HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-07 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa---. -. . . ,_ -- ,-• :S -. , I . o·lla·rb•f :· Ti-~stelJ•··. Bejec( -. .. -' ... -.,. -.. .. .... ..--... -~.....--·--• . . ,-,.-:, -; . "•-!t ,. 1 ...... e«cner-s-----·.t. • ew Pa_y Plea .SATURDA:Y,. ~1.!f\IE 7, !11~9 Wt..>a,. ..._ ,,._ ' a1cT.o.~ n.pq .... .. . .. • .. . . " ·~· ·'-. L -:: ; , ' ·-• . • . .. . .. F. F. ' p· .. -. 1· ? . . at . ,anny s llltl; e~,~ ' . . ~· • ·--. " ' -. .. ·• . ., - . , ... -. . - . . ' ... -.- I Court Battle Looms .on • -. t• ... ·:.).· ~ • ~ •{ • I -'· . 4/1 . . . • .. • .... ·~ ·-" .- President Gets Teachers. D-enied Briefing Today • . . • . t Again Over Pay For Thieu Meet His destination a dot of cora1 bought with American blood iµ World War II. President Nixon today was en route to ~y THOMAS ·FORTUNE ieave at supermarket cbeckstands, with rendezvous wilh his South Vi~tn'!mese °'~""' 0.1" "1191 St•lf gas station attendants ahd in church col-counterpart ~~yen Van Thieu, and '";.-• .. ~·Ntwpbr't~r-teachers .-~wi~?>"~t_ion.dli.t~~ ~~h~~; they spend a U.S talk abOut winding up . t.nother costly down cold Frkiay evening by the schoof ~ · · .~·· -~'-· i;.!;:'...?-i..~+;:;r~~:~ .t::~.. . • . · board or. their latest salaiy entreaty and Each ~eacher ::in Fri.day was given 30 . Th~ chrer-et~f!Vu:'~~ . tunny b1fu: lhat say, m short, we help and nose-to-nose Sunday on -symbol· a requ~t for mechaUon. . keep the local economy ..-igorous, won't ically ~ Midway Island, with Nixon Despite the setback, teachers .assoc1a· you support our bid for professional pay. meeting Thieu a litUe more than hall· ti on ~dent Gordon Becktold said be . Teachers also are to call neighbors and way in one sense. -..... ~ .. ~ .. •I -, :.<: • .>< • - '<:'" ·j,~ ~~ir' • t· ,) . ·:r.~ (. '"" . ,-~l't ~ j ,~t ~ ~ -·· .. clJj ·• -~~mlJ moo, .,.,.,T"'~ COntractors \ Clash on Pay ' ·FOl!J'leen Orange County drywall con• tra«on moved to put a few cracb ill uiilOn . pay structures Friday wheiY they · l!ked · tile Superior Oourl lo ~ 'their right-to pay · employes IC rates above uni~D scale. . Torrance allotney DlidleY Griy filed what be said· WBS• 8 HprecedeQt. seltig'' ""11ii'llli'ii>-lli>;-·be'.....a.d lhe """"~ .... "l'nilect Ille employers· against tile Im. P!iil!lml "of . heavy fines' under lhe llOloo Contract."• • Many county employen, said Gray, are • thinki it will be,,school as usual Monday. acq uaintances to enlist.·,support. A flyer A delegation of top advisors flew to Angelo V&SSOS of the rebel Corona de! went out to teachers from other school Honolulu Friday ahead of the President Mar l!lgh .School group that walked out districts who live in ~ta Mesa or wbo planned· a 3 p.m. st/ategy confer: Thursday agreed. . Newport Beach suggesting they call ence at the Kabala Hilton Hotel, prior curreatty. ~ble lo fulfill corrtiacta because ... the named uniODB ·will-~-. vkle n\en who will work for the '8.95.an A teachers representative meeting is school board members. to the Vietnam summit meeting Sunday. set for Monday night. Teachers apparently have a long way Air Force One was· due u, streak Board President James W. "Bill' to go to convince the board. down the runway at El Toro MCAS at ~yton ~ teacher leaders he believe,s Trus~e Presi~ent ~eyton told. them at 10:30 a.m. t~y, barring any updating U)e.board baa made Its ~az.4Jlum ~1-. the Friday meeting, Xou people hav~ a by the President, who has a growing b)e effort '.fri,th the aalary scale adopted. for the way you feel. We know you re tenaency to set his own hours. -- Olhtr trustees ·~-unbap?¥·. We knew that when we made Aboard the three-tone blue.and-white Trwtees earlier µlls week adopted a th:, decision. . ,jet with Mr. Nixon would be Dr. Henry aalarj'. ac_.ie °"t WjU give-·teachers au We are e!ec~ed .~o be the eyes~ ea,~5 . Kissinger, White House assistant for na• averate "'7 ~ ialse ne~ J~. of the common!ty, Peyton.~Unued. J, t.ional .security affairs and the Presi· "Teacbei'I have.gone ab6ad . with plans know you don~· but we think we are tlent's ·primary Vietnam .. a~l!er. to1enllst cpublic support,for.their position reading them nght. If, we're not they'd . II.our wllon acale,. . And lhe .men lbenuelvu, lhe allorJIOi' added, are not propared lo plclt up .loOl!I and adhere to an "outmoded agr:eement•• lhal would deprive lhem of all forms of incentlve an4 bonus ·pay. About h1INll dil drylralt labor force In tlle ·COUDIT..downod tools two weeiof ago when the unions attempte'd to force theie dem•nds.cm the cohtractors,. ADd melt oC lhOoe!""'° are , Jilli off Ille J!>b ll(day, Groy said. ·bf_;.~'°"'~l include passing funny _ bettet rtP.Jac~_ us. Tl!_at's the .:way_~ TtJE.~ MEE'J ALONE . . ~· They· hav~ UJI a batcliOr Vestl!(f',lntetest, r;-don't !Slame you one bit The Fic;at Family, was a1so to fly to -: lYbtt tke:Y. $ill "~h,er !lo~" ~ will _ (See TEACHERS, P1ge %) Honolul~ and remain oVemlght while GrQ . ·~'the umoa.•":enfoa:ement Gf.:.-- tbe1 bll~. Iabqr. agree nf,e n t fonillJly 'oilheftd lo by emp!qyers, , • • i • r ·--· · -the ~Presldenf co"'l'ltln1ied. oh 1,200 raj.Jes. --p!oym:·aattadOns'Wll"irtdk:uJotii!' -, , beyond to MidWay Island and his con· Property Owners Demand , C~µtlty Act. Against Bar ... . .By TOM BARLEY Of ""' _.... "'* stiiH Bottomless' it ilO't,. btA rFat FaMy'a -=- a§ur:set Beach psycbed!llc swingers, spa ,v\e;e the music is wild as the name -is * a"l. bottom in 1 ailrimertrig con-fii)Vera)·. " "-group 0£ fiO lrale property owners hne tlnmmed a petition down en the de* of County SUf'el'Vlsor Da .. -id L. Biter, claimingJhe colorful ~r 4 an in- aoleraLlf nuisance. Lillen to cqmplalntl abouf the pub at 16555 Plclfic Coast Highway and one en-. vJSIOns the den of iniquity t.h a t grandmotben claim all bars to be, ·if not a ~i:iright eurb-servlce brothel. ~ ~ ~ ol ,Supel'vtsofl ,..y .diSl;USS. thf, peUtioil·1or 1ctl<Mi 'IUiDday, based on ' alleged Hstfighting, littering, ::ihuuted obscenities, hoffOcmln·g •in moving cars and stl'l1al acOVilies In o a r k e d 1:utomob1lea .. '1They can hold . all ·~·meetings ~ht>y want." says ... manager Tu.rk,.Vartereslan, who rims the nlgbtclUb whlcb on c e hooted Seal Beach civic leader Stan Anderson's old EJ 'Eciro Mellcan rest- aurant. "We're closing Fanny 's. Monday," he conlinued, · "and 1SU1Tendering l he license.'' · Parking lnadequacles were solved tor a Ume through use of a v1cant service station nett door, but this 11as been transformed ihto a liquor store in a novel bit of urban renewal. . • Cernpln1ntrhli,·P. ·1ncreaR!f· 10 recent (See TAVERN, P11< I) frontation with Thieu, Schedules so far -call for the two presidents to meet privately at the base cqmmander's ... home -just the two of th~_m -(or one hour and 45 minutes while their a1deS confer · at an· officer's club. Breaking up briefly, the gi'oups will• then gather to continue talks over a one-hour and' -J.S.mtnate luncheon, fol· lowed by a final two • hour discussion oerJoa. · • '" • ' President Nllori will get an up-to.the- minUte !eport oft the "1ilitary and diplo- matic s1tuaUon tn the'Vletnam War dur- ing his Honolulu seS1Jon.rwith pOUc)'inak- ers this evening. ~ Secretar) of State William P .. Rogers and Def~~ Secretary Melvin R. Laird will confer privately before the NixOn arrival, joined for the secret afternoon session by additional leaden. Ainong them will be Gen. Earle G. Wheeler, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff; Henry Cabot Lodge, chief U.S. peace negotiator .tn Paris; U.S. ·Am· bassador to Vietnam Ellsworth Bunker; Gen. CrE:.ighton W. Adi nil, commander, alliea forces in Vietnam, ana Ad.in. John (See MIDWAY, Paget) . " . -'·.·.,., ·--·· --.., • •· DAILf•PM'f' ....... .,.11 __ • • -_.. ,. • - _ ~ • ,._~ ... -T~t • • uitt.i a1110· -UnidenUfied youngswi '•lflls·lnio. canilV81.~tride fo?-8.<lvance~-"!tln -l"ritiaY.. aft.ernoon_pr)or, II> <>11ening~carnlval set'up:fur Costa Mesa-Newport HarblW'L!bns ·gub Fl•h F.fY, Annual event continue$ through Sunday~ •\l. .. ,. . ..... - 11• ·claim"" 111a1»atry practp of paying over scaJe . WBfel ~ .ftirU>er compensatlng worken :tJu'OUib.. Jncenttve and bonus plans ii "km& sl'aiidlill· aDll well known to both' sides." Magy Orange COuntY drywall w~rken bave·tieen eant ~ ing as much 11 '30,000 a ·year, he said. ·anc1 oocliilJenge has----. (I06ed lo Ille aymrn ualil ,...,...uy. Amoog, Ille 11 • l;'lainllfil named In Gray's RK.ltfOa1 for . Court relief are SaD .Fe_.'e_.:ding oi __ ·10_ ~00.0 , ~~~l~ =' oranae employtn are alto namedlln tbi -.. Something ashy·!; io1ng on in Coe!<! lh~r ._q(;.fu... ,io.i;.;ID ..;..u · up Dlttr;f\i;~ts m: €alll~ . , ,, " ·""--~"•..__ ,..--·-"-""-s~ su1e.-~.o1 ~ -~ Mesa Park. , ~~"a -e-•" ,....,_ •=• Coupty;'lilltpd,c.undl• of~~.;_ But ii' 1s sup)iosed iO be 111a1 way ' and', an&.up _1'1biiua·A~~··· •jl\e°·Fl!h Fry ealllorlmi.n.,;,on <;oatrocton Allao:l8' the ·, Ulh Aruiual ·Costa Mesa·Ne~· Parad,-'s temili)µs · · .. .,. · ~ · t10D,.:J1bot' ~ Ray Alneet t:tl Har~Llons Club Fish Fry b in full • '11\ghligl)ts'of·ilie 'actlo1i Suli:iiy lnc:tude Foitune,alid,Alswiel and six mtmbm OI s<leellOli of Mill Me~ 'llnd;:Mlss 'lhe Soutbem'Callromia Joilll ~ swing, with about 101000 dinners, more or Costi MC!sa, the annual' bet.f contest and Board Panel: ~ Jemeo. less, on lhe lhen~. •w&r!lb>f .;r anolliOr'·btaUty-'e llll Fol'.d Kirkwood, J, D. Buller, Oilrla I! Ydii can onl1r ~hlng you.J".anl du": M~-to a:·Utltet41hlilft'\tO 10 home, Gtlt H<'.vle ,lillil liq £kibor,.. . / Ing lbe <0ntlnulng feed -Y, and Sanday,· I), ~arlety of other JamJfy flni 1ctMilet · Tbe 14 employ~ ...... ul<l G .. y, as ' long. as It's l1'h.,-a1ip~~ .. '(llpFe,.,, an¢ p11bllc oervlco of!m -tudl u lad. ~JO penalU• "'*'per-k standbysJite 'haml!Urgers, holdogs ind vlsipn--.C tests. Jo. delmnlne 010 per,mployee il tlit......,. --... Ilic ilte are offered loo. proflltri>J, will be , ot!ete4 In lht 'Lions loree pellllly pro-... 1111o.l ID•lhe The clatter of marching bands and the Ch1 eVent. . ' . . · ••. 1 i ~;Ii ·~ . ~~ . . .. ..,: • ~ ...... '.<(. ~ •• ~ ,.. ,·11"' t' ·~.(. .. ,. •• .,._ ... , ..... 1..;t'·•.•1 ........ ~.,:-..,.,,.,. •• 1 .... , • ..,, -... ,. ~ ( '•' ... ._ • r· r • j ' "ft' I'. <I'-• • • .f ·~ ····~·\•t .. .. f-••• ;. '.\'~•'"• .. , •• ... : ~·,. .• .. .~·'4 .... ... • • " ......... 7 1" ..,. --r;;::-.. .. ' ;, I • ' . ... .. .... ~ ~ • ' ·-I ~"(,?l\DT __ , .s • S..turd.ly, Jun• 7, 1'69 :~g~i!f~re· C_a~e Trne ,~ __ -:.:-. --1-' -' .. .. .. ···~ ..... 1 -. -~ S~· · '·:r. of T-Tagi· .-edy-lla·unted A rtssk:_Skipp· er t\ _.....,,. ....... ... -__. • ·of ' ... .... -~,..... • '> • • .... , ~:inb RllV~ · • ·~ u,;,,l!>t \;~hod lifflf: rnlQo\i or Oillili51*-Ioe.lit lift a' :ea are nol ll)rpedoed,'" he .l&td.. ''The onl1tlllng t' ~ l<IP!es,"'°t U.S. Nivy Cmdr.' knew I WH In lilO water. S.f•t"l:ti us -It ~temort and Austr~lian Navy aa1he!Od together -I don:1 J1nOi1, bow J~"'·•-oeriou•iY dbcuned mani." • '"-u llkiNl!I'• att, lit~ft lllOl'e than "We we1t sa.vecl. • • .~~-• "'lllil< , . · Cn>*, MC!l!l!nort'! 'llory "'" '!ll!J' one • .,.. • n, Navy can•t-afford nf m1111 tnvblrinc1Mrol~.14if '" 115•· lllfO th1t to . hlpoeli 11:ain." led!~ ratt, liljl <(!her qew mm,i ire 11 .. ...., hid pt~. "''•r"'1f to U)e unwlll"'8'to'dilcu11 the IQllS ~· and ~·· Ill( slnkinl of the nwly hid! btr men. •· • f _. deib*r HMAS 'Vayagtr: stnlO'r Chief G1,1nner's Mate ·ta'wnnce .-Next lime. the • two skippers. mtt J. ~ly, 44, of 2334 Minuteman Way. ;i personally, Cmdr. McLcmore was walk· ·<;t1sta Mesa, was among the silent ones t-Ing toward Capt. Stevenson on the bridge Friday, after attending a 'iriemori<tl . o[ ~ ~rcraft c;.lrrier, dazed and soaked s~rvtce· Ip Long _Beach for his sOn and ..... rrom a_l'.'l~Lmare come true -again. other F;vans shipmates. , The Melbourne i:ent 82 Aussie seamen Anotlfer was Lt. Ronald Ram!tt!y, of j to a watery grave when the Voyager sank Long Beach, who was duty officer on the 1 tn 1964 and her steel bo\v had just knifed Evans' bridge when the towering J tJlTOU&h the USS Frank E. Evans, im-r.1elbourne loomed over het' on the 1 prisoning 73 sailors in the half which slid.. moonlit South China Sea at •:ts a.m. ·uncfer. Tuesday. c Only one thing could be said under the Still others -key cottfmunlcaUons ; clrcwnstinces of a disa ster whose cause personnel and the helmsman -r.emain t or blame may never be specified and with their companions at the Sea bottom, I both McLemore and SteVenson ultered lt thousands of feet below. • simultaneously, in an erpbrace of con· The Melt?oume's Capt. Stevenson told • solatlon: newsmen afte.r piloUng his 'dainaged car- " I'm sorry." rler lo Singapore that. one luck)" Cmdr. McLemore was one or lite lucky American survivor was catapulted to tho ' mea:-1!1"-Jhc ~vana;;;eoc!i;;"!! :~·.bi& Oigllt deck 4!feel above tho wll!i by the sbalWad quari.tr;,'OX beildili( ·ia111o11 llllpact. ; .. Mett steel blocking'.hb ·way' wltii-bare He said tM 'Melbourne -wai carrying handi · · {)Ut standard antill.ibmartne ,JlW\euver:. 'I . Petltlo•s Valid? f ;afm-yi:Reca ll B.acke ts To Press Case in Cour t · By T~RJiy ·c0f1u.11 Of ~ CMllY PUii Sltll Dcblte over the !al.tit tum or ev~nls in Foiiiltain Valley's ' reca'u battle wilt, be taken to Orange CoUnty Superior Court Monday for a· ruling' on the validfty :or non-validity of the petitions i;ubmi lted last Monday. Noted civiT and criminal attorney Paul Auiustine Jr,. will argue the case for f'rona. Pa9e 1 MIDWAY •.. t.lcCaln, C{)mmander, U.S. fortes in the Pllcilic. Presidents Nixon and Thieu will dis· -tll&S such topics as troop levels, th~ in- creasing role and ·timetable for Vietna· mese .forces to take over the battle,' free elections and oullouk for political sta- bility. Conlinuing rumors -not exactly de· nied by White House aides -are that the Nixon-Thieu huddle "'·oold produce a plae for withdrawal of 50.000 U.S. troops i-rom combat zOnes. Nixon promised iii his May 0 14 speech outlining an eighf-poinl peace plan, how.:ever, that America will not with· draw unles& the Communists cooperate on a likewise basis. Thieu himseU is exptcted to push hard for certain U.S. commitments during the secret talks. Gener_jJ._ .QPtig:iis~@as been ~out­ 'Jook -foF . the meeting with Thleu; but ' the Secretaries of State and Defense re· fused to comment Friday before takin g off from And re\vs AFB, Maryland. "We don't want to make any predic· tions," said Secretary of State Rogers. "The war in the Pacific changed. ror tile-better at Midway Island in 1942," added Secretary of Defense Laird saying he hopes the same will be true of the Vietnam war as a result of the hemis· pheric trip. DAILY PILOT H•-.,.n IHdi HvlltlftfN11 a..ci. "-''" .._. '"""'• v.11., ORAHGI C1st1 M111 CAUPORNIA COAIT PUll.ISHING COMPAN'r' Rob•tf l'i. Wi•d Prtlll,OtJ\I ard P11lllh11tt' • ·• ' supporters of the 'ttcali wheu ht 1$kJ the oourt !or a wrtt ... Ot mandate ,tO. ·force Foun'taio Valley to accept the recalt:peli· lions. • . · -.:;;::::.. Tlrursday, City Attornc'y Edwih ~ttin ruled the three petitions submitted by Eugene Van Dask \.\'ere nGt valid becau~c he had not follO\Ved legal procedures in circulating them. Martin ruled tha"t answers to the recall charges were not printed large cnoogh for prblpective signers to read. •• MaYOr Robert Schwerdtfeger"'and Cciun· citnten Donald Fregeau and Joseph Coor· reges, objects of the recall drive ,pprinted SOO 'Word ans\\'ers to their charges then ·eiac~ legal answers in a )ocal ~"'sp&J>er. ~e newsp1.1per "legals'' w~rc co~ed '*"'~ted around with the petiti~ .. cis n:i\li~J but Marlin claims they still' an lbtinf · (0 ·deceive because.-Qu!Y~~ -are 1'11qecUy unreadable. • • , •,, ~UiUIUne sa"ld Friday that a cqurt PTOn·in favor of the petitions. "will in 1'lf~ b! an eviction notice on the four ht- ttciaJ.s·lnvolved (Martin included)." . t 'Pfhe sole issue presented to '\he court l'il{-t)e the legality of the peUijons,~· ad~ lleOAUgustine. "It will be established al lhe hearing that no subterfuge was employed and signers were well aware Of all the Issues ihvolved." .~ .. "Jn·view of what has transplttd~1 -'he c:Qnunued, 1'the full facts o( wJlich' ~•re known t.o all the principals. lnvolYed, l ;im more amazed that Martin's opinion should imply the recall committing was nltemptlng fraud." f'ronr-rage -1 TAVERN ..• i I or my tnont.bs And acUvlty by Orange · County · sheriff's deputies has risen with it, according Ill those who frequent the nightclub .. One newspapennan living near and OC· c cu:ionallv vii-I ting Fat Fanny's tells of a recent incident :n which two rather yocng deputies stak~d' out a parked car. They hao rtil.sor. to beJieve a boy·J?irl friendship \11hlch blossomed inside on the crowdesi dance floor was deepening in the car. • After .20 minutes of surveillance. the lawmen sneaked up, yanked open the doors and found no one. Manager Varterei;lan, contacted for a reply to lbe angry allegations Fri· -day; noted efforts in rec~ent 'months lo 50lve most complaints. f with the Evans and all shl~ rnvolved Y.1ere darkened under simuli.ttd wartime CtJndltlons. They 'vere crulslog at 3,000 to 10,00·1 yards upart on ·a zigzag course, "'h61l - at 4:10 e.m.! he ordered the' Evans ti1 n1ove -from a screeninll position 11.he1.(! to 1,000 yards astern of the carrier, Someone al that point evidently set th~ stage {or disaster at sea. The Evans' exe<!utive officer, 1.\. C1ndr. George L. McMlchael, was thrOl\'n from his bunk by the collision, s1var:1 across a wardroom and climbed out tu find him.self stand.in( on the side or the lli ting ship, "The stacks were half In the 'vater and the section was starting to carisize," J1c said, adding that he dove into the sea and began swimming, s\v llching to ~ backstroke to witness the Evans' end. "I could see welt"becau.se' of the brigl:t, brighi moonlight," said Lt. Cmdr. McMlchael, who looked at his watch showing 4:17 a.m., as the destroyer bo\V rose up and slid beneath the surface. An investigation into the tragedy begins Monday at the sprawling Naval in· stallation at Subic Bay, after which a report will be sent to the commander of the U.S. Seventh Fleet. Any . further actl\)n -punitive or otherwise -wiU be determined at that level. Memorial Cycle Convoy Honors • Slai11 Offi cer More than 100 motorcycle officers will . · form arrlhonor convoy Monday from · a ' Santa .Ana funeral home to ·the Garden Grove Memorial Church for 10 a.m. memorial servh.;es honoring slain Santa Ana Police Officer Nelson Alvin Sasscer, follce Chief Edward ·A1fen announced lG- day . "Following services at the church, located at 12141 Lewi:; St., Garden Grove, the motorcycle convoy 'flll escort hi<1 body to Los Angeles International Airport tor flight to Upper r.tarlboro, r.1d ., Officer Sasscer's birthplace, • \vhere bur i a I services "'ill be held. Chief Allen said polit:e officers from dtm_artments throughout the county and llW California Highway Patrol and Sher· ilf's Department have been invited to join the memorial convoy, Officer Sassce r, 24. "'as murdered last \Vednesday night while on patrol du.ty in the western part of the city. He lntd just radlGed headquarters that he was leaving his patrol car to "question a couple of pedestrians." Officer Sasscer's bOdy will remain under 24-hour honor guard at the Smith . and Tuthill· Mortuary, Broadway and 6th Street, Santa Ana, until lhe Monday ceremonies. He is survived by his wife , Lynn, 21. . Thay resided in Garden Grove. * * * Hicks Releases J Nam es of 2 Men Soug ht in Kil1in g .. Qrangt. County Dlstrict Attnrtiey, Cecil HI C.ks late. Friday afternoon .... reVe'at!!t'Ule names of two additional suspects sought in the murder of ·Santa Ana police off- icer Nelson A. Sasscer, 24. 'The objects of a massive manhunt are members of. the Black Panther party, as is Daniel M. Lynem, 22, who is in cus- tody on charges of murder «nd con- spiracy to commit murder. Sought in a widespread dragnet art: Nathaniel Odis Grimes, 21, of 2018 W. Blh St., and Arthur Dewitr League, 20. of 1633 W. Highland AVe., both of Santa Ana. Hicks said he issued complaints on Grimes: and League Friday based on information uncovered in a 43-hour·long investJgation by the Santa Ana police Department. Lynem, who Is held without bail in Orange County Jail is reputed to be ''lieutenant of communications" for the militant Black-Panthers,... · ---- -~ , FT. OlW :(l,P) ,: ~"llyt:_Jl\•n Arnjy court Jlllll'llal ·-I ~ d!~berati~ loday the Rtnalty ·for ~J:d soldler8 it f;'.<111· vlcted Friday ol niutlny for otiglng a singing sltdown protest at the sl,oc~ade of San Francisco's Presidio, • • Two other en1ist00 men pere ".CQnvlct-- ed on lesser cbar,B ... -' ' ' " . . . The 14 were 1lWOl'lr. ,7, cti@lied 'with mutiny last Oct. 14 as they staged-t~ sit· down to protest whai Lhey calfe;d ~· +tary ~nciltions .pt lh~ s~de~ T1t<t ?Jl· ' -down came. two days -atttr ,. ;prisoner !f had been fatally shot b.)" a guard df,lring i. "' an alleged escape altempt. · DANNY KEE PS CHIN UP DESPITE BROKEN BOD Y Frog Hunt Turns. Into Nl,htmare for Boy "'Mira~le Boy' Danny Recove ring B ut Bills Mount Dy RUD! NIEDZlELSKl goinc to have to learn how to r\valk .all • Of "" "'"' 'lift 1utt over 11gain and will need ~ech ,Ulerapy Danny Ramos. s, Is home from Costa work and a neuro-surgeon _i, adni.inisler ~Jcsa Memorial Hospital ~ay· but he is I rehu and memory tests. , . covered from chest to toes by a cast. Still -To dale, bills have m~ted lG over lie can smile. $10,000, but since Danny-ls one of seven ' The Huntington Beach youngster h3d children in the Ramo! famlly, no one has been in the hospital since 'April 30 when · been able to afford medical insurance for he was kr.ocked 50 feet into the air by an him. automobile and given only seven hours to Yet the bills have to be paid and the Ji ve. Are valos School PTO, where Danny goes .... Danny suffered a broken leg. a to school, has established a fund to he li> lacerated lung, three broken ribs, a frac· cover expenses. lured hip and pelvfs an d brain damage. Abo:.1t $5(IO has been collected toward To compound his predicament the second this goal Lso far by the PTO with plans leg had to be broken so that they wOuld being ms.de for fund raising diives to both grG1v again. , he1p bolster the fund. He "did it all for a frog. For that's what &!Bgeat event scheduled ls a musicaJ he and several of his companioos were var!ety: and magic show for 7:30 p.m. hunUng near the Santa Ana River bridge J4"e 18 in the Hl;lllt~gton Bea~ High when he darted acrosi a busy higbway Srjlool a~toriwn. Tick~~ for. Uiis event during rush hour trar£ic in a moment of are available from Peek's Westminster ecstasy ar:d the big car struck him. Funeral Home at 81 per person. It w.asn 't the driver's fault. Screeching r.feanwhile, those interested in Danny's tires and avoidance maneuvers failed to" future n1ay make donations to the Da nny save Danny from being ;truck and taJen Ramos.Arevalos PTO Fund at the Bank to the hospital where be was in a coma of America, corner Brookhurst Street and for the first 10 days. Atlams Avenue in Huntingt'On Beach. Doctors called him "miracle boy'' Further information about-the fund ig because he recove red at· all. He is still available frotn Arevalos Principal Robert partla11y paralyzed and his vOCal cord!! Lindstrom at 962·1337 or Mike Brick, have been injured, \\1hich affects his <1ssistant superintendent of the Fountain speech. \1alley School Dist rict at 842-6651, Ext. According to physicians, Danny is 220. Doctor Files New Petitio11 Denying Murder Charges Dr. Merrill C. O'Donnell of Newport Beach has set the stage for Superior Court trial of a $1 million lawsuit that ac- J:Uscs him of murder by filing a petition denying all allegations of his fonner i mother·in·law. O'Donnell, SZ, of 307 Placentia and 2011 \Vestclilf Drive, rejects the clai m of Mrs. Gertrude Barnett of Long Beach that he poiaoned Susan Jane O'DoMell, 38 - Mrs. Barnett's dau ghter by her marriage to "'ealtby Torrance businessman Ben lfaggott -while tbe couple was vaca- tioning in Mexico 15 months ago. He has been charged with murder by Mexican authorities who investigated the death o( Mrs, O'Donnell in the Cozumel . . .. vacation spot said to have been used by the couple to patch up their marital quar· rels. An autopsy carried out by Mexican doctors and ·a Los Angeles speciali~t flown In to examine the remains alleged· ly determined that a lethal quantity or luminal -8 highly toxic barbiturate - had been injected into Mrs. O'Donnell shorUy before her death. of Los Angeles as his future legal ad· vise rs. Strock recently came under fire when he was arguing an aspect of the O'Don- nell case before Judge Claude Owens. In a subsequent letter to Strock, Judge Owens complained that the Ja,wyer ap. peared to be flouting Canon 22 of the Canons or Professional Ethics when he cited a previously rejected decision dur· ing law and moCi.on arguments. "It is not candid or fair for the lawyer. . . to cite as authority a decision that has been overruled," wrote Judge (}Ivens, in what is stated to be a-quotation from the code drawn up, hopefully, for observance l.J -i'Jdees aJ>d.lawyeri;, "Will )'OU please comment," the Owens letter asks. Court records do not reveal the nature or the reply -if any -by Strock. Vaccine Gets Okay For Gennan Measles Eight of the others charged have been convicted of mutiny, two.have been ho.s· pitalized for observation 'and three have escaped and are at large. Alter the convictions the panel -ffi:on- vencd and heard :t~l holll8 of ar"gument by attorneys for the defense and prose.o culion in what 'is known as the "extenu· ation and mitigation" phase of the trial that determines tile penalt)'. Chief defense attorney Terence Hal· llnan argued that "none of these men arc criminals -they are sick" cbitdren, and were no threat t.o-tbe Unitect'·Ste.tcs Arm)' last. ,Oct., 14." . -.... ·~· HAUlnan said, "These-young me(.bave . .. ~ e<nvicted of only Ot)e 'thing .-·.~ ing mistrCJted 1alJ their Jlv~." He' Teferred to the defenSe argument that most of them came from broken homes , only one has finished high school, and that all were psychologically unf it to serve in the Army. · Fro1n Page 1 TEACHE RS ••. education system is set up in U~s coun- try." None of lhe otbef board members said anythjng to give l he te.icher& hope. Teacher,;i.sSQCiption jeaders made their pitch for thlrd·pJriY ·mediation . Argu~ Becktold: "I'm very much concerned that so1neUUng as'publlc as public schools can be put in dangerous situations. The tilin g that triggered it is .sudden ly the :Whole? system broke down and there \\·as no way to gel out. \Ve have lo refine our manner o( talking to each other." Trustees said the school staff would be glad to talk: to leachers about clarifica· lions of the budget , but not changes of priori ies in allocating money. Budget Director Wiater Adrian wasn·t very happy about even .that board con· cession. "I personally think this is a very untimely time to begin now saying they didn't do their· -homework," he com- plained. ' , , But Superintendent W i 11 i a m Cun- ningham, who ·said, be didn't want stafe Department of Industrial Relations medi~tors called in, allowed that representatives of California ~achers Assoc1ation (CTA) $1u]d be pem}llt'ed to suggest more accurate ways of predicting unknowns in the budget. · ' · The board did not discus s docking pa y or other reprisals against teachers fron1 14 schools who walked out or abandoned the classroop:i for recreation activities on cam pus Thursday. · A ..chec.k_ of som~ schools ·Friday brought to light that moN! teachers migli~ have likeC to have taught only the four· Pout minimum dav. At Sonora SchoOI, for instance, Prin~ ci pal Charles Catanese said a majority of teachers wanted to take part in the pro- test but decided not to dlvide themselves ag:iinst each other, so none 'warked out. An 'lrder to principals to take names of t~whe too part di.uuaded some teachers at other schools, accGrding to a spokesman for the teachers. Car W ar11'}_ed Up . --With Mustard J\.1exican ofifcials allege O'Donnell made arrangements for Mrs. o·Donnell's burial the following day and then new to Los Angeles. Orange police are hot On the trail of \VASH.lNGTON (UPI) -The nation's some. practical jokers who car owner first vaCcine against German measles, Greg Walsh thinks wenl a little too far. O'Donnell's latest Superior Court filing indicates that he has released Newporl Beach attorney Arthur Strock -the la\vyer who ha.s thus far represented him in the unusual civil action. The physician, who also practices at 17822 Beach Blvd. in Huntington Beach. has appointed Bonn, Jones and McCray "'hich endangers the unborn children Walsh, 17, told police he left his car in of pregnant wom en, is expected to be a parking lot on North Tustin Avenue licensed eirly next v.:eek, Wednesday. \Vhen he returned a short Standard's governing production of tline lllter he found that someoQe the vaccine were published Friday on evidently took his 1962 Nova Chevy for a levels o( safety, purity and potency. hot dog. It was full or mustard aod Children will receive the first vaccine catsup. ; "' ava11able: _.., ---~"They-squirted the-red-and-brown st11ir on the hood, windows, roor, • seal<;, J1ck ~. c..,,1,v Only policing of the parktd car~ Where s;•j,1111:.....,,;,,,..,..,.,.,,..,,..,..,..,..,,,"'l~' ..,,.,.,.,,,,_,,,.,,....,..., ........... ,.,.,..,.. · 3'!l£ · "'.'l.,""'-"' couples allegedly sit or lie out dances· to ,... ~~ . ..,., .. ,..., .... .., dashboard, noor and radio;" Wa lsh wail· ~~ -~· ~. ' vtu l>ralofeorl 1nd General M.1111~r Thom•• K•••il E111!11r Tl101ri.1 A. MYrphi"t Mtflfflne EOlfel' o lft ... C0t•1 Met1: 1)0 we.1 ltY Stl'ftf NtwPOf'T INclt: 2211 Wtil lolllllt tlol/lt•tr111 Lt..,111 ltKl'I: ttt Fe.-1 ,._,.~..,. HWll~loll hecll: JOii Slit $tr"t • I 1 n1usic by The Phyre with less strenuous activity ~osed a problem. "What arc you going to do when the kids do that?" asked Vartereian, hinting that teaching of morality and sex edu· Se~rets o.f a Turkish Bath cation brgins in the home, no! al Fat F~~;:;;;"' at Fal Fanny's make '""" Istanbul PhotQS of wives in Nude Anger u .s. Businessme1i plele asses of themselve s," con1plalneU ISTANBUL (UP)-The ladies oould one irate petition signer \•:ho plans tG be not have been more surprised or their at th'! Board of Supervisors' hearing husbands more angrY v.·hen two Turkish Tuesday. 1 newspapers ran fronl pa ge pictures this Ever since Fat Fanny's opened "'ilh "'eek of nude wives of International an array of crazy chara:cters painted all Chamber or Commerce (ICC) delegates over ll:I exterior and a railroad crossing at a Turkish bath. sign in !ront, \•arious factions have de~ The ICC ls holding its 22nd congress clared war on Lhe place. in Jstanbu( Not the least of these. according to On the front page of the Istanbul dail· one source close to the situation, Is the \es Gunaydln and Ytn Istanbul were Sunset J,5e8ch Women 's Club. photographs of businessmen's wives In any case. young patrons waited in nude In the bat~. Because of Turkish line early today and stood around out-. , law, parts of their anatomy were black· side. while tonlgllt's a:rand flDale follow· ed out in the news photographs. ing !he management announcement Fri· But th11t effort at modesty did not day should bring , record Visit. • sati!lry the angry ICC delejates. • Vanquished by forces of the upright The group's International secretary -or uptight -F'at FanT1}' may go down, but she will obvloui:ly go dO\VO S\.\'\nglng. I \Valter Hill of New York wrote a letter lo the chairman of the congress and the 'l'urkish chember of commerce saying, "J wish to strongly protest the tectless and inconceivable invasion of privacy or wives of rec delegates by elements of the Turkish press." "It Is regrettable that in the name o( freedon1 of the press irresponsible Journalists abLISC this freedom," HUI wrote. A Turkiiih public prosecutor tried to gel a court order, on ground of invasion of privRcy and obscenity. aga!Mt pub- lication of the pictures, but a judge tum· eel down his request. The ICC officials have not decidtd yet to press their case further but alill have the option of going to court. Police said among the ICC wives at· tending the Wednesday bath party were Mrs. Judd Pollack, whose husband is with the U.S. Office of the ICC, Mrs. John Millington, wife of & Time-Ufe Inc. ditector and Mrs. L. D. Stlner- bGY:er, whooe husband is an execuUve of Standard 011 of New Jersey. The bathing party was one of the wives' functions arranged by the ladles committee of the ICC Congress. 'Thrf(l newswomtn jotneJ the wives at the b.11th and toolt pictures of lhetn nud~. The' wives, unaware Uie pictures would be jlllbllshtd did not lry lo slop them. There were no men 111 the bath. ... I I -· I President Names Envoy to Malta President Nixon ennoonced Fridny in San Clemente he would nominate John C. Prittlaff Jr .. a Republican member of the Arizona House of Representatives, to be U.S. Ambassador to Malta. , Pritzlaff. a 44-year-old resident o[ Phoenix, will succood Hugh H. Smythe." A member o( the legislature since HIM, Pritzlaff moved to Arizona from hi3 native Milwaukee, Wis., in 1958. From 1958 until J960 he· was a partner with the Arrow Valve Co. of Arizona, ' tn 1950 he joined the Oxford L~ ln.c;urancc Co. of SrottsdBlc. From 1•1 untll 1"7 Prltz.laff servtd as cha irman df the board and lrtasurtr of Repnblifl Properties Tnc.. and In 1967 became director of the firm. ·"r l~e wa!I t:lectcd to the legislature 11n lttU. lie ls married to the former Mary Dell Olin and the couple have fQ\lr children. I• ' 11 ~· I I 1 I ' 1 ( ' • I ' ' ' . t ' ' I I ' • 1 1 ' ' t l ' ' • • • • ~ b ~ d 8 IC JI v I • II ····--··-~·--. . ... -·- DAILY PILOT l"Mto •Y lt1My SttlY• 'EARLY BIRD -Unidentified youngster slips igto carnival boatride for advance test run Friday afternoon prior to opening of carnival . set up for Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Club Fish Fry. Annual #event· continues through Sllnday. · - Feeding of 10,000 Mesa .Fish Fry Hits the Pan •. I . . .;ll ' ;.'• .""''""'t._.,.~~ "' _,._.,flt'~ ' '. '~"'' Something fishy is going ·on in Costa awarding of anothtr beauty-a 1969 Ford Mesa Park.~ Ma~-to a Ucke~er to gG home. ' B t ·t · d lo be lhat way and A val'1ety of o~er farru1y fun activi~es u J It suppose and public semr,r-,,Jers -.s_uch as 1he 24th Annual Costa ifesa·Newport vision.:screeqing tes~_)P determine eye flarbor LiOns Club Fish Fry is ~ full problems, Will be offered in the . .lJons swing, 'Witb ,about 101000 dinners, more or Club event less oo the menu. Donations from the proceed! go tG -'"1e sound of camlval rides, the dazzle Harbo~ Area Y~~th service ,organizations d.·colored fights and the mingled.smells after f)naI·aud1ting of the proceeds, pay. Qf frying bass and.cotton candy permtat· ment of file fish market and other such «l·the park area Friday night. expenses. '.You Can or:der anything you want dur-Since its inception 24 years-ago, the:an- !ng the continnin" feed today a~d Sunday. nua11y-growing festival has contributed a .... 'O total of $257 ,000 to' such agencies as Boys' 45 long a8 it's fish, although Yankee and Girls' Clubs, the YMCA and tht Boy standbys like hamburgers, hotdogs ans! the file are offered too. Sc~~;tlon~ are afso made to OrfaniZa- The clatter of marching bands and the tions whicli aid the blind and those with · · thunder of diums today will lj,011 up partial visua1 impairment, one of the Anaheim Av.enue, down West 19th Street Lions Clubs' favorite charitable efforts. and up Placentia Avenue·te the Fish FrY Here is a list of remaining Fish Fry Parade's terminus. · events scheduled throughout today and Highlights of the lction Sunday Include all day Sunday: me)edJ.on of Miss Mermaid and Miss . • .. • --- SA'IVIU>A Y, illl!llE 7, ·1969 ..; . . . • ·1 ' • I .. •• • ' ~ ' = -. -;.. {. " ' • . - Jtalfy Paper • ' . - •• ' Nixf)n Flyirrg _ tq ' Tiil~s His ·desUnation a dot of coral bou&ht with American blood in WorlcJ War Ii, President Nixon today was e11 route to rendezvous with ~ SQutb V!etnamese COUllterpart Nguyitn Van Thieu, and talk about w1Dding up another cosUy war. The chief e:recu{i.ves will confer alone and DMe-lo-nose Sunday: 1 on 7 symbol· iCally -Midway IslaOd, with, Nl.xon meeting Thieu a UtUe, Jriore · than ·half· way in one sense. " A delegation of · top advisors flew to Honolulu Friday abead of the ·President, who ~ a a p.m. 1lratea 'cooler· ence .at the Kabala HUton Hotel, prior to the VI~ summit meellni· Sund'!l" Al\l Farce One 1 was dile tu streak down the runway at El Toro MOAS ·it 10:30 a.~. t6day, barring any updating by the-neJLdent, ._who .bas· a giowtng tendebc)r t~' set ti~ own hours. . Aboard the • .three-tone blue-and·whUe jet. wlUJ Mr, ·N~ would be l)r. Henry Kls!1ngtr1 Wliltti. Hbuse w!Jlant for na-Uonlt1·~ty ·•a11a1n and· !be Presl· dent'!'. primary Vietnam adviser. 'The First' Farl\lly WU also to fly to · HonolulU aiMl ·remain Oveii:iight whife the Prqidenl . C<ltllinued 01" 1,100 Dl!lts beyond· iG 'Mldw1y,.lsl1t11LUc1 bis con- front&Uon with Thim., : . ; t · 'Scliedules io far c~ ; for tlle'Mtwo presldenti i,, meet prlvat.ely at the base co'mmanatr'I home -just ine.· twii' of lhem· .:...-ror 'one hour'· ahd 45 ·minutes while lh<if"&)<1ei ~er, at an' olfket's club, •· · Brtaklng u~· briefly, tlie' grqiil!I' will then gather to .• continue talks -over , a on>-hoor • anll IS-rilinute luncb!on, fol· 10.-M ·by · I' final ·two ~·holJ1" dlJculSion period. . PresideJ'lt.Nix~ will .1~ an up.to.the,. minute report on the military and dlpJo. matlc aitualloD in the Vlem.m War dur· .. !Ilg his Honolulu ....ion with po\JqiJil!i• en this evening. · -· · . ' S<cretary o! Slaio. Willtalll P. IiG(ft and Defense ~ JoleMD· a .. Lain! will confer prl~ """"' Ille NJitn arrl.~al, j9ioed" fllfj lllt _. afterno.u .... 1 .. by lddlu.t ~ .. ~g them wW ·bio Gan. Earle G,. Wheeler, cbalrman ol lbe jolal cblo(a G( stall; Hel\l'Y Clbot Lild,e, dllet U.11. -negotlaW •in Parll: lf.S. Am, busidor to Vietnam Elllwvrth ~l Gen. Creighton W, Adams, commander, allled forces In Vietnam, and Adm. Jolln (Sff MIDWAY, Pi;e i) *** ' -,.__/' *°'** • Communists Issue F•n•Y ltlone11 ·100 Callers , Hike Pressure Teachers 'Denied Just wcini . . ~ ~ Before Talks · · '· -To. Say 'Hello . SAIGON(AP )-A second day of A. -g-a1·.n· .. o.. ·.·v_ .e;··· r P. a·. y·' ByEVELYNBBDWOOD.' heavy fighting and artillery duels flartd _ Or tM DeOJ ,... . ...., across South Vietnam today with mount· "ileJlo, J!d like "to speak to the PreaJ. ing casua1ties. The enemy apparer;illy in. dent .of the United States, please. '1 tends to keep the pressure on throu&ll By THOMAS FORTUNE leave· at SUpennarket checkslandt, ·wttb "J can't?_Wby?" Sunday's Midway Island conferJmee be-ONM o.ay f'11tt Sftfl ili~station ·attendanti and'Jn.cburtb ·co14 tween President Nixon and President Newpori.-Mes!l teacben were turJ!t(I !ee&n:plates each Ume iliey spend a U.S. sa'y'I h~llo.o~, he's there and I just want to Nguyen Van Thieu. down· cold Friday evening bf the achool Mint·dollar. ' --· · Military spokesmen and battlefield re-board or. their latest salary entreaty and EfCJf teacher on Frtday .was given 31) Betty, one of.~ girls 'on lhe N~ ports said about 1,000 North Vietnamese 3 request for mediation. fUDli1' 1iD1: tliat say, in .~ we blip Inn.switchboard said men thu.·118 calla and Viet Cong soldiers were killed in the . De~. ite the setback, teachtrs Usocia. teep-t&e locil econogiy vl,orou., woD't ' -lcinJ: distanCe and local -came in Uk• past 48 hours. · ~ bid 1 • -''~""-' · this Thunday and Friday from· peoplo The U.S. Command said' it had no fifm lion Presldf!lt Gordon .Bectlold sold be )'OU 1'lPWI our or"-"""""* JllY, who just waoted to gel the Presl!fent on ---• on Am-'can cesualties for n.a thiaka it will be ·acbool as UIOll Monday. TN,'rben. allo are to call~ and ... _ 11__ 11 __ 1 ·us1 -·J . o,;uuut. .... ..... .&. .... I v of the •• , Co del aln to -ll.-1. -.A ,,.__ ..... wn:::,. any UIK'·· or l a muww~ m same period but a check of ·field re-,....e •' ._ re~ rooa acqu tancH · ~ ou,....... 'R ,.,_ bistory. ports and .;iu1ary soorces Indicated Mar l'.l(jb School group that wa!Ud out l{tllt )lllt to ~ froin ~ _, "Som ot · 1 •-loin" _d more than 60 Americans have been kill· · Th~y agreed. . • .. •. bo lift tD ·Colla M• or thf;JJl U:~~" w.~ ~· cou ·•. r• ed and more than 100 WOUJ\Cle!I. " .teacbera rcntllift. .... la M ·.'• ·;:.,;1· ~·· call ' . '""'"'n··" ~· " .,---.:Jlil I "' , · ' ': .. ~(£ .<JI\. ·-·~.,.werela<ndulousandaat· """~ -"l'Cl'll · ,,..,......-..jir. · • ' ~.:..:.t :_ -~--2..I!.. · A.I "Dot:•n!J; be •·y• • .. ~,., sources · pa~' ·~ ~ 107 ~~J&.,.t •W~-· -'+~-UYe--a-~ _ ... .,.._~--_.ua -~J--.- lrOOps killed incf 379 -00.~adill' . p~ W<S· teodlir leaderl be ~-~to coavlal:o lbt ~ · ~. Yes, Virginia, be'1 never without"""· lion, It civ-· . ..m'llllled ·and 95 ·161 .~llll,._llltda ...... P.*1· ~~~;i' , '·t.14,1fliiiljt ' '.lntie were-ll'pbone& and as nianJ wounded. . ble illlort WH!i"the salary lclle ~. · 1""1"1d11 • . • 611.~Je.-~a lines inltaHed Jn ooe room and u al tho Gen. Creighton W. Abrams, comman· OtllU inm-""""1irrtd. -• for "lbe: woy Yo<i ~L We iDOw 7"11'io Villa San iltll!o on the N~ der ol U.S .. !orees In Vielnalll. said· he Trustees eerlitt UJis weel: adopted , Ullbipp'y, We ,laJew that when We-made srOll!'d•ln N~rl Beach,, according to did ~not ~ the new 1urge· of enemy salary scale tbat will gtve teacbert a 11 the dldllm. . Kentle"Ji MatbiJOn, installation fomn.1111 activity that began Thursday night was average $1<7 parralae next year. . •we ore· elected to be the eya and. ears of PoCll!c Telephone and Tel-pb Com• a summer offensive. Teacbera have gone ahead with plans 'of~ communtty,'''Peyton CClldlDald. .. [ pany. ' '.'I don't think Uiey (~e enemy) are to enllst publlc support !or their poottion know you dml't, but we thlilk we ate "W• are plannliig -for the Al4!1lel domg an~g differ~t, ',said. Abrams by means that tilclude passing funny reaiding them right. IJ we're not tbef'.d vl!lit," be said. ••we bad 40 guys working in an interview at Saigon s Tan Son money. They bave printed up 1 batdl of better replace us. ~t's the ''ftf ihe around the clock to get ready wlUt • Nhul airport shortly before departing whal they call "teacher dollm" UJey will lsH TI!iACHEU hp I) three d&y notlce of the President's visit, with U.S. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker. ' We had a phone wherever tl1e President for the Midway conference. was to be ...... pooliide, at the heliport and "They'Te (the Communlsts) just try. • , . 11 more "command poll" phones direct ~.~J::'::!1 =c~ "i::l~ca1 n·· ry· wall .Co·n·t·r· ... ~Pto··rs.· S·et toWhlte-HouseWestinSanClemente. in terms of the people in the Uriited ~ A Marine sergeant answers each phone States," Abr:arns said. . with, ~·Yes. please?" He knows wbo ii Abrams meant that the Communjst ' bim."'.anted. It's just~ question of~ WIJ!UI Command wants to inflict heavY Ariteri-c · c J .._ "°h w·« .h ' u· ~ ~ e ·~~ni~~::arinooe11N'~ontoto~!".:.uc OJtrt: Un§ . . lt · .. ni(Jn .8:k~~,;;::n~·.~.tUJ~~~~~ a crush with so many Secret ~. CostaMesa,theannualbabycontestand SATURDAY E •J!-. U-- lQ ,00 •ill· ..... r~av-·'.'."'..!"-"..._,, .anu~~~. 10:30 a.m ............ ' ..... 2-hour PirBae·-·" · . . . .. CIA,:t•nerfl lleCllrity people alol!g wlll1 Fourteen Orange County deyWall "'"': the lq-Jlandjng labor a I "' e·m • n I Bjgh~'· standby. fire eiiglna, standby .-4t~m9YtS.._~·,pµt a ,fe":-.c~ in Jonr.aJly adhered to by em~~·· aJQbulances, conven~on cars and ICbooJ .... ilolotf1>1Y~1~ .. ,employen¥-'"'!'.!'~·" bums,·wlth "HII Mr. President" ban• . ' ONE WAY TO GET . IRON IN BLOOD Forget th"t'<N>lood and just keep cook- ing in grandma's old iron frying pan. That advice came Friday from Dr. Leroy Voris of, lht1 federal Food and Nutritiolf Board during a speech before 600 nutritionists at.'UC Irvine, ••Cooking in •iron:utensµs-will go a long way.;foward providing lhe body ·with, its needed jron,!"-Voris 1said. "While you gradtzaBy eat away the frying pan along with th& bacon and eggs, your nutrition will jliooably·lmpr01'e." - IZ noon ...... Fish Dinners, start serving Lo Cr 1,00 p.m ............... Vision Screening St ewmen 1:30 p.m ... Gwen's Studios of Dance and asked the Superior C:Ourt to recogniu Ht claimed .that lil~iaby· prttilce~t''""" nen1on..&he .slde. lbebo_ir ~~:_to ~Y employes at rates payini: oVer · scale ·w:a4ei_ ind ''furtbir The Orange Counfy popu1ice not on.11, Modeling A M • } Ri 3,00 p .. m ... · ··· .. · · · · · ·······.Drawing t efil0fl3 tC 4:15 p.m, .......... Dorothy Jo Dancers a ve U•uvu ace e. · . · want to talk t.o the Presldent. ·They want Torrance attomey Dudley GraY filed compensating workers through incentive him· to .just drop .by to say hello to ths what he-.a:aid. was a "Prtcedent sett~" and bonU! plans Ls "long standing and girls jn convenUon it the Newporter, 5::J() p.m ...................... Drawing · 6:15 p.m ................... Stage Show 7: 15 p.m •....... Winne~of Band Conl~t 8:00 p.m ...... ,. ..... ., ......... Draw~ng SUNDAY 12 noon ........ Carqival, Exhibits, Rides 12 noon ...• .'.Fish Dinners, starf &erving ' I :00 p.m. • •.•••• : , •••. Vis.ion ~Ing i ,:in p.m, ................. B)lby ,Coolest 3:30 p..rn ............... .'Beauty Contest 5_;30 p.m ••.. , •••........ .t' ....•• Drawing · 6': 15 p.m ......... Arlee Hl8:bee Daricers ) 8:00 JS.m ... , '.Drawing for: Grand.:Prize • Standing near the breakwater through whil;Jl sons, husbands and fathers passed March 29 on the final voyage of the USS Ftank E. Evans, families and fritnds of 73 miSstng sailors paid tribute Friday at Long Beach Naval Station. Just about the same time, 196 survivors action In which he asked the court t!J well lqlown,to..botb..~~ Orange "You're Juat around tbe comer from 5oQ "protect the employers against the . ~m4 County dryw~I wor.kers tiave):iffn e~ oC us,•,__ a spokeemu will plead wj!:l!._ Ill position of heavy fmes under the umon Jng as lntl~h as $3C},OOO .a year, he said, presidenUal aide. · - contract."· and no. ~enge has bffn posed to the The Pmident Issued seven important Many~county employers, said Grsy, ~ sys_~ .un~I ~tly. news reltJHI ~.tbe two days he wa:f currenUy unable to fulfill · contracts Amq _the. 1~ plalnlitfs ' named In in the Newporilr. Inn~ because the !famed unions will riot Pf'O" -Gray11 peUUon for court rclief.:.are ,San Tills ml~ have .blen precluded by vid< men w)IO wW work !or UJe 11.95 an . ~qol<Drywall Co .. Inc. olFoimlaln Valley, hours of -,,..a .,..lings lo~ hour unlon scale. 8nd Clr1 · Moeck~r _ of Westmlzister. residallt of Ort.ace <:ounty ·wbo CODSidee And the meti themselves, the attorney Ga~ Grn.e, , Sarita An~, St.a,lton .and hin\. their own. ... · added, ar~ not P'];pared 10 plcl: up tool,~ Orinfe ~pJcnren ar~ aJsO.qamed.in ~ , .~ Iir •. Heery: Klllinpr, JnternatlDnal of the collision of t~e destroyer and _ttJe alftl adhere, to an, ·~oded agreement ·.nlne-_Pa~e-~g~-. ·· ... adv~r • to tbe· Prealdent explained, . Australian aircraft carrie.t. H M A S _ !~t w~ ~prtv: '~ °'·all .f~ at Lilted u 1 '.def;;id'imb ai,:, callfomla _: "'Pr~!_ NJ~n ~e a great '!1Uj! Melbournr. arrived "_in Sublc ·Ba)•;-the mcenUve--..aiidbotiltpay. ""* -·· -.--:Sta~ ill ~.~~r.~-deCJil°"-ifUleUjWlillevliWiigbere.'~-, Phillipln es. Atinut belf of UJe drywall labor force Iii County"-Dllttl<I Cowicll~. Clrpenten; . ~~o_pe_rty O~er~ Dema~4 . --.-. -. Some other~, ~ Senior Chief Gunner'• *lbe county downed tools two w~il: lg!J ~al1foml8 ~all Contnc\ors A8aocja.. . _ Mate Lawrence J. Reilly, 44, of ?334 when the unlans attempted.to fom! 1heir 110f!, ·~ ~tant IJl;y AJsweet of Minuteman Way, 'Costa Mesa-whose son demands on the contractors. And most of F~ ~~...e.tt-•P4 alz members.Gt. went dowil with the forward hall of the those men are still off the job today, the SOUlheii Pilltorni&· Joiat.Adjustmmt shlJ>i-bave c;ome·b(>me.. · ,,. ' Gray said, . , _:. ~rd· ·_,P~: .. Chris Jenaef1;. ·EJmet Many more, etcegt tor thoSe loo ill, or'. Gray said the unions enforcement of Kl~kwi>Odt J. :Q._ Bu~ Cha~es Brown, 0r..,. County A.ct Against Bar lll TOM •BAl\LEV Of 111t o.1tr Plllt•Sfltf BottomliSI', tt lsn1;'but Fat Flnf!Y'• - a Sunset B~c~ Jl.'ichedtUc .~s'· aria whore the mus1c Is Jrild aa.U..:iielne ~.11 -1 a\ 1>otiom. "in: a :>immer!ni • ....- troveny. • A group of 60 !rote property. owners haVe 6lammed a pe tition down' on the deak of County Sapet.Vioor David L. Baier, clalrblng·lhe cololiul bar it an in· toleraLlt'nUislnce •. lbfen to · complaints about the pi1h at 18865 Pacific Coast Highway and one en-. • viSliins the den al iniquity t h • t gra&lmotbers cWm. ill bars to, be, if 9ot a downright CUJ'b..scrvice brothc~ The Board of Supe~isors . rtUl;Y .~lscuss the petition for action Tuesday. based on .. -·· ' -. alleged listfightir.g, Uttirlng. :ihuuted qb&centU es1 hofr~ding ,ja..Jp.QYj!'lg chr,!I ·aftdl st:11111J activities 'in p arted 'Z.Uwmob1les. , · ''.TheY <:an·holcLa~·UJe Jl)fftlnp .thf>Y wd,'!.JR\VS managef Turk Vartereslan, who: iqns the. ntgbtaub 'wldcl1. 0 n c e hQUsed 'Seil Beacti, civic leJder 'Stan A?derSori's pld 'El Toto Mexican re!t4 aurant. l~... · -"W.A're cJ°"lng Ff:.~y·s Moriday/' he· continued, "and Slln'enderlng tho license." Parking .fnad·equaq~ ..,,.ere solved for a Lime through \lse of a v~ant service station next doeir\ but thls' has been trans'formed in~. a liquor store ... in a novel bjt of urban~ renewal. . Comptnlnt• M'·t lncrtaSed 1n r«ent (Se< TAVJIJRN, P11t l) ._ __ cequlred1o testily at a joint board ol In· ' • Gene llelvie 8"!.' Roy ,KJober. • vestigatlon, will be flown to Los Al~mitos The ll tmplOyers l!'Jmed, said Gray, Naval Air Station earlr next week. Ni·xon 'Vnfo1.1-' face~#'L<:(G penalties .of !250 per week They \Vi1l have special leave before UJ,.3-per employee if the unions, dtcide to en- reportlhg fOr duty again at their home for~ penaJJY provisions contained in tho port or Leng Beach, where th• moving Na·. m·.e . 0. f Adv:".e.r master'~' apeemeot. ,, : . · ·;. memorial service Wall held at 11 a.m. .a Gray Mld ~eounty .. f!Mployers , are Fridaf. detenil!JM!I' to defy lbO'·"oulma!led·~pro- Famlll" of 34 among the 14 C-0 r· . h la vlliOns of UJ0 labor q...,.en1 and will .who ""'t down w1UJ their !bl~ Tueiday .n .. ~c . ·no .. ,gy. inllit: ,iiP.!IJ, 1:'1J1anlntlono s ,bJCh; !ID stood in Gull ' Park near tiie Up of the , • enO!ble'·t#Ojl '10' 1tt.tbe jjll.,doiil U<I Navy MOie jUtllng In\<> Harbor wal~ for ~:~~~· -'"'1> whl<!l;Wl!I' ·..,,...,i,t!le-~ ~ ~. Tile ·family .r 'Boller Tender 3-0, ~> "" Pr°'"'-ion' lo N--' JIIs ialt alao ·-t1iii · .ol lllo the simple, non-denominational servict. . wiOt ooe federal\ t annouDcld aod ~~." ~· • Lawr~ ~· li<)lly Jr .. 2\, 1whooec dad &:::'. ;~ ·, ::::""'". ~~r-· lJll!>r ·~~~1tj</o: •i ' tJt<i 'c:icaped the trag;dy, y.ar 111D011g them. · Hubel$.B. HtttOC:,Starilonl.Vnlnnl· ~ ot' . -to "~· A band from Cruiser-Destroyer G:'Oup, t¥ prclf!O!l>', "'~o1~ ~e1• Ing wodaneii for ouperlar, ~"" ar Long Beach~ played hyHw lradi~lly tor oLthe o111ct ""'"""' -_...,. worllmanlhlp.", . _ -. com£ortlilg, sucb a• "A Ml&hty Forl"811 op ·. • . " ·' '. . :11111 If IOdl ,1.,...,.1" ·niade, """°"· is Oui God," and "Elernal l"ather Stroni Tile 'pro(-al •Pt>lled phytlcs 'apd Gray, ~and ii tfieiw la ~ llorther .m.'rie to Save." • • e(ecvf.;al enpeerl°" alao lfalla lit& fill to'-1Jze tbe~en foq'"Yhfl'Offl • Clliplaln E~gene T. Fl1Uy cooducted name Merftly.frOm 'lhlt ol,PI0111><>71 scale .l'aps'-ry· to' pt the Job Ihc brief memorial; 'with grwp reading• mqatlno pulitisber,llulll a.iner. c1ooe,• tbe'lf County employtr<will Joh- from the 21it Chapler of RevehUons aJ\d' Prof. Heffner ~fv., L. Jlen. medlal<l!Y· 'sen a ~~' oider a simple prayer. nett Jr., who retiped. ._,''!Uni!:~· ~ ~ '· . ' . . • . ----r • -- Wea~er Low clou(ii1 in rate night and ear· ly morning hours bot m,Oslly fair in lele. moriilng and afternoon thrOUib Sund~. Not much cbango . U1 temperitW"e. . INS~E TODA}' ·A,,..,,,.., N1111 ,York City rociaiiU flndi 1111.,.lill°'*" on . G , "'lo1£" i,rant where .sbe lfvos with lw!r .fa .. llv as a mod· ern, ~Mr1. Robimon Crwot,,. ' lead atorJJ, FttmiiLf~ W ttklf. - TeltviliOft'I mo.t 101ili11'kf~tr Indy, lhe Emm~ A......i, ... kts 1hc cover of 'f\i' 'WBIK. Alllt ,...,. 14 ...,;..... •· ... C•lllM 1NI · ........ It ,\ C'tlrll"C• 4, J _.. ....... ,, l t CMtkt " ....... u. ,, ~ •Y.....,. It• ....... ..... • u... .. u. • . ... ' 1· .J .. • ' ... ·---~ . .... ;l•JIOJld.cWutE SERVIC~ i. j QQdM lf\d loss ot life 11t1 ::e1 are not iUCi' 4lln0er lopjcs, but U.S. Navy Cmdr. • Ml:IM'S~ M~Lemort and Australian Navy Capt. John Stevenson 1eri0llsly discussed tbeft";.M the skippers ate, lltUe mm than I «ii-~~ qO, , ''Tht Austra1len Navy can't afforit ' aoyU>fur like IN\ to. happen ,,1111;' Capt ... -.had 111\t ~lemo• to lbe HMAS"Men;;'mi'1 ' 1ie4' aill~ or lhe destroyer HMAS Voya1er. Next time the two skippers mrt petsonally, Cmdr. fi1c.Ltmore was walk· Ing toward.Capt. Sttvenson pn the bridge ot·UM aircri.ft earner, dazed and S01ked trd,n a nlghtmire come true -~am. Tht 'Melbourne :i;ent a Aussie seamen to 1 watery grave when the Voyager sank h1 1964 and her stet-1 bow had just knifed · through the USS Frank E. Evans, Im·. ~ 73 sailors in the hall which slid ' uniltri • .' Only ode 1tblnfl: could be said under \he circilmstaDcea-ot a~r whose cause or blarite "miy Ni ir ~ specified and both McLemore ilrid Venson uttered It simultaneously. in aa• tnibrac;a..of. con· solaUon: "I'm sorry." : ·· .. Cmdr. McLemort was one of th~ ; men Qf . the Evanr. .. f#liJlln& 1.lroai • bft , abttmd qusrtm. b1 l>endlllli l!IOed -l steel blocklni hlS W8'J wllii M... hands. Petitions Valid? , I ~~-7,1 .... '1 I p ., ' Canle Tme . . .. ·- "I ~I we had been iJ;lned or torp<doed. ' he •!Id. "Tqe peJl. l~l!JI I knew I was in lho water. Several Qf us gathered tOgether -I dontt ~a~:bow many." •· "We were saved." - Cmdr: McEJinofe11 story waa~Otily one of man)' ,idvOlving heroism , drltn.~alleer IL:ck or fet,e, but other crew miri'1bitV: an> unwlllint to dim.iu the loss ol a ibip' and nearly' half tier men. ..... Stnior Chief Gunner's ,t-1ate-Lawrencc .J. Reilly, 44, of 2334 P.-tinutemM Way, Cnsta Mesa, was among the silent ones Frifity, aftec attending a glt!pOriat urvice Jn Long Beach for hls.1aa and otber EVans shipmates. -• Anot.bei: was LI. Ronald Ramsey, of Lon& Beach. who was duty officer on the E~ans~ bri~e when lbe toWerVlg Melbourne 'li>Omed over hi . oJ\ the moo11lit South-Cllina Sea at ~:15 a.m. Tuesday. · Still Others -key COJlWlunicatlons personnil and the helmsman -rtmain with their companions at tf\e.iea bottom, thousands of feet below. The MelbourJle'a Capt. Stevenron lold newsmen after pllot.ing hls damaged car· rler to: Stngapore tha\. one lucky 1 Am!ric~ .&Urvivor was cala.pulted to the night dtck ~ ceet i.bOve the \Vafe'r b)' the 'iip~~d. I~ Melboumf! waS C.afrying out -standard ~tisubmarine maneuveri r with· the Evan.'I and all ships invojveri were darkened under simUlat~ ,(artlmc conditions. They were cruising at 3,000 to 10,0Cl'l yards apart on a ziJiag course, wheu - at 4 ~10 a.m., he ordered the· Evani 1·1 n1ove -from a scretning.'pcsi\iOn afleat! to 1,000 yards astern of the carrier. Someone at that point evidently set th:: stage for 'dlsaster at sea. The Evans' executive officer, 1.t. Cmdr. George L . McMlchael, was thro\rll from his bunk by the collision, sw;;111 across a wardroom and climbed out tu find himself standing on the side o! the listing ship. 1'The stacks were half in the water an1\ lhe section was starting to cai.size," he said. adding that he dove inlo the sea and began swimming, switching to a back.stroke to witness the Evans' end. "I could see well because of the brigl.I, bright moonlight." said Lt. Cmdr. McM..ichael, who looked at his watch shoY:lng 4;17 a.m.; as the destroyer bovt' rose up and slid beneath the surface. An investigation into the tragedy begins Monday at the sprawling Naval in· &tallation at Subic Bay, after which a report will be sent to the commander or the U.S. Seventh Fleet. Any further action -punitive or oOJ.erwlse -will be determined at thet level. ·vall~y' R_~cW.l-pack~ifl . . . . . ~ -' . Me1norial Cycle Convoy Honors • To Press Ca se in Court Slain Officer By TERRY COVILLE ot ffMI DlllJ •1191 Httf Debate over the latest tum of events in Fountain Valley'! rtc!n battle 'will be taken to Ora03e County Superior Court 1'1onday for a ruling on the:valldity or non-validity of the petitions subro.Jttetl Jui Mond@.Y. Noted civil and criminal attorney Paul Auaust.ine Jr., will argue the case for Fcon• Page 1 MIDWAY ... fl.fore than JOO motorcyCle off\cers will -~· ·~ · -~ -form an honor convay Monday from a ~s Oi the recali when hi 1• ihe SanLa Ana funeral home to the Garden Cturf.(Oi' a· wfit of niandate-10.·corce Grove Ptfemorial Church for 10 a.m. FOUntlin Valley to accept the ricau .Peli· memorial services honoring slain Santa -tions.: . Ana Police Officer Nelson Alvin Sa:Jscer, Police ctilef Edward Allen announced to-Tbursday, City Attorney Edwin Martin d.:>y. ruled · 1he three petitions submittecf .. by following services at the church, Eugene Van Dask were not vaUd because located at 12141 Lewis St., Garden Grove, he·.~,(f not follow~d legal pr~~ in the motorcycle convoy will escort his d=l .•• lh ~ ~ body to Los Angeles International Airport i.,. em. ., • f fl h U •. ." •. ~ ruJed thal answers to the ~11 or ig t to · pper Ptfarlboro. r-.td .. Officer Sasscer's birthplace, where b u r i a I ·e6aia~ were not printed larie enough services will be held. l,cir ,_pfosptctive signers to read~ . • -Chief Allen said police officers from Mlyor Robert Schwerdtfeger and Coun· department! throughout the coonty and cllmen Donald Fregeau and Jo.seph Cour· the Cnlifornia Highway Patrol and Sher· ~~-o.b;ect.s of the recall driV~;.~~ Hf's Department have been invited to join ~.answers ·to the ir ~~.U:!en the memorial convoy. lvtcCain, oomma.nder, U.S. forces · In the pllced legal answers in i .. local Officer Sasscer, 24. was murdered last Pacific. ~per. ... • 1 \Ved.Pesday night wh.ile on patrol duty in Presidents Nixon and ·'Fhleu will dis· '~tp.'lptr "le.gals" w~...JIClled the we1tem part of lhe city: He had just h I I. h 1 P.t4 "f.~ around with the peU~ as radioed headquarters that he was leaving c1JS1 sue topics as troop eves, t e n· _ .. ,_.. but "-r"-cl·•--the" 11-an h -.. ...~~"''·"""' l•ui "'" ..,,.., , Y"'" U! patrol car to "question a couple of creasing role and timetable for VJetna-~t.' ,lo deceive because ~ are pedestrians." mese forces to take over the battle, free •Uegedly unreadable. ".,.... Off ~ leer Sas.seer's body will remain elef;tions and outlook for political sta· l AllgUstine said Friday that ·a • cou rt under 24·hour honor guard at the Smith DANNY I<EEPS CHIN UP DE,SPITE BROKEN BODY Frog Hunt Turns Into NJghtmfrt for Boy 'Mira~le Boy' Danny Recovering But Bills Mount By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of lht-0 1111 l'lltt Stiff Danny Ramos, 5, Is home from Costa J\1esa Memorial Hospital today but he is covered from chest to toes by a cast. Still he can smile . The. Huntington Beach youngster had been in the hospital since April 30 when he "'as kr,ocked 50 feet into the air by an automobile and given only seven hours to live. Danny suffered a broken leg, a lacerated lung, three broken ribs. a frac· lured hip and pelvis and brain damage. •ro compound his predicament the second leg' had t.o be broken so that they wQuld both gro1v again. . He did il all for a frog . For that's what he and several of his companions were hu,ntlng near .the Santa Ana River bridge when he darted across a busy highway during rush hour traffic 1n a moment of ecstasy ar.d the big car struck him. It wasn 't the driver's fault. Screeching tires and avoidance maneuvers failed to save oa,,n)· from being struck and t8ken to the hospital wh~re he was in a coma for UM: first 10 day s. Doctors called him ''miracle boy'' because he recovered at all. He is still patUa:ly paralyzed and his vocal cord s have been iniured, v;hich afrec~ his ~.Peech. . . According to physicians, Danny is going to have to learn how to wllk al1 over acam and will need 11peech therapy work and #neu~surgeon 10 administer reflex and memory tesu. To date, bills have mounted to over $10,000, but since Danny Is one of seven children in the Ramos family, no one has been able to afford medical insurance for him. Yet the bills have to be paid and the Are\•alos'5chool PTO. where Danny goes to school, hal established a fund to help cover exienses. Abo1.1t $500 has been collected towarl:I this goa1 so far by the PTQ with plans being ms.de 'for lund raising drives to he~ bolster tbe fund. ' Biggest event scheduled is a musical variety and magic show for 7:30 p.m. June 18 in the Huntington Beach High School au.ditorium. Tickets for ttµs event are available from Peek's Westminster .Funeral Home at $1 per person. Meanwhile, those interested in Danny's future moy make donations to the Danny P.amos·Arevalos PTO Fund at the Bank or AmeriC'a, corner Brookhurst Streel and Adams A venue in Huntington Beach. ' F'urther information about the fund is available from Arevalos Principal Rebert Lindstrom at 962-1337 or Mike Brick, assistant superintendent of the Fountain Valll'y Schoo l District at 812-6651, Ext. 220. Doctor Files New Pe~ition Denying Murder Charges bility. 1. de'cislon1n favor of the petltlon1_, '"wijl in and Tuthill Mortuary, Broadway and 6th .·'feel•-an eviction notice on the· fou' r of· St I S A Continuin" rumors -not exactly de· ~ ~ ree , anta na, until the Monday Dr. '1err1·11 C. O'Donnell of Newpo· rl of Los Angeles as his future IPtral ad nled by white House aides -are that il~ia1s Involved (Martin included~." ceremonies. Beach i•has set the stage for Superior visers. ~ • the Nlxon·Thieu huddle "·ould prodoce -'"Ole sole i~sue. presented l~~e court He b survived by his wife, Lyrm, 21. Court tr.ial of a $1 milllon l_awsuit t.hat ac-Strock recently came under fire when \\'ill.! legality of the petiuons," ad· Ttiey resided in Garden Grove. cuses him of m1,1rder by filing a petition . , :a Plati. for .)Vith!iCIWl of 50,0Q!l U.S. -ded-A stine.~.'.lt will be estaillished..at denying all allegations of his former_,.~~~ arg~ing .!!_n aspect of ~h!_~ Do~ troops i.om combat iones. U~ h ring that no sublerfuje was. -(z fi i:f niothcr·ln·law. nell case before Judge Claucfe OWens. ln Nixon promised in his f\tay 14 speech employ , and signers were well awe.re of O'Donnell, 52, of 307 Placentia and 2011 a subsequent letter to Strock, Judge outlining an eight·poinl peace plan. all the issues involved." • lficks 6.eJeases WestclUf Drive, rejects the claim of Mrs. Owens complained that the lawyer ap- however, thal America will not with· ."ln .:view of what hat transpired,' 1le Gertrµde Barnett of Long Beach that he pea red to be flouting Canon 2% of the coritinUed, "the fUll facts of wldch ~are · ed s J O'Do 11 38 c r p r · I Eth' h h draw unless the Communists cooperate • N £ 2 M poison usan ane nne , -anons o ro ess10na 1cs w en e on a likewise basis. knd"·n to all the principals inyolved, Tam 3ffie8 Q en 1'-frs. Barnett's daughter by her marriage cited a previously rejected decision dur· more amazed that r-.lartin·s .19pinion to w"talthy Torrance businessman Ben ing law and motion arguments. Thieu himself is expected to push hard !'hould imply the recall committing "fas ~ag_gott. -while the couple was vaca· "II.ii not candid or fair for the lawyer . ~~ !rrt;"tnta~~-commitments durinc attempting fraud.'' Sought in KiJJin g . t1on1ng 1n 1.1exlco 15 months ago. . . to cite as authority 8 decision lhat has General optimism bas been the out 4 He has been charged with murder by been overruled," wrote Judge Owens, in look . for the meeting with Thieu, but . Frottl Page 1 Orange County Dislrict Attorney Cecil f.lexican authorities \\o·ho investigated the what is stated to be a quotalion from the 'the ~retarle.a of State and Defense re· Hicks late Friday afternoon revealed the death of Mrs. O'Donnell in the Cozumel code drawn up, hopefully, for observance fUBed to comment. Friday before taking TAVERN names of two additional suspect• sought vacation spot said to have been used by by judges and lawyers. off from Andrews AFB, Maryland. . . • , • Jn the murder of Santa Ana police off. the couple to patch up their marital quar· "Will you please comment," the Owens "We don't want to make any. predlc-, icer Nelson A. Sasscer. 24. re\s. letter asks. tions," said Secretary of State Rogers. tlormy months and ,activity by Orange The objects of a massive manhunt are An autopsy carried out by "Me~ican Court record~ do not reveal the nature o}d(.ets · -· ' I~ {:onvicted·, > ... --......... - Of Mntm · ' . . ... ., y . ' FT,, ORD 0 (AP) A-rt.....,ao Army cOW'I martial paqeJ bc:g!na dallberalin~ lad"! lhe plll.illy for 1~ '°Idlers 11.con- vlcled 11i'rldly QI mutiny for i\a8IAI, a afnglng ·afklown ~ al ~ illocbde of S&ll Frinclsco'.1 ""8ldio. .. Two olbOr eplbted men ....,. eqti•lcl· ed 00 ....... cl!argeo. ' . Tht lt were anion& '27""~hiraed lVlth muUny last Oct. 14 ... they~ file ail- down lo protest what they ci1IeCI wwani· tary condWoos at the atocUGe. ?be ait· do~n came. two days after: 1 · prisoner hed been lajaljy ahol tpy a guard during an alleged eocape a1temp1. Elght ol the.others c:jlai'pd hive been convicted ot mutiny, tWo have been bm· pilaUud. lor oboervaUon fD!1 three biye escaped and are at Large, · Alter the coovlctlons ·tbe pa.net ercn· vened and heard 3~ ho.!lrl of argument by atuirne)'s for lbe defenee 8.nd prose- cuUon in what ls known u the "utenu· aUon .. and miUi:tttlon" -~e Gt ~ trial that detennJnej lhe penal\t. ' Chi<! defense altorner 'l'eren<e Hal- llnan1 arKU;ed that ·~e -ol thea&_men are crl~ -the)r are -alck cliltdltn, and w~ no tbteat to tbe United. ~ Army last Oct. 14." ... -. HalUnan said, "niesi Youns ·~ hive been convicted or only one· lhll!lf ~'be­ inf ~led all tbell' lives.". ~ He referred to the defense atcument that most of them came !rom· broken •homes, only one hu finished h.igh school, and that all were psychologically unli t to serve in the Army. • Fro1n ' Page l TEACHERS ••. ~~7!tion system Is set up In "_ lhl• ~D· Noqe of the 9lher .board members llld anythtn& to .give the teachers hope. Teacher association leaders made their pitch for· third-party mediation. Argued Beektold: ' · ' "I'm very muCh concerned that somettltric·as public as pub1ic schools can be Putjn dangerous situ,ations. The thing that triggered it ls suddenly the ·whole system broke down and there was no wa y to get out. \Ve have to refine our maty1er of talking to each other." 1'rusteel said the school staff would be glad lo lalk to teachers about clarifies· lions of the budget. but not changes of priori .ies in allocating money. Budget Director Wlater Adr ian wasn.'t ''ery happy about even that board Ciln: cession. "I personally think this is a very untimely time tO begin now saying 1hey didn't do 'their homewoik, '' he com- plained. But Superintendent W 1111 a m Cun-- ningham, who said he didn't want 11tate Department of Industrial Relations mediators called · in, allowed that representatives of California Teachers Association <C'i'A) should be permitted to suggest more accurate ways or predicting. unknowns in the budget. · T~Qgprli..:.dld not disctiss docking pay or other r~pfi~ against teachers from '*' 14 schOOfs who walked out or abandoned the classroom for recreation activities on campus Thursday. A che<>k of some schools Friday brought to light that more teachers might have lik~ to have taught only the four· hour minimum dav. At Sonora SchoOJ, for Instance Prin· cipal Ch~r!es Catanese said a ma~ity ol teachers wanted to take part in the pl'9- tesl but decided not to divide lhemse:J:ves against each other. so n.orie ~alked out. An order to principals to \ake names o( those who took part dissuaded some teachers at other schools, according to a spokesman for the teachers. I "The war In the Pacific changed for County sh~riff's dtputies has risen with merr:ibcrs of the Black Panther party, as doctor~ and a _Los Angeles. spec1altsl of the reply -1f any -by Strock. ;,,~:.-; .... "".:-~•t .. Ml.d.~ l~IM~ )n 1942," it. according to those who frequent the is Daniel M. Lynem, 22, who is in cus· flown tn 1<! examine the remains al!eged· \ ~ ~ ,J J T ··(lj~>t' 'i'ddea'~i;;.;;;,z;~'llJOll!l ~"c-·,,,._.,.,,._, ~ .. tody on char•es or murder •nd •O"· Iv determined thal a lelhal quanmr or ~ , . , ~~.--.. ~"' ·~~·' . f, . ;jgW,!?~i,w.4<1,'l'., h b II ··-~ '"""""'"" =~"'"""" ,,,,,.,r.r..,,.•~· '·· .,,-r!\-~~_,,.,_,,_.,, .,·<·• ~ ->-~----:n'I~~~" ~.".llil>.,., ~ --~ ~·..-~ . . , . , F e hopes t e same w 1 be true oft e one ne\\·&p·aperman,Btlrtg·ne r-atr?f·o(!·r-.· ·"-.:...:o.1.-..armt:USR"~.,;0 -.......... ~--·~· 1 ;·"-··""'-~d~..:.,.. llrs:·b·bonneii"~""T-HCClD · ~ UK y · . .. Vietnam war as a result of the hemis· r<1,.ionallv ,.-,,1·•1·"" Fal Fanny's tells or a • ought in a widespread dragnet are: had been Uijeete Into ~frs. Donnell W •th Mustard h · l · ~ · ' "!\ N th · I Odi G · f shortly before her death •• " P enc rip. recent incident :n which two rather young a ante 5 rimes ,. 21 · 0 20111 \V. . · · ' For Germa11 Meas] es a. DAILY PILOT .....,.,. .... """'ltfMJI t..cll Le,.H ,.... '-11ttl1 Y1ill1r c-..... CAIJ'°INIA &Ml.AHOI COAlT PUlll\HINO COMl'AN1 J•c• R. C111ley Vb Pralfent '"' O•,..•al ,,..,..Hr Tltom11 K••~a . ... fh1m11 A. Mw1phin1 Nl1n11ln• (liter ""''" C•I• M111 : :ut Wn! 111 lt~t~ Hfi'Mrf l11dl: 2'11 Wnt lt!bOt l wln-11"11 u..,... lucti: m ¥o1'9il ...... _ HllnllnlT'" l1td'I: )Oii Siii fll"Mt II. deputies st ak,.d out a parked car. Cth SL, and _Arthur Dewitt League, 20, f\tex1can oflfc1als allege ? Donne)! Th h 1 •-r bo . 1 of 1633 \V. Highland Ave ., both of Santa made arrangements for f\1rs. 0 Donnell s • 1~Y . i'l'J rcasqr o ~~~e ~ Y·rir Ana. · buriaJ the following day and then flew to fnend~hlp '~hlch tlossom . 1ns1~e ~!I the • Hicks said he issued complaints on Los Angeles. cro\\•ded dance {i(l('r "·as deepen1n~ in the Grimes and League Friday based on O'Donnell's latest Superior Court filir.g car. information uncovered in a 48-hour-long Indicates that he has released Newport After 20 minules er surveillanC<', lhe invesligation by the Sanla Ana police Beach attorney Arthur Strock -the lawmen sneaked vp, yanked open the De~rtmenl. lawyer who has thus far represented him doors and found no one. Lynem, who Is held without bail In in the unusual civil action, ~tanager Varteresian. ~on tac\ e d Orang1> County Jail is reputed to be The physician, who a\30 practices at for a reply .to the ingry allegallons Fri· "l~~tenant of CilntmUr\ications" ror \the 17822 Beach Blvd. in Hun~ _Beach, da9, noted efforts in recent monlhs to militant Black Panthers. has appoint'td BoM, Jones anti McCny &0ive moat complaints. \\'ASHINGTON (UPI) -The nation's first vaccine against Gcm·an measles, \vhich endangers the unborn children of pregnant women, is expected to be licensed early next week. Standard's governing production of the vaccine were published Friday on levels of safety, purity and potency. Children will receive .the first vactine available. Only poli cing of the,parked car.i \1•hcre ccuples allegedly sit or lie oul dances to music by The Phyre with less strenueius activity i::osed a problem. ""\Vhat are you going .to do when the kids do that ?" asked Vartereian, hinting that teaching of morality and sex edu· Se~rets of a Turkish Batl1 cation begins in the home, not at Fa~ Fanny's. "Patrons at fat F'anny·s mal;e coin· plete assCi of themselves." complaintd one irate petition signer \\·ho plans to be sit the Board of Super\·isors' hearing Tuesday. E\"er since Fat Fanny 's opened with an array of craiy characters painted all over Its «terior aDd a railroad cros5lng: sign In front, various factlons h1Ve de· clared war on the place. Not the least of these, according to one source close to the situation, Is the Sunset Beach \\'omen's Club. In any case, young pntrons waited in llne early today and stood around out· side, while tonight's grand fins.le follow· Ing the management announcement Fri· day should bring a record visit. Vanquished by forces of the uprlah\ -or uptight -Fat finny ml)' 10 down, but she v.ill Ob\riously go down swinging. , • ' Istanbul Photos of WivesinN1ide Anger U.S. Business 1n en ISTANBUL (VP )-The ladles could not have been more surprised or their husban~ more angry, when two Turkish newspapers ran front page plctutes this v.·eek of nade wives of Tnternadonal Chambe r or Commerce (ICC) delegates at a Turkl!.h bath. The ICC is holding its 22nd congrf!ss In lslanbal. '. • On the front page of the Istanbul dall· let Gunayrlln and Yen Istanbul were photographs of buslne~smen's wives nude In the bnth. Be<:ause of Turki~h law, parts of their anatomy were black· ed out In the news phologra~. But that effort at tnodesty did not satisfy the angry ICC delegates. The group·s lntematlonal secretary • , Waller Hill of New York wrote a letter to the ·chairman of lhe congress and the Turkish chamber or commer~ saying, ''I wish to 1tronaly protest the tactless and lnconcelvable Invasion of privacy of wives of ICC delefiates by, element's of the Turkish press.' "It ls regrettable that in the name of freedom of the press irresponsible joumallsts abuse thit freedom," HUI wrote. A Turkish public prostcutor trltd to get a court order, on ground of in\'aslon or privacy and obscenlly, a1alnst pub- lleallon of the pictures, but a judge turn· ed down hl1 request. The tee offlci1l1 have not dceidtd yet to press I.he.Ir case furthtt but atill have the option of aolng to court. Police said amon& the ICC wives at- tending the Wednesday bath party were Mrs. Judd Pollack, whose husband Js with the U.S. Office of the ICC, Mrs. John MU!lngton, wlfe of a Tlme--Llfe inc. director And Pttn. L. D. Stiner· bower, whose husb.and is an executive or Standard Oil of New JerHy. The bathing· party was one ol the "'Ives' functions arran&ed by the ladies . committee o! the JCC Congreu. Three newswomet\ jolntJ the wl\.-ts at the bat.h and took plcturtt of lhtm nudt. Tht wives, unaware the pictures: would be published did not tf'y to stop them. 'thtrc were no men in the bath. I. ., Orange police are hot on the trail or some practical joken who car ownet Greg Walsh thinks went a little too far. Walsh, 17. told pollce he left his car in a parking lot on North Tustin Avenue Wednesday, When he ret"umed a short time later he found that someon& evidently took his 1962 fi,ova Chevy for a hot dog. It was full of mustard and catsup. "They squirted the red and brown stuff ·on the hood. v.•Jndows. roof, seaq, dashboard, floor and radio," Walsh waU- ed . ... President Names Envoy to Malta President Nixon t'.nnounced Friday in San Clemente he would nominate John C. Pritda(f Jr .• a Republican member of the Arizona House of Representatives, to be U.S. Ambassador to ~lalta. Pritz.laf(. a 44--year~ld resident o{ Phoenix. will succeed Hugh H. Smythe. A member of the legislature since 1!183. Pritzlaff moved to Arizona from his native Milwaukee, Wis.. In 1958. From 19$0 until IMO he was a partner with the Arrow Valve Co. of Arizona. In 1960 he Joined the Oxford Wfe lni;urancc Co. of Scottsdale. From 1963 until 1967 Prltzlaff se.rvtd as chairmari,Ol the kard and tre11surer of nepubti~ Propettiet Inc.. and In 1967 btcaihii director or the firm , I lie was elected to the lt:glslature Tn 1963. He ls married to lhe former Mllry DeU Olin and I.he couple have feur children. ~ • • f ' " ' :1 \ i' f· t !, f' !! ' " t Ii s c a b /\ 0 0 G le l< " .. " " ·c 2• O• " ,, c; " )1 \\ t g \\ d le ~ h o! " •i " ' --------------~------ S.\Urdiy, Junt 7, 1969 -:~metJis ,, ItJa~k t .o"-llt1 - -. .. u.e~copt~r Base Looks Like Liliput By JANICE BERMAN 01 tM Deltr l'lltf Steff Even at a distance of two miles, they dwarf everything else In sight. And when you reach the Marine Corps Air Facility at Santa Ana, the two wooden behemoths make the rest of the helicopter base look like Lilliput. The giant hangars, each swallowing 313,726 square feet ol space, ~'ere built in 1942 to house blimps tor onshore sub- marine patrolling after the base was Ct>mmissloned as the Santa Ana Llghtcr- Than-Air Station. When they were built, the dome-roofed ! tructures cost $2.S million each. They were used until 1!M9 as a home ior an ti-submarine patrols, ""'hen he base 11·as decommissioned. Blimps became a rare sight in Orange t:ounty. In 1951, the base was reactivated as a helicopter facility and the whirlybirds nested in thC blimp hangars enroute to and from Korea. • DAILY I'll.OT l'MIW br Lee l'-&r11t The Lighter-Than-Air Station became the 1i1arine Corps -Air Facility, Santa Ana, but, to the chagrin of Marine Col:K. I~. Huntington, its current commander, Orange Countians con tinue to refer to it FORMER BLIMP HOUSES ONE OF LARGEST WOODEN BUILDINGS IN WORLD Miles •nd Miies of Cri11cros1ing, Interlocking B~•m• Show 'LOJt Art' -, A dead man has won the Repub- lican primary' for the New Jersey state Assembly. State election off1· cials have not reached a decision as to a replacement on the Novem· ber ballot for the name of State Assemblyman Douglas E. Gimson of Lambertville, N.J. who beet two opponents in this week's primary. Gimson died May 15 after the bal· lots were printed. · • Meet The People UCl's Student President Wants to Mal{e His Marl{ as "LTA," jts Navy name. • Up close, each hanger is an swesome :i;ight. Massive columns Uank eaclt side of motor-Oriven doors that reach almost the full height -172 feet -of the bW.ldings. The hangars are believed to be among the largest wooden builclings in ~e world. Col. Huntington says the buildings are .still completely fireproof and that a building inspeclion team said they cou1d stand for another SO years. "Making buildings like these is a lost .J art," Huntington observed. By THOfttAS FORTUNE A look inside confirms it Miles and ot ,,.. P•ll\' 1>11a1 11111 miles of interlocking wooden bttms Fernando "Ferdy" Massimino is tall crisscroos their way through the green- and handsome, gets good grades, is a gray dimness. star athlete and is popular with girls. Most of the space is being used even Now the big man on campus is also UC now. Helicopter parts are stored behind a Trvine's . student body president~lect. thain link fence. and the helicopters Personal achievement and being popular themselves, Vietnam-bound. are lined up is no longer eaough. for maintenance, surrounded by crews of Massimino wants to leave his mark. He fatigue-clad Marines. wants to work some permanent changes, The sides of the building shelter office.~ as many as he can in one year. built in World War II, squad rooms and a Realistically, though, he expects what ht snack bar. will be able to.doh; lay the foundatio,n fbr Overhead, there ls the sound o( pigeons change by student governments \o fellow. t'OOing. The pigeons are a legacy from The proper way to bring about change, World War JI. The land on, which the he says, is lo work within the system . hangars stand was on ce part of the ti'vinc That, he realiz.cs .. .takts time. 1)1 Ranch, and the 1'cBrouwer fam.ily of Massimino" believes that di~id<int Orange County, \\'ho farmed the land and students' ·only accomplish short-tern1 raised Belgian pigeons. donated the birds gain. to the Navy to use as message<arriers. "'Radical students protest, confront and "\Yhcn you walk kl there in the even· get their Way," he fi gur.es. "But ing," saiti Col. Huntington ruefully, "you everytime they effect a change they lose wish you had an umbrella." a little respect. The administration is But aside from thf' mess. the pigeons more hostile the nekt time and the add an aura of mystery te a place that students have to protest a little more. has spawned many legends. ....... That-leads~to~violence.-" Ma!i!!imino, 20. will be a senior next They say that · once, years ago, the year when he takes offi~. He is a biology Goodyear blimp was in the han gar for major with better ·than a B grade repairs, since it was the only place big avefige. He plans to go to medical enough to allow workmen to reach the school. lop of giant aircraft. At the other end of As a water polo player he was invited the hangar a basketball game was going to the U.S. Olympic team training camp 'RADICALS DON'T '-lKE ME' on. The game's spcclators, so the story last summer, bµt. didn't make the squa4 UC:f's Ferdy M•ssi mino goes. spent the evening watching the sent to Mexko Cit)'_.,., game ant.: never even knew the blimp He 'll forget water ·polo next year. lfc cqnsiders the grading system "jusl ivas lhere. The hangar is thal big. reasons that he coukln't be al an im· absurd . To take the top 121,i percent of A grimmer story is that some IS years portant game and at a Regents meeting high school graduates and force them in-ago lhree servicemen clambered up the . b E • the same day and he would. have to a bell-shaped curve so 25 to 30 percent Kkinny wooden ladders reaclting to the 1'1ane Shata of ~anter urv, l ;:i. responsibility both places fall ... ~e are the future leaders top of the han~ar and hurled themselves land, found herself in the for so e Massimino has no Jllusions about the We need all of them we can gel." 172 feet lo lheir deaths. t'1nn ~! thed 1 1°1<0 1 1 '"'h wspal P'b' •d/teK'e·',h1.', difficulties ahead. He hsts what could be Massimino sees a need to shake th r Doth stories are tales thut can only VIEW FROM THE TOP' SHOWS. TODAY'S USE 01' HANGAR Vitt·bound Cllopptrs,, PHii oriel Pigeons Fiii Blimp Hov'" . . .Qoctors Assail 'Risk' Sta.tement On Bh·th Pills .. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -An Insurance company's att'!mpt to: have women sign "risk awareaess'1 statements before us. ing -birth-control pi)b hai drawn crltlciam from Southern California doctors. • • H~·ever, President John C. Allen of the Netlleship Co .• which insures 18,000 physicians against malpracti~. def~ the plan Thursday. . Allef\ said there is an "increasing awareness of the potential complications from rontraceptive pills." The Neltleship firm sent its client physicians a letter May 14, contalnlng a form that the doctor could have a patient sign before prescribing ·birth control pills • Bhe woman couJd be , a~ked to affix her signature· to a statement that she was aware of the risks, Allen !laid his firm has · had six malpractJce sults ·involving the ptJIJ. •One case lnvol'ved a woman who suffered sldn discoloration after faking pills. It was settled out of cotlrt for $2,500. The others still are-being-litigated. ' The Nettleship president said doctors had reacted strongly against the pro- posal. Allen said t]lp letter was a 1.ua:• · gestlon, not an ord'eltlk> doctor1. He said ~ttleship will contlnut to defend doctors • ;"'..,.do no& persuade their patients to sign the form. compi.utne ta er lUS an ·d ed t tr'k · l h. •· l h · r d · h t ld d d afty Her hus· cons1 er wo s 1 es aga1ns 1m. conservative tag that has been pinned 011 come auvu w en man 1s con ronte wit _ . ~:~,~-'}~ ~k.a_I..~\~en!; d~n'l like m&;; 'l"'l',J!,~ilJl).~.Jl~f-'i'J!J~l'.:.,!rim .'"l'c:, somclhiry ~ · e ! l . .bo¥iln<i->''7·,AA9..~t&!!!'{~Jl.~.M9.T.Q~I '"~·ca,::..:.f963 MGB, r'ed;·-Qlf eitra$. ·s1,. ·~ .. £E:ugcl:r-r-' ~. '-"i~. ~'J-# .. 1 d"~-01~.~~.t'n,..,,-..~~ ., · • ~,. ,4~1"~9ar1J-tn' jt'aftfilgJi,. Balboa Bay Club Announces Hike · In Member Fees Inllatlon is p~~1hiiJ/£?~•~«'1 200 Wife-1944. S ft. 36·24-36. $60.-Also. People chuckle to themselve s candidate who forced him into a runoff. ooo· or nearest offer. Shaw says "for ~h~n you tel!, them student government "I really believe I'm moderate." ''A lot h · k I ~ace ,-,, the home one uf is impor;tant. or people -ho don 't know me person°!ly f e sa e o .,..~ ,. ' fl.1assimino, nevertheless, thinks he can .. " them has to go. show the radical students something, and gave the impression I'm a conservative. I guess we'I: just have to see .. , • Mrs. Joe Luc•rno ef ·Fort Collins. Colo. never wanted for food or ,varmth, and the old potbelly stove jn a shed behind her home never was used. Firemen making a rou- tine inspection said that was a good Uring. The stove was stuffed 'vi th -13 sticks of dynamite, 38 dynamite caps, and 50 feet of fuse. • the cynics too. R d' 1 d h · · h l He has a couple o( things going for a 1ca . stu ~nts a.ve trse~ wit oo him. . success since his election to d11courage Hi~ vice president, Jim Gottfried .'~ ~~· Massim_lno says. He has. been asked . secretazy. Claude Dorais, ran with hin~w . d~ 1t feel to be skipper of the as a candidate slate and they see eye hi Titantic · eye. Massimino Stts as his other antagonist This year he says there was frictlor ~tudcnl apathy and the general 'disbelief between St~dent &dy President Roi) 1iat student go.vernment can accomplish Ridgle a~ Vice President Bill Coon anO 111ything mearungful. eac~ bad a bloc or supporters in the stu· However, he insi!rts he will give dent sen,ate which polarized that bod~ ludents their $21 worth (the amount of and made it ineffective. .he student body fee). W~at this ca mpu s ha1 !'Ced~ Is not " "There Is still a good porUon of our ....__ a.. •-.-O• ., presi~erlt but a whole i_e1ders1Jjp group. l-i<;hool thal-enjoys extracW"ricu).!lr ac· ti Jn what mau be the first "sick ~ he said. -liYfties." he siys. "We need a s(udent ilii in," patients at .!-oughborougl~ t Another factor that might make him opera~ gas pump on campus. I'm going (Englau-d) General Hospital successful, MassimJno says, is that he to try to get a student urUon started so have · r e v 0 t t e d a{ldinst the has a .lot of support from the ad. the 2,000 students who live off carripu! 6 a.m. 1'evtillt at Oi.t hoapitol. • ministration. · will hli'Ve a-place to come besfdcs The patients handed a petition "For this reasoh T have been labeled classrooms." to the hospital board asking that pro-administration," he said. ''That is not Masslmin..o figures he was oot elected thtU be awakvi.ed at a lo.ttr true." . . by a blacklash vote aitCr a year of pro. hour. The hospital is con.Jider· ~k~ in 'tfhat ways he dJffer.!l from tests by dis.!Jidents. He won, he believes, ing moving the ,.eveiUe vp &o 8 unaverSJty officials, ht remarked that he because his supporters worked hardest a.m. • talkinli to the most people and because • Valley Seeking Aides hi~ opponents threw mud at him . His principal aim, he says wlll 0 be to overhau1 the framework of 11tudcnt New 1'une Slated For Rec1·ea tion r·ountain Valley's Parks and Recrea· lion Department Is singing a new tune this year -"I Dig Rock and Roll f\.1u sic." Not that the older _ generation has necessarily crossed the generation gap. but the department Is seeking young bands to·pJay in the new civic center for a series of 7th and 8th g:rade dances this summer. Volunteer bands are requested for . apcarances on June 27, July II and 25 and Aug. I. Parks and Recreation Director Stanley Stafford says bands Interested in gaining experience o~ exposure in Fountain Valley may Contact the recreatiOn department in the community center, 10200 Slater Ave., or phone 962-2424. - O erks Institute A'ppoints Jones On bis way lo a Kentucky Jake for a fishing trip an unidenlificd a,nd embarrassed stranger tojd fiuQuoin, Ill. l!Olice he thougllt 'he had "lost11 bis wife. After a check of area towns,. police located the m8n's wife, who had been missing since the couple i;topped at a gas •taUon ih St. IJlbory -40 miles 1Way. For Swim P rogra1u government to make it more eUiclent and Huntington Beach City Clerk Paul better able to produce change. He sees a Jooe11 has been elected to a tw~year · Young· voltmteers, age 13 to 17, are beir!I aoogbt to help during Fountain Valley'1-9llrnmer learn-to-Swim program. Swim aides will assist regular water sa ret.y instructors on a volunteer basis. A special in-service ltalnln1 course for 11whn a.Ides wUI be conducttd from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m .. Saturday, at the FountaJn Valley Hiih Scl!ool rwlmmlq1'J'OOI. need for sevtral c o n • l l tu t i o n a I tl'.!rm as dfr!ctor of the International amendment.II. · lnatitute of Municipal Clerks. He saill the candidates on his slate He was elected during the lnstllule's didn't promise a lot of programs. DurtOg z.1rd annual conference, held this year in the campaign they sald1 "Our best St. t.ouJ:-1, Mo. quallflcalioo Is oor willingness to work." The institute is cornJ>Ol)ed o( town, •ift didn't mean much to m11ny people," village and clly clerks from all 50 states. Maulmlno $ajd. "but it is what iL is all cana~nd some cities In England. about." .• --MCilco iM Israel. Sign up s Slated • For Costa Mesa's Swnmer Aquatics AquaUcs programs of all types are scheduled this sumffltr-by th':! Costa · Mesa Recreation Departmenl. """ith registration scheduled today and Jun'.e 14' al two high school pools..r Enrollees may sign up from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on thoSc dates al Cosla Mesa and Estancia h.igh schools, for beginning, in- termediate swlmming and diving courses, lifesaving, water polo, ,Ynchronl(~ swimming and water.show. A tiny tot clas., will also be ·heRI at COsta Mesa High School only, for children -mrr1100ths to fi ve yean., with all swim classes begiMlng June 2,. Recre.rltional swlrrumng is offered 111 summer tor those aged six ind up, Mon-- d«y through Friday from 1 ::Ml p.m. to 3:30 p.m., at both 0schools, at 25 cents per penon. Night recreaUonal swimming will be ottered Mondoy, Wednetday ancl Friday rrom 7 p.m. to 9 p;m., •t Costa 'Mesa High School and Tuesday, Thursday arid Saturday at lhe wne hours iat Estancia High. All·summer passes may be purtha&C<f !or 17/itl per person or 115 pet ramily •• aIOue11t, too. The BaJboa Bay Club announced today that rising costs haVe fort!d a hike in members' monthly dues. Holders off l,sdi Tlmily membttsffips tts of June I ·will have to pay dues of $32.50 per month -up from $27.50. Ralph Berke, general manager of the exclusive Newport Beach private club. the largest in Orange County, noted ·1n letters to t ,000 Bay Club members that the dues increue is only the leCOllCI •incf: 1960. rle called that "remartable," in Lhe fa~ of rising co.slll. 'l'o help soften the blow for ·membe!'s. Berke pointed out that several other pro- minent and equally exclusive clubs. have even higher membeishlp dues. And they don 't, he 11ai~, have facilltie~ equl~t tc the Balboa Bay Club. They inc1ude the Del Rey Yacht Club (135 per month): Jack Kramer Tennis Club ('45) and the Ber Air Bay Club ($39). * * * Bay Club Draws Line on Hippies Swinging Into ltJ summer eeuon, the Balboa Bay Club has d>c! not to swin& &oo far. , Movlnc counter la • r I decllloo llf locol tdloola to end all-Clldo ....... ll'!'I. the chlb ha1 barUl«I ·~ H ..0. "hi,ep1 .. 1ype clrua." • E1ct$Slvely long hair and the like Is dlslasleruI to the ovmrhelmll\( majorltr or our members. AC<Ol'dlnaly, II will nol be allowed at the club by members ot guesta." said Ralph Berke, seneral manai.er ol lbe Newport Beach 11pe. 1 f DAILY l'llDT ·~·p~t ~1llorll 1 °Uli.vtrMllot .. _,..,1-o _ will ~ '',Nf* Wll)'I ·ol So)1q Hello,• SUnday IO:lO ..... Rulhe Qubm will lead the .... p. Tiie .,,..1n, wvlce a •'dock will ltliurt a benefit -ol FnllCk. MOL>rt ll1d -played by Miidred OlUe at U)e piano and JO!tpb llbaomon, vlollnbt. B o I h ll'Mtinp will be held at 590 Dlamand SL, Laguna Beach. Senior high youth ol Clllilt ~ .., die Sel , 1100 w. llllboa Blvd., Newport Beech, will conduct the worshi p aervJcu this Sunday, t and lO:JD a.m. in recognition of Metbodlrt Student Day. Their pror""" w!U expl°"' the MethodiJI Social Creed. '?be Rev. David DiProno will ~uent the mornI.ng's sermon, 'Wh9'• PulhJng Jn the Back Rowt" Graduating seniors will also be honored at thla time. Qurcb School meets at I a.m. The Ftnt United Metbod.ltt Qw:rcll, 2721. Seventeenth St ., Hu nUngton Beach, will con· duct Suodly worshlp services at 1:30 and 11 a.m. with the Rev. G. Ruuell Sb aw prNchina on "The Salt of the Earth." 1be Anj:el choir will ainf and receive awarda for their contribuUon to the .services at 11 a.m. wonhip. Church school and nursery cart meet at 9:30 and 11 a.m. The in- quirers class meet.a: at JO:ts a.m. and-the yougb Jl'OUPS meet at 1:30 p.m. llal ven lty United Metw11t building at Jim Culver Drive in Irvine hu bttn completed and openjng worship services are ael for 1:30 SU!lday. The modern atructure at the cor- ner of University and Culver .. .-.· ·--.._,, ...... • Most 1'18im'IJl .. g Critic :Pew 11 the flnt church to be com- ple)td Jn Ille. growing com· munll)' ~ University PJTk. 'l1le Bev. James D. Stewart will prO;;ICh thl..aermon 4'The Sanctuii'y ol God." Ch\U'ch achoo! wll be held during the aervtce and nul'Jel')' care is Love to Share,"' b planned ror 7 p.m • A L~k at 'Forman~ Thing ' . ' ' provided. , Ellis Avenc B1 pll t l t'll.,.._ 8111 Ell!. Ave., Hun· tlftpm Beach wi ll h o I d worah!p 11ttVlce11 Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7:15 p.m. Other ac-- tiviUes planned by the church for Swlday'1 include church school. t :U a.m.; Bible study and tralriing union, S p.m. Nursery C!ari is provided at all services. Youth rtcr'eltion nights are held Mondays, & lo 8 o'clock. The Rev. Willis J. Loar will speak oa "Dealing With Life's Frustrations" al First Baptist Cburclt of Hantington Beach's services set at Peek's Chapel, 7801 Bolsa Ave., Westminster, 1:30 a.m. and at Huntin gton Beach Chapel , 6th and Orange, 11 a.m. Church school is held at the downtown chapel, 9:30 a.m. , This Sunday will b,e celebrated as Children 's Day, and a spcCial program, "God's Senlor High lllpt!Jt Youth Fellowship will meet Sunday, g p.m. Pini Cbrll1lu Cllmtli, 285 Legion St., Laguna Beach, an- nounces th at Pacific Christian College, a Bible coUege, has betn accredlt.ed by the. M- eredlting COmmiuion f o r Sen i or Col l eges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Collqe!. The church Is i sponsor of the Long Beach school. Sunday, the congregation will hear the Rev. Bruce Cu$hlng preach ''Js Religious Unity Possible?" at the 10:45 a.m. worship hour. ' ' B1 GIORol W. CORNZLL avon'ct 1'war" ·111 churches - NEW YORK (AP) -On the ll1d 'l)'nqtl)l1t1 for financial ' lwmy w1llnr1y1 SW'nlWldJnl) repar11lom to Negroea his SL Patrtck'I Cltbednl. blue-erupted widtly Jn major relJgioul comm.unJUes, w1th unlform<ld policemen atoqd ~ ''"""' from partial vlpl al r holf-enlrucea lfflrmatlon· to outrige. .. -and wonhiJ>pen . threaded In 1nd out cl the He •ii tllring Nghtmares to t a.l{e.r ia c m14=Manhattan rtUgloua 1udUa who handle, 1111etuary~ --..-bllli;-~ell-and bank ae- "Tbe cburch asked for pro. coun.LI, commenta th e tectioO., an officer explained Catholic weekly, Ave MW. aboot "the xpeclol delall on Beuing hlJ ''Bl a c k duty around the block-square ManHesto," adopted AprU 27 Selected facilities of the New York by a fonnaUve m .. 11ng oi lhe The Rev. Millon H. Roman Catholic IJ'thdioctae, National 8-lack Eco no mi c E we r i w i 11' h e a d "It's thls · Forman thing. Development Conference 1n Church World Service They're afraid he'll show up Detrqit, demanding repar1· -. and make trouble. 0 tlons ol '500 million for Negro Clothing operations f?r That anxiety along with 1 development project&. he has the West Coast. He will mixture of ~ntment sym· coofronled One rtllgious body RecognWng high school and ~ r~sponsible for ~e. pathy and perplulty, b wbJJ>-afte~. another, c I aim 1n1 college graduates of lhe con-ve_lopmg and COO~UI· -. plng through re ligious in-spcci9C payments. gregatlon. Dr. D. w, McElroy a ting 1 o C a l clothing stitutlons today because of1 A I re a d y , the Individual will preach "On Keeplng Faith programs throughout James Forman. demands in different church With Yourself" at Harbor Calilornia, 0 reg on, At present, he ~ "the most groups .total $850 milllon, plus Chri stian Cburch, Discipl es of W a s h ington, Nevada disturbing critic or t he Sl.5 billion for black colles:es. Chris t Sunday. Services are and Idaho. churches from the utreme far more than the original held at Harper Elementary ----------milllant point of vieW,'' said half-billion figure set in the School, 425 E. IMh St., Costa '1le Rev. George E. Sweney, manifesto, even t h ou g b P.1esa at 10:45 a.m; Com· Presbyterian Church, 600 St. of Webster Groves, Mo., the several major denornin1Uons munion will be offered. Church Andrew 's Road, N e w p o r t newly elected moderator of have not been hlt at all. · school begins at 9:45 a.m. Beach, 11 a.m. Graduating the United Presbyterian Respon~s have varied from high school seniors w ii I Church, in a letter sent steps to boost aid to Negroes Bacealaureate Sunda y is set participate in a pr~sional throughout the denomination. on lhe one hand to blunt re- this weclc at St. ADdrtw's (See PULPIT, Page 5) In just one month, Fonnan's jection on the other. But even Jn denomlnltlonit projecUng some p o 1J t I " e rtsp<.inse, leaders pnerally have denounctd tht: thre1ten· Ing tone and llcti<I of the manifesto. And none of the churches have promised funds to Forman'• partlculat group. Here, b rief l y . ii ~ breakdown of the m a I n denominatbmal encounters so -far. MJ1J1 I -Forman deroanded l6D mllllm from the Eplacopal Church. Presldlng Bl!llop Jolln E. H1neB denounced t b e "inflammatory rhetoric,. o[ the manlfesto, but suggested a drive for an e:itra $10 million to ai~ the poor. The Church·~ executive Cilmmittee set up :t special comm1~ to plan an increased aid program. May 2 -Forman presentetl his demands to the policy making general board of the National Council of Churches, which includes mosl major Protestant and O r t h o d o x churches. The board voiced sympathy, and ordered a study by its execuUvt com- mittee to report JUlle 23. May 6 -Forman demanded $60 Qti.llion from lbe Lutheran (See DEMANDS, P ... II ORANGE COAST CHURCH .DIRECTORY LOOKING FOR MEANING Ir RELEVANCE? ... FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH IA ••. C.I Fairview ltd. At F1ir Dr., CD1t1 Meu 9 A.M.-Chut'ch School 10 A.M.-Wor1hlp D1a:aa SMlltl"'1 D.,tti llWa Shlily Ora1p1 ,.,..,.. ...i .,._, c • ...a.. 541-4610 HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 1JJO ..._ It. et hlntaw, ca .. .,_ ltv. CaHJa hllM, Pattaf Sl1Dday School 9:'5 a.m. Morning worship 11:00 a.m. Baptist Tra1nlng Union 6 p.m. Evcniac 1ervice 7 p.m. Wednesday Bibla Study & Prayer ., ......... 7:10p.m. FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 610 HAMILTON, COSTA MUA Sw11clty Scheol • , ••••• •:4S M•rnin9 Worsh ip •.. , 11 :00 ..... MJ.,111 Trt inlnt Un ion , , •••••• , 6 ~00 E••nln9 Worihl~ ••••••• , 7!00 Wee!. E••nint Stn'lc• • ••. 7:00 N.,.,,.)\lway1 A ...... UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH U12 S. I. PAl.IJADIS llD. SANTA ANA HlllHTS IUNO AY SCHOOL ................................... t:•A.M. MOltNING WOltllofl, ,,,,,,,, •••••••••••••••••••••• , ••• •11 AJA. I VININO WOll'fNIP' ,,,~···········•••• ......... .;:;:,.":; J ,.,,,._ MIDWl •IC S•ltVIC• WIONllOAT ................ 1i• ,,M. WlllMl111 I. Aa., , .. ttr C1t1W1 ~,_ 141WUJ PIRST IAPTIST CHURCH •• ,. ........ Y•lfty IAnlll'ICM .. 111511 11411M....W-,P.Y. 18'.0..Hiwtr:-.Mllh,_., Sv11clty Sc.hool ••••• , • , • •:JO Morning Worthip • ••••, 11:00 Yovth M •• ting , • , ,, •••. 6:00 Pr1yer S•r•jt• • , ••• , •• , 6:10 f.tnln, S1r•it1 •••••••• 7:00 Hlll'WY A•.ii.llhl 11 t i lln'IC te 842·2428 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH M1tin & Adami Strtafs 11 Huntington Beach M•r11i119 Wonhip FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Victoria & Plllf'nlia Ave. Costa.Iii ... Ja-.•·"'"' .. _ D•1,._H_,. ,....,_ •••tr .,.,. .................... Ill, •ttl• Sdllel ............ l1M t .111, #tlnllllf •• ,.."" ........ 11141 •. Ill. Y1wt1t 0f9v" ........ ., ...... 6 1.111. Vn""" . • ...• ,, ..... , .. .. . 1 1,ftl. Nursery Cu e Provided 541-4771 1414141 Chvr(h of tho D.ailf W•rcl NEWPORT UNITY CHURCW Llrtll 0, '"°"""" M .. .., I Sth l lrviot1, Newport l11ch csrnao. Clllunt lwlldlfll) 1:)0 & 11 :00 AM 1:65 A.M. Svnd1y Sch•ol l ibl1 Schoo l ••••••.• 9:45 AM ,, D I g CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES · llANCHl!S o• THI MOTHl'll CHURCH THI! Fl~~T l~i;;:~~ ::.s~r:~'Ji~INTIS1 "GOD, THE ONLY CAUSE AND CREATOR" Subject of Lesson -June 8 Coste Meu -Fi_rst Church of Christ, Sci1nti1t 2110 M"9 YtnN Dr •• C•tN MeM s.Mly SU..~•:15 A.M. Chrclll s.mc.-11 A.Ill. hallllnt IM111, 1150 M"9 Y•rff D,, HunHn9ton Beach-First Church of Christ, Scitntltf a10 011 •• C1111fch & S1M.,·khffS.-t:JO ' t l:OO ....,1119 ... _,1 o on .. L•9un1 Beach ~ Firtt Church of Chri1t, Scitnlist 6J5 Hl•lll Dr. Ckfc.h 'S-., klllff~•:JO & 11:00 llH4!11t •••Mr 214 ..... t An. Newport Bii•ch -Firtt Church of Chritt, Sci1ntl1r JJOJ YI• lW• Chnh. ~ kh•l-9:11. 11 :00 ....... IN-. lll S YJa Utl• Newport Blach-Second Church of Chritt, Scitntitt J1ff Pacific 'llrw Dr., c ...... 4'1 Mw Cllatclll & SUMlay Sdi..i-t 0 A.M. ...... l..,.._Zl6J L c.-Hwy. All are cordially invited to attend the church services and enjoy the privileges of the Re1ding Rooms QM c .. PN"4W AT All SllYICU CHURCH OF CHRIST 287 W. WILSON ST., COSTA MESA lllTWl!IN HAllOI _, 'AllYllW SUNDAY MORNING l llLE STUDY •. , ......... o ••• •:45 AM SUNDAY MORNIN G WORSHIP & COMMUNION •• IO:ofl Al-4 SUNDAY EVEN ING WORSHIP •.... ,., •• , •••••••• 6:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY EVENING l ll LE STUDY •.•••••• ••••. 7:l 0 PM NUISllY CAii PIOYIDID DMne O. Moyflal4 D. •· H1l'lf Mlllater ~klta Mhllltlr Phone: S48·571 I D1y or Night THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welcomes You . ST. JAMES, l20t Yi. Lid•, N_,.,. kadi S1111t1.., s.ntus-7:10, 9:00, 11 :00 TllftMy IO:J0 -'011...., 1:00 ,,,,,, H•ff 1!1dtart1t & H..rlttt.5-rrkn lect•r, th• lrt. Jeh1 P. A.hey 11; AIM., 11-In. Davit! Cnr111P Phone: 675-0210 ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS Pacific View Dr. at Marguerite, Corona del i tar Sundays: 8:00, 9:30 -Child Care at 9:30 Holy Days as announced All lecn w.1c•- lfttor, Tiiie In~ Joh• l••n Oa'lls • ,._.,. 644·0463 ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. Sundays 7:30 & 9:30 Church S,chQOI -9:30 'Thursdays: 6:30 & 10 a.m.; Holy Days as announced Vicar, Tllla lt'f • .S.'9 W. D...t .. 1 -no ... S41·1JZ6 EPISCOPAL ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1111 II. at QllUll Unt -l •I MSt et .,In l"wl•h Hlllltl,..._ ll1cll, Cl(lfenll1 Tiii •n. J-c. Ct...,, l'•tw Sund•y Sarvices l :M A.M. ....,., c-rn•IM r:M A.M. 1'111111,. SW'ffa • Cfllwtll ,, .. ,.M. ........... ltltM t 1:• l'.M. ''"~•I tl1M A.M. Mffflln1 W1'11tll .,_, Cllw~ """'"' c.,. P'r••IWI First Assembly of God Church 146 E. 22nd St .. Co111 Mota S48-3761 M. C. Cronic, P•stor 11.t y Nitli:15en, Minhtor ' ef Youth SCHIDUU OP SlllYICES S.MaY-Clrl1l'llrl Sc•HI ••••• , ••.•••.•. , , , • , •••• 9:Jtl a.111. ... ., w....w, •........• 10:50 0 .111 .. ' 7:00 '·"'· Ch11rch Choir -Sht ril "•ul11n, Direc tor Ybft.,. Weka• -N....-y Attall4e111 STATI UCINSID Pll·SCHOOL--Pal.I Wlllla1111, Dlrt;.ctlf ..... : '4J.2J2J " HARBOR REFORM TEMPLE muting at ••• • • • St. James Eplscop1l Church 3209 VI• Lido, Newport Beach SABBATH SERVICES -RELIGIOUS SCHOOL roll INIOllMATION1 CALL U•Utt GLAD TIDINGS CORONA DEL MAR I ASSEMBL y OF GOD Newport Harbor Lutheran Church 2501 Clill Dr. LI 84293 TN Irr. Ja"'" G. 11•11, ,_.., Tiit ......... J. limllMl&er ,_,... EMt'lt11 Lutheran Church of the Master 2900 Pacific View Dr. CORONA DEL MAR Wlfllll' Stl"tln ...... t:Jl.t 1• 1.111. Slll!Oll•1 Sd!MI ., •••. t:d:ll14f ,.._ w~ sw.1c ••... 11:•121• DR. WILLIAM R. ELLER Phone OR 3·5022 1 :45 A.M.-Ftrrtlly Wordli111 t :45 A.M.-S11ntl1y Chwret. Nursery care availa~Je at all services ' WELCOME Schoel I I :00 A.M.-Felfl•• Wor1hi, N..,.,Pto•ldalf CHRIST LUTHHAN CHURCH Mluourl Synod 760 Vlctorl• It,. Cott• M.N Lothar V. Tomow, Putor 541 5404 w1rs1111 s.,...rees: 1:u a 11 A.M. !_.,.., ldltth 1111 A.M. AWll l l .. 1 Cleo : t :M A.M. CHlllS11AN IUMl!NTAIY SCHOOL S•l·61U PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Me51 Vt rcle Dri•• I l1k1r Str1tt, Codi Met•. Ct lif. ANDl;f.W C, ANOllllSOM, l'ltltr Mornln,worshll': l :OO,t:JD•n :oo s~r'ld•'l'ICl!cld: 1:00,1::10 a.11 :0t Prine• of Pttc1 Lutti1tt 11 Stfleol -Min Etth1r Olu;n, 'rincipol Office Ph•n11 14•·0521 • Scheol Pho"1: 549-0562 I Wo leli1•1 111 Ye• ... UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH 1259 Victorlt St., Codt M11• Attend the church of you r, choice on Sunday 646-4652 SVl'ICl1¥1 IG:Jll A.M. A Co rdial Welcome from THE UNITED MOHODID CHURCH l tlbo• lil•ncl H11ntln9l•n leocli-Nertli COMMUNITY COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH I t 5 A9•t• 615.0950 6662 H1 il A••·• .142-4461 • 1:15 l"for111t l WorJhip W•r.hip I Chvrch School f :)O l r•clltlent l WorJhi jo •.& IO:lO AM I Sundty Scheel J,...Jn-lt5t l lwff c .5t• M•5• UNIYIRSITY FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH IJJ.111] I 1422. Cvlver Ro1cf lflh St I Ht rbor l lwd. 1t u~i••nitv o.; .. , Wenhip I Chwrch School Worihip I Chwrch Schoel -9:]0 A.M. 'l'•ulh Group• , , ••••• 6:00 ~M ltl:QO A.m. ••1lion1 1rvic• E•111i"' Wer1hip ••• ~ ... 1)_!1:~,!M.a (ifJJ.Q.~~t.i -;;i;::;~~!:~~·, P~ont: 6"6-Jlll aNTRAL BIBLE CHURCH :c,!"Mf"~v. ..... •:JO 11 1 AM -t 4C:1727 -... .,.~~·"1 sth 1A>?MA11iti!Wlf.~•liil!Ol:f.J<Mim·o-...... o1.-- ... rfi~i1il>ri'v1"t11 I I I ll Hr¥1<H , 0Hlc11.W.H# .. Dlll o. ... 1i-s»-15ICI DIAL·A·,lAYll-641·06Jt CHURCH OF RILIGIOUS SCIENCE ti N ..... rt l lHll MtmW Clwr'dl Ill' V•11911 C~tffl:~ lltllll9Q l<l-1. le, Ant1t" SU NDAY SERVICE . , , 11 Mio MlnllTtr , , , • AIOtrl l urkt. lt.5.t .F. Gl ll'l'ITH CHA,f.L OrtnQt C015t YMCA. 2JOCI Unlvr1111v Dr. GO AHEAD! SLEEP IN SUNDAY MORNlf.I~! 1'911 •tMIHll tlll l tJO """"'"" Serwft1 et CALVARY CHAPEL 11 ............. NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH "'" ril fl .... Cllrtt"1n L-~ •i.i. TM<MP.1, ""' ln5•ltl11t Cit• .. Mllllrr. Cah MT 0 1"' II I • In~ l'tllltlfMnllf CIHlrc• wlwf'I ft11 (f l ~ wllll ,_ .......... -.1111 .... . 642-6783 646-P512 .JJ.a,./,or, C/iridlian Ckurch OF HIWPOIT llACH-IDl1d,...I M.et$1t • .,.._., H•"9f n.......hlry k•••I 421 L 1 l rti s1.. c.... .. ... Church School -9145 A.M. Emphuizing: The PLln of God 11ae Ptnon of Oirist Tht Powtr of the Holy Spitit Sund.ry School !I M t Mol'l'l~S Wontiip ' .tnd 10.l) AM rVi!n ins S@rv'l('I! 1 1'1'\ Thursdoy l lblt Study ~nd f'rl'tf!t 7 l'M . N~iy durlns M=rrKts A fu ll Yovlh Progf;lm Cm. of Or•np i nd llrd. Sf. Cosl• Meu; r.nior II. c. Jont1; IFCA Mbr. .... I ·• UMtH C•1rc.h •f RELIGIOUS SCIENCE 410 10th St., Hwntinthi n l1t ch 1 Ph on• 116·2 I 20 .-.dwlt & Yewlh S1r¥i ,11- l l:OO A.M. llNtST PATI. MINISTll COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL • 611 HELIOTROPE • WenW.-1 t :OO A.II, CHr.• kll11I 10:lt A.M. Or. ,Ill .. e, 1Mrtt1, M ...... Mitt lfllrtey Sll•I. O.C.I. 67:MOOO Seventh-Day Adventist Churches · C•tN MeM lat•t1• Hlt••I J71 Av...-. Sh'fft ....... i. John Shew111•••, 1'11lor S.1th SltaNI .. ,..., C .. tc. Pho11e; S41·••t • 11712 i:,. .. Yal._, hrtway S.llWll Sc ..... , •• 9:10 AW A. I. 1ltw1e11, Pttt.,. Menlat W .... •• ll :OO AM Phont: 4•2·19J6 ~Sc~•••• 9:11 AM PnlYft Mffffq ·WM · 7:JO PM M.,.1., WNIWp •• ll 1IO AM , 11/1 llKli: Wnt •f Hoat Hn,11111 f lllmla &tR¥NIFll, l'lltfr ••6·66JO ., 146·7116 SUNDAY SERVICES •:45 A.M-S.ltffy k ... I, •11nery ••r• f•r ••arr ""'lu 10:10 A.M.-"l•wonl' •f IHI ,.,lh .. 511'1'11011 by P11t1• 7:00 ... M-''$tep...._Ttt. Ma• Wh Ll•ed ol Fl•adtlcle" !«-• by Pnt.r ca.air Sl1t91 d .Mlh S1Ney Senlcn M•n. 7:JO "·M-Cottete Pn1yw M&9tl.,.....41·l 710 WM. 7:10 P.M.-ln. M-'i Wllll•MI Pr1y•• M1etin9, S1turcl1J. 9:10 A.M HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD !40 W. Wilson, Costa Mt~I Y. L Hl ltTWICIC, hthr CAIL OINTllT 541-4704 Mlllhtwf ef Milk SUNDAY SERVICES •:41 A.M.-S ..... Sc ... I ci .... t....it 99*' 11111 A.M. -n.. MH19 1 .. 11t•ll11k httf 6:ff P.M . -l .. tti s...ka 7:00 -P.M.-n. M..,. •••t•U•ttc P..-ty COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ~ -~,_ -........ -ClllN CIA FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH •MO f.._. Aw. IT.eMrt & M .. 11llaJ. POUNTAIN YAWY UNIFllD SilVICI ~ S11nclty Seh•ol 9 :J~WOllSHIP • IO:JO Wouhlp I Te11tlt Gt-1wp1 • 6:JO p.111. Nu,..try pto•lcltd •I t11 11,...icet A Citn1111111lh' Clillll'UI -Vl11tttt .V. A,_.~ W~ Worship -10-;15 A.M.m N1,...,., c ... ,,......., Phone: 675-3915 Minister: Dr. D. W. A!cElroy ~==~~F~~~~~~~~~~~~~11 --~----·--- ST •. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH IMlu•utl SytieJJ w1"ltl111lnJ 1t the UNIVERSITY PARK SCHOOL h.Atltt •f Mtttht w1 In Unr ... ,.1.., P1r~ WOUHIP1 ll1Jt A.N. Rt1'. H. Hlir.111_,.n, Pt 1l•r IJJ .121 1 PRAY FOR p·EACE ' • ) " l tg11n• lt1ch Ced1 Mt•• No rth LAGUNA IEACH MESA VERDE METHODIST CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH 216)2 We51ey o, In MtM V1rd ..... l1•1r St. Se. l t 9vn1 14•-271, Wo,,hip 9:10 I 11 AM Wenhip I Chwreh Schoel Chvrch Sch ool 9:10 AM 9100 I 10:30 AM 499-]011 Huntingte11 l11clo Ntwport le•ch FIRST UNITED CHRIST CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH IT THE SEA 2721 17th 5t •• , •• 5Jl.JSl7 1400 W, l tlbe1 11...tt. S1r•ic1s -•:JO I 11 1.111. 671°1105 Nwr1wy th r11 2ncl grt de • 11 Wenhip I Oiurch Sch••I Chvrch School -f :JO t .rn . ' I 10:]0 A.M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ Church Presbyterian 20111 M .... lla I .... A4hlll H'""'llfh" ..... ..... ,...... o ....... llNM ...... ......., W.,..lp: •:JO AM c-.. klllfft1 10:41 A.M, Offlca 11112 M..-1ie It. PhN t•t-4t41 Church of the Covenant JHO,......l .... Calta..._ l rvce A. ICurrlt, Poller Si.., W...., I Clllfdi Sch.t: •:Jo-,h11a IMl""4J04 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churc:h '" St. ,....... leetf.i .....,.., .... CHAllUS HllllRT DIRIN•llLD, PASTOI W....., & a.a. SdiMI: I, t~O & 11 AM ..... 7147 St. Mark Presbyterian Church c.rw ....................... c .... "' M• .............. llrl:. ,_., Wlfllllp I~ lclrl1el 10 AM 644-1141 Community Presbyterian Church 411 ....... A ..... ,., Jll4 lt.l. wt-• IMclrl DALL.AS TUIMll, PAITOt w.n111, • l tll ' 10:11 A.M-C!rii.rch k ..... •:1• A.M. -tt4•711S " 1(Co1 •nd Pi field ' Never tht se1 wUI be the~ Manse, NeWpo Reg I JlunUn Clnlrct Founta Bibi' f throug noon. Sund church 9:45 a and 6 p.m. r. during ~lr. of Cos l nttm: Jehov1 ly 11 Angelf Swans, Costa congrE Reg> will bl: by T+ Oran & n: (Cc Chu re leade1 dema defini Ma• c<illei Rom• The 1 the d TC p: repud mJinil Amer say In sider; and 1 pie." Ma b e f I Pres~ An tor mil lie demo close. New Asse1 "not love.' outJa. poor, drive • Ma befor Conv demi: $700 sc h Icade :;ulta decic ME port• Unit. ti on~ dem. blacl plus. lege: on ... aftei an 1 tlJ.e '. an blac cont in d M .... -.. Clilll alth· mar met all pen the doul rec< !..-. ' BOA c • I - .. ..r ' . ' .. --- s.ur.,, J""' 7, 1969 I ,• ' ' ~1~ · Pt1lpit B 'f!-dge t For Synod . Cut.14% (Continued from raic 4) 11n'd Paslor Charles H. Dleren- field will ppeak on .. You'll Never Gr&duate." Following the service the young people wUI be guests at a 1unCheon in their honor at the Church Manse, 1444 Santiago Drive, Newport Beach. neglstrallon is underway al llunUngton-Valley 8 apt is i Cllurcb, 9779 Slater Ave., Founlain Valley, for Vacation Bible School to be held June 16 through 20 from 9 a.m. to noon. Sundoy schedule al the church includes Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. and youth hour, 5 p.m. Nursery care is provjded during all sirvice:i. "--J\1r. and Mrs. Roy Swanson, of Costa Mesa, will attend th e International A11embly of Jelrovah'• Wltneues slated Ju· ly 14 through 20 at Los Angeles Dodger Stadium. Mr. Swanson is min ister of the Costa Mesa Jehovah's Witness congregation. Regular sabbath services will be held Friday, 8: 15/.m. by Temple Beth Davi of Orange County al Community DEMANDS (Continued from Page 4l Church in America. I I s leade rs promisetl to study his demands, but have given no definite answer to them. May 9 -He presented a so- called "bill" for $200 million to Iloma n Catholic officials here . Tbe Chance[y office rejected the demands, questioning the reparations concept repudiating ideas of the ~fu~~i~:s;~ a~~~co~;r~ife)~ ~~~ saying it caused deepened con- sideraUon of the "frustrations and aspirations of black peo- ple." May 15 -He appeared before the Unitt,d Presbyterian Assembly in San Antonlo. demanding $8 O million, whilesu p porting demonstrators-Simultaneously closed down Church offices in New York for five days. 'The Assembly, declaring It acted "not from fear but from love.'' aulhoriz_ed .a $250,000 outlay for projects among the poor, and planned a $50-million drive in their behalf. C o n g r e g a t\onal Church, KateUa and Bloomfield !'.ve., Los Alamitos. Rabbi.,, Bernard B. Goldsmith and Cantor Har- ry Newman will C1:1nduct services. Two worship services, &: 15 and 11 a.m., 1viU be held at Christ Lutbttan Cbur~~' 78Q. Victoria, Cos la Mesa, Sunday. The Rev. Lothar V. Tornow will preach "The ChangelesS Problem" al both services. Bi- ble classes meet at 9:30 a.m. Christ Lutheran Day School · gtrth" ~de graduates will receive -diplomas at the 11 a.m. hour. \Valther League 1~ill host new confinnants at a 6 p.m. dinner Sunday. CoslP J\fesa's Foursquare . Cbarcb, 1734 Orange Ave., will hold Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. with worship services following at 11 a.m . The annual renewal of wed- ding vows service is sc~ for Sunday evening. 7 o'clock. Following the ceremony, which will be performed by the Rev . W. \V. J\turrin, a receplion will be held in the church social hall. • Chaplain at the Y o u U1 Training School in Chino, Pastor Harry Howard, will be the guest speaker Sunday at Mesa Verde United Methodist Church. 1701 Baker St .. Costa ~iesa. lie will speak at 9 and 10:30 a.m. services. Pastor and Mrs. Cronic will celebrate their 29th an· niversary as pastors of the First Assembly of G o d Church, IS7 22nd St., Costa Mesa, Sunday. Pastor Cronic will preach "Looking Back lo ·Look Forward" at tbe morn- ing service. The Rev. Tom Cunningham, assistant district :superintendent of the Assemblies of God, will speak at the 7 p.m. servlcet. The Cronies have seen First Assembly Church through six · building programs and have watched the church grow from six adults to a congregatiOn of nearly SOO. "Our Basic Needs" is the sermon selected by Dr. Philip G. Murray for 10 a.m. services at Corona de! Mar Community Congregational Church. 611 Heliotrope Ave. Child care and church school are held at the same hour . An all·grade church school begins Jun e 15. busdl~ker will p~ach "The Poor Rieb Man and the Rici\ Poor Man" Sunday at 8:30 end 11 a.m. serv1ces 'for Newport Harbor Lutheran Cbureb, 2501 ClifC Drive, Newport Beach Clean-up, paln1 and work day will begin today at 9 a.m. to --prepare the parish house for vacaUon Bible school. Dates for tJie school are June 16 through 27 from 9 to 11 :30 a.n1. Monday Utrough Friday each week. Children 3 to 12 years old are eligible. Meeting at the S e n i -o r Citizens Building, 15th and Irvine, Newport Be a ch, Newport lJnlt Cburcb's con- gregation will hear the Rev. Loren Dale FJickinger speillc on "The Unknown Cod" at 10 a.m. services. Slngspiration will be held \Vednesday, 7:30 p.n1. Registration tor Catholic Youth Organiz.ation 's d a y ca1nps can be made with Everett Gorman at Kl '1-0000 or by writing CYO Offit-e 1612 N. Spurgeon St., Santa Ana, 92701, The camps will be held at Irvine Park July 7 through Aug. 1. The new film by Missionary Aviation Fellowship, lilied "I Met a Guy," will be shown Sunday, 7:30 p.m. at the Foun- tain V a 11 e y Presbyterian Church. 9420 Talbert. The Fountain Valley congregation sends financial support to. the f'ellow.shlp each month. At the 11 'a.in. service Pastor Stanley Allen will speak on "The Joy of Being a Christian." A vacation Bible school will begin June 16. Parents may pre·p:eisler their children by phohing either 962-3697 or 962- 3826. Sunday at St. John the Divine Episcopal Churcb, 2043 Orange Ave .. Costa Mesa, will be observed by a special service entirely composed and conducted by the young people und er the leadership of Col. Ciampa, youth director, al the 9:30 a.m. service. Su nday School awards will be presented as well as acolytes crosses. The earl}'. Communion service wil be held at 7:30 a.m. Preaching "A Prisoner of God," Pastor Roger G • Betsworth will address the congregation 0£ Community United M•thodl1~ Cbureb, 8682 Hell Ave.,~ H~ptlngtOI\.. Beach Church ocl!OoT and miner)' care are also available at these hours. Adult training class b slated ror June 15, 7 to 9:15 p.R\o ChUd care will also be pro- vided during classeo. Method.isl YoiJth Fellowahlp meets each S!Jn4ay, 7 p.m. in tile chun:h social hall. \Vorshlppera at Flnt Cbrll- tJan Clqptt, 79S V~ia St, C-Oata Meu wtll hear Pastor Jamu E. Piercy deliver a sennon enUUed "Whal the Bible Says Aboul Baptism" at 8:30 and 10:40 a.m. services. During the Vesper Hour, 7 p.m. he will speak on "God's lloly Day." Sunday school meets at 11:30 a.m. ~nd youth tral nlng services are held at 5:30 and 6 p.m . St. 1\1 a r t Prtabyteriu Church, 2100 Mar V I s t a , Newpart Beach, will be visited by Mrs. Duane Black, Sunday during JO a.m. services. Mrs. Black· who recently rtturned ... Ba%aar Tit1ae from the t8tst Gener a I Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of IAltter~ay S.lnts will benefit Assembly in s an Antonio, . from Newport Beach Ward's ~ual bazaar. Mmes La Von Mitchell (left} and · Texas, y,•ill· speak on "A La Var Merrill exhibit some of the items to be sold. The theme ot 'the June 13 Corner or the Garden." even is "Evening in Paris" and will be held at 801 Dover Drive, Newport Church school and child care Beach, from 6 to 10 p.m. , ar9 held during the worship ----------------------------'-----hour. "Three Jmportant Steps·• l:s the lille of the sermon lo be delivered by Dr. Vincent Gat- tuso ,Sunday, 11 a.m., at Churclt o1 tbe Cro1sroadl, meeting at Pacific View Chapel, Corona del Mar. Child care will be provided. Lutheran Church or lhe Master, 2900 Pacific View Drive, will hold S u n d a y worship :services at 8:45 and JI a.m. Dr. \Villiam R. Eller will speak on ''The Great Commandment." C b u r. c h school hour be1lns at 9:45 a.m. This evening. 6:30 o'clock, the young adults of the con- gregation will hold at cook-out dinner and re-organization meeting. · A potluck dinner Suod'ay, 5:30 p.m., will welcome Mrs. \Vav~ Chamberlain, a Board of American Missions Parish worker, sponsored by the Lutheran Church in America. graduates in lht congregation with Pastor Jones preaching "Whose Life Are Yo11 Liv- ing?" Each graduate will receive a gl!t f~om the church following the s e r v I c e presented by Youth Director Richard Reed. LOS ANGELES (AP) -'Ille Southem Calll9mla Synod ol tho U n I u d Prabytorlon · Olurcb hu cut blcl< Its 12.45 mlWon budge& by Ii percent be<iause ot' a 14 percent decllne In cootrlbutloos. Dr. Leo V. Kllaftr. chief eiecuUve of_&M_ W:church aynod, 11y1, .. It's ll'lybody'1 guess u to wblch Is the big- gest reuson'' for the drop in ~ntribuUons. He said Mond1y mem- bership has dee.lined to 1118,657 1 -off 2.,3&4 from last year. 1 Kliewer said some cbun:h members are diJlatbfled with the chu rch's involvement in social action programs an~ that he bu nollced fl?OWinl "anU-establi:sbment" leeUn11 a~ainst the church as an ln· sutution. Hospital S.eeks Gifted Helpers A volunteer program 1t now being organized at Westmins- ter Community Hoepltal to help. patients with arts and crafts. games, gardening or reading. Persons havinc ti.me and talent to donate tO the patients may phone the hospital •t aez. SSZ7 and recelve further in .. formation from Naomi Sabo. Di,.,..,. E1tr1or4i11•rr . ml I!. Coe1t Hwr. Coron• 0.1 NM ...... , "Divine Diversity" Is the ti-Science of mind classes of. LEARN TO S·WIM AT YOUR ORANGE COAST YMCA 642-9990 tle of Pastol" Henry E. Jones' fered by Ch~h of Retlgleu1 sermon to be delivered Sqn-Scltace of Lapaa Btacti, day, !t and 10:30 a.m. at Ceo-20082 Laguna Canytin Road , teal Blble Church, lllO E. 23rd ~w~l~ll~e~nd~th~l•~-~~k::_. ~G~ra~d~u~•~tlon~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ St.. C06ta Mesa. A special 1~ J. at 9 and 10:30 a.m. services. service at 7 p.m. wlll honor , May 20 -Forman appeared The Rev. George before the American Baptist ---------'--------..._----------------! Convention in Seattle, Wash., demanding $60 million, plus $700 million in aid to black s c h o o I s . Denominational leaders called a special con· sultalion ne1t Th'ursday .to decide a cour.Se of action. !\fay 22 -Forman sup- porters occupied offices of the United. li-1elhodist Board of Na- tional Miss.ions in New York, demanding $300 million for black economic development, plus $800 million for black col- leges, among other things. The one--day demonstration ended after the board agreed to hold an e,xtraordlnary meeting on the matter May 27. It offered an immediale $300,000 for black economic pro~ects but conlrol of the expendilure was in dispute. May 27 -ln St. Louis, the j:!eneral board of the Christian ,_ • Church Di,.,;plef"1>1-Cl!ri , allhough rejecting the manifesto's ideology and methods. recommended Chat all Church units redeploy IO percent of their funds to help the poor, and that the Church double its $2·milllon racial retoncjliation fund drive. BUSINESS AND . ·PRO FESSI ONAL GUIDE e · MATTRESSES e MATTRESSES DOAT8 • HOkEs • TRAILEBS trrepla.r 8ll•fel • Oo!llai Mna Matltt81 0.. i 111 Newport IN'Vd- Uberty 8·1303 UPHOLSTERY Mes~ Upholstery Uberty 8°4781 llSO NIWPOlT ILYD. PUT CASH IN YOUR POCKtl Sell un":anled ll~mt y,•ith a DAILY PILOT Cluslfied Ad. PHONE 642-5671 • LBGUNB fBOOPBL 88VINGS BBN HBLP YOU BUY, BUILD OP · 1MPROVB YOUR HOMB 260 Otliln AWflu• l•1un1 BMeh, C.llfomi• l11tphoM; 494-7141 r OvCr the past third of a ctntury we have financed hundreds of millions of dollars· in Orange County residential real estati:. All these )'Cars of cxpcricoce make it possible for our loan officers to offer you the important advantaga: of -' ..-~ " "6 " <'!---*"(:.,,_ ~'"· • .,._....,:..._.._,-.........:'I--Z.-T PERSONAL AnENTION AND SERVICE, hOMPT -loA.N CoMMITJ.tENTS AND ExPERT Eso.ow. We invite you lo ask our home Joan counselors .about our •FAVORABLE LOAN TERMS • CONSTRUCllON LOAN PLANS • FLEXIBLI! LOAN Pl.ANS • UNIQUE INTEREST RATE llBDUCINO PLAN Jl'hereyou I.ion-ow Doss ntflh•tll//.,.._.t ' ·- Sh9ppingnew home devetopQlents? ,---------------------· ' I . ( H......-.,. Computer Input Form 1 • , • ..,. ......... ,......,.c-l_C....,..., OFFICE USE ON!.Y a a a a I "-SlllCl"'"'a..-a.,._0-4 I P.0 .... 1111,LM-~c.i........~ , I I Heres a I •n••---...,,_ ... •-••=MoO..~ I I -·-·o I '"wt""'"" ~ .. 111111-: 0 ~~er • c.., $111 1 .. "'"' ,llte .. lloll!l1911 ..... ij\floo. • . (a.;:,IJ , I I wa -·Codi l1ll~l'Wlot>t N"""bl' , ¥-.•. ...M l•""'Y-"ll'IOI'''"' .. ,.._,..,._ I ·~-----------------------~ FREE OFFER: Thia computer form c1n tc:ad you to newly-constructed Mtdal!W>n Elcctrk Homes in new hoq'-~2 dcVelo.Pl'!"cnta in Central and SOuthem CaJl(omla. All the computer needt to know ii what kind o( home you w1nt, and It will match you up. Thoonncb ofhom'1 arclbted by 1be, prlc.e ind area . At Edison we call it our SHE• Alao, 1ilc your local Realtor PSOifllm. SHE stand1 for Seltct-to 1how you his aclccik>n Homea-Electron~calty. of Medallion Homes. And SHE can 10 to Work for you Sure.beau drivin'g all 0\-er with right now. a cir fu.1 1 of kids and maps, Juat fill ln the Houee-huncm doesn 'c Ir? . CompuJCT lnputForm. Jn 1 few days And this computer acrvicc: won'r you'll recelve a cxmiPuter ptjnt.out coat you 1 c.ent. of avallil::ile new Meldalllon Homa that suit your rcquiranena..· Compllfnents of Ed~ Southirn C1/l/om/1 fd/lfJtl ~- r I ' , ' • • • • f la Miami Oae Da9 It Was like Hav ing • • • • a ll'•r ,No One Came· To . ' •• ~ • :i -• • • • • , • 0 Edllor & Publl1ber Mqulne ft' What would ha'ppen if a metropGlitan lit dally .ctuaUy published all editions for ~ ane day with no stories of violence? t The Mlomi (Fla.) News Jeclded lo find ,:_ out and lhe May 16 non-violence issue will ~ be remembered for a long time to aime, fondly ... otherwise. .. All ltories of a violent nature were scrubbed, including features and sports F -even "B.C." was yanked (he was club- • bing a snake) and ; at long last, readers t: -everywhere -had an answer to the • clicbe question which probably started Z the day after Mr. Gutenberg first moved ' Alt ttew.tpapers -the DAILY PILOT incJuded -are accu,ed frequently o/ overplaving news of crinie and viol· ence and overlooking "good" newi~ Thil fs the 1tory of a paper that tried the no-violence formula. the type around: Why do newspapers print all lhal violent stuff? One thing happened, quite naturally, and happened early -!Le biggest run- ning story in weeks blew wide open before first edlUon dei!dllne. A Miami " ' ~hain Referral ' • ' .·. Usually, It's a Scheme to Avoid ' ~ • .. " n.m DATA, Publlsbed B11.GoMples . BtUer BuintN Bareaa -t Ally nputable business knows that 0 word-of-rnouth" adverti!ing ls effective. ' A · satiafled customer tells friends, relaUves, neigbbon. n is a spontaneous .. __ ,,_ , chain reaction t<r a C9mpany that _.... "'· quality products at a fair price, gives ;:-gooe;I aervlc,s and handles legitimate ·1 complaints fairly. BBB is all for il • But a Chain Referral Sales Plan is something else again. When It is ,. deliberately used as an inducement to buy, it ls usually a tool design1!d lo mislead the public. The ·usual approoch ls th.at the buyer can earn euy money just by giving the names of friends who "qualify" for the program, and that you can get this ~ duct at no cost to you. This aales ap- proach b IO concerned with selling you the idei. of making easy JDODey that fre- quenUy you have.. difficulty in learnlne . from the salesman j'ust what product is Involved. However, to participate in the program be presents, you must first sign ..C-tbe contract and perhaps make a small ., down payment •• The salesman usually torget.s to men· " . tlon lhat .the contract will be turned over to 4 lending institution and that with in· terest or careying charges, the total amount ls much more than the quoted selling price. He rarely mentions that you will have to make regular payments to the lending institution even though the money does not come to you f~om refer· ra1s. Complaints come to the bureau from customers who find It difficult to make their payments because they are not receiving money expected from refer· rats; or that they are unhappy with the product and do not wish to recommend it to their friendl and relatives or to give their names a11 referrals; etc. It must be remembered that this pr<>- position is put to all prospective customers and ii ten, twenty or as high as forty name3 of referrals are given by each customer, 1n a very short time, the total referrals~given by all these people would exceed the population of the saJes area It is not a realistic plan from the customer's point of view. Many itemJ sold on the referral plan cost nearly double the amount or similar Items of a recognized brand In reliable retail outlets. .-----Our Man In Sa11 Francisco ----~ " " . ' • " Kire Wind? Indeed Yes By HE RB CAEN - fugitive sought for murdering a policeman was captured In a sboot""1t. THE NEWS EDITORS were climbing the wall, but they held finn to their com- mitment. They led early editions wilh a garbage-worker strike story and the pink ediUon, five star final for street sale.s, rolled out .with a lead story on an ex-$4-a· day waiter being awarded $3,000,000. It was a barrl~d managing edilor, Howard Kleinberg, who at the end of what seemed like an elldless day, said, "W.ell, we did it -I think we proved a Jot, for the whole newspaper business. But I sure as hell won't ever do It again." The · non-violent day was Kleinberg'a idea. Llke all newsmen, he had grown up with ~ Incessant plaint f r o m subscribers : "Do you have to print all that violence? Why don't you people put good things in the paper? " DlSCAR.DlNG ";Milting good things tn lhe paper" aii: patently unworkable, Kle inberg nevertheless was determined to finally give the on1y valid non-violence answer -try it. Edilor Sylvan Meyer, under "An Edi· lion Without Violence" wrote an ex- . ~l&nation ~t the top of .Page One whlch, lh pa«. 18Jd: ' "What we have omitted today are the details, and the emphasis, on what often amounts to a numbing portion of gore, in· humanity and strife .•• "What does thls prove. , . ? What it may prove is that there is no answer to the oft-heard complaint that 'newspapers e1n- phasize violence' ••• "This de-emphasis of violence ror th.is one day may demonstrate that we, as readers, wouJd not receive from our paper an accurate and complete picture of the world around us if the paper prac· liced such deliberate selectivity every day and tried to shield us from reality." NON-VIOLENCE planning in the city room produced a certain violence, at least verbally. Some staffers ranted. Jokestc.rs, of course, 1plastered the bulletin boards. (One reporter, an· ticipating what turned out lo be the awful fact, offered a head to be used just in case the dragnet closed· in on that particular day on lhe fugiti ve in the murder search : "HOMELESS MIAMIAN FINDS SHELTER.") Along with "B.C.," conilc strips "Steve Roper" and "Orphan Annie" were withheld for the day -their space ran blank with a one-line explanaUon. Quick· ly, to all, it became .evident that defining violence isn 't so , easy as one might assume. What Is violence, as opposed to con· nlcL? Sports Editor John Crittenden withheld one story -a Ught feature; which ran the following day -but said his section was largely unaffected. At the I SAN FRANCISCO - 1 think we last moment, a seeming ly harmless should move ahud with plans to aban-entertainment slor'J' was yanked on the don Candlestick Park, if only to ce-grot.11d that if the Marquis de Sade ain 't l menl ow worldwide reputation for " violent, who is? general nuttiness. All good things .~ ~·,\)it' JN THE INNER SANCTU~I of news • come in threes, and this would round · \ ~ • decisions, it suddenly appeared that May ~..'.;}-";:" ~'.Mt~ ~ :· ~~'.~ ... ~t 16 was the most violent day in human -Erilbiiiadero ~-~iiiai"" · ._.... · ' . . history. -- < WORDWISE ... • ' 1 • Away With 'Meaningful Dial.ogues'! lt ls a good thing for you and me that Churchill · learned English and oot language arts. For If he hadn't learned English ("Blood, sweat and tears''), his England would have perished three decades ago. And then our American would have been left alone in I world o( pernicious Ideologies a n d relentless dic- talors. I put th is stress on "reading skills" and "language arts" because they are the most obvious symplom of a linguistic blight that some one has called "Educan- to." A teacher who has mastered Educanto can rattle off such expression.> as ';life-0riented curriculum," "learner· centered merged curriculum," "em· pirically-valkiated learniOJ package" and "mulll·media and multi-mode curricula." And such a teacher can easily assure you that "underachievers and students who have suffered en vi r o:n mental deprivation can be helped learning-wise by differentiated staffing and elaborated modes of visualization." OF COURSE, this passion for pompous and opaque expression is only the merer. beginning. The higher we go in the educa· Oona! maze, the more overblown does the lingo become. Our universities have in fact become jargon factories: the more illustrious the university the more spec- t;acular its output of jargon. And let some one find an awkward. inflated way to say ~ simple thing and lhe wbole academic pack will take it up. , I once remarked to a gro4p of distinguished scholara that they would be offended if some one offered them the see<lnd·hand clothes of a Harvard pro- fessor, but they seemed only too proud to dress their thoughts in the man's second· hand gibberish. I Token from. an address by Wallace CaTToU, ed itor and publisher of the Winston-Salem Journal and Sentini:l. Title of the address was "Murder, 1tlayhem ·and the Mother Tongue." Speaking of Harvard , we were told a few days ago by the faculty that the old place is about to be "re-structured." That word, if it really is a w o r d, conveys lo me a piCtUf\! of w h a t Attila did to Eur- ope, and f)tl'haps Harvard deserves as much. Certainly something is due an in- slltutioo that turns out schoolan who speak like this : "You muit havi! the means to develop coherent concepts that are sufficient to bu,lld up a conceptua1'struct11tt which will be adequate to the experiential facts you want to describe, and, which will not only allow you to characteriu but also to maDipulate possible relaUonahipg you had not previously seen." lN A SPlRIT OF !\1ERCX I shall skip wh at is done to the language Madison Avenue-wise and business-wi~, and pr<>- ceed directly to the ape.x Of government jn Washington. Here we discover that the President doesn't make a choice or decision: he ex- ercises his options. He doesn't send a message to the Russians: he initiates a dialogue -hopefully (and what did we ever do before the haphazard "hopefully" came along ?) a meaningful dialogue. He doesn't try to provide a defense against knockout blow: he seeks to deny the enemy a first-strike capability. He doesn't simply try somethlng new: he ln· lroduces innovative techniques. All this and more be does after in«pth ana!ysis has quantified lhe available data as input so it can be conceptualized and finalized for implementation, hopefully in a relevant and meaningful way. OF ALL PEOPLE, those who write and edit the news should be the guarijians at the gate, the protectors of the public against this kind of barbarh;m. But what do we do? We not only pass along to the reader the Educanto, the gobbledegook: and the fedeglese; we even add some nifty little touches of our own. Thus the resourceful reporter is likely to uncover meaningful decisions and meaningful dialogues all over: the landscape. Or rather at all fevels -the national level, the state level, the com• munity level, the frog-pond !_eve!. And in every community -the sclentiflC com· munity, the academic community, the black community, the business com· munity, the dog-catching community. THEN THE EDITORIAL writers do their bit. These meaningful dialogues, they assur~ us, are adding new dimensions to our pluralistic society. And where this same society is going to stack all those new dimensions is something tha t will really call for some jnnovative techniques, Then we 1et the syndicated columnlst who writes like this: "The key element in th is mix of Nixon amelioratives and public concerns is that ephemeral ele· ment of confidence in the President and his conduct of the office. lf Richard Nix· on were in trouble on the personal con· fidence dimension , he could well be on the brlnk ol imminent slippage." nowhere, and the Palace pf Fine Arts, Anotn r~~~:;,~'9.•M~ '"'ig.~~~·.(lqf_r,t.g.ti~l~~r.~. w . w~ which cost almost $8 million to rebuild . ed robbefl~ !lffirt'bTOO(!t~lriiti\i~~Jii?"..,l<il'ft and isn't going anywhere either (bav ~N ONE EAR: You diehards who said Kleinberg. "Then, at 7:15, what do -.,t.. ... you noticed, too, that it looked belte1 sh~ dream of a Gol~en Gate Bridge we get but the nightmare-the shoot-out as a ruin?). Candlestick cost only $15 painted gold ma.y. start dreaming capture of the fugitive ." million or so. and It is getting on to 1 8 1 glaandin. ~~~ techharucians ofvetedr at Marlde There was last-minute press ure from years old; that seems a reuonabl s int c;;:;..,. to vie. r~ ~ 8be'r wildly frustrated editors . to dr~p lhc retirement age for a structure that pa -P~ 0. 1 is now " ng whole idea. ' was obsolescent to begin :OVith. tested . on the bridge itself;, But the "\Ve were tempted,'' said Kleinberg. H~ever_. we draw the line at a~aUy test will take about a year. "Then we decided -good or bad -we tearing 1t down. Maybe the kids at FOOTNOTE : Originally, the bridge would stick to the commitmeot. What nearby Hwtters Point could use the could we do? Announce we would wait for whole joint as a playground. Can you WAS to have been painted gold -until a non-violence day until some nice day lhin,k of a ~tter. place in lhe w~le avlatioa and shipping interests com-when lhert: wasn't any violence ?" wor.d for kite-flying? plained.about that color's low visibill· What was the reacUon of readers on ALONG WJ'rB the highest incidence or death caused 6y cirrhosis or the liver, a nonpareil suicide rate and a record ratio of saloons to churches, San Francisco has ach.ieved ano1her notable plateau: the highest density of cars in the world -7000 per square mile. When I first heard this figure, I v.·as given lo doubt, but a little cbeck· ing conrirm.s It: in our 47 square miles, we have 331,713 registered passenger vehicles -only slight):y less than one per two residents. And this doesn't include our ~.000 trucks, 8000 motorcycles a n d thousands or cars driven in daily by commut.en. A3 4or our police, they conless they tag only about 3300 cars dally for illegal ~arking -indication that •bout 328,000 cars are Getting Away With It. every da.y! A3 we who drive downtown know, there aren't any legal parking places. If you (ind a space that k>okr !Ike one, avoid ll Probably booby·lrapped. like a S1.JCktt ia a toplesa Joint. .. DICS GUGGENHEIM Is boggled by ~ afcns on the Powell cables: "''Dilcever Utah on Your Way West!"· Via """ Koql ••. And Blli ,Dcvlln, noted liun>pet lllrtp spolter. noted thls one oh a cat dr1veo by 1 duprnan: "'llon"t lltpent -The End of the World Has Been Called OFF.'" Ah me . --. ly. Especiall y adamant was Pan American, whose low-and-slow Clip-that day? pcrs of that era barely cleared the "We were primed to face anger from bridge towers on takeoif. But that was nil sides," Kleinberg said. "We got one a long time ago, boobie. Still and all, 1 furious call, that first day. A subscriber prefer the bridge's red paint, doa't raised tce-lolal hell about 'Orphan Anni e' You? being left out. We had to read it over the '1WHERE'S JOE DUNN!" Thal 's lhe message on bumper stickers now appearing a.round town, and maybe you'd like a translation . • • In the &pring oC 1968, Navy Lt. Joe Dunn, fer- rying an unar!Jled prop plane across the Gull of Tonkin, was shot down by a Red Chinese jet. Navy unils were all set to go to his rescu'e -the beeper on his life raft was heard for eight hours -when the Pentagon called off the search: Joe Dunn had landed inside Red Olina 's 12·mile limit. and presumably was taken pi::isoner •.• His wife, Maureen, who li\'e.s in Boston, "warned" Navy brass she'd gi\'e them one year to do something about this -but, she says, the)''ve done "absotuttly nothing" aside from writing a note or protest. to the Chinese mission in Warsaw.· •• "The year is uP, the fight btglns," she says as she lines up supporters all over the. country (lht l~al campaign is bf.Ing handleG by Frank Frye of Hastings Law College). She won 't rest, she vows. unlil she gels an answer lo the quesUoo: "Whtrt's Joe Dunn?" • phone." · One other rea ction was a bit disturb- ing. In what Editor ~1eyer termed a "concession to reality," a short index headed "Violence in Br ief" had given bare outlines of deleted major stories. LARRY JINKS, managinl( editor or the nerald, ca11ed KleJnber1 to ask If the 11erald could buy an ad beneath the index which said: "For _details, see your Atiami Herald." For days after U1e non-violent issue, letters of praise mounted in volume to the News. (Alorig with some less happy ont>s which spoke of "censorship.") The issue was · called a "gallant gesture,'' "humanitariani~m" and other n l c e things. But, one which might be pertinent for other edlton said, in fuS : "To the Editor, Miami News: ''All right. You win . A newspaper with no vkllence is hard!)' a newspaper and I'll try to rcmembtr I'm mad at the world 1s It Is, and DOt the news or reporters. J. David Hower." · . Arr even ~re pertinent ln-lrade com· ment might 6e Kleinbcrg'1, summlng up of staff opinion. "Trying lo put out a newtipaper without violence could kill a man.'' ' lie then took a week of(. By VIRGINIA CONN Assistant Editor, Navy l\otqazine Somewhere deep in the Pentagon, I am CQnvlnced there is a little office whose sOie purpose is to turn out acronyms, air breviatjon~ and memorable code names: for military expressions, equipment, titles, programs, projects and places. It must be• fun place to work, because some of the re.suits are pretty hilarious. Some of them can be confusing too, ~ut loyal military personnel use them anyway, gallantly Impressing t h e i r civilian friends with a barrage of weird words and numlierl. - To the military man and his £amily, or to those who ha\lt aerved in the military, such expressions as DOD, ETA, PX and • TAD are so common that no explanation is needed. But to most civilians, they are as alien as a foreign language. {ln case you are among the uninitiated, a brief glossary follows below.) THE NAVY HAS lots of favorite ab- breviations which are accepted Jn both written and verba1 conununicatioo, from a love letter to light repartee at a dinner party. These Include RON (Remain Over Night); ASAP (As Soon As Possible (or practicable in the old achoo!)); SNDL (Standard Navy Distribution Ust); and CNO (That's the top man, known as ClUef of Naval Operations). , Every 1htp and""lllane has an ab-' breviated deSlgnaUon, and only the very brave drop words like F-4, CV A and DE -unless he kno1'-·s that the first is a plane, the second an aircraft carrier and Some N•edf Acren11'" • end Aliilwe1Jlatloiu - A Ch'lfllll'I """""' OIHHrt 9' C-H..,.' Mrtflrl'lll Mii ,...,..,.._ .... AIM-Mii ltl!ltllc Min i .. Al$0P-Artlfkltl 1E1rttl S.19'1111• otlJef' v111dr! Proer•m AO~tOV-l•.,.. •SNll'M)-Auhl-" ~.,., ol tnt N....., tPIM11Cltl Ml--1) ASW-Anll-~int ·WMf•,.. IA~11k Atln1nce for Q~ •OQ..-4~• omc ... , Qu,trftri CAG-tlrrlol!r Att G,_ Cl-C-tuctlon llll1lllH'l-lhl f'l111Y'5 ... _ CIC-C'Cl<lllbtt ll'lferfl'l•llofl Ce11tw (NM-Clllff .. N1v1I Mlllt\el CO-Commtftlll!lt Oftk« ' COMClllUOEKANT-ComPNnMr, crvi.. CPO-Cllltf JI.tty OITIC.tr OE-Ofllro'fjr l!IC'OFJ OIME~loll ll!llll'O'ltd Mt~ E11til'>Nrlnl '''"°"' OMl-OeMlll,.rlr.M Z- ET~ltf T.,,.. ef Arm .. "AW-f.IMI Alf" Wlrlt FU&AR-Rllltd Ull &~ AM illt111l1 OCA-Grevrif Coft1r111ff AHrMdl Ht-II!!-~ f.l~O JCs-.Jolflt C.ltfl el SIM1 LJ::..lON ill~ fl<Kl""'k H1•i91tlerl ITIMJ .ir1ltltll I .. , It tlllt Oftt) • ---• • o.c1"1>-F""lll•• to tn1111t dv!u_, t1t Offlcff'I WINffN lfllOI L~lllllrot Slel\AI otflelr H.u-Hl'ftl Air Slltllln HlllTC--Nll'ltll 111.1..,... Tr11ni111 Ctnh<r ~"'°" ... OOp....ofllctr ., thl dtck OPNAV-otfltl of Ille Chit! ol Nn1t o...r.i11111 ~ OSD-Olflu of thl St<r.t1ry ol 0...... f'OA-PICllk OC..it AN• PTA-Tllll -""'flt ,.,,.._ Ttcll"lc4il A#fWdl PC~'°"""'l\oe C-.MiW. oftlc« PX~rt t~ llolln from ltle ·-111.0T•f-lt~ -0.Wlollmtlll. lnl .. 11'11Wtlool 111.l'S-•Mlfr ,,. "" 111.H~....it HM Ill ,.rlwlltt" iltUM-Am'llft U""-•!er M111i..i1.,_.- ,..._.Ml$-.Sellllleil A111t lllllllllc MIMI,. $CU9,._..ll C111t11Mt1 UllHl'W1ler .,..Ill,.,. """".-M SftH.-IKfftWY tf "" Nl'IY $()Q-$kll ... ...,,..,._ ...,,., eflloN ·~-,,.~ f'ltnl1 ll"A~ -Cottt G-.-1 ~t ., .. ~ l/l'WYlllll!N P'lltfOrl!I !of Ac:Dlntk lll.f9ilrdl T AO-T4ofilllltrll'f l.fdllllnll Ovty U1NA-Uftlt .. llt"'"9 N1W1I A~' WAYliS-W-Acc.iM for VOMllltY Emtr'lfllO' krvkt the third a destroyer escorl. Each project has its own code name too, pieferably an acrorlym thi t suggests what the whole deal is all '3bout. For in- stance, SCRAM stands for Short Range ' Attack !\fissile, a title which n1ight have special meaning for an ordnance man, particularly if the range were really very short. A program called Selective Curtailment of Reports and Paperwork naturally was shortened to SCRAP. Unfortunately, SCRAP also seems to have been scrapped since government wo rkers hale to part with their papers and COMider most of··them loo impor.t.ant lo throw away. • The widespread use of acronyms and abbreviations hopefully cuts down on some of the paperwork and much of the long wi.nded conversation th11t could result 1rom the use of a whole phrase. And immediate reaction is forthcotn- lng, belieye me, when a Na·vy captain to yells to his· crew, "G-0-Y·A," which according to the U.S. Naval lnslitulc's Naval Terms DlcUonary, ls a slang e1· pres.sion meaning "Get Off Yoar Tajl!'' • Saturday, June 7, 1969 The Comment .Page of the Daily Pilot seeks to inform and stimulate readers by presenUng a variety of com- nfentary on topics of inter~ ·est and significance from informed observers a n d 11pokesmen. l ob*<t N. Wood, Pilbll!llK~ ---• ' •' ---.. - -- --- --------------------------~----.---------------- CHEcKING -·-~ .. UP-_!_,_ --- ~ . ··-. DAILY 10.10 SUN. ,10·7 • • There're 91 Boys To Evety 1 OQ (;ll-l~ · By L. M. llOYD who ellllded ·jarpie m!r> AM ASKED WBICB· United tlon. MOit imqiNtive. what! S~ city has tJie fewts\ But maybe ui.! old boy WU thtmdeTstonns. .BeU.eve. §au 'foundina bis fiction on fact, Diego cfalms !h;lt diltlncllooo-• alter J)I. In a -1! town near .• OUR NAMB GAME MAN -Toledo Ohio, tile medieos says be bu Dtftl'~~ 1 girl · stud)'bi, the cue of a 37-year- called Helt.rt wM wam't et:-old woman who appears to be- ficienl, capable, and hilblY 11> alfllcled with an ailment tbeJ dependent. • • . IT IS A call cbn>mJdn>ola. Symptom;. SCIENTIFIC FACT t bat plirple peripira,ilon. drink,e(l_get drunker on fewer CUSTOMER SERVICE : Q. • drinks Jn llenff!: than b),-Son "Here'• one tw your Love and Francl8C:f>. ,' ;. War m8n. I'm 19, and my LOVl'AJ'll> W~· r Gli;IS gister b three years )'Ounger. aged ·j l :to· D •W>d lo """"' Last. SuJiday, my boy friend, lads ~ 2.0/ to '24 •. Wbit'i wben leaving our house, kissed dis~ ~lhla .. at f!IO her good·by. i mean· on tile moment b that 1ii Q go lips. My slR6 is no baby, and groups there are only J.I til>Y•. it wun'I esactly a good-bye for tvery.100 girls.~ $ltua-~ kiss. But she · ~ed •1$1 lion b Inequitable ilicl. •acl. -away, and It w.i, obVlous· she Very sad. For th~ ndt. fiv~ · was surprised IDCi upset, and years, tbe girls will cont1°1ae he was embarrllsed. WbJt..in to· outnumber the boya corr-the world can I ' ..•. _,.?"''.&..' .. siderably. After . that, the Shrug it off, young lady. It's populati~n analysts say, the his minor mesa. ·!et ~ cJ~ supply of marrlngeable young It up. That's oiil\ [,,".an<f .. \V. men will grow some, evening man's counsel in this matter. the odds. But these young Besides you know what old ladies who do not find Robert 'Louis stevemon said: matrimonial mates now, what "Give me the Young mu who are they to do?· Give up! ba9 brains enough to make a Never. Ten years from now , it fool of himself " is" likely numerous seasoned STAMMER:... It ls common women in their thirties. will ._ knowledge among the pr~ marry youths straight out of ducers of 1 y n d i c a le d scbooL That is our Chief newspaper features that a eel'· ProP.OStlcator's predicUon. tam internationally k now n JUST BEEN INFORMED .. cartoonist of, immense talent that J.,udwig of Bavaria turned stammered most. of bls-life. gray overnight after be con· Stammefed badly, 'too. So bad. demned his wife to de.a~. Iy be even had t9 write notes" Maybe, maybe. But "by is ll to people be was tryjng _to tal.k all the people who •ll,;Jed!Y to face-to-face:. Tben he got turned gray overnight did so rich And the stammer le.ft Iona ago in a foreign llnd! •• • him· complett. JNTEllIOR DECORATORS, •. please note: Scientists contend their cxpe;riments show you can better distinguish fine shades of color aftel' drinking a little coffee. MEDICINE -In "The SUn Also Ri.!es,'' EmesL Hem· ingway described a w~iter Your quutionl and com- ments ar1 t.otlcomtd and Will be wed whnever pos· siblt in "Checking Up." Address mail to L. M. Boyd, in car• o/ th< DA/LY PILOT, Bo:t J815, Newport B•neh, Cali/., 92663. . ' ROYAL PORTABl.f TYPEWllJER S,unda11 Onlt1 NOW Otw Prire 39.88 $29.88 ~kes an idea! Graduation R e'G .. ,; gilt. eg .......... WALLACE DELUX~ 6'2" , . FOLDING BED 944 State ~eady to Send 11 1dl'!le.,•l .. !o•r these extra houseguesll or camping trips. Property Tax ~ebates SACRAMENTO (AP) - State Controller Howiton I. · Flournoy stood in a room full or money Friday and said it's ready to go back to some of the taxpayers who paid it. 2.S million noni)ayroll WIU'· ranta a year. More ti.aims, are coming in from the counties. he said. Each warrant . was printed by the same electronic datl· processing equipment which sorted the claims. Each Is being malled in a manila-<.'Ol· Flournoy held a news con- f erence in the auditorium o{ the State Veterans Affairs Building, whlch bas been turn- ed into a massive vault to st.ore th~ warrants giving 2,235,000 · Californians a $'10 rebate on last year'• property taxes. ored window envelope. · Club Lauds Two HBBoys He slid the $156 million· in warranta will be pJcked up by Eric Hammer and Tom the post office next Tbunday DeGuelle. t w o Huntington for delivery !hat W'!'kend. Beach higb lchool lludentl, Flou.--noy said · biJ office ha•e been presented with found 16,900 duplicate claims youth aclivlty awarda by the while checking the lisb sub-Hunt.lngtoo ~ Kiwams mitted bY the counties. one CJ~~ two were cboaen from property owner filed nine . ~•u~ b 30 claims,.he said. .. nommees au~ Y ROil.out UNIT Sunda11 On111 · 1.44 Our Reg. 1.117 Moves heavy appliances But Flo\U'DO)' iaid t h e 1ocal cburcbes - duplicati.m ifo .iiol-1in .. n ... YOI .110. w· . ...,,: , property owner tried t o ~ defraud the state. Many, ht ~f~~.r;~~.;..=i~ YOUR' CHl~D ~:o;:t!f'-91!• claim wnuld WllL-lEARN- While the slate's computers . · ;~~. :,. c=:; TO SWIM AT were found which .were filed BlUE BUOY by -wbo hadn~ pald their state Income tu. So the . $70 rebate wu applied to the AM S. Wll ,Y._ Income tlxes owed. A r' '•• ............. Flournoy qid the massive ..... ~ ,_.. mailing is about the 5l1Dle aa a 546 1 • full year's work for his office, • which normally Issues 1boUt I See By Today's , Want A'ds: THAT IT'S DIME A Ull DAYlll FOLDING METAL TABLE*· Sunday Oill11 5· ·76 3·Fold enamelled metal table It 24x60'' when open. closes· to card table 1ize. Sturdily 1up. !f.1"'-Carrying hand!~ Charp Keg. 8.88 • llJfllf .. QMntlty, M-S.N ft ..... '> U.OUART SUDE . TOP WASTE BIN s,. .... Oal11 f97 O.r Reg. ·z.H Polyethylene waste bJn, 44. quart alze with 11Jdc top, In gold, avocado -or wblte. Jith.l for the kitchen. Ju 1 t 111. ''Charp It.'!. ~ . Sltll'dl1, :JUlll 1, 1'69 ' . COSTA MESA ONLY ., . ,, ~Alfi 100% CO TI ON SCOOPED NECK AND smvaw TOPS Sundell OraJ11t J33 . Reg. 1.118, 1.-1 Popular tank tops a:o w:ltti everything! Combine them with skirts, stlorts. alacks! Lus~ous p a s t e I .. _ zingy 81riJ>Cs. Shes S~M-L.1Save. MEN'S . SPORT c:AMIU Dl'1. Focal 126 Camera S11nda11 Onl!I CO'Af SALE 200' REH., WI Sunda11 0•111! 0 7 88 Tarpon p1alds and neat sttr· sueker &tripes! 2 • 3 button n-J• "7 sinr1e breuted 1tyte1. ncg. ••• 7.14 Sunday Onl11 58c Reg. 74e Reg. 9.117 S.unda11 Onl11 ' Nationally advertised .22 caliber. Box ot ~ copper coated, non· corrosive carl-rtdaa • ::.~·~·-~ .... 77« Film. Oash cubea. bAtteries. AN INITALOAD CA.MIU MODIL IC Jt.UI - 22" Push Type Rotary 3 H.P. MOWER • AT A SAVINGS Su.U.a11 Onl11 3768 72" Air Mattress Our Reg. 44.88 S11nda11 . Onlll K mart'• own moweT with Brig.. & · 6 7 C Stratton® recoJI 1tarter enitne. 22" fteg. 97e •ta&&ettd wheel "U" type handle, 7?:''J(n'', mounted 1in&]e engine control, Battled. WI h --~-• w Charge 1t1 !l•:!i:;;5;l1m"iii'~i'iim!iiii""iii· lllll 66~ ne,;. 77e SA YE OH STURDY 2o~GAL TRASH CAH Su'!fla11 Onl11 f68 • Dbeount Prleetf Can it or hcav'y-duty, &alvan· 17.ed steel, with tight-fitting metal cover. 20 gallon aize. Sbop K ma.rt for bouaewves and save. Sundau; Ordfl 337 Gold I. Avocade ,Just the thing for sum· mertime entertaining. STURDY -ALIMJM i TRASH CART Su .... ., °"'" 466' Rew. 5.117. Ughtwelaht but 1turd,y a1umt inum except tor bottom frame, Will hold two :iOop.l• Ion 11.ze trash can&. lutt: 1q, ''Olara:e lt'' at K mui. . , -.... ---. . • " .. SafAINlf, JU111•7, 1969 , .. L umhe~ Not .Cri ticai !Fi=, ~OP~POS=.~D T=O~~llDOg;AYE9iI:~~~· ~==,~ . But €ow'· ia • ..) 1-· • Be,_ Newport Builder Warm , 'lt!D· ROUTE?' . -... ,, ,.,..,... •, ,...., .. ""••ekt ....... c.-·=---CAU•$47""67 - 0-tlOoi end I Comment SAN FRANCISCO -~pply e,f lumber for the -bulldinl induolri·ll not, at • criUcal point• at Ibis time, but u -ttal-·reacl> their projected u million level In the ln0nth1 ahead. we wUI f•ce • crl~cal 11 ..... tlon. .... ,.,, -IMt• ..... C.llt. -24-H9ui' ••• ....,, - llnpoNlloao ol U.S., lumber In lumber In the near future, lhe~========~=======~ .-;revs hU lllil "a fc •overwbelmln( majorfly o!I· ollopl .... t!Je' d.,.. 11 c Illa mlll _.. Aid they ( ~.:'":.:~-'in. a -= J".s~be~ :~ ; t ~ r '°"' tbmnb "as the ) prbur, ble." ' • ... ' ' , • .. By R11ltor Randan McCirlllo •.. A frkinrll of mine et work has a beautiful mountefn cabin We IN lnttn1ted In buj'lnfl. The price ....,,, rftht Mtd ftl• terms ert ruson1ble. He has 1 ''life ettatll'' in th,e p~perty. May we buy his life estate? Whit ere the ramifications? J . S. Cost• Mes• · Yes~ you may, but I don't recommend it. Jf you buy sornebrie'1 li1e estate and he dies next week, you a.re no ·loriger the owner of the estate. An estate for life is ownership for the owner's life or for the life of another person. •, A life estate may be created by deed or by will. A person who owns a life estate can sell, at lease it, •'r eveQ borrow money on it, but all Ule buyer, Jeisee, 9r lender will get is an interest that ends upon the death cf the owner of the life estate •. , for one cannot grant more than he has. If you are still interested, S9' your attorney. . · • ·-Investing Shifts -·So stated' Newport ·Beach to Early Year • LOS ANGELES -Siri't lhe lntemal Revenue S e r v l c e altered Its ruling on prepaid interest -in e[fect slicing out fKI percent of the tax benefits -one unnoUced result has beeo a dramatic shift from end.()f-year land inve_,tmcnts to early-in-the-year ·land in- vestments. This is one partlcu1arly ln· teresting reSJJlt ot the aon- troveriial IRS ruling. u noted by Pre·Bullder Land C41'PMa· home builder ·Da\ltd Youna dyrin& a meetf,rtg · of the California Builders Conference TuesdOy. The meeting was held In, conjunction with the CBC· spaneortd Pacific C o a 1 t Builders Conference, which opened Wednesday . Young, a prominent delegate to the. CBC and president ol Ute Building Industry Mso<la- lion ol California, reported on his recent fact-finding trip to Japan, a naUon whose huge ..,..,,. al a H ~ ,!Ut In 5°"'o IO ,..._ oNhU tuip: • · -cools• eiurllle the ber ~ earmarked for 0 bb-pUt year..'' . Yo U 'D I em.-"' p111Ue<1. • v"~.f.1\18 the u . s l. )le noted that durin& bis' ~~ .aui;v. 0 ( I Japan trip u part ol m,expert "I don' fhlnk1iapan has aqy i..,lr force ~ f~ O!f1dtb lntentloa of CIJ!llng back Ill ' bull4inl ' execl&tfvei L IA. lru)Gi111 'ol }Umber. In fad, govemmentaJ"npieiei,iaUvel; ·their Imports 11>.far lhll ~ . he •vlalted wveral .lumber arefar_~'ol lut >:•r.: ' mills, houslnc projedl ...i Young concluded that u lhe leading Japaneae buJlnw ex-borne building lnduAry •!>' ecutives. ,pro.cbes ita ptojec\ed 2.S He explained Utal · while miJHoo booalng starts, vitally some of Japan's I e ad in g De«f!!d aubstltutes for )umber buslneumm aald there would will h~~e· to be found U the be a 15 percent cutback in curre~. importaUon r a t e Japane,. lmporlllloll .• f penilt& Lusk Hom.es ·Opening To Benefit Hospitq,l tlon, one: of the largest ln· Grand opening of decorator benefit Hoag Me m or I a 1 "' ,_. lh 1 t.tlk r,ou n•v• 1'.K•ntly' y., ._.. loned thit ALL t er natldhaJ , resea~ tnodel home.s in the fifth unit Hospital, William D. Lusk, • ;ioni ,IP'"'r''! land investment finns. · of Lusk Hom.es' Harbor View pre°sidenl of Lusk ijomes, has us, r~rd ess of our proffis I, are In tM 'lpedple Exp 11 j,n e d · pr ealdent Hills, Corona · del Mar, will announced . t»~slnas,t •. '.~·~.·not ..sur.e I •tr'!' wl~Y°'f, '*' I am Nicholas Troy of p B L Cusk said 'an invitaUonal lntri ....... ·l'm Jn ·no way a sal"nian, I 'Im• chemist. Researeh• Corporatioft,~tbe ,preView showing of the ff •ppllcab .. ; pt.ale comm•rit further. Thenks. research ann pf Pr&-B\UI~ Lyon .. · Par'k . decorator modils will·be -held . : , • .. } ·\~ , .: . H. W. F~riteln V•llity Land: ''The IRS ruling banned 7 on TuJ:sday, June 10,· to be Perhaps Arnold .J. Toynbee explained it better than prepaid interest of five years followed by·five days of public J did, when be wrote 111 believe there may be some -tl\oogh this ruling is sWl C.l-UB ~I RECTOR. w· showings in :which personis things that some people may ·know for certain, but I under a cloud since a court ·mnerS · visiting tbe moo~ls 'fill be also belilivt_that tnowable things are not what matters challenge ls inevitable. Robert Flgerla asked to contribute $1 to the most to any hdman being. "However lhe ruUnc also o·r Nuggets bospitalJund. • A ood ·. · stated that an ipvestor may ·R F • • . 'T1le fifth unit dtn:lopment .: g rnathematicl~n may,t~w, the .truth about deduct one year's pre~id in-• 1ge1ra at Hartu;Vie\f H1Qs includes numbers, and'fl good linguieer may lnow h'ow to make terest plua the current year A Newport Bea~ developer 88 homes in the $41 ,950 to physical for.c84,. sez:ve hl.s purposes. But the' ·engineer ~ Unde; the fonner f'el\l!alions: .ff· ea·ds Ooh and an Irvine Randt .housing $64.,'lSO • price range 0 n and t.be mat])ematiclan '8.re hwn~n beings first -so investors .woukt wait nW the tract }lave been • pruented .~ land. Nearly all of for them, a1 well,;•11 for me, what inattera: most is not very end of th:e y8-to mate Gold Nuaet aw 1.r d s, the .292 homes 'in the inilial 8!!e's know1edge ·and, 11,111, but one's relations with their land inVestmeitt and Robert N. Figeir:t has been eriiblemalic . of · outstanding four uiUta: hive already been oth~r people. We do hay~ to be e11;gineers Or mathemati· shelter a portion of their iir named director of the Lake value and design in" home sold.• Clans, but we do · . .u have. to deftl With other people. come through five y,m of. Foresf Beach and Tennis Club, building by Wesk!m ~ers. Additional 'homes are plan· _ And these 'relftions qf ours· with.' each Qther, w~h prepald intcr'5l • it was ~.J~.s week by The .awards· to the William ned 'for Harbor Vjew Hills are the really· i.JJ\portaqt thin ls .in life, ·are . also the. Under the nCJ! regµJ~~ m-• Robe ft · E. Jb,rdelity,,,.... vlee Lyon ~,Development Co. of following·Uie completion of the really dil11cu1t things because it is here that the gues-yestor who ~~,!d.' ·prqj>etty ·president in charge ot devel~ Newport and '"I)e Park" on filth unit. . ..,,,.. of · ht d' ' • i · · in May cari Jo'lq>GJ' interept fv •mg•.for· the Deane Brothen the Irvine Ranch were an-· Mov,e-in fQr .the .fourth unll •11cvu rJg an wrong-comes n • • ~ , . eight months pl\ls OJM:.Jear.' . .1 ~unity in southeastern nooncedWednesdayduringth.e ,hor,nes,.at ot ... "".hic)I already • Actually, we. haye to make the ,best Judgment w_e The later be w,alta, ibe·am.oller <>ran;e.. County. opening session of the Pacific have. been aold, 1s expected to can about what ts nght, and then we have lo bet on 1t his shelter. If he dellJI hJt Figelra will direct a 11 Coast Builders Conic~. •begin in July, with completion by trying ~o ,!'18ke ourselves act on it without being land lnvestmeflt into ~~~ast . JJeiUyies at the $ 5 o o, o o.o The Lyon finn was awarded scheduled by ·early September. sure about Jt.· · .. month or two bl .the ~ear; as recreaUon complex on the the grand prize in tbe s~lc Lusk Homes, one of the ~DITOR'S NOTE: Rand4lL R. McCardle 11 Cm 1nWstmt11t was comm~n under former shores of Lake. Forest's 16-family borne categwy under Southland's -J.eading home l ' ··-t I h R -' E ll 1 IRS regulali~, Ke 19 Uaeo aere lake, focal .....i .... or _."'e 1,650 . viuare feet for Its builders, has constructed more ana tlS , pres1"4n o t e e.... 1tater1, a co eot · tcturer, able •· pre~y mte-• for th .,......... "" ...., •'-o ooo •-val ed · d . t I h c 1· i -· "" ,... ,.,.. • e 900-acre community:. . . "Bravo" project in Sau Jcne. w•an 1 , 1,1\Jmes, u 1n 4 rrec OT o t t d t/ornlU Auodat{on of Rtol Estate balance of the curren~ year, He ............. to , "•· Fo-•t The Park was "·--....ii excess of a quuter of a billion Teachers, author of "Rtal Estat• in Califdmia.l' Stfld "OUr I _,,, pl the ... v .. K4 1'-ltA. ·~ "-::' ........ · nd Ro • one. or wo mo1J¥•S, us . from Rancho Bemardd Inc. prize winner in the sam e ,OOllan. questiom a comment& to ndoll R. McCardU, c/.o the ensuing year" · . • • . ......._ _________ I Daily Pilot Boz 1560 Costa Mesa· 92636 . · It . b 1 · h dded th t where he was director of the ca,U!gory I.ft the. 1,450-2,000. . . . • • • ' • • J -the ~:U~e~toom'~es~: inte;est!t Swim a~d Te~s Club. . ' square. feel division. It was Nee rly Everyone · in ta Shelter iJ1 'ciloOlc t A native Californian, Flgetra designed by lbe Stanley C. • Sal P • R :... ... d. aak :Utn esfu7M\s .,,; JQ,ajored in ,b111ine11.ad-S.ar\Zc;o,.olSanDiego. es Ostmg · ecor m J.. v u . _;~I · I<> •rulnistraUoo ·at'. C h.rH,!'y -~--compeUUoo \, • -· I.rt ~ ~~ . ....,.._.. e Collqe and obtaineCI a s~ by the Nation.al · . ,_ , .. ·. :-. achiM mwmwn iheUer. By baChelor of 'artl: degnl tn Auod1ilon of Home Bun~· 'Listens' JU Ml . 20·29 . . . HllFS HOW YOU CAN WIN Ol4f ~ llOlJ Of 111 PllZU Y ALUID AT SI0.000 IN'THE 1"' OIANGI CO. HOMI & DICOIATORS SHOW "Pim GIYU.WAY'" .... " -"""''~ ... C.JI'-..... """ " ........... -" h (l" ..... {a,.•,l.,..,,,..,,,.,,.. ... ,,.,._.,,,,,. t':>····(:Wf. _ ...... ,...1~ ............... _ ·'"'"ii"!" ....... =~~~-"!''~.».;~:;.:~.:.. ___ .... _ ... ____ ,, __ ~.:::=--.. -.:;;.~:::..~"':!'..':'::-­~::t:\."::,.";!1.:!"=:.-~:.:.:= .. -···--·-----... _ .. _ .... _ ..----------·--~......... ... ........... _ ,. : • • d~..so p,m ~.:=· the -...,,..u .. •t &in J .... state ; ... ma1orH ..... Bulldiog1nc1· 'to Lan·deis At Rancho Cap~lran«Y·' ~7!1i..r .. 1n·t::. :ii.~ _c;::0::11e'.!1e:.· __ ·_~.,.· _·...:':...:'1b:::e:...:PC..:::::ec:::·_~-·c_ __ ·.:..· _.;.~:'~·.....;,:·'-: ~~---==============='=· = -I .i.. ~ -ffCOOd half of th&..yµr, O .~ • -\' Sales for Rancho Capistrano are moving al a record pace as the final unit of 3.5 to 3 &ere p8rceta is opened to in- vestors. Attracted' by the ap- peal of residential-recreational land for as UlUe' as $5,000 per acre and interest rates down New Ran.cho Unit Starts · . • · , ' -Troy reported thal most of \.. to 6 perc~, ~~fl .are ~r· the finn's contlnutng accounts · renUy respcflding al a We -investors who bliy land The Opportun1·ty 1' s" yours to own rate of teri rancho •lies per virtually every year -have · •.• •. . . weekend.1 already acquired their 1969 ~'1~~ ·~~ina'.i~o~!'.. ~::~~ .. -",have lhem In ·valuable residential/recreational land ·Ranchd c.p1s1rlll0 •ff•f• Boom -Seen -c~"~,·-· riding, hiking, swimming, and a smo11·free hide-away -alt Jn B uiJding less than a 40 minute drive from the Orange · County beacheS. Surrounded by na-F Co tional forestland on all sides o~ unty and secl11ded by locked entey Pacesetter · Homes ba s gate!.i the ranchos will provide With 'Ul.5 million In building started construct.ion on a first their r'sldents the atmosphere permits issued during April , unit of 251 horn':' at Rancho of Early· California as it was county Building and Safety California, according to John in the Land of the Dons. Director Floyd McLellan said Located just three miles today, "Another bulldini boom Klug, president of Pacesetter from the path of the proposed is well on its way." Homes. Ortega Freeway, Rancho • ~e tiear·record figure for The n'w homes will be the California is an island' of uruncorporatcd areas ol the first undertaken al Rancho gently rolling terrain Cilvered county was ~xcee~d only· by -~~~~ ..,j}y"'•A~n,._c:>)J.~s.id .. e with pasture grasses and" ~e $1~ rnjlllon In pennits ijev """''~·~;tll!i!Pllhideli.•11 "*~bllt!±.:·~-e§ .,,..a!!;\!> • • designed to meet the year-date back lo the 19th.Century. · -, . around living needs of young Deed restrictions prevent the 0~ the 924 perrruts lasued In families employed in the property from being com-Apr~I, 3" were for sln&le Rancho California al'!a. merclallzed ii) any .way, and fam~y homea valued •l Si.I Because of the railch at-prohibit redivision, prolecting mi.l!Jon~ 55 .Jor ~1. a~ mosphere and planned recrea-the uncluttered chann of the · µnits., $3.3 millJ~n, ahd Jn- tional faci\llies, tht n e w area. du~nalb, .11 pe1nn~ts.1 S733,000: homes ai""' will be made Ra •-C e igges sing e permit -. ncuu a p i I t r a n o is Was for a new $273,000 available as retirement and located jllst 13 miles from San clubhouse now under con- Yacation homes. Ranging in Juan Capistrano. From the struction al the Santa Ana price' from S'l2.SOO to $30,950, Santa An a· San Diego Country Club in the Costa they "'ill be offend in two. Freeway, take SCf:nic Hiway Mesa area. - three and four bedroom plans. 74 cast for 23 miles ~ follow The m 0 n th ' 1 valuations: Rancho California ii ·an si~·to t~ open entry gates, broupt tl)e four.monlh .1969 87,500 acre ,agrarian oriented Rancho Capistrano personnel total to $38.4 mUUon, com· land development qwned by win bi' on hand every day pared to $32.4 million during Kaiser Alumimun & Qi,mical from 9 to S lo answer ques-the same. period last )'e.ar Corp., Kaiser Industries and lions and show the rancho when all fonncr county cm- Macco Corporation. site.!!. struction records were broken. "Jwt a.m"I ID ,.mind JOU , •• " with Southern Federal you no~ earn from DJl.'ll-IN 2'0 DJl.F-0.ll'l' ---.... which means your funds earn, for the tull time they are In the account • 5% current annual rete earns 5.13%' When compcunded dally and held one year• 5.25% on 3 year certiflcatea (muTttplee of $1,000) • FllTldo placed between the 1st & 10th of the month earn from the 1i.t • Accounts Insured to $15,000. SOUTHERN FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION• EST. 1tl4 HU.0 OFl'tCf: -WI!""" lhd.. t,.,. ,_;......DU ~1-•lAIUNIA: 11111 v~ 8'wd., J&M11• • HUtmN;TON au.c:H: tt ...,,,.,..... c.., •·1041 ~ • I • • • -__ .. -..... -. ..__~~-- Beautiful 2.5 tp .3 acre. sites. Libm:al financing fer.ins awilable. __ • . . Rancho Ca.piatranOi deep in the great oak region of the a8ve- land National Foret~ pro\'ld .. your opportunity to innstin · the fabulous growth of Southern California. -~Beautiful aitEis On gently rolling, graM.wverea terrain are shaded 'by ,giant SpaniBh Oaks-located only three lDiles from tlie pall! o{ !h• proposed Ortega FreeWayyet oompletely &l\Cluded,by pl'ivale entry gatei llud uaUoual foreslland ou all oides. The rural chaim and qulit aecluaioa 'of Rancho Clpis- trano can u<!Ver be destroyed, as this d""'1-restricted ialand of beauty can never be redivided-or commerritalized. I ' Only 3P lnlnut .. drive from coaatal'J:ecreatiou areas. at a ' Wrftt for cnll' fN1, illn1tnt8d brochllft, lllCID CIPISTUND delightful, smog-free el,eujjon of J,300 ft,. Rancho Capistrano provides the perfect combillation of accessability to a dynamic growth aieaand a rarallocaUon where you (fan enjoy .hiking, swiinming. :ddlng, and picnlcldng all year Icing. Rancho C.plstrano 'aites are ]>riced from only ~.000 with ]ibeilal t.erms requiring only 10% down, payments as Jaw•• $48 per month. 15 year, 6o/o financing available. Just 23 scenic milet from ,:rapldly..growin$' San Juan Capistrano, RancbO Capistrano it an invesbnent opportitftlty which can never be dupl,lcated l8"in-Drive 11jl .any day from 9 la s. Yan11 be welcomed! I ( PleaN.Dt SC:eaic 'Drive Santa Ana I San Diego Freeway to historic San Juan Cap}strano, then east on HWJ. 74 (Orlega.Hwy.J and follow the signs. Or drive to Corona, then east on Hwy. 71 to llwy. 74. then MJuth to entrance aigua. ' . ' W!NNeR OF ,AM I RiC:AN BUI DER AWARD Carmel Model~at Newport's Ha~Vi1.tJHome1 . ., . """ Carmel' Wi.Q-.ier . . . ~~ors, Exterio r 'Cil;fd . ' Harbfr1Vlew Romes'" model , -iuare feet 'of livtng area. and the ' carlDel, ~nUy nn au. pravldel thr~ bedrooms, two award of merit ln"Alnerlcll) :batha 'n..ni... fOmily room Builder ~l!liM'• _.a1 • --...,,-·. . . qllality model ' i...;,. •• d ·• kllcben, and fonnal dining mullilamllY ~ conies! room. Prke, ~Y $29,995. -Class 1' ~ 1or homes , Other one and t w o -1 t o t y 1?~1. to ~ .s.gupre lett' ~model.I ~tr a ~ce dr.' ~oor .-\Yhl.it~ Clnnel model It\ ::·Plant -wit!:: up . to , 1 v e award-wldner! According ·lo bedrooml,. pr\cedJ rom $fl,995 Dulfiec Fryling, sales manager lo 138,115. ' • , . ! for the Donald L. Bren 'Co., 1 ·"".The H~ ViM~om~ builders .tnd · developers ~ ·models are locatttli • Ford Harbor -VJew Homes, "The Road and MacAr:diUt1'151vd. ·c,rm~ : p r o v l de 1 the 1od are ;just minutd "I.way homehuyer with -an ex· from tlit Univ~ cf ceptiankl 1floor plan.. lD1usual California 1t ... Irvine, · t be exterior ..Besi8Jl, and uciliqi • Conina de! Mai' 'High School, ini.r!Or .J!l•nnlng that 11 both the ~ County Ailpor\, liveUle ·ij>d enjoyable." •Newport Center and Fosbion Tbo Carmel. Modi! 2, II a Islalld abopplng rn8IJ; beacbel, ~ home with -1,llH and the freet<Ys. · ,, . . . P~~itive Future Seen .. BJ . ~~,rt(~~ ~ankers .$AN .• D!EGO -). a·11' producing properties "!Id 1he · Jatiuary rew focecuters Were " opportunities' to participate in eai:er tO predict the abort equity cnmei;ship and:Or in- term future of the nation's come. . troubled real eslale ·market. According: to w .. D. Grant, There were just too many president and board chairman u~~td questions blowing of Businessmen's Assyrance in the ;nm· -and · they Company1 KansU ·c1iy, and cemerecr\.mosUy on the...fact ,pneofthe·c~onvent•t.oa '•s and pliantom of inflation. featured speakers, Dlal!)' ln- Tod.iy, however, with lhe surance companies ~ not Nixon Administration nearing willing 10 commit funds for ~,..~.~:er~~~ long term . (i.t.9 moi1eages) seem at last to be setrung, ac-withoul . Some a' d '(l t i o n a· I r cording to many of the Xia variable income supplemental , mortgage loan experts who at-to a ftted base interest rate.. • tended this month's 14th an-' ··~ ..• ·· ·~···· --f · ·1b ·-STEADY' FLOW·· . '·· . . nuaJ ._convcuuon o ... e . ---- California Mcrtgage Bankers What is needed. Grant sug- Assoclation. gested, ~ a method to provide The largest stalewide group a steady flow¥ funds ·mto)he In the nation's ""'. billion rul -It ibar~et ~ . mortgage banklng_ incmlry, ·1h and . ~,_,: the CMBA drew a blue chip of e stops ~ wwu1 list of fiDancial and govern• are chara~ ¢ today's ment authM'ities· to this year's economy. -One ~ch ·be p · · meeting, be!d' al 1he blatorlc poo<d calls f,.. ·a ·oymm o( Hotel Del Coronado. Headjng moi:tgagea usipg a variable.IJ>. : the list " .P!"1tt•• .(..-... ·tereot.~ tied lo the was GtOr.. Rom a e y, prime;.~.·. • Secnlar)' of. Homln& and Lon win'th Crow, president Urban ~~ · ot the naUonwide Mortgage Prior to ~is-report befort Bankers ·Ass o c·J a t ion of 1he state'•· DIOl1lale. beu.n, Amerlc.a, railed lbe possibility Romnet Outlined the iln of another solution : the na- mediale need f o r con tional sale of-mortpge-backed gressionat approval of es.· securities. Th.Is would enable panded federal housing· pro mortgage bank.en to raise a grams -calllna; for u extra large ·share ol needed real $SO million for low~ boos-estate funds in the nat>oo's ing mortga;eis and• million securltiq markets. · L as 1 for . i:fiortgage i n.t-e·r est year's feeler~ H9Uling -'*ct. iit subsidies ·for I ow • l n c o me establishing, the new . Govern- families. l:f~ also ariqed that nlent NafiOnal 'M·o·rte.ag t the combined· anti-inflation ef-· Associa'tion, contained p f o r t • • f t b e N l.x o n v'isions wllk:h may m,ake sUcb Administration and t h e a market -at· least for FHA-· Fedenl· Reserve Board are · backed Mortgage .secutitieS -,,,, '·' '" -""'~"fl{~~"'!:~ a ~ real j}osSlbinty •. ~-~ ... -~:t .E . . ,f\'~ . .. . . .. ~ ~~ cooling oft the economy. m:lmbef o ·~ltive f on in TIGHT CON11\0L · the real. eolate msrltel's In> Those efforll _ tigbl control mediate future. SU.:. Apri~ he on the nallonal money aupply reported, 1115 mlllloo In new, accompaaied._ llY---l-.·~· ~ issue have · bee ,n , , federal )lud..,i --"-~ rqllteftd--..ftb..llw·-""--' ed aolid,~a llt frog( the and Exc=!"m~ , . mortaaao -. 1n .. m. :,~, p1us :a:.Utiona1 TheNewportlleacholflceol providod 'lo< !llO 4l•saleamen . ~II, BanUt-and CO., wcrklmi: In reaidePt1al, com-~. hannoved lo a new • ...,..., i. d • 1 u ·ta I ud location In the Newport Ftnan· r.1 -~' :T. cial Plua of Newport Center. -~tbere 00: Located at 550 Newport ~ , • CeritU Drive; the new office is · chide mortgage· loan, ap- in the building adjacent lo the· praisal and FfOP'l'\Y manage- '. ctoter's twin towers. 'The m~ · : amount ·Otfloor space' ls ne'ar-s~·has &een. deilgntd in ' lt •doubJe the worldJ1g· area of the new office for a computer the forme r Newport office terminal room •. providing a · looited on East C t1 a s t direCl conneCu.on t to t h e Highway. Coldwell, BanW center com· , "Separate oJfict cubicles art pater facllit.y. 'lbrough the ·The ... Cpinpl~t.e ,Street _. . . .. ; . • ' -· ' • • • . --.. ... .. ' '- compultr l)Olem. !he firm' Newport Beadi office bU i. •Ian! ~ lo _virtually aD dala on ·')>r'Clperly IJsled for •ale with Coldwell, -·• 26 offices in c.11;0-rnla, Arizona flli· Teus. The co,Oputb is abo p gr1nuned.to provide I~ anal)'Hs of. lnVUtinent pro- perties tallcnd to a given cu1tomer's personal income .tu aituUon. , "" · · Coldwol!, Banker opell!d ·Ks .. ' ' . m..port 8eacll Ofllce•in l~ The, 'Office• bu 11111 .,.i· facililles 1o lilndle au laceli or ~ .... ·~ .. ., • 0 . ' ;1 ,, > "' ,,, .. . .. . . , 1 .J I .. -.. ,, formal poll ot the coaventlm. 1241 mllUOn in niw blues . 'I'!>" wt aevval ,.an o1. IJ>. reglatored bf ru1 eslale~IJ>. _ -· n.-r,-·~ . and-ll!-ve.tment tniita In the put flationlry thlnking, h I v e four months bmigbl major chanies lo the . • real estate market _ and . While nKl't&a1e I n t e r e ~ partlcularlJ lo the Calilornla rates, following the lead al the market and the s t a t e ' I prime. nte. have climbed. to morti ... _g Industry. the bigbeol 1eve1a. 1n recem In a perfeit. 44-acre "'Pad( I . · · . . -• I " hislory,. JDOl:!iap funils in ~ c ~ P 1 a e • • CaHfomla are more readily perwon and ,retirement funds, ava!labte tOday tn contrast to aa well as; ouJ-of·llate ·banlu past yean, aci::ordlng to newly a.nd savioas-end-loan auoci. elected CMBA presid ent tio1!5, ~de a large abare ol Edwin S. Bin&ham. president Cal.lfonlla s mortgage loam on of th'e Los Angeles·head-~1dential, commercial and quartered Ralph c. sutro iilclustrial property -and the Coi!lpU)>. Blngbam, who ,..,. largest share o! fundl for tteded Charles W. Corbitt, FHA-VA insured and president of Norris, Bew• guaranteed mort1a1es . Simpson,SanFranci1co Mortgage banking ~ptnles reported that last y e a f. act as reprotntaUvea (or CaWomia mortaa&e baJ1kina: "loan correspondents") for comp&ojel alooe reportedly these lnslitutiooaJ lenden in placed more than $2 billion tn placing and I u p e r v I I i n I reiJ. estate loans throughout mortgage loans. the state. Complete tolllnire Pressured by ever higher to be released shortly upon cost.I af dolng bush\ess, an In-completion of the · annual crtuing number .of the CMBA l¢ust1'1 survey; at the mortgage banking industry's c~ of 1167, the state's lnveston have turned away mortgage banking companjes from sln1le-famlly h o m e were supervlsinl; nearly $14 mortaaau, in favor of income-bllUon in loans. . . . ' .. ' ... . . . ' I . .... , ··-· ., ........ i: t; • ' I .. I, I' I ,' • I ' . • - • • • • I -~--~,...:.._--. - ' . 'rusti.n .Meadows ·B·o.f\sfs .Record First Year • L --.f ~ ' • "" ........, lo{ tiliyJJa." • an ln>porlant' faclor In tlllilt· Anolhtt llfaly nampli lo-'lbe new community Is one daily from 10 a.m. To visit safety "planning for the en· • Key to lhe safety concept is Inc minhnum 1peedl are volves 1he two larce teen. of ~ lint reaidenUal projecls Tustin M!:adow1, take the San- Ure f&r(Uly is one of the most the .v.9.st, eight-acre park that maintained by-re 1 Iden t tlon cenler clubboulea, each . buUt on tbe Jrvine Ranch lo ta Ana Freeway to the Red \ 'PIT STOP' AT MEAllOWI P.lllEPLAC.E S.poratu Livine.:!11111~ ""'r• In Model Hqme· Starts , Set . . . ' To . Drop in 1969 l "Home 1N!J41n "'*'' to produce abotli tllhio -•t fewer ~ l'\.nlt11 tNI )'tlr than 1968 wMI\.._ ' t t r t. • :amounted to t,WiOOO unl\I," •reported Da~ '"'I' 'dent af .the ~ ·Association of Oil ,his return from tM llltlN Board of Oirecton Mflllhi ol the National A•l1\lon of Home Builders in W1ahlrwton1 D.C. " Single family hou'*"I ~ ••~ pected to drop by four r.-• while rental aparllJltn , unU.1 km•·'Of Utt l\ll't' '1 ••litot will rise by three percent. Ptilnll : · .. ¥ "The inflatiQnary spil'll and ~""'', f ·, lhe tightening supply t f . mortgage credit has ClUltd" QfMNd · ' in the contraction in buildtf'I' APl'lf.iJ..~, ,Of """'~ • f lh h ' ' •• ~~-with' .,;,_, _ _-• .UO. Ibo buyer to purchm Hlll Avenue tumolf and .... Important reaJODS llJt the orms e ~!1 ol ihe 900-.. roo""'-· two .aw~ pools, both the home and the lot ceed aouth on Jl.ect..HID to the ncwd fll'll year· lalel al home, comp!ettly walled com· Anc>lbOr automobile llfety loJ:ated at the enttaace to Ibo Furnlsbed modell are ~ model compt... Tustin Meodows, atated Mu munlty. Pedestrian palhways feature Cited 117 Tipton Is port norlb and -·par tr:;;::;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;; Tlpron, marlletlnc vloe pres!· form the ooty a~u to !he of !he overall istldacaplna ·--· 'Ille 111.t, ..,.11 • dent for bullder.aevetoper park with the four largest plan.-. srato. calls for entry to . tbe 1 ·c· :...-..1'.....a. Prf tin-5 • Robert II. Grant and Com· paths coming from the four "To auure maxJmWn.drlver pool anq oo1y by a ipOClaJ -• .... WT• ft 4J erYI~· pany. poinu of the compa ... along visibility, --haa been key -lo ....... II. Top' ft. • ...:11ty -Fas'+ Ill! .. -rvlce "Over SOD fainilies have garden-lined green belts. determined . by street width Now more than .two-tbirdl WllUI ~ selected Tustin Meadows as Smaller paths lead from 12 with trees becoming llDlller IOid in''jl.alt dVer one 1Mf, their 'home since we first separate cukiMaC streets on the abort, cuJ-de·11c Tult1n Meadow• often ail opened our aata offko early that lead toward the park streets. And wo haX• allo floor plaDI In Jt·utorlor oty~ last year;" said Tipton, "and area .. None of the ma(e than d l scourapd tbroufdj-traffic lnp with two, pne and four many have mentioned , the so streets within the com-since there are ozily two en-. bedrocml. Prk:el ranee from traffic safety featuru of the mun.lty ext.ends for more than trances to the comm~ty," '27.~totaS,495, tncludfn&tbe community as one of the ma-two blocks in a straight line, obRrved Tipton. land. ' ' 642-4321 . 2211 Wiit .. lboa llvd. Nowport lloach ' . ,-- ' !·· • . " .. , .,. ... f ~ ~ .. ' Los.Angeles . spreads eastward. In its path is .. ~ country ; ent. plans," . Young said. "Tht In ~9'r . •· One builders do not foresee any qua"'r ""Of 11) II u 1111 • r ,f meas'!'afile drop in intere1L """'" ~Ytf tllht rates m the immediate future, ,..l lu~... '1lr..I Only siJ: months ago we-we(e ~ 1(1 . · "' JIJ , loolting _for an increase in oni,.Mbl . _.. ,, s~ ~year in a-range _or mor111P. lotrw ·•t ... 9".~_)lf, / rive to eight percent. The in-<Ifft& or •:' In ~r1 creasing shill to building of almOll I! · H!Vllll Iii~ INlti apartments reflects more and av1UUJi •t PWI, tl\lil. more I en~ er s '. i!lCliDaLi?n Ft~1 Mort bulldtrt toward equity part1c1patton in arc ,..,., ffl H\1Jtp and loan ll_llRllll,o"' lol permAlllill 'ftft.locilil1. Tlils year. .. .percent or the respmdents said they ob· tained this financing from S & ~: last ye,_r, only 49 percent indicatM they did -this. Mairi ~hilt has been awaf from life insurance companies which last year supplied funds for 22 percent of the builden and New Mesa . Apartment Tract Due A new Costa 1'.1esa apart-this year for only eight me nt project, designed wilh a pertent . f!1Ult.itude of soci~ and recrea-Inventory : The lnvenlory of t1onal featurea, is currently unsold homes in the low-priced under constructio~ . by _lhe category was rated by~·.~ ·»> O<ange Coun\l ~~•Illini; firm ••n! R l\d<''!' ·~Z>»>!ll!I'· • of L:r:_ons anti CailifOlt ,-.-+/~·~"and 6 percent M ~ r r l-m t e ,,, ... --~· · ttOOve nqfiMI -findings con- t t ~~t •1fRrfuiap W@J, sl~lent with trends in previous · will offer 123 111\11.,, Qrle' and years. I n medium-pric.ed two-bedroom unit; ut ~ series homes, foqr percent indJcate of three-story buillfin111. below llOf'mal, il percent The ~l.75 milliorf i11v@Jo1t ~rmal, and 12 percent a~e ment will feature WQQd:panel· norm.I. This was an 1m- cd living rooms, ex~le!Uh provelflent from 1968 when 60 ceilings; deep pile carpet&, two percent classed this category baths and extra wide private as bflow nonnal, 37 percent; balconies. and 3 percent above normal. Kitchens will be eQ!Pµpt!d Unsold inventory of hig~ pric- with moderri ,.. 1npliahces ed homes was cpllSldered • walnut Formica cabfnets col: normal by 411 percent, below (Ir-coordinated Formica '$Ink normal by 33 percent, and 21 tops and dishwashers. percent a_bove normal. This . was a shift from 1968 when . Gas range;i: reatur1n1 von· llve percent considered in-hnuous-c~~an1ng gas oven• ye~tofy abQve normal ; 44 per- that V I r t u a 11 y clean teflt nurr'tla) and 51 percent themselves are o~fered in below normil. ev~~ :~din~ment. uniht. Rental b9"111J': Builders felt . u gs ~ t e ~part· . there will-be' yrlderbuifd.inJ,? in ment complex w1fl be 1~ter-fental h 0 u s Ing . SiXty-eTght <.'()Mected through a unique percent r e p 0 r t e d · un- ·clevated. w~ay. E x t r a derbuilding in the Jow rent 11lalr1 will provide easy access class while JI percent felt ·1 to ~ach apartment. _r h e was about r i g h 1 , a~ · b~ildings also are equipped p ro x i m a le I y the same with two centrally located distribution as in 1968 J h elevators. moderate sec tor, SO ·pe~c~n~ 0 ut d o·o r s . a large felt building was about right, therapeutic Jacuzzi pool and a 25 percent saw underbuilding, 25' x 40' heated pool will be and 20 percent saw moderate surrounded by a sunken deck, overbuilding. planters and gas barbecues. y ·rty Adjacent to this area, 1 1 percent felt building clubhouse will oUcr tenants a was about right in the high rent class, 23 percent felt va1ieCJ Gt social activities in-there was underbuild.ing and cludllc ""-&aWla baths with t~ percent saw JJloderate me.big J'OQmS and showers, overbuilding. bllllord room. Informal lounge Sal<t '°"•iq< Forty-Oltte and fireplace, card i'eom and percent of the builders are • fully-equipped kitchen and ~uiilding In the $15,IXKI . to •.AJ:{A..~. laaturcs will .... $30.000 price calagory, about "...,.,..._ "" the same as in 1968. Those ~· ~ with pull-down building from $30.000 to $35,000 dDan; 11admible atorage areas. increased, rising to 16 percent a ai ...._ laundry rooms from 12 percent of the 1W)d tb:r'M· convenient trash respondenl~. In the $30.000 and .. poul rooms on each floor. over category !here has been Murimlc Apartmenli will a constanl rise since 1965. ~ tn rental prJce from '130 going rrom nine percent to to POO. • about 34 percent. I -1 . It's the large land-the e91at•-that bllnQS1ha big return tt)day. . You can live on it, profiting through.the -and hellllh that open space brings a family. Or yoii can simply p~eoss It as en lrWeStment that QIOW8 in value as pepulation-lncreases. The country in Diamond Bar is 2,600 lllOOOUS park'lll(e aaes 35 mln~es . from Los Angeles City Hall .• permtrielitfvJOlled In~ to 5-ecre parcels of roUmg, tree studded countryside. . Perhaps the most startling aspect of these beautiful estate lands Is their location! Acrdss from the guarded gate to The country are valuable homes. Within minutes are all the conveniences of the splendld community of Diamond Bar ... golf courses. shopping centem. schools and ch~ Yet The Country Is Just that Country with a capital "c: A private wC<td of gracious estate properties. complele underground utilities. Superb paved i11 lliai11()ncl IJar. • ~~ F~Aa.doft· _,...._ ... __ ...,. __ -Cly .... ' ' ------ + ·- 1 01 - .. ------------~---- . ~Asch sftll Recreation facillti~ ~ond Imagination; AS1,500,000EquestriancenteralldParl(\tilieingCreatedfOreslateSowners. Indoor riding ring. Magnificent stables. OUtdoor riding rings. 35 miles of bridle trans. Tennis courts. Parks of virgin woodland with hiking trails. The Country-part Of the lovely san Gabriel Valley-is unique in the burgeoning, brawling, br8ssy Los Angeles complex. Five freeways, completed or under consl?Uction, are bringing 1he·city ever closer-and bringing It to Orange County and the San Fernando Valley. - So whether YllU are now.in a poeltion to build a home...plan to later ••• or preler simply to acquire precious fand for inVestmen~ you ought to visit The Country in Diamond Bar. You win need •-to-tl1eguonled !Ille. W.11 provide It. Sflhply drive outlodoy. .,, -.. -------------------------------.. I FREE Clllorwrtllb'Yoll",_loenter 1 I ... _ .... OITho""'-I I •• '"'Oilmondk.A_"'_ I I wfl be •dllllld. C • • I I I • • I •• I I I • I • I I Trar r1m Des 1 I q ieiint Co. l:4::"'.~~· aiuo Phone (213)Rl9-6622 ·-----------------~--------------.a • ! ----. ------------------------~-----------~------.. - . -. $......,, ,,_ 1, 1'69 DAILY ,;Let JJ Week's ~ Meetings Around tile Orange Coas --Area . , Til'lSOAY Cmtt MeM City l!fOtlioTft, Colllrllll l(JldWfl, 512 W. ltlll It .. CMll IMM. 1 '·"'· C~ dtl ,.,,., Elu:fle"'I Clutl, Jcuf'll ltntaur1111t, 2111 E. CMlt Hlsl'lw11, c...-del Mir. 12 -· Cosfl ~ E•~ Club. Cor1l llMf, 1'ot5 H1rW BM!., Coltll ~. 12 -Hvlltlrwfor! lkldl Nof'tli llotll Chlb, MHOowl.erk Ceuntr"I' Club. 11112 GniMm. Huntl""IOl'I Beech, 12 -. Con.II M... Rollf'I' c~. Coll• ~ Golf i nd Countrv (lull, U•1 Golf CourM Drl,..., Cost1 Miu, 11:10 "·'"· Cor-0.1 MU Klw1nl1 Club, \l'Ull $wwden, ~ E. COllst HloPI-. CotOM "1 /lMr, 12:1t 11.m. HunilngfOn 8H(ll Rot1rv Club - Morlfl, Foo.ir Wind\ Aqt111r1nt, 1'411 Bol'I (hlca, Hunl,!ng~ 8eteh, 2:15 11.m. Hunllll9ton I NCi! klwlnls Club, H- llnt1loll ~lltf Cou"tnr Club, 300I 1"1lm Av.., Hunlln9ton kach. 12:\J o.m. N""'°rt 'foM•bM' 0..tfmlif CNb, Vllhl M1rl,.., 161.5 Blyaldl Drlw , NIWPWI llNi.:tl. 2:1$ 11.m. Cosi. ._. Ktw1nl1 CIUb, Codi Golf Ind C-tnr (lull, COlll 11:1$ '·"'· Rot1rY Club of N--i-h lbOI, 1"'1111 Coomtry C-. 1$00 f . Coest Hlttrw1r, C.,. del Mlor, 6:30 "·'" T~1!1N""" C.lub. 7711F, 1(11111 T1ble -1-~I. V.l'llrnlMlef', I P.ft'l. COit. .Mell -..-. H1rbor lloM C.klb, MtM \tef'de C.ovntrt Club. C.lll!lhl Mftl. 1:45 '-'"· .. lbol lllY llont C.l11b, \tllll Mlr1"1. le.&S'111Y1Jas Ori"• Ne-a ll tldl. 1 "·'"· Se-II 8Hdl TNt""4slw1 Cfvb. 111 •lll1ndl HOllH, 1600 P1<Hlt COii ~191'.rnr. $e1 Bud!. 1 ,.m. Penn Grads Announced Four resident& of the Orance Coast area received degrees from the University o f Penmylvania at graduation ceremonies for a class of 3,187 persons heJd May 19. , Local graduates were: Devon N. Dahl , 9116 But- tercup Ave., Fountain Valley, Master of governmental ad· lninistralion. George F. Cade, 1 I 6 Emerald Bay, Laguna Beach. Bachelor of Arts. Donald L. Simpson, 251Ht Eric.son Way, Doetbr of Dental MellJchi<. Patricia A. Coghlan. 3220% Vista de le Luna, South Liguna, Certif icat e in Dermatology. DEATH NOTICES BERGH Dor'Olhf Tl\ft'l'l1 hrth. 521 W. El NOfle P1rllw1y, 1!.eondlc!o. l'or-r resl01111t ot Co..-<Ml Mir. S..rvlwd bY ,flulblnd, H1rrv E. Bertfli brotflln, Fred (OU"9f,, OellYffl Wille!' C.....- YlfY, Hu111L1>91on 1"1r1l1 1l1!erS. Mn. \tlctw PhllUpp, k1111n1 . Ind Mrs. Fri .. llm1,' EKOIW:lklo. Slrvl«I, MM- d1v, t PM, lvtl!to''11 Ctlurdl ol !he ~sftf', M-rt B..U.. lll'Mr"""'' P• clllc \tlew M1morl1t P1rr. F1mll\r !l/91M1h tllOte wltl!lnv to mlk1 ,,,.. rnor11I wntrlbutlorla. l'le•• contrl~ ta tti. l 111her111 Church of the M11leJ. 911!1 Morluloo-. ~ E. Coll! Hltftwly, Corone deol Mir, Olr.clors. CARNAGE'< l/:- H11e1 D. C1r111WY. Dll• ot aeliWi Juna 6. SUrvlYed "' '°"' Jtd:. (lrNHY, Ctlexlcoi dl1111ht1r, Mrs. Jo""'" Goel- "" (0111 MHIJ 11.,.. 1r1nddllldrtfl1 two tre1t .. r111Ckhlldr.n. 5.,...1e91 ...,... I .. I t Bliti Mort\llory, 1141 $u-lor, COSl1 Ma1. HOFACKER Freo HoflCkff'. m ll udMll Rllld, C• 11 Mell. 5uNl¥9CI bv 11IK9, Ed!lh Miik; 1nd broth¥, Kiri Hot1ck1r, bOI~ of Gtrmanv. MllOn!C aervl«•, Tllurld9y, June 12, 11 AM, Biil llroidWIY (~-•. lnltr,._1, P1clflc: \tlew Mtm0rl1I P1'11. Dlrtclecl bv Bell lh'oadwlY MortU1ry, 111 Bro1dw1v, Co1l1 Mii•. ARBUCKLE & WELSH Weatclilf Mortuary U7 E. 17tla St, Coata Me11 -BALTZ MORTUARIES Corna del Mar OR J."51 Coria Men. Ml WU4 BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY llt Broadny, Ctlta &1na u-s.u» DILDAY BROTHERS Haatlqleo Vlllley M-uy· tnn-Blvd. Du)lapleach ' le.mi PACIFIC VII?' MEMORIAL J'ARIC Cemetery e Mortuary t'Upel 3511 PactOct View Drive Newport Belldl, Callforab ......,.. PEEK PAMILV COLONIAL FUNEllAL HOME '7811 BolN Ave. Wettmiuler ~ SHEFFER MORTUARY Lapaa Buda 4M-\AI S.. Ckmeale ..Wiii SMITH'S MORTUARY ,en Mabi SL llwlilo(IOO Beach . LE Mill HUil & ILAClt . Support Hose · Hel" lo .... ~IS feel bettr.t' from top to Ille. Lip!weigllt & .cool witi "rinkl&-free lit REMINGTON 200 Selectro SllllO-With C sbavidg o>sltiGos, "l<>P<>P" s;dflool 16 881 tri1111met. Ca~plr.!e witll c:ampactcanyma ~ • REMINGTON "Quick Charge" caam.m SUVEI -Six posruo,, dial adjusts 3 lllaft-sil! sbav- ;,,lileadsf~"-28 88 s.h.ave. Deluxe case "itll mirror. • Pipe & Tobacco Special! Clloose from 2 pai:~ of "Ptilv:e Albert" or "Caclet Hall" ••• eiC:i 2 Oak .,,,. 1 49 plete wull I geiiine Brier Pipe. Y• C~tt • "Russian Leather" , MOVIE CAMEIA LIME After S!in1 C oz. witll FR£E •ilh llltllmtic electric-eye ttPoSwt ~~~~:;39 88 plete •ill! 1rist strap. • 5 ... l>odc...t Sooy 3.00 MENNEN 'Skin Bracer' P.eftesbing and i~l'qllr·' atina ... clloose frOIA Ory lime. 8"'"' l!ath<s. Wittry Spice 114 Wil~ Meo• "LIME" Shower SUI! Ill a Rape 2.00 2-Pc;.Gift Set •LJ•,. -C Gl. e1cll ti Aller ~ve & f.tl!ogne. 5.50 ~e• ••· •••• 1.%5 Silt 7nc· . lnr Clltle~ \J 11.° "' 'Tillilrlla': lltir sun hL4,00 'Cross' Pen & Penci f sns . ~iwe Dad 1.u1e- ti11e ef writin1 pleasurtl Ideal ,;It tor lie 6'16. ·~· "L"lf' I rusH.eunoN foam Home Ptrm•ntnt "Penna-Grip" DENTUH ADHESIVE " MENNEN Variety Paek "'tu llW hm" -tile' ideal &ift tor Dail , •• giwu bim 1 difterf'.ill: · fragrwe tD dmose lrom. IV.. ct. botUes cf Wild Moss, IViRtry Sp!.ce/• - ()ry lirpe 81111 Burniped lnll\er. '"TI.jilt"" ,.;.. ,SMililsaap 2 ' ...... ,.. "TI•H•'; SET • 01. !ar.h of After Sha~ 11111 Coloan.e 5.50 MEil·s Knit Shirts "CntlWI" -1111\.uef style sbirts of 100% mercerized "011ene•" cotton.~ from pas. 4 98 lei colors, stjpes and two-tones. S·Y4.·XL a. • - . STRETCH SOCKS ... "Vano" · FAIRIC FINISH ••i.tn.llkks Maltll11! ''T.S.P." -:-''BullMoYt'; or "Woolove" Pltit Sl1K 3 ' 0 I , ;'Snowy'1 ILEACH '" Aatomtic Wasllers TOOTHllUSHIS Cllttn tr1• lk ""1tlll" & He "IHllt lllJ" 111~ lij sat1 ltr 111 1r,1s 1t ta~ric1 ''Polidenr' DENTURE ClWISll titan f1lse ""' ksl! :,,.. 3' 99c CllliH : AffTl-PERSPlllANT Spray Deodorant :!~ 59c· Siz• Helps to make soft nails liard. Wear Willi or wilhilut- pin11. splittmc and cracki~ll· C polish. Helps preweat chi,.. 59 Ass't colors. 11. "Coppertone" GLAD uo11,.11r" .Trash Bags TANNING IUTIER f11. JJt II.I 11 II •• . . LADllS' & GlllS' Bikini Scarves _,_ First-Aid Kit Label Maker lAD1n· Hasiery "lll•i·llr ••. 11so1o1 ~ ... tor ,,i<I ... - • -"J'OIS. tie Slz1 6~ 1k Sit1 lats 4:2gc 11111-c.oose 11 .. Ii.· 'll"ske. c..11m ..... 1or llome. ottice or scllDol. r.ldl size wlttl & tt 1f Up! Oclld<t 1.98 .. "'Cbrllttl" • • • sellllless ''" O~MtAMlollPll-JDAnAwtll NIWl'ORT lllACH 1121 llYIHI IN WllTCLt'' PLAIA HUIO'nl•lOll MACH ADAMI AHO llOOKHUllT HUNTIN•TON lllACH IPRIHODALI AND IDIHOll I 1 ! ' • I ) I l ' - I :JJ 'D~lLY rJ OT WP VOltK· fA"'> hd!M W ff\e """' NEW ~YORK STOck EXCHANGE WEEK'S AND • ; '[OW CLOSE YEAR'S IUGH, -- '6\o " . '" " .. ,., ,,. '. 1311 • ". "• " ". ". ' ,,. ' " ' . "' • .. " '" '" '" 69'1 '" " ' " " . " 1]\• ~~ Ji.. ,.. " " ,, " " • ' ,• " u~ ~ ll ' " m !1 u• ' 1• ~ ,,. l' " ' ... " ll ' " " ,. 1 • . , " .. .. ,, ' " rn " " .. ' " " * .ll ~r ff " ~ fi l! l1 i ------·---, S1tunl1Y Jtuit 1 1969 AMERICAN .STOCK EXCHANGE , • WEEK'S AND YEAR'S HIGH, LOW~ CLOS~ Listings for Thursday, May 29, DAil Y '1lOT J;_ • 1969 j 1, I, ~I I I I i' I I Emmy Turns 21; Will She Come of Age? '· { u.1lt Jl ~-~ By BOB '1110MAS HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Em· rnY comes or age on SUnd1y night -or will sht! 'Ibe 21st awards of the Academy ot Television ArtJ and Sclence3 wlll be handed over Sunday at 10 p.m. PDT over CBS, and it remains to be seen whether the ceremonies will reflect a maturity on the part of Oscar 's younger sister. Last year's affair fell far short ol being a triumph ad· mits TV Academy Presidehl Seymour Berns bul he pro- mises that the 1968-69 awards will be better. Berns is a pipc·smoking television v e le r a n who directed one of the first Em- my \Vinners ta girl ven· triloquist with a dummy nam· • . . ' «I Judy tSpllnWI) and. later dlr.cted Jacl< Btnny and R«I Skelton. Now he'11n charge of the burgeoning TV enterprises ol tl>e entertainment giant Na- tlcin G<neral Cnrp. "We're going back lo some basic fundamentala wltb this year's show,'' Berni rtported. "The fint principle is t4;lt an awards show should tie an event. It has the two elements that are television'i best at· tributes: it happens now; and it deals with people's emo- lions. "An awards program can't compete w i t h an en· tertalnment show. Any variety show has the facilities and time lo do a much better job with entertainment, and any such attempts are bound to be t'ompared unfavorably to the awarcb telecap.. "That doesn't mean we won't h a v e entertainment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Buddy, Fran Goi ng 'Live' To Sein Jo se Buddy and Fran, a pair of Orange Coas t radJo personalities, take the I r popular show on the road Monday -without le aving their Orange County studio. BEST ACTOR L~ Howington TOP ACTRESS Ann Flll an The host and hostess of KWIZ radio's morning music4 1alk program will broadcast live to listeners in the San Jose area, as well as their Orange County audience. The show will be aired simultaneously over KWIZ in Santa Ana and KLOK in San Jose, a sister stalion of the Davis Broadcasling Company. As they have done for the past 16 months, Buddy (Clyde) of Huntington Beach and Fran 1 Marion) of Costa Mesa will accept musical questions by phone -but from both Southern and Northern California listeners. T op Play ers Cited ; New Theater Co~ing The Buddy and Fran show currently ranks its station se· cond Only to KMPC in the 6 lo 10 a.m. listening audience With adults from 25 to 34 in the en· tire Los Angeles-Orange Coun· ty market area. as reported by the January·February Pulse, Inc., survey. The program also is second amoog women in the 18·3~ group, third among women 25 to 34 and third among men 2.i to 34. the Pulse .survt>y reported. Prevously, the Huddy and Fran -.show was aired un delayed broadcast over lbe San Jose st.ilion with listeners unable .to comm uni ca l c -~ directly with the en tertainers. The Santa Ana, Community Players will head into their golden anniversary season With the prospect of a new and more attractive home. This was brought to light \Vednesday at the I it t I e !heater's group's annual Mod· jeska ~ards banquet, honor· ing the Rip performers of the J968-69 season. Santa Ana City Manager Carl Thornton reported that .the city is taking over the present Assembly of 4 GOO. church al 6th and Ross streets .a few blocks from the present theater for use OA.the parks <ind recreation department. The players \_Vil stage their ,producUons in the auditorium or the building beginning neJt"t winter. The announcement shared Musicians Slate Bowl Debuts During Summ er Six conductor~ an<l six !;O\oisls will make l h e t r lklllywood Bowl debuts lh1s .summer. Jascha 1-lorenstein v.·ill con· duct an all-Beethoven pro· gram on Tuesday, July 22, while Donald Voorhees of the Bell Telephone Hour and Hugo 1'1ontenegro will con du cl Saturday night "pops" con· certs on Aug. 9 and 23. Other conductors who \l'ill make their first appearances at the Bowl are three young winners of the Dimilri 1'1itropoulos conductors' com· peUtion. Boris Brott, Francoi~ Huybrechts and f' a r h a d Mechkat wilt share the podium for the "Stars of Tomorrow" program on Aug. 28. Soloists making their Bowl debuts include pianists Alicia de Larrocha (July IO), Ceza Anda ·(Aug. l4l. Nelson Freire 1Aug. 21) and Paul Schenley (Aug. 28). Soprano Carol Neblelt will 1nake her first solo ap- pearance at the Bowl on the Rodgers and Hammerstein concert /July 12), and baritone John Raitt will appear for the first time at the Bowl in the · .. Highlights from the Bell 1'clephone Hour" program (Au g. 9). 1'he L os Angele~ Philharmonic Orchestra wJ\I npen ils 1969 season of "Symphonies Under I he Stars" Tuesday. July 8, with a gala operatic program featur- ing soprano Joan Sutherland and t.'flnductor R i c h a r d Bonyngc. the spot light w.,ith ·the ..reel· pienls of the M"o d·j es k a awards. named after the fam· ed actrea! Madame Modjeska, an early patron of the Santa Ana Players. · Ann Filian of , Newport aeach was named ~ actress ot the season for her starring role in the comedy "Ask Any Girl." Miss Filian 'al.so has air peared in productions at Hun· tington Beach and Westmin:iter. Named best actor of the year was Lee Howington, who starrekl in three of lhe group's four productions du'rWg 1968- 69. Howington was. boriored fOr his performance io "Outward Bound." Ross Corbin, resident direc· lor of the Santa Ana theater, was a double winner, earning a Modjeska as best director of the year for "Outward Bound" and a Robert L. Brown boOk award for his cameo ap- pearance in the same play. Tops in the supporting ranks were Buddy Fort f o r ."Biography" and Sandie Clark for ','Ask Any Girl." Another Brdwn award wlnt t o Gertrude 11orn for her role in "Biography." The Santa Ana Community Players. oldest ol Orange County's little theater groups. will launch their SOth season since their organization in 1919 next fall . Occupancy or the new buil~ing should come by midseason, T h o r l o n an- nounced. New GroU}l J oins Sho w "Smoke," a popular ne1v rock group, has been added to the list of performers ap- pear in g June 17 al fo.felodyland. Led by "Brother'' John Orvis, the group joins 'the QUEENIE Classics fV and the VenlureS' By Phil lnterlandi in this one-night-only concert r -----------__;:....._;_.:....::.::.::;.:.:.:.=-· __ fo r v.•h!_ch_ !,!cket_price~ ~ave . rr r~'.;-· ... ''. ~ . ·. . ,)J) • • ~.· .... -.. ·:. . :•~ been redui:ed tn accommodate the artists' younger audiences . Ticket! are available now by mail, at all agenCies or the bo:t office at Melodyland. The Oran 9e Coast's Moil Complete PRINTING SERVICE . iijiiii;§l!i!M Phone 642-4321 I I . elemenla 1n the Emmy h1iow. But they wW be generic and not offered .solely to enterlaih ; they will make sense in the context." Many crlUes have failed to make any sense out of the multlplleity of Emmy categories, and Berns ad· milted that has always been a problem with television. map: lhtbl more mttnfngful down. This ·year a cbaritPi&ne than if we merely read the Ust reception wW tollow. ot nouiinees aDCI the winner." Bib Cosby einceea t b e Hollywood portion; M•rv Grit. Not a bad idea from the fin in New York. The favorites pract.lcal $ide either; there among c 0 0 1 ender 1 are Two I lg were HS nominations In the "Laugh·In" which hit the high F9otures news-documentary divislona. of 11 ' nominations PI u • An All.Star C11t After years ol be l n g "Hallmark Hall of Fame" • · presented as • banquet, the .nth nine and " MI ss ion "THE LO.,GEST Emmies will be presented Impossible" with eight. '" Sunday in a theater -the Berns admitted .that this DAY'~ Santa Monica Civic year's show , despite the AIM Auditorium .from which Jhe careful planning, will bring the GM rte Ptppard Oscars moved to the Los usual chorus of complaints. Unula Ancfr11• AngeleJ Mu1ic Center· -and That's the name of the Emmy '• .... . . . '• T-*'Y ICICM " ""'' Sl4e ef tile 111 .. ...i.· -Pl"'- "Helle Dew1 n.r." Sttrrlnf r.,, lltf'lllltll Contll>uOul Sat~ S4.1r1.. Fnm 1:• '"' NAT10NAL GeNllllAL QCMllOll41'0 Foi~.!!!! ........ ,,..... ......... ....,,. ACRll 0 ' Plll ,AAKINO "Perhaps we could mW I.he awards simpler but that would mean stepping on a lot or toes," he remarked. "This year we tried an innovation by announcing '1le ~ws and documentary awards early. We did this because news was never more important than it was in 1968. By knowing the winners in advance we could show pieces ol the shows and Carnegie Hall in New York. game. "Members are always 1'8LUE MAX'' 1 Berns cited reuons for the yelling that they don't like the I ''• ~:"-.... -..,.;::, switch : a theater gives the way things are run and '1 r ~~ show a better look; the au-threatening to hand their Em· NOTE • Wiii DAYS, dlem;:e pays aUention better: mies back" he said. "So far • • ONl I HOWIN• the dinner following the none of the statuettes have .. .._ Ma"-7:11 awards had always been a lei· betn turned into the olfit1!." .. ....._. ht'"-t:JS ~ ,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;t1~~C.~w~.~·;•;n•;•~•~~~~~J~p~•;·~~rl I !frunD!o! ~, · -= Ann's So Right • ..... llT IEACll • ......... ... J ' ' ANAL WEEK rig P~IEsi:.:~:. l::J '"The ' DEAR ANN LANDERS: .Here is how you helped me. r wrote to you last month and complained about my mother. I told you life at home was unbearable 'and I Was thinking about running away. You advised .,._ M9'tln ............. "SAILOR BEWARE" "" c...... -c • ....i11 .. 'm• tLUTT' 1' ?• ... -•M ... 1 ~ IJffwt ht, Dew MrwMte ! I eorge!!i' Tonito At 6:00 & 10:15 • SliHilli .. :1 me to cool it and have a talk with my·scbool counseJot. - I took your advice. Beryl Reio ® 1 · Susannah York My school counselor listened patiently and gave me a list of questions lo 8!J.Swer. Here are the questions and my answers. I ) Does your mother nag you a lot about the m111S in your room! 1'.nswer: Yes 2) Does she nag if your room is in order? uniforms. 1 bopt: your IOD wUJ keep jus~ one unlform 11 a welgb.t control m e a 1 u r e . Nothing: eneoara1es diet like trying to Strugle lntO an old uniform and dilcovering it is several sl.ie1 too 1mall. lUlmlll• .-. ...... 1111 • l!I SUOGUTtO '°" lliWllllt .outll!t<a.5) C'J .... 0.1n M.rti n J1 mes Stewart Raquel Wel ch "BANDOLERO" fv1. SlloW Stortl ':45 Co•t. S1•d., fr.-J ,.-. Coral Browne Wlle .... 1.-. ................... I• And Atl:lS On ly Answer : NO 3) Does your mother sCQld you wheo oiLOU come home late from a date? Answer : Yes 4) Does she scold you when you are in on time? 'JW m1n1 cOl.IPle. llO lf'Ol'TI m1lrl• mo111 to 1crlmonr. Don't tel vour m1rrtto1 1!01 before IT 111111 1t1rtect. Se1'd lot An~ L'lllllltr1' booklet, "Mir· rltte-Wl\91 ,. E1MC1." Send rour reciunt to Mn Ltndllr• In cart of 11111 ntWUMll>ff lftCIOll ... ~ , .... 11 In coin 1'1d 1 lonl, 1laml>ld, self·MIOretlld l~~~~~~~~~~~~il •nvl'I-. ....... Ltnclllrt. will b. 9!1ct IO llel1 '1'011 with vour 1rcbl1m1. Sel'ICI llwm to hrr In ctrr of 11\e 0 ... ILY PILOT, enclollno • u1t .. 0<1re11ed. lltmi>ed ~velol>e. i Answer : No 5) Does ,your mother insist that you do homework and chores before you go visit your friends or engage in any klnd of recreation? • NO 'FANNY' FOR BOSTO N Answer: Yes BOSTON (UPI) -If Fanny 6) Does she restrict your ac-•!ill wants to continue her livitles if your homework and meetings with Or. EroliCQ, chores are done ? she'll ha ve to find another Ans\Yer; No city. 7) Does your mother do 'fhe ~1assachusctts Supreme favors for you such as iron a Court Wednesdiy slapped its blouse if you are in a hurry? "Banned in J3oston" label on Answer : Yes the film •·fadny ·•Iill Meets Dr. I) Do you volunteer to help ErotiCQ," terming the movie her occasionally in order to obscene. make her work lighter'? 1 ~iiiii;;;;pw;~;o;;pp;;;;;;m Answer : Nol 9) \Vh en you leave the house does your mother ask you where you {Ire going, with whom and who el.st \Yill be there? 10 ) Do you the truth? Answer : Yes always tell her JUNIOR MATINEE Saturday, 2 p.m. "THE TIME MACHINE" 4 CARTOONS ALL SEATS . 50 ¢ Jot, ilrNt1w1r 11 II~ !f, 542·4111 AcHtmW Awlrtl WIMtrt AkN!rd H1rrl1 COLOlt "CAM nor· Elvl1 Proulrv COLOR ''CHA Rl.0" Qll&NJ·'tn:ler Plthl Tklltl1 N ... WI Sttlt )t..:~ .. ""' Alll.rllll VIMJ,1 lted{lr1w COLOR "THI LOVIS O' ISADORA" Et11~1111t" T1,1or coi..011: "SICRIT ClllMONY" , ,1 .11, \'I'"' PAULO ---Ml-3311 ·~ l'Oft.aur ~-""' Now Showing Mkhool c.1 .. AatiiHY Q1iH Calltce hrt•• ,, "THE MAGUS" ALSO PLAYING-Tho Big One-FOR ADULTS CTii\s Azm.ol. f,tab\ 8tJnX>. l!dml Butal· Jares Cdun -.Jclri Hvslon-Wcler lldl!oi l1rgo Sl!rT .:.. £...At.In~ ra~·I 99od9ricf its candy!· Rober1 Haggiog, ,..... Zcnf -.d s.lnv Pieturfl Corp. pr_. -ALSO -I I I Ctvtstion Morql.llllM ~ Candy e LAST TIMES TUESDAY e SEE FOR THE FIRST TIME, JQMM PROJECTION ON OUR 72' SCRE EN "THE • PERFOllMAllCE . TUT SHOULIJ HAVE WON THE OSCAR FOR VANESSA • REJIGRAYE !", -vlnf .... r Ccmbr. I .N.Y.Ti-." I lll!!nPMIJllll-• .ru!!,~,tt • V!mREDGRAVE. lllE LOVES OF~ I klfM• P:ktlllll .... , lh .... 1 Cf\9rttoi'I H1t1CIOI COLOll '"P'UNIT OF THI AP'U" I"" McQ..,..en COLOll 11'======================1 ,.SAND Pl llLIS" ,....--.... "G0008YE, COlUMBUS' 15 BOUND TO ll A Glt~T succrssr J Al\fES FOX-IVAN TCHE~Kd J ASON ROBARDS ~"~"'" -... -WARNER . 147..ntl Nt -lllllfer 11 wlM ... Hll'lllt .. 1 1.tlr'oh l1ylM·Yl!lltlt COLOll '"THI llCJ IOUNCI" C •Gil '""'"" COLOR ''THI SWllT I ODY OF Dll OlA.H" ..................... .. ~ --, ••• i ii, Continuous Sit., Sun, ind Hol(d1y1 I I I - --~----·-~-------------------------------·-------·-------- SUN.DAY JUNE 8 • r I I • • I ' ' • I ~ ~ r om Y our Vsua l Routine l s Indicated . \ ~ .. ... . MIJ1ze lnil ded\ICI -' JOii can 'come up'"'Wllh-,..a h1 rb I e lnJWtr. Wk whJch Is ' related to family-finish It. VIRGO (Aus. 23-Sept. 12): fides problem. Don'l cut f~t stone. Know th Is-resp D n d IC· contmgly. ' PISCES (Feb. If.Much 20): By SYDNEY OMARR MOON IN ARll!3 ......,. GEMINI May II.June 20): op'eed, -· ad iea!fU• SpOtlJibt cootlnl!fa onnopea, Slrfto .....,...,., l!;asa1• la wbhet, friends.. .F:/ne for . tpOrllq octMU..1 -l•ct entertaWnk'iol home or with -"*iie:.:' lamlly. Keyl\!l lo' be kind to Look beneath surface Jn. dicatlons. Interest ln unusual subjecll la hlghUgbted. Follow hunch. You win lf you heed In- ner feelings. Don 't fear the unknown. SAGmAlllllS (Nov. 12- Dec. 21): Creative forces surge to forefront; you get thlngs done. 0 a y features change, travel, variety. There are sociaJ demands, obllga· tlons. Fulfill them-but do so in a rela1ed mapner. Guard possession!. Keep pro- mise made to family member. You owe a favor-repay it to- day-. Yoo could get tip today which can be transfonned into profit. 1• '• ·~ , , loved onu •. You are getting ..,- c-en tip. 1peclall1vor. Aetire;l&la It. ' AlllU CM.;;,llll·~ 11)! CA,NcD (J~·~i~uly, 12\: Per a on' I relatlonahtps hn· ~ ~~bow )'.09 ·relate to prove. 'l1wt' Is JpO(t un-thoae tn aulhOrity. Don't d~. :youf, 1ded art decdve yourself about ap. a P, ! rec II t e d. .o u tltne par<nt big deal~ Kly'ls'~ be pJlns-and be aware I 0 f ~ 'natural. Ybu can· Caln U )'Olto ctetau,. One thing t~~1:;-Ume don't prta or appear overanx· aa::ompllabes major lasli:. ; lous. TAURUS (A!>rll 21 ·May LEO (July 23-A~g. 21): 20): Remolli tn background: Catdl up Oil correspondence. _Obtain·~ privacy. Be ': Keep' communication rl In.es d I 1 c:'"r e et . Oon{identlal In-clelr. Pa at p!lpOOSibillty formation ia I fi1 parted. ftappean. You.c'IMOt etade , llBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Break from routine is in· dlcated. You may be called upon to make special appear~. Be original, in- dtlpendent. Realize y o u a.re observed, measured. Means maie actions count-avoijt waste. · SCORPIO (Ocl. 23-Nov. II): YOllt htalth comes first; know this ·end act ac<C<dlngl7. sti.... knowledge. Learn by teaching. Yolllig~ ~.- CAPRICORN (Dee. 22.Jan. lJ): Be aware of security re· quirements. Take lt aJow and easy. No day to act on im· pulse. Study details -read between the Unea. Older person needs attention. AQUARIUS .(Jan. :IG-Feb. II): Emphasis cont.illuu. on travel. E1cbange o f in· formation IJiahllghls d a y . Individual who seems silly i ~ly tclllng the truth. IF TODA V IS YOUR City of Hope Drive Slated More than 100,000 volunteer marchers will visit neighborhoods Jn S o u th e r n Callfornia this Sunday as the City of Hope launches ita an· null Hope Sunday fund raising drive. Apolfo Astronaut William Anders will be Honorary Chairman of the campaign, while M .. Keith Gaede, the President of San Joaquin AMoc. of Co!ta Mesa will run the local drive . Col. Anders said that "No patient has ever paid at the City of Hope. So, it la only through lhe help ol lhe public that Its remarkable record can conµnue .'.' TWIN JET AUTO AIR CONDITIONER . 95 • Twin Squirrel cage Blowen . • Famous York Compressor • 361T Air Volume Control • Automatic Clutch Provides Law.Cost Open.· ti on CUtJOM UNltl fOI ,KK·UP tlUCkl A\'AIU.•LI. AUTO AIR CONDITIONER SERVICE 511 ":::: • Check "mpre11or •ncl valv• • Perfotfl'I , ... •Dd ~ Wt check • Check and acjJulf. Belli (ot proper teMioo • Ch«:k IW1kb ind thermo- • Ital operation " ' ' I VACUUM CLEANER STATION . 6~ :____ W3A'°1lAD Pl~s into ciprcue liahtcr . , • • 1~1, for hard to re,ith was •? 1 72 1 v.· . • . dunlil,. • C6MPACT SIZE! Wc:ishs lc.1 yiflylcov~mldcwllf"OOf. thin l pouM'.'! • wlpUck::l*etMY·''·f6JO 20-.1) WT. 1 t 37c 9r, WIAOOITtYU The Toulh Film :P.1otor OU. YoUI CHOICE . 7 YOU" 3 ... , ... , •Pl.OS CltOKI IM'ft At.Vo 1"11»" '4'111UU'IWI · 111111-• ,, .... ..,.,. f -·leiiiiui THESE SPECIALS GOOD AT THES.E LOCATIONS ONLY WESTMlllS'QR _ 1 s+IG UACH &Yll/r ' ' At Ndlll~• " 192·2°'8 ' ··-• Al ·ftlloy V1ow 8.2'-5800 BUEllA PARI • SJDI llfACH 11.Yll. Al l.Alltwletor .S23·3040 • • OOITA MESA SAllTA AllA . UOD HAllOl ILVD. ' 1400 IDI ...... ' At ,W.. Al lrltlel 548-208 2 546-783 2 ' I • OA!LV PILOT I J/l • t .. Harbor Higlf 'Smdents Win Music Awards Eiiblffn Yllllni 11.-ct Hari>or Hip SehoOI mllllclons are wbmen ot Kholanhips and award> ol 'r'rll. The presentations w e r e made at the school's recent Music Award.I Banquet. Mualo Department Scholarahlpa we.re. given to Tony Evana:, inslrumentallst and Kathy Cpka&, vocal.let. Steve ·Winsor received a music scholarship and Sue Hurd won the f1ne irts .scholarship from the Bank of America. The Tuesday Club preJented Helen Allen wlth a scholarship based upon her participation in the school's music program, as well as her achola.stic rttord. The Chantelle s i n g e r s honored JeMtfer Jarvi!:, Sue Hurd ·and Chris Rebard as moa"t Jmprov~ most ouUtan- dlng, and m0tt 'valu~ble a!ngen rtspectlvtly. Memben of the A Caj>pella Choir honored with ·awards 3 Scholars~ Given $100 Three Harbor Area students weie Miiie. Ralferty1 moll fm. • proved;. Klllhy Cow, moo1 outstandtJ1:1; and Br u c 1 John.ion, most valuable. Orchestra members honored were Klm Smlth, moat lm4 proved; Missy Ha1ln, most outstandlnt and Terry Levitt, most valuable. In the Sailor Band, Randy, Woltz was honored as the most valuable member, with Peter Degraff and Steve Winsor carrying off the honor' as most improved and most outstanding, respectively. Pep Band Coordinator Paul Thom~ received a certificate of merit. Federation To Aid Girl SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - The ltaliao Catholic Federa- tjon has collected nearly $4,000 tO.Jb~p Susan ·Bartolomei, JI. Ukiah teen-ager who was paralyzed when two . younc killers shot her !everal times. The federation said it will present.. the donations to the girl's parents in July, after the fund drive concludes at the end of the month. The money will be used for medical ex-are ""-iple_nts olS.lOO_each.and Newport·Mesa:\ school board pen.ses. 11Jember Elizal>eth "Betty" .Lilly of the "Boss of the Miss Bartolomei was raped, shot and thrown over an em-Year" title conferred by the bankment In the Sierras by Newport Beach chapter of American Business Women's two young men who killed her Aasociation. boyfriend, Timothy Luce. Tho Scholarship winners a r e incidept occurred in August. 1967. She has bttn paiaJyzed Susan Deaver of Corona del and under treatment since. Mar High School, Wendy ---------- Owens of Newport.. Harbor LEGAL NOTICE High Sc~ool, and Rob i n•l----------- Blackbum of Orange Coas c••t•Piu:ii~ iusiMas• College. Ttie $100 each is to l'ICTITIOUS NAM• help · them pursue t h e i r Tiit un<W'tl•ned cion ar111~ 1111 11 -duclloe ' -IMU •l 1M2 Whlni.r, Cott• business careers. Moew, c.n1orn11. utleler rn. 11ct111oui 11rm Miss De • · d ""~Of flOftTION PACIC FOODS CO.'"" av r receive a ll'l•t w 111 firm 11 com.ote<i of 111e 10110¥'· special Diane G u e r t I n 1,,. ""°"· --. "-1" run .11111 p11e. M · I "·h I h. · h ot reildt<>ce IJ 11 1o11-.· emor1a ~ 0 ars Ip In onor WALTER M. TALIERT, "' Ctntw of the charter member and s1.. COlll MH.1. past president who w a s 0•'94 w':rt!r 1.t\. 1_;:_ drowned In a boating accident. STATE OF CALIFOll.NlA • COIJNTY Of' 011.ANGI!! I II Mrs. Lilly was selected for Oil M•Y u. 1"'· bfolon ""'· • Not•"' the "Boss of the Year" honor Pvt111e 111 •nd 1« 111<1 s11t1. -'"'" • -Mred walt.r /V\. Talblrt kM'M'I '"' on the basls of a Jetter written me ,,, tie 111e ~ ....._ 111in. "' by Wilson School teacher iDblcrlbl!d ,,, ,,. w1111111 '"''"'-' 1N1 •du"'wltdted he 111ecu1ed Ille "'""· Barbara Kephart. 10FF1CIAL SEAL1 Mano IC. HtnrY LEGAL NOTICE NGl•rv Pllblic·C1lll01""l1 -, _P:r~~ Otll« 111 !'ft. P..u.4e SAR·11U NOTICI OP tlllSOLUTION OP PAll.TlitlllSHIP 0<1"" Cou111Y My Con1ml111on E•i>lm Nov. :IA, ltn C.-t'1J Pl,lbll~ Orll'Cle COllll O.lly Piiot M.1v HOTICE II HEREIY GIVEN lh•I 17 1.._ l l Mid J1111t 1 !Ht ,., ... , ALLAN 11.. STA.Ill( -LOUIS J. LlllOC· ' ' LEGAL NOTICE CA .11 1'2t e11t 1(1!11111 AYtll\lt, CllY o4 Orltlff, C-1\1 of Or.11111, S!t1t of C:.1!1for11r1. Clld Oii Ille 11111 CllY ol MIY.1------------ lM, 11\1 ll"Ufwl ~1111, dllloGlw Tiie "'Id ,.JJSit Plr1M1'$11ht Incl lfrmm.111 tl'lllr rtletlOtl!I Ctlltl,.ICATI! o,-IUllNEJI II •ll"tTNo l!lef1J11, PtCTITIOUI NAM• 0.1ttd lhl1 1'th CltY of MIY, 19't. Tht underslgntd ~I COll"l!h' t11t 11 c.ii• Alltn R. St1rll CIUClll\ll .1 bo.i1lnn1 11 f!U2 Ch11tl,_roelf Loul1 J. L•llocc• JOHN W. McOWIN, Allornty Lant, Hu11tl11t!0<1 811ch, C•llfwnl1, u~r lit I!. Cll.l"'1lll AW,, tlit lfi;tllloYJ llrm n.1in1 ol Cll:EAT!VI! Ori ntl, Ci llf. FASHION$ llY OONNA Ol!E Ind 11111 11ld llrm h c"""llOffd d IM f911owln!t i>ublllhed Or1f!tl Cn11I D11ty l>llol, 1'91"IOll, .,..,.,,. ,.,,,.,. In full ind pleq DI 1J~'-M_'.c'_'"-'-------'"-'-•.11 rnld~nr~ 11 .11 lollGWI: QONNA JUNE PEltRY, 11152 Clle•I• 1rbrook LIM. HunllntlO!'! llHCll, C1ll• I01"nl1. LEGAL NOTICE P•l*I 011eG MIY 15, lfft SAJt·l1'1 °"""' J. ,,,,... Clllt/PICAtl OP OllCONtlNUAkCI! STAT!! 0'° "CALIFOR~IA OP Ull AND/011 AIANDONMl!Nt o,-COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 11 PICtltlOUS NAMI Oil MIY IS. 1'61, btfoff 1111, I NGll...., tHf UNOfllSIGNl!D don l\1r1tw f'ubllc Ill "'" lnr 1•fd 51 .. t, 1>er10111/lv ct rtlh' ti\11, tllKflYt Jin. 1. 1961 lie •-••td conn1 Jur.e Perry known 11 CHiid lo Oo bvll"fU u!>dtr thi! lli:tlllou1 m. ta be !ht "1>1•1011 wlloH ,..me II """ nlm. of 'rht 0<•"9• Vtltrl111ry •ubterfbt<I lo 1111 wl1hl11 1111ln1me11! ;!Id Hosp1t11 11 2006 W. Cl\111m1n Avt., .1ck·now~ •ht e~ecuted tlll lllM. °'"'"''' C•tlfGrnl1, ..... Id! bu1lnet1 Wll !OFFICIAL SEAL! letmetly 'comPOMd of Ille k>llowl"9 Jet" L, .klblt pe..-i. whoH "'"'' Ill lull •!Id PllCI of Nol1rv Plltlllc-CIU!on\11 rt1ldtfK:t lt II k>llGWI. to-wit: Prl11clP1I Of!ltt In Or. Fred H. Mel1l"9tr, IGol AHYieW Orenat County Pl.l(t. L1t""I llHdl, Calif. '2'51 My Camml1t1Qn Exjtlr~J C..-rlflcllt IOI' lr11u1cllon of bu1lnt1• M1r«i 2. 111l undfr IM '"""' llcllll""' n1mt, .Ind Ii· H•IJt1t tl!:llvlr of 1>11bllclllGll lhefrof, ''' 011 Ille Publl111td °'""" COi\! o.11tt P!ltll In the Dftltt al the Cou111Y Clerk ol Mey 17, U, Jl Incl J""' 7, lt.11 f6J.ff Or-• c""'""'· ......,., .,,. 11nw111""1 °''l-'"-C:.:C::..::::::.::::c:.,:.:::. _ _:::.:; Sac!IOl'O H61 ol Ille Clvll Cork. LEGAL NOTICE WITNESS my h•nd 11111 26th dtY of"------------MaY. lfft~ I' 0~. Fred H. MeltlllOer Plltltl1f\ed O••llOt CNll 0.111Y PllGI. JI/Ill 1, u, "· it, 1,.. 11116-69 • • \ " I Triple Crown on Line For Majestic Prince NEW YORK (AP ) -Unbeaten Ma· jesUc Prince, fit and fattened again, goe~ for raclng's coveted Triple Crown today as an uneasy 6.s favorite over· two tough rivals and a trio of outsidet5 in the IOlst Belmont Stakes. The chief rivals are Virginia-bred Art.1 and Letters, second by a lunging neck and a bead to the red California can· nonball in the Kenturky Derby and Preakness, 8-5 in the early probable odds, and stretch.diving Dike, 1--1. The Jongshots, in the rugged I l/z mile:-i test apparently just for exposure, arc Rooney's Shield, 20·1; Distray, 20-1 , and Prime Fool. 30-1. Of these, Rooney's Shield, a good·look· Ing colt with two victories and creditable performances in such prestige events as the \Yood, Withers and G o t b a m. will go to the post at be.fore an ~xpecled Belmoot Park crowd of .some SS,000 pill$ million watching on television, CBS will air the event belwecn 2 and 3 p.m. on Channel 2. The third je\lo·l:I in the Triple Crown OwMrt-1. llOl<~b¥ Sl•blU 1. Gtotoe W•H..:1; 3. Fra"" McM•P>on; •. °'m~r S'. t>em11>11, J. Ci1lrb0r11e f•rm; '· Kl~ Ririe~. W~IQh1,-E1c~ c1rrles 11' -..ncl•. Gross ¥&1-11"1.-. v11.,.. IO wlnnor, J!ll'.oJO; -<-. 115.000i Tlltn:I, 112j00i fourlll u.uo. POii llrM -J'l7 11.m. EDT T• .. ¥1slofl -i p.m. ces. is considered to have the best chance of series for J.year-olds poses a number of cracking the Big Three stranglehold, but •· interesting questions and possibilities. it isn't likely. · llas Arts and Letters cultivated a run· The smallest Belmont field sinc:e 1957 ner-up complex after finishing a close se- Money, 1tlotaey Everywhere Tennis Could Become As Lucrative as Golf NEW YORK (UPI) -The tennis ptityers never had it so good. At lhe rate the money is nowlng, the racquet racket soon may be as lucrative as pro golf's tournament trail, The tennis crowd. in fact, has one gimmick going the golfers should envy. Arthur Ashe, Clark Graebner, Chuck Pasarell and other top American players will be at Wimbledon on the expense ac· t.wnt -as usual. r They'll al.so be playing for priu: money. 1 Anything they win goes into their own pockets. ··wimbledon will give us a lump sum for the expense of our olficial United States team." said Alastair B. Martin. president of ·the U.S. Lawn Tennis Association. "The USLTA will augment that fund so our team can stay at the same hotel and practice every day under the supervision of Donald Dell, the Davis Cup captain." So far, the USLTA sees nothing ludicrous in its current position of back· .Ing star players in a private business enterprise. ··we urge them to play for prize money ," said ~1artin. "Actually, il's bet· ter that way. Sometimes the public and the spOnsor didn "t get their money's worth under the old system when amateurs accepttid appearance money and then didn't try very hard to win." As for the conlract pros like Rod Laver, Tom Okker and Ken Rosewall, they'll be playing Winbledon for prize money -as usual. But they'll also be getting some expenses extracted from \Vimbledon by· the directors of the l"'o pro leagues and distributed by the direc· ·tors to their troops. . : "Tell me," asked Martin, ··Do the golf 'Indians (Y e11) ;clobber A11gel s :In 8-3 Rout CLEVELAND I AP) -Tony Horton <!rove home four runs with his ninth and '.11Jth home runs and Ken Harrelson hit a 'two-run homer, powering the )owly Cleveland Jndians to an S.3 victory over . the Angels Friday night. Horton's first homer came v.·ith two men on and caped a four-run uprising in the first iuning off loser Jim McClothlin, .... llorton's second can1e in the hfl h in· ning after Harrelson l\ad unloaded his sixth home run into the lov.'er left rield Angel Slal.e Junf J, ,l,ngfll ti (t.Yellfll:I, 11:10 l .rn .• «MPC • June I . ""nQfls ti Ct.veil"" (!), t :SS 1.rn,, l(MPC JUM 10, ,l,r19els &I 81lllmo"· •:SJ P.rn .• KMPC Ju111 11, ,l,ngel1 •I B•lllmore, •;SS "·"'·· KMPC &eats with Larry Brown oo bas(>., .. Cleveland's ·vlctoi-y was its thi rd in a row, lhe club's longest v.·inning streak of • the season. \ pros get appearance money·!" Not any more, he was told. "We ll, we 're in a state o( flux," Martin replied. "Things have been happening very fast in tennis and it will take time to get everyone thinking the same way. "I ·suppose the ideal situaliOI!. for the ruture would be a world circuit with cash prizes to money players and expenses on. ly to those who wQl.lld settle for tbat." That future may be a long way off but al least the U.S. is making a tentative ef- fort. "We're making a big move this year.'' said Martin. "In addition to our major open championships, several tournaments on our summer circuit will offer prize money for the first time." Theoretically, these a d di t ion a I tournaments will offer the players eilher a shot at prize money or an expense ac· count but not both. And contract pros will ht: ba:-red. Under currently confused international rules, Contract pros can't play against amateurs or semi-pros in any money toornament except one o f f I c i a 11 y designated as an "open." And no player except a contract pro is allowed to com· plete in any tournament promoted by one of the two professional leagues. The pro leagues. working on a one.year armistice, threaten to boycott all the opens next year unless the rules are changed. .. I haven't given up our fight on Lhat." said Martin, who agrees with the pros. "'"'e'\l batUe Sor changes at a meeting in Prague later this summer." Ln an effor to line up su pport of other nations, Bob Malaga of the USLT A has been lobbying in Europe in recent days. Nevertheless, as of now, tennis players never had it so good. The prize money may Qe much hirtier.in the fut ure but the lesser' money players are gonna miss that old expense account AA RON NA MED TOP A LL-TIME BR A VE ATLANTA. Ga. (AP) -Qulfielder Hank Aaron has been voted the greatest player in the history of the Braves by Atlanta baseball Jans. Felipe Alou was named center fit;ld er by the rans, v.,:ho dipped back into the past for the other eight berths, with the heroes of the 1957 l\.1ilwaukee Braves "'ho won the World Seri es dominating the cluh. Southpaw Warren Spahn and right handed Lou Burdette were named the pitchers on the all-time team. Del Cran- dal\ was given the catcher's berth, with .Joe Adcock picked al first base and Red Schoendienst named at second. Eddie f\.-lathews was awarded the thi rd base post, and Waller .,Rabbit .. Maranville was picked at shorts.top. Lef l fie ld went to Hugh. Du((y •. \\'ho had a. .438 batting. average back in 1894. • cond to f\iajesUc Prince ln both the Derby and Preakness? .. I don't think so," insists Ellioll Burch, the Yale-educated trainer of the Rokeby Stable's Virginia colt. ''lt's true that horses are like people . They know when they win and lose. I don't think my horse knew he lost to the Prince in the Preakness -ii was that close. ·•Anyhow, I ran him in the Metropolitan last week just to give him confidence. The Prince is a big animal. Arts and Let· ters is small. The Prince may not let hint by." ··11·s not a matter of letting him ," countered the famed Johnny Longden, who trains the Prince for Canadian multi· Jitillionaire Frank McMahon. "Arts and Letters can't pass my horse." Longden can become the first man to win the Triple Crown as both a trainer ind ride~ He swept the three :J.year..old classics in 1943 on Count Fleet and went on lo score rnore 6,000 riding triumphs. Longden's judgment also is on the line ln the century.old horse race. After nursing the strapping Kentucky· bred bul California.campaigned colt to his ninth straight-victory without a defea t in the Preakness, the tiny trainer wanted to skip the Belmont and take the Prince back to California for a rest . . . '"He's lost 100 pounds....and.he's tired,'' Longden said. But McMahon insisted that the Prince go for the three-race sweep that has been accomplished only nine times, the last time by Citation in 1948. "He's the boss.'' Longden said, resignedly. Late r he acknowledged that f\1ajestic Prince had regained his Jost "'eight and was in top shape, but some observen are skeptical. Arts and LeUers has been more impressive in workout!. Expo s Lose 19th Straight To LA. 3-2 ' LOS ANGELES (AP) -Thf( Los Angeles Dodgers handed ~1ontrea1 its 19th consecutive defeat Friday night, trimming the battered Expos f..2 on Wes Parker's two-run homer. The Expos' losing streak is just four sho rt or the major J~ague mark of 23 set by !he 1961 Philadelphia Phillies. Center fielder Willie Davis of the Dodgers \\:as taken lo baniel Freemau Hospital after being struck in lhe face in the-..first iMing by a pitch dufmg lhe Oodgers' game with Montreal. Davis was hit on the right cheekbone by Montreal pitcher Dan McGinn. He v.'as not believed to be seriously hurt. Parker's home run, a 375-foot shot into the left field pavilion, came after a single by JOhn Miller and wiped out a 2-1 Mon- treal lead. The homer was Parker's fifth of the season. Don Sutton sCX1red his second straight victory over the E::pos and ran his reCX1rd to 8-4. Dan McGinn. making his fi~st start for Montreal after 23 relief appearances, took the loss foi a Z.S mark. Following Parker's sixth-inning blast. the Dodgers added an insuranci! un in the seventh on two walks, Biii Russell's in· field single and a two-out error by seCX1nd baseman Gary Sutherland. MOHTltEAI. I.OS A ~OEl.lS .. ' .. , .. ' "' Mo11 " ' ' ' • Wiiis " ' • ' ' StfuO rt ' • ' • M Jont• !I ' • • ' labo1 " ' • • • 8tllev lb ' • • • Sulherl .. !d 1b • • ' • 8r•r>d ' • ' ' • McGlnn • ' • • • ....... 1-1 • • • • • 5h1w • • • • • CIMlll,non "" ' • • • To!ll " ' ' ' RusS!!ll ,, ' ' ' w DIYIS cl " • • ,_ Mlll•r 11 ' ' ' F1lr!Y ,, • • • ...... ,, lb ' ' ' l(mco If ' • • Hiiier c • • ' S!il!mOrt n ' • • SU011<l1 JI> ' • • POPOY]dl "' • • • Sul!on " ' • • Bre.,...r p • • • Tali! " ' O'JO 010 OQO.-' 100 !In IOx-<I • • • • • ' • ' • • • • • ' E-S~tt>erlftnlf. l09-Montr•al ,, LO$ A1>9•I•• 1, '!1-Svtllerla"ll J, H~-Parker (1J. SF-M. J.onel, 111 H It Ell I I 50 MtG!nn !L. 2·!) 6 l l l I S Wl!ltwakl 1·l 1 1 0 1 0 S~tW 11.JO 0 0 0 0 SY!!Gn (W, l·i) I ) ~ ' 4 I Bri!~r I 0 0 0 ll ' Saw._llrtWf'r. Hlll-IW MtGlnn (W, D1.il1\ • .VP -McGln<1. Wt1lew.ii;I. f11lll-S!i!~. Pl-Htller. f - 2:11. A-16, ..... J8 DAILY PILOT S.tun:f1y, June 7, l'H Co-favorites ' BELMONT WORKOUT -Exercise boy Norm Kerr takes Arts and Letters around the track during a light Friday 'vorkout for today's $150,000 Belmont Stakes race in New York.' Artr and Letters is con- sidered. to be l\iajestic Prince's No. 1 challenger in his bid for a Triple Crown. · LAUGHING MATTER -l\1ajestic Prince looks confident the day before he shoots for the first Triple Crown viCtory in 21 years. With Kentucky Derby and Preakness victories already in the books, he shoots for. a triple in the Belmont Stakes today. RA~10S I NJ URED I N RING WORKOUT SANT A ANA -\Vorld light1.,·eight champion f\.1ando Ram os broke his hand in training Friday and his title defense again·.;t .Japan 's Yoshiaki Numata here June 14 is off. The mishap occurred at the S:iddlcback lnn training cam.p of the ZO.year·old champion in Sanla·Ana: Boosts Brewe1· to Lead MIDLOTHIAN, Ill. (AP) -Gay Bre\.\•er, who hasn't scored a regular tour victory since the 1967 Masters says a re· found putting stroke is responsible for his -tead golng fntCJ today'~ third ·round in the $130,000 W.estern Golf Tou rnament. "I've been In a kind oJ a slump tor 11: year and a half," the J)ug;nosed pro said after shooting a second round 87 Friday for 136 ar.t. a one-stroke lead over Frank Beard and a couple o( non-winners. Dick Rhyan ai:<I ROCky ,.hompoon. · - ·costa ~fesa's Ron Reif Is far lo the rear of the pack with a 72--75-147. Relief pitcher Juan Pizarro look over for starter Horacio Pina in the third in- ning with a run in and two men on base. He got out of that inning, but Aurelio Rodriguez tripled in a California run in !he fourth and sCX1red on Bubba Morlon·s single before Pizarro blanked the Angels the rest of the way. Namath in '" Character----Center Stage "I really hadn't been playing lhat badly," he said. "But it was the play around the greens., my puWng. Then t v.•as watching some home movies of myself and I discovered what I was doing wrong 011 my pu tting. C,1,1.lllOJINIA •• • " ti Aiorl'Mr ~II S I 0 I Jol'l,..tone cl o l o F•notl 11 I 0 0 Rel».lrf 111 0 VOtlolf 41 1f AltDdrwi Jtlo 4 I ' I ~rlll l I 1 0 S1lriMlo c l O t I MG1ot11f11 , o I 0 I (.J~"" ,,,, Ptlddt' 11 0 0 I 0 /Mrllln p11 1 I I I El<I""'° 1 I 0 I 0 Hldu 1111 I I I I 8ol-11Dn , 0 • • 0 CLEVEt..l"'D ~ ·~ , StlYdtt (! l 0 lBrow" u I l 111r1'i!tson fl •l t Man " l t Fuller 7b D I Tl4orlon 11:1 J l IC!lmd>cii. 20 I 0 H;nfl)n " I I "'lwls lt> I G FoHec •• llin.t " ! ' Pl11«0 o 1 o •• • • ' . ' ' ' ' •• , . ' ' •• • • ' . •• •• Afftllff 11'1 O t I I T,ttl )2 l I ~ tot1I JI I ' I C.tll'ot-".. 001 lOO 000-J ,....,.j.Nld 400 0)1 0111-1 °'~"'-2. Clf'ltlrtl'lll I. 1.0 1-U!llomlf I, (~ J, "-'My .. Jollrt1._,., Kl'lmc:l'ICKI.. lB -A. llOllr19WJ. H•-T. Hot"IOn 2 (101. H1rrri- 11J. 111 M JI ~II •• SO McGIOllll5'1 IL. ,.__., 1 4 • ~ ,' ' E. llltlln l 4 J l ' ' 9orMn 1 111 I ,.IN '1·11 I I 1 I 1'!1t rn1 (W, l•ll 11.J 6 1 1 l HI lly !t/111 to. JOl'lrisonl. hY lor!IO•• If tte< '°"'· 1'a-4trt'91111, ,._ '-t: u. "'-'-lff. NE\V YORK (AP) -Joe Willie Namath is a sleepily handsome young nu1n from Beaver Falls. Pa .. with Rhett Butler sideburns and long hair on the shaggy side . t.1eek he is not. From the day in 196$ when he sjgned to play professional footba ll for the New York Jets for $400.000 and a. swank. new convertible, he ha s been a marked man. Joe Willie has lit up quite a few rooms :>ince. There was the plush East Side pad with the oval bed, the while llama rug and the $5,000 mink coat in the closet. Late:y ttere was the swinging Lexington Avenue bistro, known as Bachelors ill where he net some people v.·ho were IOt on Pete Rozelle 's list of desir11 bles. I~ w~ the club, owned jointly by Nomath and llay Abruzzest . who played roa1ball "'ilh Joe both at Alabama and "·llh lhe Jct~. that got Broadway Jot Jn his latest jam The Na1nath ~ho told his story Friday al a 9:30 a.m. news e-0nference had eyes like taillights and the look of a man who had been up most of the night. He wore bell bottom trousers, bro\vn with .v.·hitc stripes, a blue high-collared shirt and a blue wind breaker. Namath never has been one lo bow lo authority. Although Bear Bryant, hi s col- lege coach. called him "the greatest athlete I ever coached ''. Joe was in trou· ble with the CX1ach, and Yt'as suspended and sat out part of his college career. \\'hen ~tilt Woodard, president of the American Football League , told Namath he had to shave orf his Fu Manchu last Fall he collected $10,000 from a rator company for a commtrclal. ''I rlldn 't like '"hat the league said about it," he said ... 11·s none of th<'iT business If I have sidcburn5 or a mustache. \\1ho·s · to slly where long -----·--------------~-- sideburns begin?'' Nan1ath0s gimpy knees ha ve troubled him throughout his football career. He underwent surgery in January. 1965. after he signed his first contract. for removal o( a cartilage and repair of ligaments in his right knee. After the 1966 season they cu. the same knee again. Before the 1968 season they repaired a small tendon in the ltifl knee. He had talked of · another operation after the Super Bowl. "Right now the li;nees ate the worst they cver have been at lhis lime nf year," ht said in mid· April after his return from a tour or Army bases in. the Far East. "There's no chance of an operation\ I'll do exactly what \he doctor Loki me to do-nothing." Here are a few typical Na1nath quotes: On a proposed mo\•ie career -''Okay, I nc\ er acted before. 'l'h11t's like t never plnytd professional football beforr. I sig'n· ('d up." .. , On the theft of his mink roat-"I don"! think rll bother gelling another. 1 never wore that one." On missing photo day before the Super Bo\\•l-"I always · sleep in lhe momlng. that's the thing to do. You've got to get your rest." On life in gtneral-"I wish I was born rich. I'd know how to spend money. Boal!, planes, cars. clothes, b!9ndes, brunettes. redheads, bro"·nheads just so they're pretty. I lo\'e them all .•.. What 's there in life but to relax and hive some fun . Man. if you don 't have It, you~re not llVing and I like to Uvt." On the Super Bowl Victory in which he guaranteed the Jet! \\'Ou.kl wln-"l,hope all you writers tat your pencils and pads. \Ve won." On a choice bet\\·etn sclllns his club or. facing suspension-"I won't sell It. So t am quilling." ./ --------------- ··1 was moving my head with the st roke. 1 corrected it just this week. Now I'm putting much better. I'm con· centrating well, hilting my Irons good . Al y 1\'hole game is in good shape.'' And the home movie he watched~ ··The 1967 Masters.·• I • I I Santa Anan In 9,6· itttt : .. ., WE.!iTWdoo · -jll a ;1 n a' High Schoo!'r\.lnck aod lleld season endet' ~ere·· Friday afternoon al tiCLA's 'Pl'*~· new : •ladiw:1>l'la the ; stal' p~D\!11 • wtiere one · s'l a t e.. reconl ,.., 1.,,...'ken •• ~ anotllf; WU tieil \Wk<. ' ·~.r~ Rowan's Marin1~ cc~ntinjat ~ u.1· 440 relat teonf al :Joe a'!d Tony ·ven-uinilrla, Bob Or"'eiling and Dav& Lacy -was ellminat.ed In the second heat, finishing fourth. !Nrd place in the heat ~as necessary to advance to the ci:lveted finals at the 98me sit.o today. The pole vault gets under ' way at 12:30 and the first run~ ning event is 'at 2 p.m. The . Vlkes turned in a respectable·, u .e around the lap, ·but the mark was two-tenths of a se-, cond slower than their official time chalked up in the cir linala,otwp·-ks.qo at Cer· ritofiColf,ge.. . . ;" ·. idiie c1iao;....ccurr1<1 when Oreillng v"r e'P la e>e d Jim Gaughan in th{ third leg of the· race because ol the Jatfer's slight leg injury. · Rowan had confided earlier that the change would not hamper the Vi 'kings' perfonnance · -noUng that both t'UJliiel'S lnvol ved were on a par wlth each other for 100 yards ... M~iM had wQrked out on the a:.til;n tracli"twlce durili;l lhO W..k, but ihe · · · ._ vid fu~ U ~~ ·o1' S~l&ltntd. lo a . s~,' r1<ord , tja>e of 41.1 ln wfnnirig •· the jleat and e.tablishlns itself 1 as t6e.... faVllrlte for the 440. rela)' 1n the finals1 --~---·~--·---~- 'hie· 12'1 high' lwrdles d of lS.7 was 'Ue!J .<,.lce -lint 'VIKINGS FIN!Sli'. FOURTH ·-Marina Higb's 440 relay teem needed a lhlnl ~ii!::'a.. 8:;:v;!'s _ :,r· plac~ in !bis. p~e~,beat at the state prep track meet at~UgLA Frid!U' to a am. by Chart.; . of Los qualify for fudl\~~ f!Mls but it tool< fourth , in 42.6. The race wu. won by Edi-.J,ieks . wa~ Hiab in son High of St0i:k$on in (t4, a .state rec0n!. '!!~re, Dave Lacy, the ';ikes' an- the-lblrd heat. · cbor man, crosses the finish ~me flanked by a St, Augustine <$an.Ptee'!)·J;ll!l- Top effOrti. Orange Coon-ner. '· · ty alhleWB me in the 100 ., aild ~·. . .... . . ... • State Records 'Santa Ana's classy Jackie Wblte turned in a winning 9.8 ef~in hlS 100 heat and qua . dJn the 220 with a 21.9 cl g.. · . Terry Lamb of B o,l s a' Grande won his mile heat with an easy 4:15.6. OCIR Sets -Twin Card Of Drags 100-Gray, Montgom!l!f')' UiO-Gray; Monll(omCry 440-White, Corcoran · 1917 1917 11156 li08 1965 1.96i Clyde Emery of. Santa Ana V8lley ran a 9.7 100, bl.it fihish- cd fourth lo three either run-nen wllh the sam~ time. Bo~h top g~s ·arid injectel"I Gar?Uon,' tehtennial 880-Joyce, Sittra - 1Mlle-Da.niebon, 'Chula Vista 2-~R~ero, Jteedley . - IZO IDJ-:froct~r, Muir 1.4 20.7 4<.7 46.7 L46.I 4:07.0 t:OIU .1!;7 JU -1987 1967 11166 1961 The two-mlle run was not in-fuel dragsters will compete al clifded ' in the prelims. The Orange County Iritemational fl~~ five seeded runners. Raceway this e-venbig: ' however,1 are from the The gassers bad~Migina]ly- I~ l:Jf.-farniez:, La Puente 440 .Relay-Centennial MiJe Relay-Centennial HJ-Brown, Compton PV-Wil.!IOll, ~1 SP-Hubbell, LB Poty LJ.-Proctor, Muir Discus-Peters, Piedmont , IL$ 3:1U 7-0 . ]~\\ £16.11 1968 tt63 '1965 '116i soutflern section. bHn scheduled'~ to return to Included in that quintet is El OOIR July 12 and the fuelers Modenfl Higb's Dave Wbli,, Aug. 2 but OCIR general who• a 9:0l.4 to bis crecjjt. manaeer ~e._Jopes moved Lar'liabra'J Mike ~;,. up the prograro, because of made the gfatle in the Po~e JJ:OPUlar d~. -...__~ lit-I 1,967 t961 vault at JW. The two divisions stagfld two Whittier l-liglfs Bill Sims of the closest contests ever won his 440 heal with a fine see~ at ~-~~ck May IO. The 47.2 effort -but scratched t entir.e. eicht. c~ top gas field from' the 220. The latter event ·quahhed w1lh1n eleven hun· was scheduled immediately' dredths o1 a sed:>nd of each Area Schools Enter following the 440. .other. ' (. I \ ·:\l!• 11i9 .. I labd1 No! 1 · Relay Teams .. in Meet Park Team, Km yhroo\e qµallfiers the• injfcted fuel division were separated by .on- 11 31 huadr;ciths Of a 8eC<llld. ' Seven high school districts. will represe11t the Anaheim, including Hu,nUngton Beach Garden Grove, Fullerton and and Newport-Mesa have ac-Orange sChool districts. LeaW. rtbe fUelen Satur- .day ·wur:-~.f6"°'1' natiOOal champion Mlke Snively rrom Rial to , drift·n·c John Rasmusaen'J Stardust Nation-Win CrOW]JS al Open ' winning machine. Mission Viejo's Gene Adams. national and ·ocm track i-ecord holder, will also be On hand. Members 0£ the Anaheim cepled bids -to enter eight-man team are Jim Beyers (l.oara), mile relay teams in, the second Steve Elkini (Loara), Nonn annual Orange Coonty lnvit8.-Hiroshima (Loara). Mike Uonal track and fl~d meet Black (Anaheim), Denn fs June 14 at Fred Kelly Stadium Lackey (Savanna) .. ch r is in Orange. Hi,cby (Katella), .Jerry Huss Killybrooke and C 0}1 e I e Park were crowned. champions in _Costa MJS.a _ J,tecre~tion Department. playgrOund soc- cer league compelition. WiWam Maplkol scored lbe only goal in leadlpg Killybrooke lo the e. e e Dlvlalon ·ch amp ion s h 1 p, defMUng Harper, 1--0. , Co l lege Park beat KilJybrooke, 4-1, in Cce acUon. Geadtng College Park were Mark KrJeger and Dan Dud- derldge, the £onner scoring three times. Tiam rosters: KlDybrooke Bets William Mapakoi, R i c k Nute, Willie Carne!!. Scott 'T'tH'ner, Kevin Gallagher, Bob ~y. l.1ark 'Wang, Dan Valentine, Chris \Yatt, David Cooper, Ted Wills, Ri c k Fessler, Greg Roe. Ralph Ke- n~. Jon Sims, Greg Knilthl, J~ Perkins, cmch John Dail . . COUege Parlt C..1 &arl< Krieger, Din llu<l- dEiidge, Chris Knight, Bruce SUierma:n, Jerry Pettit, StM c..-..sold, William-Rabb, Mike Bruneau, Kirk Bsnienrielst!:r, DoUg Dygart. John curran, t'Otch Don Crowley. ' Soviet Five • Meet director Earl Engman (Western), and Bill Raines said he e:1pect.s two more (LoS Alamitos). teams to ~ter the now rarely on the Fullerton team are run -relay. event, which eigbt ·towtu runnen·..:. Joe Ceatitm: seven handoUs and · Stephens, Dan Aguliar, sCott each competitor running ,220 Nowlinl, Terry· Trish. Tom yards. Reinbofd, Bill Peterson, Scott Prep stars from Marina and Collins, and Phil Mqrton. ·~oiintain Valley will make up Gan.'t:n GroV'~'s te am me Huntington Beach team. features Tony K r z o z I a k On the MB team wUI be (Garden Gf9ve), Dl,Ve Boota .Russia's 15 -man :national Tony and Joe VenUmlglla, Jim (Garden •Gr,ove). Mark basketball team will play an Gaughn, Dave Lacy and Tom Marlola .(Gardep"Grovei, Jon all~tar team in San Diego DrelUni or Marina, along with Gargen {Garden Grove), Jer- Thursday, June 26, it was an-Bill and Dennis Maas and ry. Cost.On (P;.adDca), Pete nounced today . Doug Godby ·of F0W1tain Yoonger (Pacifica), Steve The Rusalaw team , third-Valley. W1ltenberg' (Botaa Gr.ande), P.l~ys m.,SD place finisher at the Olympic Members of the Newport· and Marc Vlnctnt (Santiago). Games in Mexico (:ily behind Mesa. team are Carlo 'I'osti, The Oranie team Is com- the United States a n d RoJI Mutt.er o( Corona del posed of,. Dave Po r t e r Yuplavia, will begin Jtl :Mar, Ralpb Dean and Pat (Oranp), Mlrty Meyer coast4....asl tour Satunlay, Kennedy o1 Costa Mesa. Rich (Omige),. Dennis Johnaoa (Et June 14, at Notre Dame. Wood and Paul Stewart of Modena). Mick Wise (El Tbe Soviet cqen will play • Estancta and Darryl Blood Modella), Gene Nollac (Et all-ctar teams in six cities. and Steve FWI of . Newport Modena), BUI Swavely (El Best player for the Russians iJ Harbor. Modena). Jerry Nickel (Villa M forward Gtnnadij Volnov, 1be early favorite has lo be Park) and Robin 'Frlnelle 2_9, who baa played in tllree the s4ota Ana te1JD which (Villa Parlt). OJympicJ. • reau.m lauc ·CUrtta llld Enainan aatd. Oilier teams The echedult: June 1"15 lt Jactfo. Wlllte •oi Santa Ana may ttprtMDt the Soutll Sonia Notre Dame. Juno 21 at High. Rounding out the 'team Ana ma an<! the 'l'llatln- Mtmphis, June 24 at Las are alx. more Saint rurmen -L' I u n •a Btach.eaplstrano Vegu, June 21 at San Diego. John• Winstead, Jim Da'!ls, au(r1cl. Jim< 21 at Phoenix, lu!Y I at Monte Floyd, Ch!fs M1y, Ttcktll for the meet aro Kutscher COUntry Club, Mon· Roger'Greer and Dan tlnd&af. • •vailable at ell Mutual 11cket ticcllo. N.Y. Other teams already c::ntered agencies. I -~~-------~--~---- Baseball· f Standings e AMl!ll1CAH lll!AOUI: li.ltill'IO•• ...... Otlflllt w,..,1.,.111<1 N.rw Yori( ,,,,..11nd /AiM~S<>ll O.klolnd Cl'llClfO St•ll1f Kt "Jll (Uy C1!llor>ll1 W1111!n1ton 1. Min-I• O c1-11nd 1. C1llktn1l1 J N-YO'fk l, Chktllll 7 llo•torl '· K'""'' co~ 1 !11 Inning:) O.ki.nd S, Oe!roll J lllll!mctt s. Set1tt'I' 1 l<IATIONAL LIAOUlf Chlc1110 N-Ywk Pltltburth U. LINll Pl\l1Nil1Phll MDn!rtll .r.111~!• le& Aliff~ Clnc:l"1111; ,.,, Fr1t>Cl1to H11111!on SI~ DIHO 1!111 Wt•! W l Pel. ,. 16 ·'" '' n ·"' '"" u 1' ... Cl 1~·· 7S U ,4 1 11 11 :It .lU 1!'~ II ~ n. ll\1 :io n .•11 1t 21 .llG -W. l'll.!SJ 3 11 n .S40 • ::!"' 21 lG .di '• 2, l l . .iu ' Grunion • J • Saturdi!, Junt 1, 1969 DAJl.Y 'llOT 11 : i ... Mo1iarchs Discover Sensational Halfback • f«t•ry l.,t9'1• .... ...i ....... _ on . Hernandez started every game last year while Oli:oa· Wa.tl injured for most of the ....... The quarterback figures ta be Jettennan Bob Haupert buf Woods says junior G a r 1 Simpson played well Thund,ay after a 3haky start with twa fumbl es. CUBS WIN 7TH JN ROW CHICAGO (AP ) -Ernit Banks and Billy Williams e.acb smashed a three-run homer ta launch the rampagha&D>lc'tt CUbs to a 14-8 victory over Cincinnati Reds and their seventh straight triumph Fri· day . Ken Holt2Jnan scored hb sixth straJght victory and , became the.league 's flninineti game winner. DO SINGLE MIN "HAVE MORE FUNr •.• only If tfl•r'v• met meeting th• RIGHT OllUil CALL 547-6667 -24·H•ur lttcenll"I- * Ol'EN SUNDAY • CLOSED MON. i ' OMl'ARE • THEN CALL • 536·2449 Run June 16 [" 301 5th St., Huntington Beach Grunion season has reopen-30 YEARS EXPERIENCE. cd and lhe nexl spawning run ........................ ••••••ff of the silvery little ocean fish is expected lo hit Southern California's beaches for four consecutive nights startin g about 10 :24 p.m. Monday, June 16, reports the Depart- ment or Fish and Game. During the coming summer, additional four-night runs are expected to begin on the nlghtll of July I, July 18 and August I, says the DFG 's Marine Resources Operations Branch at Terminal Island. Good runs often occur at . FATHER'S .DAY SPECIAL * G•nuln• Slat• led * Larg• Anortm•nl M Ct.1• Stldit Akins. Sa-ys -San. Miguel and the beaches .southwest. of Ensenada , Coronado Strand, MI s s Ion Beach, La Jolla, Del M•-. , • '"''·AM A~1111rr• H '11 D t' n' Dobeaey ·Beach Ooroaa ~ •• 5· ~11\RT.S "100" .. '!'2'~ e -..I~! Uf . Mar. \Newport 's eich .. !\U"' .. ~ -·- ' ' Uf11(oal Beach, Ml-~· LirJI ·. 102n -Gmil IM!. (1 Ilk. f. of--) Laguna Beach igh footbaJ! :.:Be:.:a:.:ch:.:·:,._ __ ~-~-'---'--'--~-------~----~ coach HaJ Aklrls, who his 1 • repOrtedJy been close t o re.signing. /rom th1l potl, told hb p!Jyers Frili&Y be would coach the varsllJ 'nen fall. "Don't worry, I'll be back next sealCm regll'dleai of who my asslJtanb are," be told the players. Four La1urna Hi&h coaches-one of than a vll"SJ· ty football autstant-have qutt In the past t"o weekl ln a run- ning feud with IChool prlocip•I Bob Reevet, ' with your LOCAL Mobll DEALER m 11• -JW •1310 llU:CllC N)'1.0N COllD TUal!LESS .. _,,....._,w... - SET O F. 4 ..... -_ ..................... . • -' ..ci.e llM 1'11111 ... " \Ill fffCll ..... ~ See tM Mobit .. Cuthtpn", ~" ind •'Premier" line of-tl .... l\tlt yqur deolt< •!><Ma "JJlll-lfl11C~ J OllUS 'DIAL! NOMONll!Y DOWN -12 MONTHS TO 'PAY '"" •llllll .. fl'ffPlf dlttte. All MoWI OHJtr1 rtHtve tltt 1/0lft to ff/lbll•h lhelr own prle1. .. • • ' • , Lightw•ighl football aod .bulletlMlt ment«J Jrrry N«llllUlll llld W1mn Watllns plus • blaeball and iwfalanl grid coach Norm Borucki have retlpdl Anotb~r v a r s I t y aul1talit, Ed 8"tn, ii alto · btlleved to -be close to steP' ptngdown. ---------~·~· ------------------ I ! . . I 1 I I •• ,~'11" eased on A2 mo. financing with y, down payment . '68 VOLlSWlGEll aug fully factory equipped. VGZ 189. ·5'1695 '66 RAMBLER ~mbl1s1dor '90 2 Dr. Hardtop ' 'V-8, automalic, factory air , p0wer stier, radio, heat_er. SlR 1,(13. ' . '63100GE Dart Sedan 6 cy\. \.O'N miles. VTP 451 . " 99 95 .·.. '89 :f>LYMO~ __ y ALIANT ~z,flooa SEDAN · ' Serial #Vl2I · Al'f-14991 9 -,~flfMOlll\ :;. '66 CRtVIOlET·" i . -·• c.,n< Fury 9 P111. StotJon W1gon v.s; automatic, fac~or-1 ·air. .polller V-8, automativ, ·radio,. .. ·heater, ster., power .. brokes, power win· Clean\ COT 921. • • dows. radio, Keoter, ·vinyl>top. SBN .,71 2 . , .. •t.79·5 .. ~9l$. ' .,... -ID . . ' ·.-' '66 BU\Cl :; . -'&7 ·cli1S\.ER lledTI 225 4 Dr. \lltlltOP M1wr,rl Custom V..S, automatic, fact ory air, power V-8, 11utomati1t factory. air,. power steering, power brakes, lower win- steering, power .. brakes, radio, heat· c1ows 1 power seats, ra \o, heater, er. \JJC 798 .. wh11ewalls. R'1'S 073. .. .,$2.295 5 219~5 '"'. • ;65 . CHilSlER \ . '65 «'9illt~C " . Sed1n . . . -. . C1t11in1 2 Dr. Kmltop ,A.u1omatic:, radio, heater, pawtr v.s; automatic, radio, heater, pow· steering, power brakes, air condi· er steering, power brakes. 'TR:l 420. 1ioning. PKA 614. $1t·95 51395 '61 DATSUN '67 FORD foir\111• 500 i;_T. '68 ·COUGAR \1 -B, au1omaf1c, radio, healer, pow- er steering & brakes, faCtory air · condi,\oning,. low, low miles. WFL Sedan .. 4 speed. full factory equipped. t UP · 945. V-8, autO. 1rans., cadi.o · & he~ti!r, power steering, ~er brakes; fac- tor( air cond. 7K42S122019. 51995 s1i~' 026. ' '2795-, • TOP QUA[ITY. . USED. "68 _ LYMOUTH SA TEllflE . 4-DOOR SEDAN ' -I ' • • , . - w DAILY PILOT JijS . . . .,. •• ' ' . ' . ' < " . I • i . )'" . . . , . /, • . .' 'I •I .. ' . ) .. •' 1 ,., . . ' ,, . . ' ·<."'A 'DilntonDea/'~. Your Guarantee oltlleBest $$ BuyAnyw/Jere :.·.· . " · • , • . • I I , ~-. 48 MONTH ', .. FINANCING · ·Jl;,.111ble Throuth Calif. Funding 1 • • on Approved j:,...lit CHO~SE Fe·o·M O.VER. 400 CARS & T'RUCK S! 11 • • • PICK OUT THE QN~-YOU WANT ••• GET A DUN'rON DEAL AND DRIVE IT HOME! . .. . . . . ' ' -' . '66 SHELBY COBRA GT350 · ·• v.a STICK SHIFT, RADIO AND HEATER, CORDOVA WIDE "600" POLYESTER tJRES. TYV HI ' ·· '67 TOYOTA FASTuCic. V.t , 4~SPEED, AIR CONDITIONING, RADIO, HEATER,. CHROME WHEELS, SPORT DECK REAR SEAT, RSY 117 I ' ' , CIO.WN 4 0091 Seden, Air conditioning, aufometic trans• $1895 " ' I I ,...,,... • '.:t -'~5 FAIRUNI 500 sl'OlT. 'couPf 'V~·~t.. automatic , transmission, pow• r 1t•ffin9, r1di o, hHt1r, bucket seats. .&Fl 135 .. . •.. r • -I '63 FALCON FUTUlA 2-Door, 6-.cylind•r, 'eut_om•fic +r•ns- ' miss ion, r•d'io and h•ater. <?>WV 183 miuion~rcdio, $1 V6·9 5 '63~'.atEVY BIL·AIR 4-DOOI 6 cyli1tcl•r~ 1fick shllt, red io, heater. l ie. No . . ,, pp )?7,'i . - '62 COMET 4·D00l Automatic transmission, radio and h•at- ar, dalux• 'tlinyl int•rior. Lie, No. HJJ. ]45 , .. - " '63 FORD .. · .. . ' . ' COUNTRY 5EDAN WAliON , . , " 9 'P1ss_pn,9er,_ V-8: 1utom!tie' tran'sm1t• sion', ~9at•r, AM/FM radi'o.;fwR' ~9 I • '· .. ·' .. ' . l . ·, ... ,.,_.:'OS _MUSTMtG --.. ' :. ' . "'.._ .. . '64 THUNDlQlllD'. . ·I · J DOOi HARDTOP . . . _ .. ~ .. .. . ' V-1, eutom1tic t~nsmission, pow • r steer., radiO,-haatar,1 console. T.BA 175 I 7-' -. I ' ' ·;" '$1 '1·95 . "' J ' . HAl!1'1W · •. " ' ' • '. ,. •• • j ' , V:-1,. aut.orn~tic: tran11l'i1sion, factory t'fr. ·c~ditioni1191 f1.1ll1 p,ow.tr,Jradio,-heater1 1·0RDISA ..i •"' 1· J ' . , ' $12fts: _: ,~~~ YJ . }'I .. ' ! : . • . • ( I ' • I I I I l .. ,.""''""""--~~'r':~ '..~~P.l'!-~!'lii'rr.'f:~ ""!''f .onco_ryT~' ~:'O~W.f':"-.C .• !':.'l-~~-~--~.~-~.r..~~. ,:To, 7.,~.~~~.:0:-~,:;-. 7,.:0:.~.,.,.,,,!l:::l:-~.;:.=:.~.':" •• ~.~.;.,.,,.';'., .~"-'-v:'-~,::'-':' •• ;;.:-:.-;-. 7, "":; .. -;: • ..,,.;,,-;. -:. ;; ; ; ; ,-; ;-... ; ; ;;;. • .,;,-.-. ~;; -· •• , ... -....-• , ......... , ................ ····-··· • -:'1 .~ ••••• ·~········ ' • l ' ' ----- DIJl,Y l'ILOT 1-100 I ' Hello, thei:e, boys and girls and welcome to anolher &atur· day morning in Uncle Len'• c.rn.c. As the poet said, Whal is so rare as a day in June? How about 29 days ln February? ONE OF OUR Orange Coast )10Ul!iSten, 10-year-old Elizabeth Lewin of Foun- tain Valley bas bypassed Uncle Len's Corner and had some of her·jokes printed in a ' Satu>dq, Junt 7, 1969 recent Jack and Jill magazine. d:llll:ll Some of her ''daf· fynitions"-climate: what you do to a mountain, and volcano: mOWltain with hie.- cups. Don't for~et the big Fish Fry parade 1n Costa Mesa this morning, boys and girls. Jt starts at 10:30 and will run up Anaheim Avenue, over 19th street and dowri Placentia Avenue, and it will be bigger~-------------------------------.! and longer than ever. Si.nee next Saturday is Flag : D~, let's make that the sub- ' jecl for Uncle Len's art CObtest. Let's see who can come up with most original depiction of this littJe-known holiday. JUNE June, June, what do you know, Vacation time is on the go; Happy children here and there And without a litUe care, The days are short 1 And the nigh1s are Jong : ~ June \he good month I Sings a song. · . -Mar1 Girt..._, 11. ttllllltlll9lt1 lt1ch . JIONORABLE mention in •· lh1s week 's art contest goes to : Gary Parker, lO 'h, Newport i 'I * * This week's SoDtest w~er ~ T~~esa Munsey, 11 , 2046 Aliso Ave., Cbsta M~sa 1 Any child under 12 can enter Uncle Len's Art Contest. Here's all you do : (l) Draw pi cture on piece-of plain, white paper 5th inches wid~. and 4 inches deep. Use black iDk and m ake line~ blp.~k.•!(2) D~ J?.Ot copy or trace picture.· It must be your own work. (3) Put your..-name, age and ad4fess on back of drawing. Mail it to Uncle Len's rut Contest. Box 1560, DAILY PILOT, Costa Mesa. Winner will receive Kennedy half dollar. Beach: Lynne Panian; 11 1h, Costa Mesa ; Joni Kurihara. 9, Huntington Beach ; R a n c y. Kurihara, 7, Hunt i'ng ton Beach; Cathleen Sweeney, 8, Costa Mesa; Maureen Sweeney, 10, Costa Mesa: Alan Bravo, 9, Huntington Beach, and Mike Taylor, 7, Laguna Beach. ·· • SPRING Flowe.rs bloom , children shout; Spring i6'·Wbat it's all about; Spring is when tbe ,pnjljlals •1¥.PJ<e . .\nd lift their noses just to lake A sniff at a warm spring breeze, A soft one 'that will make them sneeze : The deer aQd rabbits come outside, Away from where they used to hide ; Everyone is glad of spring ."-nd all the things that spring can bring. A kenHdr hill tltller _, t. lwan 011'1'1U11, 1. 20J11 llttl L•nt, Mwnllnt"'" 811<.~ ftr tile w11111llllo '"''¥ In !~I tttry I nd -m ce111tsl. Miii ~.._,, -m •r sttrr It Ullclt Lt", llo• 15'0, Ctsl1 MeH, C11ffornle. t(• .. s.H .,. ............. ht .lady, ·-----Ca1•0/~ t /• °"• c ... Dally Pllet, .... RIDDLES AND JOKES ~ 561, c;.o. ...... ~-· • . ' wl,ndv•SMOS I ,..,111,,..... '" ot I~~ • trkl 1.ec Er>n<clMtdla !o lloflln ~r Mrmi.rt11. 1<19 1,, ,, w1s1 1tt1C1. 1 WlKC11t!11o lor hi• oue1llon: • i Wllat Is meant by badlands? : •. Often our goods and bad~ : ··re· decided by what we hap- : pen lo , like and dislift. A j Mtamy jungle is classified as lt~d because it makes people : Uncomfortable -thou gh il j .1ulls a chocalate-coated okapi : just tine. In North America. t SOO"Je regiom are so unfriendly : to people that ~e call them "' , badlands. We tend to forget l that nature does not arrange everything for the Sole con· '. venience of mankind and ) "e~erythlng Is · good I o r · something, Most' parts or this luxuriou s planet abound with treasures to enrich humanity. But in a few places, Mother Nature ·seems to say. "Here you may 1 look but don't touch ." Th ese · are the places we call the badlands, + ... TJ:le earth 'began to form our • vanoos badlands ages ago. ~ Plateaus of soft and rathe r • porous rocks were lifted above ' the surrounding valleys and • plains. Then winds and rains. floods and maybe melting snows set to work tearing down the up'.lifted levels. Jn ,tst! arid regions, short sh arp ' wers pelted the plateaus , d dashed downhill. These Berce deluges were too much ·•r the uplifted layers of fi{I#! ;~ay and frail shale. sand arm ~ avel, soft · sandstone -and · mestone. Gullies and gorges ' ere cut deep into the ground :ind tile regions became some HJ the roughest territory in the "'°rid. '.t. When mankind arrived on :~ s~ne, the ancient pl_ateaus 11ftre lD the process of being ltveled down to tht sur- ;~ plains and valleys. In 'ilany ciises all that remains ~ jagged ro•·s of ragged :(idles. Here erosion has carv-li.!' deep. ste.p amiyos and ifi·~, ~~~ld~ay c~ ptured like weird statues. lbarp grooves are cut logehtu down through . lajers of ancient rocks. ' eldes reveaJ the colors dme rocks -and the col- are often woodrous to ' ' badlands are too rough for * PRIZE Wlt!NER Dear Carol : }Vhy don't they ever n~me hurricanes after boy~? i,8Ult::>!WW!lf r fO pJ••'f JfA• no,< '"."H :.1eM1Lly ~rr G~Hll"°'!-UW avrll!l'lltll L11W, Hvntl119tw ••Kfll human habitation, but "'"e can sli l gape at their weird and rotorful beauty. Utah's breathtaking Bryce Canyon is a Jirn.,stone plateau where L:=====================-11 erosion has carved a gallery of monster statues in r o s y browns. California's Borrego Badlands are sliced through Pinkish, pearly and dove-grey layers of clays and soft shales. In northern Arizona. nature created similar artistry by sculpturing through layers of compacted volcanic dust. The result Is our world famous, rainbow-tinted Painted Desert. The badlands are there for people lo admire. But these regions are home to many of nature's children. Grasses and seedy weeds 'often grow on the flat floors between the ridges. 1-tice and packrats scuttle among the twisting canyons: rattlers and other sna kes slither around the ragged rocks. At night, coyotes holler their eerie cries from the toothy crags. And high on the lofty peaks, the lordly eagles make their ncslS. o:n"°~v!~r.~~ :~w·:;~ c~o.:,.::1.1c..1~~ lo"'•· !01 ~II ~unlion; HOw do plants take in clean u·attr from the grolltld? Freshly dug carrots an d potatoes tend to be rather grubby, but this dirt i~ no.the outside. \Vhen we recall that plants absorb their water from the soil. it is natural to wonder why oo dirty crumbs are found inside the leaves and stems. -seeds ·and p€tals: But these intemal plant cells are as clean as dri ven snow. The explanaiioo for lhis is osmOs- is, the amaz.ing process used to absorb moisture from the ground, The ground water dif· fuses. moJecule by separate molecule. through the skin membranes that enfold the plant cells. Even a tiny speck of dirt is loo big to pass through. ,. The filtering of ground water b done by membranes around the roots. No dirty dirt passes through into the plant However, ground water con· ta.ins an assortment of dissol\·. ed chemicals and some of these are necessary to · the plant. These vital chemicals are in the form of tiny particles, invisibly dissolved and suspendtd tn· the ground water. And the root mem· branes an be somewhat ~lectlvt. They admit the in· visibly tmall c h e m I ca I particles needed by the plant and ktep out most of those ttwt .are ·u~s., and msybt dangerow;, Crossword P11zzle AC ROSS" 1 Btod & usr a kitcht11 acctssory 10 Go stpara\l ways 14 0ritol a Cttl~ill rtligio11 1~ Nativt of Tuls3: Informal lit Hash or stew 17 Cause of stomacli t1011b!e 18 Brit1sl1 Co h1mbla Vlasl1i11gto11 & Ore9on 20 Ltlter 21 Bjrd 23 Ch~in~ a( hi lls 24 Butcher's product 2:. Curst 2& Fr au ght wi th dange r 30 PerCU)· iioni st's 9ea1 3~ Orrss 35 R.tgio.n of Europt 37 Stud a colltclion letler 38 Si11g!t • rtvo1ulii5n 3~ Aristocratic 41 Quilr angry: Sla11g • •2 Ntthtrlands city 43 Muth·UStd pericit 44 Epic poe"' 411 He10 of Ma nila Bay 48 Man's na111r 50 Fustd maltriil 111 11!1$S ~ mak1n9 52 Pttli~ used witll craft ~nd plant 53 Canadian Arctic islarid · Sit Gambler's in terest 5 7 Do an outdoor chore &O 5om t tl1in9 v1 sion ar y b2 Fr lli l !t4 Let 1t stand' &5 Concern1nf]: 2 words bit Diettr's fa~oro te coined word ~1 Conceal h8 Filllng . yarn in wtavi11g b9 Hindtr fro·i 9oi 11g on DOWN l Confine ~2 ·r 1oortn'g· ~i tCf 3 '··-1n a li fttim~" • Port 's product b/7/69 5 Tra cktr 33 l ip +,Compos ill en curl 7 Sac red J!t Somewhat •etirtstnl· put out ~lion: Var 40 Put out 8 Tret 41 Toltrab!e 9 Four: 43 Asia11 Comb. form republic lO COsmetic 4S ~ .. pit 11 "Sllake --·!": 47 ~orn 0111 2 words 49 ··-·~ tht 12 Revolt · Lake": 1) Childrtn 2 wo1ds 19 Forr-51 Sister or warnings brothtr •• -22 Comm-o rl" 53 Hunters' contractiori milieu z• Da.lltt ~4 Prtfix steps used 'fj i\h 25 A ltxande; pole and G. ·-· pop• 2& Wtnl out 55 Asta lrr with Sb Mr. 27 Musica.1 PreminQ't flol k , 57 Mintral ,.21 Brcitdt ist~ _ 58.Gtomtltfcat 29 Ftlin e shapt 31 Acc rpt 5' Water forma lly sour ct 32 Ortrri "Sonp !tl Equal: of tht Prtfir day" ft) Qu~ntily .. ,-... ·--- · STEVE ROl'ER· • PERKINS ' MA JONG MENTIOWED IT, ~NEYDEw/ .. ·AtJD Mo<C 5.AIO IT IVAS A LIBRARY SOOK--·WHIC.t-j A POL.l(;E ~ OFFIGfA HAD TAl<,El<I OUT/ \I I JUDGE PARKER LIKE I S~'I, W.'i!E IT'S NOWE bF M.Y &USOIESS, BUT I nIDU6MT YOU ~OULP' KNOW n{.\T LU,IE 'S WAITIN6 IN THE l088Y FOrr: C.A W I GET TO llo.V lOO"'-ON THE FIFTH FLOOR WITMOUT 60- IN6 TMR'OUGM THE LO&IY?" YOU, MR.1.Al{GO>~!~;;;;:~.~~~ MOON MULLll\IS -r>liS ARTICLE SAYS IT'S ALMOST IMPOSSIBL-E NOT -ro BE INFLUENCED BYr.V • ,11 1 • VIR-~Y INTeR•STIN<;, BUT l DoN'T BnioVE IT. . >HESE DAYS ... TUMBLEWEEDS SAY, SHOITTY ... HOW AOOUT GIVIN' ME A HAND WITH MY HORSE?- • MUTI AND JEFF SOwHATOID YOU DO ABOUT ALL \t>UR PROBLEMS? GORDO MISS PEACH WEl.L,WE DID L.lKE YoU TOLD US, DOC! WE ALL SAT DOWN AND TAU<EDTHEM ou-rOVER. A FEW DRINK, AND SMOKES! FINE! T!lEN ALL YoUR. PROBLEMS ARE$0LVED! ' -ANO IM \li11.y HAPPY TO ANNOUNU THAT iHllLA'S AUNT HAS *DA NfW IJABY / I . ' ...; ............ ---·~·. --~ ................... ·-"~ ...... - • Schub By John Miles ~ •. ~ ·1···t, ~, By Horold Le l;)q~x (OIAE. TMIS. Wlo.V, M.R. L.t.~~~I . 60T J. KEY FOR TME EMl'l.OVES f:NTRMJCE .t.ND I'LL T.t.K!: VOi.i; UP IN THE sem'e ELEYAtof! By Ferd Johnson "'~''~ ' By Tom K. Ryan A. KINDLY DO NOT CALL ME "SHORTY' 5. HOW MUCH IS ·IN ITFOR Mf ? C. IS IT A GAs!l OR CREDIT DEAL? 'P. ARE 'r1'.JLJ PRO OR ANT) INJ)fAN?. By Al Smith YEH, BUT NOW IT'S - 6 ' . ·~ By Gus Arriola ' 1H··1HAT , HliMM/IJ(f~/ll.O . &f?()jq; 11/}; ' SOUND, J!,l.zy_/t;Rffl ...: •. ' ~11' By Mell OOOOQOOOH .' WHAT 15 $HI 60.NG- TO 00 WITH THE OLD ONi; ... 1 •? ••• ' ' ' . --····----·~·-------~-9" ...... -·-~--·~· ... ··-------- S.iUird.ly, Junt ?, 196'1 HOUSES FOR SA~E HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE I HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE General lOOO • G1n1ral tOOOGeneral tdoo General 1000G1ner1I 1000 General 1000Genera1 1000 G1nerai tOOO Gener•I tOOO THE ROUSE OF EXCELLENCE on the lerrc1"1i• at taguna l'!iguel overlooklng the blue Pacific from an elevation of 335 ft. Generel ' This architectural gem of s+ainl"ess steel, white concrete & bronze plate glass, is a triumph in c:on- lemporary design. Built in 1963 by John Galbraith , AIA, ar. a showcase exhibit for the Portland Cement Co ., Jones & Laughlin Stainless Steel Division & Pitts· burg Plote Gian Co., the HOUSE OF EXC ELLENCE is a home of timeless beauty. Primary emphasis is on the spacious living & entertainment areas of the house , the terrace, pool ,....._ patio & landsca ping. There are 4 bedrooms1 3 baths, a large family room & a tremendou s lower level with laundry, garage, freezer & storage areas. Fabulous view of mountains, sea & surf. For tale by owner at $150,000. Please Call: 17141 496-3139 TOOOGeneral 1000 General 1000 B/B NEWPORT HEIGHTS FHA 6:VA0/o Financing -FINER HOMES DOVER SHORES ESTATE Ultimate in gracious family Uv.ing .& enter- taining, in this beautifully decorated 5 bed- room home wth large living, room, richly paneled family room with brick fireplace. Exceptionally large patio surrounding beay~ tiful heated & filtered pool. View from all rooins. Over ............. : ...... $100,000. Open sat. & Sun., 1536 Galaxy Dr. FIT FOR A ROMAN EMPEROR \Ve proudly present this Bay.front mansion \vhich recreates the aura of an Imperial Dy· nasty. This 5 bedroom. 5 bath home situated on a 120 ft. of Newport Bay, complete with pool-house containing Lotus Baths, Sauna baths, massage room, d!'essing rooms, a uni- que pro perty completely custom furnished \vithout regard to cost . is offered at $425,000 by appointment only. DOVER SHORES BAYFRONT °"' Charming 5 bedroom home with large living roo n1, formal dining room, enormous m as- ter bedroom; sunny breakfast room \vit h vie\v; handsome exterior. Asking $125,000. Call to see . 1 DOVER SHORES "h1agnificent custom built home, 3 bedrooms, 3112 baths, family rm .. exquisite \vall cover- ings, large terrace \vith oversize pool. \Vet bar. - . __ .............. _ .. _ ....... $159,500 Open Sa!·· Sun. 500 Morning Star Lane SAVE MONEY -LOW INTEREST $7,000 Price reduction on new 4 bedroont home on one of our quietest streets. Just a few lots fro1n Dover Shores .. 6.6% Loan. - THE REAL ESTATERS S4•·ZJ1 J --.. 4 .. 7171 · FINER HOMES EASTSIDE POOL ESTATE l1nagine a 20x30 Living room with fireplace, 3 Baths w1 .a lot 125x300. Zoned for horses. 5 car garage part could be used for sta ble 'vith. large paved work area. Electric kitch- en -Hard\vood floors. All this plus a 20x40 pool completely fenced.-.......... $79,500 O\vner will finance with normal do"'"· FOR FAMILY ENTERTAINING Cu$tom Built 3600 Sq. Ft. 1Gx45 entertainn1ent 1·oom with \vet bar and used brick fireplace. -4 large Bedroo1n s 31h baths, child's play are~ -secluded.on private drive. \Vith 10% DOWN ..... $54,500 EXCEPTIONAL BEAUTY \'ou 'll appreciate this 4 Bedroom, 3 bath \Vith large family room. In glorious Harbor 1-lighl ands. Owner is leaving for New York and "'ill give June possession· -ft•rour. standing and only .............. $55,500 646-7171-0PEN SUNDAY--546-2313 WE NEED SALESMEN! General 1000 Gene.rel 1000 MA TT LA BORDE. Realtor BEACH DUPLEX LOTS NEWPORT BEACH : Corner lot, 'h block from Rlvo Alto Canal, 1 'f.! blocks from RICHARDS MARKET and shopping $25,000. BALBOA ISLAND : Corner Ruby & Park- 60' on Ruby. Ideal l ~ation $42,500. FHA•VA TERMS SIX YEAR NE\V , co1npletely redecorated. FOUR BEDROO~f, family room, l % bath home with fireplace, forced air heat and built-in kitchen. Completely carpeted and draped. Large over-sized double garage \Vith \Vashing facilities. 15'x20' patio, fenced yard -sprinklers. Only n1inutes from major shopping and schools. A BARGAIN AT ON· LY $27,950. NO FINANCE CHARGES OWNER WILL CARRY !ST TRUST DEED .for qualified buyer. 1600 sq. ft. completely carpeted and draped ho1ne. Large living room. three bedrooms. den, dining room. 1 % bath. Built-in kitchen \vi th breakfast • area, large covered patio \vith outside sink t and built-in bar-be-que. double garage, j fenced rear yard. beautifully landscaped. ': sprinklers. BEAT THE HIGH INTEREST " RATES AND LO-AN COSTS -Call !or ap-I; poi;~.·~ 24' GAME ROOM / GRAND' OPENING SAT .• SUN. 12 to 5 2701 WAVECREST HARBOR VIEW HILLS :; Bedroo1n home, corn~r lo1 ,,jth many fruit trers. Ex- CT'ptionally clean. PreSt•n! FHA lo."ln has appro:-.:imate- ly S23.000 transfen·able bal· ance at 6:i.i% in1C'r<'SI, pay.- 11ble 5197 per r.1.onth, inelud· ing principal, interest. tax- c;: and insurafl('l'. Owner 1vit! rarry small :Znd. Price Builder's close-out at ............... $72,500 1.=;;;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;;;:;;;:;,;;;;, ~;;;:;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:I Open _;>at & Sun. IOIB Nottingham Road COURTYARD POOL EASTSIDE COSTA MESA -Three Bed· • rooms, Dining room plus 20x24 recreation I room with Benjamin Franklin fireplace. Will j easily accommodate pool table -sliding , glass doors to patio and large rear yard. Two separate single garages.. Full Price only f.!2,500 -Excellent residential neigh· borhood. See this before you· buy. Be our guest loi a preview of this delightful executive home. It's too beautiful to leave, but owner has bee n trans!erred and must sell. Everything is im1naclllate and thought- fully planned in every detail. 4 bedrooms plus ·family rooin with wet bar~ l\.Iaster bedroo111 is 15 x 17 with cozy fir~tacc. Load s of cup- boards. closet space gaiore & modern kit- chen plus large forntal dinin$ roon1. $67 ,900 OE LANCY REAL ESTATE 2828 E. Coast Hwy/ Corona del Mar 673-3770 S29.9"j(). c- CORONA HIGHLANDS Owner May Lea•e~Option A lar;::r sunken clo:'n '' 11h Yireplacc aflds f{l the charm of thi!'i "l"ll"ly dl'l"Q!"a(cd :; Bedroont hon1r on la.tlrl you own. Kl'y to privatr Shorc- t·Hff Benches. Out or !own owner. Properly vacant anrl !'Cady lo n1ove in1o. !4 1.~ Bay & Beach Realty Inc. 675-3000 PRIME VIEW LOT Large lot in-exclusive Dover Shores with pri- vate associat1on beach. Architect's plans available for impressive 4 or 5 bedroont home. For information call 642--8235. ' CHILDREN'S PARADISE A courtyard entrance welcOmes you to this spacious family home with 4 bedrooms, 3 baths & a large family room overlooking ~lariners Park & Library. $46,500. Call for app'L john macnab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Or., Suite 120 642·823S AND "Forever View" iu IJovc.i• Shores. Bt•a ntl ne1v plan by IVAN \\/ELLS 1o I)(' c·on1plcled car!y Aug- usl. Buy no1v & select your 011·n !ilc~. r.Olori. & earpct. lng. ::1so gq ft of li\"i ni; IJl'l';t. 4 Dd1•1n J t.Ji.01s 11lu.~ pow- drr room, 3 car g;1ragc, of l"OUrsr. ~(rll do1vn livi11g roon1 11·i(h high bcan1cd ceiling. Rith- ly p;H_ic>llcd fa1111ly ruon1 wi1h second fireplace & 1valk-in ll"('t bar. La 11::e is- land kilehen, scparale b~akfast nook, I9x3~' hea.l- f'd pool. SPANISH Open Sunday 1-5 1836 Sentiago Drive Exciting 4 bdm1 3 1 ~ bath \Veils' built home in DovC'r Shores. UniqUe atrium 11·ith rct:r.iclibl(> roof & · adja(.'Cnl 11·c1 bar for indoor~utrloor r nlcrtaining at its bc.~t. &-p;ira rc 21 x 27' runipus 1uo111. LuxurinusJy carpe1ccl, draped & Ja.ndscaJ!('d. Pan· ontmic-view! P1•it·cd to sell. Owne1· lcnving area. Conic 1'CC • ntakl' offf'l'. PROVINCIAL · SPANISH HACIENDA Quaint Living Room e FORMAL DINING ROOM with MASSIVE ARCHW AYS: a clas- sic kitchen with WROUGHT lRON breakfast nook. INTERIOR DECORATORS FORMER 1-IOf\'lE with hand fitted wall shutters and ex- citi ng hanging lamps! Two bedrooms pl us DETA CHED DEN FOR TEENAGER OR INLAWS WITH PRIVATE BAT H. ASSUME excellent $21.100-6% F_INANCJNG and pay $156 .00 total payment! EXCELLENT EAST- SIDE NEIGHBORHOOD FOR $25,950' SALESMEN~ SALESWOMEN NEEDED 646-0555 2407 E . Coast J1wy., CdM Generel IOOO General 1000 This bt>auli!ul \\IC'lls·built \\larn1ly inviting pin1• 11::in- elled home on sf'cludcd 70x lj()' lot, Custom built 3 bdnn '.! bath. 2 family roon1s, 2 fiatios, + pool. Only $40,!Y..I(}. Roy J. Ward Co. (Baycrest OHicel" 220 E. Sewenteenth St. ------- General 1000 General 1000 OPEN HOUSE l,;;;;;,;;;;,;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;,;;;;,;;;I hon1e is truIY an invi!ation Builders Close Out to elegant Jivin~. \Vrlcon1e! IE. 17th St. Shopplnq Ctr. l Prrfect home for people 1vho No Down y .A. MESA VERDE Roy J. Wa rd Co. \ikr lo cntei1ain & !'njoy liv-. . . <Baycrest O!flcf') 1:::;:::--=-=-=~= \.1::0 Galaxy 6~6-l;liO 2lOL lltl '4M555 COSTA MESA WOW! '-SWIMMING POOL in~ :it ii, "'''· Com" Sl'!.' Brand n(•11· aQll frady for " 1'.hi..~ immaculate J BR fan1-113() Galaxy Driv 646-1550 .. 1Jy hon1e ean br yours hy e '-350 -11, 4 BR w1·1h ~""-thi!: beautiful Dover Shores Vet('ran buyrr. :": Qut'Cnsize , SPACIOUS UVING you'll like · our friendly service Evenings Call 545-8723 or 646-1050 WHAT A VIEW ~-, ..._,. bed f 1 J as.~urning-5'~ ',., FHA LOAN. ardtc fanilly rooni, 3 car VJE\V hon1r Sunday 1-5. r01.i111s. an11 Y roo1n, p us A . Newport Hei9hts GI Loan 182.00 mo Buill right on lop of a moun- tain with a view you \\'on"t lx'lieve. 4 bedrooms, high beam ceilings, delux kitch- en, sun d~k. a b<>autiful homE' only-4-years old. Ask- ing $3.7,500 .. Below "'""""1 •t 177,"=.111"1. forn_ 1a1 dining room. A 11 niusl st.'e to app1'C'c1ale. garage', executive home, '""'" """ Asking CUSTOi\1 BUILT Nl:\VPORT BEACJI 2300 SQ. FT. ii·rt b.i:ir. Ready for enter· 1518 Antigua Way. electric built-ins plus dish· $26,950 tainin;. $15,000. JEAN SMITH washer are ·featured in this No qualifing. assun1e 6-Ai loan, do you \\•n n1 open bcan1 CC'i!ings, brick fire· plar:c, hard1vood floors." a.rt studio. or gucsl, 1w111, boat 01· trailer access, ivy cover- ed patio locafed in Newport Hcigh1s? Then call to(lny. 1 bright country ki!chr n. \\109d Open Set./Sun. J·S :100) ~11 rt, 4 sr:.. lorin;il RealtOr bw·ning fil"eplacc and ht'avy 3228 IOWA STREET :: bd1n1,~ • lainily roo1 n Open to offet's. 1000 General 1000 ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 ------Corona del Mar Profess'I Men's Den '{ou 01\TI th(' lilnd 11·ith this 3 bdrm 2 bath honlt'. 60' frontagE', easy car(' yar1l. Quick occupancy, S42,j()(J finn. LEIGHTON LINDEN RL TY &42-TI41 or 673-0JT.l Fallbrook 6112 Ac MHlion Dollar View Ne1v iuxury homt' & income 2 BR + large • light • con- vertab!e studio. $5~.000 - 10~;, dn. Owner/Bldr, (71-ll 'i2S-Tll3 dining rooui, J car gardge. 646-32.55 shake roof. Jmn1cdiii..ll' pos· His & hers master bf'rl· 100 E:. 17111. C.Osta J\icsa session. $33,250. Fl-IA Tern1sl roo1n, very large entry v.·ith I !!!!!!!!'!'!!"'~~~ .... !!!!!!~I available loo! balcony, ga r den balh. DIAL 642-973_0 __ Sli,500. AND lind ou1 about a greal l' huy.1Jusl needs Tc111ler-Lov-m1n1MfWJillflM ing·Care. It is a, J BP.. Frce- t62M71 T'!U'm10l don1 home for only SlS.950 · 1vilt go FllA/VA. Rltr. eves. Open Sunday t:5-!":r18-07lO 870 Govenor Street e KENNEDY PAINTER UPPER. 3 ER hon1c on large lol. 0 111 of ~late 01,:ner n1ay sell FHA/ V,\ appraised value for only SJ:""l(I dov•n or foi· less with 10'/. do1vn. Asking $19.500. Ernie Cleveland, Rltr. 6l;w)l81 t.:vcs. 6·15-45ill A-FRAME Modem ;{ ~BR. J Blk. to 0('('an. s2:1.!)0() CAYWOOD REAL TY 6306 \\I. Co;is! !hvy, NIJ 548-1290 OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1.s PM '"t"t1r A \Vi:k Buy·· Colesworthy & Co. · At 1-11 i'ORKTO\VN LA!\'E, CM. Sec seven hon11's fron1 $1,400 do\vn. 2 -3 ,'I; -4 BR. }'or sale & rental infonna-,_~~~r,_.1_2-7777_~~~ lion call Heritage Rf'al l'.:s-GI NO DOWN. tat!! -540-11~1 <open l'V('l;l 4 BP. J hu1hs, fq1lr, di.II. A STEAL I gura~c. c111sldrps. Lai-gr Near Bay. 3 BR. ParUy furn. corner lot. lnimrd. occu- Low priec of $32.500. pancy. S50 r.JOVES YOU Everett 11. Michael. Rltr. IN· full pricc $24,750. Gc>nco 507 E:. Balboa, Balboa 673:6880 Rlty. 6-12-'I~. c.ves. f>40-3.i05 SAVE COMMISSION BUY Now" ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 640-4494 "'"''''BR ,..,. ba•h-C•"---·4 .BEDRoo·Mr--c1ominiun1. $18.500, $14250 <a 1onn. 6' ~·,:. availat-1" . No Down VA 2400 ELDEN #15, CM Only :1 yca:;s old. Scllrr will Open Set/Sun 1-6 pay_ al! buyer'g closint 1;osts 612·)771 Osi.:ar &16-6927 & will ~ivr 'you •• 01v~r/Agt. , • , $100 to•mov.- -4BEDRM--::-$22,SOOI-S46-9S2"1 •• 540.6631 s,.,~,,. "'·'·", , balh•. J K N·ichols· Family roo~. Lik-0 new car· • • · peting. Cu s l o m elccli·ic built-ln kllcben. 510-1720 TARBE L<L 29SS Harbo• ,. Reel tor JEAN SMITH, Realtor 646-32SS 100 E. 17th S!.. Costa i\lrsa HERE'S YOUR DOLL HOUS~ H's gol to IX' the curest hou.'>C on tht• mru·kct with ,..,... ___ .,. ____ ,,__..___ .. , :.! big bcdroon1s and a den, JUST LISTED bull! in ki!chcn, fireplace, PENINSULA PT. "'all 10 ,,·all ca1·pc1, 2 pa· Cha nning J Br, 3 Ba. hon1c. tios. doubll' gara.8"r. lmn1ac· Large, sunny patio. Chuil:e ulant -rt'!dY to be lived in. 10Ca1ion • just sieps" -ro occ;an & hay swimn1U1g. $~9,500 Bcautilul' r.tesa Vrrdc Cul. dc·sae lot. 'Valk ro Mesa Verdr Country Club. Price riG"ht a1 $16,2:-iO. 546·511110 /near cinemathelll!\ LLEGE REALTY lSOOAdlms at Harb«,CM. Pool Homes ;IOS£Pf·ll~S-\VEBB,""Reallor JN TIME FOR SUMMER Balboa Real Estate Co. ORANGE COUNTY'S ~ -4 BY.DllOO'?i.fS~ .--- 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa LARGEST 538,500 !o $46,950 67?,.•1140 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 DAVIDSON Realty 4 BE ORM. 2 BATH ----516-5460 Evm:. ;,.i;>-5142 $22,Soot OCEANFRONT Walker & Lee Inc, Natural hl"ick patio wllh 1;as J BR homl' on cxrcll cnt COSTA MESA OFFICE fin'(! BBQ. Secluded rear brfll"h! $51.9";)0 llas an orx·nin~ on !hell" Uv!n~ roont 'vHh fh"Cplacc. George Williamson TEAM for one who has the Fainily room. Built-in ki!ch-REALTOH desirr and poLenlial (o ""· 51" 1720 ' \J" 67J-<1:i;io Eves. 673-J'.16-I SERVE the public and carri ~T;A~R~B~E;,L~L;,;.29~5~S~H~·~·~bo~'· I!!!!!!!~~~~~~:""!!!!' I in E.XCESS of ;30,000 a year'. DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! SOCK IT TO 'EM! Ca.II 545-71:\t. Gener el IOOOGeneral 1000General IOOOGeneral 1 DQO General 1000General "1000Genera l 1000 General tooo General 1000 Look ·Now! No. J~Hard to ~oqt! ·4 BD~M . ._J39,500 And it's in Bnyslrores, near pri\"atc play yard and beach for thl' children. l.Je1·c's your pro!('('.· lion against a. long hot !\Ummer. Prop1n·1y has nice patio, barbecul' and fircplacl'. Think 011 this -,I BDRr--1., 2 bath~. for a n1odC'sl :539.500. . No. 2-Junt Time-Anytime You can pick up a "clean ai; a pin'' J BDHi\1. :l bath, Ne\\"j>art J.Jcights horne for this low prit·e lt \l.'arrants your llttrntion. So much llvin.; hrrc; a huge lil"\ng room, \.\"Ol"k easy kl!ch1•n plu11 a mulii-use. l11noi. Goocl housckreplnJ: makes it. A pleasure to sho\1·. No\\' S4J,500. S"e it Sunday open houS<' 1 to 5. ' No. l-Two-Story Wot«f,ont Buy Has pier and slip And bes t Ot All is nn P.-2 in- "on1e zoned lot so you can add on. Jn 11, very desirable bcttl!r bl'ath neighborhood, O\\·n"r ""ill Hsten to tradl'li 01· t.ru~t dN'ds on the '"r" reasonable pl'lce. Don't )'OU think you :i;hould see this? RED -Ho._ 4:-Hospftallty -;lv,, l IDRt'!lljt''S':d!Ja ' i·slory good plan !of family living. . BDRM •• nnd bath upslairs, nice living room \Vith firf'· placf", inviting entry way, dining arra, hancl.v kltehen and another-bath-do\.\·m,tair~. Also B . co~crcd rear patio easily convCrtt'd inln, anol hrr roon1. 2 car iaragc ofr alley. lt's vacant and ~ome furnitu re is includt'd. No. 5-0.•lroble Waterfront Dupltx ,\ forevl!r \'iew fro1n the upsl11 irs 3 BORM., :i ba!hs 01rncr'!: apartmcnl.. A front balcony af· fords rxtra rnjoymrnt. Huge slonl.' co1·11er firc- plare acids charm. Well maintained. <:omµlctcly rar11P tcd. r.1odern kitchen. breakfast bar. Luwr1· unit 2 BORri1.. 2 be.1 h. fir iced undl'r $100.000. Perfect home and good rental setup. No. 6-Exqui1lte "llufk" Home Oc.>signcd for executive living-and cnlrrta.lnin~. Only l year old. Overlook~ expan~iv(' .11:rC('nb1>lL frorn lO\.\"('I' level llvln.11: room. Attractlvr \l"rought iron railing leads to 3 BDRr.1., 2 bath!! ou uppt;-r Jr-vrl. Entlre pro1)('rty arti~tically dc- 1·oratP<l ~h.:nvs profNlsional touch. Fine quality t'11:1·pets and drafl('lf. J<itchrn lnrgC';--roomy, ll1<hl and chet'rful. Complrtr buJl t.inll. A ~ood \"aloe At $53.900. Your insJl('ction v.·ill prove our claim of qu8..llty. THE llDCAlRJ •+ ---1 WAY TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY lfh<' P.t'd Qu·prl organiza I ion is one of tt\J! fastest grov.·ing real estate groups in Califor- nia. Already over 30 offices In Northern Cs.lifornla. New ot/iceti arc being added con- atantly. Listing your prop- erty with an aggressive, modem orR;anization assures you maxlmu1n scrvicl'.', inter- offl('(! referrals. profession- o 11.v lraltiro salesmen. knov.'l• ed.1rC'able brokers. and a pow. crful advrrtiaing can1pa.Jgn utllizlng mas!I media to bring mote buyf'rs to Red Carpet off!C('!I, Ho\v doos lhis bcne· fit. you! Simple. lllcd CarJX'l hn.~ nil the facilitJcic to do "'"l'.H'tl<"r jol) for you. Fnr fur- lhl'.'r information call our N~vport Stach of!fce . . . 675-6000. REALTY No. 7-Trlple• layfront with Pier Upper front appartmcnt rents yf'ar round al S315 per monlh. Has spectacular view of bay, large living room, dinlni::: aroa. mod('rn kitchen, rw1, BDRMS. Completely furnished: new car· pctini.:, qua!(ty furniture and appliances. Othl'r unit. re.nt11 $200 y<'ar round. Askini:=-$50.000 do"'"• price $165.000. Ownt•r 11,iJJ carry balance. TI1ls one or our best. No. 8-Just Ll•ted' 45 Ft. on Lido Isle 4 BDRM. 2-story near icnnis courts, Estrttda ~outh petio, Herc ~u a.re, "Lido-ls.le looker$," A fin(' pl"opcrty priced )E'SS .than you'd expect S&I.~. The o"·ncr \vtU consider trading !01· a home \vith larg" ya.rd. ·rruly 8. rnu11t SCC'. \Vhy not call no\v and be first 1o Inspect ii. No. 9-Set This H INclr Value at $35,900 Vrry pleasant nnd liveabl1' home just 1 block If) ocean or bay and the R-2 zone permits ad- dllional incomr buildlni;: \\1ith gnrngo alrC'Ady ~1re!t.~~d. BrAidas, the quick i;ale price includf'!I fur niture. Herc's your live at t~e bt•ttch and col~ lcct N!nl idea -not bad. eh? ' Own Now! No. 10-2 BDRM. CHARMER-$41,500 NOthing to e11ual lhiS spotlessly clean Ne1vport l!l land hide-a1vay. 'rhf' use of \\•ood paneling and hit:'h beam cclli ngs adils chantclcr and warmth. }"r~nt Jivi ng room hEIS cnchantlnl! fireplace, car• 1iclcd \Vall to wall. ShO\.\'S bl'autlfttlly. It's fresh a s" a dat.~Y a.nd "''ailing for you. ' ' No. ·11-Good Terms oft Good Duplex 2 and 4 BDRl\1's. In top rentaJ location. Attrat·· live interior. \Vood 1inncling and open l:H'amed cci!inb'S. usf•d •!ffccUvc.ly. Not. often you get a 4 BDRi\-1. unit idcaJ for owner occupant. The price i!I .$80,000 and a,.very coo~r~tive owner would consldr r as little ll!I lO 'iU down and' carrY 1\CC• ond. Another duplicate \lnit or 4 and 2 BDRM. adjoins this and bo1 h may 00 pu1•chast'd as a package. Ex~llt'nt investment. No. 12-40 fl. Bayfront Sllp and Dock Unmls takedly a once in ._ JonR time opportu· nlty for the prrson wht> really wanU! and llP- 1iret'iat8 "'lllerfro nt luxury living. 2 s lory with tnAid's quar~n;. Good condition, a.l11minun1 &Id· Ing. Lush tropi1:al garden for entc1·talnlng. En· clos!'d private play yard. 11u ndN::k, cot'nt!'r l°'" cation. Priced reallitlett.Jly ba3ed on land ap-. pral~I. This Is for the ielcctJ_ve buyt:~. 675-6000 RENTAL DEPARTMENT 673-3663 -2025 W. BALBOA BLVD., NEWPORT BEACH RENTAL DEPARTMENT 673°3663 675-6000 • otoonAPJUCAL y.;:icc1iANGES I - e rNVESTi\IENT ?ftOPERTIES e RESIQY''TIAL e LANO e COl\11\tERCJAL e RENTALS e PROPF;RTY l'ltANAGE.i\tENT •I ' • • ---~----------~----------'=---~~----- - • ' IWl.Y PU.Of S.LUrd.11, JUl'lt 7, lM I 1IOOO....rol S L UllS 'OR SALi HOUSES 1'011 SALi HOUSIS 1'011 SALi HOUSI~.~~~~ HOUSES FOii SALE HOUSE$ FOR SALE HOUSES FOA,SALI -1000 0-rol 10000.-•1 .1000 -rol 1000 0-rol 1000 Gononl 1000 Gonor•I 1000 Gonerol , 1000 PETE BARRm pNHnts PRESTIGE AREA -POC ETBOOK PlllCE. Immaculate 3 bd , 2 balh home near DoVer Shore!. Dre m kitch- en Wllh many cupboards. lar e family room . ~ Ull l•tello Ln. Open un. 12·5 LIDO ISL E -Delightful 3 bdrm., 2 balb borne on .large corner lot with sun· 11y patio, maximum privacy. Realtor on premises Sat./Sun. l-5 * 522 Via Lido Soud. . KINGS ROAD -High above the Bay. Tremendous view from Jiving room win- dows in the 2 bdrm. & den home. Shel- tered patio . & garden. \Veil priced l!t $43,600; • •AYCREST BONANZA -Relaxed lam· i1y living. 4 bdrm., family room, formal dining room & panelled den. Anthony pool enhanced by lights & speakers in yard. Central vac. system, garage door openers -an tbe extras for comfort. Call for appointment to see. OFFICE OPEN Sat. & Sun. PETE BARREIT REAL TY 1605 We1tcliff Dr., N.8. 642-5200 IN COSTA MESA Now under construction • SEVEN CUSTOM HOMES from $28,575 WITH SUCH FE'ATURES AS: • Fireplaces . • 4 Large Bedroom~ e VA & FHA Financing e Wood Roofs e 20 Year Guarantee Dish\vashers • Oversized Lots Up to 114 Acre • Roman Tubs & Showers • In Prime Area e PLUS MUCH. MORE SELliCT YOURS NOW & CHOOSE YOUR COLORS & STYLES . . Yes, we hive a l11de·in program for information call COATS & WALLACE .REALTORS 1491 BAKER STREET 546-4141 COSTA MESA, CALIF. Gtntral 1000 General 1000 General 1000 General . 1000 4 Bedroom+ Family Room $1J,900 Total Price Must Be Sold $146 PER MONTH $450 Total Down 4 BR tam din nn, 2 full ba, Includes ALL when you taki! over thi! low interest GI loan with only Sl.000 down paymenl Juat put on lhe market -should go this wee!(. ~ today. Sl 37.00 Mo. Total Payment B/I kit, 2 story ms.tic. Loe FHA or No Down Vets Cowity <N.B. nl&il TU1tin 11 you think a roof over your AveAn.) ~t'h7•500·M I S II head and one bedn:>on\ and O tr u1 • This ~autiful 4 bedroom home has sep. family rm., custom kitchen with built· ins, i;reen ihag carpeting, walnul paneling, S e 11 e rs have moved ea.st • leaving it vacant. Hurry on this one. bath is Jaige enough thls 3 & den.. (can be 4 bdrm•) cozy cottage for young fam. 1%. ba, shake roof, .en ~t. ilies oUers NEATNESS and East CM. Fanta.st1c pnce CHARM ?! F enced and near for fixer upper. Requires grade school! Room to add cash to loan $72,75(). on or ANOTHER UNIT!!! Sattler Mortgage Co. Bi(r. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee WE SELL A HOME 642-2121 Ev.,, 6'2·1157 EVERY 31 MINUTES SOCK IT TO 'EM! ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. ~94 6'!o GI ASfilJME. <I hedroom. family room, 2 baths. $223 pr.r mo. pays all. Baus 'Rltr. 962-ti637 Walker & Lee 27!Jo 1-larbor Blvd. at Adams 54!">.9491 Open 'fil 9 PM DAILY PII:.OT WANT ADS BRING RESULTS! General 1000General Coldwell, . Banker OFFERS: OPEN., SUNDAY 1 ·5 415 BAYSIDE DR., N.B. A splendid address. A lovely 4 BR. 4 Ba. home with huge fam. rm .. bayside terrace. large private patio, pier, 60' dock. $110,000 Chuck Place MODERN AS TOMORROW Spacious, sparkling home "'/Vi ew of Bay. Winding stairway to upper story. Garden entry. Lrg. den w/"·et bar. 3 Bdrms. - for mal dining roon1. $87 ,500 Mrs. Harvey REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE OPEN SAT., SUN. 1 ·5 1064 PESCADOR, DOVER SHORES 4 Bedroom, 3 baths, formal dining rn1. Fan- tastic vieY.'. Beautiful pool & patio. 3 car garage. Jmmac. & privacy. S82.500 1t1arv Lou Marion OCEANFRONT DUPLEX Custom-hilt 1nodern on !Jest beach. Booked full this summer -al"•avs filled winter for excellent incon1r . Priced low at $77,500 \Valler Haase 2 UNITS C.D.M. -$69,500 Large.4.stor.v Colon•ai 4 Br.-!' QA, fnm.~rn1:­ & pool. Also attractive '.3 Br. smaller home. -Live ln one, rent the other. Corner lot 4f)x lt8 .. Chuck Place OPEN HOUSE-LUSK 3 BR. F'an1 . rm. ""!Jovel,\' harbor view; \vtr. soften- er. prof. landscaped . Cpts, drps. Stop by 1027 TILLER WAY. C.D.M .. Sat .. Sun. 1·5. $47,950 Harriet Davies REDUCED $4,000 3 BR·POOL \Vestcij.Ifs ..best buy'. 3 BR. 2 Ba .• fain . rtn.; on Jg~. corne~ lo.t \V1 s~p. fenced play ya rd. Span1sh Prov1nc1al . Now just $44 .750. See this! Joe Clarkson DOVER SHORES Gracious \Vatcrfroh t ho1ne. Paneled den \V/ frplc. Din. Rm .. Pier & float. Owner leaving area. \Vants offers. \Vil! carry 1nax. 2nd T.D. ?i1rs . Raulston HAMPSHIRE CIRCLE Di'stinttive home, qualily built. 4 Jg, <bed- rooms, 3lf~ baths. form. din. rm., family nn., spacious patio & greenhouse. Jlh car gar., also basement. ?tfary Lou Atarion COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 550 NEWPORT CENTER OR., N!WPDRT BEACH uu700· • • Open Houses . THIS WEEKEND a.., tflib .. My ..,..,.,. wltlt '" tflil1 -k•11• • yH .. llff .. ••ntl"t· All tM IK41fMq ll1tff Mlew --.Crfbff I• .,_.., HNI! lty Mnrttil11t _elM• , wi..r. 111 tofty'1 DAILY PILOT WANT A .. P1~11S dt.wlnt .,.. """ f., Ml• er ti rent .,. •ttff 11 lltt .-c:• h1fetMC1tll11 111 Hili c1h11M ffClt f rl4ey. (2 Bedroom) 224 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar 675-3000; 673-01154 E ves. (Sun. 1·5) 1983 Vista Caudal (The Bluffs) NB 675-4392 (Sat. & Sun. 1-5) 401 6anta Ana Ave ., (Newport Heights) NB 642-2799 (Daily) 900 Chestnut (East Bluff) NB 675-4130 (Sun. 1·51 2014 Vista Cajon (The Blutrs) NB 675-6000 (Sun. 1-5) 318 "L'' Streel, Balboa Point 645-2000 (Daily ) (2 Bedroom & Family or Den} 2800 Ocean Blvd., Corona de! Ma r 675-5200 · (Sat. & Sun. 1·51 1518 Dolphin Terrace (Irvine Ter.r.) CdM 642.6472 (Sat. & Sun. 1-5) (l Bedroom-} 522 Via Lido Soud (Lido Isle! NB 642·5200 (Sat. & sun. 1·5) 2141 Vista Enlrada (The Bluffs) NB 644-2370 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5) 20131 Maritla Lane, Huntington Beach (Sun. 1·5) 421 Cabri!J o St., Costa Mesa i 548-9500 (Saf. & Sun.) 155 Monte Vista (Easlside) CM 642·1771 !Sat.\!< Sun. 1·5) 4821 Cortland, (Cameo Highlands) CdM 675-4392 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5) 1319 Bonnie Doone Terrace, Cd~l 673-7312 (Open. House) 1430 Seienade "(Irvine Terf3.Ce) Cd~t 675-3331 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5) (l Bedroom & Family or Den) 2612 Redlands (Back Bayl CM 546-5460 1sa1, & Sun .. .f.;) *500 1'¥1orning Star Lane (Dover Shores NB 642-8235 ' (Sat. & Sun.) 1318 Estelle Lane (Harbor Highlands) NB (Sun. l·S ) 2813 Drake Ave., {J\'lesa"'del l\1ar) CM 675-3745 (Sat. & Sun. 1-5) 2568 Carnegie (College Park) CM 545-2094 (Sal. & Sun. 11·51 3228 -10,va St., l1\1esa Verdi) CM • 642-1771 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5) 1027 Tiller Way, Co rona del ~tar • 833,-0700: 644-2430 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5) 9143 E l Colorado Ave.1 Fountain Valley 962·5960 (Sat. & Sun.) 1147 Gleneagle, Costa Mesa 540.1720 (Sun. 1·5) 287 Na ssau (College Park) CM 646-3255 !Sat. & Sun. 1·5) 3062 Ceylon fid . I Mesa Verde) CM 54f>.8t55 (Open Daily) 2607 Ocean Blvd .. Corona del f\1ar 675-3000: 548-6868 Eves. (Sun. 1·5) 4:98 f\lenel:oza, Corana del A1ar - 615-4130 (Sun. 1·51 **1915 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach 675-4392 (Sal. & Sun. 1·5) 1831 Trade\vinds (Baycrest) NB 615-4392 !Sat. & Sun. 1·5) .l290 Columbia Drive , Costa J\tesa 642-1614 ' (Sal. & Sun. 1·3) 259 t Bayshore Drive (Bayshore) NB 548-8482 . (Sat. & Sun. 12-4) 2513 Lehigh Place (College Park) CM 545-3945 (Sal. & Sun.) 3401 Ocean Blvd., Corona det Mar 673-2222 !Sun. l·I) *1126 Goldenrod, Corona dcl Mar 673-2222 (Sun. 1.S) • ., * Look A• These * 011• of A ·Kind Immaculate 4 bdrm. home "'·Ith family room A tormal dlnlnc room. Lovely patio il pool with ouliide "'el bw'. Baycrftt lar1J41ln 5 bdrm., 3\) bath home In de;i;irahlC' location. Owner moving: ,East. :r.1uat be sold. Altl1tlc Spacious 5 bdrm. CU5l0m bullt Baycust home ~1th Jara:e family room .l ttpa- rate dln1n1: room. A dt· llghtful hOme in a choice locallon. \ lalld Lovers Lot 132x300' ~iith good 3 bdl'n1. 2 bath home plus 2 rental units. Good Newport Beach location. MAKE OF- FER. JERRY FIEUD. -CHARLES ARNOLD A•1oclate1 CLARA ENRIGHT-RHODA MAGIL JOHN COURTNEY 388 E. I 7th Street, C.M. Realtors 646-7755 -------------· Genertl 1000Gener1I 1000 OPEN HOUSES SAT/SUN MARKET· TESTED SELLERS ANXIOUS FOR YOUR OFFER * 4821 Cortland, CdM ...... Price Reduced! Rtftt Problimt 1 TRY THESE l'OR SIIE steps from schools and shopping. $24,SOO - Needs paint, etc., but Xtra large rooms . 2 bed. 2 balh. Flagstone fireplace, dbl . ga· · rage. Possib,le income through conversion. Close to Schpols/ hurches. Immediate pos· session. $25,000. Walk To Shopping Sparkling clean 3 bedroom or 2 and den home in dandy Ea11tsfde IOcatiqn. Just a few steps from schools ·and shopping. $24,50 - Let's talk terms. Bargain Huni.n Special F or real bargain hunters. This fs a choice Eastside Jocation. Big R-2 lot with clean 2 Bdrm home at rear of lot -at this price of $18,000 · the home is practically. free. 546-2313 * 646-7171 OPEN SUNDAY 'TIL 5 r.o-~ THE REAL . ·'\)L ESTATERS General 1000 General 1000 ~----- For 11 ]Jmitcd tin1e .•. * 1831 Tradewinds, N.B ... Pr ice Reduced! * 1915 Bayside Dr .. N.B ... Price Reduc~d! $135 Per Month ®*Pll983 Vista Caud~~B~l~~c~l~duced! ';~;';~,;~~!J';'~~;·~ ~\ND ASSOCIATES bath hon1e. f'reshly rmin1 rcl 3900 E. COAST HIGHWAY in and out. brand new living roon1 caJ'J)('lln.i:. i\ssumc 675--4392 (anytima) this governn1rnt Jo.'\Jl or jvst ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! $900 d0\\·11 to all . L.argc 1000 = fenced yard. Gene.rel 1000 General lmmed. Possession "For A \Vise Buy" 2420 15th St., (Newport Heights) NB 646-7755 (Sat. 12:30·4) Colesworlhy & Co. 2033 Paloma, Ne,vport Beach A 3 Bedroom Horne FOR ONL'i' $10,495 BUILT ON YOUR LAND FEATURING: e 1080 sq. !L • Doubil' garagr e All Talh and plaslcr e Hardwood cabinets e Pullman bath • Sparious "'anirobes CALL 537-0380 "'Jn n\O!';t Orange Cou nty and othcl' arip1"0vl'<l areas. STANCO Builders Inc. OPEN 7 Days 10666 \\'rstminsrer Avr:. Gan:len Gro\'c, BalW'K'Cd Power Jloml's Corona def. Mar "" 777 Dandy t>uplex l11ii_il_ilL!il!iiD!i-O!ilii!1iilS-i!iLiil}iii-·mi Put your lazy dollars to work building ~uify in beaulllul 641i-7 l 7l (Sun. l ·5) 1866 Rhodes D1·., Costa Mesa . 646-7 171 (Sun. t-5) FIRST Time Offered Corona de! l\lilr!' Large t\ro Immaculate 3 bedroom home bedroom fron1 unit \V 11 h 2578 Greenbriar Ln (College Park) CM LOCATION ol INCOME FOUR 4 units w!lh 3 bdrm. ]" bath Ownctl'll w\lt taeh bldc: Or011 $35,760. ·Owner aaya SELL one or all, HONOLULU BOUND DESPERATE -Ownet muat i;ell lovely 4 bdrm. 2'1i bath, lam. nn. Heated le filtered POOL w/ Jacunl. Reduoed O\'Cr $5.l)l.I • bJake OFFER. f ... ' BAYSHORES Plltv ATE BEACll 'COMPrlU- NITY -3 bdrms. 2 ba. ths, din. area, cpt. & drapes, re- frig. & wuher Incl. ASK· ING 135,900. "C" THOMAS, REALTOR 2'.24 \'I. Coast Hwy 5'18-5521 Newport Beach, Evt', 54>~ BAYCREST Beautiful Brick C.Olonial Custom built home at 1801 Tradewinds Lane OPEN liOUSE This \Veekend 3 B<-drooms, 21,~ Baths Formal dining room Paneled Family Roorn \\'ilh Professional Bar Eloquent yard plus Separate Chi'.dttn's Yan! P.riced to sell $63,950 Call Ken l{ingsil'Y Rei:. 5-10--881.2 BUCCOLl BEAUTY Eastside Cmita f.-1csa Gem .•• This 3 BR + family room + dining room has a walnut 11·ct bar & fine 1vood pan- {'\linb. 01vnt>r moving to ~:asl Coa.~1 so lei's sec what CASH WILL DO. $26,950 Nawport ti Victoria 646·8811 On choice East end location wood hurnini::-r1r'l'place &nd =======:::~ Oieerlul living room all buill-in kitrl1rn! ! Plus \l'ith brick !ireplace opens (lclightfu1 ! 1v o bedroom 646-6811 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5) (4 B.edroom) 1018 Nottingham Road, Newport Beach 642·8235 (Sat. & Sun.) *IOG4 Pescador (Dover Shores) NB 833-0700: 644-2430 (Sal. & Sun. 1-5) 11 48 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat. & Sun.) 21 14 \'ista Laredo {The Bluffs) NB 675-2101 : 548-4166 . !Sun. 1·5/ **50 Balboa Coves, ~port Beach 529-8100 (Sat. & Sun. 8-5) 3137 Barbados Place (Mesa Verde) C!Yt 54&-7308 (Sat. & Sun. 11-4) 20082 Cove Circle,. 1-luntington Beach 646-4494 (S un . I :30-4 :30) (4 Bedroom & Family or Den} . **415 Bayside Drive, Newport Bet'lch 833-0700 ; 644-2430 (Sun. 1·5) 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Daily) 1380 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores} NB 642·8235 (Sat. & Sun.) 2479 l''airway Drive, Co~ta !vtesa 646-2319 (Sal. & Sun. 1·5) 1358 E. Oceanfront, Balboa PeninsuJa 645-2000 (Daily 1·5) 1518 Antigua \Vay (Dover Shores) NB 646-3255 (Sun. 1·5) 2341 ].J:,v.ine (Back Bay) N B 1720 (Daily 1·5 ) 42 Francisco, Ne,vport Beach 3255 (Sal. & Sun. 1·5) tis Via Xanthe Lido, Newport Beach (Open Sat.) 2138 Braemar \Vay, Ne\\'port Beach 675-4130 '!Sun. 1·5) 363 Vista Baya, Nc,vport Beach 675-4130 · (Sun. 1·5) 1315 Antigua, Newport Beach 646-7711 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5) 1907 Leeward Lane {Baycrest) NB 540-1720 (Sun. 1·5) *1930 Commodore,. Ne,vport Beach 645-0303 (Sun. 1·5) 1836 Santiago Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Sun. 1-5) 2112 Windward Lane (.Baycrest) NB 548-!lll2 (Open Honse) 1731 Iowa St. (Mesa Verde) CM 54-0·6338 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5) 1854 Pitcairn Drive fhf esa Verde) Cf\1 54Jl.068l _ (Sat. ttl 5) 29932 A1altaso Pl., Laguna Niguel 495-5538 (Sat. & Sun. !IHI) 2399 Redlands, County Corridor 646-7171 !Sun. 1·5) 2826 Francis, !Vlesa dcl l\1ar 646-7171 (Sun. 1·5) (5 Bedroom & Family or Den) *1536 Galaxy Drive (Do ver Shores) NB 642-11235 !Sat. & Sun.) CONDOMINIUMS (2 Bedroo m) 2·1-00 Elden No. 15. Costa Mesa 642·t771 ; 646-6927 (Sat. & Sun. 1·6 ) 1509 Corn\vall Lane (Westclifll NB 54S.4606/499-lll06 iSnl. & S•n. 1·6) DUPLEXES 11ll7 w. Bay St .. Newport Beach 675-6000 (Sat. 1·5) APT +'INCOME **320 Via Lido Nord (Lld0' 1'1e) NB 673-0305 or 675-3243 (Sat. & Sun. l ·5) ..... • It W.+wfr911t ++It '"' ell4 W.mfrttlt on!o compact private patio hrarh t."Otlagc over large Huge Colonial Big 2900 sq rt 5 bdrm home 1\'ilh 1\nlhony pool, dining & family rooms ,r.,. walking d~tancc to l\Tesa Vrrde Country Oub. A grt'al "en· terta1ning" home for t h e young eiceC"utlvr 1\•ilh a Jar;i:r family with steps up to sundeck doublr 1·ar i;:aragl'~! No va· Homr is nicely decorated c·..incy fa clor here!!! A great And in beautiful condition huy at only $41,0CXJ . Submit Priced to M!\I al $57,500 your sinaller p1'0Pf'r1y on Call JOc 'li"crguson our guarantee s11!t'~ 11l11u. Res. 675--0188 WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2013 \Vcs1cllll Dr. 6·16·7711 Oprn f.\·rs. 546·5880 fntal cinema 11\estrt) LLEGE REALTY 1500 Adams atH1rtllW,CM !!!!!!!!~!!!!!!f!'l!!ll!!!!!!!!!! I ';If f¥1 ~r --STOP!!!!! II you at'l' looking for a lease $1000 LE SS -AB OVE BEACH Ocean &. Harhor VIJ:;\\IS. 2 BR., coov. den, 2 ba. formal din. rin. Stressed for add, rn1s. llandsome Normandy hon1e w/bcaul. ll'ee shaded walled i:;al'rlrn. c.an asswne al 6'~'·· SlOS.500. hoine with over 2,400 square ft>et plus <'normous master bedroom, (13 x 261 and lhrcc other queen size bedrOOms, plui; h~e family room, plUli 1vood burning fiN'i$lace, plus all rlt:'ctric buUt·in kilt:'hcn, plus huge patio and enter· tainmcnt ar<'a, \Ve ha\•e it, and a lelTi!ic buy al only $31 ,950. Submit your small· er homl' on our guarantee S11!<'!" plan. Price' just rcrlurrtl 011 !his imn1acula1r ·1 Udrn1 Pacc.~tll'r Cornrr lo1 location on a quirt strert nrar 'f'hool an(I park. 8C'autiful ~·ond1· tion! Per{('{'! lamlly hon1e. No1v $36.:icKl. Sec ii at 2865 01ios Road. OPEN JIOUSE lilAT. & SUN. 1--5 ::soo OCEAN BLVD. ~ Corona del l'ilar Walke< Rily 675-5200 WE SELL A HOME -----c==~ EVERY 31 MINUTES OPEN SAT /SUN MESA DEL MAR \\'c'll he holding OP EN HOUSE, Sat. & sun. 1-5 at 2813 DRAKE AVE. 3 BR .. ramily rm. plu.~ many fine extras. Walker & Lee 4 BEDROOM 20.l3 \Vcstclllf Dr. 64&-nl 1 Open Eve~. -BEACH HOME- Like ne1v, :.!-Story Liv H.oom, 3 BRs. 2 Ba. Blt·Tns, Frpl<", -Ready ,tQ enjoy club fu.cl1· itirs. Newport Shores • Only $28,500. VACANCY I Abandoner! 3 BR Fre!rlom Jlome Large Y1u'd ~ Fi'<er· i.ippCf : Aski'ng ~i3,!i0o. An.,._ ious Owner says !\lake an Otrer and Oean Up! FAREL WALKER ... Realtor .. JOO N. Newport Blvd. NEWPORT BEACH -1518 Dolphin Terr June 7th & Ith Spotleu 2 BR, 2~, ba, den, elec kitchen. PLUS hUgc covettd boat-port, min. land. scaPe malntC.nanct'. SIHhod to $39,500 CURT DOSH, Realtor 17'30 W. Coar.I }lighway 642-6412 , Eves. 673-346.'I 4-BEDROOM MESA DEL "MAR Enjoy Jiving on a quit! 1tioeet. Bcautlru1 L~h fMlt'lel· llna I{\ Ilvln~ &: fa mll.)' room, blt·ins, trplc, nice Jae back ytl. Good financing. 1880 Nt1"11011 blvd .. 01 RJtr, 6·1&.3928 Eve. 6"'-1655 Lachenmyer f.1EREOITH GARDENS. 4 bedrnom split ll!VPI, 3 bl!.ths, family room. l car gllrllge. ~love right in )Vilh .10~ down. Bogg11 Rltr. 962...f&T OURCE rr! • MESA DEL MAR 822 SANTIAGO Enjoy hvng oni a (]Uil't s1rect. Bl'autiful ash piineJ. ling itt Jjv.ini; & famil,y roo1_u, bulJ1.ins, firl'pla ce. n i r r J;,1rg.C' back yard -good fin· a11r1ng. 18(i() Np11•port Blvd .. 0 1 Rllr. 616·3928 E\'e, 6'1-l-1655 Lachenmyer GROOVEY 4 BEDROOM 1r ... \·arant 11 i!h an out a i;1,:tht cu1Jton1 n1arfe .island l\ilr hrn. 0 o 11 n payn1rnt? $1500 ftl•anybody. 1U;} gas . mm·c in in 7 dayg, Go man ••• " :Jltl E;ist Coasl l l"'Y· Corona drl rtlnr 6T~3745 . ---· -·--4, Bdrm + Family Rm 5 3/4 °/o Loan Srnsa!ional. family room h!'avy bcnmrd ceilings, t'X- qulsi!e plan1l'1'S, bullt-in bar. E~pnnsiv~ brick patio + another. .. patio. fot. B8Q'11. lluge healed & filtered pool. \Vaterlall + fishpnd. Tropi- cal paradi.sc. 510..17'20 TAR.BELL 29SS H•rbo' INVESTORS $19,950 4 BR ,I'..: ll1m r.1 •. 0\\'l)('r pre. ·rers to le~ back at .Sl&'i for period ol year. '• Rand Realty 64.S.2340 --7---==-- COillGE PARK ORANGE COUNTY'S 2S78 Greenbriar Lane LARGEST $25,950 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 OPEN SAT./SUN. 1.5 a / / E D RIDDLE. R!1r. 646-Mll pen ....Nou'le 4 BEDRM-:-5]fsoo- r r.ur o\vn prlval" orchard . 2112 Windward Lane l':•i~N:I brick planters. 2 A h11ly <'h1trn1lng lai'Jir ·I AR t~'lt h~. AfJ r]C'C'lrlr built-in hon1C'. f~orn1al chnins: nn. kllrhC'n. f:'(olir firepl8re. G11.n1c nn, drluxc 1sl11nd fflnllly n10m. T1lr rnlry. kltrhrn 11•1 b1't'akfasr a~a. Sp1 1nklrn1, j;017:!fl Jmrnacu!a!C'! Bayc"'~' btzy TARBELL 2955 Harbor "' S69·750· Ch\·n 11.gt. ~IU -DR-EAM-LOCATION- Nurse ry School--~love in rond. Spacious 3 BR, POTENTIAi,. J BR ~ balh 2 BA : \\'l':iitcllff ~hop'g area. homP. mrn<:r lo!, lllh-ISO' °"'l'H'r. $30.950. f,48-!IJOO a.II fenCPc:I . Cal lfor rlf'lails. !-=========I ilnnin ilrnlfti Coll• Meu 1100 612-WOO U~S~E~,.-,-,-GTto buy this ('Je- g11-nl l heir. 1'"~ Mlh,, bca;.1- f'd r11th('dral <'t'Ulni;:.i:. l;l)r· lo"t·OILI Sl\lmmlni,: pool. Ea!ll· •kltt C.~f. $29.900. Klnira· 111TJ R"31 Estll1f'. ~lI 2·2222. " BY OWNER·POOL. 3 BR, Crpta, ~ X·Lra: LR. L.o\v m11int )'nl. SJO.~ . ,.. 646-289S • C·2 hon1r & comm·1. bld11. 128.100. $4.000 down. S.'i'I Plun1f!r. C)-1. E\'ell. 646-1492 • ··----.. ,,-...-,,-c,.,..-·~ -·--. -····--··-------·----------·--,.--~ .. ~-·---~----....,.~-----~-~--...,,.....-----···--~· ····-· .... ,-.... --~~------'""' • HOUSES ~01 SALi HOUSE5 \oR SALi Coron• del Mor 1250 c...... del Mor 12M HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSH FOil SALE M ... Vtnlt 1110 Nt..,..rt .... h 1200 MOVING -Eut-Ownf'r nn11t HOU.SES l"OR SALE HOU.SES FOR SALii • l~H;;O;;US;;;E;;;S;i;~;;O;;R;;SA;;L;;';;;;;;;H~~·;;;;;;;S.lf.;;;;;l;;;H;;_;;;;:;;;;;~;·i",l" I Hunl!nJ!on ~ 1400Hunt!"J!!' llooch 1400 ' _..,, IMMACULATE HOME EXCj)UISm GARDEN OPIN SAT. & SUN. I · S 14'0 S.reneff, lrvlne Terr•ct • $42,HO Wm. Winton, Realtor 211 Mor ine, lltlboa l•land· '75-3331 Open 'Ill I Every Night ""' ' BDRM, 1% BA. I. •I ClOSll to .chll, 1hp '1, ~M'M""' ch\ll'Che1. $23,900 • 54.~731J! OWNER 1i1ea Verde tri- le\ltl. 4 BR. Ja, famly rm, formtl OR, 3 ca.r CUI· 201T Kornat Dr .. C.M. ~ TRIPLEX Nr. Collt;e Park. C.l\f. 2 BR ea. kU. blt-inl: encl. B'&ra.1"5· Income $340 mo. $32,500. Owner 64)..9192 Coll ... Parle 1115 • ."'6 ~.oN..j1 c'-1 ~-./ MODERN LIVING • • New homOI, ready to move In, Y.i mile from beach. First payment up to 60 days af!Alr move hh Term• VA/,HA. From $21,!00 The Beach (on 8roqkhur1t 1 mll• South of Adami) 962 • 1353 3 BR &: den, hwd fin, t'O\' (#"-?*~ $,_,( -------------------- llOO Corti Mt•• llOO patio, blk wall, close to 1---------/-. $26,000. 4% Cnta Mt•• -Newport Hal9hll 1210 Coron• del M•r 12SO * * * * * OPEN HOUSE Ol 1osn. l!y ownr. '45-3945 1 BR, centtr ol C.M. Roorn 5 BR Jlke new tam rm l·-k 1., 3 BDRMS. :! Ba, 1 Blk, to ;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; \ IRVINE Terrace Executive CHEERFUL HOME Home. 3 bdr or 2 bdr 1:. to' Dup"' $16 '*" .. ' ' •, 5ru ;,~ ;;N;•;wporf;;~;~~~-~·~~~ I beach '•' .... ' •• •"' $29,950 , • , '""""' un., pr, NmP\11 nn., ,,. .... c:::;v DJlIVE iY: SSC Hamilton FllA, $29,900, 97S Paul&rlno, TV STAR'S I W CM. 540-3641 FORMER BDIL\lS. 2 Bo., W"tcl N\ce 2 bdrm., dining mi.; study, 2 bathll. flooded with frilic. Dbl. aaraa:e on alley. light, beaut d e c o r a t e d , ntREE 1 BR rentab, inc. $310/mO. $31.500. Room for more.. DRIVE BY: 1.115.5 Anaheim. BY OWNER 3 BR Home1. 2-Jlome now tor sale, Great Villa •·• .. " •··· .. ••• $36,:iOll Luse back yard, fenced. maey extra f e a t u r e s . ~ &: ocean VIEW. Deh.1xe · Asldna: $25,000. $42.~. lJl9 Bonnie l);ione E. akle, 2-W. ai~e. Very lrl 2 Br den guest ~. 2 BACK Bay 3 Br. plus lam. tn.NJUable 104hl S~i-'~'.19. ba~. p;,estise location. Quiel CUI le Sac •• $49,500 Need cub. MS-1059 ""·""'· ~ Ten-•ce. 673-7312 by owner. ·~. I NVEST NtAR THE .,_,,., • OCEAN 3 Bk. J~ ba, den, 2 1 1*Jl.2 lot, Rents for SlOO/R: $12.:>00. »RIVE BR: l!5 E. Wtlaon. Meta V•rde 1110 OCEANFRONT duplex. Make • 'I e A l T Y frplcs, 3 garages, brick, OCEANFRONT oller, anxious ...... $69,950 Near NB PoAl Ofc. 646-2414 b e am/t"eillna:i., charming NU CUiiom built 'vith clean 2 BR on re a r. $32;500. DRIVE BY : 174 E. 19th. c.r-.t. \Ve have xveral R-2 lots $9500 Ii up 5 BR 2 . ~oo tt . Wide __ ....1 •• beaeh le: the bl!Jft • ltol"Y, ,... sq. ' ..,..., 2 BAYCREST be ly 3600 Mt 1 a Verde P.Jettetter; Pacific for )'O\lr QWll. au • Stf. t'lost! to bch, ~ ml to rotf bdrm1. over triple ....._ R4 ft. \\'ill trade · • • · · · $88,000 course. Hu all eXtraa! Tai> lot with room to add 2. occan- ulowi lndacp'1 w/ back foun-front un.ill. Make otter. ta.In., COile to all scbb:, col· AllW!z $59,500. i!&''· hwyl, 546-J<ll Rn. OPEN HOUSE Sun 12-5 2038 Calvert Avt. l'IOPERTif!S WF.ST OCEAN VIEW mom-mo Custom home with a view. lOUBa:r-ideDrift Delwie 3 bdnns. 2ini ba. Ninrport~Calll.9268.f Beam a;iling, Kit. blt-ins Ii I• 411 NEWPORT HEIGHTS OPEN DAILY 401 Santa Ana A YC. Tutelully deconted comer home Jn nictst residential area. This lovely 2 Bdnn home ii immaculate Ir hu lush crpt'c, drps, 1rg kitch- en w/ bltns & can be pur- chased w/ a low down J>l1· ment at $29,~. 642-2799 home or u~ as Duplex, or build 2nd home on big lot. BROKER 673-201C "4 UNITS • 2 LOTS" Xlnt income. Close to shop- ping, Just reduced $3500. The pressure'• on! Phone UI now! CANON REALTY 675-3581 SHORECLIIT 3 BR, 2 BA. Quiet tree lined area by the sea. Fee aim.pie. Acctss to 2 3?,650 sq ft of R4, Try 29o/ct down. DRIVE BY : 2009 Plaa;n~ CM PLEASE 00 NOT Dl~RB .WOVE OCCUPANTS Ole. 637-3930 alt the extras, See this at $4:1.~. WESTCLIFF 81lbol Coves 1215 beaches. Under SS0,000. By owner. • 673-3681 SPACIOUSPace4etter ; CHOICE AREA CONDOMINIUM WATERFRONT-4 Br. 2 Ba, BEAUTIFUL corner dbl lot eoun-· Club lttiea. 2 s•A-•, Quiet & niC'I! street ol NfW· Conservati~ elei:ance Jn 'WVV"I ... It. p,·,, • ·"p. No. Own ~:1 ..... :1 port Hts. Cozy 2 br, din. Newport'• finest resldentlal ...,.,., --. "" .... + 2 hses S. of Hwy, er . Lockhart Co., Realtors ~ W. 19th, CM beautilully landscaped w/ !rpl dbl """ 00 OeLux 2 1,_, ... ~ ~ Balboa Cow1. $58,000. $58,500. 673-4169 patk>. ChU~n'1 play yard rm. c. . e area, e s ...... .r. , ... ., UlOO dwn. P &: I $39:1. Mo.1=========111 alley. l.Arge back yard, btdroom 2%1 bath. WH>ting· * * * 646-2301 * * COLLEGE PARK &: separate dog yard. 4 BR fenced. Asking $25,000. house ail~Jectric, luminous I ,;0;' :"';"''-•=otf=';'=· =""""=="'== (flreplaa; in muter suite) 3 1 . baths, fa m nn, formal din 1!'111. ttll~ kitchen, lncludinc rm, decorator I n 1 pi re d 9: 'I:# L \\·uher and dryer. Spacious fireplace In lari;e Jiv nn, ~·C.· rooms. Fireplace with mar- qu iet cul-de-sac street. By 1 I A L T y blr hearth. \V/W carpets. owner. Assume Slho/o Jotn. Near NB PCJSt Ole. 646-2-414 Orape1. Beautl1111 landscap. Principal.I only. s 4 l, 9 so , "==:i=:ICo=o=o=m;~I ing plus 20 X 40 heated pool 540-0681 iii & recreation room ·with fire· ~~~==-..,--Cottage Near NHYC '"" • wot bar. s.""'' * BY OWNER * Yes! Two c•r garaae with hlesa Verde decorattirs two large •storqe shelves. Fee !tory eastern 5tyl~ home. 3 Bedroom~ 1%. baU15; mod· Simple. A!!ume Loan. B1y1hor•1 1225 This Wttkond Only Owner &how!na-immat. 3 BR 3 bath home at 2591 Ba.y1ho~ Dr. Priced riQ:hl! You must !lee It? Open 12 ·4 S•t/Suil Dover Shoret 1227 Lido 1111 13Sl BEST OF LIDO I EXTRA sharp 2 bdrm plus tam. nn. Profe9sionally dee· orated. Delightful In eYCI')' detail, $55,000 ./ IMMACULATE 3 Behm. plus din. rm. On lovely Via Orvleto. Ava~. romplctely fum, if desired. $55,9;,o Un- tum. Low mainten&l\C4!' 3 BR &: dlnin& room POOL HOME. Near shopping & .scbooll:. New carpets, floor tile &: 2 beautiful patios to complete the plctuf'l', Best of all, last years price at only $21,500. Swimmel"! Ii sunbaWrs CALL Heritage Rea.I Es· tale 540-11~1 (open eve!.) 4 Bedrooms, 3 baths. wed ern kitchen w I bll·ins: A SACRIFICE AT $33,500 BEAUTIFUL 3 BDRM, 2 br1ck family room, mimlred winner at $37,900. 1509 CORNWALL LANE baths, format dining room, J., OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1·5 dining room, used brick ter-Open House Sat & Sun 1-' spacious family & living ro-ll8 Vlll Xanlhc. Chaamirte ral"e, Jh'ofeuionally land. An Extra R-3 lot 548-4800 or 499-1806 oms. Mqnifia;nt View! By 4 Bd1·m., ·cJen. :.~ blU:lj scapcd. Immacul.cte. Be OUTSTANDING I owner. 548-6901 on bi11: 4j' ~I. $69,00J.l "'" $30 500 sure to sec, .Open Sat. Ii ' Sun. :i~ Lemnos Dr., C.M. Goes wilh this atlr. l Br. $29,500 U I .lty P-k 1237 LIDO REALTY INC. By Owner 5f0.5757 2 Bo.th home. Peninsula Pt. "restclill, Dover Vlllaae 2 -';;";;•;;';;';;;';;;:;;•;;'===;; 3400 Via Lido 1 lll3-8830 \Ve're proud to !how our ~·ell Tile roof, stucco. Never story Condominium. Pre1-• malntaiMd, tastetuUy deco-•BY O\VNER~. .ftJlted~ Ottered furnished. tige, qulet area. In court HANDSOME HOME rated and landscaped 3 BR 2400 sq. U. of lelaure--hvmg1n· BURR WHITE, Rltr. yard, Near sboppina, reiilau-A woll p-portlo~ 3 yr. old horiie in Mesa Verde, Wei--stlge area· near 1chools L rl ·• ·~ P•" • • 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. rants. Like new. UJCU ous in Unlve1'ity Park. Profess. come anytime. 3062 Ceylon 11.hopp illi & tree~y. 5 675-4630 Eves. 642·1253 carpeted, all equipt, Weal· lnd·.....i . •Xterior, smartly Rd. (olf Countcy Oub Dr) BDJU.f, .3 bath, fireplace, ina"house kitchen. BeauWul .... .,... "" MS-3155 1 ,_, 1 .... ered 2 .... _ finished in1cr.: 2 Sl:y., 4 Br. I '-'---2-=~=~~-· I o .. e ec,..,c, rose cov private patio. · 1A111us, 2~~ Ba. A Fully fefll.'«I Prl· FOR SALE paUo, all this for $36,500. SPACIOUS dressinr room, hua:e eloels, vale yard is viewed from \VIII recarpet living room. COUNTRY LIVING 2 ~~ baths, fireplace, Enclos· the kltch·lam. rm.&: !iv. rm. By Owner For more information call ed :i cAr 1e.rage, heated Priced at $32.SOO. By Owner. . h 54!Hl216. 0.ose to park, schools & pool, ologont •lobho"-, rmmac. 2 Htory bon14? wit · .... ........ 83J.1120 pool 3 BR, den; Eastridge 3 BEDROOMS BY OWNER. horseback 'riding. Gracious ten-ace, Sauna. Own land. DO 2nd $26 ' "" entryway opening to warm ASliume Joan. Owner Bkr, 1::11. $27 down-no . , ...... •--11y n· t' t. ' open 646-5533 Large tamlb' room, 2 baths, uun nn, 15 me iv 646-1948. l(I)S Dover Dr, Irvine 1238 * 2479 faltway Or. * ~·/...,. carpets, d rap r: s, ~~~.~~.~:xi9!. ~=t::: OPEN SUNDAY 1-6 cVl..:LLA='-G-E-,-. -,-B-R,-2~Bc.;A, Eastaid• 4 BR, :i BA. Cov dishwuher, ·ex 1 r a C:Ui>" your family, $52,500. 156-C' GROWING ROOM Atriunl Hanover mode I . pat i o, 1hake roof, boards, firepla.tt, sha·k·e PROPERTIES .WEST You can lose the children M11,11yXtnu. Avail. tnuned. dlshwa!her, trplc, erpt, roof, double earace. Guava, 1028 Bayside Drive and enjoy 15 minute' quiet $31,0IXI 833-2894 drps. 5%.~ GI. $29,900 * apple , avocado, o ra na:e Newport Beach in lhii contemporary-1tyled l========== 646-2819 trees. S4$-644S "" -675-4130 5 bedroom Baycrest home E11tbluff 1242 1.0.0. ... 0iiiiiiOiiOiiOii_. If\fMAC. 4 BR. 2· BA, dbl. just 1" block from future --------- co3 LLEObdnnEl~ •• ~th·. SNpolUC~ ~r:~.· ~~~ r:-s~~o!\1~~ BLUFFS . Bayl V.!eoBv, on3 mBoa· ~S:~!r~~t!~s=:~~;.; .,.. jor green bot. r, ' down or San D!e""' hon1e in NICE! NICE! ASKING Ass ume 5%. 7v loan. many cust feature11.cril~\t exchan,o. •- BLUFFS-WORTif $39,SOC BUT J\lAKE OFFER! Must sell View end unit "C" plan w/1950 sq. ft, 4 BR's,-3 BA's, sep. dinin&". Uppd· ed. Immaculate! Call Mn. While 613-0060 or 675-5764 $17.500. Agt. 646-3255 or $171 I mo taxes incl, Imed. tar.. $48,500 value, Sa ia; H I p · hi l A MG-2054 AJ,k for BUI. occup. r-.1 es a Verde by 950 644-4265 I inc n llOC. owner. ~ ™· · 3900 E. Coast Hwy. 61'.>-4J92 REDECORATED Monticello CHOICE 1.-fesa Verde Joe. NOW'S THE OWNER Condominium. New carpets, 4-BR or 3-BR, den, 2 BA, TRANSFERRED new "drape1. 3 Bdnn (2 + ca.blnct~parielled. gar .. many OPEN SUN. 1-5 de n) 2 bath. Call owner other cwtom features. ProL TI ME FOR 2114 VISTA LAREDO 545-2941 lor appt. landscaped. Top con d, · THE BLUFfS • Newport's COLLEGE.cP~A=R~K,-thruOut. Call owner for ap-most beaut comm11nity; t e NEW BLUFFS e 2 Br, 2 Ba 1pllt level. Many cuttom features, all elec, etc. Lowe!! malnl. &: lease. hold. MUST' SELL • BY OWNER. Call Dlt k Dyer 533-4-456" ext 40'1 ar 613;5Tn. BEAtITIFUL BAY VIEW 's~~.2 :sZ~:P::foa~ point. 54!>-1446 QUICK CASH s;E:l~~co;'Jlnlf#!;~· '" •""""" or. ""·'"' Spaciously Yours 2Sts E. eou1 Hwy, cctM BY O\VNER. · 675-2101 548-4166 Eves. A:.~~~~.~.!:"~~v~%1~ 1:~~:"~~n~ngba~~w!! THROUGH A Cul-de-Sac t'OR ONLY S5.1,900 lk It. located expertly over 2 patio; bll.M, dlx, cpt. B • ~ 900 67!>-4070 tnc .. lplc. sn.soo. 642-1614 ~~~ .: &bbiru Realtor. DAILY PILOT 2 UNITS t Lot + Bo<k Bay vkw. New J BR, 2~-1. BA, cust. drps &: crpts. 6~ JO&ll. By Owner .... 2310 •BY OWNER• r.tooern 3 er. home .t: income ASSlTh1E 5% l.DM. Sharp 4 bedroom 3 bath. Taxl.25' lot, unit. Tropical yard, truit spacious 1BOO sq. ft. 3 BR, 2 WANT AD room for boat It trailer. Lusk 3 Br. 2 Ba., fam. rm. $4:1,500. ~309 $35 nn11 ...... ,.A., 2983 BA. family rm, Ranch. Delta Re11l Estate &16-4414 lreel, •"""· v•l'ner. uu· PITl-$203/mo. Priced low •t r-.tESA DEL MAR 0 ""~ ON A Lovely quiet Westclllf Corona del Mar 1250 5 . BDRM 11 bath $i3.000. ~r .... .r"V!"-:" 642•5678 St. tn Mari_per Elem. & Npt. I ;~~:;;;~;:;;~~==! 2 story ' ~ ' TIIE -QUICKER~QU CALL. RI.Ota:( tee simple, hta.,.,1 1 W<lk to all"'"°""· ., 2 SEPARATE 'HOUSES' By owner. * 546-t'i492 THE QUICKER YOU SEIJ.. shake root. panelled liv rm, 1 -~~=~;_;::;::;:::__=========--============I din rm. eleet. blt·inll. J BR 2 On 1 lot; 3 yrs. old; 3 Br., Mela Del Mar 1105 M11a Del Mar 1105Mesa del Mer 1105 Ba, clean cpts/drps, 2 2~~ ba. each. Cptl, drapes l::;:::;:...::.;.;-"'=---"--------------------1 pa!los, dog n1n. S42,500 ~ • blt·lns. S&t.500 Solve 4 Simpit: Scmmbled Word Puule f01' 4 Chuckle 0 Rt0rranQ1 th• 6 XTambl.d words be-low ta 1110k• 6 •!mpl• words. Print "rt.rt of ~ 90ch In II• line of lqUOf'91.. ~t~ IDOKNlll.. I .rrr1 IATOLEZ I' I I I I I IRA pH EM 111'11' :::::::::::::::::::::: ~ IF r LT AS She. A fellow to ld me thot l'--l'"''-lr-lr-lrr1-lr-1 rad;o 1tortod Jn tho Gorden of • • • . . Eden. Do you be/love that? .._..._ .... _._._~~ He: Maybe he's right. !ile IL U TS 0 E l"Obobly rtfl'rtd to the foil& i::.:r 1 _, 1 ,:..: 1 r-.- 1 - 1 .-i thoy tcok a rib out of Adam . • and u11d it to make the flrtt ._ ........... ..-~---,.-..,.-.,.,.,,..,.~~--r~.. ,_8 by fil11no ln tht l'l'llfllng word. owner 642-1598 * * * * CUSTOM BUILT I-tome with income. on 60 X 118' comer lot; owner wW Beautiful ,view durlne; ,the flnance. $69,900 NEW VIEW dB)', breathtskina: at nlihl ~ + nt.w-4 bedroom & 3 bath. A..--w..l.~ Delta Real Estale 646-4414 ~· ;_~ ... -·---THE BLUFFS 3 BR A; 2 ea with corner lot ll2 f\1al"ltucritc, CdM View &: spacious fecJh:ig. '"!~!!!!~6!!7:1-~'5~5!!0~~~ r Custom carp ts, drps, other. !:: extras, Handy to pool. Own. OCEANVIEW: ·3 Br; Jo'am. er $41,500. 6f4-0T11 rm. 3401 Ocean Blvd. Open REOUCED·f2(XX).Now $38,'7!IO Sun. l-5. 4 Br., J Ba.. tam. din, Harbor View Hills. Outltand- uW/laun rm. Total 2400 sq. inr pool area: 3 Br. pll.W ft. 325 Vl11ta Baya, Owner· den, plui D.R. vltw. Open eves 6'1&-1542. Sun. 1-3. 1128 Goldenrod ~ BR, C BA Jvan Wells hOme DON V. FRANKLIN, Realtor "'\th I&:. land1e. yd, lam rm, 3250 E. Cout Hwy 673-2222 patio. Job trans. m1s Im· INCOME, TOOi med AB.le by owner. $61,500. 2 BR, horrle, ocean aide of 83J..&11S wkdA)'I til 5 pm. Hwy, Newly painted: patio DELUXE Duplex. OCEAN w/prtvaey AND lf:p, re:ar VIEW. $42,500-low dn. Ask bach. apt. A £ood buy • for Naomi, lOo»lc Co . Call 10 1eel ~1168. Evea. ITh-1977 Gene Robert1nn, P..caltor MOBUX HOME 119,000 675-2440 Baytront on Peninsula NEW LISTING 675-J808, ~ Corona lllghlands; 0 e e a n · BAYffiONT bch. C"Otlagc. 3 view; 3 BR, 2 Ba. You own BR. Bayshore Pk. Leue the land. Full_ p~ce $44,000. hold 113.000. M&-7391 CORBIN·MARTIN ,,.,.. yl'LMI O'S 1 I'' 0 Compltto the <hoddo q- yau ct.w!oo fl"Of'll .,.,, No. 3 b.low. I • '"',..-..... .,.._ ... Newport Helg,ht1 1210 R11ltor1 3036 E. C.OUt Hwy., OtM 6~1662 ~ NEW LISTING! Modern' 6 Y"ar old 4 BR, convert I den, &ewing rm . Newly C'arpett'd. Beautifully tiled entry &-dining rm. $76,500. Call lor Appl. W•lkor Rily. 675-5200 == SOl,IETHING OIFFERENT Gorgoou. 69' corner with 3 DD. home . guest apt. leok· Ing onto pvt, Sq_ patio and pool...2li00 Sq. ft. $115,000. R. C. GREER, Realty 3355 Via Udo 673-9300 LOTS OF 'ROOM custom quality 3 e t ., on 51' street to strttt lot, 3 Cai glll"l&e. Lee. South patio: nr. clubhouse &: tennis els. $69,500. Call fOr app'l. WALKER Rlty. 675-5200 ™MACULATE. 2 BR, frplc + Guest Rn1, 2 Ba., bllns, new cpt ... &. paint, ,:Int Lido localion. $5,000 d o w n . Owne.r. 67>5023 or 67~ 770!I HOME &: -Income o n Baytront. flne1t bch Joe, ne\vly remod. 0 w n e r , 675-32'13 or 673--0305 Huntington Be1ch 1400 LI ST your proptrty with confidence SELL with profes- sional skill THROUGH YOUR REALTOR MEMBER Huntington Beach/ , ,fount•ln ,Vall1,y , .. Multlp[e Li1tln9 Service ~ 'KA.TELLA • REALTY 17081 Beach Blvd. Huntington &each ,147-6061 3 BEDROOM $2,Stl do"'"· Just one paY· .ment or S200 ptr month In· cludlna: taxes &: only l toan aL.tZUSS. Cpta/drps, fire- place, enlQ', bullt·in range ii: oven, dishwasher, scpar· •le servla; porch for Ja~ dI')', Owner goinit overaeu Mu1t 1&cril~ immediately, EVERYTHING TS BIG EXCEPT the down pymnt " the lntere1t rat.e! ffitle lot, cov. patio, g1mt room. Creal location. $3S.OOO A $21:6 per mo. PAY• everything:, Rex L. Hod911, Rlty. 341.za!i 2 Blocks To Beach Nia; 2 BR home + 1 1 BR rent•!. Will make nice home or a:ood lnve1tment. Btltcr call now. Only $25,000. MUTUAL RIAL TY 842-l tlJ anyUmfl Seer If Ice/ De1p1r1te I PAUL WHITE CARNAIL\JI . _.,., IT'S THE SOLD THAT COUNTS! •20,000 to $24,999 INQl!IST CONSCIOUS? VACANT I I l HDUC!D $1000 Tbi! 3 bdrm & family t'U\ home in Mesa Verde Is today'a !>Ht buy. l<'unc· tiooal f1oor pli.n has l 1% baths, all elect . built-in oven & range, n l c e service porch, ~pacloull living room with w/w carpets &: drapes. renccxl rear yard. Good location near shopping center. On- ly i24,950 • VA or FHA tcrm1. 54&-M40 Sontc Ju'-*>' buyer rnay U&ll1rie this 6% hiJ"h loan with low payments of only $138 monlh Including pri~ interest-taxclf • Insurance • 3 bedrOOl'l\ll -l balh llllmt. 1tuae fem:ed yard, many bea.rin&" tni!t trees. Full price only $21,500. Call for showln&:. ~5440 , I 4 llDROOM Chum.Ing home on a quiet cul-(!..ac lfrtt-1 of homes, Eutllde locatlan. l* baths, stall ahower, all bf'drooms t:arpeted, Am· plo c103t't SPMce. ertrht kitchen with bit-In oven k range. $pac\oua living roon1, fireplace. All uew tile in baths. l 'enced rear yard, \\'tll landscaped asking $25 ,9 5 0. EZ lerm•. 546-5440 L ______ _,I '1 $25,000. to $29,999 _ G.I. APPRAIS!D . $21;700 Buy th\1 Z •lor y , ~ hedroom honic only 2 years old \\•ith no do\\'n payment -vacant -im· medialt occupancy. 1r;i0 sq. fl. 2 baths. Lovely ter· rdt'l!d kitchen wirh blt·in l'YC level dOub!e oven I" a n g e + dishwasher • sepu.rate living room , fircplat'C, private bath ln n1aster bedroom. Real country Jiving closet-lo freeways in secluded area -Anaheim. FHA term~ alM>. 546-M40 AH_ ADDRESS OF DISTINCTION SLASHED $1000 THi! Xool-Pool-Home In 1.tesa Verde Is a must see • 3 iood s.lzed bedrooms, lt. be.thl, stall .•ho~r. ™""'ly painted Interior, all electric bit-In kitchen, d~1hwashcr. L o\v inaintenance yard. Healed pool with sweeper. Now only S27,:xxl E 7. iermA. 54&.5440 A SLHPIR DON'T DILAY Thia just li1ted ! BR, Im. macul•te home In College Pilrk at $17,500 !1 today'1 best value. Outstanding rear living room with all new w/w carpets, fire. place. b r I g hf kitchen, dishwasher. Oulltandirlf rear yard n•llh lix30' cua- tom heated pool, Near all 1chools, Only $27,500. M- sume 5% •;,, Joo.n at no co!ts, $1~7/mo payment. -0 Ju~t listed. t·ine <t $llSO DOWN bedroom + den homt' in Stt this large 3 '"""""'roo-m quiet area • "'aik to &hop-home in a nlct convenient ping center. 2 baltlll • stall location. Near 1ehooli Ii: Tn Newport Beach-Solid 3 11ho"-er • step 1 a v I' r shopping _ l % batha _ has BR hon1e, h a r d woo d kltchen "'ilh blt·ln oven & UoOl-s • 2 baths -lovely range . dishwasher. lt-:23 marble lop bath sinks, sPacloUS' living room, l\a1'i living roo1n -1 Ione sparkJing kitchen with bit· fireplace ~ • w/w cpls & fireplace · qua 11 t Y in oven & l'aflle, all newly drapeit -s I e p • s a v e r hardwood Doors. Fenced painted interior & ex. I Jl , I I l . ' ' l ' . I 'j kit·•·· ••--1-po-h reRr uard • patio. Only '"""" -• • ...... ''" • .1 terior. Vacant ttady tor fenced yard plus rovtred $23,500. No down pymt to ? J patio. Low price at veteran. fl11n down FHA oc~pancy. Only $28,950. ,,1, j~.~ :&~:~:~ $3~~:0~" ~" ~j I; THOUGHTFULLY WISTCLIFF VALUE PACKED l DESIGNID LOCATION Is thb vacanl brand new! ~i Thi!! unusual 3 BR &: Custom designed 3 BR BDR,i\1 + .l"amlly Room :1 large Family Room home P.Dd Family Room. Im· 1 in Costa Mesa ii ao warm rriaCulatc condtUOn thru homt-• In 1 choice area • ,, • lriendly and informal. A out Terrilic kitchen wilh walking distance t o largl! traffic trre livlng wall1 of cabinets, bit.Jn \Vestclift Shoppln£" Cenler room with quality w/w oven-& r&ni' and & Harbor High . ..2 .. bi!Jls • cpts &: drapes and dl&bwasher. Rear large garden kilchen -witfl all fireplace. \Vile will· love living room wltb· i;llding. this bright kilchen v•ilh glau door, ooenlng oul lo electric bit-In kitcbl!n • bll·ins • I* balh.., • stall outltandlfl&' i1u:ti1ed rear ~·all to wall carpets -2 shower • many extra yard with 30 foot custom story • shake roof • Price features · Only $30,950 • pool h~tcd & llgtited. Well $32,~. JO'i(, dn. 516-5440 Call for 1howing. 546-5440 desl1ned landscaped yard SHARP CHARMER Owners have spent thousands on this 4 BR home • new v/Jw carpets just installed • 6 month old 34 foot Anthony heated pool • dide· expensive decking • new 40 gal. water healer • j u s t painted exterior an d finl1hin&: interior. After all this owner ii transfer" red and mu1l sell. 2 batM · • bits of coune · exa;Uent location. Asking 133,000. Call for 1howlni M6-M40 truly a fine home at $44,960. EZ Terms. Call 546-54'40. RUSTIC IEAUTY Jn Mesa Verde • Jarre 4 BR -plus F1trilly Room home -1h1kc roof , ou1tanding kitc hen with .ti electric blt-ln kit • 2 bath -stall 1hower. 15x18 rear living room • with fireplace. Vaeartt moving ri11:ht In. Only $34,000. call DOW 1hoWi11£ 546-5440 5 BEDROOM l·STORY Need elbow room? Over 2·IOO sq. ICC! of living a ·r ea. I mmacu la te thruoul. Quality carpels and drapes. 2 bath 11 + bal h on huge master }Jedroom with dresa:lng room. 30 loot living room, &tone firplc • outatanding rear yard with pa.tio • choice Mesa de! Mar loca- llon. Askin& $38, 150 • EZ terms 546-5440 I CONDOMINIUMS I EASY LIVING In 'thls ~lent 3 BR honic • very convel1knt Jocat!Qn near all schools. 1'1any cuslom features. electtic dooi' o'Re'n e r . Stonn KUtten • custom drape11 w/w cpts • blt-tns & dl.!!hwuher • 1% batM. Lovely pool " recreation club house. Only $22,450. EZ terms &46-M40 PARK LIDO Ideal • 14~, o:ceupled , 2 BR • 2 bath ho1ne · l"' balhl· This Is sl\arp ~ut, "12x24 ft. :u~ng room lu,>lc -wJw cpts and drapet. Huu:e master broroon1 with double mlr· rora • prlv,t.le front patio • 2 level1 • pool and recrea· Oon clubhoute. $30,950. See thia today 546-5440 . BAY VJ!W From )'OUr i'!Wn balro~y • ideal location in the Blulfs -3 ·~m .·2~ M.tJu •. ' ~ • ' .,. • ¥): \' lai\c living ~m, lplc 4 quality up irradtd w/w cpl.I ii, drape!. Red tile roof. Owner anxious fof qu ick sale. Price $32,000. EZ tennA .546-5440 Open House• •• ~-•u~. 1 ~a3C) to 51301 415 LENWOOD DRIVI Vacant • J BR &: FR -blt- ln oven, ran~. brldut bar , 1~• baths • choice loc. Over~ize bedroonu, ncn'IY painted , only tll,%0 • 1 blk So. 17th St. East ol Tustin 5't6-S440 17217 S..1'1 ...... '-tolo Volley 4 BR • reduced $3000. Owner mu1t sell. 1~ hattui • w/w cptl. drapes ,. just repainted. Slump stone enclo9ed peUo + large unfinished bonus room. Will sell no do\vn VA • or n1ln down };flA. ·°"4' l~.450. San 01,.. FrelwJy lake M1gnoll11 oil ramp north 546-5440 OPIH SAT./SUN. 611 KIN6S PLACE Channing -3 BR +FR in choke Newport Bee.ch 18 x 20 !unken fllmily room -with rock wall &: Marth. Spacious living room -w/w cpls & drapes. DINING ROOM · BEAM CEILING • only Pt.000. Clift Drive to '.<!nil F1a.ce 546-M40 JOIN THI AC!'ION NOW! For a rewarding Real Estate Career. Earn more " • Training Program • Hoapilal Ben•IJU & Profit Sharing Plan. 24 YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS -. PAUL· WHITE· CARNAHAN ' . • ... ., ' I • I l ' .. · 1 " .j l ' " ' ! '• 'l l ...... 5""*" ........... r-..-r ..,r....,,rr-wr...,.,.1· ...,r.,_,r,......r....,,r---r~1 ~~~~ .. ~.':, ol~ r; t~~ 11 rf;:• I I I I / I I I I I I I ::.::· ~.~"i';~ i's~'; OWNER. Ope" Dally. 2 Bil, den, crpt., ap p 11 an ce t. Dr'pl. 53$ Htul, CdM. ,,....., 4 DR reduced $l!ilXI by ownttr •-Uv Co Hoffo1I Riiy 142-4405 ..... • ,;:. ~~-• • Pr1nc.lp&b: only SCRAM·Lm ANSWElt IN DIMl-A·UNE o•tLY Ptwr wwr ADSt ~~.::.=.:.::.;;.;:....c..~~~~~~~~~--' 1:~ :r.:..~:.11 ... ~ 1093 BAKER smn. e.M. 546. 5440 . I ~1111t~·!~~t1tt~·~"""'~""'~t-ll~~~~~~~~~~~..:..~~--~~~~~~..,,.r1 . ' I · • I .1 " -. • 1.'I • 4~Y I'll.OT • S.llloloy, Juno 7, 1'6t _ , PP•••• E, HOUS&S FOR ,...LE MkNTALS , 1~'1TAl~ _ ~ RENTALS RENTALS • • • RElfTALS REAL ESTATE REAL ISTATI ~ F•"''"'°" · -. Unfurnlth!!I · Apia. Fumlsliod Apl1. Unlurnlahod -~ Unfv~n!Jhod 'i-"F°"'='.:..;";>l-..,. _ _..1..,...1 •-....zci-...=;;;:"':;._---·I Hw~!I¥!!! -l400Hunllngton Buch 1400 --~ e.O:h 2200 c .. t• Mo,. 3100 Cool• Mou 4100 Cott1·M.,. 518' E11t Bluff 5242 11~~-•.:.i;... .,,0 Offlco.llont1I 6070 ' . . ~oaiAN ~p..,.· ,,;,._ ..... -~. 2ilA. b'lilt· .: $30.00 wk. up HA. 1101 • NEW DELUXE. ... "'" ~.,.~ ·= 4 SR, '-1 :lo b ('"• I 1 dish iW $'+'851 3 Br. 2~ ba apt .for JeSM STUD£N1'$ .t FACULTY~ ·acoustic ct!U,na,' ~.lev, -• '#", pal .. wri, gar. ns pus w , mo. e Day, Week. month. lllcl. sii4c. matr. auite, dln art faced. -a~tn w1tb .a~ balcony. noni $65. Medica1 l ~ BA. June 15 lo Juty lJ )Y~ \'): wall crpts &: drapes. e Studio & Bach, Aplr. s nn. Ii: dbJ, g•-•o, au19. 1-mg ah:'.lrtlge. We an:1 all}dna: suite. "oc: 48S.£. I1\b St .. a l • 11 .; ONLY 2 HOMES LEFT • ,\ • New homes, ready to inove lo, :lf.;i mile from beach. First payment up to 60 days 1tter move jn. · . Tor,,,. VA/FHA. F"'m $22,990. CORAL' SHORES saz. wk Also winter USO F:e~)'d. 5.11..s563 e •_~• Utils'& pi-... W'V. GRE~N -~ th -·-' 1Ji ~ 0 · -I~ w .......... -•-"" ' &uw ,.., • .,. · door OPt'JMJr avail. PooJ. A tomnhu.u!Y to t 'ail., 1-.1-CM OWJler. 613--6574 mo. -• ""'"a' ... ""'t, DUPLX ll50, 2 BR. cpts, • Maid Servl~. TV av.U. _ • · U.blo reotalr ~ _, • .,,.....,, ' N.B. fi13.2306. drpc, blt·ins, Priv yard. •New Cate It Bar BACHELOR 1.J'NFlmN. noc. area. Nr. C&l.bolie r ava ' aumm•r 33<15 NEWPOR'T BLVD FOR LEASE -0 "'auUtul Gar, -·pl•• onl"! ,,.., 7969 2376 Newport Blvd. 548-915$ fr-$l 1 O Church &: school It Con>M ,or year round, with the 1~1 Ofn'oes auttable for Co~· ""' ........ ;r .,...,.. del Mar High. ln& ottlce. Pleaae c al . n Baytront 4 Br. hous.e *~BR. $160.•Avall July 5. NEWLY Remodeled Ba.ch. ALSO AVAfLAeLE ' • ONLY S260 e . ~JoraUsdngtorm, metclal, Medical, De tal. "'(dock. s.ummtt ttntal or Call att 6 or wknda. a.pt. tnc cpts, d~ & utU . 1 2 Ir s BDRM 837..Sn Amigos Way, N.B. RETIRED exec •· wife-wilb AlNC~·pgf~·Q~~oor will consider year lea.aa. 642--5608 SllO. 6(2..8400 or 548--0797 • ~ • 1 ~ -(OD Garfield between Beach & Magnolia Beet location. 642-4062 Hea)ed Poolt, Child Care ease, )'l' or lonaer. ddux 541.Ml2 OR 675-2464 'Shores 1 3~ house. 1% BA •• ~c t:ve11 Center, Adj. to Shoppini -Coron• cltl Mir 5250 ocean Vf11 apt, auest boUSe 9 6 2 • 1 3 5 3 DOVER , b a Y l' 0 n't pl-age, Adul'-8 only, · $125. LARCE l·Br, ck!an, No pets ltltowed I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iliiii' or ·any a.rti5tfc accom., tum -1-------------..."!!!!!!~j!!!!!!!!!-:::· ;0.&-·,n~vai::-~~l;;-;·;;;-=-,,,-:,.....,=-;;::IA:c:-,.,,:::;~ quiet; adults. Beaut-. furn, 2'100 Pelerson W&)', at H8J'-I' ~ ..,. -or-Ul'lfurn.-MWJt be verr I~ ~ $1200. mo. on yrly JS('. 2 BR's, patio, tclll."td yard. & Nr mkts. Wuher/deyeJ", bor &. Adams, C.Osta Mesa ~---., clean, wcll ma.intd. Fioost 1705 ~•-•=u 0, 2131-•-••. gara"''. Reasonable. lnqwre gamge.1922.B Wallace, CM Si&-0370 .,. · -• 1'f.fi1. Reply: L. Gleason, NEW deluxe oUl.oe. apaccs 32'> to uoo tct It· at Santa ·Ana Fwy &: crown Ville); tumoU. 831·1400, 499-fl.98. • Huntington Bo1ch 1400 Laguna Buch ......, '"""""' ·~ 384~ CM newly ...,. , •• • 5105 Oakdale, W o o d I a n d D WATERFRONT. Beautiful 3 at 11' E. lSth s~.. Rd~.U-::d~~eto;erB~. patio, QUIET Deluxe 2 BR 1r Orn, llllls or phone 213: 340-1!164 . DESPERATE J OWNE~ R.e,.i bu,y VA, FHA or cash + 2nd. 3 BR, lg tam nn, l"-b&, cpts/drps, dish- I 1 Wllher, 70' cor, IQI, block 1• f~nce. boat door. " BRASHEAR REAL TY THE OL BR Duplex Newport lst 3 BR, 1"' BA, patio. fenced ts $145 2151 o-n .... 2B"'patlo pool near et..... ONTEN ACR.Es INTERNATIONAL Oil Co. G RE Ga .... Ind~.· boat dock·. Wk. bi" vd, dbl. .,. ..... , $165/mo. no pe · .· ·-..,.~ "'> • • -'t'lt' JlA Y MA •J "" ;r _,, Ave. Adu1 ts only. No P ets. 1 l 2 BR. Furn A Unturri ind u s t.f' I a I represe.nta . She "AIN'T WHAT SJ-IE or mo. Sept only. G'il-1861 'or ="=6-33=="==::====0:-I BACHELOR apt, no """king 646-5542 Frp1(, I prlv. patios/Pools. tive wants unfurnished house · 673-1758 '"""' Tenrtls • Cootnt'J Bktst . .;.,. rt t l USED TO BE" & neither l11 -========== Newport Beach 3200 lacilities. $55. Utilities paid, SPLIT Jevcl 3 Br, 2% Ba. bll· r~ at apa men , year ease, thi$ sprawling Early Calif. 2250 -good area. 642-3108 ins. New crpls !::. drps. No tint: gret>n. ' one child, Lagwia, South La· ranch 5tyle ' home. Located ,C~•-•-•~n~•-d~ol-_M_•_•___ BEAUT. Lge, 2 Br" 1 ~3 ba. ptts. 2885 Mendoza :;.i5-542l ~a~~.C:.st~!? ~r Dana · Point area. • 300 Sq. Ft. Qfflco COS"l' A MESA; 646-2130 lnduttriel Prop. 60IO · 847-85.11 Eves. 43l-J769 OPEN HOUSE Sun, 1-5 20121 Marlna Lane $22,750 on spacioua grounds in city ATTRACTIVE 2 BDRM plw B/B studio, pool, adults. $190 2 !3R Deluxe $145. Pr-patio. of Laguna section, Well de· guest quarters, frplc., priv. TOWNHOUSE 2310 Santa Ana 645-2933 Glll'·Adu1ts-no pets, 2346 signed archilecture w/exter-patio yard, adults, lease SPLIT-LEVEL 3 Bclnn. i Santa Ana 548-4)728 B / B ior or wood plank, heavy 1195 6 .... "'"""' BACHELOR apt. near 17th & · s kl" 2 •-~ h I · ,.,,......,.,, bath Unit. Faces po o 1, 1 BR Duplox g••g eld•'lv par mg ...,...room 2 bat ~~-~onn;t~ .. !.hc-tered carpets, drapes, fireplace, Irvine. ., .. , .,,,0., pref'd. No ·dog~ •. ,close k> ground · tloor a pL. Cheerful M·l Level lot in prime manuf'g. area, 1571,~ x 300 with 2 BR bowie &-2 car garg. 865 W. 17th St., CM. 213/861-7660 COuPLE desires 2 bdrm hse ;;;=:;;,;=:,==== or apt on or nr beach !or C · I 6015 pernlane:nt reiidence as of ;;;";m;:T-;;";;"mmmmiiii July L Prefer Corona del ....... .,, .. ,.... ·.r~~ Westcliff 2230 1 bit · 1~01 ~ den-dining room. All eleC, Westem style Door plan, tea-1------------I e ec -ms, ,,.... mo. ,J\10D. 2 BR $125 + .util. No shop'g. 548-21'20 BJt • ins incl. dishwasher. Mar. Contact: R. Hii.dden Gray,. M.D. VA Hospital, Albuqµerque, New Mexico. TEACHER doing grad work UCI June 21 • Aug 15 wants moderately priced pool or guest hse, or small apt. Will happily babysit your home 7 Unit Medicel Profeuion•I Bldg. C.01'0na del Mar • 3 lot.I 2 for parking $220.000 • gross income $28,716 • $40,000 will handle tore& 3 BDRM. & DEN. YG. Woman teacher wants to Please call Mrs. Fay i;arg, upstairs. 548--6731. LOVELY 3 Br home, 11,¥ Ba, Patio-deck & garage. 2 short SERVICEO •BY 2 BATHS. share Jg. lovely borne. 1115 Bay & Beach 2472 Eldin, CM. fully crpt~. Close to blocks to Ocean. Yearly 1'~.li.A. • V .A. or Assume exctlll.'nt 6% VA loan. 3 bedroom. Carpe tin&: t , throucbout. Vacant. W I W carpeting thruout Essex. 646-7645 Realty, Inc. F1JRN 1 Br, Sl2tl. per mo. everything, $180. 546-0116. lease $250 per mo .• Available <NEEDS 0..EANING BAD. -901 Dover Dr., NB Sui1e 12G 2135 Elden, Apt 6, ~ Mgr. 2 BOR~I, crpts & drps·, bit-J uly 1st. LY). An up to date KITCH· H, untingto':' Beach 2400 645-21XXl i;-ves. 54S-6966 ins & garage. Adults, no Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. EN HAS BILT·IN R.M!GE 1 ~· A:<Ju1f or couple. $100, pets. 646-ll64. 67'".J-3000 GOOD & 0 VEN, DISHWSHR., * ~ BR, disl~s & linens in-THE BLUFFS on the Bay. util. paid. 54!>-2655 2407 E, Coast Hy.,y., CdM GARB, OISP., BREAKFAST eluded;. Avail June l5 thru 50' deck w/awning & glass ==°======= 42 = 00 = Ne~port 8e1ch 5200 NEWLY redecorated, 2 BR, iI you mmt travel. 209: REAL ESTATE Fountain Valley \410 -I==~;;. 5%% LOAN I Newly painted, 4 yr old, ZOOO sq. ft., 3 BR. 2 bath, fam mt, 450 sq. ft. panl'd game rm, crptd, drpd, lrg lot, prot landscpd, sprinklrs &. BAR, ETC, & opens to fam. Aug 15. 96&--4170 enclosed gazebo. Cham1ing NN~e~w~po~rt!_.!Bo~1~c~h~_:~~1;;;:::;;;;;:;;;;::;;;;;;;;;; I lge !iv rm, adlts, lsc, rels. ily den w/CENTER FIR&. patio off Cin nn, lge mastr -$175. mo. 646-4005 PLACE OF usED BRICK Summor Ront1l1 2910 B' '"H'-P""""' 2.B« , NEW SPANISH fl•H, •URf, rw· IM 439-5740 Fresno ~ No. Coast Hwy WANT-TOBUY/RENTI~ East BluU only. 4 or 5 bdrm I~ 1 blk wall. Payment (prin- aipal, inletellt & laxes) only S235 per mo wl ss.ooo dn. BY OWNER S32,450. 9143 El Colorado Ave, FV. 962-5960 WITfl WOOD MANTLE. Ba E · 3 B .. VILLAGEAPTS. J J J lfUNTINGTON HARBOUR · xpansion to t, uen Glass door opens to rear \Vaterfronl 4 BR home & 3rd Ba. S4Zi'. mo/lse or 1 & 2 BDRM. Fum or un· ''In your o1vn front yard" grounds \VITil AN AWE-or 497-1537 furn. Air--eond, dshwhrs, sell INSPIRING, UNOBSTRUCT-complete; including linens, ==""".,,.-""'°"""',-'""c-1 clean'g .ovens, patio, break-BEACH APTS. ED VIE utensils, sailboat & prv PARK Lido, 3 BR. 2 ba., W. fa.st bars, private fundecks, Featuring private t:lubhouse, T -dock. Summer or longer frpl. Dbl. gar .. Pool $265 his ·ht quality home lS not lease. 7141847_9645 MACX;E DAVIS 642-7000 lrg stor!lge closets, Heated ~ated Jl!>OI, saunas, priva!e a junker. It bas been aban. pool. sauna.~. bar-i'rques. gate ,..,/24 hr security guard. doncd & IS IN NEED OF NEWPORT. BEACH 2 BR, w/w cpts. frplc, drps, Sound proof walls, walk in J\otediterranean adult living. PAINT, CLEAN.UP & J\.fiN. Waterfront home. 4 BR rcfrig, range. $165. Adults. closets, covered carport. 2 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS PARTY HOUSE OR REPAIRS. It's An out. w/prv dock, Excel. area. No pets. Bolsa Ave. 6424141 Adultll, no pets, FRO~I $250. standing value at June, July, Aug. (TI4) 4 BR. $375 month. 3 BR. $265 TI-IE CALIFORNIAN INCLUDES • Garden kitchen & family $31,950 FULL PRICE TI6-6n3 month. Phone 546-2727 \Val1-1va.!I SHAG Carpeting, ( . room with wet bar over.look! LGE. LOAN 1 BR w/large Hying room. Caywood n ealty 54S-~ I ~Y~E~ARL~=Y~L~EA~S~E~S~A-V~A~l~L-.-1 GE bit-ins \vith refriger· • heated &:'fllte~ pool. 4 BR AVAILABLE deck & view, charming, atol' & dish\l'asl){'r 11 !o::is &: ! ~rea~~ A REAL BUY spacious, 3 ~ocks to beach Newport Heights 3210 ~ ~~~ i :::: ;;:~1U~~~· :: HUNTINGTON ,caah to ,tht low interest FOR THE ~ITIOUS & tov,on, 494-73 eve 3 BR dota•bed d blo ga' 3 BR. 2 ba. unfurn. $300 PACIFIC MISSION Re.AL TY CLEAN Balboa Be h u "ts • .. OU ' 3 BR 2 ba "-' 1·~ ! FHA loan, $234 per month ac ni · btlns, boat & trlr access, · · furnisucu """' 711 OCEAN AVENUE includea all, 9S5p Soho. eoa..11Hwy9t0:3u1 · SJeeps 2 to 10; for summer ma mo 645--25,;2 BURR WHITE, Realtor (l blks \V. ofH.B, Pier)' TRADEWINDS flLTY. ne (7 4) 4 reservations call 673--9945 . 2901 Newport Blvd .. N.B." 17141 ~6 • 536-l4&7 , 847-8511 SUPERB! 315 E. Balboa Blv., Balboa Irvine 3238 6Ta-4630 642-2'l53 Eves 2100 sq. ft. Tahitian 1 story Ocean view, 2 Br. furn. UNIV. Pk. 3 BR, sngl home, 1 fl' • SINGLE Young Adulls Lux-NEW SP-ANfSH on corner. Patio, encl. Tear home, 10% Down or cash 10 complete. July l&-Aug. 17. 1'"'0R'fil:AsE: Sfrarp 3 txlrm, ury garden apts wilh roun· VILLAGE APTS. yd. with, boat gate. 4 BR, 2 Joan discount. Princi pal$ Nr pools, shopping cntr, etc. 2 Ba, cplK le drps. Frplc, try club a~mosphere and 1 &: 2 BDRM. Furn or un. BA, farm!. Dr & dinette oU only_ Call owner 842-4606 Call for info. 833-1217 blt·ins, Unlv~rsity P ark nr complete privacy. S<?UTH furn, Air-cond, dshwhrs', self ~· built-in kitch. Spac. Liv. nn, LAGUNA CanYon. 90· x 400': SUMMER rent on Newport ~uci. S275. Mo. Avail J une BAY CLUB APTS. lrvtnc ~t clean'g ovens patlo break- ·lam. rm. &: master bedrm. rustic 2-sty. house; possible Island wthve in maid. 4 BR ljth. 83}21»7. Owner 16th Newport Beach. fast bats pri~atc f~ndecks Custom drapes & Cf'Jll. c .1 or 1.1-1 zone; $4,000 dn. & sundeck S.200 week or $700 Turtle Rock next to UCl (n4l 645-0550 lrg stora&e closets. Heated thruout. 3 min. San Diego Bkr. 675-6591: 494-7161 Res. mo. 6Th-0363 4 BR, 3 BA. !am rm, crptg. *NEW BAY FRONT* pool, saunns, bar-l'rques. freewy, 6 min. tO beach. LIDO ISLE • F inest 3 BR, 2 OW, stov, 2 :sty, 3 car gar Winter renlals. lower duple)(, Sound proof walls, walk in $31,715 Uex. tel'ms, 6~S-0 l19una Ni911el 1707 BA nicely furnished. $325. includ club member· 2 BR, 2 Ba rum. Avail Se pt. closets, covered carport. loan. Brookhurst It Garfield ON Cul~c wlth beautiful 675-5023 or 675--TIOO ship, Lease QK. 833-2929 6. $225. mo. 227 19th SI.. Adults, no pets. area. 494-1954 · ......... 1 • lo ' -1· lilO I 2 I N.B. 675-tmfi. THE CALIFORNIAN -· view, _.... sue t. ""&" 1v L Is e BR apt urn. Corona del Mar 3250 Lagun• Buch 1705-rm, !Klp. 'din rm. 4 Br, 2 Ba. Beach & pier, garage, patio, I .;..;_...:_;__;;.;..:...::;.;____.;_;o,: l BEDROOM. Large Apt. Phone .546.2727 1 Landsca~ w/sprinlders. 2 view. 673-3948 4 BDR~f. split-level, 21,~ Furn. Yearly $150. Mo. 1 GOOD INVESTMENT scp patios. Must bt' seen. By LIOO ISLE. 4 BR, 2 BA baths, 3 oulllide terraces. ===*=*='=T.l-8088==*=*== Beach Rentals : ' Commercial Buildings ~~ 29932 hlaltaso Pl. Aui°ust $1200. Heart or Corona del Mar. 4242 Summer & year 'l'ound. ; C9nter of Lagun• ,,-,_,.,,='----~~= 1714: 6'il-3303 213:464~7~ $400 East etuff From $150/\\'k. in summer ' IMMED. oc:cup. 4-5 BR, 2% RENTALS 673-2222 Realtor SUBLET 2 BR, 2 BA. apt to $250/mo. & up yearly. ~ 58' Blvd. frontage to Ramona BA, built-In kitchen. frpl, lg. HOUJn Unfurnished CHARJ..1ING. 2 B,, 2 Ba. lrom 6/15 t.o 9/15. Patio, BROKER i St. Next lo Elks· C ub. -l~o~~~!"";;-~to~'~poo~~l.~4~95--063;;::~'::· ::-j r.;:;:;:;-----;n;;n home. Relrig. & bltn. sto ve. Pool, lin!'.'ns, dishes. Util pd. 6T'::r4110 642-4816 Eves. .• $60,00J, Leased, ~ Montb. ;; General 3000 !275 Mo., lse. 673-4841 Adults no pets. $375 mo. , Dani Point • 1730 -'----------eve/agt 644-13[12 · DELX. lo\\-·er duplex. 3 BR, 2 ~ 75' Blvd. frontage. next to 3 Ml. tram bch, bet. 2 shop'g BETrER than new 4 BR. BA, ne\vly "dee.;' \liall-te>-\\-'a.11 ; ~Albertson 's market. 2 LiU'ge DANA POIN_T! ctrs: 4 BR._ 2 BA, fncit yd, plus lantily~ Lusk .llarbor Corona del Mar 4250 closets, 2 b!kS to beaches, 2 • 11!orcs plus penthouse apt. Brand New 2 larnily studio $250 , mo. Lease. Aft 6 Pt.I View honie. $.150 r.lo .; incl. , mln. \\'a1k Jo Lido shop'g, Parking Jot. Low mainten-duplexes with 2 bedrooRl.l! 96S-4541 gardener. Refer. required. , 2 BR ful'n .. cn1ply d cpl, No area. PbQne 642-1615 9 am ' a.nee, A buy at SUO,®. , & bonus rooms. UVE ON 1 $165. 3 Br, 2 Ba, Condo. 673-2222 Realtor pets. Avail 7/1. $300. mo. ~~:1. E;'"fls a_1'd wkends . c:::; SIDE, RENT THE OTHER R/O, relrig, frplc. Children -c6=73-="="="='='=·=·=··==""~'-=o:-l,--;ITT!-,;;:-o;;-c;;;;;;;;;;;;;; • ' "~ SIDE! Excellent financing. &: pets 0 .K. Bkr. 534-6980 Huntington Beach 3400 .._ 3 BR, 11,ti 9a, waterfrnt. ~ Pri~ Right; Brokers' co-Huntington Beach 4400 erpts, drps, bl!-ins, adlts, no operation invited. Coast $2'15 • 2 BR, 2 Ba, upper, ~Y 3 BR. 2 bath townhouse, "'-'CC."-"~~;;._;:.:;.:..:;___ pets yrly $275, 6'Q.2751 H. front, w/w, gar, boat slip b ii . C 1 ti Huntington Harbour lcC.C-. '""'~-~-~~=--c away to Alcazar then l avail Bkr 534-6980 u I-ins. rpts, <rps, pa o, 2 BR wat•~ront, boat ,,,-, :St::AR ocean. up_oe_ r 3 BR, _2 • block north. · · fireplace + extras, 962-1646 ~.,, • •. a TAT• MODE S O EN HAF'FDAL RLTY 8424405 Ba, frplc, lsel210 f.1o. Avail -L P Costa Mesa 3100 3 BDRM, 1% ba, 2 mi from J une 18th. 499-2128 J53 N. Coast Hlway. WEEK.ENOS l0-6 beach. s2io. Mo. on yrly Jse. Garden Grove ~10 OCEAN vlew, 3 Br lttxurious Laguna Beach HOME or busincss or both. 41 ;"536-';;;Tl;-'44,__c:-:·;--==--:o= apt. $300. mo yr!y lse. Cal 49.._7511 Duplexes For Sale 1975 BR, cov'd. patio, 2 B.A.14 BR, 2 bath, crpts, drps SINGLE Young Adults Lux-Fo.'ls, Rltr. &12-3&50 drapes, crpts, fresh pa~nt fenei!d. $195 leasr. ury garden apls \\-'ith coun--, _ • 10% DN.-No Loan FM Qwrn.T will finance balance at 7'1c on this beautiful cu1· tom 3 hdrm OCEAN VIEW homP.. C.aU now fur appL Won't last at this price of $43,500 PERRON 642-1771 DUPLEX $55,000 6~% Ir.. terest. S14 Fernleaf. CdM. S. of hwy. 675-6044 Broker. itENTALS Houses Furnished plus Xtra rm. with lg. p1c· *847_9752 * try club atmosphere and UN1F URNISl-fED yrly, ~150. ture windows. Ideal for of-· L-omplete privacy. SOUTH 0 her yrly rentals. Calvm S. fice or~~· busincsse~. At Fountain Valley 3410 BAY CLUB APJ'S. 13100 Foss, Rllf. &12-3850. present 11 is fully equipped -~----"----CHp>MAN Ave.. Garden 3 BR, 2 BA, elcc bltins, w/w foi beauty shop. Perfect for FOR Lease luxury home 4 Grove tn4J 636-3030 cpts. drps, lrplc. nr beach, tam. rm. Gd. deal for a gd. Br. & fam rm, (rplc, atrium S240 yrly. 675-5504 2000 t~ant, Owner 213-759--0684 & wet bar, $325 mo. 968-3692 Laguna beach 4705 ~ BU>CK to beach. 4 BR. 2 SUBLET 4--BR-. 2~1 BA, fnm 'J BA &. _hyail. J~t¥;-151h. $300 Ge111ral BEAUTIFUL Mesa Verde rm, w/\v crpl'g. irplc. Laguna Niguel 3707 NJCELY furn ... BR, .2 ' Mo. 673--4228 ev)/\1-·knd home. 4 BR, 212 BA, pool, built-ins. Pool & r ec -."'----'--'-'_ -"---'-------$175 yrfy No pets. Choice Joc l'======i=.=== EMERALD BAY formal DR, den. U!ase facilities. Children 0 K _ EXEC residence • 3 Br. 2 538-2095 aftrr 4 p.m. Newport Hgts. 5210 5 BR, 4 BA on cul-de-sac S400/mo. 5 4 6 • l 2 2 O or ·Avail July 15 on 8 mos Ba.. ~llns, d ~ h w hr • LUSE only $.150. Oceanfront with magnificent ocean ~l lease. $250 mo. 642-1460 ~~750d'P.· ~.'~~t15 view $300. ~·BR. All electric, No pets. •2 BR. 1 ba duplex, lrg V... 1 ~-A__. Su d k 0 492--8861 yard, young cpl, kids OK. k''1• ....... ~e Y.uu_ n ec • Rentals to Share 2005 1 YR LSE \V/OPJ'I N TO 2 patios, 2 fil'l"places, huge BUY Lovely 3 Br, tlen, 2 San Clemente 3710 RENTAL:t. ll40. 646-9739 living rooin, pane.lled family CONSIDERATE gentlcwom-Ba. Cpts. drps, bltins, frplc.l ;;.;"'-...;::_;;;.:.:.::.c;:....._..o;-.c Apts. Unfurnished DON'T JUST\\'!:;(( for some. room. Private beach It park. an to, $art ple~t a~ , S275. J\1o. _ Re rs r c q' d . 3 BR, 2 Ba. o~an view. lhirlg to furnish your home Chl•ner. Residence 494-5270 ment o~erlooking rEmeMffif' 642-706f. -: $40,':'0Q_ bome •. l mll!cd· ~ss. General 5000 .•. find great buys in t~ Office 642-52·'3 Bay, pnvate room & bath. 1 BR 3 room ci:Jttage, big $260.·Mo.·'Tf:4l!M-i294 · ~ i1.1,--'~ ~ ~ .;.__, l' .JiQ.y's Classified Ads 4 BR, 2 BA, panoramic ocean . for su!'l_mer monlhs. $90 plus yard new decor. Uli'I pct.I=========== • RENT' • aaRGE ~~-want ~d now. vie""" lgc lot. frpl, tam rm, clectncily. 49-t-5330 $130/mo. s 4 o-2 ;i 4 6 or Dana Point 3740 3 Rooms Furniture Balboa • 5300 home. Ju1y possession. 2W COMM'L BLDG. 47~197 & RESIDENCE GRACIOUS adult Ii v t n g. e LANDLORDS e Large corner lot 50xl80' • Spac. 2 BR. 2 BA, walk· in FREE RENTAL SERVICE next to DMV red 11 c e d closets. Bay & ocean vie\v, I "c:--=B~ro=k='~'-=534-698;:.:;::'~= $14,000, now pool &. boat slips._673-3003 Untum house w/gal-&: fenc-$31,000 ed yard for dog. PERRON Huntington Beach 5400 646-2134 aft 5 pm 642-1771 I "=oc.-=-=-.,.=------= C·l, Ave Del Mar, &n Exciting Living COUPLE Teaching in area ~ ~mente. 120' x 1 on ·. In new apt•. l bedroom, 2 need l or 2 Bednn. Ap1. or Owner 49~ or 492--0388 bedroom • 2 bath. Hse CdM or La:;. 645---0359 ===·======= $140 to $195 WANTEDo Game•'°' forn. Industrial Ront1I 6090 storage in CdM a re a . 675-7488 after 5: 30 p.m. Swimming pool, gym, sauna, recreation room. Gencral Electric Appliances. Arlu1ts only. Lamplighter Apts. 16102 Springdale St, Phone 592-5421 2 BEDR00~1 2 BATH, F'URNISHEO & UNFURNISHED Cpts. drapes, builtins, best location, 1 blk to 5 Poin~ shopping etc. from $130. 7701 Ellis, apt. U. 642-2835, 842-&103 CHEZ ORO APARTMENTS 8234 Atlanta Nc1v 1-2 Bedrooms· Paf electric only 53&-3927 or 536-27'17 P ool-Washers-Dryers 4 BR house to lease for 1 or 2 years on Lido Isle. Will con-- sider buying, 673--6197 \VANTED t1ingle garage-Ior household storage. Rent or lease. 548-3914 FAMILY, 4 adlls., need J Br. 2 Ba. home on or nr. beacb. Xlnt rel. 675-4867 Rooms for Rent 5995 ~UOIO. Pvt. entr. &: bath: kit. privl; Pool, Back Bay. Student/girl $65. 646-5607 PVT. home, nice room, gd. Joe. Newport Hts. Kitchen priv's. $50. 54~998 Guest -Homes 5998 Private Garages GUEST HOME If.11\fAC 2 Br duplx, new LAGUNA NIGUEL ~f-1, CORNER 127 x 90 w/900 sq. ft. bldg. 19th I: Whittier, CM. 642-3490 24 "'- M-1 Industrial Units 1250 to 16,000 sq ft. See Robert Nattress Rltr. Costa J\1esa &:IZ-1485 Lots 6100 BLUFF Lot 100' lrom Pacific Ocean, 20 mi. from C&lif. It ?ifex. at San Antonio shores. 99 yr. lease. S9500 value for $4900. 642-7788 BEAUT. Panoramic lot, all util, Tustin, 12303 Vista Panorama. Owner ~ or 673--0.105 % ACRE Back Bay. View. Horses OK. 642-4424. 2364 Redlands Dr., N.B. S. A. Hghts. Cor. lot, A-1. 60 x ll5, level. Owner will car- ry $10,650. Rltr. 548-9569 i:aint, crpt, drps; bllns, Seleclive guests tor a lovely (refrig & washr opt). Lg home. Owner and operator cov palio. Lovely fnoed R.'N. 2 vacancies,' private grnds. Gar & OOat park'g. bath~. Please call for ap-.A·;';';;•;,;';"';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;6;2;;00~I Sl40. Quiet, adlts,• no pets. pointmE>nl. , 1 847-4·101 49.>5553 or 837·7457 ~-BAYFRONT~-~==:::;;==~==~= Delu.'Ce 1 Bedroom, 2 bath Income Property 6ooo Fireplace, <:rpts, d1'PS, bltns. sm. C2131 592-5863 eves. · BY Owner $.28,900, 5% 'iC 3 bdrm, 2 balh, \\-'ool crpt.s, covered patio, bit-ins, Near Edison High. 962-7995 2 BR apt, 2 blks froth bch, on 8th St. New Cpls, redcc, resp. adlts. $140 m o , 536-7352 aft 6. 6 APTS. \VeU ·maintained. Enclosed garages. S620 mo. income FORTIN REAL TOR 1701-A WestcliU Drive Newport Beach 642-5000 12 BEAUTIFUL furnished apts w/pool. $1800. per mo income. $135,000. By owner. Costa Mesa. Box P 862 Dai· 3 BORr.1, 2 bath,,.private 11a- lio, heated pool. ~l~y;p;;~1o~t.==--=-=;==c- Call 962·8994 FOR SALE BY OWNER 2 BR unf dpl"<. Cpl, Urps.., 4 units, 2 1 • 2 BR, l ~.A & $140 mo. 1st & last mo. 2-JBR, l ,i BA. 548-61:>.J 962-1292 NE\V 1. 2 & 3 BR. Heated & sauna pools, rec rm. Hl'U & Algonquin. Mgr 846-3137 Santa Ana 5620 * GARDEN APTS * 2 BR, 2 BA. Very clean. 546-1525 THE HUB ol actlvity for service businesses . , , the Classified Ads. Dial 642·5678 to oUer your service NOW. PLACE your want ad \Vhere they are looking -DAILY PILOT classified 642-5678 COUNTRY HOME Large comlortable .f. bdrm home. Very rec('ntly remod· elcd & enlarged, Ha~ fam· ily room, utility roont, fol'> mal dining room, 2 fJi>lcs, etc. On approxinuitely 4 beautiful acres of avocados & limes. In the ('Ollntry but close to Vista, San Diego Co, Full price S47 .500. For more information call G~M Thompson. · - Eckhoff & ·Assoc., Inc. 1818 W. Chapman Avi\._ •Orange, Calif. 541-26..71, Eves-wknds 538-li127 29 AC Mobile hm park site, Corona. Will sell all/part. 0\.\'fler 673--0305, 675-3243 Take over pymnts. 10 Acres no rlown. $29 mo. Near Lake & City. 894-4743 Mount. & Desert 6210 NEWBERRY SPRINGS cpts, drps, inside/outside S_HAR~ nice home. 2 work· 545'.-629-1 2 -B-R_l_'_l_B_A ____ _ -·bar, well-lndscpd, $12,000 lflRi;:.glrls. __ ~ler leacber_ 0,_ 2 BO"_' I._ .,,, & "-. · • cpts, drps, $20 -$25 & UP Cost• M111 5100Costa Mesa 5100 RENT or lease, center c .r.-1. 3COJ to 6000 sq IL FA heat, \\-'ood lloors. in1proved park· Ing, 2 dbl car garages. AU at 2065 Charle SL O\vner, 646-4~01, SS. Rent all or City of Lakes MAKE YOUR O\VN U.KE 20 Miles E. of Barstow, on freeway_ Elv ;:OC'() ft., 30 Acres adj to ~ Loreen. Ottering the N. Portion of our 40 acres, reserving S. "t c -, I M ,.., .. "''"' bl1 ins, ocean V\\', nr beach. equ1 y. ons1 er exchange .ca Estate. $!vu MO. washer/dryer." Rt< f s Te- fOr inCome units. 011•ner 642-lTil eve. 64&-7365 quired. 169 l\lcsa Dr. $140 , 1175 ·lse;-adulls. 496-3548 •94-l~ • PLACE "Our want ad where 642-4""0. 397• ;r =-> Duplexes Unf.um. ~ SUPERB view, ™'""'er cust. 3 they are looking -DAILY "'===---,~=-c~­EASTSlDE 2 BR. fenced Br. Sell/trade, $15,000 Eq. PJLOT cla&silied! &:12-5618 Yard, 1. ehilf!;-·M pets. F-OR. -sale by owner 2--Cr.l 11;;""";;;~~1~; =;~~·~~~71~6;1;Re;'~-~wru~-~to~e~l~ophu~§"~!~D~un~,..~-line~-~:"::°'::•::5':0--0289;~----dclu.'Ce duplexes, 1 or both. • I i { -· Gd. return. Will VA or ~TAR GAZEE1<~ Aiils By CLAY .R. POLL!r.Nlc,~-~r--,-,,--j -"" li:-, ., ,._.1 .t • . ,..,_._, l:;. LlllA _.''T1 /.'JtP ;:! : ,.....,..,.,,,,,.(f,.,1,uum• 'B"l':H m ef..-~r~ 1 ~ " .A<(o1J;n9 lo th• Slot.I. oc/n @~~ '(?\ 3-8-9.3 To develop me~soge for S\lf'ldoy, 1 i•·l6-:ia...9,r.:.:, "i1~5S.66 r!!Od word~ c:orres~ing 10 t1U'l'lbers 1 59-6().70 \0 ..1#' TAU•US ti! your Zoctioc birth ~·gri. · !\. ~ SCORPIO e::·\. """.·"'1 1 e,. :II Mo~1ng 61 s..;ng o:r ~3:~ ! ~ MJ.t <'<l :l Op(lritMl!y Jl To t>l n .. ; 4"'\• 31'·-~""llo 33s...ti.1 .... 1; .. 63 ~ ~.21 4.),u.57.78 .c y,.,._, :J(M<Jy ti'A..:o;~ IN--:21-31·•3 !l M·•~ JS ~"'"''~ 65...... j\.61·79-8-4 Gt MINI 6 c ... ,1<1 :l6 WrOnQ • "6 '"'er<ll>!S , 0? _,_ }! "J 11.-J? And 67 "'"''• •' ~AGITI"AllUS ~ ~ 8 P~"od J8Ndr 6AM ' 'I0\.'.23 .111 -<;: ') JUM"<'<l 'ii l'<lf :19 To 69 ~•vh"'tr : 0tC ~1 t.?f' 32-463 10!.l;ovld .. o°"'°""i...tty 10 1>u.. • ... J 72-81-11. l 1 Mol!m; .C l Y<A,f 71 0.,.,'1 10-22-33-52":• 12 In .C)Te'""""' ?2Ct-"'"9 6'1-7~· CANClt lJC~ .clDolK )J v....- ''-"'. :1 l(S., A•T•ov,1 7Ar11 15(;........., "5 °'°"'.,.., ,~,,. It.;: JV'.Y 2' 1.6 Air rt A6 l"'Ploytnf"lt 76 r~ Zi• -11~, .C1.W11h 71011 17.18-27·.ai lll Giv• •8 !., 71 i't- ¢ 39-73-82-81 19 1!a .,cQ 'f ~ 79 Ptotb>:<>"".11 " t.lO 20 llfo,t ~ ~.O II~ SO l"'!X'l!onl AQIJAllUS ... .,.,l 21 ror !.• "'"'J 11 May ...,., 2211f. ~~liflo lnSo!::'ol JAN,'20 ~ AUGZI ~A,. ~Co•ttr 41Jl'i.. 11r.'1 , t.S;.2).3.5 2• °""hollly ' !I• A"t! t II• P...--1 1 . ,,,, ..,. &7 2~ o.u._w., ~~ 11.,..,,..,.._.. fiS h'• I ~-f,_,",~ • r ..,,_;-:!6Co•etul !.I> r~, ft6¢t<ll" '.~~~-=t YllilO '17 ~ .,7 Y!Jvo 117 Po.·1-11$CH - 23 :!I l"'Jlel<-* 'I N~ .. 1 118 N~t , :19Gi~ ~Q1.1,.ro1 110H<ll'dlt 11~.1oy!~_. ...,J] JOW01 '"' (,Q y°"" W Moo1.,. \IA• :i(I '~ ..a.n tOiG-·' tei' () 4,a 111···.,• • ~-~ tSt\$1 UlllQ \8/Ad•mt Nc111r-.I ~(;9'11. FHA. 673--7?.50 or 499-140.~ 2 BR, garage, drps, cpts, ·stove &: gardener. Adults no pets. 2085 Tustin Ave, CM .<t:NTALSi - Apta. Furnished General 4000 $110. SPACIOUS Bal'h. Apt. \.\'f'W, U1l\ pd , , Broker SM-6980 $15.l. 2 BR 4-ph.'l< "''''" gar. Broker SM~ Cost• Mft• 4100 NEW SPANISH VILLAGE APTS. 1 & 2 'BOR.)1, Fum or un- ful'n, Air-cond, dsh1\'hl's, seH cleun',; ovens, paUo, break· fn.st bars, private lundecks. Jrg 3tomae cloSC'lg. Hea"tt>d pool, ll<liUl\8.ll, biU'·b-QtK'S. Sound proof 11.·all!I, \\'8.lk In clOS(!tl!, covered carport., Adult.'I, no pets, THE CALIFOR..\'f,\N -Phone 546-2727 OtARCE m I • 1'1onth·T~J\1onth Rentala WIDE SELECDON APPllances & TV's avail. No Security Deposit HFRC Furniture Rentals St 7 \V. 1911i, CM" • 543-3481 1568 \V. Lncln, Anhm 774-2800 $155, 2 BR, 1 ~~ Ba, w /W, elec kilchrn. pool, !l~ail 6/15. Bkr. 5.'1..-6980 Costa Mu• 5100 NEW SPANISH VILLAGE APTS. 1 & 2 BDR\11. Furn or un- furn. Air-cond, dshwhrs, sell clean'g ovens, patio, break. fast bats, private fundecks, lrg storage c:losets, Heated pool, saunas, bar-b-ques. Sound proof walls. \Valk !ti (']O!let!I, covered car110rt. Adults, no pets. T!IE CALIFORNIAN Phone 546-2n7 I BR, priv patio, ~II clcc. c:pt>1, dr~. car port , Re~ponslblc ;iriul11 only. No ' pels or children. SlJO . 54&-l:u'.! ll\fi lAC, cpts/drptt.. Adults. No 54S--O:i60 2 BR n ew bll~lns. Quiet. pets. Sl35/mo, I RR g1'dn ap1. fpl, cpl:<, 1lrp.~. bl!Jt'I, pfltlo, t>OO\. Adlls. t10 pct~ $120. 546-$16.1 CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLETING ~-. HARBOR HEIGHTS -'' :I-our LUXURIOUS 2 & 3 BEDROOM APTS. • F'ireplaces e Dishwasher e 1'1ammoth master bedroom::> • 2 Bathrooms • Cl'ntral forced · air h~ayn& -·-· ... HARBOR HEIGHTS •Spacious cabinets e Gaffers & SatUers gas built-ins e Balanced po\vcr llvln; • Enclosed parking e "Carpcts & drapes ~our Rental ~tanattr-i\trs. Christi'1qsrn 3117~A Clnn1mon Ave., Costa Me*• (I IJlock ""'ctl-of t-farbor Blvd. '2 blocks south of tbe San Oieiro Free\\-·ay) Phono 546-1034 ' '"' e PfUME Retail Location •. 10 acres improved. \V/mod- 17X40, Xlnt foot & auto lraf • ._. ern ranch house etc Un· ffc. 1871 , rrarbor, -CM 1fn'liled~ -peH'ect Wife;, 301 G46-6654 GPilt at SO fl deplh. Pricc ·FOR · LEASE ~ 23x~2. $18,()(M), 1h cash, bal l iit TD. Also office space. 333 E. Subject land has 220 It. 17th St. CM. 6 4 s-2 4 5 o, frontage on Silver Valley 548-5508 Rd .. 7 mi. E. of school. F or map & further details write Geoti:e R. Kress. Laguna Beach. Box 914, or BolC 155, Newberry, Calif. 92365 LAGUNA BEACH Air Conditioned ON FORES'/ A VENUE Desk spaces avl\l4'ble tn newe-91 office building a: prime k>eation In downtown Laguna Beach. Air c:oodJ. tioned, earpettd, beauWul pane1t'd pakltionina. T" o entrancea: Frontage . oo Fortst Ave., rrlU' leads to t.fW'K'.'ipal pt.rirln1 ktai. $50 per mQnth for space-De1rk and chain a •allable tor ~. Busineaa .hours antwerlna service avail.i.ble for SlO. All utllldet paid eacept telephont. DAILY Pit.or 222 FORFm' AVll-IUE LACUNA BE:ACH t!lt-""6 FURNISHED Cabin, B I i: Bear, 1/3 acre heavily wooded, beaut. lake view, sips 10 or n'ore. $8000. >16-1315 Excllengos, R. E . 6230 LACUNA BEACH excluslvti JU. duplex lot, north end, few steps to scenic coy~ beach. S35,tXXl. \\rill trnde for income. Owner. Prlr.. ciplc1 unly. \Vrite c/o Dllil)' Pilot Box M 353. R. E. Wantod 6240 \\rANTEo To buy from o~r. Blyghort.~. 3 or 4 BR llOtW! under $45.000. Prin- cipals only, 213--69.l-9.'i.10 • DAILY PILOT WANT ADS O!ll1 642-5678 for RESULTS -----------'---- . -· __ .. _ -.-----,-.--------..--_,.---~----:----~---~ .......... "".".!'.'!""'....,.....,,.~"'!"-"'!!!' ___ ...,. .. •' S1t11'1111, J~H 71 19it [:!1*!'--~-mil!~-llfll-ml'l ...... ~,l'I Af!NOuril:tMINTI S!llVICI DllllCTOllY stkVICI Dllll CTOllY JQIS & I MPLDTMINT JO~S & IMPLOYMIRT JOU i 11,\PlllY~ L ~ • ..: ::::.":. 1411 ·~ , '" '"°°" -J#l-~~:: .... ; .... ~===~~';"~a.i~"."'.Holmwii'~w~-.,.-,ii,,...~~1~•~·~7~2CICl:"'.m111o"."'.-;.""ii1'~'.".'.wm-.,iii.-iii1et1~-.iiiM~•~'~n~•~· fH0~~1p~w~· .. ~--,;.;..,.~·~A"''..., .. --_,~12GC1~~1 ·.::::i===.:=..:. · -. Port or Pull ,.,.. ' YOUNG --.... ~:;mio:,~ J., •• , .. o.-. ' . . r PILTMI ~ ... wa>allloo!~ Gomia .......... 'well nrd..OolJ-_ ..... '=;:.;.~::-11=~t· IMM*IDIACTI. 0-QOPIKf!IN~t-*:· ...... ·--· --l'Jl);~~ ., ... :::·= - ----a Ntar w-...._. =-"' ' ;a J< "'-!'IV HIRING C.. -i=-:1-wtllt 1dllflt. ~-~ llWad. atta. c.ll 58-U' .. WU\T J.,.._ rna.ln-~ a b o Ve. &V'tftlt fVftlrlp. ~ -wiu. ~t ·ll'O' bomt -5 ~· II.a., 1'.V. vea. lx,.rlenc.4, m11tun, re1111bl1. IAtEe lntemllional eo~ Oppty fQr M&DqW ,._ Wt -lilli6 vie ' ..,_ -Pttt?DI School Cill -IO-f'42 Ror.r ..... s l'IMto ; Uon ..,.,.,-., In Ora"I' trein. For '1trol Int.mew 1azu... M a ~. area. 'H.B. Good refer. Zri'AiillSiiED p;rdenlnc Count)/. Mafly openlJlll now ca.II Mr. Milli~. l'iB. Call t. tdentlty. $S-f7U ftltlil. n tn:lckl 6 ~ A P ,t.Y If!! PE "'SON aviilableln&ll~eprtmeoU. GARDENERS a1al a t a 1t l l?l-1Mt . am.o catt s dl1a wttk. m¥ 10tnt avallablt. 5a-olm. A & VI RESTAURANT No experitnc. ~-•inaJI, for COi.itai --.11:. 111111 mlMd, kmalo, boloe. ,.._ -' Haull' •730 W5 Horw Blvd, C..ta Mou ALSO • ~·:."::U~ r~ Whoddya Wool? Whaddya o.it 1-· 111 m. v I c. .611-W • ~7101 -job !or • ,....,..,, ~ Sl'lc;IAL CLASSIPICATION llOlt \ ~~:..,w: WILl. bat•"" 41y, •1¥ OINlllAL HAULING $UMMlll WORK '011 Box p U9 Golly Pilot. , NAtliiAl. IOIUll -••pt•• homo, W. N....it .,... I CLI ANUP . TIACHI RS I YO\iiiG .,.. wtllt tnltlallw, •"~ -llLAClt lo ~ .....,_I'-'~ Reb avail, Call 875-<)157 Ill ,., loed. -"·C , STUDIN'I' Spodal Im ....,. t ,,., oloL Vic :IOO ,,.,,.. ••Ill< -att. -3 l "'"""'• Holp Wa~tod, Moll ,..,,.. Holp~Wutled, -1200 -.-• "". mtaurut ~ill· S Ll ... -s·t1....,-S llucb ~ .... ~. C•M. WILL bobyall.""' .,,.,,.. JUULJNG, ~ ... lots, \ ro~otervlew call MondlOI I ,............, .. :_ui;,:•,,;;..AIMU~.,:u~ ...... ,..., .,,__,.. ~Jl.o~1h&n ,2. pn,p1! etc. I.rs truclt, NOW HlltJN' G \ OCA and llday, Aak foe' Mr. DiAFTSMEN,Semt~ a-vou1t ..._ •MJtr ...,..., i ....., ,,.. ., .......... SM. Black puppy, \Vhlte °" 50c hr -..m.s, · ~ ar\VthM eau \ J 1 rOr Pt UJM drafdna: ln N~ ~HIHO '0" U.1.W ~ TlADll OMl."rl . cbbt. p.ne ~. 2 ealll.ra. .._:.. ' BOB ga...2256 • ....... • 774-7251 Hunttncton BNch. 1'2-"11 PHONI 642-5671 Vic 1rW1e A 16th, C.M. SUMMER~ ""'.,.ty"' kids. Sl MEN Wr• notional <ampany WANTED• Oun ait ...,... To ~loce Y-Tr.Wo PorodlM All 64M5C ' T o y,~...,·""""' YARD/pr. cl,,.,.. Remow """"""'"to Oro,.. Cilun1> CAREER •tud•nt w/""" car fllf patt Will trade &ood vacation trailer, reuonable 1pace rental for 1mall plot of land. MUlt hav.. ..,..ter z. eJectrlcl!y.- SlX U n l t • apartmentg Highland Pk. 7 yrs old, built • 1n1, air • cond, ept1, drp1, Will trade for lot in Bea.ch Cltieit; 213-796-1210 Lake ArTOwhe:ad • Mqrtlfi. cent. 5 Br, f Ba on roll CM A: lake. View, $125,000 clear. A!rp1ane ·or JiOat trade. Owner <n4J 4~3103 or 337,3169 Do )'OU want more income! Will trd. $26,000 eq. &clde unlta w/$3&5 mo. spendable inc. 1or YoUr clear home. Owner/bkr. 64fN750 Wild_ '155 ltallu .lpOrta q.r, Corvette eng, 370 hp, 2+2. Colt $10,000 new. Trade: for \ale jeep, ~ O't Vol- vo ...... 5tW38T Sporfilnt Power Boat, 18' offlhore I/0, fully equipt. trlr. Xlnt cond. Trade for late model car ot income property. 1!7-8664 HA VE ocean front 9/10 acre lot N. San Fl'ancl1co on Hwy 1, tree I: clear, $15,000 WANT beach unit1. Bkr, 499-1990, 4!M-MSS HAVE: 24' Cabin Cnu.e:r, A-1 cond, 135 hp ll'tY ma- rine en&. $.1{XJO value. Trade for property or-! ! ? 7 ! , Call 615-1900 Swnmcr in Morocco on Mediterranean. Amer. DI~ lomatic Corp. Will trd Jct turn home ~ cva for ume bere. 60-7297 a: 673-5323 BAYFRONT I: dock, 3 Br. 3 Ba., n1. '89,500. FOR T.D.'a (<Dftlider bf/opt, or trade tDr !! ! No. 2 Balboa OWa. Olfntt 615-4331. Newport Heisbtl Iove1y l BR home hi nicelt rnident- ial area. Trade $13,000 f,qutty for 1nlxme or va· oa.nt land. &G-2799 .. * BUSINlH -FINANCIAL * ..-mtnr. Goy .r -•· --'""· dlr1. -back TUNITY' . -·-... ,._ -~ LU AmowbW -t~-· 'iin t url.u, boe,-9'W'5 ALL WORK PART TIME OPPOR , ~~~u·•,;9-•· ftteel;clr '50 000waval..P femak. No JD .. Vic Dover lrlck,MAlenry,llk. BACKGROUNDS Jolnto4.,a futtttsrowfn& · wy. 1 cillc~;,_w.;; ~ •• -~:;:~Call to 6$40 H_ ... nlnt 6735 ACCEPTED HILPWANTED prol..-MUtualhndaal" EXPERIENCEO-.ll · S2J.000 val .., _,. '" WORK EVES 1:30 TO 10:30 No expertance nectaal'Y" Fry Cook. No SundaA no ~: ~. BJl:r •. -.Tm vm;v•PAf6ii: allir:IUt 3 81JILD, Remade!. Repair CA!tPETS. Wlndowa. Jll'I, LARGE COMPAN\• PM. WE Nf!ED 25 MEN We train . tun or part tbne nilet. Apply SU W. USh St., ··-'====cc..;....c_I _ ~. •·1c. ~-. ~--t Brick. IMock. c o ncret,e; etc. Rel or CAlmc'I. Xlnt EXPANDING IN TO START WORK IMltED-I f _, A~' CM -.. ..._ .._ v T M: ....... crpntry, no job too amall. y,:<ft Reul Reta. MMlll ORANGE OOUNTY lA'tELY. NO EXPERJ-Mvtva "1... ...,...... .....--·....---.,-.,,....,...-,. Ox>ice. 4-PJez •. Cl) 3 BR 2 be Hiway, NB. U UT21 Llc: Cobtr 962-&H5 ENCE NECESSARY AS nc. . KeMd man, oftr 35. APPb' (3) 2 BR l ha. E'alde arFEKAL E 8ia lD•1e . QU~ Rep&irl .Alta. Janfterl•I 6790 TOP PAY \VE.TRAIN YOU. NPt8. J603We1tcUHW-6422 in person, SPCA.,.., J..r,. 17th St """""' $53S/mo. Qioo\ll&lo point Del c.m. t1ona • New ....... -by -< . TOP STARTING PAY I .A. 1212 N • ._.,..., """"o,,.n Rd. IAI B.cl> · $56,500. TR.,\DE for YoV I arlL 5ti-21l6 ot Contract 646--3«2 . WAU.f., Windowl, . noon, t.1ust be able ta ~tart immcd-5CT.a!l COOK. Dependable 8'wtJ' . .... BRhonl<.Ast.546.IMO SM. """'' -.;,, • ,..,,.... Commucial l """'·CALL PERSONNEL ALSO &M TRAINEE Small --...... • N...... Blvd. A """tol. B I •· I 6562 -UaL Dolly, •·aekly OFFICE FOR INTERVIEW ·" Spllt..iutt. -~ .,._,,,. TQWNHOUSE 3 Br. 211 ba. -"' --rv co and/or Mo. 8'7-73'0 MONDAY • TUESDAY. SUMMIR WORK FOR Solary pl"' -va· DELIVERYdrl ... -c.mm1. Beaut t,ppt'd. Priv.'pa'Uo. w;;,_ Wblt = tP--'· PROn:ss.IONAL Typin&~ T/4-7251 TEACUIRS.. cation, akk benefits I:': Blueprint 1h6P. Call pool; nr. ba,y, Val. SS2.500. ...:::-:-:;•:...,. .. ~~nlde -,:-;::: ntat, accurate, Prom P t ,aperha"lf"I STUDnENTS llrement plan, Good oppo.-5A()..S313 tor T.D., car, camper or T? ~ ~,"""'"' ""'ni::" n......, --"'--, _ __. minor 'alntlna 6150 tunl1'f for quallflt'd man. We ~CrcO="",-,-.-:,..--.,.-, r .,,.._,..,., ~M.ii: ............ _ ... MOTOR llllMf Play all di)', work 4 houn will train 11>0 Slnaer Co. Auro MechanJc For Rrvtce Owner ~ editini, dictaHon, IBM Ex· PAINTING Jnt I: Ext Loweat '7''"1 . in the evenl!w. For inter-7T77 Edhtcer, HuntingtOll atatiop. Sa1P"Y A-comm. ST Du.al Ghia O>nftrt. All Lett '401 ec\ltive. 84J.610T contracted prlceL Fully tm. view cal! Monday 'ind Tues· Beach, Sbopplrl& Center, HD 675-M50 VERY •••-( lulldort' 6570 Satidaction l'W'· Free e1t. • BUILDERS day. Ask for Mr, James Sec Mr. Fe'rTaJ'0.5 ~ALESMAN=~=~-,-1-,-.-,-,-.~,• power. .(WU\.I:. •r-WHOEVER found a male 77•7251 !al #l'9) $.1.iOO value. tra4e Himalayan cat on or ""' Jim W-m-D.111 ~ DISHWASHER belped" """""'· tor lumlture or ·' 642.ll2'3 v~ta 0.1 Oro Jn tfie Bluff• * CA!tPENTRY • INT • EXT, ANY SIZE • ASSEMBLW BOTH SHIFTS •· 546-0'12< * or 4!K-5270 on May Jlth or 19th. 1 wW ~ GENERAL REPAIRS JOS. Xlnt work, refl, free DISPATCHER FULL Tl me. dellca-.... live you a Scbrwner ·dor C&ll Dan 6G-'l505 aft 5 · . eat. JIM &e:a. Immediate operun11 Jor m~ FIRE EMERGENCY Apply In PerNn man. s Deya wk. Sel TmTJ. HONOLULU Ha'Wl.ii • prffo. who 11 Oievi11C for her PAINTING, Papertns 115 yn with eQerience in plum~ EQUIPMINT SURF I SIRLOIN 495 E. 11th St., Ccm 11'- ti&'e home w/lrr pxil iD PLAYMATE ii you wW (arpenferlnt 6190 in Harbor veL 1Jc le bond-ine, electrical, wallt, cabin-DISPATCHER St30 Pac. Ctt Hwy MAN tor Saturday weft. £1,.. Kahala area. L e_a • e d • pleue call 64f...0719 CAR,INTRY· ~ ed. Rm !!an. 60-2356 eta and finish • or We will $562 ... $614. per month Newpert IHch perience.d, over 21. 00 E. $72.500 val-eq. ~(IX). Want TINY YORKY -male 5 l'DOI., 1.fINOR REPAIRS. No Job "IBAT, exp. Paintt.r, no train you. Muat have -IOme tRecommended for MACHIN!gr lTth C.M. ~:...Cal prop at inc. 6t6-0'13l c Iba. sb.aaY blade fur with Too Small. Cabtmt in pr-dr1nkJnc. OoUese atuden.t. ~ toolDri•. SeeCoRld<,M2135 , PSL-sm. July l, 19691 We Nttd Oper•tors ~W:..A::NTE,,o;:o;c,-Morine~~-...,..----1 -~"-·-------!tan mrkp, Very trieml,y, qe1 I; o tl}e r cabioeta. Low prices! Stew5'M549 ........,.un ve, sll, eaa Drill preu "' Blanchard Sii per hr.~ ""7- Lakl: Am:Jwhad wat!mmt no collar. Since 5 /2 1 561175, u nD t.nr1¥er Jeavt 642-9158 . CITY OF arinden. packer , 3 ma,. 548--2519 1 ,,... "'ctr, !50,000 val. Pe· !:_"!'"::: ~.!; ~~ -. IL o. Plallo•"'!• l!epolr 61IO COST ACCOUNTANT-NEWPORT BEACH chln•t "''-'· I clfic Paliud9 ocnn w lot, • 0 qu .... .,..,..,., Weber Speed EquiJ: Co. AIMKI .. , Wemen 1m . uked. m.M6T •PATCH PLASTERING. All Orana:e County MJ&. Min!-Require• J.r.s. diploma tree I: clr, $21',M> val REP.tm, Partitionl. Small typei. Free eettmate. Call mum 2 yn exp preluably 310 So. O!nter, Santa Ana Want: IDcomt. BJcr. SO.ml mack .l white beqle, I ID09. RernodeL etc. Nlte or day, 5"()..6825 w/ standard costs. Salary :r~~~ ~ :bt~~ n4: 547-~ Answers to Matthew. Vic. RP.as! C&ll .JQ:N 5t).4679 commen1urate w/ trainirw R11calvlnt Cltrk 43.MathewlF/B yacht,twn waveSt.,LquM.CaD N~ ..... ~ __ .... Plumunt ••t0 ',-~·-,·~'I-•••. tact work. Experience ln •-Imperial enc. Full elec wl cy $'r91'.» ,.~A.con ..... t-... er, f" per .. -....,.. ..... ~ ..., ., ·-.. operation of radio • tele-..,. ... alp SSO OIXI ~ieu Want ~ · Mui'. RemodeliJla-Repain. Send resume le: salary re-p h on• oommunicallon Yowie m&rfied, It.a~, CaH ssoM ho~e, bul. ~ mllr. I WK. OW blade ktt1en, ll"'Y IWUO or 55-3900 PLUMBING REPAIR qutmne.nt. to Dail)'. Pilat equipment ta }U&hly de-l>tn, Merdwlta Pe.f'IOMel boat. 5t6-8ll1(t, ext Cf IN-:::•iai.vlc: .• :o.;s-mo;: 15:;• REPAJRSt ALTERATIONS =T ~; Box M 330. aired. .\pply to Person-AimcY, *1 Wettclltt Dr., -Reward. -. • CABINETS. .,,, lbe job INSTRUCTORS .. 1 omre, Cll> Halt, 3300 N.B. 6""T10 Sailboat .38, .nxney tut . 23 yn. eq>er. 54M'l13 PLUMBING REPAIR Newport Blvd., <n4) LATHE I MILL aaUer.S1T,500vaJ +~3 ESTANCIA L ett e r me n CARPENTRY -re.pain -No job too amall ~~~)':a~~::~.~ 673-6633 before$ p.m. Operators wanted. A1lo Br. bu CM, $15,750 val Jaclrtt, Vic El Rancho pn'l 1lx tt. Quality work. e BG-3129 e the public, Appq ia pe1"10n. Monday, Jlll'lt 16, 1989. SALISlflP. Exec. sect;v. Mluion Viejo &?\!a • ..... , • • • • • • $50> nio. Stcty. (OOd typilt, Io mt ahortb&Dd •••• -. ••• ~ m4o Dental Aull~ Garden Grove area •..••.•..••••• U33 ~ Secty, no llhortband0 Hun'- infton Beach area • $4.13 mo. Receplloltlat, hllh duo -ty aaloll • • • • • . • • • • $391 JDO. 488 E. 171h St., SUlto 2H .1 Costa Mela IG-14'1e Want c:omni1 or indlllt. Market, :NB. R ••a rd I M2-3t64 or 66:005 lewlnt 6960 Holid•y Ht1fth Sp• Expetienced only. 1 ,prop in CM. &~T 548--0220 _ , 9311 Kramer Ave, Unit E Htlp Wanted Retired-doo't need tax lhel-BLAC:X Ii: white ma!• doc. Cemint. Cencreta 6600 eDreumakin( -Alterations Collta Mua • Huntine:ton Bch * DISHWASHER ou Boll.a &: Dillow, Wstmtr Women 7400 ter Wantbaefrfflcclrklr Vic \Vave St, Lquna.. Custom Deslrna BOYS 10-14 (full t ime) STOCK CLERKS --------- 538. M tq in 2 T-plex, lat TD Reward! Nancy 49t-790ll • Concrlte an, patios etc. •646-G446• Carrier Routes Open $460 per month to atart. No GIRL FR I D A Y , 1:1oo1t bal S38 ?.f, pool, prime toe, BL4CX fe~ Lalndor , Concrete Ir blk top 11&winJ. Alt ~•--. "2 ••.1r for Prefe:r cltan cul ""un< man experience nece,.......,, Mon-keepJ.na:/ leCl"etarial. Mon. no vac, I yrs old 540«l>l (med lbe) 5129, "Cinder", Reu, Don, 64J.JS14 er •• -.__.. •.-... Lquna Beach, So. l..qun& with experience. "Apply be· d~ through ~"aww:e Wed, Fri. 1-4. Ap 25-35. d)'&. Reward. l7J..f235, 673MIXI. e <X>NCRl:l'E wcrk all Neat, accurate, 20 )TL exp. DAILY PILOl' twttn 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm, to advance. Wri~ Dall,y 96J..335l A1mo1t lOXI ac $250 M val typa. PrxN decks ... j':Ultom. Drulmaklnc le Alterations 642-4321 In penon. Pilot Boz M-tl.7. J, J, KNICKERBOCKER IO ml from ~ LA, S ......_alt 6405 Call 5a-WC 540-l8IO SA1XSMEN SHOF; SALF.S ma n are r Huntinclon Buch ;,::::., ~-•""'. 51nt71~1=.: * DIVORCED co~!i,~"-~:!i T'" Service 6tlO :C ~~r ~.: COCO'S ~ ::n=~ .. ~ ~nce.dWinO~N~~ ,,.., -oa.i-State Llc.•M2-101D TREES pruned, topped 6 men. Fut floor, l\W'Ulteed LEEDS Sh:le Store So · \\'e&r. Apply Mon thru Fri OLDER unita. pod 'fll?'ite... Yes It's YM.lr '•ult removed. 26 )Tl e xp. + oornmiaion + P.M.'s. 2131 Wa1tcllff Dr., NI Oout P!ua. Contact Mr. from lG-4, APROPOS Ne.., ott. $20,0l) Equity. Want For reoordecl rMIMI• that C9"tr....... 6121 Paul.ton Tree s er v l c e APPLY . • BOY1S ATHLl~IC Pbelpa 2'1, :own Ir CountrJ. Oral9i out.ww..-lirland, will -,... we. ADDmONs.REPAllUI 113&-7234 ~E.171hSl,ComM.,. ATIENDINT Projoctl"linHr$700. EXPO telep h one lnl TD'1, or! CALL »WoUQD--'G S. Main St., Santa Ana "-"-"-2 _11_ + bani tervtewen, work fre ,Broker '4&-2621 SANTA ANA "*''.. ~ U Iii lat 6990 M .n.o...,...~e of equipment A yn, .. .......-.e ~ec • home hoW"I to IUit )'OUI! , ... 1 .t..t..t7 ~ I: P1arm1nc ~ ~ry ana.rement Trainee: appuatu1 used in· phyllcal cat-abllUy A dra1tuw. Call bedut Call btwn 1n..t_I '* * * --Kltcbena-Batbl, etc. CLYKOSKJ'S Cult. tJhol. PART TIME EVES. education a: sport• pro-n.n, Mttch&TJlf! Penonnd :arnyn'·Schaltr 862-$7--, STUDENTS • coUep I: hi Llc'd 6 Bonded. hee •It. Europe Cratcnanabtp an.ms. OUUe1 1nclude : 1tor-Arency, 200 Weatcli!l Dr., 1..;:;::,:::;,,::;::::;:;..::::.,;=- IChl-imp:ove your a& 4 I; B CONST!\UCl'ION teo%u fin! SC.145C-$3 50 hr tna:. ttpa.lrin&" & maintain. N.B. 64.S-2'770 WJ.ITRESSES. Full Ir ~ BUSI NISS aMI centra&D I: memory. Stut 1122 Paularino, CM 1811 Newport Bl., c .M_ . • per • Ing 1chool'1 athletic equip. MECHANIC. Marine exp. Apply In pen:>n. S:1 l'INANCIAL now In .....,. .,.. nnt *5'5-4941* JOBI & E"•LOYMINT SalAry ,...., $4<7-15Sl Writ· .,.r'd ., will train auto Chalet 41< N. N..,,... Blvd _.;.c;.;;.;...;.;...;.. _____ l 1eme1ter Learn •If ..___ mONS, d I mr teri test lo be 1iven June .-...h&nlc. '"'·" _,, _ _,Lake .NB~==-----OO • •vr ADD rem o • , .• Call 547_1'll2 Mr Bond ,_.,. ........ ,.....,1e1;• == a.u •• Oppertuntttu 63 lus. Oppertvnltles UDO tlOlla. You'll be rlad )'OU ru.orable· (ft 0 t be r Jelt Wanted, Mtn 7000 T •-w .... R•al ........ Sal•· 17, 1969. Contact pe:nonnel An'owhead Marini. 714 • HOUSEKPR • compulon.. ' did. For inlDrmation call e.atlmatn, ' Then c a 11 ....... ...,,..,.,,. ~.. ... dept., Huntinlton Be a .c b m-2501. days, mwt have. car a loc-'i AFFILIATE ---------t 5fl...f614 M7-S478 CARPENTER'S HELPER man needed for Immediate Union H!a:h School Dlattict. D ISHWASHER wanted refi. Lido Iaf. bo m•. CANDY SUPPLY MOVING: mplete baby LICINSID Experienced, Good nt Call employment. New wlit now 536-93ll ap'd. Apply ill penon Blu• 6'4-3285, i-5 wkdayl. Mr. ROUTE '""' b 0 ut 11 t · Splrttual Reocllnrl. o4>1ce Corl"! CIMnl, 6625 Ralph, "4-:mf ,.1t1ng. Will train. JANITOR Oolphln RHtaunn~ ~ Dunlwn I <No ~ Involved) Includes cue I: on all matte:n, IOI S. .D Feur S.•aont Homes MAC DONALD'S 11 hlrina Via Lido, NB.. LICENSED shampoo pt, Exoellent income tor 1ew tnOUnlll. $150. taJ:ce• alL Camino Real. San a.mart• A KITCHEN ftoor Wu free JH Wanted, La4y 1020 Huntlneton Be11ch janitorial tMlp. PreJ'erred CLEANUP MAN, OVtt 18. top pay, Newport ~ houni weekly work (Daya or 540-JJllS C9'U131. 10 AM-10 PM for• J; !:::., ~:°::. OOMPFl'ENT comdenlioul 961-4500 a.res 4.S to 80. Experience de. Start 15 AM . No exp. Will Arn. ~'/' ! evenin(I). Refilling 4 col-Bl:EA~ :!n.-re.:.= SP~ $2 READING trolm:. c.n fl0..1'2Zl 1Dr ap. woman wil.hn to contact DOORMAN 1lrable but nOt neceuary, train. THE 7.00, E. Cout 14A.NAGER amall d1MI lbolti IeclPic money from coin op-Dell&htf\ll decor, ample WANT To join a Blble clw pointment attar ~ p.m. employer who Meda ez. PARKING ATTND'T Good pay, liberal trq:e Hwy Ii M&cArthur N.B. o/35. Xlnt drtu I aport11' ftaled dlapen1en in Costa parkinc NB. CdM uu. or ~ P'VUP in CdM. pertd., reliable .ttretary, Full or part time, day or eve. btnerita:, excellent workina OlARGE )'Otlr want ad now. 1 Wtar exp. 5'JS.673I eve1. , ~=--e!_ ~%: ~ :::.~t ~ ~eln to~ Carpet UJl"I & bkkper, Girl Friday 'who lie. Calif. driver. Neat a~ condition&. Apply ill penon DA!LY PILOT WANT ADS! Oia1 6Q.5l51I for ~TS. name braod candy 1: BU IL DER . Custom na. Mn. ~le C. CUtlar, ~ lte~lr'626 i&n't afraid. of work. pearance,reh.C&DH.f-1700, between 2 PM lo$ PM or lll&Ckl ). Sl.SO CUh re.quJr. remodd " new conat. bua. Avocado, CdM. 675-1929 CARPET • VINYL • TILE 493-fWT ext 555, f to fi p.m. call 8'1·9100, attention of Help W1nttd, Meri 72001.ttlo Went9d, Men 7200 ed. For perwonal intft'view l'.ltab. attlce 10 yn. Balboa A Iv I Ezpa1 bwtalladon 2 HI-POWERED Saleswomen SALE.S -needed at once, 2 :J.-:a Dwyer. l68&6 Beach · in Costa Mesa 81", eend llle l573-5500, evt1 ~1551 ttr•d • xptrt BLANKINSHIP tLooRS to MJrk on commlul.on Ii: .men lo y.'OJ'k eve1. No in-i.::---=-====---I nam~. add.ma&: phone num-CHINCHD..LAS YOUNG WOMAN ICJ.lW 5'G-7X2 salary. Box P&67, Dally vestment, no experience. BARTENDER brr to Multi-State Jnc., 9075 Are you inb!relted! dancer will taach >W all Pilot, Of Good car neoe11a.1')'. Call E. lmpmel Hwy., Oownoy, Vh·t ranch -Jatos! rtapo. Call AMa1t D Ill Service 66J7 ENqLISH Lady, ,..,....., Mr. Flihorty, 5'6-aJS DAYS & NITES CaHf, 9CrZf2 1 our 213: S8M53I 1.JO PM ra "I w&TJtJ: job u Travel com· * EXP dlah'ftlher' I: kit CANDY SUPPLY SMALL Gree. store in H.B. A'l'ritACriVE lllm blonde DESIGN Dnifthlc, electro pank>n. or office work. CU hdper, full Ume. DEPEN- ROUTE res. &reL Available~ mo. would like to m •e t meclt· PIC layout • 4tfaD. type a little, Call 538-3647 DABLE. f!K-4898 {Part or Full Time) leue. 2l3: 69&-9S80 aenllemtn who l!njOy out. m,. Ken Sr. f'l'5..U91 EXPERIENCED nune-oom-Bentort'1 Coffee Shop Excellent Income tor fN hn:. WANTED: otr-Ale liquor door actlvltie1. 4Q.SO Write ' panion. Cook dleta. Excel-133 S. C.0..t Hwy, LB weeklY work {days or evu) llcol'lle., Orallge Count:y. BoJ: M f.15 Dally Pilot. O.rcleftlftl MIO lent tefa, Ext 100, 64-3541 l' IBERG LA S tool Ina. refllllna 1: colleetiDc money Call: 64Ul39 EUROPE I: back -S300 • * RELIABLE. matun lad)' moldlna'. bondiJla, b oa t from coin 0pen.IM dilper>-BEER BAR Ii Pi.ua. Walk in Round trip jet· June 14 thru BABYSITS my borne. Re:fer-carpenter. Ezperlenctd only. Xl'I in CoJt& Maa Ir 1ur-cool.er. COie to Wbild:rl¥rt, SepL L 5'M8fi" AllHOllY'J encea. 494-15'7 AUTOCOAST roundinc arttl. No aelllnr CM. Sac for cub. 5*-334.1 ALCOHOlJCS ADoeynlOUI HOUSF.QLANING. Exp. .1914 Placentia, CM (Hand1e1 name brand candy ESTABLISHED . eudenlJW Pbone 5D-12l'f a · wttte to '46· 1941 Dependable. Own car. Don't EXPER. Service lt&Hotl at- • anackl), $1650 tot.al cub route. 67 trucb A: ~ P.O. Box l2Z3 Ooltl. ...._ anoke. $JI di_y, gu..7fn tendant. Apply: Richfield reqWred. For personal inter-meot available. ~ t'OUPLU. ainPI•: kmtl)'T ~ ~== Station, Harbor .l Hamilton. Ap~ly In ptr1en RllBIEH E. LEE 151 E. Co•1t Hwy, Newpe rt la•ch Asslil1nl M11111er view in your ~•. send .........,~.......... le H·' 7MS CM • b ,,__ New ln un.t Jain 1111 nine a .... -t LaMICl.pins Demtlt .. p -name, addres• P one o......-lus. Wantetl 6305 to fwJ • pleaiure c;;:fe Hortkl&lturilt 646-5551 Retail grocery experience, her to: • · e 635-9291. e * HO(TSEKEEPER OR EXP'D Service Station • full day or nilhl lhitt. Paid vac, "ROUTE DEPARntENT" ATI'RACl'IVE, e a pa b le BAOl Meka lirt to excb kn-a»ilPANJON •v~ablt lot , *1me.. permanent. Hourly inlur ete. Xlnt Oppty. Call P.0,~,29381• ........... y o uns woman will nll •·-•• l or ·-, . .-tamfl,y.QU'f·Ol' •inlte lady. '.A'_IP ± comml11 l on for-,ppt.64U520 Anoheim. ............. ~. -wttli-t1m• ....i re ~-· AWN BROS; --zx...u.nnetmoncn, ....... -,,,,0r;,;oruiiUshed:9llll i txl'iiilENCEO onl,y ASSOCIATES money in a eoinl boutllaue. non.. m-osM fYff, O•rtlenert SfurHnts Avail now. Coat Hwy, NB. &W-41.ll flbqtaa molders tor EXJJMdinr Nat'L Service: Co. woman'• apparel •ho J , A Ml 0 woddrw: "*' tbrv coDere. HOMEMAKERS 547-6811 SEMI-Retired man for u.Jea 1teady employment wtth need• man to cpen.te • bee.ch area, that l1ffdl ez. nMUMlrnentl Ezp. ·Lie. Ras! Tmnl Chine• live-ins, Cheerful 4 re:ntalt of tn.iltra. APPIY ~&nOlf'apblc co. Apply; branch oUice Soon in be pamkm or opera t 111 I A.rl'ROLOGY Clauet now PHONE fif.M2CS Pmnanent. Ezperienoed at MESA MOTORS, 1121 l91S Placentia, C.M. :':nnedw: c'!· ~~c. ~ ~=·M~~~ fonnltc. Summer Rl!lion, . Far'Eut Aeency M2-17CL1 Newport Blvd, Costa MtU SOCK rr TO "EM! traiDins at home ofc, Per· beainnn'lladvanced. F Or NEW Jawn1 re • 1 e e d I f! s, ENGLISH Nanny avail. lm· .on1 .elected must have Men.., te LNn 6120 bdo call l'B-8881 o.y1. Complete lawn ewe. &an m • d . E z c •I . Io c a I , Heir Wanted, Men 7200 Htl' WantM, Men 7200 • be bondable &n-21f0 after fi up by ·job or month. Fret References. A,&tncy 642-3703 1";;~;:;;;;;~;:;;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;;;:;;;;:;,I ~~~eat. in truck ~ ht 6 2nd low for quid: '* THE COtN atEST '* eattmatn. For tnf9, call Georfe Allen Byland Abencyl l ... • • • • •·• • • • • • • • • • • •• • • •" equlpt. start at ~50 per wk. cub. Bonow on )'OUl' pro. Rarr colb8, leta, maU •ue-Me--0&32 or 191-1985 • Employn-Pay1 Fee • MANUFACTUllNG + iuNt.antial share of prof-perty eq without ~turbln& tJon, etc; 7fl s. Cout, La-CUt l:EdplAwn 1(16.B E.16th., SA 541--0395 t PRODUCTION U1. Should return 25.000 + )'Wt low intiln:lt 1r. TOI. IWI• Bch, OU685. Mainte.... Lictnled I . Ir~ -"'~.-:~"'i:w.p-~ .. ':":'...::..2'xleo.~ SERVICI DIR•Cf.OllY AL=....~.'!'.: .. Holp W111tod, -72GG .,,,-'. TRAINEES FRIGIDAIRE -Horbor Ana :Ill m. A11Pllo ... 11.,.1,. Lawn .....,.....,.. . ..,..... Drafhman le $700, 336 r:. 1711. St. Parto •SIO ~a --""-SimPle draltl"I. m<ehonlcol JET ACTION MWJ.1'\ 50-061J -'"I!"' Call Du Mft'clwrtl Per-NO EXrlAllNCE NlCESSAAY. 21 TO JI YUAS. • rl'N"I• .o.O'll-... nm :::t-· .,._.... . • HIGH SCHOOL $MDUATl IF YOU HAVE THI A'· ntlid&lre lJ min. c:yde 11 · Aw • ...,.,{ATJC w~ """""IA• a-u ....,.,..,. 80Mfl .\«tncy, 2MS \Vetl· fJTUDE, WI WILL TRAIN YOU. ,lAMANINT lM'- the 'futat ln the ind1,11try. Money Wanted 6SSO R1JPAIR.MAN .erv. Explr, dependable. cun: Drtvt, N.B. "5-7"0 ,LOYMINT, IXCILLINT O'POATUNJTY FOR AD· 30 ~ do the work 646-WI he Ml MM3D FRY Cook wanWd Jut fANClMENT, ol 40 30 min. wuhm. Find WAii'!' 135,000 lit TD to bolld SUPREME -1lo. a.EAN-UP s,odaltltl -. time. Top ..... ~ Rancho out &.;,; ...,. II ;, to own :;:' ~(':': :-= => pair. Rtfl1r. ~ .... tnr. edcllw, odd Jo b,. San J-Goll °"""'· INTERVIEWS MON. THRU FRI. • ~ Jaundr)'. 155 ooo mortp.ce "a I a e. ..._ Tom. SM-ua, sn.-i ~bit.~ 1t021 Cul""' Rd . .., uc. sp· s w Gard•• c:-. --~""' -. J-·· ~ ...... "'""" l3Ull2 estern Tuolln. Orallp, Aaaholm 114W!Q5 • • lam!Hl"JI '5SG .nne.1 equip., ...... ""'· SERVlCE STA A'IT. l\lll A Col11°0•Matlc BUSIEST ,,,_,....,. Jn BABYJITTl!IG ""' boloe, ""-• ....._. 1112-:11111 Pl ~ a """""" Tom Equipment, Inc. town. n. DAILY PILOT full ar part titM, 'ftftkd&)-1; 'Y••ildii Gardin ServSce SbarJ If~ :1334!4 w. ve1.-CusUl<d• 11Cllon. Sau •>"old ro. -· Fne I.&~ CO"""llnl WAITi ll l"Uilarton 714: sa5-71S3 mtnl', lime 6 ttfart. Look Y•Uowttone l>r .. Nr. BrVW • •1rl188 • Kaftm•1 Re1taurant tMlLY PD.OT f/ANT ADS! llO'Wl ll I; Baker, CM. 645-lf.11 NMd a Oard~? GQI 30th !t., NB ~ 270 I So. Harbor, Soni• Ana • AN lQUAl. O'rOltTUNITl' EM,lOYlk •••••••••••••••••••• Atl1ntic Restarcli OPENINGS IN Administration & Manufacturing (OPERATIONS) e SENIOR TOO\. ENCj;INEIR te erielnele teellitt r•1111uit•ill ftr ••''''•c• 111111uf1,lure. e MANUFACTUIUNW EN,INIER with •• ,,,;.,,,. In elttier 1leclrefli• •• lflfth111le1I 111f11Ufeeluri11t --"tltti-'•·----- e SINIOlt ESTIMATOA te ,,.,,,, •••t eoli11t1fee. • VC,ERIM ENTAL•MACHINISTS wit+i ••,t1ienc• I• ,,.1,type e11tl l'1t erl iele f1ifrieetle11. e ELECTRONIC TICHNI CIAN ''A". f~p•ritncttl IA UHF/VHF co111111~1deetl•11t I AM/,FM tel•1r11!ty • e ltE,lO TY,ISTS "A" I• ty,e ,.,.pe11l1 freM hef!tlwtilt111 ''PY lty,i/11 ,,,.., 60 w,1111, Co11tact Employmant Office 171 41 546 •• 0]0 llll Harber llv~ .. Ceita M••• Mlotll• Syel-DMelan ) . ' I l ~""""'1("""'"'!'!1"""'~""'~!:!;1~""""'""•~'"'"'""_""'_'_''";,..~-"::""c"-;~---0-,5''*"""'<><'''"""'.,"""0'!::~=~:;"::'.:l~:"::;~:,';;;::!:c.:":::;:::~:::=::::=::::::~:::-=·'.5:~::-::::··"~°"'·~-,....•.·-t •·""'~""" • .. ~ .-"-'•~·· .-....,. ,., .. ,,....r-.,•,•· .... -~:!' ~_, ~-··-··· .... ~... ... . --· . - , 1 m~c!i!Jles ~ v J.rtiAN SUBSIDIARY t722 Michelson Drive (Adj. to Orange Co. ·" Airjfort l Irvine, Calif. 9'.664 1 An equal opportunily J. C. -OCnney Cb. FUhion ldahd NeWport 'Beach NEEDS PART. TIME SALEStADIES ·Must bf! expcrlr.l\(Xd on n1ultlple boa111.·-PBX and Jiit !yping. 1:3o PM to IO:Q) PM 11hllt. Housewlv_tl & Mothers Cln )'OU cpare a ftw hoUrl each .... """ oad to the ..!.J!' TE~TYPE fami!li tpco~ 9t the aamti. '!"; . 1 ~. , t\m•! 5"he<hilH''""nvenl•nt OP'ER TOR for you, mornings, &ner- noons~ evenings or comb!na- Uons of aU. Werk in a tun store under the {!nest ol conditioni and top vupervis- skin. APPLY IN Pl!JRSON PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND. 1CIAMtoSPM J\londay thru Friday All student positions fille-d. Equal opportunl ly employer ~uld know multiple board, PBX, a.nd have two years private Jine experience. 10 AM t.o G:30 .J"M shill. *KEY- PUNCH OPERATOR JIK*TOI' . :rlOtl COSMETIC SALES Of 11 LUXURY ... Arr~s .• , ' 1lnco ·MOTIVATION 11 .on ,_, loroo Sp111lsli & M1ilit.lt-Fltmhvr1 EXPERIENCED ON~ Y thet . 1,,.W. with '_fooll~1• 01 e~-. AIL WNO NFN \ WIL LARD H. SAOCERMAN, ltl. D. '«i~M---·- • FUu. ,TJME i===="=;:;;T~1I:,: ,:.54;r."::1i:::1s::::•:::;:::::::;==::;;'I · '~Di!"g-, ' :~:;:~~~~~~:~·;.;1 ;?1~:i.Z~~E HW.=i..4 -1coo 'HW~.. ·'.140o r~!;!~i1;;?;:~~·,;·~;~~i~;1:_~ dis<, you wm ""'°" the ·L19ol 5ffty to $7tO " ADVERTISlttG rooms of gorgeous Spani&h iurnlture (was. excellent opporfunitie1 and These lovely at~y1 in the s -t / $l 'J.9S OO rompany benefib ollered S.aoh area will happUy piy. ecr,e, l ry .' reg.. ' ' by these ""'"'"'· ... plaeemont , .. ,. and yoU SACllFIC' ~ $398 only ·wo"' """' • 10 '' • Bookke·e·per ·• • • • • -· ' Apply in peJ'90n only ·. ha ho to I h • ~- M ve an ur r unc . AJell HO .•oAY l)ft._ •• , ..... .,.IO -WI!! 'CAA, IN' OUll OWN ACCTS. Interviews between 2,5 P t ~·-P! ~• J · -''#t FASHION ISLAND ee puo. ease ..... t ane Res,.,..,l_ble, top lewl m ~ FU TU E Clerical ~~!~~Ls~ infonna. pesitlon for sll•rp, tak.. ' •· RNI fatR NtwPort cMrge girt. Muat h•ve' PRINCIPAL CLERK Personnel Agency .. collont •kllll lnci. 1 o·•· • Bl d $498 . ll>lO P<r mooth 833 DOVER DR., N.B. 1hor!h1nd; h!indle lite U'flt newport' V • H°'bot Blvd.) ($523.$638 reoonamended NURSE AIDE 'l'RAINING • bkkpg; bllllnt. Under July 1, 1969) An Xlnt ·-"' '°" 30. Coll llerbara. (714) C.,.ta' Mesa only persons interested in •' 642..JtJO.. · - NEWLAND SCHOOL MUSIC BOOSTER a.us Proceeds Will go to Band '& CMir for material l equip. roent. Many Items to chooie from. Priced at $1-$10. ·192112 Hickory .Lane. HB. fGJen Mar West). Sat cnly 9.5 PM 'MINIBlKE $60, Small bait boat $70, 12 tt fiberglas boftt and outboard motor' jl.25. Drop leaf Maple tabJt S4f· SkiM!ki--boots, odds aM ends. 2689 Santa Ana Ave. C.M. 646-3159 r. employer M & F I--.:;;::::;:-=..'-'-::..:.--i * \ DUNCAN * One 10 thre<' years e.-:· periencc. 4:30 P.?.f, to 1:00 Ari.f shift. Monday thru Friday. N!W~~~~ c:'EACH 1""1tb careor. >wk. tralnini l"'Y""" '1'19-wt4,, Sot. & Sjllt. 'Tn ' 3 PC BR furniture, 1 trz ex- pando table, l lrg 8-B-Que, washer, lawnmower, b&U'I. pans & other Urlngs. 2'l18 ,. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Require minimum 1 year e~­ JJ!!rienee with 'IBM 024, 026 J{eypuneh and Modei 59 ver-: i(ler. Alpha ; numeyic i;ior.. fGrmatted aource document. Day s.hift . openifl&'. ~­ Jent working conditions arvl employ~ benefjfs. ,, 545-8261 2865 Fairview Road Cost• Mes• E.XPERIENCED e TELLER e EXPERIENCED e PROOF OPERATOR 4! UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3029 Harbor Sivd. Costa Masa 546-20)3 Equal oppol'.tunity employer SECRETAR·Y 1\finimum -4 yellt.li sec- retarial experiei1cc. SJ-I 80, lyping 50 wpm, IBi\I cle<.tric. CLERK TYPIST ~ '10 1\'pnt IBM electric course-no charge, limited EXPERIENCED openingJ!. Seeking full time. P,.\RT TIME Po.sition 1n Fina~ D~ long tenn employttB., Ihq, partment requites H.S. Perso~l Dept. · Ho a a JOBS-le ~LOYM&NT F It IOOO Laur.I Pl., NB. Fri tbn> , , urn ure 1..:M::':.:":c·------- ------ graduation and 5 Yf'I. of Memorial H o '-p t t a I - responsible clerical eJC-Presbyterian, apl Newport e e e TELLER School•lnstrvctlon 7600 EX Q U 1 s 1 TE-Spanish 8' SOFA, power mower. cle&k, chair, ottoman. area UNITED CALIFORNIA Educational Vaca~ . -4th Mediterranean r et u rne d rugs. lampt, hi.Ji, util perience tncludl.ng ac-· Blvd, NB countin& aJ)d accounts I--~------­ payable. Apply to CUy Beauty Ope""°rs BANK graders • • • Sr Citizens front Model Homes. Eastern cabinet, misc;. h o. u I h I d -Chilcoat 10 les!IOlJ typino bl'and. Mmes. Comp l ete -~1 .,_, ___ , n--~ '--··--... ·•-items .. Q.,)'t..L QALUW•-...,..., Sehl. Trial Lesson. 173 Del .,..,, .. """""" of q Uc. I i t y 7-8936 of Newpor;t 'J3:eac;_h, City Experienced opera.tots need· I-fall, Personnel Offict • ed at a rapidly -"-first 222 Ocean ~~~"'~a Bch. Mar C.M. 548-28.59 f u r n i t u r e: , King size H.B. 84 ...._,,.. bedrooms, lull or N·in, RAPIOS. TVs, Mans Bike, "~ N rt Bl d j!;•V ..... "& POOR Grades! S u mmer .-..., ewpo v " class salon located near the ====--,..-,,.,.--:! Newport Beach. (TI4l UCI campus In Univentty MATORE \Voman tor U to 1 Tutoring now avail. Itemed ~ ••~ be! 5 ·"" in SAWYER HOME·. reading teacher <USC CT@d) u•~ ore p.m. Pai-k Shopping Center. Guar-aa.u.\ Th -• J 12 1969 "-" ""'716. · emphasis on p h o nic•. Ui-.uay, une • · antee, Commission, Paid Ya• -~Dii:A~:PER'i'OPiiRA'roii.S"'['~G~'4:;4P~7S~--.,,--~ ATI'RACTIVE, well groomed cation. can 8J3.-0270 DRAPERY OPERATORS Secretary fat' Gene r a l ·Attractive Women and TABLER VOICE preparation -f o-r '1 l 11 know ·-1·~ popular or claasical ........ h·~. ,. anagcr ? we n Ambitious. rood personality.. ...._ ....,,. D>U6"'6 Com pa~ in Costa Mesa.. Use at car,' Ovtt 2'1.. •·m• ---------r Beginner th r u advanced M t be bl and ~ training. M2-55l2,. .fM-9340 us -1 ~rsona e · evenings pret. Avera.a:e Rut Joa. M9n. Wom. 7500 MERCHANDIS.E FOR custom quilted so fall & Jove LineiiS, dresses .( l 2 • 14 ) seals, lamps, t a b J es , Misc. items. C a b a n as beautiful dining room sets ._ l\1arinal No. 3 6.13 Lldo Prk 6 ch&lrs, A u t o m a t i c I -'°'~· :,,N=Bo'F-'t7i/-'Sa_L~,_"",-I refrigerators, washer. Save 2 QUEEN Anne side Chairs. hundreds ot dollars from 1 Q.A. desk. 1 r velvet tofa, orig. price. Full price $689. 1 Heckman ooclrtail ta.hie, 1 Will separate. Terms. BUY wrought iron patio set. See &ny piece or houseful. to appreciate. 2008 Ali5u, W/.REHOUSE SALE AOK CM. 646-2640, .548-2687 Eq\Jal. Opportunity ,,t;mploy!!:r I--~=====- • SECTY /RECPT COLLINS RADIO CO. between the ages .ot 2:W.5. time, $59 wk.,· fWl time, M I D i m u m teqUIJ"emen\s, $124. No exp. nee. For nE.rK n "'K -SALE AND f.R,ADE shorthand 100. type . fil'.I· prompt intrOO. .. Interview, ~ \La( m Carden Grove Bl., SWANS Tuxedo Sa.tin Sota, Westminster. Clf.r block West Fruitwood BkJcaSe, Table., from ' the corner of Beach Inlaid writing table, Lamps, Blvd. near G.G. Freeway). ·contemp. Ital. chairs, '62 Bench Assemblers Ot aniall precision electro. n'le'Chanlca1 devices. E xper- ience preferred Jn sm411 part~ usembly. Tr~s considered. Apply Rt StACO, INC. 1139 Baker St. Costa M•sa 549->3041 Equal Opportunity En1ployer I EXPERIENCED e ESCROW e · SECRETARY ' UNITED CALIFORNIA 81\NK • 3141 E. Coast Hwy Corona del Ma r 673-9240 - ~·I opportunity employer abilities anl·imit-eo ager:ic;y Quality Positioll.!; for Qualified Applicants. 488 E. 17th St., Suit(• 224 Costa Atesa • &i2-1470 SECRETARY , KEZY ,' Ilic. has an immedi- ate opening for a secretary. Send resume to KEZY . Inc., 1190 E. Ball Rd., AnahciJu, Attn. Dan Mitchell. .• \(Jnt opp!y for girl \v/ f'X- eeptl personality. 1-leavy typing, lite bk~. Ad\'.a.nce lo E.'<ec Seely w/ln 1 year. To $~. Call ~tr. Richards:, 5-10-6055 COASTAL AGENCY A member of Snelling & Snelling Inc. 2790 Harbor Bl. Costa Me!llt FASTIDIOUS SEAMSTRESS Sough t by young progrcs.~ive sailmaker in N.8. area. Top 1rages pa_id for speed &. ac- curacy. Previous experience preferred. Apply R i c k Taylor. CDast Catamaran Sails. 817 \V. J7th.tSL, CM 64>-0260 .. F TRAINEE Phone & otdei" desk.-Xlnl opportUnily with dynitmic growing company, South Santa Ana, friendly ~ workers. S32:J mo. Call Edee, 546-5410. JASON BEST Employment Agency 2120 So. Main, Santa Ana J9700 Jamborte Ro1d Ne.wport Beach References required. This 18 call Mr. Mills, Mf..8550. Furniture IOOO an excellent opportunity tori ----""---'---, a ru"R a competent young lady who BOOKKEEPER ~ \A)ftK UOUIDAIORS desires permanency. &: pro-. Able to take boo~ thiu ~ fesstonal groWtfi. Outstan-anc~ .statem~nf. &: co, will ding · t~ge . Jieh'tfita ' mo ne·gl(>tal'e .the fee, call Lo-Large luxury hofel good sal-FOR BANKS-FINANCE CO's clYd.inL.~'nl ··P-lall. raine, Merchants P~nnel. ary, 5.days. Must' be ex.per. ESTATES.MODµ_ HOWES SaJatyil,:cotnmtltnaate , w/ Age~. 2043 _ ~estclift Dr., ienced on NCR 4200. Quality Furniture Equal opportunity ernploy~t e¥perienCe:. l:Sl)!5~30 Mon-N.B. 645-2770 Banks Can't -------~~···I aa,y thh1 Frida:)' .. ~ PART TIME OUice work. Apply in person only; Deposit Fum. "' , ... ,.11" · ,, '° -1 doily. Alert ,;r1 w.. The ·Newport er Inn · They °'"'""" cosh r SEAMSTRESSES,·. I '"'l'IAlll.JI.'._ . '°'"' w;(b ...,,.. tq mte ' R19ardlos• Of LoHI -~~ .. :;:.-;:-·,.---;:: ordet~ on IBM accouliting 1107 Jamboree Road $Pf1ni1h0 Mediterranean Exp'd powt'r machine oper. ,,,..IUC'PE(l'Kffl:f machine, We will ~. . N~rt-&ar.h Maple-Mahogany-Modern ators to sew naUga.by~ boot -lftil '1~&.t Year·round job, min age 24. Brand name bedrooms & cushions & canvass pro-· ,. 54>7101 ·· J. W. Robinson kingor anys.izeboxsprings ducts. Top \vages,_ pd bo!i--l.arg'; l~nry hotel. Experi· BEAUTICIAN . Has Openings for: & mattress, custom made· days, vacations, ins. Xlnt i!n<fe ·necessary. to work f~ t!me .Coat.a Meu •P rl TI S I • sofas & love seats, exquisite working Cflnditions. ApPJ~ Aoply .In pe~, Mimi King salon •. PaJd vatations, etc.1 i me i eJ dining -rooms & hutches. Jack Cole Co., 1763 PlaCen. o; • • No clientele required-new Guaranteed .frosttree refrig. tia Ave .. CM. 646-2451 ' ' grads weloomed. c a 11 3-t Da)'!I week. Stamp De-erators, color TV's, late mo. the ttewporler Inn , Man ... , 548-S919 partmont, Pre!" knowle<Jio d•I was""' & dcy•n are BANKING CRE. DIT wou•_u. of .11tamps.AP~Y an On sale at"slcrlfice pric. Positio n immediately Avail-1107 Jamboree 'Road · mAn r;u .es. " Open 1D to 9 Sun. lo.6 Mer. Benz 190 s edan. .REPOSSESSIONS ~M~>:.:B=n::_ ___ ~~-1 In excellent· co 11 d i·l i o n . GARAGE Sale June i. 7, 8lh. Beautiful sofa. $89. Chair -women·1 clothifl: size 10, $49, sofa & love seat $179. 5 <mt!n's clothing sz 42, odds-n- pe bedrm set $89, King size ends of furniture & bednn. set $149, Box sprl'ng ,boUS$)ld ·zood,s. 328 Colton, &: mal:tn!!!! $9 ea. King size NB $25 ea. Sell an· or part,.!::' =·------~ tenns. Buy' all or part AOK a A R AGE . Sale _CdM. Warehouse 7722 Garden H0t1sehold Items, kitchen Grove ru\td., ~~ blk. West of appl~nces, . g~:_n toOls, Beach nr. G.G. Frwy. Open :.poM g. equipt. ~ Desola, 10-9 Sun. lo.6. QIM (Corona HJihlands) . • ·673-4093, g..s Sat & Sun. Approvtd Furniture Spanish & l.lediterranean Furniture -Sale! Sale! Must sell all! Bldg, being torn down to make room for new building!! 2159 Harbor: CARAGE Sale: Sat &: Sun. Maple bed r oom Set w/chest, dresser & .mirror. Dinette set w I 6 cPalrs & ·misc!. 3057 Loren Ln., C.M. Co9ta Mesa. Daily !J.9 Swi. SAT & Sun 10-'t 18061 Butler, 1().5. 548-9660 • Univ.--Pk., Irvine. 83J.0909. able for Newp0rt. Bear.h Retail credit ~rlence Pr"eo: • PERSONNEL DEPI'. • BUY ANY PIECE CREDIT CHECKER len-ed. 5 day week, 40 hrs. Fashion Island OR HOUSEFUL MAP.LE Desk t: chair, coffee al our Newport "C-e n fe r SEWING M4CHINE s&lary + benefits. Law-Newport-Beach W ..&.a S I .lable,. occasional tables, . Sota & cbalr, stove, rugs. -TV n·· console, misc. itellltl. Branch. Please reply at' ·sALE·WOMAN.' son's Jewelers. 65 Hunting. Equal Opportunity Emptoyt'r IFArvUSe a e twin bed, Simmons !lox 1 to Ce t H B spring & mattress, 3 lamps, 550 Newport Center Drive Must have sewing knowledgt. n n er, ' ·' R I Es AOK SECURITY PACIFIC Sal•-plu1 ""tnmissi"" va· ~..iencect. chair side 91 · fife SaleS· 77 G c"""i ' uphot I. :,?, ck e.r • ~.1 "" _., ...... ..,.... 22 •rden Grove Bl o eman s ove, ..,._,s, misc NATIONAL BANK r.ation, sick behefits &: re-assistant Newport Beach • GIRL FRIDAY ~ equal opportunity •mployer t•-ment plan. Good oppor· orthodo_ ntic office .. Send. Experienced salesperson for \\'estminster C'iS Block West items. 390 Ogle, Apl D, CM .. " .from cwner f Bea h Blvd (Off TuJtin near E. 17th St.) \Ve are e.xpan<llng our facil---~~-~-~'-tunity' foi' q~ woman., resume to ·Bmt M 418 busy San Clemente oUice. 0 c · 1 ~==~~~~~-~ SKI Clothes, m'en's Suits, women's dresses, w a t e r skis, ironer, furn . ' misc household items. Sat I: Sun IM 2052 Vista C&jon, NB , MOVING From Bajosllorn to Aspen. Treawre auction cf quality househld. goods, SaL 10-5. 2512 Vista Dr , Bayshores. 646-6475 il ies. Great opportunity for NURSE AIDE ' \Ve will trailt: The sumer ' Daily Pilot Free telephone ·service, lob! near .G.G. Free~) Open CORNER table, slat bench, right "·offian. Run front oU-Co., 7777 Edinger, Hunting. EXPERlENCW • Newport of floor time, listing com-10.S, SUnday, l o.6. annless love seat, sofa, teak ict', typing {accuracy a t r you are interested in: ton Beach Shopping Center, Beach Orthodontic office tniWoo!I paid prompdy. SPANISH Retui'Ded from drop leaf table w/ 6 side mustl, lite bookkeeping & * Progressive patient care H.B. See Mr. Ferraro front de~-Send re!Ume t~ Ellen C, Mahoney Realty Model Homes on &ale at chairs & 2 arm chairs, buf· pleasing personality. Vari-. iJo Bo M ....,.. 1624 No. El Camino Real less than wholesale! Group fet, Brown-Jordan Patio _1 *Service education C _,. 'c hi Daily P t x .....,.. San Cle 1 , _ _, d ~ "•·• 96 , 1urn1•·-1am., piir• .. -5 cty of autie~. Plea:se_ phone E.: 11 '"' n.:i• r-1t .. IS tr men e u1Utl es uo::11tlU1.w * -..w.:, • . ~'""""" · for appl: 540-185 1 * xce . wor"1ng CO•iu ~. 4 hours per _day, .5 day week. DRYCLEA.NINGf. laundry or call collect for appt quilted 80fa & love aeat. 67s-6600 I •iiiii ... iiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiii~ Call Orange County's largest Pleasant personality, enjoy attndnt. Home-like atn;K>ll., (TI4) 49l-614S 3 Spanish ·oa1c: deoorator SA~CR=IF=1c~E~,-So~li7d~b7ire-h-bi~ .• See Betty Bruce at mjJGxec Agency for Career Girls 410 \V. Coast Hwy., N. B. By appoint 646-3939 extended catt hospital. working with people and Bal Isl. Days. Comm. * DRIVERS * iP.bles, •waa: or ~e laml)3, pie dttsser w/ mirror, dou- S4tM:t4SO phone"wark. Expe.rience ·pre· TT.f...2380 wall placque, king. qUeen, bte bed \Y/ ·bookcase head· Radio-Telephone ferred, but not necessary. BABYSM1'ER. my home, s No Experience or tun size bedroom Sllite board, $25o. bolodern dbl D' h ·G'rl Phone Mr. Downing, d~ 4:30 • 9:15 & 'Thtll'!I. NecessarvJ complete ~ l.m ~· dresser,$35. E.'ll:quisite round 1Spatc I Public FinanC:t Cofpo aft. 12 -2:30. Call 675-0857 / ~,. mattresa. linens 6: bow.loll' wfought iron patio table & ·4 '.!.') or over. Must kno\v local 188 E. 17th st., CM" before 4:30 Must have_ clean Calllomia lamps, Spanish oak 6 pc chrs, new, sso. 540-9584 area. Apply in person. . 646-4841 DREAM Job • Keep .your im· drivfng record. Apply dining set priced elsewhere 6 ROSEWOOD . & y;alnut YELLOW CAB. CO. lIOUSEI{EEPER • Seekin& ,poitant job as wife & Y~LLOW CAB CO. at approx. $1195.00 ALL chairs circa mo. ;285; . l86 E. 16!h St. p e rr m a n e n t full time mother It earn <'!. wkly 186 E. 16th st. FOR ONLY $399, $20 down. walnut dining table $50; FAR-UP ROOF SALE -on· top of Fashion Gallery, Laguna: '63 Chevy, gUitars, radios, btllyboard, heavy records, and • , • 497-1316 EXERCYCLE, Fibergl11. bait tank, clothes, · d i s h e 1 ·, games, port. TV, PolaJoid camera, etc. 433 Morning CanYon, CdM. Sat & Sun. , 8022 INSTRUCTRESSES Costa Mesa cmptoytt, good workina paycheck. 544-3854, 6J6...3497 Costa Mesa. $4;99 per. · ... eek ,' out of Zenitt TV console $135. ·• COUPLE state credit OK. W i 11 Young, n1ature girls able lo Female Secty. 500.00 conditions le. benefits. In-MATURE ~ceptioniit for The Ire ,. ro cl7eand Mesa separat• for quick sale. 20th 303~S Goldenrod, Cd M, STROL-0-CHAIR; ma J( es meet the public. Mast be al-A top Dea ch area co, is look· ·quire. personnel dept. Hoag busy professional office in a """° or ays per Century Furniture:, ~ 1 2 enter by alley, upstairs. into high chr, r a c k e r • lractivc \vit.h a good fig1Jre. ing for an attractive gal \vith f\ofcmorial Hospital, Newport dOwntown C.M. s..s daily, Wttk, permanent, See Mr. Gardt n Grove 8 1 v ,d,, FLOOR to ceiling white feeding tbl & tbl & hr $45. Apply/ ln person good sec. skills, great po-Beach exp helpful. Phone 548-5287 "a.rna;m· msn:· 548-4~ Garden Grove Daily 1o.9, drapes, coven sldg g1s ctr. Real hour glass, 2' tall w;. Ho iday Health Spa tcntial and the co \vill re-NURSES needed for priVate ROOM &: board at }he beach ;: o~:P1:r M:~ ~! Sat lG-6, Sun 12-5 Come 9' olive grn couch, Danish Hawaiian tiki. GE dshwhr Costa l\Tcsa a Huntington Sch . im_burse the fee .. call Lo-du ty. RN. LVN. PR.AC· 1or reliable Mo1her's helper d t the in or eall (714;) ~ tnodn. 968-1218 $~0. Antique Mahjong set $30 -=~ -nu.nc, Merchan!s Personnt':l TICAL AID All hifts d 1· · w k""" erson a atre, btwn 1 &1~~~='~""'""'""'~ 3 nu diamond rings $50 ea . PHN'S & LVN'S Age'ncy. 2043 WcstcliH Dr., ' · s · w/ rivers tcense. ee ~ 10:30 am daily. De1k1eDtsk1eDtsk1 MAHOG. drop leaf tbJ, Ex . __..... Publ' H al h N ri.1ust have references. Call mornings.cnly. 6~ .1 HAffi ~ ·-w•'tb Filing cabinets, office chairs. . . custom pad, 4 uphoL chairs. 18 ct gold & s.ilver plate ·penen .. -=u LC r l .B. 645-2770. a.ny hour, 642--995.5 BOOKKEEPER, full . time, • ~·~Ml~•~ XlnL cond. $100. After~ pm chess set $175. Exec. desk LARGE Group medical praC"-~U)'llei; and LicensM Voca-CLERK-SENIOR following, inttl'ested In a Must sell all at sacrifice! 6'13-49lS w/ glass top $100. Formal ticc need s experienced honat NUl'l:les 'Wanted for tJy. Le d' RELIEF wanted 2 days. 2 for retail operation .. Contact change to increased earn-AOK ·WAREHOUSE• 7722 ~=~--~-~-crystal (old) 2'l pc set $4 womeD in all phases of front namic homr ht'a!th agency a ing So~th Santa A.na Co. nite11. Companion to elderly Mr. McVay. 548-931-4, 495 E. ings. Beautilul large salon Garden Grove Blvd., G.G. MODEL home furnishings. $50, 33 ~. Tuxedo w/ ..• ,.; .... _ B "kg roun d & rog 8 ° -d k Top benefits, congenial co-invalid lady. Cooking, lite 17th "' .• Cbsta Meaa ,·n Laguna "···•. <"'502l % hick West from .... corner Decorators cost &. below. v ....... ,. P ram. ..,, :i ays i\·rr. · workers. $502 mo. Call !::_ .uo:;......,, '7't-u-e dinner jacket (M) $50. Xtra qualifications: Box 1128, VNA Edee, 546-S4lO. house\vtk .• & some nursing * \VAi~ *' OVet 21 Tues, Wed; Tbun. 3 10 5 or BEACH BLVD .. NEAR Country club home» Corner wide contour vibrator Cbr Newport Beacl\. 51~-G:"i:io JASON BESI' exp. 673-1547 Graveyard ahilt. Corltact pm, Mr. J~ph GG Frwy. Open 10 to 9, He'il A: Springdale, HB. $200. Lrg as.~rtment good EXP pastry cook & Photomat-Drive-Thru Emplo}'ment Agen«y COCKTAIL girl no food Mr. Zimmer &'M-09'n EXPEDITER For speeial Sunday l iMi. GREEN davenport, 5 piece men's clothing (m & la') 50c Exp fry cook, parl Sa.les girl agr 18 to 2a. week :!120 So. ri.lain, Santa Ana service for the Fabulous DRESS OPERATORS order&; repair depl ol fine ~ATE ~ dinette after 5 P · m ·, up, Misc household items. l:imr . 49-1-4898 I }'ling. Apply in person Fling ,·,w-•-· 110_ ,.· Ne-" Cocktail. table, 4Xti •. custom 962-72Zl 9684 Cornwall, HB. Nr cay & \Vcekend shJUs. Ad-Cash•'er/Hosless c-k1a,·1 Lounge, .,., E. Top Salary. CaU 646-2766 ...._.~ .... "I""'' _ _. t "''' Benton's Col/ee Shop vancc 10-n .95 per hr. Not "'" ...., Harbor area. Send resume m.,..~ ~an, ong, ~. AU10ST new Berk line Adam!'\ &: Broo k h u r • t . 133_ S. Coast Hwy. LB a sumnll.'r job. Apply in 19th, Cl\I. · DENTAL S E C I, REC PT , & pen;onal data to Charles sacril1ce $250 never used. recliner w/ottoman, .ox--962-=.:."°'=·------ LJVE Jn help: motherle!S "f>Crson nt Pho1omat 201 E. ExperienC<'d Apply EXPERIENCED Food & Single, 25 tO ~S. Exp. nee. H. Barr Jel\'elers, PO Box Solid brwn 8' -sect'!, best of-blood vinyl $25. 837-9583 home,· boy age 7. To start -17th St., Ott June 9, 10 &: MANNINGS, INC. cocktail waitress. Rancho * 546-300> , * i.566, N:B., Calif • .92663 fer. Stereo cc n s o.J e, GOLD t¥.·eed traditional sofa. THE GARAGE approx J~ 23flf~ Send 11 9 am. 4 pm. • J ~ j;l Toiy J!d._(~il:I"..., lVorkiL _S@..J_qaqµi'! 'GolL~ H.QIJSEKE£P.£R._/Ji.ii.r 1.e. , ,, . __ . _AM-F.M, best.offer._ Lamps, s~ c --1--..,-_ -,~-1506 _646-9188_ - resume·crets-ff took, :m.10 J'EWELRY SALES Lagwfu. Hilli; '*"'837-1014 18021 Culver Rd. near ·UCI. must be under 50. 673--09.il ~=ke~~rs~ =;scr ~~ ev:~·· Vi~ ~ne~·~~: ~s:aisl . 1550 A Superior, ,CM Adams, Suite 203, CM Detail sales e"p, ., d•-, BE Au T y C 0 er a tor· A~k for Dorothy 833--0110 Corona del Mar. ' lO .• .:._..1 •old Alon; Full •--..,,c.oc~-~--c~,--tand Beds -Dresser.oi -Sofa!! .. 'l " ., -~ ,,_.-• If PC ty, · rock -·"' bdrm JtOCK l\taple • 2 nites s Chair9. Dinettes, 1'eirig. &: ND' •. rcliable girl for lite 40 h~. Salary + contm., Jnterviewing for an ex-LAUNDRY help, ~l GR.l-IT. Fact. help. ()per.-part time. Following prefer-'ll1 .. _..e . $25 ea, dbl. dreser $75, tows Mis JM>USekpg. & child ca1't'. 5 co. benrfits: Lawson's Jewel-perienced oJ>('ralor. Full or departments. Will train if sngl needle -spec: mach· red, tut· 'not necessary. SP.t comp. iaoo. Ladle!' headbrd. $25. 968-lG45 .s · c. day .wk. 8-3. June 2J.Aug. f'ts, 651,lO Hw1lington Center, parl lime. Corona de! Mar last. Huniington B c h. pressers. 642-2666 Comm. a: benefit!:. Call French J:'roV· _s dwr ~·· REMODELING SALE ~-962--8939 afltr 4:30 pm. H.B. aft 6 Pl\1. 673--0968 842-5565 WAI1'RESS Ex P , d, 673-tt59 fer lntttVl.tw. solid fru.itwoo<i $3)). White INTERESTING oval eheny 2600 OiU Drive, Npt Bcb· DRAPERY \VORKROOM SARAH CCrv'ENTRY h•• ' CARPET CLEANER, t"X• SCHOOL Tt'acher betw. 2!) &: cocktails. Sm. dinner house, HoME WORKERS {envelopo naw~·.u""t ~~· Allchr f10A·l· gateleg dining tbl. 48 x 52• 3 Sat&. Sun JD..f PM ..,_ oar ....,. 8"~1eaveS. $35 ... 968-343? IJ°"E=MEL=~R~Y~.-d~i~,.-'-.,.'-15:CC1'-·--v ":'rainees • immediate open-openi~ for full or part pei:-AppJy_ in p er son , 35 to run snack bar on CdM. Alert. rieat. ple~t. addteuenl ~ed. ~nd oond. 54~719 "" ...., · Ing. BeaCh Drapery, 900 W. time sales. ?\-fin. age 18. \Vt!ldon Cal'Jll't SelVitt, 2077 Catalina boat this summer. G73-7'ttJ. · eeU.addreSled envelope to MOVING Of_fice_~quipmtnt 8011 Ofa.nges $1. Thurs. Fri, Sat. 17th SL. CM. MQ...6464 Pleasant \\ltlrk. no invest, no. Laguna Canyon ttd. Laguna 642-3951 after' pm. BEAUTICIAN with aome TOP DOLLAR ___ 9-5, 510 Marguerite. CdM. HOUSEKEEPER W 1t n I c d ;-lo small c hJ ldr<'n !110n/\1Jed/Fri. 546-5450 or eves. Sh-ID03 deliveril!s. For interview &n~h. 49'!-4910 or 545-432.1 Box 356-CCG Oab, Pa. l!M56 Kenmort' Wasber, stud~ bed, mM Electric typewn, 'ter B GARAGE SALE =""""'=-..=-c...,.-;cc-I \VANTED: Chairslde Dental following tho not neteSS&l'l· • , Woodward ~TOU,ght 1 r 0 n call 5-10--0614/ 837-4749/ DREAJ\.1 Job -Keep yaur m,. AsslstAnl with gd. exp. only. Gel. commission •• For ap-MALE or t~, exp d ,1,.oo1 tum. India I: Persian Orlen-model. factory reblt. all JUNK TO ANTIQUE 847-89!'i0 portant job as \vile & 't148-8844 point Call 847·9164 · presser. App].y in penon. tal thrOw rugs, miscl. new para $250. 6'2-5570 ~A Victoria~ CM in rear Cost Accnt. Clark mothc>r & ~arn a wkly t.fOTHER'S HELPER high BABYSJTI'ER. wanted. Mon. Expert cleanen. 333 E. lTfh '963-284-4. GAS dryer. dinette set, '1 H<YrJi Typing, PBX. Pt . to $476 paycheck. 54+38."l-t, 636-3497 school senior. O'>''n trnn9, thru .F,":rt. in my bome . s . St. C.M. LEAVING 10Wn misc.• l'IAm. G•rage Sal• 8022 ma pit Capt. chain, Ta.nbem umt. UPM TO 1AM. f'ri. Ablt' to USf' calculalur + ASSISTANTS to lop Nc\vpot1 CdM uca. 61:>-2206 LaFllll, 1 mo._4!&--2641 after ~ fuJI or ~ air, garage sal;. Sat: A Sun. CLOTHING, Auto par 11 , trlr., mite. ~T-490 day &: Sat. 55 Y.'pm ruin. exp.. call LoJTainc. !lier-Beacb. hair stylisls \\·anted. WAITR'ESS, over 21. 6. tinH!. Some following pref d. n.)thlng over $25 Dll Hayes Jurniahlnp, dishes, power RECLINER.. h t de -•·b ed 644-1100 chants Personnel Agency, Guara'.nteed salary. KELLY Full or part time. • e HOTEL MAfD, full time, Bully .abop, )9.nt loc. Cir. H.B.~ tools, etc. 417 Costa Mesa housewllttll. remnants. 967 OmCE _ CASHIER 2-04l \VclltcliU Drive, N..B. TEMPLETON J-lAtRSTYL-54rHl863 pleasant surrounding•. 675-3385 .-.. •• i:t .. i..i ..... ,bed, quilted. SL C.M. Junipero. CM. 546--0886 P"~Time-Apply in .Pr.tiOn ':G,,<5-"m=o,...,.-,-,.---,.-lSTS 642-0l'94 * .fSf-11!16 * PART TUn I I .., ....... ..., .... ,. "7::':'=-.:=-=::;-== ESTATE Sal 212 , __ -· , , C ==~~------1SrrrER, l\f·F, ll:J0.5:30, e Pano. P ayer. complete, umurd $98; worth GARAGE Sale: iQOd, q1.1ality e ..... ~ula, BACK STREET W MAN to help care for WOl.fAN for full time own trans, l.fust swim, Pool BAru.fAl'D -all al\ifts. SO)mES. 436 £, lltb St. $i5o. Alt 5 or wknds. MT-0406 odds le ~nds. some Costa Mesa, OU FaJrvie'w :zi ~;o bland. .NB_ :whecl~~i~ 0~:fn~~ei I { :P~,~~~n~;~be~~~;l!:; ' beach. M8-fJ038 -110 ~.ML '"•.A'IGv1e.*1 "':l VP.l, aftl'!r 6-pm. . , MAPLE twin bed!! with bcx furniture. Sat &: S1.1n. 602 Ril. F'rt., Sat.. Sunday. u---=1...;. • I Adi•s -.. RECEPt'IONIST rot-beau'" " ~ EXPERIENCED __......, .t matttcstes. $50. Avocatf9, CdM r.tAG I. steel whttb; tor .._..-..-...... • #'!. ..,,,-.;r123 braulician exp'd M'quired. ..., DESK CLERK ••"·•-y w • r~ t Earn SJ$'1 Poi'f time. Call . Call att 7 p.m. 833-0093 Won located In NB. Call IWRDRESSER needed c.t1 ~i139 PATIO Sales. Antiques & · ·•· ........... lru 2693 ', 10 am to 8 ~. ~. "JEDICAL assistant, frOnt 614-1570 Balboa Jilind 'Won. Phooe 646-7445 junk. June 6-8 beg. at la Rlyenkle Dr., C.M. office. ·Part time, mu.sl be SANK Proof OporatOr/COm· l'===;:-,77-,--c-,--,,.I s-·-s~ -l G"~DE • W 1 .~ .. -•RI ->•-6&1Xl2. f13.85n. TEENAGE girl for babysit· ,.,.._, .. or ·~•v NAU n.n~ • a nut a.m. ''· .. ...,. "°""' venuuc: expcricnetd. 64&-4'161 pu lcr Clerk, PosiUon now 1;,.,. l'ull l•'m• GIRL FRIDAY SchHl•ln1trvctlon. 7600 GM.it-Ottoman ·S'l5. \Valiw.t _ Dr. off Me~ Or. C.,.I. --av1111able. at. Sce1.1rity Pa-..,.,, "' d k $75 ~ ft'g'Bieach ho\llo ,U#fe. Bjlf DON'T JUST \VISJI for some. i:ific Na tional Bank, S. La· 67:l-23!lli ?itac' Gregor Yacht Corp. AIONTESSORI A: Pre.SChcol exec es ~ GARAGE Sale -moving! &tMC itlecilon ewrl .Selie th' lhlnl 'to ~b:h .y9ur ~ auna Branch. 4.~2214 'M'"R". "0o"'n"u"'t c,ne:,<=."'IK::.::...,,0-0-,.-,-. °"N"o I 1631_ PlllCtntia: C!o1 children accept~i y c a r CAi.'i'T Store. Solid blreh din-Furniture, clothes, antiques, DAft.Y. pu.or · Qaalfitd -t Cinlj ,...l w.y. In to-exp. nee. Apply, ln person. MAID WANTED roond. Aaei 2\t·to 10. call: tna tbl. •at.. 6"10 '60. hott~hbld items, t ool•, f ICCl:lon NC!'"_ __, di.Y's ~ea..tl-i«l~Artt, Whitt -El~J)hants T· • • ··1~ E. t'th-Ot ' '$.)6.7445 -~;-541..fMf ---lta.-72!7. 13.1 +tth. St.~ NB. ---· --------' .;_=.;.._ ____ _ ' ' -----~--·--_ _____::...._ ____ ~--------·-.· ilOO G.E. Electric (fr.ytrr. runs on ' , 110 or 220 v. Excellent ~ ... 111t1on. sso. 84T-63UI - ! • E s N ' ' ' 1 ' ' l I ' ( b s , s w ' s s ( ( s r I 6 P< I I l s Bl s ' < 6 T\ i• ,. • NI s: cl n • d I• • tt •i ™ iU h• 8! 16' R R .. 2c ., I di fi -l?r I •I 1 ~ Lii t ~~ ( •.. I CU I ~ '·~ 'll '" E> bl. "'' II - DIMl.V..JNa ji...-~llj!' , " DIMi..\.t'!NI " ' ,. -""'-"-:;;;.;...=.;,;,;;;;...;• _:,Ne::..;;lt~-:..;:O:::•;..;:;•;;_:I No lt.m OvW 0 S2$ t'! Item '?°'"' $25 ';"-~:to_~ lllONKr:r • .w. ~~ ... TWIN loa< ll>Hni '.a.! mat. CIUS ll1 ~· .n -bof "°"" 115 •ldl. ,_.old.~ -and frame SU.~ 8ox ..-.-13. Q,ii.s~; ~ -...U l<kplloD1 ,.,.. == ' -and ma"""'' $5. chaps '$1. Ontip -111.,J'ftllUl'I ...... ~ "i··:u:r-·~:;,::~ •. =-'""C::,=-z•I ltocking chah' $1.lO. Maple ntr. 10 x )! 13. l!Oll\-ll.50. -25a -2llO ~ET -.. \II~ -Joolif'll chair, like now l25. ...,.. Ill. • -ilatl) ~ Ott $2. Aroll.t, Eaat Blutt. UWJo2 P,..,,... and '"4'P. ottoman, like riew . M,SIJ. Pa.tr Pdu•• . ,It·• lt 11'' PORTABLE TV, worb btth tub 1Je. Jlotb' _.lie. J • ' Car ... ud ""' IS. Ill!. CloUee table ll£ Sat only d'"pox 11 Nl&t• "'!'!~. ...__ "-••~ tch, GOU' Clubo,7 i.tt. ....... PUPPIES llDall boqlo and • HP M, ...... $20. 1'eol IOOd '25; Cooch, u Is lJO, I)' MWln > &IMlT1 Bread~ U. 2 Ull:U'.JCSAMPbl: ttor&-1 __ ~ ~~:~:,":7.:!..-._.ma_ . .,. Mtr Built .i,_1 ·~ mixed $5 &b. B11a1 chip powa"lllllWtt'#l.541-1115 a18:1iTburtnAve.CM .... ft Sit·~ ,, ~ i-•1.1 •• heaters ~.so eact,..24 x.U/4 ~Sl~ HO·KaK' ecce11en -.. "'~ ..., -· • • ,,_ .-· Fl.A t, t , _ ~ BQNN.._,,. 3 wee .. and ~· titts fOl' Schwinn mkJ.· A~ car F&Clnc aet $10. ~2286 !•· ~ql( cut $5. •sqs boob $3.50• ~o.cb. ,,___. BLUE Qlp 1t&m119, 31 bookt BABY buay $5. Crib S10 b *'IS Thur1Jt Aw. CM ' t $L LI~ cilewe~t, Sl.50 eacli. £x.. tjloc'110uJe $5.; 'Wltne Iron SHlJ.TlE mix. P"PP.&es. will l96& s .Mint •IJed,mbit 1t1s lTl~E. 19th, O.~.' , 1 S3 tt.ch. f46..560'I' chld~ abeets. lf3..1$S3 lJ'' BLACK and •hi ... MALE whha flllYed, 6 posure meter Jl.50. ~ ~ SS:1 'Dtcp· b)'tt'" S$. &do be super<Ute medium me $2.'B. 19113 Proo( tell $10. GO_q.lG qmPliVf Bullt·in MG lllttt111_gi,tb covtr. WW GUrrA.R, I mtrw. SIOcf C10bo portable TV $25. 5G-llJ9 moftth oilf $2S, 85 Thurin footbaJlJ. $h0et J\.50, Pple mintQG ~ti: $1 , ~ 0 • dop $5 f.ch. ~ ]11).1 Gillette llftt)' n.zor mobllairt 75 l)OWld lee boi_ I ~ VW bu&o tDoi $10. d!tkln m, J'CftMla llot CU £TI'E , ... ,. _ _., Ave.QI Jamp e\eh.fott)'eh&tr Punta ~Je~-elry · wilh ·ori&Wl cue_ col· nearnew$%S.Abo90by1S ~ ~· S8.$l)Ortitn"Jl,stockcar DIN -.... I ANTIQUE Hot c 11 0 c (! 1 a t e n. 'flabY ~t Sl. Cupet 2Sc-$l. Diabt.. 1iJ~ MAPLE Bmton rocktt: like leelOn itrrn $1fl; M.u<m· iU' Inch mattress. S lncbel M~S 21:." bic.Yelt 3 ~--$4. Two controUen St each. cbab-1 fl.1. Round table $5.• pitcher and cups $4. Girl's swetll"f $1. Kitchen stool ~ Boop: 1~ •Pie-new ST. Pe t e i:...•. o a ~ ant: alus top.,;I. ~" , thick, wllhalUe • n a.P • o n Ex ' ~ O:n:litlolit ~I 1S m-2400 Square two.tiend table K • 1 clotbe'I. 1lte 2, s, 4. So-$1. Sl. End tablt $L C.mptj 'nu.·tram.e• '1Sc:. Prints~· ta_npi1&!_mesliptaypen with .. 1 COV8' ;10. N.lce loi: ~ Cal(~ MOVING -Be tiful drapes Urse table lam, $3. Pia De tper dothff &be a, chair cover ·$1. Shoe rack Chrome m ic stand fl,5(). ad.JUl1;tble lep ·~ ... Danish 3' GAS ,ranee szs, Pop tent trailer, ctmptt, or bol.t. . lllco '· au 1 tt 1 n' firm ~$3. 56-3073 $1~ 36 "°'""'" .w!'; 75<. G"""nt ba1 75<. Bed °"""'°"" "t:,,, 11 . SO • •holr with pubton. !:'· llm 13. Bal\tt tent 125. 3' WaJI • 847.Q19 MELMAC d.,,.,, td<al for. lln<d "j';';_ 1~ !,.i:. tie'. SHOVEL 1%.' RakQ IS. $8.50. Jewelry J.Oe-$2. 2 Sid-rail 75c. Shoe&hlne box 50c. Powtt 'llawrlrn<nm'. S 1 S. brown ht crown fill paid ~e_n~ ~~ btdlk 1'"11ead .?· CLOSING-mate • o ld w~:.._blwuekandt =~~~ tact cun.inl, 0 r 1 1 1 n a I Pitchfork SL E4lrer SS,.XI. , ed chl!d'1 eutl S 7. 5 O , Sin .. le bed.spread S 0 c eru. atcber $1.50 'l'outer $50. sel lfor SW. ~ -....,,...,..., ~ e ..... ateamf'r tnmk $2$. )hny .... "' '"' ni ...... ... ... ., Marahall rield rice tap Boy'1 hlklnJ s.t.1 •lie 11 ' Reeordl !IOc each, Suteher Wastebasket 25c. w.... $3. 10 to ~. ~t. 29S2 ~m • CARNIVAi.. ~ vase g in.. antlqUeS $1. Rell ca $5. 1 ha& $9 511 SI Pinc bag intact, 3 pain $25. 507 " • utt • 14 -·~ ... -· ' ha • 673-9367 l'l'&)' and white $1.50. Sleep-p • "2 Co"~ ......... ~ knives 25c each. Mexican rack•IJSc . .Chrlltmu tree Mesa'Ym:tr.;,' ':)\,;-ches tfll .$1D.,. ll4 quart WHITE cabinet aewi na Tooll, pool cue1 SS. Pok~ na:Row>d~~all~end ~1arl&Wd.CdM.. aet ~ ttinc let $3. paper malche b r a c e I e ts 1tanl:I 25c. Toys Jc • n 1506 • ~ Ca.sstrol wUb candl machine, older but sew:s tab.le $25. Paintlng1 $S. Sew· $4. G , Whetlbatrqw $4. Sa.Lad mllW $1-$1. Inlaid serving-trays Vivian Lane, .N.B •. ~ 6 "°RAWER Qest ; 1 0. pyrex e e better than aew $25. ~ lng machine $25. 311 Adams table SlO. lrl I toiw. dse 10 BLENDER. Ronson, near 50e. Strainer ltlc. Onion~ $4 3 piece stainless carv:lnc w 0 r k tab 1 e SS~ ~ wp.rrper, aqua. nevu used drawer cheat, light cclor-Ave H B 536-1161 2Sc • 50t. S4i-JJf1 &!ta' new, larl':, .lS IPffd with ter 50c. Stalnlal all~ · S2 50 . . 2 ELrol'JUC -~Wtt Sf }S!-1 W-Wobct to>' $5". 12' x 1.8' turquoise rua · · · 12:30 autOO\Ulo tj:mer. COit $45, 1 S2. 1 fr)',.,,. Sl'.5o Rt · • 2 Pieee stainless each. KitciteD slip lard:w-.d c~st V.· ~ ~ic, S15.~Pair;tep.end tables $5. wood S2S. 543-5044 CORNE:!', nice aid Conn, UNICYCLE ~ .. Bqv' foo\. sell for $20. Lavt!nder couch, ~llhold':° lOc ~ ~d N r.ervenAdSLSI), Lam: chop bloctr: $5. Sld!Wabc fabric, )M'l'l. p I c't-u;.1:-ea IKT..Qlt " '. SERVEL ru·; rel'rtgerator, case and mouthpiece $25. ball pada W ~lmtt;-$2 Us-74 feet 1$22. ExceUent hand 10c. Remunb '$1. &okl ' 8~~:t 96~ a~ roller skates on 1lle 7 1~ 25c-$2.50. ~ Rothe.ster, Om.o·s lllC8f car $T. 16., aood corxHtlo11 '1~. 31.l·Ap-Comet, exctllent Ktng $25. ed bricks 5c each. iJlt'd vacwrn with extra at-SOc. Games $1 91 JW\Spe1:9 ~-·-" HB. Sa ~ · SS. Desert air intra~ t-t CM. 64l-&.13f~· 1 ._..__ 'l6. Good condition polena, Balboe. lsland Cue and mouthpiece s:zs, ..... _., blocb 1 .. x It:" l'lft.o tadunt.ntl $&. New Eutml Dr 546-0886 . • .._-,n .. ..,, · t...,un. lamp $15. French ~ · ' u...., trumpet ucellent, made tn •--.: ·• ~ hard rock map&e doll cradle --· -------~• BARBEQUE, Spit, motor end table SIB. 23" BW TV MOVIE Pro~tor S 2 4 • 89'1-T90.1, H.B. ~t~im ~s: France $2.5. Cue and :i~~ p~~ ~To $8. Large net playpen $4. JACK'S btll)'boud,, pod $12.SO. New arill wattlt iron $25. Portable Mpeed Hi-F,"'i .Pm'ta~~ .creen ~· 2 WHEEL 5JC7 uWlty trailer 142-715.1 HB · mouthpiece $21. ,Trumpet, Polaroid camera $5. Levi Bathinette $4. Hand carved c_ondltion ~ and • $8.SO. Hawaiian manke)' pod re c 0 rd p layer·$ 2 0 . ~ cut $6. ~lite $15. 222 Joliet H .B. Se I ma l' $ 2 5 , .ca ~ e leather jacket size XL $10. leg1 for-couch Cf" chair $4. tington ~. pod bowls and dishes SOc-$3. Mecha.n.ical tacb O. 3,0 0 0 '(!ewers $3 to $18. Alununum w ET s u I 1 Jacket % 21'J 'IV $25, 17" portf..ble TV mouthpieee'atid mua1e Liar Rotary la ' $$. Rec-SUc 12" round red ptbbled dlOon $25. ~ ' Men's. shirts, s I a ck 1 , RPM S5 :P1tetticaJ ta.st!. aDd extrus,io91 2·; /. l.-16" x \ !t. edi ww m ahoe fins S15. SG-4395. 1301 S. Bristol, $25. Trombone excelll!nt o-cut tu;:i;.::wUo ~ ateppifla. 1tone1 <40e each. ELECTRIC rotluerie GWD sweaters, med and lrge vaCUum' aiuie 0--5000 ~ '15. Ttavft!e hd• $2 to $12. !:w ~-$&, ~p around S.A. Conn $25." Cue S2_S. tape-dec:k $2S. Amxid new Two ~nt colond, curb-$17.50. 8'11 x I bookfd 5(lc..$5. Cmnel Hair jacket. $25.. :rrv Generator $$. '¥lV New carrytng and .(i.n:J.ple . mask $1.Q. Ouslcal guitar YOUNG halt moon parTOt M°':'thp~ ud ~usic liar rne.n'a sltt Jl,I shoe.I and e.1 •. sca.Uoptd tree rlnp, 24" $12.00.. 4 x 6 rue $T. Dra~ ~ $3).. Don . Loper ~k Aulomatic bilre and s~wer cue $6. 642.-G935 new $25. Vent tan (i:: motor witb eage $23.. Belly board. SlO. This horn liko new. boots P.·SO pt.it. 2JIJ. TIJStin inllde dlamelel' $1.90 each. and curWnl 50c ..cb. chiffon cocktail dress, 1ae pump $15. 50 watt X1I1.1tter GOOD used carpetin&; 9x24, '5 2500 8" plutic strap Ir: like new $ZI. Bo)''s 26" 536-8541 Ave Newport B e•a ch 549--0567 635-3646 14, .$20. Ladies sweaters, $1S. Wardrobe trunk · $1!i. 9x12, 12x12.-10c square foot. ~eke! all $20, '178-2636 Schwinn bike $20. ArtiflclaJ 4 PIECES beedle point 116. 1 bet~n 22n4 and 23rd CHEVROLET 10" w Id e zs~. G~AL.ij=•~a:;;quar111;;;;;;;;:..,;:-;.,..;;;:;,..;;;;;; .. ;I med1u!11 and large 50c-tl5. Many more l.tem:A 10e • $10. Glass coff~ table $5. 30" F ANT AST 1 c -Barkiiu f.lreplace logs $10. Drawer beautiful shnUos pouch bag 646-1364 wheels $25. 1.1. c • .olo 1eat $25. '46-ZiTO Elec~ manl~ set $10. 503 Cama.U6n CdM. 673-0156 mattreas $3. 284 Knox St 6-7 Baaeni·i AK C .OJampion fi\inl cabinet $25. 646-7907 hand painted f.1. 1 mosaic BABY --•e 16 Henlce Ml $25. Pinion SS. M6-3'Q ~-;;;,~,;:.;box:..:::::1:..=.--.=~"'-=~·I.~ FoJ_.i.... artist &tool S2. -bik .... ev .... ;....., ' ' · PONO -•••·h ~ 11 I •-•--·• 1-d1 .. 1..... .... ..,..., • • n.u~ t><",. .. 1111 ,. 1 r.oo'ki: Dre SCH\VINN Ladies e ~u• --..• ttock $25, ~ 5"'......, -• ' P c~ .... c """l"CU v• .. _,..,. boots, 6~~. $25. Sklls SlO. Jee .MOVING. 23" TV conaole trna 125. Mdd frtJM SS. and :0 Ji· and ''f: ba sk' t' Bo Y •' b' k e NEARLY Now """~ n.o-SCHlcK Electric rum s;, 646-0M7 ~tio 111. 2 ,,..., $4 uch. 1 akat" 13. Old ebalra 13 115. Vaouwn cl<'"" SS. "'"' laOlp .11.!0, 1,.;,q : SOo-$5. Near Adams and !Stingray) 1JJ" $1?.SO each. 2 quet SlD. ~t or aolf ~bs adJuetable m«)tal bed frame COMPREiSOR, m1all Sl5. trivet with light, hand each. Window 1hadc1 50c Wilcox· Glbbiil &Ingle 1tltcb board $2. 2 pr lhoe llc.alet ~ Brookhunt.: 9684 Cornwall Danish modl!m bar atooll $3'.I. Electric BBQ fl, Utihty $4. Metal T.V. ttand n. Surfboard 9'8" cuatom blank decorate_<! SJ.50, 2 lamps $2. each. \VOQd'IO bead curtain sewinr macbine $25. &nm like new $12 ptt pr. Sbte \ HB. Sat-Su!!, 962-96C8 ' Slil each. 646-36'1 table SS. 548--0836 Youth chait excellent . con-$20. 642-a826 • ~6re~lvu1&,~ ta~f .. ~4~ $6. 2689 Santa Ana Ave. movie camera SS. Electric cue $4. Utility table M. ~ FIRE screen, fireproof glass ll" TV Magna\o'OX $25. 17 d.ltion ~ 962-3152 6 BICYCLES fl)r We $5 to piece en _,, C.M. 646-3759 heater $4. UHF TV eon-Punes 50c. Metal " M~: !.~ :· doon, 34"x34" Cost $80, sell Jewel Timex. ladie.I $1D. POODLE PuPpies, bwlti!ul $25. 1915 Diana Lane. :;e;:_~~rrrt! K,r~ CREAM ca.n-with spout S14. vttter $2. Orthopedic drop • stand _1$5. Stlldk> couch and • Bongo drums $2.50. Rad.; for SZJ, Redwood tallle and 61S--011C19 purebred miniatures _'25, Neu-,,art Beaclt 548-5241 touter $2. ~7320 Duncan Phyfe -vare top brace with \\'eights i10. 800 bol1tm $25. 211 ~ It,_ p1nglanes $10, New-6 benches 6' SZJ, ~1aple cor-BOOKCASE $7. Stereo staM 842-6(18 BOY'S 26" bic)'cle, 3 speed BOO 35 · nl--$15. table $20. L&mPll s 3, open and close •Jina $JJ, _:C:::.M:::.·-:::::=::..--..,.,,,-1 --· to ---··· 1 ner desk, small $3J. Maple $2. '.Floor lamp marble ba:se c · 1 24.. EN mm e ........ er Vacuum $15. Men's clothes, 546-9234 SINGLE matfrnl 11 0. • ,.....,15 r ............. .,,,,1ver 8e desk chair S15. Electric S5 UtiUty ta.bi $2 Card NEW, Never used, f\IU size hand brakes SJ). ir 's ' Rotary dryer $5. TI1nollte alie 44 .. ttrU!ar: Suits $20. 2 OVERSTUFFED chairs, 64&-8481 $8.. Tennfs racquet $5. garage door opener $25. GE 1abi .si ~ ·lounge loam mattreu and box 3 lpeed ~.Boy's 26" silver 8" timer $20. Dark room Sport 1at¥ts SIS. ·Shirtt need uphol.steJ'ini '5 each. ;=.,;;;:~::--,:;:::=:;;.:"'1 <1• Portable U'Oning board SI. Food mixer $5. Attacbe bag trru! 1%: Flub camera $2. • spring set, coat $100 &ell $25. $20. Girl'1 26" MW tire& $20. and photo eQuipment $1 to 16~i St" 'nrt 50c. S49-CT19 Girl's bike $15. Boy'a bike % JN. Ext plywood 1J S .. Puzzle&, t Ya Sc • $1. leather n. Child's ex-e • -Animal cap., 3 x 4~ • w:ltb 543-2803."1226 Cabrillo C.M. $5. Electric bus with case piece• :SOC each. Doon ud. = li.soii:J': :! pmt1ng gal< for .wn. i;. :;:d ~1,!p. "';~ attach<d ~"'Ping b o •, CHFSrS of draw"' 18.7• • 125. 893-7479 ";:'"~= ~~f,. ·~':'! .::~:-:,h and roek<r ~';";',::,,i'i,~"t,3;! = Brookhunt 962-9608 9684 Child's rocker $3. Child• Tacktmrd 35c. Lantern $2. custom made and very n~!! $25. Retriprator S25. Old ANTIQUE oak rocker $15. bic broiler sa. Hibachi chair 115. 548-2118 •A. Bookcue is.. Chdt · " phonograph and records $5.. 1 . « • 11 S20. Set of weights to .._ but WorU. S Captain'• cane rocker and matchin" ~ ~~wall, H.B. i:{a.4 and Barbie do~ and caies $1.. ::e~1jug ~et~ s2: pound;i $10. ~ chain S12 each. 12 ft x 3ft chair SIS each. 3 ~;: '2:50. ~r·~ lighter $4. 35 MM ARGUS and Airqutpt draWUI $5. Patio table ud 1-'='---~----1 Toys, o:dd1 _and ends 50e • Vases and dishes 2 s c·. AQUARIUMS S, 10, l 5 pool $10.50. l..aJ'Ke wooden cha.in $8 ~. 2, nl~tam.s Fittplace screen $2. La~ aluminum &Ude cbanger 75c be:ncbe• $10. Sl!llClq Ol'.111-to',, MEN-and boy-'1 bicycles, ex-11 Round bird cage $15 138 a 1---11-.. -" t giant ........ ., table with 4 chairs, needs SS eoch. c~ "°''" di')' and ahopplnc cart Sl.50 ea.ch. 15 new sprinkler 1..:54<-~.:"::"=---~-=~I U · Jewelry 15c:. BookJ1 un •G-1 .......... en ....... ~ ~ each. 3 bar 1tools $2 each. .._.,, 1 35c ••-• _ 1 oc.-.. _. t" 1 ct en_t $17.~. New Del Re)' Topaz BI 673-CJZ2 after 10 2Sc 528 Redland& Ave. NB $12. s\\ini 3et $15.. MT~ tome repair $20. Paper '. '> I ,..,..... ..,.. ...... """" GENERATOR i K.W. •UIJT • electric guitar 125. New 3 Mt 6'1i1092 , back! and maguines l for POOL tai. S2a .Mangle $12. Sllwr ailent butler $3. Sp ct when purchased, 2 boYI AC, 6 amps plm 28.5 V D.C. ., ( instrument amp $10. . · HOTPOINT Au.tomatic 25c 512 W, Chapman, Child'a~t,•yeulhbe-c,!t · p,ck $2. Book& 20c • $1.~. 1uilatiul8andlJllkenew 60 &mPI $25." CUoUM Span.isb guitar $12.~. Pro lD SPEED btke $25. 536-6126 1956 OLDSMOBILE. Needs washtt, very good -co~ ~ without ,11mat11Tss , S12 1o1 ,,. Blackout shade S2. Plastic ilo, 75 each. 1 K 0 d a k en(ine to drive ..,. 115, -... shoe roller skatrs w:lth case ffEt\ VY, bevel> "'1 ~~. t\vo work. $25. 494-6'nio di ti Ion. only 5 ~an old $2.5, ~ Portable -TV ~St!Q5 itray~,~ins: $ 4 • SO • camera We 116 model lA 1927 \\Ta.llace; Calla Maa ~---·de __ _, foot square pa e _.._ mxr--R.~A. 21" lllct anctwtute ARGUS. C3 35mm camera RedYIOOd St. ~ r.itatiml al'ld bl.by clothes $15. Bronze ""'....... curu tin 847-6319 LOVE sut. whlte nauph)'de ,,,. fluh t r '' $4.75. Beautitul. tlbet glul ~ms Scott 30-fO HP propellen $5 ror •-'-"· . . $25. .Blue coat., fox collar, television, new picture tube, plus, '"'6bt meter, •. LADIES size 14, silk brocade Sc • $2. SterUiur U.50. Car serving In¥• 6Sc each. CUTE uveey Doxie p\lppks each. Bronze bait vale and G.~ Automatic lood cooker, size 7 good condition $15. used only SO d&)"I needs t •ch~ en t and case, dreu and! ~~ul:Mat, a;eat Sl.50. Playpen $2. Baby 96j.759J 6\ii weekl old, On ,n;ular ntttngs $25. E-Z lift trailer new $5. Chrome tray and Hobby' horse $5. 4!M-6935 tubes, not working now S5. everytbinl $20. 6CS-2tO!I rose cg,lorl"sfd~ 'Aba} \!Teer: swlna: $8, To.YI 25c • $3. . hltch $25. Wedding engage-eahdle holder $3.50. New . , i-speed motor for Kenmore WINDOW $22 with screens, bathing ault $2. 5J6-.4.16S 962--0181 GAS range wtlb piddle $20. .dos food. \Vlll ,be between ment ring 11et. 12 gems, S25, l'l'ducing machine,. new $15. 10 SURFBOARD $2S. Its or WhirlpOol auto mat l c 72 x 40. Almost new. FOR Sal" o •v-.. and ,, .... _ RIFLE, Martire, Glenfield G.E. portable dlshwuher miniature and ttandard tbe t,; casi $25. 1626 Newport Cat basket 50c. Planters near new. 49Hi701 wuher $8. 847-1115 6~ rill itove S20'."""'eau 673-1TIOP model 75, semH1.u1omatic, $25. Elttb1c rtll" ahampooer whtn tun arown.. 1 male and -: B111d, Space JT, C.M. Please SOc-U.50. Ladiu short black 8ASKETBA1..J., aet-up fl.SO. SI'EEL .Guitar fa). Steel GOOD 24 x 60 office chest like new sz. MO-f319 $15. OOl-2256 S femaln S1S e,,ch. ! park outside. Doo't disturb coat. aiz.e 10 Sl.35. So!a 6T3-«ll9 &helving $5. Coffee ·tables $25. School dHk $1.50, Cof. CH J LOREN'S trampoline nREPLACE ICl'Cf!O $ 2, 180 LINEAL ft. managn. pillows, J>:&ir Sl.50. La~p STING RA y style bicycle for $1.50 each. Electric iron $8. fee lflndtt no. 1"81. Span1s.b $15. Cost $75 new . 540-1802 FLOOR pol.ls.her and sham--M.2-8363 frame stock SS 5/1 x 7 x to. •·d $150 H<>n,,.,no SS h.·-CM. VAm~lON•'l -·· N~· pooer "Shetland" $25, Al· Zlpiecea S/8XTxlBODMll ELECTRIC new trying pa11 llua es pair · -°&-o parts $10. 673-3809 Beam b<>IUes eac -.. ritle $10. 2210 Oran&e, • ...-.., _. tache SS. Cottee table $5. BLACK CUiiom m ad e It. u • .', X ,,, X 1 c ~ 0 El _._, ....:n $4 0 lamp $8. &t2--31n Sat only. ..,;nn· ,. ..,'> u.• of 1" !lex l!?C American Tourister 2 oui'- 1 I I 5 0 ~"-,. ,_ __ .. .....__, -.,. -• .....,. $1 • e"'·"c l!i'... · ven , . . 6 HP Wisconsin engine $23. ... 0 'f ....... .N GUITAR, 6 •trina. new_,. 9 <Q. Brealdut tab e • : INIH\l.... _.,,........,."' _., 10 , 3-2 x 4 x a $10. Met.I ~ tra):1, new $5. Iron $5. Hand BOY S Stingray_ bike S15. C-entrifugal pump and base .$12. Large funnel 12" across x 12 y,oo{ brVd rug $25. Pad '25. ~ Fonnal, lace $6.. Hand·kntt !162-4587 dlyw.U comen,. 10 tt .iof8. ~"; operated record pla,yer $18. Surfboard and bike nck Sl8. $2.¥. 2% HP Ointon eDgine $2.50. Antlq'ue 1 i w in I $25. 548-4595 HO Gault! dual powe:r pack swtater $8, new.·~ $25. UNICYCLE ~. 673-1706 15 plcta $3. Reve.lation ' 494--4DI 281 Sherwood St. $15. 673-74l1 ma~ cy. _897-7350 57 VW parts, good condlUon; $10 .. ,Ski boQ14 $1D. lnl&KI Towel poll! $3.50 .. Oil pain-PARACHUTES 16' $3 • vacuum cleaner wltb • MOVING -A u tom a I l c Transaxel for VW $ 2 S . SCOTCH, cooler ·$2. ~ and GAS Stove excellent con--Right fenders is each. Right wood chess bOard SU. BoW!-tlng1 U -$25. Lawn mower, $4.50. 10' llil'fboard '$20. Pet tachmenQ:, eood c:ond.ltieft washer S25, Brown • i o 1 d Carburetor lDr VW $6. Howell 3 ·MM camira $5. di lion $25. Aquarium stand dooi-$12. Hood U2. Bus Ing eqirlpment S12. Df.111xe gu S25. F..dger $15. Carpet., mallard ducks Sl _ $3. Free $15. 531 -66 14 , curved iOla S13. Reclining 54S-3738 Kodak 8MM projector SIS. $3. Aquarium , accessories tra.ller-hitch '15-(made by be.by car bed '$12. 548-4595 9 x 12, wool braid SS. White white kittens with blue eyes. :.:SED::.:::wool:...::=--.~15~-ldO chair $8. Storaa:e cabinets $2 CO lit PO N E NT S t ere o 16'' bike $10. 20" bike ns. 16 .Z> to ..SJ. Commircial ·wet welder) Lights. window& $1 NEW auburn wi&: and case cotton. 9 x 10 $5, needs 54G-4808.eve1 and weekends UllO 12 11~ 2 ~Jde « Cab" t hide-a bed $10 .... and dry vacuum $25 each, FV .,., ....... _ ._ _ _. __, 1 cleu!nr. Hand vibrator $5. . • x ~· , • <ik-'· 1ne • · !l)'Stem: i 25 each Garant lb. bm•;fing ball w:lth cue new hose Ior same $5 each. • S. 531-l.31! 'f ...... • '"'"" ui::u ...... spr nga Vltra Roller alenderlier $6. PROJECI'OR. $25. Screen tabla $1.0. Small desk $10. :; ; Picnic. i.bl• 13. Free l>ar·S. '"'-• AMF/M tun.r, SS. M' ""'"°"' wU. leneing Steel car bloct<& 16 pa;,. WHITE loather "''"n" flit. SS. Crib and mattttu SS. 2 Alley 503 lorl<&pur. CdM 110. Electde coll" pot 13 .. Naugahyde couch QI. 2 ; Q grill. Aluminum patio speakers, 1JJw amplifier. 50e each, Hou.aewares Sc. • Studio co'ucb with bolaten pair new ice 1kate1 SS. , . pvn $3. Board Sl. Vacuum double bed•, 1 queen bed • ..,, recliner n. Ki.rig.si ze Extension speaker .$3. Bass $5. 2652' BaMwood St . Miniature Dat.wn ·S·lO. SlS. Ba.by stroller, canopy Curved chair ST. Electric REMODELING. Bu i lt -I n cleaner $5. ~flmn $2. each. Record ca.blnet 15.' ; bookcast> headboard S 2 · renex corner speaker $10. EaslbluU NB 644-1645 897..:73.:il and hitch hiker aeat $J.O, dr)'er, power mower need! Hotpoint over. $25. Bullt-in Gluaware SL 67~ MS-25'1'1 l Four good bicyc1e1, all work Two radios $3 each. Two lltA.PLE doubl head and PAINT Spra)'tt $15. Twin Bulletin and blackboard, ap-repair SlO each. DWie1 25c • stove top $25. 5' shower ~ well, bu~ ~ty: SID, each. clock radios $5 and no. 45 footboord ru. ~~1514 ladder ~ck $25. \Vood !loor proximately 4• x 4, $5. $3. C.opper tube S1 -$2. Jun. encloinu"fi $1S. TY'averse rod1 3 SfEED bik_e S20 Stl.ngrt¥ 7:1!!,~, ~~ 4 tone ladies, one men'• two RPM record player $l. Teco . seal S3 talion. Water proor 545-~ 7-10,..~2960 Rl!d'lt'OOd Ave., 50c. Clothes hamptt $1. Sl6,50 (new tires) 5f6>6207 bo)'s' bicycleii), Card tables amp 111 1 er $3. Transistor BEIGE rug S25. ~n rnat-carrier sm. Camp stave ~sa..veroe Harl&"ing light with chain $3. BOAT trailer $25. Renault BIKES, 20" cir!'• SS nch. $1 each. 3 dttSlef"S is-each. radio $4, Porlable TV, as ii tre_ss and box ~nng~ f15. \Vi th tank $25. 'Sink fo"r MEN'S sport coat, all size LARGE rollaway bed SIS. Chair S 1 o. Dlaappearina engine ana transmlaelon $20. 642-4104 Tank-type vacuum cleaner .SS. Foldill&' picnic table $3. Cnb $5. ~ormtca kitchen ca111pcr S20, Camper ice box 40, beige. summerwelght, Chuck, wagon bar-b.que SS. clothes tine. $4. Danish Gallon wine buTei $10. Go SO,;;F;A:::::...,.-,."'u~eo~t-<Ond-"llloo=I SlD. 642.-4927 Two antique rockers $7.50 table S25. Dresser $10. iai. Janitorial • wax. $2.SO black and white and others Bookcase headboard S s, walnut din ing table $20. 4 cart $25. Camper window $25". 642-tllM WRIGHT air cooler $25. Boys and SIS Mahogany ex-Dres1ing table with mirror gtllon. Strip pads SI eaclt. la each. Petel"&On'1 safety Hollywood frame $2. walnut cMini_;.$20. Auto lu1-S!· Window Ux60 $5. Trunk, Atn'OMATJC wuhtr A·l ,_ 3 speed b~ as is $10. Sto11C tension 'table SID. Two .$1£1. Olher furniture ~I -S~ Tubes steel -wool • .SO eadl. car baby seat, like new, Hollywood bed, complete, gage rack $3. Barttl patio s;>. Call 147-7307 condition $2S. m W. 2>th SlO. Deep fry f3. Lazy susan cabinets SS each. Kitchen 18001 Bu I I er, Unin-mty Barrel tipper $15. Janitor blue fl. 644-0244 • luye $10. Upri&ht . vacuum,, chain S'l: BiHell lhampoo 1956 2-DOOR Chevy •ta.lion "' $2. Double watne. iron $1.50. wares toc-n. Sela of dishes Park. 833-0909. cart S25. 434:'.4116 ~ WOMEN'S c I o th i n a~ -ex-aood ss. Very largo braided master $3. Cosco round waaon. no engine or front S!., C.ltf. off ~1•.e»ntia•4ve. ., Cocy 4 piec< coffee pot U. l2 to 15.-TV tr•ys SOc each. MOVING m"'I ""' Stingray G.E. Port•ble dlshwuh<r e<llent condition. all aize 8. ntr 115, Lawn mower, bond, i.blc 13. 0.12 wit batt•cy •nd l20. 1958 ,...... a..v,, OOFFEE tabla with '= Oval rug $5. Complete bed Serving tra)'s 50c-S2. \Vatne chopper $25. Road race 11Ct $25. 21" T.V, SS. Ford skirts $3. Blouses $1. Panti good .$6. Larp minor Sl. Toaster $3. Aluminum can-cheery body, no enelne $25. top and matchirw end ta , $15. Wood up ho Is I I! red iron $2. Electric collet> $"20. 6'3" surfboard $25. Co2 radlat0r $S. bed frame with and tops $3, Sulla $10. Good Walnut end table S l, nbteni Sl .50. Potty seat n 646-3751 $2), Couch $10. Slldilll door , rocker fl. Occasional chair maker $5. Desco Dutch Olien automatic pistol $15. New wheels $2. Rtnault parts dresses $7. ACXU8Cll'ies to 531-8292. ~PM pleuc charier $4. Range .hood $5. for bath tub Slil. ~ 1am1t .~ ss. 1513 ~ Ave. CM. and pans fl.SO. Elecbical Stingra)' bike $25. Portable ,vith repair book $JO. Bowl. mateh with clotbee:, M:IJ'ta, ANTIQUED headboard& JU. SkHs $10. Odd windows 50e. SHOES aize 7·7',' $1 each. $2. Doub.le bed frame $2.50. ! ;-I 642-5666 apparatus: SwitChes 25c. 1V $25. Pump pellet rifle ing ball and bag $4. 847_7017 punts, jev•e.lry, 1hoe1 50e • Pa.Ir wi .. ..-back chain lJght 1ixture11 $1. ·2600 CllH Skirts, 1weaten medium 548--08a7 •.-ron~rur tuned ex ha u 1 I Extension cord& lOc per end $15. Black lite $15, 36". 2'ZlD $1. 1)4.~ S2S. Bo~ifog""' ball and ba< Dr. Newport Beach. Sat-Sun :0: .. eala~01So.,.mwo 'H',P'11lll~ THREE plect blue lloraJ ~ plus le por foot. Soldering W. Oceanfront IRISH Setter, good w1tb ·-' 11).7 PM ..,,.. '""" · """' u•.....o • ~--• ti.oi: h. $10. 2 used tires size T.75xl4 3 nd children· 1 year old Sl!. 400 CC and 350 cc .. ~ocette $6.50. Bath tub and safety each. Weitinahotae electric qu <C\I aec ............... eac SS for both. One new iron$ ·.Bio hair dry-er $2. OtAIR $10. Braided rug $15. .Good mirror 30" x 40" if, motorcycle motors S 2 S · nlu $6. Table. S7. Large PAIR \Valnut 1traiaht back roe.iter $25, 3094 Molokai 'Salem Mpale cotlee table ' Uniro·-• whitewall 8.85xl4 Two mangles lZ !!&ch. 1 Red-Shag rug SS. PlaUorm 847 .,...... Front forks for English framed mirror $12.50. Tile carved Spanish chairs $10 Pl M v ~-CM $5. All in eood ooodJtion. ' .s12.oo:'°~7236 ope:n both ends. Sand box $5. scale $25. Pole lamp $12.SO. ~•• . . motorcycle $20. Old Indian !oPJ>l!d coffee table ss. each. 1.fa.hogany double bed ace, eu e4 ""' 646-6;D2 after 1 P.M. ' F~ engine $4. Bab)"1 hal'!· Dishes 25c . SS. Vues 50c-PLA1!EN, High cha.ir, Spl!do S15. English Spedo Oriental pieces S3 • $15. frame SW. Larre Chinese 29 ~0RlGJNAL oil paintinp LAWN mower and catcher, I\ per $2:. OUJd's lamp .S2. .$3. Clothing 50c -$5. 17684. bathme.lle and d re 111 n C SlD. 1964 Yamaha 250 cc Ladden $3 • ·~. F'lroplace ancealnll painted triimed $5 • .$25.. Size 8x10 to 24x48. uaed half-d~ ~ New.-, • Child'•' 13 'poedss Largcabiboxnet Cameron -St. HS 847..J!Kll. ~ co~inaltkmtion, S894-25 e~ frame SIS, fork& $20. aeat wood $5. Cabi~t .. froning scroll $25. Magnavox TV, 13 3 "'ui""i i"epes, ~ 9 l~~~ue" $20. 548--3036 .,_ BIKE parts $2. Bike frame~ SJ. 10.Speed bike $25. Scotch cooler SL French doon $10. Dresses, 11ize 8-lD $ S • 675-5560 TV needs work Sl9.99. 2 iron- ing boards $8 and SlO. 675-3909 after S PM and recor Payer · c 847-8?.04 •""" .. v.... • __.,, $5, gas tank '5. 1957 mangle Sl2.50. wash I n 1 aood for parts $9. Otd s · S. ' '"''"''"""" · ~ lo)'s lc-12. Box stuUed 61SJ Camphbr, Westm. Triumph all a I u m I n u m machlnil!! $6. 20t5 Irvine, NB. Spanish hand-made brau Saturd.I.)' and &aoo.,y after LARGE otto~n $7.50. ~. " animals SOe-$3. Box of EXERCISE board 3 . w A:)' BINOCULARS 'l X SO Amlx!r 5 D 0 cc m o to r S 2 5 . 9-5 PM Sat only fixture $2S. 510 Marauerite, 11 am. 531...m:J comet and coltee tables '" hild-n·s game• t.I'-,.., ST.SO. Barbecue 2 utemill I • ll2 p . I h cl th $3.50 each.•Sewin .. machl~ I c .... ........--.... 25c Charcoal holde n coated ense1 . enuan Tran1missK>n wt u c CdM LARGE cu top lu.gpg:e rack -... Complete. aquari_wn 5 ~-Ca~n set .SJ. C&ke ~ut~ and oriental ruP 3 x S, SlO. 2 S25. New 3.25 x 19 tire $10. ~a;l:";,ircaJ ::,1.,'~."'1'1alo. CARPET, annroxlmatel)' SI) $10. Camplna toilet Sl. High in desk cabl~ S25. Stuffed .~ SJ, Rocking cha1r cu.Wons g . 1 x 4 $4 Straw .flower and cat. 250cc Jlpnda rear wheel ~ ): "' ,.... chair $4. Wooden play\)en chair $15. Doub.le bed $25. weekends SI. Mater!81 rem nan I " ~:n:c~~c .;.::_; ~-a ci::. tails ·.2.'.i bunch. 4 new S wtlh ttt'6 S2S. Volkswagen Conlon 30" mangle .$10. ~a::tio~:t~~;·O:,~J~ and pad $9. Nunery bird Solkl oak double dre-..r Nc:.:EW::::::_:::._.-.t-~•"'thro_w_"_'_l 10c-.$25c piece. Patterns 10c. ,_ 1'• --1s 110 rtallon G.J. cans S4 each. but srat $1D. 11 p,llon "Bv?KUndy red naua:ahyde ,-~ lnclod'-··•. "'" ....... mobile 1Sc. 2 playpen l!X.• $20. Nltbt atandt 110 each. '"'"1U"' ~ ·-c rta.ins n" hfers and mu-rur beve""' .....,. · · Uo find 110 4 • 546--0269 lou[l&e thalr, perfect con. "'"' -... i-aa _,.....,_... Dreulna table and stool SlS, $3 eacfi. Llgbt wood dining u ~ Bowling ball ba;" lhoet Boal dittc n er . aquarium Sl2. dltion $10. Hand I • w n 2 SINGLE mattreaaes . S15 erclaen $1 and n.so new. Afaple twin bed headboard chairs 4 for Sll. O.rrtain ~c 50c-$:J pa1r. CUstorn $10 toot ttst 0 S2SO 1 613-4769 oil iamps milk ghw shades MOVING must aacrifice moy,-er SS. Blonde nevamar each. Good condition. 291 Pll,ytex nuner tet $3. Potty and frame $10. Dinette 11!'1 -~·, rods 25c a bundle. Marx ch1nb: drapes or muter . . . S3 each. Battrry needs· beautUui Maple tab I es end table and comtl' table; chair TSc. Tot corral, makes S25. Two matchlnJ" rup 16 x I elccbic train se t, mint con-bedroom Mesa Verde home: KING round bl!d heodb<>ard, charge $1 Automatic bat-dilltttued 2 ateP perfect 'condition SlO pair. Roae Lane. 543-3314 back car seat a be.by bed or 28 S20 and 12' z 21 $20. ' • di lion, co m Pl e I e Sl2. 1 pail' 82''w x 33' l $t;'i. 1 bench $25. /1-fottress $25. tccy filler .511. Wooden t bl tI8 ~~ffee table ;t126 Portola Or. Cocta 36" ROUND t a b I e • ad· pla)' area, $4. Ba.bf ,.Ea_~~ Bookcase $5: Chett S"tS:-Apt. l \ ~ ~:~ ~i.bl~:P~ ~!i~w ~"lJ.~· ~ ~ s=~~-Sl.~ ~~~!_i!~:;.~rir,, ::· -:J=~~~1= :: ~ eoM"'v·s· 549-4.WI"" bike ,.., ~ _.. :~r!: :~~-~ ~n~ ~~:.~:t~~:,uer~ ,'"", •• -688•·11Sw WI~~~ ~'!; toyw 1c to $1-BO)''s clothes Group ~ls and Junior per -yam; Riviera coucb eictlngui,sber $2. Canteen .50. occulonal t a b 1 e $10. .... ~0 walnut dininr roonr chain back pack·is. Houtehold or =· ' ' ' size 16 to 20, lOc ~o $1. clothes: ~aes 14-3 to 11. while naugahyde S 2 S. Battery tape player St Retrlgefator Sl5. 0ranga }adle11 bikes S14 each· Sl5 a piece. Keane picture, baby tcale .$4. Matt:mlt;y REFRIGERATOR$)). Stove '.l • ~ 968-2927 Blouses 50c. S~atin Sl Ycllow dinette 2 chal:rs $10. Electric lug wre~h 13. • naugahyde chair Sl!i. Plat. Sl:hwtnn 10 speed men'1 gtrl, walnut frame 110. clot.,.;, 2Sc • S1.50. Tricycle $15. Rtlgll $15 ·and PIX 1,)I ::C~;,;..,,,-:::--::::::;=I a~ ;2. 'rhl't'E' piece cotton Novels 25c. Sabot 8' $25. 8' Firei>lace toolR $1. Sl_ide rul! fonn rocker $15... Portable bike $25.. 27'' 'Packard-Bell \Yalnut mat bench $10. $3. TO)'& 25c • 50c. Newborn Dn.pn $1S and '2 0. ,,.~ RACJ.NG Pia:eona, excellent su1ta $6 and $10. Shorts SOc Dinghy S20. Mut S}O. )'ard. g , glanware and dilhes .'5 dlahwaaber ~ O' 11 he 1 , comblnatlon, needa minor" Portable bar $15. 546-9284 T h u m b e·l i g a , new $2. Redwood fe6dac $ t-. 5 D . !' ~.1~g stock $1 eac~ lo Sl. \Vool cotton pa~ts 10011 $l. 2 door' liquor to SL 2 Horse gu motor and Cft'&MiCI 10c a u. H).-&485 work, beautitul w 0 0 d SCRAMLETS Supbeam eledrlc fl')' pan PaUo arbor $25. ,.._... "(j • !::::'.::'.:'.,,~~=~c:-=I SOc-$3. Knll and v.wl suits cabinet sai. Tilt chair $10. Jat.oo pump $25, good for or 546--02S1 cd»net $25. 6' car luggage S3. Glau snack Ria TSc ,15, Brick SS.· M•ttreu SI. -1~ 16" PORTABLE TV $15. 12" $4 to SlO. Short and long Friptaire S25. Collee 1able, go1 cart. V.W. clutch and canier $J3. EI e et r I c . each:-Carafe, creamer and curt&tns. 50c panel, Gu RCA Portable TV Sl5. 2 coats IS to ,SlO. Formal• $4 end ' tables S25. Red preuure pate $-1. blonde wii 1961 and UST FORD Andie:s, rotiaMIW-, lib new $20. · ANSWERS sup,r set on hcatlnc rack heater $2. Chrcme chain S2. RCA cloc:k n.diot is • $6. 2 10· no. Lingerie $1. Wool and carpeting Sl.50 )'ard. Small $20. 812-7890 both for $21. 646-4&H Brown occasiOnal chair $10. ' ' $1. Rattan double hhtJ,. 3S4 Avocado St., C. )( •• ~,t 1 hair df')'ers Sun~anr $4 48. cotton tlresse11 and shifts desk S25. Chair ss. 2 COLLECTORS Ile.ml.: very FORD Falcon parta_$1""1 $5. 3026 Kllb'booke Le..ne, C.M. Bodkln -1.ealot -Jtamper board, btn;tnc lamp and 5'8-3827 25·• shower· door $6. 2 SOc-.$2. Westclox w r I 1 t chimne>' lAmPll $25. Dishe1 old pink ribbon cand7 dish Moo arch dynami c 'SU-283S , ; 1 .r~1~LJD=;;R S~ mirror tnune S14. Hid' ~,;L\N:;;=:,,.....,-o,--,cM=1r"· ..,,.,.~-11 • .;• dishmastera, eood SZJ, Ad-watch fl.SO. 2~ x 2"'-re_Uex 5e • lOc. Paper back boob; $10. Antique Ollal frame $ll'I. mlcn)phont, new P>. Ford END table1, never-mar $4 Shi!· A fellow told me that ricane lamp 50c. Ha.lrcul· Charle1) '2S-F.reach dion tape rerordcr JS, 2 camera $5. Glr\'1 bou.bqtle 10c eac:h. Dil~ued maple Pttlklenlial ¥OON $3 eaeh. automatle tranemt.ion $15. each. Deak, knee-hole $6. di '•tarted ln the Gardea tine aet $L BisHU rut Provincial llvlns ro o~ • I""""".,... .. 16 • $10. "'""' '°"'"""· Group l>ar $25. Bunk""'"'"'" .Eoclish ..... china J .. p·body ..... 11-IJS.•12 Pletorial ·--1B... cl""" n. Ltt!lng •lghts ehalr .. rl•eteondltloo~. •1l• Coffee taNe 12''x36'' $6. 2 mlslea clo.thc1, abet lQ to $20. 23J3 Puente CM. ahell ... haped .uhtnya $5 J'ord motqr, complete $20. volume!! $4. Double hea~ or· Eden. Do YoU bellev<t! and dumbbt:U1 $5. Ottho-~·rollaWQ bed SU.'8. "1 11mall radios $6 ST. 3 TV 14, 'SOi::-$5. NJa:ht&hirll OOc. 646-C706 pair. oear preQed aJ.a.t1· Chevy ftoot tlilft $10. CM\1y board $2. Drapes 12' x SJ", that T . , "ft'hlrly blrd ll:Jftadet $1.50. Dn.pes, ~ Oftt I ~I. 'l • ~ !tends $2 · «, 3910% Chan-8o)''s l"'ieldcreal t w l n nd aab--l3. ,.,. ....... a divided truck body p&rta $5 • $25. be'-IJO -.., 9• x 11" t oi: He: )laybe he a riaht Jfe --......t table .a ,;-19 _.. I ..,. no.._ ,,. ,,_.. ; "" bed _ .. _.. fl!iO Glrl'1 IY.'lfl SCOTCH cooler $2. Bell a ~-....-.. 05-c,,,_.., U::,SJ. • "'° probl.bb' referred to W ~J -..,, ' pane• "'· ..,.,,. •• ~ l_~'~~l,;P:;:L,'N_:;B~"'3-:::::l"'3=:-;~;I beds.,.~ $3.. ~·In crcv."el llO--"flll 8MM camera SS. rcllab diah $5. Red-wine 341 ())evy motor $10. 3 can~· . time they took a rib out ot. Wlllo Lane, C.M .MMD' B@daprudl $241.90. kltchla Lt FE jackttl, ntlltr Wiid, lPft I h aha $2 1 Kodak 8 MM Pl'OJW« $15. bowl and cover SS-camtvaJ ~ ~~.!i:."'u~ WAS•f.lNG · machine, o Id Adam and uMld It to make N'RON &rj)et I x 7, belp llcht t.brture, U1H I ballll, '" I appfowd, 10me w i t h ~ads w t ms ·w! 16'' bike 110. 7C" blkt $15.1.8 glut w.se flll. &t7...f319" 1 ba-t•--n::· ;:~._...v '-•. Weatlna:~ $JO., Couch the ftnlt LOUDSPEAKER, $8. 8'2-«N3 •' complete Sl.50 each. G'1-, o,.;..; .. ,,1 W11,pplnp, 1ota: of $4. l>Ult rumes Sl. ~a lb. bowl1""' ball w1tb hag $5. -..-W'--1 '"'"""er con-..... ,,_ -.:111•uru.,.,, ~ 111 to L.:....I -~2209 bike SU 50. LaDQll .... ..... _. tJ k IAmpa ft...$5. Bullet 111hts ••• ..... ::.~--wl~ fencino ·-U"C"C .. _ ' temoon w Sundt.)'. <IRli ope Ul;-"\.I _., . SPORTS car tlbtralNI bod)' ~.~ ~ t2::. ~n .. ~e --' , 1 -i', $2 each. 7 rnatchl c: J1 TV lamp SI Floor O"'I '-"'"u.n,. .,. tractor's, tor'aaw or tom-Santa Ana Ave. · LA~E decorator cbeata. $25. Trame, front A: rMr .w.., WC" ..... ..,.,. .... ~ if" I =~S. wi: 6~~· o.J ~P iul. Radiant ~ater SS : e~ •== ~t: Pl'tAOf, 125; Ml ""1'61 9, x 12• WOOL oval b~tatd p1lr $25 each.~ end + Oklt VS $25, S4M11J Sllwtplate fort. i&.50. Db CLOTHING. tnWl ma WI. ~ • Coltman J • mantel Ja.ntem Bed frames S3. Tableclothl Eutblutt NB 644-UG RADIANT Qwnp\on ~ rvr. brown and belie 1oriei wm'TNCHOUSE automatic or &12--5769. tograph intncom $25. Rod-90llle teen.qt 1141 1 S"-Coleman cylintler bumer SQc...$2. Hand tools 25c-$1. • • -ltttlon IC!'ftn, 50 ·X. 511, $25. 13). 4 old OJk kitchen wuher SJ). Relax ... -clzor a>UCH 1 ft Ml&t r111on, dy fttbln, rod $"10. Led~ dlneUe and c.'Oqlll' 9'tt. ..., lectric 1 1 Caltpcn $J and SS. Ni:W CEMENT minr flS. Motor 49'N438 cha.lrt1. ,,buislft' back• Sl:i. Bab)' carriage, like new :good cond. $25. 494..eus clothlng, alie 10 and 12 25c ; netde: cover $5. Ptywood M. '$L BVl t pa n dr•ttlng 9!1 $3), Slide rull'!1 $25". Car lop tack, SlO. End TYP£WRn!ER: e.-.ll S\ano l2 50 M t lty II alte $2.50. Boolu 10c • Mc. w,.. Sl'lett Lurnbtr, 2 Z 4'1 • " 1~r $1.50 U 1 ' · $S and SlO. 1!' hp motor ;5. 111ble $7. 8'!ndl table SS. , danl, iz. ~{ ujirholit~ *•11• n t 'e d S · · a rm IU ' Otnat miniature' ~ ti:cer waahlnrr machine SU. e11ch. F.dlft' &. lbit 1k. T 1 I I E'91nrude «> ""Propelltt 3 CantrlDlal pu~p 11, Sat and CotUe table $1. Cot $$. lU rtfl'.lr S3 etch. 20t.1l Seven 12• new $3.\, now SJ, Polt)' $1 e11ch 49U111 Workl ll'OOd-uu Vuar Pl. Showl 11. 1908 N. 0...,. blado and 4 blade S3 tilth. 2 """ ~a ... b .. ~-RUGS : 10 x12tll.7x10 $111. StM i.eJw', Hunt. Sch. chair $2.· 1163 Samar Dr. . ' -,,.. old fire mctinauishen is 111 ... ~965 Rubblrr Raci;i 4"-2882· ...-.. .,.=--.. ·•::=;m·:...-------1 ::.::;::;:;.::::.;::;.;;.::;.;;;;;.._1. ,_ Son. 9 •A s. 2989 Jacaranda w. st.eve.u, ._ ... "'... ..,. __ ...__". -. ~· CARO_INA.LS ~ Mi.32163 .c:;.M:::;.· -------I St., Santaµ,...-.. 1 I it 675-ml C.AI. _ ...... - • • • . . ~ -. I " I •' S&UrilJ, JVM 7, l M . Ml~~. ~·FlEE TO YOO TllAHSIO!IT1'TION TRANll'ORTATION ,TRANS,ORTATION. TltANSl'OR'rATION ..... a.y....... ... lolt l!ll f"'I• .. IOU i!W9iCY<J; , ' 9300 ~•mpol't '520 M• DISI POil SALi AHO ftADI $ALI N1G TRAiii . . old, both W !!!II; ,._ I • or toltncr •. ~~· ·2. Yrl -• • ' ( · .!.:~'ff · 111, :It' 'oour:.r.V1L~ETSI " ~ .. ~ ;,,~ ~:; .. ~ll~ ~ ~ .. : *New "69 ~·dt•* iaftPCI J\int tin • o,c. tftmely iut • reliable. Family w~pu TS '215'1, Oo&n, auto. ~ ~abll. .-. 'A Reed valve 6 much more? w<abana -aletpt 4 • •lnk A pDot, TV, etc.,Electrit ea.o. ~ , ~ ·•J · <>Yer $250 lnw11ted sell tor clty wal~ aupply . atove • :',;, "'*~~·:~ 1 · , : , • ' ~llJlo . tllrbflir ~·;:.~·;: ~..=: ..=::.: A u ·c· ·y. ·1 o· 1· ' Coin ladry =-.:..s~i:: = plley, i,tiiv. IVC lboWer. UM 0( ~· ~ I.a NB S350Jlrm. ~eves. hide-a-bed. Stk. No. 4103 Ser. MUIT II SOLD 1i:lt ' • of 35 to HONDA 90 Sc ram b I t1 r, No. 19621642~. e PACIFIC YACH!' SALESe :c.l' 1lallbt. n3.= modtllod r.r dirt. Kl>Obby / 13391 • • -Wll! ,dtilm-, ao.nt...ik -Inti cenw detlwr. Sl8'67I> dt,a-.-. Xtru. • · · · 8 AM \o,9.PAf DOU, 2 ADORABLE l\llbu w/ 3441 Via C)pcartit, Ntwport or mr-ltn!Pt pipe, etc. Rum bet-l~LUS TAX &: LICENSE (213) !197~ tne> m.1570 trr tha.n new. Bnt offer. S!n' On. W Per Mo. DISCOUNT Jdvir19 ca ... '-•--.... ~ 6"-0444.· 48 Mos, on Appro\ltd Credit :;:~=: :bW V: SATURDAY N.IGHT · ·J~:~~ a°:U-.:'~"11 "~~7" •' h~••!, tr, XLNT condidoa. "Takf BICXCJ..E, M~11'1 10 ~peed T0?4 Kittens. 2 onn&"e. I .....,. .,._.... -n GENE O'llARA'S uva Uj) to IO% on ''°"' Ch1rlof9 I 90l9 * SEM1 OiOPPER * S DLEBA'CK known b"1>da 1n """"" • ~BSA.A 10 "° «1 R<:bllilt AD •l..UU1lc1, hardwatt, yacht BLUEWATE:it OIARTERS ....... ~ ... C• ll /il!>r • DODG'E Sf:ar, fiahln&' ~ar. all ac-ti'' Tk'OJan. Powu r ,p.m .. * 1·-Ana ,...~·· tor power or All. 26' 11Nnderblrd, Sall v A... ' ' 1'°1 N. Tuat1n, 5adta ou:;;,.:~. slicllnti: 6 30 . P M ,..HA·"p11 :;.:·i~ ... ~ .=box~. ~"'=: adJU1table ahtJves, Door : • • ~ K •• !:.·S:~~.:~ fft"~ =home needed for&/! Fo~r nd Sid n_ .. ,. •Mt-..:. •· i. AH A .e.1 i' B" a r Open 7 days 9 to 10 M?-8381 ar )'OW' copy se ll.00 to PPft' ava........, ---.... Scrambler late · '68 --'I -'~·~~·'-.,---.,.---! DlacOuiit htarlne Supply Co., ' ' .......... * • * .. ~.... CAL 24 tor CHARTER cond. Inc. helmet $40J. ,69 N. S t ll ' -w. Cout Hwy .. $30 o..y -$180 Wetk 642-ucJ Jim. IW w•p ne atoract'· Cle-an. us. 56-4293 call m-1431 ar-639-0155 . JdtteM, 1 Seal-point, 1 ·~nt · 1i 1e 'l HaNe many aip, quality, cn,y/wht. Jore fiutty be!r. Newport Beach, Calif. 92660 •S.2957• Pickup 4 &' cabover camper A'ITENTION Yuhtman • CHOICE fJ ·avaD. 35-45' Auto Services SJ.eepl 4 • 1tove. • iccbot • "'biiera""· c.ll ~"' Inspect EARLY 100<J' human bair w1p, 10 wta, .,...,.., 673-IOlO 611 wtctets, .etc. D \.1 1 o J .ye d wW cm.' power or u.n a p ~ 9 ~-water 1uppl.y , 11nll -Pl • -aallboat. /'fl». for sum. '' •• 'WV electric lii;hts Front dln-Hawa.U, Australla, South m~ 5447!.1 · r.t:QU' .A u .t c. ma t I c Wuher. la~ model, xlnt cond. $81 •• • 847-81.lS ROOVY. l\<lr\i. K<IV .. in cool rond. $45. , mld cash. ......,, ASHER and I Or)'tt. ' Eleo- tric Exorl Cood. f100. •6T3-:il678• As We Sell QUICKLY! partneroltip. >i ... 1 .. u. !911 AUELTIDNATE hmale lifaph!,·No. J, CM. ~709S dof, excellent oompanlon Seu, carlbbean, or !!T. · BUCKET seall 1or Corvair 2 e~ .. Stk401f, Set #1J.57t8. Call Andy Brown. Rea. Mot:ttle HemM '200 Rll $35 and S50 a pair. 04C6. for older 'Pel'IOfl. Good .cSJ~.25~•=-'•Pc..· ~-~,.,;..-I watch-dos. 548-B.1 6n ''6 5 P.. r . c 0 11 J er s KITI'ENS muat go! • 14' WOODEN boat for the 1 Encyclopedlu .w/bk. cue. • al "fixer-up-r" no mo~ • m e1, 1 female, hlbrkrn &:: .... ""' 'Ne .. er \lied, Yr. bk for evJ'l')I y."eaned. &U-4770 alt 6 $100. 15' boat trailer-cood 1r .unW 1975, $200 or '.be:1t of· pm, 619 condltion-$115. 6 7 5. O 8 O 5 i ter, 6'J5...3900 aft 6 ft wnda. week niehta: 5-9, Saturday M6-63t2 Bwi. 6'2-0010 < . 1829 Iowa St., C.M. MOBILE HOME $10,000 AOK Commission Galle!:!> 7722 'GARDEN GROVE BOULEVARD I Block West of'Beacb Blvd., oH .G.G. Frwy. t.ra.11111', Tr•'vlf . $2997 S89 dn. &: J86 pr. mo. 48 months on approved credit SADD~EBACK DODGE ~·T·"'~R . THEPinkPw:sycatilhert. andS"""••8amto8 -.OR -,z;v." ~ .11 m 1 n a to n 8 wka. Old. .. u ----~. ... .... ...., · · p.m . Pl1noa & Organs 1130 Mis~lltntous ._oo Ruld t;xpewrlteri xlnt oond! AJ50 l tlJer sti_:;::-, ..... To '6132' Chria Corlllthlan, fuJfy $35,000 1401 N. Tultln, Santa Ana PIANO .SALE ---'------Reuonabl• . .,._'2:11 • . . lovlnl hom•. 5'$'.'w 6/10 equlp'd, llk• new $2000 for 15 ARISTOCRAT Lo I.Iner 547 • 9381 ~ TRAILER. 2 nns. manuilly folding Xtra hvy. canva.!J, hu.ge 1torqe area, $225. Eve1 or wk e nd& 833-0544. NEW ................ USED • • MIXED BAG • • Ml1."'<·:..W=••:;;ted=---'116=10 1 Lovable whit• and i awn. ;;..'"~~i:,'::''~ HOUSEi Top'°""·· brak., & xiras.1=======9=2"'2 1 Grands • CoMO!es • Spinets Housellold ...... P e r 1 0 n al -paa:ne fur l'Oat nffil lood . Sll50. SC!l--0022 at 642-6923 C•mper R•nt•ls 5 8110 Pnoli"' PiaOO< from Sl25 ~·· ho 83644 U' WHALER-r.;:=='----_;:= .................. WAS NOW ~:.: .. • l~tro ........ !'thonbaeywel) w. ~ -•v MORE m••· 93 61' Trallt Nea!MoV<r Come In today and ... IW<· Trucks 9500 * EXPLORER * RY Morgan Special. Oak Starr Studio •445 t9QI;, .-~ • w tter)' CAL s H Adorable pupple1 ... h Evlnrud. ·~1763 ,,.., II·"-•t down to earth 8 k th ,,_ ·. ~table .. roll top degk, chain, Knabe Pruv ~j.nd U750 ~ case, 4 x S film hol~h. 646-lOTJ "'-' P e. ....... p;.r ... E. 1a11y d ;r '69 poDCE VAN * Y wee or mon · ..,..,.uri clocks. Must be cleared at Chickering grand $2395$1?25 convertible ba.r and · tWo • ~11 P~OTOTYPE 6 factor y lncce!n, J:n.nc. n:ie ':'~· l-08'' Wiree1b8.se, VB, An HI D ous. Sleeps 6, Self conWn- wOO.leule price•. ~ make Malian Grar>d -Sl59S $l088 stools, polii.rotd swinger c"* , .. ' .o "'°LD"'"'"'So"'fa~--l>nall-~-.-hll..:d:,;'• 2nd'•-BIA!' dlnghys, 12' tri all dllplay modet..:-ihey•re equip. #1987i ~ ed . Limit~ number. Call room far "'w shipment. Bramba.cb Grind $l69D ~ era, maple che•t and m.!rior, tire 122 hull boall. 2117 South Lyon priced to sell bnmediately. ~7 today. - PubDc 1' 'Mlcilme. • 2 4 21 Chickerlnr Cons. $1395 $695 caselg andand bowlln& ball.· f'llll For futn1ture, appliancea, Isl. uer. Turquolff, Bal St, S.A. M5-0663 Parks available in all areu plui tax It. lie. (~~, 1~A~ !~ R(~tN) ~~ Newport BIVd. CM 54&-7383 Lest~r Spinet $159 $445 w case, maple bed colored TV, atueos· and an-°""=""'-""'~~~-l•y H•rbor $~ down S75 pr. month. "¥....... • TIQUE . Coll Item. 1850 MANY. MANY_ MORE frame, dishe1, bed 5pread~ tiques. FREE to &OOd home. Female S.llboats 9010 Mobil H S I 48 rnontlui oac Vlctori&n _.. • clWr, S'-cl1I Carload Buyl "'•· btnl Clg•, ut.,,.u., and Dav O• n)•hl T.•rri-poo puppla 89!-12!l8 PR' I "UMMER s•LE 1.; -~~Sl· •• SADDLEl!ACK Dune BuffiH 952.1 t"W otbu items, gm Park Aw., ,,. •• 20 alter 6 p.m. ... "' ~ , c 0 mp I et e J y restored. Nationally f'amollll Brand Laguna Beach_ 494-S822 --ADORABLE kittens bom NOW ON DISPLAY ~·block East ol. Harbor Blvd. DODGE D:une •Utgy s~ $ale SJ&-3339 • Consoles $12; TYPEWR ·--==--="°"=~ without talll, 1tubby Manic, CORONADO 23 •·••• • $3195 on Baker 1401 N. Tustin, Santa Ana Bodies from $14!, Oa.ui.5 RIEN'J'AL rug !lxl2, S'50. Mod)tl waJnot. !><"Ch .Incl. ITER OR ADDING $ WE .'BUY $ 7 wta. 4,._:mo 619 CORONADO 25 ...... 14995 .iCosta~=M~,..:::::':n~4)="""4~~70~l---~~~~!!~! _ _l lrom $249. au.me ..U ban .Sheet rnwilc cablnet, claw Gould Music Compeny MAOIINE need cleanipg? OORONADO 34 •.•. _. $16,995 -• $14.95. LaPay Dune BUUY fttt, $350. Mahorany gate 2045 N. P.laln, SA ·. 547-0681 Clean-up s pecial 'on $ FURNITURE $ 5 PUPPIES, 5 wka. tun. mix-ORDER NOW!! GREENLEAF ,64 fORD .i,' T p U _ 292 Supermarketf 3623 W. Warn· ~n~ table $35. ~1812 GULBRANSEN portable S7.50; ~dd'g ~eh. APPLIANCE$ eel brd, variety color/coat. CORONADO 30 H.D. crulseomati<:. Os' tire1' er, SA. 546-404.5. Open Sat, $8.50, cash reg, (sm..U) 962-5484 619 Save on demoa thlai weekend •'" horn, Sll50. D ..... ~ .. ..,~ Sun. R S&le:· ANTIQUE NEE-ORGANS $10.50. ThiJr incldl a Ir c.fer TV'll-Pl•M't-Sf•r••'• PITS nd LIVESTOCK SABOTS, New, Complete $265 PARK· -k tl1 -'d ~N "'~sll.25'~'1;========-I OLE POJ.NT CHAIR. $35, WURLITZER clean·g, oiled" rninor'"adj, I' '11c1 ., H•u•• F11" a 2912 W. Cout Highway ' . ~Aaw,,...,A .,. . ow . Imported. Autos '600 96J-i8U. PIANOS. & ORGANS f'ree est .. free del. .l PfV, .CASH ,IN JO MINUTES. Ctts 1120 Newport Beach * M.S-00.0 1n cl cle cool c.oa .no-,,.,..,. Frenc . l'r•y•r Clock !a J.:Mn after 5 VE 's:s$ on new 74.zaB, Autmnatic 1traight ltitcb ll?'A'inr n\acttines. Portable i: cabinet ·model& ,Ye Old Sewt._ ~. S519 E. Cout H~, ~· 675-~ SINGER with zla-uc & walnut oouile. Makes but- ton bl~ de1i1:111 etc., $5.25 mo, otl.16.00 caah. 521Hi616 1lc11 lnst. '12S Pianos & 0 I1:&na Rented loaners avail. Bus In e &• 541-4531 ear, an, ta '53 FORD Ptck ·Up. Good AUSTIN ' · / EVERYTHING IN MUSIC lrtachinel Service Co ., LOA 17' flberaJ.u cruialn& Mesa_ New 92 ·~ Adult nmnlng. oond. Make oUer' Beach Music Center Factory Sole1 & Service Daily U noon 'til 9. Sat 9-5_ 17'1Gt Beach Blvd., (Hwy 391 1'-' mJ. So. San Die&:o Fwy. Huntln~on Seach 847-8536 T1p1 Recorders 8220 ROBERTS nox T a p e Recorder. $250 v.·as tOCI. Us. ed 12 hn. 847-5995 C1m1r11 &·Equip. 8300 LEICA J5 mm, Rolleirord box ciunera, xlnt cond. Focu!pol for Rollelcord. 548-6J.66 149-G. Riverside Ave, ~ w AN r ED ' * ~~~ = * ~:pHuBuili!!>'=C:·i!; !:;!, Ng:p:E~:bll: ~~nlia, Apt c, C.M~l---.,-60-A_U_S_T_l_N __ 60-88ll • ~. .,•, 121> * M6-0TM ·motor, aleeps 2, cle&JL Sale1 o.tfice localed al Park ·i..,;,:.;,,:,;::;·=-----1 CAMBRIDGI£, _. MOV[NG, many house 11~· ~~) ._~~_l (tlO junk $1650. Call eves 6Q..448B OPEN ' '66 DODGE Van Xlnt cond. SlJiS. 6t6-2887 Tables, ctiatrs, lam111, T'j~ ~Wt~•~· .cio.Jor Dogs 1125 i.. $1200. ~ alter 6 onl:=========I stand, divans, hutctJ & ~ apPHl.pon, -"-------= ~;~~A 30 ~~~·.; 9 AM 10 6 PM Sat., all day Fri.&: Sun. AUSTIN ·HEALEY '"'""""· Eli<trK: l b ~;t!',~ tool• o ~-b I. p U p p Y full radng .. ., & extru. ACCENT MOBii ~ '63 CHEVY p.,,.1 ""cl<. ""'° 1--------~~~rtra~ 1!;:~;, ~~ I ~.·. tei! 6 mn. old, black/white male ~7; 494-7735 u; !:':&: ~~:~~~· AUSJIJl..HfAlfY '67 n~s repair. Pl cell.I • e.oc,..= .. ~,~J)i:.Ui, ..,M "°1 ~L23='•"'ERI=cso="N,_..U~bo-a-t-,-.. -w. HOME. 'AW loll -.... ~ • .....,. '""'. Ill ISQI. .,_,. ol •• -.,, Will-" at ~ '67 DODGE. Van Truck •. r&h, 3000 MK ill ""/FM -•to, v n, organ. Toys, , 'all or beca111e we Mve too rn•"" VJ ...,..... .,.... 11 ,. s••~ Pri ~" •~ •·-•·-2573 F d h · -• •---.~-S3 995 Private exce co.... ......... "' pr-dia' "-1~ -.•a .. ,,,. c r 1,m1 •• _...:.:;;:. dogi. $10..00 to -....a horn•. -..,..,,. :,:~0.,"'; • -a_,,, nr nu ta I ... ..,s •n.r-0 c M -:;::i;:::.___ ·-~ 1750 Whittler Ave ty. -~ or -~;, ~'-.~ .... .:.. bl"• rive, ,. . ~ED,: 0 101 Ut a Phone 962-tooT aftef'5 p.m. '"" "'"" ,_ ..... ,. " * AUC.TION * ' .~ii"WJ~. *to ceilll:li. BE Au T. m In I at u re WESTWIND 20' &bw &loop, Costa Mesa :sr ~~~~.·t ~~~:~~·l~ :;:the~: , ~ I Schnauzer P"PP~. 8 ........ dlnahy, motor, incJ. new 25' 714 642 135 1f yo" will sdJ or b"' : • , • -· ·~ tt •·-· " -: • 0 """"58 · Vory tow mil.,gr. 1lve Wlndy a tr:' -W~P.: l'004-hide a bed, old, AKC rq. champ. •tock o s ........ moonng. ...uw. '62 FORJ'.> Econoline Van Auctions Friday 7:30 p..m. up to ~ , 63S-:i629 GG. 675-3685 ar 833--0386 ec;~ Davis Bro ..._ $2999 ...,._1915* , .lDn .. nnn .. _._._,_, SABOT No. 5783 (Steve BOLES-AERO 8x30, 1 BR,·..,._. wn ~· 4ll Windy's Auction Ba'm' ~~ no:u..,.,. pup w11 l full tub .t sholftl' w1th attached E. 17th. C.M. • Ch. aired AKC lhot . aon rac. rear. teak 9x24 cabana, furn., alee"'" 4-'61,, CORVAIR P.U., ramp, BILL MAXEY Behind Tony'a Bldg. Mai1. ~hlne.W, ~. . IITOO wonned ~ust ,......;;,, .. ~:· trim. Xlnt cond. $ 2 7 S. .--2075% Newpopr1, CM 646-1636'' ;,;,,;:;..: ~ ~'-642-5630, ..... uce . .,.... .. 644-2844 6. On Newport Bay. Adults. 47,000 mi, auto trans. $400 •=r::,..,':lr:ir=,.,.,,., GARDENER'S 25" trimer, -'iiHiOouuiiRLL'YriRENTffiruAU!:tS"-1 ~675-<~';"'~':,.· ~<:1l3~),;m.!:;'131~4~-I or best oUer.S46-8169 "ITIOIYIQITIAJ GARDEN & YARD gu .,.ratod hadg<·trtmer, MINIAT,!JRE -les, 2 * Rhod" 19'• * VERY clean 10x41 2 BO, '59 FORD P /U, 8' bod w/ • --· -e Mowen e Weed cutters Nu Vae. 20" A: 22" roiary m&lf!ll 'J,.llver, l-black, 2i,a ntn 1.one Boat O>. BaJboll ru&'I, drps, awn i n i 1 . tool box.. RUN eoOO. $425. 11111 BEACH BLVD. e 'l'ille" e Renovators mowen. 642-3145 &-9 P.m. yeus. All •hota fl5 each. Beautiful adult par Ir:. 847~77 Hunt. BNCh M7415S ultan e Amps e• 0rurm: I :S:.ipo=•t:.:ln"g!..:::Good=::'--"15:;;00:;; NEW AND USED 12 MAJOR BRANDS Al&o Mkny Tmporl"I A,t BIG DISCOUNTS EVERYTHING IN MUSIC 1ch Music Center Ml.lSl' Se\I 8'11" Chuck Oemp KW'fbrd. Semi.gun. rem. fin. Almost !'It'\~·. S15 or belt of- fer. 642-2398 BICYCL£..Man'1 10 s peed, near ne1v • 64&-1071 • e Edger1 e Lawn vacuums 548-CMM COLUMBIA 29• l/Srd U.. 646-2632 3 ml N. of O::ut H-. m Be> FREE 0 0 OUTSTANDIN temt Tep cond, 6tras. -J United Rent All . T Y U G 1•· German 11000 dn. 142-3295, 67J.7211 FOR • new Mobil• Homo in JMps 9510 •M SPRITE •64 . bit Shep. puppy, Parents on new Adult Park. Walk to iN ' ~.re no W. 11th St.. Costa Meu PLEASE come 1 ~t u.sl We premilei. $30. 847-9936 after 17' THISTLE, excepL cond. c:uan sauna. and pool Golf '61 .J•P W•goneer trans, new genen.tor, $450. 64>0760 haw only a few days left of 5 p.m. Full race equip, $1250 course, 536-2731 4 W~I drive, one. owner, Need1 work. $46-3585 GRADUATION SPECIAL Ille unless we c~ find a •ro::iyco---"'1,-pu-p-pl-,.-.~b~l.-d<-or-I 5f4.4f26 after 5 pm. 10x48 ANDERSON 1 B XI t low niileaei!, absolutely like This week? S land a rd home, v;e are 3 lovine. lon1 white: are eligible for poo. 26' SLOOP, aleep1 4, head. nd r n new. V-8, automatic trans-BMW lypewrtn from S 1 7 • 5 O , haired kittens: 673-64M 6/7 dt ICCUrl &"alley, full sail. Xlnt cond. co · Beaut, lntfrlor. Sp mission p owe r steering 1--------- po11bl1. tron1 $22.50. We' 2, GROWN call· 3 yr F e t.y. (l) ~ M'Cllt 1ell! 962-(IZ_ rent 535 Cooler 90-4664 power 'brW1, factory air: '68 BMW 1600. AM/FY ' Daily 12 noon till 9, Sat. S.S POOL ta ble 5 x 10. 11la~. an- have of 50 elec add'e mach. . , • • • TOY MANOIESTER puppy, , warren hubs, heavy duty tape. Sunroof. Xlnt from $55. Calculators fro cb»pt Siamese. 1 yr M, temale,.3 montha old. $50. 11 ' O'DAY SPRITE .. Mo.;;;.;l.;.••:...:.H:.:•.:;mesc;:: __ .;92:.:;.;.:15 rubber, ovtrload iprinis. cond. * 6?S.3334 740a Beach Blvd, (Hwy. 39) tiquc liO yn: old $1195. · l'tl ·ml ao. San Diego Fwy. 839--3022 : H~o ~acb 84..7-8536 's~R-A-N=o-N_•_w_H~o-b-;' m oranae calloo, fixed, House • 962-9720 • 67l-4llt -Ll N VLF 57 ========= ;25. AJI c I ea n e d A pets 545-fm · 6/i HOUSECAR Slttpa 4, fully c. o. 4 · * OU>-drum aet, 1urfboard 9'6". Best oUer. consflt:I of Ludwig base .I: 54&-5318 guarant...t. 642-llll ii;c.;·~=:..:;"-,,,..,.,..,-+. KEESHONO M. 15 moa. P·CAT, RACE·rudy ..it ront&lnod. Inel,du $3799 DATSUN 3 PC king ilze BR "t -w' FUNNY, cute, av a I I.ab I e AKC 1bow quality, $125. --~•~o."""-'~'-71.:.•-•.:.... __ 1 Honda 90. $4,500 IC?nns. ~ ' mare, 2 Liberty tom toms, HOBIE SURFBOARD 1 hich hat .I: extru. Scuba Tank!: • '494-2'157 . • 494-8212 !168 Fender Bauman Z-12" Heavr Out)'. Excel. Conti. $300. ct beat oUer. 11131,\s W. Balboa Blvd. NB 7' SURFBOARD, li ke Rcm/lins, fantastic $30. 673sfi6'.l1 nrw. ""· FEN'Dm Piggy Back Mlscell1neous 1600 Bandmute"r Amp with 2 --------''-' cust .15"• 35 lb. Jemion spe&kera. $250. 50-aS or -5 PC. dlwn 1et, blue swirl, WO. Mlft Stain t!H-4871 6-lQ pm MAJ\TIN ~ ltrin& guitar, D 12-35, like new! With cue. Call 897~73 RUSSELL surf board 9'6", blue stringer, ('Xcel. rorxl. $100. Ask for Dick 673-3052 UNICYCLE-- $20 6TJ.2i00 alt 6 E XTRA st u rdy paid ~5. ~ell SJ5, larobe $35. 545-4309 crib, Chi!- • It ' ""' Kreen eyed k i t t e n 1. 968-4506 S450.se $~.1'Tplc aetw/. Rumorou.s" unique .--,....,~=-=~-·ll'C•tamaran 16393Hemlock,FV 531-9737 c '67 Datsun ~reen, basket &: tools, $3S. '7"""~ · 6,., Collie Stud AKC * 646-lOil • ~ ~ S • W New sC?l o( 4 chairs, 1eat1 & .,....,..,,.} '" Normal e~. $50 ->fcrFJ'£FteiwiS-1~E~IO<t~r:!!lc~C~1"~-~92~50 tatlOft GCJOft backs; red, S4. 2 BR hMg. PAIR , AKC Jong Foat . e 5'1&-9965e "1,~.~!:f!'1P~"'"~apl ! ' s0 Ali original 4 1pd, dlr, radio . I SlO G'-'-Chlhuahllaa tree to ' _....... .,.....,.... "'"" e FUN LO, VING VW e ~ •-ator, Ilk•' ..... w! ot'7C r--h ing amps ea. ..ui , •""" yr,i;IMARANER fema le . * 642318 * CAMPER 62 b -'"" '"' •'" ~ bicycle. Jrg i-izc $10. Deep !!~1"· ~AP'f/&'OX•' wat.,, lhl. :Sholl, AKC, f15, Clll alter w/porta le ~~ dels, pfmnts $39.00 mo. f111er SJ. 842-3171 . .,.,....._. a . S. 5'IJ.-09'T1 26' ENDEAVOR fb&I• gJoop, room. Tu·o owners, father&: VHG 014 call Ken 494-9773 ====--,-~~-good cond. Shock built. w/ son. Hand rubbed antique , ' • _ fAOVING. Pond fish, all KITTENS, .miXed bat. }Jave CHAMPION bred female oor1r1g $4-000 648-4370 interior, carpetin&, hand 54~ Ext. 66 or 61 . 69 DATSUN kinds and sizes 35c to $W, had healthful aecure start. Eic&h Bull. AKC . *m KITE 'No., 735, '"H..., made curtalnl, new paint, 1910 JIARBOR BLVD. Big· sedan. 96 hp, overhead v.-atcr lily $5. ~" Schwinn Want home wtmcre of Loves cbildnn. SfS.-2951 rq ~J luagage rack, ex c e 11 en t COSTA MESA cam ena;., dlr, ... ipd. radio,, racer, 2 sp. SlO. MIF bowl-same. S46-238R 6/9 ="""=,,.----,-~~ trailer, nearly new. Many motor tlH--05lJ heater, wsw tires, loaded. ing ball & case $8. \IHF FIVE kittens, weaned, box AKC Atatwi puppla. '1 wb, -·~"""'""'"'·,,;1;;995cc. . .:.rn=.::..:.:c.:.~-· '67 BRONCO Waion 4 wheel zm Miles, under factory antenna Yagi $6. I 9 4 9 trained, J fem.. 2 male. $200. ~· KITE, north sail, fuJ1 * '61 VW Camper w/'!'3w drive, 6 cyl , raakl, heater, warranty. Bal to fine. $17'15. Republic, C!\I. 642.-4809 P·-•,• ·-•·· .. P•nlan. 646-7589 cover hi'"'"'" trtr Xlnt motor, new paint, oversi»ed rear aeat Red wi th white Tab $15 cash dela, Or alder .,., '"'"'"' ""' "' LOVABLE 10 wk c 1 d ' ··-' . tire11 IWU'OOf le "happy" hardtop. $1,895. Call 8'19-61m CU! LB YNW 097, Can Bill 7~~· F.G. Dinghy & oars u.;. &48-0218 6/10 "<O=nd=·=ssoo"='_ . .;,646-;.:.c25c.ln_,'-. ~~ perM>nali~ • likes people! , S4Ml634. l lA hp Seagull motor $65. BEAUTil'"UL white kitte111 =~ :=~~~· SUPER Satellite, 14', w/lrlr. Make offer. 497-1316 56 CJS CHEVY V-8, ALLJ="=·'=-======:J 4;'. roll-top desk S7 5 . with. bl·ue eyes, Xlnt oondltkln. $650. =====,.-.,,-.,.,.--NEW. Sell or trade . Leather judge's chafr $75. housebroken. 540-4803 6/9 e GERMAN Shepherd pup1, 494--4649 •MARKE'l'EER electric car 548-8584. 418 Tualln Ave., ENG1JSH FORD DIAr.tQND Pierced earrings. Misc ilem5. 2020 Tuttin, AKC, 10 week1, Iarae boned. & charpr .. New paint. $325. >N~BJ_ _______ l,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I Cost $495, &'!II $125. NB 64,, '7'>.,A 3 LONG hair gray kittens, 10 ,..,,. ~-... aA .....1-!ik -• 114~2318 ;.. * 61S-41U • · ,...,,..,.. wkl, to good homff. 8152 ....., up . .....,...lO'I Sr;:::.: I Bolits "PWO 1953 JEEP Sta Wag, 4 \V.D. , CLAl\INET C'.&11 att 6 pm, 545-1540 Pl1nos I Orw1nt 1130 s ou~n-1--ao~A~R0~8"·4-.. ----.-~. QUIGG i;urlboarcl $45. '65 Eve lyne Circle, H.B. 619 AKC Toy white Poodles, '1 '"' RUNABOUT, 35 hp Motorcycfet 9300 Xlnt cond, J9,too ac miles ~ Honda $150. ~ Doclg!!, wkl, $75 to $125. Mlllsion _... -R&H $595. 54-::Dll JUNE SALE!!! ~:;,~111:. ;:::;· new good Iran~. SIOO. See btwn s. s~~~in\~~ ~v"';"'•'°;-' "83().._,2794.,...,.. ~°""~~ ='; r;~\en 1C:~U:~''. 1'65 HONDA • Factory authorized clearance of cverqe, returns &: demos P!.ano., 6 Ora:ans. Practitt pta.no., new walnut spinet piano!, new &: used Grands & demo Baldwin Organ• really A: truly on money 8 pin. Z>-13 Santa Ana Ave., dogleu home, 962-'7898 6n AKC Rqbter!d B 1 a ck Trail flOO G42-M!J5 250 Scrambler, 8.300 miles. Recreat'n Vehicles 9515 HANSEN CartliH 5urfboard C!\1. pt!niature female poodle I er. . Good oonditian, Ask i n I . $50. Island surler for ba.y MOVING : .Complete baby PUPPIES. Part German months S50 S45-8938 14' OUTBOARD, 60 hp $315.00, Call alter 4.:00 p.Cl,. '63 ECONOLlNE Van, win-135.~·~· ~&....so.;~.:,C.·=_:.-__ j :;ihoc bronz.ing 0 u If It. Shep., ptlrl Collie. 6 wks. . . · Johnlo\ Under Z tiours· 847·7187 . dows, bed \v/1tcre.ge. Xlnt = old 54S-0807 ' 6/7 BASSETT PUPS Trailer, bud"" bearinp. .67 HONDA •--bl-305 cond. SlO'lS. 494-5393 PORTABLE TV, 15" screen, Includes &how case & ~ oA:&IUu .... ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES· SERVICE '69 PifODELS Immediate dellw:ey LARGE SELEertoN ThooCfora ROBINS FORD \VIEMARANER • .Male, C -==="=K=C=·=~=700i=== _Cal,,.-.,t,,,64,,_2--0l-:-12-,.-.,.-..,,,.--,-mil VH F-UHf', gn:>at condition , moun!.~. $150. takes all. _ -~ like new! Under 800 es. CiMMrs f520 S40.67;J-2706 aft.6 54~J99S yrs. Good w/e hldtn . H 14.' SKI Boat" ski equlp. Dirt·tirespluaextru.$59S.l';;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 2060HarborBlvd. 842-2275 aft. 6 p.m. ~ 6/7 Ortft 1130 Mer. Mark 75-A enc. Elec! Call ~ -'° alter 6 P11 !• Costa Mesa 642-0010 _ MvirW &ALE!! Get in on HAlRPIECI:: K I N G -f) -L A \V N , po1\'er ~ Lgl. brown,. hwnan hair, 2.5"· n10\tcr, 21.'..' lront catcher, ERE~ kltter;cii,,.,molber -.bob-REG. 1tfU8TANG, 3 yr, start&: cqntrola. Xlnt Cond. YAitfAHA -80 Trailmutu. CAMPER : ... bit q.aJI •t' . ... WAR.D'S BALDWIN srunto fall • like new. M>-0942 prot. reel IYJ>4!, 3 hp. $95. tail, 2073 Moflrov1a. Costa mare, pleuure, show, tnll. $650. 5.36-3:11S Clean. man1 Xtru. $195. S•lel .. Rentats 1119 Newport. 'CM. 642-8484 l HAMMOND • Steimn,y •• ,_ • ma.ha • .,., .. Ul8d planol -i or, all maJon. Bat hlJYI ln ' So;. cal1t. rfsht heft. · l SCllMIDT MUSIC CO., SONY !ape recorder, TCl05, &12-2468 ?tlesa 646-4237 6/T UXI tadt tnc. 548-468C SMrm BOAT REPAIR 675--0561 Authodzed Dealer new rus. Martin £Uitu, 00. 1-IANDP('\INTED Oirutmas FEMALE"black A: white cat, PONY mare, 40", pnUe, 6 ~beg~1!.r~ ..:.:c:..,66=TIUUMP::..-=~11.~soo-.. --1 Eldorado -Four Winds -'67 FIAT 18, llSll. &12-7106 cards 25c each. Lamp 2 yn old to good home. yn old. $100. Immac cond. ?ofany extJu. ScotJman • B&rracuda *50 Coupe "'"'..:,::cc..;..:..=::..-___ , •"-dr• ·~ Ptal••'"'' -~ v-1--bl•. 64&--0338. 6"' *uJ -s• .,.... .,_,, ~.-s-ruo r-..-· s· c.abovn .Low As Qualily king bed, quilted, IKl _,, ...... w ~•J VY• f~ ~·v Boat Mllnten1nw 9033 v•..-•.WU UaJ• ·~ L~ 1799 S~lal whl'eill, 4 1pd, dlr. complete, unust'd $98; v.'Orth case $75. 67:1-42-1 1 ONE black kitten, a black L k ll40 '67 lOOcc HONDA Trail with Model # W> plush black interior, AMI FIAT $250. Att 5 or wknds 1147-0406 SALE--1'"umlstlinga, m I 1 c, and i o Id m o•t h e 1'. lvntoc YAOIT Malnt. Pa I nt , helmet. 1100 mi., llke new. _ Thaodore FM radio. Sl.25 C..eh deis or 40 SQ. yards of beige Moving out cf 1 t ate , 646-062.1 6/9 OUCKENS, ducb, lffle, variilM A: \\'OOdwork. Quall· $325. ~1-1192 O? 54l-7845 oldu trade. LB VHE 743. THOMAS "iiectrie 0 r g an carpet~. xlnt cond? $60. call everylhing ·lt'(les! 213 Uth fRt'E Kitten11, 6 wk cld turkeya a: nbblt1. Babies • t.y work, reu rat • 1 I SUZUKI ilO trail sm. ltlinl· ROllNS FORD Call Ken 49C.J773 or 54.S-0634 with all lnltructlon booklll. ~54=S..~73~l6=~~~-· --St, llB. S36-39T6 53S-fil.16 older. Allo cage1. ~ MS--9736 bike 5 HP $150. Both $t00. 20iO Harbor ruvd. '67 FIAT 850 Spyder. Xl.nt $U1. Xlnt oond. throughout. DOUGltBOY Pool 24 x 4 with 90 YARDS gold can>etlng 6/7 QUAIL. Pharaoh. Mature JACK'S Dectronlc Serviodce !162-6'T.XI Costa ltfesa 642-0010 mer.hanical concl. call M0-6717 eve• ol "'!rend• filter $50. Excellent con-SJ.OO ya.rel. Good condition. 2 TABBY, 2 tiaen. 6 "'kl bird• for breeding, 11.yina or E!ectrieaJ npatr, mn • ·r BSA eocc, A-1 shape , * 642-&421 • UPRIGHT PIANO dlOon. MO-l!I05 !162-7566 Mon. Wed, Thllra. old, Playful. lntellfg~t eatin&'. $lea. 548-6678 new tnatallatlon. MW329 man.Y Xtru. Sac. $750. WANTED: Good ~1 edl/=========~ ti-•·a-~ fl¥. "'6-J62l '"""· Fri, Sal hsbfl<n ktlt•ns 646-1297 C/10 ON 675-503$ .ii.r ' ...,.,, or d..,.r" bl 1969 FERRARI ·-·, ~ ~· -llOBIF. SURFBOARD 9' · TRANSPORTATI u. I E Ip -•s ·.:;:...:.;,;.:,.,:==· =-o=--1 ~Ton 8' •-p)ck"m. M"st --------1 ~ altrr •:30 Scuba Tanks BARGAIN! Membcnhip In 2 K11TENS. part Persian f fTWr M qu ' ~--'Iii KAWASAKI 175 ;. tn ~ ~. i ·1~212 Nttt'port Beach Tennis Club. wkit. old. 897-0937 14492 loafl & Yachts 90C!t '12 JOHNSON 75 HP out· Good condition reuonable. 5'6-4.0til '67 Ferrari J30 GTC 1• WANTED $700 you pay translu fee. Saha La HB -•-~~ Go11eou l"l'd 2 la / IP1Nlfl'S " GR.ANDS LOVELY Uphol11tered Ian &fz..1417 aft J pm. ra ne, 617 14' nVNABOUT 1:tus. Xlnt board. AD electric con~ ' &If!.,.,... * PAM-TOPS * black • 11 Jove leat:er ci n1:.. r· 636-3620 back chair $45. 2 woods, 4 lu"P"R=tG"H=-T=Pr-8'-,~u.,,--,1~,-.. -1 ~ Gray A \Vh1te·kttttn1. (X)ncl, -40 hp Evinrudc elec + extru. X Jn t oond $32S. '98 BSA 441. id· ccnd,, low All 1teel 1hdls. SAll!a le n:n· FM multiplex radio, Po'ftl' ~ e 1 e c I r I c irons & Dai;: $20. M8--083S misc. hoU!!ehold Ite ms 'It. Fi"tt ,to ~ home. lSUnaet 11&.f't, new cover, flab « •ki-540--0062 mlle•, many X 1 r a 1 · tall. $149 up. Buy factory wlndol\'S, 6,500 actual rn,IW:, 4fllll, 'Sitcriflce l350. Call f'llCE dll'll'!l!c, fi chairs, 2 turn. Flshll'\li: llkill 12' 6 5 Ben.ch). 592-1896 6/10 lie11t cller. 613-8542 aft !i:OO. 6 HP Uattr Dietel • J~eavy 50-17'6 dlre<!t, 1010 So. Harbor, Si\. Locally owned &: traded Jn ~ leaves m Good largt hp oulboard. S36-397& l Canro ai· 1 buH coldred kit· BOSTON. Whaler Sttnall 1· Duty $125. ~l..,1._ '68 TRIUMPH Bonneville, '67 TOYOTA Pick u p on a tlCw Jo'ma.rt. Muar sct G6Uit:AHStN OrPn Model refrlgeralor $30. ~~165 SF.iAR'S ~nch eaw ~ tt>n1, 7 wkl. 6*-2119 619 flbera:lau dlna $350. Ctn • Sii Moe I . 9036 3500 ml, paint A clu'Ome. w/campe:r $1695. & drivr lo bl!llevt' . .&JL.h aew. l:cet $2100. DRAfi Beer .eloup, cooltr SABRE Saw m cmt new P AR T Co c k •r·p<10 ? beu.ilriaatdt~m Boat • P r"I pvtpty.IU-3872 •642-4676* lSOT N.' Main. Sant& Ana l .. ~~..--k aU, $50 . ....__-: SOO. &!.~~ eves 0 r Adorable. ~~ 6n 18' CROSBY outboard, r.lm: e WANTED: e -'68 YAMAHA 250 Endum. '&6 D. Cam-& C&mp. Oin. il:Mfi o;..t Orpn •. z &t&-20'17 "'l!t'kencl11:. PUPPID;, 11dortible. 8 wk. 60 hp, fish~ I lkilrc. 36' BOAT SUP like new. 2.Cal ml., $685. Ill, l/tm, Jacki. All or ...... ~ Lalk\ sptak'Pr. AIR Condltkil'll!r I com· DIAMOND 3 row weddlfW mixed b~. 6T$-7621 6/10 S..crUlce. STl5. IM&-1433 UT-2119 altrr 4 A wttnd can 133-m neL part. CIH.n. &t~1612 J~rtllp n11 31111 Pll l I •:, •. cMlt' « biliM: after. JftMOr lor '62 k '69 Gene"! rlr11t. 2 c!JJ T.\V, Have apprsl BEAUTIFUL lq haired S. S. POOPA.LONG, pride o( NEED S1dt tie ror 23' bOat HONDA llO. u new, cnly 962 '&& OU::V. picku p. lib new .._ ~. IHl--1314 Moton f'a,... $40. ~1900 smi. ~II S500 ea 1 b . kittens. MS-51~ gn thr. c:tiaraattt flttt $163'7.42. Balboa Iii or vie. C..U GU)' milea. with '8 I .en-contained 311'(] \V Coul Hwy t.f 8. hf 6'i.1 Piii Want ACJI DAILY l'tLOT WANT ADS G73-J600 }'OUR f1 uUy . frisky billy Call 5.11~ 2ti-.~ colltel. ~ lfle.r I pm. chaMll mount c • m fl e r . &12·9i00 , ·~o.iT&f --.. liUJL'J'S • BR.INC RESULTS! Mutt •lephM1.11 DlmN..J.lnt hi! fflinet M).6082 l/T DAll.Y Pll.01' WANT ADS! Whit• etepfutsl mm....une Whit. Eltpbantsf ll99S-~ Authorized ~1G Dealer t -.J_ ~...;;;;.~;__;;;;.;."'-'--~::::.::..;;;:::::::;c..;o::;::.::.::: ----·-·-------------------------·-- • - ' -TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION )' TRANSPORTATION Imported Auiot 9600 1moorted i.~t,,. 9600 lmportff Autos -9"'° TRANSPORTATION FEIRARI PORSCHE . TOYOTA 1---FIRRARI Newport Jmporta Ltd.. Qr.. an;e Counft''• ohly 1utbor- 1!ed d~Jtt. SALES·SERVJCE·PARTS SIOO W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 642-9405 M0.1764 ;:.\u~orii.ed &.1C Dealer JAGUAR '62 JA'GUAR Sedan ·excel cond. stlck shift. whoe .WhC()IS. $1350. (7141 521-3900 ext. 346'4>?' eves, 6~2803 JAGUAR XKE conv, lm1n11.c cond. Must sell. $1750/o!fer. 646-<lll '62, 3.8 JAGUAR Sedan w/2 xtra niounled snow tires. U425. Prv prty. 644-2742 '62 XKE Red Rds. Besl oiler over $1850. 546-0339, 846-1190 -' KARMANN GHIA 4: ~:;:~~ ,,,~n.~~~?: TOYOTA ~OllOIA '69 SUNBEAM ALPINE '67 Mot/F~t. chrome wbeels, Almoit a crime to call ttill bumper .a:uards, ete,., cte. a used ear Yet.low In color ~ o~. strato blue Sand bel&e w/ black mter. • conv, with wire whee I a. Factory warranty "" Show-and hilly equlpt, l.nc. auto-(UVE400J ·Low m.llc1 & low ' matlc trarwniulon, radk>, ~ condition. 3 other ~ w/wall tire•, tln.ted llalL price. 111.1 t11...cboose;.l961.lc-1968 s. Only 3800 actuaJ~dtJg:"lnlles. .J1rtuport 31111ports 3100 w. Coast H1vy., N.a. 642-9405 540-1764 Authorized MG Dealer 165 Porsche S.C. Champagne yellow w I b1k leather Inter. AM/FM, elect. sun roof, chrome wbeels, etc. 3 other S.C. 's to choose. (YQCJ9ll $2049 BILL MAXEY BILL MAXEY !T!O!YIOJT!Al !TIOIYIOITIAI 11881 BEACH .LVD. ~ --· -Hunf. Beach '47..&555 11U1 BEACH BLVD. 3 ml N. or Coast Hwy, on Beh Hunt. Beech 147-1555 - 3 ml N. of Cout Hwy, oo B<h TRIUMPH TOYOTA '65 LAND CRUISER , J{arcj to tell lhis red 9J m.p.h, 3100 \V, Coast Hwy., N.B. 4 wheel drive fun ·car lrom J1rtupo n 31111 orts TRIUMPH GT6 Cou,pc, late 'ti7, 4 spcl + elec uver drive, wire ~·heels. low mileage, mint cond. $1595. 499-2359 1968 TRIUMPH MK-3 Spit- fire C'OnV. Like DC\V, $1800. 64<-2768 @· '59 vw._ ·~ $·675 / 2 Dr. Radio, heater. ( Uc. VEP'm '61 vw ...,--$ 745 · 2 DR, Radio, heater. Lie LPM529 '_62 vw ... $ 795 2 DR. beater. Lie. llDR312 '63 vw ... $ 895 2 DR, radio, heater, HAV569 '64·VW ... $ 995 2 DR radio, healer, OWY~ '65 Ghia .. $1295 Radio, heater. T8X&15 '66 vw ... $1395 2 DR. Radio, heattr SVA103 '66·VW ... $1495 Fastback, heater. RYF8l3 6U-9405 540-1764 new. Excel, i;ond., with rear '62 KARMAN CHIA conv, Authorized J\1G Dealer scats, HI Flotation tires, very clean, new top & ---=--~--1 wide rims. (HPG425l TR 4, '&t Roadster. red w/blk int, 1'.'00d da..'lh. Orig. owner. Very clean. 6U--m48 @ clutch, rebuit cng, 101v '66 9115 Speed $1799 mileagt!, $995. 49!)-23.59 Red w/blk Interior, AM/FM, chro111e wheels, fog lamps, MERCEDES BENZ '65 Mercede:r Benl'. 220 S.E, .Every possible extra incld. Au!o trans, full pow· er, ~l\1, FM, Sunroof & air cond. Absolutely lmmpecc- able, 1'1usl be seen & driven lo be believed. .J1rtuµorr 31111µort s 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. 6-12·9405 5-io.1764 Authorized ?.1G Dealer Or,1r1']<? C"unty's L 1r9c~1 Selection New & Used r<\{•r '"d(·S Bc·nz Jim Slemons Imps. W.1rner & Main St. Santa An.i 546·4114 r-.1ERCEDES ' ·Benz JOO D Classic. Auto., factory ale, Xlnt cond. 5-14.:{)885 MG . MG MIDGET '63 Bright ycllo1v finish, rccond. like n e 1v. Exccp1ionally clean & sound car at a low pri1.-c. (llK497) $899 BILL !UAXEY !r !§!v(Olr!AI 11181 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. Beach 847-8555 3 mi N. o! Coast Hwy. on Bcli '67 MGB Rdst. with cover & wil'C wheels. Excellent condilion. Only 33,00) miles. Lie. GHS- 023. $1795 Holiday 1969 Harbor Blvd. Costa tiJesa 6·12-6023 63 hfG Midget ExC'Cllenl C"Ond. Ne1v scats, rec<>nt overhaul. PrlC(! o p c n . 545-7·!04 MGB '68 MGB 2 To Choose Both are covered by factory 1varranty. One is black. One is white. Each is fully equip- ped. Each car is in show- room condition. .J1rll1µort 31111ports 3100 \V. Coast Hwy., N.8. 642·9-100 540-1764 Aulhoril<!d ?.IC Dealer rttG Sales. Service, Pal1s lminediate Delivery, All Model.II J1ru1port 31111ports 3100 W. Cout Hwy., N.B. VOLKSWAGEN '"· R'"'""' "''""'· .. ~ BILL MAXEY feet condition thru-out, 1 1968 V\V Bug. u,000 milt's. other lo choost'. ITIQIYIOITIAI Xlnt condilion. Own c r ''Easy to Reach J1rtuµort 31tnports • _ ._ ~· transferred. $17:iG. 847-14&1 on the 1vuy to !he Beach" HlRBOUR 18U1 BE.ACH Bl VD. '67 VW Bus. !\lust sell. Gd . ~unt. Be•ch 147..as55 cond. 9 pass., JO,OCKJ 1ni. 3 ml N. ol Coast Hwy. on Bch 1 -="~'~-l.cll63~=~=~~ 'CO VOLKSWAGEN, black. Orii;:inal owner, new linl!I. VOLKSWAGEN, INC. Authorb.ed :noo \V, Coast Hwy., N.B. 642-9405 540-1764 TOYOTA Authoriz~ ~tG De"aler '67 Porsche 912 Coupe -$ SAVE $ Ebony black w/ matching Executive Car Sa.le blk~ inter. A!! Porsche ac· Hurry While They Last I 1.-essorles incld. ch r ome ~ L • \\'heels, fog lamps, coco A....; I mats, etc. 3 others to choose UUIO IMPORTS TO'f'OTA·YOLYO 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 .. 642-6033• '66 V\V Sq. back, Mf/1"1'1:, AIC, 6 ply r<1dials, coco 1nats, Xlnt eoncl. 546-3475 '67 V\Y sedan, 20.000 nil, cll'an, per!. 1..-ond. Radio, vinyl int. $1695. 497-1626 liii<f V\V, Clean & Shllrp 642-6943 8 AM lo 6 P~I. after 6:30 &iG-1225 '57 VW, need.Ii ininor part:;, Sales and Service 1 ~7ll Beach Blvd. 842--"35 '69 VW's q.L,1EDIATE DELIVERY Bank Ftnancin&: $213 DOWN S·l-1.03 *· 36 mos PIUi 1 final pymnl for title. F'UlJ 2 yr, 24.,000 mi warranty, Avail only at T & M MOTORS 8081 Garden Grove Blvd. 534-2284 at Beach 89'J..S55l J1rtuport 31tnport s l150. TOYOTA * 5J1.131s ~ __ o_PEN_'61 s~AY 3100 W. cast Hwy., N.8. VOLKS\VAr.EN, nl!w en;::inc Excellent condition Inside A 642-MOS s.J(}.1764 HEADQUARiERS ..., & trans. Good transporta-out, honey cream ext., plu.sh Authorized r.tG Dealer ELMORE ' lion $500. &12-3473 black interior. $125 Ouih 'SS PORSCH~ Targa ~1~. •62 V\Y. Sunroor. New tires, dels, dlr, or trade • take low Like new, mUst sell $5600 or I~ Beach Blvcl \Vsllnnstr clutch. top. S7JO. pyn1nll!, LB VHJ 19-1, Call bes: offer. 642--060!! Phone 894:3322 Prv: prty. 846-9j97 Bill, 515-00:W Porscho's, 1962 • 1969 BILL MAXEY .07 SEDAN Be;ll"-Blk ;,,, .~M~U~ST~,.~llc-7''66"""'V\"'v"'."Loo,--,-kl The finest selection of qual-Radio. Stereo. New brakes. like new, Xlnl oopd., many ity uS<"d Porsche's in So. Good tires $!550. 540-l542 Xtras. $200 & take over ~~;~rnLl. 33 to c~ I TIQIYIQITI~ 1-==--,"o;s""'v"i"v.",-',"1o'-. --~~~ts. Call Before 4 p.m. 18881 BEACH BLVD. S600 miles 51995 j~ru1port 31111ports Hunt. Beach 847-8555 Eves. S'iS-0:"J2j '67 \\'hite V\V Bu~, ·~Int cond. $1550 * 546-1396 * 3 mi N. Or Coast Hwy. on Bch 'G2 V\V, xlnt rond. tilust sell. $6SO. TOYOTA )..and Cnllscr, 1967, * 673-0443 * 'f?S V\V Conv. AA1/f'M, 18.00:> nil. Xlnt C"Ond. Xtnu 1!164 V\V, R/lt ?i!ust sell. Cl850. 549--0022 or 642-6923 4 1vheel dr, hardtop, \Varn :noo \Y. Coast Hwy., N:B. hubs, $1.995. Call 5.36-SilO 6-12-~05 ;,.w..1764 aft 5 Authoriz . i\1G Dealer 1B;.U~S;,fE°"sr=--ma.-="•,"1p"1a".,.c--"°in '66 Pors he 911 Coupe town. The DAILY Prwr n \Y/blk. inter. Classified ~tion. Save •heels. fog lamps, money, time Ii: ellort, Look ess in every de· now!!! rs to choose. SSOO. or bc~I oUer. 218 48 St. NB 642--0161 'Gj V\V Sunroof AM·FM, $850. '66 Sunbeam Convt, '67 VW Fastback, radio, disc $1250. 67l-346.l brakes, gOOd c o n d i t i o n • ,;,.=~~-,-,,,--~ $1300. Call 962-9683 '59 V\Y Sedan, rebuilt en;lne, and good tires. ?o1ust sell. White elephants! Dlme-a-line $350. 546-~ alter 5 PM. Imported Autos 96001mported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 3100 \V, Coast Hwy., N.B. 6~·\HO:i 540.1764 f Authorized rt1G Dealer '68 PORSCHE 9ll, 5 speed, \\'ebers, Kon is, r ad I o, am/Im. olher extras. $5200. 642-4158 after 4 p.m. '63 PORSCHE 1600-S. red w/ blk int, reblt eng, n e w paint, Frt1/ AM. 544-M79. RENAULT --'67 RENAULT R-10 4 Or. Sedan. Still looks nC\\'. Ser. No. 58248. $1JTI. New Car Dir. &16-9307 SUBARU Subaru of Calif. lnc.-Retail Div. . $1297 POE Opt equip $30. Freight S14;50 Handling $49. Oel. $1390.50 + Tax and License l!XXl W. Coasi Hiway, N.B. 645-0000 * 54(}.213.1 NOW'S THE Tl.ME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A AUTO AIR CONDITIONER WITH THE PURCHASE O~,/ The whole family wi ll' enjoy the zip of Fiat 124's high-Output engine ... the smoothness of a 4-speed synchro- mesh gearbox .,. the security of 4-wheel disc brakes ... the comfort of reclining front bucket seals. Fiat is fun! Fiat124 Waaon &12-..., ..,_,,.. DAILY PILOT Authorized PtfC Dealer ...... F •1 i=~Wb~"·~"'~•r;;;;"""~~·~· d -=-=W'=A=NT=-AO=:".:'· ·-:.II --1118 •ml y lmporl.d Autos 9609 lmportod Autos 9600 Room. • • • • • I Every family ,nould have 11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • l1mily car! G._omfoftabt.' ~•ting • TEMPTED BY ,• IOI' the whol• f..,..ily ••• practk•I. 1ood looks lh•l won't 10 out ol • st7le ••• advanced en1ineertn1 . , • A·•. 111 vinyl Interior, reCUning ~ • • • T 0 y 0 T r1' bucket seats, 4-speed ~lck 1hilt. • .• Be •.!?!!!.lli.l-.Clr l1mllyt : EE DEAN LEWIS TODAY • : '69 TOYOTA FROM 5 1790 • • e llG SAYINGS • • EXECUTIVE CAR SALE NOW! • • 'H TOYOTA HARDTOP .,, ___ ,, ____ .. ___ $20H • • • • I • • [1 Flat124 Family Sedan . • '6t YOLYO SEDAN, Awt.-ic _ __,__,., $2'75 • • 41/l o;o BANK FINANCING • How aoes Fiat do it for the pHce? • • • • ON ,\l"PAO!AL WI NIED YOUR TRADl·IN FOR OUR 1.AR'GI USED CAR DEPT. • • • : DEAN LEWIS . . : ,4 .. tlll • • • Or•nt• County T.f:'f•••Ll· vyC!lwR~DH .. c'o"'srA'tn'l • 1'6' HAUOR IOU ~ , , -, • ... ~ .....•.........• \ SEE TllESE AND OTHER FIAT !HUELS mLIFORN!A \.)-·· · SPORTS CARS _ ·901· ·E, 1st ST., SANTA A~A 542·8801 I l ·. \ ~ c ,.,. ts "' v . . ~ ;: ·~~ ~· ~~ -~;l n ::c 0 0 Cit m "' :a 0 I: g " Cit :11111 .,, -m< n111 -~-r-=· --Cit z nz 0111 i :II ...... ~· 1" ::s: .. .. ii' I:' .... l ..l • => ;r i: ::. ~ 0 " ~ ~ ,. ~ "> !~ ;. :I 0 0 • ii: ~ &; • ·' c c.. po .. ft .. CD po ft 5 -.. c if z z -en .. ft po• N 9 -!!:. I .. l z ~~. 8 ... : I ' 0-0 "$ ::c , >n ~o '""c '~" ~ ' •c ~o i i ~· 2 • UJIO .. o a .... ,. f. "it I , "' Col i " -. • 06 • "' • c ii" " I. ,~ c •• -3~ .. l o-• z ;: •• "-· z M -~ < l • -,~ <· -• 111-Z n !:".~ : I c ,- M n• -!!.> ; ,~ .. al 3 !:~ . -· • c: ", .. . "n Co -< 5" I -• ~ .. §. I • .. . , ; 0 •• ' -·~ 0 f ,_ o~ c: ··-il 0--• ~ , c • ~ 5· -• n:;!: -c g ~"' l ~1 ~- ... -.... .... ·-... • .... .... ·- I ------1. ~-.--••J __________ _ • • v .. -- . . ' ' DAIL't.f!LOT Sat., Juot 7, 1969 1 twsl'!lltAflON TRANSl'ORTATION ,TIAljSl'ORTATlON '!',_IAN!l'ORTA;'l'ION . TRANll'OITATION TIANSl'OllTATION . 9700 ~ L,aol.. ttlO UMCI Cira . • 9900 U-;::M<l:;;;..·~.::_;;;1:......:.·-....:..9900=1-::======,,;;l~~=~--....:.;:::..:=:..=.:::.:.._.::.;:..:,:9900:= POR!A!!!! het! 1!11 Autos,. 9600 Sport Cart __ 96_10 A-Wanted JOU<SWAGEN '61 CORVETl'L Conv. PIW, ~ P/8, 327, 4 speed. R&H, Belt olf~r. &U-0102 aft 6. i '65 vw . -°'*'I by DU!e 'olo painter Antlq-, Cl111ics 9615 1ret lAcUJlt. Pu.ch. xtnt '57 DUAL GHIA • l t1$':Cllb dels, dlr, . 000 . WE PAY .' .• - CASH tor ulld can • truclcs just ca1J UI (Or he ft#matt. -r;ur TDll!:t ._.._ _____ , • Leue a ..., 'It tor 6 Montt.. '66 K>nnln Ollla 11299 BUICK - le returrl "itb Pt ~· Uon. Radio. heater. IJ'tX655 "-" ...... u .,_,_ Id ,..... ·~ Old& St.attire $499 \.&II ""'", ........ ,,.."' -· VS, ilUtomatt .. trans. power l!J68 BUICK JUvlell. Jow Tull Dt~ ~0 atcerille -r XEX3S22 rnUeagt", 1 owner, extra FOl>I A tborlaod ·~;Ford, ioo,XL $199 olwv. Only $400 Q"" tow ~u $)'1111m 'vs, automa\k", Power steer. • ~~ue book. 6TM487 Fri aft P1mDt ...... WW.Jlnc Copvert, All power. "'1. m1. '-';;ii-;::::O::::~;:':_;llt;"-:<;;~~jT, l\lnl cond, V•ry "" <Suiol " ~ _ · . •tl91 $3!AIO. 642-5243 or <9" ...... AW,, IOO , 5210 I GRODI CHEVROlfT . "Ask tor Saltt M'antatr l82ll Beach Blvd. HuntingtOn Beacb IO 11-33µ 11ttodort '65 Nuatatw J1m ... all day Sat l Ro.INS .,..-RD Radio, heater, \18, t opeed '&. BUICK Slcy/arl<. 2 . on. rv ETU'180 I-IT. P/S, P/8. Fae air. 283 HE IS 01di1•l1d 111 our pollt.y ' .. Court.•v:S111'ic•· ln!19rlty 'FINEST SELECTION Over 25 '66 · '67 · '68 • 1, Cadillacs to Choose From • /red Int. Chock lots> .:. :.;:.,,,...,.,.,,,..,.,.,...=,,,.-f SlJOO. f94..2S15 A Sharp Model A l'ord! '*'62VW • 1930 standard coupe. $500 * 4M-S200 hp d_epcndable. $6Z. -1974 after 6 PM '38 BUICK Clualc Model 41, Sedan Special. Xlnt cond. VW, reblt eng. Map, s•~ nt m 1100 '.\ or best ofter, must -=~;;;,· ==· ::;--:====:o I ·64>""'8 9700 Autos Wanted 2060·11arbcc BlYjl. · '63 Fotd $599 • V..S. Xlnt ccnd. $155 ,0 , Costa Mqa &GOOl.O V:8, aptomaGe trantm~lon, ~~,,...11~6~!.=~---- ,,,-LEAIJ '1 powe1 jlS!ft'IJW". ~ '63 JUVERlA all pwr. '68 C.ad ~de v~, tuJJ pwr', '64 "1"' Bird $999 leathefl IJ e ~ t.. I A/C: Full power, landau top, air AMJFM Xlnt c•o n d a.Ir. l7,ot0 mt., 1139 mo. . '96 F-ord Squire 'it.aeon $899 636-3148• · ' '69 Couaar, l dt, H·top, • . Air ."7'-=~· ~~----.. $36.94 mo. CHANEY'S '64 BUICK S~cial with locol cor, 0110 own1r, foct oir, '66 Continental std._. air" · CAR CENTER famo~ V-6 eneme See to full powor, 1t1r10 rodio, niw WE PAY WH FOR YOUR CAR ' '68 ELDORADO' leather. $99.TS mo. . S00 So. MAIN Sf, 'appreciate. $900. 548-8584 i cor worro11ty, XCJ 461, 2 to VOLVO Wi'll BUY SOUTH COAST lOO% Financing No Problem 68 RIVIERA. Alr, vieyl top. ~ choo•• from. CAR LEASING Mott Credit No Problem low mil. Imrnac. Prv prty. LEN HUTTON VOlvo 2828 Harbor Blvd. 300 W. cat Hwy, NB 645-21821-="'-''--'--'----Eves. 644-1549 CONNELL CHEVROLET Your VoUmvagen or Porsche Costa Mesa M&-1200 •. llllEI\ A '"II .65 BUICK 8.,..,1ark Gran-~:~';u·:~rl'::V::.tt; ,c::" '68 CADILLAC "' P&Y top dollars. Paid for "c~o=N'""F=I =~N~Tl=A"L"L"Y~ I Used C•rt 9900 y ~ UUI "¥ " ,.. """ + NEW 164 or not. Ca.JI Ralph DE ;;..;.o;;...;;;.c;.. __ _;-"" Sport. 401 cu ln, 325 hp. 4 on ' ' '"" m ""· COUPE DI YILLI & 673-0900 We Pay More For '82 SIGNET 2 ctr, HT, $36'. \VE CAN HELP YOU Ooor. $1600. 645--0621. • ·: Dirk bblu1, bl1ck-"'i11yl top, ''67 OLDS 'YllTA CRUlllR 'hMs...i •• w .... F1c.t11rv •Ir, lo1d•d I I loc•I cir. TEX t 47 '65 FO!JD STATION WA•ON NEW. 1800 lldPORTS \\'ANTED Foreign Or Sports Cars mo., Stock No. 13l. '62 m. • U others 'hlve turned YoD '58 BUICK. Gd. motor. ~ • ' dirk lu1 l11th1r Int., f1ct1rv Ora.,.,. fmntles PAID FOR OR NOT 2 dr., $32.SO mO:, stack No. down • U you have no down ~2577 after 5 p.m. t BRAND t oft, lo1d1d w/•xlrts •. Locol W ON .. DISPLAY . ._. $3 p.ytne'nt e. If you 'aft em-I=========-• Cit, n1w c•r w••r1nly. WY6 • ,.. L•1..:1 Bll.L 'l'O,,';JJ~OTA B. J. SPORTSCAR ~~:·MA::.,, Tc1JM.lrdOT' O!R. smo,, pleyed. CADILLAC • "' o~. ow111r, lt,000 mll1•, 1ir cond. Exc1ption•llv fin o cir. RYF 495 • -f.WIO USS! Beocll Blvd. CENTER ~ ** MANY MODELS i NEW , a: Bea<h. PO. Ml....,, 2833 Hartm Blvd. 3'30 W. !JI St. TO CHr~SE FR?M ** Beach City Cadlll1c1 + '65 CADILLAC IMPORIS WANTED' JUNK ' c" Rs Cos!& Me" 5404491 Santo Ano 5.11-41183 • · • • = Mr. Um" * BIG DISCOUNTS * + 1,69 + TOYOTA·YOLVO TOP $$$. THE QUICKER YOU CALL, DAILY PILCT WANT ADS * 893-5038 . * '6>-'69 CADILLACS !IOAN OE YILLI ~;;;,'•,;C.:;;::M~, _;;616-;;;9303~!..==::'.:*::54~&-;;,51:,:;06~*===THE~~Q,'::Ul~CKE~~R=Y~O~U~SE~t~J'..., :.,,=:'.;D~toi~6U.16JB~~==~========'I All Full Powel"-l'act , Air : ~H"hr block li 11 vl top, bl•ck '66 CHEVROLET -: '69 de VW. •••••••••••• $6195 • BUICK ••t •r int1rior, f1clorv tir. STATION WAGON 9800New Can 9800 New C.ira 9800New C1n 9800 New Cars 9800 '6S Sed. ••••••••••• ••• $46!Q t $ 2 _ 444 ~$:!2':~ ... ·/.': 9 :1 w! ';j5~d~~i 9 P•1 ' 1"9''· •1r cond1tio nhi9 . - '. '67 Sed. •···········•• $3795 l oc •I . c•r. SJR JO.f. ONLY :~~:ii:~~~~:= $2049 ANNIVERSARY: 48 f!.r~~1·:::,;:;·1 ALLEN 112ii aeach 81~d~ j $1777 1• SINCE 1921 ••• Your generous patrone9e and confi· Clance in our dealership hes made us proud to be a part of Orange County ind it'• phenomenal growth. Thenh lo our countle1s friends for e wonderful 48 years. OaDrR YQUlS TODAY 1 block S. of HUNTINGTON BEACll OLDSMOBILE ·CADILLAC 1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY LAGUNA BEACH Warner on Beach Blvd. : Orange County's .: e OPEN SUNDAYS e LARGEST l SELECTION •1 49f· 1084 '65 COUPE-de-Ville, 2 dr., Xlnt cond. 1 owner, $2400 or l:M!st offer. 936-2651. • OF • • • 547-3103 i JAGUARS : Uood Ca,. 9900 Uood Cars ------CA MARO 9900 - '67 CAMARO, 6 cyl. nttds t · . t -- body work: $8 50., + COMPLITI SALIS AND f CORVETTE FORD mechanlcally good. 673-7008 t SllYICl DEPA~TMINT • -------·; --------- THIODOll IOltNS. SL Theodore Robins, SF. t'\! THIODOll lOllNS. JI. :: •!Ill·~---~-·-'·----------· ., . r;. -· w111 ~;i~iA:::: " . ' :· .. :; . ' ... ; . : ... ~( i :/ .. I • . " " . . .. . • . :·· " .. • . . ' <I .. , • . DIAGNOSTIC CHICKS FR EE' . .,,.,., • .,, • ~m""' ''"' " ,.,, cer'$ uw'ldllk>n In South1•n Cl lltor~I•'• 11,.r '"'rd oi.,.111»1lc Center. Ol'er uo 111e1r011!c 11111 lar u1,1y, roll•blUIV •nd perl!lr1111n«. • Drive ltllt ,.1catlon wlrllout Wllrry. Ttn ChMlu !•I• Glw•n 'r"I FORD . LED THE STOPS R JUNE! Super Savlngt Wh•'!lv•r You Turfll ••• 0 V1lu1ble l'f.i1:11 For The Grown •. uDI ~ •• KHn Stuff For The Kld1 ••• .,,, •. 1 11'1 Our l!illr•'· S~ln'nt Blrtnaay Party In Almost Half A Century Of QdJng Buslntu In The Harbor Are1I Come In, Help U1 C1l1bratel '68 CAMARO, air, pwr bi s, , • '67 CORVETI'E 427, 4 i;pd. '69 LTD BROG HAM . dis~, radial, dlx int; 19,000 •• ' 20,000 Mi. AM/1'"M, pwr. PO\VER. S·T EE RING, mi. Immac. 494-6136 windo11.·s. ShoWroom con" BRAKES. WINDOWS, 6 '68 CAMARO Rally Sport azr : dition. $3,295. 54>5436 Eves. WAY ,SEAT, FACTORY 1Stk. Must sell immediately. t '65 CORV-ETTE--AIR, AM-FM STER E 0 · $1950. 67>1242 • CONVERTIBLE * 642..a!M NY L 0 N INTER I 0 R : '65 BUICK t --·-~~~I~~~ L~~ i~\\r : ~ CHEVROLET • Eliotri co~p•. full powir,+ COUGAR l\1ILE~. QR I GIN A 0 L i, Y tF1ctory '" co~d. NCB·· ' • COST $5200. SACRIFICE NEED A CAR? We Can Help You! • U others have turned you down • It you have no down payment. e ll you are em· ployed . f.tany model~ to choase from * * Call ~fr. Ulmer 893-5038 GOING to Vietnam. Must "" ... 20 t 61 ;.m..1 Loaded. -e1S, ,. $369s. 968-2&89 • $1795 • T•P"'. •pd O)ntr!, Hit St . . + \\'hi, vinyl lop, air. $259S. 67 1' ORD Country Sq., !I + t Call 615-5373 pass \\'gn., Power & A/C, t •65 OLDSMOBILE • , yellow \vith f.1abog. trim. . • .f door H.l : f •cfory 1ir,i DODGE 548-7232 1pow1r 1t11r1n9 l br1k11, '66 FAIRLANE GT 335 HP 1uto. IMOY 1461 . '66 Dodge Polara 390, 4-spd. Indies American + ·$1395 Conv., dlr, fact air, pwr win. mags. 549-0438 • • dO\VS, loaded! $75 Cash dels '69 MUSTANG loaded, 2700 : :GOOD SELECTION • • • BUY OR RENT BY ECONOMICAL RATES DAY, WEEK, MONTH. '63 Impala • 327 S.S. PIS, P/B, air R/H. $350 eqty. Assume Paymts. 642-6246 t •67 MUST•NG t or take fot•cign car in trade. mi., showrm. fresh. ·~5141 1 "" t Pymnts $39.86 mo LB YNW or 644-2169 eves. C1111 .. 1rt. 4 1p1od, ••dio.+ 386 Call Ken 4.W.9773 or 1966 FORD Ga.holy 2 Or. h11!1r. TXS 161 t 54s'.ooJ.t. ' ' J-IT, air--con. $119 5 . + $1995 t '64 DART GT 670-2!111 0'675-4673 t · : 6 cyl, Power. stee1ini;, auto-'66 FORD Country Sedan 10 '. ~ IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! • Super Savings on s1.SOO,OOO of New '69 fords! CHEVY IJ, 1962 2-Dr. Automatic 1-ownr. XI n t oond. Uses no oil, never been dented or wrecked. Ph: 673-145.l • '66 TEMPEST + matic transmission. radio. pass. Wgn., PS, PB, AJC, • Cuitorn cpi. R&H, iuto ..• heater, Lie OML 193. gd. cond. 642-lMG : P.S .• f1 ctory 1ir co11dltion·t $997 '65 FORD Country Squire . tin9. ~0177 ! • l{oliday 1969 Harbor Blvd. :dnt cond. $1295. '54 BEL Air Chev. W/W t _,, 1595 t Cosla Mesa 642-6023 * 8474250 * ANNIVERSARY SAVINGS on Mustangs -Big Fords -Torinos -Thunderbirds -Ford ' Tnicks! Chec:k Our Prices For June· BeforeYou Buy! tires, original eng., original : : '68 CiiARGER, air, ps, pb, l966 FORD Station wagon. 2 tone paint 30, 130, or is il ia"d·•u top ta-•to-" .. • •·-" .. , .. u. Cleanest in county. 230,000 n1ilcs? lransporta-t '61 CADILLAC t S27j(J, film 546-3343, * 962-5737 * _t_;o_n _ro_r_l_l7_5._6_44--08S3 ____ t +sed. 01Vi!l1. Fu-II power.,+ 5"8-4118 '63 CHEVROLET Impala. •'•Ct.,;,. (HXS 7421 • ·67'-c~O~R"o~N~E'=r~500~. -2,-,,-06-m-L 'GG FORD JO pass. \Vgn, air, 1 owner:.· 2230 Jl.ra lia , EastbluH, N.B. 6'14-1102 ORANG! (OUNTY'S G_8l Y AUDIORIZED DIALER I Large Inventory of New '69's For lmmediote Delivery. Six only -New 1968's Now Slash'd For Immediate Clearanc!I! RENT YOUR VACATION HOME ON WHEELS You ao whtrt Vllll W!n!. stiv wt1er1 you ""JI"' ""l!hou! ttht<tulff or rn- e•••Hons ""'tn YOU rtnl 1 Ro&in~ Otluxe P\dlup C1m1>1' or Clfldllr M• tor Hom~. REASONAILE RATES RESERVE EARLY -· --. ·• 1'67 PONTIAC HARDTOP v.a . s 1595 1'9mp:st (u1tom. Auto., P.S .. R&H. (TRJ 053) . 1'65 CORTINA GT s99 PO'fttr •rue, ~ulpped. (NflP 612) 40,000 + mllta. 5 DRIVE A NEW 1969 ENGLISH FORD! ENGLAND'S NO. 1 SELLER, AMERICA 'S-NO. 1 IMPORT BUY! CUSTOMS * GT's * STA1°ION WAGONS. Large Selection of Automatics and Four Speeds. LAST CALL: NEW '68's! Limited number at Flnal Clearance Prices! UASE YOUR tAR FOR 6 MONTHS 11'1 our low, "G1t·1tqu•lntld" Offt1'. Anet t111,..'1 nt•lr bt111 1nylhlflt Ilk• 11 In ter ln•fng hltto•yl (Ill Mr. M1lcolm R•kl f'Or dellll1. L!mlled lime Otlly. FORD AUTHORIZED Lf!ASINQ. SYSTIM · rynr ""'t· air· contl., lalMill• tre CUVT 666) 1''4 FORD 59UIRI WAGoON VI, auto., RIH, •Ir c'"'a ,,I ,, t nu. l10Y247) 1964 VOLKSWAQ.IN SUNROOF Fullr .,ulert· CORO Jt1} 1895 '895 1'65 PLYMOUTH SPORT FURY '895 2 Doer H.T. GrMn w/black Inter. V ... , autt., P.S., YXS 42t · power, Original owner, low + $995 · t Yac air, p/b, p/s. \Vh! lthr mileage, beautilul. Btst of-• t bkt scats. Must sell im1nl!d. '60Ranchero Pickup fer over $800. 645--0949 127wA t + $2000. 546-2225. Virginia Pl. CM t '66 THUNDERBIRD : '65 DART, gd. co_nd .• cn_gine '64 STATION Wgn Belaire, •F•ctorv i it cond. Full pow-· overhauled, good t Ir es, S350. 64&-2887 ---..,SlFOR.~D-- R I H, w I w, orig owner +,,, ,.;nyl top. XLV .ft 1 t brakes, trans. 547-0933 46,000 ml. trlr hitch . 1 $2795 t '61 DODGE Lancer, 6 t'yl., lsYourAdinourclassifieds'! GOOD CONDITION 646-ClliM 646-3523 • auto trans, good condition. Someone will be Jookin& for '55 OIEVY· V-8, top cond. +--------•+ $275. Prv prty. 968-1991 it. Dial 642-5678 New radiator new brakes, • ========:..!,=""======= tune-up. $200. Owner. ·: '6S SKYLARK + UMd C•rs 9900 \JM<i C•rt 9900 673-4571 .f d r. Aulorn1!ic, power i','•'6"v'',$•,·,,1'3";9,, 5.,,.,.,.1+• 1962 Cl.JEV IMP. SS, full pow· Pt'. fact air, white/green interior very clean. Priced bl!low blue book. 962-8463 t+-------- '68 EL CAMINO 396-35o turb •• '67 IMPALA : hyd, fct air, P /S, posit HT c ;. 1 PS R&H. am/fm. Xlnt cond. $2595. + · · P•· u 0·• ' S39-6369 .(BCK9561 ' + ':Ill CHEVY V-8, doon. Now i $1995 ; muffler, shocks, tire s, + $250/oHer. 675-5740. 1 '59 Chevrolet Sedan '67 CAMARO Bel A" $50 .H.T. Cp1. Aut11., PS, F1cl, 675: _.... 1r · t iir, R&H. ITFX 76tl • ~ * 673-3806 • ~· '66 CHEVELLE SS, -· • -$2295 • Muntz stereo, S&\V gauges. + · I 11400.· 646-2223 -1 ·64 FORli-WAGd Fr '55 Chev Bel Air, 2 dr. +Cntry $quir•· Full pow•r, auto, all. power, 69,000 if•ctorv oir. COQX 713) ml, $321. 541-8069 $1495 '65 IMPALA. Air-corui NEW tires. 39,000 ml. $1600. 54"""' + '67 RIVIERA CONTINENTAL t Cp1. Full powor, ftclorv ••ir. ITOB tttl '"1 CONTINENTAL, fad o~. t $3595 premlulJl tires.. S 3 5 7 5. ,66 CA.PRICE 64Ml58 after "4 p.n1. Aufi:trn1tic, ftcl. 1!r, pow1r GROTH CHEVROLET STOCK REDUCTION Shop from Our Ilg Inventory of Mort Than 200 Latt' Mod1I "OK" Uted Cer1. All Makt1 & Mod1la. '64 DODGE 2·Door V-8 auto .. P.S. Exci."ll cnt transport· afion. Not a scratch anyv.•here. Ex· cellcnt n1cchanlcal. Lie. No. OSJ 623. JEEP WA GO NEER 4.0 •. Custom $2 599 V-8, sl_i,ck shift. R,H, P.S., 4 wheel ·drive,.lock.outhu~ •. overdrive. Ex· cellcnt oond!tl'Oli lpside & out. Money baek war-- antec if not salislfcd. Lie. No. STZ 405. '6i PONTIAC G.T.O., $18·99 V-8, auto, P.S., Beautiful Inside &: ut. NOt a s<:ratch. 3 mort> to choose - from. Lie. No. RZD 300. '64 CADILLAC c .. pe De Vile $1999 V-8. auto., R&l.J, P.S., P.B .. P-,vtnd., full polvcr. f.act. air cond. Beaut1fu_l \Vhite original lacquf!r finish. Not n. scratch. A real jewel in9ide and .out. Lie. No. OSO 067. '69 TOYOTA Cor-Spt. C:pe. '21 00 ,6-cyl, auto .• P.S., white 'vnll t1re1. .Sa'le hundrf'ds on this one. The hot plQdel. J-lui·ry. Lie. No. XUB 921. full pwr, stereo la)X', new i '58 Cont. co:iv. M In '69 11<.. I ,. I I .,,./': _' ~· ~~:i~~~:.d.~:~:~ ~~!~~:A:: .. ,. li';;;.~,1·;~5"": ~ ~ j"j~~ . o bQre11__:=:::.:.__• '64 VOLKSWAGEN 2-Door $999 4.cyJ, 4 spd, 11tlck shift, R&H. Ex· cellcnt mechanical condition. Your frit'nd.! will think tt is a '69. U r. No. FltTS 984. '66 RAMILER Am.,1c .. ·2·Deor s99' ·9· jr.T. Spi>rt Cpc. 6-e)'l. outo., fat't. , . 'air <:eQd. Real nice. A real winnl!f 112~~::;;;=~ ;''';!' ~gi~... 0 ins ·~!.,;!~~v~WR., •• ,~:t234E.1JthST. ;;; Ir I §!~~~ d Maroon/mk. Int., must ~ ·t //~ r·~~ or rb.":''' .;"~~~~::m~. clean 1548-7765 t e.-. hf P••• Me9wfrf e 511 I 1.fll. t• ''·"'· St111t 10 •·'"· I•• p.m. ' . ·~ ;~~;· ~j '~"' ~ @gj1 ~"."iv~~t~ ttrn, bat· f Ol'IN' 7 o.n • '"""' r.·V i . ------· t. ~ r I 2060 Harbor Costa Mesa ®642-0010 8~.!"~ ... '":,.';r.~ .. ~~ PARTS & SlltVICE ljOURS 1 t .in. t• 9 p.tn. Mo11 e 7 •·"'· t. t ,.11'1. Ttt•t•Frl . -----· -~~--- PARTS ONLY I I •·m. t• 6 ,.111. S•t Claaltied secdon. Save mooey, -A elfott. Look nowlll ' .. r . ' and eeonomiclll ton. Lie. No. TSD 281. '66 FORD Station W1goo s 1599 Country Squire. V-8, auto., R&f-1, · P.S. 9 pa~engf'l'-takf! thP whole famil)I on a ·vacatlon. Uc. No. SZC 296. GROTH ·CHEVROLET 11211 B.tach Blvd.-Hunl. Beath (Hwy. 39) 545-8863--0pen 7 Days 'Tll t P.M.-M7-613' " • S""""1, ...... 1, 1M DAILY -,TRANSPOllTATIO~ . rRllNSl'Ol Ti\ TIOH TRANSPORTATION rUN$r,<>llTATION ·TUNSl'O-TATION TRANSPORTATION TUNSl'OllT! Tl!jC~~~!!!~!!!::!~!!!)r!!!!". Now Con HOONowC1n flOO-Cln !~!!ow C1_".'. t fllGONo• eon' .. Now Con 1Hoo-0 C.ro --Con --c.,; ' I • 'CADILLAC • NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE 1961 'CHRYSLIR 9 paS11enger Town le Country wagon. 1'1ah:e yellow with saddle vinyl trim. Full power, air condltionlna. luggage rack, tilt 1tttrinr wheel, low mileage. CVTP971) 1967 CADILLAC Coupe DtVHle. Phantom blue with blue letther Interior. Full power equipment plus factory air conditioning. One o"'l1er. CUJAJ57) 1967 OLDSMOllLl Custom Dtlta 4 Door Hardtop.· Spanish sllvtt with matching interior. Autometlc, P.S., P.B., factory air conditionin1, white side walls. (UER479) 1966 CADILLAC • Coupe DcVille. Autumn 1old witll blaCk vin)'I top and gold cloth and leather lnterlor. Jl\ill power, factory air conditioning, tilt steerinr '>'•heel, power door locks, etc. (J62964!19) 1964 RIVIERA Powder blue '>''ith matching vinyl bucket seats. Full po"·er and factory air condition- ini:, man)' extras. CHGT85&) 1965 CADILLAC Coupe DeVllle. Royal blue exterior with mat- ching cloth and leather Interior. Full pcM'er, factory air, tilt and telescopic stetrinf, show• exceptional low mileage. CPGN663) ON DISPLAY AND READY '-FOR DELIVERY TODAY! SALE s4444 PRICE SALE $3888 PRICE SALE $2444 PRICE SALE $2999 PRICE SALE $1555 PRICE SALE $1999 PRICE . , OVE~ 80 QUALITY AUTOMOBIL~S TO SELECT FROM • THIS IS THE KIND OF I ' . AUTOMOllLI YOU $HOULD OWNI , . . 1966 CADILLAC Tha vary popular Coup• Ca Vill a f ini1had in 1ovaly eashmere ivcry with black padded top and blaek leathar intarior. Has all of the Cadillac accas- sorias most pe·opla want includin9 full power aquipmant, starao multiplax, tilt and talasccpic staering wheel, power doer lcck1, twili ght san· tin al plus, cf c9ursa FACTORY AlR CONDI. TION1NG. This is absolutely fl awless ·a nd ht s only 28,978 actual miles. 1966 TORONADO · • CUstom. Black exttr:lor witl'I black 'Vinyl In- terior. Full powt't and factory air condlUon· ing, lilt steer:ln1 wheebi, power door locks. }o\v miltq:e. (SLV334l 1967 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille. Normandy blue "'ilh black vinyl roof and blue cloth and leather interior • Full power, factor)' ,.tr, tui-telescoplc wheel, pov.;·er door JoCU, AM·FM. (Vlll7851 · 1966 CONTININTAL Goddpi iold with a:c;ild top ~ aold letther lntertor. Full power ari'd factory · atr, stet-to l&~, \qcal, one owner. CSVY710) . " 1967 RIYllRA Fore1t green exterlor with black vinyl in· tl'rior. Has full power equipment plus factory air condltionin£, Ult 1teering wheeL CT.SD49fl) 1968 CADILLAC Convtrtlble O.VUle. Black wtth black leather interior. Full po1,1.·er, factbry air, tilt il tele· scoplc whttl, stereo. (WXE549) 1963 CADILLAC coupe. V8, automi.tic transml11lon, radio and heater, po'>'·er steering and brake•, factory air •condltlonlni'. \Vhlte with blue cloth interior. • • ·-·, . SALE $2111 PRICE SALE s3777 PRICE ' ~ALE $2444 PRICE SALE $4999 PRICI SALE $888 PlllCI -----------SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN----------- SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, JUNE 10, IU9 • 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd.,~ Costa Mesa 540-9100 OLDSMOllLE PONTIAC =,;;...;c='----'-9900=\ Ulld Cns --l~iiiiiiiGiiiiRiiiAiiiiNiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiOiiiiPiiiEiiiNiiiilNiiiiiiiiGiiiiiiiiiil MERCURY '68 SH~~:.TG~:G.,."' '""CUTLASS V4, '""· W· '67. LEMANS WE SELL USED VW·'s ONL y '62 bfERCURY 4 door, wag· in. Convertible. l-olake otter! buckell & console. PIS, BUcket seal!, factory air, on, fully equipped, ps, pb, MS-2670 JU.It Tac. Jmmac, $U93. pwr ateerlng. nu tires, xlnl 1 QQO/o Unconditional Guarantee auto trans, xtnt cond., new 546-eOTl condlllon i1lllde "' oul , dlr, Y . '69' paint, 3 tone. New tires, OLDSMOBILE $175 Cash or fore!an car. water pump &. hoses, temp ..., 595, r.11 Ktn, 49-1.9773 or RAMBLER PRE-OWNED BIG SELECTION '61 THRU '61'1 AIJ.. MODELS FROM $295. • • • • BJllAND NEW '69 $1998 ~ 9 0 DA ,61,: brakes, muUle ra, gen. wire, -------;---l ·:,,,c,,UTLAXl"t~.'.....,,.•~. ·Orl"a'1na1CXXI Take low pymnts. LB TKR -'67't · -Thennost&t, bttttl')', new • • • -~.·S975. 54s.9658-~,---. p,lop, points, wires, minor -UNCONDm_ ON ___ AL 11\'!''"" Ill'!>· -10 BRAND.NEW . __ f'LYMOUJH.. ·~.':..~ ·~ 7,000 m'.;_1:!~';'·· _ -'67 MtRCURY 9 pa.u White •• ._...., 1 r ' c • SUit"'"'"""' GUARANTEE Colony Pk Station Wan., red 'ij CUTWS '60 F'ucy oomplettl)' rebuilt black int., 4:u poai., many •LL OTHIRS )Cl DAYI rlel · t t tn.. engine, 1dual quad1, torque . more Xtraa. must see 10 642-4023 ,.. x. in ·· au 0 ns, pwr. F.&5 SPTS. CPE.' filte trans new uphohtef')'· belle" Sl,IXll. f.IW!I aell. I O.Yo DOWN O.A.c. tilt steering, pv.or. eeata, ,, .. ,, ••"" ln•-t .. ) l31S. Alk for Dour. MB-6366 pwr. !!lie braJces, RIH, DelWle bell1 frnnt k rear, • """" ...... A/C, racks, ntw tltts, pert. padded dash, fully lactory 4!8-2463 CREAM J>U« '63 Pontlac, 9 T·llRD "OPENING SPECIALS" cond. l.l"' 67~194 ""'"''"" ~ 'l;:i PLYMOUTH Mopa• 38J P'"· w .. , whlto I blue F~UeU.~Po-... -,~.,-M~,-,.-Co~lo-ny $199 DN.'"' $65 Mo. \Yfquad. lll·&pd cam' :~· J,~l JZ14:1ow blue -- 2-'63 5999 1.:....· .. s1399 VW 2.0 .. r. YW C.U. · t-'64 s1099 t-'67 s1499 VW 2°Door. YW z,g..,, -S-'61 \ $1699 J-'65 s1199 'fW 2·DMr. YW 2·Doot· 1-··· 's1m ._.,, s1299 'tW J.D..,. 'tW 2·Door. ORI'( M Mlltf. l"•llr ... ;,. . Pk \Vaa:. w/trlr hitch &. $2399 jardino he11det5"'56 posl. · wtring. Or111 owner wUI eel! $1200. S.5-Mtl '64 STA War, auto tranl, for •e11 above klw book. 'Go v..:r.;;;; "''ant o' u k P/1, fac air, rack. etc. Xlnt _, AU.ANT, ., ' 1 c ' cond. Asklnc $1000 Ml '68 T-BIRD Landau 10,IXX) ml, full pow. 1 owner DI.YI 897--0311 Ext 5129 Ewa. 6'13-00lO 548-3713 map, runs good, Jmenor ., ""''7 Plush Tax & Uc. In lrVll'I '63 T ""RO all ·' '63 Mere. Wagon x t, $650. 962-1911. , =----=--...,... , power, .. r Bia One. Orta:inal Owner Pwmeni. include tix and '67 VALIANT like new, 4 dr., FIREBinD '68, 6500 ml. cond. AM/FM radio, 38,000 * 548-JnJ * Ileen~ and fiMnee cbargea b "'-'I atlCk 1•-Ow-• PIS, auto, 6 cyl, radio, •ml. $950. &13oOf43 on 48 month$.. Approved ..... :·,: ;..,2160· w.111. "" •• •IM!M:, 633-1885 credit. Serial No. 331779Zll. .....,.. .....,.. _ _._ '59 T·BIRD, rood n&nninC WE BUY-SELL-TRADE MUSTANG "¥'· '68 PLYMOUTH GTX '67 LE MANS, llM new, oondlt!on. new b atte r y, ----~---1 'io.decl!'Beteotftr. must sell. Best otJer. brakes, upholtttty. ~ BONA FIDE MOTORS 2116 HARBOR ILYD. Costa Mesa, 645· 1113 SAGRIFICE! 198S Must&JV. Six cykuto. 36,IXll ml. $1300. 137- ''5 MUSTANG ~ cyl l'Uck Good cond, new tires. $9SO. Call~ University =· =·=·=1= .. =1 ·="==1-W->ISS-"'""'"'-· .. _s._:m;_· __ ·::..T=· im N•w pain!, PONTIAC RAMILER Kt .._ Old b I ' -.. -RAMB--LE-R_Cl_au!c. __ v_.a. MUsr &ell! '65 T•Blrd, •U Smo •1 e 65 PONTIAC .f di' H.T. 4 Dr. new tlr@s, very clean. ·J>OWtt, factorJ" alr, clean. CataHna Jt/ll. New val.... Good "'""· $790 or oil". IJm, &<S-20!~ m.3422 $188 ·9VER FACTORY INVOICE o'N All-JAVEDNS~--. AND REBELS ONLY Offer Umlted To Stock On Hanel Good Only Thru Menclay 6/9 Thi Action $te111 Per Gre-S1vlnp RID HOLIDAY cum ---• SUYICI Siies '. SlrYlcl l'Olt .YOUI IAID-716'1 CAI ............. POI Tat.I~ COM'.'111•1" 1'69 H1rbor, Cost• Mm, 6'2'60ll O,..N .. t.t,_w_..,, W&S.llt-6,. 65 MUSTANG 6. Auto. Radio, SoOd c»nd.. BaJboa Jale. 2350 lla.rbor COila itesa Ptiv. Pty. f15..56l!O 646-33119, 2421·0 Elden Aw., '60 T-BIR.D, tun ppwer '59 PONT., ·2 dr. ,fwdtop, C.M. w/alr, aood ctindlUon. 1&15 , .. .,_ ... 1!111_..., _________ ~· • •' I ~: -.. •' -:~ • • .,. !' • • I , • • • • l · " • . I ~. • ~ ' JI I r -' 540-9640 ~~""" worlc .• llOO. '64 Anl"'""'· """""""· new ~=·-=---·--· _, YOUR ,AD REAC:HIS Y()UR AD REACHES , DIAL dl,.cl IGSll, ClW'p 18 Oldl Cullut With 1 f' bal. ====~·~Or.=""°·; ""'· batt, fuel pump. Rwu '57 T-Bnlll, ""'' perfect " ><>14' ad. lhon ,llt lla<k aM aulo '"" ol $119.96. Resp. THE QUltjlfR YQU CALL, I A loou ...... Quick l&le, "'1<'4· 11!195. W .......,., 68,972 HOM-EACH WBK ~ 68,972 HOMES EAC:H WEIK Ullen 14 lh• phooo ....,I pty. 546-1504 . THE QUICJ<>:R 'l'ou SE!';' $500. 493-J423 ,::N.::,B·;::m-::1::m::· ____ 1_....:.=.:.:;....:.:,.;.,..,.5"' ___ .._ ____ 1 _.=.:!c:.:.::..::~==-==-'-'--'---'~-'-='--'---'--~-----~~---~ _, ' ' . ' \• ' I• • I I I I , " ' ' • ( . • ' . " VOLKSWAGEN CENTER ' '66 VW VARIANT fllll~ f1etory eQU'-d. (Tl!ID7411 ·' .... ..o...--··-------.!'.~ . .. .• "-._._J...: -:. -----' ' . ' . I ' ·---------. --.. '6• PLJ'MOUnt .GTX H.T. V .. , AlllO. Tr1J111., Power Stterlng, L1n4llu TOP tXSR 6") Gold Stir • $2188 . T~TAk s74 w.w• s7J 11nm . + r •• 1: Lie. · ,l'YMT. -r PAY.tit: '66 PONTIAC ......... NS 2·DR. H;T. ' . J,'M:lllrY 1lr, IUID, tr1n.t., Rl.H,).s,, ill.od<el 11111 & eon110l1. CRYV ll2J. $1 288 t\"k f43 JS.it; s43 T9"t + f1111i Lie, FAfMT. ' M:..,.}'l.\T'. '6S: FORD CNTRY. SQ, STA. WON. ' ' ' V.., 1u1om111e tr1n1 .. rlcllo. heater, POM'r 11etrlng, wsw. ITZE2'21 '66 CHIYELU .SUPER SPTS. • 3H V•. 4 11*!, r..:llo, '!_Hl'lr. !SUH t51). • ·s999· ' . .: .• , s33 TOT .. s33 . TOTAL P.AICli DOWN · " MNTHLY. +TU A UC. • , P.t.YMT. AAYMTl • • • I ' . ' '· . • .~ { . .... \ . . .. .. . . .. --· ------- -. . . . . . . "' - -oAllY ··PIEOT . -·-.~ OIWHll COUNTY, CAUf'OltNIA JUNE 7, 1969 SCHOOL'S OUTI Keep Your Children -safe anltBealthy - This Suinmer SCIENCE ASKS Can Mediums Speak., .f o the . Dead? AN HEIRESS' ADVEITURE ' · My Hippy Life As · "Mrs. Robinson Crusoe" On an Isolated Island ZANY & PRACTICAL ' . . . What to Give Dad For Father's Day · - ' ~ ' ' #SELF-HELP QUIZ 4'. ~ 4 · How to. Tell ·~ • If You' re Mismatched ~ · With Your Job • • A·sk Them YourseU ,o. ur. DIAIYllE£ CEUElt I o/Nn.Yo,/i Fl.7 Jo yo• Opf'OH 18-)'Mr-o'U. ,.,,.,,,.. ... ,.,,,., lo llON1-CUlc-' Elc-, 1-'kt"°"4 ow.. • 11tis ie a mattel' that each alale can determine for ibelf; ro impoee that age quali&cation Qnifonnly upon the state. would require a Constitutional amend- menL I am .oppoeed lo thia.. When we consider how euily the adoleteent ia in- 'OIC COY. CL.4VDB a. DIUC, Jlt. i oJF/oriM Doea n.rul. llaH more lali•• '"•• ••1 otlaer .,.,.1--Mr. G. J. Byr., S.alde, r.-. • Florida haa more than 30J)OO ¥JDed lakes and thousanda of unnamed ooet. POlt ARLENE 'IUIYCIS, «11eu ----~ we cu retdilr undmtand w.~-­ .c.he dema1osue haa been able historically ,,4,... ,.... ,,,....a11y Oil •• , reraler 1ele•i•io11 pro- r-M~ to capture the youth of the land. Witness the regi.mee of Hitln and MUMOlini. ,Oa JACK. LOIW o/ "H..,.;; Fiw:4' .• •• ii,,..,,,,.,,... .... "" o/ ,_.,. ,,.w..,. .. per ... JWlll Ju""'7 bl IM llelropolit•11 M•••••1 Do ,._ HU 0111 o/ yo•r ,,.,,.,,,.,.,_.,.. J•n• i.,, •• ,., Feeo, 7esa • I have three of my woodcuta and two of my lithograph. in rhe Metropoliran Museum of Art. New York City. Lut year I eold 14(),000 of ray works to private collectora. I am a Sunday painter-the only day of the week I'm not in front of the cameraa. 'Oil. MltS. RICR.4RD M. NIXON .4a IAe ,.,.., t.Jy, Jo~ ,.,.,. .. .-llliMle ., .. ~ *'• , ....... ,.,. "s....d/y AmMrl,c,T' prope.•1---<. ..4. /YieWa, ..4UIU., 7esa • I am intere.ted in the continuation of the First L.dy's Committee for a More Beautiful Capital, although it will not be my main projecL 'Oa Bil.£¥ GIUHAll m Do 1•• t.eu..,. tlae,.. • ....,,, 6e ml ..... , ..... ..... ~ .u eluudtn1-o..w C. r1a._,...., Blae- ~ F'. Y •. • Aa a member of one denomination, I do not work Coward the amalgamation of all churches. I believe there ia a place for each denomination, pro.idinc free- ~dom of worship. FOR J,4CKJE GLEASON FAy Jo yoa ,_.,. ,,,. "Ro11eyw1•1NMr•,, 011 e.. eryodNr ... ., ••••"•I nery ... 1i1-1 ... r1a11. u,.., s,,., .. ....,., s.c. • It ia not euy ro memoriJDe three eon11 and 100-or-eo page.a of copy each week, ol' 90 tonp ud 40,000 peaea a eeUOD. • rm DOW on the new .. What's My Line?" an.1fternoon abow. 'Olt J. Alrl'RVlt REISE', """'°' o/ "Tlte Brus Fw1oriu, • 11Mk Appnti,.J oJ ""' p.;,.,, ,4,.,..po1;,, ull tltr Air force .4cwlmey" r ..... r,, llOIJai•• ...... ,,,.,,.,., Jra1 ... •I OllT •ilifary .~..... I/ fMYH ,,.,... •le proW.-, ara mU"811 eo11e, .. 1..ra .. .sea~ Jr.-,,.._,-Mr•. B • ..4., Miluleepolja, """'· • Hardly. Annapolia U. diAcharged about a dORD midahipmen for smoking marijuana; the Air Force Academy dis- miMed four cadets. There may be other cues. but with rhe academiee' furtiv~­ neas, it's impoaible to tell 'OR JO£ CRONIN, ll t4 .. uicc1t Lape pruiJe1t1 ,..,... .,.,, •I ,,.. &uekU ,. .... pl.yell ..ur ,,,.... led ner _,,.~ U. /afHlll' o/ t•e ,,,.., .. ,.. le••1- D.rnU Claeyney, ..... a.,.. Olalo • Yea, many timea. A cue in point con- cerned a game prior to World Wa.r II in which the Boeton Red Sos woo a for. feited game from the W ubington Sen- atore. The le.ague forfeited the game to the Red Sox because the Senators ne- glected to CO'ller the in6eld when it rained. FOR BOBBI' SHER.MAN • ' · oJABC', .. HrreCorntllteB1Ulu" 011 ... "' a..._, , .. .,,.,_ ~r· Do yo. rwaUy ...,,.,, -Carol Eelurr'7 Sta.,._ 1o1t, Ye. • ~o. My character in the show, Jeremy Bolt, does eo because he is the ahye.at. ln091 sensitive of the three bro&hers. and il enhances the role u a eympathetic one. When I was ask.eel to play Jeremy, I went' to a Loe -An1eles epeecb-therapy center to get instruction on bow to do the hesitation stemmer. ' ......... ,_ ,.;_. ·-.... , y--..................... _ ..... ... ~ ,_ .. .. I .. .,.._ ,._ • 's ... s... .. ,., •• ,...,....., -• ,_. -4. .. Aek TIM.. Y__.,, F~ w.-.,. 6'1 ............ A-. Ill.. y_.. ~.Y. IMS1. Yee__._._ ..... .-d111, .... p wta ....... I•_. -..._ WHAT~ WORLDl. c.wr Girt Ow CCMr oWi .. having fun-ar,d looking fot word to rnonl of the _.. when sct.ool lets ~ for the sum..., . .,., WGrM the' American Med- ical Aaodatfon, IUINMt has tome.spe- dal health and IOMty problems. We otked how chilchn could get the most out of the MCllOf'I with the least trou- ble, ond here's what the AMA sug- gested: 8ewaN of the potentlol danger In the following situations; 1. Encoun- ters with nature--.xpowre to aun, wind, and semlpolluted water, and to 1----_,....l'lfftiffat'-ot'limmts-~.... ... alfd cows can be more dangerous than colm snokes and bean)1 and to un- familiar fruits and vegetables such as toadstools and grMn apples. 2. U... sonitory plumbing when trovehng. 3. Fovr1h of Jyly~ but almost Caution: summer olt.od as bad, quanelsome children aowded Into.the badt Wit of the homeward- bound tor-they eon coute ocddents. ... Plastic 'swJmmlng pooh-In~ tnoy be poued from one child to an- other If pool le not kept dean; sun- ttght and air tend to be self-purifien. 5. Going bar.loot--~ In carefulfy policed areas only. 6. Inade- quate refrigetation for picnk fooct.- it's fike inoculating the solod with bac- Wia if food is not kept 1eftigeroted. Haw o good summer-ofter all, the doc:ton want a vocation, too. Medlcol fJttdt Some tdentllb 1GY Vl- tamln E can help W.rtlle couplea have wanted babiea. .,. Bobby lolln, pltcMr for the San fTandsco Gfanb, shook lobby lolin off that 1lignaf catd used Vltanritrf-for- a sore shoulder. He reports that the vitamln has helped him a lot, occont. Ing to Medical World News. Kklal Look out for Mom's right arm. Teacher hows .... Red Sltehoft, recalling his teachet"s venion of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, de- cided to 1'9COrd it. (h's a Columbia hit). In palt, here are the meanlnp I (o COl'l'lmlff.e of one) f'tedge' (dedicate all of my wotktly good to glw without self-pity) allegiance (my love. and my devotion) to the Flag (o sytnbof of freedom) ... with liberty (the freedom to live one's own life without threab or feor of retaliation) and tustice (the printipfe of dealing foirfy with others) for all (it's m much yow country m it la mi~). Ohl Saturday is Flog Day. PNPure PN KiU... EVen in the pressurized cabins of jets, air pm.ur.. vary c:onskletably and con close the nasal paaeoges of pauengen suffering from sinus trouble, common cold, 0t hay fever. Lotefy many air trawlen hove dlsco¥ered a new use for a 'IOIO- constricting nasal spray that eases breathing: It prevents the pain that can go with pressure change. Buddy Hoclceff .,.... Serious Although he collects votuoble paintings and owns a house in Vermont, luddy Hodcett (''The LOYe ~") is rather cosual about ln...tifte for hit old age. "I'm not 90ing to have one," Buddy explained to Family W~ly in mock teriousnest.. ''I'm not going to rerire, either. Four months shott of my 64th birthday, I'm just going to press my 'dead button' and go." Don't be shoc:bd, fans, or worried: Buddy will be only "5-In August. ~~ ,.. ........ ,.% I I Jv.'lt•l,1111 19D 1119 I. M¥90W 1'f 'fmf ...,..Wl'loit,tr w . .wneor 1011..w.111W..""-Mr DOIMllt ILJtURYD19A ru-.. '*' ..,._..._.. _.,I...,... ~ ..... eww......,. _, flllllllDll ....... cw.' MmnMat-.....-...r Wll.mllalA.C~ . -~-,..,,..~ . ........ ~ .....,. ............. ......._, ,...,. .............. ........ ..... a.. 0 t ..... ci.... A11tl1fAft~ ..... .... ......,"f!We:M11 ' s ~ ,._'-11,M. Y. W I f) JMt, MMaY -Y,-=. ,. ...... ___.. Y• n...., ti ... ,_. t 11U... • c11•11b ..__, lltlde • •1111 1111 ... ...... .. ,..., ....... ,_....., ................. --· ........ "'*' £.eirr, ~ ....... Ml I ' ;---. .. ,.... I. Y.10022. f I - Kellogg's Fruit 'n Cereal Time! We'll give you soc for the fruit, when . you· tiuy t6e cerea - It's fruit 'n cereal time. Time to enjoy the delicious, fresh fruit now at your grocer's with a refreshing bowl of crisp, Kellogg's cereal. An~ when you do, we'll send you 50¢ cash to pay for more fruit for your Kellogg favorit.es. ~ pub •ORE in Jour lllOl'lllng. ea ' 2. Attach any FOUR "Free Fruit Sea.la" to the melt of the •pedal refund form you find on the Kello11'• cereal pacbp, and mail u directed. We11 eend you your 6()t cub.. QET OFFO DETAILS AMO "Fl££ FRUIT SEALS" Oii SP£CIAl.LY-MARtlEDPACKAQES Of THESE mt.OQQ'S COEALS I , -• --· -· ____ .. _l ---------- rr n a 1 ( Can Mediums Speak to the Dead? The televised seance in which Bishop Pike • "communicated'' with his dead son. has brought this age-old question under scientific study- with some startling conclusions By BRAD STFJGER 1.4 Authw ,.f "Vobs hoM ..,._.,,. SCIENCE NOW asks--can me- diums speak to the dead? Today many orthodox aclenti.Btls are spendin1 considerable time study- ing spiritual phenomena, especially since the televised Hance in which former Eplecopal Bishop James Pike seemed to communicate with hia de- ceaaed son. After bearln~ about the contro- veraial tbeolo&ian•s televised 8'ance in Toronto, the Rev. Frederick M. Morris, ?Ktor of New York City's St. Tbomu Chun:h, cancelled Bishop Pike's preachin1 e.np.-ements there. The bla)wp, who bad faced heresy cbarpa for not believinr in enough thinp, wu now being criticized for bellevin1 in too modi. The Rn. Arthur Ford, a minister of the Dieciplee of Christ Church, who bad been Bishop Pike's medium, pointa out to bJa crttica that the promile of eternal life is the central tenet of the Chrietian f aitb. Why, then, be a.ab, should one reject what appears to be evidence of the validity of this promiee 1 0. .... _._.band, Dr. D. J. Weet, psychical neearcher, wrote recently that "spiritualism thrives on simple soula ... Mfddle-aaed women make up the built of the audience . . . the medium pours out a stream of ver- ' ~ia1e about vibrationa of harmony. aatral bodies . . . Nothing could be more pathetic or boriq." When Bishop Pike's story wu pub- liabed in hie book, "The Other Side," one reviewer declared it "a convinc- inl' and dlsturbin1 account. It WM the aurpri.aed, abptical report of a man eeek.iJll' rational explanation for extraordinary phenomena that he confronted." Yet another reviewer said it wu "notbin• more than a lovins father's wfab fu1ftllment." l.. Intereet in tbe beyond. of coune, la qelea. At the tlme o! bis death, Tbomaa Edison wu workins on an instrument that he hoped would pick up meesaaea from the spirit world and translate them f nto sound. Edi- son believed man to be compoeed of billions of hirh]y charsed entities that liw in the cells. At pbyaical death, tbae entities ewann ... . . b&- take tbemaelves elsewhere and l'O on functioninr in some other form of environment." Dr. Joseph L .. .._, former bead of parapeychology at Dub Univer- • sity, who left a career in plant phys- iology to study psychic: phenomena., baa done mocb pioneeriq work in the neld. ""The outatandlnr chanc- teristic of ESP phenomena," •Y• Doictor Rhine, "is ita failure to eon- f orm to tile type of lawfulneu ex- pected of phy9ical proceeae.. The condition• seem to defy the apace- time properties on which (he tcience of physics ia baled." Dr. Ian SteveD.10n. chairman of the department of nearolon' and pey- chiatry at t.he Univeraity...of Virsinia, baa made an intensive study of 200 cuea. He not only claima that man survivee phyaical death but that .. re- incarnation la a faet." DP. Eusene E. Bernard, profeuor Rn. Artlw Ford ('14/t) eO.d.eu Ofl.. •~ h' •~• toitl Bitltop PiU. of peycholoSY at North Carolina State University and Dr. Charles Tart, peycboqiat and lecturer at the University of California, are con- ductinl' laboratory experimenta to prove that some people have the abil- ity to leave their bodies and ftoat off to the ceilin1. another room. or aome- tim• tbouaanda of miles away. Fonner Univenity of Florida et.tr member Dr. Horne) Hart saye that .. . . . a world exists that ie invisible to our pbyeical sensa and yet ie ,. realm of objective experience and of 'iocial cont.eta between conec:ioua penonalities." Benward Carrington. psychical reaeareber, in •'The Cue for Psychic Survival,'' WTote : ''We have to deal with a . . . pe1"90nality which ie . . . in touch or contact, in aome mysteri- ous way, with another (spiritual) world. from which it derives inf or- mation and throurh which genuine meesaaee often come.'' It ww "fletda1r ," Reverend Ford's spirit control, who brought forth Bishop Pike's son and other communicating penonalitiea who were familiar to the cleroman. Fle~ cber waa suppoeedly " deeeued French-Canadian boyhood friend of !Wverend Ford. Bishop Pike bu said that he did not ,eee how any reaearch done by Reverend Ford could have brourbt about such intimate details of bis life and the roles that certain individuals had played in abapinr bis tbinkin1. With-the current opaurre of inter- est in the spiritual movement, Rever- end Ford recently cautioned a con.- ference of reli&'ioua medium.a to put Jeu emphaais on pl'Oduciq H&nce- 1 room phenomena and more on teach- ing the euentiala of relisfon. • "We've -... pinea pip long enourb," Reverend Ford said.· "The phenonema should be a me&na to an end, and tbe end should be spiritual understandinr and a way to serve our feUowman in a better way." Dr. J. B. Rhine bu said that me- diumahip may bold the answer to the great and much broader gueetion of the nature of man'a personality with respect to the pbyaical world. He ia convinced that the laboratory hu satiafactonly de111onatrated that the human pereonality ia aometbfq more than ita physical components. Dr r Karlis Olia, ·current director of reeeucb for the American Society of Psychical Research, baa observed that there is undeniable ,reatne.. in defeatin1 polio and other dlaeMea, and there is l'J'UtneM in conqoerinr outer space. But, be aaka, "Is it not at Jeaat equally important to know-tbe cer- tain answer to such a buic queetion of human existence: 'WAot ~ whn a matt diet~· " • IMJ9hf Into tM Supematwall G•t oUtHrS to fuott.o~ ~/tie qultiMUI N..., fut. °" IMCfituu, ... troh>n, UFO•, ff.4'.I Meil, "'°' """1ful ptablwMr'• ,.,.;e. of 11.60, bt1t f1fllw It f <W .. A B•JNrllah&ral PnmM /.,. cA• Milliou" to F. W . Boob, D.,t. A110, Boa: 101, Gi"fntd Cntnl StotiMt, Nftll Yorit, N .Y. 10011. .--...... ___ ... ____________________________________ ---------- .. _ Crute the UIUmate Decorator Touch Over Your Flreplace-Mantel-Couch or Buffet With TheM Mai"tlc PNcotka Imagine the brilliantly exciting way you will dramatize your home or office with this handsome pair of ham- mered Iron Peacock wall plaques. The latest decorating rage, each la a masterpiece of craftsmanship. Their feathery plumage and graceful bodies are exqulsltely wort<ed In dellcately wrought, hammered metal; finished In vtbrant btue and accented with flourishes of gold. The total effect la one of such breathtaking beauty that they will be the focal point of beauty In your home. Unfortunately It Is Impossible to reproduce the full breadth of their three dlmenalonal "sculptured" bodies from the small llluatratlon here. Only when you aee them gracing your home can you fully appreciate the drama they bring to every setting. OFFER WIU. NOT BE REPEA1ED THIS RA80N We u~ you to order your Peacock Wall Plaques, now, while the supply lasts. Hammered Iron Peacock plaques, of this type eell for $9.00 to $20.00; however, because of our vofume purchasing, and the succeea of this sale, we can offer them to you on OUR FINAL REDUC- TION PRICE of Ju1t $1 .49 each -BECAUSE OF THE UNUSUALLY LOW PRICE, MINIMUM ORDER IS TWO ($2.98 for the pair). Each peacock la 20· x 14 • -together they cover almost four square feet of wall apace. You must be delighted or your money back. But hurry, this offer wilt not be repeated thlt eeaeon In Family Weekly. ~·-- r~~ON~~ -~~H-;.;-.;------- 20 ... ltrMt ~,...,.._Yoltl1- Ple ... Mnd me the pelr of Peacock Wall Plaqun for only S2.Q8 plua 2~ poatage on full money back guaran- t" If I am not abllolutely dellghted. Encloaed la 1 .............................. .. (PrtntC~y) Name ..................... -............................................................... . I Addreaa ,. ................................ -............................. -........ --! City .............................. State .................. Zip .................... ~ .... . I 0 MYRi INCW. OflRR: Order' two Mt. of plaqun L-~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~---- t \ \ ' ' ' ' ~ W ITH MY husband and three children, I left the freighter and stepped into a tender, which was to take us to our new home--an island on which no human had lived for years, isolated in the Indian Ocean some 700 miles south- west of India and civilization and northeast of primitive Madagascar. Our ieland, Altme, ~ not on any ehippi._-route. It misbt be month.a '8tore a ship pa.ued ap.in; .then waa ne> airplane landlns strip then. Nothins but ouraehea and hope. That WM the beginning of my life aa Jin. Robinson Crusoe. Now, more than a y-.r later, the anxieties I felt that ftnt day when I aaw the empty white eand beach have leseened; my hopes for a pod life have beietrtened. We have had troublee, )'911. But I would not trade beiq Mn. Robineon Crueoe (most of the time, that ii) for all the world'• material poueeeiona. ' • Fuailtl WMklw,J.,..•, 1111 lly hulb&nd ia ll.ark V enen-Cu- ter, a mutto~hop.whiffered former ecbooner Kipper, treuure hunter, and Brltiah colonial ftaheriee omcer. Be will tell yoa hie experience helP*I u8 1umve on a deaerted laland- ploe $60,000 for impl"Oft1Delltl. Our children are BoJT, 9, lllq, 7, and baby D!P7, 2. I teKh them from A former New York heiress lives with her civilization; yet despite tragedy and discomfort, My Life As Mrs. By WENDY VEEVERS-CARTEK corr81PQDdenee courw from l!q- land. I mun be ftlf'Y 9triet about ad- beri n s to eehedul•a-the lo•ely weather, ---. and • the euriOl- itl• of nature here an enormo.a competition for their attention. I am a former New York City eo- clallte-1 empbuise '"former." lb father wu Clarence Day, author of "Life witb Father!' I nner cared for the pampered life and bepn trav- eliq after completiq my 1ehooli:q. I wu pbotosraphins wild animala when I met Muk ln Tanpnyib. When we landed on Aatove, we follDd palm treee, a roofteu wooden bouae, and a paveyard. Part of the Britia•1overned Se,ebellee, Altoft wu a "at" lalaDd. Now we are on our way to ''111X1ll'Y"_. pJanned H- room boue, a farm with pip, sciata. and cattle, plua a ~ and copra crop, which 1hou1d brink ua eome '10,000 a year. Since Jandiq, of coune, we have broqht in aome na~ tift labonn to help ua, but the ialand remaina ours alone for .an practical purpoeee. Here'e how we lln there. My .., ....... at dawn, between 6 :80 and 6. The li1ht Hes cool onr the Indian Ocean. and the wind bare- ly .tire tlie ca.euarlna (oak) tree in the yard. Thia ie the moet beautif al time of day. I make bnak::fut for all the family, and 1·· uaoally prepare lunch at the ume time. For me, the world of supermarket aboppins and .. con•enlence foode" la like another planet. If you run out, )llou run out. On our abort-wave radio. we heard newa about a bakers' strike in Britain. .. 'BoUleWives CJelperate ••• no bread for eale ••. ., That pve ua a big laush. Bow can a woman be eo belpleea she doesn't know how to bake? I bake all our m.d. When 1he flour ia a few weeb old, I have to ei.tt the weevila out Ant. When i~ ia a few montba okl--effn altted-it won't rile. At the moment, we have no bread. The ftour ie too old, and the weevila have taken oft!'. But "eelf-euJnciency" ia only a plu'Ue. I depend OD many imported thinp-powdered milk, wheat ftour, colfee, tea, curry powder, tomato purie, onion.a, paratBn (keroeene), Mark'• tobacco. . I keep ...._ in a store, which ia also the ialand "ehop" for our Sey- cbellea worken. Every purch&ee la a book tranaaction. We have no money. When I make out my ehoppin• list for Mah,, on the west cout of India, I ehop for one year ahead, down to the la.at toothbrush. We don't eat meat ftftJ'Y da;r. But 1he diet ie s~ and the children are rrowins up atrons. I ftnd all kinda of wild..,rowinl' tubetitutes for ordinary vegetables. Wild spinach ia delicious and pumpkin tendrila. too. We eulti· vate aweet potatoes.. We have no electricfty, bat we do have refriareration, thank aoodneu. The "frid1e" works on paraftln, and I have a dove that'e eo pod you'd think you were using pe. We shipped a big library here, and I am just ping to staJt -the children, aa it happen.a, on Defoe'a "Boblmon Crusoe." ~na, it i8 1101Detlmee so hot we haft echool in the eea. RoJT, our nine-y~. la th• only child who can remember "civilisa- tion"--ean, movies, ehope. My mother, who line in New York, ie anxious for my welfare and eenda me all kinda of welcomed soocllee. Sbe eent a machine that makes epal'hetti. I love epa1hetti. It comes out flat inatead of round, di&- sppointint'ly, and it is a whole days job to mate it. I dry it in the eon on treaties, just aa the Italians do. ________ .._ __ _... ___________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~---~---~~ &mJJy ~I lt1.M 8, 1969 husband and children on a "lost island," 700 miles from she would not trade Robinson Crllsoe Few boata call at A.Btoft. Few ~ pie know there ia U1JOM here. The children 10 wild with excitement when a boat etop9 by. TlleJ set a da1 off from Jeuona.. The whole routine of the ialand ia disrupted for a week. . But we lib vMit.on-«ientistB, aeafaren, praetic:al men of tbe kind we can set on witb. The7 have a knack of turn.ill&' up with auppliee of thin&'• we have just run out of or 1imply do not have. Can you i.mqine what a treat an oraqe i.-juat a two-penny African Ol'aJll'e-to Olli' children? Deepite the IUJlahine, we eannot srow citrus fruit here becawle we set only U incbe9 of rain a year. That ia the ame rainfall u London, malrilll' A.stove a dry little ialand for the tropics. We ret batches of up to alx months' newapapera at a time. For the clay'• news we lieten t.o the BBC on abort wave from London. Ow' OWll DeWI WU J>ad recently. Ti-Georsea Little Geor1e died. He wu the muon'• mate. one of the men we have working on the island. Ti-Georges evidently drank a few jup of· caJou (a native lnt.oxicant) one night, and the nut mornina' be needed the hair of the dOI'. Be bad two or three. He .aw hia bom, Ar- mand the muon, ftahlna' on the beach. Armand bad caul'bt half a dos.en boneftah. "DOffllU""11'Wi "" poiuott," aaid Ti- GeoJ'PI, in the local French &eeeDt, reeliq a bit. Armand refuaed to give him a 6lh. There wu sweariq, and t.heJ grappled. Ti-Georree wu badly wounded on the be8d. I ~ quite a bit about nUl'lina -41elf-taught from a handy volume of "General Nuraina' Practice." When T~ came up t.o the bouM lat.er that clay, I shaved hia head and dreMed hla three wounda. Nat day be complained of a head- ache. Tragically the bead11ebe never left him. '· I pYe him eome drop, includiq a penicillin iajection. though the law uya we ma)' not dilpeme penicillin or any other preleription drup. For 10 daya thinp went on like thia.. Then Ti-Gec>rpa. went lnt.o a riror, jaw locbd, the sweat rolling otl him. I had an awful premonition what it wu tetanus. I knew then I could not eave Ti- Georpa. Only hoepitallation ancl maMive dOMI of antitetanua aerutn eould hue pulled him throqh. We haw no Ml'UllL I fed him raw .... and meat extract; I cmahed codeine tablets into everything to try to eue bia pain. Death by lelmws ia terrible. Tl- Georses never knew what be had, but OD the IMt day be aid t.o.me: "C°""" .. 911 i• qvitU la twre, ........ , Am I leavf nc the world 1" I eaid, ''Y•." Ti-Georsea ubd for prayen then. 11.ltha .and l(yvonne, our two hoUM- sirla, came in, with Groe Geor..-. hi• good friend, and they recited "Hall Kary, Mother of God" in Creole, , over and over. Then Ti-Geors-cried out "I• ~. i• P.ill" and died. He wu juat 19 years old. What p.lla me ie that there ia no visiting doctor--no medical Ht"Vics wbatev«-for the outlying ialanda, and at the aame time, there ia this etupid regulation that we c.nnot diepenee "daqeroua drup." I tell you one thins that la beacUng my next ahoppiq list-and that's morphine. We would have siven any- thlna' for a few 1hota of morphine t.o eue poor Ti-Georsea' laet hours. n. law? There ta no law here ex- cept u.-and the courtroom la back in Mah6, where Armand will eventu- ally appear. Arman~ cried and prayed when be heard of Ti-Georpa' death. He ia still workln.r here. There is no point in lockiq him up. Where would be .:ape to? Such are our tracedi• on .Aat.ove. llark .baa built a landlnt .trip now ------------------------------""""'~~-. . ---- • for emerpncy ftisht.--and, we hope, more viaiton. Now be 1• building a radio to can for help, ahould an emer- pncy arise &l'ain. In t.he meantime, we bear with in- conveniences. I auppoee ineecta muat rank b.iPMt. In the lollr montha of the rainy MUOD, their bum ia u loud u an unoiled fan. At nil'ht, II.ark must lia'ht a 11Dudse, but even in choking amoke, moequltoee attack u1. Mark ha ...... painful trouble with hia tee(h but hM borne the agony atoically. He must aee a dentiat eoon, but that will mean a trip of many days. And I muat eee my mother, now 70, aoon and ueure her we &W) not mad. But I will not •~Y in New York City loq. There is too much t.o do on our island. I would not want t.o miaa the 1pectacular aunrt.e, thourh it alpale the bea'lnnlDI' of a lone, work-ftlled clay. I would not want t.o mi.18 the feellq that thia i1 our world-my husband's and mt ne--and that it I a a rood one for our children . The life of Mn. Robinson Cruaoe may not be for many women. But it fe for th11 one. • . . . .. l :. 4 ' I j ' 1 I \ ' c \ \ < 'J • • I CREATIVE STITCHERY KITS GoJdm Bouquet Kit is stamped on tine burlap to fit a frame size 16x2l. $6.98. Daisy F tmt11sy Kit is stamped on tine linen to tit a frame size 22x22. $6.98. You simply can't miss. If you've yearned to create pretty touches for your house but don't know how or where to begin, oy our flowery embroidery. Learn the language of needle and yam and sew a bright spot for living room. bedroom. sewing room ... wherever. Simple stitches go like lightning, look like hours of work. Each kit comes complete, including design stamped on decorative fabric, correct needle, wool yams and easy instructions with diagrams of stitches. Perfect pastime for young and old, marvelous to 'give, either finished and ·framed or brand-new and waiting-t<>:be-done. Frames co fit are also available (see coupon). r------------------------------------------, GREENlANd Srudios · . UH Greenlend llldl .. Mieml, Fie. 33147 Ru.ti me items checked below. I understand If I'm not compfetely Mtlsfted with eny Item I c:en return it in 10 deys for • full refund. Endosed Is died! or m.o. for . _07780 Golden Bouquet @ ~.91 ee. _07711 Bouquet Freme @ $1.91 ee. _07782 Oeisy Fent:esy @ $6.91 u . · _07783 fentesy Freme @ $9.98 ... _0771M C•t•loeue ot other Kits ~ 2~ ••· S.IH TH-if •ppllceble Post ... end Handlln1 @ 2~ H . Kit City St•te Zip __ ~------------------------------------------J .. : ) Deetrtelllllfe ......... Wida the Wade lllDl ..... ...._ 111.e eliarpeller'• ~ The •err Int ......_ · I .Uee ... ,. ........ 81ay ,.,.,. QUIPS AND QUOTES A. young lady with a rather queationable-lookiDI' pooch re- marked that ahe thoUl'ht ebe would enter him in the dog abow. "Do you really think be ltanda a chance of winninl'l" asked a friend in surpriae. "W•, no," the younl' woman re.- plied, "bot think of an the nice dop he'll meet." -A. T. Qxigg If ti&. M/etr pi" Md be~ a. 11..ud tl&la rear iutnd of to"o 4110, it ~. M H N tnOfttl(/ pt.Jf"U, hoo t""'"'tM•, e1tld require o •~ic~• ttoiu a r•r. -lAceilk I . Good.rear ............... Tile,,... for t.yiag Dadciy'e Pft le oL Supeme ,..... Jdtlll. From prior yean, I pie. die nee WW 6aWa ha a de! -Uilla 01ai.e4 Agifll.O pr~: "Wowld pv eoruitUJ-"'4rrJ1i1'q 4 tired ol.d tft4" Jut for AU mo~ t'' • Stt.irl.et: "Are 110.i i~•fl Me or JWOPO•iJt.g !" -Al Robert• A harried buaineea executive went to bia doct.or to get a pre- acription for aleeping pilla, only to ftnd that be WU alle!'l'iC to the uaual eedativea. "What about aome of thia twi- licht aleep I've read about t" he ubd the doctor. "Oh, that'• only for labor.'' came the reply. "Great pna I" exclaimed the executive. "Haven't you anything for manapment ?" -DorotMCI Knt JI~ dMt: ou teltere nerr- tlti-.g rou eat ieema to go to tit~ frOJ&t. -La.M Oli"flMttH ·~1 ~ .. ..._ _____ _ At ........... I., .. ,... • ..., .. .,,.,.. •.. s ....... 11 .. 21: C, I .. II t1 ' ..... ,_, ' ..... i ... 111 ... Clllllf If ..... •=aw. d11 ..... ~..,._...._ ......... ....,.,_,._.., . Wf,.. .. 00-z::: ~I ?9t ...... bftl ...... a.itdMr, ....... ... ,,,,_ Y-. -.... 4l11he.., ' 1':ah•1I A llln· ............ wti .......... tectM dial ..i:.. It,..... -,.. ............ ,b c • '-........a~u .. ... ii.:... ......... Mill i8dll9D.6* 1 'a I .. ., ........ =,_ ... :'1' .... .. ........... ,.. toe.-• ............ . ... ..a .......... ~,_ • ._.._,_ •....t · ......... ,_ ... .._,It ............. ._ ...... 1die~c1t,..,..... JWJ• 0 • Now, ...... Clla- ,.. to == ~· ., -·· •'='' ~•,.!.·=--·.::·=•"'rat~= .................. ., .. ...... ~ YOU• PIJlllllM. lllAllCIFI ................. n.e ......................... . •7••~A.,....,¥9.., ............ Y.111a ...... ,,.,.,. _, CGll1IMUll la..-...,.,._., TIM( PATT'EM Uf'OltTWM wl•lll.t _, ~ fer tt1e ... , 12 ... u.. If I .. .-ot ~leltlJ ult~. I .... rft-.. It wtt9llli l • ..,. ........... ,...... 0 I ..... $20.00 tw 1 TllM Patterw ~ Qllua toe for Ant Cina pottlce I 9"Clel O ~= $35.00 tor 2..,..... ~ $1.05 tar ftnt c .... ,..i.,. & ~ ........,,, ., dllf9' ., 0 D!Mn, 0 Utllcanl, 0 CM1a ~ or Cft.IMC """1l 0 llUllMricircl accNlt _________ _ -~-~ -~-~ -~-~ ----·-·-----.. a.,···-..... ---------·--..... _ . ------. ,_ --·--· Clmllr ----.. ------ § ~ -·-·--··--····-····-·-·-·--····-·---··---·---·-----·--·----................................................ _.-...... .-.. -........ -·-··-~--·-------- c:eer ·-·-·-····-···-········-····-·-···-·--···· .. ····-···· -·-·-···----·-----····-·-·· -----·· L.!=---=-=~~~~~~.!'!=~~.:.-.J ~IM TllM Pattwa -..rcti IMtltvtt, lllC. ... Y. ,.,,..... Nd ..ClaMe ..... tu. &: ---~ f ~------------~-------~----~~ -rt I It ' ' \ \ • • '4 I '• I QUIZ Are You Mismatched with Your Job? This quiz can help you . answer that vital question- and perhaps off er a guide to corrective action L IKE MANY other Amen- cans, a· time may come 1vhen you realize that at work you're like a square peg in a round hole. Vaguely or acute- ly, you sense that you're just not "making it." Career counselors and personnel directors agree that of ten at the core of the problem is a bulc mismatch between a specific job and a person's skills and aspirations. People who feel out of character in their work, they say, should seek insight into their di&Satisfaction and find a new sense of direction. For an indication of where you stand, take this quick test, based on consultations with industrial psychol- ogists. Answer "yes" or "no" and check conclusions below. 1. Did you choose your career (rather than fall into it by chance)? 2. Do you find it hard to discuss work problems with your boss! 3.,Do you feel your efforts are not being appreciated by your superiors? 4. A:re your training and skills not being fully utilized? 5. Do you sense that your basic field is too narrow? 6. Does your work lack stimulating challenge ? 7. Are you envious of people work- ing in another department of your company ? 8. Do you ask yourself, "Why am I knocking myself out in this rat rat:e?" 9. Do yon bate to get up in the morning to face your work day? 1 O. Do you lack pride in your work or feel it doesn't have status with friends? 11. Are you ''fed up" with what you're doing? ,., 12. Do you tend to dislike competi- tion, preferring to work toith people, not against them? 13. Do you feel like a "lone wolf" in a large organit.ation ? •• IO F'otnil11 Wukl11, Ju11e 8, 1!169 By THEODORE IRWIN 14. Do you seldom tell people,"My company is pretty good"! 15. Are you standing still in your job or growing in it? ANSWERS Clearly, the more ''Yes" anawers you give, the greater your mismatch. Each question, of course, has a dif- ferent value. Jt provides clues or im- plications of how you're out of tune. Here's how career experie interpret the "Yes" responses: No. 1. You've drifted into a career without planning, perhaps because of parental or economic pressure. You failed to study the alternatives for your skills, thus increasing the prob- ability of a mismatch. Nos. 2 and 3. Evidently you're not scoring well with your company and probably have been passed over for promotion. Nos. 4, 5, and 6. Obviously you're not performing at the top level of your capabilities. If your qualifica- tions are not being used, chances are you're not being paid as many dol- ·lars as you 're actually worth. No. 7. Your1 occupational field is probably wrong for you. Instead of productij)n, for example, you may be happier in sales or vice versa. '· ....... ·-.•. , ~ -."t . .? .,- Noe. 8-11. You are not being stim- ulated by your job or occupation, which may result in psychological fatigue. You are not identifying with your work when you feel it's beneath you. Frequently, a job or 8.88ignment change is the beat treatment for the "burned-out" employee. Many tired executives, for instance, are brought to life by new challenges. No. 12. If you are in a high-pres.- sure, competitive business, why not consider a job with a service organi- ~tion where you can work with and for people? Nos. 13 and 14. Your field could be right, but it may be wise to switch companie.s or go into business fot yourself. Many men do better as a big frog in a -small puddle., instead of ladder-climbing in a giant corpora- tion. Jn a small growth company, you can be more creative, expand with it. No. 15. If you ''plateau" in your mid-30s, it's time to start moving, or your lack of a good record can dis- qualify you for the better jobs. Sure signs of standing still: small or no raises, lack of upgrading. • • • Now you may have a better picture of where you stand, so you can de- cide what to do. Before taking" ac- tion, however, be sure that some tem- porary mood is not compelling you to cut loose. Don't take another job merely for the sake of change; your reason for changing must be valid. "If you believe you are mis- matched," says John Sullivan, presi- dent of The National Registry of New York, "your first step is to as- sess your talents and relate them reali8tical1y to your expectations. Understand who and where you are, and clarify what you're after. Pin down your short-and long~range goals. These will give you the basis for judging the merits of moving to a different job." Finally, a plan of action should be established. Start by looking around in your present company. Are there opportunities in other departments or divisions better euited to your abilities? Have a frank talk with your bo88. With no likely prospects, look outside. Besides such obvious resources as newspaper ads and employment agen- cies, consider guidance from a job counselor or testing service. Whether it's a mate or a job, it's not easy to make the perfect match. When you do succeed, you'll find a rewar3ing sense of fulfillment. • ------__ ..___ AMAZING $1 OFFER HARVEST UP TO 40 LBS.-HUNDREDS OF TOMATOES YEARLY • (THOUSANDS OF TOMATOES OVER 10 YEARS) FROM ONE SINGLE TOMATO TREE INDOORS OR OUTDOORS Brazil's ~ Exotic TOMATO T·REE (Cyphomand,. Betacem) Grows Huie Ha•1in1 Clusters-of SucculeRt, Red Tree Tomatoes Borne in Successive Waves Month After Month • Grows As A Tree-Outdoors! • Gro ws With Tropic hse - Indoors! •Foot-long Exotic -Shaped leaives Add Unique Decor to House • Produces Fruit Up to 10 Years • Beu s a Colo rful Array of Flowers from Spring to Fall, Fo llowe d b y Hundreds of Plump, Juicy Red Tomatoes FROM CALIFORNIA'S FAMOUS NUR- SERYMEN'S EXCHANGE COMES AMAZING NEWS! BRAZIL'S RARE -EXOTIC - ASTONISHING TREE TOMATO Is now available anywhere in the U.S.A.! And in a newly-developed suJ)4!r-hybrid variety that harvests up to 40 lbs. (hundreds of tomatoes) yearly -thousands of toma- toes up to 10 years -FROM ONE TOMA- TO TREE! An astonishing South .American tomilto fruiting tree that gives stunning blossoms for months, blooms yeuly even in the North, ·grows u a tree outdoors and with tropic ease indoors, now is J)4!rfected and made available by plant scientists anywhere in America. Wh.it H.ippened In H.ilf Moon B.iy! The growing fields of Californ ia's famous Nurseryman's Exchange ilre louted In Half Moon Bay ilnd there the Danish American Hybridizer. Jerry Jensen, married Brazil's tree tomato to the U.S.A. South America's luscious tree tomato wa.s discovered by Brazilivi Indians; brought to richest, fullest flavor ilnd lushMSS bi Portu- guese misslonuies; and hybridized to a super-resistant suJ)4!r-ea.sy-to-grow vuiety by Jensen. Imagine stunning exotic-shaped leaves up to one foot long! Imagine the constant changing show. First the lovely leaves - then a shower of delicate, fragrant flowers -and finally a beilutiful array of juicy lus- cious tomatoes. And so prolific that as one crop rlJ)4!ns, Mot.her Nature sees to it that another crop is taking It's place, and this fruiting period goes on for five months. A hmily Delight Show your children nature's mysterious way of bringing a South American fruit- bearing season right into your own homl! and reversing the U.S. season. Surprise and delight your friends. Enjoy delicious, mouth·wiltering salads, freshest sauces, special ja~ and deserts - all winter long. See huge hanging clusters of succelent red and plump ilnd juicy tree tomatoes in successive waves month after month. Grow Indoors. Pluck your dinner tomato from che tree. Grow on the or patio in the garden. Indoors or outdoors, see a colorful array of flowers from Spring to Fall. heh Tom.ito Cost\ Tiny Fr.iction of .i Cent! Accept our Introductory offer. Frankly we want everyone who enjoys de- licious fresh tomatoes and gorgeous beautiful blooms and blossoms to enjoy this super-hybrid Tree Tomato. And we are shipping you a full season's supply of tht-se super seeds for $1. But the Tomato, up-to-now too rare and diffic~lt 10 obtain, is in demand. It's first come, first served. Rush your order before midnight tonight as specified below and re<eive as a FREE gift special recipe booklet, yours 10 keep -FREE even If you return seeds on o ur money back guari1ntee. There a-re 30 different varieties of tree tomatw In South America but only ore Is the lushest, most delicious ilnd easiest-to- grow of them all! And that one was milde over after four years of hybridizing 1t Half Moon Bay -working with various universi- ties -discarding weaker, keeping stronger strains -until the final suJ)4!r variety was ready for you. BROW ON P TIO-OR IN BARDEN •• Who Put Alf Those Tom.iloes In Th.it llty Bill)' Seed Imagine one seed does produce over Mll:~_,. lbs. of tomatoes In one lifetime. 1 And Brazil's suJ)4!r Tree Tomato is so easy to raise that 80% of normally-pl1nt9d seeds take. So easy it will grow inside anyplace a,t philodendron will growl So easy that out- ~ide in actual tests seeds thrown at random in plowed firlds, It grew naturally with no human care. Each seedling grows to 3 or 4 ft . Indoors or up to 8 ft . outdoors or you can stop the growth of the tree at any height you wish between 3 and 8 feet. It is SUJ>4!r dise~ resistant. --------------- ••• OR &ROW llDOORS C 1969 by Qrffnlend ltvdfos. lrte. r.---90·DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ---~ Crttnbnd Studim 1206 Greenland. Bldg .• Miami, Fla. 33147 l'INSe ship "me a tull IUSOft'I •uppfy of Trt« I OWYlo lffCk. I undent1nd that If not completely s.tisfled with growing progress, I may retum within 90 days for a prompt and complete refund. Enclosed is check or m.o. for S. ________ _ __ Season's ~upply ol Tree Tomato seeds fl! S1. (Please add 25c posli18e pe~ pkg.) ...... ___ _ ,350 Sizes: Small, Medium, large, Ex. Large. Now AV1ll1llle: Guaranteed Non-run. Extr1 sin Pantr ind Girdle Washes like 8 hanky Slzes3M4. · . . Available at your favorite store. 0 WRITE FOR FREE DIET-STYLE BOpKLET 0 WRITE FOR STORE NEAREST YOUR HOME ._..,.,. • ...._ c ... ,.,, Dept. f.2, 311 Flftll Aw .. -Y9ltt. 11.Y. 10001 JUNIOR REASURE CHEST IAt'sDnw Qllosls 811 A"" l)(Jf1id.oto Fiv&-pointed puddlea on the sround _ i3 D ~ ~~ Make little ghost people drifting around . ...... 0... From a six-letter word that you micht uae when you uy tlOIDe one ia in Ell&'land or eome other foreip country. take away the ftnt letter and cet a word for wide. (See Auwer Box) Captain c.stard 811 CaroliM Jo Pr-r<W Hurray for henpecked Captain Custard; Bia wife aerved waftlea spread with mustard. He pushed her in the Spanish Main Anjf now be eat.a bia pancakes plaint LMl&I Ricky, Elsa, Timmy, and Margaret have got their banners out of or- der. Can you straighten them? (See At11wer 8 0%) . y .. N•RM It .... o... To a five-letter word for a thin leqtb of planed wood, add a drat letter and get what you are when you have stepped onto a boat. (Su A11110M Bo%) Hidden in this aen- tence is a word we often uae when we are refer- riJl&' to our country, es- pecially in patriotic songs: It was a beautiful and impressive scene when the fourth-craders gave the Salute to the Flag. (Su Atult/ff Boz) Answer ... ·pwo.rq -pvo.rqv :auo 11n~w " '(H!PU•:>)-.,ea .. paUUWJ : u a.RN no A. ·pary :aen~-...ap1u ·.<•a ••1.!I : 1~ •p.twoq• -p.noa : ~ao •ntd 12 /i'omilv WHklv, l t1.u 8, 1111 REMSMHI. those wonderful days when people used to dance -totetber ... when &iris wore their skirts below their knees ... 'When Saturday nisht was the best ni&ht in the week? Well, why not ao bact for a nosialaic visit ... with BJG BANDS REVISITED. You'll cnjc)y a time and a place and a aound unJ.ikc any other. ~joint will be jumpin1 to Gene Krupa's "Booaie Blues!' 1bc low-downest trumpet in town will be Clyde McCoy's on "Supr Blues'.' ~ sweet- est souodl around will be Harry James' and Fmnk. Sinatra's wirh every unforaiettable note of u All Or Nothina At AO!' And Benny Goodman will be mak· in1 history and brcatin1 records with hia Cameaie Hall performance of "Sins, Sina. Sina." Ju,t I 11.t Old Time~ It'll be just lite the old days ... with IM Bil Ba~dl helpiQI you "let ao" ... bavins • ball ... danan1 away the cares of a scneration. And now it's youn to enjoy all over apin-.111 the oriainal perfonnanc:a- in t!M ireatcat Bis Band coUc:ctioo ever assembled! But BIO BANDS REVISITED is more than a col· lcaion of 50n15 ... it's a visit badt to carefree times ... a tre.asury of your most precious mcmor;es-aod it's yours ro enjoy .,.tn in your home Jor 10 days /n6. Listen lo all the Bi1 Bands ... bear ireat perform- ances lite Sammy Kaye and his Or ''Melody of Love;' Dick Haymes and Kay Kyser and "Three Little Fisbies;' llld W.ftlllilii with Sk.innay Ennis doin1 "Got A Daie ,._. Ansel'' ... hear 1rea1 artists lite Eddy Ducbla. '-• .. ~• Spivak. Guy Lombardo, Bins Crosby, Xnier "'~Sl~~ Glen Gray, Artie Shaw, Lionel ~ • Tucker and Wee Bonnie Bater, Frmlde CW _.. dozens more. All you have to do is mail us the ... pon at the ri&)lt, ri1ht now/ I l•trn f"rtt for 10 Da~' "o Obllptlou As soon as we hear from you, we11 send JOU the set- all 8 records-and let you decide. If after 10 days )'09 can bear to pan with the set, just ship it back to ua, and that will end 1be matter. Or if you decide to make BIG BANDS REVISITED a permanent part of your record collection, it's yours for only $16.9S (plus PoSt•se and handJin1)-which you may pay for in 3 convenient monthly installments. Bui don't decide now, wait till you've heard the let and dreamed a few of your own spcc:ial dreams ... m:apcured 10me or your own precious memories. ~n decide. Risht now. aJI )OU have to do ii fill in and mail the coupon ... your passport back to thOle wonderful days-with their wooderfu1 sounds-will be mailed immediatdy. •orlltnaJ -8-da ~ ............ ~17 ~ .... lo dalllMe lt4l'90 COLUMBIA MUSICAL TREASURIES Terre Haute. Indiana 47808 COWMllA MUSICAL TllMUltlS ,.,.,. ............. ., ... . Pleue nub me my copy ol the I-record 1tereo let, BIO BANDS JtBVJSITED. I understand that if I am not completely satlsRed for any reMOO., I may retum the ~• within 10 days and owe abtolutdy nothina. U I decide to keep it, It's mine for only $16.9S, plUI postqe and bandlln1-which I may pay In l con- venient monthly mlCallrnentt. I O Fii DTIA saw.a cMdl llett ,... rtt11n1 this coupon with PIYlMftl of $1U5. 11 Wt will llltJ posUp Md lllMllllll. SIN lMIJ rttwn prlvlltps ICJlllJ, of coune. I I .... '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i . <"-Mmt> ...... I I I t I I I .. 199 ....,. • 11r1atn11' TD 0 • 0 I I ... ._. .,,.,.,, 11Mt•11111111 lft..,.. ao t •• I L _ - -- -- - -- --- - - - - - - - - --- - - --· •t• C•t Dlrwt Bn .. 1419 ...... ~--~~~~~-------------..:-------------------------------.................. . "problem" • • perspiration solved ..... .................. ....., Aa..., ...... tW...., worltel ol••• aaderarm r.'' . -llMllY wbo ... MP&ind of effect.i•• IMlp, IOtebum Aa&l..PenplraD& ..... -----.a.olat.1.F dr7 ........... ol.....,... .... wit.la coapjete peU. ... to -· .... aad d&>dii ... It will .... 708 .... tlma -.y ud;i..eef aplltnspaiia aa .....i tpa7 caal By aa1- body, Tiu. uau.eual formula frama~~,........ laboratory _ie JU&r&Dteed to ua.ty or dealer will nfu.Bd pw I pt price. 8o -the DOei- dq ~ o£ llbeliua AD&J-Penplraat. liqaid or C2'Mm. ta.oo. 90-dq ~. a1 ~ faftrit. cir,. or ~ onant.. ll1IDI IOUM APPllAm miAll ...... ,. ......... ,..-.4.., Y..S..._ ................ ,...,., ..... ~ ....... m ..... ,.. • ..._ • .,......_e..a .... ,.. .................. a.,ttr, ........ .,,.,.. ........... ...r-o. .... ,..,.... .......... 2 -----~· ... .... ...... e1,..-.. . .. ,.._ .... ....... ,... ....... ................... ................... ... ,,., .. ~ at ................. ......... ,.. ... .......... tlllt_ ....... ,,,,,.,,.. WAKEUP RARIN'TOGO Wlthwt ......... .,... below •--k-dm+s ••tr+r&M-..arii ........ ;;1.9~--...... •••-••rt'-' •••'••-• •llMU. or _,..,.__. ....... u...,,... E , ............... ........ _,..,,..-'...Ji:tas;w • • .. tnte.We. .aoa•t wsM. t17 .,... ..... _ ••••• I ........ ..... , Doalr'e ............... Mtiilll CIFI ................. °"-... -· G« Doalr'e 1'1111 -llot a........,_ ... ..... ""' ... "-•• ...... ,....-.... di 'iilblur ....... , __ ft,...... ... ._ ... ,~,.. due --..._ relW. t'or ---'-"'....,. -0-•'• .......... ......... -OJ.IU .... ,. ar..1tlail Fnm Family ••rr ... ,.... ........ te ,_..,.fer .. ...,,. "" .. -,._.._,,.......~ nit ._ ... cr,f -~ fer r'41s ..... ., _, , .. ., .,,..,, tee. u ,... • .., ...... .... wll .... -...... : s-lot .....,.... , ... ., w.ttl, .. 1 .......... ..._, flew Vert, •.Y. 10022 .. C:..W. ~ Aw• fer OW. . .... 2' MC, C&ll a-. Ull . .... 41 Aleft ....._, WW. WofW . ......... 1 • ..-....i.-. ,... 10s .A-:bw1 ,,_... At11K.1 --... c..rp.. ~ ..... ? Give Dad . the Unusual ~ l.OSALYN .ABl.IVAYA. ACUYD Dad we know would 'lf1r.e juat one aift for Pather'a DQ-: "°bi& u. ., a/Ur. Dedicated to that propositio11, PAIDLY Wl&KL~a annual lift •unestiona are for onl;J thoee members of the clan who haft aa...S enoush to pq their own wa,. ! 1. To keep Dad trim ucl ftt, why not sift him with a Tone-0-11.atic belt diatribut.ed by American lhchine A Foundry? Conliatiq of 10 pound.I of bucbbot contained in black vinyl. it alima waut by t.ometricaUJ forcina muclee to UIT7 more weil'ht while walldq, workiq, or exerc:ilinl'. $2C), And if Dad'• reall7 tbe active kind. you can arm him with a Dr, Scholl'• JoS"qr'• Sunival Kit (not ahown) that lncludea a foot-imprinted sweatshirt. jOIPJ"• 1ol' and suide. plua toot-care produeta. f'.96. 2. Fasten tbe lat.est piece of jewelry around Dad'• wriat: a hand!IOIJ'le chain-and-leather watch from Swank. Seventeen-jewel. it featu.rel the day and date on ita cham.pqne-eolored face. $40, 3. How about aomethiq U.htheart.ed and whimsical? A pack&J'e of "Quick Whiakera" from Prince Matchabelli i.ncludea adhesive and a starter supply of Black Watch men'• cologne. Tbe artificial multache, made of real hair, comes in Tnditional (etraipt acrou), u ahown. or Continental style ( deviliab.ly curved at the enda) in a choice of abadee even aaltrand.-pepper I fl .95, 4. Coordinated accmaoriee are the by to the well-dreued Dad, Outftt him with a wardrobe of hoee. Durun.ton'• six-pack of stretch eocb. They ftt aH •isee. come in a combination of aolid neutral and hiab-faahion colon. '10.60. S. If Dad'• a home-movie buff, he11 dellpt in Hahnel Collmatic'• motor- ised. Dual-8 ftlm splicer, for Super-8 and reaular S.mm movies. Lever depreuea for cuttm.. Then. at the touch of a button. a upphire &Tindinl' wheel ecrapea away the emuleion, producing durable jump-free splicea never aoticed in your projeetor. Uaee D-aize batteries. $29.96 . Moat of tbeee ~ are available at your favori~ department store. • , .. , L #' .. """ --.. • -.. ~--------~ -~ --~-~~---- .. t_! I - For ......,.. .... l)Mk, a gri:at new switch· hitting reel thafs equally at home in fresh or salt water. The new Model 800 is a light· weight with a heavyweight punch; handles 15 lb. lest Une with easel FeaturC$ durable Dclrin housing. selective anti-reverse. Rod is 6-foot Zebfle1 3366; medium-action tw~ piece bi1hly-preaurized tubular glass with four chromed stainless steel guides. Reel/rod Combination No. 3-495 ... under SJ49S CudlHI 11 better ••• for Dad! Rugged strength and precise perfonnance arc com· biocd to give you cxci11ng action when you're after the hie ones! Saltwater-proof Zebco Cardinal 6 is silent and smooth: has rear drag adjusuncnt knob. world's best bail. capacity of 2JO yards. 12 lb. test line. FasTapcr 6000 6-foot tw~piece rod is made ol Fibcrcoil tubular glass for extra streng1h wirhoul extra weight: has magnum bun. Carboloy tip. Reel/rod Combination No. 7200 ... under 97200 Gf" die WOIW'1 ..._. OM this world-famous huury reel. Flawless pcrfonna.nce to match the demands of the most accomplished angler: bold, classic styling. The Zebco 909 reel features smooch, quiet gean that re- spond wi1h instant power: Delrin bearings that will never bind or frene. Matching Zebflex Fas'fapcr 2500 rod is Zebco's 6nm. Hu power-plus magnum butt, power blade. Five stainless steel line guides and Carboloy tip arc gold plated for lifetime 1CTvice. Off.set handle equipped with exclusive positive· action knurled reel lock. Reel/rod Cornbina· lion No. 5500 ... under 85800 be.I ,.._. a., opee-f.ce reef' by an in· dependent testing lab. Zebco's Model 822 SpinP1o is quick and resporuive; puts more sport in spore fishing. Features exclusive sclf~ntering bail. wide-range power drag. one-piece anoditcd aluminum spool. De· livers championship action 1camc:d with . Zc:bflc:1 -4-400 M~·foot tubular glass rod. Reel/rod Combination No.3092 undc:rSJSOO FAMILY WEEKLY COOKBOOK MELANIE DE PROFf Food Editor • For an lnlimate bridal ehower, plan an orange-blouom menu. From the 6nt refrMhla,g eip of 44orange cbampape" through to the final bhe of orange-chilfon pie, let the full fragrance of orange• delight your gueete. Orange-Blossom Chift'on Pie l can (6 oz.) frozen orange jujce concentrate, par:tially thawed ~ c:ap cold water l ea•. anla•ored gelatin 2egg101.b l cup water 'A teupoon ealt 1 ca9 chilled hea•y c:rum % tableapooa.a eonfec:tionen' sugar l teupoon vanilla utrut 2 e11 whites 'A cup gran.ulat.ed eugar 1 baked 9-in. pastry ahell l . Sprinkle gelatin over cold wa- ter in top of a double boiler to soften. Beat egg yolkB, remaining water, and salt together. Blend into gelatin. Cook over boiling water, stirring constantly, until gelatin is dissolved a nd mixture is slightly thickened, about 5 min. 2. Immediately remove from heat, add oi;ange juice concentrate, and stir until blended. Chill, stirring occasiona1ly, until mixture mounds when dropped from a spoon (or chill over ice and wa- ter, stirring frequently). 3. Meanwhile, 1whip cream until soft peaks are formed. With final few strokes, beat in confection- ers' &ugar an~ extract ; set in the refrigerator. 4. Using a clean beater. beat egg white until frothy. Gradually add gTanuJated sugar, continuing to beat until rounded peaks are ,, Famil11 Weekl11, June 8, 1969 formed. Fold in the gelatin mix- ture and then the whipped cream. 5. Tum into a baked pastry shell. Using the back of a spoon swirl top. Chill thoroughly. Detorate pie with orange sections or orange sections and pastry cut- outs. One 9-in. pit> "Orange Champagne" Reconstitute 2 cans (6 oz. each) f r0ttn orange juice concentrate, thawed, with bottled white grape juice instead of water. Pour over finely crushed ice in stemmed glasses. 11h qts. cocktail Turkey l'Orange 1 can (6 oz.) frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed Y1 cup water 1 tableapoon lemon juice 2 tablespoons brown suirar Yz teaapoon pouad ginger Y. teupoon ground marjoram 14 teaspoon poultry Huo11init Yi teaapoon aalt 1 teupooa conu1tarch 1 tablespoon cold water 1 tableapoon butter or marg-arine Whjte meat of turkey, thinly sliced 1. Put orange juice concentrate, water, and lemon juice into a large skillet. Stir in a mixture of brown sugar and seasonings. Sim· mer, covered, about 15 min., stit'· ring occasional1y. rom bite eat.. nix- :am. iell. wirl rate or cut- . pie lCh ) ~ate, rape over med "tail n g rtly rate, ~o a ·e of Sim· stir· 2. Bring to boiling and stir in a blend of comsiarch and cold wa- ter. Cook and stir 2 to 3 min. 3. Add butter and sliced turkey; heat thorousnly. 4. Allowing 2 alicea of turkey per servillg, arranae . on plates, top with 2 or 8 Piquat Onmp Cart- wheela and panley eprip; ac- company with battered upuaca spean and panlied battered car- rot etlcb. . 5. Serve with chiUed crisp hearts of celery and ftnaer sandwiches of Onap-Wabnrt Brad. Aboiit I 1U'fri?tg1 Orange-Walnut Bread 2 % ape alftei replar all- pupeee leu l teupoea llaktq-,..., .. I teu,._ Midas aoda % tWJ I Da .... 1 RP•Pl' l larce•aace Water 1 e-.a-Weta...W.. I •11, well lteatft 2 ta....,._ 1Hatter or •arpriae, aeltell aad eee1e4 1 tea ..... !aailla Htnd 1 eap wahtna, l11el1 diieppM 1. Greue bottoma of two 7~x-h2- in. loaf pans ; line with waxed paper cut to fit bottom; pease paper. Set aside. 2. Sift dry ingredients toptber into a larse bowl; set aside. 3. Squeese the juice from the .. oranp into a measuring cup for liquid. Add enough water to make 1 cup. Set aside. .f. Cut oranae peel into pie(;ee. Fon:e oranae and raisins throush medium blade of a.YOod cbOJJper. Set Hide. 5. Blend esr , orange juice, but- ter, and extract with a rotary beater. Add to dry ingredients along with ground fruits and chopped nuts; mix thoroughly. Tum into pa.ns and spread evenly to comers. S. Bake at 860°F. 55 to 60 min. Cool loaves 10 min. in pans on wire racb before removing from pans. Immediately peel off waxed paper and tum top-side up. Cool completely on racka. 7. Wrap Joaves tightly in alumi- num foil and store 1 or 2 days before slicing. 8. Sandwich sliced bread with craa cheeee, cut into halves or thirds, and overlap on a eervinl' tray· I loot1u ""t bt'ead Piquant OrangeCutwbeels T1'u u a tleliciOtU, fkliaitdr /f6'- THW«I orqge reliala. Pare 3 medium-abed.....-and slice crosawiae. Add a mixture of 1 tablespoon supr, 1 tablespoon wine Yinesar, and 2 teaspoons in· staat •meed oaian; tou lishtly. Store covered in refriseratOr. F ... U,, W•I~, J..,.. I, JHI 17 · Kills Insects 30 Ft Away! Cb IR lir " 11 •• ,1·1 ... ~ ll1lllly . 11111.1111111 ••• mTlllLY! • F•• ...... " ...., "i••llf lllJJilllf "* ... Clicbll, ElnlipJ .... _ .. CMlfMt mnL.111_ ...... DI B Tllf•LLY iiiK --. .... a Jiii ""'" ............. ..._ .. --......... -....... -. ... ......... -............ ... i n.a -... A lml"i11'::: c:.:• • .;: :':'.: c:=-.: :...i .... ~ -· ... ft.I ........ -..... a. 111.,..... .... .;.....i..,__~....., IUrt .... =r1 • ... .. ... , .• mTY•IPMY ...... -~ ~ ~I ~=.":..-:..:. .:.·;;..~ i .. .., ........... = ':....~~·:,... SO MANY USES ........ ,........c:.. ....... .. ...... ....= ........... ,.. ...... llQ If Ir• ...... I ti ......... _ ....-• u ....... m ...... -... -n .. -u 11>. -.it1> (P Ila. f.U). 1.-U.. •,, tM ~ .c rwvatioul ....... ,. ... to u. ,..,...._ .... ~ Cent1i• ...... N8Ml ..... ..n.w.., .... .. .... • b • .. A8Mll~ -•Ml DIR ................. ~ tllbe. No ...t to~ earrr U. llft7· er. Leave it ~'Ill wlltlle ... .., ... ... ....................... ..... ....... • 111'11111~ lllft II -U.id ..... •a¥a ........ ..... ,. ,,,_.,,,.. .... ..... . Ho clcai£s. V.S. ,.._. • M 'Jl fne...S ....... I.~ .. • •ow-.. -.rwr Mftlll a..--. it ,....,, ....... It'• elf. l O DA Y rREE TRIAL Ii ... _.. ... ...... ._... .......... . .............. -.......... r--~--,...------------------· U•,..., --·~~ IW II._,.~"""' 11 wr nlll. ·If ... at.,..._ ,.. .. fer 11111 ,.,... . .,.._...... _ _. ..... .. _ ,.,. ...................... . AllAllH• -RllK ClOUf'Oll Lll.~, •NfWRnt ... Llel1 ... .... ..._,.._-...r..,_. ..................... .. ...,,. ... , • .,. for .... ~ ... ........ a c.,..... ......... ~ ,._ ,_ dlloMllM 1wet •~ oil'; $2." .... to, PP ......... I mtbe S .............. . •Ut•---------------- ... IJe..I• adJ-.W.-'-eu t....,.. HHI• ---------------.. ..,., ru.. .. • • ft. Jet .._ (witt. .. k JI re). • RGllJBICM-.,.._.a_,_. nae af.olniM mW ol illalct Ilda. illto Ctf't -..,AT• 1'1'--- -t a =.,".::!'""' r:' .. ..., .. ....,.., "·• ..... ' ------------------·~--. ~--- ' l J l '' -------- Weird NeW Sonic Lure Caught. Fish Like Crazy! By Lyman Walton, Co-Inventor As T6ld to Paul Stag, The Weekend Fisherman ThWik of it/ My new VIBRATING LURE giV68 loud, GUR- GLING, SPLASHING, BUBBLING sounda as you skitter it aJ,on,g the surface of the wat,er ! Sends out up to SOO vibratioti.8 every minute underneath that water! Look8 COMPLETELY UNLIKE ANYTHING THAT ANY FRESH WATER FISH HAS SEEN BEFORE. And has a/,read.11 uaed this weird Bight ·and weird s<>'Ufld. and weird sonic vi.brations -in one of .its very first Summer trials - to lure fish into attacking it so savagely that they actually knocked it out of the water. Ha'lded in trout, b~s, muskU, walleye, and pike} even when other lures had caught littl.e or no fish right next to i t Here'swhy-· CAUGHT! 120 FISH IN ONE HOUR! same time! Fifty -seventy -nint?ty fish are caught and released! People along the shore atop to watCh the spec- tacle! Yea~ Imagine that YOU were there -at In one short hour, we have caught and Cattail Lake, Illinois, on August 20, released 120 ftsh ! All WITH the very 1961. A hot summer day! A beautiful S{lme weird little lure t hat can go to work stream-fed pond -90 by 60 feet wide! fot you next week, without your risking Fishermen trying lures, flies, natural a penny! bait! But despite the fact that this is a WHATS · THE SECRETI stocked trout farm with no limit. there UNDERWATER SONIC ia only an occaaional strike. It looks like VIBRATIONS! a wasted day! Why did this bat-shaped lure catch fish And then, three die-hard friends de-by the ~tringer-full -even after ordi- cide to try their luck with me I We start · nary lures, and natural bait have caught to caat from the edge of the water. At little or nothing? For this simple rea- the end of our Jines is an ENTIRELY son-· DIFFERENT LURE -a weird little Because this lure gives off unique metal monster that casts like a bu1let, GURGLING, BUBBLING SPLASH- and flutters back through the water like ING SURF ACE NOISES~ plus up to a drowning bat! 200 sonic vibrations every minute unde~ EVEN EXPERIENCED FISHERMEN neath that water -that I believe FISH WATCHED IN AMAZEMENT! FIND IRRESISTIBLE! Almost at once THAT QUIET WATER Yes! I am certain that sonic pulsations EXPLODES INTO ACTION! The first are the answer to. every fiaherma!l's strike causes a shout of excitement! And p~ayer: I have studied the Navy Fish then a second strike! A third 'fourth Biologist reports about the sounds fish sixth, seventh, eighth! Beautiful rain: make between themselves in the water! bows and browns still shimmering from I have seen fish follow the propelle~ of the water -being pulled in at the rate a boat as though they were hypnotized of more than one every minute! by the sound! . . Now the water is. almost exploding And I have always bel!eved that ~f I with fish striking! Sometimes four and could _take those gurghng, bubbhng, ftve ·irout savarely attack one lure at the splash mg surface sounds and under-water vibrations -that actually seemed to CALL FISH TO THEM -and build that sound into a "Vibrating Lure" then it could haul in eye-popping catches, even where ordinary lures had caught little or nothing at all I Even in _hard-fished waters where the wise old fish run away from ordinary lures.! JUST READ THESE FISH-CATCHING ACHIEVEMENTS! TRY IT AT OUR RISK! Yea I Research showed me that lures, like fish , creatP. Sonic Vibrations in the water by their movement.a! So I have designed a lure that J estimate F~UTTERS THROUGH THAT WATEKlJP TO !00 TIMES A ~/NUTE! Wing-shaped - 11e11 a,,-...,._ bat-like -JERKING AND FLUTTER- ~........, fif .. 1quhic "9U.UT LUltL ING . MADLY THROUGH THAT THIS IS AN ARTISTS CONCEPTION OF THE YlllRA-BAT LURE AND lrl IONIC EFFECT UNDER WATER! I betifte it to be irresistible to fish! Try it entiNIJ .t •r risk! WATER -SENDING OUT IRRESIS-MONTHS ENTIRELY AT OUR RISK! TIBLE SONIC WAVES-GURGLING, We cannot guarantee, of course, that SPLASHING, BUBBLING SURFACE these amazing VIBRA-BAT SONIC SOUNDS THAT TRAVEL THROUGH LURES will produce for you in every WATER IN EVERY DIRECTION, AT pond, river or lake everytime you l'O THE RATE OF .t,;TUU FEET EVERY fishing BUT WE DO GUARANTEE SECOND, THE ACTUAL SPEED OF that these VIBRA-BAT LURES will SOUND UNDER WATER! definitely catch MORE fish for you ... No wonder this "VIBRA-BAT" lure make you agree that this is the arreatest caught a 10 pound 71h ounce Northern little lure you've ever used .:_ OR 8111- on one of its first tests -only moments PLY RETURN THEM ANYTIME after it hit the water -hauled in six WITHIN SIX FULL MONTHS FOR bass in sixty minutes in another test. all EVERY CENT OF YOUR PURCHASE 21h pounds or larger -pulled in perch PRICE BACK I by the dozens in a third test at Belmont Harbor, Illinois, even after live bait and lures had scarcely a strike, and CON- TINUED to land so many fish, so quickly, THAT FISHERMEN WATCHED JN AMAZEMENT! No wonder our tests show this revolu- tionary new Jure hauls in trout. bass, muskie, walleye, pike, :Jalmon and other fresh water fish even in hard fished waters -produces strikes even when other fishermen alongside it are going almost unrewarded 1 AMAZING 6-MONTH TRIAL OFFER You Rimp)y cannot believe the fish- catching powers of this amazing lure until you try it yourself, FOR 6 FULL You and you alone are the only judge! You have nothing to lose! Send in the Six Month Trial Coupon TODAY! SPECIAL NOTICE Sportsman's Lures w tol.d cm t.u paf1t! tlte am4zing stot-y of tlt.e VIBRA-BAT .. rela.ted to iu bw Lvmaft Waltoft. We bve received aigJted statetMKt. /""""' Lyman Walton attd otMr Jia~ tAot tlt.eae fll':ta are cornet. l?tcid61lta.llr -tlu t00f'ds "O.,.glixtt - Spla.hmg -8Mbblt'1111" can WcaltoK't pclf"-ticidar tranelatwft of tle t0ftf'd Ht&tld. Ao- t"'1.ll11 "° two /is~ toOKld .,,... oa • description of tltit SOMftd. B.U fiO" wUl "'ft"H 01t its amamig f'es1du, or i~r1910UW IHukl -----MAIL AMAZING 6 MONTH TRIAL COUPON TODAY----- MADISON HOUSE-LU•t: DIVISION ' . I 1209 GREt:NLAND 8LDG., ~IAMI, FLA. 33147 I '~· 1 -nt to try VllRA-8,T LuNS on Amazlnc I MOM'nl TRIAL o'na. Send IN lllt of.._ I d1ffer.nt VtallA-tAT Lures in &1•minl Nickel, Yellow and Jet llack color COft'lblt..UO. ...... for ~nly $2.98 (4.oc_> veluel) If YllU.. T don not catch more fish ... and make ":!,'L more tun .•• 1f v1•a.A.aAT 11 not the l'tUtest tur. I've ever used, t can mum It wittlln 1 fllt full . retunes, 0 PAYMENT INCLOSIO. EncloMd ls $2.98 (cnll.1. cheek or M.O.). Slllp ,,-. lllt of vteMMft I postpaid. I SAVI •II C.O.D. cherees. ~ Back uuenin•. I O si ~M .. deOOlit enctoMd. Slllp c.o.o. t•• peypostm•n $1.98 belance plus post•1• ch•t11•s. I S.me oney·S.ck Guarant... 1 NAME ~------------------~~-----~· AOOHSI -----CITY ~ --· ...IOfill . STATI ~. I ~-~-------~---------------~-----J ~~-----~-----------------~ - I I ., ~ . lt :c ~ ro E ill 1t (- E R E "' 11t r- o- H "/ l I I I I I .J BIUD4 IUN(;S of~ b,;t.. itc.u ioou~ ... ,.,..,. otn.•• TiOO Karol Sia J>i,a,. MOlld Solitaire u.4 .. t ia ~ •tm.,. Jla.tola""1 ~11 bad for G ptJrf#t "'4Ulal StGU m., me. Sd, 110 ppd. FFohl letJH!Wn. Dept. A-7, 17MJ KetltNdw CouetNW, Nortli Ba.w Vtl- lage, Fla. 111.u . .. ,_..,. riglat bw WOW Mill I A.....a.g "Preoiou DIJtll' pr.,,..U •tle ff'V/16 craS- u.g or brea.tMg. Yoti oa e•e• ptdl ta.e'• toitlo•t br«Jlmtg-it& jut I ._,I ut'• Wot& do Aouetoor'witl "r-tler /-reetlmlt.'' II 'PJHl. Fluttoood, Dept. 'XX.I, 417 W. Rottdolpla, Clai«Jgo, 1U. IO«JI. Weekend Shopper BY SUSAN PAINE HAPPY NEWS FOR 8011.EOYNERS! If septic tank trouble ia a problem, this nontoxic reactivator powder keeps septic tank or ceupooJ clean, worb to prevent overflow, back-up and odora. Regular use can save costly pumpin l' or digging. 6-montba' sup- _. ______ ply, fS.96 ; 1-yr., f7. Nortbel Distributors, Dept. FW-6, P .O. Box 1108, Kinneapo)ia, Kinn. 56440. EAR-I.OKS keep eyeglauea from alipptq i and 1Udinar. Elaatie tabs flt over the enda -"'.}'-J • of ear pieces. No moJ"e "push-in-place." ~ tabs fit aD,framea. Comfortable. For men. women and chil~ren. 69¢ a pair, 2 pain, •1 ppd. Send your order to Donay, Dept. FW-6, 200 West 67th St.re.et, New York, 'N. Y. 10019. LEARN TO PLAY the auitar in one week. No tedious practice or exer- cises. You get 820 eon.re, guitartuner, .... Complete instructions with chord .e- lector. Pictures and worde pide An. gen. Fun for the whole family, too! fS.98 ppd. Terry Elliott. Dep~ FW-6X, P .O. Box 1918, Grand Central Station. New York, N. Y. 10017. WARD'S Formula ~a treatment for the ecalp that may help you And nlief from dandruff and a dry, itchy scalp. The people who ofter this formula aay that a few treatmenta help control a falling hair prob. lem from common ecalp infection. Regular aise, '2~ triple, '6 ppd. B. B.. Ward, Dept. FW-2. 19 West «th St., New York, N. Y. 10086: DAD TINY PRINT very euily with theee handaome halt-frame mapify- ing g.IMM'JI. All you have" to do ia simpb" '1ook over>• tbe top for usual, normal viewin•· SpeciV men•a or women's black with silver thread; brown with gold, black or brown tortoise. f5.96 ppd. Send your order to Joy Optical. Dept. 878, 84 Fifth Avenae, New York, N. Y. 10011. a.- 1111 -... tWAT-,,.,_._ ..... ._ . ...._Laat. ...... "' ....... _, .-.-... -. ,...... . .... ...................... Si. ............. ftelt .... ...... ... • , .......... CINt ........ ,..., ,... ....... n,.. ......................... :rs·· ~ . =,. ..., ......... ~ eWCll.. .......... .... . ==. ~=.?&.r·,:-'1-:..-::.":E\·-~ •. ~-~: ... ........ n. .... -;;, ................ ftlla . ..,.... ... ..__ ne ...., ._ ...... ,. • ·~••n•• _..,... • ..-. '"' C1nb. 1'le .._ 4 .... ._... -01W...., It• rt& L-----:-, ..------------------------n I -" .uonco....r. C04 10.,. I p.o. ... 1•11.....,c....a ............. Y ....... Y.1•'7 Fl££tmAL ·=~ ....... ---.-1·~_, ....... . ......... '01-... 1 ....... ._ ..... .... ...-. ff 01JIP..._. ....... ,.., .... ._,_., ..... , ...... ,,.......... o,.,_. .... ea•~ *'•it_." wt I ftrr•M~----\~................. . e1t11er ,,., ,, .. , ''" I ----------------._,...., .... °'9: I ........ ,..~-...... ...._ ____________ ___ ..-1e1,.tce~ ,_.... ~ -an nan ,..,...._.__ __ ......... ~g~i:·:~::~~~~-':.::~~ ~"· 1 !\.1-'.'t1 . .'\TL -Ill ------~-----1 ...................... I ,...., Tl llOW-PlllC&D LOWKll FALll TllTH IRUTCH MWa ...._ tlalslw XLl1l'CB ...... _... CllllMall; ..... ........................... ... ,.._ ........... ~ ---"r?i:;; .. ...... Yltta ........ ltlwtlll ...................... . ........ .._.~ ... n,_ ............................. _,, -d l'I ,., ........ --_._wm_..,...,.... ..... .... ILna CL, .. -lllllrl, l.Y. 1491 . -.. .... .,.. cell ............. -.... ..,., Ritt ............ Ille .... lMt ...... ... MATl ........ ,_, w lat, .._ 1lw ,_ CGllfl. 4e11ce. 111•111111• eut ol weter, wer11 11114u ...... •• -., two ,._ ...... -·· tnlllU. llMr ,_ Clll te111 ... .-., '* -II 1"11 Clll, ..... I ltl'IM .......... ,.. twtll Int .... ..... t• !ell"',....., ... ,.._. -.,_ c.-t .. _._ -$5.tS. ,... dlacll • _, .,., ,...,, ,.., ........ setlifectiell .--..... St•t• WAIST 1111 ..... ce •• ~ ...... t ........... """ .. ,. 119'1. t----------~---1 ANTEED FISff..GETTER -c a jjln - ·-.. SEND FOR FREE SAMPLE TO SHOW YOtM 8aOIJP Get "'" deQI,. -~ --y lft ... -. ................... ....,...,...u.owa.-'= CIMln: cal., ..... "'>; Midi" l;llllH. -----------------------------let ....... . ''" ........ ..,.. ............ _ _, ... ,_. CAmll 11iM1 llr•UIJ "-•----------..,.., _________ _ Clty: ___ ...,, ____ ZI, __ ,._ ., Orpllutloto ______ _ ...... _____ ...... ......,. ___ _ c... SI I 111'1Amzill -~ ...,_ _________ _ ••••r,111:11• ' I z lllflr11a1 I .,,,, GIJ f I I , Bill PROBLEMS? 1 ; VI[ CAN Hf LP YOU T•:.JOii f ! 5 IUl.OID .'· 11KOU1 cans'·• . ·. lln'UMTIOUI. MXIPTMCI. -• • IUJIL~Aoe .......... AN. aetU, • • 1U ·••aaw ............ e.c.-...,~ ....... ......_ .... ,. .... I • • __ ,9' on11 1 CM OUllr llf ........ ' ........... ..... ............ lm-AIMrima'• .......... ... an.--. (OM -M • ....._.) ._ ... .............................. ....... .,... ................. ......... " ..... ,,_ -...._. _..... ..._ •Ill• ...... ~111'4s•&I••. .... llf &e LJTTLS'l'Olf COi.• 00., ~. au, ............. ,.,.-. ---------- •• , .. ----- HOW .IO ~BEAHERO IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD ~~' yoor Umily ••• ~ ~&MadL.:~~ delicious (ud di/f~nnt) dishes that end f~er the aame-old--thing cookout. 10 Bright Barbecu·e ·Ideas from R·eynolds Wrcap What does it take? Two important iqredieata: Reynolds Wrap and your own creativity. Reynold8 Wrap it a mu.I for outdoor bubecuinc becaue you can cook in it, even over the hotteat C0918! It hu a special resistance to tearing, IO it afely leala in juices and tlavo1JL It keeps hot foods hot till ready to eerYe. Maida tight and holda tisht to any •pe ... froma lobet.erto a peach.in+poke. LJNE YOUR GRILL UeeH•vy Duty Reynolds Wrap. The foil refiecbi the heat evenly ewer the entire pill. Pooda'cook more evenly. Faater, too. And at cl~-up time just bundle up ti. ..-in the foil and throw'emaQy, CLAMBAKE-IN-A-BUNDLE. On a 24" piece of Heavy Duty Reynolds Wrap arrance a large frozen lobet.er tail (or a 1 lb. fresh·killed lobet.er u • shown above): a chicken leg; 6 clams: an ear of corn, ailk removed; a ecrubbed potato; an onion;·~ cup clam juice. Bring up sides of foil and ..t with double fold. Double-fold end.a. Place bundle, seam side down, on a eecond sheet of Heavy Duty foil Wrap and eeal with double fold. Place on crill 4 inches from CCMlla. Cook l hour turning every 15 minutes. Serve with melted butter and lemon. SeTVS one. (The big idea is the no·fuu foil bundle. Worb fine, too, with beef or lamb or chicken, and vegetables.) PEACHES-IN-A-POKE. Arrange two 1each halvea on a 9 inch equare of H•vy Duty Reynold.a Wrap. Spria- Jde-with aupr, cinnamon, chopped almond.a and (optional) a teupoon of brandy or rum. Bring foil up and twist.top t.o cloee tighl Cook on grill over medium-hot fire about 16 minutes. HOT GARLIC BREAD. Cut a Jo.I of Italian Bl'81(f in lVI inch alicea, not quite through bottom crull&. Combine ~ cup dtened butter or margarine with l minced prlic clOYe. l teupoon parsley flakn, Y. teaapoon Oft!PDO, J4 teupoon dried dill. "tNSTANT HIBACHI" While the main diab ia cooking on your big grill, let yout ~ cook their own appetizer- How come? Becaue every lnch of Reynolds Wrap ia oven-tempered for flexible atrenctJa. Stroq, de- pendable Reynolde Wrap. The bar- becue buft"1 best friend. FOIL-ROASTED CORN ON THE COB Remove husb and silk. Bruah com with melted butter or margarine. Wrap MCh ear tightly in Reynold.a Wrap.Ra.ton top of grill over hot fire about 15 minu&ea. Foil seala in the fresh-com ftaVOl' and aroma. Foil baked potatoes ue sreat. too. Just acrub the spuds and wrap .ch one tightly in Heavy Duty foil Place them directly on the coals around the edge of the fire. Bake about "6 minutes. SUMMER SQUASH TREAT Put half.inchalices ofaqaa.h on very thin onion slices in centel' of a equueof H•vy Duty Reynolds Wrap. Seuon with ea.It, pepper and snips of fresh dill. Dot with butt~r. Seal foil with double-fold and cook on grill about 25 minutes. Divine! And, you can cook tomatoes, pearl onions and all kinda or frozen vegetables on your outdoor grill. too. The reel secret is the tightly sealed foil packet idea. SPIT ROASTING? Make a foil pan to catch the drippings. Juat tum up all four edces of a double- thick n e u length of Heavy Duty Reynolds Wrap in the abape of a narrow rectangular pan and place in front of the co.la. directly under the meal Avoid.a 6ame flare-ups. QUICKIE OVEN Bake-and-serve biscuits and rolls bake beautifully on the grill. Place them on a aheet of Heavy Duty foil and cover them with another sheet. Good idea with hot doe and hapiburger rolls, too. WONDERFUL WOODSY FLAVOR Soak hickory chips in wat.er and wrap them tightly in foil Punch holes in the foil to let smoke eecape and place the packet right on the ooala. Hickory chips won't flame up and bum. REYNOLDS WRAP. OVEN -TEMPERED Spl'elld' Qlixture generoualy be- tween..-.. Wrap Ioc.ety in Reynolds Wrap and beat on.pill IS minutes. . keboba on your "instant hit.chi" Juet line a big cut iron kettle (or even an old bucket) with Heavy Duty Reynold.a Wrap and build the ~re ri1ht on the foil. ...... . _f OR tLEXU;JLE STRENGTH __ _ . -~· . - COSTA MISA NIWPOIT llACH LAeUMA llACH HUNTIN•TON llACtf flOUNTAIN YALLIY IADDLllACI WEEK OF JUNE 7 • JUNE 13 rrs THE LAW in Sheboygan, Wlleonlin that 11a penon cmt- not operate a motor vehicle with someone on bls or her lap". Here'• a good 0ne from K9mu ... No petlOll under the ~ ol an alccbollc bev· ence can operate • motDr vehicle on a public ltreet or hiah••r, . . . ezcept a wheel· banow •: , FOl\D'S OORTINA from En<· land hM an .~ race- wlnnlng heritage. More than 5GO wins in Alpine Climb, rally and r9Ce eYentl throughout the world! Llke the grueHnl She.II 4000, the ~Ue Cana- dian Wlmr Rally and the tOUlb Eat African Safari. At Willon FGl'd, here In Hunting· ton BMcb, wie are Oranle County'• leadlnf Cortina deal· er Md we hive the body style anCI color just for you ln ltock and reedy to roll. WITH SUMMER catching up on us 1md many families mat· tnc t!IOlt long awaited vacation plans, here's a few bandy hlntl th8t can remove potettUal un- pleuantries from your trip ... If you wear eyeglasles, talre an eztra pair along. It's not much fun to be on the trail at the bottQrD of the Grand Canyon and Jose or break your only petr. Another smart thing to do Lt to' leave your complete itinerary with a clOle friend or relative Just ln cae of an emergency. Make sure your driver's licen9e, auto registration and insurance f:~ are current _and in HERE AT OUR dealership at lasl Beach Blvd: we have one ol the most complete and one of die largest service f aclllUes In the ltate. Our penonnel are upertl at their trade so why not' bring yqur car to thme who know it belt . . . eYen lf it isn't a "Better Idee Car'' from Ford. DICK WILSON'S WltSON FORD SALES ~------~ L FO_Rl2j 18255 IEACH ILYD.-; HUN'nNGTON BEACH ICC SS .. S88llUUllll .. lllllllllllllllllll11111119111111111111111111 MEET ~ Flnt of the 7t'1 at 1MO Prlaa llAMI MIW 1t" THUNDll•D ....... 1fft FAIR LANE $99 Down $122.75 36 mos. ..... , .. ,Uc ..... .,, ........ $99 Down $70.95 36 mo; Plus Tu l Licentt on epp. btnk crecfit. ................................... ' •• "'"'· .. ,... Mr ....................... Md!· " ...... ~ ................... .,.. ~. ,.... ..... a f99 Down $64.45 36 mo. Pl•s Tu & UctnH •n •PP· bHk Cfecflt. ......... llAND NIW '"' $2588 $99 Down $80.65 36 mo. T 0 RI N 0 •• T. "u• Tu l Ucenst on a,,.1ta11k crecfit. -Y4 ....... ~ ..,.. ...................... wi9t ewllf Hr-. ...... _. .... , 11tM ~. '-• e.T, -. ...... .., ..... & .........,, ....... --... CMl'My .......... *" .,..... .,.. ....... ,,..... .. 101" ....... , ..... $" Down 70.95 36 mo. Plus Tu & License on apft• ban\ crecflt.' llAND NIW CORnNA $99 Down $62.20 36 mo. Pl~ Tu & Lktnse on approved bat* credll DELUXE SEDAN, '7.4 C.l.D. '7 H.P. engine, fvllY synchronized 4 sl)Nd transmission, disc brakes, vinyl budl•I -.e•t1, fvlly ceroeted, er90flow wntlltllon llelll~ & defrost~. lnterlOr & l'lllfflor decor 9,,,up1, w/1/w tires. peddcd destl & v"°"• electric wlndsllleld wipers & w11hen. 24 months/24000 mite werrenly. JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD 842-6611 HUNTINGTON BEACH . SAllS DEPr. t ...... 10 , ••• 7 De,S SllYICI OPIN TNt. tllrll M .. I •·•· to 5 ''"'" Mo:t., I •.a. .. t , .•. 592-5511 D - A - pr• pr• br• al br I ; bo tt Cl c b ti e 0 It ( ( n II 4 c I • Dick Dunlap: The Rehearsals Are 'Picture-Perfect' Rehearsing a 90-minute special without being able to use the program's stars is one of the problems faced by Dick Dunlap, the producer:director for the West Coast-originated portion of the broadcast of the 2 1st annual Television Academy Awards, Sunday at 10 PM on CBS. If there's one thing viewers want to s~e during the E mmy Awards broadcast, Dunlap says, it's closeups of the nominees as they're ~ Plcturtd abovt art scmu and CtJJt princlpou from tht six shows nom- inattd for an Emmy award as "oulllanding dramatic pro1ram" of 1968-69. Thty art (top, I. to r.) "HtUJf' (NBC), Sir M ichatl Rtd1rovt , Jtmriftr Edwards; "Ttachtr, Ttachtr" (NBC, "Hallmark Hall of Fame"), Billy Schulman, David McCallum; "Talking to a StranRtr'' (NET), Margtry Mason; "M ission: /mpossiblt" (CBS), Martin Landau; (bollom, I. to r.) "Tht Ptoplt Ntxt Door' ("CBS Playhquse"), Lloyd Bridges, Dtborah Wlntus; and "A Midsummer NIRht's Dnam" (CBS. Royal Shak.tJptart Company), Michatl Jayston, Dia11D Rigg. being named and then, above all, the expu::ssions on the faces of the winning stars when their names are announced. In order to show this the director has to be able to tell his camera crew where to find the individuals in the auditorium. The way Dunlap docs 1t is to make an extensive chart indicating where they'll be seated during the program, and he knows the seating arrange- ment ·because he sets it up himself. Next, he explains, the camera crew must practice focusing on those people, and that means that during the three-day rehearsal enlarged photographs of the start are placed in the seats where each of them will sit. Finally, Dunlap L•ses stand-ins so the crew will get accustomed to focusing on live targets. This year's Television Academy Awards broadcast is the third for Dunlap as a producer-director. It is being held at the Santa Monica (Calif.) C ivic Auditorium, where Dunlap also directed eight of the ni ne Oscar Award broadcasts he has handled, and at Carnegie H all in New York City. His early television chores were directing drama shows, such as "Kraft Theater" for three years and "Omnibus" for another three years. From drama shows Dunlap switched to such musical pro- grams as "The Bell T elephone Hour" and "The Voice of Firestone." Dunlap, a native Californian fr.om Pomona, says it will require 400-plus persons to present the Emmy Awards broadcast from both coasts. Charles Andrews is the executive producer witH Sid Smith the producer.director in New York. Compramat1cs 1s always· making 11 happen. Matching people most compatible with each other. And Compramatics can make 1t happen for you! Cornpramatics is a highly d ignified 'Service which takes extreme care to confidentially find you the people with whom you are most likely to enjoy a lasting and meaningful relationship. To find your special someone, call or write Compramatics today for a private interview and a complimentary profile analysis. Call ur write now for a persona~ pri11ate inter11iew at no cost or obligation. Compramatics Suite 617, North Tower Union Bank Square Orange, Calif. 92668 714-547-5644 213-860-278'4 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. ---------------I I I NAME. ____________ • •---------SEX, __ AGE_ I I STREET I I CITY _______ STATE. ______ , I ZIP CODE _____ TELEPHONE _____ I I I I 0 WIDOWED 0 DIVORCED 0 SINGLE I --------------- 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS $1.00 ........ . Moy be used on envelopes os return oddress lobels. AJso very hondy es identificetion lobels for marking personol items such as books, records , photos, etc. Lobels stick on glass and may be used for marking home canned food items. An labels ere printed with stytish Vogue tyee on fine quality white gummed paper ond' pocked in reusable mogic seal top container. Mrs. ChristN hwn 969 Pod Ro.d Coda Mew, Calif. 92626 r------------, I I All ht tflla , .. , ... , cllp and '"•II wltfl $1.00 to: I ,;1et Prl11iif19.1.Ab.I DI?·· ... I US, M....,.,t huh, C1flf. t2HJ· I I I I I I I __ .___. ______________________________________ ~·-·--------· --~----··············---·······-·-···-····----~------·· ·································-·---------------····-· le 111re te llN yeur Zip Code I I I I I I , __ _ PILOT PRINTING ----' L --------------FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LABELS WE WILL INCLUDE RB SET OF PACKAGE MAILING LABELS. -,,_ ,. .............. _ ...... -' THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. JUNE 7. 1969 Music Makers salute the month of June. Q) Buel Owtn1 (C) (30) SATURDAY 9:0011~:r~· =:.,~~ JUNE 7 "Rope of Slnd" (melodrama) ·4~ Burt Lancaster. Paul Henreld, Claude Rains. Peter Lorre, Corinne Calve!. EVFNINl. (C) (60) ID Bill Anderaon (C) (30) 1:00 IJ Tiie 811 ..... f.D Critique (C) (60) "CBS Play. 0 @@ m Huntlty·Brlnll11 (C) house and Televlslon Drama." Stan· 0 Porter Waaoner (C) (30) ley Kauffmann and a panel of lV fJ Bou City (C) (60) Sam Rlddle and drama critics discuss ''The host!. Experiment.'' a CBS lfroductlon on Q) The fnveders (C) (60) contemporary topics. The panel dis· 6::JO I""" Confertnca (C) (60) cusses teledramas and \heir impact Melody Renell (C) (60) on audiences. Rosey Cirler (C) (30) Pat Mc· 9:30 fJ Qi (j) Ptltleoat Junction (C) Cormick ~uests. (30) Dennis Roberts. a onetime m I Ifie ALI Miu lot Anatles flame of Dr. Janet Craig from bac~ 'World Beauty Paieant (C) (2 hr) East, vlslls at the Shady Rest and Bill Welsh hosts the events from when Uncle Joe learns he plans to the Century City Plaza Mall to se· propcse marrlaae. he realizes the feet Miss Los Angeles World. Byron Valley doesn't dare lose its lady Palmer a.nd ~eauty queen Pamela doctor. (R) Valori Pall a~ on·stage hosts. 0 @(}) (!D PREMIERE Tiie Jolla. I Pl.,ina the C11tar (30) (R) ny Cash S1'ow (C) (60) Bob Dylan. Entertain11ttnt Specials (C) (60) Fannie Aagg. Dour Kershaw 'nd Cir1 fro• UNClE (C) (60) Joni Mitchell are featured on the 7:00 fJ fa CJ) CIS News (C) (30) first of a new series that mrs Roger MUcfd. country and western star Johnny D PIC s.rtey (C) (30) Bob Cash. The show originates from Wrlrht. Nashville, Tennessee. O The Anniversary Game (C) (30) fJ NIWI (C) Larry Burrell, Al Hamel hosts. Ii) The stoneman f1Mlly (C) (30) ' Deatll YalllJ Days (C) (30) 10:00 I ®) (f) Minnix (C) (60) Wond•• of Ult Wortd (C) (30) The btftndm (60) . omp and. Circumstance." Honor· • Profiles (C) '30) ''Harry Bela· 1ng the Off1clal ~lrthday of Queen fonte." A backstage interview with Elizabeth, the Linkers show the the sinaer famed "Trooping of Colo~" cere· I News ·(C) (30) mony that. takes places at Horu Ernest Tubb (C) (30) Guards Parade on that occas~n. : NET Playtloute (90) "The Sieg· Eill EEN. ~~onlde <9 (60) ~e fried Idyll." (R) of Justice. The prorram 1s a l:T.' Box de Melico broadust of a teach·in on the ~ pros and cons of military justice. lO:lOI THE Cit (C) (30) The site is a courtroom in the • Whirs My line! (C) C3?> Yale Law School. Viewpoints range M1urite Woodruff Predids (C) from those of a court-martialled ( ) Vidal Sassoon hosts. GI to Pentagon representatives. aJ Swingin' Gospel (C) (60) 0) Exitometro (30) Q) Hollywood end the Stara (C) 7:30 I ~ Cl) Jadt. Cluson (C) (60) 11:00 I D 0 D mm News (C) · fl) 00 m Adam·l2 (C) (30) One. step Be~nd Movie: "Wake Island'' (adven· • MO¥ie: (C) 'Ctnt.nnial Su111- ture) '42-Brlan Donlevy, Macdon· mer" (musical) '46-Jeanne Crain, aid carey. Come! Wilde. 0 @00 (!D The Detin& CanM 11:15 fJ Fabulous 52 Movie: "The M11 (l) (30) Jim Lange hosts. of 1 Thouund Fa*" (drama) '57 D Million $ Movir. ''The P1vndtr· -James Cagney, Dorothy Malone. trS" (western) '60-Jeff Chandler, O Satvrday Nipt Movie: (C) "Sit· Delores Hart. an Never Sleeps" (adventure) '62-m World of Women (C) (30) William Holden, Clifton Webb, "France the French Way.'' Bill Bur· France Nuyen. rud an.d his guest: Anita G.olden. 11:30 D a;, Toni1ht Show (C) show viewers the city of Lyon. g Movit: "Man in a Cocked Hat" @ril Los Caudillot (30) (comedy) '60-Terry·Thomas, Peter &.1>0 8 ~ 00 m Ctt Smert (C) (30) Sellers. @Cl) (!D The Newlywed Game m lnsi&llt (C) (30) Bob Eubanks hosts. Ii) The Empress (C) m Movit: "Senn DIYS to Noon" 11:45 ID MO¥ie: "Kansas Ci1Y Conffdttt. (mystery) ·~arry Jones, Olive tial" (drama) '53-Preston f0$1er, Sloane. John Payne, Coleen Grey. m Thi A11ttriun West (C) (30) "A 12:00 m 77 Sunset Strip A Day at the Zoo." A trip to the ~n 12:30 fJ MO¥ie: "Run Silent, Run Dffp" Diego Zoo. (R) (drama) '58 -Clark Gable, Burt f.D NET Festini (60) "Cranko's Lancaster. Castle." (R) 1:00 fJ Movie: "Tiie Bli Hanpwr" Em Noelle "de Estreno (2 hr) (drama) '50-Van Johnson, Eliza· 1:30 fJ ~ 00 My Three Sons (C) (30) beth Taylor. D @ 00 m The Ghost ind Mrs. D News (C) Muir (30) "Vanessa." captain Greu 0 Movie: "St.rm Onr the Nile" becomes enamored of a descendant (adventure) '56-Laurence Harvey, of an ancient love while Mrs. Muir Anthony Steel. agrees to sell Gull Cottage. (R) m All·Nieflt Show: "Suez." "Mon· fJ @ (I) al The Larence Welk soon" and "Juke Girl.'' Show (C) (60) The Champagne 2:00 O Adventure of the Se159ray (C) 6: 6; 7 ]; 8: 8; 8: 8 9 9 10 10 10 DAYTIME PROGRAMS MONDAY thru FRIDAY MORNINC (C) Host Peter MmhaU welcomes suests Mickey Rooney, Robert Culp, FPeoce Nvyen, Sally Ann Howes and 6:00 IJ Sulmer. S.IHlttr (C) "Bltck Jack Cassidy. ~::.~.at-A History of • Alro-Amerl· m Fro• U.. Inside Out (C) IDRoJ Roaen 6:lOI °"Y*7 (C) 11:001J ~ (j) lowt of LI~ (C) • £d11Ution Eldlan11 (C) "Safety -~ oyl" Alms on boating safety. _.. 14!:1 (1) m Jtop1rdy (C) I Felt.es 0 Tiit Gallopln& hurmet (C) Educational flllM Graham Kerr. T tdlnltll Corner m Slleriff Jolin (C) 7:00 II CBS News (C) Joseph Bentl. IE Romper Room (C) D 9 (l) m Tiie Today Show (C) 11:15 0 News (C) Doug Dudley. Hugti""C>Ownshosts. 11:25 II Q!l (j) CBS News (C) Douilaa I Elltrclse WHtl GIOrla (C) Edwards. r:ij1":~ ~ 11:301J a Cl) Seatdl fof Tomomw (C} Commodity /Sttd Report 0 @ (1) m Eye Guesa" (C) Bill Cullen hosts. 7:30 I Tiie Ed Nebon Show (C) 0 The Anniwtfsary Game (C) Al Tiie Flintstones (C) Hamel hosts Gu111by (C) r."111 T · 8·00 .:111 IW'il f!J ....... 1 K u empo (C) Roy Elwell and Bob • ~ IQ] .... " .. n anproo (C) Doman host With Bo l~eeshan. m Beat tile. MiaMJ Mouse (C) hosts. I Abbott a Costello Cartoons (C) Odds (C) Johnny Giibert Roctet Robin Hood (C) 11:45 0 CofTis Guy (C) Wednesday. 8:15@ (I) Video Dlaest (C) l\F rE RN OON 8.:25 0 Community Bulletin Board (C) 8:30 0 Stinvay (C) Monday: Doble 611· 12:00 IJ Boutique (C) lit, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; D ~ (1) g;, Hidden Faces (C} Ghost Towns, Wednesday. O Popep Cartoons (C) 0 Movie: See Daytime Movies. m Bup Bunny (C) 0 @ @ Bewitched ID Gamby (C) m ID News .(C) @ CI) Webster Webfoot (C) EE Office of t"8 President 9:00 IJ The tucy Show (C) Qj Ci) The Llnkletter .._ (C) 0 fU (6) er;, It Takd Two (C) 12:30 U ~ (j) As t"8 Wodd Tuma (C) Vin Scully hosts. Shor! Lewis, Ml· 0 Q) (1) m Dip of OUJ llvn chael Landon, D~vid Soul and their (C) Macdonald Carey stars. spousas guest this week. 0 @ (I) funny You Slloald AA 0 Movie: See Daytime Movies. (C) Lloyd Thaxton host1 · Johnny Grant hosts. . . · 0 Mowlt: See Daytime Movies. m Movie: See Daytime Movies. Ben Jackie Joseph hosts Hunter hosts. I Dltk Tracy Carloons (C) m Dialing f« Dolllra (C) Al1n cm CV Jlct LI Linne (C) Sloane hosts. Underdo& <Cl EE Tedlnkal eom. Cl) Andy Grltfitlt (C); ~n Git· 12:55 O 01)@ Ctlndfen's Doctor (C) cher Show (C) Friday onty. Tues.·Thurs. Lendon H. Smith, M.D. 9:3o R ~ fE :;t~nc:~~~~r!n (~ 1:00 IJ ~CJ) love Is • Many Spltn· Ed :c'Mahon hosts dof'ed Thtna (C) ~ I 0 Movie: See ·Daytime MO'lies. D @ @ m The ~rs (C) Dennis tM Menace 0 @ @ Onam Home (C) Mike 8ol'O (C); £.ducatlonal Fllms, Darow hosts. · Tues.-Fri. • EE Commodity/Stoel Rtport @@ Heyden's H1ppenln1 (C) 1.30 .:111 i;:w fa'\ • 10:00 IJ Andy Griffith • • -~ l.!J The Guld1nr UcM (C) 0 a m m Ptnonallty (C) Host 0 ~ @ g;, Another World (C) Larry BIY'den welcomes guests Shel· 0 Fdtler Knows Best 'ley Winters, E:ll Wallach and Anne 0 @CV m Ltt'I M••• • Deal Jackson as they discuss the Inner (C) Monty Hall hosts. personalities of James Mason, Ella ID Joan Rivers SltoW (C) Fi':Zgerald. Michael Dunn, Tammy EE The Pierre Show Grimes and Jack Carter. m Truth or Consequencu (C) 2:00 II ~ (j) Seatt Stonll (C) ~ 00 sunny Today (C) D tN@ m Yoa Don't Say (C) 10:15 ID £.ducationil Films Mond-Tom Kennedy welcomes ilJestS Vera • •1 • Miies end Jack Albertson. 10:30 IJ tl!J Ci) Ola V1n Dr'• 0 Love Thlt Bob; Cookinl Aroand 0 @(}) m Holtywood Sq11ru I the World (C) Wed. only. - D @ Cll GD Newtyw1 a. .. <C> Bob Eub1np hosts. ID Movie: See D1ytime Movies. 2:30 I) 9 Cl) Tiit Edp of NIPt (C) 0 ~ (1) m TM Matdl Qa11t1 (C) Gene ~aybum hosts. 0 Luvt It tlD luYer 0 @ (}) a> D1tln1 C.•11 (C} Jim Lanae hosts. 2:45 0 News (C) Ted Meyers. 3:00 II The Llnkletter hw (C) D P.D.Q. (C) Dennis James hosts. 0 Hlpway Patrol 0 (fi) (}) m Gtnlfll Host>ltll (C) 0 Movie: See Daytime Movies. Tom Fr11ndsen hosts. m ftlla tlle Cit (C) ~ @ M.tinee: Don Rodewald. 9 (j) Olalln1 for Dollars Mowte g;, MatiitM: Don Wilson. 3:30 IJ LllCQ Pair (C) Geoff Edwards hosts. 0 Mike Doustu (C) l eslle U1· 1ams co-hosts. 0 One Slap Beyond 0 U1J CI) G) One Life To tiff (C) m My Favorite Martian (C) m Hobo Kelly (C) 4:00 U Su Hunt Movie: See Daytime Movies on Monday. 0 Girl Talk (C) 0 (fi) (}J C'.f) Dart Shadows (C) m The Flintstones (C) 4:30 U Movie: See Daytime Movies. 0 ANGELS GO BIRD· * HUNTING ... (ORIOLES)! 1J Divorce Coiart (C); Ansel• Warm. up (C) We4. only. 0 Nen (C) Bill Bonds. m News (C) Georre Putnam. m ~O'I I ll Top Show (C) @ (I) Miu Douctas (C) ti9J sa.tkey'a Pini Pq (C) m Tewn T1I~ (C) C'.f)a.tttflfd 5:00 D KNIC N ..... fice (C) 0 Newa (C) Tom Reddin; ~sets Baseball (C) Wednesday only. The California Angels meet the Baltimore Orioles at Baltimore. 0 The Groowy sa.. (C) ID Tiie Add11111 Famlty Ci) @ Jimmy Tho111non Show (C} ®J CIJ The Lucy Show (C) er;, Riftemaa C'.f) Funny You Sllould Ast (C} 5:.30 0 @ CV a> News (C) Frank Rey- nolds. 0 Twill8'tt i.o.. ID Ply Cards (C) m m Ginlpn's Island (C) ta) Ci) This Dey 1969 (C) a oo "....,. <C> WAN!ED BOYS and GIRLS AGES 3 to T9 TO AUDITION FOR TV e COMMERCIALS and Movie P,..entatlon FOR FREE ON CAMERA AUDITION IN YOUR AREA CALL NOW 547-6251 JIMMY LLOYD Felf'to1n Actor, Prod.or, D'rec· for off•r;"9 opporhlftity to lrid1 aftd youftg adulh to be repre- Hftfed In the TV I FILM IN- DUSTRY. LLOYD HAS DIS· COVERED ALMOST 500 KIDS WHO HAYE A,,E.AllEO IH MOVIES I T.Y. MANY OF OUlt LUCKY ICIDS EARN OYEll SI00.00 PER DAY. P.R. CO. MAKES PROFESSIONAL CON· TACTS FOR YOU IN HOLLY- WOOD. TAKE I PRODUCTIONS 6671 SUNSET ILVD. HOU YWOOO. CALIF, BARBARA EDEN & Barbara Eden, star of NBC's I Dream of Jeannie, and her husband, Michael An- sara, live quietly in the Su Femaodo Valley. That is to say, they live quietly during thole houn when Matthew Michael. their three-and-a-half year old soo, is napping. Like mo1t boys his age, Matthew is his fachu's boy, but Barbera is quick to point out that., when ·asked, Matthew will tell you that he is not "magic" but tha,t his Mom .d. Bicyclliig, piog-poog and Swimming are the mainstay of their sports activities, but if all goes as plaoned, IOIDe of their cime will be taken up with the raising of a Getman She~erd puppy. Mike has wanted a dog for Matthew for some time aod hu a particular soft spot for Shepherds since having had ooe in the receot put. The dog wu a present from Gregory Pede and was named Val in honor of the picture "Only The V aliaot" in which they were working at the time. . Batbara feels that in spite of the fact that she hasn•t time to "be ooe of the girls .. and have Joog, giggly lunch houn and gossip at the hair dresser or shop, she is grateful for a career that keeps expanding, for her loving and calented busbe.od, and for their handsome little boy. 1" is I, • TV !PORT! HIOHllO/IT! Godfrey Cambridge Sets the Beat SUNDAY, JUNE 8 10:00 A~ e An&efs Baseball (C) California Angels vs . Cleveland In-I Godfrey Cambridge, the black comic who satirizes the "soul" d1ans at Cleveland. (and comcience) of coday's American sceoe, headlines Sbowtime, 12:30 B tB (I) AAU International Track and Field (C) The Compton K.HJ's hour-long variety potpourri, 2 iring Saturday at 7 :30 PM, in Relays are presented from Los Angeles Coliseum. color, on Channel 9. B USAC Championship Auto Race (C) Live telecast. ..._ h Gn.f,.._, · od ·L--· · l L--.. 1· 1:00 @@Western Open Golf (C) Final round of the $130 000 I'-> star-ost. """'""' mtr . uccs ~ antemattona ~ mers as tournament from Midlothian Country Club on the outskirts of his guests: AJlan Sherman: MiJlicent Martin; Jerry and Mootigny; Chicago, Illinois. Jack Nicklaus is defending champ. Esther and Abi Ofarim; Dennis Willis and his Hunting Quartet; 1:30 8 ~Cl) NFL Action (C) "They Call It Pro Football" An ac· Yvonne MK:hel and Erik. • tion·paCked. display of the beauty of the game and its impact on the entire country. Pat Summerall is host and narrator. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11 5:00 9 A,.els Baseball (C) California Angels vs. 'Baltimore Orioles at Baltimore. THURSDAY, JUNE 12 8:30 0 ~lli,nc (C) Tom Harmon and Mickey Davies are ringside. Tonights card is a lO•round, lightweight bout between Ron Harris (20-0) and Jim Robertson (14·1). FRIDAY, JUNE 13 10:30 0 @ (]) U.S. Open Golf (C) Highlights from the Champions Golf Club in Houston. Texas. · . SATURDAY, JUNE 14 11:00 AM IJ @Ci) Major League Baseball (C) Teams to be an-nounced. 3:00 0 @ (}) U.S. Open Goff (C) From the Champions Golf Club in Houston, Texas. The play on three rounds of the most prestigious event of the golfing year is covered by a record seven ~mmen!ators-Chris Schenkel, Byron Nelson, Jim Mc· Kay, 8111 Flemmg, Bud Palmer, Jimmy Demaret and Henry Longhu~. Among the 150 starters will be defending champ lee Trevmo, who shot a 275 last year to win. The course is flat and tough at 6967 yards, with a 71 par. 4:30 I @ (]) USGA Golf Highlights (C) 5:00 • Indianapolis 500 (C) - Championship Bowling (C) 0 @ @ ABC's Wide World of Spotts (C) SUNDAY, JUNE 8 9:00 O @ 00 "Donovan's Reef." John Wayne, lee Marvin, Dorothy Lamour, Elizabeth Allen, Jack Warden and Cesar Romero star in this laugh-filled bust·'em up South Seas comedy-adyenture. MONDAY, JUNE 9 9:00 e @ (i) ''The Perils of Pauline." ~t Boone, Pamela Austin. Edwardtverett Horton, and Terry·Tfiomas star in this 1967 spoof of the old "Perils" films. TUESDAY, JUNE 10 9:00 IJ fa @ "Gunfight in Abilene." Bobby Darin, Leslie Nielsen andtmily Banks star in the 1967 western about a gun-shy sheriff. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11 9:00 O @ 00 "That Kfnd of Woman." Sophia Loren, Tab Hunter and George Sanders star in a romantic story of a woman who is forced to choose between two kinds of love. THURSDAY, JUNE 12 9:00 B ~ (j) ''Cheyenne Autumn." Richard Widmark. Carroll Baker, Kart Malden, James Stewart and Sal Mineo star in the ad· venture of displaced Indians who attempt to return to their home. FRIDAY, JUNE 13 9:00 B ~ (j) "House of the Seven Hawks." Robert Taylor and Nicole l.laurey star in the story of an anny man, trying to clear himself of a murder charge, who discovers a Nazi cache. SATURDAY, JUNE 14 9:00 IJ @ Ci) "The Art of Love." James Garner, Dick Van [)yt(e, Elke Sommer and Angie Dickinson star in a hilarious comedy set in romantic Paris. Cambridge sets the pace for a wacky hour as he renden a comic monologue of life a la Cambridge. Most of thc fuonyman's material is drawn from a variety of early jobs: airplane cleaner; ambulance driver (for a maternity hospital ); judo instructor and drama critic. Millicent Manin, a lovely red-headed performer, sings and dances to .. Cao'1 Take My Eyes Off You" and a "'Beatles Medley." Parodist Allan Sherman sings his two hits. "Hello Muddah.' Hello Faddah .. and "'Won·t You Come Home. Disraeli' along with a new version of the Irish folk song, "Molly Malone." · French comedians Jerry and Montigny prove che language of romance is universal as they mime a courtship betwttn · two love birds. Esther and Abi Ofarim sing "'She's Leaving Home~ and a seining Flamenco number, "El Vito," while Yvonne Michel and Erik per- form an exciting Apache da~. The Mike Sammes Si!l&Cn. The London line Danccn and The J ad Parnell ~tra a.re regulars on the Sbowtime hours. ______ .. ·-· .............. l ..... "'·'---------•llu•.• •• i• • r , I MEN, WOMEN I I & co~~LES-I I EXCITING I MOTEL/HOTEL I ' POSITIONS! I , I -manager, sO(:ial di· I rector, executive I housekeeper, hostess, I apartment manager- you pick the job you I want, then let Lewis--I with 53 years' experi- 1 ence training and plac· ing motel, resort, ho· 1 tel, steamship person- 1 nel-teach you the ropes at home, by cor-1 respondence , or at- 1 tend classes in Los 1 Angeles! I FREE BOOK TELLS I ABOUT OPPORTUNI· TIES ALL OVER CON· I TINENTAL U.S. & I HAWAII. AGE NO BAR· RIER. NO PREVIOUS I EXPERIENCE NECES· 1 SARY! I· For your free copy, I phone I (213) 749-1438 I or send a postcard I with your name, age, 1 phone and address to: I Lewis Hotel I Motel Schools I 17080 Hollywood Blvd. , Suite L-1930 Los Angeles, I California 90028 I I. .. ...... SUNDAY · 9 ~ Faitll ftr T.U, (C) Qi) Ton tt.tl MMtllt1 (C) I allute CerlZOft THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JUNE 7. 1969 0 htsl Conftftnc:e (C) Broadcalt journalism, as it has been hilled and damned, is the subject of to- JUNE 8 ·.~ 0 H "'< I N G All stations reserve the right to change program· ming without advance no- tice. Wlnra to Adventure (C) 10:30 Slips t• Lumla1 (C) ID 00 Ql C•ldellne (C) "love in Modem Society." Two Loyola University (Chicaao) students dis- cuss the topic. I 671 CD m Kina loft& (C) fiTth for Todar (C) 00 f11blre 11 :00 Project Ht1d st.rt (C) "Wind Instruments." 6:15 6:30 6:55 7:00 The Chrllblphlf'I @ (}) a> lullwfnklt (C) I Tiils Is tlM Life (C) The Bible Answert Movie: "A Midsummer Nlpt's Give Us This Day (C) Drum" (classic) '35-James Caa- To• and Jerry (C) ney, Olivi1 de H1villand. 7:30 AqHIMR (C) (]) flrst l•tist Qurdl Sunday Funnlft (C) I Cllurdl In the Ho•t (C) MonllOll Tabem.tde Choir (C) Ci) Wmtllnt (C) 7;-45 Tltt ChriltDplitrs (C) • Co•pass (C) a:oG 0l (j) l1111p Unto My Fttt (C) 11:30 Tell It Ukt It Wn (C} "The Sufism, the name by which Islamic life of a Slave." Hostess Dallle .mysticism came to be known in the presents a description of • typical 8th and 9th century A.O., is ex-slave's life in eolonlal America. ploted. (R) B MiltstOMS of Man (C) I m Tltt Christophers (C) Ci]) (I) (l) Discovery (C) The Cathedral of To1nonow (C) Everalades of Florida and the So- Day of Dl1COV1ry (C) nora desert in southern Arizona are Wond1ra111a (C) explored In proaram tit.led "Nature's Allen RtviYll Hour (C) Adaptation." (R) Ci) God Is the 1nswer (C) 0 M~e: (C) ~artfi&flters" (dr~· l :30 I Looi! Up Ind ute (C) ma) 56 -Victor Mature. Kann . Profile (C) Steele. Rebels With 1 Caute (C) m Accent on Action (C) • Movie: "Overland hcitlc" (west-ern) '51-Jock Mahoney, Peegie Castle. AFTERNOON ; KatllfJft Kuhlman (C) 12:00 fJ Tiit Sunflower C.lebr1tlon Coat· ~ Dwer I Coll1tll (C) pan, (C) "Trust" is today's subject. Full Cospel Rmwal (C) Teenagers and youna adults e11plore 6i) uel1 KMEX (C) human emotions. I The Answlf (C) 8 Read Ript (C) 9:00 Caimera Thl'll (C) Movie: "llle Domino Kid" (west- Mr Fnorite Setlfton (C) Rev. ern) '57-Rory Calhoun. Kristine Wyburn Skidmore, St. Paul's Meth· Miller. odist Church of San Bernardino, lntelli1ent Perent auests. 1 I lllls Is the life (C) I D1y of Discovery (C) 6 Futures Ch1llen1es Feature Gospel Music (C) · ne en Su tau ~ A. A. Allen • Profiles of Pro1T1• (C) 6 Kltftryn Kulll1111n (C) · Armed forca Hiplipts (C) Tom . and Jmy (C) 12:15 Anctls Wt11H1P (C) @m Nuev1 C1t1 12:30 09) CJ) MU lnt1rn1tlon1I Tr1dl m Cod and Min In the 20th and l'feld (C) The Compton Relays C.ntury are p1esented from the Los Angeles m A(ricvltur1I Report (C) Coliseum. 9:30 fJ Music, Music, Music (C) The O U.S.A.C. Championship Auto Cosmopolitan Singers, a group of R1ee (C) 75 St. louisans. present a number O Movie: "Apache Cllilf' (west- of song hits from Broadway musi-em) '50-Alan Curtis, Tom Neal. cals includina "The Sound of I lV Worship of the West (C) Music," ."My Fair lady.'' "Fiddler CIJ Stories of Success (C) on the Roof," and ''Camelot" Quut for Advenblre (C) 0 Economics for All Aiu (C) lnsitht (C) "Money Has Meanina." A discussion 1:00 @ @ m Dlrectio1u (C) of home ownership and savinas. ~@ Western Open Gott (C) 0 ANGELS ON WARPATH Final round from the Midlothian * AGAINST INJUNS! Country Club on the outskirts of Chicaao. Illinois. In els Warm-up (C) I W1r 1.ont C1) m Dudley Do·Ript (C) ReviYll Fires (C) Onil Roberts (C) U.S. N1v, film (C) Aqu11111n (C) 1:30 Qj (j) NFl Action (C) ''They • no 1 Mino R1nchero Call It Pro Football." An action· • Tiiis Is the Lila (C) packed display of the beauly and 10:00 Todq's Religion (C) violence of the aame-and its Im· • Aanculture USA (C) pact on the entire country. Angels Baseball (C) California O MOYie: "Araon, Inc." (mystery) Angels vs. Clevel1nd Indiana. '49-Robert Lowry. ! @ @ (E Linus (C) 0 @ CI) m llS&let ind Anaweri Movie: "Ali Baba Goes to Town" (C) ( ntasy) '47-Eddie Cantor, Tony I Voice of CllV1ry (C) Martin The D1llotas aJ Oral Roberts (C) 2:00 ~Kt the Nation (C) day's discussion. A panel of news- men, headed by Bill Bonds. will alt in • reporters' round-table. On the p1nel are Jim Lawrence, Al Wltn1n, Charles Waite, F1ed Anderson. Bob Banfield and Huch Williams. aJ Roller Dtrtly (C) @ (I) SundaJ M1tln11: ''The SllOf'· kel." I (1) Movit.Co-Rollftd Duelo de Pasionts Lidia Dey (C) 2:30 fJ Conversations With a hydil.t- ltist (C) "Violent Behavior." B On Clmpus (C) Movie: "Captive Women" (sci· fi) '52 -Robert Clarte, Gloril Saunders. m Holidey (C) (!) Anteriun ProbltlM (C) 3:00 fJ Rlf)trtoire Worbllop (C) "Gii· bert." An oriainal drama about 1 colleae professor who Is t1Yin1 to clean up his desk and his life. 0 CMracters in the Arts (C) ''The illtlt Old Lady." IJ Tales of ttl• Goldin West 0 Miiiion $ Movie: (C) "Mardi Qras" (musie1I) '58 -Pat Boone, Christine Carere. I Ovter Limits Faces Md Placal (C) Ci) Mllw1ukH 150 (C) McKeever l the Colontl Scope (C) 3:30 Insider/Outsider (C) "Univer· sity Barriers and Barrio Youth." I Youth ind the P'otlet (C) Have GUii, Will Trawel RID Review (R) Enli1n O'Toole ladles D1y (C) 3:45 Movie: (C) "Th• Man From U.e Alamo'• (western) '53-Glenn Ford, Julie Adams. 4:00 Viewpoint (C) • m Congresslon1I Report (C) Man From UNCLE (C) T1t11tre I . 1 ~Laramie F 1C1 the NatiOe (C) • 1nt.1n1 Sobrt lot Hijoi • American Probl1t11s (C) 4:30 NIWSlllabrs (C) • · m Mitt the P'rat (C) : Misterogen' Nelghboritood (]) P'olb Paradt (C) • Muslca y P1l1bras • Scope (C) 4:55 Wonderful World of Sport (C) 5:00 News (C) Clete Roberts. · Spm Up (C) Biii Leyden. Or. liner's Adventures (C) Movie: (C) "U1>$t1lr1 111d Doft. st1irs" (comedy) '61-Mylene De· monaeot, Michael Craig, Anne Hey- wood. 0 News (C) m Merv Griffin (C) Merv's auestJ are Maureen Stapleton. Milt Kamen. Al Martino, Norman Mailer. Ronnie Dyson and Mr. Blackwell, who reads his list of "worst-dressed" people. aJ The New Sound (C) (ll) C1) Seven Arts Theatre: "Wet As halt," I 5ospel of Olrist (6) Meet the Preu (C) Wbat's Newt (C) (R) Ttros The Rat Patrol (C) Run for Your ltte (C) 5:3019 (j) Amateur Hour (C) , • ti) Ci) EE franll McGee (C) "°lb P'atadt (C) • E fJ SlllpPJ (C) "Can You Keep a Secret?" Skippy plays a key role when Sonny and Clancy are rescued from the clutches of a wild and danprous escaped convict. fl) Wanna Tracie? fZ1) Sptdru• (R) fVfNINL 5:00 11 9 Ci) T\t 21st Century (C) (30) "Survivina Space " An exam· ination or the medical problem$ in· volved in space travel and presen· talion of a series of experimtnts desianed to test man's physical limits so future space equipment can be made to protect him in outer space. CJ fil CIJ m Collea• 1owt <c> (30) Robert Earle. 0 I Sfl(IAL I P19sl Suptrbattle '69 ~ (60) Some of the best pop bands"in the Southland compete for prizes that include a recordina con· tract with Uni Records. The play-off among the winners of a series of weekly music competitions that be- aan In March is held at the Greek Theatre. Among the scheduled com· petitors are The Brethren (from Van Nuys), The Cover (Panorama City); The L.A. Philharmonic Love and Rhythm Band; Brewed Light (Bur- bank); The Sounds of Success (L.A.); Everyman (Sepulveda); and The Sematics (Compton). m I siilc!AL I Viva Mulco! (C) (60) tfaf, Halla and David Linker explore the most interestin& parts of our neighboring country to the south. (R) fi) William Tell (30) EE) PREMIERE Faus of Bulinm (C) (30) T. A Wise, of Fortune Magazine, hosts this series that will introduce viewers to key men of in· dustry. In the first program Joseph Wilson, chairman of the board for Xerox, talks about his company's growth in the last 20 years and about employing minority group workers. al Man from UNCLE (C) (60) 6:30 t) Ralph Story (C) (30) Ralph Story unearths the story of convert· Ing dirt to dollars by dlUlna.., ft, transferring it, and even manufac· IUri"J_il. D ~ @ m Wild Kln&do• (C) {30) "Lair of the Ti1er." In the Sariske Jungle in Rajasthan (North· ern India), a pai~ ol bengal ti&ers and their two kittens are observed. Steve Allen sltow (C) (90) I Love LUCJ (l3Q) Marqu" 22 (60) i The French Chef (30) Julia Child prepares "Ossobuco." ! Ci) SklpPJ (C) (30) 7:00 Qi (j) t.usit (C) (30) An a andoned ghost town provides a chilling backdrop of mystery and suspense as lusie, Neeka (Mark Miranda) and Scott Turner pursue an elusive ghost. Conclusion. (R) 0 IU @ m Huell Finn (C) (30) "The Strange Experiment." The youngsters meet a sinister scientist when their balloon uashes. (R) D @ CV m Land of the lilanta ~ (60) "On a Clear Night You Can See Earth." Steve and Aqhugh are captured by a mad scientist who is tryin1 to perfect binoculars that will enable him to pick out objects in the dark. (R) ! I 'ttl (C) {60) II CIAO "' Eddie fllMt ur (C) (60) Eddie welcomes Con· nie Stevens, Roy Castle, ind Jack Parnell and His Orchestra. Q) Passport to TrMI (C) (30) "The Enticin& Pac.Ifie." Hal Sewyer follows the most popular tourist regions of Asia's ustem coast- from Singapore to Bangkok ind Hon1 Kong to a tour of Japan's colorful local festivals. Qi) Speculation (60) "Abortion." .. (R) el Do-le-Mi (30) 7:30 B ~ m 1i111tl1 a.n (C) (30) Mark befrrends a lonely old woods· man and decides to raise end tr1fn a dog as a companion for his el· derly friend. (R) D @ (1) m Walt DilntY (C) (60) ''Three Tall Tales" Ludwi& Von Drake, u host-narrator. presents three cartoons about liars and lea· ends: "Casey at the Bat," "Wind· wagon Smith" and "Paul Bunyan." (R) , m Tiie Ch1llenaiflf Saa (C) (30) ''Water Spectacular ·• Bill Burrud tells a story about the 70% of our planet-water. fi) Ii& Picture (30) el Lot Caudillos (30) 8:00 B (ii (j) Ed Sulllv111 (C) (60) Myron Cohen and Jerry Vale ruest 0 ROLLER GAMES-LIVE! (C) * T·BIROS vs. PIONEERS 0 Roller Ganln (C) (2 hr) Dick Lane reports. T -Birds vs. Midwest Pioneers. Medic.al Of Dental Astistant CALIFORNIA PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL • Student Loans • Day and Evenin1 Classes • Lifetime Placement Service • For Women of All A1es • Profe15ion.tly ~utfed Dental Clinic Open To The Public l8H NSWPORT BLVD .. COIT.A MU.A (714 ) 645-2922 D @ rn m Tht FBI (C) (60) 'i'fhe Fraud." Erskine's in11estiga· --------------------------lion of fraudulent and stolen art • uncovers Mafia participation. (R) D @ rn m A8C Sunday Movie: 10:30 Eorld Toraorrow (C) (30) .fJ Millien $ Movie: (C) "The Loat le> "Donovan's Ifft" (adventure) • Movie: "I.We fla•t'" (drama) World" (sti·fi) '60-Michael Rennie, '63 -John Wayne, Lee M1rvfn, • colt Brady, Robert Bfakt. Jill St. John.. Dorothy Lamour, Elizabeth Allen, m Joe Pyne (C) (2 hr) m ! shCIAi j Prince of Peace (C) Jeck Warden, Cesar Romero. Story m llatllry11 tlullhun (C) (30) (JO) An ori1inal Jazz cantata com· of a World War If hero who re-11:00 I Ntwa (C) posed, conducted, performed and meined in the South Pacific after • Catlltdral ol To..,... (C) sung by former narcotics addicts. th~ war and became a buslnes.iman. Wiid Adventure (C) ''Mlsslalppi Leonard Nimoy hosts. With him are two buddiet. one 1 Rrver Revival." On a renovated m Wandtrlust (C) (30) "Land of drunken brawler and the other a Sacramento River paddltwhetMf the Caesars." Bill Burrud visits doctor who at~yed 10 .build a hos· now plyina the Mfalsslppl, 8111 Rome. Italy. pit.al and furnish medttaJ care lor Burrud end crew Join the ltum· fi) The FilMr F1111ily (30) the natives. (R) boat crew to follow lht muddy cur· m ~nd1 of summer (C) (2 hr) I W..Und ".... (C) (30) rents to Ntw Orluns. "New Orleans Jau." Steve Allen "'" liuaa (30) 9 Cil Newa (C) presents highlights from this yur's 0..lnaos Hlfdlz (60) 11:15 D @(J) Q) AIC Newa (C) New Orteans International Jazz FtS· 9:30 m My Metbor, tilt Car (C) (30) 11'10 II a Cl) ..... (C) tival, featuring jau artists Dizzy fl> Mr. & Mrs. Nortll (30) • Gillespie. Sarah Vaughan, Gerry lO:tO 119 Ci) llflc!ell 1111 r.., O LOHMAN •ND BARKLEY Mulligan, and Count Basie. Anrdl (?) (90) The 21s1 annual .r el CarroUMI Mexicano (60) awards ty the National Aiademy of * INSPECTED BY #29 8:30 0 m The Motlten-ln·law (Q Television Arts ~nd Scienc:es for ! Loll..,. & l*"tr (C) (30) "Show Business Is N 8 sf.· outst1ndin1 achievement in the llovte: "Mak fw ...._.. .. • ~ u medium Is presented. Bill Cosby Is sJ I) '45-... --It .. , M ~ n~ss. Don Rickles, 1uestin1 as host of the West Coast portion of u ca ,_. ur .. ' "1""' himself, suffers embarrassment th rd 'ff . O'Brien. when Eve and Kaye vie for the . e ewa s. and Merv Gri In is host fJ "'!J ... !l....,c!Al""9"0j How To Step s-11· role of the girl in his act (R) '"· Carne&le Hall for the New Yot1t· 1111 (C) Partf of Dr. Donald Fred· m Movie· ''Seven 0._ to Noo ,. orialn1ted part of the Emmy pres· rlckson's cllnlc. •• .,. " ent1tions. I T1le r.p,.,.. (C) (mystery) 50 -Barry Jones, Olive D ID (6) m My friend THJ (C) ITI ••II--(C) Sloane. (60) ''KTcfr " A 1 tte I uu ... I The Sports Set (C) (30) nap. . . 0 ry w nner 11:.45 m Mowio: "fa.. ~ Street" The Wor1d Tomonow (30) reaps. a financial w!ndfall only to (mystery) 'SS-Anthony Quinn Anne m lirape Boycott (C) (30) be victimized by kidnappers. Wiii Bancroft • uu Geer and Fay Spain autst. . • 9:00 fJ ~ Ci) SlllOthers Brothen (C) I fJ m News (C) (30) 12:00 .. Movie: (C) ~... sew. Uttlt (60) No guest list available at press Labor RtPOl't (C) (30) Gt.P" (comTob~y) 55 -Bob Hope, time. Minion f'oru.11 torJe .. 1. CJ (ij@ m Bonanza (C) (60) : David Su.Ulnd (C) (2 hr) "Anti· II eo.11ullJ Bulletlll lell'll (C) "The Sound of Drums." A stub!>orn Semitism Arnone Blacks." David and 12:l0 m ,._eel CttJ land owner defies the law by let· an interracial panel discuu the tin& Indians live on his grounds. arowin1 polarization between mlll· 1:00 D N ... (C) Jack Kruschen, Penny Sinton and !ant blacb and Jews 1:30 B Movie: "Da•• Cltlaa" (d11m1) Brlonl Farrell guest. (R) Cl) liran Tllh (60) '51---Gene Evans. Kalth Andn. ...... MONDAY JUNE 9 For morning and afternoon llstin1s, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programmlnc with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES . t :OO U "T11t Howards of Ylrcinia" (dra· mt) '40-Cary Grant, Martha Scott D (C) "Tiki M• to Town" (ro- manct) '53-Sterlin& Hayden, Ann Sheridan. 9:30 D "Sittl111 Pretty" {comedy) '48 -Robert Youn&. Maureen O'Hara. 12.:00 D "Jo, Rldt" (drama) '53-Re1l1 ToOmey, Ann Doran. 1Z:30 m "Shield for Murdtf'' (mystery) '54-Edmond O'Brien. "Night Unto Nlctrt" (drama) '49-Ronald Reaean. Z:OO m "Yukon Yenaunce" (adventure) '~irby Grant, Monte Hale. 3:00 0 (C) .. Daddy long Leas" (musi· cal) 'SS-Fred Astair•. Leslie Caron. 4:00 R (C) "The Datrt Son(' (musi· ell) '53-Kalbryn Grayson. Cordon Mac Rae. \ PllP 10 EVENING 5:00 D TOM REDDIN NEWS * Forceful Reporting! 6:00 1J Tiit Bia Ntw1 (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. D m HunU.,.lflnU.1 (C) (30) D Sttwe Allen S11ow (C) (90) fJ SU O'Qock Movie: (C) "'TM Cfn11rro11 Kid" (western) '52-Audle Murphy, Yvette Dueay. • I S,, (C) (60) I lovt l.ucy ( 60) lltaan (C) (30) (!) MlrY Qrlfti11 (C) (90) : Wilt's New? (C) (30) • Un Color Para Est.I Piel (30) · KPlM News (C) (60) 6:30 M KNBC Ntwurwlu (C) (60) Vor-p to ttle lotto• of the S.. i (60) Ci) Huntl.,-lrtM.ley (C) (30) • ~I• (30) "ESA Enrich· ment, Part II." Teache< Fred Sl Cyr conducts a laneuaae l8$$0n fOf ellceptional students at the l 90th Street School. ~ Ci) m News (C) (30) @m Noticlero 34 (C) (60) 7:001J CBS &tnln1 News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. 0 Wiatt's MJ Unt? (C) (30) Wally Bruner and Arlene Francis welcome euests Soupy Sales, Pegy Cass and Bert Convy. m PISSWOfd (C) (30) Connie Stev· ens and Dick Shawn 1uest 9 @ MondlJ Mn (C) (2 hr) Eil) Eutern Wlldo• and Modem THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JUNE 7. 1969 Uta (30) "Pain." Hindu, Buddhist and T1olst ideas about physle1I and mor1I P1in are dlacussed by host Alan Watts. I Ci) FtMlly Affair (C) (30) eeiar'1 World (C) (30) Drtt• House (C) (30) 7:30 R 9 Cl) Guns• o kt CC) (60) ''9:12 to Oodee." Marshal Dillon and Doc Adams are troubled by a meddlesome woman passeneer (Joanne Linville) and the threat of hijackers when they escort an es- caped convict (Todd Armstrong) on a tense train trip back to Dodge City. _iR) B @m I Drtlm of Jannlt (C) (30) ''The Indispensable Jeannie." Jean· nie tries to prove NASA officials are wrong In their conclusion that Tony and Roeer would not make com· patlble space fli&ht companions. (R) I Jack hnJ!I (30) @ (])al T1tt Avanpra (C) ( ) ''The Fear Merchants." Steed and Mrs. Peel uncover a conspiracy victimizing executives In the ce- ramks industry. (R) 0 Million $ Movie: "Convicts Four" (drama) '63-Ben Gazzara, Stuart Whitman, S8mmy Davis Jr. m Trudi or Consequences (C) (30) 0) Ptny Muon (60) fD Innovations (30) "fish PrQteln Concentrate." Or. Richard Brtnne- man and auests from Sweco, Inc. discuss a pilot plant to produce FPC-fish Protein Concentrate--de- rived from Hake fish. The panel also discusses FPC processing and mar· ketlng potential in a hunary world. @I) Duelo de PuJonn 1:00 B m Row1n l M1rtla u•t• (~ (60) Reverend Billy Cr1ham pays a quick visit to the Mond1y madhouse. (Rucheduled) I l.ln1 Grey (30) Huit (C) (30) WCKld Press (C) (60) Comlcos J Candonn (30) 8:30 IJ 9 CJ) Here's l*Y (C) (30) Lucy dee1dl$ to go on strike and picket her boss when Uncle Harry refuses to give her a ral•. (R) 8 Golden Y~1ce (C) (30) (17) (i) .Cl) Tiit GUiii If WlU Sot!Attt (C) (30) "Robbers' Roost." Wiii Sonnett is forced Into 1 shoot· out with his grandson Jeff. (R) I Merv Griffin (C) (90) Run hw Yollf lift (C) (60) 1V Muskal 0surt (30) 9:00 MIYl*JJ RFD (C) (30) A one- time Hollywood aeent (Ned Glass) comes to Mayberry with 1 dot act. spots S8m's girlfriend Milllt, and decides to make her a movie star. (R) B ~Ci) m NBC Mondq M9wil: (~ li'fhe Pris of P1ullne" (com· edy) '67-Pat Boone, Pamela Aus- tin, Edward Everett Horton, Terry- Thomas. Geor&e retums to the orphanaee of his childhood to claim his love, Pauline, who has gone off to be a school-teacher to a prince in Arabia. (R) U DEBUTS TONIGHT! * FIRST-RUN THRILLER "THE BARON"! TOP ENTERTAINMENT! 0 DEBUT T1tt Biron (C) (60) ''The Man Outside." Based on the novels ol John Creasey, this Is the story wow' WHEEE' IT'S WONDERFUL, BABY ~~ r '~ r ~~-' Starring DELLA REESE With SANDY BARON and TOP guest stars STARTS TONITE 10 PM A Brand New 'Della' with guest stars every weeknite, 10 p.m. TEN O'CLOCK WILL NEVER BE THE SAME COLOR~ KHJ-TV~ Fr sU RI at DUUT -F11ST.aUN 6ar0n If you want fast relief from sum- mer re-run-itis, tonight's all-new adventure of '1he Baron" is the way to turn. Steve Forrest and Sue Lloyd star in this jet-paced sus- pense series about a debonair American art dealer in l o.ndon who becomes an undercover agent in a new dangerous intrigue each week. TONIGHT 9 :00~ COLOR. KTLAU (Steve Forrest),. former agent tor Or1I Roberts <C) (60) of John Mennering, The-Baron --m {C) the CIA who now owns three ex-Ci) McHale'a N1vy (30) elusive art shops in London, Paris · Revista Musical (30) and W~shi~gtori. The new c.areer 10:00 IJ ~ Cl) Carol Burnett (C) (60) leads him into the dangerous inter· Edie Adams and Tim Conway visit national wor1d of crime. with Carol in a repeat of an Oc· D @ @ al Tiie Outasta (C) tober show. but in a newly taped (60) "The Hefoes." Seventeen-year. segment, Carol introduces Jimmie old Matt Madsen takes Earl Corey Rodgers who discusses his new and Jemal David as his models, summer series, "Carol Burnett Pre· and rides out alone to confront the sents The Jimmie Rodgers Show," hired gunmen who wounded his fa· which premieres Monday, June 16. ther. <R> U TOM REDDIN NEWS Fred AltlJft aad LaUe Caroa co-star In "Daddy Loas Up," Fra.Dd- sen'll Feature for Moaday afternoon at J PM oa ClianMI 9. * Honesty in Reporting! I m News (C) (60) @@m Dick Cavett <C> (60) Delli (C) (60) Della Reese, Sendy Baron are featured. Louis Nye, Lou Rawls and Carolyn Jones guest. fil) Firin4 Line (C) (60) "Black Anti-Semitism." William F. Buckley and Rev. Milton Galamison, member of the New York City Board of Education, discuss the topic with Nathan Perlmutter, of the Ameri· can Jewish Committee. g) Mari.RI (30) 10~0 m News (C) (30) Bill Johns. m flllaste Corazon (30) 11:00 § o o @I> m m ""'<t> Alff.cl Hitchcodl • Movie: "Athck!" (drama) '56 -Jack Palance, Eddie Albert. m Liars Club (C) m Movie: "five Steps to Danpt' (mystery) '57 -Ster11ng Hayden, Ruth Roman. @CV @00 ~ Cl) News (C) 11:30 B Movie: (C) "All Mine To tilvt" .(drama) '57 -Cameron Mitchell, Glynis Johns. 0 @ 00 m Tonicht SIMlw U Movie: "The Climax" (drama) fil) NET Journ1I (60) "Appalachia '44-Boris Karloff, Turhan Bey. -Rich Land, Poor People." An award-winning study of the coal· fJ @ CV a> Joer lllMp <C> rich land and the festering poverty m Don11d O'Connor (C) Donald first publicized by the Kennedy ad· hosts his last show by welcoming ministration. The documentarY fo. guests Peter Breck, Pamela Britton, cuse~ on the plight of the Collins Ivan Tors. MarY Wells and Paul family, typical of the coal-mining Winchell. Woody WoodbufY fills this residents of northern Kentucky and time slot starting tomorrow. West Virginia. 12:30 m Action Theatre: "Barricade." ~Ci) The Alntstona (C) (30) 1:00 0 SpHkine frffly (C) fl) la Bruja M1ldlta (30) g Con1muni~J Balletin Bo1rd (C) 9:30 IJ F1mily Aff1ir (C) (30) Uncle Bili worries about modern influences D News (C) on the children after he meets -0 Movie: "Duffy of Sin Quentin" super·sophisticated chum (Susan (drama) 'S3-P1ul Kelly, Maureen Abbott) of Cissy and sees what O'Sullivan. roughhouse games the twins play. 1:15 IJ Movie: "Tiie Mole People" (hor· (R) ror) '57-John Ag1r, Cynthia Patrick. kit Ml-11A Helllllldt Al Solhl-S.. Dept11 S1••1r A•.U ........ i..,,_,._..._..• .. •-.et •f ,....i., •t• ...... ,, th Ml·llA "'•••••" ..... I 4-,tt.. wltll IS ... .,., e11 ell t•..11 .. o. It ,,.i.e. 4••• .. 1ff' •• lte'4 ""- lot' •• o•ft M..44,-.......... , .• •••• ,,. .. ..a..elt ef fltll. Sold State ,_, v.,., Detectw y.,., kit .............. , ............... flte ........... ,..,, •.• ~ •• -4 ........ . • .,r .. ; ................................... ,. ,. .... t. ~14 .... IMtell I• I• f111t J "·-· FIEE lllWMa.IN·ltate T ............... , __ .... Clft be -ted to .,,, ...-.iype ~ With •nv kind of ltRlilon 1v11om. ComH with eplHh·prool ca• 0t without caM for ptnel -1111e. HEATHKIT• ILICTRO•tc CIWTH C$3 II' ,,• Te ••••" "-•••tt llectteeie c.-... t•h .. ..._. 11"4 ... left A••· u1t • .-l•ll • ,._ ot..rl loled.1 .. UO hot left ., t ... Se.+• "-• "-ew•y,te H~ 11"4~ Heth• 11"4. ._ a.n ........... ......_..., ..... ,. -·· SALES & PAllS HEATHKIT n6-t420 HO IAST 1AU.. ANAHEIM • SEIYICI n6-t4U ,... 11 ... TUESDAY JUNE 10 For momlnc and afternoon llstlnp, pleaH see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the rfcht to chance proeramminc with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:0011 "Cef*a ........ (advtnbn't) '41-Voullu Fah1>•nkt Jr. D "Ir• Iba" (drama) 'SI-Jeff Chandler, Rock Hudson. 9:30 a (C) .......,.._. C.Valadt" (ro- mance) '39 -Alice Fa,t. Don Amee ht. lZ:OO 11 "Y ... I Danief ......,. (adwn· turt) '50-Davld Bruce. 1Z:30 m "A Ila II t11e o.t" (comedy) '49-Jane WyrNn. "'Clll ef Wd"' (drama) '52-Jun Simmons. z:oo m ..... 11e." (myitery> ·sS- Reed Nedley, Marjorie Reynolds. 3:00 D ......_, Two Worids" (fantasy) '«.-John Garfield. Eleenor Parbf. i&:30 R (C) .. A Man AloW' (western) ·~Ray Milland, Ward Bone!. r v r N 1 "i <. 5:00 B TOM REDDIN NEWS * Honest, Factual, Straight! 6.1IO fJ •. •• ..... (C) (60) Jerry Oun~. I IE 111 ....... 1111., ..... ....., ... ** (C) (30) ... u. .. (C) (90) .. O'ca.ct Mewit: ....... b · ,,_.. (adventure) '52-Jeff Chan· dler, Al• Nicol. I lAwt LICy (60) ....... (C) (30) II SpJ (C) (60) CJ) MM Crtffta (C) (90) n.t'a Nlw (C) (30) "Music In Color." A look at music.th.at Is con· vetted Into colofful imaps throulh an electronic IMtrument. @m Un Coler hrl &ta l'itl (30) .&> IPl.M Newi (C) (60) . l :JO! INIC Nlw•vlce (C) (60) . v.,... .. tlle lottDa .. tlle ~ (60) U H...a.,-lttnldef (C) (30) IE) OCUS on ,....... (C) (30) "Ombudsman." Documentary on the Swedish offlct of tht Ombudsman. 9 ~£. ..... (C) (30) ., 3' (C) (60) 7:00 II CIS £WMa1 ..... (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. fJ Wlalt'a My LIM? (C) (30) m rwd <C> c3o> Cij@...a! (C) (30) m M--0pew ..._ (30) ''TM Artist and the Mirror." Rumll Con· nor looks at self.portraits by Goya, Clla1all, Cezanne and Kollwitz. .#IKB .DOVGl.llS §llOJr 3:30-SPM • WEEKDAYS IN COLOR Thlt Wffk't co-hoet: LHlle lJgplM hp 12 Qi (j) Tiie 5eocl Sup (C) (30) Yves Montand and The Dirt! Sanders m Islands In lite Sun (C) (30) Ballet. E!) lkNm Houle (C) (30) @I) Cllucho AvtllaMt (C) (30) 1:30 II 9 (I) lancer (C) (60) The 9:30 11 9 (j) Doris Dir (C) (30) Din- irasclblt 'Jelly witnesses a bank rob· ner becomes a comic disaster when befY In Spanish Wells and, sud· Biiiy and Toby take their mother denly h111in1 heir to part of the to a res_taurant that turns out to loot, deposits a money sack in the be a aansh roedhouse with a clien Lancers' waaon. (R) te!e to match. (R) 0 @ CIJ m Star Trek (C) (60) 0 @ (I) G) NYPD (C) (30) "En· "Is There In T ruth No Beauty?" Mr. counter on a Rooftop." Del Jeff Spock will die of madness unless Ward Is accidentally shot by a Captain Kirk can pel'IUade a resent-rookie patrolman when he Is mis- ful woman to save him. Diana Mui· taken for a buralar. (R) daur plays Mlr3nda, a woman re-fJ News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. sentful of Spock's ability to mentally &J 12 O'Clock HI... (60) communicate with the Menduesan ,. .. -the sJaht of which drives humans el Hoy (30) insane. David Frankham plays Mar· 10:00 IJ a (j) 60 Mlnut.s (C) (60) vlck. her Jealous suit0<. (R) Harry Reasoner and Mike Wallace IJ Jacl ltftny (30) report on the war in Blafra. Wallace D @ @ Q) Jllod Squad (C) (60) !s in Nigeria. reporting on . the war, "Twinkle, Twinkle,· Liltlt Starlet." rts cau~ .. potential solutions and With line and Pete close by, Julie the po~brhtles of reconelliation poses as a Hollywood starlet to de· with B11f~a. At the same time, CfY/ the slayer of poung actresses. ~ea~>ner is ~erln1 those subjects (R) 1n Biafra. Political and military lead· O Million $ Movlt: (C) "Tht Tall ers will bt interviewed. Min'' (adventure) ·s~1ar11 Gable, II TOM REDDIN NEWS Robert Ryan, Jane Russell. * Heads-Up Reporting! m TrvUI or Consequencu (C) (30) 1J m NtwS (C) (60) m hny Muon (60) D @ CI>a> Diet Cavett (C) (60) tI1) Tiie Frtt1tlt Cltef (30) (R) 0 Dtlla (C) (60) m Duelo ct. Plniones fI1) USC Music festival (60) John 1:001J Zant Cil'tf (30) Crown. head of the piano depart· «0 Hazel (C) (30) ment at USC, hosts a composer's m Mont.ref Jm (C) (60) Vocal· concert. Selections are Tomas ~- ists Carmen McRae end Mel TOl'me, boda's Sonata for Piano No. 1. Op. pianist Earl "Fattla" Hines and the 49; L~roy Southers' Sonata for Oboe Woody Herman Orchestra appear in an~ Piano; and Paul Hedwall's Teleo- the second episode in a series on log1ae. • the Tenth Annual Monterey Jau @I) Mariana (30) ~~!~nlni a Cio-So (60) 10:30 ID NtwS (C) (30) Bill Johns. g) fallata Corazon (30) 1:30 II Q!l Cl) Reel S..11Dn (C) (60) . Skelton delivers a repeat recitation l l.OO II a Delma> News (C) of his Interpretation of the Pledge 0 AllTecl Hitdlc:oct of Alle1iance. Audrey Meadows, The 0 Movit: ''Mr. Slnlonlcus" (hor· Lettermen and Ted Mack guest (R) ror) '61-0scar Homolka. Audrey O @@mJu11 1 (C) (30) Dalton. "Matchmaker, Break Me a Match." m liars Clllb (C) An old flame drops ,In on Julia out &J Movie: "RIM a Y'IOlent Milt" of the blue. says he s out of green (adventure) '57-John Alar Pen11y and asks her for $500. Recording Edwards. ' artist Ketty Lester is featured as a ~ bank teller. Chuck Wood ls featured \W (I) ~ @Qt (j) News (C) (R) ' m Reapn News Confwtnet DI IHc~t ISi&M tf lovt (C) (30) 11:30 ~ Movie: "Puahowr" (mysteiy) fOny Martin hosts. 54-fred MacMurray, Kim Novak. D fi1' (l).(D It ~abs 1 Tltltf (C) 0 @@ m Tonlpt Show (C) {ro) 'To Catch a Roarin& lion." IJ Movia: "Another Put of the Mundy must recover the stolen ey. Fomt" (drama) '4S-Fredric March cad Scrolls. symbol of unity of an Ann Blyth ' emerain1 African nation, to prevent 0 r.'il · • the eovernment's collapse. (R) l.!.LI @ .a> Jotf llsbop (C) m M«Y Sriffin (C) (90) m ~oody Woodbury (C) Allen & m R fOf y RoSSI, Jack De Shannon and Dr. un our Life (C) (60) Louis Krasno 1uest. (R) 9:00 (B) ~ ctJ ~ NBC Tuesday Movit: 12:30 &J Action Th11tr1: "SWord of Ve- te} ~unnlht 1n Ablltfte" (western) nus." '67-Bobby Darin, Leslie Nielsen Emily Banks.. Story of Cal Wayne' 12:i&5 D Movie: ''W• Geordie" (comedy) an ex-Confederate officer, who i~ 'S&-aill Travers, Alastair Sim IUn·Shy , a.s a result of the acci· 1:00 0 0 Nnrs (C) dental k1lhng of a friend. When he returns home to Abilene, he ls asked m from the Inside Out (C) to take over his old job as sheriff. 1:15 U Movie: "Bittier Vlct.y• (drama) @ 'SS-Richard Burton, Curt Jureens. 90 Sllodywe&M 5 (C) . (60) fuaene 1J Coinmunity Bulletin Board (C) rman and The Philadelphia Or· c:hestra are featured. (R) . 1:30 m 17 Sunwt Strip fl1l ~~ festival (60) "Happy New 2:30 m All·Nlpt SMw: "One Sunday Yves. A repeat performance of pro-Alfernoon" and ''The Great Gilbert 1ram featur1n1 French entertainer and Sullivan." .. Ga in· en 1er to 10· :n. !ff a D) ce ce Ir, Id in e, ts d· l) 1n t· 's )· ~. 18 ,.. r· y YOUR HOME SERVICE GU ID .I _,_ 'REPAIR RE·MODELe REDECORATE e ADD A IOOM e APAITMINTS & UNITS e CUSTOM HOMU e IUTCHIN IXPHTS e TWO STOIT WICIALllTS ROOM ADDITIONS FrM L•1 V .... V•~etlOf' with Ever) Estimate! 3 D:iys, 2 Nights Hacienda -Thunderbird Trans. & Meals Not Incl. E>pert Planning -Free Est. E--i.-K CONSTRUCTION 11431 Westminster Blvd. Garden Grov~· 1-638-983~ ( 15 Years £xpttienc~ )- No Service Charge! Expert Work Color, Black le White or Stereos ff2-S»J anytime HARt TV -15 Years in Area - Servicing All Brands! Your DuMont, Curtis Mathes Dealer for the Harbor area. "21 ADAMS N .. t te A...._,s Huntington 1 .. ch M2:.ut4 SAYE MONIY & TIMPll HONEST Ir RELIABLE REPAIR SERVICE BACKED IY l I YEARS EXPERIENCE MADISON ILICTIONICS 17J2 West111l1t1ter .. Y4. Wfttwdater -lt7-7otl TV -UDIO -STlllO SllYICI CALLS -H. CORY TV 227' Coll••• c ......... -646-4114 "" ...,... .. .,..,... HY ........... Cell ... -o,.. w-... s.t. & I••· A,,.._ AMIL I• "' ...... ,.. ..... 14H I. Cfflt Hltliw.y c ........... llPAllS -ALTllATIONI • AND CAllNm Any 1iie job 25 v••n experience Work tu•r•ntHd ... IOI HllllY S4a-'71J THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOU CALL 642..U71, ext. 3'25 CARPET & FURNITURE CLEANING For 1 Day Service and Quality Work . . . CALL STERLING FOR BRIGHTNESS! '42-1520 SPAltKLF. JANITORIAL. Windows Our Specialty CIMENT WORK -ALL KINDl- Frec Estimate 25 Years Experience • 636-0374 * IDT IN CONClm Welh, Pool deck1, floon, patio1. Concrete Sew C11ttin9 1¥ny tin job, Rauonable! l:icenaed S._rvin9 Hubor Are• '42·H1'4 -CALL DON· RINT • LIASI • IUY· Pointers •IAUTY PAINTINe FREE ESTtM·ATES INTERIOR -OOUIO_. ANY SIZE JOI CALL ANYTIME MlotNi., '4t-411t ltAIHT' NOW I COMMUCIAL t RES1D£NTtAt t3 YEARS EXl'HIENCE Aver•t• Exterior $tuc:<o & Trilft\. J bedroom -$Ut c.1 JM -IU·tll7 THIS IPACI HSlaVIO FOil YOU CALL 6'1.U71, ext. 32$ ltuide11tlal a Co111merciet Kitchens, leth1, Store Fixturet Free E1thnate1 -Stet• Lie:. Sllep ,.._ IU-JU1 ., ..... 646-1117 HAULING PAINTING!. HOUll CLIANING uDD JOIS You N•m• It ... We Do ltl '4J·Utl ., 641·1711 e "HT MONTH PIH t EXPEltlENCED LICENSED -RELIABLE TONY TA YLOI POOL SllYICI ......... IU•Oll QUALITY UPNOLITllY Over 20 Years Experience Satisfaction· A: Workmahahlp Gus.ran teed. t5t W. 17th, C•ta M-. 541-ltSl CZYKOIKl'I Cuatom u-.elatery & •a,.lr E:uropean Craftsmanshio 100% Fir,lancinJt~ontinuous Do-It-Yourself Uphol. Classes Largest Selection of Fabrics 1131 New,.rt II., C•t• M• '42-1454 WILLIAMS UPHOLITllY ll•VICI Cleaning & Repairing Your Furniture Cao Be New Again! Ml .. 1'4 CAIPITING ·use Remnants for Extra Rooms and SAVE 50% ! J. J. KNICKl•IOCllll ('t own A Country) H.B. 18582 Beach Blvd., 962-3351 CARPETS -VINYLS -TILES Latest StY.les and Colors Commercial &: Residential Expert Installation ILANKINSHIP FLOOll '42-1403 -541-72'2 PIANO TUNINe AND llPAll EXl'ERT -ltEASO)'IAILE ALlllT AAINftl '7Wt67 ., '4J-44tt HUNTIN•TON llAOH Tiii SllYICI ORNAMENTAL l'RUNIN6 SPltAYINC. OLIVE TREE Sl'ECIALISTSI EXPERT -ltEASOrfAILEI 14M77t THIS SPACE RESIRVl!D FOR YOU CALL 642-5671, ext. 325 WEDNESDAY JUNE 11 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 D "lady of lltrlesque" (mysttty) '43-8arbara Stanwyck. O "Andy Hardy Comes Home" (COmedy) '3l'r-Mickey Rooney, Pa- tricia Breslin. 9:30 fJ (C) ''TIM Punuit and Lovet of Qaeen Victoria'' (drama) '58- Romy Schneider, Adrian Hoven. 12:00 fl "T.,.U" (western) '5.3-Wil- ham Elliott. Phyllis Coates. 12:30 m "Cfy Woff'' (mystery) '47-Etrol Flynn. "wlwace1ble You" (dram1) '48-Dine Clarlc 2:00 m ''Cfo• Hollow" (horror) '52- Donald Houston, Natasha Parry. 3:00 fJ "Thr• str1naers" (mystery) '47 -Geraldine Fitzgerald, Sydney Greenstreet. 4:30 II (C) "llitltri of IC11imanj1ro" (ad- venture) '60 -Robert Taylor, An· thony Newfey. SECARD GIANT SWIMMlf'tG POOL • 18 n. POOL fVENl"iG &:oo 11 n. Ila ,..., CC> (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Huntlty-lrillkJer (C) (30) O An1tls laMblll (C) (cont'd. from 5:00 PM) Angels vs. Orioles at Baltlrnote. U Sh O'Clock Movie: "WM,. tllle Sldtw1lk &els" (mystery) '5CH>1na Andrews, G~ne Tierney. fJ I Spy (C) (60) CD I Love Lucy (60) I!) labun (C) (30) @ CI) Mtn Crlffin (C) (90) f1l) Wllafs New? {C) (30) ''Rein· deer." A Swedish film about two boys who feed starvini reindeer in the deep snow of mountainous Lap· land. @I) Un Coler P1ra £stl Pitl (30) m 11Pl.M N"" <C>· <60> 6:30 0 KNIC Newsemc. (C) (60) ID Vorate tD the Bottom of the S.1 CC-> (60) Q) @ Huntlty-lrlnkJef (C) (30) f1l) l.tt'a T.ik About Tuns (30) "It Takes Both-Jobs ind Fun." A P•· nel discuss.es how jobs can be found that work into a student's tchedule. a 00 m,.... <C> c3o> @I) Noticiero 34 (C) (60) 7:00 II CBS Evenina News (C) (30) Waller Cronkite. fJ W111fs My line? (C) (30) m Passwonl (C) (30) ID @ You AUed fer It (30) SALE ~ .. nLTD4UlfAa m MA~llT IOTTOM DUIN Al9 OllMICAl -- ..a llPUCIMaT C111n1 111. sam IUnt-sallU Clmlialf rACll• IDS 10Q% PINANCING-36 MONTHI TO PAY .S Loc:atlon1 To SetVe You. 9 Yeon' Expetfenc. 323 . S. Main, Orange 532-1992 YES, WE HAVE OVALS TOOi OPIN 10:30 TO 7130-7 DAYS ,... 14 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JUNE 7, 1969 f1l) feawe (C) (30) "New Water for a Thirsty World." A documentary on the lncruslng shortage of water and how xlentists are trying to combat the problem. ~ Ci) llftt'IJ Hlllbllllts (C) (30) m W1ndtrllllt (C) (30) aJ Dm111 Ho1t11 (C) (30) 7:15 O An&•b Wrap.up (C) 7:30 II T1nan (C) (60) Helping to evacuate the children of a mission orphanage when an earthquake rocks· th e junale, Tarzan receives some unexpected help, as well as George Sanders. A romantic story of 1 glamorous woman forced to choose between two kinds of love. {R) f1l) l11tarn1tlon1I Magazine (C) (60) 9:30 tJ tjj) Cl) Green Acres (C) (30) Uncle Joe Carson (guest Edgar Buchanan) resigns as chairman of the centennial committee. and Oliver takes over the Job of decld· ina how to observe the lOOth an- niversary of the founding of Hooler- ville. (R) 6 News (C) (30) Ted Meyer$. m 12 O'Clock Hip (60) trouble, from three eSC1ped con· 10:00 119 (!) Hawaii flvt-0 (C) (60) victs. Susan Oliver guests. CR) In pursuit of an international COft· O ~@ m The Vlralnlan (C) spiracy that is destroying the Anleri· (90) ''Vision of Blindness." Elizabeth can intellieence network throuahout is blinded in a stage coach accident the Far East, McGarrett focuses his and then found wandering by an attention on the inner chambers of ex·convict huntina for Trampas. (R) a battered freiehter that reveal O Jack lt".!!1 (30) sophisticated technical equipment a (fi') m w H • re c 0 m e t h e designed to br~inwash u.s: aaents. Brides (Cf (60) "lovers and Wan· Conclusion. IB> derers." Big Swede's departure from 0 @ @ m The Outsi der (C) Se&tlle leads the town to befjeve (60) "One Long.Stemmed American that Jason Bolt is his rival for Beauty." Di;vid Ross lnvutigates the Miss Essie. (R) death of a laded matinee Idol whose fJ Million $ Movie: (C) "Tiie ,trils reported suicide looks like murder. of Pauline" (comedy) '47 -Betty Betty Field and Marie Windsor Hutton, Joh" Lund. guest. (R) m Truth or Consequences (C) (30) O TOM REDDIN! News OJ Perry Muon (60) * W' h C •ct• I f1l) Joyee Clltn Coob (30) "Small It onv1 ton. Eatings.". Mrs. Chen shows how to Im News (C) (60) prepa re Chinese appetizers-bacon • Delli (C) (60) wrapped water chestnuts and deep : Speculation (60) "The Roots of fried shrimp paste on bread. Violence." Keith Berwick and guem ~ (j) Best of Hollywood (2 hr) discuss causes of violence and pub· EE Dutlo de Pasion~ (30) lie attitudes toward various types of conflict. 1:00 I Zane '1ey (30) . Hazel (C) (30) 10:30 I!) News (C) (30) Bill Johns, : S,.ctru111 (C) (30) "The Active EE Fallaste Corazon (30) Sun." An examlnelion of violent 10:50 fJ @ CD a> News (C) phenomena on lhe surface of the reeled. Alfred Hllehcock sun and how life on Earth is al· 11:0010 EE m News (C) @I) Mlercoles Mutletl (30) • Movie: (C) "The Youn& Racm" ---,. , (adventure) '63-Mark Damon, Wll· 8:30 tJ I Oi(il[j You re in love, liam Cllmpbell Clltrlie Brown!" (C) (30) During m liari Club· (C) the last days of sch.ool before. sum· m Movie: "Confirm or Deny'' (ad· mer vacation, Charlie . Brown is de-venture) '41 _Don Ameche. Joan termlned to express hlS affection to Bennelt his secret love. a little red-haired @ @ ~ 00 News (C) moppet siren. (R) U Win W'rttl the Stars (C) (30) 11:30 tJ Movie: (C) "Robbery Under fJ @ (1) aJ T1le llln1 faniily (C) AnH" (western) '58 -David Mc- (30) Members of the family do their Callum, Peter Finch. favorite numbers in an old·fashioned 0 @ @ m Tonirftt Show (C) jam session. O Movie: ''His Ciirl fridly" (mys· m Mm Crltfin (C) (90) tery) '40 -Rosalind Russell, Cary 1!J Run for Your life (C) (60) Grant. f1l) Book B11t (C) (30) Guest is fJ @ (}) m 1otJ Bisllop (C) Sloan Wilson, author of "Away From m Woody Woodbury (C) Deana It All," b~ok about a famous novel. Martin, Paul Anka, Billy Mumy and isl and his family who take to the Jo Anne Castle guest. water, only to come salling home. @I) l'l'e111iere! (2 hr) . 12:301!) Action Theatre : "Hollow 9:00 11 lnerly Hiiibiiiies (C) {30) The Triumph." Clampett family celebrates Thanks· 12:45 0 Movie: "This Side of the uw" 1ivin1 at the Shady Rest Hotel in (dramll) '50-Viveca Lindfors. Kent Hooterville in an episode hiahlighted Smith. by the appearance of the stars of Petticoat Junction and Green Acres at a special dinner in lhe hotel's dini~room. (R) 0 Ci) m Kraft Musk Hall (C) (60) ony Sandler and Ralph Youna. with Judy Carne. welcome Sid Cae- sar and Norman Wisdom. Program is taped in England. O WrlStllna (C) (60) fJ (fi') (1) aJ UC Wldnud1y Movie: "1111t Kind of Wo••n" (dra· ma) 'S~phia Loren, Tab Hunter, 1:001 fJ News (C) Conlmunity Bulletln Board (C) From Ult Inside Out (C) 1:1511 Movie: "How To Murdtc a R1ctt Unde" (comedy) '58--Charles Cob· urn, Wendy Hiller. 2:30 m All·Nlpt Sllow: "Never Sly Goodbye" and "Cowboy From Brook· lyr..'' t I CURTIS 1 c m MATHES BREAKS THE PRICE BARRIER NOW •• e e FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE AREA! A product so superior th-at we wUI placa It In yeur home fOf' 1 f rM heme d..-nonstr1tlon, We 1lso Invite 1ny other de1ler to 1 side by aide comparl· son of color, and sound reproduction, The only obli91tfon on your P1rt Is an lnteNSt In color T.V. and th• ability to fNY if you should «Mcide to buy. GENUINE OAK • Automatic Depualng • Full sin console • Instant wtomatlc, no 1nnoyln9 warm-up ct.fay e Lighted Dial • I yrs. adlustment w1rr1nty on pie· tur• tube $12 adclltJonal • Also 1vallaltl• In Danish Modern. WORLD'S LARGEST COLOR PICTURE Compare at $550 HART TV 8921 ADAMS HUNTINGTON BEACH 962-3384 (Next to Albertson's) hi• 15 • THURSDAY JUNE 12 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9;00 0 ''Scafltt E111preu" (drema) '34 -Marlene Dietrich. 0 "TllrH facei West" (drama) '40 JOlin Wayne, Sittid Gutie. 9:30 O "Up the CrHll" (comedy) '58 -Peter Sellers, Wilfrid Hyde-White. 12:00 0 "Run for tl1t Hills" (comedy) • '43-Sonny Tufts. Barbara Payton. 12:30 m "four Mothera" (comedy) '41 -The une Sisters. "The CA!tndir" (drama) '4S-Greta Gynt. 2:00 IE "Unknown Island" (horror) '49 -Barton MacLane, Vir11lnia Grey. J:OO 0 (C) "You're My Ewrytliln(' (musk.al) '49 -Dan Dalley, Anne Baxter 4:30 B "Dance With Me, HtnlY'' (com· edy) 'S~bott & Costello, Gi&i Perreau. FVrNING &:00 B TIM I I& News (C) (60) Jeny Dun~. I W Huntley·Brinkltf (C) (30) Stewe AJltn SMw (C) (90) Si1 O'Clocl Movie: "Y9Ull& Md lln(' (comedy) '42 -Wlllllm Holden, SuHn Hayward. 11 Spy (C) (60) I Love lug (60) I.tun (C) (30) CI) Merv 'rlffln (C) (90) What's NN? (C) (30) ''Tucson Boys' Choir." A film study or I new boy accepted Into the Tucson choir, .and a look at rehe.arsals ind performances on the choir's sum· mer tour. I Un Colof' Para Estl Pt.I (30) IUUI News (C) (60) &:JO KNIC NtwMfYice (C) (60) Yoyaae to th lottiDll ot tilt S..~) (60) 13J 6 H•UtJ-lflallltJ (C) (30) Ell) 1tur1 (30) "Gold Was Whtr9 You Found It." A nostaleic visit to the Mother Lode country of the Sierra Nevada for a look at the life of prospectors durint Gold Rush ~00 El':) ftewa (C) (30) f!} Notldtro lot (C) (60) 7:00 R cas Ev1nl•1 N.,.. (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I Wlalt'1 My lint? (C) (30) P'uword (C) (30) (iJ Hip Md Wild (C) (30) Plqinc the Qultar (30) Fred· erick Noad. I m Mdflle'1 Navy (30) Tnit Advtnblre (C) (30) Drum House (C) (30) Train for an exciting, rewarding career as a • MEDICAL ASSISTANT e DENTAL ASSISTANT New, Exclusive Classroom, Home Study Courses! Career Academy graduates enjoy good-paying, rewarding positions (full and part·time) in these prest ige fields. You ca n train to become a Medical Assistant or Dental Assistant. Unique, nationally-recognized courses are supervised by physicians and dentists in a beautiful. modern laboratorv school ... located right here in L.A. N•tionwlde Pi.cement ABlmnce At N<t"Ext11 Con Tuition Anlttenc• Avtll.Clt . Aoc'9di1td Member- N•tlonel A9'0Cittlon Of Tr.de end Tec:hnlnl Schoola ... end the N1dorwl Home Study Council Return Coupon ... or CALL 464-9291 hp 16 I ~CAREER ACADEMY I 1' 7080 H otlywoOCI Blvd. Dept. 6153 Lo. An11'9let, Callfornl• 90028 I PleHe send my rreo book :·spotll&ht On You''. I 1..--------r=-------t ress I e/ 1p THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JUNE 7, 1969 7:30 asks Cousin Serena to play s\lbsti· tute housewife and leaves, It Is IJ Kai Kan Present5 then that Darrin decides to apolo-* ANIMAL WORLD gize for his behavior and sets a "Creatures of the Nile" very romantic mood. CR) f) ~ CJ) Anl••I World (C) (30) I Merv Griffin (C) (90) The exotTC creatures of the Nile Run tor Your Life (C) (60) are seen in their spectacular sur-Music1 Y Cstrell11 (30) roundinas. Animal World cameras 9:00 O! (j) CIS Thursday MMe: focu.s on hippos, crocodiles, ante· ( ) Cheyenne Autu•n" (adven· lope and other beasts that live ture) '64-Richard Widmark, Cir- in this reaion. roll Baker. Karl Malden, James 0 Q) (i) El':) Daniel Boone (C) • Stewart, Sal Mineo. John Ford's (60) ''Tht Patriot." A man 1COmed action.packed epic about a !!Ind as a traitor seel\s Daniel Boone's of Indians striving co return to the help in proving his ri&ht to return home territory from which they to this country from Canada. Ford were uprooted. (R) Rainey auests. (R) 0 Cfn (3) al This la To. JotMI 8 J1dl ltn1!I (30) (t) (GO) Tonight the swinglncWelsh· @ ~ W The flyina Nun (C) man welcomes as his &U8$ls Mama (30) "Its an Ill Winctfall." The Cass. George Cartin and The Davt Sisters of San Tanco receive a do· Clark Five. (R) nation of $5,000 from an unknown ' El Mundo Esta Loco (60) benefactor, but cannoi collect it 9:30 ~@ El':) Dra1J1tt (C) (30) because his name was accidentally ' orTi!Cid~DR-22." A 91 -year-old burned off the check. (R) man amazes Friday and Gannon fJ Million $ Movie: (C) "'1111 with his investigative knowled&e as Trt1su11 of tht Golden Condor" he helps them solve the murder (adventure) '55 -·Corne! Wilde, of a 10ung airl. (R) Constance Smith. I News (C) (30) I Truth or C.nsequences (C) (30) 12 O'Clock Hlgtl (60) Perry Mason (60) : Washlnaton In Review (C) (30) : Blaa Ptrse>ectivt (C) (30) Don 10:00 ' til 00 El':) Dean. Martin (C) Wheeldin hosts a discussion of the (60) Victor Borae. Sid Caesar. Lena need for ethnic studies at all edu· Home and The Times Square Two .cational levels. guest. (R) m Dutla de Pasionu (30) I m News (C) (60) 1:00 f) Qj (j) The Prisoner (C) (60) Suspense Thutre (C) (60) The captors of The Prisoner feel • Della (C) (60) 11 his subconscious holds valuable S~· m Future (C) (60) New . Yor~ the Most." cre~s and th.ey attempt to induce Eil) Thtatrt Beat (30) Hal Marien· the11 . revelation with the ai_d ol that hosts. powerful drug.s. The .expenme~t I Mariani (30) make~ T~e P~1son~r beheve he is • '•aport to Travel (C) (30) expe11encing s1tua11o~s that actual· lO:lO News (C) (30) Bill Johns. Boc:curred before his capture. : Swedtn (C) (30) A documentary l.ant Gr~ (30) h I t f h S d" ' @ (I) W Thlt Girl (C) (30) on t ~ arges . o t e can 1nav1~n ... _ v Se t .. Do H 1 countnes, which shows the rapid tvin ersus . ere ary. n ° · industrial development in this for· linter's stunning n~w secretary, Pat ward-looking country. .. Cra~ord. make~ 1t clear lo Ann I Fallaste Coramn (30) Mane that she 1s ou.t to s~re the . Twili&frt zont (30) boss and succeeds in havme Don 11 ·oo , U f.E g;, a) News (C) and herself sent to Wa~hlnaton, · AHred Hitdlcock D.C., toaether on an assignment. • Movie: "King and Country" ~Hazel (C) (30) (drama) '65 -Dirk Boaarde, Tom ft5 NET '1ayboust (C) (90) "Con· Courtenay. f tat. ., •-. t I d m U.rs Club (C) ron ion. NI expenme~ a rama m Movie: ''The Monster That Qal- based. on events In today s c.mpus ltn(td the World" (horror) ·57 _ rebelhons. A documentary tech· 1 • nique within a dramatic structure l m Holt, Au:re~e:lt(c) tells the story of a power struggle 11.3011 ~ Wws (C) between a ~~lleae adminlstrat~n ' • ~El':) Tonipt SMw (C) and black m1htants. The cast In· . .., ·-'bl ·-r· ( eludes drama students and non· ~tt: nvi.. 1 "'&"'n mys· professionals from Carnegie-Mellon tery) 42 -lllona Massey, Peter University Lorre. &l) Fellcl~no! (C) (30) 0 (i7J (3) Cl) Joey Bishop (C) m Wotdr Woodbury (C) Woody's 1:30 ~ @ (i) El':) lronll~! (C) (~) guests are Uke Sommer, Bobby Vee, Desperate Encounter. lronsld~ is Gisele MacKenzie. Pat O'Brien and. kidnapped after he proves his friend Bob Barker. Oral Franklin was mu.rdered by a 12:10 B Movie: "M1rine Raiders" (ad· areedy trio, and Mark 1s framed for venture) •44 _ Robert Ryan Pat Ironside's planned death. Ron O'Brien. ' Hayes, Gene Raymond and Tom 12:30 IE Action Theatre: "Dual Alibi." SlmCOJ auest. (R) 12:45 O Movie: ''The Star" (drama) '53 0 loain& (C) (90) Tom Harmon -Bette Davis Sterling Hayden and Mickey O~vies ~re rinaslde for l;OO I O ftews '(C) · a 10-round, ll&~twe11ht batUe be· Community Bulletin lolrd (C) tween Ron Hams (20·20) and Jim From the Inside Out (C) Robertson (14·1). 0 (i1) m a>. Bewitched (C) (30) 1:25 ~ Movie: "frontier Gal" (we.stem) "It's So Nice To Have a Spouse 4!>-Yvonne De Carlo, Rod Cam· Around the House.'' Sam reluc· eron tantly obeys a Witches' Council 1:30 m 77 Sunaet Strip command that she attend a meet· 2:30 m All·Nl&ht Show: "John Loves Ina. aaainst Darrin's orders. She Mary" and "Affectionately Yours." on sen the anc Ha I pai bee one cat• call imi 15f 12i (l, • 1 WO< Na1 fon onl• ma• son Par visi Mc ft star ing Bea the the s1on I she ch<> calc vi ct h°Sn Am by cha and The Car I lO·C out pie~ exp• lkll E '69 lti- is lo- a it: in· ir- es l's ~d Ile ey .. h· ~· ~ )) Id '" IS er )) :) ii 'O I· EMMY COMES OF AGE Emmy celebrates her 21st birthday Sunday (10 to 11 :30 PM) on CBS. when 1he Television Academy of Ans and Sciences pre- sents the 2 I st annual Awards Ceremony. Bill Cosby is host for the West Coast portion from the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium and Merv Griffin is host for the East Coast portion from Carnegie Hall in New York. Like so many young ladies. Emmy has had her shcfre of growing pains. Her most diffictiJt problem over the past two decades has been the number of categories. Along with the yearly cry from on e source or another that the "show was too tong." "too many categories," "not enough categories." or "improper division of. categories," television's year-to-year growth has made it practically impossible to classify-and please everyone. This year there are 156 nominations for News and Documentary Achievements and 127 nominations for Entertainment Achievements. Academy tried new approaches to tame the Goliath, reducing the divisions for the Twelfth Annual Awards to 22 from the previous year's 43 and replacing the adjective "Best" with the adjective "Outstanding." The new word itself brought about a reduction of citations. for the "best" of many programs did not necessarily r.e- sult in an "outstanding" achievement. However, word and winner were well met that year. for those honored were as outstandin~ a~ the categories promised. Emmy knighted Sir Laurence Olivier and applauded Ingrid Bergman. Leonard Bernstein, Harry Belafonte. Rod Serling. the Art Carney Special and The Twentieth Century. The season's new hit. The Untouchables. came on like gang- busters, and its star. Robert Stack. won an Emmy for his por- trayal of Eliot Ness. In J 962 the top prize-Prqgram of ~he Year-went to u news show for the first time. It was won by NBC's "The Tunnel." the story of aq escape from East Germany. This triumph symbolized the fact that News and Public Affairs were no longer simply ad- (I, to R): Milton Bult, Ed Wynn, 'flrftStllna, Jack Gl~uon, Art Ca~y, l...,tcl Beraman, Sir 1.auttlK't Olivier, HarTY Btlafontt, Robert Stack. and Rod Strtlna. The Television Academy Awards were launched at the Holly-juncts to network program schedules. but prime Emmy contenders. wood Athletic Club on J anuary 24. 1949. The members of the Public Affairs programming was given its second big boost National Academy gathered to honor the best programs aod per-in 1963 when again a documen1ary was cited as Program of the formances of the I 948 season. The first annual Awards covered Year. This time i1 was "The Making of a President," adapted only five categories. Shirley Dinsdale and her puppet Judy SpUnters from Theodore White's Pulitzer-winning book. made history by becoming America's first Most Outstanding Per-The most radical attempt to revamp 1he sy-.tem of ca1egories sonality. out-polling Mike Stokey and P.atricia Morrison. Mike's came in 1964, when the task of screening the nominees was put Pantomime Quiz was voted America's first Most Popular Tele-into the hands of Blue Ribbon Panels. which conducted the elec- vision Program, and Emmy's first Special Award went to Louis tion of winners by secret ballot. There were four basic categories: McM'anus for his original design of the statuette itself. Outstanding Program Achievements in Entertainment; Outstanding Awards for the 1949 programming were given to the Most Out-Individual Achievements in Entertainment; and Program and Indi- sl:mding Kinescope Personality (Milton Berle) and Most Outstand-vidual Awards in the amalgamated fields of News, Documentaries. ing Live Personality (Ed Wynn). This was the year that Time for Information and Sports. The individual achievements were then Beany edged out Kukla. Fran and Ollie as Best Children's Show; divided into the more standard categories. with multiple awards the year that wrestling was honored as Best Sports Coverage. and given in some of them. h was one more valiant, but short-lived the year The Life of Riley was named Best Film Made for Televi-effort to simplify the awards procedure, The long-held and popular sion. And Jackie Gleason played the first Riley. conception that there can be only one winner in any contest proved In t 950 Emmy honored winners in 15 categories. 1hen in 1951 lo be too strong to brook revision. so in 1965 the Academy sighed. she went on a diet-reducing her categories to six agonizingly-ended the previous year's experiment, and returned to the "Out- chosen divisions. which turned out to be too strict for the high-standing" system of single winners in the entertainment field and calorie world of television. Academy members saw culture emerge proceeded to distribute 45 Emmys that year. victoriously on the small screen in 1953 when Omnibus was After the 1968 Awards. the Academy tried to limit Emmy Con- htnored as Best Variety Program over Colgate Comedy Theatre. sideration to shows and programs that had not won before and And in recognition that rhe regular weekly series were in a class only fo r the first two years they were on the air. Opposition and hy themselves. the Best Actor and Best Actress Awards were criticism was almost unanimous. so lhe proposed changes were changed to Best Female Star of a Regular Series (Eve Arden) scratched. and Best Male Star of a Regular Series (Donald O'Connor). There was even talk after last year\ presentation that this There were new awards for Best Series Supporting Actor (Art year's Awards ceremony would not be televised. And it's almost Carney) and Best Series Supporting Actress (Vivian Vance). certain that there will be criticism of this year's awards structure In 1954 for the first time. the awards were presented on coast-and presentation, but let us hope that the members of the Academy to-coast televisio n. With the national spotlight on her. Emmy threw can find a cure for Emmy's growing pains and permit the young out her chest and expanded her categories. Thirty-four winners were lady to mature with dignity. After all, she is the symbol of excel- picked from 177 nominees. But still the Academy continued to Jenee for the medium that has become an integral part of our experiment in weighing and balancing categories. and in 1956 ~et-daily lives. and young though she is. has been instrumental in 1lcd on a reduction 10 29 di visions. helping television to realize in part itq potential to inform, to By 1959. time had not withered Emmy\ category complex. The entertain. to educate and to inspire. Pa1e 17 FRIDAY JUNE 13 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t :OO 0 "A fOfeicn Aff1ir" (comedy) '4 -Jun Arthur. O (C) "Abeut F1ce!" (comedy) '52 -Gordon MacRae, Phyllis Kirk. 9:30 O ''The Helen Morpn S1o,Y' (dra ma) '57-Ann Blyth, Paul Newman. 12:00 II ''Two·Doll1r httot' (drama) '"52-Steve Brodie, 12:30 m ''Twist of Fite'' (mystery) '54 -Ginaer Rogers. "Dr•s-n'a 5old" (mystery) '53-John Archer. 2:00 &J "I'll Self Mr LIM" (dram1) '41 -Michael Whalen, Rose Hobart. 3:00 D "My Colllin RldMI" (drama) '~ivia de H1vi111nd. Rk:h1rd Burton. 4:30 8 ''TIM Wholt Trvtll" (mystery) '58.--<;eor&e Slnders, Donni Reed. 6:00 1J TM Ii& Nnrs (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. I m HunU.,.lrlnkler (C) (30) Stlve Allen SMw (C) (90) Sil O'Clocl Movie: "Half I ero" (comedy) '53 -Red Skelton, Jean Hagen. I Love Lucy (60) I.tun (C) (30) 11 Spy (C) (60) (j) Mm Griffin (C) (90) Wlllfa "-"? (C) (30) "Mau· da Today." A film about two lstHll youngsters who visit the 2000.yeer· old ruins of Ma•d•. ti) Un Color P1r1 Estl Piel (30) al KPl.M News (C) (60) 6:30 0 MIC Newler.ice (C) (60) &l Yor1re to the lott11111 of t91t s .. ~) (60) ID 00 HuntJer·Brlnkler (C) (30) Ell) Book le1t (C) (30) "Away From It All." CR) ~ (j) m News (C) (30) al Notidero 34 (C) (60) 7:00 IJ CBS Ennin1 News (C) (30) Walt.er Cronkite. I Whit's My UM? (C) (30) P~nl (C) (30) (i) Clnem1 ~ (90) Challenia (30) "Specl1I Read· ing Pro1ram.'' Children from the 24th Street School deinonstnle the l1test techniques of readin1 in· structlon. I Cl) M1'1*lf RFO (C) (30) AMfican Wat (C} (30) Dru• Hom. (C) (30) 7:30 e t3 oo ne W'tld, Wikl west (Cl (60) James West becomes one ol the victims of an oraanlzation named Raven that induces inlluen· tlal citizens to commit 1cts of Sib· otage through mind ·COnditionln&. This l.s the first part of 1 two- DOES YOUR CHILD WET the*BED? Many children -even adults do so ••• unnecessarily ENURTONE has proven in over 21 yeMS and 450,000 cases that it can stop bed--tting (Enuresis).' when not c.uMd by orpnlc defects or diseases, in just two to foor weeks. NOT A DRUG OR DIET ,., Just a simple conclttiooing technique. Correct bed·wetting in the pri· ...-~--,, vacy ol yoor own home. ENUR-.. TONE is the original and only Di: method patented by a doctOf, ' approved and prescribed by many doctors. Recommended 3it!S 4 thru 50. MAIL COU,ON FOR FREE .-i. IOOKLET ... G-wnTlllC1 lb til•, llltcl tlld tru!IMftl .. -ll llO *"911o•. 1'Me •1trw1M lllMl1t, wtu .. If• ••l1t1nt fMlltr Mllt!I Htllorlty. ~-l ... TllE DIUllTOlll( COMl'Aln' --+-'M-;M'l0:90.URiO..c ciiMTAicY-:;;;;;''ii'i..SOO-:rv-;9------- TWMA Mmt<:Al CCJfTCR, SUIT£ 208 ll740 VllfTURA llYO., T~IF. 91356 NAM..._---------------- AODRES.._---~----~~~--~ CITY STAT.._ ____ _ PHON IP , . .. . .., ' ~ .. : r ~ .., I 1 f • r 'f ".; I ',. .. :,. l s E:: I.( .. I( r- ..... 11 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. JUNE 7, 1969 part story. (R) n m HIP Qapam1 <C> <60> '10ur Lldy of Guadllupe." Riclrdo • Montalban euests as 1 priest who obt1ins money from the Cannons. presumably to finance his turch for 1 reli&ious statue. but cfl1nnels the funds to the poor. (R) § Jact .. ~ (30) CI> W Ut'a M• • °'81 l:'gfl) Monty Hall hosts. • Millien $ MeN: (C) .. llMIY ' t9lt Flaa. letS" (comedy) '59-Paul Newm1n, Joanne Wood· w1rd. ltnM (C) (60) "Tiie Cryst1I Maze." Judd is mysteriously 1ppointed 1uardl1n of en inf1nt 1nd finds himielf in a tug-of-war over the child 's custody. E.motion1lly dis· turbed Eileen Wright Kenyon scrlb· ble;s a note giving Judd cuitody of her baby, then shoots her husband ind l\eraelf. The girl's family lifht among themselves for custody of the inlant, brlngin& to liaht the tangled relationships existln1 In the femily. (R) m Es'-'"" 34 c3o> 9:301 Ntws (C) (30) Ted Meyers. 12 O'a.Q Hlah (60) : Adventure (30) "first Look 1t Africa." Two interracial expeditions ol English and African teena11rs tX· plore the Elaon and Karamonga dis· tricts of Uganda. fl) festival en Madrid (30) 10:00 0 @ (i) m TIM Sllnt (C) (60) ''The RelUctant 'ftevo!ution." When ,) The Saini finds a betutiful &irl de· !ermined to kill a man, he steps Into her life to find out why-Ind ends up organizing 1 revoluUon In 1 a South American country. ,, ,.. Im ..... cc> <60> (i1) CJ) G) Dldl Cavett (C) (30) • D9'ta (C) ( 60) : RID hwiew (60) "New Jobs for Communications Satellites." Or. Al- bert Hibbs and guests use films and mock-ups to Illustrate new UMI tor communications S1tellites -apt· clally In disttibution of 1V pro- 1r1ms, lnter-oommunie1tion between lltt party at dlt odltt NCI of tlM: t d tlo I ___,it .. ~ .. une wlU laave 10 wait alk 1._. compu ers an na na c • .., c ......... Carmr Hd Aftlk D~ldmon tab i.!!J. a broil from coannadoll, 19 "flM @I) M1rl1n1 (30) Ar1 of Lon,., a romaatk comedy 10:30 fJ @ (])a) U.S. Open Goff (C) 1tt la Park, oa the NBC Saturday (30) Highlights from the Ch1mpions Nlsht ~fo•~ at ' P.M. Golf Club in Houston, Texn. &J News (C) (30) Biii Johna. I Truth Of Conseq111enc:es (C) (30) fl) f1llaate Corazon (30) Perrr Muon (60) . ne City Watclltrs (60) Art Sel· n.oo§'JJH~~.m News (C) denbaum and Charles Champlin. • M 1 . "Joh Con ho" ( est I Duel de Pllionea OY '· nnr c w · 1:00 line Qr~ (30) ern) . '56 -Phyllls Kirk, Keen1n CilJ (j) W John Dividton (C) iJ~i.rs Club (C) I ) Hartl (C) (30) Movie: (C) •:1 Wo~der ~·1 LIKlKlta (C) (30) K n& Her Now' (musical) 47- 1:30 9 Ci) GoftMf ~ (C) (30) June Haver, Mark Stevens. Sergeant-Carter bets Serfeant Hack· @ (]) ID 00 ~ C1J News (C) er that he can go 24 hours with· 11:30 IJ Movie:, "You Gotta SbJ HaPW' out blowing his top, and he lives (com~dy) 48-Jemes Stewart, Joan to r!l!el il CR) Fontaine. D Q1 00 m N1 .. of u.e 8H1e 0 Qj 00 m Tonlpt SllOW (C) (C) (90) "High on a Rainbow." In 0 Mom: (C) "Dell•" (dr1m1) '63 1 drive to learn how narcotics are -Joan Cfawtord. fallina into lhe hands of school-0 crn m m Joey lllMp (C) children, Dan Ferrell end Pew m Woodr Woodbury (C) The Muwell drop out of the marazine Rooney Brothers, Barbara R1ndolph, business and take jobs as a trucll Jacques Bergerac, Jeanine Bumler driver and a car hop. June Allyson, and Roger Carmel euest. Veronica Carhwri&ht, Broderick Cfaw-9 Cl) fridlJ SllOW lord and Van Johnson 1uut. (R) 12:30 &J Action Tlle1tr1: "One Million. I Acroa t9lt Sewn Seu (C) (30) B.C." MIN Criffln (C) (90) 12:45 0 Movie: (C) "Ho"°' Catie" lt11n for Your Lift (C) (60) (horror) '64-Christopher Lee, Ros· Wars of lite ltoses (60) "Mar· sane Podesta . 11ret of Anjou," A peace made 1:00 O Movie: "I, Mobatlr" (mystery) throueh the French channels, the '59-Steve Cochran. energies of York and Lancaster are I Country Music (C) directed Into a civil war. News (C) al Nodm T1p11las (30) from die Inside Out (C) 9:ooeamcas Frld•r Movl1: 1:15 Movie: "Love Sllftl ot t11t "Hotlle Of U.. Seftfl Hnb,. (dra· Mazon" (adventure) '58 -Reed m1) '5~Robert T1ylor, Nicole Mau· Tilor. rey. An 1nny man, trylna to clnr 1:30 n SunMt Strip himself ol 1 murder ch1r1e. finds 2:00 Co•••nltr lullttln ... , (C) • Nazi c«he. (R) 2:30 All-Nllfrt SllOW: "Public Enemy," B Pl~ Att. Dark (C) (60) ' e Ne1nderth1I Man" and "Per· @ (j) a) Jlldd for Ille De-don My French." I ) ' f F - fl) Sat11td1J lbtlnee ror) '48-Turhan Bey, Lynn Bari. @I) &tudio ci. Pedro Y1rpa D lm (}) .&> ...,,_nine (C) Paul t:lOllWWady Races (C) Rmre and Martt Lindsay CO·holt. m 11 ..... a Spltts (C) m Ewans-Novt11 111,.rt <C> E!) Fantutlc Yoyap EC) Q) ll1t Ribbon n.utn: "Black· JUNE 14 AM . m : ''The Noose Hanas out" ~h" and "June Bride." 1:00~9 (I) Moby Diel (C) eJ Cultlrru Movie: "'ltie lrandt" (wutem) 10:00 8 ~ (j) Tiit Ardll't Show (C) ' John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara. 7:30 ti SM•IMr S.IHlter (C) "Black (l) Q) Jot1rDtJ to t!le Ceft. 0 Morie: "SlltMn FatMIU .,..,,. Herita1.-A History of Alro·Amer· taf tllt £11111 (C) (adV.nture) '4S-lon Chaney, lloYd leans." O Movie: (C) "r.wdtr _.., Bridru. 0 @@ m Untamed World (C) (western) '53-Rory Calhoun, Cor· m Mn: "Tlllnu Hlpwa,.. (dra· Phil Carey hosts. "Predators and lnne Calvet. ma) · '4S-Richud Conte, Lee J. Scaven1ers" Is today's film that fl) Pattem for ltvtnc Cobb. looks at creatures that exist on @!) LIS Estr"la• ' Uatld II) Marlau the flesh of other creatures. (R) 10:301! Cl) llt•111/Sllptrman (C) E!) AnMd· Forces HIPllPb (C) a ea..,., Prot1i. , oo m undtrdoc <C> 1:10 a a CI> t11t LOM •••• (C) D Maklnc Ult Most of M1turlt, n: "lid Monk Baronr' (dra· E!) Qtiaf--,... Advent.. (C) 7:45 OJ Slcnd Hurt (C) ma) -.sz--Richard Rober, ¥ona Z:OO R Tiie "-SOde\y (C) "A.8.M.- 1·0011 Co.co lopllars (C) Knox. • Should the United states Go . A· . • @m Super Sil (C) · 1 @ Cl) al Fantastlt Four (C) headr' Wiiiiam S. Hart and South E!) Casper (C) Tiie llbit Answtn Gate hi&h school students debate • & Costello Cartoo,ns (C) E Ancllho dtl lk. Moran the topic. Tales of Wefls farp 11:00 D 9 (i) m Major Leape .... D SlturdlJ Double feataw.: ''The SatunlaJ TIMatra: "Bombay Wa· bl. II·~ Teams to be announced. Hour of 13'' and "Frontier Wolf." terfront" and "The Animals." i~ CV &>''°'" of Ult J•n-m Coronet Theatre: "Blonde Ice." 1:30 II! (I) lup Bunny/Road Run· iward TIMatre· "No Way Back.'' @m Sports tn Action (C) I"" 9ur~C~ Cool Mc:t.ol (C) 11:30 QI Cl) Tiit thrc•lolds (C) &) S.. the USA {C) f11tpus Direst .(U) (]) &) Amlriun 11~114 Z=30 fJ Dial 'M' for Miiiie (C) Father @ Cf) m Qulliver (C) ~ Dick ~1rt h~ . Norman J. O'Connor welcomes Clark Movie: ("C) .. Race of th• Bue· UM~. (C) 'Tiie Raid" (west· Terry and His Orchestra. canetl'I" (adventure) '63-Ricardo ern) 54--Van Heflin, Anne Ban· II Movie: "Paris Caltlnt' (adven· Montalban, Vincent Price. croft. ture) '41-Elisabeth Serener, Ran· m CilCO Kid dolph Scott. I SATURDAY l\i 0 r7 N I N ! , fl) Esalela KMEX (C) 0 Battle Cry 9:00 ! Q @ m Tiit Flintstones (C) 1•:00 I~ (A\ ----' (C) m ~ ttle USA (C) r'DRiALjCosta Mt11 Fill! frJ '· 'DI 1i.1 .. ~n. .,. RI ~ n.._._ (C estival ~) Teatre F,111Hlar IOU an ...... •nwauw > I D @ (]) m Spldarman (C) 1Z:30 a a (j) Jon"' Quest (C) 3:00 a Dressin( by Dtslcn (C) m Jack la finne (C) .. II Mtwie: "AmazllJI Mr. X" (hor· • D @ CV m U.S. 0,.n Qolf (C) FLOPS· CAN BE EDUCATIONAL "Stodi0s are in , the motion and we wrote a lenglby critique, picture and television business. pointing out how it ~ be An· actor has to be in the 'me' rewritten. We both a to business." · · . exteno our option time ·u, a That's the seasoned judgment goOd· icript could be developed. of Robert Wagner, star. of ~ut the man went into bis act, ABC's It Takes a Thief (TUes.. ~ saying that he knew best, and days, 8:30 PM). with two great guys like us in AS Wagner explains, .. Only there the picture couldn't miss. an act.or knows whether a story, "'BJJt it d.id. By a country a role, or a scene i~ really-right mile. for him. He must learn to "Then one day the big shot stand up for what be thinks is called me into his o11ioe. He right. Because if something is said, 'Now, Bob, you do have wrong, he's .the one J.hat takes a tbree·picture contract. But I the rap." -just don't know . . . your last Wagner learned bis lesson the two pictures bombed.' hard way. : "All. of a .sudden the~ were "I once signed a three-picture my pictures. contrac ith a studio. • When "I told him· I would ·go quiet- t e up with a script, I ly-and gratefully." and was appalled. I ex· Wagner says that his relation-. p ined, as ·politely as I could, ship with the .J>roducen 'of It that it was garbage. But the Takes a Thief is. entirely dift'er- mao in the front office ·said, ent. ' 'Now look, Bob, you take care "We see eye to eye 99 per- of the acting, I'll take care of cent o( the time, but if I think the 1eript. Trust me, baby, rve aomething ian't right, I say _so. bllen in this industry awhile, Sometimes I convince them, and I know what'U go.' sometimes they prove they're .. We made It, and it went-right. But there's communica- down the drain. tion, teamwork. ''Then they came up with a "For instance, we're agreed ecript adapted from a novel. on the policy of getting the Fine novel, teml>le acript. Steve beat aueat stan and supportinJ McQlleeo and I were t.o co-star, playen w~ can. even thou&h it from the Champions Golf Club In Houston, Texas. The plaJ on three rounds Is covered by Chris Schenkel, Byron Nel90n, Jim McKay, Bill Flem· Ina. Bud Palmer, Jimmy Demartt and Henry Longhurst. The Open, the most presti(k>us 1olf event In America, is played over the beautl· lful, ~~:rto;: 6:·:: oou~. 111 ,fcturt (C) 3:30 Movie: .. Drive 1 Crooked Rold" (drama) '54 -Mickey Rooney, DI· anne Foster. OJ Color TIMatre (C) "Fresn from Paris." ITmef the World (C) 4:00 Jal Alai Waaon Train (C) Sliver Whip (C) 4:30 B <ill oo m useA '°" HIP. ~~Ll•lb 15 ironco 5:00 I All·A .. rican Colltp a.. (C) Indianapolis 500 (C) Clla111plonslllp lowtlnc (C) Ted Hoffman and Bud Horn vi. Don Carter ag! Dave Soutar. D @ lV m AIC'I Wldt Wor1d of i rts (C) . • Zoor11111 (C) lnnoY1tion1 (R) Futbol-Soccer 5!30 Ralpll Story (C) ( R) WC Nt ... rvlce (C) CaltbritJ llllilfds (C) Twttlrtrt Zone Man Fro• UNCLE (C) TM New Sound (C) : lntem1tion1I Mafazlnt (R) • Acrlcul\Uft USA (C) may attain the budaet. They make the show-and me--much better. Acting ii reacting, and if you're in there with a real po°"erhouae, it picks you up. "I remember the comment of Clark Gable 'one time wbe.o we were diJcuuing eome of the stroni1 actors who aupported him 1n bis pictures. He grinned and said, •r nod a lot.' . "That'• the way be liked it. I do, too.'' ,... lt , SA YE $264.80 ON THIS 5-P IECE TOP-RATED SYSTEM! \ . Sherwood AM-FM The 7"10-A Is S~s MWMt 12J watt stereo receiver ... a 11,,. rec:elvtr wllll ell-tlllcon ~cult, FET front· end, end new Micro-Circuits tor Sl/Pe'b stereo FM, ••· cellent AM. Automatic FM atereo-mono awlldl1119, tunlnt mater, betwa.1-1tatlon muting, tape monitor. Mein, , .. mote SPMker 1wltct1. Stereo headphone l•dt. .... Ptke SHt.11 SON·Y 666D e Proftsslonel •tradt dedt has lull solenoid -•tlon. • llleconh, Sll•'fS stereo or ,,___ DUAL 1019 e WOf'ld·r~ eutomatlc turn- table hes every ffluxe feature fOf' wPeri.tlve perlormanee e acctalmed by •\ldlosihlles every· ~rel &oeats dynamkelly 1>ai. 1nced 11rm wllll ~dlust•b•e CtMJn- terwelght e maul11• 71h·lb. plat- tf'r e oreclae cuing. e 6-W. vari- pltcll renge. lef. S14t.4SI EMPIE ·Roy1I Grenadiers EMPIRE 999YE e How does tM m VE 1t0dl up aoalnst the other llQhMrKk' c1rtrldqea on locl•Y'• rmrket? e HIFl/Stereo Review compared lllen'I •II fOf' IOw·lorce tradl· Ing ablllty, Ind rtteil Ille 9"\IE ~ 1: .... S74.tll E.S.P. revena t1pe wlni. • MocMI fOOOM. marbletot> .• IS. oul aenslne t•Oft or ~I-lnc1I lllQh-complhnce _,., • Mid· Fothen Day Special! Ml • Automellc shutoff • r•nee direct radiator and ullresonlc Sc:r•oo flutter """' • domed t-ter, both couplad to Em-llreci motors, Including olrrs w:• angle acoustic I-e ntertslt • syncti,.,_ c~: dO and JOOO Hz e J caoei.n drive • ltecord positions treble rtsponse awllef\ e level maters, lllstent atop, 5-ld o:~ilon: JIG' below dO Hz tape count... e Vfftlcal e t.o• up to 20,000 Hr e 100 watts, or llorlrontal. undistorted e H•nd·rutibld ialln Price Good 6/7 to 6/15 Ust Price: $1 ,21 J.IO SALE PRICE WT TllMS IOptlonal At Extre Coltl walnut 9· . S62t.ttl ----~----....;...-.-.;.;;;..;,;,.;.;.;.;..;,.;.... __________________________________ __ 8-TRACK CARTRIDGE RECORDER! SPECIAL SALE ON THIS AUTO-CARTRIDGE RECORDER ........ , ..... 't f:',.'i; ·---~ ~ -.. -., THE TC-8 5129~~ ~TMAfac TC-I STDIO SOUi STATI a.TUC& CAITllMI llCOnR Now with Ille new •nd exciting Sony TC_,, you can HIKI and record your own librery or slereo, l·lr1e11 cartridges for flutomoolles or home enfoyment. UH eny sound source -home tepe reconser, phone) Of' FM Mulllp!u -Sony's fabulous r~rding fldelity Is lmmedlllely evldlnt. Sony-metk Recording Control makes recording level decision eutometlcally -Per-leclly; trd an Ir.die.tor l19ht Identifies Ille track~ being recordrd. 1nstently connec1s to your home •Y&l•m for recording or pl•ybeck. Cartrldgt1 used 1re the stendard used In 1-treck aulo Mer5 units.