HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-02 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa. . ' ' ~ -~·~·~·· ---~ • 1ots .. . ar--~ ... -... , ' . lJCI Cainpus Still Strucli • • I ·llut Mos-t ·Ignore Picliets . MONDAY 'AFTERNooN, ~UNE ·2, 1969 . . VOL. & "'°' m.1 l9CnOa. a p,uq , • , • • " . * * '* * * * * *( ":ti*·* -':ti** '* * * Nixon Panel Urges Renewed ·Drilling -- Through Old Hole ·Mesa Prisoner ' , Santa Barbara Channel Wells Wit! _Approval I . .,............ . ·--~ -.... ~;s Flee-s County Jail Rioting Mars Garden Grove BerFy Fistiv&f: ·._ WASHINGTO!f (AP~ -A lpida>I ~ ....r·:,::·: ••"'9i1 loiliy -~-Ol!-<I' .• -'~ I r I I l I By JACK BROilAC& 9f tM·Dalb' , .... std -' For the second comec:at.Jve Year, rioting marred the G8n1en . Orove Strawberry f'esUvii), an even~ staged 'an. nually to raise tn<>DeY for youth bet--. t«Tnent programs. Dinurbm:N took: pU.Ce botli Saturday and Sunday nights. . ~ . ~ · ~A manhunt spread today for a Cost.a Mesa kidnap-robbery suspect who fled Otange County Jail Salutday in a dramBtlc dash CIUt of a. hole never repair- ed slnco three prisoiiers escaped through is six~ ago. . NO buiµHng fUbds ~ avallabt.e to fix the Ience 'Of\1 ~ filtl\ floor ezerm.se area et the llD.t mlllloo fatjlity, originally billed as virtually escape-proof. . · ~ T. Dee, 21, of 1996 Maple Ave., however • .became at 2:50 p.m. Saturday the fourth man lo su<:eessfully puncture ~a:t theory since. the jail was opened last December. • "lfls timing was perfect," said Orange CoUnty Sheriff's Lt. Richard Timboe to- day ln explaining how Dee -who also • use! ti)e ~ Nicholas W. Pickett - escaptd. 'lbe break was limed to coincide wiUi the_ end of an exercise period while a grwp of prisoners was crowded around a escalator during a headcount by four deputies. · WENT UNDER FENCE Investigators said the depUties had just called out No. 56,. the last headcount VCI Still Struck As Most Students . lgoore f'irketing · By THO!lf.(S FORTUNE .ot.tM ~W .':Hit Staff The strike was still on•at UC Irvine to- day .. A handbill ~ out by picketers read : ·''None of wi demand! have been mot. We are still OI\ strike." .MO&t UCl students passed the strikers by. But a aifeable number Ulo were staying away from classes. • ~ll no one knO~s for sure tiaw" many students are on strike. Attendance ls not nonna1rf kept for university classes. Estimates vary all the way from 50 per· cent ol the 3,500-IWdent bod)' to htrdly anys~ ' . . 1.-~ ol IDtemted. stud<llta was called 'fl" too!Cht .to '1<Pd• whether to cooUnuethestrik<. strlh )lterature liindeil out 1oday r~U!ll'tllo alullilled delllanda: -'!be· Natlohil Guard still occupies DerkeleY,. -Gov." Reagan hasn't called oft the atato ol emergency. -'J1le regents haven't given the park back to the people. 'JboM; are the reasons for cooUnulng the strike in soltdarily lfilh UC Berkeley students. Th!re .. 1so 3£1! ;OQ!)sldcrallot11 that (See UC1 mlJg£1~ ii ·.. ~1 • . ' • " ,,_ . figure, when Dee sprinted across the enclosed area and squeezed under the fence. \ Lt. Timboe said the fleeing prisoner unraveled a rope fashioned out of jail bedsheets and coiled around his body beneath his shirt as he ran. The rope was lied to a rooftop standpipe. Dee disappeared over the side and slid safely down to the first floor roof which sticks out over the sidewalk area, drop- ped le the ground and sprinted away. · "He knew that once•the prlsoner-s are counted, the guards make sure the: doo't go within three feet of the f.enee," Lt. \im~ explained after Dee's successful escape. Deputies said he was last seen running west QP Fourth Street from the downtown area jail, clad iD a grey regulation sweat shirt, bll!I! jearis and white tennis shoes. OTHERS ESCAPED Three other prisoners escaped through the same hole used by Dec, just five · weeks and three days after the new coun· ty jail opened last November, lhe jail lieutenant said. ~ Police said more than t)lo unruly youngsters clashed with' officers in tbe Sunday night batlle which started about 9:30 p.rn. Flft'een were arrested Sunday and seven on Saturday, largely on suspicion .. of assault with a deadly weapon on pollce officers. Seven policemen were injwed Saturday night but none Sunday. AJI ttiOle hurt on Saturday were back oo dUtj SUnday. The most seriously injure<J-wU officer Melvin 'Parr who suffered a ~on and had his fingers gasbeii wtth ,glass. He was back on "limited .auty" Sunday. No rioters were injured as far as police could determine. In contrast to last;year.when rioting broke out in the fesli\'al's main tent on the grounds, the Saturday and Sunda.v battles were fought on parking lots and stree~ ~ing Garden Grove Park at 9301 Westmlnster Ave., between VLJta They are still free after 'the dramatic -Verde and Deodora·drives. escape Via a garden hose instead of the Sunday night an estimated 400 youths home.made sheetropc used by Dee, jailers began pelting police with rocks and trash said. • at the west end of the park at about t :JO A couptry work order was filled out p,m. Police Chie.f George Tie19Ch said, and submitted last Dec. 9 to get the fence "The outbreak was spontaneous. It was hole repaired, but building funds have not obVious it was not pre-planned." been available in the interim. · The 86 Garrlen Grove poliee,offlcers on Dee had been charged wiµi kidnap and duty were q'uickly reinforted with about armed robbery involving a Costa Mesa 100 police_ from West.Diinster, San~ Ar ... market incident, pleaded guilty -then-Anahelm, Fountain Valley the sheriff's with drew th&Hubniitted an innocent office_ .. nd l:tMI California High.way.Patrol. pie~ ilnd was_due..for... •-new-hearing.· The sltu1tlorr was rep(rted under con- YACHT GOODWILL REPORTED AGROUND OFF BAJA Co•1t Crew Ahoard Vnsel When Tragedy Struck Racing Sc1woner . Runs . . ' Agr~·und Off Baja:Coast : If he shows up June _17 ln Orange Coun-trol by '1 t :•15 p.tn. tY.11Subeperior Court.ti!,, Departrneut Five, it A fire bomb uploded in a'lrash l)ickup 'J,,.~Pc,~ ~ ... ~!,Y w1 op s · 1er charges, investigators truck and several other boWu filled with The Coast Guard said the Goodwill's la$l 'port· ot,call was Cabo· San LUcas at the Up of Baja Calilomia. noted. g'aaolJne were thrown but did not lgrtlie, The one-time famed racing schooner Lt. Tim.boe said authorities In Ari'l.ona police said. Two cars were burned on Goodwill, formerly berthed at Newport want ~ on another charge, but ·said he Deodora Drlv~ bordering lhe park and Beach, 1.....iay W'aS re""'..t""' hahi agro· und· was not exacUy what One might consider t u f' t ted to• th rl ti -. .,.... ~w SHe was last teported at Cedros Island M8y 25 w'hen ihe KOU marine operator at San Pedro monitored a cal: Ulat the an armed and dangerous deperado wo sma lle& ~ 8 -e 0 ng and breaklrig up on S~am_,,to Reef 40 t were put out in ·•· $opplilg center at milea: south of San Quenlln lallnd ofr tht: ype. Brookhurst Street and Westminste vessel expected to arrtvt .. in Ensenada -------------• r coast of Baja·Calllornia. d 4 Avenue. · ,_1,___ .The Coast Guard pin-poiJlted the wreck-April 27 between 2 an p.m. DJVk:I J_ Burn, community rel.&LIOO!I ed veuel'i locaUon 85 five mUes off Pun-:tiie Coast Guard saki ~ GoqiwUI was director for the Garden Grove police said to San, Antonio, 200 miles south of San apparenUy returning from a cluuie.r trip oCDcer1• switd>ed ladica' SWldoy Qlgllt, . Diego. to .ACBjl\llco. · . : breaking Into equadlind _. sooceSlful nie'C...t Guard said there was no Sign The GciodwU(ls owned by Ralph Lu- iJI "')l'lrltlng 'the rioters ' Into small of Ille aboard the 1'1·Coot two-masted rabee ol !1ewP<lCI Beadi, 'Mle new wblcripc.lot\ rate o( $2 per grbupsr A maas f~t·~ bad bea1 topg'l ~. tiiii" that µ,e (w9: 11.~s The ·Goodwill m•. )'~ ,raclfti n\Ollth for .home ·delivery o1 the DAILY UBe!I Saturday nlgnL . · uaually'6'1ned on dednn•re m!Sslni, m· h~tory to 1953 and 1169, when.Ille• was PILOT 1.es mio affect tod,Y. Bum 'l!"k!Jt l!AS n...,.ary to Ult i.ar , dicai!aii'jbal.lbose oboafd had abanj!Oned , li1"01h'flntoh iJI the HtqoluJ• ~-the ' COnUnuaU,, rlsini costs ol all· elemertts • gas S&\G'nhiy-buf-not--m S~nday. .. • U:tt• 11Ui1 •• ' • ' ' .. 19i9 race she lost he~ topmast iiil •the esseotial to the production of the OUicers .. id Saturdays d1lturblDce P,O.itl\-e l4enUfic1Uon·, of the seven swinging ·sp(U' threatened-the llve1 of the -1paper ,;000 the DAILY PILOT last •lar\ed about. 11 p.m. over a fa.tlw, at· -¥1..-M to be a1>9trd waa ngt entire .crew befO<e·lt was final~ seauOd. a<I)~ Its ,..-1p11on rato In 1966 have tempting to convince his llOll " ~.::. tJ:no 1Yailablo. " . • Goodwill wu 1Ull firs t to flnlili, despite made the 2S<:ent ~ nece111ry. to go borne. Their IJ'lll>ll'!f\I• -a ~. Nrt. Mmord·•Stlr.t QI 'San the eoddeot. A message from the vessel Yow: DAILY . PILOT carr1ar-,.ui, ol fist fiat\I and two off~·sr1Jlbed l>f~k DleP lilld 'the Coall Cllud·lbaOier b""' · at.tha111me•oild' ''We aro·~·to ci>unit, enjoy hK:m!ed eai:nJnp because ·•p ~ battlt. • · "-"<!· wp an ~ , aboard the HooololU u a ketch rather then a sloop." ()[the new price and the DAILY PILOT 'AliOut ltl8 youths Aulckly ...,mbled, ~will and that~ o\hCr plrJoris -p.e Goodwill waJ designed by Hel!l'Y J, will contiliue to lmJ)l'Ove rtporUng ~nd aCCO<d!ng to Chlcl Tlelsch. Olllcer1 ploc-~lleved to b< all<)ord ~re We!Wr Ziass Gielow ol New York and 'bulli by ~ ptoduction tedlnlqueo to dejlver ari even el thelatber end oon.in a wll« unit and of San Clemmi\"; Gerold C<lmllock, lehem Steel <;o .• Wilmington, Del. In um. better pf<>duotlo you In t\llNlari. 1drove them away from the ma. '11telr '11l>:•~ Arch Bay/ Lag .. , Beach and Ed Durln( Warlil-War D It wu uoed In · nam<:a wort not 'revealed. ~lenderaon, Sooth· Laguna. (Seo GOOOWIU., Pap %) • ! PILOT GOES UP ... TO $2 TODAY .. ( •UP!j>ID'1n!lllaad ......:.~ from tbe-ptllfom!'::l.~tiiro. A ruqiiway 'Well diuled muslve pollu. Uon of the Santa Bar1>ara Channel four mooths ago, aod broujlht.a bait to drilJlog OJ)i!ra*itm .tor a tinle. .. Thooglt the meJn Jeet was atoppe<l aller 11 doys, oil JieJ cmtlnued· to oeep from fJJSUi-ea around· the. well. Wlthdrawlnf Ille oil from -,.._ uncle!' the platform "la a neceuary part ol any plan to .iop tbe o11 ·oeep," Mid the pa1ie1 headed br Dr. Loe .A. DllBrldg<, the pr~'• acJen<e advllef·: · Under Ille propooed plan,~ wtlltate·IO to 20 years ol drilling and 11UD>p1ng w remove the oil, Dr. Hamilton M. Johman. panel member and chaJnnao. of Ibo , Tulane Unlvernty Geolo&Y ~. told 8 new.!' com~ . '. The final declalon co the recom- mendeUons ta up to Secretary of 1he· Interior Waller J, Hickel. Dr. \Yllllam T. Pecora, direct« of the U.S. Geological Survey, said a declsloo probably would be forthcoming Within· a few days. The panel , created by President NitQn' last April 7 to 'comlder only the Union.Oil Co. lease, recommended a HrieS o! precautions to be followed Jn .cootrollirlg preient oll seepage and ~ fllluie mishaps. But aPart from these precauUons the recommendation wouJd allow Union, in effect, to complete the• ~ pro- gram it had planned . , fl\IBridge told the news~ conference the panel had -a >?iety ol oll!er proposal~ and had conc~uded 1h':t pum- pir:ig out the oil was ~1belt llOlution. ~'The situation w'htcti. · makes leaks possible," he·..W, "\o the r111:t there Is oil • (See DRlWNG, l'>lio %) ' '· • '\ ' ' r . Weadier Those. low clouds may leak a trifle. oo 'Tuesdaf, but y.-·aun ~~ put 1n Its usual ·P'fflinctory ap- !JOaranc'e. Look [0< tempo ranging Crom 85 lo 72 .. INSIDE TODA. 'l' '• Seven -month.I after loaing the race 'f<>r the prt!1ldtntj/.'1lubffl · 'Ii,;,.,.,......, ii' •••ldhg -~ n1anert than he M! fn all hl.t life~ Page 5. ' I • , ' .. I • • ,_ . . , •• -r------------------~--~~ I \ • Gotil\t .Restrict~~ Militar·; ·Power-- • • el---,---·Off--base Crime~ Now· Will Be"'Trl:ed in'tJiviliah"C-ourts i"AsmNGTOll (UP.1)-'lbe • Supl'tJne iurt 1llleil ~ lbal a ..,-vi<eman '° commllo a DilMnW1¥J, olf-baaa '"" h\ 111e umw staiel 1o peace-11".must be IJled In the civilian mu. . 1l'be S.S decision sllarply Umiled the Dteuuon of military authorities' that ey have the optional right lo try tvloeTnen "':led wilh olf-duty, off-~ offenleli II tnurder and r4pe. :nie-cumnt pnC!l<e Is for military Id dvlllan aulhorlti.. lo confer abOllt 'risdktion in such cues. The coUrt was Id tllli about 15 percent of such cases • DOIJ Uied Ip civilian courts.. Military ailthoritles II.ad asoerted !he gl>I lo try all of .them il they wbhcd JCIUSe the Constitution delegated to mgi:a.s the poMt' "to make rules for e COYalllllO!li ·and· regulalil!ll of !he :Ounty Youth's llesert Death ~acts · Probed Veteran desert aearcliers t o d a y ~the agonWng dellb of a .. ild .. y City boy w., tramped 12 mllet 1 a tragic circle route in la.degree ,.~ ll'yini lo find his fainll1 campolle lly a short distance away. William E. Vollan. 15, of 8502 Mldiacn ve., was fouod dead in a Mojave Delert ash Saturday, more than 24 hours after ; failed to rebzrti from a motorcycle uni. San Bernardino County s h e r I r f I I . :puties said young Vollan ran out of gas wt three miles from his parenta' mpsile at !he Baghdad Cbaae Mine and ied tQ. go back OD foot. , lnstead, be began moving in clrcJes rough the ratt]esnake-infested territory ven mJlea southwest.ot'the corbmunlty Ludlow and Onally coUapoed Ullder !he erdleu sun. He waa lbai four miles from Afely. M ·~ was scheduled to determine llat killed the youn,st.er, but authorities .id lt was Ulr:ely 'tie succumbed to ex· """''during his tragic wandering. He was reported missing at noon Jl"i1.. •Y by his parent. and searchers !Olllld td -•ered his body the non day, FrolK r.,e I )RIIJ.ING •.. ""' tl1ett. The anly way lo prevent ture leatl 11 to get the oU out" The precaution! whJch "ere recon;· ended mlg!tl add lo Unlon'1··e11pe11,.. id · thus cut Into Ill prO{lts, but berwise the company apparently cotild ped n<>nnal P.,,fita Wider lbe pr .. stons of !ta lease. "The rest of ~ oil income IJ: part of e economic system," Peccra e.xplailled. In Santa Barbara, Mayor Gerald S, :restone said: "I Lhlnk It's a mistake. 'ler what we've been through I think e proper solution would have been to m!nate drilllitg altoge<her." F·irestooe said e1perU have CODVlnoed m that contloued productkm only in· -eases the risk of more leakage, ltbdrawing all the oil offers only a mole hope of relier, he added -"you igbl be out there a thousand yean ying to .take it all out." He said he expected tfle City Council, bich meets Tuesday, to renew Its op. >Sition lo continued drilling In the clwt- ?I. land and naval f~' In otber actloos, tlie'c:Ourt: ··,· --Ruled In a Lille Rock. Ark .. qse that the owner ot a recreation !lciflty ll.!ed by the public and which Is IJlwoivi!d In interstate commerce <.-annot liar Ne- groes . by cbarg1ng a "membership'' fee. ln a 7·1 declsilfl. the·court declared tbat the take Nixoo·Club outsi'de Llttle Rock had _violated the 1914 Civp Right. Act by u.sing a J5.c9it • ree device • to deoy entry tO two Negro women. Mo other case' invoIOfug a community swimming pool is still on the court '1 dockel. -Upheld l'cderal .lllstrid J·ud-10 hank M. Johnson Jr., who ruled that Montgomery County, Ala., public schools must establish a specific ratio or wbhe and Negro teachers in itldividual sr.bools. 1be unanimous -agmd with l Johmoo.'s order and set aside a modif1-· decision were in a &ult !Uedr!James c:aUoo of, It by the 5th u.s, @olft.-9f •• ,F, O'~lahan, 31, ,....,. his cell •I 'Al>oeals. lhO f<ilenol J>Ollilen!Wy al bburg, -'l'be mllllary ruJJnc would apply , ool7 Pa. · tn peacetime.' . • Al an Anny sergeant in l:tawail, Just.lee William· 0. DWglas wrote O'callahan was collvicted in t958 of today's 5-3 opinion. JuJtlces John M. atempted rape ol a 14-year-<1ld girl ia Harlan, Potter Stewart and Byron R. a Honolulu bol\!lil. • While diamJted, declaring llou&la• ·bad He is !JelVing a lif.yeor sentence thrown the llw in tPll military-civQ arM 'Wbldl will expire in June, 1970 •. , "lnlo a clen!Oraliz!og -of un-O'Callaban &Wied a jlabeas corpus -.inly." · · prot«diog In U.S. lllstricl Court In ~ said tha't for a Crinle lo be Scranton, Pa. clearly tirKter military jurlsdic:ti&n it Crimes in civilian communities would m~ be "~" lesl !he COl1llst of rape robbery murder em- stalatel' ... ttie1 .... Je<t lie .. ~ "lo --~ • and' 111e like: The deprive eYtrY member of the armed same dfemes would be crimes UDder services of the benelits of an indictment military law ii committed on duty at a by a grand jury and a trial by a jury · iµilitary post. of his peen." A strlctfy military offense woo Id be 'Iliese two !actors, which led lo 1oda7'1 d~ '!'gttny or losubordinatloo. --------~----------..,--------'--~--· Grocery · ~trike Not Affecting County Stores w1U. !he Los Angeles g..ocery clerk llrlke.cootlnulng Into Ila flllh day today, OraDge County merchanta remain unaf· fected by·tbe picket lines al 284 markets ln the Lo.'I An(eles area. VJllT ....... Balloon Jackpot Don McCoJ', manager al the Laguna Hll).s Alpha Beta noted, ''Some of our non-union personnel have ~ moved into Los Angeles, but we still have plenty of help and we 'are operatlng as efficient. Kissin' cousins Jimmy Stahl, 5, and Laura Evans, 3, await more balloons from 1a vending machine in Bear Mountain, N.Y. Either litUe Jimmy is a real big spender or the machine went berserk. l.Ut Rolling Almig Thltteen-year-old Chris Hirtler has'·hJa: own version of a unicycle, an old te!ephooe company cable spool which propels him along Orange Avenue Jn Costa M .. a. Looks -like fun. From · Pqe I 'GOODWILL' AGROUND • • • Navy service as a coastal pat('ol vesael off the West Coos!. It was acquired after the war bf a syn- dicate ~_headed by K. T. Kendall of Newport Beacb. Larrabee. acquired the vessel in 1951 for a r~ $35,000 at auction. He spent a fortune refurbishlniher as a rac- ing yacbl was placed In charter 'tl"i" by Lar- ra'bee.' She occaslonally visited Ne\\\)Ort Beach whl(!-abe was allowed IO-day anchoring )lriVlleges In !he Lido lurning basin. . Best lolonnaUon available today was that the Goodwill wu returning from ""'Acapulco. Larrabee was reported skip- pering the v""L ly as before he strike." ·. ' • -~ ""'!....... "'; !.. :-::: ... ~!.~ ~~.._,.~.:IQllO.~.:=:..:..:.:~ ... County Survives Holiday Other local food chains have not been bothered by the strike. A spokesman for the Costa Mesa Food Giant said they have not been affected at~ all "DeUveries m1ght start runnfng a lit~ _ tie bit late, but we ·have nothing major to worry about," he added. With No Traffic Deaths In Los Angeles, 59 warehouses are now being picketed and Jt Is expected that it will number 150 by Tuesday. With about 11,000 union members idled by the strike, the st.ores have been hiring students and housewives to fill the vacancies. · Hundreds of markets with union con· tracts remain open and there will be no abortagea in most establishments. · Lines at check stands were long over the weekend, however, allowing only a . few customers at a time to enter the stores. A spokesman for the Food Employes Council, which represents over 300 large • chain ~permarkets that locked out union 11tore clerks last 1bW'Sday, said a Teamsters boycott of deliveries could cause food shortages. Joseph T. De Silva, head« the striking AFlrCIO retail clerks union TlO, aaid that bread and beer truck drivers would be the first of the Teamsters to respect • store workers picket lines. The main issue of the dispute centers on wages and fringe benefjts, ClJSMONAUTS TRY APOLLO FOR SIZE By ARTIIUR R. VINSEL Of !hi 0111\ Piii! Slfft Orange County survived the three-day Memorial Day weekend without a single traffic death, but California led the na· lion's toll with 45 accident fatalities as motorists jammed all possjble routes. "It was fantastic," said an Orange Coonly coroner's deputy tocliy, "All was quiet." California Highway Patrol investiga- tors Aid not only were there no Orange County fataliti~. but there. were no really serious accidents. · "In fact, traffic yesterday was lighter than a normal Sunday," commented one CHP spokesman who hopes it may be a forH:ast of holiday weekends to come. "M.:J.ybe people arc getting smarter and starting home sooner," he said. "\Ve were ready for a real jamup, but it didn't happen," he continued, saying the county's 115 miles of free .... 'ay and thousands of miles of local highways were fairly uncluttered. , Unfortunately, it was a different story elsewhere. I "Everybody's going to the mountains PARIS (AP) _ Two Soviet cosmonaut! or the deserts this year," said one CHP Climbed into lhe American Apollo 8 space officer, who at least credited the litanlc capsule today, heard a lengthy ex • ..__ jams with keeping the highway death toll planatlon of It! opera lion, and then shook lo~er: . . hands group.style with three American Drivers just couldn t get going fast astronauts. enough for a real good smashup," said Russians Vladimir Shakalov and Alexei one patrolman. engines and simply waited as far as too miles north of San Francisco and 80 miles south of Los Angeles, CHP officera said. One group of boys got out of their car and JUayed ball by the roadside near Cloverdale, north of San Francisco. Besides the 45. Memorial Day traffic fatalities logged statewide, authoriUes listed 12 persons drowned and one boat ing death during lhe 6 p.m. Thursday to midnight Sunday period. .. * ; *-"· *~ National Holiday Traf fie Deaths Sm·pass '66 Mark From the Wirf: Services Traffic fatalities for the Memorial Day weekend passed. the 58().mark, wiping out the record. 542 deaths for ·a three-day f..1emorial Daf observance in 1966. The death count was 589 as late figures continued to be tabulated throughout the coon try today. During a similar 78-hour nonhotiday period recently 481 highway fa~Ues were recorded. tussians Test Bomb WASHINGTON (AP) -Evidence of. a 1viet udnergl'OUnd nuclear test that ould be the \hU'd ao far thL5 year and ie 25th since the limited test ban agree-· ent in 1963 by was reported today by the iomic Energy Commission. · The yacht was moored for many years · al the old County Dock near the Arches, but was vacated wben the county leased the area to commercial developers. From Pqe 1 Yeliseyev seemed pleased with the visit. "I! any~y dies on the highway," s~id James A. McDivltt, David R. Scott ahd a.nothe;,.try1ng to help untangl~ a ~8!1s1ve RusS4U. L. Schweickert beamed wilh t1eup, 1t wjU be from starvation. pleasure at ha vnig them as guests. Masses pf-cars streamed to popular Then the five of them, with translators, resort areas, beaches and desert spas, The National Safety Council estimated before the start of the weekend that sSo to 650 persons would die in highway ac· cidents during the holiday period from 8 p.m. local time Thursday to midnight Sunday. Califoraia led the nation with SO traffic deaths. Texas followed with 38. Michigan had 32, Ohio 30, Missouri 27, New York 28 , Illinois 25 and .North Carolina and Georgia 23 each. ~ DAILY PILOT ....,.,._ ..... " .............. ._...... -·-.,__ CAUllOIMIA OAAHGll CO.UT rvlllSHINQ COMP'-'"Y Rob.rt N. W1M Pl"llldtnl Ind Pvbllwr J1d1 R. C11rf1y Th1rn11 k11•U EOIW Tho1t11• A. Murphl111 Mlnaglnl EO/lor o ..... • CO.i. MeN~ nD Wet! llY Slrftt NfWllOl'1 k•ct.: n11 w .. 1 e1r11H 1ou11v1N LlllUIV INKh: ,22 F-1 ...... ...,. Hvnllnlfton !Midi: JOt 1111 111"1191 • There was no facWty largl!i enough to handle the GOodwiU after she vacated Colmty Dock and the Harbor Department woUld not allow her lo anchor because of her draft. A~r 'leaving Newport lhe Goodwill Dirksen Chides Kennedy Over War Criticisin WASHINGTON (UPI) ·-· Sen a le Republican leader Everett M. DirkSl!in said today Sen. F.dward M. Kenendy's criticism of Vietnam .war strategy bad shaken "my estimate of his wisdom and judgment." · In a Senate speech, Dirksen said Ken- nedy's characterization or 'Ute Hllln· burger Hill attack as "senselses and ir· responsible" was to Dirksen 1•so1t1ethlng of a shoCk." "I did not dislocate my affectlOQ for him, but it did jolt my esUmate of his wisdom and judgment,'' Dirksen 11a1d. !'Jf what is bt!lng done in Vietnam ta 'senseless. and Irresponsible, the .senator from Mawichuset-ts should contact the commander-in-chief and suggest that he disrtlla our military commanders and find others. UCI STRIKE. • • we!~ on the side of calling Ult strike off. -There doesn1t seem to be much reason to believe that striking at UCI is going to have any effect in Berkeley. ...;;:-This ls the weei: before finals, the tt tional "dead week" when students ( most all their attenUon to study eparing. for finals. UCI strikers dedded . not to send anyooe last Frklay to the Memorial Day march in ·Berkeley. "We didn't want to contribute to the violence at Berkeley whlch we:Jeli was ultimately -bk."_~~aduale student Richard Wbih!~orN. :-ueacb, a strike leader. Wh\te'sild he was surprised there was no violence and remarked, "30,000 people are difficult to control." · Earlier: 10 Jrv.ine studenll and Student Activities Adviser Nell Malmberg were arrested In Berkeley for unla,ful assembly ~-and failure to dlspei"se, although they cWm they were hemmed in by guardsmen with flxed bayonell!: and cou.ld find no Way to dlsp&se. Tbe arrest of the UCJ eleven and alleg• ed subsequent mistreatment in prison un- doubtedly! contribute to faculty and stu· dent sym93thy for the campus strike. 'I1'e e.lefen arrested were said Jo be In Berkeley as observe.rs, gathering In- formation foe a campus .conclave held last week on the Berte1ey sltuatlon. pavilion officials at the 28th Paris bien· then ~ow~ed all routes for .the nerve· nial air show and the wives of the wracking ride home Sunday night. Americaru, left on a lengthy visit of each T~e f~eeway system in spots was like a other's pavilions. continu1~g used car Jot. Sweating travelers turned off their Th'ere must he a w ay to live longer., ___ --~ -and · enjoy it more Did you happen to notice that every time you take the S.S. Lurline to llawaii it seem s to be a different 8bip? We finally figured out wl1y. It U a different 11l1ip. Every timet the old Lurline wean out or wliatever happen• to i\., they bring a new 1hip into service and 1imply change the nan1e 'Of the new ship to Lurline. Prett,. 'tneaky. A1ide from b .. lJig a deli¥hl- lul voyage, whichever year and nn.d cider "'itleflV Cl'Cry night before Mying their prayere. In case you ll1ink it migl1t be better lo say your proyer1 before eating that concoction, I don't think you'd get an nr- gu.n1ent out of us. We wouJdn"t qt1nlify as au· tl1orities on how to live long· er, but we do know a ll1i11g or •~·o nl•out l1ow lo enjoy it n1ore. ~ Bidwell wardrobe, a1 everybody knowe, will p11t l!UD· shine into any man's life. Alaska, Delaware and V e r m o n l reported no traffic ath3. lioned our rather iwpre.8&ive (well , we think it is) i;;l1oe-de- partmeut. We carry men'l!I 'fopsi den, al S I l 10. S25 a pair. Taylor 1\la1le st.reel and bul!line11 Olyle•. from S20 to S36.50. Our famous Bally Sboel!I, im· ported front Switzerland, are 537 and 842. And then wo hav.e the popular Clarke, De.. ert Boots at 516, and you'v~ never ""·orn anytbing•more comfortable· than they .are. All sorts of other attire for la11~ or eea. ·Knitted . 11hirts, wiq(lbreoker n}'lon jacket•, walk aborts, oil11kin1, 1wiJn. we~r, and .o on. But how do you 11uppq1e tho .. d-ne full blooded - tive Hawaiiant manage to lt•e 20 yeara lonl!"r than anybod~ elflle, f I \ ' "ijut I have an idea lhe President, tht ~le of lhJs country and o u r knowledgeable leaden are DOt about to do •• ~ .... ol the kiDcl " Marehinl la anolher matt.er, d~ed the UC! ad!Yllll who ..... committed lo pe1ctful protest. Dave Hetkett, graduata student from Corona del M·ar, argued succaalully the striker>' goa!J would not · wb.lchever Lurline you happen to travel on, you h ear eome tall 1torie. wb_iJe on board. For in· l!ltance, did you know that fnll blooded native Hawaljan8, ac-- cordlq to statistiCf!, live exact· ly 20 yean longer that other peoplo do? Not that you 11tnrt a ward- robe wi111 11boeg, bot it l1a1 been aw.bile 11iuce "'e n1en .. They don't 11tart eouuthls tl1eir blr1hday1··untl] ihey reacb the Dge o{ twenty. ~ .... • --·--\ New Malaysia Rioting SINGAPORE CUP!) -New clashu betweep Malay1 and Chinese erupted to- day In Singapore and In Kuala IAunpur, the Malaysian capital 190 miles to the nortliWest. A soldier wu .shot in Kuala Lumpur, touchin.g oft panic In the air.eel&. • bo f....-ed by c:onfrontaUon or !he !hr<at ol It. ' f'hllooophy Teaching Asstsllnl BUI Wingfield, who wu carrying a picket slgn th11 morning, was asked how long he, thlnkl the 1Lrlke. w111 lmt? "I'm not In the habit of talking to repoiten from reactionary ocwspapcrs," be anJWered. We lried lo find 0'1it why ·'!~were told they eat. 11pecial cJiel o( gen11iue bc:e's honey • • Jack. Bidwell · 3%7 Via Lldo, Lido Peniwoula, Ncwpof1 llearb, right next to Ri cbard'1 l\tarket and tlte Lidn·Theater. Alucl10 parking directly 1.ehind 111y 111ore. Pl1011e 6i34510. Copyright 1969, Jack Bidwell. \ • I j I I I ~ I 1: ,_. • YOt:. - • RE CitJ pe~ -~~ • • Thre more 1 In to tt this m last da Fr« check • recall Nam llobErl Uonalc Lea< Eugen t&in Vi I ! was jc Doni!IC I Bob T $6 Bo Te A er will b Huntir Frot the ch wide~ a 54 a Huntir An -park I year ' short ' This pai;s • of a la Ing fn ten ae acres) ditioni E>p lion c1 rnunitl milllot The the I compE Golde1 It ' police and h~ librar; cessiO'. tractic Su~! Tis(ng bU)' u slmpl! Gro< elude Jayceo Afinisl and B the le school PIJ TO The moo th PlUJ' Corr ...... J ~ newsi: adjust made You courso of the will c produ' Mtter \ I f ----------------.. -----.-, ---------·----~:~~ ' • .... _ _....__. ~ --~--··~ .Jl\l~~-~&-~~~di . - . . MOND;.t. Y, JUNE 2, '1969 TEN CENTS Str.ike .·Stalemate .'frusiees Stuck Over Salary Demands . ~ ' By RUDY NIEDZIELSKI Of 11M O.lr, Pl .. 1 Stall Perplexed trU!tees ol the jluntmgton Beach High' Sdlool Diatrlct .-.. .fln!llng it 000: easy-·tOdoy 'to declde ·wblt to do about salirj. <!<mands·J>O~by>some 430' h;gji'~--'· 1.a'T!~~ ·.ilie •l>Oar'd. which began m~ting •at 7 a.m., Still had no answer. Under consi~eration was the teachers' la!ei;t' propeAL, Accordln& to Carl ManemaM, teachers association pres!· dent, it includes acceptance of the ad- ministration's four percent salary in· crease offer providing Other monies that becorne avaUatile during the school year be funneled into teacher salaries until the teioher4emanded 8.3 percent increase is r"3ched. • Also reportedly Under ~ideration -during the closed to the ·p{iblic sedion was a.review of past and future actions by the District Educators Association ' (DEA); which stage<! a teacher walkout at all four Huntington Beach high schools last Thursday. The action, which was termed a "teachelr-called minimum day"_ by the . assoclatk>n ·arut "a mutiny" by some ad• minlstrators, left all campuses empty b)' 12:30 p.m. Thursday. Presumably, one of the considetatiol'IS: facing the trustees wlll be the legality of the walkout Meeting wltb the board ~ (See TEACHERS, Pap I) RECALL PETITIONS FILED -Fountain Valley City Clerk Mary Cole this morning accepted recall petitions from (left to right), Don Gilbert, Gene Van Dask, Robert Tully and Robert Gawers. They . claim 3,000 persons signed but signatures now must be certified. Traffic · Deaths Bypass Cot;mty Over Holiday • Rioting Mars Garden Grove Berry Festival ' By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of rt.• 0.llY P1ltl Sltff . • By JACK BROBACK Of "" o.irr ,.. .. ,..,. _,, ... 3 ,.,.R_e~all Petitions Filed· • Orange County survived the three-day Memorial Day weekend without a single traffic death, but California led the n ... tion's toll with 45 accident fatalities as...- Fot the second conleCUUve· ·)'ear, rioting marred the Garden Grove Strawberry Festival, an event staged an- nually to raise money for youth bet· ttrment programs. Disturbances took place both Saturday anctSunday nigbta. 3,000 Sign Eaclt Form i1t Valley· Municipal Hassle ~ motorists jammed all possible routes .. "It was fantastir.," said an Orange County coroner's deputy today, .. All was Police said more than 1,200 unruly youngsters clashed with ofli'c.rs/ In the Sunday· night battle which started about 9:30 p.m. By TERRY COVILLE Of lflt 01lly P'llol 511ff Three recall petitions, each containing more than 3,000 signatures, were turned in to the F00nt8.in Valley City Clerk early th.is morning, as recall backers met the last d•Y-ol theil; deadline-. ---- From this point, the city bas 30 days (o check the signatures for validation before recall procedures can be set up. Named in the · petitions were-'Mayor Robt.rt Scbwerdtfeger and Councilmen Donakl-Fregeau ·aod·J~es. Leadel' ari·ol._;~ ~~~_Js Eugene V uasro, .,,~ ... vlWl"<nm· taln Vajle:Y CiVic Assoclatlo1J:(FVCA). He was joined at .<Ill< hall .tl>it Dlonllol ~y Obnald Gilbert, ~vvcA vice presktent; Bob Ttlomas, FVCA finance chairman; $6 Million Park Bond Vote Faces Test on Tuesday A crucial $6 million park bond proposal will be tested at the polls Tuesday in Huntington Beach. From 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. \'oters will have the chance to d~ide if they wanfa city- wide system of neighborhood parks, plus a 54 acre 'addition to the proposed Lake Huntington cefitral park. A two-thirds majority ls required for passage of the park bonds. A simllar park bonlt proposal narrowly failed !ast year when it garnered 62 percent, JUSt short of the mark. This time backers hope the issue will ·pass and give the city funds for creation CJf a large, highly-deve~ system rang- ing from 32 neighborhood parks (two to ten acres), to six community parks (1040 acres), and including purcha~e of an ad- ditional 54 acres around Huntington Lake. Expansion of the city's .cur~en ec~a- tlob center and Construction • munity «nters is al!io included in million prt>posal. · · The Huntington '.Lake central park is the largest proposal, eventually en. compassing 147 acres and two lake s at Goldenwest Street and Talbert Avenue. It will feature a recreation «nter, police and public firing range, museum and historical area, ~tic village, main library (already funded ), boat con· cessions, fishing, picnicking and other at· tractions. · Su~porters of the bond point out ~at rising land costs make it a necessity to bUY the land for parks 'now, or it will simply be too late in the fu.ture. Groups supporting the bond issue in· elude the ·c h a m b. e r of Commerct, Jaycees, HOME :Council, Rotary Club, M'inis\e.rial ·Association, Library Board and Board of Realtors -as well as many of the local parent-teacher .groups· in the schools. PILOT :GOES VP TO ~ f tlt;>AY . Tb• MW , Sllld<tllllicai 'rate of Ii per month fot boo\& <!ill very ,of the DAILY PILOT . Oel'inW tffecttoday. . .• : C.ot1n'l:lfy r~· costs ol all tl<merit. essential to the production of ·the ~ newspaper Stnct the DAILY PlLOT last adjusted !ls subscription rate in 196& have made the 25-cent Increase necessary. Your DAILY PILOT carrier Will, of course, enjoy increased earning! because of th e new priCe and the DAlL Y PILOT will continue to improve reporUng and produetion tecbntiiues t.o deliver an evp bcll<r product;. you in the !~ture. •. and Robert·_Tully and .Robert Gawers, co-with lots considerably less than the city·s nu.let."· chairmen of the recall movement. standard 7,200 square feet. "" · City Clerk Mary Cole said today that Recall backers also claim Mayor Cajifornia Highway Patrol lnvestiga· validation of the petitions would be hand!-Schwerdtfeger was involved in conflict of tors said not only were there no Orange ed by the county voter registration office, interest on the Larwin Tract because he County fatalities, but lhere were no rt.ally because of a lack of time on the city S«Ved as real estate'broker in the sale of seriouS accident!. clerk~ part. ·the-land to tbe...Lanvin Co. and _d.idn:t "In-fii.ct, traffic yesterday·was lighter Fifteen Were arrested Sunday and &e'veo on Saturday, largely oo suspicion . of. assault wl\h a deadly weapor;i on police -officers. In orcter to fooce a recall eledioo, each reveal'that fact until after Ole City Coun· than 3 normal sUnday," commented one petition was estimated to need about cil appro".ed a zooe change for ·the area 2,500 signatures (10 percent) of the city's last December. CHP spokeSman who' hopes if may be·• registered voters. 'Ille mayor abSt.ained on voting for that fOff'cast·of holiday 1weekends to come. TOP U.S. MAN IN PERU Huintlnston's Siracui•• Charges lodged against tbe three zone change and bas abstained from all ''ldaybe peQpi~· are getting smarter and Jeadera-by..Y~~ve_cent.er.ed ~n nia~i.beforethe-council~~ _mttiilL~ ', .'' . · :. ~"---~·~·~-'Pl'"'Tl~~i 1., ,-.~ f'if.JJ.:. ~~,,~~~·th iJS_ ·:~·~pv'e t~ 1~'1.w111ii bruk·' ;(1?.'t'lia . :·'h'e~ued:· ~'' HuntinYtdn M, an. Van Desk and other mall aupparters down for 3ign_atures on tbe ret;all ~I· the. ~··~Jt.115 mil~ 'Of~.Y · S=' claim ,,,. . li4!..liOth ilrn<ll tions: _ • ,' • , ' ··-'· " · -•"" al Jocal bJJb1o~• , • · ~v. i==, ii.ii~~ peO-scnwerdt1ow ~,,205 . ~~'f.b.iY,ui>c~ ·." 1 , . Sup· s 1tito. ,Top pie by allowlng p!a.jlied developments (!lee RECALL, Pi p Z) Uolorlunltely, ·ft'wu 1 dllloreot •Ion<. , Surfside Highway Crash Hurts 3, W1~ecks 7 _Autos Threi persons were Injured and seven cars damaged Saturday in a combination r eiµ--end, headon collision at Surfside, snarling traffic on Pacific Coas,t Highway . in both Sunset Beach and Seal Beach. No one ·was seriously hurt in the 11~ 10 a.m. crash, but it took police and firemen 90 minutes to completely clean up the scene. Seal Beach police said today that reports on the accident, which involved five cars initially and two whlch later tangled in a rear-ender as traffic becked up, have not been completed. Injured persons treated and released at Long Beach Coinmunity Hospital were identified' as Glen Hewitt, 18 and his passenger, Claudia Peterson , 18, both of Torrance and Mrs. Barbara M. Marcum, 36, of Long Beach. investigators did not spell out the chain -. .... ... (lf collisions, but listed drivers Involved besides Hewitt and Mrs. f.1arcwn as: -NQ...ward P. Coogan, 57, (lf 15980 Marin~ Drive, Huntington Beach. -Janice Newman, 22, of B-76, Surfside . -Julia A. Lacquement, whose age was not listed, of Long Beach. Damage to a van and small sedan in- vol\•ed a few minutes later in a separate rear-end cOllision 50 yards east of the five-car accident was minor a n d · motorists made no police report. One of ·the first cars was apparently at- ler®ting a left tum into the beach com- munity from the busy hi@:hway when it was struck from the rear and knocked In- to two oncoming cars. Otherwise. traffic acciqent rates In We.st Orange County were relatively low for the Memorial Day weekend. ac· cording to lawmen. elsewhere_. "Everybody's golng to the mountains .er the deserts ,thll year," said Orte C,HP 'officer,·who at least credtted the Utanic jams with keeping the highway c!Nth toll lower. "Drlverll"Just couldn't set going last encugh for a real good smashup/' said one patrolman. ··u anybody dies on Lhe highway, .. said another tryiDg to help untangle a ~ive tieup; "l( will be from starvation." 'Masses of cars streamed to popular resOrt areas, beaches and desert spas, 1.hen crowded all routes for the nerve· wracking ride home Sunday night. The freeway,system in spots was like a continuin& used car lot. Fire Hits, Food Stand, Damage Set , at $2,000 Fire which started in the kitchen Sun· day night did an es~lmated $2,000 ltamage to the A and W root beer stand at 10821 Los Alamitos Blvd., Los Alamitos, the county fite department reported. The blaze which bro out about 8 p.m. r.,as "probably started b ease igniting in the kitchen area," firem said. Owner of the business is J act t... 17028 Edgewater Lane, Hun~ington sch. • I O~ft.Y l"ft.OT ......... At1'lw ~ • FIREMEN WASH GASOLINE SPILL FROM FIVE·CAR PILEUP ,.T SU_RP:SIQE M1morl1I J>,y CroW. Si!1dtcl C..st1I Traffic, Lid. to • Socancl Rlar·E~', : ! • i " .~: • l Position in Peru •, A former Huntington Beach scholar and . athlete today ts holding the top diplomaUc post for the United States in Peru during the worst period in history of rell\lions between the two coi.lntries. lie is Ernest V, Siracusa, the charge d' atfairel' for the U.S. in Lima, who fakes char~ of the u .s: Em bassy today 'upoi1 the ~signation or Ambassador John \Vesley Jones. Jones left Llma todaf. President NiXon accepted Jones' resignation May 15. Siracusa, 49, who was graduated from Huntington Beach High School in ~e 1930s, later ·attended Fullerlot1 Junior College where he played football. He was a Phi Beta Kappa later at ·Stanford Universitf. Siracus&•s: nephew is Pete Siracusa, well-known . Orange Coa3t surfer and New part Beach restaurani operator. Emest Siracusa has $Crved for several yea rs in the U.S. embassy ln Peru under Ambassador Jones. The departure of the ambassador comes amid-a most cootrovenlal period in the relations between the United States and Peru, provoked" by tbe-dpropt1ation pf properties of the American-owned lntemational Petroleum C.0.-and the seizure of American ttina, boat&'· by tbe Peruvian military government. The decfsk>n of the U.S. government to halt 3ales or mlliJ,ary equipment to Peru provoked a -strong reaction l'-from. the military government. It called~ !•inqp. portune" the announced visit of Gov. Nelson A. Rockefe11er to Peru and said the presence of the American military mission iii Peru "has no further purpose." . Crawford Heads GWC Students Barry OrawfOri:I or Huntington Beach is the new student body pruident at Gold· eri We&t College tqr 196t-70, succ~ .. Vem M. Hodge. The pollUcal ocience majl>r II the first' student body president. elected tel a, -y~r ttr,m• im<ter a r)lvloed, ~tutlop. All provious pml_denb ~ Clbf: semester. . ·. • Crawford, 21, a 1916 graduate of Hun- Ungton Beach High Sdi001, basC:been a divlslon senator, 4>fttl:dent" 9f t h e . Mavericlc Club and the Writers and Artists· Club, and editor of the campus • publicatlon "Spectrum''· l Elected representatives to th e Piesident's Cablflet were John Cun- ningllam, Huntington Beach and Jolln SChurel!>an, SW Beath. Seven policemen were injurl!l:l Saturday night but none' Sunday: All those burt' on SaturdJ.y wer.e'back op ~uty Sundaf.·The mMt seriOW!lY injured was officer ,Melvin Parr who suffered ll concmsion and ·bad :.klln~~~;tJ!~: "' 1(8' No rioters were injured u far as ?)lice could determine. . · In ...,trill' tO Jail' ,.., 1fhen rljJtina brbff out llr the l•illfll'• mlfn tent oo tilt grounds, the Saturday· and Sunday battles weie fO!Jihl on' parting loll and stlfel.8 surrounding Garden Grove Park at 930! Westminster Ave~ between Vista Verde and DeOdcra drives. ... Sunday night an estimated 400 youths began pelting police with rocb and trash at Ule west end of the park at about 9:30 p,m. Police ~ef' G<orge 'l'IO!acb 'said, "~ outbreak was spontaneous. It wu obvious it was not pre-planned." The 86 Garden Grove police officers on duty were quickly, reinforced witb about 100 police from Westminster, Santa Ana, Anaheim, Fountaln Valley, the sherifrs office and the CalJfomla HJghway Patrol. The situation was reported under con· trol by 11 : 15 p.m. A fire bomb uploded in a tralh plctu:p truck and several other bottles filled With gasoline were thrown but did not ignite,. • police sal,d. Two cars were burned on Deodora Driv.l bordering the park 'and twp small fires related to ~ rioUng were put out In a sbopplng center at BrookHurst Slreet and Westminster Avenue. David J. Burn, community relaUcm director for the Garden Grove police saJd offfcers switched tactics Sunday night, breaking into squads and were successful in separating the rioters into small groups. A mass front approach b~d •n (See RIOTING , Page ZI NEW YORK (AP ) -, stock market closed with a moderate today as its decline pushed into the t~ consecuUve week. (See quotations, Pages 11-19). Trading was adive tor a session curtailed by a delayed cpening due io stonn conditions. • Orange Weather Those low clouds may 1eak a triOe on Tuesday, but the sun will , put in Its usual perfunctory ap- pearance. Look for terrips ranging from 6S to 72. INSIDE TOD"Y - Seven· monih& afttt Wsing· the race for the j)Tt:idtfltY, Hubert Humphreu is 1 making more momv tlt.an he has in oU hil Iii•: Page 5. •' • i ---~ .. ' .. ~ •Mo• .. .. ·-· --. -· --: ·--·..... ... -. ..., ·. . ... -.... ' ---------------. ' I IW\.Y ... OT H ' Panel sk·s. Drillin ~ ~ ""-t (, • ,-. "' -I r-<'°""r'1' . . ....... . ~· -~--Witlidr~wing ·Oil Will Stop .S~jxige,:lJiiB~e .Decllirit ·i :CWASlllNGTON '<AP> -A apodal lo··~ ol drl1llol 11111 IO .... lo 8111.alllfl --, lftllill ll;IM ·~ _._ f!'I of the oil in<ome !'°_~_'.:[ ~I pue1 ,._,.,....,.. today N!move the oil, Dr, Hamillon 1\1. Jobnloo, """1Ulleodallon would a116W Unloo, ~· · U. ~.,.._,r -__.. Ullio. Ou Co be authorliM to dr& panel member and • ~ari ol the effect, to oomplete the productloa pro-In 8lnll 1!arbara, Ma'°' Gerald S. lolt wd!aft·t-plu oil producllon Tul-...Unlverolty G<o1oO Department, ....... It btld plannod. • -F-Nld: "I WM 1!'1 a mlltake. ~ h plat.formOlf tSlfltl Barbara. lOld a news conference. DJ.Bridge told th'e new a conference the After· what we've been through _ I think • A N !\IWlY well caused massive pollu-The final decision on ·the recom~ panel ha4 COM,idered ·a variety cl( .either the JrOI*' toluUon .would ~~ been &o liOQ ol the Santa Barbara Choniiol four mendal!Ons Is up to Seerelory or the pr0fl08als and bad OQOCladod that pwn· ellmlnala drlllinr· altocether. month&qo and m.Usbl ·aball todrllllllc Interior Wallor J, Blcnt • ping out the oll wu lhe1*t-IOIUllcm. · F-aa1d uperil havt coovmc: opentlom /or a time.' ' ' Dr. Wllllam'T. Pecora, dlroctor of the. "The lltuallon which mal<eo leau him that.eootmued proc!udloo only I 'lllouP the main loat" wu lloppod U.S. Geolollcal SUl'fey, aald a decision .,...iblo," be aald, "II the ffCI tbend10U .,....... the rlak of '"""' leab&e. *ite 11 doys olMw ...itmJed to oeep probably would be fortbcomlng within a down there. The on)y ny to Jl«YOOt Wlthdrawilll all the oil ollora only a ~ flssures 'around the well few daya. future leaks i! to get the oil oul" rtmOte hope of rtlief, be ldded -''you · -Withdrawing tbe oil fz'Gln · structutej The pane11 created-by President Nilon The precautiDruJ which w.ere reeom-mJtbt be out ~ • tboulaDd years under tbe platform "la a necessary part last April 7 to COD!ider only tbe Union Oil mended might add to Union's eipeoaes tryin& to take ll all oul" COuDdJ 1if plan to otop the oil *P " ta14-lhe Co. leue, -ed a lllflOI ol and tbul cul into ill prolill, but He aa1d be upectod the Cly • ~ -l>1 Dr Lee A 'Duilrtd• precaul!ool to be fellowed In: cco~ oll>erWIJe the compony appaHOtly could wllldl mee11 Tuooday, U ,._ Ill op. lbt: president'~ ~ actvtMr. · ' present oil seepage and preventing future expect normal profit& under the pr~ pocltioa to cootlnued drlllln& bt the chan- • Under !be proposed plan, I! wi~ take 10 m!Siaps. vbims ol l!.s lease. neL : ' . . Grocery Strike -Not Affecting Cotinty Stores With the Los Angeles grocery clerk strike continuing into Ila filth day today, l>range C'ounly mercha1i!.s r<n\aln anal· feded by the picket liDel at 7.84 markets . tn the Los Angeles ana. Don MceoY; manager ol the La&1m& Hills Alpha Bela noted, "Some of our non-union penoMel have been moved into Loi Angeles, but we still have plenty of help and we are opuat1ng u efflclent- ly as before he, strike." Other local food chains have not been bo!bued by tho strike. A spokesman for the Costa Meaa Food Giant aald Ibey have not beell affected at all. "Deilver!a mlgbl lltart runnl11I a ll~ Ue bit late, but we have nothl.na: maJ« to w' about," be added • . ~ Angeles, 59 warehouaea are now being picketed ancl It II npected that II will number li!O by Tuesday. With about 11,000 union membera Idled by the strike, the ltOrt'I have been hiring students and housewives to fill the vacancies. Hundreds of markets with union con- tracll-remaln open and lhue wiU be no ohorfagea in l1lOll establiahmen!.s. Linea at cbect stands were l~g over the weekend, however, allowlnc only a few CUltomen at a time to enter the ....... A spokOllDll) for the Food Employes Councll. whk:h n:prmnll over 300 larae cbaln aupernwke!.s that locked out union stare cleru 1aa1 'niureday. aald a Ttalllllera boycoll ol dellveriea could caUJt .food shortages. Jooeph T. De Silva, bead of the striking J.P'L.CIO mall cleru union 770, aald that bread and beer truck drivers would be the lint of the Teamatera to respect store workers picket lines. Tbe-main Issue of the dispute centera on wages and fringe beoefila. Hanna to Attend. ' J uarez Rit~s U.S. ll<p. Richard T. Hanna ([). An.abelm) was among several officials present at dediCaUon ceremonies Thurs- day for compleUoo of new streets, water lines, and sanitation facilities in the Juarez Colony section of Founlaln Valley:. MIYor Robert Schwen!Ueger. coundl memben and rtpresent.aUves from the Bureau of Housing and Urban Develop- ment (HUD) were -on hand to see the fruits of aeveral years' labor on-the part of Juarei Colony resklents to bring their area up-to.date. Cost of the $178,000 project was ~lit three ways between HUD, the city of Fountain Valley, and Juarez Colony land ownen. Last week marked the first time Colony rtsldents had seen pa\1ed streets in the dty's oldest tract, as well as sew~r lines and bright yellow fin hydrao!.s. Entire Foree Called W esimirister Police Out • County Youth's De8eri Death For Garden G!JWe Riots ~:t~r=~~oday r-the ap>lllng death of a the wlndlhleld ol ,a Weslmlnltor pollco Midway City boy w!\o tramped u' mllea unit carrying two offlcera. _.,,oq a tragic circle route In ll5<legee AwaiUng arraignment •n a charge ol hea~ tryin( to flncl bll [am!Jy campolta Wealminater police_ mobilized their ·en· tin for<e during two nigbll of rioting by bottle and rock throwing youthl who "celebrated" the Garden G r o 11 e Slnwbeny Festival. arson at Or1111e County jail ii Steven J. only a short d.lstance away. IUoten who were removed from the : festival P'OUQds in Garden Grove ahuf· fled dow n Westminlter Avenue in Weslmlnater 01! both nlibll and reloued their bootlllUea on some IS Wealminlter policemen called out to contain the~ riot · Kercher , 18, of 328 N. Cooper St.~ Santa Wtlllam E. Vollan, 15, of 8502 ~fadison Ana who wu allegedly observed by Ave., was found d~d In a Mojave Desert Westminster police attemptin& to start a wash Saturday, mort than 24 hours after grass fire in a vacant lot. he failed to return from a motorcycle overflow. _ Three juvenlla were 'arrested Saturday night on chatga ranging rrom tbtowintl tockl al police_ to breaking the curfew. The actloo 1ot a lltue hotter SWM!ay night and eulminated with \be ams! of an IJl.yeor-old Garden Grove )'«Ith who allegedly tried to run dawn a Garden Grove oMcer with an automobile. A~ng to Vleomunater police, Robert F. Hartfield, Jr., 18, of 8662 Bellgrave St., Gu.den Grove, wu observ- ed starting a grau fire in a vacant lot near Weltlnlnlter Avelfue and Swan s1reertn Wii!iiiliii!Ulili Siiiiiliyiilght. When Garden. Grove Officer Leroy Hopper tried to llop him, liarllkld jumped into bis car and sped oU, brushini Hopper's clothing. Westminster police units g.eve pursuit and stopped Hartfield's car at Hazard Avenue and Bushard Street wltbin Front Pllffe l RIOTING •.. wed Saturday night. Bum aaid Jt WU neceuary to UK tear gas Saturday but not on Sunday. • Officers sald Saturday's disturbance started about 11 p.m. over a falher at. tempting to convince his aon it wu time to go _borne. Tbdl.. argument became a Jist light and two officers rushed to break up the battle. About 300 youlhl quietly uaembltd, according to Chief Tielsch. Officera plac- ed the father and m in a police unit aod drove them away from the are.a. Tbelr names were not revealed. ,.. they left the·rtoters attacked the minutes. I . , haodlul ~ tilf!4era " the -WeaPOll' Hartfield wa1 bOoked Into Oranse lncbad'ed ltrit 'ilakal clods, bottles, rocb Cowtty jail late Sanday iPght on charges and pilint bucli:eta, olflcen reported. • ol felony assault on • pO!Jce-officor """-· ~-!:!: rere called and es arson. Two ~ who =od -Gan!en~ !"J"': ·joined the tray hlmdurln(lbe'ch..Owerealao~ oo bacl<ed shorlly by about 30 men from charges Of" arson. .. . Other departments. Alao booked into Ot"lliC County jail An unlawful asaembly was declared at Sunday night on felony assault diaries 11 :20 p.m. Chief Tielacb said. ne· mob agaJ!lst a police officer was James G. had reached about 1,000 at this point and Goodwl.n.g, 18, of 1709 McClay St., Santa when orderi to clear the aru were ig- Al)l wbo allegedly threw a rock through noted, pollce wed lea< gaa. 'Ille mob broke up alter bting ..,,.,ated into small ,Huntingion Man Granted Delay I~Su!,:~:tod:t! a l\fO w_ttk delay in the setting of a trial daY !or accu.sed Huntington Beach , murderer Henry Lopei Siane:i:. Judie Samuel Oreizen accepted mo- tions by pro!eCUtion and defense counsel and order'M Sianez, 25; of 312 ·cJay St., to return to Court June 16. ile set the same new trial dale for Edward Roy Hargrove, 18, of 1739'1 Marken Lane, Huntington Be a ch. Hargrave faces charges of grand lhefl auto, scaled down from the original murder count filed against him as Sianez's companion last Jan. 12 ln the killing of Mrs. Hester Markee. · l!l""P'· "I give the police a Jot of credit," said Jack Wallin, Garden Grove parts superinteodenl who witnessed the batne. "They stood tbeit ground and took a lot of abuse. The crowd hurled everYthinl at them, rockl, bottles -'you name It, yet there was no club awiogin& by police." Fregeau -3,154 Courregea -3,142 ~ "nlose figures are unvalidated and also may be altered by post.cards: mailed to Fountain Valley residents asking lhei:n to remove Uleir names from the recall peLI· lions. jaunt. · San Bernardino County S h e r i f f ' s deputies said young Vollan ran out of gas abOut three miles from h1a parenta' campsite al the Baghdad Chaae Mine and trk!d to go back on foot. Instead, he began moving in circles through the rattlunake-lnfested territory seven miles 1SOUthwest of the community of Ludlow and finally collapsed under the merciless sun: He was then four miles from safety. """' autopsy wu 1eheduled to ~tennine what killed the youngster, but authorities aald. it wu lltely he succumbed to ex· poaure during bll iraglc wandering. He "fJaa reported mW!ng at noon Fri- day by bll pami!.s and Ratchera found and recovered bll bodj> the nut day. F,.... Pagel . TEACHERS •.• day was a represenlaUve !rem the Coun- t;' Counsel's olllce, which has been ad~ vising the school district since the teachers decided to call for a slowdown last Wedne.tday. . Should the distrkt tum doWn the latest teacher propos1j1l, the association has vowed to continue with its slowdown Tuesday and Wedneaday. Members of the aS90Clatlon, which in- cludes apprOximately 430 of the district's 497 teachers, will then ask £or. two days "penmal leave,'' wh!c.h would effectively shut down the: rour district high achools .-Marina, Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley and Wesbninlter. Tbe teachers ortglnally Intended to call for another minimum day today but canceled further action to hear from tbe boanl of trusteea. Classes •e being held accordin& to regular schedule at all .high school8 to- day. But whether or not they will be held at all Tueaday and Wednelday depends entirely on the decb.ion reached by the board of trustees today. _. Dr. Max Forney, school district superlntende1t, however, said u far as he Is concerned Tuesday and Wednesday will be regular school days. ,-.....,_, ..... YACHT GOODWILL REPORTED AGROUND OFI' BAJA Coast Crew Allo.ard Vnool Whon Tragedy Struck Racing Schooner Runs . Aground Off 'Baja Coast By ALMON LOCKABEY DAILY PILOT INfill Rdll• The one-time faIDed racing . Schooner Goodwill, formerly berthed at Newport Beach, today was reported hard aground and breaking up on Sacramento Reef 40 miles south of San Quentin Island oft the coast of Baja California . 'Jbe Coast Guard pJ.n..pointed the wrecli:· ed vessel'a localion as five miles off Pun· ta San Antonio, 200 miles south of San Diego. The-Coast Guard siid there Was no sigrl of life aboard the 161-foot two-masted tops'l ach~r, but that the two :skiffs usually ca on deck were Missing, in- dicating that aboard had abandoned the ship. Positive id lification of the seven persoos believed to be aboard was not available. However, Mrs. Bernard Stirk of San Diego told the Coast Guard that her hus- band was an eJJ,iiDeer aboard the y;:'~ aiid that' three othi'f persons belleved tO be aboard were Walter Ziass· of San Clemente; Gerald Comstock. Three Arch Bay, Laguna Beach and Ed Henderson, South Laguna. The Coast Guard said the Goodwill's last Port of call was Cabo San Lucaa at the tip of Baja California. She was last reported at Ccdros Island May 2.5 when the KOU marine operator at San Pedro monitored a cal: that the vessel eipected to arrive in Ensenada April 'l1 betWOOJ 2 and 4 p.m. The Coast Guard said the Goodwill was apparently returning from a charter lrip to Acapulco. · The Goodwill ls owned fY Ralph Lar~ rabee of Newport Beach. The Goodwill made yacht racing history in 19$.1 and 1959 when she was first to ftn1sh In the Honolulu ra C1!. In the 1959 race she lost her topmast and the swinging spar tbreatentd the lives of the enUre crew before It was finally 5eCl.lred. Goodwlll was still first to finish,_ despite the accident. A message from the vessel at that time said: "We are continuing to Honolulu as:· a ketch rather than a sloop." The Goodt'ill was designed by Henry J. Gielow of New York and built by Beth- lehem Steel Co., Wilmington, Del. Jn 1922. During World War 11 !! was used in N11.vy service as a coastal patrol vessel off the West Coast. It was acquired after the war by a syn- dicate headed by K. T. Kendall of Newport Beach . Larrabee acquired the vessel in 1952 for a reported $35,000 at auction. He spent a fortune refurbishing her as a rac· ing yacht. The yacht was moored for many years at the old County Dock near the Arches. but was vaca ted when the county leased the area to commercial developers. There was no-facility large enough to handle the Goodwill after she vacated County Dock and the Harbor Department would not allow her to anchor bec"ause of her draft. After leaving Newport the Goodwill was placed in charter service by Lar· rabee. She ·occasionally visited Ne•rt Beach where she was allowed ta.day anchoring privileges in the Udo tumlng basin. ' Best lnfonnation available today was that the Goodwill wa:s returning from Acilpulco. Larrabee 'Was reported •kip- pering Wie vessel. Public Hearings Before Council Eight public hearings on \t.ems ranging from apartment zoning request& to street alignments will be before the Huntington Beach City Council at 7:30 o'clock tonight in council chambers. Last on the list of public hearings is a proposed ai:nendment to the c i t y ' s ordinances on planned ·developmentt which woukt make approval of suctl. tracts subjecf to site plan approval and establlsh more rigid standards for the ac· ceptance of planii.ed developments. Two requests for apartment zoning (R· 3) have been submitted for land located south of Warner Avenue and 8&l feet west of Edwards Street and '"for property on the south side of Adams Avenue, 960 feet ,...west of Brookhurst Street. Street alignment of Elm and Ash" Streets will be considered along w i t h Cypress and Sycamore Streets during a public hearing. DAllY PILOT ORANGI COAST PUILtDllHO COM,.ANY • lto1Mort N. Weed Prnlfilllt .... hbtltlllt Jeeli R. Cutl:T VO PrelOlnl •r>d c;..n1r MaM...- Tiio111•1 K•..,ll Mra. Markee, 55, of 15lll Olive St., Hun· tlngton Beach, was allegedly stabbed by Slaoe1 alter she 8tepped from he.r auto to confroot the two young m e n • Invatigators claim that her car was atrvck by a stolen vehicle driven by Sianez and that she afttrwa.rd!I pursued the two men through dimly lit ~otreeta near her home. -Pollco allege that s1ane. lnntcted muJUple stab wounds on the gray-haired widow •nd left her bleeding bodj> in the gtiiter. Hargrave h8J testibed in lower court hearinp that he wanted no 1Jar1 of the attack on Mrs. Markee and that he sat in the car and watched helplessly while Sianez kniled bis victim. The poat cards, malled witb a fouril&ie le!ter by the Fountain Valley Cttlzens for Good Government, •• to be fUled out with name and addreA by any indtvldUal who desired to have bia: name removed from the recaB peUUoo. City Cl"k MMY Cole laid she had received post.cards conlaining 8 9 signatures. Any postcards cooilng in after the petition was filed, she added, would be invalid. Van llMk doubted the legality of the canls lllYlni he, "~ J!!ey_ wouldo'I_ become In fsaue." "I would like to --]laid for tbal expensive mail out sheet," be added. The malled Jelter wu signed by elghteon Fountain Valley civic leode;I lncludin( fonntt Mayor Jooepll Callens. • a way There must he to live longer and enjoy it more tioned our rather impres1ive {welJ, we think it ie) 1hoe de- partment. We carry men's Top1iden, •t 811 to 525 a pair. Taylor nlade 1treet and bn1ine11 etyl .. , from $20 '2• 836.50. Our famou1 Bally ~oe:s, im- ported from Switzerland, are 83 7 and 842. And then we ha'fe the popular Clarke. Des- ert Boott at 116. and you've never wom anyrh'lng tnore comlortabl• than' Jhey '"'· • fdll'llr Tholl'I•• A. Murphi11• " • Mirwt1119 l!"dllor AJJM,rt W. l•+M Willi•"' l';et4 ~l•te Hu"tln110f1 lletc.11 Edllw City £dl'OI' H•lltl..-.._ .. OfftC9 JOt Ith Street M1illn1 Aclclr1u 1 P.O. loa 790, 92441 N..,.,, 9ffcll1 nn wm t1111o1 hllltv•rt co.ti Ma11 1 UO Wnl llV $!TM! Laounl ""111 m l"or.lt Av.- • Book Sale Slated By , Ocean View More thau lOO fiction and non-llctlon books wW be sold to the public this 'Jburaday and Frid~ by the Ocean View School Dl.sllct. The sal~ be beld rrom I p.m. to 7 p.m. Th y and from l p.m. to l :ilO p.m. F day at t h e DlJt.r1ct Ll.bnn, Beach Boulevard end."'Warner Avenue, Huntington Beach. ' Cool of each volume wUl bt is cents. Trustees Slate Meet Trustees of the Ocu.n View School Dlst:rl.ct will hold their first June mee.Una at 7:30 p.m. tonight in the district bo&td room, 7972 Warner Ave., HunUngt.on Beach . I "Actually our reoponM to lhe recall peUttons gr... alter they ... 1 lbooe thlncs out," uld Van Dalk. Valldatlon of the pootcanls will a1ao be in the hands of the county office, aald Mra. Cole. A 30 day waiting period will no be re- qulrtd now while slgnaluru art checked by the county office. van Nik wu CO!iideol that bll group had aufflcleot ll(natures. "lleCause ol the time element we onJ,y covered aboUt IO « iO p<rC<lll ol lhl"clly," be apla!Ded. . Lion Claws Trainer To neatli--"nt Circus C!lClNA, Ilfll' (UPI) -A cirtul UM 1)0UllC<d on bll iralMr today and cllwtd him to death whlle oilier c:lrtul employea stood by helplessly ll'Y!nl lo gel a abot al lht animal with t.be1r rifle.a. Tbe trainer, Svend Alp !Crlstense, C, a Danish citizen who Uved al Eate, Italy, with his wife and two ChUdttn, a.led on his way to a b<>spllal. • • Did yoa happen to notice that everr. time yoa take lhe S.S. Lurline to Hawaii It --to be •different ohlp? e finally flfl!Jftll oat why. It a different ahlp. E .. ry tim thfl old la.rune wean out or w ~."'""' happem to It, they b~ a new ahlp Into oervlce 4nd olmply ebanp Jhe name ot..,the new ahlp to LarUae. Pretty......,.. Aolde from ba>rlng a del!Pt• fat...,,..,., which_,_ and whlebeow t.rline ,.... happen 1o tram....,,........,...·-tall otorleo while on boud. For m. otanco, did yoa know that fall blooded natl.., Hawailano, - eording to ollltblica, 11.., euct• ly 20 yoaro lo-Jhat other people do? We tried to find out wby •lid were toJd they eat a 1peeial diet of pnufne bM.'1 hollfly and eider .,;;pepr eoery iiil!lit before ooying'thelr prarma. In cue you think ii '""8ht be better to .Ny your prayen be/ore eating that concoction, , I don't think you'd pt an• ar- pmfint out of 01. We wouldn't qualllr-•• au· thoritla on how to lift loD.8" er, bot We do bow • rtilng or two &boat liow to enjoy It more. A Bidwell wudrobe, u "'""body .......... will piil ...... lblue into any lllUl"• life. Not lhat you otart a ward· robe with ah...0, bat It hu been-awhile olnee -men• All 80rls of othet •Uire for land Or sea. Knitted 8hirb, windbreaker nylon jacket•, walk •horts, oilskins, 1-wim· w~ar, and 80 011. Bur how do you 1uppose thooe dol!l!On• foll blooded n• live Ilawaiiant manage to live 2(1 yean loOl"r lhan anybody t:lte. - ''they don't t larl .<0an~ · Jhelr birthday• qDtil ~ reach the age of twenty .. Jack Bidwell ' 3467 Via Lldo, Lido Peninoula, Newport 0...oh, right next Jo Richard'• 1'1arket •nd the Udn Tbea.ter. Mucho p&rkinR directly behind my •tore. Phone 673-4510, Copyri!!iit 1969, Jack Bidwell. · -· - • I - 111 I l. r ,, I , • '"'I ! • $ ,, • ' I • s .I • • ~ ' I t '''°f I " • " • • Q I "'! f • " E " -~ Q I I '"" ! ~ • m " • • • • • ,, • pl " • m ri ri 5 • • • ~ I " M k ,, " I '"'~ (< I • I I . .... l • • ! T • ' I • ( • • I t ( I ( - I • -- 1:111 I .... , • . -· ---,--;-----,--_...,,,.--,----------------------------------~----------------._:-.. --·-~-----.. --· -..-----.---,,.,-,.. 1:30 • ..,,.. It •• s.tt. ., tllt Sii (t) ~0) • ~ (30) ''tSCA Entlch- mlftl" Flnt or 1 two•1Nrt Pl'01r1m °" ehihhll hMlhltcf kl lndlYldutl r .. rdt ~raf«b. jol\1 Hmm bib with J9utftt fftlm l .. rl Ind City TtfrKt Sc:ttoolt. Ill IJJ -(t) (30) ·-.. (t) (IO) ,., • Cll l:"'911c ..... (C) (JO) 'lfilt• CroM;itt. 8 WW1 11117 u.r (C) (JO) Wtlfr !rufl« 1114 MllM f11ncl1 'ftlc:otTlt l\llltJ Soupy S.lta. Sut 01kl1nd ind Danl!J Goldman. m '-d fC> (JO) ltlb Whitt •nd F11'* Gifford aunt. (II) -·--... -IJJe (30) 111 IJJ r..., '""' ltl <JOI • '-"• ... (C) {30) ·--(C)(JO) 1:>1m1B CJJ •-j'l <IOI "'nii Nfiht ltidell... ltflltlCll Judll (»tr CoRy) Ind hb, nalor- iom k!'ld If Mluouri l11abootm "*" lt\IMlom 11slshnc1 Imm Diii· uty Flltus Htatn when lhtJ hit Didst atf'. (II) ..... _(JO) B tnl(l)QlPIEMfU£ h•· -"JMii lMt (C) (60) Fillt In I •riu ef IUlllmtr docu1T11nl117 ,,...., ff!il OM is titled "WI! in tllt Mldlast1'' Tiit profl'llll Wit· pl• lhl llllliofts 11 tl\lt uplosivt r'lilll Clf Ille warld, lncllldln1 tht ,,_,. el rtfufNS, the llwolw1- mtl!lt • h HJlll'POWtrS 1114 thl -' · ..... Cl MOVIE FOUR presents * A Comedy of Comedin Rock Hudun, Doris O.y · and Tony Randall in SEND.ME NO FLOWERS CJMNt: m "SIM lh Ill,_, "'" (com~ '64-RDd Hudlon, Dorlt bt7, lotlf' R1nd1IL II COLOR SPECIAU CAMPUS * CRUSADE-A new kind of Revolution! Pat Boone, Bobby Vee, Peter ' Paul 2.l.~IJ1•1:· ~hi:, StooUy (of r111r, Paul I Miry). Bob#y Vtt 1114 TH~Ntw fork Alf• fol'lll. In • Pf'OIJllll fillntd on tht UCLA tlllput 11 part t;f tilt C...· Put Ctv.Mdt fw Cltrist ca111111ip to sttrt 1 lltW kk!d of rfj'Olution. a IHl CIJ m no ..._ IC> {00) ''Thm ,.IYS To Ola.'° Sheriff Gilts ldlll 1 ''ieoner ind fnima · Jrm1I ' Dwid for th• erime. (R) • Gil NET .lollnlll (C) (60) ''D-Oay + 25 Ve111" A 11trospectN1 wilw of tnl Hormall<t)' invasion anir 25 years._ G1ner1ls P1t C.ssldj 1nd M1xwtll l1ylor, p1rltroopt11 and olhtr WNiwlri commtnt crn ICtion bw th• 82nd and IOlst Airborne Divisions. !ht first to t1r1d on ttlt frlflch coast in th• urly hours of .lulll 6, 1944. ~ (}) MtM., ... (2 hi) Ill Ill "' -(C) 130) Ill Lt "9jl ..... (30) l!l--(!h<) t :JO 11 f111llf' Affair (C) (JO) hint l.ocAlllrt (IJtsb lS I Mrbatihtll t11dl1r who bn 1 stnn11 t ffed an Jody, (R) " ·-(C) (lO) QJ 12 O'Cltd Hil' (60) Qt IIJ ............ (30) GI 11..m. Mullal (JO) '"°'BQJIIJ ..... "-IC> <&al Roas Marti• and John Da~n 1uut.. (R) am-1CJ llOl D 117! CIJ Ill~" ._ ICl f&Ol Midy l.a1TT11r, Nicol Willl11mo11, and Rt1 RMd 111•l 6 ...... DlllH (30) flll 0WJT Flrifrtt UH (C) (pl)). "Tht Fifth Amendment ws. Ln and Ordtr."' H1rold Rotbw11: ol the Ntw York CM! libtrtiH Union and 1ttorntf C. Oidennan Wmllma trad1 Mn with WHHarn F. Bua- ~ cin !ht phllotophy of pnilediofl 11ndtr !ht filth Amet1dmmt. m litlri•.. <lOl •.it191t AllioMI h1trtd1 111111 r'-1· JD:lD rJ ..... "'Tltie 1We led" (•It· tlll. . Mn) '57 -ArrtNnt Qulnny..Ut• STEVE ROPER: .JUDGE PARKER • As S.l.M PIUVER T~KES ICATHEi:i1NE HOME, SME 1AAM.EtJIATR\I EXolSES HEl!:SCU: .W1TH 'I.. MEAOAc.Me A).IP STA"TS F'Of HEl' &EPROOM! ....... $ ~ (C) "MIW _, Milan,. / ~ ..... (1dnnl1111) '54 -m ..... ('C) (30) 8itt JOhnl ll>;i,IJ-.l!i' RlcllM Wldrntrk. C.m1ro11 Mitcllt!t ' ill flillltt C.ue1 (30) .. ,,. • "''''. :. (C) (30) • ""' -(!O). a 1..-1i.. <Jo) ''Eltc111 Sc•~ 11:00 a o u_ 111 mm""' <C> ftliir Mlctote:D99." Or. Rlch11d UAlfnll Nltrhld. l,.,..111t1 1M rllllh wilt n1mlnt tD Llln Cl9 (C) thl -for I 111lc:roscGpt ODflntd· . td to I TV a:ntn. Slid• Ind ptio. ID hit: °'Sttll(I l.Mntar .... tos lflcll!' lhl 1111 of the lnstrumtnl (dr1m1) 'S6 -Ben CooJ)l1, M1rlt If! ilust dllcb. b1Histiet cMtb £n1tl1h. ind 11 Hit llltdlctl tltld, ~CJ) U Cil i9 (}) ..... IC> .,_ (30) 11~ U M"it: -. .... ti the Ntrtll l:tl BU {I) Ill K1111U1t-lrlllUtf (C) c.utrJ" (dr1m1J '51 -Rlllh Hus- (J:i) sey, Rod Ca1t11ral\. • z..c .,., (30) 0 ID (I) IDT•~ Slrltw (C) m"""(C)(30) e-....,"' "'* -· m w.w ,,_ (C) (Ml) {drMnl) .,, _Robert Mont(flm1ry, W1nd1 Htfldril. ·-•-130) '''° m B IIJ ""'" "" <Cl 1301 Liaer lrltS to IOIYt an tltdrial 11- 8 IHJ CIJ II) "" Ii.... (C) m O.aW O'ttnl1 (Cl Plir pralllem 1n4 11v1 "'°""' bJ doll! It lletlttt. (R) 12:0S D MMlrl: ""'-Stlli T'lf'" ldr• B •• Drwtl tf ..._ .. (C) (JO) ~1 l'S2-.lallph Cotttn. Ttrut '11'llt. Sttentttt Mtn hi the w.n4." th T 1117 b1ootM1 "AU'a 11_,..l&M ....... ·-,. thlt JMllllM """" "" ,..... (R) It• I '!tit' J\Mbt: "City "' Mbalnr ·--(C) 130) ., rlL rrr, • ~ .. li~Cll,!.~,~ l•D-'l ...... IC) Mtnlllt II fetOlllll t. rlfllil flld'1 G ..... (C) ltd: ~ ~ l'tPDl'b II S. .. M W11W; Dr. lhlal ia lloufll Mr fol' lrlat. ......... (C) 190) ..... "' ltW l.11 (~ (60) 11100""' ... ,., IC> 1301 ., TY Mlllll;Cll a..'t llOl T UESDAY • DAYTIME MOVIES t• D....,.. TM" (dram•) 'J; - $,_., TrtCJ, MitNJ ltoonrt. ................ 1 .. ...,) .,,_ .._ #tllvr. ...... -(.,...,, . ., ~ loctrt. l •urtn ltctlL . 1:15 8 IHwll: "111UjKt Krtdiu11., ••• •" (lfUttm) -'56 '-Vktor Joiy, Howtrd Duft, ' 11.<00 D "'Sllld:pr..,.. (mJt11r1) ''9 - Corntl Wlld1, hllicit Knitht 12:30 m .. lft LM I'• A,.... (coi:ntdy) '37 -Lttlit Hcmrd. ·~ (drm1) ''I-Arthur lltnlltlfy • 2:00 tm .. , Acc.-MJ P1t111tl" (dr111111) ''' -ln!'J Btttl Hu1hts. .IOh1 MUJln. l :OD D '1\11 ,,_,. 11 D1n11rni" ~~-=-~.1~2-Jo~ C11Wford, o. .. ''°' 8 ICJ """1oilt· -(drtirna) '!t7 -Ntttllt "'*. I0111t Ktt!J, M1rti11 Milntr. • JOB l'RINTING ~ PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS • o..n.., PTl11tl11t ,114 o.,.'"'•bl• 5,,..1(, f.t "''" tfl1• • QJlrfM .f. I C.11!.ry. Jtl I WIST IAUOA Ah. NIWPOlt IU.CH .. TUMBLEWEEDS , O.K.! •• l'VE MAO IT! Al l NIGHT l'VE WAITED FER YOU m JUMP OVER HER'E 1 AN YOU WON'T l!IUPeE!. •• GORDO .. ~?& scw~r~· t OOFZDO' M"!:Af.JS F,.(T, CORPUalJ7i CM,$!, w.eA&Yt o~v, CDA.!eSE1 71/ICI<. FA 1j SVI Ti /J.RC[ .., ' • I' • , ly .eliartes M. Schull r--~~~-. ... --I OOH'T EVEN OfllN A D06 ! @ " . By Saunden andOv•"JClrd I MAVE 10 WUK, ~ISTUH SUTTOM /-TILI. 5 O'Cl.OCI<.' I STA't' AWH ILE. ~!COOE HAVE A LlmE !tMEl;ll!V WITM ME : IF YOU~ GET YER lkW' OVER HERE RI~ NOW, 'f'l)(J AN' ME ARE 'lll~H ! FINISHEP ! . WASHEV UPI! ... -; ----•• _:i... John Miles • \ By Harold Le Doux I W-'5 'fl'Otll!IEO ABOIJT kAnfeRINE ~ wotMALlY, SME'O LEAVE .,_E A NOTE OR Pl+OWE ! i ME TXIEO TO. PMOWE •. aur TME LINE WAS IUSY ! By Tom K. Ryan By Al Smith "THE I RJ)()I" LEAKS! I l ... ·~~· . ... ; 1-.. h f( '.Ill_ """"_.,,_.. __ ~--~~r""'""--=-1 ' ' ~I ... SUMMER FOCUS -These Arab refugee women, some of whom have spent 21 years in camps, rep- resent part of the vast and complex troubles pre- venting ·peace in the middle-East. ABC News will look at the Arab-Israeli eonflict tonight at 7:30 on Channel 7, with Frank Reynolds narrating . \'.!ELEVJSION VIEWS ~Game Shows Reviewed By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -A good game show, by Ralph Andrews• standards, is one that gives the television audience a sense of participation and one that makes each viewer do sdme thinking. Andrews.' a veteran of the television wars, is an expert. He has produced several of iame shows. , , including NBC's "You Don't Say," which has be,~n a daytime feature for seven years and still ls go-, ing strong, plus a number that had their moments ' and then passed on. He also produces a syndicated ··~ game show, "Liars' Club," seen in a nwnber of ~, cities · around the cou~try. · 1 ANDREWS SAYS tbat game shows fall J'O\lgh· ly into two categories, although some shows ~om· ·: bine elements of both. · "There a re the spectator sport shows , in which the audience just sits back and watches the ac- tio n." Andrews said. "They include 'Let's Make a Deal.' 'The Dating ·Game' and 'Th e Newly Wed Ga me.' and are mostly for amusement. . "Then there are the hard game shows, in which • th e audience plays along \vith the contestants .. 'Concentration' and 'Eye Guess' would faJJ into that category. ~ -· "COMBINATIONS of the two would Include 'Password,' 'Hollywood Squares' and 'You Don't Say.' The audience enjoys watching the celebrities -~ and it also plays the game along with tfiem." · ' . NOt all the memory games fall into the partici-. pation group. Andrews· says that most of those old; 1 big.money qui~ shows, now in di srepute, were spec--,. tator games. The questions were so specialized that few in the audience was able to tackle them- "The $64,000 question" and "Twenty-One." ANDREWS, who is constantly work1ng out ideas fur game shows, realizes the limitations for . the producer who becomes known as a specialist. Over the years he has taken fl yers at other types of prog rams-a soap opera which quietly disap-, peared and a swnmer replacement series . "Mickey Finn," which wa s a sort of jolly gay 90's variety shO\V. CurrenUy he is pfoducing an ofi4 beat motion picture, "The Silent Treatment." "It keeps you stimuJated." he said . · When the "Miss ion : Impossible" task force re-- turns in SeP.lember. It ts probilble that two team· members will be missing. Martin Landau. who spe-: .ciallzes in elaborate disguises, is engaged In · a · money hassle with the producers and it has been · .. Connall y announced that Leonard Nimoy, late of·-~ "Star Trek" will be a regula r on the show . ! I IN PRESS RELEASES conce rning \he show, ; the na me of Barbara Ba in is missing too. Since · ; Miss Bain is in private life Landau's wife, there • is a presumption that if Landau goes, his wife will, · f ·t !)O . Dina Merrill ha s been Signed for a two-parter · in the series so there is speculation that she might , take over the single woman's role. · ' (-------...::..-----------~ l Dennis t1-e Menace l • • ' • , ' ' • I • • ' • ' • ' • . • • • I I ' ' I , If DAJ\.Y 'llDT LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL' NOTICE •Ait-1111 110nce TO c••D1To•s IUll•lt.O. COURT OJI TH• STAT• 6' CALlllO•NIA f'Olt TM• COUNTY Of' OltANO• ... _ E1i1• If ANtTA ADEL IN! DOCl(TER. "'-· NOTICE IS HEltE8Y GIVEN tt 1"9 ·rtlttlrs Ill It'll .....,. l1Pfllfd dKl!ffftl hll all ,........ l'lfvl ... claim& "lfMI !I'll 1111 6amcltfll ... ~lffd to fll• them. Alfi-Ille -!'Y -.c!Mra, hi fllt Office If tllOI <lltt; ., tllOI •bow ...ttttM CCM1. or • ..,_,. ttwm. wllh !ht nae""'" 'ouchen. ,. ""' ......,......., ., tlte otflQ f Mr •"""""-CAYU>lt ANO ltEAO, ·~al L.nl'. U1 ~ 1711'1 Slf'Mt. S4111• 11. Cos'!• Meta. tatllonll• . ..,,lcll ii tlll >latt Of bullMll of flle i.nftt1ifnld In •11 n1>rters pert.In!,.. to the ••'•"' of I.fl• i.c.dent, wlltilft lour ,,_,tilt 1tter tile '"' pybllufton"" "' "'i. flOlla. Dllecl Mey .21, 1Hf. l.orr11.,. A. Jove• Adl'nlnl11r1l•h! Pl ltlr E1!1!• of tM ftcM! rwimtd Cltce<ltnl !AYLOR AND ll•AD ~~"'--159 L lM Stnet, Hll• l!L : .... MM.a. C. .... la r111 m•1 ..,...,.. ,..._. ......... lt .... 11 PllblloMd Ot-CHI! Olnw Piiot. \t,l'v "• J-t. t, 1'. UM 100t"9 LEGAL NOTICE . ...,,. caltYl,ICAT• 0, SUSINl'.$1 ,ICTITIOUS 11.<iM• Ti.. unclerolt"ecl clo ~rtlty ....., are :Gllclucllnt I butlnHI I I tf30 N~NPCrl '-'!Iv•""· COlll MIM. C•tllPtnl1, llncler JM fktltl-ti"" nlmt of A"BEROEEH ~UllLl$HIHG COMPANY .... tlll l l.llO -I"" 11 ~ o1 "" !allowlne ..e,_,., w ~ 1 • • nuna Ill· full •'"' plaao1 Pl "Qldtncl ..... fplto-1.: 0 . ·-· "'"'"' 21"" ........ k.atl ~-uo., CO.ti li\eu, (1111orn11. II-HI '· Hon•lh. 207I N~ ll""'·· Cotll M1M. Cllllanola, 0.lld ,,,.~ 16. 1Hf. o. ·-· Hoe• . It-Ill F. Ho.-.PllL it.II If tlllf0rftl1. Ort'*' C01111ty, On Mn 16. lHf. bl:+«• ""' 1 Not1no •ubllc: In p 11 d ..., Mid Sl•1of, pe~lty '"""""' Q. llDlff Hoo!Nn •nd II-Id F. "'«V•fll k-ta m• ra boo Ille i>e• IO'll ¥-lllmH at• """'<rlbeo to 1he Wl"11n llltr-1 .,,. 1cknflwlecltlecl ""' ••. kul9d "" .. me. OFF+clAL SEAL) MarY IC, H*"rY Nol...., PUbll<•Cllllll•n<I P'1ndNI Offlu ... er.,,., '-"' Niy CO!fltnlQ\all-EUlrH-flll>V;-t4. ·1tn Publttlltd Or-Colt.I 01lty Piiot. MW It. :l!I, Ind JWM l. t ... tM ffl.4' LEGAL NOTICE Mondi)>, Junt 2, 1969 IRS Ruling Brings Land Buy Change LOS ANGELES -·since the lnternal Revenue Service 81tered lla ruling on prepaid interest -in effect slicing out 80 percent or the tax benefits -one unnoticed resutt has been a dramatie shift fr~m end-of-year land investm'ents to early.jn-lhe-year land in· vestments. , Thl.s Is onie particularly in· teresling resu lt of the con· lroversial IRS ruling, as noted by Pre-Builder Land Corpora· tion. one of the .largest in- t e r naUonal research-based land Investment firms. E.1pla i qed President Nicholas Troy of P B L Research Corporation, t h e research arm of Pre-Builder Land : "The IRS ruling ban- ned prepaid interest of five Yl;aTS .-though this ruling is slill under a cloud since a court challenge is inevitable. "However the ruling also stated that an investor may deduct one year's prepaid in- terest. plWI the current year. Under the. former regulations, Investors would ·.vait until the very end of the year to make their land investment and shtlter a portion of their in· come through fi'(fe years of prepaid interest. Under the new regylation in- vestor who buys his property in May can prepay interest for eight months plus one year. The later he wait.s, the smaller his shelter.~ If .1e delays his Cl1tT1,1c:T~P austN•ss land investment into the last P1CTt1'1ous MAMIE menth or two of the year. as T"9 .,..rsltnacl delft ~tllw thty ''' co · d f :oMllCl1M ., 11u11ntu 11 1ui L"'" Ave., was mmon un ec onner :MJ• ,..,..., c111tor"1a. unatr n. "'" JRS regulations, he is then O!oo.1$ llrm n"""' d ELE(Ttl1CAL bJ • 1v5TEM5 PL.ANN ING .. E s p•• •nd 1t1at a e to prepay interest for the ,.,~ nrm I• _,__. "" 1111 loilow'M balance of .the current year, ~r-. """°" nama I" full 1>1111 .,,,.. • ._ .r r~ "" ., 11111owt: one or tv:o months, plus the ""'1 ic. •"''"'°""·,.. O••kt ""'·i ensuing year." Freel O. Mc6"-. 2IGI Ot1ko ""'·'J·---:--==cC"'-:-~,,,-,,,,---f ":i~1i.~'-~~=.i.Z,., CPlt•l1 Dr.. LEGAL NOTICE Cosll Meof, C1tlf"""'-· ]-----~-~~~----1 Dlted May I. !Hf. LIOAL MOTICI' 1(9ft! IC. •tffll""" NOTICE IS NEREBY GIVEN lhlt Ille F•td 0. MCG"'"'" following Uom1 Ill IPund l>f' u~ecl Dr_,)I' WllH•m G. Tr1n...-h1"' bffn Mic! bY !I'll Pollet De-p,.rl~nt •l•ll '!If C111fornla, Ortntil C-ty; t.11 ttw City' If Cost1 MHI !w a porklcl In on M1w I. IHf bet«• rne, • Nol•,.., ••nn of "l"''" (flll Clay., 'ubllc In and 111r 11lf $11\t, "'tofllllr _81•d w11111, ,,...., b!ke. bl.le~ as• ,_red Kmt IC. kr11t..,...,, FreG 0. NOltCE IS FURTHE R GIVEN 11111 U ACG..-, Wlllltm G, Trpni.t known 1'o "" -r IPPl!•rs tnG """'" 111• "" lo boo 1"9 ...-no..1 whPH 111mes •1'1! owneril\111 of 1111 1>r-f1y wllhln ""'n .ub!crltled fl! ~ w/1ht11 1n•'"""-' and 11) u.r1 lollowln1 me Pl/tlllt1lklft Pl 11111 1du11>wlld1fd "'" U«UIHI fl!t. ll!N', Nollu, ,... 11111 lllertlo illlll vnl In tl'lt OFFICIAL SEAL) IJl'Clet". If lllprt Ill-, 1>r 1rL Ille city o1 NIU.I S. Splur Co.II Mnl. I" ""'lt;ll t•~ 11>e P•~'1y NPI• ..... P11t1tie-C111r11rnl• \!O•ll be IDie! II Pllbll( •..ctlon •I I llme Prifil;lp.ol Ofl'ln Ir! ....., da,., "' be UVIOUf!Ced. Purcha8ing · Forum Set BvOCC • • The Eighth AnmJtl Purchas- ing: Forum, to be held in Science Hall at Orange Coast Collegt at B a.m, June 7, wW feature tWo guest speaketa. Paul ~V. Farrell, editor of Purchasing Magaline, will keynote the forum w I t h "Purchasing; On the Way Up! Where Do You Fit?" and Stary Gange, special con- sultant to the Sou th er n Calilom!a Gas-Co .. will deliver the closing address for the morning's program. The fQl'Um is sponsored by the Purchasing Managemeot ABsociaUon of Orange Cciunty. and reservations may be made by contacting Ted R. Novis at Beckman Instruments, 2ft00 N. Harbor, Fullerton-Admission is $7 .50 lo lhose who pre-- register. Lockheed ... -- . -A-~~~:;· .t~ . -~~ .r.EW YO .. IA>l • -•'• ..,.... 1::1= *, -"tjj ew Y ... lt 5-:.~ ..,ie.. ... ~:r d ~ 9 , ... ,,"..., ..... ~ -~ 1J -" _,_ n•1:1% II = ~ mi lr!9· .Jil'. •, -• • r .. -'r~ ~ll !!il~~· 1· ~$ ~,g El!1 'ii: :l := ........ ::1 • ff 4 -~ 011~itf~-.u: ~~1-$)"!...i ~ = .. "~ j~ E·=; ""''" ... "r. I t-·· 1A , " 14 -'"' olol111it 1,.0 ll 1 -•~ 2li fl~ IMli 1 '--.. Glo Soil< pr ' t 2\41 , • '"~lit 1... lh J _ y, all •nd .»e I'll $2 IV. !\S ...l 1'o "~" ,,. ct! • _ "' 011 111 ..t•.tS , '"" ..-v. + <1o:. ~ii' '..'1:'!, .... ht • + ~ :s Ji• .,_ ~ 5'" li\(I, ...... I~. !I l .... !~ = ~ .~........ ~ 11-ll. ;;• fli I ~i lf ff l;y, , , , U, olu&!&, .:IOI lot :U jll"I 1-• C: \~ JI ~ ~ 'v. +\'I :m.en t~ 1~ ·tr '5~ :_\,. .., · " 11 • · .. ""'--~'-~ ' »• Ji\t ~ r '' A \~, i :;{,,~:!f;~1 ~a~~ t -~~ ,l .. ~ • • :;: ~ -~/' ..;r, 'II ~ UU :Ill =·~ 421\41 1"-l•om.Sdwl 2521Uoiotll H ~I'll 11' 111: '!.... 1::-~ omWf 251 51 «it. SIVa +1 1111"111:1ir.;a ~t~-11\Ulol 51t If f ... ' ,;··~ ltf j• 1 ~~-~~/!~Ji 1~1~~1"1' ,ff""~1~ r. ~ .., Food• 1 11 4SV. •5'11 -\; ·-·~ ~ _!° °"FCI pf4.!l0 2G 110'.'o 110111 -'·~ o ~ y, _ ortFr•IJll'I! 1 J :t.1'4 :mft,+ I'll m ' > ·~ ortN111(.l 1.76 5J 2t 'h 2'"11 2'i.li -11t .IO ' Va + '4 on•Pwr t.\ICI t9 4\:V. ~1\4 •Im-''• .• 21' .... .. , . . OllPW Pf4,50 '1'510 6& 61""" 6 -~. ,_ ' ' I 49 I~ l\'i -~ 111'11AlrL JO 111 17!\ 17'14 I + '~ --:ff " lk 1 -11'1 Oii! c ... 1.20 lS 6M. ...... .. -·~ ~~MC...? 1 10. " 56 -.... ~IC-.311' 15 U >ili 141'l H"' + '" ""' ,,_ ~ _ ,a ~ + ~ Oii! CP l.llO •16 ~ ttVJ ~ -io A O\lifri--,,.. 17\4 + I (:p llfA1JO U U !.IV, $1% -" ~Ill .-1f ~ u~ !iil"-I c;:., °'ll !f 1 M"lo J.l''I Sol+lo + lo ~~ f 6 .. t .. i'-!Mite • 11 Sol "'41 ~ ...._•Ho :;.;_""bht1J. I 31 ,lit J71t=" ~ ~ Dflt::f oil'l.st 1~11lm ~Iii 11~-IV. AR':':!jV' 129 ~ u 11i 13i.. 31" ~ zOll1 oi1 f ' 6 nv. 52'4 »1t. -,_. ~~Ii-:'~ -1 5 14 1-l~ = I/, c;::! ~~I M ~ rn: m: :t:: + ~: ..,., En1t1 1 1~ ~r ri fi'" -t c°"1ro1 o~r. '' 1o1t ,.,~ 1• -Am E3 Ind ' Ji ~!i "°"" -AG'\11 = "" CnO•t Pl4.50 1120 65.\to 65'11 lWI -1'~ :J~!lnt pf:: 61 ~IM ~l'1o 15 -+ ~I I~• li ~... ~~ ~ : .. • A~n llfl.IO ~ 36'!1. l6•4 W. -I . Ceoperln 1,-AG '! n 31'11 ' 31'¥1 + "" AmHot1t 10 11'!1. 1n. ll ..... ~ Cooi>tr "TR I 7 2W. 1314 :t:Pit -" A · Homt l-'O 1 4 ff'I\ 51~ 5t 'l'o-t ~ (OOPT Pll.)5 1 24V. 24\'o :M"" .. Am Hotp .H HI! W.... l~ "l'lo 'l.l (-land 1.20 ' •51.lo '4'11 45 -~ AmlnYllJ LIO 39 lflli lfl'lo 19'1o -Yo (OPPll.H ..5t'b-9 48•1 4\~ d V. .. ""'"~·'° l.W 21 221'1 ,3,._ _~~•St! 1.!0 J nv. nv, 27'!11 -\\ AM" C 1,90 53 51\'o '° 50 -l\11 orlnlllll .lS9 6 311'-:tO>.Q. 301A -•• Am M I 2!1 1~ 1~ 10\I -~\ «GW 2.jO• :nm ~ *" -1'? AmN•tGat 2 51 ~ 3'1-'I 39~'> -I'> Cor~lln .n 41 )Cl 1'\11 30 + •.... ;,AmPhol -~ 126 13'.6 11'. 13'-_ v. Cowles JO · ' 11 !JI' 15 U1' .• Am Sell I U 1' ttl!o 1' + \'t Coo:lldcas .!IO 1 llf:t\ 471\ di.. •o --.../ ' " Stnelt 1.90 11).1 J1\;o » .... 36\t -•t. CPC Intl 1.10 n 39'\lo 31¥, :Jlll'li -•• F' h At Ki • K p d AmSArr ln.10 J 501'1 50 50 er .. ~ l ,60b 76 51 50°"1 ~ _ \o lg ts "Illy ng •.... e ey resente Am Jld I 61 41>,1, •I 41 '--tt Crom1>1Cn .to t It 11111 11 + \'t .... -•m•" "'" ",,.. ,,,. ""' _, (-R"'" " " » "" "" -,., A SU1•• 1.60 23 .,,.. 1''"-2th + ~ CrowCol 1.511 53 39 311'J 31"-.. • Am$uv llf .... s 1011, 1~ 101? CrllWn CIH'll n IH~ 11Yo 121'1 -,.,. Ca II . United Calilornla Bank's Orange County Airport office openin~ -, m ~·ed Am Tl T 7·"° ru ~ W:'o ~..:..: \o rwnl•ll ) . ..:I " 6J ~ 6J + ,., t '"" J'h Am TC!Wcc 2 213 361' lSIJo ::i. _ ,. Crn Z Pl•.20 zl!O 69',!o 69\li 69'./o nee a Ion by the helicopter delivery of a giant key to the new rac1'lit1'es. obert A. Bar· AmWWk• .St. la l]!"t ll"ii l:W. + ~ cr5 Cw1> . .io 25 21~ 21 21 -·~ AW 4.lpt 1,4J J1'0 'UV. 14 .... U l.\i Cudalw Co J7 7G 19~ """ -'• ley (left), vice president and branch administrator, presents key to Dona ld' A. ~~,!Jir>e:.60 5~ ~ ~:).·~1 .. ~ ... ~1Tea:'1.1/ ,~ ~~:Z nv. Jm+1..._ (UPI) ·Miller (center), office manager , and AltonE.AJlen,OrangeCounty supervisor. AMI( c ... :io 696 J110 :191.> 1'\:o-1.,.,cummln .llOb 1'•J1'4 J1 37v.-~ ----------------''---------------"----"--'---'--l"MP Inc .oll 711 451.\i u i.;, 4}!,(j _ ~, CunnOr09 ,1Q 3 36 35l0 ~ -a'o Am1>1• Corp 112 411• 41~ ~1 + 11Curll1.SWr1 1 9' 11~ 11V. 211'-'14 Lockheed Aircraft Corp. has Am'ffl! 2.40 5 43~ 43'<;. 4l'4 _ i.;, Curt wr A 1 3 34 331'1 ll\lo -'" Amtel .32 e 1l 1'\I> nv. _..., Cult.r H 1,7G 10 !If Jallt 39 +, 'ft II.led an appeal to the Army's An•c-1.so 641 •:N 43 4~ + "CYcloP~ 1.110 • :lf"o 1"" :JN -,,, AncllHl>C~·.llO 11 '6 IS~~ 4Yo1o -\, CYJH'u5M l . .!O 11 !S'h Sol'h !SV. + \.'> decision to cancel Lockheed's y o ur Money's Worth . ~:::;oer.~1~.,:, i ~ ~ 5:: · -0-contract for production of "PKll~P .10 40 :19 1e 11~ _., D•n 111~ 1.10 41 '""' ,1..., n .. -•, AH56A Cheyenoe bel'.COpte-. APCc>Oll l.4:lf S4 41>i '°" "''" _ l1i 01n1 c11 1.15 1 1'\11 261~ :n~ + ~ ,.., ADUI C"9m IG ui. JSl'o lJ\\o -h Oart tn<I .11!11 61 Sl'!o ~..O !l -'• 1.. All.A SYt .8'1 5J 106 11).1>~ 111;5'~ -(, 01YCPC1> 1.6(1 9 fS!.T 45 45 -'to Board Chairman ·uaniel L. H ' T • T • • "1c110." 1.60 1 s..:u s..'9 ~• _ ._ ~ &4.14 rlO 104~, 10J~ 1!1\± .. 4 I ere. s ' Ar l1P11bS.;c; r 17 2s·~ 1S•.to 25\11. -\\ YlnP 1.60 II :lCI :19\j, + ' Houghton Sa.id in a . etter Jo re ip on . ipping "''"" 0$ .l'O 90 ll1-ll lllil+ v. e 1 14' U\~ 4l4. "' I ' '-khokler• last week that . . ' ArrncoSt J.10 5S 01;, ~ ~"" _ ._. 1 WLt 1.0t , 1ltio :u•1• ,~ -t'I WO.: Armco SH WI J1 3' JP\ ll'a -h I Mnte 1.10 74 3o\\ """ JO + .. the appeal ls being made to ~~"'1·f,5 1~ ID;~ il~:.:·:i1oo.ll::1r1"1'° U fflt Ml! f'~±.?; the Anned Services Board of Armsick 1.60 u ,,,, 11 11'11 _,.... Oenn MtQ ·'° 311 •111o •m 41\ii -v. Armsi Ck ..-i 7 J9'A Jt Jf>A MMIQ ~I 1 9 4 '2 H C tr ct A I By SYLVIA PORTER · I h 1 also I• toward pe r s 0 n a I "'met P1l.1s 1J10 st<'I-5, '' _ nn•,'"• ... ~ 113 34'~ ~.... '!lo +·lt. on a ppea s. ry1ng your uggage as a SG ArmRub 1.60 -"llM 45,~ , •••• 5 +1 Y .. _ 1 50\< -3\ In the Jetter, Houghtvn also Sh I · been upped from 25-35 cents d' t ·b ti ~r th t Aro Corp ,to , 11.,, ,,,~ 111" + 0 12 XII.'> I\ Iii+ a, ou d you bp the cham-b . . f IB r1 u on "' e money o Arvin !Ptd 1 ' 11V:i 11·~ 34~ + ~o1 P B 09 3j ~v. ~ .... fiv. = ~~ denied that production COSls bennaid at 8 big City hotel, jf per ag la a ffiffilmUm ~ 35 make SUre the Chambennaid, ~~llOl~I:!: 24~ :;:·~ ;~ w~ +'I~ :eg/:j 42o 7J lS'* ij'rt f"i'-\\ for the huge CSA transport she merely cleans your room cents. And frequently 50 cents doorman, waiter or others who ~.~ &-r.xi ~ ~~i ~~u ll~ t ~ n r "!f . l3 ~~ ul: L"' ~ "l'' Lockheed is building for the each day and perfonns no ex-is the minimum if you want to 54:r.' 1.2C1t> s.i 36•• l6v. 161~ 111F 50 l XI 3CI ~ -• Al·r Fo-e wi'll be 12.I bill>0' n · 1 avo id a reD. utation for being have served you actually get :•tc:i ,••n ·,~ 6 1». 1Slll 1!-"I -"' 1m1nu 1'.to '~ 1jltt ll~ ll~ + ;~ .... tra services or you? I.Sot"" --•4 n ~. ll + 11s1wo1J1 '·"° 10 1,.. ,1...., '"" _ i... higher than the o r Jg i n a I stingy. the Lips. And the trend too is ~UCll~ ;·~ ~ 11rv. ''" ,n, 1•S "1 LIO 16 "" 1t-. 1~ -._ Answer: Yes. you should "I'" 11 · 29"" Ttt-"I 17"11 _,.., 1c1 ·• :n tt 11~~\..ll • ·~ estlmaLe. lip: SO ce nts a day if you stay And the old minimum tip £or for lippi.Qg'above and beyond A 1 11c1"'~7~ i~ ,r.•.11 ,r. 1r. =1~ 1~11 At" xY~5 ~t~ ·~,,., :.U-r.! -, Army ca n c e 11 e d Sh Id · taxi drivers in big cities has · th-· per-ta for ~:::"',~·'°, 29 M "' "'"'-•'lo 01, 1oni1o .IG JJ 31~ 311\li v. ...• "' ou you tip a w1·ne steward -_,, ges any e.1· ' ......... ,. m o 111~ 7t>o -"' o llk!Qhm .u n 79•.; 7t " -•. ' --k·--·· I ct I b b ped r 15-20 . ..11.11 CorD ~ ,,~ '" ,,,. -1.4 ~lltla pf. 2 s 5J SI 51 -1" i...ui.; , .... ~ s con ra o pr~ more than a few nights. een um up rom Ira special services -for tips ~utr• P1•1 n ll'lll 11• .. 11.,. -\\ uno "'a z 1 J..i s.i u + i, d Ce th. Cheyenne designed h h b · · cents to 25 cents or 25 percent 11 p1rir 1oe. #1 " 11•. ll'lt ~ 11GnCos .56 .!.! ,", ,'!, •• ~"•" ., .,_, u • w en e rings you your wine frequently are the sole source "ij"""'" nd 51 nv, 11 17't.....:. ~• ine'1CI .50b "" ~ "' ... • 1 t gth th V·et am war of a SJ fare. A"to CD 1.10 1on JOI> ""' :>o _ • ., ts""' 3.ori 19 mo 1ttA. •1o -' o s ren en e 1 n al a reslaurant? f . f . ••co Pfl.N 165 i.. 66 66 ,.,., os1SHa 110 1 S61, s.i•;z "'"" -~ effort. on grounds of slow Now to the basic guides on o 1ncome or service person-Averv Pa .:1'7 ' s1•• S?'¥o ''"' "4: .. •PfPP!• .ao 62 o1tu 4& "' -1 Answer· Ye.! you should . ""~e1 I"< .•o 1s3 11~, 11 11 _ ·~ Min .10 i1 11 1j ,, + ··~ development and failure to · ' who to tip and how much : nel Jn Europe and elsewhere """"1 Pt'J.50 1 11 11 11 -l'\ mFd 1.071> • n:ito 1 v. lllll -'• tip: 10 to 15 percent ol lhe cosl -'"1111 Pd 1.w ,, 1.l6 1s5~ is. + .,., nel).er .Ml 1 ~ tt;~ ~7!':, lra + !~ solve technical problems. of tOe wine at the end of the Tbe bot~I doorman : Tip him abroad. -S-~~r c~·~~ 146 "1' •O'• -4111• _ 1 .. "W t r g th 50 I he -ii . 'f h PS p h lhbc;kW Ill e1 3Pi jJ 31•~ + ~ Chm 140 91 14-"o JJ:W. 14~ + ... e are con es Jn e meal. cen s w n Jou arrive, I e . ,b,I erd aps, "1 y 0 u l!~'if~1T1 N 17' ~;· ~~ 14'o • :.'fr:, r~ .~ ~t; ~y, ;:tt: ~ Army'.s claim that it Jla.s a Suddenly, 1 have discovered ·carries your baggage to the grum e an s rugg e over &•IG DIBI 50 11U 10 "' ~'1 ~~ _ .,,, , .. .,. ..,,.20 1 ~ '1"' n . default basis for cancellation." In traveling around the U.S. registraUon desk, $1 if you whether to tip 10 percent or tS ::;~"":, i60 "f ri: ""' ~~~ -1!? ~:~! ~L i ~~ ~~ ~ .!. !! Houghton wrote. He predicted and abroad 00 business trinc, have three or more bags. Give percent or 20 percent or l:rbOTI ?.1\1 ~ ~''> mz 11 . = "'"&.":f.':."' c~·"° 1t ~ ~~ ~~.:.: 1, jt would take two years or !here "'s been a di'sti'::;:t him 25 cents each time he whatever you might 811'11 c11. ".u 61 ""• 51'-'li ~" +l:t dl.IPonl 1.509 '°' 12' 13114. 131\lo -'' th ·~ ·-' 1••lt In( IO • l!h 1n, 11 "GuPont Dl4.)0 6 n~ 7.l~· IJ\'o + ~. longer to setUe e case. b finds you a taxi -but give remember that by one defini-.,rc r>t 1:50 150 •• 44 ~4 = ,,, duP011~ ptJ.» ' s1 5'V. !7 + '" ''trading up" in l e standards h1'm no more lhan a "thank ,. "TIPS" ... II e·res Mhl ' lJ 11'' 11~ \i, Dua Lt 1.66 '.II :11\'o 11l4 21\'o + '• On l'.ppi·ng. Usi·ng my-" as a ion, were or1g1na y 1111 1nd 1 61''< 6"~ ,1," = ·~ DQ ot.10Pt?.10 z» llv. 3JVt XM _,,., ...,u " ·1 h d th . ded ' 8•~hLb .~o JllO 69 M" 6t + ,, OuaLJ 41>1 1 J]DO JC '"'~ ?ti\ -1 d I k 1 fnd 1, you ,1 e oes no more an 1nten as a means 'To &•••rL•b .11 u 41v, •'·~ 4 ,,.. _ ~ °"' J.1SP11 .s1 · i10 21\'r 21v. t JVr B d · U yar stc 1 m un-wa,elorwarda cabwaiting in J Prom t S · """'-" ftayuk<?ta ·50 4 u u• .. u +v.OYmoln ·561 -•7 21"' ')'/• ,'.,'~-~-}~. roa way ps dertipping AIOre and more nsure p erv!Ce. • u!S Be1•lft'ls 1 1 Al~ ll'lt •l~ Orn1 Am . .--~ lt\-. lri~ ,.. line in (ront of the hotel. reminder might help guide you i::: ~~~ ~., 1st ,i\&~ 1~1'1 11\&"" ::111t -E·F-often; J'm unwittingly ig-· (o the right am ount for the 1e•r F .. 12.10 ,', ~Avt •~'"' iJ!!~ -1-, •• F.•tle Pd• .eo 1s ~~~ '''• ~l\'I _ ...., Sales, Earnings noring deserving !i er v Ice Tbe bellhop: Tip him as you . ~~'"'" .so ™' u:w; 5 +-. E•Ko c11 .'l<I 11 ~ 1•:v. ,,14 _ •1, k I I . tipped the· doorman, in· right persons. ~~~~r ·~ 1 •~ ~M-so .. ' -''East Air .50 113 21v. n.,. ·n11i -1 wor ers; rarey am overlip-~lco Pef .'so °Sl ll~ u., u.·:+~~:::0Jr11 1i'.l; 3t ~::: ~fll Ha +~: Lo s ANGELES Ping these days. creasingyourtipsif yourlug. BeldM..., .60 •1,.1~ ,.,, , •• , ... i.eist1eo111ti ~16 161, 75 l$""-'• · · lly hea y and 9'11 Mow ·60 'II n1i. 77'" -'• E11onv. 1 "° 1'3 :1111.:. J?I\ 31°"1 _.. ~ B d Hal St I You are a typical wife if g~e IS especia v • Aol IMe<con J7 1?1\ 1'"• n•i. -""!•IPn llfl i' l 37'4 11'4 l7Vo _,t; roa way· . e ores, nc ., or cumbersome. Whenever he Druia Lab ',11:~,~ )~,601 ~' ~:t ~~ ~~: ~ ~ ~~:;<-.::,..'{,.; J 61' fUt r,, .. '-D'"I, ..... 7 11,• BURBANK had 11 percent lncrease.5 in your ~usband expects you to d 1. yth>'ng you ha"e e .... I~ ~ J 1 1o'o 10•. 101, ,_ 0 · .... ... .. ..,. I th h di I t f ho h .._ e 1vers an • BtMrF1n 1.60 5' •l1oo "'" "'" ... i, -~ero 9 .11 111 !.S 5J .JI•~ +1l• · both sales and earnings or e an . e a o o c res w en 11e rd ed . hi 1 1 25 j•nrtF Pf5.50 J "j 131,~ 131u, _1,.., Eo.oon1ron 1 10 :M'• ~6·~ 3SI~ + '" -•ed " 3 1 k 'th h' 0 o er , give m at eas enoF "" :10 1 7 ,., 11,,, 171 F.G&G 10 1n 1,,,, 31 .n -"• first quarter aJU ruay , a es you w1 1m n a cents, even if it is only , G H StnF Sot'J.50 zll!O 311,, :1611t ~·l + ,, E1Mus1c 099 J'n 1~. 1"9 ,.,, Orl1111 C011nh OATEO: JUM 7. 1 .. 1. M' CornmlHloro Explrl'! It , E. HETH J•n. 11. 1tn CHIE F OF POLICE P\Al!iSMG Or1111t Cini Oa!lv ";Lot. Pvblls!N.i 0r.,,.. COis! 01Uy PllOt June \o\fY lt. 16. IM Jvl'll 2, '· '"" t r.,..., }, rNt !040-ff LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Edward w. Carter. president business trip -and that in-els ono1· Btn!>utl SM 15\1 )! n"' -1.:. Elect AS.Soc 4 11 :io~. 11 + .... of the west coast's retail -eludes much of the tipping. newspaper costing lO cents. Of R:~..:i ''.).,, ~ ~l\Z Rt ,.1• :.:. ·~ ~~~N!r"i.,., .~ \~~ B"" l!., ! :! course, if he has paid for the lf•rmec cor., uJ 1J'• u•, lj.,, _ ,,_ ;1P•..,~G 1 11 n~ n n - ' iten1 you requested, also reim-Dana Laboratories lnc. !",~kind "'' • ""-,,,. 2M\ + v. &nra .. 11..ci iJ'° '4 78'/o tth -... deparlment store group But no matter what your sex, 8"~ s11 1.ao ,.,, JJv. 34'• 3$ -v. 11racp 1.10 71 H" 1J>1o 33,..-•~ fllOTIC• 0' TllUSTl!•'s SALE reported you can use u~to-<tate guides. • . · ' ' 0 ,nret ·'° 1• 4l'.., •l'4 43"• Emer E1ec 1 "" '4 i.l 5' -~ HOT1c• o, TRUST•1·1 SAL• Ht.,.""'" · So here goes·." burse him. Trv1ne, has been honored as ftl~k~ '-~ ; ~"' ~·,-, 'IL/'".".; emE1 DIB.90 "11 lll'~ :'11"' JN< Ts H• 6MUS on JUM 11 19H 1 11 00 , Consolidated s a I es of f th I 3 d f al e uo 26'' ff "" 1 JZ -'" EmerYAlr ·80 ~1 ~,,. "~ "~ -.. 0n T1>urM11.;, "Juni n. 1'6t 11 10,00 11 the *'" 'M•ln·,-,,tr•~• ~IPdl.,,,",M,,.. Br 0 ad wa y.Ha I e w·ere Fi·rst lhe old gui'del'ines for Room service: Tip ZS cents one o e op I ven ors o l'~t1'1~1J-Jf ~ •'n"' ,, ~ i-t -'! Em1111r1 L7Gb 11 '~ " 44 + h ,_ .... PFS COllPOR.ITION •• GulY II>" Street of Ille Pkl c-~~ c.;;:.N11oust I~ . each time an item is the Raytheon Corpor~lion's e:f •• B~l ~1 1• I \~ 1li,~ + ~ ~:;::.1~1 -~ ~ ~l· n-'rll I;~:.. I• loll!IM Tnnlft undef •nd "'"'u•nt to 1t1e City .i s1n11 ..,,,.. ciu~nl•, $131 ,316,000 compared to a restaurants, resort hotels. tax-A d M 1 1 \ !!01, !IQ ·~i 3•1 4•'1> 4J~ 4• EndJolln 121> l• l• n·~ 331,1, -~• '-"' T,.,., ••IH ""'u 16, 1MJ ••· WESTERN MUTUAL co11.P011.ATION • _......a led Sl IB,202.000 for the is. etc. _ tip t5 percent of the delivered. Qut tip 50 ctn ls if n over, ass. P an · cikc"~1 · 5t •5 11~ I•~ 19i,;; .:..1 · En~'11Mln · .40 '"' 16'" z''l u~~ -·~ ><;utM by OCCIDENTAL LOAN COM-C•ll""""• c..--11-.. 11 1Tusl9e . ..,.,;,er •~ th ·• b · · d d · k S] led f 80(] ookM111"1:11 ~ ~17 il'4 'j · ' Ennl1811s .6' 10 JIV. 31 JI ->ANY. • ~•tlon •nd rKOrded ..,,,11 1he ,,_, o1 trUI• mift bY 0 " StMS same period last ye a r . bill _ has been firmly upped e wa1 er rings ice an r1n e ec rom among 11oro.n 1 ,o 50 3 "\ J1,,_ fr · ~ E<1urG1• 1.:10 4 31~ Jf\• 3n, _.. ·~ !6. "" " Jn11r. No. 13'U '""""'* •s74 ANO c•110L L s1Ms. his· wife ind "20 1 f h 1 mixers and $1 if he brihgs a companies Dana Laboratories Bor<1W•• '11s 7J >i•. JOO-~ 11 "'-:--: .' t5 ''"' :i&-10 211 ,~t,"' 2~1i'4 2tt:"r:", ·-'Jt o1 01nc111 llKDrlh l" ,... offiu ~ Stpl, 1, 1961, 1" 11oo1i; ,3611, P•ge Consolidated earnings befor·e to 1.r percen o t e tota ' l:1n1"F ·"' •1 'l':. "'" 11•,, El<IU •e · + >f 1"9 C°""'ty llecord~ o1 Ori"" COUfltY. ns. Pl 0Hlcl•1 Rk<!nls o1 Orinte '°"""' minority inlere$ of l he and ir you want to be known v.•hole tray full Of soda, received the R ay the 0 n 8DUr~1'1,!:!11 Ji rs•• ~ i:~ .t ~· E~~i'°C'11 1j~ ~; i;~ t"" t _ ~~ i:b':r~~· :fb'HLE~fLiu:JE~u:akc t~'H ~·n:::• ~~1~t::C~'e1C•n~m!','"T~o; Emporium Capwell Co. for the as generous hike your tip from glasses, ice and other tlrinking certificate of appreciation for l~r.:!1~;r1 ~ '[I ~1~ W..? ~11: ~ ~ ~J,,:2~ i~ ~ ~~ 1•v. ~,~: ;.,1ylble 11 lln\1! 111 u i. 111 i.wtut --. ANITA c. S'TINE, 1>u$bln(r an.cl wlte "11 equipment. its performance in product grj•t Mv 1.10 1'~ 661~ M'• '' -~. l~;~., rn.208 JI ll'i 20 "'' ,, ,... un1"9d stotesl 11 ,... South ftronn ..,1,,1 l@m"h _ ...,.,,,,., •nd rw1c1 11y first quarter e q U a I e d there. Whe h I t 1. · r llMY "' 1 l •1', 4110 • '• -1:,: EwansP .-so """ s1'"" ,,,. -1•; :'!',~•"·"'•'" """c'Y courtno°". In EOWARO "· GALtt"O ANO ELIZABETH $2,824,000. The old rule for porters car- n you a_ve ~~a sen quality, ~e 1ve'?' schedule, a~d 8l!°t~:i·~; ,.~ i1 ;~·h ~~ :tb + \; l~t':iM'"1.15 ~ ~\'; ~:? ~ +'v. .... "' _., • ""'· •Hl<lrnl• 111 rliJhl, L, GALtPO. tach ., 1o •n undivided --1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;~ to your room, Up 1..-.. u percent cooperation with Raytheon s 1~rynUG • 12 11 .'.lO'to :io•:o :JOO• + ·~ F1c1orA .11 ~11 5914 51'4 !IV. !fie ll'ld l111Wr"1f convrved ra IP'G """"11111 Jnkrnt b' ffiiOll of ll'll l>rel<ll Pll h I · town {O 7 1•'\ U'-lo u~~ -~ F•lrcl!C .!GI 23'1 .. n11t nl'o -3 "Id b• n unOer .. 1c1 Oel'tl of Tru•t in ''" cert11" obl!g•lloni JttureG lll•••bV. t>Otlce of the c eek. product exce Jenee program. i'""'"s o of 1 ?ll• .. 10 10 · -1, F11r""ck H111... ss u"' 161.ii 16'\ '-"" 1ll111ttd, In 11111 CouMY 1nc1 llf which ,.,., rKoroe.i ~b. 11. lHt, in Chambermaid: You need not wns h•rf 1 15 :lfHO :1014 70..., +"'Fairmont 1 50 )11-24 1•\~ u1i. ctes<rlbltl ••: eao1t 1111. p~, "''· • •• ,, °"''''' * SALE S TRAIN ING * Dur ing the year Dana !"'" ':'.'.I! .,..:IO 11 •4 ·~ •• . Fa1s1e11 .4tl 41 13\~ l?v. 111N ..-·~ '. ''. .. •. ... -,. h 'f d I • . Nn!n~ . m n•-• 721/J 17>.to -., F1m Fin I.JO •O 23'.l 111' 1J -'• ,rl(:I .. o . ..011.,"" City ot 1t~1>n1 .. ...,II ~11 ••Public auction 10 ,~, Ip er I YOU .spen on'! a Laboratories delivered over 50 ~c,~Er,0 •»,•0 ••, 76 1S''• 2l'llo -''> Fa ... 1 .. 1 1~c :is 1o>'o ?O 20 + •, CISte Mn•. County of 0•1.,oe, s111, Pl hlgttea1 tokkl., I« c••"· "''•bie 1n ll!wtul · l t l al a regular com . I · 3, 'l'O ?l:wi 1, + "' Fpr wnt Fin lb 1~, 1tJ1 ltl'I -,., C11lflml1• .•• 1>1r mep reco•clfcl ln &PPk ..._..,of !I'll Unlteo' Sl1ln 11 IM tlmf of '"OFUSIONAL TlAININ• IN SALUMANSHll' n1g 1 or WO • digital vo ltm_. elers. lo the ~m,e~n 1'.~o ': ~r" ~!'"', 1th'.:,:_·, .. F.~~~M.• .~ ,', ',·.~~ 7.~·· ',~. -_ ·''· 160 P•M• J1 •Ml 11 Pl M1..:,1i.nl0Ul ult!. w1111o111 w1rr.,,ty •• 1o 1111e mercial hotel, but it's in· nd f li h I 1u1ov 1-11 1 ,..v., MM " ....,., 60 .,. ...._.. 1n "" ottl~ of •k• County POsRUlon or MttHl\brin<:n. tiw 1.,tp,ni e l!lod1rn S1l11 T1th11iqu11 e S1l.1 Psyeholo9y A over acl ty Wit on Y one unk "11.•JN.o lti ll:i fi ti"' -\'I Ftdcters 'wi 1 JO tl'-U 1""--'· :.":':'1e otw~1c1 i!ou~t~,, i..oi wl"-' ::=Y::i:.;:, ":i• T":'u~t.b~n"'.1~0 'l~"": • Eff•ctiY• Commu,,ic1t ion1 crea:ingly ~~mm~nd~ t~~ minor defect being noted dur-!~rr""D 1.40 J :._. ~ll I~:..:.~::~ 1h: ,'/: ~ ~": W: ! :: :owMn1 w w•rr•nty. e•1tre1i Ol" lmone-a. io11aw1.,. dncrlb!CI .,._r-1y to-wu· Mr. A~ F•lir...a. 1 .. htr«I• Dlr.:t1r you eave r cen 5 a ay 1 ing JOO percent inspection of ~~~' ·7A jll 11-1" j>:i;. U = •) :,:P-;P~'-?' 1: ll~ ll"' ~ ~.'· ·eo1nll111 !!lie,_ -~Hloro. or -J..ol51n81ott.r.lofN~lei(ll.. c .11 for lnlor11'11tion a fr,, Aplitud1 lilt you ·stay ~nger. Leave the· th pol ' t uments 1•~Un• 111! ~ 1''•13'•1'u +YI FedSlonS Ml JS Joi .. 33'-'> n'ft -'~ :v<nbrllKft ...... y "" rtmllnlnt ... 1... l>fr """" rttonleG 111 !look l. Ptte,. ot • I e grou ins r . ~Uer-sSh "' l lS l•~ J , .... ~edOS!r .ts 160 '.II\\ 36•~ 36Vt _,., :"•t '""" of lfw nol, $@1;\l~ 11'" ••Id MlsctlllMOU-1 Mll>L fl!<Drds If Mlf SALIS TlAININ6 money-In an enve ope on a . -C2t~. J9 . I' ..... Ffd Mlt In• 34 1' JS'. 1114 . !)eed If Tt1••1· w!lll ln~.-..· •• '" wlc:I """'"ty· OF SOUTHUN CALlfOlNIA table or desk the last day of -F .. roCD l . .!O 1' Sl,l\ .u• ... "'" _,,. ""'" Pr'WI~ . .0Y•nc:n, 11 •n,. u""'' !lie for "'-~·r-·• A• ''''"' ,.,,,,,,_ I 1•bc>t C<1 60 :!O :IS'• l\'' ft'lo + ~. Flbrll>rd .10 '' lPo J1 111' -'ii -v ~.-"' --'''' N ·~ ,. ''" .. ,,. 20• 0 stay y1·p her II 2 ,·f you 'I Fln1n1 11 11>-, 1 ,, ,, , F1t10c1M 1..io n :ti•4 :n Jt.i. + '~ ierm•"' tllCI Ott<! of Trusl, ttts. tl'llr1>e1 ll!<U"'" by ••kl De...:r lr1Cllld!~4 Im • ....... ' y ur . -u s B d 111"-"I Ill Ill ll'• jj'• 31 •,: -,• Flltroi 2 " olC»t 40 • -'• •nd UH,,le!F of ,... l•uslff lnd of Ille dl•tlf'I •nd tXftftSH o1 11\t TrU1IH 1.,.j S .... A... have a cocktail party in your on ~•rnollL ..... n fl ' ... j"• =~Fl~ Federaln 2g l'7 JC~t 311"' -'• rr~s,:: c~~.1~-:.... ~:!!~.~1c1 T·o~ "' o1 o':i!d; M•Y 11, 1,.., YA ... ,,,...,... tt.r•••" 835-2351 rtoce"'"t room or suile, involving a big • • ~:f~gJ!w,: ~.i 1~, •,•,~ 1,',~,,. ,I,~,·.+ \Z ~l:~i-7 /1 .. t!, ii,• "",•,•,. •.,~;1 • "°","",. ~ : .• : rrust.b-,re1ton ot1bre•dlor<1e11u1t1n WESTERN MUlU AL COR· s..ttle H•-Offlte Sen-lee cleanupj'ob(orher. I D !an P•c 1 \ 11 11 " + .. F11NS1r .~ s 2ttA. 3911 1..0 1"9 Pbll11llof\t ... cured !hereby, POllATIO~. s a dn Pu lnJ • 11•~ 11\4 l1''4 . -.Flttllbch 1.60 111 .st'·~ SI'> 5t ->.~ ...... totort ewwitecl Ind dell~red lo ll'lt Tru1let In a resort hotel too, the a es . 1p 1n1llld Lit 1• n .... 31 lJ0 + 14 l'lll>et'Scl .16 11 """ 7Ht "~ -" Jnderslg""" • wrlftton Oecla1•tl011 of fly FILw VanV,lkt"!>Urih, . . · f II II> C BOat S 7l 1l 1l Flem!ng .50 15 11\!o 16 ... 17 -"i O.t1Vlf • ...., o,..,..nd..., s.1e, •nd wr!ttft'I v1n-,.reoldo~• standard m1nunum tip or le , ,.,.br~n 1.40 1t1 ~"• U,, s1 .... '• FlinlkP•e ' u JO•,. 1t',\ 30 -,~ "1Clflce llf brt1c~ -ol rlKllon 1o c•utt am • .. I ber 'd · 50 t 1rll11t .60 ' 1•'• ·~ 1~ -.,., FUnt •l>fA4.!0 11ocr '1"1. 9a:, ti\"" +1• .. """ urt6rrlltl'IN ..... 11 uhf J>rOHrty .. "Ul>litl>ed Oro114t Cel'll 01ih' Pll&!, clam ma• IS cen s per Orange County s B v In g s ;:e~0.r ... J 1~, ;?.\!. 1,~';, 1.'Y' -,. r,:.1~:k,•"•,BD~,,~ 1~~ :,,':,~ ~ •• 1:i i.~ -_,'" ulltlY t1kl o0ne.1Joni. -lllfr_!ettft". on MPY 1•,,. 1,.,,.J...,. '· ,.,., ,,.,,,.. day for a single person. $1 a _ .... , --· ... .. _ J) .... ,... .. ~etirw:rv '-1ttt. 1111 ~11nid c•us...:r•J----~-----~.:.::~ • day for • coople, -more for Bonds chairman. Donald P. ~~1..-Cit · .1111 ·~1 ~ ~~ ~'.\..:. \-. "'' Gu~' "'• 11Vt 1,j* '•" --:-\· 111d llOllCI ol "'-Kio •MM tlKft011 lo bf-LEGAL NOTICE Y • th prr pl).2J 1l0 J1l') JI•~ .Jl'• -1\lo Fi• POW"1,/I 411. i.., N .. recerMd 1n booll; "'' ""' & "'»111 J WALJER THO MPSON special service.. Kennedy , today disclosed at 1rtww • .a. in 11i. 21 .... 11~l + "F •PwL1 1. 50 n1,, 111 ... TH'o _ ·~ ~l:!i~1Mt 1--~--c,c_,~,,,-,----~I , Tr•vel abnad: Even if a US Savings Bonds salts for :: 1J•1.u ~ ~~· W--~r' ~!~~~11°': ~ ~;! 'i''l: !.z't +i.! p F 5 cn1tPOlt.<ITION ClllTlll"IC.<IT I 01' •uUN!$S of 22 . . ~··,~-· .60 15 3'"o 36 J6 -.. UGI" pf ) l ~ '""' + \, •• w hf Trv~. '""""-,1"" N•rM .. 1 service charge 15-percent the county for the first · four fC;"',:, 1.10 1a S1v. s:iv. ~·· . ~~C'~ ~· 1pj 19~ ~ =Ji;. B• T. 0, knolc.1 Comp.o~y Thr UnCltl'Slened ilO l>e•etr-1 arllf't ffltl we re not has already been added to ' • Cl M ':tT'i5 "8 lW. I~ 1~ -1~ "MC fll'1 is i! • ,~ •• Allflf 1111Y .,. CClncluclf"t , n1111 sWMr• bill months of th.is year amounted KO C1> .90 l ~2 ;",,,. ~\\ _ ~ ,._p;11r .to ' 'ii ~ + ~ J•..._, A. e.rt11T1m "'lnut1clurl111 Ind -IY tMis! .... If ,15 your hotel or N!Slaurant • S~kLllrMC1> Z 11 1IFloi 10 10 "' ~ooi: CB .to 1f 1· 4}.f 4 -.\lo VICI '•HIGH.t w. !;1tkl1' Sfrfe!, City of S.nll An•. But then maybe you're not IBM •. , the trend loday is IO\Vard ad-to $3,336,!83. . ... l'1.., "'"4·'° I 6l\li 6l'' 'S\~ -:. !:.: ~?111 11 '1'" t~ .1 .,,., Coun•v o1 Or•""· s1111 Ol can{Om11 1 · th o th Sal-for a sun· 1·1ar ,_.;od in c::if~J;'1~ 1j i; ~l h ~~ -+ ~~ ~~~' ","° 37 "' ...,..., ·· '. ,_I..,,. Or•-toast Ot11y Pilof -.. lfw fldU~1 flrm ntr'l'<I or !In!&~-~ dlng ano er I nercenl lo e '""" ,..... . c H 21 ~l ... -1-.Yri"i ·1 11 I 11~ ~ + .. ----"-·~":::'~::--:'"--·~·o'"o'=,,--·-~_u_I ~Ofl~~"ot ~ =~~-;.-;::-"''::' "''\i: Maybe you're jUst a growing company who total 1"11.lher---ihan just leaving this coonty---la!t y ea I ?E,11~ l~ ;t rin n: n: ~ .. fEL~ ~M ~! n~ ,,a I -~·a LEGAL NO'flCE bu•lne11. '"""'11· OENE1oe EASY-ON epprecia.tes the Value of advertising, the small change. The trend amOOnted to $3,413,409. 1en•L~~1 ,.11 , ~ ,,..., 2l'\ -111 ~r·~~ l,, '\, ic! ''" f· "' ~11~ CHltlSTMJo~ LIO"' SU>-•T <o 1::::::_:::::::..:_..:_.::::__c:__::_::c___::__::;_;c __ .:.._c_.c:_ __ ~·--l'flMPw .11 111 It!• 1'\'I 1"4 _..\•Fr-So.II l,eD 13 lJ'> • <> ---; .. ;;;;To1<;,~,~.,.-,,"•"•"•""o,~,~,:---l 111•t w111 11rm 1, ~~ rv111 .,,.,· 10!~ and you coulp use a consultanL • • • • • • • • • • • • • :11:.1:':. 1tl ;~:: ~~·~ ~~~ = 1~ ==C~,,J-1'0 U ~~: ,J • ri·\ = \• tUl'ERtmt COUltT OF TM"' 1111 "'r'°"'· Wl1oM -· 1"" .... tuet • ..,T•ly•t .N 5' ~3" 11'• 2l\oo ·f. 1t n •t•T• °' CM. "'' •1 1oiiow,., Thet'a wher8 we coma 1n. ...,.!:a:-,IOb ii.o J11. n -u. -.... IFOllNIA 1'011 llobtrl Lt•1t 51.._. 1041-4 F•lcotl ., tH· , 10 41 lli! l"" -W i§C C6 l Sii 'i! 62L.li 6114. Im + " TN• c T'I' 01' OllAtlGE Aoq . FounlllrL v111tt. C•lifwnl•. We give long, .-Incera thought !"snlA .IQ 3CI :!9'1i 1'\a -(\ AF CP!'D . .o fli ~ " -• *'· A-6n11 M 1n Ft<klc.i. ... 04 •TAB h ttr. , ..... ,.~, ... _.,,....,. ......, • Fl su .eo n n ''• n -1-~ "" _110.:t0 l~ ""_ 1~ &"411 fl CL.IFFOllO C 1-fUIElt •n ' ..,.7 •lt•lt ltl>loll. ...__ bl--ti.obrn Int l•I IWi 1$ 151.ii -!;. !SllP I.JO lS 'o -~ ~ · · N--. ·~ c.11tw11i.. to yo\.)r ma,'"'uug pro ...-111, -I• ~ Conty. ... ..... s 1.10 11 .10t.1o ,.... ff"l _ "' .... 1>n.1s l 11o ~· -" SiiOfiCi tS Hl!1t1:av r;ivcN 1e '"' ,,:,'r~:z.s -Mflft 1111' rn, ••w of and we come up with and produce • l:.'V:~.~ "1; ~~ ~~ :~ -:.:t [·-11~6S60 ii ~~ · 1a1' ~.:: :-: ......,,, _" .,,. .,....,. lllmtd de<:ffelll • 11_ ... Lh<ll i.e-• Mot• doctor•. d1!1ti1h. 1ttor11•v• incl profas\1•1111 • 11eme1n •JO 12 3IVJ lf\; 31,, _ , woo11 . Jr • J:: • + , ...., 111 --11evi.... ti.1""' ••11"" 1t>e M•"'" Ftc1ut1• ettentlon·getting adverti91ng and publieitv. .,. •• ,1. ·111• TAI b•t•w•• th • ., ~•11 cl1p111d e11 11ti 1bl1 MmHT t.1e1 l<I "' ~l., u...., -1 •lf:t~ .:,.)Cl \0) .,. -1-l,, ielf ~ •rt ''°"''"' Ill t!le ""m. STATE OF CALtFOllNtA I •:r · • l'ltm••v .70 l1 IJ l*"' U nl (:.,. 2 T •I /!.. -" """ .............. _,...,,.. In fl'ie 1111\cr COUNTY OF o-..1HGE ) $S • 'arw•'•• !let Oii .. J le H\!o 66'• 6''1o em nln .S&l '' )',',:. 11!.~ r.i.. :;·,,· I' ... tllrtl""" "'"' *"1111ec1 C(ll.lrl. C"t On "'11• ""' a •• "" Moy, A. 0. ltif. Let' a talk about how Jtcen wof't( for your company. ~~ 111 J; ;li,. tt~ i'i::1 :: " ~~r. 1t' , m 3r' •.• -·. • ~ """"-wtlll _ fllt flKl.u•,., ~ ""'· llir lf,....•r•'•-•· • ..,,,_ • LFOOWR AASS s14&0 IMJPNERTH • ' ' "''' '' ,.,. 'I •Tr ... '' .. "WCNn. • lttf ............,.~ 11 Qll ~nd Pu1>1i. tn 1ne1 to• ;.la cO:..~r.-.,.,. ~t~i; Olaf: (114) M2·7"80 ~ S•Pl> er Hlli -di: • lf.:.:... 1, A tr!." Dl'?~-1· 1111 ~~ Jl14 11\11 .:~:t~ "'-"'• "-1 &Hdl. Ca . "'"" .. 776'), ruicllM lt>lrrf" G~l'f . tPmmls~""9cl • ..i ~~ Mu11c 1 1 U\.'i ).!I -1' lllnt 1,j f;\.i 41t. 1,111 _ (. :.:,.,-..,~r~.~=lft~l==."!:',!!..!'r~~.~=~1; • • ~"~"...~~ x~ ~~ r,~ !'~:\'\ "C'cblt\li. 11 ~~ •• D~ ~!'·~" ~ lft.11 fl MN ft( ...... , •lll'llft tour It W ,... "'""'' WflQ" Rlft'lel •-+ II IP ti UP l 29:i;. ftlolo I~ -'• " . " .!1 )t:1.4o 14 ,, :_,·· l'!llltllt ""'"..,. ........ ~. "''-IVtilKrl'bfd to"" w111o1~ t ... •r-..i ;;.: ~ • ~titi."~~ g ~ .u" u -:.~ ~:::"\.Ji ~1 ~\· ~ 4 =n •tu. • tck,_llOffd N -,,.., ....., ~•ff wt.a • ~FuW .61 ~" ~· li:'! ... F rof l Oii 11,,. ll'to '" ' a.. ,,_., ti. JM~ .,__ ..-..e, • r Cit 40 '~ '· -'4 els .60 .!IS f!\• ~ \-i .+ ~ ,MUfltWITL ijUtnrrrlTJ & RlMl" WITNESS".,,_, lltfod tl'ld oll1C:l1t tt1L ., • gi ~·'1"" i ~ XII•::~ n ~I .~ ,t,s· ~S'1 I\ \6 '.,f.~ ·~I ~ ...... rnM'"& fOl"FIClAL IE .. L) • rir-n " n ?'-' ,,.. ,, .. -'"""' "') ' ~ .. ~ -~i'-l:C.:"~ ;r~i~~·!;.....1~ ARTHUR COCFm/ Adnrtiling• ~r.1-,, l f ~ ~ j ~ :'1/:111.Ji ,j ~~ "· ~~ ! ~ ~i:::." .. ~'1 ••UY• f::7!.!i.T.~ E;o•lftt ~= ... ~:~ .-. e rltW!lit1.~ ~ ltJ ll: 1,·i~a ~, 'I li.f~' ~ ,;,::,; _. ..... c..-... Mttcfl I?. It,, ....... _. • 111'11¥1:' IU 6j ff' H~-11 b\!!. I, "! "' '" ~\,-r9._.. :1':':..~t:i~~"""· •A coritulllngtnd-Ptoductlon~ f 1~'~111 4:f \U1vtll~in~::f'& ~!f1 .l ~ • fl:: -.,,_ c-! .~i. •1..,,-,....... • .,,.,,~.•~---·'"""· • •••••·•· .•.••••.• ~ '"'' "'~ . !l --•t." •I > > + :"'::..:"':::.":::';"":::.;-:;:c':•c•::..:"":.::--m"--'-' Pub!~ or .... ~ <o~\1 "Jar ,.1,..,1, yy..,...,,,,. •• • , • j In• "' t » 511.'t ll"' · -11a ..,.., • !j;" " j4'4""" ,.., Mnl~:N.t!MINM't,o ... -·· ___________ __;:;___________ lft PCl .. 51 t iil(j 1') Hl)-11.> Tl t I. 241 l'o .'II'"--"-\ -. .,... ... lty s•ra "° u fW i.; 11''1 -,... t.i llf2. 1 l't "1.t 4\'I <t t~ • --·-----~-~ • ·--"" ' ~~ ' : ::1r. g: it: r·K •P1c lrbeo. ·i:: ~ii::~ c1l'i:1 .. c:.im~ .... Gi.nAl 8$ C:oodrl< J ~ "' (;r•n g~:~,. Gr1,,ltt GtM01'4 C.r1YOJ GI AA.t Gr!,~ GIN ~ Gt Nor Gt NOt G~ft G •U c.wun Gr11AG Grffftl Gr11'11o r.ro11er Grumn. C.utt MA Gulf i Gull GullR1t • G!IR1t ~ns~, GulfWI, Go~ GullW GullOll H1ckW H1lllbl,io H1mW• H1 mm ... Hamrn1 H•r>d!tt H6nGH1 Hin:) "~~ H•rtou H1rrlt • Har..:o H1r!5.¥ H¥~ I "~ •M H•Ytl ~:r~~ • tt1ln1 I Htl-• Ht!I Ct H1ll_,'f'I Helme 1 Helmrlt • Hlfl\l1p . l::;'"ll"' •< ~ Hltt's~ Ht1iOI Htub-111 · HewPt• H!~ll \ HIUonH Hllct . • HolNrl ""'. HoHCl,I> 'Hp!IG• • H<1!ldA noltrSu ~n• H_y., · Hoov Bl .... , h H:=J C M ' ·~""IM OUt~~I "~' ~Oltl!ll"ll ~ .. ""'"' ~OW JI -mi ~ugr IG~ "H lt111 I. Ill CM IH Ctn II\ Pn II pg ·-fNA .;m; I 1•11 j~o1r.' l "'" lnEIMjr 11'11111•.r: lnali:' , ,1 'N ' lnl•nd Inmont I lnJI= l:i:.&\ lnltrc:o ln .. rlj "~ '"' 11 ln1~ :;i ~ '" ' lnM.,. lntMne ,,,,~ In IN Int P11 l11t P1, lnll It• In! \•I '"' f lntTt In'{ " ~ lntTt 1n1T T ln!T In! U lnT'lm '"' ln!Ulll lnlt~ lnl ig Int_,~ 1n11n low{: I " ' 11 u5 11>W1P Ow•P. l~Cjf ~: Uet 0 J1ckin J1ckA! Jlf'Dlr J-"' J•IHI I J1'Wel( JI"' \\ ~~;;::, JollnJll JollM5 jg::~i.! Jon Lot J-Le JOlltsA. Jorfien Joo "ZI "' k•lser k~lt ! K1l1 ~ k1l1 ! IC1lt C IC•lt~ IC lit l<'~n I "' '! ·~ "'"""' kltY , KlU'I l K.-wlt k•Yltt tc. .... blt .IC""' 1Ctllo9t ICtlffl" l(~fld• ~en...,. ennet KwFCI Ky UI ICtrt ~ ICtrrM klYJK ,,_ """ K'<IG t Kim~ JC (ntS "-"~ kg:t! ~~ ~·-·-· ·ti~f lift~ I ~·''1 "' Lt•rSo t"18 ... 'H~ ,_, t:m '~' ~v lrte '""" w.-1 r~ ~!~ l:ll:l1 I:: I • N. ' .... ... -~ KO ·~ t' . • IL 1 ~r· " . I ~! • - ------H M~nday's Prices -Complete New York Stoek Exchange · List ' Ul&J ->-a... a.. \ ........... a.. it.. -' ~ ..... ... '.Bi-lliil'if: ~'1\:ti;WJ-- .• American ' • • • • ' . . _,....,J.~2r-lM .. -· --------·-~ • • . • ) e ,aj. .Sears · WIDE GUARQGUARANTEE . -' Tr~~i.ue 0DU'Ulte9 ODl'Ulleelt-' &plu&: All frJlure11 of the U~·l'UUlU?IC from normal road haurdtl or def.Ct.a In material « workm&nllbip. · r. u... LoGJ: i'O"r ur. Gt ~­" """-Wlla& 9eU'9 wan Do: Rept.ir nan pUJ¥itures at no charft. ln cue of falh4re, in txctwtge for Lhe Ure, replac. t~ at no d\a.rge. tt t•ilure OCCUt• darin1 nrst 20 montha. If tire Calli after thll period, replace •l'li!:J. OORD RADIAL '3-ES , ·• • AK J'OW' eeat1 'rln llalemu About Tll«:m It, charfing Gilly the proporUon of current 'regular 11!11.lltlg'" price pluj Federal ExciM Tu that repreeentll lru.d used. ]!NII "'eu-Qut Guann&ee Gu...-anteed A(alnet: Tread ..,,ee.r- ouL P'or Ho,.. Lone: to m.ontba. Whal Sean WW Do: ,In exchan ... ror the til"e, ·replace it, chuctnr curnnt regulv alllng pPice plu• F"edera.1 Exclae Tax lees the follbw- lnf allowanc1: 25t;t,. ' • .. . , , . -· ,. ... r . • 1 • · Monday and . Tues; Only! June2 and 3 • • ' ~. • • '' , ' , . . ' -..j " . -.;; . • • t 't .. • • '• • • ·~ ' • . ' ' --·-. r Guaranteed 40 . Months Regular 527.95 - Trade-in Price -~ ~-~M~»._,;_~·­You ·only Pay •.. . . . .. 122% Better. mil .. te llOo/~' Stronger than l969 new-car original .tire&-. . · than original tiree 9SJ1 l.5f S lJ I ................... P\9;1 !.OI 'F.E.,. A.a• Yoar Old TIN 14% Larger Footprinf than original tir01 ";• Two :f~berglas.s belts yirtually eli?iinat.e tire sqnirm ·and wiggte·that. wear tires out qu'ick11 ~ Tread lie.s flat'on the .~d for· quicker g~ and .1to}>I!, aurer cornermr and greater safety , · •·PLtIS:o--t,..o-ad4e«;l.pliea ot nylon cord for·ex ll".a .strength and wear! _ . . ~ -~ . . ' . . Sean Sturdy· Fihetg!as'.!i Beltii Mean ' A Big Footprint for• Better lineage ·eonventional ti~ on the~rjihf is di~toit'ed '_by 'hiril- apeed ·&quinn and wifgle. "tne · :fiberrlua-belted tire stays flat againat th'e road for suPerior gafety and traction ... plus mort than double the nilleage o! new- car. tires. · supericir Construction Means · You " · Get More Tire for Your Dollar The two fihe.i-r1as,a belts beneatj) the ·tread give yo\l better .traction and .stabili~y. In addition, two nylon cord plies give t he tire exceptional stren gt h and re- :!Jistance to impact and puncture damage ... which J means longer life. / ' I ....... , .. ~ •• 1 . SIZE Trade-la aeplaP r.s.T. l'rl• 'J'r.,..la PriN Tubeless Blackwall 6.soxis I 21.95 J 20.95 7.35xl4 .1 30.95 . I 23.21 2.13 7.75xu I 32.95 24.71 :pg 26.96 Tubel ... Whi\ewalls 6.50xl3 J· 30.9!; 23.21 2.0 6.95t14 31.95 23.96 2.17 •7.35x l4 33.95 25.46 :1.1s 7.75xl4 35,95 26.96 2.36 '.S.25114 38.95 29.21 2.44 8.55xl4 4I.95 31.46 2.68 8.85xl4 '4.95 33.71 J 2.86 7.75x15 35.95 26.96 2.50 8.15xl5 38.9 29.21 :1.68 8.45x15 41.95 31.46 2.77 8.85x15 I '4.95 I as. 11 2.00 9.00/ I I 9.15xl5 > 4;,95 . 31;.96 %.94 Every Sears Tire Purchase Includes : FREE Anita~ Tlr• Mou:ntinr FREE A.Ulltate Tlr• ht.Un l:vtr7 li,000 Mlle9 FR:r::r: Cbfdl: of Yov Wheel Allpunent f!;\sk '.AhOut Sean C:Onventent Credit Plans When You Buy Your :Auto Pa~ts, Have Your Car Serviced at ·Sean? ,, Get Ready for Hot, Smoggy Summer Days ••• Drive .in Cool Comfort! Auto Air Conditioner ' ' ' . Lifetime Guarantee! For As Long As You Own Your Car He•vy D•ty Sboek AHorben SAVE '30! ' ' 16·9 ~~ ' •• • • 1'1'11 . A!k About ~ -.c.itYenient Cr~t Plans $199.9S ......... ..... lnJiiietl:Oi'! . :H.·n: -~ '· • Two·•-wa,y adjustable Jou· ,SHOCK 'G_UA11A:,N1 .. ,E,E, • Adjuat t'1nper1:tu·~ to AU· vm !or.. draft-free' air'ci:r-¥ tomaticall1 ma1ntain tern-cula'tion 1r ... 97 Rb'. ~.~~!:I perature you se~~· . • Chi-ome-p_!.tled1 die-caat be-e.i::.:-.. : 1~1~,;~t. • Perfect air flow .ad-u1 front . .~ r.;:._31.;:.-...,.-~ . .,...,. ....... ~·••••• ...... m justable S...peeCI. wer -· • Mounts·eonvtnientl}'"\ln'de}' ... .-....·u~D9; .. JMll• •'* ~ U>w, Medium, lib dashboard ~t-.= ·=-':=r-'!.:=r ~~ . , EJ:peft InstallatioJi Available , -:--.. ! ~-' S,4.VE $2! Rfrular $7.99 ' ' ' ' . . • JteAV.f duty 1hock absorben!I for amooth~ . riOe,.1nt:teued handling control . • · • Rough sintered Iron pistQn .and chromed . rod defies Wear better than original equip. · ment. . .~ P"tente<{'. E1Mtomeler :rinj seat preventa! flu la'foaming ·• ~lwr,iioum coolinr fins ppert..Jln\allat&oa Avallabl~ ---- I I · • · · · · , . , . . :. ·· .;,•--.---------------------------------.-~------------·, .... '· --IA 14ICIQ, 12'1-45'0 . a-Cll J.3911 ' ___ HE 14121" llOOWI MJU . , · IW«All!9DlpS '"«111 --1921 1 l .01119-MO*I _, 01 '-'IX>4.i Q .M611 c111c ~Db-AH ~1 .-.111 2-114!, HA •-•1•1, w ..-s1 _,. MD11CA EX 4-6711 vAUfl' ro.:J.1461, 9'4-:mo I ,:. . !.'1'_:,.:::··Mf "'61 =: :-:Z1' Z':...J~~-1 .... M211 --lt1'7-D71 .. -. .:°:'2~ 5.10.33,13 -Pl 9'1911 I .. ·---·--------------.-·--·--· ----~--------.--------" ...... . . "Stt1 kldlonG1H11QlllMdor-..JlQ1W1 ... dc" -··· ....... I ( /1 ,. ' l • 1, ,. ... :..~ , I ' ·ye ~ .1 F ( ~ T m~ in b thl! last F che rec N 'Roi Dot ~ -I, '! Eu1 tab \ .... Dot Bot $ fJ 1 A wil H~ F the wic a 5 Hu· A I>" pat ye< she 1 pa! t;;r ' Ing ten act diti l liot mu mil 1 the COT Go f pol an< libJ .,., Ira ~ ris: bu; •in '· ~ clu Jai Mii am the od -p 1' 1 mo PO ( ... ,,., adj ma \ co< of i wil, c I ~''"'""''·""'.;-;:=::;;;!:11~;;:~:;::::~~"'~~~~~!111!!!'!""~ .. ""!"S:ll'l~""~!."".""'~~~"'.'!~".""'ll'!llllll'~lll~!'!ll""'lllllllllll"""'llliill~J;;:i:;;;:iil!ii~i'!i;;fii"' .. ;;:;;;i"i;;;-:~-~!~;i'ii'jj'~F;;i";;;;;p;.,_,?,-.... ..... • . • . . ' - • • Teday's Fina) .. Stoeks O~NGE COUNTY, C).LIFORNlA'. 'MON.DAY, JUNE 2, '1969 TEN CEl':ITS -~-·---'-- Strike Stalemate •' Truste.es, Stitck Over Salary Denuznds ...... DAILY PILOT Stiff,_.. By RUDY NIEDZIEJJ!j:KI ot 1M OIHY ~Hiit SMff Perplexed troflees ol I.be Hunlinlt<Jn Beach Hlgb S<hool ·District were flDdlng It oo< eMy loday ljYfll<ide .~l. IO do aboul a,taii,~ l'\'t 4!lJ'11\ by some 00 111111J1\p lcil>oMoodMtSJ Late thl.!I ,morii)hg. jfW' bOard, which bOibi · ~inl at' 7 .\.m., sllll had no answer.-.· .., . ., , ,Unrta.e<insldirat.iqo w.u the teachers' latest '·lriP\>UI. Aoconllna IO Carl . . Traffic Deaths . . Bypass Comity RECALL PETITIONS FILED -Fountain Valley City Clerk· Mary Cote this morning accepted r'ecall petitions from (left to right), Don Gilb'ertJ..Gene Van Dask. Robert Tully and· Robert Gawen. Tbiiy claim 3,000 persons signed but ~ignatures· now must be certified. Over Holiday • By ARi:tnJR R. VINSEL Of .... Dlltr l'tltt '*"" · 3 Recall Petitions Filed Otange County aurvived the thre&<fay Memorial Day weekend wlthoµt a slngle traffic death. but California led the na· Uon's toll with 45 accident fatalities as motorists jammed all possible routes. 3,000 Sign Eacli Form in Valley Munic~pal Hassle "It was fantastir.," said ~ Orange County cotonei''s deputy today, ... All wa.s By TERRY COVILLE 01 t11e 0.UY l'llM Sltff Three recall peUUons, each Containing more than 3,000 signatures, were turned in to the Fountain Valley City C!.erk early this morning, as recall backers met the last day <JI 'their deadline. From this point, the city has 30 days to check the signatures for vaHdation be.fore recall procedares·can be set up. Named in the petitions were. Mayor •Rol:if:P. . Schwerdtfeger and Councilmen Dcinaiol fiil'"" ••• fl ..... ~. · Leader of the reci.'n-movemet.I ls --Eugene V!!) i;>ask, pr"idtol o( the ~o­ tain V,olletCMc -!PVC.A.)• He was· jQine(f al· city hell thll momiril by Donald-Gilbert, FVCA ri« prtlident; Bob 'lbomes, FVCA finance chairman; $6 Million Park Bond Vote -Faces Test on Tuesday A crucial $6 million park bond proposal will be tested at the 'polls Tuesday in Huntington Beach. . From 7 a.m •. to 7 p.m. voters will have the chance to declde if they want a city· wide system of oeighliorhood parks, plus a ~ acre addition to the proposed Lake HunuDgton central park. A two-thirds majority ls required for passage of the. park bonds. f. similar park bond proposal narrowly fafled !ast year when it garnered 62 percent, JUSt short or the mark. This time backers hqpe the issue will pass and give the city tunds for creation <.Pt a large, bighly-devel()ped system rang- tng from 32 neighborhOod parks' (two to ten acres), to six community parks (10-40 acres), and irJcluding purchase of an ad· dit.ional S4 acres aroUnd Huntington Lake. Expansion of the city's current recrea- tion center and construction of two· c;qm· munity centers is also Included in the $6 mllllon proposal. · The Huntington Lake central 'park is the largest. propoSaJ. eventually en- compagsirlg 147 asres and two lakes at . Goldenwest Siree'and Talbert Avenue. It will feature a recreation center, police and public firing range, museum and hlstoriC'al area, ·rusUc village, main library (alteady funded.). boat con- cessioo!, li!hlng, picnicking and other al· tractions. -· · .... SurPOrters of the bond pcint out that rising land costs mall:~ It a necessity to buy ·tbe land for parks now, or it will simply be too late in the future. Ytoups .. suppcrting the bond issue in· elude the C ha m. b e r or Conunerce, Jaycefi's, Ji.OME Countjl,· Rotary Clu~, ?t1inistertal Association, Library Board and Board ~f Realtors as well ,as many of the local parent-teJ\cher. croups in. tho IChopls. · · • PIU>T ,GOES ,up 1'0 ,2-T.l1DA ·Y . . : °"'·~~911·..rat,..of._!2 per mOnfh' 1ianle ·~~li•erf ol the DAILY., plL(ip' '1otil'el!ei!t'today: · coo11nu111y .Hslnl c:o<Js>oi ~n alement. essenUal to the producUon of the ne"spaper since the DAILY PlLOT last adjusted Its suMcrlptlon rate in ltN have made the ~ent Increase necessary. Your DAILY PILOT canier will, of course. enjoy Increased eammcs beca .... ol the new· price and the Df<IL Y Pµ:.oT will c:orillnue IO lmf!rOV'!' rePQrilna ond production t~iques to dellver an evm better ~ucl l<))lou In lhe·IUture. ' and Robert Tully and Robert Gawers, c.: with lots considerably less than the city's· quiet." chairmen of the recall movement. standard 7,200 square feet. City Clerk Mary Cole said today that Recall backers also claim Mayor California Highway Patrol lnvestip· validation of the petitions would be hand.I-SchwerdUeger was in~olved in conflict af tors said OOt only were I.here no Orallge ed by the county vote!' registration office, interest on the Larwin Tract because be eounty fatalities, but mere were oo rully because of a lack of time on the City served as real estate broker in.,1• 'lk of serious accidenls. · clerk's part. the land to I!!< Larwin CO. and didn'I "lo !act, trajllc yesterday waa Ugbter In order to force a recall election, each reveal that fact until after the City eoun: petition was estimated t.o need about cit apProved a zone cliarlge for the area than a ttonnal Sunaay:•.connented ooe 2,500 /lignatures (10 percent) of the city 's last December. · CHP apokesmu who ·hopel it inly be I registered voters. · . The mayor abstained on voting fQI\ that forf'(ut of boli~ weekends to come.. Charges lodged against ti\< thr.ee """' change and has abstained !Nm all , "~;be~ a;e·r;:: ~and. :.'~ir~~t!Jr%:f.'::ii!l •~ ~·~ \k~ CO~·~ ~I'.~·~ I~ 'ti,\ ·s~lol ~of~'!<!~ feet. Van Dask gave.,the. lollowinJ bre~~' t• -~ ~~-he -1'1*1, -~ ,4~&=~ =«~~~lhe,..,.,.t ~~ ... :r~~~'i1·' have been~~ wiah!s.QI (he peo-!?<:hwerdtleger -3,205. ~ ur1chittend. ·' " • pie •by allo'olllng plahn<d developments (&<.:RECAil, Pap tr . IJD!oti-teb'., tt ,.., 'a i!Jl!nf lll<in'' · . .. "r.°'~~·1 gOing IO the maointafns 0 S f . d High ·c . h. or the deeerfa lltls year," Aid one·CllP Ur SI e Way ras Officer, wbG at ~t ~ted the titanic . '-l;'~:: k;::::i:;gh;y,::;f:~ H 3 W k 7 A t enough for a real good lllllllwp," aald urts , rec S. U OS 00.~J':=-;u~"" the hl.ghway.'' said Three persOni "ere lnjurtd and RVen cars damaged Saturday In a combination rear-end, headon collision at Surfside, snarling traffic on Pacific Coast ~gqway in both Sunset Beach and Seal Beach. No one was seriously ~urt in the 11 :10 a.m. crash, but it took police and firemen 90 minutes to completely clean up lhe scene. Seal Beach police said today that repcrts on the accident,· which involved five cars initially and two which later tangled in a rear-ender as traffic backed up, have not been c<lmpleted. . Injured persons treated and released at Long Beach Community liospital were identified as Glen Hewitt, 18 and his passenger, Claudia Peterson, 18, both of Torrance and Mrs. Barbara M. Marcum, 36, of Long Beach. Investigators did not spell out the chain . " · · another trying to.help unf.anile a muatve Ueup, "it will be ~ ~at.ton:" - af collis!ons, but listed drivers Involved besides Hewitt and Mrs. h1arcum as : -Howard P. Coogan, 57, of 15980 hfariners Drive. Huntington Beich. -Janice Newman, 21, of B-7&, Surfsidt, -Julia A. Lacquement, whose age was not listetl, of Long Beach. Damage to a van and smaJI sedan in- volved a few minutes later in a separ~te rea r-end collision so ·yards east of· the five-car accident was minor a n d motorists made nd police report. One of the first cars was apparently at. tempting a Jeft tum into the beach com· munily from , the · busy highway when it was struck from the rear and k'locked in· to two oncoming cars. Otherwise, traffic accident rates in West Orange ~nty were reli:ltively low for the Memorial Day weekend, ac- cording to lawmen. • Maaw of can streame\:1 1 to popular resort arta9, btiches and '*ert span, then crowded all routes for the nerve- wracking ride home .Sunday night. The rreewaY syltem in spcts •as like a conUnulng used car lot. Fire Hits Food Stand, Damage Set !kt $2,000 Fire which started l,n the kitchen SUn· day night did an estimated. $2,000·damage to the A and W root beer stand at 10821 -Los Alamitos Blvd., Los -Alamitos, the county fire department reported. The blaze which broke out about a p.m. was "probably started &y gre.,. Igniting Jn lhe'kitchen tfrea-," flfemen iiid. Owner of the business ls Jack Scott, 17028 Edgewater Lane, Huntington Beach. Manemann, teachers as.soclaUon prul- dent, It includes l()C'eptance of the ad· mlni.straUon'a four percbnt salary In· crease offer protid!nj: other monies that ber;ome available during the achoo! year be fUMeled tnto te.acber salari~ until the lea<:jler'<lemandeil p per""'1t Increase ~ reached. Also reportedly 'under corul~eratlon during the. closed, to the pu~~. !ession was a rev)ew ot past and 'utUre. actions · by lhe District Educafors Association TOP U.S. MAN IN· PERU Hunlingloft•a Slr•c\IM; .· . u~ii~;Uih :fi'a!i · f' It_,. ~ • i tr,. • • I 1 , A Steps · tntiJ Top , f ' ~ ' I • • I Position in · Per~ A fonner Huntington Baacb sdlolar and athlete today is holdlng the top diplomatic _post for the United States in Peru durtog lbe worl\ period In blatory of relations beiween the two countries. He Is Erneit V. Slrtcu5a, tbe chara:e d' alfalrff-for die u.s..1n.um., who lab.t charge· ol the U.S. Embassy loday upon the rtsign'aUOn of Ambauador JQha ' Wesley Jones. Jones left Lim8today. Pres:ident Nixon. accept e·d JOMS' reSi&ftatton May is. Siracusa, o , who wu graduated from llunlington ~adl High School Jn the 1930s, later attended Fullertot1 Junior College where he .played football. He was a Phi Beta Kappa later at. Stalllord UP!verslty; · · , , SltacUsa's nephew ls ·Pete Siracusa, . . . well~kiioWn Orange Coast surfer and Newport Beach restaur&nt, operator. "Emesl.SlrllCusa has ett'Yed (Qr aever:lt yean in the U.S. embasiy ln Pel-u under Ambassador Jones. · .JJ'he .. departure -or l b e ambassador comes amid a most controvmlal period in the relaUons be.t"een the United States and Peru, pro'lol<ed by lb& eipn>prlaUon or pniperties ol .tile Am..- lot.maUooal Petroleum Co.,· and the seizure of American ·t\lna ~.by the Penivil.n military government. The ded!ion of the U.S. ID¥erllDIOnl IO hatt 1&les of intlitary eciui-l 14 Peru • pnwo1<ec1 a 1tnitJg m<!i0ull'Olll-1·n;, military ~ )\ "'411ld :. "Imp. porttme" .the ~ visit 1 of. Gov. Nelson A· Rockefeller ~ Peru and · said · the presence of the American 111tlltary million. tn Peru "has fno further purpose." CDEA), which stage<! a teacher wali:out at all four Huntington Beach high school$ last Tbw'sday. : The actmn. Wtucb was termed a •·teacher-called minimbm day" by the association and "a mutiny" by' some· ad~ · ministrators, left all ca'mpuses empiy by -12:30 p.m. Thursday. · Presumably, one of the considerations racing the trustees wiq•b&.the legality of the walkout. M~.n.1_ !i(h, the board t~ (See TEACHEllll, Pqe I) ' .. Rioting Mars Garden Grove Berry Festival • By JACI\ BROBACK or ... Dltlf P:t• • .,.. For lbe second couecutive ·year. fiotlng marred the · Garden Grove Strawberry FesUvaJ, an eVent staged an- nually to raise mooey for youth bet· tt.nnent progra!Tl3. Dilturbance.a toot place bolb Saturday and Sund'y nlgbl!I. Police said more than l,200 unnily, youngstera clashed with offk)ers lo the Sunday night battle which started al>Oui· 9:30 p.m. Fifteen wer~ ~sted Sunday and seven on Saturday, largely on 1118pk:ion of usauh with a deadly weapon on police officers. · Seven policemen were Injured Saturday night but nqne &wxiay. All thole hmt on Saturday were batk oil duty, &unday/1'110 most'lerioUsly1injured WU offlc!r·Melvin' Parr who suflerOd a concussion arid bad blf ~" Q&hed 'wttli ·'tlili: He ..... biclt Ort "~duty" Sundiy; . N_Q..rio~ 1'ert injured a far a police c;i!ldd clelermioe. . . 'la c:ai1trui 'ti> WI .!<"' wl\bi rtoltng flroR OUf m Jhe f":!l'' ma1t1 1!111 on the gmn\d.o;' the Ill ay and Sunday baltlel '!tre fOllgbt on parting Iola ind streeu ltBTOUDdihg Girden G'rove Pare &t 9301 Wesh:ninstt.r Ave .• between Vista Verde and Deodora dri ves. Sunday night an estimated too you~ began pellfng police wilh rocla and trub at the West end Of the-part at about 9:30 p.m. Police Olief George Tielsctl uJd. "The outbreak wu apont.aneowi. It was obvious it was: not pre-planned." The 811 Garden Grove police officers on duty Were quickly relnlor<ed with about 100 police from WestminSter, Santa Ana, Anaheim, Fountain Valley, the sheriff's office and the California Highway Patrol. The situation wa.s reported under ·con. trol by 11 :15 p.m. A fire bomb exploded'lo a truh plclrup truck ana· several other bottles filled wt th gasoline were 'thrown but did oot igoite police said. Two cars. were burned o~ Deodora Driv..! bordering the park and two small · fires related to the rioUng were put out in a sbopping-"certter:-a:r Brookhurst .Street and Westminster. .Avenue. David J. Burn, community relaUons dir,eet.or for the Parden Grove police said officers switched. tactics Sµnday. nliht .. breaking inl.O 11<1uada and were successful in separaUng the rioters into amall groups. A mass tront approach had been (See RIOTING, Pap %) NEW YORI( (AP) r , Tl>< llOck market closed with a moderate Jou today as its decline pushed into the>thlrd consecutive week. (See quotaUans, ;pages 18-19}. • Trading wu....ad.1•e:.dcr..:. a... 1111lon curtailed by a dela.!<d _,ing due io storm coodltioos. · ' . ., • , \ • -----·------ -Gr0cery Strike Not Affecting Comity Stores Entire Foree c:aIIed County Youth's W estminswr Police Out Desert Death For Garden Grove Riots F~cts Probed Veteran -lell'dlen tod 1; reConatructed the .......... death ol I Midw1y City boy who tromi>ecf Ii mllea on 1 tl'lgic circle route 1n 115-degree Ilea~ tryln& to Dnd hla flmlly csmpalte only a tbort distance away. .................. Wilh the . Loa An1elee grocery clerk ·~• conlin .... Into Its !Uth day today, Orange County merchuU ....... ..,.,. w-•·oter police mobUlrod their en- leded by the picket u-11 21( 1111rlletl Ure force during two nlgbb of rioting by bottle and rock throwing youlhl who in the Los Angelet area. "celebrated" the ' Garden · G r o v e Doo McCoy, man.ager ol the LIRIDll strawberry Feotivll Hll1s Alpha Beta noted, "Some d our RkJten: who were removed from the non-Union pertOl'IJlel have been moved festival 11'\)UDdi tn Garden Grove .ahut- into Los Anaefes, but we sUIJ have plentJ fled down Westmimter Avenue tn o1 help IDd we .,_ ~ 11 elfidellt. W~ 00 boll! nlgbta and releued !y as before be strike." -tbetr b6IWidt.I on IOIDe 8$ Wettmlnater Othor local !pod cbalm bave not been pollcomen Cl!led out to coo111o the riot bothered by the slrllce. . overllaw. A spo-lor Ibo Coot.I Mell Food 'lbne juwollel ...... -Slbuday Gilllt .aJd they ban not been lffecUll 11 nl&bt "' dm1'I r1J111ii1 lrom throwin& .n. ''Dellvtrleunlll>t ltlrt runninl 1 Ill-rocb, II pollee to -, the curfew. tie bit late, bat we hive nothlll( mljor to Tbe 1C11cm lfOI 1 llUle bott<r Sunday tht wlndahleld ~ I Wea1mfnlter poflce wllt curybig twe officen. Awaiting arraignment on a charge of anon at Orange County jall b Steven J. Kercher, 18, of 3!I N. Cooper St., Santa Ana who was allegedly observed by Wettmfnster pollce allernptlng to atart 1 grass Ore in I VICIDt lot. * * * RIOTING ... wrrry about." be added. night lllil c:ulmlnlled wilh the mat of In Loa Angela, le ""'-lll'e now ID lf-)'OIM!d Glll'den Grove 1<J111b wbo uaed S.lunlly nlgbt. being p\cteted IDd It II upecled lhlt 11 al1'11fedly tried to nm down 1 G-• BLIMl llld It WU necawy to Ille teer will number 150 by Tuelday. With lbout Grow ollloer with ID ..-ue. gu S.turday but not oo Swiday. 11,000 union mernbera Idled by the llb'tte, -..,· to W..aninlter police, Ofllcen lald' S.tunlay•1 dllturbanct the otores bave been blrlni aludeeta IDd Robert F. llarlli<ld, Jr., 11, ol ·1162 houlewlves to fill the vacanclel. Bellgrave St., Garden Grove, wu obsttv-started about \1 p.m. over a father a~ Hundreds of marketa with union con-ed ltart1ng • grill fire 1n • vliC8lll lot temptlni to coovince hil aon it wu lime tractl remain open and there wW be no near Watmimter Avenue and S•an to 80 home. Their argument became a ~es In 11IOll .eotablllhmtnta. Sa.et In W"""1!nlter Ille Sunday nJchl. flat fight IDd two olllcer1 t1llbed to brut · U... 1t dlect lllDll were IMg over When G~ Grove . Olllcer Leroy up the battle. the -tend, i-...,, aJIDwlng ooly 1 Hopper tried to llop bJm, lllrtlleld About 300 yootha qu!ctb' uoembled, few customen at a Ume to eoter the JlDllped Into tu Clll' IDd lped off, acconffng to Cl1l<f Tlellch. Olficen pfao. -brushing Hopper's clathlng. 'ed the lather and soo In a police unit IDd A spot_.. lot the Food Employa Weotmlnster pollee unit. pve pursuit drove them 1way lrom the 1re1. 'l1lelr COancil. wbk:b repcaents over JOO lar1e and stopped Hartfield'• cat at Hazaid nuna were not revealed. cblln oupenn1rtell lhll locted out union Avenue and Buohard Street within · >.. Ibey left 1111 rloterl llllcled the store cloru Jut 'lbur>day, lllld 1 minutes. handlulolpllbnmthe·....,.. we.poo1 'l:eomslen boycott ol dellvorlel CClllld Hartlldd wu boolted •Into Or-Incl-*&Ila., tlodl, botlla, l'OcU caO.. food ~-· • County jail lale Sunday night oo cbua.. and ~·bodell, -. npcrted. Jooeiib T. De Silva, beod ti the 1bi.tfD1 ol felony USlulle.\ !J!9.lle0 offlcenpd l\ellllorcemeall ..,.. called IOd a . AFlrCIO retail cloru -7'10, llld lhlt ........ -j1nlliilfeCWho.'-poiilod ,.G'llllm . Grove polk!t joined the !ray lnld and beer lrtJCk drl~ ""'1ld be', • hinl d&ttlni ~ ~·-. aloo booked on backed ibortf¥ by lbout IO min !tom the flnt of. the TwmMI lo nspecl . charg0o"ol ..-' -.cner doparlments. store -ten picket lfilel. Aloo booked into <>ranie County jail An unliwful wernhly WB8 declsred at Tbe mite laue <I the dllpate ceoten Stmday nllbt oo lelony .au1ult ~blll'ges. ll:IO p.m. Clllef Tiellcb slld. The mob "' ,._ IDd lrlnc• -· agalllll I poltce officer wu James G. Md relcbed ·1bout 1,000 1t this point IDd Goolt<flng, 18, of 11'11 McClay St., Santa wb111 ord'" to clear the .,.. ...,.. lg- An1·i..11o allegedly t11rtw I rock throull\: ncml, pollce uMd lea< gu. Tilt mob Hanna to Attend \ broke up after ~ -•!ed Into omall Juarez Rites Hunting~n Man u.s. 8-p. Richard T. H1111111 co. Gr.anted Delay Anabelm) was amona: RVeral officials _ preatDt at dedication ceremonies Thurs· J M d T •a} day for completloe ol new street.., water n ur er r1 llDel, and sanitation facilltlta In the Juarez Colony sectkm of Fountaln Valley. A SUperior Court judge today granted a two week delay in the setting of a trial date for accused Huntington Beach murderer Henry Lopez Sianez. pwpo. "I pve the poHce a Jot ol. crmtt/' said Jack Wallin, Gude!! Grove parts auperlnlaldent who wt--.<! tile bottle. "They atood -around and toot I lot of abUJe. The crowd burled everything at t!Mm, rocm, bottlel -you name tt, yet ibere WU QO club IWJneiDc by police." ,.,...,. Pqe 1 RECALL. • • YACHT GOODWILL REPORTED AGROUND OFF BAJA Co.1st ~rew Abo•rd Vessel When Traeedy Struck Wllllam E.' Vollan, 15, of 3502 Madison Ave., wu found dead ln a Mc;ijave Desert wash Saturday, more than 24 hours after he faDect~ to return from a motorcycle jaunt. San Bernardino County S b e r I f f ' s depuUet said young Vollan ran out oI gas about three miles from his parents• campalle at the Beghdad Chase Mine IDd tried to go back on foot. Racing Sclwo"'Jer Runs Aground Off Baja Coast Instead,· he began moving in circles through the rattlesnake-Infested territory seven miles aouthwest of tbe commun ity or Ludlow and finally collapsed unOer the mercllesa sun. He was then four mlles from safety. An autopey was scheduled to determine what killed the youngster, but authoriUes aald it wu likely he succwnbed to ex· pooure during hLs lragic wandering. _ He wu reported mlaslng at noon FrJ. day by his parents and oearchera found IDd recovered hLs body the nut day. ""'"" Pqe 1 TEACHERS ... By AIMON LOCKABEY C>AILY P'll.01' ...... ,..,. The one-Ume famed racing schooner Goodwill, formerly "berthed at Newport Beach, today was reported hard aground and breaking up on Sacramento Reef 40 miles south of San QuenUn Island off the coast of Baja California. The Coast Guard pin.pointed the wreck- ed vessel's location as rive miles off P.1¥1· · to San Antonlo, 200 miles south of San Diego. . The Cout Guard said there was no sign of life aboard the 161-foot two-muted tops'l schooner, but that the two skiffs usually carried on deck were missing, in- dicating that those aboard had abandoned the ship. Positive identification of the seven persons belieVed to be aboard was not available. However, Mrs. Bernard Stirk of San Diego told the CQast Guard that her hus- band. w,a, an wmeer .. aboaqi ' the Goodwill and that th~ other penons believed to be aboard were Walter Ziass day WU .. repeaent.atlve from the eou.,.. of San Clemente; GefaJd Comstock, ty Coumel's office, which bu been ad· Three Arch B,y; Laguna Beach and Ed vising the 9Cbool district since the Henderson, Soi.Ith Laguna. teachers declded to cail for a slowdown The Coast Guard said the Goodwill's last WeduelC!ay. last port or call was Cabo San Lucas at Should .the dQtrict tum down the latest the tip of Baja California. teacher proposal, the assoclaUon has She was last reported at Cedros Island vowed to conthtue-with its slowdown May 25 when the KOU marine operator -· off the We<! Cool!. It 'Wa& acquired after the war by a syn. dlcate headed by K. T. Kendall ol Newport Buch. Larrabee acquired the vessel ·tn 1~ for a reported $35,000 at auction. He spent a rortune refurbi!hlng her as a rac· ing yacht. The yacht was moored for many years at the old County Dock near the Arches, but was vacated when the county leased the area to commerclal developers. There was .no facility large enough to handle the Goodwill after she vacated County Dock and the Harbor Dej>arlment would not' allow her to anchor becaUle of her draft. After leaving Newport the Goodwill was placed in ~r aervice by Lar- rabee. She occasionally visited Ne911port. ~ach where she was allowed 10-day anchoring priYlleges in th& Lido tnming basin. Best,, i.nfD{IIl8tion av_a.ilable ~ was th•V tllt <lOodwill hrlil{ ~ tfrvm Acapulco. Larrabee wllS reported Uip- j<ring the vesoel. . Public Hearings Before Council Tuesday and Wednesday. at San Pedro monitored a cal: that the Memben: 1of the assoclatloo, whtch In· vessel expected to arrive in Ensenada Eight public hearings on Items ranging eludes approlimately 430 of the district's April 27 between Z and 4 p.m. from apartment :i:oning requests to Rtreet 497 teachers, will then uk ror two days The Coast Guard said the Goodwill was allgmnentl will be before the Huntington 0 penooal leave," which would effectively apparently re~ from a charter trip Beach City Council at ·7:~ o'clock tonight shu down to Acapulco. in council chambers. I the lour dlstrlct high. !Cboob The Goodwill ta O\lll<d by Ralph Lar· Last "" the list ~ pubflc hearlll(! b a -Marina, Huntington Beach, FOlmt.ain rabee of Newport Beach. p...........,"" ameJdment to the c I t y ' 1 Valley and Westminster. '">""""' 'Ibe teachers .-oo1 ... 11y intended to call The Goodwill made yacht racing ordinances on planned devek>pments ""'6"_, history ln 1953 and 1959 when she was which would make approval of such for another minimum day today but first to ~·In the Rooolu1u race. In the tract.! subject to site plan approVal and =I:: =·action to bear from the 1?59 race she IQ!\ her topmast and the . establish m~e tlgid. staJx1ardaJQLtbe..ac· swinging spar threatentd the livea of the ceptance ol planned developments. Mlyor Robert Schwenttleger, council members and representaUves from the Bureau ol Housing and Urban Develop- ment (HUD) were oo hand to ~ the fruits ol !Oftral year.' labor 00 tile part ol J uam Colony mldenb to bring their area up-to.date. Judge Samuel Drelzen accepted mo- ll~ &y prosecution and de£ense eoumel and ord~red Sianez, 25, of 3U Clay St.1 to mum to courf June IS. Classes ..e being held according to. entire crew befort Jt waS finally secured. Two requests for apartment zoning (R· Freceeu _ 3,l!H recu.lar schedule at all hlgh schools lo-Goodwill was still first to finish, despite 3) have been submitted for land located CouiTeges _ 3,142 day. But whether or not they will be held the accident. A message fi'om the vessel south of Warner Avenue and 680 feet west Coat of the fl78,000 project Wll split three way, between HtlD, the city of Fountain Valley, and Juare:i: Colony land oWnen. ,.. Last week marked . the first time Colony residents had teen paved street! in the dty's oldest tract, as well as sewer U-IDd bright yellow fin hydrlDta. D AIL~ PllOT lobiert N. Woe4 ,.,.i..N 811111 l'Ultlli.tltr • _ JM:li i:-O.rlrt ' · Vkit ......... IM"'THiler.S Milll•7 . 1liom11 K1....n .. ., l"-'•• A. M"'°'hh11 MIMtl\'111 Editor ~TMrt W. lit.. Willl•i. l1N Atlelciett Hvn!lllDl!I hi? Editor City tdltw ............... om.. JOt Ith $tf11et ' J.:f•illt1g AGM ... P.O .... no, ,2641 -----H...-1 ~: 1211 W.t , • .._ lklu~ '°"" .!MN: -w... ..... '"'' UIUN t.dl1 m ~II it.l'tllllt He set the same new trial date for Edwlll'd Roy Hargrove, 18, of 17391 Marken Lane, Huntington B e a ch • Hargrave faces charges of grand theft auto, scaled down fro m the original murder count riled agab:wt hlm as Sianez'1 companiOI) Jut Jan. U ln the killing of Mrs. Hester Markee. Mn. Markee, 55, of llill! Olive St., Hun· lfngton Beach, Wll allegedly atablJed by Siana after she stepped rrom her auto to confront the two youn1 m en . Tnvestlgaton claim that her car wu struck by a stolen vehicle drlvm bf • Sianei and that she after#ardl panutd the two men through dlmly lit llr<eb near her home. Pl>lioe alleg~ "Iha! Sianez fnfllcted mulU)!le stab wllolnd.! oo the gray-haired widow . and left her bltedfeg bocf1 In the gutter. lllrgrave hu lt!tllled bi low<r court heartngi lhlt he wanted no-ol the attacli: on Mrs. Mirkee and that he lat In the car and watched helplessly while Sianez l<niled hLs victim. Book. Sale Slated By Ocean ·View More lhlD IOO llctlon and .llOl>ftctlon books wiU he oold to the pubUc thla Thunday and Friday by the Oceu View School Dbtk:l . Tbe Ille wtU he held from I p.m. to 7 p.m. .Tburaday and from t p.m. to 4:!0 p.m., Friday II t ht lliJtrlct Llbruy, Belch BOul<vlnl IDd Warner Avenue, HU!ltingtoo Beach. . Coll ol escb vollllllt wW he 2$ cents. Trustees Slate Meet 1'lus1eel ~ the Octln View = Dlltrlct will hold thelt flrll J11111 mee II 7:~ p.m. l<lnisl>t In the dlltrl<t rQOm. '1972 Warner Ave., Huntlqton 8-ch. l -•~ 'Ibole fllll.ra are uovilidated. and al8o at. at! Tuesday and Wednesday depends at that time said: "We are continuing to of Edwards Street and for property on may be alta'ed by postcards malled to entirely on ttledeclsion-reaclled b)'the Honolu1u as i ketch rather than a sloop." the south side of Adams Avenue, 960 feet FOUlltain Valley midents asking them to board of lrustees today. The Goodwill was designed by Henry J. west of Brookhurst Street. remove their names from the recall peti.· Dr. Mu Forney, school district Gielow of New York and built by Beth-street alignment of Elm and Ash superintendent, however, said as far as lehem Steel Co Wilmington Del in 1922 Streets will be considered along w Ith ti~ post cards, malled ~Ith a foyt1>Bie he is coocerned Tuesday and Wednesday During World ''war II it ~as ·used i~ Cypresa ·anc1 Sycamore Streeta during a letter by the fOUlltain Valley CitJiens for r"-W_he_regular-'--td>oo-~_I d_a_ys_. __ · ____ N_avy..:. ____ ico.:...:.11:..:.•..:coa=sb..:l:.;pat=ro..:l:.;v:.:essef=:.;_..:pu_:b:;U:::.c.::he:;artn::,:::g~.------- Good Government. was to be filled out with narne IOd lddrell by any Individual who des1r«I to have h1a name removed from the ..call peUUoo. City Clerk Mary Cole llld abe bad received poAcardt containing 11 slgnaturt1. Any postcards COOiing in after the peUUm WU flied, she added, would be invalid. _ Viii Duk doat>ted the legallty ol tile cllda oaylnc be,."boped they wouldn't become ID lale." - "I woWd lin to liiciw who pold lor'lhlt expeno1 .. mall out -~" be ldded. '!be malled letler w• sl,.ed by elll>teen Founllln Valley civic 1-. lncludfnl furmtr MaJ« Jooepb Calltnl. "Actullly oor -to the recall peUti<n -after thry· -1 -•thfnp out," lald v .. p.a. ValldaUon tt the poilclnfl wtn allo be In the hands of the couz\ty 'oflloe, aid Mrw. Cole. A IO day waltinfl perioel will ,.., be re- quired now while llpltmw .,. cblcted by the county olflce. • Von D111r: ..U --!bit hla '""'11 hid llllflcleot'ltpllurM ... _ ol 11>1 time -we ool1 covlied .-11 or to [llr<8ll ol 1111 dtJ ," be tqilo!nld. Lion Claws. Trainer To Death at Circm CECINA. Italy CUPn -A drtul Uon ~ on hla lrdm today l'l!l ct.wed blm to deltb -Giber clr<ul empioyel stood b)' helplealJ trJin& to lel I lbot II the onhnll with their~ rlllts. The tralner, Svend Alp ICrl-, U. ~ Danllh clthen wilo Hved 1l·Elle, 11111', wlth his wile 'Uld twt cllildrtn, dw;t oa hLs Way 19 I hoopltal a way There must he to live longer and··enjoy it more ' l.ioned our rather impretei'Ve (well, we think it io) oboe de- partment. We carry men~• Top1iden, at $11 to S25 • pair. Taylor Made at.reel and bu1 ine11 otyleo, from 120 to 536.50. ODr famooa Bally Shoes, im- ported from Switaerland, ..,., $37 aad $42. And then - have the populor~ Clarke J>eo. Did 7oa ...,_ to aotlco that tm1r1 t1mo you take the S.S. J.arllne to Hawaii it -IDI to be a cllfforeat ohlp f We flnall7 flpred oat wh7. II . u a cllffenmt obip. E•ery time the old ·Larllne ween oat or whatever h•ppene to it. they · bs:iq a -~ ebip la to eenlee oad 1bapl7 ehllJl8" tho aame of the ...,.. liltip to Larllne. Prettr~· Aol<le from 1Lnfac. dellpt- fol~ wld.._.,..... ..... wldolaeow Lar1lae ,_ happen to -...Io.,,......_ I0-1111 itodel wblle oe i.o.r.I. For la- ,.._ clld 108 bow that full hloeded. -tf.e R.w•llena, ao. eordlns to 1tatlatleo, 11..., exact- 17 20 1""" lo-. that other pe<iple do? 'We tried to find oat why and .were told they u t a qeda1 diet of pa.lne bee'• Loner . ' oail elder ~ ._,. ni[!ht before uying their praymo. .Ia ...., you think It mlpt lie better to NY your prayen b./ore dtlnfl that eon00<t10..; I don't th.ink you'd' get an ar- gument out of 11.1. We woaldn't quali fy ,u •a· thOriliel on how to live•Jong· er, bat"" do bow • tblq or t-abciilt how to eiojey it ..,_ABld...,lllfU'lrobe,u "*Ybocl:r Imo..., will put ....,. olilne halo ""1 ........ life.· Not th.It ,..,_ otart a wud- robe With lhoeo, bat It bu beo;a """1le oin<e we - ert Boota o1 Sl6, oad T'MI''"' ne~r Wol'D anyth·tng mote comfortable Ihm Ibey ....,, All aorta of other attlft for land or .... Knitted •IW'to, windbreaker nylon j 8eke0t t, walk oltom, oibkia., •WI- -wear, and to on. Bot how do· you 1upp0te thooe dogone full blooded,... live Hawai_fw m•nqe to the 20 yeen lo"fltr than ""71>oclr ...... ' They du't otart eo\111tlq their b I rt b d a :r 1_11Dtll ahey n>i<li the 11f10 of twent7. ' Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Udo, Lido Pealnoula, Newport Beech, right next to Richard'• Market and the Udo Theoter. Mncho parkins diNl<tl y behind my otore. Plio .. 673-4510. Copyri[!ht 1969, J1ck Bidwell, _ 1 j ' • YOt: - I 1 V.ic Su . M!S Center ned fc June p progra trip to In a dancir guitar been • Sum Satun! day f1 ...._ Mondi: Monte eA SAN reside area·n ty pll waive l.o aru would 'll)t -.. the'" it is OJ ls at ti by Ca Real. ... SAN appro• wlt.h p piling! pier. The malre \Vork $10,IXK encasi strong e-11 Mrs. Marip ·-Jewisl Mrs the he previc until J Bai At Onu hopifll Invest a Soul Tli< ing s descri premi Clerk office. point 0 1 1 tril pul P" fr'O ... <• <• ... DO ... •• •• ... .. ... .. • -- .. ' - voe. 62,. NO. 131, 3 SECTIONS, J.2· PAaES._ .. ame , DolVta the· - Mission . ,. --. . Tt~ail J(.ie jo 'Swinging ~apo .ScJiooJ Board Faces 2 Demands Ch art es E. Kinney, district superintendent, hr h o p el u 1 that a Summer' Planned Capistrano Unified School district teacher ·dispute. over salariea will be settled ?tUSSION VIEJO -The Recreation Center has a "Swinging Summer" plan- ned. for the residents of Mission Viejo. June program hi ghlights include a fitness program. a giant water fight, a balloon trip to the moon , and an adult pool party. Jn addition , new classes in swimming, dancing, tumbling, diving, first aid, guitar, tennis: and boutique decor have beta added. peacefully., . M3tters will culminate tonight al the a o'clock board meeting when trustees con- sider teacher demands for an open end !alary contract and a joint fact.fintllng committee to study the district's budget. Teachers have threatened to take sick leave en masse Tuesday unless the board approves the two proposals. Summer hours are TiJesday through Saturd-.y from 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.; Sun- day from 1 p.m. to a p.m. and ck>sed '-Monday. The center is located at 25800 Montanoso Drive, Mission Viejo. Teachers, through their representaUve Capistrano Unified EducaUon Aasocla- tion, firmly rejected the trustees· salary iqcreases made at la.st Monday's stormy boarqseuioo.· Teachers and tnmees have worted closely in the past, Kinney said. He not«! that despite grave p u b t i c pro. e Annex Fees Waived SAN CLEMENTE -To help entice ·residents of the . Capistrano Palisades area'into the city ol San Clemente, the ci- ty planning commis!lion has voted to waive •• ~ .. tt~ fees """""ilf •olladled •• ...-.~ _;,,,~--~-.-. ,., •. "''"·t LU 8nnexlnC pl'OiJCfueS -·;t ~•7 .,,. would amount to about $120,000. ::: ~u:.!' ~:&'11~ tile d~tritldir oon1ng !fti.'11 ... Vir, · it is oppbeed. by Other residents. The area is at the nortH city liihlls and Is bounded by Camino de .Estrella and El Camino Real. e Pier Repair OK'd SAN CLEMENTE -Councihnen have approved an ldditional $7,750 to get on with prOtedion and rej>llr al 41 damag<d pilings supporting the 1,200-fool municipal pier, The pier is a victim of sand borers that make a term.U.e-1.i.ke underwater attack. \'T'ork stepped last month when the initial $10,000 allocation ran out. Workmen are encasing the wooden pilings in cement to strengthen and protect ·them. -..-u-91lff!-Vee,,-Named nouncements, both g r o up s are cooperative.. . He said be is not p)anning on a walkout,, "'I:he differences here are not U~at grea;t~" ~y' ~id. He ,said that in his opinion, Ure ~ be agreeable to ~,,y~~t·~,~.;.~; do ·~ -~~.,..y tea<:her• mignt ""'--' -~~ ... '. ~~,:~~ bU :~ llsl :· subsUtlile tichen ari:f• rtiany vo~r parenta-wbo4lllld help out. He noted th;>~ wlW \he leadlen are asking for .-•'contract wlµch provides for ~ Increases sboWd . the district receive additiorlal unexpected · funds - had been )190< la lJie put. The salary \,roPooOl enacted by the ~. but rejected by the tei~t'I was· a $2!0 a~ lncttase and pro- vided for medical insuranct pqments !qr the employes. The teachers' last demand was for a S200 hike at the bottom of the salary schedule and a $«)0 .~at the top and full medicaf insurance paid for the emp&oye's f3J0ily . Trustees ha.Ve maintained that because the..districl~s override tai failed in April, the money is not available. t.1rs. Sam Hollman, of 2030 Via • , ~eachers charge that • the . trilstees Mariposa East, Laguna Hills, has been urulaterally cu~ off all negotiations and elected vice president o{ the Lo!! Af1geles that the legal channels are apen for the Jewish Home for ·the Aged. board mem.1>:era to protide the salary and Mn. Hollman, who ties worked ·with frlng~ benef_!lS. ~ ":-< the home. lor more than 30 ye*"-i: was --.. . ~ ,.. previously vice president for nine years .. A" Ch until 1967. . nna _ambers Bandit Gets $75 At Laguna Fotomat Orange County Sheriff's "Officers are hoping for developments today in their investigation of a Sunday night holdup' at a South Laguna (olomat. . Tlie drive-in bandit, described as Yfear- ing sungtasSes and dressed in "non- descript clothing," • took f1S from premises at 30818 Pacific Coast Highway. Clerk Judy Jesser, 23, of Costa Meaa, told officers that the bandit forced)ler at gun· point to put the day's n:c«;ipts In a bag. Cea•t Weather Those low t'louds may leak a trille on Tuesday, but the sun will put in its usual perrunctory 11p- pearance. LoOk rtir temps l'llllglng from IS to n. INSmE TODAY Seven month.! after lo1ing the racl for 1he fl'"eridencv, Hubert llumphrt11 is makin_g more montll than ht ho! tn all hii lift. Page S. " • .... " H " • .. , .... " .. .. FMeral Held Services for Anna Rankin Chambers, prominent Laguna Beach social and philanthropic leader, were held today al Sheffer's Mortuary Chapel. Mrs..Gb~ben, a reiident of Laguna for the· pa!t It years, died Friday at Sooth Coasl Comm"l)ity Ha<pilal. She was 92. Active in the Woman's Club and Boy's Club of .Laguna Beach, abe lived at" 484 Cliff Drive. The family suggest that uW who wiih 'may · make a memorial contribution in her name. ·. ' Born~ in Teooessee, Mrs. Chambers resided in Hollywood and Piedmont California and was graduated ffum l~ University~ Caillorriia e.t the age.of r>l. She ls survived by a · son, Jerry · ChJfnbers of Illinois, 111d • t w o grandchildren. ' ( Intermept 'VlaS. at Pacific View Memorial Park, Corona del Mar. • ' . Pll,,O.T GOES VP TO $2 TODA:Y t 1'he Mw~wbecJipUon rate of ll per month for home -delivery al the DAILY PILOT goes inlo elfect todfT. Continually rising costs or all elements essenUa! to the ptOductkm or the newspaper since the DAILY PILOT last adjUst.ed Its subscripUoa rate h1 llM have made the ~t increut neeeuary . Your DAILY PILOT .. curler will, of co~ne. ~ 1-_aoed ean)ln(I because' ol the new price -llJCI the DAIL y' PILOT will c:onllnue U> Improve r<por)lrig Ind productloo tecbnlqU<S tO deU-an even better po.duct to y<il>fn 1111 fUtun. t ' -· " ORANGE COUNTY,~AlJlfORNIA ' . ::· . -·-~-~,...--1. TEN~' . ......._ .. ., ··" _:2 .L,.gunans ' ' ' _. -" -,-•. · . t oon-er ' -... :roun. ' w . . ~·. . · ... ..-4" .... i.. 1;· --. · -_ ... _:_-:_: · ~ · -Good:\riH ... • • Spot~ed.·. Off Baja . . -·- 87 AU!OlfLOCUllBY· DAILY PILOT .............. . - The,...t-lime fame!f racJoc , -GoodWfll, form<rly berthed at· NewP>t1 Belidi, ldday was reported bard ...,_ and. br .. kiqi up' '"' .Sacrainenl<> 1loef e miles south of San ~nUn Island off tho c9aJt ol Baja cauronpa. The Coast Qilard Jtin-poioted the wrea. ~vessel's location-.,; five miles.off Pua- ' to San Antonio, 200 rdlles south of Sap · Dle110. , . The Co861 Gilard tNlld there. wu no lip of life aboard tile Ill.foot IW<)onwled U>ps'l schooner, but that the two UU& -flSU41JY carried on declt were miaolDI. 11>- d\c;iting lhlt ~ aboard had abandmMd the ship. PosiUve identification of the seven penoos believed to be aboefd WU not available. However, Mn. Bernard Stitt ti.~ Diego loid' 11\e-c.K-Guant tllat !tor -band wa.s an enaioeer aboard tM O!IDdwill and 'tliat 'ibnie--)tot! I · belined to.be a)>olnf were Walll!r>Zlm at\ Sin Clemthte;· Gerald' 'C••;t_tdr,. Tiir'e< Arch. Bay,·JAiuna.-.... Ed lli!Ddrio, ~·"""1-. - . 11ie Coast oii.ir4.'11111 t1te· ~·· last J>Ott If eatr .... Cabci Sin LOCu ill li'tlllp-.11 BajO"Caltlpnd_l ' -l!l!t.-.Jait~l lt"•c.lirm'Wand ' . _.._,.1i,-wboii diiiKDO it:arfoi .,._. at'.fo!!,~1--a ~-that tho .pl -to 'ttrrlyO ]D. icn-.i. Scotcmhan's f.ov e ' ' ' Traffic Victim 'Satisf aciory' E~pec~fl on Py11!3 C~·tle', '' • A 15-year-old girl struck by a car while amsiilfl; Pacific Coast Highway · at Scotchman'• · Cove late Saturday night was in Dtlsfactory condition todiy at South Coast Community F{ o s p i t a I recovering fram a broken leg. Linda Diane Hernandez, 15, of Pico Rivera, was with -a group of teenagers crosSlngtoWSfd ·tbe-badr~it by • the car at 11:15 p.m. DriVer of the-Car, Barbara Brow!!, 33, of 31726'Fourfh Ave.; SoUt!i Laguria, told investigators she c;ime over the ~" oC a hill and was sw.erviog from-the· slow Jilne to fast lane because of parked cars ·when she saw the youngSters. Callf<rnia Highway Patrol 'officers said she skidded 78 feet. They recommended no citation be issued. Scotchman's Cove is a favorite beach party spot for yOuths who have nowhere to park cars etcept along the highway. Probable controvV,S.Y. over · proposed use of Laguna's .muatve Pyne Cutle as a Christiag IChoo1 and rellgious cent.er will Hkely be delayed 1t tonight's, plan- . · "ning commlMlon' meetJnl on 1 technic&U:. t)'" I Galvary Church ot Laguna. Beach bas ""1Ch8Jod u..·-:t-""·ttlfltc· tun at 779 ~~lv.e.. · · · . • The lf'Ol'P l s seet1tt4 • <9ndl°'1"31 .us< permit to ·use 1\1\e rac»tty far a -private daY 15Cl1ool {or Vades ane~ thrrugh, eli:ht, a Pre-school and .a ctid.rch. . ' 1 ·The cistle, st.a'ftld in 1929; f'aS for sevetal months rumoted to 'be a ·can.- dldate !or purcJ\ase 'by President Nb:on. Instead he pµr$1Mld a San· Clemente est.ate and bi'e c'hurCh orfef ror·Pyne cas-· lJe W8S accepted . ' ' I City Pia Mer ~1 •Autry said he will recommend corilinuaUon of t.orught 's Irvine Heiress ·Cluirg_es Supervisors on .Pnl_iti,Cs_ · · Joan-Irvine Smllh today labeled three Foun4allooodomlnal<d dlrecton onci al· riiembln ot the Orange County Board of Deers of the COIDpJnf WU'e' tDqal'\and Sµpervison, "Irvine Found.a t,i on beyond the power1 conferred oo·the·cOr· supervisors" and charged that they a~ porat.ion." The Jama trvine Foundation "under the political it\flue~ of~ the elecla five ol the seyen company. direc-. Jilmes Irvine Foundation.'' tors and owns M percent of the company public bWtna on the ~Up~· to ,r&'.noUce properl)I . o_w!i~1. Fl!sl itOtfoeo, "Id Autry_. did not explain Ule 1day school U!e. ~. ' ' l : Aui!y lllld the pllnnlqg ·afafl Ibo wlll n.61 lddlUonal' infonnatioll oo proposed parking,_. len~ .. SCTeenlnj!-!J! yalOs and olher~-'l,'lle castie;fs ..-... ftll'dil!>g ·rnaJit-faml!y ·-111ti in an R-1 (lesidentlal)"zone. NEW YORK (AP)_: The sloclrinarket closed Wi~ ·a modl!rate-JOU (.Odfy :as ··its declirle pushed-tnto·the third eoniecUUve • w;eek. (See quotatlons.,PagM 18-19). Jn an affiv&vlt filed 'today· in · her stock. federal court. action seeldng dissolution of ~1rs. Smith ·tharges tbe sole intent and . the 64·,ooo-ecr:e Irvine Ran.cl\ agtlcultur•l purpose or ~ ~dtlcultural pre~e ! pJeserv'e sh.e charges tbat"le~ thap half agreement I~ to. aV~ki paym'ent of tax's ~ the acreaie ls now, or ever Was, used for amountfug tO fl.5 million per year .aQd · raimlnc ~•-'' · · · • ' . lhot ·U..~. wu i bie,to Obtain in -•Sbe·sald -apprini•I •al th~~ 161 • ··m~'i"1Volho1metlir~-· supervlldrs A1tDn AUen; WllUomillit'lldi> · =~',..,.' ·. ', _-_ · ~ •1'1! Wllliain,P)>ll\IJll ~was aJd~l"<P!· lite --)IM!jr ~~-In lbelr -..nupi, cotitraey U> ~-loln!I· e\e<:llv,,cialcM·" .the ·• 1uw· m. · the public inlere!t o1· cilb<ils lniJ Ill-n.-. of !he fom>da '" ' ~en of Orone• COGnly and agalnlt The affidavit fllod !O<flf ls In JUJ!iime' public: policy, and ii tberefOft void." • to _.. -ill'4 -by. the lilun- Mrt. Smith declam that ljle· amacc dlllon, 0....., pi>lmcy, al)d !lie. 1eybje not devoted 1:'l qricullurt is, or ~ CcmP'l\Y -..h!P! . ..et i,. _ dllmJ/I her be, ezd11Slve'I' devoled lo the deftlopo federal adlon oi>ootlnl lllO a~I men! of resldenUal, commtrda1 and In-preoerve 111'-i;;;i, : , . · dustrial use or sold to lb1rd pll'Ua wllo The three 1lleaeid' ''.J.-. u-n d '° t l.o n would develop the lands In the event the supervlaoro" ar• cba!f'eC{;wlth. c#iolblg Irylne Company iloeJ nol develop_ them. the 1grjcultural ..-.rv.; over .!l)e-, op- cent al tlie compail)',a Kil> 1bam of ~-llallln-!or ''1111 ° -al ~-it~i2'andfp.111-- '11te'eo..t Gcil'nhald tfle GbciClwfll·w• apparegtJY ·retmuJnc 'lrom 1 emrter tt1P. to Al:aptilco. · ' · - -TIJe. Good~ Is owned b7 Rplph -J;ai<. rabee 1' Newport li'elch. . The GoodWfll · milde yodJt • raetmc· ltlllory in JIG! and 18 -..... --first lo finish in the H,.iulu J'li:e, Iii tho· 1959 race site IOI! her topmast and Ibo owinging opar threatenod the liY<I ol the entire crew befa(e .it·wu finally~ Goodwill was still flnll lo finllilt, delplle the acdctent. A mHMge from ·the vessel at 111!<1-time-said:•"Wa,m·~ ta Honolutu as alkeicta rather than a llMp.~ The Goodwtll was designed by Henry J, Gie!itw Ii New York ai>d buill 'by_Jlelb. lehem Steel Co., Wllmfnllon; Del. in_Jllll,- Durlng· WQl'ld 'War ·n : ii WU wd d11 Navy service as a coastal patrol vessel , off t1Je1 West, cout. Jt W-';S ~Yk'Qd...itw UM war by·a ~ dicale , headed by_ K, T .. 'Kendall Of Newport Beach. , ' ~ acq~ the ..... ~ fti,lllSt for a reported , $35.000 at audkiL He CSee GOODWILL, Pap 1)1 . The .Irvine heire!I,. who owns II per· poolllan ol aupervilci'i. ~?eBIU. and atock, <Jaime tile establl>lftn<nt '<If !be• · enallUJlg ·the ""'pai:f40 "" I •&Ill •-'*''lllrat-_.e .,;-..i, ',btli™a_• ·-Ito•• on. !hO Niil ellaie · -i..-"" "'&'"'"' rtbe.<ib\ ;:nt "l' ~ M""':'r'J i • 11• f 1·· fT..,. • ; '• l' ,,, •'! ....... _llrlillll ..... the_,.., ..... , .. ,. the<iill-<:tilll"l-~ltiollllon t -YA"'·'"-,_----..~· ~--POR 1'0 ..... -~.fto~-"k····· fraud oo bor1"1ne~, '• :~ •M ~~.die IO;l"'!"t covlttd ~""""""'"' :"I ""' "'"""""" PP -She aloo ctwwes "tfte ...,« l!iO"" , Or a """"I');'~ 11>1l!Oai ' ~ , 1 , • .• • · : ~ C,. , \?I .V~I '."""" T"°""1 Stf'!'C • • ) ' .. I l, ' ' I • .. . . ' I ~y PILOT L .. . .. • • • Pattel · • .N-ixori · Visits " ' ' . -1 .·nriIµIJg .P · nti~~e:;-. . Jf$~~ing Oil. w.~zz. ~u,P. S~PJ!~e;:n~,~~ Dec'ia~'ei · W.\!llllNGTON (AP) c-,. sped.al ... ,..,. ol drtlllof~' --.. 1lut •Jiii'! ;;J: -precild;af.,,. ...,,. -ol Jiii oil Income II put or Oemente . ' ~ . . On-Menda-y-,...,illot-pull tWDDJiD¥ ·today ""10Ve lhe all, Dr. Hamlltaa-011111011, -t<dlmmendllloo ....id allow .:Utdoo,, In • .lbe -c oyltem, ' P-. esjiljliiOil. -llele-Oll Co. lit -to drill paoel memblr--and ol· ll>e effect, to complete ll>e prodUCl!oo .,n.,.; IA ' liala Boirbora. 11.,... G<rald s. upl01tw.n.and CQIDpieteoC produdlon Tulane Un!venlty Geology ' t, lflli1 It Ud piulned., ~ · ,,_ llld:Y"I Wrik 11'.• a mll!U:e. r,.•l'zt«onn •..a.ta~. tokl a newa;oonf~.. · . DuBrldge told the news conhMa the ~ mt.;,,,/~ been througb I think President Nixon wm be stOf>Jilng over A runaway well cauaed mmlve pollu-The flnat declskln on· the recom-JJ111el had conald~ a variety of CJtber the groper aoluUan would hi\'e beto to tlon ol lhe Santa JSatbafa Clwmel lour mendations Is ' up to ~etary ol tile PfOl!!l!lals and bad cooclud«I that pwn. e(lmlnate drl!Uq allofelher." • at hi.a West Coast White HOU!e ln San- Clemente next Monday alter be meets with Solllb Vietnamese Prt!llldent Nguyen Van Thieu June I on Midway Island. m-qo, and ~I a ball to drilllog lotulor Walter J, Hlckel. Pini ocll lbe oll,... lbe bat-·· ,,,_ llltl ap<rU haYe convinced openllonl lw a time. Dr. WUUam T. P-•· d~ector ol the ''111e situation "bid! ~ lub Jilm·lhat contlmted pruluctloo onlf In- ..,..,.,, lbe main leak was slopped u:'S. Geological Survey, said a deciJton pooslble,"hO'lald, "ls lbeladtborellotL .,.._ lhe risk ol _.. leUl(e. .ti.tr' 11· days, oil has continued to seep probably would be f0r1hcoming within a down there. The only way to ~-)Tftthdrawing all the oil :J:t only a from flMura around the wen. few days. future teats b to get the oil out."" remote hope of relld, be -1)'ou Aft.er Nixon's talk with Thieu, the Pre&dent plw to rettll'D to HoOolulu Sunday-evening and ,,,.nci the night there. Ht will then Dy to El Toro Marine Cotj>t Air station and spend Monday nl&bt at tht fonner Cotton Estate. Wnhdrawing the oil from strudures nie panel, created by Pmidenl' Nb:on The precautions wblch were recom-might be. out there a thousand years Wider Iba plallorm "II a llOC""tl' par) laat April 7 to oonlider only tile Unloo Oil mended ~ add to Union'• _. lll'illi to take Hall out." ol iny plan to lllop'the cll ,..p;" saicl the Co. ·lease, recommended a series •f and thus cut Into ill ,prU!li, bat He laid he eapect«I the City Coui><;ll. panel lieaded by .Dr. Loe A-DuBridge. pn!CllltlOM to be followed In coalrnlllng otherwise the --1pporent'1 could whldi -ru.day, to rtuew Ill op- lbe po-l's ldel:e advber. preoeot oil seepqe and prevenlil!c fut™ "pect normal 'proflls under tba Ill<>' l>Olitiall to Conllnued drtllinl In lbe cban- . U-Ilia~ p1ao. ~ wilJ take IO mllllaps. vllloos ol Ill -neI. Lifeguard Injured in' Truck Cra8h A oollllion lnvolmc the Ll(lm• Beach lifeguard emageDCJ truck F rl day ....Wied In lbe lnjary ol cme -guard and an uodeU:nn.ined amount <i damage to the vehicle.· <l1arles Ware, 18, ol.:13'/ Bluebird Can· yon Road, wu dlrown from the back of tbe truck in the aoddf%1L He was releas· eel -rou...tng tttatment at South Coot Community HOlpllal Ware wu r<potted back .. lbe job SatuniJy. Accordln& .. the Calllornla Higl!way Patzol, Ille truck looded wllll f<>w' IUl"ll In the ~-back, ... atruck In the ri1b1 lido at Diamond and Glenneyre. 'lb<> truck "" nor1b bound on Glenneyre. ot!icon ldntlfled the drl"" ol the car Involved ae Mena Adoms, II, ol San -· omc.... ..._ lllat Mlsa Admd' vdllcle ran the ...,,-•IF at the Inter-. . . lloweftr, abe 11811 not yet been clted and the cue 11 llUI under ln""tl&•- p,..... P .. e 1 GOODWILL ... ~a 1or1une rt!urblsblnr her u a ....,. ~ wu moored !or llWlY yun at ll>e old c.unty Doc:t near the Arches, but wu vacated when tbe cimty leued lbe aioa to """1DOl'da1 developero. 1llere WU no fadUty larp enouP lo hlildl• the Goodwill a!lor. Iha Y acaled Doc:t and the Barbor Depai'tment :;::r not allow her to andior becauae ol her drall. . . Alter Ioavlnl Newport the Goodwill .... placed In charter ...... tee by [Ar. rObee. She occ11ionally '11tled N..,,...i Beach Where lhe WU allowed lo.day anchoring privUeges In the !Jdo lurnlng baaln. Best bdormation available l.oday was that the GoodWill was returning from Acapulco Larrabee WU reported skip- pertnc lbe .....i. $350 Oiurchill Paint.mg~ Stolen A palnllnti ol Wtmlon Clwrdlll1 vllued by the ortllt at l350 WU atoleo flU1l the lobby ol the Hotel Laguna, police said to- day. Artist Frank M. Tauriello, 208 Canyon Aau Drtve, ,...,...W tile 11left. Tn a lhe!t, dllcovered Satuntay, 50,000 blue chip 1Lamp1 were taken from the of. fi.<.'I oi a Shell eenice station, 1342 N. Coot Hlghway. Police said the !tam_P,! worth $15 and a us wrist watch Were..ttken by a burglar wbb forced open a ;troom door and then knocked out a w IM!J(:tion to gam entry Into the olllce. DAILY PILOT ORANOI ·cOAl1' ,UILllHlHO c:OMl'ANY R.a..rt N. WtM """"-" ... "-"llllMr Jack l. C11ley Vlcie ,,...... -~-Mlfll• T110111•• x: ..... 11 .... Tli•Nt A. M1rphlnt ~r:dllOr klthtr4 '· Nell ..__ ..... C:trr ldltw ---2~2 Forttt A••· M1IR11t Ad4,..u1 P.O. 101 666, t2662 --c.t;c Maw t .... , • .., """' .,..,..., -..ctl: tl'll W.t .............. ,. ......... __.....; .. Jtll ..... No Demancjs Met - TOP U.S. MAN IN PERU Hut1ll1191Gn'' Slracvll Before President Nixon meeta with 'I1Ueu oo Midway Island, be plans to tour and speak at two coUege campUI. Strike Still 'On'· at Irvin_e Hun#ngton: Man Steps Into To.p Julie and David E&enhower will be joining tile Prmclent on Ibo toor ol the Air Fo""' Academy, at ~ado Springs, Colo. and General. Beadle College in • Madison, SD. They wW stay In Hawaii wben Ni.loo travels to Mtdwq to meet Thieu. At General Beadle College, the Presi- dent wlll help dedicate tbe1Carl E. Mundt Memorial IJbrary and wJll give a speech on "basic values or America: currently under challebge", accoi:ding \o Presiden· tial press secretary Rooald L. Ziegler. By THOMAS FORTUNE · Ot ... °"Ir , .... ,..., 'lbe atrike WU still on at UC Irvine to- day. A bandbW pasled out by 'plcl<eten !'tad: "Nme of Clur demands have been mel We are still on strike." Moat UCI atudents puaed>the-ltriken by. But a aizeable number allo were ataylnl: away from clules. Still no ooe knowa for sure bow many lludenu are on lirike. Attendanoe 11 no1 ni>rmaJly kept for unlvenity ci..a... . Eatlmatea vuy all lbe w1y tmn 50 per. cent ol tbe l,!Oktudent body to bardl¥ lllJ' atudenls. A meeting ol lnterelled ·s1ud«iu was called fO< tonight .. decide wfielber .. continue the atrlte. Strike llttn.ture banded out today repeated the unluUllled dema1xl" -Tbe National Guard atill occupies -BerkelOy. - -Gov. &l(an hasn~ called off the atate of emergeDcy. -1be regenta baven't atven the park back .. the people. 1bOH, are the ........ !or ~ the strike In 10lldarlty with UC Berkeley atudenta. There a1ao ve comiciUauons ·that weigh on the aid< ol calling the strike of!. -There -~ ...,. lo be much reuorr t.o believe that striking at UCI 1a going to hove any effect In Berkeley. -Tbls II the w.,t before llnall; the traditiooal "de.Iii week". when students tum moat_ all lbelr ·-.. lllUdy prepartor !or llnals. · · UCI lirikm--dedded not to_,oend any-1aat Friday to the M0!1'0ri11 Day mardl In ~ley. "We 'didn't want to contribute to the violence at Berkeley which we felt wu u!Umalely .......,ble," lald graduate student R!cbafil White ol Newpcrt Beach, a strike leader. Wbite said he WM aurpriaed there WU no vi°'9ncll and remarked, "30,000 ptople are dlffieult to control." Earlier, 10 lrvlne ttudenll and Student Activiiie1 Adviser Neu Malmberi wen -amited In Berkeley for -Unlawful ._,b)y and !aUure to dlapene, llthouih they claim Ibey were - Position in Peru in by ~ wt~ fiz:ed blyonetl and A fonner Huntington Beach ICholai: cou:r:! ~esi ;~ '°u~ and alleg· and aUt1ete today is holdinf the top ld aublequent mlstroalmenl In priaan un-diplomatic poot !or tile United Slalea In doubtedly cootrl_bute to faculty and stu-Peru during the Worst period in hl!tory of dent aympalhy for the c.unpus atrlke. relations between the two countries. The eleven UTested were aa1d to be in He ls Ernest V. Siracusa, the charged' f!erlteley 11 oblervera, ca~ In· alfalres for the U.S. In Liml, who lakes formation for a camp.as conclave held charge of lhe lJ.S. Embassy todly upon laat -1< oo lbe BerU1ey situation. . the "-•lion of Am•----~-J~-March!ng II another motles, decided ....... --~w lhe UC! actil'lltt who aeom committed to . Wesley Jooe1. Jones left Li!na today. peacefail,protest. Dave Heskett, eraduate President Niroo accepted Jones' student from Cora>a del 'Mar. arll1ied resicnaUo• May 11. suc:cesdully tbe striken' goals woulcf not Sj,racusa 4t who WU S?aduated from ~~ by c>>lf11X1lattoo or lbe Hun~ ~ High School In lhe PhUoeophy Teaching Auiatant Bill 1930s, later attended Fullertob Junior Wingfield, who waa carrying a ptCket alp Coflege whtre he played football. He wu U\IJ morning, wu aaked how loo1 be a PlU Beta Kappa later at Stanford think& the atrlke wlll lut? u · It At the Air Force Academy he is ez. pected lO talk on ''the role of a great na· tion in the world and the role <i military defense in our society." The President and hiJ family will return to the White House· on ;June 10. Julie and David Eisenhower have moved into the White House fo r the summer, takinJ: up living quarters on the third floor. - 2 Laguna Sisters • Flee Home Fire; One Gets Oxygen "I'm not In the habit cf talking lo rovers Y; . . reporters from reactloo&ry newspapers," Siracusa 1 nephew 11 Pete Siracusa, Two Laguna Beach sisters fled their •• ··-~. well·kDown Or~aurfer and smoke-filled residence Saturday morning !ft: -"iro:a ....i as flnmen doused a burning couch and Newport Beach urant operator. carpet that did an estimated $1,000 Ernest Siracusa bu served for several damage. years in tbe U.S. embauy In Peru under Fire U. Dave Tonu>kinl said Suzie Ambauador Jones. DeFranro, 18 of 745 Catalina SL was The departure of t h e ambu.udor given oxygen ~t South Coast Community Hospilal for smoke inhalation and later COOlet amid a most controversial period r eleased. 4 Arraignments .C.o.unty Survives Holiday Set for Laguna . in the relaUons between the United States He said she and be!' sbter, Jean, 22, andhl!!.J!rovoked by J!!< e1Pt1>priation_____JwLlumed.oo..the.!loor !urnace lo-warm of properties of lhe American-owned up ~ realdence and it aet the rug and International Pttroleum Co. and:· the c6uCh af~. Damage was ccrilned to the Arrests ,on Pms-.. -W,ith N-o-TTaf fie Deaths - • Four~ w°" tctl!e'lrraic!>ed In lllliillclpft'.cdur\ tll<iay ~ t':"'! ~1 siemmlflr-from lln arreit that ·Uguna Beach· pollce sa.Jd netted 10 tmidentified caj>oules. Police said charges ol polSeSlloo of dqerout dru, anct poueaaion With in-- tent to &ell were Jevtled against Susan Lym Watson, 19, Montrose; James Lewis Marsh&U, 24, Glendale; and Clell Preston Tanner, 18, -La Crescenta. Mk:liael Joseph Capar<lla, 20, Lo Cre.9centa, was charged with being un~ the lnfluence « drup:, police said. A fifth man arrested with the group Sunday evening was to be rtleased. PoUce Lt. Frank Schopen said Tanner was arrested by olf-duty officer Lee Schramling after a citizen asaerted Tan- ner bad been paas1nr around pills in Sleepy Hollow. Scbopen aald Tmier fled and brl<f)y resisted the officer. The other four wpre then ~sted. Laguna Rejects $300,000 Claims Laguna Beach councilmen have denied more than $300,000 in claims against the city, many resulting from the torrential wioter rains. Biggest Claim WIS $211,273 by Pruden- tial Savings and Loan Association of San Gabriel whidl took over a b o u 1 ln g developm<nt that the Barmlt Corp. had been 'unable to complete. The complaint against the clly ttlalea to dty aeµlement ol a suit against the bonding cc:mpany for the development 'Jbe Claim WU refel'ftd to tbe . al· lnrney. wraC!dns ride home SundOY night. The frttway ayatem In spots wu like a Oranc• County survived tile three<lay contlnulnr used· car lot. Memorial Day weekend without a aingle ... SweaUnr travelers turned off their . ullllc dealb, .but Calllomla led the na· eqlnu and limply walled u far aa too lion's toll with 45 accldtiit fataUUes u miles n<rth of San Frarici.sco and &J~ motorlsb jammed all possible routes. miles aoutb of LOI Angeles. CHP officera "It wu fantasUr," said an Oran1e said. County coroner'• deputy today, "All was · One group of boya£ot out of their car quiet.'.' and played baD by the roadside nr.ar California Highway Patrol lnvestiga-Cloverdale, north of San Francisco. aeiJure · ol American i~ ~~ by ~ li•1~..=; call ..rly s...ia, lll«Ulng, Peruvian milllar>i govemmept fln!rnen douaed an over-ttuffed chair at The declstoo ol tile U.S. rovemment to the home o1 ,Ilunc&n MllcheU. 425 halt ule:s of military equipment \o Peru Graceland Drive. Tompk:ina said a provoked a atrong re.action from t b e cigaret may have started the fire . military gorunmenl. It cined "lnop-Dlllllie was about ISO . portune" the ai>nounced vllit ol Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller to Peru and said the prtsence or the American military missioo in Peru '1iu no further purpose.•• Court Restricts . . Milit.ary Trials • tors said not only were there no Orange Beaidt1 the 45 Memorial Day traffic M • J • ed WASHINGTON (UPl)-The Supreme County faialiUes, but there were no really fat.allliea logged atatewkle, authorities 8rllle ll j Dr Court ruled today that a serviceman seri~.accid~. . listed 12 persona drowned . and one who commit.! a non.military, off-base "In lad, tralllc yesterday wu Ugbter boating d•alhcluring lb• 1 p.m. Thureday In Cycle Cras. h .crime .1n __ the .• \J.oit~. s~,., 1n peace· than a lam al Sunday," commented one to midnight Swlday period. time must be tried in the civilian CHP spokesman who hopes lt may be • An El Toro Marine suffered head couJ!'. S.-3 decision sharply limited the fortQat of holiday weekeodl to come. Sam an' tan Killed btjuries Surlday afternoon when bis mo-contention of military authorities that "M!)'be people are getllng 11marter and toreycle went out « control on a lteep they have the optional right to try &tarting home sooner," he uid. Laguna Beach residential street . and servicemen charged with olf-duty, off. "We.were ready for: a real jam.up, but In Hit-run Crash ;truck. a ~ked car. · ba!e offemes such as mt.irder and rape. It didn't 'happen;' he continued, saying " . Robert . Sittertllwalt, 22, was treated The current practk:e is for military lhe county'• 115_ mllel of bet.way ..and . __stOCKTON (UPI) -:-A good &amaritan for heed :Juries at South Coast Com· and civilian authorities to confer about ••-----•-ol mil., ol local highways . was kUled by 8 hit-run auto Sunday night munity a transferred -to the but jurisdiction in such cues. The court was U~IWI dispensary. \ohf that about as percent of IUciJ cases were fairly uncluttered. as he stood at a Stockton underpas!!I giv· Police L. Frank Schopen said Satter-are now tried ln .civilian courta. Unfortunately, It wa.s a different story ing advice to a woman whose car had thwait was westbound ln the 300 block Military authorities had as.sert!d the elsewhere. stalled. of Nya Place when he lost control, hit right to try all ot them if they wished "~~olng lo the mountains The victim , Theodore R. Green, 33, ol a cutt, struck a car and a block wall. because the Constitution delesated to or~~ UU1 year," said one CHP Stockton, was dead on arrival at a local The young Marine was bleeding heavily Congress the J¥)Wer "to make rules for officer, who at least credited the titani c hospital. Green was as:iisting Ida J. from a forehead gash when police ar-the govenunent and regulation of the Jams with.keeplna tbt biehway death toll Roberts_ . _,_II _,_also __ ol Stockton_. _ _ _ .n·ved and admlnlsttted filrat 11d. land .. and_ naval forces." lower. "Drivers jiat c:ouldn't get going fast enougb for a real good smashup," said one-patrolman. "II anybody diet on the blghny," aald another trying to help untangle a musive tieup,, "it will be from ~atlon." Masses of cars ltrtamed to popular resort mas, beachw &Oii desert apaa:,' lben crowded all ...,.. !or the nerve- Th~re must he . to live ·longer ' " a way tioned our rather imprewiwt (well, we think it lo) oboe d ... partmenL Path oe1ry Quake Shook Up Lagunan's Future and en joy it more \ Did you happO.. lo noli"" that enry time yoa take tho S.S. Lurline to Hawaii it taeme tO ho a different ohlp? and eider ..;_.. •oerr nlsht bofon Nying their prayers. In .... yoa think it ~t ho hotter to N'f yoar proyen W,e carry meu.'1 Topeide"9 at Sll· to S2S a pair. Taylor Made street and ba1ine11 otyleo, from· 120 to 136.50. Our· famon1 Bally Shoefl, im- ported from Swits.erland, are ~ 13 7 and 142. And then we luive the popular ClaJ'ke De&- ert Boota at 116, and yon'.,,, never worn any thing more comfortable than they al"'. Rulb Forbes Sherry, Lacuna ·Beach poet. wasn't always. \\'hen the San P'fahclsco earthquake atruck In 190!, lhe WU lludylnjr philooo- pby It Slanlord Unlvuslty with Dr. Wll· llam James. one of the mQlftllRlental American I "tkers, and was .. to have been b.U a~ ''Int. " The •pth<, ·'• 1blflecl lhetr paths. M... 11betrJ 1 .,,ed homo and J lmC!I died a few yea~-later. Known In her cboaen Laguna 10< a 1pwklinC wit ani· •rankly optn approach to what ia new , 'rs. Sherry ls known lhrouch the worl< ,f poetry !or the vlri· llty, lmagetJ, and beauty ot htr vene. She recenUy has bee~lecl<d to the Coniemporuy Poets I I Hall ol Fame for 11111 by United oets Lau· ...... lnlertlalional. The lood""" came In a 1atler ol cm- sratulallons (l'OOI the chalnnan of the lniernallooal organlsaUon, Amado M. Yuzoo of lbe Pbllllplnes. . The award 1peclflclll7 hono<ed her ' . book of poems ''Mojave." ~ book ha1 . had four edIUons and a fifth may be lorlbcomlng. In 118'1 II also won the OUv- ant Award ol fl,000;--. She has done 10 oilier l'Ublllhed (un- sub>I-) bool<I ol poetry 1lnco 1142. Awards have been many antholortes about 80 of which seven ~lbhed abroad. She bas publlahed a 200 works In ma.gulrits. She has ..i .her. poetry to c m~IC &nil Iectured frequently, -~ cenUy _ at Saddleblck College. '"nley &Ced th! lftudmll Lo have a different ln!1Uence thin the te.chers. '"aid Mrs. Sherry. "I made the itudenls lud and talk about lhemselve1 1nd we d(>lected one of the poems." On the ••• ol Memorill Day, her aen-lle work "Req\lJern .,« a Soldier" aeans portlcularly timely. lb last stanza rudl: "The dlatanl -rolls -the lf'I; "F'ar billr rtve btcl: the reveille. "He wtll not answtr. It la nil. •·ror be ta IOl!t tn 1leep. '1 Wo finally flp:n,d oat wby. It ii a different ablp. E•ery time the old t.rliDe wean oat or whatevu happeDI to it, they brhlg a """" ohJp Into -nee and almpJr_ ehanp tho ...,,.. of tho """" ob.Ip to l.Alrline. l'rellY, --'<Y• · · Aaldo from hll""'8 a delighi· ful ~ whlcbo_ ,_and whlc&e.....r Larline ,_ happen to tr..,el on, y-h-aomo tall 1toriel while on board. for in- otonce, did yon know that fall bloodod natloe Hawaliam, ae. cordiq t.o 1tad1tiea, llve exact· ly. 20 Y'"'" loqer that other -le do? We trlod to flad oat why .,..d -told tliey .... a-W diet of 'pnalne bee'• honty ( · before eatiq that eoncoetlon, t don't ~ink you'd pt an ar- f!Ument oat of.,.. "- We wouldn't qualify •• •a• ahoritiee on how to lift long- er, bqt we do know a tblq or two about how lo ~Of It more. A Bidwell warclrcibo, u everybody know., will pat •tmo thine Into any m1m'a lile. Not that you 11art a ward· robe with oh-, bat It haa been awhile 1inoe •e men· All aorll of other attire for lmd or -· Knitted .biru, w(pdbreaker nylon j a ck e 11, walk 1hor11, oilskins, 1wim· wear, and eo on. But bow do you 1uppoee · thooo do@l!On• foll blooded - ti'ftl Hawaiiant manage to live 20 Y""" longer than anybody .i... They don't 1lart counting their birthda y• until they reach the •ge of lwenty. Jack Bidwell 3467 Via ·Udo; Udo Pm.la.eola, Newport Be.ch, ript next to Rlchard'a Market and the Udo Theater. ' Ma~o puking dlrectl7 behind my otore. Phone 6734510. Copyripl 1969, J .. li Bidwell. ' I " , I . I F• rioU Slra ~ nual t.rn plac Pc your Sunt 9:30 /Fi seve of a: of fie Se nigh Satu mos JJ M F w t~ botf "eel Slra RI fest.i fled Wes theil poll< over T! nigh rock T! nigh! an I alleg Grov Ac Ro~ BeU "ed ~ neat Sire IV ~op; )UM bru• \V• and ··~ mini Hi Cou< cf ft arso him cha1 Al Sunc agai G0<> Ana th• unit A1 arso Ker• Ana Wes era~ G N L, w stri~ Orar recti in ti De Hliu ..... into ol he ly a Ot both A' Giar all. tie t won In bein will 11,0f the bou! H• trac lhot · LI the few lior• A Com Chai 11tor1 !J'eai caut Jo AF!. br" the lton Th ·on, ,........,'.:""--;-~~,------------....... ---------i""'------... --... --~-----...,,,,.,..,.=,..===--"-'"-~c=;,.,.,:-;:c;.;:-,.:=;-...;:-.::.:·---·--·-~..::.,_::.~ ... :..: .... =..t • ...,._.-.o • .:.==-"-=~ • l S~te11g ,Frstl."fll' • Rioting Erupts -. Again-l in -G-~ve~·; By JACK BROBAC¥: Of ... Dll~ "'"' ltatt For the second consecutive year, rioting marred the ~en Grove Strawberry FesUval, an event sta,ged an- -nually to raise money for youth bet- t~menl programs. Disturbances took place both Saturday and Surlday ni&hb. Police saJd rriore than 1.200 unruly youngsters clashed with officers in the Sunday night battle which started about 9:30 p.m. . tFifteen were arrested Sunday and seven on Saturday, largely on suspicion of ass8:ult with a deadly weapon on police officers. • Seven policemen were injured Saturday night but none Sunday. All those hurt on Saturday were back on duty Sunday. l'he moSt seriously injured was officer Melvin * * * Westminster Mobilizes For Rioters Westminster police mobilized their en- tire force during two nights or rioting by bottle and rock throwing youths who "celebrated" the Garden G r o v e Strawberry Festival. Riot.en who were removed f.tOm the festival grobnds in Garden Grove ·shuf- fled d o w n Westminster A venue In Westm.instet 00 OOltl nights and released their hostilities on some 85 Westminster Policemen called out t~ contain the riot overflow. Three juveniles were arrested Saturday night en charges ranging fi:om throwing rocks at police to breaking the curfew. The action got a little hotter Sunday night and culminated with the arrest of an IS.year-old Garden Greve youth who allegedly: tr:ied to run down a Garden Grove offiCer with an automobile. According to Wesimi~lice. Robert F. HarUield, J(., 18, ol 6662 Bellgrave St., Carden Grove, was observ- ~ ed starting a grass fire in a vacant lot near Westminster Avenue and Swan Street in Westminster late Sunday night. _ -\Vhen Garden Grove OCficer Leroy Hopper tried to skip hlm, Hartfield jumped into his car and sped oU, brushing Hopper's clot.htng. ,.. [ \Vestminstu police units gave pullSUit and stopped Hartfield's car at Hazard A venue and Bushard Street within minutes. Hartfield \vas booked into Orange County jail late Sunday nigit on charges of felony assault on a police officer and arson . Two juv'ihile&... wl)o accompanied him during the cbaae Were al80 booked on charges of arson. Also booked into Orange County jail Sunday night ·bn 1elony issault charges against a police officer was J~mes· G. Goodwing, 18, of 1799 MC!Clay St., Santa Ana who allegedly threw a rock through the windshield of a Westminster police unit carrying two officers. Awaiting arraignment on a charge of arson at Orange County jail is Steven J. Kercher, 18, of 326 N. Cooper SL, Sinta Ana who was allegedly observed by \Vestmlnster pofice attempting to st.art a fr&SS fire In a vacant lot. County's Markets Not Affected by .._,,_ LA Grocery Strike With the Los Angeles grocery clerk strike continuing ink> lts fifth day today, Orange County merchants remain unaf- fected by the picket lines at 284 markets in the Los Angeles area. Don McCoy, manager of the Laguna H~Us Alpha Beta noted, "Some of our non-union persoMel have been moved into Los Angeles, but we still have-plenty of help and we 'are operat1ng as efficient- ly as before he strike." . Other local food chains have not been bothered·by the strike. A· spokesman for the Cost&. Mesa Food Giant sajd they have not bcCh"l.!fected at all. "Deliveries might start running a lit- tle bit late, but we have nothing major to worry about," he added. • Jn Los Angr.les, 59 warehouses are now being picketed and It Is expected that it will number 150 by Tuesday. WICb 1bout 11,000 union members ldJed by.the strike, the stores have been hirinl students and housewivis lD fill the vac:Af1!:1es. ltundreds of markets with union tracts remain open and th1er<'-"'lll:""" llhoi1ages in most establ' . Lines at check st.ands re Jone _over the weekend, 'however. ailowing only a few customers at a time lD enter the &tores. A spokesman for the Food Employes Council, which rtpresents Ofer Dt llrge chain supermarkets that lded out union store Clerks last Thursday, aaid a 7eamsters boycott of deliveries could cause food shortages. • Joseph T. De Silvi, head of the striking AFL-ClO ret(lll clerks union 770, 11.kl tMt bread and beer lruci drivers "*1d bl: the first of the Teamtfen lo respect store workers picket lines. The main issue of the dispule: centers '6" wages and fringe bene.nts. I """""'~ .. . -:• Parr ""°· allfl'!"«I • CO!>Cll.!llon end had hla fingers kUbed with aJU:s. He waa back on "Unilled du\y" ~· No Sotei:a.w,ere injured 11 far as pollcg cou1t·~. Jn i'oatraii to lu\ ftlll' .,.h<n rioting b.rOke oUt in tbe le9ttv1Jls mlfu tent on th</ grounds. the S.tuiday -Md SundaJ baUles w"" fought on par~ loll and streets sumltllldiil8 Ganlen Cl'11ve )'ark at tSOJ W~ve~1 betWee.n Viita \lef!e and Deodora <iTrves, Stmday nigtrt ar. estimated 4oo youths began pelting police with rocks and trash at the west end o.f'the park. at about 9;30 p. nt. Poliee · Chief GeOrje Tle!Hch said "1be outbreak was spontaneous. Jt wa:i obvious it was not pre-planned." 1"e 16 Garden Gr9v~ police officen: on duty 'were'quJCkly relnloic..i wtui' ahoUt 100 police from Westminster Santa Ana Anaheim, Fountain Valley, 'the sherirf'~ office ~nd ~i Callfontii Qig'kw&y P.atJ1iJ: The s1tuaUon was reported und er con-trol by 11 :15 p.m. ;.c-A fire bomb explodecfln a trash.pickup truck and several other bottles filled with ..ea.soline were thrown but dld not i'gnite police said. TWo cars were burned . o~ DeO<lora Driv.: bordering the park and two small fires related to lhe rioting were put out in a shopping center at Brookhurst Street and • Westminster Avenue. ... • ( . David J, Bum, «>mmun.ity relatioos director for the Garden Grove police said officers . switched tactic! Sunday night l:ftWni into aquadl Ind were successfui in separating -the rioters into sMalJ groups. A mass front approach had been used Saturday night. Burn said it was nectssary to use ·tear gas Saturday but not on Sunday. OCflcers said Saturday's disturbance started about 11 p.m. over a father at· tempting to convince his son it was time to go bofne. Their argument became a fist fight and two office rs rushed to break up the battle. · · About 300 youths quickly assembled, according te Chief Tielsch. Officers plac- ed the father and SOD in a polkt unit and drove them away from the area. Thtir nameS were not revealed. As they left the rioters attacked lhe baridful ci. officers on the scene. Weapons included tent stakes, clods, boltles, rocks and paint· buckets, Dftic.ers reported. Reinforcementrw~-c11llep and-65 Garden Grove police joined the fray b{!cked s!>ortly b1 about 30 men from other dewtmenil. ~ · • An uniiiliui 'aWJnbfy wal"i!ee .M1t 11 :20 ·p.m~ Chief T(el&ch sala:•The moQ had reached.about 1,00b at Otis point and when orders to dear the area were ig-· nored, police used telg' g~. The mob , broke up after being separated inlo small groups. , "- "I gJve the police a lot on!redit," sai<\._ Jack Waµin, Gardeq· Grove parks superintendent who witnessed the baUle. "'1·They stood their ground and took a lot of abuse. The crowd hurled everything at them, rocks, bottles -You name U. yet there was nt club swln~ b1 police.·~ Orange County's Agriculture Faces Threat -of Pests Three insect killers capable o f devastating Orange County's agriculture to the tune of many millions of dollars are being hunted to9.a:· in citrus groves and farmlands. They h·ave not yet been found by Oi'ange County Ag r i c u It u r a I Com· missioner William F i t c h e n ' s in· vestigators. And the a p p r e h e n s i v e Fitchen hopes they never will be. But he makes no secret of the fact that lush ccunty lands are a prime target for the burrowing nematode, the Japanese beeUe aridthe Dutch elin peat. The raJ)'Kious nematode is already causing panic among Florida citrus grow~s and it has made sharp lnroada into groves in the. Sunshine State. Detec-1 table cnly by micrOscopic studies. the tiny worm alsc thrives on at least 250 other varieties of ornamental plants. most ol \\'hich are grown in Orange Coun· ty. The _pest responsible for Dutch elm disease has most recently been r~ in Idaho. Fltchen said, a;nd it.. westward march · from decimated Eastern and Midwestern areas Is being. \'iewed here with eOnct!fn. · "Vigilant pest detection programs" are the onJy inswer to barring of tl1t funius-- type disease. from .Oran1e COWlty trees, Fitchen said. . . Fitcbei'l'I public enemy No. 3 is listed as lhe Japanese bettle, a pest that has bet'! prtviously reported ln Oraflle Coun- ty but which was NCCeSSfuJl,-etldlcaled. He is on the alert for a possible new \'lsitation by the deetructive Insect. The three, said Fitchen, are amof)g some 1$ lnsecta curmitly on tbe agricultural di"lslon '1 danger list. New Malaysia.Rioting SINGAPORE (UPI) -N"' cltlhes littv-eeo Malaya end Clli-.,.pied to- day , In Singapor< and In Kuala 1-umJ)Ur. the Malaysian capital 11111 mlles to th< northwest. A soldier waa ·1hot In· Kuala Lumpur, lOUChing off panic tn lhe atreets. \ ' • ' ' . . I • . } ~· L ,. -~· EARLY Bl~DS -Three Harbor Area youths who won chance to meet their favotjte Ang~Is prior tQ Sunday's game at the .. 'Big A" stadium iii Anaheinfa.s·part ·oU)_AILY ·PILOT "2-for-l .Day" colr-\ Ufltr'prizes. In photos (left to tlg1'J.J :Barth of Corona del Maimeets'Jim ·" Fregosi; John Gerondale of Costa Mesa gets batting tips ·fnlm Rick Reichardt; a11,d PauLSmith of Balboa Island talks with Jay Johnstone .• 3 Coast Youths . . . Get to Meet Angel Players DAILY PILOT readu: who took ad- vantage of the newspaper's "2-for-l'' ticket offer saw plenty of baseball Sunday -the game went 11 Innings ,-but, un- rortunately' w11tclied the AngeJs go down to . defeat 4 to 3 against the Baltimore Orioles. • It's a good bet, howe·:er, that the final score was overshadowed for three Orange Coast youths by the pre-g ame thrill of meeting their favorite Angel players in the Angels' dugout at Anaheim ~tadium. John Ge~ondale, 9-year-<ild son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe"Gerondale of 428 E. 16th St., Costa Mesa, was one of three Early Bird Bonus winners in the DAILY PILOT· sponsored event. He wrote a letter ex- plaining that Rick Reichardt of Stevens Point, Wis., was hls favorite Angel. · (Young Gerondale and .his family ha\'e only recently moved to Costa Mesa from Stevens Point.) Reichardt spent several minutes talk- ing about the "old hometown" with young .G.er.2f1dJ1lLbcl0:tLpr.esenting._1he~Costa,_ _._ Afesa yolltbia-ba:sebal~tutosraphecl by '; the Angels. Reichardt also ~owM Gerondale his big. ,bat "and:· 11te 'J .. <fijmg ·u;e ·~me. "Sl'lo*ed. It lo the o , too: 1 when he belted a two-run homer that had lhe Angels leading the ball game 3 to 0 at the end of the first iMing: Shortstop Jim Fredosi was the "favoi'ite Angel " of Johii'Barth, JO-year· o Id son of Mr. and Mr!. Jim Barth ol 3514 Surfvlew Lane, Corona de! Mar. It was .fregosl'.s fly ball in the first which brought in Sandy Alomat to score tht Angek: first run Sunday. And young Barth, who· said he Wants to "make dazzling plays" like Fregosl, was in the stands rooting for his favorite pla yer 8fter meeting him in the dugout before the contest and getting an autographed ball. The third Early Bird Bonus youth was Paul Smith,· 12. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of 301 11.i: South Bayfront, Ba lboa Island. . Though he got to meet· his favorite player -and received a baseball nutographed by the Halos -young Smith was robbed of any -chance to see his player, Jay Johnstone, do anything spec- tacular in the long game. Johnstone was in the contest only brief- ly when he was walked while p\nch·hit- ti ngjor Tom Egan in I.he ninth inning. Though ticket sales for Angel games have been down recently due to the team's losing streak, ~gel officials said Sunday the gate is "coming back." The • DAILY PILOT will spo.nsor another 2-for-I day at Angel Stadium t r· ing the 1970 ~ason. Boy, 15, Fo~d Dead in Desert Veteran ·destrt. searchers to d a y reconstructed the ageniiing death of a Midway City boy who tramped 12 miles on a tragic circle route in 11!klegrec heat, trying to find his family campsile only a short dfstance away. William E. Vollan, 15. of 8502 Madison Ave. was found dead in a Mojave Desert wasiS:aturday, more than 24 hours af~r he railed to return from "'a motorcycle jaunt. Saa Btmardino County S b e r i f f ' s deputies said young Vollan ran oot of gas about tNte miles from his parents' campsite at the Baghdad Chase Mine and ·1r1ea to go back on roof. • Instead, he began moving in circles through the rattles'nake-infested territory eeven milea 10Ulhwest of the community of ~low tnd finall y coUapsed under lfhe merdltsa !Inf. He wu then four rnJles lrom safety. An autoply waa.acheduled t.o determine whot kllltd the young.lier, but authorities said 4 wu Ukel1 h< ouccumbed to n · poourt durtnrhl• tragic wandering. He WJI reported missing at. noon Fi:_i- d1y by his parents and .searchers found find recovered hla body the next day . • I. • • • now save 42% out Ii n1!l·q u i lted to 53% colorful on opulent bedspreads Pamper_ your taste for out-and-out elegance • , • and save a tidy bundle right now on May cO's sale of Max Rawicz custom hand-guided outline- quilted spreOds. A collection of glorious prints and colors in king, .queen, dual sizes. Beautifully ·outline-quilted and puffed with Kodel ® polyester. comparable value 85.00· i 05 .00 49.00 may co bedspreads 113 \ • '!'ay co south coast plaza, san.diego fwy at bristol · costa mesa; 546-9321 L ---,, ·. ·. ,. " .. • . .. ·-.~· .. · . • ; I . .. • shop mon~ay through saturday I 0 am to 9:30 pm MAVC::O : ' ' , l L j ... ·. { · .,.,..,, Wit h Pompl4ou .,...__-Socia=lis~s-1-Ba-0k....:....,-. - Poher -i-n Frane._.,..._ ~ ... Dmllr .......... Rlch•nl Burton palled his stom· :b with hlJ right hand and grlp- !d a glass o! gin with bis l~ft ,and Id bow reducing exercises a doc· r prescriheCl !or Ellubeth T1y· r helped the wrong patient. "As •U know, Elizabeth bas had back ogble and the doctor prescribed efdit-losiJtg eserclses to help' it,'' uifun aaid on 'a break from his .telt JDOVi•~in London. "I started ilng 'tbe exen:tses with her. Eliz. >elb has ~aiDed 28 pounds and •• lost 14. • • J_ . PARIS (UPI) -The Ffeocb Socialist . party llu<w its auppor1 lod1y lo acling Pnilkfeat Alain P<i>er ln the JW'le 15 presidential runoff election a g a 1 ·n 1 t former Premier ~ies Pompidou. Tbe Socialists IMOUOO'ed their lntenliori as the Communist party's central com- mlttee, met in emergency session to dlacusa: where lo throw lta 1Upport. • 'M:le iive million C-Om.'munist votes and iliose of the 1.5 million Soclali!ta and other ncn-CornmUnist Jeftl.sts could prove decisive in. the election. Poher himseU again rejected appeala by Pompidou supporters lo withdraw and tlws ensure a Pompkklu victory over Communi!l Jacques Duck>s who would face Pompidou if Pober withdrew. Pompidoo, a disciple of former Pfflll· deot Qmles de Gaulle, won 44..46 percent of the ballots in Sunday's e1ecticn short of 0!-D TIME DOC DIE S AT 105 FANCY GAP, Va. (AP) -Dr. John Reuben Branscomb, who retired 8s a practicing physician only last year, died Sunday in a hospital at the age of 105. During his 69 years of medical prac- Uce, Branscomb de.livered 2.600 babiel, · none of them in a hospital He delivered his last baby when he was 100. • Branscomb chalked up 200,000 miles on horseback over. the hills of Carroll County here in Southwest Virginia before chang- inl to automobile in the 1920'1. the 51 percent needed ror election. Poher won :iu percent and Ducloo a sur¢ainl 21.08 percent -nearly five million ol. the 22,126,tal Viltes cast. Under French law Pompidou will face Poher in the runoff election, but U Poher withdrew he would face Duclos. When pointed oul that he had scored only 23.31 percent of the votes Poher told . a televis ion audience today : "I don't give a damn about arilhmetic." Within hours after the results were an· nounced, a 'delegation of independent Republicans (allies of the Gaullists) ask· ed to see Poher. Poher refused to meet them today as they had asked. He pro- mised instead to wage a bitter campaign. ''l have never thought of withdrawing," Poller said on the television program. "I shall fight to the' end ." Poher aides said he plans to go out barnstorming around the country as Pompidou did before tbe Sunday voting. Poher had made only radio and television appeals to the voters, leaving Pompidou to the American style whistle-stop cam- paigning . C' ~ Arter.catching a few hours sleep, Poffi· pidou arrived late at his Left Bank cam· paign headquarters to begin planning strategy for the runof r campaign. He looked tired but relaxed. His voice was still husky from speaking in 45 French towns during the campaign. The balance of power lay with the five million communists and the other 1.5 milllon leflists and both clndidates were expected to.woo their votes. • UPI,........ • FRENCH FAVORITE -Fonner Premier Georges Pi>mpidou ges- tures as he holds press conference at Paris beQdquarters Sunday af.ter ballot count ~ave him nearly 45 percent of vot. Unable to win a majority, Pomp1dou \vill face Centrist interim President Alain Poher in runoff election June 15. • ...... ~,,,,,,~ ~ • • • • • • •• • • at El Rancho: -~-----·-··· -• B52s Pound Red: DiviSion Near Dak .To SAIGON (UPI) -IW bOmbtra droP' pell 300 tons of bombs SW!dly·and today on a Communist divis:lon wb1dt has mov- ed tnto the Oak To ·area in the Central Highlands, U.S. military, spOkeamen ' reported. nie Conununists shelled Dak TO today and lobbed rockets into Saigon for the first time in two week.a. Military gporresmen said a well~ulp­ ped North Vietnamese division moved in• to the dl!hself follateQ mountains overlooking Dak To last month. They said it lrlcluded a sapper battalion of com· mandos and an artillery battalion and that its strength was estimated al 10,000 men . So far the division's activities have been limited lo small unit skirmishing with South Vi~ln ese infantrymen and mercenaries shelling of allied posi• ticlns guardjv Dak To 280 miles nortbeah of sa on. Other B52s late Sunday and Monday ranged to within 1.5 miles of Cambodia to hit suspected Communist staging areas • near Taj Ninh, 60 miles northwest of Saigon, with five strikes. Most strikes consist of six bombers flying in three plane waves rive to 30 minutes apart. • • • •• • • ~f/J ~ -----~1'lfJJIJIJEJl.£S ~-!~~~~ .~~Ill\~ the supermarket \, where the price is right! • • • • r. I • I Staff, Midlhlpmm1 Kirkland' toil! 1Nd following cademy graduation ceremo- -~-,,oe-=Gaufle'~·-· u -..... --.-• • ' I :ia at Attnapolir, Md., but before ten Kirkland I.Dill have to share hi.! irl'! time with ki.T fellow lime11s. !laudto will be the color girl for unt Week graduation ceremonit!. • Cook Casts Ex-chief's Votes COLOMBEY ·LES • DEUX • EGLISES, France (UPJ) -She walked into the polling place trembling. Ev~body knew her-the cook. - The. De Gaulles chose Madame Mar· chal, thCir faithful cook, to cast their ballots. She was no sooner in the voling_ sta- tion carrying De Gaulle's permission to vole for him than newsmen were upon her. Mrs. Charlotte Marchal, 56, showed her voting card as all the French must do. Then she presented a letter. It entiUed her to two e:rtra ballol.!I. She was. Voting for fonntt President.Charles de Gaulle and his wife Yvonne. :apped by a double parked truck. Under'the French absentee system a n;we be was waiting for the truck voter can; ~with proper au$1rizailon, nver to show up along came M• cut a vote for ~ ttgislef'ed voter "' Moi4-Annell1--l.-yr 31. and-~· _ -. __ A New York policeman and a me-~r maid have ended up in Bronx riminal court over the grand sum f one dime. Off.-duty Patrolman •11vid W11ksm11n returned to his arked auto a week ago to find it "No, no," she cried. "I do not want to be photographed. It was you (the press) I.hat harmed him." She was asked tf De Gaulle had writ· ten to ber. "Ne>, only telephoned," she said placiog.die.three.v°"".in the.ballot IK1L For wtiom did De Gaulle vote ? icketed bis car for overparlring. De Gaulle and illiWUe ha"le been in U1 argument started and Waks. lreland nem:ly a month. 'Ibey left nan arrested Miss Lacey for dis· France two Weeks ~ter De -Oaulle was ,nferly conduCt after harsh wo!:ds clef-in lbe April Z1 ref.....twn. She sald nothing but bll!Tied out the door l;.8Ck to De Gaulle's home here, La Boisserie, to await the general's return. vere exchanged. • A 1918 "uJ>lide-doton" airmail stomp with an •nverted airplane in the _center sold for $31,000 in New York thia week, twiu what a coUtctor paid for it in . 1964. Ml/Ton Kaller of Farmtng· dale, N.Y., bought the 24-Cen« stamp at an auction at 11. R. Two other inverted stamps, a Harmer Galleries in M4nha.ttan. 4-<ent 1901 Pan Americaii'issue sold for $17,000 ana a 30.c.ent 1869 issue brou ght $20,000. ' . Protests. Against .Mission , • Blasted by Rockefeller 11elements who are able to get militant groups among the sttaients to respond to their desire to break up the basic frienckhlp and understanding between the United States and these countries. The scene at Hickam Air Force PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad (AP) - With his current Latin-American tour marrtd further by postponement of his visit to Venezuela, Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller said Sunday nt&hl that the . student demonstrationS against ti i s 'mis&ion .point up an extremist minorUy's thrtat to relations between the United States and its southern neighbors. The stop in Caracas l9<1ay was to h2.ve been th last on Rockefellet"s second fact-finding tour for President Nixon, a tour already marred by cancellation of a visit to Peru, violence in Ecuador and curtailment of the stop in Bolivia. Then the Venezuelan Cabinet met Sunday and President Rafael Caldera asked the governor lo delay his visit indefinitely, saying it was likely to touch off more violence. "This ls not the position of the govern- ment, it is not the position of the people."., Rockefeller continued. ''It is determined force that is becoming increasingly ev i- dent throughout the hem isphe're that would like to 'disrupt, to break down. to destroy the friendship betw een our coun· tries." - Students Ski p Exan1s COlMBRA , Portugal ( AP ) 3ase in Honolulu was not unusual: \ plane bound for Vietnam and a :ailor kissing his''tnother goodbye. ~u~ in. this case the mother was ~oing. Mrs. J oseph D. O'Brien, a i9-year-old widow from Natick. \lass., was leaving for Saigon and 1 civil se·rvice job with the·Army. :ter son, Bruce, 25, stationed at ?earl Harbor, was on hand to give 1er an aloha·sendoff. "Sbe'.s got a ot of guts," he said. At a news conference in Port of Spain, Rockefeller blamed the violence on Thousands ot students boycotted ex- aminations at Coimbra Universit y today and lfarassed·soldlers wtio surrounded the school in a show of force. I Thunderstorms Hit East \ • Coasta l "'""' i nd ""'"''"' IOw cloud1 w11,. 1...,1 faot ll'ld 8'1Ule. TOd.lv"• ~1•11. 70 19 It. tMrtdi IOllllN'tlf to -· I to ,, .. ""'1. Ynlef"ISlv'I ~1111"'-t I " t ! d ,,..... I """' Oii 61 lo I low of !&. 11'1- lklli '-r1!\tl'll r•-~· )Ill ~ !7, Tiii W•l!tr ttn..1'111\0A -· 6.) M-I FftJ. S11n, Moon. Tides ' MOfolOAY Fin l """ ........... 11:2' t.m.. U Flnt •ow .... . . .. •:• '·"'· 2.1 Sk9'CI 1111111 11 ;06 1.m. t.S T\.lllOAY Flnt' low ...•. .. •. , ':O '·"'· 1 J ,1n1 ,.1.,. ....... , . ., 1:11 1,..,. 1.1 Stcond low -..... . ,, ......... J,f Mtw 11"-!$•SI"·"'· 1•11 7:b 1.rn. 1111 lllttl l •I ) 1,.,,, s-11 7:S• 1 ...... jlt•ll &.I'll 0. H-Plr1I GI. J11"' IJ J1111t f Ju"' 1' J~11r n \ . y_ • in Great Lakes Area AflllJ-l"Ollt! A.nc:tior ... A.111"4• llU..nlltld •"rnercic ••• 81t1!"" Clllt•10 C!n1;l11n.U C"'Vi!llrid [).e""f ' °'1"l MOiM' ~roll Eu't'li.• F or1 W crllo ·~~ ...... Hooiilulu Hlll/ston "'-Cl!1 V L•'-Vet•• .S. S11mmary tos "'""1e' 1.11.,.,1 Occ11iont11., vloll<ll lt!Ul'llH1h1m•1 1.11iw.""~ 1111 n,. Ml'9l'fl "°"loft .. Ille l'llllon MfflM-lil-New Or~1-M•lr t'lld.91. ~ lr'Glll ota1rrM "'-Y0<11: 11'1 11'19 ltOl'lft.«<llr .. tier ol 1t1tn 11'1d Nortll ,.i.tll t iter lk~ Incl dry WMlller domln."'11 OMll"" fl'l.I """''· Orni!M Tl\~ ~"'"'"" 11<1'"'1 ll!KMd I pqlC ,._ Jtal!let 11'1 11'19 T&leoo. O!'loo, l 'ff· t IOl'Ndio Pllll&Ocl .... ill 1Tne1~td lllflll.IWll Ful fa.11 C ... nlf. 1bOVI PllOl'nl~ !l mllfs Wf>$1 o1 Toi.do. cle1tl'O'f'll'l9 1 "~ IPl lle!' ho<M. T.....,., ltwN l"fCorM<! -Por!l11'1d ~ or so mt1n .,. !lour 1nd ....,.,. 11;..,1c1 Cllf 1.,.lrtdt 11111. fltd l hrlf A. Wiit.-ol cold C&n.dl11'1 1lr '"" """° '9ol'lded '""" tltllll'ltfl'I Tn.11 19 "" 'SKJ1,..,.,!o ioWll' Gftll U ket ""'°"" "'1 ... ll'ltl $1. LlllU(I Ml'lv momtl'HI *'-"•tu..., ltl"-s.111111 tllt trftrtt.. .... " 111 -11~1. $1rt Ltkt (lt\I Fro.I w11 l0F1";11t lor -<11lf1 OI 1111 OleM "°" O.~ct11, _,,.... ·-· i nd ~ SM Frltl'l(lt<o '"'"' Mlnourl !>11111 ll•™rt lltM ~ -..~ ••ln l«"INl'llN SMttll! . ..... c~r ""-no!Ul'llJ II • """ ........ a~u"" ll'H movtd 11il from ..,..1fl. "rMl'!l\ll If" 0..1'.-lo> W1,,,lntlon I I Mlllfl Lew ,N<. M " " " H " ·" .. .. M ~ " " . -1' Sl .01 ... 5' ,d U Ml .M H " •'I ,, ll 51 ·" 61 57 " " •l 61 11 ,, .. " .. M " . " ,, " .. ~ JJ .q .~ ~ 11 .•1 M H . " II ,. ,OJ 17 SJ H ~ .. '' .... 100 71 •• 'J 11 SI ~ " " " " .. 71 !l 1s n 1.11 .. ~ ,. .. " ~ .. " II 11 " .. " " 100 I t n " .., • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • COMPARE / THE VALUE!/ SMOOTH /OR CRUNCHY! "--..... SA VE HERE! 18 oz. SIZE •••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • I ' ' • • • • • • • • • \Vl1en il comes to pe!lnut butler, all you Deed to know ii ~~I 18-m.. j&r • , • smooth err cnmchy! Welch's Jelly ......................... 44r Grape J ell y or Grapeladc .•• 2 lb. jar~· Nestle's Quik ........................ 43t One. lb. box ••• Chocolate or varieties ! New! Sno Cones .... : ......... 3 "' s1 I '• I I • I I ' ,, JS£ 1Hl 0• CflUPCfi USf THIS l:OUPOlll ---1 COMPLEXION .BAR OF Y FBEE (WITH THIS COUPON ) 3 ~ 33c IWrEll DP'tRtl /Ulll If. 1• I I I I I I ! • U9" 011[ ,.,, CO ... L[J;IOlf , ... ,..11, .. .,l'I' I 11000 Olll'r •T (\. UllCHO •41111:fTl -·l ll[TAIL Htt[ n-Plll CO• .. LfJUOtl .... I ---IJ~t !HIS rourrn. U,! lfllS COUPON ---· Pkgs. of 4 ..• Keep aome in the !~zCT: Super Produce Value.! Super Delicatessen Specials! Bananas .......................... 10 ~ Chiquil.l ••• Central America's f1nest! . Cheese Pizza .... -.... Nelley'1 XLNT •.• 9 Inch me! ' flrl'nk ou·ny fro1n menu mot1o~onv ••. Dare to ttMle tom~ d.iffernt.t , . , a.M th.ii i.! tJu time/ Fresh Beef Tongue ..... . Fresh Bee·f Heart ....... . Fresh Sweetbreads ..... . 'Pri<u ine(feetMoJ1.,Tuu., Wed..J.,..t :,'-' . No ..U. to d<okr1. • I • --·--. • ' I I • • !!!'!'!-'!"!"!!!1'!!1---~-------------... --------.... -----------_,--,----•--.--,--•·••c • • • I • " • • • ~ ~ • '* ~ • • .. . .. - JEAN COX, $'4'6 MMMr, ,_ 1. !Hf L ..... IS Balan ce Sheet Drbw n -- ~ ---· • Cred _it . Good Active,' sustclining, -provisional end associate members of Laguna ·Beach Assistance League will hear a s1:1mmary of the past year from·tbeir president, Mrs. Thomas Jones., during the annual luncheon meeting Mon- day, June 9 . .,. · · · The gathering iii Balboa Bay Club at 11 :30 a.m. winds up anOther year' for tbe group which .~ill el&,t an~ ii;istall new officers for 1969-70. . Evaluating a year of expanding community services, Mrs. Jone~ ex- pressed appreciation.to members who administer and stafi chapt'r .pro}- ects ;µtd to associate members p nd ,other supporters who.Se financial sup- port of ieague fund-raising events has made-the entire program a·succe.Ss. • ~e ·two newest projects of Assistance League are a series of youth counseling courses providing emergency professional. psychiatric and psychological counseling for stu~ents referred from Laguna Beach Unified School District and 3 popular activities group-therapy program for emo- tionally sensitive residents of the area. The Friendship Club for people over 50, an organization sponsored by the league for 13 years, also has been successful, according to Mrs. Wil· liston Bradway, overall chairman for the chapter's philanthropic projects. She reported that the annual Danny .Davey Doll Club, crit!t classes and scheduled bus trips to nearby places ·or interest alJcr consistenUy draw an "enthuilaStic response." ' ' The -'I)lrift Shop, continuing seurce o(. cbapte-.r ·tncome, grow,s stead- ily in scope, with a constant floW ot donated :riew and goOd ·used mercban· dise, according to ?i.1rs. Harlow Hines.~airman~ . "We are now equipped.to recl;'ive good..items of 'Virtually any size and shape and are always gratefiil for dOnations· to encourage an even turnover," Mrs. Hines commented .. .. ,- .. • .. ......... .. ' . • 1; .. ·:i.: ·:I'; • ' . ·"- I t; -• -• ~ . . .., The Town Hall Series, lRhich· culminated. ·last week wheh Meredith Willson was the speaker, has augmented. the Thrift Shop income·: En- couraged by this year's sold-out sub~criptions for the series, ·the league plans to spearhead a second series with_ €ol. "Shorty" Powers, voice of Mercury Control, commenting topically on "The Moon and ~yond," next January. IN-THE BLACK -\Vith the end of another club year. Assistance League of L:lguna Beach officers go o,ver ·the balance sheet of achievements and fi~ they are well in the black. Proud of this ac· complishment, (left to rjght) Mrs. R. Douglas Smith, treasurer.: and Mrs. Thori:tas H. Jones, president are ready to give up tbeic.: postS following an electio; and installation Monday, June 9, · :;: . -. . :~: • • Objecti¥~S;~ Interpreted ~ Goals will be defined ai;id new officers introduced durin&. an inter...p.re_tive...19 foL. Ayudantes Auxilia'ry mem- bers, Children's Home.~ietj next Wednesday in the l(mk>Q. Viejo home· of Mrs. Gary Leach. -For the interpretive part of the agenda, Mrs. Grace Hahp; atate director or volunt~.!or "the soclety, wUI reView the: many servicts of th~ 18rgest private adoption ag~y in California. f\.1rs. June Rendrlcks. Orange County dir~to!_ of volunteers for the society, will be guest of honor. According to reports, 183 children ,were placed ,tn homes during 1968 through the.county office. Mrs.-f:iil Reed · will be ho&pilaJity chairman' for the event, and Mrs. FA Mltdlell is in charge of ~ .ortcrem· .,, The auxiliafy W.U formed in Mission Viejo, m;ore . Ulari:, one year ago wDeri 15 charter 'members named Mn. Mil• chell to lead them as their first president. · .. . .. ----. ' Musical Ente rtainment Sets Mood . at Silver Teo · ~;~ -·· El <;qmino Real Club -:~ ... :': President's Post Goe~!~~ To Mrs. Seymour N~f~l =·:: Mrs. Seymour Nutt wiJI be installed as presto;: dent of El Camino Real Woman's ctub during., ie= Jilncheon at 12 :30 p.m. next Thursday in San Ju~ Capistrano Woman's Clubhouse. . ~:: lnstallation ceremonies wiU be conducted bY. · :r.iJrs: Ted .H. Tyner, treasurer of California. Fe~eicl~ lion of Women's Clubs, Orange Dlstrict, and a mu'~~ cal program will be presented bf Elayne Blythe, tt·: mezze>-soprano who has perform~on radio ana · television. Others tak.ing posts will be the l\.1mes. Georp · F. Betts, William J. White and Ernest Riedel, vice . presidents; Homer Turk and Bernjcc Kraus, record- ing arid corresponding secretaries; Glenn Garwood; treasurer; Thomas B. Harr.ison, historian, and Guy Holsopple, auditor. :Also serving on the board wiil be the Mmes. Hi;:rbert Risheberger, parliamentarian ; A. W. Wood--· man, house chairman; John Renfro, dean of chair- men ; Ray C. Miller, press and publicity; L~slie Williams, Junior Women's Club president, and Harry Sowden and Alfred Mata, coordinators.' ~airmen · appointed. by Mrs. Nutt include the Mmes. C. A. Ramsey, hospitality; Arthur Sewelt.:: hostess~s; Harry Pell, h~lth and welfare; Hubert~ Jones, vetera~s affairs ; Thomas Webb, ameniti~;: Edmund Kiernan, public, education and schola):'~ ships,. and Anthony Mancuso and Elizabeth St8.n$-'": field, rese,rvations. · : ~;: Others are t he Mmes. Charles Obers, religiooj:: EarJ Evleth, year book; Carl J ensen, communicy-;: improvement; Martin Comins, foundation fWKfj.f ~fro, crafts alid creative sewing; Antonio Hero,i= music, and William J. White, federation extensio~ Ne.w president fltrs. Don Clarence will Introduce her ex· ecuUve board members, the Mmes. Terence Crane. vice presid~t ; William We 1 l s, recorcUnt secretary; Michael Collins, corre s ponding secretary, and Eric Pepys, treasurer. The oCean view Laguna Beach home of Mrs. Lawrence White will be the setting for a~ silver tea honoring members and friepds of the Women's Society of Christian Service, Laguna Methodist Church at 2 p .m. Tuesday, June 10. Jl.1embers who will provide music81 entertainment practice for their roles.· They are (left to righll the Mmes. Jeffrey Foster, \Vhite, Jack Kreftirig and Hal Akins. Luncheon. arrangements are being made 1>j-:-: Mrs. A. A. Pelizza and her hospitality committee members. Reservations. may be obtain{!d by calling.· Mrs. Mancuso, 4~5141 ot Mrs. Pelizza, 4~9817,_ . .. : ... • . . ?.;: Doubting Tom: It's a Tell 1Friend "What ·She . Lacks :~ . ' ... :~ .~ DEAR ANN LANDERS : I'm engagod lo rnarry a grt.at gal, age 2.2, sweet, pep- py, smart, and she has plenty going for her. RNemary Is beautiful and built. Take my word for it, Ann, she doe11n·t have to go to extremes to get people to notice her. And this is what l'm writing about. Rosemary bought one . cf those . up-~ the-minute dresses with the matenal cut oot here aod there -about eight peephole&. ti don'l know how el.98 ta de9Cl'tbe it.) She wean: a f1esh.colorl!d body stocklng'\,lnde.rneath-her dreiS liO of coone it looks like you are seeing her ba~n. \ Ytt Rosemary wears th;1.t dre55 C\'eryont does a double take. I fetl like • I'm \Yith a n1ked dame. It's very em· barrasslng. I've told her my feelings about that craey dress and 1he tald I wu no ju(lce of style and lhat I had no buslnas tryllltl to .dictate to her what 1ht Ought to wear. Do I have the r!ghl lO l<ll my flancee I will not take her out in that dress again! -DOUBTING THOMAS DEAR T0~1: Vov do ind you 11'ouJd aad t bopo yoa will. DEAR AN,N LANDERS: Our son in- herited ·1 valuable library from ttis grandfathtr whO was a United States senator. The library was not large -ap- prorimately 250 books. but It contained ml.ny fine volumes with personal in· scrlptioM to the Senator f r o m distingulahed authors . " . f~ .-• Over the last six yeilrs · we have lost rule otver -and 1 mtan aever -to •· -SCHtNEcrA~ nearly half or· these. lrreplacable book::; allow 1 boQk out" of your ltome ...... you DEAR SCHEN:-Panty b• 11 .. • because acquaintances borrowed them an pre.P..ed IO pan wltll It forever. [ tdl nd ·•h·I ~ and "forgot" to brihg them back. know from eiperitttce that aome iubltiaite for 1 •1-e, t any ... ~!f! Last week 3' lrle.nd who attended a traslworUly nd cultured pHple ala cu llllab otbuwlte iMUld 1'~1 btnell °'1 funeral I lh lo. ·--f ..... .:_ __ .... ~ tbree-way·rear-vtew mirror.. . • : n ano er n IMIW o .... o my ~. INll.....,.pen. • .. son·1 bocks in the home of the deceased. ', · • • lt was lying on the table, face down , with. DEAR ANN ' LANDERS : 1 w4s in· What Is French kissing? ts It w~ the 11plne brpken. We did not know the tereif~ In the letter from Arlene; the· gal Who.shoultt sel the nc<:king•liml{s ~ & person in whole home the bOok had bee:n who complained ·aboiJt a fresh punk Who boy or the girl? Can a 11hot'gun wedtllti seen. I assume a mutual rriend had n<ll.i.c_ od le 1 lol nd l ••-joU' aueceedt Read Ann Landers' book~ i--r e e va .ors a ,a go '"' 1es iuro-....,0 •-_ Ten w·~ To-Cool 11.: ed it on. This, In my opinion, is ana•p••• ••rdles He .. -'at"' -~y...... • ........ '1'1:1• ...,.. ...,. "' ll• II>' • t""-' " ~vv ~ Sefld ao centl In coin and a long, seU~ thoughtleas and inconsiderate. Do you zeroing in on yoong gals whose artT\11 ~ • know of 1 soJution lo Lhe problem ? were loadt<f with packa&e.s Ot lib dressed, stamped envelope. •_. -GREENSBORq. N.C. material. · ' Ann LaJ\diers will be glad··~ help -,iV DEAR GREEN: There 11 ao solullon Why didn't you suggest pent_)'. ho&C, wlih JOUt'·Problemi. Send tbem lo htt 1n once II ~mes • problem. I 1u1«eS\ Ann? The 1u1 will go out of his head ciiri of the DAILY PILOT, cncl0ttlt.J ,. prt]!entlon ralber tb111 a cure. Make It a from frustration. • sclitlld<\[esscd, st;unpcd cnve\o~ I • - • l l " I I I I I ' ' ---------------------------·---------~~C""."~----··•"""'.""""*":"!":'"~"··.,, •••• ~.~·=· ---· 7. ~· ... .;.-_----~,...-_,_..r.~ .... ---·" ' ------I lq.\]LV I'll.OT P'own Hall Series Closes . . . · .. ..:l •. • • ._ •• Memory Lane· T rave lea M~re~ith '~illsq .n: ls.; ;~~~t Iowa B·oy_ at H·eart .. , Music '• • ll)'JEAN cox >'! '!! .. --. ,.., , .... Ill-tlll1 lndlcate he .;111. ,aclllc_ Pal~des, but JO!lllb WUlaoo Isn't fooling " ,.,., __ ~ the top of his 'l'C:"!"'! bead down to the lof ~ppin1 toes, he •• 100 peroeat died-in-th .. ~ Iowan. ,_. CilY ts Willson" netown and to those who 1rd blm spealc at the last of sbt.aQce League's To w~n 11 . .smes last Monday, it's >'klu9 his heart is still there. Ii. bis pfenty Of reason to ~ klndly of his native land, ·~ be tells it, it's thanks to l710ve of Iowa that "The Ilic Man" w_, ever written. an· A nUy when Mertdlth took his piccolo \o try his luck in New York, be wa~ horrUled when be heard how city slickers mispronounced the name of his beloved ·sta~. "They would 1a 'I-owe-a' or else 'Eyo-oh-way' " he shud- dered. To remedy this situation he decided to write a song wherein the word Iowa was correct.ly pronounced. T h e song was published and one day he received a called from Rudy Vallee seeking permission to inti-oduce the tune on his famous radio show. Meredith gratefully agreed and the .evening of the radio show wu walUng wl~ baited breath to. hear his song. . Half'1"ay through th.e pro- gram, he heard It. Vall~ sang it loud and cleatly -"I-owe- way.". ':" "I-was very discour.iged. and got to brooding 8bout it. Finally I decide<t to write a good tight song for the university," he ~ailed. Alter he wrote his spirited tune, he sent it to the universl· ty and soon after beard from its public relations man who reported the student body learned it and would try it out during a Big l~en game the following Saturday. Meredith tuned in his radio and sure enough, the students ' . _.,,..._,..__ sang his song quite credibly. ~'h!llCI llroadway, the ~ · cti.eon w~ foDowed hi3 ap-. CarrtriUf .., the creator ot~ siaering tile opera 1 tar 'jThere was onJy one cloud ' • aDd ' ~ ~PH.Wed peafance In South Coast l(Tbe UNliJpbto M o I ~ &kmlnl Sukmawil~, dau~ter on the horizon," he saJd andannounCeatoMt(edtthhla Theater."Wlllson admitted, "I Br<iwp~' and ~'tHett',s Lo.re' ·;ot'Sukarno( f<W tb¢ role, but regreUuUy, "Ohio ~tale won creaUOn. was 1 blt too Jong, never had a bUriting dUlfe to .!?Pi•'J,,Mtwlii __ mh~lca{"10 ln thelnf~ the _ f.vfoneslan •it1aer Just the game 82-3. The .university and the producUon number compose. 1 don't know that. I .. ffl W, c , w ~n • ..... ...,.'""J I -:"? dldn't take too kindly to my would h&ve to be cut. ever had 8 b\Jrninc d aJre ~Cent.er~~~. , . ~tdn ..arai; the lines. . sonti after thal." }'Som~, like the.., lqwa , toward II anything in ~in y 'REvtAta cuT' · _ .1 1 • .~lon 1"ith Willson wa1 his MUSICAL COMEDY Indian &Orll. asked MeTedlth. career. Actually I wanted to · · br1a& of 9lle fU!• ~emary. "We mean the •~• lnillan play basebalJ. I became a Oute l)(lrlng the l u n c h e o n • w_ hom . 'he m.arr1ed. auei; his_ . However, Willson wouldn't MerfJ:d)lh revealed the cast (9r f at If ert Rin be stopped. He wrote a song in song," they replied ~-player because my mother tne prod ' 10n, ht b j h d tr IN e, oonc smg~r' . 1 which the word Iowa was ex· ly. -,,. bought me a nute so I Would · ~ w.,c nst a Zarova, died~ cancer lD 1966. pressed phonetically in an In-Meredith's music c1Ner stand out when I went to col· Re,~1~~-ri . will be· :s~hary,. 8 real recn:_~ dian be al He played this 6g began w~ his ·m ~ th e _r lege. '.' tabti t>Y a· One ShakeSpear~n she :n~t ah:m~u:~:0fears for Mason City potentates who presented bun • with a mad Asked for a.dvice to aspU:ing actor and staf of 'On a Clbr ago wben she ~ent to t.ollect congratulated hhn and asked, order Out~, which eventua.Ily young music ians, he rep!Jed, Day," J 0 h n ~ullum. Queen his autograph atte1-a concert •·why don't you write a enabl~ him to play in .John "A young~ter's own voluntary Isabella wru be 'Portrayed by pfirformance. musical comedy about your So~sa s Band and then later interest tn . the arts should Jean Fean, '9ho· was born to She conUnUed her frleruishlp hometown?" w 1th th _e New York never be discouraged. If he plly. the role, and Columbus' with the Willsons and for a Thus "The Music--Man" was Philharm~n~c under the baton lacks the talent. he could misttes? 'fi 111 . b e Chila time worked as their secretary born. However, during the of Tosc~n1n1. . always .t~r~. out to be a very Rivera.'-' , ~fore joining Paramount ·tour, before the. music a I Speaking at a Celebrity Lun-good critic. He said they 'bad been con· Studios as a secretary. Horoscope " • Time ·for Sociability TUESDAY • JUNE 3 builds toward ultimate suc- cess. LEO · ("Jb I y 23-Aug:22 1: By SYDNEY OMARR Highlight public relalions. Be MOON IN AQUARIUS: Be flexible; display versatility. sociable. Enterialn al home. Finish one t~k at a time. Some uDCODvenUonal penonl Don 't trust others to interpret have tbtir aay -locally, na·., your .v i e w s. Ta~e time to tionally ud internationally. explain yourself, in crystat- M any promises are made clear manner. _ bordering on fanta1y. Ex-VIRGO Aug. Z3-Sept. 22): ce llent for discussion croup in Accent on health and work. famllltr surrou.adUI&•· . Combine attention for the two in mature manner. Avoid ex- ARIES (March 21-April 19): trernes. Maintain steady pace. Accdit on fulfillment Of social Be aware of. details. You can obligations. Good £or buying make friend of one who serves gifts for those who have prov-your needs. ed their friendship. Select LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22 ): quality, but avoid needless ex-Excitement featured. Your travagance. creative resOurces come to 1'AURUS (April 20-May 20): fore. Make changes. Welcome Stress on gaining a wider au-challenge. Keep promises to dience. Publicize your efforts, youngsters. What appears as product. Day to finish, com-recreation can" be transfonned plete and to communicate. to Profit . CAPRICORN llleoc 2 2 • Jan.· 19): You can add to possessions, inCome. You· ii.r handed a more responsible assignment, with g r e a t e r rewards. Some of your hidden qualities surface. You are a~ preciated. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Cycle high. You can suc- cessfully initiate projects. Be a self-slarter, take initiative. A~nt originality and In· dependence. Be direct. Say what you mean -mean what you say. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 2{)): Be patient. Necessary for you to remain in ba ckground - then you get chance to step forward. Time your moves. Trust hunch. You get aid from surprise source. To orclol, SldNIY Omtrr"1 511-oeoe boOl<!ll l~ ru!h Abo\i! AUrolO(tv. Hf\d 50 ttnl1 l~Omtrr Boolcler. !llt o.-.1LY PILOT, x l2ol0. Grind Ctn· lrtl St1t1cn. Nrw CN'k, N.Y, 10011. Whirling TOPS Recognition due. Important SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): person. pays meaningful com-Past efforts come home to pliment. roost. Concentrate on the GEMINI (r.fay 21.June 20 ): solid. The flimsy is due to fall Whirling TOPS Club of Good lunar aspect today coin-by wayside. Give attention to cides with long-range plans. home, property. Study values . Newport Beach will have Mrs. ' . THE N·E·W l9.8K mallie~ ... for HAIRSTYLING * * by the area's TOP STYLISTS! SPECIAL I CASCADES $14.95 VIVIANI WOODAlD cosMn1cs ma.Ifie~ including those affecting vaca-Kno\v what it is you really Dorothy Wenck, Orange Coun· lion. Study Taurus mes'sage. desire. ty home advisor, speak on .,. _ Be aware of subtle nu;i.nces, SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Weight Cont rol next Thursday f / W Ch 1 · ls · . Dec. 21 ): You are on tilt-go. . I WIG .& BEAUTY SALON 548·3444 259·D E•st 17111 $"'"' HILLGREN SQUARE COSTA MW 1.ai to San Joaquin _ om_ .en '.~-' .ambro. n 1· ·' -,· -· . ... l.-->~CER (Ju .. ·2i.July 22): Con!Ul!on could result over .,at l0 .30 a.m .. · • .,. \-. p sh' fforts message, visit. Important-to ~ ~ gr o u:p me~ .each tower arranging will be easy for Mts. Le'eWaynf!. en's Ou~ Championship Toumatnenf..c'Jub tha~ artner ipPul e . · "'P'•Y have sense of humor.-Don:.t 'Ibufsday. at IO a.ni. in the Domas (center) as she now has a lovely silver-bowl ion is Mrs. Kenneth Willey-(left) and runner-up· is :a~~ go . 1it ~~~· ::_ take too seriously complaint reCreatio n room of the Ebb ,·;the base. The bowl is the trophy Slle earned lot Mrs. Richard Varian. cooperative. Rise above petty or threat made by. relative. It Tide Mobile Park, _Newport ~g·first low net in Rancho San Joaquin Wom -i.===================;:::;i..'.ann~oy~an~c;es~._:J~oin~t:_plann~~ing!.._:P:a:sses::· ________ Be~a~ch~.-------~~~~~~~~~~~ 5ecretaries Welcoming ~uperior Court Judge D,uring the next meeting of ~. Orange County Legal ~ c·r et a r i es Association, mibers will welcome perior Court Judge Samuel :eizen. 'the Greenbrier Inn In lrden Grove will be the set-rg Thursday, June 5 3'0dge Dre.i.zen was admitted the California Slate Bar in 38 and practiced law in San- Ana until he received his dicial appointment iri 1961. ~ecretaries were present at e. state convenlion in San Lego' last month. Among Ose representing the club mi this -wea were ~frs. :Jbert F. M~Uflews of Hun- lgton Beach. governor and r. and Mrs. William Hecker ,}lewport. Beach. It was reported during the confab that .Orange County was first in publicity for the fourth quarter of the year and also had won first place in state for the entire year. Mrs. Harry A. Dixon, publicity chairman , was commended for h.er outstanding work.. HB Auxiliory American Ltgion Auxiliary of Huntington Beach gathers in the American ·Leglon Hall al I :30 p.m. the first Thursday or each month. On the third · Thursday m«:mbers may call Mrs. Arne Jensen, 536-2777, for location. Mor• Thin A Ou•ri•; Of A Mil• Of Anfiqu•s . ' Orange County's L_ar9est Antique Show THURS., FRI., SAT., JUNE S. 6 & 7 F•aturin9 Rare, B•autiful and Nov•I Object5 from Around the World by Top Dt1ltrs. Flit C.t.SH DUWlN!i Wt'r• 14 Stores end Optft N'9lattf, TO f ,30 · &oath Coast ?taza wflilOL AT MIC DllOO ntrl'W.\Y. CDlfA ID.\ • JUNE SPECIAL DUART PERMANENTS The most carefree and captivating ha ir styles to la st all summer long. thanks to ou r famous Duart perm. Com plete with exper t ~+yling ond cut: 1n the salon, 8.50 in t~tudio, 14 .50 Just arrive d, a brand new shi pment of fabulous 3-woy human ha ir pieces, each 5.99 Caree r girl s, don't forget we 're open Mo n., Thurs. and Fri. e venings. Phone: from Anaheim, 535-8121 ; from Newport, 644-1212; from Hun tington Beach, 892-333 1, Beauty Salon, 601 J . . ~JOY THIS SUWER DON'T WORRY ABOUT YOUR HAIR,•• BODl'EHDURE GIVES IT HEW BEAUTY Bodi· Endure is a special no-rod, no wave process that gives your hair the body you need for your active life. for swinvning. Sailing. Chasing kids. Cleaning. house, Trying oo clothes. Dancing. Special "bodifier", shampoo and set, 15,DD. And, get our CGOI carefree Kitten Cut, 1.50. Beauty Studio. u • M~nicu19s • PtditlJl!!S • Facia ls • Elechology • mS' ' Newport Cente1 11.Fashiai .Jsland • 644-2200 • Mon., Th uts., f1i. 10:0011119:30 Olher days 10:00 till 5:30 ' ' J,~ • ~ I I • vot Vi Su MI~ Cente ned I June 1 progr. trip ti In ' danci guitaJ been Sun Saiu. day f Mom Mono j'1 SA' residE area i ty pl waive to an would The bioal1 the" ci It". is at l by Cl Real. ••• SAl' appro with I piling pier. The make Work $10,00 encas 5treni •• Mrs J\lari! elrete Jewis Mrs the 11- previc unUI Ba: At OraJ hopin1 invesl a SoU· The Ing . s descri premi Cler~ office: point 0 , tri- pu I"' Ira TO• HI "" llf ... ,. '" Coo ,. .. . ., •• •• ... •• 'I" • Sa_ddlebaek "'r:)!: == ... ; -· ..... :( . EDIJl.O-N • ' VO[, 2, NO. 131, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES • ame Down tlae M •• -:1·ss1on Trail • Viejo 'Swinging Summer' Planned ?t11SS10N VIEJO -The RecreaUon Center has a "Swinging Summer" plan- ned for the residents of Mission Viejo. June program highlights Include a fitness program. a giant water fight, a balloon trip lo the moon, and an adult pool party. In addilion, new classes in swimming, dancing, tumbling, diving, first aid, guitar, tennis and boutique decor have """' added. -Sununer hours are· Tuesday through Saturday from a.m. to 9:30 p.m.; Sun- day from 8 p.m. and closed Monday. cente is located 25800 Montan Drive, Mi Vle · nne:r f'ees Wailled SAN CLEMENTE -TD help entice residents of the Capistrano Palisades area into the city r:i ~n Clemente. tbe ci· ty planning commission has voted lo waive annexation fees normally attached to annexing properties -a levy that would amount to abdul JlZ,000. The annexation of the palisades has Marl dgbtl>y"«1me·~ts wbo fa.wr the cit.J's alrict.er: zoninilawa. Howe9er, tt lo upp<llOCf by alheT residents. The .... is at the north dty limJts and is bounded by Camino de Estre.Ua and El Camino Real. e Pier Repair OK'd SAN CLEMENTE -Councilmen have approved an additional $7,750 to get on with protection and tepairr of 49 damaged pilings supporting the 1,200-foot municipal pier. The pier is a victim of sand borers that make a termite-like underwater attack. Work stopped last month when the initial $10,000 allocation ran out. Workmen are encasing the wooden pilings in cement to strengthen and protect them. e Home l'eep Named Mrs. Sam Hoffman, of 2030 Via .Mariposa Easl, Laguna Hills , has been elected vice president of the Los An geles Jewish Home for the Aged. Mrs. Hollman, who has worked wit,h the home !or more than 30 years, was previously vice president for nine years unUJ 1967. Bandit Gets $75 At Laguna Foton1al Oran&e County Sheriff's officers are hoping for developments .today in their inves;tigation o( a SUnday night holdup at a South Laguna fotomat. The drive-in bandit, de!cribed as wear- ing · 8Ullglasses and dressed in "oon· descript clothing," took $75 lrom premisea at 30818 Pacific Coast Highway. Clerk Jttdy Jesser, 2.l, of Costa Mesa. told officers that the band.it forced ber at gun· point to put the day's receipts in a bag. Weatller Those low clouds ·may leak· a trine on Tuesday, but .the sun will put in its usual perfunctory Ap- pearance. Look for teinps ranging from &.$ to 72. ' INSWE TODAY Stot"n mohths after losing the race for tl)e presidencLf. Hubert Humphrey ii making mote moMy than lie has in all hi.I life. Page 5. ' ... llftt ?S Clllftnlle ' Cllffffltoll 11·JI C.,.,ltl 11 C"l'KI..,. l• o.111 tMllte• II ••tt.r1et "-' ......... ..._. ,, l'lt!Het 1 .. 1,. -" Alllt ~ It ......... 1t \ • Capo School B.oard Faces 2 Demands- Charles E. Kinney, district superintendent, hr h o p e f u I that a capistrano Unified School district teacher dispute over salaries will be settled peae<fully. Matters will culminate tonJitit at the I o'clock board meeting \Yhen tms1.ees con- sider ~cher demands ror an Opell end salary contract and a joint fact-finding committee to study the district's budget. Teachers have thr~atened to lake sick leave en masse Tuesday'unJess the board approves the two proposals. Teachers, lhroOgh their representative'" CaPtstrano ·Unified Education Associa- tion, finnly rej,c::ted we trustees salary increases made at last Monday's stormy board session. Teachers and lntstees have worked closely in the past. Kinney said. He noted that despite grave pub Ii c pro- nouncements, both g r o u p s are cooperative. He said he is nol planning on a walkout. "The differences here are not l~L great," K.innty said. He said that In his opinion, the board Would be agreefble to tbe teachers' proposals. "I. look fol' a normal day of operation. l do, 1"' •:"'l'r IJlOllY ·1qcher7· ~ ~:e·i)sa~~~ =·\titre be a 'l".'1ko.I~ .~ ~t<t ~ • tars• list "' SlilioOtcl!O -·"i0id'nwl7 volunteer parents who could beJp out. He ooted that what the. tea~rs are asking for -a contract which provides for salary increases should the district receive additional unexpected funds - had been done in the past. The salary proposal enacted by the board, but tejected by the teachera was a $'l50 across-the-OOard increMe and pro-~ded for medical insurance payments for the employes. The teachers' last demand was for a $200 hike at the bottom of the salary schedule aod a $400 increase at the top and full medical insurance paid for the ernplaye's family. Trust~ have maintained that because the diStrict's override tax failed in April, the money is not available. Teachers charge that the trustees unilaterally cut off all negotiations and that the legal channels are open for the board members to provide the salary and £ringe benefits. Anna Chambers Funeral Held Services for Anna Rankin Chambers prominent Laguna Beach social and philanthropic leader, were held lfday at Sheffer's Mortuary Chapel. Mrs. Chambers. a resident of Laguna for the past .17 years, died Friday at South Coast Community Hospital. She was 92. Active in the Woman's Club and Boy's Club of Laguna Beach, she lived at 434 Cliff Drive. The family suggest that. tho~ who wish roay make a memorial conlrlbuUon in her name. Born in Tennessee. Mrs. Chambers resided in Hollywood and Piedmont, California and was graduated from the University of California at ltle a'ge or 53. • She ~ survived by a llOO, Jerry Chambers of • JIUnoi5, and t w o grandchildren. Interment was at Pacific V i e w Memorial Park, Corona del ?t1ar. PILOT GOES VP TO $2 TODAY The new subscript.ion rate of $2 per month' for home delivery of the DAILY PILOT goes into effect today. ContlnuaUy rising costs of all elements _ .. essential to the J>!Oduction of the newspaper since the DAILY PrLOT last adjusted Its subscription rate in HIM have made lbe 25-cent increue neceasary. Your DAILY PnbT carrlu will, o\ course, enjoy tncreAled earntnp beea1.1.1e ol \be new prke and the DAILY PlLOT WiU Continue to Improve reporting and production teehrrtquet to delfvef an even better product to you ln the future. • ' ORANGE COUNTY, CAl.'1FeRNIA - ' . 2 Lagnnans ' Aboard -. c .o .oner· • ' . ·- TEN CENTS Goodwill ' ·.Sp~tt~~ ' . .. ; ; . . - • Off ~Baja : By JON LocuaEY OMLY.PILOT ............. ' 'Ille -lamed radlltl ·-Goodwljl, lonnerty berthed at Newport · Beach, tocl>Y .... reported bard IS'"'llld and bieUlair up on Soa.™to Reel 40 rplles soutlj ol San ~ Laland' off the coo,st ol, Baja Cali!omia. , The.~~ pin.pointed the Wred'· ed veiielTs.loCalioo u live mile.a oU P\m.-tO San Amoo!o,' IDll mild sOuth of San Diego.• . • , I t , The Coasl Cluard lfld t!>ere was"' alsn EV~R~!)NE HEil,~$ :_ ~a ·He~~'"°; ( ' \. i~11.dnc..cad~ ~aij . "~- • ealed omo stretcher for''ftatafday-nlgfit il!llD QtVe;~f:~~ ""! · .. :c ride to hospital after being~ struck ,iJ)y ;A.Jl't ~ . ~ 1• 1' ,,. '· •, •. • • ' ~.· ... • : ~· ; .. ~,· ·.··1 •. ~ ... (• -···.··· ... ••.:h. •• ,., ;Jf '.' 1 · I • ~ t1 :I I"" ''t ,."'"'t~ +-.... ,.• • ' ,O.,,j \ ' iv o:A:cti<Jii by .Phi~ner.s· • ' • ~~I •. . Scotchman~s Cov.e Traffic Vi~tim 'Satisfactory' Expected f>n Pyne C~tle A 15--year-old girl struck by a car while crossing PacUie Cl>ast Highway at Scotchman 's Cove late Saturday night was In saUsfactory condition today at Soutlt Coast COOununity H o s p i t a I recovering from a broken leg. Linda Diane Hernandez, JS, of Pico Rivera, was with a group of teenagers crossing toward ~ beach when hit by the car at 11 :15 p.m. Driver of the car, Barbara Brown, 33, of 31726 Fourth Ave.,. South Laguna, told investigators she came over the cre'st of a hill and was -swerving from the slow Jane to fast Jane because of parked cars when she saw the youngster!. California Highway Patrol offiCers said she skidded 7lt feet. They recommended no citation be issued. Scotchman's Cove is a favorite beach party spat for youths who have nowhere to park cars except.along th: ltighway. Probsb}e controversy ov'er propoeed use of Lacuna's muslve Pyne· CuUe •• a chrlstian school and reUitow: center ,will likely ~ delay~."at t~ht's Pl;I~ ning commission meeting on a technicali- ty. ' ' ' ' Ca!Var:Y Churth of Laguna Beach bu purchased the 64-room fortress-lite struc- ture at 770 JUllc:rest Drive. · The group js seeking a.condltiOnal U8C: permit to use .tile 'f~~lltY.. f~r a. priv•t.e day· school, for ·grades,one through eight. a pre-school and a church. ' • ' The castle, started' in 1929 was for several ·months •ri.Jmored "tO be I can- didate for purchase 'by Prelii:lent Nixon. Instead he purchased' l >'_San C1~mente estate and the church offer (or .Pyne ea. tie was acCtp\ff. · City Plamier • Al Autry said lie ·will recommehd Continuation of tonight's • Irvine Heire$S Charges . . . Supervisors on Pt;>l~t~s Joan Irvine Smith today labeled three Foundation-dominated dlrectol:a •nd of- members or the orange County Board of fi~-ers ,of the cdrnpany were lllejal and Supervisors. '"'Irvine Foundation beyond the powers conferred on the c6r~ supervisors'' and charged that they-arc poratlon." The James Irvine Foundation "under the political lnfluenc~ of the elects five· of the seven company dtrec-. James Irvine foundation." . tors and owns 54 per.cent of the company In ·an affivavit filed today in her stock . • , •. : federal court acUon seeking dissolution of Mrs. 'smith ~arges the sole intent and · the M,000-acre £.rvine Ranch agricultural w.rpose of \be a&r1<:0llura~ prese~e preserve she charges that "less than half aitreement 11 to avolit P.8Yment of taxes the acreage Is now. or ever was, used feir amounting to ·;t.5 tnl ll!On ptr' yeai al)d farming purposes." . th!lt the company fiaa ,able to obtfin ~n She said approval of the ptesei;ve by agraemcnt. t~rgugb tl_ie !ote~ ·o{ tbe three superv~sors Al\on Allefi, WiUiarfl Hirstein , named syperviiors., • 1 ~ • ~nd ~lllam. Ehilll~ 1:was and is jl~egal,, She u)'s. tftf$.. are funtu'onlng in ~Ir corrupt contrary to 'good rriora}s, against el~ctive. 6Ulc~ ;~uildF'· ihj! polltlcal ifl- the p.ibllc' {nt.hest1 Ot citizens• and ta1-Cucnce ·of th~Oon." 1 , • payers of Orange County and agaiosl. The·arudt\IHlllid tbd(y h Jn .response pubfic.policy, and Is therefore void." . to separajt .Dl~.Jlled tiy the faun--Mrs'. Smith declare. that the acreage dation. Orange County, anc1:tbe Irvine not devoted to agriculture is, or s~ou~ Complrtf wbfh seek ·to dilmia her be, exclus.ively devoted to the develop-federal act.Ion oppoatng the agricultural menl of residential, co~D'\erdpl .and in·, ~serve qreemen.t. dustrial use or sold to tli.trrd·par;tieso who: ,The .. three alleged • •·f o.u n d at Ion would develop the iandl'fll ~ e .. nt tlj<' , S1lpervilots", are obar&ed with 'c:restlns !r<ine company does ~.\:'1~ them., " th• agrlcullural praerve ov~ the op-l'l>e Irvine heiress. ,...,. ~~·12·pe~· po1~1..,·oi 1upervtaon Oavld.Bal<er_ Ucl c:tnl of the company's ML Vi ahares Of Robert .Qattin for "the sole ~ ,of 1public ·h~lng on the casUe to re-noUce property owners. · First nottces; sald ,Autry.did rl(\l explain the day scl>ooi use proposed. . Auiry Wd the plaMJn's .Wf.lilio wlll need additiolial inl<rn\aU oo propoaed 'parking., lencillg, streemnk of ymt. and .*r ·~ 1be cutle· Is a nonlcon- lonnlos mulu-lamily dwelling In an R-1 • '(rffi.deritiaJ) zOne. · · · · . '' Stock Mcrkeu of life aboard the. 111..foot two-muted top0•1 .~ .. bul. !zjai the two -UBUally carrted oo dect .were mlsstn«. in-dlcatin& thatlhooe aliOardJiad abandooed the thlp. .· · PoslUve identilicauon' ot the seven persons believed to be aboard was not . available. · However, Mrs. Bernard Stirk of San Diego tola the ·C<iast Guard that her bus. band. ~as · an engineer aboa'td tbi Goodwill and thA three otbel. penons btileYed •to. tie ai>Oard were Wali<r>.-Zlaa of San Cl<m<Q,ie; Ger.ild Comtod<, Tbree ~rob · Bay, Laguna Belich IJ1d Ed Henderdlt Soutli ~-' • '· · .1'110: Coal\ llboi-d SAd the-qoodWill'• ~~ of ifall TIS C.bo· S.. 'jAICd •••. U.. Ui! 'Qt l!aJa CalJlorDla. Sito. wu ~ at Ctdros 1.s1...i W....21 ~\he Inu marine ooierotor iltlll!t'Md"Nii,ied a cOll tflat \he vesiel aPl'C!ed to alrlve In -AprjU7 bOlwien 2 and 4 p.m. . ' - _ Tl\epOist qu~rd said tlie Goodwill wu appi)'entfy reluinfi>s ·tfml a charier lrlp to AC8j)Ulco. The Goodwllf ls owned by Ralph Lar· rabee of N~ Beach. The Gooitwm made yacht ' racing history In 195.1 ·and 1959 when she wu first to finish In ihe'Honolulu race. In the J959 race she lost her topmast and the swinging spar threatened the lives of the: eoUre crew before it was finally secured. Goodwill was still fint to finish, despite the accident. A message from the vessel al that time said: ''We are mntinuing to Hooolulu ~ a ketch rather than a sloop." The Goodwill was deslf!Ded by He11ry J, Gielow of New York and built by BeU.. 1e11em stee) eo .. Wllnllligtoo, Del 1n um. During. World War n It was ~· in Navy service at 'a coastal patnil vessel olf the West Coast. It was.ac!{Uired after lhe war by a syn- dicate headed by K. T. Kendall of NewpOrt Beach. Larrabee ai::qulre.d the vessel In 1952 for a reported $35,000 at auction. He (Bee GO!IDWILL, Pqe I) • ,- atock, claim• the estal>llilln\eflt ol the • cnablln& the Company to ..-Ive a silt agrtcultunil preserve •S!"tDllnl between ubai< on the '"' N\Ale tuu paid. by the CCPJoiJ.and tht compJ.nypffl)t!'Lrates the cafnpany In the sum of f1$ million • f t ........ ....i ..... I ,,,.. -....._ -_• YACHT'oOooWltL, l(EPORTED AORDUND OFI' llAJA ' • 'Coatt,Cr~ ~r;d v,11el When Tr~lfdy Struck • • "!" ! r .. fraud on her Irvine int~L per year for ihe JO-~ar IWiod: covered She aloo charges "the ~et; ot'tlle !"inc or a total or fll mm1oo.r.--·-' . . , ' .. .. . . ' • I I • I . . ·--,. --.. • , IWl.Y Pll.IT L • ! • • . . 1nue .· ~j awing. Oi,1 · Wiil Stop Su~e; DiilJridge Derlar~ · I .. • ~ . I WASlllNGTON (AP) -A apoclll lo a .. ,.an ef drilJlnl Ind pumptn1 to But .,t llom -·precautlOm the "Ille ml ol lbe oil "1corne II port of fl lt>tla4ial _ ,,.W recommended today rtmo ve the oH, Dr. H.amUton M. Jobnlon1 recommend1Uon would allow Vlllon, JD ttaa economlc 1)'81.tm," Peaora uplltned. ~ UDIOn" OQ' Co. bt 1uthor'&.ed to dr1U panel member and ~in 1 of Owl tffect, to oomplete the prodqeUOn pro-tn Santa r Barbara, Mayor Gerald S. p-""°' ad ceoi.*'<-ol! production Tulane Unlvenlty o.o!ogy Depar1mont, · gnm It Ud Jill~ .. f ,,,_ IAld: "I !hint It'• a mlllate. 'Olll U., plaUorm oil Sulla Barbara. told a· nows · COl\feren<:e. -Du.Bridge told lbe 1 conference the Alter what, we've be<n through I !hint >J,nmawiy.well call$ed massive petlu• The final decision on. reeom. panel had condd a variety of~. ~ PfOper, sol~ would hive been to .., of the Santa Bar'lara Channef four mendallons Is up. to S«relary of Ille pr-1JJ .ID4! Ud coocJuded that Jllml-elbillnalo cfJ111lncl'!lkllether." IOOlba ago, and brought 1 halt to drilling Interior Walter J. lllckel. ping out Ille oll·wu the best solution. FJrli!Ooe IAld uptrta have eqnvlnced ?tflUOns tor a Ume. Dr. William T. Pecora, director or the "The sltuaUon which m~u le-W · .blm that conUnued proctuctlan anty in- ~ the maln leak was stopped U.S. Geological Survey, .said a decision possible," he said, ''ls the fact there ls oil creues the ·risk of more leaaie. ft.er U days, oil bas continued to seep probably woUld be fort.booming wlthln a down there. The only way to prevent Withdrawing · all the oll offt.n only a 'Om ftMures around tbe we11. few days. future leaks is to get the oil out." remote hope of rellel, he added -"you Wltlldhwmc u.,.-oil !rOm atnidura .:rile panel, created by President Nllon The precauUooa wblcb w...,_~,. might be oul ll1ere 1 thousand years -Ille jllllfc'1i\ "is a peceuary part i.stApril 7 to coosldu onl;y the Union Oil mended might add to Unloe's ~tryin( to late It 111 oul". ~anyptantottoP'tt.eolleeep,''llidtbe c.l ' lease, recommended a aen.. of and thus Lirt into It• proftti,·· ~t He said bee~~ the Qty Coundl, mt! 1-.cl by Qr. Loe A. DuBrldae, precautions to be followed In cootrolllnl othenrile tbe ccnpany appor<lll!y could which meell Tilelilay, to .....,. ii• Ol>' ie pr-'• • .--... pr-I oil -"II• and prevootlng future expect nonnll profits under Ille pr<> poeltloll to conUnued drtllinl Ill lbe chan- Umler the pr<>pooed plall, II will fate 10 ml.!lbaps. visions ol tis lease. ~ ael. • No Demands Met Cifegiwrd fnjured in rruck Crash Strike Still 'On'-at Irvine , .. BJ TllllM.U FORTIJNE .. -ot .. o.llV ""' ...,. A co!li.<ion Invol9iQs. Ille Latun•.ll<lch .'l'lle llril• ,, .. 11111 oo at UC Irv1ne to. !..,.;id .........,. 'truct )' r Id I 1 "11lted in Ille 1nJurY of.one y~ &uard day. .t an undelennlned llllOllllt o1 dam11e A handbill pauecl put by · ptckd<n ttie v4ibJde. re.id: "N..,. of our demands have -~ Waft, 11, of Sf1. B1ueblrd Can-mft. We ire at1D GD ltrtke." .-. Q !load, was dlruwn !run Ille bac.t ol Moll UC! -II putecl the 11triten e trbc:t in the aocldenl Hew• reJeat. by. ~ a mw•hle number lllo were I fol1owln8 trutment at Soutll Cj>dl"\ lll)'tiit IWIY from c1-. 11111Dunlty Hoeptlll. Ware w11 re~ SWl no one lmowl for IJll'e boll' 111111)' IClc oo the job Salun!ay'. -II are on llrike. 'Allendlnce II not /\oeordlng to Ille Clllfornll illlhW•Y l1Cll'llllllj< tept for · Ulll'"111ty .-_ ttrol. the truc:t loaded wttb -~ -lei vary Ill the way from IO per-tbe uneoc:1oeftl back, ... ltruck ln the cen1 o1 Ille s.-ea1 bocl)' to hanlly )bl 11i<1e at lltlmood and Glenneyre. llX1 -.. le truck WU north bound on Glmneyre. A pieeUnc of interested atudenta: WU Officerl identlliec! the drtvet ol the car ·c:llled for tooqhl to clec1de wbelher to volved as Mona Adams, 11, ot San continue the ltrite. -· 0111om ma1nta1n that Miia SlriP litature handed out today i-· vehicle rao the slap sip at the repeated Ille unlllll111od demands: · teneclion. .-The N1tlooal Guard 11111 occupies -....... ahe hu mt yel -clled · Bateley. · , d Ille case la sun Under lnvat!flatlon. ,...Gov. ll<apn -·t cll1ed off Ille •taloof..._. l'rem P.,.e J ;0oDWILL • ~ • • I eat a fortune refurbishln& her u a raeo I yldll. J'be JOdlt WU moored for 111111)' ytan Ule nld C<IUDIY Dock near Ille Archet, it wu vacated wbeo the county kued e area to commercial developers. Theft was no factllly larp ~ •to Uld1e the Goodwill after the ncated lmll1 Dock and the 'l'rllpl; ~ :'11d not allow her to mid* lllPR• of 'draft . Alter leaving NewPort the Gooclwtl1 u placed in cliarWr aeivlce by Lit- bee. Sile occuloaally visited N"'l>O<I ~ch where she was aUowed lo.day ' d>ori1lg privll'ies in Ille !Jdo turning sin. • Best iofonnaUoa avallah1e today was at the Goodwill wu returning from :apulco. Larrabee wu reported akip- rinl tbe vessel. ~350 Oiurchill >ainting Stolen A painting o1 Wimton Churebill valued • the artist at $350 wu stolen from the bby of the Hotel Laguna, poUc:e IAld to- rt-Artist Frank M. Taurlello, 20ll Canyon !ttS Drive, reported the theft: In a tbef~ discovered Saturday, I0,000 ue dUp at.amps were taken from the of. :oe of a Sbell service: station, 13G N. .ast lllg!iway. - Police said the slamps worth ~ and a 5 wrist watch" were taken by a burglar 10 forced open a restroom door and en knocked out a waU aecllon lo galn ;try Into Ille olfk:e. -The rqenta haven't lllven Ille park 4 Arraignments Set for Laguna Arrests on Pills ( . : . ~ Four penons were to be arraiJned In 11l11*ip1l court lo!llY Oil drug dwqea •temmlar, from • arrest" thllt LICuna Beach Pollce IAld netted IU unldenltfled copsulu. • • Police lllld dlarps ol po11e11loa of dqerous dtug ancr possessiOn with in. tent to sell Mre leveled against Susan Lym Watson, 19, Montrose; James Lewis Mariliall, 21, Glendale; and Ciel! Pr<oton Tanner, 11, La Crescenta. Michael J..,.ph Caparella, 20, La Crescenta, was ~ed with being uncrer the influence ot drugs, police said. A fifth man arrested witb the group Sundiy evening was to be released. Police Lt. Frank Schopen said Tanner was arrested by c_ilf-duty officer Lee Schramling afttt a citiien asserted Tan- ner had be<n pwlng around ·pills Ill Sleepy Hollow. Sdlopen lllld Tanner fled and brtefly resisted the officer. 'nle other four were thfn arrested. Laguna Rejects . $300,000 Claims Laguna Beach councilmen have denied more than $300,000 in claims agalft!t Ille city, many resu!Ung from Ille torrential winter rnins. back to the -le. nw* 1re the riuQna: for c:onlimlina 1he llrite Ill solidarity wllll UC Berkeley 1tudenta. 'lllere llao ve COOliderllioal that welal> on the lkle OI cll1lng the llrike off. -'lllere -~ aeem to be much ,...... to believe that llriting al UC! la l'iJll to hlvo 1111)' effect Ill llerteley. · -nm ii the week before fbWs, the tradlUooll "dead weet" when -.is tum ,_ Ill their 1tlention to lludy preparing lot finlll. UC! strlien decided nol to send 111Yone' 1ut Friday to Ille Memorial O.y marc:ll In Berkeley. 11we didn't want to contribute to t h e violence at Berkeley which we felt wu ultimately reuonable," aa.k1 graduate studeot Richard Whli. ol Newport Beach, •stritelnder. White Aki he wu surprised there was no vtoJence and remarked, "30,000 people are difficult to cOntrol." Earlier, 10 Irv1ne lbldenta ml studeot AcUv1Ues Advtaer Nell Malmbq were amsted Ill -Berkeley for-uni.1'iu! asoembly and !allure to ~. 1ltbooigh_ they clalm they w~ hemmed • In by guardsmen wllll fbced hayoOets and could find no way to disperse. 'The arrest of the UCI eleven and alleg. ed subaequent ml.streatme:nt in prison on.• doubtedly contribute to faculty and stu· dent sympathy for lbe campus lllrlke. The eleven arrested were said to be in Berbley as -.Ven, , galherlng ln- formatJon for a campus;_cooclave held Jut week on the Berkeley sJtuation. Marching is another matter, decided ~ UC! ac:llvt!ts who seem committed to peaceful protest. Dave Heskett, graduate atudent from Corona del Mar, argued sUCCf:S3fully the strikers' goals would not be lurlllered by c:onlrootallon or lhe threat of It. Philosophy Teaching A!slatanl Bill Wingfield, who was carrying a picket sign this morning, was asked how long be thinks lM strike will last? "I'm not tn the habit of talking to reporters from reactionary newspapers,'' be annered. County Survives -Holiday With No . TraffiC · Deaths B1 .umwa a. VIN!IEL Of .. otl,, . .,.. '""' Oranp,\:<>"D!Y survived Ille tbree<lay Memorial Day ,weekend without a singJe tra!flc death, -but Clllfomta led the na- 1ion's toll with 45 accident fatalities as motorists jammed all possible routes. "It wu fantasttl'.," Wd an Orange County con>ner'I deputy today, "All WU quiet." CaWornia Highway Patrol lnvestiga. ton uJd not only were there no Orange County latllltJee, bu{ !here were no really aertoua' acddeatJ. "In fact,.tralfic yesterday ,... lighter than a normal Sunday," commented one CHP ~ who bopes tt may be a lortCUt ol hollday weetendJ to come. "M>ybe people are gelUng smarter and ttartinl bQme IOODtl"," he aald. "We wereTeadr, for a real jamup, but I~ didn't happen,' he continued, saying .the .county's 11~ miles of freeway and .lho\&Slndl ol miles' of local highways were fllrly WICluttered. Unfortunately, it wu a different !ilory elsewhere. "Everybody's going to the mounlalns -or the deserts this year," said one CHP officer, who at least credited the Utanic jams with keeping the tughway death toll lower. wractfn1 ride heme Sunday night. The freeway system In spot., was like a conUnulng used car lot. swiating travelers turned off their engiiles and simply wailed as far as 100 miles north of San Francisco and l!IO mi)es south of Los Angeles, CHP ofiicers said. One group of boys got out of their car and played ball by the .roadside near Cloverdale, north of San Francisco. Besides the 45 MemOrial Day traffic fataliUes logged statewide, authorities listed lZ persons drowned and one boating dealt! during the 6 p.m. Thursday to .n.idnight Sunday period. Samaritan Killed In Hit·run Crash sTocKTON (UPI) -A good samaritan was killed by a hit-run auto Stmday night as he stood at a Stockton underpas! gl.v. itli advice tO a woman whose car had St3lled. The victim, Theodore R. Green, 33, of Stockton, was dead on arrival at a local hospltal. Green was assl.sting Ida J, Roberts, SI , also of Stockton. • ------------~ TOP U.S. MAN IN · Huntin9ton11 Slracuu Huntington Man .. Steps Info Top . . Position in P~ru . . A former HunUngton Beach scholar and 1thleto . today ts holding the. top dlplomaUc post 10. Ille United S~ In Peru during the worst period ln history of relations between.owe two countrler. He ls Ernest V, Siracusa, the charged' affaires for the U.S. in Uma, wbo tabs cha,,. of Ille U:S. Embassy today upon the res~ion of Amb8SS4dor John Wesley Jones. Jones left J.4ma today. President Nixon a cc e pt e d Jones' resignation May 15. Siracusa, 49, who was graduated from Huotlngton Beach High School In Ille 1930s, later attended Fullertoh Junior College where he played football. He was a Phi Beta Kappa later at Stanford University. Siracusa'• nephew l! Pete Siracusa, well-known Orange Coast surfer and NewpOrt Beach restaurant operator; Ermst Siracusa hU served for several -Nixon Visits • .. . -Clemenw • On · Monday . I Pru:iden~ ri~1 wm t)e stopptng over at his West Coast White· House 'Jn San Clemente next Monday aft.er be meets wllll South Vietnam.,. President Nguyen Van 'th.Leu June 8 on Midway Island. Alttr Nixon's . talk w!lll 'lbleu, Ille President plens to return to HonOlulu Sunday evenlog and spend Ille lllJ)lt there. He will theo flY to El Toro MJrtne Cor!ll Air stalioo ID4! speod Mclldly nlcbl 11 lhe (onner'Cottoo Estai.. Before Presiden~ll with Thieu .., Midway isl4nd, he plam to tour and speak at two college campus. Julie and David -will be joining the Preatdenl oo the tour of Ille Ail' Foree Academy, al. Colorado Springl, Colo. ID4! GeMral Beadle ColJe&e In Madison. s.n They will stay tn Ifawllt wheJI NiJon trav~ to· Midway to meet Thieu .... Al Geoeral Beadle College, Ille Prosl- dent will help dedicate the Karl E. Mundt Memotial lJbraor and will give a speech oii· "baidc ' vahln of America• currently under challenge'/ according to Presiden· · tlal press secretary Ronald L . .Zlegley-. At ·the Air Force Academy he is u- pec:WI to talk on ''the role of a great n• tion in the world and the role of military defense i.q our so¢ety.': The President aDc!' his family will retuni 'to Uie Whli. Hollse oo Juoe 10. Julie and David Eisenhower have tnovect Into. the Whlta House for tbe summer, tating-up living quarien on Ille lbJrd floor. 2 Laguna Sisteis- Flee Home Fire; One Gets Oxygen Two Laguna Beach ablerl fled theil' smoke-filled residence Saturday morning u fil'emen doused a burnbJg couch and carpet that did an estimated $1,000 damag~. years in the U.S. embassy in Peru under Fire Lt. Dave Tompk:!M said Suzie Ambassador Jones. DeFranco, 18 of 745 Catalina St. wu The departure of the ambassador given oiygen at South Coast Community Hoepltal for smoke inhalation and later comes ami~ a most controversial period released. in the relations between the United Stale3 He Uk! she and her siater, Jean, 22, and Peru, provoked by the upropriaUon·--.... had turned oo the floor furnace to Warm of properties of the AmeriCllHlwned 'up their residence and it 1et the rug and International Petroleum Co., and the couch afire. Damage was cutined to the seizure of American t\1na bOats by the llvltng ~ __ a I s·~ -•·· r . -"•·-L n ano""" ~ear y UQQI)' ~._.., et\IVIJ# ............ ,. eover;unen. ... firerQen ~ an ov~ed d\air at The <lecisioo ol lhe U.ll. govemmont to the home of DuhCan MJtdJell. 425 halt sales of mUi\lry equipment to Peru Griceland Drive. Tompkins said .a provoked a strong reaction from t h e clgartt may have started the fire . mJlitary government. It called "Inop-Damage was about $50. portune'' the announced visJt of Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller to Per:u ~d said the ptesence of the American military mission in Peru ''has no further puryose." Marine Injured In Cycle Crash Court Restricts Military Trit.ds WASHINGTON (UPl)-The Supreme Court ruled today thar a serviceman who commits a non·military, off-b&M crime In the United Staies in ~ace­time must be tried in the civilian courts. . .. An El Toro Marine suffered head The ~3 decision sharPly limited the lnjuriel Sunday afternoon when hi.s mo-contention of military authorities that torcycle went out of control on a steep they have the optional right to try Laguna Beach res idef!tial. street· and servlct:men charged with off-duty, off· struck a parked car. base offemes such as murder and rape. RObert B. Sattertbwait, 22. was treated The current practice Is for military tor head injuries at Soutb Coast Com· and civilian authorities to confer about munity and transferred to the base jurisdictloo in auch cases. The coort "" dispensary. _ told that about IS percent of such cases Police L. Frank Schopen said Satter-are now tried in civilian courts. thwait was westbound in the 300_hlock..__ Military ~thorities had asserted the of Nyes Place when he loot ~rol. hit Tiilit to try' all of them if they wished a curb, struck a car and a block wall. because the Coostitution delegated to The young Marine wu bleeding heavily Congress the power "lo make rules fot from a forehead g~h when police ar-the government and regulation of the rived and administered first aid. land and naval forces ." DAllY PllOT OIU.NCll C0oUT ll'USL.llHINO C.OMJtA.lfY •-lMri "'· w •• , ll'rwtllknf ... ll'WlllMf J•clr: R. c.,1., Vlc9..,,..... .... 0-ef """'"" Tllo111•• 1(,,.,n .... Tlto1•1t• A. M.,,hin• MlllMIAI .ldltor Bigges\ claim was $214,273 by Pruden· ttal Savings and Loan Assoclatloo of San Gabriel wb;cb took <rie't a h o u I ln g cl<!velopm«ll that tlie -Corp. bad beeD unable to complete. - The c:omplsint aplnal Ille city .. i. ... to city aetllement ol I IUlt qllnst the bondlnl ampany for the developmenl. The c1aim WU r<femcl lo the city at• tomq. "Drivers just couldn't get going fast enough for a ruJ· gOod smashup," said one patrolman. ''J( anybody dies On the highway," sald another trying to help untangle a massive tieup, "It will be from starvaUon." Masset of can streamed to Popular resort areaa, beachu and desert spa, then crowded all routes for the nerve- Path to P~try a way There must he to live longer and ~njoy it more 1ioned our rather impre11ive (well, ,.e think It u) oboe de- partmenL . We carry mm'• Topeiden, at 111 to 825 a pair. Taylor Made iRtreel and baiRineiR• ,.,.r.., from $20 10 136.50 •. Our mnoaa Bally Sb-Im- ported from Switserland, are 137 and I~. And tben we bave tho popular Clarke Deo- ert Boots nt 116,, and you've never worn anything more comfortable than they are. Rithord P. tloll .._,_ City l!dltor __ ...... 122 hr••t A"'· Moln111 A4drMt1 r.o. lo .. 666, t2U2 --°"'' /MM: SJO W.I 90l' It""' ,....,..., ~; :1711 W.1 ... lbto ........ ,. .....,.. ... kt!,., .... .... ... • Qrw.ke Shook Up Lagunan's Future Rulll Fo<hes Sherry; Laguna Beach poet. wun't alwaya. When the San Francisco earthquake lllnlck In ltol, she WU Studying philoso- phy 11 Stanfonl University wllll Dr. Wll· l!am Jame.s. one of the monumental -.American f ''lb:f'S, and WU to have been hil as 'anl The wlh<. <e shln.d lllelr p1U... 111'1. 5tl!r1l' t "lled 1-ID4! James died 1 few yea1 .. later. Known In her chosen La~ for a sparkling wil 1m· 'rantly operi approach to what Is new. ''" Sherry ts tncnm IM>ug!l Ille work ~ poetrylor the vlrt· lily, ~ .-beauty of her vene. Sile y hat been -to Ille Conl<lnponry Potts Intamatlonal Hall of F..,. for 11111 by United Poell Lau· reata lntematlonal. ' 1be good newt came In t letter of c°"""" crlllll•ltonl from Ille d1llrman or Ille ln..,...Unnll or1aniJallon. Amado M. Yur.on ol lbe P!illllpl.,., The award 1pecilically honond her • book or J>Oel115 "Mojave." The book has had four ~t1ona and a fifth may be forthcoming. In 1987 It also won the Oliv· ant Award of $1,000. She has done 10 other pubumed (un- &ubsldlzeCI) boob of pcetry since 1912. Awatdl have been many, anthologies about 60 'bf which seven were published abri>ad. Sile has publlahed about IOO works tn magulnes. She hu oel her l!O'lr)' to eleotronlc music.1nd !ectl1red (r.quenlly.-moat re- cently al Saddlebact College: "They wanted the students, to have a difrerent Wluence than the teachers,•• said Mn .. Sherry. •1r made the students rtad and talk about lbemlelves IUICI we dl-ied one of the poems." On the eve of Memorial O.y, her ,..._ Ue work .. Requjein ror·a Sol&'' 1MmS particularly ltmelJ'. Its last sllnJI mdl: ''The distant tbtmdet rolls acrim · the tea; "Far hlll1 give back the reveille. "He will not •n.rftr. Jt ts Well. "For he ls. lost Jn 1~eep." \ Did you happen IO notl<e tbal every time you lake the S.S. Lurline to Hawaii it eeeme to be o. dlff....,nt ahlp? We flnaUy n~ out why. It i< a dlflerent ablp. E•ery time the old Lurline wean out or whatever bappem to it, they bring a DOW ablp into .JO"ice asld limply ch&af!'I the name o( the ...,,.. ohlp to Larllae. Pretty •-"r. Allele from hanag a dellgbt· fol YOy.,., which....,. year and wbicbenr Lurline yon happen to tnYel on, yoa bear tome tall 1torl'" ,.bile on board. For In· ..... .,., did )'Oil ........ that (all blooded a&lifti llawallane, ac-- oordlng IO atathtlco, lhe esact• lJ. 20 yean lo-that other people do? We tried to find out why and were told tlsey eat • 1peelal' diet of genuine bee'• boner • -• and eider •inepr • ..,..,, ni@ht befo"' 1&Jin!! their prayen. la .... )'Ila tbiak ii ml@ht be better to aay your prayen befo~e eating that concoction, I don't think youtd get an_.. gument out of at. • We wouldn't qualify as ·au- lhoritl .. on b.,,.. to 11.., loq;. er, but we do know a thing or two ab<iut bow to enjoy It more. A Bidwell wanlrobe, u everybody knowa, will pat aan- sbine into aoy man'• life. Not that you ttart a Wllrd· robe with sh-bQt it hn been aWhlle since we men- . All tort.s of other attire for land or oea. Knitted ahiru, windbreU.or . ..,lon jacir.ou, walk 1Rhorts, oilskins, nrim· wear, and ao on. · But how do you euppoee thOle dogo..., fall blooded na- tive HawaUsna m•n981B to live 20 yean lo-r ·than anybody elee. They don't "ltart counting their birthday• aatll they roech the 1181' of twenty. Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Udo, Lido P...Wula, Ne"Port lleacb, rlpt out lo Rlcbud'a Market •nd tho Lido Th .. ter. Macho parki"8 dlreclly behind my 110no. Phone 6734510. Copyri8'Jt 1969, Jaek BidweU. • .. ' , , • Wa Undo (at I New. par!i lr1 SIJ Joan membo Supervl superv1 "Under James Jn a1 federal the~.(! preserv the aCI' fa.rmin1 She ! ~: corrupt Ill• pul payers public I Mrs. not de1 be, ext ment o dustria would' Jfvine 1 The I cent o: stock, agrlcul the """ fraud 1 She• Fllll'ldl fleer• beyond poratit Be "Bu We t New Day h 'veeke suriln1 wealll• All I when I Bui Mar's were Beach l1irned stlowei Non rbcht • Cro1 !mfer becan: rtmab Thet numbo thQuu surfer '!'he too. I l weeke l • . .. I ---~ • ' ' • • Ne~~~'. ~~r _ , .VOL:. 62, NO. 131, 3 SetTIONS, 31 PAGES DAILY PILOT l"""9 •r Rldlerl KMflltr W atcll Tft«:,t First Step • • • . Under watcliful eye of Newport Beach Lifeguard Capt. Buddy Belshe (at left in water). lifegtiard trainees leap· into water from end of Newport Pier in Saturday trairiing exercise. Twenty-six trainees 'participated. Irvine Heires$>C~rges Super~isors on Yv1itres Joan· Irvine Smith today labeled three members o( the Orange County Board of SUpervi110T1, "Irvine F o.u n d a (Ion supervi&ori" and charged that they are "Under the po:litk:al influence of the James Irvine Foundation." In an afOvavit !ii~ today In her federal court action seeking dissolution of the 54,000-acre Irvine Ranch agricultural preserve she charges that '.'!~.than half lbe acreage is now, or ever wasi used for fanning purposes." She said approval of the preserve by su~rvisors Alton Allen, William Hirstein arid William Phillips "was and is illegal, corrupt, conU'ary to good morals, aeatnst the public interest of citizens and t.ax- payers of Orange County aod against public policy, and is therefore void ." • Mrs. Smith declares that the acreage not devoted to agriculture is, or should be, exclusively devoted to tEe develop- ment of residential, commercial and in- dustrial use or sold to third parties who would develop the lands in the event the frVine Company does not develop them. 'nle Irvine heiress, who owns 22 per. cent of the company's 84llfl shares of stoclt, claims the establishment of the agricultural preserve agreement between the cronty and the company perpetrates fraud on her Irvine interesl She aloo cllarl!"' "the acts of-the Irvine FaundaUon<iomJnated· directars al1d of- nt.ers of the company were illegal ·and beyond the po!ers. conf~ed. on ~ cor- poration." The Ja,nts Irvme F~aUon . Beaches-Ready , ·Bui Weatherman Won't Coopel'ale I ~ Newport beachgOers over-the Memorial Day holiday weie able to enjoy their firSt weekend of unrt31.ricted swimming and surfing in ,four man~ -but the weatherman didn't cooperate. AJI barriers were removed by Friday, when pollution quarantmes were ended. Bui wtth tile exctplioo of eorOoa del Mar's main bead!. Mtll)OriaJ 08jl "'°""' were ml~ . acccrdlDf to •Newport Beach lilegumls. Ol\ly 511,000 persons turned out to wait for a sun that never slioweit up. 1 ' ' ·Normal dall)' aUendance oh weekends te'ac.hes about 80,000. Crowds at the beaches dropped even 1ctwer on Saturday and · Sunday, as it became apparent that the weather would rtmain gloom)' gray .. 1"ere were no drownings and ll small numbe:r of r'UC\!e& and injuries, 1s 1h9usands of would-be swimmers and •urftta st8jl<d home. elects five of the seven company direc- tors and own! 54 percent' of the company stock. Mrs. Smith charges lhe sole intent and purpose of · the agricultural pre!el'Ve agreement is to avoid payment of taxes amounting to ;1.5 million per year and that the company was able. to obtain ·an agreement through the votes or the three named supervisors. She says they are functioning in their elefiive offices "under the poliUcal tn- flue~e of Uie foundation.'! The a'Uidavit filed loQay is in response to sepaiate motions filed by the foun- daUon, Orange County, and the Irvine Company which seek lo dismiss her federal action opposing lhe agricultural preserve agreerhent. The three' alleged ' ' f o u n _st-a~( i o n supervisors", are charged wiUi creating the agricultural preserve over the op- position of supervisors David Baker and Robert. Battin for "the sole..J>urpo~ or enabling the company to rei"eive a gift rebate on the real estate tues paid by the company in the sum of $15 million per year for die 10-year period covered or a tot.al of $15 million." ---- EDITION . ' ORANGE COUNTY, CALl~NIA MONDAY, JU.NE 2, 1969 , \ < • . . • . I< • Nine ·on 'Goodwill' Lo· t? ' -, ' Nlnvport Y aeht. ff"rec~~-:O·ff .. Haja !leef . ' ' By ALMON LOOKABEY, DAILY PILOT IMttq ltlltw Coast Guard and private planes, augmented by veaels of the Mexli;an 1 Coast Gua,rd, today 11uncbed a "wide search for'Trine persons reported ri\1$1lng from the 161-foot schooner Goodwin after she was, wrecked csrSacramento Reef 200 · mil~ south of Sao Diego. Skipper·o! the famed i'at:iilg ya£:ht was owner'Ra!ph Larrabee of Newport Be&ch, a Huntington'Park indusll',ialist. ArthUr l{ne:lvel, an officlil • of Lar· rab'.et's L & F Industries identified those on board as Larrabee, Carrie ·Grehbel, North ,1Jall1wocid;' ·'Wlllor .Ze!JI, San Clemen!<; .. Ed..Jl-..ODll .Jerry Coms14cl:, South Lquna; Bmlar!I start. San ~l<,JOllll· COllr Jr;, el T. Smith, ~· ii\!! Pllricla Nienhaµaer: mi.~ •. L "'of ...... ·-.Knievel lal4 tiler< ,. waa no._ ot.-tbel'l\K'VivGn. ·Wn:abee's firm bad prlvateUcrlft"' rqote to Baja.. CaWornla to · aid, ill the ~· Tbe Goodwill ltseil WU 11ih~ ·~kfna up· on Sacram~ Reel llOftlt five nd1es off Puato 8an Antoruo, -Reef runs· thre& to -..U.. .U . laJa (See GOODWllL, l'lcl I) Santa Ba,.ba~a Well Nixon Panel O.Ks ' . 'More Drilling WASHINGTON (AP) - A special pr-toil aeepqe and prevenU!I( l1dure presidential panel recommended today mishaps. that Union Oil Co. be authorized to drill But apart from these precautionl the up to 50 wells and complete oi? production \ recommendlllon would allow union, ID from the platform off Santa Barbara. \. eff~. to complete the production pro. A runaway well caused massive poJlu. ~ i~ .bad planned . Uoo of the Santa Barbara Channel four 1DuBndge told the news conference the months ago, and brought a hall to drilling pahel had cxmsJdered 'a variety of other operations for a Ume. proposals and bad concluded that pum- Tbough the main leak was stopped ping out ~ ~ was t~ best aoluUon. -• d il h ti ed to · "The 11tuaUOo which makea Juk1 Git.er 11 ays, o as con nu aetp .bl .. he ~:.i..a ••• the f-~ ~ •-it from fissures around the well. poss1 e, 04JU, IS -~ ..,.;.i.o;; 1a 11 Withdra""1g the oil from structllles down there. The only way .to,.prev~. YACHT GOODWILL RE.PORTED AGROUND .Off BAJA • Under the platform "is a necessary pert future leaks l! .tb I~ the,oU wt. . , ~ ..... Crew Ab-.1"1 VH.,I' ~en 'Tr•~ Struck ' ~ of any plan to st.op the oil seep/' said tbe The prec1utions 'f'hlcb w!" ~ . panal )lee<\ed, by Dr· ~ A. ~· ~~~~ ~T:'!:i;;i. ; ~· ' ., ,.,; · "<;/ r ' . • ' • the president s sctmce aCtvi8er. # I • -''--'--"-..\. ,. ~ r .-u..... ~a . ' ~ 1'1'"\.. • . UCI ~1~::i:i~~i·~::· ;;:;-~if:·-~..;:· ·i'-e.~ . ':~un ~ at .. . llleiiU,&.'lllUbUloilr=.: ~.-..._, ""''---~-.>H . . • ·<1' ·., I< , If -1' bit and cba1i'man ot tht "'TM ~ ·... ·lllll ~ 1'11. t • • , •• ,. ~· : ' -~':ersityGeologyllleparlment, ~.1;;"=·=-,. •s. 8: \':-'·i\•-' ·1gn--· ·. · ~=-=°'".!=· .. the ........ ~-tamci~.·1 .~;~~ . ut··1l.1Gst · .· -ore Picket8 . .OrnendaUON is up to S<cretary of the . ,_,_ w-wa_ve -• ""~ . , , . , . . . . · I · W It J Hi k I Ille proper -"""14· --lo · · · ntenol' a er . c e , · liml ._ ;1..in1... .. 11•-etber " · ' Dr. William T. Pecora, dlrector of the e naw .......... ... • , · · U.S. Geological Sarvey, said a del:iJlon · probably would be forthcoming wlthln a few day1. The panel, ·created. by Preildent Nixon last April 7 to c:oosider only.the Union Oil Co. lease, recommended a series. of precautions to be lollowed In controlling RABIES CLINIC SLATED IN MESA The Orange County Fairgrounds park- ing lot in Cost.a Mesa will be the site of the Costa Mesa Rotary Club's annual anti·rabies vaccination clinic tor dogs Thursday, June 5 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The anti·rabies shots, which provide protection for two years, will be $2 per dog. Co-sponsors of the clinic are "the Orange ~unty Chapter of Southern California Veterinary Medical association aod the Orana:e County Health depart- ment. Newport Tot, 2, - Drowns · in Bdth A two.year-Ojd Newport ileacb' boy drowned Satur6ay nl&hL when be,-left atone in tbe baUitub for oq_e. mbluti, police reported to4ay. 1 ~ Patrick Shawn :J'udor, of 2127 M1rllftl.. Dr., was found by hts stepfather, Mlcbael Shear, floaUng in the bathtub at bls home. Shear told po~ he had left the tot alone for a minute. He heard apJuhin&: and returned to the bftlJroom,.where be . found his stepson unconacM>us. , ~ Shear applied mou t h-to-mquth resuscitatJon and called the fire de'Plrl- ment rescue squad. ~-~ A fireman continued the rfs\18CltaUon in the back •t of a 'J)Ollce patrol car u . it raced to Hoag HOIJ>ilali but to no avail. Patrick was prmotmced dead 10 mtoutu after arriving af the bolpllal. . . ~ , ~· ·~ '.~Y"9M~M II>' ........ JORTIJNll . ' .. ~ ...... Tbe strll:e WU ltUI oil It UC !nine to. day. ' ' A hlndl>ill ~-· 0Ul·'b1 plcktlers md' "llano <t our..,,_ haw been met. Weta.re atill·oo ltrlke." llloat'\JCI lludenll paaaec1 the @era by. l\iJt ·'i. ll!ioabla niunhet , aJao were !laylqaw8jllromcllael. suu no oqe '"-• ~ sure boW maey ~If'" on;str11:<. Atfendance ll Mt lliilrftial1y t~ for uniruslly . ct ...... E-Vll')' •ll1bew" liomJIO per- cmt ·ol the S,ll001rtuclent body to hardly any IWOO!b. ' A ·roeetln& of Interested students was called for toolght to decide ,whether to continue the ·•'1'1M· · · . 1 . Strike llteratUJe ~oded out today rej>eat.a the unlullliled dem,ands,' -Tbe Natlo!lal Guard · sUU occupies Jle>keley. . ' ,....:pov. Rea1an hasn't cal~ off the state of emergebcy. '. -,1be regent. haven'r given· the park back to the ""!'?''· : " ' ' Those are tlW re&llOllS fer . c::onUnuioc: the strll:e ill aolldll'lty with UC B<rkeley Students, • • ~, .' i • I 1 : nwte aJao '!"· ~-' that wellll oo tllO ,..._Ill · ·-~ljij••'i>lf;' -'llieit ~'(.' --Iii" JIO '~ reason to beli.Ve1 thll 'itrwni ar1J(iu· goln1 to have any etT~ln lWiktley! , •• J -'nill 11 'the• Weet,.~Ofe,.~als;· the tradJUonal ''dead .weiet'1•wben,"atoderitl turd most all their alttniloJI to -1· pttparing ·ror Ona.ls. 1 • • ' ' • • , • • UCI $'lller'S decided not to send· anyone. l&st·Frklay•to·the Memorial Day. m1rcb.rln Berkeley. • "1 ."We didn't want to: contribute tot he violence at Berkeley which we felt was. u!timitely) ieuonatile," ~aald' gi'aduate atudllll Richard White of N.,.port Beach, 1 strike leldet. 1 .• · · Whl1e Aid.be :wai surprisa:l .. there,war· no vloJeodl 'arid remirtec1,:.Ha,obo.peop1e~ an1 dllDcult "1'.~1,~ ,; ·• · ' • • _ I, 1 -., '', ,, . · l· • 'to ~ '«1t .• t • " PIWT · 08,RS'~UP ' • .f ••• TO $2 TOf)'A..l'···" ·: ·, . . ' . . . Earlter, IO~ lt!ldeoti and Slaileal AclMU.. Advller Neil Malmllorr. •• arrested ill llerb!ley for uiilawlal .-mbly and failure. to ....._ although Ibey claJm they were hemmed in by guardmoen with flied bayon<la and could find no way to dlsperae. '!be ~ of the UC! eleven Ind alleg. ed aubeei(uent mlltrea!ment ill prison ..,. doubtedly conlrltiuto to faculty Ind stu- dent sympalb)I for the_.. alrlke. The eleven arre.sted were said to be hi Berll:eiey as ·omervets:, pthertnc I~ .fi>rznatloo for a campus conclave held list week 0o the Berkeley alblatlon. 1'Jarching is another matte.r, decided thi UC! activists who seem oonunlttod to fleacelul protest. Dave Heskett, graduate ltudent from .Col'Ona del Mar, argued S:uccissfully the strikers' goals· would not be furthered by confrontation or the threat of It. . · Philosophy Teaching Assistant Bill Wingfield, who was carrying a picket sign this morning, . was asked bow loo& btt think'rtlle strike will lasl?. "I'm not ill -the habit of tolkinC to report.eMi lrom reacUonary newspapers, n: be answered. . · j.NEW YORK .CArl ·-,Tho 1!4ck market ~t<*d-with J · mod~~.1~ loday u its Oecline pushed Into the third COMeCUtive '1eek'. Ci!ee 'quotlit!Onll; Paps !S.19). , Trading . was active for a IUS~ curtailed by ., delayed apening due to· slorm conditions. Oraap \veaa.er --+• Thole-law cloudt may . leak a triOe on' Tuelday, but the sun will wt 1n iu .....i per1unc1ory •P' pearance. Loot, for temps rimjlnr from 11$ to 'IJ, ~smB TODAY 1 ' S~ ptOnth& Oj~T lO&iltg the race for tht pnddeney, Hubtr« Ciumphrtv I& mok'11g more """l'V than he Ila• In all hh Ii/<. Pag< 5. . _.., n c1&1.-' c ......... » .. """" " (,....,..,. . H .... ""'*-. 11 --. ••1....... i. -.... -" _.. .. Nstl@MI Ntwl 4t I °""' c:s-t't 11 11'Wlt ,..,.., ,. ,..... ...... , .. ,. -~ ... ............. " T....... 11 -.. -· . l'he Onlnge County Harbor District. too, J<POrted • very quiet MUdoy weekend. LEADEN 'HOUI DAY SIClllS !'AILED TO ·KEEP THROtil<JS FROM N&.wPO.RT ~'IHOR&tlNI Momorloll>ay ohCotona''ltl Mar Main llffc:h l'ound Parle!"' Loi at Capaoliy-at 0:45 ..,,,,., l • . . • ' •· ... -t...(_-1. • •.• -~ ,. -11 .,.,.,. ..... .. .. • {' ~ . . ... _ . . -·' • ¥ •• • • .... .; . ·~-""°' ... •• • • .. ,. . ' I " • •' • • - 1 I ' ' -._ ----~---·---- .. ID-l'"r.1.~-.. ; , J!!icts Mi "'_:~rx .eowe ~ ... ~ \. . ''-' . . ~ . :·I I . . . -ff~};Qje .Cri~_Now W.,i~~ .~e .. _T~.in C'ivil~n tJourt~· .. - _WASllJl!GTOll WPO-Tbt ~p,.me Wlcl o4 "°'al,........ ,' JolmM'• -1114 1111 -.-...n. ' ~ *"" in a eult filed tJj James CaUri ruled tod4l' II\&\ .• ltrVictman lb other actioos, the ~rt: caUoo ol it by the 1111 U.S1 Colin o1 · F-:·o'Cill-. 31, fl'Ol!l 1i1J Jail cell at """"-Ila a ~. off-bale -Ruled in • IJUe ·Mdo·.Vk., caie APPOBb. ·'"' · · · tlie 'teiloral 'ponit<nu.r)I at '1ewlaburg, ~ 'lin 'lhe Unil<d Stat,. in~ace' that the owoer ol a recreoi)Ori faclllt,y ·11ie military ruling would applj only ~a. · • om.._i lie triod .ill, the vlllu uaed by the publlo and whJclt.li mvolved ill peacetime. • • , · As an-Arf!!r -geant in Hawaii, courts'. in lntem:att cunmerce caW'CJt bar Ne-Justice William, O. Douglas wrote O'Callahan WU convicted In 1956 of Tbt $.3 declSion. shvply limljed the groes by charging a "membership'' today's 5-3 opinion. Justicu' John M. aJempted rape ol J 14-yqr~ld girl in ~ ol military aiithorlUea that lee. In a H ~iQn. the coon declar.d Harlan, Potter Stewart and Byron R. a Honolulu ho<el. lllot. ha~ the .pptional right to try · that the Lake Ni>Ga ~lub oiJlai<!e LltUa. Wblta dlssented, declaflru! ~:hid He is Jel'Vbl~ a 10.,..r. - 1tn1lelmen clw'aed '!Ith off-duty, olf' Rock had v!oliled u., 1'91 Qvll·illglrtl ~wn the law iDll>la mllltary-clva-1 1 which will elJ>h:o ~n June. 19'10. ,... 911._ oucll ao· mutder 81\d rape. Act bJ. ualng a 2S-«nl fee ck!m to 'Into a demota!Wng state . of un· O'Callahan llarted a habeao corpus ™ eumat pracllco 11 for milltuy denJt ... try ... two Negro ........ An. Certaillty." . . procoeding in 'U.S. Dbtrlct . Court ID and dvt.ltan autbortties to confer about other case involving a community Douglas said that ror a crime to be Scranton, Pa. \ 1 jurisdktion in IUCb cases. The court was swimming pool ii still on the court's clearly under military jurisdiction it Crimes in civilian communities would told that about 85 percent o( such ~s docket. must be "service-cQMeeted" lest the ~ .,mist of rape, robbery, murder, em~ are now Uied ln ci~an courll. ,. -Upbeld Federal Disttlct Ju d·g e statute. on the aubjict. be upinded "to 'beu.lement, assault and the like. The Military authorttt..-had ...erted the Frlnl; M. Johmoo Jr. wllo rll1od that dapiive tVll'Y member' cl the armed wne ollenaee would . be crimes under right to try all ol them-ii ibey wlahed Montgomery County, Ala., publlc . .-i. services of the beneflr:. cl an indictment military law II committed on duty al a l>ecause the Constitution _ delegated to must estabUsh a specific ratio of white by a grand jury and a triaJ by a jury military po5t. ~ tbe power "to make rules for and Negro teachers in individual schools. of his peers." A strictly military offense would be lhe IO'fermDIDt ad reculat1oQ of tbt 1bt_ nNnlmma dec1l!oD agreed with 'lbes~ two ·facton:, which led ta today'& desertion, mutiny or· inaUbordinatlon . • ~,, .• gun VawJ,als Shatter Car,ApartmentWindows · ~ TradoWladi Lane: SC.Vtn P. Mathey, 1JIO M-1Dtn Drive:·and Myrle er.a, 2111 SantJaco Dolve. Pollee alJo Nld Vandall flNCI thna pelleta at a __ Of A. L. Anderaoo'• a..-at tl11t lllver Avenoe ID,Wlll Newport. 'Ille lllllllly wao lnlldo the --al tile lime, with lbe upi. on llid tile -drawn. llo cme wu hurl. rr..,...eJ =•·-,.--~Y<~. :--·~---fiOO'"'"W'~ILL · Program to Fete 0 · · • • • . --ntarlbeBljaCout.- M H OCc Two .aldlla ·lielleVed lo be aboord .tho rs.. owes, y,acht were not aboord lllil It WU UIUJll- ad the ourvtvors UIOd tham to abandon ahlp and row to the l'UQad Baja Dean of Women c.lilornla cout. PLEABVIU!l CllVUE • Mn. Marie -· -ol women •t Knievel Nld the party had been on a Orance Coul CoUece ..,. II -' Ill pleuiin cru1ae alone the Mllldcan coo11 "'1'l ll", will fe . feted ~ nlaht to Act-·•-Tho Gooclwtll'I Jut port ol oy~~_:_ ... -1o~~-~1 cau ..:u;;-ntum lr1p WU Cabo San -~ ~ ,_.. ~-· Lucu .. the llp ol Ba.I• Calff<lmll. ~ ends In • couple ol -.. departed the cape May II. A KOU The Marie Howes Honor Nl&ht Banquet marine operator in San Pedro monltored will brillC loll-family, fac:ulty, a call from the Gooclwtll May 2$ students and alumni, w o m e n 8d· reporting an ET A In Ensenada May 'r1 mtnlltn:tora from other coliegel, and between 2 and 4 p.m1 TOP U.S. MAN IN PERU lmnt V, Siracusa Newport Man's Kin Named to Top . Peru Post • Zonia Club members. News lha<Jho ·~"! _w!'I """• Mn. John Inman. Oranp Coul . .,...,Wfliii:Mra. Stark nolllfeil iJie Clout .A.tormer HwilinJlon Btich acholar College """""'1« .wbo II or1anlzlng li!" . Guard S~ that the -1 WU and tthltto today la boldlDC the lop ~am. noted 11 wu·fi!=es ~ o"""""'' · : ... ·. ~· ;;, dlplomaUc J>011 tor the United States in ~lo"'~~~~ 1 .. ..._~~ ,. ~.~ ~ ;lfi.i "' a Cl>alt -.·PoN ·--~'wpolot period in bl!tory of 81.UlW .. ve UOll .....-."uu uuara ll!ID'CD p~ ~om.Ing The r .--·'; ' :~, ·' hav. given outslapdlnf leadersilfp Ind wrecbgo was posjUvely ldentu;.;.i by . re •ti!* . n thi two countries. • sefVice. ~ Mom ~r ·ofQoial ol LlJ'. He It Emell V. Slrac:-the charged Her frleni:tl _then are-torrowtg ts-·ralieir-s1 firm ~60 &'laniillar wtth the affalres for Ible U.S. in Lima, who taket ocript to "'tum Ille tribute. . ·~II. ,' · " · . char .. o( the U.S. Eml!wY today ._ Mrs. Howes, a Widow, lives at Ull The Goodwill~formerly berthed at the the mlgnatlon of Alhbauador John Broadway st., ~.M~. ' old ~ty Dock in Newport Beach is Wesley Jones. JObes left Lima today. Siio pl.-to tnvi!I IO Ille Ort<ot and < listed u the largest pleuure sailing · , South Padflc, tben make cloeed. drcult vessel on the West Coast. P:e31~t Nixon a cc e pt e d Jones teJevWon tapes for lftowine in ICbools, ' res1g01tion May . 15. bo1pttaJ1 and rest bomes. FOR SPALDINGS Siracusa, 41, 1Vho was graduated from She was dealgned by llen-ry J. Gltlow Huntington Beach High School in the Police Break Up Cyclists' Fight of New York and built by the llelhlehem . Steel Co., Wilmington, Del: for. the 1930s, later attended Fullertcx, Juruor Sp&ldlng sporting goods family. During Collel' wbm he played football . He was World War 11 the steel-hulled vessel was a Pbi,·Bela Kappa later at Stanford turned over to the Navy and used u an Un.IYIZ'llty. · offshore patrol. Sl.rlcusa'1 ,nephew ii Pete Siracusa, When the Navy offered the vessel back wet•·i.-Or_...e Coat surfer and N-•--m ""'""" quJ kl bro!< lo the Spa!dlnp after the war they did ,...,.. u,. •• ,.... -,..,.._ c Y · •up riol want tt and .aold .u to a lie--' 11ewjl0it'Bili!t restaurant operator. a fight betweeo membera of a Collon ....... motorcycle gang at Rocky Point Friday Bt,lch BflldJclte for a reported $20,000. Ernest Sira~ hu served for sever~ afternoon, mesting 6eVen men on The .syndicate planned to convert the years in the U.S. embassy in Peru under charges of 1ntoxicatioo in public. vessel into a gambllna -abip for use off Ambaaador Jones. The mus anest near Corona del Mar's Acapulco but the plans were thwarted by 1be departure of. th bus.dor main beach was the only beach the Mexican government . e am dlaturbance during an otherwise quiet Larrabee acquired P.art Interest 1n the ~ comes amid a most controvenlal period Mem<l'ial D!IY weekend, Police said.. vessel in 1952 a~ -tater bought out the ·tn ~ re,latiobl between the United Stat.ea 1be unst.ees, who ranged in age from oth8s in the syndicate for a reported and Peru, provoked by the expropriation 19 to 25, were drinking beer on tbt beach $35,000. , of properties of the Amertcan~wned alcng with aome 15 other cyclists when Jt was on a pleasure cruLSe in Mulco lnlematknal fttroleum Co and the """~t pied that Donald Douglas Jr., Bud Gudner. ., the ~'6" e.ru · were made an officia.1 of Douglas, and others talked ~ of American illna boa.ta by tbe Pollce said Ille .,,...ts LaJTabee Into converting tho b t 1 Pmrilan Jllilltary government. without further tncldent. schooner Into a radng vessel aOO en· '111e declsiOn of the U.S. govtmmtnt to . Traffic Deaths Bypass County Over Holiday ; . By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of lllt D•llY Plllf Sl•ft Orange County 1urvlved the tbre&day Memorial Day weekend without a single ~afflc death, bilt California led the na· tlon's toll ·with 45 accident fataliUes u motoi;ists jammed all possible routes. "It was !lntastlr.,'' Wei an Orange C.ounty coroner '& deputy today, "All wa.s quiet." · California Highway Patrol investiga· ton said not only were there no Orange County fatalities, but dtere were no really serious accidents . "In ·fact, traffic yesterday was lighter than a normal Sunday," commented one CHP spokeiman who hopes It may be a forecast of holiday weekend! to come. ''M3ybe people are getting smarter and starttng home &00ner," be said. "We were ready for a real jamup, but i~ didn't hlppen," he continued, saying the county'• 115 miles of freeway and lbouJanda cl miles ol loc:ll highways were fairly unclutttred. Unfcr1unataly, U WU a dlfl""°t atory • elaewhere. · "Everybod)''I .plnf to tile mountaina or the deeertl WI: year," Aid ona QIP officer, wbo at luA credited tilt tltanlc jalft! with teeptnc .tbe blpway dedl! toll lower. " "Driven )ult cooldn't get goJac fut enough f~ a rUl a;ood smashup,•• aid ... P'tnlb.an. . . •11 inybod)' dfoo e11'1be highway," Bald another tryinf to· help untangle a masalve tieup, "it wm be from Btal'v•tlon." Masses of tars streamed to pcpular relOl't areu, beaches and desert spaa, then crowded1 an routee for the nerve- wracking ride home Sunday night. The freeway system in spots was like a conUnulng used car Jol Sweating travelers turned off their engines and simply waited as far as 100 mHes north of San Franciscc> and 80 miles south of Los Angeles, CHP ofllcerS said. One group of boys got out of their car and pllyed batl by the roadside near Cloverdale, north of San Francisco. Besides the 45 Melnorial Day traffic fatalities Jogged statewide, authorities listed 12 persons drowned and one boating death during the 6 p.m. Thursday· lo .nidnight Sunday period. Russians Test Bolnb WASHINGTON (AP) -Evidence of a Soviet udnerground nuclear test that would be the third so far this year and the 25th since the llmJted test ban agree- ment in 1963 by was reported today by the Atomic Energy Commission. . . • · • o.t,1(.y Pli.oT 1ten ,.... Tempararg B~Wge Goes (Ip Pilinn and Cl'81le mark ·eoo&ttucUon on·temporai-)' bridge ,;, New· ·pot1 Island, crossing from lhe end of Marcus Avenue. It wUI b9 uaed during time repairs are made on Ille current, rickety struciure which crosses Jo the island from 38th street. · · · 3 Newport Annexation8 . ' Win Approval of LAFC Three small but interesting annexatiofis to the city of Newport Beach wtre ap- proved 1 a s t week by . the Local Agency Formauon Comml8$1on with the added guggestion that.the c:ity take steps to an· ne:r the Santa Ana River channel along ils western boundary. 1be suggesUon was in connection with lhe city's proposed annexa~on O( 8 triangular 2.a acres bordered by ille river on lhe west, Coast Highway on ~north and the Pacific OceaQ on ~~.S9Uth. The county Flood C onliof Diltrtc( tirg· eel that the river and tlie' paraJ!eling Groenville-Bamilng FlooCI Control channel be included in t,he annexation in order to provide regu)ar lifeguard and pollce pro.. tecUon to the river area. Daren Groth or ·the Newport Beach planning department backed up LAFC's Executi_ve , Officer Richard Turner's report that the city already has plans to annex the river channel from the Corta Mesa boundary-at West J9tb Street to the ocean. Grotb said the annexation will include the tidelands to a distance of three nliJes from the shoreline and that State Lands Commission approval must be granted for lhis move. . , : The other two &mall aruientions ap- proved are : · The largest, in Corpna del Mar, _ls a 2,l!J().foot slrelch of the Pacific Coast Highway east of Morning Canyon Road between Cameo Shores and Cameo Hlghlands. lt1encomp.asses 4.9 acres. The c:lty states that because of an error In the legal descriptions filed for Cameo Shores in 1958 and later !Or Cameo Highlands In 1959 the highway right.of. way was not Included tn the aMexatlons at those llmes. . The highway right-of-way ts described fn the annex application as ::a. portion of unincorporated territory which protrudes into Newport Beach." The second jlropooed annexation is the northwest quadrant of the Arches Interchange ·at Pacific Coa.st Highway and Newport Boulevard. The 2.5 acres is on the north side of the highway and west of the present city limits, a part of 1 Jarae uniocorporated island ,c:ompletely; surrOllllded.by ll'"'f>Orl Beach. , The aMexatiOQ. is termed a '.'logic~l ex· Wns1~ of U).~· cj~y's bo.~dari~ ni_oving toward ev.entU.11 incluslon of me .entire Island ill the city.'' A population of 2 700 Is eslimated lot the area by 1985. ' Annexation will put the entire Arches Interchange in the city limits and will "eliminate any jurisdictional disputea in traffic accident investigation." r Michael Rivera Services Slated Phil~Ford aerospace s c i ~ n t J s t Michael Rivera died Sunday at Costa Mesa Memorial Hos-eJtat 'Mr. Rivera, 41 , died after a lengthy m ...... Ro.sary will be recited " at 7 p.m. Mon· · day and Mass will be celebrated at 9 a.m . Tuesday, both at St. Joachim's Catholic Church, Coeta Mesa. He Is surviv.ed by his wife, Margaret and two daughters, Keren and Diane, all oJ the hori'le, 2291 Watennan Way, Costa Mesa; parenU, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rivera of New York ~ a alster, Mrs. Irene Caterella of San Diego tfnd brother, Ralph Jr. of Long Is1-nd, tl.Y. The family suggest that lhose who wish may make a memorial contribution to the ~.lican Cancer Society. DAI LY PILO T . terlng h« in the 1953 Tr8n3pllclflc oce halt sal., of mllltary equipment lo Peru ft:om Los Angel~ to ~onolulu. Goodwill provoked a strong reaction from t h e was first to finish 1r1 the race but . ,,. because cl light alri fai!id lo break 'Ille milltuy governmenL It ctUed IDOP- •lapsed time rocu-d held by the titch ~" the announced villt ol Clov. Morning Star. Neboa A. lloctefeller to Peru and taid There must he a way tioned our rather imprel&ift (well,"" think it 1') ahoe de- partment. . ' OlAHC)I COAST ftUllmilNG c»M,ANY ••Mrt N. w,,4 '""'°"'' -""'Jlthtt ' J•ck I. c..rl.., Vlcit p,_lcMl'll Ml9 co-f" Mll'llMr Them•• K•••ll Edlll>r tliom•&. A.· M11rplttrt• "'-Mt'llf l!dltor J••oll'I• F. ColliM ............. CltY E•flor --Oflko 2211 W..t l•lbee lo•lov•r-' M•lll119 Acl.ft•tt: •.O. lq 1175, t266J .,_.,_ c.w MoM: no w..t ..., 11,.... LliWN IMdl: m: ,._, ... _ Huntl,._ '"'11• ., tltl &""'9t .. SECOND TRAllSPAC 1'1e Goodwill was ap.ln enterf'd 1n the 1959 TrlnJJ)l.c and was on her way to a rocord crooatng wbon slle broke a lot>- mast. It toot the crew tevtral houra to cut Lhe mammoth swinging spar loose as It threatened the lives of the entire crew as it raked the deck in turbulent aeaa. She was again lint lo finiah despite the aeck!ent. · · The 1959 Transpac: ended Goodwill'• raclna career. ll was soon after tbal she was ousted from the County Dock moor- ing after the county leased the pniperty for commerdal ck!velopmenL 'fllei'o were no other facilttlea: large enough to ac- coMmodate tbe vessel -both because of her overal l lengt.'l and dralt. She ground· eel several timea In Newport Hlll>or whUe entering or Jeavblg. SOMETIMES CllAllTER!D Since leaving Newport, the GoodwiD · bas been ,.registere<I out of. Son .Dleco. Larrabee nao· Charter.d !Mr oo aeveral occasions, but for the moll port ttpl her u a pleasure cruise vttael for hll own use and that of bis frieads . The ve.s&et was 18i feet ov«all 1ength, 70 feet on the ~aterline, 30 feet beam and some UI feet draft. llurhli her racinl heydq olie ..U eleg1ntly kept lip and was one of the moot glamor'Olll yachls on the Wiii Cout. = recent yean lhe haa bHn ina rundowncoodlUoo, her ooct u1 lopoldet llrealted with ruat. I ,. "' - tho pmence of the American mllltuy mlallon in Peru ••baa no further pui'pole." 9· Teen.S Hon~red For Preparing Newport _ CofC Nina ~ li\llll>bera ol Newport Harbor mp Schciol'a Key Club bave won recqp1illon• and thanb for their r«ent ..rt In inl'Orioi tile --ol tilt Newport Harbor Qlamber ol Coinmerca. Tb< ·JWlbt, Who belonl!O the KlwW.:-•-od boy'a dub; -Jut ~to dear 1"adl and -·fn\m_the ·-.... ,.... "°"" Iha' Interior ol the chamber'•, ·lnleriul homo ·i. the ,..,.... "~ Stvlnp and Loan branch o11ke u Newport center, Tlio ywtlia ..... .-ol the :"'~ dlnclon at a lunc1-.aarUer Club mem1Min bellillic ill the cttanup wort Included Bill Messenger, Randy Whltaldes, Dick Andrews, Bo GrUflth, Bruce 1Jubo, 11ob \'opl..BID Hendabot,. David Bradley and Bill J;:boo. r • to · live . longer "\Ve carry men's Topeiden, at Sil to 825 a pair. Taylor Made street and hne inees styleo, ~"?m .$20 ID $36.50. Our famous Bally SbOM, im· ported Jf-om Switzerland, are $37 and 842. And then we have the popular Clarke De&. ert Boots at Sl6, and you've never worn anything mo~ Comfor6:thle titan tl1ey are. arid enjoy it more Did you happen to notice that enory · tlnae 'you take the S.S. Lurline ~lo Ba1iall, It ~ to be a .dlUmmt ahlp? We finally flpred oat why. It it a dlff-1,ohfp.-Enory tlnae the old Larllne wean oat or wba-bappem to It, tlaey brine a new ahlp Into aenioe and nmply eh....,. the name of the ...W ahlp to ,_line. Pretty~ .Wde from.ba.u,;-. dellPt. (al T01"f0, whl..._,--and whlehe"'!I' .Lurline you happen .... tram-you b-aome tall atorieo while 011 board. For m. otanoe, ·did you bow that fall. blooded natlft Bawaflane, ac- cordlnc lo otatlotl.., 11.,. eUet. Ii 20 yeuo Io...,.. that other 18.dot · · ~e tried to find oat. why .and were told they NI a special diet of -aiao bee'• boaey (. and elder •inepr e•ery nipt be1ore aayiq their prayen. . In eue yoa think it mJsht be better to uy your pray""' kfore eating that_ eonci>etJon, I don'f t1iln& you'd iiet an ... gument oat of u. We woalclu't lJUallfy u •a· thorltlet oa. how to 11.,.· 10"8' er, bat we do bow a thlq or .t-about how to enjoy it more. A Bidwell wll'drobe, u .....,.~1mo .... will pgt ...... lhlae into any man'• life. ' · Not that yoa atart a waf'd. rob9 with ah-,·· bat It hH been awhll-IP.nee we men- . AU torte of other atliN for land or aea. Knit!M ahlru, windhnlllker nylon jaeket•t walk ehort&, oilskins, swim· wear, and '° on, But how do you auppoeo tboae dot!!!One fall blooded.,.. -live Hawaiian.a manap to' li•e 20 yoan lon8"r than anybedy · else. They don't start counlln.s their blrthdaya until they reach the ago or twenty. Jack Bidwell .3467 Via Udo, Udo Penlnoula,• Newport Beach, right nest to Rlehanl'.-Market and the Lido Theater. Macho parkin5 directly behind Utf atdre. PhoDA> 6734510. Copyright 1969, Jack Bidwell. J, J 1 ' , , I . -- - ' . \ . ' ; .; I BEA ANDERSON; Edilo• ·- • Fl,~et Beached . . -. . . . F ·. .. . -i; -.. ~~ -'~-:.:~-~ ·~;;;x\l~n 1 ng FreSbly caught;fish, approprifttely enough, will .be served when the NewpOi::t Beach Historical Society honors the dQry fishermen who · have made, their headquarters next to the Ne\\'port Beach pier for many years. Guests. At the Utlrd aMual HistOrical Society dinner Wedoesday, J.Une 11. in the Balboa Pavilion, will inclu'de the dedicated band of fishermen, wtio will cast their nets for the evening's fare .. , The on!Y·· commercial doiy fleet still operating on. the West Coast, the seasoned lovers of ijie ·sea have been selling their wares since 1908 in a picturesque setting that bas chang:ed.Jittle from the early days of Newport Beach. . Travelers from around the .world have stop"ped to browse, buy and leisurely chat with the fishennen, who guide their small boats up to 30 miles out to sea to make their catches, The Historical Society will present a plaque during the evening to the dory Cishennen as a lasting tribute to their perseverance, and the pier- side site will be dedicated as an historical lQdmark. - HistoriCal SOciety--presidey1t i , ~slle' "St.effenseri ls heading a com. mitt~ planning the dinner and-mee\i~ _whic~nel~~. Mrs. William Rlt· ter~ vice ptesident: Mrs. ~V~rren~M~Smg, ~-s~g s~re~; James Rubel, trlasurer. and William---Gnindy,.membersbip iibalrtnan . • r • ' J • : . • • Other .members o! the txiar.d ·'lldlrl!Ctors aisilitrng ~lb arrasigements are Joe Hamblet, Jack Barnett a.fJd the Mme}! Joe aee·k, Harvef·Pease and Marlin Sheely. ' · '~ ' . _ Tickets, at S4.50 which inclu.es a $1 donation, may be purchased at the three Newport Beach libraries and the Newport Beach Cb~ber of Commerce office. · ANCIENT ART -Man bas !>Oen llsbing 'fa< subsistence since ric-· on! books were k~pl Explaining !be tl!Mless art t~ Mrs; William Ritter, vice pr .. id"'1t of the Newport· Beach IDstoncal_~ety, ls . ~ries Vetter, dory-<f!shennan· \vho will be honored with his fel·: • low fishermen during 1he third annual.~orical SoCiety Dinner:: JUnelL · ·,. .. '·; " '-- l It's Almost Art Exhibit Time Again . Hurry, Mrs. Wager, it's almost. ~e for the annual art exhibit or the Thursday Morning Club of New-. port Beach to begin. Next Thursday in the Balboa Bay Club art works of members of the Art Section will be displayed, including paintings by Mrs .• Jack Wager, chainnan, and_ 10 percent of Lhe profits fiom • the Art Fatr J".'rtiOD will go to specified charities. The exhibit will open at 11 a.m. and a bullet lunch- eon will be served at noon. Reservations are being taken by MrS":"·Robert Wilson, 644-0446, and Mrs. Robert Burbank, 646-3529. W·himsy • • • °6v;ertakes · ;.f.Jc)spita:I ( '· . -- Dancl.QI .·lhelr w1y to the Conltrence Center-ol Ho.i .M e-m o_f I a I ·-Hosp It a 11 Presbyterian, Saturday, June 14, will be the ,BOb Baker Marionet~s. / Membert or the AffiJiant Chlj)l<r ol the Aullllary of the iioop1w are IJIOlllOl'tnc the double ihowinc •pin, ond have earmarked proceeds for their pied&• toTUle wildlnJ c fund. YOWll people ond 'llQe * are young at heart will deult>&' , at the 1ax ~· to pirade at 11:30 1\m: aDd 1 p.m. ,, Tickets wilf be $1, and mem-' . bers J>" the Afflliant Chapter ~··'urging early purchue 'Qt'. _tickets, u the yearly event . always ts a sell-out. Mrs. James Blixt, ways and means chairman, is actin1 as impresario and assisting ~r are the Mmes. P au I MacMillin, Lawrence H.rlis, George Logan, E_ d w a r d Bnunleau, Larry Rool ond Craie Comm. Addin& a note of color will be menibera of Girl Scout Troop $11, who will act as ....... TlekelJ a n d information may be obtai]ted by ca1lin1 Mrs. Richard ·Simpson, 541- 8374, or Mr1. Michael Roaers, -·. ' :· MARIDNETTE·M!NDl!D -Eve~ since they le~rned ~,the Bob Bahr ~~ Marionetle8" are coming to town Saturday, June tf, Patiflagd Karin Lant, 1 _ .. ·and 8 (!~It to right), have b<en busy practicing their own' puppetry technl-::. ques. They already haVe purchased their tickeLs for thB--. .\fiiliant ChJipter-spon· ; ' . • j • ~ • ,..,, • sored sho\V, which will take place in the Conference Center of ftoag Memorial _,. Hospital, Presbyterian, at 10:30 a.m. and l P.m:' , ,;-"' · I ' , 1 // ,. ,- Doubting Tom: It's ,a Fact~ Telf .. Fri .~nd What ·s,pe -.(acks :,..; ., ::: t ,,.-• :-!·: ?. , .. <) ;. : , .. • 1 ,,. ' ,,, . DEAR ANN LANDERS : I'm engaged to.marry 1 great 111, a11e 22, sweet, pep- py, amart, ind. she has plenty going for her. Rosemary is beautiful and built. Tate my · word for it, Ann, &he doesn 't have to go to extremes to get people to noOce her. And this is what I'm wrlling about. Rosemary bought one of lho5e up-to- the-minute dresses with the mat(!rlal cut out here and there -allout eight peepholes. Cl don~ know how else to describe It.) She wean a flestH:olored body stocking un<\erneath her dress so or . ·course it looks, Ilk•~ you are seeing her barf: lkin, I Whenever Ro8emlr)' wears that dres.1 everyone doCll a double ,lake. I feel lik~ ' ANN LANDERS ~ J'm with a naked. dame. It's very ern.- barraalnc. J'l·e told her m)' feelings about that cruy dress ~rid !be 1aJd I wu no judge of .style and that I had no bwilneaa trflna to_ dictate to her what &he ought to wear .. - Do I bave the right to tell my fiancee I will not lake her out in th11t. drtM agail\1 -DOUBTING 1110MM DEAR TOM :f'YOU -· 1od y11 tlttlld • -ud I llope 7,. wllL DEAR ANN LANDERS : Our ton ln- heri\it 1 valuable library from his grondl•ther who wu a United s1a1 .. ' .... tor. The Jlbrar)' Wu'nol iarJe -ap- proilmotely '* boob, but it contained many fine volumes w;tth pereona1 in· scrlptJona to the Senator r r o m dlllinlullhed authors. --------~-,-~~- Over the last ah yeWa we have . lost neorty half ol tbele irr<plocable books becauae IC<IUllntlUIC.'OI boriowed 'them and "forpt'' to brin,1 them back. . l..:2lt weet a· friend wtio 1ttended 1 hmeral in another town aaw one of my aon'o boob to Ille home of the deceased. ll wu IJinl on the table, face down, with the opine lirotien. We• dtd ool !mow the' Pt•""' to •'-home tho -had been seen. I Usum9 a rDutual friend.had pus· ed It on. This, in my oplnion, ls thouf)ltlou 'Ind lnconsidorok. Do you know•ol I IOlatJon to the problem! -GllEEllS80RO, N.C. DEAR G!l!!N: Tllen 11 1t ,- tlCfl .. _,..., • ,..,.,,.. l llfttlt ... -rotlolt tUa I cwn. Miil• ll 1 • rale 1ever,· -1Dd l meu .evef'-to allow 1 boll' .. 1 ol,. lltme la1 Y'" are pnplrft IO port '"' I .,...,, I t,ow_ frt• uper~ t Mme tru~ aiill'elll.,... 11 .. cu be _ ... ,.'!'. f l "DEAR ANN .LA ': I was in- terat"' in the lei from Arlene, the pl wl>o ~ I i fmn punk who -1levalor1 a ot pnd 1ot his_ JOllJes snappln& clt<flei.fHe -lolly enjoyed ~ in 111 ,,.., i• ·-mru were IOldod Ith pacbaes or lab matorlal. WllJ ildil' ~of,; .. au!. ponty hooe. Ann? Tbe Ill will &O ,llll..o! his bud from fru11t1UQ11. -• • I -,, J • ' ' , -SCHENECUDY: • DEAR SCREN: Puty -lo "; nbsdtiote for • clrdle. All4 uy shl ~: Uatlki tdttrwlte ...... tvaD benelf ti· ' tbree.-w1y rear-view ...... ._.. . ' Wllat is Frtnch kJulnl! Is "Ji. wgf ' Who should sel the neek\rw 11111111 -t~ boy or lhe girl? Can 1 ihOlgun weddhC,· succeed ? Read Ann Labden' bookldt "Teenage Set -Ten W13s To Cool It.~ Send 50 cent.I 1n coin and a kiftc, telf· .... dreued, slamped envelope. Ann Landers Will be al~d to help ytii, ·with your problems. Send tbtm.to fwt.i• cu:e of .the DAILY PILOT, .,alndll' self-addressed. &tamped envelope. .. .. • • . . ' : ·-. . • I l I ' •' ' ' ' -,i ••••• ·/ -:;,;--,-,;:;·..,~~'!"""'·""~~:r""=""'-...,-;-, .,.. T...,.....,...,., ... -..,., .. ,.,.....,""l'_,.. ___ .,..,...,""'""""""-.. ""' .. ,..""''""--"'!I..,..,•..,::::::;;.-;-;~ -t;.-.- • ----- . -.. ,., . . . Memory lane.Troveled f own ·Hall Series Closes.~.-. . , . , • . 'Music Man MerePith Wlllson : ls' llist -loWa Boy ?Jt ti.eart .. ,. . :· t -t ' • ', N• ·~ ·r·_.,.., I : : lly JIAN COX Apparently when Meredith show wu waiting. with baited sang his song quite crodlbly. r,tachecpW•i•d~•r. th~ dJlec. cheon which followed liio· IP.· ~~ally· the ~ator ol sl~~r. the t 'Ollll'i>;Lll r °' •....., r11et s"" took bls piccolo to try bis luck breath to bear his aong. 0~'111h:e ::r~:~~l. o:: c~~: :d ~ M::=w~ pearance in South ~ "Th+ U~iikJble "Mo (t Y Rukmin.i Sukmawitl, daughltr 11Ai lddreu may lndlcate he in New York. be wM horrified Half-way thrOllgh the pro-regreUulpt, "Ohio Stale won . cre'aUon wu a bit too long, Theater, WJllson ~dmitted, "I• _ ~l ·~:::.~~:;:;.-ot-ltlkari\O, ftlr the r.Ote, but • P.adflc Pallsides, but when he heard how city gram, he h~ard it. Vallee sang the game 82-3. The university and "-tbe Praductlon nwnl>er never had 8 bWTUJll ~~Ire to! ,.~}~1~cliJWtQ ~ b.~ ". tl11/ .Jodabe~ian t ainge:r just . WUllon bn'l loollng slickers mbpronoonced the it loud and cleody -"I-owe-didn't tab too klnclly to my would have to bo•cut. · -;> compose. 1 don' kriow thl!•I ' · i '•.-. 2 ~ ' ""'•id•" ,...k the u~ way." ever had a burniqs dt:aare.4 , en er~ ... '~ •. Y""~-;-t;~-r .. : •-rt ~· Fram the top of his name of biB beloved state. aong after that." ''Solnethlng lib. the .19Wa towards anvthtng ~In n\ y JtEV2 rABr -·., A~~ Wllleon, w,s lW l\Wc-fJDld head down lo the ''They would sa 'I-owe-a' or "J was very di~u.raged and ·Indian sona," uk6d Meredith .• career. Actu~Ht'"i J.anted to ., ---="•· , t bride .Of "1~ year R0¥macy. tpll ot rb)ithm-t.apping toes, he else 'Eyo-<lh·way' " he shud-gol to brooding about it. M~!~!·,co:11:: wouldn't "We mean the Iowa ...... play baseball 1 becanie a Oute ,,,.. ' ~rini th~ . l .. a n ~ h ~ o n ~ who:m be marrle<f after. hls ~ 100 percent died-in-the-·de red. · Finally l decided to write a song," they replied heajjleas-player beca~ my mother l<' Mofedllfi ...eyeatea .tlie _cast for ri,rst wire, concert' iing_ef; Rini ~ towan. To remedy this situaUon· he good fight song for the be stopped. He wrote a sonc in ty . bought me a flute so 1 would -9\1-·proci~~on, W~'JU~t h~ Zarova, dled.ot canceil in 'tlJ6. E City is WUlson"s decided to write a song university," he recalled. whlch the word Iowa wu ex: to d l h 1 l 1 • ~ft a51~ uoon. Rosem.11.rv a real redhead d to tho h wherein the word Iowa was After be wrote his spirited presaed phooetlCally tn an Io-Meredlth's music career s n ou w en went 0 co .. :. ·~eo1Wtioos•-< l)lrt ·Will be d hv·t·• • · omii · -d bbU :~ at these tu~ of correctly pronounced. T h e tune, he sent it to the Untversi-dlan beat. He played thia aong began when his m o t h e r lege." • . . ~en bj.:a fine Shakespearean =~e ~~t :iui"'Sal)4 \eS::.a ~!jllataPce ~af!:e's T 0 w n song was publlShed and one ty and soon after tteard from for Mason City pptentatu who presented hlm with a mail AskJd for. a.dvlce to asp1~1ng : actor ~od ttar-of 'On a Clear ago when, she went ·t~ collect ~ Series last Monday, it's day he received a called from Its publlc relations man who congratulated hinr and 11ked. order flute, which eventually r,oung mus1c1,aos. he replied, ~y,' J ,Ith n Cullum. Queen _ his autogra~ all.er a ·cohctrt llWlOus bis beart·iJ still there, Rud y vat l.e e 1 ee k in g reported the student body "Why don't . you write a enabled him to play in John . A young~ter s own voluntl!'"Y ~@t_bella wiO be portrayed by pertonharice~---~ae hu plet1ty .of reason to permission to Introduce the learned it and would try it out musical comedy about your Souo'.s Band and then later interest 1n the arls should .,Jijl.n Fe;nn,. whO "" born· to She'continued her.frl§lldshlp .. klndly of his native )and, tune on his famous radio during a Big .t~en game the hometown?" w i l h the New York neve r be_ dlscoura&ed. lf he• rpliy ,~ fole, and Columbus' with the !'fUla:x\s andr'for 8 :ilf\u be tells ·it, it's thanks to Show. following Saturday. 1bus "The ~usic Man" was Philbannonic under the baOOn lacks lhc .talent, he could '~. w.11 l ~ e Chila tlm_e wOr~~ aS",l'-tr !ecretary ~~1 ' of Iowa that "The Meredith gratefully agreed Meredith tuned in hi~ radio born. However, .during the o'£-Toacanlnl. always .~1 out lo be a very l\IYera.", before 'Joming,,,...Patamou.ot ~Man" was ever written. and the everiiag of the radio and sure enough, the students tour, before the mus I c •I Speaking at a Celebrity Lun-good cr1t1c. 1llc said they had been con· studios as a secr$ryi • I._ • ~ • HoroscGpe Time-for Sociability TUESDAY builds toward ultimate sue-CAPRICORN (pee. 2 2 - JUNE 3 cess. Jan. 19): You ean add to • LEO (Ju 1 y t3-Aug.22l: possess!Ons, income. You are Bt SYDNEY OJlllA.RR Highlight public relations. Be handed a more responsible MOON .IN AQUAllfUS: Be flexible; display versatility. ~assignment. wilh g reater. ~le. Elltertaln at bome. fjnish one task at a Ume. rewaros. Some of your hidden 8-• uceavenUonal penons Don 't trust others to interpret qual~ties sur(ace. you are ap- Uve Uielr tay -locally, DI· your v i e w s. Take time to prectated. ~ ti~. and hlteraadonally. explain yourself in crystal-AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. M a:l»t._ promlan are m •de clear manner. 18): Cycle high. You can suc- bOr....,· 08 fanW)'. El· VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22): cessfully injtiate. pro)~~s .. Be ctllfttlfor dlacaNlon groap hi Accent on he&.lth and work. a self-sta~r,. t~ke uut1at1!e. famlllai' ~d1q1. Combine attention for the two Accent originality. and in· in mature manner. Avoid ex-dependence. Be direct. Say ARID (Mari:h 2l·Aprif l9): tremes. Maintairt steady pace. what you '!lean -mean what Accerit oo fulf illment of social Be awci re of details. You can .. you say. obligatlons. Good for buying make friend of one who serves PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): gifta for those who have prov-your ·needs. ~ patient. ~ecessary for you ed their friendship. Select UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): to remain in background - quality, but avoid needless ex· Excitement featured. Your then you g~t chance to step travaaance, creative resources come to forward. Tupe your _moves. TAURUS CApri1 ·20-~!ay ZO ): fore. Make changes. Welcome Trust. hunch, You get aid from Str;bs on gaining a wider au-challenge. Keep promises to { ~ur~pr!8!, s~ul!~· omtrr·~ SO.a•a• dlence. Publicize your efforts, youngs~ers. Wh at appears as =1~~ i~ .. r~'-'bm~~,8~1~~1°:',;'e Product. Day to fi nish, com-recreation can be transformed DAll.Y PILOT, llo• n~o. Grand C?n· r. 1r11 sr1!lon. New Yark. N.Y, 10011. plete and to communicate~ to oro d. Whirling TOPS Recognition due. Important !fCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. ~): person pays meaningful com-Past efforts come home lo plimenl. ..aoosl. Concentrate on th~ GEMINI (May 21.June 2o): ~olid. The flimsy is due to fall -wh· 1. TO.PS Cl b of by wayside. Give attention to iring u Good lunar aspect today coin· N t B h ·uh .,. home, properly. Study values. ewpor eac w1 ave mrs. cides with long-range plans, including those affecting vaca-Know what it is you really Dorothy Wenck, Orange Coun- tion. Study Taama message. desire. ty home advisor, speak on .._ ~ '.. . .,. ·1 , .,,. • , • • ~ Be aware or Subtle nuances, SAGmARIUS (Nov. 22· Weight Control next Thursday ",'fi. :a.· 11 tO Son JQOqui,rt· W, r:>.fn •. ,·~~'S,·, C.h .. ~. m,rl:n.'io.'.n·~.,-· ·.~. · , . . . signals: · · g:fu~~~ ~~~1:rer~~1~e0~:; ... at 10:30 a.m. , ~ ., -«. ~CSR (J{me 21.July 22 ): message, visit. lmportant to _ 'I'1!t group meet~ each Flower •rra•giiig will bF.:O~sy for Mri. ,µe,1ya"' en's CWJI. Chl!Dlpi!!f!B!J!P .. TOQQ>ame_rit..<;:lirJ>;ch~in\>-:~ elf~~/~~ have sense ol.hµmor. Don 't -~al 10 'a.m. In the ~mas (c$Jter) as she now#b-811·~ Jo~~~~l .iOJ\ 'Is f!JfJ. Ke~ wµie.y '(left) and run~er-up ·15 day to g0> ft' ~alone. Be take too serii>usly complaint recreation room of the Ebb ·.LQQK ~ .. ' HAIRSTYLING by the area's TOP STYLISTS! SPECIAL I CASCADES $14.95 VIVIANI WOODARD COSMnlCS ma1Ae'6 WIG & BEAUTY SALON . 548·3446 250·D l•t 17ttl StrMf HILL6REN SQUARE COSTA MISA 8'· . .tb9 -hue. The bowl is the trophy . .she ~med for Mrs. RJc~ard· Varian. .., cooPerAtive .. Rise above petty or threat made by, relative. It ,Tide Mobile . Park, Newport ~·fi~~-'-~g_f!rst __ 1_ow_n~~-1_n~,Ra-n_ch_o_S_an,--¥_oaqum.-,-·~·w_.~om-·_1,r======================="""========~J~~~-~ey~ancu~·~·_:.J:oin:t~p~lannlng~!...~pass:::~:· ___ ~-...:__:_·~Be~a~c~~-~·-----_'.:~~~~~~~~~ ~.: .. ,. =s~retaries .Welcoming ~sup~rior Court Judge ~>'t • • . '""During the next meeting .of lb· Orange County Ltial IJ.c.'e Te ta r i es AssociaUon, ~JD.hers will welcome ~rior Court Judge Samuel btehen, )---The Greenbrier IM I n Gp(den Grove will be the set· Ullg Thursday, June 5 ,. JUdge Dreizen was admitted 10' the Cali!ornla State Bar in 193$ and practiced law in San· µ,__-.-Ana until he received bis judicial. appointment in 1961. . secretaries: were present at the : state convention in San Die10 last month. Among ~ representing the club tr-om this area were Mrs. 'bert F. Matthews of ·Hun- n Beach, governor 11-nd ~ Mrs. William Hecker ~~Beach. . \ It was reported durini the confab that Orange, County was first in publicl'y .for the fourth quarter or the year and also had woo first place in atate for the entire year. Mrs. Harry A. Dixon, publicity chairman, was commended for her outaanding work. HB Auxiliary American Legion Auxiliary of Huntington Beach gathers in the AmeriCan Legion Hall at l :30 p.m. the first Thursday of each month. On the third Thursday memben may call . Mrs. Arne JeD8en, ~2777. for location. Mol e Thi n A . ' QU1rt9r Of A Milt Of Antiqu•s · . Orange County's " Largest Antique S/i~w . THURS ., FRI., SAT., JU NES, 6 & 1 Feeturin.9 R•r•, Be•utiful •nd Novtl Obj1,ts _ from Around th• World by Top 011l1rs. • FIEE CASH DllAWINli Wt'r• 14 Storff and Opn Nlptly Tll 9:30 Sotith Coast ?taza ,.. • • JUNE SPECIAL DUART PERMANENTS The mO~t carefree and ca ptivati ng ha ir styles to last all summe r-long , thanks to our famous Duort perm. Complete with expert styling o_nd cut:--t '" the S<>loh, 8.50 <n the studio, I 4.50 · :Just arrived, o brand new sh ipment of fa bulous 3-woy human hair pieces, each 5.99 Career girls, don't forget we 're open Mon., Thurs. and Fri. evenings. ' Phone: from Anoheim, 535-81 21; from Newpo•t , 644-1212; from Huntington Beoch, 892-333 I. Beouty Solon, 60 I . . ' ·------· -. _______ ________.. ____ _ .. • ENJOY :nns SUMMEll DON'T IORllY ABOUT YOUR HAIR •,. i11DJ·ENDURE iilVES IT MEI BEAU1Y Bodi ·Endure is a special no-rod, no wave process 111at 1iws your ~if lhe body you need for your active lif~. For swinvninf. Sailing. Chasing kids. Cleaning house. Trying <11 clothes. oancinr. Special "bodifier", sh~mpoo and set, 11.ll And, .aet our c:Ool e1refree Kitten Cut, 1.11. Beauty SturHo. • u • Manicures • Pedicures • Facials ' •-Eftcho logy mS' Newport Center 11 Fastim Island • 644·2200 • Mon., Thurs., Frl.10:00 tilt 9:30 Olh er days 10:00 tiH 5:311 • . ' ----~~--~ -- .... -- J 1 1 • ( I ' ·'i; >-... Jo .... Sup sup "un Jan In fed• the pre l)ie ·1an & oup anci .... l)ie I n $2 t llOl ,n;: CAI t !I'' an< c.: Mc 'J . f "s ••• .... die ( lb< Ille oil ., ·""·· • :;' ·~ val lie Sir , .., _ lj't ...,.. ---1 clc do .. • ' ~ ,\ \ ' I I" • UeSa -• . ' • ' ORANfE' CoUNTY, ,CALIFOltNIA Te'dily'• •Ji'•••I ... ,.. ' . ... MONbA Y. Jl;JNE 2, l9.6t • Prote~t,s &pected ·~r .Costa ·Mesa .Me~t Tonight • A conttoverslll pop music !..Uni pro-liclal penni"ion will be fortllc<>mlnl for andtr '" oil« urivt!lod by T•PPlll Fri· J>OU1 wbich could draw ouch cnata u WIUIAJ)l TIJJll'«I ooe-diy • ....m, but -day. - . o . . 1 .. ther-Junged Janis Joplin .-and may.e denial al. his •requm may be -,1y. ail 'l'lppan, ~ al. Co m m u n I t,y 40,000 Jans -to the Harl>OI' Ana In empty g"1m'<. · '-COncerll' Inc., .wllldl -allpl l)lnt, AlllUll goes.before the_Cllota M..._ City D~ectots ol the Orange county Fair .ucl:eJS!ul musical all!>Wl 111 COiorado and COuncll tonlJhl. ~d voi.d.7 lo Z last Thuraday to allow Hawaii " well u $00thorn cal~crnla, Unatgned propaganda sheell against Uie ,JO i .m: {o 10· p.m. mU.ic1l 'e'vtnt on want& to·glv~ ~ cttY,: (~ ~nt ol hlsv the Aug. 9 event at lhe Orange County the state-own~ falrgroundll If. ld.6quate. ~· , . , Fajrgrounds. went into circu,Iation Fri~ay police ind fire PrOteCtlon ill paranteed.. · "The manner of dlstrlbuttort,of tbia pro- -ahd upeet ctuzens aJ"e"· expected to sing The show 1 can ;. therefore he lltlgtd' posed gi!t b, ~ ~· enLftlf ,up t? the eome searln1. protest Um.es. without ~ldn of the city, WIUch DOW' -city.'' Tappan saxt ln a mlmb to· city of· DAii. Y PILOT Sllft P1itte 1-.t .Rollltlfl Along . . Thirteen-year-old ams HjrtJ.er has his own version of a unicycle, an . old . telephooe cunpany cable spool which propels· him along Oran&• Avenue in Cost.a Mesa. Looks like fun. ,. Irvine Heiress Charges . . . . ' . . ' 1' ..... ;-1\;...-· ,,. '<',. 1 '11 #4:'~' 1 .. l •.· ., ~ ' 1 SupervisoN on .~fAklks --, .. J~1)'viM Smi_th tod_ay labeled--. payerr -ol Orun,Coooly. and •,4ainst mem""" at. the Oranga COunty Boanl of · public pollcy; ancl"ll tbmf<n void. Supervisors, "Irvine F o u n d 8 t l o n • ~ Smith declares ibal. the acreage · " and h ged that n.-• .are. not devoted to agriculture. 11, or lhould supervlSOrs c ar . ....-..3 be, exclusively devot.ed to--the deftlop- "under the political influence o1 the rnont of t.sldenllal commerdal and In· Jama Irvine FoundaUon." dustrial use or aqld° to tbird parties wbo In an a(fivavlt filed today l.n her 4 would develop the Jandl in the event the federal court action seetln1 dlasoluUon or Irvine Cm:npany does not develop thtrd. · -'-•1 1 · The Irvine heiresl, who owns 2Z per· the 54,000-_acre IrVtne Ranch •a.a•._ ... tura cent ol the company•1 841~ share3 of preserv..,he charge& !hat "leas Ulan haK stock, clalml the eatabllabment of the the 8creap is now, or ever wu, Uled. for agricultural p:esavt! .;reement. betfttn "!arming purposes." the c!llJllly and'.tlle· oompany perpotrlta She __ ,, al L •~ b -fraud on her Irvine interest. · -approv o ~ praerve .Y She alao i:barps ''Jhe acts al. the Irvine supervisors Alton Allen, William Hirstein \ Fw:od.itim-d.omin.ated dti-ecton and of· and Wlllilm Plilllil" "was and is illegal, nc.rs of th&-cmipaoj ...,., illegal and · corrupt. ·contrary to 1ood mora1s, against beyond tbe powers conferred. on the cor- the public interest of citizens and tax-poration. ''.The Jimes Irvine Foundation * * ·* IRVINE GRANTED · elects five of the seven company direc- ton and owns 54 percent cf the company stock. $2.7 MILLION The James Irvine FpundaLion today an· nounced distribution of gfants totaling P .7·rnllllon to ch~ble organlzaUons in California. The luncla distriootod included 49 want& al. fl,115,l!OO to . ochools, boopltals, and ,..,ib and we11 .... -·1n Soothern California, acc<irdmg to N. Loyall McLmn, Pmldenl al. the foundatloo. . . 'Lauglii,ig Gm' . . Party-Kills Two Mn. Smith charges the sole intent and purpose of the agricullural pre.serve agreement is to avoid· payment of taxes amounting lo ~1.5 million per year and that the company was able to obtain an agreement through the votes of the three named supervbors. Sl:!e say1 th!f are ftmcUoning In their e.lecUve offices "under ·the pollUcal in- fluence of tbe foundation." ~ The affidavit filed today Is In response to separaJ,e motions filed by UJe fowi-- daUoo, Orange C<Amty, and the Irvine , COmpaoy wllich seek to .dlanlaa her federal action oppoolJ!i the asrf<ulluial ~ agreement. · • The tbre;e alJeced 1 •·1 o u n d a t·l op supervisors" are' charged with Creating µie agricultural preserve over the op- position of superviscn David. Bakrr and Robert Battin for . "the sole. purpose 'of enabling_ the companf to recpve a gilt rcbat.e on Ute real est.ate toes paid by the company in the sum of' $15 million per year for .lbe 11>-year period ·covered or a total of f15 millloa." . ' Auto-Crashe8 In Police f:.<)r ' . . Chancei'9l!ttl slim atthis point t!'-'.;::..,:--~,to. terlllb'il~• 1ift of up ~ P,ll801 fieials ·abaUt ~ JIVli~~d -~· · ~,, . 1 -'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-'-----~-'- Mesa S_!lspect · Breaks Out Of CountJ Jail A manhllnt. spread today for a Costa ~sa kidnap-robbery ausper! who fled Orange County Jail SatUrday ln a drain'allc daSb out of a hole never repair- ed siooe three prisoners escaped thrOugh is si.x ·IDOllth.1 ago. No building funds are availaJile to fix th! fence on lhe flll.b flopr exercise ·area at the fl0.4 million facility, orlilnaJJl' billed as virtually escape-proof. Charles T. Dee, 21, Of 19116 Maple Ave., how'ever. became at 2:50 p.m. Saturday the fourth man to successfu11y pwK:tlire that theory since the jail was opened last Deoember. . "His timing was perfect," said Orange County Sheriff's Lt. Richard Tlmb to- dfY In e>plailiing how Dee -wtio also uses 'tti" apu: Nicholas W. Pickett - ~'· ... , .. Th< break -tlmod lo .,.,. We with the ffd cif, I"'· __ peiiDd •fl)lile I •. .,.., iii ~-·c!i"'"°"'~·· dealalor dtirJnC I headc:i>dnt' ·li)i 'fwr ciepolles. WENT UNDER FENCE lnv..U1aton aald the depulieo bad just caUect' out' No. 56. the fut headcount fllUre, When Dee sprtnted across the enclosed area and squeezed under the fence. Lt. Tlinboe said the fiaelog-prlsoner unraveled a rope fashioned. out of jail bedshtell and coiled around his body beneath his shirt as he ran. The . rope was tied~ a rooftop standplj>e. Dee disappeared over the side and slid safely dawn lo the finl floor roa/. which sUcks out over the stdewilt areJI .. drop- ped to the grrond and sprini.d away. "He kDew that once 1he prismel'! are counted; the cuardl make sure they don1t go within .three feet al. the fence," Lt. Timboe explained after Dee's successful escape. · Deputies said he was last 5ffn.rumilng west on Fourth street from the do,wntown area jail, clad in a grey regulation sweat abirt, blue jeans and white tennis sh(>es. 01'llERS ESCAPED Three other prisoners escaped through the same hole used by Dee, just five weeks.aod three days alter the new coun- ly ,;.jail opened last November, the jail lieutenant said. Thi!y are 1Ull free after the drar.i.atlc escape ·'/!' a garden hoole Instead of lb• homemalle aheetzq>e used by Dee, jailers aaid. • . . A 't'OUDtry work order wu .filled out · and submltled laat Dec. t to get the fence hole repatred, but building funds have not been available in the Interim. Dee had been charged witb kidnap and anned ~ry Involving a Costa Mesa market incident. pleaded guilty -then with drew .thaHubmitted an lfl?OCfnt plea and was due for a new hearing. If he shows up June 17 in Orange Coun· ty Supeitor Court, ·Depai:tmeot Fin, it will be on stJUer charges, investigators noted. Lt. Tlmboe saJd authOriUes In Arizona want p,. o.o another char~, said he ·wu Qot.aacuy what one eoo&ider . an almecl ·and dangerous-.,ado type. ' - RABIES CLINIC SLATED IN MESA Th. 0ran1e county Fm.,..,... park· lllfl lot In Costa MeA "lrill be the "'" of -lht Costa Mesa Rotary Club's annual amt-rabies •aocinaUon clinic f<r dogs Tburaday, June I from 7 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., . 'nle anti·rabltl abotl, which provide ptotectlon for two year1, will be 11 par ~ Oi the cllnJc are the Oraop c.uatJ Cbaptor al S(lutherll Calllllrnla Vetainaq,Modleal -'lllOfl and tlia Or-County HHlih d~ ment. .._.. ' • ' ' . . . ,... .... YACHT OOODVl(I LL ,RllQRTIO: AGlt.,,i)I!'! ~A' Coaal Crow Al>oanl V"~~When Tr ...... •11?"''" ... , ! ' ' " : I • N ewpor~· Schoorwr Rlt1'S ' ' . ' . A . -__ .;, N" .. M" ···· grouriu;: .. ;ltw .... -. 1.f81Jng ~. , \? ... ·;q(.-1 1.,.' ;·1• '\r~.: :,J .~·l \ ·, • • , ' '' ' I 4 f"'·*, .· ~ ! l ' ' • • By. ALMON LOC;JUSEY· ' . ~o near the ·Bal• <:out." DAIL": PILOT SNtlM ...... . • . . Two sktffa' beUevtd ,to be •beetd the Coall Guard . and. private planes,, yadrt were not a)>oard ;,.! tt wu - aucmented by vessels of ·the Mexican ecf.tbe svrvtVon used~tbem to 'abandon Coa3t ,Gua·~. 'today. la~ •:wide. ship ' an.cl ~ 'to1 the nJQec1 8'J8 search fo~ ~e pel"SO)'ls reported !ftlSS~I CaCi.forn(a ceast. . . from the 181.foOt.achooner Goodwill after. PLE .. a,.ro.i ,1tR•-E .· ". she·was-wrecked on Sacramento Reef400, "°"•.co" "'•" miles 80uth of San Oli~. · ' • · • · . ' Klllevel aald ule \>Uly liad 'been On '8 Skipper Or !tte l•mel;.cln1 ylcht' was pleJsure CfUJae alimi 11ie .~ Co.t · owner Ralph Larrabee. of Newport ~ach,' to ACapulCo. The Go0dwill'1~1ast port. ol a HunUngton Park Industrialist. ~all . On the ~ trip w'-. ~bo Sari Arthur Knelvel, 1n officlal. of Lar· Ltacu10fl the· Up 'ol Baja Ca.llfoi'Dla.~'1te· rjbee'• !. & F 'l"ndwitrtis ld;fttlfied -depar1ed the cape May II. A ltOU on boafd u Larrabe<"Clrrle Grehbel, marine operator.In llan Podn> lllOllltoiod Nortb Hollywood; Waller 'Zeloa, Sin a eait· from the ~ Mq' II Clement<;' Ed 'Hendmcin' Bl1d Jerry ,..,,.;ir.,-an-ETA 1n.~·M.;y·11 Co-~-k "-.. i.. f "'lrHft•• ~ .. _~ . between 2 and 'P•"" -l • , • u~-'~"""•~· '= -'..l ~ ' ' San ' Clement.:• Jdlln"Cole' Jr. ind· • · -. ....-lbr..._._ . .,_.. Smith, Loni 'lllacll, •aria l Pttrlcli ciicie when irn:sWl<'D'oCllled·llfi cOu! Nitnhauter, addrMs·tmknowit 1 ; " '. Guard Sqnday that the vtatl .nt As or noon tOday Kn,Ievel said .the~ overdue. · ' . , · .. .,., no. sip of. Ille !.U')llVDt~ l,ambee • . Tbe w'reokq• WU al&flled'by-. <:out flm)ha~j>rlvai.,1r,crait,'~niu~·loBaj' Qu8(<1 ~ .p1'ne "1!& •. mi , Tiie Califorriia to · 1id 'in the, sea~;-~ WreCUge was, DollUYely ~ . , by Goodwilf! itltlf was slil\ted breaking up Marlow Mam, Uother . ctat 'of Lar- on .Sacr~ Reef IOftle ,flve miles off rabee's firm · who ·is familiar ·with ·the Punto San Antonio. 'Sacran;iento Reef .Goodwill. · runs three to four mlles off Isla The GoodwUI, f.ormerl)'. berthed at the old County Dock in Ntwport Beach la Michael Rivera Services Slated listod aa lhe Jar1<11 plauUre aallini vetael on the Well COuf. , She .... deilped by , lleney.J. ~1 ... 'of New York and built by the Mleboni Steel..Co.; WllftllNloe, · Del. t.r ti!< • (llee GoollWJU.,,... II . Philco-Ford aerospece 1 c I en t Is t Mlctlie1 '111-• died Sanday at eosta PILOT GOES . UP Mesa "Memorial HOJPllal. Mr. IUwn, II.died ait<r a lengthy TO $2 TOD.AY lllneu. · . Roury will be recli.d at 7 p.m. Mon-The ·new lµfiacrj-. rato ol II pa; day •nd Mest .wtll be'celebrated 119 a.m. m0otb .for bo!no diUV«Y al. .tlio DAILY Tuesday,'both 11 SL Joachlm~s catholic: ~I.LOT goes Into ef!O<t lodl1. ~ .. ~."-a Mesa. · Continually rlalnJ c:Olll-at. all ......... ~w'" ~• ..,..Ua) lo tJoa -~ ol the H• la survived by hll. rie. Marprtl newspaper slnct tllo DAILY PILOI' last and lwo daughlus. ~ aild Diane. all adJUited lll suba<:rljlloD-ln,t• lioH at. tbe,bome, iztl Watannan Way, Costa mad•·the lkenl lncreoio"necaiory. MMI; parenll, Mr1 and Mn. Ralpll your DAILY 'PILOI' coitler wll 'ti IUvera of NO'! Yori<: I _lflter, !IP.:h» Coarla, eotjoJ lncrililld ll!folnp ~-... caw.Ila al. ·&an Dleio aM -· al Ille -price and jlla~Y'PILOT llalllh Jr, ol "'"11 lsla,nd. lf.Y, . ..will <Olll!ml,o to 1bnpwo NjiWlflC .111'! ,;,.~ ~-..... wlih ::;: iocbnlqu9 lo~ ..... l'i\!1~1ca: ~ ~'1f?tloo 'lo · . . ~-,..illtlta..... ,.'.- • ..t.~ ~ ., ·~· . ' .. . . ... ' "Sugeated -mlaltt ... -sjd<Ad to .IDcludt 1ho ·Pl>fb ..... ... parts CM! recreation. dty· b'fs ,......,,_ e~1..':_be lli(L ~· . '!be Zt-year-old "'°" .,...._ Aid • ~eveloped.tbe -teed ltft-whldl bt • aald C~y, Altome)o i,loy JIDIO l'llloa to .. lqil -In leapolil, tO ' •. queallon" 111 Mayor /Jvln L. Pinkley; . . ; ' Tappao .aald that clo!ri!li' ~ wltb the mi/yor .... aftd wbal -. · ·(Ifie POP ·nlli,lVAL, .Pip I) .... .. . ~ing~~ Boy's Bot;ly Found in. Lake · • • . .. ' ' ' ~. •',, , . r· PrograiD to FeJe. Mi-&•llowes, .ooc ' . . . ' ; l . Jl¢1ln . of' ·wolhm ' ' ' Mn. Marie-· deln at. -·at Onnp COial" Collep alnoe·tt .,.8ad •. yeon .,.; Will fe' fliecl 'llleoday lifllil byfrlend3 ... ·. M(a •. l!owes plaoa lo mire when ac:bool and& In a couple al -· , '!'be Marie Ilona -Nlgbt'Banquel will brti>g togejher family, faculty, ·;~ti and aluinnl; w o m e n acf., mintitratcn 'fnim other' coHeges, and -eJub m<oiben.. . Mr•· John lnmu, Orange ~ ~ ........... la cirpolil .. the · ,,,.._. -Mn. e .... who ~ ...... lifCl>I' .,.,......-. "" adtool to,IM-9tloo to -""" lint &trea -•ncJq ~enblp ID! iervlco. • • • Her -tlllil' -_., bee ICript lo return the tribute. . Mi's. llcilres, a -· llv• II Ill _., Sl.1 Coala -. She p1111111o1 travel• to theJQrient and 'Bouth Padflc, t11m ~ clOled dr<:ult •·"-lslon ..,.. f« ll!Oirinc In ICbools, ~w. ml mt Jiomea.. . ~·· • • ' ' c rr .......... fl l '.;OODWILL .~.'. -----_,,. ..... . . . .., • ; . ' . ri>ended might add lo Union's ~ and thus cul into !Ls · prO!lll, bul' ' otherwise the _d>mpany •pparently coWd expect normal profttl· under ~ pro. v~1..., ol 111 i..... "The rest ol Ibo ell incom' II· par! ol the economic l)'ltem," Pecorg flP]atned, Jn, -. Blrbora, Mayor 0.1111 ~ Plrestone &aid: If.I think it's a)mil&ake, Allor what we'•• bt<n lhroup• I think the proper solutkJri would have kien to ellminalt drUllng allogether." ·:Strike -Still 'On' at UCI But .. M~st Ignore Pickets , any..,. 1ul Friday to tile Memorial Doy march In Berkeley. "We dldll'I want lo conlributo lo I h • lliolence at Bertelty which we felt was ulUmatoly re-.able/' laid groduato 1ludent Richard Whtie ol Newport Beach, a·ICJike leader. White said he was surprised there was no violence and remarked, "30,000 people are dUHcult to control." Earlier, 10 Irvine·~ mi Student Acllvtllea Adv!M!' Nell Malmberg '"" arr<lled In Berkelcy !or unlawful aaenbly and !allure lo dllpene, allhoup lhej clahn Ibey ..... - In by suanllmeD -f!J;ed bayoada and -llnd .. .,., to dllperte. 'Ille arTtll " Ibo UC! eleven and an,.. ed .....--111prlaoo111)> doulMdl1 -1buto lo faculty and .... dml '7lllPOlllr for the CCllJ>lll llrlke. The e1enn llmllod were laid lo be in Beral'1 u _......, aalherlng in· ftl'llll&bl tor a campus coaclave btld lul'wetk ... the Berkeley 1ltuatlon. Marchlnl II another matter, decided the UCl<llCllvlltl ..00 seem committed lo Peaceful protest. Dave Heskett, graduate student from COrona · del Mar, argued -ully the atrlken' goals would not be l11ttbered by confrootaUon or the lhrulol IL l'llll!*>Pby Teaching A>alslanl Bill Wlqlleld, who WU carrying a ]>ickel lign Ulla _,,.,,,, wat uked how lq he -u. -· wtll lasl! ~'Tin 1ial Jn _Ille ' babll " tatkina lo ...,,..,.._~-." hi ....... .. .. .. .,_ ··- MESA·s COLLEEN RANDALL GETS FAMILY'S Hl!;LP fOR KIDNEY OPt~lo;/"°' '"" - " Frlm Loft, Huoband R"°-rt, Children Deon, 10, O.W.lo, ·u, Oonn, f . . ~--':;___~~---~ j I .. I ' Richard Nixon Foundation Established P riee ;.for L'ile $25,000 Needed to Save M·e1a Wife -eou ... Randall II an ottradive Coela perhapo·a year-a lddnq lnlllplant ol· M.,. hootewlle with a 121,000 price en fen hope !or bier life. · . h« head, the victim ol U.S. PubuC The ~ ""1nod'aly111 pro. The Richard Nixon Foundation, a Health EnemY Number Five. c:edure will -•10,000 and -be charitable nooprolll corporation, was Liie bu Doi been u ldnd to .the lloberl sl.v1od 110011, while Ibo ulllmato prlcdag lounded --today with the filing in !or eool!nued e1111ence will be· $15,000, Sacramento of article!! of incorporation E. Randalls, of llOS Parnell Place, u it docton say. by a partne.r in a N"ewporl Beach law has 1o ane. · Slx penons havi IO (ar olfered to firm . Colleen, 33" underwent surgery for don.ate a kJdney to Mrs. Randall. a pro- The White House announced lart removal of bei' right kidney in 19&7, after cedure thought u fantastic as a trip to month purposes of the foundation would it was dlacovered to have 1 maUgnant the moon when her kidney-doomed include construction of a Nixon presiden· tumor. · rclaUves were alive. lial library and museum ne.ar the Nixon This was a frighteningly familiar ail· · Kidney disease and compllcaUons are Angeles, partner of Newport Beach at-ment, since her father and uncle both fifth among causes oi death in America. Articles of tneorporation were filed died of such cancerous growths in the Attorney Gerald Brown bas established with the CaWornia Secretary <>f State's kidneys. the Colleen Randall Trust Fund al U.S. <>ffice by Frank DeMarco Jr., <>f LA:ls Late in February ol this year, she National Bank, 1845 ~ewport Blvd., Coeta Angeles, partner of Newport Beich a· learned-what all such aucceesful surgery Mesa, where friends may send Cbecb to tomey Herbert W. Kalmbach, <>ne of patients secreUy fear. help start the: life--savin, treatment. seven directors of the foundation. A similar tumor has attacked her re-One of her strongest supporters now ls Other directors are U.S. Attorney maining left kidney.-her husband, an engineering draftsman General John N. Mitchell ; Secretary of "The doctors believe it is hereditary wbo leimed himself what it is like to Health, Education and Welfare Robert H. and they ara checking old medical face the future with a question mark Finch ; White House staff member John retords oow," says .the mother of three befoce hla wife 6tcame ill D. Ehr~, former Nixon law children, "but they said we bave to come During a Balboa beach ootlng ln 1"5, partner Le<>nard Garment• of up wilh the money." he dove in1o bay waters which were W~on, fonner Reagan aide now?"· Medical science was· too lafe 1o save shallower than they appeared and broke NLXon s staff, H. R. Halde~an, and a~~ --her father and uncle-, but phylicla:na: at bis neck. He baa been partially parilyt.ed !ant aecretary under Finch, Patr>clal UCLA Medical C<nttr 511J chemical &lijoe, but has, regained 15 ~Ille ol Reill)' Hi~ ol Ville Park. cleansiJJi ol ber blood'ind llna1li 'lo ool>I 61 • Erevlous While Houae atalemtnLs )lave .-, " , . ,-r~ '!'11.Jll~, . ~ ; aald the (OundoUon will be financed by . • • / , . gifts and donaUoas. Its primary purpoaes · ('"" will be educational •nd charitable. County S urvi·v· es Hol! J . -y ·-Dpeuty-S e ~ r·e·l-a 1-y-«-State-Bert-• · UlU Clinkst.on aald no o(ficers have been nam- DAii Y PI LOT OUN08 COAST "-llLl!f41NCJ COMl'AN'r R.rwn N. w...i ~ .................. J1ck L C11~ey VICI l'ra'*"' W OMlrtl MIM11r Tllo'"u K1t¥JI • EdlllM" no"''' A. Murpht111 ........ Eclllol' .,_ __ 330 W11t l1y Str11t M1\li119 Adcf,.1tt P.O. a.. 1160, t262' --H....,.., IMdli ttll w"' .. ._ loll~ ....... ~= !21 "-' ,._ HllllllMIM IMCfU -Ml lflwt ' WAS8111GTON (UPl)-Tbe 8upreme Court ruled today thlt a aervtceman who commits a non:mllitary, off-baae crime in the United States in pe:ace-tlme must be tried in the civilian courts. The H decision sJiau>ly limited the coatentlon of military authoritle3 that they have tbe optional right to try servicemen charged with off-duty, oU- base offenees SllCb as murder and npe. The cummt prllOllce Ls !or military and civilian fttbortUes to coofer about jurisdiction in such cases. The court was tcld that about &5 percent of such cases are now t'ried ·m civilia courts. , Mililaey autbqriU.. had UMrted Uie right lo Ir)' all o1 'them il they wbbed lieca-lht 'ColllUtulloo delegated I• eoneress ibe j>O'Wer "to make rules for the government lhd' regulation of the land and naval forces ." In other actions, 1be court: -Ruled in a Litle 11ock, Ark., case that the owner of a recreation facility l!le<LbY-tlle_publlc..00. which.la involved in interstate commerce cannot bar Ne- groes by charglnc a ·"memberahlp" Burglary Pros Hit Avalon Stor.e; Use Getaway Boat The first profsional bur1lar1 to make a visit known by the1r handiwork looted an Avalon grocery store of up to $10,000 in cash and the checks over tht holiday weeteftd, C.talina Island lawmen aaid today. t>onald Ry111, owner of lhe Island Grocery, 215 Catalina Ave., listed his loss at '3,000 in cash and the remainder in checks. "They went in the rear window and moved the roller·mounted safe from the front to the rear where they could work in relaUve llfety, ao to speak," &aid Sgt. Jack Vaughn. The Los Angele& COOnty sherlff's depu· ly aald he bu be<ol Uligned lo the Avalon 6l.ation for five ,years without "'"" • prolealoaal s:ary job. lie lllcl tlioy ~ • bammen, a l:.ft.Y PMT. wt111 ~~ _,.... "-drill and crowbar to Into the ufe, ;• .. "':.,:. '==¥-~ · lea'1ng all the tool.I at the crime scene, .... t:. .. 0 !.--=...c-e .. ='9' ... "':.."":: whlch·is a tf'ademuk of~ pro bur&lar. ,..... .....,., °'"" ~ N111eh11oe ''they buy tbem frequmUy and lelve ~ ~=·~ '::..£ ~ W:: them behind IO they won't be e11.llht with ;i;r-.; - --· , evlden<o." Sat Vousbn aald. Aaked about ooe theory lhtl the T'dl I ~ m4J '4MU1 ....... 1.-•--' ..-. boat ta•• d 1 ... S ft fi :Ill 11 a..,..,. ........-• ac.,_.. •"' wn& I · ~, """" Celilt rutn •= vantap ol the holiday-crowded channel ... ~ .... ''" 4 and h&l'b6l-waten to tteape lSet.ectlon. i;o==iiii!,;•;,11 ........ ·::•~,,,-,.:: -~. Va'!l'm Aid this wu juot _.la· ---="·--' - .., --··: ":t/"---T.:':,,:: 'We don't !mow how lht h<ll they got ., .. 1 •• ,._ na), they Just weren't thm when we ~-----"'-'_..,._ ... _____ .,. __ _. • anived at the burglary acene," ha 11i~ ·I I " ' ''" In a M decision, lht court declared that the Lake Nixon ·Club outside Little Rock hid violated the 19'4 Civil Rights Act by uaing a 2$-cent fee device to deny entry tO two Negro women. Art- . otbe.r case involving a comml.Dlity awimmln& pool II IUll OD the court's docket. . -Upheld Federal Dlalrkl J u d g e ~ M. ·Johnson Jr., who ruled that Moaf&omeii' County, Ala:, public schools must eltlbUib a specific ratio of while and Nqro ,lelchen In lndlvidual ICbool.s. The ~ decilion agreed with John900'1 order and set aside a modifi·, cation of Jt by the 5tb U.S. Court. of Appeal» , ' The military ruling would apply only In peacellme. Justice WUllam 0. Dougla1 wrote today '• 5-3 oplnlon. Jusdces John M. · Harlan, Potier Slewtrl· and Byron R. Whlto dlsaented, deelari114 Dooglu had thrown the law in tbll mll1t.ary-civil area "into a demOralizini state. of un-certainty... . \,, ,.,,_ Pqe I .POP FESTIVAL . thfl abow would be to Costa Meaa, men- lionini the dlsaatroua Newport Pop FesUval whldt dr<w 100,000 vllitora last year. "Thia doesn't sppel1 to me at all," Mayor Pinkley tald today, atressing lhtl 111.s an booestly.meanl attempl to benelil the clly. but might be wroagly comlrued II I bribe. Just as a gWdeline, Tappa.n's projected gross income..OOws that if 40,000 persons came lo the pop feetlval al 17 per ticket, a two pqcent nel 1Ut of '5,600 would 10 to the city. Thia 11 the ume bas.le ayatem on whkh cities which have 1udik:rfuzn!1 stadiums, convenUon cent.en and the lib operate, taking a if"" percentage lrom the pro. motor. The proposal by Tappen -w .. ued two weeks 110 -paranteel payment for ·an polko and lire prolecllon and be bu been <onlerrlnc with city ollicltll to plan the event <&l<lully. Alllerod clUzeos who ltmember lht Aug. 3 and 4 Newport Pop Fetllval ol last yW are expected to vtnt thefr feelincs at tonl&bl'• city cowx:U ieaion, wb!dl. may be a 1oq and belled ooe. The r<quesled permtt -which Is ,... quired bet"" Tappan cuuld apply !or a buiincu Uce1111 -II Ibo first itan up !or aclloo OD the 7:111 p.m. JeslallUve ....roe agenda . ·"I'm 1•lnc lo llai.n lo what the pollce and .ftre department& have lo aay," Mayor Pinkley t'Ommmted today, "but I've had 114 phone calla· •bout It 10 rar - 113 against It." • ed yet. Selection of a president. and other ' <>fflcera would e<>me after the new cor- :r:.tlop's directors formally organize, he Wi"th No Traf fi"c Deaths Officers do not have to be on lhe board ..__- of directors. '-. CllnkJton ' uid the ei~.JCe-.in~ corporation papers follow the standard CaWornia form for such foundations. Expensive Trip For Newport Man Bay Island. resident Bill Goodan look a boat trip wtth 30 party guests. early Saturday morning. The trip cost the 49-year-old bulliness execi.ttlve $125. That's hO\f much was laktn from an upstairs bedroom dresser drawer while he was gone, Goodan, of No. 20 Bay Islang,_tol~ Newpor\_ Beach police. · --ite took a cruise around the-bay with his guests at 1:30 a.m. He came back two ~ later and found the money mlsslng, he !!laid. Orange County survived the lhreeday ti)ousandJ or. mlfea of local bighways ?.fem<lrial Day weekend without a slllgle were fairly unchrttered. traffic death, but California led the na. Unfortunately, .it was a different story lion'•. toll with 45 acctdent fatallUet 1s elsewhere. motorlsLs jammed all poalfbJe.roote..' "Everybody'• going lo tile mounlalna ~It was fanlastlr.," aa.id an Orange <>r the deaertl thi! year," said one CRP County coroner's depu\,Y tQday, "/Jl was office", who at least creclited the Ulanle quiet." l; · · jams with keeping tbe hi&bw•Y death toll Calllomla Highway Patrol• tnvestlga· lower. ton said not'on1y were there no Orange "Drivers just couldn't get going fast County fatalities, but lbe.re were no really enough for a real good smashup," said serious accidents. one patrolman". "In fact, traffic yesterday wu Uahter "If anybody dies oo the highway," 1aid than a normal Sunday," commented one another trying W help untangle a massive CHP .spokesman who hopes it may be a tleup, "it will be from starvaUon.'' fort-cast of holiday weekenda 1o come. Masses of cars streamed to popular "ht'flybe people are_getUng smarter and resort areas, beaches aod d~sert spas, starting bome sooner," be said. _ th.ea crowded all routes for the nerve- "We were ready for a real jamup, but wrac g fidifliOffie Sun<liy fili!lil. ti. didn't happen," he continued, saying The fteeway systemj.n spots w11 llke a the county's 115 mllea of freeway And continuing used car lot. a way Thpre must he to live longer and enjoy it :rnore tloned .,..,. rather imp....U .. (-U. we think it le) ehoe de- partment. We carry men'& Top11ider11, at Ill to 125 a pair, Taylor 1'fade street ud -ha•ineaa etyle&, from 120 to $36.50. Our famoa.e Bally Shoe11, im- ported from Switattland, are 137 and 142.' And then we have the p0pnlar Clarke ~ ert Boob at 116, and you've never w,om anything inore comfortable than· they are. Did you happen to uotiee that every time you take the S.S • Lurline to Hawaii it .eema to be a different ehip? We finally f!SUJ"'d out why. ·It It • different thlp. Every lime the old Lurline wean out or .lbatever bappem to it, they briq a new AIUp into .lllJ'rice and almply ehllDS" the name ol the new tblp to Lurline. Pretty ooeaky. Aalde from ba'riq a deiipt· fol •o~ which.,..,.. year and wblcheoer Lu.rlln•r you happen to tranil on, you bear tome tall 1tori"' while on board. For in· ttanee, did you know that foll blooded native Hawallane, ..,. eording to 1tali1tlca, live exact· ly 20 ,...... lonsor that other ·people dor--· We tried to find oat why and were told tbe7 eat• 1ped.rj diet o( --bee'• honey and eider ~ .,....., nipt before ,.ying their prayen. In .,... yon think lt mlpt be better to uy your prayen befortJ eating tbAt eoneoction, f don't think you'd get ·au ar- gument out of a.a. We ,;.ou.ldn't qaali(y u an•' tborilieo on bow to li•• lo"ll' er, but we do bow • thl.., or two @oat how to eaiC?Y it more. A Bidwell wardrobe, at everybody bowe, will pol - abine into any man.•1 Ute. Nol that yoU itut • ward. robe with ehoeo, bot It . boo been awhile tiace we .... All oorta of other atllre for land or ·-. Knitted. obiru; windbrNbr nylon jaekett, walk ehorta, ollildm, 1wim• wear, and ao on. Bot bow do you 1appoee lb-~ne foll blooded,,_ live BawaUam ma•ap to u~ 20 yean lonF than llD1bodY elte. They den't otart coantlns their birthday• an,tll Ibey read> the llge of twenty. Jack B.idwell 3467 Via -Udo, Udo fealoaula, Newport Beach, ril!hl nut to lllehanllt Moirket •ncl the Lido Tbeatet. M'odao p~ ~Y behind mr ttore. Phone 6734510. f.opJri8bt 1969, J.clr Bidwell. ' '" " Ta ---. • . • \ ~ .DAI vanti& ticket -the rortun lo def Oriole It's •core -Orana thrill player Stadiu Jolu and M Costa Bonus 5pon8' plainil Poln(, 1Yo I only f Stfv e1 Rei< Ing at Geron Pi1es:a the A Rei• big ' b show£ beltee Angel end o A , I p u .. golde for I Califc Thi Brew the I liceru ~ Uno per<:< count Ri Ai In COJ diet dang l each on th '!'ht . into 1 looktr guerr unris: Sin up ir past Th< pe"o ' crowc Al In Cc gcnlil Th• authc their shots W8" I pose< Ov1 low, bl th· the 1 A I said r the • oil b said · ous ' ora(e An< had I Telec "fore. elabo ' Talh to Angeb 3 Coast Y 0uths \ ' . ' Get .Real -Thrill . DAILY PILOT readers who took ad· ~vantage of the newspaper'a ."2-for-l" ticket olfer saw plenty of basebp.U Sunday -'the game went 11 innings -but, un- fortunately, watched the Angel!I go down tG defeat j tO' 3 agalnsl the Baltim'bre Orioles. · · It's a good bet, howe\' , lhat the.llnal &COre was overshadow for three ...Orange-COast yooths by t pre-game thrill oC meeting their favor players in t~ Angels' dugout at Stadium. ... Shortstop Jlm FregMI was the "favorite Angel" of John Barth, 10-year- o I d son ot Mr. and Mrs. Jlm Barth oC 3514 Surfvlew Lane, Coron& del Mar. It was Fregos.i's fly ball ln the first whiql brought in Sandy Alomar to score the ,\ngelt' first run Swxlay. And young Barth. who said he wants to "make daaliog plays" lite Fregos!, was lh the stands rooting for his tavorlte playef arter~ meeting bim in the dugoot before the. cootest and getting an autographed The third Early Bird Bonus youth was Paul Smith, 12, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of 301 'h South Bayfront, Balboa ,lsland. • ., .. John Gerondale, ~year-old 60tl of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gerondale of· f28 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa, was one of three Early Bird Bonus w.inners in the DAILY PlLOT- sponsored event. He Wrote a letler ex~ plaining that Rit:k lteichardt al st.evens Poin(. Wis., was his favorite Angel. (Young GerondaJe and his famUy have only t'ecenUy moved to Costa Mesa from StCvens Point. J Though he got lo meet his favorite player -and received a . baseball • autographed by lhe Halos -young Smith "'as robbed of any chance to see his player, Jay Johnstone, do anything spec- tacular in the.Jong game. EARLY BIROS -Three Harbor A'rea youths who won chance to meet their favorite Angels· -p.rior to Sunday's game at the "Big A" stadium in Anaheim as part of DAILY PILOT "2·for-1 Day" collect their prizes. In photos· (left to right) John Barth of Corona del Mar meets Jim Fregosl; John Gerondale of Costa Mesa gets batting tips from Rick Reichardt; and Paul Smith of Balboa Island talks baseball with Jay .Johnstone. Reichardt spent several minutes talk· ing about the' "old hometown" with young .Gerondale before presenUng the Costa ~1e!a youth a baseball autographed by the Angels. • Reiihardt also showed Gerondale his big bat and, laler, during the game, showed it to the Orioles, too, when he belted a two-run homer that had the Angels leading the ball game 3 to O at the end of the first iruling. Johnstone was in the contest only brief- ly when he was walked whUe pinch-hit· ting for Tom Egan in the ninth inning. Though Ucket sales ·for Angel . games have been down recently due to the team's losing streak, Angel officials said Sunday the gate is "coming back." 'Ille DAILY PILOT will sponsor anolfier 2-for·t day at Ang el StacUum dur- ing the 1970 season. Orange Cou11ty's Agr:lcult1u·e Faces Threal"of Pests Alcohol's Silver Lining: Three insect ltillers capable o I devaslating oi-angt County's agricultUre to the tune or many millions or dollars are being hunted today in citnls groves and farml ands. ' Public Services Benefit They h11.ve not yet been found by · Orange County A gricu !t u ra I Com- missioner William Fi t ch en's in· \lestigators. And the a p p r e h e n s I v e Fitchen hopes they never will be. Under its cloud .of foam, 'very glass of golderi beer has a silver lining, at least for non-tippling taxpayers throughout California. This is the word fro~ the California Brewers' Association,. which announced the lates t Alcoholic Beverage Control license fee allotments Thursday. ~ Under state .law, the ABC returns 90 pert:i!nt of all such money to cities and counties, where it is plowed back into Rioting Leaves Argentina City In Sorry State CORDOBA, Arg_entina (~ ~ ~ sol- diet with his rifle read~d a~ girl dangling a doll at her side glanced at each other for a moment, then went· off on their separate grim searches. The soldier, one or 3,000 troops rushed . Into Cordoba, was going house-tO-howle looking for snipers and other urban guerrillas who battled the army in an UnFising that ravaged much of this city . Similar antigovernment revolts sprang up in a half dozen other cities in the past week. The little girl was one of hundreds of persons hunting for relatives in hospitals crowded from four days of bloodshed. At least 14 persons were known dead In Cordoba and seven elsewhere in Ar- geritina. Unofficial reports had 30 dead . The army had the upper hand and authorities urged workers to return to their jobs today. Infrequent sniper shots pierced Cordoba's air and the city was tense. A nighttime curlew was im· posed. Overhead, anny· spotter planes flew low. their pilots trying to find the last ·or-the snipers -wnose bullets had· pocked the littered streets. A military communique issued Sunday said patrols had captured what ll-tenned the "main guerrilla band" which held off troops for three hours. The army said the group was composed of numer- bus "foreigners," but It did not el ab: orale. Another communique ·said 15 persoru: had been captured near the Naj:lonal Telecommunications Co. bu ilding with "foreign arms." Again there Wu no elaboration. services benefitting the entire public. POiice and fite protection, educaUonal progr~ams, highway construction and maintenance, hospital service and other needs are partially financed by lhe ABC revenue. Orange County just received $369,378 for the latest six-month period which end- ed Feb. 28, according to California Brewers ..µsocta.Uon e:s:ecutive vice presi- deut George Ososke. The funds are re-distributed lo ~­ munities with Cost.a Mesa, for instance, receiving $'l4,494 from fees paid by holders of alcoholic beverage licenses in- side city limits. Looking at the Wstributioo statewide, a total of $7,720,904 was handed out m the latest six-moo.th period, making a $12,285,580 total for the full February-to- February ABC year. • · "These fees are actually all paid by the alcohok:ontuming public in the form or higher retail prices," said Ososke. "One segment of the publl c is buying a legal product in a legal way from . a· legilimate businessman and is forced pay a greater proportion of the cost of schools most other services than consumers of most other goods," he explained . The 10 percent not returned lo counties and cities goes into the state General • Fund for the same type of use, he noted. License holders under the ABC method pay an initial $37 per year renewabl e at $12 aMua1fy for a package stare, whil e the cost of a beer-and-wine tavern license Is $234 and $84 on the same basis and it hits a $6,580 and $580 fee schedule for a Services Held For Navy Vet A funeral service for Clyde C. Clifton, • 15--year resident of Cosla Mesa who died last week, was held Thursday in Fores! Lawn Memorial Park in the llollywood fl!ll!. The 63-year-old veteran of World War II Navy duty lived at 133 E. 16th St., having moved to the city shortly atter its I9f>J in· corporation. He leaves a son, Harris D. ClHton or Van Nuys, five sisters and one brother. Burial follov.·ed at the Forest Lawn ce~etery. But he makes no secret or the fact that lush county lands are a prime target for the 'burrowing nematode, the J apane.sc beetle anOthe Dulch elm pest. The rapacious nematode is already causing paniC among Florida citrus growers and it has made sharp inroads into groves in the Sunshine State. Detec- table only by microscopic studies, the tiny worm also thrives· on at least 250 other varieties of ornamental plants, most or which are grown in Orange Coun· ty. The pesl responsible for Dutch elm disease has most recently been reported in Idaho. Fitchcn said, and its westward march from decimated Eastern and Midwestern areas is being viewed here with concern. "Vigilant pest detection programs" are the only answer to barring of' the fungus. type disease from Orange County tre,s, Fltchen said. • Fitchen's public enemy No. 3 is listed as the Japanese beetle, a pest that has been previously reported ln Orartge Coun- ty but which was successfuJly erad icated. He is on the alert for a possible new vHli tation by the destructive insect. 'I:he three, said Fitchen, arc among some 75....Ansects currently on the agricultural division's danger list. UC Extensio11 Offering Record Session at-UCI The University of Calilornia Extension Is offering a record number of courses, ll'Cture series and workshops in Orange County for the quarter beginning the week of Jun e 23, according to extension spokesmen. lJC Irvine's first summer session this year will add 90 courses to the scheduled extension programs, giving exteruiion students twice as many programs lo choose from as any previoi.:s extension sumn1er quarter. Lecture series include "The Mexican American," to be held at Santa Ana Valley High School: "Folk Songs and Dances Around the World ," and a five day course oo ''Communicating wlth Today's Teenagers." There are also 13 biological science courses, 20 English courses, and eight history courses, as well as eight courses in fine arts. For more information and a catalog, call thr Extension office al 833-5414. "' Mary Vogt Wins ,Scholarship Ftom' Merchant; ... Mary Vogt, a 17-year-old senior from Bolsa Grande High School, has b e e n awarded a $500 scholatship by the Hunt- ington Center Merchant's Association. Miss Vogt, a resident Of 9(K)l Cheshire SI., Westml,n.st.er.-was chosen for the ho~ or rrom six area high schools who se- -lei:t ono-oot.standing businen..'...ltudenl each month to compete for the scholar· shlp each May. 1\u.nner-llp a.nd recipjent of a. $50 cash •ward was Jan Hanshaw, 17, of 11471 Montclair Court, Garden Greve. She la a •1tudeot al Rancho Alamitos High School. ·Both had to take lwrltlen eun:ttnatlon required by the contest and were Inter· viewed by a panel of judges who rated ' -~-- now save 42% to 53% ·outline-quilted colorful on opulent bedspreads Pamper your taste for out-and-out elega nce :. , .. ar1d-.,0V'C'-.. ,;&r-~-1e~­ right now_on ·May cO's sale .of. Max Rawicz custom hand-guided outline- " quilted spreads. A collection of glorious prints and colors in king, queen, dual sizes. Beautifully outline-quilted and puffed with Kodel ® polyesler. comparable value 85.00· 1 qs .oo · 49.00 may 'o bedspreads 113 • t , l 1 may co south coast plat e , se n di•i!t f'wy et bristol coatli mes a ; 54.6-9321 shop mond.ay throug h aaturda y ·10 am to 9:30 pm ' • ' . WINS SCHOLARSHIP Senior Mary Vevt SCHOLAR RUNNER ·UP Grove:• J an HanshaW them on aevearance. personality, poten· \ ijal uecnhv• ability. conduct and evl-• M AV C 0 ; • dcncc or career planning. · ----------....... :-----'---::===============~---------.._ l ' ' • /1 ' I . • I • ............ , ...._,,_,. ....... \... .. ... f DAILY PILOT C~ llf ... D911Y f'"'9 SMftl ) Rlchud Burton palled his stom· ach with his right band and grip- ped a itass of gin with bis Jeft and told how reducing exercises a doc- tor prescribed for Ellubeth Ti1y· lor helped the wrong patient. "As you knOw, Elizabeth has had back trooble· and the doctor prescribed weight-losing exercisj!s to help it,'' Burton said on a break Crom his latest movie in London. "I started doing the exercises. with her. Eliz=- abeth" bas gained 28 pounds and I've lost 14." • •• ,.,.~·-._..t ""' • Rwtt With Pomeldotl So i-alist,~Back­ • • Po Franc-e ' e:r;-Ill PARIS (UPI) -The French Socialist party threw its support today to acting Presidmt Alain Poller ln the June 15 presidential .runoff election a I a i n a t f~ Premier Georges Pompidou. The Socialists announced tbelr intenlim as tile Communist party's ceatral com- mittee met in emergency session to dl.scUss where to throw Its iupport. The !ive million Communist votes and those of the 1.5 million Socialists and other non-Communist leftists could prove decisive in the election. PoheT rum..u again rejected appeals by Pompidou supporters to withdraw and thus ensure a Pompidou victory over Communist Jacques Ducloe: wOO woold lace Pompidou if Pober withdrew. Pompidou, a disciple of former Prai- dent Cllarles de Gaulle, won «.4& percent ol the ballots in Sunday's election short of OLD TIME DOC DIES AT, 105 the &1 percent needed I« election. Poba- won 2.1.3 pereent and Duclos a IUrJlflYlg 21.08 percent -nearly five mlllion of the 22,626,461 votes cast. Under French law Pompidou will face PoheT in the runoll ele<tion. but H PoheT wltbdrew he would face Duclos. When pointed out that be had scored only 23.31 percent or the votes Pober tokl a television audience today: "l doo't give a damn about nrilhmetlc ... Within boun after the results were an· neunced, a delegation of independent · Republicans (allies of the Gaulllsts) ask- ed lo see Pober. Poher refused to meet them today aa they had aSked. He pro- mj;led l.nste~ to wage a bitter campaign. "I have never thought of withdrawing,'' POOer sakf on the television program. "I ...sflaU fight to the end." Poher aides said he plans lo go out barnstorming around the country as Pompidou did J>efore ~ sunqay voting. Poher had made only radio and television appeals to the voters, leaving Pompidou to. the American style wtlistie-stop cam- paigning. U•IT ....... FRENCH FAVORITE -Former PJemier Georges Pompidou ges- 1ureS as he holds press conference at Paris headquarters Sunday after ballot count ~ave him nearly 45 percent of vot, Unable to win a majority, Pomp1dou will face Centrist interim Ptesident Alain Pober .in runoff election June 15. B52s Pound RetLDivision NearDak To - SAIGON (UPI) -B52 bombers \drop- ped 300 tons of bombs Sunday and today on a Communist division which has mov. ·ed into the Oak To ari!a in the Centr•l Highlands. U.S. military spokesmeJl reported. The Communists shelled Pak' To today and lobbed rockels Into Saigon loe the first time in two weeks. MJUtary spokesmen said .a wetl-equlp- ped Nortb Vietnamese division rqoved i~ to the densely foliate(! mountain5 overlooking Oak To last month. They said it included a sapper batt.allon of com· mandos and an artillery battalion and Uuit its strength wu estimated at 10,000 men. So far the d.Jvision 's activities have beeJ limited to small unit skirmishing with South Vietnamese infantrymen and mercenaries and sheUing of allied posj. tk>ns guarding Dak To 280 mHes nmheaslo!Saigon. Other B52s late Sunday and Monday ranged to within 1.5 miles of Cambodia to bJt suspected Communlst staging area5 near Tay Ninh, 60 miles northwest of Saigon, with five strikes. Most strikes consist of six bombers flying in three plane waves five lo 30 minutes apart. • ~~-=2:~~~~f,;:, practicing physician only last year. died Sunday in a hospital at tin! age of 105. After catching a few hour6 slee p, Pom-lf • ff.~~.,~~~~-'t~-,~\\~. U/J~~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • During his 69 years of medical prac- tice, Branscotnb delivered 2,600 babies, none of them in a hospital. He delivered his last baby \vhen he was 100. Branscomb chalked up 200,000 mlles on horseback over the hills of earrou County here in Southwest Virginia before chang- ing to automobile in the 1920's. strategy for the runoff campaign. He & "\~ '{/,~ looked tired but relaxed. H~ voice was -~~-I ~~--st.ill husky from speaking lo 45 French ~ ~ • -' ' at El Rancho·: the supermark~t .--=--· _...;.Ii-;.:.~:-. . . ...... • • • • • • • Claudia Staf'T', 21, and Mid.shipman Richard Kirkland toiU totd foll-Owing Naval Academy grad·aat«m Ct1'~ nies at Annapolis, Md., but before then Kirkland will have to share his giTt'I time with his fellow limey!. Claudia will be the color girt for June Week graduation ceremonies. • A New York policeman and a me- ter maid have ended up in Bronx criminal court over the grand ;sum of one dime. Off-duty Patrolman David Waksman returned to his parked auto a week '1go to find it trapped by a double parked truck. \Vhile be was waiting for the truck driver to show up along came M ... ter Maid Armeli• Lacey, 31, and ticketed his car for overparking. An argument started and \Vak s· man arrested Miss Lacey foi dis· orderly conduct after harsh words ,vere exchanged. • A 1918 "upside-down" airmail st.amp unth an inverted airplane in the center sold for $31 ,000 in Ne to York this week, twU:e ~ wlwt a collictor paid for it Jn I 1964. Jlfyron Kall.er of Farmtng· dale, N.Y., bought the 24-cent ~ stamp at an auction at H. R. r Two other inverted stamps, a Harmer Galltrte s in ~fanha ttan. , • 4-cent 1901 Pa n An1erican issue 1 sold f or $11,000 and a 30-ce nt ' 1869 issu e brought $20,000. ~ • • : .... ;r. ~..:r:-.: ·_:...'.i,.~ • '!'he scene at l~ickam Air Force Base in Honolulu wa s not unusual : A plane bound for Vietna1n and a sailor ki ssing his mother good.bye. But in this case t he mother was going. Mrs. Joseph D. O'Brien, ·a 59-year-old widow from Na tick. Mass., was leaving for Saigon and a civil service job with the Anny. Her sop , Bruce, 25 , stationed at Pearl ffarbor, \Vas on hand to give her an aloha sendoff. "She's got a Jot of guts," he said. towns during the campaign. The balance of power lay with the five million communists and the other l.S millloo leftists and both candidates were expected to woo their votes. , De Gaulle~s Suh Cook Casts Ex-chief's Votes COLOMBEY -LES -DEUX -EGLISES, France (UPI) -She walked into the polling place trembling. Everybody knew her-the cook. Mrs. Charlotte Marchal, 56, showed her voting card as all the French must do. Then she presented a Jetter. It entitled her to !W1:l extra ballot.!. She was voting for fonner President Charles de Gaulle and his wife Yvonne. Under the French absentee system a voter can, wtt:fl proper authorization, ca.st a vote for anodler registered voter out of the country. . De Gaulle and his wife have been in Ireland nearly a month. They left France two weeks .. after De Gaulle was defeat~ in the April 'r1 refemldum. The De Caulles chose Madame ~1ar­ chal, their faithful cook, to cast their ballots. She was no sooner in the votin~ sta· lion carrying De Gaulle's permission to vole for him than newsmen were upon her. "No, no," s'he cried, "I do not want ta be photographed. It was yoo {the press) that harmed him." She was asked if De Gaulle had writ- ten to her. "No, only telephoned." she said placing the three votes in the ballot box. For whom did De Gaulle vote? She said nothing but hurried out the door back t~ Gaulle's home here, La ~e. to await the general's returri. Protests Against Mission Blasted by Rocke£ ell er PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad (AP) - With his current Lalin-American tour marred further by postponement of his visit to Venezuela, Gov. Nelson A. Rocke.leller said Sunday night that the slude.nt demonstrations against h i s mission ,point up an extremist minority's threat to relations between the United Stat.es and its southern neighbors. The slop in Caracas today was lo have been th la~t op Rockefeller's seeood fact-finding tour for PresiOent Nixon, a tour already marred by cancellation of a visit to Peru, violence in Ecuador and curtailment of the stop in Bolivia. 'Then the Venezuelan Cabinet met Sunday and President Rafael Caldera asked tho gavemor to delay his visit indefinitely, saying it was likely to touch off more violence. At a news conference in POrt of Spain, Rockefeller blamed the violence on "elements who are · abl~ to get militant groUps among the students lo respond to their desire to break up the basic friendship and understanding between the United States and these countries. "This is not the position or the govern· ment, it Is not the positidn of the people," Rockefeller conUnued. "It is determined force that..Js_becomin&_incr.easi.ngl.y_ eri· dent throughoUt t he hemisphere that would like to disrupt. to break down, to destroy the friendship between our coun· tries." Students Skip ~~xams COIMBRA, ·Portugal (AP I Thousands of students boycotted ex- aminations at Coimbra University today and harassed soldiers who surrounded the school in a show of f0tte. Thunderstorms Hit East Temperatures Below Freezing in Great Lakes Area California Coallal AJO.lt!UIA .... ·~­Alllrt!" , ...... , .. Iii llam•rtk ... ·~ ... <><a~ crnc1~,..,1 Clev1!1~ ,,,_, ~~~~1- P11m1 FCll'1 W"'lll ·-Hallnt " . II W .II " .. .. ~ •1 11 " " " ~ .. u ... .. " " ~ " " ... " p .. " .. n " • " .. -.. " • .. " .. N11111 i ncl morn1,.. low tlovOt ... 1111 l~I 109 I~ drllllf, l OO.Y', lli,h, 10 lo ll. Wu'ldJ, IOUf!IW'"' lo '"'"' I !o 11 l<not1. U.S. S11mmar11 Oc<•.0-llv vll)IWl>I llllH'Oerirorm1 1111 l'llP ""'''" "°'''°" o1 ~ nerloft fl•1¥ lodfy, S(ll1ir<'H lrOl1 O«\l"od In ~ '10tfh·O<llf-' !iir<' DI sit "'\ 1"11 tJ"r s1i.1.., '"° ..,., ~l!Mr llom!neted HMO!ulv H(a.llton ICt'ltll C;,v l 11 Vf91S t 111 """!ti M'""'< MaW9UkH MlMe-llt "'" OMoN ... NfW Yo_, "lcrll> l'i..tte Otkl•~ ...... .. " • .. • • •• .. -~ ·" \ Y~• .. 111•'• ~"1t•rr11v,e. r 1 " '~ ~ '"''" • ~191> "' " 10 • IO'fo .,, sa. 1 ... '-"" ""'-<1•wre ••"9t Wll 10 to S7. T~ -1-r ""'"""',. _, U 0. -· MONDAY "'"' h"" • ' . .. 10·31 ··""· )~ 1"1n.1 IOllf t'4 '·"'· 1,t """""' ~·,, ll:Ot •. ,,., 4.1 TUliSOAY ...... •~'' •·'"· l .I , , 1!42 I .IOI, 1' J:'t •'" ),I "'-W..I. • ,.,.. .. ,,_ 1lonn• rwcfled I .....t 111 "" T~, OMti ....... 1 '-do ~•1"'1lfd llll'Olll!I Fwllln '°""'"· .tM!\11 11 m/lft """' DI Tolticlo, Gellr""!"'° 1 .,.,~. ~. l""'" l~lf _,,,,_ ... 1~1 Ill )9 milts Ml hcur •M ... ,. ~·Tridl 11111. • A wtdff Of cold C1nedl1n 11r tf· ~ ,,,...., ""'""'" '·~·· "' ~ '°"""' r.,...., t.1~" ,..let!, elu"'llnt fw1¥ mf!N'llr1t ~1tur" btlew """ tr ... 1111t "'""' In -1l1tt1, ~,,., '"''' lor11PC111 l l!f" '""'°' H•ll DI ll'lo O~hOllt. WHfoftfl ll!WI """' toor!ll• ~' ,..,,,_,,,, tieP!I lo ....ode<•~ •1!11 1<<ot11111~1f(t l"t (~• ~r1turH '' I law ""'..,,. ..... mO\'af -· ,, .... -""-• ,,, Ol)l•rlO. ,_ ltalllh ""11..W!ilhlt Pl>c-<11• Pitt.bu,..~ Por119"11 ... Id Ctty ... thlll' .... S.c••-"• S• t..,.1, S1Hnei Sill Li>':1 Cl.., 51" Oit911 5111 F•t l'ICioo:e s ..... lll'bl ... su nlt -·~ ,_, W1Wtl11tllllll • ( • " .. " " " .. " .. .. .. .. ,. " ~ .. u .. .. " " ... " ~ n " " " .. .. ,, ~ " .. .. .. .. " " " " ll •• .. ~ n _ ....... _ --j ._ -~ ' " ·" where the price is right! • • • • • • • • • • COMPARE / • THE VALUE! • -• •• • SMOOTH /OR CRUNCHY! :n· , . "-..SAVE HERE! 18 oz. SIZE ' • .. I •• • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••• \-Vhen it comes to peanot butter, all yoa Med to know Ui ~! lS-OS.. jar ••• smooth or enmchy! Welch's Jelly ".-:-:: ........... .-....... 49' GrJpc J ell y or Grapeladc ... Z lb. jar: Nestle's Quik ......................... 43' One lb. box •.• Chocolate or vaTieties ! Hew! Sno Cones .............. 3 .. $1 Pkgs. oi 4 .•• Koop aome in the freezer! /, ·Super Produce Value! Bananas .......................... 1 Q~ SJiQaita. , • Central Amcrica"s li....t! I I I I i 'I I ') 11:,£ l M I~ COUt'O 't USE THIS COUPON ---_,1 COMPa:x1011r-:-BA"R OF Y FREE (WITH THIS.COUPON) .... 3 f 33c .,,-,-c1 lJ:,.rfltl su•I': '" ..., I I • I I • ! • •· ""-"'""-' ' UM" ft( ••ll COlo!,.LlllOM 8Afl l'l• '"'ll'ILT I •OOD •MLT "'' CL IA#CllO •••1ttT• -4L l lTAIL l't11cl n. P(I eo•PLlX111 1.1.1 I !1>1 !IU S COUP O,. USE THIS C:OUPON ---11 Super J)elicatestlf!n Specials! Cheese Pizza .......... . Nalley'1 XLNT .· •• 9 inch size! Fresh Beef Tongue ..... . Fresh Beef Heart· ....... . F·resh Sweetbreads ..... . ' . • AICAlllA1 Somset nf ~ IJr. (!! 1!llltflD ClallJI PASADOIA: 320 Wat c.larldo Biid. SOUTH PWDW:: Fremont nf IUllqtaa Dr. HUllTllSTIIR IEACI: WQI' 11'11 AlpolqulJI (bilwalll Conte~ NtwPOIT IEACff: 2727 "-! Bill!. 11111 2515 Eml>lull Dr. (tlstl>luff Vlll11a Canlett \ QUI ~ I = --·--• "I do> Ht WAS Hubert ing mo after Ii Richar ever rr Sinct: Januar dent h. job wi started nesota writing new spa cepted engage ABOU1 Whilf exactly tivitles Humph educate figure .year. i Humph ol 143.C annual! as a r was $3C The Democ: $30,000 !he Ur end lt1& he de' everY t Hwn1 Ing fet: averag: weekly. nets hb And, board Encycl1 former an estil a year. ZNEW Hwn1 two ne Uoelc. i6ji up , a traru b)'. the Act ~ Congre 175,000 six-mpr Jan. 20 his vicf When Is exh: phrey · lransili the net providf cycloJM Hwn1 nica a --' • QUEINll ' . ' • By Phll lnterlaildl . ..... ·~-.... .,_,r:,.. ·-·.-:,.· ~·~· .. • • ...... .-.J "I don't think the salvage laws apply to rowboats in th& cark ... " Humphrey Now l\la}ies • • SAVE 114.00 ON ~ f»9 •:e .~~~'Th~~;~_,y,er ., tl, ~RN/ .. TJ9~~~ftf. ~~~E~~ .. - WASHINGTON (UPI) -lra\·cl recently to Europe at ~lubert H. Humphrey is 1nak-company expense ard that's -·150 00 204.00 open 1ng more money seven months just one or several free trips t k I after losing the presidency to . . • s c c va ue rucbard M. Nixon than he has he will be taking. • Treasured Silverplote, guaranteed for 4 ever made be~ore. . . 1IllREE RESIDENCE$ lifetime b International, each Since leaving office 1 ." \V.hen he returns from a . , . Y , January lhe former vice pres1-visit abroad or a speaking p iece 1s heavily ploted and shoped into ~ent h_as laken a. hi~h-paring engagement, the rormer vice mognificent patterns. Choose ID) Triumph J-Ob with a publishing hr~, president has his pick of lhree . . . , ' started teaching on two Min· residences. He has retamed (A) Orleans, !B) Laurel Mist , IE) Wakef1elo, n~_ta campuses. . beg u n the $7~,000 c~peralive apart-(CJ Empress. Consists of lb teaspoons, 8 eocl-i wr1tuig a ~ y !l d 1 cal e d ment in Washington's Harbor , . . newspaper column and ~c~ Square area, where he lived dinner knives, dinner forks, solad f orks, soup eepted numerous speaktng while i~ office. He, also h~ spoons, butter spreaders, cocktail forks, icl'.l engagements. .kept h.~s longtime home 1n . W a v e r I y , 'Minn., and tea spoons, 2 toblespoons, 2 pierced ABOUT $%00,000 I C II · St r-.lacA ester .0 cge~ in , ·tablespoons I eoch pastry server gravy ladle, While his aides will not say Pitul, has provided him with a ' ' ' exactly how much these ac-fully furnished house and maid cold meat fork, berry spoon, sugar tivitles are bringing Into the · · b • I Humphrey bank account. sc~~~·alter which home he is spoon, utter ,;ni e. educated guesses put the using, Hwnphrey always finds USE OUR SILVER CLUB PLAN. figure at about $200.000 this his mailbox stuffed with let-NO MONEY DOWN, NO INTEREST, .year.Asvicepresident , tcrs -usually between 350 MONTHS TO PAY. Silve rwore, 59 Humphrey received a salary and 500 a day. Congress, an- of $43,000 a year plus $10,000 ticipaling the initial cost ol annua1ly for expenses: his pay answeiing all the mail, pro- as a member of the Senate vided Humphrey with free was $30,000 a year. post.age privileges for -six • The lilularleadero!the months.Afler.July20.be·wi!J SAVE 1/3 OUR OWN CHINA, Democratic PaMy receives have to buy his own stamps . ' $30,000 for !tis lectures -al And unless pending legisla-PLATINUM OR GOLD BANDED the University of Minnesota tion is -quickly approved, the and ,_.1acAle.ster College -and former vice president aJso will he devotes three Ml Uays be fl.iihout his Secret Service ever)r two weeks to 01.erh. bodyguards come July, · Humphrey's st.and a rd spea~-·1 ;;::;;;:;:::;;::;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;I Ing fee is $2,500 and he 1slJ averaging at least one address weekly. His newspaper column nets him about $200 a week . And, as i=hairma n of the 1 board of consultants for the Encyclopedia Britannica, the l fontier vice president earns ~ an estimated $50,000 to $60,000 a year. 1 NEW OFFICES Humphrey at.So has acquired I two new Washington offices. UQelCSam currently is pick· itlg up the tab for one of them.1 a transitional office provided by the Presidential Transition ' -xa approved last year by Congress. That law gives him $75 ooo for expenses over al six:mpnth periOO beginning Jan. 20, when he moved out of his vice-presidential office. When the federal allowance Is exhausted July 20, Hum· phrey will move most of the transitional office staff of 12 to l the nearby \Vashington office provided him by the en- cyclopedia company. Humphrey's job for Britan- nica also pennitled him to NM I AGAIN tHt Ucl t..lifll whet!y_,t.i..,_lfMws TOILAFLEX• Toilet ~Plunger Unlike onlinery phtnc"11, Thilafln <loft not permit cornpro:l'td air or mcuy .. r.cr 10 tplnh bac .. Oll etf9JPC. Wlth To!lalle~ ll\c 11111PteM\H'"111-. thro111h the c:lo11in1 mat• arid 8Wi1he. it down. • IUCTION·lllM STOIOS S~LASl'f ..... CK • ClMTlllS ITSl:Lr, CAH'TMIO IUIOIJND • Tlll'l"ED TllH,. OIVO Alll·TICIHT FIT cw""' ......... 'lllll*I' t 2 U AT .MAIDWut STOflfS Mor• lh•n A Quarter Of A Mil a Of Antiqu11 Orange Coun t y's • Largest Antique Sko~ THURS., FRI., SAT., JUNE 5, 6 & 7 F•1turin9 R1re , B1.ru't iful and Nov1I Objtcfs from Around tht WorJd by Top De1l1rs. FREE CASH DU. WING 29.99 ·._ Reg. 45.00 -serv ice for 8 You• choic~ of these elegontly toslefisl patterns, each impressive in its restraint Of decoration. 45-piece service includes' 8 each: din ne rs, cups. seucers, saled s end bread & butters; I eoch: 14" pJotter, vegetoble. lidded sugar and creamer. Chino, 11. ) Flower · Bosket ' / • ' ' • We're 84 Stores and Open Nlohdy Tll 9:30 -I tc __ >_L7'· I 5outh Coast ?taza ANAHEIM HUNTIN GTON BEACH • I ,_/' 7777 Edinger Ave. 892-3331 Mon. thru Sai. _ \ 10 e.m. to 9:30 p.m. '-\ ·11 N. Eucnd 535:9121 Mon. lhru S.t. 10 a.m. lo 9il0 p.m . , .. • I I ,,~d•r, J~e z, l~:._J __________ oc.~:Lv Pf' or : - e , • l • • I • c , I ·~ • I I . ~ 1.1 I \\ '1 I I ,. .. , -.. ·-- -· ,J, • , .• ,J .. ... ' .. • I I ', I • j ' I f t· . .. : I t ' . • I /I/II!' I I I . ' ...., I •• - . • • • I' ' -- -. . ' • • -.• ' \ -. l • ; r ·r ' , • ., ' I I , ' , • , ,/" ' 1 -· l I , ' l 1 \ 1 \ l .j ' • I • • • ,. ~· ... • r-f •• .. .. .. ... .. 1--·-----··-.. f "' --... ,,.;' "'· ,~.' '· ..... ··-----~--'""· ( • ~7 F-.1 , M<1.;-4J,,., f.., • • ... • .~ • I +;~,.+.-°'-H.~---------'-..tl -• G .. ~---. .... "~ .. " ' 1..-.......... ti 4 ~ I !AIL y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE I • Getting Tough on 0il ' . Calllom.i.an1, especially Soulhei'n CalUornians, seem agreed that there's no room for comprom!Je wlth oil Interest& where off;hore drilling is concerned, • Orange County's Rep. James B. Ult (Jl..Tustin) has Introduced a bill that must be adjudged a weak one. II has too many loopholes wblcb could allow future en· dangering of the coastline. But Seu. Alan Cranston, a Democrat, has joined fon:es with kep. Charles ~f. Teague, a Republican from Ojal, to put before the Congress a bill with teeth in it. Their bill would permanenUy ban oil drilling ln Santa Barbara Channel. Senator Cranston told the Senate Interior Commit~ lee that his and Teague's bill will bead off the poten- . tlal catastrophe of another oil stick fouling California beaches; Teague went farther. He urged government accep- Much too much Is at stake In natural coastal r ... sources for any complacent acceptance ot the idea that offshore oil resources .. are slmplf. a handy "national pawnshop to pay the nation's bills,'' as one official put it Cranston's and Teague's bill would place a per. manent ban on drilling lo the Santa Barbara Channel and suspend drilling in other . waters ofl the coast of Calill!mia If!ndin~ further study. In the meantime, as Cranston says, "the (Santa Barbara) leak still leaks and the mess is still a mess." Let all Calilorntans fervenUy hope that lhiJ bill "do pass.'1 P1·ef erenc<'.8 in Lying ":"" ·--,.,.. J J tance of a proposal the DAILY PILOT made when tJie What do you prefer IO>lie about -ii you're qu.,._ Sanla Barbara Channel problem first arose. That was tioned by an opinion pollster or a census taker? to create a national petroleum reserve in the channel Jf you confonn to an average established by a ban all drilliEii there, and trade the channel lease~ ''D Validit s ''f ITllER WAY, t(S A for rights in Hills reserve inland, near Bakersfield. enver y urvey" published in Public Opinion . Quarterly, you probably told the truth about whether Jn the nuclear age, this adds up to com.men sense. you have a telephone in your home. Some 98 percent und Tbe likthelibood thaolft the Navy would ever need the oil did. . er e ~ean Southern California ts minimal. But .your veracity slipped down through home own· But the needs cf the continuing automobile ·age, ershlp, automobile ownership, age, possession of driv· with its deplorable smog.producing .gas.and-oil pow~ ers license and library card, voting in the last presi· ered engines, could be as well served by drilling. at dential and city elections and your contribution to the . E;l.t: Hill~. And the hope here would. be that a conver· • Community Chest or United Fund. slc;m to life-s~ving, non--smog·producmg steam or e!ec· That last item droj>ped you, if you're average, to . tric._automobiles would end the need even for Elk Hills. only 56 percent truthful. But. to let you off the hook • •-,Ja-11>-·!Ml!!'·--"~ ~M"'d .~P.Pl!9""lh nrua~l!ljt • i• t ' al • ' Craiii~eague bw;'~~~ 7 . e@Pp&1tiori''l!t'tlt'e"~;·c: .,:o·-~){S"if5y~m.'lkr\.1/l"J\1°-~: ~t., ~!."-J'~ ,,-..,~°""' partment of the Interior, which argues that it 1sn t Conclusion of the survey: Everyone fibs, for one needed. reason or another, knowingly or not. So relax. ~ .. -) H--·~' !":-q - Equal Shares Principle Insupportable Welfare State in Trouble ~WASllINGTON~--The-weUare-ala hu final~y nm brto grievous trouble in Britain, ailt will eventually in this coun- try. Britain Is currently unable lo find the mooey lo pay for !ncreued pensions ond tther ooclal security henefils promised by ~ Labor go_vemment without taxes or levies d...qlng lo the economy. THESE FIGURES ARE cited merely tO lllustrate -how--many--breadwinners have m_oved out o! the category in which fed eral old age pensions are an absolute necessity for survival _al 62, 65 or whenever the provider re~. In other categories of Income lncreasea have been more dramatic since 1960. The $10,000 to $15,000 clasa has tripled lD number. Smali Cities Are In .Trouble Too ----. Nixon's Draft Plans Are an Improvement~ Wben we talk about "the plight or the cities," many people still imagine lhat on1y a handful of large ciUes in the U.S. are in trouble, and that smaller com· munities don't have to worry too much. They are wrong. The main trouble seemS to lie in the 11nlversallty of the 1ystem. ln order to llelp the poorut one third who badly -bJgher lnc:omOI, Social Security lo-~ are granted across-the-board to all pensioners whether they need It or not. It Is the same in the Ulllted States. l'he fuUy retired, executive with a $30,000 unearned and pension tncome will receive lhe same percentage increase in his 5oclal Security payments when they are roted by Congress as lbe man on the other aide of town with only one tenth that income. · JN TOO mGH A percentage or cases the Social Security system and . the welfare_ ~@m in both Britain and the United States fail to -proVfae that minimum level of security which could be described u decenL Yet, because there is supposed to be an actuarial basis and the pensions are supposed to be earned, many people are receiving welfare state beneHts who do not ictUaUy need them. It is well to remember ~t the Social Security system in this c o u n t r y originated in lhe 1930s in a time of great economic insecurity. Young men graduating from high school or college and laking jobs where they could get them had reason to be obsessed by the risk ol. running into an impiicwrlous old age. Prl\l'al.e1y financed pensions were not the rule. Labor llllioos bed DOI begun their big pens.ion drives for a large varie.- ty of employe benefit plan& with a mulU. billion annual payout SOCIAL SECURJTY was sold to the American public u an earned pension and millons h a v e pald into the fund for their working lifetimes with the flnn ex· pectation of receiving government checks as an earned right upon reaching re.Ure· meot age. So there is probably nothing that can be done about that short of m. viting • nation-wide wave of hlgh blood pres.sure attacks and a political ex· plosioo. But lhe time will undoubtedly come here a s I n England when It will be seen that the equal shales principle between the rich and the poor Is not only m. ~ humane but Insupportable from the tax point of View. Sornt ·hint of tbis is contained in lhe projections of what the 1970 census will shotr in the eurrent"issue of United States News and World Report. These pro- jections show. a dramatic decrease in single ~ or members of families living at the offJclally designated pov· erty J e v e I of $3,060 per year for a non- fann family of four in the decade be· tween 1960 and 197tl. The numbers h a v e fallen by half. Median ir>eome for white families will have risen 65 percent to $9,600 and ·ror Negro families median In- come will have doubled t o a n estimated $6,500. These people, if wage' earners, are an entitled to federal pemlons on an ascel)o ding scale and some of them can con· vincingly argue that it the" same amount of money·had been placed in some other system on their behalf they would be bet· ter off. others w!io coolirlue working and earn more than pennitted urlder. the federal system can argue that they have paid tans an their working lives and 1'ill receive nothing unless they survlve until they are 72. TIDS GENERALLY BAS all led lo the most serious kind of trouble in Britain, causing the London Economist to declare tha ..Britain's l~iminate Welfare state is approach.in& its jouriiey'Send with the deathknell sounded by the Labor government's wild new financing pro- posals. Even if il is not the end of the in· discriminate welfare state it may be the end of the Labor government The direction in which the experience in Bi'itaill and the U.S. is pointing Is t~ same way tlte Nixon Administration is looking. It is looking toward a revision of welfare concepts which will place a floor under the incomes of those unable to sus· tain themselve.s decently. As the matter is further considered the question Is bound to rise on the equity of equal pell6.ions to the rich and the poor. To the Editor: I applaud President Nixon's plans for a lottery draft system as a good im- provement on the present Selective Service System. It will allow, If passed, our college graduates to plan their futures Instead of not really knowing when or ii they may be called to serve our country. Involuntary 9erVitude In any form is an abhorrent encroachment upon personal freedom. The Coast Federal Savings Student Seminar, representing the major colleges of Sout~ern California, .fully supports a voluntary armed force because: I I rr WU.L FORCE the Armed Forces to raise effective pay levels (which are now below World War Ir' levels) and beCOme more atfrictive to AmeriC!"s yowig men. 2) It will raise the morale of the men In lhe service. who would be there be- cause they chose to be. 3) It would .raise the morale of all men of present draft age, who would be able to plan their lives with or without the servi~ rather than to live "in limbo." 4) IT WOULD return the personal freedom of planning one 's life to all men between the ages ol 11 and 28. 'A Most Unu.sualProcedure'· 5) It would help to create a feeling of patriotism associated with military ~rvice: Help make America truly the land of liberty! RICK EVANS WASHINGTON -When it comes to taking care of their own pocketbooks, members of the House of Representatives have no qualms about proceeding on the premise that rules are made to be broken. , A graphic, illustration of tbis occurred tn an urftported incident during the House's conslderalion of the $3.1 blllion 6Upplemental appropriation bill .• Included in this huge catch-all measure ts a $1 ,975,000 item for payment for the remainder of the current fiscal year of the $12,500 pay boost Congress voted itself several months ago. And buried in that it.em ar..e funds for $12,500 to $20,000 salary increase for the Vice President, Speaker of the HouSe, president pro tem of the Senate, and the majority and minority leaders oI the two chambers. niese raises ~ still unauthorized. The House passed such legislation, but the Se.na'e balked, recommltttnrth"e measure to commiUee -where it's still gathering dust. ----- Monday, June 2, 1969 The editorial pagt Of th't Oailt1 PU.at ntk1 to inform end 1tim- uloU readcn b11 pre1mting tll.U -pt!"• cplnlotu end com. l'IMfttcirv on topfci of fn.tne1t ad lfgrdfi<>crlC<, by prot>ldln0 • ton-/qr 1111 1%Jl!',.,.,,. of .... _. OJ)fniqru, mu! by prdttlllllQ "'' dltltfll tli<lo-Polnll .of lofomied ob1m><rr °"" fPOl<urll<• °" IOpia of "'' ""'· ;Robeli-N. W<1ed, 2ubll•her -I NOW IT IS AN Inviolate rule of Congress that no fwids can be voted without prior aulhorizin~glslatlon. But the House was all set to blandly ignore that when it was abruptly challenged by Rep. H. R Gross, R-lowa, indefaUgable economy "watchdot ... QuieUy but firmly the v et e r a n legislator demanded to know what was going on and why. He cited the decades- old rule, the fad lhat the Senate had s h e 1 v e d the authorization bill, and charged, "You art putUng up the money without an aulhoriiat.ion." Rep. George Mahon, 0-Tes., ·chairman of the mighty AppropriaUons COmmit. tee, embarrassedly clearing his throat, admitted the trans~ion. Trying to justify it, he argued, "The money can't be expended unless It is authorized. These fuDds can only be used If the {authorization) bill pending In the Senate ~mes law." This glib explanation got nowhere with Gross. "THIS JS A MOST unusual procedure,·• he told the bushed House. "This Is establishing a precedent of hlghl1 un· desirable p>rtents. Such dlsregardl.ng of the rules should not be: tolerated." Making 1 p>tnt of order, Gross insisted ·the enUre $1 ,97$,000 item be thrown out as contraey lo House rules. Gross fought hard, but in the end the presldlng officer held against him. In a tortured lnt~rpretatlon he twisted the rule all over the place, 811 roDows. "The chair is constrained to hold that the gentltman'a point of order ts not well 1.Akt.n, because the money Jn Une U can- not. be uged for .fl l'IY other purpo11e than l.ncre~ pay cosLa authori.zed by -or • pursuant to law. 'rherefore, the gentleman's point of order i: overruled." SHAKING IDS head l.n bewildennent. Gross said, "lt'!-.(,_antastic. On this basis, money could be .voted for undertakings that wouldn't be: authorized.for ye&r11. It'a not only completely contrary to lhe rules, but an 9l1trageow: wa.y to handle tax- payers' money." When the Sel\ll,le i11 likely to again con· sider the pigeonholed House-passed authorization bill ls anyone's guess. Sen. Gale McGee, ~Wyo., commtttee chairman, says he has no interest In preuing the legislation. So far as he is concerned, the next move is up to tile Nixon· Administration. "If the administration wants to raise Vice President Agnew 's pay to $62,500," McGee said, "that's up to them. I didn't offer this t:iill, and while I wasn't atalnst it, I'm not particularly for It. I have no intention of doing anything a b o u t it unle~ expressly asked by the ad· ministration. It's their baby and I'm let· ting I.hem worry .about it." By Robert S. AUea ud Jolm A. Goldimltll .Justice Mockerl To the Editor: Recently I wu called upon to be a juror at the Orange County Municipal Court in Costa ~fesa. As a citizen of the United States of America, I would Uke to expreu my opinion as to wh-"I feel I'm not qua1ified to be: a juror iii this com· munity. ' First or all, if I were convinced that by serving as a -juror justice would be serv· ed and that ll would result that in each case lried, that justice woWd not be mocked, then I, as a citizen, would be more than glad to do my duty. WHEN OUR POUCE offictrs risk their lives to find a fugitive, capture him and bring him to justice the court ties up the law enforcement processes .so that the criminal rs turned back lnto society to repeat his crime or worse crimes on society. My humble aervictll a! 1 juror would be equivalent to spitting ln the OC<!&n. IN PLAIN WORDS, the leglslalors have created laws full of loopbolel that ,,...... disgrace to our nation. I'm not pre-- Dear t"}udiced against any rtce or creed. I am criUcal ol our l.lwmakers and the Gloom Supreme Cowt who&e decislona ere .,,,_ ___ ,,~...seQ!lloe P!!!..t"l"!!9'~m -~ G rood to ruin. US! -MRS. J, JI, McMILLAN IMPEACJl WARREN EARLi -H.J. B. T~ll ftttw't '""""" """"' 'I'll-"" N<ftMrllY ""'-9f nt. "'""""'· tM ~ "' _,,. " o-..nr •w. O.HY 1'1114. • tettut 1f'Om. rtadcn ore welcome. NormaU11 wrUtri should coniie11 their mttlGOt f1J .SOO toOrdl or ltu. TM f'loht to condcm• lctun lo flt rpoco or eliminate libel ft restrWd. AU lttt1n mun fncludt rigna.turt and malling addr1u. buc no"''' mag be wtthhttd oh recz11.t1' t/ tM//kftfl' rta· ion U apparent. · - What is happening to the big cities is going to happen to the smaller onces as well, unless the CJi(J'nt trend is halted and reversed. BeCause the U.S. is be-- coming a nation of urban complexes at a frightening rate. While attending the Georgia Press Institute conference at the University of Georgia this winter, I went to a luncheon at which the speaker was Ivan Allen, the retiring mayor cl AUanta. Hi3 Wk could have been gtVen by the mayur of any big American city, but it had additional lm· pact because Georgia i.5 still thought of as a "rural" state. YET ~10RE THAN 60 t>f:rcent ot the population there live in urban complexes. and the number is growing· all the tlme. receive the funds it needs for a modem operation. Yet every year thousands of people from the rural areas migrate to Atlanta with absolutely no equipment for living or working there. This places a treme1.dous burden on tn'! city, especially since the moie affluent citizens are mov· ing to the suburbs. I cite the case of Atlanta, because if I lnstanl.'ed my own city of Chicago, or one lj).e it, mpy Americans might be led to tieUeve that these crises are peculiar only tn the largest cities, or only to tho3e in Northern states. But the same is ha~ pening everywheret and if tbe federal government dfd not provide soine direct aid to the cities, they might disintegrate ovem!ght. Atlanta's population is mushrooming; ·~tORE TB.AN· 70 percent ot all people are leaving the farms and small· Americans will soon be: living in urban er towns tor wh;at they hope are job o~ complexes; yet our state legislatures are ~i!ies in the big cities~ ancl_thJ_ con!rollet.I by men who fear and resent c1~es s~ply a r e n o t prepared to cope the cities ind aoeverythlnfto keep them with this sudden and enonnous growth. handcuffed -while at the same time Atlanta, the mayor said, is 11UUertng they dump all their unemployables and from lack of funds, acute congesti In-rnisflts into the polluted maelstrom of the adequate traru:1p0rtation, the rty• ilies. u n employment-and.welfare syndro , • There will soon be: no m o r e rising crime, and, of course, the race pr .minaotly "rural" stales, in problem. economic and demographic tenns. But if l;IKE MOST' cmES;--ir ts"dommated by a rural-minded state legislature which does not permit Atlanta to raise or the dead hand oI the past continues to -paralyz:roor-statebou!es, the-plight-of the cities will turn into t. plague upon the nation, rotting away in its false aifluence. Trading With the Reds American trade with Communist na· lions is a very minor item in world trade statistics, but th e subject remains con· trovers.ial. The Nixon Administration aS yet has taken no position on revision or extension of the basic legislation, the Ex· port Control Act. The Johnson Administration had id· voc:ated expansion and encouragement of trade with the Soviet Union and other Communist nations. Now the· National Security Council is reviewing uistm& -legislation as part of an overall re~1e· of East-West relations. A report is e shortly. The Republican platform approved by the 1968 convention advocated strict ad- ministraUon of the Export Control Act, "taking apeclal care to deny export licenses for strategic foods." At the same Ume it left the door open to ex· pansion of East-West trade "on1y when Communist naUons prove by actual deeds that they genuinely seek world peace." And the platform 1&serted: "On OC:· casions when a liberalization of trade in non-strategic goods with the captive na· tioiu can have lhls effect (encouraging poliUcaJ frtedom )1 it will have our sup- port." A SENATE ltANE.ING tubcommiltee on h-tay I completed bearings .on two bilJs, one which would extend the Export Control Act four years lo June 30, 1973 'ilia"QficjttiCi'1ihlch would replace the Aci witb leas re11trictlve controls on non- strategic goodJ. A House Banking sub- comntitee is embarking on similar hear· ings. The eiport control act or tM9 autbor1z. ed the Prtaldiftnt to prohibit or limit ~x· por. ol good• ol "«onomlc and mltitary signlfk:ance" to Communist countries and to <0ntrol !hose U.S. exports wbldl wou1d result In "excessive draln ol scarce materials." 1'lle-Act wu renewed .periodlcalty, most rtctntly tn JllS5. -The Office or Elporl Control in the \ • c. t ~· .... Eilitorial R .i . h el!1l8l'C " ~i~ .... ..i' f,__ ..... Commerce Department licenses exports • of certain goods. As of December 1968, 1,200 items were on the Deplhment's Commodity Col'llrtll Ust-Al\ but 200 of these could be obtained by Communist countries from \'i'estem European allies of the United Stales. IN GENERAL terms, U.S. policy under the Act Js to bar all exporta' to Com· munist China and Manchuria, Nortll Korea, NQrth VieU:lam, Inner Mongolia, and Cuba. Export of arms and strategic and critical materials Is barred to the Soviet Union, Outer M'ongolla, and most of the Communist countries of Eastern Europe. The restrictions are slightly looser for Poland and Romania. Exports to anU-Communist n t t i o 1. 1 and Yug061avi.a are not controlled under the Act. Despile steacy tllorls by the United States to encourage non-strategic East· West Trade in recent years, only mod· crate gains have been recorded. ---.. ~· ---. Dear Geor1e: I notice YoU art V<f1 bi, on insult humor iOO have been lor some yem:. Wm you the original, or ~ you 1tttlbu~ your i.nsult humor to RickJel? C.B. Dear C.8.: That'a spelled tickets. I was tn- su!Ung before I had them and JI, lhere'1 anythlnc l can\ jjond ll'• an IUI~ r~ng_on_adyJ°'~ . ·~ ] ] a ~ liv ch IT wt is ne "' ab Cz th• ! WI as .,. a I • do COi te1 ---1ht lik th• --1"~ -'"flu tic on• d• tie lo• mi sic I Ira kl• sle an: wil !er ·on! cle me Od is I the mi !he e<i COC ma na1 pri ( "C the me the 1 f Jer Siu el• ass Uni Ri\ J Ri\ slu· fie£ T Sh - ' ' - • CAIL Y PIL OT ,. ' • • .,/Jo-~--• ..l --1 -----~----~ : Dnn~_g.Wo~an's . . . . Diet No. A vallable By L. 'Al, BOYD stead! Ha~ at h a n d something ,called The Sherry ON THE THIBO FLOOR of Diet. Was said to have been a ·Pittsburgh a~rtment hoose originated by the Ne.tberlands' live occupants named-Kat· Princess Be at r 1 x , She cher, Quick, and Hugger. . . reportedly, lost 15 pounds in IT WAS HELEN RO\VLANO one monlh on it. If you send who said, "A huaband is what me a stamped self-addressed is left 1'f the love r after the envelope, will mail a copy to Sanitized® fabric · boat;shoes-..• great eve.n if you don~t own a•boat!' • nerve has been extracted." . • you. Or to anybody el.se who A.Al ADVISED that legal $20 does likewise while copies last. aborUon so popular in No ·charge .•.• Q. "DO YOU Czechoslovakia is known as llA VE, any interest ever in a the "Canceled Czech ." friendly.li ttle game of cards?" .,, SECRETAR£ES, NuRSEs-A. No, sir, I pr~er bridge. , . \Vhich are the more conceited TflE LAW-What kind of as a rnle, secretaries or nurS.. lawsuits make p e o p I e es?" Such is the in'1\Jiry frOm angriest? Fence-line disp~t~s, \ a Boise,.lllaho, bachelor. Why definltelyi Such is the op1r1100 does he regard these girls as of that Jega l expert, George conceited ? · Trne, secretaries \V. l\1artln, addressed by his tend to take on the dignity or fell ow attorneys as Mr. Ei:- thei r execl!_tives. And nurses peritntei....~ s be: "Divorces like to assume the authorffYol can be sad and cus y cases their doct?rs. But "cop~ited'; __ ~ra~.i~, .but for stirring up un· -:-'"""t~·~~ ~-.--~-~,~~ _:.cfhi~k c~nceuecrntltses-m p3'f· nolrung ~s~roiQual bo'u : ticular {lre rare. Only know or dary litigation." one. She is said to deduct five degrees from every male pa-A l\1ll.KAtAN with 25 years tient's temperature to allow on the truck contends dogs of for her personality. But that bl3ck families generally~ may just be a terribly witty friendlier than dogs of white story. families .. ._ ,A GlRL GOI(llG with a fellow called ROO , says WHEN A WO~IA.N suffers our Name Game man, should from that. compuls!on called bear in mind that most Rods kleptomania, . she JS <Jpt. IG fiercely resent being asked to steal anythmg, anything. explain their whereabouts the l ~! a~ything. But ~ man afflicted night before. • •. .''TREAT '\~ with said a1lm.ent usu~lly EVERY !'11AN as though he . t ..Jj __ tends lo speclatize.-St.caling --wue-n-(l)~Witna -- ·only some certain type.of arti~ Splinter in his toe." That was cle, such as watches or Madam' Pompadour's Love .. monkey wrenches or hubcaps. and War advice to young .N Odd, no? ... ICED COFFEE ladies everywhere. ~ is that item which soldiers :iay . ·~ ..., they dislike most on the RAPID REPLY: Yes. f..11ss ~ , ,, military mew. What they say G .. · Artie Shaw used • :b, ll ~~ they dislike most next is chill-"Nightmare" for a theme , ed asparagus salad. The army ·H a rr y Jam es u se d cooks report that. Wives and "Ciribiribin." mothers or homecoming Viet· nam veterans should be ap-Your questions and com.· me nu are welcomed and prised. will be used wherever pos· CUSTOMER StRVICE: Q. sible in "Checking Up." r , "CouJd you rustle up a copy of Address m a i l to L. AJ. the drinking man 's dle~ for BOJJd, in care of the DAIL Y · me?" A. How aboi.it·• copy, of P.U..OT, Beu: 1875, Newport 1 the drinking tr<JIMn's dJct, in-· B,:a.ch, Calif., 92660.,· •· . I Cotton du~k-~t sh~s for ~·and boys BSU Head Ne'v UCR Prexy RIVERS IDE -C h a r I c s scie nce major is a member of JenkinS, prcSid.cm of the Black ulC studenl committee on Student Union, has been undergradu.:itc education, the elected president of the dean's advisory committee, associated students or the anti is on the Dean's honor list Uni"Versity of Ca ( i lorn i a, wilh a 3.7 grade point average Rive r.side. in bis major"_subject. He plans J~nkins is a ·junior from · to work toWard' a Ph.D. in Riverside and the fi rst black ·political sci~nce. His hobbies sludent at UCR to win th~ of· include metal Sc u I pt u r c , lice. writing (prose ahd poetry) and The 21-year-old political basketball. in ri.avy, loden and white. with gum rubber out- soles and arch supports for solid comfort, good looks, quality and economy. Men's slzes. _. ~- 4.99 • Youth's in navy, brown, loden ~ 3.99 • . Cana shoe ---........-. play footsie & 'Stay fresh? --~--r By ROB ERTA NASH Everyone knows what happ ens to shoes as yo u \vea r th em, and perspire in to them. It's bee n bug- ging ou r shoe people fo r years. "We wante d tokCep our shoes fresh even after \VC sold them,n one ·shoe ' man told me. "Today we've got it. The insides of •II our Penney shoes are impreg- nated with sc.me Sani .. · tized stuff th at's murder on bacteria and fun gi, Jights mole! and_inildcw,__ protec ts ~g-ainst athlete's . foo t fungi while you. walk . "How many pa-irs can I sci i you, Roberta?" our supcrshoc mart continued. . LIKE IT.,;~HARGI: IT! , I ..._ -~ lace to toe basketball axford of air cooled cotton ormy duck uppers, molded sue· ti on cup d~sign outsole. Washable .•. youth's sizes in black, men's sizes in black ·and white. 3.99 I Children's cotton duck washoble shoes with bolanced arch and rubber toe. Navy in children's sizes. Why pay more, ·when quality costs so little in Penney's shoe departments! • • Wom.en's Dacron• polyester/ cotton· _;:;;;t ' .. _ I ., y Have a carefree summer with our shape holding 'La Maur' Permanent! 10.45 Natvral highlighting .•. our expert frOsting .,, 14.88 . Shampoo and Set Mon .. Tue" and W.,J. anly ....... $3 t'ULLl •TON Of"~~Ct!l'fl' 'ncl , ... , IJl .. UJ .HUNTINGTON IRK" H""'llt111'2!' (lf.~ltr 11'11 noor, tn.1111 HIW~O•T •IACll F1"'1(lt1 i.1Mlf_ hi floor. u.-i;u ·-~- ··2.99 Girl's sizes in red 2~99 Snub toe cotton duck· oxford for girls and women in black, wh ite and red. A real value just in time for vacation, so buy a pair in each color. Girl's and women's sizes._ 2.99 -- " • Glrl'.s .cotton duck T strap shoes with adjustable buckle in red or light blue, a ir cooled with correct bolance arch and buff crepe design rubber outsole. Girl's sizes. " 2.99 .. snub toe oxford in black, white or navy. Women's sizes, correct ·bafonce arch, cushion insole for real comfort and quality •• .low, low price! 399, Women's 'Bombay Cloth' lace around oxford of collon[rayon/palye>ter blend with cushion imole, crepe outsole. Natural and blue in women's siies fo? a pretty, rustic look. 3.99 I I ' • • ·- I •, ' { • i " ' I .. ' . -.. F~reigners Face Death ln Biafra .. KWALE, Nigeria (AP) - 1be BU..frans senlenced JI •reign oil workers to death as •igerian forces recovered the ~. ies of ll others Sunday . The Biafran Information vice said the death penalty st be confirmed by Biafran • der Odumegwu 0 J u k w u "but Gen. Ojukwu has not done so thus far." Biafran Information Minister lfegwu Eke had told a news con· ference the forf:lgnert· had been fighting alongside tht Nigerians. A spokesman had said earlier that if the men were to be freed, their h o me governments m u s l make .. contact through the ap- propriate •channel It Is a g o v ernment-to-govcrnment affair, not a humanitarian af- fa ir," he added. The sentenced oilmen -14 llalians, .three Germans and one Lebanese -were among 29 workers Wlw disappeared when Biafran and Nigerian troops battled near Okpai, tn " '* •I ,. • mfdwestern Nigeria May 7-10. t; .,. The bodies or the other 11 men u,1 . T•l.,h••• -IO ltallans and a Jorda-HELMET SHOWS VI ET~AM WAR PROTEST nian -were found by Ac1,demlc Cap Switched at Tufts University Gr•duaticm Nigerian forces. I Campus Protests Tops ·Gradwatio_n Subjects · Thf men were employed by AG IP, the Nigerian oil ex· plaration company which is a joint enterprise of the Italian state petroleUm corporaUon and the Philli]ll Petroleum Co. 9f l!WesVUle, Okla:. AGIP deniec! that the men bad been Oghting for lbe filgerians. ~ Nigerian army o(ficers who By United Preu lnt.eniaUoul persons received d e g r e e s . fecovered the bodies of the 11 Campµ11 disorder was a ·ck.ad workers . said t h'e dominant theme In com-"The whip and sp~ may still Biafrans burµed them when mencement addresses around be imposed as sanctions, but .~ey overran their camp. in the ro.mtry over the weekerid. thSs does not r e p r e s e n t ~m~lg~ia 12 miles-Most-speakers aM8Jtea--eil'~aUlhontyiill.he minds or the ..(Tom the Niger River. by minoriUes to impose their young today ... '"When we advanced on the ·11 b •-but · ' · 1 d th . .. wi Y nin:;e, some were "If you think you are-faced camp we oun e remains, sympathetic 'lh ·1·1 l 1 Said Maj. S. Abacha, 23, who . ' w1 ~ 1 an young peop ~ to- led a unit that captured the The Vietnam war took se· day, Just see what todays 7. tampsite four days ago. "One cond . place ai;nong con~ms and S.year olds have waiting 'fAll buried In 1 tollet drainqe mentioned by g r a d u a t 1 o n for you 5 to JO years !.rom dltch, a quite shallow grave. spea~ers. , now , when they grow ~P· . 'J'he rains washed up a sort or Chier Justice Earl Warren , At Notre Dame Un1vers1 ty skull. Then we found the who retires this month, told in South Bend, Ind, preslden- ~L" 135 seniors at predominantly-' tial adviser Daniel Moynihan ,; Negro Lincoln University in was critica l or professors who : Oxford, Pa., that youth must Jet principles . and men be : G find ways lo deal with sacrificed "for reasons ol :. overnment America's problems ' ' n 0 t prudence, or cowardice, or in· · becaU!le you caused them but competence." :-11.£ C .. becall!le you must splve thero "Nothing lik.e the present ··u uracao or live with them." pattern of lhreals to and ac· In Wellesley;"°" Mass.. Sen. tual assault upon university ·Calls 'Truce' Edward R. Brooke told some institutions and members has 400 girls at Wellesley College 's ever yet occurred ... '' sald ll1t c o m me n c e m e n t he Moynihan, considered. an ex· Yi ILLIEMSTAD, Curacao believes "the overwhelming pert on urban affairs. "This (UPI} _ Threatened with majority of AmerJcans will has led to great despair more violr.nce on this Carib-stand (irm oo one principle; among academic intellectuals, bean 1•. the governmeht of Coeri;lve pro~st is wrong. far grenter than the news Curacao~ today to meet "So loog a1 .10Clety fetains a media have Jet on .'' with union leaders demanding ca Pa c i lY for nooviolent--In a speech to 'the it resign. The unions respond-political change, fesort to graduating class at M t . ed by postponing 1 general vlolenr political action is Holyoke College in South sbike and easing t h e i r anathema," thl!' Massachusetts H a d I e y , M a s s . , Y a I e demand Republican said. psfchology Prof. K e n n e t,h The ~ ed by Another Negro who l1as Keniston urged adults to join ·· ce, report the achieved political prominence, the young in fighting "the ob-Dutch News Agency ANP, came as a 41-hour deadline for Georgia legislator J u I i a n vious Wrongs and injustices of Premier Ciro De Kroon to Bond, 28. said in a speech at our society." . resign tall out and thouJa.nds the University. of Bridgeport Keniston said such problems of American and other tourists (Coon.) the older generation as racism and "America's tried to get off 1 b e has lost its authority over the dubious imperial role in the Netherlands Antilles island. young. world" ju.slify protest. but he Royal......Dutdl-Marines, in-"You've already lbst," Bond warned against "simplification eluding 30lrflown in from the told parents in the audience at or the world into the realms of Netherlands, patrolied ravag-, -=c=er=e=m=o=ru=·'"==i=n=w=h=i=ch==95=t==good=="n=d=ev=i=I.'=' =====ii eel Willemstad, the capital.Ir Authorities said 1,000 security fo rces v.·ere on guard against renewed looting and destruc- tion. The violence began last Fri· day when striking oil workers rampaged through the town, sacking a'nd burning stores, firebombing cars and battling pplice. Two persons were kill· ed, more than 100 injured and damages estimated up to $40 million. 'Several thousand workers at Willemstad's largest industry, tbe Royal Dutch Shell Co. sabsidiary rel~ry. have been oo strike for more pay and other benefits. ·They were incensed .upon hearing that the company was recruiting strikebr.eakers and ~at no conlract talks were planned. • Soviets Plan ·1Super' Train MOSCOW (UPI I -Soviet manufacturers are building a 120 mile-per-hour train that wjll go into service next' year, TJss reported Sund.a~ It said ~ train would be electrically ipwered, designed lo cut down <fl wind resl!tanct. and would carry a computer system that 1'oukl stop the train In an emergency. ' . \ LONGIN ES <-ULTRA-CHRON ACCUllATE TO A MtNl/TE A MONTH l\'Clfill lll Pett.ney',, 1/1e amming f..ongin~1 Ul1ro.Chrort ! A. 1 .. · Stainless Steel Auto.~len· dat, Sweep Secohd, Wtiite Ol1I with Bl;tc;lt Roman Numerals. Gold Fllted Yellow Auto.· Calendar, S~p Seconct. White Stick or ~ Dl1t. 120. 155. CHARGE IT AT YOUR. ,.fNNrt'S FINE JEWELRY DfPAllr'llMNT l'ULL••TON 0•1n"' c.,urr "''""' et Or•nttll'IOf'O. ~l:W,O•T ll•CN "•""IOn llllM l..iac.A••~ ...... ,.~(.ill( '°'" .. ..., • HU,..TIN.1'0M l•ACH H.,..t+~ttorl (Miii< tdi....•• ., $~ 01"' ,.'(. . ' .1.1w ....... 11 ... ~.-_,,.. .... _, ... -.......... .,...~ ••• ., .. ~ --. ---- ' ~ Mideast ' 4$ Congress~en Voice Pipeliqe · , · --Fear of~JJZ-arfare-Stttt-e-~' -Blowri Up · . WASIUNGTON (UPI) -allecedly devollng loo much of By UnJted Pms lnt.ematlonal The PalesUne Liberation F'ront (PLA) sald today in Amman. Jordan, the blowing up of an oil pipeline by Arab commandos this w e e k e n d would eventually cost Israel $100 million because of oil pollution oa the Sea of Galilee. Tbe claim appear ecfex- eggerateil. - ls.raell dlspatclies said a triangular slick covered five square miles o( the 64-square mile lake but that I.he pipeline break ~ been repaired and water pumps already were back at work irrigating 10,000 acres of crops in the Sea of Galilee area. Israeli fishermen at lh~ northern end of the Jake haul· ed In their nets and "Slopped work since oil was still trickl- ing dO\\'n from the Atabian- American (ARAMCO) pipeline blown Up earlY Saturday by guerrillas in the lsraeli-oc- cupied Golan Heights. ' The sabotage appeared to be doing the Arabs as much ha rm as the Israelis. The semiofficial Cairo newspaper Al Ahram said in an editorial Suriday the commandos had dealt Arab interesU a ~ow. Vo!clng furt the United thelr attention to "minutiae"· ' Sta~ ls becomlns • ''warfm like 1\r condit1oolng for of ... state," 45 House and Semite ficea. members ha ve proposed new watchdog organs In l h e government as checkreins on ''the _!TliUtary bureaucr8cy." ln their 61.page report, '4 D emocrats and one Republican, Sen. WWlam B. Saxbe oC Ohio, recommended c reation of a joint Coogreasior)al COOUl)lltff on N1tion al Priorities and a special c ommis s ion of Congressmen and p r l v a t e citizens to investigate "the military-indU!llrial establish- ment." But the real culprit.a were held to be two policy courses launched durlne the Kennedy •dmtnlatroUoo -str<amllnlng the Oelenat Dtpart:ment under civUlan cont r o I under Secretary Robert S. McNamara and adoption of -!:;~~~~~!'!:=!::~::::'.. Ille ldea that all types ol public spendlng were equally uaeful. "It Is olten said that our na· lion is becoming a welfare state," the report issued Sun- day said. "We are much closer, in terms of the money we spend, to becoming a warfare state. E n o r m o u s military budgets are approved w i t h the most superficial criticism and evaluation by either the Congress or the public.''=-- Although Congress w a s given its ~hare of blame for permitting what was viewed as the increasing mililariza· lion of American life, th e report emphasized the uniformed military was not res~!>le for the situation. "The military has been ask· ed to make decisions and ac- • cept responsibillliea for which it w•s not prepared, elther by pro£essional background or by the structure of military organlzatiom," it said. the Armed Services ~· mitteea oI both housea of Contreas were crlticbed far The report said revamping of the Pentagon destroyed in- terservice rlv11ries a n d thereby made smoother u.il· 1ng for every Defense Depart· ment request. It said the un- diacrlminatlng policy on public spending led to a fallure to dlstlngulsh between spending for domestic ·neec1a and f or military hardware., ''The Kennedy ad- mln1'1ra~on took office In 11161 with · the avowed aim of establishing grtater civilian control over the military," the report said. "Yet the harsh ract is that military con- sideratJons today play a greater r o 1 e in detennlning Americ111 policy than at any tlme in our n1Uonal hJstory ." I •• Ait·. Quob,ls Working , 11 TM A-llilM ,,... A new limit on flights went into effect Sunday al New York, Ollcago and Washington airports, and a Federal Avia- tion Authority oftjcial says, "Everytblng's working out real smoothly." The quot.a op Uighta was ap. plied at Chicago's O'Hare. Washingtoo's National and 'the New York area's K~y, La Guardia and NA(" w a r-t- airports, aim~ at preventing a recurNnCe of delays of two to three hours on 'many fll&bts tyt.1ummer. For handy dads! LIKE IT ... CHARGE IT! YOUR CHOICE ... 10.99 ' Our 3/8'' drill -Single tpeed with locking trigger twitch. Pen"craft93 AMP; 1 /3 HP motor, aluminum hovsing. The sa bre saw Pennaalt9 3 AMP 1 /3 HP motor, bronze bearing. Featuret alum- inum housing, tilt base morel Helpful tools for Dad on Father's Day A must far his Sur11ri1e him 23 piece 3/1" to Our Pen•craft9 Electric glue home workshop, with 01r 8 pc. 3 / 4" socket set m1lti""se pro-gu• wl .. ffle 60 7'' circular saw screwdriver set with metal to_ol pane torcli kit secontl bondl•g 19.99 3.99 box and c111e 4.99 Cuts Fast and easy. Fea-Top notch screwdriv9r1 14.99 '-' 6.aa Gluos wood, lealher, tures 13A HP, 8 AMP, come wi th a wall lricludes: reveriible Acce1sorie1 lncfutfe1 cloth fabric, plastic and 90° to 45 ° angle mounted plastic hokier. ro~het, 8 pc. hex key "controlled~-many morel adjustment. set, plus many more! cil . point burner, 1nora. • ' Our convenient HeaY'( gauge Our great 7 Inell Our29plece revolving tool steel consfnlc· sander-polisher 3/8" drill kit caddy for dad! tlan two drawer for ha•dy dads! wltli steel '2.98 tool cliest 36.99 c•rry case Mode of molded plos·' \ 16.99 Features I Y. HP, 6 '11.99 ti'-Has 2 sflelves for Chest.,..,..,,.. 20"x AMP1, needle and'\ Comes with hor'-1tal !ools and parts. 9y.•" 10~·. Fvll ..... bronz• ,1...,. bear· stand, sanding discs.. Ports caddy 2 98 pension d.-slides. iftSP, more. grinding whML niore. CANOGA PARK · I NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA FULLE;RTON HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD ' • • • P . G OA Valeo stooc over and ment at M girls "T me child Th fn>m "Th< expil prob! event quesl shoot i.e~ s breat lo be As said, kind woulo ALWJ • w. . ,,.. " ·-' i-- , ..... -----.-. -----. .-: ._ -~------ ' • ' . DAILY PILOT •-t --~Sirhan • 'V' lMI STU.NOi WOllO Yort y Ur ges No·twe fo r 'Good People' f MR.MUM Accepts 1.00· ANGELES (AP) SfJlo~l'Ol up to~ ~111 Sam-Yort)';"ft-elected-m~a1~0T~alhtJe-ttrn.e wlUilliat thing, in i bitter battle with a Negro but 1 don·t .try to grandstmid. challenger, sayi he'll see that StaUOnary sources are pretty "constructive people" among we'.11 controlled. Automobiles foreign_~ . He sald he'd like me to help with urban problems.'' c.£11~ -•LN•'•"""'---tlt know I lntecratecl thls govern- !· r' ~, ,, ,, J Belli Aid SAN QUENTIN (UPI) -minorities are noticed. Sirhan B. Sirhan hu tuflered "Tbe plllltants get all the • sllght dee-. In spirits attention," Yorty said In an and1a a tr!Oe pale llnoe.eottz-Interview: ing San Quentin Priaon't "'I want to give the good ~th Row, accbrding to the De®le , rec o g nit 1 on so youngest brother ol the QOOo CauCa.slans will get a more vJcted slayer of ~ F. balanced viewpoint~ of what Kennedy. Negroes are doing." Munir Sirhan, 21, met his S } ' F An underdog in pre-election condemned brother privately 0 ODS ace polls, Yorty defeated City f o r 90 minutes SUnday as Councilman Thomas Bradley guards watched through the B d T by $4,651 votes among almost barred windows of a special u get, ax, 850,000 cast in nonpartisan jnterview cell. balloting last Tuesday. 'Ibe Munir later told newsmen campaign rang wt fh ac- outslde the g a t e he thought Protests cusatlons of ract.m· from both Sirhan "looked pale." • sides. "I al.so thought his spirits SACRAMENTO {AP)_ The Yorty, 59, a pink-faced. were getting down a little bit," k l a x o n · v o i c e d political have to be handled at the state and naUonal level. New cars h·ave better controls all the time. As old cars go olf the road, the situation should im· prove." • Yorty, a Democrat. said President N'Ixon had telephon· ed congratulations, and "I'm going back to see him after he gets back from Midway. He said he'd like to see me . He and I have always had pretty muC.h the same views on Kelly Harmon Weds Executive Munir said. "They were real state budget, tax reform and veteran, was asked to state high during the trial, but l campus unrest remained the priorities among his goals. LOS ANGELES (AP> - noticed a slight difference key WlSolved issues today as "Primarily," he said, "J Kelly Harmon, 20, daughter of now." the legislature ~an the 21st want to keep the city moving foriner football great Tom MWlir also.said Sirhan was forw~rd. A lot of people don't Hannon, and John Z . week of a session some had al'·-h I DeLo 1 sid t willing to accept .. the legal re u.e ow smooth y we've rt:an, 44, a\' ce pre en assistance of San Francisco hoped would wind up by been operating." of Genera~ Motors Gorp., are P th ~~ '-T _ Ja~r Melvin Belli who ac week's end. How will We publicize the newlyweds. are ft 00 .~~anled Munir ~ pie foi: Instead, as has been the "constructive people" among The couple married Satur· shroode~rison but was gul In minorities? day night in a private, ...--·-p case re arly recent years, ""II I · ·. denied permission to visit -... try to give them at· cand elit ceremony at a West G. l G ad w ' m d Sirhan the lawmakers showed no lention myself," he said, "and Los Angeles country club . tr T On t / rTO UCe You~g Sirhan and Belli ar· signs of. breaking the impa~ hope that the media will take They plap to live in Bloomfield rived at the prison in a Rolls on major issues that must be note." HilJ.s, Mich,. after a European OAKLAND ( UP I ) answer is not very pretty,_, not Royce owned by the lawyer, handled before an Y ad-What does rYorty envision honeymoon. Valedictorian St.ephanie Mills very clean . Sad, in fact." whG wore black cowboy boots, joumment. foc the city's on g · r a n g e ;:==========::;! Stood at the podl·um lookm· g Mankind, Miss Mills 'CQn-a brown pinstriped suit ' Assem_bly Spea~er Robert r. future? HAPPY _ tended, has spread across the checkered brown shirt and Monagan (R·Tracy);talked all "Already we're setting stan- Would Yorty run for mayor again in four more yean? "l doubt that 'Nery much." Or maybe seek another office! ''Who knows! You can't look. that far abead," · Does he expect Any COffi>' munity repercussions from his defeat of Bradley? "Only from the · mlli~. They always cause trouble. ment In 1181. But nobody cad' have good relaUooa wlt.h the extremiJt.s. They're j u s l dlarupters." HAL AllllCHll HEARING AIDS C.11•111 A11,•I A"'olificatiM lllO tAUUM•N J4n I. COAST HWY. c ..... ..., ,_ 67 131 The ~!l:'. medication that Gets to a Major Cause of Hemorrhoids Now ! Most comp lete 3-way relief! This important development in hemorrhgid treatment comes to you alter fivt years of tcltntlflc and clinical testing. Not only doa Counlernoid• work by lesst11in1 pain fast,~ by eo1tin&. to0thin1, and prot&etina iniwtd tissue ••. but unlike every other hemorrtlold product Count1rnoid also wwks 1 third way, Thanks to an 11clusive formult with DSSJo '11 only Counternoic gets to 1 m1Jor ciuse or hetmlr· rholds: Painful hard conitipation. Without irritltlna 1wliv1 tffect. Here's how: In hospital X·r1y tests doctors f11ve demonstrated 11111 tht remarkable Counlernoid formu· 11tion Wi.th o~,. ptn1t11t1s rft· minutes to the toci of the· rectal 1r11 to s,often tilt stool ncl ene the bowel movement II is lhil unique ection thlf does' $0 much to m1kt naturll hellinc ' possible. ' · So, if you live with ttle Plift ltld ' .. fear of recurrln& minor hemorrhoid trQUbfes, p t tempslry relief with medictlly-tested CountlMDid. · ACIUJlly, used IS dlrtctld. c.un-· ttrnold''Dffm-the most"compltt•- J.w1y r1lief you ctn pt without.. , l prescription or wittlout sutpry. In stainless eteam or JUppDSitorla. . , At 111 druc countm. 'T•td .... Jt ot ~LoAtdto 1111. over a prpud s ea o~ parents face of the earth "like a great, black ue. year of adjourning on June 6, · dards other cities would like to H ..... • h • PP Y •••k111d. and relatives atU:nd1ng com· unthinking, unfeeling cancer." He said he was hired by the this Friday, but now admits it achieve," he said. "lt'S a very i~D'E~t ~: ;::diD9A:tY '11~~j men~ment exercises Sun~ay ~'Wt: have h 0 r rib I y COl)demned man's mother to -;:w;••;;:•:for:;:lo:rn:;;h;::ope;;:;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;:p:ro=f•:•~:·o:n:a:ll:y:;o:pe:ra:te;:;d::c:it:y: ... ;;;;;:::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;:;:;:::;;::::;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;::;::;::;::;;;;::;::;::;::;:;::;:;;;;;:;;:;;~ a~ Mills College, an exclusive disfigured this p I an et , work at overturning Sirhan's r gi~~s school. . ungrateful and shortsighted death sentence but San Quen· • The most ~umane thing for animals that we are," she tin officials said he could not me lo do is to have no charged speak with Sirhan because children.-" she began. · Belli did not make previous The black-haired graduate. applicati9n and "was not an. from Phoenix titled her speech F uel T ax Hiked attorney of record." • "The . Future Is a Hoax". She . Munir quoted his . brother explamed that the increas~ng S~C~ENTO ~AP) Sunday as saying, "I'm will· problems~!. overpopulat~o~_Califom1~s are yay1~ a pen-ing to acce~ any help lhat is evenfiiaI!y win TeiaCOSucfi ny moTe Wr eacfi gallon Of--o£fered me ana won·nurn- queslions as, "Will I have to gasoline or other motor vehi-down anybody~ If Mr. Belli s~oot my neighbor if he tries cle f.u~I. ~e money goes for wants to. help me .. , let him t,e:-steal my last loaf of repairing wmter flood damage do it." bread?" and "Will I be forced in Central and Southern Belli said he would examine to beCQme a c~nnibal ?". Califm:lla. . the trial mMuscrlpt of l h e As a. potenltal parent, she The increase to eight cents Sirhan case and file a "friend said, "I've asked myseU what took eff~t at midnight Sun-of the court" brief with th P. kind of a world my children day.' The federal tax of four California Supreme Court would grow up in, and the cents is unchanged . "y,•lthin a month or 60 days." -----~-------CALL COLLECT (714} 523-6511 • We bring sam'plesl • FrH consulFcrtl•I· • ,,... e1tlmatel • No obllaatlonl • Shop -at h . I ome. This week only antique satins are reduced ... - 20" Do your wWidows _,~'With ""'°'u. .. '°"" and ..... tool Our .c best anl'lqut tatb ... ft'°! '-"' ti....rv.s 1o an 'YI"'* of 'fl'indOw not11•n. 0.0.. from 341 fobulOUI tokft ••• - t._ trm. it colts '°"""-..... ful CUlfOft'I droperi•I flOWJ •tr"ftlY'•nperifabkAtfoni.wM· ....... ....., .,, ""' ...... bill walk in ~ .. nylon shag carpeti~j.to-waft -·--~-• 6. 99 1q.yd.J111talled • .. LION'S 24th ANNUAL t----1FISH FRY PARADE. l CAINIVAL COSTA MISA CITT PAIK JUNE 6°7-8 • Andy o .... rn• e TV e T~• Midw•y e Qu1•n Co11l•1t e l•bv Con+,1! B1 tl!• of the l•11d1 a '69 Mu1t•119 _111d 2 TONS of ~ISH . . • Neighborly. That's what the nation's largest federal is!· We're local people, from our manager to our tellers. And we're anxious to publicize all local community acti~ities. It's our way of matching home-town frie ndliness with the effjcienrservice of Iha nation's largest federal savings associat ion. It's why we have been winning so many .more friends in California every year since 1925. Stop in and open your account now. Earn from day~in to day-out. Jn addition,1unds receive·d by 101h of any month e arn from the 1st when on deposit at the :nd ol lhe quarter. · • 5 .253 :g~~~NT : (Available in multiples of $1000.) Earns 1f4 °/o bonus each year above regular passbook rate when held 3 years. " 5 13. 3 PASSBOOK a 0 ACCOUNT: S.13°/o annual yield on iilsured passbook accounts when all savings and dividends remain a year, if the 5°/o current annual rate is mai ntained and compounded daily for a year. , C~!Jf2mi.~.~,f~~~!@J,ow~@Y!!!gS . • NATION'S LARGEST FEDERAL COSTA MESA OFFICE: 2700 Harbor Blvd. near Adams • 546·2300 CUFFORO M. WESOORF, ASST. VICE PRESIOENT & MANAGER 'r 1l ' -. _, " I ' • • " • . • , -· • -·-·-- Je DAU.Y l!llOT • .. -. FATHER'S DAY IS JUNE 15 Seven New • Teachers Join GWC $orry, Wrong No. -911 IY.ot .P_olice_Cade _ LAST 6 DAYS give l11i11 a gift ./it for a king ... Seven new instructors have been appointed to the Golden West College faculty by ·the board of trusteis. Joining the Hunting ton Beach ... coUege .for the 1969-10 school year will be the follow-, ing: Donald D. Fisher. 4 7 , teacher and coonselor al the Compton High School District for the past IT years. will be the new student activities ad- visor. f\1asato Hayashi. 31. a graduate student at Sonoma State College, will teach mathematics. Richard B. Rowe, 2 4 , graduate student at t h e University of California, Santa Barbara, will become a history teacher. --+-~;Mrs: Betty A. Ward, cur- rently a teacher with the North Orange County Junior College District, has been hired as microbiology in- structor. Ord Lady in a Shoe 'J11e fairy tale lady with 1so many children she didn't .know what to do could take a few pointer~ from1Mary Smith (right} of the Cedar·Riverside Day Care Center in Minneapolis. When Mary takes children for a walk in the park, she uses a rope to keep them in to\v. Despite temporary setbacks due to conflict of opinion, her charges soon cooled down and resumed their team-effort walk. Rlthard E. Linder, 30, now a B teaching . as!islant an~ in-oy s structor 1n computer !Clences and mathematics at San Diego State College, Will also join lhe mathematics departme.,lt. Club Boon? Cancer Kits RourideCI Up Oil Lease Gift Presented 1bomas C. Ackeret, 30. Orange C.ounty rcsiden~1 former.Peace Corps teacher in Some people might lhlnk the He !s also chairman of the who ha'>'.e 8 Cancer Crusade the Philippine lsland!, will Boys Club o( the Harbor Area board, Newport N a t i o n a I Kil in their possession should teach chemistry· has struck it rich -but th at Bank ; director and officer, call the number on the kit or Robert L. Pence, S3, who is: would be jumping to con-·Sentinel Equities, I n c. , '" the American Cancer Society·S '' ' '' expected to receive his PhD clusions. Say Happy Fa th er s Day degree from tbe University of True I Ha r b 0 r A r e a Anaheim, and chairman of the branch office at 83&-0510, (he California, Santa Barbara, businessman and banker Don board or trustees, 0 rm e · society urges. "th I • rtf •t next month will be the new Burns presented officials with Schook Mayer , Ariz. The kits, which are passed l WI a ov1ng po 81 ant hropology instructor. a gift of oil lease properties He and his wife are known from one neighbor to the nex1 I If you want the pollce in a him. hurry, don't dial 911. They said lt b lmpo!Unt LUe magazine, New'pof't that all Orange Coast Beach Police Q\ief B. James residents kno'i' their local GJavu noted today, 1ay1 in a . police numbers. public service ad In its current Emergency police and fire issue that 911 is a nationwide telephone numbers are : ~mergeocy pollcc number. COST A. MESA __, police: 834· "That just isn't so in 5252: fire : 549-1111. FOUN- Callfornia," Glavaa explained. TAIN VALLEY -police: 962· "Anyone dlallng lhat number 4.444; Ure : 962-1313. HUN· in lhb state is jusl going to TINGTON ~EACH -police: get a recording saying he's 53&-6571 ; flJ'e : 536-250 I . mlsdlaled. Jf you dial 911. LAGUNA BEACH -police : you'll onJy delay the arrival of 4,94·1121: fire : 4 9.4 -115 5. police." -. NEWPORT BEACH, Police officials in Costa BALBOA, BALBOA ISLAND Mesa, Huntington Beach and -police: 673-2211 ; fire : 673-- Laguna Beacli agreed with 1313. Now Possible To Shrink Painful aemorrhoids And Promp~y Stop The Itching, Relieve Pain In Most Case.. .N•w York, N.Y. (Special): Sci· ence ha.a fO"Uncl a 111edication with the ability, in most cue1 -to promptly atop Itching, T>eliei'e pain and actual17 shrink hemorrhoid~. 'That.a by d~t.on proved that in case after c~, while gently relle-rlns pain, actual reduetion ' , of the inflamed hemorrhoid• took place. The secret is Preparation H•. There'• no other formula like it! Preparation H alao soothes irritated ti11ues and helps prevent further infection. In ointment or suppository form. I See by Today's Want Ads • fltusic r~anla.slique ! f'or the true music lover, here's an unbelievable ?>1'-8 tape recorder, A?.1/· F'M mpx amp. Garrard turntable (!he besO, speakers, and many ex· lras. Only $325, 811d \\o'Orth much more. Also great for lhe musician in I.he family, Wi!h sound-cHect Of You, and your chi"ldr.en _ ~:c~~1:~·1!~~-~e income will for their contributions to the are a part of the fund-rais•n~I . occ s h Burns responded to a cam-Lucy K. ~nd Donald S. Burns campaign that setsJ366,000 as extras. ~---------------------!-~~= p~CC _. -paign-by-the-elub!s--board-of-lnlens.i~e. Ca.re Unit at Hoa&--<lrani:e County's eoat I ~::::=-_.a.StatllS Seekers· . directors to increase its long-Memor1al Hospital. · year, honorary ch airma n ~A~.1 month old fe1nille It'• the i\ft that k«ps on givini: all y~ar Jong. o"'ur vety 1pecial offer includrs cnOue:h portraits for mak.int Gnindfathrrs h:ipp)•, too. Hurry in! T ,....._. T terin en d 0 w men t fund, . He is interested in other Sterlin'g' Holloway said. I • Maltese', .AKC, beautiful eauJ ops-... generating money ·in future youth besides members of t;tie "In these closing days of the! ~ <JU'ality, and loving · years to help support the Boys Club of the Harbor Area 1969 Cancer Crusade, • 'j disposition. Truly a slatus The Orange Coast College operation. -being the father of s:x Holloway stated, "there are sYmbol par excellence! f\,·o large Sx 10 and ai x hai1dy \\'alltt·sizc all (or only 8 FOR CJ95 forensics team placed in the The Mexican oil lea ses will daughters. still many kits which have not -. Lonely H~? lop 2cr percent o( the nation's eventually contribute actual Checking the t e 1 e p h 0 n e lxen rounded up." This adult teacher \\'ill best junior college speakers at cash, but in the meantime, the di rectory in facl. one \l'ill find He said that the cnn-care for your houM! ar the National Speech Tourney club will rely on its traditional the Bums hoosehold has a tributions will be used in l boat while you vacation, h Id U · Pb · free of WO""", in cxehan-e recen Yin oerux. sources. separate listed number titled : research. education and ··J ·-o-for summer lodging. , The 12 OCC students were "Mr. Bums' gift is an in-Teenage Telephone. service to cancer patients. ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ufe Color Alr.o Availabl~ In The Studio able to attend the tourney vestment in the present and - because of community dona-future youth o( the Harbor lions and Walnetto sales. Area, who have ... aod are Huntington Bea ch 892-3331, Ed. 283 Five winners placing in the national semi-finals w e r e : Richard Zeiler, Gard e n Grave; Willie Collings. New•· port Beach : Dave Armstrong. Costa Mesa ; Tom Hubble. Newport Beach and Don Sizemore of CoSta Mesa. WANT receiving out services," said Lou YantOrn, executive direc- tor. • Burns, 4JfJ Brightai Road, Corona de! Mar, is-president . of the Garden G r o v e Volkswagen,dealtrship which bears his name.··~ f PARk·s -FOR PEOPLE VOTE YES JUNE 3rd HUNTINGTON BEACH A1mbru1t, G,,., ind Hop• Arndt, C1th1 Arnold, Ch1•l11 0 . Av i1, Rich1":l H. l1rcu1, Rich1rd i nd Donni B1q1 n, J11n E. B1111r, Ch1d1n1 ''"!" J~dq1 ,.nd Mri . Ch 1rl11 B1u1r, Conni• l1u11ion, C1rol1n l1ntley. John J. l onl1, 0 011 P. Boldi11q, G. Fr1d1ric~ l oo11y. Flo1~nc1 l owm1n. Mr1. H1trv ll1d11d, Mri. E. P. l illinqlon, W1nd 1 M, l r1111ev. Mro. Ruth M, Brow11, Rob11+ E. Bud'1 111, Rod Bue~, Chri 1tin1 \/. lulrn1 r, Mr. i nd M11 . I. II.. Burn1, Mr. ind M,.. W1rr en C1bJ1, G""'" C1rl b1r9, M1•91rtl C1rt1r, e,,11,. M. C111y. M11. Ed. J. Ch1~11.,.1n, Dori1 i nd B<ll Co1fl, Mavor ind Mfl. Al. Cole, P1uline T. Cooper. M1lvm H. Co•1v, Richtrd Cr1111v. Eli11b1th Cri1, Cri1 C. C11tl1r, Mfl. R. T. 01ltim1r, M11. V. S. D1v1npod , M1•qu11il• D1loi11, G1•v R. Oic•111ton, Mr .ind Mr1 Rocht rd Double, Orpha Oow111y, Petric• G. 011•1. H111rv H. E•1f1r. Mr1. Joi M. Eefon, A. M. Elmer, Mr. e11d Mli. Ph1llop E•e11\, Jerry 0, F111111ll, 61rv For111y, 0.. 1n; M", M1 • l . ~1m111, Jo A1111 F11fl1r, Mr. 111'1 M1t. G. C . "M ;~, .. '1.llm•r. Eth111 Y. l11t1k, f,fh1r G1lkin, G1org1 G1lkin, Phvlli1 G1or91, Mr1. N. T. G ibb1, Norm• le1rd1! 6•11r, Mr. 1"4 Mrs , E. l. Gudmundson, Cr1nd1ll H•ll, Cl1r1ne1 H1 1i1kv, Jo• H•11k1y, "'rwie F. H1flftl'f', Rob1rl J, H••din, Sui A. H1rki111. Mich11I F. H1rri1, Cerf S. 111d M1rio11 H1eley, ·Th1ltn1 Hed111i, Mr ... nd Mn. G1or91 M. H19l1, l1ttv A. H1ndric•1. Doneld H1d9e, V1r11 Ho91l, J1111 L C. Hulm1, K•lh1ri111 M. J1nn1 r, Cherl11 W, 0., V. M. Johnson, Cub ' Jon11, R1mo11 T. Jurl1eh. J11nttl1 Kenn1dr, "'!l•n 111d Mri. Kimmel, Mil Kli119i111mith. A11111 end Pel Kuriher1, .Edn1 l1nlow, Lindi l1nn1hh1d, J1m11 A. louqhmill1r. Mr. ind Mr1, Oou9l11 L11eeh11i, "'' Ui1, N111cv M111. Hel111 A. M1i•1v, 1'1wl1 ' M1 n1m111n, C1rl H. M1ton, M•1. J . O. M1 th1ev, How1rd C. MeGr1c•1n, 6eo•91 ind M11. I. MtG.i1ni1. 1'1 l•ic• R. M,L.v. Clu,"• ~.Le-r, °''"' M,11,,, Ue"' "'· Mlll1r, l;ch•ril A. "'-"•. o.,,+hv I. M_,.1;,, l•b•rt W, "4., • .,..,, Jaaft M.,,,, Mn. De119 Mur1tW, ,Mr . .tl'li Mu. Eiw••il N1l1011, Oo•olhv ~. Par!Oft, Su1i \ Perr11ult, C. Pfi1!•r, Mr ·'"d Mfl. Roberi W. Pi11f, Mfl. A. E. Pie1r11, R1.v R1j, Anita H. Ralph, Mr" I i• E. R1ueh, J 1m11 H. R1vmond , Edw1rd1 R19111, Mr. 111d M11. Wtn. R. R1illv. G. C. Ro,1nb111m , Je1n Ro•l1nd. Mr .ind Mn. Georq• S1 tby, J oi.11 E. S1lh1r, M1mi1 si.1p1rd, l1rb1r1 Sl1tterv, H1.,.rl1n111 Smith, Dorothy Spr1ih1r, Mr. 1"4 Mn. k111~th St1ndrid91, M1d1lifl1 E. St1w1fl1on, Dolor11 Stew1rl, H1l1n Slock11!, Rich1rd H. Stok11, G1or91 M". S11p111111, J1rry C, Sut1ke, Robert A. T•vlo•, M,., Jen1tn1 '-T1v1or, Mrs . Rieh1rd l . Th omp1on, Jenet W. Thomp1on, R. O. Sr. Tov•tl, B1rl1 Ve11 Epps, Mr. ind Mrs . Burton Wei11hum11, R. J, Will, C11ol1 A1111 W1lr1c1, Rob1rl "'· W1rd, Rich1rd f . W1 rdl1, J11dy W1rnet, Mr1, Jo111 W11dn, Mr. end Mri. Jon W1id1. 0 011 S. W1r111r, Shirl1v W1h1lei11, Ow•in1 l. White, Gr19ory M. Wid1m111, Mr, end M,.. Joh11 0. Willette. K1y1 Willi11111, l r11c1 l . Wiri1, H1l L •nd Veroflic1 M. Wom111'1 Di•it1011 of fh1 H1111li119lofl l11ch Ch1mber of Cotn1"11rc1 Wood1, 01 .. id B, Woodt, C. E. Wood1, M1 r11 Woolbrlthl, Wlltl1m ~11d Flo1111c1 < I PAID FOR BY "PEO'LE FOR PARKS" CITIZENS COMMITTEE ·CHAIRMAN(R. C. BAUER, 6.162 NAPA CIRCLE, HUNTINGTON BEACH • S'klfJpar11dt1 · Beauty .Salons WE FLATTER YOUR COLORFUL SIDE-· ' t~'.':#f:~(t)§. ~It:_ ,,., .. ~,~· '·~, ··#' -· ·<,,: •. _._; .;.-, ' .•.. ,-• . -: _i;\·. . . . .· . . ~. --r -~ ... ...,./.J,_;.;, ., We l!hape you r hair·in the new sor1 :curl look. We cO loryour hair witl1 Fanci-tone for beauty and lustre.-We color· S/)·lc for JOUr 1 u1ost flattering . look. For F'anci-· tone covers all the gray, high· lights natural • color, makes C\'Cll dull hair lol>k ,·ibrant and healthy. Special tJo lors to tone bl eached hair, tvo - or lo gi,·e your ha ir an . . ultra-high-Ca,;;hion hur... Come see them! CRIAM HAIR TINT, SHAM,00 AND srr $5.75 Anyl1me -?tlost C38cs Newport leach, Calif. JIU i'llWlot't IMI Mlr~f! 1•11111 S.wlrt """'' l1$o1l1t Cotta Mesa, C11if. 1n Ii. 17111 Slrlttl ,,,,.,,..1. '""'" ~Uf.f6,11 Cost1 Mtsa, Calif. ?JOO NtrbOr llvd. K·Mlrt PllJI -- ' ,,_ ·:.. •• )1$~iik;i .. /' # .,',.. !;(¥ ';.~ ·-. C0.11 Mesa, C1t1t. "'w, l'lfl ,,,..., .. ,.,,.,_ 1-0·UM \ Arte1la, Calif. Fountain Valley, C11if. S1nt1 An1, Calif. )lit Ho . .,..rr~1" Ill!) lllollltt, ,,,..,.,1 I• .. " Ct11l• ,.~~·- • • 11921' Mt.,••!11 Vln1 .. Ct~IW •nor.'~-· '"' .. 1"" (•lllW •1111111 tJl.llU " -,, .. «:;;>. ttl I 1 I ... • • M I LA' -... .. -= -J~ ..... Wal• Mld'IN "" .... Oc1i1 Wtlll ~ .. ·-Orlw, Ml'/ ). \\Hnlle'll 1•••· ,, ....... ~Jft'le~. .\IN!!I c.31/Sln, V'>AI ( S:orvitt ·~"' , ..... wl11!l119 1:-. (tub • 'u~• f Edlltl I -w. ~Id! Cl'llldrfl ~ervlte" Flkf I wl!fl It lntenno: P11'11:. '' m Ptl-Unllt!d Fund. I llitlY• , .... tast1 5urvl\ll ........ dallllhl• -"· 11r1ndd lot~ ,, EtluM tin 01 New Y 1111111, "'""' ··-"""· 11 ncll'td, WH U bell! 11 '"-l'l~lrr 1 ....... Mlch11 dealt!. ·Mlt91~ ,,,_, RI""'•• "~ RalPl'I ...... 7 lune. (tlllolb dlreciOO 1119 to ~·u '°"'u ........ Amlllo! Dile c M .. o EllrlObt le" w Stllr t Asl'llly F1Ht1, wit.I, I O. Jr .. ., .... "" .. Rowry. ..., .. '°"' • C11t1ol~ Yldler ... ,,,. ~·. wlah~ llonl, t l1;1n C Jannie ... _.. ""'" F, RI• ol C1s ·-drl!fl . ... ""'"'" Cor-· Alffllll """'· wl!e, I< "'" P1cl!lc -. J. c. ~· "' -"'· l\il lY, DoYle 1 survl'lt ..... 1111'011'11 Vleloi -u ..,,., ·~-10:)0 • terr, • c:l1!1 ... ~ A1 ' 1%7 ! BA Coro• Colli B 111 E DI I .., C'.41!1 3lG New t'OI Wet sm Lllp1 'Su c SM . I Marriage Licen,ses Death Notices CHAMBERS , ( Anl'la ••nktn Cf\amber1. .._. Clltt' OrlV9. Lwu"' Bead!. 01!1 Of dNlll, M1·1 XI. Survl~ bv loOn, Jerry, of 'Nlnnortk•. 111trio1t1 tw1I ir••l'lddwtt>- ltrs. Mn. ~.i. cri.. ... w,. a • .,, or l!ltrkll'leYI Mr1. Artr\llblllw C!Mmblni ~""1or. '11 GIMll1le1 "ffllew, rtomer .'it~ R1nklr>, o1 T1Jl0t0, Geortll11 t.)Us\r" M,... Cr..rl" O.vlot;li. or L .. l!'JJll lleiKhl two ......... ,.lllfthlldftll. s~. today, 2 PM, Sr:rlltr L19un1 RNdl Chi~. lnltmwnt. l'K1lic 'lll'w Me<nwltil P1rlr. F11T>fl't IU91Nl!I ttlctllr w11h11111 lo ..,.1r., rnemorl•I Clll'\lrlbu- 11-alH.e con!rlbllt. lo I~ floys Cl11b ol L111un1 Btec:lil. SIM!fftr t.. .. ,una llfl'lldl Mor1U1rv. Olrrci1)r1. PERRY .. Ed!lll M. P1rrv. 666 w. ltl!I St., ,(:11111 Mew. S.Urvlwd bv d1u~lllfr, Mr1. ~ldlne O.vl1, trvl"'f lhree 11r1rid· CllllOr9", R-r. IUdl1rd ..... Ol•n .... ;>ervl<:ft, Tueld1y, 11 AM, 11 1111 Flkf .r.o..thodl1t Cl'luf'C.11, .Cosl~ Mn1. w!lh Re-Y. ll lch1rd Ounl•o olllcl1t1119. Jntetrntn'I, Wutmln11er Memorlel Parlr. F1ml1V 1~!1 lf\Ole wllllJng to mek1 memorlet contributions. Pl-c.ontrlbutt lo lht Cos11 MK• l,lnlmf M""'odi1't Cl\urch M-lal Fund. Dlftt'!ecl llY Beil 8r111dw1Y Mor· ni1..,, no 8r...ctw1y, Co.la M9u. ABBE'\' E~,_ C. Abbw. 3S7 Vlc1or1a St .• CO!l11 Mei1111 Diie ol de.Ill. MIY JO. Sllrviwd t'llft_ ,,,,;lhend, TI'lom.1 W. Abbey; llOll. Thom11 W. Jr .• I I!! IMri dlo\llllllW, M"-M1ry E~I,_ Weid- man, Cl'l&nhtl~ Mlnnnol11 Mo Oftl'lddllldreni 10 1lllorr1, Mt-$, CN•· lorte Manin, SMnNn O.k11 Mn. El!ubef!I R-!r, V\'flluni; Mt'I. Mat· tin 0av11, Vfl"kel Mn. Atne1 Geld, Ntw Yol1< Cily; Mn. it.ni.rlne T1rn- <1ul1t, M<1. ...lrtll.... Ouln!\, M'1. H..-~ Mc(.tle, """· Lau!~ JohMOl'IJ Ml1sn Geftrvde and Gtralcllne Mur· plly, art o1 Mll'l(lft0f1. Jl,..,.y w.11 noclttd Sllncley """'"'"'· RNUlllm IMH Wll ,.._•ted 11111 mornln1, MonclllY, boll! at SI. JC111dl!m'1 Colt'IOllc Cl\urch. In""""'"!, Mtl'lllMPOll1, Minn"'°'•· ~111 Mor1u1ry, 17'1 Su11trlor. C11111 Mew, c!lrecton. RIVERA Mldl1tl Rlv1r1. AH ,,, of lttl Wit· • ------~--- •uena Park P r oject New $2 Mi11 ion Avenue. Attending were f e d e r a I , ··county and state officials. The . big job was started in J_une of 1968 and will resolve a long- standing flood problem ln the vicinity of Beach Boulevard and .Crescent Avenue whfcb frequenUf c a u s e d the thoroughfare to be impassable during winter rains, according to 'Third District Supervisor William J,. Phillips. The project ""as carried out by the Sully-Miller Construc- lion Company of Orange under a contract with the City· of Buena Park. About $ l . 5 R.H. Dana • million Ill tl1o ti mlllloo cool . represents tl>o:itonn cinln In- stallaUon portkm or the wort; P1lllllpa aid:" . The ~ ..... obared .by tl1o city 4nd severa' o~ agen- cies. Included was a flll,000 grant from the f e d e r ,a ,1 Department of Houslni •nd Urban Development und~ Ill water and sewer facWUis grant program. The Orange County Flood Control Distrlcl contributed $500,000 and two grants under · the c:oonty'1 Arterial Finan- cing Program Ill $1113,llOO for the storm drain and 1231.SOO far street eight-of-way and construcUon completed the financing, POUUpa uplalned. The slonn drain portion ol the work included the con· structlon of approximately 13,000 linear feet of un- derground conduit ranging from -7,000 feet of reinforced concrete box structure varying in size from 1 double 10-foot wide box to a Jlingle 8.5-foo\ wide by 7.7$-focl deep tm. 'Risk' Areas Get C.Ounty OAil.Y !'!LOT jj Tied own Area Due SANTA ANA County DINCtot of AvlaUon Robert ,J. Broaiiaban is geUlng bids -!tom· englneerln1 ftnns lor dealgns of a new plane Uedown area at the north end of the Orange County Airport. Authorization to contract Uie engineering flrms waa gtven by t.lie county Board of Supervlson at Brtsnahan's re.- quest. F ami ly Plan . The new tiMown area· la needed to replace one now us- ed for 112 aircraft at tl1o aouU. encl of the airport. It wtll be supersci:led by the Installation Sj.NTA ANA -The ex- paslon of family planning i;erviceo In ~ed "high risk" areas of Orange County hos beet1 onlen!d by 1ile coun- ty Board of Supervisors. County 'Health Olllcer John R. fti.Op recommended the P"'l!Mll· to be financed through Dec. 31 by a 176,000 grant from the U.S. Depart-. moot of Hea.lth, Education and Wellare (HEW). He listed as "high rtsk" """"' Atwood-Pl&centle , Stan- too-Westminater-CypreoB and La Habra-Brea.' of an Instrument l,.andlng System ILS at the facility this fall. Bresnahan told supervisors that be had been Informed by lhe Federal Aviation AdmlnlatraUon (FAA) that Uie u.s foul weather safety equip- ment will probably be con· tracted for In June with ln· staUaUon completed by late fall -9ne year ·ahead of previous fistlmates . The north tledown area will include a 2-lnch a & p h a l t overlay and restrooms at an estimated cost of $315,000. Memorial Under Study The remaining lt,000 feet ls 'reinforced copcrete pipe vary- ing ln si.e from 84-lnchea in::p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-.1 lemal diameter to '8 inches. The s t r e e t improvement work Included the 1idenlng of Cresci!nt Avenue and the fn. stallaUon of landscaping and DANA POINT -11lis com--sprtnkllng I y I t e "m s ln -munlty may no longer have -a parkways. view of ocean waves breaking The Flood Control Distrlcl :~ri~icrb1fit\*~·~= ty Dana overlooking the new wW handle the lale:nll and 2,100.boat harbor. catch basins. A committee of citizens is 1be area covered ls Cres- conducting a compeUtion to cent.Avenue from Walker to Select the most appropriate Dale streets on ttreet work , . YES-MAM We do have ~:..shli.iG,.~~~~ the largest a t the lowest prices! DON'S CARPET SHOP design for a monument to the and Crescent Avenue from Los IJ llMlll Nefttl et ....... ~I WANT INTEREST ON YOUR BANK . _ ---ce--&CIQIRJ .ACCOUNTT YOU CAN'T GB\' IT llUT W1TB PA.CUJC!I SWJTCJI 'N SAVE A.CCOtJNT You • •• 1lma1t 1' well lly .. ,.., 1 lit Im .,., 11 ,_ cllr"li 111 •t lill 1 lllt -. Ill .,_. PllCillc d P111•1lk . Am•lt •• lllifclll• _, ..... "'* • .,.. • ,.. .. ....... n•.,1' dollar •lll'lll ne17 daf It 18 ~ 7oar Paollle .A9eeaiat- evea to~ last oae dq •... il'••lllJ ............ 1 ...... 121 II ' -... 1/4'1""'-• ...... *" ,., ..... -· ... 11111Ilt ll1IL . Sni111 l1 Yllf ICCIHl •l •Ur11(1 n• H .. frlll:lll~ 1lt ''!f uf •Htll .... Illllw• llJ tll1 llltll. ~01111 fll'les1. ilale ol Wit!, June 1. su,...iveo by wllt. Ma,...!;'tf; two d1\IOl!te.-t. K1r1n 1"11 DI-I P1NM1, Mr. and Mrl. •Ral1ll • IUYe<"&, NeW" YorJ!; CllV> 1t1t1r. M '1. Jr-C.lefflla. ~n Dltt01 bf~r. RalPl'I River• Jr .• lon9 1111.-.:t. Roa· -''Y• 1 PM. 1on1olll. Re<iulem M111. Tllfldav. ' AM, boll! ., SI. J111clllrn'1 CaltloOc Cllurdl. Baltr, COii• Mau, c!lrecton, Family IUfill'lll lllo .. wh.1\- tno to mal<e ........,,111 C9111r!bullont. p'"" «>l'l'ibulf to ti. "'l'Mfkan a.Jthor ,1 "Two 'fean-Bef~lvee-on-lhe ,421~ RANG•m--IF the MaSt." 1~stonn~::_~dr~ain~-:__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:_:::;::::;::::::::::::::;;;;::::::::::::~:::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::. "The memorial is being '"""' """". FRANCIS Oor61hY S. 1'r1ncl1. ,." 67, ol Ml Am~ Way, Apt. J., NtwP«'t Btadl. 0111 ot "deollll, May 31. Survlwd by f>ulblnd. Frfc! H. Fr1ncl1J 1llllr, Ellr.oettl l otticwood, LI Putnl•, Sef°V· i(n -lle'ld loday, Mond•Y• 1 PM, B111t ~'Ml ~r Ct'IH'l!I. • JONES Asloley 0. Jones. AN M, ot 7* F~ •• N-1 St.ch. su .... lytd bY wife, B1rblirw S.~ J~ IOflro Alblrf{ o. Jr., .t.111Mda1 d1vtfrteri" Palrkl~ Mi"""4), Eurellal 8arblf"I L-1, Oii Mari and 1~ •r..,,,dl!lc!rtn. 11.0YrY. 7:X PM tonl9!!t, TUftc!•"· 11.e<WI~ Miu, Weclllfloda'f, lO:JO AM, b::>lll al O.,,r LidY Quoelfl of Ar>Mll c1tl>Ollc oturcl'I. 1mennen1. Holy 51-9-ul~r cemt1erv. Dir""*" by B1llr MOrt,,.....,; llStt I!. emit Hit'""•"• C• n;ll'll cltl II.¥. Famlt'f tuvoetl1 llloM wllh'"9 to m1ke rnemorl1I contrlbl.t- lkl<!S, ll'ftt.e eor1trlbute 111 1111 Am.ar· lean Canttl" S«lirl'f. RIGGINS ARBUCKLE&~ Westclltr Mortau}' 4%1 E. 17111 SL, Colt.IM .... -BALTZ MORTUllIEs. Corou del Mu OR ,_ Colla Meu MI f.W4 BELL BROAJ>WAY MORTUARY 111 Broadway, Com Me11 u~ DILDAY BROTHERS Butln110• Valle7 Mortuary 17911 Belich BJvd. lluntlngton Beach ui.m1 PACIFIC vn;:w MEMORIAL PAR![ Cemetery e Mortuary Chapel 3508 Pacific View Drive Newpor1 Beach, Caillornla &ff-%700 PEER FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL DOME 1801 Solla Ave. We1&mta1ter 19S-SS2S SHEFFER MORTUARY t.a,... ~oc• 4N-113S -sa. aem .. 1e ,4fM11t sponsored by the San Jue Capistrano Hiistori.cal Society. The site chosen for the Dana statue is the point where the bridge leading !rom the shore ... joins the half-mile-long ma.n- made island thal will be the inner. breakwater between the yacht! and the channel. The memorial will thus be visible by all . boats entering the marina. as well as from the shoreline acceSs road. - niree~ sculptors have been Invited to llllllmit sketclla and propoals ftJ/ the final design of the monument. They are Vln<ent Glinsky and John Terken of New York and Edward Fenno Ho~ of Wayne, Pa. . -- The winning de!ign will be selected by a committee of five, ·mcllidlng Helen Dana Swanner, a distant col.Wn of the author; Gerald T. Gaffney, pe.st p@de..!!~ the Sa!:'_Juan Caplstra]IO lli.iWlalS«lilji; Harold Eiman, South Laguna archltec1 and ·member of t1te Orange County P.l~ Com- mission; A\)en Grubb, Orange County Harl!ol: District COm- mb1ioner ; and Robert J. Savage, whose Santa Ana.firm I& cOntract architect for the Dana Point Harbor. County Asks Federal . . Gr ant P robe SANTA ANA -The impact of fedeTal and stale grants for research and similar uses to persons and departments in Orange County will be in· vestlgated by the county ad· mlnistrative officer (CAO) at the request of Supervisor David L. Baker. "No one knows how many of these grant.a are made, for how much, and to whom," Baker stated. "We abould know and also determine the total impact on the budget and our fiscal system." CAO Robert E. Thomas said he would research the aubject rollowlng a fa vorable vote or the board on Baker's moUo.!1. ' No P arking By Airport SANT A ANA -Parting on the west 1ide or Campus Drlv, will be banned following ap- proval by the Board of SuperviJora. The r o ·a d w a y parallels the east side of tht Orange County Airport. • ' , . .-. • We havt can, equipped the way moet buyen1 would ll.lr:e to equip can, that you'd espect would ooet you more than t.lt year. But Cbonolet, ~tter, doem't operato thlit way. In fact, we've found 'W•Y• to sive you ·an. hon- eet increue in car at an honest decreue in price. Tate tbi •99 Impala. above (who wouldn't?). An bon.t increue in car becaW1e •• iJ:Qproved t.he rid .. Meuurab!y. , .. e • ' • Match that, anybody. Mada the pauenier compartment quieter. The 300~hp V8 providee 25 more bonepowtr Perceptibly. . • for 40 lee1 dollan than la.it year'• mOlt compa.- And becauee o( nclutivee in our field like-it.eel rable a:tra-co.t V8. Turbo Hydra·Jn&tic co.t.1 l-ruan:1 rail.I in the dooni. And an ignition, ateering (likewat, Powet1lide automatic tranmnimion). wheel and lra.namiaaion telector lock that dL._ .. l'Qvrd.iecbJ"l!keeareaboutbal(tbeprioetbey coura1ee au t.hefL were lut year. WhiteWalll llln!I a lit.tie 1-. Wheel Happily, thia Impala. with a 300-bp V8, '!Urbo coven, about the ume. Head nwtnint.a: are now H ydra-m.atic, adVanced-deUgn power diac brak.ee, 1tandard. head rmtrainte, whitewalla and. wheel coven, ii Uppin1 value end..droppiq: price. That.'• tM prlced..$10l • I• than in 1968. way Chevrolet open.tee.. Puttln1 Jou flnt, keeps us tint. • • -·-- • -. , , ., • . , SMIIB'S MORTUM\Y 1%7 Main SL 811Dlintton Reach LE Ml3I County Road Commissioner A. S. Koclr"repotted that tbe drive has been widened and left tum pockets installed ln the stretch from MacArthur Boolevard f.o Pallsades Road, necessitating the n~artlng regulation. ._.,Pacesette r Values •Buod on l'Qabul•ct.uret'• 1t.111f!flt.ad nitall ,,,iO., locludln.a ledwal ucla tu •Gd IUH•l.ecl dealtr M• el.I' prepan.Uo" char•-•• • • The parking law goes Into effect as soon as slgm are " ; ~sled. l~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'---~~~->-~~~~~..-'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-'--~~~-'-'--;._o , . • J •• ·--- ' . !I DAILY PILOT Dam Test Aid s Moon Program COULEE D,v.I, W a s h . (UPO -In 1 long, silent tun-"!! 360 fe<t down ln6ide the boftls d Grand Coulee Dam, sdentlfic Mrurilents a r e being tested in the detection or extremely tio,y amoools of radioactivity. Indirectly, it could help our moon program. IJ Dr. James H. Kaye . senkr ~ltist for Battelle- No rthw est Laboraforie$, described the experiment : ;'It's Uke being· able to spot g x p81'Ucular BBS out of a cootainer of birdS'lot as big as the moon.'" FIND urn..E In more technical tern\S, the scientists are Wding as few as six atomic di3integrations in a .. • -. ---.. • Mi>nda, J11t1t 2, 1969 Driftwood Dra901a Along Bay · pound of materiel that has 3 Student built driftwood dragon dominates skyline legend ary possessor of an odoriferous mouth, may measurement ol atoms · B · E h b '" lllDOUIDC to 10 to the 24lh along the mudflats of San FrancISCo ay near m-ave een wie students' subtle rendering of. the coo- eryviJle. San Francisco State College art students servationists' contention that San Francisco Bay power. have for several years used the debris in the area will become a sta~nant morass unless strong mea- The reasoo f\lr setting up a t t t "s of art but perhaps tile dragon sures are enacted o curb bay fill proi·ec1s. taborat~ deep inside the __ o_c_o_ns_ru_c_w~.•-r_. _____ ..o..._..o... ___ '--' --------,----__.:. _ __.:.-''----- • --""" ------~- • Conservatism? . Yorty's Re-·e~ction Stuns . ' U.S~ Democratic I:iberals rBY JACK BEU. made television tapes for turnout of 8o percent of those . w ASHING TON (AP) Bradley, introduced him at a qualified lot T u e s d a y ' s Democratic liberals have suf-news oonference and presided ballotlJu: ;thf(t.the bitter runoU , at a testimonial dinner for fere<t tn the re-election. ol campaign -·after Bradley had M•yor Sam Yorty or ~ him. th ' · Humphrey, the 1968 led Yorty in a lirst lest at e Angeles a stunning setback 11 d ed th qiat· could bring a fresh DemOlcratic presidential· po s -ha arous e assessment of n a ·1 I o n a I nominee, gave Bradley a voters. Political trends. ringing e n d o r s e m e n t . How much of a form of AJJ_ a bystander, President Humphrey predicted to friends w b I t e b a c k J a s h w a s Nixon could view the .come-thcit a victory in the mayor's represented in the results re-- from-behind victocy of a race would help put the party mained to be determined. Yor- maverlck Democrat as a on the comeback track na-ty, behind in the pre~Lection naUve state confirm a lion of tionally · ~Us, had accused his op. last November'$ indications Hlirris, the party's national ,.,anent of surrounding hims<:'lf that the country has swnug chalnnan, stepped on tradition with black militants. toward conservatism. by giving open support to a The general feeling among • There was nO question but candidate in a nonpartisan Caiiforniacs in Washington that U>e Democratic liberal con(est. He s a id the that a conservalive surge was conlmunity had been dealt a Democrat I c party of more of a factor in the results California had e n d o r s e d than race was bolstered by a resounding blow Jn Its efforts I f to elect Thomas Bradley, ~ Bradley and he fe t ree to conservative sweep ~hool take sides. · board and i·unior college Negro city councilman, over Yorty. "\ McGovern, a brief contender trustee contests. The bead.liners in t h i s f0r the presidential nomination As one k n o w I e d g a b 1 e huge olpcrele dam is that it providel tremendous s!'•idmg {nm neturally-OCCWTU'Jg COS• · mlc radiatioo wbidl woold in- terfere with measurements of low levels ol beta and gamma ....-. WW II. Victim Comes Home ·abortive effOrt included Sen. last year and head of the CalUornian put it: "A white Edward M. KeDnedy, (D-p'arty's convehtk>n reform candidate might have survived Mass:);formefV,Jce.President comminion, taped broadcasts this trend but a Negro can· COMPACT Hubert H. Humphrey, Sen. tor -Bradley. So did Cranston, didate had two strikes again.st Fred Harris, (O..Okla.), Sen. adding a day of active cam-him." Tht DAILY PILOT ttll1 yov ..... ~. D ) "gnlng in Los Angeles • · In addWoo to being 360 feel down from the top of the dam, Ibo labcratory has about 200 feet of eolid coocrete on its ckM'Dltr'eeDl side and about 40 feet « coocrett plus about XlO feet rJ. water on the upstream oide. ·mor• _ In 11111 •p•c• _ 11v11ry George _M<.VVYftn, (D-S. · , pal · ln reassessing their position, CLEVELAND, Ga. (AP) -dental records. remains arrived in rural White d•y •bollf your community th•n' and Sen. Ajan Cranston, (D· No one could fix with any the Democratic liberals are· A Georgia farm boy cut down His parents, a brother, and County Sunday. It lay in state tny otktr n11wip•p•r .10119 tht Calif.). certainty the racial aspects of likely to place Jes£ reliance on by ·a Japanese mortar in the a sister were notified and a at his parents' farm home Gr••• Or•nt• Co•''· Kennedy, a likely contender. Yorty's defeat of Bradley. But the polls than they have in the South Pacific nearly 26 years casket bearing the soldier's beside the churcll Monday. ·~-----------' for the presidency in '1972, it was eviden• (rom the huge past. agogoestobisfinalresttodayl------'-------------------------~--------....;..------------------------- in a churchyard beside his boyhood home. Kaye uplaiood that there is nearly five . times 1 e s s -.ally oc:curring radiation in Cbe laboratorY than there is on the eurface. Most rl. the ex- ....,_. radiooctMly down In tbe tumel appears to be caus- ed by traces of rad:ioactlve tberrue!ves and in the metals which must be used around the cowiers. LOW LEVEI.!I "Being able to delect .l/Jeh ·)ow levels of radiation 1s highly effective m ~ and measuring trade amounW or radioactivity in s a m p 1 e materials," Kaye 63.id. "By d~ mlaller and smaller amoaots of radioactivity, we can more accuratel y determine th e radioactive C01nposition of • the material we are examining. "Such low level COUJX.ers may be. eitremeiy helpful in examining the first muface material5: to be returned from the InOCll. '' Fune~l services for Pfc. Wlnlordl:Iumphries were to be held In in the Newbridge Ba~ list churchyard o u t s i d e Cleveland more than 19 years aft.er the Army officially call- ed off its search for his ~ mains. "Now t can go to my own grave in peace.'' said Mrs. ~ K. Hwnphries, the in- faptryman's 71-year-old mother. 1be %._year-old Humphries · was kill~ in combat July. 25, 1943, wtiile serving with the 3'llh fnfantry Division. Army records showed that the search for the young soldier's remains was called off Jan. JO. ~949. On March 6, 1950, the Army fonnally declared Humphries' body unrecoverable. Then. chance and a 'Virginia man's decision to revisit some of the areas where he was sta- liooed in World War II led tu the answer to pc soldier's fate. Leslie B. Kreger of Virginia Beach, Va., a Na:vy aviation machinist mate in 1943, chanc- ed to be near Munda ~trip on New Georgia lsland in the· Solomons during July 1967, When a native woman unearth- , • ' .> .- ' " • ,. . • 'J . ' .... 4 • ' $" He added that the . studies also we being used to evaluate materials which could be used to construct f u t u r e in- struments with even lower r adiation h a c kg r oup d s. Radioactivity in this '1mal)- made cavern Is so slight, that most of it would be masked completely in other rad~­ cwnt.ing facilities. ed a .body and a set of GI iden-._ tificalion tags while clearing l!A!LCOUN'l"J\AIE "My sensitive beta or gam· ma ray (pure energy) counter has a background count rate even v.'hen. no other radioac· tive source is near," said Kaye. "Tilis is due to radk>active material in the counter struc- ture, radioactivity in sheilding mate.rial and support framing and cosmic radiation." The .study is being carried out for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, in cooperation with the Bureau of Reclamation which opeFatcs ttie dam. land for a garden. The woman told Kreger of her discovery. He notified the American-consul in Brisbane, Australia, and also wrote the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot aski:'1g the newspaper to check ore Yi'hich could be done. Both the Virginian-Pilot and the State Department notified the Army's Memorial Division and a recovery team was dispatched to New Georgia from Hawaii. Humphries' body, f o u n a beneath 18 inches or earth with a hand positioned on rifle with bayonet fixed . was even- tually identiried through a patholog ist's examination and , Inflated Nylon B·ags Auto Safety Device? \VASHlNGTON (UPI) -passenger. and a third. in- Transportalion Secretary John stalled in lhe ,Pack of the front A. Volpe is being urged to ap-seat, would protec~ngers prove inflated nylon bags as in the rear. an automobile safety de vice According to Carter. the bag for dri\'ers who won 't wear In the steering wheel would be safety belts. only as wide as th~ diameter The National Motor Vehicle of the steering wheel and Safety Advisor Council has would deflate as soon as it in- sent.Yolpe a resolution urging flated through a series of thetballoon-like bags be made blow-out patches. a part of the government·s This would prevent the bag safetY s tandard s for r r om interfering with the automobiles. driver's vision. Jt would not be The crash bags woull"'-be--:rble1.o force his hands off the triggered by a "crash 'llensor'' sleering wheel. Carter said. that would be regulated to go Sa fely experts argue that H off uDdet a specific impact. effective. the bag systen1 The bags would be Inflated by would offset the one s<:'rious nitrogen gas In about one four· defect of the safety belt hundreth of a second -fast :;;ysten1 -lhe failure of up lo enoogb to cush.ion the forward 70 percent of the drivers to motion of a driver involved in make use of them. ' an accident, &aid Robert In Jts resolution. the 23· carter, an official of the Na-member council, made up o{ Uooal Highway Safety Bureau. delegates from business, in· 'Jbc driver would be pro-dustry and consume r fields. teded by a bag stDred in tM urged Volpe to i~ue a noli re steering 'Wbetl as a em b I y . of proposed rule making -the Another bag in the dashboard fifst step rleeded to n1ake the would protect the front seat safety bags mandatory. ANDY H.AS ANSWERS Tlttt•'t •nlr 11111 pltc11 yoo ctn fi114 mor• 1 111w1 11 th111 yo11f dilltlrt11 111•• q11t1tlo111. Chttlt tht Ail> /l.11<ily f•ttvr• •~try Sil· "'411 111 t"111 DAILY PILOT. You 'll Ii•• ii -•~d 111 will yo11r c-•rlet:lty.flll-4 Y••99llf11r1. , . . f r "':'., .,... -4 ' :"" t 1ii' .• ·~·;% .,t t . --'"'--~ ,,-, ,j -;.,-. ' ~ . ._ "'··-* • . ' • What'll your wife be doing this summer while your secretary is slaving over an air conditioµed typewriter? Jr you_r office weren't air co~itioned you'd have to beat your own type-- writer. Office help simply won't work in a hothouse. Why should the helpmate who runs your home? Because you can't afford air conditioning? Wrong. Maybe last summer J·ou couldn't. This summer you can. There's a oew plan by which the average family can have air condition- ing for the whole house for less than $1 a day. And that's gas atr coadftioning, the best kind. ,. You can have your system in, and working, without paying a penny down for either equipment or installation. We've made. arrangements -with leading banks so you can pay for it up to 10 years. Gas air conditioning is not a plug-in appliance tI:iat cools just one room. It's a ""total home imptovement that lasts for years (gas'\l.ir conditioners have no compressor to wear out). Unless you want t9 spend this summer on the hot seat, you wout1~ seem to hilve 3 choices: , I • J. Phone the" G~s Company and ask for Air Conditioning Information. We'll have a representative call a ny day or evening you suggest. 2. lf you're allergic to salesmen, send in the coupon and the mailman will call instead. . 3. Don't let your wife see this~ad. r------•----~-----------------------1 I Gas Air Condit:ioninit (Dept. NP~l) "- I P.O. Box 2736 Terminal Annu I I Mail Location 1080, Los Angeles, Calif. 90054 6 I I I am interested in finding out more about gas air I I conditioning. I I r 1 N--I : Addres • 9 9§ : I City ip I L-~------·····---------------------·J . .. ·-• • ' ( J 14 in di M m wi le m cil an v< wl tb vi d• pt .. ,J. K. th pt U! in m dI lo lu su Jc 61 lo 8'iJ DE tom ~.' Tak< have . notic •boll Ro the-• out peep delCl body """'' bare WI. evu: -------:---------·---------• -· • . • • • ' • JODEAN HASTINGS, 642~321 MNM!t~. ,_ L IN' I ,.,. II . New Sc holarships Funds Keyed ' To Success A new schoiarship, in addition lo those already presented, has be~n established by the Assistance Leaeue ·gt Huntington Beach. Presented ·by the league will be a medical alIOtment, a $1000 grant to be administered. by HCI. The award will be made at ·a later date. ~ : Golden West College scholarshJp winners were Miss Diane Thiel, a sophomore biology major with a future career in marine biolog.v, and Miss Joan Workman.~ sophomore art major who plans to teach art at the secondary school level. Similar scholarships presented at Orange Coast College were aw~rded to Miss Diane Mills, a sophomore Spanish major, and Miss Linda Nichols, majoring in comparative literature. Both young women are preparing for teaching careers. " Afrs. Alice Freeman, league scholarship chairnian, also has announced that for the first Ume there were to be two nursing scholar· ships of $250 each. They wer:e awarded to Miss Kathleen Kelly and Mr~. Barbara Peterson, student nur~es at OCC. - CONTINUING PROGRESS -Oarr)'.ing on 'ih,e past efforts of the Assistance League of Huntington Beach wilJ be it new officers who will be installed Thurs· day, · J.une 5. Distributing each key to suc'cess is (left) Mrs . Gilbert i:urnbull, president, a!)(! serving Wjlh her. wlll be (left to right) Mrs. Thomas Brode- rick, first vice ·president, and Mrs. Floyd Hair, tltird· vice president. The league has just announced the formation of a new $1000 medical scholarship which is yet 'lo be .awarded. Funds to impletnent the new· medical ·and nursirig scholarships were obtained from sales in the league's girt shop l~ated in Hunting· ton Intercommunity Hospital. New officers will be installed when the league meets Thursday, ,June 5, in tbe chapter house, 3Ql Walnut St. Seated.will .be the Mmes. Gilbert Turnbull, president; ThQmas Broderick, Richard Crouch and FIW!· Hair;vice presidents ; 0. B. Root, corresponding secretary, and Gray Miller, treasurer. . Grand Party Membe r~· ~,?11.¥. For Flag Day Rallying around on .Flag Day,. Sa\Jlnta~. Jun.e · 14 will be members.of the·League Of Women Voters in' Huntington Be3ch who will gatht_r for an after· dinner party i.ri the Huntington Harbour ·home of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Gilchrist. ~. Last year's grand old party was such a "Success members campaigned for this year's event which will be a bring·your·favorite snack affair-for feminie voters, escorts and husbands. · The league, a nonpartisan group whicl> p,.:· mot.es political responsibility_ by acting. to infonn citizens of government issue~ on the national, state and local level, now is celebrating the golden anni· versary of its founding. New officers of the Huntington Beach chapter \vho will serve during the anniversary year include the Mmes. John Turk, pr~ident; Don Morse, first vice president ; Gerald Finley, second vice presi· dent,· and Norman Whipple, secretary. The new nominating committee will be com· prised of Mrs. William McCourt, Mrs. Ralph Bauer . and Mrs. Max\Fomey. 'The slate was presented by the Mmes. Joseph J . ~1ilkovicb·, chainnan, Benjamin Jones, Kenneth Katz, Leonard Spielman and George Williams. The group bas decided to study and reevaluate the master plan for HUl!tington ~ch. as its area program for 1969--fO. The study· will. include land use (zoning), ~eation, transportation and hous·. ing. It also will support a program to develop com· munity awareness of the planning process. Currently the league nationally is conducting a driVe to raise $1 million to provide a financial base to continue operations during the next 50 years. .. -· .. Oil, Palette • ~· • ' Technique ' Studied Using a palette knife, heavy oil paints and brilliant color, Charles BeauvaJs ~111 · demonstrate his paintin& ~kill' \\'.hen memben and guests ·of the Huntin~n Beach Aft League -meet al 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 4, in tJa Lake Park Clubboule, 12\.b and Lake streets. ' Beauvais, or Laguna ae-4 ls bet known for hit palntinp of tumijltuous octans, boat! and gulli which are so much a part ol the coutal area. He has sludied In Paris, Barbi.z.on, the Chicago Art In- stitute and Wa1bln1to1 University. ' • He travels from coast tO coast seeking areas to captur~ tln canvas, and hl.s works may be viewed In his gallery ._, wen as his studio tn Luuna Beach. He also eJ.hibltf a~ ' nually during the Laguna Beach Festival of Arts. ~ 'Among many collectors <I · his paintinp are F r a n J Sinatra and Ceasar Romero.··~ The publl~ Is Invited to oi: tend the meeting and watcll the lint artist or the IDmmtf' . se~ demonstrate hil tecbnJ.: que with a pelette knlle. -. Groups or Individuals· who wish to aid in this funding drive, the first the league has conducted since its founding, may mail checks to Mrs. James .Jones, LWVHB anniversary campaign chairman, 6172 Sydney Drive. Huntington Beacb. Additional in- formation may be obtained by calling Mn. Jones, 897~38, or Mrs. Turk, 897-5916. HISTORY REVIEWE D -New officers of the Huntington Beach League of Women Voters who \\'ill be serving during tlie Jeague's golden anniversary celebration ·this year are (left to' right) the Mmes. Joiµl .Turk, pr~dent;. Don Morse, first vice president; Gerald Finley, second vice president, and Norman Whipple, sec. retary. Members are planning an after.mMer social on Flag Day, Saturday, June 14. The art league ls a noopro;.: l!t org~niz.ation, and any ~. lions are contributed to tltl: scholanhip fund which I&" i sponsors. • Mrs. Tom Neeld is pres.ldeit' • or the if'OUP· ~:' -.I Doubting · Tom: It's a Fact, Tell Friend What She Lacks . ; . . ... •• ;. DEAR ANN LANDERS : I'm engaged to marry a great gi.I, age 22, sweet, pep- py, smart. and she has plenty going for her. Rosemary is beautiful and built. Take my word fer it, Ano, she doesn't have to go to extreme& to-get people to . notice bu. And th1s is wHat I'm writing about. - Ro9emary bought one of those up-to- the+mlnute dressea with the material cut out bert and there -about eight peepholei. (I doo'I know llow else lo deac:ribe 'it) She wean a flesh-colored · body stock.Ing underneath her dress !O or course It kloka like you are seeing her bart tk.in. , • \Vhe:nevier .Roeemary wean that drJ!~ eveeyoqe does a doubJe take. I feel like .. ANN LANDERS J"m with i naked dame. It's very em- barrassing. I've told her my reeling1 about that crney dres.,_ and she said J ,waa no jud1e of style and that I hid no buainesa trytne to dictAte to her what &he ought to wear. ~ lhave the rjght lo tell my nancee I· will not lake her out in that dress again? -DOUBTING THOMhS DEAR TOM: You do ud you aboUld ;and I hope yot11 will. DEAR ANN LANDERS : 0Ur oon In· herltcd a valUable library rrom his grandfather 'who· was a United Sl,ates senator. The JJbrary was not large -ap- proximately 250 books, but It contained many fine volJmleil with personal In· scrlpliona to the senator I r o m dl1tlngui11hed authors. · ' • Over the hut slx years we have lost nearly half or these lrreplacable books because acqu&intances bolTowed them ind "forgot" to brln1 them back .. l:.ast week a friend who attended a funeral in another town saw one of my aon'a books in the home of the deceased . It wu tytng on the table, face down, with the spine broken. We did not know Ute person In whole home the book had been aeen . I assume a mutual friend had pass- ed it on. This, , In my .opinion, ls lhoughllcu and lncoosldero,.. Do you know of a IKllulion to the' problem? , -GREENSBORO, N(;. DEAR QREEN: Tbire 11 10 nlution oa<.'t It lltcomea 1 problem. I au,.eat prevelft101 r1tlter tb1t1 1 cart. Make II 1 rwle never -attd I mean oever -to allow 1 book out of your Hme anle11 you are prepared to part wtu. it forever. I loow 'from e:s:perleM!e that some tnut1rorlhy and cultvtd people altt cu be bookkeepen. DEAi\. ANN LANDERS , I was In-. terest~in the ,letter fron\ Arlene, 'the gal who complaineCI about 1 fresh punk who . rode elevatws a lo\ and got his jolliu snapping .girdle1. He eaptclal\y enjoyed terolng in on young gals whose armir were loaded with packages or; lab material. \Vhy didn't you 11uggC11t panty hole. Ann! The guy will f10 out or"hl• heo~ f~om frustration. ' ., ., -'5CHENECrAD'(", DEAR SCHEN' Puty -la .. ; 1Ub11Ubl,. for • prdle. AM U1 Pr! ""° \bln.U otbtrwt11 ....... a..U -...VU ~••1 rear.view ..,,..,.,. Whar-ls Fr•n<ll"~lnl!1f" lt"wrolllft- Who should sel the necking limits .., ~1114, boy or the glrl' Can 1 shotgun !'~ succeed1 Read Ann Landen'·~~ "Teenage SU -Tto Ways To Cool IL J Send 51 ceiJtl in coin Ind • lcq, .. u.-., dressed, atamped.envtlope. . t ' Ann LUders will be glad to 11e19 ,.. , wllh your problems. Serid -It ... "'' •••• or the DAILY PILOT, enck>lln( ~- ..1~·-· •limped ..... ' J '. ( • I J --... ,, ...... . ' • .... ,, ---- ' 5r, (:fl DAILY l'IL~T M-. -1, 1969 ;~ ~Town Hal l Se ries Closes . . Memory lane T r-aveleO. • • • ~:·Music Man ·~Meredi.th Willsoo _ls .Just lowq Boy_ at -He~rt .. .., By JEAN t'OX . .. Of llM 0.llY Plltt SU.ff ~lflis addrm may indicate he ~ Ir\ Pacific Palisades, but :awedi1b Willson isn't fooling ' 'il)Yone. From the top of his 4husic-lilled bead down lo the · ~ of rhythm-tapping toes, he ti a · 100 percent died·in·the· ~I Iowan. \.Mason City is \Vi\lson 's bometown and to those who litard.him speak at the last of -~.(aisLance League's T o w n "'Jilli Series last Monday, it's ·~ylous his heart is still there. ::"lie has plenty of reason to ttillk kindly of his nati•e land, flii' as he tells it, it's tbanks to tQa Jove of Iowa that .. The . llfbsic Man" was ever written. AppartnUy when P.1eredith took hia: plctolo to try bi.I iuck. In New Yorlc., he w~ horrltled when he heard how city stickers mispronounced the name of his beloved state. ''They would sa 'I-owe-a ' or el.Je 'Eyo-oh·way' " he shud· de red . To remedy this situation he decided · lo write a song wherein the word Iowa was correctly pronounced. T h e song was published and one day he re<:eived a called from Rudy.Vallee seeking permissio11 to introduce the tune on his famous radio show. Mtredith gratefully agreed and the e~ning of the radio show was waiUng with baited brealh to bear hll song. Half-way lhrough the pro- gram, be beard iL Vallee sang It loud and cJetJ;y -"!-owe- way ." "1 was very discouraged and got to brooding about it. Finally I decided lo write a good light song for the university," he recalled. Alter he wrote his spirited tune, he sent it to the universi· ty and soon alter beard from its public relations man who reported the student body learned it and wouJd try it out during a Big i'en game the following Saturday. Meredith tuned in his radio and sure enough, the students sang his song quite credibly. ruched ..-ay, the 4b'ec· ..Thert was only one claud 'kl' and proiluct:r-powwqwed on the horizon," be 1aid and announced to Muedlth his regretfully, "Ohio State won ae&Uoo wu a bJt 1oo Ion&. the game 82..'J. 'Ille unlvent11 aod the F<odUclJon DIOllber didn't take too kiodly to my would have to be cut. song after that.'' "Somethlni: lJke the Iowa MUSICAL t'OMEDY Indian -·" wed Meredllh. However Wil1$oo wouldn't "We mean the Iowa bMllu be stopped'. He wrote a aoac in· sonc," they replied c which lhe word.Iowa wu ez-Jy. pressed fbonetically lo an In-· Meredith'& mus.Jc career dian bea . He played Ul1I aonc be1an when bis m o t b e r for Ma.son City poteotalel who prtaented blm with a mall congratulated him and &&keel, order flute. wblch eventually "Why don't you write a enabled him to play tn John musical comedy about your SOusa's BllOd and then later hometown?" with the New York Thus "The Music Man" was PhllharmMlc under the baton born. However. durinc the of Toscanini. tour, before the m u s i c a I SpeaktnS at a Celebrity Lun· Horoscope cheon which foll°"od hlJ ap- ,,__ lo SOulJI Cout Tbtator, Wlllloo admitled, "I never bad a bumin( dea!re lo ...,,__ I don1 know that I ever had • bt.u'nlq dealre towards • anythin( In m y .,.._, Actually I wanlod to play buoblll. I became a nutt P1-beeauoe my l1\0lber boqbt me a nute to I would stand out when I went IO col-J11e." AUed for adviee to arplrlnc Yount Dllllidana, be · rtpUed, "A younpter"1 own voluntary interest in the arts lhou1d oeve:r be 4Jacouraged. If he lacks tbe talent, be. could .alwa)'1 tum out to be a very good critic." CUmoUy 'tbe cnetor of "The Unalllkablt 111 o 11 y Brown" and "l#re'1 I.Ave" bu a new musical ln the fire, "1491" which 'fill open 1n the Muo!c Center Sept. Z. • REVEW1 CAST alderlnl tbe 'f!>l'I I l I r Ruimlnl&lk:mawa11, daughter of Sukarno, for the role, bot the lndCIMll10 &tnger jll.Sl coutdn't apeak Ille fu\e'· • A1ooa witb Wll.lson wa,s his bride 01' oM year,!Roseriiary, DudQJ: the I u n c h e o.n-, whom he marriea alter hls Mettdith revelled the cut for first wUe, concert *'8er, Rini the productioo, which juat h1d zarova, died of. cancer in 1966. been ljl'eed upon. Rosemary, a r'al redhead "Columbus' part will be and a cbarminC woman. said taken by a fine Shakupeartan she met her hustiand years actor and •tar of 'On a Clear ago when sbe llt.nt lo collect Day, 1 J o b n Cullum. Queen his autograph alttr a concert J11bella will be portrayed by performance. • Jean Fenn, w~u born to She continued her friaodshlp play the role, lwnbus' with the wnbtios and for a mlatress w i 11 b Chila time worked-8' their secretary Rivera." before Joining Paramount He si.id they had been con-Studios as a secretary. \~;;:;;;;;;;;;~~ THE N·E·W " • Time for Sociability . L8QK malhe'.1 TUESDAY JUNE 3 By svomv OMMUI MOON JN AQUAlllUS: le MC!able. !A.&ertala at ._e. Some OCOIVeztdoul ~ •ne dlelr 111 --.Uy, u- doully ud lalerulloully. Ma17 proml1n are made bordertq OI futa1y, El· ceUe1t for d1Jca11lol cnap ii fam.Ul.ar narro11ullli11. ARIES (March II-April 19): Accent on fulflllroent of IOclal ' obllgatlool. Good for buyin( cuta for thole who have prcf'v. ed their filendahlp. Stlect quality, but avoid needless ex· travagance. TAURUS (April 20.May 20): Stress on gal.n1ng a wider au- dience. PubltclJt your elforta, product. Day to finish, com· plete and to cmnmunlcate. Recognition due. Important person pajs meaningful com· pllmtot. GEl\.UNI (~fay 21.June 20 ): . . . . ..... toward ultimate sue-cesa.. ~ . LEO -tlfu I y 13-Allfl.21): f!1&ItUg1Jt public: l<latloos. Be flnlble; dllp1af veraalillty. Fin1lh one tut at a Ume. Don'I llust othen1 to lnlerpret your v l e w .a. T1ke time to e-xplaln younelf to crystal- clear manner. VIRGO Aug. 23-Stpt. 21): Accent on health and work. Comhlnt attenUon for 'the two in mature manner. Avoid ez· tremes. Maintain atel<!y pace. Be aware of de\alls. You can mike friend ol one who Ml'Ves yOllr needs. • UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 21) :· Ezcltement featured. Your crt1Uve resources come to fore. Make changes. Welcome chatleDge. Keep promltes to youngsters. What appears as recreaUon can be transformed to profit. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): Past efforts come home to roost. Concentrate on the solid. The fliinsy Is due. to fall by wayside. Give attention to home, property. Study values. Know what it ii you really deslrt. . ' CAPRlt'ORN (Dec. 21 · Jan. 19): You CID add ta possessions, income. You are handed a more responsible assignmllrt.( with s r e a t e r rewards. Some of your hidden qualities surface. You are ap- predaled. AQUAllllJS (Jan. 20-Feb. 11): Cycle high. You can suc- cessfully initiate projects. Be a self·alarter, b ke inlUaUv.e. Accen~ originality ancl m:- dependellC(. Be mr.ct. Say what you mean -mean what you say. PISCES (Feb. 19-M&reh 20): Be patient. Necessary for you to rtm.ain in bicktf'ouod - then you get chan~ to step forward . Time your ·moves. Trust hunch. You ·set aid from surprise source. ~ °"*"" Sld""v On11rr'• JO.t t OI 111cl. ~ r11tto A11o111 ... ~trol~ L '1" .. ~t",l.\, M,._Em3~, ~~1' Ct,.. lr•r Sl1IJOI\. 'New'90rk.. H.Y. 10011. Whirling TOPS for ·HAIRSTYLING * * by the area's TOP STYLISTS I SPECIAL) CASCADES $14.95 YIYIANI WOODARD COSMITICS mafhe'.i ''Ha il io San Joaqui.n Women's Champion • Good lunar aspect today coin· cides wl tb long-range plans, includlna those affecting vaca· tlon. Study T11ra1 meuqe. Be aware of subtle nuances, sipaJ•. CANCER (June II.July 21): • SAGITfAlllUS (Nov. :ZZ. Dec, 21): You are on the go. Confusion could result over mesuce, visit. Important to have sense of humor. Don't lake too aeriouJty comp]&int or thmol llUlde by r.jative. It Whirling TOPS Club of Newport Beach will have Mrs. Dorothy Wenck, Orange Coun· ty home advisor, speak on Weight Control next Thursday at 10 :30 a.m, The g r o u p meets e1ch Thursday at 19 a.m. in the. recreltio n room Of the Ebb Tide -Mobile Park, Newport Beach. WIG &. BEAUTY SALON 541·3446 JIO·D lw 17"-Street HILLSREH SQUARE COSTA MUA 'Flower arranging will be easy 'for Mr1. i..wayna -Thomas (center) as she now has a JoVely ailver bowl . as the base. The bowl is the tn>phy sbe eerned for :· .. :shooting first low net in Rancho San Joaquin Worn- ,;,Secretpries Welcoming ::superior Court Jud9~ : · .. During the next meeting cf · 1fle Orange County Legal ·.Secretarie s Association, •. members will w e I c o m e ,;,Superior Court Judge Samuel ~ Orelun. ' · • The Greenbrier Inn I n -.'Garden Grove will be the sel- .. tins Thursday, June 5 . Juda·e Oreit.en was.admitted to the Calif-0mia State "Bar in · 1938 and practiced law in San· · ta Ana unUl he rt!Ctived his -.. Judicial appointment in 1961. Secretaries were present at . !be state convention in San blego last month . Among · 1.bose representing the club · !rom this area were Mrs. ,llobert F. Mat.thews of Hun - tington Beach, governor and . l\lr. and Mrs. William Hecker of Newport Beach. It was reported~during the confab that Orange County was first In publicity for the fourth quarter of the year and also hid won first place in state for the entire year. Mis. Hatry A. Dixon, publicity chairman, was comm,ruled for her ouUtanding work. HB Auxili ary American Legion Auzillary of Huntington Beach gathers in the American Legion Hall at 1:30 p.m. the first Thursday of each month. On the third Thursday members may call Mrs. Ame Jensen, ~:rn. for location. Mor• Then A Qu•r+er Of A Milt Of An+iqu•J ' • Oran9e County's Lar9est ' Anliiue Show · THURS., FRI., SAT., JUNE 5, i. ·, 7 Fe1turing R•r•, Be•utiful •"d NoYel Obiec.ts fro!" Around the World by Top De•ltr1. FREE CASH DRAWIN!O W•'re 14 Stor•1 and Open Hltbtly TH t :JO loath Coast ?laza ' l/ldll'Ol AT MN DerlO DUWAY, COITA MUA en's Club Ch&n\pionsh_ip TQurnwient. Cl,ub champ- ion Is Mn. Kenneth Willey. (left) and rwmer•up· Jr Mrs. Richard Varian. · JUNE SPE AL DUART PERMANENTS Th e most carefree dnd captivating. ha ir styles to last oU summer long, thanks to our famo u::. Duart perm. Complete witlf e)(pert styling. ond cut: in the salon, 8.50 1n the studio. 14.50 ' Just arrived, a b rand new shi pment of fobulous ).way hu man hair piece s, each ·S.99 Career girl:;, don't forget we 're open Mon .. Thurs. and Fri. evenings. Phone : from Ana heim, 535-81 21; from Newpo rt. 644 .1712 ; from Hunting ton ' Beoch, 992 .333 I. Beouty So lon . 601 ' P.-nhlp d!orla p a y divideods. Pull ...-. No day to .. it .-. Be cooperative. --· petty annoyanca. Jobll· plannln1 ..... . . wey ms SUll!• -· DOll'T IOllllY AIOUTYVlll RAlll ... IDD~EIDURE GIVES IT MEI BEAUTY B«fi·Endule is a special llOiod, no -p.'ocess Iba! tiYn your hli t tile body you need for yo111 icti w life. For swiMlnr. Sailinf. Cltasinf kids. Cleaning hoose. Trying on clothes. Dancing. Spacial "bod ifiei", shllt1floo and set, lUt. • Ami, t11lOI!( cODI !a!tlrle Kitlllfl Cut, I.II. . Beauty Studio,. u mS' • M111ia11is • Padicins • F1tials • Electroiort . "ewporl Canle1 •l fashi 111 lslaod • 644·2200 • Mon., Thurs., Fri. ilt.00 till 9:30 00\er days 10:00 till 5:30 • , ·--------. -~- • • • • ' -----~--;.--r • --........... ...------ • , Mond'1, ,JUH 2, 1969 Cathblic-Ceremon ies ,DAILT,PILOT 1J I Michael Emmert · Weds ···~-:·:,·~· ! Davis Marrie s_ Large basketa of 'White The bride, daughter o1 Mr. honor and brfd~ds .were ~/·CI.Of r. @otsanthemums and pink and Mrs. Floyd Norton, La Mha Patsy Emmert, aiater of k • In double ring ceremonies, pertormed b y l be Rev. Thomas J. Nevin In St. Joachim's Catholic Church, Jeanne Ruth Davis became the bride of Steven Allen Luhrs . carnaUOlll nanked the altar c)( Crescenta, Will escorted to the the bridegroom, tnd Mlu . p e , _. S::.- the Flrtt Christian Church, altar by her father: Susan Dleckleman, college • .- ltuntlntton .Beach, for the She was attired 1n a floor clasamite of the br,lde. - wedd.i.J1g ol Judee Kathleen length A·line gown of organia Ml5s Debbie Dunlap, ~ • . • Norton and Michael Wayne and embroidered lace . The girl, wore a floor length white q M11WJ11 • • • • •• Emmut, son or Mr~ and Mrs. neckline was beaded with 80Wn and carried a white • , Eugene Emmert of Hun· mock pearls, and the dress basket fUled witJi plnk. and 1beJ:e ls no truth Jin 'the rulJIOt: tington Beach. featured a chapel length wel· white carnaUons. that Y°'11 need a fWWit ~ The bride is the daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Davis•of Newport Beach, and her husband's parents art Mr. and Mrs. Archie Luhrs or Costa Mesa. Conducting the doubJe rlng teau train, A Uara trimmed In The bridegroom asked his >.attend tbe.!:.dooble dodnp'7~1t • ceremony wes the Rev. Ben crystals and , pearts lleld her brother, Fred Emmert, to the M True 11 lt.- SCblller, prnressor at Ozark fingertip veil, and she carried serve as beltman, and ushers . ~· . • there • ~. Bible College. A longtime phalaenopsis orchids and a were jQhn , Thompson, J I m uahon mvo1ving llciN, UiM • friend of the Emmert family . cascade of stepha.notis. \Volbert, Don Currier, Dan Shtker and Yellow SUmut.tf he officiated at the wedding of Mrs. ~erry fAlnlap, , the Moss and Louis Bennaq. bui yoo may sit back and en- ~ lhe bridegroom's parents ln bride's siSter from Gering, Assisting at the recepUon '>Y two films with your but:. ANNETTE FARQU~AR ,. 1938. Neb., served as matron o( for 359 guest! whlch foll(J't\'ed tered popcorn. . • Given ln marriage by her father, the bride wore a 1radi- tional satin gown with a sl\k organza train trimmed with To Merry n the ceremony were the Mmes. . . Charles Wlnegarner, Wayne Jerry Lewis, Peter Lawford Wells, Henry Hamlin, Lloyd and Anne Francis fonn the tOp Rice, ·WiU \aIB" Henderson and ttjo fer Heit. Un, Ii: StUtr.' It Edgar Diel<. . . . lhat J is informed pl be>dlng and lace. Chantilly s t b lace form.a her veil and sho e p em e. r wore stepbanotis in her hair. '!be same flowers were. mixed Parents Disclose Troth During Family Din_ner - wllh buUully orchids in her d d bouqUet. W • During a family dinner par4 Lime green luU lenglh e I n g ly the hetrothal of Donnll gowns, white straw hats and t.1arle Soderblom and Lin A. baskets filled with daisies and ff Nelson w~ announced by the . baby's breath wert chosen for In O 1• ng bride-elect's parents.· Mr. and .. her entourage. Attending as maid of honor Mrs. Harry F. Soderblom Of 'Was Miss R°')' Sedillo of La Coota Mesa. . . Puente, and bri<lcsmaids were ~Sepl.._6 .n!Jptlal ceremony Miss Sodc~bl.om ls" a Mrs. Thomas ·Duncan of Costa In the First Christian Church, graduate of Newport · Hacbor Mesa, an~ M.ls.s Mary-Dav_is, _ Jfuntington Beach is being High ~I and a buainess the . brl<:'e s sisters with MlSs planned by Aanetie Irene :r ar-college m Santa Ana. -~ Judi ~urton of l.:05 Ar:i-ge!es uhar and Chari Willi • Her f~. son of Mrs. Ray· ~ and Mw Jacqualqle lhggms q ~ es am mond Nelson of · Costa Mesa of Yorba Linda. Faust. and the li\.e P.tr. Nelson, is a Attending hi.! cousin as best Parents of the betrothed graduate of Estancia High man was Gary Wilkin o~ couple , are George s. Far· School. Riverside, while usher duUes quhar, Mrs. Sally Farquhar The party seUing was·tn the were assumed by Michael Westche!tu borne of Mr. and SuUy of Neumnrt Beach, Dun-and Mrs. Fern Mussehl, all or .. ,... Mrs. Rolland Cooper. During can of Costa Mesa and Jack Huntington Beach. the festivities four birthdays Fittp8trick of .Newport Beach. The future bride Is a were celebraled and the Miss Ann ?.tarie Pierce, the I d. Josed h bride's coosin from San Diego, graduate of Huntingt~each Soderb oms !SC . t at ~ ·-~~·-n.....-;O'!!!-·~--circulated the guest book dur· High School and 116"' is · Ga~~e ' <tePartlng-for - ing a reception in the home of a....graduate of Oneida Hi_gh Sweden to visit his famUy. the bride's parents. School, Iowa. He bas served The couple will be· married DONNA SODERBLOM Following the rece~lon the ~ .... = b hill ....._.. •• newlyweds departed on a wed· un~~ Y ..-.;ua , ding trip lo San Francisco and Peter. Ame plays_ \he wifey Northern California. wbo wants her doomed-hutiby to The bride is a graduate of Un It up while tiine Luts. Gering High School and at· . tended Lincoln Christian Col-So, the condemned guy ~­ lege, Lincoln, Ill. living like no tomorrow ~ The bridegroom ls a tossing_ the ready cab fiMI' graduate of Hunti.r\gton Beacb cards here and there. to; High School and Chico i!1>le and behold the doc was wroo1i! College. The ., t · I" f' b t """ • 1 "d . Ill .:..i.. pauen w1u 1ve, u ,,.JI":• .• IJ1le new ywe s w mcam; lhe dough hold , ,,; their home in Burbank. -~me out· ~ · , ha. ~r• ~ the fly-in-~ You K. NOW moot bit wlth 'doct«' Md"~ dbing a b~ ol' cbicanery, >,fl;_. YOUR CHILD fuo and loU ol'"i.ughs. ;;i: WILL LEARN TO SWIM AT BLUE BUOY MRS. STEVEN ALLEN LUHR S Recites Pledges . Special guests attending four years ·with the U.S. Navy. nei:t year during the spring. Future Bride were her grandparents. Mr .---------------------'---------------~-----! and Mrs. N e 11 Karstetter of Flagstaff a.nd the bridegroom's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow <;arver ~· ".MMD RIWAlr' Alt<r the, uo.t, u.. • . at. the MQa,, ,one cunea up .' Ytllow S.f>marfne ..Ulch i.a a groUp of real-life ~ who are fll'eSell\ed -in · anli!t-Astra Alwin to Marry In Summer Ceremony of Watsonville. The bride', a graduate or Newport Harbor High School, allended Woodbury College where she affiliated with Alpha X1 Delta. Her husband, Astra Alwin of Costa Mesa will become the bride ot Barry Berton of Whittier on July 12. Miss Alwin is the daughter of the late Mrs. Almeda Alwin wbO resided in Costa Mesa and George A1win of Seal Buch. Her fia nce is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Jack Beoton pl. lYf.t. Shitsta and formerly ()[ Ne:wpcirt Beach. · 'lbe surnmet bride-to-be was graduated from Corona del Mar High School and Orange Cout College. She received her BA in sociology from Calilornia State 'College at Fullerton and a t t e n d e d Calllomia State College at Long Beach for gra~uare work and an elemenlary education teaching credential. She is af· flliated wilh AJpha Gamma Sigma, Alpha Kappa Delta and Kappa Delta Pl, h o n o r socielies . . The bride-elect will student teach in the fall. The future bridegroom is an . ASTRA ALWIN Betrothed alum'hus o{ Newport Harbor High School and OCC where he majored in drafting. an .alumnus or Laguna Beach High School, is serving with the U.S. Air Force at Mather Air Force Base. News Told By Parents The engagement of Barbara Burgett and Ken Feller has been announced by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burgett of Costa Mesa, parents of the bride- elect. Miss Burgett is a graduate of Estancia High School. Her fiance, son of Mr. aod ~1rs. Norman Feller o f Anchorage, a ttended Anchorage schools. He presently is serving in the Na vy aboard the USS ~1arysville stationed at Long Beach •. The coople v.·i\I ei:change their wedding vo'>''S in Las Vega s on \Vcdnesday, June 25. HOW TO MAKE A GRAD GLAD Stewa-rdess -- Completing the United Ait Lines stewardess tr a i n i n g is Linda Louise Smith, daugh- ter o! Mrs. Louise Smith of Costa Mesa. Miss Smith, a graduate of Costa Mesa High School a n d Orange C~st College, Is based out of Chicago. Art on Easel s The annual~ of arts and crafts produced b y members of the UCI Town and Gown art interest group will take place nei:t Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. in the Newport Beach home ol Mrs. Robert MalinoU. . Dessert and •coffee will be •rved. ' THE VERY LATEST TIME WhatS new in 14 karat gold wC\tches 1 Glycine's new Slipthru mesh bra"celet, Works just like a belt. Wear it as tightly or loosel y as you like., $165. each. [11l1<11od 10 ~ 6'11 ... SLAVICK'S Jew8'efs Since t917 18 Falhion Island Newport Beac.h -&4"4-1380 VM (Mrvol "<<°""I 'w•lco<Pol -knlr.Alnetktrl. M1•1tr CNlrtt. -o,.. ,......,, """"' ..... ,,,, , ..... LEAR'N TO SWIM AT YOUR O~GE COAST YMCA 6,4 2 -999 0 , . This.week, all26 Gloria Marshall loeaticms in Califoriiia. are offering Yz price on / yonr choice of any of the f ollowing in s pot reducing ... Hll'S-WAIST- THIGHS-or Ul'l'ER. AllMS ••• when used in con j unction with any Gloria Marshall program. LOSE 10 INCHIS WITHIN TRE FIRST 10 VISllS TO ••• Based on our actual records, •• our average Patron loses 10 jnches within the first 10 visits from bipe, waist, thighs, tummy and arms. GLORLUdARSHAU. ~yr. !OI'cll us !be dteol &ize you want to wear, and we'll tell you haw manyvi&- lla it will take and gaaantee in ,.,;~ ing lliat you will reach your,gool In tac~ so absolulelypooi.tive are we that you will obtain you~ objeclive, that•• at:ated. in cm gammteet we will even Jef you lliive F.RBE OF CHARGE, ANY: AND .All, FURTHER VIS- ITS, mlil you :reach your goal. lt'• pooi.tive asan:anoe !hat we backup ow: gual8Dlee l!IO')i.. why is GLORIA MARSHALL No. 1 Gloria Matsball's didn't "jost happenn to berome the world's.leading Figure Control System.,. quiclr, safe results made it that way. At Gloria. Maxshall"s you'll lose :mOre inches and pounds for Jess money than through any olher' Progtam, anywhere. ' Call now for a free sample visit, where you a ctually use the special ,machines f or.reducing and electronic Facial Con· touring. N o charge ••• no obligation.. don on ~"°"""':I' called The Beatles. . "' • ~ b"l~ividua_ls .· • ;, ~ portray happy. pea<»lorfjJg persons who ~ .Involved . in· a . ' tale when> good: trluinpbs ,- eVil (in · oploiooi).:1· good life~. pea(,. love prev;i1;."~""b cl · ... • a Gener1.I audience mot1on ~ic­ ture at the Mesa. Down Lido-Way James ·Sj<w- art and Dean Marlin , \op ·Ille b!Ding in a goodly hunk ot ... st- ei'n film footage. Each .beads for Te.w fuUowing the Cl\'11 War, one on the northern 1i<Se the other a Confederate. Forgetting tht ftCelll war;the two become united In a common batle aga~ men who are en- forcing locaJ Ja'trs! Bank beUls. hangings and shoot-Oats are ell· . maxed with .a ~ badman · dwe. lncid<ntaUy, let us J101 overlook the femme fatl.Je·, of this Pana.vision/Color revelation of excitement, one R a q u· e I Welch. The ~lie ol' the wholt entertaining a.Hair ia Budo- lero! Showing aloogside the tilg, wide saeen at the-Lido With Bandolero is Bllllln. That'a lhe name of a Pol'.ife detectlvt in San Francisco, played by· Sieve McQlleen, He really does , gel involved. in a gang-venus-cilrne hearing situation. Tbere'I' plen- ty of action in Ballltt. MEsA MATINEES get. the Jump cill'the.-reel ol' the'ii'vle 9Chedules. When a new itvM hits the deck at the Mesa;, tba nnt time it ts shown Is It • mid·aftemoon, mid·week formence. Ge( the habit, wilh hundreds ol other area film lam. start promp\ly at ont • , with free refttslunu?ts. * • FREE PASSES to the tf"' '"°'the'Lldo will be mailed tOdo:I IA> E. ,a; .Kelly, Z2SO ChOnnel r.VaerW"ri..r;.,,._.-.r~ . Rd., Batboa , J. M. Ferrisof\ NEWPORT llACH-430 Pacific c:o...t Hlthwoy-'4Z-l'30 lllt Via Lido,•Lldo !sit, J. I. 12: l lod• E ••t of 1.n,00 1 • ., Clwt.) P*~>n. 230 Dr1ftwood ~' SANTA ANA-1140 Wnt 17tfl 5tre«-54J·M57 ~ dd Mar, and Htlltf Al -lll'l9"Thurin, Cosla !fa" w.. .., ... I•: ....... "'.~ Hffte:c .... c ......... DMwy, ., ....... 1 ............. ...,,,, M.m ." .. ,..,..,, 0. ( ~ ~ .. ,......_ s.. DMt•. s ..... .._.., s..t~. ,....., ,.,,..., w.m..._, wwm.r •.• AIN: """' s-J-. We alncttely hope that .rout •liiili,.-l!l·l••.·-.. ·~ .. ··.·.·•.· ..... ·."' .. w .. ••"'11!11"""" .. 1·1.........., ................... "1'1c1,~i1"'1'1'1"1'1'1~1't1''1•1M~ .. l~l.l"IMltl'·1c.1'1'1"1·11j~:!~ ~lov .. ,..m ol' p 111re •Pttb'""' elJor • ,111" ~-----'~--------------------~-~-----~...-·lllmatlhtLidoorihe"Me!L '\ '·' " • • I ' I I I • I < • ' • ... . ~ . . ... . ._ ..... . . \ ..... . . .. .. . ' .... • ' J. llAll v I'll.OT 7."',. I .. ~ ., .. ~ .... ·.: . . I • . . »~·~· ............. , mp .... . . ~· . . / ' Newport Becich Ebe/ls · All Seo~ns· • UC/ Athletics Wear the Pants --- Gavel, Honors Given . Tab~eclo,t'h 'Mrs. Clayton 'fliOnliS stUctenl!0 Mrs. Janlee Holt and-A-vailable Club-'Boots'~ Rroceeds I ~ c/pu,,a, ~r I ii l ~ ·:-:; '· NR ·ZJJ'IO . Party pajamas arriv e on the scene. These are from Blkl of Milan. 'Ibey are extraordinarily flattering, even for thole who awear they will never wear pants. • The pants are cut low, fit beautifully over the hips and then become very full. The top, also fllll, bu long narrow sleeves closed with zippers at the · wrist -another zipper is at the back neck. Make · the bra top of the same fabric to complete the cos- tume. turned ov~r the leaders}\jC o! ,Mrs. Grace Thompson from Two easy-care favorite1 - Newport Beach Ebell Clu to Orange Coast College, and terrycloth and v1""1 -team ]tin. Warren P"ll: durlne an . ..~ The Mes11. Commons _dlning room overlooldog Ute campus of UC I hM been reserved !or the Big I l>oootemtes' buuet l.natallaUon c e r e m o n y con· 1100 lo Mb1 Spue; Henderson up Jn an all«culon revenl- ducted by Mrs. Dale Mowry, to further musical sludies at hie tablecloth. second vice presldept, Orange the same school. Dlslrict, Cali!ornla Federation Miss Angela Tosti from o( WOmen'a Club. Corona de! Mar High School Prior to the ceremony, Mrs . and -Miss Patricia Paine af Thompson named sctlolarship ·Newport Harbor High School winners from Orange Coast each wan $125. · College. Corona de! Mar, and Applause for two years of Newpart Harbor hlih schools service as chairmen was given and named outstanding to the Mmes. Thomas chafrmen for the past year. Beckwith , publicity; P .' J Scbolanhlps, presented by Wilson, reservations; Archie ~frs. Norman Wal5on, irt-Brown , amenities, and Neil eluded $200 each to nursing Williams, e~blems and seals. The rough side ls for card luncheon and faShion s h 0 w playlng. patio, picnics and next Thursdiiy. beach. The slick printed alde Arranging the affair Dre is ror infonnal meals or Mrs. Frederlck Barrui and chlldren's parlies. It I s Mrs. Br.onko "'Milich, c o. available in many colon and chairmen. Also scheduled is sizes, including round with a an auction o( potpourri items tipper and umbrella hale. with Dean .Robert S. Lawrence N!w officers were presented presiding as auctioneer. · wilh May baskets filled with . Proceeds will be presented apple bJOSS(lms and topped by to the alhletic department for birds. student awards. CANNED .POP MA YFRESH REG. or LOW CALORIE 12-0Z. CANS ASSORTED FLAVORS • for During the noon event Mi's. Robert Moore, f 11 bi 0 n coordlnalol, will offer IWnJ!ler cuuala for beach and crul&e wear. Serving as models wlll be Mlaa· Bue Ceat)l!ll' and the Mmes. WWlam Krumpholi, George LellCh, Blll Leach and Mel rarmer. A11isting as host.e85el will be the Mmes. Ed Newland, William Harrison, J a m e s Woodbury and H 1.r I ow Richardson. White and shocking · pink flowers will enhance the room and.tabla. TbeJ .... dollp- e<I Onder the dlreclloo of Mn. Nathan Eaioa, chalnnan ud Mn. Sidney Shannon. Helplnc at the prlU table "111 be Mn. Al Irwin, Mn. Chuck FonUut and Mrs. Fred Hewitt, pro- gram chalnnan. •. • . Ticketa may be puschued r from Mrs. Milich et t«-tM. Mrs. Richard ForMy, pJ'tll. dent, now is aetUng up com- mittffs far ad!lltional fund- raislng events, a dinner danc1 and a women's golf tdura&· ment. Cboooe from these fabrics: silk jeney, laWn,. soft cottons, or one of the.man made fabrics. NA· 2040 is cut in Misses sizes 11-16. Size 12 requires ap- l""'mnately 4% yanls of 45" fabric for 3 piece pe- iamas. To order pattern NA-2040; stall size, Include name, address. and zip code. Send $1.75 postpaid to SPADEA. Box N. Depl CX·l5, Milford, N. J. OIMB. Tel.: 2111-995-2201. · Tbla pNH:UI, pre-perforated Spadea Designer Pattern comes in ready-to-wear sizes that produce a better flt and are easier to make. Order normal rtrld.y·to--wear size and allow one week for delivery. LL CASE Of 24 ... ----··-·-····-S 1.69 LARGE EGGS Convention at UCI Nutritionists Talk Shop Five hundred nutrttlomts from Southern California and AriJOM will be on hand next P'ridly to hear eight natlona11y known speaken fit the fi eld af human nutrttian address a ...,_.,,, on th< UCI' cam· pus. Tbe conlab, ertitled Nulri· tioa EducaUon Updated, is c~ Insurance Club Natiooal Insurance Women of Orange County will gather for a general assembly next Wednesday at 7 p.~ in the Tally Ho, Orange. · Pilnl lor th< year will be dilcuased and bylaw changes In the handbook wlll be con- 1ldered. sponsored bt·Sunktst Growers, Inc. and Florida Cltrus Com· million. working wlUl the Uolvmlty of c.Iilornla Ex· tension Service. Iu purpose Ls to pasa atona ntW infonnatiop rel&Ung lo revised measurements of food values, people's changin& food needs, meal P.lanning and establishing th< public's eating habits. Subjects lo be covered in· elude New Approach to Obesi· ty and Exercise; Nutritional Statistics; Amwers to What J\lotivates Individuals in Their Choice of Food; Latest ln- fonnat ion Relating Coronary Problems and Diet; Views About Diet and M e n t a I Development and A New Look al What's in Foods Beside Calories. If the Lad's a Grad ... • he d•serves a - SCHWINN \ FOlt-SUMMElt. FUN THE YEAR AROUND GET THE llKE THAT COVERS GROUND! J • STING RAYS . • RACERS •TANDEMS • CUSlOM ACCESSORIES • DOMESTIC & IMPORTED BIKES • • P.S. Wt h1v1 girls mod1l1 toot ' i c ( r • , ' 421E.17th ·St. ··Costa Mesa ~·-Tuotln I Irvin• Avo1.I PALMOLIVE LIQUID KING SIZE DETERGENT --------- JUMBO SCOTT i,, TOWELS · SCOTT ..IUM90.ROU.------ VAN CAMPS PORK&BEANS >I0.2l'i ON--------- JELLO GELATIN 3-0Z. PKQ. ----"---\ 411!!1• DoillY Spteitits f ICE CREAM ARDEN flAVQt FRESH (;., TERING QUALITY HAil G.4.tlON -- AIDEI COTIACE CHWE CRfAMID OUMT.5U .. 1'1Nt 29 \ s for c C l ' \ COUNTRY PRIDE GRADE AA DOZ._ MAYFIHH MAYJIUH MATFIUH c LARGE 37< IXrtALAllGE 3"" MEDIUM 33 CiU.oEAADOL GUDIAADOL '7-GRADEAADOL C ma__yfair f r.ozt.fl. F.oo4 ORANGE 'JUICE LIBBY 6-0L CANS HOFFMAN'S FUU V COOKED SMOKED / 1HAMS SWEET CORN ma__yfair Liq0ars ZAROFSKY VODKA or BERWICKS GIN 10 PIOOf. YOUR CHOICI. FlfTll HUSKS ON FOR BARBEOJEING • ADVllTUID PllCU GOOD TlllU JUNE 4 ~ ' MAYFAIR MARKET':"" 175 EAST 17TH ST., COSTA MESA . 2030 W. l at St., S•nta Ana 989'2 W1stmin1t1r, G1td1n GrOY9 ' -• • , • .. ! ! <>; ... "' ... Pi, ! "" " • Ill (ft !Ill "" Ill II •;JO II ... Ill -.. , .. .. Cit • • ,,. .. •• a ,. OM Ill o" !I 9 m Ill 1'·~ N4 •• ""' ·~ ... • u .. • ... • plo "' ... .. "' ... I! •• • II a "' •• "" .. ... • .. • . .. s • • • • .,.. "' .. .. ~ To .. .. ,, ft • .. w " I m Q I - I --.... • ""' ' I • ~-~-------·--------·---·-------,,---~------n-- 7:tl.G ICll bmiq """ (C) <~l Wb Cro11kit1. • . D MOVIE FOUR pre .. nls * A Comedy of Comedies Rock Hudeon. DOri1 Day and Tony Randlll in SEND ME NO FlOWEftS ·-(C)..,... .... _ d fcomtdrl ''4-Rodli H~, Doris DtJ, Tony Rf11hlt, O ·COLOR SPECIALI CAMPUS * CRUSADE-A now kind of Revolution! Pat Boont. Bobby VH, Peter lo Poul 1.!.W11 1 ... ~ .. ': Stoo~r (of ,.._., h ul & Mary), BoMIJ Ytl .... """ "" fo!tl ,.,. foml Jill I ,,opaa fillllii en the UCLA ut1111Ut u .-rt of Hit Carn- --. PllJ CrlJlldl.,lor citrl:lt CMM!il .. ttart 1 111W ~ ti rMIUtiOll. · ... rr--"""<"'1 ~----~ r----.,,..~,,.,ly.;., Cli!i~~ ~· S~~ull ITSll/iMERf HIM: 'iOU ~;m:iueKTOF ·---· I oOl/T EV'EN OlllN A 006.' 1lOO 1HEI"~ EIITTRIH6 A 006 SlOW? @ HAVIHGA D06S¥JW. p . . •1H1oo m111 -(C) PERKIN,S By Joh Mn i!ii> .,,.,,.YI"° r. ~.-Sloriff • r-;;;~;;;;;;-;-=::-;:7"------------------;__::.!._:::::"::...::::::::•:.s~ GR• lilb I "*'* anl frlfllU ~~=. ~ iH. Jtrl'lll ow ftr the cricM. (I) Ill NU ......, (C) (OI) "D·Dq + 25 'ft)n." A ntMNctM ... ot tile "°'1MMJ inmltn 1tter ZS y......._ c.,,.111, Pat C11sictJ tM . M""" Taylor, 111rttroopt11 "" ott11r "1Mwrt a1111111t11t 011 tttloe by th• 82nll ''"' 101Jt Alrkn'I• -Diyllions. th•· fl,. to 1.M on ~· fr.ncfl CONt it the Mrly 1101111 .. Ju111 &, 1M4. rll Cll --(2 ••> a rn "' -(C) <30! ., ....... -(30) 111--(21«) JUDGE PARKER By Harold L.. Doux . - SUMMER FOCUS -Tliese Arab refugee womim. some of whom have spent 21 years in -camps, r~ resent part of the vast and· complex troubles pre- venting peace in the middle-East. ABC News will look at the Arab-Israeli conflict tonight at 1:30 on Channel 7, with Frank Reynolds narrating. TELEVISION VIEWS Game Shows Reviewed By CYl<ITHIA LPWRY · ,, • ' • ~TAV AWHILE, ~!COME HAVE A ume s.lEt:lv _.,..__ WITM ME ! l W.\S ·WOlllEO J.IOUT l<ATMEJtlNE! trK>Ui\,._U. SHE:'tl' LEA'n ME wore 0« PHONE . SHETlllO 1 "' ........... aur THE LIME Wl\S I.II.SY ! NEW YORK (AP) -A good game ·~· by Ralph And rews' standards, is one that gives the television audience a. sense of participation and one that make-s each viewer do some thinking. 1:••9!IJI-(C) (IOI .,.., Nl"jtil: llidlft. ... " f11\1ticll ""-(Jiff CoNy) •!Id his rlOl!ol· ious !MM ol Miauri lrHbooltn '1-.t lttlbbont rulstanc. from 0.P· aty F~ HltP• wh1t1 ttlfJ bit Dode• City. (RJ ..... _(JO) D !Ill rn m m111m " •. -Heil itlt (C) {60) first ill I •lia of 11111111111' documtfttllJ Sfllilll. thls OM ii titled ''WI/ if! $1 lllidmt?'' Tht PfOIJ'ffl Wm· pin flit tensioM ill' ht 1xplosiv1 rflftn of tht WOl1d, inchMlinf th1 prtllUfll "' m1111-. tht inwl'tl· mll'lt of lhl S111WPO•• •Ml the ~11111 111tiou! ti1trtds 1t11t rtr1l· lt'.31 G ~ .,-.. ... ....-(Wist· 1'111. •• •n) '57 -MtlioriJ Qu it11, Litt B-S ..... : {C) .,._. 11i Mi!111. • llCti Wlhr" {tctvmtun) '54 -nt. -(C) (30) BHI Richlrd Wii1111r\, CamlnHI Mitch111. _, JohM . .,,_.._(JO) ml'nlll •Cr 11 nnut (C) (30) ...... -(IO) g 1 ... :stiMT <30) ""Eltctr• Sctn-11:ee B DB e e Cl .... Ct) 11lq Mm.ao,..~ Dr. Ridllril 8Mnll .._. ,,_. 1111 pata •• tllt'lln• -U.. a. - the -hr I •lcrllcilM lllllllCt· UI' '"" •tt•'N~.Sli ... 11141"'9· tol ...... tflt UM el ltlt IMtntrllllll iA Mt chlcA Nlliltlcs cMcb ........ lllllllicll flthl. ·-(30) ·-: --·· (T11JN) 'SI -a.1 C.111t, Mttll EftllilfJ. ml CD ID Cll 41 Cll -fCl TUMBLEWEEDS O.K.!-M HAP IT! iilJ.. NIGHT l'VE WAITED FER YOU TO JUMP OJER HERE, AN YOO WON'T 9UDeE! •.• . IF 'ltXJ ~~YER l'O~ OVER HERE RIGHT~ YOO AN' ME ARE "lllROO&H ! FINISH El'!. WASHEP UPI! By Tom K. Rylln By Al Snilrh · ;:-.!.-;;.:AiM:lre~;. ·a ·vele;;n~·~f'lhe teieVisiOn 4 wars, 11 an expert. He has produced several of J&me shows. includ ing NBC's "You Don't Say," which has been a daytime feature for seven years and still is g~ ing strong, plus a number that had their moments and then passed on. He also produces a syndicated game thow, "Liars' Club," seen in a number of cities around the country . ANDREWS SAYS that game shows fall rough- ly into two categories, although some shows com· bine elements of both . • ''There ar:e the spectator sport 'shows, in which the audience just s\ts back and watches the ac- tion," Andrews said. "They include 'Let's Make a Deal.' 'The Dating Game' and 'The -Newly Wed Game,' and are mostly for amusement. ,, "Then there are the hard game shows, in whic~ the audience plays along' with the contestants. 'Concentration' and 'Eye Guess' would fall into that category. "COMBINATIONS of. the two would include 'Password,' 'Hollywood Squares' and 'You Don 't Say.' The. audience enjoys watching the celebrities ~ and it also plays the game. aJong with them." . Not· all the memory games fall Into the partici- pation group. Andrews says that mo.st of those old, . big·mobey quiz shows. now in disrepute, were spec: ~ . tator games. The questions were so specilPized tha( few in the audience w·as able to tackle thetn- "The $64,000 Question" and "Twenty.One." -ANDREWS, who is constantly working out ideas for game shows, realizes the limitations for the producer who becomes known as a specialist. Over the years h~ has taken fl yers at other types of programs-a sbap opera which quietly di.Sa)> peared and a summer replacement series. "Mickey Finn," which was a sort of jolly gay 90's variety show. Currently-he is producing an off·beat motion picture, "The Silent Treatment." ''It keeps you stimulafed,'' he said. When lhe ''Mission: Impossible " task force re-. turns in September, it ts probable that two teem members wi ll be missing. Martin Landau, who sp~ cializes .in elaborate disguises, is engaged in a money hassle with the producers and it has been formally announced that Leonard Nimoy, Jate ·of "Star Trek" will be a regular on the show. ., TU ES D A' OAYTIME MOVIES • ltlll8 _ .... (..;....,, 'II - CotMI Wllil. htrkll •nlflll._ • 11;11 a.,... i... r• _.. tcomtdi> '37 -t• ""'"1. "lllcl:lllt'" (4rlnM) '4l~w Ktr111My, Z:ID II., ._ llJ Plrlflb• {dl'llm1) '44 -a., a.n. Huallta. Jot!• t:tt 8 ..... TIMI• (•r1ftll) '39 -Mit)tll. s,..r Tr1q, Mldllf lllOMJ. J:tl I.I '1llil ..... II Dnatrwl" (41'1•) '52--er.••. Oe• 1:31• !'I-. lJidlt' (e»l!IM)) 'J7-11il MOIPL ""'Mio... , •• (Cl --- ..... -· (-• ., (*'•) .., ___ -· .... -flomplll'IJ loplt. 1.t11r• lbcllL ..itr • ...,.. llllMr. • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS mt wm ULIOA ILYL ·NIWPOrf HACH ... ... ... .... . .. . .. . .. • . ~~~~..... .... ··---- .. ... . ' . ........... ~ I• ' IN PRESS RELEASES concerning lhe s how, the na me of Barbara Bain is missing too. Since Miss Bai n is in private life Landau's wife, there is a presumption that it Landau goes. his wife wil1, too. Dina Merrill has been signed for ll two-parter in the series so th ere is sp~ul.ation that she might take over the single woman's role.· ~-· \. \ .... _,,..... • ' ' ' ' • . I t ' , ' ' .. ·~· . ' . ' .. I l • • • • • l • • ! • i • • : • • : i • • ' • • • • • I • I• f l I I ' ...... • Ml Y '1i:OT UllGAL 1iOTICE s... p ... •A1t:•,n1 ttOTJCa TO Clt•INTO•S tUl'••IOll COllJIT Of' TM• STAT• Of' ULl•OIUUA il'Olt TMe COUNTY Of' oaA•I -.. ....A .... 111 £illN" AJOTA ADELINE DOCl(Tf:lt, ·--01 NOTICE IS HEllEIV GIVEN 111 IM > 'c....,11111" " !No ~ ...,....,. llKedtnt + :t11e1 •11 ,.._ Nw"" c .. lm1 "•Ins! tM • ~•14 4!tc:todtm .,. recrvl,... Jo r1111 .,,.m, •Wltll fM ~ry ~'L In tM office "'•• ttoe ctel"k " 111i1 •OOve 1nntltid court. "' ";. .... ,._, ""'"· Wit~ tM t'IK.IUftY l-'.-.ctiers; fo tM "'*"le~ •t 111e office I .d lier •rforntn. CAYLOR AND ltEAD, '' •Altwnwt •I L.tw, 3$11 £. l1111 Slr'91, Sulle \. 112, to.11 tMH. C•llfon'll1, wllldl Is IN " placa al bllllneu of tM \lrldffllg....t In •II "'nw11e .. "'111111119 Jo ..,. nt111 of w 111 JI 11111(:-.1, wlllllll ~ """'''" lftv !tie !-llrtt ll'Ubll(.lllM DI lhb nol!w. ~ 01ttd Mil' ''· lttf. • . Lorr•lne A. Jayp ~ l\dmlnlstr1trl• llJ ti.. E1t1!• DI Ille ·-MftlM Cl«eele~I $. ,CATLOlt A118 •UD ., t A-l'I" L.-. • •• C 111111 Slt"ftl, Sloi• UL ~. C..t1 MoNI, C11111iiftW :> Tll: OUI 6'lHnt • , A-..n ... .W.r.itlr*'1 1 ,.wbllJMd Or.,.. C.11t 0.lll' J'ilol. ~. ~, 1', ~ '· '· ... ''" ""°""'"' f LEGAL NOTICE • IRS Ruling Brmgs Land - Buy'Change LOS ANGELES -Since the internal Revenue S e r v I c e altered its ruling on prepaid interest -in effect slicing out 80 percent of the tax benefits -one unnoticed resuU has • .been a dramatic shill from end-of-year land investments to early-in-the-year land In· vestmenl!:. This is one particularly in· tere!ting result. of the con- troversial IRS ruling, as noted by Pre-Builder Land Corpor,a· tion, one of the largest in· t e r national research-based land investment firms. · ~ .. -----------E 1: p 1 a in e d President ! .~ '..mu Nicholu Ttoy of P B L C!ltt.,ICATll 0,. I UllMl:ll • ,.IC1'1T10UI MA.Me Research Corporation, t be P~iiasmg ·Forum Set ByOCC Th< Ei&htb Annual Purchas- ing Forum, to be held In Sele.nee Hall at Oranae COast College at 8 a.m. June 7, will feature two guest 1J>et!:ker1. , Paul V. F..,..11, .dii.r of Purchasing Maia$<, will keynote the fonan w i t h "Purehasfur: On the Way Up! Where Do You Fit!" and Stary Gange, special con- sultant to the Southern California Gas Co., will dtllver the closing a<fdress for the morning's program. Tb< forum is sponsored !>Y tht Purchaalng Manaaement Association of Orange County, and reservations may be made by contacting Ted R. Novis'at Beckman Instruments, 1500 N. Harbor, FuUerton. Admission is f7.50 to tbose who prt- r~!!"· - Lockheed Fights Army Cancellation ' TM llllNr•ll'* do ur111v m.l' •rt r-•••ch arm ol p • n ·1•· ,. c-.ictlll9 1 llu!lneu ot 2«11 N~·-1 .__.... re<oW ....,r BURBANK ( U P I ) " lw .......... toll• ~ Cllfflrnl•. 11nder Land: "'Ibe IRS ruJing ban-~ m1.11c1111ou1 firm ,,.,... ., .-.1ERDEEH ned prepaid interest of five Lockheed Aircraft Corp. has . , • r Kfngsi%e ·K _ey P_resent~d United CaµJornia Bank's Ofange County Airport o!Cice opening was marked by the helicopter delivery of a giant key to the new facilities. ·Robert A. Bar· ler (left), vice _president and branch admi nistrator, presents key to Donald II., . Miller (center), office manager, and Alton E. Allen, Orange County supervilor. .Your Money's Worth ! "VILtSHIHG c°'".-.NV w m11 ~•kl filed · I I th Ann • 11,... 11 -" or t111t followlftll ,..,_s, yeats -though this ruling Is . an appea o e Y s ,. w 11 o • • 111mes 111 full a/1111 'IKl.1 e1 still under a cloud since a decision to cancel Lockheed's I •foliclen<• 1rt 11 JalloWI: f ~ , o. "-H<>111n, ~in• Ar.1e•lc1n court challenge is inevitable. contract for production o { ..,_, C•'• MeH, c111JOrn11. AH56A Cheyenne heH"""ters ~ • •01111d F, ft«V1111, :J02• N-11 "However the ruling also · ..... v., - , •1~• .. c.u. M9M. c.1ifor .. i.. stated that an investor may Board Chairman Daniel L .• 1 -01tt11 Mor 16, lfH. Je " • • o. •-Hoe.., deduct one year'1 prepaid in-Houghton said in a tter to ; ii.t•., ~.::,:ii-.~=-c1111111Y: terest., plus the current year. stockboklus. 111f: week that 1 . °" "°" u, ,,.,, btf•• me. • Not1rv Under the former regulations, the •J>P.Ul 15 being made 1o ;, :::C,!' ~." :; ;:!!'::; :e:::;;~~ investors would wait until the the Armed. Servitell Board o! Here're Tips on Tipping • Ho.--1111 k11<1wn 10 m• 1o 11e me oe110fls very end of the ,year ro make -COOtract Appeals,. By SYL. VI.A PORTER 'Jo wllO$ol ftlmll ,,. wbscrl!IH lo 11\t wllhln \' ....,,....,,.n, 1nd 1dulow1ec1t• tne,. ••· ·their land investment .aild ·In the letter, Houghton also Should, you Up the cham· :: W~c'::L ~·LI shelter a portion of their in· denied that production costs )>mnald at a big city .hotel , if ~ Ml"' K-H«in' co~ through five yean of for the huge C5A transport ahe merely cleans your room :: ~i!.7-:=1!lfoni\a prepaid interest _ Lockheed is building for the each day and perfonns no ex-f" ::~<;:i:l:,. Elll'trs Under the new regulation in-Air Force will be $1.1 billion tra services for you? -N ...... 24, nn vestor who buys hi! J>r""",..Y higher than the o r i i i n a I Answer_· Yes, you sl10Uld . ), l'.tllllhM Or•nae CNSI D1!1r .. 11o1. • v ....... f: Mo'"· u, •nd June 2, t, "'' '"""' m May can prepay interest for estimate. tip,i 50 cents a day if you stay ,. eight months plus one year. The ' Army can c e I I e d Should ·you tip a wine steward ,; LEGAL NOTICE T_he later he waits, the small~r Lockheed's CQnlract to pro-.more than a few nights. f: · -----• .,,.,,-------! hll!: s~lter · U he delays his duce the Cheyenne, designed when he brings you your wine •,: c11tT1,1cAt1:·0, 1u111<1111 )and investment into the last to strengthen the Vietnam war at a restaurant? If· n. .....:,:~~'°:!. 111,~:,. tMJ in month or two of~ yefar, a! effort, on ground! of slow Answer : Yes, you should •: ,_uc11..,.. rw.1tteu ., utt Lot•n A~e.. was comina:n u er ormer development and failure to I!, c ... ,. ,,...., C•Utorn11, !INHr n.. fie-IRS reanlahons he ts then 1 1 hnl 1 bl lip: 10 to IS percent of the cost •· t•tkM 111m n•me o1 ELEcra1CAL OD-·' so ve ec ca pro ems. of the wine at the end of the •• SYSTEMS PL.t.NNING "l!:'S , .. 1fld Ill&! able to prepay interest for the "W re contesting the ;,· •• 1~ 11rm 11 t.0m1>C1..i o1 1111 to•1aYJ•:11 balance of the current year, ~ 8 • • h meal. ,.,· ,,,._, wflosi ..,,_. 111 full •t1d 0'~·~ one or two mon••·, plus the Anny s cla_un that 11 ~s a,, S dd··' I ha d. eel 4 ,1 '"ldffl<•1n 11 1o11crw1: uQ def • ~-1_ cancellation. u ..,uy, ve 1scover •" KM'lt K.. Bert•lrom, 2t1» Dr•k• A..e.: ensuing year.'' &Ul~ """'°15 "" . -in traveling around the U.S~ ... Fr.o o. McGr•-· ,.,. Or•-• A-.. .• 1 ___ .;;.-'----------f Houghton wrote. He predicted t· C••',',..,""".· ~·1~. 1~'-... , 1 .... LEGAL NOTICE it would take two years or and abroad 00 bUSinCS!I trips, :: C.:1 ..:S.: C:1::!i1."""" ..... ••' ..... 1----,..,-,.,-,-,,==----I longer 10 settle the case. lhere has been a distinct • D"'4 Mir 1, '"'· L•9AL NOTtclE "trading up" in the standards '1· k«il I(. lervJ!rom H()TtCE 15 HEllEIV GIVEN lh•I "'' on t1'nmng. USl'ng myse" as a Frid 0. Mc.G._ lolloWJ"I II-al fo\lnd or ... Wd •"'"rlV yr· u ••• wm1em G. Tr111t~r have biie11 lleld IN n.. l'once DeNrtmant U yardstick I find I'm un-~'''' o1 c1111011111, Or•l'llll ca.univ: o1"" c1"' DI cll$i. M••• '°' • "'1oi1 11. Broadway ps c. 011 M1' L '"" befor1 1111t, • Nat•" uceu ot 1111111'1' 1to1 d..-i: dertipping-more and more 't "ubllc Ill 1nd '°" sold s.111t. ••r~...,.llV lllftll w11111, 1rffll blke. trl•dr. <uo. orten : J'm Uhwittingly ig-• •-rMI kflll IC, 11-tlrorn. Fred 0. NOTICE IS FUA:TNEll GIVEN th1I H ~· McGr-. Wllllwfl G, Tt ... t9r ... _ to no owner ·-·... •nd P•Ollft 1111 Sales, Ear' nm' -g~ noril)g deserving s e r v f c e me llt bo tlll __.,, who!.e 111mes ••e _...,,lo ol IN ,,_r1y wltl!T11 w ... n k f I 1· i ,..,bKt11:11c1 "' 111e w1flll• '"'',_' '"" 1n an 1o1-1,,. r11e !Mlbl~tlon .,..1111, wor ers: rare y am over 1p-~ •<knowMttd 111ev ei<ocute'll n.. -· Noffq, 111e 11111 llll•tfe N II vest In "" ping these days, ~: !OFFICIAL SEAL} "'*'· If !Mfl be -· ... In "" Clly ol 0 L 0 s ANG EL Es •• Nikki s. Spicer Cost• ~. lft whldl CISI !tit ··-rtv Broadway Hal• Stores tnc voU-are a typiCat wife if Nol•rv l'ublic-Ctl•larnl1 111'1•11 bl oold 11 ~bile •uctlort 11 1 11me • ' · ·• "'1"'1"1 Offlc:e 1n • ..., ''"' '" ti. •M0111>1:ed. had 11 percent increases in your husband expects you to • •• ~ 0 .. 1111, Countv OATED: J...,.• 1. 1Nt. both ••!es and .-~-for the handle a lot of chores when he Mr Commlnlon E•ol"s R. E. NETH ,,... """'' .. '9" Jan. 11. nn CHIEF OF POLICE first quarter ended May 3, takes you with him on a ,.-"ubtiltlN 0•1ng1 c1111 011w '''°'' Putr11111111 Or•nte eo.11 01;r,. 1'11o1 June ~Edward W. ~--er, ~ent business trtp _ and that in· .• M1' lJ, l•, Ind Junt !, ,, 1~.r t !.>-H l, \fH l~J V6I • ... .._... <· ---,--::--::---,,.c:c-:-:::---J--~-:-:=,.,-==-_::=1 of the we6t coast.'s retail eludes much of the tipping. .. LEGAL t;OTICE LEGAL N011CE department 1tore gr _o up, But no matter what your sex, · {· --.-,-,,-,-,-,-,-,.-.-"-,-,.-,-,-,-,-,--1·-,.;;;.,;;,;;:,;,~,;;!.o;'.;';:..,.'"•"'"'''~.,c,c,c,;,--I reported. you can Use U)>"to-<iate guides. l .s.,.., tMJU 0n June n, 1 .... 11 11 ,00 o'ciou. A"' Con.'lolidated 11a1 es of So here goes: • On T~"'lde'. J.,,.. u, "" 11 it:ao 11 ti.. s.auttt M1111 1111r1nu..., wett •th' BT 0 ad way.Ha I e were First. the old guidelines for t A.Ill. "FS COll,.ORATION I I llUIY IP. Street ol 1M aid Counlv Courthollte I~ I ho Js ., •'"""" TN11tt under alld puuu1nt to IM c11Y o1 sima Aft• cin1<1Mi,. $131,316,000 compared t.o a restauran s, resort te , tax· ~ 0-ol T1us1 d1tfd Aorll ''· 19'3 ••• WE!TEllN MUTU .. L CORP.OllATION ~ r-~ated lllB,2fll.OOO tor the is, etc. -tip 1& percent of the ~ f:CutM bl' OCCIOENTAL LOAN COM· C1lllo"'l1 C.."°'l!l'l'!I, IS lfltl~. 11nd.r ~ ., " "ANV. • _,,,,..llDll 1nd rocor11M Ao•ll lhe ~ o1 mi.1 m-bJ o H s1Ms same period last ye a r. bill -has been firmly upped t • 2•. 1to 11 1ns1r. No. l36ll 111 book '"' ANO CAROL: 1.. SIMS, 1111 • w1ft '"" ...... R.-1:.t~•·.. ea....u..a. before to 1>20 percent of the total ! •lft •fl ol Officl1I Re¢0,.ls In ff>e office retorded Sfttl. 1, tt'7, 111 !<IOk u.o, l'•te VUll;:IO.IUU0""-1 11iu1D"' or""' eoun" RKG•o ... o1 or1noe Coun!f, ns. o1 01tld11 111eon11 o1 °''"9<1! COllfttv mmily interest ot the and if you want to be known • C1tltornll, WILi. SELi. At "Ull.IC AUC· C1Hfornl1 •lv111 111 t«Vrl a11 lnOeOIM""; hik ,. I ' TION TO HIGHEST llDOER FOR CASH lft 11¥<1• ol WILLll.M K STIN E AND Emporium capweU Co. for the as generou.s e your Ip rom .• (lll'lblt II II-ol Mle In ......... _, .,NITA c. STINE. IM.rwtnit Ind wlft IS first quarter e q u • 1 e d ther,, i of tt.. Unl!lcl 5111ftl •I 1111 Slllllh U•orill loin! leN1nt1 11<1w owllfd •nd held by ~•na ol ""<1111 Counl'I' COllrlllollte, In EOW .. RO "· GALIPO ANO ELIZABETH $2.8241000· The old rule for porters ear- l. -Cll'I' ol l•nll ....... C1llfarnl1 Ill right, L. GALIPO, Ncil I I lo Ml IHl<llYlded -\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;\" l tltr.. •nd lnll•"I conveyed lo 11\d n<IW hl lf lnle•nt bf re1so11 "' lht ~e•th ot[ "'' held by 11 llndtr u lO Oeed of trust hi lh• url1l11 obll••llori1 te<:.iretl therttiy nollce 'I ••-1'1 •llulfetl, in il ld CCMlnlv •nd of wllleh w11 ••«>•dfd Feb. II, i'6t, In Iii>~ SI•!• ... K•I~ • ., look un, "II•• ft), of ••Id Olticl1I ,, Lot 31 ol Tr1ct No. "'601 In n..t Cllv ol Rt-cts, will 5111 11 •ubl!c I UC!ioll to !ht * SALES TRAINING * ~ Cotti Mesi, CCM1nll' of O<l~t. 51t!e ot hlvhest bldd•• tor Ciiio, Nl'lble In llwtul "· C1tltornl• .•• Por IMO ·~r6"1 111 llook money OI "" U11!1H Sl1ln •I ll'te lime ol PROfUllONAL TUININ• IN SALISMANSH I, UO P'19e1 31 Ind :JI ol Ml1ttll•n1<1111 wle. wlll>wt w1rr1nl>" IS "' tlllt " M111, 111 '"' Clfllce ol "'' CCMH>l'i' OOUM~ilift or fft<Umbr1nces. Ille !nlertsi ; ~ewrOer Ill u ld COii""'· '""""''rel IO 11\d now llelcl bf Mid Tr,,.i.e •' ~Ill 111e wm be m1<tt, tiut wltl'l<l<.lt Ullder.nltl Ott11 o1 Trv11, ~ aNI kl tht -. t:O\'lftlnl or w...r1nlf. t•P~s •• l1T11Ufd, klt!owollf llfl<rlbl!d property. to.wit; f• '"'1'1111111 !Ille, ll<mftSloft. or e<t• I.al S In llO<k 13 o1 N•W11<1rl BtlCh IS .J cumbr1nus, to NV !ht •tme!nln1 ,.,1,,_ Ill!• m•o rtCDrdfd In ICl<lk l P1ve ll cl "'• ~Iott 1um of Ille. note 11euret1 bv 11ld Mlsc•llltlffUI M1os, records o1 H id ~ DI Tnr1t, wolll lntertsl 11 !n ~·id tounho. ~' net!• ''°"'I-. •d~11>1:ies, II 1nv, Ufldel' l~t '"' 1111 •U'll<I., <11 PIYlnt obHtilions ,,,..,. .. 11lcl Detd ol Trust."'-'•™"'"" '«Urfd b,. wlcl OetHI l11Ci..dl"9 'l'!'tS J •nd t_t, DI Ille tr1Klet 1!111 o1 "" <1>1rt~ Incl lt~IM!-of !tit trutlH 1..,j ~it ,.,,.,, crn!M bf w it Deeo of Tr1111. of wit. '.,•1 tM befteofld1ry ~ llkl Of'fd ot °"'"'' Mil' 17. "" ,....,.,, bf '''""" ol 1 IH"•ldt or ~1ull 111 WE5TEllN M U T U A L co.•· •,.the oblt•alf<lns HCU•ed llltteb,, POllAtlOH. IW~e U«Vted 1nd 41111,..rld f<I Ille Tt111!t't ? u!lllonlor.ell • wrl,_.. ~llr1tlon of IY Floy V1nV11k...-., " e Motltt11 S1l11 Tecli,.iq1111 • S1le1 P1y~holo0Jv e Effecti .. • C<11111111111ic•lio111 Mr.' Al• hlw-. 1.,lstrdH DltHtor Cell for l11for111otlon I Fro• Aptit11d1 T11I SA.LIS TlAIMIM• O' SOUTHllN CALIH>lHIA 1•ll "· ~ .. 17ttr, 1.1,. 206 .__ 835-2351 • , Def..ill •"" Oen\lnd·'fctr Sile, ind W•lll.., VIC.l'l'ft~"' I ' 1 f notleoo of bre1tll Ind of eltctron Ill uuu 4Ult .,.._.;... __________________ ., ~ . "" .....,...llMll "' Mtll Mid 1r011ertr kl l"ubllll\H Or1f191 COISI 011\f "llol ~ tetllllv Mid obllt1llor>1, Md ltler .. ller. °" MtY \9, l• •nll JUftt 1. lfft ' Fet.r111rv •· '"'· ""' """'rsi'""' <•11~0"~---;-::;;'°':--::::==~c',..:.::' • • .... llll'o(I .. bre1ch Ind ol 1lttllo!i "'~I .. LEGAL NOTICE ~ ,_..,. Ill lltook IM7 11•1 •U. "1 1110 ;,. • ~~:::. ~-::·~t Ifft "·Ml ,. I' rt S cn111 ,.01tAflO"' CE•Tll'ICAt• 01' I USINllS o. 11 ..... Tr....._, fl\clltllw "'"" "°"" ! IY T. o. Son.Ice C-lftY ... !flt ... .,.....1 • ...., • ne ... etrllf'r lh•I ... •I .-,.~I ""'Y t tt ~!.. I lltM IU.POr1 J1""' A lec:klll'Olll 1"M1nuf1dur1rt, 11\d lllffly bvll-11 'IS l . Viet "•nldenl W. El•hllt ttra1, ("" f1f Santi .,11 •• 4ntt Cw""' o1 °"'"'"· 1i.i. of c11111m11: ~ "lllllllllMI OrMN Cont 0.11, •1!<11 Under ~ lidlllctu• firm Mnll or lle$ltn•· Mlrf ''· U Ind J-1, 1Kt '"~' Hein w~lcll -· not •llew "'-""' ,,.,,.,. r, °' n1mu ol Ille POIW!ll lnltrtUH lit self • LEGAL NOTICE b\!slfteU, to-wit· DENEtGE E'5V.ON t.t CHlllSTMAS Ll(;HT SUl'POltT Co '"" !t MOTi<• "TO c•aotTf"I! Illa! 11111 liNll II ~ al Ille ~lloof. ._ '""•Al.,. COU•T 0'" TH~ 1"" otr-s. wllOH "-•1111 Mdrauot • • nan 0" e.&UflOtt#IA ,01: ••• •s totio.s: •1 '"' COt.lfllt'f' 09' DatNGI .. Rober!~Ltwl1 S.nont. 11UU F1lcon i .... A""91 ve .• _[~11111 V•lle~, C•llfot11le, t I la9te ., CltF'°ltD c:. '"4Ull!lt. ~a~ ,:;,,w:.e:, .... '!' t=.~lr•lt_._ Atlcl. S 0.-.. WT S .,..,..,.n, •. j< i NOTICi tS HEAE9Y GIVEN t~ the ,,,.,.. ~~ S °"'' hi"'" tMt flll 4ilf <If J ~ fll .... a-.V. M!"llld dl!C"denl R*r1 1.ewts s.._. ( • ""9t 111 ,..,_ ~ da ......... lftU Ille Monllf rtedudo •1' MW ~ W. ~ II fl'-Ille"', STATE OF CALIFORNIA l J ....... .__.,., ~ Jlt .. llflu. COUNTY Ort Oil.ANGIE I .SS ·• _, tl'll dWI: .. fP'I ~ fflftMM Ol!olfl. ~r Oil tl>ll tltt OOY II Mil' A D Ifft CI '9 ..._,, "*"-... .. ___.,., bofw9 IM !hf' Unftnltl~ •• ~ ' 1o I ....,.,._ te "'9 .,,.,....lfl'lfl 91 -J1flf ''*le lft .... tor MIO c-W lld l! 11ry ! '""'' "'""" .... di. C1.........,. fMtl, tttkl"'9 11\erelto duty atonmlnre,.ed 1 ,!i f wllldl II "" •ll<e /If ........ ill ffoo -"· PltrOOMl!y 1_,IH fl:obe<I L 1 I pt llMll"lllMll Ill Ill Mlltll'I ........ 1'9 kssone lftCI M111I" Fellvcl1 kl\C!Wll te"' 1 • , fllt _.,.,. ttl ... Jjjl ~. ... Mr ... be Ille atPIOnl """°" ll1f • "'*"""' t'/lllf h fltA .... t ... it# lllit MllulbN kl 1111 Wllllln 11111,;':: :~ •, flll'Q. , -0-lecltlcl "' me !nil ''"" 011eGit10 • 0111111 Maf 1J 1MJ. fl'lll nnw, -._ l.f HUltWtfi ~ • ..... WITNESI trlr "'""""' ttllci1I Mal :~ Ir: M"'1Ylw! tNlllA fOfFICl .. L SEALI ·1 It.._. l. ...-...C. • 1'1'111 A"""llftt. Jr, ' o I~ .. fM WN Nolin' 'vttllc.<1ll10rftlt ., ""' *" ,...,.. ~ "''"'"-• Olll(t .. j tlVAWJTI, ...... fl & a&MIC ' °''"" Coun!f • «II ......... Mr COlllllllitlon IE...,., •J __,... 9-tll. c.... '-'••d'I u, 1m I TILi ("9 ..... It .... L, ........ ArlJ'. .__.. tw ......... -••.J W. l:ltf'llllo SI. • • ~ °""*' G-' °'' ,,l .... "::to\llt,. C.lt. Cj Mn It, ll. W ,,_ t. ,, 1Hf ,,. "°'" °''"'' eo.\I "•llf 'Uol, i "'"-=-""" "' .. .,.. ~ 2 ••• !t it ,,.... .. J. WALTER THOMPSON we're not . But then maybe you're not IBM. Maybe you're just· a growing company who appreciates the-velue of advertising, end you could use a consultant. ThS.t'1 where we come In. We give long, olncera thought. to your marketing problems. and we come up With and produce etlenlion·gotting o<Wllrtlalng and publicity. Le!',._ialk about how It can work for your company. 011!: (714) 042·7980 • rying your luggage has also been upped from ~S cents per bag to a minimum of 35 cehts. And frequenijy 50 cents is the minimum if you want to avoid a reputation for being stingy. And the old minimum tip for taxi drivers in big cities ha s been bumped up from 15-20 cents to 25 cents or 25 percent of a $1 fare. Now \o the basic pides oo who to tip and how mUch : The hotel.doorman· Tip him 50 ~ots when you~ve, if he carries your baggage to ·the reJistration desk, $1 if you have three or more bags. Give him· %5 cents each time be finds you-a tax1 -but give him no more than a "thank you" if he does no more than wave forward a cp.b waiting in line in front of the hole!. ·also Is toward personal distribution of the mo~ey to i make sure the chambennaid.[ doorman, waiter or ·others who have. served you actually g~t f the tips. And the trP/l(I loo 1sj for tipping above and beyond ! these percentag~ for any eI· tra special services -·t-or Ups frequently are the sole JOUrCe of income for service person- nel in Europe and elsewhere 'abroad. · The bellhop : Tip him as you tipped the doorm.an , in- creasing your tips iI your lug- gage is especially heavy and· or cumbersome. Whenever he -- delivers anything you have ordered, give him at least· 25 cents, even if it is only a newspaper costing 10 cents. Of course, if he has paid for the item you requested, also reim· burse him. P.S.; Perhaps as you grumble and struggle ove r whether to tip 10 percent or lS percent or 20 percent or whatever, you might remember that by on• defini· lion , "TIPS" were originally intended as a means "To Insure Prompt Service." This reminder might help guide you to the right amount for the right persons ... Dana Lab Gets Honor Dana Laboratories. lnc .. Irvine. has been honored as one or the top 15 vendon of the Raytheon Corporauon•s Andover, Mass. plant. Room service: Tip 25 cents each time an item J s delivered . Qut tip 50 cents if the waiter brings ice And drink mixers and $1 if he brings a whole tray full of soda, glasses. ice and other drinking • equipment. When you have a meal sent · to your room, tip 15-2tl percenl of the check. Chambermaid : You need not tip her if you spend only a night or t1vo at a regular com- mercial hotel. but it's in· creasingly recommended that you leave her 50 cenls a day if you stay longer. Leave the money in an envelope on a table or desk the last day of your stay. Tip her $1-$2 if you have a cocktail party in your room or suite , involving a bjg cleanup job for he.r. . In a resort hotel too, tht standard minimum tip for the chambermaid is 50 cent&-per day for a sing le person. $1 a rlay for a couple, more foe special service. Travel abroad: Even if a service charge of 1>22 percent ha s alreadY been added to your hotel or restaurant bill, the trend today is toward ad- ding ano&her 10 percent to the tot.al rathel: than just leaving the sm'aU change. The trend Selected from among 800 companies, Dalia Laboratories received the Rayt he on certificate of appreciation for ils performance in product quality, delivery schedule, and cooperation with Raytheon's product excellence progran;i. During the year. Dana Laboratories delivered over SO di&ital volbneters to the. .Andover facility with only Oft minor defect being noted dur- ing 100 percent inspection of the group of instruments . U.S. Bond Sales Dip Orange County S a v t n g s Bonds chairman. Donald P. Kennedy, today disclosed that! U. S. Savings Bonds sales for the <;OOJ!tY for the fir.it four months ol. this year amourted to 13,336.183. Sales for a similar period ID this county last y e a r amounted to $3.413,«19. • •••••••••••• 1 • ~ Who Reruh ·the Stars For the Stars? • • ~ ~ • ('l ... ;fJY>e_l ,, It's Sydney Omarr And now this erticulete writer who hes been celled the "astrologer's astrologer'' reads the sters for you. Sydney Omarr, longtime personal astrologer to meny of Hollywood's ond 'ho litorory worlO's most femou s stars. ise DAILY . PILOT columnist. Omerr's record for accuracy of predic~ions based on astrolog icel ana lysi s is emezing. Whether you reed estrologicel fore casts for fun or es e .serious student of ster-gezi ng 1 you 'll enjoy Sydney Omorr's doily column in the DAILY PILOT • I' • -------~----~-~~----~-~~~~-~-~~~-~--~~~~~~------~~~~~ ' • ' .. .. .• .. • • .. ,. .. .• ' .. .. • • ' ' ' .- ' .. • < • • '. < • . :-.. • .. ' ' .. .• .. • 1 • • • ., .. :---... -· ~---·------·-··--~~----~---~ --------------~--~---:----:=---­• • • . ~ '...---..;,.. ____________________ ...;;.. ______ _,. __________________________________________ __.,. • " . . • , . ·-. • " .. • . ' ' .. " . ' " • . . • • ' . • • . ' • • . . • • . • . • ' . • • • • ; ' .. • , • . • . . . . • . • . :· .. .• ' • .. .. .. " • • • ' ' ' . • • ' ' • • -~ • . ' ' . ., ' ' " Celelarate ··.With/ Flyiing --Cetl~r~ _ __, ~ . ' -· ..... G,.. . -et -.New --- • ... -- F.1•9 . For ••• FLAG DAY~ •• - -" ' JUNE· 14th, . . NDEPERDERCCO-Ar ••• " . . JULY ·4th·'. ·' LABOR DAY . .. . SEPTEMBER,· 1st ,, .... ~ -- . -Help Yourse·lf Delp The Boys!' Clubs Fly a new flag at your home or office during this patriotic season. Here's an offer · that lets -you save money and help / . your Boys' Club,;1oo. Participating in this public service offer are the Boys' Club of the Harbor Area, Boys' Club of Huntingtpn Beach and Laguna , Beach Boys' Cl.ub. Here's how you can help them and help yourself. Just order this . . beautiful deluxe flag kit, at a fraction · of its retail value, and . get as a bonus a California state flag:..... all deliver-, . ed to your door by Boys' Club represen.tatives or mailed directly to your . home in time for holiday use . Order Now .At Any of Four Boys' Club Headquarters HARBOR AREA ( CINTRAL BRANCH I 594 Center Strel't Costa Mesa, Callf. Phone 541.9397 HARIOR AREA· IU"IR IAYI 2131 Tustin Awenu• Costa Mesa; Calif . Phont MJ-1372 HUNTINGTON BEACH IOYS' CLUB 319 Yorktown Huntln4ton leach, Calif. Phone 5U-9415 LAG.UNA BEACH IOYS' CLUI 175 North c-1 Hl9hwoy La111na ·1eoch, Callf. Phone 494-2535 Use mail order coupon below and send it directly to club headquertors neuest you. Yo~r flog kit and bonus stole fleg win be delivered or mailed directly lo your home or office . Or you' cen pick them up in p•rson It tho Boys' _Club headquarters 1n your area. ~ • Plc.k Up Your Own Flag Kit and Get This Fr.~ Gift , . .50-StAR UN111D STATU fLAG . . 39s C ....... flolSol_l.,Sfootllc U.ot.1Ulf.~_...._t1ti191Mcik· 9l *' ............ ....., c..dbollfd ..,, ....... Holiday Bonus: High Quality 12 by 18-inch C1lilorn ia'. Slate Flag • ,----~-----------. I . I I I J ust clip out thi1 mail ordar coupon and fill it out. SamJ, along with chick or monay ordar,·to the Boys' Club ha1dqu1rt9r1 n••r••t you. Maka chtcks peyabl• to ''Boys' Club." . 1'1-e ....i me .................. Ame<lcn fJot kits ot $J.95 p• kit. I ••4tntacl I wlll rK.ite •• a hollffy bo11M1,a Callf9flll• 1tet1 flot wltfl -· klt. I Nam• .......................................................................................................... . ' I Street Addr111 ..........................•........................................ -····-:····-············ I . . City .......................................................................... Zip .......................... .. I I · I I I I I .1 Ph9n•-··-·························-······-········•Enclosed is $ .•.........•..... : •.•...•.••....... -.. ··-··-··--' I Th'it •P•ti•I holid•y' off•r is • ~ublic ••rYiCt of the DAIL v' PILOT tnd ~. Boys '. I I Club1 of th• Harbor Ar••, Huntin9ton Be1ch end L..9un.t Betch. I • '-"---~---.---..------' • I ...... ---.\. ............ . . ITHIS IS ACTUAL DICAL SIDI . Free Decal While th.y l11t, tht toys' Clubs offer you thi1 1p1el1il, f,•• tlft . , • 1 d1c1I of the Americ1n A19 likt tho11 you 111 •••rywhtr• a n t 1r wind1hield1, home and olfiCe windows , ot tYtn on t~ f1mil1f bo1t., Vi1i,t the 8oy1' Oub r.11r•1t you I phone for hour• of oper1tion). Buy·• fl19 kit; get the dee.iii fr••· SuJ!iply of Jac1l1 11 Um ited. Hurry. • ' ' • ·' . ' . ' • • I I I ' " I- --• ,.·. DNl.Y PILOT • I .L Maodoy, J1111t 2, 1969 .... \ ' • For ·Top .Quality. .. .. , . .. ' . • Prices ..... ---·. .. - / .1 • . , . . ;. ·I • \. Better .Than S.ears.! i • ~-:~~-Man:~--= • 95,1 , Regular 127.95 WIDE GUARD GUARANTEE Trmd We Guarantee Gauanteed. Apln1t: All failures of lhe Ure ttaulUng from normal road haiarda or defect.. ln material or worlunan2hlp. For How L&n1 : For lire ol origin· J.J trud. -, ~ll•t Smr• Wiii Do: Rep11Jr nail puncture11 at no charge. In ca !'.C n! failure, in exchange far the tire, replace it at no charge, If failure nccun during flri1t 20 months. If Ure faila after t.hia period, replac It, charring on\)" lhe proportion <1f rurrent regular selling price plu1 Federal Exclse Tax that repreaenlll tread u$ed. Tread \YftM'·OWl Guarantee nouanteed Agaln11t: Tread ,,,:yaar• out. lo'or llow Long: 40 months. \VhAt Sea" \\'Ill Do: ln exchange for lhe lire. replllce It, rhargtng ru!Ti!nt regular Hlling price ptus Federal Excae Ta.x leu the follow· inr allo\.\·a.nce: ~~t. Trade-in Pricy· At25% OFF You Only Pay ..• C:H J: 11 .......... _ Plus !.OS F.E.'T. A.ad Yoar Old TIM ' iio<).; Stronger than 122 % Better mileage 14% Larger Footprint 1969 new-car original than.original tires than original J.ire. 1 tires _/ L.l>wo fiberglass belts virtually eliminate tire gquinn-and wiggle that wear tires out Qu.ickl1 • Tread lies flat on the road for quicker sbui.!·and stops, surer cornering and greater·1afety • PLUS-two added 'plie.! ot nylon cord'for extra stiength and wear ! Sears Sturdy Fl'berg.lass Belts Mean A Big Footprint for ~ter Mileage ·Conventional tire on'"' the righ_t ~t9'rted 'by high· speed squirm and wiggle. Tile. fj g}ass-belted, tire st8.ys flat against the road for supelli{>r safety and traction ... plu.s more. than double 'the m~e of new- car tires. ' ,. ' 1 ....... 1,.~··1 SIZ~ rriti.· ::=-~. I' .s. T. l'rice • 6.5oxt3 I 27.95 2.02 7.35x14 I 30.95 I 23.21 2.18 7.75x14 ,< 32.95 I 24.71 8.25xU , 35.95/'.I 26.96 2.44 Tubfte!M Wh.itewalW 6.50x13 I 30.95 23.21 z.oz 6.95x14 I 31.95 I 23.!!i Z.17 7.35x14 I 33.95 1. 25.4.6 I Z.18 7.7Gx14 I 35.95 I. :!J.96, I 2.36 8.25d4 I 38.95 I 211.i1 I 2.44 8.55xl4 I 41.95 I 31.46 ·I· :z.68 8.&.\dl I 44.95 I aa.11 I Z.IM 7.75xis I 35.95 I 2'.!!i I· u;o 8.15x15 I 38.95 I 29.21 I z.68 8:45xl5 I 41.95 1. 31.i& I 2.77 8.85d5 44.95 33. 1 2.90 9.00 35.96 I 9.1 5x15 1· 47-.95 !.9"4 Evrry Sean · Tire Putthue Includes: tllEI: AUatate n1' M.om11ttnr A't"&llable al S.Srt Monday alld Tues. Only! June 2 and 3 Superior Construction Means You Get More Tire for Your Dollar t""'ltU Allstattl Tin Ile~ Every l ,90I HUH @.tt!:L CORD RADlAL TIRES ••. A.Ilk JOW' Seer• l"'ire Salewfu10 About 111em The two fiWglass belts beneath the tread give you better traction and ::;tability. In addition, two nylon C'ord plies give the tire ~xceptiona.1 stcength and ~e~ ~istance to in1pact and puncture ~!llnage ... \\'luch f1l EE Check of Y eur Wheel Allrnment •tt· means longer life. ~sk About Sears~ Copvenient Credit Plans Wla~n You Buy Your 'Auto Parts, ·eave Your Car Serviced at Sean: ' ' .. '· • ' • I • I • ' . ., . ' . Get Ready for Hot, Smoggy Summer Days .•• Drive in Cool Comfort! Auto Air Conditioner ' . SA VE-'30! ·' 16 .9~;~ . 67_'1! Regular 1199.!)j • .\sk About Se&n: Convenient Credit flans • ~·o 4-Way adjustable lou· • Adj ust temperature to au-vers for draft-free a.ii cir- tomatically nlaint.Un tern-cule.tion perature you select • Chrome-plated, die-cast be:. • Pei'fect 11.ir flow f?om ad-zcl front justable 3-.!peed blower -• l\Iounts .conveniently un~er Low. l\1edium, High _ dnshboard ' Expert Installation Available Lifetime Guarantee! For As· If)ng As You Own Your Car Heavy. Daty Shock Abllorllers -SAVE $2! .Regular $7.99 • Heav,duly shock ahM>A>ers.foT amoolher ride, increased ha.ndling control • RoUgh rsint-ei'ei;I iron piston and chromed , rod de!ie~ wear better than orifin.al equip.. ment .,. . • Fatesited E18Jltometer rinr seat · prevents :-fluid"'foamint • AlUJnntUm coolinr fim Zs,.t'btfte.U..A..U.W.. ---~ ,-~-------------------------------~-~-------------, --T4'M-I00,52l~S"JO , ll-Gl:i..l911 IOHGIWKHl'l.0121 t r!COWEMl62 · . SAH\"Aff~"4.atnl --1'21 I ~ -l«MJ661 QINlll( QI a.100f, Q -U611 oaMPIC & SOI<> AH 8-6111 POMOltll Bl l-1)4$, NA 9·51 61, 'Ill W$1 ....,..;. McMcA Ex ~..S711 VN»!I PO u.i1; ... .. I I «I IOMHI! 6o2Sll, NE 14761 ttcuniooo HO -~l .,..._ 6'r/-2100 ..... ,. -1:1'7'"71 SOU1lt "°"" llAlA S4o.J333 -ll f.1"' I C0'114A MM1in1 t«Jt!'llOOO Ol a.2521 rAW11!NA NJJ 1~211, u ~211 TOl!OllNCf $42-1$11 ,_______________________ ---~--~-----~-----~~-~ . St'<l rs "Salit:factionOuaranteedorYovrMoneylklck''' ..ro---~---= Shep 6~~ "-sh Satwday 9-.30 A.Mo .. MO P.M, . ' ~~--··-----""'=="-'c.C..~---------.>.IL .._. • ----~------.._.__..~--·-·-~---~-~ •• -.-~.-..J~ "-a------~-'------·-...i.....-..&.··~~~~~J _,,,_ --· • I -1 I I PA hope! were of lb Sund fessit of tP Ro now , Smit! Tl> seve1 quarl Yug< * • D F R Ml Oavf golf, day, pock• Ro Coon 67 I<> -~iii'« 71-76 "[ said prize ment a d0< "[ it, bt my down ,. "I' ry at ting Al> He of cl wh• late ~lunt occa --mg-1 ( "I' rnont sepru Hil ed Ol 65, c , Elde1 a 12· 6,485- cour~ $;:11 .. " ,. " '" "' " ... .. Ho "" Go .. G• .. G• ,. "' ,. ... .. •• ,. "' "' W• " ,. Ill.on. ' D 0 T; NE ton • but i rem.: "[ I excej win. cred! 124 Phill "l' them ginni ,,~ ,_ fact we,.. G<> New one-t the I Th <OWll mow WI the Wal~ Suttc Bu up C in · c PhiU Cr1wf< W.011 P1r1t .. ·~ H11I.,. !illlltkl L .... "-··-.... .. ---;.· ·-----....... -~--~------~--~~-~--------·------·-·-· --·-·----·-·-·-~·· ..... : .. ·-:--:=:--~r• Morlda,)', .ninr t . l~'f •l11. y PILOI' 21 Laver's Graft, Lethal .Bllckhand Trip Smith ·-" PARIS (AP) -The laal lwo American hopes -lilan. Smllb and Clllf Richey - were 'elhi\lnated •fr9m the men'• IJnelea or the l'l'eqcb -telUlls championships Sunday, IDd the promoter-cootrolled pro- fessioolils were left almost in ~ Of the QeJd: I Rod Laver,. ~ly of Aus.lralla, and now a ~de) Illa;.~~ mutered Smitb.<\! I.Qi ANtl!I, M, s.t, M. The priimote<:.oolroUed P'I!' grabl>ed seven .or ;the .~t places lq_._tod.,'s quarter,fllllli. If 1.eljko Fr~vic of Yugoolavla badn~ beaten plol<sslooal • • Doetor Bill For. Victor; Reif Fades MEMPIIlS,J'eM. (AP) -Dangerous Dave Hill; the Peck's b a d boy o{ pro golf, hefded borne to Jack.son, Mich., to- day, tm!·bi~theck of his c~r in bis pocket ·imif.a doctor bill awaiting him. Ronnie Reif of Costa Mesa Golf a n d Country Club fought back with a last day Roy Emenoo ol NOl\'l)Ol1 lleiicb, It would be an all-pro quarter-flnal, TOJ-n Otter, the neet.footed Dutchman, produced a Whole bagfW of spectaculJF shots and defeatett Riihey, of Dallas, H, 6-3, w. Lavt?r's impeceable tecbnl.que proyed too·mUCb hw Smith,. tbou.gh the American • had ~ ln'?fll;enls. 81¥l. often won the ap- p,lause. ~·'u\e,(:rowd-oo lhe center court of lhe R<!~G'anoa Sladlr.m. After IOo1nli the first 'four gamea and coUecting • orily five pobits, the tall Cilllomla!l wltl!ltd up and ...., --_la!! Mondiy. - games ln 1 row. Both men ran Uke~deers on the tloW , . In the slJ1b pme be scorod with r«I. clay surface· and had the c:rowd v,olle~ and..llDllhes and broke Laver•s, ·cheering long rallies and~ spcct.!t~ular service' tO kwe. He W0n the. next gama to rtb1eving shots. "' lov~ atao, cllnchlng It wtth an act. . ~ oaer's shots bef8.mc more and more Bl.It Laver'• .court• t craft,' aOct in spectacular. He gained .a vi~ Setvlce.- partlcvlar·blJ 'lelhil backbmlci, atopped' bJ'eak tn the secood set for springing ~·Amerkan's Chillenge. Smlt.h did.not along his baseline and hltlijlg a forehand' win aaotber ~ agaiMt service. P/l!IS at Juli speed. ~ • · llicbeY Blafed arplucky'flght •t~~. l\unnlni yards bellll!d hll baselJJle .to Okker In ooe oflthe '""61 .enter g relrleve a . smaSh frOlll .Rlcl\ty, the niatcbes since the-tourn.,nent started . Dldrlu,nan hit anotlier dazzllllg forehand -' that pot h!m_oo the w!Y to · another •Jainsl /an K<Mlel of i:zec-uia f.I, urilce break. 8{0.f, .-10, 11-11. ~ A crowd Of about io,ooo packed the ' Rooemary • CUalJ defeated 1J/l'lill'• center court ln the alt~ SUl}Sh1ne. for . Otsa Morl'UVa M, 8-2, M S~ay to a classic match between two Spaniards, ",ach the quirter.flnals in ~·· Andres G!m<no and Manuel Santana. singles whlle Mrs. King gol a tr.. tlctel But it ended unluckily foi: Santana, who 1 to 'be round of eight when her schedWed •fWr delighting the' fans with lobs and opponent, Monica Giorgi of JtaJy, dropS teUred ai ttie end of the fourth ~l withdrew. . , With 'a strained groin. The score for ' Nancy JUCbey advanced. Saturday by 'G~~ ;e~t!:·~ S:a111ng Q-4·tJn' ::tlnf:'I =' ~~~, ~: the final "''· "°" a four-hour maralbon Glacolre el Arg~ M, M. Angels Play • Better Ball, Still _Losing By EARL GUSTKEY Of t1tt DllJr PIW Staff It wasn'l until last week when the Angels conducted a press oonlereoce and announced Lefty PhJ.lllpa wai ,rep18Clng Bill Rigney that lollnwera' ol the <Jbb . I 67 to earn $887. -· . t¥1'fi~~-r;;~4-~~~v::~. .. «~r~,:.~,t!-::3, 71-76 to d.rOp out of contention. "I started the year at 165 pounds,'' Hill said S~y a!~winoing the $30,000 .top prize in the M phis Open Golf Tourna- ment. "Now I eigh 140. I'm going to see a doctor and r out why . "I don't have idea what's causing It, but I almoot have to pin my pant! to my shorts to keep tbem from falling down when I swing. "I'm not worried about it. I never wor- ry about anything -except may be get- Ung su"spended by the PGA." And that's happened, too. 1-le's an ouspoken, pull-no-punches sort or character., this darkly-handsome guy w h o bears a strong resemblance to the late James Dean, lhe movie actor. His blunt pronouncements have pu\ him to Occasional trouble with the PGA, inclu'd- -ing-a-orre-week-suspension this year. ( "I've been suspended, all together, two months aild one week," he said. "I.keep a separate account of it" Hill, in his 12lh year on the tour, barg· ed out of Uie pack with a five-under-par 65, overhauled third-round leaders Lee Elder and Bert Yancey and finished with a 72-hole total of 265, 15 under par for the 6,48S-yard, par 70 Colonial Country Club course. $~atl0$ •nd money winnlngi In Ille Memphl1 Opero1. oa"e Hiii, SJO.ooo ,1_.1~w Lee Eldtr. $11.100 6'-61.U..11)....H7 Tom Allt0r0, se,un H<lf4tlS 211 c~ries Coodv. se,u;i ""6M7 .. 7-2'1 Stlyt! Rtld, M,UO H-10-£1_.,._2\lt Don J ....... ,.,.. u.a 6t-10+U7-210 LW Trevino, M,~u • / U"""'9" 27.l Lov Grth•m. MA'U 45-H.U..11-m Dalt Doug1eu, S..,45 6Mo6-J0.4,._111 Htlt, Irwin, SlMIO 61_.S-72-61-212 ~n ~Illes. »,600 """""61-11--111 G-1.1111,r, p,1112 u..t_.\1-7~73 Berl Gr...-,1, U.tli 7<M7 .. 7.,6,._27l Gery Pi...,..., $2 .. 12 6'-61 .. 1·13--411 Berl Ytll(ty, 52 .. 12 U-67.U-76--211 Grl1r Jones, tJ,JU ""°'""°'1-3.1• Jolln Lon, n.m '7'"""61-7._214 Dean Rttr&m, il . .800 ''·JO.~S Jtrrv Ar.bolt, !l,IOO 6Mt.....,__2l'S Larrv Mowry, Sl.IOO 111-12..,..._VS ~.nve :i1~;'i1~"°° :t::::i.~J~ Juan R.Cldrl9wz, tl,:JtS 611-*714-216 Homero ll"'nca1, Sl.»S Jo.10--61.ff-276 $t1ve SP111V• Sl,315 69·12-"Mf-276 Wayne VoUmtr. &1.100 'f.61-724-277 BobbY .M!W..11,-Sl,100 67-71-<lf.7~277 Bob Sm!lll. &\,JOO 70-67·71-',._2'7 llon Relf, MO • '1·11·1..,,1--vl Dodger~ Clo~ On 1st Place; Tackle Mets NEW YORK ('AP) -Pitcher Don Sut- ton won his seventh game of lhe season, but it's not one be particularly cares to remember. " "1 ~t say anything nice about that except tfloes in the left-hand column, the win cplumn," he said Sunday after being credited with the Los Angeles Dodgers• 12·4 victory oyer ~ Philadelphia Phillies. "I 'll take 'erq, any .way I can get Ulem," said Sutton. "Maybe it's the be- ginning of getting even," referring to the Doner Slate J11ne 7, Ood;.n /H-YM. s P."1 .• KFI I"°' JllM l. Ood9er1 It N-YOl1t. S "·'"·• KFI MOJ fact that last ·year 11 of his 15 defeat! were either ,by shutouts or one run. Going into tonight's game against the New York Mets, the Dodgers were only one-hall game behind leadet A~nta in th_e NaUonal League's Western Oiv~on. They counted on Claude Osteen, 7.:.:1, to counter JUry KOOSDl811, 1-3, on the mound. When the Dodgers acored seven runs in the second inning SUnday, manager \Valter .\lstoo relaxed. He figured with Sutton in theJ:'e, it would be a laugher. But SuttO!'l just wasn't sharp. He gave up 12 hits and four earned runs and was iu • constan't trouble with I.he pesky PhHJies. .. - LOS ""9•1.IS PHILA0.LfOHIA llll'r•M M f llM C'nwfonl If .5 I 1 I l .J'IYlot: ,a_i_J_.J. 0 W!O.YIS '1 -., -I I 110111 Ji ,--.-1 0 Pllricltf" lb J + t j .t11rmon ato 1 o o o KOKO H ., 2 lt . .1.1111\ Ill J J 1 J Ht11111"c; SOt 2C.IU.onrl' 5010 61.d.idta 1 122 O~lf SIJO Ltlebvrt :!ti • I J O· Money u 4 O 1 I 111-1 .. J 1 2 t M~ll:yln c; 1 0 ' I S\ll~np 41121'1'1'1111 11 0010 MtllMll p I 0 0 0 G.SION 1111 -1 O•Of"O RllffOP 1001 JOieiih ell\. I 0 0 0 Hlal1 cf I I I I eoom, aoo1 """*'*"•'''' WIM• • 0100 fttf111t o I O I I • 11:,SIOne "' 1 I o e 11.Wl!Mfl , I I I O ••lft•d 1010 TOIOll II 11 I.ii U lll'llf )J ' IS I Let A""la m tJt tlll1-U Plll&Mltlltllt oo.1 .. ,._ 4 ... . . \ .. GLIPPED ORI OLE -The Orioles tried a double steal Sunday alter- noon against the Angels In Ille lllh inning and achieved 50 perceltt success. Here, catcher Tom Satrtano fired to third bas~ Aurelio Rodriguez, wbo tagg,ed•out slldin& Frank Robinson. Brooks Robinson . DAILY r·1a.or ,.,... .., llldlofe ~- ~wiped seCood on the play. Baltimore's Paul Bl;tlr bOmeted In the lllh and the Oriol., won, 4--3. The Angels lace Denny Mcl.ein (8-1) and tile Detroit Tigers tonight · ·I. Dick W alsb and Gelle Autl)I mopped lhelr.brows as PhllliP" al09d up ln4 told the press he would teach the Angela Ille fundamentals of 6aseball. Fundamentals'! Ip.the big leagues? "That's right, fundameiltals," Phillips A ... el Slcte J...,.e J, Antell va 0.trolt, 1:$$ P.,,. •• KMP 71 J11ne t, A-•• vs Detroit, 7:55 11.m.. I(,,,.,~ !"II JUM A. A110tl1 vs Dtlrolt, 7:S5 11.1"$.• ICMP 710 -said again late Sunday afiernoOn, afttt the Angels ha4 ·gooe 11 kminp with BaJ. timore ·before losing, 4-S. · It was a. creditable showing for a Wt· place club, which has now Captured tbm ot five under its new profesibr. Indeed, Phillips says he sees tight .at the end of the tunnel. j "There's dayllgbt in all tbls, really; This g a m e· is all fundamentals -t b e great te8ms -I i k e Baltimore -w I n because they make fewer mistakes than anyone else." Wben Phillips talks about mistakes, he's talking about the kind the casual follower never sees. -J ''I'm talking about things like our first bftseman (Jim Spellcer) not: shouUng •there he goes!' to our catcher when. • · man on first takes off for second When a lefl-handed hitter's up. He blocks out the catcher's view of .first. Thinp like that in-for-you"'."~- The manager made it clear Sptnctt Isn't Iq:ely to repeat that sin and that there are • oJber notches on Uie Plwl ledger.. · , ."l think we've got Roger Repoz think .. Ing more at t h e plate and we've go t Sandy Alomar taking a cleaner cu t at the ball Jnstead of jerking at il" • When Rigney wa:: turned loose, the club had lost 10 straight and looked bad doing so. Now, the club seems to have stepped off the dime. "They're playing t>etter ball now, boys,"·PhllUpo said Suoday. "The club ls hu~llng and bearing down. And now through constant repetition, I Vi<ant to perfect our ·fundamentaJa. Qc.. casionalty, you get ball pl8yera like Mays, Aaron or Mantle .wbo are fun- damenlally SOOlld by instinct. And when you have players who aren't that way you have to make them that way by habit. "After all, you crawl be.for~ you walk." Phillips' lessona in fundamentals cm. tinue tonight ~t Anaheim Stadium when the Angels open their series with the Detroit Tigers. Denny McLain, who won 31 last year, is right on acbed.ule for another JO.win season. He's M and tries for nine tonight. Phillips' choice, Tom Murphy, is 2·2. IALTIMOJtI CA&.i.•OllNIA 1b r •,... 11brll1" 8\llord, 11 4 1 I I Alo,,,.~. 1b .S I I • Bll lr, cf S I 2 I S~, llJ 4 l O I l'.ll:OblntOn, rf 4 0 0 I Fregcut, u ) '1 1 P-f, lb ' 1 1 1 RtkMrclt, If S t .2 9 .Robll!IOno » S 0 0 0 , MOl'tOl'I, •f 4 I O H«Mfrld:.. c; J D I 0 Vo''· rf I t I E~rf'WI, c; 2 o D o A.ltodrJOun. 3111 ' o D 11 O.Johlltoll, 2b 2 0 0 0 Hlck1, C"f I O I • 8tltfl09', u ~ 1 2 O RtPO?. d 2 o o I McNally, p o o o o E11n. c; l I O I O.trymple, pll 1 O· D 0 John.ion., Ph O O O I LtoqllllrO, p O O O O Priddy, p O O O Salmon, ph I 0 1 I .l.IMro, ph I '0 0 ·1, Hall, O 0 I 0 0 McGIOllllln, fl 2 1 0 OMey, ph I 0 0 0 E.Fllh'1", p I 0 0 0 Watt,p OOOORM•'l'•P 00 1 0 Rkhtrt, p 0 0 0 0 Salf'i.no. c I o O O MOiton, ph I 0. a Wrlllfll, p -0 •••• PtllMI", p 0 0 0 0 TOll lS a1 4 I ~ TOlalt JI I 1 l Angel Trade Heips Cards · ST. LOUIS (AP) -Vic Oavalillo, tn a National ~ague baseball uniform for the first time, hit a three-run homer Sunday and the-St. Louis Cardinals went on to snap a Dine-game Clnclnnitl winning streak, tt.:J. Oavallllo, a 1962 minor leaguer in the Reds ch&in, was acquired by the card& from the California Angels of the American League ln a trade for Jim Jlfcks Friday. His homer came In 1 five-run seventh Jailing. "' Said Davallllo, sllll trying to find bis way around the.strlllge Csj'dfnal locker rooms "I don't try to swing for hotnt runs. I'm too small. "Th< most I've wtlgbed la 15$. And I .. down to 148. Rlght,now, I weigh ISO.'' St. Leub Manager R. d - d l d not dwell on ·DavalWo'• home', bot he sJ)oke apprwlngly of the Jift'comef's fleliling. "1 ll~e !lip way he can scoot lnlo the bllll. Re's always waJUng for tt to fill In fron~ ot him. u , ' I I ' ' ... . . LATEST FASHION -The ever-changing~ of l'1ICing cars it ·-nnt in tllis view of Bruce l\fcLaren's uroiolHqutpped ma· ~chine in Sunday's opener of the Canadian.American Cballqe Cup t aeries at Mosport, Onlario. McLaren won, achiwia&" an average speed j . ., U'°IT ....... ot 103.901 mpb over the 200-mile circuit. McLaren, a New Zealander, was chased to the flltish line by team.mat~ Denis Hulme in an identical car. Durocher Uiiloads On .Writ~~s CIUCAGO (AP) -. Tiie Chlol,0 CUba ... wincing •Ill! • '*·-..... In tile National League's l!:ul Dlvllion but Manoger Leo Durocher k aa the warpath becauoe ol fain! prabe. ''l don\ care whit um dab does, .. Durocher told The Auod•1ecl p,_ Sun- day, ...... -jlllt dam'\ -to .... the playon any cr<dU.) <8'\ -u. Ron Sant.o lripla oil llot -field · wall in the ninth innln( and--to give UI a S-2 w.ln Saturday ... lllre'J a paper which says it wa a wirl•I a& pop up. . TO JOIN PROS Ken Stuort Costa Mesa "When Ken Holtzman tbreW' - stralgtlt. ahutouta, '1 o u know what they were wr!Ung about! I'll tell you. 1'lley were wr!Ung ahou) tile great amount cl runs the clubs ICOl't everytlme Kenny ·pitches... ~ Tenm·s LP.O GBARED UP Coach Durocher was really geared up now and coniln\ied: • . Gurney Out on 49th Lap ~~;.;·p:,bp~y~hi:u;~"":-ietz.~ On Pro Tour 1 1 • • • _ doiJW what thia club ia dol.ng, the .Players eW -.. Zeaia naers 1-:~,1n10s~p· ~ort1Uice1!!!·~~~~=~~=~~~~%~\· • • 1 .. ~ are getting the gre,t prus that far He leaves June 23 for the pro tennis ahead? tour. MOSPORT, Ont. (AP) -Bruce M~ a young New Zealander who builds and races IW own, cars, Sunday won the 200-mile oPef>el' or the rich Cana· cUan·American Challenge Cup series for big-bore •ports can. Illa: INmmale and fellow countryman Delli$ Hufme, finished nlnl>tenths of a ,.. cond behind him to mate•it 1-2 fOj' the orange can of Team McLaren. Tbe first half of the race, watched by an announced 44,000 fana, was a thrilling affair wilh John Surtees and Californians L!>lher Mollchenbach« and Dan Gurney In . Mcl.arem p-1ng the N e w Zealanden. Mc:Laron and Surtees swapped and the .Dundee Says Ellis Nearing Title Defense ' M!A¥l BEACH. Fla. (AP) -Jimmy E:11ti:, lhe World Boxing Association heavyweight champloo, will deferid his Ii· tile in mid.July, Ellis' manager 'said Sun· day. · Manager Angele> Dundee said an op- ,ponent has . oot yet been picked, but ••we're in the talking stages with a lot of people right now." Moot prominent ol those people, Dundee said, are Houston backers who Pant to see Ellis fight SoMy Liston in the t\Btrodome. Tampa prOmoters ·are in· terested in that match, too, he said. "But 60 is San Diego and Los Angeles," said Dundee. "For that matter, we have • lot of things going. '"Ibe Mootnal people want us ,to figbt Bob ClerOlll'. up there and out in Tacoma (Wash.) they're having a centennial and •ant us to fight Tony Doyle. "And how about Henry Cooper over in F..Dgland? They want to fi.ghl us eitber in Dublin or Rome," he said in an interview. "We'll have something kicked up within a week or so. 1bere are a great many things involved." Ellis hasn't fought since lhe Floyd Pat. tenon bout in Stockholm last Sept. 14. He won a l~round decision. "Jimmy wants a fight," said Dundee. •·Nm month is out because of the Joe Frazier.Jerry Quarry fight on the 23rd. You can't have too many title fights all al once.·· Frazier claims heavyweight title. the rest of the lead several Umea until Gurney moved up, leaving Surtees to bold oU Hulme and Motachenblcber. · By the halfway mark Mot.schenbacher had retired with clutch trouble. Gurney went into tbe pits on the 49t.h lap with a broken suspension and Surtees began tO fall back- F<r the rest of the race, Hulme and McLaren traded top position a couple of times before McLaren took the checkered fla&. The 32-year-old McLaren picked up more than $10,000 ol the $80,000 prize and accesaory money as well as the Labatt's Blue 1Nphy. He alao picked up 211 point. in the ll·race Can-Am series where Sports In Brief $1,000,000 la at Jlake. ni: New Zealanders' showing indicates they will again dominate the Can·Am as they have fM the last two years. Hulme won the series last year wheri it was a six-race affair; McLaren woo it ill 1967. John Surtees of England, winner of the first Can-Am aeries 1n 196&, WU third ill a McLaren. John Cordts of Port Credit, Ont., driv- ing an old McLaren far outdated by the new machines the New Zealanders were driving, placed fourth. McLaren completed. the 80 laps irJ one hour, 51 minutes, 27.3 secoods with an avera,s:e speed ol 105.901 miles an hour. He also was clocked at one dnute, 19.5 Family Tragedy Strikes Kansas --City~s H13dlund KANSAS CITY -Rookie pitcher Mike Hedlund learned ol a family tragedy when be went to the Kansas City Royals' dreaalnc n>0m Sunday after pitching lour innlnga qi.inst the New Yark Yankees. His mother-in-law, Mrs. Mary Win- chelter, and his sister-in-Jaw, Janice WiJl. chester, 10, were killed about noon Sun· day in, ID automobile accident in Ari· ington, Te.z.. Hedlund, 22, and ilia wife, Shirley, flew to ArlJniton Sunday night. Ro)\ls Manager Joe Gordon said word was not received until about the third in- ning of the death!. Hedlund w1.1 not told unW he was removed from the game after the three rum in four 1nnings. He lbeo was lifted. for a pinch hitter. • SACRAMENTO Young Erik vaa Dillen, -do bu been knecklnc of( the U.S. &enil11 cluta, atmo1V made Clark Graebner of New York bf1 lated vleUm Sunday. But Graeboer, 1tar of tbe U.S. Davl1 Cup victory and the No. Z rated U.S. amateur, fought off nro match points to ouUut van DlUea for tbe 1lngles tlUe In 1he Central CaWornla Bardcoart Tena.la Cba1QPloo111Jpo. Alter &llree boars, tbe 11-year-o)d Su Mate. player ended &be· matcll witb a doable fault bl ~ lltb 1une ol tbe IUUi tel. The ICOrt WU M 1 W, 4 .. 1 M, 7.5, • SAN FRANCISCO -The California Clippers ddeated La Fiorentina of Italy, 4.z, in a soccer game here Sunday. It was the first defeat in 30 games for the Ital.Ian champions, who bad won 17 and played 13 draws before coming here. • MEXICO crrY -Mexico and Englud played io a 1cortle11 tte Smtday la a brllliant defensive soccer cime betore a capacity crowd of 110,00I In Altec St.dlum. It was the flnt of two game• tbat Enslud wlU play la Mexico, tbe team's lint ltop on a tour of Lalin Amertcan ~tries as part of tll prep1ration for lite World Cap tournament la Mexico next May. The English controlled the ball but dtelr a~ck1 coUapttd In front of 1 1tronf Mexlc1n defen1e led by Marto '1Plcbojos" Penz. • UCI Water ·Polo Whiz . RIVER VALE, N.J. -About 71 horses -some of them of the sOOw yariety - died in a fire early SUnday that destroyed the atablwrena bulldlng at the Haylan Farms. A fireman ..and policeman were burned trying to free the animals and fight the blaze. They weN! treated at a local hospital. May . Bypass '69 Season ' The e I e c t i o n last week o{ Ferdy M.asalmlno as UCl's student body presi- dent may have cost water polo coach Ed ~!!'WJ.a.nd bls best player. J!(ewland confinned Wednesday that Muaimino, a jllDior, may sit out next yea.r11 w1ter polo season in order to allow time for hil ASB activities. JI!! ~ he eligible to compete during bis final......,. of ellgibility, lrt 1971. Maptmlno, al, was Newland'• t.op llCOttt oo Jut fall 's team, wt\ich. logged .a 1$4 lellQl1, 1be Anteaters have rolled up a tu record ~Vet the past two seasons -Mammlao ID Ille 1-p: He wu aA All-American selection for Ille put two -· The Fullerian Hlgb ll'adUBle plans to ptQ In AAU cornpet.IUon this &wnmer, b-evet . "Fedi II ~la pre-med and -hit ........... :1o..u.a -body •II!« palo mlOI llf .jual loo much 'ol a loid," N"'°tui! eipliJped. ~Abo,~ the -after "'11 -11ve 111n11 coll!!P ......, .... ,.., rloott to the 1m Olymplcs and mJihl &Ive him a betl<r chance of in1ldnl the ream lhat yee.r.'' I YEAR'S ABSENCE? Ferdy Matslmlno ' • ---~·J Police said arson is SW1pected since a fire erupted ln the same area -the rllht side ol the ring or arena -early ThW'I-'" day. • NEW YORK -Unbeaten Maje1llc Prince ftftt 1 ~ mllet In 1:$1 4/5 at Bel· moat Park Saday In ~• flaal workout for Satanlay'1 1 ~mile Bel moat Stakes la wlll<~ .. will · bid to Wcomo raetq•1 nlatb Trtple Crown wiAner. "Re came blict rtal floe," 1aJd ll'a/Jler Jobay Laa1dea, no odded Ille c-.ma& tolt wlD pt a blowoat Tltanday or Friday .. Wltll Laa(dea fa Ille laddlo Majuile Prlace Wtd -••If mile ... "· ~ qllliten fa l :U, die mDe fa l:D I/~ 11\ In !'ii 415 ud pllGped oat I ll fa l :l5. • KANSAS CITY -Brackets were com· pleted Suncjay for the NCM College World Series Bueball Tournament In Omaha, Neb., June JS.JI IDd abo for the NCAA College Division tourney at Sprlnfllield , ,Mo.. opening nest Wed- neoday. The opening-round lineup al .Ro3enb1att Stadium in Omaha will have Te.xa1 pt1ying Arizona State and UCLA meeting Tulsa on Friday, June 13. • seconds during his 44th lap of the 2.~mUe track, shaving J.2 seconds off the lap record Hulme set here in 1967. His average speed for the lap was 111.25 m.p.h. Calilornian Chuck Parsons finished filth, .and was apparenUy held back ·by rain tire! he had put on when a few spnnk.les arrived just before the start. Nine of the 11 finishers in the field of 11 were cars designed or built by McLaren in his British works in Buckinghamshire. The series, which is for Group VII sporu cars of wilimited engine capacity -~some of them put .out mor~ than 600 horsepower -nert moves to Le Circuit, Mont Tremblant, Que., Sunday, June 15, fC>I' a 2(11).mlle race with $50,000 at 3take. Aldrich Falls To Olympian ·uc1 ~ancelJor Dan Aldrich won the discus, placed &eeond fu the javelin and third in the shot put Saturday at ~ first Southern Pacific AAU veterans tract meet at Orange Coast College. ~ to whom did Aldrich lose in t h e javelin? Steve Seymour, 1948 OlympiC silver medaJist. Seniors Track Club member Dewi:y Vroom look a double win in the sprints wllh 10.8 and 24.2 clockings. Former Orange Coast College track coach Nonn Lumlan bagged a.third· in the six-mile. Don Jones of Newport Beach won the lhiee·mile and took ii second In the six- miler. 100 - 1. 0."f Vroom fSTC), 2, flllt! Fen CUl\At.J. J, W•Y'll AmbfOa• (STCI. Time -10.1. ' 2211 -1. DlrwlV V"'°"' CSTCI, 2. ROlll ThMl-•ult !STCI. J, Wlllb Kl1ln ... lJfr !STCJ. Tl~2•.2. ""° -1. WllUI Kltlnuuer (STC). 2, John 1101! !STC l, J, ThDm11 Cleyton CUNll.). T!..._ -J.1.1, MO -1. 8111 Flttpr11d CSTCJ, 2. 1t1r GU tSTCl. J, Ct..rl~ S-M (STCJ. Time -J:OJ.2. Mllt -I. Ltwll ll:Oblrh (STCI, 2, R-1 LOflll CSCSl. J. RIV Gtt (STCI. Time -S:lD.ol. ThrM mile -I. Doll Jones (STCJ, 2. Wtlttr J irwiburr {STCJ, l, Ed Tllr'lf!M (STCI. Time - '''" Six milt -1, Will Jtwsbury !STCJ, 1. Don J-CSTCI. J. Marin11n Luml1n (5TCI. Tlmt - :U:$!.S. Mlt. "lty -I, STC !Stlby, 11at!, Welt.ct , Klt1MflutrJ. 2. STC f'2, J, STC fJ. Tlmt -•:10.J. l11fh j11mp -1. OOn Winton (CDMTCJ, t. Ed. ll:al)tt (STCJ, l. 1111 WtU.ao (STCJ. 11llglll -+10. S11gt PIJt -I, "r•Nt De8.rr111'0'I (lJNt.l, 2 • s-Slymol,tr fl.MC), J. Din Aldfkll (Un1t.l. Olli.net -S1-tYI. J1,..11n -I. Srtw: S.-,movr (LU.Cl, I. Dlfl Aldrich (UNI!.), J. Jtck MKlllDll (Ur11I,). 011- 19"<1 -16' .•• Lono Jump -1. Dtwtry .vroam CSTC), 2. Wlltll lc:l1lru..111er CSTC), J. 1111 WtUICt (STCl. Dl1t1nc1 -1•·~. Dl1CVI -I, Din Aldrkh fUn1t.). J. Stt\'9 Seymour (LA.A C). J, Frtllk Dt8.,1Mnil (Untf,j, DllNMt -11•'1°0• 01*! 1-MHt tUncl., «!) -1. TOCI Ftrtl-!El Toro Mtrlnn J, 1. G~•O• De'Paoter fSTCI, J. A~lpll Dffn 4811TC!. Time -t:SS.•. "Now l'm not taking anytblnc away "I'm taking a year off from teaching," from Mickey Mantle but through tbe he explains. years all I read about "81 the great baJ>.. "The whole idea ls 1 want to find out II dicap under which Mantle wu playing. Fine,-but what about our Glem Beckert? I'm good enough to win on the tour. I can "Here's a kid who nearly bad hil Met always go back lo te8ching but I won't broten. by Mike Shannon In St. Louil. always have lhis opportunity." What happens? Re missed one 1 a m e. The 24-year-0ld Arcadia native offers Again., all be did wu miaa one game. st.rong ainateur credentials. He played BECKERT CASE in the quarterfmals of the National "Now he'sJ>Ut there pl1ying with a bum Hardcourt Championships at Sacramento leg. FunnY,, I haven't been reading th'-k d he · al anything aBOut Beckert let alone playing 1::1 wee end an was t nation under a handicap. collegiate division singles at Cal Stale "There are half a dozen olher playen (Long Beach) in 1966. like him on this club. They're putting out CIF CHAMP no per cent. But still, all they 1et is faint praise. ·'When l was in New York, there was a writer that bad twe> ate>fies -one for when we won and one for when we lost. "If we won, I was never mentioned. When we lost, my name waa .In the lead graph. I'm not sure, yet, but I think one of our writen ls doing the same thing. "A11 I can Say is that it's a helluva situation. Here's a club that wu in the second division for 21 years. "Now the 'll'.J'.iten ~ve a~ and you think they'd he jumping with joy because of it. Instead It aee1111 to me, they try extra hard to put down our every victory. "I give up. I jmt can't figure it out." Two Vaulters Snap Record LOS ANGELES (AP) -Los Angeles High School's Robert Pullard did JI flrlit, and then Case)! Carrigan of Orting, Wash., high, did It, and now the race to the top Is on. Pullard set a national interacbolastic pole vault record Saturday with a leap of 1& feet 7 inches, beating the old mark of 15-8'4 set at We&tmln.!ter Hlgb in 1965 by Paul Wilson of Warren High School in Downey, C~llf. Hours later, Carrigan, who was on the U.S. Olympic team lalt year, cleared lhe same height at Bellingham, Wuh .. He was the first prep athlete to yault 17 feet, but It wa,, at Olympic trials. Since it wasn't in high school com- peUUon, the mark can't be considered an interschohutic record. Pullard won U>e Loe Angeles high school championship with his vault. He had tried and missed three times at 171/•. Carrigan had three attempts at 17-1. He was a CIF champion al El Monte High and runnerup in the slate junior col· lege championships at Citrus one year. He just completed his second year of coaching Mes.ll Hlgh's tennis squad . He leaves June 23 for his first tourna· 'ment at Chattanooga, Tenn. After that his dizzying itinerary reads like this: Cin- e l n n a t i , Indianapolis, Philadelphia, Southampton, N.Y., Boston, Forest Hills and Los Angeles... .. Alter that, I'm going to take a three· week rest and leave for Australia and some tournament! down there," Stuart added. Stuart will play under the new designa· lion of a "registered player," which means he can declare himself as an amateur or pro at any tournament. WORKS AT NBTC "I[ you're an amateur," Stuart ex· plains, "all you can accept is expenses money. Pros1 of course, play for prize money . WeU, if a guy like myself is in a field with world class players, we can play just for expense money if-we don't think there's too much of a chance 'of winning." Stuart plays at the Newport Beach Ten- nis Club, where he's received en· couragement from the likes of touring pros Rod Laver and Roy Emerson, plus club teaching pro Jimmy Shepherd. But he says his top booster has been George Richards, a 47-ycar-old former Southern California star who has been tutoring Stuart. "He's probably forgotten more about the game than I've ever known," says Stuart. "He was once rated the No. 1 player in Southern California. He thinks I • have a chance to make it on the tour." And just as he says himself, Stuart will find out quickly enough . Major League Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE East Dtvlslon W L Pct. CHICAGO ,33 16 .673 PITTSBURGH 25 23 .S21 NEW YORK 22 23 .489 ST. LOUIS 22 15 .466 PIULADELPlflA 18 25 .419 MONTREAL 11 33 .250 West Dfvllloo ATLANTA 28 17 LOS ANGELES 28 18 CINCINNATI 24 20 SAN FRANCISCO 24 23 HOUS'l'ON 24 27 SAN DIEGO 21 30 s.Nv'I .""" . Hew YOfll J. Siii l'rll!dlce 4 P/thllU"h 14. H9ull!Jft 1 C~ U, Atttnf9 4 lot llMtlft II, ,.,,, • ._Wiit 4 SI, l9Ult n. ClnclMttl J $11'1 01ttO .. Mont~I ' 2 T"M.tlr'• OMlt:t .622 .609 .5'15 .511 .m .412 GB 7~) 9 10 12 19~,) \\ 3\\ 5 7 to $tR Ditto lttntotlfll N J •I Phll.itllll!le (J Jol'wlllOn WJ, 11i.M -UM ...,.. .. (0.i-7.Jl It N_-v..-Cle:- ""-" )..)), llllflt ClnclfNll fMtnttt '"'I et ""™"'"" {Vttle ).SJ, llltil'll Atl.,.11 (JloM J..tl It $1, LOUii IW1Wlu"" M J.11'9M • S.n Frtricl~ ISIOftkl W I 11 Mllllf'tfl fl,_. m.n WI, 111tM Or\1'¥ ·-Khldulfl:I, AMERICAN LEAGUE . Eut Olvillon W L Pet. GB BALTIMORE 35 t5 .700 BOSTON 30 16 .1152 3 DETROIT 25 19 .568 . 7 NEW YORK 24 15 .490 WASIUNGTON 15 27 .41t CLEVELAND 12 30 .2116 Wat Dlvk .... MINNESOTA 15 20 OAKLAND 24 21 , SEATTLE 21 H CHICAGO II 22 KANSAS .CITY 21 • CALIFORNIA 14 30 -·-N.,., Ylf'll I, ktnMt Cit/ t W1ll'llftotltfl f, (ti~ 2 ks""" t. Ms-tot. 2 . .566 .533 .417 .411 .447 .311 81111-l't ... (•lllornl • a. 11 Jnn1111• Otikltnlf II. C1 ..... i.nc1 1 Slolttlt L DtfNll I • T ... ,......_ 10~'.s II 19 I 4 4 5 10\\ Cllk-CHDr1911 ._.l It hftlfl (N..., Ml, 1111111 Wltl'llllllon 1 ..... llnt 141 11 ltl-en, IMfl· ... w1. """'' • Nt'i Y~ Ultltld'I •IJ If Mlrr.ftlt1 Clc:lft .Wl .... OltNll IMcUlfl Ml It C1llr.trii. fM11"""1 WJ, -· Cltvtlll'lll. lTllflt t-7) 11 f.llltle Cl"'*' ,.I), .. ,. !>"IY ttl'l'ltt ~lld. AUTHORIZED FU~t: SERVICE AND PARTS FOR ALL IMPORTED AUTOMOBILES _1:r1upo11 _i l111pu11 •, 3100 WUT COAST HllaHWAY -NIWPOAT llACH 642-'405 540-1764 A--Mia e AUSTIN-HIAl.IY"- A-IMI flllAll D ..... Woo.It s..lce • 1969 Allsda America s-isas Available W/AutomaUc 'n'ansmlsskm • .. • tu M m .. .. th " 1 .. cl te w I' bl In in 'al In .. il 'I llJ Iii at ai H ti: ,_ :..r,--i! I dJ 0 w Ill th or •• .. th Ill rt SE th fu 2G tit p< th or • • p< al in lo w in h' •• Ut ( 0 II A le 0 A •• y; 2( w. p rr s. h• ir fr b' Ir w aJ fr A ., H A A G • ------..... ---..----------------·-----~---~-... -~--·----~--·;--· .. -~----..... --~----·-----------·--~-----..........-.. -..,..- Ex-Tust• Ace Cops Funny500 Tustin High School grad- uate Larry Reyes, now of. M ... pbls, TeM., .,...,... Sat· urday nJabl ttiot • OMl'fltal ·erash In his Hawaiian .fumy Cit' last February didn't take !:1tt. ..tge o!f his compOlltive Re dro9e his macl)ine to • 7.411 second and 200.116 mpb clocking at Orange County In- ternational Raceway to CllP. t~ the track's l~Uve Fumy Car event. Reyes took ™-12.500. R.,.. defeated Randy Walls In the finals for the top ellm- inator prize, worth $1,008. He ·also picked up 1:;1111 10< poot- ing the low elapsed time In eecb ol the first three qual- ifying rounds . Reyes wu involved In a spectacular crash tn Febru- ary. His machine was hurt· ling toward the finish line a~ abou( J90 'mph when, 1ike an ·':'i~· ·a , • M..,, ~ .. 2, ~~'-' DAILY •!LOT . R 20 Coast Area Bowlers . In 2nd Ro-and of Kofl!l Play Coast Area SlaDdlap S. Gltfl .... lna. COit. Mn1 Mot 'O.'-LlfTY Sdlolnf11der, C.lt Mn1 I.. P-F'ld JtkcUM, Wt.tnll111ter IDf IS.. Okk lrt1Kfl, l'"DUnltlfl V1lltY II, LI,,.., ICeHer, Wt1ft1'1!"1i.r :l. ~ fyr1t, Wt1h'rll"11wr 14. CiWe LICMr, D1fll Point ts. Will\' Hel1C11" H1111I ... "'" airplane, it auddenly took o11. lrvi-... c-st Golf Tou--· ...,in--s ' · He landed with a crash to •~ .,.. • •• -11 ff · •~• ·( _ J7.' Joe Mlntur. F-111n v111r1 m the pavement but escaped 1 • \ ' c. ic:.., D11e1-.. ~111n V•Uw m _ ..... ith ~Y ~ps, b~~ps a~d ._,.Here:!.~ the winners .~t .the. ~ecent Irvine Coast ,. Ben~P~~ :~ J~n ~~:-~qsta M~~ Th_e_ ~ ~JNii'sP.V;e;-~~'th! .. ...L>~""'""~ ::::;;<-..1 a..io,~,~yj~<>Ql(~ .. -$.;:~i'it""'~ -~~ ...,....~ ~ .. ~i·~~ ;;; Injected fUet "'afMI {Op gas ·-· e.ct~ ... W:»J>oo1e,~~Mf.a;'M@:Si'"; 'M'iir1c~SOO"en: ~ the p a A.Mandili~GOU··t.1ll69'ii"P85adena. "· 1n1 l.fldlj, ,,._111n v111e, 114 dragsters will return to the Corona del Mar; Emil Scodeller, Pasadeni; ·Gene H:: ~~ s~%'c::':~"' ·!: / OCIR this Saturday night 11t •• e u1 FMrlfll, L111.1n1 IMd't se1 with the team of Gene. Adams r ..... and Doo l:nriquez enjoying the favorite's role. 'Ille pair have racked up one of tbe widest perform- ance margins in di'ag racing and strengthen tbe1r hold on the class with each appear- '"""'· They gained widespread recognilion last September by seting both ends of the na- tional record for injected fuelers at 7.68 seconds and 202.24 ·mph and OCIR's Na. tional Hot Rod ·AssoclatMJn points finale. . 0n May 10 they lowered the track record to 7 .60 SOC· ands. Driver Enriquez not ant 1 captured the A/fueJ purse but drove a second car all rhe way to the semil'inals ;n the top gas field before losing. The Adams-Enriquet tandem will be looking for drag rac- ing's first sub seven-amf-a- half-secood elapsed time by an unsuprerscharged car Sat- urday night. Seven Jaycee Swim Stars On AA Team. Seven swimmers frorTI Orange Coast and Golden West colleges have won All- American raUngs for their ef. forts during the 1969 .season. Paul Hughes, ~e versatile Oranie Olunty ace. achieved All-American bonors in four events -the 200, 500 and 1,650 yard freestyles aJong with the 200 individual medley. He also was a member of the Pirates' All-American 800 free relay team . Another Pirate ~ star, Doug Schaumburg, received multi honors. He was All·America n in the 50 and 100 yard freestyle sprints, the 100 breaststroke and in the 400 free relay. Golden West's KriS Swenson won double honors in the 100 and 200-yard butterfly evenls. Other members of OCC's 400 free relay team were Mike Allbright, Garry Cunningtiam and Bill Luther. Joining Hughes on the 800 All· American quartet w e r e Al)bright, Cunningham and Gary Thompson. SOFT SELL SAM 11'<> .,,, .. _ .... ,,,,.., ·1.--., I Old Ya.-'fiee Ace ' .. ! . '. ' • .. ,. ... ' . ' • ' ""'~ . ,/t,c Pinstripe Pride .... i~t*·~ again. It wasn't the regal 7; :·/·, "'''"' pinstripe but the 1963 New · TULSA, Okla. (AP) - "There was something special a"bout wearing the pinstripes of a New York Yankee," Charles "Red" Ruffing said. "Maybe it was the way· you walked, ate and dressed." As a boy in Nakomis, ·111.. Ruffing walked slowly and with pain from a coal mining accident that cost him four toes and abnost took an ankle. As a baseball pitcher, the best right-hander in Y a n k e e history, he walked deliberate- ly .. As a minor league pitching coach hopeful to return to the big leagues, he just walks on and on. , Ruffing is hard, even at 65, as hard as the day Joe Dimag· gio arrived in New' York and had his hand refused by the rugged rastballer. "So you're the great OiMag~ gio, eh?" Ruffing is supposed to have said to the highly 'c· .claimed rookie. He would have to prove it to eaht Red Ruffing"s shake and did. Ruffing won 273 games and lost 225 over 22 seasons with the Bollton Red Sox and the Yanks plus.,that last, lortg 3-5 year with the Chicago White Sox in 1947. It was 'then that Yankee owner Larry MacPhaU told Red to.. come home when be \fUs ready. · "If rm still here whCn you are. through pitching. I want you back with the Yankees," MacPhall said. He wa s not. "When DiMaggio signed to coach Oakland," Ruffing said, "someone asked why he'd stayed out of baseball so long. 'Nobody ever offere<! me the job,' Joe said. That's the way it was with me, too." Ruffing spent 11 yeara in a Cleveland Indians• perso.noeJ off.ice before he finally put on a New Yor).: uniform once By Marvin Myers t York Mets. "I was sort of helping out ~ with scouting," Ruffing said ~- after groping to explain his iA:-. _ .•.• duties as a coach with the · 1,,,_}'-7 Mets . "They didn't have any .;ic •h ~ ;. ballplayers and I did mostly ,.f · •• fJ- scouting." · ~· ·~.' :_ But he wanted only to coach .-· ~p·-­ and so quit baseball in 1964 for ;t, ' rive yean:. When old New ~ if;. · York teammate Don Hellner • ~9 asked Red last month to join l)en9er. arr American Assocla· don Triple-A team, R e d replied : "Well -I don 't mind." · He wasn't going to ask to coach, just as he didn 'l ask for ~-, IJ, •.. his place in the Hall o( Fame. . _,, That came after he missed by , . >-• ; 18 votes and then five wben t press box patrons fina l!J woke 1 up and retnembered the man they watched as kids. • Ruffing not only pitched well enougb to win 20 games for ~, four straight seaS<lns but was 1'¥ one oP. the best hitters among : r all the premier pitchers. ~ ~. oJ; ' .: -. "Oluy Dean used to say, . ··At'-· t .. ,,.. 'those pitchers can hit -i! 1~:. < ~/i.-' t;'.' ~ i' you let them,' Ruffing laugh-. ·. :;t;,~ .. ed. But Red was a hitter and · ""; · ~... ? ,,.; ~, • ~ 1 -,. • &" . pinch hit fffiiuenUy. He had 37 J. '1: , • ,( career home runs. +.' :s_ ,{~--J/t,ff. 'Ille Yankee manager ol rec· ~· : ',..'!Ff~ era, Joe McCarthy, leaned on ·,-f ~ 1,4 Red often when lhings Were . :.:.~ .,; · ,,;~-t tough, like the day in Detroit wh~ he told him Lou Gehrig could not get out or bed. "Go to lhe hotel and help him out," McCarthy told Ru£· fing, "so he i::an keep hls CQn-, , . secutive game streak ·going." W ~ ~ "And Lou opened the game ... . ... with a double/' Ruf f ing . - remembers. "The next day he I< ¢°"' left for the Mayo clinic and · never played again ." The red hair is no longer brilliant but streaked with gray. The oval face is' em· ~ phasized by a high forehead !ffi aod sealed smile, but the k»k f_tf is still etem and the · burnfng ~ intent sUll is ablaze. "Everybody looks to the big leagues," he said. "I don't ' think there's a man alive who i {: isn't aiming for tl\e majorl." i· Two weeks ago in Oklahoma - City, a batting pract.lce line . ~ drive struck Ruffing on the , side of the he-arl. It knocked him to the around and re- quired x-rays, but getting knocked down Is part of tJie .. game. . . f It's part of being a rookie in • _, Denver trying to·cllmb to the major leagues. ~) Baseball's Top Ten Alillll:ll:ICAflf 1.•t.•u• ,.._.., C'-0 Al II H I'd, Ct<'M """ ,. , .. 2' • .., ~n 1.., ~u1an.m f',lttblft911!1 .. , JI '" '1 11 ..lb "-Cw HY _, 1M ll St .2" CMll" Oii l7 ISJ ll 41 .lli "..,._. ffll 41 '" .n " .31116 ==· :;1~:~~ c,..,.._ "''" 45 IH IJ .M 3111 11.1m1tt1 ••~ ,. ,,. n • ,,,. "'''°"'\. l.•••u• 11'11"" Ctrllli • A• Jt If ~I. C.J-HY 45 UJ JI .. .»l H.At ... Att "5 1... 7t $t _,.. Mfo'lll;e Hlfl JI ,,. ,. 11 .>11 M • .t.llN Ptfl 'II 204I JI n _,.. It .Mien l"ltl 3' llll n 41 .i.tl ~l"tll :JllG.4'.l:JI • 1""11w Lt. " U• tt ,o .JM ! ~ ~ ., 4 14 •• .JM \l A.J~ (Ill .... Ill JI 11 ~fl-------------''----~---~----------------------------------11.,...U l'fll ,411 '" .U N .12f • • • I - .• I. I • I I . • •. DAil Y I'll.OT ~· ,.,. 2, l'lflo • New Era at Mesa, Sa~ New Coaeh ~\ . ·~·s • new ua." 'l'blt'a coach , Mli: Milter 's ·"1Dllftiliotl ti what's going on OI c..ta M.,. High School with tbe varsity football te&Jn ~~ full steam in M'J:!" bu 1115 grid can- Santa Fe ~To Battle 'o, "Millik. :' an ll3 Pounds . ·- Of Catfish To Couple A Loo Angeles husband and wife, fishlng lhe I o \VI r Colorado Riv~ recently, took 13 catf1'h weighing a · Iola! ol 110 pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jennings, fishlng on the main river above l,lartinez i.u., used live carp minnows to take thelr a~-poum}-average flab topped by a IS.pounder. the individual limit on cal· fish on the Colorado is 10, so the JeMings coiild legally haVe taken 2.1:1 between them, note. the Department of Fish and Game. "T h e remarkable t h i n g about the catch," says DFG warden Tom Harrison, "ls lh1t every plant of 600 llHO: chtra lhat Arizona Game apd ·Fi&b was introduced into t'be l'ower river in March ()f 1962." Frow the , stocking area above Imperial Dam, the flatheads have spread upriver to the Blythe area and have moved into the entire lmpui.al Valley cana1 system. The largest caught so far In the Colorado Rtver weighed 29 pound!!, but they grow to 100 pounds in their n a t i v e hfississippi drainage. Warden Hanison said it ap- ptlll'S that the bigger natheads are taken only by using live fish for bait. ~· 8AFECC INSURANCE for speciol GOOD STUDENT. DISCOUNTS on your Fom'ily Auto lnsuron~e lob Paley ..... ~ INSURANCE I 474 E. 17th $.t, COSTA MESA 642"6500 • l\nne111 AUT8CENTER • • Is that t tt111--IJ)· _.I uider the hood the generator·?· Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. And maybe It's kind of foolish to let the local garage spend a lot of time Ta F~'JT (and a lot of~ money), trying to find ou Drive into PanneyaAuto Diagnostic Teatlng c..,ter. In less than one hour, we put your car thro~gh a 111rles of scientific teata (212 of them, to be exact) that pinpoint any existing problems -and warn of potential ones. Steering. Engine. ·erakes. Transmission. Electrical· and· cooling and fuel and exhaust aystems. Expert analysis of everything from h"adllghts to tallplpe. You watclHhe results come out on an electronic typewriter. A skilled diagnostician goes ovtr ~:r.,,. the report with you. II you wish, he'll give you an estimate of any neC88118ry repairs. You'll be able to take care of arnall problems now, before they develop Into big problema coating big money. And, II you wish, Pe Mays will make the repal .... quickly, accurately, eoonomlcally, Rapalra that could prtlVlnt a need!-highway breakdown. II you prefer, you can take the report enywhlrt you like. The.cost? Only 9.88. Pretty reasonable for an analywt, th-days. PemeysAuto ~Center The lcllntlnc Troublllh• •-· Chargtltl .......... k 6111 o,....._,._A••· PiMM11JU161 Pullert911 1 .. 0.....,•tr•ll .h .... 171...UU -lfuiitl11ete11 lch, 7777Mi.-Avo. rhMI 1n.m1 ( , . Blllfl Wlalte Ret•· ... . Ex.OCC,.Lion Ace On Boswell Staff BACK IN AREA Biiiy White AUTO C.ENTER • • Put your car in shape for your summer vacation at Penney's low, low prices YOUR 99 CHOICE .' T<1k• <1dvantog• of our service specials on pr .. ision whetl balancing, expert brak• adjustment by our highly skilled,servlcemen and complete chassis lube (on cars with standard fittings), You can always r•ly~Penneys for quality work. • OUR FOREMOSY-8.R.W. 12 VOLT BATIERY IS BUILT SO WELL, WE GUARANTEE IT FOR ' S · RS! ~~~:!~ • Touah 1 P'-Polypropylene ·-• 2 JM• free rtpl-nt 1uarantM • All fun alze pl11eo • No short· plafft • lhtwth poltitlon cell ..., ....... Sl'touN any Fo11tno11 a111w Mtt"Y f•ll ~not m .. lly d~ ... J WI~ 2 y .. ,, 1rom tn1 Cl•t• « .....,~ fe1UM ,, 19 ~ ..,. ft ..... ""'KH frM af ti!•,... Aftw a Y'W• bUt "'°' t• IM ........ 9"1 ef ::.-::.::~~i!i1~~ IOl'IPM .. loifef~, .......... lfltl '"'""' ~ .. tfl• llfM .. retum. ..--.teo o.,. lfloe •1t• tu111ntM monllu. 1,,.,._ .... • FULLERTON · CANOGA PARK NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA HUNTINGTON BEACH BUENA PARK ( °''" .. , •• , ..... ) Vane~ Vitw CHULA VISTA • • • - ,Le -JJdc> -out : Sa\U Tb two oulli """" WU 14-fo Bl•• WI .... YICI aide • Tr> "1>11 I Pl; = !iodl Bill HI Man BYC Poat Kew PC Pills Ll 50il> (2) dent Ben Tl Bob She[ SSS( , Han Tl c t. = I I BO Wh mo ch• YOI for Y"' Chi lo, ybl lt't COi sin 8111 IOI ac An to I/II U4o Fleet Split Ahmansop 206 Y acht,s Vie In BYC Regatta . I I • Led by a maasl"Ye fleet of 17 _ Lldo-,Ha, llalboa Y1cjlt Club's Memorlll DllY RO(altl turned out a boeta tn ts claues So~ and Sunday. The Lido-14 fleet WU split in two classts with U racing on oulllde courses, and 24 on IXIUllell Inside the bay. This WU the first lime the sporty lf.foot dinghies had bttn given st.arts on ocean counes. Wlnner in the outside class Was Dave Ullman of Balboa Yacht Cub, and ~ winner ln- aide was Jim Nugent of BYC. , Trophy winners in a 11 -: PHRF (:t:i) -Sanderling, llome Kirt , BYC and Bob J!ooie, BCYC; (2) Flyer, Bob ~ BYC; (9) Aphrodile, Bill Lnagjahr, SSSC. RHODES-33 (10) -(I) MBNja, B o b KeUe~ofen, BYC; (2) 'Iberapy, Gayle Poat; BYC; (3) Firefly, John Kewell, BYC. PC (9) -Patrician II, Dave Plll1bury, NHYC. LUDERS-16 (10) -Ill SbibUi. Rick Gantner, VYC ; (2) Windsong, B i 11 Fun- denberg, NHYC; (3) Klldee, Ben Hromadlla, LYC. TIUSTLE (tt) -0) Ariel, Bob Reilly, SSSC; (2 ) Shenanigans, Bob Van't Riest, SSSC; (3) Sandy Andy, Bruce . Harvey, CBYC. The Or•nge ~~!!.t's Most ComJete PRINTING SERVICE with new Bonus Balance checking BONUS BALANCE checking means jual what It says. Whenever you neecf extra money, you've got 11. Right In the old checking accounl llqnu1 Balance costa you nothing unUI you u11 It You're not forced to borrow one penny more than you need. And you don't p1y finance charges one day longer th.an you.have to. 11'• like writing your own tenma on . y'our personal credit card; It's not only cheap, It'• CQnvenlenL More convenlllllt than credit cerda or-other similar bank·~: lnateed or writing even "'9f9 clieolll; you poy bOICk your loan the eenmble wsy. You elmply maka a deposit In your checking aocount. And you get only one monthly atatemerj: to copa with. II Includes your checking and llonlla Balance tran111Ctl~ns-ill on one piece of pdper so you know exactly where you lland. Thera'1 a built In - cu~ to Bonuo BaJlllCe. In tho event or trio borroww~a dellll, the monoy uoed from Bonus Balance ii Insured. The out· standing balance ta peld off In full with no obligation to the ourvlvors. Bonue Balance ottera a bonus too. A Unlt9d Stat" NaUonaJ'Bank Courtesy Can!. U.. H to CUh chlclca at any or our S2 'full Service oillcei. UM H like qaoh. If ytfu -d ~a money fof two or three days before payday-or two or three monthl or more-don'l llM ofl you1 credll cents. Don1 apend time rumbling through a wallet fill! ol plutlc. Jllit uae Bonu1 Balance with low United Statet National Bank finance charges. It's cheaper and more conwnlent. UNITED ._..__n ... ;..,._ sTATBS "!NATIONAL ---·-··-·--~~ • Boats· Out for Weekend lhe aircraft could not lancl. Other coxes IL Fourth df July, Pterry, Howlaod's And Emerald M"re Jammed with boats from the Los An~s and Marina det Rey areas. ""47 Ne w Marine Directory Out __/ when you buy one for reg,Ular tmde-in price ivertown . BFGs PREMIUM· 4·PLY NYLON CORDTIRE ALL SIZES ON A ~96 . -page ' marlii e services directory contalnlng infannation for lhe yacblmlan has been chtislened by ill publisher, the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. . Mayor Doreen Ma r 1 h a I I received the flnt copy ol the PoCket.book-sized boot COlll- piled by the chamber and printed lo help spoUlghl Ille area's marine indllslry. SALE SECOND Tl RE AS LOW AS $14· 22 ••ai:-wolft. lllM1n._ SIM 7,to-U, l'lut l'ld. ea. 1111; tr Jl,t4 ..,,. lrttl• · I•. W~lltwllll 1l19htl~ ~""'· ... NOMONEY 1 DOWN COSTA MllA w 'ESTM·INSTIR · Fiii llST ow JONES TIRE SERVICE L. J. 'LlnLE'S . B~-0 rTire 2049 HARIOR ILYI>. !At layl 7312 WUTMINSTll AYE. PHONE 640-4343 or 646-4421 . _. PHONn93-5S72 DAILY 8 a111 • 6 pm • Sat. Tit 5 pm DAILY 811111 • 7 plil • Sat. TD 5 pm e MAST llt CHARGE e llANKAMElllCARD L .. .. .. I. " " •• I • J: • ·-~ I I l I ! i I t ---------'---·--=--· _____ --.:..;_ ___________ ......, ______ ....olUI .. ; ; u , .. 4 -=wo; oe •; ;Olff wop : ¥ Q CWJ g $4 # 4W iP¥44W 55 Jb $ :;e Ji (QUS•t Cj ¢ .,.. • ...-.,..J)_f,CffP.,¥ff,;,;J2J ,.',, ,. • f ,O, ,,,J ,;.,~~-;T.j.,,' .. 1;;1_,.,-,;, ' ,~Of"' -~-~~~--~~~·~~~~~--~--~~~~~~ .... ~~ .... --~ ... ~~ ....... ~~~~"':" ... ~'!"' ...................................... """"""0!''-"',..'"'~"'"~~~,.,.,~""1;!1':'r.~~~,,..,.,~.,..;::-:-;:-;---;-;:-·-....-~·~-........ ""'~""'l!"l' .~ ~r. ' ' --·--------------• -Moodly, .lunt 2, IW.t • eek, NASA 1 Team f-0r Film ·c1eait _ Sound'· .\ f ,,. , r <1APl!-KENNED't'<(UP0 - ph odd cotnbination1 - ll<t&WJ' l>eck and the N .. .. 1 Aeronaullcs and Space Adm.lniltraUon -has teamed fl C.pe Kennedy, ~ mm a ~rel.al mot.ion picture lliol is all\) perb.apo NASA's lkliR ~ public rela- lloos efrort. • ~ SAi.BOA 67M048 ,,, ~v..'·---A~ 1.. -~ SICOMD FIATU1£ ~ Tony R•nd all & J1n1t Lt1i9h ; "H•llo Down There" , STARTS WEDNESDAY" P1u1 "'Tiiey C•-ta lcll &.. V..-" The movie in whlch Peck,b starring is called .. Marooned." It is a Columbia Pictures pro.. duction destined for reJease in about a year. The plot involves three aslrooauu trapped in spa_ce aboard an A'POUo-llke capsule called "l10runan One," For N ..u,A, it represents a serious public r~JaUo,ns effort with a palt of objectives. The first la: to ~cate the American public in terms of what might happen if-and, NASA officials say, w h en-American spacemen cictually find th em selves marooned in space. This coun- CltlltirOlillc • U111rt4Arot11f1 CONTINUOUS FRI.• SAT.-SUN. from 2 p.m._ ~e 7,'.J Kiili ' p Soooi '-eorge'-' Beryl Reid . Susannah York CoQl _Browne - ALSO MAI.LON IRAMDO IUCHAlD IOOMI llTA MOllNO IN "THE NIGHT OF THE FOLLOWING DAY" . IN COLOll: . • a J: TIHIEAT"• I__.. .. _..,,._,,_ ... _.-.. .... • ~ ~ ~ -.... )\cir llTilllU GMlllUI lllOYI • 1A11 DIMO flrfL I • POSITIVELY ENDS TUESDAY • ,1 CUll( GAILI d' ·~ VIVIEN LEIGH an LUI.fl HOWAlD 'OLIVIA • HAVILAND ' \ ' NOW SHOWING ANOUI AIMii ~ GAlY" ioerwoo• i .. J-~-.,_,., "MODEL SHOP" Big On-FOR AOUL TS JOHii CASSAmts' FACES ' with John Morley Gtn• Rowl1nds try at the moment has no space rescue system and none Is planned. The second NASA alm Is to gain increased public favor for ~ts efforts an objectlve which will~ program olficials are confident, l e a d lo incre~ budgetary appropHaUons : for the space agency. Peck has become an en- thuslastic agent for NASA, along with most of the film's cast and pr'(!ductlon staff. IKSa ..... _._ ..... S rn<'tm fOll lllR\,ft OlW:iiiiC91• Also , ~ft M1rtln • Ja"\ft S;tW1rt ll••'* Welch "BANDOLERO" OPEi EVERY DAY ~) JUNE 1 9 AM 'tit 19 PM ••••••••••••••• JUNE 2 THRU JUNE 6 . 10AM~H7PM ·······••••ti••• JUNE 7 THRU JUNE 20 9 AM ~tll 10 PM SaL 'til 1 AM •••••••••••••••• JUNE 21 THRU AUG. 30 8 AM 'til Midnite Fri. & Sat. 'til 1 AM -• Disneyland .... __ The Orange Coast's Most Complete ·PRINTING SERVICE 'IN·''IM111ma Phone 642-4321 • ' - • ---------·----_ ____,____ ---~~~----- '. • t ' ' • .. - '1'm ·~ by> lhO things I've aeen down here," Peck aald between 1cenea cm locaUon at Pad {l, where the Air Force ailCf NASA have turned over every facility at their commind. t.o the pro- duction crew. Joplin: Forte Cuts Album The pad lJ norm~·uled for Jauncblftg Titan m~ Jt" ~··s.:":r=:: that &ervtl as the deputure point for the Apollo Oighb. Peck's awe for the program hu been such that he visited an Apollo training chamber in Houston in t b e company of Apollo Astronaut Nell Armstrong. · "Tlre)"re rehearsing like ac> · ton, in a way," Peck said of. the spacemen, "being in that capsule was one of the most st.imulaUng e1perience11 I ever bad." Part of the filming occurred auring .the Apollo 9 orbital mlsslon. Peck, reflecting' oo the possibility of lilt atw\IY "Much1 of ~11s mu.ale is ~ wtlli comple. elee- tronic loudness and com- 1111"'¥ noise. Our effort ~ toWard an understandable, de8ll IOUDd." This, accordln11 tO Dennis Coats of Costa Mesa, is the dlUerence,between the general totk-rock genre and hJJ owa group, the JopUn Forte, which has jwt released its first album. Compc>Ud of oor young musicians In their middle 20's, the Joplin Forte ls primarily a Costa Mesa band. Coats and two other members of the group live In Costa Mesa: the fourth resides in Anaheim. '10ur _specialty," Coats ex· plains, "is lhe ·use of nonele~ trie imtruments to put across a contemporary· coontry-folk soond, a sort of Glenn camp- bell effect." In their album, ' ' A i n 1 Misbehavin' ," the Japlin Forte includes one of Campbell 's hit.a; ".GenUe On My Min.d," along with aooUter popu1fr hit, 0Little Green Apples, 11 and the updated title track. Much of the other matertal on the di.¥: is oirglnal -Writ- .ten by ~ts. w~IOYS 11.Wo In tile gro\tp. T song> In- clude ''Ima lnlng ,'1 "Halloween,·• "Pretty Words,'' "You Don't Bother Me,'' "Road to Nowhere," "Do You Miss Me at Home," "I'm.in Love and Everything" and "You Might Be the One to Change My Mind." ' ' Coats and his cohor t s , guitarists Gary Carbon and Pat Ball and electric bass player Monte Papke, have been together for the past two years, during .which they'v~ played everywhere In Orange County from ·Sid's Blue Beet to the Anaheim Convention Center -the !after for a Republican rally feting P~i· dent Nixon. - currently the Joplin Forte 11 holding forth Sundays at th• Reuben E. Lee in Newport Beach. coincidence of an ach••I spate JOPLlN · FdRTE -Meml>ers •of the Costa Mesa- t raged y o cc u·r r ha based ·musical combo' are, 'Standing, from left, Den- simulta.neously with the, film-nis Coats and Pat ·Ball;_ seaied, Gary Carlson and ing, said he has been' atnick by Monte Papke: "the confidence these people 0..,.., ... 11113.,.,..,.. • ..,,.,. .. .,, ..... ,.,,,..,..'"".,. .. ;.,.., • ..,.,,.. • .,. ... ""...,~'"1"Jr!ll:!H0..,._...:2c:· 1"'"'· ""'"' b.a~· • Williamson's Rough Hewn 'Hamlet' Ranks With Best By JACK GAVER NEW YORK {UPI) -This h'U !:teen •a ~ater 1 e a s o n featured t;y · strong male J>etf.onnances, and not the Jtast of these ls by England's 'Nicol Williamson in the title role ol "Hanilet." Williamson 's interpretation -and there will be some who will not like it -ranks right up ~ with the -work of James Earl Jones in "The Great White Hope," Donald -' GALA PREMIER. Tuffday', June 17th ltl'lllWnll • ., . . ,,...,.._. S'9td1 & H ....... Clllk p_,..,._....,c.•......,,. BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1 Man who chects tht boots: Abbr, .( Puts • aiop to use 9 Sod1 fount· aln ltt11 14 Holds lS D1nct 16 One of~ Musts 17 Ltvtl sp1ct for wilts l• Comp1re 120 Equ lnt 21 Wr1th 22 Ch1rgt 23 Stitt: Abbr. 2 ~ Pl•r at lovt 26 Aslin ruler ,29 L ltrr1ry form 31 Tille 32 lnst1umtnl )3 HonOfS I S di vine 54 lord e)(presslng sorrow 58 Along with •O Area within 1 cyclone 61 Loud, harsh sound 62 Mu1i c1I trsnslllon 6C Canine 66 Scott of 1 111u1lc1I dr1m1 67 H1ving . Ctrl;1ln org1ns 68 comr•" polo $ 69 Sent • communl· c1t'lon 70 Hlt 1 golf • shot 71 Unproc tsstd DOWN 3fi Lint Hrrrdr 38 Groove l Part of tht 311 Dtllects 2 Sbo••''tlOll '41 Kind of " sugar fruit 43 ••• lll1tl1 concoction 44 Venus de -. 3 U:S. ski 46. Augured rts0f1 47 Trll'll and 4 Kind of nall chic S Lacking 411 ••• rost color 50 Greehwlch 6 Be of s ldereJI value time: a-bbr. 1 Crtdlt , 51 Can1dl1n fl!anagtr s rtd pint, conctrn: for ont 2 words 52 "--111111 I Shnilng movement" contempt ' ' " 17 Saturday'1 Putz!e Solvtd: 11/2/1111 1 A person 's 40 Sri it Into nature s ender IO Man of tht pieces cloth 42 Hydr oca1bon 11 Where !fund In Cli!Orpian pttro!eu11 Bar 1s: 45 T!mt 2 words ~eriod: 12 ~::1~wer: •a R l~~~d:f 13 ltlght holdlng unit property 18 Feminine 53 Bac~w11d: nlf!lt • Prtf1w 2• Gay 55 lnamo1ata 25 Group oltlif 511 Part ~f an three amph1-z7 Treat theater badlr 57 Spre1d 28 Had an wldtlr ayerslon s~ ln1rilm1lt toward fil Tta111 30 Stln: 62 Ftmalt co111b. fonn an lm•I )) Mikt flt 63 Ne1r to: 34 Kind of bird Comb. for111 JS Too avid ''Ont 37 Teases wool compltlt before turn : carding lnlor11il 10 11 12 1J ,, . • Pleasence In "The Man In the Glass Booth" and A I e c 11cCowen in "Hadrian VII ." This "Haqllet" production has been imported intact from Britain where the natives have been reported a~ regarding Williamson's ~amlet as the ~ best in years. It certainly is a different Hamlet, and it should be seen . ..Uter the limited engagement S~rri G.itt•lman OCC' SOLOIST here, the play wUI open in ----------- Boslon June 16 for two weeks, then go to Berkeley and po,,;b1y to Los •ngeles. The Theatrical length of the tour depends upon the star's future com· W k h m;tments. . or s op Williamson ls a.Aong, tean chap with a shock of bushy, A i' ,;..ll wavy hair ·who loob a little ·: t \..AJ eg e angry at all times, exudes. • ' physical vitality and gtvd the Santa Ana College will be of· impression of being older than fering its annuo!ll su mmer his 30 years. He appeared here as the star of ''Inadmissible theater work.shop again this Evlde~e." four .seasons qo , )'Qr. .. and later filled \n for a few • The dranla and m u s I c weeks in "Plaza Suite.'' department.s are collaborating His Ilamlet iJ-in line wlth . on an ·original musical enlitled his personality; His Dane ls not much for melancholy, but "Twiet in &len." Stage dlrec· he is not a hail-fellow trpe tor will be Robert Blau.st.one either. It is a rough-hewn in· and musical direction will be terpretation without princely by James Vail. airs. and this may cause some A large turnout ls expected to be Jess than happy with it. Despite the laconic ap-from the community and high proach. Williamson" does not school graduates. Students slight the beauties of the text. who are now high school For-example, while he handles seniOrs are eligible to join this t h e celebrated soliloquies almost as man-to-man talk, he summer's theater workshop still manages to convey · their for college tfansferable credit, verse quality. three units for the theater Np matter how m a n y Hamlets you may have seen. you should take a look at Williamson's, if he comes your way. Famous British d I r e c t o r Tony Richardson has put this production together, and he has fashioned a tight, fast- moving performance t h a t dispenses with some minor in- gredients "'·ilhout damage. • workshop and Onf-;,unil for rehearsal and perlertnance. The workshop will meet Monday through Thursday from 6 to 10 p.m. ~d Friday from 7-10 p.m. beginning June 16. Details on summer school registration can be obtained from the Admissions Office, 547-9561. • Mesa Girl Soloist In Concert Soprano Sherri Gittelman of Costa Mesa will be the featur~ soloist June 8 in a combined con~ of th e Orange Coast College Com· munity ·Symphony Orchestra and Chorale. , , The concert will begin al 8 p.m. in the OCC Auditorium. Admission will be $1 and tickets will be on sale at the auditorium box office on the 1 eTI!ning of the performance. The concert, . under the ;.Jspices of the Cosla Mesa Symphony Association, will be the final perfonnance of the year. It will be co-sponsored by OCC and the Costa Mesa Recreation Department. 1be program will open with the chorale performance of five numbers, including "Sine Nomioe" by Williams and tbe WilboUs.kY arrangement of "Battle Hymn of lb e Republic." Afler an intermission, the .circhestra will perform the overture "Russian and J,ud· milla" by Glinka, and the Con· certo for Two Violins and Orchestra by Bach, featurin-g Adrianne Geiger, first violin, and Fred Gillett. . hfiss Gittelman will then join the orchestra for three operatic arias: "Un bel vi verdremo" from Mad am e Butterfly ; "fi.licaela's Aria " from Carmen and "ti.1usetta 's Waltz" from La Boheme. · The orchestral program will conclude· with the performance of the Symphony No. 41, ~·Jupiter," by Mozart. Miss Gittelman has had a recital in Carnegie Hall in New York , City, and has studied with Annetta Schneider and Nina Kt>Shetz of the Moscow Conservatory of Music. She has had roles in the Pacific Opera Th eater in Long Beach, the UCLA Opera Workshop, UCJ Opera Theater and many other groups. ' I STEREO SENSATION! • " Tiie colorful soun~ of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .. .. From Fashion Island, Newport Beach ~ ·--------· ' • HOI Gen -L 4+ ) 5 Fan ta living "'"' ily ro ily bt bodro """" heat~ T.X. ' I 4 IMMI Corne' Coast paym• sid~ oiler. *64'. Ne~ 3 BR 2 fireplai ISfINC Wells· l8IO ' 5 IN1 4 BR & fers to for per Rand I 51, 1RETI~ room•c firs, d with sl !axing. 1701- NeW{!Ort ~ 3 BR 2 lot, 130: I for deti Da: l'RI 'Large E overlooJ •""11 build rr r.1ADGE DAILY BR: Tl I RE! 1 ' • 1: .u•~· • ----. ..- • • •. J i • ' "'HOU=S'-"l'-"S!l-f-"OR~SA""L'°'li;.._,...;.;H._OU""S"'E"'S""F..-0.;.;R..;;;SA;.:;L;;.;E:;.._ HOUSE'S F.OR SALE , HOUSE~ FPR SAi.i ~ w ' . . HOUS~ POR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUll!S FOR SAL! HOUSES FOR SAL Ii H'!!~~,.... leach, 1400~1hj:~ 11• j a.-_.1 1, 1000 Gonoral · • 1000 -·1 , ... O-r•I ., 11 ,_. 0...,.111. , 1111 General , IM' -Vonle , lc!Ycrest . PM,!', . A RARE FIND · 'li' ijijii WALK 'rO' 1110 t -I J . LAST CHANCE at 7.2% F~-=.s:!·~. '::.~::-.."'.~~ 1,--... ,,.~ I SHC!Hlri~l . Swill Yoa \ room, Dramatic rock fire-the noor o1' thb ch&milrw ~ U:dl charm~ NII" I • J Y RANCHO LA CUESTA h nI 3 bo place} 1aJ'le aide )'U'dl. Po-3 bedlU9ffl' 1% bath &me! !:1:se!:'!t~· 2 :i., ~ ·->ffJlllltfS 1 fl Mod •-las o y t Imo es tential "'°" ,1a;,,. Rullc brick and <te,p lbag L'•uDau RK u , 26 ... • MOl;)ERN LIVI . G. New homes-, ready w move Jn, ~ mile from beach. First paylneat up to · eo days after· move ln. e . e.., ate op~n or you o ur . . Clll)E't thfoul:hout aod a _.. ~ bu t-ln ~.and 1• ~ -"' ...... ~··• ._ Ill 10 AM to 7 PM. I & 2 swry, 3 &.4 bed-Two...,, Pace--..,... Tbl& Is a ·-· '""~~ s we w room homes with 2 or 3 baths, Mission tenific coveted p&1io area ~trer in ~ US• 135_p,t lot: ~u · ~ _.,.. ·m.950 a b!& tile or shake roof; fireplaces, concrete ~they ~=ubar-~. :el! heUt ~ Me• WW takl""4 more unit;. or Ahtboqy 1*11 ••bl& 3 BR. Torm• VA/FHA. fronl'i22."' •• Ve~'• t I n e at owner wm divide and Ml 2 bath ~ room home driveways , heavy rough cut beams, built-utllif:1".yard inake• this the reeldenUl.l area. tOt sepua~. Lot at uo.-w1tb double ~ I:: an ins, family &' dining rooms. perfect home 1.or camper Ba.-Utitut pool, 500 and home at Pl,500. .. the extru. Like cettinr: a The Beach · I I and boat owoen. 1.13.500 • I""' Janoloc&p!nr WE SELL A HOME poo1_~. -Real Ea. Such a beautiful price range .•. $24,995 1~% down. , w ..,... tor EVERY 31 MINUTllS -51!>1lSI lope• eves) _ to !3412.00·, with VA or Conventional boat oc trailer. 4 (on,lreolthum 1 ~ ...,.i. el Momol Huntl....., _.. 1400 I ------ financing as 10\1{ .. 10% down. so% CJ< """"'· formal Walker & lee ...... _,, ·--~ 1-90% loans at 7.2%. Each succeeding unit cliJ;ILn&, den and 'P/ --Lido Isle • 1351 costs more, so take fd.vantage of these a rmk inside -200 Westclitt Dr. priC.es. "FOC' A Wiae Buy" 6?6;nn 5tl-2:ll3 2399 aubho\J!e MS.ml Open Evn. NEW: VIEW IAYFRONT DUPLEX 1-..,....""'.-0-R_C_E--·, HURRY! RANCHO LA CUESTA HOMES On Brookhunt •t Atlent• ••• 968-2929 Huntington Beach General · 1000 O.nor1I 1000 4 t ~mily + Pool -s25,300- 5'1• 0/o LOAN Fantastic value. Delightful Jiving room with plusb car- pets and · drapes. Cozy fam- ily room with beams. 4 fam- ily bedrooms. Great maater bedroom has closets with mirrored doors. Sparklina: heated pool, Covered patio. Take over 51.4 % loan. Hurry Call 645-0303. 1111\I \I I llf \11 \ --. 645-0303 4 BDRM & DEN IMMED. POSSESSION Com er home near South (.oast Plaza. Low, low down paymenl Owner may .con- sl!i~ le~oP.tio!L.~bmll. oUer. Asking • * lEWINKLE BUILDING FOR SALE OR LEASE 1800 Newport Blvd. CALL BILL SCOTT OR KERMIT RJGGS -Farr,..W- ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th SI. 646-4494 john macnab BUILl1£R MUST SELL Dell&bttul ~ 3 Bdmu:., 2 bu. ~,, Cole~orlly-& ·co. !~-...................... ::· -It?,-·'HERE'S YOUR LOVELY DOLL HOUSE a.autlflll ·.-•w-1iw the w.= CAMEO SHORES 11-,..,,.., ""'cu..,,....,. °"'· bft.thtaldoW •• lli&h• each, New auiiell. BJ's, Maril\& Hi, School, 10' ~ I din.. rm.; .OOWer nn., laun-lot WibkiCk fence, 3 Jp BR.11 dry mt. Exc:ebent terma. l.?illi' ram rm. mA ·~ I $1~.ooo. al, Sell Gl or mA $24,900. , 3 HOUSES-POOL Enjoy .......... r prtva1' "' the market with ' bla + .. w. bedroom. 3 bath. R. C. GREER, RMlty Take over GI 5'4 ~ pyrnntr;, ! 3355 Via Lido 673-9300 $150 totaJ monthly__ I EASTSI E beaches plus canyon I-ocean ~~:;;;~;::;;;:;;.::;;~I bedrooms and a den., built Delta Real Elta~ MM414 D vl•w from 1hlo lmma""1ato la ld1-~n "-pl&---" •• ·~ •·-v .... on ma· Wow.·•-we G'""'n ~ · ~, '" ~~ -··· · -• · JusT usTE01 COSTA MESA 3 Bdnn. home. priced ve AIV lft Ip wall a.,..~ 2 .. ..._.,. lot.,.... bel ,I 8', 3 Bl. · · low at $62,500. Call for app't. ble praae, immac*lrit lnlllY cuit featurea;-ILow Oul.rta.ndlna:.4 B<inn. '-conv. Located on"ltuge-kJt -three 1eparate houses W'ith pool, call it a triplex if you want, but wl}at.ever you call It, yoo'd better see it. -rarr,..W- Walter Haase -We'i't tnlly pleued to have rudy to be lived ln. la. $48,.500 v.iue s.crwoe di!n famUy home on Ja:e. a bl&; 4 b;Ntoom home in the SM 500 &K-U66· ' 1trada lat. 169.000. · tqvely MESA VERDE .,:.. 5 sit_.· ... lvan•WeU. home LIOO REALTY INC. lo< 01'!'.Y $31,4!0, IA'lo ":!h ,Ja IAnd.c ..... lam nn.1 ,3400~~-V~la!l.!Lldo~~:!!!!m.mo~~ spaee for boat or biiltr 6: patio. Job trana. reqs lm· \ ~ '-' ... •ell a..~.· & ,_ -· -~-· 1 M•--'-m E. 11th s1. "' o9f ._, • n •""' •·~"--•-.,•· med sale by .,.,,.r. 161,500. Huntlnvton llhch 1400 550 Newport Center Dr. too. U )'OQ. need BIG BED-ORANGE COUNTY'S 833-&415 wkdaya til ·5 pm.-- Newport Beach, Calll -ROOMS. don't fall to "' LARGEST ·HAWAII BOUND. ...,, L1ST yaur P<opor1y ORANGE COUNTY'S 833-0700 ..,._.2430 this one. Other fearutts In-1ell ... v deluxe Conda!, 2 BR with confidence clude: HEAVY SHAKE u_ LI ti -v LARGEST 1 =~~~~~=~:1 ROOF • IMMACULATE!X ~w 1 "I 2 ba, pool. 128.5110 Agt. SELL with prGh .. 293E. 111hSt.646-44M C:A.MEO SHORES a.EAN_oondi-Don't·do-~.:t:.i";:,,~'.!:: 64e-O'l32 , '"'"°' ~klH -.j..5.~!ILl!...-r.;:;:.;;:;-i._m.mt;~'1il't' l!Qt~-.~ '-""'-. OF· THR, OUGH U Paint lo Savo -Yl!'nriOMF'-C.'OATS FICE, 25 x9:I lot M-1 """' Bia !.mlly homo • '-eo. s """"°"" 4 Batho • A bedroom, Adutu onl,y. l'S.!100. 5111 3bt. St, N.B . ..; REALT~~,:EMBER BRASl:JEAR REA~ TY I S.7-85.U Eves. 431-J'lf EVERYnnNG IS B·t f HERE! 8J.G ftniabed room, 4 BIG bdnna. ~ patio. +' a OIGANTIC ir-retulat aped tot. Not t ' price • not · the in I rate. 135.ooo .. ~ • •!a I beautiJul Premier I with 51,.4 % klu. Ru: " I Hodita Rlty 847-2525 .. j Real E1t1te>Saleunln · • NHftcl i Best comm.l.ulon I: llonu&'.1 Confidential lnttrriew. ' for Mr. Braahear. · BRASHEAR REAL T . 847-8531 Eves. 968-lonial 5 ~R with Ant.hony Bea.utilul tropical Rttin& WALLACE &5-14-·'SUO t119111 m.«13) Hunt'nv-llNch/ pool, family room & dining Natural rock swimming pool REAL TOlt$ (-GE DELUXE Duplex. OCEAN room. Nearly 2900 aq H, High beam cei~s REALTY VIEW. $42,500-Jow di'&. Aak Fountain V•lley ~ walking distance to Mes.a Steps to 546-4141-!DJAdllllliliftiffPl .,.tcr Naomi. Doyt.e Co. Lllflng Service · LaguM IMch. Verde Country Cub. Owner Private community beach (Qoen Ev'enlT) 5'8-llSS. Ewa. flS-tm ' REX L. relocating out,ot area-mwt ff>!: 000 M 19 · -HODGES ••L •CRES ""' -· FOUR IEDRO'Q~ Coot• -1100 ' OBILE HOME s ,000 ... ~ · ean J im O:lbb a.,ytront on Peninaula -REAL TY • Undeveloped land. Ot.y (-~!0-· H • ••o• $1'9 500 ~ .,.__ """"' -1.quna. ' Bila. to be&ah --·· "" " ..... """thlo·-lamll> 1nree/f1111/Pool . IJ9!1 8HCh llvd. Ocean vtew, Should . C/!;.LE-GE11REALTY , ~--·~-! ~ •. .,to ..... Unlvt,..ity ,., rk , IU7 Huntington leerh Into '13 to~. Prk• $40, ~ Mlrtier,CM. ...,.,""" ~ ........., :19% Dn. A real sleeper. • ptna, IChoolt and cburcbn. Which meant we ~ otterilW ac7.2525 BAYSHORES $44,500 "Thia one won't laltl Sl$S • lowly 3 BR, 1%. bath BR.Ami NEW HOME 3 BR --------MISSSION lU-l'Y· per mOntb include. taxes' llpm• with tam nn, and • Univ. Pk:. GJ'ffnblt\ Spanl& 8e1ch Boy's Beavtyl and"' lnlurance! ONLY $100 ft>immJ.nc pool at a price tffe rt teue $315 mtb. Sell Near uew 3 "BR with formal Total cash req\lired. JOU will banUy believe: $38.,000. m..J3M d.ln1nr room, diabwaaher, !!!!!~~~!"!'!~"""""''I WE SELL A HOME Call Ua To See: new patio, awnlnas, eli!iant Short walk 10 pnva" "'"'"· WOW'. IURR WHITE Rh bl .. 1242 d """ Ung" .c;;;;.;;;;-:i::':-::::::':O::::::':'il •• •-• ~-1 ,·-~·• y-~-. ox-. EVERY JI u1"UTES • '· Ee11 "" , rape .,.,.. s• PERB <q,i -....... _ "'"' w lk "'&" l 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. close to -the finest beach U v\ew, newer CUit{ ::,. 1o16.:bt;.,.":;""~~ B!~~!n!~~ 8 er ee '75-400 E-. 61J.GU9 ·e NEW BLUFFS e ~~--=·~~~.-~.:..:t>-~6•1•s~~~·~ Great place tor children. lain With a ~ie:W. yo11 won't 2043 Weatctttf Dr. ·SPAC1ous~4 BDRM, 2--ux;-2 ,2 Br.;2 Ba •pUt--lievel. Many ewryttltng_ m-nm: Rel. 1111. n.n1wr ~lleve. 4 bedrooms, bJP 146-7711 Open Evn. trpl.c:a. Sputdlnr cleu. Nklt C\lltDm feature&. all dee, Pullie Shores ~atty l·Du--..,.--'-Fo-Sa_le_l_Vl_d ... :-D-beam ceilings, deltlX'e·ldtc~ ........ __ •• w-•-to __ .. ,_ etc. ~ mabrt. I: Jene-M7.§86 Eves. 842-8128 p .. , 4 BEDROOM ......-:t1 • al& . ...i.... bold MUSI" SEU.. BY I r • $27,950- ~w. impressive home in ex- cluSive area. 4 Bedrooms, 3 Ba.tM,-huge-·femUy J"OOtn with fireplace & walk-in bar. Formal dlning room plus breald.ast area. '-'king S82.- 500. Open aa1fy. 1.118 SanU- ago Dr. . -R l;iAI,, TY ••. sun dock, a;"'6lluful , ,' '!!"-""· Take over 5%,. O~ Can Dick ·Dyttj!!!~~!!"!"'!'!"!!'!'!'!~ N JPLEX 15.'.~-6~,. , can ¥Y.tlme 67M!IOO ..... only I yeaiy.t.&d. Ask: MESA YHDE tiian. lmmld. occupancy. ~.., 401 m.1m PARTY HOUSE -... 51• Feri>iw, CdM: 1 :ia;;s W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. lng $.1T,500. Beautiful new-~.·Lo-c.Jl owner ~ Open or ' Garden klleben A: .tamlb' S. of frlii>' •• 175-tDU Broker.-' l""~~~~~~!!!!!.I cated fin QUIET-·&-dA&c Biltl:Sun1-6.l'l3llaftSt. C del Ma 1250 nxmwlthwetbaroverlookl ;t.ENTALS' : I (714) 642-8235 • HOME FOR otreet. Hu • 1-• .... ...., ...,. Vero. orono • r "'""" • !Ill•"" pool. •BR I :-!"!!°'~"~'"'~,fu~m~lol~'led~'.:"'j ! • 1 9(Jl Dover Drive, Suite 120 " endoled FRONT PA.TIO; BY OWNER 3 BR Home's. ,.. BRICK & BEAMS 3' b&tbl • an the c:reaturt! I'. I Newport ~,a.ch HORSES .ORAtfG.E C°"'tfTY'S Mn lPOll'I tor boat or traB. E. 1kle, 2-W. ak!e."V°lfl'J lrr ·Adobler tritk rouah beams. oornhU are yoUn with ltent•I• .. SfMN' :. ~ f~~====~= f !!!~!!ii!!'!!i!!J~!f!!l!~!jHaU amf with cortai 8.nd a LARGEST er. Excdh!nt · v-a lite• at tranafe:rable hna 5%-6%?9. ntW ~ and &Iatan cult ·to' the low · lntere1t ' Newport He•l;,hts UYE·RENT·BUILD cl3.an8'drooandm ... 2 tb<. -'"A"°.'!'::: 293 E. 17th St, 6'6 ''"* S26Ji00. 'Call -&I ·thl• N...i caoh. 548-ll09 u...n drape• bid you quiet FHA loan. $234 por month WORKING pt to ':II ...... " """"' popular Jian wil'I tell fut. * BY OWNER-POOL. 3 wekome to a 1erene OCftl1 lnclude1 all. fiam. Uiilvuslty Park 3 BR 2 bath, bardwOOd floor, All on ~ sa.rne property. find at $36,950. -546-9521 ·or 'Sf_0.6631, BR. Cl'1>ts, c.trps. x:Lr& LR. vtew framtd by prafet1lonal TRADEWINDS RL TY. with Sllmlf. S 4 6-O 9 l I~ fireplace, dble 1aragc. EX-Live In the house, rent. the l J K. Ni 'h I Low malnt yrd. $!0,500. land8capln&. ·Adult owners 847~11 833-1531 eve . •r W.~fs~~~~.~fe~· rit~· ,:rchr:~ a~ci:::. a~wi~ BaneH Realty . e I IC 0 s • 64&-2S95 * :ie~.:":=n.~ 3 BR iru !~':uo· fenced $: :!:t1~~~o::~:r eWi the adjoining vacant lot. To-io teed .,.. • 1810 N port Blvd., C.M. tal price $30,~ eve11"thini preMnts .._ R Ito Mn• Del Mer 1105 ~H 1 p' inchn 'j& A · lot, Covered patio, ·carpets, 1 """""'54"!'8-"!'Tl29~!"•"!'eytim!"'~•~.,I completely redecorated •. ex-546·2313 • M6·71n ~-.. ea r • n IMC. ctnpes, bWlt-in range a: ov· Cost• Mela 2100 NE •R NEWPORT EXTRA-lute corntr lot l 3900 E. Coe.st Hwy. 61S-t392 ~ dilhwuher double pr-..;.;.'--"'----"~ INVESTORS rept the vao. lot A UNIQUE DESIGN OPEN HOUSE BDRM'• w/ enclORd patio, .. ~ "'••tlfut ;,.,,, $ll0 PARTLY tum 1 8',. HARBOR Cus!om built "ome. ~ boat gate. 546-"51 m PolnMffl•, CdM ' ' dble pr, .Lt. yd. $29 500 ,,., DAILY 1~ at 141 YORK-u U. •~ , tibna1 attention to detail CM See 7 One al tbe thtte finest horn-~· "~' llP Ava June ' ... ~, $19,950 Priced far below repla~ work. 3Tr0 sq fl 3 bdrrm, ""I'OWNLN.,. re--Mesa Verde 1111 "ln'lhehurtofCdM.StePI ____ Ora.nge,thencall673-81Z. 4 BR & fam n1., Ownor pre· ORANGE COUNTY'S ment. v:-sized bedrooms, 4•L baths, Inside • ou•_, .. _ sales from $1400 down. 2-3 n...... 4 BR <" ~ =~~~~:?:!~!~~~~~~~~~ 2 ba~~q;. 1 ...... ~ ia .......:: A: 4 Bdnna. For uJt& A ta V\>Can, • :1a ...., White depbantll [ers to lease back at $185 LARGEST . , rear Jy .... room, patio. $125,000. mrtal information. Call . ACHTUNG $119,CIXI, <By appt.) for period of year. 293 E. 17th St. 646--4494 shaded back yan1. Entry ..,............ ~-....__ H m M O.La~MI Estate I 645-2340 hall. 54().17'20. 1600 Westclilt Dr, NB 642-5200 Heritaie Real EI t & t e ~-...,n ~ ~ AUi eta Rand Ru ty 1-..-..-..-..-..-..-iiiiif TARBELL 2955 Harbor 540-1151 '°"'' .... 1 VenleT Hahe 3 Schl&tzln> ,2828 E, ~ !TIOHwy, O!M 51/4 •/o LOAN COMM'L HOME '=-..................... i=r:=~r:=r:=~z '"'."'!!!!!!!!!!!!~'l""~'!" mer ""•""'"· mu ... ··~ Loca1"'"" -'""'"Price,-B lid Look' Courtyard Pool Auu-6°'.. FHA -Garten uno1 ... ""!!~~'!""!!~~!!!!!!! RETIREES special, 2 Bed-l"" ~ .. ~ 114,500, ~ .. 1-U en • ,,.,.. fi K"-~-Call ~ .. -, HOME I. INCOME I -m·doU ...... -, H--'··-" ""'' '""'"'"'"""'"' ..._ v• ':!'!""-23'13 ~. - I ·-1 ~ bacl< ... uw~ etails. Only Approximately 1 acre. Cose "Forever View" New Wells' 3 BR home on _. Lovely 2 Br., apac:k>ua den, lira, de ightful yan• $3S,OOO in Nrwport Beach kieation. plan ready for Aug_ deliv-large lot wltb 1rpl, 2 baths: 1ep. hollle for with shade or sun for re Can be divided into sewral ery. 4 BR 3'ii ba. fam rm total pymnt. of SUl/ino. incorriie. On two R-2 lot&. !axing. ro· RTIN. CO.· buUdin& sites leaving load wet bar, 19x32' pool Bu;y DAVIDSON R11tty , Owner will finalKM!. I 3 bdrm home' on one. DOW to select colo~. 7rJ(I Harbor lB, CM Or•ngti Coe1t1 Property 110l·A W•stclill Drive Arnold & Freud Roy J. Ward_ Co. 546-6460 54M189 :71 332 .....,..n" 613-85;0 N•~rt S.och ''"""' tBa'"'"'" Otti"'' Near Harbor H'-h HARBOR VIEW Hill•. Lusk Nu rsery Potential 388 E. 17th St., CM 1430 Galaxy Dr. 646-1550 "JI HOW'S THE homeview. For sal• by 3 BR 2 bath home, comer REALlTnYI ~OM~* Realtors 646-7755 ,,....,...,...,...,.,,..,.....,. v,.ac.W3 BtRclll!+ Shalam ~ ~k TIME FOR Owner., 3 Br., 2 bl.th. 935 lot, l30xl80" all fenced . Call * 642-""nytnne -· es ppu"' ....,Do Tllier W•v, 6 4 4 -116 9 • f detail . $2l,9SO ·MESA VERDE USE your GI to buy this e~ ter. 2 be.. bit-in kit, dbk -I 0'.,,. 8 n ' 1;8 .,. •a(f-.• Dial our numbor & find oul Comple,.ly ·rep&ioioo "''" 1ant;uxtr, 1% batho, boam· fr>lc, cpto/drpa, AU newly 9UICK CASH 156-"ll· JP 9'&-•u about 8 great buy. Just rior -Master siled bed· ed ~ngs. eorPOOI swim-peinted. Onb' $ll.9!":i0. .._ SHOREO.IFT 3 BR. 2 BA. 642-6500 """" T•oder • Loviiw -roomo, 2 "para" baths, mliw -Eamldo C.M. P.W.C. 54' ~IO THROUGH · A -I -lined""" by the Care. It is a 3 BR f'ree. DretUn kitchen with fine $29,900 Kingaard Rtal Ea-.._ Fee simple. Accna to 2 P'RICE$9Si:o:5HED dom home !or onJ,y SIB."'1 built-in apptianco, Patio. tat• l\fl-22222. -N!':;!.,E;::;ft>'s~'!~en. DAILY PILOT -Under $5!1.000. 1IJ' • -will go FHA/VA. 54G-1720. 1842 Newport Blvd CM . er.mer. 6'l3-3tl81 1Artl• Spanah ranch hom• Rltr. 642-9730 Em. 54&-a13l TARBELL 2955Harbor1--,Wh=tt,-=Et,...cp"'hanb...,.,...,,,..--,..._ " WAtfT AD OW!fER,-Opon Dall#. v ..... ovorlooldog golf ro.r.. + • 1-v 1---..0 ...... -...... i,=.;;:~~~==o:..,==,,,;;;~~==;:.'..::;o::===,:::== I S.&ut. 2 Br,, 2 Ba + ·~n. = ...:.7'°'S:;,500aoom 10 UWIUI IA YFRONT APT: General 1000 O.noral , ICIOO qt-al 1000 !!35 ,11uei. <>IM. m-<8111 ~1ADCE DAVIS &42-7CQ'.I hYour.Adlnourclassllieds! v~ Del Udo. Pk!r I. s.lip .:..:.;c:.;..:.;_ _____ ..;;.;=-"'--'--~-"---\-------,,-1 DAILY Pll.OT WANT ADS! Someone will-be lookina: for available. Ertcloted pta&e. BRING RESULTS! it Dial 6C-561B ~G:rge Wlll ierMon 000 ~--I 1000 Realtar 1 _....... 67J.4350 Eves . .fr.l.15&1 THE FAMOUS BUILDING' AND SITE OP THE BLACK KN.IGHT RESTAURANT and COCKT'AIL LOUNGE >, • llOW BEING OFFER&:O , 'FOR SALE -CALL . ' Bin Scott or Kermit Riggs ~ ni E. 17th ST,. COSTA MESA • • . PENINSULA PT. . Bat value! 3 Br.· ttom.e en 50Xl00' k>t. Enjoy beach llv. lng! $42,500 S.lboo RMI Eotato Co. 100 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa 6'J3.-0IO '4 BEORM . $22,950 lmag:in 2 bath. lamllJi..room, covered patio. Larre yard. Near schools. l.A!u than rent payments. 540-1'{20. TARBELL 2955 Harbor THE BLUFFS 3 BR &: 2 Ba w1th ootner lot view a: spaciool fet:llP1. OJatom ca.rpta. drps, other utraa. Handy to pool. Own. er $41,500. 64f.07ll OPEN HOUSE 3 I: FAM A POOL * * 1701 Calatea 'ten-.. Irvine 'l'flf. CdM 67$-3000 ; SCS..7'962. Sun 1-5 DW. 4Jrect """118, Cham )'OUr •d, then ltt hAclt and ,_ ..... _ .... ! • S@\\~~ !.~t.f/ts· Sol .. a .Simpl< S<Tmnbl<d Word Ptuzl< tor a Chuckle O Reorrol'lgtl i.tt.r& of h tour .aambled words he-'°"" TO form fovf sfmple wordl. I I I I I I • SCUM·LITS ANSWER IN . CLA$SIMlrtlON HOO • ~_t• Isle 1251 I'( NEW QSTINGI Modem <fl ·Jtar old 4 BR, convm. I den, aewlrw: nn. Nft1> oarpetod. Buutllully tiled entry I: ~ rm. l11,100. --, .. CaD """"" won.er 'lllty ' -'7s.nGO · ,LQTS Of ROQM ~ll!l"'lcy J'Br ..... Sl' ·-to otnot'""-sc.r Ian.st. Lee. South patio: nr, cl\lbhoule It tennla cts. $69,500, Call for epp'l W~LKIR Riiy. p$-DO DAILY P!i1lii . DQeA· ' UN"ES. Yau CG!-VII tbttn \ ,... jtat -• di:/, Dial - NO MATIER WHAT 11 ·15 • • • YOU CAN SELL WITH IT A DAILY PILO WANT AD - -' ' " F~r Fast Service &: .i bpe~ Auistaitca DIAL '42~7.8 DIRICT • -. I I , , I \ I I I . I . L. - r:. i I , • • • • •• I ' • l l· h ' I " ' J ' ~' ..... ; " • ... --.. Are You Letting Cash . . - Slip Thro'1!gh Your Fjngers See If You Have Any Of -These Things A DAILY PILOT WANT-AD 1. s- 2. Guitar i. llloy C_rllo 4. Eloclric Saw 5. c-. 6.W- 7.~­ L-s.t '· c-h IQ. Cl- 11. llofrlgeritor 12. Pldcvp Truck 13. Sowlnt Mochlno 14. su..-n1 15. Mochine Toolt 16. Dlohwa- 17. Puppy 11. Cabin. CruiMr 19. Goll Cart 20. Baromettr Wdl Sell Fast! 29. llcycle 30. T-lter" 31. lar Steol1 32:-lneyelopedl• U. YICVum (leaner 34. Trepletl Pioli 35. Hot Roel Equlpm1 36. File Cabinet 37. Goll Clulit ae. s1 .. 11., ·sn- 39. ~lctorfen Ml'"r ~-llodr0om ht 41. Slkle Prolector 42. Lawn Menr 43. Pool Tt~le 44. Tlrot 4S, PIOM S7. 11-lc Troln SLK- S9. Claotlc Avie to. t.ff.. TIMo 61. ............ 62.Ac- 63. Skit "64. TV Sol 6.5. w.,.._uch 66. DI•"'""" W""" · 67. Go-Kirt 61. Ironer 69. c_,, .. Trel!W 70. Antlquo Pu'11- 71. r.,. ••c• ..... 72. Saln.o.t 73. Sporto Cor 74. -·'""'"' 75. lnlloanl .......... 21. Stamp Collt<tlon· 46. Fur Coat 47, Drtpa 41.Ll- 49. H- 76. Shel-. n.W41e 22. Dinette S.t 23. Play Pen 24. Bowling Boll 25. Water Skis 26.f.....,. 27. Sultcau 28. Clock SO. Alrplone 51. Organ 52. Exercycl• S3. Raro- 54. Sid Boatt 5S. High Choir ' 56. · Coint 7L Dirf0- 79. -1 ..... IO. Btloy C•rrf ... ti. Drums · 12. lllfte H. Dooll M. SCUIA °"' These or any. other extra things around the H1!H M9f be tumed Into C4IM with a DAILY PILOT WANT .. AD t' so ... • Don't Just Sit There! DIAL DIRECT . 642-5678 <YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD> --·- • • DAILY PILOT WANT ADS WILL WORK FOR YOU! Get In On The Ac_tion T oc1ay1· • ,--- f lllNTAU ~·'ITALS l lllNTAL• t 111,•11 Purnl!Mil He~111 .u""'"""""". ~ .,,,,.~,..~,11o111e111o111""~ ~-e.i ~ .. ~· ~, ~'-;;-~-~c=:J~ DOVD-···1 •···· 2 IDIMS · 2 ••mi:·• DNT •· ..... Ir •• Bl. ...... ' ,J' "" . = '{II' _.. -7 2 "-"'"'""'-~ .. ~ ~.:f~":ts,1 ~ UD·US • UI''. l3iiOi s BR. Fun. 2 llL Dlla.,... --· ._,_,_ -' ~-!.-~ ~OK . •.Dlla..,., ltll. WIDE S1u:CnOH -.... ·~·'. , -·-~lll4 Appllo-6 T\"o alllll. --OLD i bolr, --No-lf- * * * * * * ...... June 1o .... lit. llfJO, truJi Pu. 11 ....... St. 111 w.ii1..; Cl! ...._ llll:W • ....,. ! bdr .. ~ YV<L msnf1 -a l!iilel'um!Qn- 1J ~L I itb nq.'. 11111 JI'• Loe!1>. AMm n..i s , "-"''"' 2910 1.ape ....,. ms 1::!i-i/'f .:.!.t·= :': •=tt• cm':,,~~ 2BDRM,181., ioo , ~CU Id O.k: .Jlllr, I NATURAL -N IWAP,lllS , ., Gcell>; TV, uW. J4, Nm.Y re-. all cptd, ,,,,;, , s,.dtl •llale \ IPodtJ talo 1or Juae, 1100 2 Bit. den, ..,.... ~· lie., iW:!O: l BR. New op1s. All S LI--S 11..:.. -S 11ucb Wk.; Jiily mo wk. idlr inc., t blk • bdl. 111 util. JUI. A..st. I/la llVLll -AD MUP INCi.Wi' M2-Gll; f73...Jm ewt.. • CbiqJ!ta. ()pen Sit 6 &un. Btobr 5M48io ' ~ ':.. ~., ":.,. ~ C ::"'~ d:fAN BIJbOa Be.cb Unit.I. JllDe 16 I. 21!: 11'1~ &ft. . -.....oTHIMct JIOlt·Uil -TIU.OU OHLYI SJee>o 1\o10; tor -' -Chli -SIOO l'HONl.642.u71 ....,,,.,_coll m.... To Pino Your Tr-1 PtrodllO M 315 E. Boll••• Blv., Balboo L-Nlrol UM HARBOR My eqly '67 Pont. ,....,,. TOWNHOUSE I B•. 21> "'· LIDO lale 2 BR Qt f\d;l-EXEC Midence • S Bl'. 2 <Sorint), for dune bua:lie or Beaut appt'd, Prlv. patio. heh 4 pM'r, llrlD, patio, Ba., b&tnl, d • h w 1' r • ! For information call &15-pool ~ V I $32 ~ ~.:·.::" =:.,....: . 8,,EENS~4~~N~.'pm .:if~.;Per~'' Hewee UnfumWM4 LUXUJU6US 4 BR home I« BA~ tJNJ\l'kN. Have 311 + acn1 N.E. An- hr;orol ,.,_, 1 ml """" ...... • from $110 1'lope Volley. !200. .., =="-----''4;,.;0-.;;.D>''tO J\da. a.3082 ALSO AVAfl."1Bt E acn. AU. or part: Want.' Ii-BR. Eutb1tiU tionw, s BA N ~S ' 1. 2 A 3 BDRM. House, income or ?1. loml4' ,__ 3 '"' pr, No Aph. l'Ul'lllthM H•led Paolo, Ollld Cue M,..n, """" pets. -per nao. Lwe: Cetlter, Adj. to Sbopptna -Exchange sumrnf:r nli-91.t ...,..,. Nr QUI lllCb-Oe,..I 4000 No pet. aUowtd dfnce lot Jut 2 wll:1 of Jul¥ ·, . . $110; &\al, .... WIW, util. 2100 P9ie110G Way at Hal'-or 1st 2 wks ol Aue. Have: i .. ¥ n-pa•i... ... 1 _.. bar 4 ~ ClJit. M'... lovely Se.n Fran. ~ home " ~ 1;,_, ._ ._, plkl. Available nowt M-0810 _ for beach houle. 67341.69 O>upluion&,y. Blk. to beadl. 1 • 534-IM) lltoker YFRONT &: dock, 3 Br. ~ -$ISO; 2 BR. Nlooly tum. 2 BR • •• s•,• HM: 1 llR-lK LO. fned. yd .... ~--. W/W, o••-·--··· •• DI\ wukt. Dnptl, 3 .•Ba" val. ~~-FOR •--.-...... """~ \:.I.LU PIJ:i&,· Aaulll. (213) 59UZlT T.D.'a (oonsldef btlopt u Patio. Frpt Jtence I. oven. Broker 53U880 or Ma-UJl trade for ? ? ? No. 2 Balboa OUklrt:n OK. Bier. ~ a..EAN It attr. 2 Br,, nn Coves. Owner 61s-c31 c..1. -3100 Cotto MIN ~IO!I """ drpo: bllMi -Wlll -·my '61"' '65 vw FREE RENTAL · $JD.OO wk. up· "" Pf'L Adlta. 5IU1l9 :""',..: .:.ai ~~:J •DI>.-'<. month.· Newpott llMch 5200 -1dt• oil"""'· -925 . Sl!RYICE :=t~"r';;,!::.:":,.... "BR 2 BA. Fully corpeted. U M·l -Jn 2 fill·"• ':.:m~:., ~ 2 •Maid Stmct. TV avail.· pri bal~tio. Encl itu. ~~ 01~u.~n1'ndtla, Cpart·~· ' • New Cdt a-sv · 8lk to beach It t>Q. Sl65 u Wll,INU. e 2371 Nlwpwt JUvd. 541.9755 mo. 019 Hlla:ria Way, for property. Balance? . • M0-0093 Call owner 548-15(2 $141>UP. A.,, l·Br., pool, lOO ACR•• 1 "' 000 utll pd Garden llvina AVAIL June L 2 BR. 2 BA. ~ c ear . .-. OltANGI .COU~'S Aditlts, ·no peta. 1 1 0 Q apts, drps. $115 ltut. Open Equity. Want income prop- LAROEST Wallace sun 12-4. 4232 Hilarl.& WI:'/ !ftY. Ple.ue submit oHers. 2'S I , 17th St . ..,_ 2 sn•u •-Pb. trul 1181-11133 . An Glovinettt, "'"'°' •WQ .....-u aptl (aho un-673-7UJ 2 BDR, av. patkl, crp.ta. furn), pObl. NUWl Palms WATERFRONT. upper, 31-------- .................... trop> 177 E. 22nd SL ~ BR, 11> BA. llWTl<d """'"' _. cal Nttlr!c tor adult&, 1 blk only No pets. Jae $275 ~ ·* * Lake Anowhtad watt:rtroilt ~ It clr, $50,CQI val, Pa· cific Palisades ocean vu k>t, free " cir, $27,5(0 val. W&nt: Iaco~~Bkl'. 5~mI 4:3' Mathews F/B yacht, twn Imperial ens:. Full elec w/ &uto pUoL $50,<m cleat. Wt.nt $SOM bori'le, bus. or smtr boat. 546-8030, ext 434-.,.._ -Ahnoif.lilOO ac., $250 mfnutea from dntwn 5 min. from JJwy on paved rd. btwn Beaumont &: Oak Glen. Trd Jor !? 547""69 -· Duplex, top k>c. Newport Beach; 2 BR. &: 1 BR. Val. Kl.500. Take late model car 5: T.D.'a for equity. New. port Beach Rlt;y 675--1141 $EIOXI eq, In 50x140 R-3 lot w/good rented~. next lo new Garden Grove Civic center I: HS. total val. S20,. 300. Trd for wrlta « ? 547-6469 Bkr. * * lbl'PI $10. mo 5f.Ml80, DLX. apt. ·~ 1 BR. ldul m-Zrst • · 64Ul32. . ~~:1cir ~ Ul93 •· • 1 AL~ . -. -·· --·-~--REAL ISTATI Oonerel I 'illl --·. iiAd< . Ent lluff 5242 AJ'!L Unfuml-~~--....J.:-~ 2m":: New'°"....... 4200 •·NEW DELUXI e , Huntlntton .... h 5400 •~• ..... ~ ... ....,. -I IWIMU Rental -5Cl-8T Sll'fGLE Youiw Adults Lux· Br. 2li ba apt for IU.llt IMMACULATE 3 BDRM 3 flt' home 1\9 baths 2 car tll'Y prdtn &~ w1lb cou~ Incl. spac. mstr. aulte~ dJn CARPETS A DRAPES. ' SJ'ORES For lease Village p.n,at, cowrecf pa&. tty club atmosphere and nn. ·• dbl. prap, .au CAJ.J.. gu.5705 Sboppirl&: Center, cor. ot El mo _._. M&-414! complete J)l'lvacy. sotrnt door ~r avail. Pool • ... r · Carniiw:I " Merdo&a. CM. • .,... BAY CLUB A.PTS. Irvik at rec. atta. Nr. Catholic 3 .BDh:f, 2 bath, private pa-Suitable Deli., 'TV, variety, N4I IMch 3200 l&tb N"POl't Beach. Oturcb A 1chool 6 Corona tiO, attd pool. Drtss Shop, etc. See. Liquor ::!Pl'f · (714) "5-0550 del Mar Hiib. Call 962-8994 atort for kty. • ./. eNEW!IAYFRONT e eONLY$210e 2 BR, 2 BA. Bltn•, AJW..,,.. 212'9'1"'510 2 Bit, 2 BA, turn. jl.olat allp s:n.rn Amtaoa Wa,, N.S. waaher/dryer. CrpL!I, drpl. RENT or least, cent!'r C.M. TOWNHOUSE available. Avail :Sune ht. CoronA del Mar 5250 Adults* 839-666l. 300J to 6000 sq ft. FA heat, SPLl'TtlZVEl. 3 Mrm, 2 yrty JtUe. Aaulta. $315 mo. "'OOd noon, Improve• -.atb Unit. Fads p oO l. 233. DUfSC-Apt C. 6'75--G231 ·Sant• Ane 5620 patking, 2 dbt car prapt. earpl'b, *"'"' ftreplaci, •., 2 All at · 1065 Cllrle St. i1ec ....... Pl5/rr•>. lllf lluff 4242 ~ t BR,~ BA~ apb. °"""'· -1. "'-Reot Atue caD Mn, Pl)' tQ., et)' an. ta pnt aU ar one kY & hacll ~· ~ B~ 2t;.;:1:::: -= ' ~.~PRIME~~~ ... ~lol!~L-.. -0~--.~I l(Nfty,lnc. LineD.t..d11bts.'UUlpd:Adulll ottTEtfAalD. t:oistal 5700 lTXtO.XlntlootA-aumtraf. 1111. Dawr Dr •• NB Suite IX no ~. ~ mo. 144-1352 t • 2 BR. hnl 6 Untuni fie. 1!'ll Harbor, C M -....... .._ Frplco' ....... -.. Oce1n Front Apls ="=..-=====! C!'ll'• dol ~r .. 4250 ="' ..... ~ln11 llkloL "'.'' OfflC. llonhll 6070 MANAllINa """""' ...... !'If 2 aoru.i. 0.1.,.., o11 ,,... 1111 s.. LIM~ """" New' • D.iuxe lo 1 btodacl>e at "'t blt-lnl kltdwn. pool, tennis iii'" nr. °'"" H""> (714) 536-4616 LAGUNA llACH Olw111adll. .. """'·-·•><•ll•nt -(l141SU.1417 Air C1odltl- W•1l rnanace: you rest. cond!Uon (213) 110-t222 an: G J.afDrj dUplea, 711 Ocean Awnue ON FORD'I .AVEl'rul: PROPIRTllS WIST & P.M. 2 Bt, 2 Ba + din. w/w (3 blks w. of H.B. Pier) o.k IP&Cel a'lilablti tn 1028 BaYskle Driw . -c:rpts, P&tio, yrb' lie. DtWllt clfDea buiW!na at N...,.,... Btoch HUl!lll!f!?n llMch ~ 6'i5-%141 Leguno Inch 5705 ,..,.... -• In c1owa-. '7MUO 2 eol\M, 2 both, pnva.. ... lolllot 5300 OOEANfRONT -2 BR, 2 !IA =-~ .u.....; ™·l.oYoly 3 BIL Uo, hnted pool. Coll '"""" &pt. Looe !350. poneJod ..... -. T w" 2 a.A + Fa.mU, Room, $.lTl. ~.....:__ GRACIOUS M:ult I I v I n g . Bia. $2529 entructll: ~ cm 833-:ztl'l Spac. 2 BR.. 2 BA. ¥.'a.ik-~ REAL 'llTATI Forest An .. nar l~ tD ' ""· G•rden Grove 4410 clttaets. Bay &c ocean vl~w. Mb.Ddpll putdns lilts. $50 poOl l bbat slips. 1!7l-3003 General per mcmtb b spea. Deal I Uol-lty Perk 3237 SJNGLt Young Adwto Lux-and chlln 0..uui, ,.. si. YU.RLY Leu.-3 u.t-_,. W'Y pri]en apt• with coun-Huntlntton hack 5400 at.ntale Wanted 5990 Bllli!)eu bO!#I ~srinl ~~ Cry club atmolphere a n d · aerv1cl -11• blo ~ ••• Den « 4 Bdrm., 3 bath. complete privacy SOU'111 I U f TUCHER dob11 ..-ad """' ··---· Cownd .. "9-ftoced ..... BA y Cl.US APTs. 1.1100 Exe ft nt Y ng UCOune 21 -A"" 1.1 wanll All atflltlot paid ·-t ~ eltctrlc kitchen. double CHAPMAN Ave., G&rdtn In new apll. 1 bedrootn. 2 moderatl!l)o priced hie ar ltl~Aii.Y PD.Or oven. table top al:ove, neat Grove-<n•l 6Ji.:mo · bedroom . 2 bath. un1 apl Will hap p 11 y ID FOR.En .AVDruZ UC!, -'"""· Son $140 fo $195 bobY1il you• home it '°" LACUNA BJ:Aal ote:o f'w>'., puks A poolJ. L••u • luch 470S must travel. Reply P.O. Box _.... Weekeftds or w.kdaya after " • :! · SWimminl pool, 1)111, aauna. 5125, Freano, CaJ!f. 5 p.m. By C>w'lwr 8.U-207!_ LUXURY PURN APT. =r:i~=-APJlllantti EXiCiifIVE. wife & 2 "300 ~ bdrm. Alao 1 bdrm unlum. Adults only · chUdftn need at leut 7 8Jt oma SPAa .. ,. ~ C>c@anvJew from evtry Apt. La n h . A ts hie: or apt, In nice area. 121-UO CabrWo, near 17th I BAYnwNT wt boat sll• from $170. mo up, Ltue. lnp CJ ter p • Completel)o turn. Incl linens Newport. 1,orse , BDRM, 2 BA, ,.,.j 4'4-244' 16102 SprintdoJ• SL • dlabeo ""iu 611.I w 8/31. $80 Each yard I patio. $475 mo. OCEANFRONT· 2 Br. 2 Ba. Phone 592-M2I 543-737l A t 646-1111 m.moo completely f\lrnlahell luxury PLACE 10Ul' want ad where WAlttED: Room to rent on' ~~,;9==· =~=~-1 <========J apt. Summer rental WHkl:y they are **1fW -DAILY Bal la. Reatcmable for tn. 3345 NEWPORT BLVD. Huntlftlfon leach 3400 er montbbt. Bier. "'-2529 Pn.o1' dustftedl "2-5678 tire llUJ1llMI'. 213: 870-795l OUiCH auitable tor Com· =-"'--· RINTALS 'NT4LS Curtll Glbbo, 3I06 B"'~' m"'1al, Medical. DtntoJ. 3 B.R, 2 BA townhoule, bltna, Kil /4 Ave. L.~ Loe refa. Alr-cond., crpts, elevator .,,,..., dl'PI, ,.11o, nplc + ,Aplt. Unfurnl1hM Aph, UnlufnlthM e LANDLORDS e -35c PER SQ .Fr. exb'u. lln-1'"1 C0tt1 -5100CHt1 ~ SlllO FllEE R£mAL SEllVlCE Sll-00.I? OR 615-"'4 Q..J;"AFi 3 BR 2 ht.th, bit.ins, -Brolmr 53'-«112 NEW <l.eluxe oU\ce 1pace1 Ow ta schools. · 331 to UlO 1q It at Santa 962-~ GAR.AGE Clf ~ sp&Ct Ana Fwy & crown Ve.ilt)' NOW'S THE TIME fOR QUICK CASH THROUGH , A .DAILY PILOl WANT AD 842..slJI CON5TRUC1'10N JUST COMl'LITINO HARBOR HBGHTS :J.our LUXURIOUS 2 & 3 llDllOOM APn. en....,..,.. eI>bttw.ahtr e ?..farnmotb mastef bedn>omo e 2 8.a\hrooms e Central forced a1r beatine: HARBOR HDGHTS • Spadoqs cablnttl e Gattan A: Satutn Pl tN!lt-lnl e 1111.nc.<1......, uv1n1 • Endoted wldrc •C.rpoll•- :J.our '117.A Cinnamon Avo., C ... • MeM (1 block \\-Ul of Manor lllvt. ' 3 b!O<lll ooutll o! Ille Sul DittO-l c~ 1: :i:;,,ne. turmtf. 831-1400, 499-0S!J. ONB BDRM Unfllrn _..., for 15x15 OFFICE or small . ...,.... buslnell. downtown Harbor emplo)'td lady up 10 Blvd. Ideal for R. E. etc. ,SUDlmo. &C2-00lll sas.. Monlbly call Ml-M12 11-fer Rent 5995 Ml 5'1. Ft. Olflct FURNISHED coi"taae. COSTA MESA 646-n30 all fadlilea. ~ util Jkt. Conimercl1I 6015 Alter 6 pm, 536-7870 • atntltmen. Cl, Ave Ori l\1ar, Sa.n NICE. robn\, priv. \IOme, Cle~nte. 121' x 1 on · . NOttheut Suite A n a • Ownc • &.&1185 or m-0386 ~5'1-9111 after I PM -· ...... a.... del llEWPORT HEIGtn'S' i!-2. Mu. Al--·o a... to -l thopptna. suite. $100,000 tuD pr!O!. can $12,$00. Fran» Szabo ff&.93.'l) JN· VESTMENT DIVISION, WALKER I LEE, INC. bltr. 1-.i,,_ llent•I 6060 STllllT PllONTAOI On ~ Blvd. t• ....... --ldoalf0r1-., ftJtr., etc. lBel KICl!llla and cmilol) S I C ~ ~ _,.i,, FD mo. llllllO Beoch lll<d. • 63M120 • : S15Cii rr Til 'Dl1 ' COUNTY. C~RRIDOR R-1 Imcu1ar lot on cul-<le- AC. Plans a,,..uabff! for 2 .......... JEAN SMITH . REALTOR M6 ms 400 E. 17th St., C0tta Mt11 DAILY Pllfir WAm' .ADS! ~----.!~----------'-----· " ' -... ·- ' • IUCI Ill ...... -- Uni """ Jel11 of f :r Do -ol • -NO You '"'' mar ...,. NO opp mu• wltl ,.,., Aver ... opp tun """" ltlAI Go L ... Excell custo -~ 110.oc m.« ..... MU ... 1 $2),0C -· Baxi M.iki "' x SullJ• Ac,.., -roR . Onnt "' ol """" -Oran, -COi -W Appru """" '""" tin .. Pltftt -motlo Edd 1811 541-~ ~ -· - ' l\fAK! 20 MU ,...., ...... OUerf "" . 10 ac •m ' llml« GPM Sll,00 Sub~ front• Rd .. ~ map . Ge"1 .. ..,, Newt ~ COVE bollu ..... 0. .. 1 BIG Mooo ... BIG Moon 16,654! -R. E. HUNT 3 ot ! princi BUSI Flt -But. ·-I . Trla:ld' the. ,. Ft "'40, out b 0 ... """"' Tnst1 c E· 2! Fullen Affll Llrht AcUvt --pn>flto ott .. ~ ,...,._ ,,, ...... lo ., - -__.;-,:...---........ ••'---.. .. . ,. -.... .. . .. -... _,, .. .,. ''-• .. r • -.. ~ ----------· ',._._,, ' •H"'"' --~ ~-.-•l.. .-.-.... -.-,.:: . ' . , . ' ........ ,;::;-.--.: ... _;;-~ .• ==....., ' ' • -~ """" '· . .,.., au~:=r~ , IUJ11=~tl'l'.' ;~~~~iNTS S~RVICE DIRECTORY JOIS & IMPLOYMINT JOIS & EMPL!>YMIMt JQIS l IMPl.J)YMIN'tfJ.OIJl l IMPt:qyJD•• , -· ...... PART· TIMI OR PULi. • Tfl,\E luo, ~nltl .. 6300 lluo. o-"'nltiea 6300 Lott 6401 Dr•lting S.rvlc• ~ Help W1nlod, -7200 Holp W•ntod, -7200 Help W......_ -7200 Help Wontod, -7200 ...,-:.--W-...W._... -----~ '-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;IElo<1ron~ ' BLACK "male Labndo< DESIGN Dnoltlng. _ • PR0Duc110M ,. H u~a HE s ocA --·---1 (med .U.) !>129. "Cinder"', m«h P/C la>out • ,,.,... SCHEDULIST * • AnlNTION Reward: 6'BC!S. 6'13-4«Xl. ifll. Ken sr. 67$-ll91 J, c. Penney eo. ~ •tloftal comPfJ'IY eot.LaOI STUDINTS "1 • OHl.Y4·T0,1 HOURS A, WEEK S\ 6680 Coocl oP_portunlty for l llgb Fuhton Jatand NEWPORT llACH ~ to ar.,.. Oowi'1 It """ .......... -~ Newport Beach ' YoUf ed11e.. A <U 1tatt to l'IRST TIME Ol'FERINGI f.AHTASTIC OPPORTUNITY FOR C.OMPAHY OISTRllUTORSHIP. P_o_r_-_•_lt ___ .;."_6405_ G•rdenlng FREE! Sch>Ol a;racluate. Two ~an experience in material or production (.'9ntrol, Good trinre beMftts ah3 profit ab&rloa plkn. NEEDS """" PART TIME --...... ,."" ...... IJ.l't' Job ,.. -Our -ibandllh1c Dep• -j UnUmJttd money-making 'potents.I Wt.th your own bu.llneu as a dil.trlbutor for POK..().G()L.F. the new leliu.re tlmt-prne that eombhles the tldll and tun ot &olt, wtth the exdtem«nt and tu.spense of ca.rd· a.11c '°"""' c1 .... , Ottered to the public by the Balboa Pow· er ~uatj.ron slar:ting 7 P:!.t Monday June 2, Newp<>rt H a r b o r Yacht Club, 720 West Bay Ave., Newp<>rt Bel\cb. Enroll a t class. For additional · informaUon . p h o n e 611>-0467 or 6711-1855. AHDQIY'$ Sportinto..d• ~~= ELEC-• TRONICS TECHNI· CIANS HILP WANTIO IZ"'!:i,.'°,:",..::U.,~ ! woRK EVES. -.,30 ro JD,30 ·~· r PM. WE NEED l' MDI TO fl2S l'or WMlc ,S...,,. ~! START WORK IMMEPIA-P11ooe ~1113 ,,.,_ 2 PJj ~· 646 '1948 . MASTER ~·1 A~ You 11/'• Rlt111 Mon For Thia Opportunity? Do .)'Oll want to atart your own butitleu? Do you want to be your CM•n boss? WIU You devote part ot YoW' •pare time to develop a buslnesi of your own! The But. ~ll no mo'tt! Experienced 'Maintenance Blldget Landscaping Graduate Horticulturist SPKJAUIU (0. Out1 ndi~ benefi11 and a chan to <participate in the growth of lbla new, e:.ipu:I. ill& line. TELY. NO J;XPERIENCE IUSIOY ti NECESSARY AS WE TRAl!< .DISHWASHi1t t1 164: ""'°'...,,"' Avo. YOU. Ow< U "'' TOI' STARTING PAY APPLY IN PERSON $: I NO nmtcr SEU.ING! NO LE.ADS TO FOLJ..OW' ·You do no selling! We arrange for placement oC rnacbines. We f. urn Is h all necessary tra.1n1n1 matert&l and equipment. You •er v t c e com~ secuM ~unta. , NO FRANClilSE FEE! You .pay nothing for the opportun)t;y to re~ent our company. Total mini· m~m capital equipment investment • ot. $9,950.00 with only $2,500.00 cash required. Balance ot In-vestment can be financed. ~ Avorop E1rnlng Potontl•I Of $1,500.00 A Month I ~~ IN NQW! Our team ol marketing experts Js ~ '""'lQ' to USLSt you now in startlna your own busl· ness. U you ate lodking for that onct in a lifetime opportunlg, "·rlte us today. Full desci:ipt.ive litera-ture will follow. _ Coat•~~ ALLEN BROS. An .!f·!:::..U"''' G•rclentrt Students employer wcrldng way thru ~. 1---..::::=::.;::_ __ Exp. Lie. Rua! Terms PHONE 6*-003 OIVORCE·D- YES ITS YOUR FAULT For reconled mes~e that I ---,Cu,..,.t ~&~Ed~ge-La~w-.--1 will clWlge tour' life, Maintenance. Licensed Call 547-6667 548-48'.l8/64>2.UO alt • Cal.if. Testing Institute l.ICENSED . Spiritual Readirigs, advice on all matten, lOS S. El Camino Real. San Oemente 492-91.36. U) AM-10 PM SPECIAL $2 READING Dick's Gardening-Rel. Area 1 yrs. Comm'I, rui· dential. cle&Mlps. 6G-Ol13 e CU1'-EDG& WEED Exper, quality wcrlc, reas! fi'5.7785. 9-6 PM wlaiu only! e DEPENDABLE •. NOW HIRING 53MEN ALL\VO~ BAa<t'.;mfUNDS ACCEPTED ' LARGE CO?\fPANY EXPANDING IN ,ORANGE COUNTY TOP P'AY * APPLY JN PE~N 10 AM to 8:30 PM Monday """ Sahuday J. C. PBllY CO. 24 F•ahlon l1i•nd An equaJ· opportunUy employer ror 1nt9rv'Ww can Monday and -· .... lo< Mr. ~ for campontnta test and production ..._,. A 1TtlnJ. mwn ol ont year ol recent tfldustrtal experience, Is re· qu""'. A knowleds< o1 IOl· I ---'77..:.4-.;.:.:nl::.:.I --- id state circuitry b de4'r- able. ITT JABSCO OpeniQ&s are on lJt & 2nd * shift """':P~LA'!!"!!S~Tl~CS~1 HUGHES JANITOR ('-'cl Shlftl MOLDING M~CHINE OPERATORS ~EWPGRT llACH • ~ SUperlor A venUe Newport Beach, Callt. IOl'S llG 10Y ' t i ,,. E. 11tb SI. I OOrm. ... ---::C::"::":0::-:7:---ll'· DOORMAH ~ PARKING ATIND'T I hll or p&rt time, d.,..... ' lie. c.llf. dt'tftr. Neat .,.. 1 peuuce. m.. can Mfo.l'IOO. .. , ext 555.' lo 6 p.m. .,_: cou.. MEN, summer -.k. .:; Sdlolanlll9 .... $155 wo ·I: auar. comm. can IC).ta ti NATIONAL POK.a.GOLF P.O. Box 123 10407 Liberty SCLouls, M1.&60Uri 63132 Attractlv• Expert YOUNG WOMAN dancer will teach you all latest steps, Cab Ardell 21:3: ~ 1-to· PM Fioost yard care et Moderate Rate!!. 645--1931 nitea A-lust be able lo ctart immed· JAPANESE -ner CompJ iale1Y: CALL P,ERSO~NEL serv. Ekper, dependable OFFICE FOR INTERVtEw Pttm. posltlon. x ·1 n t working cond's. Owrtime It all frlrwe: btnefit:a. Im· mediate openings on all shifts. Exlltrienced pre. * Eq;u.a1 opportbnity empk>yer Equal opoprtu.nity empl~r J~~ . ;. i: . 314-423-1100 , Aile. For Mr. Anthony UAL !STATE O....r•I BUSINESS ono FINANCIAi. OOUP~ alnglcs; lonely? New in area? Join the swine: . to fu.n &: piea.!w'e • SJs..9291 • fret est. 642--4389 ' MONDAY &: TUESDAY. CLEAN-UP Speclallit! Mov· -.77 .... 725.1 ... Ing. -· odd j 0 b.. MOTOR HOME Reqonable. S48-.6!l55 • ~ -ferttd'. 'No phone -caJ1i after 5 PM. - H•uling-· 6730 • BUllDERS CALIFORNIA MlF . * DISHWASHER (lull llmt} Loh 61ool------- 1--------1Bu1. OJ>f!rtunhlu 6300 BACli seeks girt to exch le~ nis • le~ns f o r dancing: lessons. 492-0386 f'WS. • Injection Molding H. AUL t NC , Pa i nt I ng 200 Bria's Ave. housecleanina:. odd jobs. • ASJEMBlfRS Costa Mesa 546-44a> YOU name it WO do it. An oqual opportuni"' WATER I 'SEWER " MAINTENANCE MAN $49' •• $t05. por '""""' !Recommended for $536.-$651. July 1, J.969) CITY OF NEWPORT IEACH Prefer clean cu.t YOU1ll: man '!fib experience: VIW LOT DISTRIBUTOR NAT I ON AL ORGANIZA· TION HAS 642-3398 Immediate openings for men employer Apply In poraon Excellent building site for custom borne. Located in de- sirable a~a of t.aruna. $10.000. SUbmit t e r m s. .,..,...,., Stuart & Robb.ins Realton; R-2 LOT l.agw1a. Beach, 4800 sq, rt. Nr beach & sllops S2t>,OOO. Owner ( 714 ) 3£-2254 or write Daily Pilot Box M.Jrl. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY HAULING, General, Top, with experience ln plumb-Manar:ement Trainees 2 cvmnt openines in Announcements ~10 trim, re~ trtta & ing, ~ectrtcal, walls, cabin. SUMMER Ii: PERMANENT Utilities Division of the REUBEN'S . ~. Big John 642-4030 et.s and finish • or we will F..MPLOYMENT Publtc Wori<J Depl re-And~~ one too. We are ~IE ~IN OfE~ * y · ru. clnu» train YoU. Mus_t,Mve 1onu:. F,ULL &\PART t'IME qu.ift 2 yei.J'I recent ex-,COCO'S · nWlulacturen. Our pro-~coins.. aeta, mail---aue.-trees., Ivy dirt tractlJI' bacli .tools. See tuck, ms "START perle~ semi ~ .ildlled ducb are made in New lion. etc. 741 S. Cout, La. hoe. gradirii. ~~"'~-· ·ean:Yt,i.t•D~lve,.i eosta. Misa· JMMiE:DIATELY coriatructkln and maio- Y(ll'k, Georgia, and FIOrida. guna ,Bch. 494-5585. Cl U , nd H-iL ~ ·· t\h} Man 18 to 30 we need you tenance or waler and 1555 W . Adams They're well •CC1?Pted, uni-SERVICE DIRECTORY •na!c:P1_~~ ,,.., ~.JJ.:ai,1_ , ... ~~ to accelerate' ou.r expansion .ewer lines tor clotely Costa Mesa •"'· and "utng iiiwcrazy -"""' ~. ~~ . ,..... •CAREER '""'am In Oralw• County, retat!d r .. w. App" i... INSTRUCTO but because 've are Young APpli•nce Rep1in OPPORTUNITY• Two oflices opening !!ootl in medlatel,y to Ptn10nnel · RS and growing fast, we need Parts 6510 HOUMClunin9 · • 6735 • Costa ~1e.sa and HunUngtoo OUlce, Oty llaD. 3300 Mature, YOWW adult, looldns ~ people to be our c. "~ W'lndow• n-Joln todays tasted O'IJ'Wiftr Beach. Jdeal for con-e sttJ. N=rt B I v d., tn-t> tor &ood fUl:Un, ab&e to rt*t :1 NowportBeodl NEEDS"PAJIT TIME SALESLADIES ~1 • I APPLY IN PERSON . l"E.NNEY'S i ' . FASHION ISLAND · : M-1 lot, good C. M, k>cation. 50 x 300. Bargain $13,500. ''DIST RI BtrrORS". •-e AUTOMATIC w•~ .....,,..,,,,., ..._."' -.. ·~-bllc. A ~. w ~ etc. Res' or Comc·i. Xlnl prolesslon-Mutual Fund sa1a dent&. No experience neces. u~ PU Pl'Y in penon. 10AMto5PM >tondayUtru~ Sullivan scs.6761 • · f:r::: = 1::~ REPAIRMAN work Rt!u! Refs. 54Mlll No ezpertenc. neoessary. sary. 1---~-----Hof'td•y Health s.,. • I========· I .... 5848 . We ll'aln. full or -Um• s3 50 H O>lt& 111 .... Hun-Bch AD ....... ,..,_ 1111«1. • : Ac,..... 6200 :~~ss~~r i~ o;an!ii: ~~frig.A=· :;: I ·J_a_n_it_o_r..;l•.;.l ___ -"-6'-790:.: IMutUll F'i~ Advlton, • per r • c!~~~~~ ~n IMMEDIATE openinal tor F.qual opportunity e~ ;i ; FOR Sale ·or will trade fnr Orange Co. income. 280 A. so of Hemet near· Rancho California 714-684-7306 Orongo Co. Prop. 6207 COUNTRY HOME -WITH HORSES Approximately 3 acres witlr pool. bam, : bdnn ·home .. & fenced pasture. N.E. of Tia. tJn up hi&h above the anos. Pl .. .,. ol rid"-< uaiJs. Full price $85,000 for mo~ infor- mation Glenn Thompson Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. 1818 W. Oiapman Avf.. · tm.n... tam. . 541-2621. Eves-wknds ~ Mount. & O...rt NEWBERRY SPRINGS 6210 City of l.•k11 MAKE YOUR OWN LAKE 20 Miles E. or Barstow, on t~icy. Elv 2000 ft., 30 A"cres adj to Lake Loreen. Ottering the N. portion of our 40 acres, reserving S. 10 acres improved w/mod· em ranch Muse etc, Un- limited, perfect water, 301 GPM at 80 ft depth. Price $18,000, ~~ cash, bal l ~t TD. SUbject land has 220 fl. trontaae on Silver Valley Rd., 1 mi. E. of school. F or map &:: further details write George R. Kress, Laguna Beach, Box 914, or Broe 155, New)>erry, Calli. 92365 COVE View, 3 bdrms, 2 baths, bullt-lns, pool, ln- specl. make ctter, Palm Desert. 346-6247 BIG BEAR lot. . View of Moonridge ski area. $6,850. * 546-7563 BIG BEAR lot. View of ~foonridge ,ski a r e a , $6,850. * 546-7563 R. E. W•ntod 6240 tremendous income and ers. TotTI, $46-1363, 547.fi69l WAILS Wlndo floo N 8 1~ W tcli far produc.tlon wOrlce.r•, dn)I ' ' growth potential and. can al-' ws, rs, Pl · """' " tt 6a.M22 ehilt. Good ---"• * * · ; carpels. Commcrclll.I & S.A. U12 N. Btoadwa.)' ICall;::::;c·"='·.;."'2::::;._..:·...:'::....,.::::::::t.1 ~Beach, So., l.quna, """" '"!!!I!~""!~!!'!'!!.~'!!!! lord an immediate in-Babysitting 6550 residenlial. Dally, weekly 547-8331 DAILY PILOT Ir cd hen's. Industrial d..v 1 · • A ~~1me;,'.R;' T:i;~:,pa:WILL "=" .. "'.,..="-"'----= .. ~m• t =""'='":::':::Mo:::.:::897:::-:::7350==~1 MACHINISTS * Slruclual Steel* 642-<321 ;:.i~.;,:.~ .c~ • • SECRnARY -: a note and we will talk it :nsp~ ~~ You furn Moving, Storage 6840 e LAY OUT-FITTERS lAILOR-=C~•~llf,..,,=~----IWe b&ve an opefuna tn our ~1 : over. What ca,n you lose -Genenl macttlnlsts for HLV ,,l"ER SHOE SALES manaaer Penonnei Dept. and Mu-;: lf.lght -P.S. There is no OOLD care during slimmer $30. Double _a:arage for and/or chucker, 3 yrs min e PAINTERS Flniaher &: pa:nta opera-lnlnee. Amerk:a'1 J.arant ketlnc Dept. Type &O wpm, ~l : doubt you'll love what you .vacation -trips to park etc, storage, cloae-1n. 548-5227 exp, overtime. • TRUCK DRIVERS tor. Part or full time. retallen of women's ~ shortblnd: 80 wpm. The• ~l ; see and hear. Write at once: days. 546-'7S81 LEEDS Shoe S!Dre, So. are excd,, cpporturrltles for ~ • · ~or Fi~rdl:!:e. ~1:; CHILD--care, fend yari!, P1perh1ntint·----I MESA-MFG. CO .. Union.-scalc, fringe benefits. SILVERWOOOS Co.at Plu&. Contact Mr. dynamic )'OW'i bdy with ~i ' York, New York 10016 lunches. Vic Warner &: Spr-P1intin9 · 6850 . overscale pa.y. Apply at Pbelp1 at lieut iwo ~ .ecretar-·:,I --""'iiRDlf"'---j~;~ngdal~~':;,·~llB~-~~~~:; 901 W.16tb SL, NB Equal opportunjty employer No. CS Fashion laland SERVICE STATION ia1 W derical experience. !:i HHPJf PAINTING Int & Ext Lowest TRAINEES. FuII or lJl.rt Ntwp0rt Beach, c&ut. HELP: Two men fUll time, Good frlnle bene.ftta and ~;· I Brick, Miaonry, otc. • rontraot!d pr1.,.., Fully tn.. tlmo. OOOK · FOUNTAIN • SAMPCO Inc. YOUNG MAN, 2I .. °""· "'''''"""'· One man fir pro!Jt -plu. Am "' National co. needs a: distribu. 6560 Satlsfacttcn guar. Free esl DISH. MACHINE. TH E 2242 S. Grand Ave. Good part time or fUll tlo}t! crave)'U'd lbltt. NO phof)e' • tn petion. J: • tor tor candy &: snacks in --~-----.=::::::I Jim Weeks 613-1166 zoo. w. Cout Hwy a: Santa An• 540-3113 employmetil Xlnt lft.le• calla. RICHFIELD, 19th A ~ your area. Peraon selected sun.o, Remodel, Repair • INT -EXT, ANY SIZE MacArthur, N.8. U.OYDS NURSERY and meals. Apply in permn. Newpart Blvd .. C.M. MASTER ·:: must be able to devote 2 to Brick:, block. c o n c t e t e , JOB., Xlnt work, ·re:11. free WANTED: Oean cut-colleee Wanted: Exp. landscapen .t No exp. nee. THE SERV. STA. SALESMAN !: · .10 bJT. ~r ·week-'-(Wi,y11 or c:rPDtJ'Y, ~job tqo smaU.. ~81-JIM 642-:4669. sl,i.ld~nt w/ own car. for part sprinkler men. Sat $6.IXIO.~ ,CllRYMAN 2100 W. Ocean Fbr eve. 6. 'Wftk end work. fftU.11.I TIES (0, > eves) to 'make very high Lie Contr. !16U945 PAINTING, Papmng 16 yrs time evening delivery worlc. $8,000 yr. Call for app:ilnt. Frnn't, N.B. Muat a,e ·neat ln'appearance .WQ.IAI. :; earnings. You mav keep in Harbor ares. Lie & bond· 500 W. Coast Hwy. NB. 646-7441 BARTENDER, full time, and bandwritin&. 2 5 9 0 :• yaur pregent .pesit'fon. No Buslneu Service 6562 ed. Refs furn. 642.-2356 DON'T give 11 away, set CABINET MAKER, tor boat ni&hl ahitt. Tuelday thru Newpxt Blvd. Celt& Me:a 1640 Monrevla Ave. :; selling. No experience nee· p R OFESSIONAL Typing: PAINTING & maintenance, quJck cash !or It with a manulacturlllg plant 8601 5w'1dt1, Huntln(ton Harbour STVDENTS C..ta Meta ~! essary bu.I must pe reliable. neat, accurale, pr 0 m P 1 interior & e x t e r i or . Daily Pilot VQlllt Ad! Edison, ltuntlngton &ach. Beach Club, .fill Warner Ideal sales job. Work your 6Q.207 :-• 1 Company will teach. We service, prootttad, minor Reasonable r&.tes. 646-3185 642-5678 Days or Eves, 53SJ.f563 Ave., H.B. hours from your home. An equal opportunity :J ~ee~ with Bankers Approv-editing, dictatiOn, IBM Ex-NEAT, exp. Painter, no .. . ONE, Alert upholattrer We train. 714-879-'116f emplom •, c~redF;;'1~~n;::e (: ecutive. 842-5107 drinking. Colleg~ student. Help W•ntff, Men 1200 Help W•nted, Men 7200 trainee. Apply in person lo B OAT ASSEMBL ER ~ terview in yoor area send Low prices~ Steve 548-45C9 J ohaneen, &: Chriltenaen TRAIN~ Apply: PaoUtc STENO CLIRK I name, addreS& It phone -'C'-•~=c:"t:.:or::.:;.1"8;:':_'_..:65::;,;90 88(1 W. lith St. N. B. Yachll Mf&. Co. %127 S. $U1. $549. per month r;-; number to: -CARPENTRY .-•'~Plastering. Rep1lr 6880 ACCOUNTING (comu l!th' Momovial Grand, Santa Ana. 54.>-16&5 (Recommended tor l_; ''DISTRIBtrrOR DIVISION" MINOR REPAIRS. No Job •PATCH PLASTERING. All ADMINISTRATIVE. HI-n Component Salesman Kennel man. over 35. Apply $510.4620. Jul>' l, 19119). : P. o. Box 511 Too Small. Cabinet in gi.r-types. Free estimate. Call Trainff. Xlnt. future. Call in person. SPCA, 2U612 La· CITY OF ... ~ Pomona,California91769 ages&: otber ca~lnets. 540-6825 OPENl.,NdS Mr.Van.6t6-3897 l\lll&Cr6'nRd,IAcBch I 0 T llA ;. DESIGNER-BUILDER 545-8175, U no answer leave e DELIVERY fi()y e DRAn'SMEN, temi rttltea, N WP R CH ' Businer;s Operation & equip. msg at 646-2372. H. o. Plumbing 6890 Canyon Au.lo Supply for pt ttme draftl.rw in .No. E•tab. 10 yn, Bolboa t'1ond. And""°n I With Atlantic RIHHrc:h "'Broadway. Laguna Boh """-Btacb. IU.+188 67~5500 eves ~1551 Repairs &: Remodeling ' REPAlR, Partitions, Small Elec. sewer c I ea n in g , CHINCHILLAS R<'"""'I. Olo. ffito or d.,,, R<sidonO&l & mob ii, ASSISTANT TO CONTROLLER Are you interested'? Reas! Call Kl!.'N 540-4679 Visit our ranch 642-0465 homes. ~ , l\.tASTER carpenter, $4 per PLUMBING REPAIR "Money to Loin 6320 ls1 & 2nd loans for quick ca.!lh. Bom:rw on )'O\Ir pro- perty eq withcu.t dlsturblne Your low interest 1st TD1. Also buytta for 2nd TDs. . Sattler Mortgage Co. Inc. Serving Harbor Area 20 yn. 336 E. 17U, St. st2-21n 5C5-0B11 Beer B•r-S•nt1 Ana Full price $300l. * 67>3131 * hour. Remodeling-Repain. DRAIN CLEANING 642~ or 536-3000 546-2381 or ~7217 REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS 1-~P~L~U~A.::IB:.:!N~Gc.::,R.::EP,,=Alc,~R CABINETS, Any size Job No job too small 2S yrs. expel". 548-6713 • 642.3123 • Cem9nt, Concrete 6600 'Sewing 6960 -~"-------• Concrete Ors, palioe: etc. •Dressmaking • Alterations Concrete &: blk top sawing. Cuatom Designs Reas. Don, 642-8514 •646-6446• • CONCRETE \\'Otk all l-A~l~to-r_•_ti-on'°a ...... 6~4~2.~514.!=~ types. Pool decks & cu.stom. Neat, accurate, 20 frl. exp. Call 548-1374 TrM Service 6980 Tlli1 po1itio11 r•C1ui1•1 •11 •Ctou11ti11cr "' bu1i11•11 .cf. "'111i1lr•tlv• 9r•clu1t• wltfr • thorough •11owl.d9• of •ccounti119 th1ory •rtcf pr•ctic1. Will •cf •1 tk1 con· 11111111'1 cf11i9r1••· •"' 101t11 ,.f hj1 '"'"Y cfuti11 will b1 to pr•p•r•, r•vi1w •nd • .,.lu!!!ft•ci1I p1oj1ch, 1111ly111 111d otf.11 fin•l'lci 1l-"lOca1111111tJ, p1rticlp1t1 11'1 1c_qui1iliol'll 111i911,,,11'1tl 111d. co1'11umm1t1 1111•1 •Ml oth11 c.or1tr1c+. ul'Ml1r • col'llroU1r'1 juri1diction. Dir1ctly 11l1t1d 1Jp1ri111c1 11 11qui11d. SR. COST ACCOUNTANT Atlantic Researcli OPENINGS IN Administration & Manufa.cturing (OPERATIONS) . One current ~ tn the Penonnel Ottlce ft- qutm hlah -dlplo. ma • A two )'t'ara ol. re- cent clerics.I experience, 100 wpm •horthand, liO "1>m typ..... Apt>ly hn· mediately tO Pel'IOftl'ld Ottltt, City Hall, 3300 Nowport 81..i., <Utl ~ EXPERIENCED '•TEI.I.lite EXPERlENCED e P.ROOI' OPERATOR e ' WANTED: ott-aale liquor license, Omige County. HUNTING'i'oN Beach Only! call: 00-8139 3 or 4 BR home. Owners or I====-======- * CONCRETE work. bonded I: Uc. Concrete sawint:. PhiJUps Cement. 54~ TREES pruned, topped & removed, 26 yrs e x p • Paulson Tree S e ,.v I c e 6J3.'1234 P1rform conh1ct cott •111ly1i1 1rwl pt1p111 1p1ci•I job cost 11po1h. 111i1t i11 p11p1r•fio11 of monthly o,.., 1r1tin9 1t1l1ft'l111f1, m1int1I~ co1t t1corcl1 011 tOll• 1tructio11 In pro9r111 job1 for c1plt1 ll11tl111 11po11 co'"pl1tion 111d pr1p1r1 ov1rh11d •n•ly1i1 for u11 ill ov1rh11cf r1t1 1119eti1tio111 with 9ov1r11m111t 1vdi0 to11. Will 11110 do 1p1cl1l 1111ly111 11 r1quiNcf by rrr111191m 1~t. D19r11 ill Accou11ti119 •nd 1•v111/ y11r1 1Jp1rl111c1 11 coif occounla11t will! k111wl1dt1 of 90•1rntr11ttl co11tr1ch. e MANUFACTUR.IN& EN61NEEll with' ••r..rf111c1 111 1llh1r 1l1ctr1nic or m1tk111lc1I 11111111 1cfurl111 ft'l1ttroJ1. UNl·'fED CALll'OltNIA , llAHK princlplea only. 968-3454 MoMJW•ntod 6350 e SENIOR ESTIMATOll. to pr1p11• t•1t otfl1J1et11. MD and partner need short tenn $37,000 ht Trust Deed _But. Opportun~fet 6JOO downtown Bia: Bear Wflrth over $80,000. Call M r • BUSINESS •nd FINANCIAL e CUSI'OM PATIOS e concrete sawing & removal State Llc.•842-1010 Child C•ro Uphaltt•ry 6<110 .6990 WILL babysit June thtu. Sept my home. \\'nmer & Springdale Vic. 846-0504 CZYKOSKl 'S Ctlsl Uhol. European Ct-atsrrih.nshlp lOO'i~ fin! 642-1454 1881 Newport Bl., C..l\.f. COST PROPOSAL ADMINISTRATOR Witt bt r11p1n1llil1 for tho op1r1ti1011 of cofllpl1t1 coil p1opo11l1 for '"•Jor 1119in11rir19 ch1flttt 111d 111w bu1i11111 fro111 hi1torlc1I d1t1 or dr1•i1191 in. c111di119 1t1t1m111t of work 011d coll n1ll'•liv11. Mull b1 1w:p1ri111t1d fn 111 ph1t11 of coil propo11I pr•p• er1li,,. froin r1c1ipt of llFQ to controch ow1rd. Coll191 d19ro1 1114 11vor1I ye111 11p1ri111c1 rl· quirff. • PROP ERTY CONTROt. ANALYST. WUI ke1p P'•P· erty uconh, de l11 .. 11fo1i11, "''P•'' t•fl•th to ~the co1tlf1!111 •n4/or cv1foft'ltf. e MATERIAi. REQUllt.tMENTS ANALYST to fnter· pr1t mef1rlel 111d pr•c111 1(HCif'lc•flo111. a2f H•-11¥d. c .... -546-lOU Eq\ial opportunil>' ~ FRIGIDAIRE ~~i1, Day• oo.lSJs ~ ... JET ACTION ANNOUNCtMENTS ~ 1f. ~· .:..:. •nd' NOTICES 30 J'rl&1dalrea do the work Found (frw Adt) 6400 of 40, 30 min. \Vubtra. FlDd out bow euy It ia to own FE. ~t/Beagle, Co. Water a payinc laundry. Olat. &: Jam bore e. Gardtn Grove, Santa AN., Tan/wht. brn. co 11 a r . Tuatin, Oronp, Anaheim 544,0120 Coln-O•MatfC FOUND You"" mal• puppy, Equl_.... Inc part German Shtphml, vtc. .... -.. , . ~ w. Valencia Newport tel Well Ind, Fullerton n4: 525-1833 , _-__ 1n_,...._._m.-___ _ Afflli........ MED. a .. tat do&. oldu _ 1.... fom&l•, black. Vie. Harbor PARTNER •WU.On. 6l'"923S Lirbt Mia. A distribution. LOVELY Stameae cat 8th It Actlve w/$60,COJ c·a 1 b A Balboe.. NB 615--1515 manqeJnent ability. Xlnt FOUND )VJl'C tlitf' kitteo. s~ atar,.-+ st.re ot Krinkled tall. Vic-. Dt.bl.la A Profits. Should net psrly ht St. ~ aelectfod ewer $50:1X» ht I ~;c..;.,..;.::,,:.;..~---­ >'f!lll'. To .,,..,.-e: penional BLACK Burmete tomcat. Jnt.rvif.w phone 5'3-970$ or 6(2...Ui2 41/2 cnn f4l.211• nre qurel!ER rou cw.. to am • 5 pm flfon.Frt na: QutO<ER YOU sEU.. 6<120 JOBS I EMPLOYMENT ADDmONS.REPAlRS Job W•nled, Mon 7000 REJ\.10DELING SCIENCE Oriented' H.S. 1tu· ~signing & Plannlrt1: dent, (17) needs summer ~ltchena-Batla. etc. job. Not fu11"1y.' Call Dan, Lie d l Bonded. Free est. ~1879 ever; A & B CONSTRUCTION: ' . lU2 PauUirtno, cil ~.Job W•ntod ....... 7020 •545-tMJ.• , --, ADDmONS, r e m o d e I , COUZGE 5'>pb girl , tm. ttuonable; &el 0 t h e: r qi.native babysitting, ll* estifnatea, Then Ca J I tn. Exch. rtfs. &t2--08&S 847-2416 C1rpot L•ying I R•~ir 6<126 CARPET VINYL TILE Exoert 1rtttallAV@n BLANKINSHIP n.<lORS 642-1403 541). Tl62 DON'T JUSf WISH for aome. thins to f'umlab )l'OUr home: • • • find irut buyg la b .,., •• a...w.d A&, Oom"'lc Htlp 7035 Ch1nete llve-lrw. Oeerful Permanent Experienct<J Far Eut Agency 642-8703 Georat Allen Byland Aaency EmPo)'er Pa)'I Fee 106·8 E. 16th, SA 5t7--«l95 THE SUN NEVER SETS o. Oatailltd'• actkm power. For an Jd to stll 6")W'ld the clock. can &cum ! I'\ - SR. BUDGET ANALYST Wiil IM r11po111!ltlo for tloY1lopi119, coft'lpili11' 111d p111111tint cotl d1t1 .~ bud91t ''JIOtfl. 1"01!tlo11 •ho 1r1t•il1 ll'l•11pow•r ind 1111tori1I proloctl1nt 11!d th1it r1l1fl~_!'thlp1, pJu1 _f~114t119 ,..quir1m111h 111d- t 1to 111;!y111. ShOuli Iii f1111!1i1r •Ith PEll.T coil m1tf1od1, t o"'puf11 l1cl'lnlqil•• ontl 1fflco 1111chT1111. P!,aH tend retuma Including Hl•ry .hl1t0ry lo1LIE KELLEY 1714} -30 333 H1rbor Blvd., Cost• MoH, C•lll. • Minna 9yllett11 Dlvlalon AiiANTIC RESUllll OOAPORAl10N A DIVl1lon of the LD su~uelllnria COq>. . I(!' ...,, .... 0,,0:1 Q,.....,...,, .,. ' -. ' ' e EXPERIMENTAL MACHINISTS wltt. 11J1erl111t1 In protety.pe eN 111 •rticl1 f1~icotiet1. e ELiCTlt.ONIC TECHNICIAN "A". !119orl011co4 l1t UHF/VHF c•ml'ft1111ic1tlo111 ol!ll FM/1M t.11111.+ry. e 11.El"ltO TYl"ISTS "A" to tvP• ,,..,.,,1, f,,.,. h111dwrltf111 <•PY lfyitfltf 1p1t4 60 w~I . e TECHNICAL .PUILICATIONS COOlOIHATOR to -.-Wt9-ii1•n-ttt*'vctrtil •A 4fril1tlitt1Kw.-fwMr- tleiy'o!!u•llc1tl•tt J)o,t,_ , Contact Employm•nt Off~• .. 17141 546-IOlO llll Horbor ltvd., Cost• Mlalle ~ DMllan A...., ·~a • rt __...,, ' I , RECIPTIOHIST YotlOI, pd pbooe .-. ,,,,. 40 • IO, T .. p.m. -, =~..,_ Call Doria. • •ARGUS AQINCllS Ill& C Newpon Blvd., C.M. 5ARA8 COVENTRY -.. , .,._. ,.. ""' .. '"" -...... -· ... -11. -...1-. ... -..•· dollwrlll. ""' ... _., ll!- N1~ . DDIT ... a EC /llSCPT: Sla&tt. 1$ lo e. --·-~~· r I I I 1 I • I I ' I· I,, '• '· ,. • •• ., • F • , , • • _.......... • ... ··--r .... .-...-. , -..-.-.~-~---.... ----.... ,..,------....... -... .,.,.,....,,,.,,,..,..,.,.,i"" ... ~,.,.-...-:""""'""-:·""·""-""'· ...,,,.,,.,.,-m.~ .. .,.. "':-. "· ...,...,""._'!'!'_"".'. "':' ..... ~.,.."':'! .. • . ..,.?. '!'. !""!-!!"!r-- Y PP.Or l • . !MISS ~ A&BICY • --s.c.,. .... to ~ fiecb'JPeaonne1 • • • • • • sm ~fd not nee •• 10 ~ ~ ........... to $5:!5 J}IC Bldtpt • • • • • • • • to $S50 J'mt Ole, Dental •••• to $500 pictAi>bone ~ .... w ISOO -/Recpt ..... .. .. . ISOO Dirt FrldQ, ......... to $500 Jiecfy/ Archlt, no Mtd : ····;o.····$433 hcts Pa,yablt: •••• ,.$450 up One Girl Office ...... $450 up ~eceptionlst .......... to $442 J:nands/FUlnr/Sha'l' ...... to S400 1\111 Ck, no skills .... to l3'0 :Jr Seely, no shut •••••• S380 """""' "'"-.. • • .. • $350 """' Typbl .......... $325 Msiltant Bookk!eper •••.•• &crtary/LegaJ ............ . Secretary/Medicat ··~······· : 410 W. Coe.st Hi&hway Newport Beach 646-3939 ~porar)' Employment UR6BITl v em ... • Typists • Repro Typists ~ Secretaries .. Work when & where Y04J w•ntl INTIRIM ·PWOllNR SERVICf 445 E. 17th St. CO.ta Me••, Calif. 642-7523 lntervt.wing Mon. thru Fri. . I •.m. to 5 p.m. -Equal opportunity employer .. ITT JABSCO KEYPUNCH OPERATOR IBM Alpha & Numeri· ~ Veri.b' and llOrl'le re- 1.ated clerlcal duties. Good working conditions and ,benefits. EQUAL OPPC>RTUNITY EMPLOYER (Male or Female) 1485 DALE WAY OOSfA P.IESA. CALIF, 92626 ~ (Il4) 568251 ......,, """" a., l'Jff J. & IMPLOYMINT ' • newpon . personnel agency 833 DOVF.j\ DRIVE NEWPOllt BEAQI ~· Dear Applicants • • • Plea,. be apprised that the coun;.lors at Newport Personne: w o u I cl very much like the pleasure of your c:om· pony t o d iscuss with you the roany beautiful jobs available to you al this t ime . Al•o. please be advisad that many of ... th.se top paying positions are fee paid by <>Ur lovely employers. To be per- . fectly honest ~wever, not a~l~f our employers reahie yet that lhts is the applicant's market right now. ·We will be expecting a telephone en- quiry from you at )'Our earliest con· venience. \ newpon . personn~ _agency 833 DOVER DRIVE NE\VPORT BEACH 642-38'1'0 Kindest Regard s, Newport Personnel Staff JOIS & IMl'LOYMINT Help Wonted Women 7400 OOMBINATJON, Sharp eai Msidl ,. Go Go Da.ncen:. Top "-'llltl $3.oo.$3.50 to atart. Ph. for Int. 545-998.3 SASSY LASSY, 2901 Harbor, C.M. Htlp W"fllod w-• 7400 r·,·;;;;~;1 . !!.~~I clerlcal personnel for• over 10 years. At pre·e lsent we have countlessi positions a\valtlng yQUl' Inquires, resume& con· fidentlaJJy accepted or Interviews daUy Monday •through Friday, • I· .. • • ---'-.. JOBS A IMPLOYMINT JOIS & EMPLOYMINT JOIS & EMPLOYMINT MEICHANDlli l'Ott MERCHANDISI POii Joloo Men, Wom. 7500 Jobs-Men, Wom. 75001_c;SA:.::L,,;l:..::AN=O-TltA=:::O;::l~,::SA:;:L,,;E:..::A:.;ND::..;T:.::llAOI==... • -1cN Nucleic Acid Research Institute HAS OPENINGS FOR SECRETARY Good shorthand, accurate typing, familiar with chemical terms. TYPIST Accurate lypisl Will also act as r~eplionist tor research building. .:. GIRL FRIDAY General office background, to assist purchas- ing agent. STOCK/MAINTENANCE CLERK Receive and di stribute chemical supplies in lab area, and maintenance. JANITOR Full time Janitor for research building. Call fo r appointment (714) 833-2500 Cheek Here WITH THI Job Kings! FEMALE Cosliltn $1 .75 ... Work weekends. Coslilor $2. l>r. Pharmacy t)epe.rtn\C?nt. Real lharp gal · Clerk Typlll to $500 For R & b Department. Work for enginet'rs·. GHtral Office $110 wk. Light pay1.-0JJ, be boss's right arm. · G .. 1 Ofc/lkkpr ta $115 wk. Good shorthand, typing, some bookkeepln1. Fumlture -uml!Ure - PUBLIC NOTICE DECoaATOI om. CANCEUATIOH Of 11 WXUIY APAITMDITS S,•llii & Meditwr•-F....U.- AU BRAND NEW --~...,..,_ ....... ~ ........ ......................................... ~ ftlr~"'\lt ... Wt.'51 ........ .. !"S.l''il:i ..!".'!..·;;;;· .......... ···::::::::::::::"::" II: -· .. 1.:ii:-,_-,.,. .... n,~, ........ ; ... =: . -Lltl "*" ... ,...~tit• ... -........... . A decoralor dream hoose on display -31 rooms of gorgeous ~panish furniture (wUI reg. $1295.00 I SACRIFICE •••••• $398 1 "jiji}j'"RFURNITURE. : : • Receplionisl ! i $350 ! lnternationa.1 Chemical s .. ty~;'S'~...,.,, I i Shortha.nd & typlng, front 1844 Newport Blvd.H.~11 .. 0 Costa Mesa only 1...., Nf9ht 'Tll 9 -Wtd., Sol. & Sun. 'Tll 6 •: Acc.urale I y pis t, • & Nuc·lear. co· rp.. ~!~'t' :U~'b.".'"""· 1'.bl• to J_o.,.a_s_&_E_M_PL_o_Y_M~E-NT Offlct Furniture 8010 • meet and greet. .• -J ·.__ ,, .... _ w ··7500 •-fTrpllt $2.25 hr 0 --•· om. STEEL 1 •Mat u re , 'vei l• 2727 Campus Dr., Irvine, Calif. 92664 _ .. ,, company rceai;ei i f:.e~~~~~dy pre-•· .,.., o,,.m.1ty •• ,,.,. Er1::~~et;·;:, Man Power.Of ~~h~s •0~s ~~~u~: " Two ye a r s experiel\E!('. 0 etc. ' i above average shorthand & range McMAHAN'S 772-MSI jRecpl/~elief PBX 1 Holp W•ntod Help W•nted typing, ••m• •=unting, ':,i!i.,, ~:r~~··:s,!'. : $390 : Women 7400 .Women 7400 &eeuri;.:;a;:n;oo County . Freew&y at Katella) e I Real sharp gal, front office. Needs reliable daily work-Gar191 Sile 8022 : Dependable, attrac. ! EXl>ERIENCED • • SECRETARY Mrktq S.Cty fr $115 •n. m1n: hourly wog" $1.75 ===;.;:._--'= I tlve mi ss who ;: Good shorthand & typing up, Students & GI's ~·el· JU~~,.gEAN~E i knows cord board. : • ESCROW • To The Chief Engineer Secretary to Sales Man· come. Apply 723 No. Ana· 336 A VI t . CM In • SECRETARY ager. helm ffivd., Anaheim. Open · c oria, reaJ' • Type 45. Anaheim. 0 dalt ' AM to 6 PM • APF , • · Shi:irthand and • dlctaphone Jr Secty /Steno Y · Applianc" 1100 ! 1 UNITED CALIFORNIA experience required. Will to $105 wk P r ofe••iona l l.1.1 ... 1-w .... t..i ;. Sh B' : BANK ·~-f(!r .yati!Y.J>jn&_and Js:.:o;lcett1 rg'•Doep~. . En1ployment -=-·n~'NMORE Automatic ·~_,, . .....,.,.___= *"""'~ IOW f --···•· .-• pi;;ration of U.S. Navy Shorthand. typing, sale! As•i•tance Wa"shcr, late nwdel, >Jnt 4bo Women 740o : -I 3141 E. Coa•t Hwy P.rovisioning and ttrtifica· back~und. COASTAL AGENCY cond. Cl.EIUCAL CLERK TYPISTS Varian Data~nes, I~ cated In "'the lrvlne lndust· rial complex, has lmmedi· ate openings ,f o r 2 clerk typists. Tllesc assignments· are in our publleation. and E.D.P departments. Good typing skills & prveious clerical work e)(perience desired. We oiler a good starting sat. ary with an excellent bene- fit plvgntrn including 12 days vacation during the tint year of empk>ymenL Yarian dala machines ! File Clerk . I Coron• d•I Mar tion sheets for u.s. govern· Stat T l•t t $450 A member of $60. • 847--8115 e e 673-9240 ment. Fa.~t acc!'!te :;.pe, good Snelling &: Snelling, Inc. FREEZER 16 cu. fl Upright • I phone personality. 2790 Harbor BJ, CM sro.m55 $115. Kenmore auto wshen :, $350 : Equlll opportunity employer C.LA-YAL co. Gen Ofc Girl Fri $10 wk T•l•v.l1lon • $55. Bth only 2~ yrs, NEWPORT BEACH e I Good ~rith figures. IBM Introduction Work ~1155 I This is the groov-ATTENTION 17th & Pl•centla Executive. · J·lelp introduce cable T.V, in G.E. \Vasher & electric dryer Opening1· are on ht&. 2nd : iest! 'nl.e jobs yours COLL·EGE STUDENTS Costa Mti1• A /P Clerk $400 "North Twilin. Eves & week. ;:ro. Good condition. ·>htftJ I if you have gener· If ""'" are temp. di·-"t'g. • 548-220) ends. s.1.00 per hour. ean· • 6"4-4265 * I l I I . .~~ .,...,,., Two years experience. Sandy at 544-7785 ·===.,o...;,c==---• a O Ce ex pen· your educ. & can start to KENMORE . Cas clryer, late HYBRID '& • ence, are attrac· 1 work oow, we have the sum. An equal opportunity A/l & Payabl• Clk $450 1 HELIARC backup wldr, 2 model, xlnt cond. $60. : tive, and personal· : mer Job for yolL Our ~fer· employer Able to \\-ark under-JUU· sailbt mast assem. traine<"'I * S4?...jll5 * • ity plus. APF : chandising Dept. need:i; 20 sure. • tools ttqd. 646-9785. bet. ~ INTEGRATED CIRCUIT :• : ,...,,. to work until S.pt. • Reotal Clerk $350 . 12 Moo. thru Fri. I No exp, nee. Train at Co. General Office Help to start. This is a real SMALL Rcstauranl qeeds ASauBLERS : nsurance I .,,.,.,, •winging job. Good ad· mature man or woman, ANTIQUE Coll. it•m. 18Sil ,,)U'I ! $125 Per WHk Salary Basic off I c: e knowledge vancement for real sharp days, age over 21. SAS-9863 Victorian couch &. chair, A minimum of Si."< month ol I Gal .Friday i _Pho __ ""_K-'~-'~C.:~c:1:..·"_""_1o_ ... _ r~=:.:~~be~~:?~~1; front offitt girl. 'School .. rn.~on 7600 =~=o=m=p=l=•=t=•=l~y=·=·="=ore=d. experience la dca:lrable. : ID $600 · 1•. Receptionist Tuesday thru Friday. MEDICAL VOICE prc;,.uatJ.c;; fo r Sewing Machind 1120 i "m0ovF,·ng""·,,'°"E"",ut'1.n1u1' .f~w· D al'~ T $300 popular or classical sil\i"ing. ~="-""~::.:.:::....:.:.::.: Opertings ~on Isl 2nd shifts Casualty e.•perl· 1• "-ta M-~.m-,. Good"~ ~ Five Crawn• lflf llo'llU 1111•• Beginner th ru advanced 1969 SINGER with zig-mg & '' ......,, ....... '"" Restaurant Some delivery. training. 642-5512, 494-9340 walnut console. Make1 but-Pka.se apply In penon to: e eoce for General benefits Ii: nlses. '425. Also :i&Jl E p if Coas 11 lack Of T to $lOO ton boles. designs etc., $5.25 : Agency. Customer fee jobsi Call ~· ~6-5410 Corona ·dela~; No P~. ·~ Will be ~d :':c training. ~·ugP!ANht boy. mTbeo•m~~ H 0 armo1 M"*~ mo. or $36.00 cash. 52.6-6616 Electronics HUGHES Antiques 8110 . ff u G ff E s • relations, rating. : .111on oe1t "" ....,, ...,,. ... A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY : some underwriting • Employm•nt Agency First Aid Room Teachen AMOC of Calif. & 2n2 MicMlion Drive NEWPORT BEACH •. & follow through. : 2120 So. 1.1ain, Santa Ana INSTRUCTRESSES AttHde11t Nun• to $400 Sherwood Muilc sch I. Pianos & Organ• ·1130 3 DAY ONLY PIANO SALE (Adj. to Orange Co. 1 e' l--'--'---'-"-"-'=-1 Young, mature girls able lo Good job for qualified lady, Beginners & Intcrmediall!s. Airpart) 500 Superior AvenUe :· Dependable & ab e I EXEC. SECRETARY meet the public. Must be at· Firs t Aid Certificate. Sue Denton, 54S-8'19" Newpol't Beach, CallL • to work with· mini· $525. Typing 65 wpm, short- Irvin•,. Catlf. 92664 EquaJ opportunity : mum supervisiOn. hand necessary for You.ng tractlvi: \Ylth a good figure. Nurse's Aides $1 .65 )Ir Educational VacaLlOn <Ith An equal opportunity employer _ M &: F • N • expanding Co. Fee reim· Apply in person All shifts. graders • · • Sr Citi.rens SAT. SUNDAY. MON NE\V ................ USED NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY employer M & ·F 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'1• eg. : bursed. Alm Ice. jobs. "Holiday Health Spa ChilcOat 10 lesson typing I ---'-'------!. : e Niguel Personnel Agency Costa &I e H r 1 Bch Factory Tral1tffl Sehl. Trial Lesson. 173 Del CLERK TYPIST : Personnel ! 2WU C.Uy Roal ... un mg on All •hilts. $1.65 hr Mar C.M. 54~285!! Grands e Consoles e Spinet! Prac~ce Pianos rrom S125 .................. \VAS N0\11 Starr Studio S445 S295 Knabe Prov gmct S2Ta0 S2195 Chickering grand $2395 SI725 ~ Arolian Grarxt $1595 Sl~ Braml>ach Grand $1595 $1085 Apply In JMrson THE HARTllY CO. 1987 Placentia Avt. Costa Mesa ADVERTISING Secretary/ Bookkeeper * WAITRESSES ~pply In Person REUBEN'S COCO'S lSSS W. Adam• . Costa Ml•• •: ! I --'1..aguna=.;;:..""i::."""=..1 "='=-·'=.,,"---I Radio· Telephone M9NTESSOR1 & P ..... ,. .... 1 S I C t RI . D' h G'rl MALE children. year round . Alert girl, production con· i ecre ary : UI om•r e at1ons ISpGtC I 541-5697 or 646-3706 trol ofilC!.'. Typin&, filing, Outslanding Co. -Irvine 25· or over. l'.1ust know local posting. XInt working concl"a. ! $435 : area. Pleasant coworkers. llI'"C!a . Appl.v in person. . Muffler M• MERCHANDISE FOR including .n """'fit•. i Call Ed<'<. "6-54IO. YELLOW CAB. CO. to $140 wk + <""'"' SALE AND TRADE • Jason ·S.st JSi E. 16th St. l\tust be experienced. CA~IFORNIA el ·Here's you r chance • Employm•nt Agency Co!lta Mesa Furniture 8000 Injection Molding to enter personnel • 2120 So, Main, San!a Ana Ship & ltecel• Clk .:200 Brlus Ave. I field.Need threrl GENERAL OFFICE·. LVN fr $85 wk "-•· M "'" --~ I !fi Charge Nurn \ViU take trainee. ~ eu. .rtO""I._. years .ge nera o ce Knowledge of ten key ad. An equal opPOrtunlty J expenence, g o o d I ding machll'll!, IBM elect. 3 10 ll Pr-.t shirt. Apply Ontamental Iron Worker employer : typi ng and rus t y typewriter & like to wurk NEWPORT St Sl. hr e CONVALESCENT • shorthand to quali· • with figure&. Industrial Clay !-!OSPITAL \Veld, layout, all around SECRETARY MODEL HOME Oiick'cring Cons $1395 6'95 Lester Spine! $759 $445 MANY . li1ANY • li10RE SP41cial Carload Buyl Nationally FamolL~ Brand $965 ConsolcR $Tl2 Medill \\"a\nu1. hcnch incl. Gould Music Company 2045 N. i\1ain. !'A 5'17.()681 R•1pon•ible, top level position for sharp, take- charg• girl. Mu5t have 'excellent sk ill s incl. "1orthand; handle lite ltkkpt; billing. Under 30. Call Barbi1ri1. (714) 642-3910. No shorthand, To SJ7'5. Con· ---------1 genial office, xlnt spot for •. fy, APF .• Imxlucts 18756 Fiber Glass l"" l . 0. I. \\•ork. e • Rd .• Huntington Be a ch, .,.. losp1lal Rel .. N.8. : •. Calif. Female Secty. S00.00 CoU~tor Trnee to $425 FURNITURE SALE GULBRANSEN ORGANS WURLITZER ' PIANOS & ORGANS Pianos & OJ"gall! Rented EVERYTHING JN MUSIC E>.."PERIENCED PART TIME e e e TEtLER UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK .2'l2 Ocean Aw., f..a&una Bch, ' ~ · SEAMSTRESSES * KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Ol'IC to thr<>e yean; experi- ence, second &hilt, l'.tonda,y lhnl Friday. Con tact Pat Folsum COLLINS RAOID CO. 19700 .Jamboree Rd. Newport Beach PROOF OPERATOR EXPERIENCED United C•llforhia Bank 4:->:?a f.facArthur Blvd, r.1().4124 matUJ'C! gal. ABILITIE~ UNLIMITED AGENCY 488 E. 17th St., Sui!e. 2'24 Costa Meu. 6-12·1470 BEAUTICIAN to work full time Costa P.1esa a.loll. Paid vacations, etc. No clientele required-new grada welcomed. C a 11 Manager MS-9919 EXPERIENCED TELLERS l'~un or pL time. Apply in person Bank of America, 3444 Via Lido, NB. equal opportunity erpploya VERY sharp ;:irl w/nper. in fitting elllll. Bikinis, for sales; must be able to Work weekends & some nii;bts. 642-6316: 67J.2473 ews. PI..ATI'OID.t STENO Exfll!:rlcnced Security Pacific Naliunal ,:xp'd pcl'\YC:r machine oper· :•tors to aew na.ugahyde boat ·cushions & canvass p~ :duct&. Top \'ages, pd boli· : ~ vacations, Ins, Xlnt ; working condltion11. Apply ~Jack ·Cole Co., 1763 Plaev\. •tia Aw., t'M. ~2'51 Eq Bank. H.B. 536-9.171 ual opportunity f'01f\10y('r I =~~~=~~~~"' SALES LADY full Unte 'for ;. P L AST I C S Injection Moldiq[ Oper. or ; t'rair:ft, MUil be depend· : ·~· Orawyanl shift. Apo. • Pb' M p.m., Ora.ll&e Oouncy ; Plutlcl, 850 W. JBtll. CM. I OFFICEE -CASHIER ~Patt 1'zne-Apply tn hl'IOO • IAC:K STRl.ET • 25 Fashion lilUld, NB Rec•ptionist PBX l"!."<pcri<'nce, bcauliful ollic!'s nrer Orange County Airport. To S400. ABILITIES UNLll'\1ltED AGEN'cY 488 £. 17th SI., Suilc 221 Cos1a 1\Jes:1 642-1470 i' CO~I PANTON -for t>lclcr- ty lady. Lile du!lea good pa, *CONVALESCENT aide .. to 8.BSl!;t lady during home ftCOV{'ry ifSKPR °' bol>ystr -· ; """--kdjr, """''"' 'ft! -: Fcu.totn Valley / .,.._ Jl&8.42l9 HOMEMAKERS 541-<681 jjEEb <lql'd ....,..-,,, ..,.. llllEAM Job· K""P ynur Im- ' ... ocoulona1 da,y time portanl job a. wife Ii: :liaby.tttbw in r:q hQm8. mother le e8J'11 • a "'1:.ly ·---· 836-3491 JiltmaAN . wHb wne Houawlv11 & Ladles i~~ ·Ibo not ~I· EartJ US's. P8J1 tim11,; C-11 i Gd,• G111n1dll:;lori. Fot> ..,. 30 -to I pm 645-0466, tjlolrtl. cu IN7--m.mi. I ~· Chlldn!n's 1tott. Sou th Coast Plaw. Apply 650 E. 0 SL Tuslin DRAPERY OPERATORS and '!'ABLER 546-1431 • FVLLERETTES. Pa r t nme. •va. $2.SO per hour to start. Over 21. ca.Ji $46.57'5 WANTED: Part time bat maid for nice bar. can. elM882 Acccunls 1-,,=-~---~~ A top beach area co i• look· Good Job for l'iha rp young e • GEN. offict" pas. nr. l?th & . . · . man, could advance to • I Phu.-cntia. Nvr a dull rno-ing for an a11ract1ve gn\ With branch inanagci· • p bl o I Nd I I ho good sec. skills, great ""'-· M d & T d •• aya e : n1en OJICI'. • • r y,• 1•u· c Ill on •Y UOI •Y likes sailbts & \Vho can tcntial and the co. y,·i!l re· ert ed Mat & Zy9lo : • caln1ly get Y.Tkld. out In imbul'se lhC' fee. call Lo-Pentall ln•pector June 2nd & 3rd :. Clerk : 0 midst or dlr, sal<'s & prod. raine, J\.1!!rchants Personnel fr $2.50 hr 10 AM & 4 PM demands. S1ar t $3.10. J\.100-Agency, 2().IJ \VestcliU Dr., l\Tust be certified. A.vailable to public i lo $450 ': Tues. l\1r. \Varc. 6-16-7434 N.B 645:2no DKorator choices PAR~ mu:· OHice \\'Orit, Moch O~er to $l. hr Terms: cash & carry Cashier /Hostess B·JO..t dall Al rt . t .. Gen! machine knowledge, Glen Mar West e !: , · Y· e gir W1i0 days. , • lilature woman with ; \\urks 'vith figures to wrile In Huntington Bei1ch I construction ex-• Experienced Ap~ orde~ on IBM accounting Moi11t Mech to $4 hr on Magnolia • perience preferred..-I . MANNINGS, INC. machine. We will tra\n. All around malnt. & elcc· s outh of Garfield I Ca re e r position, • El Toro Rd. {Leisure ~Vorld) 545-7101 trical background. & north of Adams I sta b I e company. I Laguna. Hills 837·1fil4 TRAINEES: \Vaill-esscs or Night Supervisor $150 wk • EPF !: SALE.5 & LIGHT OU.ice \\'ON< Car Hosteues. J\.1ust be Ji'(f shill, machine cxperi~ SPANISH Returned from e I; In fashionable Lido j!!'velry neat. attractive, hap pf enC<". Model .Homes on .ale at I stol't'. Jewelry cxpt'rieoce disposition. Fl or pt time. less than wholesale! Group J I .I I" • ncressa.ry. can for a~ THE zoo. Coast Hwy. & Cabinet M.111 fr $2. hr U'lcludes beautiful. 9 6 • • • US 0 men IOn !: pointment. Permanent posl· l'.1acArthur. N.B , Experienced. quilted sofa .l Jove &eat. ; . .,,,., "..... ... 3 Spaniab oak deeon.to: o 0 ~t~~:,,nc, . .;•~·~~;::.:==---BUlLOER needs parl time "'"vto Counter Man lP.bl.es, swaa or tabfe lamps, : I few , , , ~ 1• PART TIME 1.tAID, exciting ~rt>tary on perinanent to $120 wk wall placqt:H?, king, queen. Call 541-4171 apt complex need! week end basis. Must be accurnte 1.1u!'t kn o "' automoUve or full size bedroona suite • ma.id to prepare & serve for JYPlst & clo simple book parts & counter work. complete Incl ~ !iprings. I parlie!, breakfast & l\IU'·B-work. cau 642-8l27 Janitor to $2.25 hr mattresa, linens & boudoir e Ques. 645--0550 '. DENTAL OFJo~ICE business Good Job ror a young man. lamps, Spanish oak 6 pc .! e 11.t~tEDIATE Openings in secretary betwn ~10 yr-s of dining' set priced t1lscwhe.re Ceramic Jrldu:i1lry, in pack-age. Exp'd only C.alJ P,M.'s G•neral Labor.rs $2 hr at approx. $1195.00 AU. inc or producllon dept. A~ Mon-Wed-Fri. 847-5026 Strong & healthy, \\11ling FOR ONLY SJ99, p) down, ~ ply lnduslrial Clay Products WANTED: Dental a, 5 t ., to work. $4.99 per .. ll!t!k , out of Coronet 18765 1''iber Gla.s11 Rd, Hun-front offlce/chair std e . Factory Troh••n statei credit OK. W 111 llngton Beach, Calli. Exp'd. Two ;:111 oUi~. to $2.50 IN' separate for quick We. 20th s>J:ES help needed, must 8J0-(114l ~1a.ny. Centul')" >Umlture. 9112 I t ha·-ox-·1·,.:.... 1n l•d•.•• Ganlen Grove B I v d • , m P 0 n ... ...,,.. . .... ~ MATURE \\'oman for.\11 to 1 Yme wear. Apply I" pe,.,.n. "'ill .. SAWYER IOME . W k h I Ganlen Gn>"" Dally !~9. ! Jaclde'11 Fa.<ihlon Center 75 Call S.16-67lG Of near Ome. Sat 11).6, Sun 12-6 Come ;: H tington ~nler. lf.B. In or caD C114> 530-5240 Agency ll.,1MM~E~o~1A~TE~'.:.~,,.~n1=",,.;....,,--Jabs-M•n. wom. 7500 APEX· MAPLE & ,.,...,.,. Pn>v1nc~1 for l man !n11. ofc. Non-Couch, Tabl~s., dc!!k, lamps, 1202 '""''"· 00 IM. oxp n<<:. * DRIVERS * vibrator , .. ,11,,.,. chair. up. Send resume to P .O. Box E 1 A ho! rock<!r. lringed 8x8 area Beach Music Cenler Faclory Sa.Jes & Service Daily 12 noon 'Iii 9, Sat 9-5 Ii.JO.I. Beach Blvd .• (J-Jwy 39) l ~~ mi. So. San Diego Fwy, Huntington Beach 847-8536 ~'E'RE back in our new store, Big Celebration • Big Sale. CLOSEOUT 9f console Pian- os at SAvlnp to ...... $'100 CLOSEOUT of Baldwin over. age pianos at savings to $349 CLOSEOUT of 1968 Organ., at savings to .......... S236 No down oac, 5 Yl'I to pay. \YARD 'S BALDWIN Sl'UDIO 1819 Newport, C.I-.1. &t2-8484 ARTISAN CONCERT ORGAN Ideal for church, school or hom~.·2 n1anuals, 32 PC!dals. 40 stops. Complete w/prescts & sound syslem. This demon. stratlon %: prlci! • SJ. r;i0 lenns. NEWPORT ORGANS IH:t-1530' HA.M.\!OND -Stelnwa.y • • maha • nc1·. &: used pianos or all makes. Best ~ in So. Ca.lit right hl're. SOL\llDT i\fUSIC 00., 1901 N. ~1aln., Sa.nta Ana -CM. No Experlenre mp oymonl goncy rug antiquo ..,Id. bod,.,.,._ -~ · b'···-l I •-· •· k THOrvtAS Electric or g 8 n E W hi Pl N I * Th• •••y way er. .........,., 0 c 5""' ...,s ' 'th all 1 t IS ftll0ft • Wl~MENal .. t,.-;_..,A~_,, ~~ ecessary, (Hk··"' why) washer, d.ryt:r, frig, tJ'\100, ~. Xlnt :~1t~h:.•~~ I ....., IV" ..., • .,.,. •-Mast have clean C.llfomla patio tum, BBQ, 1kia, Col@-·v-•llN .. (Grand• Sant• Ana ~ U::'1 h~~~ driving record, Apply 1173 HARBOR BLVD. man stove, stonge cab&, ~ 54G-G717 eves.& wkencm t---------t YELLOW CAB CO. (~ block So. of ltth) mRny ml11C 11~1. 390 Oil:~. WURLITZER baby grand pl· Freeway) GENER.At. Office girl over 186 E. 161h St. Apt D, c.~f. Ott Tultin near. ano, '350. Good tone. 21 to train In 1el"\lice & sup. Costa Mesa COSTA MESA East 11th St Call 546-7920 • Santa Ana. 11.:•::.1Y.:.· ,::540-::.,;9::37::'·-=~~ PART time help • CJlll'g!' Quality ktn, bed, quilte<l. WANT Player plano wfrolla. DENTAL OFFICE age. Zuble'SPtm.. 2920 E . s•l4t6 oomplete, unu91!d $98: worth good cond., tmm prlv. par-. --'-==tl.;;on_I.;.''.;.· --"--.;.·.;....-· <2Cou~· t!_l!!Iwy~.~Cd~M!._ __ _;[1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1••!!!!!!!!!!!!!1$2$0. Aft 5 or wknd1, MT-0406 t)o. 64i.6316: 673-2473 evn. I . -·- ME I -'° - • " e 01 to Ir N "' Telt R Ster 23" J mod $295. sten rad $t35 ,.,. ... Miff •• HOU9 item Hiell """' "°n' 'tool '"· '""' \Vig !ran: rug, olhe• Lag• 4 PD "" and $275. -atrin kfrin """ "'"' FFI PIY" oU 1 C..h rork Che' Pl,.. Brist Brist Sp< e Te bag• • c. Ur. no " * u Auct Win Behi.J 20751A SALE !um. gnl" """· NB. MOVI furn. Wast Ju ... """' IBM Remi mact Rive1 Grey DIAM cngni """' plerc 675..( •DlAM ring. whJle Appr. $950. \ SiNGi """" 1 """" ty Pi 9'8" I ~ ~ARG I N<w, '100 , ........ ~• c 0pe, ountl 1--.;- f uston • u...tt (11 ~ I Qua] "'"'"' t $250,. StNGt ,Tenni Iran~ mu;: I <OU I SM. c -g; - • ' MERCHANDISI FOR MERCHANDISI FOR SALi! AND TRADI! SALE AND TRAD& l'li..,lhl.9 8000 Fumlhl,. IOOO SAVE lll's OF SSSSSSS Television 8205 Ml1cell1ntouf !-~·'--~'"-~~~- RENT OR BUY .COL~ Monthly~ratc11 low ns $7 Rent w/purchast' opOon FREE WIGS \Ve also rert &: !It'll Ster~Washers-Refrigs 772-0730 IUY Q1ck 01'r ,~ ... YOU CAN'f ' BIAT"THIM ANYWH!RE TEST DRIVE THI MINI . BRUTE ••• JUST AlllVID ANOTHIR 1.10 SHIPMINT OP wtth AUTOMATIC TltANSMllllON • OUR Ol'IL PllCll STAllT AT I • • • $1777 IMMIDIATI DILIVIRT BRAND NEW ' '69 CUTWS .Mb NEW ''9 IUICK $2444 aaDla YOURI • ' TODA.YI ,. ' pe. Full ,._.,, · r colld, NCI·+ . DSMOllU T. F-edefy •Ir, •rhtt I lw•k••· y 1461 • ~··1395. • 'tf. MUSTANG Convert, 4 1pe1'4, r1d!o, h11t1r. TXS 16! $1995 '61 CADILLAC , D1Vfl11, Fult powe r., 1ct. 1ir, IHXS 742 1 $995 '65 SICT\AaK · dr. Autori11tlc, power tffri119, t1!1to, h11t1r . .... 00• •1111;;w-~1tUt6V41 4l' ' $1395 '67 CAMAIO H.T. Cp1, A11to .. PS, f1ct, 1ir, UH. ITFX 769 1 $2295 '67 RIVIERA Cp1. Full pow1r, l1clory 1ir. !TOI lttl $3S~f - ...... ~ I , A.j-~.,;..t~ .if. ...... ......... f-~ l:SIMJ7tl • • • $1995· 23• E. 17th ST. 14•·7765 OPQl1 7.,.. ....... .I .. , • I I I .I I • • . . .. . .... ' ·~ ·-,: o"\ " • . , .. .. -...... • .... or ,. I ~ 11 • ,. •..-,!J•. , \,,J 11.J ...... 'f.'f,jl ' 'o I j I -~,"'-\ • ' .. ' I • ' ' . • • • • • ·:~'.'!'' • • .-11 • .... ..... ' ,.-. • ~,, .• , 1 :-•_.._,,.,,-1 -• ... ~ • - ;.,!;.·: ... ..:. .... ~--... ...-.---. '-' .. .,t.••· , .. • .. 1 . . . • .. . . , . ' ,; . ' I \ " . . . . . ' I • ' '1 \ ' , ·-. •I .. " . . . ' ., ' ' 1 I. • .. .. • .. g· ... · . '. I I, • " . ·- ' I • • I . .. .. I , ' . . ' --' . .. . ' ' s . . '... • . • .. i ·-'·' :.r .... :!: . . .. f· _J • ~--• • . . 1... " i ,,,. • ' .. ' ·: .. , , -: . ~· . .. v. . . • . • • • ' • • f ! . · From :Sta~-~r¢?9~~\;flo~~any of Ca:lif orni_a :~ .a· s~ri~~ ,of m:q,9~ifice~nt /~~·{·~ color sc~ries :of Calijornta. A dp·c~~nted ~pstory of.your Golcf,en .State; li/,e~l fo·rfr.a"!~rig),for "~i.n:ding;.for teac,h:ing ch'ildren their " Calif o.'.tin~a kerit~g.e. ' '· 11 ,, • • ' • •••• • ••• • . I · · · ' . · · I ' . ~ . . ' . . . . '· . " , •' ...... .,, ''· -,· • , ... " • I . I ' ,., ·.' .. · . '.' .. -··· .. ·---.Dlffere·nt sets weekly-42 scenes in all! ' ... '· • ' - Ari .old 1·~gend said · there was a .land · "very riear to,'the · terrestrial ·. paradise''; a f.and ruled by -a · beautiful Queen .cal'led Galatia. This legendary .1ar1d beca"1e fact. First settled in 1769, exactly 200 years ago, we ·know this land today as California! . of .California is giving away free .:_with purchase-a. beautiful series of ;original watercolor . prints of historic Califqrnia sites.-Thete'll be To commemorate California's Bic.entennial, Standard Oil Comp any ' ., • ,, ._ • : I •• ' .J • .. .. r _ ...... ___ , ·-·~·J.1~' ' ' . ( . ' different sets weekly-42 scenes in all. Print' size 12 by 16 V2 inches. ' . . . Start your collection today, It's your Golden State ... your 'California. Frorri Stendard Oil Company of California. . Free with purchase AT CHEVRON ·DEALERS . . ~--··--',• STANDARD · STATIONS (in cant~nia) . .. , • . . -------------------- r