HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-05-31 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa-ir•.--,,--;;rr ...... ~"':'O!~~r.:-:' ..... ---..-~'"':"" ..... ~"":i'":""'--""""..,... .... "."""~~~ .... ~~~··"':'"....,""':"~~~ ........ '""!I!"'""'':"".....,~-·~ • ~ { • ~~------------------l!l'!'""~l!lll!llllllifl!li----~------111!111!1~111!11 OoJ18/ 7-story · Cra~e . . Eneased • ID New Plant • If as ' Hollday ·--rrr-af~fi-c Mounts on U.S. . . . om -Trrll Roads. 1..,>I f:"' ~ 1 " • I . ~.,,. ' ~ ..... ,., ... • SATURDAY, !lifAY 31, '1969 . . \'OL.. ti. ftO. Ull, ~-l•t'rlOMS, .• !"AGES ··. _ncore • lst:Threai. Hoax, 2nd Just Funny An Air Caillomla'Flight, foroed to, re-\ . onien, list an•· ,"'!("" f'-. •• ' i • ~co~en tirn to Oranae' COU1llJ Alli1ortii and ...... •· !111\J -. ~ ~n::t.·~t;i J::_·-.· -~ t• c:iaco d-- • ' " Key in ·Sunday }u$t a S'tlght Overs!ght Fears 550-6.50 May Lose Lives Fllilbl JJI ,wlth .91 -'1'1 foor a ••Y""' •(11111 -...U.IJ>l!nllonod, Jiu! ---......... ~ by, lilwmen for the aecood Ume that af1e<. nopn after a pa111EBJ1er '~tered some. thing about i eUlni bombed." French Voting PARIS (UPI) -Women and. leftists held the · key today to France's future on the eve o( the nation's presidential election. ·All seven candldat.es 'ended their offi. cial campalgns Fridar night · with six- minute apPeals over national radio and television for votes to succeed Charles de Gaulle. • Time was construction workers would leave a newpape:r~ a l}ook or aome small token of the present day inallle the walls of a new building. What happened at the AutoneUcs Corp. building in Laguna·Buch Tbunday in· dicates lhat the book bit ls kid 's stuff to- day. Encased in. lbe walls of the million· square-foot building is a crane -a seven- story crane. "Yes, it was an oversight on our part," blushing engineers admitted. }. . They have worked out a plan whereby the crane will be left inside the fast growing tlructure ~· used until the boili:Ung Is near compleUon in November. Then, they ~aid, they wi ll remove a wall and a.smaller crane will be brought to the site to tem0Ve its large r bJolber, piece by plece. And the smaller crane? "We'll bring that out too,'' a site spokesman said. "In fact, I'm sure we will ••• " By The Associated Pre11 The first day of the MemoriaJ Day weekend saw the· death toll in 'traffic actldenbl mount at a record rate as ' thousands of motorists took lo the na- Lion's streets and bighwayt. A total of %28 persons have been IUlled on the road, whUe 11 persons died in boating accidenbl anti es others drowned in accidents unrelated to boating. SETS PRECl!DENT Dancer Carol Cybul1kl The· passenger apparenOy had taken advanlaie of tha Air Cal liquid hos¢Jal- ily. at the Orange County Airport diirmg the delay occil&ioned by the fin! liOm~ sear¢!. That search was made after the air- line reservation desk received a call from a man who said, 11there's a bomb aboard flight 131." The flight, already in the air, was recalled to the airport. Afembers of the El Toro Marine Air Stalion bomb dispooal squad, Oraoie Coumy Sberilf's l>ewtment, and tbe County Fire Department met the mark· ed flight. No i>omb was found. De Gaulle, vacationiflg in Ireland. has not endorsed his former premier, Georg- es Poolpidou, or ·anyOne else for the loadenitip he held· for 11 yeers. All public opinion polls showed none Of the seven presidential aspirants will get ijte 50 perC!?f!t or more oJ. the vote needed io win. • P.ompidou •and Acting P;esident Alain Ppher artxpeCted to capture the most vote3 betw them and vie in a run· ·df. Juoe l · Classes Normal Monday At 4 Beach High Schools Before tbe holiday began, the Nation- al Safety. Council estlma1ed that between 550 and 650 Americans would Jose their lives between I p.m. local time Thurs- day and midnight Sunday. So tar, the pace of deaths -on the highway is run· . nlng higher than in 1968, according t11 a spokesman for the safety council To set a , basis for comparison with the long holiday weekend, The Associat· 3 Lewd Nudies Convictions, But What's Future . The threat was the second .-Jthin weeks at the Oraoi•. County· Airport and thp first of thr<e bomb threats to plague transp:irtation authorities. · An Air West flight' out of Los Angeles with 14 passencers was forcei:t to turn bac~ later Friday. The F ·rl plane resumed Its nigbt to San Di.ego, Yuma and Phoenix, Arb;., af. ter a frulUess hall hour search following the J.,o.q Angeles threat. ... ''.it ~ai . Gaulle who granted French· ~Women th right to vote in 1958 and since 1'en many have voted for him In g'rqt· ltude. Now that he ls gone, the feminine vOte ts JllUch more !lncertaln. - 'Womeii vot~r~ are in the majottty in France and ail. the candidates made &~ appeals for their suppart. ·Porn· pkbt promised to name some of them to his cabinet ''ii they •ppear caPable ol assuming such jobs." · Other candldal6 promi.!ed special mes.ires hivoring women, such.as equal pey in industriel whei'e they now get less than men. • The country's .huge Jertist bloc Is the other electora1 unknown. Communis t candidate -1acqUe1 Duch>S i3 favored •mong the rtve leftists in the election. QI.her candidates are Gaston Defferre and Michael Rochard, .both Socialists, Alain Krivine. a Trotskyite, and mllllon- r-8ire> Douia Ducatel who has prom ised -· -\hlrd. of the profits ol their ._its-u he wins. Son of Powell , . Weds Socialite Classes al all four Huntington l-Beach high schools will follow a regular ached· ule Monday morning, thanks to a meet- ing of the minds between district ad· mlnlslrators and wage increde-bent teachers. According to Carl Manemann, preai .. dent ol the 43&-member District F.duca· tOrs Association, another walkout will be forestalled since the adrdinlstratioo showed "good faith" to negotiate over the salary dispute ThW'9day afternoon. "We bad a problem lo solve and J feel that we are lirlally getting somewhere," said ' Manemann. HThe admini.stratinn will· take our ·propo.\8.I to the board or trustees at 7 a.m. Monday morning." He added I.hat if the board accepts Dail y Pilot Goes To $2 on Mo~day · Ellective Mond~y. th& holn«le)lvere<\ 1 subscription price of the DAILY PILOT will be increued by 25 ceola to 12 per fnonth. . WASHINGTON (AP) _ Newlyweds Rapidly, Increasing cooll of malerials. Ad CJ P U Ill and illit ntws gathertnc and other eltmtnta ts-· am ayton °"' .,. • st11Utl to IJ>e PfOdllcUon and dls1rftwUon writer Beryl Slocum plan to honqmoon ot a quality community cbiily ne""8~· In Europe and vtslt Ill""°". then mm •ilJce ll)e DAILY PILOT Jut adjuoled tts 1 trip lo lhe island ol Bimini. • subscrlpUon pn' ce more than three years Powell, 22, "°" oC the Negro congress-man from New Yor'k. married ~Uss Slo-ago. have made the new rate ~· cum in a chapel al Washincton Cathedral The. DAILY PILOT wl.11 conUnut fta if. Friday. loru' !<> produco arid deliver the best ~Ila Slocum, 1'· ii white and t b e community dally newspaptt pOssible. daughter of Mr. and Mn. John J, Slo' The -than 7111 DAILY PlWT ctr· cum, memben ol a ramily long socially rltr boys, of coune, wtll enjoy increased prom!nont-in-llbodt.JJlancLSho~ under the ..,. rate. Your car- lonner deblltante and Radcl!Ue &rldu· rier wiUCOII<di\11i<ii<w prlCe !iii' tl!e •le. • !ltit uma'near.llle end ol Juoe. · ,t eel Pre11 made a survey of traffic deaths By ARTHUR. R. VINSEL the proposal, the association would call in a nonholiday period of the Sllme 78-01 111e D•llY .... ,, 11111 • lk Tu sd and hour duraUon-from 6 p.m. Thursday, off planned wa outs on e ay Lawmen now have thclr lint landmarlt · !I May 15, to midnight Sunday, May 18. Wednesday as we . The death toll from that weekend was convictions . since the bottomless bar The teacher· proposal1 c~lls foa.hlanl tah.3 41!1. . menace reared lbs ugly rlght nere ln percent increase in sa ar1es, w e a The record death ton · !or a Memorial Orange County, but ~hat next? di!trict has Only been willing to offer 4 Day holiday was 629-over last year!s "It hasn't substantially cha~ged," says percent. i four-day period. The ltjghest traffic ion Orange County District Attorney Cecil A. Manemann said the usociaUon would for a three-day Me:morial Day holiday Hicks, who was nonetheless del;ighted at accept the distrjct's offer ot 4 perceat was Mi pel"IOOI tn 1M6. the verdict!. as IOllg as it was clearly underatood The lowest toll for 1 f.hree..day Afemo-Miss Carol Cybubtl, 321 of 'Laguna that any -tlonal ·mooey coming int<> rial Day period since World War II Beach, whoee toples&4Jottomleu arfutic the di.strict wouJd be applied to an ii:t-was »4 in 1M8. expressions became a local Cl\186 c~~.in teacher salaries unUI the 1.S Celebre, 'las convicted Tuesday of In-percent figure la rtached. He hlnted that u the trustees were un· All 'B ifuJ' decent exposure and lewd conduct. willing to go a1ong with that lltipula· eaut She WAii joined In the l~wd midies lion, the assoclaUon would continue with calegory Thursday by two more of the its so-called "slowdown." F B k J Apartment A..(}o.Go's bottomless dan· 01' er ·e ey cers, Nancy Bessie wrfeeler, 28, of Brea "If their estimates on money avail· and J4cqueUne •AnncZlmmer, 28,.ol san- A Greyhound bua bound to Oceanside fr?m l.<lng 84;ach Was alSo threatened. 11ie big vehicle was stopped by highway patrolmen In San Juan CapbtraDo late Friday. No bomb WIS• found. Defendant "Convicted . LOS ANJi!:Lr.s· (AP) -0-,e Ed- ward Williama, ll, bas been CU1victed of s-gree murder In the slabbing ol a University of Southern Ca!Uomia freshinan on Jl'.flltemlty Row.' 0r .... nble to the district are correct, we will ta Aria. . • lake the. percent. Ir they are not, we Park -Marcher·.s A Sanla ·Apa jury fOUlld ,them .gullly ... :~~~ the ,ext.J:a . money/' Manemann of, lewd Conduct and obscenity and they Weatlier' He added. however. that for the ",.et BERKELEY Cal" (.1.m -"It was will retW'n .June 20 for aentenclnc. i ~ • "· =1 ~Jtoiney Berrien Mopre who defended The · Memorlal"D·l'r )idf\tar rive or six yeon the distrlcl h.u-id· ~utUul,".aamlllng,~yowe,man the sha~MJas ··· . conlendo j1ltiel"ltld '1'91!tlnu'" to be ~· • erably ~ lts•illcome. said after..,._ 11,11111 per10lll bid con-' -, ' · •.:..Jl ·1 =-> • ~ ' · • • ducted a aonvtolent DWCb s'uJ>Port1ng · ~evei:1. \ht< , .1"!:1'!"1!'>~ · •· . , >""1>~ u.-~ .. 1a1 "people'• perk.·: ••• ~11~rzr . J:'t.~.·: ~~......... -~ Mi. 'dwa."y City Lad • But u. ru11n " the -. .. thne JllilJclaP• ...... ~ i . . .. . -"" . . ,~. , . · aoreool,,_yowoedbJU.UolvenJ. "C--~°k:!!f=qr.,· ·klf,,~111 ~· f~ · ., · ·....;:... · ty of BtrUle1 remalned in •doubt. oe~.~her,· .. i:.,t. ••• • • ..... _. ,'f •.. ... •aveA'iT' Missin_ gin.Desert Friday'• 1111tt11 lhn>ugll downtown llli>ics ~·no1to·•Joii111e 1,,.i llli .':ilia *"' of. oi.u. Ji.Ip -Berkeley cov~ a .tour-mile circular eimtk: ~ plrtQrr w• a lJ,foot.. i ~,. bof-ser"-11~ told'bfl More than two doun veblcles joined routo ..a llrfolv<d thouaandl of dem<ln-p>'lhon .• ' '. t Ntr ;.Jnou..,. fn "¥v :BUiid' 5.,. In an unsuccessful aetrch Friday near •t.raton, eome 1,00I Natlonal Guardsmen HThe. 1lltt1e one Involved In tM case Cdn .See Me NQwt" in FCmUlf the Mojave Desert community ol Lod· and hundreds of police, U>lrlU's depuUes ' goln1 °"now • •. ~~II. U I had to make a • -Wrr~lv. .• . • lo• ror a l~ye.ar-old Midway Citr. you th and CalUo~a hJghway patroln]tR. Choice, I gueu l'd hive. a definite • ~It's• ti i,Wrt s.'t1p,.tro7t.rffctm1et -~ wandered oft from. his arnlly'1 'nlousandS?twhlte and yellow daisies pref~" the 01' ~Uni.fed. ~to ham /M"Ccrol 8ttrnc:u'1"''1cc- campslt<. wtre dbtrlbuted to mtlttben. Many ol Exhibit A and Exhibit B aalde Jn tmns ond banana" Ha~ Konnan. William E. Bolian wu repor(ed mbs-then....., wound up lo the Ienco of tha of aelendants, Hieb said he Is pleaaed co .. r lto'l/ TV W8EK Ing about _, .., t.mpmtm.s In tbe disputed perk nd In • bart>ed wire lier-with the tt\ltude of the slr·man, aiX· ' • area to miles east of BatRow on t b e Meade. woman fury ttho slapped a guilty vmUci. ~ ~ ., : :;...: •• hll!hway to Needta reocbetl 110 deCrffa The demqnllraton cl~ up the on Miia Cybulokl'a bolt4mlell ad. -,.,. =. Sheriff's offten"~ w e-r i -•trM l!tetr when ll Pl Mr. :•we thlnt tt wUI ref1ecl future action,'' ~ U = to J<*I ~ 1W1:b r.i-Ille l""ftb toda¥. No vroi.oc. wu'ttpO<tod; 1 (Ste NUDIEJI, hp IJ . --• ""' • • • • .. I •• II " r ., l -: .. : ~ f . , ' L. . , " ·' ., , -.. ' ,.,,1._,._11L_v_"-"~-----_-s __ s,•_t'"'7_._~_1t1_l_.l,_1M_ ~ . Schoof ,Money Lack Scares ~~ County Off ici.~ls 1 "" • la -or two Yeln l!Untioltoo ldlools. elm hi H..u.cton J!eoch llllCI r-W.. sdfool shes In tho llUI 10 ,..,.,• Uft l!oodl 11111 Foalalll Va!Je1 may !jod Now, -· lhtre lsn"t any m'l"<Y Valley. _.,-Woodfm, "llllCI "" can~ IMIJld 1J11 o1 tbauelws rib a lot of cblldren ind because California can't sell ll.s school The lack ol (UDds won't lUt forever, lbem wilto stile fUQds." -.....1.. .scbools. bood.1 It five perceot lottrtst.. PYI Char~ Palmtr, &ssis\am IU~in-Ocean View ls the, least affected of lhe DOt -IJ mough h 'O ol tbr disUlcta. Huntington Btach tendtnt of the Huntingt.on Belch City three. "We're not ln bad shape DOW," A lack d. state roone7 for ~ and Ocean vn-. are preparing re-District. but even I.he delay wtll throw uplaiN Richard HoUJqahud,. coordi- -alt,. and suJ>llO!iini ochool con-quesl& for loans from the ..... school "-' bebind schedul• on conotructioo. nator ol the atatwld building ~ 1t:t'Uctbl bas lhrowD a nel tcate into bond fund. but hive been told there is Huntington Belch bu about five 'ift alrudy own our projected ~~~~. local elem«itary achoo! no montY at ,..._,t, and thtre are ·school altes It WOllld llU to~. 11but 1lies for ne1t year." _.._cwo about 154 school districts alttady on only enough money to purdtale oae "We will be bu.rt ID COMirUCUon." he Hunlllll:lon lleacll Union Hllth School a priority list lo receive the lint trickle site, maybe lwo," Pllmor told lnll1-admitted, "and lo wr adv8"ctd plan- Diltrict is un.tffect.cl by the 11.lte (I{ cash. Tuesdly nlghL nlng. U housing con'Wm at !'.; prwnt lhortqe of fund&, 11)'1' ~t Fountain VaUeY ls on that priority "And then we won 't ba•e any mone.1 rate we will fall behind.~' Dr. ?{Q Forney, ''became w'w aever list for a $U,\tl6 loan, bvt had planned for corm:ti'Uction" be added. Two alternltives nre mentloned by med Jt&te aid in our ~·" to ask for add:itiooal ftmds which will Otariet wOOdho, atod1te aaPUintat-Palmer to solve the tJPt IDOCll1 ,.._ But HuntingtCll BeKh School now have lo wall dent for bUlineA lt'tYica of Ji'ouotab!_ lem. • lJiltrjd, Fountain Vllil<y, I Dis-Whal it moans ls the district can"I Vall•Y Oil~ aald hil area would be One ls to "~ ~ boodl. N<wport- trict llllCI Ocean v;.., District d<pend buHd schools fast enough to keep pace moot affected 111 ib advanced ptannlnc. M.., Unified S<hool District ju.t com- belYUy on state--loans to build their with the rapid growth and influx of chil-"We feel we need about eJght more pleted a sale ol $1.1 million in bonds to ~-=-~~~~~~~~~~~~--'---'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--'~- HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORESS AND FRIEN!?j,.BORNEO BOUND Kaufman, S•r.aent, V•lence, Porco R•....,-0 Help Dyaks '--"--~~~~~~~~~ Beach Woman Seeks Ark .To. Take Flock tp B~rneo By RUDI. NIEDZIEISU Of .. Dtllf ,.,., Iliff She's got pigs, ducks , rabbits. goats, ·300 clUckens, lwo missionaries, a 6Choolteacher and a doctor -just about everything that is needed to start a civllizaUon anywhere -including· the dark jungles of Borneo. But HunUngton Beach's Wyn Sargent is ~Ull setting an ark -preferably an .air}x>rne type -whlcb can transport the godds to the Dyaka, a former head·hun· ting tribe in Indonesia, by October. A,( that time Mi.sl Sargent, a photo· journalist by trade, plans to fly the whole load, including t.i&bl tons of medical ·equipment, into K"uala Kuajan lo bring life and health to 3,000 tribesmen who are destlned to' exUnctfon unless somet)llng c:an be done lo help them help themselves. : Miis Sar,ent became acquainted with · the Dya1ts last year when she was travel- in& through the Far East and round tierself leading an expeditior to an unex- plored •ea of the Indonesian jungle. . What she found appalled her. Aban- dolled viUages, starving chlldren, ram· pant disease and dealh were everywhere, ,;he recalls. . The populaUon wa s dying of( al an .astronomical rate through a \\1ariely of ·cauaes1 lo~erjng the average life ex· ~of a Dy8k youngster to 2.S. .. ~ she returned to the U.S. laS;t fall, ' he became convinctd that, ii something . .-~~~~~~~~~~~--. ,. •, ,. DAILY PILOT ~ 11:: • ..___,. .... "'""-· ..... i:·~-_,...., t •, c:-. ..... ' .. CAUFOl"IA Oltll-IGI! C,GAS1 •Ulll~IHO. t0¥~NIT ' - ll•ffrt N, Wf•4 tl'mw.it .... ""*"""" T"-" K•t•il .... Thom•' A. M.,,~lftt Mtr1 .. 1,.. l!fl!W ....... . tot.I• ,,,,_! • Wt.f ,.,. $t.-.t · ~ IUc,fl; tfll """"' ............ _ , l_. ...,_, m '-t "'""'-.~ lt¥'\t ... fl~'""'. '. \vere going to be done about the con· ditlons, she would have to do it, since the Indonesian government declared ltseU helpless in the matter. With \-irtually no assistance she found- ed the Sargent·Dyak Fund, tnc., wilh the intent to supply money, medici ne and food for the reUe! of the Dyak people. To date respanse to the rund has been overwhelming, she says. Nunierous manufacturen have donated medical supplies, equipment, livestock, tools and other items valued al cl06e to $500,000. ll is all being stored In a local warebouse prior to the overseas trek. She has also found two missionaries, W. L. Kaufmann and Vincent Valence, both of the Garden Grove Community Church, who will donate one year of their Ume in order to teach the Dyaks. Alan E. Porco, former Orange Coast College student body president, has volunteered to show the Dyaks how to read and write and to teach them the ir own hist?ry. Dr. Louis Netzer will be supplied for one year by AmDoc tAmer:ican Doctor), a non-profit organization which sends Ainerican physicians to distressed parts of lhe world. Together the team will build its own ;;chool, hospital and church from jungle materials. The complex is planned to pro- vide education, health and. reli&ion to an area covering 19S square miles. Ml~ Sargent expect..S to suppor\ the ac- tivities by ct>nUnuing her _ lund raJsing lectures· in this country, which have all-eady included one appearahce on a n~Work. telev,ision show. 1 lnformaUon about the Sargent.Oyak Fund ls av~llable by telephonlna Miss Sargent at 842·3824 or by writing her at 4001 11Jo'.rnlng Star Drive, HunUngton Beach. · AF Cadet Dates Boss's Daughter AIR FORCE ACADEMY, COio. (UPll --5eolor cadet Ken C. Nuss has a blind da.te for I.he Air Force aeademY'a grad· uatton ball TUesday, but thinks he ki\o~'S pretty wen whit ·she will look' Uke. His date is' blJ boos' daught.r-Tricia N"lioo, ZS.yta.r~ld daughter of President Richard Nuon. · • From Page 1 NUDIES ..• he continued. saying the conviction demorus trates the effectiveness ol lhe so- called Red Light District law imposed in the Cybulski case. She will be sentenced June 12 by Judge Paul A1asl, facing a maximum of $500 fine and six months in Orange Countv Jail on each of the 20 counts. The attorney for Miss Cybulski, Atoore, said he will ask ror a writ of habea.s cor4 pus in Superior Court as early as Mon- day. which could bottom's up the bot· tomless conviction. Moore also represented; Apartment A· Go-G'o owner Harry Masselli during his 1967--611 unpleasantness with Costa Mesa city officials, who finally put his topless. joint , Baby Doll's, ,under wraps. Moore has vowed to battle the bot· tomless .ban whlch currenlly has five other altogether bars altogether out of C{)mpetiUon with more d r e s s y establishments. ''I really dread trying {o make any predictions about such appeals," Hicks sald Thursday, noting that every slgnifi· cant appellate court case in recent Umes has been involved in a reversal. "That's the only kind you read about anymore." he said. "We think that we are legally sound , or \\'e wouldn't have gotten where we are now with a cooviction," the DA ex· plained. Miss Cybulski's initial defense after vice officers wtlti reviewed her shapely form via variow mirrored angles was that she was not ntlde , but coyly attired with :i. loupee·like Item. lt's what's up front that counts. howevt!:r, and the jury also rejected arguments that her :snake dance Is an art form . The tall blonde broke into bitter tears Tuesday when the jury returned Its verdict after she had spent several houi's knitting In the courtroom. District Attorney Hicks said Thursday that he knows of no other bottomleu bars operating or even rumored to be showing off the fem ale form in the extreme. ''When ~·e do pick up a rumor, we check it out," the DA continued. saying his men not only get information on criminal activity, but also provide esthetlc analyses from time to Ume. ''They can tell a guy where not to spend his money," lUcJts quipped. Tax Reduction Bill in Doubt SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Gov. Ronald Reagan's plan for a one-time electk>n- year income tax reduction faces 1 gloomy future in the view .ot Senate Finance Committee Chairman Randolph Collier. On&man Battle Waged Against Annex Plans Kennel.h Lawrence js waging a one.man batUe against the JJliin to annex t0rne 200 :lcres of Capistrano Pallaadea to the city of San Clemente -but he expects to recruit plenty of neighborhood help. Lawrence. of 27012 Del Gado Road, is one of 61 potential voters who live in 33 homes in the area proposed for merger with the city. Th! move to annex the area to block posstb)e Orange County PllM.ing Com- mission approval ol an !JO.acre mobile home park was inJtialed last month by 1 group of residents headed by B. Franklin MeWeur, of 35111 Camino Capistrano. MetzJeur contended that the city's tighter zoning Jaws could prohibit trailer parks in the bluff view area between the San Diego Freeway and Pacific Coast Highway, north o( the city. He said such faclliUes are permissible under the county's less restrictive zoning regulations. City councilmen listened with favor and lnltiated preparation of maps and legal descriptions for presentation to the Local Agency Formation Commission which rules on all proposed merge.rs to county ciUes. Lawrence cQunJpattacks with, "he can and will prove to the LA.FC that most of us do not want to be a part or San Clement~." He said he.~ other res.idents have •1 ~al"'\'~ cily but fell lhe an---~ --~·· · . .: mean higher taxes wltliotil ,fOGi 11iliki1& . ~. "Wet already r&ve )Ur own ~·ater districl (Cap~ano Beach County Water District) and our own sewer district (Capistrano Beach Sanitary District), and the police protection we get from the Sherill's Office is adequate," Lawrence argues; Hel admitted that the city ma)'. be able to stop current proposals to build mobile home parks in the ocean view area, but said, "We have no assurance that the city woufd not permit them at a later date." The LAFC has not yet set a date for hearing on the controversial annexation but it may take place LD late June. Dory Fleet .i:f rea Set to Become ~H. . s· r.storic ite Newport Beach's dory fleet will become a city hi!torica l landmark June 11 in a plaque dedication ceremony rollowed by a dinner with the hard-working fishermen and their families as guests. City crews are completing a remodel- ing project on a corner of the fleet area where the plaques mounted on a hatch cover will be installed. A planter and 14 feet of oew piling wall are being ·bullt. The dinner will be at the I Balboa Pavilion, scene of a similar landmark dtcUcaUon ceremony last year. Fish caught , •the same day by the fishermen will be offered at $4.50 per person. Dinner starts at 8:30 p.m . Tickets are available at aU brlf)Ches of the city library or St the chambef of commerce building at 2166 E. Pacific Coast Highway. Reservations are limited. Laguna Council OKs Sewer Linc Link-up A link·up of Santa Margarita Water District and the San Juan C.plstrano sewe r lines as a first step toward re&ional sanitary facllltles. has been ap- proved by the City Council. The Santa Mara:1rtta District, which serves lhe ei.il.erJy 'portion of Mission Viejo, will pay the cily Pl.000 annually for maintena.nce and 1ervlce. • • the &ant Or "-ka. Th< oolJ otlotr allm)atlve P&Jar But the bugaboo In that plan 11 that '""°'"d •aa 19 llad·a ~ bu)'tl' .,, local dlstrlclS don't have the credit the stale bonde. ra1ing or the available bon<b: for such ~ II the local district did not have lhe a sale. bondt to tell he 11Ld. bUt could llnd a California bu 1 fivo -~"~' buytr, the.ltait ""!Id IJ!ah an airee-ra .. limit nn bOllds, whlcfi Ila; t the ment lo 1eni! ~~ -Y Proc<eds dampu oa both stat< and IOCI aala, to tht local dJI...,.. becau11 Rltlonally bonds are now acU· "Qdly i'OM "artl II tn'lnl It though," lng at 15.3 percent Interest rites. aakl Palmtr, 11~~~ 1a~tt an ex· A year a10 bonds """ selling natlol> t.-ly bla ~· illy 1t 4.M percent and two years 110 Local educators' have GO idea wben 3.4$. perm11. With the high rate ,_ the blib bond ralft ,.u1 atop, And the attalried. C.llfornla's five petClllt llmU illte will hive moner,· b out of date. "We have an obi J.aUon lo tell .lhe Bank of Amtrica has been the only people who have children how ll JS," 1 orcaniz.aUon wUling to buy school bondt said Palmer, ''and there Just ~ren·t at the low rate primarily for public going to Q enou&h schools here if the relations. ' slLUation stays the same." * * * * * * OV Trustee Urges Pleas To So"lons on School Aid Ocean View School District Trustee Leonard Shane has urged that taxpayers conlact thtJ.r legislators and demand passage of a $372 million Increase ln state finandaJ support to schools. Shane, who also serves as chairman of the Citizens for Ocean View School in Huntington Beach, said, "specifically we are urging support or AB 409 as the only realistic school finance measure and the moot effective property tax relief the Legislature could adopt this year." The Ocean View School District gov. erning board also threw its support be· hind the bill Monday night by passing a resoluUon "urging and insisting that the • D.\IL Y ,ILOT Sl•H l"llllll9 TAKES COL LEGE POST Call Him ''De~ Dean'' Dr.· John Dean . Evening Colleg e Deari at OCC Dr. John F. Dean has been appointed £'\'ening dean of Orange Coast College. it was aMounced Thursday. Dean, an instructor and administrator In Harbor Area schools since 1950, will begin his new duties in August. A resident of Newport Beach, Dean Is a native of Bridgeport, Conn. He received his BS Degree in education from USC in 1950 and his masters in education from California Stale·Long Beach in 1955. He earned his EdD Degree from USC in 1966. Dean was.~n elementary teacher from 1956-1956 nnd served as principal of l~arbor View School, Corona de! Mar from 1956-1961. From 1961 to 1966, he was director of curriculum for the old Newport elementary school district. He is now a staff assistant in charge of cur4 r1culum. Oil Dri11ing • Meeting Topic Offshore oil drilling and . the menace that such operations could pose to Orange County is the topic for discussion Tues-- day at a meeting of homeowners.' '!SSociatlons In the Balboa Pavilion. Scheduled speaker for the 8 p.m. mceUng is Victor Andrtws, president of. the Costa! Protective, L e a g u e and Orange County chairman for Preslrtent Richard M. Nixon in the recent presiden- tial election. Tho santa Ana fruit grower is expected to slress the threat that tidelands oil exploraUon could represent StaU or e'alifomla move cl0&er In meet- ing its full partnership obli&ation in su~ porting ~ducatio_!} by providing the $372 million." SERIOUS PROBLEMS According to Shane many loca1 school districts face serious financial problems next year because of the absence or ade- quate state support and dissatisfaction by taxpayers. •·our re<'ent successful override helped eliminate the possibility of comglete dis- aster, but we are still in need of tax re- lief," Shane said. ''The bigges t problem,'' he con- tinued, ''is that the state has not kept pace wilh either the demands for im- proved educational services or rising costs due to innation." He cited figures staling that 14 years ago local taxpayers on the average paid 49.1 percent of the cost of public schools and the state paid 47.5 percent in what w~ described by him as a ''near ,part- nership." State su pport has been steadily dro~ ping throughout the years according lo Shane, until during the last school year taxpayers paid ~.5 percent and the stale only 36.5 percent. Jn tbe Ocean View District slate support decreased from 64 percent in 1964 to 47 percent last year. • Sffi\RE TO DROP ·*'-During the current fiscal year, the state's share of school support will iirop below the 36 percent mark," said Shane. •· Allhough _ education is legally a state function, the State of California is now the minor shareholder in the enterprise.'' ''This massive shift of school support from the slate general fund to the local taxpayer has forced increases in local property taxes, increased the inequitie.s of schoOI support and contributed to a reduction in the quality of educational o~ porlunities. It's one reason we went tG the voters in May with a request for an additional $1,25." According to Shane the state can well afford the $372 million increase without any increase in state taxes, since $10S million has al ready been set aside for schools and the general fund contains an additional $250 million surplus. Martin Landau Dropped From Television Show HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Actor Martin Landau, a star of the popular television series "Mission lmpossible,'' has been dropped from the show effective next season because he failed lo reach agree- ment with the producers on a new con· tract, it was announced Thursday. Barbara Bain, Landau's wife in private life and his co-star in the series, has fail- ed to report.. to work on the opening seg• ment of the series for next season although she is still in the fourth year of a five-year conlract, a spokesman for Pararr,ount television said. Landau has beeil working on a year to year agreement on the series, which begins its fourth season next faJI, and is under no contractual obligation to Para· mount although his wife is, a studio spokesman said. Other series co-stars. Peter Graves, Greg ~1orris and Peter Lupus. will con· linue in it when it returns to television screens. ne:tl fall. Saddleback's Student Loan F und Ge ts $2 00 tidelands oil exploration could represent The Saddleback College atudent Loan to county coastal communities and wild-Fund has received a $200 donation from Ille. the members of t.&Isure World Tr1vel The meeting, hosted by Balboa Club Number Two. Peninsula. West Newport and Central MlM Hope Sans berry. president or the Newport homeowners associations, is clob, presented the check to Dr. Fred H. opw to the public without ch1rge. Bremer. pre.!ii:tent of the colleae. The Nilons will fly into nearby Colo- rado Springs 'I'Uoday. Nuss, who comes lrOm "F"r«ltrlka, Iowa. wlll dance with Ml61 Nixon· tt\at evening and llsitn to her l•lhtr· speak" at commenctment exercises the next momiil(. The governor's bill to tem)>Orarlly cul' the state Income tax by 10 per«nt - a oort of surtax In rtverse -was taken un- der submlssion Thursday by Collier's committee. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE • l -- The 21-Y..,-old youth, who h., been on tht eommanOant'a llsl ror excellence in military trainJng and the de1n'1 list in academics since 1 f?'f'shman, said he hu never mtt Mbs Nixon. Nuss was with &be ctdet chorale at Nlxorfs loauguraUon In Januacy but could" only ... Mias NIJoo ll\xn I diJ· tailce then. he said. "I guess they'll tell me whet color dreu 1he'.ll wtar so the corsage will match.'' be adM Tht commlttet a1so delayed action on a rival bill by Senate OtrnocraUc floor leader Ceor1e MOICOrlt. of San f'Tanclsco. i1oscone wanlS to give tupayen 1 20 percent lncome ta1 rebate UUs year. No re bale, however, could exceed $7) for 1 sinalc per50n or fl:IO for a married COU· pie. ;, ~I ' • \. • I - I J I • '" ac th• Uo •• bo lo I at ri5I liv da pa nh • th• <cl In ho Mo Tl 18 n lo lo w ri w 1 • ., A ~ di t: cl ~ ti ll •I 0 • • t• ,, c c ( Weekend • • DaUy Pa~r - \!OL 62, NO. 130, 4 SECTIONS, SO PAGES SATURDAY, MAY lf, .1969 TEN CENTS U.S. Holiday Deaths Soat; Record Seen By Tlae Auoclated Pres1 The first day of lhe Memorial Day weekend saw the death toll in traffic accidents mount at a record rate as thousands of motorists took to the na· U<,>n's streets and highways. A total of Z28 persons have been killed on the road, while 11 persons died in boating accidents and·66 others drowned ln accidents unrelated to ·bolting. Before the holiday began, the Nation- al Safety Council estimated that between 550 and l50 American! would lose their Jives between 6 p.m. local time Thurs- day and midnight SUnday. So far, the pace of deaths on the highway is run- riing higher than in 1968, according to a spokesman for the safety council. I To set a basis for comparison with the Jong holiday weekend, The Associat· ed Press made a survey of traffic deatlis in a nonholiday period of the same 78-- hour duration-from 6 p.m: Thursday, May 15, to midnight Sunday, May 18. The death toll from that weekend was 181. The record tlealh toll for a 1\Jemoria! Day-holiday was 629 over last year's four-day period. The highest traffic toll for a 'three-day Memorial Day holiday was 542 persons in 1966. The lowest loll for a three-day Memo- rial Day period since World War II was 204 in 19-ill. Mesan Charged ' With Defacing Of U.S. Flag , A Costa Mesa youth was arreste4 early today on clJartes Ol 'dO!adhg the American Flag. Costa ·Mesa poli<;e • .Ve holding as evidence a nae wllh the won! "tevolutlon" printed in bllck letters. down its white.striped center. James Edawrd Walsh, 19~ of 833 W. 17th ~t was booked by officers on charges of violating section 614 of U!e Military and Veterans code, defacing the American Flag. According to police the youth has n:fused tO m a t e any 1tatements. · Officer Gary Sperling said the arrest occired after two officers looked through a window and saw the flag hanging on a wall of the residence. Police surrounded the home and as two officers knocked on the .front door, 1wirsons ran out the back. They were cau t by officers there. . icer Sperling said the incident ap- peared to have no lie with Memorial Day observances. Nixon Develops Peace Strategy KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (UPI) -Presi· dent Nixon, relaxing in picture post· card settings of a sun.swept beach and a cruise on a moonlit bay, is devoting most of his nonleisure actiVity to Vjel· nam peace strategy. Secretary of State William P. Rogers flew in Friday evening to give the Presi- dent his personal report on secret talks 1vllh South Vietnamese P....ident Ngu· yen Van Thieu and other Asian leaders dflring an J8-da)' world tour. As soon as he arrived at sunset, Rog- ers was whisked aboard the presidential yacht "Julie" for a dinner crul!e with Nirm and his family on Biscayne Bay that ended under a brilliant moon: Before nytng back to Washingtoa later today, Rogers will confer again with the I President at his bayside villa. -·-Nixon was a.nxlous ror Roger 's report on re.ct.ion lo his eight-point Vietnam peace plan in advance of his summit session with Thieu on the island of Mid· \, way Juoe 8. Daily Pilot Goes To $2 on Monday 'Effe<live Mooday, lhe hom«lellvered subscription price of the DAILY PILOT will be lncrea!ed by 25 cenls to 12 per month. Rapidly increasing co.sls of material!. newz galbering and. othtt elements es- 6enlial to the production and distribution (If a quality community dally newspaper. since the DAILY PILOT last adjusted its subscript.ion price more than three years ago. have made the new rate necessary. Tht DAILY PILOT will continue its ef- fortl to produce and deliver. the best community daily newspaper possible. The more than 750 DAILY Pll.OT car- rier boys, o( coUne, w1tl enjoy Increased earnings undtr the new rate.,Your car· lier will ~lee! at the new price for the lint 11me nur the end of June. I ' Air Cal 'Bombed' First Was Hoa~, Second Just Funny An Air Ca!Uornla FIJcbl, forced to re· turn to Oran&< Coonty Airport l<rlday and undergo a t.horougb bomb search following a teltphone(fthreat almost had an encore perforrn&ll$!f! at ita San Fran- cisco deatlnaUoo. Flight lSl with 96 . passengei;a, four crewmen and one we11-lntentioned, ~t confused stewardess was greeted by lawmen for the aecond time lhat after- noon after a J>UltPler "muttered some- lhlng about gettJii& bombed." The ·_.,. appartnUy had tak<n advantage ol the Air Cal liquid bospital· ••• lty at lhe Orwe County Airport during the delay occuloned by Ille lint bomb search. That searCh was made afttr 1 yie ,.air· line reservltion desk ..receivt9d a call ' from a man who Wd, "there's • bomb aboanl flllhl 131." The llJghl, alrudy in the air, wu recalled to the airport. Members of \he El Toro Marine Air Station bomb disposal IQllld, Orange County Sheriffs Department, and the County Fire Departinent met the mark- ed flight. No bomb was found. The threat was the second within Nudies weeko at lhe Orange Coanty AlrpJrt iipd the first ol lhree bomb -to ~ lrlDsporiallon aulhorliles. An Air West flight out of Loo ~ wlttl lt passengers wa.s forced to .-0 baci later Friday. ~ F ..J7 Plane reaumed Its fU&bt to San fliego1 Yuma and PhoeniI, AriL. af. ter a fnlluess baU hour search folloWtnl lhe Loo Angeles lhreat. A•Greybound bua bound to 0...- from Lona Beach waa also ~. The big vehicle was stopped by ~ patrolmen In San Juan Capistrano late Friday. No bomb was found., Future? D.t.ILY PILOT ll•ff l'tlel• Women, Leftist l\ey in Sunday· French Voting DA Chalks Up 3~Convktwns • Nice Fi•h Fry Catch By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of .. DINr ........... Eight contestants have been netted so far for CQsta Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Club Fish Fry beauty pageant June 7 in Costa Mesa Park. Competing for Miss Mennaid and Miss Costa Mesa titles (from left) are Pat Mangels, 17, Holl:y Talman, 17, Suzanne Ross, 16, Sue Boydston, 18, Sue Platte, 21, Dianne Ross, 18. Johnny Rota1sky 18 and Jayme Boyd, 18, who is currently Miss Westminster. ' ' • PARIS (UPI) -Women and ldilsls held the key todaf to France's future on the eve of the nation's presidential election. All seven candidates ended their offi- cial campaigns Friday night wllh •Ix· minute appealii over natiooal radio and televisioo far votes to succeed Charles de Gaulle. Lawmen now have their first tanilmark convldlona since lhe bottomleas bat menace reared lls 1IJfY rlchl hero In Orange County, but what next? "ll hasn't substantil.Uy changed/' says Orange County Dlatrict Attorney Cec\I A. HJckl, who was nonetheless delighted at the verdict!. - Classes Normal Monday At 4 Beach High Schools De Gaulle, vacationing In Ireland, has not endorsed his fonner premier, Georg- es Pompldou, or anyooe else for the leadership he held for 11 years. All public opi:nlon polls showed none of the seven ,Presidential aspirants will get the _ 50 percent' or more of the vote MlBa Cllro! Cybuls]ci, 32, of Laguna Beach, whose topless-bottomless irtislic expressions became a local cause celebre, was convicted Tuesday of in- decent exposure and lewd conduct. She was joined in the lewd nudlet category Thursday by two more of the Apartment A-Go-Go's bottomless daft. cers, Nancy Bessie Wheeler, 28, of Brea and Jacqueline Ann Zimmer, 26, of San.- ta Ana. Classes at an four Huntington Beach high ~ools will fo.llow a reiU!if sched- :::rn~~ct'1J; ministratbrs ·and wwge,-iOcrea&e-bCnt--1.-.. .. AcCmllng to Carl Manemann, prul- dent of the 430-member District Educa- tors Association, another walkout will be forestalled since the administration showed "good faith" to negotiate over the salary dispute Thursday afternoon. "We had a problem to solve and I feel that we are finally getting somewhere," I Dutch Marines Called to Quell Curacao Rioting WILLEMSTAD. Curacao (AP)-Royal Dutch Marines were called in to quell disorders on this Caribbean resort is- land after 5,000 striking oil refinery workers burned and looted stores Fri- day. The troops and police fired at will :it the rampaging crowds. One labor lead- er was shot in lhe chest and seven other persons were wounded by bullets. The toll was expected to rise. A dusk-to-dawn curfew was imposed as fires burned in several parts of the city in the Netherlands Antilles off the coast of Venezuela. Cruise ships make frequent stops in the duty-free port. Frightened tourists, many of them Americans, stayed inside their luxury hotels. Telegraph communJcations be- tween Curacao and New York and Ca· racas were cut off but lines to the Neth- erlands remained ope11. Although the 'main issue ln the stri)!;e at the Royal Dutch Shell refinery is wages, the demonstraUOflJ took on /&· claLovertones.as the riof611 concenlr•t· ed their attacks .oo whlte-owiied busi- nesses. Curacao is lo to 90 percent Ne· gro. March said Manemann. "The admlnlatraUon needed io win. will take our proposal to I.be board of Pompidou and Acting President . Al1ln 1n1s1 ... ~7· •.m.ll~ lll'lllllll." •Par '!ll.-.ilol.to """'""''11!1 ~ i!t";.'/ided ~'t'it lbe'.!>oaM'!i'm . '"'11M':Wtl""''.!J*.il .n..:.~--ld • l'Gd' the ptopOS&l, 'the asso&iilon~~~; off June 15. 1 · '" ·, 1 • .,, off planoed walkoata on Tuesday .and Jt wu De C.ullt who granled Fnnch- Wednesday u •ell womed the right to v ... ID 191 ml lillce The teacher propor;al calls for an 8.3 then li)any have voted f« htm in grat· percent increase in salaries, whUe the itudt. Now that he ls gone., ~ feminine district bas only been willing to offer 4 vote is much more uncertam. percent. Women voters are in the majority in Manemann sald the association would France and all the candidates made accept the district's offer of 4 percent special appeals for their ~upport. Pom- as long as it was clearly understood pidou proml9ed to name some of them that any additional money coming into to his cabinet .. if they appear capable the district would be applied to an in· of assuming such jobs." crease in teacher salarles until the 8.3 Other candidates promised special percent figure is reached. measures favoring women, such as equal He hinted ,that if the trustees were un· pay in industries where they now get willing lo jo along with that slipula-less than men. lion, the association would continue with The counU,'s huge leftist bfoc is the its so-called ''slowdown." other electcral unknown. Communiat "lf their estimates on money avail· candidate Jacques Duclos ls favored able to the district are correct, we will among the five leflisU in the election. fake the 4 percent. If they are not, we Other candidates are Gaston Defferre w~t the extra money," Manemann and Michael Rocbard, both Socialists, said. Alain Krlvlne, a Trotskyite, and million- He added, however , that for the past aire Douis Duca tel who has promised five or six years the district bas conslll-workers one-third of the proflt.s of their erably underestimated its income. I companies if he wins. Seven-story Crane Encased 111 Plant 'Just Oversight' Time was construction workers would' leave a newpaper, a book or some rmall token of the present day inside the walls of a new bulldlng. What happened at the Autonetlcs Corp. building in Laguna-Beach Tbursday in- dicates that tbe book bit is kid's stuff to- day. Encased In the walls of the million· square-too~ building is a crane -a se.ven- story cr5ne. "Yes , it was an oversight on our part,'' blushing engineers admitted. • Tbey have worked out a plan whereby the crane will be left inslde the fast growing structure and used until the building Ui near completion in November. Then, they said, they will .remove a wall and a smaller crane will be brought to the site to remove Ila larger brother, piece by piece. And the smaller crane? <TWe.'ll bring that out too," a site spokeaman said. "In fact, I'm sure we will , • , " 'Just Beautiful'· A Santa Ana fury found them guilty o1,.!~d conduct and -f and Ibey wm ......, June 20 lot ·~. Attorney Berrien Moore. Who defended Ille lhapely Mlsa Cybulsky, -.. however, that lhe , Jury failed in Iii Job I and will seek a new,triaJ at her sente11ee hearing June LI In Cenlral Orange County Judicial District Court. "Cybulsld got all the headlines becall!e of her, uh • • • striking appear .. ,'' Hicks said, not to mention the fact her e~otlc dance partner was a J.2..foot pylhon. "The little one involved in the case going on now •.. well, if I had to make a choice, I guess I'd have a definite preference," the DA continued. ExhibJt A and Erhlbit B aside 1n terme of defendants. Hicks said he ts pleaatd with the atUtude of the slx·man, six· woman jury who slapped 1 guilty verdict on Miss Cybulski's bottomless act. "We think it will'reflect future action," (See NUDIES, Pap I) Vietnam Battles Resume After Buddha Truce ~AIGON (A~) -U.S. forc03 mounted 12 battallon-11lze or larger. ground opera- tions and . B52 str1tes resumed across south Vietnam today aft.er the end or cea.sb-Ores by the a.Wes and the1 Viet C.ong to mark Buddha's birthday. Each aide accused the other or vio- lating the cease-lirel. The U.S. Commml Aid that during the 24-hout allied ·ceue-flre there were 147 enemy-ln!Uated Jracldents reported, of which 79 were significant, meaning they resulted in allied or enemy cuualUea. •·u.s. casualties as a result or the 'i9 significant incident.a reported were Bev· en kllled and S2 wounded," a commu- nique from U.S. beadquarttrs said. "Other friendly forces casualties are light A total of 80 enemy soldiers were reported killed." South Vietnamese lcmes during the It.hour allied ce-1lre were pol at lhtte IOldlen killed and 30 wounded, one hamlet c:hld and one civilian killed · and four dvlllanl wounded. No Vwlence in Berkeley· P(U'k Protest ~dway City Lid BERKELEY., C~lf. (AP) -"lt10as bea1itlful," a sm!UiJg, bearded ymi:ng man said after about 15,000 penons•had con- ductid a ·11Q11vtolent march aupportlng the controversial "people's .park." But the future of the fenced·ln thrff: acres of property owneCI b1 the Unlversl· ty of Berkelt)' remained in doubt, Friday's .{lUlrch lhrougti downtown Strkeley covered a Jour-mlle circUJar route aod Involved thousands of demon- stratora, aome 1,000 National GlW'dsmen and hundreds of ~lite, sheriff's depuUes and C.Ufomia h1~way paitrolmen. Thousands of while and. ye11ow dais.ies were dlstrlbuttd to marchen. MlllY ol " the nowen wound up In the fence ol tlle dlspoied park and In a barbed wire bar·. rlcade. One )'OllJ\I man walked up to ·~Ice­man and hal>ded him a flower 11 ••t want to l•Y a 11.ower on )'Oli." A aUonal Guardsman, •l.andln& •ilh fixed bayonet at an intersection, stood unmoving as an atllacllve young gir1 kisRd him Ind stuck a flower In hla jacke\. . A flatbed truck carrying a rock band and dancing glrb stopped ..... lhe 1...,. and tv:o YOWli gltls stripped lo Ille "alol to perform for guardsmen .and ~ tors, who stood 8lllld ID im1>r'Oml>lu •:park'' of planta and grus inllalled on the sti.et pamnent. ). The dtmonltrators cleaned up the slreet Utter when tt waa over. No vloleoce wu reported M• • .. • D t Two YoUD&...,, ,,.,. ~led -one a 18Slllg 1D eser tee.n-a11:e runaway and the other a dem· onstrator -·--·-··-··-... More_ilJAQ ~· dozen vthJC],. Joined Marchm were demaodtng that th e in an uns~t search Fri~ 11e11r fence be torn down, lhet guanfmlen be th<! Mojave Deocrt community ol Lud- removed and the park returned to t h e low f« a l~yur-old Mktway CitJ YoUtb youiii people who built II -planted who •lndered..olf from hb lamlly'a trees, shrubs and crass and installed campsite. , c:hlldren·s playground ·equ1pmtD1. • William ·E. B!>ll•n wu re1'0l'(ed mW. UC Olancellor Roger W. Heyns s 1 Id Inc about noon u l<mperatureo In lhe 'lllunday he 1!tll•ved the ultimate IOIU· ma to mllea wt> ol Bontow oo I h e. tloo to lhe controvmy W• foe lhejCllY hlllh"'1toNeedl,.readied110 clecms· ol Bertaler to 1taM lhe property tor • Sbortll'1 olllcln ad aln:ralt .,, e r e park. to Joi>-lhe.IOll'dl lor Ibo JOldh·lodlY. t I ' SETS PRECEDENT Dancer Carol Cybubkl U.S. Prisoner Escapes Reds g!!:~i:.i.t~1n;-:0..1ii!· o~~ nist captivity and flagged down an Am,rlcan helicopter four ,days l'terfor a ride to safety Friday, military spokes- men said today. "When they picked me up, I was ac- tually crying," the announcement quot. ed Sgt. Kenneth R. Gregory, 23, of AJ.. tus, Okla. The U.S. milltary command uid Gregory was in good condition but' had lost 10 pounds since his capture Wt Aug. 25 in an ambush near Tay Ninh City, m milea northweat ol lllfcoo. Nurses al lhe u,s. Mlh EvacuatloQ Hoopilal In. Long Binb, norlh ot Saigon, fed Grepy fried chicken for his flril meal -"lhe best food I've had' In t long time," he said. The annooncement. aave no details of Gregory's eacape. Orn•• Weadier The Memorial Day holldoJ -kend -to·· ,be bloali, damp, cloudy and de!nalol wftb n\ghl and morning loir ·-llld only a little buy lllllllhlne In all· ......... INSmE TODAY Now kfnd of glou" help "blind" boll '" -"°" told bu hb mother tn uMJ 'BUM' S011 Can Sat Me Now!11 in Family WttkLM. lt't o 1hort step from Hamlet to ham for Carol 811meet'1 .. "°' ond 'banon4" Haroct1 Komwm, cover 1tort11 1'V WEEK. ... ...-. ' ....... ,, --•• -.. _ ... ... -• ...... " . ......... •• 't:'i:.'....i " ::: .... II • " ' ' • • :J DAILY Pl~OT S Stlll!M, M., ll, I,.. " la -er lwo ,..,. ~ -and Fountain Valley may nnd themsel~ with 'a lot of chlldrtn and llOt nearly enough schools. A lack ol state money for buying school sites and supptirtlng achool con· atNCtton his thrown a real scare into the three 1 o c a I elcmtntary school dlslrlCU. Huntington Beach Union High School District b un.affected by the state Ehortige of funds. 11_ys superi.otendenf Dr. ~lax Forney, "because we've never qled state aid in our building program." But Huntington Beach City School District, Fountain Valley School Dis- trict and Ocean View District depend heavily on state Joana lO build their • • --N .... ~. lilolo lln'I . beauoe C.llftm1a COll'I Mil~= boode at five pwoeal lntrlr9t. ~ Two of the dlmict.s, Huntlngton Beach and Ocean View, are preparing re- quests for lot.ns from the state school bond fund, but bave been told tbere is no money al present, and there are about 164 11Choo1 districts already on a priority U.t to rtcelve the fint trlckJe of cash. Foontain Vall«J ls on that priority list for a ~.ooD loan, but had Dlanned to ask for additlo,:lil funds whfeb will now have to wait. What it means is the dislriC( can't build schools rast enough to keep pace witb the rapid growth and influx of chil- . , . • -la llllpl ...... ~ "" -' V4!_11J. '!'Ill 11111 " ' -•It 1lll l«tver, 11!1• lllllrloi lfUliif. iiioWlnt auperln-tendent of the Huntington Beach City Di.strict, but even the delay will throw u.s behind $Chedule on construcllon. Huntinjilon Buch has abo<Jt five school sites lt would like to buy, "but only enough money tG purchase one site, maybe i'wo,'' Palmer toJd trustees Tuesday night. · "And then we won't have any money for construction." he added. Charles Woodfin, ~le superinten· dent for business services of F'ountain Valley District, said his area would be most affected in Its advanced planning. "We feel we need about elght mote HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORESS AND FRIENDS BORNEO aOuND Keufmen, Sergent, V1lenct, Porco Ready to Help Dyaks Beach WomanSeeksArk :To~Take Flock to Borneo .. ";--: Bv RUDI NIJIDZIEUiKI .,:.I'•.. tJI' Of .... °""' """ lleff 'u·~'i ts ~.,~uclcJ 'tabbll!:. gtlal!, IOO. ,-..~r. wo mlss1onar1es, a ~ ' .aitd a doctor -just about •viollJin(' ' t ii... n_eeded to ru.rt a clvi.l;Ja.tion anywhere -1nclud1ng the dark jungles of Borneo. But Huntington Beach's Wyn Sa rgent ls sUll ' seeking an ark -preferably an airborne type ~ which can transport the goods 'tO the Oyaks, a former head-hun- ting tribe in Indonesia, by October. At that time Miss Sargent, a photo- journalist by trade, plans to fly the whole load, including eight tons of medical equipment, into Kucila Kuajan to bring 1i£e and healttr1o 3,000 tribesmen v.'ho are destined ~nction unless something can be done to help them help themselves. ~1iu Sargent became acqultinted with the Dyaks last year wheii she was travel- ing through the Far East and found herself leading an expeditior to an unex- plored area of the Indonesian jungle. What she found appalled her. A ban· doned villages, starving children, ram· pant disease and death werf! everywhere, she recalls. The population \vas dying off at an astronomical rate through a variety o( ~auses,, lo"t'ering the average life ex· ~tancy or a Oyak youngster lo 25. When abe returned to the U.S. las\ fall, ihe became convinced that, if something " • --•, .. DAILY PILOT M1wptrt ..... H•"'lllfh11 h•ch ....... ltftll hnte111' Y.n'•r c .......... CAUfOIHIA OIV.HGI! COAST "USL1$HlHG COM~ANY ll:•b•rt N. Wet4 l"rt,1 ... 1 '""' .. lllllllMt Tit••• ll'.11•!1 E•w fl••111•, A. M11r.,1ri;ft, ~E41!fet -' c.I• MtM: • Wt•l •• , ,,,..... ~ Jffdi: nu ,..,., ''lllH ...,., .. , L._ -.-: m ,..,.., •- """"""""' .. tell! IDf 61~ llf .. 1 t were going lo be done about the con· ditions, ahe would have to do it, &Jnce the Indonesian government deelared itself helpless Jn the matter. Wlth 'r·irtually no assistance she found· ed the Sargent·Dyak Fund, Inc ., with the intent to supply money, medicine and food for the relief of the Oyak people. To date response to the fund has been overwhelming, she says. Numerous manufacturers ha\'e donated medical supplies, equipment, livestock, tools and other items valued at close to ~.000. It is all being stored in a local warehouse prior to the overseas trek. She: has also found two missionaries, W. L. KaufmaM and Vincent Valenc.e, both of the Garden Grove Comm wtlty Church, Ytho will donate one year of their time in order to teach the Oyaks. Alan E. Porco, former Orange Coast Co\lege student body president, has \ olunteered to show the Dy a ks how lo read and write and to teach them their own history . Dr. Louis Netzer will be supplied fo r one year by AmDoc (American Doctcr l, a non-profit organization which sends 1\merican physicians to distressed parts of the world. Together the team will build Its own school, hospital and church from jungle materials. The complex is planhed to pro- vide education, ·health ilnd religlon to an area covering 195 square miles. f.fiss Sargent expects to support the ac· tlvlties by contlnufng her IW\d raising lectures In this country, which have already lnclutled one appearance on a ne\11,·ork television show. Iitform'alion about the: Sargent-Oyak Fund ls 1vatlable by telephoning f.t lss Sargent at 842·3824 or br wrUlng htr at 4001 ?i.toming Star Drive, Huntington Beach. AF Cadet Dates Boss's Daughter AIR FORCE ACADEMY, Colo. (UPI) -senior Cadet Ken C. Nuss has a blind date for 1he Air Force acade:m~·s grad- ua!lon ball ~esday, but thinks knows prttty well what she will look II c." His dale is hill boss' daughttr-Trici1 Nixon,. 23-y~f-Gid daughter of President Richard Nixon. The: Nixons "'Ill fly into ne•rbt Colo- rado S=' 1\iesday. Nuss, who comes from . rllcl. Iowa. will dance wlth f\lia NtJon that evenlni and lillt'.en to her father ~k at commencement c:urciset the nett morning. 'lbt 2l·year<>ld youlb, who haa been on the ~m1ndant'a list for t1etllenct In military lralnin1 and the deln'a list in academies since a ftHbftl•n. 11k1 he has never met Miss Nfxon. I Nuss w•s with the cadet tboraTe at Nixon's inauguration In January but · C!Ollld only see Mlss Niion hotn a dl1· llRC< tbtn. b< aald. "J guesg they'll tell me what color dress she'll we11r 10 the corsage will match," he added. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Fro"' Page l NUDIES ... he continued, sayl~g the conviction demonstrates the effectiveness of the ro- called Red Light District 18w lmposed in the Cybulski case. She will be sentenced June 12 by J udge Paul Mast. facing a maximum of $500 fine and six months in Orange County Jail on each of the 20 counts. The attorney for Miss Cybulski, Moore, said he will ask for a wri£ of habeas cor· pus in Superior Court as early as Mon- day, which could bottom's up the bot- totnless conviction. Moore atso represented Apartment A· Go-Go owner Harry Masselli during his 1967-68 unpleasantness with Costa f\1esa city officials, who finally put his topless join t, Baby Doll's, under wraps. Moore has vowed lo battle the bot- tomless ban which currenlly has five other altogether bars altogether out of competition with more d r e s s y establishments. "I really dread trying lo make any predictions about such appeals," Hicks said Ttwr_sday, noting that every signifi· cant api"llate court case in recent Umes has been Involved in a reversal. "That's the 9nly kind you read about anymore," he said. "\Ve think that we are legally sound, or \\'C \\'OUldn't have gotten where we arc no1v 1\·ith a conviction," the DA ex- plained. Miss Cybulski"s initial de(ense after \'ice officers "'ho revie1\·ed her shapely form via l'arious mirrore d angles was that she 11·as not nude, but coyly attired with :t toupce·li ke item. ll's whars up front lhat count.~. 1101\·ever, and the jury also rejected arguments that her snake dance is an art forn1. The tall blonde broke into bitter tears Tuesday \1·hen the jury returned it s verdict after she had spent several hours knitting in the courtroom. District Attorney Hicks said Thursday that he knows or no other bottomles5 bars operating or even ru1nored to be showing aff the temale ronn in the extreme. "\\'hen 11·c tlo pick up a rumor, we check it oul." the DA continued, saying his men not only get in!ormation on criminal ac!iylty, but also provide csthetlc analyses from time lo time. "They can trll a 9uy where not to spend his n1oncy,'' Hicks quipped. Tax Reduction Bill in Doubt SACRAMENTO {UPI) -Gov. Ronald Reagan's plan for a one.lime election· year income tax ttduction faets a gloomy future In the view of Senate Finance Committee Chairman Randolph Collier. The govtmor's bill to te:mpararily cut the 1t11te income tax by to percent -a sort of surtax ln reverse -was taken un· dtr wbmlsslon Thursday by Colller's commJUtt. The eommltttt also delayed action on a rival bill by Senate OernocraUc noor leader George Moscone of San Francisco. f\toscone wanls to a:lve tupayer1 a 20 percent hlCOfnt t•x rebate thf:s year. No rebate. however. could excttd 175 tor 1 sln&lc person or $150 for a married cou- ple. • I adlool il*io la Ille otll II years," aa,ys 'OO!lflo, '1and we can't tiu.lld any of ~ without state tundii." Ocean \llew Is the leut affected of the three. "We 're not In bad shT. noyt.'' uplalm Richard Jlolllngshea , coordi· "nltor ol the state-aid building program, "we already own our projected school siteS !or .next year." ''We will be hurt in construction," he admitted "and ln our advanced plan· nlng. If bouling..cootinues at r.: present rate we lfill fall behlnd.'' Two alternatives were me.oUooed by Palmer to solve the tight money prob- lem. Ont is to sell local bonds. Newport. f\Jesa Unified School District jwit com- pleted a aale ol $8.f million in bonds to One~man Battle Waged Against Annex Plans Kenneth Lawrence is waging a ooe-man battle against the plan io annex some 200 :icres of Capistrano Palisades to the city ol San Clemente -but he expects to recruit plenty of neighborhood help. Lawrence, of 27012 Del Gado Road, Is one of 61 potential voten who live in 33 homes in the area proposed for merger with the city. The move to aMex the area to block possible Orange County Planning Com- milsion approval of an 80-acre mobile home park was initiated last month by a group of residents headed by B. Franklin Metzleur, of 3501 Camino Capistrano. Met.zleur contended that the city's tighter zoning laws could prohibit trailer parks in the bluff ·view area between the San Diego Freeway and Pacific Coast Highway, north ot the city. He said such facilities are permissible under the county's Jess restrictive zoning regulations. City councilmen listened with favor and Initiated preparation of maps and legal descripiloos for presentation to the Local Agency Formation Commission which rules on· all proposed mergers to county cities. Lawrence counterattacks with, "he can and will prove to the LAFC that most of us do not want to bC a part of San Clemente." He said he and other residents have ~atainijl UM cily but fe lt the an· nexatpl would mean higher taxes with\>AIMJllf;"-its . "~:l'-3)feady 'baVe i'":iur own water district. (Capistrano Beach County Water District) and our own sewer district (Capistrano Beach Sanitary District), and the police protection 'A'e get from the Sheriff's prnce is adequate," Lawrence argues. He admitted that the city may be able to slop cWTCnt proposals to build mobile home parks in the ocean view area, but i::.:lci. "\Ve hnve no assurance that the city \\'ould not permit them at a later date." The LAFC has not yet set a date for hearing on the controversial an::cxa lion llut it may lakt! place in late J une. Dory Fleet Aren Set to Beco111e 1-1 istoric Site Newport Beach's dory fleet will be come a city historical landmark June 11 in ;1 pl:-iquc d(-dic<ition ceremony foJIO\Ved by a dinn<'r \\'i'lh thr. hard-v.·orking fishcr1ne11 anti their families as guests. City crews are completing a remod el· Ing proje<:t on a corner of the fleet area ll'here !he plaques mounted on a hatch co1·rr ...,,ill be installed , A planter and 14 feet of nC\\' piling wall arc being built. The dinner will be at the Balboa Pn vilion, scene or a simil~ landmark dedica tion ceremony last yeor. ri9h caught the same tlay by the fishermen v.·111 be IM'fered at $4.50 per person. Dinner starts at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are available at all branches of the city library or et the chamber of commerce building at 2166 E. Pacific Coast Highway. neservalions are limited. Laguna Council OKs Sewer Line Liuk·up A link~p of Santa Margarita Waler District and the San Juan Capistrano sewer lines u a first step toward regional sanitary facilities, has been ap. proved by the City Council. The Santa P.1argarita District, which ser\'es the easterly portion of ~1ission Viejo, will pay the clty '30,000 annually for maintenance and service. I tile Bank ol America. But the bugaboo In that plan ls that local districts don 't have the credit rating or the available bonds for such a sale. , .... L...... California has a five ~·' interest rate limit on bonds, wiuch has put the damper on both state and local 51Jes, because nationally bonds are now sell· ing at 5.3 percent interest rates. A year ago bonds were selling nation- ally at 4.54 percent and two year1 ago 3.4$ percent. With the high rite now attained. Clllfomia'1 five perceDt limit is out of date, Bank of America has been the only organization wllllng to buy school bonds at the low rate, primarily for public relations. The only etber allarntqve Palm!t suggesle<l wu to find 1 local bu)'<r ror lhe state bonds. If the local dlatrlct did nol have the bondB to sdJ.., be 1ald1o.)ut <.'OUld find a buyer. the '!fate wouhr make an agree- ment to seod the bond money proceeds r.o the k>cal dilir~L. "Only ooe •!'¥• Is trying It though.'' said Palmer, ''becauae it )aket> an ex· tremelj big purchaser." Loe.a educators have no Ide.a when the high bond rates will stop, and the state will have money. "\Ye have an obligation to tell the people who have children how it is," said Palmer, "and there ju.st aren't going to be enough schools here ii the situation stays the sanie." * * * * * * OV Trustee Urges Pleas I . To Solons on School Aid Ocean View School District Trustee Leonard Shane has urged that taxpayers cont.act their legislators and demand passage of a $372 million iricrease in state financial support to schools, Shane, who also serves as chairman of the Citizens for Ocean View School in Huntinglof\ Beach, said, "specifically "'e are urging support of AB 409 as the only realistic school finance measure and the most effective property tax relief the Ltgislature could adopt this year." 'nle Ocean View School District gov· erning board also threw its support be. hind the bill Monday night by passing a resolution "urging and insisting that the TAKES COLLEGE POST Call Him "Dean Dean" Dr. John Dean Evening College Dean · at OCC Dr . John f . Dean has been appointed r·.rning dean of Orange Coast College, it \I :.i~ a1111n11nccd Thursday. Ul•Jn. an instructor and administrator in ll:irbor Area schools si nce 1950, will llr:;in his ne"' duties in August. /\. resi<lent of Newport Beach, Dean is a nali\T of Brid_;ieport , Conn. He received his BS Degree in education from USC in JD:;L! and his rnn slcrs in education from C11Hrornia State·Long Beach in 1955. He earned his EdD Degree from USC in 1966. Dc:in 11·as an elementary teacher from l!l.'.10--1!1~6 and se rved as principal o( lhirbo r View School, Corona del Mar 1rom 19~-1961. Fron1 1961to1966. he was ctireclor of curriculum for .the old Newport' elementary school district. He is now 11 Slaff assistant in charge of cur- riculum. Oil Drilling Meeting Topic Offshore oil drilling and the menace that such Operations could pose to Orange County is the topic for discussion Tues- day al a meeting of homeowners' associations in the Balboa Pavilion. Scheduled speaker for the 8 p.m. meeting is Victor Andrews, president of the Coslal Protective L e a g u e and Orange County chairman for President Richard lit. Nixon In the recent presiden- 1\a l election. The Santa An!J fruit gro\ver is expe<:ted to stress lhe threat that tidelands oil exploration could represent tidelands oil exploration could represe nt-. lo county coastal communities and wild· llf e. The meeting, hosted by Balboa Peninsula, West Newport and Central Newport homeowners aasocl8tlons, is open to the public without charge. I SI.alt of California move closer In .meet- ing its full partnership obligation In su~ porting education by providing the $372 million." SERIOUS PROBLEMS According to Shane many local school districts face serious financial problems next year beea use of the absence of ade-- a,u<1ic. slate support and dissatisfaction liy taxpayers. "Ou r recent successful override helped eliininate the possibility of complete dis· aster, bu t we are still in need of tax re- lief,'' Shane said. ''The biggest problen1," he con- tinued, "is that the stale has not kept pace \\'ilh either the demands for im- p~oved educational services or rising costs due to inflation.'' lie cited fi gures staling that 14 years ago local taxpayers on the average paid 49.1 percent of the cost of public schools and the state paid 47.5 percent in what was described by him as a "near part- nership." State support has been steadily drop- ping throughout lhE' years accord ing to Shane, until duril)g the Jasl school year taxpayers paid 55.5 percent and-the state only 36.5 percent. In the Ocean View District state support decreased from 64 percent in 1964 to 47 percent last year. SH/I.RE TO DROP "During the current fiscal year, the state's share of school support will tirop belo1v the 36 percent mark," said Shane, ''Although education is legally a state function , the Stale of California is now the minor shareholder in the enterprise.'' "This massive shift of school support from the stale general fund to t1le local taxpayer has forced increases in local property taxes, increased the inequities of school support and contributed to a reduction in the quality of educational op- portunities. It's one reason we went to the voters in h1ay with a request for an additional $1.25." According to Shane the state can v.·ell afford the $372 million increase without any increase in state taxes, since $105 million has already been set aside for :schools and the general fund contains an a'ddition&l $250 million surplus. Martin Landau Dropped From T clcvision Show HOLL Y\YOOD (UPI) - Actor h1artin Landau, a star of the popular television series "Missjon Impossible,'' has been dropped from the show effective next season bei:ausc he fa iled to reach agree- ment with the producers on a new con· tract, it was announced Thursday. Barbara Bain, Landau's wife in private lire and his co-star in the series, has fail· ed to report to work on the opening s.eg. ment of the series for next season although she is still in the fourth year of a five-year contract, a spakesman for Pararr.ounl television said. Landau has been working on a year to ~·car agreen1enl on the series, which begins its fourth season ne1t fall , and is under no contractual obligation to Para· mounl although his wife is, a studio spokesman said . Other series co-stars, Peter Graves, c;reg Morris and Peter Lupus, will con- tinue in it when it returns to television screens next fall. Saddlehack's Student -' Loau Fund Get s $200 The Saddlcback College student Loan Fund ha s received a $200 donation from the mrinbers or Leisure World Travel Club Number 'l'wo. f\liss Hope Sans berry. president of the rlub. presented the check to Dr. Fred H. Hrr1nrr, president of the college. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE . LEGAL NOTICE .~ --~-----~----.---------"---------------- • • • . ··salary . Gap I Hits Coast Out for Luneh The Ford Company in London \vj.11 lock its waste baskets to stop industrial s pi e s from stealing trash. "Obviously a company of our size, dealing in .secret projects, has to take precautions," a corn-· pany spokesman said. • r::?ll'! .. T , .. )" The St. Louis Symphony Or· chestra had severaL instrument~ to be used in a concert tested i1l Fiorest Pdrk. Tested were the ~ cannons to be fired duri ng Tschaikovsky's 1812 Overture. • Chicago Alderman Seymour Si· mon says he plans to introduce a resolution asking that the Federal Aviation Authority investigate pay toilets through th e nation to deter- mine 'vhat ratio of the pay toilels at Chicago Airports should be free. Simon, who is trying to get pay toilets removed from Chicago fa· cilities, went to O'Hare Jnterna· tional Airport to inspect the mat- ter. • Dr. Michael Earnest, a U.S. Pub- .Colleges By TIIOMAs FORTUNE Of .. Dtiltr .... tgtf Oranp Ooul and Golden West Junior college ~·are st.ill asking ~ sUll hoping but so far have gotten only sym- patliy on their bid for salary lncre_ases from the board of trustees. Sympathy they can't spend. What instructors want is an 11 percent average pay raise. What Supt. o! Orange Coast Junior College District Norman Watson is prepared to offer 1is a cost-of-living in- crease of about £i(>e percent. "I would hope we (administrators) can continue dlscussiorls with the faculty and arrive at a proposal that is financable,'" Watson told trustees this week. He was instructed to do so . Salary raises asked by the instructors totaling $439,2211 are frankly unattainable, Watson believes. The estimated increase In assessed value tax base and state aid will yield on· Jy about $500,000 in additional income next school year, \Vatson said. Of that atnount, about $300,000 ~'ill have to go for salaries for 30 new teachers, needed to handle increased enrollment. Another $140,000 will be for pay increases routinely due teachers because they have an additional year of experience. Sliding atid S1111ni119 •" ' ..... . lic Health Service epidemiologist in Fort Collins, Colo., had to take time off from his study of tick fe- ver. The reason? He became ill- with tick fever. • That leaves approximately $60.000 for all other needs, Watson said. In eUe<:t, Watsiin has told instructors they are looking In empty pOckets for money. Teachers, whose pitch has been they are deserving of ralses, have not vi gorously protested \Vatson's point. \Vh at do you do on your lunch hour? Some people surf. Some people sun. Others watch the action fro1n the Huntington Beach Pier. This was what. vie\v from the pier was like during one lunch hour t ' '' ' ·~. this week as surfers tested their m ettle a gainst curling. five-foot breakers east of the· :pilili.gs . Meanwhile, back on U1e beacb, bikini-clad blonde took things e?sy. Board President Worth Keene said trustees want to do all they can for the insl.ructors but find their hands tied by legal limits on the tax rate. "I don 't think society yet has decided the worth of a teacher," he cond luced. J,aguna' s Ebells •" J)onate $1,000 s , ui•g~n'~'":.ll'!' "•"•'··•win• ·lilfti. . So"· 'V:· fl:· e·A. "' · 'tne tlir/'b"J &"~tto bbr ·crnd ,.ei.:· • .._ · ~ ~ < 1 • • ..J. • :lii . ,. ... I " taurant called "Tuesda11 s" in NeuJ IP" !.It 1-. ' ~t• Yor~-The first 1dght. fes'tivi~ies, i1t· ~:'-:-.,.U~~a ~a~,-~11 Club .,1 '~~ted a ctud1ng the actress' high flUJng per· $J,Ot!O, susta1nmpi_tmbersh1 gift .to the formance beJiefitted the Marine South Orange CountY YMCA mo~ing the ~orps Scholarship Foundation. "Y" total now collected to .. more than e $11,200 toward a goal of $27,000. The president and founder of the The Ebell gi'ft is the largest sustaining ' '" .. 'Jacl{-in-Box' to Pop Up Eugene, Ore., Taxpayers Prb.tec· membership ever receiv~ by the Soulh tive Association will be sentenced County YMCA from a service group. in federal court June 25 for under-. Other Laguna Beach service Clubs, have stating his income on tax returns ~iven nearly ~·~ to the YMCA. Thc,y Mo11day at Plan11ing Meet covering fou r consecutive years. in clude the K1~anls, $300 ; the Women s Charles L. Potterf pleaded "no Club of Laguna ~at;_h, $100; the Jaycees, contest" in U.S. District Court in ~ an~ the OptimlSts, $168 .. Portland to charges that he failed Service £l ub membe~s in Laguna to report all his income for the Scac~ re~ll~ the, real i~portanC1! of 1963 through 1966. working wit~ young p~ple 1n g~oups, al years • camp, and 1n counseling situations. We certainly appreciate the support they London police caught Graham continue to give the Young Men 's Chris· Buchanan \Vith his hand in the pay-Lian Association," YMCA Director Roger roll truck-but they were on an er-Carler said. rand of mercy rather th an arrest. Buchanan caught two fingers in the truck door. Firemen had to use special rescue equipment to free him after the security guard fainted. • Bill Eastman of Nisswa, Mlnn., had drawn a year's probation for flying high in the sky. Eastman. a pilot, pleaded guilty in Hennepin County Municipal. Court to a charge of "flying 'vhile under the influence of liquor" last Sept. 25. • Lucie Denarigny, alone in her Hollywood dry cleaning shop. look· ed up to bear a gunman demand money. "I don't have a ny,'' she replied and \Valked to the door. The man went, loo. Then she shoved him ·out. He ran to a car, leaped in and le!'t. Meet the People No Decision Yet On Parks 'Pay' Fountain Valley Parks and Recreation Commissioners Wednesday night delayed consideration of pay for commissioners until a decision is made on whether scho· ol advisors to the commission will have voling rights. 1 Commissioners also decided to leave tho.ir meeting date -the fourth Wed· nesday of the month -the same after 1 being informed the planning commission would advise them of all developments affecting city park_s. An agreement for use or part of the city's old corporation yard for little league ball fields was also made Wed· nesday night. Laguna Beach's future Jack-ln-the-Bo"X restaurant will make its first and only of- ficial appearance Monday at ?:30 p.n1. hefOre 'tt.e city planning commission in C.'ity Hall. Aesthetic s-conscious Lagunans ·have been dismayed to learn that the only con· trols the city may exercise in the Jack -in· the-Box design are in the parking landscaping and signing areas. The restaurant is in a C-1 (cont· mcrcia]) 1.one without special architec· tural controls. · · At the meeting a report by. the city Arch itecture and Lal'ld Supervision Com- mittee ( ALSC ) wili be reviev;ed by the romn1issioners. The Al.SC report recom- mends approval of the plans for the Jot City officials noted that under the pro- tective sign ordinance, the jack will not be able to spring, pop or twist'out of his box. llowcver, the standardized grinning clown will be permitted. The restaurant will be constructed on the site of Laguna's Wheel liouse rcstaurapt at 1201 S. Coast Highway. It has stirred controversy among many 'Papa' Kroch Still Lives By JACK CHAPPELL Of ~ Oatlf Pllfl Sllll "I am called 'Pap&' Kroch because I am an old man." The speaker, Adolph Kroch, had a twinkle in his eye and spoke wllh al1 ap- ple strudel acctnt Ulat belies his years in America. At 87, Papa Krocb is anything but old. Working from his book.filled home on Pearl Street in Laguna Beach, Kroch, still is ecUv-in his Ctucago-based bookselli'ng business. And unlike many an old man, Kroell ijlinks in the present tense. ''l always dreamed of America as a pie ·should depend upon themselves, not place ,·ery unusual. A place full or on charity or on the federal govern· idealism. men I," he advises. "I bel;eve it slill is. There are limitles.<J Kroch defined himself as a "hope.Jess pGSsibili(ies, limitless 09portun lties. We optimist. '1 but said he is "truly shocked who are foreigners appreciate m·ore the at the uprtsings on Amtrican college freedom than native Americans: campuses." ''l'U never forget when I was jus~boul "Let them assert themselves if1 non-to land in New York. t saw the Stalue of Liberty and I thought she was holding out destructive ways. I've always thought her tul:nd to me." that the young people should be revolu· Kr&h immigrated to the Unit.00 Slates tionary . But not destroy." . at the age or 17. A lover of book11 sin<:il Kroch recelVCB tra:cs of books childhood, he became a bookstore clet k periodl~ally at hll home. "I look fo~ard alter working ~ieOy Jn industrr-lo o~n1ng them, just hkll presents, he In 1907' Kroch started his own business says.1 as a Ch~ago bookseller. He worked 14 to _d "Every so often, l clear out my library 15 hours every day and succeeded. Now _.-and give the books to the loc•I library the Kroc:h buslnesa. he.aded by his. son. and they like that." He usually reads Carl Kroch, includes more lhan 600 three or four books at the same time .. residents who feel the village atmos phere of the Art Colony is being destroyed by recent building trends among eateries. Arrest Grows Out of Seeds A Santa Ana accountant who couldn't Account for 36 suspicious seeds on lhe floor of his car during routine issuance of a trarfic citation was jailed Tuesday night by Coot.a f\;1esa police. Christopher A. Morgan, 31. of 1.2012 Red llill Ave .• was booked on suspicion of possession of marijuana, along \Vilh a warrant for fa il ure to appear in court on earlier trafric tickets cases. Officer James Farmer said he stopped Morgan on Del Mar Avenue at Elden Avenue and subsequen Uy discovert:d the seeds, as well as an opened bottle or vodka under the front seat. Patrolman Fanner said Morgan gave permission to search the Car. by Book was on a boat ror Spain. Our hayer had ordered five copies. I cabled him. and ordeced 1.000 copies. "The publisher asked me, 'Why did you increase Ute order?' and I said 'Why don't you read the book.' We sold more copies or "Lu.st ror Life" than anything else In the next mohths." Sinclair Lewis, Ernest Hemingway and many other authors used to visit the booksellers' Chicigo offices and Kroch can tell countless Ulles about them. ,Kroch's own favorite author varres from time to time. "Right now, I befleve it is James Michener," ho said, looking around his overOowing library, "Those who love boois, become blbUomaniacs." Kroch said with a chuckle. ., ' ;/ ' . ,.<.:;_ -'""'t Soutliern Cal Graduation Set . ' ••• Southern California College of Coola ?rlesa vd!l hold its commencement ce remonies Salurday \Vllh lhe graduation or 70 students. The baccalaureate service will be held at 10:45 a.m. in the college chapel, with guest speaker Dr. IrvineJ. Harrison, who ·will discuss "Buying and Selling in God's ~farketplace." He is a former president of the college. Commencement will be held at 3 p.m. In the Student Union. Dr. David A. Hub· bard. president of Fuller Theological Seminary. will spei:i.k on "Your Share or Suffering." The public is welcome to atlend. I ' :fire Risk· S~ ,, 1 • -1<:?.:? :"';· "Post,ed in : CtiiU\ty -' Watershed . ·Laiids ' ' I -\ -Fearlhg -a· pOtentlall~ ,d~~1r~!l8\ flte season in orange County's high fire hazard, forest, range and watershed lands,_ State Forestry officials haye posted more than 50 "No Smoking" signs in an initial thrust against the danger. Elmer r·: Osterman, state Forest Ranger and county fire chi'ef, 'said•today the record rainfall in January and February caused abnormally heavy growth of grass and shrubs in the back country. Fire closure areas were posted in the range and watershed lands east of Irvine Park. El Tor6 a·na SM-Juan Capistrano. Signs posted read "No Smoking, Even In Vehicles". Chief Osterman said iL ts now unlawful to smoke in the areas except at place8 of habitation, improved camping grounds or speciaUy_posted smoking areas. Violators face a maximum fine of $600 or U 1nonths in jail or boU:i. The fire chief added ihat all 'internal combustion engine vehicles, esper;lally motorCycles. are required to bav6 ap. proved spark arresters on tb"eir carburetors to drive in the area. Santa Ana Man Killed In Viet War Action fl.1/Sgt. Edmond C. PolonskJ, husband of Mary D. Polanski or 1241 GleriWood Place, Santa Ana, has been ldlled u a result or histile action in the Vietnam war, the Defense Department annoUaCed today. Tie Marine was formerly on the Pen- tagon's "missing in action" list. He was named among a list of 35 servicemertkill· ed in action in Vietnam. He is a man who is a personal friend lo many of· America's greatest authors. He 111 the personification or the Horatio· Alger tiuccess story, H~ 'is i benefactor to local librariei, the SOuth Coasl Community Hospital and to many university students. But most of all~ Austrian-born and rai!;· ed Papa Kroch is i believer 1n America. cmployes and 10 bookstores. "ram In constant t,puch with authors "You are dedicated to your work If you and publlshe.111. l dlacovered Irving Stone. reel tr you don't work. you don't tat. Pco-J read a gaUty or "Lust for Life" as I "When you read books and collect book$, you eventually become 1uccesaful. That's: my philosophy." A FRIEND O~ AUTHOR$, llNIPACTOll TO LllRARlll Al 17, 'Pop•{ Kroch K-Paith ift. - l , { ' . !' I -I'"'"~':'""~--------..,---~--.---~ ----·--;:::---r------------:------...,----·------.-· ------· - \ -.• I Pulpit and Pew ~I 'Bells' To~ "'lbt Blad: Mallftto" wlJl be lhe topic ol the Rev. w ... loJ w. Murrin In the 11 a.m. -,_-IDrDOn'oW 11 Colll -F-a..., 1'131 Onqe Ave. Tbe -allo condllcts 1:4$ ..,,,, SUoday ecbool and 1 o'clock evmlng oervlca. The Rev. Murrin and mem· ben ol the .......... Uon will also~ services le< Park Udo O:;nvaleacent Htxne, SUD- dly, Z:IO p.m. Adult School ol St. J1meo ~~-Via Lido, Newport -will pre- -"Drams ol the Modem Qiurcb'' Juoe f and 11 at I p.m .. 'lbe Rev. John Sanford •t the morning worship .eerv- ol St. Plul's In S.. Dies• ices. Boy Scouts will bold wlll condoct the J>nJC?IIn, ciurt ol -Mooda7, T:a wllich will -15 le< both p.m. and senior choir will re- ....... and 15 le< a single hearse Wedoesday, 7:111 p.m. ~. Tickds w the high school a.rdl of ... er.u..w throtJgh adult ·-will be . available at the door. wW meet 11 o'clock Sunday __ \ morning at Pacific View Morning worship boun are Clapel. Con>na de! Mar. Dr. a and 10:111 o'clocl; Sunday at vlnCmi Gottuso. Jr. will a.m1eedoli L • t •er a a 'fll'UCh m "Communion and ~ •JJ llami1ton, Hunt-Human PrdJ!ems." Ollld care ....,. -Chur<h school Is provided. and .adul( diecuslioo group Communion Sunday at Pl,. meet at t a.m. moadt. CGacre&•tlonal Cbarcb -R. 'lln&ley will speak of Newport -· 3162 oo "A Word About Ourselves'' Broad st., Newport Beach, wtll feature the lenllGa "In Memoriam" by the Rev. Nor- man L. Brown. Sunday ICbool and worship aervices begiD at 10 a.m. Babyllting service is alao provided. "The Holy Spirit and Gilts" la the senl'ion subject to be delivered by Pastor Henry E . Jonea Sunday at 9 and 10:30 t .m. commu ruon services for Ceall'll Bible Cborch, 23rd 5tree( and Orange Avenue, Costa Mesa. At the evening service, 7 o'clock, Pastor Jones will present a visual study entitled "Greatness: '!be Fruit of Adversity." st. ADdrlew'1 Preab)'lerian CB.a, !00 St. Andrew's Road, Newport Beach, will wtJoome a guest preacher, the Rev. Darrell L. ,Gilder, ~( 8, 1:30 and 11 a.m . worilup services. 1be a.s.!istant minis- ter of Christian education at Finl Prosbyt<rlan Chu'E ol Hollywood will speak on 'The P<lrtion of God '1 Spirit.'' St. Wlldreld'1 Epl1copal Cbwd, ChapeH.ane at Ellis, Huntlng14n Beach, will hold a God and Coontry Award Serv- ice Sunday, 7 p.m. Boy Scou!S ol the chun:h who have eomed Ille hooor Include J arneo Branberg, Loon Buch-1 ea, Steve Hadland, £tit Hay· wll'I!, Brian Lln>bdon, Rickie Lambden and Charlco Young. Special . speake<s wlll be District. Cbairman Jerre O. Pienoo, D\strict Commiulon. er Richard E. LyJldon and District Executive WllUam J. o..er. Duplicate worship services are slated fOl' 9:30 and 11 a.m. at Fitat United Methodist Chlll'Cb, 420 w. 19th St., Costa Mesa. The Rev. Richard J. Dunlap wUI preach "Nothing But The Truth." Onu·cli school Is held ooly at the 9,30 hour while nursery care i.s • provided al both worship hoots. Youth Fellowshlp meets at 6:30 p.m. and the Voong Adult Group meets at 8: 15 p.m. Sunday. Pastor Roger G. Betsworlh will preach ''The Yoke of the Lord" at 8oth 9 and 10:30 a. m. services at Commanlty MetltodJ•t Churcll, 6M1 Heil Ave., Huntington Be a ch. Church school and nursery are also held 11( lheee hours. Coolnmunion will be cele- DAILY P'ILOT ....... "° JICll CllallHll WITHERSPOON BELL RINGERS TO PRESENT ANNUAL FESTIVAL Kevin, Bishop, Janine Fisette, Bob Boyd •nd Ann Robertson Set for Event brated at the church Sunday, 8:15 a.m. with a service Jed by Pastor Young. Methodist Youth Fellowship will meet Sunday, 7 p.m. in the church social hall. Trinity Sunday at St. JobJl the Divine Episcopal Church, 2043 Orange Ave., Cosla ~1esa will be observed with commu· nion at 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. services. Sermon at the serv· ices is entitled "The Reality of the Trinity." Sunday school classes meet at 9:30 a .m. and young people meet al 1 p.m. Communion will be offered by the Rev, G. Russell ·Shaw at 9:30 and l 1 a.m. services for Finl United Methodist Church. 2721 Seventeenth St., (See PULPIT, Page 5) ... The Wither_. Bell llin(era ol the Con!mudty ~ Churc h ol Lof!UPI Beoch will~ tho lourlb amual Feolival ol Bells on June 4 at 7:30 p.m. The program, under ttie direction ol Ml$. Rolf -· will be """""«! ill the """""'" of the chwdl by -youlh bell -· A gourmet build dmner will be provided by the bell riqferr and their mothers at 1:30 p.m. in the Fellowohip Hall ol the church. Cost will be ttJO for adults and 75 cents f« children. Reservations may be placed by phoolns 494-71$5. 'M>e program of music will Include the Wit he rapoon Junior Bell Ringers, th e Witherspoon Bell Jlqen and the Witherspoon Concert Bell Ringers. The lasl groop, hilll> ochool co-eds, will hlave en JUM: 24 to participate In lhe Natmal Bell Festival of the American Guild of English llandbell Ringers in Grove CJty, Pa. ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY LOOKING FOR MEANING & RELEVANCE? '" FAIRVIEW BAP11$f CHURCH IA. L C.I F•irvlew Rd. At F1lr Dr., Cost1 Mell 9 A.M.-Chwch School I 0 A.M.-Worship D1 ma S 1 r 'lltlf; D .... We St..ty ..... ..... _. ..... C1 111111 -S45-461t HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH ' 11so....,1r .... .....,,c......_ I ..... c.-. ....... .,.., Sunday SchOOI 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11:00 a.m. I Baptllt Training Union 6 p.m. Evenin1 service 7 p.m. Wedntsday Bible Study & Prayer ........... 7:00 p.m. : I• ARST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH ,'1 I 610 HAMILTON, COSTA M!SA Sunday Sct. .. r ••••• , • 9:45 Mornint WorsM, •• , , 11 100 ....... '4J.tll1 Tr1inlr19 Uniot1 , • , •••••• 6:00 1 Ev1r1in9 Wor1hip •••••••• 7:00 WM, h111in9 S1r"l'ic1 ••• , 7:00 N__.,1.1_,.A...._ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES laANCHIS Of. TMI MorHll CHUICH THI PllST CHUICH Of CHllST. SCllNTIJT IN IOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS "Ancient And Modern Necromancy, Alias Mesmerism And Hvptnotism, Denounced" Subject of Lesson -June l Cost• Me11 -First Church of Christ, Scientist 21h M-V_,. Dr., Cado MaH S.IHley Sd1Hl-t:11 A.M. Cltttrctt Senic.-11 A.M. 1...a .. IOOfllo 2110 M ... Y ... Dr. Huntln9ton Beech-Fir1t Church of Christ, Scientist 110 01"'9 CIMtrcll I s-tA.y Sdlffl-t:30 & 11 :00 .... 1 ..... _.1e Olfn c THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welcomes You . ST. JAMIS. JJOt Ylo LUo, N"'°" ik«ti s..l9y Senkes-7:JO, t :OO, 11 :00 T......, 1 O:JO -l"llwMay 1:00 ,,,., H.ty hdtorht & tt.olhlt Senlc.ol \), lee.for, tlle .... .1-. P. "*' II: Aao., Tiie 11:..,. DrrW en...., Phone: 675-0210 ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS Pacific View Dr. at Marguerite, Corona del Mar Sundays: 8:00, 9:30 -Child Care at 9:30 Holy Days as announced All locos Welcomo I lactor, Tlla 1..,, Jolui l•n D••ls -Pk11e 644·046J ,,; 'I' ST. JOHN THE DIVINE;--2043 Orange Ave., c-:-M. Sundays 7,30 & 9:30 Church School -9:30 Thursdays: 6:30 & 10 a.m.; Holy Days as announced Yks. Tllit ..... Jo-.. w. Do..tdlo11 -,._ 541·1126 EPISCOPAL ' I ~ I I Newport Harbor Lutheran Church 2501 CliH Dr. LI 8-4293 Tira '"· ........ 1141•. hmr Tllale¥ ...... J.I~ ,_., . ..,.,.. .. ,..,, Sanlot ...... l::it-f:• •. lft. SlllMltr ldltoll ...... t:U-11:41 •""- Won111, ktYkm .... 11 :•11:• Nursery care available at all services WELCOME Lutheran Church of tho Master 2900 Pacific View Or. CORONA DEL MAR DR. V(ILLIAM R. ELLER Phona OR i-5022 1:45 A.M,..-f•mil'y Wonhl, 9:45 A.M,..-Su!Ml1y Chwrcll Sch•ol 11 :00 A.M.-Fertiv• Won hl, """"- CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Missouri Synod 760 Vlctorle St,. CG1ta MaM Lathar v. Tornow, Put« 541 5404 Worshl, ScrvlOU! l:U • 11 A.M. Stlllllly SdlMl1 ,, ....... A4urt altH ctn.: t :JI A.M. CHllSTIAN EllMINTAIT SCHOOL ........ '.========:1.· UNIVERSITY BAP11ST CHURCH . L19una Beech -First Church of Christ, Scientist 6JS HIP Dr. CINrdl I SllltHy Sdlffl-t:JO & 11 :00 ......... Ill. 214 ..... Aft. PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH ii ST. "!!.!f.RJ!! ,!!~S=-~~~ .. ~~URCH ............. "" C.llt1niu. T1W .... J-c. catlJ, ... ,u .. M•11 V1rd1 Ori~• I l•k11 Str••t, Cod• M•1•. C•lif, Sunday Services AHO•D C. AHDE•SOM. .. _ ZllJ S. L PAUSADIS ID. SANTA ANA Hll5HTS ICl9IDAY SCHOOL ............................... ~ •. f:O A.AL MOIUll... WOIUMIP ..... ·•··••··•••••••-•••••••••"' 11 A.M. aV.NllllO W09:SMI'° , ..................... , ............ J P.M. MIDWl'llC SIAVICI WEDHISDAY ............ ,.,. 7:21t l",M. Newpcirt Beech -First Church of Christ, Scientist JJOJ Yhi Liff Wa.• L Adtll. l'attw CIMlrdl P"-MS-lU1 )E:s::;""""'l!!!!Ei""""'-""""""""""""""""'~:1 CIMlrr:ll & S.iwky Sd1Ml-t:15 & 11 :00 1"41 .. IH11t. JJI 5 Yl4I lhlo Newport Beach-Second Church of Christ, Scienti1t FIRST , IAPTIST •CHURCH FIRST CHRISTIAN , CHURCH 3100 P•clftc vtow Or., C•rofHI ftl Mar Cllurcll & fullfty Sc:hool-10 A.M. lacNl"f aoo..........Zl6l I. Cout Hwy. ' .. _,_ C~c. IWtbU ' J7411 ........ M. ' --.... 0-....... Victoria & Placentia Ave . Costa Mesa J .... t . PWcy Mlnllt.r Dntla HMl9" 'l'wtll Milli1t1r S11M1y School •••• f :lO &11 Moniiitt Wonhip , , f :JO & l I ~ .............. ~ l .rt't WN'1fli.o ,. .... .. .. . I:• t .11\. a-. SdlOtl ........ .,, J:M 1.m. M9ntl119 W1rslll1 ........ 11:41 a.11'1. Y...itt °""111111 .... ' .... " .. • .. 6 ""'' Vllll'VI ................... J 1.lft. Nursery Care Provided 141-4771 Ml4J41 -' 142-2428 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH I Mein & Acl•ms Streats 1: Huntington Be•ch 646-9512 e~ri6lian Gf MIWPOIT llACH-1" \1•1 ....... I I' ,, ".,. D •• , ...... 421 L 1• It,. C.-. .._ Cburch School -9:45 A.M. Wonhlp -10:45 A.111.m ......,c.. ft11 .... "'-' •75-HIS ¥Jn1"1er: Dr. D. W. McE11o1 ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH I All are cordlally invited to attend the church services ·11 and enjov the privileges of the Readinl? Rooms \ Chi\' C•,. Pro.!de4 AT .AU SEIYICIS ·I ' I CHURCH OF CHRIST 287 W. WILSON ST., COSTA MESA lrTWllN HAllOI n4 FAlllllW SUNDAY MORNING lllLE STUDY . , , ,. , . , . , ..• , , . t :45 AM SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP I COMMUNION •• 10:45 AM SUNDAY EVENING WORSHIP . , .......•••••.•••• 6:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY EVEN,.INS l llLE STUDY , .....•••••• , 7:JO PM NUISllT CAll;E PltOVIDID Seventh-Day Adventist Churches c-- tn A~ StN9t JoM Slrlown'I•~•. ,.,,.., 'llelMI! l41°6St6 ·---... ~ !Mtfl st..... .... Cllllrd JJ71J er.... • ..., h;twy ............... , • t :IO AM A. E. l •wtOfl, P11i•t ..... w...., .. ll iti AM Pho11•: 4t2.JtJ6 ~ Sct.ol , ••• t :Jt AM ,,.,_. ........ • WM • 7:,t JM ManMt W...., •• 1 Dill AM 1111 A.M. Hi1tY C--""' l:~A.M. 1'1mH~ S«Vk1 & Cl'lwtll It• l'.M. •-a " Schllll 71:111 ,.M. .,,..... l1 1M A.M. MOl'ftl~t W"""t. v ... owaaa Mul"H'f}' c. .. """"'"° First Assembly of Goe( Church 1:1 146 E. 22nd St., Co1t1 Mes• S,fJ..3761 M. C. Cronic, Pastor R1y Nick11o n, Mi~i1t1r of Youlh SCHEDULE OF SllYICIS Su'"'-\'-Cllurcll Sck•I •••••••••••••••••••• , ••• t 1Jll •·"'· '°"'"' Wonlllp • • • • • • • • • • 10:50 •·"'· I 7:00 '·"'· HARBOR REFORM ffMPll metting at a St. James Episcop1I Church 3209 Via Lido, Newport Be•ch SABBATH SERVICES -RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Pr•y•r ~11li"f• S.turd1y t :lO A.M HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W. Wilson, Cost• Mesi Y. L. HllTWECX, P•stOI" 541-4704 CAIL GINTIT Ml11l1m •f M11lc -SUNDAY SERVICES f :4S A.M.-Svltdoy Scllo .. Clns" fer •II ops 10:50 A.M. -"Wtust We hflne" N•. t . 5-rll'IOll by , .. ,.., 6:00 P.M. -Tourti Senice 7:00 P.M. -11: .. Srobo Gff'lr S,..•er COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURC .. tHt ,_..,, A•, IT..._, I M°'"ll•), POUNTAIN tAUIT UNIF tlD SER.VICE • Sund•v School ':JO-WOISMIP • IO:JO Wor11illl' A Y•11lk Group1 • 6:10 p.111. Nu11•ry P,_•icl1d 11 •II otnolc11 " C-ltr ~ -\llViwl "'-A~n lrtk- ... , ....... s,...ill .....w,1!'t ...... UNIYllUITY PAllK KHOO!, l•A a ~wt l1t UAi..r.tfy P.n OllMIPi 11JJI AM. PRAY FOR PEACE ... : H. HI«......, P•tiH 111.1211 ' ' ( Motnlrlt Wor&fll': l :to. t :XI • 11 :00 SU!'ldlY School : l :GD, f:JO • 11 :OI Prine• of '••c• lutli•r•ll S11!ool -Mi11 E1fli•r Ol1ui, fri11cip•f Office Phon•; 5'49-0511 School Plion~1 149..0162 I W1 l•li••• lri Yo"' ..• UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH I Attend the church ! 1159 Viclori• St., Codi M•1• ,,, •652 5~nd•n -10::)(1 A.M.' of your choice on Sunday ,!, ,I, I '~~~g:;;;~~~~ i A Cordial Welcome from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH l1lbo• 1,1.rid COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 115 Ag•lt 675-0950 1:15 lnform•I Wor1hip t :]O Tr•dition•I Worshi p I Sund•y School Coit• Mt11 FIRST UNITID METHODIST CHURCH ltth SI I H1rbor llvd, Worship I Church School t :l'l I ti AM 548-7727 Coit1 Mt•• North MESA VERDE METHODIST CHURCH M111 v.rd• a 11k•r s+. 549-2719 Wor•hip • Church School 9:00 1 IO:lOAM Huntington l11cl1-Norlh COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 6662 Htil A••·· .142-4461 Worihip I Church Sch .. I t I IO:JO AM lrvin-E1tt l luff UNIVHSITY METHODIST CHURCH W•r1hi p •••• 1:10 AM IJJ.J1Jl Me1tin9 l•mpor•ri1y In St. M•r~ Pr•1byt1ri•n Church t:1~tbluff Dr. I J1mbor1• Rd. L19un1 l••eh LAGUNA IUCH METHODIST CHURCH 21612 'W11l•v Dr in So. L19un• Wor1hip •:lO I 11 AM Church School •:JO AM 49,.JOll Huntington l••clt N1wport •••th FIRST UNITED CHRIST CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH IY THE SEA 2721 11th St ... ,.5)6.JSJl 1400 W, l11bo• l l•d. S•,...ic•i -t :JO I 11 •·"'· 67J-ll05 I Nur1•ry thru 2nd t••d• • 11 Worihip I Church Sch•ol Church S<hool -t :l O 1.m. 9 I IO:JO A.M. 11~~~~~~~=; PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES I of the Coastal Areas , Christ Church Presbyterian I I . JOll2 M..-no I,._, A,._I H...i..-... ltoctt .... Al ... o. s ........ lilteii• ....... S111ttey W.,.Wp: t :JO AM Chnclt Sclrtool: 10:45 A.M. Oflke ll S l,.. Sf. ,.._ tM-4t41 Church of the Covenant JISO Flihlil'w I .... Ceft W.. lru<• A. Kurrl•, P•1tw ,,....., Wtll'Slll, • a.d SUMI: t :JO 11ll1r1 S4MJ04 . St. An••w's Presbyt9rlan Church '" ................ .....,.., .... CHAIUS1HnatT Dldlfilftil.D, PASTOI W ..... , c:a.cti kMot: L t :Jt I 11 AM 11 r M~7147 St. Mark Presbyterian Church C..... l1 .. 1rcc • ....... MN, c.,... '91,M« ............ IC"'-..... W.,..,. a a.a W....-11 AM 644-1141 Community Presbyt9rian Church 411 ......, A ..... (at ... It.), laths .... DALLAS TUINll. JAITOI ' WanM, • l :JO & 11tlt A;M • .....('1iwd;,...... • t iff A.M, 4f4.7111 I I (Contlnaed from Page 4) Huntington Bea-Cb. Church school also meets at these h<>urs. "n 1ings Worth Dying 'For'' ii the sennOh stlected by Or. Philip G. Murray for 10 a.m. worship serv ices Sunday at Corona del Mar Community Congregational Churcb, 611 Heliotrope Ave. Child care and church school also are provided at this hour. A series of .dramatic scenes entiUed "Where Am I Going .... What Happen1t Next?" will be presente<i Sunday and June 6 and 7 at Fairview Bap. ti1~ Church, 2525 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, 7:45 p.m. The presentation by the rep- ertory group Theater in the World will ask a donation cf $1 for adults and 50 cents for children. "Prepared Childbirth" a film sponsored by the Unitar. iai1 Universalist Church Wom- en's Federation will screen ·Friday, 8 p.m. at Unitarian Church, 1259 Victoria St., Coo- ta Mesa. Dr. Howard E. Marchbanks, Anaheim obste- trician, will speak and a ques- tion-answer period will follow. 'fhe public is invited and re- freshments will be served. "Living in Heaven Now" will be delivered by Dr. Henry Gerhard for 9 and 11 a.m. services at Church of Reli· gious Science of Laguna Beach, 200fi2 Laguna Canyon Road. Junior Church and high school youth meet during the 9 a.m. service. Baby care is prov:ided -0nly for the early service. . 'The church sponsors Thurs- day. JO a.rn. lectures at Leis- ure World, Clubll.Quse Two. The public is welcome. Communion meditation serv- ices are slated this Sunday at Flrat Baptist Church of Hunt- ington Beach at Peek's Chap. el, 7801 Bolsa Ave .• Westmin- ster, 9:30 a.m. and Hunting- ton Beach Chapel, 6th and Orange, l l a.m. Church school, 9:30 a.m., meets at the downtown chapel. "Parsonette's Night" with Mrs. Adele Loar will be pre- sented during the family serv- ice, 1 p.m. Mi_ssi~ary C-Ommissioning 1 servic~. t:i: ~t for ~Wlday, 6 p.m. at Huntington V a 11 e y Baptist Church, !rl79 Slater Ave., Fountain Valley. Church members Mr. and Mrs. James Misseldine will begin work in Orange Coonty ·ror the Los An- geles Hebrew Mission. .Regular Sunday services will be held at I I a.m. with Sllllday school classes at 9:45 a.m, Youth hour is set for 5 p.m. Sunday activi~ies at Elli• Av~nue Baptist Cb urcb, 8121 Ellis Ave., Huntington Beach include Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.; worship services 11 a m. and 7:15 p.m.; and Bi.bl~ study and Training union. 6 , p.m. Youth recreation nights , are h e I d Mondays 6 t'o 8 o'clock. ' The church is sppnsoring a Yo u t h emplo:tment service which may be contacted be- tween 9 a.m. and noon by ·phoning 847-6067. A wearing apparel drive for 1 the Indian school at Banning is also under way at the • church. Donations are accept· ed at the church or by phon- ARBUCKLE & WELSH 'Westcllff Mortuary 4%7 E. 11lh St., Cosll l\1esa - __ , ____________________ _ Pew Murphy, SU.Z117Zior ang<ment.s. First ChrisLlu Churth ol Laguna Beaek, 285 Legion S(., will hold! worshlp services ai 10,15 a.if. Sun<i.'\Y wltll Ille Rev. !l'*e Clllbtn1 pruch. ing "Is ~he Churc'll Neces.. s¥>:f" A~the !Vening service, 7 o clockJ he will speak on "To See \he End." The ch~ch will hold a com- munity-witle prayer tireakfast Sunday) 1 ... a.m. a&_iolfy Ro_g~r Restaurant. No reservations are necelfsary. .l - "A Look at Our Attitudes" is the ser.!lon to be ·mven by the Rev. James E .. Piercy at 8:30 and 10 :40 a.m. for First <.'br1•~q Church, 792 Victoria st., COsta Mesa. During the Vesper Hour 7 pJ;;., he will speak on "HOw Big Is Your God?" The congregation or New. port Ha~bor Lutheran Church, 2501 Cliff D r l v e, Newport Beach will hear the Rev. '""'"-'* Warner Avenue &wtist Church's Assistant Pastor David B. Wood will be ordained $un- day evening 7 o'clock at the church. Wood is a graduate or Taibot Theological Seminary and has worked as youth pastor in the Huntington B e a c h Church since 1967. J'•Ml Mrs. Bernard O'Laugh- lin of Huntington Beach ''ill participate in a program entiUed "Por! 'trait s o( Ameri~an \Vomen" at First Chris~ tian Church, June 13, at noon: The luncheon and panel is sponsored by the Christian Worn· en's fellowship, s- Fountain Valley First United Me Ibo d ist Church will host Dr. J. Edward Carothers Sun~ day, 9;30 and 11 a.rn. Pastor Carothers· has worked in the Melh<r dist church for 37. years and is currently gener· al secretary of the na- tional division. • Sll"dtr, M1y 31, 1'69 DAILY l'ILOT * •- ''Demand' Re~ponse • Less Suppo rt f(}r Blcwks-Hinte(l.~ By Lo1J1S CASSELS The black militant manlleoto demanclJns $ 5 o O million in "reparations." tram u.s: ~ and 1J111g0111es may lead to less rather than l more religious support for Negro causes. Major denominations which have been providing funds for community «11anliatioD In black ghettos are ptllnJ a severe backlash Crom· white church members wbo see tho manl!esto as e_vidence tha t their money is being used to en c'o u rage revoluUonary violence. THE DEMAND for repara- tions, backed up by a threat to seize church property and "disrupt" tt!:llgious activilies, was adopted last month at a National Black Economic Development Canferenee In Detroit. clellberately -to Ian white apprtltetWons. It calls ror "total disruption" o f chudcb aclivWes, lncludJni ..-Jp ....ices -a tacl}e which Form:.n dramatbed on May 4 by breokJn& up a service. at Riverside C2wrclt 1n New Yori City, It allO urief black people to ''seb.e tbe cl4 fioes, telephones and prlntlne apparatus· of au c ~u 1' c b sponsored """'"" and bold tbete In truoteahlp 1iutll our demands are met." · tactiCI advocated bJ F- "Wlil haoten the pola-af• and ~ In cixn- munlcaUona between radlJ1 groups." Another ProtCltenl -· who prelemd lo -anonymous, said the~ la that white church .....,.. wlil respond lo the -t lone Of the manll-bJ saying, 11Well. 1f that'• the way they're flOiJ\s to tali. lo hell with them.'' "WE CAN'T turn our backt GIVING FlJLL re I a to on t h e Negro's strugle for revolutionary rhetoric, tbe equality just becauae aome manifesto at another point militant blacks say things we declares that "pressure by consider outrageous," be ..W. whatever meattS necesw-y "Tbi.5 ls a time when white should be applied to the white Christians must rtmember power structure" and adds what Jesus said about tundnc that "we .JI..e not opposed to the other cheek and going tbe force and"w6 are not opposed second mile. It won't ~ euy to violence." to make a Christian responM George J. Busdiecker preach----------------------------- "How Big ts Your God?" at . The con fere n ce was sponsored by I be lnt.r- rellglous FOW>datioo !or eom. munity Qrganllalion (IFCO), an agency set up in 1966 by ten Catholic, Protestant a n d Jewish bodies to coordinate religious support for develop- ment of black economic and political power. AUhougb privately deploring lo this kind of provocallcn. tho tbr<at ol es1ortion by But neither hu lt been tal'f force, white church leaders for black people to pUt up'wttb have sought publicly to play white arrogance all tbele down the more ioflamm&tory years," he said. bot.h_S:JO and 11 a.m. services Sunday. Communion will also be celebrated'at both services. niversary, l\tount of Olives \'ited . LuUJeran Church, !!'4 7 7 2 tion b slated. VacaUon Bible School Js scheduled for Jillie 16 tbrooiJt 27. aspecb ol the manileolo. !;;i;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o The Naticmal Council ol CbUrcbes, In 1ta ol!lcial -II' BUSI N_ESS AND New confirrnants will re- ceive their first communion at the II a.m. hour. Sunday is also the deadline for buy- ing tickets for the June 5th Father-Son Banquet. ~hri~nta Drive, Mission .Vie-"Who Jesus Was-According JO, ~ill hold c q,m mun 1 on -to the Bible" is the title of the services at 8:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday. news bulletin, ..,.au ol the PROFESSIONA~ reparations demand as a re- Comm union will be -0ffered at 8:15 and II a.m. services ai Christ Lutheran Church, 760 Victoria, Costa Mesa. The Rev. Lothlll' V. Tornow will speak on "Haw Does One Be- 1.ieve?" Sunday school and Bible classes meet at 9:30 a.m. and nursery care is provided dur- ing all church services. Lutheran Church of the J\.taster, 2900 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar, will hold worsh,ip services at 8:45 and 11 a.m. with Dr. William R. Eller preaching "A Prophet Is Born." An adult inquiry class meets at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays in preparation !or church mem- bership. Fifteen new members will be received into SL Mark Presbyterian Church Sunday, at the JD a.m. communion service. The theme of the sennon to be given by Pastor James G. Kirk wilf be "Quenching the Unquenchable •. Ttdrst." The church, located at 2UIO ·Mar Vista, Newport Beech, ho lds church school and child care at JO a.m. also. Celebrating jts second an- At n.oon a ch)cken dinner will be served followed by a program on the history of the congregation. The public is in- Drug Use Prevention Plan Slated ' A beach invasion launched by over JOO teenagers from the Wilkerson Drug Preyen· tion Program of Orange Coun· ty will hit San Clemente Beach today and Sunday, according to Bill Miner, drug prevention program director. The Wilkerson young people· will join forces with "Youth Challenge" directed by Max Rapaport of San Clemente, to distribute tracts explaining hazards or drug use as well as to help teenage drug users or direct them to proper rehabilitation sources. The Wilkerson Drug Preven- . tion group operates a~M hour telephone hoti.tine ser\rice to give consultation on drugs or other pfoblems (714 -778- 1000). 'Ibe group also has a home placement service for homeless, troubled youths. ''Mike Peper Day'' Recently approved missionaries to Korea, the Rev. and Mrs. Mike Peper will be honored by the First Baptist Church or Costa Mesa Sunday. Former Ko- rea missionary the Rev. Jack Baskin will be the guest speaker al 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The Rev. Peper, sermon to be delivered at ti a.m. for Fountain Valley Prtsbyterian Cliurch, 9 4 2 O TAibert. At the family hour, 7:30 p.m. an evening of music with congregaUon participa- 'fhe Keynotes, a trio £ro'm Pasadena College, will present a program of sacred music at Costa Mesa Church of UJe Nazarene, -1885 Anaheim St., Sunday, 7 p.m. The manifesto, drafted by James Forman of the student Noi:i-vlolent Coordinating Com- mittee, seems to have been 200 Attend New Church Ceremonies quest, and disposes of the ac-GUIDE '• companying threats with the:I?. ________ ...., ' bland statement that "various • MATIRESSES e ! measures to obtain the , :~.~rations·' also were spelledl.---MA-TI-R-ES•S•E·s--"' BOATlll •ROMES. TRAD.atl ba~:l~~hirt~hiZ~~~~~~~~ eo.::Z :.;:: Co. ·;. • lion, Dr. Kenneth G, Neigh of t ut Newport lllYd. , the U n It e d Presbyterian Uberty 8-1303 j. Church sent an urgent JeUer11r----------' • to all Presbyterian ministers, e a&suriog thejn that IFCO (which g e t s Presbyterian • r UPHOLSTERY money> does not condone the Mesa Upholstery ' • L manUeolo's call for disruption . of church services. Ub e "781 " Voicing the private concern erty ...., l ~ of many white church leaders, 2351 NtwPOn ILYD. ~ · Over 200 persons attended 1 _o'.::r'.:.'...'.N:::eJ~g~h_;pr!'.'.,'.':ed'.'.ict;::ed:._:lll:•:_t .:th'.'.'e~=========! t the special service recognizing •· the establishment of the ,, I' Church of Religious Science of , Newport Beach last Sunday. Many South e T n California ministers were present to honor the Rev, Albert Burke, minister of the church. Miss Gisele Mac Ke n z I e performed as soloist at the services. 'Mle Rev. Burke, fonnerly o( Beverly Hills, was also visited by other en· 1~· ~~ terta i nment wo r ld!; personalities including Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nolan, singer Jack Smith and television pro- ducer Sidney Sheldon and his wife. 1.-.~ DELIGHTFUL INTIMATE DINING FINE WINE & SPIRIT& SOON IN CORONA DEL MAR 'fhe new chµrch, a memberi-------------------- STAR AT CHURCH OPENING Gisele MllcKtnzie With Rtv, Albert Burke churcb of United Church of Religious Sc I e nee, Los Angeles, held its first seTvice Dec. 22, 1968 and now meets each Sunday morning, 11 -0' clock, at the Orange Coast YMCA's Griffllll Ch a pe I . overlootfng Back Bay, WANT INTEREST .-- ON YOUR BANlt CHECKING ACCOUNT! YOU CAN'T OBT IT BUT WJTB PACD'IC'S IWl'iell 'N SA.VE ACCOUNT Y11 •do ll•Dlt a 11111 lly llllllitl a lat Ila ••lllY in ' ,_ ct1 I ' a •n mt• a lat mn la yaar Pacilic &" Pa 1baok Aaaat ad twlbfi11 •••If llldc •d tonh • llflll a,,.. •· ....... at Big Savings with your local Mobil Dealer , ' l • • ' ' . ·-' . •• ' BALTZ MORTUARIES who is a 1960 graduate of Newport Harbor High Coreaa del Mar OR 3-"511 11_.:_Sc.:.h.:.oo:....::l,_anc.:..:d.:.bi=·.:.'.:f=amil=· .:.Y.:.w.:.ill~l~ea~v;•;';o~r~K;o~r~ea~in;J~un~e~.~I ever,. dollar earu nnr !lg: It 11 la COIU Meu Ml t-%4%1 II BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY llt BIOAlway, Colla Me11 lJ 14433 DILDAY BROTHERS RanUDllOD Valley Mortuary 17911 Beacb Blvd. Huntln .. on Beach u2.m1 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL p,\(\g r~metery e Mo rtuary Chapel uot Pacltlc View Drive Ne1'(10f1 Be .... Calllonia 144-!'1 .. • PEEK FAMILY CO LONIAL FUNERAL DOME 7101 tsolu Ave. WestmlDm.r 11WS!S SHEFFER MORTUARY Lagun• Beacb <M-111$ SU Cltma&e flUtOt SMJTll'S MORTUARY 1:1 Mohl SI. '.' Baltq1n- LEMA9 Dedication Of Torah Set Torah Dedication Service is slated Friday, 8 p.m. for Harbor Refonn T e m p 1 e , Newport Beach. A Torah with a \ong history will b e dedicated to the temple. 'l'he service at St. James Episcopal Church will also mark the first anniversary of the Jewish eoogregation. Rab- bi Erwin Hennan will of- flciate . Harbor area civic leaders have been invited lo the opecial services. Harbor Greens tennis club A new priv•te tennis club in Costa Mes• for fun -lov- ing adults, N•• c••rfl -s•l1111"'l"t ,..t -1.chf .... .,._ fecllltles -s--••ntthl cl1m. ....,. ,, .. ..,. r.1te•l111• " ....., whti t1f11 ... _ ~~ { oirliovm flemoriol Jlork I I The SouJhla11J's Moll Btllirtiflll MtmorUds MAU$0lfUM • COl.UMLUIUM • C ... ntl"I' ~~jTREES.,.~ .. ~:!ORLD ..... ,... ...... 0..: ( ,.. ......... Aeeoaat- n• •• taat w daf. "' 1 ·r• r-rrllAii--1 1 fil''rl..., .. ,,415.,. 11••1111111111 •a I• ... M I ~Mlilll llllL -..... II"" IJlll I • ...,. .... -fn• 11J11lt If 111'1 ...,. .... nnl ... 1Jr1111111t. ;. . -~ ••Ill Cllltll-~ILT~ , 251' .,.., ticlloo, Olln ~I ..,., -A 25"-----· -.. -.. ........ • rllllJ -.._ ....... __. • NI 110/J/r--tllolts/M to• ___ ,.,., See your favorite local MobO Dealer todlJ llld h..., him "Ti re-Op" your •UIO· with ft'llli lllW Mnbll Tires-all II bfg NYll!Qll IO you. FREE INSTAUATION, OF COURSE. NO MONEY DOWN 12 MONTHS TO PAY ,... ... ..,,. .... ~,.,.. -Mobll 11N9 to ,.,...Molll Qd CW. PIY nalltl119 down and tue up to a yw la Pl)I, 1111 <or • lllld Clll)fflll ~ . • J . i . . I r---------. . • •• UILY Pll.fT . . ' ·-=-c ..... --.,...--~----------------·--. - ------- • ' t I Meet Justice Warren Earl Burger • , , r A .. ta.--rltl e11e1 lu $up~nee C0urt untl,lt• profJ,afJle new direction• under -leueraltlp. l'-'11 -•t to reetl the pltllo•opltle• fJ e lain d the nl!tll Chief .JQtlce, teell eqressetl In thl• -•ri>••f.n9 artlele. Sa Id Prest. . ' I dent Nl.:ron'• director of eommunlcetfons, Bef'fJet't G. Klein: "In urrlvln9 . ' ' ·/ -' ut .hu hlttorle lleclsfon to nominate .Judge, Wurren E. forger .. Cltlet Ju•• tlce ol the Vnitn States, one ot the factors that lnfhceneed President Nixon teas this article In V, S. Ne~s & World Report." The article Is the te.:rt of a speech delivered fJy .Justice Burger ut Ripon College, Ripon, Wl1eonsl11. Heart, ·Philosophy Behind Mr. Justice Burger ' , Copyright 1969, "U'.S. !'l<Ul<. ~ World Report" Published at Washi"9-: to~. D. C. 1 Society's problem with those who will not. ob;ey law has ne~ loomed &O l{ll'ge In ou(natlollal lile .as ii does today: Peoj>Ie .murder others in Ulia country llt the rate of rocire tbao · ont for every hour of the day. There are more than 140 crimes of theft every hour ; assault and violence and rape .. grow.comparably. The murder rate is 10,000 human Jives a y~. which Is higher than the death rate in our curreot military operations in Vietnam which inspire such emot.ion- al ~ violeDt public. demonstrations. • • Apel the groWth tate of ·crime is now lar greater than the. growth in our Pot> -1ation. Perhaps ttie most ~arming thihg_ iS the ~e amount of .crime committed 6y pehons under age 20,. which suggests ~· ~es, parents, schools. ·chlµ'Ches and, pbmmunlties have somew:nere 1ailed. ~ WORl!E ~ the !'"ii that the higbe$t rate of rtpe.aters--recidlvi!t.5- is in f.bia under·20 age bracket Nearly 60 per Cent of the 20-and-under are re- peaters. In 1964, for the first time in our na- liopal history, the subject of-· crime· be- came an issUe in a national preSldentlal cam'paign. It became an issue becauSe a vast number of people of this country were deeply apprehensive about the se- curity of their homes, their children, ill* posseisioos and their persona] safe- ty on· the .m-eeta, especlally in large cities. 'Ibis led President Johnson to creaie a National CommisSion on Law Enforcement and Administration of Jus- ti'ce under the chairmanship of the At· tomex ~I of the United States, with a. score of distinguished Americans and • staff of highly qualified expert,,. The summary of crime statistics I have ju1jt given you IS drawn from the recent re- port or that commission . • • We often hear tht claim that the breakdown Of Jaw and order is due to this decision or that decision of some court-most often of the Supreme Court. It 'Qfould be good tf things were that !imple, for, if the overruling of one or two opinions would, solve the problems of crime, 1 susPect the -Supreme Court would be willing to reconsider. It is no aid to sensible pub1ic discourse to attribute the crime problem to any ohe decision or any one court. Unfortunately, the problems and their ~olutlons are far too com plex to be re- solved so easily. Let's probe into it. QUR WHOLE ,HISTORY as a nation refleietl a fear of the power of govern- ment and a great t'Ollcem f(lt' Individual liberty. and .tbeae feelings led us to place many protections around persons aecused of crime. This has rtSUlted in the development of a system of criminal jtirtlce in. whlch .it is often very difficult to convict eVen those who are plainly guiltf, Yoo know ttiat this was a re- riponse. to the abuses which people hitd suffered &Om the absolullst attitudes of nJleis· tn Europe ' and in England In the s~th · and seventeenth centuries. During the middle of this century - that ii. from about· 1933 to 11166 -we have wltnes.~ mOre profound changes In the law · of triminal Justice than at anv othtr period In our history. tn addition to court dtcisions. thttt: hlvt been many legislative enactments iq both Cangms and Stat• teglslatur .. • .. ""'" ... ~ Saturday, May 31, 1969 Tbe Comment Page ol the D.il)' Pilot 1eeks to Worm 111111 llimUlllAI readan by •variety of co~ ·=·of~ .. c a cance from •Juw4 enaod 41'•. ......... w..i. ,.. ..... which .have enlarged the protections of a person who is accused of crime. No nation on earth g<M!'s lo such lengths or takes such pains to provide safeguards as we do, once an accused puson ·it called before the bar· of jus- tice and until his case is compleled. "BUT GOVERNMENTS exist chieny to foster the rights and interests of its citi- zens-to protect their homes and prop- erty, their persons and 'their lives. If a government fails in this basic duty. it is not redeeme<I by providing even the most perfect system for the protection of the rights of defendants in the crimi- nal courts. It is a truism of political philosophy rooted in history that nations and socie- ties often perish from, an excess of their own basic principle. In the vernacular of ordinary people, we have expressed this by saying, "Too much or a good thing is not good." We know that a nation or a communi- ty which has no rules and no laws is not a society but an anan:hy in , which -'Warren E. Burger is a native' of St .. Paul, Minnesota. Prier to being named Chief Juslict ofl the U1lite:d States, ht tr.ad--been-1 'a1 luctge .Ion the U. S. Circuit Gburt of Appeals in the Districl of Columbia since 1956. Before · that, he served for three years as Assistant U.S. Attorney Gen· eral in charge ·of civil litigatjon -a post in which he won a reputation amo1+g hi& associates as a skilled lawyer and admin- istrator. Before entering public ·~~e,th~e f~~:!ceo~ ~~c~=~ ~ lege of Law in St. Pait!. no rights, ejther individual or collective, can survive,. A people who go to the othtt extreme and place unlimited pow· er, in government find themselves in a police state, where no rights can sur· vive. Our system of criminal justice, like our entire political structure. was based on the idea or striking a fair balance between the needs of society and the rights of the individual. j In short, wt tried to estab !sh order while protecting liberty. It is from this we derive the description of the Ameri- can system as -0ne of ordered liberty. 'I:o maintain this ordered libeFty we must maintain a reasonable balance between the collecUve need and the individual right, and this requires periodic exam- ination of the balancing process, as an engineer checks the pressure gauges on his boilers. ment fri the law which ls highly desir· able, standing alone, interacts with an equally desirable improvement and pro- duces a result which ·is largely or even totally· lacking in social utility. Let me give one example: The bail reforms of recent years were long overd ue and-helped to give mean· ing to the constitutional provisions on bail : similarly, the decisions and statutes assuring a lawyer to every person char- ged wilh serious crime were Ion~ over- due. NOW LOOK AT the interaction: Every person charged has a lawyer supplied to him and at the same tim e he has en- larged rights to be released without post- ing a conventional bail bond. As a result of this. we can now see that, in a great many cases, no matter how strong the evidence against him, or how desirable the long-range value of a guilty plea and the benefits of reduced charges and mbre moderate sentencing, the two "gbod" things -bail refonn and free de- fense . -interact to discourage a guilty -!*'a because the "j~ll\Ollse grQPE!~" tells the accused that the thing to ~'tis enter a not guilty plea, delnand relei.se without bond, and Ulen use every device of pretrial motions, demands for a .new ·lawyer, and what not to delay Hie mo. ment of truth of the trial day. This means up to two years' freedom during which witnesses might die, or move, or forget details while the case drags on the calendar and consumes un- told Ume of judges, lawyers and. court staffs to process motions and continuanc- es. This is one of the large factors in the congestion of · the criminal dockets. Here, to fepeat, two basically good things combine to produce a result never intended and wholly lacki ng in social utility of criminal justice -in short, an ex~s of basic pri'1cipfe. If there is a general impression that the administration of justice is not work- ing, one imPortant result is that the de- ... terrent effect or the law a'nd punlshment is impaired or lost. U peopJe generally -law-abiding and lawless alik'e .: .. :th.ink the law is infffective, two serious lihpacts occur: The decent people expe'rithce a suppressed rage. frustration and bitter- ness, and the ethers feel that they can· "get by " with anything. THIS JS NUT because the people-good ·or . bad people-read the opinions of ap- , pell ate courts. Of cOurse they don 't. But they read about and hear about the ex- traodinary Cases, and, as J suggested, they read and hew most about the fail- ures of the law, as in the Chessman and Willie Lee Stewart type of cases, which ran an agonizing course in the courts for 10, 12 years. (Caryl Chessman was exe- cu~ in .Califom~a in 196o after 12 yea~ cf litigation. Willte Lee Stewart Was sen-WHAT ARE the dominant character-lstiCJ of our system of criminal jusUce tenced to death in the Imltrlct of Colum~ ~ lOday? bia in 195.'J .for first-degree murder, but, First, If iS a system Jn which there after a series of tr!;$, he w~ allowed are many checks and reviews ol the acts to plead guilty to second-degree milfda- and decisions -Of· any one person or lri-in 1963 and was sentenced to IS years b I to life.) una . . S Second, it is a system which reduces ome people have iicornfully said' that to a minimum the risk that we will con· lawles..<i people n e v e r read apoellate vict an innocent person. court opinions. Quite I.rue. But Is the reil Third, it is a system which provides Issue whether people read the opinionS, . the utmost respect for the dignity -0! the or is it whether the actions of tourts human personality wilhout regard to Utt which are widely publicized havt an gravity of the crime charged. elfect on public attitudes? There are e,-ceptions to these general~ The celebrated cue which ·takes flve IUes hi some Slates and in eome courts, lo 10 years to complete is commcn la1t but J think this ts a fair appraisal cl. In the best clubs and the Wont lhtttGs. the plus side or our <System of crimtmd • lf·IB ..,olice work •nd lu Pl'QleeUdan J...UC.. will Impair the deterrent effect al 'the What ar~ some of the negative upecta law, ~ated reversals and rnuttJple or OUT 'Y')em! • trials rn the hishly publid1"d C1RS will I. Our crllninil trials are de1l)'td long~ likely have a slmllar effect. 1be exist- "' afler arrest than In a1moct any <lthtr ence of "speed traps" and the tnow- 8)"1ern. led'!' of vl1ot'Ously enfor<ed traffic 1a,... I. Our o-lminal trials ottnd over a will m a k 4' us a.II mrire r8rf.rol hfveM:. greater number cf days or weets than in Manv people. even though not, all, wtll altn06t any other system. be detfrted from sttlous crimes if ~ J. Accuted persons are afforded more beUevc that jllftict Is swift 11nd auf.e. appeals aad nttrlals than under 111y Today, no one thlnb that. .. symm. ' 4. We alfonl the •CCU!<!!! m°"' pro-cei!w'al, protect)..,., such 11 the excfu· slon and _...ion ol evident< and the --of -ror lmguiartbes In llo ~ a..1eardltl, than Wider .. Y 'other.,_ . II IOmetlmes bappen1 that a develop- I RECENTL X MADE comparisons, or aptcl!k cws in Hilland, Dtrunatk and in Ow United States. A typical ' case .in Denmark. for tx· emple, is tllsptised ·of lb' aboUt -1ix weeU,~ ..,., the fit>! offender ts almost llWIJI placed on probation under fC Io 1 t supervision, and free to return to a gain- ful occupation and normal family life. It is not unusual, as I have said, for an American case to have 2 or 3 trials and 2 or 3 appeals over a period of from 3 to 6 years. When the American defendant is finally sentenced after this prolonged process, he has been engaged in a bitter waifare with society for years. Even after the American is committed to a prison, we afford him almost unlimited procedures to attack his con· viction or seek reduction of his sentence, and as a result American courts are fiooded with petitions from prisoners and the warfare continues. Under our system the 0 jailhouse la~er" has become an in- stituUon. In short, while the correction system struggles· to be1p the man recon- cile bis conflict witb society, the statutes and judicial decisiom ,encourage him to continue tbe warfare. If the prisoner is like most human beings, his batUe with authority and in the COQrts develops a complex of hostilities long before~he goes to prison. Tb~o~tje.\ art dinc\ed toward Ille po11Ct,WM caugk-bttn, fhe '.\fiinesses )I~ accused him, the di.strict attorney"'Wbo prosecuted him; the jurors who judied him, and the judge who sentenced him~ and , finaUy, even the free public defender who failed to win his case. I DOUBT THAT any defendant can conduct prolonged warfare with society and not have his hostilities deepened and his chance of rehabilitation damaged or destroyed. To encourage the continuance of this warfare with society after he reaches the prison hardly seems a sound part of rehabilitation, nor is it likely to contribute to restoring him to good citizenship. Let me pursue our paradox: When we in America have lavished 3 or 5 or even IO years or the complex and refined pro- cedural devices of trials, appeals, hear- ings and reviews on cur defendant,. our acute concern seems to exhaust itself. Ha ving found [tie accused guilty -as 80 to 90 percent of all accused persons are found -we seem to lose our col- lective interest in him. In all but a few States we imprison thls defendant in places where he will be a poorer human being when he comes out than when be went in - a person with little or no con- cern for law or for his fellow men and very often with a fixed hatred of all authority and order. and he Is mindlessly and aggressively determined to live by plundering and looting. ""' Jn referring to the No(lh Europe coun- tries. I do not intend to suggest that they have completely solved all these pro- blems, but only that they seem to deal with them more intelligenily .and less emotionally. They do so by Tecognizing that fer the most part people whp commit crimes ate out of adjustment wllh-society and that confusi-0n and personality pro- blems have something to Joo With this. They de not find that any useful social pul])06e Is served by giving him 2 or 3 trials an~f2 or 3 appeals" and drawing out . the warfare with society. When they finally ma\(e the decision to deprive a guilty person Qf his liberty, they look ahead to the day when he will be free. 'Ibey probe deeply for the causes ot hiS: behavior and. to do this, they place behavior scientists in the prisons. We do this, but only 1n a token sense. lN THE .FEDERAL -prison system, wblcb ls far better than most of the Stat.es, there Js a ratio Clf approximately l poycblatrist or psy<botogisl for each t.500 inmates. In the Slate ~ lbe ratio of psycblatrlab to prtooners II fsr Jess -as little as t peydd.abist for each 5,000 In- mates; IOlr'lle Stalel in the Uh.ited Slates have none. And remem~ -wti are talk- ing aboul maladjuated e cOnfined by ooclely with a purpose ol healing them. Yet 1n tiey Denmark tbt ratio l3 roughly I psychiatrist lot each 100 pri8onera-and, in the m1ximum-securlty prlt.ons. •here lhe dangerous and in- conllible prl80!lenl are confined , the ratio , Is , 1 psycli.ilhi$t for each SO prlooners. The vocational and edudlUonal pro- grams available in our best prisons art a htl~. but the rate al return ol prlot•of. • fendtn "'°"' u.at llOlriethl~g is not working, W\lb few escepliOlll in the more ' ' • enlightened States, the basic attitude of legislatures is that crimlna1s are bad peo- ple who do not deserve more. Wisconsin happens to be among the most advanced of the States, and this is not surprising when we. remember that most of those who populate this State derive from the enlightened countries of North Europe. IN PART THE terrible price we are paying in crime is because we have tend- ed -once the drama oi the trial is over -to regard all criminals as human rub- bish . It w-0uld make more sense, from a coldly logical viewpoint, to put all this "rubbish" into a vast incinerator than simply to· !!tore it in warehouses for a period of time, only to have most of the subjects come out of prison and return to their old ways. Some of this must be due to our failure to try -in a really significant way -to .change these men While they ar~ con- fined. The experience of Holland, Sweden and Denmark and the other countries I mentioned suggests two things: that swift determinaUon of guilt; a n d com- ·JlfeJtenSi'vl.,l'J.Udy of eadfh\finan being in• •o~in titerdiVe· rebibllitation,· educe. .tion and lrainfng may be the way. Th.is, and programs to identify the young or~ (enders at a stage early enough to change them cifer the best hope anyone has sug- gested. In all of these countries there is also a more wholesome attitude toward the prisoner after he is released. The churches and the government co- operate in maintaining what are called "after-ea.re societies" which have existed for hundreds of years. Through these societies, each released prisoner has an experienced and friendly counselor and adviser to assist him with his problems. These people are volunteers who might be compared·with citizens in this country who take part in the VlSTA (Volunteers in Service to America) program or the Big Brother movement. _ • LA WYERS AND judges sometimes tend to fall in love with procedures and techniques and formalism. But as war is too important to be left to generals, just1ce is far too important to be left ex- clusively to the technicians of the law. The imbalance in our system of criminal justice must be corrected so that we give at least as nwch attention to the defendant after he is found guilty as before. We must examine into the causes and cdhseqUences of Lhe protracted warfare cur system .of justice fosters. Whether we find it palata~le or not, we must proei!ed, even in the face of bitter contrary experiences,, in the belief that every human being has a spark somewhere hidden in him that will make it Possible for redemption and rehabilita- tion. If . we accept the idea that each hwnan, however "bad," is a child of God, we must look for that spark. Should you. come to the conclusiop, as you, watch ollr system of justice work, that we lawyers have built up a process that is inadequate or archaic or which is too cumbersome or too complex, or it you think we have carried cur basic principle too far , or if for any reason you think the system does not meet the tests of S-OCial utility and fairness, you have a remedy. You have the right and the ultimate power to change it. Neither the laws nor the Constitution are too sacred to change -we 'have changed the Constitution many times - and the decisions of judges are not holy writ. - These things are a means to an encl, not an end in themselves. They are tools to serve you, not masters to enslave you. Our Man in San Francisco,------, Helping Hand By HERB CAEN SAii FRAllCISCO-Think about It: If it weren't for your hands, your arms would fray at the ends •• _ Today's business note: The 20-yr-old accounting firm of Fong ant'. Tong, in the Columbus Tower , has changed Its name to Tong and Fong ... Potential graffito: Earthquake experts are fault finders •.. Newscaster Bill Endicott on Ch . 4 reporting a bad scene in Sa·cramento: "Protesters yelled 'pig.' 's.o.b:' and other four-letter words at the Governor .. -but who counts? WONDERING MUSE: The ·new American L.e g ion commemorative stamp shows an eagle with a right wing only, which is understandable; what I don't understand is why the eagle is thumbing it.s nose ___ From Joyce Haber's H'wood column, as printed i,n the S.F. Chronicle. detailing a torrid court scene in the Darren l'.fcGavin divorce: "The goings-<in. ac- :ording to court reporter Scuttlebutt -... Is that old Aloysius T. Scut- tlebutt? I thought he'd retired years ggo. r-DR. FRANK COnselman, Pres. of the American Assoc. of Petroleum Geologists, cammenting on the Santa Barbara on disister: "The ultimate measurable loss to mankind may well ,be infinitely greater in termi of bar- rels of oil than o( sea fauna. The latter art, replaceable, tbe former are not." 'Since l'le made this remark before an audience in. Dallas, you may be sure I.here was not a dry eye or well hi the house. ' RHEl'ORICAL QUESTION1 Do those wtio object to sex education in the. schools want their children t-0 be u screwed up as they were and prob- abl y are? GENERAL UZI Narkess, l he liberttQr"Of Old JerusaJem durins the ,Six Day .War, was asked but bow lsr~ felt about paying France for .. ( Mirage jets that were never delivered. "I'm more concerned aboul the Phan- tom ~ promised us by ihe United States/p he replied. "The ?<.firages tqrned oul to be Phantoms and every night I pray that the Phantoms don't turn our to be Mirages." A LETI'E~ from one Robert F. Jef- feries, ptotesting .. obscene" movies and play~. ends hotly : "Just let them try to stage such libertine goings-<in in Havana, Peking or Moscow." Right. Vive le. difference _ .. The same day the Jo.b.n Birch Society blasted sex educatl:ln as "a filthy Communist plot." the Chinese Communists blasted sexual activity among the young as "a nefa~ eapit'alist plot." Robert Welch and Chairman Mao may be seen 0 .dancing together any night now. NOT SO J<"AAAAAST! Producer Sam Katmtan, plotting a new movie, is seatching the rountrysidc fer, he says, "a young Raquel Welch." I can't believe that she's far enough gone already to qualify for the classic .. five Lives of-an Actress," as follows : "Who 's Raquel Welch?" "Get me Raquel Welch!'. "Get me a Ra- quel Welch type!" "Get me a young· Raquel Welch," "Who's Raquel Welch?" CAUI"ORNIA WINE GROWERS art jumping on their grapes for joy. The 1968 yield in France was a sour one (about 4 on a scale of JO) while the domestic crop will turn out to be one of the all-time best. ONE BJG BUILDER lo another over lunch at Kuo Wah : "l keep telling you, Sam, the big money in this town is in one-bedroom apartments-In San Francisco, sex isn't procreational, ll'I rtereational '' JUUE GREEN, the g·9" t-0pless dancer at the Condor, rides to work niabtly on tbe ouUlde step of a Powell cahr...ABSOLUTELY Ftu:E. "She's _ our mascot," el'J)lains a gripman, and who says a mascot has to be tiny? 1 I I ---___......-~-----~ ------------------------------------~-----~ -------·--------- Ir ---• -.MUM --. ' A11n Landers Husband's Assets Outweigh Debits DEAR ANN LANDERS: A, while back you suggest- ed t.bat when a woman gets fed up witb her ·husband she should sit down with a pen and a sheet of paper and di vide the paper irito two columns. In one column she should list her husband's desirable qualities. In the other col umn she should list his undesirable qualities, I did this last night and it \vorked wonders.. Here's the way it added up: UNDESIRABLE QUAUTIES Hates to visit my relatives: does so only u n d e r pres~re. Never remembers birthdays or anniversaries. Loathes Christmas a n d claims Mother's Day is a raaket. Jnsists on watching his favorite programs on TV. (to heek with mine.) Stubborn about admitting it when he is wrong. ADMIRABLE QUALITIES Faithful to me 100 percent -never looks at other women or goes anywhere without me. Personal habits -excellent. Very neat. • 11 Makt!S·1~1 gobd }i-q-ing. Stescty worker. Eats everything I cook and compliments me. Doesn't gamble or smoke. Not exactly a Richard Burton in the bedroom but plenty good enough. Yesterday when I came home from the bridge club and listened to the girls gripe about their husbands, I took Olll my list and felt lucky. Sign me-. SUNNY SKIES DEAR SUNNY: Cheen ! I hope otbm wDI take liventory when tliey get fed up. On balance, I'll bet Otey'll find more to be happy about than they tbeught was there. -t DEAR ANN LANDERS: I married a farmer and we worked shoulder io sitou14er for 40 years. 'Ibis is ~ way my mother did and I felt it was only right that a wife. be a partner and help her husl>and in every way. 1 It was hard wor'k but our farm did well. We saved our money and ,bought the ~d­ joining property on both sides. All the while we raised a fami- ly, educated our children and tried to be' good parents. Two years a~ my husband died al Ult: age Or &6. I am 63. Our children are married and have homes of their own. Not one of the children has any in· ' terest in helping me run the farm, yet they all screamed like eagles when I told them l was tired and seriously con· sidering an olfer to Sell. The children are sentimental about the farm, AM, and I can understand their fee.lings, but I'm tired. Please tell me what to do. I'll look in the Hut- chinson News for your advice and l'U follow it. , -FARM WIDOW DEAR WIDOW: The c~ dren's sentimentality is uot a ~ood enough to reason to keep a· tired widow in I.be harness aftt!r 48 y.ean . of Itani. work. Tell the ldds·.you .are•selling the farm so you can enjoy the fruits of your labors. Tben do it. Too ..,.".,. l;QUOles to lrom m1lr~ fnOl'l"I' fo IU"llTIOO"f, OOf!'t let vour rmrrl111e !lap before It 9ri5 1!1rf@od. $er14 for Arin LAn*n' boOklel, "~r· r l10-Whlof "'° Ei<PKt!' $end .,..,.., re<Wtst to "'"" LI..,_ In ct.rt d 1'ill n-r «ICiosir,g SO cent1 in «oin 1rid a I0119, sl~, i.elf-adclrMled !'l!Vei~. Ann Lll'IMrl Wiii " •lllcl ~ hello you wi!h l'Ollr PrOtilems. ~· !Mm lo lier In Q,_ of the OAILY PILOT, ericloslnt 1 nlf·llddreued, 111mc>e<:1 envet-. Student Movie Receives Award · A film by Costa Mesa High · School students that deals with •1tricycles"!;i ~ • ~ple." ac, cording to one.ti ttS creatorti has won second place in the NorUJern California H I g School Studerit Film FesUval, held May 18 • and 17 ""'in Millbrae. The 8-minule film, "Neo- Plastic Put-On," won in com- petition with 40 other entries. * SALES TRAINING * PIOFUSIONAL TIAINSN• IN SALISMANSHU• e Mod1111 Sal1• l•c:hniqu•• e Sel•1 P1yc:holo9y e E~c:tive Co111mu11ic:1tion• Mr. Al• P••111, ... hhMkMt Dl,...t.r C1ll fot h1fo""1tlon a Fre• Aptitude 'f-.t • MLn TUININ• Of SOUTHllN CAUPOINIA l&J1 N • ......, .. 17 ... W... to& ., ... _ ....... s..ttt. HffW Offke S..to~ 835-2351 ,,_ ....... • i' ' DAILY 10·10 SUNDAY 10'• 7 MEN'S CANVAS CASUAl:S . Sunda" Onl"! Oxford, s 11 p-on style knubby cotton canvas casuals witfi crepe soles. Navy or ·brown. 7 to 11. 244 Re9. 2.97 I VISCOSE RA YON LOOP RUG Sunda" Only Rug is 8'x6"xll'x6'', OUtcr surface ls all viscose rayon loop. · POiy foam backing. ln tweed-like multicolors ••• Charge· It. t. .. ~ •• 997 Reg. f3.83 PLASTIC WAREs ATK MART' SA'VlllGS S1inday Only I~~ Discounted Prked Polypropylene assortment in· eludes: sit-on ham pet, new slim-line hamper, 44, and 4~ qt. swing top. waste bins. 'Colors. Charge It. I See By Today's Want Ads: BOYS' ,AND GIRLS' 20" ALL'PRO .DRAGSTERS ' I " THAT IT'S Dlfll A UllE ·DAY 111 28~ s .... ,, . 'Onl!J • ' Boys' bike has cheater' slick rear tires', bucket •tyle pole saddle, Malibu handlebars, positlve-acUon COJIJ\tr brake. Jn • green. Girls' bike bas polo type seat, is bt . magenljl. )' -~-~------~---___ ,_ (OSTA MESA Oltl )'I Sa\Lw<lq, Mq 'll, 1969 . OA!LY "LOT T .... \ . , " · MEN'S· TRIM IVY SlACkS . 4Rf Mo-.' . ·. IROll: 28 TO 36 4~6 ' ' Re ••. 5.88 ·65 7o 09.cron®i Polyester' and 3!1i •to rayon ,. in many solid colors. Hemmed bottom. SAUi 7'PC. WOOD SALAD BOWL SET Su11da" Only Reg. 2.96 • • Agatizcd natural '>''ood. 7 1>iece set eon&isls of lari;,, bowl, serving fork and spoon and four individual bowls, Charge It. • MODIL P 11'1 THE MllllA JURE "GOOD MUSK" PORTABU RADIO Sunda" Onl" 991 Di#.,ount i>med Solid.state design, full fidelity AM/FM. Plays to 60 hours on 9-volt battery pack. Two an- tennas. Earphone included and jack. Charge It. S'JURDY M£TAL llllT HAS ' Siil YES FOR WY STORAGE Sunda" Only 466 Unit Lt ~ .. wide, 12" ,deep. 60 .. high. St.Urdy metal, well-con· 11ttucted., In Jl"ff:D or P'•Y eM4 mel finl!h. luat say, ''Char&e IL.''" I .. . ' ' ! ' \ \ \"l ' \ I '· SWINGY JAMAICA STRETCH KNIT SET S.unday Only 300 , Reg. 3.86 10Q% nylo.n stretch knit two .Piece sets come with s~rlfed top. Swingy colors. S-M-L: 8 to 18. . Charge. i . . .. . . . . • . fl!odern Filigree; Ceilin.g F~ture . Sunday Onl11; 1.44 ''. • Re9. J.97 " ' . Poly plastic globt In •l\ or.natc filigree dltsi~ Choose white, avocado. or gold. Charge It. i l"I!. llc-100 or 75·WATI IULIS, Pkt• of 2 ....... , 26<> ' BOYS', GIRLS' SHOE SKATES ,.. Snnda" Oal" Sidewalk 11kaLefl With cem· ented sol e construction, hea'Y Jauge 11teel wheels. Girls' -7, 6oy1' ·1-a. 'Save! Reg. SM 4 88~ L ~ FOLDING ; TABLE 1 . . ...... Siui.rcw Oitlwt . R~. 8.81 '. 24 x 80" metal folding table. • ' '5' .44l , I ! ! ! l ;I •• ·1 ... I \ I I DAIL y I'll.OT Real Macco Homes 31 From County Diamond Bar Sales Spurt ENtate , U 1 • St t Quomons p Ill a US 'Ibb1.y-one Orance Coonty proved acreage for residential The guarded entrance to residents purcbued estate-development in a v e r y Tbe Country ln Diamond Bar tile bornesttes during the desirable and fut-growJng Los is located at the intersection opening weekend at n>e Coun-Angeles County b:atlon," said of Diamond Bar Boulevard •nd Com1T10nt • By R .. ltor Rtnd1ft McC1rillo What 11 our present population in the Newport .. Coste M11a arM? A,.. we continuing to grow or has our growth slowed down? How don our population here in Newport Beacft.. Costa Mesa com1Nr• with the rest of California? Whet about the future? Will we continue to grow? If we do contin ue to IXJMnd, where will they all live? G. F ., Costa Mesa Durlng the year 1968 according to the First Na· tional Bank of Orange County, the population of our local area increased moderately to an estimated Jan- uary 1, 11169 total at 117,500 persons -up some 4,500 during the year. In tenns of 1960 population, the area has experienced an increase in population of some 53,~ 386. Comparative population estimates for the two cities are as follows: Cosla Me•a 72,~mated 1-1~ 73,~slimated 1-1-89 Newport Beach 41,000--estimated 1-1~ 44,000-estimated 1-1-69 In 1969 we can expect a continuation of the sarn1_ type of population growth ; possibly, however, at a slightly improved rate over the past year. Although the number of family units in the area has increased by some 1,350 during the year, the aver- age size of the area's families is now believed tending limaUer. We can expect this trend tow..ards smaller family size to continue moderately in the foreseeable future. · To compare our area with the rest of California, Cailfornia's population was 19,602,000 on July 1, 1968, a ccording to a report compiled by the State Depart- ment of Finance. The population bas increased by 447,· 000 over the past fiscal year and by July 1, 1969, over 20,154,000 persons will l'Mide in tttis state, said the ,e- port. The future?. Consider this : lf net migration to Cali- fornia continues at the level established over the past five years, and birth rates continue at·recent compara- tively low levels, the state's population will practically double by the year 2000 to a total Of 38,570,000 persons. lf a higher birth rate is assumed and migration stays much as it has. California's population could rise to a high of 41 ,300,000 at the beginning of the next cen- tury. Projected is an increase in population of 2,500,000 over lhe next fi ve years; by 1980. California Will have approximately 26,000,000 residents. I am in the process of ecquirinv a parcel of real •state. How should title be tabn? In the past, the wife end I have always taken title as ''joint ten11nts''; r ... cently, however, I have been hHring things that make me wonder if this is the best m•nn•r to take title. What do you recommend? H. C., Ntwport BHdl - One of the primary problems facing a potential. property owner and taxpayer is the form of ownership. Jn making the decision be will find the ta.I consequences cf the varicus forms of taking titJe will have an impor- tant bearing. Two of the most common forms of ownership are ''joint tenancy" and ''tenants in common." 'lbere are also a partnership form of ownersrup and corporate ownership that are becoming more popular. There are many ramifications in dealing with each type of own- ership. There are even more factors that it makes it impossible to generalize an answer to your question. Do, however, get the advice of Your realtor, ac- ·COuntant or attorney as to how certain ownerships would correlate with your overall situation to save you problems plus tax dollars. EDITOR'S NOTE: Randall R. i\1cCardLe is 011' invest- ment analyst. president of the Real Eitaters, a colleoe lee· turer, a director of the California As1ociation of Real Es- 1ate Teachers, author of "Real Estate in California." Send 71our questions and comments to Randall R. Mccardle, c/o the DAILY PILOT, Box 1560, Costa Mesa, 92626. Macco Corporatloo bu rail- ed ltl houa1n1 dlvlalon, Leadenblp Homes, to full company statwi. Tbe announcement w a 1 made by William 0. Ray, ti· NEW PRESIDENT Macco's Lasky Han·yLasky f&adership Homes Chief ecuUve vice presklent ol MIC-try in Diamond Bar as sales Donal MacAdam, o:ecutlve of and Shadow Canyon Road, co Corporation, wbo aakl the syrpa.ued the tl,OOD.000 mark Spruce Land C«poration, the south of tbe Pomotl• Freeway. move was made to keep pace at the new private, guard· .sales and mar.keUng agent for Tbe inrormation center is open with tM growth of the home gsled residential community the project. daily from 8:30 a.m. to dark. bolldJng capabUlly ond to in ellllern San Gabriel Valley.,,.iiiiO~Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiii .................. "'. me<! ..,, iparketlng and sales M°"' than 3,000 - demands especially in the visited the exclusive estate ==~~~p Home Show ~~ ':"'m~ -willbeawholly...-..,. dollar project of Old World aubsidlary of M•coo Corpora-K Eye T ransamerica Development Mediterranean Uon. eepS Company, a subsldlary of Under the new organWitioo, TrallS3lllerlca Corporation. Spanish Furniture the home building company T F When completed, the seclud-y will inlll>t. and dlr<ct ill owo 0 uture ed Z,400-acre community will OVER $100,000 INVENTOR marteting and sales activity. combine 1,000 f11Jly-lmproved TO CHOOSE FROM An In-house ad ye rt is in g "Out or This World" has bomesltes with e 1 tens1 v e DICORATOIS CANC!LLATION anti department is presently being -uestrian and recreational llTUINSA•L10,~.MNODDNELEWHOMES been chosen for the theme of ¥.,. l ~ formed. faclllUes. Homesites ranging DICOAATOIS DllAM HOUSI ON DISPLAY Leadership Homes forecasts the 1969 Orange Cou,nty Home from one-half acre to five Items as follo"\#s : Gorgeous 8 ft. custom sales of over $fiO million for and Decorators Show to be acres are priced from $9,990 quilted sofa wi!h separate loose p~lows w~th 1969. At the present time, held June 20-29 in the Anaheim with five percent down pay. heavy oak trim decor and matchmg chair, sales are in progrus at Convention Center. ment. 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" development sites which are Jolm Parker, genera I "We expect the pace in sales tall decorator lamps, hanging chain swag located I." •·-Fernando cb•'-an ,.,.d the••·-· w•• and crowd COWJt to ,,,. crease . . i;><1.1• ........ ' ..,.....,. lamps in wrought iron, an 8 piece king size Valley, Los Angeles County selected to highlight the many considerably over the holiday master bedroom suite in pecan panelled and Orange County. Sales to unusual displays and ideas tor weekend by offering tb1' op-a1· 15 date have e1ceeded earlier better fu~ living that will portunity to purchase fully-im-Mediterranean style with top qu 1ty yr. forecasts., be featured in the IIH:l.ay home warranty king size mattress & box springs. Sites for future Leadership show. · Spanish decor dining set, etc. Homes developments are Parker emphasittd that Swartz Firm Whole HO&IMfull ••• .-.gul•r s1s21.oo ~~ ~bog.~ ~~~:, ;~~ea=~ ~ t!1ia~i~1tl;! Na mes Manager . ::ro:_~~~~-~~ ..... :_ ... $698.00 Prices of Leadership Homes future, most are really here Any Piece c ... le Purchased lndlwtduoRy span a range of from $20,000 now and available to those David E. Maddocks, 33, was Terms AYaflable -Newcomers to Calif. to over $40,000. considering the purchase or a recently named general sales Credit Approved Immediately Macco Corporation Is a new home or the homeowners manager fOf" the Slanley C. broad based land development who wish to -J em 0 de I, Swartz Company, community r ,' f /] Fu-1·ture firm with a full range of redecorate or refurnish . builders. • • ., development facilities. They The show is being cos. M a d d o c k s , who will include housing, commercial-poosored this year by the coordinate sales operations · Bl d industrial, land investment, Orange County Builders fromthecompany'slrvine ol-At Harbor V • recreaUon land, commercial Association and the Building rice, was formerly develop. recreation, and apartments. Industry AssociaUon, b o t h ment manager for The Park, a 1844 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa fllllly Harry Lasky of N ......... .+ NH~~.A ha.re located in c o u n t y w id e .. n o n-proflt home d e v e I op m e n t of Ewry nitht ,ii 9 -Wed., Sat. & Sun. 4ti1 6. Beach has been named"'tbe~i~~-~,....~·;~~iiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;o~o;r;ga;ruza;·;u;·o;n;s.;;;;;;;;;;;;u;ru;·v;er;s;it;y;P;ar;k;.;;;;;;;;:;;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;:::;:;;;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;;;~f~ first president of Leadership! Homes, a newly fourmed wholly owned subsidiary of Macco Corporation. The ap- pointment was made b y William D. Ray , Executive Vice President of Macco. Lasky was former l y manager of Macco's housing division, a post be has held since joinin g the land develop- ment corporation late last year. The change in status, from housing division to full NEW HILLSIDE MODELS NOW OPEN Turtl s rledged company, was due to QyerJooldDg lbe u.iN1tdtj el c.m--.JntD.. EJtqaistte stDgW-lnel homa1 OD. generonsl:r-r---:r=9~~:iii"'• ;;;:;;;::::i increased ezpansion of Mac-....-.:--ad sru. f A ....._ • • and tmmi1 co's housing c •pa bi Ii t y pro...,.~ • • • "°"'" -J0,000 -oet. •-··'" ODtDJllllDitJ' nnm espe0any d u r i 0 g recent dr.b. All UDdergrotmd utilidea, tnr:hxltng cable TV '! Cw-&lit ddTea • M.mJ s-ar ga,.. • I >!!ll!ll~P:,-_:L--tf-----j m on tb s . Vo I um e for Complete insala&m. • Med.me. kftcbem wttb telf-cJewnwtng a.... • G&u:dm qGa1%f tmd fool Leadership Homes during 1969 ceramic tiles • Dozens o! other custom-qaalitJ features. An.ilabJe on long-term leasehold er is forecast al over $50 million. grant deed ownership. The housing executive has a ::'Jdin~~.,:; th.;,io~o~: WIDEST POSSIBLE SELECTION IN $38 800 toS56 900 ~~;;;;:~~~~-J joining Macoo Corporation, NEW UNIT NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION J J i:: Lasky was president of thel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ American Houaing Guild orl- Los Angeles. He was preVious· ly associated with Pacific Western Mortgage Company. Betty 'Walker Top Manager ·Betty Walker. resident manage r of the Montclair Apartments in Fullerton became Orange C o u n t y ' s apartmenl house manager or the year when she received the annual coveted award presented by the Orange County Apartment H o u s e Association. The OppQrtunity is yours ... to own valuable residential/recreational land . ' . . Beautiful 2.5 to 3 acre sites. Liberal Financing terms available. Rancho Capistrano, deep in lhe groat oak 1"gion of lhe ci.,.,,. land National For<"~ provid .. yom opporton.ity to i.ave<t in the fabulous growth of Soutbe'l'U Calliornia. MASONRY, WOOD TRIM USED EXTENSIVELY AT MAYBROOK SHENANDOAH Beautiful sites co gently rolling, grass-covered terrain arc1 1;baded by giant Spanish Oaks-located cnly three miles from the path of the proposed Ortega Freeway yet completely secluded by private entry gates and n•U01181 fon!BUand on all sides. The :rma1 chann and quiet l!!<Jnsimi of Rmcbo Cap;,. trano am-.r be des~ ~eeil-?eStricted Wand of baral) am _,.be ltldltldud ar ex••••·~ deBgbtfnl, omog-free elention of 3,300 ft, Rancho Capistrano pnilide!I the perfect combination of accessabiliry10 a dynamic growth area eDd a rura~l n where you can enjoy hiking. 5wimming. riding. and · 'c"lciog. all year long. Maybrook: Price, Quality Quality at s prlct affordable features, ordinarily found In for )'<111111 Jamili,. is the hiChe" prlcod boualn(, u lath them t Ai .it-..k H and pllster wall coutruction, e a •z"'"" omes, luxurkw: carpeUng, Jumlnoos Gerry Dirklen, the sales cdlina:s and fonnicl counters manqer for the S & S built In built-In medallion kitchens. commimlty, aalcf. AllO included in l he D I r ta e n b e I i e v e s purchase price are fireplaces, homebUyen are eitremely oversized plate glass mirrors, IWltt ot what Is on the and dttorator chandeliers. mtrloot ond cites the quality· The 1Jomet m a1Jo dulgned price cwnhlnl&Jon 11 • factor with an active ramlly Jn m1od In -of ,.i.. the and 111 '"'"" fun lly rooms. Wtltmhf• community h_as . formal dlnloa rooms and addeved ln tht last '1e.veral t!:atlng areis in kltchtns. -· Floor plana offer the m11-Prloed from 12 I,$ ft, imwn opportwllt7 to Ian ld- M~ o II .. ,. llOdt ,_,. ol Cilifontla outdoJlr ' • • living. For Instance, In thf: Sh,_ )l10ftl, formal dininC room. kltdlen, family room..., down$lrs bedroom all "!"" wide to gardens thnlugb aUdlng glass doon. M8ybrook Homes a re available in three to five bedroom. two or three bath plans in one ftor}' or spllt level mode!J. YA, FttA or con- ventional flnanci6g ls offettd. To vie.it Maybrook 's decorator furnished d:todtls; take San Dlqo rr-11 fo Beoch turnol!: oorlh to firlt llibt; tum ldl al F4.,.., and Jell araJn at .-is. , ,I OulJ 30 Jglrmt .. ~ flmi awolw ,_..,. -iii a llRCIO CIPISTlllD ..,. "-llri-... ....... _Ha01111,-,Colll.W ~-- l\ancho Capistran es are priced from only $8,000 wilh liberal terms~~ 10o/o down, payments: as low as $48 per manth.15 year, 63 financing awilabJe. Jnst 23 scenic 1 lpi)fo jdlm npidly1!f0wing Sall Juan Capisl?ano, Rancho Copillttno-... mv ... u•t opportu:uitr which can ttever be· ~ opin. Drift~ any day fnnn 9 to Ii. Yaa'll ha 1ft) I 141jl • Pl-! 9-lc Drin SantaA:na/San Diego Fme1Vayto hislcric Slll )pan Capistrano, then east on l-!"f. 74 (Ortega Hwy.) and follow lhe signs. Or drive lo Corona , 1hen east on Hwy. 71 to Hw,. 74, then soulh to entrance •ism- • • ,. • • I • , I I I t r • I I I I I • CREA I • , Off T' C f js'~"~:~::1·~;:cE -nst1tute ers wo on erences1 .. :::r~:r:.fr.~-5: ' l GUC!l"f I Dll•IMM II 206 0•• .... •• t+tWPOll The pant In ... 1 -te educatloa off e rln1 1, ~ Rtalitor& lmUtute of t b e Celitornla Real E s t 1 t e Aasodation. bu been set for Sheratoo-Palace Hotel In Sln Francisco., it wu announced \Oday by Don Roberts of Whit- tier. dttA Education Com- mttt~ chairman1 Offering two series of con.- f,erences co~currenUy, tbe Ji n- 1tltu,. haJ llCbeduled I 9 separ.ate COJJniJ In speclall2ed real estate ·IUbjed.a, each led by experts speaking from pracUcal experience. Courses earn credit tow1rd t h e j dealgnaUon and celiillate, pralNl, rul ettate llw, ad· Graduate, Realtors lnat.ltute mlnillraUoq. sales manA&~ (GRI), Roberts tald,.~ m ... , and similar apecialbt being required for completloo, subjeds. 1$ of those from specific Each half.iJay completed cour~es. earns a bail unU of credit, Keith Wheeler of Van Nuys, The ~mplete schedule calla thla year's dean of ihe In--for these courses a n d stitu~. said reslstrants may speakers: select courses rrom either of Monda,y, June 2 -"Invest. the two series, aceordlng to me.nt Property A n a I y s i s , .their cerU11¥1te needs and in· Apartment H o u s e s , ' • by terest. ne: (l r s i re'peats Donald A. Straub or Long courses ottered bl. lail'year's ·Beach; and "Increaslng the lnsUtute, the1 second: is !,new Value of Apartment Houses," series. by Larry Gutweiler of Los Courses cover investment, Angeles. management, exchat1ging, •t> In the seeond series, "Home Trild .. ln"'by Philip Yeaaer o! West Covlnt1 and u1pves~nt Analysli, Commercial," by OOnlloberts. Tuesday. Ju ne 3 ··Marketing 1 n v~ s: l me n t Ptoperti, A~rtment Houses,'' by Doll Olson of Van Nuys, a n d "Tax~Free Exchange, Apartment Houses," by Randy Lynn of Yuba City. In the second se rie s, "Marketing 1 n·v est men t Property, Commerclal," by John Allen of Santa Ana, and "Advertising'' by Don Tarbell of Los Angeles. Wedzv=sday, June 4 -•1 Ap- praislng Apartment Houses,'' speaker to be announced, and "Estate Planning" by Harry Miller. In the second series, the ayndlcatlon conference wllt be presented. Thursday , June S "Organization or a Brokerage Office," by David Conger of Vallejo, and "Improvlne the Performance of Individual Salesmen," by John Cyr or Stockton. In the se<:0nd series. "Marketing Ind us tr i a I Property" by Gary Herman of Los Angeles. and "Appraisal. • a.di, C1lll0f1111o, under tlJtl tkfll\.o!Jt 11"1\ flllM ot O'llltll!H'' AO\JAJET COMPAHY •nd' •ri.t •Id II'"" It ""°" Commerclat P r o p e r t y , ' ' ~ • ""' to1t0w1119 H!IOl'I· W110M speaker to t)e announced. ~:,~" 1"'11 11111 'i.u " ,.....,_. 1• Friday, fJune a' ~-~'Budgoert ,..::,, 'e.:-J:·~l~IA °"~= ''" Planning or a roM:i-~ge · o11n1 Mtr t, ''*'· !let-," by. David Conger, and $i.i. °''r.f1t!n~.'O:"" COll•\lY: ··Developing Su cc es 1 f u I 0ti Mfr t. ,,.., ~ me. • ""'''"' Saleamen " bv Tom Kiernan Pwbllt 111 end tor .. hi s11tt, "''°"''~ ' ~ ·-•t<I JOM e. 0'&11e11 l'.ncl'MI •• ,.,. "' or Sacramento. be m. ... on ......_ ,,_ I• wlltCrlOH In the Se<:Ond series "Raw Ill tllfl wllh(n l~lni"""' Ind •d!lloW•.-. • t<I ht e~tculed tilt Hltlf, Land Investment," by Nathan (OFll'•C1AL SEALJ of h R C d w!nllrH l,.Oul .. l'ou Jones t e ammco o. an No11.,, Pub•~1n1ot~11 .. Architecture and Construe· """''"• Otflot 111 . k be °''"'' (ll'UlllV lion," spea er to an· Mr comm1u1CW1 Exolr..- nounced oc1. '· ,.., ' • P\llilllf\td Or11111 to.i i D1llr Plllt, For further information con· M•r )1 . Ju"' r. 14. "· ittt 1oq.tt i.ct CREA headquarters, 5.2011---,c=-::-c:-===--I South Orand Avenue , Los.1 ___ L_E_G_A_L_N_OT_l_C_E __ Angeles, phone 82&-0MI. ••us" The La Sierra: From $30,995 includinc the land CEltTl,ICATa Ofl •UllNllS fllCTITIOUI NAMI ti.. V111Hr1l,11\M dafs Cllrtlf'V .... II COi'· 11uer1n. 1 bu1lnna 11 tnn CM11tr11took l.a,,.,, Hu11tl1111ton 811(ll, C1lltor1111, uncr.t IN llCtl!IOl,IJ lltl'll ....... of Cll.EATIVE FA$Ht0NS av DONNA DEE 11111 '"'' i.old nrm 11 comPOsed 11' ..,. 101towlll9 i>er$0!l, """°" Mml !n lull Ind 1llc1 ol raldlfll"ft 11 11 Y.Uaw1 : DONNA JUNE PEii.RY, tllst Clleil· •l"llrwk l.1JW, H\lntl ... IOll 811<h, Ct l~ lotnl•. Dated MllY 15, 1 ... Donna J . P~•N STATE OF CAl.IFOllf'ilA l COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 11 On Mir U, l .. f. bfllort me, • NollrY PuDHe In .net lo• ""Id s11r., "''°"•"" IPDhr.d OOn0\11 JUl'le Ptrrv ..._,, to me to be Ille 1MtS011 wllOse llt~ 11 IUDK{llltd IO ..,. wllllln IMtr....,..lfll I nd ICkl'ICIWitdted $Fie U latfed th9 .. me. (OFFICIAi. Sf.Al) J1111 l . Jobtt No"rv Publ1C.-C1!110<nl1 Prlnclpll Offln In Or1n11 c1111111r My C~mlHlon E»lres M1n:ll l. 1f12; H·IHlt Publl•llld Or•1111• C011•t 011"' P11o1 MIY 11. 21, JI Ind June 7, !Hf Hut LEGAL NOTICE T-IUlt NOTICI. TO ClllOITOlll SUPl.11.IO• COUll.T OJI TMI. STATI OJ CAl.IJOll:NtA POil THt: COUN'l'Y 01' 011.AMOI N•, A-41'11 Elt•te of CAMILLA GI. AS G 0 W , Oe<t1M'CI. NOT ICE 11 HfREIY GIVEN lo lhe crtdltor' ol !NI 1bove name-cl dectdent 111•1 111 ""°"' ll1Ylftll tl1lnu H•lnst Ille Hid ittclldtnt ••• r9qul•ecl lo tli. !Mm, with llW -""' YDUcMfl. L" Ille oltlct of Ille cllri: of Ille •boYa ftlfltlecl cO<J•I, or to l>rttent tlWH'I\, with II•• ""'"'"' voucher" lo lflt unHr1lanllcl 11 tht olflctt of HAR.WOOD, SOOlN .. AD KINSON, 11· tor111n, SSG NtWllOl'I Center Orl11•, Ne-rt 8ud'I, c1r11. '2661. w111u. It !flt pl1c1 of bua!nns of the undt•1!1ntd '" ti! m1tter1 Ptrlllnlne to tile nil!• of 11111 dtc.td•nl, wllflln four monlllt atler Ille 11•51 publteelion of tllll notice. Olted MIY 16, 1'6'. Oo111tlw L. KemJ>tr Admlnllh'ltflK of Ille E1tt!t of tl>e lboY• nall'led llt«dtnl. HAllWOOO, SOOIN & AOKINfON »t N ........ c ... tw Ol"lft Ntw,.11 atacll. C1llfwnl1 f2W '41·1l" All•rntrt lot Allnlnl1trlltl• Publl1hol:d Oranoe Coe•t Dally PllOI. Mir 2.._ 31, Ju"" 7, 1', 196' 1009-69 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREOITOll.S 5UPER.101l COUR.T 011 THE STATE OJ CALIJOll.HIA FOil THE COUNTY OJ 011.ANOI! Nt. A'42l5t E1111e ol GLADYS E. REUi., Deceesed, Nolltt 11 llertbY g!~en to crrdllors lllY· • !nt cl•lm!. 101ln1l the Uld d..:lldenl I<> 11td c111m1 ln 1llt' ottk.1 ol the cl1111 ot 1/or1Hld COi.ir!, or to 1>re1ent tllem lo uncter1l11rttd 11 tilt oltl~• ol Ttior~ Sutll n, Cllnnln & Worl!.mJn, 4Y Sou!ll Sllrl $1rttl. Suitt 1110, In Ille City o1 LO$ A1111•l C1l1fornl1 tOOI~ wtllch l1t1er of· flct 11 flit 1>lac1 ol buslnen of 1111 underslt .ll\ 111 ,mlltlfl ..,.111111iw f9 ••Id tt ft. svch clllms. wllll ttit nHtUlrY YOUclle'5. mutt De flied ·O• pre111n l..ct 1 1Jore .. lcf, within t..vr monflll 1fler he l!rll 1>ubllca!km ol 11111 nollce. D11t11 AprU t Jfft. M1r1 R felleY Execul x of the Wiii ol 111 dK~n! TllorH, ulM n, Cll~nln a W1,..1111n 4M SllUI "' SI., su111 70I LOI A 1Ms, earn, fOOU Alttr I fllr E•ICU!TI• Jll·MIYI l>ubl!ihtd -Or1111e Co11t D11t1 Piiot, M1y 1'1. 17, !4, 31. Ifft •fl-6f LEGAL NOTICE . p.ntu (1111.TlptlCATI O' COllPOllATION ptOll TllANIACTION OJ IUStN115 UNOlll FICTITIOUS NAME THE UNOERSIGNEO COllP01lA710N dots he,.b., cel1Ur 1llll It I• cofld~ctrne • Dutlnt11 toc1rec1 1! Jl3l West Ce111 til1hw1r, NtwPOrt 8e1ell, C1lltornl1 Ull· di!• ·111e !ldltlau1 nrm 111mr ot C " I INTERNATIONAi., INC. 1nd llltr tald Urm !1 (:Om-Id ol th• followl"9 corllOt'• 1tlon, wllost P1""lnclp1I place of bu1l111u 11 11 follOWI ' Cornpr111>1llcs-lfldustron1u 1n,.1n1· 11on11, Jne .. JllJ WHI Co1sl Hl9llw1v, NeWPOrl 8r1Cll, C111tornl1 WITNESS 11• ~Ind this 15th dlY ol Mtr. 196,, (Co•PO•tle Sein l . C111 LIN! Prt1ldtnl H1rrv O~l.oss Smlfll Oorol~Y Neris sr ... re OF CALIFORNIA l COUNTY OF ORANGE I 55. Dime-a-Line No lt~ot · 0.ttr S25 ,,,._ )!ETRONOME -112. ~~:ts,•=~ ::J':: .Black marblt f'1r flreplace $10. 64>-2932 BI C YCLES $10., szj. tncludlnr su....., 3 ,....i a.od reruJar In good con- dition ~28''1 5 Thne llf@ reeot'd albumt lrom B.!Aroque to modem 1/3 Pr'it1l $3, each. 642"'2Q32 TWIN Stze trame, 1prlrw and mattttu $10. Hotpolnt refrigerator SlO. 1 'l' I 5 Pa.mona Ave., C.M, DRESS Fonn quality queen al:ie B $10, Ladles Brunswick bowline b&lJ with carrying cast and lhoe'1 $Z. S1vag lamp ornamental ll'on with chain $25. Origil'lf.l OCllt ISO. Eureka model 12 f1o9r scrubber and polilMr $25. 646-4125 4 HD. BS. engine $25. Reel po\ver mower $25. 564-IT15 , 1-IAND Ground. p o 11 s h e d strings of beads prhl!t, amethyst. white or pink moonscone cltrine topu am- ber $13 to $25, 548-1'129 CHIN~SE Jade or Tourmaline jewelr)' $25. Small carved Jade dropa $8 to $15. Sterlin& • 11 v e r jewelry $1 to $5. Amed\,Ytt Cl'0611 $15. Small framed marine oil paintings $10 each $15 pelt. Extemkln table 6 chaiJ'I $25. 2 Chi~ pendale arm chain $20 pair. S4g....1729 REDWOOD Patio cha.Jr $3. Pole Jamp U.'15. Pair of lan1ps ll. Bedroom lamp St.25. Card rack for &\ft i;hop SlO, Birdseye maple drell8et $25, Oval mirror Sl5. Picture frames 25c to SL 30"x4S" mllTOf' $6.50. Rocker nc. Cha.in $1. each to reflnbh. Books :;)c each. Kit~n 1tool $1.50. Wicker chair $3.. Bookcue he&do board for dble. bed $6. OU palntihg $3. Child's foldlnr gate for door 'l5c. Buet.11 ba.t 75c. Metal ehe1f 41" wide x 5' high. Bookcue $3. Silver platter $6. Pewter platter $'1.50. Maple spool bed S'Xl. Single maple bed with frame $8. Buffet. Blackboard $1. Electric col· fee pot. Bar B Q lighter 50c. Firescrecn $4.50. Diahes 5c, lfk', 2ac. 3157 Kerry Lall!' near Baker, Fairview and San Diego Frwy. 546-1890. F'riday and Saturday &.(. te,rnoons. BOUDOIR Chair to slipcover or u p hol ste r $1.50. wrought iron and green glass swag lamp $20. Kid's catcher glove and Wilson football helmet .$2 each. Gu lawnmower as b S 4. Decorator shelves S2. and $3. Spoon rack with silver draWt!r, pine $3.50. Hostess set for 8, $2), Clothes, size• 14 and 16, 50c: to $4, in- cluding some nice summer things, Good handbap, 50e and 75c. American standard lavatory $3. Framed pic- tures $1. Jewelry lOc Csllll in box. New yellow toilet seat $2. l box spring $5. Free TV {you remove rro·m cabinet for; parts). Blue &nd block lea ther CU1tom made \Vcslern boots, size 9%, $8. .~.!ll belly board $25. Place mais 5c. Linen napkins Sc each . Barbecue spit and motor Sl.50. Salt and pepper ~els 25c and 50c. Metal frame and web aprilw twlQ size cot $4. 50 Plastic berTy ~skets 50c. Sweaten, and shells SOc. New white ribbon turban Sl.50. 380 Mira Loma Pl., C.M. 546-9358, 2 KJNG 1Ue bedspn!adS (1}, l ~~ pale lilac SS etch. I PIXIE Schwimf $10. Bunk crib no. ot&e chain. S&. Small trailer $25. 546-5316. SMALL Dog ..... 13. I 646-1~4 'l GAS Range clean modem large oven $2). 548-9'l36 You've caught us with our roof off! Good. Now you can see all the extra space you get in this Ti.Jstin Meadows house that' you won't get· in others at the price. let's start with the front door, That's [XTRA-SPACE PLACE NUMBER I: Double. Very toll. Extra space for going in and out. EXTRA·SPACE PLACE NUMBER 2: The foy er. Long.g.g. High·h-h. In fact, the ceiling soars up to the top of the house. EXTRA-SPACE PLACE NUMBER 3: A living room 'that mana .. s to look even larger than its large self. Here's how: It simply flows right into the foyer on one side, a formal dining room on another. EXTRA· SPACE PLACE NUMBER 4:;Spaciest room in the whole house - the family room, Very outdoorsy, with a sweep of glass across one side. EXTRA-SPACE PLACE NUMBER 5: Mom -you'll like lhis. A separate service room that opens to your outdoor clothesline (if you happen to love the smell of wind on sheets). EXTRA·SPACE PL:ACE NUMBER 6: A downstairs powder room. So handy for your- self -and when company comes. EXTRA-SPACE PLACE NUMBER 7: A really whoppin& master bedroom. Ext ra space even overhead - with its vaulted ceiling. EXTRA-SPACE PLACE NUMBER 8: Very private. Very "Juxury.'' A dressing room that's part of th e master suite -and a wardrobe big enough for two peopl~ who r~ally love clothes! EXTRA-SPACE PLACE NUMBER 9: And wha t mom wouldn't clap for this? A linen and storage closet upstairs -big enough to walk around in! D Is ,that extra enough? If not-how about 4 pools, and two clubhou ses tha_t can be reserved for you r bigger celebra· tions. And did we mention that you'll have a park·full of grass and trees, picnic grounds, 1ots' lot, a football field, volleyball court. play· grou~ds? And since it's an B·acre park -let's call that EXTRA· SPACE PLACE NUMBER 10. All right? All right! Now-come out and count your EXTRA·SPACE PLACES in person. You might even find a few we've overlooked. 3 & 4 bedroom homes from $30,495 to $35, 745. FHA AND NO-DOWN VA FINANCING On lhl1 lS!h div of May, A.O. 1Mt. bltlort me Lf11C11 l.lnd1tram 1 tf(>l1rv PuDllc Jn Ind lCH' 11111 CounlY encl Stl'lt . rtsldlnl therein. du"' comrnlt1loned Incl $WOrn, 1>1rwn•!l'I' IPP911'9d l . CIU l.Ane. H11N Onl.on Srnllll i nd OorothY Horii, ~newn to rn• lo be !ht PrtslciMt, Cll1!rm." of the 8CM1fd ind Stcrtt1ry, res111Cl1vrlY of lt\e corPOr•lloll 11111 n · eeutld Ille w11n1n ln1l•umlfll on 11111111 of Ille corPOr1t1on 1her•ln 111rned, tfld &d(nowltcl111d lo m1 llMI sucll corpor1tlon t.llCUl«I lfle Slmf. In Wllnn5 Wllertof, I lllft hereunto )et m• n1fld end 1ffl•ld mr ofl!tl•I '"'t the d1r 1nc1 v••• In tlllt c1r1lll,1tt flrlt 1bOYI! wr1111n, \SEAL! LADIES Attention large-size dreues and aults ' 16 to 2014 $2 to $5. ·Me1t like flelV. Stunning t 0 l d l 0.. •' screen U'l.50. Picturea $'1.50. • 3 ~ pink bath set ia, 1 642-<m -• ROLJ..,..A~WAY Bed $12.-M. ........ LEGAL HOTICE 12) French Provincl&I livin&: room chain $20 each. eur. tain rods 50c each, Dnpn SJ to $18. Bed!pretdt $2 to -flOll« to crec11!'!'2: bull\ TrlANSFEll ST.50. Kitchen light fixtuns 't ANO INTENTION TO E J( E cu T E complete SL50 each. Bike $ECUlllfY INTl!ll!ST AGR.EliMeNT 114. Doors wtth .. A_.,,__ $3 c~ '11t41t1 u.c.c.) """'""-~ 1.,... ~. •1 t1U.t each. ~ Nqtk:I It hlffOr 1IY111 IO C•idlfOfl OI 1111 w1111111 111m..ct 1>1rt1e-a !Mt • bulX REDWOOD Picnic table and trlntler 111Cf tile llll'C'Ullo!I Ill I tKU•llV \ be •• • •<-• ..._ ~ !nitres! 11reem1nt ire 1bout to 9' m1da '«'..C_nc,..,11 ........ ..,.,. ...,. • on petlOftl! ,,_,.., 11tr11n1lttr "wlt.. POrtAb.le typewriltr Royal e<!i-1111 n•""' 1nd buslntn addftU ol "" $20. 54&-0410 :~.:':'"~'l:1:fldo.'"'="r,:u~ --~PO-CAR0--!0-C-amtta---... ---~ ar1t1o1 ,,;.,.,, eoi11 M111, cillfornlol. carrytne case lob of exb!I, ~ Nlll'lt •lld -.,11-.-cir•u Of """ all like new $25. Call lrlttMM trlfllftr" 111d lnfllnded fllllt• ~ ire• JllEO $CAL(Sl, I»' No. Mn ~::_::;:::: ______ _ o.IM-111 ......... WI Oltlrlel. C'itlfOl'fllt CLEARANCE s a I e : .. n~1 ~ ,.,_,1 ..,..,I\' 1>1rt1net1t chrome chair $2.SO each. 111mo " fnerlllllf "' ,_., •: Ga.s hl!:ltel' $3. Arbor and 111nt1flll'll, tlwtun • .,.."""""','' ::-= ••t '"'· A--1·--·1-1~ """'' lillillthOld ,,,..,.. • • • "" .. ................. .. ........ • .... ' " INt ar11111 llWlM•• .,_,, 1' ment ., St-·e 12 • nd ,_ )Dcilell II ll:OOER't tlAUtY ""' .,. ;, • Wo1t1.0, )DJ att...,i 51,..i, CM!• M•s•· Ref~tOr $Z. J.atb f&n- Cl~::r'~ •led ..... "" _.,. on " .,.... clng SS. Redwood W>ctrw wt11ct1 ttw fllA'lt1 ....,..._. butk 1r1fllfu $2.50. Rua $25. Tree houae •!Id ~ " • o:::t"" tntrer1111 $25. TV sz. Brlclc and srtu "retJOM!'I! '" io it '""'"' tnli lt •OO AM. J-t. tHf 11 ,.10!11.AL $6. 354 Avocado SI., C.M. l'ic1toW. tNe .. mt°'~"· tuen• S48-382'1 l'1rt., ClllllW'flll """ " ,,, .. 1. llflOWOI " .. 111 "'11"" '"" 1& BROWN la¥tnc htnt s1 tolltWtM ldclltiollll buliflettrllll'l'lh ....... •••h. ••• -] '*"""" _.., " Mlf .,ll'H• wllhln "'--_.._ """ .,..,. "" '"" lfll fy .. wi """"*' 1r.t1tltf"OI': """'· REFRIGERATOR. d e 1 k • ty .. WI~ lfftltr: flOfll. .., ... ~-~ .-i<t-••Ch btlM; MW ti, lftt, ~·~ -·illl • JI,_ 0. ltMtf'l ~r tl0, Olialrt S2 w .... ...... h ···~·· ' ••O•Ut. •••• INC. ea~ . '",...__,, • 11!.:'r.:.."'r.;. •• , More Dim• a u-1erow No. ti tn>.J L-------------------------------------------------------~ .............. '''" .. ,. ""'· 011 -23 Mil' ~. tMt ID)Mt 1 ..,,.. -I ' • ( ., .... ---·-----·--------------- .. • .::==:::---------------------------------------------- . . I r Jt ~LY 'ttOT S•lllrd<1, Moy 31, 1969 • 'Most Happy Fella' Slated RODEO TODAY "This Is the most challeng- ing music.a! show · that l can lhink off," Holland said. DAll.Y l'ILOT Slaff l'ktt 'Madwonaata' Lovers Bruce Bouchard and Anne Pearson play ~ roman- tic scene in the Irvine Repertory Theater's "The Madwoman of Chaillot," closing tonight at the UCI Studio-Theater. "There are great demands 1nade upon the singers as well aa the actors. There is con· slant use of mgs. which forward the plot as dialogue doe.s in other shows." Rolland &aid that the show has a large cast, and that a wide variety or people are needed. Some of the spedaliz· eel parts include a gOOd quartet; a rb.iddle aged man with an Italian accent Add an operatic voice for· the} lead; lllree children, good 1dancen;, pJus persons for the orchestra and chorus. The show. which has not been done in the area ror some time, is based upon the Sidney Howard pla,y "They Knew \Vhat They Wanted." It is set Jn the wine country around Napa in northern Callfornia. Walter E. Gleckler of the OCC music start will handJe the choral work while Paul Cox. also of the OCC music staff, will direct tbe orchestra. Peter Scarpello of the OCC Orama Department will han· die the technical direction and Mrs. Lynda Davis o( the OCC Dance Department will be ,choreographer. Rejl9tration will begin Jtme g for pre-registered students. and will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and 6-8:30 p.m.: June JG- 11 . sa me hours; June 12, 9 a.in . to noon : June 16-17, 9 a.m. lo 4 p.m .. 6-8:30 p.m. All regislratlon will be in the OCC gym. CALIFORNIA JUNIOR 10010 ASSOC:IATiON PRESENTS ActiCNI, Tltrl•. Spills, '-th• B-Eve"h--8 Jr. Sareback Bronc Sr. Ba reback Bronc J r. Steer Riding Sr. Bull R ldlng Girl's Barrel Racing Girl's Goat Tying Team Roping fa,.¥1 Of 9irb l Boy and Girl Team Roping ' -U):AntllOll"·tnlilaJl.Oll" 'PAL\.1101111"1 PICn'lli -SJCON D FEATURE Margaret Truma.n Returns to Stage 100-ContHtonts-100 Benefit OrCHHJt Cou"ty Chapter, MDAA, Inc. Orange Co11nty Falr9ro11nds Ft-ldoy, M•y J0-4 & I '''"' Sot11rdoy, M.y Jl--4 & I ,.111. To~v ktn4•11,& J•111t L•ic;rh "Hello Down There" STAlTS WEDNESDAY SAYREVILLE, N.J. (UPTI Thirty miles f r o rn Broad"''ay in lhe shore area of New Jersey, Marg a r et Truman, actress, singer, radio hostess, is back on stage . In the carpeted Club Bene Dinner Theater, Miss Truman nightly ste ps into the role of Edith Lambert, a mat ron with a married daughter who finds at that late juncture she is again in the..!amily way. The play i!I "Never Too Late." once a smash hit Broadway comedy, later a very fur!ny film'. As Edith, ti·liss Truman is following ~laureen O'Sullivan's footsteps and il is not an easy act to follow . She received good reviews and it is easy to see \l'hy. The role suits Margaret Truman to a T. "Oh, am I tired," Miss Truman confessed to a visiting reporter backstage. Up close, the heavy stage makeup unfairly emphasizes the iacelines of a n g u I a r features 1vhich, with the ex- ception or the smiling mouth. turn downward. Ma rg a re t Truman is now 45. She 1vas 29 and it 1vas 195J j No Rn•"•·All S..m One Price Donotio11 and Allan Campbell, Dorothy! Chilclre11 Sl .00 Parker's on again·ofr again::;~====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' husband "during one of thcirjr . I Ad1dn s2.oo divorces," Inv ited her to a snlall Manhattan party. The apartment was filled \l'ith the celebrities such as Edna Ferber, George Kauf· Lnt t Mlllrlovs W"lu l "ROOM SERVICE" man, hladeline Sherwood , Tti. hlllllflon ,t...,lc• F.rce Co!Mdr widow of Robert who had just ''30 p.m.-Thl"' ""' Thttl.-.4t6-TlU-1t21,,. .. ,.,.,11 .. d,. C&1ll M'""', died, and prematurely gray.I SOUTH COAST REPERTORY CHllDll:&H•S THEATRE . haired, handsome CI i ftonl ''PIN 0 CC HI 0" Sund;1y1 11 I flld J '·"'· tllrw M•r is Daniel. lhen with the New1'-:=-:=-:=;::;:::=;::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;:::(/ York TID)e.s' London bureau.!€ The tv10 talked to no one else . M<1.rgaret Truman cannot talk long these days without touching on her children. "The one thing I hate most in this world," she said, •'is monotony. Four boys aren't monotonous but the endless chase on their trail gets to bC monotonous .•. if you know what I mean." \l.1iss Truman likes a live au- dience. she loves the stage "and once you 've ever been, sin~le <ind h:lrl a career, you 1 can·t give it up. Your ego i:; too used to it.'' - BALBOA 673-4048 Ope11 I 6:45 70t !. lalltu a.n~ .. l'foninnla ' Nightly. at NOW SHOWING at Regular Pr ices 7:00 Ind 9:35 ' ~-.. -- • I . "' -Avar lllflJ••' lmllD.Gr llOfllilD'F IMMDJTlllWl l'fllf~-Co-"ln ,,....,. lop l MON! "'9ftt•W , SQw Aly....,_I • T°"ITl,AT 6:00. Ir 10:11 100 RIFLES AM>JNIN ~WAiUl PrDOuct.oo lt9a5' tcasT ~."' IUlllllCkM' ,.. ..... 4'11Mfl . i!l~rUitl15 '°" ..... ltilii iUDlf.>ICts]. Al'° Dun M•rtln J•m•• Sttw11rt R•.q1,,1el W•lch "BANDOLERO" NOW SHOWING ANOl,t~ AIMlf GARY LOCKWOOD •• Joc1111n hmr'• "MODEL SHOP" AL$0 P'LAYING-The Big One-FOR ADULTS with John M•rley Gena RoWl'1nds NO ONE UNDER 18 WILL BE ADMITTED 1 THE SCREEN S-l ·Z·Z·L·E~S/ candy Shows once only at 9:45 P.M. ~ lUTHi .. LOVING COU,\\\ Shows at 8:00 and 11:45 P.M. SHOWING NOW! ANAHEIM DRIYE·IN ANAHEIM On lemon Ave. between Riverside freeway and Orana:ethorpt Ave, Riverside Freeway to lemon Off.Ramp <North) 'Fantasticks' Musical / S.lated . qt Sacldlebuck I ' ~, She taJked about ho\v she met her .hUsband. New York Tlmes managing editor Clifton Daniel, "h1•0 yea rs after \l'C left the '\'hite House CJIMELeT I . * 1~;~~~~jl11 ********************** ' j RehearsalS are i.1 pro~ J at Saddleback College _ror the ~ romantic musical "The Fan- ! ta sticks," to be presented at I the campus June 11, 13 ,and -14 ' as the first musical production at the ne~ community college. \Vith , such music as ~!e popular song "Try t o Rememl»er." the drama spins arpund tht story of two young counter with reality. which enable:; their puppy love to gro"' into a genuine un- ·derstanding of thefr need ror each other. Portraying the lovers in the Saddleback produclivn arc Noreen Pahnka as the girl, and Jim Yunt as the boy. Cast as the lovers' fathers are Bob Yount and Bob lovers as their rom antic con-Courtwright. Lou Pellon sings cepts are shattered by the en· the role of El Gallo, the ban· SA Players Plan A wards The Santa Ana Communily Players will hold their annual a\vards dinner Wedne~day evening •. Juoe 4, at the Revere House in Tustin. dit. Jim Gilio a!Jpears a!I an old actor down on his. luck and Randy lies port, ays h i s 1faithfu.I Indian companion. Tickets for the Saddleback College production will be available on campus early in June. • Love Story rather, we beat it out.'' 'Pinocchio' Held Over "Pinocchio ." the final pro- duction of .the 1968-69 children's theater seaso n at South Coast Repertory has ~~~~ hd~~ ~~·e~r~~e~~~u~~~~ 1 dience response. The favorite' children's \rtlc of old Gepetto and hi s puppet 1vas directed by Ellen Ket- chum and features Jeff Park as Pinocchio, Bob Giles as Gepetto. with supporting roles by Paul Abbott, Carol Arnone and Karen Bertagna. The play will close with h-1·0 performances on Sunday at ! and J p.m. at the Third StCp Theater in Costa ~lesa. Modjeska a\vards will be presented to the outstanding director, actor, actress, sup· porting actor and supporting actress of the l96a-69 searon by members -of the players:' board of directors. HbLLYWOOD (UPI) -J;========,I Universal will bring the love story, "Heloise and Abelard'.' to ,the screen. Final Title The dinner is scheduled for Ct11t111vovs l"n .• s11., s_,,,. ~.m. Jorry L.wfl • "H••k, LIH t1t1cl Sl1lt•r·• "" "Ahle• W.1" 7 :30 p.m., preceded by a social HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -1 hour at 5:30. Reservation s Final title for the new Sidney ' may be made by calllng 542-Poitier.Joanna Shlmkwl movie -7-•36~·-'_54_~~76-47------~-'·_·_·Tbe_·~Lo_,._M~·-··-"~~~-ll~~~~~~~~~~ril I' QUEENIE By Phil lnterlandi i ' ~ ~ JDS .,. ... mind. & simple 'yes' or 'no' will do." Jerry Lewis 111 ."HOOK, LINE AND SINKER" A loo Cllllbtr~ o Unt1•' Al"t11tt I CONTINUOUS FRl.-SAT.-SUN. from 2 p.m, t Angela Stars HOLLV\VOOD IUPt) Angela Lansbury will return to inovies to star in "The ' Dreamers" for Cinema Center 1''ihns. H. lrt8'1Wl'f 11 $1!1 SI. $41 .. 711 r .... 411 Tlmt Gr1~111 ~··" 1.-"'i"n COLlJ?t' "SAND PEllLES" (h·r•:<>n 1-'ti ton COLOlt "Ph1net Of Tht AplK" llllijji[ .. [-·-:.i ALL DIUVl.·11'1 STAltTS AT DUSK OM.._....._C,_,l SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUl PATRONS! Tiit plcturf 1~1ed In tltit DO• m11y Dt cOn$1dered by $0Mf to be un· 1ul111ble tor clt!ldrtn 1111d )'l)l,lng people -11nd '"fulrt partnlll cll1crer~. Tl!lf of 11\t ltelurt 11 "'MARO CONTRACT" Contr•rv lo advtrtlt inQ Myond our CDl'llrOI 1'1(1 e~rl119 t l•ewlltrt, \'OU"9 peOj!le undtt 11 tno! 16) will 1'1111 be lclmltlfld 111 Pa· ci!lc Tllo11!rt$ lo ... llWI p!<Tu•t ll•IPd uni~ 1ccompenied by parl'l'I! or ~dult ou11rdl•n. ···~~ I Tll= :~'::11 T~~~R I "My I fft Of Th Moutctf•" Tony R•ndtll COLOR "HELLO DOWN THllf" Sl\tWll .. 11:11 <.A~lr. n.,r, HARBOR BLVD 1"1m11y l'~ttrl~lnmenl Jerrv L-lt COLOft "Hoek, u .. AN .... .,.. SMWll 1111:11 & n.u "~ "$ti,.,.;. " D1-..kn" .....,._.1t111 -PAULO --MWJ1:t ~.' IN,,IU' 0 • , . WARNER .................... ~ ... '"'o'" Fi0 ixsouTH coasT ~NlRIL Pt.AZA THEAT"E CORPORAllOH S•n Dieco FrtewlJ at Bristol • 546-2711 ACRES OF FREE PARKING --;e ) Killing ~iSter Si!"'"' eorge" Beryl Reid © Susannah York Cora l Browne ALSO MARLON IRANDO llCHAllD IOONE ltlTA MOlllNO IN "THE NIGH T OF THE FOLLOWING OAY" IN COLOR MEMORIAL DAY KIDDIE SHOW FRIDAY, MAY 30th SUNDAY, JUNE ht It's The Si llies t Party of Uie Year ... and ' you re all invited! ,:::4111'11 AND J CARTOONS AT 12:JO & 2:30 ON IOTH DAYS ALL SEATS SOc Due To Th• l'.T . .&.. Sho.,.. • On Sorurda,, May list • There 11 Ho MAD MONSTER 'ARTY OUR 7th P.T.A. SHOW SATURDAY, MAY 3ht. FESS PARKER IN • 10:15 "SMOKY'~ .12:45 IN COLOR Complete Printing Service Top Quality -Fast Service ll'l·'''"""il , 642-4321 2211 West Balboa Blvd. Newp0rt Beach • . . t """ST NffJ lltOft rt.\llllllll Tlft.\lll IN EDWARDS' • POSITIVELY ENDS TUESDAY • CLARK l'iAILE VIVIEN LEICiH and LESLIE HOWAlD OLIVIA ff HAYILANlt r Valley of the Dolls ....itti larbara l'arkiM ••• Potty-Dull• CONTINUOUS FRIDAY, SAT.!JRDAY & SUNDAY The 'MUST-SEE' Picture of the year! • "A film not to be missed ••• a cinemotlc "9otio"·wrinter! A film of mtallhtt . •.• sometfdnt for the mind to masticate. Not to hove seH 'Hant Contract' Is to be sometblnt less than au courcntt!" "Something remarkable and special!" """i.•r1~.!:~'11"· "Excellently done!" ""'~~':.~:.~~· Examlnet' "A stunning. film 1" _,.,.,H,...,. • L.A. Tlmu AlllONlnSch•-- JAMIS QlllCJU -.LIE llMJm -WllfAIMQ • IUUmMDPii& ~ NnlCI .... · lllll.llfti lllllll CLAUDEOAUPHtN·~ICHWMT?·tiii'------.. -.. LLD P'OCOSTifll ·A&.O WTM •MMtlllOff'·COWltt"Ool.. [!$$Me ( • • -1 ---~ -----------·--------------------------· -----~·-·----, ·----------·-----·--------..-,_--------------...-.. Hello there, boys aild girl s, and welcom' ence again to Uncle Len's Gomer. Uncle Len wants .to thank all the boys -,~ girl' at \I{ t S-'I rn· o n t School in Westmiriltet for Seodina ln a whole balch of poems this week. And special con- gralJ,llatlons to our poetry win- ner, Jennifer Eddy, and run- nera-t1p , Sbefrt La.non and Dorma Fruer for their con· trib"tions. ASIDE from the Westmont Schoof package; there were ' • \ ' I • • PEANUTS STEVE ROPER ' I 00/'fT THINK MY LlfRARY WOUl.D IWTEltEST 'IOI.I MISTUH Slfr.TOM I rrs' PAPU H•BACK L<WE STORIES -MOSTLY.I HEAH'S 7HE COFFEE.' on1y three letters in Uncle :t:l:;..~r'jii7J Len's mailbag this week, a .PERKIN~ ' ' new low. And Carol's only cor- resp 6 n dent was Mary Gustafson or Huntington Beach who won tbe riddles and iOUI contest for the se- cond week tn· a row, Let'• see lf we can do better 0 nexl ~. 'b\>r• and girls,,-------.---------------------~· WllOll 11\J theme· for the art * PRIZE WINNER * contest will be the last day ·al school-a day which ls com- iOg up pretty soon.' By the ~ay, boys and, girls, This week'§ contest winner is Danny Finch, 9, Uncle lien calls your attention 1846 FWlerton Ave., Costa Mesa lO:e ~i:~n :ee~ _ft.~ Any child under 12 can. eQfer Uncle Len's Art Contest\ Here's all yo'u. aII aboul m a r t j u a n a • do: (() Draw picture on ~iece of plain, white paper 51h inch~ wide and something which every 4 inches deep. Us.e black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace youngster should stay away pictur.e. It must be your own work. (3) Put your name, age and addrea1 · !-, .iid Andy gives you the on back of drawing. Mail it to Uncle Len's Art Contest, Box 1560, DAILY ieUons fl>Y· • · PJLO'li, Costa Mesa. ·Winner 1'ill receive Kennedy ball dollar. ·-'f I."-.• ti • ' ,'• • ~~ ~entioli WID·'-~~~.~-~.,---'....:..---------------------JI • .nen in thil week's art contest • ere. :Mart," 'Cuslaf&oJ), HUn~--. tington Beech, an d G i I Traylor, 5, Costa Mesa. JUNE My favorite mpnih is June VI.hen all the bloosom.s bloom; June ia the beginning of summer · When everything is bright and gay - A Jmu;. BIRD A little bird sa~ in a tr~ MY FAMILY He sang a pretty song tor I'm one of a family of .ten, me, There sure is a crowd when we're all in the den, He sang all day, he sang all There are three girls and five boys night, • And they can make a lot of noise; He sang until the sun shooi God gave my mother a 'family of ten, ,bright; I sure don't think he'll do that again; If he sings for me he'll sing We drive our mother crazy and my father for you, insane, He sinin: until the sky lurns If the stork comes back it'll be shot in the brain. -... wM...-, ll•lf dtltw ...... 1 .. "" e...,., ..... W•U• blue ; · AoacL. w11,.,...111i.r, ,..,,... wlllfll"' ..,., 111 ""' _.,., 111• Yet he <1inas all day and he -Ulltelt. ~If wNtr *"' •r lllfl' " uau.• LH, ... JUDGE PARKER I THAlrrllC YOU, EVEtVN ••• t Tl-IOUGMT THAr PErtMA.PS KATHERINE WAS ™BE Vl51TIM6 YOU ..... ,.,,_. MOON MULLINS And children Jove to pliy And brides' wedding day. is on the way; There are so many things lbollt June -~· C1111 MtV, C.tlhmll. sin~d al~eni~~ays sings until'----------~-----------'!> HE.RE'IA ~o. Pl..USJ.llE·· the sun shines bright. c. !' c: .. 1T LOCk"S IMPoRT,ANT. That makes me love it so. -Po1111• ,.,_, W"tmlns!1r -S119ttl Lll"PI!, WH!mllllltr o------. • ~, ------II arb 6 · ·orn11r . ·l.UQDLES 4,...D ;JQUS * Dear Carol: What did the judge say to the murderess? '· .. PRIZE · WINNER • '"'1n14 eq Ot l!f 'eJnt:lld • SIP ~eJd •J,ftOA :Jlll\l"'f Mtl'Y OWSll'-• 212U l•r..,... L ... , HuntlftlfH aM<ll Wr ,.. .,..;,.... ~ .......... •I• °"• C.... Dally Pllet, IP 11•0. c.... ....., eenr. Dear Carol: What does a bee say when flying backwards? •qnz 'qn:z 'qnz :.1eM.1uy Mll'Y Ont•!..,,, Hvntl111te11 B11<ll '"'r. 1111111 • »vnlumt 1t1 cl tl'le mind Well we II kn c---------------------~ ww 1111111 liKYCIDPMI• ta e1rblr• J. • , a ow now -~~::': \.J. fl! _w1~1o11 •• it.Mis.-~-wbaL ~igarettes dp and .-e do , 1 , . not wish to g~t .hook~ on Wlilt does marijuana do to tftem; thank y· Oil •• ""aoy of., us 1ia"81ii· · have Witnessed th~·~ degrading Crossword Puzzle Mi.rijuana 1188 become a effects of alCobol Ind what it ACROSS 51 Not,J obi th t II can do to people addicted to it. higl1waym1n pr em a concerns us 8 ; lf marijuana is hannfW, .Jnd l B loc~~gts Irr Eng land an -iasue"in"tne· proud idusatle ~y beJieves lt is. it's <i --. r 6 Indicate 5z Distant: for 1 ·8 · better socitty of "" ...,.. wonlf"11!tnt 2 w0tds manklnd. As a rule, Andy argument to say that we 10 Gid.'s 54 Olymp ic should acei!pt it because we nickname Gamrs tends to avoid such topics. But accept cigarettes and liquor, 14 Apartmtnt too many bewildered young h I contntant Apart from its physical ousr s gn: 58 Early Ohio rea~ers have asked for in· 2 words l ~ni;iua gr formation. It would be shirk· damage, marijuana weakens a 15 Product or 51J Kin d ot vas' ing his duty to ignore them. person's abilitY., to cope with r!flec lio n bl Per son a Pa.rt of the following is fac-tl;ie real chall~es of every-16 R.A. non~-day life. It s..., .. the inner Anthony, 62 Cause to tuaJ, part is your faithful -r-Eatt ot ··-become . Y rst.erd1~'s Pu:r.:r.lt Solv.td: reporter's o,Wn opinion -and strength, the right to be one's 1'7 Gladlators' insi pid Andy is absolutely against own person. Many young 11ta 63 Wtapon 5/Jl/b9 marijuana . martyrs feel society is against 18 ti./ program &4 w. Sibtfi an 10 work stHI 39 well Marii·uana is a drug that af-them and see marijuana as a 1 content language to br done hit ball: Way l'l get away from the p~ IJ O~a1:.1t . !.5 Pronoun 11 To no---· ln foi111a l fects the human nervous blems that life,poses But only 20 Kind of b6 Part or a lZ Carfit d 42 In a sllly .system, the mind andq,.the b r in th bie "th gamt building ll Hooks a m~nner emotions. That sort or thin& is Y ac g ese pro ms wt -'JJ. Wagtring 67 Annoy fn fish in 43 Without certain to create a· state · of an unbefµddled mind, can you 24 Modify prlly wa)"i th e body restra int: make the better world you 2b Actor 21 Old coin 2 w0tds confusion. An Yo n e who deserve. That's why Andy Orson,;····· OOWN of Sl am 4b Girl's samples It ls likely to be a urges you not to touch the 27 31J.J7 : 23 Spons orshi p name confused character, at least ~words 1 Wound 25 Mad e ~7 Ttnni s for a time. And this confusion stuff, as do your parents and 30 Gont by 111 certiln public string h I becl d th others who really care. 31 Fur thrr way again mat,ria l reac es ou to OU e pro-32 Orli;ilpal 2 Rtfliove' 27 Univ trsal: 48 Lackin g blem of marijuana 81 a social Anttv •tlld• • w .. 111 .... Atlas'' R"" lnhabi t1nt of by force CGmb. form rtason issue. Some people are in H•ll. '" u. tif V~ri., ••1111h ec1-a country 3 Oli ve 28 Timr of 49 Girl's umblt, C.nld1, I• Ills quntlcn: favor of the stuff. Some, like 37 Strong alt gtnus day n1mt Andy, are sure it ls dangerous. W'1 doe• a lnlrrlcane bave an 38 Thousand-· 4 Bor or 21J Unlls In 50 Way Gvtt Children are not asked to eye? 40 Rtttnt:· E1i11: physics a fr-nee CGmb. form 2 wo1ds 33 Ont·Cyllndrr 51 Hav ing solve national problems. It is No. the howling monster 41 Hypocrltical 5 Ranch tngin ': matu re st'd not fair that they should be does not need lo see whe-i'l's 4l Mosltm c1H bulldtnq Slan9: 5S Irish rorctd to face this one. But , . .., to P.ra~rr 6 Mir«: 34 ·-China kings' home such is the case and the clear, going. Its raging path is 44 At11:1 not 2 words 35 ··•• bttr 56 Bustard bright eyes of youth will soo determined by t!Je winds and 45 !~~:t~d ~ ~!~:!r~uflix )& ~1~~~':ndds of 57 i~o~t, right through this smoky the keogra})lly of lan<t and sea. tG vote stats or T'''s i.o Tracht rs' sltuaUon. Before taking sides. In fact, the eye Is not an eye 48 Utttrl1 9 1n a etrtaln 38 Hot --: association: pClUIJ and evaluate..; ·Figute -, lp tbe proper sense. It ls a fldicu ous directi on 2 wo1ds Abbr. 1out JUst who is l'or inarij14ana ,c&ilm. round area In the rn\d-n--rr-n-,.,.,-.,,,r ,.,..,,,.... ..... ,...- • and who IJ a1alnlll It. COmld<r di•~ tl)e vul tjr<le 9f spiral· i...4-4--+--+- ' th• ..,..... of 111ese: optnlOM. 1111 Winds •Dll 1iom1Y dlqiH!s. • ' Who deler'Ves your 'fdpiict' · 1be calm eye. is there because l..-i--1-.1--'-- , and who doesn't. those winds are spira]ing 1 ·n hos -.!mbuoli<d to iow....i the "'"ter ·<ii 'Ille i...+-+-++- • Aody's satlsfacUoo anil !liil of· monsll'lltiS storm. And, of all l1llllY ICienlllUI that uilfl. , llll!IP.' \that c.:i:.'l..uiet eye Is • 'Ju1n1 II alwa11 risl<)' end' llCluatft the !""II· f"'1<Jr ,I often ~pt <W\18t'OUI lo ._..uii. 10r ·111o ptrUI o1 the : • the -boilf, it cootailll. hunlcal)O. !ta 1-~d ,,,_+-+-.+- · '-dlemlcall-ciNed ......... ' I ~tilo0Us. ;'Ille!!' !J'he belrl of I l)ow!Jng bur-hor+-f-l triclil Orrhoid lo .tract ~od ricone '1$ 'a Colulllli ol IJiht, , ~¥-+­•"""°"''" bod1 ciJOmlllrY •la ri~·at. We t.el .the windy 'l1 di!ftr'enl· Some pmons are force of air current; blowing JnOre .,.w.Ve to marijuana para1lel · wlUi ~ rthe • earth's ~ than otMn. But peOpJe 1 who tur1...-e. But current! of rising 1mote martJuaM • u t.f e r or , delcending air create unbeil~y dumgu in the pockets .of calm. The bur-t..+-+-t~+---+- nervous system. in the ,pulse rie:aoe'• e~ of rising air ls •rile and moot certalbly, In the calm. But tills updraft of light hr++-+- complealon of thtlr Uiri. alt acts like lhe suction ol. an lz<+-+--1- Tbose who are lot mtrl· ovtrth:ed vacuum cleaner. It jUana say that It Is better than drawl the spiraling winds to b.+-+--1- clgarettes or booze and that the heart of the hurricane and its fi:imes · uplift the human whis ks them~aJofl L-.J....J.-1-WIL..l.-l_L.Aiiil.-1-LJ.._J__J • I \ • • ----~ TUMBLEWEEDS /· •/ '' WILL! COf,\E ON, EPIC! JUMP CYVER HERE! WE 90TTA GET GOIN'! MU'n AND JEFF 'GORDO MISS PEACH ' ' HOWDY, l!tJUS!Nf .1~ A ~y • • . .. ® • ' ., it Saiu~'1. Moy ,I, 1169 DAILY PILOT JI, · t ly Qllartes M. Sclnila· ~-~-~~--~ )\\ ' CM NO'T POSITlvE ·1 HA~ Nl'I/ BUT ni.. IJ>OKJ 1HfAN', ' ' M16HT Bf A Lt'L 91T·'-'··;;-;..Q: __ SOMEWHEAH IN 1 THE FRID6E / ly John ·Miles ). .... > A c .., •• JI ~I -1 .. By Harold Le Dou PfRMIJ"S VOD'I> IETTa nop ME MF MERE ANO I 'LL W"U(' HOME, SAM! ALAN MAY THI,!'~· n4AT IT WAS VOUR FA.llLT. HAVlM6 Ml our nus lA.TI! HO, ICATMnfNE! I'M TA.ICIN& YOI ltl~HT TO TWE FRONT POOi!:! AU RIGHT! ALL RIGMT;VA 8l<F CHICKEN! BE STUBBORN! ... I GOT PLENTY O'TIME! ... I CAN STANP HERE AS LONG ,t..-o.;;AS:__VOU CAN ! ' ·' ,. . ,, () _ __,, ' i • • , . By Tom K. Ryan ly Al Smith ly Gus .Arrlola I Mell ,, #.. • .. .. ~---·--~ . . I /. .- • --------.--..-~-· ~--~------------~-------------- JJ DAILY PILOT S.tutdq, M11 31, 1'6ft Horoscope Capricorn: • Favorable Day for Pursuit of Religion SU NOA Y Stress on short Journey. Be and travel are on agenda. You due for pleasant interval. PISCES {Feb. 19-March 20): possess original Ideas. lf change and travel ire In· ~.~ !r,~ °'~ $~v ~~:J sure of di re cl i <i n s , in-g a In lf forward-looking. surprise. Activity Js connected with single, marriage could be up. dicated. ~~; J:r:w::~,,.,o.fTCll JUNE I ._'Oming. Married or single, r,1LOT. eu :1;2.0, Gr.-.il .. ci'Jlr.r s1 .. structions. Relative may be Personal magnetism rating ts · AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. friends, those who share your:u;•iiiiiiiil"-iiiiiiiiO..i'i.iiii:iii .... .:i''o.ll'"":i.lw~•,: ... :::ii".i""ii:;l';i"'li,l'~w;i'i." ~· "!i;l'·;i'l:'~i.O:''"::i'i.' i."·O:'·;i'"~"· .. · .... -By SYDNEY OfltARR confused. Best to do some high. 18): Be active in church, interests. Not wise to borrow personal checking. Verify in-CAPRICORN ([)ec. rwan. s pec i at organiiatioo. & or lend money. Be fair, but Moon la Caprltern : vitation. 19): Cycle moves up ; cooperative, charitable. By realize that others should be faYort.ble for pursuit of SA.GITl'ARl\JS (Nov. 22· circumstances favor your ef· giving, today, y 0 u untimately permitted to be self-reliant. LEARN TO SWIM AT YOUR ORANGE COAST Y reftgloas Interests. MJ.ny 'to-Dec. 21): Changes necessary forts. Excellent for family receive. Remain in IF TODAY IS YOUR ct.7 are serious and issue dtre in order to protect what you outing. Promote gr~ater background ; work quietly, BlRTHDAY you are active, wvalap. Nttd is fir n:la•· . .2pos:=::se::;ss::?;·c.!:Be::....!fl::exi::·::b::le.:_:V:,:a::;ri::;el:!Y__:do:::::!me~stlc::!' ~bannon~~Y!:;·...!y°"~.!a~re:_!Y~ou~r~el:!!l!;orts'.!!..p!!!ro~ve:ce~lf~ectl~v:!e:.., -~in~d~epend~~':!!"'~·~dy~n~a!!:m~ie:__:a~n~d~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..!!J .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ atloa. Rtadlng Is especially 642-9990 faYorff. Jn outdoor activity, take cart to avoid injW'y to knetS. ARIES (March 21·April 19): Include family in special pro- ject. You need backing from persons wbo really think of your welfare. Elcellent eve n· ing to have boss to dinner. Review objective. TAURUS (April 20·May 20): Good lunar aspect today coin- cides wilh chance to write, travel. get views across. Avoid the petty. Be perceptive. lgnore one who advocates something for nothing. GEMINI ~May 21.June 20): Money of others could become your responsibility. Draw upon past experience. Consult ex- pert. Avoid fi;ivolous attitude -could affect basic security. Coope rate with mate. partner. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Study Gemini message. AC· cent on relations with mate, others close to you. Let other.s take initiati ve. Best to be keen observer. Play wailing game. LEO (July 23·Aug. 22): Get basic chores out of way early. Later, be with work associates. Fine for reunions, special c o m p a n y get· together s. Welcome n e w persons i n t o your personal circle. . , VffiGO (Aug. 23-Sepl 22)' Pleasure indicated through children. Parti c i~ate in cre<ttive activities. Shake off emoti onal lethargy. Follow through on . inner feelings. desires. FulHllment indicated. LmRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22 ): Accent on home, property. basic issues. Check details. Avoid overlooking essent ials. Read fin e print. Important to be versatile. Ha ve alternate plans, methods at hand. SOORPJO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21 ): Marit1es To Perform On the 25th anniversary of the 0.Day invasion or Europe, the Third Marine Aircraft Wing Band from El Toro MCAS will present a concert for patients at Fairview State Hospi ta l. The June 6 event will be at 7:30 p.m. in the hospital auditorium , with refreshments served and visits between Ma· rines and patients scheduled' afterward. Mrs. Carol Bitcon. chief of rehabilitation services and staff therapist Fred Barnes arranged for the USMC band unit, which is in great demand for public performances. Mrs. Bitcon said they rear· ranged their schedule in order to make the June 6 date, saying this reflects the superb values of the Marine Corps. Everlflhing ·for "NATCO" BEACH BAGS Choose from mall't styles and beautiful pat· terns in each price group ••• any one of thtse bags will enhance any beach e-ble for many a season. 2.0~ ~r11p • .•• Sn11p 1.89 2.89 3. 79 • 60 ft. PWTIC Gartlen ·Hose "Sipat111" witll "9"' "" ••. Fun flow lmy tnss """'gs 3 49 -woo't lllrdel « klllk. 11 rear Gsarwtn • front SHUL lnewch "No-Pest Strip" ~I~ flyiag "'""' -· E"<tli" tor 1111 to J "'31ths. ete. • nir::r:,=: 1 79 · ~c~~=,-,;,~::::;::::::1:•:S;l!t::::·::~ ~--~; ''Show-Off'' Hair Bands Joo~; wre slfe!ch ny. 1 Ion. 1' .:'' wide ballds i~ 4 • OD il!I array of :;olid pastel : • rnlors. Brush Rollers llf TIP·TOP ••• fcatre'litllt, Sl'l'IOOtll t1cx1b1t. bnl$lle$ -won1 ~ttatcb or 66C snag. Clloose ln:im •sites Wittl ISS't 'count per piPagt. t.tl Silt PAii 2" Bob Pins ''"'" •.• "~ -..1.ii.-. -~ 27c !illiW, Unwit&riJ. Choose lrom Mm. bmmor sltvtt. 3't In ti 1• 81/i' Styliaz B11sb ., TIP·TIP •• , •/rat-tail ttlullb 1est --botfinl'Jklolir;sffts. 39 C-""' HS't "0>(' ...... C Sk Sitt I 6-Ft 2-Piece Beach Umbrella Sand Chair foMing, IOI-lrarre 3 89 with Clllorful striped CCll· Ion M~as sM .,.i back. • for the "BRIDE" "MONTICEUO"' Sheets >yCANNIN 011111 Sin ••1. lJI FITTED 2 09 1rFUT ..... , / -···--·----·-·"-··--~~--·---·--· ------------ "Solarcaine" rer t1litf tf Slfflllb 11111 Miler Slit Jfritlt'- I , Ml\J.. FACTOR . JNTRODUC!'S THE ~ THE lm.l..,._f-.lo....,td wi!~ .,ni.. lw"' ll"90tlipa iroloo ...... ol f:JP'C'o.-"'" I.I PIJCIS PIEYNL S•tftr, J1• 1st hn W•'••shf, Jltt 4111 -~--------~~--------- • DAil Y PllOT ,ll_ .. Gur,~ey 1 Kisses Stoc,k BJock Engines ~oqdbye By DEKE HOuLGATE Curney was among Ihm of the [a, °' 1111 oau'll l"l'tl s .. H vorltes for Sundaf'li first race of the lNOIANAPOLIS -Dan Gurney may tL million Canadian-American ClWJenae have klJsed goodbye to the stock block Cup Sttiea..at M°"J)Ort, can,, wbo 'were en~'~ ~~ '!o W:U.remarkable ~· . ~r~:~a~i 8 ruling banning ocid place fuililh in the lndlana(IQli1 seo Gilrney """Bnl<e t.icl4ren and Den· Ffid!U' behind Mario AndretU Jn a car nis HWme of New Zealand were the ~t never had a chance io win. drivers caught in the mlddle when they After the race, sitting in his Olsonilc learned ot the ruling by the Federation garag~. on gasoline alley, Gurney had fnterilaUOnaJe. r.s~ AUtomobUe wblch no alibi~ and needed none. but ~e dld , ~W.OUI~ req_uite the~ Jo t'!+fl without the sound discouraged about the fu(ut'f of • atrfo1ll with w"tiich their Cars have been the stock block in USAC championsfilp equipped. racing. Jt has been Gurney's dream to pUt U~I TtI911ho"' ANO. THE WINNER! -Ma1;0 Andretti; \Vinner of the 53rd Indian· a Polis 500,. wheels his car into U1e winner'.s circle Friday while car owner..Andy: G~Jnatelli (left) joyfully awaits the grand entrance. It. \Va"S a~k'ahle success story for Andreiti, \vho finished last last yelr 'd 'htrhad -~ ~nd a neo.V car OJ1ly last ·week when , itte1.__Lotus Fords ed out. ~ -· · -• In Funny Car 500 Badly Burned Driver Vies Tonight at OCIR By EARL G!)STKEY Ot lilt D11Ur Pl .. I S111l You're a professional d~agster driv~r who averages about $25,000 a year in prize money. You'.re lying in a Phoeni x hospital bed covered with burns from a horrifying drag strip mishap. Is it tlme to find safer employment? "Heck no," says Steve Bovan of Hu.nt· lngton Beach. . . , "I make a very comfortable living at drag racing and aCcidents are just occu- REIF SHOOTS 71 AT MEMPHIS OPEN . ' MEMPl-US, Tenn. (AP) -Ronnie Reif, representing Costa Mesa Country Club on the prp golf tour, is sti.11 in con- tention at the $150,000 Memphis Open. He shot a 71 Friday to go with his first round 64, pµtling him just four strokes off the pace set. by Bert Yancey and Lee Elder, both of whom shot 67·s Friday. Four pros were deadlocked at second place, a stroke off the le&de~s: John Lotz, Dale Oougl.ass. Dan Sikes and Hale Irw in. Mlller Barber and Gary Player shot 133's. Elder is shooting for hls first pro vic- toly on the tour. pational hazards. T can't stop working at it. it's the only \vork I know. Besides, I've heen driving foe 11 years and that was the first major accident I've ever'bad." To prove he n1eans what ho says, Bo- van, his burned flesh still covered with dressings. 'viii be in the lineup·at Orange County fnternational Raceway tonight for the "Funny Car 500." He can win up to $3.000 by v.•inning. 'Jl'll be Bovan"s first ou ting since he was nearly burned alive in Phoenix Ma.1· JO. He had entered the Desert Invitational at the Beeline Race\\•ay. Hurtling toward the fini.~h line at 190 mph, his engine sud- denly seized and the pistons melted. Fuel and oil spilled through the engir to the boltom pan and torrents of fl arr: engulfed ttie car. Encased in what turned out to be ;i raulty fireproof driver's suit, Bovan es- timates he was inside the inferno for ·2G to 3(1 seconds. "The fire extinguished while I was try- ing to unhook my safe'ty belt," he recalls. "The car went about 50 feet off the track and I dove out the door. I took one of my gloves of! and the skin was black and charred. There was an ambulance right there and they took me to the hospi- tal and I was !here for four and a half days." ' . · Such close calls are not partlcUlarly 11nique among drag racing drivers but berause of the intrepidness of the breed, the beat goes on. the stock block Jn the wlnner'a: circle at Indy, but his Dkllbto. Inch Gurney Ford was no match fot Andtetti'a turbo Ford ~for A. J. Foyl'$ turbo Ford or Uoyd Ruby's turbo Offy, for that matter. •• 1 feel we still have noi equalized thb race for the stock bklek engi~." Cur- ney said. '"fttey're loll}& to hav~to raise the. piston displacement on Uie -stock block or next year I'm going to have to e<1me bac~ here wltn a .turbo charged engine." Gurney thinks the stock block limit should be raised from 320 to 8 cubir· inches. If not, he said, "the stock bloc" Granatelli Finally . Has ' His Mome11t INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (AP) -Al last, Andy Gt8J1atelli got his revenge Friday . Re loved it. Grafiatelli, a pudgy rebel, won the rich and fabled Indianapolis 500-mlle classic with little Marlo Andretti at the wheel of his conventional racer just a year after the officiali banned his con- troversial turbine cats ·by changing the rules. ' • ... ' Twice, with. victory in sight, his tur· bines had slo"'ed to a stop whUe lead· Ing the 1967 and 1968 races. This time, 'Granatelli stood in front of the pits and said he counted "every minute, every second" until Andretti took the winning flag far in front. "I got confi~ent when he was 100 feet from lhe flag because then I knew he could coast In," said Granatelll. Alter 23 years of trying, after patch· ing cars together with baling wire, af· !er hitting the waU in a spectacula:- crash as a driver, after setting speed reeords with his swift. silent turbines only to lose at the rules table, Grana· te!li had won. With arms ope-ned \vide. he met An- dretti io victory lane. He kissed hi1n- not once. but three times. He lifted the 5--foot-5 driver to hi s shoulderi and car· ried him piggyback to the pace car for a triumphant ride around the tr;ack that had haunted him for so long. "I always believed I would win here," Granatelli said. "1 jOst didn't know when." The thick roll of $5® bills in the pock- et of the Northbiook. ill., executive who heads the STP Oil Treatment firm , was a measure of how far Granatelll ,has come sine& he fint look on the ·tndian-1 apoli& test in . UH6 and began his Ieng siring of defeats. Phils Explode, Rip Dodgers In 13-6 Rout PHLLADELPHIA (AP) -Hom e runs by Richie Allen, Mike Ryan. Larry Hisle and Oeron Johnson propelled the Phila- delphia Phillies to a 13-6 victory over Dodger Slate Ml'f JI -Dcxlg1rs fl Plll!adelphla, •:lO p.m. KFI !~j~~e 1, Ot>d~ero 1! Phll1clt!lphl1, •:30 p.m .• KFI Juni 7, Ood;-1" at l>(.w Yor~ S 1'..(n., KFI 1640) June J, Oockltr• al New York, S 11.f'.I'., KF 640) the Los Angeles Dodgers Friday nJght~ , Woody Fryman gave up two runs in the first inning on three hits, but 'the Phillies came back \vith six runs in the bot tom half chasing Alan Foster, who retired only one hitter. Kosco homered for the Dodgers In the r'fth and Len Gabrielson's run-scoring , ingle chased Fryman and brought the Oodgers to within 9-6. tos ANGELES -PHILAOELPHIA •b rll•I 1brll bl llu•!ll'll. rf 1 1 I o TT1vlor lb 4 2 I a tr..wfor<I, H 1 a O o Roi•• 2tt S 3 3 o woavl• cl • o o 1 ltA!ltn 11! • 2 1 3 1'artltr lb ' 2 2 o Cllll»n rl • 1 I o (~~;,~! 1b ; ~ : : =~'°';,If ! : ? : Sud•ltl1 <ti ~ o 2 o MRv•n c l 2 2 1 Sizemore H • l I • Hl•le ti 3 I ' , TDrkrf( 10 10F,,,,,..,np 1°000 l-l•lltrt 10 00 1te!fo• 1 000 Fosttr1' oao o Mllll\flrD 1 00 0 Purtlll't P I 0 0 0 G11brle11n ~h I a 1 1 Ml.i<.kelln D 0 0 0 0 J'•l•lv ~h I 0 0 0 ltltl 35 6 10 ' T011I 2$ 1J U 11 L••Ano11e1 201 et! •o~• "hlltdtlO'll• ' I 1 0 D I. 0 ~ 11-13 E~1<01co. Sl"mort' letlJl!vrt. OP-L-.. Anttln l, .J>!llle~elphll I l09-Lot A"l!llet J, P~llld1lpPo!1 5. 111-Ru10,ll, K~o, If!. 111:-,.n, R.tl11. HR-Ill. All.,, I t, M , RVI" l , l'll1lt l. lt(QCO f, 0. Jl)lll\loOll 1- 58--Mll'ltt· 5--Frv,...n 1. T-4:4 . A-10,731. Laver Rally Stops Crealy PARIS (KP) -Cliff Richey, U.S Davis Cup stir rr:om Dallas, quickly finished ~f his match with Luis Ayalll of Chile When the French Open Tennis Champion.ships were resumed at the Roland Carros Sts- dlum Ericlfl'. Coronli de:l Mar'i Rod Laver, the top seed and the world's No. l ranked play- er beatloff tt,e challenge of fellow-Aus· tr~llan Dick Ctea?y to win J..6, 7·8.. 6·2, 6-2, 6-t ' Crealy. who ls nnked No. 4 ln the Aus- trilian amateur list, had threatened lo cause a sensation last night by winnina the Urst two sets. But with a Jud of two sets to one be wts halted by ratn. ,, Ric~y won M: &-3. IJo.10, 9-7. '"'e match was interrupted by rain 13!t nlght with the scor&&-6 In tht fourth set -and Ayala "'ithln cme poinl of a service break. 'The 36-fJ:ar-old Chilean got his service. break wlth)lls first shol this morning. But Richey; took the next three games .. for the match. t "My tou-ch bad gone this morning.'' Ayala said, "If wt could have played t>n last night I think 1 could have won." The match had barely been completed when rain slart!MI. Dennis Ralaton, American profesa:lonal from Bakerafleld., was humiliated by 7..a· lj)ko Franulovlc ol Yugoslavia. who 'Y9ll 11-2. &-0, 6-1. Franulovic. one of Europe's most im· proved players on hard courts, had been seeded No. 10 In ·t1ie tournament while Ralston wis unseeded. • -- Is dud at JndianapolJ1." . Allhough he wa& dtaappolnted with !ill StcOnd·place Unlsh, hla drive was one or the lilghl!ahi. of tho '""· What tnan;' rans didn't know was lhat Gurney was usl.ng the 500 to bmk In a (leff engine. That cost him· valuable poaiUon early In, the ttee and a lot of time-whlcb he had. to use to f)lay catchup. The Costa Mesa driver started on the fourth row-in lath position-but drop- ped baclt to lllh in the early laps as he gradually worked hls Santa Ana-built car up to max.imum raciog speed. He hlt the top 10 in the standings mid- way in the. rae&, partlY due to a couple o( spectacular drq racing atarl.'I out of the pits after quick fueling and tire chan,aes. ., Attrition that reduced the Ueld to ll cars running at the finish contributed to Gurney.'s steady progress, but he worked hls way steadUy into second plate, where he found hlmselr with only 55 mlles to go. That's when the car started smoking. Gumey's crew, st11pecting seri.®s en- gine trouble, flashed him the "EZ" sign. He allowed 1 lZ second lead over third place Bobby Unser to dwindle to six be- fore again stamping the accelerator hatd Lo finish atrong. dl'm not sure what wu wrong," GPT'- ney Qid. "But I was aure gJad to make it all the way.'' Post race inspectioo revealed that the smok·e was comina rtom a ~eterlorating left rear shock absorber. Gurney became the !int driver since 'Bill Holland in 1947-48 to finish second two years in a row. Dan'a teammate, New Zealander Denis ~Hulme, was run~ nlng third when he di'opP«( out of the race on the 149lh lap with a broken clutch. FLEES BURNING CAR -Jim McElreath •hields his face ~~m fumes and flames as he leaps away from his l)l\rning car. The vehicle caught"fire dur· ing the 25_th lap ,of Friday's In'dianapolis 500-mile c)assic. COsta ·Mesa's Dan Gurney was second in the g_ruelling drive. Prayed for Last 150 Miles, Says Indy Champ Andretti stop and had to retire. Sons of two past driving greats~ ~ill Vukovich Jr. and Gary Bctlerhausen, were eliminated by mechanical trou· bles, along with former world cham- pions Jack Brabham of Australia and Denis Hulme, Gurncy's Eagle teammate from New Zealand. INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -Little 'Mario Andretti cast aside past frustrations this Memorial Day and breezed to record- setling victory in the $750,000 Indianap- olis 500 auto race ~ mechanical · wOes struck down his opposition one by one. .The 29-year~ld Italian-born Mdretti, still smarting fro1n burns suffered, in a crash only nine days ago, roared to a two-lap lead over the field with almost 150 miles to go and never was seriously challenged. Baltimore Home Runs ·· ·. ~ -" "I prayed those last JSC> miles." the w~ry 135-pound driver said. "So manr things have happened to me here in the past ... " End Angel Streak, 2-1 His avr.rage speed or 156.867 miles per hour ~as a record for this S3-year--0ld premiere event in U.S. mOtorsporL~. His time for the distance was 3 hour.i, 11 minutes and 14.71 seconds. Costa Mesa's Dan Gurney. driving a slock block Ford of his own design. came in second. a bare elght second'! ahead of last year's winner Bobby Un- ser, Mel Kenyon of Lebanon. Ind., \vas fourth while fifth place went to Joe Leonard of San Jose, Calif., in a con- ventional piston car. The mechanical troubles which had haunted Andretli in previous 500s hit everybody else Friday. •A. J, Foyt Jr .. this year's fastest quali -' lier ~ and three-time 500 winner, spent more than 23 minutes in the pits re- building his turbocharger after lending most of the first half. Wally DaUenbach, another early lead- er. spun off the track. Lloyd Ruby, lead- ing after the midway point, pulled oul his fueling tank connection on a pit . Boog Powell and Brooks Robinson hit successive home-runs for the third time In less than a Week, bringing the Balti- more Orioles from behind to a 3-1 -\.ic-. tory over California Friday night The loss ended a two-gam e \Vih streak tor the Angels and came on the heelS of Angel Slate M1v :ii -Ar><itll ,,.. l\~lllmore. 7:11 o.m. l<MPC June 1, Angtl1 VS 81Ulmor1, 12:5, p,m .. KMPC:- Junt 1, Ane~ll VI Ollnill, 7:55 11.m., l<MPC (1101 June 3, Al!Ofll 111 Pel"I" 1:ll 10.m., KMPC: J"' J11nt 4, Ano1l1 ,,.. Oe ref, '" 11.m .. KMPC: 710 J11ne di Ar191t1 •I Clt¥1l1nd. •~4 p,m .. 'KMP (1 Ol Jvne , A1'11tl1 '' CJl'vel1nO, 11 :10 1.m,, KM"C: a lrade. The Halos traded outfieltler Vic Davalillo to -St. Louis before tYle gime for outfielder Jim Hicks. Left-hander Mike Cuellar, 6-3, scatter· ed six California hit.'l as the Orioles ral- lied in the sevent)1 inning for their 12th triumph in the last 14 games. Powell, who. has hit safely In 18 straight games. smacked his seventh homer after Frank Robinson led off the seventh with a ground-rule double, over- coming a 1--0 deficit. Brooks Robinson followed with a liner ·Major League Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE Eaat Dlvlaion Eaat Divt1lon w L --Pct .. GB w L Pel GB CHICAGO 31 16 .660 BALTIMORE 34 14 .706 PI1TSBURGH 23 23 .500 71 ~ BO~N ' 29 15 .659 3 ST. LOUIS 2t 21 .167 ' DE'l'ROIT 21 18 .571 7 NEW YORK 20 23 .165 9 NEW YORK 23 as .479 11 PHILADELPHlA I8 23 .C9 10 WASHINGTON 23 27 .460 12 MONTREAL ti 31 .262 J7~l CLEVELAND ti 29 .275 19 . \\'eat Dlvialon West Division ATLANTA 28 15 .651 MJNNESOTA 24 )9 .558 LOS ANGELES 28 II .591 "' OAKLAND 23 2Q .535 l CINCINNATI 23 19 ·~ 4Vi CHICAGO 19 20 .487 3 SAN FRANCISCO 24 ·21 5 SEA'ITLE 20 23 .465 • HOUSTON 24 25 .4911 7 KANSAS CITY 21 25 .457 Ill SAM DIEGO " 30 .388 12 CALIFORNIA 13 29 .310 10 1h; lnultt ltnYlll Chlt.11to 1, AU•ntl o ll111!mor1 :l, C.llto"'r;.J Cl1>Cinn1tl 4, II, L.o\11$ J C!lv1l1"ICI t, 01k .. nd SI (10 lnnlnaal Otkllnd J, Cllvtllot'ICI 1-!nd l"ltttbutfl't ,, "'-'°"' ,_ht °'''"' ..... "" s • ~OUllon f , Pl~ f-W • ~irw Yot11 ,, ~ C!!~ 2-1'1 PM..0.tpflle 13, Lllf A"""' • Ntw York $, 1(.-1 Clly 4-fNI ' S..11 Oleoa 1, Mll'llr .. I 2 IU ..... Jrottl no innk\l.i W1111r,.,.IOfl ~ O.k:ago ..._111 N..-York <C. hll PrtnclaCD ~ 110 IMlt'tll• (111(190 •• '#te!Nton .... ~ ,. .... ,... °'"* e.19>1 '· Nl""*'ttl 2 St\ ,rtneftQI ll"trrv 7-4) 11 Nf'tlt York (Gft!lrf ........ _ WI CtrvelW CMc~I WI tl'Otkl~ /DoOMfl ,..,, t.111J11tft (ltn 2.01 If Pltltbur9'1 l!lltt ,_., Detroit ''"""' \.I) •t s.n1t ( ,,..., 1·1' AU ... 11 II", "":t" 741 II CllltNO l:let'llclns +'t) Chlelto fJOlln WI II Wldllllflel\ !Cell!Mn ,.,, Let Mt1i.. IS ntt~ f.4') ti Pfrllltdtr-. N• York (tllftttmvtt WJ 11 KflM.t CrtY 1or .. CJllC:llN'lllf «t!Ytr 2-41 11 SI. l.Ollll (Ton.t l •I) '° l-tt n!tl'll. • nt1hl ll•lllmo,.. ll"llMbul .. 11 11 Ctll!Mlft taNl'ltt I~) Sl!'l J,Ollff , Nltllrt • l•Jl 11 Mll'llftll (Jltllr 11\ohl 1 .JI fl ltt M/-.Oll (WoodlOll 2·1) •t IOllllfl (l!llM:rf ~-41 AUTHOIUZID PULL SIRVICE AND PARTS l'Olt ALL IMl'ORTED AUTOMOBILES that sailed over U1e 393-foot mark In left center field and chased Andy Messer- smith, the Angels' starter. Messersmith, 0-5, had allowed just two hits through the first six innings. Powell and Brooks Robinson also con- nected for successive hom ers last Sun- day at Oakland and Wednesday night at Seattle. Baltimore ends its three-day stay in Orange County Sunday when the Orioles and Angels meet on "DAILY PILOT Day." 8ALtlMORI! Bvford If _ Rt!!enmd II 91~1• cf Flloltllltlon rl Powtll lb •1t0t>lnsn JI! HendrUs c OJOhftSon 711 · •e-lennr 11 Cue111r p tb r fl bl ' 0 I 0 0 Q 0 G ' 0 I 0 4 I 2 0 • I l 2 4 l I l • 0 0 0 • 0 ' 0 J 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 CALl,.ORNIA 1b r fl•• Alom1r 71> • o ? o Jollnsrone d 4 o D o FregOll 11 4 l l O lttkhardl It • D 1 o Morton rt 4 o o o ARod'9e? lb • 0 2 1 S.trle"" c; J o o o 5"ncl'r tb l 0 D 0 M""e..'lh !> 1 O O 0 RMIVP 0000 KT1111mp OOO D LJcfll\$0fl oll 1 0 0 p EFlsM'r p o o 0$!1 . Tol1I l~ 2 1 3 l;oltl JJ I '"'~ a11r1mor1 l 011o•o0-t :S'll 0-3 ~Jl C.!l!om11 ooo too 000-1 • E-Bei.,,otr. lOll-.. 1Hmer1 4, C.Utorn!I i 111-F. Robl"I0'1 1, A. lltodrl911'r. Hl\-Pow.11 7,, R10bl"1on I. T-l:S1. A-1,,0f1. ' ' ,• ·1 .. 196~.~11-~ ~100 5 .,~ . . I ' J f , • I • ' i . . . ,, ' Available w/Automaue Tnnsmlss10ilj . ' ' - • GO\D SW. UllD 'c:.US FINIST SILIC1IOll Of' !UPD 1POllT CAiis' IN S011'!14UN. CAUl'OIN~ f!rtupu11 il 111r 11 1: I , 1100 WUT COAST Hl•HWAT-NIWl'ORT llACH ~ ' ' 140-17'4 ... ,... • ... e AUmN·HIALIT hohr ........... l'lllAlll 'llWor, -• - ' . .,,, I I -"""-..--~-...... --~-.-~---------- • • • • • • < • • i LARGEST SELECTION oF CHARGERS TO CHOOSE FROM IN SOUTHERN CALIF. Brand Ne w ~69 C.har.gers CJ:K>la OF COLQRS Bucket seats • Hideaway headlights • full ~vinyl in1eri9r • Nylo0. ca~tiilg· • Rear deck spoiler • Full racing instrumentation e Bu~r: guards • Ash tray light • H.O. springs • toriion sway •' . .....m bar XP298'81nrn,. xnt.MJHa XP2'8fB1N7.U. XnNPllHW. bEUVERY $26 88 fOTAI, sa1 TOTAL sa1 TOTAL & i~,.· PAWfNT rf~~J 1969 D ART SWINGERS BRAND NEW 2-DOOR HARDTOPS Full l•ctorv e<1111Hotd. ll23Atfll"26. LL2lo\91!!14l55Q. TOTAL DOWN PAYMENT TOTAL MTHl.Y. PAYMENT s21 88 TOTAL PRICE + TAX l UC. 1969 DODGE CORONETS BRAND NEW 2-DOOR COUPES $69=.·w~~,, s22·88 TOTAL MTHLY. TOTAL DOWN PAYMENT PAYMENT TOTAL PRICE+ TAX l LIC. 1989 DODGE "WESTERN SPORTS SP!CrAL" ' BRAND HEW 2.ott. llARDTOP COUP! . 1.969 DODGE ·CORONETS BRAND NEW STATION WAGONS ~o'lf T:ZI $258 8 PAYMENT PAYMENT IMMEDIATE DEUVIRY Tot1l Prk1 + Tax l lltlftlt Brand lew 1969 Dodge Tradesman Van 8108 Model. V-S·englne, heavy dutyrsuspension, special tradesman accessori1S ·J)lck11~, 46 emp alternator, 70 amp wet battery, tinted glass, junior West Coast mirror, front se.at passenger side. Motor No. 1987P94514. Immediate Delivery. ' Orange County's . LARGEST ·5 DAY 96 .CONSECUTIVE · HOUR HOLIDAY Sell-a ~iHi)n·'. THE BIGGEST ·SALE EVER HELD DOORS WILL NEVER CLOSE! OPEii 'AROUND THE CLOCK FOR 96 CONSECUTIVE HOURS Thurs., Fri.,Sit.,Sun. & Mon. ~y 29f!i to Ju .. 2n.d . Salt Starts Thurs. 9 a~m.· . Ends Monday Midnight • ORE YOU IUf ·A------. D CAR ANtWllEllE Show tha dealer my 9'H1ronlff ,and ask if he can match ill If not, come into HARBOR DODGE home of .the GOLD STAR GUARANTEE. /Jot ~ul~ Owner-Gtntr1I M1nager . ·' I 00% UHCO,NltlTIONAL GUAUNTU .:omc r0t·'THE o0LD :STAR IN THE ,WINDSHIELD ,hr your prottction 100% Uncoaclhion1J GU1r1ntN -This Star st1tt1 In writing that .,.._ ...,. guerlftfllS thie car 100% against mec'!'nial defects for 100 Up ., 4,000 mUH whkh tver eotMI flnt 1fttr purchase. Th11 1nclude1 111 mecUnkll pm11, eltctric1I tttflpmtnt, bl~, IPMdomtttr, rtdio, h11t1r on 111 un. Thia gArlllfff , cown 111 plrh and labor1from •bUmper to bumper absolutely fret toy~. '66 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill H.T. V4, "sto. lrMI., P.$ .. R&H, wtw. tTAZ tlO), Gold 51•. $888 ~~ $29 '"" $119 ·'~"' +Tu:&l lc. = I. ~ ' . '66 DODGE DART G.T. HARDTOP Aulq?' /r-., R&H. DUdr.tt lffla. ITZJ JllCI). .. $688 :T~~Lk.$23 ;$, $23 '1!: '67 DODGE DART '66 DODGE DAlT 2.000R ' Ar.rtolNflc. 1111i., -· MG1or Ho, LU\"5171l51. s-10·3" 8"~·-T~:.-· r31·· {T: .. $3'· 6 .... T;;;;· $588 ~~ $19 ~ $19 ~it'! + T"':xkf. Lie. ~t ~m1: + T•• ... Lie. P-1. ,Y':t -.-6S-FDll_D_co"u=NTRY SQUIRE STATION WAGON-'64 DART GT HARDTOP y.a V ... -11tcwnatll; tr•111., rM!Jo, llffltt", -stnr., W1W. IT.IE m >. 5988 •r" $33= 33 =: + Tukf. Lie. Pvmt. ~I. '65 THUNOIRllRD 2-DR. HARDTOP V-1, l<Jl(I. lrl nl., r1~io, l'INftr, P.S •. P.B,, WIW. CN"B 7U), ~988 T•" $33 T•" 33 T"" l"rlce Dtwll Ml!tlll'I". + T l l & Lie. l'vllll. l"yml. '66 CHEVILLE SUPER SPTS. JN V-1. 4 .-I, rid'°, llfiirtef", {SUH NH. 5988 .!.~ .... $33;::. 33 ~: '66 COMET CAPRI SEDAN Aulll. "'-"• ,redlo, tiff!.,:, AI R>CONO. 'IUIT .m), 5788 •r-I ,6 ~ ,6 T•i:. + Tla'1 Lie. l'vmt. ~ . '64 PONTIAC UMANS 2-DR. H.T. ...... •ulo. lrtl\l., l'.S .. ll:&H. budtirt SNtt, {HSX M7). $788 T•" $26 T .... $26 T•" f'rk1 D9W!I Mntlll'ft. + T•• a. Lie. l',m1. l"fml. '6S MUSTANG HARDTOP Air ~ .. r.olo Wiii ,_.!tr. CUVF 171). $688 +f5 Llc.$23 $. $23 ~,: •66 FALCDN FUTURA CLUI CPI. V ... redio. ,_.,,,.., IYCS t3:21. 568 8 + T~fl Lk.$23 5 . $23 >it\.\\: '64 T·llRD V.a HARDTOP ,-,ctorv tlr. fllll -· Mlto. tr-. IS.." '113211,,,,), $688 +T$Lk.$23 =-$23 ~: '66 CHMOl.ET BISCAYNE T-Or. Seda!\. Auto. IT-... rwi... hNl'tr, ".s. l~P'll: 01. Gold ~t.c". ~688 -1:::1 $23 ·~ $23 MTll!) +T1•a Lie. ~. ~I. '64 PLYMOUTH SPORT FURY t11nllop, !4r. C-. V.f P'.S .. l\llf. lrMll., R•H. vln.,1, IMKk" te.11IJ, (OYf \Ill. 1488 1:::.: $16 -=: 516 ':I.~ t Tt • a Lie. py,,,I. ~mt. v1...,.1 buc*.irt -IS, rNio, l'INl91'. IOftL 1'2). $488 ~ $16 'T•• '16 TT!". +Tu & Lie. =r. ~'l. '64 GA LAXIE 500 H1rdfoll ~ wltll MlfO, tr-.. rldlo,. hHrtr" wiw, vi..t 1.1tw lor. s.r1111 :n11. $488 .rJt u..$16 s. $16 * VOUCSWAGEll cElrb · '66 VW VARIANT FIJll'I' ,.CJol'Y ...vi~. ITBO 1~1) . $1 088 + T~~Llc.$36 p~ $36 i '!f: '66 VOU<SWAGEN • uted, radio. llHter. !TBW t71). $688 T .. O $43 T•" $113 T!!.1: + f:.'1 Lie. " i::J. " ~: '6S V.W. VARIANT 1500 S Rldlo. llN!irr, lllilc*l't Hiia. ll"KM 62'}. $688 + T~ Lk.$23 S. $23 MP!: '6S VOIJ(SWAGEN • .-t. rlldio. ~tr. tOnl 750). $588 +T$U<.$19 = $19 ~: '62 V.W. SUNROOF $588~n~. 7;;· w;f 9''~~i9 ~~. • + T11 & Lk P'vmt. , ··PYM1. '60 VOLKSWAGEN PICKUP , -... uox •in. ~~ $16 = $16 ~. + TU & Lie. l''ml. ~I, All payments on used cars include tax & licen~~ and finance charges on 36 months on approved Bank Credit • • • l I ' • I ' l l -• -------~~-----~---~~-.-------.-· --~----·----,.~------·----------T--··-·--~~--~---------' -_, -..--___ ________,..____,......--..---.. ,....,. .,,.., ... ,....._,,.,.~ .· . ' • • . I -DAIL V I'll.Of • :g! \ i ' . ' . ~ ... -' • • • . · IN YOUR· ,NEW ''DU~ON · FORTD'~'; • .. . . . . .o1~;an ~ AMERICA'S FAVORITE PERSONAL . FUN C·AR! • ' • ' r • • BRAN D NEW 1969 MU;STAN6 FASTBACK or 2·DOOR HARDTOP O,RDlll YQQRS NOW AT THIS LOW "DUNTON DEAL" PRICE! . . ' . ' • --· :RANGER· C~PER · SPECIAL '. ' 'IN StdCic ••.• ., READY F9!l 'IMMEDIAJl. DEUVERY . ' \ • , 52287 ( WhlN W•ll TINI & WMel Conn OptlOMI PLUS TAX AND LICENSE .. ' ,• ' BRAND NEW • 1969 CAMPER· SPECIA .. BRAND NEW .1969 2·DOOR ECONOMY1 SEDAN , FALCON · DUNTON'S LOW TERMS $99 $53 13 BRAND NEW .1969 · · FOil.D L·TD 5 ONLY All The "Hard· Ta-Get" Models. Including: C re w Cab" • 4 Wheel Drive Ranger • Custom Cab • Standard Cab • Broncos • Chateau Wagons, And Plenty Of Camper Specials. - PLUS ••• A HUGE SELECTION OF · OTHER NEW 1969 FORD TRUCKS 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111·1111111111111••••············· · i SEE DU.NTOH FOR lL ! 1969 Executive "T'' BIRDS I CAMPERS -· I z. en. Woodin• c .. ,_..._ Amorita'• ,,... .. , ... 1u •. 1. qilollty ......... Front ! sltells to tll• ...... , • AT FA NTASTIC SAVINGS! 4-DOOR SEDAN DUNTON'S-Low' PRICE' PLUS TAX AND LICENSI $2649 ORDER NOWI Whit• Well Tim & Wh"I ceven OptloMI . { •: -' •Kamp KlRCJ Com"" -wltll HI• llfetlm• warranty. "'Tomorrow's Camper :. Today." 111• Mfest cemper Oii the road. I •Gem Top~pen -An 1tHI lhels cab to 6'·•·•. i £ COMPARE OUR PACKAGE PRICE! : ; . We feat!ire the BEST at the LOWEST PRICE! f -.11111111111111111111111111e111111111111111111111111111111111111eei A 'Dunton Dea/'· •• Your Guarantee of the.lest$$ Buy Anywhere • CHOOSE FRO M OVER 400 CARS & TRU:CKS·! 48 MONTH FINANCING . ' -. ' Avallabl1 Through Calif. Funding on Approvtc:I Cr"edit PICK · OUT THE ONE YOU WANT ••• GET A DUNTON DEAL AND DRIVE IT FfOME! '67 MUSTANG 2·Dr. Hardtop v.a STICK SH IFT, RADIO AND HEATER, CORDOVA WIDE "'600" POLYESTER TIRES. TYV 748 '65 FAIRLANE 500 SPORT COUPE V-8, autom1fic transmission, pow er ste•ring, radio, h•at•r, bucket 111ts. RFL 136 $11 95 '6$ MUSTANG Z DOOR HARDTOP '66 FALCON FUTUIA STATION WAGON V-8, 11utom11tic tr1nsmission, po we r st••ril'l9, r11d .. heat•r. TAT 429 '66 ·MUSTANG Z DOOi HARDTOP • MAVERICK TRADE-.INS '67 TOYOTA . Cl19WN . 4 Door Sed1n. Air co'nditionin9, 1utom1fic fr1n s- mis1ion, ,r1dio, he1f•r. VRA 019. $1'6 '.95 -· .. ,,, RIMAULT · . ;2 ~ • - 4 spt•d !rifts., r..Uo, h .. 1.,, TSM 177 ·. ''$8~9"5 '. ' -) ? • ,, ' . ' : '66 SHELBY COBRA .GT350 . . . FASTIACK. v.a, 4-SPEED. A1R CONDITIONIN6t RADIO, HEATER, CHROME ·WHEELS, SPORT DECK REAR SEAT. RSY 117 '65 MUSTANG '63 FORD Z DOOi HARDTOP COUNTRY SIDAN WAGON • V-1,. 4-•p•eci tr•nsmission, r1di_o,. heat-9. P•ssenger, V-8, automatic transml1 .. ' er,.OTU ' 577 • sion; heater, AM/FM r1dio. FWR 2n $895 . '64 FQRD '64 THUNDERBIRD COUNTRY SEDAN WA~ON 'J H~DTOP l' V-8, autom1tic tr1n1mi11 ion, p 0 w. r ~te1r., r1dio, h••t•r, console . TBA 175 v.a. automatic tr•ntmission , radio, heat- er. UMA 472 I, .. "·"~!!~ o!;~!'~!~~~! ... ., ··I V-8, •utom•tic tr1n1mi11ion,. rad i o, he1t•r, lu9919e r•ck. OSC I 02 V.8, 1utom1tiC tr1nsmis1ion , f11ctory alr conditioning , full power, r•dio, h111t•r. ORD 154 • • • $11 95 ' M•jOr tornpr• cJ. Ill y]cJ•. l•MlllDt prKiotot ii•jo• 'f •XtDl111tD ,.,.,!t ie ct .. ~11•1 '• ·'" •Dlffff. E1t•1n91 •111111 P.•t•, ••!"fnot. -_ . . . · . s_u,suv1oo; JA.ct ~fir -... -... . ., -· -------------~---~------------- ~895 . . . '~ . ' ' • ------.. . . . ' . . ........ .. ' -.... . . .... ~ . . . . . . HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES.FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES l'OR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE • HOUSES FOR SALE -O.ner•I 1000-•I 1000-r•I 1000 Gen•r•I 1000 Bay & Beach Realty, Inc, JI /B ,.....,BUYS CORONA DEL MAR OFFICE : v ON SERRA OR IVE , CORONA HIGHLANOS : ; A large sunken den with fireplace adds to the : charm of this newly decorated 3 Bedroom home on land yo u own. Key to private Sh o rec 11 ff . Beaches! Out of town owner open to offers. ....................................... $43,500 Y' ON POPPY : Dine·~with an Ocean vie\v in I this spacious 3 bedroom 2 bath home. Huge liv- . ing Room with fireplace, Picture Windows, You . own the land ............................ $49,500 : vON POINSETTIA: Artistic home. S Bedrooms : 2 baths, 21x29 Living Room wi th cathedral ceil- f ing, used brick firepl ace. Extensive use of selec- . led wood paneling lends to mello\vness of the ~ hon1e. Located on l lfl lots. Easy walk to LitUe · Corona Beach. . ....................... $69,500 : v ON KEWAMEE, IRVINE TERRACE : Truly a prestige home in a 'Country Club" location ·yet there is a relaxing atmosphere in this well ' planned 4 bedroom 3 bath home that should ap- r peal to discriminating buyers. All of the living , and dining area plus master bedroom sulte over- : look a sparkling heated & filtered pool which ~is complimented by tropical garden. Pr i c e i ................................ : ...... $75,000 ' ' ; v ON OCEAN BLVO.: Where the land value is rapproximately Sl ,000 per front foot, we .are of· t fering this 3 bedroom and convertible den home ~with 110 feet of frontage' al ............. $98,500 ;-in other words , virtually land value! Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. • 2407 E. Coast Highway, CdM f675-3000 Eve. 541-8868 BETIER ,......, B/I NEWPQRT BEACH OFRCE ONLY ONE LEFTI OTHER TWO SOLD THIS WEEKI OCEANFRONT - BALBOA PENINSULA! Open Daily I· 5 P.M. 1358 E. Oceanfront. Four bedrooms & den. Price drastic8lly reduced for quick sale! Eve. phone -548-6966. • PERFECT FOR SOMEONE WHO CARES I BAL BOA POI NTI Open daily 1 -5 PM. 318 °l,.'~ St.reel. Attractive, charming .~ enchanting two bedroom home with two secluded patios, beamed ceiling livlng room, fireplace. Outstanding locaUon-outstand· ing value for only ...................... $37 ,500. Eve. phone· 673-7999 BEAUTIFUL CONDOMINIUM ! Plan #3. Three bedrooms, two baths, double garage. Upper Bay area. Pool & shuffle board court. Yard maintenance. For exchange or sale. Equity $14,000. Price • .................. $41,500 Eve. phone • 642-3287 FOR l;XCHANGE! Approximately $30,000 equity in three Condo- miniums, Newport Beach. All rented. Submit on Glendale or Harbor area. Please call Mrs. Fay. Eve. phone -548-6966. WATERFRONT OUPLEX! NEWPORT ISLAND I PIER & FLOAT I Two bedrooms, two baths each unit. Many ex- tras including Swedish fireplaces, carpets & drapes -.......... $87,500. E:ve. phone -548-6966 CONOOMINIUM. PARK LIDOI Split leyel • three bedroom • two bath. Faces pool. Many extras have been added. Three car carport. ............................... $32,500. Eve. phone· 546-6966 Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 901 Dover Drive, Suite 126, NB 645-2000 GARAGE & WORKSHOP Large double garage, toolshed, 24'x25' \vork- shop stressed for second story. Covered and enclosed patio-.boat storage area from pav- e4 alley. Three Bedroom, two bath home with EXTRA SPACIOUS MASTER BEDROOM and private bath. Well kept property in NEW- PORT HEIGHTS area. Full price ONLY -cA.'Li,' Foii A.ri>oiNTMENT ....... '32•500 FOUR BEDROOMS -POOL North Side, INDOOR-OUTDOOR F AMIL y HOME. $6,000 improvements in aluminum patio and SWIMMING POOL added. Large living room, den, dining area and 1\VO baths. Close to schools. transportation and shopping. A REAL BUY AT . .. . .. .. .. .. .. ..$27,750! CORONA DEL MAR • • TEWINKLE BUILDING FOR SALE OR LEASE 1 aoo Newport Blvd. CALL BILL SCOTT OR KERMIT RIGGS ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th SI. 64M494 Pool In Exclusive Newport' Beach Gener11I 1000 Gener11I 1000 General 1000 ONLY $22,500. Build on front of lot & have fun remodeling 1 bedroom fixer-upper at rear. Own your land among modern duplex- es. Bicycle to Big Co rona Beach & S t a t e Park. \Valk to stores whiJe your children safe- ly play 1h block away at Community Youth Center. Assume existing financing! Located near upper Newport Bay. This luxurious execu. tlve home features a spark- ling 38' swimming pool, large patio, huge living room, panelled family room with wood burning fireplace. 4 spacious bedrooms and 3 baths. For appointment call ; $23,500 • PARADISE I l.8.ri;e covered patio. Cascad· ting wa1etiall f.: a BBQ. 3 !bi1 bedrooms, firep lace. Full ;ilining room. Loaded \vilh l<'hll.rm! 54!}.1720 tARBELL 2955 Harbor i Real Eslalc SALESMAN frrje11o"(l0rt Realty & Invest. Co. • 1842 Newport Blvd., 01 5114°10 LOAN dDo lsd RETIREES special, 2 Bed- room doll house. Hardwood fir:., delightful back yard with shade or sun for re- laxing. FORTIN CO. liOl·A \VestclUf Drive Newport Beach 642-5000 ; ~8-0588 SOCK tT"TO 'EM! ~eneral 1000 General 1000 • THE FAMOUS BUILOING ANO SITE OF THE BLACK KNIGHT RESTAURANT and COCKTAIL LOUNGE NOW BEING OFFERED FOR SALE CALL Bill Scott or Kermit Riggs 293 E. 171h ST., COSTA MESA FmST Time OUen:d Immaculate 3 bedroom home On choice East end location Cht?erful Hving roon1 with brick fireplace opens onto compact private patio with steps up to sundeck J-lome is nicely decorated And in bl!autiful condition Priced to scU at $57,500 CaU Joe Ferguson Re,, 675.01,88 COM,..ANY REALTORS 673-4400 4 + Family + Pool $25,300- 51/40/o LOAN Fantastic value, DeligbtfuJ living room 'vith plush ca1·- pelS and drapes-. Cozy fam· ily room with beams. 4 fam· Uy bedrooms. Great master bedroom has closets with mirrored doors. Sparkling heated pool. Covered pe,tio, Take over 5~ % loan. Hurry Call ...,,.., 10111\I I. Ol\ll\ ~ • '4 l • , R ' 645-0303 FHA/VA Urgen1 need for fast sale . . Owner agrees to p<iy the points. On convention- al fiMncing, can save $1500. Home is located in f.fESA VERDE & reDects pride-of-o\vnershlp by its neat condtion. Fl-IA/VA down is-only $1300. \Viii sell fast so call now. 54&-9521 or 5.K).6631 4 BDRM & DEN HlRI \I I 01 ~O\ I SALESMEN NEEDED I P I I" I I <l ' , '-• . ... . AS.:0303 646-0555 TWO ·220 E. Seventeenth St. • Tr1Tilic buy! 3 llP ... SJS,950/ [E. 17th St. Slloppln9 Ctr.) :u~.B~i9~h~.v~~~·J~: 22DLI~ MHIS5 COSTA MESA • KENNEDY you'll like our friendly service 1 ............................. ll Newport Heights Eve~ings C11ll 545-8723 or 646-1050 3 BR 2 bath, han:lwOOd floor, =========v=========I fireplace. clbJe ga111ge. EX. General 1000 Gen•r•I 1000 ISTtNG 511.i')O LOAN. $29,500. IMMm. POSSESSION Liberal Financing 1 OPEN SAT /SUN Comer home near South Uncle Sam 01vns this big near 4 BEDROOM Coast Plaza. l.oiv, low down ne\V 2 sto'?' hoine. in Costa MESA DEL MAR Wells·McCardle, Rltrs. 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. 548-7729 anytime pa,yn1ent. Owner may con. M('sa & 1v11l sell first conic sider lease option submit lo anyone for SI2JQ down. oUer Aaking Full price $28.950. Lo1v in· ' 527 950 tercst & EZ nionthly pay. • ments, Fully reconditioned UGLY DUCKLING. l!'l us help change this! For con1pl. clean up & repair Ca ll us. 548-0095. & ready for occupancy. Call Heritage Real Estate 540.1151 (open eves). 4 BEDRM-;-$2f 950- Jmaglne 2 bath, fa111lly room. Covered patio, Large yard. Near schools & shoppi11g. Less than ttnl payments. 540-1720 TARBELL 2955 H•rbor INVESTORS- 822 SANTIAGO $!9 950 Enjoy living on a quiet ' street Beautiful ash panel. 4 BR & fam l'ih. Owner pre~ Jing i~ living & family room, fers to, lease back at $185 built-ins. fireplace, n i c e for peruxl of year. large back yard. Asking 0 Realty 64.S..2340 $27.950 -good financing. ery Potential 1860 Nt!\\•port Blvd., Ci\I 3 BR 2 ba!h home, comer Rllr. 646-3928 Eve. 6,14-1655 lot, 130:<180' all fenced. Call Lachenmyer "ii'::;~ _itrau!J &12-6360 DAILY Pllm \VANT ADS DACLY PILOT \VANT ADS! Dial 642·56i8 for RESULTS BRING RESULTS! HOUSE$ FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 1000 Gentr1I 1 Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: LIDO 4 BR. PIER & SLIP 4 BR., S'h baths -near new Spanish on 2 lots. Walled patio w/lge. deck & pool. Slip for 50' boat. Quality lhruout. $149,500 J. Clarkson/Sue Clarkson 225 N. STAR LANE DOVER SHORES-Open Sun. 1 ·5 Great waterfront home! Stunning living rm. w/11' ceiling. \Vet bar. 4 BRis, den, din. rm. Pier & !!oat for large boat. $129,500 l\'Irs. Raulston BA YFRONT BEAUTY 4 BR. Immediate occupancy for this lovely home \Vith dock for large boat. 41h Baths, fam. rm., sauna and much more. t.o'v at $110,000 Walter Haase -SLIP & PIER $79 ,500 Custo1n built, 2 units, bayfronli charming 3 bedroon1, dining, 2 bath 6 year old home plus cunning 1 BR. apartment. Chuck Place OUR NEWEST LISTING IVAN WELLS -$63,750 Outstanding Baycrest. 4 Bedroom, family room, dining, 3 baths. Courtyard entry. Beautifully la·ndscaped. Room for pool A1ary Lou Mario11 NEW LIDO LISTING Charming two stor.v 3 Br. ho1ne. Owner redecorating. Beautiful patio. V a cant. Quick occupancy: $55,000 Mrs. Raulston EXCEPTIONAL HARBOR VIEW This splendid home has everything; sepa- ate dining room , fa m i 1 y room, powder room; master BR has attached convertible study: all with view. $53,500 Walter Haase CORONA DEL MAR $52,500 Extremely handsome 3 bedroom, dining. 2 bath Jrvine Terrace hon1e. New carpeting & drapes, snack bar. Large lot. Roo.m for pool l\.1ary Lou M<1rion OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1 ·5 Lusk Harbor View 1-lills. SpoUess 4 bdrm.t 2 ba. home; fain. rrn. overlooking beauti· fully landscaped yard. 877 SANDCASTlE. $49,500 ' 1i'lrs. Davies ' EASTBLUFF VIEW HOME Tennis anyone? Gracious Lusk 2Y.i ba .. 4 hdrn1 .. fam . rm . Enclosed courtyard, prir' fessional landscaping. Many f e a tJI re t. $45,950 Mlrs. Davies WHY NOT BUILD? Trouble finding the perfect home? This lrg. ocean view lot could be vour answer. Near g-ood beach -adjacent to Emerald Bay. Absentee 0\1:ner. $22,500 Mrs. lfarvey COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR., NEWPORT BEACH 833-0700 General 1000 Genar1I 1000 General 1000 General 1000General 1000 General 1000General 1000Gener1I 1000 ··Red Carpet Realty Selected Top Values 2. Story, Pier and Slip, View Our Salt?slady 111 ev.iully proud of this excl'plional listing. Beautiful waler· front location on R·2 Income lot. The chef in your family will love the huge patio end enclosed lanai \\'ilh bllrbe- cue and bftr. Inside has knotty pine and bcttmcd c~illng living room. Chvn· er open to trades or trust deeds. The prJce Js right, Must see to appreciate. Refurbished Triplex On Bey v.·ith vie~·. long cen1('nl docl( for 4 boats. 1·2 Br, 2·1 Br + bach· elor. All reconditioned "'Ith lovt"lY n<!\lo· furniture. Choice location. 0\\'11· t'r "'ill earry \\•Ith approx. 1/:l dO\\'ll. Sale&bly priced, $165,000. This you 11.houJd Stt. For the lnvestmenl·wisc home owner. Ju1t th• Right TouchH , , • like btanied ceU1np thf'Ollihout tncludln~ both bedrooma and living room. Wood Jlillnellng In kitchen to malAl:h oablneb, Artis-Uc paper In din· Ins trc-. Used brick fireplace In LR blend9 perf~t.b' wit.h w.w carpelln,a. A noal dream cott.tigP a"·alUng your inspection tt $41 ,MO. Tt's low for Nowpof< !Jlljd •.. llOW CAN YOU Ml.SS!/ Nnr Beach R2 $35,900 Th.al cozy touch hCI'<' in this dC"lighl· ful cottage, 1 block to ocean or bay. The R2 lot permits additional build· ing, i;:arag<' already s tressed, plans available. The extr1>mely low price. of S.35.900 includes t he [urnitul'l". Ideal Jiving and incon1e Sl'lt11>. Bring th•• famil y to si-e ••• like \Ye $&ld, they'll like i ! ~ W11tch the boats 90 by Pier and dock for 36 ft. boa.t, plus 51l1\dy balhin~ beach, prlm:I at $63,· 500. The hon1e is bcautlJUlly main· tained, shows nleely. J-fere Is real wa- tcrlroot living Ideal for you and your family, Look and you wilJ agl'tt. Penln1ul1 l'olnt II $46,500 NIWS 11av1c1 -I LI All! JUST IN FROM NATIONAL AllOCIATION OF REAL ISTAT! IOARDS HOMI lllKlll SHOULD NOT DELAY PUICHA5E. Al IUIVIY DllCLOllS SHARP JUMP IN PRICES. •'Wllllt tlflll Ml11t ttwlN c•llllMtlt!I " •ltYllfd l11~t NIM .... llJtll tOH of 11111••1111 '"" lllMI, tht ICCt>ltt'ltlllt , ••• tf lltcrNM ... ,... VllW• ol ""'" -7.•,... '"''· c1mta...i Wiii\ ,,, "'" «Ill .... ,,, .,. Cflll Ill precldlrot ... ,., -Olfleh ,. ...... , • .,," flltff llo(llled Ill· ....... l.cferl, AH to "'"' l•ch '"' r1pi111 ,.,. OI f1mUy krm•IS.111, .,.., ... l•k""'IM "" OI m111y, Incl •~• mo~Ully ft lfle pojl\l111kMI 11 ~'-"'' t•rnt" ,,.. trlMl1r,...., ,.,. I~• w!Mllrp ,, bilYll!f -II.,.. ..... , -,,., w .. 11119 ,.,, prlcn to cl!'ll,." N..i WI .. , '"""' -"'• u ..... " bilY h now ''"' Ill• pl1c1 " llvy 15 •• C1rptl •••II· ... A!Mvt •rt 1v11 • '" JtO!Mrtltl ttltti' l1'9m •vr 11,11.., ,.r1re11t • "''" •r• '""n' """' pktl "" ~vMrt111 If cvr,...1 11111111• 111 111 prlciK '"" ''"' ""....., Ill'"'~ 1vr Mv!ll•S. Ll1llllf "''"'"""''· Old World Charm Right hcrf' waiting for you. 4 Bdr1TI~, ·I baths, 3000 !IQ. rt. of comfortablC' living. Situated on 2. 30 ft. lots on the octan. Think of the land valur here when you consider the total prltt 11 $105,000. Owner "'ill carr)' the loan al 7%% with reasonable down. We uf'ie you to see this. Ex~ C'<'ptlonal property • , • exceptional blt)'! 4 & 3 Br. Duplex Only 5 years old partially furni~hC'd. 100·;~ 1-cntel area, a real money mak- rr specially priced a\ $43,000. This ii1 ll new liaUng, lhe nearness to ocean and beaeh will sail It away quickly. One ot the best \"alu« we have listed. Shorecliffs 4 Bedrooms Right, left, center, qua.lily all t he The Comfort1ble Home See tt today, open house 1 to 5. 405 Holmwood, N.B. $43,500 and v.·orth it. 3 BR, 2 bftth, huge living roon1 opening onto lanai-Ex~llent ho~r­ keepcr. A plcasw·e to sho\v. Locat<'d Jn good Newport Hgts. nei iihborhood. Convenl~nt to shoppln~ & schools. ;\ nice place to live. Nv lf.'ll.srhold, you U\\•n lhc land. Con1r tr)(\ay and S<'C this good hon1e value. Care free living An1idst th<' care f u 1 ! y n1aintnlnf'd lawn..;, shade lrl'CS and gan:lf'ns make you feel years younger and l.ife morl' enjoyable. ThJt spot.l~s 2 BR, 2 ha "B1urfs'' home Is charm all !he way from the Od Piso entry to the till'<! patio 'vllh barbecue In the N'Ar ovC"r- looklng &. green bt>lt. $39,900 is the right price. Ask the man \\'ho lives theft'. Oce•n Front Colonial Baysho,..s only $l9~ wa.y. 2·story, roomy, enjoyable, resl· Need more space n('ar the "-'fltf!r. 1ry \Vant 10 bf' clo se to the octanf IJ'akt' another look at. ti}(' 1>ri~ and ful living, Key to private beach, no this 5 BH. ocean front colonial for Ho\\' does 20 ste1>5 sound! 1-lert'' a sfte, 1 BR. 2 bfl.lh.s. Just &teps to pti· lease hold. Shoreclirfs l"CC(lgntif'd as slu. Nt'ar Ncv.,port Hsrbor Yar ht ood 3 ••-" ha. I I 1· \•ate pl•• ynrd and beach for the one of Corona di!\ Mar's most dc~ir· Club, has all the wanlcd homC' fea· Ii( y, . U<OI'"~• " ove y Pl' 10. -...__, __ A f I •• ~ II t chtldrtn. NI~ paUo, ..,...~.,ue, Irr-able l'Cl'itlcnUa areei;. ~2,......, 1vl 11r1>' on ovf'r llttd lot and 3~i cal' You'll f()Y(! IL When c1 n "'f' r:xptet place. If yu1,1 know Ba.yshorrs you 11cll Jt. Ot>flnltety m!'ant for the dis· ~•NlRC'· Cl"rtalnly not overprictd 111 )'OU! ''You could cal ofl t~ floor," shouldn't ml111 lhll. Won·L last at <:rlminating, luxury. minded ho m r $99,5()0. Ukr to know more just glve thl!I home ii 10 clean. th.11 prlcet 10 hurry. owner. us a call. S.I• Dept. RED Dill" 615-6000 "" • • l<'llALT Y IF YOU All INTllUTID IN SILLING 01 IUYING llAL ISTA TE Ol IF YOU KNOW OF Sl)UIONE WHO Rentel Dept. MAY U INTllUTID IN OUI SEIYICI, PLIASI CALL 675-6000 01 STOI' IY OUI MODllN"'OPPICI AT 873·""63 ZOU WIST IALIOA IOULEYAID, NIWPOIT HACH' 01 CALL ANYTIME Nl•HT Ol DAY. SALES DE- PAITMINT 67MOOO-lllNTAL DIPAITMINT 6 ..JUJ e INVESTMENT PROPERTlES e RESIDENTlAL e LAND e ct> RClAL e RENTALS e PROPERTY MANAGEMENT J . Vacant Lot buy $12,500 01\·nrr \Viii carry 1st TD on 25 year terms. Rl residential lot 45.6 by 127.5. Desirable Newport Hgt11. area, quick sale' !)riced at $12.500. Bring in $4000· 1 for a down and It's youn. Don't be a "wish I hadda" buyer, Jots are sr·nrcP and land ls high. Be Particular l-Terr ts that vrry ~pccla l home "'ith load-. or unusual featurl's. First the viC'\V Is apectaculrtr. out over Bay :tnd hills. custom dl'apf'S, shutters, 1 lnted glass. \\'t'Oug ht Iron stair ran. int:. \Argc patio. 3 BR, 2~ baths. Price is a modC'sl $5.1,900. Hrre Is your heart's desirt! Nothing surpass· cs It fOf' IOC"&tion and quality. Oceanfront Duplex 'f\\·o and four bedrom11. Good Joe1:- tion. ,.;ood condition. good price. Own- rr m&.y can·y a second lrusl dffd to help buyer. $80.~Try 10% de'l"-n, 1\vo and four bt'droom du1)\ex nex-t tloor ml)' alsQ be fl\Jtthasf!d 1g a packBgc. \Vould you like fin cxet.ll1;1nl I nvf!strn~n t? I -.. ·-·-· -------·--·---· ··--··-·----------·-----·-----------------·-· --·--·. ------------------------------ ' , r I ' I t t , r t ' ' ' ' I • ' ' I ' ~ ii E t t I • .. • ,. •• II ' I. r ' I • ' F ~ ; ~ " l (1 • T 6 3 I ' t ' • ii • ' ( ; t ----~------··--------·. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE S;uurday, M11y 31, 1969 DAILY PILOT J7 frldly, May 30, 1969 DAILY PILOT 2·7 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SA(E • )louse's FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi ' G41norot 10000.norol IDOO Genorol loOoO.n0r1I 1000 GtMr•t IOOOG1norol loOo' GeMrol 1000 GIMrtl 1000Gonerol 1000 ' FINER HOMES DOVER SHORES A ve1·y exceptional, quality ho1ne, 3 iarge bedroo1ns, spacious master suite, ,family r o o m , exquisitely decorated throughout. A k' s ll\g ........•................... $115,000. Open Sat. & Sun., 1363 Galaxy Drive. LIOO ISLE ' One of the n1ost beautiful Bayfront homes in 1 ,Nev,rport Harbor area. 5 bedfQOms, formal 1 dini~g room, tastefully .decorated. A custom qual1.ty. hom.e with luxurious carpeting & !drapenes; pier & slip ............... $225,000. '~Cail for app't. " TWO STORY BRICK ••·4 Bedroom home: 5,000 sq. ft. of brick, tile i & wood, . a~l downstair rooms paneled; living ., room, d1nmg room. den & beamed ceiling • game room \Vilh huge fireplace. Beautiful Anthony Pool. This home is truly built to last forever. . ................ , ....... , .. $90,000. ~Call for app't. t BUILDER MUST SELL Ne\v, impressive home in exclusive area. 4 :b.edrooms, 3 baths, huge family room with fireplace & \Yalk-in bar. Formal dining"room ~ plus bre~kfast area. Asking ........ $82,500. 1 Open Daily. 1338 Santiago Drive. ' CORONA DEL MAR CHARMER ~ ~ Ne,vly decorated 2 bedroom 1 bath home ,,vith fireplace & separate guest accomodat- • ~ions. An exciting home on a lot & a half - ;just above Little Corona ............. $47,500. i WESTCLIFF U\1e\vly painted 3 bedroo1n home \\-'ith den. •1. Built-in electric kitchen, new draperies. Jm- 1 mediate possession. . ............ $42 500. Call for a pp't. ' • -COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE ·Rambling ranch style home with pool, situ- . Jated on large lot. 3 Bedrooms 3 baths used ·;brick firepJace; beamed ceilin'gs ttiroughout. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . $59,500. iohn macnab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Dr., Suite 120 • 642·8235 TOP EXECUTIVE Only for those who want, and can afford, the finest! Bay & ocean view from living room, family room and modern kitchen. Four big bedrooms and three lull baths plus pow- der room. Gorgeous easy care grounds with completely walled, big fun pool. Only a lew blocks lrom Irvine Country Club. Listed wit)I us at $115,000. Owner wants to move NOW and will carry own financing ! OPEN SUN. J . S 2015 Galatea Terrac• ---HARBOR VIEW HILLS Be our guest for a preview of this delightful executive home. It's too beautiful to leave, but owner has been transferred and must sell. Everything is immaculate and thought· fully planned in every detail. 4 bedrooms plus family room with wet bar. Master bedroon1 is 15x17 with cozy fireplace. Loads of cup- boards, closet space galore & mode rn k it~ chen plus large formal dining room. $67,900 SHORECLIFFS 221 MORNING CANYON BRING YOUR PAINT BRUSH & CHECK BOOK. Older 2 story Colonial 4 bedroom 4 b~th. Key access to beach/jetty & ocean view from upper story. OPEN Sunday 1 to 5 2828 E. Coast Hiway Corona del Mar 673-3770 BALBOA PENINSULA POINT 45 feet of BayfrOllt with pier and float. 5 Bedroom. Jl/1 Bath home! Try $160,000 Exclusive with BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 108 Mc Fadel... Place, Newport leach at the Newport Ocean Pier SHOW STO.PPERS ' EASTSIDE POOL ESTATE Imagine a 20~ Living room with fireplace, 3 Baths on a lot 125x300. Zoned lor horses. 5 car garage part could be used for stable with large work area. Electric kitchen - Hardwood Doors. AU this plus a 20x40 pool completely fenced. -................ $79,500 Owner will finance with normal down . CUSTOM BUILT 3600 sq. ft. 16x45 entertainment room with wet bar and used brick fireplace._ -4 large Bedrooms 31h baths, .all custom built on private drive. WiCh 10% DOWN. . ................... $54,500 HARBOR HIGHLANDS BEAUTY You'll appreciate this 4 Bedroom, 3 bath \Vith large family roo1n. In gloriou s I-I.arbor Highlands. O\vner is leaving for Ne\v York and will give J tine 15 possession -It's out- standing and only .................... $55,500. 546-2313 * 646-7171 WE NEEO SALESMEN Open Sun. 1 • S 3401 Ocean Blvd, CdM Oceanfront; vie\v of jetty. Beautifully ap- pointed 3 bdrm., 2 bath & den home. Open Sat/Sun. 1 • S 620 Jasmine, CdM Lovely 2 Bdrm., spacious den-library, fire- place, 2 baths, PLUS separate house for in- come. On l\YO R-2 lots. Owner \viii finance. Rustic Duplex So. of Highway 2 Bedroom home built around sunny patio, and c h e e r y studio apartment \Yith deck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. $47,500 ORANGE COAST PROPERTY 332 Marguerite, CdM 673-ISSO General 1000 General 1000 • B~YFRONT APT. Vista 061 Lido. Pitr &-!dip available. Encloied a:ara~. ·$28.lOO. Geor9• Wiiiiamson Realtor 67343$0 Eves. 673-1564 OPF..N HOUSE '3 &: FA~f & POOL * • 1701 Galatea Terr., lrvlne Tetr. CCIM 675-3000; 548-1!162. Sj>n "' Sale"s throu9h the Multiple Listin9 Service of the Newport Harbor· Costa Mesa Board of Realtors totaled $21,012,91/5 for the first 4 months of 1969. This represents 634 unit sales. List your property with a Realtor. today. lOOOG9ner1I 1000 PAUL WHITE CARNAHAN ,._e. IT'S THE SOLD THAT COUNTS! WE NEED LISTINGS NOW! CALL US FOR QUICK ACTION- ·ON THE SALE OF YOUR HOME ' NEAR WESTCLIFF CENTER - NEWPORT Beautiful 3 BR hon1e \l'ilh hardwood floors. \Valk 10 school & shopping.2 balhs. spaci0tts living r o o m , fireplace. Fenced ret~r yard with lovely CO\'C'red patio. Lowest priet'd honte in Harbor Highlands . on· ly S28,500. Call for sho\\'• ing. :>48-~IO STUNNING MODERN This 4 BR & family l"Q(lOI n10dern hon1e in Newport Beach is desigfll.'d \1•ilh th<> whole family in niil\d -2~i baths, owr 2400 sq. ft. of Jiving space. ,\ kilchen that lightens the labor of company with all electric bit-in ovca & range -beautiful liled tops S..· s pla sh dish\l'ashcr. exl.ra lan:e ~ervice room wi th loi:uls of closet spa.Cl'. Trnllic free living room \Yilh fireplace & sliding door lo rrar patio with fircpll. Separate formal dining room. Mature manicua·cd lawn \\'ilh s p r I n k I c r s FEARLESS. FRUGAL- FINANCING 4 Bedrooms + rarn il y roon1 + built ins + 2 bnths. 2 story vacant. Exira large m a s t e r bedroom 'vith bath -ter- raced kitchen -1 Y.r years old -VA appraisi!-d at $29.700 with no dO\\'n pay- n1en1 to qualified Vet or low down to FHA. Priced at $29. 700. 546--5440 Anaheim 546-5440 REAL - REASONABLE - REALLY General 1000 General 673-7420 673-9! 27 ~---..___~ ;:::::::::::::::;1 ::::::::::::::::~11 Builders Look! SPANISH HACIENDA Lovely 3 BR & large fam. room home in Costa 1t1esa. Walk to all schools & 5hopping. Distinclive tile entry, 23' living roon1 \Vilh fireplace, outstan- ding kitchen with built-in oven & range & D/\V quality carpets & drapes. l~ bath, stall sho11'!'r. Priced at $5.1.950 Assun1e 5~% Insurance loan. Call now for sho1v· Ing. 54&-54·10 Vacant large 3 BR \Vilh family l"oom -neur lhe Newport Harbor •I i g h School. Lovely r u s t i e modern -all ne\v I y painted exterior. 1 ~· baths. stall shol\·er. Extra lg. n1astt-r bedroon1 - loads of closet space. Spacious liVing room with double fireplace. Bit-in kilchen. All electric. \V/\V cpts & drapes. Priced 3t only SJ l ,9)0. EZ trrms. 516-54~0 -------1000 General 1000 General Owner Must Sell 1000 Assume 51" % loan, take over BY O\VNER: Leaving state. --------small equity on big <I bdrm 'Home & income (2) 2 BR NEAR WESTCLIFF 2 bath family room home in hses in xlnt cond. on lg Jot, 3 Large Bedrooms, 2 Baths. Mesa Verde, Double fire- (ncd separately. Block wall, Living rm. & family nn both place, large patio. $189 mon. shrub & h"Uit trees. Quiet w/ frplcs. Patio. new th pays everything. Heritage resld'l, close to stores & draperies, bltns. Cul-de-sac. ReaJ Estate 5'10-1151 (open sch!. See to apprec. 166-B Immaculate~ $33,750. By eves). Approx.imately 1 acre. Close in Newport Beach JocaHon, Can be divided into several building sites, leaving good 3 bdrm lm1ne on onr. WESTCLIFF- $41,950 ..;;;;;;;;=== BAYSHORES 2 Story. Come see this large 4 BR 3 bath, sep. din rm. patio & boat yard. Make oiler, Asking $55,000 2622 Vista Dr., NB OPEN SUN. 1-5 Virgini<1 Pl .. C.!\-1. owner. 64.2-1679 aft 12 noon General General Arnold & Freud 388 E. 17th SL, CM Realtors i46-77".i5 1000 Ge neral 1000 A truly charming ho m e, loaded "'ith extras. A large bright living 1'00111 with ~amcd ceilings and n1as- slvc used bri<'k firepl ace. Nict-fan1ily room looks out to lovely enclosed patio. Bright sunny ki1chen con1- plete \Vil h over·sizr sCI'· vi•c room. !-luge bedrooms'. Extra large It for privacy. A home wjth lots ol charm ~ warmth. Our ex-elusive. spbmit your smaller home on our guarantee sale plan. 1000General 1000 COM~-&HOME:lrr:========~~========================:; WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2043 WestcliH Dr. 646-7Il1 Open Evrs. $17,900 EasL<;iclc Fixrr -Up[)C r :l bilrm home. 69xl19' R·2 lot. ~ive by c.'Orner of Cecil aec & Orange Ave. Call see inside. i ASH TALKS HERE • Newport ., Victoria 646-8811 SHARP 4 BEDRM. NEW AREA \\'Uh all built in kitchen de- signed expressly for lhc lady or the house, pink ap- piiances, pink 1ile. His and her baths, 2 paUos. one oU Jiving nn. tht-o!.hrr orr the kitchen. &lier anxious _name your l£>1·n1s. --Farr • ipRANGE COUNTY'S \ LARGEST • ~93 E. 171h St. 640-4494 I 4 BEORM + , 520 SQ. FT. FAMILY' RM· $31,5001 Heavy bca1ned ceilings, ex· R"uisite plantt-rs, built·in bar. Expansive brick patio + 'lnoUier patio for BBQ's, ov· e.rlooks a huge IM'ated & fiJ. tel'('(! pool, \\iatcrla\I + (isb- [pond. Assume 5* '-" loan. Located on busy street. Price just reduced Sl~,500. Call ior details. Oaly $38,000 51/4°/o FHA L()AN can l>c assumed on 1his Mesa Verde 3 BR & family homt', Lush landscaping & even has a hobby rocnn built in garage. A steal at only $26,950 3120 IO\l'll St., Costa f.tesa Open Sat/Sun 1-5 Cheapie Duplex Clean older units \Vith dou· hie detached garage on 50x 140' lot. Assu1ne $13,400 6~(, Joan. Only $18,950 REAL TY COMP: * 642-lnl Anytime* DON'T WASTE YOUR VA- GET A DUPLEX 2-hvo bcdroo1n tmits com· plelcly rurnishcd with in· conic of $3,800.00 r v e r y year. r~un pritt is only $32,4;-IO, 1viU1 no do"'n pay- mt-n!. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 640-4494 A WINNER Jn lovely Ne'>'-'J)Ol'l Shores. Comn1uni!y with tennis, pool and rec. area near your door. 3 Bcd~s. 2 baths, S year» young -$26,900 - Can be seen today. \o •THEREAL ~ESTATERS ~0.1720 646-7171 • 546·2313 TARBELL 2955 Herbor $19,200 -4 Bodrm. -Gracious • Spacious su1 • Month Payments Includes c v e r y. . Gold & Ollve Decor lhinfi, 2 baths, Built-in kltch- OP EN DAILY chen. Attractive wood shut· l 'BR, 2 B;\ honie near Me1111 terw. Freshly painted -Fenc- Verdc. Country Ouh. Pan· eel patio, Assume S* o:;~ ln.'\n. tied liv rm huge lam nn. TARBELL 842-6691 both v.1/ t1i>IC11. lrx entry. THE BLUFFS walled patio.. $31.9:i0. OWn. 3 BR & 2 Ba with corner lot er. 3062 Ceylon Rd. 5'5-8135 view & S?Qr;ioos feellng. Dial our number k find out CUstom carpls, drps, other about a gniat bUY. Just extras. Jlandy to pool. Own. ne<'ds Tender • Laving · er $41.500, G«-0171 Care. Jt Is a 3 BR Frtt-__ P_R_l_C°"E_S_L_A_S_H_E~O­ dom hom• for only $18,950 $9,000 _, • 9:ilI go f'HA/V A. LArgc Span h ranch hon1c iUtr. 642·9730 Eves. 5'S-0720 overlooking goU course + • KENNEDY m>l•I ""'°m" Room •• btllld m6re. 149,500 MADGE DAVIS 642-7000 ·Open Houses THIS WEEKEND 1:.., tllk lrtendy dkfttory wltl Y•• tlh ..-kud et you t• llMIM ll111tl119. All the l.c:Gtl•IK lbtff belew are dftcrlbect 111 9'"'" chtall by ochertfll11t ill• w1-e I• tH.y'1 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS. Pmoin thowl119 ope11 ho•1n hr sale or te ret1t -11rf"I to lllt .. ctr lltfonMtfo11 l1t ,.., col1111111 HCti fl'lday. (2 Bedroom) 318 "L" Street, Balboa Point 645-2000 (Daily 1-5) 425 Holmwood Drive (Ne\vport Hghts) NB 646-2414 !Sat & Sun 1-5) (2 Bedroom & Family O• Den) 1518 Dolphin Te rrace (Irvine Terr) CdM 642-6472 (Sat & Sun 1-5) (3 Bedroom) 4821 Cortland, Newport Beach 675-4392 (Fri, Sat & Sun 1-5) 1100 Berkshire (Westcliff) NB 645-2000 (Sun 1-5) 870 Governor Street, Costa Mesa 645-6181 Eves: 646-4579 (Sat & Sun 1-5\ 511 Santa Ana Ave. (Newport Hghts) NB 673-6210 !Sat & Sun 11-5) 535 Vista Flora (The Blulls\ NB 675-6146 (Sat & Sun 3-5) 2141 Vista Entrada (The Blu£fs) NB 644-2370 (Fri-Sat-Sun) 1319 Bonnie Doone Terrace, CdM 673-7312 (Open House) *2217 Raleigh, Costa Mesa 540-1720 {3 Bedroom & Fam;Jy or 29 18 Paper Lane, NB (Sun 1-5) Den) 6754392 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 1831 Tradewind s. NB 6754392 (Fri, Sat & Sun 1-5) ** 1915 Bayside, NB 6754392 (Fri. Sat & Sun 1-5) 287 Nassau Rd (Colle~e Park\ CM 646-3255 (Fri. Sat & Sun 1-5) 2513 Lelligh Pl (College Park) CM 545-3945 ISat & Sun) 415 Woodland Pl (Nr WestcliJI) CM 642-1679 IAflns Fri. Sat & Sun) 1307 Marion Lane (We stcllH) NB 646-0009/540-2858 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 9143 El Colorado Ave., FV 962-5900 (Fri. Sot & Sun all day) 2200 Columbia Drive, Costa Mesa ' 642-1614 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *ll!llO Maui Circle (Mesa Verde) CM ~ (Sat & Sun 1'5) 935 Tiller Way. Corona del Mar 644-1169 (Fri, Sat & Sun) 1147 GJeneagle, Costa Mesa 540-1720 <Sun 1-5) 3062 Ceylon Rd (Mesa Verde) CM 54$-8155 (Fri. Sat, Sun all dny ) 1337 Sussex, Ne,vport Beach 646-77tl (Sot & Sun) 2578 Greenbriar Ln (College Park) CM 646-8811 (Fri. Sat, Sun) 3220 Lowa St .. Costa Mesa · 642-1771 (Sot & Sun 1-5) (4 Bedroom) 1148 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 ~· -(Sat & Sun) *1233 Highland Drive (Westcli£f) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 512 Rocjdord Pl (Cameo Highlands) CdM 675-3254 (Sat & Sun ) (4 Bedroom & Family or Den) 1430 Gal.axy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 · (Sat & Sun) 8452 Snowbird (E /Beach & No/Atlanta) HB, 847-6061 (Sun 1-51 1358 E. Oceanfront, Balboa Peninsula 645-2000 (Daily 1-5 ) 1380 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun ) 1338 Santiago Drive (\Vestcliff) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 363 Vista Baya, NB 6754130 (Sun 1-5) 2138 Braemar, NI! 675-4130 (Sun 1-5 ) 16501 Loire Circle (Sol Vi sta) HB" 847-8089 (Sun 1-5) 2479 Fairw3y Drive, Costa Mesa _ 646-2819 (Sat & Sun 1-5 ) 1518 Antigua Way (Dover Sh-ores) NB 646-3255 (Fri & Sun l-5) 1836 Santiago Dr (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Sun 1-5) *1920 Kewamee (Irvine Terr) CdM 675-3000 Eves: 543-7962 (Sun 1-5 ) **225 N. Star Lane (Do ver Shores) NB 644-2430/833-0700 !Sun 1-5) 877 Sandcastle (1-iarbor Vie'v J-Jills) CdM 644-2430/833-0700 I Sat & Sun 1-5 ) 2341 Irvine (Back Bay) NB 540-1720 (Daily 1-5) 1907 Leeward Lane (Baycrest) NB 540-1720 lSun 1-5) 1315 Antigua Way, Newport Beach 646-7711 ' (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2622 Vista Dr., Newport Beach 646-1771 !Sun 1-5 ) (5 Bedroom) * 1536 Galaxy Drive, Newport Beach 642-82.15 (Sat & Sun ) (5 Bedroom & Family or Den·) 2038 Calvert Ave., (Mesa Verde) CM 546-3081 (Sunday) CONDOMINIUMS (2-3 & 4 Bedrooms) 141 Yorktown Lane, Costa Mesa 540-1151 (Open Daily) (2 Bedroom) 1509 Cornwall Lane (WestcliH) NB 548-4806/499-1806 (Sat & sun 1-6) DUPLEXES (3 & 5 Bedrooms) 620 Marguerite, Corona del Mar 646-3928 Eves. 644-1655 (Open Druly) INCOME PROPERTY (3 Bedrooms eoch) 221 E. 21st St., Costa Mesa 646-81111 ..... ... w ........ . * • '"' ... Wafeffr911t (Sal 1-5) 'l'.flE QUICKER YOU CALL, THE QUICKER. you SELL ~D~A~tL~Y~P!'.;IUJT~~w~ANT~.!.AD~s:_1 IL:=================== Asking $30,950 -EZ terms. 54&-5410 REOUCED $3000 Son1e lucky buyer \1·ill buy this 4 BR home l>eln11· market. 5 years youno;. Farm style kltchen \\'ilh bll-ins & dishwaslwr, 20 :< 13 living room with !pie &. v.•/w cpts. in mo!'lt room-;, 2 baths with stall shower. Newly painted exterior. Plus large bonus roorn over garage. FHA ap- praised, now only 128.450. Low dn pymt. Hurry! 546-5440 4 BORM. "PACESETTER" This rustic home 'via d<.>lighl the entire Ian1ily. Excellent location con- venient to everything. Shake r oo (, We ll landscaped. All electric built in kit -loads of cup. boards. 15 x 18 li ving room -w/w cpts+drapes -fireplace. Ample close!s thruout. F e n t-e d rear yard. Asking $34,000. EZ 1.ernis 546-5440 SELLER - SACRIFICES · STUNNING 3 BR+ family roon1 + 16 & 32 heated pool + 2 halhs + like new ex- pensive w/w sh a" 1:arpeling + c u s t o m drupe~. OutstandinJ! step saver kilchen 1vith bll-:n oven & r 11 nge & dishwasher. Terrific 1•e;ir ynrd. ideal r or en- tertaining guests. Con· venient locatton n c ii r J!C'.hools & shopping. Only $30,500. EZ ternis.546-5440 ASSUME 6% LOAN No cost to buyer. <I BR hon1e wi th large added family room, lovely stone fireplace. 2-14 baths -slall shower. Like new \V/1v cpts. Ne1v .tile floor in kHC'hen. Over 2000 sq, r~t of living are&. Full pt•icc only $25,500. $173 mo. puyment, includes prin., interest, taxes, insnro.ncc. Hurry 546-5r1~0 2 CHOICE LOTS in beautiful Laguna Niguel. Fully Improved ready to build. 70Xl2l 1vith view -outstanding location In ex p anding area. $11,000 each -$2200 dO\Vll. 546-5440 QUAINT - CHARMING \Vilh a defi nite person. ality. This older 3 BR + fan1!!y roonl ho111e is dif. fercnt. Choice Newport Beach location nea r lf arbor High, Spotless condition t h r u o u t, Fantastic 18 x 20 sunken family room with rock 1vall + hearth. Spacious living room too, with \l'/IY carpels -quality drapes. Separate dining room wilh beam ceiling. Bright kitchen. Park like yard with covered patio. Priced right at $3:1.,0Cl.l. Jor;. UO\l'n. 546-.5440 TOWERING PINES in your Own yard. 1'~ine 3 BR home .~ family room in Mesa Verde. Func- tional floor plan, l"' baths, buill-in oven & ra ngc, lat'i'! • s e rv I c e porch, large living room, \\'f\V carpets & drapes. Near shopping. 0 n l y $24,950 · VA /FHA tinan~ clng. 54G-5440 I POOL HOMES I POOL TIME OWNER REOUCEO PRICE Tl's clqse at hand. This 3 $1000 -This quality, 2 lllory 3 BR + dt-n + BR/FM hon1e in Mesa family room for q1~~ck Verde is priced right for n sale. Eastridge Est11tc. 2 story Contemporary, 3 quick sale. Newly painlt.>d BDRM •. Den & Fam. Rn1. Interior. 1% baths, !!tall & POOL! 2~ bath~ - 'ho ... ,, l'~2Q' 1 1 v ,. n g marble pullmans. Enc1.os-.. · . .,.. cd front patio c.'OUl'l:yard room. fireplace, ample open ceillngs, stone h'PI. closet space. Custom pool ; extra· I~ family roon1: : cer-drnic Ille. k t.t c h en \vlth automaUc swtc(X"r; w/ralsed a.sh cab1nef all Jols or decking, Prictd at · electric bu 11 t -I n; • Tremendous enlertalnin~, $27,500. f.1ake ofter & Rear yd., healed pool. start packing 546-5410 Mr./Mra. dressing rooms, gardt-n Jighti>! ! ! Priced lo Rell at only $.16,500. SEE 1'--0R SURE! 546-6440 COOL POOL Great for entertaining. Lovely spoUe~ 3 BR + fan1ily room home in c h o i ce \Vc s tcllft neighborhood. 2 blocks to n1ain shopping c£>nter. JO foot heated & lighted r.ool. in beautl1ul landscaped setting. Great k i t ch c n 1V1th \\'8.lls of cupboards - btt-iflll -dishwasher. 2 baths. Tills wa1111 and friendly home is priced right at $44,950 -compare ,,_ buy. 546-34-10 I OPEN HOUSES I 1792 OEWEY OR. GAROEN GROVE Drop by and Inspect tliill 3 f)BR & FR + cu1ton1 }'lt'Sla pool, 41 It. eovt.l'l•d patio. Park like ym!. Blt~in even A. range. 2 baths. 15 x 41 foot llvh1K room . Prieit $32.~ VA - FHA !emu. M&..M<IO 425 LENWOOO DR. Vacant 3 Br + fanilly room -ne\\•ly painted *'X· terlor &. interior. Blt-ln kit. -brealdallt bar -1_,. baths. Extra 11 7.e OOdrooms. Price $31.950. ~fake offer. l Blk So. l'?th $t. East of Turtln 546-5440 JOIN THE ACTION NOWI For a rewarding Real Estate Career. Earn more $$ • Training Program -Hospilal Benefit. & Profil Sharing Plan. 24 YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS PAUL· WHITE· CARNAHAN lleeU• €0." 1093 BAKER STREET, C.M. 546. 5440 .. ·-- I . I· ! I. - III -·----------------• • -.. + -... --=-;-... . • _.....-,-. ""'"""·"-=··""· ,..., ,.,....,.,.,.,..--=· ,...,.,,,.,., ....,., ,... .. r..-,,...._,-,,_..~, ... -"'"".~·~-........... ,.... ==~-~-~-~------------,,.=-- \ - S.~, M11 )I, 1'1111 DlllLY I'll.OT ,. S P HOUSE POR SALE HOUSI S POR SALi HOUSES 'OR SALi HOUSIS POR SALE HOUSES ftOR SALi ft---~ ' A ___ '~-----------!!-------------------, =jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l-~'"1~0;1 ;;;;t~;;i11'"H00 ...... ;;;;'~":1 :S4'5:sii1~000::.:..~°"'~-~·~ .. ~1iiiiiiiiiiimiiii1~aa~~~o..~,.~·~·1iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii·1~011~!~0~·~.,.~·~·1iiiii'~'~iiiii~1~000~o.~-~·~ .. ~1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1~000ii1 c-N~'·-Mot~-·~~-1-1-00,1 I llavcNst Pool Home _,; $45,500 sPACrous ' BORM, 2 BA, 1 , MlSA VERDE. OPEN · ilOUSE ~ 290l BA!~~5~!~~~ P~K . ' FORMAL.. DI NINO ROOM -llCIO Sq. Ft. of LIVING" Located In Mesa Verde's finest sec· ; Uon. This immaculate 3 bedroom home is better than new. Brand new LUSH CARPET· ING. All repainted Inside & out. HUGE FAM· IL Y ROOM with fireplace. AND a 31' POOL r you can really swim In. Only half block to PARK & SCHOO~ & near to golf course. With the Library, shopping conveniently near. , by, everything just fits right for living enjoy- ~ ment. FHA/VA urgent need for fast sale •. Owner : agrees to pay points. On conventional financ· ing, can save $1500. Home ls located in MESA VERDE & reflects pride-of..ownership by its C neat condition. FHA/VA down is only $1300. • \Vil! sell fast so call now. ' === REAL VALUE Rustic Monsion VJew ot Bay & mountains. t bdrms, extra large livlng room, huge recreatioo rm. 5000 sq ft of comfort. 4 car prage. One <lf a kind. Phone f<lr appointment to ~· . Bargoin Owner moving Ea s t 'vill kke $62,500 for lovely 5 bdm1. Baycrest borne with beamed ceiling in living room. Hurry f()r this one. Outstanding 5 bdrm. 3% bath Baycrest home. All large rooms. Lovely master suite. A home of real character for lhc young executive with growing family. Sununer Fun A delightful 4 bdrm home with family room and sep. arate dining room. Spark- ling pool with large patitl and outdoor wet bar. llERRY RtEUD -CHARLES ARNOLD Atsociates CLARA ENRIGHT-RHODA MAGIL JOHN COURTNEY 388 E. 17th Street, C.M. Realtors 646-7755 Four bedrooma ·plus family room .. DramaUc LAST CHANCE I 7 2% trplcs. Sparkllhg clean. Nico rock fireJ>)ace, large •Ide yarda. PotenUal a • 0 ......... Walk to 'Chi<. show place. ~• $28,900. Take over 5~ % CHffhaven RANCHO LA CUESTA has only 3 homes ~-="'~a: PrestigeNewport Beach address. 3 bedroom left. Models are open for you to tour Sat & Sun 1-5. 11n Iowa st, beam celling paneled famUy room wjtb rock 10 AM to 7 PM. 1 & 2 story, 3 & 4 bed· "•• ~ ... 11,9 .,.,. Verde fire place and separate ~g room. Bea utt. room horn.es with 2 or S baths, Mission •II •~•r tow11. REDF£0RATED Montlcel~ fuJJy landscaped.., double detached garage. tile or shake rooft fireplaces, concrete CoOOomintum. New carpelsi Transferred owner asking ... ,OOO. driveways, heavy rough cut beams, built,. s •• u1. we .,. new dmpes. 3 Bdrm c2 + ....,... ins, family &. dining rooms. den) 2 bath. Call <l~11 9ot tht 9ood1. <::Ao: ... u,. ,__ t Parents Retreat ~-·= '!'P · Tit .1 ,_ Id Such a beautllul price range .•• $Z4,Q95, BEAUTIFUL 4-5 -m. ~ e s1 ence .. go en In this 24119 ft muter to $34,200 with VA or Conventional story, Jowct family horoe~ suite. 3 additional l>Gdrooms pluo 3 baths financing as low as 10% down. 80% oc Many extru. Prle<d ric~U Large sunken living room with dramati~ 90% loans at 7.2%. Each succeeding unit 30C E. 22od St .. CM. Ope»' mirrored fireplace wall. Boat port and double costs more. so take advantage of these eves & Wknds. 548-5003 detached garace. $29, 750 with a low interest prices. IMMAC., 5 Br, .fam rm, fir\ FHA loan to be assumed. gar. Rwnpus rm. ideal tor HURRY'• "'-• _;;c-,:_{ "'l'),,,.4'1 kld•/teeos.'131,500 no dn Gt FOR A Wl~E BUY -lll£$'1-Vel"Oe,J\., .. ll.~ or 6~ FHA. 3 ,,... otd. ~3647 Colesworthy & Co. 642-7777 PETE BARRE 11 REAL TY ' OFFICE WISH TO HONOR THE SERVICEMEN OF OUR COUNTRY OFFICE OPEN Sot. & Sun. PETE BARRETT REAL TY 160S Wottcllff Dr .. N.B. 642-5200 Would you bollovo $12.5001 Seller mey trade for Lido 673-7420 G•neral 1000 General DOVBl SHORES I AND "Forever View" 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams .... Ml!! Open 'til 9 PM General 1000 Baycrest P0ol OPEN HOUSE -.. Fri. & Sundoy 1.5 G•n•••1 1000 u11 ANTIQUA WAY in Dover 800"'· 8"'"" PaceseHer Reduced WATER FRONT BeautUuJ custom V IEW ne\v plan by IVAN WELLS Home -$45,500 Ftlur bedrooms plus family room. Dramatic rock fire· place, large side yards. Po- tential show place. NEWPORT BEACH home. Approx. 3500 sq ft <lf to be completed t?arly Aug-Un1L~ua1 value in a 4 BR + Probably never atain will gracious living. Priced to . ust. B.uy no1v & select ytlur added family room, single ytlu find ' such a FANTAS.. sell. ?wn til~. colors & c~t-floor home, Used brick fire- TIC VALUE with all that ing. 3180 sq rt of living place & front trim. Great this ()!fers! ! PIER and FAMILY SPC'IAL lll'l!a. landscaping with covered BOAT SLIP! Buy this du· "-4 Bdrin 3 baths plus i>OIV· patio. Best Mesa Verde val· plex .furnished or not, with 4 bdm1s . family room. Com· ~~::r~m, 3 car garage, of ue at $37,650. 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST GOLF or SWIM Mesa Del Mar 1105 4 BR 2 BA /LOW DN. 1 General 1000 General -------'-"' 1000 as little as 10% DOWN, plete with swimming pool Step down living room with • COATS Low 7% financing available. $46 ooo BAYCREST Ftlr aP: high beamed ceiling. Rich· &. SUPER SHARP! Carpets po~tment call 64&32.55. ly panelled family room WALLAC" and drapes! Double garage! ~ 2300 sq. ft. custom home, 3 BR 21,2 baths, dining room & family room. Loaded y,•ith extras. Beautifully landscap- ed • 16x30' Royal Pool. ·-to existing huge 6% GI loan. $202/mo includes taxes & ins. Frplc, cpts, drps l!tc. Clean, $28,500, Owner/a.gt. 546-5"10 _ WOW! :. WHAT A VIEW Built right <ln top ol a moun- tain with a view you won't ihelieve. 4 bedrooms, high beam ceilings delUXe kitch- en, sun deck, a beautiful home only 4 years Clld. Ask· lng $37,500. -Farr~-W- -.ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST "293 E. 17th St. 646--4494 COWGE PARK " $25,950 OPEN Fri/Sot/Sun 2}71 GrHnbriar Lane OCEAN FRONT SANDY BEAOI • Charming mtldemized 2 bdrm. turn. home, incl. color T.V. blt- in's, really nice + furn. gUeSt apt. TOP CONDI· TJON · $59,500. BAYSHORES "F<lr A Wise Buy" Colesworthy & Co. Walk t.p al! shops, but just with seoond fireplace & REALTORS '"•out oJ bed and"'"'"' COL'Cl!E PARK watk-m ... bar,._.;,. -.546-4141-~ land kitchen, separate the water tlr climb in your breakfast nook, l9x32' heat. (Open E"nl"t') boat!! An UNBELIEVABLE OPEN VALUE at <lniy $59,950. ~ii~autiful Wells-built I:=:=::=::=:::::= WE SELL A HOME Fri/Sat/Sun 1·5 hon1e is truly an invitation Oc•an Front Triplex EVERY 31 MINUTES 287 NASSAU ROAD to elegant living. \\/:clcome! v ~rental area, close Walker & lee 3 bdrm home in a lovely <l;rea Roy J, Ward'e , to ev ng, Owner saYS close to schools & shopping. (Baycrest OUice) gross me $10,400. Only 1~30 Galaxy Drive 64S-1550 5 yrs. <lid. 4, 3 & 11,~ BR., OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 MAUI CIRCLE, MESA VERDE 546·5180 fltNl'~tbem!) LLEGE REALTY lSOlAdlrws 1IHarbor,CM 3 bdrm. 2 bath ••..•• $39,500 3 l'.Mrm. 3 bath furn .• $47,500 4 bdrm. 4 bath, huge Jiv. rm. din. rm, lge. irreg. <Xlr lot, near Bay Oub •. $54.950 BA YCREST LOT· 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams 545-9491 Open 'ti.I 9 PM s2.ooo Reduction fixer Upper JEAN SMITH REALTOR 646-3255 I ~!!!!!!!!!!!!"!'""'""'!'"""!'!'! I all furnished. GCJCs f o r I,.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"" Open Sat/Sun 1-5 1110.000. Good finMdng. To. 3 BDRM, • $20,950 day's prices won't last! 870 Governor, St., CM Ooo't mi" the opportunity NEWPORT BEACH to build your dream mon· CAPE ' COD DRIVE BY -tC6 FRANCIS-sion among the m<lSt expen. NEWPORT HEIGHTS CO, then call to see tbia slve homes in Newport 400 E. 17th. Costa Mesa COLLEGE DRIVE lovely 4 bdrm. 2 be.th home, Bf!ach. Rambling or two OPEN DAILY loaded with em-as, lMMED. story. Pool siT.e with unlim. 434 S•nte Ana Ave. 3 bdm1. HAR D·w o OD OCCUPANCY _ $54,500. ited garden area for tlut· Large living room witb lire-FLOOR home with custom ••c•• THOMAS · door entertaining tln this place. separate dining area, built _ family room. Ideal -1 large, large property. Will 4 BR 2 bath, hardwood for big family, Veterans REALTOR delight your family and firs. Cov brick patio, lath can buy this with "0'' down, $750 DOWN • R!iDDIRPET FHA/VA REALTY 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. 3 BR home on large lot pric. O S d l ed at $19,500. out ()f 8late pen un ay .5 <lWnt."r may sell for FHA ap-1836 Santiago Drive praisal. Make oUC'r. Exciting Spanish 4 bdrm 3% Can assume $15,000, 514 % FHA l<lan, Owner will carry 2nd TO.submit down. Near shopping. Costa Mesa·Npt. Realty 646-9666, &12-1221 VA Repossession Costa Mesa 3 BR 2 bath home, l % year <lid bit.ins, lg ram rm, spacious liv. rm. all panelled. $125(1 d () \V 11 EXTRA large corner l<ll. 3 BDRM's w/ encl<lSed patio, boat gate. 546-2459 BY OWNER 2 story, 3 bath, 5 BR; formaIJUn tto; newly cptd. $35,500 Conv firi. avail. 546-7504 Mesa Verde 1110 ACHTUNG Suchen Sie ein Haus in Mesa Verde? Habe 3 Sehlatiim· mer Pacesetter, mtt tzuckcndem Garten und err ormer Kueche. Call Elke a4S-2313 1-oTHEREAL \~ ESTATERS ". ''" '• I Newport el Vlctorlo 646-1111 2'2•1 w. Coast Hwy 548-5527 friend!. Owner is tltfering _house ftlr planting, dble gar Drive by 2359 Collere Drive Newpcrt Beach, Eve. 545-5643 this <lne <lf a kind, quiet and <ln alley. Room for boat & & call for apoplntment. !!!!!!~~:".:""!:"!~~~"I gorgeous locatitln <ln land ca1npcr. Nr Harlx>r 1-ii. OPEN HOUSE you OWN for only $23.950. 1860 N•wport Blvd., CM WE SELL A HOME Rltr. 646-392.8 Eve. 644-1655 Sun. -1 lo s EVERY 31 MINUTES lachen Newport 1t bath Wells' built OOme. In· ner court yard with retract· able roof lor indoor <lllldoor living at its most luxurious Panoramic view ()f Upper 1~3 Bruad1vay 645-{}181 Bay, Priced to sell. Eves. 646-4579 Roy J, Ward Co. tlnly $28,950. P.W.C. 546-5440 546·2313 • 646·71N ========'°' 5 BR. 2 st<lry, 2100 sq. ft. Costa M11a 1100 Mesa Verde Pacesetter. .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==; Close to bch, 'h mi to golf 2033 PALOMA w lk & l myer NORTH ON l RV!NE TO a er ee Victoria ,======!:I 2oTH • .LEFT ON 20TH Iii Custom 3 bedroom, 2 bath 2M3 Westclill Dr. 64S-7ill Open Eves. PENINSULA PT doublellreplace. Immodlate value! 3 Br, hotne,::".'1)!""'.,..oon • 10% d own. m::t.00' l<lt. Enjoy beach liv. $34,950. outstanding value, .. ! $42,500 lltolbN Rool Estote Co. 100 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa 61J.-0411 e5~~% f11Ae Br., 2 ba. N'pL Hghts. ones ~ty 673~10 White E.lepbantB'!' NO matter what It is, you can sell Jt with a DAll.Y PILOT Oa.ssified ad. PENINSULA PT. BESf VALUE! Don't mlss seeing this 3 Br. home. Ne1v- ly painted in 1': out. SO X 100' Lot. Huge patio ftlr sun 4 fun! Xlnt loc. JO WEBB. Realtor Balboa Real E state Co. 700 E. Balboa. Blvd ., Balboa 673-4140 Gener•I 1000Gen••I 1000General 1000 ' ' . ' ' 'O@\\.~lA-J&t-trs· Solve G Simple Scrambled Word Puzzle for a ChKCkle 0 l 9C1rrange th• 6 x:rombled -............... . I simple "Won:l1. Print a.rt.. of .each In Its lint of aqua,.._ 11v1RNED· I I' ., I I' ·rALFEB I' I I ITALBEL ' -I I I I I' I 1 ~L_Y..,...R_G,,E....,C_,.... ..... -11 Tourist. Yesle,Poy I we nt r I r I I' I : 10 the lop o1 '"" Empire Stale ......... ..._.......__.__ ......_ _ _. Building to look ot tho ctty. I Friend• Did they charge you JI I ' I~ ' llAYTUE _$1.007 ........,,.,., .,,......,,......,_,--. Tour111, No, they chof11ed ..__. __ ., _ _._._...__.._., JM 60 cents because I'm I~-----~,-· '-1 SI P HAM 0 Compi.t• ihf chud:te quot.cl I' r I" I I ,.., :..::t! ::.~ .:=. .................... ,... •r;.. r r r r r 1· r r r r r 1 •;:::: I I I I I I I I I I I 11 64Ull1 EASTSIDE UNITS FOUR mod•rn 3 BR hom" $151 PER MONTH on large corner l<ll. Each 3 Includes all <ln this 3 bed· BR 't · · 'th la room charmer, located <ln pati:1~ ~::;~:~ea; to gr:: quiet tree shad~ street ag Bl k , 11 1 Excellent <lpportunity to gel •-56oc2 0•0•0 •Fn't'P· into your tirst home w1th 1 payments no mtlre than JO•fo DOWN reni. Won 't last long at the OPEN SAT. I • 5 exceptional price or only 221 E. 2ht, CM tt:.;~·SELL A HOME Newport EVERY 31 MINU~S v1c::.;. Walker & lee 64Ul11 20-!3 W~tclitt Dr. 64S-rn1 Open Eves. ·======~1 .1itii. 1518 Dolphin Terr cLEAN May 31 & June 1st Spotless 2 BR, 2~ ba, den, elec kitchen. PLUS huge covered boat-port, min. land. teaPe mainlel1Al1C'f', SIHhod lo $39,500 CURT DOSH, Re1llor 1730 W. Cmst Hi&hwty 542-6472 Eves. 673'3468 Ranch style, s 1 n g 1 e slory 4 bdnn In immac. utate condition. corner location In delightful neighborhood close to school. See th!$ ne'v l!Slil\i, 2865 C h I o s, $.17,500. ''11 • ,,''·r " l1"1 ·t'' I ·•-"lL'' ''· ,,. 546·5990 l U P•lnt & Save • ·rreH R•~ltv Bia: family home • ~ ~ IHI vw • f Ionia! $ BR with Anthony pool, {amlly room & dtntna present1 ~ room. Nearly 2900 sq ft, l:~ walking distance l<l Mt!S& UNIQUE DESIGN V•rde Country Club. ow,,.r CU.tom built home. Exccp relocatin&: tlUt tll area-must Uona..I •tte.ntlon to de taD seIH •"Ork. 3770 911 rt. 3 bdrms, ~ S46·SllO 4\i balM; inside • tlOtllde (ANl'clnenatt•trt) pailo. $11>.000. OLLEGE REALTY •1500 AdMIStttcllbor,cM. l6<Xi WestcliU Dr. NB 642.mil ,.,~'!" ... ~~~~ DOVER SHORES 4 BR PACUEllER 'BR. S ~ATHS Immac:. Meta Vente home, NEW 2·STORY 2ll "°""· o.n, dlo nn, poot. VIEW I $119,600 alttdDAVlotl.DmSON,900 R lly P'rant Jamts R.ltr 54M61.l •• • ~ Eves. 516.Slftq !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I . "·--. -. --. . Newport Heights <Baycre.t o!fi"' 1 GI Loan 182.00 mo 1430 Galaxy ..._,5.IO No qualifing, assume 6% • . Joan, do ytlu want tlpen New L11t1r11 beam ceilings bric.k fire-Extra, extra sharp 1 bdnn place, bardw~ floors, art Condominium Brand new <ln studio, or guest room, boat the market, unusually large or trailer acc:e~. Ivy cover-bedroom. Adults <lnly. Heights? Then call today. (.-dnllMtMllm Three/Fam/Pool Which means ~ ate ottering a l<lvel,y 3 BR, 1% bath home with lam nn, and a swimming pool at a price you will hardly believe. Call Us To See: BURR WHITE, Rltr. 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. 675"!630 Evos. 673-0859 £'d patio localed in Newport ~ S41·5810 OLLEGE REA~i;'t 1500 Marns 11 H1ftllr,1o111o 1 .,,.~~~""':!'!!'!~ *BY OWNER* 4 BEDRM, • $32,500 Mesa Verde decorat()n; two ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 ''NORTHGATE'' story eastern style home. Your tlwn private orchard • 4 Bedrooms, 3 baths. used raised brick planters. 2 brick family room, mim:ired baths. Electric built-in kitch-dlnlng room, used brick ter. VACANT en. Family room. Covered race, profesaionally land· patio. Tile entry. 54(1..1720 scaped. Immaculate. Be EXCLUSIVE: $pa.ci<>us 4 BR, TARBELL 2955 Harbor ~~ 2~ 8:_:~~~~: l•mily room hom•. Mov, in OPEN HOUSE ~5157 condition, Sell or lease/op-Fri/Sat/S SY.% GI BY OWNER titln. Bade Bay. Un ··· l:astme, 4 BR. 2 BA Cov. JEAN SMITH 2612 REDLANDS CC p•tio, s h ake roof, R I 3 BR 2 bath lll,950 diahwuher ~1 t ea tor DAVIDSON Realty drps, ... t'c, crp I 646-3155 546-5460 Ew. 549-lcQ $3.1,000 646-2819 400 E. 17th, Cosla f\:Tcsa White e\ephllllts! Dime-a.tine DAD..Y PILOT WANT ADS! Cash Talks Owners MUST sell I h e I r POOL homes. Asking $32,500 & $35,950. Both with many fine features. For details & terma call MJt NELSON 54G-ll5I Heritage Real Ea· late {<lp-:-n eves) ¢.ourtyard Pool "FettW'I' View" New Wclls' plan ready for Aug. dellv. ery. 4 BR 3\o!i ba. !am ·nn wtt Mr. 19:t32' pool. Buy now to sel~t colors. Roy J, Word Co. iSayettst OUlttl 1-130 Galaxy Dr, 646-1550 -.--- Ol'EN HOUSE DAILY 1-$ 1t 141 YORK· TO\\IN LN., CM. ~ 7 re- 11Ale1 h'om Sl.00 down, 2.S ~ 4 Bdnns. For saJr.s A rental Jnfonnation. C a 11 Heritqe• Real E s ta t e 5'JO.US1 (optn eves> Find ii with a want adl l courses. Has all extras! Fabultlus lndsc'g w/back yard founta in. Close 'lo all schls, college, frwys. can AM 546-3081 Ole. 637-3930 ASSUME 5%. Loan. Live in spack>us 1800 sq. ft. 3 BR, 2 BA, Family rm, Ranch home. Near g<lU course. S33,000. Owner. * 545-0694 l\tOVING Ea11t-Owner must sell~ 4 BDRM, 1% BA. Cltlse !() schls, I h p • g • churches. $23,900 * 54&-7308 3 BR, :I BA, PAC~, newly decorated in&ide. By tlwner, princ. only $32,950. 54Q..4681 College P•~--1;..;l"I~ 3 BR & den, hwd Ors. COV pati(), blk wall, clC16e l<l schools/shopS. $26,900. By Ownr 545-3945 ~ White Elephants'!' - -·---·-·----·-·-·-----·--·----·--·--···----~ . ' -----~-----------~-------~----·-----~-----~---....-------~ -----. ---~ .__,..__.,.,..,..,,... .. I I I HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOlt SALi HOUSES ,OR SALi HOUSES ,OR SALE .,s. .. '.,"',..11>_,r.""M""-'..,~:;..,l'l6,;'~"'"""" .... ,......,..,,,,.;o;;AJ;;LY;.;.P:.;ll;;OT;....l.8~9 1rkl1y, May 301 1969 HOUSIS FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSESl'ORSALE ... '"AL> DAILY PILOT . Newport Bt1ch 1200 Newport Beach 1200 Co,....a del Mar 1250 Co,..na .i.1 Mar 1250 Huntl1?9ton Be1eh 1400Huntlngton Beach 1400 Laguna Beoch 1705 Aph. fumlohod A WALK Huntington Beoch 2400 Uni .. rtlly Park • THE ILUFF'S • OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1 • ~ ONLY 2 HOMES LEFT IN S,.ACE 3 BR. TOWTiboiio., ,..,J, (rpl . N<. beach. Adults, ,....,...._ l BEDROOM, 2 BATH 1430 S.NMde, Irvin, T •rrac• New homes., ready to move ln, Yl miJe from beach. First payment up to 60 days after move Jn. That will "" )'OUt Orst Im· Leue $.225, 8196 WW:l111'00d. p~lon, when )'OU $C'f! !hit Open Sun or 2.13; 65f..9611 SPACIOUS 2 story home. l""========'-1 Split_ level Model "F'' on beaulilul gr .. nbelt. Original low leasehold . Newly painted. Car-pets & drapes. Tell your friends about this l mm a cu la t e borne in Beautiful Irvine Terrace. They will thank you for it. $42,SOO Terms VA/FHA. From $22,990. BUJL T ON 111' LOTS Tl !AT OFFER. A. SCENIC V!EW OF THE OCEAN. Detailed all WOOd exte-rior in class.Jc Laguna architectural s1yJ. ing, large sun porches c~ ~Qeed with post & ral.Li, SPRAWLING 4 BDlUtt & DEN FLOOR PLAN, hat: w/w c,:arpeUng & custom dra~s thruoul Exciting Is-. land IYPe: kitchen has BILT. IN RANGE & OVEN, DISH. WSHR., GARB. DISP, & EXTENSIVE u s E or DEEP Sf AI NED f..1AllOG- ANY CABINk.'TS. 2705 OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN 3 • 5 Wm. Winton, Realtor 229 M1rlM, Bal* l al1nd CORAL SHORES LSE mod 2 txhm. oolored TV. wuhcr, dry<!r, Hi Fi. szo. pa mo, !WO Templehill Dr~ ~u. eves 494-0404 S3S VISTA FLORA ...CALL OWNE.R AT 675-6146 '7>3331 Open 'Ill 9 Evory Night (on Garfield between Beach ., 962-1353 & Magnolia Vacation Rentals 2900 BALBOA df!lxe duplex, <:ach 2 BR's, sklepa 6, crp1$, dl'P$, 11hol1 block to oct:an or bay. $l!iO week July, $175 week At1&t1sl. m Cyprei;s, Bal. or call 213: 698-6012 lr¥ine NEW. 3 Bednn 2 Batb. Elec. Kit. Fencd Yd •. Crp Drapes, Pool ),fembe'rahfp Avail, Immed. Lrue $300 Mo, Call t213) 377-ll<li 1 Ntwport Buch I 200 Nowport Beach 120I Coron• del M•r 1250 Huntington llMch 1400 Huntington Beech 1400Huntlngton 4&APOOL Boech 1400 OPEN SAT. SUN. l·S 425 Holmwood Dr. CHEERFUL HOME Jn Newport Hts. Nice :l Br .. din. rm. frplr. Dbl. garage on alley. Large back yard, felle(>d. Asking-$25,000. NEWPORT HTS. VIEW See this unusual llx!.'r (lpJX'r on 2 view lots 11·orth $17,000 each. 4 Br. 3 Ba. 2 kitch- ens. 3 garages. Hobby shop, AND a. guest hoUSf'. 2nd story veranda on 3 sides or I house. Ask!ng $37,500. t.1ake oUcr. CHOICE CAPE COD 1\l·o story. Deluxe 5 Br. 2 Ba. Large home \vith all th(. ex- tras. Like nc1\". Only $39.500. BEACH DUPLEX BAL. PENIN. Only l hlock to tile Ocean. Good investment or live in & rent out. 3 Br. 2 Bu. & 2 Br. 1 Ba. $15,000. ATTRACTIVE Ol'EN HOUSES Fri/Sat/Sun. 1.s , CUSTOM BUILT 2 Bdrms., den, 2 baths, ror- ncr Joe. Tip. Top cond. Plus l ·Br. sep. hou~ on 2, R-2 Exqu~ti. ••ttY ..... , llv· MODERN LIVING Ina' room with fireplace, for- mal dining room overlook· ing pool, complete equipped kitchen center, QPgn1ded ai> plianccs, famlly room with \l'at bnr, slldihg g.laSll dooni to pool a1-e11, IR'p&rale ¥ludy Brick, beams. View: new lols, S69,900. carpet, drps. $5,000 On. Or1nge Coast Property 4821 CORTLAND 332 r.targuerl1e 613-S:Ml NEW LISTING New homes, ready to move in, 'ft mile £rom beach. First payment up to 60 days after move in. Terms VA/FHA. From $22,~ Sandy bcachiront, 3 & fain or panel.led den large enr,ugh Room lo add. S25.000 On, Corona Highlands; O ce an for pool table. 4 good sized Th B h 1915 BAYSIDE vie11·: 3 BR. 2 Ba. You own txh·n1s with exC(lptlonally e eac ~ th<' land. Full price $44.000. large mas1cr \\"Ith too much Cheery 3 Br., large family CORBIN-MARTIN 11•ardrobe spa ce. 3 baths 3 (on Brookhurst 1 mllt South of Ade m a) room, Walk to bay. $4200 Realtor$ cal' garage. $45,000 full price I'!'!!'!!!! Dn. 3036 E. Coasl Hwy., CdM • has $10,000 in extras such I'. 1831 TRAOEWINOS 675-1662 a11 upgraded ca1i>ets & drap-Huntington Beach 1400 Santa Ana Hgts. 1630 IRVINE Terrace ' Execulivc cs, li"tures, landscaping, SAT/SUN ONLY Hyme. 3 bdr or 2 bdr & $21 ,000 HOME FOR HORSES Flower lresh 3 BR/2 Ba. study, 2 bath>i. :Flooded wilh lfiJA~~· ~s m~p: 3 BR I';. bath, ~110· fenced 1-lo~in rondilion. $.11,5'J{J lighr . beaut d e c 0 rated, ., •---· -lot, covered paho, carpets, 2918 PAPER LANE niany exlra f ea 1 u re i;. tu-44 -. dra{>('s, built·in range..& ov· Half acre with corral and a $42,500. 1319 Bonnie Doonc LIST ty-en, dishwasher, double gar-3 Bed1wm 2 bath honu>, ® Hal Terrace. 673-7312 hy 011·ncr. lthyouonfr ~droper ate. beautifu.J yard. clean .and neat. • A rare w c 1 enct find at $36,950 .. lfARBOR VIE\V Hills. Lusk SELL with profes-lfllU!f~mm.11 .p:~ ~~:::;~J.~·:.:';,';·::i,"~ ~::~~~~ ~MUUiOF CJM 3.:cu '"· Coa" llwy. $06.500. YOU!! DIVORCE 546·2313 • 646·7171 Open staircase leads lo 2nd level. w/2 bdnn .. bath, & LARGE DEN, APPROX. 2Q FT., \VJTH DBL. ~ ING GLASS \VAU.S THAT OPENS TO SUN DECK WI OCEAN VIEW. TIUS SPAC. IOUS HOME IS VACANT & 'distressed 01vner says sell iinmed. for $29,9SO FULL PRICE LOWER ON. PYMT. O.K. TliE BEST BUY IN LAGUNA 't;F:ACH MISSION RE.AL TY 985 So. Co,oi~r [•·,.-. -'•l!Hna Phon• t 7J.!} 1!Y4-0731 --IDEALH.OME-- For your exp<i1•u1ng family: 5. Br's, 3 Rn.. On a Cul De Sac strret· clost' in $36 500 Or \\'iii iease/opti~n ~\•ith Sl.000 option n1oney, S2JO 1nonth. Summer Rentals liUNTINGTON HARBOUR 2910 Coron• ct.I Mar 2 BR. 2 Ba. Doll bltm; 2 yrs. neW. Adultl. $275 on lease. Agt. 67J..4'.M Ew Waterfront 4 BORl\t Balboa home con1plete. Including ;_.;;.;.:_. ____ ...;..;.;,;1 linens, uten.<;i\s, sailboat & BAYFRONT w/ boat sli private ~k. summer or Large 4 BDRM, 2 BA, lo,nger lease. n4/~7-9G<l5 yard & patio. $475 <mo • PRIVATE &EACH 52S-8lOO Both IWim & boal Larr:eo 2 BR, big patio. 8a.y!lhorei>- July &: August. 646-2.5'77 or 834-5854. IMMAC. 2 BDRM, l ·ea., fAXI ft. lo ocean; TV, ulil. pcl. Spec lat-' rate for June, SlOO \Vk.: J uly S150 \\' k , &1:?4i316: 67J.2473 eve!4. SU:'<l~IER rent on Ne1vpoi:_t Island \\'/live in maid. 4 BR & !>un1le~·k $200 week or $700 lnO. 675-0363 .Hunti ngto~..:B:.:•.:;1<.:;h:.....;..;,;.;'1 N'EAR. new, 3 BR, 2 crpts, drps;, fe~ near Edwar<Jsrrablert. m TI4: 842-2082 or 213-:: 347-2843 l 4 BR, 2 Ba, gar, cptso drp&' $150. yrly. Avail June L Children OK, no pets. ti~ Van Buren. ~ CLEAN 3 BR 2 bath, bit.ins Close to schools. "2·159< II ; Laguna Beach 3705 675-4392 Anytime SHORECLIFF 3 BR, 2 BA. R~AL TOR. MEMBER ?tlarine Hi School, 70' corner JJ ·C:::>- • ~ . Quiet tree lined area by the untingTon Beach/ lot w/block fence, 3 lge BRs Laguna Beach 1705 • ' ~ 9: (!) ~LUf FS -Bay V1e1v, on ma-sea. Fee simple. Access to 2 Fount•in Valley 12xl5' faM rm. FHA apprals---~w ,.,,.,·~ d!"L JOr green belt. 3 Br, 3 Ba, bf>aches. Under $50,CXMl. By Listing Service al, Sell GI or FHA $24,900. LONDON BOUND ............... many cust features. Low o•vner. 673-3681 8 Take over GI 5\4 % pymnts, THRILL to the excellence or ' '1·N=·=·'-=N=B=P=· "=·=· A=o='~=-';';~=:~="=":I ~ .. s:.·: ~:e· Sacrifice o~i;hla~s.avic~i.~1.C:~~ ' HRAER:L~~R ~:~S~emA~h~,EAL TY ~~,~~"'~~~ ~~~nh:1;eae~ ,rt L • ~T AT II I' 5 BR 4 BA Ivan Wells ho1ne $45,900. 675-3254 O\vncr. 8'17-8531 Eves. 431-3769 oceans blue, 4 BR/Den/Din, ( ~ CLEAN B11llxm Beach Units. Sleeps Z to 10: for summer resr.l'va!inns call 673-994(; 315 E. Balboa Blv., Balboa LIDO JSLI-.: · Finest 3 BR, 2 BA nicely furnished. 675-5023 or 675-7109 LIDO Isle 2 BR Apt furn. Beach & pier, garage, patio, view. 67J.391:8 NE\VLY remodeled, all cpt4 2 BR, den, frplc, yr. Jsei. gdnr inc., 1 bile to bch. Chiquita. Open Sat & Sun, June 7 &: 8. 213: 287-6334 alt. 6 111kdays. ' e VIE\V HOME, 2 BR, BA, year lease, adults onl» $270 mo. <'194-9502 eves. ' BLUFFS BEST BUYS ' Popular EstJ'elila, 3 huge BR .. 21~ ba., n1any, niany extras. :?200 sq , fl. in a 1·al· uablr. JO•'. ovl:'t'IO'Jk:ing pro- posed 11111.rinn. This pt'OP. is $:l.OOO under 1narket al $38,500. Carn1elita, very livable 4 Br. 3 Ba. Bluffs largest Jiving rm., poolside Joe. Decorator extras. 1950 Sq. Ft. Under market at $39,500. EASTBLUFF REALTY 2414 Vista Del Oro NEWPORT BEACH 6~1-1133 644-1626 Eves. SPACIOUS COUNTRY LIVING Close 10 park, schools & ho1'Seback i'id ing. Gracious entryway opening lo war,m 'family nn. Distinctive open beam ceiling! add chann to this large, 4 bdrm. home ror your family, $52.500. 155-C PROPERTIES WEST 1028 Bayside Drive Ne\vport Beach 67>4130 WESTCLIFF CONOOMINIUM Conservative elegance in Newport's finest residcnliaJ area. DeLuxe 2 story, two bedroom, 21,) bath. \Vesting- house all-electric, luminous ceiling kitchen, ~ncluding \\·asher and dryer. Spacious rooms. Fireplace 1vith mar- ble hearth, W l\V carpets. Drapes, Beautiful landscap- ing plus 20 X 40 healed pool & recreation room with fire· place ~ wet bar. Sauna ? Yes! Two car garage with large stol'age s~elves. Fee Sitnple. Assrunc Loan. SACRIFICE AT $3.1,500 1.300 CORNWALL LANE Open House Sat & Son 1-{i 546-4806 or 499-1800 NEWPORl TOWERS Landmark ol the Newport Skyline, 8 stories or bt'f!alh. taking bay & ocean viewing from lu.xurious 2 BR, 2 BA, all elec ap!B, 2 tligf\speed elevators, subterranean & top deck parking. Therapeu. tic pool & boat docks. Open daily, Sale or lease, 312'1 W. 1toast Highway, TI4: &fl·220'Z View Lot with new 4 bedroom 3 bath + roon1 for tennis court, pool, boats & trailer. Delta Real Estate 646-4414 "•th lg landsc. yd, fan1 r n1, O\V E --0 D ·1 v· 5042 Warntr Ave. 4 UNITS soaring decks, open bean1s, 353 N, 0>9.sl liil\•ay. patio. Job trans. reqs im-N R pen 31 y. ieiv-H . B h priVlltc df'ck tJ Jo\i•cr noors Laguna Beach o.-. ..i 1 Jo\L~ HoUH1 Unfurniahed 111ed sale by O\vner'. $6'7,500. ~~u!. ~ Bt·., 2 Ba + ~en. untington eac l BRs each, Cari>t•ts/drapcs, I for home o[fice or in·la\\'s. 494-7518 833-6415 '"kdays ti! 5 pn1. 535 Hazel, CdM. 673-4869 847-8595 bH-ins, good cond ilion & lo-o ... ·ner's ofJ lo L on don, Owner _ Transf•rr•d HAWAII BOUND. ~lust CHAR~11NG DUPLEX on SV"o/o cation. Best buy on the l\'antsorferthiswef'kt•nd and \\'ill sell or lrade Laguna Gen•ral 3000 Laguna Niguel ·---• 370. sell n1y dcllLXe Condo 2 BR dbl lot, So. or l·h\I)'. O\vner. 3 BR 1i};; bath, Newport niarkcl only $l2,!')()(l, \Vill help rinancl'. Subn1it &-ach furnished .2 BR LOOKING FOR 2 ha; pool. $28,5a) AgL S.5s.:m. 67'.~J6!l \\lest, $2ii,500, l23:-:62x78x59' MU,T~Al ,RE~LTY your sni;dlcr hon1e ln f'X-VI E\V l!OME. Prine. only. A CHANGE 646-0732 ' !e'nced cul-de-sac lot, w/iv , 42·1<1111 anyl1n11• change or S6.000 d u w n, 84.2-4606 \Ve have a 3 &i.Jrooin and a HOUSE • GARAGE • OF: Balbpa -p~~~ins~la 1300 ca1""'IS, .,. .. ,,Palos Verde CONVENIENT cul-de-sac: 3 OPEN HOUSE this \ref'kend, <I Bedroom for lease at $180 A ~ BR Fril&lt '.'-i in. SUPERB vie11" ne\11e1· eust. 3 . h b Ill I t d FICE, 25':<93' Jot M-t zo ne. NEAR B Y fireplace, buill·in range & , fan\ rm, l~ ba. Drps, Br, Sale or exchange. 1v1! u -ns. carpes an $26.500. 508 31st St., N.B. * 3 BR. &>ach house, partly oven, dishwasher, shake crpt"s, built-ns, !rplc. sharp 1303 Temple Hills 515,000 equity. 6 7 5 _ 6 5 91 ; drapes, Doub I e Garage, 673-602lJ Jw11. A steal at $32.500. Id, \Valking distance to the yard, play house. $22,900. Hal Pinchin & Assoc:. 494-716l Res. Fenced. Call: CLIFF HAVEN HOME . --beach. 847-3459 6"10,..,ME""'aF G"~•T CHARM.i1~H-:w2 0 '"•"p1"."," .. "'F"•".,"s"."1.=1"9"1"s ·Walker & lee 2 BR. llh Ba, oovercd paUo. 3 B1 Rb 2$3ba9 .500, furn. Near Yacht l' 5 ""'· cu ~'~~:., IJM· p· Fountain V•lley 1410 AND PRIVACY. Superb Clean. 41l Stlug Harbor Rd. E ' I· II M' ha I RI _ --_ --Owner _ 548-6932 vere t · . IC e , tr views of Aliso Cove a n d DELUXE Duplex. OCEAN 507 E. Balboa, Balboa 673-Q!SO I-===~~==~ 1 51/4 O/o LOAN headlands. Luxurious & SPRING FRESH private sun patio off VIEW. $42,500-low dn. Ask Lido Isle 1351 · Newly palnted old rarm bedroom ·"" den, large deck flUPLEX $55,000 6~i.% in- terest. 514 Fernleaf, CdM. S.~of h1vy. 675-6044 Broker. ,UNTALS 7682 Edinger 842.-4455 or 540-5140 Open Eves. 5 BR. Eastbluff hon1e, 3 BA family room, l car gar. No EXEC residence • 3 Br. Ba., bltns, d s Ji w hr , <'J'fll/drp. Beaut view $300. 836-5T..i0, 542-1215 LUXURIOUS 4 BR home for lease. 1 ml above ocean. Refs. 496-3082 ~ Sen Clemente 3710 CUSTOM 3 BR 2 bath er t s/ d rps. S e a1Jtew S26Cl/mo. 40.1 E.· Sal.'Juan {714) 644-4294 It .fi for ·Naomi, Doyle Co . · In attractive Glen Mar. 3 tract, 4 yrs okt, 2.000 sq / patio on family room, 548-1168. Eves. 675-1977 bed, 2 bath \Vi l h family n .. ~ BR, 2 BA, fan1 rm, grct>n house, streel to streel ?t10BILE H0t.1E $19,000 fJlll NEW LISTING! room. Carpets and drape :panl'cl liv rm. bl'ick frplc. location, lrm \Yith fireplace, HouMS Furnished pcls. S.l90 per n10. Lease. Duplexes Unfurn.,.ft1975 912 Aleppo, Nr C!l:'<T High . ;tC , Bay!ronl on Peninsula Modern ti yea1· old 4 BR, sparklilig clean. Quiet cuJ 450 sq. ft. pan!' I ga.mr. rm, J bdr111s, 3 baths, den, large Rentals to Shir• 2005 cqNSlDERATE gcnllc\\'on1- an lo 11harc. pleagan( ap1trl- n1ent overlooking Emcrnld Huy, private roon1 & bath, lor sumn1er mos. 494.5330 YOUNG business man rro1n New York, seeks sarne for apt in Ci\1, £\·es. 772-7.m ext 7314 ti~G-8756 SEE 1018 Victoria. Twp ----,---. brirni~. B/N kitchen, dCn , _6\54808,,. fi1?-3228, , convert / Q_en1 sewtni: rn:t· de sac loca\ion. Near all crpt'~ lhru -ou t, cus\0111 dng area, bit. iii kllche:n. ~~=""'='-"';;==I Newly carpeted. Beautifully schools. • $'26,950. dt'Pfl, lrg pool-size lot, prof. lurnaef', dbl garai;:c ,\'ith Newport Heights' __!.!!_0 filed entry & dining rn1. lndscpcl. sprinklrs 1'.t'Ont & electronic opener. $200; 3, BR. 2 Ba. Patio, fpl. nren & Jge L.R. &epara.te Couples only. Blk. In hc:tch.. :!:Ht'i!.!;C & rear yar d', S34-69SO Bt'Oker A11ail1tble June 1st ~40 mo. $76,500. rear, block wall, 3.000 sq. $G!J.500 EXCLUSIVE UNUSUAL • VIEW Call fo~ppt. ft rear yard, $32,450. BY MARSHALL & ROPP Sec this unusual, run-dO\\'n W~IV!. Rlty 675-5200 • 546-231 9?~NtiRCoiorado Ave, FV, 2U Ocean Ave. 494·l02l home tllat could be a man-* 962 5900· * ' SEE THIS ba 2ki h JUST L I KE NE \V -BLUELAGOONVILLA sion. 4 BR-. 3 ., tc . JUST LISTED! ENGLAND. This 4 BR 'th nil. . SJ&i: 3 BR. I~~ Ba., fncd. ytl. Call &IG-0:;55 t Patio. Frpl. Rnng-c & ove n, 2 BR, ne\\I, bit-ins: cpii, Children OK. Bkl" 534-6980 drps: Pri patio, gar. No $14.5. 5 ROOM houst'. garagf!. yard work. $135 per mo. ens, 3 garages & ~ u est Outstanding '4 sdnn. &-II/IV. Stratford Home has a living Weeds, Weeds, Weed• w1 mag icent ocean view, house, on .2 lots with bay den family home on-Jge. room & a dining room, Just Abandoned_ 4 B': 2 ~th. car-deoo~ted by a recognized & ocean vle\v from veran. strada lot $69 000 • like California it has big pe~. drapes, bnck fireplace, artist, many extras, bu!Jt- WORKING gh•l to share furn. Univer.9ily Park home wilh san1e. 54 6-0928 ; 833-;153_!__ ('~".____ stove, w/w baby & small Jo'lrst & last mo plus $M pet OK. Bkr. 534-6980 cleaning fee . Adults onbr.i, IDEAL For young couple. no pets. 54>0914 da. Asking S37.500. LIDO ReAi. TY INC. covered patio & garden rear built-In double oven, range, ins, l BR and convertible View of ocean $100. Call RENTALS 0~ 3.tOO Via Lido 673-8830 yard. You can take over the dishwasher, Jo.A Ilea(, J8x30' den and 3 baths. $82,500 54.1-5697 Apt1. Furnl1hed A 1-I"'~~~~~~~""• I FHA loan ror $6'150. Owner patio. Reduced from $29.000 and worth more. Call for I.~ A ~T~ LOTS QF ROOM will help yau make the to S26,995. apo~~1;'~~n~alty Near NB Post. Ole. 646-2414 Custom quality J Br., on 51' down payment. REX L. ~l!lr.1"" .. ...,_ 44 Blue Lagoo n .,.~~~~~~~~! street lo street 101 , 3 C&r HODGES. Riiy 847-2525 J l_lffllflFlll Laguna Beach <199-2'106 -. ··----· garage. Lgc. South patio: T'!!'TmTOj Westcliff 1230 nr, clubhouse & tennis els. Beach Boy's Beauty! 31/:z ACRES $69.500. Call for app'I. Near .1ew 3 BR with fom1al . U XI I .. ~ I Ci I CUSTOM BUil T WALKER Rlty. 675-5200 dining ""m, dishwasher. Orange County 1600 1 eve 0""'"' and. ty 0 2 w· t Laguna. 9 B!ks. to beach. By oivnei·. . ings • n)as er, e SOLID CONSTRUCTION new patio, awnings, elegant Ocean view11. Should divide pan. ~en, k~tchen, brklst. e .6 BEDROOMS, 5 BATHS draperies & carpeting & CUSTOM HOME into 13 lots. Pdcc $40.000; rm. ~ight 11o1ng. 3 Bctnns. e DINING & FAMILY RMS. close to the finest beach ,,~ D A I ·' ~eft 1vtng, Insulated, Appeal· .... 50• CORNER LOT in the world. 611~% FHA loan . $25,900 . . MIB$i~N R~v."'ce~;.Q731 $15 Nl'Ltional R.-.. -m-a71e- lli Rl'nt ? Shatt! 613-1166 $260. 3 BR, 2 ba, tcn~d yard, lv/\V, chlldren & pet · O.K. Bkr. ~980 Costa M•sa 2100 Coste Meu 3100 FREE RENTAL~ SERVICE ------$110 PARTLY furn l Br., dble gar. Lg. yd. shed. Ava.il June 12. Inspect 2565 Orange, then cnll 673-6020 ~~!'port Be1ch 2200 tor example, 3 bedrooms 2 baths $225.00 per mo, Call . arr~,.....-1ng. • 3 000 SQ ~ 1105 000 at nss monthly includes Massive floo~ lo celling 'P~l-OCEAN FRONT R. C. GREER, Realty • · r '· - ' V rd I I 3 hi 33 .. v· L'd 673-9300 R C. GREER, Realty everything. : e ~ :;ephaace8BQ _g IMMACULATE CUST0:\1 J 4 BR. frpl _, patio. lawn, a:ar. ORANGE COUNTY'S J;l ia t o , 3355 Via Lido 673-9300 Pacific Shores Realty nm, at , in bdrm & den, wet bat. l ~~ BA . June 15 to Aug 14 LARGEST 847-8586 Eves 842-8728 ldtchen, Lovely tree shaded b r e a 1 h 1 a k i n g view $250. wk. Also winter $250 th S Univ•rsfty Park 1237 IMMACULATE. 2 BR, frplc !!"!!'~~!!!!!!!!~"!'·!!!!!!!!~~1 slnM'l, huge lot with block i•~ W ~ I 1 N 293 E. 17 t. 64M4M + G t R 2 Ba bltns all Decorator's patio. $ 5 0 0 0 mo. """ · ..... "'an mn ' · ues m. " ' PARTY HOUSE w fence. Waking dl,._ down. owner will finance B. 673-2306 $13.J. I MME OJ ATE oc-BRAND NEW HOME 3 BR new cpt & paint, xlnt Lido lance to all school<;_ Tre-=~~=~-~-~-cupancy. 3 Bedroom, garage Univ. Pk. GreenblL Spanish location. s.5.000 down . Garden kitchen & family mendou• bu y•. No down balance at 7~'/o • Only FOR LEASE -Beautiful 143 500 P R I Ba 1-1 4 Bt h &. yard on Del J\.1ar near tile rt. Lease $375 mth. Sell Owner. 675-50'l3 or 675-7709 room with wet bar overlooks to Vets. Min. dn. FHA. • · erron ea t Y Y • .,n · 0 u 8 e Newport Blvd, No pets. $38.000. 879-2348 heated & filtered pool. 4 BR Ket•lla R lty 847-6061 =G<Z-==117='~~~~~--:[1~oc!n!~~rm~e;n'~a:'e~ 646-0158, call Saturday after ,238 H.untington Beach 1400 3 baths & all the creature,..,,.....,...,...,...,...,...,~ LOVELY l ~ BR, full y turn. 12 noon ONLY. Irvine -comforts are yours \Vith I" So. Laguna-Ocean VU. Best location. 642-4062 .:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. LIST your property cash to the low interest NOW'S THE Frplc, secluded p at i 0 , oo=v~E=R~s=ho-.,,-,~.-.-,~,-,-.-.-t 1 3 BR. custom ho1nc Back HANDSOME HOME with confldenc• :FHA loan. S23~ per month sundeck. Walk to heh & home. 6 Br, 4 &. l1trge Bay area. Fam rni, 2 Ba. SELL with pr ofes-includes all . TIME FOR shops. Wood paneling-beam patio, 70' private dock. crpts, frplc $2.'"iO mo · A \\·ell proportioned 3 yr. old, in University Park. Profess. lnclscprl. exterior, smartly finished inter.; 2 Sty .. 4 Br. 2\i Ba. A Fu1Jy fenced pri- vate yard is viewed from the ki~ch.fam. nn. &: liv. rm. Priced at $32,500. By Owner. sional skill TRADEWINDS RL TY. ceilings. $23.900. Call collect s1200. mo. on yrly 111e. 5'18-2687 847-8511 QUICK CASH 213: 254-2394 213/780-5013 or 213/78.5-63.13. 1 BR. New w/w 11hag SI L"i. 8l3-ll20 Eutbluff 1242 e NEW BLUFFS e THROUGH YOUR REALTOR MEMBER Huntington hach/ Fountain Velley 8,iLi.: 1 ting .servlco ii HAFFDAL REALTY 2 Br. 2 Ba 3plit level. Man,y custom features, all elee, etc, Lowest maint & lease. bold. MUST SELL • BY 1740 Warner LOOK HERE! 3 BR Hun-THROUGH A =LA~G=U~N~A-ca~.-,..-.-. 90~'x--400~'; $300: 3 BR. Fam. rm. 2 Ba. One adUIL No pets. 548-1098. tington Villqe home wUh rustic 2-sty. house; possible Garage, frpl., Children OK b-1gr. 21.95 Miner No. 2 5% % GI loan. Out of town DAIL y PILOT Cl er M·l z.one: $4,000 dn. 534..SSSO Broker 3 BR honle 1% baths, 2 Cl:lr owner is anxious SO )'t>U tell Bkr. 675--6591; 494-7161 Res. DAILY PILOT WANT ADS zarsge, covet'ed patio. $2001 him what kind of a down WANT AD CHARGE IT! OlaJ 642.5678 mo. Agt, 546-4141 payment )'OU want to make!=;:;:::=======,,_:.=========.:_:;========~ 2 BR. crpts, drps, washer & & OOw you want him to car-~Mral 2000Gen•r•I 2000Gentral 2000 dryer, Re.fa required. 169 ry tM 2nd, Rex L. Hodges1;;.;==,----===="-----"'-'-'..:..;=..:.:.----.;;:.;.:_ Mesa Qr_ $140. 642-4868 Rlty. 847-Z)Z). . 2 Blocks To Beach Solve a Simple Scrambled Word Puzzle for a Chuckle Mea1 .V•rde 3110 4 BR, 2 BA. c.arpt, dr!lpc!!:, built-infl, cvrd. p11,Uo, fcll'X'd yd. $195. &45-J.159 General ~ $155. 2 BR 4-plex, ~. w/\\I, nicely furn.'-Broker 534-698tl $UO: BACH·, apt. W/W, uW. paid. Avaifable now: 534-6980 Broker 111. $1.55: 2 BR. Nicety rum. Garage, \11/w, Older child Broker 534-6980 $ll5. 1 BR, w/w, utll ·, Avail now, Baby O.K. Broker 534-6980 Costa M... 41., NEW SPANISH 1 VILLAGE APTS. I & 2 BDRM . Furn or furn. A.ir·rond, dsllwhrs, aell clean'g ovens. patio. break~ fa11t bars, private fundeckal lrg storage closet5, Heat pool, saunas, bar-b-que~ Sound proor waUa, walk cloS('IS. c:ovcred ca · Adulls. no pets. THE CALIFORNIAN Phone 546-2727 $30.00 wk. up e Oiey, week, monUI.;., • Studio A Bach, Apti:, • lnc1 Utllt & PhonC acrv. • Mald Servi~. TV avail. • New Cafe &: Bar 2376 Newport Blvd. 548-9?S5 DOVER VILLA GE , OWNER. Call Dick Oyer Fountain Valley \Vestclilf, 2 story corr ~456 ext 401 or 613-5777. 842-4405 Nice 2 BR ho1ne + a I BR rental, \VIII make nice home nr good irtvf'Stment. Beller call no1v. Only $25.000, Newport Buch 3200 * VIiia Pomona Apia. Costa MeAA'i; 11e111e$1 &. n1o&I lu."urlous, furn, l & 2 BR. apls. Ad u\!11 only, No pets. 1760 PomoM Ave., Just sow.h of 18th St. dom\nlum $29,500. 0 wn Corona dol Mer 1250 land. 'Adulm. Sl95 mo. '""· 1 ;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.j OPBf SIJHDAY 1 ·5 patio, courtyard, d"' gar .• 1• pool. Mainl. $25. Owner VIEW! VIEW! 16501 Lolro Clrclo Bkr. 6'6-1948 Of the ocean & bay, CU.tom BY OWNER OJUNTRY L t v I n g In built ~ ~ larae bdnng.. f~ SOL VISTA 4 BR 2 ba. FHA/ Newport Beach. 4 BR. home m.aJ dln1111 room, 11onlren liv-Cl/Conv'nt'al or aasume wJth 2/3rd1 1crt of land on ing room, family rm. w/ 5"' % FHA. 847-81)39 private take. $.54.950. OPEN frptc., dream kitchen; wen -OPEN HOUSE Hou•. Fri, Sat &: ~n. 231S worth $84,500, JM-{: • Healbet Ln. ~ Rllr PROPERTIES WEST Ql2l M·" ~Le1~ ltrlll Bayside Drive .. ,,,_ nc NEWPORT BEAOl $22,150 '75-4131 F.H.A •• V.A. .. A!!nlme ~'XOOUent 6% VA Cul-de-Sac MUTUAL REAL TY 842-1418 an)'lime ASSUME 5!( % LOAN OPEN DAILY 6ll2 SUrnmerdaJe Nr Meadow Lark golf courw, Comer 2 !ltory. 4. BR a: Pool w'/ ml¥t)' extru. Owner leaving state. Fle!dble tine. Bkr (213) GE I.{i,268 Real Eatate Sal .. men NMCled Best eomD'liuion It bonus. C.onfkkntl.al lnl<!rview, Ask for Mr. Bra.shear. BRASHEAR REAL TY M1-8S.11 1:."ves, 968-1111 Lot + Back Bay viC!w. New 4 bed1wm ! bllb. 75xl25' lot. room ror boa( A traJler, Dtlta Real Estate 646-4414 223 Poinsettia CclM loan. 3 bedroom. carpeting One of the lhrct ft~t hOm. thn1gh011t V1u:ant. DESPERATE! Must tell 2 u In the heart C)f CdM. Steps ATIRACTIVE aty 3 BR. lam "rm. Wa1k to REDUCED $3550 1301 M&riOn Lane, N.B. to Occon, 4 BR. 41,; ba, 3 BDRM, 2 BATH Glen ?.far S.Chls &: beach. Pleasant $119,CXll. cay •PPLl llDMt'. Crpti, dl'pl. 1>9it1o, net 1 h b or ho o d, S29.950, O.Lancy R••I E1tete trplc. AM • FM intercom. ~~=~m~~-~~~ , 2328 E. 0.1t Hwy, b:l>\t Nlee landtcp'g, Ct, ntA or ~ BR. TownhOust. Nr. beacb. m3'170 COrt\'-entiat leM'llJ!. O PE N Altentlon OJ'•. Open Sun. I I' I I IDUIG1) I , I I' I Confuthn "'Y' "Remember _ _ _ old maid who find man in ;:::::::::::::::'.:::'.:='....~ room who give hlm 24 hours IREPTIL 1 ••-~" S·1o l--.1-T1-1~-.1-~1.~ 0 Con!pt.t• lh• th~I• qiToftd by !1llln11 rn the tllfssing wordl . you develop ffom UIP No. 3 below. • Pa~s~~~~~slEntRS IN r r · 11 )a I' r I _G_g"._,.o'"'sc'"'':J"'l.._sw""'~'-m-n_•s_t_o_..j _..I _._I ~· I I I. OJ>'-n Sat Ir sun 1.s. 3 BR & Jam + u~ reatum In choice WestclJU. ltoy E. George rutr. &f0.2SS8 646--0fi(I ~ ..... QIARG""""'E"""rr!'!!1 ........ 1 ~:;s~ ... 'u.'~\~25·"°· 81.~:.;;,:.'_Wi..:~c..~~;.:.-:..~"""'213:..~..;.~_-..;.soo._1, __ sc_R_A_M_·_LETS __ A_N_S_W_E_R_IN_C_LA_S_S_IF_l.;:;Cc_A_TI_O_N_750_0_ -$140-VP. Attr . l·Br.. pool, 8/8 util, pd, Gardnn llvlr«. TOWNHOUSE ~~l:~ no pctJ. tso o SPLIT-LEVEL 3 Bdrm., 2 bllth Unit. Faces pool .. 2 BDRM furn apts (abo ~n. carpets, dr•pea, tlrepl•ce, furn>. pool. Nusa.u Palm.s elcc bit-ins, S265/mo. ~n E. 22nd St.~ Please call Mn. Fay $15 BACH 2 BR.. bath. rcfri;. lay & leach """ pMv. 1 °' 2 ""I"'"· Utit pd 642-0046 alt 8 pm 901eo!~J~,N·;c~he128 1 BDRM IUrn apt. '90. pet "'" .......... i;-,., • ......., mo. No pel.t, good IJ'CI. ......... W\I .VQ, .,._._ 6'2-3108 OCEANFRONT·LoV<ly 3 BR. 2 BA + Family Room, $375. 833-DT eYCS. I ""~.-.-::==..,....,. SEP. Bach. Rctg. hot plate. patio. qulet, $80/uU pd. Call all Sat. ~21DS DEL-LAKE MANOR 1 Br. IHO·Jilll pd, l'lxll, pa.tlo. Adulm. ~T DLX. &pt, IPlC. 1 Biir we.I =-=-=",..' ....,..,--~-=-l to bM:b: im. -93 OJarch IT'S lkach bouM Utnt, Bl&~ St. CM 548-1633 ant ttlection evut See the 11 ·~BR~-.,-pllt~-,-.,-.-.-.• -..,--po1.-11 DAJLY PILOT Oaaitied Adu.II~ only $00 mth. 9i'4B BUSIEST marketplace '" toWn. The DAU.Y PU.OT Cl&Mlfit4 eectlon. s a " e money, tltne ' e:Uort. Look MCtfon NOW! \V. lTtl\ CM. ~ • I . ' '• IL ·~,.:.:',"=-.::-~-~.~-'""-~·r,.~.:;.,.~.c;:,·-;.~.~.,--;,-; ' ! . ~~, .... ~-~, ---'.~-~~~--~ • '''''·'·' 4 f I a 0 ¥ q I I 4 4 .. I t DAILY ,!LOT $11J!rd0)', MO)' '1, 1969 -·~·-:-~~~(iR~L;-ls_'fiAiiT'il~=~~iiji~--1!111-•lfml•lll!~-llf!,f IUSINIS• -Apts. UnlvrnlohM 0....11 *' PINAHCIAL l'tCNI AL~ APh. Unfvmi1Md Clot•-\ 41 00 c"'' -5100 E1St lluff 5242 ....,., .. Want lll rj:l5: WCE l•DI' .. Cl-lmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l e N E W DELUX E e RETIRED Air Vorce •-r foiiel; adi.lta. Beaut. tum. HA I IOI f&mUJj 1 adults. 2 lo 3 8'R ¥r. m.ktl-WUhtt/dr)ot:r, . 3 Br. 2\ii ba IJll. for leue house tum. m1n 1 yr lte. ...... 1m.o Wa.tl&ce, CY. lnd. IP'C. mttc.' .utte, din Prd N.B. I OO•. alt July GREENS :;:;r ~:i; :=. e~u~ 1st. S250 t.o $300. 707: "9wport e.ech 4200 rec. ~.. Nr. C.tboUc 1 =437°'-3735==·=~~~~~ N E W SP ANISH BACHELOR UNn!RN. ChlU'Ch & .ctmt & eo..na EXECIJTIVE. wife & 2 V ILLAGE APTS. from $ 110 de1 Mu Hlab. chlldn>n """' atl•ut 1 Bk e ONLY $2.60 e h8e or &pl,, In nice uet;. I I.: 2 BDRM. f'\l.m or ID> ALSO AVAlLABl...E &1?-871 A 1tol W N B C.ompletel.y tum. incl linens l'P'ft, Alr-cood , dlhwhrs, sell 1 • 2 A-3 BDRM. m ~. · · " dlaheg from 6115 w 1/31. ..... °'l"""'!" ... 6300 RESTAURANT .~m Newpart Btach. LoYely, tntlmate at- moe:phOnl; r a p Id 1 y ~"­ PMdllW tiu.inHa. CUm:nl monthly P'OM $10,000 dln- ncn only. Owner need& more lime for varied luillHI inte1"111ta. Phone: 615-2051 aft ~ rM CHlNQllLLAS Ari!. you intt-rested'! ANllOUNCIMINTS 1nd NOTICES LICENSED Splrltual R.udlncs. advice on all mattl!rs, l~ s. El CAmlno Real, San Otmtnle 49'J.8134. 10 AM·lO PM SPECIAL $.2 READING Attractive Exptrt YOUNG \VOMAN danctr wiU teach )'OU all latest stop1. Cali ArdeU 213: 5:91-4538 1·10 PM SERVICE DIRECTORY Genienlnv -Dick's CarderWw·Rtl. Area 1 )111. Comm'l, ree5- dent.lal. clea!Hlpt. 60-Gf'rl e CUT·EDG&WEED Exptt, qu.allty woril:, J'l!U! 675-1185, U PM wkdas an.b'I • DEPENDABLE Finest yard care at Moder1te Ratel. 645--1931 nlte• JAPANESE; aattleN!r Compl aerv. Ext>t'•". dcpcnda.ble1 Im: ett. 642-4389 dean'a: oven.. Pll.lio, break-lleated Pooll, Child Cue M3-73Tl ff-It b&nl, private Iundl'(kl, Ointe.r, AdJ. to Sboppln& _ l.Ciioiironiiiiii•ii"-iiiil ~·Mliiiiriiiiii5ii2iiiSO ===-00--,--,,.,,.--I Whecl.ty1 Want? Whaddya Gorr !tii storage C'l()jets. Heated No pets .uowed I' WANTED: Room to rent on SPICIAL CLASSlflCATION fOlt ~. au.nas. bttr·b-quca. 2700 ~terson Wty, at Har-.-Bal 1'. ReUOM.ble tor cf\. NATURAL IOIN SWAP,115 ~ Sound prcol walls, walk in bor & Adam., Colla MHA ~ .. 'ff tire summer. 2U: 8'70-mt S,.Clel .... Vtait out n.och 642-,_165 \Vanted: UQUOR LJCENSE General, on Sall!. .. Clark. 494.7770 * R ,1 0 ER S 1v anted to CLEAN-UP SpeclallsU Mo"~ Nashville, Tenn; share ~x· !ni, edglna, odd J 0 b 1,, PtflSe le drlvUW. LeavU!Q ~asonable. 54sq...s June 1 or 2. 548-6348 clO&Cts, covered carport. 546-0310 tJ,.. •rt• Curtie: Clbbs, S408 Butler 5 Linet -J tlfMI -5 IHlck1 Adults, no pets. /l!!!l!'!!!!!!!l!!i!!!!!i!!!!l!!i!!!!!!!!!!I Awt. L.A. 90066. Lac ref.a. •uLll -AD MUn tMCLVDI THE CA.l..IFORNlAN l BR, pvt. patio. all elect., ON TEN ACR.FS e LANDLORDS e ~=• '::.,... "";iJ'., ~ ~ ::_ ":'::.,:i_":: 1.: &: :!ow loaJn fOt quick ·--Meney to Lota 6320 COUPLES, rlngl6 : lonely! AL'S Gardenlna Se r v I c• New in area! Join the swing Lawn maintenance. prdm. to fun le pleasure lng 6 dee ups. M&-3629. Phone ~2n7 carpts. drapes, carports. No 1 , 2 BR. Furn .t. Un.tum FREE RENTAL SERVICE l-llO'THINO IOO• IM.I _ , • ..,01, Ct-IL Y1 CUh. on your ptO- l•2i!01iR.iiii°""'iiiiiinfroiiiiiiniil,"on""'-.""'.,".,• I :;; ;~1~~i~P· adults Frplai I prill. paUoe/PooU. Broker 5.1U9U PHONI 642-5671 ';Z.: 7~= ~:.~ • fi35.929l • General StniCH 6612 OOUPLES. st.na:les: lonel)'~ " NEW 2 BR il J I Tennla. Cotitnt1 Bkflt. put· ONE BDRM Uf'lfUrn Apt for To Pl1c1 Yeur Trl.ier'1 '•radfM A4 Al90 buyers for 2nd TOI. lease, S225 month. , ava UN! . ting crec'"1. employed lady up to d. • ttle !\-tort& Co I New in AITa? Join the swing FOR VACATIONERS. Need Crpt.s. drps, bllns. Pool: &. 900 S.-a t...ane, CdM 6"-211ill ntO/mo. &U-0086 Ou.plo, OMta r.1e1a: for Have 9 tttidentlal &: com-~,, r av: · nc. to lun I: pleasure someone to take care of 3 BR. 2 ba. near beach, $250, gar Sla5 mo elf!C' pd 2·1J... more units, Coutal area u mettlaJ unltl ot • .,a del Strvbw Harbor Atta :II yn. a 635-9291 • your boll.I or house! Teacher years !ellS('. "1• Wilson. 647-5401 · •fltacArthur nr. CO.st Hwyl WANT 4 or 5 bdrm holllt', far u ?.tanhattan Beat'h Rey. $52,000 'eq'cy.~ 'i\'anta 80-2ln336 E. 17U. St~11 f3:1' rm, yr lR from July 1. FORTIN ro. s.-12.0000 to ex:~ up. Si Slavin, ----· --1 BR apt. \\"ith gat'ag(!, \\'Ir. pd., adults only. 5 7 7 HamUton ApL A. C.'i. $90. Beaut. 4 Br. occanlronl HOUSE for summer rental. PROPERTI ES WEST CHARMING i..ro., duplex, '1 Br, 2 Ba + den, w/w crpts, Patio, yrly 181!. 67&--2747 545-USS or 2'13: 7!1().'72tl0 1701-A Wetilcliff Or., NB Ritt. 1n4) 6t2-6222. l..;;.NEW=;.-•2nd=-;-w=AN=s-,AR-'° BAO! see.ks &irl to exch IPn-25 need.1: summer Jod&in&:. nl1 Jessona Io r dancln& I ::Cal=I ='·=''='',,~===· ==;:-f leaaom. 4~ rves. 1028 Bayskle~Drive NEWPORT BEACH 67S-41l0 WANT 3 bdr house, 2 adlts, 2 TRADE equity in 'M Ford T de M-l Property Duarte RANGED.. Top ca.sh for teenagers. Coata Mesa. By Count"' "-.. ;.._ Wagon 10, n. seasoned 2nda. J I •• ,_01113 .1 ...,, .... .., Fn1·y. Frontage for Beach ., ... •-1 Bk u Y "'1• ~.... cash&: eoooomy car "'orth Area Af·l -r. * TllE COlN CHEST * 2 BR • 2 BA Studio. Drape1, DELUXE a BR, 3 HA. un-Ra I ll patio. Adults. c2131 59'Z-5227 1 5"5 $JCl0.S400. Call 5.18-8689 or * ~4 * FOSTER'S Freeze 1 tore, re cons, sets, ma auc. -Announctmenta 6410 or S48--8301 urnished. Cd?.1 S, of H"'Y. 'f.:;;;:::~.:..;:::;::;__:..:..;~ 633.7541. hi1h traffic loc nr hi 5Chol, Uon, etc. 741 S. Coast, La-'':'!'~~~""'""!~ ... ~ "'"""=-:--,,-"""',.,.---;;;;;,=,,.-.;.":.:;~°"189<0::"°''°'"-• Have cash and 1965 O>ev ........ & lake. Retirln". guna Bch 494-5585. 1$JNG E y CLEAN & RNJSHED iuest cottage, Lquna Beach, 3 ocean I pal \V 1 inco .,...... ... · .. ~ Lg--,,°",''"p•_Adwlu!~ -=~: . attr. 2 Br., new DELUXE 4 BR, 2 BA un-all facilites. $75 util pd. view lols tor future devel· m a. a n me 633-&1119 SERVICE DIRECTORY ..... ...-u ~ u1 .. ..,..,r cpts, drps: bltns: carport. fW'llished, CdM s. of Hwy. .,,.,,. ..-0 property. Costa Mesa 1-;8.--,8.---.5,-,.--,._ Uy club atmotphere :I,!;;· d No pets. Adlts. 548-6769 642-7898 After 6 , pm, ~•o• . opment. Total $3500. Take area. Call ffr ar-anta ~• • · gentlemen. late model car, diamonds, "'A",,,...,., Full price $3000. Appll1nc1 R1p1irs compJet~ privacy. SO I 2 BR, Dispow, ~""'· o-1. OLDER kl -P ~ 6510 BA~ CLUB APTS. lrvine at ·-... .., war ni: woman. 1 PLEASANT rm. in pvt. etc. Broker 4~1330 * 675-3131 * lr1S \. 16th Newport Beach. !!.:W &.y Apt A. Sl20. BR, newly painted. Ulil pd. home, Phont in rm., kitchen My eqty '67 Pont. Flreblrd 1'0WN.HOUSE·3 Br. 2~i ba. I ""'1"'vANT="E'°D"",-o°'t~f--w7o~llquor--• AUTOMATIC wA5'ftER 17141 645--0550 502'-> Jastninc. m.5787 privs. Em P 1 o Y ~ d lady (Sprint), for dune buagle or lkaut. appt'd. Priv. patio, license. Orange County. REPAIRMAN Pref'd. ~1393 '!' For information call 645-pool; nr, bay. Val. $32.50D. Call: "2-8139 "A"""'" • NEW BAYYRONT • Nawport 811ch 5200 81lbol 5300 for TD car camper or"~ ...,............, ~1ulln9 6730 II A ULING' Palntlnc housecleaning, odd jobl. You name it \11e do IL ~""" HAULING, Genera.I, Top, trim, removt. trees A hedges. Blg John 642-4000 YARD/gar. clnup. Remove trees, Ivy, dirt, tractor back hoe, ~. 962.-8745 Clean Up and Hauling sto pe1· load. fi46.2528 2 BR. 2 RA, furn. Boo.I slip 1.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;. PVT. cnl. & bath, tel. & frig. 138-1. Can be seen aft 4 pm Ch ,....:,r ~A-",.;~~ · · 1~========:5 •u"·r"'R"'E'°M=E"-;:;":010,. ::_::-:---;;R:-e. ..-· Emp'··~ ma". 214. Highland St., N.B. ''"' ~ Mort9191a, T.0.'1 6345 ·npp za.-..e HouMJcl .. nl~ ayailable~ Avail JUfle! lst, GRACIOUS adult 11 v In i;. w,,-• .-.. Lake Arrowhead "'aterlf'ont ---------pair. Refrt&. •11ashers, dry. yrly lr.asc. Adults. S375 n10. FISH, SURF SWIM Spac. 2 BR, 2 BA. walk-i n 54&-2007 Have 316 +acres N.E. An· free & ol<, ·~.~"al. Pa· HAVE 2nd T.D. $6259. $6~. ~·="=·=T=o=m=_=>\6-=1=363"", ="'='"""==1 CARPETS, \Vindows, fl~ 6735 2il · 19th St Apt C, GT.i-0216 closets. Bav I:. ocean vie1v, ROOM • oa•• 1•• p<l•-te •-Val """"uvu • ' I •--c 'I XI ~ · u• w u• .... leaupe ley, $250. per cific Pali.sades ocean vu lo1. mo, 7,.,,. Inf. Out' Augu~t '74. e c. n.= or omc · n 2 BEDR!t1. Apt. Adul15 Only ''Jn your own front yard'' ~ OOat slip!f. 673-3003 entrance to reliable working acre. All or part, Wan!; free & clr, $17,500 val. Want $500) net 67~56 B•bysitting 6550 \\'Ork Reas! Refs. 548-4111 Np Pet!!. ls! & Last Month. man. ~ House, income or '!''! 1 \\/ant: Income. Bkr. 5-1~1711 fi.U-8549 The most presti:;::ious ~untington Beach 5400 E!ltlPLOYED man only, SlO Myers, 67l-6756 ,,. Mat•··-"/B •a·•t, IW'"' Monty Wanttd 6350 WILL babysit In your home beach ap~ in th(> atta. "'eek. Eves. 548-81Jg, t7S91:::--:--------.,-""''"" r .. "'' .. by tht! \\-eek. You furn ExcitinCJ LivinCJ Crestmont C.M. Exchanae summer resJ. Imperial ena. F'Ull elec \Vf EXCELl..Eh'T $12,000. uotc transp. &U-1407 In ~v apts, l bedroom, 2 ' dence for last 2 "'ks of July auto pilot. $50,000 clear. on 1oca1 mortuary. Interest "01""1LD-.<'::"""=-:d;O:on:;.:c,.::-:,.:::m:::m=e::, bedroom . 2 bath. NICE room. prlv. home, or ht 2 wks of Aug, Have: \Vant SSOM home, bus. or payable monthly A.l 7% \Yill vacation • trips to park etc. $140 to $195 Northeast Santa A n a · lovely San Fran, bay home smlr boat. s.iG-8030. ext Uf. sell note at 1D% discount days. 546-7887 Eas t Bluff 4242 Janitorial \\'ALLS, \VindoW!I, floors: carpets. Commercial &: residential Daily, \\'eekly and/or Mo. 897-7350 Sublet 2 BR, 2 BA. apt from 6/15 to 9/lJ. Patio, Pool, Ll~ruJ. dishes. Ulll pd. Adu11JJ no pets. S.WO mo. 644-1352 2 B~DROO~tS, 2 BATHS f"RO~f $250. fNCLUDES 'VaJJ.waU SHAG Carpeting, GE bit-ins with refriger· ator & dishwasher. 541-9119 after 6 P?.1 for beech holl!C. 673-f169 4'.IM. and will buy back at full Swiinming pool, gym. sauna, AlmOtit 1000 ac., $250 ~1 val, value in 18 mo's. This wW CHILD care, fend )'llTd, Moving, Stor•g• 6840 recreation room Income Proptrty 6000 BAYFRONT l dock, 3 Br. iel 30 SN 1 1 JS , lunches. Vic \Varner & Spr· 1--~--~~-- Coron• clel Mir 4250 . · _ 3 Ba 1 $89 :IVlo r-n minutes from dntwn LA, 5 y· d . ·10 nt. n mo z. inadale, HB 84~ 130 Doubl 1 Gener-dl Electric Appliances. · .. va · .......... cvR min. from trwy on paved rd. Financial statement 1 ,-,,,,_,...==-..,.==-,--= . e garage o r Adults only. lnlrOdUCiRg T.D.'s (consider I1etopt. u bh\'n Beaumont & Oak avaUable. Write 10 Rox 1464, WILL \vatch children in my storage, close-in. 5-48-5227 2 BDR?.1, Deluxe, all elec. bll-lns kitchen, pool, tennis covrl, garage, t x c e 11 en I condition (2131 271>-1222 arr. 6 P.M. HUNTINGTON PACIFIC Lamplighter Apts. ~ade f~?? '!' ~3312 Balboa Glen. Tnl for ?? 547-MOO Newport Beach, Calif. home days. f'ountain Valley p h I lo lho "'i••. --·en ne'v de-oves. wner e•·-area. 962-8956. aper ang ng 16102 Sprin;:dale St. .,.... "'· ~10 and partner need short Phone 592.5421 luxe 2 bedroon1 units on Will trade my '61 or '65 V\V Duplex, top Joe. Neivport term $37,000 lst Trust Deed P1intin9 711 OCEAN AVENUE Costa Mesa Eastside. Spec. sedan llll a do1vn payment Beach: 2 BR. & 1 BR. Val. downto"·n Big Bear ii•nrth Brick, Masonry, etc. 6850 (3 blks \V. of H.B. Pieri 2 BheR. d2 BAC. BI I n s • !al o1vncr's unit. Over SlOCNl on your Real Estate. \\/ill 141.500. Take lat!:! model car over $80.000. Call ?.I r . --------6"5'--60-' PAfNTJNG Int & Ext Loweftl •71 1• 0 '"'616 "'"1487 ivas rt rycr. rptJ;, drps. n>onth ln•oono. Pri•ed at COruJlder all ollers. 494-4925 ., -.,., contracted prices. Fully ln.s. · ,,.,,,... • ,....,. Ad II * <3" 0001 " " It T.D.'s for equity. New· Bartell Days 64..-151:> .. ve. BUILD, Remodel, Renuir "'"U,rn,.Oon go·•. >"•-'''· IG•rd1n Grova 4610 .... ------... ~I=="='==~==·=== $95,000 For home & income, ,... """ '" .... .. .. NEW SPANISH too. Cu.II J-leritage Real Es· $9000 eq. ln 50xl40 R-3 lot port Beach Rlty 675-J642 548--1439 Brick, block. concrct~. JirnWeeks673-11!i6 SL~GLE Yoong Adu!Ls I.I.I).· VILLAGE APTS. Sant• Ana 5620 late 540-ll!ll fpen evci;l iv/good rented house, next 100 ACRES, clear. $35,00J SUBSTAN"I:lAL financial crpntry, no job loo small. ~.~!N~IT~-~EXT=~. ~AN=Y~s=izz= ~ ury garden apls with coun---------"= lo new Ganlen Grove Civic Equity. \Vant Income prop. backer required. for gro11·· Lie Contr. f162.fiWJ JOB. Xlnt work, rets, tree try club atmosphere and 1 & 2 BDRM. Furn or un. * 2 BR. 2 BA Ganlcn apl!t. """"' 4 """u"·"-N'""i"r'""s'""""' center &: HS. total val. $20,. ~rty. Please submit oilers. tng idea. Reply immediately est. JIM 642-4669. cmnplete privacy. SO'Jnf rum. Air-cond. dsh1vhrs, self Very 1.'.lean. Adults pref. 500. Trd for units or ? Art Giovl.N!ttl, Realtor P. O. Box UJ74 Santa Ana. Carpentering 6590 -~------- BAY CLUB AP'I'S. 13100 rlc-an 'g ovens, patio, brt?ak. 546--152:> :>17-6469 Bkr. 673-7420 CaliL 927ll .:.:;,.::;.:c.;_;;__'-"---"-* GOOD Pa Jn tin I I CHAPMAN Ave., Gan:len fast hars. private fundecks. Pl'('s\ige area, Corona del * * ~A""'N""N"o=u"'N""C"t"M=E~N"T"S.--CARPENTRY reasonable prices. 10 yr In Gl'OVe (TI4l 636-303C lrg storage closets. Healed Co.i tal 5700 ?.tar. Attractive owner's i * * * •ncl NOTICES MINOR REPAIRS. No Job 0"'°~-'·=842--0l=~"----- pool. saunas, bar-b-ques. suite. $100,000 full price. Call Tat' Small. Cablnel in gar-PAINTING, Papering 16 yrs Sound proof walls, ""alk in Ocean Front Apls Frank Szabo 776-9350 IN· REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Found (FrM Ads) 6400 lli:eS & other cabinets. inHarborarea.Lic&bond· closcl s, co1·ered carport VESTMENT DIVISION, Gtntrel ~175, U no answer leave ed. Refs furn. 64.2-2356 1 LUXURY FURN APT. AdWts, no pets. New • Deluxe \VALKER & LEE, INC. bkr. ---------_o._ .. _,_•_1 _____ 1 Lrrn.E , male, 1vir~·haired msg at 646-2372. H. o. 0p-AINTIN==''°'cc;c;&-'-"m"a-';,".,°'n-"""-· 4705 2 bdnn. Also 1 bdnn unrurn. Tllr.: C.\L.Jf nP.N':\N' C 1 1 '6ois Meunt. & O...rt 6210 puppy. 23" inches tone: & Anderson interior l ext~rtor. ~mcu;~ 11~~:.e~~~pt $%1.i =:'9~:... 2 g)::: ;~:~ -1-""---"_ .. _•_R_e •. n_tot __ 6060_ I ;;om;;::m;;,;en:;;;;;e;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;; NEWBERRY' ~~·~~ic. ~ l\f~ .~~=.=~=.,-;~.;.~-;:i=~~-.,-~-.,"'s~~"""""--. ~~ F:lfa.;~ •u7u9 711 "· REN'l'"or lt'ase, center C.l\f,I• 4 30 •-Call "'-"'' ~•nA'-""' 1"£...'l.T.¥ exp. Palnter, no -.~ -Bdrn1. 2 Baths. carpels ,{· V\,can Avt'nuc FOR LEAS" E SPRINGS : "\.!::BS! ~~ """'""••u;;i drinking. Collep student. OCEANFRONT · 2--B~,-. 72~&-n. dl'l:IPf's, built·in~; cOvercd (J blks \V. o( H.B. Pier) 3000 lo GaXI sq ft. FA hcnt . City of Lik•s FE. Pt/Beagle, Co. \Valer ?.lASTER carpenter, $4. per Lo1v price!! Steve 548-4.149 cohl.P1etcly furnished luxury parkin;. Near Ne \V port \\"OOCI Door~. i "1 Pro,. c il .3100 sq fl garage Bldi. on t-.IAKE YOUR OWN LAKE Dis!. & Jam b o l'c c , hour. Remodeling·Repairs. apt. Summer renlol. \\'e<>kly Rlvd. Vacant . Adults, no laqun1 811ch 570~ parking, 2 dbl car garages. lfarbor Blvd. 4 double doors. 20 Mile• E of Ban ... w on Tan/"·h1 . bm. co 11 a r. 642-6409 or ~3900 "''ls -~-------All al 2m5 Charle St. $600 Per Month. Broker . •u ' "" on monthly. Bkr. 4!M-ll2!l ,~ OCEANFRONT. 2 BR. 2 HA O'vncr, 64&-4401, 8·5. f.f'rl 6i5-659l 494-7161 eve!. freeway. Erv 2000 II .. 30 ~4-01.w REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS OCEA~ Cron! 2 BR, priv111c RED CARPET REALTY luxury apt. U-asc-Sl'iO. all or one Acres adj to Lake Lorcen.F ==o~u.~N=o~Y~oo-no-m-a71o-p-up-p-y, CABINETS. Any size job ~c~1 •. deluxe, utit pd, )'r 1 ~="-"7"'~"'--'°"~•:.c':.· :;_673..:..:·3663=--I Bkr. '104-Xi29 STREET-FRONTAGE-c.~ 127. 1 BR house & Offering the N. portion of part Gci'man Shepherd, vie. 25 yrs. expcr. 548-6713 Plastaring. Rtpair 6810 e PATOt PLA51'ERING. All types. Free estimate. C.a.ll -151. w:io mo. 492·8861 2 BR 2 BA. Fully C8.rp!tcd, REAL ESTATE On BeaJch Blvd 1480 "'n . rt. ~ldp. $28,700 $4,000 our 40 ·acres, reserving S, Ne\\'JlOrt Isl. \Veil bred, · b I 1· En"t..:::.. • "'I " 10 acres Improved wlmod· housebroken 673--8455 Cement Concrete 6600 OCEAN front studio, year pri a cony-pa 10. .... "'ar. _ Gentr•I r.1odet home ideiil for irisur.. dn. bat 77<> $7,000 dn. bo.l. • Plumbing 6890 letsf, utilities pajd . $125 Blk lo brach & bay. $16:) --'--'--------Rltr., etc. (Bet. Katella and 6~1' 557 Plumer CM, 646-1492 ~rn ranch house etc. Un-FOUND Sunday vi e. '2nd St. ---=----.;,.;.;..; 0 492-8861 1no 4249 Jlilaria Way R I W ted 5990 11mlted, perfect water, ~ N.B. Black, female, puppy. • Conerete firs, patios etc. Repairs & Remodelln;: m · c.n· IVV>" · • ent• s •n Cerritos) Sit n s, lndlcpd., ,_•~ve,_•-,.--~,--~-~ GPM at so ft depth Prioe 6~ ;,74 Concrete &: blk top u.wing. Ele•. • ... -, • 1ean1n 1 . •k"NTAL" -UCI $250 mo. 10050 Beach Blvd. 'C.1, Ave Del JI.Jar, San · ,,,....... "" ........ .. • ~ $18,000, ",1 cash, bal 1st TD. ="""--.,-,--,--.= Reas. Don, 64U5l4 Residential & mo b 11 r ~ Unf1.1rnlihecl AVAIL. Sat f.1ny 31. 2 BR a ~120 • Cl~n1ente. 13'.l' x 1011 ·. Subject land has 220 fl. ?.IED. sz .• fat dog, olderL•""""'c"o"N"c"RET="'E,--wo=,.,,k--c,;;11 upr dplx, refrig, bltins. STUDENTS & FACULTY 'VlSH to rent 1D x 60• space 01\ll'ler, 4!J2...6695 or 492--0386 lrontaae on Silver Valley female, black. Vic, Jlarbor homes. 64z.&583 ~r•I 5000 $175 yrly gill' New Shag Cpt are fared again lvllh' a how:· for catering business. 21'.i: Ria.. 7 ml. E. of school. For & Wilson. 642-9238 ~s~ci:eck.s & custom. PLUMBING REPAIR 309'ii 36th SL Key at 309 Ing shortage. We a.re asklna 790-6344 or R. Hohm, 907 L~o-f_.a ______ 6_1..;00_. m1Ji & further detallil write LOVELY Siamese cat Sth & DRAIN CLEANING • RENT • the rommunily lo list any -, ~-·~-* CONCRETE work, bonded 546-2387 or ~1217 NEAR new upper Z bdrm, 2 available rentals, summer Foothill, LaCanada fW O Georgl' R. Kress, ~...... Balboa, NB 675-1575 & lie. Concrete sawina:. S Rooms F1.1rnitur• ba , f.rplc, nr ocean. lsP !250 o< .,,, -"nd, wo"lh the ho"• • PRif.IE Retail Location • VJ l J Beach, Box 914, or Box 155, FOUND t" kin p Ill Ceme .,, ... _,, PLUMBING REPAIR CJQ. $25 & UP ~2~;· avail June ljth.. ing1 oti;;;. Plea!(' c ali 17X40, Xlnt foot & auto traf. Ne"'befT)', Calif. 923&5 Krinkled>:~ Vl~~hllae~ i: ~STOM n;~=. No•jo~£~ si:1l T' """""=~-~~=~=-! &n.asll for a listing form. fie. lSn Harbor, Cf.I Excellent building site for l!t St 675-2048 Month.To-f.lon th Rentals AVAIL June I. ·2 BR. 2 BA. 64~ custom home. Located in de-R. E. Wanted 6240 · COncrt!IC u.wtng l removal WIDE SELECTJON crnbi, d.,,.. $185 le"~". Opoa TEAOlER doing grad work sirable area of 1 "'"Una BLACK Burmese ton1cat. State Llc. *842-1010 Appllances It: TV's a'(ail. .,. ..,,., UCI June 21 • Aug 1:; \110.nts Jo'OR lease beauty parlor or ....,,. · HUNTINGTON Beach Only! 54.8--9106 or 6(2...1252 612' "======== No Security Deposit ~un 12""'· 4232 Hilaria Way. modC!rately priced hse nr office !pace. Building 7 Y1"I ~:D Submit 1 c rm s. 3 or 4 BR ho1ne. Owners Ol'f========="f1 Child Cir• 6610 J-IFRC Furniture Rentals Ph. (21J) 981-7009 sml ape. Will ha pp 11 y old . Huntington Beach. S165. ~t rt & R bb' R lt principles only, 968-3454 Lost 6401 ::..;..:;;;..:.;::..: ___ ...:;.;....; 517 w. 19th, CM 548-3481 WATERFRONT, u PP er, 3 hah)'llll your hrnnc if you ~2691 ua 0 ins ca ors BUSINESS and 'Vll.L babysit June thru i56i w. Lncln. Anhm 774-2800 BR, 111 BA. married couple must travel. Reply Box =========IR.S cor 150" 55 net. 5 rt S1::t F INANCIAL sr.1ALL Black&; bt'O'A·n mix· Sept. my borne. 'Varner & only. No pets, I.sf-. $275. 1525. fre1Jno. Calif. I O::;.:ffc:l<::•:...:R::e::;n::,l::;:::,,."<:'60:::07..:0I back, SW cor Garfield & ---------! ed breed, male, Gennan Springdale Vic. 846--0504 $155; l BR. 2 Ba. Closed gar. 675-27ril Huntington Ave .. JIB Sale or Sh h ro I h't t ~ & oven, refrig., air· INTERNATIONAL 011 Co. LAGUNA BEA trade ror units. Ownr/Bkr Bus. Opportunlti•s 6300 ep e w w 1 e liPf' on cond. Ch I Id O.K. Bkr. UPSTAIRS ap1, 2 br, (rplc, t n rl ustr\A.I representall\'C Air Conditioned 9684004 --~------1 che1!. Children's P e I , 534-69811 blt·ins. fll'1\•ly dccoratr.d. wA.nts unfurniahcd house or I=~=~-~~-= FRIGIDAIRE 64:>-2'169. C.hl. ADDITIONS.REPAIRS ' Stti. hlo yrly. 675--075.1 aparln1en1. year lsease, nne ON FORES'J" AVENU R-2 LOT Laiuna Beach. 4800 JET ACTION BLACK Labrador, vie Irvine $122.50; 1 BR. New cpts. All h"ld , ·-· S 1 h Desk spaces available In 11q. n. Nr beach & shopll T "Cind r .. Rl!\\'8.rd REMODELING uW. pajd. Avail. 6110 PLANNING to movet You'll c 1 • .._..,na, • 0 u oewMt office bulkl.lng a: $20,0CNl. °"'1w'r ( 714 ) Frigidaire 18 min. cyele ts erraoe. e · Designing 6.-Planninz Broker 5J4..fi980 find an amat.ing number of Laguna. or D.ana Point area. prime k>cation tn downto n 365-22.54 or write Daily Pilol the fastest in the Industry. 673-QJSl613-4400 Kitchcns·Balhs, etc. homes in today's Oassilied cau 499-3827 after 6 pm . • -na Be ._ ••· 30 Frigldal-do •'-· --'"'-GER I SHP, Red/Bm, male Lic'd & Bonded. Free est. SW. l BR. RIO. refri... .....ru ac u Box M·327. .... u,., "'""" Contr1ctor1 6620 Pool S•rvlct 6910 • 1.Sl' ?vfo. Free! Exper, Uc, reliable! Tony Taylor Pool Service. 968-481& Sewing 6960 •Dressmaking • Alterations Custon1 Designs •&16-6446• Alterations-6424145 Neal, accurate, 20 yrs. exp. Tree S•rvice 6980 I d A II 6/1":· Ad.'!. Olcc:k them 00\V. GARAGE or &torn~ 11pacc Honed, cmrpeted, beau· 1;-.,;:;---;:;;::--=:::::--;::'" of 40, 30 ml n. washers, Find LH lop.sided ear. musl !ind. A k B CONSTRUCTION w w, rapes, \'II .I. ··~-I 17th. I . ···-'ed ........ ; ... _ .. i ..... T. 0 3 ADJ. lot!!,' roo1n for 11 b" hlld 847 ~JS "~ p 1-~-CM TREES ~ I ~ • ~ THF. SUN NEVER SETS an ,uvno.· O Nine. ....,...., .,... .. uv·~ out holv easy it ia to own JI a C . ...:JO ...._... BU aru..,, pru''''"· op.,..,,. · Broker. Cassified's action po1ver. 6~ or 673-35TI entrance1: Fn:mtaae on un it8. 333 E. 2lst St., Cost.a a paylng laundry. 3 Mo. female pUppy srnall •54&-l941• renioved. 26 yrs exp . SUS. 2 BR, s:~age, slovt', For an ad to seu around RENTALS, F~est A•e .. ttar leadl to Mesa. Owner 494-50'12 eve. Garden Grow, Sa..nta Ana, black &: tan. l.j Gennan ADDITIONS, r em 0 de I, Paul!!On Tree Ser " Ice "'/w. Children O.K. Broker the clock, dial 642-5618. ' HouMS UftfurnistMd l\uodJ>l) parkin& Iota. $50 11' ACRE Back Bay view. Tultin, Oranct-, Anaheim lihepben:I. 642-1292 reuooable: get o the _638-='==7234"======= 5J4.69SO per month for apace. Delk Horses ok. 64MOI. 2361 Cof1t·O·MatfC LOST: f.tav 9 • Thlli sit\( estimates, Then Ca 11 - 5100 Cost• ~ 5100 CO.ta Mes. SlOO and chain a•allable tor $5 Redlands Dr. NB. ~ 847-2476 Upholstery 6HO C:O.ta'Mela Buatne b<Nrl erinJ Equipment, Inc. dress, grn/blue/1vht. Vic I"========= ;~;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; _ .. • ·-"· .. , ...,,,, llO P.1·1 lot, aood C. M. location. 2334u W. Valencla Cdh1. 6n..2341 • &e1 w1ce •w ........... e or . 50 x 300. Ba--in S"SOO. ~ !-=======;: Ca-t L-11 & C'lYKOSKl'S Cust. \JhoJ, European Cratsmanshlp 100% fin! 641-1454 13111 Newport Bl., C.M. COIUTRUmoN ~ JUST COMPlfTING I Herber Height• Four j (tental Manager - Mn. OirlstieOM"n : 31 ~7..,A Cinnamon Av•. • Costa Mis• O block west ol llu.rl:lor Blvd, ?.; hl()l'.h aouth of lhr !li;M"'°lego f'rt'ewR,Y 1 j Phone 54'-I 034 I NEW SPANISH I /VILLAGE APTS. 1 6' "2 BDRM. Furn or Ul"l- l ~AJ.r.cond, dlhwhn, self I ·1 ovena. 1>11tio, brl'•k· ban, private fundccks. · tiorare clOlll!ta. H~alcd ,..r. saunu, blr-b-quts. ~nd' proof .... u.. ....nc trr 1 dcileta. ~ cal'1)0f1. I Ad.di.,. no pell. 'THE CALJTORNIAN Ph«M ~27t7 I* TOWNHOUSE-..- 2 8R.. 11~ BA, Ct'Jlli, drps. patio, Adultt, $1!i0. l .134 E, Melody-1.Anit _ ~ Stu.!rl 541-1'168 CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLETING HARBOR HEIGHTS ~our LUXURIOUS 2 & 3 BEDROOM APTS. • F!l"f'plfl~S • Dishwasher • f.lammoth mash:1· b<dtoom• a 2 Bathrooms a Centra• forced air heatina HARBOR HEIGHTS • Spacious cabinets •'Carre.rs &. Salllcrs gas buill·lns • Balanct'd po ... :er llvln~ •Enclosed J'lllrktnr • Carpets & drapes ~our 311 7·A Cinnamen A va.# Costa Me11 f t blotle wtst or Harbor Blvd. 2 blocks IOU\h ot th• S•n OitiO f'l'ff'\\'ay) Ph«M~1034 SPi;n-Lev<I 3 oi, 211 S.. ? Cl'pt., dl'J>• blt-41>.< No opota, 288.J Mo ...... St56GlfJ....,!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""' ,, All ulillttu paJd ucepf Sullivan 54M761'-....., Fullmon 714: 525-78l31 .,.-... , • 6626 "1.....,•· *LITE MANUFACT* Penonals 640' •peir DAILY PILOl' AcrMtl 6200 Need man to handle manu· FR EE' CAR.PET • VINYL • TILE 222 FO~ AVmuE ---=-------iacturlng dept for molded • Expert tnstallation UtGUNA BEACJ-1 FOR Sale or will trade fnr product-. Start inum!diale-BL.ANKlNSllIP FLOORS ___ 191-9406_ _ 0rangt Co. Income. 29> A. ty. El<p not nee, will train. Bask Boatl"I Cl•tMS 642·1403 540-7262 Offl(E SPAn: so of He:met near Rancho National scoJ>('. $15,000 1~ Ofiered to the public - U catifornla TI~7306 vest req, fully secured by by the Balboa Pow-Dr1ftln1 Service 6637 Inventory. S250 Per wk + er Squadron starting 128·130 Cabrillo, n~1r 17th' Or1n91 Co. Prop. 6'207 equal sha.f'e of profits which 7 P.M. Monday June N~wp<ll't. -· should return .,w,000 or 2, Newport H a r b o r $80 Each COUNTRY HOME mo.-. 1'" y<ar. '0' appt Yacht Club, 720 West Agt. 646-1111 phone 213: 433-4468 Ext. 100 Bay Ave., Newport MODERN, Spndoo~ P'°" WITH HORSES CANDY oupply ""'"· pan°' Beach. E n r o 11 a t fessklnal offices tor f'f'nt nn App'l'Wtlmately 3 acrr11 wlih run time, dayaleves. Rrffil class. For additional Al.'.>. bu1s. Avail 8/1/69. pool, ham, S bdrm home ' &: collect money from coin c.ont.tt:r ~. Lapp, Downl'y W.ced puture. N.E. of Tus. oper. Dispm!ttl in Costa information phone s • L Anoe, MlMlon VieJO. tin up hlcb above the IDIOI'. Ml!aa • vie. No se.lllna. 67S-0467 or 673--1855 . 8.17-4911 Plenty of ridlf'C' trails, Full $1~ Total cuh ttq, Stncl UAPPY ~=~===-=~-1 pri('t $85.000 for n'IOT'!l lrtfor-name, addn! ... phone lo: n 3345 NEWPORT BLVD. mstlon Glenn Thompson Rout Dt t PO •-3146 omces suitable for Com· E ~~ & A 1 e P ' · · O\lll • De ta! C"""""' llOC., nc, Anahe.lm 9'2803 merclal. Medic.al. 11 • lSJ.3 W. O\l.pman Ave. AIN:ond ts el !Qr BUSINESS Sel'Vka in cen. 35c "p' ERCl'J> SQ, ;!:' ~. Ca.JU. tral 0rance C.o. Secretarial. .r 1 • $tl·2162l, E\.U·\\"kndl s.sm'1' su.oou-OR 61$.2464 telephOne anl\\-erlflC, direct l.Sxl5 OFFICE or smau I~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ maU. mimqJ"&ph, t I r · buslncu, downtown tt&Tbor Mount. a Detert 6210 \Vell establishtd. Consida HAV E A GREAT mtt1"r. "'ould be. good bur 12th YEAR I Bl~d. Ideal fGr R. E. ct(', t'OVE V}ew, 3 bdnM. 2 '°" lnaurance, mutual rw.t.1--'D""l"V"'ORCiD.--- $85. ?.fonthly ct.ll 642--0212 bRttis. bulll·ins. pooJ, In-or bookltttplnr. Brok tr YES ITS 'II OUR FAULT • DESK SPACE apeet. make oHtt, PAiin Cn4l ~144 For rttOf'Cled mcssqe that Atapolla & Adam&. HtlJt> Desert 3.f&.Q41 I --D°'ESI=°"G"°N"EJl,-1!;-::UILD==ERo::--I will chlU'ICf' )'OUr ltfe, llf181orz Bc*Ch. ~ BIG BEAR lot. Vl«!W nf Business Ope:ralioll " equip. Call 54T-6667 lOi-<Sq. Ft. Office Moonrld;e sJl:l al'f'a . S6 ".iO. Es1•b. 10 )'r'I, Balboa I1l4nd, CalU, Te•llna Jn.stJtut,. CINDY BIRTHDAY DESIGN"" DnJting, electro mtth P/C layout &: detan- lfli. Ken Sr. ~1191 G1rd1nin111 ANTHOltY'S 64'-1948 The St-1t. aista no a'IOl'f:? Experil!DC'ed Mainll!nance B~I Land-'Ct.pine Gradua~ Hortlcolturtst AWN IROS. G1-nS ....... ta workifll w., thru college. Exp, Uc, Reas! Terms PHONE 646-t203 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Job Wanted, Ledy 7020 COLLEGE Soph girl , Im· aginatlw babysitting, llw- in. E:-kh. refs. 642-0865 Domest ic H•lp 7035 * I IOUSEKEEPER OR COi\1PAJ"JJON .1vallable tor famUy c~ or sinale WdJ'. Excellent relel't"rx.-es. drive. Avail. now. HOf.tEMAKERS Chint1e IM-tns. Chttrful Permanent. Expe:~ Far Eul At;ency "2-8703 Geortt Allen Byla~ Aceney Empoyer PQ'I Ftt lc&·B E. 16th. SA 54T..o3915 Help W•nted, Min 721lO MACHINISTS General machlnl1ta for HLV and/or cbucktr, 3 yn min tflp, OYtrtlnv. CX>STA M£SA 646-2 * S.1&-7563 673--MOO, evt3 613-1$51 At..COROU~ A.nonymOUI DAILY PlLOT \VANT ADS For Dally PUol \V•nt "ds f'or Daily Pilot \Vant Ad3 Phone W.7217 o.· wrftt lo cut 1: Edi@ Lawn r.111nttll8ncc, Uceru,ect ~/$6-2310 aft 4 r1=1E'"'Q"'u1"'0<ER=-:y"'ou"""CALL.;;-;-1 MESA MFG. CO. BlttNC R£SOLTSI OW &c2-5f7I DN&J 6CN6i9 for RESUt.TS P.O. Box ll23 ca.ta Mesa . mE QUICKER YOU SELL 901 W. 16th St,. NB --------- 4 I , ,. JOBS .. EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMINT JOIS & IMPLOYMINT JOl!_S & EMPLOYMENT !JO~B~!~&~EM'!P~~~!;;~~~~~~~~~~2°!~~~~ Help Wanted, Men 7200 Help W1ntecl, Men 71GO Help W•nlecl, Mon 7200 Holp Wont~, Mon Holil Help Wtnltd, Mtn 72.00 Help Wonted, M,en noo Help Wonted, Me.n 7~00 Help_W_•_n-tt<I-.-111'1' 71,00 Htlp Wanted Men 12ao TRAlNEEs. Full or Dart Ll.OVDS NURSERV Wanted: Exp. landscapers & sprinkler me.n. Sal 16,000 • $8.000 Yr· Call for appolnl. 646-7441 lime. COOK · FOUNTAIN -DISPATCHER DJSH MACHINE. T U E FIRE EN\ERGENCY zoo. w. eo..t HWJ1 • EQUIPMENT ITT JUS(O r.tacArthu.r. N.B. OISPAl.<HER ~•Ip Wanted, Men 7200 Help Want.cf, Men 7200 "'!R~!~~,:~ ~th MECHANtCAL A SSE MILER ACCOUNTI NG ADMINISTRATIVE OPENINGS With Atlantic Research ASSISTANT TO CONTROLLER Thi• poJitio" ••qwi••• •11 •Ccou11tinq or bu1i11•n ad. minisfra11 ... 91•di.o•t• w!!li • thorough •nowl.d9• or •ccoy11tl119 th,ory •nd P••clic1. Will •ct •• Iii• ct11- troll 1r'1 d•1i911••• ind •om• 11r 11:1 m•"'t' d11iit1 "Will b, to Pllp•••, ••vitw •11d •v•l111lt 1p1ci•I p•oi•ch , •11•lv11t •nd otl.11 fi111nci •I docum111h , perlitipt.I• In •cqui1ition1 •11i9nm1nti ind con1ufftm el1 !111•1 •~d olh11 conhech und1r • conltoller'1 juri1diclion. 0111ctlv rt l1t1d ••p1ri111c1 ;, rtqu;,,d, SR. COST ACCOUNTANT P1rfor m co11lr1cl co1t 11111ly1i1 ind p1ep1r1 1pt cO.I io b coil ••porh, •11i1! in p•ep•1atio11 of monl11ly op· t r1iin g 1l•tem111h, m•i11tain coil r1cord1 on con- 1tructio11 ;., progr1u job1 101 C•plt1li1•lion upo11 comp lttion i nd prtptro ov1rh1•d 111tly1is' for U•• i11 ovt rht•d r1t• !\t9oti1tioni with 9ovt rnmtnl •ud i- fori. Will •Ito do sp•cit l •n1!v1e1 11 rt qYirtd hv m1n19tmtnt. D•9rtt in Atcounti119 111d ttv•ral V••rl t •ptritllCt II (Oii ICCOUntenl 'W\th ~nowl1d9t of 9ovt r11m1nt conlr•ch. COST PROPOSAL ADMINISTRATOR • Will b1 rt1pon1iPl 1 for th• optrtlion of (omplt+• Coit propo11ls fo r m•jor 1n9i11•trin9 ch1n9e1 end new bu1i11en from hi1to•ic1I dal• or drtwi1191 in- cluding 1telem111t of work t nd coal "'"•liv•1· Must l:.1 t •ptri1nc1d in 111 ph1s~1 of coil pro po11I pr•p- •••ti'o" from 11t•ipt of RFQ lo COl\lr tch •w1rd. Collt 9• d19•et •nd 1ever•l ¥''" ••p••i•nt t ••· q uired . SR. BUDGET ANALYST Will bt t•1po n1iblt for dtvelo pin g, co"'pilin9 •nd pr•11ntin9 cott data e11d bud9tt r1pork. Po1ition 1110 t11t.i11 m1npow1r '"d m•+•ri al proi•clio111 '"d lht~r rtl•tio111li ip1, plus fundi119 r•qulr•m•nh tnd ••t• &n1ly1is. Should bt ftmili•• with PERT cod mtthod1, compi.oltr f•chniquet ind off,,, m1¢hin••· Please send resume including salary history to LEE KELLEY ( 714) 546-41030 333 Harbor Blvd ., Costa Mesa, ca·uf. Missile Systems Division ATLANTIC RESEARCH CORPORATION A Division of the m Susquehanna corp. 1¢' $591.·SnB. July 1, 1969) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Rcqulrt! H.S. diploma or G.E.D., 2 yrs. recent experience In public con· tacl work. Experience hi operation of radio • tele· v h o n e oonln1unicat1011 equ.-pment is highly de· sired. :\pply to ~non­ nel Office, City Hall, 3300 Newport BJvd., ~TI~l 673-6633 'before 5 11.nl. Monday, June 16, 1969. WATER & SEWER MAINTENANCE MAN $498. • $605. per month c Recomn1ende<.1 for S536,·S651. July I, l969t CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 2 cWTenl openinb'S in Utilities Division o[ the Public Works Dept. re quire 2 years recent ex- perience &emi -skilled eonstruction and main· tenanee o( water and se~·e1 lines for closely rclati:-d field. Apply in1- n1ediately to Personnel OUlce, Ci1y Hau, 3.100 Ne\\'port n J_ v cl., (711J 673-6633. ITT JABSCO MILL & DRIVE OPERATOR/ SETUP { Goori hcnefits & working ron(iilions. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY E:\1PLO\'EH. 1•185 Dair \Vay, Costa ~Irsa Ca!Uornia 9'1626 ,.. Prefer ~ Wll)I m.-. chanical 4aierttb1y e.xperi· C/1C'('. Good bcnclits & working cpn- dlllons. EQUAL OPfioRTUNin' EMPLOYER tMale or Female) 1485 01\l.E \VA\" COSfA MESA. CA.Ll.t·. 92626 lTI4) S.15-8251 BOYS 10 -14 Ca..i•rier Rouies Open "' Laguna Beach. So. Uigunn DAILY PlLOT 642-4321 SERY.Sf.S A LES?ll EN : FUll tilne, graveyard shirt. Age 25 or older. Ne1:1.t in ap- pearance and hand\\Tlting. Apply 2500 Newport Blvd .. c.~1. PIPE SHOP CLERK 2.i to 35 hrs. per wk. Kno1v· ledgeable n1an. 40 lo 60 yrs. old. Sec 1-larold: 49-J E. 17th .St., C.l\f. !rl8-9314 * DISl/\\I ASlfER I J\lorning shit\ 10 an1·ti pn1. Experience preferrerl. C11.ll 1 chef for appt. Kl 9-0377 \V ANTED: Clean cu1 t'Olles;:e studen! v.t/ own car for parl lime evening delivery 1\lork. 500 ~V. Coast Hwy, NB. CABINET itAKER, lor boat manufacturing plant. 8601 Edison,J'.funtington 8Puci1. Days .or Eves, 536-9563 e DELIVERY BOY e Canyon Auto i'upµl)' 843 Broadway, t.a:guna Bch ONE, Alert upholstrrer trainee. Apply in person to Johansen & Christensen 89S \V. 16Lh St. N. B. (corner l61h & Monrovia} (714) ~5-8251 AUTO Upholsterer for shop BARTENDER, full tin1e, in Hntg. Bch. De Guelle & night shift, Tuesday thru Sons Glass. 536-{;561 Sunday, Huntington Harbour HI-ff Component Salesman Beach Club, 4121 Warner Trainee. Xlnl. future. Call Ave., H.B. Mr. Van. 646-8897 SEJlV, STA. ATI'NDNT. T-4 Pt.1 5 days a wk, Mon-F)'i. No Slf or SWi. Appl,Y ot ci.U DANS• IUCID"l.ELD, ~ Bristol, at ~er. C'.t.1. 540-9727 C Ai8 t E TV IN.STAL. L AT 1.0 N, Elcctrc>nk baeku'roul'ld helptul, he#.l appear1tr1Cl' essential, Apply aDer 1:30 at 709 C Randolph Ave. CM or eaH 54$4\393 1'~ULL Tlf\.1E, day n1an. E'<· iinrerd. Apply: J\IATI'HE\\'S' UNION SERV. 3928 E. Coa.51 Hwy. Cd M. MANAGEMF;NT TRAINEE WE OON'T WANT YOU unle11;s you t'&ll train for 11lx 1nonths factory 11ponso1'Cd program, and be able to Jive on $512, per nionlh 13.S per "'iillcn agreen.1rnt) duriric the tntining period. Also ;you m\llit be able to slarl \\'Ol'k iinmediall'ly. Ctlll 1raining dir~..'ctor for pcr:Wnal intcr- virw. Call l\tQn .~· Tiu·ii. 8:30-2 pm 543-9189 ~W~h~He-ol-i:Jl})anti! Oi~,,,...--.~11 .. - Atlantic Research OPENINGS IN Administration & Manufacturing (OPERATIONS) e MANUFACTURING ENGINEER wit~ 1•p1ri111c1 in t ill.er t lectro!\ic or mtch1nic•I m•11uf1ct u•i119 mtlhods, • SENIOR ESTIMATOR to p•ep••• cost •1lim•lt1. e PROPE RTY CONT ROL ANALYST. Will kttp p•op· erly retord1, do inv•n+orie1, prep••• r1por-t1 to lht tof!ltoller 11,11d/or c~1lome r. e MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS ANALYS T to in!tr· pre! mt!tri•I tnd proce11 1p11c Ofit1licn1. e EX PERI MENTAL.MACHINISTS wi 1~ t•P•'''"'' i~ p1olotyp1 •nd I 11 •rticl1 febric1+:on. .• EL ECT RONIC TECHN ICIAN "A", E•p1rte11c•d in UHF/VHF tommunjc•lio111 •nd FM/FM tel1mehy. e lt EPRO TYPISTS ''A~'' to type propo11l1 rrom h1"dwritl1n copy (typi"g 1pe1d 60 wpm!. e TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS COORDINATOR to •ni1t ifl •II productio" i nd edmi"'•lrativt func· tion1 or l'ubl ic•lio11 Ot pf, Contact Employment Office 17 14 1 546-8030 3333 Harbor Blvd., Costa Me s• Mlsslle Systems Division ATLANTIC RESEARCH CORPORATION A Division of the m Susquehanna COrp. 1¢' *COST ACOUNTANT It you arr cxpcrlc11ccd Jn !he 1Jeslg11 iln1)!en1Cnl1Hlon and nutintcnance of a cost sysJem. th<! position L~ tivall· able td )'Ou. DegJ't't• IJl'Cil'rr- f'd. Co1~luct: GENERAL AUTOMATION 706 \V. Katl'lla Orange, Cali!. Equal opportunity employer * DISHWASHER (full time) Prefer clean cur youni; n1an l\'i\11 experirn~;e Apply In person REUBEN'S COCO'S 1555 W. Adams Costa Mt1a LAl\11NATORS & ASS~1BI.,. INDUSTRIA~ Dli'SIGN&R ' C:arotr opportunity t\·llh plas- tll'I howiewa~• division, .. LENQX, INC. 0t~groo pllL.~ 5 yn exp. Alludln Pl1U1lit·1 Div t.ENOX, 1NC. P.O. Sox 2(12!1 Ga('(lena, Calit. 90"7 ITT JABSCO JANITOR (Second Shi.ft) Prefer t•xpedence in care of lndustripJ offlcrs and racil- l!i.-s. Equal opoprlunity efnplo)'f'r 1~85 Dale ~Vay, Costa Mesa STEAOY JOB ERS for Boat Bldg. Co. l.argl' Orange County con. I I Exp'r'I. nirn, good salary & cem has openings for~I • working con".~. i\1ERIDAN young, llgi>'t'C!'SSive n . Must have a car a I.TD. l0920 Hav..·tbornl! Bl\'d., ablC' to start wnrk im C'di . I Jni:;IC'\\'Ood, Calif. ( '.! 1 3 I 1 I N I 61·1-5200 a e Y. o exJl('r erice 1 es- ary, \\'c \\•ii) train. $51 . per SETIV. STA. SALESJ\11\N, n10. as per 1vrftlt•n agree. F'or P\"l'. & \\'C'f'k end w1wk JlH.'nl. Call Mun only. fl!ust be nral in appcat~U\N: 543-9289 ;ind handwriting. 25901 ----------- Nrivporl Blvd. Costa ?11ei;a BOAT ASSE M B L ER TRAINEES Apply: Pacific Yach!s i trg. Co. 2127 S. Grand, Santa Ana. ~1685 OFJo'ICE machil'le mechan· le. Starting salary S165 wk. Need exf)('rlenCl'd man. 4.94·9615 or 962·3883 RESP. GARDENER. Steady v.'Ork 3.ol hrs wk. Cut grass flllllrl. water, 'teed plants. ;t4S-3555 DRY CLEANING t>Xpc!r'd. Ofl('rators. pressers, s1!k. \\'001 & combinatio n , 541-9550 Auistanl Manager Retail gl'Of'ery experience, day or night shift. Paid vac, insur etc. Xlnt Oppty. Call for appt. 642-8520 Mana1tq 11ent .Tt-aJl\C'C' PART TIME EVES. $3e50 per hr. Call 541·7'182 J\fr. Bond OCA Llu'Ce Ill tk>nal company J e,"()llfl(lf111 lo Oi'&Of'e CounO- PART TIME HELP WANTED \VORK EVES, !:30 TO 10:30 P~t. \VE NEED-25 MEN TO START WORK JMM£DIA.-/ TELY. NO EXPERIENC! NECESSARY AS WE TRAJN ' YOU. TOP STARTING PAY for Interview calJ f.tonday and Tuesday •• AU: for Mr. Jame1. SALESMEN Can!f'r opportunlty w I th il'O\\'ing Co. Prefer exp'd rnen. 1'~asl Uoor, ~ + commission + P.M. ·a. APN..I' :~u E. lllh St., OJsta Atesa •il 46·1 S. Mairl $t., Santa Ana -* SALESMEN * 1Part Titnel Wltb car. Leads fwnisbed. Work any four hours and • average S100. pff 'week .l ___., up, Call att. 5 PM tor kit. 1(. """" INSTRl,/CTORS ~Iature, Yount: adult, IOokinc !' tor good future, able to meet \1 the public. Apply in persbn. Holiday HHlth Spo "l Costn Mell!l • Hunti~ton Bch ~ IJ\1l\1EDIATE openings for ' production workers, dn~ :,..1 shift. Good \vorking cond's I & co bcn's. Industrial Cla.v :'1 Producis, 18765 Fib.!r Glass I Rd. Jluntington Be a eh, ., CaHf. ..,_;, • SHOE SALES manager ! trainee. America'• largest . I retailers of wc;>men'• shoes. '., · LEEDS Shoe Sime, So, • ; , ' Coas t Plaza. Contact Mr. ' ~· P I "' heps ~;. SERVICE STATION ): HE!'..P: Two men Ml tim~, ,~ ex:pr.i.enced.+ One man for 1 graveyard sbilt. NO phone i•I calls. RICHFIELD, 19th A ~·' Newport Blvd., C._M_. ___ 1 Kennel nian, over 35. AP.ply in person, SPCA, 20612 La· gwia Cnyn Rd. Lag Bch HELPER for cabinet shOp. Full or part time. 642-5840 Sat or Sun betw 9 &5. Order Clerk, Expediter _ Sharp with fi&:W't's. $425 pr. month. Merchants Pt1'SOnnel ~i PARTS MAN '"'"""· ""3 w .. 1clifl Dr .. ,J> . f N.B. 64S.2770 1,, Rambler experience .pre er-I=-="-'='"""""''-----, I rud, Good advancement for DRAFTSMEN, semi re~. I right man. Small beach area for pt lime draflin& in No. 11 l de11Jcrship, Jim Sothen 6~2· 11untington Beach. 843-MM ''I 602.~ SOCK IT TO 'EM! ·t ::'==:':'=='::::':=:'"""7:===:::'==':::::f====::-:===::===::::===':'.'.:==l'.'.• Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500Jobs--Men, Wom. 7500Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500Jpbs-Men,. Wom. 7500Jobs.-Men, Wom. 7SOOJobs-Men, Wom. '" ;J \ WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED THE NEWEST, MOST MODERN NEW FORD FACILITY IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WE ARE. PROGRAMMED FOR SUCCESS ••• And We Want Only Successful People Who Can Meet Our Hi9h Standards. SALES MANAGERS SALESMEN SALES TRAINEES We Have Openin9s For The Followin9: MECHANICS GENERAL SERVICE PEOPLE OFFICE PERSONNEL ACCOUNTA,.TS BOOKKEEPERS Our Every Endeavor Is To Give You The Buyin9 Public Their Full Dollars Worth With Courtesy, If You Want To Work For Us You Must M1t1tt These Hi9h Standards. Sincerity, and Honesty ! SUNSET FORD 5440 Garden Grove Glvd.-(714) 636-4010 • I J ' .. ' j . " ( . ,, s I I $ j I ( • 1' I l ! --.. , • • • ' . ". .. . ' • . .... PllOT, 'r!dl!· May 30, 1%9 %% DAILY PllO~ ~...,,May l l, 1~9 .. IS I l,l ~ I ...,.LO I iMl'LvfliDiii'i JOU I "!""Li>YMENT JOIS I IMl'LOYMIHT JOllS I ~LOY MINT JOllS I IMl'LOYMIHT JOIS I IMPLOYMI~ lll!M. -naD Hol• W1-. -7200 ltelp·W-Holp W1nhd Help ·w...tM Help Wo...... J• "'1011. -7JGO Joh Mon, w-7$00 Jolll Mon, w-7• " DISHMAcHINE -740I w-n 7400 w-7400 w-1•1--1 p ............ 1 oPERATOlt I~ 'l'em"""7 ~I l ___...I Employment ' Unloll ...i.. llmpltol. -EXPERIENCED I c N Allllf•- . NEEDS s,onu., Geodl Dept. Hoa .. l"'\JLL TIME :i = .=..'= il".....,,,. 116BfflYEiltD,, · COASTALAGINCY Appl)l In .,,.,._ pwn!l""'""'e1' e . e ESCROW e • . A "''mb<r ot T ~ SECRETARY SDdllnC A S..Ulre, Inc. Howon1'1 Rut..,r1nt e ~ Nvclelc ~def •-•ch lnstll•I• mo Hubor 111 • CM - 4001 w. °'"'' u.., .. NB agancy ::.!J:!llS UNITID CALI PoltNIA SEEKING ................ . BUSIOY I 833 DOW< DRJVl! • 11.ANK HAS OPENINGS FOi -45 ............... . ' DISHWASHER NEWPORT BEACH man In 1ge '°"'"""· Man 642-#10 Work .. J I ~-,. Jl41·E. C.0.11 Hwy SECRETARY muat ha"" wide -• Owr l& -~ r-~ ~ "-r Good h ""'· SeWY $:i00. Mo. + 1i..-... -, ... benofi~ ...... -.. partfclpat. In tho · ol thla new, expa.od- APl'LY Ill PERSON yw wontl ---• orthand, acourate lyplnt, fal!>illar Submll .......,. a m.. ao. D ·A pli ts 67J.'140 with chemical lonru. p 8liO Do"·· Pilot. lnJ line. APPLY JN PERSON to AM lo t : 30 PM M.....,. lhnl S.twday J. C. PBllY CO. BOB'S BIG BOY 15f E. 17th St a:i.ta Mesa AUTO SAW Experience preten-ed. AD>ef-. kan 1.{oton dealership Jn belCb &J'ff. Excellent oppor- tunity for riabt man. Jim Sothen.......,, YOUNG MAN, n or OW!r. * Good puf time or f11ll tln.e I j,l!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!• I employment. Xlnt wqes I aod meal& Apply in person. 24 F•shion Isl .... An eqlllll opportunity ""l cmp4oyer ITT JABSCO PUMPS TURRET LATHE OPERATOR ·-· TURRET LATHE OPERATOR/ SETUP No exp. nee. T H E OORYMAN 2100 W. Ocea:u Front, N.a DOORMAN. PARKING ATIND'T Full or part time, day or ew. lie. Calif. drivtt. Near ap- ~. m~ can .,..17!1o, ext SSS. 4 lo 6 p.m. COU.. MEN, Summer work. Scholanhip opp. Sl55 wk guar. comm. Call &0-1403 H1lp W•-w..,,.n 7400 .N EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Oerical 1 EMPLOYER PRINCIPAL CLERK -~ Dale \Vay , Qllta ~ltsa S~98 • s.005 per month ' ~l ($523-$638 recommended : July 1, 1969) ! PLASTICS ! MOLDING • MACHINE ! OPERATORS I Penn. position. X I n l I working cond's. Overtime ~·all frin&:e benefits. Im· ; mediate openings on all • Shltts. Experienced pre- ! ferred. No phone calls !alter 5 PM. I. CALIFORNIA lnjoctlon Moldint 200 Brig&s Ave. M.,. """'60 n ~al opportunity I empl~r Pfa.nagement Trainees '1JMMER ~ PERMANENT • EMPLOYMENT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Ptisition in F;m.nce De- partme.nt requirei: H.S. &rad•tion and S.)TS. of ~""ble clerical ex- perience including ac- counting and accounts payable. •Appty to City of Newport Beach, Cily Hall, Personnel Orfiee • 3300 . Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. CTI4) fi73..66.l3 before 5 p.m. Thursday, Jwie 12, 1969. STENO CLERK I $452. • $549. por month (Recommended for $510.-$620. July 1, 1969} CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FULL & PART TIME { START One current opening in i IMMEDIATELY U1e "'""'""'! Office ,.. ~f"1 18 to 30, we need you quires high school diplo- b eiccelerl.le our espanalon ma " two yean ol re. roeram in OnJige Cow:IQr. ~ clerical.. expetience, offices open.\nc aoon in 100 Wpm, sborthand, . oo Me• and Huntington wpm typing. Apply lm· "_;,..., Ideal for college stu-mediately to Personnel or-.._ N OUice, City Hall. 3.100 ~~ 0 experience neces-Newport Blvd., (Ilfl) 673-6633 3.50 per Hr.1--- EXPERIENCED Mon-Sat. l ~ *Busboy ~ (Days) Apply In Porson !'REUBEN'S I· COCO'S e TELLER e EXPERIENCED e PROOF OPERATOR e UNITED CALIFORNIA BAN' 3029 Hubor Blvd. Cost• Meuii 546-203) l l. 1555 W. Ad•m• µ __ c_oat~•::.._Me_.:..;•.:• ___ 1 Equal opportunicy employer i MOTOR HOME ! e BllllDfRS . !:e ASSEMBLERS urpoc••··· ~ INJUIM 1:q,,.1 -......;,,.. TYPIST T1lovl1lon Pio.Mi be apprised th•t the coun .. lors ' ot Newport Pononno: w o u I d very ··much lil<o tho pleasure of your com~ pany lo discuss with you the many bHutiful jobs av1il1blo lo you at this time. Also, plea .. bo advised that many of th•sa top paying positions are fee p•id by our lovely employers. To be par- fectly honest however, not all of ou r employers reanie yet that this is tho applicant's market right now. We wiH be expecting • telephone en· quiry from you •t your earnest eon· venience. newport ·. Kinde•! Regard>, personnel . Newport agency Personnel Staff 833 DOVER ORNE NEWPORT BEACH 642-3870 1-Holp W•nted Holp W•ntocl Women 7'400 w-7400 Accurate typist Will also act as receptionist Introduction Woefc llf:RSOtlllR SERVICE * SAWLADIES * for research building. r i;,~1n-¥:'rt-: :..~· .T ~ GIRL FRIDAY eods. $3.00 per -· Call 445 !. 17th St. Cost• Mesa, Calif. '42-752' PoaitJona availal1lc tor ex- peritoced Wea pel'JOnnel In LANZ NEW NEWPORT CENTER General office background, to assist pure.bas-Sar4' at 544·1185 Ing agent. · Interviewing _STORE STOCK/MAINTENANCE CLERK ~ce.ive and distribute chemical supplies in lab area. and maintenance. VOICE preparation t er popular or clpslcal ~­ Be&lnner t h 1' u advanoed !raining, 64>'512, 4IN-9349 e PIANO, Tl>o<wy, Harmony tti,u,a:bt by rnember of Mu-le Teachers Assoc of Calit. It Shenimod J.tuslc S c b 1 , Beginners & l'ntennediates. SUe Denton, ~ Mon. thru Fri. Full time only. Student qoota I •.m. to S p.m. fiUed. Call 644-4411 or (213) Equal opportunity employtr I -'-934-7,732S""':i',,.....,;:::""'· ==~ GLORIA MARSHALL JANITOR ITT JABSCO KEYPUNCH OPERATOR IBM Alpha & Numeri- cal, Vt'rily and l!IOTne re- lated clerical duties. Good \vorking coodiUons &nd benefiU. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY E~fPLOYER (l\late or Female) 1485 DALE \\'AY OOSfA MESA, CALIF, 92626 (TI4l 545-8251 EXPERIENCED PART TIME e e e· TELLER FIGURE CONTROL SAWN PART TlME HELP. At· tractive wom&n, 30 to 40 WU! train. Hrs. S..1 PM. Call or Come. in fol'.! illterriew. ~· . OJ Pacific d>ut Hwy. N.B. · Full time Janitor for research building. C.11 for •ppoinlment (71~) 833-2500 ; International Chemical =~. ~~~iu::;i; O'lilcoat 10 Jtsson typina: Cashier /Hostess & Nuclear Corp. , ~· c1:.1 ~= 1;°'1 > 2 c. I f MONTESSORI •' p....cbool Experienced AppJ.y 27 7 mpus Dr., Irvine, Ca i . 9266-4 children, yeu r 0 u 0 d . MANNINGS, INC. Ao ..... .,, ....... ,. --541..5697 or 6*-3706 El Toro Rd. CLeiauttWorld) I-\ Loguna Hills 837-IDH l~IMERCHANDISE FOR SALES & LIGHT Of!ice work H I W tocl H I W ocl , SALE ANb TRADE . . . ep 1n ep ant In fashKll"l8.ble Lido ~elry Women 7400 Womtn 7400 Furniture 1000 store. Jewelry expeneoce _;:;.:::.;::::.;-,_ __ ..;..:;:;:i; .. :.:..:;;.:.;"-'----'= ne~ssary, Call IDr ap-GEN. office pos. nr. 17th &: UQUIDATORS =~rmanent p:>si-ACCOUNTS Placentia. Nvr a dull mo-r PART TIME MAID, exciting apt comp1a needs week end maid lo prepare. & aerve for parties, break1ast I: Bal'-8- Queo, ..,._ ~nt o~r. Nd girl who FOR BANKS-FINANCE CO's P ABU likes sailbts & who ~ ES'I'ATES-MODEL HOMES Ay GIRL calmly get wrltld. out 1n • · ...,., o! dlr, sal" & prod. Qu•hty Fuml1vro R.equitt girl to u.sume re- spomibilities tor entire ac- eollJlts payable function. Experienced onl,y pieaae. demands. Start $350. Mon-8-nks Can't Tues. Mr. Ware. &t&-7434 O.posft Furn. CLERICAL CLERK TYPISTS * UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK LEGAL Secretary replace- ment wanted for B1lt1l?Mt months commencilig Julj 1, ln Newport Beach. Tel: 642-2330 -GENERAL AUTOMATION PART TIME OUice •wit. They Demand C1shl 8:31).1 daily. Alert girl who Regardless Of L.ossl works with figures to. write Spaniah-Mtditerr1nnrr orden on IBM accounting Maple-Mahoplzy-Modern machine. We will traln. Brand name bedroorm A 50-7101 king or any size box spri.np BUILDER needs part time & mattress, custom mack secl'P.t.ary 0 n permanent sofas & love seats, exqulsitt- Varian Data Machines, lo- cated ln the Irvine Indus!· rial oomplex, has immedi· ate openings for 2 clerk typlRIS. These a.ssignmentz 1rt In our publication, and E.D.P department!. Good typing skills It prvelous clerical work e)(J>l!rience desired. We oUer a good starting saJ. ary with an exeellent beJJe. fit (ln)ll'am including: 12 days v•cation during the fin:t year ol employment, farian data machines A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY 2721 Michelson Driv1 (Adj. to Orongo Co. J. C. :r>enney Co. Fashion Island Newport Beach NEEDS fART TlilfE SALESLADIES Housewive1 & Moth•rs Can you spare a f~ hours each day and add to the family income at the same time 1 St-bedules convenient for YoU. mornings, after- noons, evenings or combfna. lions of all Work in a tun 110~ under the flnest of condilions and top rupervis. ii kin, APPLY IN PERSON PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND lOAMtoSPM Monday thru Friday All student positions filled. Equal opportunity employer Alrporfl Irvine, C1llf. 92664 An eqUlti opportunlt,)t emp&oyt'r M & F *SAW O~DERJ•*...,....,....,....,.,.....* CLERKS Exper\e.nced in sales order proceuina:, maintain order log and records. Type 60 wpm on electric, ACCOUNTING PAYROLL CLERK 222 Ocean Ave., Laguna Bcb, ........ See Betty Bruee •t m66Gxec A.Keney for Cetffl" Girls rut W. Coart Hwy., N. B. BJ appoint 646--3939 SALES help needed, must have experie.nce in ladies \\-ear. Apply in person. Jackie's Fuhion Center 75 Huntington C.enter, H.B. IMMEDIATE opening-Secy for l man ins. ofc. Non- smoker, no ins. exp nee. Send rpume. to P.O. Box 2232 CM •. 706 W. Kate~la 1~ basis. Must be accurate dining rooms & hutches. Orani:e. Calif. typist & do simple book Guaranteed frostlree refri&:· v.•ork. Call 642-8127 erators, color TV's, late mo. 1Equ~'1~o>i;p~po~rt~u"'o~ilY~•~m~p~Jo~,.~~-;i;'1',if'(jF'f'ii~!ru;;;;;;; del wa&hera & dryers are -ENTAL OFFICE business all on sale at sacrifice prk:. secretary betwn ~ yrs or es. age. Exp'd only Call P.M.'~ Mon..Wed·Fri. 1147-50'26 BUY ANY PIECE OR HOUSEFUL TIRED OF LAYOFFS? If you are interested in steady emplo).ment as a secretary, VERY sharp girl W/~per. WI! have the. job for )"OU ~ WANTED: Dental a !is t •• in titting cust Bikinis, for Jots of variety, pleasant Sur-front office/chair side . Warehouse Sile sales; must be able to work roandings and exccllent Exp'd. Tv.'O girl office. abilities week•od• & "'"" rughla. •tarting sala'Y. Good shorl· 830-0141 AOK L, 64Wl.6; 673-2473 eves. hand skiDa required. Apply MATURE Woman' for ll to 7 7722 Garden Grove 81. [If] 1miteO PLATFORM STENO al: shift in SAWYER HOME. Westminster (i,2 Block West ogeflCV ExperiE>nced W•stminster Call 646-m6 from comer of Beach Blvd. t7 Secu.rity Pacific NatJunal School District 1,.,=~--~--~~1 near, G.G. Freeway) Open Quality Pos.itiont Jor 0-Mk H B ·~ •·:m , .. ~ CEDARWOOO !\!AID, over 30, perm/part 10-9 Sunday 10.0 Qualified Applicants . .,..., • · · ~"' ......... time, 6 das/wk, Lag Bcb ' • · m E. 17th St. Suite 224 BE AU TY 0 p e r al or \\'F.~TMlNSTER, CALIF. motel, $1.75 hr. 4~ SPANISH Returned DOm Cpsta-.,~esa :. 64µ470 Jntensted In training for 1:::::;;:::::;::.::::= Model Hornes on aaJ. a t children's shop, Costa Mea.· G ... ral Office Help I· le9· than wbalisale1 c·fTNi Exec. S.cty to $667 64~ Jobs--Men. Wom. 7500 includes beautiful 11 • • ===-----,.-,· I Basic.. o f f i c e knowledge quilted sofa & }O\"e &eat. Secure future with a solid Z.fATURE \\.°Oman v.'llnted. pref'd, but not nee. Good COST ACCOUNTING 3 ...Spanish oak deooratar Costa Mesa compaey. Fab-lls~r. wth prac. nursing phone voice, over 18. Apply CLERK ANALYST lP.bles. swy-or t&bl. lamps, ulous benefils, pleasant oil· exp, gd. eook, neat & clean, in ...,_,.,, betw-o • • pm s all uf t · & all •·-· ~-ice. Call Edee, 546-.5410 Jive-in &: refs. 548-5652 .--'""'' ""' -m man ac ur1ng · en. w p_..."1 .. et' · ...... queen. J•son Best Tuesday t~ru Friday. ginet:ring company requires or full l!lize bedroom .Wt. MOTHER'S Helper -for 13 individual to assume cost complete Incl box 'sprtnca, Employment Afency mo old & baby expected in Five Crowns accowiting duties, including mattress, Unena A boudCJllr Zl20 So .. ~. s.n-. Ana June. Wanted for summer Re'.st•ur•nt ditect labor distribution, lamps, Spanish ·oaJc I pc :r.{AKE YOUR CHRIS'l'MAS mo's. 540-8701 3801 E. Paci.fie Coast Hwy, maintenance of inventory dining eet priced eltewben MERRY with a eemi-part LICENSED Shampoo Girl Corona del Mar No ph. callt cost records & work iD pro-at approx. $ll95.00 ALL tim~ job. Easy, ftin, no ex-and PART Time ~p-. , 1 cess hlventory. Must be able FOR ONLY s;m_·p:1 down, per. nee., no lnveit or tionist. Top pay. Newport INSTRUCTRESSESt to P~ cost reports form '$4.99 per ll>eelr ,· out ot deliveries. ti.lust be ove.r 18. Beach area. Call 642--6857 source dAta. College train-state credit Olt W f 11 Ph. SARAH COVENTRY LfVE in help; motber\eu Young, mature girls able to ing in accounting preferred. separate for quick sale. 20th tor appt. 546-7122 0 r home, boy ,,,.e 1. To start meet the public. Must be al· Work ex:per. in accounting, Centul')' Furnitun!! 9 77 2 5'11--4621 approx Ju;;; 23rd. Send lractive with a good figure. ~~ fulonSalaryotfice ma~~ines Garden Grove B 1 yd • , Call Personr-.1 Dept, (714) 494-~1 OFFICE P.1ANAGER. for resume & refs B. Cook. 1500 Apply in person P · open. ease Garden Grove Dau, 10-9, Varian Data Machines., lo-small business in Hirrbor Adams, Suite 203, 01. Holiday Health Spa send reswne to or apply <1:l Sat Jo.6, swi 12-S Comt ~~~Y ~ h:: a~rv:m~U: area. General secretarial & D:,:,:R;::.cY;::CLEAN~'==m"G""'"p,..,..,.'--· ICosta Mesa • Hunllnaton Bch JJACO, INC. In or call C714) 530-6'40 TELONIC EllGlllHRlllG CO. Laguna &.•ch Equal opportunity empJayer need for a payroll clerk. bookkeeping expcor. req'd. exper'd silk. "1001 &: com-R d' T I ph REPOSSESSIONS You must have had experi-Salary open. Send resume bination. Laundry help also. a 10-e e OM 11t9 Bo1ker St., In excellent co nditi o n . ence with an E.D.P. payroll to: P.O. Box 537 Balboa, 541-9550 Dispatch Girl Costa Mesa Beautiful sofa $89. Ola.it system & be proficient on Calif SALFS LADY full time for 25 or over. Must know local 54f..3041 $49,~f.a & Jov~e.._ seat $119, '5 the 10 key adding machine, 15 or 16 YR old girl wanted Children'• store. sou 1 h area. Apply in peraon. An Equal Opportunity ~ ucunn lse$~49• Jang •iJr Lite typing required. for sumrnr babysitting ~ Pl A 1 650 E o YELLOW CAB. CO. _Employer rm. se · •Box spriiw Good starting salary & bene-FroMotber's7~_helper. Oce:.. n ~tinaza. PP Y · 186 E. 16th St. SCRAM-LETS :zm~~~~~: ':'!...m.!', fils. including 12 days of nt, """ pcor hr. 5 do.y I •;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iO Costa Mesa _... vacation during the f i rs t week including wkend.; Call G , 1. •·· terms. Buy all or part AOK •• 3 irl Friday "" 1te bkg. Repv L VN Warehouse. 7722 Garden year of employment. May ·"'· I. June 1st. \ ~-o on"· K'••s 1-ANSWERS 642-3948 n "'"'"" "J i . ..,. v• Ch•rg• Nurse Grove Blvd., 1,' blk. Welt ot .Varian data Men, 2300 Habror m . CM. 3 lo 11 PM shirt. Apply Beach nr. G.G. Frwy. Open MEDICAL OffKE NEWPORT Profit -Antic -Goon! -1~9 SUn. I ... T.hmedlale openings for men * machi'nes FUl.J.. time&: part time maid CONVALESCENT Triple-GET OUT REDECORATING • Lido $1th experience in plumb-for motel work Balboa Confucl • R NO EXPERIENCE Experienced in receptionist Pf!nlnsula, 675-M63 HOSPITAL us say: · em<!m· Isle solid cherry bedroom ~· ~ecirmc;aJ· walls, cab~ NECESSARY WAITRESSES A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY dulies Including medical in. "7'-=,-~--,--'--~ 3s:: Hospital Rd., N.B. ~r old maid w~ fi~ man set.' chairs. lamps. new PROOUCTIOll If" ish • or we w 1 M' h surance. Call 646-3003/ RN. Part lime afternoons for IH"OSP=~rr=ALITY,.:,~~H;,,OS.:,',ca"":ss'-is 1n room who 1pve him 24 Weslingbouse rdria: 120 train you. Must have some 27n IC elson Drive ~ General Practitioner's ot-hours 10 GET OUT." yds n e ar new ·,. 11 itand tooll. See Rick, 213a Apply In person (Adj. Orange Co. P L A S T I C S tice. 548-4643 looking for mature women •-Ori Co •t A. lnW.tion Moldi""' O""r. or .,::;:~~~'-,---,,..-: to 11.-elcome newcomers to * DRIVERS * carpeting. 5' Tn!ivertlne ~ ve, sta _.. esa Apply In Person 1rport T~nee. Must 'be d;pe~-* WAITRE.SS * (Ney 21 the community. Must have N E marble lop coffee table, THE WTlR CO, REUBEN'S 1!v ine, Calif. 92664 able. Graveyard shift. Ap-Graveyard shilt Contllct typewriter, car, and be ho~ 0 xperience student's desk, maple d~ ~ -CAREER ::-:O~~';ty ply 8-4 p.m., Orange County P.fr. Zlmmtt rn.mn dablt. Apply 2SS E. Alain. Necessary! ~ & 4 Capt.in'• chain, IOl'l'OITUNITY I. 1987 ~~1:.Ave. Plastics, 850 W. 18th. C.t.1. WAITRES.S wanted. Apply ln SUite 7, Tustin, Ca 11 J • Must have clean California records. J~~· man 1 Cocols BEAtn'lCIAN penon Mesa Lanes l703 544-6925 drivtQr l'eOOl'd. Apply 1-.;;;-;=~-,,-.,,·'-:~- loln ..sa,. rut"' -1..,====,,.---SEAMSTRESSES lo ••rl< fuU time C:O.ta .,,.. ....,,._ Ave, CM. Fom•I• Socty. SOI.Of YELLOW CAB CO. MOVING m"'' sell! Bit "'· i --• •DVERTISING --~ p Id ~-"-'d A to ~ h · · 1 k antique white; chet.t of E MlrtU.ll Fund ... e1 "" 1555 W .a..1 D&IUn. a vat:ations. etc. ...........,r, exp . p .... ac are.a co. 1$ oo • 186 E. 16lh St. d ..,...,_. Se / ' -•m• Exp'd PQ\\°er machine oper-No clientele required-~w Kenn Rima Hardware 1ng for an attractive pl with Costa P.lesa ra\\-ers desks, upholstered • run 0:~~ creta ry Costa Mes• ators to sew naugahyde boat grads "~li.'Omed. ca 11 e ~7080 e gOOd mec. skills, rreat po----::::::...:::::_ __ I chain, wall hlll"8" fm'nftun, ,utv I F nd &..&....1 cushions & canvasa pm-Manager 54i-0019 • HOTEL MAID. full "--. tentW a.nd the co. will re-il 8Vl1JOlf dining nn ae t ~~ I u ... a..-110f'1, B kk ~~ I ~·-·~ r __ ,, I~ n . tiqued: I am pe • Misc Inc. 00 eeper· ducta. Top wages, pd holl· EXPERIENCED or v.• 11 1 plea.sa.nt surroundings. m ............. M "~haneela . ....,. ~ nnel household l le m 1 , ' 25,i ""'"'B. 1603 WestcllH 6c.6422 * KEYPUNCH days. vacations, Ins, XJnt train. "-·clennino-/ laundry * 494-U96 * raine. ere Penon .. c. perso L .. ,,.. OPERATOR i..1..... _.... ......:1 ··• A.. 2043 \V lcl!U D ugonia St., Newp o rt I I.A. 1212 N, Bn>Mwa)' . Rtsponsib&., top level \\-°Qr,....., CO•a1!tions. Apply attndnt II om e ·I i It;" al· BABYSITTER. 5 days $"5. "f'>ency. es r., Shores, NB. 642-3014 547.&331 -ltton for sh•rp, tllk• Jack Cole Co., 1763 P1acen. mo!!phere, Balboa Isl. x:nt \Vanted immedlatt'ly. _N_.B_._ .. _>-_2Tl0~·~----1 8Q8nt'f r~-One to three years cxJl(!rl· tla Ave., CM. 646-2451 pay. ~ys & nla:hts. Com· 968-2054 Dent•I As1ist•nt Prof1sslonal ~--·1-~ BEAUTIFUL solid maple charge girl. Must h1v1 ence, second shift, l\1onday 1---'-'-'-'-:_-· lo TI4-2380 ___ ..;:c::..::~~~-· I _....K4' oval dining room table w/ i . ,. Sfrucfulf SfeeJ * excellent skills Incl. thru Friday. ~m=-w~~"·c__~cc..----1\VANTED: Rel. babysitter O'lalr side. 6 months ex:pcr-fo r tht •mp&oyer leaves & 5 chain. looks UllP ahorthand; handle IJte \VOMAN-EXPERIENCED WOMAN wanted as se~r. with refs, on e child, ow n ience. cau Lora~. P.1t'I"" •nd the 1ppfiunt new; COll l $500, 'Nill .ell f4D LAY OUT FITIERS a.a.i..-b 'I Contact P11t Fol.sum for GrFT SALES. caiettria ityle. Apply in transp. 3 nites. 546-8748 chancs Pel"IOflnel Agency, 133 Dove 0 HI $175. New 9xl2 all WIOI • ~ · _...,..; 1 linv. Under Apply penon Mondtiy after 10 AM. 2M1 WestcWI Dr., N.B. .._.._2 ..,__._ r r.,~·17•4, mw" -i~ ~··~ PAINT·ERS 30. C•ll BariNtr (714) Mr. Ed's Hofb"'"· 1.... PRESSERS &: OPERATORS ~2710 -.._,.-.-r ""'v ... '°....., "'.......ia n\B. .TRUCK DRIVERS •· COLLINS RADIO CO. South Caost Drug ou SPEC. •tACll. GOOD .,.,.,. "'°"' ""'' llSI. will fC...3910. 19100 Jamboree Rd. mJ Bristol Placentia Aw., O:llta Meaa pay. TRAINEES: Waitressea or UNFURN Apt, teSepbOne &: 11ell tor $15. 6G-5M1. ~ ' 1.:..::...:,:::-::0-:::-===--I Cos M HSKPR & ""-'--'-__ ... _.. Gr'mt M{gr. &12·2666 Car Hosteslle6.. U.-t -cleanlne fees (or couple to n-.-,._ __ ,.. ..... O" ~ -•-, ~-~-"1&, (I mlf TYPIST Nev.'POrt Beach la CM . a Ullu;r•ll" ·~ -· ..., • del ""'"'"""" '-'~"" ...,o, 11-1 .--.... _. ._~ LUlll Rap. mature lady, Uve-ln, EXP. OorM anan;er run or neat, attn.ctlw, happy m~ u uxe l & Aptsl;:;;;;;--,-;-=-.....,=-1 I~~~~ ~· oU wkends. Fountain Valley part thne, td. wages. cllipogiOon. }l or pt 'time. In tbe EiUt Bh,lff Atta ol MPL. bed, 1JJ1TC1 1 2 l . '~ -_....,. ·-PROOF RECEPTIONIST ....._ .....mJ mms TIIE zoo. Coul Hwy. ~ N...,,... Beach. u 1 e .. .,,,.. dining tbl iz. m; -••u~o I Al•rt ...... pMuction con-OPERATOR Yoong, """' --, ________ DRAPERY OPERATORS MacArthw-, N.B • main ......... -· We ~ s~~ ~ ~~~ __....... nc. lrol. oUlct., Typlna, fillne. l¥Pe 40 . 501 7-C p.m., Btacb NEED exp'd woman w/ rel.I f'l!flt to children. O>mplete ..-. ,......, ._ u-.., ba $. Grind Ave. JIC*tltw. Xlnt woridne cond"s. area. $350. Ca 11 Dori&. for occasional dt¥ titne and TABLER COMBINATION. Sharp Bar f'tlume to 8ol( M 861 O.ji1 S'P~ other oddl A endl . .... Art• s...J113 ind~ Jill bene.Ot&. EXPERIENCED S48-T196 babysiltl~ In niy Mme. 546-ltn 1'fa.lds .l Co Go Dancers. PUot 6*-7370 ARGUS AGENCIES ......,lll WAITRESSES WANTED Top ,.. .. , $3.00-$3."' 10 1'WR=o~U-GHT--I --(--._-_, "** COOKS U •-~-~· n..ia"-nt start. Ph. for Int. 545-99&1 l HWARC badcup wldr, 2 ron ant"I...., CALIFORNIA nitld Callfornl1 1869 C N""'P0'1 Blvd., C.~1. FREE room I board •t the 630 Lklo»0Pk'Or, NB 6T>OllXI SASSY LASSY, 290l llarbor, ll!lilbt mut uaem. tra~ gold) rounc:: rtaa top llibk .. lnJ ection Mokling lank SARAH COV!:i"ni\Y bas bee.ch for rtli&bl• mothtr's c M • loots ftqd. ~ bet. g. I 4 chrs. Now onb' $'15. AllO ~ lbne A f\1ll Umt. eW:n-200 Brial Avt. openings for fWl or part helper.,., driver'• lie. \\'orll. • FUU.EREITES. P 1 r I -· .c·--------1 12 Mon. lhnl Fri. brown llOla bed JeO. ""'1400 "-Dipt1Senced only. A~ 0-ta 1'fe11 546-+f60 4J2S ~tacAr1hur Blvd. tlme Wet. Min. age JI, momlne'I only. 673-8860 Thne, avs. $2.50 per l)our to GIRL FRIDAY SMALL Restaurant fK't'ds MASSIVE carved walnut~ &ftn> I p.m. An eqUl.l opportwlll;)' 5f0.4lli Pleuant-.'Otk. no Invest. no BEAUTTCJAN with 10me start. Over ll. Call 546-6743 for Brokerqc oWoe. l\-fuat be matuni Q\&fl tr ..wman, l~ table. 6 aphDllttn!d empl.O}'~r dellvtrles. Tor lnltf'Vko,• tollo..1.ng tho no1 necttsar.•'· WANTED: Part time bar a:ood typtst. days. age over 21. S4s-a:l63 chn. $400.. Burnt CftlWll PfYm CllOWNS EXPERIENCED TELLERS F.qUll opportunity cmpl~r eall 541Ml6l(J &n~74!1/ Cd. commWton. ror ~ maid fot nice ba.r. CaJJ. Contact Mr. llod&:ts. 3-S pm PART ttme he.Ip • C..»ll!at! love xat $3S. Mi.tiOIM ...,.AUtlANTS f\J.ll or pt. time. Appb' ln DREAM Job • Keep )'OUr fm. 847...-.0 point Call 841.-9164 6Q..4l82 64+.noo agt. Zub\e'a Piua, 2920 E. Quality kias bid. qvllbed. • J:. ...... c-HI')'. ...... Bank Of Am<'ric&. -job u wU• • DENTAL s E c IRE c p T . GENERAL omce 1lrl ..,., BABYSITTER' YOUT home, Coul Hwy CdM -· -"'' -~ ~ ~ ~ :MK. Via Udo., NB. -·A .... a wld)I Sl,.ie. 25 lo 4ll. Ex" noc. 21., U'l.ln In "rv!ce lo 1up. ~·or Pomooo 1Cbao1 DENTAL OFFICE ' $Zill. All I•.-M7.o406 '-~-!!.!~~~~!!..!~!!...L!-1~~ ...... !~.·~ .. ~ll~y•;!!M!-~:! JlllllCheek. 544-3854. 63$-.3497 .. !i4&-3CKXJ * ply. $C0..937l. area. can 6'2-1446 __ ,...,.._._lln_,,_ ... _____ , DAD..Y PILCn' WANT ~DSl Whtte ~·! DUne+ltM / I I l ' • ' ? r l , ' ) I ' I I , ; t ! I I l .. I ' c I ' • • ) I . • ' I ' 5 DIMl..t..i.INI 61Ml..\.LINI Sotwdor. M11 SI, 1'6t llAll'I' PUT ~~:C:::~:!/Olt MIRCHANDISI POR. MIRCHANDISI Nlf MrllCNANDISI PO~ No lttm o.., 125 No 1-0-JU DIMl..t..LINC=j[-=,;jji~CililC::-1:-:°'.~iMlajcr.ir_'. -. f: SAtE AND TRADE '$ALI AND TltADI SALi AND T~I lNEWwetNttS.-$25.1 No ft.m Ov1r $25 Ne I-0..125" No Item 0... f2S_ Pumlture " IOOO l PIECE bloe quilted lldJon p&h' lhoe !JN. "''I' .. i . -----~iliiiiiii~iiiiliiiiiiiiiii~iiiuri>!Nriii:~•iiiiiiiliiiiii~'~M-~l.;;f:~ltur~•~~iiii;•~a~+~a~r·~·~~tu~r~1ii.iiiiiiii~ll~O-~ao;1 oouch S15 MCb ,... .,,.. wrap.uoood muli'l\O. New' Oi.t> lll)<te ~--# ,... M..,.aYo. """°"' TV More Dlnlt • dlllotl. AIWlllmun ....,,,,. ..... v.-. auitar pi. pi, ...,1 .... .,e, kii-UO, 2 portable TV• 110 '" O• .__. f 6 and ICl'ffn tXttllent O.lft. ng..21S36 \ °'eliil'h'J .. WOOd SQ. ) !-tiered ""'I &amp 'J.1 .-.,,. . OPEN MEM RIAL DAV! ~ dlUon•b.etl''licll"wl.\. • . tt,ean~peotret~ ... 4N-llU4 , • • ,-J'o_,i -· "1111 ''""' NEW tf><tlna pl<IOI 13,zo, -........... '16. ... alJ(l, 1·1T n)lloo "' while •••RINE ,_, llO"dl"td" --. top J2. won. rood. Saltom 'F 0 rdomattc trulmlllicf' 1iQue wbUt 2 ainlJe bed St, Powdtf bl* tNc 4'd' Iron bound hatch rowrt So. ·that we c· an unload th1°s furn1°fure fa·st'er ! ! ,..... ....... table SS. -IUO. "''"''-. 13. :'!"!'. ........ w/ma~ •· 13.:iO.·,,... ......... IU-.... ,,... .............. ... . condltJon. Call Si6-62(tf bike SS. 1...1.Jp .......... dra,.... cbeft m. double eon" lallle with 4&'a1M' sa. 118 each. ~ and antensa JlOOM· Alt maier 'llrith 1tand $5. 963-4581 • ..... and ·mattftll 111 1Z1 Hvdam OSK. AJ..2$17 for lhlp.f04hn tad'° ~2'. • VALUES NEYER BEFORE SEEN!!! T earinCJ Down' BuildlnCJ -"Must Tie Out Right Away'' • • • • • • Contractor Says. $9, 30 x JJ -w.t on CARPETING l2tcU. 9'<12, ta., daft -.. BATHROOM -· white. allithtly """ bot .... ~ c:uten with black vinyl ltitlO lOc ~ toot. Glul dn.wu chfft. 4-. d r a•• r complete with w.U mounted Tope:kltr loul weatbtt llfft laood deo:fttcr llelfl) coffee table SS. "1" mattttu vanity wilb mim:lf, mat-cabinet $2), Cellini Ushl abe 11, calf knrtb 110. SU. 2 bulrell 50c ea. P&lr $3. 214 Kncix St. CM. 6-'I cblfW htMI and loot .stands tixtin copprr $5. Gu los LB. TOl'lp WNOCb >"'l\ow.-while tWted tw1n tvenlnp with 2 nla:ht 1l&.ndl $21~ 5 $4. "2..at. 321 Alva LN, Front end of Jablco bedlprnds t3 pair. Mcqan AMERJ.CAN Tou:rllter 1 d.n.wer. chest wiJI> nice CM no motor $1. Wood Jonts blllll w~ twin IUlter sz. Guitar $25. Baby knobl $18, single bed b&ockt tor 318" line '8 -.. •p r e ad• t 4, Lad I e 1 deluxe cir bed $12. Bowline 1prlnc1 $1. yellow G.E. 10~1~~~ !!,~ bronze 1htavt1. La 't 1-• lln»Onlte travtl eosmtllc ball beg and lhoes $15. reftiterator needs top re 8 o pneumatlc bolt tender t:aa. cue $4. AUDded lad* H.o'. dual powa pack $10. painted works aooct $25, S20. Dinlnc table and • ~ bandbq1 $14,1. Be I ice Wooden inlaid chess board , HudlOIJ sprayer $2. 1 fL :.!':In ~r>ou~:"'= ls°"UN""BEAM;i;C;..-.-,,;::win,:;--::bnlah=,,-,...=I cuhmere sweater w Ith ft1. ~ black and w'!lte couch loam fram 'tlO s1-i... bed S'f.50 cl~ $15. Wu~HoQr autwnn haze, mink cotlat rubber cu:Mklna $12. Oaniah e · .. ..., pa ra,. wlth &rlddle I& size 31-«1 $11. Ju.u\ar aiae ll BOLT end drapel")' fabric 50c modem 6 ft., couch 1ratne each. 1 douh&e told~ bide-~ urnd colored sport coet yard. 9x.l2 ~k _rua: $25. $1. brown tread studio eouch •·bed with blanket cover I ,;;;~;_,~~~=~-.II worn onoa tu. Boys like Sofa $10. Cha1r $5. CoUee make1 Into 2 sq:les $25, flO, Open Sat.a.an. 2Q O:tlta DOUBLE bed $10. ~ bed new clclhina: iiie 8 ~ table $15. End ~ble $1S. 2 dtnette table $5, Fricldalre l'oteu St .. CM wUh bm. mattrea $31. 8o¥ of new linen disb towels lamp ta~es 115 each. 2 refriaeralot needs wwk $14, 2.f \VROUGH'l: iron rallin& both complelr. 9 x ll bl• 35c each. Ladies better ~pa S5 each. '42-SMl. 2 comer-tables S3 each, with poll.I $25'.. Toilet com· n,ylon rue $3. 968-4011 robet Wp a1ze $143. Siae ~Bruce Crescent. NB nu:Uc boya bed frame $1, ~ plete $12.50. Bathroom Main OONSTRUCTtON ma 20tlt two piece COltume 10' CUSl'OM turfboard blank cal. water cooler $6, meta] complete $5. Tub $7. Win-Home art sink $7.~. Rock SALE St k dttues $4 tach. Blue, pink $25. Medicine cabinet with rocking chalr SS. Cadillac dow11 $1 $4. Doon fl -$2. maple table top fJ,S • oc -"'M,•rtex bath towebl, wuh sl.kllna mirror doors $~. auto light wor!Q $5, auto Used brick Sc tach. H0Uo1v core doors $4.SD . cloths, finger' tow e I 1 , Comp~r-$15. G I r l 1 parts $1 to $6. Thunderbird Jlardware 2c • $3. Work ben-each. Interior 1huttet1 p.51 bathmats 25c -$1.25. Ol~r clothlnc, hke new, sii.es 1-8-hood $8. 2175 ~ Avt., ch $7. Unfinished mahogany each. Pieces cf c I a• 1, 0 · H d o I model Smith Co r o n a 10-12 reasonable, 50c $1. ~.M. Sat. & Sun. lwnber fl ~ krwt}L 2622 lumbtt, cutters, carpe.U.W n an · n V typewritu $3.. After 1% Tap~ slit 2 $4. 6C-3826 FEMALE Siamett kitten g Sant~ Ana A\'t. Last, houle and crttna all below $5. 2JI I phone S&.2330 SAVE THIS AO 3 weeks wk&. old $10. 56-&178 In driw, Saturday.sunday ~ Jasmine (alley), Cd II. TANGAIUNE Olvan $ 2 5 . Monday thru Friday only: ROY AL typewriltt and cue 5 lpeue park In street) CM ~1913 1'rl &: Sat. ANOTHER LANDMARK GOING -. TO MAKE ROOM 'FOR NEW BLDG. * SPANISH and MED.ITERRANEAN * . .. :) AT ·UNBELIEVABLE PRICES!! No Down, Terms To Meet Your Budget. Banli Financing, Master Charge, Bank of America or Store Charge. ONE OF MANY SPECIALS also matching coffee toble and commode -same price !TOO MANY· ITEMS TO LIST ALL • • 9 Game Set. • Lamps E • Dining Room Sets • Recliners • • • • ' 0 · • Bedroom Sets • OeCor•tive living Room Sets Spanish· Chairs • • • • • • • Pictures • Wrought Iron • Coffee Tables • Commodes • • • 1• Corner ~Units • Buffet w/china i Tables lops, Mediterranean e EVEN THE BUILDING! * Room Groups at Terrific Savings! * APPROVED f ·URNITURE 2159 HARBOR, COSTA MESA, PHONE 5'8·9660 C\a.ir $JO. 10 sheets 4 x 8 x Old golf cart $2. Ii'on $1. $20. expe.nslw clothes size SECTIONAL, 3 piece, S15 GOOD baby itema, clot.Ila. % &OUnd 'clelldeninc board. Touters $1. 23" Roll"6bout 12 $3-$8. custom Orpncfy oe., Neb. Tormica card table car •at, bath tub, cheat. JO sheets 4 x 8 x 2 TV •land $2. Trtcyclf: •at caslcn hat nev.er worn $10. SS. AU good condition. nite stand S2 to $12. 1tyrofoam $'1.50 ea. 6 C)ii. 'lSc. !.«>Boy 8Bque S3. Bird W.ack satin shoes \\'Ith Single bed and mattre11 $15. Portable Sewing mt.chlnl G.M. motor complete iood cages 50c $1.50. Aviary buckle, low heel 8N worn Walnut double bed $25. $10. Almoet new 3 speed tan $15. 150 v.'ltt amplifier $25. feeders, glasa front 75c • U. once ~ finest kangan» Remote 'IV $20. Pole lamp with chrome stand $21. Tuner selector' $25. % hra. 2 metal cols $3 each. Da_rk skin bowUng shoes $5. 315~~ S2. Lawn mov.-er $5. Record Brownle 8 mm camera $10. compr-eSllOl $25. % ht'il. wood comer table $5. 3 39" Diamond, Balboa Wand. player $5. S11.'edlsh divan Hairdryer $3. Butane tanlc blo~r coil $25. ~ hrs. cotton pad maltresses $3.50 673-1893 $15. Royal t;ypewrlter $25. for traller $10. Proia tamp motor $2J. Heavy duty plat-etch. Bunk ladder 6' nice OverstuUed rocking cha $1. Neva.mar tables rT each. , fonn scales w/weigbls $25.. $.1. 2 c;halse pads ,_ size 7Sc. OUTBOARD engine Elgin 5 $15. Blonde dining table Bowline ball and be& $15. Scales calculating $ 2 a . Camping coHee pot 1 50c. hp runs good $2S. Cal! from 6 hard111'00d blonde din Sport coats and l\\o-eaten S2 Room cooltt $7. 1957 For..1 Round mim>rs OOc · '15c. 4..s 642-7011 chain $25. Tea cart $7.50. -$U. 536-8910 :!io;1 ser:01m~1~rai:; ~~ r-~~s b~~· st.c~ ~!~ =n~ ::.1:: =::. ~~·s.:. :d"11"':,""""°:",.;::;~':ry°',.-,"~=-~= coll springs $10. Electric large turtle bowl Jl, Inner flS. 1'1lllng StaUon Tlmc day 9 10 5, Sunda1 i af. mou.thpiece and music Liar hair clipper-$5. Elcc. rv.or tubes 50c. White girl's bicy-ChMger $25. Metropolitan temoon. $15. Comet iz. ca 1 e, $5. Odd chairs Sl. 75 • S3. cle basket $L R9ckin& chair Transmission $15. Rear A· .:.::=.:::..---'---mouthpiece and m\lllc li&r Clothes teens and up Sl-$5. $15. Maple bedroom chair xel $10. with Wh ee Is, SCRAM-LETS $10. Clartnet, ex c e 11 en t 1966 Wallace, C.M. 54S-3467 $2. Toys 25c. Pait er ?a1aytag Washini and Ken-Gl"flnadllla MJOd $25. 'C.. DINETI'E $25. Bedspread S1 bftedl.na: rabbits with cage more $5 each. '56 Chevrolet ' ' and m 0 u t hp 1 e c 9 $19. Lamps $4.50 ea. \Vrougilt $5. Grau mat rug $2. Call Tnick Motor SlO. Girl'• Bi1ftl ANSWERS Clarinet and caae $ll. Iron ni&ht stand S 5 • for whll you need. ~U45 20" $12. Webcore Tape 536-8S4.t . _ _._,_. •• CABINE:I' doo and d Recorder $2S. Barber Chair Driven _ 8 .. ,n~ _ Ballet _ Bedroom 1:,,,.,.._,,.,. ..,.. Rlll: 1"11 rawers $25. Beauty Chait and Sink ......ue GRADUATION suit. sizn U $5. Gas stove with crlddle new $1.50 each. ;~xl7x35 ex-$lO. each, 52 Kaiser as \s Clergy -Beauty -?ali&bap (husky), 1• and 16. Ullt clean $25. green rug 9 ic 12 terlor plywood 50c each. s-(J -HJ W--NEARSIGHTED new fJ:> each. 961-Mn / $1. ea., SilVttWal'e 5c. 10c. Rodrine cha.Ir SlO. -eouee .-> ves · Tourist: Yesterday I went Dishes white pottery S5 set. table $3., S\1f1Clay on I y $25. each 545-MI:i to the top of lhe Empire DRESS form W&l&t size .. !i Hoover cannister vacuum ~1443 \VESTINGHOUSE Afr Con· State Buildin& to look at the $8. Study desk 1 dn. _ $10. TV RCA console ~. HlGH quality d res, e,, dilioner $20. Porter Cable city, $8. New Marvel Mlllt&nc Bed frames $2. Upholskred rcmlals and unlformals SlO Router Plane $25. oak Dest Friend: Did they chara:e ~~M$8~n::1Jfo.~ chair-SlS. Gas waU heater and ns .673-1431 .. 'Chair $5. 540-S289 you $1.00? $20. Dinette aet $20. Poll OUTBOARD 1l HP Evinrude BOY'S Bike Old Stingny 1 Tourist: No, they charged ANTIQUE l'Odter $15. Anti. and pans lOc -25c_· Sat and $25.. 11 foot 3 point hydro fi11t Tire $4. Unicycle ex· me SO cents because rm que cane roclDer and cbalr ~_:._md-' ~tion Ave., plane $25. 4 track tape dedl: cellent condition $10.-2531 NEARSlGHTED. $15 each. 3 bedroom cbain .....,..,.,. e1 ....... Fordham Dr., Costa fl1esa. BARGAIN in hwnan hllr $8 •J»toe. 536-0321 USED Buildirw aupPlies: 8: ~WNIE l G.E. MANGLE good coo-wipl New, hand. t le a. AUTOMATIC washer in W!!r1 window 2' h'tgh x 8' wide '1.1 ° v e dltion $25. 2 gallon outboard frosted wle S'lO. Blacko1wlg eood condition sz.· 1 camera $5. Rabbit ear •u:. 1 l""'t brown turban ...i... "-2 ~ with center fixed panel, . wo antenna SOc. Swivel oUice cu tank $8. Heavy . ducy ...... ...._,. .. ,. for Kenmore WUPo::l" ....,..... • sides roll out $10. 4 ~ chair $12.SO. 3 coUee pots construcllon tow chain $10. $10. 531·1923 Kl tood c:oMltion $1. All folding doors for opening Helwig overload springs and 3x7%' WORK bench with 8 kinda cf used waabe:r partl" 7/10 w x 617 x 13/8 $14. And expresso $1.SO. New 4. cup trailer hitch $10. Boatwinch drawers $lS. 2 stack chall'I In &ood condition $2 to $1D. 5/10 w .x 6/8 b x l/3 $12. ri7s" ~~· 8 ~J a~1:1i:inum and cable $6. Electric oc. $3 each. 201 30th St., ,;":,:,:,7 ... .:.U:.:S==~~~~­ f>48-9700 . ' ee e 1 nl!\V cillating ran $5. Table lamp Newport REDUCER HO volts • U $6. Round mlrror .3 0 ' \Vest Auto washer $25. Dou· diameter $3. Hair dtyer $2. with aha.de $5. Be 1 g e 18-FOOT parachute $5. 10. volll $15. Antique 9ewlna· ble bed trame $4.~ Relax· Shoes size 9 new a.t $25. brocade (mother Cl bride} foot IUl'fboud $20. Pet machine $25. Gu stove Wffli -a-dzor $la. M a t er ri'fl 'i $5. 644-0581 dreu \\"OtT'I once size 14 cost ducks $1 lc $3. 540-4808 eves grill $25. i..wn chair tramea' clothes· 10 • .12 $2.50 ea. 10 SPEED bike needs T.L.C. :..o:i~~ $1S~i~e 5'0~ and weekends $1tach.Part.1958 CadWaC Nuraery chair $2. 1863 $20 540-4731 Asaorted books and dishes PING Pore table $3. Elee-~e~ :0':1 f:~ Beam Samar Dr., C.M. M~E items 30"xfiO"x2" 5c to $3. Water skis singles trolux vacuum SS. N~Mar bottles SS each. 197-7350 4 ICE Cream ~ha.In'. heart Iron bound ha.lch boards and double $5. Addlna end tables $150 eac;h. Knee· design ror pabo or indoors sandbla.ited ready to finish machine no. 3129 Betmuda, hoJe desk a. -Bookcase, TEACHERS! Salurooma? . $15 ea. New seats and paint. 116 each. Md;t and antenna Costa Mesa 545-44l2 a.wan $1.50. &4&{j607 Dec:otaton E x ~ 11 e n j 642--293.2 fer ship IO &bore radio 12V, (4) 560 x 15 'J'IRES and VW ANTIQUE mahogany bed ::!~ 1~ 1~ f':.:t, JUNKING '60 "Chev. station Sliihtly bent but good $25. rlma all $l!i. {2) Rear axles $15. Ortho mattn:u and portable, framed ·an waeon complete alr con.. Tcpisldet' ,foul weather boots tor Sunbeam $10. Popular lff)rings $25. Fireplace set JJihted, completely painted dltlonin& $20. 4 barrel carb. slie 11, calf length $10. 150 ScienCe and Mechanica '59 $25. Antique vue $25. Small with wroulhl iron .. flur-- ·$5, starter $5, new shocks., pound tol'IJ\le wrench $25. and '69 SJO. 548-8008 air oonditloner $25. ~ck ry 4 left $25 each. 14'1-7318 No ether part ever $lD. Front end· cf Jabsco p.imp and white 'IV set need aome 536-2051 no motor $7. Wood shell SINGLE Mattre51 $ 12 • repair, beautiful cabinet KROEHLER 3 pil!ce bnrwn 1{10£..A-BED $l5, matching blocks for " line S8 each. 646-7226 $25. Saturday only 2419 C. sectional $25 eacb llflCtlon. DAILY 9·9, SUNDAY 10·5 12 years same location chair ss. Full bed complete Bronze sheavers. 1 a r g e OSTERIZER $5. Baby crib, Elden Ave. C.M. rellJ' houae ~'62-8584~='°"'=~~-~~ JlO. Chest cf dra"-ers 151 $8. pneumatic boat tender $10. good condition $1S. Car seat en right side 20" SCHWINN Stlnct"Q bike -same OWnen 22 rtne single shot $12. 168~~ 646-9550 $J . Stroller-SL Desk $3. LARGE steamer trunk all $20. 26" Murray two apHd E. 21.al St, C.M. 645-2'740 ATTENTION Brides! 1 2 !_h~c"r ~~;: $~.ish~ood~~ metal one side, dr-awen one bike $5. Electric·pitar $1.!i. ==~~-----1 pta-.. ttlnga Io v e I y '" •Ide, clooet o~-$20. Zenith HI-fl Mono record Cfff;:)"I' ot drawers wh.lle ""' headboerd $3. Call 540-5$5 .---· · Fumltvre 8000 Furniture 1000 Furniture 8000 Office Furniture IOIO formic• top 36 In. wide x 36 Ncritake china $25, servinc 548-1560. 221 E. 19th St., player $1!1. 962-5l49 ----~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii In high " -'-wers s•• pieces $10. G.E. hand mixer n" CONSOLE G.E. TV, C.M. ZENITH CON101e attteo $25. • EXQUISITE Spanish STEEL company releases GU..2932 ......,... 10 • used twice $7. Chrome wooden cabinet $25. Dunlop SEARS craftsman Lawn 9xl2 bram.d nil S 2 5 : • I Mediterranean from Model SU?Jlil.LS offict' f'Unl\ture . dinette and 4 chairs. Drop cblmplOnsblp tennis balli. JTlOWt!r $25. TV SJO. Day bed Wrouaht iron sofa wHb Hemes. Eastern brand •Files • Desks • Chlln:, GMASITIRangl _ '1no·~~e and Jeal perfect for camper or tl.75 a can. Copper floor $lO. 2 G.E. irons $1. foam cuablona $25. 9:1112 natnes. CompJete housefUls etc. e "" • ,......., very house boat $25. S4S-A!75 lamp $5. Call 49M925 Handbap $1. Clothes 2Sc to 10 gold nylon ~ Ja I cf quality furniture, Ki1111: McMAHAN'S m-MSO clean $25. 6U--2fJ32 1 O GALLON p em c 0 I7" PORTABLE TV $25. 12V $3. 2 Danish modem chairs 968-Ul3 t siie bedrooms. Juli or twin., 1830 S. Anahei~~lvd.Sln BLUE Cbip stamps eleven aquarium including renee-Fan $1. 150~ East 18th, both $7. 2 tratJer.milTon $3. =lW=lN~,,,.,--ma~ftma--aod~~boll-DECOIAfOR GETS CANCRLATION custom quilted sofas " love Anaheim (aJo.~~;..e · · booka S3 each. 6@.2932 tor, pump, sub-sand filter, 548-6529 Dishes and ceramics 5c to aprinp $1.1 aet. Pm1UJ1e TV OF 18 WXURY 'APARTMENtS' seats, lamps, tab 1e 1 Freeway at Katella) WALNUT Shelf group larie wrought-Iron stand, flab $25. CAPUOilN monkey, male, 4 $1. 2663 Rlvenlde Or. Costa $20. Danish modem much I beautilul dining room sets & el"IOUl'h to hold stereo 1 Wes tlnghoust two-burner years old. LeMh· trained. Mesa. 646-8687 $10. Coffee table $4. Card Spanisll & Mediterranean Furniture 6 chaif'!i'. Au t 0 ma 11 c Offic• ·Equipment. IOI 1 record shelf 2 shelves ...... elecbic hot plate (stalnless PET B•nnl" g w1e•· old $l table $1. Vacuum -•--refrigerators, washer. Save M ,,_ 15 A Accustomed to roofed, out· ~ ..._,.. All BRAND NEW hundreds cf dollars fr 0 n1 ADDRESSOGRAPH Beautl blue pair lamps on steel, like new) $ . rgus door cage, $25. Call 646-Mf9 each. 6'6-4095 SS.SO. Booka 25c .. Sir 1 . -•. ~ ... "' .._ rl rl Full rl ~~ / "" 71,5....... marble bases no shades $20. 7S mm camera with case 20 GALLON ohow aquarl•m WOOL ca-•· ,,_,. a-" Silverware 5c • lOc each. TY Moc.. Mllll•Mrt'-wi _.,.. MOW ".._" 0 g. P ce. P ce ""°"· w sup...,es. .... '""'JV ,. .. _pie ·-w heck "'' ··• na·• •ttachme.nt in· ........ ~ '""' "-lOc ·-• ~-~Jlf.,;.O:/~·c.n!Om "au1\:s9!' 'w"lih ""t>tctiln9L='1-• \Viii separate. Tenns. BUY ... ....... •Luu "'' $15. 10. gallon Pemcc 8'xl7' and '18xl8' ~ncludes tu.,.,s e ........ ~-1!1,.,,"Wlbt~1110NU1s.!!"1.~~ ' .. M t•.~~-1.:.:·.:-.~·:: .... ··'fft1: ANY PIECE OR HOUSE-bench and pad good in entry eluded $7. Kodak Inslamatlc atuarium $8. 5 gallon Pem~ pad $10 each. Occasional tte:ma 2Sc $.\. awn p, ~ .. ~:r:i-l:::'L:Scyl:!t. ~n, ·:::::::::::::~= i[:= FUL G1r1ge Sile I022 or bedroom $20. \Vhile SS. Coleman camping stove co tank $3. New cosmic chair SS each. Slipper chair each. Camplna: equiP1*Qt llli H-lftt -""•~ .. Tl ... w .tsl ........... WAREHOUSE SALE AOK le1t1.ther vanity bench ff, '1· Call 6'1317!M CdM plAlon pump. healcrii $1-$3. $10. Walnut end tables S5 lOc S10. 2622 Santa -'-1 A decorator dream house on display -2 ml Garden Garve Bl. GARAGE SALE !i~pli:~,tie~ :~ =~:~· EVERYTltING perfect refl ector I ncluded each. Small cirl'• bicycle ~~ ~t-sui:s~~Plla..Ol@ili rooms of gorgeous Spanish furniture {was \Vestminster. 11;2 block West ~7,IT, s.1 '1· SunD. 1f.C7M 2983 Ceylon Dr., Me~ 125'ha .... Cha~m1"10t. s:is,,,, .. ,DWo! EverythlnJ like n fl w. $10. Auorted lamp&·Sl to $5. park in street) from the comer of Beach _ , n ty r., Verde areL ~ " 54&-1339. 51n&le Hollywood ·bed S5. reg. $1295.00 Blvd. nerT G.G. Freewa.y). Buffet desk books break; mmds lOc to $1. TV ll!t VAPOR-KOOL enline cool& Trailer hitch $3.. Holly .,_ .. DRILL $11. 6C-l80l. FICE $398 Open 10 to 9 Sun. 10-6 fast ~t ml~ item's. TWO Twin bed mattrewa. S15. <Double bed $20. Rattan , stopt ndlator overheallna Junior door $5. O ctbet: POWER l'l"IC>Wet p$. Lawsi I SAC.I 8, , 5• DIVAN mod 7 .... ' · Good condition $10 each. chair and pillows $25. Mat. I'". 2 mantle -'man llO. hamper 50c. Electric motors mower $5. S!OW needl • • • • • • • • •-GARAGE SALE " Furniture, liff.-0468. •-· $10. • -•1 .. arid men·1 ~ ~ ~ .. - fY"Dff, llHUill!O -we CM•Y <Nit oww -."CcTs dng. set & end tbl. Look Ir: to 2 Shirl T I doll u..::-.,...., Slngle mantle Oolman SS. $3 each. M19 Bruce '-R• clean In I $10. Twin makr: olr. 503 Carnation ys, ey e~pe 1' MOVIE Pnljector $2•. ck>lhe1 lOc lo $L Sboes 10c 7766 Bristol, Space 7, Cotta cent64~74 bed1pre~d1 S2 pair. II m AJRNITURE -· Ave. CDM China dolls. kn~ek-knackl'. Portable movie screen $12 ton. Art paintings $1. Anti· J.1eA 6 FOOT boat flS..1208$ Thurib Upholstered roc:ktt S 5 . 2656-A Newport vd Cttar) Canyina: $6 Dayllt · que clau ware $3 IO $5. Upholatered o e c • 1 l·o 11 a . HIDE -A BED, Ear I y CM. ~2134 _ __ _ _ viewers $3 ~$18 . .Aluminu; Silver wate ll<!t $25. Dolls 3 WOOD pallet& met al St. C.M. cbalr $5. Bi.ell Amerlcan. good condition. GARAGE SALE extrusions 2" x 1-16'' x 6 ft. 25c to fl.25. Old hand carv· frames S3 each. 1 wbttl ~~~.:_"id, J;, Nr~w= :-vd.t awffper $2. 0oya 34peed 1844 .ewport Blvd I.. li73-64t7 a.fttt 4 pm. The Blufls, 2313 Vista Hopr 75. Traverae roda $2 to S11 ed trunk $25. 1999 RoJJemary tnl1er new \tre $25. 543-5123 •nw --.... bike flO, lOxU be I & · • Hareot llvcl.) TAN BROCADE SI e ~ p Fri., Sat., Sun, 10 AM. New ca.rryillg and 11.mple Pl., comtr of 2>th. Cotta CAPTAIN Ch 1 l r! End Mt. Brown, Mir'· )'&I'd ~ $5. lSU .C>ranif Cos M I Olvan. $«!.. ANTIQUES Plua Much Miac. cue $6. 64~ Mell. &a-3391 table $11. Jev.'elry 7Sc. Pk:-TWO leghorn layine be1ll and Ave. CM. 642-68tl ta 811 on y * 644-:UTI * Dally 12-2 2l1S Pacific Dr. O'KEEFE Arxl Menitt stove KJT0tEN ec.ale $3. &i:allon t\U"ft frames lOc IT. CIP IS-Canary and ca.ee SATURDAY A knday three OIF.Sr of dra"-ers w/ m.11'1 (End cf Acacia) Cd~t excellent oondlUon s. s. p.s can With spout,, $2.50. Figurines • C:OUter 2Sc. $5. Give lllY Sold ft.ah • l • 5 o o M • c. • i 1 n • Eftry Nftttt 'TU t -Wed., Sit. & Sun. 'TQ 6 lamp. Port. stereo, vanl· GARAGE SALE srlddle, loldlrl&' hood $25. BJkt handle ban 50c. Power Vues 25c Bullocks black home ftte. 5t6-ot69 ce.nerakln, $25i ea c b . shelf. Best cUer. 675-4308 JUNK TO ANTIQUE ~7631 unit G.M. $2. Davenport, and gold )'OUth $25. toxJO TENT iood ahape $1.5. Walnl.lt speaker box, I' x 4'. --------·-------··. -~ It MOVING SAL&-Furniture &: 336 A. Vlctorla. CM ln ttll' CAR Cooler window lyle $5 makn lnto ~ $3. Maple Mattn:u h In I Cute desk stool $1. Melll $10. Corvalr p&ru; ffpeed ·'z""':.;.:oltu:..:.;.re:----"-'""°"°° ,F_u_r_n_11u __ ,.______ · ===~~°"·--~• 1 · ~ frame, Rood aprtnp a . rvc:klrc fl5, Cost ovi:r, trunk $1. Oothn hamper SL I.rt tukie:t, $25. MS re.ar •ad j •. 161 Mesa ~~ta lttesa. ANTIQUES, cha.In. tables, Bon Air cm ~ler t Enslne ad.apte:r Otte)' Ne. Stto new far all ~-Laree frames $1$. Record $25. Enalne .,..... $S .. $25. Appf'Oftll fumitur• MATTRESSES lampt , now thna Sw'ldly! blowtt $25. Call $($..1382 0600, new $2$.. Metal ctLbl.nt Men's like new lhlrt:a slze pll1tr ~ M?er $21 eonee New dual& .,. Youtb llied , Spanish .. Mediterranean l'ofATTRESSES EUROPE BOUND. Io o d ma Hlgbland Dt., N. B. VW Body parts '5&-'U trunk needs. paint $5. Pl.ng po,_ medium SL. SUit $5. Drtuea maker ~bt'am. S2. Ll(bt $12. OolcO bH 'ft, VW -Di )'tmlture .. Sale!'Sale! Must Ml5-malehed box spriJw $S quality fumittft..must Rll GARAGE SALE ~ EX· lid and rims $3.5 .. 0 . table4''top$$.Scla>Oldelk me 54 $2. Sh;)ea TB $1. ftxtum $2. Tuppu wan low-dune~ .. .mo _11 aD 01,.,. bel tom mattrraes fl, htadboud Sl 1 ,.;=,,,,.·~•""'"m-4221,;,;,,..=~-~ model's clothing &lie 7.&-10. Carburetor $5. Fuel pump wtth a~ Sftt and Chlldrtn dothn Jnf&rlta to 50c. Small~ tiq 1Sc. 53&-7193 ld:'°wn ~ ~ r:n for Hurry while they tut. A0K MODERN grttO 9' couch 6: Plano. babold &QOdl, boob $3. Tim: $2. 545-6134 Alra(e $1. 548-5123 alze 4, boys and sirla 5e to Picntc basket !iOc HJah ""'='"""~~-=-,,-I W~ 7722 Carden Cold chair, Exceptional pkn. SaUSun. 420TMOVING Mu.at Sale.: GuTAPE ~ stO. Cretpy $1. Polb' •t $1. !iOO chllr St Child:, bib 1Sc. ~~.?1t~~~ ... ~ \bC'wbutkflng!! 2159Harbor. Grove Blvd., "blk.Wtttol --• .... ..,.. * ·~-1 · ~--•Ip NB..._. .... "" , • _ _.. • ..,, .. CdM ~~ d~~ l lllU~._,....., __ Costa Me~. Dally t.I Sun. ti G G Frwy Open vai ..... -· vw-..... • ._... ..._...._ a!Dve with grlddJe to O:• 0.wkrl goop and molds ~-,...."-• ....,,,.,., ..... OQ, C a • • e • 1 llned nw silk lall1"lar'rul, ~ 11).5. 548-$660 ~:~u:"io.6. . . 19CT PELICAN PL CM. Sat. ttllent condition $25. Penni $4.$0. Camm. with film CHEMT.STRY lab $ 2 0 • bowl.I, PlM• 2Sc to SJ. lee new $15. 9Q..C1ll OfNING l'OOIU aroup. oval lbl 51xU", 6 bJ&hheck twivel thn. black & whtlt. Port. ·w . cor chl:na eab. $300.- Musr eell. New golden brn 8 It . .ofa ' chair. ~ &el or $195 llOf•. 2163 Placentia CM. ~ar Victoria. 642--7969 AMES Air )'d. ·rum .. game Oak Dinette Set thl., 4 cane bRdl: duilni, ~Mar top. 4 chain $50. glut coUeo tbl.. wast>er. Danlah modem desk $21 -'-'-'"-*-----~ ' Dbl b9d, bcadbou'd. white DANlSH PtJJ.&ander coffee I-lop $7. All 4 !Obit $40. 'p.m. Ml-tel • 494-064C ... NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 9' couch. bar sOs. JWC. aet, press curtains like new n to $3.50. Two tWin aprtnp $5. 2 549--0788 aushrr 'l5c. ArtUlc1al an.. ,;;;~~,.:.:;:..:;:::.-.,--·r-: lamps, tbl$, ml.sc. Sf6.-l'l0l $2. R.e<Dl'd albums 1't to $% chairs $3. H.O. raclnc set, 2 ruu. size &IO\'e pll!:nt,y er tlque mirror lri wood C'U1'9l!d B~WN .!!rb'~1:_!! I!!_! : MW Pat drts.~ and slclrts. •ta sz. Lamp $3. Potty .....__ work& wtU $25. frame SS.· Ottora.tora table! --• -~ pmna ~ ladies 1tae 10 chair 50c. High chair $4. ;;.;a $1.50. M.imn $2 each. tz, Work blnch a.nd ¥1N 1 A~pt~l_lan ______ 1_1_00 and 12,U to $4. Brown Clothes, women'a. boy, and Saturday afttr' 2 PM •nd $21. Net pll,ypett SS. Cal braidtd n&I fl. 2322: >.iun ctn• lOc to SS. 1'/'11 'M OLDSMOBILE u ii $2l. SUndl.)'. 125 E\tUerton, N.B.1,,,m= ..... ,...,..... _ _,, _ _,= Ave.., S.A. Ml).1507 WNtmlnster Avt., Co.ta :s Tburin Ave.. C.O.t& M8--14U KING alzie mattrttt ~ KENMORE Automatic washtt. loOd condition. $35. • .......... * PLACE youi want ad W'hl!n!I they .,. looldni -llAILY PILOTduolftldl- Me91, Apt 8 Ra LA.DfES dothlnc me 10, 50c Matctww ~ and lhmt More Dlm9 a-Llw BEAITl'lruL Year old male DOV&! IS Pl~· $4Mll65 to so. Chain 11 to $25. Bllt<I 1Z. Good --- teal pointer 60--Ml5 DOUBL& maple 4 PQl1ed $25. Lawn mower $3; Picnic 2 BOYS sport coats, Ila a Oft -9 CO<ART 1--$25. head •nd b>lboud bed 115-tabla SU.. Corpe! I 15 , Coal $2S. 117 llloa -· ... ' _,. Hl-11'11 646-UIC ~ · I -"16;..ll:;,';.._;;;,,_;;,;:;.. ____ I- l • I I - I ' ' . ,, it . • . , ... .. DAllY PllOT IA . ., . .. .. -.. -.-~. .. .. . ... -· POii ,I ll AND lllOTHlll Delw:a t -Tnn.1ator AM Portab .. ..... llOR THI IOAT OWlll IN THE FAMILY••• l l W load·._. H~ldtMD·11 ·-J:::' loathotn/ I And llltefoolrl •94so . r11t lh9tt fJw fVIMflOM 1D11 your boal fl-, • • whh tho new hond10m•IY ""'',.. ~yt.od M0·11. II'• ... ., to bulld too. Kh MDA·1t-1,..:.... SJ!Nk• ... , •• , .... •11.H . "' MOBll.f HOtl $10.1111!1 -OR.- $35,000 . ' ' AKC Oobennans ru1t A e SMAJ.J.. SAILBOATS e blaok ma1 .. • ,.,,,.,., '" UDO II, ""lier l8ti cellent dl.spogitlonl. 4M-&'l2Cl Minuteman almoat nu $775 HOUSEi SATURDAY NJGHT 2e~VER Toy ~lea ~~~~~ATS ~ . , ~AKC 7 Wkl. Stud 2614 Npt Blvd NS 615-2400 Come in today and ate )WC· W')' Uvinc at down to earth price•. Eapecl.ity now dur. Ina: our clearaDCe Mio on all display Jllf)detJ-tbey'tt: priced to aeD. lmmodlately. Parka available 11:1 all -• 6 30 P.M SHARPll service Poodle• I: Yorkiea ' : e •• .~::an Shepherd PUJ>', -.,.:1~ 17t'.._ Bay Harbor Mollllo Homo Solo• 1425 Baker St. AKC, 9 week&, lara:e boned. KITE No. 105 fUll and Inspect EARLY 1511 up. ,,..,,.. """' dolly. ""'· ~ A W "'-• "'UICKLYI GErutt shorthait pntr pupe.. JOIN THE nm FLEET II bloc:k Eal! of Hubor 81 .... on 8aJttt . I e _,, y AKC. N•U ohomp. Bo)adt :rJ' V ..... Sailbootl al 2 1 Slred. 6 M, 2 F. 96&-3597 •-·· -~• Pl , eocta Mesa cn41 5tl).8(TIJ -COit slip a\'au. Matty EXTRA tarie, cual. bit. 1-AOK Commlss:..n Gallery AUSTRALIAN lilk;y ten1er racing I. CNSinr actlvitiH. Br. mobil home: 55' long, "'"' •loo. Xlnt pod, lmport<d ~786 d'Y•· 5<8-8Sl7 all 7 •'/pop<>Ul room: b I l -1 n 7722 GARDEN GROVE BOULEVARD dog, •lud ree SlOO/ m.J8&1 pm . kitch. Laguna Park. Take 1 Block W'5l of Beach Blvd., off G.G. Frwy. ~· 38, TRI.MAR.RAN Ni~ MK 2 over equity w 11 h $3500 "!!!~!!!!!!! J Asghan Hound Puppies Float.I done, main hull cuh. Call O\\'ner da,va, :::; AKC reg, good qualily framed. $1,000 Inc I 11 des 494-7518; 49!l-1539 eve1 Mite. Wontod \ 1610 FREE TO YOU * 962-9989 * moo! maferla!L '"""'8\l DELUXE doobl• w Id' ---------1 ·---------iPRIZE Winning AKC Wlte FINN, No. ltJ.. and ne~iy mobile home in new park. $ WE BUY $ WE att the prod!Jcts of a Haired Terriers, wormed &: reflnllh!d trailer. Peninsula Costa Mesa. 646-4660 aft 10 $ FURNITURE $ lovable iilver tabby Mom~ shots. 54G--0214 2145 E. Ocean Blvd. _am_. -------1 APPL rANCES a 'friendly white Angnra Graduatton.FatheT'a Day 673-<1129, Sto> father which nlilis us 4 or Silver Toy Poollle1 KITE 2 11 El-~rl-C•rt -so !he m<>l!t desirq.ble kJttem. AKC $50. 847-34n , new mast, sa s, -• .. 74. c.i., TV'-111•"•'-Sttr••'• I 'l•c• 1 r HOii•• F11ll CASH IN JD MINUTIS • 541 -4531 • DESPERATE! Need e:ood, uaed refrigerator I stove Call: 646-4063 \VANTED: :Z cash registers, 2 or 3 koy.R. Prefer Sweda. 548-9755 WANTED: Window, 42"x36'', sliding: aluminum or louvre. 642-.J526 Aft. S or weekends ever. We need I o v I n g hlahway trailer; very good homes. 546-4065 5/30 Hor1ft 1130 cond., fine . racing rw:in:i. $695. Call: 673--4739 1 YR. old full irown male BEAUTIFUL '7 yr o J d STAR No. 4288, three suits Covered Electric Car including charger, $250 * 536-8100 .. doi:, had shots, looks like gelding p!ws tome tack. sails, cover. tralltt. Good Motorcyclft 9300 rr. I n . Co I 11 e . Good Kids heartbroken, $350 or racin&: record. Fully eqp'd, w/children. 675-5350 aft. 6 best otter . MS-0171 ready to aail. ;1600. 675-7$.1 '67 SUZUKI -$350 PM 5/30 2 BOX stalls with conaI & 1 RACING Sabol, like new No. X-6 Scrambler -250 CC \VHITE stove, good con-box stall wth 1hared corn.I. 4191 With alum dolly, lilting EXCELLENT.roNDITION 1 , dllion. 434 G.:ildenrod, CdM s.A. Hau. 540-5289 •line & garqe hoi!t $325. 6ll Kings Pl, N e w p o r t after S PM 5/31 846-1544 He~htJ:. BEAUTIFUL kitten! TRANS':'~TATION LIDO 14, 11111, new rJ.uing Eves & Weekends housebroken l weaned, al80 lolts a Yachts 9000 l mver S950. 'Call eve · &:. HOD.q{A 100 CC, like new pure white one year oJd wkend. fi13.200J. :.rn~e ~ ¥-; 3s~~ l o·,.ach Heathkit Ela.ctronic. Ctntacta a Harbor Blv . to Ball Ava. east on Ball •a faw 1hort bloc~s to llO East Sall or take Santa Ana Freeway to Harbor Blvd., Harbor Blvd to Ball, a few-iliort blocks and you're hare. Mlchlnery,etc. 1700 female. to aood borne. FREEi -Cl\Li'. Catamaran S595 . -6'13-42'11 5131 , • • )9nt cotld. H u n t 1 n II t o n e..492'1 TWO Bridgeport MWs tn real J KI'ITENS. cblrcoal1P"1¥, 1 S.slc Boating ClaSMI' Harbor area. 8*"11X19 L250="'u"o"ND=A'"°"'s-,-,-.-1n....,.b71-.. good condition $3500. Takft long hrd female,· 2 abOrt Offered to the public COLUMBIA 29, l/3rd in-Olltom. much ch ro m a , :bo:"'=°'="":::m.::::,....:::::7151==~ J tlr't1· males. 642-306 5/Sl. by the Balboa Power tttest. Top oond, extras. many Xtras. HEATHKIT 310 EAST BALL, ANAHEIM 2 YR old female Doxie, 1ellj• Squadron •tart.in.I 7 S}~ dft. 6'2-329.5, 673-7211 897-7078 .. SALES & PARTS SERVICE FREE TO YOU "'""''' loYable a ..-. P.M. Monday June * KITE No. '135, u w, 1965 HONDA "° Very obedient. Miist oot be 2, Newport Harb o.r traller, :near:lY new. Many Scrambler. $325. cc . 776-9420 776-9423 1 BEAtmFUL baby faced mated. 962-6007 : • • 5(31 Yticht Club, 720 West extraS. $995, 6'1'J..5.S27 * G4s.3361 * Appll kitty. A liltle lady 8 weeks l KITI'ENS 7 mo. old, 1 B a y Av e Newport 13~ii lo,.. Metcalf sailboat SURF r ider 1 Brigg stone, old, bi'""k w1'lh w b,,, wh1'J0 , ,I blk. & wh•''" " U.An d I •""" 1100 1600 -• ~ Beach "' n r o l I a t w/trailer as Is make oUer ...... "". i ·· '"' · booties. w,,-", • t••'--d. ,_,_, "" '987 5/31 · +' ....... """" '""' • u"' llu , ... u. .,...,..... cl.ass. For additiorial 546-2760 ..........,.,~ ances 8100 Pi1no1 & Organs """'"----1130 Miscellaneous 8600 Miscellaneous WESTtN G Hou s E F u 11 y auto ma I i c por1able dish ..... Top -; washer. Hold 18 pince lllgl. 3 cycle, 2 speed. lid opening, wllite, ca top. Very exCf:llenl Ion. $15 Firm. 646-0836 model Hotpolnt mach. $7S. Matctt·a $50. Contmn.. din condlt LATE ....,, .. dryer 1uite, 4 1wtvel chrs $75. All new.~ u '~M ORE Automat ic r, late model, xlnt w .. he cond. sr.o ... 847.ail'5 MAYTA G washer & dryer, model, pink. Both for se>-Jl42 deluxe $125. E'RE 1125. EZER l6cf:U. fl. Upright Kenn'Klii auto wsbcl'!l Bth only 2~ yrs, 155. .... 1155 2 OR a ~~-~-~~ Ide !W side Admiral deluxe , wldtc, retrlg. Xlnt 842-f:ilS.1 aft 5. oond. MAYT .AG, Wringer washer • excellent condition 54-1638 .... "'·"'· KENM ORE Gu dryer, late :I DAY ON LY PIANO SALE SAT • SUNDAY • 1.JON NEVI , , ••• , , ...... , , . USED Grands e Consoles e Spinetl Practice Pianos from $125 .................. \VAS NOW Starr Studio $445 S295 Knabe Prov grnd S2'f:i0 $2195 Qllckering.graDd $2395 $1725 A!oUan Grand $1595 111118 Brambach Gtirid $1595 $1085 Ol.ickering O:ms $1395 695 Lester Spinel ST:i9 $445 MANY · 1.1ANY . MORE Specia l c;:arload Buyl Nationally Fimous Brand S965 Consoles $122 ~fed.ill waJnut, bench incl. Gould Music Company 2045 N. Main, SA 547-0681 GULBRANSEN ORGANS WURLITZER PIANOS & ORGANS PiaOO!I & Organs Rented EVERYTHING· IN MUSIC Beach Music Center * * MIXED BAG * • HouSl'hold and p e r s o n a I items, including Honeywell Hieland Strobe with battery case, 4 x S film holders, convertible bar and two' stools, palarold rwi.nger cam- era, maple che!t and riWTor, case and bowling ha.I( lull wig and caR, maple bed frame, dishes, bed spread, rug, bird cage, utensil!, and other itenu. 905 Park Ave., Laguna Beach~9822 ._ "-PIECE Slingerland drum Sf'.'t complete with 1tanda and Hi hat (No Cymbalsl $275. Heath amp $50. 12 string elect guitar $75, 6 atring elect guitar $60 (6 strinp never used) Call after 6. 642--S23(i KNIJTED F ABRKS "FOR SALE Remnants, samples & Mill end1 Sat. Only 8 a.m. to i p.m. 929 Baker, Colla Mesa. O.FFICE aale, desk $15. Call for her nltes or 2 WHITE & grey kittens, · 1 'Y~AMAH==.~ss~~c~c'". '"''"62,-•t'"•"P 1 weekend. 54S-9578 5/JO . , information p h o n e Kl'l'E, Ne\v sail, :l masts, Pl)'\\-'OOCI panel aaw, 2 cut· real person a I 1 t y. ~. 675-0467 or 673--l85S racing gear, cover &: trailer thru. Needs work $50 or of- oU saws, table saw. Cheap. FOUR l\1ASKED BANDITS Siamese, * 1.fanx. To good S?SO. G73-8ll7 fer. 642-0107 aft 5:30 Cash register S.15. 4000 lb kittens w/whlle face, chest homes. Hsebtkn & wea.ne:t. DISCOUNT Marine e&ta10( · · HONDA SOcc $75 Forklift, $700. 1~ Ton '59 I: feet, 2 calico, 2 tabby & 644-1288 5/31 save Up to 60% on finest ISLANDER 24 fu~l race Or BEsT OFFER. • 968-190'1 Chevy, Stake dump bed. buU. Also l male aulnea MALE O:lihuahua. blk/tan l knpwn brands in marine cu,sttim :ictras, ditrgy & Plywood &·lumber at cost! \%. 546--9965 5/30 )T. old. No children, pie~. elec~lcs.' hardware, )'aeht moorln.g. $4600. 549-0957 Y~ al dirt GK'i' charn· Bcistol Plywood, 3030-TO Good home. Mixed 642-59<14 5131 gear, .fishing gear, all ac-CAL.CAT ber,bd.,rotaryvalve.Many Briatol, C.M. 549--0188 Cx:ku-Water Spaniel 2 )T!, 3 FLUFFY kittens are look· ce1110ne1 for power or WI. $600. Xtras $115. f94..S752 Sporting & Camping • Ten~ • Cots e Sleeping bags • Stoves • Lentems • Car top carriers. .Ulllted Rent AD TIO W. 19lh-St .. Costa Me~ W.0760 -- e RUMMAGE SALE e TRASH & Treasures' from app r o x. 400 homes. Spanson-d b.Y New p o r t Shores Women's Soc I a 1 Committee, Cl ubhouse 511 Canal, May 3oth 9 · am -5 pm, ~ 311t 9 am-3 pm. ' male. alJ black. Will ruard F0<Jr your copy send fl,00 lo * 675--0981 * '66 SUZUKI. rebuilt: luapge ! :you and your ho 1n e. ing for happy h 0 me ' 24'!.'°""1'• ~~-Supply Co. TAHOE 10 fast, stable. plan-rack, good tires; 600 ml on a• 548-0580 673-1071 5/31 "" . \.Ull.3t H w Y . ·1...,.-1 M I U nl new mtr. $340. 548-8998 •' · 6 K 1 TT E NS, variety of Newport Beach, Calit 92661} ~ sa~ us se o Y • POODLE, female, 2'h years blk/wht. markings. Must LYNG, •lat" 2 wu. •--. u' --·-------· 11968 T.C. 3JC> Suzuki, 550 mi., '' old (between standard k ha .. -... 1 make otter. 962-0072 miniature) frtt 10 good ve new homes soon. Is '6( Weatwind 20' gl.aMI---------========= ; home. 644-1548 Sill 54~1913 5131 &loo.p ~lngh,y motor, a.II 5f'"d::~ki Bo.ts 9030 Auto Services ' KfITENS, 1 wk&. old. Train-equ~P,· lpc.;t new ·2$' oU MOVING' must stll':14• ....., &. Parts 9400 ~ 3 KITIENS. long haired l'd & \Veaned, f I u ff y. lhott·· mooring ideal Lido boa . '"" whlll', grey/white, tiger Dk/gry and white female. Isle loc $2225 fi15.-3685 t, mtr. & trailer. $500 or striped ? 1630 Myrtlewood, ,54~&-J.130~~===.....,~S~/YJ~l~m-0386:=:;;~~· ,,=·,...,-~,.'·'I-::"':':' :o':'':':· :":,.:""='=== 546-5242 5/31 .. AB AND 0 N ED Puppy, 30' ffiRIS Craft, lapslre,ke, ' ANSEN Sprint wheels, 15" .. Corvelte or Chevy, New : condition. 540-Q.47 1 AOORABLE kitten.R 8 wks old, housebroken, grn eyes, exl r ad . m ar ki n gs 615-5983 • 5/31 female, blonde, Cocker or twin screw, fly bridge, lilllJ Bo.t Trailers 9032 Heinz. !Shame, people in contmlls, elec refrlgeratlo!l, , Tr11Jler, Tr1Vll1 9425 ~ green car) 548-7466 5/30 Great Marlin fishing bolt. WANTED: 20 boat tralle~. lG' FIREBALL Tra\ler • n.. . ===------1 Southwind Marina Te-i~-• 546-6?82 or 613-3734 L>llW KI'ITENS, male & female, •w.u.tP& new condition. MMY Ex· WANT Good home for 8 mo. long & short hair, 2 wht. Is.land, No. G 32. 213: HU • trns! Call after 4 weekd~. ' ·old mother and 6 wk. old w l th 1 b I u e eye .. 3-3434 Jo1t Mll11ten.nce 9033 .962-2737 WEDDING Dress. Silk org. kitten, both calico ind long 545-0351 5/30 Z2' GLASSPAR Cab. Cr 3 =~==--.,..,--,..,.. haired. 642-5488 6/2 ' JACK'S Electronic Service 16' SELF contained trlr, ovr. W . Daisy in. on bod, !oi: SIAMESE male blac_k_ kit· e_ ... ,.LIO, ~~ Wland/O~ ~.,!~· Electrical --· , ___ ,, ,·awning, '"'cks, drpa, $1000. sleeves It front. de!. train, S BEAUTIF11L kJttcns, 'Ai 8 k: old de il 111 a..uau ..,....., .. 16 ~ ... ''"'"...., '°' model, * Aucno * fngrtp. veil $15. Si 7. !UmaJayan, pt . Persian, en w s. ' v 11 Y 842-3548 ' · new lnsWlatlon. 543-8329 5'8-4454. N "'" ~'" playful, "'" f " I "'d , -23=""• °"TRLR="".-•""-"'°1--°"nd-c-! ""'N"""'l I --=-=,,-------I h11e lrnd, free lo ramilies. ~S--0397 S/30 10• GLASS, -' Ir ""'U will .. 11 o• buy " 497 1883 5131 RUNABOUT Marine Equip. 9035 ··•r -n•a•·--,, 1 ~. ba w/ ;i:,11 Windy a·~ BEAUTY equipment. com--TO GOOD home, J orange Superb Bay Cruiser & ----'"-'"'---'-"" ;bwr""' s.im.'~' '9nt coDd. $60. Factory Sales & Servic.t * 847-81l5 * Daily 12 noon 'tll 9, Sat 9-5 G:.t. El 110 or ditiGa.~ ectrlc dryer, runs on 1T44H Beach Blvd., {Rwy 39) 2J) v. Excellent om-1~ mi. So. San Diego Fwy. $50. 847-6319 lluntinglon Beach 847-&S36 ~------1 Auctions Friday 7:.JO p.m. plete work station, dresser, * KfITENS * tiger slriped kittens, wean-Fishing Boat, Every poss!· KELVI~-.White com~. 5". mirror, hydraulic chair, 541).9963 ed & hshril.n . 536-6610 aft. !i ble extra phll trailer. Sl50. Value_ flOO, will la.ke $60. Windy's Auction Barn shampoo bow I • new, 5/31 PM 5130 673-2517 67>2400 499-2770 X1nt cond. •-nd reasonable. 968-4731 I~=~--~--~ * 642·96n * 30· Travel Tnuler. • . Anti' -1110 ANT!Q Vic 00 In UE Coll. Item, 1850 ttrian couch & cha.Ir, ptetely restored. 536-3339 ANTQ. .,,.-,..,.-..,,_,,.,.,-, -w-l~l~h bin&: Vo" cr.y1taJ pane backing. Complctey re- " perfect 16 3/16 x 75, Alm chair c.aning. 6'J5.-0llG5 mate !or oond. 34"-I. . =~== Sowl ntfodtlnn 8120 1969 s walnul ton ho mo. or INGER with :cig-zag &r console. Makes but· les. dealgns etc .• $5.25 $36.00 cas.h. 52&6616 Music al Inst. 1125 y am.a.ha Bau. Cullar 's ..... 1125. DEA.GAN VIBES i'ravelet' model. Brand new. tliXI. """'"' HAMMOND • Steinway · ·· maha • I'll?\, & used planoe: or all makes. Best buys In So. Cali.1. r!ght here. SClThllDT MUSIC CO., 1901 N. Main, Santa Ana WANT Player piano w/rolb, good cond .. from priv. par· ty. 642-6316; 613-,2413 eves. Televl1iop 1205 RENT OR BUY COLOR TV Monthly ratf'S low ;;is $7 Rent w/purchasc option FREE WIGS We also rert &: Rll Stereo-Wa1hers·Refri91 772-0730 23" ADMIRAL Color TV. '69 mod, cost S61JJ. Saailice $295. AJ90 23" B&:W TV, 1teroo rec pla)'er, AM/FM rad combo, a beautiful ACt! ochl Tony's Bldg. Mal'!. I :c===,-,=---=~ FREE k:jttens • 8 \\'ks. old. 2 OtrrSTANDING Cock.a-pro NEW PERKINS DIESEL. 4- 2075% Newpoprt, CM 646-8686 SACRIFICE Head Muter blk. long hair, 1 calico, l Puppies 61,i •'eeks 540-3828 SACRIFICE 107. 2-1 \Varner gea r . 9450 SCUBA GEAR c 0 mp 1e 1 e Skis "''/marker bindings. tabby, ~i Siam~e. t short · 5130 1967 26' saber OusJtr, '75 Ch.tat $17ll0. 714: 879-5044 1 _T_•_•_il_.,_•_.._u_i_il_it,,_y __ _ 1150. 2 pc sect'l w/ corner Used 4 times. \Vorth $165. hair black, 1 tabby . . hrs total time. Like new, I============' I 1 _ WHEEL Trailer. New i l bl """ Sell $85. Wood skis w/boota 54&-9439 5/31 4 DAR.LING fluU.v kittens to sleep 5. Walk-in head, n· loat· 't achf G d ~-""OO a e, l.w. Inner spring mat-& bindings SSO. 494-6961. loving home, J blk, 1 solid dlo, covers. n4: 536-3821 Cho~rs 9039 ~·"123 o o .......... ..,.,. . ttts.1 $1. R.etrigttalor $25. 3 BLK/Whlte and 1 gray kit· s4o-5o82 5/30 .-1• ~ 20871.~ Tustin Ave, Cr.f. KELSEY HND PR NT G. tens and their mother who gra,y. 16' CHRYSLER Charter 18.1. ---------========= 548-8458 PRESS wth lg. usortmt. ot ts Calico, to good houie. WOODEN cues at Model 26 hrs old. Volvo Tenta N E WP 0 RT H AR B 0 I} Trucks 9500 SALE of i;undry hsld . .,.1,, type & so forth. Best oUer, 897-5480/836-4493 5131 Gla.ss Co. 1644 Superior Engine. Beaut con d, CRUISE --------- ' I 548--1582 C.M. 646-3231 5/~ emergency sale. o •ya In your own yacht, 6 pass 'li6 atEVY PU. Take over urn., ilc lbclul'l'a, garage & J KI'M'ENS, 17 wks old, 1 5 BEAUTU"UL .,,....., ""er-642-ii009 eves 543-?02'1 Lic'd/lns'd, re1 6'&-9000 payments. Nttds body grrlen. tools. old crocks, pot. SINGLE woman mem-orange ma e, l orange . . .... ~.. ... 1 ,:;;=,:;~;,· ~:.;.;::;:..,...-:oll.-w;;'W;;;i~-i';;ii;~~ work. call after 6 PM tery, etc. 2Qtl5 hvinc Ave. lx':tship, exclusive c I u b : female, l grey female. Box . striped kittens. Ver Y tr STEVENS kelth black, 58 ~LUEWATER CHARTERS 673-2614 NB. reasonable. Box r.f-489, Dal· trained. 642-6365 5/31 playtuJ. 642-0896 5/30 hemi Chrysler 398 cu. Jn. 450 2'1 Trojan, Power MOVING. Oric nt;il rug 8, ly Pilot FIVE beaut. kJttens. ha 1 f FREE lo responsible adulls. hp, 85-90 mph. Sacrifice 26' Thunder~ird, Sall Jurn., bric a brae, misc. r.10V!NG. Complete baby Himalayan, part Persian, 4 long hair kittens. Part $2,000. 8J5...54116. Eves alter 6 Sldpper avail. 646-9000 \\'asher. dryc"I", 1'0!\SSl'rie shoe bronzing ouUit. in· house I rained, lree to Persian. GU-6401 5/30 673-1258 CAL '24 for CHARTER June 2, 3, 4, 1~3. 2021 eludes showcase &: mount. families. 497-1888 5130 TAKE homf! a kitten, % 22' TOLJ..YCRAF'I' cabin $30 Day-Sl80 Wetk. Bayside Dr. Cdr-.1. First 1150 takes all 543-1998 1.lANX Wht male adult cat, 2 Siamese, 5 wks. old. We-an-cruiser, 170 V-8, encl. head, * &46-2957 * ~JB'°M:-,-:-,,..,-,,-,...-~-,-1"-,-$37-.-so-.1 9'8" JE!'FERY O a I e tor1oise 1hell sister ?-.1anx to ed. 549-3261 5/30 galley. Sleeps 2+2. Oean & a;. S Rl'minglon 10 key add'g aurfboard, ,75. Office desk go together. also wht rats. SMALL part Boston Teniu fast. $2,000. 540-5289 t torage 9048 '63 OIEVY Panel auto trans. $700. 613-9255, rves & '""""' Truck, Ot1y11 wk Deis e 1940 FORD Pickup e Chevy V-8, • 3 speed stick • good body & lircs. e S4SO firm • 646-STil nlach. S 3 9, SO, 149-G $25. 847-6?51 6/2 dog, 1 yr old, had soots to 25' BERTRAM '64 Hard top BOAT STORAGE Riverside NB. 0 pp 0 1 1 t e 6'J3.6183 g MO old Stameae ut, good home. 536-6141 5/30 twin 1.ferc l2J IO. Oean Sall or power up lo 20' fenc--'59 EL CAMINO, rcbll 301 1 •' Greyhowld Bus 1tat. BARGAIN! Membenhip in re male, to good home. Also FREE Bamboo r o o ts , bilge, costly ext:raa. Maki! ed yard. Newport Bay!ront. DIAMOND w I! d d In I &: Newport Beach Tennis Club. litter box, 'food, mllar and already dug. Will grow 30' otter. TI4: 642-7'1'll Mantb17 ralel include ... l'!ng&igt?ment ringa. 1 ct. $700 you pay trancfer tee. dlsh. 543-5996 6/2 tall. Call 548-0l5 5/~ 16' SIG Boat, 40 hp Evtnrude, U• of Hoist pericct. OJJer. Diamond 642-3417 aft 3 pm. KITl'ENS, l female, 1 male 1 BLACK male kitteD, ioart elec 1tarter, trlr, Elctra"J. Launcliing , 9 motor &: lnllll, nt"4' brakH, 1, &U-2580, 893 Oak St CM ; ; '62 GMC 11' Ion, V6, PB ,PS, AIC, R/H $900. 548-537:1 or 837-4104 ' " .. pitol'C'E'fl earrings S 5 O • ., e a n e d A . t r a I n e d . Penian, 8 wk!i. old. Ask for rood cond. $500. 12' Sailllsh, CaU Anthony 1 675-4111. Misc. W1nt.d 1610 96).3693 6/2 Billy, 642-0239 5/11 dacron sail, $100. 613-4396 l.l9-228l JMPt 9510 11 DIAMOND dome cocktail ---------1-:-•°"FRE='°'E"'k"°ltt"°•-.,.-.-....,~.,.,.ho'"'I""'-. KITl'ENS. varle~ lo pick 14' Sailboat, dac. $540. 16' Moltfl• Hornet 9lOO --'--------'-I " ring. Nineteen llll"ge: blue WE PAY MORE 4 male. 1 female, 6 wee.kl! lrom, will be 1 ma11. Super _ G Glasapar, Merci---------'67 BRONOO Wagon 4 wheel L lvhlte diamonds. 4 eta T.W. old. 642-3294 6/2 ~ S/30 1000 $1500. ~1916 l·BR., 35', reuoaable vaca· drive, 6 cyl., radio, heater, •, Appral!!ed S3000. SacrlUct CASH BEAUM'FUL black A whl FOUR cute killcns in a bag LAUNCH 18' Inboard. Ideal tion or permanent home. =,:~'· s~ 8 ts~ -~~t~ .• l :~~~~s~,~~ I sU5. 1301 s. Bristol. S.A. 549-4395 WE'RE ck new I BRAND new $140 portable •tore. 8 Ce cbn.tion • Bl& TV, won in local contest. ~~EOUT of console" Plan· S!(i. ~94-4352 01 at savlnes tn ...••• 1400 $950. 673-3600 houSIC killcl\5, trained. Need Please hurry. Help HelP bay boat. nlea. con d , Patio, fncd. yd. % B1k. lo 879--6088 CLOSEOUT of &ldwtn over. a&e plai\os at savings to $349 a..osE0UT ot 1988 Organs al 11virws to ...... , • . • $236 tfo dOW1l, oac, 5 yn to p13. WARD'S BALD.WIN S'nJDIO lJll -. C.llf •• m8484 ARTISAN CONCERT OR.GAN JdQ.I tor churth,. «hool Ot __ , ......... 32 ... &4. to atopl. Com.pleM w/prtscts • IOUJ:lil system. Thl1 de~ attatioft ~ prlCP -$.1. 750 tmnl. "EWPOR.T ORGANS .... ,..,. OMAS EleciJ'tc o r 1 a n with all instrucOon books. P50. Xlnt t'Qnd.. lbrouglnu!. Call ~7 f'Yr!I It wkl'nd.'I mn.oll!l plam, indt-nm.it. ""'' oond. .._ m.im • ~ 'TIS Trop1cal Fish e good home now. !162-59511 612 tlelp. LI 8--5636 5130 Bargain at $895. 67J..63l5 bcaeh. Sec thts ~kcnd.1 ,_""'===,...,-== ()p<>nlng 'bout June 16th -~~------9'" WOOD ~.1 d flamingo Trailer Park, 7000 19~ll l\11LJTARY J eep M38Al Hi·Fi & Stereo 1210 WHITTEN Kittens with blue CLOTHES line Poles: dug, ,.. """"' ' oar:.. pa • f'aciflc Coast H""', s 00 l• Fountatn Valley 842-4.:)30 For fumiltatt, applianee., "Ye 1 ( 5 ) wk 1• 0 1 d you haul. 359 E. :K>th St . ded seat, rbr. round gunntl. 18 N' t Be di" shso Good cond. $850 lirn1. • ;1 AKAi r.,odel 1'.f-8 t n p e * POOL TABLES * oolored TV, pianos, oraar11. 540-4808 612 CM . 6(2...31.84 5130 newly painted $'1S. 6t6-.1&23 ~P · a · · =54&-=7=563=======I~ rerorder, AM/FM m P x custom -antique -modem or antiquos. ,. amp, Garrard tumtablt, • used, SPORTS "lOO''. DAY or nhtht KITTENS. Reil cute part 4. BLKIWHT kiltcns, 6 wlts, BUOCER Expand() 15:<37' C1mper1 9520 .., spkl"!I:, !l'IMY xtru. $.125. cn4l 6J6..2730 1U pm 6J6..3620 Pel'$ian, '7 '1(•ka. old 891-6!\i, old and weaned, ca 11 Sallboata 9010 2~ BR. FUrnlsbed ioctu'ttinii ;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j ~ 4~ 14.492 Sahara Ln., HD 6/2 6'f3.&34 Sunday , wuhcr l dryt.1.., air-cond. /( =========1 1~~Rot'~ ~: ~= 1 YR. old female l>f.ch.!hund ADORABLE KrM'ENS, 'l ~=~nieu~~00,:; 2S" t'Olor'I'Y. Call aft 6 pm. C•meri1 & Equip. 8300 pk:tUft:olo sq..1829 W A N T E D brown. To rood home. WKS. 01.D. 'Eutbtutf, N.B. moorirc "000 &IM3i0 847-9314 MOVIE ----• J 646-2340 612 644.-1096 6-2 LIDO ~•" _ ... , .. ·....._,._ N"" 80J..ES...A.ero 8 x so 1 BR. tub ..... ""'ra pro · Quality ldnz bed, quiltM, We need quality (no :tunt 2 KITrENS. 1 ........... 1 1 FEMALE old t 'Witt! """' .,.,. 1 i.u''" · It lhower wllh tlachtd 9 Polaroid. Slide projector. c:omplete, unuwd S9B: worth pleue), Furniture, co l o r .. =-rttr ca Sails • JUning l9t5 :W 1..--. a x Thrift Shop lXI E. 19th St. S'J5Q. Aft 5 ar wknds 84'l.(M06 female ullco, l black ~ kitten. 5f&.36M 5/30 fl5..l1Sl or $41.-.,gs;. · ca ......... lum'-&ltepa 4-' CM TV's. stereos, appllaDc:::iel, wtdte male. 56-265.l 5/30 >'REE Jud _.,_ r~-on NeW'pL Ba.y. Adults. · TRUCK CAMPER tools and office equlproenl 1 _.,"""""'• vg·man I)' Sailboat. Alden deslp 615-<&5.U Besl offer, mUBt !tdl! TOP CASH IN 30 Mlnuttl! 5 AOOR.ABLE llttJe kittens police Rec·· 962-t587 Sf30 Forad alt"' I=,...,==.,,.=,-.~-Mlscell1neou1 1600 CORNER kitchen boolh and table. Good coodlt>on. ~. ~171) DELUXE Y'I nl MacGrest0r golf clubs, has. e\'tf)'lhina; m. Call "31;-21]9 .. ,,~ V'-' . A I •c M 511 ....... * -_,.. auorttd, to cood ~. SMALL adon.ble """-to iood Call 49&..:J60i ~A .. 'kndJi :m· 1'tA~"ER. furn . '"" ""'°"•· P PP · · ~ 0.7V....w;;l 548--1009 S/30 home' 6Th-4817 ....,. S/30 Xlnt c:ond. New palnt It SINGLE Membenhip tn NB TWIN Canopy bed or 4 • SNIPE llK' allbot.t. S7Sl or awnlrc. In qutel, idU]t pk. Tennis Club $700. Includes po1tcr b!d. KITTENS lo rood IJ'>nw., 4 FtUSh."Y [lltlty fellnes 1 bffl otter. 543-!108 lra1t,ftr fee m.-3222 aft 6 * 54Ml80 * 96).988.1 5131 wb. 1 male. $0-"4~ _51'¥J m.2744 VERY clean 10xf7 2 BO. 3'>06 1 ARIT'ELE 1 .•1hlh ~ ~!1'1oo' ~'ANTED: USED Alurnlnum 1::. ~~~-~l~~/ri PETS 1nd LIVESTOCK 2!: \VOOndD Sloo~_,Tnlxll, .~~· Np, drp1. awn 1 n R,., o ~ ~ni.: is m-'[l ..... :>. & pla.slic skirting, lwttlng ' ,.._ 1125 .... nt oo ., ttoe.;u • "'""1 Bl'au!ltul 11.duh pat"". or trade ~12.1 m&li!:lial. S36-2US ClTT'E tluf()' kltttl\I 6 wk$ .-.ii 714: &t~l lll &46-2632 o"'w"'""'s..n="1°'0h,...,O.=•-:-s-p"'1•'".,.-1 PO\VER mower $25. lawn. WANTED: 1~ hp l 9 ph old. Call '48-GY.l 6/2 PART Rtltltver Punpies. 36' YAWt.. O.cron 1&111, 10xf6 ERSON 1 BR Xlnl dlnifli 1(11 " alhtr mil(' mo\•ier $5. Boy1 S Ip bll(e SlO Wl&consln lll!I el'!(ines. MALE Beagle, 10 mo. Lovell Have had d.btemper 1bots. frey tKIX. S8960, Slttpt; 6. cond. i.aut. ba1h, Birch tumilun>. LJ 3-56-16 1513 Oranre Ave. 642-5&66 * 54-6173 • l'hlldrt"n. Shots. 84'1-M90 612 493-4713 m.11 trade. 548-3m pantl alum awrc. id-'664 CAMPER S1le1 • Rent 1l1 Aulharized ne.Jer Eldorado • Four \Vlnd.t Scotaman • Barn.cud.a I' C.bovtr Low Al 1199 MOO.I # t00 Theodore .. ~ t •I llOllNS FORD .:: ~ Harbor BIVd. 11 CM!a ~Tc~ 642-001!1 r. '67-000C.E 1n1(X"rva ni!, \\'/f:xf)Mdo lop ,.Int. Cor'1 I • r-.tiut M!ll $.\i(IO, :W!-1171 OiARCtJ your want 111d now ~1 DAJLY PILOT WANT ADS! I, " ' • • ' ' • ' s I • , ' ' • • ' • ' j . ' -----.,.------------------~----------,-----------·--------,--,..,..---::,-,--:--.. ' ,, S1l,.d1y, M11 )I, 1969 DAILV PILOT 25 Friday, MaJ '°• 1969 DAILV PILOT 311 '69 Datslln S.W. Dune 1"911" 9525 w.,.n. Radio, heater, • f -...;;.-::::.._;__._.:.~ speed, CXSE6121 Ill> WUCKED vw. 30,000' $1895 ml. $430. * 566-()681 • SJIOW CAR Sand Rover vw '69 D .,,.,,.,,,.""'· s.. .. atsun P.u. OllANGI COUNTY'S VOLUME INGLISH l'ORO DIALI R SALES · Sl!flVICI ._ MODEts fmmedlate delivery L.\RGE SELECTION Th11d1N ROllNS FORD 2000 Harbor Blvd. Colt& Mea W-0010 FERRARI beJ!evt. M4-0184, 645-0680 Radio, healer. IYRX451) '1297 -./~~611 MPG $1390·50 -------0111f ., .. ,. SJO FERRARI ........ $14,H 9600 ALFA ROMEO '61 ALFA Romeo, new palnt, Pirellls, liilarter, ex oonlf, $950. 642-<606 BUGEYE SPRITE GOOD ('ONDITION. $350. M7-ll95 CORTINA '58 CORTINA 2 dr dlx, 4 fir, 1(0) ml. Warrnnty ti-ans $25. $16'0. 642-2282 DATSUN 1'65 DATSUN Pil'k Up 11·/ Deluxe camper. $79j. * 962-8779 • $1595 '69 Datsun 4 dr. Sedan, ~mo. Automatic:, ta· dio, heater. $2095 DOT DATSUN l883J Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 8~2-7781 5"0-044'.! Newport Imports Ltd. Qr.. H_,.I ... $49. ai\iC County's only author. lzed dealer. SALES·SERVJCE·P ARTS 3100 W. Coast Hwy. Nt>wport kB.ch 642-9405 ~0-1764 Authorized 1.tG Dcalt'r FIAT SUB4RU MAkES SENSE ' SUBARU of C•lif. Inc. -Ret•ll Division 1000 W. CCNst Hwy. -Newport Be•ch 64S-005G * 540-2733 JAGUAR OPEL '67 Flat 850 Coupe, )(Int '67 J•9u•r XKE Ci-'SS OPEL Kadett. cond. $1350. Priv party A~1/Fl\f stereo, perfect con-mile~. very ~ * 67l-0281 * · ditkin! VCL 924. $38~ f800. * 642:-0169 JAGUAR ~ ll•r,uis -PORSCHE '00 DATSUN lll ...... Big sedan. 96 hp, overhead '61 JAG MK2 sedan, i~-· ., • • 1969 PORSCHE 911 E coupe, cam eng., dlr, f spd, radio, cond. ; bill to prove 11. 900 So Coast Highway comfort l:TOUp, Unted gl.aas, heater, \\'SIV '..ires, loaded! $1200. 548-686S 1..a&una Beacb 494-7503 A~l/n-t radio. $ 6 8 9 5 . 2200 Miles, under factory '62 XKE Red Rds. Best oUcr 534-2284 or 892-5551 wammty, Bal k> lino, $1715. ov" $2'00. KARMANN GHIA '68 PORSCHE 9\1L, AM/fM Take $75 cash dcls, or older 546-0339, 84&-UOO Blaupunkt radio, 101v mi. car. LB YN\Y. 087, Call Bill '64 JAGUAR XKE. beautiful ,62 KArutfAN Ghia/ A·l Only $589:j, DLR. 642--0138 494-977J or 545-0634 black Roadster, xlnt cond. cond. Owner leaving area • * '60 Porsche Super Dial 642-5678 for RESULTS $2150. 64fi..384.2 n1ust sell. AM-FM trans, $1800. 675-1085 675-2813 radio. 645-2061 S THINI ''MG, w· "FRIEDLANDBr SUBARU ---Subaru of Calif. lnc.-ltetail Div. $1297 POE Opt equip ·$30. Frei&'ht Sl4.5() liandUng $49. Oel. Sll90.50 + Tax and License 1000 W, Coast 1-llwa,y, N.B. ----i4.>-0050 * 54().2731._ -.. SUNBEAM •HONDA• HERB FRIEDLANDER ~=== SELL Or trade for VW; '"'6 220 DIESEL '68, UJte new. Sunbeam, lo\v mileage. Call Air, auto, FM. whl w/ blk 673-3465 Int. Prv prty $4500. 8 a:m-5 :,:.,61"'='T1:,:.Gc,,ER-289~.-,-,-pd-oo_ov_t. I pm. \Vkdys 675-6161 l\tr. Disc bt•ks. Inunac. Best ol· lJ:lH llACH ILYD., WUTMINSTll 893•7566 Soot~Ho76.!~.2.!..'"!'Fwy. 537•6824 WHEN YOU SEE THESE BEAUTIFUL au-Gs s399 To s1899 Chick lwllf'Mn cennet Mii tlr .. lt-..,a. He It elltherl1M net t .. M•tter. ef f•ct h• check• tntl r.chMIU hit wet cen. leM• them ttirou1h •UthorlsM cllnk wher• th•y pt thtt f•rnout I' pelnt check.oUp •nll efty fflNllrt ""'"· Then he checkt · an41 rechecks them •pin erMI then ,.., wMtt He l"'f them let the ,.,.,1 (P.S. It• t-.., It t .. tln4 te Maka yDU ha,,, •.• He fd1 MW t• •noth•r dtaler) SATURDAY ONLY! CHECK THESE LOW, LOW PRICES & SAVE! '68 VW BUG '67 VW BUG '66 VW BUG Lie. No. VCt.1 788 Lie. No. TZT 989 Lie. No. SOC 851 Don't ?1-li&S This! Radio Radio . $1699 $1499 $1299 '65 VW IUG '64 VW Sunroof '63 VW BUG Uc. No. PBU Z46 Uc. No. TXT 141 Lie. No. F1V 542 "Co1or ?i-1~ Red" Striped I: Beautiful Radio $999 '"9 $1"' '62 VW BUG '62 GHIA Cpe. '59 VW BUG Lie. No. QpS 804 Lie. No. KGK m Lie. No. cwr 380 Radio "Your Best Buy" "Wow!" $199 -. • $99! $3" 1970 HARBOR BLVD.:::: PHONE 673.0900, Ext. 66 or 67 Brandt fer. 646-2812 ask for Dave '67 MB 230 Rdn. A/C. PS. PB, TG, Tex lthr, AM/FM, dual 90's. lmmac. cond. $3300. TYV938 orig pvt. pty. 644--0714 '56 Mercedes 190 SL $825. new tires, painl, reblt eng., 67>7329 TOYOTA THIS IS THE PLACE Imported Autos 9600 TO BUY A NEW OR USED ~"'-'-M=G '----T 0 y 0 T A '67 MGB Rdsl. with cover &: wire whee.la. Exccllent condition. Only 33.CXXI miles. Lie. GH& 023. $1795 Holiday 1969 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642.fi023 '66 MG Midget Rdstr, wire wheels, R&H, T o n n ea u Cover, new tires It batt Xlnt cond. 29,000 ml, pvl pty. Best offer. 644--0678 or 644-2853 '56 MGA good cond. Drafted! $600 or best offer. 673-2330 MGT MG Sales, Servict!, Patti Immediate Delivery, All Models _(~l'lllP Lll l .il111pu1 I·~ OVER TIIE ~JAL DAY leLlDAY NEW '69 $1790 +T&L -· -- SAVE $$$ On '69 Exec. Ol!:monstrafoN; OPEN AU. DAY FRIDAY BILL MAXEY !TIOIY!O!T!AJ 11111 llACH ILVD. Hunt. -h 147-1555 !I ml N. oC ())ut Hwy. on Bcb TOYOTA $ SAVE $ Executive C•r Sale Hurry While They L•sfl ~·· C.UI """·S:;':i. eJ• LllDi4 Authorized MG Dealer $ MGB 1963. Hrd/oo!t top. IMPORT N@w tires & radio. FAA-TOYOTA·YOLYO tutle cond. $1350. 494-2908 Ul66 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 Lag Bch. '&S Toyota Corona &ed., auto, r .It h, TFD 242, sim. MORRIS '67 Toyola Corona sed, a uto, r & h, exln. clean! $1495. MORRIS MINOR Convt. 40 ~ 11 · • mil" por pl. N"' mt, •)d. 11'1\$ Reblt @ng. Lik@ n e w .... _ mectwucauy. Xlnt buy. •wn 644--0874 e\fl. 900 So, Cout High~ 'ST MORRIS Minor Sta. W&!J:. Laguna Beach 494-1500 A< b $100. '*-ati.r 6 DIAL direct 6<1$11, (]mp PM. )'OW' ad, then Jl.t back and CHARGE your want ad now. J11~n to the phone rbW! lmperted AulM -Imported Autos -•••••••••••••••••••• : TEMPTED BY : :lm~OO[Q]Lfl~I?: • SEE DEAN LEWIS TODAY! • • • •"69 TOYOTA raoM '1790 • • e II• SAYIN•S e : : EXECUTIVE CAR SALE NOW! • • 'H TOTOTA HAIDTOP -"-·-·--·-$ZOlt • • 'H YOLYO SIDAN, All-le ----$H7S • • 41/20/0 BANK FINANCING • " I'•. ............ •• WI NllD YOUR TaADl·IN 'OR OUll LAIGI UllD CAlt DIPT. • 1• z N~ I, ' 0 ~ g;. ~ :iiis f: ~ .. ;o ' ' ::c ~e . ->n ' ,. " ' ~~ ~o E; 1-tc ... ,. ·~G\ ~ .. !: > 1l " n ::c 8 "' m • ••• n>!l< ·-~; xsz~ f 1•• -r. I ,~ '" .,.i!ifi t !: ~'~111 .,. l~-. i s ·•»•n -•sij • 0 fl~,~ ~I' w~d .. i -~. F: a o· 'e" UI ..;f> ~ M • 111 ·,11,j ! I ~~ ' . ~lif ~ i 1 ·!~.:~ ... , ~ ..... Jl~ .... I J JI .u ~~ • ·~r1~ -' iEli~ ~11~ I ; -=~~!'t : .. • ~,iJ . ' •• f11 !: 41':.:-'fr . I -"!HI ~ !r -"1·11 ... •• rz.1· ... 0 ,.. .. :i, ,-4 _ l 0 ~lflJ i "" i ~~~i f O ~l i~ds l" ~ •• J' i l UI 1];' 11 ~ ........ !~ !U w . ~h .. I ~e ... • 'i = 1111 l •~fl J !l J ~.II • = . ,.~. jl "i~ ·~ -~-i!· l :,Ir 1 _ -~;11• • ~ !;i! • J -~Ji ll "' ~ 1 f~·ri=1 Ill f..:• • c: 0 s c: = ., ~1 1 ; ·,~ p • ·~; i li ~ b ; w ! i'~ • Ill ·~·. > ... "' ~ .• ... -< !~,,1 J j~ br J ~. CLOSED ~, OPEN i~ DEAN LEWls ...... ll ~. SATURDAY 1. o,. .... ~ty_T-•·V-H ... n. 141fW. MEMORIAL DAY I 1H6 HAAIOR IOULIVAAD. COSTA MISA -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! !!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .. • ........ !!!!!! .... !I!!! ....... ___ ............. -....... """" ' • ••••••••••••••••• ': --• ' /' •• • • • iJ p II 9! -~ .. : 39 DAllV PILOT .f""'7, M11 30, 1969 ff OAllV PILOT S1turday, M1131,,1969 • . ~t.TATIOH TRA HSl'ORf.,,TitfN rRANSl'0"'"'1t"'T""A""f1""0N,..,----T~RAN=~sPO=R=r~AT=1=q~N ""' _:.~T"'RA~N,.:,.,SPoltTATION TuHsl'OllTi\ TION TRANll'OltT .lTION TRANSl'ORT A Tl()!t , TltANS-T,A TION :--"llo:o;•;;....;;C...=---' ____________ ..,_,...~911,__DO tlOO-cm '67 PLYMOUTH '68 CHEVROLET '65 DODGE '65 p,oNTIAC FURY Ill WAGON MALIBU 2 DR. HARDTOP CATALINA 2 DR . H.T. VI, ! .. t-eflc, '•dto, h11t1r, DART SEDAN VI, eufolftefic, ,edio. 1'11l1t, p,ow1r power 1lo1rh19, w1'il• w1ll1, f~clory eir con· 1!11ri119, whit• 1id1 .... 11 •• cl11n. VI, e utometic, redio, h11!1t, pow•r ~ltionin9. !YCY657 1 R.dio e nd h11!1r. IVTP •511 1le1rin9, power br1k11. (T~J 4201 l 1 llll 71A 1165691 $2195 $2195 $995 $1395 BRAND NEW 1969 VAUANT-2 DOOR '67 l>ATSUN '64 CHEVROLET '68 VOLKSWAGEN '65 CHRYSLER • ' SEDAN IMPALA COUPE NEWPORT "· •ufom t lic, r1dio, l.11 l1r, pow1r l itll1 rid l.u'] wilh rtdio i nd h11t1r. "· •Ulomt lic. r•dio, l.11ltr, powtr • 1p11d. Full ftclory equipped. TU P 1!ttrin9, white 1idt wt'hi. Betulilwl IVGZ 119} 1t11rin9 . power br1k11, t ir co11ditio11• • 9't5. condition. !NYMOl I) inc;. (PICA 614 ) s1295 $1095 $1695 $1195 The Honest Conipact '68 COUGAR '66 DODGE '65 CHRYSLER '67 CHRYSLER ·CORONET SEDAN NEWPORT 2 DR. H.T. "· 1utorn1lie, ttdio. h11!1r, pow1r Auto'"elic, rtdio, h11!1r, 'Power 1!11r-VI , 111tom1tic, rtdit t ntl b11!1r, pow• VI, 1ufo'"1tic, retlio, h11f1r, po;..er 1!11ring I br1k11, ft,lory t ir condi• ln9, pow1r br1k11, t ir c:ond ilionin9. 1t11rin9 I br1k11, f1ctory t ir col'IC!i· fionin9, low, low ,.,ac1. (WFL0261 tr 1!11rin9. !RIG 1151 IPKA 6141 tion in9., ITSG 7061 $2 795 $1395 $1195 $2395 • ·1'ho examples above are but a sma~ part of our huge se lection of top quality-tr,ouble free used cars- All advertised cars carry a free 5, day free trial exchange privilege. ALL PRICES PLUS .TAX & LICENS~. P~ICE GOOD TIL 10,00 P.M., SUNDAY, JUNE !l-,=m=po=,..=od=A=u=to=,==9=600=;-lm=po=,~,.~d=A=ut=o=s==96=DO=ol~lm=p=o=,=,e=d=A=ut=o=,=9=6=DO=;o1~;;;:po;;;,;,tod~'iA:::u;;lo:;s-«9ii600iiiiC' l=m=po=rl=od=.=A=u=t .. ==9=60=0T-I=,,,.,=.=, ,=,od==A=u,=.,==9600=!"=1m=po=,=,od=A=u=l=os==.=9600=1=m=po=,,=od=A=u=tos==,=9=600=tm=po=r10d==A=u=tos===9600==I =;;..T,;;;:O-Y"-0-"Ti\--I TOYOTA~ TRIUMPH VOLKSWAGEN -VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN ' ' : --------'68 TOYOTA. 2 dr hartltop, 1969 TRlUMPlf, GT6+' like '67 VW I BILL MAXEY Ml/FAt radio, 4 spd. St750. new, leu than 20Xl mi, must Air conditioned, low miles, 67r.-5TI.2 dy1t, 547..{).174 aft 5. i;coll $3200. Days st6-5300, one 01vner. Absolutely mint '69 VW's '65 VW BUG Ii\l!'11EDIA TE DELIVERY ~$1;;;09.3::,. _ _;s.;.r~'-'2.;.44::.9 c.,/_;53;;;~'°'1"°115 II .JTlnlYIQlf<Ai __ TR_l_U_M_P_H_. --nigh•• 4':;..,212. rondilion. Lk. VJ.0472 • i.i;~ _J~ 'Ga TRIUMPH TR.-4: xlnt SH~ 8881 BEACH BLVD:-'68 TRIU1.fPH i~ Spitfire cond. MH, new radial tires. ! Hunt: leach 847-8555 Convert Like nc1T s18oo. l Priv. party. 547-11183 Eves Bank Financing $213 DOWN $4-1. 03 * 36 mos Plus 1 1inal pymnl for title. Full 2 yr, 24.000 VOLVO VOLVO ~ 1 ml N. of Coast Hwy. on Bch 644-Z768 · \Yhite elephant~! Dtme-e.-llne I•,:'. =======':'--'========'='===='""-I I· Imported Autos 9600 Imported AutC!s 9&00 .Imported Autos ml Y>arr.inty, A\'Ril only at T & M MOTORS 8081 Garden Grove Blvd. 534-2284 at Beach 892-5551 _ OPEN SUNDAY NEW164 & NEW 1800 ' 9600 How does Fiat do it ·for the price? 30 E x T ·R A : S atno 'txlta.Q.lSt the "850" Spider ONLY 52179 Test a Fiat. TmNK "FIAT": "FRIEDLANDER" ·FIAT TRADE ... NS tM-3333 ''n"r ,, ... , 'll YOllO '14 "" 'II II 11 n-1 --!MIS & Loob 'ltl' klft, w1.,.._.. Lo l!l+ltl,, .., __ ....... . ... T• CDlldlllOB $1599 $399 $899 $1499 $1399 $699 . HDI FRIEDLANDER IMPORTS H21 •.UOEN GROYE II.YI>., GARDEN GROVE * c.ple" Forelfi Car Senlce * NOW ON DISPLAY '68 VW Xlot rolld. Inside • 1961 vw. t'>.IO , Ii'" 11 La,..; 1 011 1. Prvt. parly 12,000 ini. 2080 National Ave, cr.t tWL UUtO Ivory. ~lust sell thi s LI 8-48Zl aft :'i pm . ''l'<'krnd. Leaving U.S. Call . . IMPORTS 642-3775 63 VW, sunroof. clean, he. . -"':,.;,,,.=..,.-----no. XEV328. $795. Pvt. pty. JOTOTA·YOLYO '64 V\Y, 9 passenger dcluxe 1 ;"~'-'"'~l~====::..'..;:'966;' ;:"';;';"°"'"='C".M=·=""="""°' bus, like new. Desperate,1:___ must sell can fi nance all Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos or any part. Sec at ~~ 9600 Sea.shore Dr., NB. 64f>.2947 '67 V\Y Sedan, b I a ck e ·------------y,•fblack·brown i nter Io r , ,. AA1tF!t1, vent y,•indo,vs, coco mals. Many extras. $1550. 673-4373 '67 VW Pickup. cxcell run· ning cood. · NC'eds 111lnor paint. SIDll or best oiler . 646-1773 '60 V\V CONVERTIBLE good appearance, fair 1ne. chanical condition. $295, 518-3297 , '65 V\V-XlnL P.fust u e to ap. I preciate. Extras. $1100 or 1 best offt't. Call alter 5 pm. I 673-4516 '63 V\V Bl3.ck reblt. Engine & Ira n~. Nu lires. In11nac $7$. 673-9.162 '67 V\V Bug, deluxe 1500. All fll'l'C'.~rics, choice c:ond. $1550. 673-352-1 'W V\V, ne\11 brakes & Urcs, good condition. Call: 541).41119 'S7 V\V 63 Trans RJT. Runs good $.1.iO. '6.l Lan1beretta 150CC $150. 64~2740 19&1 V\V Com."t!rtlble, private party. Ship.4hape! . .....,,, . MOVING Must sell '65 VW $950. Xlnt cond. N u brksflirM. RIH. 673-4221 '6.7 VW Bus Exlnl CDnd. Rebuilt Combi. curtains. New engine $1t95. S4(i...0'16I BLUE '69 VW, 10,000 mUe8 Xlnt. cond Must 1 e 11 ~ '59 \riV Convertible. Cle1tn • Excellenl lransp. S 4 2 5 . fm.7500 '66 BLACK V o I k s wa ge n original owner $1250 • 642.Q)ll • 19G5 V\V VArlanl Square Bick, iupnkttRad io, xlnt ELMORE Largest Exclusive Toyota Dealer Anyw~ere ! ! ! ! Largest Service Facilities Largest Selection Nl,UT 11510 CAH ... OIAltH coum r~, . • Ii t All Col•• • All Modt11 • ~~. '! ..... . J APPto•AL .. 11·;.·: ·, ..... .,, • 15300 BEACH BOULEYARO WESTMINSTER Telephone; 194-3322 ==========-=::...::=-==-' I cond. Mavtni;t 5.16-896..i I - F E AUTO AIR CONDITIONER WITH THE· PURCHASE OF: The Family Room. Every f1mjly should have 1 f11mity e1r! COmfortable seahnr for Ille whOte family ... pr•t lita1, li:ood looks that won't ID oul of styte ... advt nced engineerin15 . , • t ll vin~l interl0t, re,:lining buc ket ~ats. 4-soeed stick shift. Se •~ t~ famil y! 1 Flat124 Family . StdM The whole family wllf enjoy the zip f Fiat 124's high-autpu giiie . the smoothness of a 4-sp ;~fn;\,';o. mesh gearbox ... the security of ~~el disc brakes ... the comfort of reclining front bucket seats. Fiat is fun! Fiat124 Wa®n How does Fiat do It for the Price? SEE ·THESE AID OTHER FIAT MODELS ~CALIFORNIA · SPORTS CARS 901 E. 1st ST., SANTA ANA • 542-8801 i.;_ __________________________________ _ -----------------·-----------------------. - Sotufdly,-M'1 31, 1'69 DAll.Y l'ILOt 27 Fridl1, Moy 30, !"°' 1,T7:1l;...4-_N::SPO--.R_T.;;A.:..T•;;;o.;;N=-i-T:.:R;;:AN:.::S::PO..::::ll..:;TA:;:T:..:•:::ON::.__.,....:.T.:::RA~N!!:S:.'.P~O:::R~TA~T!.!IO:::N~-T!!ltANSPOWTATION TltANSPORTATl'~O~N.-"--'-r.rRA~."'N"'S"'Pd"'R~f"A"'T"'1o~N.--T"'RA""'N"S=P6"'R"'T"'A"'T"'1o""NP TRANSPORTATION DAILY I'll.OT lfT flt •NSPOilf ATION l'."-N;..;ow_C..;•;...'.o.1 ".""'" __ 9:.:IOO:::...:;N:.:•:::•..:C:.:•:.:rt:_ __ ..;9::IOO::::,N~ew=._::C:!e":!..--....!9:!'.IC~OO:!Ntw Cers 9IOONew Cert 9100 !'l•w Cer1 9IOONow Cert 9IOO Now Cert 9IOO Now.Cert 9IOO ·, ' . I • I y :r ·. l' 250 cu. 1n. overhead c • m engine, bucket seats, wide oval white wall ti r es, bock-up lites, hea d restraints, windshield washers. Stk. No . 9500 I. Ser. No. 223379L600196. GARDEN • ' • -' j • • ') • ' "lf'IE~·:&HOlTIN& FOR ~lRE"·!MDOI ~1001 ... • . . ! ~ • ' .. ·~ i+'s an out of tflls .OUR ~~~--L:.~:~TNAUT• 1i' • $195 DOWN world · deal you want on one of $75.95 PER MONTH I + Tu I. LI~ 41 ... •Ill .,,,.. uedlt these new Pontiacs then ~urry to BOB LONGPRE NEW 1909 iaaou«lHAtt) HARDTOP. <:ouP1 ... . FACTOIT All CONDtTIONINa Mi.ftlttlf ,,,_, C9f'OfVI ,.,, Tu"'9 ""''"'"le. vlMt' 111lrren. •vlllofe rn1r..,, r1lly wtw.11, P8Wtf' ftck llCI, po-ttffrllll• 1111 tlftrlllt wfllMI, P8Wtr dlK llor•tn. lf'Wllll•m trlin. tln'911 11.tM, lltW'tf -ts. t;tlnttf'llll ltlllJtt. Of'ff'tl llM RllKIClft •ply wttolirw11l lll'ft, ..... 11111'11 wtrr•ftty, SIKlr. Ht '°401.-kt'lll NO. tiU7'CIU1U , a RwY. FRWY. '63 Falcon Fastback 6eyl,, 1ulom1fic. h1ftsmh.ioft, C1rn10 whit1. lie. No. WYVI 19 s995 SAVE $1111.1:1 .fROM · ·r~~~ 'PRICE ... ~. -. . " . " WE NEED YOUR CA!t TOP DOLLAR PAID CASH or IONUS TRADE· IN ALLOWANCE '65 Corvalr Monza 4 ,pd., mitt whit•, 11.!io, h11t1r. Nie1 cir. l ie. No. XVSl4 1 SI 195 '65 T,m114ist 2-Door . Can1ry 1111low, VI, 11to.' tr•"'•., PS, 1ir, Ell 9!11•. Lic •• No. N6C221 $1495 ONO PRE 13600 Beach Blvd. · We strninster (Beach Blvd. at Garden Grove fwy .} · Call 892-6651 or 636-2500 Sport Cat. ' 9610 Auto Leising !-""=-"'".::...--- '66 HONDA 600 Sports Car Convertible, like new $12'J5. :;:,;. 8658 '66 TRlU?.1-PH Spilefirc good cond1 Take over pay & bc~t otter. 645-138:4 Antlquff, Classin 9615 HENU' J,, 6, '53, Ex. con- dltiol\ elee.n. 0 r i g i n a I owner, call eve. or morn. 112ll-<318 FIRST TIME! Lease a Ne1v '69 !or 6 Months &·return with no·obligation, Call Mr. MaJcolm Reid for Full Details Now 642-0010 · Ford Authorized Leasing System Theodort ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642.0010 9900 Used c.r. 9900Uoed Ce" FINEST SELECTION I • 'EM OVER TODAY .,. IUY TODAY! • ""' LEASE ""' bee C1r1, Rods 9620 '68 Cad Cpe de Ville, full pwr, •· 'lMO roRO Pickup e air, 17,00J mi., $139 mo. Chevy" v;.g, e 3 speed stick '69 Cougar, 2 dr, 1-l·top. Over 25 '66 · '67 • '68 Cadillacs to Choose From '68 ELDORADO '67 ~DS Many Of ·The Fine Resale Cars At Johnson & Son Were Originally Sold And Have Been Serviced By Them • • • Another Reasson Why They Are ~'SAFE BUYS.". e iood body & tires. e $450 $86.94 mo. tl.nn e 64&tn1 '66 Continental sect., air &. • leather $99.75 mo, Aut9e' War\i.cl 9)00 SOUTH COAST CAR LEASING WE PAY · · · 300 W. Cst Hwy, NB 64>2182 CASH tor u!ed cars & trucks just call UJ tor free estima!t>. GROTH CHEVROl.£1 r5:1e1 Manqer 18211 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach KI .9-3331 WE PAY CASH t!OR YOUR CAR CONNELL ~~~';!' Coeta Meg 54&-1200 Will Buy • Your Volklwasen er Porache I. Pl1 top dollar$. Pait! for or aot. W Ralph 673 -11 90 Used C1rs 9900 642. 9433 TRANSPORTATION '61 VW $699 e '64 SlMCA S599 e '60 TR3 $499 e '60 COMET $399 e '59 CtlEV. Panel $299 e '58 OPEL Sl99 e 'SS FORD Vic. $149. COSTA MESA MOTORS '6Z SIGNET 2 dr . HT. $36. mo .. Stock No. 131. '62 F8.), 2 dr., $32.50 mo., s tock No. 151. '6l T·Bird $37. mo.., Stock No. 142. G-MAC MOTORS 3630 W. 1st-St. Santa Ana 531-9183 IUICK IMPORTS \\'ANTED '64 BUICK Special \t'ilh Oranle Couistie9 famous V-6 engine See to TOP t BUYER appreciate. $900. 54S-3584 Bn.t. MAXEY ipYO'f'A '6'2· SPECIAL Deluxe. 51,000 ' 11111 Beach Blvd. ml. XInt cond. ortg ownt!.r. '. ff. Beu"-Ph. Mt~ ssoo. 83Q.-.2960 6 l1c1I cir, on1 own1r, foci 1ir, f11lt pow•r. 1t1rto r1dio, new ctr w1rr1nty. XCJ 468 , 2 to choo11 fr om. '68 CADILLAC CALAIS COUPE VISTA Cl Sii ' Pen St.tfo ato" F1tlory 1i , 01dM I ! . loc1t cir. TEX 947 $2795 '65 FORD Full pow1 r. fact 1ir, 14.000 STATION WAGON milt1, lit• blut w/d1rk blu1 On1 own1r, tl,000 rn il11, ~ir int, No. 68181870 cond. E~ctplion1Jly fin1 ct r. $4725 '$1745 '68 PONTIA:C '66 CADILLAC llONNIYI~ SlA. WA•. . COUPI DI YIU.I 9 P1u1ft91r, 1lr c.ontlltl1ft1d, 38,000 mi .. f1ctory ilr lo1d· AM/FM r1dio, p-doorlock•, pwr windowt, pwr s11h, n1w 1d ! l ik1 ft1w! SWH 502. tirtl. Lo•d.d!! Sold niw· for $J475 ,'$':1795 ALLEN OLDSMOBILE • CADILLAC 1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY. LAGUNA IEACH 494-1084 • 547-3103 ' Dial 1G$18 ~RESULTS Oiil M2.s18 for RESULTS 'Auto i....1,. 9110Auto Lull,. 9810 _...._ ,: 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;==;;;;;;;=:;;;;;1!!!~!!!!!!!!~ilF,;C;;:K~-!!!!!!!!!!! 8UiCI .Jotlmt &· SOft SIMPLIR6 LEASING -'llfD A WI 'SI BUlCK Slol-•b\yl Y Famous Free Maintenance Lease avaU'abte top. Ma.a: '" to a.pprec! I to indivduals and business firms in Orange cyl, 4 t:P •lkk, R. I H, tac County at Jo_hnson & Son Lincoln -Mercur) air. "''''"'· Orr OWl'lt't. Cougar; 2626 flarbor, Costa Mesa. 40-5630. an-7"5 Ask for FREli!"llooklel OD lheJ ease lhal pro-SACRIFICE '66 B u I • k vides : Free Oil Changes; Free LubricatiOO i Rlvitra, run loaded, new Free Tune-ups; Free Replacement ~arls i t1.ru. Free Labor. Contact: L. Brochu, M1r. * '62 LE SABRE* 69,000 Ml. S..Ulllul Car. I~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ M>3584 WE CAN HELi' YO~ e U othen hi.VI!! turned down • U you havt no 4o n ~ent • U >w are mi. -· ** MANY MODE~ TO CHOOSE Fl\OM • * : ••• CalJ. Mr, Ulmer * 193-5031 * --· -------·-----·------- 1967 CORVETIE ' 1966 CADILLAC 1965 MUSTANG COUPE STING lAY A. b11utiful original 81iti1h rtcino 9r11n rn1t1tlic fini1h with whit1 •p:rliqu1·bl1ck !ft· t1rior, •27 1n9in1. 4 1p11 tr1n1., pow1 r 1t11rin9, AM ·FM r1d io, h11l1r, f1c.tory A.C. Oriv1n oftl'I' 24,000 mi. by I own1r, lmmt c· ul1h1 cond;tion. UXV9S9. Silt prit• $3795 1966 CONTINENTALS 14 lo choo11 frornl. Altr1ctiv1 h1rdt1p coup•• & 4·door ttdlftl. l1111tlfuJ 1•l1cli1ft of cOlors l int1rion. All 1r1 luiury l"qUipp..d Including f•ctory •Ir, C1r1fu1IV lflliftt1intcl , Sir. No. 429282 . Prlc.11 1t1rt 1t . $2595 1967 COUGAR .GT A11J1•n bron11 flni1h W•p1rehm1nt colflfort ..,,,.,. 111t1 i nd bl1ck l1nd111 fop, Auto, h1ns., r1dlo & 1t1r10 t1p1, h11t1 r, f1_c.tory 1ir. 4 fttW E-7hl4 flr11 , PS, pow1r ditc It•••••· cor11ol1. A b11 utiful 25,000 mll1 e1r, !TRH 73.51. $2595 1964 PONTIAC G.T.O. CONYllTllll 811u!Hul cor1I fitll th .,.Ith whit• b11ck1! 111t1 & whit• top. • 1p11d trtftt,. pow1r tt11rin9, •tdio I h11i.r, •tc. Unu1111Uv d11ft. (JRJ S61 l, $1395 1968_Ci,QUGAR XR] Cpe. Attr1ctiv1 111fo1m turquoh1 W1t f1ll ic flnl1h with P1rchm1ftf lo1!tt1r b11ck1t ,,, .. tlMf bit e.Ir l1ftd1u roof, 6.5 litre v.1 1n9in1 with 1uto. tt1ft1., r1dJo & h11t.r, pow1r 1t11ri 119, pow1r dl1c br1k11, F1ct1ry Air Co11d. Tlil1 b1111tif11I &&r !11*e11 Oftly 12,000 1r1I. o-4 b1;1y1r r1c1I••• .._. b1l1n10 of +t.1 "'w c•r F1ct1ry W1rr•l'lty. WOWl43. $3295 SEDAN DI Villi Sttl~in9 Arctit whit• with bl1ck iftt1rior 1..d bl•dr l1ftd1u roof. Full., luivr., 1q11ipp1d, 1ulo. tr1n1 ., R&H, PS, PW, 6°w1y 111f, fit• lo•y 1ir cond., 1le, fS MO 1511 $3395 1968 MERCURY PARIC UNI Co11vertib!1. l11utiful J•m1ic1 Y1llow fini1 h with bl1ck in t•r!or 111d bl1ck top. Auto. lr1n1 .. r1d io incl h11!1r. f1c.tory Air Cond., powtr 1!11rin9, pow1r br1k11, pow1r win• do,w1, ~le. Dr iv111 on ly 10,000 mil11. Thia .oubt1ftdln9 ctr could b1 ••tily lfli.t•••n for br111d 111w. l'!y•r "c1iv11 th• b1l1ftc.1 of lh1 ftlW' CIT F1ct1T'f W1rr1flty. WPC ]66. $3595- 1965 VOLKSWAGEN IUG 0ftl OWlltr. l oo•1 lrtd Jrh•11 If~. ftlWo lie. No. PEP 126. $1195 1968 CONTINl!NTALS 2 lo c.hoo11 from. All cem·pf1t1ly luxur'f 1q11ipp1d. A11lo. hi nt. I r1dlo, ho1t1r, F•c· tory Air Coftd., pwr 1!11rln9, p1w1r br1k11, pow1r window•. 6-w1y 111!, loitd111 roof1, 1tc. V1ry low 111il11 l b11utlfu1f'f fll•iftf1lft 1d·. l 11y1r r1c1i•1t th1 b1l1ftc1 of tfi.1 n1w cir f1c.torv W1rr1ftl'f. Altr1ctlv1 c1lor1, LIN· COLN-MERCU RY. Yo11r cholc,. N1. •30J, No. 161J. • $5295 1966 THUNDERBIRD "-'•°'°' covn l11ufif11J 9014 •rontl .... W•&Oflfr. h1itl lftfo lull. 1qu1,1. fhru111t. Full tt•••r lncl. 1uto. 'tr111t., 1aH, olr, I iwt1., U{9f:uily ~riw111 car. Lia. SIN 11,, $2395 USED CAR Dll'T. 540-5635 L1vtiful Arctic Whit• fiftith wt~ •ffr•cflve Rici b11clc1t 111t1. Equipped with t1ufol'flttl• tr1n1111i•ilo11, r1dio, h11t1r, pow1t st..rint1 ' low 111il1 .. Ol'i9i111I throughout i nd li1111ti• ' full y M1inliin•d. OTM 406. $1695 1968 TOYOTA CORONA HAlDTOP COUH C1rdin1I R•d finish with bl1clc buc.li:1t •••*s. 1uto. lr1ns., r1dio ' h11t1r. On• own1r drlv• lft 011ly 9,000 inil11. A r11I b11uty. IWIC 357 ). $1895 1966 MERCURY STAnON WMOM Cotow, P1rk. 9 ,. ... n,.,, "9autlful ltrmlfli• lll+lrl9r,' ldlltf equippff; Avt.. ttont.!; llH, PS, .Pl, PW, i11<h1di11t · 6-w1y 111t. kmrc 1ir CoM,· DINI 1ctio11 t•il 91t.. Top lutt•9• rick. '""' On. of th• unu1111I OllO owt11r low , 111111191 ••n. fTEY156 l. $2895 19.6 TORONADO HLUXI l11utlful l.oy1I fl'l•roon fiftl1h wltfol ..,.t.hl119 l11t.rlor. Tti1t '1up1r cl••n c•r ii 9Ct1fp'"4 with the fln1it .. A.T., RIH, PS, Pl, 6·w·P• tail, 'p.'wioido,w,, f1ctory air co114., tllt ,.._,.,. 1111 wh"'· S~oWI .. c1U1nt Oft• •-•r t •r .. 36,000 "'II ... WVWlll. $2595 ' 1964 PLYMOUTH SPOIT·l'UIT • 2 4.., f11"4tep. Atctk wftlt• ·flnlth wlftt ~I\. lwt~•t t••tt. a.arilf•il I •"'"°' e-., l'!•l,t w\tfl o1f.1foM1tl1 tl't11flfll'li11lo11, r1dlo, h11t•r, r:.-.... r1..,. ,.,.., br1ht, ..._.. •••••• oltt .,, .. Uc. IES 126. $1295 . JohnsOD•SOD. :L!illllGILll! IDITlll!lll!TilL • IAU)J[ • llllllY •llllU I I I .. --· -----··-------------~----~--·------------------~ . ' ,. I • • • i!!NVERTIBLE M;,1 """" : 5aYillCJS ~-~i.:"" siroo. ""' : YOU CAN'T : ;i CAD Coupe de Villo. o"' t BEAT THEM t <l>wnor, "'"' oond. Mu" ""' t ANYWHERE : :um or Best offer. 536-2651 + :: CHMOLET t lHT DRIVE THE •1 ib CllEVY Imp•I•. rnd;o & : MIMI • BRUTE ~ air, beige wJblack int i ... JUST ARRIVED t ii'!">· Before 4'30 Pm ANOTHER BIG t ~-"11" >lll-6820 SHIPME NT OF + J!10 CHEVY Sta Wag. U.,. t : t~~t·~·2='. i 01P9E69LS i :It" I H, w I w, o,;g own<" : t "f6,000 m.I. trlr h I t c h . t I wlt!o AUTOMATIC i ST sell 1965 111'pala Super TllANSMISSION . rt 2 dr hdtp. 3~. autom, OUR OPEL PRICES t cond Make offer. START AT s1777: IMMIDl.t.TI t DILIYllY HAND N!W : BEL Afr Chevy, t D<. 'H IUICK •• ~00,::~~.F.· ·1 $2444 : ORDER YOUltS EL CAMINO, very low TODAYI leage, 4, speed, 396. i ' • -3668 bet 10 • 3 EL Camino 396, 4 11pd. : cket seata, 38.000 mL Top :j;ond. llJIOO, 67>-<'32 : '65 IUICK : !l' 8~· 4 dr, air, PS, IEl1et r1 eoupt . Full power, r.Oto. new tires, lo mileage. f t t.tory 1ir eond, NCI·: POOLE'S FINE USED CARS :ltter 5 • 546-3835 420 j!!'CHEV, '69 327, 4 •pd, 411 $1795 t :~ end, many xtrastMAke ~ ~ t ;~"· 646-7'6! '65 OLDSMOBILE t )i GOOD Clean (bevy, i4 cloor H.T. F1ctory tir,t 1.,1.son Gregory. 206 ~cago pow•r 1t••rln9 & br••••, IL A.pt A.H. B. ~1691 •vlo. IMOY 146 1 • , • CHEV. Bel·.W, 2 d<., $1395 t :.ato. R/H, very dcp-;!n-f i ;~blo. S!OO. 61S-J861 '67 MUSTANG :i CHEVY D Nova, 250 CU Conv•rt, 4 1p•ed, r•dio, ;In. 6, i;tandard tran.~. 4 dr, h••+•r. TXS 161 • :IPd.lo, $1495 or SIOO dO\vn on t $1995 t •lpproval. "'1"'838 • 1fts~P~. ~~ ~!~ • '66 TEMPEST : :'-seen. S43--09?4 :Cu1!om CP•· ~&H, ~~lo.,t .~ P.S., f1ctory 11r cond1t1on· i! COMET •'"'' ISTDl771 ~ COMET Calrento Coo.. : $ 1 595 i .~.IXXl mL Mako oile.. t '61 CADILLAC t lf:l5=2Z11 or ~1098 :sect OoVi11•. Full pow•r .•• F COMET Convertible. t f1c.t. i ir. IHXS 7421 • • Id \\'ith \\'hitc top. 1 fanli· • $995 • I car. $65(). 6T:>-2408 • • , t '66 THUNDERBIRD t :f .CONTINENTAL •'"'"" ,;, '"'· '"" ••··1 ' i''• vinyl top. XLV <191 't '64 Continental $2795 ,. Dr. Full power, fact. 11.ir, t 'Pebble beige w/matching tn-'65 SKYLARK 'tttklr •• Ve1y luxurious. n:z.. 1 4 dr. Aulom•lic., poweti f'l2 1l••tin9, t•dio, h•1t1r. ,• • $1395.00 IRGV<l4l :iOHNSON & SON i $1395 ,t USED CARS . •ia MUSTANG 1.~941 HARB.OR BLVD. ~•dio, ho.•l•t, l 1p11d. ... 642-7050 ' F i lWTAOlll 1 '63 Continental . $1995 ,tDr. Sect. Full pow~r. facl •67 CAMAIO ,U, fu)I lcji.!her interior. i ; $J J ,S.QO 1ir, RlH. ITFX 769 ) ·l;KZnS 1 H.T. Cpe. Auto .. PS, Fief. ~OHNSON & SON $2295 t ·t USED CARS t '66 CHARCHR : !~Ml if~:~~ BLVD. :~::. •i"~ ~;~"'"'·: CORVAIR i ,0 WAIOON : P,. NEW clutch, new bnLkes R1mbl1r. "A• i1." OKN691: r :!i~. 6~ A•k~~;.;;(~-·1· teotrl119, r1dlo, liem r. CSIMJ?I) CORVETTE t $1995 f ~~.;:~, "".,.~ f 234 E. 17th ST. ptJon,J mnclltion. 54()..6247 RVETTE "<6, '77/C, t 548•7765 i ·1~ tops S2750 or trllde. ! Ol'ffl : 7 his a Iii 1 r p .. Corvette, 28.1 •tick. J lops. excr:Uent oond. ht ofl°f'r. 50-3523 DAILY Pnm WANT ADS lllUNC lU:MTS! . I ; ,, ~BUICK I TH( 1u1c• COl!Nrn I COSTA MESA -- • I • • BRAND N'EW '69 CUTWS Plush Tax &. Lie, Payments include tax and Uctnse and finance cbllrges on 48 monlhl. Approved credit. Scrill.l No. 3l1779Z.J.1. ti351. University Oldsmobile TRANSPORTATION Uad Can , t900 OLDSMOBILE '64 Olds Cutlass Cpe. VB, auto. P.S., Riil, air. White wired bucket aeat In. lerim'. Very nlct, RAS2l'iO $1295.00 JOHNSON Ir SON USED CARS 1941 HARBOR BLVD. 642t7~ '64 OLDS C6hv. RJH. walls, Kood end. fffiO. * 642-1583 * PACKARD '5.:1 Packard, auto trans.. runs good. $200 or best ofler. 842-8302 PLYMOUTH THIS WEEKEND YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT A. J. FOYT & PARNELLI & THE REST OF 'EM AT !NOY BECAUSE YOU CAN BE THE BIG- GEST WINNER OF 'EM ALL! LOOK AT SOME OF THE WINNERS HERE .••. JUST A FEW FROM THE WINNINGEST STOCK IN TOWN! • • • AND HOW ABOUT THIS FOR A STARTER ••• A BRAND NEW 1969 FI RI E B I RD I • Hardtop Coupe, Redline Tires; Del11xe Seat Belts , Co ns ol e, Decor Grou p, Spring Packag e, Front Floor Mats, 4 BBL. OHC Engine, Floor Shift. • l 2lll79l601622 )' '$2977 Extc ctt. Mr. C1;...1t'1 p1r1 c•r. B•1ut 1t1rliglit blk w-bi1c.k cordov• top& GEN LEATHER int. Turbohvdr•. S•fe-t-dlfftt. ll•r•o AM -FM, r1mot• mir, vi1ot mir, dlx •••t beth, Crui1~ c.onlrot, rill II whl1, c.u1t 1pf 1tr whl, pwr tr lid r•l•111, pl, tilt ilr whl, 1ollr1y g!111, pwr dr loclr 1, pw, p·win d•fro1I, p·buelr •••I, h1•d ••1h, r•c.I l•f ft 1••'· A.C., fir nr rn1h, ete. (276S79P127S96) Orig f•c. 1ug r1t1il pric.1 $6146.61. $5164 IRAND NEW 1969 CATALINA WAGON D•cor grp; disc brk1, tint gl•u , p-t•il g1l1 win. AtR COND. whit• aid• wilt tir•s. 252l69Ct 17420. 0 SERVICE DEPARTMENT 0'EN MONDAY THRU FIUOAY 7:10 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. • SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN 1:00 A.M. to 9:JO P.M. EVERY DAY BRAND NEW 1969 BONNEVILLE WAGON ) •••t, turbo·hvdr•, pb t1dio, dlx blh, wir• whl di1e1, du1I •xh1h , rs; p·disc. brk1 , tint gl111, PW, AC, P-g•f• win, WI W. 262469C l2l4 ll$i 7"5'()'°'· BRAND NEW 1969 GTO Turbo hvdr• tr1n1, PS, con1ol•, AM .FM 11dio, du1I •J.hth, pwt fi•X f1n, t1 d lin• titlf, V.rdoro gr W•m1!eh inf•rior. """'"""$'3 3 97 BRAND NEW 1969 BONNEVILLE COUPE Cordovi top, turbo hvdr1, 1t1r10 r1 d1 re mir, dlx 111! b•lh, c.ud whl discs, du1I 1xluh, PS, tilt whl, P·di1c brk1, l roughm int. tint 91111, p-1111, AC, fr fir rn•h, -·Orig f1c.lory 1tick. "'''"'""$4684 ALL PRICES ARE PLUS UC. & TAX ' W1gon. lSO eng, turbo hvdr•, pb r1dio, dlx blh, wir• wh•el di1c1, PS, PB, tint gl•11, 111 11Uy gu1g11 & cloc.k, p·t•il 91t• wind~w, AC, fr flr mil, white 1id• will.. 2l9J69ZI08407. BRAND NEW 1'69 CUSTOM "S" 4 Or .. HT. Ollf 1lr whl, die. g1p, l SO VI •ng. A.T .. p.b. r1dio, PS, tint wind, h.1d ••if, w1w lir•1. l29Sl99Rl25291) $J077 BRAND NEW 1969 EXECUTIVE WAGON 421 •nq. turbo hvdr•, 11f1-tr1r p·•nf, AM.FM. r·111t spkr, fo1m c.uc.h fr, remol• mir1 dhc blh, wir• w di1c1, c.u1! 1t11r whl, P·S-d-brk1-win·1•1t, AC, pl !'luch more. 25649Cl2l773. Window stick•r pric• $6093.51. $5171- • • • - -IO - ; •• ~ ,, : = 9 l• 1. -< r • D • • • • -t ' DAILY PILOT ffFrid'1, ... J 301 1'69 R Tl ATI TRA SatlltdlJ, MiQ 31, 1%• TRANSPORTA T .J.RANSPOltTATION rR•NSPOltTATION TltANSl'OltTATION NowCara 9100NowC1r1 noo Now Ca" MOONowCart 9IOONow c ... CADILtAC ) NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE ON DISPLAY AID R!ADY FOR· DE.LIVERY : TODAY! 1961 CHRYSLIR 9 passena:er Town I: Country wa1on. i\laizl" yello\v \vllh saddle vinyl trim. Full power, air conditionini, Iu1p1~ n.ck, Wt lilterin& wheel, low mileage. (VTP971) SALE $4444 PRICE '. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 1967 CADILLAC Coupe DeVllle. Phantom blue with blue l!!ather t interlor. Full power ~uipment plus factory air condiUonine. One owner. CUJ~7) , 1967 OLDSMOBILE Custom Delta 4 Door Hardtop. Spanish sllv~r ""itll matchlna lnter:lor. Automatic. P.S .. P.B .• factory air cond.itlonina, white side walls. (UER479) 1966 CADILLAC Coupe DeVllle. Autumn gold with 'black '\.'inyl top .and gold cloth and leather lnter!Or. Full • power, factory air conditioning, Ult 1ttertng wheel, power door locks, etc. (J62964.59) 1964 RIVIERA Powder blue y.·Jth me.tching vinyl buc1'et seaU. Full poy.•er and factory air condition· ing, many extras. (HGT856l ·. 1965 CADILLAC ,. Couiil!!:·Defille. Rilya.J blue exterior with mat· ch!J:t.I ·cloth and 1eaJ,her interior. Full pov;er, factory air. tilt and telescopic 1teerin1, shows exa!pUonal low milffQ:e. CPGN663) • SALE $3999 PRICE ·. SALE $2444 PRICE SALE $2999 PRICE SALE $2111 PRICE OVER 80 :QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM • NABERS CADILLAC, , Where Used Cars Are More Than Transportation ... THEY'RE A , GOOD INVESTMENT! 1968 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille. Roya1 blue with white padded root and blue leather interior. Full power. factory air, AM·Fl!, tilt-telescopic 1teeri.ng \\'heel, etc. <XSS788l 1966 TOltO.NADO Q.iatom. Forest IP"tt1t With dark rrttn cloth and vinyl Interior, ful pcn~:er, factcry air con· dltionlng, tilt ateerina wheel. (SVX120) 1966 CONTINENTAL Goddess aold with gold top and gold l9ther Jnterlor. Full poy.·er and factory alr, &ltreo tape, local, one owner: CSVY710) 1967 RIVIERA Forest r;rttn exterior with black vinyl ln· terior. Has .full powei.equlpment plus factory a1r conditlonin(, Wt •teerl.ni: wheeL (TSDi98) 1968 CAPRICE Coupe. 12,000 miles. Antique gold with black top and 1old bucket seats. 327 VB, automatic, power altering, powi-r disc brakes. factory alr conditioning, radlal tires, p!Uli exceptional • carf.l•(X6U028J •. , .I ' .. 1967 JAGUAR XKE 2 plus 2 coupe. Automatic, alr condltlorrlnr. \1:i re wheels, AM·Fr.t radio, heater, Seafoam green with natural Jeiither lnterlor. 23,000 miles, one owner, CV'Cl.361) RA -Now c ... f • I • SALi $4999 PRICE SALE $2222 PRICE SALE $2444 PRICE SALE $3222 PRICE SALE $3222 PRICE SALE $4666 PRICE \ -----------SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN-------.------- s ... ~E PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1969 • 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SA TU RDA Y arid SUNDAY Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Ha1bor Area MEET THI! lMBASSADOR FltQM AMERICAN MOTORS WIEKIND SPECIAL IUND MIW 1'" NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 PONTIAC PONnAc PONTIAC PONnAC T·llRD DOMESTIC CREAM PUFFS ..,_-$3·286 '67 MUSTAN•. n, ... ,.,, ,.. $2577 .,,, Jew """" 0 ...... 11.,1 Uc. Ne. TUI )04 F11lly 9q11 ipp•d l11el~di11g ,;, eolld., V.1, eu ... tr•111. 5110110 HA"D "IW '" lAMILll $1998 5"" 6 NOT 4 -121 "'· II~ DISCOUNTS °"Al.._._ AMX • JA VILINS • ltlllLS • llAMILlllS Tho Adlon Stan For Gnater ...... ' UD HOLIDAY =,; *'~ TOUI , IAW -1 '"' CAii ---... YOWi WWUI JllHCI 1969 Hlrbor, Cosll Mm, 6'2-602i e CLOSID lllllllOllAL llA T • YOUI AD UACHD 68,972 HOMl!S EACH WEEK ' I I ' • '66 MALllU SS Jt6 1 Dr. H.T. L.n el .,..,_. elfNI, Lk."-.llL717 '66 01.0S" 441 .... c,.. • ..,. ,.. ............ . 1.k.M•.lUt7J 166 llllCI lo -H.u.,I n. ................. Lk. Na. YIH Jt6 $197.7 $1777 '$1577 '66-•-•.T.A.c-.t. $1577 ................ , ..... , • .,_.,.t'-U.. Na.STNJ7t I • I ' I ' f . • l • . . H DAll.Y I'll.OT I • • S1t1Wd.ol, Moy 31, 1969 • FRIDAY• SATURDAY• SUNDAY • j ORANGE ; COUNTY'S LARGEST VOLUME DEALER Yes, due to our low, low prices and our huge d iscounts we are sell in g more new Chryslers, Plymouths, Roadrunners and Used 1Automobiles t han a ny other Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer. •VOLUME DISCOUNTS '69 PLYMOUTH -,69CHRYSLER • VOLU6"E SELECTION •VOLUME' SAYINGS ROA D .RUNN ER· NEW FURY Ill 2-000R HARDTOP'. f11ll, •ipt iacl. •if ~~ ~il1 lrH1~ ,. slHr• -.. ti_. ,i..., rffi., .i•rl '"r. ff11111 wliffl c1nri,. wh~ ... 11• pl11 _, i._., -""•'-Ser .... . PM?J.f90.1303l0, '800 DISCOUNT $671 s23 l.~of,s!~~~"' itHlo, ....,.. f1111 "''· FULL PRICE DN. MO. '83 CO.llTlllEllTAL $JJ7 $26 * $26 Fllll ,....,., •ui1 f-c~ .., Ft t 1a. FUU PRICE ON. MO '81 Chev. Biscape SQ77 $29 * $29 ' DOOlt SEOAN . .l.Ulll. """'· IUll ltf. ON MO lcw7 '-" xrv !IQ. FUU PIKE • • :~ .. ~~~~:-·!'" .. , ... $977 $!~ * !~3 • -111 '"°'"" CMCllW. "'.. FUU PRICE ' . '85 Pont Grand Prix .SfJ77 $33 * $33 v... ••••o M•ll:'• 1111om1!1t. ~·llW<ln• ON MO & or11111 ""'11.w11"' •Go.111 FUU PllCE ~':i~~~I!~1~~·:r. ~:: s1g77 50 36" * sM~ ,,.c;,,. 11° FULL PllCE ' • '18 CHEY. CAPRICE $1277 $43 * $43 JKo/.,,. ~ir: ~~.:'f: s~ therlllr. RIU. PllCE DN. MO. '67 Plym, fUl'J $1277 $43 * $43 GOLD BEAL C:All :fw.'O..,:i~J~ ioi~uJ~ •uto FULL PRKE DN. MO. '6T CHRYSLER $2277 $TT * $TT 300 2-lliOOR HOTP. Au!Metk. Utt~••• ON MO 1lffrh•1. llK1ory .ir, l•Mttt .... UQI713. FULL PRICE • · ....... ktl ....... ,~ ~· -"'"' _., -.. ,. ~ -tnlf'I, ALL ADVT, PRICIS GOOD TO 1 l •P.M. JUN£ I • NEWPORT CUSTOM $)000 · DISCOUNT. 2-D11 r. M11l1r, 4 .• , •••• c D~r Std.,., 1t1~io. 11111w. • SK~~L -~-!!?.". '"· $377 full s977 F~ll l'rlce Pr1c• $13 * $13 $29 * $29 DN. MO. DN. MO. --·--·- 66 v.w. '63 v.w. I -tco. r"llD & IWlltt 2-DOOR HtIIC 17tl 4-Speed, ridio & heater. OJP822. s777 Fu ll s577 foU Price Pnce $26 * $26 $19 * $19 DN. MO. DN. MO. '64 FORD '65 CHEY. \ r,usTOM t Pit. Sl!l>.t.N a-el. M.ti~ St*"' 'V-l. ••• ~. lltlltra Fl.Ill IKllITT' A.I,. t&M '· SIHr MO? 327, tQ~l,m1nl. Ill t ll, $311 •• u . $571 F11ll Price Price $13 * $13 $19 * $19 DN. MO. ON . MO. '66 PLYM. Val. '83 IMPALA 2 Door S... R-io, lluler, t dr. M.I, "~-'"'· lull ltcto!J eq~ipmefll TSS 10& M•ttr·,f,· 1~ *"""" $pl7 F~ll $477 Pvll Price !'rice $2 * $23 $16 * $16 QN. MO. DN. MO. ANT USIO CA! WITH GOLD SIAl .... J !)oar, ltld\D. .... ltf. I ..0 RGV477 Pvll Price $23 * $23 DN. MO. '64 v.w. '11rlaol !SOii WlfOll 4 ....... lltll«. OIU 111 $777 Full Price $26 * $26 DN. MQ. SEO~ v.1, ht•ltr, •••. HON • $471 Full Price $16 * $16 ON . MO. '63 IMPALA 1-DOOR HAUlc.. ..,_tic tft~I~ rtdio, htt"1', ltd"'J l ir,;10667. $511 full I' rice $19 * $19 ON . MO. - 100°/o GUARANTEE { GOOO FO! 100 OATS 01 4000 MU I WHICH!YI! COM!! Fl!ST I . '65 Plym. Barr. 2·Door Ha~top. Y·S. ailornlltic tram.mi1sion, radiD, heater, ?OW!f s!ttrinf;. llCS453 • '&6 Comal Capri HEADQUARTERS FOR ORANGE COUNTJ .\M•trtc._,,_,,_.. ... rnorltllllr ..................... :Ii .,.,...,. ....... °"'" All ADVT. PRICES GOOD TO 11 . P.M. JUN"E .f ' l, I ' . ' ,. A ·MOTHER'S OWN STORY -How ''~agic" Glasses Let My Blind Son See · · A CHERYL MILLER A She's Happy About· Her Bad Luck SELF-H!;LP QUIZ Why You. Feel ''Blue'·' And What to Do About It I Ask Them Y oul-self FOR 0 REP. SEYMOUR RA.LPERN of N"w York b the campaign lo put n Secretary a/ Peace in the Pre1iden1'1 cabinet male. • ing any prorreu P-Tom Muller, Cul.,er City, Cali/. e Fifty-nine Congressmen ~·~ined me in in- troducing the Peace Act Bi which would put a Secretary of Peace at the head of a Department of Peace. h ~uld also es· tablish a joint commillee on 'fi{:ace and international cooperation in the f ongress. As proposed, a ne1\· Department of Peace would take jurisdiction over the Agency for International Devel~pmcnt, the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, and the P.eace Corps-now under the juris: diction of the Department of State. FOR RO.WY SCHNEIDER, ar·tre.~s ..._ A• a chic dre.,er, wh"t do you think about the c1trre nt pant• rare?- D.N., Lar1C1Uter, Pa. • The majority of my daytime clothes are 11anti; (ot1ttit!I. r al~n havt: an evening !'equined tuxedo. ( like t•l accessorizc> a pant" outfit a'! murh as a dres!I or a skirt. FOR OTTO }. SCHERSCHLIGT, Chi~/ oj Pnrks, South Dakota IP hate idea waa it orig- inaUy w cnr11e /our Pre1i- denl1' /ace• on Mt. R1uh· more?-Mra. C lnrn Strand, Oannbrock, N.D. • Doane Robin son, South Dakota histo- rian, first propl)sed sculpturing fi gures of local heroe8 in the granite of Custer State Park. In 192!> sculptor Gutzum Borglum conc.eived the p.roject as of national sig· nificance and chose flit. Rushmore fo r the figure~ of Washington, JefJerson1 Lin- coln, and Theodore Roosevelt . FOR GOJI. ROBERT DOCKllVC of Komas Why doe• Kanaa• laa"e &he higlaeat draft accep- lance rate (79.4 percent)? -Mr1. Byrne GeorfJe, Se- attle, JP a1h. • An individual must meet prescrihed minimum standa rds in physical (m~i­ cal ). mental. and moral areas to be drafted. The statistics report more Kan- sans have been rejected for not meeting medical sta ndards than the national aver- age, but fewer Kansans have been re· jected for mental and moral rea,.ons than t~e national average. Therefore, Kansans perhaps are not quite as pbyi:- ically tit but a re better edurated and have fewer convictions for criminal of- fenses than draJtees of other states. FOR /. EDG.4R HOOJIER, El Director, FBI ff°"' can parenu help item the growing crime problem in tla.U country? -Harold Power, Doro· .,ille, (!a. • It is most important for parent<; to provide children with fi rm guidance and the inftuential example of law-abiding, responsible citizenship. FOR JOHN SHA.FFER, El Admini:stor, f ederal A11ia1ion Admini.~trntion .4bord hoMI mnny plane• nre thrr& in the nir o"er tlu> CJ .S. nt nny f(iven time?-Bentrke Teeple, Toletlo. Ohio • It fa impossihle to count the numh<"r of aircraft. Our best estimute is about 10.000. In addition to the 2.000 or ~<• Rights under constant ~urveillanrP from lhe ground-those Aying under instru- ment Aiizht rule.~ ( IFR ) ac:<:ording to prP- determined flight 11lans-there are about 81000 other aircraft Aying on a see-and- be·sl'en haJ1i;;. POR FANNIE FLAGG, comedienne I under1tarul cltal al one timf' yoll hnd yn"r OMln tv talk 1laoM1 in lfirminj{· ti \ ham, Ala., 11nd tlant ii ion11 l\ f .. ~ there that you defJelopf>d many n/ your cekbrity imper1ona· lion.a. Whnt prompted you lo con· centrntf' in thia area?-T. L., Lan· ctHter. Ptr. • The format of ti1e show called fnr me to inteniew well.known pe11ple passin g 'throu gh Birmingham. Sin1·f' usually therl' were none -within a hundred mi le~ of Birmingham. l int erviewed my'irH. FOR BOWIE K UHiV, Baseball <:ommi.~si1111N In moll 1port•, no OtJer- time ii plnyed to break a tie •core. Jf'la.y ii it dorn> in baaebnU?-11. E. Gill- man, Glendale, Cali/. • Baseball has no tim~ clock. It is al- wa ys played to a decision, barring rain. FOR Jf:RRY LEWIS RoMJ "°"' u /e(Jj,,.tn "°"" a son coming c;, in die Pntertainme nt f iPld?- Pnt Dnf1il, C(H'rierr., Af°'us. e Some "show folk" don't like the idea of their children in the business. but r m not one or them. Gal')' is a l 1ery talented performer. and I'm ~ure he'll do ,·ery well, indeed. Wa•t t• Mil• f•-• penoa • qttf'Slicmf Yoe can d1roqh thl• ~••ma, and •to'll J<'t t1w .-r..-tM ..-1ne111 ~ ro• df..lsltatf'. Sead 4fut'Stioft, P"f'frnblr nn ,. .-et <a,,,, to A.Al ni.. Y-11, Fa•il1 Wttkl1. Ml Lni .. 10 11. Ave., Nt>• ,.orlr., N.\·. IOOU. W• ca•_. •d.-IMtie •--"-• kt as will lte ,.w f.,.. neli --4. iiIEWORLD! Classified Photos Som«\~lieve that since we all hove two bodiesi physical and astral-we can be in two places at1 once. The theory ls called "astra l projectjon." long John Nebel (NBC all- night radio show) not only further ex· plains it in his book (coauthored with Sanford M. Teller) ''The Psychic World Around Us," but re lates: In the summer of 1966, a listener revealed that he'd found himself a strally projected into CIA vaults, where he saw photos of an old man in a wheel choir, captioned "Adolf Hitler, Jan. 24, 1966." John was ske ptical. Then, a couple of years later, "one of America's most promin· ent authors" related to Nebel -that o re tired ge neral showed a magazine editor CIA photos of a sickly white· haired old man in a wheel chair, captioned "Adolf Hitler, Buenos Aires, 1966." long John's "determined d is- belief" weakened a little. Too Many Cooks Imagine cooking three hearty meols for $1.45 per p er.- son pe r day! The Novy does at its Great lakes Training Center with 77 cooks turning out 17,000 h' poun s of French fries, while ies e baking away. Chow over, the 30-foot-long dishwasher goes into action-helped, of course, by in- dispensible K.P. humans. Skating Star This is the Ice Follies 7-feet...4-inch Commander Robot, made by the show's lighting supervisor, Dave Colman, of aluminum and plexiglass- and a few OS$Orted other things. The robot's ska ting tale nts (de rive d from two 50-hp motors driving spring-ten- Commander Robot and the real thing. I ""'\ ~ sion sprockets) consists of daredevil spins. "It took two years to make," sa ys Colman. "I thought of giving the Com- mande r more of a costume, but so many spectators 'just kne w' there was really a person inside running it, I d e· cided on a see-through body." laugh-Out "Our society is one in which adult interest in the coming gen· e ration Is very low ond exploitotion very high, resulting in mutual hos- tility and distrust," says Dr. George Shevio kov, author of ''Anger in Chil- dren." "The angry child must see the helping adult not a s a nother 'e nemy' but as o person who calmly accepts his feelings, which are genuine at the moment,'' Rea soning is futile until of· ter a cooling-off period. Also recom- mended are opportunities forworking off anger through sports, debates, games-and co nversation. The psychol- ogist warns parents against sarca sm and enco.,rages laughing together: ' "The mere physical process of laugh- ing automatically neutralizes anger." ' My Friend, the Scientist Singer Peggy l ee has h.ad to live with the tragedy of cancer most of her life, she told Family Weekly. ''My lit· tie sister and my father died of it. And many friends-one just recently." It happens that Peggy is an old friend of a cousin of Dr. Jonas Salk and asked to meet him. ("Some of my fav:orite people are scientists; their sense of humor is really wild, and they have a great, quiet stre ngth about them.") The result was that Peggy be- come "Tree of life" chairman for Salk's cancer research institute in la Jolla, Calif. Peggy l ee Family" Jfee.k.(r Th Hew1paper Ma9cr1lne Jmte 1, 1969 llONAID S. DAYIDOW Pre.;~"" I IOIOT ffTIOfllON Editor-tf\-Chie/ MOITON Fl.ANIC PNbli.Ji~ I JACK RYAN 11111-oiflll Editor MARIUS N. Tl.INOUE Art Direct.or MllANll DE Piton Food Ediwr You lfe invited to mall your questions or comments about any article or ad¥ertisement that eppears In f.ally Weekly. Your letter wlll 1eceive a P'Oftlpt answer. Write to Service Editor, f111lly Weekly, 641 l.ulftiton AvttM, New York, N. Y. 10022 . r . ' to boost our volume to 80 million pictures this year lntroduc1ory Opportunity CLIP A COUPOI and PAY OllLY the LOW PRICE PRINTED 01 Ill Here's 1reat money-savin1 news for KODAK film usen! One or the country's lafFSl Kodak prociesson, BALL PHOTO, has slashed proces.sins prioes to the very lowest ~I in modem times! Ya, if you act now, you can use the cou- ponson this pqe to have your film processed at introductory low prices~ We make this remark- able offer to introduce you to our famous photo prOOCMina quality and EVERYDAY LOW PRICES-prices that wiU always save you really big money on your picture taking. Last year. our plants processed 1S million pictures. Because wc want to make it 80 million pictures this year, we are making this k>west-prlce Introductory Offer-AND YOU PROFIT! Once you see the 1reat pictures and service you aet when you send your film to us, we think you'll want to become one of our regular satisfied customers. Kodak ·Standanls, Kodak Materiab, Kodak .. Trained Teduaidam- ror Over 35 Years. 1934, when BALL PHOTO star1ed. waso't a particularly IOQd time to •art in any kind o( business. But, we bad an idea which is as im- portant today as it waa then. OUR IDEA ... deal dircictly with the public ... eliminate all middlemen ... standardize on KODAK sup- plies ... fast service and low, low prices. Did it work? You bet I Here wc are thirty-five years later and more than 575,000 camera owners now depend on us for the '"'Y /iMJt wort- and keep oomina badt to us year in and year out. And why not? We have fulfilled our promise of QUALITY and CUSTOMER SATISFACTION, at low prices. We have created the most modem, most advanced film proca.ain1 labontories in the world. We insist. abeolutely, on procaaioa all film to KODAK standards under the di~ super- vision or KODAK-trained technicians. We wie only KODAK supplies and materiais....=. rxcbuivrl)'! And ~ insist that "the customer is always riaht!'' You are never ''just a number" to us. We insist on sivina ewry film order we handte the most careful ~rsona/ anent ion! Anytime you have a problem, or a question. you'U al· ways get a straight aod honeM answer from a Customer Service Representative. You are al- ways protected-fully and completely-by our famous OOUBLE OUARANTEE proudly printed below. You Do Business "Direct" When You Do B~ with BALL PHOTO How can BA LL so consistently deliver piar- anteed quality at unbeatable low pric:es ? There's a sound bulinese reason. We do oil OIU own work I We are DOC merely "middlo- men•· who farm out l()(Jf films to othn plants, tack.ins on an extra profit in the process. Often. these other pla nts au manned by people whole credentials a.re compldely un- known to you. But there's no such risk when you send your film to BALL! You lutow who you're dealin1 with. And you bow tl)at we back up our reputation for quality and fair dealing with ao """°"'*'loltal suaranaoc of satisfactioo ! Mail Order Form Below to Take Adnntage of This Special Introductory Ofl'er Don't delay! Don't miss this opportunity! Join the over S7S,000camera owners who en- joy Guaranteed Quality Photo Processioa at unbdievably Low Prices. Mail your 6nt roll of film to BALL PHOTO today! MAIL TODAY WITH FILM IN A REGULAR ENVELOPE! ~~..!!'~ ---------------------., l'M--------- 0 Ptwe~Enck11•F11MT0 llOOAll ~ _., t"9 hp1Mli• of llODAll·tnlnM Technldw. I_... low.,,_ lnttolhlc10fY ...,.,.. ~ ~praon~~· .... ,, ___ _ SIMI Tu If"'¥ .......•. · .... • •---- T• Enda99d ..... · · · · · · · · · .. ''---- Cloec*Maot ....... ,.. ..... ----t 0 ... ,.......ttilM_ .... _ ....... eelw_......,.. ........... _ _,... ..... .__ u.. ... .._....,..._ ... .,.._,,.,.._ .,. ... _ ... ., ... --... _.. ..... -CIA --· HERE'S HOW TO SEND • • IN YOUR FILM 1. 0-..... .,. Mild _.. too ........ Fill out the Ordef Form at left. _, ............. "°" ............ ~..,...,..,. __ ........ _ .... -. iii .._ SAl.l f'HOTO ,_ Mofte¥· 2. Put the CKdef Form. along with • .. 0...-.. a--: '· ..._,_ ...... =-=fl/I ..... aAl.l your film and remittance and rHOTO ..... ,_.,... ~· money -saving Introductory oellMe•KOOA& .............. 11'9 • tloft •f J.00Al·tr•l,.._ ,.,NIIMI t11• Coupons, in an envelope. ,__..,.. ....... IOOM...,..111111 ct•lr• "-•-•ta :e--... 3. Use a REGULAR envelope-a. ""°" -_ _......will! ......... '°' the kind you use for ordinary •"Y t••••• wtie._., Cn•• •• you J:::'!·..., .................... letters will carry your film ..... .............................. .. _.... ........ 7 ~.,... quickly to us. c.-.......... ,. ,. -- 4. " --µedl•d ....-..111 -"' Mail your envelope to BALL ,...._., .. ··---::r:: ......... :::.fl/I· I~ I I .. PHOTO at the addret1 shown .............. ..... ,, on the Order Fonn. .. • ~ I I I I ' 1 Mako the Rounds ... llslllMld of MtJnst,rua/ DIBlirBstJ It's a busy, whlrllna life you IHd as a modern woman. Here. There. Back here apln. At home. on the job or out havina fun, you certainly aet around. No ttme to slow down •. and you don't have to. Not even because of functional men· strual distress. How~ With MIOOL Because M100L• contains: •An e~clus1ve anti-spasmodic that helps STOP CRAMPS •• • Medically-approved inared1ents that RUJ£VE HEADACHE. Low BACKACHE .•• CALM JUMPY NERVES •Plus • mood broahtener that aets you throuah the trying pre·menslrual period feeltna calm and beautiful. Whirl HU'f, ~ dev. With MIDOL. -......... _""", Destroys odor on sanitary napkins Helps keep bras alNI 9fnlle1 Oflw..fr .. At last-a special deodorant for you and for your dotM11, too-even !or sanitary napkins and for panty-oo.e.. It'• QUEST-the special f emi· nw deodorant for a woman's very special needs. (1) QUEST h elp s keep your whole body odor-free. So safe it can be used without irritating ... even in the moet intimate areas. (2) QUUT helps prevent odor on clothes aa no ordinary deodorant can -under braa, panty-hoee, gir- d I es and on eanitary napkins. Works right where embarrassing odor lingen longeetl 'try QvBBT today. It'• the special deodorantforyou and your clothes, too. QUEST Deodorant. Child Raisins To bring up • ehOd yoa •hoald bay • big book On chUd c:mre u t00n ••you're •hie. When eat on, you see, It wllJ bring a child up So b.igb be can eat at the table. -Richard Arinour QUIPS AND QUOTES L ive your life sn well that when you die even the undertaker will be sorry. -Jo.ck Her furf A man rushed into a small restau- rant one morning and askecl the waitress for some toast and coffee. The girl replied that the toaster was broken but that it would be tlxect any moment and then he could have his toast. "Never mind.'~ sa id the man. ''Ju~t bring me a couple of slices of bread with my coffee." "You shouldn't hnve bread thi~ early in t he mor ning," said t he wait- ress sternly. "Now you just sit down a nd wait (or your t~ast." "Look," retorted the nian. exasper- ated. "if I'd wanted a fight fo1· brenk- fnst. I'd have stayed home." -Dan Br m1eff The new minister was pleased to hear his housekeeper singing '"Near· er My God to Thee'' in the kitchen as she prep.'\ red breakfai;t. "I'm delighted."' he told he1· when she se1·vect hIB br~kfast, ''lhat you are such a religious person, M r~. Brown. I heard you sin~ing my fn- ,·orite hymn ai. ~·ou were cookinsr.'' ''Oh. that.'' s he replied. "It's what I boil egg!'I by . Thl'ee verse~ for soft and fh·e for hard." -Dorothea l\p,nf Bowline Green The howlf'r,.. lhal male' howlc•r .. a re nol indin .. d lo lik«' Arf' ff'malc · amatPur" who J:if?1.d«' ,\nd Urik thf' rulN a ncl fret and nii.;~lt· :\ncl dru11 thl'ir lmll .. and 1wi"I oncl wri~tdc:. Thf'n-"·liammo!-roll a .clrikc•, --CPorf(iP ."ilnrlmc-k Cnlbrffith The mjddle-aged matron had bored the party gueeta with ecatatic tales of how wonderful her poodle waa. She gushed : "Really my Babykins ie so precious, ehe's just like one of the family." Her monologue ended when a guest asked her : "Which one?" -Al Robert. "Listen ca,refttlly," the gonip tol.d her fri.end. "I <'an only tell thi8 once because I promued not to repeat it .'' -Gene YtUenak "Did niy book i" the plain brown wrapper com.e ff et ?" Alph•bits B y Ann Davidow Frvm tbe-alphabei we'll take A, X. L, D, 0 and make JUNIOR REA SURE CHEST A little lady with a tam Pushing baby in a pra m. Tit• Man In th• Moon B11 Carolyn Jo Pryor The man in the moon He wblstled a tune One ni~bt while his wife did the dit1hes; · She said, •·u you,11 dry, I'll saU through the t1ky. And leave you alone, Aloysius.·· Rldd .. M• This What kind of strawb erry has no seeds ? (See A u wcr Bor ) • Family WHkfy, June J, 196.'I Plus One To a five-letter word for how you would describe the outside of a ball, add a first letter and get what you're likely t-0 say when you don't know the exact place where something is, but you think rou know t he general location. (See A mwer Box l Minus One From a six-letter word for what the day seems when everything goes as you want it to, take away t he first letter and get what you want the answer to be to a math problem. (See An.,wer Bo:rl You N•llM It -f.{~ . ' / , \ , ~ (See A MWer Box) Answ•r Box •lJoq pl?Ol{ : ll H••N no A ·l4.8p1 qB!JR :0>uo snuyw ·punon -punou :0>U() sn1J ".13&\0lJ .\.1.1aqMVJlS V :&J'fJ, O>W 3JPP!H ... 4t Family weekly I June ;, 196!J • My "Blind" SOn Ca By Mrs. ELDA GIBSON We found Dr. Feinbloom, the in- ventor of those "magic" leMes, to be R tall, gny-haired, kindly man. Billy walked into his modest office and sat down under an intensely bright light. Day after day, for an entire week. Dr. Feinbloom exhaustively examined and tested him. At first he doubted that Billy had any vision .beyond light perception or shadow vision. Actually, he had le& than 1 percent visual acuity, but Dr. Feinbloom felt this could be in- creased aomewha t. "If t here's some vision lef t-even as little as 1 percent," he told us, "we can help." \I glasses on, he whispered in awe: "Oh, man !" Then he looked at me, quiet for a moment, and blurted out: "Mom, for the first time I see how beautiful you are." 1 had a hard time holding back the tears. Leaving the office, looking all around him through his glasses, he kept laughing, and we laughed with him. Chattering away on .the street, he commented: "People loo ... unny, like giants ... I can see that green tree way over there. Unbelievable ! ... Look, a fire hydrant! ... There's a fat lady carrying a red puree ... Mother, your hair is so puffed up ... Everything is so big. Are those reallv my big feet?" ~t lunch, eating hie apple pie, Billy grinned. "I can even clean up the crumbs." At the motel where we stayed, he stared at himself in the mirror: "I look rather funny. too." That first night, he went to bed with his glasses on, still looking wonder- ingly about the room. begging us not to turn off the light. 01-. William Fein.bloom., inventor of "mirocttlous" lens, fit11 Billy. To test Billy, the doctor first had to teach him to recognize some num- bers since he knew them only by touch, through Braille. For reading, Or. Feinbloom had to design new triplet air-spaced microscopic specta- cles magnified 28 times! T hey're the strongest he has ever made during the 40 years that he has helped some 20,000 patients. I understand that no one Dr. Fein bloom has ever aided was as seriously affected as Billy by microophthalmia. Through my son•s new "eyes,'' I was forcibly struck by what a sijhted world means to one who has always been sightless. At home, when I put Billy'~ usual breakfast of bacon and eggs before him, he stared at the plate and finally said: ''Mother, I never did like eggs much, and now that I can see one I just can't eat it." To his father, he said: "Dad, you chew too fast-I hope you don't mind my trying to improve you." How could we possibly mind? It was such a joy to know he sees these thjngs. OURS 1s A deeply religious family. Ever since we first realized that our only child Billy had been born al- most totally blind, my hus- band and I expressed our hearts' desire in silent eve- ning prayers. Later. in family prayers. we never audibly asked for bis sight-we wanted our boy to know we loved him just the way he was. As he grew up, though, I would often see Billy kneeling beeide his bed praying for better vision. Now our faith has been rewarded. Last August we witneitsed a miracle being performed. Today our son can read even this magazine page and wa1k unaided. In a sighted world, Billy is as excited and amazed as an astronaut landing on t he moon. As my overjoyed husband, Big Bill, says, "We're on Cloud Nine." When I recall bow it all happened, it still seems like a dream. Billy was born . with a congenital defect doctors ~II microophthalmia. This means his eyeball is much small- er t han normal. his cornea, lens, and 6 Fumil11 W••kl11. June 1, I POfJ retina underdeveloped. His vision was virtually zero. Billy had to learn by BraiJJe at the Utah School for the Deaf and Blind here in o,~n. Utah. Clas~ as "le- gally blind," he is among more than one million Americans with vision of less than 10 percent. ~ Over the years. we took our boy to many eye specialists and low-vision clinics. Again and again we were told t hat he did not have a ny measur- able vision to work with, his case was "hopeless." and t hat his sight could not be improved by surgery or otherwise. Billy accepted his problem with great courage, adjusted to his limitations, and never complaineo. Last summer, we decided to try aga in. I had read about new types of special lenses developed by Dr. Wil- liam Feinbloom. a noted optometrist and optical researcher in New York. I understood he specializes in "see- ing-aids" for the hard-of-seeing. We wrote Dr. Feinbloom and, after a phone discussion of Billy's case. ar- ranged an appointment. During our vacation, we took Billy, who is now 16, to New York. Before we left, the three of us prayed together. aloud. for the impossible. Day after day, Dr. Feinbloom measured and figured and kept modi- fying the design in his laboratory. When the crucial t ime came for Billy to try out his gla,sses for the first time, my hu"band and I waited breathlessly_. Billy sat down under a bright light. I trembled as I held the eye chart for him to read. (Please. I whispered to myself, please God , let him see this number ... and the next ... and t he next.) I wakhed my son straining to see and call out the numbers as they be- came smaller and smaller. Then Dr. Feinbloom exclaimed : "l never woulc'I have believed it!" Billy could read numbers even the size of the usual newspaper type. He started with two pairs of those miracu lous glasses made up by Dr. Feinbloom himself : one telescopic pair for long Clistance, the other mi- croscopic for close up. The triple lenses have air spaces between them to remove t he blur from images and to i1harpen sight. Later, a third set of glasses was designed to ena'ble him to write. As long as I Jive, I'll never forget Billy's reaction to his fir.9t experi- ences of real sight. With his new At school, t he other blind and near-blind students greeted Billy ex- citedly. Many wanted to try on his glasses. "What's it like to see?" they kept asking. "Sure wish I had some- thing like that," said one f riend. ..You're a lucky stiff." said another. The totally blind just felt the glasses and told Bill how happy they wer e for him. To other s. there was now a glimmer of hope. That first week, the glasses were borrowed by so many youngsters that we had to dean them often to remove a 11 the fingerprints. We knew we had dear f riends, but at church the flrst Sunday after our return we discovered how deeply they cared about our boy. 1 was embraced by many in our Mormon conglf)rl\- tion as they said, "Billy is such a See Me Now! Billy Gibson was doomed as a "hopeless case" until a doctor with "magic" glasses opened tJ faithful boy, he surely is deserving of this." One of our friends choked up: "Your Dr. Feinbloom must be won· derful, but I know God helped." Even people I met in the g!'ocery store next day equeezed my hand and ~id : "ls it really true? Could anything so marvelous happen to Bill!" And our son couldn't stop marvel- ing. At a football game with his fa- ther one Saturday, be stood up to sing the Star-Spangled Banner. With gusto he sang, "O, say can you see ... " and his smile spread from ear to ear. Today, wearing his glasses, Billy has at least 70 percent of normal vision for closene88, and 12 to 16 per- cent for distance. That may seem very little to most people, but to Bifly it's tremendous. "In two or three years," Dr. Fein- bloom assured' us, "he will have 30 percent normal distance vision. For near~vision, he will be able to read as well and as long as you or I." Billy used to watch sports on tele- Typing comea ea.aie-r to Bill11 ?lOW I /lat he can BPe what he ia doing. vision with his nose to the screen ; now he can sit biM:k a short distance and really enjoy it. An avid sports fan, he is captain of his school's wrestling team, goes to practice al- most every evening, and engages in wrestling matches with teams of other schools. After completing his mobility training (with a cane), Billy is now able to catch any bus in our city or walk to any area. At timee, for safe- a new world to him-a world of vision ty, he may still need his cane in heavy traffic. The glasses give him the extra vision to move aboul; with a longer, steadier stride. His eyes do seem to be growing stronger. Like any normal teen-ager, Billy is dating and goes to school dances and parties. "Girls are great," he says. "The glasses have not changed my feelings about them in the lea.st. All I need is more time for dating." He puts in a long day. At 5 :SO in the morning he is up and at his studies. By 7 :20, driven in a car pool with other s tudents, he is at our church seminary for religious in- struction. By 8 he's at school . We can hardly believe it, but this September Billy will leave the School for the Blind and enter Ogden High School as a junior! BiJly feela con- fident he'll be able to walk the seven blocks from our home to the high school without a cane. This summer he'll be trying it out. Among the adjustment problems Billy faces is spelling. Accustomed to Braille with its many contractions It's great a~n to see the billiard lialls. He pla11s often with his dad. of words, "sighted" spelling has been tough for him. But I'm sure that reading print will help him improve his spelling a great deal. In math, his print-reading teacher is showing him how to do problems on the black- board. As for reading, at present he sees five or six letters at a time; with more experience, reading will become mu ch easier. ''To me,'' Billy says, "print is very much like learning a foreign language.'' This fall, at his new school, Bitty will be taking English, social law, U.S. history, creative writing, phys- iology, debating, and health. He plans to go on to the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, where he'll major in political science and minor in ra- dio broadcasting. Why broadca.sting'! Billy has spent many happy hours in the press box with sports announcers. Hl1 three pairs of wonderful glasses are treasured like gems. He never cleans them with water and is even concerned about wearing them when it rahlt!I. He's also worried about scratches, although he uses those glasses for all his activities but wrestling. When I look at my son these days, I feel we've been specially bleased. After all, we are average Americans. My husband is a telephone repair- man, and I am a working mother. holding down my job at the Internal Revenue '3ervice. Yet I found we needn't be the only fortunate family. Last Christmas, a heartwarming thing happened. ··seeing i8 believiftg," Billy tella Mom. "I'm out nf the t wilight zone." When the people I work with at IRS heard of Billy's "miracle," they decided to make it also possible for one of his friends, Rick Mansfield, a 15-year-old with limited vision. Special boxes in our cafeteriaa were marked "Project Ricky." Em- ployees dropped quartel'8 or more into them "to help Ricky aee the beauties of life we all take so easily for granted." Enough funds were collected to get Rick a pAir of microeeopic glasses through a local optometriat cooperat- ing with their inventor, Dr. Fein- bloom. Rick had his "seeing·aids" just before Christmu, in time to read the tiny print on his new record albums and to read the dial on his new radio. How many near-bli nd people like Rick and Billy can hope to benefit from those ingenious seeing aids? When Dr. Feinbloom came to Ogden recently to conduct a clinic and to lecture before other optometriats, I asked him about it. "Of the mi1lion Americans who are legally blind," he said, "about 100,000 to 200,000 are children suffering from congenital abnormalities or partial blindness due to accident or disease. I believe a substantial num· ber of those now in schools for the blind can attain improved vision through our corrective lenses. "The 'YIM of improvement achieved with Billy ie possible in most of these cues. The degree of improvement depends mostly on the percentage of vision remaining and, of course, the precise nature of the eye condition. ~ We can not help those persons who are totally blind, who have only shad- ow vision or only the ability to tell light from dark.'' Dr. Feinbloom told me he hu de- veloped more than 50 different types of optical systems. Theae may be ap. plied to persons of all ages who have lost their vision aa a result of eye di&· eases, nonoperable cataracts, or other co ngenital conditions. "Of theee ca8es," he pointed out, "three out of four can be rehabil- itated to an extent suft\cient to en- able them to live more useful livel." For our son, living a more useful life means he has emerged from a twilight zone into a world he barely knew before. Yesterday, for instance, he a nd his cla88mates spent the af- ternoon touring ou r state capitol, u t hey've done before. When he came home, Billy said, "At the Gold Room, I could see how it got its name-I cou Id see the gold I" Last night, standing outaide Billy's room, I listened to him read aloud from "Stories from Mexico." I asked myself, Could this possibly be °''r Billy? God-and Dr. Feinbloom- must have listened to our many si- lent prayers. • 1''n111ilv Weekl11. JM1i. t, 1980 7 I ' ~ I ~ l "' ~~ .... ....__ ....... ....--.... -------..,_;..;a.,_._.._ • Experience a Command Performance Drive ... most enjoyable distance between any two points on the compass. Starting tomorrow morning. your author· lzed cadlllacdealer is extending a special invitation for you to inspect the most PoP· ular Cadillac ever bullt. You'll enjoy driving the 1969 Cadlllac because of tis exhllarattng performance, Whether you drive the only luxury con· a remarkable ease of handling afforded vertible made in America. or one of ten by variable-ratio pawer steering and front other Cadillac models.you're in for a pleas. disc brakes. and because of the luxury urable experience. schedule a Command and conveniences that surround you. Performance Drive soorr. ~£4~~· QUIZ What ·Makes You Feel "Blue"? SCIENCE calls it "depres- sion"; most people say they have the "blues" or are "down in the dumps." Whatever you call it, low pe- riods are unpleasant-unpleasant enough for ·science to study seri- ously what causes depression and how it may be alleviated. Test your knowledge about the "blues" against what experts have discovered. Answer true or false t-0 the following questions and check yourself against the sci- entifically based answers below. 1. The average person who ill reasonably well-adjusted seldom gets the blues. 2. Your l.Q. drops when you're depressed. 3. If you feel depressed often, you're likely to be neurotic. 4. People who blame the weath- er for theirti!.lue moods are juRt passing the bu 5 . A good ay to shake the blues is to get in your car and drive out into the coun~ry. 6. When you're down in the dumps, it's n01·mal to resist the etf orts of others to help. 7. Most depressions cu1·e them- selves and are no cause for ala~. a. If you suffer persistent de- pression, try tranquilizers. 9. Music will often diRpel a case of the blues quickly. ANSWERS 1. Fa,se. One study of the day- to-day :feelings of n .cross section of Americans has shown that the majority felt "in good spirits" slightly more than half the time. "neutral" or "so-so" less than a third of the time, and depressed or emotionally ''up tight" about one-sixth of the time. 2. True. Psychological tests show that depression slows our mental-reaction time, making it far more difficult to solve prob- lems or do any kind of work which requires clear thinking. 3. False. It's possible. but it's not likely. University of California studies ahow that one of the ch ief factors responsible for frequent depression in many people is sim- ply not getting enough sleep. Poor eating habits also are known to cause depression. 4. ·FalRe. Studies at Columbia "University and elsewhere have shown that the weather h.u a pronounced effect on our em~ lions. Gloomy, overcast days make people much more subject to de- pression. That's why many are more depressed during winter. 5. False. When you're feeling really blue, it's a bad policy to get in your car and drive auywhen•. A dejected mood slows your re- action time and impairs your abil- ity to judge distance correctly. 6. Troe. The reason people often resist attempts to snap them out of a spell of the blues, psychiatrists point out, is because everyone has a "need'' to feel this way. And if these feelings are denied expres- sion, we are more likely to resent it unconsciously. 7. True. Medical studies show that . most depressions are the garden-variety type that cure themselves after running their cou 1,se. But if depression persiRtR and the symptoms are severe, n specialist should be consulted. 8. False. Under certain condi- tions. physiciane find varion~ drugs eft'ective in alleviating de- pressions, but the practice of tak- ing any type of antidepressant drug, except when prescribed by a quaUfied physician, should be avoided, for many such drugs can cause depression to worsen. Also, both stimulant and tranquilizing drugs may have a multitude of un- desired side etf ects. 9. True. But it must be the right hnd of music. Studies at n leading university have shown that music with a fa!t, snappy rhythm can often do wonders to snap a periaon out of a melancholy mood. -JORN E. GIBSON Famil11 Wtekly, Jv:lle 1, 1969 t , ......... , ... . atudde4 armci.elr. ,.,.ca , .... up .. JUST OFF THE PRESS $500t DEALERS 1969 PRICES OF~$()(){) ANTIQUES, WITH THIS big new 436-page qti9ue guide, you'll have no more worries about what to pay for antiques. The newest, most authoritative antique dealer's price handbook in the country! It lists the value of more than 28,000 (think of it!) American antiques in a tremenodus range of items. More than 267 different cate- gories in all! Not only is it fascinating, but it will save you money. Puts you, the public. on even footing with museums, professionals, dealers and expen collectors! INCLUDES DETAILED PRICE LISTING OF: • 105 Dtfhnnt httwns of Gane. • ~ Shftl"I Mup. • Lustwl • Mentte Decoretione. • ,.,,,, • .,.,_ Grou,. of [Mty IWMI • Metal 1WM1 ...... ..,.. • MO Kit* of Jewelry. lAt9r Chine. • Mint.tu,. 6 Teble Lamps. • Clocb 6 Repllltors. • 73 Examples of ...... P'ottlefy. • MechMkaf • Still ...... • 8otttea: ...... .,... • Hlttaricat 6 End9h SUhtdsNre. • Dolls of Meny Kinds. Mleallew. • Meny Kinds • fypes of Furniture. • Toya of V811oua DMcriptlol-. • c.t9nder ........ • Alt 1nd Fine Gaen. • Ornamental ht* ... lfb.. • Mcw9 Th8n 290 Other can..,.. INCLUDES 267 DIFFERENT GROUPS OF ANTIQUE and COLLECTORS' ITEMS This book contains more than 267 differ- ent groups of Antiques and Collectors' Items. Here are some: A.8 .C. Plates. Agata ghw, Amberina glass. Aurene glass. Baccarat glass. Basalt ware. Bennington pottery. Bisque, Bottles. Bristol glass. Burmese glass, Calendar plates. Cameo glass. Chalk ware. Clocks. Commem· orative plates. Copper Lustre ware, Cran- berry glass, Custard glass. Dedham pottery. Furniture. Gaudy Dutc.h and Gaudy Welsh china. Haviland china. Ironstone ware. Jasperware. Lamps. Lim· ogcs china. Lithophaoes. Majolica. Mechan- ical banks, Music boxes, Occupational Shav. ing mugs. Paperweight, Pewterware. Post Cards, Powder ftask.s, Rockwood pollery. Royal Doulton china. Satin glw. Snuff bottles. Spatterw1re, Staffordshire china and figurines. Stein,, Tiffany ghm. Toby jugs. Toleware, Toys, Trivets, Venc· tian glass, Waterford glass. Woodeoware and more than 200 other groups of items. All items appear in a single alphabetical arrangement so that they may be found in a minimum time. AR• YOU ~RIC•·W18•? An1lque dulcn arc, and OM bis rcuo11 19 thf, fan1nclc handboolt whkh It publlM!ed for dnl1m. Av•ll•ble now 10 tlw p.ibllc, ii 11.es you • -•Ith of facts and knowlcdtc about •n•kl~• and their rnl nli.a. Rcmanber, llnowlcdtit ot pric'H mraM monty 10 yew! i .;~~c~;. ~;o.,c.~J I 111 • F.ll. St1ti11. .. , ... lY. 11122 PIMte rulh me tot>ht• of .... new I "COMPLETE ANTIQUES PRICE LIST.'' 436 I Pit"> 1969 OHi«'• Prices on 'OVer 28.000 Antiques, .t only $5.95 1.ch. If not dellshted, I I mey return wfthln 10 days ind receive full ln1medi.t. refund. I C EncloMd It chedl or m.o. fOf ---- f 0 EnclOMd $1 p!Odwlll depOllt. s.nd C.O.D. I and I'll pey po«man $4.95 bl"nce and roetal~ 1 ...... I AcWre. I L~----~------_. - f J . I • ' I ! ' I t I ~ I ) I .. -r AMR, Y WIEKL Y COOICBOOIC C/Jesse MELANIE DE PROFr Food Editor • The lovely moalh of June ls • Saling lime for pi11ylag tribute to dairy prod- d11d.I. Fre.h milk, cream, butae....Jlk, eoar eream, bUtter, eottap eh~ other eheeaee, and lee cream are alway• available. Coa.eame any of the.e f oodl u 1-, or me them In eombiaatlon with other l.ngrediellll for meal1 and anaeke. Here are reelP" for favorite dairy de-.erta. Coft'ee Peach Ice Cream Loaf 2 1llce. co«ee ice crH• (% laalf-galloll euh) l 11ice vanilla ke t"rt-am (% half-gallon) l % c:ap1 vanilla wafer numbs (about 30 c:ookla) % <'UP toHted slivered al•oacla Peach Saa« (att reci~) 1. Place &lices of ice cream (be sure they are the same &izeJ on a tray and &et in the freezer. 2. Meanwhile, mix cookie crumb11 with almonds; set aside. 3. When ready to a&11emble loaf, &ee photo. Spread and press * cup crumbs onto one slice each of coffee and vanilla ice cream. Alternate lay- ers ending with second coffee layer. Top with remaining crumbs. Wrap in aluminum foil and return to freer.er until ready to serve. •·Unwrap loaf and place on a chilled plate. Spoon some of the Peach Sauce over ice cream and serve with remaining sauce. 11 aervings Note: Various combinations of ice cream may be sandwiched together with the crumb-almond mixture.Of- f er commercial toppings. Peach Sauce I un (1 lb. 1 oz.) aliced ~acltes, drained , and peachee cut ia piec:H Rnerved peach 1yrup 1 tablapoon <"ornstarch % cup orure juice I tablespoon rrated oran,-~ peel I ~upoon grated lemon Pffl ~ c•p touted sliYered almond1 I ~ teupoou ru• e:drad 1. It necessary, add water to peach syrup to make 1 cup. 2. Blend in a saucepan the corn- starch and orange j uice, then mix in peach syrup and fruit peels. Cook over medium heat, stirring constant- ly, until mlxture boils and thickens; cook 2 min. longer. S. Remove from beat and cool to room temperature. Mlx in peaches, almonds, and extract. Ab<»d 1% c11ptr tra.ure Chocolate Brown Sugar Cake !V. upe idfted uke llour 1 teaapooa bakiag aoda Yi wupooa aalt Ya <'UP batter t teaapooa vanilla extrad I Yi HPI 1l1htl1 packed dark broW'll Hgar s ~ll-- J itq. (3 oz.) •uweete.ed chot'olate, •elted and cooled 1 cap b•ttenailk Butter•ilk Fuclr:e Frostinr I. Grease bottoms of two 9-in. round layer cake pans; line with waxed paper cut to fit bottom of pan; grease paper. Set aside. 2. Sift the cake flour, baking soda, and salt together; set aside. 3. C &m the butter and extract. Gra ually add the sugar, creaming tho urhly. Add eggs, one at a time. be ing until light and fluffy after eac addition. Mix in the chocolate. 4. lternately add dry. ingredient.I in t irds and buttermilk in halves to amed mixture, beating only un ii blended after each addition . T rn into pans; spread evenly. . Balce at m>0°F . 30 min. or until pans. Remove cake from pans to •ire racks to cool completely. Fill a d frost. OM 9-in. cake Buttermilk Fudge Frosting % cup butter I HP battenailk 2 cupe aurar 1 teaapooa baki•r aoda 2 tablespoou b•tter 1 teupooa vuilla ~:drac:t l. Put the first four ingredients into a heavy 8-qt. saucepan. Stir over low beat until sugar is completely dissolved. 2. Increase heat and bring mixture to boiling. Put candy thermometer in place. Cook, stirring constantly. until thermometer regi&ters 2S2°F. 3. Remove from heat and put the 2 tablespoons butter on t-0p of frost- ing. Set aside to cool to 110°F. Do not disturb during cooling. 4. When cool, stir in extract and . beat until creamy and of spreading consistency. If froetinr becomes too thick to spread smoothly, mix in a few drops of hot water. Enough to fill ciMd froat ci 9-i1'. lci11er C4ke Cottage Cheese Fluft' I cap eottare cltMH ( tablespoo11 1arar v. tea1poon croaad dnumoe l teaapoon 1rated le•o• peel l tablespooa lemon juiee 1. In a small bowl, whip cottage cheese. Mix in a blend of sugar and cinnamon, then lemon peel and juice. Z. Set on a serving tray with cuts of ll880rted cheeses and fruits, such as melon, red plums, pears, and crapes. Aboad 1 cup ftuf/ Chocolate Custard 1 cap (i-01. pkJ.) aeai1weet thocolate pM-tts S tablHpoou crea• Sups •ilk s e«tr• 1 teaspoo• nnilla ntract y, cup Hlar '4 teupooa aalt I. Melt ~~: cup of the chocolate with the cream in top of a double boiler over hot (not boiling J water. Stir until smooth ; spoon about 1 table- spoon into each of 8 custard cups or 10 soutfte dishes. Spread evenly. Put cu ps into a shaJlow pan; set aside. 2. Scald milk. Melt remaining % cup chocolate and, adding gradually, stir in scalded milk until blended. 3. Beat eggs, extract, sugar, and salt together. GraduaJJy add milk mixture, stirring constantly. Pour into chocolate-lined cups. 4. Set pan with ftlled cups on oven rack and pour boiling water into pan t o a depth of l in. 6. Bake at 325°F. about 25 min. or until a knife inserted halfway be- tween center and edge of custard comes out clean. 6. Set cups on wire rack to cool slightly. Refrigerate and serve when thoroughly cooled. Unmold if desired. Garnish with "hipped cream roeettee. 8 t-0 10 aennflJI• Cottage Cheese Melon Dessert Elerante S1rup drained fro• •elon balla 2 pk1a. (15 01. each) fl"Qaea melon balla, tltawed, drained, and chopped 1 pkg. (6 oz.) leaoa-luorecl r~••tin 2 llNl. larce eud c:rea•ed eottare cllHSe, ueved Z ca..-chilled heav1 c:rea•, whipped to 90ft peaka 1 cup swieba.t'k crumk Ya cup earar % cup 1Del1 chopped nuta 'A eap butter, aelted Yi teaspoon fresllly crated aut••r l. Bring the syrup to boiJlng; pour over gelatin in a bowl, and stir until gelatin is dissolved. Cool. %. Stir in S cups of the cottage cheeae and then the melon; fold in whipped cream. Tum into a 9-in. tubed pan rinsed in cold water. 3. Mix crumbs, 1,4 cup of the sugar, and nuts; blend in melted butter. Sprinkle evenly over top and press gently. CbiH 6 to 8 hrs. .f. Unmold (crumb side will be down). 5. Mix the remaining cottage' cheese with a blend of the sugar and nut- meg. Using a pastry bag and star tube, decorate as desired with the flavored cheese. .t.4 atrvings Strawberry Jewel Des~rt 2 pkg1. (6 oz. each) atrawbury- lavored relatia 2 t•ps boilin1 water S <"•PS cold water Z npe sliced strawberries % cup 11u~ar Yt cap <"hopped s»«au I <"UP dairy sour aeam I. Pour boiling water over gelatin in a bowl and stir until gelatin is dissolved. Mix in cold water. ChiJJ u:ttil partially set. stirring often. 2. Toss berries with sugar, and fold with nuts into 2 cups of gelatin; turn into a 9-cup tube mold. Refrig- erate until just set, but not firm. 3. To remaining gelatin. add sour cream; whip until foamy. Spoon over layer in mold. Chill about 4 hrs. 4. Unmold. Garnish with whole ber- ries. Fill center with dairy sour cream. 1t to 16 atNJino1 Theae dairr duaerta of disti?tCticm ittClude Stmwberf'll JetHl Bu.twt, (Jolee - Pea."'11t. Ice Cream Loa.{, and Cottage Clueae on clu.eae-ft"ffit ..... «ritAlf'ilk. • I .. ... . ~ ,_____ ____ .,.. Si fRemarkable 93uy-<9nly $j98 "sflRll!llliwM //W,.---. ---- China Figures Dance to Dr. Zhivago Theme Enchanting childhood sweethearts -revolve to the classic theme song of the picture. Unique music box, with syn- chronated imported movement, plays each note with Old World beauty while delicately hand-painted girl and boy, with their white dove of peace, circle like a carousel. Set the mood for a romantic evening or let the youngste'.rs trundle off to slumberland with its charm. Treasured gift for newlyweds or silver anniversary lovers. Handcrafted. 7" high with 4" figurines. r-- - -MAIL 10-DAY NO-RISK COUPON TODAYI - - --, GREENlANd Srudios I I I I I I I I 1207 Greenland Bldg., MMlml, Fla. 33147 Please send me the following item. I understand t.hat If I'm not completely satisfied I may return It for a full and complete refund. Enclosed Is check or m.o. for------- __ #6803 Somewhere My loves @ $5.98 (Add 55' post. ea.) O I enclose $1 good·will deposit. Ship C.O.D. I will pay po$tman $4.98 balance plus all shipping charges. NAME~----------------------- AOORESS~--------------------- CrT'Y STATE ZIP. ___ _ I 0 SAVE $1.10. Enclose only $11.96 for 2 Dr. Zhiwgos. We pay the postage. L _ -Ut~ !,.M_m~e!_'d!'~I~ _____ :._ ________ J ¢ ENTERTAINMENT CHERYL Mii.I.ER: She's Happy About Her "Bad Luck" SHE GOT married on Fri- day the 13th (Jast De- cember), broke her ankle in three places two days later (skiing), and was told her tv show ("Daktari") had been cancelled after four years. But don't feel sorry for Cheryl Miller. She doesn't. "I literally worked all my life.'' she told me. "I need rest." When Cheryl said "all her life," it wasn't just a f\gure of speech. "I got my social security card when I was 17 days old and bad my first day in front of the cam- eras two days later. For five days I played the little baby boy in 'Cas- anova Brown,' who was swapped back and forth between Gary Cooper and Teresa Wright. When I was 28 days old, I went into 'Marriage Is a Private Affai r.' I haven't stopped working since." Not that her family had a the- atrical background. Her father is an architect, and her mother used to work in the accounting depart- ment of Sears. It was a matter of circumstance. At the time of her birth (she is one of five children), her family wu going through fi- nancial difficulties. Because her mother had trouble in the delivery, she had to stay in the hoepital longer than expected. That meant they needed a nurse to look after Cheryl, a financial hardship the family could ill afford. By chance, a movie company was looking for a baby who wouldn't cry a lot, and after they'd gone to half the hospitals in Los Angeles, they found Cheryl. "lecaus. I was a very passive baby, they asked my mother f or permission to use me. She didn't mind because, in addition to fur- nishing a nurse, they also sup- plied a chauffeured car for me.'' In spite of her constant involve- ment in show business, Cheryl led a remarkably normal life. She di- vided her free time among pet animals-including hamsters, white rats, Hzards, chameleons, and a jarful of black widow spider&-- studying the guitar and piano and eventually earning a B.A. and later ~ It Ftsmilw Wffklr, In• J, 1161 Cheryl-a lifetime of film work. an M.A. in music at UCLA. She has worked hard a11 her life and now is married, so Cheryl's ambition in show business has diminished. The girl who once wanted to become a choral director in a church today considers her primary function in life to be a good wife, a competent homemaker, and eventually, mother. Today her favorite leisure-time activity is skiing. She hopes to capitalize on it soon when she and her husband take groups of tour- ists to the Swiss Alps. The fact that her husband Stanley Shapiro, a stockbroker, also happens to be an expert skier didn't hurt their romance at all. "I met Stanley through our next-door ne.ghbor. He was going steady at the time, and I was, too, but we kept running into each other at ou r neighbor's place, and soo n he stopped seeing his girl, and I stopped seeing my fellow. And there YoU are." She was in a state of shock about the "Daktari" cancellation when she fell down a flight of stairs, dislocated her shoulder, and broke two ribs. "It was at that point that Stanley decided we should get married. He said I couldn't go around being helpless, that I had to have someone to look after me. And now I'm glad it all turned out that way." So you see, there's no need to feel sorry for Cheryl. Or, I sus- pect, "look after her.'' -PEER J. OPPENHEIMER IWI GIA&. •tl...-elc •nt .. wo"'i ~ •..•.• 67f MONACIT AK, 100 ........ ...t, ........ 6tf COlD CAP'SUUS, TI-.4 ActtMi 10'1 ........ f Aini SMAVI, GoWeft s.-.i .. , S..... .. $2.00 llDl-SPIAY DIODOIAHT, Ha. ..,.... .... Hf COOl llUI DIODOIAHTS '-all-cloy iwotectioll. a-. 2 ..... ro11-.... , 1-o&. a.. ....••• llXAU. SHAMPOOS. 0.00.. E......W lrfte or lrfte C-41tiolllat1 7-oa. ploatk ............. . MEDICINE CH EST BUYS ASfllltN, 5-tnt111, Mette of 300,otlly .••.• $1.19 IYILO IYI LOTION. t-oz., NtJ. $1.19 ••.••. 72f Gl.YClltN SUlfOSIToelH, 1''1, ree. rk .. 67f MJUC Of MA-SIA, ploitl w •lllt n.-, 12--., ,..v1arty .... -... 1y •••••••••••••••••••• SACCHAllN, 1000'11 11"·• ,.... $1.79, $1.0f; Ya-....,,.... $1.29, 77f1 'li1"·• 1'99· 91C ... 19f Tlt-SAlYI w/"4tuoa11H1 'Ji--., N9· 911 .. Hf PHOXIOI, 34)1., 10...e., ~ ....... .SS. .•.•.• aaf OUllC SWAIS. S,L200'1,dbl.90'1,ree.S9f .. 4-if ADMIMVI TAii. Ya .. a 10.ydl., N9· S3C .•. a7f TMHMOMITllS, cw9' or ..... oaly ...•..• Nf TOILETRY & BEAUTY NEEDS SUMMll COl~S. CIMMw ef 3 Medlterra•- Crulae .,..._cet. 6-oa. bottte .............. . STAYTAH LOTION, Tat1 aofely lft4-'a 111 3 to 5 llovr11 e11llo11cH your ...... '°" Oltd hf'" protect °'°'"'' '""'""" ~.4-oa..u11breok- obt. ,itmk ~ ...... for i.-h et pool-aide • .... $1 .91,-$1.M conON IAllS. lot., 2.0, ,.... J9c ...... 41c VfTAMIN C COMIO. hMll AacotlNc Ad41 ... twollofttesef 120fw-'Y ............. $1.ff IMCAl.CIUM PMOSPHATI wiffl Vit..111 D ....... of 100 ..w.ta, r...,i.ty $1.39 ....••..••.• Uf FOR BETTER HAIR CARE CONCINTIATID IMAMflOOS. IE...W lrlte or lrite C-clittolll .. 111 4 Y,-o&. tvbei , ... 91C .. 17 f SIT Ml STIAIGHT Holr hluet. The -y 1-2·3 way to lfnlittl,_ vt1-Mcl -M4 writ. IOI l11dudes lelaaer Gel, Nevtrollaer-Sha•,oo, Pro- tein ere-...... Co1114ltlCMt9' ••••••••.. $2.11 FAST INSTANT CONDlnoNll AND FOUIAR. Doep-proteitl treot-1 for the hair tW co11dl· 11-oa It aela. 4-tvM, reg. $1.25 ..... 72f NAJI DllSSINO for •M1 Ct.or or er..., 1 ~--- .-.. ,...v1cw1y s..t, -°"'Y ............ a2c llO YAWi STATIONllY1 Choice of rv'-4 er w11- nilecl loWeb, IOCiol or bwh1eu alu •"'°tN ,..., ,...vtcwty .. ,. Mdl, -... ty ••.••• llf IOXID WlfTINO PAPll. Ovallty wrltl11t ,.,_ wftll IMklllflf •"'°tNt. CIMM~ of atytet, for tlftt or fw ~ OWll •••1 Olliy •••••••••••• 44f INVR.Of'IS, IOCiol alu, wlllfei poly ,_. of 150 .. yov .. ...,. how ,. ... ty ... '-" .......... . 100"' PLASTIC PLAYING CAllDS • ._.._..1 .. , "-tlfwf dealf111 to ctio.. "-· Do.Me deck, $1.491 as.,te ....................... ·"• --------- ANT & IOAOI SPRAY ~-:-:.~~ ... 62• UQUID ~~ Pitlk wio. ... c1ew 11.1c1, 49• us•~•usn• ,_...to hot!•. u-oL .... RYlllG INSEO llWI SPRAY !::'..~.D HOUSE & GARDEN SPRAY~!:=:· 1'::..n. AEiOSOL WINDOW a·11.1ta::. c::o • I Now ••• Denture Invention " For people with both "uppers" a nd "lowers" The bi1 difference between natural -bel1>4t prot.ct rum.a from bruiain1 teeth and dentures ia in pcr/orlft4nee. and irrit.tion. You eat fHter-bite Natwal tMtb an held llOlidly iA pl&ea harder, without pain--joy your by living oonnective tialue. Without food m«e. Eat bard·to-ch-fooda-coonective tiaeue, even the JD09t u -at.b, lruit.-pnwnt "denture mal- penaive denturee may slip and rock. nutrition," • problem ol older JMIOl;>le. Gums often 1et raw and eore. Con· Jo'lxoosMT belpe you epeak euaer. slant rubbi~ may ca.-e eeri.om bone futer, more cleuty. When denturee damaie . .Eat.in« can be lllow, paiofuL slip you bold them in place with You apeek 1 .. deerly. You c:fa,. not ton,ue and c:hMk ml.llclee that ache. Jauih for leer of denturee droppins. Fuoo&MT helpt prevent atrain. Now ehemuu houe tk111lop«l an ar-Tbe apeci.al pencil-point diapenaer ti/icial connectiue membrant -Frxo-spots FJxooSNT with preciaion -no DSNT. It connects dentur. with 1UJDS oomi. over. Often 1-ta 'round-U,... and mouth aurfacea. It i1 incredibly dock. It even "*'ts hot drinb. Om· etfec'ft\-e for both uppe,.. and louiers. tur.-that fit a,. MMDtial to heelth. Frxoo1tHT'• elutic membrane ab-See your denti1t rerul.arly. Get ape- aorbs the shock ol bitini and chewini cial FJxoo•MT at all drug counters. "problem" • • persp1rat1on solved ., .... tllHSI HS .... ,.rs,irt llnwily >.r. &ntipenpirant that rally work•! Solve• underarm probJem. for many who had deepaired of effective help. Mitchu m Anti-Penplrant bepe underarma a't.olutely dry for thou.nde of gnteful UMn, with comelete gentleneu to normal •kin and cloth.ins. It will keep you drier than cmy anti-wetneae agent ever put in an aeroeol •pray can! By any- body. Thie unueual formula from a truetworthy 56-year-old laboratory ia guaranteed to Hti•(y or dealer will refund purchue price. So get the posi- tive pl'Otection of Mitchum Antl-P•i:_a_plraot, liquid or crMDl. $3.oc,>, 90-d.ay supply, at your favorite ~ or toiletry counter. •wea ther ed b rown apote on the IUl'fac:e of your handl and face tell the world you'n a-ttinc old-oerhaps before you rellb' an. Fade them away with l!SOTZRICA, thet med- icated cream that ~ up in.- of ~t on the lki.n. beJpl make hands look white and )'OUDC apin. Bquall.J elfectJw OD the face, neck and arma. Not a cover-up. Aeta m the *1n-not on it. Fraaant. 11 urliem bMe for aoften1nc. fubri- catina akin • it dean up thole blemlilhea. If you have these ace· revealinc brown apots, blotches, or if you want deuv, llchwr akin. u. ESOTERICA. At your favorite druc and toiletry counter. $2.00. Mail Gn• fnm F•ily Wilily "'-..... ., te ,_ ..-.s ,. *''-'· Tiit .. -'4llCld _, rtpMlllt COl!llllftlts. Tiit ltftllS Md =n an chtd!tcl for rtll • •bllilJ .., f1111llJ ..... ,. too. If Jl)U"ft Mt quntloll llloul 111111 ordtf, .i.n wrltt: Senlc.t l>tplll'llllfflt, F°lll'lllJ WHt!IJ, Ml 1..txl"f\Oll ·-· IMw Y~ N.Y. 10022. MoreComfortWeari•' FALSE TEETH To o•ercomt dl1comtort wbtn dentu.rea aUp. allele or looeen. Just. aprtnkle a llltle PA81&&1H on 10ur plat.. PAS'I"DTH bolds dent.Ul"tlll firmer. You •t betteT. feel mon comfortable. PASI&&'in i.alk&Jl111' -won't.eour. Belpecbeck plate odor. Denturea \bal Gt. are -.oU&l to beal\b. See your deDtllt. "CUlarlJ. Get PAS'ID'I a at all Cln.11 oountft'll. --.--..--:r""'lt..... --- TRAVEL Countless Wonders Castles and cotta ges, sport a nd theater-this St. Lawrence 1000I1U.ttd Bridge off ordl panoramic 'View. BOLDT CASTLE on Heart Island is a $2-million monument to love. It is located among the Thousand Islands on the St. Law- rence River between New York State and Ontario. ~rge Boldt. a pool" boy, came to t he U.S. at the turn of the century. He became owner of New York's Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Then he married, and for his bride he bought an Ulland, reshaped it into a heart, and started building a castle. Mrs. Boldt died; work on the castle ceaeed, and the grieving husband fted the island and never returned. The incompleted castle, on which '2 mil- lion bad been spent, is the Thousand Island.a' No. 1 tourist attraction. To its empty, marble halls each year come thou- sands of visitors at 60 cent8 a head. The Thous.and Islands, shared by the U.S. and Canada, actually number 1,7&0. An old-timer was heard to say, "I reckon that whoever named them got tired count- ing." Called Manitoanna by the Indians (meaning Garden Place of the Great Spir- it), they stretch 50 miles from Cape Vin- cent, N.Y., in the west, to Brockville, On- tario, in the east. "Just Room Enough," owned by a min- ister, is one of the smallest islands. It has a cottage, a tree by the door, and a place to tie up a rowboat. The reverend can fish from hi.s kitchen window. Wellesley, one of the largest, supports a state park with swimming and camping facilities, a lwcury hotel with an 18-hole golf courae. bridle paths, a boathouse, and a landing field. Most of the islands are 14 Famil11 WHklv. Ju.Rel, 1969 privately owned, bui tor the man who wants to get away from it all and has the price, there are still islands for sale. To get to Canada, the visitor crosses the Thousand Islands International Bridge between Collins Landing, N.Y., and Ivy Lea, Ontario. More than a million automo- biles, mostly with tourists, roll over this 81h-mile-long skyway every year. From this scenic span, they can enjoy a breathtaking view of at least 200 of the islands. Fare- $1 one way; $1.50-roundtrip. The Thousand Islands are a versatile tourist playground, with the deep-blue St. Lawreooe a lively .arena buzzing with activity. There are fishing and boating, sailing and water skiing, boat tours at $3 for adults and $1.50 for children, moon- light cruises, and picnicking along the river's public beaches, and community pools. Golf courses abound. There also are exciting boat and canoe races, fishing tournaments, swimming meets, and water-ski competitions. And when the city fathers run out of ideas, they invent new ones-such as raft racing. Anyone who can put together a cont rap- tion that floats and costs no more than $5 is eligible to enter. In-New York State and Ontario, the fishing season for pike and pickerel opens in May, a nd for black bass flnd muskellunge, in June. Nonresident license fees in the state are $4 .25 for six days and $5.50 for the year; in Ontario, $4 for three days and $8.50 for the year. Fishing boats rent for about $5.50 per day with weekly rates starting at $17.50. Daily rates for guides are about $35. Communities In the Thousand Islands try to outdo "One another in staging special events and other forme ot entertainment lo please the tourists. Some are: Interna- tional Highland Games between Alexan- dria Bay and Clayton, Aug. 3; Antique Boat Show, Aug. 17 at Clayton, displaying everything from birchbark canoes to steam veesels; Centennial at Watertown; Pirates Weekend, Sept. 8-10, when a crew of cutlass-swinging buccaneers from King- B<>l<lt Ca.stle on H eart I sland lttr.:s tourixf.,, --·------------~-- of the Thousand Islands vacation spot ho.s something for everybody By HAROLD M. FARKAS ston, Ontario, aboard two brigan- tines, will bombard and invade Alex- andria Bay on the other side of the St. Lawrence. Other tourist attractions are the zoo in Brockville; St. Lawrence Sum- mer Playhouse, Gananoque; Children Never-Never Land at Sky Deck Tow- er, Hill lsDlnd; War of 1812 Battle- fields, Sackets Harbor; Old Fort Henry with a scarl~uniformed drill team and goat maacot, Kingston; Fisheries Research Station, and Tib- betts Lighthouse, Cape Vincent. The tourist has a wide selection of accommodations to ch008e from. There are luxury hotels and motels from $7 to $80 a day, and others more moderately priced; rooms for rent in tourist homes; housekeeping cottages that rent for around $75 a week; houseboats that sleep up to eight for $325 a week. Campers at eta~ Of' provincial trailer parks pay $1.75 a day, includ- ing use of electrical outlets. The Thousand lstancis are within a day's driving distance for some 96 million persons in the U.S. and Can- ada. About 85 percent of the tourist& come by automobile. Others take bul!le8 and planes to Watertown, N. Y •• and taxi or hire a car for the 26-mile ride from there to the lalanda. E¥en prayer ie attractive to people visiting the Thousand Islands. There are many churches, but one in par- ticular iJI popular among visitors bf all faiths, the Interdenominational Church held under the skies at Half- Moon Bay, near Gananoque. Boat. become pews. Ministers de- liver their sermons from a natural atone pulpit on abore. Prayer boob and hymnals are pused out by uab- en paddling around i• canoes. It's no gimmick. It's been going on for some 60 yeare. • COMPUTa MATE IS .NOT A DATING GAME Wit ~ly find pertners for matTI· mony or c:ompetlble fr lendltl..,. r... U.1.A.-... t .. C.... All aces OYW '-1ty ... 1bsolut!!t:· fldenu11. Wit use only ~In en Pte9se write lor fTM broctw... and • questionnalte (llve •>· for mature oeoote seeklnc emotlonahy comP11tlble lifetime mates . ._ are one ol the oldest Mid probM)ly' ti. most IUCCllSfut. Ouf 1lpnllc '"family" has -wv memw. In every ~te. -COMPUTER MATE ............. ,,Ill I East 42 St .• New Ywk, N.Y. 10017 TRANS.MEDIC STOPS Sl.IPPAGE. OOWN-SHlntNG, ROUGH SHIFTING. SlUGGISH ACTION GUARANTEED. AT SERVICE STATIONS AND AUTO STORES CopenhagedTobacco isn't for smoking. It isn't lit, puffed or inhaled. It's too good to smoke. Put a pinch between gum and cheek, and enjoy it. .... W4thoot even chewing. It's too good ta-smoke. Copenhagen gives you all the satisfaction of prime aged tobaccos. It costs less, too. "" Sure beats smoking! -SKOAi. Cope11M11911's ~: Heppy Deys9 ...-~ ~Tobecc:o For inforrNtion on how to use Copenf\cen, please write: nt United states Tobllcco Company, 630 Fifth Ave., New Yc>ftt, N. Y. 10020 MOHOGUMMID MONEY 111.T This pnulne cowfllde belt Meis • hand· -note to attire, wttlle the "..uet'' -~~Nd Inner DOCMt holds cumtr1c:y .. r.. No "tefltale" bul.... COnMtw-ttwlr fnhloned, 1'°"" -... ••mine buckle with 2 or l lnltlala. rn brown with llCJkt.of•ted budd•: black wftb__Sil· WHY -rhodium buckle. Specify •titst sin. C2I to 44) color dtolce ,Jnltlala. ~-......, .......................... $2 .. Sii IT All 7x50 lltOCUUIS .. ttut 1C)UrMlf up where the ection Isl artn1 In cltatant Vlet9a with dear Marp =. Thffe powe\'f\11 binoculars are for aportl,. thfftre. blrJ-watc:hlns. ":c.~.so lens: Pt sturdy bfecll plntlc: c:aM "Y4lntp. Center foc:u9 Mlust· ment wtieet, ~ leM caps. ~· .................................. $2.11 HYPNOTIC SWllGltG UllS Scientific wondert EnW1. a new fun ad· venture H you watdi the antlc:a of theM awlnstna ballL Demonstrate Newton'• Law of Motion H you lift -ball on the end, ,..... .. and the oppo- "'--swlnp, The ottlert tntntfer -ru wftftcMit movlns. Dozens of other lntrlSUll\C Y8rtetlonL 6x5X.-pl8 ... tic frame. lt.ve • ball! 111'1-h8' ............................ $UI Keep f'.W Rabbit out of the ~ SMrtc:h; or birds -•Y from ,our :rouns seedllnp wlttl ttllt unlQue wt.lrf.a· round aca,...em d9vlce. Your multi· faceted wind cups ftffh and 9P1n at .._. lllptest bNeU. Mount In lawn, pr· den, on fence or lloet. Weather"Pf'OOf Garden Gu•rd la briaht new way to di ... W'3'1.~~~ ............. ., .• FAST MATH TIACIM llAa. Kids letm .. I the mulllpllcatlon tabln up to 9 x 9 lust SM1lhln1 buttons. N-· ••l let-... deslped computer·type aid 11 die t .. cln•tln1 way to combine the study of basic mat.hematlc. with fun of • numb•rt l•nM· How much 11 7 x 61 f"ush clown the button -there'• th• •n•-r: 421 PIHtlc, 7\<ia" sq. EHy and fun =-~teach! 7546-'J . ....... .. ., .• Now, • surlfcal ttMI clipper mall" It •••Y and ufe to remove lnsrown toe nalla at home. Curved Jaws slide under th• nail. ,,,.., the pll•r·llk• handln and the nall la d lppedl S.nal· tlve P11ln 11 sonel Use •Ito for resular toe nell cllppinc. Finest 1uralcal Steel keeps ah•rp ed .... C11J)P8r 11 -"'" ton1. How wonderful to re811ze relief at last! IOSI -1..-TM Nell Clpper, '2-• SPUI, Wini Wini CONFWEI COPY POlAIOID PHOTOS QUKI Dfef-A-Wonl stvea ~ comm•nd of ~ El\lfhlll lenau ... -ny. Children, wrtt· ers. MCrwta"" lncre•H vocabulery, lrnpnive aoeflfna end .,.mmar. 9" heavy plHflc dlil rotat .. to .We !"004, ~· end sufn11 of ewer 90.000 -'*· With deftnltlons. Colot codes lndlcat. noun, verb, adjectflte. edverb. C.sy·to- uH. 7711-Dtel A w.nt ... . .... .. . $4 •• Ira •MY to mell• duDtlcat• prints of your faYorlM ftatarcMcf photos In MC· Onds with Copy.Quick. Just ptaoe photo on baH ypur own ftatarold camen on toP aectlon 11nd sn•p .•. !!!'i acc:urete. perfect. Make ea . ..,.ny !Clllllpft " YoU want -In color °" bfeclc • white. f'lta 811 Pol•rold model• exc.pt Swln,.r ind llO. Sturdy met111. nol-......... c...,.quea .. .... .... .. FISH All) IUTTElfl Y DKOI Add • nowt touch to w•ll-. windows and doonl Self-stick black1r5ntlc eel--heres to .,..., wood, tlle n tlc; can be paint.a any color, hWa l&Med wlttl sequins, llltt•r " you wlilh. l"rotectlon aplMt ftlklr1,1 Into ..... doors. Set of 3 mutuN 1W, 5"', S\'a". ldHI in t>.ttl· room or lcltdlen, too. 741S-Pllll Dacar ........................... $! 7474-~ Dacar ... ······-·"·· ... $1 un TRIM LAWN AUTOMATKAllY Mesic lol'der·Tape talcn the stntln out of trlmmlnc •-n where medllne-edelna ls dlfftcult ... near wall, walll· way, sprinkler heads flower beds. Just l1y down this amuln1 tape. lrwlslble chemicals releaMd automatically ,... stntln arowth up to 5 ye1rs. Kitts srn• or weeds, shapes l1wn to 1ny oontour. Safe to humans. pets. 60 ft. 1715 -Mqtc ......... , ......... SUI Air-COzy Patio Chair • OUTDOOlt Oii INDOOll • AIR.-ollNIE COllFOlrl' • WUTllDPllOOf' •JET-A8E LOUN8Dt The lnfllable muflln dleir Is tM MW11t rwelutlon In ~ fumtture for outdoor or Indoor u.t Awe! end ,.. In In supreme i:Omfort. UlttHnodtrn Cleslln, htavy-111'111 vlny!Mte stores com- pec:tlyl ~ lntlat. to • full lize crNMr. White with color· f\11 floret c:.ne.. T1'12--I# a. .... $1.ua (Add 15' poet.) QCKI RIIS YO TBl THE 1WE1 How, -the correct time H It reelly Is ••• bis. bold numben Instead of old· fa9fltoned dlaJ end hands. Canis ftlp •utomatlcally, Quickly, sllently to 1lv• the time at • lfanc.. Never runa arow. newer nms fast ... alw~• r1atlt. Uf .. time ll&flt. 8eautlfull~ ad l n frosty white with c:hl'Of'n•. PIH c . Menure1 ~d'hxlW'. Wonde~ft. 7493-llMtrtc Dllhat . .. $24.te SWIM CAP COVEIS ANY HAIRDO! It ••"Poe·n-d·• to IO over tiven bouffant or roll•Nd hair and really kff~ It dryl New lYoe Inner rim fits UNDER ••rs. keeps lialr dry tiven 1fter dMna. Snu. 1 ftttln1 edpt SHI out weter wtille •x· ~ns.lon feetu,.. prot~• even the fluf· fteat llelrdo. Swim or shower without havln1 to ,.. ... , hair Heh lime. Fits all women. 1190-llqNl'"'9 him Cai' $2.49 Hendy prden hoM holder ltanp on any f•ucet. No nails °' SC..... nec.8· u ry. Holds ftrmly. Pe1::f balanced. Just llft off to move. for winter storaae In ,.,... or ~lar. Made en· tl...ty of elumlnum, nothlns to nist Of' corrode. Caplldty 200 r..f. New wey to hanctt. rnesay old prden l)f'Obleml Great convenience! 4459_ ............................ fl . .·:/ . ~ ~~ INSTANT CONCRETE It A TUIE Idell for repairs! No mlxlna. Wet con· cm• flows out for 11Mndln1 and patch· upsl For re~irln1 cntcks, on walkw•y. steps. wall, even laylnc bricks. UM H much H you want. then JMll tube eway until next job-there'• never any WHtel So simple, even the lady of ttM houM wlll'flnd It • joy to uM without hubby's heljl. 22 oz. IOZl-lnttant C-,.._ ............... $1.te GIANT POULTRY MEAT, FOllS Easily lilt and transfer that bl1 ro11t from pan to platter or tum In • Jiffy thanks to ttt ... 12" roast llftert. Heavy duty steel tined tools with solid wood h1ndte1 •re specially dHl'an~ to hold securely. Juice drains bacJi •• you llft. When not in UM, han1 by their IHtller thonp. For chicken, turkey, ham, beef. Set of 2. 7120-ForWJft Set ....................... $1.50 POCIR PllNIER Give distinctive printed touch to P•· pert, envet0pn -yet 1r1 214" small, so you'll have It elwaya with you. Merk bociks. checks for fdentlflcetlon and OIOtec:tJon. Comu complete with bullt· In lnllln1 unit ,..dy to wortl on arrlval, lut for yeart ........ print your 3-lln• n•me and addrns d••r1Y for fast. ~~=1'mt., ............. $1 : • , I I FllGffJ OWl SCAllS OFF IBS No more w1ahd1y bluul Trv•·to-llf• thr11-dlmenlion1I owl mikes YoU' cfotttesline bird-proof. Sh-off pesky fruit thlevu, Hid snatchers too. You'll see your 1arden flourish. Noise· Ins. hannless, but his looks could kllll Ute-size 9lh" plastic owl swlnp meneclnaty from branch, roof, or spins, mounted on post. 4'10 -,....,.. OWt ............................ $1 GIANT 12-FOOT FUN IAllOON Own th• blgut balloon on th• block. n11r1y as hllh as tt\1 houHI Inflates 11slly with 1as or 1lr to 12 to 18 ft. hl&h. Ex~ltlns In backyard, playground, beach. Spectacular way fo announce store openlnas. church buaars, 5P0rt· Ina events. l.ol'la·lestlna neoprene rub· ber. Now available from SoV•m mant surplus. 6239-Gllnt 8alloen .... . ........ .$2.91 HAii HDGHT WITHOUT TUSING! Add II amorous lnctles to )'OUr heir stvte instantly! Simolr. drr.pe heir or fall CNer plastic Ha r·Hll . Fita ript Into hair, stays In piece with a bobby pin. Mffh.pattem plastic Is featherw•llht. r hllh: 5" acrou. Added trace and beauty for flowln1 falls. Perfect for tt\e popular bouffant sty1esl So Hsy. it's the "helmtlt" of convent.nee! '597 -Hair.JM ............ . ~; 2/$1..42 T11mmy Tamer Weight Belt LOH lnchH whll• JOU Wlltl MIUnd ,our "*'-'. 9D lh a PP Inc,, llt ............... ,., .. 11-PRESSUIE HOSE NOZZlE Tum )'OUr tame i-Into a ferocious tlser. Weter comes out wtth e,_,. force to sale a fist.. Shoots a pOWeff\11 stl'Hm of water bued on hl'i)OWlr fire hose principle. SW...,a s4dewalk and drivlw~ d11n. Removes dirt from the side of houM. All bran. Order auto-matic shut-off'-at9pe fo fauc.t. 1649-H~ni NGU1e ............ $1 • .tt 1335-~ .................................... , HANG 12 SlllTS It 6 IN. SPACE Scltv• the squeeze In over-cYOWded clOHts. G1nnents t1per &rec.fully down the Jenatti of this hanpr, takes up just 6". Rane shirts and blouses wlthout wrinkllnc -better thin storap In 1 dra-r. Slots allow you to remove 1 slnsle prment ltlthout dlaturt>ln• others. Gofd·ton• st11I, hooks lnat1ntty ovet 1ny closet ber. ~-~ ................................ $) MOD POP·AIT HASSOCll lnft1te to use where, when you want inst1nt comfortt Th• "In" hassock for den, patio, dorm. TV v1-1nas. Extra· hlJIYY vinyl will hold en adult! Actual trlftlc sips In 1ctual colors. 11" wbe. Here'• a hassock to ,,.._ the most mod ..-er of pop-ert fun.func:tJonal sifts! Gr91t for younpter'• room n -m 1$53 -Pep.Alt Hauedl ............ $1.2'9 WEAR IT-THAT'S ALL-AND TRIM WAISTI.INEI Watch the walsttlne waste ewey _ to new trimness with lnpnlous wellftted Tumm y Tamer belt. Goff on under clothlnc. Pllebl• heavy vlnyt adjusts 3-4" to 40"'. Principles of l10metrlca helps muaclu become firm end ,.slllent. WOl'U like the flnaers of 1 professlonel masseur to firm up ftebby m usdes, '9duce t he Wllst. Tnt emazlnc Tummy Temer et this new low prlce. .. ,., __ .. ,.., ,_ ............... . •Miii--'• y__, ,_ ........ ..... ~-post.) SUMMEI WAIST LINE AT ONCE! T1ke Inches off the loolt QA yc>ur w1lst line lmltlntM w .. , Sllmmlf' Belt undet' dreu or stllrt for supciort of samlna stom1ch musctH and enJoY a slim, trim new look lmmedl1tely. AdJU911ble from W to !SO" to prowlde quick com· fort. elds In sacn> end lumber support. Elastk:lzed, eny.wnh c;ottDn. lust r =-~r.:~.~ .. ~~·~.~.~: .... $S.• e&IOST FRIG. It ..uTES Ellmlnates harmful Ice acraplns. meuy hot water, drippy pansl Just plus In lnfra·rad defroster, piece It In freezlt' compartment. All·1round radi1nt h11t ,.eches every comet", loosens Ice accu· mul1tlons, melts away frost before frozen foods thaw. Alumlnum construe· tlon, It comes with 6 ft. cord. It's 1 =~~~~!·····'''" .............. $3.tl 1000 PllSONAl LAIRS FOi $1 Your own nama and address, or any th,.. fines, be1utffully printed on qual· lty aut"nmecl paper. Each 1 W x W In pad fonn. PKked In reµsable plastic box that kaepa them cfnn, neat. For mall, chedcs, books. Of'den, •'ePOrtl, dozens of oUMr uses. ,...... print g,~~I·.!r:.! ~: ................... n 0...--500 .... L.aMls .............. $2 6-Ft TIBUS llAltS PUNTS Weather-proof nettlnc provides Ide•! support for cflmblq vines, plants. Keep• them healthy, off the 1round. Easler 9'>1'ay1nc. buddlns. olckln1. More blOOfM, control peats. Superior to wire which cets hot. bums tendrils. Bis 5' 11 6' 11rden treltls hans• ltl min· utes, l11t• almost Indefinitely. Used by professionals! !Mt -....... ~ ........ fl: J/P.79 TEFLON PAN COOKS 4 PANCAJCES A TV ANTENNA YOU PLUG INI T•ke all the mes• 1nd bother out ot pencake m1klna with this n-Pan. Kaller. Just pour In batter ... th1 4 walls below the surface auure perfect· ly round pencek11 every time. e.&s. burpr, h•sh·brown pot1toes, tool E"1-1y to cfe1n aluminum DuPont Teflon coated for c:ookln• without oil, f1I, butter. No sc:ourina. 11\la" dl1meter. '°'2-hn-«aller .......................... $A.ti Just attach to Ht plua Into electric socket. Power-Plus Pl•k• TV to better reC1ptlon. brinp ln brlaht. cleer pie· ture even In frinaa ,,. .. 1 8snl1hes cumbersome, unsllhtly rebblt 11rs, makes outdoor 1ntarinas unnacesHry. Allows new TV's to UH full po••r. 11ves bOO•t to old sets. Good reception or your money back. 50Zl-l"ow....,..UI Antenn1 . . $1.M Use Indoors & Outdoors Cook the exciting hibachi way-indoors or out! New smokeless.' non-splatter table top electric hibachi is quick, easy to use; so convenient. No waiting for messy charcoal to heat. Perfect for steak, hamburgers. sea food, exotic hors d'oeuvres. All the good flavor and juices are retained; food is served piping hot from grill to plate. Metal, 10 x 5 x 5" deep. Bakelite handles, footed base. Easy-clean removable grill drawer. 6' UL listed cord. 7748-Electric Hibachi .......................•... $9.98 (Add 95q post.> r-- • ORDER BY MAIL NOW FROM GREENlANd Srudios --, I I I I I I 1191 Greenland Bide., Miami, Fla. 33147 Rush me ltem1 Usted below. I understand 1f I am not completely ut11f1ed with any item, I can retu1n 1t Within 10 days for a full and complete refund OUAN. ITEM # NAME OF ITEM PRICE . Posla~e & Hdla.-Add 35~ for 1st Item • and 2 t for each additional item. Enclo1od is check or M.O. for-TOTAL • Florida Cuatomers Add 4% S•les Tu. NAME------------------------------------------- ADDRESS ______________________________________ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY STATE ZIP I L 0 25( enclosed for a full year's subscription to your catalog -------------------~ • C• under Ovtrhanai111 Tree Limbs, Brush. • Casts SlfelJ in Crowded Boat or under Canopy. • Work with Lures or Live Bail • Good for Lakes, Ponds, Streams, Salt Water. • Praised by Fishin1 Pre'a. • Great for Beainners, Wives, Children. •CllldtMoreDlllilol .... • Find ..... , ..... °'*8lt. Gut- .. OUt Catdl Yeur FllNrw ,_ • Expert. Accurate Casts with OnlJ Five Minutes Practice. AMAZING AUTOCAST What The Press ..... Reports OD AUTOCABI' Tiie , ....... C.. Tllat Slteets t.n U1t te 10 1 .. t-WITH DEADl Y PllECISION. ]j if»'--;-, _.-........_"~~<:1 ) 1 ~ \ \ ' ltll\ MAT ,_ ....... ......... ltfeetl.Hll IMlllL "-ASTie CW P\Wllll -=- ll.al PUIYIC ... AUTOCAST CASTS ANY LURE OR LIVE IAJT FROM 1.4 OZ. TO 1), OZ. WITH PINPOINT ACCURACY AND SAFETY EVEN FROM CROWDED BOATS OR DOCKS. problem. no line twist. It works with lures or live bait, with any standard spinnina reel, io any tind of water. FROM WHITESBURG, TENNESSEE COMES NEWS of the world's most ac.. cunte 1~ caster -the aston- ishing fishing rod that shoots lures like a pn with pinpoint ac- cuncy ue to eighty feet - A beautifWty-made lure-cast.iq instrument that sa"' you yean of castiq traini.na - saws you the endlesa expeme o( buyiaa bigb- coat rods, ree1a, •Dd more ud more lures de- siped to catcb you inltead of the fisb - Ida you covu tbe water rester, find fish quicbr, mike your ftsbiq tripe more fun. more uciU., a.nd Itta you eajoy c"Yery min- ute you're ftshina lrom dawn to dust with more end bjger catcba.. NOW, FOR THE FIRST TIME, BE ABLE TO CAST WHERE THE 89G ONES ARE WITM AMAZING PINPOINT ACCURACY We parantcc the AUTOCAST fisbins rod wUI etul wltlt pinpoint OCCIU«Y diJIOllCU lip to ~16'111 fut or there is no cost to you. For tbe flnt ttmc, be able to cast where no one elae can, where the biJ ones lort. AN ENGIN£ER'S iNV£NT10H Tbe te<nt is a scieatiftc spriaa Ktioo cast- ina mechanism de\leloped by • Tenne:stee Spe>mman-Eqineer. Cabed AUTOCAST this wonder-working fbhina rod is the result of years of testiq the most drcctive way of automatically castiaa lures to attnc:t 6sb - and watcbing the lsh react to eacb cast un- derneath the water. Prom thele studies came AUTOCAST -the fishing rod that shoots lite a aun. AUTOCASTS are now med by ftshennen in 28 coulllriH from the U.S. to Australia.. FORGET BACK CASTING FOREVER Now, it is no loqer necessary to IO dlroulh the awtwerd motions of &h castiaa. Tbe new AUTOCASCT elimi.nates any danaer M.._. W_.. Newa t'Olt- ll••re• AUTOC AST 1 0 ....... ,.~ .. , ..... ................ from bactcast, even on crowded boats or docb. ~ reason is simple: AUTOCAST casts autom.etically at the simple pushina of a but100. The lure eoes where yoo aim the rod. not into JOrne child's eye OI' ear. Ft.II Jut cu•t re1lat AUTOCAST •••• It ........ ,. .......... .......... ,... .... .......... 1f you ever felt embarrassed about your awkward casting, foraet that embarn.ssment and step into the s~ae alarnour of AUTOCAST. All that is necessary to cast AUTOCAST is to cock it, •im the rod and pull the triuer. You can cast from boat or shore with equal sureness. You can safely cast in the dUcwt weeds, or deep brush. heeviest shore line shrubbery. You can ao after end come back with large mouth bus, pike, pickerel. perch. bream. trout. walleye, salmon, red tuna. striped bas&. blue fish, wealt fish and do it time and time epin without any previous experience. MARVEL OF DESIGN AUTOCAST is not • aadrt or toy. It is a rugged, Jncision casting instrument coo- structed of flberJ)ass and aluminum. lt's the first new idea in fishiaa rods in twenty years. It combines astooishiq simplicity with dead- ly acc.uracy and is the world's most accurate caster. ~·s no back lesb. no beet swint AMAZING TRIAL OFFER Try Amazing AUTOCAST -the fishing rod shoots lib a gun -without riskina a pellll)'. AJI you have to do is mail in the ~ trial coupon below. When you receive your AlITOCAST rod. use it anywhere you like - test its fantastic castioa powen younelf. Sec for yourself bow AUTOCAST works with any standard spin-castina reel with any lure or liYe bait \4 to ~ oz. in any water for whatever kind of fish. See bow easily it casts -bow it worts in weeds, brush, tree-Hoed shores, from crowded boats , piers, and canopies. Use AUTOCAST to catch bus. trout. perch. pickcftl, pike, walleyes -any spart or pan fish you like to catch. Let your children, yoor wife, and your friends fish with A UTOCAST. Put A UT(). CASf to every test. U you doo't asree that it's the easiest. most accurate casting rod in the world. it won't CO!lt you a peony. AUTOCAST PRODUCTION IS LIMITED To get your A lITOCAST rod now mail Amazing Trial Coupon below. Supplia are still very limited. Order now to be sure you11 have your AUTOCAST in time for your next fishing trip. Only if you act now cu we guarantee to fill your order immediately. And if you do we11 include AUTOCAST ftahina tips that can jume your catches. Doo"t Delay. Ma.ii No-Rist trial coupon today. Each AUTOCAST rod is sent You wtth Full Money Back Guarantee Thousends of AUfOCASI' rods Now Catchiq Fish Throughout The World. r ---- -MAIL AMAZING TRIAL COUPON - - - --, I GREENLAND STUDIOS, 1191 ~ -... '9leml. Fla. m41 I gl .rte.e llri.P _PftlC ___ ....... wt aha--AUl'OCAST Rods Ci SlO~ .... "4 I ii mmurn AUTOCAST rod oa AMAZING I -TIUAL OFF'll.: U AUTOCAST does aot JIC*qe wt hanclms :c:I cast bencr, 1D0n acc:unlitty, wt safer ...., -Send C.O.D. I allCbc $2 111ad will de-I 81111 ocher lsWnc JOd I •ft e~r med, YoU posil IM will ~ 'POl11Mft SI.JS W... 'ii • rd8ed IQ)' fDOlle1 ~-plus .n PoStaa c:lwl!IL I J1 NA.MS I :t A.MM.. I !I cm RAU Ill' I e ~-------~----------------~ ) U'es eel, sing •I a rist ·our f. >rk.s HY for :asts Deel and rour TO- tbat din ) nail are >U'U •our !WC w ling by. h ., I I I .. " I I I -I I :-...J '1/V.O/V.F ALL ,, cvato• ,AIR di4MOtld ~ riflg matched to t10Mr oicm M.ir: ii cibout 6<H a carat me. Cen-- add8 ftdlflesa to t.\in a."4 Ur a~t 1 %. otl&er atmus l.eftgth. to short M.ir. Of /iMBt make ad.jvatable r~odivm Sa.rnel fiberB, it looks, feels plated ring total about 3 etir- "real." Send hair sa:rn:ple. a.ts. $1.9-' ppd. Terrv EUi.ott, Style #!!5. $4.99. Guild, De1it. FW-6X, 80% 1918, Dept. FW-59, 103 E. Broad-Grand Ctmt1'Gl Station., Nt:W wa11, New York, N. Y. 1000!. York, N . Y. 10017. NEEDUFORK maga.rin.e is ideal for begiJ&n.ers and ez- perta. '"64 pages of pattems, Htoittg ttet08, features, a.rtir- clu, di.a.grams, photos, read. era' ezchange. E<L811 direc- t i ona. 50¢. "A1'n.t Jane's Sewing Circle," Dept. FW-6, 80% .U!, Da.nt1era, Ma.as . Weekend Shopper BY SUSAN PAINE LIVE PET SEAHORSES of your own! Raise these little charmers in a jar or bowl. Educational for children. Live delivery guaranteed. Fun for the whole family! Delightful. 9~ each ppd. or $1.90 for papa, mama, ttnd two babies. Florida Seahorses, Dept. B-12, P.O. Box 300, Miami Beach, Fla. 83139. REWARD -$11,750 for this coin I 19,000 of these 1804 silver dollars were minted--only 12accounted for! You may have a rare coin! Catalog lists lOO's of coin prices company offering catalog wants to buy. Catalog, $1 ppd. Best Values, Dept. C-18, Box 802, East Orange, N. J. 07019. V ACUTEX removes blackheads in seconds. A boon to troubled adolescent complex- ions and to a good many others as well. Eaaily operated, its rubber tip makes oper- ation a painle88 one. $1.50 ppd. Ballco, Dept. 21, 191 Main St., Westport, Conn. 06881. COOL and cuual boot, a fabric chukka for men who wear wide sizes ( 5- 18; E-EEEE ). Light blue denim or navy woven cord. $8.85 ppd. Free catalog available. Hitchcock Shoes, Hingham 41-SD, Mus. 02043. MAGNA-Fl makes close ~ N·' work, fine print look i-...~-J big ! Leaves hands ~ free; hinged l ens ~ swings up out of way when not in use. With removable 21h di- opter lenses, $7.95; 3 diopter, add $2.98. Nel-King, Dept. FWK-69MF, 811 Wya11- dotte, Kan888 City, Mo. 64106. 1001 "Get it Free" guide lats all dif- ferent ki ode of items to help you ~-~~ save and make 11?~,.-~?5~' money, for family, --'U,Q clubs, etc. $1.25. &lS, Dept. FR-469, 234 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10001. FOOD FASHIONS-It's easy to decorate beautiful cakes for parties with book, "Cake and Food Decorating Ideas," to tell bow. Euy.160 pages. Sl ppd. Wilton Enterprises, Dept. FW-6, 836 w. 116th St., Chicago, in. 60643. OOLORFllL fllm offer - Kodacolor film developed and jumbo prints are only $1.48 it you send thia editorial along with your ftlm. Any 8 or 12 exposure Eastman Kodak Film. Failure11 are credited. Limit 1 roll per customer. Guaranteed exceDent quality. Oft'er expires July 1, 1970. Skrudland :Photo, Dept. FW-6, Lake Geneva, Wis. 53147. A HEALTHY IDEA? Thinking seriously of Jiving in a land of sunshine where the climate ia ideal for wOl'k or p'-7 all yearT Write for free colol' portfolio about Deming, New Mexico. Se- lect Western Landa, Dept. AB-FW, 56 W. 66th St., New York, N . Y. 10019. DENTAL COSllETIC gives lovely and radiant smile I Simply brush on to cover ataina, fillings, blemishes. Guaranteed completely aaf e for natural or fal8e teeth. 8-montb supply, $1.98 ppd. No-Find, Dept. FLW-6, Box 206 Church St. Sta., New York, N. Y. 10008. FofMI¥ W .-iw, Jtt.u 1, 11111 It :b 0 t HALF the children wetting the bed U grow at age 5 will still be wetting at age 11 ... or older! Walter C. Alvarez, M.O., Professor B d U• Emeritus of the e We ln ff Mayo Clinh9, e e e e says : Bedwet- ting ..... Is hard Wh ~ on the unhappy child, and on the en ,, mother ... even if his parents do not • scold him. he cannot help feeling that he is a terrible nuisance and a disgrace to the family." The late Joseph G. Molner, M.D., Master of Public Health, who was a widely syndicated newspaper columnist, fully re- searched our program and stated: "Pacific International Ltd. does a better job of ending bedwetting problems than any- one else." For over 18 years Pacific International -the largest organiza- tion of its kind in the world -has helped solve the problem of chronic bedwetting for tens of thousands from ages 4 to 57. We can help your child. too. pro- vided bedwetting is not caused by organic defect or disease. I I , ........ : I .. ACIFIC INTlflNAflONAL LTO. , ... o ....... I o.,,..,.., .. a. , ._...,..,,c.Mt..,... ... n I . I .t Pacific l11ternat1on1J Ltd. 1968 Full 111lorm1toon will be supolled to you with no I cha111e or obtlgalion I PARENTS' NAME I ____ , I ADDRESS CITV COUNTY ___ I -----------' STATE ZIP PHONE ..... I CHILD'S AGE (Enuretrc must be over 4 y11. of ege) I ~------------- YOU MAY HAVE Pl I-WORMS ENO DENTURE MISERY llJITS .. ,., AND NOT KNOW IT Fi~, ~ohleepanda torment--inc 1t.cb -are ofUin telltale aicna of Pin-Wonm ••. ucly puuitee that. medJca1 experta •Y Infest 1 out or every 8 per900lexamined. Entire ram· lliel may be vicdme and not know it.. IUITllUY Mir9cle pluck DENTUIUTE refits loose ckaturea in '" min-ute&. This "Cushion of Comlort" eues aore JUllU· You eat anytbi ... Laugh, talk. C'YH lnftH without embarrusment. No more food petticles under plates. Toset,ridolPin-Wonna, theymuat be killed ln the larae lnteldne where theyllvvand mult.lply. That'aexactl.y what Jayne'1 P-W tablett do •.. and here'• bow they do It: nnit-a eeientl6c coat.inc carrlee the tableta Into the bowels before they d'->lve. Tben-Jayne'a mod- ern, medJeally..approved loCftdjent foel rlcbt to work-kills Pin-Worma quicldy, euily. AM .. u,. pltar-cllil. DENTURITE la.at• for months. Bods daily bot.her of powder, pe1te or cu1hion1. Just remoM when refit is ottdecl. TuteleH. Odorleu. Money back guarantee. At all dr&&1 rounten. Don't take cbancee with dancer· oua, hitbly c:onta«ioua Pin-Wom111 which Infect entire lamllfea. Get on· ui!>e Jayne'e P-W Vermllup ... aman, euy-to-take tablet.a •.. apeclal mes for ebildren and adult.a. MAil !QUPON I• 1 ~ 11 I l• I/, ( l ~ .... ~FREE! llUON DOllAI APPUANQ IEPAll RElD • .,,, ,, .. , .. ,, • .,. ,,.,,,., .. , Ytt! Billlono. i.pen1 for oqiplilln<:l' repair )e .. rly ••. ~ )'OQf share. m will train )'OU ., hOme In .,,an limo:. Eam whlk you ~m ..• pnoctlcttl. leam-hy-dot111 mc1hod II'~ ~ eamlna '°"" f.tSt! Don't quit your pROCN job ••• ha.-e 2 iftcomet ••. ~ 10 (Ull lime r------MN!lm ol your own •• be )'Our own ~ 511ckib~·--­ keep. ""' .......... Mui· t'-t•,ttlelftMt~ lftltrument .., ffle Electtl- u I trouble shooter •.• •Ith thff• llits JOU •ill """' ... -st.t IWll• il'I fatt. """8CWID fOI FIAINIHC) l#llOA GJ,!NU ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • IDlltlllL TUllllC llSTITITI 11tp1.•uH: : a1s L .....,_-..ta ........... Celt._, • ltvtlt ,... bit rACT P'loCI< $low -how I un ... m MMI : : .. m in Eledric•I ~lane. R .. , fltld. • : .. _ ------= : Mdlta : :cit,_ : • SI.II• -------_n, ____ • ...................................... .· Ma~ of color early In the SPllNGI CREEPllG PHLOX 3 for only 5100 Yft you imagine • Mtht -. lowly therl dwerf -... of g6owlng eob .....,... In -tv aprlnt? Cr"P1n9 PMoic l'Nli" • Mtht "* lowly. PerfKtly rounded bellt of cob .-.. only .. IMhe. tell. And C'"Pint Phlo• .._. ttv.e wmiderlul •ent..-. Ftnt. they ttey grHft ,... .,.. round. Secondly, they .,. -of eob In rhe .. ,1y tptlng wheft few Oft. thlft91 Me In bloom. Third, they we wOftd«ful for groond <owra end bof.,.. Q'gw In pert th_~§ full "'"· ltkh color •"°""'*'' ~: Rosy red, steel ~_.,.,,. ....... pwel tMnfi. Yov rec.iv• •trone IJOfthem gtfNlft f;.lcl dlvlslom. Now is the time to pi.r.t t0 cwder TODAY. SEND NO MONEY. Oft delhrefy pey $1.00 fof 3 pi.r.tt, $2.00 for 8 pi.r.ts or $4.00 . for 20 p!Mta, ,.,_ C.0.0. ct..991. We pay post-ve on Pfepeld ord.B. If not 100% Mtitfoed.' lwt Nftlm the thlPPlnt lebel for refund of purchne prk• ... you hep the pfant-. Pl.ANT NOW -MOWS DUllll. WM lat 11IS TllCI, ~ SPIUD•I EYllllllJt . ~, ... _... .. mvera.... ............................. ..... ....... SPIUDlll Cl ........ ..... 1.1 .. (12 ....... EVllllEEI Now, with this lvefgreen Cerpet (Junlpef\lt horizontelia proc:umben), '" one plant grow owr ugly beN spoft, even in poof ioil, 10 cover ' to 6' with • lovely, thldt u,.,.1 of 9'"" thet lats 36S DAYS Of THE YE.Alt. NEVU Gns MOit( THAN 5 TO 10" TAlll lnst .. d, this hwdy, dtoutht.....tttem plent u ... lu -W to .-'-ilOfltelly. Doe. ~ TIM in -'t.dt.in.d ---where .. nd end ro<b ,_,,.;1, in aun or penW ati.del IEAUTIFUl WAY TO COVER "fYESOHS ... And it stey1 fresh end 9'"" yew efOWftd, withou\ gettin9 Nt dull "winfer loolt". Siert it on t~ tpOtl now. Plent ._._,.. • .....,, -W. plMts w.U co-24 J o-36', Yov get hefcfy plenta ,_ r ,._.. SEND NO MOHIY. Oft delivery pey S2.00 for one,~4.00 for th,.., $7,00 few MX or $13.00 fUf twel'te, plut postege end C.O.D. thwges. We pey postege on ,....;d orden. If not 100% Mtltfled, jutt retvfn thlppint lllNI few refund of purchete price -you keep rhe .,...., •. AMAZING BONUS OFFERI 1 COLOIAIO ILll SPllG ONLY I "9 _,._ .I •' A'••-••r ... 1se v-. you c-. purchete -of thete Nrdy 5 ve• old, I 0.18" Cob.. llue Sprue. fof only I SC, wtleft you ~ Vol' Ofdef few at le•t '3.00. n... CObldD 1Mue 5,wUCll -from the -hwdy trenspleni.d ttodi thet we nonnelly Hlf fot $2.00 N<h. CoMplefe your ord«w~. CIEEPllG IED SEDUM /Sedum Spurium, Dragon's Blood) An ExtrMfdinary _ground cover for mM1e1 of summer flowers , . • evef9'MR Winter ...... . 4 for 5100 ,.~:::: Rode gerden1, borders. ~Ing, und.r sMdy lrHs. end stHp benk1 will be •live w ith ~ colof when you plent thil Creepin9 Red Sedum. Just ple<t these herdy, northern ~rwry or- pl.nta ebout one foot epert end wetch them l•ke over! Fiii troublesome •t•ff with • ne.t 3-4" tell cover thet spfeedt fest, yel dOftn't need pruning. O.~nd on 11 for bfic;aht red, ater-llle flowen from June throvgh September -e1tte<l1ve, th.ck. Mmi·eve•IJ"Mn fol. the rest of the yeer. even in tu~zeio we.lher! SEND NO MONEY. On dclovefV pey pcntman $ 1.00 for A, Sl.75 for 8 or S2.50 for 12, plus C.0 .0. d>erges. We pey po1tege on ~ ordefa. If not 100% iltisfled, iutt retUfn shipping lebel fot refund of purth•M prke -you kftt) rhe plwtts. uows MO SNfAOS wnHOUJ WCIM C.ut. "" SUH a. SHAOI. fYf# ,,, l'OOI '°"' "'"" catpel wfllt Blue flowe11f PEllWlllLE • ~AYS GlllN AU YIAI • ILUI flOWEIS IN SNINO • ~ NO SNCW CAii 10 for s1oo : :: ~= Cl• ... $4.tl) Now, for shedy areu beneeth ahfub. end II\ other d1m pleut. even where •--·t gtow, yov· cen hew • tJimonftr Clll'peot of thidi. llbundenl, evergreen Pffiwinkle (Vinu minor). And every &prift9. In May, shtcfe. heppy P•riwinkle giv .. v-• wide J)fofutlotl of b .. uliful f.,,ender-blue flowe<s that l'Nlie rhe dull•11 pert of 1ti. y1rd loolc lilr" • show<• .. ! And It SlfOWI to vigoroutly, yoU °" pvt P•nwinkle in poor, stony M>ll. on stoep benlu. in roc:k getdens -ptecticelly anywhere.• Don bet- ter in snede then gress -but liktt tun, 100. Spteech end spneds; one plent grows io, fill two squ•re feet; (for quicker, den.er elf.ct pie-it one foot •p•rt): ge11 '"6" t•ll -•II without tpKI,._.. CMe. You get ti.eltt.y, n1<ely roored plants. reedy for Hsy trensplenli"9. CLIP THIS EASY ORDER BLANK! ; SEND NO MONEY Mele yo ur selections or the order coupo n. ond tneil today. On delivery poy your poslmon for the items plus COO chorq es. SAVE MO N EY. Encloso full poymenl ond we pey .,11 post "'!e chor~es. I HOUSE OF WESLEY ;-NUitiiiY iiViiiiN-=--, I LI. 1, ... 1133-104. lleillli..-. IL 11711 I I Please send items marked below O PREPAID O COO I 1009/. GUARANTEE II not 100% sotisJied . j1al ret11m ffl. 1hippi1tg l•bel for refund o l purchese price -you \eep lhe plants. I I I I I I I I I I I TOTAL AMOUNT OfltDl'.R I I PAIN T NAM I I ADDRESS CI TY _______ STAT ZI~ I ----------------saw• All A..,CA WIJH OUTSTAllHI& ROllll UHAllS "Over 1 ,000 ,000 mtisf ied cusfomerS'' NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY SADDLEBACK WEEK OF MAY 31 • JUNE 6 mp ........ DICK WILION l"ORD THE ~--...= poncy ~ limed on c. mtomoblle WU on Feb. l, t•. It WM .. ... to Dr. Tnuna J. M.un GI Buffalo, N.Y. and ns for $1,•1•1•,• to protect Dr. Martin from .... done by hil macblne frflbtmns bona HO'l"l'EST SELLING "one mad-. el year" car for MY manuftic- tunr ... tbe Ont produetlan year GI tbe Mllltaal bJ Fard. ------9!9••111!11--"'·~------------· Loob llke we have another win- ner. Here at Wl1lan Ford we are llllllnl and clellvertnc Font's p.t new Maverick at a record .... IF YOU plan to vlatt a ltate or ndonaJ park tbll 11.IJIHNI', ~ ter c:beck out l'elll'Vatloo avall-abllltlel tint. · WbUe ,.,.a're tblnklnl about pu'b and ~ · tac, stop In and Check out our MiectJon ol •• PCJrd p&ck-upt and campen here at lmi Beidt Blvd. ~y ALL IDIMI, If you plan to enjoy a motorlnC 1U1D1Dir vaca- tlcn have an apert talre a aood look at )'GUI' «:91' befcn you ct. put. No CDe mow.~ bettilr' than • blP17 tralmd lm- eUalc who mUa bis ~Uvinl 1reepia& motorilta safe ·on the bllbnJI. NATURALLY CALIFORNIA ... tbe mtlon In the total """"* ol ~ Yellldes 'Ibey talk about the "crowded sty.'' u eedl drtvw would adid one more courteaua pmare to his or ber drtvtnc hlibUs .... day It would add up to 099' • mDUan ac.11 ol c:ounm. eecb. mamb and thllt'• jUlt In Call- fGrnla. Now there'• IOIDf!llh ... t.o tbk* about. Pl•• Tea I u ..... " •H· "-•• ....... ........ '"' sz211 PAJIL~NI j ....... .. 111? ......... rili: ..... .,, ....., .... -....... __ .. ...., ............................. . ......... Crtll?F -..... • ..... ..... ... ~· .... '"' . S'MQ'8e "' o.wn ....... , • ~ F"A LC 0 N &"90 • .t .. Ta• I u. .... •• .,,. ..... .,...._ ........... Mfl,•p~IJb If ~·-·-· TORINO G.T~ IUND .... CORTINA $-~-$ft Dewn MUI » -. ~-.. "• , ... u ........ ,, ........... . .,ICI OflN SALIS •r. t ...... 1 .. , ... ., .... 1 ..................... .. 111a..1 ....... , ... 12~ l~ 2:( 5:C a:: 11 :1 4: 5 i SU 9 WI !: Tl ,.Fl s TV !PORT! H/IJHlllJHT! SUNDAY, JUNE 1 12:30 1J 9 [j) MU Championship Track and F"'teld (C) The Kennedy MemoriaT Games are presented from Berkeley, Calif. 1:30 IJ 9 (() NFL Action (C) An exploration of the key plays of pro football. Pat Summerall is ho~t. 2:00 El\) I "lc!A I Peecoctt Hiii National Horse Show: Highlights of the second day of the Peacock Hill National Horse Show, live from Tustin, Calif. Ed Arnold hosts. MONDAY, JUNE 2 5:00 D Major L.eaaue Baseball (C) Teams to be announced. THURSDAY, JUNE 5 8:301J Boxing (C) Joe Orbillo vs. Marty Franklin in lO·round heavy· weight bout. SATURDAY, JUNE 7 11:00 AM D QJ@ Major League Baseball (C) Teams to be an· nounced. 2 :00 IJ Qi Cl) The Belmont Stakes (C) The lOlst Belmont Stakes Belmont Park, Belmont, N.Y. is the third of horse racing's Triple Crown events. • O Western Open Golf (C) Jack Nicklaus defends his title and competes for the winning $25,000 at the Midlothian Country Club on the outskirts of Chicago, Illinois. Final rou nd airs to· morrow at 1 :00 PM. 4:001J UCLA Spring Football (C) Coach Tommy Prothro sends his UCLA Bruins through a 90-minute football game. Players in· elude backs Greg Jones and Mickey Cureton, with Bob Man· ing at fullback, George Farmer at wingback, and Bill Bloden, Jim Nader and Dennis Oummit as quarterbacks. Tom Harmon calls the play·by·play, and Norman Dow and Don Manning commentate, 5:00 0 {jj) (1) ABC'& Wide World of Sporb (C) ii!J Movies ol tile Week J SUNDAY, JUNE 1 9:00 0 (jl) Cl) "Breakfast at Tiffany's.'' This bittersweet tale of a "free spirit," one of Holly Golightly, who does her thing in New York by eating a Danish and drinking a cup of coffee in front of a dazzling diamond display at Tiffany's. Her story and her romance make this captivating film a favorite. Audrey Hep· burn, George Peppard, Patricia Neal, Buddy Ebsen, Martin Bal· sam and Mickey Rooney star in the 1961 release. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4 9:00 0 @ Cl) "The Slender Thread.'' This excellent suspense-drama stars Anne Bancroft and Sidney Poitier in the story of a young black student and his eight-hour shift in a suicide clinic. While the student Is on duty a woman who has swallowed sleeping pills calls the "help" line, but refuses to give out her location. This tense drama unfolds the story of her marriage in flashback as police and the telephone company attempt to find her by tracing the call. THURSDAY, JUNE 5 9:00119 CJ) "Shock Treatment." Lauren Bacall, Stuart Whitman, Roddy UcOowall and Carol Lynley star In this 1964 psycho· logical shock·drama. ,.FRIDAY, JUNE 6 9:00 6 9 Cl) "U&a." Stephen Boyd and Delores Hart star In the 1962 war drama about a young girl who was tortured by the Nazis and about the young man who saved her. SATURDAY, JUNE 7 9:00 D QJ Cl) "Rope of Sand." Burt Lancaster, Claude Rains and Corinne Calvet star In the 1949 melodrama about big game hunting. diamonds and a vicious syndicate in Africa. TRUE COMPANIONSHIP ... bringing people who feel olike ond think alike together: that's what computer selection is oll about. Nor is it just for young people. It works for men and women of all ages who are looking for mature, lasting relationships with members of the opposite sex. It is not a sub· stitute for the human mind or emotions. You truly make the selection because of the values you ·place on a lasting relationship. The computer merely helps us find like-minded companions foster. It has wor~~d for thousonds; it will work for you. hr Mere 1.t.nNtlH c.11 (714) 147·1645 w Fiii Ollt e..,.. NAME ....................................................................... , •. STREET ............. CITY .........•.... STATE ........... ZIP . . .. . .. . PHONE . .. ........... ltACE ..••.•......... SEX .•.••..•.....• AGE ....... . OCCUPATION .........••.•.....• ( ) SINGLE I l 01\IOltCEO ( I WIOOWEO COMPRAMATICS SUITE 617--NORTH TOWER UNION BANK SQUARE, ORANGE, CALIF. 92661 SATURDAY MAY 31 f, V f ·~ I ~. ( • l:tO •• Iii ..... (C) (60) a ta oo m .......,......, <C> {j>) ............ (C) (30) Kinny Price ind Dotty Plr1on .,, f..tur.d. g ._ ae, (C) (60) Sam Riddle hosts. m Tiie lllVlden (C) (60) l:lO D ""' ee.t.,... (C) (30) "...., ..... (C) (60) 811 ilma Thornton 1uests. D ..., 10. (C) (30) Molly Bet i..wa lHJ (30) ...,.., tile I..._ (30) (R) &tMWit..t $fldlla (C) Siii F1ntr (C) (l<J) r Mudd. 7:1l11R~ - -(Cl ,_ ........... 2J Deel' (C) (30) Alt 1n11yticll study of Glendale and Bu11>1ntl, two of Southern California's many "•II-white or ,...r1y so" communi· ties. This profrlm Inquires Into the reasons and it wel&hs possible effects that new federal and std laws may have. The new lm111 of the California Rul Estate Aaocia- tlon, which once fouatrt open hous· l!!f. Is 1lso assessed. U TH AlliNu..-, 51• (C) (30) .. Hamel hosts. ''Guess ~ho's moving next door?'' Southern California is dotted with communities that have never experienced the social change of integration. But new Federal and State laws. Supreme Court decisions, and efforts by the California Real Estate Association. to help minorities secure housing. indicate that changes are on the way. Watch this significant program on KNBC Survey. SPECIAL tonight 7-730 an. ol '19 speclOI programs ~vied .., Moy deohn1rW1th The Ovoltty of Vtbon life n4£ DAILY '1l.OT, TV WEE<. MAY 31, ltlt Mt lZ- F1brly, Mic:hlel Lindon, Jvne Lott· hart end Jim e.dua. • • ( I ~ ) • • , ' ' I ID F,.. t111t ,..,. o.t (C) ':001J S...W Stm ntu (C) "Bladt 11J.., ...... =·~ History of llJo.Ant«. ll:OOllOICIJU.. et lh (C) ,:301.,.,_, CC> DU@ e ...,_,.., CC> ,........... ra•ie tc> D n. , ... ,., ..._ (C) TlldNr 1 ... Slnb Gr1h1m Kerr. C-...1111 fllll • a.tn ..... (C) Ttdlllicll C... 11J ..... ._ (C) 1:00 I ca ..... (C) Josecill e.ntt. 11:15 a ..... (C) 0our Dudley. HuatiQJ~ ~ ':::' = of1. l1:2S l,!s_ Cl) Cit ..._ (C) Doulfas lnltes Utls week from West Gtr· rneny, I country tfllt la ~ltbf'lt· 11:30 11 fB Cl) Surd! fw T~ (C) I its 20ltl anniversary Utls 191r. D U 00 8'· flt 1... (C) Bill bwdte nit lllrtl (C) Cullen hosts. •· W1111-.. <C> a• ......... ,, c... (C) Al fllil a. c.t (C) Hamel hosts. C-....,/S'8cl ~ DT1.,. (C) Roy Elwell and Bob 7:JOIT11e Ed"""'._ (C) Domin co-host. • ........ F....._ al a.t tile Odds (C) Johnny Gii- Tlle flt1*111 (C) bert hosts. .. .., (C) 11:45 fl~ Wltll Centa (C) Widnes· 1:00 IJ QI (I) Clftli• ...,.,.. (C) dlJ only. With Bob Keah1n. I AllWt ' CelWlt Cart.a (C) ...... (C) hcUt ..... "-I (C) IZ:OO ~ _jC) 1:15@(1)Nee ..... (C) U OO ID ...... F-(C) 1:25 fl~ lelltl• .._ (C) 8iwli! SM Dljfimt Movtts. l:JOI...,., (C) a ~<r-:::r-~ (C) -= If tllt P'fll 'fn1t .. .., (C) Cl)~ .. (C) (I) ....... ..._ (C) U;15 al Strlldl -4 S.W (C) Wldnes-!:001 Tiie l.tlq_...., (C) diY only. uoomn T ... r.. <e> U:JOl9Cl)Ae tile w.w Tns <C> Vin ScullJ hosts. Dt1n Jona. Jack QJ 00 8' 0.,. el 0. U.. Al.btmon. Harvey Korman ind their Macdonald Carey stirs. Wtvll pest. ~ ()) ,.., , ....... A* 8 ......, lrm Slllw (C) Uo,d Thuton hosts. .... : Set Olytim1 Movlta.. Meiwle: Stt DIJtimt Movies. Jlcklt Joseph hosts. Btn Hunter hosts. l lMdi Tnic.y c.tNM (C) llJ Dillllt fw Dllln (C) Alan (ft) Cl) Mel Lt ~ (C) Sloane hosts. ~ (C) f:B Ttdlltlal C... ~(Clrtffllll (C); ... Ill· U.'55 D ~Cl) Qil*t9'• .., (C) ) Friday only. Tua.~urt.. ltndoft H Smitll M D t :JO,Q.tCl)lewtrlJ .......... (C) . • •. U 00 ID Cwwb..,.. (C) 1:00 8 9 CJ) U.. Is • lllaJ .,..... McMahon hosts. .....-nali1~ I B llMlr. See Deytlmt MO¥ia. 8 QJ Ci) • Tiie Dedtrs (C) • iiilitia t11t .... (ll) (]) ...._ (C) M1b utt..~. (C); Edllcltf11ll ,.... ;,~=MJ/St8ct ~ (C) Host G-R•m wttccMw ptSts Sut lJon Ind Soupy Silea. fll#t Tiil (C) D ~(])OJDllill .._ (C) nm Ian1e holts.. 2:45 D ..... (C) Ttd MIJlf1. l:OD8Tlle ............. (C) D P .D.Q. (C) Dennis James hosts. • ......., ..... (C) D (11) (l)GJ ._..........,CC> a .... : Stt Daytime Movi• Tom Frandsen hosts. I.~ : Monclly only; ii ~ lbtlMt: Don Roclew11d. 1j w..::!:-c' w':' ..... 3:30 8 ladJ hlr (C) Geoff Edwlrds hosts. 0 Mat. DM&la (C) S.r&lo Fnn-Jil CO·hosts. ~ ~ -=~ T(c, lM (C) I DMra c.rt (C) ..... ...., (C) 4:00 8 Mr. Ed; ,...: See Daytime McMa on Tuesday ind Friday. I Oult .., Hlnilt 2 9'! :' :--(C) 4:30 Mwlr. See Daytime Movies . .......... .._. (C) Bill Bonds. .._. (C) Georp Put111m . ..... :c;:-(C) ~ :.,,. Pim~ (C) ~ T• (C) ... ., .... 5:00 8 IOllC ........ (C) U OO ID....., Lupt ._. W (C) liondey on1Y. Tums to bt 1nnounc:td. ..._ (C) Tom Rtddln. • Tiie ...., .. (C) Tiie AIWlm ,..., ~~., n..-... (C) ~LllCJ .... (C) F•.,Yea ._..._ (C) :c,.z-5:.JOID@~m ..... CC> ''"* i .... \~ ...... (C) Tlil ..., ·-(C) .....,. (C) @(I)...,.. ........... (C) 1:101· Cl) Tiie ............ (C) 10:00, .. 1.-00 ID A1M11er w..w (C) 8(1) ID,._..., (C} Host ..._ .... lat Lany Blyden wtkonlel """ ,.ne1. lft (I) m LAI'• ..... • ...., ...,.... ..... : • mr lsts Peter l.nford. Connie Stewens Monty Hlli hosta. Ind Marty Allen. who discuss Utt JtM ltMn ...... (C) a...t 21 ..... llr ....... IM iMtf ptl'IO!llllties of Robert Gou<-2:00 ! 9.1(1) s.a.t ... (C) = ~ ..... ldlllll f:r ~ zu zu Gabor, Anthony Ntw· 00 . ,.. ""' SIJ (C) ...... .. ..... ~ 0 ,'I,, ::. M • Jo Anne WofflJ ind Douc 0111 ntdJ welcomes ptSts Jlflls _.. --fw ............._ -c:aure. Pala• Ind Bob Cnne. ........ -· ~ I Tl'lll "c.u,u1• -It'-.,_ .. dtllllla• • ~ (I)..., f.:J(C) , .. , iii ... ~!:;'...... ....... l:JIMl.z:JI 10-.isectrr 11111 ,.... .....,. l'(l)a ._ tQ ~ WI .... MORE aovs & GIRLS NEEDED FOR NEW TV COMMERCIAL.$ Tlti1 is tfte let"t w9'4 fre"' +tie "'•ior •9•11t• •tuil pro4'11c•n 111 Hollywoo4'. To1..,1,fo11 ce"'"'orclel1 •r• bit bn1Hu. It ia • b•1i110u ltttot ompleya o lorqo """'bor of chilclre11 011cl poy1 thom lorto ul· •rlo1. l11t whore cUcl fflH• lil4a l 'co"'• fro,., 011cl how cll4 tftoy t•+ tfter•' w.11. would you bollne ttiey'r• found in 111ch for .. + plocoa 01 ~llertott, S•11t• Alto, or ·tfto outer re11io111 of lo119 IHch or Po ... 011a 7 So"'• of tfteao yo11111· 11+.n "'•Y Vvo ri9ht 11•.t cfoMI Id who ft11cl1 thoN +•1011+.4 boys 1•11cf 9irl1 to fill the pro4'11ctlo11 11eocl17 Tho atucfioa 011cl e9011ts clott't hove ti"'•· 10 oa o ro111lt, tttore 11 • lor90 cle"'oncl, .~ to fill this clomottcf, o Public Reio· tlo111 Co"'pony collecl TAKE I PRODUCTIONS, INC. hH hlr119' ta oner9'•• oncl rHo•rco1 to fill • 119 ttti1 11eecl. TAKE I P'ODUC· IONS molie1 profouionol contoctl l n Hollywoo4' for nowco"'•"· SINDY ENNEN Local school girl's eernmgs reach $10,000 in TV can- mercials a few months after b e i n g signed by Tan I ft'oductions. IF YOU AH IETWffN THE A&lS OF J AND It, AND WOULD LIKE A CHANCE TO DO COMMER· CIALS AND T.V. Cel 547-6251 ..... Tab 1 PNductloM. Inc. ORAN&E CO. OFFt<a 10-.JOl§~Dld Y• lf'e ...... .... W1e111•• ....... L ei) • ....,.... ---Ill ..... : Stt Dtytfmt Ill°""-nar., NI AIM!IO Pb M1rsllall welCOfW ?:al tit Cl) Tiit Edit tf ..... (C) F.W., tt:tt All·2·- IUtlts M1urten Arttwr, N1Mltt U OO en. lllktl ---------------'' -----------....1 When there•a a break in filming. and parti~ durina the summer production hiatua for television stars, many take to the open teas in their own apecial aeaaoina craft. Among the more avid boating enthusiuta is NBC star Dan Blocker of Bonam.a, who prefers racina-type boats. His new power cruiler. dubbed "Lady in Cement" from bis I movie with Frank Sinatra, is a 40-foot Campbell apecial with twin 427 hp Chevrolet Marine engines, aivin1 the craft a speed of 45 to 50 knota. In his apare time from filinina chores oo NBC's 1be Hiah Chaparral, Leif Bricbon makes bis 44-foot schooner "Papn° bis home. Hia "crew" conmu of wife Annie, daup- ter Suzie and son Bill, recently diJcbarged veteran of 13 months in Vietnam. John Mcintire and Jeaoette Nolan. who for yean have been a team on me acreen (and currently co-starrina on NBCs The Virainian), work equally well toaether u "mates" aboard their Norwegian-built 42-foot craft '1be Joshua," named after an lm- torical seafaring man, Joshua Slocum. John is no amateur sailor. In hia youth be ·wu a merchant mariner and earned bia Able-bodied Seaman papen. never even t feel Ii -.. Fr vfew, gratif) peers, work you f honor. lade i really ognitic about. Tod want 1 ers wa "Ham: dance. fonne1 done i everyt Carol Fou two SC have vision• a SUfl hold t "I 1 the B the uo still Cl audien The portan 10 the drama at the HARVEY KORMAN- There's only ooe thing better than winning an Emmy nomina- tion. That's winning the Emmy. But just being nominated is a thrill of a lifetime to Harvey Korman, who is in the Emmy Sweepstakes this year for his work as Carol Burnett's leading man on The Carol Burnett Show, Mondays at 10 PM on CBS. "I'm thrilled, surprised and excited," he says. "I've wanted for a long time just to get this THE y E R s A T I L E c1ose." 'MR. Korman, who declares he never won anything before, says even the nomination makes him feel like a winner. ·"From an emotional p<>int of view, it's terribly excitmg and gratifying to know that your peers. the people you dig and work with are recommending you for the industry's highest honor," he says. "Such an acco- lad~ 1s one of the things you realJy want as a performer. Rec- ognition. That's what it's all about." E y E R y T H I N G' Today it seems that all actors want to be singers and all sing- ers want to be actors. Comics yearn to play "Hamlet" and dramatic heavies want to dance. But Harvey Korman is one per- former who has no such dreams. He has done it all. And he keeps doing just about everything week in and week out on the Carol Burnett Show. Four years as Danny Kaye's sidekick and two seasons as Miss Burnett's leading man have established him, possibly, as tele- vision's most versatile comic actor. He has a surprisingly good singing voice and can hold his own in most any dance number. "I love the k..ind of television we do on the Burnett Show." he says. "We enjoy the unique pleasure of doing television and still e'lperiencing the excitement of a live audience." The "feel" of a studio audience is im- pcnant to Korman, who began his career in the theatre after four years of studying drama at the Goodman School of Drama at the Chicago Art Institute. He played in "Hamlet" on the stage and attracted the attention of Seymour Berns in 1960, when Sherwood Schwartz (head comedy writer for Red Skelton) brought bis play, "Mr. and Mrs." to Chicago, and Harvey was cast fo a supporting role. Seymour Berns was the director of that play and Cecil Barker the producer. Both were im- pressed with Korman's performance, which drew good notices. Later in Hollywood, after performances on The Red Skelton Hour, Route 66 and several other oetwork shows, Harvey was recommended for the Danny Kaye Show by Berns. Kaye was so impressed with Harvey's auditJoo that he closed the deal oo the spot and discontinued further audi- tions for the pan Korman bas memories of ''years of star- vation" before making it big as Kaye's sidek..ick. After the four years with Kaye, he was tapped to direct the sketches for the Steve Allen Show on CBS. Directing per se is not a new departure for Korman, who directed a number of stage plays earlier in bis career. But the Allen assignment marked his first directorial stint in the tele- vision medium. Harvey hopes to be involved in more direction in the future as well as continue his career as an actor. He also has plans to branch out into television production. · Then be signed on with M~ Burnett and has become her "Mr. Everything" for the past two seasons. Harvey bas many reasons for liking the Carol Burnett Show. He has great admira- •' tion for Miss Burnett, he likes the material he's given to do and thrives on the "give and take" with the star. "And," he adds, "you can't beat the money." He nas oow achieved that rare status in the industry as a "comedian's comedian" and Miss Burnett is his biggest booster. Ask her what. she likes best about doing her series and she replies: "Wotting with Harvey Korman. I think he's absolutely marvelous, the best! To have a good sketch player with you that you can depend on every week is a blessing. But Harvey's not just a sketch player. He's so strong and so good that he can do everything.'' Korman does more characters on Carol's show in one month than most actors do in a whole lifetime. And all of them come out funny. If he has any problems today as a performer, they spring from his own versa- tility. He masquerades as so manv charac- ters it is difficult sometimes to identify tbe real Harvey Korman. "There's a little bit of me in all the roles I play," he says. "My favorite part. I suppose. is that of Carol's husband Roger in the 'Carol and Sis' sketches. He's not such a character. He's more realistic and less bizarre than some of the others. And it's closer to legitimate acting, relating to other characters and situations." What about audience reaction? "Most of my mail is from teenagers," be says. "And, believe it or not, they c-0mment most about the 'Old Folks' routine that Carol and I do. Also, 1 get a lot of mail from adults who say they've never written a fan letter before." It appears that Harvey has bridged the generation gap, another credit to bis verla- tility. There's also an unofficial Hai vey Korman "fan club" among other comedy performers headed by Miss Burnett Korman is always amazed to hear that Red Skelton, Dick Van Dyke, Johnny Carson, Danny Thomas or Milton Berle admires his work. He is flab- bergasted to )earn that his {ans also include more diverse personalities: Rosalind Rus- sell, Maurice Evans and Edward Albee, to name a few. When Korman ventures out in public, he finds that fans recognize the face-but not the name. "People point at me and whisper, 'Carol Burnett,' " he says, or " 'that's her husband.' " The fact that Korman's name is not a universal household word doesn't seem to bother him, though. His face is his fortune. And it's a credit to his skill as a perform- er that he can be anyone be wants to be-- by just raising an eyebro~ JWttching ac- cents or, as they say, chanfng bis hat. Harvey's Emmy nomioaboo is for "Out- standing Individual Achievement" (Variety Performance). and the other nominees are Ruth Buzzi. Goldie Hawn and Arte John· son-all of Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In. The Emmy Awards will air on CBS, Sun- day, June 8 from 10 to JI :30 PM. ,... 7 SUNDAY t:OO I C.-a TltfM (C) tt11 Cltholic Church-why it Is theft Mr F..ntil s...,. (C) Df. ind the hoptS of bridlfnc il 8111 hur Bietz, Glend1te Seventh Day In ls host. Adventist Church, 1uesti. (i7J (}) &J .... 11.oq (C) 0., .t D*°"'J (C) Fattll for Today (C) QaU.... (j) Fublre (C) lolpel Male (C) 11:00 8 ffielect Hl*I Stert (C) Felice ~ 1at11rJ11 ._ta. (C) Mooney Maddi , hostess. r .. Md ltnJ (C) I Tllil la tt. Ufe (C) Hn Cita .... ..,..... i..W. (C) • c.ct ......... 1a u.. 20tti c... tHJ rn m ,.,,,.." cc> my llOwie: (t) "llaadlt ,..,.. (dl'I· Q) Alrialftural Report CC) m1) '48 -V1lerle Hobson, Stew1rt JUNE 1 All 1t•tlon1 reserve the rflht to chance proeram· mlng without advance no- tice. 9:3011 Muak. Mualc. Muak (C) Un· Grenier. usual sounds of Jm are created I Claurdl In tit• Ho• (C) 1:15 GI Tiit e1tr111ep1tera 1:30 ID n.. 11b1t ,._,.,.. l:SS I Ciwe Ua Tllll Day (C) 1:00 r .. _, Jer'fJ <C> S.114_, F1•la (C) 7:30 ..... (C) ...,_ T1berlladt Qoir (C) 7:45 'lllt Clltlttopltn (C) 1:00 Qt Ci) I.IMP Unbl My ftft (C) • e Coptic Cross." Customs and history of the •nclent Coptic Chris- • tian community In EaypL (R) ' the Don Cunnln1h1m Quutet. · ~= llptist Cflurdl · EceaoU. fef All • (C) Wruttin1 (C) " ellfibors of North America." • (C) Study of how people 1dapt to ceo-ll:lO Tt41 It Ulle tt Wn (C) "Folk· C!!phical conditions. lore." A selection of traditional U Mewle: "Tiie Crut Cambinl" sonas and folk tales of Africa and (mystery> '37-Aklm T1mlroff, John America . Trent. " 88reea LllVel (C) •. Ofll ""Toberta (C) caro -America's Inland Seaport." Aqua .. (C) The history of the major American a ,._. Raltdltte port Is •xplored. CR) m Tiie Qr ....... (C) Ciilledl'll of r ... ,.. (C) • 0., tf DllciMry (C) ........ (C) I I!(]) m Ducff" Do-Ri&llt (C) (i7J m &> Dlacovefy (C) "Chi· na la tile Ufe (C) D M9N: CC) """ ........ ., Ute 10:00 fJ Today'a lelifiN (C) With host· ~ (mystery) '59-Peter ess Ruth Ashton Taylor. Cushina. Andre Morell. Allen lttvtvll Heur (C) @ Ced Is tt. An ... r (C) 1:30 IMll Up •net Uwt (C) ProHle (C) I A&rladtart USA (C) m Accat Oft Actloa (C) {i?J (I) &) lJftUI (C) Movie: (Cf "Holen ef Tro,'' (dra· ma) '56-Rosaani Podesta, Jacques l\fTIRNOON lebttl Wftll I Clat (C) Semas. lZ:OO 8 flllEMIEIE Tiit Sanflewer Cele- Oral hbtt1s (C) llfltlon C:..,..., (C) A new series • ....._: (C) "'Tiie leunty H....,.. (western) '64 -Den Durye1, Rod Cameron. ~ Faitll for Tod" (C) In which teenacers and youn1 adults TOWll Hall Meetiq (C) explore the human emotions throuati aH.ate CeflZOI the use of aroup dynamic "aames," ~~~~it~~ (C) I Kdrytl ..... , .... (C) • Wino t. Adnfttllrt (C) sona. dance, poetry, film, art and 10:30 Sttpa te Lurt1ln1 (C) discussion. Norm Anderson is host ~la DUX (C) Tiit Aa9Wlr (C) ID @ 8' Culd1nce (C) "The and producer. ChurCJi ind Human Values." A diJ· 1· Read Riflrt (C) cusslon of tht cttdlblllty pp in ltne A1ftrJ Whatever haepeoed to Eugene Orowitz? He's Michael Landon who stars as Little 1oe, in NBC's Bonanza. ' • • • Sara Lane, who portrays Elizabeth Grainger on NBC's The Virginian, is an expert horsewoman, and the few times she uses a double in the senes is at the insistence of the producer. • • • NBC star Dean Martin bas a reverse twist on slogan contests. "You send me $5000 or a new car and rn send you a filled-in blank of 25 wor<b 01 less telling why I like you.", • • • "You · think it's tough to be a cop?" Kent McCord star of NDC's Adam-12 series was asking the Los Angeles police sergeant technical advisor. "It's just about as tough to be a kid according to my 5-year-old daughter Kristin," Kent quickly added. "I was e.xplaining to her why she had to go to bed early, and after some ume lapsed, she agreed to go to bed and then quipped, 'gee it's tough to be a kid, daddy.' " • • • ...... Mewlt: (C) ''f"M Cuas Wiii" (wtstem) '55-John Lund, Dorothy Milone. fatellilm hrent W St9fies of SUcusa (C) DMble FNture F11twe • "' Su Cua • Profiles of Prorms (C) Armed Ferca HION&Ms (C) 12:30 9 CJ) AAU Clt1•91l11 ... 'tract ucl 1itlT (C) The Kennedy Memo- rial Gamu ere pr .. nted from Bert111ty, Calif. I . D c..act .. 111 t11t arta CC> ~ Chlld and the F1lry," Df. Sttm presents the lest splendor of the f1iry kinadom in the wortd at ttle child. It Merit: .. .., s.. .., ...... (dfl· ma) '40-Brlan Aherne. TY ....,... If Ute Welt (C) Cl) N., Fil• (C) • Qiest for Advent•• (C) lntlflrt (C) 1:00 JI !,tit .tit• Prm (C) d m.,Dfrtdiooa (C) W• l.oM ltvtvlf Flrts (C) 1:30 fB Ci) Nfl AdlM (C) "Sun· day With Soul." An uploration of the key plays Of football. Pat Sum· merall is host R YouUI and Pellet (C) (!}@CJ) GJ 1 .... ind AllSWtn I Yeice of Calvery (C) U.S. N., (C) Z:OO Ftce Utt Nltlefl (C) m c...,, ...... , 1.,..t <C> ~ CHf•IMll (C) Bill Bonds Interviews the winner of Los An· «!!_es' m•yoralty race. w lolfef DerbJ (C) ~ fUtieM: "Tht fly.'' ruc.dHll ........ : d Arnold hosts KCET cov1r111 of the NCOnd day of the Peacock Hiii N1tlon1I Hor• Show, livt from Tustin, Calif. Tht oompe. tltlon benefits the John Trecy Clinic. ~ ~':' Jetlooa (C) II Ladiel .,., <C> 2:25 !News (C) 2:30 Co!MfSltioat Wtt• a ~ (C) "M1na1ina Psycholo1lc11 Tensions on the Job, In School 1nd In the Society." Dr. Edwud Stain· brook hosts. CJ "The City & the Ghetto" * Mayor Richard Hatcher D Oa c..pn (C) "MIYOf Hatdl· er." The youna N11ro M1yor of Gary, lndiena, is Interviewed by University of Redlands students. D M0¥1t: (C) "Prtdt •f tilt ...... crass'' (adventure) '54 -Uoyd Bridaes. Vert Miles. D MUliets $ Mewlt: (C) ''Tiit M-ftllt•• of Doll Jun" (1dwnture) '49-Errol Flynn, ~ Lindfors. I Ci) Sanday Mltlnee lliildaJ (C) A•eriun Probltm (C) 3:00 tJ NEW SEASON Repertoire Wert· shop (C) "The Bear." A wry com· edy by noted Russl1n playwrilfrt Anton Chekov. rekindles the embers in the ace-old battle of the sues. Miry Grover portrays the 1llurina youna widow and m1n·h1ter. Elena Popov. Griaory Smirnoff, "The Bear" and woman-hater, is played by David Watson. Music Is by Joe Hanson and lyrics are by Duke Yelton. Q Movie: "ltlud In Ute 5'y" (ad- venture) '53-John W1yne. I Tiles of tilt c.ldtn Wiit Olttr U.lts Faces and Pllca (C) MclCetver & tlle Colene! Sape (C) 3:l0 II lftlider/Oubldtr (C) "Take Me to Your leader." I Hlft C•, Will TrM Ci) CoqrmioMI ~ (C) 1'lil ht Patrol (C) l.adlea Day (C) 1:45 D Mtwlt: "[leapt by NW (mya- tlfY) '64-Terence lon1don, Jenni· ftr Jayne. 4:00 Viewpoint (C) Mu Fro• UNCI.£ (C) lroeco ~=: F1ct tt'8 Nltiorl (C) ttmlu Sobrt let Hlioa • EM11n O'Toole Anltrlcan Proble111s (C) 4:30 Nt ... .urs (C) News (C) ~I Dfu• of Jeen11t (C) ,. .. ,... (C) sica y ,... .. • T1te Dlbta • Scope (C) • 4:55 II Wonderful WOftct of Sport (C) 5:001 Newa (C) Clete Roberta. Sp.-Up (C) Bill Leyden. Df. luter'a ~ (C) llowie: (C) "Ml9*" le •!" (comedy) '66-fred Gwynne, Yvonne~ De Carlo, AJ Ltwb, Teny- Thomas. D 5'ipPJ (C) Sonny Is fOfeld to IOok after ten visitina chlldren from all over the world, none of wflOm sp11ks En(lish • • Fly.'' lliMal Kerr ~ the Show, )mpe. Clinic. ... 011ca1 11 and Stain· tto" wr latdl· )f of d by ;I. ...... Lloyd t M- 1turt) •rs. ht· com· trllfrt nbers :axes. urine Elena "The layed I Joe Duke (•d· 1 Me C) mp- tnnl· .. Ml, rtr'f· I to rom M>m 5:l0 I • I • • " ., l:IO -~Cl> Tiit llll c.m, (C) ~) 'Glmes Futufilb PtlJ." Alt euml111tion ol tM .,...1 ...i- tlvitr ...,, IUflY IMUlbttl .. conductiq with tMlr ........ • aid them In lllldel1t.llldl w •· ploy• hired ham the r111b al the hlnkorl unemployed. (R) D QI (I) ID c..._. .... <C> 1:30 (JO) Robelt tar1e holb. . !55M (30) ........ , .... ) am Burruel follows • rntdlcal corps unit In Yllbllll'I. (R) 1--,. (30) IMt .... (C) (30) (R) ... ,,.. lllCl1 (C) (60) ' 8 AMERICA'S FOREMOST * BEAUTY AUTHORITY JOHN ROBERT POWERS creator of 'POWERS GIRL' • .... ..., (C) (30) Tiit dis- lppeiflftCe of the Powers Model la wmintd. (R) DUCiliDWlll ...... CC> !) .. .,.. Klqdom ... (R) ......... (C) (90) nny Cal'IOll, Anita Grancfr, attl Baker, Maur1111 Arthur and Mumy Mc:Eac:Mnl auell. e •• ... <C> <&0> StM Alleft stars and holb u ht Wlblw luaU Jlyn1 ........ Uilu, alff Richard, Mlllt Newman, Thi Jan Bm Brothn, The Bcwo Doi Doo- Dah Band and Thi Rumanian Na· tiOftal Danca CompallJ and Or· chatra. 11 Liii L1KJ (30) ...... %Z (60) • r..-C1M1 C30> .., (C) (30) 7:GO (l'j L-.. (C) (30) Juoft. E. flahta for IU Ill• when att.ac:Ucl by a cleadly predltor as Lassie Incl forest Raq• Scott Tut111r follow a claqnua tr.U. Cocacluaion ol two-part ttory. (R) DU (j) Im llM:k n. (C) (30) 'l'f'hl QWiqurst.dcw Cune." Tolcl to lpcwe the told fouAcl In an udlDt fottrm, Ult ,ounpt111 don't ... the wamlnc.feR) (f) LM4 .... 81Mb I ~) ' ht loll Ona." Four 11rthliftl clellequeats, cut.nm on the ... nt plaMt, capture Stw1 and the otMr1 from ~R) m cmmc"' " l.11111 1IMMiiii (C)(60) Alm on super· natutal btUlts of Afrlcln and lor· nean utivea. m ,_. .. ,,.., cC> <30> "Lab.T.-H.1 Sa~• exhiblel till aa1c WOftdlti o1 tt11 coua.1 r• Ilona. atacJeri. qu•nt vtlllc• Md forests to the ArdJe Recton al Ea· klftlO vtllqee, •I hunt.rs and Mldnlcht Sun. I S,.C.111111 (60) (R) .....Ill (30) 7:30. tit Cl)..... .. (C) (30) Mart UllCMn $100,000 worth of .,_n jewels While rumNltnt thn>Up I "haunted houal" Ind IMds two thieves back to his home. ,.,.., Weaver ,um. (R) I > .. ~~ ~d=:r ~~ catcher Oscar IUll'01 finds a home for stray clop on the ferm of a rwtlrlcl vaudevllllln couple. ( R) ·-' ..... (C) ....... l'I Art (dram1) '57-Natalil Wood, Kar1 Milden, Efrtm Zlmballlt Jr. m n. a. .. 11 ..,. s. <C> (30) ·~qulfint th• Whitt Oceen." Procram wmlnt1 th• historic roll of the Cout Gu1rd. I ... "*' (30) ... .:...... (30) ... Cit (I) u ...... (C) (60) Gwen Vefi>n, Alln Kin&. WIJM I Schuster, Srnollay Robinmn ancl Thi Mlrldaa auat. 8 ROLLER GAME~ive! (C) * T·BIRDS Y5. NEW YORK D .._ .._. <C> c2 hr) Dick Lane reports. T·Blrds YI. New Yoftt Bombers. 8 FORD DIVISION presents * .. O.DAY REVISITED" e&~C)°!Jrt~·F. t:u~ narrates the apecill pro1ram m1rt- ln1 the 25th 1nnlvtmry of thf Allilcl Invasion ot Europe. Zanuck1...,..---------------------- revlsits the Normandy beadles spUtt" loolt In Ntw Yort. Mist the subject ot Part II ot tDnlchfa where 25 JtlB •ID. on June 6, Holly GollCfttly Is a b .. uttful, Cl· Protr1m. th• woncl'a 1111tat military It· pricious youn1 air1 whole "thin(' E ......_ (90) Nda amultecl Hitler'• Europe. la standln1 It dawn on the aide· GI Mewte: ~ (aMntur1) Wiik outside Tlfflny'S, the famed 10-.30. WtfW ,...,.. (C) (30) ~ Powell, Walter Slezak. F1fth Avenue Jewelry store wtth her GI JM ,,_ (C) (2 hr) m W•~111911 (C) (30) "Alto Bra· br111d1tt. (R) aJ.....,.. ._.._ (C) (30) iJ[" Bill Burrud journeys to beau· I ...._. ..... (C) (30) U:tO 8 II .. _ "" tlful Rio. ,..., I•• (30) • ..... ,.,, 11'1 ,..., , • .., (30) .......,.. ...... (60) II~ .. T-.w (C) ,..,<2 hr)~Cua~D.~~ ... t:JOI,.... (C) (30) Lany Bum11. D•uH:WJHlw T•.., s-t-,._ .. u """' llJ Mek die Cal (C) (30) lltc (C) Or. Donald Fredr1cbon, an from San Jutn, Puerto Rico, Is ttll Mr l M,.: .nll (30) Instructor for New Yorti'a DeparJ· first prosr•m of a M.tmmer-lona •· • ment of Health, conducts tM smok· ties hoded by Steve Allen end 10:00 B 9 (I) ....._: ,.,..... (C) ln1 wtthdnwal 1tries ot five pro· r11111ln1 the countly's muaJc flSll· {W) When an unac:rupulou1 m1nu· rrams. VIII. FutiYll founder Pa* Cuala, flClllr.r (Alf l(Jellln) Nb Wor1d OJ WIN ~ (C) ''South WOllcl·renowllld 92-yur~lcl cellist. · Wer Ill by offerina • hydropn Amerk:an Headhunters.'' conducts Moz•rt's PrqMe Symphony borRb for 1111, the IMF entn th• ,.... fZ'\ ~Cl>,.._ (C) and Bnihms' Double eo-to, wllt biddlna wtth 1 danprous play to ~ \.!!.J~ IOlobts Ylhucli Menuhin Incl leall• kelp the WNpon out of enemy 11 :15 D If!) Cl) m MC ..... (C) Pama. hands. (fil 11·-1 u.-..a.... ~ '-...._ ... .__ I CatrMMI ...... (60) DU (j) m llJ ftt.cl '"" (C) ·-· _...... ._ .. -_,.,.. 1:JO 9 (])a;, Tiie ...... II a.. (6ll) "Culno." Woodruff i ncl No-( rlml) 58 -Walter Matthau, {31)) "Vold Where Prohibited bJ vello ,,. hired by forel1n sowm· Richard Ea•n, Julie London. In-laws." Eve and Kaye enter a ment Interests to hlllf crack an D 1 ..... ' la""J (C) contest to win c:olle1e adlolarahlps lllbor11t1 rinc that Is 1ldmmln1 D Mwir. (C) "Se 1llia la UN" for Wry and Suzi•'• twins. (R) caalno proflt:a. JIMt Maclachlan (mutkal) '53 -Klttuyn G11J1011, I n. s,.ta let (C) (30) e!._ata. (Rndleduled) Mm Griffin. • w.w ,..,... (30) u ID,._. CC> <30> D WW.• r. hdllJ CC> 1:00 lit (I) fll.._. ....... (C) 1J ll!BIKJ S.....,_Tllt DNcl· GJ Tiie ~ (C) ( ) Donovan, Ptter, r-u1 ancl IJMililt1Cf(60) An In-depth study -fZ'\ 1-.... (C) Miry, Mort Sahl and Janniftr 1uat. of th• contequences of smoklna-*' \.!!.J .._... i aucll 11 Its Influence upon economy, 11:45 Ill Molll: ...,_ ,........... (mya· Q Ci) m IMaua (C) (60) the Influence of the mua medl1 lery) '53--Anne Suter, Ann Soth· lid." tloSi. ch1rC: with rob· on younpters 1nd how effeetlvt 1rn, Raymond Burr. btfY and murder, aab Jail to the television anti-smollln1 cam-lZ*» -hllllc lefwlce (C) ac1.e:.. ~ mob. (R) pelcn hu been. • .. M ~!l ~ =-=: m Uber •.-t <t> <30> 12:•m,... CMJ e4Y) '61--Au4AJ Hepburn Geora• f8 11.-,.,.. (30) 1*» 8 lllN: "Cemltlt S...,. C•d· P~nl. Patricll Neal, BUddy Eb· tm D1wN Sllakiad (C) (2 hr) venture) '53 -John lrtl1nd, Lon •n, Martin 81lllm, Mlcby Rooney. ''Movies" 11 the subject of Par1 l's McAllister. Th• bittersweet tale of a '1rt1 dlscuaslon, ind "Conaerv1Um" ls D NIWI (C) " r NEW CAREERS , I FOR PEOPLE I I WHO LIKE PEOPLE! I MONDAY JUNE 2 I Let Lewis train you as a I HOTEL/MOTEL MANAGER 1. or your choice of ss I For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, ate the day's movies. All sta· ' tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAmME MOVIES other exciting jobs I (hostess, social di-1 rector, executive I housekeeper, apart- ment manager, etc.) I in the booming hos- 9:00 0 "Lowe That Brvte" (comedy) '!0--Paul Douglas, Jean Peters. · 9:30 0 "If I Were IOn(' (adventure) '5~Ronald Colman, Ellen Drew. ' B (C) ''Nob Hill'' (drama) '4h George Raft, Joan Bennett. I :00 0 "South of Tallltl" (adventure)! '41-Brian Oonlevy. 1 pitaljty business! • jobs waiting all over I continental U.S., Ha- 2:30 m ''The Brollen Star" (western) '56-Howard Duff. "Once a Thief" (mystery) '50-June Havoc. 2:00 II) "Creen Buddha'' (mystery) '55 -Wayne Morris, May Germaine. 3:00 B "Battle of the Sues" (comedy) '60-Peter Sellers, Constance Cum· mings. l waii I • good pay; some jobs I include apartment 4:30 IJ "Bulldip" (drama) '58-Rhon· da Fleming, Guy Madison. EVENING •age no barrier; men, I women and couples I needed 15 : TOM REDDIN NEWS! • no previous experi· * News that IS News! I ence required 1 6:00 IJ The Bia News cc> .(60) Jerry Oun~. I t h t • Q ~@ m M1jor lt1fue BIV· e earn a Ome. Or a · bill (C) (cont'd. from 5:00 PM) tend classes in Los Teams to be announced. I A I I 0 Steve Allen Show (C) (90) nge es Pat Harrinrton, Keenan Wynn, Woody Herman, Joan Gerber and • free book tells how Pancho, the Bull. guest. I I I •t · t I 0 Six O'Clod Movie: (C) "Rldin1 easy I I~ 0 earn: I Shotaun" (western) '54-Randolph how Lewis Schools Scott, Wayne Morris. 53 years of experi-I' spy <C> <60> I Love Lucy (60) e n c e , p I a c e m e n t I Bn1111n <C> (30) a~s.istance at no ad· l: w::~!.f%Jf> .. ~~~r Traf· dttlonal CO St Can fie." A tour of an old stern-wheeler. help you get started I ~ ~~~~Cc>~>Pie' <30> in a job that's like a 6:3o m v07a1e to u.. 1ottot1t of "" vacation with pay! Sea <C> (60) I fii) Qalleaaes (30) "ESEA Enrich· I menl" First of a two·part proiram Phone (213) 749-1438 on children involved in individual • research projects. John Hatem talks I Or send a postcard glV· •!th youths from Belvedere and ing your name age I i' Terrace Schools. I I (j) NIW$ (C) (30) phone and address to: · 110t1a1n1 34 <C> (60) 7:001J CBS Eveninf NIW$ (C) (30) I Lewis Hotel/Motel Schools I ;t~~"~~8l.1ne1 cc> <30> wa11y Bruner and Arlene Francis welcome 7080 Hollywood Blvd. gums Soupy Sales, Sue Oakland I Su'.te L 1929 I and Danny Goldman. . . . m PallWOt'd (C) (30) Betty White Los Angeles, California and Frank Gifford guest. (R) 90028 fii) Eatem Witdo• and Modefn L Life QO) .. ~ Cl) FHltlJ Affair (C) (30) Piii• 10 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, MAY 31, 1969 Desert Tradition Gives Way To Progress These Bedou travelers of Abu Dhabi are part of the old Arabia, quickly disappearing io the modem transformation brought on by oil revenues. NBC News' First Tuesday presents a special feature about Abu Dhabi at 9 PM (Tuesday) oo NBC. In Abu Dhabi, highways and automobiles are replacing camel routes but some stick to their traditions, in sharp contrast to the 20th century life erupting in the desert. Patcick Hemingway (below, right), second son of Ernest Heming- way and a professional bunter in East Africa for many years, is the subject of a feature on First Tuesday. He is now an instructor, teaching the technique of bunting aod operation of the tourist indus- try, at the College of African Wildlife Management, situated on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. This is a school for game scouts and park. wardens. Here Hemingway is on a field trip with three students who are learning the ways of hunting. An airl~e stc~a~dess le.ams ~ow to handle the canopy on a survival raft dunng tra.mmg pcnod. Frrst Tuesday features a story on airline stewardesses and v.is•ts s~w~dess training schools in. Qijcago, Miami an~ Dallas, showing g1l'ls m the classroom leammg bow to mix dnnks, apply m~eup, walk properly, and get out of a burning plane, among other thmgs. 1969 1bia, I by ture 1abi, •tick ·ting ing- the :tor, :ius- the ilme 1t1ith rival ~line iami mix ane, m Ce11r'1 w..w <C> (30) D ~ (1)8) n. Chllcllb (C) Q') Ort• "'-(C) (30) {60) '11i'" Weya To Die." Sllettff 7:JO 119 Cl) l....U ( C) ( 60) Gii• kills 1 im-r lftd framea • Oifhe Nijht Riders." A finltlcal Jtm1J DaWt for the crlme. (R) judl8 (Jeff Corey) Ind his notor· GD m ...... (C) (60) ''D-Day lous bind of Missouri freebooters + 25 YNn.." A retrosptellwe vttw mtet stubborn resistlnct ffom Dtp-of the NOf'll\lndy lnnllOft 1fter 25 uty Festus H1uen when they hit y11rs. Ge111r1la Pit Cassidy end Dode• City. (R) Maxwtll T1ytor. par1troopers and g Jack '""' (30) other survhlo11 comment on ldlon D lilJ (]) m nDllE1£ .. • • by the 82nd Incl lOht Alrtlom• INf Toe.a 1919 (C) (60) A_. In Divisions, the first tD land on the •• French cont In tht Nrty how's " 1 series of summer documenllry J 6 1"" .a specills, this one II tltied "Wir une • ~- In th• Mldelst7" The pmiram um-9 00 lllMUJ Slllw (2 hr) pies the tensions in thlt exptosM GI Ci) n. Atbll 111 (C) (30) rqiOtl of the world, includln1 th• tm LI .,... II..._ (30) pressures of ref\11911, the Involve· e....., ..-. (2 hr) mtnt of the superpowers ind the vlollflt nltlonal hatreds ind IMI· ,..30 8 f•llJ Aft.Ir (C) (30) June rles. Lockh1rt 1uests 11 a subltltutt o Miiiion s Mewte: (C) "Helt ud tNc:her who has a atnnp effect tlrp Wit•" (1dventure) '54 -on Jody. (R) Rlch1rd Widmark. .C.meron Mitchell. IJ ..... (C) (30) m TMll or c:...-(C) (30) Ill 11 O'Clecl Nllfl (60) m hrrJ ..... (60) 8 Cl) llcH*'I ...., (30) fD lwwltiw (30) "Elec:trl Scan· tm bwllll ...._. (30) nlnr Microscope." Dr. RlchJrd 10:00 8 41 Cl) c.'tl lallllllt (C) (60) Bren neman and auats will uamlne Ross M1rtln and John Dewidloft the u111 for 1 mlCfOICOPI conned· 1uut.. (R) td to 1 TV s:reen. Slides ind pho-8 TOM REDDIN NEWS! tos show the use of the instrument In dust checks. balllltJcs dlecb * News that IS News! end In the medical field. em ..._ (C) (60) GI NMll (30) D <ft Cl) a> Didi CM1t <C> (60) 1:00 a ID 00 m H•l!Utf·lrlakley (C) Hedy L1marr, Nicol WillllmlOn, and (JO) . Rn bed pest. e i.. ,,., (3o> a .......... <30> !!~~30(C)) 60 ~~~VI.<~<: Cl:I -• '"'-( ) Order." H1rold Rothwax " tM @! c..icol J Ca1tCl1111 (30) New York Civil liberties Union aecl l:JO IJ B Ci) Hen'• l.tlcr (C) (30) ettomey C. Oicbrmln WUllams Lucy tries to solve an ei.ctrlcal rt· trade views with Wiiiiam f . ludl· p1ir problem ind llYt monlJ by ley on the phllolophy of protection doln1 it herself. (R) under the Fifth Amendment. D m I Dru• of J ..... (C) (30) ., ......... (30)~ · "TheStronaut Men ,In the World." 10:301J ..-.: '"Ille 11We IMll" (west· Tony becomes NW s heeyYWtifht em) •57 -Anthofty Quinn, Lita contender, un1W1r1 that Jeannie Milan powtrs his punchn. (R) Ill .... (C) (30) Bill Johns ,,,, ~1~ (C) (30) "A tm , ...... C.... (30) . a @rna>,.,... .... <e> 11:00eaaeea-<C> (30) Dr. ROSli's htlrlnr beclna; e..,.. Hltdletcl M1rsha Is fe>n*f to mul Fred's a u.n a.It (C) Wilk.er; Dr. Rossi II bound over for ~: """-It MtalM• list words; Lew reports to S.raunt I ,. trial r1ma) 56 -Ben CooPll, M1rll . Entllsh. m Men lrtffta (C) (90) ~ Cl) U (j) IB Cl) Ntwl (C) 11J 11111 tor Yeur Uft (C) (60) 0 Cl) Tiiis hr 1919 (C) (30) Ell lluicll oa.t (30) 9:00 8 11""'"1 llFD (C) (30) Aunt Bee t.lka over 1 hol1e thlt MfY· one else h11 aivtn up on and enttrs him In a stem r1c:e. (R) 11:30 e.:;.i-: ....... tf tltt ..... (drlm1) '51 -Ruth Hut- aey, Rod C.meron. DU00 8'T_....._ CC> .................. ...,..,. (dr1111) '47 -~ Montlomtfy, W1ncla Hendrll. D~CllaJ*J..., <C> DlleM: (C),.... lie"',_. tn" (comedy) '64-~ Hudsoft, Doril Day, Tony Randall. m DleaN crc-r (C) D COLOR SPECIAL! CAMPUS 12:05 IJ ~: '"Ille SWI T., (dr•· * CRUSADE-A new kind of ma) 52-Joleph Cotten, y.,... Revolution! Pat Boone, l2:30 :a:;.. 1'llMtrt: "City of Mllllnt Bobby Vee, Peter & Paul Glrta." ac•bliliLJC..,.. c.w.N,. elMtii (C) (6o) Pat Boone, Paul 1:00 D lptettq ,....., (C) Stooby (of Peter, Paul l Mary), D ..... (C) Bobby VM and Thi New Fo1Jt per· 1:10 8 C.-mltJ a.lttiJI ....., (C) fonn In a pfOlrlm filmed on the UCL.A campus IS part " the Clm· pus Crustdt f0t Christ campalp to st1rt a new kJnd of rMlutlon. 1:151! lllN: ......... W1l1111c, If Ir:*" (wtttem) '56 -Vidor Joly, How1rd Duff. • ldt Ml-11A tt.•111111 Al S.M It•• ...... l1••1r ........ ~ ......... ,. .... ................. ' ........... _. ............. _.., ............ _ .. ~._. .. ,... .. ._...~ ......... ...., ........... -.... ~ ....... lllt Ml-l1A H1•Mdt "ll•fll•_,-J I•• ... ........... ., ................................ ,.._.., ..... __ ...,.._ ... ...................... ..., ............ "-' -... --le? ......... .................................. .,.. ................ . r .... .. . ... ............. ,.,., ,...... . ,_ .... _...,... ................................ " ...... ....,... ................ _ ........ .__~ .............. It ...... , ..... ,, ' ~=·=·~~ .... MMl·I MM .. i ~~ '° .-iy •3111 •33•• .... ..,,. .... --""' kh14I of '911lilo11 1y11e111. ' ..... _, , ......... _, C-M wlill ... Mll.,,Hf -e.-., wlCMul-... '*"' _,... F.-EE , ........................ c..... ................................... .... ....................... ., .................... .., ......... lf'4~...,.., ... . ............................... a... .. ..... u 1 TUESDAY JUNE 3 For mornln1 and afternoon liatlnp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, •• the day's movies. All &ta· tlon1 reserve the richt to chance pr01r1mmln1 with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 U....,.. Tewn" (dram•) '39 - Spencer Tracy, Mlctley Rooney. 9:30 a "[ay LMll" (comedy) '37- Jeen Arthur. fJ .,,.t hlll•" (mystery) '47 ~umphrey Bo(art, Lluren Bacltl. lZ:OO U ~ (mystery) '49 - COmel Wildt, Patricil Knlfht. 12:30 m "It'• Lon , •• MN'' (comedy) •3] -Leslie Howard. "KMdllllt" (dram1) '41--Mhur Kennedy. Z:OO OJ., Acalt MJ ,_,..... (dnma) 'U -Mery Beth Hu1hes, Jofln Mlljan. 3:00 D ''Tiiis WOtUn 11 Dan,...... (dr1ma) '52-Joan Cr1wfonl, Den- nis Morian. 4:00 II (C) ......,..... ...,........ (drama) '57 -Natalie Wood, Gent Kelty, M1rtln Miiner. Medicel Of Dentel Assis tent CALIFORNIA PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL • Apptowd and Accredited • Student loans • Day and fvenln1 Classes • Lifetime Placement Service • for Women of All A1es • Professionally Staffed Dental Clinic Open To The Public UN MSWPOaT BLVD .. OOST.A JIDA ( 714) 645-2922 hCe 12 I v f ~-I ~~ ( > 5:00 8 TOM REDDIN NEWS! * News that IS News! 1:00 B Tiii Ila 11... (C) (60) Jeny Dun~. 8 VD HaltlfJ-l11a• (C) (30) Sttwe All• ...... (C) (90) Jane Russell, Mry Schrelbtl, Ken Greenwald, and Llny Heffner pest ! Sb cm.a ............ ~•~•) '57 -Vin JofllllDn, Ann • I SPJ (C) (60) I LM lJlcy (60) ...... (C) (30) (}) Men lltlll (C) (90) : -.rt ....i (30) ''River Traf- fic." A compariton of the rivert>oats of today and yesterye1r. E Un Coler P1r1 Esta Piel m KPlll ..... CC> <60> 1:30 8 DIC New•rice (C) (60) m v.,... .. ... lotto• .. ... S.~) (60) ' Hntltt-lrin.-, (C) (30) OClll ... Swedt9 (C) (30) toms for P-.." A look It SWedlth meerdl Into the arn of radiolc:tive substances for use In Industry and medicine. The film focu1t1 on the nucle1r powet stl· tlon •t M1rvlken. a Cl) ID....,. <C> C30) ., ....... 34 (C) (60) 7:00 II CIS &Nlq ..... (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I n.t'1 1i1J Ulltl (C) (30) ,......,. (C) (30) R.oa Eb ltlln • Tanan .. tdttkd rellro8'cMa of T~ .luP a~ ftaftlft ..-..... Wedllieedar al 7:31 PM, la ~ om CBS. ~ (j) AMrlcal (C) (30) ID NET Fedwll (60) "Cranko's tll) MllMUll Opta Ho4'M (30) "Pi· Clllle." A documentary-perform· ranesi." HMt Ruuell Connor shows 1nce IPtd•I on the Stuttaart Opera how Giovanni Battista Plranui's Billet and Its director Jofln Cnnko pictorial records have documented Hllhlilht of the prorram la ~ the ruins of ancient Rome. Taped complete. Ptrlonn1nce of Cr1nllo's In the 11llerles of the Boston Muse-''Opus I." um of Fine Arts. II) Qtldle MllaMt (C) (30) M ~.: 1:0::. 's: ~~? 8~~ 9:• ea (I) o.1s o.y <C> <30> s.v. I) lkM• Hollle (C) (30) eral v1ltiible objects dlsappttr it 7:30 II S (f) LNcer (C) (60) A visit the ranch and Buck Insists they from oldtriend M1rlh1I Jot BlrW h!:!t. '00""' by l.tR°', the hired (James GrtlOfY), who Is ICCOITI· U ~ ~ -panyin1 1 prisoner (Bob ~e) to WJ \JI.I~ NYPD <C> (30) Sacramento, provokes trouble for ti ..... (C) (30) Ted Meyn. the Lancer family when tht prlsonlt' 0) 12 O'a.ct Hip (60) ISCl!!_S durl~ his my. (R) 8) ..., (30) ~~Ibo~ ~=r.!,_A ~~ lO:OO 8 QI (f) l••llluiil Apt (C) woman wreaks 1 stran1e wn1e1nce {60) ''The-Youth International.'' Con- on Captain Kirll when she mana1es cludina brOldu~ of a three-part an exchan1e of bodies with him ind series dealin1 with the wor1ct.lde takes command of the Enterprise. problem of tile . "aeneratlon pp" Sandri Smith euests. n11mlnt1 ~ differences bttwten ' Jed le•~ (30) reneratlons tn Grut Briteln, Mexk:o tm (}) aJ Med s.M (C) (60) Ind Japan. The show focUltl on Qlilet Weekend in the Country." the 1llenated ~th of tti.. thrw The squid infiltrates a rural tr1illf nations. rel1tln1 how the "1enera· camp to lnvestlaate the dnth of 1 tion PP" trlnte:ends both llOl'I· narcotics Informant (R) phy and ldeoloey. ~ct!'::, ~s~~~>P:~: 8 TOM REDDIN NEWS! anl flan, Susan Hayward. * News that IS News! I Td or C.11te1111enCtt (C) (30) D ID Nen (C) (60) hny M.-n (60) 0@ (I) 8> Did CMlt (C) (60) De fl'ttldl CW (30) (R) James Earl lOnes. Mery Hopkins Nowla (30) Mort Sahl, Conor Cruise O'Brien l:OOI ZI• "" (30) au~. Han! (C) (30) fJ M1rlllll DUIN (30) : DOUT Melltlrey Jail (C) (60) A documentary on the Tenth Annual fill USC Mak ftltiwll (60) Mal· Monterey Jw Festlv1I. Jimmie colm H1mllton perlorms Mltctionl Lyons, director of the festiv1I, talks by Bach, Scar11ttl, end othtrt on about Its history. Rehearsal sessions th• h1rpsichonl. are featured with the Modem Jm @D ...... (30) Quartet, Illinois Jacquet and The U>-.30 fJ MtiN: Nf'9 lalllat ftMn" Don Ellis Orthestra. (drama) '60-Jemes ~. Dennis Ill"""""'• 1 lo-Co (60) Wemr. / l:3D II QI [() ltd SbftiDn (C) (60) 11J .... (C) {Jo) Bill Johni. Clem KacliiJdtthopper becomes bodY· 8' 1uard to Helen of Troy (Carol Law-_, f ...... Cer1n1 rence) -which leads to a com-ll:OOllDUE&HB"""(C) tdic caper inside 1 wooden horse D Alfnd Hlldlcecl =~in~ele~u:.:na~~~::m (~~ m u.. a.II (C) Arvan) by Troj1n warrior Paris (8oss m Mewit: "1'1lt er.,Mc Uttblwll" Ford). Lou R1wts alto ruests. (R) (hOrror) '56-arian Donlevy, Mar· D U 00 m .111u CC> C30> "Am 1i1 o.n. I, Pardon t1ie fxpreaion, Bladt· @ (}) U (]) QI Cl) NM (C) llsttdr' Julia learns sh• his been m ........... ewe ..... declared a security risk in the ttro· !ace pl1nt where she works.. (R) 11:30 8 MtiN: • ..._ tf hltl" (drtme) Jl111•I• ltodfll1 Shclw (C) (30) 'l2-'1ul Htnreld, Michele Morpn. e Shen1ndoah Trio, Georae Wood, D U Cl) 8' T•la'lt 11tw (C) ind Katie, Hanna Ahronl 1ueat. II MMe: "n.. PrlllW' (dflme) D @ (}) G) H TIUI 1 TltW (C) '!>-Alec Guinnt11, Jack Hawkins. (lO) 'The 81ranoff Time T1ble." U ~ (j) ftll (C) With the help of an American play· WJ VI..., ....., lirt, Alexender Mundy attempb to ID Dluld O'Cell• (C) steal • document dlvulalna the mas. 1Z:20 D Mewit: "'Ille C-lc MIRlll ,.. tit' plan for 1 Communist tlklOVtf' (horror) '58-Forrest Tucbl', G1by of South Am8flc1. Jessica W~lter Andre. and Ray Denton ruest (R) I Men lrtflht (C) (90) 12:30 Ill AdiM T1mh: "Chlnett Bur.- I• ltr YMr lift (C) (60) iiTow." t:o0 ~ !o~ !,:;: !::fJ~~~ l:OOD fJ ..._ <C> tum are teen11• oc:cultism, 1ntl-8 c..-itr lllltlll "'"' (t) amokin& prvirams. the sterilization m f19 ... , ..... Otlt ('C) ot miles In lndi1 and Microntsla (U.S. Trust Territory), and the 1ir- llne stewerdess tr1inin1 sctlools. Also on tonl1hrs proiram Is Arthur Miller, r11dln1 his n.W poem titled "Lines From Califoml1." D Slltacaw 5 CC) (60) 1:15. .... .,..... D*all" (dn· me) '56--0ennl10'Ketft. Pit O'Brien. l:IOID n s.-t _,. 1:lO CD All·lllcllt ._: "Four's• Crowd" Ind "OilrMll." • , • • ' l l 's "" ra o. • Is ~ I· rt 'e " n 0 n • I· I· I) I, " I· s " I •The Violent Universe' Richard Burton readr I'M'"' cele- brating the wonden o/ tM co.rmos ln "The Violent Unlverre." Discoveries that are revolutionizina astronomy and changing men's notiom of the cosmos are examined in a •repeat broadcast of "The Violent Universe," a twe>-and-a-half hour color program presented by Public Broadcast Laboratory Thun- day at 9: 30 PM on KCET, channel 28. Pulsars, qu~ infra-red galaxies, red giants, white dwarfs. neutrinos, cosmic rays, ndshift, and all the major recent discoveries in astronomy are seen in the broadcast, which also features the tint motion picture of a quasar (a very dis- tant galaxy) . The broadcast ranges from observatories in Europe to observatories in Australia, and from an observatory orbiting in spaee to one sunk a mile underground at the bottom of a gOld mine in the South Dakota Badlands. Some 30 distinguished astronomers are seen at wort in their observatories. Among them are Sir Bernard Lovell at Jodrell Bank. England; Thomas Gold at the giant Arecibo radioteleacope high in the hills of Puerto Rico; Bernard Milla bunting pulsars at Mount Stromlo in Australia; Jan Cort at Dwingeloo in Holland; Maarten Schmidt at Palomar; Sir Marpif Ryle at Cam- bridge, England; Tom Kinman at Lick, Califor- nia; Frank Low in bis Lear Jet "observatory'' flying his telescope above cloud cover; and Don- ald Knitfen sending up a gamma-ray tracking chamber in a balloon. The birth and death of stars. the possibilities of bitherto·unknown sources of energy out in the stars, and quasars that act in ways nothing Summer Eoc~s ••• 1969 A series of 13 one-hour television docu- mentaries will air on ABC under the overall dtJe "Summer Focus, 1969" and deal with some of the vital issues of our times. The series debuts Monday at 7 : 30 PM, and is largely concerned with controvenial, oootemporary subjects. ranging from abor- tion to race relations to conflict in the Mid- dle East. Six of the programs deal with race rela- tions in the United States and are clustered under the subtitle "Time for Americans." All 13 programs will be produced under the direct supervision of Thomas H. Wolf, Vice President and Director of Television Documentaries for ABC News. Mr. Wolf said that the six ''Time for Americans" edi- tions have tentatively been titled: "It Can Be Done," ''A.re Doors Opening?," "Wel- fare," "Education and the Negro," "Preju- dice and the Negro" and "How It Feels to Be Black." He said the other seven programs were titled "War in the Mideast?," "Abortion," "Comrade Soldier," "Medicare," "Ferment and the Catholic Church," "Law and Order,'' and "Explorers Club-Riddle of the Mayan Caves.'' "It Can Be Done" will focus on the city of Atlanta ... Are Doon Opening?" will deal with job and business opportunities for the black American. "Welfare" will probe the welfare system to see if it is working properly. "Education and the Negro" will deal with known in physics can explain, are examined by Robert Dicke of Princeton, Jase Oreenateio of Palomar and Mount Wilson, Allan Sandap and Bernard Pagel of the Royal Greenwich Obser· vatory, physicist Philip Morrilon of M.J.T., and Richard Henry, rocket researcher at the United Stata Naval Research Laboratory. Did the universe begin in a week'• time, with one explosion, as proponents of the "Bia Bana" theory &rgue, or is it continually expandina in a relatively orderly way tbrouah all time, aa defenders of the "Steady State" theory maintain? The controveny, which bas implications for tho-· ology as well u for the movement of man out into space, is deacribed in the broadcut. The broadcast aoes to Japan to visit the home of Tsutomu Seki, the amateur astronomer who teaches clasaical guitar for a livelihood and who in 1965, with Kaoru Keya, discovered the lkeya- Seki comet. Featured in the broadcast is a studio recon- struction of a section of the univene, with 100 atars bung in their proper penpective in space. The utronomical proportions involved in the scale replica are so vast that one foot of studio 1loor equals three light years-or 18,000,000,- 000,000 (18 trilllon)-miles. The script of "The Violent Univene" waa written by Nigel Calder. Narrator is Carl Sagan, profeaor of astronomy at Cornell, with Robert MacNeil, PBL special correspondent in London who is aJJo a reporter for the BBC. (A.bow) l1'*1l #nlNI (14/t) patrol 011 tM OCCll- ,,Wd bonb o/ tlw Jordan Rl'1er (rl11tt) conduct t"""'1t1 ~rc:Ue1 In tu lttJb near Ammon, Jordan. (ult) Dr. Louil Coo~r dJr•ctor o/ tlw RM"-llo Clinic o/ New York'1 BeUevw Hoqltal. Dr. Coop- er and 1111 work /omt port o/ tlw ABC New1 S1UP1mer Focll.1 color docunwntOT]I, "A.bortlon!' the issue of black studies which baa caused heated debate and some violent disruption on American campu1e1. .. Prejudice and the Nepo.. concerns the Negro as the victim of prejudice and u the practitione.r of prejudice. "How It Feels to Be Black." will deal with the deep psychological warping of the Negro ' inherent in white racism. ''War in the Mideast?" (Monday, 7:30 PM), samples the tensions in that explosive region of the world including the pressures of refugees, the involvement of the super- powers and the viole.nt national hatreda and rivalries. ..Abortion" (Thursday, 10 PM) is a frank study of the once-whispered-about issue which bas become a major social question in America today. II' WEDNESDA Y JUN£ 4 For mornin1 and aft•noon listinp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the risht to chanp proerammln1 with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:00 D (C} "lect ...,... .. (wut•m> ·~Rory Cllhoun, M1rth1 Hyer. 9:30 9 "I Met lft• I• ,.,..., (comtdy) '39 -C11udttte Colbert. Robert Youn1. D "r.,dll 'st" (drtrna) '64 -Curt Jurpns, Petricl1 Nffl. 1Z.1IO 11 "IJnr Udy" (tdvtnture) '41- ~ne 0. Clrlo, Din Duryee. 12-.30 m "'Giie ...... , ........ (dt1rna) '«-Ann Shtridln. "'St. ..., • Dip" (comedJ) '51--Dldl Heymea. 2:00 m .,...... et t11t .......,.. <tc1· venture) '58-8111 Willltma. J:OO &!J (C) °"" u. Qlllcie" (drt· mt) '55 -P1ul Newm1n, Vlrstnl1 Mayo. 4:30 n ...... Stnice" (comtdy) '38 -=l.uclllt Ball, The Mm Brpthen. 5:00 B TOM REDDIN NEWS! * News that IS News! ..... .,.. lie ..... (C) (60) Jtny !~· ....... , .... (C) (30) • n:w; Alta .. CC> (90) la Rttte. Laure "Miu Prwtar' Oun, Tht Times Squtrt II, ind Ken Grttnw1ld auest fJ Six O'Cltck ......... IUJ .. .._... (dr1m1) '52--011 Youns. Jenice Rule. I U.. LllCf (60) ...... (C) (30) 11 lpJ (C} (60) CJ) """ lrlfHll (C) (90) iiara ....r (30) "Look Around ou." Murt Dtulina photOlf'lpha the story of ntture durl n1 tht chan1in1 INSOl\S. • u. c.r ,.,. ..... (30) G IPlM ..._ (C} <60> 1:301 W ....... (C} (60) v.,... .......... et .. m <60> • ~ (j) HwlleJ Mlllltf (C) (30) I.It's Tiii! MIMt T-(30) oo Old Too Soon." A pantl of t.nll'fS • mtrried •rty talk lbout the suet Ht. Ind faffures of their unlona. M1rioft M1nhall mod· tt1tls 1 dllcuulon about f1mlly educetioft for younptm.. I~":'~<~ 7:00 8 CIS &e.lq ..._ (C) (30) Welttr Cronkltt. I w..t"s MJ U-1 (C) (30) Pm std (C) (30) I Ci), .. ,_......," (30) I ~60> fiie Pwcs,tM P...t (30) "Sex (J2l ell• AIC Wtd1t1••r ind low Education." P1rt I of I ~ 1't Tilrltd" ( .. two-p1rt proarem. Aft tdUC1tioftll 1111111) '65 -Sidney Poltitf, MM conaultlnt lhows new teachln1 11ds Blncroft, Telly S.V.ld, Stewn HIU. ind boob for perents to ua In A story of tl\rtt mtn and • womu tt1ehln1 thtlr chlldra on 1 collltlon COW1t with delttl. (R) I (I)...,,, " ..... (C) (30) I Ci)°"' ....... (C) (60) ......... (C) (30) ... ii ,.. ....... (C) (60) Dr9e• ..... (C) (30) ltMI ' ~ (60) 7:30. DOUT T1rzu (C) (60) T1n1n t:30. QI()).,_ Ao-. (C) (30) runs a rtee with destiny In an tf· Oliver Ooulltl decides to tllt tht fort to U¥t the life of his dyln1 e&ae "tbltnce m1kas the helft youn1 friend, J1l In the openin1 cpl· '"* fonder," ind llndl Liss off IOdt of the wits of M4ectld ,. on 1 VICltion by htrlllf. (R) bro1dcuts. Ron Ely ind Msnutl fJ ..._ (C} (30) ltd Meyers. Pldlll1 Jr. lllr (R) OJ 12 01j11ck Hie' (60) II Q Ci) &Hllt Ylr1lei H (C) (JO) "Rldt to Mlstdvtnturt.'' The 10:00. t1I ()) lllwlil F-.o (C) (60) Vlralnlsn Joins a boUiify hunter In St>tClif lnvati11tor Steve Md;i~ 11trch ot 1 pn1 th1t hu robbed rtfUllS to btlleve Hiit 1n invtltl· tht 1t11• of 1old and e1ttte vie-ptor friend drowned 1ccidentllly, clnt. Joltph C1m111ntll1 ind Kith-and finds dues leldlna him to dis· erint Justice auest. (R) cover on lntern1tlontl ~splr1ey fUJICl ... 1 (30) th1t la dabvJlnt tht Amene1n In· Im (I) Here C••• th tellla•nct networt throuahout tht (CJ ( ) "A Hard Cini To fir £att. Arst P1rt of 1 two-pert Plq." A fluhy profnalonal pm· story. (' bier, Lorenzo M1Ck, IO'iws In Stat· II ~ 8' Tiit o.tlidtr (C) tie 1nd J1son Bolt Joins the pobr (60) Twenty-Tbouand·Dollar 11me It Lottie's. When Alron Stem· Clrrot" Ourtni •n lnvtltl11tion for pel atopa the 11me the pl1yers one dltnt, Roa uncowe11 1n In· move to Cltnce(s ship which la surtnce fraud •nd decides to hire '°°" lost to the pmbltr.' Phil Bruns himttlf out llMwtltrt for bll(ll and SMree North l\ltll (R) money. (R) a:..-CroJ.~~1~1J.~ B TOM REDDIN NEWS! nell, Cornt1 Wiide. * News that IS News! I ,,.. • c ......... <C> <3o> Im ..... <C> <60> ""' ..... (60) • iiidll ... (30) Je,ct a.. Ceeb (30) "Beef • s,.c.lltltll (60) "Abort~a With Vt1etables." Mrs. Chtn deft!· There 1n Anawer?" Keith's IUllts onstr1tes the 1uthentic Chlnett ny ire Rev. Huth ~. dl1lrm1n of to cook Western beef with Chint11 the Cleray Colin11lln1 Service; Dr. vttetabln-ulin1 flank st11k ind Leon Belous, onecolollst; Or. Addie Cfllne1e e1bb11t. Klotz, director of the Student HHlth ft()) 1t1t of Hollywood (2 hr) Service 1t SFVSC; ind Dr. John 11 llMlt (30) Mcl1uatilln. SE CA ID GIANT IWIMMING POOL SALE ............ .......... ...,.. .. I 1:00 I z .... ,., (30) ., ....... (30) ltlrtl (C) (30) 10·30 O Mewte· "A T.... et .....,.. Sptctru• (30) ''They Can Go • (dr1m1) •62-Rlta Tuthlnlhtm Rob· ome Apln." A visit to UClA's Ftr· ert Stephens. ' II n::POOL. ... am rm •11• ....... RCM' IM •ml 191iUIC .. .._.l ... llClllllll IO P~Y I l11dllont To krve.You. f Yean' ~· m s. Main. 0r... 532-1992 Yll, WI HAW OVALi ~ .... ~.run ,...1. ntld ~I. whwe child paychol· 1-(C} (30) Biii Johns.. oellts 1re 1ttkln1 w1ya to help ,.._.. c.nn. (30) younpters who 1re chronic fsllurea In achool. ll:OOlllDeeaJ-<C) II) ........ ...... (30) ~ H1ldiCila u.. a. (C) l:lO e Tiit 8eld 1.,. (C) (30) Rufus ..... .,.. 1...._. Strim" 1nd Btrt frentle1lly try to hide ( r1m•) ·55 _ John HMdlon, Rq· $50,000 from two thup chaaini e mond Gl'MftlMf =eUl~~)Bert's Piece 11 his (ft)(l)U(l)8())..._(C} I. wi. Wiii ...... (C) (30) 11:30. .... (C) "lat " ........ Im Cf) fl> Tiit 1J11a F1•lty (C) _.. (Wiilem) '57-Gtorp Moftt· ( ) ''Wliidmllia of Your Mind" ii m· Klith llr.n. amon1 tht tunes suna by the d1n I · (i) SI ,..,_ ._ (C) tDnlaht • ~ • ""' c..." I ~ lttfft1 (C) (90) (dr1m1) '57-Mtne Dahl, Htrtlert .. t1r YHT Uft (C) (60) Msrlh1ll. .... .... (C} (30) H1rrtaon I (1'J CJ) m ..., ...., (C} Sllltbury t1lks with Robert Cromie liU1d" ~ (C) 1bout "Tht 900 01ys," I book on 12:20" Mtwit: "Wtftl .... DIR ..... how tht Rutallna am11htd Ger· (mystery) '56-Chuck Connors Don m1ny'1 Ilea• of Ltnlnared. Ross ' .., Stllrilla (30) . t:00 e llMftr Hlluti. (C) (30) ln-12:30 !?;~ Tlltltrl: "Str1n1e lllU· ter Flitt Ind Elrl Scruap 1rrlvt 1t . tht Cl1mpett household drastd in 1:00 DD..._ (C) the Bonnlt ind Clyde fllhions II C:..•mftr ..... IMnl (C} they've bttn wecrtn1 for • photo-•fr. tlllt 1..W. ht (C) 1J1phlc -'on, Ind •t off I chtln of hll1rious holdups 1t Mr. Drys.. dtlt'a benk. (R) am., ..... 11111 <C> <60> tlOati Tony Slndltr ind Rtlph 1:15 • llRlt. "llrtell WW' (rom1nct) '9--Clry Gr1nt. Otborlh KMr. l:JOG) 77 s-t .... Youni wtt1I Judy Clmt wtlcomt Ella 2:30 m ........ a..: "Our Murderer" Atzprsld end Nonn1n Wlldom. Ind ''Confidenct Girt." ' ... • J. • I) )) le rt ff => Ir ,, ~· re ., Is b rA If. ie lh "' f' b· f' ,. .. t· I"' rt f' "' LI· 1) All types concrete work for the home. Patios, driveways, pool decks, sawing, etc. Licensed -Bonded Ex1>ert work. Reasonable. PHILLl'S CIMINT 541 UIO UST IN CONCRETE Wal ks pool decks, floors, patios Concrete Saw Cutting Any size job, work ·guaranteed Reasonable ! Servin~ Harbor Area 642..a514 (after 4 p.m.) CIMINT WORK -ALL KINDS- Fr~ Estimate . 25 Years Experience * 636-0374 * CARPETS -VINYLS • TILES Latest Styles and Colors Commercial &: ResidentiaJ Ex~rt Installation BLANKINSHIP FLOORS 642-1403 -540-7262 CARPETING Use Remnants for Extra Rooms and SAVE 50% ! J . J. KNICKlltlOCKIR (Town & Country) H.B. 18582 Beal.!h Blvd., 962-3351 QHlffy (s;jl ,lumltlltt <lt.-"d::~ ......... tflO PlulT'illen. Inc; VI lucknell Coata MeM 541-75"1 A&I DISCOUNT PLUMllNO Specializing in Repair and Service. Reasonable Prices! Complete Line of Plumblng Fixtures. 724 w. lfth St., Coate M ... M2-16IO Plumbing Repair Drain Cleaning _ Free Estimates - SPllDY PLUMllNG 24 Hrs. A Weekelld Work 546-2387 or 540-7217 YOUR HOME SERVICE GUIDE REPAIR RE·MODELe REDECORATE CRYSTAL JANITOIUAL & WINDOW CLIANING Complete Janitorial service. Business, residential and cpnstructlon cleanup. Free estimate. 541-t7J7 House Cleaning Qu&lit)' Work Call Us! lltOOKS CLIANINO SIRV. 1111 Clay St., Newport IMch '42-2112 anytltM ADVANCID CUPIT CLIANlltl Work Guaranteed, Fi.st Service Very Reasonable Rates. Licensed -Insured 531-9332 or 539-6801 CAJtPIT & fUltNITUltl CLIANING For 1 Day Service and Quality Work ... CAIL STERUNG FOR BRlGlITNESS! 6424520 IPAltKLf. JANITORIAL Windows Our Specialty ,.,... ........ ... C--Cl•I. ............ Hl-2'f1 (...,..... c ...... e HOUll CLEANING Excellent Work $2.!50 Hour Call 546-5995 CHNIRAL HAULING AND CLIANUP $12.00 Per Load 962~ Call After 3 p.m. and Weekendl HAULING 'AINTINO, HOUll CLIANINO ODD JOll You Name It ... We Do It! 642-3398 VE'rl IONDID PAINTING Free estimates, licensed, insured. Small Jobs welcome. 642 ... 1' ROOM ADDITIONS ,,..Luv .... v~• with Every Estimate! 3 D:>.ys, 2 Nights Hacienda -Thunderbird trans. It Meals Not Incl'. ~rt Plannfng. Free Est. E.tl·K C_ONSJ'IUCTION 11'31 West:.rnS\ster, Blvcl Cerden Grovtp 1-638-983i (l!> Yan !:xperience, WOODY <ONITltUCTION Company of 'ountaln Valley Licensed contractor. Bulld, remodel, repair. Brick, block, conuete carpentry. No job too smaJl. M2-6MS Repain-Alterations-Cablnet11 Any 1lze job 25 years experience. Work auaranteed. call IOI HllllY Ml-671S ROOM ADDITIONS Licensed Contractqrs LAUTllt IACH & Alloclatea 114 I . 1'tlt It., Coata M ... . '46-1797 ADD-A-ROOM A.pta, Unlll, Cu.at. Homes Free Layout Desisn 20 Y ean Experience 'ACIPIC COAST ILDlll, 24:sJ I COAST HWY., CW M 675-7191 Weekdaya • Sat. 6: Sun. at Your Servb ALUMINUM AWNINOt PATIO COVIRI Bxl8-f139 ... 1~169 12x2()-$199 Window Awnlnp, Screeiv Sheds, Skirtlnl NM IALU 536-2182 -541-31•7 101'1 YAAD MAINTINANCF. Light Hauling, Odd Jobtt Cleanui>--Rellable. Reasonable No Extra Charge tor Weekend Work ... CALL ~-4>995 or 1--496-2089 HUNTINGTON llACH Tltll SlltVICE Tree Trimming, Extracting and Ornamental Prunlru(. Olive Trtt Spedallsts Expert! Reasonable I - 846-0779 J ·a J POOL llRVICI and RIPAIR 10 Years Experience Radio Dlapetched Licenaed -Inaured 546-8748 1845 Anaheim Co.ta M ltAINIOW TV No Service Charge! Expert Work Color, Black It White or Stereos HJ-AN anytime HAlt1 TV - 15 Years In Area - Servicing All Brands! Your DuMont; CUrtis Mathes Dealer tor the Harbor area. m1 ADAMI u ................ . """""'!-1Mc1t M2-IM4 WILLIAMS UPHOLITIRY llRVICI Cleaning It Repairing Your Furniture Can Be New· Again! M2..a164 IURGIR QUALITY U'HOLSTlltY Over 20 Yea.rs Experience Satisfactlon' A Workmanship Guaranteed. Hf W. 17th, Coate M ... ~1HJ CZYKOIKl'I CuateM U,,......ry & a.,.1, ~ooean Craltamanahlo 100% Ftnanclna-conttnuout Do-It-Younelt Uphol. Oev11 Lars•t Selection of J'alxica 1N1 New,.rt II., C..ta M* .. 2-14M I THURSDAY JUNE 9 For momfnc 1nd 1ftwnoon ltstlnp, el•• ... DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, 1n the dly'1 mowlel. All sta· tlona reww the rf&ld to chlnp PfOIJ"lmmlnc with- out ldvance notice. DAmME MOVIES , •• ('C) ...... ..,....., ... .., tilr (comedY) '52-Aock Hudton, P_lper Laurie. t:lO • .,.. Su ............. (ldvtn· tw1) '39--81111 Rathbone, Doulfaa f11"-nb Jr. IPI (C) .,..,.. Altl.tn1tt." (drama) 'lii-Rld\erd Todd, Michelle Mor· U:elr:· ....... C:.'t , .. .....,,. (LM) '37-Jotf Md:na, Barbara ~ U:JO. -s.11 If ._.. (MYUY) '40 -Qecwp Breat. ....... """" E') '4~rt Gr1natr. 2:00 "Qlfll et .. ,...... ...... (hi ) '58 -Rldl•rd Ancleraon, Adele Mara. J:GO~"All .11111 ......... , .... rama) '40-&ettt Owis, Chel'ltl r. 4~JO (C) ....... " ....,..... (td· wnturt) '53-Rlc:h1rd Conte, Unde Chtlltiin. production 11 ltUdlnta bt&ln to dllcoverl. with Endln'1 help, M pa., tl*r flnt IOlo piece-a vtt· • llttlt vaalt:1 hi • hulband can ID l:IOl 11lt Ila "-(C) Jeny Dunphy. :; ~ =•=: (30) •1ioz.. ~ (C)(IO) L ..... ., ......., (C) <30> ., ,,.. ......... (C) <30) .... , ... °" (C) <60> .. ... tc> <90> m ._ ..... CC> <30> .... , '*"" <30> =.~,.;:·a:n:..:= Ge.::: 7:JO t:OOJL!C .... ~ wald 1uett. 8 Kai Kan Presents -Uuren Bacall, stuart Wh~ f!.: O'Clecl Mewlt: "f'rudl * ANIMAL WORLD Rodd1 McDowell Carol Lynley. Aa --0ona::'O'~=-~~ .. Mexican Grizzly" actor II offmd $10.000 by a lawyw Yvttt. Dupy. a ta (I) A11111a1 W..W (C) (lO) to have blnalf c:ommittld to a 11 sn (C) (60) nit limn artizJr beer, one of psydllatric holpltal Ill order to • I Lwe L.-J (60) the most f•l'ld anlmelt on the taln lnformatiotl from • ~ ..... (C) (30) North Americ:IA continent 11 the patient. ,W (!)MM.,... (C) (90) subject of tonlaht'1.WW. The cam· ~I~'!."* la 1• ..._ iiars lleWf (30) "look Around ll"U follow the hup fellow IS he ( ) Wofter, ~ ou." Murt Dtuliq photolflphs the aoes about bis unfettered dally llfa rrt C.mbriq9 •nd l.alnle KaiM fortlt 1nliula a UMY come out of In the llllh deleft wilds of the stlte ;;i .. _.. Ella a... (60) hlbemetlon. of Qilhuahua. I U1 c.1ot Pin Ella PW (30) 11 9 (j) Im DMlel ..... (C) t-.JO II QI (j) ID Draptt (C) (30) UUI .... (C) (60) {ro),,,11 cTTruce." A Wyendotte .-'lbna.-nentS.W:. -DR·ll." l:JO.DIC ......... (C) (60) J=:d~!:;stby1nan°~~~1ti!:n:rm~ ~= eo":n::Ow '":!i!tn~ I: • tile ...._ et tile pneral who has orders to move th• usasslnatioft of Or. Martin Luttw ' ..:..,......, (C) (30) lndilns wtst. Biii Smith ind Mort IKlni.,._: (C) (30) .. ,... ....., (30) IMllts..i~) (30) 12 O'Clea ..... (60) oney Mattera." Marion Marshall ~~D fB n. f1J1q .._ t0 P1L ~1n "'> "Tht V1o6eat talb with I budpt expert •bout ( . ,...._.__. I ,............_ _ _l-,. U-'--." --......... ..a.-. •tttlnl more out of 11dl family ) .....,........ 1 ..__..._. 1u""'--·--,,_, -Car1os Ramirez dtclda to "'°" bis vatories throqhout tht wand. Pul-dolllr. culno from San Tineo becaute Sis-urs, quaaan, lnfra·f'ld pla.lel. I (I) Im "-(C) (30) ter BertrWt Is aluya lnt«flri111 red li•nts, neutr1"°' and mllllC ....._ 34 (C) (80) with his lift. Naturelly, Sister Ber· reya come und« .. m1ut1on. -. 7:91 CIS ~ "-(C) (30) bill• coma up with a wlld xheme tfonollltfS abo l'tCOftllruct a por· lblr Ctonldtt. to meke Carlos chana• his mind. Hon of the unlvtnt on a PBL aound UWW. .., U..l (C) (30) ~R st.Ip. Pauurd (C) (30) ..... $ ~: .,........., 10:00 II 9 (Ot'l ID DtH .. 1rt11 (C) (j) HIP IM WIW (C) (30) (mystecy) SO-Oen Duryu, {ro)l>te'ftl'a .. .-a,. Din o.1i-,.... ........ (30) "Grein-Gale storm. -..,. I '.' f ~ I I'~ (, hrt I." IAll1Udor Frid· 1''11111 • Cen••••• (C) (30) Gloria L.ortni. Paul lYnde and Doi trick Hold comblnea the eltrMnta Piny.._ (60) Rlc:elRk... of lllfrt·l'lldlnc. c:ountlnl •Rd chord· 11.m Pwtptdlle (C) (30) Jim ti m a>~ ,_ l• ----------------------Randolph, of radio ttation KGFJ, {!)' ( ~Abortion.., A fnnk 1bactJ Riotous, raucous comedienne Jo Anne Worley joins singing hosts 1 dlculllon of tducetlonal of the once-wf\ilpnd·allcMlt lstUI star Tom Jones in song on ABC's This Is Tom Jones, ThurS'-crlaea In die bllc:lt community. thlt has become 1 Nior ~ day at 9 PM. Other featured guests for the broadcast are School board members and con-uestlon I Americ:I ._._ Brltis recor ing star. onovan, comic rey am " ge, tfftdl the fillurt to pass rtetnt lllnllll .... (30) h d D • God/ c b ·d cemtd pamtts c:oncentrate on the i n _,. and songstress Lainie KOVJn , tdlool bond Issues will hive on the llalllu (30) ....... t commu~ tchoola. 10:30 Cl llewlt: (C) .,.... .....,. (ad-llJ ......_ (30) venture) '41-Urol Flynn, Fred Mao-l:OOIJ!.i. "(30')"-(C) (60) :.,um.:. (C) (30) Biii Johna. ~CD n.t 11rt CC> (30) llJ F.._.. c... ' SMn llme Around." Don 11:001 DD. e aJ -(C) Hollin .... • rich boa,~ M11p...t ~HICMMi w .. tbtr11y. nntJ to iuu Don h« u.. a. (C) MVenth hutb1nd, Ind Ann Marte Mewle: .,. ... • .. ,,_,. i ects. (R) (mJstlfy) '53 -Paul Munl, Jou Hml (C) (30) 0 loni_!!I. IET ....,__ (C) (90) "Tht @(I) QI (I) f11 (I) -(C) ecfried Idyll." A dnimatlc .... creation of Richard Wa1ntt's tc1n· 11:30 B lltwlk "Tiii ........ ...... dalous love 1ff1lr with the wife of llilp Twice"~) '46-UM his beat friend, conductor H1na von Tlumerr. Joh~n_.. ,,~ --~ Buelow. The pfOll'lm covers the wi ,._... - years from 1862 to 1870 from !MW· ev e: "'llJ ...., trtJ In Yltnne 1nd ullt '1n SWltz•· (comedy) '5~Jlntt Ltllh. JICt land, to llvl111 off Ult bounty of ltmrnon. die med Kini Ludwi1 of Bav1ril. I cm (3) m ..., ~ (C) Tbt BBC production stirs Alen ....... ~ , .. , Badel, B1rlllra leiih·Hunt. Rldmd lZ:lO llJ Adl9I n.tni: "Sectlt V• Puco ind John Quentin. ture." • Ftlldutf (C) (30) 12:55 IJ .... .,.. 25 ....., '--""" l:JO D QI Cil Im 1...w. <C> (60) Cactv.nture) '55-H11a Hal'lrelt. &1- ''S«l•nt Mlr.." A police dol as>-ward Mulllart. parentty tht IOlt wltntss to 1 mur· 1:001 D .._ (C) dtr, helps Ironside find the 11111•. • frill tile llliWe o.t (C) 1:}" Dehner and Bill Bixby rueat. l:lS R Mewle: "Tiii ......_ ..,,-. ~.... (C) (90) Tom Harmon (dRIM) '56--Gtfte Bany, ~ and Mickey 0.Vltl are rinplde for a 8HaleC••••Mr ....... .._. (C) 10-round ~lht bettlt bt-~ tween Joe Mlllo end Marty Franklin. l:JO GI 77 s-t ..., D @ (3)&> ........ (C) (30) Z;JO m Al..... a.: "JM Prim ''lllnor, lrtrror on the Well." Sim lilnist.V' and '"l.aclr -• Lamp." .. • FRIDAY JUNE t For morning and afternoon llstlnp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tlons reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAmME MOVIES !:00 D (C) "'Ha•allNtdl" (romance) '4,_..eureen O'H1r1, Comet Wiide. tJOD "118'or _, t11t lllMi" (com· edy) '44 -Rey Mlllend, Glnier Roters. D "lllllt Old N• Tort" (musical) '40-Allce Fey1, Fred Mec:Murray. 1%:00. "lie ..... (Jls" (rnysttfY) '36 ~ry Gr1nt. Joan Bennett. 12.:JI m ..,._.. (drama) '53-"'1ne Mesnenl, ADauno Brml. Z:OO at ""'9 ......, c..." (mystery) '5l~tlen SMnpr, stenley Beker. J:OOD.,.., llJ......., .......... (Comedy) '64 -Sir Mlcheel Red· l'lft, Juliet Miiis. 4:00 8.,,.. .._ II Hlnu" (com· eCly) '60-Sir Alec Guinness, Burt Ives, Meuretn O'Hara. f \,I i t.i "._ (I a.1111 • ne ltr ,.... (C) (60) Jeny Dunphy. am~ <C> <30> a... .. .. <C> C90> Jeyne Meedowl, RUby Cooper, Sara Vaulfin, Ptlll R>ster, Guy Merb and C. C. Ruka IUfll. fJ I 18cW I O.DIJ (60) Thia DMcl L Wolper production tncel tM montt\s of Pr191f'ltioft fw tM Nor- mandy l1ndln1 -the mlllln1 at 5000 ships, 1000 1lnnft ind hun· dreds of thouslnds at Nlled troops; the del1berlt9 tteurtty ltlb cal· cutattd to mike the GtnMn hllh comm1nd bellewe the ettact would come It Ciiiis. I rust • IUCClll- ful th.at '"" IS the ml&Mlat .,. mid• ever Hllnlbled bombarded German ahore bltter1• ind landed men and equipment on tlle budMI. Hitler htld blCk two cnct Panzer dMslons for en atttck that nlVtf came. Richard Baatlart n1rrat.; Elmer Bemst.ellt pnMdes the mutl· cat score. IJ I !n (C) (60) ID I LAM Leer (60) ....... (C) (30) ! (J) Men "'"" (C) (90) -.ra N-1 (30) ''Home on Cllff." A fllm from Germany that shows 1n omlttlolottst 11 ht films tlle llfl Ind hlblta at the i aulllemob-1 bird at th• auk flm- Ult Celtr .... (lb .... (30) llPlM ..... (C) (60) (Continued) Train r or an excltlnl, rewarding career asa • DD I CAL mISTANT e DENTAL SISTANT New, Exclusive Classroom, Home Study Coursal Career Academy graduates enjoy good-paylna. rewardlna positions (full and part-time) in these prestige fields. You can train to become a Medical Assistant or Dental Assistant. Unique, nationally-recognized courses are supervised by physicians and dentists In a beautiful. modem laboratory school ... located right here in L.A. Nftlonwlde Pi.cement AlllttMoe At No Extr1 COit Tuition A•ltunc• --- - - ---- Avanllbi.. I ~, CAREER ACADEMY AOCf9dhecl Membs-I · 7080 Hollywood Blvd. Dept. 113 Netlonel A.odltlon Of L.ot An .. lea, Cel"ornle 80028 T .... andTechnioM Schooll. .. and ... N.uoMI Home Study CouncU Return Coupon ... or CALL 464-9291 I PIM• .:.nd my frM book ,"SpotUsht On Voll'. . I I ~~~~~-...---. '"' ,_,,_~~~~~-n;r.-m:----1 10 PM FRIDAYI WORLD PREMIEREI "DJE AN All NOW FUN & VARIETY SHOWI 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS $1.00 ......... . Moy be used on envelopes as return address labels. Also very ha ndy os identification labels for marking personal items such as books , records, photos, etc. Labels stick on gloss and may be used for mo rking home conned food items. ATI labels ore printed with stylish Vogue type on fine quality white gummed poper ond pocked in reusable magic seal top container. MrL Chris.._ hwn "9 Post RNCI Cotta Mew, CHI. 92626 r--------------, I I I I flll ht ft.It c .. ,..., cllp eMI lftall wlffl $1.00 to: "'•• ,.,, ... 11tJ.ab•I DIY., ... 1171, H~ hech, Cellf. f2HJ· -·······-······--·····················-----·-·········· ···--·························-····----····---------~·· ......................... --.......... ---···--· .. ----..... . h ••r• to •M yeur Zi, Co4e I I I I I I , __ _ PILOT PRINTING _...._ __ , L- ..... 1. -----..---~ FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LAIELS WE WILL INCLUDE RB SET OF 'ACkA6E t-4AILIN6 LAIELS. ,. ............. _ ..... -' THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, MAY 31. 1969 FRIDAY (Continued) E Eatll1191 34 (30) l :JO! MIC ......... (C) (60) t-.lOf l":i<f/30) Tld Meyers. v.,.p to Ult lotto• of tt.e A Toudl of FantaJ (C) (60) ( (60) rom the Beverly Wiishire ~ H...,·lrinkltJ (C) (30) Hotel comes 1 preview of high fl· fl!) ... II IMt (C) (30) "The 900 shlon with the wor1d's top designm ii• ~" (R -Je•n·Louis, Elizabeth Stewart, Ca· ...._ (C) (30) talina, Bullodl, Travi111, Helga and 34 (C) (60) Stanley Nelaon. Models are mem- 7:00 IJ CIS &elNt ...., (C) (30) bers of the Collea rues of Los An· Walter Cronkite. feles, • philanthropic or1aniz1tlon 111 ,.... (C) (30) made up of prominent Los An&• Wlllt's My u .. ? (C) (30) les women. ,....,.. (C) (3')) fil) Adventure (30) "Desert 1oumey." Ci) CiH9I sa..ca.. (90) Documentary fllm on an expedition fi 111en111 (30) ''Voe1tion.I to . the Jordan desert to discover Education." A rroup of students ex· relics from the guerilla exploits of plore a wide ranee of vocational Lawrence of Arabia. subjects in the Los An1eln City fl) festival en Madrid (30) Adult Schools. 10:00 0 ~ Ci) m Tiit Saint (C) (60) I CJ) Maybeny RFD (C) (30) "Interlude in Venice." The Saint Aiiierican Welt (C) (30) becomes Involved with racketeering \., Dru,. House (C) (30) gangsters, Intrigue and a revenge 7:30119 (I) Tiit Wild, Wild West ~lot w~en he meets a beautiful glr1 CC) (60) James West seeks to find 1n Venice. a missing ruby for an fiyptian Prin· I m ~ ~C) (60) cess. Cindy Hunter 1uests. (R) @ 1...ll.11\0U Dick Cnett (C) (60) 0 m Hlaft Cltapaml (C) (60) Lynn Redgrave and Lillian Gish "Ebenezer." A fearless editor ignores guest. threats as ~e exposes Tucson's law-0 '~IERE Della (C) (60) Della le$S elements. John McGiver guHts. Reese is hostess for a new comedy· I variety show that features tonight Jldt lenJ!I (30) Vincent Price, Sandler & Younr. ([I) mw Llt's Mab a Dul Jonathan Frid, Terry.Thomas and (l"O)Monty Hall hosts. regular Sandy. Baron. Mlhlon $ Movie: (C) "11tt @) R~D RtvltW (60) "8omex- 5"t1t·Yt1r lldt" (comedy) ·5~ £xplonnr the Weather Factory." Dr. -Marilyn Monroe Tom Ewell Albert Hibbs interviews a scientist I Trwtll °' c.n.iq .... (C) (30) i~volved in a vast ~periment to ''"' Maon (60) find out how the sun s enern Is Tiit ctt, Wakltets (60) Art Sei· harnessed to drive the etobal circu· dtnbaum ind Charles Champlin of. lation of the atmosphere and the fer 11 prorram that focuses on Los =aMns. . (30) An1eles. ~ ar11na g) Nonll (30) 10:30 m News (Q (30) Bill Johns. 1:001 Zant Cr~ (30) fl) Fallast. "torann (30) (i1) (]) Q) Joltn Dnldson (C) 11:00 I 0 fJ at m m ..... (C) ( ) Alfred Hltclleocll m Hazel iC) (30) liln Club (C) ti) luc.clll (C) (30) • Movie: "Jacll die Ripper'' (mys- 1:30 fJ QI (I) g..., P')tt (C) (30) tety) '60-lee PatterlOrt, Betty Mc· Serr•ntC.rter finds his blf bmk Dowall. In tfol~ one-line part. (R) llJ Movie: (C) "Tuna of Clory" 11 U (1) m N ... of a.. Q-. (drama) '60-Slr Alec Guinness, John <e> ™> ''The White Birth." A Mills, Susannah Yot1t group of foreign Journalists arrive (i1) (]) 9 Cil Cit Cil NNs (C) In rlVOlutlon-tom Czechoslovakia 11:301J MOVW. "'TIM Marrying kind"' lookln1 for an 1ilin1 1uth0f end (comedy) '52-Judy Holliday, Aldo his latest book. (R) Ray. I Acr9ll tM S.W.. S.S (C) (30) 0 ~ <1) m TonlPt sa.o. (C) Mn Crtmn <C) (90) 0 Movie: (C) "l.Hisla1t1 hr· hn fer Your Ufe (C) (60) cMst" (comedy) '41-Bob Hope. llETUllll Wars ti tt.e ._ (60) D (jj) (]) &) ,._., lbllop (C) A The Royal Shakaspeare Company premiere "roast" will be futured. bttlns a seriu of playi with "Henry Joey hosts and Buddy Hackett. VI." The reign of t.he weak king is Jack Carter, Don Rickles, Milton troubled by the factions of York Ber1e, Steve Allen, Jack Benny, and Lancaster, and by the threat Julie Newmu and Carol Lynley will to £n1lish poaesslons by the French participate. under Joen of Art. David Wimer m Donald O'Cottnor (C) and Janet SUzman star. Qt (I) FridaJ S1MN II) llocMI Tapatlas (30) 12:3011J Action Thutre: "Ganpter t:001J Qt CJ) CIS frfdlf Mowie: (C) Story." "UM" (drima) '62-Stephen Boyd, 12:45 0 Movie: "Munl« on Approwar' Delores Hart. (R) (mysttfY) '56-Tom Conway, Delphi 11 ,..,.,., Aft« Darll (C) (90) Lawrence. Rowtn & M!rtin, Stu Gilliam, Cathy l:OO I D NtwS (C) Carlso~ Paul Hempton end The Country Musk (C) ;@~~nf.: "t.,"'·:> 0.. Fr.m tilt Inside Out (C) ,._ (C) (60) "Between the Derk 1:1511 Movte: "11le laf'lfoot Mail•11t" ind Daylight." Judd defends a high (drama) '51 -Robert Cummlnp, achoo! boy who is tramld by his Terry Moore. Classmates on In asuult charae be-1:30 m n SUftut S1rip cause he Is Informing on their use 2:00 O C..•unlty l•lletln IMrd (C) of m1ri}uan1. Clive Clet1t autsts. 2:30 m All·NIOt S1Miw: "Janie'' Ind (R) 'ifhey Were Sisters." SATURD AY ••• (J p \ ', ( ......... n.trr. .. , Cover 6'i Undtnfof1cl." l:GOl 9 (I) ...., Dick (C) IJiflii: "le I lldlC ..a.t" (dn· ma) '50 -John Garfield, Plbtdl ...... ....................... <coa::J. '57-Tht 8oRJ Bop. • • .. JllLlllJ ....... (ctn· ml) '40 -Tyront Pwtr, llofd Nolin,~ Lamour. 1:=-,_. ............ (C) l:JOl 9 ()) n. .a.-..... (C) 4ieltfw AMc:IMi (C) Z:GO 8Ql(f} 1111 .......... (C) 1M tlllra incl flMI Mnt of the T rlplt <nwn Is c:ower9d f1'0ftt Bel- mont P•rl. In Belmont. .... Yn • ........, ....... ,...._"Trip. ped" incl ''CllllWIY Went Thlta· i " ............... (C) tlf1~000 toum1ment coma from tht Mldlothl1n Country Club on tht outskirts of Clllcl111, Illinois. JICk Nlckllus defends his title In th• fln1I rounds teltcllt todlJ incl tomorrow (It 1:00 PM). m c...t n.lrt: ''Hell's flw ROura." es,n II Adlla (C) O> Qllllt .......... (C) Z:JO 81111*: .,._ II tlle IM .._... @rlru) 'n-toWI Heywant. &UD s. t11e U1A CC> 3:00 B Dill Y t. lllllllc (C) flthtr N«m1n J. O'Connor holtl. D ,._.: . (C) ........ 111 '71" (wlstem) '65 -JICk l.illlr, Arch Hiii Jr. 1=Cry I UI Celir hrl 8111 "" .. Pldtni ('C) ..... ,........(C) J:JO B IMI« (C) '11leJ ... Wiii" (Mern) '5'4 :..._ Pltll C.rey, Donn1 Rted . m C... ,....._ (C) "Med About Min." I Tl'9lll tM ..... (C) Qllllt "' ........ (C) 4:GO 8 UCU ..... ,_.... (C) Tom· my Prothro liftds his Bruins throuih a 90-mlnut• football pme to dimal "'""' tralnlnr. Tom Harmon calls tht pliy·bJ·PliY· I W .... Tnill (C) Slwir ..... (C) Set Ille UIA (C) 4:JO.:::. Umla ...... Tileltre (C) s•1----~ ... (C) lt't Ac*lllc (C) fr111klln, almd•lt . ind Ttmptt City hlah 1ehools com~•· '@()) c) ... Wide ...... l~~(C) l..evltlea (R) fllllol.S.C. 5:J01= ltifJ ~R) ··~ (C) Cll*ttJ. .... (C) C.r1 1n;..e..11ts~R) I._ r... UWCU (C) .......... (C) ....._ Qltelt: Allxaftdtr Zil· n, • YGU"I Rlalllan llwlnl In frtftdl C.nadl, lhar• music from 111 owtr tht wor1d with host Pttt Seeatr. e AIJMlbi• USA (C) fllHIR 160-T and XP·S's. FM-Stereo e PISHll 1 ... T LA•t lHf all 10llcf.1tai. 40 • .,,. P'M .srer.. ltacel\lef'". Tune-0-Matlc t\lnlng Mlect1 yaur favorite FM 1tetlen •t h llUlfl of II bUffon, It ... ""·'.s. ·REG:-PRICE $369.SOI • Garrard avtomatlc tvrn·f•ble Plft 2 9968 :~ cartrld;ie wllh diamond aty·. , e FW!er fr-.plllon ....-er system -oil Wiii~ 9"C~ft. ltegular tnt.oo • pelr. e AR 4X 'Speaker fMlwlng AR'I famous ac:owtk •Ulf*lllon cs.. . ..... PRICES START· AS. LOW AS ,. ' ' """·!';'.?:w<l'·~- ~( -.f>.c.~' . e 12" Co·Axlal Laftc« S.,..kfl' W• lnvt En cio.vr.. • t• Ga"ard.' Automatic Turn--Oiied .. ll!o plua stereo cartridge wttel • ...,.... atvlY!l •69so REG. PRICE $174.SOt 99" • t2" Coelal LAM« .,,... er aya'9m, Oiied ""*" encloevrw • • N-SllarwOOd ~ 200 watt . FM 1teree IOI~ •t•I• recel_., (wood (.a ... Uonell ___ .. ~tr•nl 1vncro-lab •vtorlatlc tvmt•ble with • lllure cSMmond . 1tyhll, Sl7.S. REG. PRICE $675.50! 50927 ~()N')' r:=,,;t;··:~ ~ . . . . . ,,,, . ·- e 1'6t Garrard aur-lk tumtable p4w atww cart· r ldto wlttl diamond 11v1o1. REG. PRICE $254.SOl 16911