to MAY 5th! . customers. Another was good soft crepes, sheer wools and brimmed bats. Hats, bowever;- she sadly admitted. have bad •'their official funeral'• In 0 Elegance," written f 1 v e years agG. she said a hat was a must. Now she confesaed, even she has had to give up her beloved hats. Visit all the lido Shops • • • eclch gailf dec~ed in the authentic Mexican manner • • • costu,med ' Encar9'1d.~s · y, ~mpleados ! • · •, wiih-~le from the Mldwell. '.J. There 'wu OOe, however, who bad a habit of saying, when a customer complained that a price was too IDgh, 'Well then, arrange um tonight on the pillow with Monsieur, and call me tomorrow."' Her job, as director 1.she ex- pl&l.ned, was to be ktnd of ''an administrator of justice." "Many people," she com- mented, "wonder why good designs usually are conceived by young men who don't like women for tl\eir personal use and would make them appear ugly." Although she didn't claim to know the answer, she guessed this is partially because, "Men designers design for every kind of woman. A woman designer gene.rally designs on- ly for her kind of woman." PROBLEMS Taking a loot at some oe· the problems confronting more mature women, she iiaid thanks to short skirts, "a woman over 40 may either be out of fashlon or b e ridiculous." However, giving hope to women in this category, the Parislenne said in her opinion elegance does not beloog to tbe young. "After all," she pointed out. ''Brigette Bardot, our major commodity, is at her best with nothing on at all. Elegance is a privilege of age. Just 8! an older man is disUnguished, a . older woman is elegant." ' Things to be avoided by older women. she said, are colors that are too viVid. styles that are too extreme, skirt.I that are toe> sll•rt heels tbat are too high. skins that are too tan and frills and ruf- fles . Fashion friends of the same 1V0men include paatel colors, Italian Cuisine Featured An Italian dinner will be ttrved for the 12th year nen Sunday by the Servile High School Parents Guild in the achool, 1952 W. La Palma, Ariahelm. Tickets, 1t Sl.50 for adults, '1S cents for children under 11, or S7.50 per family, may be purcbued at the school ·or by Clllln1 Mrs. James: Stanley, -· Proceeda will be given tG the building fund drive of the alt. boys c o 11 e 1 e preparatorJ achoo!. I CRITICAL While see-through dresses are in most every collection, Madame Dariaux said, "I don't believe any husband would like his wife to show for free all he . bas had to pay for ." Although the word most often linked with elegance is money, she commented that it is not necessary. although it helps tG be rich, espe<ialiy to mend errors. "Perhaps," she asked her audience, "you have wondered bow Mrs. So and So can dress so elegantly oo the limited amount of money she gets from the small salary her hus- band earns worklilg for your husband. It is because she uses her mind. She doesn't run out Saturday morning to buy a dress for a party that eveDlng. She buys quality rather than quantity, and she is cartful when slie chooses a new outfl.t that it goes with her ac- cessories.'' She also warned women, HU this year's fashion doesn't suit your type or physique, it is much better not to wear it.". During a Celebrity Luncheon which followed her t a I t , Madame Dariaux noted that each year one Paris designer will try to come out wilb lcmpr hemlines. GOOD BUSINESS ''Thia ta because It would bo marvelous for business," she explained. "Women w o u I d have to bu7 new clolbel because you . can short.en a dress, but you cannot len;then it." " 'W001en'1 Wear Dally';" she continued, "ltllt a repcrter to Parts who ln-- terview,d each designer ask- ing if stirtl were 1olna to be looger In their -c0tlect1oo. AH '1. them la.id. 'No, l have trted that and DG one buys them,' so the reporter said, 'U you do ~ qiiJ year, we will give you mU:inlum coverage.' This is an attractive offer, however most designers didn't try it ex.cept for one who came . :::, '°bf;~JJ; are wearing long coaU." Madame Dariaux had her own successful fashion hou.e before hecom!ng dlreclor for Nina Rlccl She wrote "Elegance" while wortlnc there and retired two yem ago to lecture. Her latest book ts 11Tbe Malt In Our Llle." I I -. WIN F·REE PRIZES! • • • . Just register in any of the Lido Shops! NO PURCHASE NECESSARY PLUS • PET SHOW •ART SHOW • MEXICAN FIEST A MUSIC Come ••• join the fun and the ' Holiday festivities! 10 DAYS OF F1UN & GAIEIY! . . • &l'Ele91nt Men'• Shopp• •Anthony Sho• Servic• · • Atkln1on'1 • I . D. How•• l Soft • Bink of America • l1rrow'1 • lerkshire'1 • 8iclwell11 · • Blackman Ltd. Jewelers • Gene lur+on • Kin9'1 lido Richfi eld • Lido F11hion1 •l ido Travel • Morrlt Pl1n Cempany of Califomia • Newport l1lbo1 Sewln91 and Loan • l\ich1rd'1 l ido Center • S1~urity Fint Natlonel 8111k • The Shoe Tree • Vie Liclo Oru91 • Lido H1lr Fe1hion1 • 6r19'1 F1brlC<-.&outiq11• • How1rcl Lewton Jr., Rlfr. I VIA UDO All llWllORT BlVD,. ~ IUCH ' ' • I I r • • ·--~--~-----------· -------------- . . . Jf DAIL V Pll.OT Tllundtl. April 24, 1969 COSTA MESA STORE ONLY! THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ·' . . P~C Sawing Chest . . -· ' • 1 I ' • . . .•, , _;.; I/~~' I 501 GARDIN HOSE • '2.77 l Reg. 3.66 Has many uses. 167 -. , Reg.1.94 ~"' ' I . ' ~ . ~ t ' i • . .. . I DECORATIVE BAR STOOLS Reg. J0.88 7.99 1 20 u. ! CHARCOAL WEBBED WEBBED -PATIO CHAIR PATIO CHAISE Reg. J.37 5 Webs 8 Webs 97c 2.99 5.94 A must for summer bar·b-ques. Both have non-tilt construction. B'x20" STEEL WALL POOL Reg.14.88 12.88 Perfect for thC&e hot summer months • FOAM ICE CHEST Reg. 1.41 97c WOODEN FOLDING CHAIRS ll•fl· 4.44 3.33 PwflOI tor U>aoe IUllllller partier. HIAVY' DUTY APPLIANCE ROLLERS .. BROILIR FOIL 34c CANADA DRY 1.77 ,..._ 71 ~OUNT · CLOTHES. PINS 47c Reg. J.97 1.73 tastes great in canst .. CANADA DRY FLAVORS 3 PC. REDWOOD PICllC SET 22.88 Includel plcnJc table ana two benches. !dee! for ~tine. Made from aolld 1<dwood "'"1stant I, I~~~~··--~ ... ·-·-·-· ---·~·-· .. -~~-~.~-~-~----~·-·------·--------------- J •. - • • •. ' COSTA MESA STORE ONLYJ . Thunclay, Friday & Saturday Ladles Wea r LADIES Shells Nylon Print Solids Sizes S, M, L Reg. J.87 HOME IMPROVEMENTS 24' ....... lxtHJ .. Ladder .... 19 •. JJ.97 • ,":'!; ·1 S.88 r Al•. ~adder ,~,, 113,88 1150' CLOTHES DRYER .... ,_,, 7.88 ' SAVE SO°/o ,,~~~· FOLDING DOORS I f Costume' Jewelry RINGS 44c Adjustable Sizes llttl• league B1Hb1ll Shoes B1Mboll Fiolde<'t RUllER CLEATS GLOVE 3.96 1.77 4 LI. DACRON 88 SLEEPING BAG ll.47 Ladies Wear lADIES SUMMER Shifts -Lov11ly Floral Check Prints Sizes 8·4@ Reg. 2.00 2-3.00 Jewelry Dept MAD, MAD MOD WATCHES 4.99ea. Factory Guaranteed • MILLINERY DEPT. Ladies' HANDBAGS Reg. 2.87 .l).87. 1.00 Auorted .tyle• and colon. ' .. ~ l l j • Ladies Wea r L:ADIES STRETCH • ·Denim ,,Capris ~ . · assorted colors . ' . Si1e• 8-18 Girls CROP. TOPS & POLOS Reg. 2.78 Reg. 77c 3-99c Boys Short Sluve SPORT SHIRTS Reg. 1.66 99c 1.77 MENS WEAR Mtn's WALKING SHORTS Reg. J.87 1.37; sizes 4-14 Boys WALKING SHORTS Reg. 1.87 99c 17. . ' .... 1.77 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.1i I Mai.I'S SHORT SLEEVE SWEATSHIRTS FOCAL 20x30 Power Telescope 5.47 SYLVANIA FLASHCUBES Ko••K '""•M•Tlc "'M 89,. Reg. 6.88 Cl12'-12 ., ._ ______________ ....!l KODAK INSTAMATIC FILM.-CX126-12 .................................... ~ SHOE DEPT WOMEN'S WOMEN'S TENNIS SHOES White, Black, Pink, Blu~. Yellow. 1.00 SANDALS 2 28 4 STYLES .. MEN'S BOAT SHOES Blue , White, Green 2.44 • . ' . . . .. •• . . . • • . . . . . . • . . •• .. . . . . • • . . . . . . . ; ' .. . .. . ~. Aorll 24, 1'169 Ceremony Double Ring tdwards Marri .es Diana Weartn& a wedding gown she designed and cruted, Diana Lynn FAwards ez. cbanged ·her nuptial vows and rlnp with Mlchael EvtriU Wierman ID the Finl qm;,. Uan Cburcb, Hlfntlngton Beach, with the Rev. Dan J. Moss Offldaling. 'nle bride is the grand- daughltr" Mr. and Mn. Jolin Kellar of Lakewood. Escorted down the aisle by h e r grandfather, she was aWred in a floor length satin gown styled with a ~Ully lace empire jacket featuring bell sleeves. The lace was repeated in the flower trim from bodice to Emblems Displaye(J · For Confab Purple aod gold bannen, the eelon " the Emblem Club will be on dllplay April !Ill thruigb May 3, when the Calllor'nla State "-latlon Clubs and Nevada Clubs bolt the 17th ailDUal coovaticn In the interuiJOnal Hotel, Loo Angeles. . Approximate'ly 1,200 members will ..._ the membenbip of ...re than IJ,500 In ti clube. Alliliated with the Elks Club, the Emblem CJub contributed to the Cerebral Palsy I n California and the Crippled Children's Fund in Nevada ·with more than $100,000. Mem- bers sponsor projects to raise · money for teachers of the deaf and hard ol hearing; the two associations have r a i a e d $10,000 in scholarships t hiJ , floor and chapel train with seed pearls hand-sewn on each flower and aJong the edging ol the illw;ion veil held by a pearl and crystal crown. Her wedding. bouquet was a cascade of phalaenopsiJ, stephanotis and baby's breath interspersed with greens and strings of pearls. " past year. --JANET MARIE RIEDEL To Join Bridal R•nks Stanford Alums To Wed in July Dr. and Mrs. Henry Adolph Ried.el of Corona del Mar have announced the engage- ment of their daughter, Janet Marie Ried.el to James Walker Ray, son of Mr. and Mrs. James David Ray, also of Corona del Mar. Miss Riedel, a 1964 Children's Home Society debutante, is a graduate of Corona tlel Mar High School and Stanford University. She attended Stanford-in-Austria during her sophomore year. ~ A teacher in Ontario, N.Y., the bride-ttr be is the granddaughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. Adolph Riedel of Corona de! Mar. · Her fi.ance is an alumnus of Newport Har .. bor !Ugh School and Stanford University. He will complete his studies in June at the Uni· versity of Southern California Graduate School of Business. He is affiliated with Phi Sigma ~appa. The wedding will take place in St. Michael and All Angels Church July 12. Engagement Of Students Announced The engagement of two Orange Coast College students has been announced by Mr. and Mrs . Fred 0. McGregor of Costa Mesa. 'Their daughter . Jennifer Jean McGregor will marry Paul Hankins. son of Mr. and Mrs. James Hankins of Costa Mesa. No date has been set Miss fl.1cGrego r , a Maid of honor, Miss Susan Youngblum wore a deep burgwidy gown trlmmed with matching lace, and she car- ried a pink cascade of daisies repeating the burgundy ac- cents. Miss Lori A n n Edwards, the bride's sister, served as junior bridesmaid wearing a pink gown accented with white lace. She carried a cascade of cranberTy daisies trimmed with p_ink. Shelley Lee Edwards, flower girl, wore a matching gown and carried a white ba!ket filled with cranberry daisies. The bridegroom, son of Mrs. • Whitley Rodgm of Shellon, Wash., and Martin Wiennan, Westminster, asked James Sommers to tt:rve as best man. Roger Buchanan escorted the junior bridesmaid and ushen were John Farmer and George McClure. Following a reception in the church, close friends and relatives we r e entertained MRS. MICHAEL E. WIERMAN Huntington Beach Home during brunch in the home or the bride's grandparents. Assisting Mrs. Keller were Miss Margie Snider, who circulated the guest book, and Mn. Nonnan Morrison and Mn. Edward Carlton. Both o[ the newlyweds are graduates of Hunt·ington Beach High School, and the bridegroom aJso is a graduate of Orange Coast College. They plan to make their home in Huntington Beach. Flea Market Opens Buyers' Itch Scratched Mennakis, 147 Club, Tau Tau and XI XI chapters of Beta Sigma Phi, St. Catherine's Sci\Ool Auxiliary, Hote~Motel Association, City Employees Association and American Field Service. Also participating will be Mermaids, Women 's Division of the Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce along with Crown V a I I e y Elementary School Guild. Laguna Beach Branch, Order of the Easter Slar and the DeMolay Club of San Clemente. Business, Pleasure Three days of festivil.es are plarmed for tbe p a c i r i c Southwest District Council of Japanese American C!tizens League next/weekend in the Disneyland Hotel. A fashion show brunch. Tooch ol Spring, will lake place at 10 a.m. Saturday with Fran~eOrtegaprovlding piano music and N'. r s . Florence Smales furnlshing commentary on the fashions. The Newport Harbor club has given equipment to the Wilson School of Hard of Hearing for three years and hosts parties for patients at Fairview State Hospital. Peering Around +rympa+•-1,1 NORTIIERN AR l Z 0 NA University sophomore Chris Lewis oow is an acLive member of Alpha Omicron Pi sorority. She was elected social and charm chairman and A WS board member and has been nominated as Sigma Tau Gamma's calendar girl. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Lewis of Newport Beach. ENTERTAINING 111iss Martha Lee, food -" the Oakland Tribune, in their Baya-est. home were Mr. and Mrs. Barney Cornett. Cactus Society Orange O:iunty Ol.ctus and Suceulent Society meets the first Wednesday at noon in Odd 'Fellows Hall, Costa Mesa. Mrs. Roy Jooes at 543..so6S can be contacted for additknal inf onnallon. Lilirary Hour Cos~a Mesa Library is the scene of a library story hour every Thursday at 10 :30 a.m. Mixed the queen for lhe annual June Nisei Relays. Golf entbuslasts will participate in a tournament at I p.m. Saturday at Riverview golf c o u r s e , arranged by Kobayashi. JENNIFER McGREGOR Future Bride secretarial science major, was graduated from Cost.a Mesa High School. Her fiance, who is studying tool design. is an alumnus of the same high school. The convention, hosted by the Orqe C:utty League, will begin with the 1000 Whing Ding Club Friday evening. Following the dinner boor various chapters will present comedy skits, and dancing will conclude the evening. Coounittee members plan- ning~ brund:I are the Mmes. Jim Kanno, chairman ; William Yamamoto and Takashi Ok.a, decorations; Tach Goya, tickets ; Mas Uyesugi, door prizes; Ernest Tsuji, programs; J am es Okazaki, raffle ; J a m e s Kobayashi, hostesses, and J oe Akiyama, public relations. Highlighting the weekend events will be a banquet Saturday evening w h e r e non.Japanese individuals from the Southland who have con- tributed to the Japanese- American c.a\J8e will b e honored. Dr. Bill Yamamoto and Gordon lkemori are in charge ol arrangements. Brunch Plans Include Spring Fashion Show .J Month End Clearance Selected Group Of Spring & Summer DRESSES & COSTUMES Plus Entire Stock of Handbags, Gloves, Girdles, Bras & Millinery 20% OFF f'!T:"1 nn r;:::-i ~~~ Richard Hiroshima, pres!· dent of Orange County's Junior Japanese American CiLizen's League will be in charge ol a contest to select Concluding the schedule of events will be a lunctieon Sun- day. Alan Nomura will serve as master of ceremonies and entertainment will close the affair. TIIERE ARE A OOZEN CREA T SHOE NAMES, BUT iN SANDALS CAN YOU TillNK OF MORE THAN ONE? Harne'' White s14oo ' BERNARDO .. C1nnn,• • Mind.al lh11'1 right for tht: Rlviu1 and 1 '"HYwhett tilt: your fttt may talr.e )'(Ill. Cnfted by Bunatdo in 1uppl' lnth,r. / Sm1tl,1Mdiwnorl1rge,$00. SUSAN LYNNE VAN TUYLE Announc.ement in Honolulu Susan Lynne Van T uyle Will Marry in Summer The betrothal of Susan Lynne Van Tuyle of New· port Beach and Steven Lee Cavanaugh was announc- ed during a party in the Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu by the bride-elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Theodore Van Tuyle of Honolulu and formerly of Newport Beach. The future bride, a Ticktocker and former Candystriper, will graduate from Newport Harbor High School in June. Her fiance, son of Navy Lt. Cmdr. (ret.) and Mrs. Morrison Elmer Cavanaugh.of Garden Grove, is an alumnus of the same high school. He now is studying business law at Orange Coast College and is an assistant manager of a Los Angeles pie shop. The couple have selected June 28 for their wed· ding in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach. ~----VIRGINIA'S-----. SNIP 'N' STITCH SHOPPE 333-4 E•st Coast Hwy. e Coton• del M•r Phone 673-8050 Come tee! 25 model 91rment1 f11t11rin9 lo.om• th1JI F•brict ••• 111 m•cl• from McC1U't "1te1t by tlep" p1ttern1. Thit w1rclrobe f11turin9 both c111111 11td tlr1el· weir f11hion1 will b1 on clitpl1y thro11iah April 10th. You're mot! welcom1 to fry them on to 11• which 1tyl11 1r1 b1comin9 to you ! M1y I 11, from 9 :10 1.m. to noon, you 1r1 in· <wi11cl to 1tt1ncl Community Wom1nt 01y 1t Or· 1n91 Co11! Colleia• •t>cl 11• the f11hions mocltlecl by 1lucl1nh, in th1 Home Ecot>omic1 D1p1rtm1nl. 511 you 1oon, VIRGINIA Use Your lcmkAmerlcard or Moster Char9t .... ,.. 0 WRK·LONGo CELEIRATION! cinco de mayo SPECIALS! Aprll 25 to May 5th • • THE COME ••• SEE • MANY SURPRISE SPECIALS WE HAVE FOR THE cinco de mayo DAYS •••• ,j ·:.:\ Ladies' Sportswear Girl's Wear Boy's Wear ows 3404 VIA LIDO -NEWPORT llACH "ONI OP THI LtDO IHOl'S" 673-,04 ¥~ ~ .... ; . . "a "EYEWITNESS NEWS"! * BILL BONDS/STU NAMAN ID 4:30 FIRST REPORT , • * PUTNAM-MIUER-KELLY ... ID 5 PM RONA BARRETT * REVEALS AU ON THE GEORGE PUTNAM NEWS ........... -(C) (60) °"'""'· llfll ··--(t) (30) a ... u.. .. (C) f9P) Tim Colhtl)' •11111 Karn Ch1ndler tuesl. a• O'Cled; Mtri•: .. ""'' ,_.. (....,.) '51-0..nis Mor11A, P•· trida ""'· . llJ I lfr (tj (60) m ,., C.nh (C) (30) Art Juno -IB,_ (Cl (30) <Ill (JJ -..... (C) m Ken Alldltn (Cl c& hrl The third niitlt nf ltl• moner·i11sin1 Mnl Bid 11111nblr: (213) 626-2477. ttl U1 Coltf hn [di Pkl 111 ""' -(C) l :JO 8 IUllC Nlllllnicl (C) (60) ID I '-""' (30) ........ 11 .. a.n. If De .. (C) (60) QI (I)·-"'''"' (C) l!ll (I) II) Ill -(C) aJN~&ll .. (tJ t:OOBQtmln --. ·Act GI? (dr&ml) '62-Geot11 H1mlltDft, JaXHt Robards X., Jack ' 10u1rnan, Sim l.Mnt, IMh hid. Doil Schan'• Xfllll .a.pt,tloti of Moa Hart's 'tutobiotraplly. (It) D !Hl(l)IB-• tt., -~ (C) (JO) (ddit Albert 11111 De111 Jone tn111 on 1 mll$lcll trib· 1111 to Amtric:l'a nllro.ds. Em ICEt AlldM (C) Bid number: {213) 626-2477. €11 El 11.-ERi Loct t ;30 0 ft (6) m D11111I (C) (30) "Police ·comm1Uion--DR·Il." Fri- d17 tnd G1nnon (ftck down on di• hon1st tow-truck drivws who hM betn tleecin1 dt""'1 on tllt LOI An1tlu ir11W1J $JSttrn. Compla!nts pll1 up 1t tht Pollr.t Commlnion lnnsti11fio11 Division ~ Clftlln wildeat tow sarvict opmtm who u1ct outnreous pricu frvm un- suspcctin1 victims. Th• officers dll- conr tilt! the t1ploitllion fr .. qutnt!J worwns •fter tlM Ylctim's cu is take to tht 11ra1t. (R) 0 Ntws (C) (30) ltd Meytrs. l1J 12 O'Clod: Hith (60) 7".CI' •-I lO:OOOiD@ mD111 Marlin (C) • W•lt. Mtt"I "ns (C) (lD) {60)l11p stirs Vidor Bor1e .. Jimm1 · Stew1rt ind Raquel W1lcll }Din 8 ftlf'a M7 l111t? (C) (30) W1!ty Dl1n i nd Tht Golddiqers. Bf\lnnw. 1J KIWI (C) (60) !lats.,...... (C) (30) AHtn Ludden O Sllsptnst TllNlrt (C) (60J t1J (j) Hi&tl tM Wiid (t) 0 M1rsh1I Dillon (30) fD KC£T AICtio1 (C) Bid number: m KITV'S RONA BARRITT l213l 62•2477. * REVEALS ALL ON THE lllJ(l)lldblt'o""' PUTNAM NEWS AT 10 PM @D Trw Adttlrtwt (C) m NIWI (Cl (60) m I.at'• ..... I .,.., (C) m TIM .... St1ad IC) (30) 7:JOIJ9 CIJ TM Qu11n 1nll I (CJ (30) 111 order to 1et more pas. stnltfl for !ht Am1te1d<1m Q111tn- 1 nd ftlfl tips !or tlltmJtlYn- Dvffy end Ills "'1t nullt 1 btt with •fllltW 11119'• purw t111t Ille ll1J (I) "' ....... (C) ED Kea Alldlo11 (Cl Bid number: (213) 626-2477. Qalln e11 win 1 rte1 kl Eailtnd. ll:JO IJ lllN:' .,._ CWlhn's ..._.. BID f..!',... Cft 11•• {drtll\I) '6l -Audrey Htpburn, ~O prod~ ;.~ '1 Shir\11 M1d..lint . bfettllt rd1 and subltanct Into 1 l1J ltNs (C) (30) PnJth·oblCUl'ld fltUrt of hist.Dry. it) r..... Cerann Mllwyn Dollllu, llho WOR In Elnrny ARl'll lul ,_r for lfll but ptr· Q) TwltiJM Z.... foollla lry Ill KlDf, it !ht pro- ~rlftl'I 111mtor: Ntw film loote1e 11 •flD II Dumm""" (C) 11 INtti M>Wl'I with 1 trNaurt house · 11' historic p1intinp. etchl11i1 and O Atlrtd lflkf'lctct drrwtnp broutlrt to Ille by still· m Litrl Clllll (t) picturn·ln-actlon tlldlnlq11r. 8 llilJ ln SpMt (C) (55) D IHI Cll m lttqutt Comt11• Sjeclli fC) (60) "Tht Lr1tnd al l1kt TltlctCI." Whtrt b !tit lo1I lrMSLlrt of tilt lut lllCI 11! Ptrll, wflo WIS kilJld by tht Spanish Ctlll- quistador frtncla Pizarro in 1533? llttnd htl it ttlt! th1 l!flptrar'S ral'llOl'll In Sold 11'1d prteioul slOllll m MIWit: "Mtlf Mr. CIH11U11• (myatary) '55--Dtrrick D1M11neJ, H1rri1tt1 Johns. @IIJ@ C!l 1111 CIJ .... (C) fD KC£T Alletio11 (C) Bid number. (2IJJ 62&.24n. m Btwltd1ed (C) Is at thr bottom at LIU frtlac:.1, ll:JO l1 MIVit: ~aaw Od •I 43,000" th1 M011 hilhfft ltb, llllt*I in (1ivtnh111) '57-Joh11 Paynt. thl Andtl bttwttft l'tnl Ind Bolirit. fiJ -f'TI -Jiii ...... (C) Jaaiun Codil• Ulld tht r.t'7f*1 -1.s.1 -.i irt tht lttt t111t llitl lZ.000 1"1 • """'= (C) "fl1ftdlau'• Cr1tr" 1bovl • IMl. {tdvtnll.111) '44 -.loin fonUl111, 0 llllMla $ 111wir. "'lolll tt Htlt Basil Rtlhbont. ..... C-l '62--<Hna ""°'' G @(l)IJIJooy ,..., (C) Bcti "°" DorotlrJ Llmour. m Dlllld re.n.r (C) tDT,..•Cialq-* (C) (lO) 19 .._, .... (60) U:25 B MIN: "l1M hrplt Hwt"' fltmf b6il (C) Bid till 1111d· Ur1mt) ''4--f•rltJ Gr1n1er, D•nt nlihl Alldrtn. (E fl c.n M1nda11l1nll 12:30 (D Action Thetb1: ''Badlands ol 1;DD 119 m loutlll11 Wintm (C) Montana." (la) Eth"irMtm1111, Steve Allin •nd Thi Third Wavt cunt. m""" CCl (30) di KCn A9ttill (C) Bid numbll': (21l) 626-2477. eJ-(C) l:1S 11-....M Wwlll II Splrt (C) fR!OAY DAYTIME MOVIES O CNl•unhy l 1lletin Board (C) ID f,.. ... hllidl Out (C) 1:15 fJ MwM: "'l\t CtwboJ and tht lNJ" (ccmldy) '39-G1ry Cooper, Meflt Obtroll. D4!111 W)'ftftr, C.meron Mitchtll. 12:00 8 "flftlidMI Juq1t• (dram•) 'SO ---non Ktrvey, Forrtlt T17lor. lZ:JO m "A .. "' I• ....,.. (com· tdr) '50--Ntc liulnn-. "lllll 11 ~ (1ctwntur1) '4&-Erlch YOft ....... .... (C) .... ~ """'....,. , .. m.,.."'.,""" '"'"'l "' _,.. ub 'tt -Mich.Ml Wh1ltn, Rote Hobert. i::.:-u.:: -Louil .,...~ J:GO 0 (Q ....... Mer .. ....... l".311 • ..,..,. (dtllM) 'Jl-M~ (drtlllt) '45-litnl l'ierMJ, Corntl PERKINS JUDGE PARKER OKAY, 5WEErnEA.RT .. TH1S 15 WHERE '!'Oii llVE ! IT W,t,.S NICE KNOWINCJ ~! MOON MULLINS MYWORP .1 • PEl!ilAPS I SHOULD SH~P~up. MUTT AND JEFF Yl:S. Dex;, WELL.., GIVE HIM MORAL.. I'M . SUPPORT!CHEERHIMUPI MUTTS IT WIL.l.. MAKE HIS BEST ,..,_,,.,-,· OPERATION 'FRIEND! ~')l EASIER! "' GORDO ~ OFF W'fr GO -,;i INTO"lllEWILD BLUE 'Yt>NDER '\.:I TRA TA TA 1'> By John Miles "' _By Harold Le Doux JEFF! · 'THEY'RE GOING'TO OPERATE oNMEI By Ferd Johnson By Tom K. Ryan By Al Smith By Gus Arriola ~ 111111!111• Diitr1cl. Wiidt. .(Q ............................ --(Wa1•~• MISS PEACH By Men _. <*-> ·u--"""" "" '*-""" O'SN• ..,,,.,. '""· lr".""'------...... :-?--T.,....----~,....~---"""'t'r---;,..----..;...---.:il p;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; /I MAl<CIA , IF YOU HELP HOW Al!OIJT MOW, YOU've ME CARJIY H~e MY "Ql.IARTeR 1 lirOT "' OUIL ! • ~OS PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS QMlltor ,,1i,t1111 •"" o.,.H11t1. s.,...1(_. ™ --....... 9-•rt.t •f ' e. .. tv.,.. J211 WDT IAUOA l&.Ya. NIWPOl'T llACH .,. STUFF l'U. c;cve YOU M~ UNO\'ING GRATITUDe. -. .,.. I _, I I JMYll! ~ OAY, KJC>1 -<TS" l>rrTBR. ., WO~LO, "u11e>y1Ht; l,,f'l<!l"\" 6RATITUC>C\Yli.L &E Nl!GOTIAl>U! cu~ i . r l I I l '1-~f DAILY PILOT SEASON FINALE -Dean Martin's las~ new show : of the seasoo will be-seen tonight at 10."" Channel 4. Dean has Raquel Welch, Jimmy Stewart. Victor . Borge and the Golddiggers as bis guests. Les Brown provides the orchestra music. TELEVISION VIEWS British Give St)'le to TV By RICK OU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -It's always nice lo know the British are arowid to pick a fellow up after a difficult television season. Jwt when you are ready to start mumbling to yourself over the quality of various video series, there are the British -in sprin~ and summer -to add a little class to the proceedings. Over at NBC-TV, for instance, "The Saint" is back on Friday nights, with Roger Moore deftly tossing off lines with precisely the right unimport- ance they deserve. If he keeps playing his cards right, Mr. Moore may be around longer than Mickey Rooney. • OVER AT CBS-TV, meanwhile, Patrick McGQo. ban is sch~uled to return very soon in bis second season QI. a series called "The Prisoner," an Orwel· lian ta.le of, a man held captive in a Disneyland-type mystery village with thought control. Mr. McGoohan, of course, is the fellow who gain- ed a very loyal following in a previous series, 0 Secret Agent," which W9S one of the most stylish weekly shows television ever presented. Although there is preserttly a concern over sex and violence in British television -just as there is in America -McGoohan was way ahead of the game in playing down mayhem, even way back in "Secret Agent." A STRONG·MINDED fellow, be persooally d&< plored excessive violence, and did in his fictioo81 foes with a minimum of shooting and fisticuffs. ·. McGoohan fans will also be pleased Ip know h« made rather a large impression in the recent movie· "lee Station Zebra." There used to be a third summer British series -along with "The Saint" and "Secret Agent" - that made vacation viewing . more pleasant. ~ ;hat was ABC-TV's jCThe Avengers." ·: Eventually, however, "The Avengers" workeit its way into the network 's regular season schedut~; where it has been all this past season. UnfortunateIY.; however, it seems to be running out of gas, and ~ getting killed in the ratings. ·:· ONE REASON for its statistical failure ls that~' is up against 0 Gunsmoke,'1 "I Dream ol. Jeannie!" and, until recently, ''Rowan and Manm,'s Laugh-in.~ The real demise of 14The Averiger1,"~ though, came some time back when Diana Rfgg left as the- fema1e star of the serjes. For it was then that the Joyal coterie of fa,ns that loved the show started lo lose interest in it. Nevertheless, we owe the British some tilanks for giving us, in recent summers -and sometimes more often -three droll, stylish leading men who excel at the mystery-adventure-spy-private eye type of role. Patrick McGool!an, Roger Moore and Pat- rick Macnee of 111Ibe Avengers." THEY ALL look splendid in conservative clothes, and know hO'W to c8rry off their roles wiih an inner i;ense of elan. England may be swinging, as the slick magazines keep telling us -but you still can't beat a fellow who gives you the lmpreosioo that he'd really rather keep H lo himself. Denni• the Menace i f r I I I .-.~"":"'.,-----..,.,.---,---,--------------------------------,------------··-· ···-···--------··--··------·--··. -· . . ' ears LOOKatthe Wide Foot Printfor·Faster Startl and.Stop• ALLSTATE Passenger Tire Guarantee Tread Life Guarantee Caaranleed Again&I: All failures of the tire resulting from normal road hazards.or defects in material or work- mamhip.. · For How Lon11:: For the Jjfe of the original tread. , Whal Sean Will Do: Repair nail puncrures.at no ~har,ge. 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Sears Eaef Payinent Plan · • Doii't liuffei: this summer, be prepared wi'th this fine auto unit •Thermostat automatically maintains the temper- ature yo u select • Three-speed air-flow co ntrol and two 4-way adjustable louvers for perfect draft-free air circulation •Handsome chrome-plated front panel Give Your Car'• Interior New Life, Color? Woven Fabric Seat ()overs e Woven fabri c 1eat coven feature vinyl aide panels for Jon& wear •Choice of black, nd, .-reen or blue • Ouu t1nding value at NO l\tONEY DOWN on tJ1i1 price Sear Easy.P•rment .flan ~-------------------------------- . Gua~nt~ed·Nationwide ·33 MQnths J • , • ' • • ' Regular 2 ·for $37.90 . . . -r, Tires for '76: 6.50xl3 Tubeless Blackwall Plus 1.79 each Fed. Ex. Tax and Two Old Tires SIZE Tubele,. Blackwall• Tubeless Whitewalls 6.50.13 7.35xl4 '7.75x l4 8.25x14 7.15xl5 $37.90 25.76 1.79 6.S0.13 $43.90 31.76 1.79 $43.90 · 31.76 2.07 6.95x14 S45.90 33.76 1.96 $47.90 35.76 2.20 7.3Sxl4 $49.90 37.76 2.07 $53.90 41.76 2.36 7.75x14 $53.90 41.76 2.20 S47.90 35.76 2.21 8.25xl4 $59.90 47.76 2.36 NO MONE\' DOWN 8.55x l4 S65.90 S.1.76 2.57 on . .\nyt.hing Yoll.Buy 7.75xl5 $53.90 41.76 2.21 at Sears on Credit! 8.lSxlS-$59.90 47.76 2.38 Your Choice NEW Diamond Pattern l\1eans All-Road9 AU-Weather Safety • Contour Safety Shoulders e'Wider an.d deeper than average new car nres •Thousands of tiny sipes clutch the road: .. better traction even on wet roads of Any Size Listed 8 !§. And Old Ti~ •Long.wearing wrap ,.... ___ ..,._,..,..,...-.. around 1houlden BL.ACKWALLS •Exclusive Dynatuf !----"'"::;'-;'=""-' =L;='"=•c...,~c rubber lasts and SIZE F,E.T. SJZE F.E.T. lasts! 6.00xll 2fk 8.00xlt 4Se •Outstanding· value 6.50xl3 :12c 5.60J:l5 35c at Sean one low 7.IMh:IJ 34<: S.90 6.00xl5 45c price! 6.5hl4 4.Qe 6.40/6.SO:r.15 49c 6.70xl5 . 47c Guaranteed for As Long As You Own Your Car' Regular '7.99 SAVE *2! , Each Expert lnatollation Avlilable • Ruged sintered iron pilllOn and chrome rod •Patented Elaotometer ring means no fading •Aluminum cooling fin1 pre· vent heat build-up •Built to wear far better than original shock•! -----------------, IUINA rm TA 8-4400, 521..C530 (l MONTt Gt 3-3911 tONG IEACH HE 5-0121 PICO WE 8-4262 I CANOGA >AMC 341).0661 Gl!NDAlt CH 5-1004; C1 4-4611 OlYMPIC ~SOTO AN 8°5211 POMONA ED 2-1145, NA 9·5161, vu 6-6751 SANTA fE SPRINGS 9«-8011 Ul'lAHO 915-1927 SANTA MONl<:A EX 4-6711 VAllrY PO 3-8'61, 98'·2220 I I I COMPTONN! 6-2581, N! i!-'76~ HOllYWOOD HO 9-5941 ORANGE637-2100 SANTA ANA Kl 7-3371 CDVINA 966-0611 INGlEWOOo OR 8-2521 PASADENA MU 1-3211, El 5·4211 SOUTH COAST PlAZA 541).3333 WRMONT PL 9-1911 TO!llANCE 542-1511 _, ______________________ _ St'<trs _ ____________________ , "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" Shop 6 Nights Monday through Saturday 9i30 A.M. !-9:30 P.M • • ) ---~---------~--------.. ------.-.--~~~-.------ West ·I . ' B~ GIJr;Ni( WHlTE .qiampiolllblp -II tile Forum. Cff\ .. .,..,..,., ... stett The cent trtm. wm Vlrglnif. wu hard- LOS ~ELES -Jmy West, tile • Jy r"!OCJ"•ohlt u ~ tbt llllllljellow Lakers' venloo ol the Boston Strangler, '(ho !tad poured II j>olntl· throolh ~ hopped ·Up Gii 'p ·bench in the clreasiog . nets t.> gi .. the,Labrt a'l.0 edit in the room and w_...i to greet tile legioq.of ...,.._ • ·· • sportswrlliis ·ai\cl broadcast"!" who bltd . Tho( is· lo llY; lbe ....., on lbe court crowded aiound' to aaroer bil -~ordl ·ol: ..... ~latio a~ individual wisdom. -ii came time to dllculs bis explolto. ·For We!lt, I~ was not a totally He wu ~ ln hil praise of the unpleasant chore. Celtics. "'l)ey play.cl a tmnendous Mom-earlier be had completed lbe -e •• • • Ibey eertaJn1y W<>U!dn~ lose destnictlon of the defending Na~ many playing the WIY they did;" be told Basketblll Assoclatioo champion llootM lbe ll?OllP wblch arudouaJy .jotted down Celtics, 121).IJB, In Wednesday ·llight'I bls wolds. opening round of the best-of*ven world "I wu.ha~ 1o·IC.'Cll'e 53, -of , course. But Iller• beve -Uma wben I only ocored JJ. or It and felt I WU jUll as vatulble lo the teoJn. .. Wllt (Chambu!ain) bes acor<d 60 a coup1e·of tlmet, yet we bad a bard time w....., tlioee·-· U'• re.:ty noJ how _,.you -, but -·••ll11ble Yo• -® Ille. team lilat'"""'1to most. .. , had a lot ol good JltoU ••• and I mlased a lot ol good llilots early In the game ... A>ked if be thought tile CelUcs would delend him dillerenUy In Friday night's second game ol tbe ,.t (atso at tile F°"1JD and a sellout), West said no. "I mlgbt have a terrible night and a From the Mallsack Dodgers Win, Gurney Pick Def ended Move Into First; By •. ··. Longtime. Asso.ciat~ Osteen Hurls LOS. ANGELES (AP) -In the in· Plucked from the mails is a letter from ~1ax Muhleman, associate or race driver Dan Gurney. Muhleman d e f e n d s Gurney's selection as Orange County pro 1;pcirts headliner ol the year ••• a choice questioned by this colwnn. Dear Glenn, "Read your column concerning the ap- parent inequity ~one by the Orange Coun· ty Press Club in selecting Dan Gurney rather than Rod Laver as pro athlete of the year. I wanted to reply sooner, but between last weekend's Formula A race A;l1'l:C\:al$C4UU4i¥C¥1>'W WHITE WASH 1t JUverside and our own lndianapolis preparaUons I have had-to wait unut now. "I respect your opinion and certainly agree Laver Had a fine year. He is a true superstar and a credit to our community, regardless of his tournament record in any given year: "However, I was a bit disappointed to see that your research was less lhan complete in recounting Gurney's suc- cesses during 1968, You referred to him solely in Ught of his second place in the Indianapolis 500, "Also in 1968 he won the Riverside 500 fqr the fifth time in S years, becoming lhe only man in motor racing blstory to Win a 500-mile race as many times; he w·as fastest qualifler and led every lap of the 200-mile USAC Indianapolis car race at M0&port, canada; he was fastest qualifier, and winner for the ·leCOO(f straight year of lbe Rex May• 300 at R!vtrslde, second b'-t lnd!aa!apoJis car event ot the year. hi addition, hls Eagle <VJ placed l·M In the JndlanapoJls 500, won the USAC na· Uonal chlmplOMbip with Bobby Unser and placed 14 In the SCCA Formula A natlonal champtonsbip wllh Lou Sell and George Wintersteen, winning every race 'but one. uFurt.ifer, his · Gurney-Eagle. cyli nder heads provided the power for the Ford GT40s whicl· won the LeMans 24-hour race and the World Manufacturers Championship. "The honor paid Dan by the Press Cluti was a gracious one which did us proud at All American Racers and I felt you should know there definitely were other credits due Dan in 1968 other than his 2nd at Indy." Mu Muhleman Short Circuits Red Guyer, former &rack coach and •thleUe director 1t Lapila Beach IDgh Scbool, will be pu.Uln1 on 1 track clinic ai &be Ualvenlty of Montallll UaU summer. Gayer 1pencll mucll of ldt free Ume in Moataaa, enjoybai t1'e -t lilblag and qutei lUe. ABC television coughed up $13.S million for television rights to the 1972 Olympics In Munich. · To1J1my ProtJaro, 1JCLA't out.atandllg loolbatl <0aeb, wW be u.e peshl - •t • dtnner~ of Oraqe c..ncy•1 Bruit Ahunnl, acbtduled Mmy lt at tlae Golde.a Pbeuut Rettnr1nt ta Aallelm. Furtber laform1doo cu be oMafned by catUar Mn. Johll Robnqabt at so.1111. <;ELEBRITY STARS PLAY IN OIL · CITY A eelebrity-cbarlty goll toornament will be held atlllllllington Beach Country Club on May S with proceeds going to the Jr. Naval Cadets of Amertca. Included are 40 celebrities paired off in fOW110me1 with ma golfm. Those e1lpecled to eompete Jn the JS. hole event are Mickey Roooey, Sardy Koufax, Alan Hale, Mu Baer, Forrest Tucker, Tom Tully, Chuck Contlen, Duke Kelly, Don Adams and Jack LaLanne. OUltra are John Agar, Richard Arlen, Jim Brown. CUnt Eastwood, Dennis James and Bob Steele. -·------------·---., ... tmitable word.1 of Los · Angeles Dodger Don Sl!tton, he "let it all hang out" while gunning successfully tor the victory. The results left the Cincinnati Reds dangling. Sutton, admittedly "too fine" in the first two iMings against the Reds Wednesday night took pitching coach Red Adams' advice and cut loose for the final seven innings, allowing just two hits over that span as the Dodgers won 6-3 ·and Dodger Slate Alll'. li-OoclD9r• "'' Clnelnnell r:u "'""' KFI (4.lel c~· "-Oodotrf •"'' Af1911l•• 1:U .. m,. IC.Fl APf', 2'Ced;ar1 ,,. Atllnt-7:!1 -.m.. Kfl ·~· . moved into a first place tie with the Atlanta Braves atop the National League's West division. The Dodgers and Reds clash again tonight with Tony Cloninger, 0...2, going tor Cincinnati against Claude Osteen, who will be shooting for his fourth atraigbt victory.· "I was trying too hard not to make 1 mistake," Sutton explained of bl!: first in- nirigs Wednesday. "And as a result I was losing a little zip. SO, Red told me just to go out there and throw hard and that'• exactly what I did." . The Red! will readily attest to that fact. Sutton wound up with nine atrtkeouts, turned in his fint complete game of the·. year and picked up bis first victory following two losses. "Every milltakf! I've made 1thil )'ear seemed to be a base hit,".'SuUon cort- Unued. "I was jult thinking ioo much down and throwing bard." .. CINCINNATI LO$ AHaLaS ' • , II l'M • r 11·"11 lllM.. cf 4 l I I Cr1W10rtl, cf • I I • Tot11>, rt • I l 1 lll111 .. 11. rt I I 0 I tll~.1r•1 2 1P1rt1""·'' :Jt 11 P1nn.Jllo 111 ltOKO,M 4111 l.M1y, 1• I I 0 H1tlsf', c 1, ', 'a 01 ltndl. c • O 0 SuN-lt. a H•lrnt. :111 4 0 1 SlltmOtt. 211 I I 2 2 ClltMV, u 1 I 0 Gr1liolcowttr. u I O 1 0 W111tf19111, pll 1 0 O kltlnt • 4 0 ' I 1 "''""' . ' .. fi.Mr, • • •• S~t1. pll I 0 0 • • ' Cvlver, • I o O M91'rl!T, • t I 0 Gr~, It I I 0 I HVd'lllmp. pl! 1 I I Tolllli II I I T.ni. f1 I lt 4 C~klMlll 110 • .. -I l11t ...,...1" 100 a It• -e E -l•tan • .....0, O" -CIMllWlll I, ,l.O!I -Clntll'llelf I. l• Anti'-t. N -htn. I -NolM,llt-lltM -2!42. Jr,lt9Nenc:• -11-'n.. I •• ·in· . '"""· ""1't ,IQ .U year· and_ lilln ,..ite drastic changes in its style of play." Laker coach Bill van Breda Koltf Said, ••1 .think Jms gol.(lg Jo ti.ave.a gre4t :!~ti~~o~ bJ~:1=c1!1:~·~~~t~~ Ha'(llc_ek in fouJ trouble because it woql4 · hurt ~ir offense too iriuch.>' , Ravlktk had an outstanding pme,, too, f>O!>Pinl.11\ 37. ' . Rel erring to what had to go ·down, as one. of the il!l·time> great playoff gainet lri the tenn.s of shooting, defense and ge_neral all-round ,excitelllent, van Bfeda lCOlf( commented : "It wasn't too bad -a typlcal NBA game:~· ~ ~: • , ,.: Thursday, Aprll 2.4, 1%• DAILY PILOT' " • ·120 ·• 11s.. · wm: And as West pointed out, Jt marks the first time a Laker team has ever wOo 0the first game of a championship series. Ct\amberlain said this of lhe vict<n : '\It's .just a win for us· -lt puts us one' garpe clgser to the championJhlp. We're One up with three to go." ,. · 11te record Los Angeles turnout of. 17,554 saw a classic. The score was tied or the lead changed ~ 11 times 'ln the· last 'eight minutes. But it was West who put the Western' Division cha!'JlPklos ahe~ to stay. He canned a 17.foot ·shot from the side wit.I) 3:06 left to make it 111·110, then he· came lip with i IS:fOot'er wiUt l :49 to go . ' -• to glve LA. a 113-llO .bulge. , ,I~: . ~ But the clincher came with 23 aecondl left and lhe Lakers nursing a 115-U4 edge. West tried · a shot1 from •jbe free throW line and ml&!ed. However, Chamberlain aot ooe d 11~ 22 reboonds and pol tli6 baJJ' througlll lbe net to make it 117-114. · Fpurteen second! later :BnJ Russell moved Boston to · within one, ieuin'g a bucket on goal-tending. But Ume wu running out on lhe Celtics. And when they fouled West In des~ra- (See WEST, Paae ZZ) · . . ' DAILY .. llOT f'lllli.t •r '" O'Dtl!Md ••• WEST JUMPS TO AVOID BRYANT AND RELEA'sES THE BALL ••• . . ' ~ . , .• WEST LANDS ON THE FLOOR AFTER MAKING THE BASKET AND A 'FOUL 15' CALLED. ~ ' J , I i I \ -. ----··----------------------------~- Judge's Incredible Ruling Costs Marina Sunset Title By ROGER CARL!ON OI fflt o.111 P• tfelr Mar1N lllgh School'• uplr1Uons for • flnt-ever vanity mm clwnpionahip in the Sunsel League went down the drain Wednesday. when l!n unbelievable judg- ment coll by an offidal wiped out the VlklDgs' optnine :IOO medley relay vic- tory. Tbe call gave Anabclm lirst place In the event at.d eventually dropped the varsity tiUe in the Colonists' hands. ol the length ol the l'JOI bdore beln& han- ded the diaqua!Uicatlon. The chain of events overshadowed a remarkable eflort by Marina swlmmers in an ellort lo choke o!I the defending Jeagu~ champions. . Lippoldt broke a league recwd in the 200 individual medley with a sparkling 2:04.4 and came back later to erase a league standard in the 100 back with a 56.4 clocking. 1.tate Keith Donaldson was J1so a dou· ble winner in individual efforts, winning the 50 free la 2%.6 and aetUng anotbet record for the VWngs wltb a U.i 100 free ellort. Kevin Williams rounded out first place finishes for Marina wiLb a 1:08.$ iD the JOO breast. Newport Harbor domlnaled the Bee and Cee tiUe races, eaaUy adding the meet victory lo ita undefeated lightwei&bt dual meet record. John Wilcos Jed the Tars with a 1 :00.0 In the 100 Oy and a 1 :02.2 in the 100 iDo dividual medley in Bee compeUtioo. lo lhe and il ... Anaheim with 7911 ,-S lo llarlna's 67 and Newpcrl _.. .. ~la the rtlay lopped oll lf poiDb !nm the Vibs' twn total The call, made qalnst Marina'• .,....... ......,. !loo Lippoldt, came wbm the ~ dldn, ae the Viking ---... the tum. u made, the touch w11 doot three feet under the Damaging Report Erroneous News Story . --· ..__ to Vllte coach Larry AnpleL !hrina WOii the race by three-quarters Hurts GWC Recruiting Sports In Brief Foetball recru!Ung at Gold<n West College was thrown into a twy earlier this week by 1111 erroneous story in the i!<gister, a Santa Ana newspaper. A big selling point !or Ray Shackleford and bis staff, is the stale junior college playo!ls. U the Rustlers land a bumper crop of. new recruits to go along with a plentiful suppJy of returning veterans, they figure lo have a good •bot at win- ning the new Southern California Con- f erence and thereby land a berth in the larp school pla,.rls. Tbe Santa Ana paper, however, said the state playoffs would be divided into JOEL SCHW.A..RZ "*****''*'**'''* three divisions -Jarge, medium and small -and Golden West and the Southern Cal 'Conference would be-in the medium school division. But that isn't the case. The state playoffs will remain in their present eetup with large and small school divisions, pending approval by the state junior college athletic committee. Golden West Jlld the Southern California Cooference will be classified ij!•ne ,...,. Golden wes1 hu • been in emtance the Rustlers haven't en· joyed particularly cordial relationa with the Santa Ana press and this latest eUort to hurt i\s recruiting program doesn't figure to warm the relationship. The difference between the large and small ICbool (or mysterious medtwn) playoffs on the JC leirel is like drawing a bid to the Bluebonnet Bowl instead of lhe )lose Bowl. Where the Santa Ana paper dug up the three division playoffs remains a mystery. "It was never brought up before the state athletic commjttee," said Chet Devore ol Southwestern College, Southern Killy, Dares Brundage To Come After Meda'ls PARIS -"'Let Brundage come over here himlelf and take them from me." 'lbilJ wu the reaction Wednesday of French triple Olympic •kling champion J....claude Killy lo a report that the JntemaUonal Olympic committee was Wing him lo return bl> medals. Killy oald he bad not been notilied ol lbe committee's intenUm. IOC presJdent Avery Brundage WU quoted as saying he had made the request in a Jetter. to the FederaUon Jntematiooale du Ski. ••Brundage would have to go go my home town In Val d'loere lo gel the medals," Killy llid. "and I've got a lot ol frlmdl there.'' "" ... ClllCAGO -OwDtt Anllar C. Allyn ol tho Cdcqe Wldte Sox says be _, -Fnd U..y, vice preoldeDI ol Ille Calllnla Allgdt -ee uybGdy •la -to WMTJ 1boat 1ala dab'• franchise loelilh. Allyn W 1 bot retort Wednellday lot Huey's comment b Milwaukee helday amt the -11 ruson t.be White Sox .,va '& movtcl to MDwaukee 11 tbtlr lomltve TV-ndlo Mira<! la Cllcqe. "TeD Fnd Bu<y be lln'I operating the akaeo ftl&e Soi franchlle ud lie -·t -1111 l<rrltory """' • bok In tho ..-, • Allyn Wormed Sperta 'tidier Geerp Vw of the Clllcago Dally N .... "" HOUSTON Joe Frazier Is last beciom1Jt1 bozlna's No. 1 capitalist. '1bl Pbllldtlphia kid with the now-you- -..i -·)'OU-don't l<it hook tias 1-cu-teed $250,000 to deltnd Ills huVJwefcbt title June 2.1 in New York Oty'1 Madiaon Square Gtrden agalnsl J«ry Quarry. He esmd $509 a $1'lCOnd or $48,<m for bis llteccad inociout of outclass;ed •, Dave Zyglewicz in Houston Tuesday night. BOSTON -JtecaUea V1dton, 'Wboat 1pedacular goalteadlng two lllPll ago Pld Moatrul ODMIP oa Boa&ol ii Uielr Slanle)' CUp pl1Yolf lerles, 11 "l",Lt<d to be 1n tH net apln &olllgbt u ~1111· dJeu stet to wnp It ap. Tbe )'OU, netmlnder took over for Lonie "Ga.mp" Wonlty, wbo WU nursing an h:IJared finger, IJld pr.cetded to I-!le Bndu all lllgbt la M,.. lrell'1 6-1 victory al the Forum Tuesday tllpt. "" NEW ORLEANS -Fr« tllrowa by Wamm,Armstrong In the waning minutes pushed Oaklind to a 113-107 conquest of New Orleano Wednesday night In the third 1une of the Western Division championship playoffs ol the American Basketball Association. It gaVe the Oaks a commanding 3.0 lead In the be>i<>f.7 series. Oakland could Map up the dMakln tltlt with a victory over the Buccaoeers here Friday nlah~ llOKANSON GETS OCC TRACK POST FTtd llobnlon, assistant track coach at Wtlltnlnster Hlgb School ror the lut three yon.. has been named to a simUar poll at Oraole Cout College. ffolwlllon, a graduate ot OCC and UC Santa Barbara, replaces Don Guyer, who wUJ lake over as head track coach at SaddJtbtct College next season. Hokatl5Clll'1 appointment is effective Stpt. L -----------~ ----- Calllornia representative on the state group. "A lot ol people are •Ull hung up about the exact 61rudure ol the piaycilll, but we've never di8CUSSed changing the format from a large aod small school basis.'' Devore sald the state committee will meet May 12 in San Francilco to approve the tOOI playoll schedule. The lelilalfve large schoo1 slate loots like this: Upper.Bl'Hkd .Western State Conference at Metropolitan ConferOllCe , 5outb Coast Conference • al Miaaioo Confert!nce Lower Braclet SOuthem Cal Conference at Valley Conference . Camino Notre Conference at Golden Gate Conference · Devore said the state committee also will approve a different site selection system for this yearfs playoffi. The locale of last year's cbampkmship game, Fresno, was determined befort the fool· ball season began. This fall the championship game pro- bably will be played in the home atadium ol ene ol the two linalliita. "There are mixed feeling on thil," Devore said. "Some people think if the playoffs are held year ~ter year in the 681Jle place, like the !lose Bowl, they11 attract more CaM and adVance publicity ~ll be easier. "However,) think the IQCal ~who have supportal a f<am Ill ......, long ohoold have the right lo CCllllinue their .Upport at home. Alter all, the Green Bay Packers played a championship iJme in freezing weather before the home folks. ,We can ho the same without worrying about fretling!' • DIAMOND N 0 TE 8 Gary Dunkelberger, Orange Coat11 Oreballlnc right hander, will fongo a lhot at ~ fe11ional baseball for at lt:ut two ye.an in favor of a college education. The Pirate pltcber was drafted by the San Diego Padres, but bas decided to attend Chapman College, the defending NCAA amall collqe champion, next fall. Golden West'• baseball woes coaUDaed this week wUb the word that lbortstop Mite DeGeer and cltcltu Mike Sheline are I01t for the year. Sbellne ha• a dislocated thumb and DeGeer J1 ta a leg cut with a bum knee. WEST ... (Continued Fhiim Page %1) tion with four seconds to go, they bad taken their last gasp. For the crooked-nosed chap from West Virginia completed his strangulaUon of Boston by sinking bolh rr.e throws lo pul the game out ol reach. IOSTOJI l.OS ANOIELIS • • T .~ • T _,, • •• • ....... .. " Htvlk• " "' ~ . .... • .. .. ftvsNtt • .. 1•~"'"'' •• " ' .. " "" • •·• .. Brytnl ,_ • .. " WaO " U·U .U Si.trkd ' •• ' ....... ' '" • ··-• .. ,. c-' ••• , <MMr • .., 1 ..... i... • •• • Crt'l'fot1S • .. • Te" ti " u.a Ill Te .. ~ ~ ,, .. ,, .. '""" l2 " " :M -111 ........ -.u 2l "a-no Ftulld ovt -N-. Tettl tovla -lllwton fl, lM Aileltln ff. A~ -11"""- Laver to Be F etecl Saturday Night Corona del Mar's Rocket Rod Laver will be honored in a special ceremony Saturday nij;ht at Anaheim Cab.Yenilon Center. Lavtt, the world·s top ranked tennis player In 1911, will be givm a special gin between matches al the professional toumarnent at the O>nvenUon Center. C.eremooies are due to btgln at 1:15. Laver was the Wlmbledon Open 11nglcs champlon--his most noteworthy effort in a fantasUc pro campa.lgn which saw him wind up u the world's leading tennis money winner, The flame-haired former Australian llilar is the fllvorite in the Anaheim tour· ney, which gets under way tonight at 6:30 and C'OOC:ludcs Sunday. Tonigbl he meets Alex Olmedo al 9:30. .i\'at~l AAIJ Champions Coach Ed Newland shows off lhe championship trophy his Corona de! Mar Swirii and Water Polo A.!soci.ation team won last weekend in New York 'when it trampled all opposition in lhe National AAU water polo tournament. lbe team (slanding, left to right) -Doug Schaumburg, Mason Philpot, Dale Hahn, Pat McClellan, Ferdy Massimino. Kneeling Mike Martin, Jim McDonald, Bill Leach, Eric Garson. Start Too Y aung Angels Have Shaky Hold On Last Place Swimnwrs Burned Out MILWAUKEE (AP) -Tbe California Angels, with a shaky hold on last place 1n the American League's West Division after a 7-1 Joss to Chicago, took the day off today before playing at Kansas City. By Sophomore Season 'Mle Angels met the White Sox at Milwaukee for the last game of their series Wednesday, and were greeted by a Angel Slate Apr. lS-.\11119~ •t Kanu, ClfY, 5:15 p.m .. KMPC (1101 Acw. 26-AnilflS II K1nws Cltv, 5:25 p.m .. KMPC (710) Acw. 27--Anclell ti Kansas Cltv, ll:ts t .m .. kMPC (1101 barrage of hits along with a 'chill 46- degree temperature braved by only 8,S&i fans. The lone Angel sal vo came in the first inning as Jay Johnstone blasted a triple and scored on a sacrifice fly. After that the Angels picked up only flve more hits from Chicago's Gary Peters. The Sox banged out 10 hits against four Ca!ifomia pitchers and JI.tanager A1 Lo- pez declared, "We have been hitting the ball pretty good. These kids ha ve been bitting like this au ispring." The Angels threatened only one other time after scoring in the first. In the ~ighth, pinch hitter Bubba Morton drilled a single to left to open the inning. With one away, Jim Fregosi's high bounder to third went for a single. A wild r=. sent the runners to ~ and Then Peters got the next two batters on high pop ups, CA.LIJl'ORHIA CHICAGO t•rll>'M t•rllrM JllllnitoM.cllllOC.Mfy,lf' 4122 Fregesl. ll ' O I o A.1>11rk lo, u 4 1 2 2 L.Jehnion, rl J O O I Mtllan. 311 4 0 2 I Ae;clltrd!. II J O 1 O Pavlltlctl, lb 4 e 0 I StlJlOrt. 10 4 II 0 I J(l!.fl)h"'"' c 3 I 0 I A.ROdri9ue.l. 3b 4 O I O Bradtonl. rf J I I J KllOfl>. 2D ' o o o Berry. cf ' 4 o o o St!rltno, c l o I e Alo!Mr. 20 l 2 2 o Brunel, p 2 o I e Ci.Pti.n. p 2 I I 0 Borbon. p 0 0 0 0 Mti1trsmltt>, p o o e e Marton. ph 1 D I 0 E,Fl1htr, p e e 0 0 Toliil l1 ~I t 6 I Ttl•l~ 31 7 10 1 C11Uor~1t 100 000 000 -· I CM ca go 000 llO Jib -7 can you lmqine a high !Cbool lootball coach worrying about bis 80pbomore quarterback b$g a bas been before he's a senior? Or a basebaB coach worried that his sophomore or junior pitcher may have a c:hronic sore arm by the; time he's a &enior? Those are a couple ol lhings thal went ••••¥•••······~ ROGER CARLSON • •••••••••••••• through my mind as l listened to an Irvine League roach talk about his swim fortunes for the future. Listen to the coach's dialogue: "Yes, that sophomore of mine will undoubtedly be my best swimmer for the next two years -if be doesn't burn out belore then, "They just put these kids into age group swimming too early. In my opi· nion, kids shouldn't start C-OmpeUUvely unLil they're at least 12." Age group .cornpetition seems to start earlier and earlier these days and some people must wonder just where it's all going lo and. The latest fashion is a pre-school swim meet designed for swimmers five and un· der. * * Coach Tom Trager Is 1ppam1Uy do- ing It with mlmirs at Corona deJ Mar IDgb School. HI• varsity bueball team, cumatly in Major League Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE Eas& Division Chicago Pittsburgh New York Mont.real St. Louis Philadelphia \Von Lost Pct. GB 11 4 .733 - 10 s .667 1 Ii 8 .429 41,1 6 8 .429 4~ 3 9 .357 S't,; 4 8 .333 Sii West Division Atlanta Los Angeles San Francisco Cincinnati San Diego Houstoo 10 JO 1 6 5 4 4 .714 - 4 .714 - ' .1311 21\ 6 .500 3 tO .333 51\ 12 .250 7 AMERICAN LEAGUE Bahimore Detroit Boslon New York Washingtoo Cleveland Afinnesota Olicago Kansas City Oakland SeatUe Calilomla Eut Dlvl•loa Won Lott Pd. GB 12 5 .'1118 - 15.8153 8 6 .571 21\ 7 6.5113 1 10 .4.lJ 5 1 ll ,(183 811 Wett Dlvilion 8 7 I 7 5 4 5 .6t5 -s .58.1 ~~ ' .571 ~i 7 .500 J\\ I .38S 3 a .333 3~i w ......... ,.. ·-It• • ........,., .... "' $1. Loull •• C:ll~ rt!" Wtt.hl .. 1111ft t, aa ton I PlllltdtiPhlt t i Ma<llrrfl, ,.;,. M~• 7, Olkltllll ' A.11 ... ft 11 !o.tfl Fr1r1<1J(I), r•lf'I Ntw Ycrt 2, Pll"""ttll t Hftl Y•rt flt Citvttf!WI, ""' MOU$~ 4, S.tl OifqO 0 Btlllmot't 1. Ottl'Olt 2. 10 ftlnlf!fl Lt1 A"9elt1 6, (lntjtlnall I Chit-J, Ct!l!Ornlt t TtdtJ'I Gtmft K-Clh' 4 S..nlt I P!ttlbv,..,. Hlll H f.(l) Al N-Vert; l$t8Vtr 1·11 PMlldell>lllt t~ 0.,1 t1 Maf'llri•I (Grant 1·1· TINY'I ._. SI. l&ul.t. tGl111li 1·11 fl Cll1"90 !Mourm ... 2-C) o.11.\and (Odom •11 ti M'-aott '"'""" l·tl the thick of tbe Irvine League Utle nee wltb Loara and Magn.olla. bu a team with aa ovtrall batting average of next &o nothing. Lut week's tabulatlon1 showed Ute top regualr (over ZS..t-batt) wlt!a ID aver· age of .m. * * * Despite completlm ol a pool l!Cbeduled for May, It appears Mission Viejo High School will not field a 6Wim team next year. Lack of necessary funds for lane markers, sweat.suits and other related material is listed as the chief reason. Ifs also understood that San Clemente High will not field a water polo team in the fall. * * Estancia lllgb's track and fjeld fortu.Del for the fulure appear l'OIY• . Coach Tom Fisher will have all but three of bis aces back next year with only George Barnett, Charlie Hoyt ind Bob Gordon scheduled to leave via gradaation in June. * Prep b""ball ls a tough nut IA> figure. HunUngton Beach ii 6-11·2 on the year, yet has a 2-0 win over Sunset League power Western and a 5-5 tie on the books with Freeway League 1oughie Kennedy to its credit. * * * The CIF Southern Section office 1111 received nqaests from the Angeln1 and Del Rey league• to be moved into A.AAA circles in all sports. lnd.icaliou are that approval of ncb a move ii a mere formaUty, .1969 ,Austin America t A\•ailable '"/Automatic Tranarnildoli ~" Ole9D C&«lhirlrll I-ti t i Hou1_., !Grilflfl 1·11, Wttll ... loll ,..,..,., ... 1.tl .t lkKtett (Jll'Vlll I-Cl GftLD ••&L USID ~•••• nltllt N.w Yll't. IP•"'*' 1.tl .i C ..... t.Mi Cl ltnl WJ, ~ -- Clf'l(ir-11 (Clonlfllff 0.-Jl " Lts o\"Mia COll!ltll nltM FINEST SnlCTIOH .).OJ, "ltfll l)fl1'$11 fWI'-1·11 tt lflltl'"Or9 1Md4t11Y Ml. flltf'll OF USID SPORT CAllS I A.!llfllt IJDhn-.. ,, •t ~~ l'r~1-llolln 1"1) OnlY .-lldlldvltd ,---------~~~===---· ------.. t_;IN SOUTHDN CALIPOUI~. AUTHORIZED FULL SERVICE AND PARTS FOR ALL IMPORTED AUTOMOBILES J1rtuporr jl111porr~; • • 3100 WIST COAST HU~HWAY -NIWPOIT llACH '42·'405 Mo-17'4 Alltloori1ad M• e AUSTIN·HIALIT Daolor A-nd FllltAll Daolar, W.. a S...lca - J1rluport 31t 11 ports ---~------------~---------------------~...._ TJKwsday, Aprlt 24, lM DAILY rll.OI' P Tritons Rip ·-Laguna, 97 --30; Tars Duel For Orange Coast A.ioea Prep Tennis Summaries Co-leader • Ill Tars, Vikes Win Nrwport llartior H 1 t b v1nie1_, ~ "--' 111\\J I"' 11~11 •11 ......., S'l'r .,.. ~ llt1 -"'' School, with lhree Ues st.ill .. ~ ~~~r .:. UC.:.... c.ttttMr--n, --'°" ....... 11 ... , ""'' Mlrilll . loll ,_ 1(-le W. Clolll ..._ ~ U . Hirt !NHl -~ M. ... 6"1. s-.... daflllinl in front ol its varsdy .... 'i'P..wcJ.!!._\o"'' ._dJLm':Z:~~!!.~,,=. i~~t1U~1-ir...'"f:,~!:ot" .. ,~·._,, ~:U"T:i 1:1 '::" ,':t; Jt ~ 't., Sunset Jn an abbreviated track and field schedule, Marina and Newport Harbor high schoo1a swept to Sunsel League dual meet victories Wedneaday afternoon. Marina whipped h o s t Weslminster, 67-51, while Newpqrt Harbor's S a I lo r s were taking care of host Hun- Ungton Beach, 74-42. at Golden West College. In Crestview League action, it was invading San Clemente in command over Laguna Beach, 97-30. Newport's Darel Blood was the lone double winner at Golden West, laking t h e sprints in 10.5 and 22.7. Sailor Rick Pierce ran the mile in 4:41.0 for the Tars· best mark of the day. Huntington Beach shot put· ter Kurt Clemens made his best ellort of the year with a 55-91,2 toss. Marina's victory came in the sprints and hurdles where the Yikes assumed complete control of the meet. Dave Lacy led a one-two- three sweep in the JOO and 220 with 10.0 and 23.Z times and Jim Gaughan won the 440 in SJ .7. Bob Lemmon capped the day for coach Jack Rowan's outfit with wins in both hurdles, going 15.0 and 20.5. Lacy was a triple winner for Marina, winning the long jump with a 21·51h effort. W e s l m i n s ter's \Vayne Akiyama won the mile in 4:36.4 to keep the Lions close. Rick Geddes ~E:d the San , Clemente rout, sweeping the sprints in 10.3 and 23.2. LagOna Beach 's Dave Hustwick took his specialty, the 880, in a methodical I :59.9. Tars-Oilers \11rsl1Y Mllnllftltlll 1421 (741 N•Wlll'rf M••W IUO -I, Blood (NH ) 2. Bl•!• !HBI J. Scllulri !NH). Time: 10.S. 1'1G -1. Blood (NM) 2. H091n IHIJ J. Ff1ll (NHI. Time; n .1. I.CO -1. Adi,.._ OIHI ). ROlllfS (NH) ), Slr-h IHlll. Time: J?.O. uo -1. McQuown (MIU 2. Dtl•nev INH) l. 0-..1 (NH). Time; J:llJ,l. Mllf -I. Plfrc• !NH) 2. VtnClrnPell (NHI l. Hl1>8iOll (H8). Tlmt: 4:11.0. 2..Y.lle -1. Fltlcher (NHI 1. Multtl\$ fH8f J. Ch1llllon !NH). Tim<!: 10:'1.7. 110 HM -I. Ecckl (NH ) J. Styli !NH) J. Milllr IHll ). Tim•: U.I. uo LH -I. Mlllt• CHll ) 7. Ectin (NI-II J. Cotltn !NH). TllTlf!: lJ.I. I 4'(I 11~1 • ., -1. Nf'NPOrl HarDOr T;m~: Ci.o. ' Mlle Rel•• - 1. New-I H••IXI• ' Tlme: J :ll.•. I HJ -1. McGlv1>e• (Hiil I. H~Vffl ' CNH l J ........ !Iner (HBl. Htlthl: 6-7 LJ -1. MlrllMl IHB) 1. Bk»cl I NH) I. F\111 INN). Dl1!1M:e: lf.10. PV -1. Wiid !NH) 1. W~I" (Hii l 3. Ht> tllird. H11,111: 12.1. SP -l. Clemtna lHB! 1. Aldrldl INH )J. Morltn'IOll (HI). Di1!1ric:t : .U. t lj. '" Hunll"'i.n CK) f4tl N......,.. too -1. RHHr INH) 2. Upton (HBl J. Oorr~ll IHI). Time; 10.•. no -1 . .-.rm1nd 4/>jHI 2. 101111r (NHI l. Sul !NH). Tim•: 2J.5. '60 -I. J1ffe (NHl 1. St1b!er {NH} l . Ba!tmen IHB). Tim!: 1:,,.1. 1J?O -!, B•nlltv (NH) 2. Flet™r !NH) l . McGef tHB!. TllTlf!: 3:!,.6, 110 NH -1. HendrlcklO<l !HBI t , H1rvey CHiii J, 08!>1 (NH). Ti~: 11.J. 11'0 LH -I, Reeser !NHJ 7. D1vl1 fHB) 3. Dlhl INHJ. Tlmt: !•.5. 180 Rel1• -I, NtwPMI H1rbor. Time: l :lS.•. HJ -1, McGlvtnV IHB) 7. Civil CHBI J. Hort fHBI. H•l9hl: S-1. LJ -1. Rllctl" (Hiii 2. Holt (Hiil l, · Seti (NH), Di1t1nct: 1'·Wlo. PV -1. !omit!! fHBl :t O.vls (HBl 3. Kfll'I (Hiil. Hel1hr: llM. SP -1. Mo•~ (Hl l 7. a ..... 111 /Hiii J. Atltwittgn INHJ. Di1l111a1: .,_ """ '" H1111H"'tefl {SJ) IUI N,w"'1 lllO -l. AmlM INHI t. Fl•rrlo (HBl 3. Gentml NH\, Tlme: 11.0, 190 -I. "°'''" fNHI '· Flerrlo (HllJ l. Amin INH). Tlrne: ll.t. . "° -I. a-{NH) '· Henton (HBJ J. er;,.. INHl, Time: l ;ll,7. l»D -1. D1Vl!fll>Ol1 {Hiii .i, .-.1w1rd (NH) S. Holcomb INH). Tlme: l:,,.I. 120 LH -1. Mllll•etl CNH) 2. eom11111 IHI) l . Brice CNH) Time: U.i. .ua RlllY -1. Huntl119ton I NC:t!. !ll1k1r. Hoblt. l1vlt11, Flffrlo). T!mt: "'·'· HJ -1. Wor"'Y (HI) 2. (Dlllntl (HB) l. Blktr (H8). Htlvhl: $-J. LJ -1. Amie• (NH) J. Colll11111 (Hll) J, Andtr'IOll (Hiil. Dl•ttna!: 1 .. 11. P\I -I. Mlf(tl(I! (HBI t. Andtlfn IHI! l. Worthy (HB l. H1lthl: Ml. 5P -l, B1vlt11 (H8l l. Nobll 04B) S. Tlmmerm1n !HI), Dllllrtet: .52-tVI. l'lkes-Uons Vl<'lltJ Wn tmlntlll' tSll UJJ Mllrlti• 10D -I llcY (M) J. J. V•ntlmitoll.I !Ml 3. D.-111nt !Ml. Time: 11.0. 220 -I. LtcY CMJ 2. J. Vtnllmltll11 !Ml L Dre1""9 IM). Tl'"": 23.J. 1o10 -I, Gllltlht" (Ml 2. T. V- 11,..1111.1 tMJ L Mlddocl.• IWl. Tlmf; '1.7. ' SEE ThrilAng Action During ANAHllM l'llOllSSIONAL TENNIS TOURNAMENT ~,_,._.... •• Actle!i. *ROD LAVER *Roy Emerson *Pancha Gonzales ... I 3 DAYS ONlYI April 25, 26, 27 Friday • • • 6:30 plll Sa1111lay • 7:30pm Sunday •• 7:30p111 ~NAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER ""''" " 1'1·' """" fl .00 -rtl Adotl"ftn $2.00 ··""" $4.001'8.00 • -I. kYte.. tWI 2. Nldlolt (WI l. Chlmberllln tWJ. 7hM: 1:11-'. Miit -1. Aki•-(WI I. a.11111 IM) 2, H11rtl !WI. TlnM: •:)I,(, i.Mlll -l. Dl1IOll (W) I. Vert• (W) l.·Loc:~ IW). Time: f :.U. 1:10 HH -1, l..lmmM (Ml 1. Dunllll (WI 1 Weld11"11n fW). Tlmt~ IS.I. llO LH -1. Lef!'llNlll CMl :t ""'" (WI J. Whftltr IM!. Ttme: '9.1. .ua lttl.IY -I, MMlM ,flllTA.NO, J. lf\d T. V111tlmitllt, Lia'). TJ!'F141; '3 .•. Miit lttllY -I, Wnlminf.lit<' (~ dockt. Akl'IMll, Bl'flef'; CJ\lmbt....ilnl. Time: 3:3'.•. l-IJ -1. Cllfkb tMJ 2. k~ (WI l. L1mmon tMl. Hf!l.ll'lt: .. I. LJ -1. lAcY IMI t. ~ tW) l. Rldlmond (M). Dlst1nu: 21-S"'- PV -I. WM-tie!" {M) 1. McMffftl (Wl l. Ntv"'rt JM). Hleelll: l'H. SJ>-l:Mceionts fW) I. DAllJ,. CMI l. $0!1tt IWl. DJll=: .5:M". Mw1n11 floU (Ml W•l'll\llltl• JOO -1. Bllltit CMI t. G1,11tlhon (Ml 1 KtMM (W). Timi: lk 220 -1. G111tilfson !Ml 2. Kt"'" (W) l. ltOM'I' (Ml. Time: 11.S. '61 -I. HIYl'>H {Ml I. Lorel'll tMI I. Kl'l\MdY !Ml. TlnM.: l :Jl.1. ll20 -I. HoY (WI'· 8rl0."" !Ml l, Dlddttr (MJ. Tlmf: 3::12.1. 12t HH -1. Avtr'l'I (M) I. Hoffm;an (Ml l. L1nl1N IWI. Tlme; 11.t. UCI LH -I. Av.rt? !Ml I. Ht11r1ndli !Ml l, Dellldo ~WI. Time: 1•.2. AO ltelty -I. Both 11!11'11 dll· llUlllried. HJ -I. l sbfH IW) '· HlrMndtl (M) 3. MCNalllhlon (',,.), Helthl: $-,, LJ -I, ROMY (Ml 2. KtnnedY (M) 3. Newllouw !WI. Ol1l11nt:t: lt..i. PV -1. Etll.on 4M) 2. Dlsberry CW) 3. W•lel'I'• (M). H1l1111!: J-4, SP -1. Jtf111ln111 !Ml 1. McN1119~lon CW) J. Schlflfer CM). Dl1t1nce: .S-10. '" Mlrlnt 1751 Ill) W11lftlJn1tt r ICD -1. MellbY (M) 1. Htlml1>!•1( [M l 3. Plcl(fortt (Ml. T!mt: 10,1. llD -I. Mlltby IM! 2. Plc•tord 4Ml J. Kev<! !WI, Tlmt: lt.O. U.O -l. Hurtm.t1> (Ml 2. lrewt r (M) l. W1rtJ !Ml Ti-: l:JL•. 11211 - 1. Yori< (M ) 1. W1150l'I (W) J. R!~d•m•tntr (Ml. Tl,.,,@ : J:21.I, UI lH -I. TIYIDI IM.J t Dt.IW ~Ml~I. llt<11n' tWJ. Tlmt1 141. aa lttl.I~ -1. Merlt\e, TIMf; 11,1, ... J -1. C91lltr tM.I I. M911n11111JnW ~w' l. ltMltfntcfWr tM). Ht'9~t: S-1. lJ -I. lottl~ IMI 1, H1r1t1 fM) l. l'tcllho IWJ. Dltllnc.: IN. PV -1. T9v1Dl (M) 2. Tit brtw .... Wl .. 1 lMl, Sttlllw (W), Y•-th" (Ml lftd WMlller IMI. Htl91'1t: N. s~ -1. P11rl CM)'· Whttlet IMI l. Wlilrffdlll'I (WI. DllllllCI: .U.1114. baseball team , but one les.s ""AAir. "f"oDD.n lt~~r'~t -o"'T1n... "'R1 .. (NH) -1-1, "" "•·2. .:11"'~· tMI loll 14, M . , ... ,.,, • ICM! 1"" MlllC H; Cli!il l.f. ""--I• W1rcltll !Ml Ill!, H : -· 1-J.,."2. .. i:it "" -1. ~etoH !sci i. Piw~ lop than rlv1l Western in " °"'11t:t •· (Ltl l. Ouv1H {$(). Timi; 11.t. ,Jn~J.~"lL tel. ,1,::;i.•'l, J, B~ 11111 .. 1..., (N ) -"°· M.'" '*""" UCI 1.M -1. C11lll IKI 1. Duv1ll S'Unset League IC l I 0 R • .. Ptrrlfto tM Durvtn f~N) -'"'·.. W:,~'?'1. •t1_ HltbOt'I (Ml ltll, 1 .... Ml (SCI 1. ~trer tSCl. Time: U.4. fOUJ'll<YI lo Western Friday DMMn J, 6-1, i.. ~bed f."' • .,.,,. c1111 ..,.1 ,... M. .. .... ~ -1. Slft•C!tmtnk. Time: .~~~-:-rc.=1 ~~~)'"tr .!tt":lr~ "---' ".!::.*1ilT"ln a.i. ,.... , .. I tied, 1· ' 1 ~•.1. Afternoon In a make -or ~.:r=i~1,;i •l:'~ JllMt .,,,.,.., HJ -I. E1111trorn tSC. No~.. NU!t:lWy break -test with the M~:..nh 09""9 f Vi "'' Mvt.. ., .... , M1r1M llMI 17\.\) ........... ll'llnf. Heli;llll +-10. ,.~ •nd Shlq. ) M '-· loll lo Mir· :tlllllK 1111ti.1 'J -I. E-·-IS<I '· PlC'IMI• Pklneers. -· Ind -1'1 u. $-• H1W.1ll (N H} won,t1. I-Cl. 6-1, .. ,. Hlnf\11 IM) .... ,..., -· .. ,. '"'· •• I Ill t k Junlll' \11rlltv Mo0r1 fNH l """"1 M , .. ,, .. 1. l(odi \Ml _,, ttJ. I .. 2. '"'· CLll 2. MnthsH !Kl. Dlsfl l!C•• "·'· The w nner w a e over '-111• \11Htw 114Vil U~l C11l1 R-· INMI -.. 1, M , •. ,, •.l C••kl Ml loltbM1iie2i'' -'"'· ,, ':~ ~·::i~1::'~11'1'?>,;o,Sl>rfllll fSCl undi.!puted flnt plact in Mita llllti.. BIODtr !NH);:.,';!' w. '"2• '-2· Nie~ •1111 °""'"-IMI -...,, ~ Artists.SC s;, -1. G111ttv ILi> '· im1111 1sc1 1. league standings. ~-t u•vi *' Eno:111tv ICM{ •o. ~ ,.,.. N-1" iNHl _ ,.1,'" •·tt.',;,w~ ~ ._..1 11111 i..t. 1,,1 v~-·~~1· !'*i',~~.~·1:K1 1. r,1bbv Coach Andy S m I l h "! ' M. si dhlm '-ti 1<11• '-•rtitr o. {.~:,'·..., MCN1U9'ltw1 t~HI i.1 • WO!\. "1. M ; '°''· u . --.. I I 0 • ll I ~ 'fVI <NI Erwbltv !CMI .... • u · -6-I M. v-·-, .. a.-tti lt11 Ill) I.I"'*' ILll J. lAndrtfl'I IL · 1111nc ' • Newport ouU;t Wi be gong ~ • '"'""' » <~~ u ' ' ' ' _.,,~ tao -I. CO-:• IK) 1. Glr<ll ( ) .... Into th• crucial without third ·-5•11 , ......... lh\o'Jl UVd ., ""'*"-SC •• ,• • 1 > ~ ' ..... .. YI""'° N-..rt Ctt•l C4V.I Wnltr11 2. C•"'""ll CSCl. Tlm41: 11.l. c" ICM .... Ad-w.. trd'llm .. 1. ,....... • ... ,.,. -1, ~ (SC) '· GtrN (SCI a.. Cit-" ISO Clll llwat baseman Bob Leavy, a .a. Cil.l~':n '"lFv\ DH Ef!Dlll~ lCMI •1. PIOwdtft \SCI -.... M . u , 6-1. C"111111191111'1 CN) -.. 2. ........ .... 1 '"'" (LB). TlrN: r.l.:t 100 -I. F..,.1 (SCI J. MoHil ISCJ l. Adlml f,2. $ ldhiiftl "4, (Ir! ... 6-1. Riiis ($( -.. 11 ""'' 2-4; -.. ,1 C"-rlls CM) -M. .. 1, ...... I. ... -.. '"'" IL.Bl I . .,_(SCI N•lllol-IL•I. Tlmt; lt.t. plµs hltter. He's on the °'""' tltd 1-1. It-(N) -..,, 11111 w. M, u. 1 Kr-IKI. Time: U... SC ••• .. -1· Frw:ILl<ISCTII ~ ~lbtf1 ILBI doubtfU) list because of ! bad· Jllfttl aflCI MHltr IFVl Clll MllrlM• '--:J•,<1,-, ..... , M. .. 1..,•,>.,. ,.,, Hltk1M CHI _, H. '-ti !ltd 1·1, --I. H1111Wldl !LI) :t Pltw ( I 2. I ,,_ • """' ""· • Md p°""' ~I .. l. 6-lt M1Ut wltt> WM.. Cl U. M °"*'9 l. hllllnllll !SCI. Tlmt,;. l:Jt.t. ... -I. ""°°'" (Liii I. Alllfin (SCI ly jammed foot s uffered ~f ..... .. M. -t. DMMft Hirt ..... •rldr INI -.. 1 ... ,, 6-1, Miii -1. Llntbldt 1SCI t. W1"tw. l. Monllon {LI). Timi: l ::ll.4• tin Be ch ChefnDW 1ne1 ldhMlt<' IFVI dlll 6-l (SC) 1 McltrlOll ISCI. Tr.nt: •:2'.1, ll20 -I. L•mblN llBI t. c;.rt11 againsl llun gton • a . • • Mltr•-Ind Po ... ICMI 6-1. M. NHl~~l'orr .. ltt ISC I -'"" Ptrl11111 ..... 1'111'1' {NI -w. w. ... J.Mllol -1. Skill ISC! t. •ru11etr (SCl l. T"""' (SCI. Tlmt: 3: •• 1. His replacement IS 1un1or Purttll Ind ltoldlll M. L4. 6.J, •• .:.SL ', ·--(SCI ....... 1. '"'· !Kl 1. Stlfil"' (SCJ. Tlm.t: 10\~: J.L Ill LH -I. _.rll !SCI 2. S-Y .,,,,_Ji :1 ••• J t rvff 11t HH -'· Miier 1sc1 1. Bliek.. tL111 F1n11: 1sc1. Timi!: 1'·'· Cary Foster. E~\-W:~e\21.W.'~~.m s. '-2. .. ,. • ~-vtn1tt N.-t nt¥J> 11.,,.1 wnttno tSCI 1. llllln tSCJ, TlnM: U .1. uo lltltlr -I. 51" C""-fre. Tlmt: Pitching duties for Newport 1 . ' 1•11 c11N11t (ti UI ., MMI... Hfcl'IOla 00 -.. 1. '"'· ,_CH -I, BIKktr !SCI l. ~ler 4 .1. sh Id f .Sc.lllff, IL,[lfMI U. '"'· W. .... ·-... , •• IHI -•1. •>. tsii l . McMlnlt Ill!. Tlmt: 14.1. Ii.I -l. T.,.,., (SC) t. HolllrOll IKI Harbor fall on the OU ers 0 =.t!btt '1lri'' ..!! i:i·. 4;.,2-t.. KtlMy (SC ) -.. l. .. ,. 11~i'i tNI -;,, 1·1. 4All R1r1y -1. 5111 Cltmtnlt. Tlme: J. S-Y {LB). Htl ... t: $-2. $'"VO •·~Uer. Who has ·1 • '"'" JNI -•1. •1 ,.... U -1. T.,,.., (SC) 2. Fry1 ISC) l . ..._ ~· 24. M. ~~~:/ill= ... 1:J: '" Miit 1te11v -1. L""""' 1uc11. Ferr••I !st>. Olltarw:1: , .. N . racked up an 8-4 mark for the ~... R'1111 csc io.1 ,,., s.. oww. Tlnw: 1:».J. P\I -I. s-(LI) 2. Hoflmtn I . f ' I S t fnt.,..Wllrbowskl 4Lll) won 6.2, 1.j; "-"""' H1wthor111 ind JoMs lNI -6.1/ HJ -1. HMll'NIM (Kl '· Alleri tSCl (SC) J No "'lrd. Ht1.,,I: M season inc udmg 1ve l'I unse iov.~.\t. (LBI loll .... M. IM, ,. c-Ind Llmlltrt (S(l -..... , loll !Ml :H. J, ..... ., ILll. Htleht: .H. sP'.~j'·~·~ .. ~~IL~l~l~t~-~~~~"~'~' ::~~~;v~;~t~::::::::::::::;;:;;::~~=====:::::::::::::'~·;:;::::;::::::::::::::::::;;;:""'::~·~ ... ~·~1:-~·;;··:·;;-;;~·~·~· ·~·c·_ LJ -1, Htltll'llM (S() J. Md)1rry l Chrbtlel'llM IL•l. Dl1t1nce: ~ ' 6. • ISC) l. GMldtl (SCI. DllllMI: \ ... \II. -•• PV -1, Mollw•• tLBI t. Ollmlr CLI) J. M1litr (SCI. Hth1hl' 1:1-1. SP -1. Hvll'lllhrn (SCI t. Ct'" !SC) J, GMnor (SC). Dl1!anct: "-1. Dl1e11& -I. Hvnti11lrt'f !Kl 2. Prodl (LB) J. MD1ew1y !LB), Dl1t1na: 11W. '" Siii Cllmlftt. IUI OSI L11141111 1CID -I. McKeri••e tSC) 1. Mllct>t!I CSC) J. McC•M (SC). Tlm.t.: 11.0. no -I. McKwult (SCI J. Mlltlltll fSC) 3. Mc<:1nn !SCl. Tlmt: 11.6. MO -I Rulge" CSC l 1. Y•ni•nl (SC l J, P1irlck CSCl. Tlmt: t:n .1. U1G -\. A.ypr !SC) 1. !rum CSCI .] Gru11ke.,1!er !SC !. Tlf1't : l :l?.J. May Co Service Specials Saturday Only! front· end alignment 5.88 Align both fronl wheels, adjust caster and camber, set toe-in and toe-out to specification, balance front wheels, and check complete front end (tor- sion bar adjustments and air condi- tioned cars slightly higher). special brake overhaul 32.88 Includes: 4 new linings; rebuild cylin- ders; turn drums; add fluids; repack front wheel bearings; check seals, hand brake. master cylinder; road lest. Riveted lining higher. electronic ignition tun•up 13.88 6 cyl. car Install: new spark plugs, ignition parts, condenser, rotor; adjust timing and carburelor. Check valve, ring condition, dislribulor, vacuum ad- vance, and wiring for resistance. Phone for appoinlmenl I cyl. IUI. ' lv.C .A.Y C 0 AUTO CE nTr~s -tfi ... fWr et lwilt.I, HI ..... : J4'6fJJ1 ...,u ........ ,..... t •Leading American MenufeCturer • SoHd<enter for tong life. • Super tough cover resist• cut s . While they last, just sin 7.00-13 bltckwall, 2-ply tubeless. P1us trade -in and $1.86 Fed. Ex. Tix Whitewalls $2.qs Extra BFG Long Miler * llew tires at retread prices! * (-ply nylon conl construction in sizes listed * Popular sizes ~ZE FED TAX •121& HURRYI . . 7.75-14 $2.20 $14a& SUPPLY LIMITED! 7.75-15 2.21 8.25-14 2.36 8.25 -15" 2.46 llUAAANTIL ~ -u,..... __. w 111o • ...,._.. ... __ ..... ., .............. _...., ............... ..,... __ _ ............. __ ·--....... --·----lldltll9it ....... --. _.......,_!If-._. •. _,. ........ -. .....-.... •-•lto_..,w_M ••*-___ ..._ ........ ....,.._.~ ._ .... ,... _____ ................. . n,-1111 ...... IOll_ltr_..,. __ lto -··-........ _ ... ti .. __ _ ~ .......... ___ .., BRAKE RELINE 40,000 MILE GUARANTEE • EXPEIT WORKMANSHIP • QUALITY REPLACEMENT PARTS . • SPKIAL LOW PRICES Gua t'"a ntee NO MONEY DOWN FOR IOST CARS COSTA MESA WESTMINSTER JONES TIRE SERVICE L. J. LITTLE'S Big 0 Tire I 2049 HARBOR BLVD. !At lciyl PHONE 540 -434 3 or 646-4421 DAILY 8 am· 6 pm • Sat. Tll 5 pm 7352 WESTMINSTER AVE. PHONE 893-5572 DAILY 8 am· 7pm • Sat. TBS pm OUR OWN BUDGET PLAN • MAST ER CHARGE • SM MfSS PIAfUAl A(i;l pt...nt Mond~ ti Tutld1Y N"t;ht 9t lhe Mew;... TM NWM o4 lht Gt1'114, TM Oi.rllld•. •nd lrontifteon NIC•lV . IANKAMER ICAllD ,\ . --·------- ' DAILY 'ILOT Top Swi1n Maries CIF Rank s Vike In Five Events nie veraalillty of Marin11 High School's Don Lippoldt sbowt up in the latest Clf" release of top swim limes as the Viking Dash ls listed In five individual eventa. He's fifth in the 100 back, eighth In the 40I tree-, tled for fourth in the 50 free, eighth in the 200 individual medley and sixth in· the 200 free. Colt.a Mesa' Dave '9hitaker I~ second in the 50 free with Ids 22.5 and in the 100 free Wl'tb 48.9. Mesa's Chris Gammon is fillb in the JOO fly (54.2) w h I ) e the Mustang's 200 medley relay team is second at l:.f2.9-behind Long Beach Wilson. Estancia's David DeGrasse l.s seventh in the 100 back. Fitzpatrick Wins Mesa GoH Title Pat Fitrpalrick defeated Marilu! Ciampa, three and ooe, IOI' Ille President's Cup championship In Women's club action ·at Costa Me11 Golf and Country Club. The champion. a 21-bandi- capper, is considered one ()f the most improved goUers in Ille clUb. OVerall medalist for the event was Nadine Maze. wh() turned· in 1 36.IJole qualifying round ol 17l. Betty Jo Sleva turned Belly Brown away ()n the 20th hole with a 25-foot put l<> win first vlce-:president honors. In tbe .econd vice-president night. it was Shirley Cum· maro defeating Greta Ianelli , two and one, while the 5eeretary-lreasurer flight was garnered by Evelyn Gorman's two and one victory over Ni na Danielson. Consolation flight winners were Marty Schneider, Bev Battistoni, Rita E n g I a n d • Shirley Hawkes and Mille Pede.nen. Men's club sweepstakes over the weekend were won by Pat Kalama's 75 Jn low gross com- petition while Diet Miller and L. S. Van Sant tied for low net with 66. Miller se«ed a 79-1~ while Van Sant turned in an 80-lf...-M. Following them w.ere Jim 0 ' Sc h a unecy {'la-11-'7), Norm Popkin (77-10-ti7), Al Chirgwin (79-11-'8), Les Jones (13-lf>-...68), Lyle Gra· ham (77-3--69) and I.ff Kirby (87-18-69). Other area pla~ra: are Whitaker in the 200 free (eighth in the 200 free) and Keith OonaldJon flf Marina (tied for fourth in the 50 free). wn ... Cosll Mfta •.ncM AIU!lilol s1111nr Hlth "' ..... Hf F••t!STTL• H.611, lllllO\lt •temilot C•rn. Sut111r Hl1l1 FwrnlH, Foothill McCOllke, a~ UlillH'acll<. -...-im Ll-'111, ,..,.rlna Gent«, Lall_. Whll.Ur, CClllll Mn1 St ,..I.STYLI Ct rey, SUllll'I' Hllh Whit••.,, co.ii Meu Put11o1m. S""""' Hllll 8olu.1u, (0111 Mtw O-lcl1J011. ,,.,.rin. WU, Mlr1 CClllll Fuml11, FDQllllll Pennr. Poly Ll-1111, INlrlM Salum, L. •· Jor41n JM INDIVIDUAL MIOLIY , . .., .. l1Q,, l :.U.J l :C).J 1 . .tl.S t:•J.7 1:41.0 I :•1..J 1:•1.6 1;41.t 1:511.1 11JO..I 1:5G.f :IJ ;J tt.• tt.• "·' 1J.7 11.1 "·' "·' ••• ••• H11I, R1ndlo Al1l'Jlllot 1;51,, O..lfltkf, F!!nlrkf1e 2;D0.2 Fuml ... Focll'llM J:02.I Furnlu, FOOlnill 1:in.t KocM., •1clt•l'IH 1;N.• ltl'kllr*e..,..,, '-'• t:o.t.J GerQr, L.iilWCIOd 1:01.1 L'"'°"''' Me rine 1:05.2 IM a UTI•ltFlY C.m«on. L1 lilbr1 P~n, Poly Hilt, •l'ltho •1•mlhM Fumlla, FOlll!l!it Gtmm0n. C1-ll Mell IM f'•&•IT'f'LI CtA'!'. swnn., Hllll Wfl"alllf', COSll ...,,.... Fwrn!s1, Foo!hlll H•~, ••ndlo Al1m\101 liolt, 1'11• Vercln i..s1111t"ook, AnaM!m Ill •ACIUTaOKI C1mPbtfl, Aro:Mll H1ll. .. ilndll Alal!ll._ ·~ Sonol'• Koar1. ~ LIPPOid!. Mlrlna Fwmls., FOO!nlll o.Gretst, E1!1ncl1 411 IJltllJTYLI Hill, lllMllO Alll!IHOI Furnl11. F'IOllllU L1t11bndl, Anthelm MCConle1. BIMN Clrff, Si,mnv Hllli F•.iml11, FOO!fllll MOrl lel. Dfw~y 111 a 111ASTITIOKI Lk>..okl!. Mlrlna Sl'Jlllfl, l u-ChtHield, Flln1rlcl9~ C•ITI>• Sunny Hlllo ~. auitMinlc Mlkwt1. S.1111 Monu;.1 .. jJ•llSTTLI! •tLAY Sunnr Hlll1 Foolflllt C•I• Mii• P1los Y1rdc1 Arudlt I ·--· Coront dtl Mt r "·' "·' 5•.I "' "' •7.I ••• ''·' ».I »·' ., J•.7 "·' ••• ··' n .t J1.J ''·' J:ll.1 J:SJ.t l:S:l.I l:~.I J'"·' 3:5'.' J:Sl.1 i,tt.2 1:00., 1:03.1 1 :Ill.I l :lll.6 1:03.1 J:1'.5 l :Jl.• l :n .1 J:24.• l :U.1 J:U., 3:16.0 l .H.J Swimming Hono,r Roll The Orange Coast area's weekly high school swim herfor roll went virtually unchanged with only switche:i1 in second place being notOO this week. Estancla's David DeGrasse moved into Uie second spot in the 100 back with a 57 .6 in the Irvine League finals. He trails Marina's Don Lip- poldt (5U). Jeff Hillman of Corona de! Mar swam a 1:07.2 in the 100 breast to move in behind Costa Mesa's Jay Sponagle. Jean. Creighton scored a 122· 32-90 (31) to win the all flight.s cross country event Friday ln women's club ac· ti vity. Sect1nd went to Mary Evelyn Cetl• A~!n~~Mr ••11 Jm\er with her !M-15-79 (31'-h.) °""' wlnnl,.. 11111n in v1n11., corn- dri Coo , ~tlllon conakll'ed for ~ rill. followed by A lMI le s 100 Medlff 1tt11r -1. C•I• Mesi 9"19-71 (~'") 1:42.f CMl1loltk. 5JIOlll.._, G1111,_., .r "•n · Whlllktrl 1. M11'1n1 1;45..J l. cor-Scott Weaver sank a hole· in· dtl M1r 1 : ... s. °' 1•• d 13lh hot l'OO fftt -1. l1-PCldl (Mfr) l :SO.l ane on uie _.yar e '· Whll•k•r (CMI '''°·' l. S.CllWll' at the Mesa course Tuesday. tCclMJ 1nd Krun\PMll ICclMl 1 :~.o. lie Used • run ..... , •• on ... 500 Fret -1. Wfllttktr CCMI n .5 2 . ..,, L~kll (Mi r! 22.1 l. 0-kf_,, (Mtrl Par three hole. 1t•. l'OIJ lndlvldul l MHll' -1, Ll-lcll The same hole was the site IM•rl 1:oa.1 i. Whlt•k•r 1cM1 2:1D.s J. ol Gino Craec:hiola's ace w1ic.ox 1NHI 2:12.1. 100 fty -1.-Qui'-CCMI lO l. Saturday. Cracchiola used a F1rr 1CdMI 11.s 1. Evtn1 (Marl s1.1. .even·lron in picking up the 100 Fr" -1. Whtt1ktr 1cM1 "'·' 1. ~n•ldlor+ (Mtr) $0.5 l . 8l1c~ tCGM) trick. Sf.I. lnvl'•n>=nn<> have •--n m•lled 100 8td -1, LIPOOldl (Mir) fl.J 2 . ...... ,,....,. llC'C .,... OeGrlUI lEtl) II.' l . $1-r ICdMJ lo lop celebrities and 120 1 :00.1. olOO FrH -1. Llppeldl (MtrJ J:H.J amateurs to partiicpate in the '· l(rum~11011i (CdMJ ':oc.• J. Whl11kJr fund raising, Costa Mesa · <C,i:J :~::i _ 1. 5_,,i. lCM J 1:N..J Celebrity Golf Classic schedul· '· Hllltntn 1cc1MJ 1 :01.J 1 LINlldf ed ror May 31 and June 1. tM.:;1 ~;:!·'·11:11,v -1. Cini• Mtw Further infonnalion can be 1w11111ker. Mlllolflk. 11or. G1m .... 1 ~l 'ned b II' 1t~n""""' J:Jl.I 7. Conin1 cltl Mi r 3:21.t l . 11" a1 y ca 1ng '"""'"""'· M1rln1 s:n.J. ,/ , CJ a ' . w + • 4 cqs so a ss r o u 111 a ,.c 1s .. s w cc ·' .c .• . ;s 44•, 4 .e ,; J ••.•• t -t •• . .• ! r i#4¥Ail£ ., . Splashing Vp a Storm 'No1·th Coach Gibbs . Announces Roster Judglng rrom the players he selected for his North team in Orange County's Aug. 14 Nortb.SOUth prep f o o t b a 11 classic, coach Dave Gibbs ~ .. going lo Ille air. Six of his ZS players are ends, with another listed as a flanker. The quarterbacb are aerial specialists A n d y Bielinski of SavaMa and Norm Kepner of Lowell. Gibbs hopes his i..m will bt able lo uphold Ille tral\llional Northern dominance of the. game, now in its 10th year. The South ha:!: won only two of the nine games. A.s tn the past, the Anah(!im area schools are supplying lhe bulk of the interior linemen, usually the deciding factor in past games. Fourteen Orange Coast area players were named recently to the South team by head Cilach Tom Baldwin . The North roster : Qvlmrtr.at 11u1rlirrblldu -N11rm k1,....r, Lowell1 Anclr Bltllnlll:!, ... _ H1llbllck1 -llrtnl Llgtif, LO•••I $!eve Clcdlellt!r. TrOY. Fullbllck -J• l!lrllOktll!', hvtnnl l~ert -Rldr O.Lnll. l0tirt1 '*'9 "*''· G1rdtn G,....., Slld'I' -JoM U"wrfel'lh. T!91'. Fllonkef -RllM HtNY, 1"\Hllfllll. Endf -G1rr Flood, Me1Mlll; 19' C111o1,y, hwl-1 K•nl •11m11SU1flo 01r0e!I Gf'Qw1 OtMlt H 1 u I II n , Ful~I Adr\ift tltJ-fl Dorldtl l(ent Roll!-. ........ TIO.Ill -._ Woods. ~ HlllH c.llt a111n, Allolhll1111 Orea ~ T'0\11 .Hl'I lrllfll, Wttlt:'"' 0111'* -Mtrt'I' D1Ylt 11111 Pit ~. AlllheimJ $C011 Hutllll\l. So!ler11 Ct1f1 Lllkl\lf', G1rdtn Grov" At PtMrclk. LMrl. ($'flM -Ktn Hldttnon, LMrc. Aller"•lu -D1v1 RoblnlOn, G•rde" 0,...,.1 lob lllort, ~111 Mire !(..,,.,. Antti.lmi 5Mvt FrllflCll, Lowell; Jolt a1ll. WH!tm. MesansLead A Costa Mesa bowling team is a leader in the early stages of the "'1rd annual CaWomia Women's BowlJng Associ•Uon tournament at Kona Lanes in Cosla Mesa. / l The '1Mesa Neighbors" erf. try in D division play has a big lead flver a Wilmington team, 2,252 pins to 2,172. The Mesan~ wi~ be out to protect that Jead when action resumes in the three-month tourney th i s "'eek end. Golden We~t Col).ege's Kris Swenson warms up for Friday's 200-yard butterfly in the Southern Cali!or· nia Swimming and Diving championships with a freestyle workout. Swenson, who won both butterfly events in the Eastern Conference meet, is among the favorites in both the 100 and 200 fly races. The meet is being held in the Golden \Vest pool. save $2~8 REAL ~IPPIN'WUIMY ~ Saddleback Shields Eyes 7-feet Loses 12th Area TrackmenatMt.SAC Saddleback College dropped its 12th straight baseball game \Vednesday aft.e rnoon \Vhen the Gauchos suffered a 9-J set- back at the hands ot host Southwestern College. \Vlth several key Injuries adding. to the Saddleback woes. Southwestern broke out « a 2-2 tie in the bottom of the second inning with five runs to settle the issue. Golde n West high jumper Don Shields, who will try to break the seven-foot barrier. head s a Cilntingent <i Orange Coast area junior (.()liege and high school track and field performers Into the 11th an· nus! Mt. San Antonio Relays, which open 9:30 Friday morn- ing and run through Sunda y afternoon when the final event flf the decathlon wili be con· tested. New1lt•d. Glfnn Gata, Mll'k Micht lon. O•n Roehl). NO Rtl1r -Ntwl'lll'I Htrbor l•ob Jr,Gemt. SltYI Fitn. How!• Rote,~. Oertl 81oodl. Founllln Vlllfv 1•r•dv Moore, PllU M.111. Tim Huln'I!, DoUll GodlleJ. SPrlnl Mtdlfy -NfWPOrt H1rbor fStev1 Flsn, 5!fVt Ar1111ncl. aracl Schwflr. Tlm Dwtn1), Founllln V•ll•Y !Ornnl1 Mnt, Bob Newtlttd. Tim Hulme, Clfl H1rdlnl. Mlle Rtllr -Newport H1rtior <kb Ad11111. Howlt ROlltn . K1rlt! 8u!!tr. 01rtl 8lo0dl. 0 1\11'1Ce Mocllfy Rtltr :?' NnWllOrl Htrbllr IRlcit Fltlchtr. Tim 0...1ns, R.1llllY $1tbltr, Slln Dtllnl!rJ, Foun· l•!n V•llfy I01n Sllcw, 8"K• McA1!1trr, Lrl• "••mond, OIYt OllANGI COAST M!!ler). • ,.V -Let lll1rid. Kevin M1nlx F1oUf•Mll1 •tllY -N_.-t H1rbor HJ -TeHY Miiier. !Rick Plerte, 01vt J1ffe. Rick LOll9 lump -Founl1ln V1lltr 1ar111:1 McA.ll1ttr, D•11 R01rt.1J. Dl1cu' -NtWPOrl Hlrbol' {Stu Alarlcll), Hl11~ lump -Ntwperl H1rbor {Dive Eccl", l .. H1wenJ. P1111! YIU/I -Nt.._r Htrbllr CScon Wild, ICevln 8uti.rl. Hlt h SdlOll lS1111lll uo llellv -,,.,.It, Otl IMtl'lt Ovnn. Rod Frilot, Oor+ Hollon. 5t1n J1d<i.onl. no. Rel1v -Mlltr Otl IR1t Toullu, J im Lcwig, Tim lo\tlCll)ll, Chlrlle Jacki.on). Mlle R•l1r -Mtltr Doi !Plul Mul· docn, lllck Jel\l'llfllt, Mark Dowlin•, D"" DlckiCnl. no LH -M•~ Del U#llonl. l ·Mflt -Miter Del CT1rry Mc.Ktonl . l1twlllfltMI Miio Reltl' -fount1ln V1JllJ> (Ph!I M111. Sltvf Cflrl1!11nt, Ooll!I Goclbf, Dennis M11>). IN~OALWN~ . The "'inners parlayed two singles. lwo doubles and three ,.,,a\ks ror the five runs to h-anri pilcher Greg Pennington the loss. LJ -8111 H•nton. Ch1tlllon. Chril 8enllerl, F1111nl1ln ~Oi"Oi"Oi"Oi"Oi"Oi"Oi"Oii0ii0ii0ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"i O!K"' -D1Y4 Eacllt, V•lltr CKfl flrnn, Ktvln Wllli11111, TlmJI Jlvt!!n -Etc1l1. Funk. "'"" Chri1l111'111I. 170 HH -Ml•• Pomeror. uo lttltr -NtWPO<I Harbor C8oll uo IH -Pomt.ror. Ad1ms, Court Rtt•tr. S!1v1 Fltn, t10 RtllY -Ed SMplfy, Jt ff l l ktr, 0 1r1I •loodL SADOLll!a.tiCK U1 W1rn1m1. lf·7tl "'lllOll .•• A• 11 N 1111 ' I I I t 1 I I J I I I J 1 1 ' 3 • 1 l Ml•• Godin, 11•/Ph K1!1y. ,. "-'milt lltl•Y -..,,...._., H1rtlor Miii ••llY -,o.w.~ l•kirr, 1sr.v. AIW1n1, J~ R~ Jonn 1( ...... 1.~,. '"'' Swttlltr>d, Jt>.t E1911!, lb Oerllvi/\lre, cf·lb Pennl111ton, p.rf Vick, rf-cl ff!f'f1' Sd'wottli, ShlpllT, FltlCl'lfr, Altn V...C1m~nl. SPrlM Mtdlly lttllr -Schmitz, Shol ....t -N_. H1rbor (Stu Shl!lltY. K.t llr, 8Her. Aldrldl), Fount1!n Vtlltr ITtd Lrd-Snultler Hurdln -P-or, Jim don). Rlvt1. c ' .. ' ' • 1 • l D I I ' ... l I I I 7' 3 5 3 lui.k. Hinson, JllM Whrlodt. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; QDLOIN WIST 5" -Linn Pirltrton. PflYV, C·rf Tot1l1 I DUTHWll!ITll!•M OJ Chtw, ct Greiiv, c Mnrg•n, lb JC111n1on. Jb RP<londn. o Grl'Ce. Jb l(llbbt. ,, ll'ltkrl~ II' Phllllp1. 11 To!1l1 Al 111 H ltl l ~ I > 1 I 1 ? I ~ , a ' • ' 1 1 • 0 ' ' J 0 D D • I I G l .. ~' ' l I ' l :i6 ' ll ' . " . Stddlfbect 1GO 000 010-l s ' Soulh...,Ttrn 2J;) 000 10lt-t 11 2 - PV -Mlkt Mtrr1H, HJ -Oon Shltlllt, Rkll Mul1thler. JtvtHn -JOI Zor!lll. «O Rtl•v -Oout Jollntllllo 0111 l(nvdlOll, Pllll Att. Don H1rrlt. ltO lttl•Y -Ht rrlt. Knudlon, Att, Jim Stvmour. Miit a1l'IY -M1kt M(Mll'lon, HI '• ri1, Aot. Seyl!Wllr. 0 11t1nce Mtoi.v -Jol\nOfl, Jim Vt n Ar1cltl, Jolin Gl mtcllt, Rlndr C_.r. 1·Mlll Rtl•r -511'ff Frtndl. Doll9 ~tnk, J im $m111Vi'ood, llld< D11Nuc- '~:Mllt Reltv -Schmenk. 5m1r1woo1:1. French, DeNutcll!. Miik $d11tl ILlrtt ) $f\ut111: Hwro1e, -N•-s•rbor !Otwe Ettie.. M•n Hog~t1, J Slvt!, C-' ltetHr), '°'1nt1ioT V1ll1 48ob 3 ea s SUPER SPORT SHOPS SPORTING GOODS SANTA ANA e 219 E. 41h e Kl 7-5723 FULLERTON e 601 S. Euclid e 171 ·5918 Newport Centere #27 F•chion l11and e 644-2121 TH Unus•of Items You M•y Hne lffn looklttt For THE HACH SCENE IMPORTED BIKINIS FROM FRANCE AND SWEDEN -WATER TEM P THERMOMETERS FOR DIVERS, WATCH BAN DS AND COMPASSES TOO! -MIR· ROR SUN GLASSE S -WHITE STAG SPEEDO SUITS AND BIKINIS -JANTZEN & WHITE STAG WARM UP SUITS -PLASTI C BELLY BOARDS - JH SWIM FINS -SCUBA AIR -INOJAN HATS JTh• L•IHf R•9el . GOLF AND TINNIS SCENE TRETORN TENNIS TRAINER-IPr•ctic• Your Strok•s with Out a leek l o•rd I -BEST &RADE TE NNIS BALLS 1.79 CAN OF l -JACK NICKLAUS MAC· GREGOR SPRING SPECIAL -FULL SET OF CLUBS AND BAG FOR ONLY 109.95 -VOIT MAGNUM GOLF BALLS ANO DOUBLE G CUT PROOF GOLF BALLS-CORFAM GOLF SHOES FOR ONLY 16.95. THE FISHING SCENE FISH LO·K·TOR, A ELECTRON IC MACHINE THAT SCANS THE BOTTOM -RESCUE PAK !Just sq•H n and • life pr•ierv•r infl•t•1, just pin to your cloth- ;n9 I -LEATHER REEL BAGS -FISH HATCHERY FOOD ITo Atfr•d f;shl -FISH SMOKERS..:... FOR THE MOUNTAIN SCENE DOWN FILLED VESTS - KELTY BACK PACKS-NON MELTING ICE BUTANE KITCHENS -MINK Oil -TOPO MAPS -ICE AXES -CARBIDE LAM PS -FOOD TUBES -DE· HYDRATED FOOD. GAMlS AND GADGET SCENE SKATE BOARQS-HEAT BELTS fJ.,J WH'<nd M•lt Off w,;,. hH -TINY BINOCULARS LIKE A PACK OF CIGARETIS I But with the Power of the 8i9 On•s I -BLOW GUNS I For Hunt in9 Small G1mt I - ELECTRONIC BATTERY OPERATED SOX -TWIST BOARDS -BATTING TEES. NEAL'S SPORTING GOODS Vacation IA/£ .The NEW SUPER Now ....... ' Fal'ltastlc Pric11I I 735114 775r14 •i 0/70011: 12.62 $13.62 $14.20 1 $1 4 .82 ' 1 IJ5x14 I t15x15 $15.15 I LIFETIME GUARANnE PNl!lltiitl Tlrft ill 9lltlt' t"-9 •••ff. 1Mt. l:•clw T1• rlllfll f19111 11.H JI H .• Mr !Ir.. I oADIALS s2 0 I as low as ·-·-.. ·-. :liEE BERG'S DELTA TIRES 2001 W. 17" Strfff S..1a AM 54 1·'904 ' 141 l. 17" Strttt CoS!o Mtto 645·2010 ' ,, HERE'S THE TIRE SALE YOU'VE WAITED FOR ... ;; "500 ~' BUY NOW ANO SAVE , __ ~ N• •• N• -· ." 128.00 11•.oo tJ1 .TI 111.t7 ..... 29.7& ...• , 33.75 IC.17 •• 30.75 11.C7 ..... 17.10 IA 32.50 11.11 37.25 11.•1 in 36.75 17.17 40.75 IO.J 7 Ill 39.21 11.U 44.75 11.17 lS: 4J.75 11.&7 48.71 14.•7 1• :n:i. 45.J& l l .U ..... 11.7• lU ·--.. ___ ... , __ ,,,_..., ANY SIZE LISTED 6.50·13 7.36-14 6.85-15 1.00.13 7.76-14 7.35·15 6.95·14 5.60-15 7.76-15 l•111r Sin1 If 1-Whitlw•ll• Add 11.15 All "lcH P'LUi 37(0 t. •k W tl1t 11Ccf. •cl .. U•. 11i.t U• and~ dr. eif •fM t i.. llff V-cer. FIRE STONE Monday & Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. 475 E. 17tlt' -Costa Mesa -646-2444 ' • I l I " • • " " " • • .. " • ,, •• l n • a n n " ' j • ' ' I DAILY PILOT $l1ff f'Mt. The ·Morning ·After · Rita Kisner looks aghast at the condition of her ' mother, Annabelle Quigley, who's just had a hard night, in this scene from "Barefoot in the Park," closing oul an .extended run Friday and Saturday at the Huntington Beach Playhouse. 'Peer Gynt' to Close Scott's OCC Career Orange Coast College drama instructor Lucian Scott will close out his theatrical career at OCX:: next month by playing the title role in the college production of "Peer Gynt." Scott, who also is directing the Scandinavian fantasy, will play the character as an· old ma n in the second hall of the production. Peer as. a young man will be played by Roberto Marcarelli. ' Other major roles in the play, which opens May 14 for Jour·days, will be played by Barbara Smith, Bill Cochran, Sheila O'Connell , J a m 11 a Mynderse, DeMis Hanrahan 'Trek' Bou ... ht " HOLLYWOOD IUPI) ~Television's "Star Trek" has been canceled from NBC-TV's prlme time. but will go intet >domestic syndication next ·year. and Maeve Robinson . Completing the cast are Mark Salyer. Donald White, Ange la Collins, Mary B8ker, Barbara Mawdsley, Cameron Young, Walt Douglas, Rich Peterson, Tom Walsh, Kathy Yurenka, Steve Scott, David Luddington, KeMeth Wilson, Mike Gerner and K e n Hardiman. Scott, who has been on the OCC faculty since 1 9 5 5 , originated the college's annual summer musical, beginning in 1956 with "South Pacific," which he repeated last year for the school's '-0th an- niversary. He will leave the college in .June to teach drama at New York City 's Neighborhood Playhouse. "Peer Gynt" will b e presented May 14-17 at B: 15 p.m. in the OCC auditorium. Tickets are free. bul must be obtained at the c o 11 e g e bookstore. ""°'" Fiii-SOUTH COAST CENIRIL PLAZA THEATRE ctlRPORAllOll San DMco Freeway at Briitol • 546-2711 A~rts IJf l'rM 1'1r1tlnt I n Olfkl 0... 1:» alMI 7:)1 " WE ARE PROUD TO PRESENT FOR ONE MORE DAY i I ; .. 11 I Two Perform•nces Only •.......•... 2 & I P.M. STARTS TOMORROW _.:..WINNER OF 6 ACADEMY AWARD.S iNCLUOIN6 :_ -.s~~~~.'!~~~!'!~~: : . AMAN,FOR ! AI.I(SE4$0NS " , ) ,_,.,.., ~ 1100t1\T IJOLT • TECHNICGLOl' ~ -Plu.- ' • I ' Eddie· St:rikes 01:1-Again Santa Ana's 'Ask Girl' Cast Listed A 17-character cast has been aMounced for the production of "Ask Any Girl,'' which will close oul the 1968-69 season for th~ Santa Ana Community Players next month. Frank Rugell is directing the Christopher Sengal com~ edy -the last show at the soon to be demolished' Players Theater. Ruge.II staged "An- ni versary Waltz" and "See How They Run" for the Hun- tington Beach Playhouse. Ann Filian takes the leading role of Meg Wheeler, a small town girl seeking fame and matrimony in New York. 'The HELO OVER ~ SEUIUR PIC111RES in col~bc<atioo wi~ R1lBERTSOll ISSOCIATES """"~ CLIFF ROBERTSON .· CtfA~l1· ,., ..... ClAIRE BLOOM '·I-•·.-· 1·-G .... • .. u•w c-··• / f f" ~ , .. / ALSO PLAYING---------- ACADEMY AWARD WINNER JACK ALIERTSON Supportlot Actor io "THI SUIJECT WAS ROSES" . ' • ··<...-·. LLM/t..11 ~ HILD OYll SPICIAL NOTICE TO OUI PATION5: Coatrery .. edYl'ftl1I .. beyllMI Mr QlllT.. PffltM ....... 11 INOT 161 wlll Mt M .... .... hi '" "l 111 Tiie Attfc" et tM Hl·Wcry Jt Drl._ I• ~ - teu KCeMpulecf illy ....... ., od11lt 9Hnil•. """-' 11 .,... HQ II ll:~tw ~ B.orlt Kll"lott-Vlllc..,t l'rlc• two prominent men in her lile1;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 are Lee ijowington and her offstage husband, Ron Filian, as two brothen operating an • BALBOA NOW '"THI UYIN" "COMEDY Of TIUOIS" "THE SOIC11115" advht.isjng agency. Rounding out the large cast 673-4048 SHOWING are Nina Brayleton, Gary OPEN • Walbridge, Ruby Hasson , Lin-6:45 -ENDS TUESDAY- da Haskell, Barbara Paregoy, 7lt 1. lal .... Helene As h, Merrilee Har-.. IN. mt.nlrwda 2 OF US -7:00 & 10:05 risdn, Cheryda Loadholtz, San-MODIL SHOP' -l :JO O•lr die Clark, Susan Stone, Buddy Fort, Ted Grand, R u t h Trimble and Jane Alexander. ''Ask Any Girl" will open May t and will run for three weekends, F r i d a y !i and Saturdays, at the Players Theater, 1020 W. 8th St., Santa Ana. Reservations may be ac· quired ~y calling the box of· fice at Sfl-2188. De Wolfe Joins Eddy Comedian Billy De Wolfe has been set to appear with singer Eddy Arnold May 16-17- 18 at Anaheim's Meloclyland Theater. De Wolfe, currently being seen on "The Queen And I" TV series, joins the Hugo Montenegro orchestra a n d chorus in sharing the stage with t h e country-western perfonner for the f I v e performances that weekend. Tickets are available at the Meloclyland box o!flct, by mail and at all agencies. "A JOYOUS COMEDY" -NEWSWEEK . ****-H'tltett letl"'I -N.T. D•lly Newt 1•·0 ... of'Y ... '1 ·011t1tCMdl1t Flln11" -lot~JI Glob. "l~•i. Worll of Art" -Plmltu"Jli P'cnr AU. DltlV•·IN JTAll:n AT DUU ._ a... ... 12rai1 _, ::::, 14&-UlJ ' , :. ','I'~ PAULO ll:ectllltlMI• fer M'vlh-M Wln111r " • AcMlm~ AWll'Q a nt Plclllrt "A MIR l'•r All SM-" With Be.I A"or-P1ul kolltld EllU:btlll T•Ylor "T•mlllf If "'-.;;".;;.-;;;_'-.II ---1 U1·1271 Sllv•M,OllHfl .. SAND Piii~"' -• Charleloll Hnlotl ..,._ ., ...... ,.. .. __. ActOlrllY A.,rf WlllMf' ••t Ac:ll>r'~llff llobtrlloll "CHAILY" -• ••J lt ... 'Attk"-M "-114>r Wlrlr.rt "'WIN ..... Strwtl"' . ................. ' .. ~ loussier trio CAL·ST ATE FUtLERTON'GYM. 800 N. STATE COLLEGE BLVD. FULLERTO N, CALIFORNIA itltY ·BltCH FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1969 -8:00 p.m. · contemporary i nterpr.eta t ion of ' J. s. Bach pure Bach to modern jazz ASSOCI ATED STUDENTS PRODUCTION ADMISSION: $3.00 ON E COMPLETE SHOW ONLY Tickets availa~I• at all Mltual Tlck!t Aaenclet, Llber~y, W•ll lchs II S " 7 30 p M Eve Show St•rt• 1 P.M. .... ,le Stores sound Spectium in La1una Beach, Shafe1 s House of "M•n For A ••5onl · · · · · ··' · '· • •· ·' : • • Cont. S.t. & Sun. From ""' ' d · C II P. k ''Taming Of Th• Shrew'' ........... , ..• t:JS P.M. Pt\lsic-, 1'11 N. Harbor In Fullerton, Qolleae Recor sin o eat .11 1==;,,:::;=============== 1.. ___ 2_P_.M_. ___ _,,Shoppln1 Center, Fullerton . " ,, DAILY l'IUll' ' fIJ . ·-.s:t"- JUUE ANDREWS·OlllSllMll PLUMMER <OllOl ot _,, COIT4 111ts.t. "'!OM !4 .. 3101 .. ______ Ol __ Nt. "CANDY''R RATED ax.c. OllUltC 2M TOP NATUll G•org• P•pp•rd J,111 s.b.rg Rid11td Kiley "PENDULUM" CHILDREN WITH 'PARENTS ONLY PLEASEI good grief itS cwly! ud•my Aw1rd Wlnnera BEST ACTOR CLIFF ROBERTSON WINNER OF BEST SUPPOR?INO ACTOR JACK ALBERTSON . , .• ~--··----~/:/; . .... ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! STD'I: IMCa.JllN . A§ '&JWTT' mmc:aa• ,__ ..... llJS liiiiiUiGiih6 ,Qi MAtlliit,,:MO!=ffl=• SATUlDAY ,,T.A. MAnNl l-=-Au 1ursll4 ,.P.l llT ACIOll THI lrilllCY" -12:JI P.M. • • f • ( • - ---------------"---'=-~~-'--'--'---="----'- • ... ............... ' . . 'r... . .. .. s Wortlt ' PllAIMACY TOPICS Life Insurance Worth It? Varicole vrina are 1woU~ enlarpd w.lna:, usually caUI· td by Jee.k.lng \·&Ives. When normal. these valves keep the ·blood from n owlng back- ' ward on the return trip to the lM!art. When defectiw they leair:. alloY.'iflR' lhe blood to flaw backv.'1U'dl and in· tftlUinr prusure ln the \'elnl. whk:h become-11ttttch· tel and swollen. • • • Peoplt "''ho stand att molt likely to gt>t v&rl~ v~m. becau.e tM preuure ii live limes grMltl'r "'hen st&ndin£ than l,ying down. 4 • • • ·' I Pregnant woml'n are sus· nptibli! becall5e of the in-creued abdominal prn.sure from the enlarged Ult:rul, and greater bloodflow to and from the lowt-r a bdominaJ , lan<t pel~c ~ • : / Cird!n: and tlght garten : contribute-, by <>batructlng the now at blood and in· : I creuing preuure on the veins. Women lihouldn't sit for any len(th of time tn a rirdle because the big veins 1 in the 1ep &re lightly con- 1 •trlct.d. 1 1 Support •hole •&re ~e1pfu1 in mUd ~. but. ahould be fitted exactlJ ta prec:ise leg f m .......... u . Bicycling ox· tTdlel: while lyin1 on one's bllCt are ~. u are swimming and waIJdni. • • • For mocl@m ~tt with old· I fubioned courtesy, brln& yotr prncrlptions to: I PARK LIDO PKARMACY Jl1 H..,ttal .... , N..,...t a..c• "':t-1M By SYLVIA PORTER Millions ol you are u&lng Ille lnsun.nct today as a meam ol savm, -and 1.s a usult, you 1 r e unwittingly Penalizing yourself by accepllng interest rates far bflow the levela you cculd earn if you inve.fled your mooey in stocks. corporate bonds, real estate. A full 11.5 billion cl lbe llU billion paid out in total life in· iurance beneflu Jut year represented "living benefits" -uted as retiremtnt income or !or sending chlldrtn to col· lege ~ repnsenting pollcles .simply cashed in. etc. Len lhan half was pai4 in death benefill. THE "NET RATE of in- terest earned on invested funds " of U.S. life insurance companies in 1968 was a mere 4.94 percent before Federal in· come taxes -Just a Uny bit more than the doUar's loss in buying power due to pr1ce in- creases. And poli<:ybolden. by no means enjoyed this rate of return on the (unds they were investing in the form of premiums. Between 16 and 18 percent of the out-go of life in- surance companies is for overhead items. If you, the family wishing to build up a retirement nestegg. switched every penny you are now paying in life insurance premiums into well<hooen stocks or mutual fund shares or even high-Interest bonds, the size of your nest.ea pro- bably would grow to several Utne1 the vaJue of the Ule in- sur~ coverage you would accumulate over yoor pre- rellrement years. And I'm not even mentioning higher-risk l\low you've got us where you want us. San Jose $1 inveetments which ml&ht swell at a far faster rate. Why, then , do nine out of 10 U.S. fam1llt1 and seven out of 10 individual! fn Utb counlry have llft ln5W"anct? Wby ls this so especially in view of the dramatic rise In Soclal Security wrvivors b e ne f I t Jevels, the rapid expansion of private company p e n s l o n coverage, the greaOy in· creased amountJ of savings by individual Americans? nIE ANSWERS are of vital concern to tens of mllllons of us. Specifically: -Wllb Ille Insurance you can create by just the stroke of a pen an "insunt estate" as protdon for your f1mily. You need not wa1t years to ae-- cumulate it yourself. -Death payments from life insurance, under almost all ciTCUmstances, are not subject to FederaJ lncome taxes. NEW YORK (AP) -Avis may try harder but apparenUy the RUJSiam weren't told so. Complete Printing Service Top Quality -Fast Service This ls Nowpott 1946 .•. thl year thet Lester, Ryons & Co. opened their original office5 ln thl~ city as lho first brokerage firm in the area. Today, we are proud to be reco&nlzed as the largest reg ional brokeraae trrm in Southern California with J 5 offices throughout the Southland. • We take pride In IMOUllCing that we have moved our Corona Del Mar fac:nltles to a nw locltion: The Financial Plaza, Newport Center. Those OVER THE COUNTER NASO Llnlnt1 for Woclnotdoy, Aprll 2J, 19'9 - ------------ -A· I ' . Wednesday~-Qosing Prices- I Complete • New »-. +t'l WTlwlH" Si S1 ... -flo W\lrlllfN 1111 .,... • • XtrWCC::• 1.1111 lft;t -.,. Xtr• 111e American (Mt.I ..._ t... ~ Cllf. .... ... Stock Exchange DAILY P!U I'; • List DARY PROT WANT ADS HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE. lDIOGenonl 1000 f5uccofa; GngA:J/i 'Uffagq 16th & Tustin -Cost• Mes• ADULTS Most homes are built with· only children In mind. We have five homes designed for the comforts and fun of adult .. Beautiful to look at. room for hobbies, private office, separate dining rm, guest room witb bath, 3 car ga- rage, walking distance to churches, Westcliff shopping, and restaurants. 7% with 20% down -711:191. with 10-!. On. no 2nd• -no points -29 yrs on bi1lance Priced from $30,950 to $33,950 Exclu1lve Agent p. a. palmer incorporated 3377 VIA LIDO Troe! Ph: 54t-5113 F"'m L.A. Coll MA 5-8034 General 1000 FOUR BEDROOM Family room, Fireplace, l~ bath, built-in kitcMn, w/w carpets, drapes, washin& fa· cilities in over-size double pragt>. Sprinklers I r o n t. completely fenced rear yard with 15'x20' patio, Only min. utes from major shopping ard sc:hcJW, ALL F 0 R ONLY $27,950, FllA • VA TERM~ SOUlll SANTA ANA \\!ILL SEU. FHA -located onJ.y two blocks from Jlar- bor Blvd. Four bedrooms 13 'and a den) two balh home with fireplace, FIA heat, •built-in kitchen and dining area, New carpets, com- pletely draped. air·condj. l.ioniDI" uni! in master bed· troOm, Heated and filtered pool, covered patio, enclM- cd court yard and detached , double garage, Only S2200 down which ia less than the !price of the pool. WIU.. I SEl..L FASI'. ACT NOW!! I ~li!l!ll!~IJ!I!!!!~ Mother-In-Law Unit Instant 'Appeal l~or the family that want.I more than the onlinary. Newport Heights area, ahakt1 , roof, bright country kitchen with an the built-ins, large ·family room with used brick ~fireplace. 3 really la:rge l bedrooms plU5 the extra , writ with Its own private : bl.th. An outstanding home. ; ;33, 1SO- "FOf A Wise Buy'' Colesworthy & Co. 6f2.7777 OPEN EVES. john macnab BAYFRONT Owner A8.)"I "Sell'' thli1 beaUutuJ. Dove1• Sbom 5 Bedroom bcime with Pier " F1mt. Formal dinini; room. 'J&rp breakfut. area, excep. tionally spe.ciowl waterfront ttrract. Rl'duced from 110 .• MJ to $125,oa:J for quk:.k -· c.ll for ApPointmient (714) 642-123S 9Ql Dover Drive, SuUe 120 Newport Beach 1 IR DUl'LEX Of.l.ft oldrr units wtth dOu. hie detadled a:ar.,e on 50x 11)' )ot., Auwne exiltln&:' $1l400 • 6~ loin • no Joan feo.Only $11,950 ------ PEr::lr::l ON ..I. • .. ••••• ,. *.-.1m Anytime* OWorC......,lud- 4 BR +. -"""' polo\ brulb It. ftnllh lhll cw;tom ,.... witll xm -i n, bu111. ............. _.boams la -.tunlly """'-"" --ntA lclU SI" in~ .... -poy, all -s.tl-.. ...... 128.!llO-CAlJ. DAN LEE ~1151 I .... ewnl Merit.ace Ru! EM•te ~neral 21h TO 4 ACRfS Rancho Capistrano Is now offering a limiled 8S parcebi of fabulous, oak studded, ranch !iiile spread!. The only ones of their kind in the Booming South Coast Area lllgh above the smog be1t. Private roads and locked gate guaranttt the natural beauty of this former Span- ish Grant surrounded by beautiful Cleveland Nation- al Forest. All utilities avail- able. PRICED FROM $8,000 10<;1:. DOWN -15 YRS. }~or true country living, ~ tirement or just plain in~SI• mental a bargain price. Call or write for complete detail$ and free color brochures. Rancho Capistrano 4570 Campus Drive. Newport Beach. 9'l660 546-7843 DOVER SHORES A sweeping VIEW of upper Newport Bay lrom this spacious s Bedrooms, 3 bath horn!!' separate family rm with \vet bar and fireplace lovely gardens includins: beautiful rose garden with fountain <JWneT'!! moving from area W1nts Action NOW! Reduced lo $58,000 Call: Jlm Cobb REALTORS 674-4400 3 Bedroom House On >fi Acre Hones OK Older 3 bedroom farm house or. hug!!' lot u>ned for horses. Only lO minute!! from down- lown Santa Ana or Costa Mesa. House needs paint and imagination and i;o is reduced to only $34,950.. Bring your horse and make an offer. }~orest E. Olson, Inc. 64&-0303 Rare find • $54,000 Newport Sponish Beaut Jndscpd • 4 BR, fam rm, 2 BA home on large 77 x 120 comer lot 2 irpJ~. crpts, c:lrps complete. 2300 11q, ft w/all custom extru. Eliminate middle man. Call 549-4507 Frolic at the Beach It'• only ol'IC' block away, charming 2 bedroom with den. Asking S25,!i00 ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17lh St. 646-4494 • • luy ot The Year! Waterfront View ot Cata- lina " Bay, '2 BR, 2 ba awmtl Rttf 'own yoor av.Tl Penthouie Apt, with ,,,,,. .. 162.500. AsJt for: Olclter SaJilbury, R.ltr. 315 Af•rl~ 673-6900 REAL &late salemicn or ......,.. want<d. Leon Vlbul Rtallar 1842 N_,, Blvd., CM 548-0588 OAll..Y Pu.m' WANT ADS1 \1 HOUSES FOR SALE 1000 YOUR OWN "HAli Of FAME" \Vill . belong lo you. when your settled bito lhlA beautlfu.IJ,y appoint· ~ 4 bdnn homl'. 11'1 ortly SJ,i, yean NEW & 5Cts on a LO\Y P.1AIN· TENANCE LOT with SHAKE ROOF '= I~ covered patio. Condi· lion so IMMACULATE It hardly looks lived in. The~·· nothing 10 two done here, JUST 11,10VE IN! Priced at $30,500 & only $J(M down pay- n1ent required. • COATS & WALLACE REALTORS --546-4141- IOpen Evenings) 2414 Vista Del Oro Newport Beach Sparkling lights '* llilltop Vi<!w of Bay aod Ocean * 3 BR, 2 ba, sgle level * Luxu1ious crpta & drps * C.Ozy panelled De.n * Sepe.rate master Suite w/huge walk·in closet * Many, many extra" * Putting dislana! lo putting green * Hop, skip & jump lo 11wlmming pool * $46,750. price reduced 644-1133 644-0233 E vos. BAYVIEW SPECIAL $22,500 Upper Bay location with large enclosed yard. 3 BR home \vith hardwood floors. AT· TENTION VE:I'ERANS we your GI Joan here, no down. Call rigbtnow, da, or niahtll Newport at Victori1 646-1111 + 2 Units Pier & Float Custom 2 story home. 3 Bed· rooms, muter Br. up with 555 sq. fl. and view. Nice apartment owr garage. Owner anxiow, priee re· duced •••••••••••••• $79.500 Mary Lou Marion ......,,.. Coltlwell, Bonker Ii Co. 2200 E. Cotlt lflth"'I~ Nt-9 Buell, Ctllfonlll kl NJSI 0111 S-tllt Mesa Verde 4 BEDROOMS This home Is sctUed among other beautiful homes, Large }'HA loan, 5~ % int, Any. one eo.n assume. ett.ins, 1''A heat, flreplacc, l.2x24' sun room lvith carpets. Obie garage. $32,000 1860 Newport Blvd., CM Rltr. 646-3!n8 Eve. ~ * LACHENMYER Pete Barrett Realty PRESENTS Exceptional Vi1lue l I 3 bdnn 2 bath home on love. ly Estelle LMe. Tilt-entry, spacioull Jiving & family room overlooks tree shaded yard. Kltchen cabinett It; t'OUnlers galore. 1605 Weatcliff Dr., N.B. 642-MOo 2 BR home w/inc unit needs same TLC. \Val~ dim.nee 10·· everythln£, $l3,500 .. ,,,. .. By appt onJ.y CORllN°MARTIN REALTORS 3036_1. 'Coos! Hwy, CdM '75-1'62 llOME on G'.I x lB5 fl R·2 )Ol a.djaomt to Comm'L Exe polef!Ual. Rent II whUe )'OU watcb)o'O'Jrl n Vfl 11 me nt ~-~U&bl con:aldtt amaU Comm'I. Fortin Co. 6UlilllO "BEEN TRANSFERRED" CUstom l BR. 2 BA near Harbor llip. 81t·IN. bte.rn- ~ ccillnc. m•mmoth uxd brick firtl)lact, now plush wr ta1Pftl1na. MG-11119 Hard Choice Put Off?1-·-LE- 0 -:':...=N::-0?1-a: __ 1·-st;~ .. ;c:;~:::-. (l.Tll'ICAT• OI' lt.lllMIJ.I Mt.~ l'ICTrTlOUS HAMI MO'JICI (W NUSIMe TN ~ .._ uirtHV 1t1tY lte l'Oll "lff.ATI 01' *tu CIOlllllCtll'orl 1 tMllll:M II IDll CAMl\lw AND l'cwt LnTllK TIHAMIJfTAlt'I' Wk le Ge U de 6 h Y ~ TW'I'-. ... OrlflH c-ty, I!.,... fll IVEI: .Ua.K>ll:H .~Olll!'f' ee r ts npr ece nted t ear ~11~.i;·.rtru-:O~&~e:: :..d::e~.A.~:::::.11' .... 'v'• • Ml!NT CO~ I •~•MIC! tMt .. kl MOl/CE If Hl!lllE:SV G!Vlfrt ~ WASHINGTON (AP ) -The Nlxon ad.mlnblraUon's oomlnaUan ol Gen. Earle Wheeler to an unprl?Ctdented 1dxtb yee.r as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff mereJy postpones .the tougher decision , ot finding a replacement in 1970. The four-star general b being kepi on malrtly to help President Nixon through the current sensitive perlod of the Vietnam peace search. But some Pentagon vele.rani also suspect the President looked around and found no other military man quJte so qualified to head up the JCS as the soft-spoken, 61·year-old \Vheelcr, "He's in a class by hlmself," one ranking Pentagon cirilian commented alter the ad· ministration announced its desire to keep Wheeler aboard until July 1970. He's already served longe.r in the J)OSt than any one else. FASCINATING Wheeler's extension mak's all the more fascinating the foflhcoming silent struggle by ·the serices to gel their own man In Pentagon suite 2E782 where the JCS chairman has a direct telephone line lo the President. It will be a year before Secretary o( Defense Melvin R. Laird starts drawing up the traditional list of recom· mendations to the President on a new chairman, but already Pentagon officials are speculating. Gen. Andrew J. Goodpaster, deputy commanding general in Vietnam, who was a military aide to the Jate President Eisenhower and is known to be a Nixon favorite. Gen. William C. Westmoreland, now A r m y chief of staff, is mentioned but there is some feeling that he might be passed over because Pentagon superiors consider him an excellent troop leader but not the administrative, paper-oriented type. Adm. Thomas H. Moorer, the chief of naval operations was onet: considered most firm i. _,_. ti tM lolloWl119 ..,..,.._ o.lll £11.llbett. Dr11...-r h.tt fllM ~ likely lo get the job, but some hasn't lllltd the Jc S ~ ... ::",, ~.:':: .,.. ,i.e .. " 111 , "'""" ror ,..." o1 t11t w1~" apecu.Late he may have lost chairmanship-1inc11 A1eldt min. rtoH~~~-"v..!:""'r'~.' C:111~ !:. ·~ ... ::~~IMI• '-;.. : favor beca1,11t aome con· Arthur W.' Rad.lord 11:-1i1 1• ld!Wtb. ~ w. 2'3fd 111._,., '""" 111 wflkl'I 1t ""* w irwmtn weren't impressed Auoust J9S7 flfto!t, '°'''"°'' t11lflm11, fl.lr'lhtr Nrtkvi.rs. 11!1111 tlW!t "-'''"' o ' Dlltd #Mii ,, IM. lolld ~ fl ""'11111 wi. """* ,..,. Mell Y his testimony on the Pueblo Thtre is &Orne feellno now O.•ld '· o.w.s "* ,~ """ '· '"'· •' ,,,. ....... tn °"" ff ir IP 1 fl:ONokf $. kl!Wt• C*lrtfiOttl el °'"""""' 1110. J ef Mid a a · however, that Moorer It.ft coo-flat." c111111m11. Let AM•* C-ty1 CIDUtt. 11 counhfu•, M w. '"' im.i. And It could be dark horse gressmen dlssatlsfled with hll °" .ur11 '· 1Mt, """'""•'' H91•,,. 111 t11t Cll• 111 "'"'' Allf, c..111om11. Ilk. ~-C I•"'•• W Pvtillc Ill 1nd fOI' •Id 111,., "'-I~ 011td: Ntrll 21, 1,.. · """"· re &"'"".. · exf;lanaUons about why the la. ....,..,.. 0. ... 111 F. o.-11111 R-tt s. w. E. sT JOHM. cou1111 cr1r1t Abrams, who 11 u c c e e d e d 1 1 · hi Pu bl lcln't kfl"'•b a-111 -"" bl 11w __,. -..Ml! 111. ......, I e 1gence 5 p e o cou .-. MmM ,,, "'"""'~ 1111 ...,. w1111111 A""*'P ,1 ....., Westmore and as .comm.andu get help when North Jtona '"''Nmtlll 11W:1 •Ckllowllide• tMV ... 414 fll.,. ,...,_. 1t11lt'l'•r• of U.,S. forces in Vietnam. seized her in Januarr 1Mt t:'ru:i::L"s;,:i., =.~,~~ tlMf Some ofllclals believe Qood.. Gettino along with r.. .. -eu .Ju1~111 M. H1nwnorM1 A""9W .., ,..111...., pa!ter in . now the best btt • • ..,.,.... , "°':t:ublk<•11""111• Putilb!Wof a,_ C•t Dl llY ""1i.1. because of hls ties with Nixon. '1.•l,es hf lgb on a ~.ill1 tary ~~n .1 1 ~11e....,.!.:~.,!;_ ,..,u n. u. a. 1"' ,,._., Th ., Id l I I I I lS 0 prerequ111 ell W11~1 I M't eomm1u1c111 Eutrn LEG., NOTICE e ..... year-o n ° s comes to the JCS role. M,.•-rdt :1. 1•n /U.I native served as defense Wheeler apparenUy h • s MICUSI , OIOltlll, flUTl: & NM1 liaison olficer to President El· served lo the aa.tisfaction of ISLOllll CSllTIJllCATI Of' l\lllNIU .senhower and stayed on a COO· • ""'""" •I ........ l"ICTITI0\11 Nt.M• Pie ol m.n ... under Pr•·i·•-t the maJorlty of Washlngton'1 1M3t c::r..llwa' s.M¥1M4. TM 1111<1er.it-i c1o c1t11t¥ tMY ,,, u~ -~· ff .. aJd Till'I'-· Ct~ "'5M CVftd!Ktlllll 1 Mllltts 11 22U F1l"'lt"" KeMedy before taking com-o let om. ,......_, ftlll m-cm-tt1n n1 .. 1tt ROid. s.,119 •· C•t• Mii.., c11111N"n11. Plfblloftld Ot1.-C011I OIHY Pllllt, lllldct' !I'll tlcfltiovt fl"" "'"" ff mand of the 8th Inlantry LEGAL NOTICE •r1111.1' •nd IMY 1. 1, 1Nt m+t ollANGE coAsT DENTAL >c..A;AV Division in Germany. LAllOli.AT01tY 11111 tMt .-111 firm i. _,.. Nixon £ o u n d Goodp"aster NOT•<• 0,. PU•L1c N 1 " 1111 N • · LEGAL NOTICE =:;:, : ,:;: ~1= :,-:::~ In --•• 1 f the •l!!f'Olll! TMi crrv C!>UN<tt.. OP 11 Ntkr<n: serv gas commcuiuGn 0 TNI! Cl'n' OP POUNTAIM ,Yt.U.IY T-41\P JAMES c. EVElllETT. PHYLLIS H. National War College in NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 11111 Oii -:~·~~Jr TC.it,.~~r:::· EVf.RETT, 'lXQ C1v111flltPI A;Md. fl w sh! gt DC he b T11e141y, M.IY 1, Uff, 11 l;ao P.M. 111"" !hf.I. titl _ ,111 u,c.c..l Toro. c111torn11. a n on, •. , w n e (ouncll Chatnbtri, CllY Ifill, 10200 $Mll1r Notkl II "'"'"' tl'ltn '° ltll Cnicllton 01Hd AMII 1. lHI. decided last summer to make Avenue. Fouftllln \lilJeY, Clllfor"'•· JM of P'All WEST SEltVICES INC J•rnn c. EwMl'lt him the No. 2 man in the U.S. Clt'r CDVMll will hold I l>Utlllc fle1rillll Oii TtlnllfflN' whon bWl ... ll llddtl~ Is 1U:i Ptwtr11 H, Evtrell I Ille klllo'#lnt : RIPlllOldl ·~nl• Anl CounlY of Or-STATE OF (,t,LIFOltNIA military et1mmand in Viet· 1• ~ " 0!'4111•11<• ..._ " -'""' ., C1111otn11. tti.1 • bulk rr1,.,itr ~ COl,INT'I' OF OR~NGE l u Alt Amend"""I lo Onll11111C1 No N. 1111 lbDul hi M milk lo Cl) MICHAEL 0.. Allr!I 7, llH, bllott mt, I Mol1rY nam. Ul'ld U.e Ordlntnce, " 1""'11<11d, PAT1111 (b) GLENN w. lflTTNElt, Public: In •net for ..... Still, .,.,,_,n., Air Force, Gen. John p dtcrtHl1111 minimum floor SPat• 1r11 Trttlll•r'" ..,,_ 1iutlne1s eddreu 11 •-red Jfmts C. EYt••tt •l'ICI Ph1m1 H. requl~et1t1 klr rnclottd tlvl111 lll 117•1 Muriel Pl1.u fb) 36J w. hi Ewrtlt knewn to me to bl 1P1t "''°"' M~onnell, the other member ciu•rt•t• in tt.e R2. Rl, '"" ll' 0111r1m. sirttt C•l lint• AM fbl Tuit111 cwntv WhOltl "'mn ••• 111i.,c,1btd to th• w1th111 of the i· oint chie!s, would be a Th!• m1tter I• tie1119 "'oeft$fld 1111n1.11111 of 0<111111 s1111 ot c:1111orn11 ' lrutrurMlll •nd •ek/IOWltdttd 11111 •11· to the PllinnlM LIWI ol '"-s11i. ct TM Pl''Olllrtv to be "''""•<l'ld It Kiiied 1111 Hmtt. ranking choice on Lair~·s list, C.lffornl• IGOY'I. Code u.ooo II Id.I tnd loceild ,, llfO'J H•rbor 111wl Cotll Mew (OFFICIAL SEAL) ff! bel. b t h I d the; Foun11ln V1Uev lonl1111 Ordln1nc•, (a;lntv ct Cr•no• st1i. °" C~tllorrill ' J0""'9 E. 01vl1 o cers 1eve, U e s ue The tonlnt on!t ... 11c1. zon1111 M1H. '"" S•ld PJOPtlrtv •11 dtlCrlbld In ,;...,,1 Not•rv Pu.,."'°", ,111wnl1 to retire as Air Fora! chief' of Ewhlb!b i re on tne 111 1111 P1111n1ns Pr1nc1p11 ce 11 SlaU l·n July. L1·ke Wheeler, he Dl'Plrtm'"I '"" •r• iv1111tolt '-PUbllc •11 All •lock 1n tr111e. llwtu•n, l!Q\.l!lll!M'lll OrM•-, C°\"'t't.., E '' 1-lloll •nd 1x1ml1111llM. •NI IOod will ct 1n1t cofltt lhoP ., 11tnm u XII '1 got a one-year extension Tllol• destr1119 kl ttsllfy In l1vor or tn rei.ur•nl 1ocitK 11 1"'2 Hl!bor ~ ... , .{~ ?.': 1170 c , 0 ,.. ''"'• -Ilion to 11\e!lf; pr~ll Wiii bt t lYtn .... ,...,,, 1....,.. urlnDt HS • ,., "' beyond the usual four y·•----·-,-_ " ~ 11 1u"'" 111-BIYd .• Cotl• Mt11. county of .... -•• ..,p,11 1o, n, 2' end M•'t 1. "" atM• ......,.., II\ °""""'"'' •• 'v -· r Stilt ct C1Mfotnl1 service in 1968. formilloll 1• c1e1rrK, vou mi., cantld Ills Tiie bull!; rr1ruter ·..,111 bt cOllSll!Ntlllld LEGAL NOTICE PllMlflll 0"!,.rlrnenl If H2·2AU 11111 ~If 1111 Of ~r 11'11 1st dl't <If ,,,.y, 1"9, ti INTERESTING CASE to ll>e 1bov~i'f~'cOU1iCIL OF THE 11:ao A.M. 11 Emer11d EICI'-co,_... •All•llll Westmoreland and Moorer c•TV oF FOUNTAIN ~':~'~ ifr·~~\~,,A:rc.~"::1,~•rk. su111P0:~f:1t T2o~:~o~~o;:. pose interesting Cases. VALLEY So fer 11 known fro thl Tr1nU.,ree., 111 STATI OF C:ALl,OlllUA f'OR w t 1 d d ~N E. Cole 1Mh\t$1 n1m11 Ind 1cklrtutt ... ., "" Ille THI! CO\lllT"I' 01" oitAH•• es more an em c r g e c1to,o c1er11 Tr1n1teror for """ ttire. ,,,,, 1t1t , .. ,, .... "~""' from his long command over PubUsMd 0r1r1111 ce111 0111'1' Piiot, ,,., Es•ll• of OOAA c. HUFFMAN. U S f . y· I ....... H '~' IMJ nut N-. Q.ea1sed. . ' orces in 1e nam as a Oiled: APl'H 1Slh, 11'7. NOTICE IS HEREO.Y GIVEN Ill lilt typical, jet·jawed mi Ii tar y 1Aldi••t 111f;11 uec111on ct 11w •bovt r1uMd dtcedlftl •· llhou h LEGAL NOTICE Trinslerff. 11\al 111 perllOfl• P11vl1111 clllms "lllllf COmmanvcr a g SOIDe Gteftn W, Hiitner tM Slid decedenl 1rt requlrtd fro 1111 le f 1 h. ' lhern, wll!I tllt nKtSUIN ¥OUdllr'9, 111 peop et IS 1mage was P·ntts Tr•n1ft'l'ee. 1111 office of ttw c1er1t ct 1111 ,...,.,. • he<f b ·1 CEltTlf'IC:ATE 01" IUSINllS l!Mflt ... LD ISCll'OW C:Olll'Oll'ATION ... _ 11111 tarnis y a fa1 ure to bring '"' w. LIM•lll &vi. ffltlt~ court, or to Prewnl ""'"" w FICTITIOUS 111 ... MI! tl'll n«~JIN 1'0!Khlr$, lo lilt ""'° the war to an end. TM undersigned t1o certu.., """' ,,. •-l"•tt. C•llflnll• ,..2t ciersleMd 1t ttte ofllu <11 her 11ternen. "W j · J d ( condllelllttl I bu$1n!M 1t Coste Mf'll, llCNW N•. BS lMl·I BAIRO ANO BAIRD, •VD Lono BHdl l!S Y IS a ea er 0 men Clllfotnle .......,... !tit llcf!lloUI !Inn l'ubl!slled Orlntl COis! Otll'o' !',kl,'.: BIY(I., Sultl A, L-Btltll, (ll!fomll and bis chief value is heading -of 'rNTERNATIONAL l"ROPERTY April 2•· \Ht ......... to&a1, wfllch 11 Ille pl1c1 ct blll1neM up lroops,'.' the off,·c,·al says M ... RK.ET 1nd tti11 111d 11m1 11 c""" LEGAL NOTICE of 111e u.w:ter11tntd 1~ 111 mellllrs • pmed of Ille fof1awlnsi 1"trSOM, """'°"" pert1l11l1111 to tl>e at1le ol 11ld deCldiMI. "He docsn'a have the p·atience n""'" •nd In full •lld Pl•Ut ct rts l· wnMn four "'°"1111 .n.r ttit tint (lllbtlc•· W·ilh br·>ef·•·gs a•d the d· dence ,,. 11 toHOW1: ,.um lion of this notice. " " a SMri.,y M, J.i;.klon, ?Sn Vlst1 Dr., Cl!ltTIP'ICATE OF COllfOClltATION Piled April 7, Ifft ministrative detail t hat N-Pllrt 6e1cl!, Cllrtwnl1, FOlt TllllilS.IC:TiON OP' IUl lNlll A. L0\111'1 Frln<lstn Wh I h .. tarot K. Sh1ut1tr, 10•• Commooor \INOl:lt FICTITIOUS HAMii Executrix " ee. er as. R;d .. He-rt 6e1ch, C1lllotnl1. THE \INOEltSIGNED COltPOJl ... TION .,, th• Wiii of ,,,, As f M D.,ed .lor!I 2' 1'69 doe1 ht~by cwrtff'I' "''' It Is CIMld\lctlll!I 1 1bove n1rned dKedvit or oorer, a year or so Shfrle• M J1c'k~n home llxlur1s ,~--·-er1~ .... ·-•&tllO ANO IAlltO h d d t ' -' -·-· ,,. "',.. ""'"""" ... . ago e appeare rea y o c11rv1 K. Sh•ueer oroYe1Mnt1 bu1111111 1oa1111 11 so,a •m LI ..... atw1 s ... u. ,. fulfill Navy hopes Of getting a STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) C1t1lln1 SlrHI, Lot At1mlto1, C11lfro1"11ll, 1.11111 a:Cll Cellfttlli •• rlll1 I ORANGE COUNTY l SS u"ller ll>e flcllllou1 fltm llflM ct Tel • CIUI Cn.t.tl Se<:Ond admira al the head Of On April 2', lfft, btfore me, I NOl1ry Ross-P1clflc Constrvctlon Co. Ind An• !Ir EkOIClllrlx the t · rt t US PubNc in 111C1 IOI' wld s11i., ~rson1ll1 th.If "" n1m1 ct 11ld coroor1t1M •l'ICI lh P~ 0 ,,_ Coiit O•llY Plkll mos 1mpo an · • •Poe•~ ShJrley M. J1cbon 1nd c1rot K. prli>elP•I ol1ce of bu1l11t» I• •s !allows: Allf'lt 10 17 2• ind M•~ 1, it.It 'l'J.49 military panel, The Navy Sfl1ut1er k1111wn to me 10 be 111e Pf•SOlt!I ROISmODr P1clflc Contr1<tor1, Inc .. =.::..;;"· ~· ~~-""°"='ii;c-~-""1ose Mmei 1rt 1ubsctlbed to IM wl"'!n :JI.I!·! C1t1nn1 SltK!, Lot Al1mltros, LEGAL NO'TICE lrn;lrumenl ind 1cknowltdgrd they U · C1llf<>rnl1, Kiited !he 11tne. WITNESS lls h11'1C1 lhl1 tlh d11 ct APtll, NOTICll TO Cltl!OITOlllS A tla t U de d !OFFICM",L .... se,•,,'! Mo...... IHI. NI. &"61"5 , , ,. , ,,,., R°'5m00r P1c!lk: Conlr1Clott, S\l~EllllOlt COUltT 01' THll n a n rgroun •.,•,,•,~,,,•, U!!!,C~•l,',torn11 lr>c:, STATE 01' CALll"OltNlt. l'Oll ....,.,... ISi Joseph S. V1111uei. Pre11C1ent THE COUNTY 01" OftANOS Or1nge Cqllnty 11/ A. J. Our111, Sei:rtt1ry E1t1i.o d fiLEANOft GOOWll(, M't Comm111ron Exolrt1 ST ... TF OF r: ... LIF'OltNl,I. \ Oeu1,ftl. T B S t C t P".,,.~!'~U .,,'· 01!!1, C•·o• Do'"" COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ! H Notice Is Mreb'I' t l-1o c~llor1 .,, """' ,,. -,, P!lol, ON THIS t1ti di., ~ APril. A.O .. lH,, lulYlnt cl1lm1 •9<1lntf ll'te Slid dtceden' 0 e mar en er April ,. 1rwl Mlv l, .. U, IHI 111.ff before me Irie under1lgn<'CI, 1 Nol•l'l' IO Ille Hid clllml In 1111 ot1k:• of 1-------------IPulll!c Jn Ind 1111' Hid C9untv '"" Slltf, 11\1 Cieri!; ol lh• lloftHld Court. -~ resldlnt lllerl'ln, duly comml11!oned incl lo preHnl !hem lo h ullders1o,,., •worn, otrSOlllllY 1p,..1rtd Jol""9 S. 11 lilt ctfla el Clltrlel M. Ari~• l-----~~~-----l v11-i •nd "· J. Ollr1n kllO'ltll lo ll'lf lo nt :SOUlll Hin Strffl, In ftlt CllY crt ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) -A haunt of empty bottles and broken men cal led Underground Atlanta is soon to be transformed into a center of restaurants, shops, theaters and bars. Only two blocks from the busy downtown Five Points district, with its skyscrapers of glass ·and steel, the en- tombed four-block section had been forgotten for years after construction of overhead traf. fie viaducts left it abandoned down below. Its cobblestone streets were used mostly by delivery trucks:. A n y o n e wandering down to have a look at the old storefronts and antiquated, handwrooght panels was likely to stumble over discarded wine and whiskey bottles or see some human derelict lying across a doorstep. CHANGED SOON But all this is to be changed soon by a restoration project which will transform the underground area into an Atlanta at the turn of the cen· lury -the Gay Nineties era. The old storefronts, well preserved under the sheltering viaducts, that have survived below the busy intersections of Alabama and Pryor street.3 are lo be restored and developed as an entertainment and shopping center. Its promoters are determin· ed it will not be a museum pie«, where people only come and look. They expect it to spring to life. A $hawing of the develop. ment in progress was staged recently for the city's annual Dogwood Festival. If all goes a$ planned, the entire area wlll be a functioning tourist attraction by next spring. PLANS INCLUDE Plans include a cabaret theater; • banjo bar; Old South, Uali.an and gourmet restaurants: 1 delicatessen· bakery; sidewalk cafe: card: candy and candle shops: a C8:f Nineties saloon and a ladies' boutique shop. Businessmen will lease the properties from Underground AllaJ'lta Inc., which will retain control over the development. Undercroond Atlanta w a s chartered in May, 1 ti 6 7, ipecUlcally to reslort the area adjacent to old Alabama and old Pryor streets. Henri Jova of the archlt(!llC· tural finn deslgnini t h e underground center, says their job ii mainly one of bringing out what ls 1lrtady there . "The best design ts the ltlS\ design," he said. "Our role iJ to enhance what's there, and v.•hcrever possible, Ibis ls what we wlll dt\" LEGAL NOTICE Underground Atlanta dates T'*l• 111 ti.e 1"r111c1en1 1nd s.o-111" rtlPIC> Loe A,...,1n, c1111. to0l4, wt11c11 11tltt' back to 1839 when a com-NOTICE 01' INTINTION TO llnl'f or Ills COfPlltl llOll lh•l ... KUlld !hi offlcw It Ille PllCt °' l:MnllltU ... tile (llfATE SECUltlTY INT•llllT Wllhln IM!rument Oii be111ll ., IM Oi)f' ..,,,,,.,..,,Md In •ti m•~fl ,etllltlln• munity called Terminus grew 1s1e1.. 6111 -•111 u.c.c.1 POr1ll011 11u1re1n n1meo. 111C1 1cknow~ to 111ld es111e. such cllfmi. w1111 1111 d ·1 d t · I NOTI CE 11 ~ll'lw gl\'911 fro Ills tel l'9 me th1t 1ltdl (Ol'por1llOll t•..:Utl!d necets1rv voucP11r1, muiJI bt !\Itel at' up aroun a ra1 roa erm1na. crecru""' of 111 MICHAEL P ... T1N 111> 111e s•m•. Prtllfltrd 11 1forn1ld, w11t11n lou• GLENN W, HITTNER, Oelll«i. "'"°'! IN WITNESS WHEltEOF, I ~Ille ""'11!h1 aller !ht flrll oubllt1llon of CITY CHANGES bustneu lddreu Is 111 117'1 MUl'!el h1r111nto 1111 my h1NI 1nd 1ffl•e<:1 m1 ct· this notice. ln 1843• Tenn'·nus •··ame Pl•«. Santi An• lb) lliS w. ht s1r1e1. 11ci11 "'" the d1, ,,,.. ,.,.r In ttih Piled MllrcPI 2•. Ifft. lie\; Tustin, CO\lnW ct Or1r"19e, Stile ct artlllc•tf flr1t 1boY1 wrltttn, C1Wtlt1 M. Art~ the town of Marthasville. Two Calltornta, tlllt • stcurlt't lnltrtsl 11 {5EALI And G1r1kl J. Miiier, about ta be creeled bv Oebtar 1nd /sf SlePhtn Stoff tcl111 E•ecutor1 of 1111 Wiii years later, the name was gnn!IMI .. FAR WEST SERV ICES. INC.. NotlN Public In Ind fl>I' of pld dKedenl changed to Atlanta. The city Secured P1r1Y. wl\Ose 111.tslntu lddrt11 11 ••Id caunto,o 1nd state CKAltLl!S M. All.I.IC 1'72 RtVll014S, Santi An1, County cf ,,..1.0C U• $0Utll NI" I ..... was incorporated in 1847, Or1n;1, st11t o1 c11uern11. "-'""'"' Nlm:llbtrt ,,,.. klrtl, ann. L111 AMtlti. c11it.r111.t ,..,, Th~ P"llltrt't In wh!ch fh• Security JIM WU1lltrt hullw1rl, SUll1 )OI Alf1n11r fer E•IC!llwf During the Civil War, Atlan· lntertsl will be cre1trd 11, In 1ei.er11, 111 L.M &ftflili. c1Hll""•'"" Plt·U•V! ta, a major rail center for the tl•tures •net 1<1ulPmen1. turn11ur1 111C1 PvlltlsMd 0r1nu1 C011l 0111r l'llol. Publlthtd orar111e COi_,, c.11., Pllrlt, South, was put to the torch by :;1~~~ °!1 ~·H.~::1::..:~~ April u, ,, •od MIY 1. '· ltlt • n.Mt Aprll ?4, •nd MIY 1 ••• 15. 1HI ,,,.... Union soldiers and destroyed. ~.~:~1;.ount't 0 ' ori,,g!, 5111• ct J,EGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE When rebuilding began TM 11ore!1ld \tcurlto,o 1r1n!1ct1on ... 1n1 ---------=.-cc=-cc=,-,=c----------' bl tomurnmtted on "' after "'-ls! de• C:ITT Of' COSTA MISA Atlanta centered around the of M•Y. Ifft, II 10:00 .... ,..,, II Emtrlld OllANlll COUNTY, CALIFOltNIA Id r .•• d I T k Es.crow Co~111on. ,,,1 w. LI""''" Aw.. NOTICI IN\llTINli llOS 0 aiuoa comp ex. 0 ma e 8\lfM P1r1t. (lllfor"ll. HOTICE 1$ HEREBY GIVEN ni.t lffltcl prop(lllh wlll bt •Ktlvtd by llM street travel easier over tbe So tar " kllOWn to ,.,. SKU-" P1r1't, c11v 01 cos11 Mn• ,, ,.,. oHk• ot 11'11 Clto,o ct1rtl 11 11w city H•ll, 11 F11r Dr1Y1. railroad tracks, viaduc•· wer 111 bu•lllll• n•tne• 11111 ldelre1H-1 llHd 1w eo.11 M.,.., c1u1ram11, untit 1111 ._. O'I n:oo 1.m . .,. M•r It. 1,.,, 11 Wflllch "" e IM O!!b!Or IOI' l!!t lhrH ~flrl 1111 PIS!, 11,,,. !hi'( w111 lie ~ pUllllcl)< Ind l'Hd 11oud In lilt (O<.tncll Ollmblr-I fol' constructed. As more and ire:.. FUltN15HING ALL ~eoR. MATElllAL~ EQU IPMENT, TllAHSPORTAT10N ANO . d b nDnt SUCK OTHl!R FACILITIES AS MAY llE REQUIRED FOR THE REL°'-'T!Off more via ucts were uill, Oiled: ... Prll ISlh, 19't. ANO IN$TAL~TIOH OF CH ... IN LINK FENCE AND SPR INICLE ll SYSTEM merchants began shifting their SK,,."~','.~",',, ''' ' MODIFICATION IN ... RLINGTON Oltl\IE tlETWEEN FAllt\llEW ltOAO AHO W • \II • NC. NEWPOltT BOULEVAltD. store entrances up to the IEMflt&Lo ~~.fO:<t~~':o1t&TION A 111 of Pllru. s111c111c111on1 •NI 0111"' con1r1e1 dOcllll'llllh ,..., be a11111.,.. viaduct level, '1U w U11C11t1 Awe 11 ,.,. ot1k1 of !he Clt't Cltrt.. n F1lr Prlw, eos11 M1111, 011tornl1 llPOl'I • d., Th. Or'·g···al slores, un 8111111 ·,. ..... c111""-i1 "'" posit ct S15.00. A clM~ of $1.00 wUI bl nllOI If PllndlH by mill. PLl!A.SI! MAIL " • 1!1erow 1111 11 lMl·I SEP ... RATE CHECICI. demeath, on the •• re a I .. Publllhe<i Orlnot Coest Deli,> Piiot, Etch bid .... n bl ITllde on ti. .,,._,.1 !Otm Ind In ,,,, m1nntr .n:i ... 1'*"9 Aotil 2', lffl 7t In 1111 contrlCI dacumt11!•, lfld SPltll be 1tU1m1>1nleCI •IW I ttrllllld Dr Clsltlto''' ground level, were bypassed ,..., check or bid bOnd tor not 1a.1 lh•n l!l'll. 01 "'-1mavnt of 1111 bid, ml(I• 1>1y1b1t d lb . d els bee to ~ Cltt of Cm.II Mui. an e Via u ame the LEGAL NOTICE AllbrTtl111om '"" 111 !Pit tclledult Df oredd•t1r11Md wist r1tf1 1n c0111uncll1111 principal streets of Atlanta. w1111 t"11)1avtr P1vmtnl1 1lsttd 11'1 lilt right l'llnd co1urnn1 ,,. ld11111111e1 11 101k1W11 1"·11!2t oll "r hol.lr oCI P!lf OIY Cl!llTll'ICATI 01" 9U$1Nl!$1 onw Ptr hour wol1lM PdW Ptr dlY wal1led Flcll"-Flml NuM ohtl 111r hour 1111t1 P6P per Olr p.ald TM 11rw:1t,110~ do l'ltrebv ctrtlt't lh•I P""''' "' hour -*.td or Plld Pdwl• "' dev work'fd OI P1ld !l\ev •r• ct1nduc1!119 1 r11I Pro11t1rtt ,,,.. p1lh"' per 1tr1l1hl llrnt ~au~ worked w wl(ll 1111 buslnl!!1 (11 Co-P1rtner1) 11 1706 p1th per str1!9ht llflle l!our 11w truss w111 Newoor l Bou~l!'d, COlll M f s 1, PSlhp P!lr 1lf1l1M """ l'lour Plld tw tolll "''" Seal Herds C~!llornl1, undlr th.I fletll1ou1 firm lllfllt Plnd Mr men OIY pilllw/p per 11r1lght llmt l!our worktd of T & C SUILOING COM PANY end 11111 or Nld A1·e I.inked 11kl llnn t1 l'OITIPOled of tl'll frotlOWlnt Employ1~ P1'1'm111t1, other 11\fn Tl!Olt lllfl'lflld ht'l'lln, 11 d.tlntd In Slelkwl tt<IOf!J, Wl!ose n1~ In full 1NI •llc11 11111 of •Pit Ubar Collr, 1r1 to R otld In 1ccotd1ne1 wnll 1tM ltl'l!ll Ill' !I'll of ~h:lel'ICI .,., IS tallows, 11)."'I!: CllUICl!YI btl'Hl11! ... llJK!Mftl -1\elble to thl """' or c:Jtultlc1Uen ., "" H•rvev G, 0~11Ch, 12tMO Maulld wo11u11e11 or mech1nla tmaloWld on IM pralKl. SANTA CRUZ (UPI) vi-Pl&ee. Sll.icll"' Clt't. C•U1otnt1, Ovtrtlml, SVlldiya •lld Plollcle~I less flllfl 11'1 llmn lllt btslc: "°'1ri'r \Yb S1mvel a. Slfrsn. Mii IMlltwortfl n1te olUI -llc1ble 1mPklftl' NYmtn!S. Tiie Plolldln u-Wlllcll Wdt rt!e-1 en an elephant seal pup Drtve, Los Anttlel. c11ifrarn11 : 1tw11 11o1 Pihl 11'1111 bt 1u 11o11c11va flCO!lltlled 1n ""' co111e11111 bl•o•lll•nt ,,, ... with a t.ag (ln its flipper Wa sh-~!win Ni!'Wm1n, IDIS Y..-llOll A....,,1,11, mtnl IP$11ic.lbl4; l'O 11'11 pllrllcvllr Cl'IN, CllUlfkltlOll V l'fPI If wort!mtfl -Venl(I, C1Utotn11. ol•ved Oii 1111 pro~t cd up on the btach last week O•ted ... ..,u 1•. Ifft. CDPlll °' 111 (0!1tctrw 1Mr .. lnlft9 .. reemeflh re1.i1,.. to ""' -.'Ir .. Id biologists established for th H•rvtY G. o1119etc11 rortti 111 "" atot.mtMlontd Llbor Code: •r• "' ni. ,,.,. 1¥1llQll 1or lft~ 111 ek ~~I ~~.:.n 1111 ctflct OI 11!1 OiPilt1mtd tf ll'dlllrLll ll1l1tloftl. Ol'fllklll Df Llbor' Sfllllllel fi rst lime a migratory tin STATE OF CALIFOltNI... 1 ...... ·-•rtl'I.. between seal herds hundreds COUNTY OF LOS ANGEl.E~ I H AlttnllOll II dlt«ttd to Slctloll 1·1.0lG of "" Sl•llderd Spaclllc:111ons ~orrvilllnl f II On lllt \tit\ d•Y of Aorll ""· btlort for tmPkrr'ment of llPP'lfttk'll en llW _.It. EYff"f' Wdl ll'Pf'tllllce lhtll bt Hlol O m es apart off the coa:it.s of mt, the unc1ers11ineo:1. 1 Not•,., Pwbllc In 1111 11111dird "'IOU Plld to •Pllf1llltka lllllftr "" """''•*"""• .,, llM 11141 11 California tind Mexico. •NI 1<>r 111d .s1111. Hn0111 J11 ·~"'"" wri1c11 tw 11 emiiloJ'ld, 1t1torflllf1tr1 .. 111t¥t to 1mp11Ym1tt1 of •-e11t1ttt 1111n Mfl¥!n Newmtn k.-n "' mt ta bt 1M bl 00!11111<1 "°"' ll'le Olrlefror Of 1111 OtNrtrrllnt OI lrllh.l1!NI lttl1Uen1 "'hi ~ ''In 1900, the no r ther n --wno"' ,,.,.,. 11 1111tKnbld 111 1111 "" Ac1tn1r111•r•tlvt Dffkff' of fhl ttllfor'llll ~IQllllP CowM11. .lephan' '.al Was thought t within W.1tr'""'"t .nci ldlnowltdttel th" Pvn111n1 to f!'lf mrvl11oM of St<111111 1770 1//1 1111 L.lbor' Code et ll'tt 1tr11 0 '"° •~ecultCI the ui~. of Clllfor'llll, 1M CIT'r (oundl of tllt CllY Of (Olll Mal Ml 11art1lllN t11t .. flo be extinct," Slid Dr, Richard w1TNESS ''" Pl•M •nd ctnc111 1111. er11 ,.....,.111,.. r111 01 .. ., .. In "" c-to,o 1n ""'ICfl th• work h 111 bt dtlll 111 bt Peterson, biologist at the (OFF•c:."~:r~A~.1 Gorm111 '1 '°1'°r..;,.u1F1e&Tlott University of California at Hot•,., Pubnc.c1nrMnt1 SICILLID '-"•Ort Prine!••• Offlc-In Cffl\t!lf Mt"" Santa Cruz. "But about 1910, Los Anoe"-coo~t't Ftnc1 l!rtciw om 20 f II M~ C"Ol'nmlulo!t holniJ Plvml)tr s e O tt'm were Jul¥ '· ltff s~IPIOMtr OJitr•tot Whitt Tl'lll discovered on Isla de ST,1.TE OF CALIFORNto\ ,,,., ~ m . up to .. 1"cludlnt I~,,,,. G d 1 ti COUNTY 01< OllANGI, t.t l rttfll' LOl4er OptqJIOr -All no-ua 8 Opt, On Aorll 1, 1Mt, bellOl'I nv, I Nel•N l,.ncl'llrto MllCllllll ~ltor In the 1930!, a colony an.. Public In •!Id tw uld '°"""' ,,,.. s11i., up Ill•' '"'th c1P1CNY mtg, rfllllt ,. otrlOllllh> 1..-1..:i Slmlltl I. llfr1n U"lvtnfl Etvlflmtotl °""'"" peared on San Miguel Island. ~= ,~ .~:!~ :' tt!''':1111~ s~1, bltcMOI, drtt11111. cltrnlllln. off Santa Barbara and thirty 1trufllftl1, sno ectinowltftK 111 rM ,,.., e1...,1c1i. Ot!'Tlck "'"' cr1r11. 111'- I ht ••.cutH IM -drlvtr • mv<k'"'9 ll'IKllll'll yenrs ater another herd was wi1neu m• Pllnd ,,;.. tt•t o•t•1tM•o1•T• euoe u.toR found at Ano Nuf!vo island 10FF1C1&L tEAL1 C:encrtM Mixlf" 0ptr1tot .. ar S.nl. Cruz. Wllllll'll M, kl!fnlOf Orlvtr et °"""" Tnd lilll tMfl 4 ydi. Nott,., Publlo<1lffofnt1 "'1lotr Intl Guadalupe, 150 miles of( the ~r:=·t:;~· In t.I~~ ·~=~~:":,. coast of Boja California in M1 COIN'l"llulol'I 1:._i,.... • lnchlcllrlt ...,..!'Wiie! "" M •• ;00• •-600 miles lrom "A-'""· 11. 1m ""''"" • c1111111nt et •M -••me ....,. ~ ..-ir STATE OF CALll"OllNtA, p'" lllllfS •ASIC •ATS l"llt lfO\lll '·'' rn ... 1.u 1.41 '" <M ••• la Cruz and sclf!nUsts had ,,...., COUNTY OF LOS ANOfiLfi$, ll, UNSICl\.t.1.0 U.IOll l.UIC ••T• ,.,. MOUl ''"'6 Ort ... ,11 14, '"'• btlttt 11'!1. I No41ry LI.., -~ ., C:W..11\ctltn W speculated about whether the ltvl!lk "" 911111 tar ••Ill OwntT -Stitt. atrr ct•Mt1kl11t11 -tnH ""'"" 11111n "' 11 "" .....,.111119 c,1tt r•"· seals minated and the bads """""' _,tel ........., ~ Olllf•ldl Ovttlltnt. $unM'f ... tte11111r ntei ,,.. ,, .,.. .. ,nq cn1rr r1o1e1. l!" kllO'MI ft 11'11 to ... lilt -"""-Tl'll c.tlfl'tctw 111111 v• -~ ~ -~'-111 lrOdt.ltM 1ft 1111 int,rmlngled. ..,.,. ta *"''°''"" .,. "" -.1111111 .,.. IJ!llllMI 11,...,.,,. 1111,., IMIM~ _..,,.11 ""'*'Kfllf'llll "' "" "'""" 1....._ Th lff"Uol'llel'lt, l'lld .._......., Ill ""' 111111 MiMMllllty 1• tr-.. -ltl'lll1 ~ i."" U11llld ...... ifl 1111 Ml Mn•• r:n the se~l pup aJ>l)Ht'ed ht "'twtt11 "" -. "' 1111 conlTld Rt Santa Cruz and W:tS ex· Wll!llM "'y """' .... ..... Ho ..., 1111'" • ~-llllllU • II --Ill • tillf'lll """ hlnlbhltl .. tOFFIC~~S~l Fox 1111 (!!y of C.lt Ml$1., Ind Iii ..,......, if1 IUOl'dll!Ce wll~ 1'M -II-• fhl amined by Peterson -who Not.,., Pllbllc>(i lJtornl• .......i rewlrtrntf!h,,, dJscovered he and another l"fillclNI ~ +n •~ MOOef' """' 111 •IOe!llH w •'-.......,,,If-. m l'MWTd "" •••· r'searcher had tagged the seal ~': =-~~ev;:lru '"" 1:",1f:!r.. ewnt• ., "" cttr et CC.I• ""'-,..,._ "' •ltllt " ,.fltf last February on Guadalupe. Mir. 11. 1m Plttd: """' tt. '"' -"Ntedles.' to say. It WP! a OAYIO 1. IMITM, Atty, great surprise to find the first : .... ":"1111r:t'°'=: tagged pup In Santi Cruz.'' P1t1111"*1 Or-1r1t1 c-1 D11~ Piiot, iald PelM'IOIL A.llt'll 11, t~ ,,,.. M111, L '"' nw1'1PWlllhld Orti• ca.u1 IT OJl:DEll OF TMf CIT'r COUH(ll. 0, THI CITY OF COSTA MESA,, CALIFORNIA C. IC. Plllfl7, GITY CLElllK OF 'Tl11! CITY OF COIT& Ml.IA, CAL tll"OltNI A ~11y fl'!llll, APt!I t4. a '* ,,.._ I ·-· ····----,...--~--------~--~------ HOUlll 'Oil SALi HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSl!S 'Oil SALi! 1.:..::o=:.:..;.;;;;..-;.;;:"T-....;.;.~.-....;-'-'--'-"'-"---1 HOUll S 'OR SALi HOUSES l'Oll SALi HOUSIS l'Oll SALi .!le-fl 1000 <lenor•I 1000 Go<ler•I l~iiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I 1000 Cott• Mou 1100 a.rcr•tt 1223 Udo Isle 1351 !:!fino ... ch 1705 DON1 MISS THIS RANCHO LA CUESTA -II you've missed the closeout o! RANCHO LA CUESTA'S 3 other units .• , , DON'T MISS THISll 4 & Fa11111y 4 llOdroom $35.SOO * $26, 950 * 1-SGS Ollo<, M ... V- Col lt1• P ar k Area CNlet strftt; 2 bath:, An Ideal family homa In a F'ltepiace, &bake lh1nCle l[t'tt.t fa.mlly netahborhood. tool; ftollt A baek yard 4 klna11te bedroom.It lhigf', •Prinklf'rs; 1 blodt to secluded Uvlna" room! Fam-r:lemtlltary ICbool.. near ilY or dinlrw room! Utility Eltanda le park., Patio BAYCllEST 4 Bil ,AMI LY ROOM 2~ baths. By Jva.o Wtlla. Flne•t carpda .. c!Npft, IU- perb J•ndnp~ A bN.uU. fUl. home. Sony 'ffe·have to Leave. M8.~. &Q..2911 W"tcll lf 1230 room! Two palloll LuihJy &. pla,y area. By owner. !and1eaped! EASY FHA Call: 54S.U5S ROME -Jt..J lot. Excel FINANCING. Owner pur-====~. ====I Wl'fltsldt. 3 BR 21.4 b&, room dlued elie~. Must sell M••• D•I Mer 1105 tor 4 or !5 unitl. 50--1623 now. See toc18y. ClU now.·· l LG bdrma, 2 bo., 1Tx23' llv. =·=""=·======= ¥ou'U be &lad YoU did. nn, lg aun -, ~-dln U I lty P k 1237 ... •M• e •=nn ·-"' n .. ,.. 1r ......,..~~ ........ rm, Wt-ln kitchen w/ -- \ i:J THE REAL ''-l:STATERS NEWPORT BEACHI 5 BEDRM-"POOL'' or closets&: tr pantry. Pool-Poo11-Tr•llt-Golf •i>ed lot. G.,... baa 1loor Shopplnv-UCl·3 Min. lo celling storage unita. 2 BR. lg llv room •••• ~.900 Brand new cpta/clrpa, paint S BR 21ii ba, 2 atoey •• $2f,950 inside &: out before yoo 3 BR. atrium ........ fl7,500 Each succeeding' unit costs more, so take advantage of these prices. Come & see our models on Brookburst at AUa11ta in Iiuntlngt:on Beach. There are 1 & 2 stories, 3 & 4 bedroom hQmes with 2 or 3 baths, &fission tile or shake root, fire- places, concrete driveways, he~vy rough cut beams, built-ins, lamily rooms & dinin&, rooms. Close to Huntingtori State Beach. These beautiful homes are priced !rom $24,990 to $34,200 with VA or Con- ventional financing as low as 10% down. No 2nd 'l'Ds at 7.2% interest. Call 968-2929 or visit any day 10 AM to 1 PM. -AJmost flO,tm nductlon. move in included h>t $30.SOO. 2 BR, den t&J fam. ••. ,$32,950 Walk to all tchl&, 546.-D0U9 Joy RE IU-0504 3 BDRM, 2 ba, wry clean. J BR. Condo.; xlnt loc. by $26,500. low down. Owner. adult pool; many extru. By · 1000 Gen•r•I 1000 Formal Dinit!CJ 500 tot•I down to vets, 40 ft. pine trees lin<' the street of this lovely 3 bedroom 2 both home. Sep fonnal din, rm., sep fam room, enont10011 kitchen. All !01 only $25,400. -Fa r r ~w- GI LOAN ASSUMPTION Big: 4 BR Northside Costa Mesa 2 year old home. Sprink1ers, 2 private patios & looks like a 'model hoine. $28.000 GI loan available to anyone--Full sales· price $32,950 Area of $60,000 homes. l baths, family nn. Electric built-In kitchen. Plush car- peting. Loads ot decking. 540-1120 TARBELL 2955 H1rbor ACTION 2700 San Luc.u, 545-1740 Owner fl9,&IO. 833--<1729 M-'•;;,:•..;;•_V.;,.•;;;r.t.=. ___ 1-'1" ID_ I Bock Bey 12"' PACESLTI'ER T W 0 O\VNER 3 BR 2~ bath, tam STORY 4 large bedrooms, rm cpt/drps, blt·lm. Near den, formal dining room in eveeythin&". Larae lot $28,500 excellent conditloti. $400) 642-S319 Thars what owner \vants do\vn • take over 6% Joan -======="'."'.:"': 3 BR 2 bath (no loan fees)-$293/mo ~ -1242 Newport J1eights •••• $27,500 eludes taxes. CALL AL E•stbluff DAVIDSON Realty BLACK 540-1151 Heritage 546-5460 Eves. 548-SSM Real Estate 4 BEDRM. + FAMILY IA.,---H"O°'ME=-,c:o-u-<OUJ="d-1°"""'" RM. $23,500 Tastefully decorated 3 Br-2 EASTBL UFF Con- dominiums. 2 s.lde by 1ide. 2200 sq. IL ea. 3 BR & den, 2 BR & den. Extra deluxe condillon w/ choice location & view. $51,000 A $67,500. Shown by appt. Mark Lea Rltr. · Colla -3100 Colla Mau 4100 ' 1 • I TWO ....... .... _. ---;;;;;;;;;-;;:;;:;;;;;-;--I.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I JUST tlSTEO bomn. ;,,, Oootem_,,., ';:,"'::;ad:;.,'~~ r'°~~":'r.,\1!\: RtEESERREICN!AL $30 WUIC 'UP.' beamed c:eu.q,, atnet to bulltins. Don't mba these. , Y .,. • c.ommerdal Rtld 1\reft lot. Must see to appreclate. Each for uamp}t, 3 bedJ'OOfDI; 2 • Maid Service .. 'N'a a...U. S-SS.~ $27.950. By owner. $.9525 bat.hi $225.1)) Jft mo. C..U • ~ Bar• 9«11 LIDO REALTY, INC. or&-3005 e we1tl!!rn trio.rrt., Sit. 3400 Via Udo m8830 FABULOUS view home, 4 SUNNY ACRES Mon::t Hunt!.,.... a..<h 1400 JUST CUT PRICE 11600 WAS $22,SGD NOW $20,900 3 .......... l both, Canlellng throughout Olwred Patio. Lots lllOft! utru! You o~ the land. Aae:ume my 6% V .A. $4300 d o w n. SlJ.f P.l.T.I. Pr Iv at e .Party. 962-7189 or 96M6'0 $13,999 2 BR, built-ln ~e A oven, p.rbqe disposal. FA heat. Double PiJ'll&e. 60x110' lot Covered patio witll BBQ pit. $135 per month indudbl&: taxes & inlunl.nct. BR 2% ba., a]l builtin 2316 N.wport Blvd., MM'm kitchen, W.., pool-tablo ORANGE COUNTY'S so. playroom. w•" bar, -LARGEST * Vlllo eon-Alilt. complot'1y carpet.d "" m E 17lh'St; 641 UM Costa:'<ea'1·ne-•-draoed stereo 1 p e a k 11 r . • luxunou, apts now ninHrc. .,.tom. By Owner. 139,soo. VA Repossession rum • unfum. Adw" . ...,. 494-9525 Everyone · qualiftes _ ~ NO pets. 1780 Pomona Ave., BY OWNER, mrth end, 3 down. 4 bedrooms. C AL L jut lbulh ot 18Ut SI. BR 2 ba, playroom w/wet 540-U.51 (open evr:s) Herl. bar, bulltin kitchen, 2 tagc Real Estate. fireplaces, outside & a a 3 BR; p.rage, patio; cpts, barbq, carpets, drape&, l~h drps. 1tovt, refrlg. Tropical fruit trees. $42,500. 494-952.l Jl!!tting f9f adults. 1 Blk. to WHALE Watclllng Ocean-11hopa $160. 544-4780 view lots, Laguna Beach. JUST palnfed, 3 bdnni;. $5,950 with •mall down ~-crpta, drpa:, blt-lns. .$U;). ment 497-ltrll eves. Mo. SUS . CASrl'AS . FURNISHEn' 1-BR &: Bachelor Apt1., ' 2110 NEWPORT BLVD. · Medillion by Hotpoint BEAllI'JFULLY FURN Immac. clean! 2 Br, pool AdW.ta:., no peta St:iO. 2712 $35,lm DUPLEX, 2 and 1 * 540-8774 * Maple. 540-S5Qi, 642-4807 BR. vlew, just ft'.mOdeled, pvt, wild ldtchensl Gl-9748 LEASE; 3 BR b o use. BAClfELOR. 1 BR .. util pd, Drapes, carpet. I: wattr nr OCC. No pets, $125 •. furnished. No. Coeta Mesa. 54&IDl9 e~ D•na Point 1730 64&-8959, 548-1619 1 BR. Apt. Single m.n only, DANA POINT HOME Partially tum. 307 Mesa Dr. Owner roust seU. 3 er., wet-i N;;;•w;;;po;;;;;rt;;;Be;•;;ch;;;;;;;;;;;;32;;;;;00~J;ic;iCM~, ~546-~ml'i,,~al;:-t ~·'~'°;;.,ij;ij bar den, game room, 2 MOBILE Home, furnilh!d. GLEAMING fireplaces. ~at v I e w 1/8 Adulta. Four SeaJ10111, 235S HARDWOOD FLOORS ocean&: hills. Upder mkt. at Newport.Blvd CM Sp 60 3 BRa & den. ' baths. Oean $35.950. 496-2500 . 'TOWNHOUSE .• ' ' & sharp, heavy shake roof, RENTALS Split Level 3 bdrms, : balhll Newport BMch 4200 large fenced yard with 2 Doutle & a r a a e, carpets. -~--~----1 patios. Priced for fa.st sale __ H_.;.ou_H_•_F_u_r_n_l•_hed-::::: I d.--ape~. Fireplace, e I e c. ~ BLOCK tn beach; 2 Br., at only $23,500. Belter check 2000 bu.Ut-!ns. ADULTS ONLY •• modern kltch., gal'ag!:1 w/w this onet Gen•r•I. • ............... $265/montb. cpts. Xlnt furnitUl'I!. 'MIU' MUTUAL REALTY $125 • l·BR. duplex. Good Mrs. Fay 1st to Jllne 15th, .8l1-123t , Oversized room throuahout. Ba. Assume old loan or new 2 pullman baths, Elegant conventional one. 546-1170 brick fireplace, all electric 4 BDRM, 1% Ba. close to '"Award" built-In kitchen. schools, shopping, churches. Patio, Park like landscaped By owner. 546-7308. Princl-ORANGE COUNTY'S yanl. 54~1120 pat< only. * . $23,900 LARGEST Newport TARBELL 2955 Hor bor C.M. Investment Co. 543-ml BLUFFS 842-lf18 anytime area.' Nl~ly Jurn. Avail. Bay & Beach Ext . 313 ' Days; 675-69'l8 now R lty I evenings. Beat Tlle Rent Bru\tr.r ~ 001 Dovc:~r., 'r:~~lte 221 is''"IN"'G°"LE,,;c-;;Y;:oo:::ng:::--'.A;::d;::ul;;:i.:'"i".1.ux::::. 293 E. 17th St. 6*-4494 it Newport Be•ch 1200 Just unlisted & reduced. Linda Model, 3 bdnn, 2 Ba, covered enclost'd p at I o. Greenbelt. $36.900. By Own· er. 64.f.ll97 $168 monlh pays all. Sharp ===""'===":'":' 66-200() ~s. 548-6966 ury gardeD apta w\lh coun- 3 BR 2 bath built-Ins, car-Rent•ll to · SM re 2005 '".'l~~~~~""~":"•I tcy club atmosphere and pets &: drapes, larrc patio I To\VNHOUSE l Br., 2ini ba. complete privacy. SOUTH S4400 down, 6% GI loan • PROFFSSIONAL man, JO, w/w cpls, drps, fpl. Fncd BAY CLUB AP'I'S . Irvine at PENINSULA POINT MESA VERDE Victori• Pain< docorai. for chann! . CUL DE SAC 646-hl l Good 3 BR home on 50x100 2 UNITS • $23,0DD Popular model with extra fl lot. XL.NT loc. $42,500 large famil) room-and sep-Balboa Real Ettat• Co. 2 Blocks lo Beach Live in one &: Rent ooe WELL Designed S BDJu.1, 3 ba Atacco home. Crpts, drpl, lrplc, lovely view. 2836 Alta Vista Drive. 644-1192 $25,300. wishes to 'Kha.re house, apt patio; elec. bltns, 2 car gar, 16th Newport Beach. Paul Jon9s Rt•lty w/samc. Newport atta. Up ·pool. $275. &t2-721g Aft. 4 pm <714) 645--0550 arale living room. Carpets 1 ~""~""""""~~""'"'1 673-4140· ana drapes and deluxe. cov-Assume 6 0/0 7DO E. BaJboa Blvd., BaJLoa 84. 7 1266 E 841 -19 to $135. 62S--51ll, Dit 4119. • ws. -o;:i John Malone 3 BR. duplf'x; 2 ba's., bltm, HONEYMOON Ha~; view $23,960 ~°"""'-=::::::-T-;:;;i1,; dshwshr., oew paint, cpts. & from ever Y room. two 0 9.""--ered ~tio. Great location for kids and pets. · S26.950 -G .I. Loan YOUNG woman, 1 child, drps. Nr. beach. Year lsc .. bedroom: ft r e p 1 ace : share 2 BR apt \\'/same or $230 540-7573 garage: stunning fumtture: BEST BUY single. Arlene ZDi Rutgers · private. $275. 543--2.194 att. & Corona de1 M•r l!ALTY 1250 You set the terms. 646-7171 • a46-2313 . ---. - ',?THE REAL \ "\. ESTATERS ! ' ,, IJ --- ~ tixlay. Four bedroom, 3 Costa Meta 1100 Near NB Post Ofe. 646-241.f bath home. Lovely huge 1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Corner 3 BR 2 baths. Boat No. A, Cti1 Huntington hach 3400 1 ~P=M========I family room with oversized Bushel Basket stone fireplace. Nearly Jl('W carpeting & tile. Excellently full of goodies -fresh paint, "priced at $25,500. Submit new carpets, huee covered Uf storage. Near park. LADY to !hare home with 1. E/Bl.UFI-', bay view; on A Way of e HAFFDAL REAL TY one or more employtti FREE RENTAL BOOK Corona dtl• Mir 4250 wide green belt; 3 Br. 211~ GALATEA TERRACE 8740 Warn@r, F.V. 842-44<6 ladies. 53&-1986 DROP IN & BROWSE ba. Spae.. liv. & din. areas. c:oot Bay breezes across the: kl Real Sharp 3 Bedroon1, 2 AVAil. M~ ht, Iarae 2 BR. Many cl15t. features; mir-pool and patio, graceful SEE THIS !! SHARE home wHh wor ng Bath. Near schools and 1 Ba, lge priv sundeek, pool, . rored wardrobe, bu 11 e r . s white sails on the Bay be-4 BR. 2 ba, dinln& nn, Irplc. lady. Santa Ana Heights shopping, $175 mo. ttnt, re-close to be~ch & shopping. pantry, abundant storage; loiv your windows, .f luxur-1 block lo achoo!. Owner area. Call: 545-6240 quires 1st and last month Beaut lot;ation, 1arare, $JXI I ii ... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio I your smaller home on our patio area -all included I' guarantee sale plan. in lhls 3 BR, family rm, Baylronl Hotel wE SELL A HOME """de• Mar"''""'' EVERY 31 MINUTES $27.SOO luxury cpts, drps; nr. poo5001, ious bedrooms, large family buying mobile home. Beach Co-sta-~tl 2100 plus a small deposit. Oplion mo. year 1 lease. 675-7970 ot cabana: below mkt. $42, . room bright sunny kitchen atta. Easy tenns. Avallnble. 8J3..l.234 Ext 301 644-4 265 ivith break!ut are&. The ul-R. D. SLATES, Rltr. 2 BR.., gar., patio. quiet. WE SELL A HOME 1 BR near ahopplne, adults, NE\VPORT ltElGHTS • 2 timate in carelree living. 847-3519 Eves. 962-7369 Tropical setllrc for adlts. 1 EVERY 31 MINUTES $135 mo. 60'l H~ In fabulous Avalon Walker & Lee Call ' 0,t2 Dining mt, 2 bars. 3'.i rooms 2().13 \Vestclill Dr. tl,EALTY p!U1 View O\vner Units. 646-TI! t Open Eves. !ltory located on a \\"C:ll Shown only by appt. SOUTII Shotts. 2 BR, epta, Blk shops, S1~. 544-4780 w lk ·1 l &42-3295. 673-121.t landscaped . cortll'r Io t · $115,00'.I .. __ t i d a er ee -f •·-I E d'PS, bltlm, FA ·~•. db 1 BEDROOM, l ur n • h • Belboo ,_ Large rooms are a ea.w..,. DeL•ncy Rt• atate scar. Sl4,500. Woodwa r d adulll. $130 includlnii: gu. ...,u 2 Ed•'ng•• -BURR WHITE, Rltr, 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. 67S-4630 WANTED R.E. Saleswoman We have the advanlagl! of the "'xc.1usive agency for Jva1: Wells' ne\lt Dove.1 Shores Development + a captive audience for ttsales, Office in ne1\<; exciting, fumi5hcd model on Galaxy Dr. Roy J. Wartl Co. Ask for M. Pinovet' 646-1550. TWO STORY $35,950 4 large bclrms, formal dinlng room, separate den, dinette area 2~ baths & excellent location. Seeini: is bclieving- owlX'r bought new home. CAU Al BLACK 54!J.1151 (oper eves) Heritage Real Estate. · BAYCRESJ BARGAIN j bdnn 3~~ bath home. Beam. ed ceiling in living room, large patio, space for pool. Ideal fo1 big family. Own- er moving EasL llurry~ Arnold & Freud 388 E, 17th St., Cf.f Realtors 646-Tr;,t. 4 BR EASTSIDE Will go FHA/VA S25;55« Rltr. 642·9730 Eves. 54&-0TlO 657 W. 19th St., C.f.f. e KEllCEDY -$25,750 S BR, 2 bath, excel. location. AllSutne F11A @ Sl4llmo., or submit FHA, VA terms. CALL ~fR. NELSON 540·1151 <open evesl lleritaae Real Esta le. OCEANVIEW 2 BR.' 2 bath, 1 block to Beach $29.500 George Wllllamaon Realtor EV('a:. 673-1564 PENINSULA POINT Paint, decorate or cliann! Good 3 BR hrne on ~ x 100 It. lot. XL.NT Joe: $42.500. B•lboe Re•I Ett1te Co. 673-4140 700 E. Bllboa Blvd., Balboa 4 BEDRM-$23,SDD Spotleu eond!Uon. 3 btlll\4. "Tiki" House Special EASTSJDE Sparkling Pad- dock pool home with cute Tiki house, 8' high fence around pool & patio f o r ma"Ximum privacy, a rare &: meticulously clean l & family room, priced right • under $36,000. Call now! 546·5&&0 . (ntarcftema lhealre) LLEGE REALTY 1500 Adams It 1ilrbof,('Jl NEWCOMER I-Jere's a home with 1850 sq It of family living . 4 Bed- rooms, family room and lal'gC" livii:ig room. !lard· "'-00 floors. with extra play house and storage. _ It has been appraised by FHA at $26,400 . Can't be beat anf\\'hcre. THE REAL ES. TATERS 54&-2313 or 646-TI71 YOU O\\'e it to )olll'SeU to in.. vPstiga.te our 4 different trade·in programs, ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 4 BDRM. + FAM. RM. WITH FIREPLACE $21 ,0DD Priced !ar belo\\ rcplace- n1ent on loday's market. 2 baths. Massive brick lire- plaec in huge family room. Built-in stereo & tape re· corder. TARBELL 842-691 Carpeted and d ta Ped 2828 E. Coast Hwy., CdM Reali 962-3343 St CM '"" ' throughout -new condition 613-3770 on, 3:13 W. Bay • · · 842-4455 or" MQ.5140 CLE,t\N ~tor Apt.a. s 3 8 , o o o rnE REAL l zzzzz~~ZZ l BR rederorated. new w/w Open Eves. All uUl incl $75 UP ESTATERS 641)..Iln or crpta, UJ,500 • $1.250 On. R-2 Newport BMch 2200 1==='=====>1 315 E. Balboa. Blvd. SWIMMING POOL 21 "-ill O ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~ 546-2313 Traditional Ch•rm lol. 6 n.uvxv e. wner • Fount1ln Valley 3410 BALBOA 673..a!MS You and the kids desen" !hall' 532-5939 SUMMER RENTAL 1 ::::::::::::::__:.;::;:!-.::::::1=~====":::::-I I d Plus coast's most en mg this pool for a long hot sum-Cu -e-Sac .,.,.., 4 BR. 51b: bath, formal ctrrE and C.Ozy, 4 Bdrm. Swam•• -~ year round 3 BR., den, fam-din. rm-.; Lido ltl• 4351 mer. 3 BR home on Esther ..... blti "15/ th Le ---------1 d. ••• 2" ft family rooms llUeco, near 1 .i._ Park Rm. -~ .. -·atlo•• being taken. ns. ... mon . ase. . St, E·Z terms, 5~ 'lo loan mM..... "W'1 • ' ~ • .._... '"' • ., A "' 20 ·~1"'"'' ' LIDO ISLE $139,500 clear. Submit tenns, for boat or camper, S3>.&IO. PROPERTIES WEST l="=·="=·='='="=·=~=~=~===I $26.950. I p· hi • A ~frs. Te......., 536-2579 agent 67~ A•~n Bayfront Apt; sublet fUrnlah.. ~ Lot + Back Bay view. New Ha inc n ... stoc. ..,, 1028 ·Bayalde Dr. .ru.""1 Leguni S.ich 3 70S ed for summer. J'atio, .:,' 4 bedroom 3 bath, 75xl2S' lot, 3900 E. O:ie..st Hwy 675-® CUTE and Cozy, 4 Bdrm. ~~~!!!!~!!!!!~~~: J ;~;:;;;,.;7~~:-:· = firept.ce, 3 Bednx>r!J, 2 1 ·;-room for boat &. trailer. stucco, near Lake Park Rm. ;: 2250 SPACIOUS 2 BR plus studio Bath. 675-2328, w k d ay s ,. -at E """I' bo •~ ~ Corona del Mar I E A L T Y Delta Re state O'tO""l'I " 2 BR • 2 Bath Home for at or camper, ....,,J\N. :;;:.;.:;==--"""'.--room, built-in kitchen, Vic-213/654-3016 Near NB Post Ole. 646-2414 ill Ml"'!I. Terry 536-2579 Agt. 2 BEDRM. Ille bath, new tor liUgo area, Asking $250 -=========::! lo ~~ I on Oceanfront. Owner \V _ :ZZZZ=:i~~=~ rEE corner t, ""'" oca-f BR, 3 yr1, w/w crpt, drpg, pa'mt and new w/w car. No mo. fM-5298 Hunti__.on h1ch 4400 · '28 900 finance_ $75,000 ,,.. lion, ., • C p t blt-ina, lenctd back yd, pets. U15. 67$-3475 TOWNHOUSE Orange OHi roper Y ;pa~tlo~. 126~.soo~. ~962-6765~~~' I;~;;;~;.:~:=~~ L•guno Niguol · 3707 QUIET I. BEAUTll'UL Near new, li&ht and airy 3 BR & fam rm w/POOL. 332 Marguerite 673-8550 ..;; Summer Rent•ls 2910 Adulta only; 2 Br., utlL paid. large bedroom, 114 ba, cus-Lovely family home, near H ti 1 ::;::;:;o;;,_;.;.;,_ ____ CJ1ARMING 2 BR, din rm, Pool. $200. 847-2125 tom drps, cptg., Blt·lns, dsh-schools and WeatcliH Shop-VIEW • Pool. Spacious 2 BR uH.::o=~ 1405 2 BR furnished ho u ll e, view home. Private beach, 3 17676 Cameron , Hu"t • .Bch. \vshr. A real goodie! $19,fiOO piilg. $52,500 home 40' liv nn, lrg master La.a:una. Beach, 3 blocks to Arch BaY.. 673-0097 Aft 4. 2 BR, 2 BA, dihwhr, pool, . WOODWARD Rltr. \VALKER RLTY 615-5200 suite. Owner. 644-22-44 WATERFRONT· by owner · beach. 494-7227 l(c ~' ALS bWards. Adul ll, no ~ 8843 Adams, Huntington Bclt 1 """~~~~:l':'i~"' I I 1300 4 BR. • 2 BA., dock, 5.i' on RENTALS Aplo Furn·11·h-• 118S --Flo-536-77» "' -3'" I ' VISTA BAHIA Belboo Penlntu • · · • -· -' ~ . Bay water enclosed patio ST4,500. Housn Unfurni1hed DELUXE 2 BR. 1% bath. &11 OPEN 2-5. Panoramic Aho 60' on main chanllel Gener1I 4000 elec, no pet$, l child OK, 3. 2 BR Unifi $21,950 View. 3 Br. 2 be., elec. bltns, PETITE large 3 Br. 3 Ba., dock, General 3000 A S3&-l 7l9 3 garages, 9 yn old. Fix it lrpl. Nu-tone intercom. Best Sll0,000. Consider lease/op-SICl5; COMP. furn. bach. apt. 403 .Mem~ ve. up for profit Joe. 2420 Univenity Dr., _11o;;;";· ;;'9Z-5998:;;::;;====:: I LEASE. 2 bedroom I: den, 2 Patio, w/w. Avail. now. G ~-G 461 $950 DOWN $20,500 N'pl Beach; Owner 642·2809 PRACTICAL bath. l..arle garage I: fenc.-Broker 534-6980 1.--n rove; 3 BR 2 ba Montie, Condo. 3 BEDROOM, dining room, lagUM leach 1705 ed yard, Ooee lo Churches $140; 2 BR. C.Onv. loc. Gar. SINGLE Young Adults .Lux· CpVdrps, bit-Ins, dlshw, dbl iat'g(! lot, many tre:es, PRIDY -o;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;.1 and· Shopping. El Toro. w/w. Available now ury P.fden ap~ with ,Cll>Uft-~ --" cl • U •t Vl'eekday1 837--0918 aft 6 PM B "-r ••• -cl b •-hett Ind gar. Pools, Imm"". poss. dishWBSher, ~ -earung Income n1 t 30 ro...: ~ try u a ... .._., "I TAKE TRADES" oVi!n. $29,900. 629 St. James H•ndym•n Speci•lt Weeke..nds alter 9: =========I com2letl!! privacy. sdUTH Bob Olson, Rltr. 546--5580 Rd. Owner-Agent 2 Bedrootns, I't.i bathll, near Loe. on Oceanside ol Hwy. $115; 1-BR. cottage, 1tove, Costa Mew 4100 BAY Cl.UB APTS . 13100 d Bay & Ocean on Peninsula h l w/w, family &: pet OK. .::.:::.:.:;,.;;;;.;;;;_ __ -'--'-" CHAPMAN Aw GNdi!!n SPARKLING POC>L HOME BY OWNER: Reduce • Point. l!iO yds from Beac . 4 ge Broker 53U980 llOLlDAY 'PLAZA Grove (Il-4) ~ One of a kind -excellent CAPE COD 4 BR. pool. Only S38.1"i0 Apt. units, need.a pa.int I: DELUXE, spacious 1-Bdrm·l-==========='-I area -close to schools & $59,000. Call arter S PM BURR WHITE, Rltr. good general cleanup. PO-$195; 4 BR. 2 bo., garage. Furn. apt. $135 Plus util. Ligunl hlch 4705 shopping, 3 BR, 2 baths, 548-9477 I d NB TENTIAL J N C 0 ME EX-w/w, tncd yd. Children &: Heated pool. Ample parkingl-""--""------- n1assive fireplace. family 3~i;BR""w"-a"ior1ro::;;;;0;;;,-;N;;;o-. Ai52 67~owie:.~.v 6JJ..Oe$t CEEDING $10,000 ANNUAi. pets OK. Broker 534-6980 No children. No pets 100 CLIFF DRIVE room & gorgeous carpeting. Balboa Coves. s 6 o, o o o. LY. Price $69,950. 3100 1965 Pomona, CM Lara:e bachelor Apt furn. Priced to sell at $27,950. Prefer trade for acreage or MISSION REALTY 494-0731 Cotti MHI TOWNHOUSE, 2 BR, 21,.i AU Deluxe Features CALL 540-ll5l (open ('ves) will consider other. 548-mt Lido lt1e 1351 98S So. Coast, Lquna .::.:,::B:.:R:...,;.ho,;;...""'_' -$-t65_M_o_n_lh BA, WELL FURN. Dbl Ocean View. Wa1k to beacb lferitage Real Estate BACK BAY CuslDm 4 Bdr, 3 fncd. yard. No pets. garage, pvt yard, pool, .$170 -yearly lllut No Down GI Ba, firm, :Un. fr PI c · CONTEMPORARY Cute •t e Bug's E•r 1940-B Pomona St., CM clubhouse. 54~15 4f4.244t 3~11 East Coa.st Hwy. Corona dei l'ttar 67f>..174j Modern 2200 i/f $40.750. ~s nothing added. It Is 3 BR 2 ba CUllDm home, few REDF..cORATED 2 BR un-2 BEDROOM apt. with pooJ PANORAMIC view ovtrtook- Owner/eV('s. 646-1542 filled with a 1tyyle of lt'1 blk1 to bch. ~p. muter fum., utilities pd. Vacant. Children O.K. No pets. Ing Albo Beach. 2 BR furn. BLUFFS &sl buy. Pool-ten-own. 3 Bd + 1mall rm, be.au-tulle, bltns, Ja:. prtv patios. $155fmo. 286 Knox St., CM 2265 Canyon Dr. 545-2104 all elec. Mature adults, no WAS $22,500 $24,950 ni&-Vie\v. :: BR, 3 BA. By tillll. Bi's, 45' lot, $65,00) View bdnns. Beam I post 2 BR houte 1987 B STh BACHELOR, rc{rig, hot children, no pets. ~ mo. NOW $20,900 owner. $4000 dn. 644--0778 R. C. GREER, Realty 001111. Cptd I: drpd thruout. Ch&rle SL $1lO month plate. lJlll paid. Woman on-Call eves, 49S-3'155 l bedroom. Carpet Ing 3 BR 2 baths, wtth ocean v~w THE HUB 01 activity tor 3335 Via Lido 673-9.100 i!;'·::drra Rlty 4~ 642-22S9 or 646-7017 ly. 642-5046 ewnings, LAGUNA o c eanfro nt !hroughout 10 x 20 covered Rand Re1lty 64$.-2340 aemcm bUsll'I,_.• ..• U. I "!!!!!!!~~~~~;:;"i':;;:' NO .-•nu wtuit it la, you Wll.SON West ; 1 Br. turn. Bachelor ApL }'urn or ~i~in~I re~~~,:~ .$18,ID'.) -FOR ~ bargain Clulifted Adi-Dial M2·' -s J; ~ ~c!r w~ 'D!!'AIL~~Y!'!P~ll.Dr~~W~ANT!'!!!"!'ADS~ ·can u;u tt wtth • DAILY All uW Incl. $135. Pool, Unturn $180 mo.Ile .... Siie hunters. nm is a choice ~~t~oou~.,~-~~te1~m~ee~N~OW~.~~=====~~~ BR.ING l\ESULTS! PJLOT WANT AD!! &U-5671 Adul!Ji:. 549-2627; 968--1740 adult. ~ cenUy painted inside and eastside location. Bl& R-2 -,;~~;;;,;;;:;:;:;~~=:'.~~=~;i====:=:;''::'::=.:=====:;;;:;1 RENTALS out. June 1 moW'-in plus as-lot with clean 2 Bdrm home ;::. «M»OGeneril 4000Gener1I 4000 Apts. UnfurnJllhld sume &'k V.A. loa.n. $4300 at rear of lot -at thls price PATRONS General down. S13'1 Pm Private the home is practically tree. Party, 962-7689 • 963-4640 TIIE REAL E.YI"ATERS NEAR WESTCL!FF 646-7171 or 540-2313 ARE URGED 3 large BC!dtoom.'I, 2 '8aths. BY OWNER 3 BR fam rm, Living room & family room, bltns, hdwd nrs. patio, TO REPORT ANY hoth with II " 1d ""' ' • f'PIC, d.,,.. Newly l'«Oo- t: () v e r e d 1111 I in. n r iv dltloned, fenced. $23,SOO. drapories, buill·i.,, Clo,.,t 3093 ''"""'•th Lo CM, DIME• A• L. INE 5paec galore! On cul~c 545-3530 111?ar schoo\J & 11hopping. ;;;;,-;;;,....=:--;--;;;;-;,.-= Immaculate! Ready to BY OWNER' 3 BR. Ill BA, IRR.EGULARITIES THEY FIND · .,., ~ a tam nn. Back Bay home. Jnovf' into. .... . ,....,, y 0wncr. ..i-1s79 "'' 12 noon Take over .., 511% """· IN PRICING OR MERCHANDISING Slll per mo wfo taxe·1. OLDER HOME \Vilh huge Hving rm, fple. hardwood Ooors, on 2 lotJI Low down prnl .FORTIN CO. l7Ul·A Westclilf Dr., NB - Priced •• 128.6'0. ""' TO THE l\Mland1 Dt., CM. ~2663 3 BDRM·Sl 9, 950 Auume 5%." F1lA loan. snt mo, ..,., all. I.rs ll1cd ,..,..., newly redecor. DAILY PILOT I I I' General RENT 3 Room1,,urnlture $20 • $25 & UP. Montb-To»Montlt Ren~ WIDE SELECTIOr< App"4nces .t'TY '1 aw.IL, NO DEPO~ O.A.C. H.~.ll.C. Furniture Rent1l1 517 w. 19th. CM 541-34S1J 1568 W. Lnc:tn. Anhm Tl SJS5: 2· BR-. l'°' ba. tlutUo R.atwe A oven, w I w dttPtCs, cpd. pr, Bkr. -Dn!am kitchen, bullUn ranse ~~:l!!.!!!!"'l"'l.'ii"l'!;!!">;;;: A ovtn. P1>ntltd film.ii,)' BY OWNER 3 BR lam rm, room. }bplact. Stparate ·bltns, hdwd fln. patio, cf'IQd'• pi_,-ana. 540-171) trplc, drprl. Newly rtm~ TARBELL 2955 Ho rbor ""'°"""· fenced. 123•500· Owner 54.sm 5 BR. By O\\'l'IC?', 5~" ntA loan. Full price $>1,500 w/ consider 2nd. 549--2103 OWNER, 3 bdrm, 2 ba, Eut Sklc, nr r.hopping 4 ICbooll. 131.500. - IN AYON I Cott.Maw 5100 WARNING! • 3093 rerMeath Ln CM. Warm & Friendly ~ w ... cllrr 1oc. Stun11v1n1 hlt J R. E"'s'"T"'A'"T"'E--'u'"•~,450=1 3 DR. tam nn, 11 kit, lot.di ''0$'' DOWN cablntts, {rple., Uv nn/FR, Gencrou glfed btdrooma.. 2 2 ha: Hted pool, pa,rk.llke balhl. Tiled enlJ'y hall. llah~ed yd. $44,1'!0. Fireplace, Lare e-famll)o PWC RL TR. 546-5440 ,..,., 540-1120 DAILY PILOT l'ANT ADS! TARB ELL 2955 H1rbor A~UME 4" li4 GI 4 br, 1% ba, nr lth!a. Doyle Co MS--USS. evu 67>1977 DiE SUN NEVER 4'TS an Oualfitd'• adlan power. li'or an ad fo 1ell uOW'.ld tho> r:l~lt. dl"1 642-M1t. Advertisi n9 not conformin9 to our Dime- A·Un• r•gu11tions may be in vi olation of both City and State Board of Equ1r111tion codu l t ------~---· I • .... -•• -.,.....,,... .. >w;v:v-~ ... ·,.-.i . ,.,......,-: ~· \ -.., .. ' .. .. .. . . ..... ' . .. ~ . ~ ... -, ...... ~-----~-·--~--==--~--~~-·---'""""'""'""'"""""'""'""'"' .. • ~'f'l:,1;. .. '"'",1"""", '\'·•....,·;,.l 1-~\r .. ;;;.,.:,·,, ,; 1,,,·.,.r-,j,"'':!7ii'-..:V-·•'·,,-,,-,.,y, ..... P"• ,; •1 ~ ..... ..,.,..,,....,..._.-----~-•• •• ' •• • • ,. l -• ' ' • • • • • ' 1 • • •• • • • -· .. -...... f •• ,.. .... ... . . ... . . .. . . .. BUSINESS oNi ~INANCIAL * * * * SIRVlCI DIREtn>RY SERVICI DIRECTORY JOIS & EMPLOYMENT Cll'JIOftfOllnt 6590 HOVH<IMni"I ~735 Help Wantod, Man 7200 * YUl1 Pomo111 , Clo5t& Meu'a nt:WHl .l most 1wau1o11& apts now nnUQI Unl11r. l Ii 2 BJU. Adult& only No pell. l?EiO Pomona Ave.. jUlt IOUlh ot lSttl St. FAIRWAY VILLA APTS. Near 0. C. Airport, 2 Dr. Apta, Untum, 20122 Santa Ana A\•e. ADULTS ONLY. • 546-7602 • 2 BEDROOM apart men I near be~ 1 Month plm. st&rtln; now. Phone O. Reynold•,Whllt le r 69&-1124. or Mite Box 4038. \Vhittitr 9J607. TEAClrER dtaiftl 2 « 3 bdrm liou8I! or apt nr tieoch. Lse aJOi{ime blltwn June 15th A: Aug 15th. caJI collect 1..s!!8-0453. Aft 6 & Sun. BEACON BAY HOUSE 2 BR. 2 BA. unturn, yrty 1se or Bayshores, Cdllif, Ir· vine TerTact, ~ eves. STORAGE GARAGE wanted 3 BR.1,. ba, blt-ln nJIP N.B. or C.M. area. from &. <M.D. With ~. ~. 4128 thru Aug 15th. Call ""501> We11...Mc:C1rdle, Rltr1. MATURE executive wants l 1S1G Newport Blvd., C.f.L 548-77'l9 bdrm untum, trplc, gar, l~!"""'l'"""'l'~~~!!!!!! I walk to beach. Yearly lse. r= li7S-2309 mornings. Gr•clou1 Adult living 2 ••-/ •-dra ~ ADULTS need 2 Br. furn. OUillll., w w cp..,, pes, house.': c.osta Mesa/N"-1M>rt pool Students O.K. MESA EAST APTS. .,.., To 1170· 213' ti97.Q732 145 E. 18th. C.M. 642-3474 e LANDLORDS • OCEAN BREEZE upper apt. FREE RENTAL SERVICE ~ 3 BR 1% ha. blt-lns, Broker 534-6982 c pt s I d rps. , sundeck. 3 BDRM home on yrly least' $160/mo. 2286 Canyon Dr. for family of 4, CdM or No pets 5-1~ aft 4:30 or Balboa l.!lle. 6'l3-827B art 6. v.:,eekendJ. or ?1-11 2-2222 \\'ANTED -QWel, clean 2 $155; LA.RGE dl:c:. 2 Br. 1 ~~ BR apt. or duplex in N .B. ba. G .. E. Kitch, 2 car i;u. 644-4044 Adults. No pets. 240 E. 16th Pl. 548-6432 Rooms for Rent N;l;,CE;;:.,.=p.::.T~aw"--nho.,-u'"'.,:.;"2~B' Frpl, cpts; aarag-e, Adult.!!, no pets. $140 r.10. MS-8428. 2652 Ora11ge Ave. ST~ LGE. 2 Br. splil level $150 Upper 2 Br. $135. No pets 5995 2885 Mendoza 54.5-M21 SLEEPING room for man. Prv hm &. entnr. By mo on- ly, $40. 1543 Orange, C?.f. LRG. Pr.> room, semi prv bath, female only. ?.1esa Verde area. $15 wk. 545-1304 h 5200 Room & Board 5996 IN nice, clean priv. home, Brookhurst & Adams, Hunt. Bch. Joe. 962-6795 6070 lu1. Opporivnltlee '* CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE LAGUNA BEACH Air c.ndltiontd CARPENTRY CARPl:l'S. Windows. lln. MINOR REPAD\S. No Job etc. Rniden. or c:omc·L Too SmaU. Cablnet in sar-Xlnt ...ti: Reas! Rds. a&e• 6 other cablnets.1 .~:=:;=;::====== SM1'15, ll no &111Wer ICI...-.! I" ON FORES'i" AVENUE Desk SPIC• avall&ble in De\¥elt otflc• bWldtna at prime &oeation bl dowutowu l..qwla B<ad.. Air ccadJ. tioned. carpeted, bwltilUl paneled panldonina:. Two enl:ranctit: Frontq;e en Forest A•e .. reitr ltadt to Munclpal pu\tb1& lots. 150 per month for IPae. Delk and chairs a•all&ble for $$ . Busineu boun annerln& Rl'Vice avalh.ble for $10. All ulillties paid except t.elepi"1oor. DAILY PILOT Z22 FOREST A VI2lUE LAGUNA BEAO:I -AVAILABLE August, 1969. ti.todern, spaciou1, pro. fe&lilonal oUices to rent on monthly basiL Located In prime busineu area of beautiful Miuion Viejo. Call 1'tr. Lap~. DoWN!y Savlnp & Loan Assn. 837-4911 $80/MONTH lit floor, small office with bath. Ideal for Real Estate Bien, lnsurance-t"tc. Ed Rid· dle Rltr, Ask for Mr. Hester 646-8811 NEWPORT CIVIC CENTER Offices suitable for Com- mereial, Medical, Dental. Air-cond., crpts, elevator 35c: PER SQ. FT. 5-11.0032 OR 675--2464 STORE, oflice & desk spat.-e 1842 Newport Blvd., CM . 548-0588 Commerci1I 6085 (Put or N1 Time)" Excr:llcnt tncome tar few hn. 1<1"ttid.Y wort&: (days or e~a.), Rf.W1ini and colleclln£'. mooe1 from Co I n Operated ~ liel'I in Cotta Mesa and llllm>WXllnc a r e •· No ~lln:. (Handles n a m e brand cand.y It snacb.) $1650 tot.II.I ash required. For mo r • il'lfonnation and details, send rwne, addreu and phone nwn- ber to: ''ROUTE DEPARTMENT' P, 0, Box 3846 Anaheim, Caillomia 9280.l AREA MANAGER Expandlzv Bfl'Vi~ lausl ness requires man to man. a&!' Torrance & Bay area offices. Unusual opportunity for a man """ho wants to work. c.ompany training pro- gram at home ottlce in Whadtlyo Went? Whaddyo Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Specie! Rate 5 Lines -S 11 .... -5 bucks ~U~(J -'40 MUn 1NClUOI' 1-w,,.t """ 111w to 1ra<1e, a-wMt ,..... ••nt 111 ,,.._ ._¥OUR ..,._ alldJ., HOl'tt1I, '-$ II'°" ti '4Vmlllftll, A-NOTHIHC) l<OR llAll -'fRAOU OHL 'ti PHONE 642-5671 To Place Your Trader's P1radl .. ~ 17 Ft, fi~r et..1• outboard and big wheel tllt tralle:r. \YW trade tor l&ndacapln&. PHONE -Anaheim. $10,0IXI Invest. ISO 65 Ilallan 2 + 2. Air, ment. secured by ii\ventoey, AM·FM.SW. 370HP, Mini. e<1U\Jlrnenl le trucks. Financ. $10,000 new, value $4950 tnr availablt-. Start at $250 want i;ta-wag. Camper, van per week, plus profits, which or sports car, 546-5387 should exceed $20,000 per LTra=--d'°,~ao=--rre-go'-=s,::.rln=g'-,~ vl<w year &:. company benefits. lot, valued $6000. For what. 1 . 6.19-3370, Ext. 16. have-you ? ! Ship's radar (2), RCA Pathli.nder, 45 mi radius; COii! $5'100 ea. exchange for R.E., lat~ model car or ! . Owner. 541..ll&t or ~ Laguna Beaeh, Ocean view home. 2 bdrms &. den, 2'11 baths. $15,500. equity. Lease option or exchange for sail· boat. Bkr 494-1330. HAVE: Land N.E. Antelope Valley, 237 ac. all or part, val $250 ac. WANT: ~ !S, units or ! ? Myers FRIGIDAIRE nox "'' JET ACTION Irvine, Calif, 92664 Fri&idaire 18 min, cycle is $3CXXI. Cabin Cruiser, 2 6 nicely Furn Apts. Exe the futest in the industry. bunks & head, ship to shore Cond, always rented. Ex- 30 Frigkiaires do the work 135 Grey Marine. Perfect change (or small house ar of 40, 30 min. washers. Find t.'Ond. Trade for prop, T.D. land with fututt. Fortin out haw euy ft ia to own or ? 5J9-S073 or 527•1515• Co. 1701-A. W"tclilf Dr. 6n<756 we at &4&-ZS72. JL o. Income Tu 6740 Ande-f'IOll INCOME Tueai prepared QUAUTY &J>Us -Altera. )"OUr be.we, lone ronn com· tiorll • New const by hour blncd, ll5.. ~ or Connet 646-3442 HOUSEHOU> """"' ot all Ironing 67SS kinds -w~ ,....,,.,,,,, I I & Al · Bob ~~ ron ng ter1t1on1 ·-· MASTER carpenter, $4. per I=========== hour. R<modelin&· R<paln. Janlto•lol 6790 84U409"' ~ 1--"'-----;.;,;..:; REPAIRS, ,M,TERATIONS SPARKLE Janitorial Serv. CA8IN£I'S, Any me job. \Vindows, ttsid., c 0 m c I . 25 yrs, exper, 54U'llJ const. clunup. J'ree est. 963-2691 ' Cement, Concrete 6600 Llnclscaplnt 6110 e CtJSI'OM PATIOS e co1terete sawlnc 1r; removal LANDSCAPERS Stoto u~ e ""1010 ATTENTION * CX>NCRETE work, bonded I need landscaping, and will k I.le, Concrete IAwin&:. trade a 17 ft outboard with Phillipe: Cement MS-6380 big whee! trailer tor your • CON~~E servlces. Lets e;et together '·-"·""" '" work all be1or-. your busy 5e&SOrt. types. Pool decla: Ir; custom. Phone 644.-468'1 Call ,.._ 1324 Cement Work-all kinds Free Estimate * 636-0074 * P1perh1n9in9 P1intJng 6850 CEMENT \Vork, no job too e INT -EXT, ANY SIZE small, reuonable. F r e e JOB. X1nt work, refs, frtf! ettim. H. Stulick. M8-8615 est. JIM. 642-4669, 641N749 INT. l D.'T. Painting. All Child C•r• 6610 sea.son rates. Free est. lic'd ' ;.•,;"";;:.·.:;Call=,;ChorU=:;':;'·"'5<8-0405'=::;;; CHil.D Care, my homt". Near1; 19th & Harbor Blvd CM INTER or Ext PAINTING. 67>7468 ' . LMr.1ED. SERVICE. Local ref. FREE est. 548-1627 a payin& lau.odry. Have: 1t1edical fr?'· bldg; NB 642-5000 Garden Gro~. Santa. Ana, Rialto, free &. clear, val Contracton ' 6620 PAIN'I'lNG & maintenance, 1\l!'ltin, Orane;e, Anaheim. $125,000; trade all or part Deluxf' 4 BR, 3 bath, den .:.;::;:;.:.;::::;;_ __ _=:::; intei-lor & e x t e r i o r . C o O Mat" w t , __ _. TD' home, 35,0l> value, in Red-ADDmONS-REPAIRS Reasonable rates. 646-3185. Olft• • IC eq. an ! ..., ... , s or lands. Exc'-n .... e tor com· REMODELING 11 l\tyers 673-6756 ,_,,. PAINTING ex.t·inl Acoust. Equipment, Inc. parable home beach area. Designing & Pl.anninf 2334u W, ValcDC:ia \YANTED : Luske1's llarbor ITI4.) 793.(125 Kitchens-Baths, etc. t.-eiling. Lie. Ins. 17 yrs exp. ~ p cill o Free est. 54&.5.125 Fullerton n4: 525-7833 area or a c range 2 Vacant San Clemente · Lic'd &: Bonded. Free est. County reverse telephone A & B CONSTRUCTION DO YOU WANT TO WORK IN ORANGE COUNTY? We have ~ral openina8 tor J>roaranune~ ACC(IUll- t&nta, EnJlnttn with c&ecree and Draftsmen. AllPll Jl()fTle good sales poatltions, Come in and see r.tr, Brown. MERCHANTS PERSONNEL Agency 20-\3 \YestcHU Driv• Comer 17th &: Irvine 64>2T10 -S45-568:"i *COOKS Apply In p1r1on REUBEN'S COCO'S lSSS W. Adom1 Cost• MM• J\.1ANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY OIEMICAL 00. Executive lype person who bu had experience in Ml· ministration, !Ii a I e s or businel.!I managen1en1. Compensation will be ex· cellent to the man 'vho ha.!I tbe ability. Fringl! benefits includt insurance, retire- Trent income & a luxury car to the man v.bo quali.!ks. call 673-8577 SECURITY PATROL N:.:ewport::::.!=-'B:::M=c :_...;::.:.: e WATERFRONT • Pier & slip; dlx. duplvi:: 3 Br, 2 Ba. fpl, ref. No pets. $325 Loe . ..,_, 1 & 2 BR apts. Brand new, Tttmendous Bay V t e w • Around June 15th. Lease on. Jy. '145 Domingo Dr. 645-1260 2 BR. newly dee, drps, w/w Z BR. 2 BA. tplc. $235, 213: 981-1039 Motel1, Trlr. CrtL 5991 FOR Sale or trade by owner. 50' x 180.5' commercial p:n> perty. 19th St., Costa Mesa. S A M t I next to Dept of Motor unny cres 0 • Vehicles. Income $470 mo. HARDWARE U>t~ zoned tor 7 Units. di.rectory, Trade for 711? TRADE lor Npt/C.?.t. In-1122 Paularino, CM. Ann 54{)..1720,• r:~" 'tr:O~ <:A" A.._.. STORE ..........._.. come, and/or comm1 iree * ~ * • PATCH PLASTERING. Over 40 yrs. Perm. Radkl H nt' B h Townhouse. 3 Br. 2% ba. & clear $24,500 equity. Prop.. ADD-A-Room, apt. units. All ~· Free estimate. car provided. Non amoker, U lnql'Oft eGC All elec., priv P&tio, pooJ, erties West. 6'lS-4130 (il!k) cust homes, two story1_Call===54<>-6825======= drinker. Uniform all'nce. SOC» sq. JI. Busy shopping near bay. Val. $32,500. Take speclallit, tree I a y 0 u t ,1~ App: 4 P~t -5 PM, Rm • Kitchenettes Qv.Tll!r w/ leue back at e TV and Pool • Commercial & weekly same, $45.950· 494-9525 rates FOP. Lea.&e 1,' acre ot M-1 I I od-• Nr. new 3 Br. W·side home. b ·~ '"' N d San center, Lots of parking. Ter. a e m .,. car, camper or design. 20 Yrs in the Plum Ing 6190 ........ .-.. . Broa way, ta. rifle Joe. Good wW has been ?, Owner &l&-6654 2 Ba, frpl, cpts:, dishwsr. business. Pacific C oa st ---''----....;:,;_.;;I _Ana_. ________ 1 bF~~t over period of 44 years Colorado River Front Re. ~eor:rne;o.~~~ ~266".~ Bids. 675-TI91. \Veekdays, PLUMBING REPAIR Parts-Counterman u1. avail, For further infor. sort, Ariz. side. 2 swln~ng ~Sa~! &ITS'iun~a~ti'yo'=;ur;s~orv~ice~iJ-,,,D~RAJN~~CLE~~ANIN~~G~ maOon. ,.. er 646-16'75, Ll 8-0137 eve. 54&-2387 or &4().7'117 e c.ocJrtail Bar property with small oUice. e Dancing Fri. & Sat. Completely fenced with 2 2376 Newport Blvd. MS-9'755 1-;'""'~'=";':;:"'=· -=====-ban. $80,COO eqty. For boat, QUALIT Y remodelina:, 1-BR. tront duplex, by park, beach, everything. ·$135 Mo. yrly. 673-2256 Guest Homes 5998 lndu1trl1I Rent1I 6090 BRASHEAR REAL TY T.D.'s, Ocean View Home Have choiee located Costa custom design service. Refs PLUMBING REPAIR 847-8531 Eves. 536-2123 or Tr Owner 54~9. Mesa 3 &Inn & family • on req. Frank M. Barden No job too small 2 BR 2 BA $165 • $1'75 & PRV . U "d $185. 3 BR 2 BA, b'plc, $235. nn in c board &. 213-981-7039 care home for elderly, am· bulatory man or woman EHt Bluff S242 e NEW DELUXE e 3 Br. 2~~ ha. apL for Jease Incl. spac. mstr. IUlte, din nn. & dbl. 1araae, auto. door opener avail Pool & rec. area. Nr. Catholic Oiurth & school & Corona dd ?.tar IDgh. Nourishing meals, congenial atmosphere. Lrg yrd Ii patio. Avail now, S48-522S REST home for JR.dies. or man & wife. R & B & laun. dry, large room & light nursing, beautiful sur- roundings, close in. 4.94.-2425 Misc. Rent1la 5999 5000 Sq. ft. M·l gpace. will trade !or 3 or S units. e 642-3128 e 846 Production Pl. '475 WANTED: Acti~ man in the 17 Ft outboard tor alatlon Approx $1.2~( equity, _The Constr Co., 1.$39-1466 afl l==='======= . 2 1 furniture stripping Ii: wood wae;on or auto of ...... ~1 val-R"al Estate-""·TI7! • 4 pm • per mo., mm yr ea&e. blea hin 1 "'-...,...... '" ·~ vw Sewing 6960 Call c g serv ce on 70 -,-., ue. Phone 6#4687 j46.2Jl3. Addtions 1t Remodelini HARBOR 1'1ANAGEMENT basis, removing finish from Fred ll. Gerwick, Lie. • Dressmaking. Alternations furniture & inte r io r .. * * * * * 67J...6041 * 549-2170 Custom Desi""'"" CO. INC., P.O. Box 1810, woodwork All ~-d 1 ![!![!!!!'l!!'!!!!!!~!'!!!!!!!~!!!!ll!!!!l""'!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!I~ •·-N D A ' \\"UH\ one on *"A" "AA<>* ewport °"ach, 675-6050 CUlilOmer's premises. $1500. C t L i & .,...,,.....,....., FOR \cue Laguna Nliuel. ttq'd tor entering estlb'd ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCtMENTS irpe 1Y ng • Altiration..-442-5845 off San Diego Fwy at Crown business & the professional ind NOTICES ind NOTICES Repitr 6626 Neat, accurate, 20 yrs. exp. Valley, new commercial &: know-how. Can average $45. F nd (f C."..RPETS (nylon• wooll, ·oo 'al . Del El ou rM Ads) 6400 Personals 640S ·~ S l ustr:i units. ta ec· per day alter 3 wks know· polyesters,) Vinyls and Til. TrH ervice 6980 tric. Thl.yl -831·1400. Ewa. • how. Call TI4./"T.Ja.7963. 4. to FOUND: \Vhile, female doi;: 7<,' INTEREST es. Latest styles ~ colors. ESTATE f.1aint Tree Serv 4004198. 7 pm. w/blk. collar & piece 01 v Commercial and Residential Re al & lri . tree e ONLY 1270 e 837-8TI Amigol Way, N.8. 1'!7:<911 CORNER M·l, fncd, EX(:IT!J;ilG •• , • rope attached; vie. 0 f Write for frtt brochure Expert inltallaUon. es ":'2-6300 S:' FA1'11TLY Vae. Trailer, on 700' bldg. 19th & Whittier, Assoc. 1<1\tnted in live Christ. Esther St., Costa ?tJesa. Call describing 7% interest BLANKINSHIP FLOORS .. ' beach • Eni;enada, Jl> hr Costa Mes a $200. mo. mas Trre Fann; working '-identi[y 642-4.295 church bonds, beini sold by 64.2-1403 54.0-7262 Upholstiry 6990 Coron• del Mar 5250 from N.B. Comp furn ex. 642-3490 anytime. partnenhip, wkends only, Bl.AO< ~mall French Poodle Valley Baptist Temple, P.O. l~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~ I ·_!U~n~en~.~D~a~y,~"1<,~~m~o~. ~~~~ NOW LEASING • New M·l w/8 acres, approx 1500 found in Neu. dd Mar area. ~torn~ San J 0 • e • Drifting S.rvie1 6637 CZYKOSIO'S Cust. Uphol. 11 -I p 6000 Industrial 1350 square feet. trees. AU major equip, & ex. Near Presidlo School 4. DESIC ~• · European Craftsmanship .. .,,, ncom• ropertv $155/mo. Agent 642-1485 penses paid for. Potential weeks ........ S40-1'"1 LICENSED N unuting, elc-ctro 100% tin! 642-14.54 • . -.~ """ mech P/C layout I detail-'Q. ~· FOURPLEX ret. on invest. by Jan. 1970. FOUND lady's &Old \Y&.tch Spiritual Readings, advice ing. Ken Sr. l!Th-U91 1881 Newwrt Bl., C.M. 2 Bedroom 11h bath each i .L;;.•:.;h;;_ _____ .;:6:;,100:: Comp. financ. statement Sat. aftemoor: • Fa.!lhion on all matteni, le.IS. El JOBS I EMPLOYMENT unit. • All with sundecks and ava.it. & all info. 546-8l:5S Island. Please id e ri t I f y , Cantino Re.al, San aementc G rd ' 66IO ON TEN ACRFS encl~ garages. -Only 6 R...f lm. CANDY supply route, part or 548-3071 492-9136. 10 AM·lO PM 1 ening Job W1nted, Men 7000 1 a: 2 BR. Furn Ir. Untum 7..oned for 35 unils. full u d ; SPECIAL $2 READING ON -1 / · tios/Pool& yean old • ;59,950, Owner Phil Sullivan, 548--6761 me, ays eves. Refill SMALL brown d o g, owner ANTH Y'S F • .,.es pnv. pa will accepl trade or help fin. & collect money from coin Attractive Ex-rt G1rden Service EXPER 1'fotel Mgr or Desk Clerk ~·anu to relocale along Orange C o a s t . Pttsently managing motel on Strip In W Vegas, \\'rile G. R. Fleming, P . O. Box 14141 Las Vegas, Nevada 89U4 Temii.s • Contnl'l Bkfll put· a.nee. THE REAL ESfAT· Cl-lOICE bulldin& s It e' oper. Dispensers in Costa. idenlify breed. Vic Beach & YOUNG WOMA~N "'19'" '"'--n. · •--u •t Slater, HB. 842-6249 --u.,. ... --ERS _ 546-2313 or 646-nn panoramic V..:w, PP er "esa & vie. No selling. dancer will teach Y1>U all The best, costa no more! 900 Sf.a Lane, CdM 644-2611 Newport Ba.y. Cor. ?<.iesa &: $1650 Total cash req Send DK. gray male poodle, lat t t Call An! (MacArthur nr. Coast Hwyl OFFER; Removal by April B · B · bor es 11 eps. ell PrUne ..• Plant ..• Prepare JO, 2.story 3-room apartment a Y v 1 e w . y owner nan1e, addrel.!I & phone to: small. Har Shop. Cntr. 213: 591-4538 1-lO PM r.tonthly Maintenance n40 MQ.u.arly. 1 BR, bltns, le. garage bullding from Cap.. 714l52'1-l4J2. Roule Dept., P.O. Box 3846• 4121 646-8608 ?tlAN 40 \\'OUld like to meet Exp, Horticulturist ,. · h Cl • VIE\V of -an, -rner Anaheim 92803 BLACK femat• p u p p y gar. Adults. Avail about utrano Beac ub site. ......" '""" =~~~~~---.. • \\llman. 30-40. Send name, ALLEN BROS S/18. 548-6392 aft 5 pm. Oilers In writing to Cap~ bluff, possible 6 sty , FOR Sale Balboa Island Sc o I c h Terr/Dachshund address, phone, picture if GJ.kDENERS SfUDENTS trano Beach Investment Co., medical or apls. \\'W build ~lusic Store. 223 J.1arine Vic. 30th SI. NB 121~~ 30th. possible. P.O. Box J.9.11. mitin their thru I J b W ted L d 7020 2 BR.. patio, gar a g c, 1050 n..i: •• ;-. Paoifi" Pal-to iuit. 53&-3555 Ave., Balboa Jsland. Inquire C ., "' g way co. o In • • y Fireplace. Convenient loca· ~""'""""'""" '" I ~:,.;,:::c..~"":,,_~--bo L 6401 ·" · lege. Experiencei.., licensed, isades, Calif, 902'72 lOOxl.OO CORNER R·l Jot in at a \'I' addl"eM or call ost REAS! 646-4.203 DAILY House work Thurs., tion. $175 Month. 499-1916 """=""'='==~=~ d ·~ •• 10 COUPLES, singles: lonely! -NEWPORT BEACH smog free VISTA. $60 down, ay11 .... ~ , or eves N . TAKATA Fri., open. ".50 hr. 8 hn. d ' " •-2 st -~n * Reward * ew 1n area! Join the swing .. 3 BR. & en, .,, uca., • y. $EiU per mo. 0'4'ner. 548-8676 ai:i-.,. J APANESE "URSERY own """'· 536-6801 H.B. u1 u TAX SHELTER: Lost In Corona dcl f\tar. to fun & plea..siID! •~ ~'. 6~ ';;JL i•PM. ase: Jkluxe 8 unit just being con-LAGUNA wood.!ly view lots, FOR sale 5 Venda-pak, lOc Beige Cocker & Poodle mix· • 635-9291 • 54&-0nl. C.omplele p.rdenin; c,""':,,;,•=-~-----1.,:=:==:===== structed, overlooking all ol undl'.rground uUlltlei;, pvt. vending machines. Handle.s ture, 1 yr old, an.!lwers to ALCOHOLICS Anonymous service. Headquarters for TYPIST, college student, 7(). Huntingt on Beich 5400 Back Ba¥. Drive by 745 $6.950 & $9,250. -494-9748 Nabisco Products, cookles, the name ol Sandy. Mease Phone 542-'1217 DI.' 'l\.Tite to all Your nursery needs. 80 wpm, accurate. f\1y Do . D . th c.all etc. Best offer over $75. ttturn no questions asked p 0 Bax 1223 Costa M C home/your office, Par I - EXCLUSIVE ON-THE-BEACH 2 & 3 Bedl'OOm Apts. Luxury living to pleue the 1nQlt dlacrlminatlni· Jl.l01t anllabl.9 at The Huntlngl~n Pacific~ 'Tll Ocean Ave .. lLU <n4> 536-1487 ORO APART~lENTS 8234 Atlanla .. New 1-2 Bedrooms • Pay ~ eledric only 53&--3971 .. "''"'i' Pool-We.sben-Dryers g Private Garages Sl<IO. a BDRM, new crpla & drpl, stove & relrig. Encllld pn.p. 2 blks from oce:an. Adults on\)'. 1·101 Olive. 536-3750 NEW 63 Units, Ava.II, ?ilay @) hl All elec. Gold 1'teda1Hon 1 & 2 Br. The Lampli&;hler, 16102 Sprl.nadalf', HB 2 BR apt. All on lgt floor, l&undr)i lacil. Nrar Beach Blvd. Ir Slater. 962-763'1 BR.AND NEW l & 3 BR. from $1.50 mo. Cpts. drps. <llhwtbr. Nr Beach. 847-3957 REAL ESTATE Gonorel S990 1 BDRJI Unlurn Apt in BNCh arra for empl~ l&4,y ttP lo Sl 10/mo . r.o.ao m1ngo nve, en R1nches 6150 each. Call after 6 pm. ' . . , esa. ARDENING, clean u P. tim 673-2622 aft 3·30 owner/bldr. 6-1>1260 ·-;;:;;:;;;;====;;;;;; 536-6025 Reward. Phone 646-9303 SERVICE DIRECTORY Mow & edge. Call K.L. e. . TRlPL.EX near College Park • ------LARGE REWARD! \Valter, 642-4421 WILL sit with. ttad to, con· C.M., 2 BR ea, kit bit-in, FALLBROOK A~:~~~~;oN small brown & v.·ht mull, w/ Appll1nce Rep.airs • JAPANESE GARDENER valellCen~ or S2bl:64~rt\JI, rnclosed garages. I ncome Avocado Ranch Call: 962-7232 red collar, Vle N. Newporl P1rt1 6510 Maintenance & Cleanup non-.!lmo er. . m 1340 mo. $32,500 Owner I C U Call MS-25'12 HOUSEWORK &tZ-9192 FUERTE & Haas on 18.5 \VANTED: oH-sale liquor B vd., NB. a 642-3222 or SUPREME Retrigeration & GOOD REFERENCES 13.;.=,.;UN;;l;;T"S.,, -g-,ood,..,.-<0-nd"il"io-n-. I acres, commercially frosl-liceme, Orange County. 2225 Canyon Dr. #3, Cltf. Appliance llcpair. Ask for DEPENDABLE: Finest 5'1~7507 lOO ':'o rented. Large &% f.ree: did not freez.c lrccs Call: fi42.8139 LOST 2 dois, vie C.l\1. Tom. 546-1363, 547-6691 ~"!ona~~6G..~~ ~st ·1========= loon. Bargain at $10&,<XXI. during last cold spell; prop. ?.11niature black mDle poo-Domestic Hilp , 7035 Phil SulUvan. 548-6'lS1 erty h11s a secluded 2,000 lnvestm1nt Oppor. 6310 die, need.!I clippini:;, "Pier-B1by1itting 6550 Reliable lawn service, sq, It, hOUSe: crop grossed tt." Small black mixed n1ow, edge, trim. Georie Allen Byland Agency 8 UNITS, 2-4 unit bid.gs. 1 $41,IXXI for yeani '67 _ 'SS. INVESJ'OR \Vanted tor N.B. male, ··Tiger." 6 4 2-418 O COSTA f.fe.!la Pre-&hool * 531-1404 * Employer Pays Fee BR. furn. $1000 per mo. in. Prlced at $195.000: ca.sh or growing sportswear firm, alter 5 pnl. Licell.!led. Ages 2-6; open 6:45 EXPER Japanese Gardener 106-B E. 16th, SA 547-0395 -me 187 CN\ r p ~Al> ·-nal'I distributors, N e e d ~;;;..~=--=-...,,"'"" to 5· 45 SIS p k "u · •""" · · ..,.,~ terma. For furthtT infor-LOsr Harbor View Hills, -: er w · Monthly service, re as. *NEW FOUR Ex . $25,IXXI ~""Orldng capital, cor.lPARE1 5e9803 H I w t~ U-7200 ·PL * Nm~~n J;>lehue call Keith secured by new equipment .small fen1ale, pure white · 8J2..-070S or 540--1867 • p In -· mwn Near Beach, Huntington t'uoun wit cat, blue eyt'.!1, flea collar, 838-5237 = ,;Be;•"':;;,;165;-;;·900;:;· ="='=""='=I Eckhoff & Assoc:., Inc. P. o. Box: zm N.B. beU. Child's pet Re1vanl. BABYSITTING. r.ty home. JOHNSON'S Gardenirq: Scrv. l.S18 \V. Chapman AVf!. \YIOO\YED! DIVORCED!&«-c :;,:';;"";::.,,'-'-=--==-,,,...-,. 50c hr. for .. -• 3 &. 4. 18lh, Finest equip. expert yard * \V b · ;-;; -.-care? Reas! 962.--~ Business Property 6050 Orane:e. Calif. e can nng )'tll:t scn?nity. \YHITE &T. "Whlte Star" N.B. 6T'.r-77U bfe 10 or alt 3 Cut & Edge l..al<l'JI P.laintenance, Lictn!ied ~/64~2310 aft .t "'I -1 E k _ _._ ~...,.... Call 24 hr. no. 673-S741 P"l .n ·~,... . V!'S-"' nua .uo-o;;r75 I-=========~ I Child's Jl('I. Vicinity ol 1 --"-·-~----- FINISH CARPENTERS *MILL MEN NPT BEACH indusl. com-Monoy to Loon 6320 Fairvic1v & Baker. Plcaae BABYSITTING. day or plex $69,500. lnc, over S800 .... u "'" ~· per month. ~·ner 642-2809 Acre1ge 6200 ...... .,.,_.., night, no minimum age, 1 Busin1n R•nt•I 6060 APPROX. 720 !IQ ft fifOtt across from Vista. Shopping Ce ntu, Excel. for real catale office, 1lCCOt1ntant, JllUnl storr ~Ir,. $UO/mo. See o.t 826 \\'. l9lh St., CM. Bkr. 6'12--1422 Offie1 R.ent1I 6070 PRIVATE OffJCf lsl & 2nd loans for quick LOST: Altered yn: male or 24 hr, basis if necessary. &10 ACRES Sl3 Tll6 Rl.6£: ln cash. Borrow on your pro-SiameSf'. Vic Surfside Con-540-9200. AL'S G~ening Ser v Ice with motor home experienc.-e. Lawn maintenance. garden-Excellent co. benelits. lng & clean ups. 646-3629. Navy gUnncry range. $60?.!· perty NI: ,,·ilhoul disturbing d<.'s., HB. Re\\'8.rd! 536-7624 BABYSIT my hon1e ftlon· $25?.t 6~:. nott .• trade for your low lntercsl 1st TDs. Lost Yng Cockaticl. Sun. Fnc'd yd, l'rliable. Vic CLEAN·UP Specialist! ?tfow· APPLY JN PERSON Nev.1port or Balboa pro. Also buyers tor 2nd TDs. Vic llntg Beach. ?.la.gnolla It Slater, F.V. SJ ing, edging, orlrl jobs. perty. Sattler h1ortgagc Co. Inc. &U-S4l5 dB,1. 962...2816 Reasonable. 548-69&> fXPLOn£R "131 333-3733 Servi"' Haobo• A"'a >I yn. BABY•~•c In my ho-JAPANESE Cud•'-"'• <Om· iu; 3.16 E 17tl St llEART broken over lo!>s ul '"'Ju~ ,,..._ 642-2tTi . ' 5"15--0611 lemulr trl-colo~ 8a.'15CI 5 daya a 1<1-eck. Exp'd tnoth. =:,::~;::;;';';:;';oud,;54().=:'k;rv:=lco,==""'=IMOJORJtOME CORP-ROIOrt p,..perty 6205 FOR. RENT F\lm M11.mmolh 1'1 o u n ta I 11 Condominium, aleeps I. 675-41:J) Jk\\·nnt. 67;;..J316 f'r. lunche!I, ltneed yard, • "NEW 2nd LOANS AR· I ;'~=~7i~,.---,,,_,,....,-1'1cM Vr.rde arta. 545-0649 • RANGED"' Top cash 1or LADIES Gold \Vyler \\.'atch, ivn, BAB)'SIT i-u, •.h'old H1ulin9 6730 3021 Newport Blvd., ~ 2nd • ., "~' Bkr lo~t vie \VeatcliU Plaza or u..... ·v ,_ sea!IO,,._..., !I .......-oJGJ. • ?.tarlnc.1'j Library. ~8-4708 In my c .r.1. hon-w by day, GENERAL HAULING Costa Meai.-C•llf SlAl\!ESE Cat, fentslc, seal· night, or "'eek.~ & CLEANUP 1--------- point; Aprll 1111 . vie. Jrvlnc BABYSn1'1NG $12 per \olld. tuniv. Pari(l Rew. 833-0979 MY HO?tfE *" + AiiY AGE 9624346 alter s PM 2 Dishwashen R. E. WontM 6240 Mortv•gOI, T.D.'1 634S .;:...;:;;._;,;.==-_;....;,;; i ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 291 E. 17th St. 646-44M BUSINESS •nd FINANCIAL Bui. OpportunltiOI 6300 BEAUTY S.lon. Modt'm, nnwly def". l 11:11, Very reu. 873--233$ dl,YI, 6-1~ 11\"l!'L • 27,000 ht TD on Ocean View Lot~. payable U71l month, JO~ due 3 rn. 10'-' dir ~nl. 4!M-ll3T $4500 !st TD. 8)e d~ 3 )TS, 11 ':ii discount 497-1210 Money Wonted 6350 WANT $20,00l rollatt'"ral Joan with ~.00) TD on 10 acres octanvltw hllhop I a o d • 4.!M-113'1 .SIS,000. lat. TD I'':. $-\()XI, 1..11. TD S~e Rox P-62'1' The Dally PUot \Vhffe llf'ph1!1r.t11T ---~""-=•=•..:~..:'30::...;P..:>:::1·c__ HAULING. ~ncral. Top, A;e over 18, nlahts, Apply .J XI.NT ™ c;in', AJ\I to trim remove tren .rr: 1n penon all 3 p.m. S::n •1~ meala. Ii c . ~ Big John 642-4030 FIVE CROWNS Hubo</Ba"''· 54&-1.1.19 RESTAURANT Peraonal1 6405 BabysHtlnc. m.)' GA.rdfon HoUHCINnint • 6135 3801 E, Pldfic Coe.sl 11"')'· Grove borne: aey ti.mt'. SERV • Con>nt-dtl Mar Infa.nts 0 .K. 893-lSOO \VILlJAMS CI.NG. ' No Phone Calla PltUt' Carpet.rum-<ompl. htoe. * PALM & CARDS * Splrltual Re!Mter. Put. Ptet- ent, •'u.tllft, H~p in all Ille problenu. st ~Pf"lal read. ing. Open daily 9 am to 10 pm. T.c21 \Ve11tmlnstrr Avt,, \Vestmtnsltr 89.1-9.§4. ISrick, M1sonry, etc. 6560 and apt, clna:. 642-3164 e HOUSEO..EANING e Account1nts Excellent work. S2.!0 hour. CNdlt MeMpr1 l.DNDON·l.aguna Actors. _______ ...:;:.:; BVJLD, Remodr.l Repalr CAD MQ..599$ Admlnlttrltiw Trnees \Vorkshop. hiqulries. ........ DAIL\' Prt.(JT OIM1'J.A· LINES Yl»U c<JI \:Mt tht'm for Just peMIU • d.,. mu 612"'611 Brick. block, co n c re I e , LOCAL JOBS erpnlry, m job 100 s.111811. tsUSlESI' mu««tll'-cti 11' CALL DOB. 548-1796 LkContt. !l62$13 '°""· ,,,_ DAILY PU.DI ARGUS AGENCIES O~lfd eectkin. Sa.,. PAILY PUDT' YiAJot'I° ADS! l'l'IQl\ey, &!IDI A d fort. Look l:b11 C Ne¥1--port Blvd., C.l\I. _ _:•:.:IUN=G:....:Rl'ZIJl;==:rsc;;_l --' =-=':.:"------·'DAILY Pit.or WANT ADS! Apply tn per1on Dean Lewis Imports (Pa.i·ts Deptl 1966 Harbor Blvd. Cost1 Mesa Position open in fuh. ionable Newport Beach restaurant for ambitious, personable youni man. experienced in rHtaurant nl.anagemienl. Reply to box # giving n sume. Box M.Ql, The Daily .. Pilot. PART TIME. Rf'lired gentleman. LITE ?.tAINTENANCE 9 am-12 pm. SI. 75 per hour. Contact ?.tr. Dini~. 3141 Harbor Blvd, Co!ta Ml'.~a • Concrete form i;etten • J.'inishers • Laboren e Concrete saw oplT~ .Ex~rienced only Call 842-1010 ~~:n~ ~~~i:~ ~ physical condition, 6 day v.·eek. Experienced o n I y need apply. Call Phy I 642-UJJ YOUNG MAN inte?Tsted in learning trade. 1'1ust haw good l'l'ferences. Good pay & benefits, sleady employ. ment. 64&-7721 HIXSON METAL FINISHING. BARTENDER. 3 lo 12 Pr.1 Tues ttiru Sun. LaCAVE Restaurant. 1695 J r v I n" , c.r.f. Apply 11 Ar.1 to ::: Pl"tl ReferenCT'~ necdrd. SERVICE Station A11endant grave yard shift. Exp'd 1,'. local refs. 2983 lla.rbor Blvd., C.r.1. &r P.I r . Shrn\'ood. DRILL PRESS OPERATORS J\.lcch. I electronic asscmlJlcr trainees. Ph: 646-9611 YOUNG man lo \\'Ork In small Plastics firm. $1.B:i to s~art. Apply 9-4 daily, Uru\·ersal J.'iltralJOn Co. 648 Baker St., CM FUU. time nitr n1an: truck roulc. ?.lu.~t have exp, In complete janitoriaJ clt'an- ing: benetlls. Only qual iricd 1nrn neftl apply. ~9-212.i BXPERIENCED com· bin11 tion cook. Apply brt. !I &. Jl::xl a.m., Ben Brown'!'! Res!., 3UOG S. Coast Lag Bch ' EARLY filoi·ning Newspaper Auto Ro u 1 e, lluntfngton Bench O\'er 21 and living In 1-tunting lon Bch, 841-2300 ~X BOY. \\'t'ek-<lay morn- ings, up to 40 hn:, Gd. rates l. hf>ne_fits. Richard's LIOO ~tarket 3433 Via Lido, N.B. &SIDE 2 Br. Garden Apt. El'IC.lo3ed Pi\ Ito, all bl Ins Incl d.!lh"•shr, rrpl.!., drps.«p gar. MUZ.i 5:JlEET metal £hroar 4 form· 1ng opcnator. DrU I Jnl.!I opm1.tor, alllQ arc ~'tldire. e-23..1), llllk for c. ea~ .. ASTROTEK CORP0 Openings: Lathe mill J.D Top pay. A-1 mach1nb1 onJ1 1267 Logan A,., c.~I. · e DISll\VASllE:R • KlT- ClJE:N l!E1.PER. run lime dlly&. j .j , ~ Terry .C:)t r.' 17th St .• C.t-.1. M8-!l:J14 •· SOCK IT TO '&\1! --., -----~-----------.----.---------------------------- _. n..ndlr, A,.t N, 1'69 OAll.Y PM? •• I08S & EMPLOVM~NT Help Wiiii... Mon 7200 IOU .& a-.oyM1NT JOIS & IMl'\.OYMIHT 101S & -OYMiNT JOIS & llAU'LOYMINT IOU & IMPl.OY ~ ·~• • ~ •• .. ., • H~p W•ntM. Mon 7200 .Wp W-Mon 7200 Help Wonteol. ,,_. 7200 Hoitt W-Help w...... Help Wontod Help W•ntod Help Woft!M • CITY OF THE DAILY PILOT ,,..,... • w~ 7400 w-7400 w-. 7400 w-7400 ·w-.,. LAGUNA &EACH hm opetlift91 for m lllflo c-1m. * C<Eetn'IVE * * omci: TDll'OIWIY HAS AVAILABLl'l llllMEDJ. -""'~ * CUil 1YPISJ * SECIU!TARY * HOTIL ... -IW:>o .. ATELY, STARTING SAL-Cl "fi d ' . Mqulno publllhor -I INSPECTRIS$ Happin-Is m fl . :h ~ON EXP~ ISll e (Assisllal) =.. ~\ :!"' 11t11w1!.=. (Doy Shift) -lu WtlC ' 2 PARK GARDEN~R Ad ert" . ...ODUCT llnmedlale open!~ In aalll ........... last and eapable = f~ .= ._ ... C..-GIN SALARY' un. TO IS65. y 1111• ENGINEER Poillloh• ...,1,.. • ~'fa,.":.,,,~ 0~ o1 handllna ••• .... MAIDS u111e lhlnp ,.,. want a,., N· a. Mlnlmwn """ Y'"' 0 d • N( Wlvlolilol vas\tled clulin. ..,ponc1,nce. A b!a p1.,-(D•y I Night Shift) and lor lllhll'e Clriltmu s:W.::...Ololl • --~:.~~, ..... ~~-~ Salesmen Dog"" aw yrt •• .,.. ..,.::., _,,. .. 1111-::u:..i .. ~ ~ r:; ..... ..,..,..~ --..--. anclal ........ 1...1., _,. C II I •-pt ·•-·•--~· I l'or Jarst, lUX\IJY hotel. Ap. 'DD..-.tUn:"D•'J'ORS equipment. M ..._ u..1 rclnH.riiw .. ......,_ ...... _... • per&OnM -• .,o,i,.....,... exp er ence ply to bqule.keepbw depL 1 ·~ ~~-. 2 MAINTENANCE Several--· "'th... d:ian·-. ~ ... -i: ::-~ '"°"""'" 1114> 4-• s.Jas> ..... -.. Happinest 1 oi-m -far -ie MEN II oellent ""'""" ..... llal !luld bandllilr pllmpo and -·L For .,,_ THE ~ ~ :.' - SALARY' 1m. TO -....... -automobile... .,,....... ..._... for Future ~ ud eiq>&n-nLONIC coll Mrs Mc:!' ...... ~ NEWPORTER ·INN -"P tho .......... MUlt ha ff experience ln quired. complete oedftcations for iWm o6u'I' ID exctllMf.. op. NC:,!_I 0 N 4 L Q:irporatioa 11 .... J•-bo--v-.1 ~ wo~::w ~~: Jobe Meft. Wom. 7JOCt public works maintenance , moton. t1tttrwa, m&ttnala. portualb' tor ednnclmut -..n:I neat, attrutlw, '""'' .... .~., • ..._ in pa.rll: or sewt!l' dlvlsion Experience preftrred, etc. Prtfer wor~ Imo•· to hlcher 1ewl lllUqelDlal wtll qualltled • x e ( v: t t v e Newport Beach new a n d lntereltlftl e SUPERVISOR i wi1h lmowkdc• in the "" ""' ao< nocuouy. l<d&• °' -""' """" ..,111on. ENGlllffRlllG (0, ...,,.....,. lor Vko -• """"'· lftll.are W~ ~ d. equipment preferred, Ap. ence with mttall, l>lutics, IndMdual ldected will be Sa.lea I: Genera.I Sales Mir· MI'S • ICU ment: Mutt bave aperlenai p!y: Puhl.le Works Depl, 5C6 Good salary and comma-and lutomtra. responsible for coordinatin&; t.or new oftica optllbw in llft Hap p"1 n-Is lb inert gu welditw of ex:J Foret\ Aw.,. Cll>' Hall. 1<>n pi., plus company etton, ol mboldWy and 111 L•guno &ot<h N""'°" Beccb Flnandal -trlmt)y 1hla .-i. ....,. General. Help benefits iuch u vacatlona EQUAL OPPORTUNITY diviPn. Plua, N.B. Wl1te c/o Box Woricirll just when )'Oll to .om thick. Must haw ~ with pay, auto allowanct, EMPLOYER Position requlrq a four year Equal opportunity employer No. 352, DI.~ Pilot Excellent workl.n& condJdonl, want to .. mUtns hlche•t pervilory expuluce • n "'i * LOOK * pa.Id 1roup inaura.nce, cml-accou.n«nc depee trom ae> OOMPANION OR •hove averqe lllary and salaries lot temporary rood meclwdcsl back,: lt wtlon, retim:nent Jllan. 1C85 DALE WAY C!Nd.ltlllcl C'OUesa or UDJwr-CONVALESC!:NT AIDE trinp beneftta, Call penon. otfice woitc. cround- * AT * COSTA MESA.. CALIF. 12626 "" w """""""' ,... ACCOUllTll!G nDllf tar linlle lady, u .. <hlllff. "'' d•pt be~ 1,30 am. I lt you are • px1 ule. (ntl 545-&251 l"!U'I QpUoalMe ~. ..l.UUl Uve tn or out. Short er "3lw pm, Mon. thlv 1'l1. 52T-TI44 For Happiness enn :=.~~ H man and v.'l.llt to join the Send rHUme and aa1ar)' re-tenn. No ftt. * T Is * tutest rrowlnt newapopor • MALE OR FEMALE QWmnenll to ni. Dall> ""'1llon II ""' •vall&ble In Apply Slantlll In thl1 are& eaU or write Pilot Box # M.Q&. OW' Accountin& Department HOMEMAKERS C lty for an Interview to H~ POUCE that requlrel 1he UM of a 10' 1638 E. 1Ttb St., S.A. ommln . --"'"""""' wire, precilSon . NO EXP. NEC. 18 Job ~. full 1; part time, Must be nN.t t; de- pendable, haft auto. 6 mo1 area residency ._ m o n e y motivated. Earn """"° A11°' ~-<mteltlln.1 Eqllll opportun11>' emofo>oer ~te~, ~ .:= = SEVERAL OPININGS Hotpllal -~ CITY OF t •-u--~ · strictly aontidential lkUls or women .,, ........,,eeJlllV C\1..L element., ICiderblC and lllO~ weld.Ins ot lmll1 mteban.i eel uatmbliel. Prtvloul aQT I perv1loey experience • n d $3.50 HOUR ' Good Pay! Good lncentlv•I Act Now! CALL 547·7782 Mr. Gold 1 .. -. ...... -. ... -.-. 1 '*,..-"'T°"R"A'"N=s""P"o"R"'T~A"'TI"'o"°N· Sheet Mml SUPERVISOR. D i 1 t r i c t ope r atiom, m&intenance and repalr Proiratn for district automotive equip. ment and transportation system. ltS. irad w/5 years experience in traffic and transportation work, in- cluding •·2 years in ~ supetvisory capacity. Salary S765 • $934. Closing date for Wing is April 26th, 1969. Newport-Mesa Unified School Diatrict, claasified penonnel ollice, 1 9 O 1 Newport Blvd., Coat& Mesa. Cal.it 6t5-0600 Young Fry Cook or Kitchen Trainee Permanent. lull time job. Clance tor advancement APPLY IN PERSON &ob'• &lg &oy 154 E. 17th ~t Costa Mesa •COOKS• •DISHWASHER• NIGHTS APPLY JN PERSON REUBEN E. LEE 151 E. Coa•t Hwy. EECO NEEDS SHEET METAL MECHAlllC Individual with 2-3 yean ex- perience on 1bret mttal Ir general shop work. Exper). ence in follay.1ns areu: P171'-rr brake, shear, drill pres1 A punch pre11. hu1d be able to do lay<>ut work. Excellent comp&ey bentfitl. El.ECTRONIC Bl6lllERIN6 CO. 1601 E. Cho1tnut Santa Ana, Calif, (714) 547-5501 Mortuary &: Cemetery Serv. Career WESTMINSTER MEMORIAL PARK TO QUAUFY; Aae over 35, not over 60. TEMPERAMENT: A real de- sire to be ot .erviee to people. HABITS: Good steady work bablta, tober &: reliable, ThiA Is a lifetime career opportunity with alary A frina:e benetlti APPLY IN PERSON 9 am only lo MR. JEWEU.. -"'c'"ao-k-"'P'"•-,.,.1 "T"°lm_•_ I4Ml Beach Blvd., w1tmn1tr Dishwasher-P•rl Tim• BUSBOY Newport Beach Surf & Sirloin 5930 w. Coe.st Jlwy. Newport Beach WA N TE D : Experienced Shippine & Rec:elvlng Clerk. Apply 9-ll am. 125 W. 18th St., Costa Meu SERVICE StaUon Attendant. exp'd, full time, Oievron Station, 3000 Falt"View, C. M. LOT MAN, full time. Boat shop. Must be depend.Able, TOP WAGES AND &l!NEP'ITS OVER 18 APPLY DON QUIXOTE Laa;una Hil11 (Leisure World) 837-0969 no Mppio .,.,.... 15 i S CAREER Newport Blvd., C.M. Exporlone<d only • Sw1boanl OPPORTUNrrYI laminator. Must handle 10 a J'otn todays futrst srvwlnl day, no othen need apply. profesalc:m-Mutual Fund nla 191~ Placentia, CM. No rxperleoce neceua,,,.. e SALESMAN WANTED We train. full or part time Singer Co. Inquire at So. Mutual Fund Advlt0rt, Coast Plua, 1.tr. David.son Inc. or call 54Q...3i33 Npt B. um Watclif! 6G-&m * DELIVERY * S.A. 1212 N. Bro.dw&J DRIVER ~T-3331 7...,....,,,.~..,."::::93T.I':::;:~::::;:::: AM""B~ITI==o~us=-~A,..._•_•_&et fuu. time aervlce 1tation "Salesman" who de11tt1 attenclanl Good Co. benefits IOOCI future Ir: adva.icement 64:)..2380 with rapid &rowir1& Co. JANITOR Pre v Io u 1 Hortlcu1ture, Vitaminl ?t1fg. plant landseaplna or re ta 11 for appt. call 646-39.11 nunrry exper. pref. Not mandatory. Salary or oom.. MECHANICS.Outboard miuion open. Call tor Call ~ btwn 9-5 penonal interview. 642-2248 Mon tbnl Fri. Help W1nt9d, Men 7200 ~MA=TU~RE=~ ..... ~-----.-1 6 HUGHES NEWPORT &EACH hu uraent reQu.trementl for SWISS SCR£W MAOlllE OPERATORS draft extmpt, needed by' furn1ture..deai ll:cn, for dellwry, lnatallations il related dutia. Exp er . preferred. Salary 0 p e D . Call: 492--4U1 For App'l FRY CQ()I(. relief lb1ft, JI or ovtt, experienced. SW't $2.00 hr. No phone please. APlll7 in penon. Cott.p Oollee Shop. 562 W. 191.b St. Calta Mna IMPORT AUTO * PaJ'l.I Counter Man * Unr Mtcbanie with Torno U"ptlWncr. * Lot • Detail Mall AbUlty to do own Ht· Man7 Co. Bendit. + Ina. UPI \t requlnd. Top II •=,.-,;Clll=;;;-==;:-= doUars for top mm GIRL • BOOKEEPJNG, pkk Opentnr;a nn >int and u.p 1r delivery. Must be able Second Sh.Itta. to driw torelp car 1 . Plfbl apply In ~· JASPER'S Dod1 ehop. :WS ea-. CM. HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH 500 Superior Avenue Nrr.-port Beach, C&llf. """Ill opportunity rmplo)t'r -l\I • r P•rllC-Mtn !>1ust Mv. VW f'ltPC'I', Good opportunity l benefits. 842-<W Alie. for llttb EXPER. warthOUlemaa tn plumbliw 6 heathw. Mr. Dick Wflllt, 546-7700 NEWPORT &EACH Shipping I R-lvlng 'l'hll Pocttlon o1fers a llOOd -meot ol Clerk f....,, $1.50 hr a1Ary -attncttvo ~ PARK LIDO J. W. R1blnson HH Opening• fori _nt• -~ ~ -"--J SEEKS RESERVE POLICE OFPICER $2.10-$3.41 per hour 'ff.nerve Ottieers needed to 1upplement the reau- lar Oty police force dur- t~ peak prrioda. Tboee lnterested lbould tepol1 for • written te1t to be administered in the City Hall Council Owriben, J300 Newport Blvd., New- port Beach, at 6:30 p.m., Wedaolday, Aprtl 30, 196JI. ASSISTANT MANAGER · DAYS and NIGHT MANAGER For Orive-Thru Re1taurutt. Must be neat with a pleas. ant penonality, Oance for advancemenl Experience helpful but not a mu.t. Full time. Apply 181 E. 17th St., Suite 2-D, Coata Mesa • Bet. 2 • 4,30 PM only. TV SERVICEMAN Part Time, Afternoon Exp. in outJkle tel'Vloe calla, blk & white and Color. Bond. able. Send nsume to Box M~. Dally Pilot, Colta M..._ DOORMAN PARKING ATTND'T Full or part time, day or eve, 18 or over, lie. Calif. driY. er. Neat appearantt, refs. can 644-1700, ext 555, -4 to 6p.m, BLUE COLLAR Machinists, Dri~, Welden, Factory workrn I: FadGry Traineoa. c.n em, 541-7796 Local Jobs. ARGUS AGENCIES 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M. CONSTRUCTION Onnt<e County custom homo bldr. neech full time man to perform all phurs of construct. Reply P.O. Box 4284, lnolne, CallL COOK, Fry-Broll; Pl day starting ~. Union hou1t. Hoepital A: dental plan. >.pi. ply in penJQn ONLY! Howard.'1 Reltau:n.nt 4001 W. Cout Hwy, N.B. FIBERGLAS worlctn:. Ex· pertenced I e I c o a t A: tiberglu repair m • n • 19 C 3 /BI d 1 B/Plactntia, C.M. SERV. 5rA. SALE.WEN". Youn& men, rvu A wk.endL Mmt ti. not in appearance i: handwrl.ttna. 2590 Newport Blvd., C.M. FRY COOK. Ync. man, exp'd, who de11rt1 pos. w/ful For tntv., Mr • Schlerhold "Mr Steak" 22&1 Fa.llview C.M. 64J.-OT32 VILLA ROMA Ratauranl P/time dishwubu wanted, rveninp. can MI 6-m9 alter 2 pm. DISHWASHER • AppJ¥ in penon. 3355 Via Udo, NB SALESMEN • Pvt time $120 wk. Work from own home, we tnlin, Call~ 1-t pm Dial 6C66TI for JmruL'l'S Help W•nlod, -7200 HUGHES NEWPORT &EACH bu an open1na tor a DIE MAKER HUGHES NEWPORT IU.CH llOOSoporlorAvonuo N ........ a.ch,CallL tqual-ltf ---M AF LOTS OF OVERTIME beneltts incl ...... fllll,y p&ld Olnvalffclnt llolpltal Ahllttlo1 for modlcal, and life """" 144' 5u>e"" Aw., N.S. e AMEMBLY TRAINEE31 Int.eme.tional Tftnpon.r)' For produdton UMmbb' of Unllmtt.d Afency &nee coverqe, three weeb "2-2«10 '88 E. 17th st., Suite 2U vacation after S years, etc. e SILK l'INISHER e Help Service unall electro • ~ Colt& Meu 642.1470 Apply 1n penon at the ASSISTANT TO IKKPR. Challe"11nc job mature I: 11hdy J'ull time po1ition, Exotllnt company bendlta. .Anaheim. 1 TM W Llncolrl Pll'tl and pm to metal .e DAILY PILOT EXP'D MECHANIC I: RIG-330 We.t Bay st, O>lta Mesa GER. M:uat be dependabl Aak h: Mra. Greenman or 1595 .Newport mvd. C.M. e, eall M2-432l tor an Interview. ..... mo Newport Blvd., C.M. APPLY PE::ROONNEL DEPT. • ueemblln for ~ Santa Ana Pb. 54tMll25 ---d~ Costa Mesa 2700 Harber able An F.qua1 Opportunity • 4 Em..,,., e INSPECTOR TRAINEEsl FULL I: PT TIME. Exp'd, ~'."n,~·s..:·o~· * WAITRESS Sharp C1rMr Gals 5ecty>. Oerk Typlsta, Gal FHhlon l1 l•nd Newport Beach Equal opportunity emplo)ou CAN YOU TYPE SO WPM? Temporary Employment For electronic comDOl'lfn';'j Pr•vloue expariaaoe ~ URGBITLY NEEDED •• ~ .... ~ JOIS a EMPLOYMENT 7400 *TELLER* Apply In ponon REUBEN'S COCO'S Position available in our Newport Buch o.ff1c. tor 1555 W. Ad1m1 )lenon&ble, well-lfOOmed in. Cotti Med dlvklual. Teller experience 1----~*---- =~t"""""' .,..,1ttons WAITRESS and frin&e benefits. Pleue apply in pel'l<»l to Mrs. Bmy Hotel Caffee Shop, 6 Parker or Mr. Litch. AM • 2 PM. Mlllt be 11xpert. -Apply "' ...... only. ,......,.,, -8ldlpn, RN1 A: LVNa. Both fee 6 tft Pf.id Jobi.. Top c:o's! Call Dorio, 541-7796. Local jobo. ARGUS AGENCIES 18<111 C N.,..... Blvd., C.lof. SEVERAL OPENINGS tor wmpen tn Houlekttpb:w Dept. ot W• have .everaI wonderful opportunl.tlfl !or • )'O'U'W ral between • and 30 to work in the beach uu. PARK LIDO Agency Convale.cent Hoa:pltal 2043 Wettclltt Drtwi M.ERCHANTS PERSONNR 1"45 SQPtrlor Ave., N.B. Comer 17th 1: Irvine K1-2uo ~mo -~ MACklNE OPERATOR lu '"o"'u'"SEWIVES==,....,-'-"""-... • Clerks • ....,,. 1 • Typists w ~Ji:,c-.::.., 1 • Repro Typists s.m.me OIYtmt o1 I • SecretarlH G"!N185':~~ I • Keypunchers "" Whl-Aw. c:o.ta Me1a, C1W. • PIX Open. "-' OPl""'wtl" ·-· • Auemblen * Work whon I whef9 you wantl HOTEL . DESK CLERK· CASHIER 1 e TRAINEES e port Ume or lllll ttme. 13 to P!aatlca manufaCturtr, Mult $6 per hr, u little u 1 hr bo dependable. Day and per day to demomlrate In-INllRIM 1 Glendile hder1I Slvings sraveyml lhift. Appl.y du1t. 1: eornpi. clu.nln. Heavy uperience oa NaL ~ THE °'"""'<lout Pluti"' Call ThW'l 6 Jli "'""'Sal PWOllNB. smuin: ""'· Goodsalary,t ...... ; NEWPORTER INN ""'weat 18th, C.lof. .,_ 1 pm. n•, 53S-l8!l9 nu Apply 1n -. Onlr.1 JAMAICA INN Ho TEL KITCHEN HELPER -9 am-l "'perilaced --· I 1101 Jamboree :Road needi 2 more maidl, full or pm, n .75 hr, I dl,y1 wk, SUn C 44$ ~~-l7th St. THE Newport Beach put time. Age 25 or wer. oU. No exp nee. Appl.)' in otta ,..,., Calif. 1 MANAGER Apply "' ..,..,n 21ot E. """" LITrLE JOHN'S 642•7523 NEWPORTER INN l Cout Hway., Corona del INN, 20072 N. santa Ana 1 2333 E. Coffl Hwy. Newport Buch FEMALE Mor Ave, Santa Ant Hel&hll. lnlorvlowlng 11177 Jam,,._ Rood 1 Equal oppartwllt;y unployer For PICKWICK FASHIONS, BAR maid, no o:perienoe HOUSEKEEPER 9 to U, 5 Mon. thru ,rl. Ne~l~ j ---------I Fuhlon bland, N.B. Mod-nttf!uary, day 1: nlaht day1 a Wffk. $2.00 hour. I 1.m. to 5 p.m. Vft" '"" l EXPERIENCED e ESCROW e SICRETARY erate to better QXlrtl wtar lhitt. Apply Vikki'• Lou.nae. Own b'aNportatkln. AllO EXPERIENCED d t D n • r &: apparel tor the "new 1791 % Newport BI v d • Babysitter with rrfl for 6 .l'l' Equal opportunjt;y employer wait.en I: waltnaet. bd. ~~ ~-~u=: ~r:eC:u!~ 1r 6 pm. No old. 642-3417 alter 3 PM -:6:--e-n~ei-ral-,.-Offl:-,,:.-C~e-I ~ w&lJ:r~ = fa1 33 Fublon Squue, Shlmw1 ASSISTANTS Experienced ptttmed. Good Brown·~ -.....,1• ""' Oaka YOUNG lady far 11 I b t N...S 2 ladles to help In my -amdltloaa, Frinte So. Cout a..,.., So • ._... • Calif. 91403. C213J delivery, own tranQlorta· bw:ioeu, part time. Muat be---v,,. ... T 872-1048 tion. Apply 1415 N. Cout 1iJm people. Call Mn. Mc. ..,......, ~w:.-.. En'ATE. ShoWdn:J UNITED CALIFORNIA IMMEDIATE °"""" far Hwy, Rm 21, Lq Bcb. Kernanbetwn 264 . ..._ you bo ..Ulnc 1ho bot1eOJ BANK "°""'lady-wW>estobe ...._ APPLY IN PERSON .,.. Huolh•.., Boadl! 3141 E. Coot! Hwy Coron• del Mlir 67).'240 * ADD OROOOS * Call Phil McNam• Vllla8' traint'd u a legal eecretary. PAYING ls: Recetvina Tel-To )'OW' budJet; u a Vanda KIRK'S JIW•LERS Real Eltate 98MC71 Ci Applicants mu1t have xlnt Jer. Prev. banldna exp, de-Beauty CounltJor; full 01 '" 5"8-8103 typing &. shorthand 11dlla. llred. Apply Securl~ Pa· JMlri·tlme. No can v 8 11• 2'00 H•rbor Btvd. =,,__"'°=~~--='A Apply Law ot1ice1 of Platt cific National Bank. Lquna 675-5195 Cost• ,,.,... MAN Ol' WOMAJ-., for ciualltt &: Barnes. Phone 56-9409 Nipel Br, 495-4501.. 1 .. ...,...,,..,.. ...... ...,..,1 pie 1hop, full time 9 am ft Eq1V11 opportunlty emplayu ~far="'~'~'""°~w~·==~~ BABYSITI'ER needed. 3 12:00. VI'S PIE OOTI'A~ --------SARAH COVENTRY bu ~~~~I=~ :':"'~ ~~.1\"i":.: T ,-p J ~.>!. ... ,~ ME -Ume -•-tar"~ or put!B ot 1ractSona I: decimala. Gd. ',,,w..,knd=-•·_,,,.,.,____ .l: ~ Bfllter """'" •--me ..., ~ DAYTI 61U'C1• '""'· &I' · eo. ben'1. App: 153 Pro:• ;77 YR. Id bltnd JV-u-.v .,,. Pl' .... t .. ~. no •-·-1 o man wantt: t..t-., "o. N"" -~ Cd e WAITRESS • ""''"• .,,.,.. ' ductlon Pl., N.B, -pe•·nt to ·-" ~~. no deliverlH. For interview """' "'" woman oc-ur 1t11No•111 • ,.,_,.., .,._...,, 2640 E Cout Hwy. ~'13211 REUBEN E. lH • 151 E. CoHI Hlthwoy Newport &each EXPERIENCED STENO call MQ-00.4/ 131..CT'9/ COOK for small kitchen In cuionally clean trlr, eoolc a ~~-;::'J::.;.~:r.::: WAITRESSES I: BUS BOY. iw1-3950 cocktail lounp:, call for meal, drlve am. car; ' hn., nio... S46-JJJ NEEDED. CALL p 0 ' LANDSCAPEIJ"Chltecta :~t~=n 10 am&: 6 .ftimnaWttk.~ PleueCallFor APP'T.M1·Z31 · have DPtninc far .eaetary TELEPHONE SOLICITOR.S, An Appolnbnent. GIRL or bo)' tor pmnd w/ •borthand & bool<-RELIEP' COOK port ttm• ,,.,_12,30 delly, "'!!'!'!'!'!!!!!!':"'!!!!~!"'!~I ....., """' 6 d.,..._... keeping ability. Demands Experienced, for convale1-while your lddi are In ICbl, *-MATURE SNACK BAR Mud know U'& er';"~~ respo111ibilltf .fr: load public cent holpltal, 642-8044 $2 hr. 545--0lllT Mr. Fontadt GIRL. PreL qe 25 or over. Pharmacy. 5"1-2253 ' linage, For appt. call Mr. DENTAL Aal.stant. very TRAINEES • Sportswear * CASHIER.HO~. Dlkt 639-Mn line worklna conditions, xlnt tactory, Xlnt. opportunity, * WAITRESSES. Exp'd and ~US'l be~~;"'· IPf.Cll FRONT ~·-· •-,. ... _, .1tar1i ..... -1 .. -... 8Q..ti625 Knowledat of aewinc euerto over 21 ' or rent, ' · ewpt. ~ UU~"IC' ·~ -...,.. -......... ,, tl·1 Ap·•· -G n•-• APPLY TN -~N ~1800 or ~rm , Ntt<led by ti.rm in San Ce-BABY SJ TT ER • Ute ... .-~ " Pli•;u ,.~ mente. Must have aood eyp. ~ ...... · ~-1 SI., N.B., 1 bllt. E. of O.C. Colt& Me1a Golt il a:>UNTER. le kltcmn lwl• 1"""9'!:' pq, DU' nuun::, -~·n-Q··'-Apply at 1921 D Hutlof I ..... lldll1 4 ability to work to•·-wk~ ............ -... --..,.;;,==,,--=----=-~ "' ~ '• • .:N "U..., .. , ., .... u ...... , '"" BETWEEN 1-4 PJI, Blvd, Costa Mesa. • with tliW'ft. Pleur eall $40, wk. 6"5-<1962. Aft 4:30. COMIINATION, Sharp Bar UNITED CAL"ORNIA Mn. Hlhon =====--,,.-~1 >!aide 6 Go Go Dancen. 1101 Goll Coono Rd., C.M. BANK 492-llM HOUSEKEEPER. UVe in, Top waa:n $3.00-$.1.50 to Work Near Home AgeWn-clffn, Men A 7S501 Motherlea home. Be:ach it&rL Ph. for int. 545-8983 SEAMSTRESS uperlenced attL 2 teenqen, Prefer SASSY LASSY, 2901 llorboe, •.A~~~~ 3029 Harbor mvd. power machine operator, under 4S. 5311451 .x<;1"iu-... Chit& Mesa MS-20.13 NORTH SAILS, 9U Elec. • C.M. e Reception Equal opportunl.17 employer tr!c. Stal Brach. (213) WA I ,T R E SS E S want2d. N"U"RS=E,-,-AID=E:-. "'0pe=n1np=-on e Typt1ta Ml6-f461 JORI I Re1taurant, 2121 F..· all &htftl. LAGUNA BEACH S •--& Colut Hwy, 01M. Apply NURSING HOME. PH : 1."t!'Nh>.!.~!!!Y TELLER TRAINEE WAfrRF.$, ~.. f u 11 after 5 pm ~ -wm ft.In capable J1ri !or ttme. Houri n:so to s · 494-8J75 WT Harbor Bl, Cofl:ta Me1a Teller/New Accou.nta work. Benton'• Coffee Shop EXP'D waitrru A )'OUftl HOUSEKEEPER 1: child can ttnt &e-nu Some woddnl experience 133 S. Cout Hwy, Lquna woman wantad. Arpy'I Cof. can, live in; pvt rm 6 be., and tninl skill prefemd. Bc:h. fee Shop. 3021 8 Rubor ret1. SSO wt. 5'ii da wk. Good -"""\Ilona/ WAITRDISES 0.,. y"' Blvd. S4G-92l2 benetltl. Apply World Sav. lady for tam~ raL Exp. LJVE.IN or out bab)'aitter, BAR=-~MA!OS=~. ~n.~---. 1np A: Loan. 292 So, Cout pref App in per Thura. for 4 chlldn:n. Lita hie-ni&hta. M\llt be rella.Ne. CdM. lxperltftce newpolt., pm..1 , agancy . ' ' Proh111GnOI S.rv._ ; for the omploytr l •nd the •ppllcant ; m Dover Dr., N.L _, Mf-274' Hwy, Lacuna Bch. "Mr. Steak'' 2151 F.im.w kteplnJ. Rrfl. Send rmune App. Knony J<es. 6"6-9910 Pret.rr.ct FEMAlf fl mw Rd. C.M. to Box p 85'1, Dally Pilot. C.M. '75-5011 School•,IMlrvctlon 7609 UUlft RELIEF COOK tor MontER.'S helper In ex-BABYSI'ITER. P/t. 3 daYs --====-:-:::::---change t.or room I: board. JAMAICA INN COITEE Coll"• st»de"t OK. .,,.. """'31M!'30 pm. Owl!"""' Sl!CRETARY The Nowport ' SHOP. T..J p.rn. anyda)'. Pb: ''erde area. 56-1304 nee. CM area. &G-1538 Alllltant to Oftiwt \School of lu1lnea1 I 673-ll20 BEAUTICIAN Needed to Near Orqe CoU11f.;v AJrport. FEATUJtES: 1 WINDOW rtrb: wanted, 25 to OLDER woman cart tor 2 take over clielltele. 6134135 Shor1hand 100.al_ fJ'Ptns 71). e Eleetrlc Typewriters S5 yrs or ap, Work trom 11 ddldrrn, room il board. $%ii day11, It evn 646--460li so. Salary blllld on eQeri-• l>SctaU. equipment 706 P•clllc C .. tt Hwy AM tll 2 PM. Appl)' wk, ,.._l363, -· ======== once. e Bruh Up (lftU Sii. Huntlng!en &.•ch McDonald's 633 W, 19th, CM HSKPR live In to holp moth-Help Wo-c.n 546-CJ838 e Madera Ofllee o.....im. STORE Manqer: terrUlc GIRL ov. 18 W/<rwn car to er, 5 ch.Udren. Corona dtl Women 7400 • Letttr wri~ akilll -... u.. to ~1• •--t eantJDr I -.,, 9 A: U 3 to Mar. 6'f5...ft2 eves. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WAITRESSES, (exper. not Your IOall can be addev-____ .. .,,. -... -J l'leQl!ll.) i-rt or fUU ttmt; puwl1w. medhm& priead 5:30 PM. m,..1311 or MAID, IUll Ume, pleeant aPPb' in ptl*>rl IO Mr. Hont ell ill a mirdmwn ol 3 wantn'• appart:l, tub.Ion 646-&346 ~ La a u n a H u a H E s Olilat, between u A.M .• 2 w.:: .. AU mulmu~ & epedalb' lhop Caln. MU1t KIND woman, non 1moktt, I Beach, .f94..ll98 P.M., except Mon. • Tbn.; ~--for ona '1ave previous wo mt n' 1 am to 12:*l pm. ... 11t 11tml· WAITRESSES kr all lhtrta; NEWPORT l&:ACH Newport HMbot Yacht ~ at 6G-3870 flJr manaavSll r:xptt. S.: fib'. invalJd wttti 2 Ute meal.I A aPPb' at Odte'' 212 E. lTtb Club. 131 W. Bay Aw., IUlJ putlculan, -Olm', -~ -873-eW St.,Qos1a-. KEYPUNCH Newport...... ntE NEWPORT -· AYI r-~-r-9CHOOL OF BUSINESS -· ., --· ~. DENTAL ASSJSTANT WANTED' MDTEl. MAIDS. ILICTRONIC 133 llcm< Dr., Newport Bcb. Newport..... OWrZl·5day-OPERATOR ASSEMILERS * llOSIESSES * Call 5'f.SlB5 !MM511 -with llmltod....,. LIFmME Gift, .....,...tu,,. -8ABYSrrrER mature A &AtJ op1r1.tar full (llt bl1 b&e:kp'aund acctptalMe. O\lldten. ~lldr1:n, er DAYS ml NIGHTS ·"lla~ to llw in lor 3 part Ihm, Baltloa llland. ~~t:,,a ~nceot ":ri '*8611 . )'OUNIU! lhdMdually tut~ ,,_, .. bl_ ehlldrtn. 815-l&U. 6Q..M29 ** m.!701 ** mM equJJ:ment. MEDICAL Exp'd bl 111 n I td Clllcoat 10 leuons t)rpl,. """" ~·-· CLERK TYPIST l!XECUTIVE ll>XlRETARY, dmr A Ute -.per b llCbool. 113 Doi Mar, CJlf. Uto booidcMplnc. CiP&* "'....,,. _.... H u G H E s -ladll,,.. s •• d -ror appt .c.n -5*<1313 ...,,. P. o • .,. 211. s.u111l=PL\NO=,...,....,--'""-. -=Thi,--...,~ 0 PERATORl-8p•c. LIVE-IN oompolllon. -NEWPORT II.I.CH i.,an.. hotl In lmtn>ctlonl. Clll ISi I. Pldflc Ct!, Hwy. machlno. Good poy. Sindy. ,_or-. Ple&lant ""° 5"pertor A..,,ue LADY ""''*' b -- Newport -., Gamwnt -,. . ....-"'""""""'· -N"""°" 8"cb. Calll. ._In bftdl -sbop.l00:=111"'a"'r.=--=-,..,...-,lh"',,..,..,,-.., ·===:--:-=----iSA•J!'.81.WY. Exl*1Wtd l'\JLL ltmt, a.pa1enm! Equal~~ For appotabnlrll oall 8nl1I up 7tlfll l'md WAJTRl'.S8 put time no ft• on!,y. Ff1I' blllllry~ ttnJor _,.,., clerk. P.O. ~ployer -M A F f3l41IT alt 1 p.m. t'bnwrlatkm ,._ Dl1 dilaa. Apply In Portlft DrlY' In liquors REllBI l Uf ........................ ,,I """'""° ...... ...,.. 4!&-11113 !J44.<ll\IO llor 100, Ill" o.m-I '-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--Ji DATLY l'TLOr WAin' ADii! '4,._ ,1 I • __ t I ~ ----• • I ' ~i , --------• -·· scece a so a Sib& &SSE 2 so : : u: 2 : a a: 2 Ii -•z••z ••a•s••s• .. a '"""""· ""' 24, 191>'1 """' M ~" ll!lllCHANDlll J'Olt MlllCHANDIS& Paa - SALi AHO TUDt PITS .... LIVUTOCIC TIAHSl'OITATION TltANSJIORTATION IAl.I AND n.t.OE SALE AND TllADI SALZ AND TIADI J>oeo 1125 ~P!!~ !!!! -9030 Trailor, Trnol MU Jwnitun IOOOFumlturo -fumlluro IOOO Pio,_ I Orpno il:IO f.iiiiiiiiii'ii:iiiiiii;m~;;;i~~;;;iiiiiiiiiii;il~ijovAL Solid .,. .. , dining e New Pl-e 1 SKI Bol.t 1•• 1lbtJ'Slau. TRAlLWIDElull .it eont'd. • $3CJ96 rog. $59.95 . One ol Our Many. Bargains! MEDll!RRANEAN Si"ANISH New Shawroom Samples Will Sell Any Piece lndividu~lly , 8' Wood carved arm cUvan, Jg. man's chair or love seat. 5 Pc Octagon dark oak din set w I black or avocado framed chairs; 8 pc BR set. 9-d Mr. & Mrs. dresser, lg mirror, 2 com· modes, decorative headboard in Spanish oak design with matching box springs, mattress & frame. ONLY $529.95 ($1095.95 Value! table w/2 egt, I ladder bade WURUl'ZER A BJW,'>BURY cbaira ll.loe r.w. Wht. E:mb. All styles A fl.lliahel. all Naua:. Sect. m-ti:Ml • Amerlcap made, 88 note, dd 2 Pl!J:E:, axiw caochlbcd w-bcnch 6-tuned, Price 1t&rt- w/ bokter pillow~+ 'lrwatte. · walnut. ~ 4 Wnp, xlnt Piaoot rented opt lo b1t1 cond.. s.crlftct, $85. 6t6-0'112 e NE\V e 3 BAR s-........ • ..,. Wurlitnr OrCJCIM embQUo<t bromle . kp.' $10 Many al.her m.kes. Many t:~ or all tar $25. Gt?r-2112 11tylf!s 4 tinisbel. Pri~ evu. start •t ssro. Offlq Purnltvre I010 £.'<EcvrM: 111 & h Bad< Swivel Dtak Oalr. Uke MW $15. 3tJ9 E. C.out Hhvy CdM 675-38l3 BARGAIN! \Val uec: ollice fum. Drattin&: rm equip. lBM f!lec type. 67J.-.1.871 EVERYTIUNG IN WSIC llelCh Music Center FactorY ~ 4 Setvb Daily 12 naon 'tl! 9, Sat !J.-5 111M Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39) 1 \!o ml. So, San Dlego Fwy. HunlinJ{on Beach 847-8536 Used H•mmond ...... · ORGAN SALE Offlc. Equl,.,..,.t I011 B-3's, RT-2, C-2, A·UX>'a, 1\1· ---"-"----'-.;;.;.;..;.• JOO's, L-100'11, 1\1·3. Also "CASH REGlSTER many PWm -Stf)nw•y, National I dtpt's rood Wurlitzer, etc. Cond, 847-85Je. AN"'a' 53M8G8 Open Sunday U to 4 HAMMOND FUR-'NITURE A-U~CT:IO N ' . . THURSDAY NIGHT 7 P .A\. S ilRP!! Inspect EARLY As We ~ ell (j)UICKL Y ! AOK Commlssiel n GaHery • 7722 GARDEN GROVE BOULEVARD . 1 Block West of Beach Blvd., oft G.G. FrWy. G.r-e-S.lt' I022 ln CORONA DEL ?.tAR . I ~ -~-----..;;.;; 1854 E, Coast Hwy., 673-8930.1~ ?lfOVING! Must Stlll ·\Vashe:r , ONCE A YEAR Sport(n9 Goods 1500 Miscall1n90us 1600 S2S. Dry<r 125. Dble bods:;. WURLITZER DreaRr fJ.50 &: kits more! PIANO & ORGAN SALE SURFBOARD 1970 Continf!nt&J.. CM • N Ex 11 t cOnd l f R ll 646-1056 • e\V Pianos from .••••. $579 ce f!n • 0 t, US!lt! • CERM~ lllOl"t ha.Ir malt, 3 (Dolphin). 'rn hp Mere. w/ Uke new, Room)' ~ thl~ yrs, will aeU to in~rHltd trailtt $650 or bt6t ot-eJ:pandl to lwcunou& 15 bunter wtth.lp: feDCld yard. Ier c.Ji all f pm m-4199 w~. .st~ &, $SlOO. 'Jn Tl'alntd on dcive A quail. · J)4l'k. CaU 644--0233 af't!ir $15. 836-0l.M 1•· CLASSPAR. trailer,,.,.,.. AUdaywttk-ends. nea.rty oew. ~ hP Mere. ::'·.;;~:;,· ""',,;;;;;;-r.;~M>-; AUsl(AN M&l&mutes, fer $/$. C (j,, equlPPlld, belt HIDEAWAY CAMPER abow W breeliliDc. AKC oUer. M6--'1359 aftef •:l:I. Half ~b ovt.r. Sl.eopt 4. ~= ..=: .. ~ cu~ Sid .... uiiii M= Almoot new 16lQ. 54~20IJO and up. m-asn LoW-ml xtn, ski&, hvy duly T ck 9500 toVE FOR SALE L mini lrlr, Divan:e -'orces u.lf!! :;r~u:.:::::.'-------1 ROO<ile• AKC champ bk>od Must see to 8.PP"IC· 63-3232 •5-;, FORD w/ Che"Y V-1 ena:, lfnei. 'blk, ' brwa bd&e Qievy 3 spd trans. Oievy 131-91584 · MlriM Equ ip. 903$ ttar end. Will trade lOI' 'So.> SIBEJUAN' lh.11ky, A KC , SWORDFlSFI PLANK '59 t,~ T Chf!VY P/U or $450 ~ . .u ahota, proven stud, TOWf!1"-StaJnleu ca ., l f! s • cash. ~ . Wue eyes, 6G-M64 eve. Ready to Go. 646-1391 1962 FORD Econohne Van, TO POO 35 HP E ··-·• ood The oavi11 Brown Co. 4ll E. Y OLES; AKC, MIF, viui-.nif!, £ ':'°"' 17th St CJ.I 64&'1684. ' weeka okl.'Call-ditJon. Sl.50. 8" Tn.ilf!r ·· • 6'lS-078T whef!Ls & tir9. 962-3&1l J 9510 AKC ?tfin. Pood.11!5. Apricot. 2 OlRYSLER V-8 Marine ::"::i:Pl;_ __ ~---·I ~how or pet quality. MIF. 6 en&;...,, 413 & ""'""':. '66 WA GONER wkl. $6S It up. 540-8638 aions. 613-96'20, alt S, 615-6 4 wbttl drivf!, power 1teer- \VElMARANER l Lab pup. .. __ 1 Sii ,. __ • 9036 ing, xtra, xtra sharp. Lie. piN, $25 eacb. 1 f. purebred -P ~rtnt SVE 368 W .. $40. ~alt> CATALINA Moorin& for ule. · $2595 POODLE -Small black Best Isthmus locatiOn. Call mm;ature, male, 1 year, all 642-1152 ""· ej"'" t•...: 1 11¥>ts, ~. ~ WANTED boat slip fol' 43' UIR Ulll(I AUSTRAUAN Shepherd Cruiser. 60G--0264, 9-5. mole, 5 mo•th< old. $25. IMPORTS Alter 5, MQ.O!K)4 lcMt• Y tcht TOYOTA·YOLYO AKC Beagle pupe. & v.ttks Ch1riert 9039 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 Nf!w 0I'l:i.ns from ...... $699 perfect board for bt';:inners WllY BUY USED'! $60. 56-S47S or TERMS as low as $4.66 Week \VOMEN'S clothiJ1I u . lG.14 AMPEX 4 track sll!tt!O laJlf! deck with • dual mikt's Ii. platinum beads with ta~. Cost $1100, sac. $230. S3S-328ll old, ~ rnalf!S. 1 Iemalf!. BLUE\VATER CHARTERS MILITARY Jeep. Chev v.g, 968-3.932 U-Drive sail ot power boats. Nf!w llO x 15 t_ires. ~ GREAT Daoe Pups, AKC Hubor cruises/sport fish. more t:Xtras. \Vill mnaider fawn l brindff!. Daily • Wttk1y * 646-9000 trade. 64~23!!0 UN our store char ge pl1n or IMnk f inancing hfisc items. S-4 p.m. Fri It Sat. 2519 Columbia, C.M, cor Approved F.urniture ;~~YDr~. """· lurnitutt, Open Mon &. Fri eves 'ti.I 9 ========= • Rental PurchaM: Plan • Miscel11rMOus 8600 Misc. Wanted 1610 * 893-6953 * '67 cusr. 4 wh dr Jttp Wag- Gould Music Com.,-ny I:;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Hor ... Flshin9 Bolts 9040 goner. Auto lrans. Air cond. 1130 Kelly hubs, R/H .. Ex. cond. {No Fancy Front -BUT Qu11ity Values Inside) clothing, ·much misc. S04~~ '2159 Harbor Blvd., Costa M-a• S.'79~ l\1arigold, Corona de! J\hr. 6'045 N. Main, SA 547-06Rl HAMMOND -Stdnway Y ·1. maha • he\"°( I=-used pianos ot all makes. Best bu,ys in So. Calif. right here. *AUCTION* $WE BUY$ $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES ~--------26' SPORT Fishe:r plus slip $3495. 642-374A 22 MOS. old colt, bf:aut. i,; fully t'quipped, $40001==~·=======-I Open 9.9 Oaily-Sund•y 11 -5 SATURDAY lD Afo,f to 5 PM 12 Yo.,-s wme location-same own.rt ;~ & MISC JUNK FRIDAY -APRIL 25th 7:30 PM Celer TV'.,_fllt n•'-Shir1e'1 I P'l1c1 er He111• full CASH IN JO MINUTES Arab, 1,i Wdch: sell or MG-4039 Campers 9520 tradf!, 548-4324 I AM-2 PM I========= I ;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;1 TRANSPORTATION Boots Wonted 9050 1• CAMPER !!!J!!!!!!J!!!~~ Applionc" 1100 1000 Fumlturo IOOO SOlMIDT MUSIC CO., 1907 N. Main, Santa Ana Unclaimed storage Jr o m Thomas Transfer: Boxf!s, "'vdrobes, Bedroom sets. Dining l"OOm sets. divans, occ • 543-4531 • BNh & Y1chts 9000 lST TD's & Oct!an view lots, .;..;._;...;.;_;.,;.;.= _ _;.;;.;;;; tradf! for large clf!at boat. 17 F"l'. Performer, lalander 494-1137 Sales .. Rentals Authorizf!d. Oea1er Eldorado _ Four \Vinds -Scotc;man Fum1turo '17 i"c. King Si1e Bedroom 1arre 9 drawer dlHSl"I", mtr- roi·, 2 bedside stands. king aize headboard, tramf!, quilt. ~ mattress. sheets.. blank· ~ts. etc, Oioice of Spanish 1 or Modera Style AU hr $249 f¥o down • Pmtt. only S9 mo. WElK'S WAREHOUSE "'° w .... St .. Santa Ana , Open Daily 9 • 9 ~t9.& SUn.11.fi .MEDITERRANEAN $0fa &: lowllf!al. Gold Brocade l ·mos old. $130 Ev. 642-78>11 EARLY Am. LR furn, blk IJIS.Ugh. Hide-a/bed, couch, 2 platlonn rt'krl, etc. 673.-.1762 A10DERN 8' plus llOfa, xlnt (cond. $12&, soJid brass trplc scrttn, $20. 646--4388 SOFA &. Chair, new, never /µaed .. ?.fakf! oiler. 548-601'.i ior 962-3009 eve1 only. i.20 PC.· MODERN ~ROOM GROUP lndudes: l'loral sota &: chair .. walr.at tables • lamps • Complete bedroom with quill ,ed mattreu • 5 pc. dinettf!, !eto. All for ... $277 r(t down. Pmts. only $10 mo, WElK'S WAREHOUSE IOI! w_ 4th SI., Santa Anl Open Daib 9 -9 'Salt. l!i Sun.11. & tuml.ture returned 1rom ~ iplay studios, rnodd homes. ;decon.ton cancellation- ~ I.: Medltf!rraMan etc : RD FURNITURE U44 N-rt Blvd., CM ~ every nij:ht til 9 j Wed., Sal & sun 'til 6 JCNG me bed oomplf!lf!. mal-l tress, spmgg, fnnf!, pad &. • duo-elf!c blnkt. S80 xnll :cond. 56-0704 LOVELY enlfY hall pif!ce, :Heritagf!. Almost nf!W, ~I : prioe w /mim>r. 540-1840 kIMBALL spilM!t piano, sm ' couch, oce. hn & Ibis, aU : like new. &M-U61 aft 5 uSEO tofa $10; used dinf!ttf! t $22; pair lampa $9; mat· SPANISH Returned from Modf!I Homes on sale at if!ss than \vbolesalf!! Group includes beautiful 9 & ' • qU.ilted sofa & lo\'f! seat. 3 Spanilh oak decoratar t?.bif!s, swag: or table lamps, \Vall placque, king, queen, or fuU sitt bedroom suite complete incl box springs, mattress. linf!ns .&: boudoir lamps, Spanish oak & pc dining set pricf!d. ei.V:wbere at approx. Sl195.00 ALL FOR ONLY $399. $20 down, $4.99 per .. M!k , out or state credit OK. \V i 11 separate for quick salf!. 201.h Century Furniture. 9 '! 7 2 Gardf!n Grove B I \.! d . , Ganlf!n Grovf! Daily 10-9, Sal 10.S, Sun 12-5 CQmf! in or call m4l 536-5240 20 i"C. "MADRID" 3 Room Group FROM MODEL HOMES Includes: Quilted sofa & chair -2 end tables & col· ff!": tablf! -2 lamps-dress- u -mkror -headboard - quilled box spring A matt- t-ess -5 pc. dining room; tlo.blc &. 4 hl·back chairs. COMPARE AT $'149.!ta $399 No down-Pmll only $16 mo. WElK'S WAREHOUSE 600 W. 4th st., Santa Ana Open Dally 9-9 Sal 9--6 Sun ll-' PROVINClAL sofa $85: lgf! reclining chair $50; antique oraan $215; console ·rv $3.'i; Call after 4 p.m. (TI4) 84&-2'1112 ELEGANT custom 1f!ctional, oyster \vhite broc:adf!, like new. $500. 646--0132 ROUND tablf!, m; 2 end tablf!s SlO; 1 coHee tablf! SlO. Walnut. 540-8638 USED FURNITURE Low Pricf!s! ! 646--9181S 1550 A Superior, C.1'11. 20 i"c. Maple 3 ROOM GROUP lncludf!I: L1v1f11 raom Rt - tablf!'! • lamps • bedroom set • quilted mattreu • ma- ple dining raom. All for •• , $449 No down • Pmts. only $11 mo, WElK'S WAREHOUSE 1 tress &: Box $22; H.F.R.C. GOc \\'. 4th St., Santa Ana 548-348'1 Open Daily 9 • 9 tAPLE studl!nt desk & Sal.9°& Sun.ll.& 'chair. Nevamar top 48 x 24, HEADBOARD, Stanley, kilti 1 larce drawers S 5 o . size. ?.lediterTa.nean 11tylf!. &C-2794 $Sa. 545-7'1m Lw .;;;:,:vE;:=,,.'-,o:..,,--m=m:::--;,.c-::.,:-;1a=-. I 2 CONVERTIBLE couchf!s, · blue, $ti. Recliner cl'la.ir aqua ooklr S20 each. $4.i; polf! lamp ns: 64.>-1315 Call 613..a104 aftf!r 6 pm --· sirf.v '" " • • 6 MO old \VESTINGHOUSE free standing doublf! oven elec Range; ooppe11one col- or. New, cost $469, \Viii 11&.crilice $325. 8.11-8167 UPRIGHT Freezer, G.E. 13 cu ti wied. Nf!w compressor unit. One year guar. $99. Dunlap's, 1815 Newport, c.~1. 54&-nss GAS Range, \\'edgewood, flOOt' model. Rf!g. n59.9a one only $109. Dunlap's, 1815 Ne-.vport, C.l'>f. 548-1188 THE BEST DEALS On P i•no& & Org•ns Are Always Al \VARD'S BALDWIN SI'UDIO 1801 Newport, C.Af. 642-8484 CONN ORGANS ALL MODELS . NEW & USED llear the NEW 3 !\1anual! Gould Music Comp1ny 20'5 N. J\fain, SA 547--0681 cl\air11, dinettf!s, chf!sts of Luskey Criss-Cross Direc- drawers, mattr'l!S!el, vac... lorit's • Newport Beach. San uum cleanf!rs, desks, po"'·er '-=Cl=o=m=e=n=t•=· =<n-4337===== mower, relrlgeratora, stov· I · e11, washers, dr)ous, electric cash ttiiillf!r & M U C II MORE!~ CO~fE BRO\VSE AROUND WINDY'S AUCTION 2075~~ Newport Blvd, &hind Tony's Bldg. t.1a!'l1. Costa Mesa * 646-8686 OPEN DAILY 9 to 4 FREE TO YOU Deluxe modd Call fibf!r-I~,-. -BO~sro=~N--W-bal-..---w/ &la.ss) outboard. Custom either Johnson or Evinrudt' ~P down COVf!r. Bi&: wheel mtr. Call t'Vf!S, r.tl ~7227 till trailer. $700 or belt off· =========I f!r. Phone 644-4687after1 pm A ircr1ft 9100 30,000 Ft'el of Camper Displays Theodora ROBINS FORD BOAT SALE: All types ol boats offered tor sa1f! Tuell· l/Stb ownership .ol Cessna 2000 Harbor Blvd. Sun, April 22-Zl. Boa~ may 170. Call al~ & pm Costa ~lesa 64UIOJ.0 bf: viewed at Sea Scout * 5'&2000 * Bue, 1931 W. Coast H1vy., 1967 CESSNA 150 commuter, 1968 vw camper w/tf!nl N.B. 0 SMOH. Red & White, xlnl xlnt cond. 1964 VW Bus: 1963 :n· TROJAN. Radio, cond. $5795. 842-2430 good cond, best olfer. Prv tathomf!!f!r, equip l o r prty, 646-8866 r.1on tbru Fri fishing. Sips 6. Xlnt cond Flying Lessons 9150 9-5 G.E. Electric dryer, new floor model, 2 tem~ralures. $99. Dunlap's, 18J5 Newport, C.1'1. 548-1788 GIBSON J-50 \Vlth Hanlshell case, $320 new, $200 or oUf!r. KENMORE \VASher & dryf!r, E1ic, 67>:11&) aftf!r 6 Pl'>f xlnt cond; moving must sell 4 AOORABLE Siamese-?..tanx male kitlf!ns. House broken le Wf!&l1t'd. 536-8748, 408 Huntington, H.B. .4/26 ALASKAN Malmute, 1 yr old. Grey It v.·ht femaJt'. f'ree to good home v.·/ lrg yrd, 642-8817 4/:U MIN .. l"t'male Dachshund 3 yrs. old. hsbrkh. Good \V/childrcn. 64Z..762l aft. 4;30 4/26 PART C.ocker pup11 lo homl!I \\;th children only. Evn and weekends. 365 E . Esthe:r, C.M. ~· 3412 Marcus, NB. FLYING Club, Cf!ssna 150, CHEVY '63, % Ion, low -mi. 67>-0842, 534-3no $9.50 hr. \\'f!I. Harbor Avia-1965 8\i' Tear Dorp. ltlany ?iJATCHING Kenmore wasller l.:. 24" gas dryer. good cond. Srrv, contract $:t1 ca. 546-7515 S75 ca. Sot'.a $60, antique bar PIANO, Baldwin Acroaonic. Sl'.i. 2 Stiniray bikes $15. Contemporary v.'lllnut, like Girls desk $5. Emerald gm flt'w. 968-4947 aft 6 pm. Pd area rug. xlnt c.:ond. $200. =1,,1200=·,,,"..,',..ki.,,••~l'.,'"''·=-=~· 1 J\11 6-9100 BEAUT Anuque l"•H• Baby -K::::N"'i=rn=D::--=F"""ABR=K""S,_ Grand Piano. \Vilt sell $700 10' GLASSPAR, decked, 10 tion. 842-2430 exlrcts. $2250. 847-3349. hp Johnson, controls & strgl.,::;:;;=:;:;====-1~======== &. windshield. ~ or best Mobile Homes 9200 Camper Rent•ls 9522 offer. LI 8-245& 0...-'"--..;..'-'-'----1 18' LYMAN, pefl'. cone!., \\'ell BAY HARBOR COACH • TRAILER RENTALS equip'd.; 110 H.P. Gray; Mobile Home S•let . \\'Orth $4,000; cash, $2,000. Casa Loma • Roll-Away • 11 s llOnf! too early to make No trades. 644--0'234 or Sheraton Manor • Homellf! • reservations for Spring HoL KENMORE Auto "'asher & elr.c drytr, matching ltf!t. Recond & itJar. S 8 O , 347-811:> \\'ASHER & DRYE..'R (stack- ed) $7;). Excellent t.'Ondition, 962-1610 C.E. Premier Gas Dryer. J h<'at ~tting, 211 yl's old. Xlnt cond. $90, GTl-7966 or part trade on good spinet. 548-4801. KIMBALL Consolttte piano. Light finish: like llf!IV $595. 546-9688 \VURLJTZER CHORD ORGAN $200. * 546-4729 * PIANO TUNING It Repair LIKE new 2 door GE &-.;pert, reasonable! re!rigf!rator, 75 lb food Albert .Aarness bl:>-8967 .o"="',,"'=',,SGS,,-. ..,-c.--1,-488,,--~ 1SPINE"T \VU R LITZ ER, KENMORE Washer, &rod walnut & l!!ather \Vitb cond, guaranteed. $35. bf!nch. S325. 548--7r.68 * 847-8115 * ========'I Television 8205 A_n~t~iq~u~·~·----"•_11'"°0 -~~---~~ ••••2••2•1 Vut stock Amer/Eur furn &: clocks. La1TY Morgan Anti- ques, 24-.'>8 Newp, Bid., C.M. SAT. 10 am • 3 pm. AntiqUf!S &-paintings. 2010 Baltra, C.M. ~'m4 Sewing M1chlnes 1120 '68 SINGER. Zij-iag, auto. \vltb \\'alnut cabinf!t. Take ovt'r 5 pymnts, $7.Zi mo. Call 526-6616 anytime. RENT OR BUY CeLeR TV FREE Muslcol Inst. 1125 Parts & Labar Guitlf' He~qu•rt•rs $7 M e . e NE\V and USED e ~·~~:.~~ ~~ No Dep •sit e WU.SON e YAMAHA Drum Hoodquortors Rent With •NEW ""usm • Optian ta Buy LUDWIG, Rc_>G~. ASTRO \Vf! also rent lhc foUO\ving: Largf! selection \Vllh ne1v +' * }'urnitW't" * \\'ashe~ & pc, sels Y.1th cymbals sta11.-Drytrs * Rf![rigerators 1.:_ ing at $99.50. ~W. hi-hats Ranges. · 8"' sets repa>red. All •m•U 521 7555 ~s , acessorlf!s & cymbals • 1n stock. EVERYTHING IN 1ttUS1C • a •••• a • a I Beach Music Cenler H"i:fi&storoo 1210 F11.etory Salf!s &: Service Diiiy 12 noon •tu 9, Sat 9-5 17404 Beaeh mvd., {Hwy 39) 1% mI. So. San Dlf!io Fwy. Hm1tington &ach 847-8536 MacINTOSH amp &. pre ~p. GaJT&rd changf!r, Altec Lansing tuner \\'/ cabinf!t + \Vhs.rf ed ale s~aku $50. &i;;>--23()9 morn- "'"'· C1meras & Equip. 1300 "FOR SALE Remnants, samples &. l\1ill ends Sat. Only 8 a.m. 10 2 p.n1. 929 Baker, Costa ~Iesa. NEWPORT Beach Tennis Club Membership lor salf!. Save ~-Call Harry Butler, ~ or \\Tlte, 1956 East Bancroft, Camarillo, Calif. 42" RND table w/ 12'' f!xl., 4 mate"s chn $65. 1 Norge elec dryer w/ new hf!atil'lg element $60. Call aft 4, 962-8431 GIBSON J-50 witll l1ardshf!ll C8.St', $320 ne-.v, $200 or oUf!r Eric, 675-5160 alter & PM. 6 \VK. old Spanish style liOfa & Ihle; dteSSf!r, 2 nlte stands; 'vshr/dryer: car'pl'ts, misc.: mo vi n r, 8>12-2742 CARPETS, Vinyls. Tilf!S. lat. est styles and colors. Com- mercial I: Residential. Ex· ~rt inst&Uation. 642-1403 BUY, sell or tradf!. .f'urn, appl"s, anything ol valllf!. A~ Furniture, in2 Ne11tport Ave., Costa htesa, 642-7015 or 543-4227 * Remember the fW\ of a FLEA l'>'lARKET? Come April 26-27, 9:30 to 5, Festival C1'0Unds. Laguna Beach HUMi\tAGI:: Salt', April 2·1. 25 &: 26th, 9:30 lo 5 P~1 {Sat. 'lil l ,, Four Square Church, 1734 Orange, Costa Mo .. 4 ADORABLE Duffy kittens nt'ed loving homes. & wks ok:, weaned ire tralned. 64fr7647 4/2& TO GOOD homes, Austr. Dingo PupR, 5 mos. Real Teddy Bears. 639-1521 alter 3 PM 4/2.f 2 BEAUTIFUL long hair black l white kittys. f'ree 10 good home. ~ art 5 pm. 4/26 GERJ\tAN Shepherd, 2 yrs., gd watch d o 1. alt ihol!!. obf!dif!nt, nds yard. ~ 4/2a I NEED a l'll!IY home. 1'1y owners are allergic to cats. Altered femalf!. all ahots. 49-1-2797 4/24 SMALL. Jovablf! black dog, abt. 1 mo's old, ff!malf!, gd. w/chiki~n • needs ap- preciate home. 644--0442 4/24 LAB./Dane; male, x I n t w/children; good \\'1.lchdog, Needs large yard. 546-7045. Call after i Pl'lf. 4/24 & 1'110, old Gcnn&n Shep. Had shots , ·malr.. ..,...,,., ,,,. FEM. mk. Coclcel'-Tf!rr. Had shoU, rood watchdog, 642-8848 4/24 NEED gd. homf! fenced yd. for lov. male beigf! Bird Doi. i&f! breed. 835.2163 4/24 LOVELY Kittf!ns and lrif!nd· ly cats, need rood homes. 836--4493 4125 547-1641 Kit • Prestige • Sllhara idays! ALL SlZES \VEEK·END OR \VEEKLY l•' ALUMJNUl'>f Arkansas 5'!6--0291 Travelf!r, Skit1 i\•/71:., hp NO\V ON DISPLAY , Evilll'Udf!. $300 . ·-Call 1425 Baker St. VACATION TRAILERS 67;;....u.m ~; block East of Harbor Blvd. liave a Scol!!.tnan sumnlel' , , • on Baker Avail. locally by wk or 23 CABIN Cruiser_ 215 HP Costa Mesa 1714 , 54()..9470 wkend. Ph. for Reserva-ln!erceptor. Rebuilt 1968. tions 494-4922 , nOE. 642-5582 IN Baysidf! Villagf!, lgei==·=======·I ========o..I cabana. 2 ba, trplc, pvt D B • S1ilboats 9010 patio, new w/w c r pt . une ugg1es ----''-----'--' Carpo11. 100' to bay; boat 41' DIESEL YA\VL alip avail. Club bse has 9525 '68 :! state rms, elec rf!lrig. pool, .shuffle brd, P~,t bch, Dune Buggey R/T, fatho, bit '67. Sac. bargain: $12,500._ .1 dn. """-yors Mon Body'' ' 28' SLOOP 494-2446 or 548-9857. mw X Au..~ ..,._, $4500 r . Road & RaJlf!y equipped · ••1 · 27 J\IASI'ERBUlLT trailt'r Chromf! wheels heavy duty e PACIFlCYACITT SALESe nouse cabana. st o rage ti Chro 'ro11 ba ,_ 3446 Via Oporto Ne-rt ' c I ·th res, fDf! r, .,,... • ~..... an>a. om P f! t e WI dependent rear hand brakes 2i JI~ Phone 673-1570 furniture S2500 ea.sh. See Convertible top AbsolutciY Coming CUSTO~I DLX K 41 foolgr. 2912 \V. Coast Hwy., like new Lie UCY 970 FREE STORAGE N.B. . $2m 14 Ft Glas11 Runabout, DBL. Expando Kit Trojan :;o hp Evinrudf!, trlr., 20x55. Sf!acliH Mobilf! Prk. Xlnt condition. $695, 890 W. 15th No. 108, NB. TOMCAT BOATS 2614 Npt Blvd., NB 67>2400 O'Day lT DAY SAILER •. , • $1295. HOURLY RENTAI.S * RHODES 19's * 24' t.JODERN TRAILER v•ith space $&i0. * 646-6719 * Motor Homes 9215 Fun 1.one Boat Co Balboa 27' BUS, converted into cam-671-0000 Ext f'67 N~ Sabot . sail ,ping bus. 1!166 Eng ' 1970 HARBOR BLVD. . . fbre ;.~whuU .~ everything new insidf!, COSTA ltlESA negmg, ·1 g......,. ; .... t stove, oven, lgf! l'l'lrig, M'ii'"7· -.:=:::'-"CC'--c--, I reas, offer takes. Aak tor crpts, drps amplf! storage. DUNE buggy; sir lt'ga). ~DaiTEvtd'RiiaiAt'T"3-iffi9680W::Ji4.'"'9iJ~"""°~-~· ~64th1192~~====ol <:ompl w/ tow'g hitch. sand INTERNATIONAL 14, 296. llret, etc. M~t Mill, best ol- exc cond, 2 sets sails, spin-Motorcyc... 9300 fer. 961-1782 naker, trailer, Make oUer. --~------1 DUNE BUGGY 546-7498 1.967 %50 x~ s u z u KI Metalllakt: 15· SAILBOAT v.•ith extras Scramblu. $325. Ho m·e $750. S4s.:&651 KIITENS born l\larch lll.h. including trailer. Va 1 u e 536-6657 &. Y.'Ork 673-0900. I====.====== I ~~19home " 10 ~1~· $1250. STEAL, $850. Mr. Rowan Imported Autos 9600 ===~~---'--49l4467 or 496-3141 °68 BSA Victor, J 1't miles. KJTI'ENS, Fl'tt to you; Xl.>t -nd ·~ 1.EY'" •• 10 good nd ..... . -· beaut. & ·weeks o 1 d, "~~ • co · ** 548-7933 ** 54~ 4124 Co\.'l!l' A: hwy. trlr.; $285 e VACUUMS e &r:t-mJ!I HONDA 50. Excellf!nt f!ngioe, $lO up . Repairs & parts. 2 UNUSUAL kitlf!M, 1~-eaned, GLASS SABOT """" •-For trail only. $50 Cash, SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS !rained and shots. Call after • ro.™.. • ~747 Reasonablt', <:oast Vacuun11 5 please. 646-4698 412-4 uilifl&. NE\V from $95. ~====-c::c---,..-,, JAgha.5t _Often _ Annoy_ 333 E. 17th. C.r.1. 64.2-1560 * 673-05U * 1969: KAWASAKI 120oc, trail. Kimono_ ONE to THA"rv-4 KITI'ENS, ba.ck, gre.y and 250 I ~all & DaJ.'1 ••n. EARLY An1tr. oouch II chr, Yohite. & v.'ks old, \\.'earlf!d. Columbl1 5.5 M.tro 675-~ ' The worst moment for an 2 end 1ables, coppertone: a.iz...7481 Eves. 41%) F/G, A-1, pricf!d right! . alhei11t is when hf! feels grate. Frigidaire, mod. tables & 714: 792-4341. 213: 7994228 '67 SUZUKI 1~ dirt b1kt', M and has no ONE to chair. f!tc. 54&-06..)3 3 UGLY kittens. i v.·eeim old, ~~"="=:;.,."""'"""''-'--'-I S200 or trade for llCUba gear. THANK. trained. 5 • & -9 13 I even. 15' FIBREGLASS sloop ""'" ........ k, Garden Grove UPHOL.STERING • (Eun> I """-Ir •-~-. "~ _.,_ ""-· ngs. 4/24 -....... tr .; -· .... _,,,: .... _,, "'"·•· pean u · .... ..,mf!Dl .-•= est., 645-1432 .,.....wu 10LU °"' ot'... pickup, 215 ?.ta.in, HB BLACK Cocker ff!malf!, AKC Pufect oondltian. ALFA ROMEO &rnard'i Upbol, ~ reg. for oldf!r ch 11 d. Nt.""WPORT Finn, lp9J'I!: sail, \ I 962-1782 'M Alfi Sp' ri·nt GT YASH ICA Ms.t-LM, dooblf' 646-1154 4/"" rudder ... boom Good road lens ttllex with built-in liihl BROM, dln'g rm, misc ..., • '\ 5•68 HONDA 125 SCJt Orie Of a kind, #61B!Hl s::,::::~-::'oo E:,":1·~~:.'~°,J~ c~;,',~i.':~~ ~:::1::::"· .. ::~=~:',~,-~$2595 L•...:1 ::x;;;;;_;""c..:;.:;.;_;;;;.._...;;.;c;; SEARS Eicercyc1e, like flf!.,. SOFT, Dutty, ligeMtriped t.tlles.. $85. 646-3192 UUliO SCUBA eqWpmt'nt In c I . ~ kiltf!na. Sia.mest mother. 28' CAT. Cboy de 1 g n , undcr v.'l.tt'r l.&mm ca.ml!!'&. Call a.ft 5. 494-9509 548-8669 4123 Enaenada \.-"tl Extras. $8000 I Pim 9400 MPORTS ~1ake otfE::t, 54~1339 va.I. aac ;5995 1141193-1019 OT·-'IO BLACK &: Decktr electric l BED spring &. mattreM.. Nr ' Aute hf'"f"-- lawmnoMr v.;1h 100 ft. Briltol It; Warner. SG-2309 SHCXX SABJ1' A-1 condition · 19&& Hatbor, C.M. ~ NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5671 cord. J.40, s:£-.3833 FREE g v..w:k old ki~ne-No. 2921. dolly 6: COYtr. 2, 10" CHROME wbeel11 ol BOY'S Sohw;M 3 ,,... b~e , '"c.i"·1,,""',__'~· 84~7~"""8=-==~ $.US. ~'1668 tire~ wlD fit Pll'tl>Otllh & AUSTIN HEALEY $211. """' wrought Iron' PETS ond LIVESTOCK 15\I' SNIPE..._ ~.... Fonl. (100, 6"-lm gatf!, likt new $.':JO. 644-26M lnliler I mucb lfV, $89$/ 60 A·H candyapple red <JXE Cett ll20 oUa. 4944954 Tr1llH, Trav.t 9425 1981 thls is no apr1te And lJ~'.. ~~-;a~ ."Zic~ 14' HOBIE CAT 67 ROLLS Royal 11· aelI.mn. isn't out of •l&:ht •t S100i5. good. 646--1525 PUltEBRED Slainett: kit· (n4) 64U335 t2131 m.1667 ta.intd Travel Tn.llcr. A.JI Cillfomi• Sports C•rs t,"",.,·. '!'~~7. ftined, $20 ===::=:===::.=:::=:I acttStn~! E • • Y • l I I e 901 Eut ~ ~ISa.nta Ana WALNtn' coUee tahle $2). ... ~ :..- Walnut black It v.'hite con-I========= Poftr CrulMrs to2Ga trailer hllch paus fcndtr ·"====""'"====! mk! ~ n..-112.S mlrron. Ual!d 4 tlmts. -· TV $50. --t1• 25' Mf!ridia.n, ftqls, equip--Practically new! $ 2 J D D , &ATSUN REFRIGERATOR, chair bed SILKIES Lovely m!lles _ ped for f!shlnc <I' cna.lalna. 646-1987 It-8" $1.W, $25 each. Books ._ .1.V'f' ~ $1300. Owt1tt uur:·l=c--==c--:=-~~--'68 DATSUN Zc to !&. 96l-G CUIP • peppy. ---, Ptnn. U, ~ 22' ONE BR. BA, sl'lowr:r. Sta•~-W•-• Mots. Jord.tn'a, Cd ~t , --===''======> j Dec box w/hn.ter Co '"""" --W1llRLPOOL v.uht!r .l 613-24]) -' · mp. Radii> hcAter automat\c, Spied-Ski lluts 9030 rum. Like M W: S 9 9 ~. dlr, ~nt cond.' I.__ be1-. =rii::c~2 )'f'S Old, SKY1'~ Tenirn. A KC, .-. 642-3J93 exttrlor, $100 ~"'dci.: CMmp aftd. Shot 1, 1C' GLASSPAJt, ~ h p '61 DALTON -14' 'rrai1'r. lakt' oldftr e11r in trade. LB DAD..Y PJLOTWANTADS h.wbrlan. Evl~. nmte'MW"lt. mo. SieeP8 4, C.11 attc:r 1!30 \VBJ 589, caU .lam e a 0\al IO.S1I • S&ZM'Jo + -Afltt $:J), 6'iJ.515B "'ttkdlays 546-7188 ~!H-.!fm ' 'I \) ··-------- ------- llGO CONV. ' ....... radio" heater, hardto1. Drlvea cooct. CUJB • 'TitANsPonATIOH TJ!~AnoW; llAHlll'On'ATION . TIAHll'oaTATlON TIAHSl'OllTAT ;::.=::::.......;,;'4';;: 1ifllt:.~ :,.. """Cln . tiili UeN Core • • ,.. Utod c:.n. YOLYO . , .. CK CONTINllNTAL Rda~~J.R~U= •...... ,• VOLVO '63 IUICK '63 UNCOLN FINEST SELECTION ·drift,..,,._,,..._ · • RMUA Cont!Hnlal JJ9) ~~all~· 1~!..!. · 111· • r::...:r:..·~·~~~~:. OF Xlnt a>ad. llOO c:ub <Ids "' Hu rry Wlolle tljer t u lf< • • ~ · . lor. GKZ715 · ; 695 :T~~~~: ··•:....._• BUE ·• · s.1195 , , s1z95 A' LAS !1100 W. o...t li"7. N.B. '66 TRU IRS, Green, l4lch • • • · !Jnooln.-'1 Llnooln-Macary ~~r\ll~llll I JI 111 [I L1 I I ,-, 4.'11-9113 or 545-0634 'Lf.1114 • JU ARRIVED : JOHNSON fl .SON JOHNSON & SON PREVIOUSLY 1 -~1,.. -. w. wi.i.. IW!, '""' IHPORTS . • ANO ~ 116 • 1IC1 rion>or Blvd., tP-lU!O oo -!\Ml. sa.!lllO CHRYSl.>;R -PLYMOUTH AuthoMzed MG Dealer <ond. l!9'/5. 61>.1964 TOTOT ... YOLYO • SHIPM OF • 'r1WHITEllblclc1" 9aJft, 4 'G ~C. Oint. l850. Full OWN zm HARBOR BLVD. '66 TRIUMPH Sp l tf i re 1966 Ha.rb&r; C.M. 646.9303 • • •dr; h:ftop. air, ,_.. plb. power, I:u.tber Int. a.n:: ED COSTA MESA 546-1.!31 MGI <MI<2, Exe<u.nt hlzyt $1300 19 9 • --11No, .... Int 6:15) -rtdtnr. Ex. Open Daily •w 10 p.m. Must sell! 646--lf>9 Sport Cars 9610 • • at xlnt bnl, s..:,. $2550. cellent cond. 1-0 w Ji • r. '69HOODATSUN • MGB 66\1, Rdotr, ,67 MERCEDES • • lllqulre10:30ult61pmA -atferlPM Ro&dttu. 5 •pd"""· 135 BRG/blk int. R " "· VOLKSWAGEN • op' ELS •• to 'T. pm. -Mr .... CONTINENTAL Couoo '66-'67-'68. hp, dlr, honey-gold yellow, Odriw, chr wires. 19,IOJ ml, DIESEL 200 D Automatle, • • ~~ Qrculatto. Dept. F\tlb< loaded + stereo, tape blck bucket seal!, radio, !'!m,!;. fil5..ln4. or aft 6, '6t VW'1 n"'owooo. Haetual, r b milFr'~;--~. • Ii '8 ELECJ'RA 8Wck. Colt deck. Still umtr wan'&llb' •· t•> ' I than 1000 V'U""'i7lMi1 IMMEDIATE DElJVERY IC\IMU..,,.. $fiQXI. 1b cloee est.alt: • baw $2850. ~-6'5-°'46 ;j~ U~--: ~te:arr. Take Bank Financing 13150 Beach Blwl. <HW>' 391 WITH AUTOMATIC • pink allp -psoo. mtlf=:=::=:,;;;::=:=::o I older loreli:n car'" trade or PEUGEOT $213 DOWN Phone !93-"'6 • 5.lT...,. TRAN$MlUION • ,,....,. Or. N. B. ""'21& CORVAIR CAD I LLAc·s $175 cash dels, Wlll fine priv , $44.03. * 36 mos Antlq•-Clualcs 9615 • · · • '65 BUUX Special Station -------' prty. l.B YNW '85. call Ken, '67 Pe-~ good c:ond, """ Pl"' 1 ftnal pymnt tor ·-• 8 • w...,.. Low mll<L 11/H, '61 CORVAIR 4!+9173 or S<S-0634 • w.IL $300 or host of!"· ti_tt._ NI 2 yr, 24,!'00 IMMACULATE.,. n.,i !'an! 8 -Xlnt ....i. fM..4509 llloma ep., automatic -'. ' · 'i:.:"~1"".!.a:.:,.oue~· ::..~-a.-1t11 ;o::~0::~1 ~.:-~,:-;:,.;,;_·-: • CADILLAC ~=-~ IN-SO. CALIFORNIA-· 124' Fiat eeda.n PussY cat ,,EUGOT 403 '59. &mroor. at G~E· Blvd. -• · • -, '!\l _gl~. Ym'. ~.9!1nt ,..,.., ...... "If "c"" !!lil ' . """. well, -......... S!4:=4 nn:l. -A-W1m.d 9700 • • ~ i 14!" e •1106 "'e . 11111.' ~'.!;lilt! -· -' Coll!Om!~ l~ l!ih --~ Y ._ -OUll OPIL PIUCU • " " . ....,. · * ~ * ' 4 DOOR -~ DOOR 9111 Eut ~Santa A:na AIR CONDITIONED WE PAY · · • • START AT 8 Coupe D8 VIie . -111;~~- l l , , l '61 DAffiilft~:,~.blk. '65 :=~.H~ ~1tion~'L~~:'. CASH : 1177·7 • ':.:'-;.~ -. ~.nil~'-• B.Dor1dos •'Clllls =· aJ• ~~ ": Om>me wbools, rocoa mab, •r. Prv prty, ,_..~· • • I ; , ~'I" !l!lifltJ "':': -,.& -:-. • Cdpe: •: YIU• 9 at. de Vllles ha .. ~ -• radials, o"'1om oxbaust, '63 VW -·~•. Ex-"-nt ~ -~-·~ ... fl" • H •If' _.. I 18111 . ..V ·-I -·-· xlnt.l3595.673-J9'15 tond. a;";;;.., ius. u:·~ l'llL'iiM1rr • "\'oi.1'1''1 .• ~"111 •111 • . ~ ~ 'iA' ' LP-Rl"C"E~D~ ·F··~o-M·'" .*•.~ ,-·s . ENGUf~ FORD T=-~~ .. ~...u..;.;:, =. 7:30 pm o nly, VflVJH ...... ~. • • .oo~sa.1'!0 ~I. ij --~.... ' 1.., ;;;;;;;;:;;;1 "'"' .,, ... 13!100. E .. ~ SHARP! ""'""Sales ... ....,. ~ ~'furl" ~ 'ii ftd'fW OOB, al•, ·, .. ·~ Some Carry New c.,-oRAN~ COUNTY'S lm-2315 '65 vw Coo-hie 1821l Beodl BM!. . e s2•44 • ltttbo:r top " interior, all _. . ~· 613-11<7 VOLUM ENGLISH '68 Po""bo 911-L Sportam•· Mu.t "'".Make otter -~ ,,_ 8 .. • .P"' incl oeata, windo,.,, 1ii1 ~· pw, :m, 2 5 Year or $0,000 mlle W .... lllit, FORQ EALER tic, mag wheels am/tm, * 673-5912 * Kl OltDll. YOURS trunk lock. Cruise control, ~~~Make offer! SAL"S ·•ERVICE many extras. $6500. t9S-C2&1 ber , need• work. -i'ii!\\WM'fi-_,hp PARTit ENTER CDlllTI: TraMponatlonorwU!swap, • • '52 CAD.!"'""'°"· Good ·~·+,~·.;.,;;;;...: NEW , 1111!0 ....11t.nu• tW&U62 a1t ' JOR YOUR W • • '"""" 85.~ "" mL -"kin& mi ~ · RO~FO· RD ;~~~-· ~~~ ~-. ~~"'=: CONNELL . • 'M llAMIUR : ::·c:s: .. de Ville. t,Mdv~7.!e.,.~ . 9.f. '!.'~ ~ llni . ormab·ol-CHEVROLET •tto St•. W•t•"· f•ct. •ir,8 F ULLY LOADED! $5700. •1-.011.a"'"'• • ' 1 o,;.. 2:,. l!ml!r 111~0 ,HI 2r ;~~ARU cf--.. ~ vw-.:,_~, ..;_, ..,.._ c!'t! =.-~ . :'"· '$1'49s1 • !'ue~~ 5::,5 full ~:: ;;tGE 1150 SOUTH COAST HIGfltw. . A. Y. , FQ'RARI SUBARU Now.~:~ll'll WJR Buy : '6' Ol.DSMOllLE ,.: """·.:: "':: *':"'-. 'U QOoGE LAGUNA IEA(;H -• 'i Good meobankal tond. Y-v-... or~ 8 '"'"' '"'"· "11 ,_,,• CHEVROLET " .. • •t 1,. 2 DOOR 4~"1084 • l:A~•Jl Fq~RARI A"Pv top doUan. Paid ' •f•ctory oir. ·(SUP II?) • _...:,c:.;:.::..:.;;;.,;:...;=c_.i ,.,.., 'I .. .,.,, N.....,. 1pu Ltd. 0r-Relail Division f150 * 891·11" $2295 !tadlii. ..... w-.. w. R<>al =-~· .,ey author-1000 W, Coast Highwoy ':!b,-;we~'."':'.!' ~:. ~: ...... 673mo • : '65 OIV WGH. :.Si1' -uif '""· <NYN· SAJf~·~c~f~!;."S Newport Beech l'IOO 546-6I!i5 Alt. 5 PM lMPORTS WANtm " • '65 OLDSMOllLE • 9 PASS. BEL AIR $Jf5 Utod Cars 9900 Ulld Cira Ne~ Beach 645-0050 * ~2733 '67 VW Ruby red, radio, new Orup Comdla •4 door H.T. f•ctory •Ir,• V-81 Radio, Heater. 3rd seal 1-------- 642-9405 540-1764 Michelin titts, Xlnt cond, TOP $ BUYER powor 1to•rln9 &: broko1,. Excellent Buy, XTG 492 .,L s MERCURY · Authorl!@!l MG Dealer TOYOTA must...U! 54&-1539 BJ1L MAXEY TOYOTA •.,to.IMOY 1461 • $1095 " A PLYMO. H --65VW26000mLSuperbron-ll1881 Beod1Blvd. .. • $1595 • '65 MERCURf udiiiiiU l ' -----------~----- 9900 . . We'll help ..... fou light your , 50-0640 . . Aut~ Luslng 911f • '65 IUICk • Pfil ESA R BL:.is:;w 4 Dr H T In ex:ent con-tuM! ' flAT TOYOTA ditioo! 'Must See! $1200. IL·!lftd>. Pb. ln=!!I • 8 ATLAS . !'!lll'J.~PLYMOUTH Partda '· '68 PlJl'fllUIR large car J!l!~ w!~ !! S IAYli S :l'Jvw ,;.»-~lllllt.1 ffi: ·-•Electr• c:o11pe, F11ll power,. CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH OF. .!tll 10 p.m. dltb,, ·H~ P.S .• P.B. &: V8 4R~~'!:E!.,ter Dew Fiat. All modell avail. l xecvtlve Car S•I• 6t6-3733 E'vet LEASE. RENT . •1•ctery.•lr. • 2929 HARBOR BLVD. 1i8 f>QikiE *l\lfua; air, Fact. Air. Turk. blue w/ Mw ~ 'ovat tha ' 1 ;.~';:i:";':!"~~·llvery. HMrtyWhlleThoyLostl ... VW-~~· XJnt ALL~:~sLAR I 11tl I ~'\ft •mro. ~·· .. 1; :ll!'·J..Md: 1Mlillllll$1!'5l'l!l;Mi jodmitiiai .... <VTM .. J . Callfomlt $aom t;;i;1 . L•al• condition. • FORD • •'6 tlllCll • '65 C!EVY .,.tton ....,,., 9 'iHseti_ _ . · $2195• J 9111 Eut 1.!! s['Sairta Ana -Ql1lO AUTHORIZED • • -low mn..; v.a, au~ ·-iii!~ llart GT, JOHtfSON & SON . j ~l 1963 VW Bug. ~c cond. NG •wildc•t <f tfeor, F••torv $W0 firm. 182% Oefil IMlit. •:@glj, chupl . ~' ATLAS · Faint heaI1ne'er won fair IMPORTS Low mileage. Orig, owner. ~~~kM ••Ir, •uto., ,._, doerl111,• Place, O>lta M~ I AM te · *i 8'"111 *.t llNl Harbor Blvd. 60-'llliO Fiat. See til!J '68 850 spidu TOYOTA·YOLYO $895. (n4) 8Jt).24&1 • RlH. tSVX .... • '4' 6'1H111(" ~· • il = 7 : ~N. ~1· ft ,nrotinr' ·1 :i'~t:""'b ror !11799 1966HMbor,c.M . .....,.,, C...~vw~Ev,. Get 0ur~,.R!~ ·,a •l.!P•· :· _. t;i~1 :: ~}~!@:: : ~~"'i!.jlillM''-., _, · ~Lr:illi caufomfi Sports cars BILL MAXEY ROllNS FORD : • ,66 TEMPEri'' 2• ~'iJ'f..!1a1r. ~m· 2 "'· • if!, ~ -~~1. •• °""' 'til 10 p.m. j 9111 Eu! l!! St. Santa Ana VOLVO 2060 -Blvd. . . • Piii, PIS, P¥ Super · I r • b, 8300 Iii!-.._ int.r. In .perfect lltB PL'fjl)UiH GTX. • M'""'' !TlglY!OIT!AI · Co¥aM... 6'UIJ!9 ;W.'li;17.f',rl'iw~ f;,"if8;f(U •ma1nt . .. -~= ~~l!!'l!~"!!I! ~ -.'lfime lflm.All•" Hill.MAN 18881 BEACH BLVD. ~65 ~u'::.Vf :.=. S dlr, ._..LEASE 'EM"" -•• ;,_• uTDl771 · • CHJ;VY 11 . p.!uxe statlo~ 1~~:. .. ~::,:; :::utto only 'c.;, chU:!n In ""'· • . ~ _ Hunt. B11<h 847-155$ ...,, drive bud"t ...... <6i Cad CdV, full pwr, alfi $1595 • Wqon, 1963. Auto"""·~ 117' -· · ;it 8 family! A a.EAN ""'· 1895. po..W•c · 1 '59 ~ Convt. New 3 miN.of Coast Hwy.on8ch Brownbeau 0 1y!;'l5caahdels, ~~-~ven lYiOD:n\J • I ml to ial.i·l.uggage rat!'; _ ~ eve/wktnds n1~ i tap. R<> t eng. Fantutic TOYOTA take older forojgn car tn • 1' ,liui,.l,IO •I $149 •. ~ .. , • • xlol e»nd. See to ....... , 'llQRD JS66 MERCURY Col"!" Park ''6 Dlllllllf GJO · eoo~ . 54()...7828 "trade.L8SAB625.CaDKen l'friv'~.~~doJ full ~,. • "+6 CAPllCI ,. 8 5fti..!J!U1J5.or,oHer '_ -_ Station Wqon. mi.Dt cond. rvnl""9 I 494-9773 or 545-06.14 ~. vibYI top $2'ZO.S7 mb. · •Cpe Power 1t.erl119 f1ct.• 1955 ~ Bel Air 2 dr: ''' ....... GAU $2450. 646-3493 , J~f,UAR ltEADQELMOUARTERSli BUSIES? ............ m moHThe. a1r''8 LJD09 ~ dr 0 · 8,;,,'.,,,.,lio. ISIM 17111 hdtp. Or18'nal oondltloo tn. fVllll MUSTANG 2-~ !_l:T. \11,.~~-~ . ' ... DI IMD11" mm . . ... . m • $ IJde A: out. Excellent motor, i.aA . .n w lO, m:ater. r--of, ~· , 1963 "E" Jaguar c...,.. . . ..,......, __ s. .. SflUTH CO<!IST • 2295 • ...,,. AU.." 1415. 842-2342 ,.. J .R. !"'RDTOP . COPS3S5J · Been In storage. Like brand -liiodl Bllll,,,!!lfl!!t* · ....... , l!!ll fo o11iir1. ._ CAR LEASINf 8 8 ,64 IMPALA. clean;""""'"" V ... ra<llft. hotter. Nice"°"' '67 MUSTANG HT $f2iflr new. call 642-1752 eves. · -~l!Mli lftrJft' _ ~ ~ ~ W. c.t Hwy, NB 64>21f: • , • P/a. 327 aut.D. $79o. Leav'4 diUipl, ~ r;· Goddess aold ext., plush J/I _e . ' ~-.~ ~ T7 -~ -' . < • 67 llVIEIA • for Hawail must s e 11 i $1 95 black int., pwr steering, dlr, ATLAS KARM ... N C.HIA ~ff"~ rftw Cain .. NtpW Can taoi Coup e, f111J power, f1c:torv• 4*-4509 · auto, eitceilent cond, $90 • ~ •. ,· Auto.R-H · ••ir. tTQV 1991 1960 RED convertibl e ,alTLAS cuh delB, or take forelp • '62 ~ Gh18, r & h, Locsl car • • $3495 • Cl""""'" Impala. N•w top; " ""'· Fine prvt prty, lB CHRYSLER -i'LYMOtm! ""' ~ Xlnt <ond .. $1395 TRANSPO•'TAftON . • • $4110alter4PM.64w.i21 UOE 393. Call Ken 49C-9773 29'J9~BLVb. private I!!!">'· Altor 5,3t1 #TYX257 " 8 CHI\Y~-PLYMOUTH or 5f5-06.'!f CXISTAMESA - 61$-3161 • CAR s•LE • • '62 cHEVROLIT -EL Camino. v ... ,... "'39 .. R BLVD. '68 MUSTANG , + '· v... °""' °""' ·u1 10 p.m. L • . ,.. •Plok-up. Plumbintl or• mile...,, $2400. Pvt pan,, ~~ 546-19:11 fad air, ps, r " h • ..,. '61 GTO All ':f"". Dl1llna! MERCIPES BENZ IAlll •Ilk 1 •eJectrlcal apeciaL •. 51)..1G95 ~ 'tll 10 p.m. maculate. Sacrifice! Call owner. Pri to Sell! --WllO 8 IK'3951) • e 1S60 lmpola Coovert. Rodi '63l\iriftt!ii iicl\ H top, dlr, alter 5 PM. 6'13-1"'6 SH-1342 al""~' . . . IHPORTS Your •39500 • $1195 • 1 ........ s"' 01i.r. v.a;!""•~own..i "'"" '65 MUSTANG. 0rtg;na1 •50 PONTIAC.utjood _ TOYOTA-VOLYO Ch f • Call 6C-3fi64. tie ale. from San OWl'le't. Priced to Sell! dltion. $175 or_pl&lr:e Olfe;r! 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 0 ce • '66 T·llRD '64 EL CAMINO "283" l 0.~911'· • '°"'"" car 8H-13Q alt . PM 645-2265 aft''"' • Is your two-car garage only •F1111 power, fe&tory •Tt.1 .speed, Tach., very cle&J\ ~ t,taijf~FG 931 Call '65 MUSTANG 289 convert '62 PONTIAC f e rii pe at ; hall full Tb this Fiat in Your e 1962 DODGE WAGOtl, V.I, tutom1tic, ISLV491 ) a new tirea, &H-238l , , '"let. . An, PIS; xlnt cond. $1250 R&H, auto b'at." aood· G!l'llf [ $1295 (UPG512) • Potitrictlon, 3 11peed trana, aut@.. .Ur. Afil' sfra, xlrlt 1967 MTJ5J'ANG Futbuk, _ l future! '67"850 sport cpe tor power steering, etc. l$K686 •. $2595 • '56 CHEVY, 301 cu eng, 45f '5 ~ cn&j Seel. V-8, or offer. ~ 6 very clean! e· $48 ea& 1 Callfomla S-" Car~ e 1962 FOllD WA•ON, V ·I, •utomatic, • , 8 $4llO or bestofier. S<S-7269 "'""· Ill' ~~ dclo or tab yellow w-blk lnl 4 ....., RAMI R . · · 1111 Wt 1ft !t l!ilJlll AJll ..,.,, 1!1t1lftl • ... ., brakes, radio, hHt• 64 tUICK •57 C!EVY •tick, new iiiO\ ~IA "" In trade. Call tram. $1950. 536-3695 MERCED 19111 • 5l2-8lin •r. IH,173 ' 9Wi!'!!I C•L .,~!!!I~' 'Pl,! fl -Mll@olt !!Wltltlll. Ke~l.tUEV.JM,~-l•I aaU.1--, =-~~~1~' ~ looki1'( tai • -· • "~ ·~·w~ Con••rtibl•. Rod w/black :'' 1'-·s'"·;"31'J9"45l : ==II Nova S& • 'ifl ~m":ie . OtDSMOllLI " WID&ll[ I , _ __ !)IJ' .p~ ~ ~ , :ltptffl ftff• N1t41 o Uttl• loving ,.,.. 8 . aU.., ...,. 11>upt~ " Illa ~--Polnl ,65 . O_LDS 91 Au=!I':,!~!!",.. I,· -·IMG Flat ..... for 11"95 "''"'> • 111t1. • ..,.. " D H T •. , · California Sports C1rs e 19 !I '67 PONl'lAC '15 !UI . -W fljl • x·J}!! : -, r, • • -• betlter.<OTW IGI 1:~S:) ':,":"~·~: fer: 9111 Eut ~~]Santa -::::;;,;.'[qJ-"J\ -··: .... ®:"" ~-. ' .•. ·~~ '"'Oli ~~~ $795 \ ~1~l~ ~r~~~~ •.:;:,CE: ....:'-~"o~ :.· •1•1 :. -aind .. ""' -=: · al)> : "' . • Jjjs149s . ATLAS · ..,...,, PILGTclauilied6U{>611 Your s495· 00 I •••••• "' ~~~ r .. "~= .IQMNIQNAIQN QlllT~ntooni ' lm A-96001mPortod A-9600 Choice • JAGUAR • CHRYSL!R · .tfi!Ni~n PIS-P/B 00• =1;:.'''"'l'c,.~ ro:f: MESA ~ • · II -~ 1'fndow1 Air. Top car-· Open Dally~ p.m. _I ----~~--~- FREE-FREE las Y8!11S VICllio1 3 DAYS a 2 NIGHTS FOlTWO N• r11rclr.•M Nee"''" 15300 a.ich 11'11. Westminster 894-3322 Ol'IH 1 llA YI ,, e 1H2 IUICK INYICT.\ 2-Dr. HaNltop. V,1, eutom1tic, power •~•'9rin9, r•dio.. hutM". buc k,t '""· 16Y471 . e 1H2 COtlYAll MOISA COllPL 4 ood, lt~it, bttltr, buptlon1 lly ni ... STYOJO Y•ur choice • llADOIJARTERS • '88 amYSIER 300 2 o., rllf. 1'1!•· • l6'l5 545-11163 110VERS1JY Afiliiii • • HT. l"U11y equip. 7,~ ml, ''4 V-8, auto., ~~ ~ bla Compl•I• hies· Sat'Y-RH! .fia'1' Iookln&! lfOtl + Ollfld. ll"19w wbol.W., SALES & SERVICE · e •le• •nd Parts D•~rt-• paymon"-""1tl95 01 OlDfUllDll£ ~ 8m•nt for JAGUARS. I m-ruo . '88 try ..,_ M'N8tu; • ' ~ ".., • S.. n.. ""''"'' 8 61 CHRYSLER Town 41 "'1"111'1· ..,i.; clou 2850 -Blvd. ' • l t6f Jot•"'"'" • Country .:.. ~ W~ t10fal9 °"" M-... 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Ofl •• 'wbl. pow tr br1kt1, t1dio, hator. OK6!61 I MNJN""-'" • NI -• r.ci. Air amt !Diii ""11· -aood t1m, .... -cie&ll. &111/lm '""" JI Ill' I .-.. • an· tba 1""ury equlpnlont, $ZlO or-. -• ,,;,fltl"--.;.:;;;,..,-.,,._..,.~,1 JOHNSON a ION e USID C.RS e lfil H~IOl II.YD. COSTA MllA 141t"lf · M.Z.70U !!JM& BUICK ' ., . 1.,,u:..1~~ t....~L .. ,,.., White .. ~ Int. 0Lvtl7 UNCOLN '64 01da 88 ~hie. RAii. '64 T-BDU>. XQf -. lttll $1391 · w/w, p1., pd cood. fG. ,,._, alN:<mil. -..U. ~l1'1Xl1.11 •a OOuo< lmmao 1.183, f 111!5. 61S-D64 · JOH:,r::.$0M :mi=..~~~~ ~ 85 Del~ = '6$ T·Sli :+- 00-llhd.. t.1'!0 -,N.B. -. . d:W tar.ta-~-- 1 ' I 1' . I I .. PENT1'X wlth:Thr,ouwh tht·L-Exposure C0tttrol ••• · ~:OrNt <•m•r•,., 5Mit Teclayl IAKERls · ·:WES.ICLIFF. cAMERAS . ~ · .. JJou6ehofJ : ... ITEMS~ : lloo!kots .• =r::; ..... F.LUFF & FOLD ONLY MO_NTGOMERY Cleanirs & · Laundry WE 00 WATER PROOFING c lb op.. Dally 8 a.m •• f p.m., Sat:I a.m.·6 p.wr. . . ' ' . ' . . . 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SALES -D.ELUXE RENTALS :FA~I~ ... ,, I · WESTCLIFF .. , $Q~ARE ,.~.-, .. .. I t i .. PLAZA ., S.~6:·Ah•.~tt: ' ' '.~.·1: '~ .. ...... . .. . 1U ·Ji.6J.4:1:. ~ '~·;1, 1 11 ~9· Ir.vine .'<_: 1 La j~r.a;...i. .. ~. 1 • ·: NewP.ort::-•r~-~:·~)· 691:0735 . A4"'8891 11-mu NOW WTTH THI ' MIW IOUU· TOI & -MIW HllLi:. : . ! 1 ·e ·C~' .. lllii"lllM-. ·· · 1 L .· &'H...._ ..,......__,......,) ~ ...... •'I -• ' I ''I . . • cDMvl!iU ... T 'S~PS I . . ' • e Mtt·•• COi.iT MIGHWA,._,J.:·e;.,...-i M•r ~:UMMI e MU VIA'L-100,..., HtwP111 •Hell -41W'al • e 14 l'ASHtoN !SUND -N...,.11 a·ffell -*4+-Ull r e 11• ~VIN• AVI,. ·'Mftkllff ,,_~ -· ~tw1!"9 ~II ..: ~ • . · : : .. · Optometrist . Or. Lou Roy Elder • CONTACT LENSES • REFRACTING cf',~:Y,E' mEAR :s:M.ING • · PRSCRIBING . . .~ . . ' ,.,., ... • \: I , ! ... I~ WESTCL1 FF. RLAZA ' , •••• 1 ... £·.,, . ., ·' · • I f . . 1124 IRVINE NEWPORT BEACH : 642.0720 ') · VA(UE· l>AYS . .~ 21 • APllL JI . ' · BEEF STICK .. n::~ '!-',~ fl,,_.,~ , ...... ilf'' W-1111 """ '" ...... , I .Ill• t N ... WPOlt.T llACH _ f!..-.a r-& c....,, , ; . CAA.NOi ' . I .. I ' . . "'-'••"-"'""