HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-16 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaI· ' I It I , t I ·' _, -. ~. . ~ --- • , . .. ' c•ast. Man Fre~d .. ' . . ' :In 5:2 1Million lnsoranee· ~ase --. . ' . J .,..._ -~ J . '. • • I ' .. Nude Irvine Coed l • ~ • • • • • ' St·ops Traflie -. ' ' • • In ·GardeD Gr_ov.e ., ' • ' • DAILY PILOT * * * 10' * * * Nixon Urges $5 Billion • ..;..;_:;...;." _.;_...;'.:...;· ~:.:...:;· ;_;.;.·~-;~ ........... ~~'""'"~~'.! ....... .-1 __ 6 .• ....... :"~.:......-.. ~---Ai tp(\),f~'--_ .·-r,~a f ~r :E.) rfl i ~~t ~ ... • ,. • • "''"" ..... - . . By ARmuR .11. viNSEL " 01 t1M Deit(Pll9t llaft I . ' . l~~~;.<lr~~ro~1:=~ cue "-a dead man found In a watery dit· ch ~turday by a fann laborer bicycling to work in a Costa Mesa panley field. · A fingerPfint check identlfied the vic- tim ~ Herman C. Everett, 35, a Redondo Beach resident employed only l Ii\ weeks eartier at a Torrance machine shop. No motive has been developed ~n the weird slaying, committed ht. tmneone ' who app;1rently clµtibed Everett ~ween the eyes. with a ·heavy. w;ea'J>C!" Qlen . dumped hlm In the ditch to drDMl. . Some \dlacrepancy ·developed, however', w}th a felable story that Evertt's mouth and nose Sere taped when the body was foand in the 15000 block of Ta1bert AVenue near the Santa An• Riv~. ~ 'Y0u'D hear that," said Costa Mesa PGli<9 Cljll. F,i Gl&sgow toilaY., "but we · cla mile DO conrnient." ~ .. . ~ . 1Jn111e "Caudy Caroner'1 De p u t 1 11.,.iis -said the victim'• ..,.., .n.i 'l1"Ulh wei:e not taped when he ar- rived to chetk the body and cause of deatlr ill lliled as aphyxlatlori, probably by d,,,,.,q. 0 We .. listlng il as a bomiclde due.to the blooo l>elween the eyes and·the lacll: of mu' ~Uoo. on, lbe 6odJ," Slid ·0r..,. • Weadter Ii•1 another blue Monday Ind • Tueltfiy'll be even bluer, aaya the weathe(man, who lookl ·for driuty cldJde arid temperatures ln the llPI*' to'1 for the· coa6tline. INSIDE_ TODAY Finanddl cOiumhi.tt S 11 l Pl a l'ortn 'iodaf/ resume1 her con- tfnuittq 1nic1 on "FON>ut I• t1e1~CI" mt PQ{le 14 toda11. -.. = .:: ._ n ,_ n --""'"' ,, ......... , .... .... '""""' . ...... 14-lt -.. Mil........ 11 -.. -.. ~ ........ --.. ~ ......... 14 "' ~ ...... 17-W ._,. n.u ltecll Mll'lllttt , .. ,. T........ n -. -. --.. capt. Glasgow, bead of the detectlve bureau. . ·He explained that"lt 11.ppears Ev~ett's slayu .. or slayer.a (!rove down .the· San · Diego Freeway and turned off looking for a remote spot to get rid of the victim. Tire tracks were found in toft earth near the spot where field band Marcos Hernandez discovered the body at 6: 40 a.m., but there is no certainty they were · made by the vehicle involved in the crime. .. "This ·whole -thing i!i appetenUy ctn--· tered in the· RedoOO'o Bead! and SOuth Bay areo,"· Capt. Glosgow said tod<y,, eiplaming: ·that Everett had not ·partic- ular reaean.to come-to ~-Mesa him.-· self. . · ··"All :indicaUons ·are that he was just dumped here,"'' the captain added. · Santa Ana police lhowed up at lhe. (See DROWNING, Page I) Nude UCI Coed 'Trips Out' in DoiVntown Grove Flitting aboot In the mlddle ol Ganlen Grove Boulevard early this morning, an 11-yeal"'Old.nude ua ~·was almost 'hit by aeveraJ can before poUce rtSCUed her. The victim, a student from Oceanside, told Garden Grove officers who tooi her to the Orange County Medical Center about I a.m. said ahe thought slie wb "ln heaven". She admitted using LSD 1t a pop !..Uva! SWlday at UCL Officials at tbe medicaJ ceqter told _ 'l!Ollce that aeveraJ -perllOOI had been _ bnJu(ht there Sunday night 1dlferlng tlie dfecta of.LSD. Some told lllln<lanll that . t1>n-•hed spiked •punch bowl at UGI Wlt!Hbe J>CYd>edeli< drug. . · 'Tony Sonier, 22, of u1as Jefferson St., Gani"' Grove, told polioe he ltDppOd the nude girl -hll car llmost struck her. He parted and altem~ to get her oil the boulevS"d but abe .tM:i.sted on return. ing to the ....... ol the-busy -and ... dowa;HI called poU.. .... Tbe .tdtm wu incoherent most of1 the lime and told polk:e ahe dldn 't know how abe happened to be in Ganl<n Grove. One officer uid tJU rdomlng, "I've beanl a-Grov•eolled 1 lot ol things but It'• the flnt. tlme It'•" been called 'buveo.'' t ' ., "'I T ....... FOR CLEMENTE FUN -President Nixon :.res a model of lbe Hobie surfboard given him for Father's Day by daughters Julie· (left) and Tricia. The girls said It was for him. to use at San Clemente. Strongest Bill. . On Smut .Passed . . ' ~ . . SACRAMENTO (AP) -'!be legblature paued and sent to Go-I. ileapn today Cali!omla'a rtrongest ailti.smut laws, with . specific reltrlcttons, imposed on those who sell pornography to children. The Republican governor, who fought unsuccessfully for tbe' bills-in 111'1 and 1911, la .. ~ to sip them, carrying oot a pl<dge he...,..._ he cam-. palgnid 'fw Ule. llabi'• hilhel\.olflce . in 1118. Frustrated by Democratic mejoritlel>ln the peet, the fOV'"1«' '""' Illa Victory I when Jl<pqbliconl tooll •ver lqjlletlve i Itoderablp, ' One ol the .......... by Sen. Robert ' Lagommln<> (It-Ojai), deals tpeclllcally t with lho9e under ~· yfen)of agt. IJt ' p8l8ed -' • ' The blll se:U up a new standard of obscenity for )'VIJf'lgSterl. More ~le· Uve than for adults, it .makes it eater to pr--pedditn who conctntrlla Oii the-· Tbe cMhet dells with lldulll. ·Jt. expends (5ee OlllCENITY, P ... I) • Nixon a · Hodad '. ! Gets Surfboard for Father's Day Presldelll Nlxoo b a Hoctad, tt dt>v .. loped on Father's Day. 'A Hodad ln beachtown paralnce, Js petson who has a surfboard for prestige, but doet:n't use It and lhat'a what the na· tlon'a Chief ExecuUve plans to do. Daughtera ' Tricia, 23, and Julie Eisenhower, 20, .gave. the President a 8Caled-down model · of a custom-built Hoblt board to be delivered to the sum- mer White Hou'.sc in San Clem~nte neJ1 · w'eek. , • Thousands of dads throughout Amerlc:a , •urveyed various Father's pay gUu wl!h the same forc!d good nature SClnday as did Pre&ldeht NlJoti when b~'opened bis gift.' . . "I'll never rlde lt,'1 he muttered,·amll· ••. uig.'. -. Ta~k s, Ar~Uery Used w1~=~~u~:l:°~t1>eboaJ:: In Middle East Battle 1:;,ni:t,: ~~.,:: ~ if°:: · ' uie of the prin\e Nlaon surf be>dl. · .11y UllW Pme 1a-.i ""I (ode a 1urfboaid IO yean igo l\ld Jt, 1sraell tlpb and arti11Ut battled · dOesn't ~·rite a bit,"11ddedltbe OS-' • --" I )'ear-okl· P?elident. • JOnl~an ortee aiong the Jorden -Mr. Ni.on noted 111•1 one o1 hlJ 11det, file line ·today for lhree boura ·and a Roy • Goode&rle ' accompanied h Im seritt of •harp arUUery ' duel.I flared · · ~way to MJdV.:ay Island via HawaU a alon( the &t1ez canai, military IPORsmen •t qo and broke ·hli leg aurlins 1J reported In Ammlo and JCll'llan. boon elttt urMng In aurf buven. Then hid been beaVJ llrinf throqhout "l'll lo11rk to people," he -u the -tend In whicb Ille lnella ·IU!· he eaemlned the nmel lllrfboant, "I'll ' lered cuuaJ.tiel. loin It to members ol Ille Jftll." Ticket, Fu.el Taxes to Pay For System • WASHINGTON (UPI) . -. ~Iden! Nixon asked Congress today to enact 1 $5 blllio.n airport and airways procram designed to ease what was described u a crisis situation in aviation. Money for the program would come from taxes on airline Uckets, cargo aDd aviation fuel. "The various users of· the aystem. who will benefit from the development, should assume the responsibility for the cost of the program," Nixon said In a specfat message to Uie House and Senate. . ' . "Pay-as-we-grow" i•the way the Pres!· dent charactertud hi!·-1, Nixon said, "We do not ~ the capacity in our airwayl'and airports am· pie to our present needs" or to the future · growth of aviation. James M. Beggs, undersecretary for tr&ns~Uon, was more direct. He said the nation fata '1a i cl'isls situation in it.a airwayi and airports." Under lhe program, $250 million would he spent annualfy far the next 10 years on ~ays I-ud oqulpmenL This compares to ID •ftrlle ol. IP" !See AIR Til, .... I) COast Man Freed ' lll~:rawl '.Case. ' . I A Newport .Bea<h -man has been> clllfed of ell cwg .. "Iii a ..,. invoMngj sale of an estima~. fl 1milllon In lrH surance to CalifOrnlani. · I Cleo Marvin John!on, 51, ol 1901 King•! Road, was one . of four defeildants aC·1 quited Sunday by a ~ COtlrl jury,; The weary panel returned to the courli of JuQe William Murray to end lllOfel than three. days of dtllbemloM by cleor·, Inc Johnson, !!Oland K. Marsh, !II, o~ Redondo Beach,·June Vlr.Onla Adams, 25,. oflNortb Holly,rood and llarry Loull lllb-o bard, 58, ot Anaheim of fraud charges. ~ But the jury could not ap on klen-o Ucal gtand theft and conspiracy counl5, filed IPfM David Morton KW, 'Ill of Beverly Hills. Further action qaillll Kane will bO decided et 1 hurini at for, JQne.:¥1 , ' ..... • ... "' • ' The ~: i-eur.d !ala 'iliiindiy follOw· Ing more than· five -ts ol _,, on U.. o~alioos of Regency Inv~ Inc. of Enc11l9. TheY had heard ~ u.na that the five deleodull '"" 'ln- volved :tn an operatiqp that 1bl1hcl ~ vestora of more than fll'mllllon. ' J act BernarCf Follis, M, ot • !!o • OCean Fmlt, Newport Beach, ~ ($10 IN8lJRANCE, P• I) , \ ,,.._,_ s . Unseating of Pdwell Illegal, Court Rules W.&SllL'ICmlt (UPI) -n,, SLjii c..rt ,.... ....... tt. 8-1' of Bep: I I -tmdoy ,,. ........... -... Qayta -'"""lhe last~ IA a 7-1 rutin&,. Ck callt t 11 al ~~':i::~•::•.; r,t .; qatifiea•icw: "' ... , ...... ".. ... • iti¥ •••:,, jml u Pwell tm a:rped. n. """""" ,,, am -Em w.,._ rm rtjeded atttJb*i1U oa beblJr: d dw: Hmm that either dJatnber of CacJtu Im lllo ri&b' .. ---.......,,.. unda' ldn' p-omicm Ill. dtie (\; 4il•dim Wsrea's apinim al9D &mt-d dabs cw 6Dnl costs U 'fe ., p · r tiw So Ma$€& in CW9 iu•cfnlc c.a.cre-.... its ... tines with mmihas. ""'"" adwoledetd ma 111o -and Smate haft * riOl k> ·-':I m 'ETm::t4efare· ........ ..._ .............. -ti~ ... ... ..... ~ n I ., ...... ,....""" - * * * Court Weighs Church Tax Exempt Status ,.,.... r..., 1 AIR TAX ... )lnlllmatdy "1 miiliaa in uch al lhe ...... ,..... N"ma called for fll) millioa in aid to msats in ti9c:al 1'10, which sWU July l. 1'tm W'Ollld ~ to IZ2D million in fDcal lJIJ, "with ---leadin( lo a lot.al al SU billioa in lhe oat 11 JQTS.. .. Matding vaots fn>m stat. and 1ooaJ -'""'1d _, lhe IOlal airport _.ting program up to 15 billian. The heart cl the program is the D5t!' tn formula, how<Tu. SpecificaJly, lfllDll asbd for: -lnc=slng lhe -airlizlo tic:tet tu from five perunt k> eigh1 pttcmt.. -A U tu cm passenger ticktU fer ~ tematlooal fli&hts «iginatine in lhe UolUd States. -A DtW tu ol ave percmt c:rt air lreiglJI waybills. · -An increa.H from two to nine ctnts a pDoo an general aviation f~Is. DAIL\ ~I LOT ........... 11 ..... .... ~ ............ .., --CAIN U" ..... ~ ll'\llL~ (' •• , ...... N. ....... ---JK• I. c.t., .. ,,..,.. ___ __ ,._._,, ·-TM-•1A.M~ ~llliW ..... "'°' .......... _..... a ,,_ .. .--..._.., __ ._ ................. a... .... ......,. ..... ·"'-...... ,. ...... ,........, .... ---._. ...... ~c-........... c--. ..... ,f1-. -.. '"' ..... ._ ..................... . _____ c-.... a!';!; .,m:i ~11 v I Qiu::;;-. -. ~ ~ ........... ~-..... --.......... ----· ...... -· ...,... __ _ .............. -. _____ ,..cf.....,._. ... c... ....... ~ IL+w ......... _.... _ _.,.,., ...... _ ....., ----· Yd ~ootut : .._. -aa,u -Ir ..... dllly -,,, lhe ...... Ill tbe 11th Cwo• · •' District cl New Yon (Bartlera) ..S ... Mi inrfigiWt .. 51n"C -., ........ Ille~ die--,.. widlaul paw .... adldt-lim ~ ib ftWrilli I ship.,. 1'1llr nlinc. CIDt Rel bdon ~ caurt is -...... ad ib .......... aiioctad i. m1CR a starm. ot. aiticism in Oocess. ---·=--Ibo ~ .... -.. R<p. H. R. Gnm (&. Ian). aail lllo -'1wld ...... Ifie ---Warrm. said t!te cmrt mwd. DO .. lad; oll.,_t ... ·--_,, gu;aiDlldJi"' tu « the-a gsimera dw lbe amts Im no ~ be m:n-- mmcal: ... ll is tbe rnpmjtiiljly ol this cmw'l 111 lel ilS the nltiznlfe ~fl the c •it!!!liws .. Tiie IZ1'1P dulsim --lo Ibo DfnerlNllMfJe ... ,_ Thee = part of the 14 aulao at a Milwaukee car lot destroyed by an uuidentilied youth clrtvlnc a bulldozer, Police said the boy -tile dozer from a tractor com.-1. drove over the cars abandoaed tile macfrine and disappeand. Damage was estimated .it over $25,000. Sennt,e Investigator Says Rwts Soop to Revolution W ASHINGTIJN fl:'Pl) -A s.oai. sub- coounitUe investigator -loday that "black power'' groups have helped spark city and camim riots as lttpl toWant "a gt:oeral re•;oluticn thrnu&boat the country.'' He said the Blad: Panthers and the Student Nomiolent Comtinating Co;n.. m.itltt fSNCCl bad fonntd alliances with white revolutionary organ.iultiom in- cluding Stlldeots for a Democratic Socie- ty 1SDS 1. Philip Manuel, who htaded the in- ve!tigatim. of camiius disorders far Sen. Jobn L. McClellan's pcmw1tnf i:n- ,.estigalims subcomntitltt. said SOS rmw f .. ccs an internal split between the ntW •·revolutiooary union" faction setting to r adicalize fact«y ..run mid Olh:r members, led by SOO founder Tom Hayden. who believe .. American wurken: are paid too much and are too cao- ief"Vati,-e" for revoluticmary action. "Black power orpni:z&tlons are those which promote what they call 'black liberation' within the cootat ol a RYOru.. lion in the United St.ates;• M~I testified. " ••• tbty advocate an an- ticolonial !truggle for seU~tion which must go haoJ...lo-band with a general rtvolution lhroughool tbt <Xllln- lr)'." Manuel and Pmnan Clay,.-.. i.. ccmmitt.ee invutiplor wbo CQDCmtratcd on SOS, led ctt .........,. afta M<Cl<flan ~ bis Y""ioo( lllvmiplioo di•Jo&ed that "many of the same in-- diriduals and orpni::atkm wbkb have """ in'Olved Ill agitation Ill lhe - .... spwbeoclq the --and di.vuplioos al OID" co0egu a D d uni\'CJ"Sities. "\\"e will bear witntaes who will desttibe Ill d~ lht backgrowids, atruc- tures. and stJviliet of four mllltant organizations wboit members 1tt known to have beeii tnvolved ia. w1desprud ,.. agtt atm and incitement to violence In many cities that have lllflettd -riGCs. '"Ibrft al lht groups and their me:nbet s abo ba\'e been oatoriously ac- tive in cam~ turmciJ and viohnct.." ,-,.._ P•1e 1 INSURANCE. • • ,-,..... P#lf#e 1 OBSCENITY. •• IMLT,...., ........ IRISH ROSE REIGNS Valley's• ssrn.ry-K.., OCC Coed Wins Fountain Valley 'Miss' Title ·ICtltJ, an tl·Tt•r-•ld .. Onoge Coast c.Dege, i.s l\li.ss Fmmtam Valier. Sdeded during ttttit•Wrs Saturday niOJI. l\li.ss Kdly -r.,;p .. -Ill FOUlllaln Van.,., ..,,..... Ellm EVam, wbo ........ lllo """yoar. Joining Mila ltdloy's Comt ""' Doooa Flory, first 1wwwup. IDd Lai Hen--....... "'"""""'· '!'be new queen was the aalJ cmtestant d IS wbo <lid nat alleod F....tain Valier lligti SdJool the post yur. Same hrill>< .mertainment during brtats of the contest was ~ first by the .. Americana Brass'' ol Tamura School, then latu "7 lhe ..-gal llng<rs, a group al YDllllC girls fn>m T..,.,. Sc:hool. T"'Y Cillo, a atafl writer I« the 1- Be a c b ~ f'ress.Tdqram, bandied lllo mike and lhe chatter .. Masi« al Cemnonies. Linda Andenon, "· • girl -• brigbl smile and helping band. ... -by btr co-cont est a n ts as .. Mm ~-" 'Ibis ,..,,, _..,., the fdtb, ... _ ... bJ the F-.m Valier C>am- blr d Owoo""Ct: aad 1be FomJta.in Val- "7 w ..... ·, am. ,.,.... r..., 1 DROWNING. •• Browsers Wanted ~'!Vh.atkindofapenon"°"' aroand with a big fat 1mile on hilpaM? · An idioL An iuaranee me. man. A 1weep&aalu:I wi.o.ner. An o'W'Dtt of a new eel of den-t..-. A Bidwell 1taffer. ........ talk aboat the Bidwell 1tafle:r. We ad.mi&, we werea'I bona with that omUe. We...,... it deliberately.,,,.,., .. mak.e our eaatomert £eel wanted, bo- eanoe thef -· Aho we want oar .....-em- tomttS &o feel W1111tecl We like to eee men come U.. ..ct jmt poke a roan cl, a proeedare knownubroW'liag. Some people are ~ <110lo-.i to other rypee of f-. iaJ espreaoion. 'l1>ey Wllllt to know why we 11<t oo pleued when tome PT walb oDt of here without bayiDg uything. I Irvine Graduates" Charter Class 9f IU.'JCI: llDIUl'f .............. UC lniDe 1Jadu1tect ils c:barUr class -the lint class to "' lllnqlt -uu:lap•'1 I ,.... -tht DtW ampus -a Sslblnl?.J .,..,.w a:se1wi 1kr m- ...W bJ eftrt --Bat die .en,.. e was c:'Olcred with ....... al ,... .._ diszll(Dm mid lhe lcnlmdiog ti mare -dioaen1 to ....... (See pbotoo -:I.) n;-a. --Um.<f'ity a....Jlar .-.i G. Aldrid> Jr. said, '"We nm reali:R. the wtabillC camt: ts man's setrds for trct:cb:u tram. p;wt:rty and deiti DCtiuu." At lhe ..... time. ... '"""" ....... R*DJa ad rwKeatism as the by to c:banp. am! called for "jmtic:r,'' aa)inc. ••greamts11 is &be ••J we live aur liTes. .U i.s lhe qoallty al jootic:<." PJCllllL llPBAUll Gllat .,.u.. -Kudlo!l -=iYecl -__ , ...... !old the "'""---... the q1X.t ((« peace) bem 10 fell -in your pm:ra- tian." -Yoo !mn pit the establishment m trial," lit ooid, --~ bas done SDI wbatit'*l.ollocltodoandyou- f'titD'Dtd an indictment again.st tbo5e ouUide the edahli:dnneat on the same CDWlls." -A vmfid of. gailty axild be ap- ~ in atba' cax and m.aybt both. Bat •• tbe • ..., least, then: '""'1d be lfUUbds far dt!Dmcy.• Sz)ing Im the uadi:llles ltl'*e.a:ut ... wide .....,. al ....... t""'lht.. the formtt senab' added, WV au lsavc rtfmed bliJldly ........ the--y.., ...... pn:ltrtd baa' to impu;e it. That ii the tmtoric pmnsn of tbit tati1asity. Its fuoctioo. bJ' tnditim, has bem ID aWY tmwledge to tbe bettcnntot of tbe bum.an caoditim. .. L'I TROOllLE Kucbe1 a.id the uaiftnilJ, as an ~ stitltion, "is ia trouble." So is aur ~ ty. So Is .......... ,..,... lle<rylnc -... American collece nmpl'!M, he am. "'The bistmie ftmcmy of coBtges md univenitiel bu ..... di.snl!""' ud -__,. ... .... danago has --lo the ......... al Amtric:aD --" V'JOltnce, Kucbel said., .,caJI be. IS it -be, put down." "Raped lcr lhe oDlhDrity Ill tho academic dtan is not inawnpmtihle with lhe rigbt d the ..-to ..,,iat. Both, I tlUnk. .... -Ill lhe liberty "' Ibo univenity a an imtitutioa.. .. lie said that both .... -to the pvmA Ill -ledco. SDI llla1 ~. -ledp--pow«. [litc!miog dmliYe Imm in the -Kocbll nDed tht Wit' in Yldnml .. a cruelty divisive. force f« the American poop!<." and addm that bo!>os for pea« bet..-en the races have ··tiem rudely -by -outbnab hen .. home." NO ASSWER The amwer to these pn>blenu. said Kucbtl. ""wiU DOt come from the radical k fL • .it will not come from unreuonina reactioa by dujy coastituted public power, •hert the indtsaiminate use of fmu: - ,,, sboCgml loodod -boe:•sOOt. and,,,. heliaipten eqaippod with t= gas -... juns the -equally .nth the guilty." Be said that such action (which toot plac< durinl lhe r....n P..ples PJri: demtmtratims at Bert~) ~is the most tlftctive way to drive tbt modente-. ...._..,,. -into lhe arms al lhe ndical.'" Agreement Reached w; ANGELES (APl -T..iative agrtt:ment on a oew cootract 1rU rtaeb- td early today bttwtm retail ckrb and market OWDt'f'I to end 1 19-day strike- lockout at Los Ange.Jes a r e a supennarim. lhe onloa .,.,....,..i. Oar amwer, we W11Dl oar lllore to be one where aayone can walk In, U11Dter JUVaDcl, keep hia bond• "' hit> poeketa, and aim a acowl at oar eaJe.. man iI he approochea too c1- too llOOD. When wife U. llliopping at~oryoa'1'e1topped to eat at Berbhire'a, or drvYC down fM IOIDB NJt waler M:liT'" ity, -hope It will --fortable and -r for yoa to lle ..... -lo ..... lbelr- tmn along wth the radlc1ls • "Ranembtr ," be said, .. if voice ol the' llJlldenu rtmains silent, lhe voic:e al the hnrrcwiera&.t will take over." ~ to the note ol rtctn l. . UCl <amp11 ........ Student Body f'resl. -Roomie C. Ricfsle ~ ., • .....,,, -the class gif~ .... al boob 'i;; ii:. tibnry. • • ' . Burglars Take $13,640 in Gems From Lido Home Burglars Sunday looted Ille Ba)'Shora home of Newport Beach rtaltor Lou.is W. Briggs ol an estimated $13,640 in jewelr;. inclDding several expensive imperial jade • potice ftPCW1"". '""~ lold polJce be Jeft for -Sanday marniog at 10:30, then went S. a friend's house later in the day. WbmbenlurnedlohisbomeatU07 E. -at 11 :311 p.m. ~ be DOticed bis front door ajar, be Police said the thieves pulled -a ca..r. bal cmlocl«d livinc room -fac:iog the lloy, then nnsac:krd csb;-, -.... jewelry bous lhn>u&hout the ._....., ........ Tiie loot ... ~ put Into ... pillow cut5 tUtn fnm a bed in tbt -. olfic:en aaid. Tiie burglars apparently left lhe - ll>lou8b Ibo fiuit -· leaving it -.. --. 1be ;e..11, ""1DIDlling lo ..,,... If pieas, M ': • I to dlrigp' lat. wile. lncJrwled a the stolen tltlnl were a p!atjnwn ring set wilh diamoodl and 1apo pbitts valued at $1,000 and several jadJ pieces: valueCl at about ·'650 apiece. · Police dusted the residence fcr fingerprints_ finding s e v e r a I • furnishings and jewelry b o x e 1 • Jn,·tstigation will detennine whether thl prints belonged to suspects, police Aid. NeiPl>on nert door lo the home told o(ficers Ibey &pent most al lhe day ouc'doon, but ooti<ed nothing unusual Ii lhe Briggs -·· Dinner on House -And House Mad sa diners with good wte but ap- partnlly liUle cash ran up a tab for tn w«th ol k>bster and steak dinners and fine wine at Newport Beach's Ancient ~Jariner restaurant Saturday, t be n quietly sli~ out. Nobody paid the bill. Police said the group, four young women and two men, ordered and dined in lbe early morning hours, then disap- peared at 1:15 a.m. come on in and take a look ......... d. By getting you to do that, if you're now a ~UllOmet' of My Silverwood'g, or Buffaau', or 0.Ulie'o Friendly 'Nelf!h- borhood Haberduhery, ""'d like the pooibiliry of !Je<:o,,.. iq .-BW:•·ell ~uatomer to enter your mind. How could that happen If you do your browa- ing in SiJTent·ood'a inatead of Bidwell'•? We hne all the right thiD@ll for you tOlook at. Suils, sport coat&, alack&, shins, the ueual. AL-o the unusual. Oilsldna, ,..proof jaekeu, Ju~' drinking mop, manicure .. .., ad what not. • °"" pouibi.. problem. a-. I do we know if you're here to bro....., or bay! _ I Euy.1Ve uk you. r I • • Jack Bidwell ·. • .. 3467 Via Udo, riflh• where y<>D "'"'orr Newport Bt.d. to go lo Udo hie, at Udo Tbeater. F<M~•t,....ofot0ft.Pbone6734Sl0 Copyright 1969, Jaek Blclwell. • .I ' I I I ' ,, I I - Dontingion Beaeh . ' VOL 62, NO. '143, 2 SECTIONS, 34 PAGES ORANGE. COU NTY, CALIFORNIA MO,NDAY, JONE '16, 1'69 ' I Powell Gets Seat Supreme Court Upsets House Action TOURI NG IN MEXICO - Huntington Beach youngsters currenUy on good will trip south or border include girls (from left) Sally Fos- t er Darcy Bateman and Kathy Mccourt, plus boys (from 1eft} Brad- ley' Mansfield, David Peters and David DeHuff. Also making trip, but not pictur~ _is Daruj. Bass. --• Seven Huntington Yo uths On Mexic o Good Will Tr ip Seven Huntington Bearh youngsters joined 53 other Orange County youth Saturday as they began the first leg of a tw~week good will tour to Mexiq:i City. Sponsored by the Garden Grove 20-30 Club, the tour is an annual event, with ~ths selected each year from ap· pllcaUoos and interviews to live two Budget Adoption Seen at Session Of Beacl1 Council Official adoption or an $8.85 miliion ~eneral fund budg~l for the city of Hun- tingt.ol) Beach is expected at tonight's 6esslon of the City Council. No increase in the presenl lax rate or Sl .45 per $100 assessed valuation is ex· pectcd because of the budget for 1969-70. The money is to be divided for opera· tion of the council, $28,900; city arl· ministrat.or. $87.695; treasurer, $15,492; attorney, $UI0,203 : clerk, $ 6 7 • 9 5 4 ; purcbasing. $24,1166; personnel, $13,925; finance, $1:)4,478. weeks In ?-.texico City with 1'1cxican families. On Aug. 9 a reciprocal visit will be made to Orange County by 60 youngsters from Mexico City, who will stay with their counterparts here. All 60 Orange County ambassadors met for five weeks prior to Saturday's departure to receive the necessary shots, unifonn fittings, and general information. Youngsters on the trip from Huntington Beach are: Dana Bass, 11, of 9062 Adella Circle; Kathleen ~1cCourt, 10, of 22122 Capistrano Lane ; Darcy Bateman, 11, of 10111 Beverly Drive; Da vid DeHuff, 12, o( 10101 Birchwood Dri ve; Sally Foster, 12, of 10112 Cynthia Drive; Br ad I e y MansUeld, 11, of 10122 Birchwood Drive, and David Peterson, 12, of 10031 Birchwood Drive. They will be treated to guided tours of Y..1exico City and enjoy the experience of each living with a family there. Adult superviso rs for the trip will be . Y..1r. and Mrs. Steve McKinley of Orange. The 20-30 Club of Mexico City will host the entire tour. WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Supreme Court repudiated the House ol Represen- tatives today for barring Rep. Adam Clayton Powell from the last Congress. In a 7-1 ruling, "the court declared Congress has no rigbt to deny a member- clect his seat if he meets the basic qualificatiorui of age, residence and cltizenshlp -just'as Powell has argued. The opinion by Chief Jusllce Earl War- ren rejected arguments. on behaU oI the Valley Center Dedication Ri tes Held ~ Fountain Valley welcomed ~ new ad· ditlon to its growing family Saturday afternoon with dedication ceremonies for its brand new community center. Reprtsentatives from nearly all levels of government were gathered like proud uncles and aunts to. cat.ch a glimpse of the fourth member of the city's civic center complex. The library and police facilities, finish· cd only a few inonlhs earlier, were in- -eluded in the dedication rites. Representative James B. Utl (R· Tustin), was unable to attend in person, but notified the city that he wouJd aive a U.S. flag that had flown over the Capitol. After . announcement of Utt'• flag presentation. st.ate Senator John G. Schmit1 CR-Tustin) announced that California "would not be outdone by lhe federal goverOment in its giVe-away pro-. '' . . gram. . . -' . SdlloilJ.lll<o.olfmdl:~ v~ a. Bear nag that liad flown over the stale Capitol. =eyuker, ~t lo lllte As Robert H. llUlke <11'111!1!. tin ),·offered conaratuJatio~'liltf the city rar Burlte who was unavoldatl11 detained by his wife, "on the\r armf· versary." La.st official guest to speak was County Supervisor Robert W. Battin. Etattin told those present that he had been responsl· hie for the new rug in the library, 0 It's not much of a contribution to this fine civic center,'' he said, ''but Jt't all l can claim." Tammy !Jonell, foreign exchange stu- dent from Johannesburg, South Africa, gave her coogratulatJona tb the city. She presented· the city with a South African lree to grace the civic center. Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger summed up the ceremony with the hope that this, "would create a strong sense of civic and community pride in Fountain Valley." The newest addition t.o the civic center family, the community center, is built on 6,000 square feet and contains kitchen, rest room and craft facilities, as well as general meeting area and housing the parks and recreation department offices. Police headquarters cover 3,000 square feet, and were built with the ability to ex· pand to nearly twice that size as the city grows. Enlargement of the library went from 5,200 square feet to the 10,000 aquare feet just com pleted. Stock Mar kets NEW YORK CAP) -The stock market closed on a lower note today after an ear· Jy advance ran out of l!lteam. (See quota· tiol1', Pages 14-15). House that either chamber of Coogms has the rl4ht to exclude an elected member under other provislona Of the ConatituUon. .: Warren's opinion also dismlsaed claims that federal COW1S have no jurbdlction•to intervene in cues involving Consress ahd jts dealings wlth members. Warren acknowledged that the House and Senate have lhe right to discipline members once lhey are seated and even to expel them but said of the case in· DAIL 't ,ILOT Steff ...... SOUTH AFRICA!! GREETl.NGS Exchonp Stuclont Bonoll OV School Board To Meet Tonight Trustees of Ocean View School District meet at 7:30 o'clock toniglit in the district board room, 7972 Warner Ave., HUf1. tineton Beach, for a regular business meeting. The governing board will try to figme how to equip Park View and Mesa View Schools without state funds which are not avallable due to inability of the state tG. sell $40 million in state aid boods due to a poor bond .market. In addition, trustees are ·expected to take up the issue of salary schedules for the comlng year, an i!ISUe which hu led to serlOOll problems In the high achoo! district. volvlnr Ille !lanSoyanl, IO-year-old New York Oemocnt : "Since Adam Clayton Powell Jr. was duly elected by the volert of the 11th Congreuk>Ml Dltlrlct of New York (Harlem) aDd w., not ineligible to serve under any provialon of the ConaUtutlon, the House wu wlthout power to exclude· him from its membership." The ruling, one week before the court Is scheduled to end Jts term, was expected to arouse a storm of crltlcl&m In Congress. Powell was not a\ hiJ office when the opinion came down. Rep. H. R. Gross (R· Iowa), said the House should ignore the court acUon. Warren said thfl court meant no "lack of respect due a coordinate branch of government" but of the 1rgumet1t ·that the courts had no jurisdiction, he com- mented: "ll is the responsibility of this cotarl to act u the ultimate interpreter of the CcmUtution." . The C.page det1sion sent back to the lower federal courts Powell's claim that M. should be pa.Id his back salary for the 90th ·Congress from which he was ex4 eluded. When he wu re-elected and re.. teated in the 91st Congress in January, Powell WIS lined fZS,000 and stripped of oo· seniority. , , The Negro congressman was barred from the 90th Congress after t apecial Houae committee found bJm con4 temptuous of the House,. de(lant ol New York State court.!I and uncooperative with conimittee JnvestigaUons of ills use of government funds and ol other actlvlties while chainnan of the House Labor and EducaUon Committee. In another decision the· court ruled to- day the right to vote ·In school district affairs may not be restrlcted to those prlmarlly interested, such u parents and property ownen. ln 1 ~ate cue, the court also ruled the n;tlt to vote on munlcioll ulillty ...._ bond luuel may DOI lie llmiled '° . n .. . ~, .... ;f"l"L ~· .. . ' " 1J~h. Sus~ct . . Waives Jury MU;rder Trial Henry · Lopez Slanu today elected to face a non-jury trial and leave the ruling of his guilt or h'mocenol on murder charges to Superior Coat! Judp Howard Cameron. 11 Is e>peded that Ille lrW ol the Hun- tington Beach man wtD ......,.,,,. laler today. Court offlclalJ had upected that he would prfttr a jury lrlal and Wit• neues were not available for testimony this morning. Sianez, 25, o( 312 Clay St, Ls accused ol the murder ol Mrs. Hester Markee, 1508 Olive Ave. The 55-year-old widow was allegedly stabbed to death by the angry Sianez after she pursued hit: stolen car. The pr~lon c I a I m s that it will prove mat Sianez stabbed the frail, gray4 haired woman repealedly following an in4 cident in which his auto aod that of Mrs. Markee collided. Sianez'• companJon In that car stealing jaunt was Edward Roy H1rgrave, II, of 17392 Marken· Lane, HunUngton Beach. Hargrave was today ordered to stand trlal July 14 on reduced grand theft auto charge!!. . Other budget categories incluae elec· uons; $17,000 ; planning. $121,133; urban planni.ng, ff.1,~8; municipal buildings, $36,100; none-department. $1 1993.221; fire, $1,361,%18; weed abatement, $43,450; police, $190'1S59 ; harbors and beaches police, $1 ,907,~: harbors and beache!I admini!ltratlon, $44,998: I if e g u a rd , $307 ,840; harbors, $64,703; beach maintenance $1ZS,84f. Chart er Class Graduates Hargrave has successfully pleaded that he wu sjmply a horrified 1pectator whUe Sianez butchered the helpless woman and that be wanted no part of the ldlllng. C.OOvlctloo on the first degree murder count could technically mean ckatb in the gas ch amber tor Slanez.-Hls-earlier· attempts for a guilty plea. to lesser charges and his moves to establlah Jn.. unity bave all been rejected. Others are parking fa cility, $65,944 ~ pier,. $28,747; pl\rking meters, $1.2,655; civil defense, $19,393 ; buildin g, $288,t28; Oil field control, $28,814; engineering, t397,262; maintenance administration, 123,145. fl.funlcipal yard. $103.404: building maintenance, $69.926; pump slalion· sewer maintenance. $107.094; storm drainage, $10,000; street maintenance, $320,564 ; street bridges, $300 ; · street trees, $223.144: stre!!t cleaning, $118,188: .street marking and painting. $131,1111; street lighting, '2811,8951; and traffic 1ignals, $34,tm. In add!Uon to the general fund, the council will conslder adoption of budgets fot the special fund departments and ac- tivities. The 1955 wat<r Ii>nd fuiid, 145,675; capital outlay fund, $293,571: library, $348,155 ; music and promotion fund, '87,M9; recreation and park!! facilities, Sl ,255,189; and waler ullllty fund, $1,eel,189. Echos of Protest Ha ng Over VCI Commencement By JANICE BERMAN ,.,YOIJ. have put the establishment on or,,.. 0111, '"'' 11111 trial ," he said, "for what it has done and UC Irvine graduated Its charter class what it has failed to do and you have -the first class to go through four returned an indlctment against those undergraduate years on the rn!W campus outside the establishment on the same -in Saturday afternoon ceremonies un· counts." marked by overt student protests. "A verdict of guilty could be ap. But the atmosphere was colored with propriale in either case and maybe both. echoes of recent campus dWuptlons and But at the very least, there would be the foreb<Kilng of more stildeot dissent to grounds for clemency." come, (See photos page 3.) Saying that the graduates represent "a Discussing studeot pi'otests, Unlvenlty wlde range of human thought," the ChanceUor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. said, former seoator added, ••you have refused "We must realize the undertylng cause is blindly to~ the status quo. You have man's search for freedom from poverty pondered how to improve it. That ii the and destruction." historic pattem ot the univmity, l t 1 At the s•me time. he warned against function, by tradition, hu betn to apply reaction and radicalism as the key tG knowledge to the betterment ,of the change, and called for ''jllll1ce," saying, 1nnnan condltJon." ' ' .. 'greatness is th"e way we live our liyes. lt . -Kuchel aald Ute uniftrllty, ts In' ln- js the qaalify al justice." ' -stltlltloo. "it,'i.n trouble.'" So 11 our IOCle- G.uest speaker tfw>mas Kuchel, who ' ty. So 1s the human race.••· received an honor1cy degree, told the Decrying violence on. Amerlcao college graduates, "Nowhei;.e flas the quest (ror campuses, he uid,r ·'1.he historic peace) been so fel{ as In your genera-autonomy of colleges~ dntvenfUe.1 ifas Uon." b<tn dl1rupted and -4e:;(JWed and • •· .• r; !, damage has been done to the processes of American education." Violence, Kuchel· said, "can ·be, as It should be, put down." "Respect for the aulhority of lb:? academic dean ls not il)compatlble with the right of the student to protest. Both, 1 thlnk1 are relevant lo the liberty of the universi ty as an ill!ltituUon." He said that both are related to the purtUlt of knowledge, and that today. knowledge rtpresents power. • Di9CU&Slng dlVLslve forces In the n1Uon, Kuchel called the war in Vietnam "• crutDy divisive farce for the Amerlcan.- people," and added that hol>t$ for Pt$CO betwetn the races have 11been....rUdehr oohallerod by vlOlenl ootl>Rlils' .\ltr'9 ... , home," t •I ' , The answer ~ i:btte ~efus;-~ Kuchel1 "':tlli not come from~·-ctit· le!t.. ,'.It' will not come. from · • g reoctlon by duly eon1t1Med pu lie plll.ei, whm the lndlocrlmlnate '*'of force - Iliff UC IRVINE, PJllO I) . Va lley Rezonin g Hearings Slated 'I1tree public hearings are scheduled for ione change requests a\ the, 'regular m .. Ung of lhe Fountain Vlllk7 ~ Council at I p.m. Tueaday In the COWlcil chambers. ' In \he lint hearing, PBS Corporatlon fs 1sklnc the council to overrule a planni~ · commlslllon d..W for opartn>oil zoning on the norlhweat corner Blllhard Street alld Slater ,lvenue. PBS proposes 250 unJtl on a 1!.5 acre 11191. C\~f .. Pl-" lury>ed, <!o'm. the ,... q6e0! 11'!"."'J·~ (l!lblk: htarlqyrll 11. ·)I) • ii!Q'i#b, G-'Vl!Jey II ask· rM l"<'"*'t!ujb 4eii1\1;~~"""11i\C: on· the IOtlliiUll-.ot Slaler·A~enae and Wl(I! Slreel, '•h!le D, .le J, Sou.a have uied for hI;h d"'1"1Y apartmenta cln thf, ~ "91'ner ill Slaler Avenue and Ward Stftel. • • --· . r, . ' -... '· ... 'o;'. .. ~ . ' ' I ~ J .. N,Y. SteelU ' ' JEN CENTS DAILY ,ILOT Steff ....... !RISH ROSE RE IGNS Valley's RoHmary Kelly OCC Coed Wins Fountain Valley 'MiSs' Title Rosemary Kelly, an Il·year·o ld sOphomore at Orance Coast Collep. i. the new Miss Fountain Valley~ Selec;ted during ceremonies Saturdll' night, Miss Kelly now reigns as queen of Fountain· Valley, 'replacing Ellen Evans, who served the past year. Joining Mill Kelley'a Court are Dor1na Flory, first nmnerup, and Lori He.n· derson, second numerup. The new queen was the only contestant of 15 who did not attend Founlain Valley: High School the past year. Some brighl entertainment durlnl breaks of the contest was provided first by the "Americana Bra.ta" of Tamura School, then Jaler by the ~II .i-;; ~ group of """' 'llril ...... Tamura School. 'J'onJ>1Cillo, a stall "1'iler far the tons B ta e b Independent Preia--TeJejram, haqdled the ml"' and the cbattar u )\uler ol Ceremonies. Linda Anderson, 181 a girl with 1 brilht &mile and helping hand, WU honored DY her co-contestants as "Mias Congenia!Hy." This year's pageant, the fifth, was sponsored by the Fountain VaUey Cham· • her ti Commerce and the Fountain Val· Jey w~·· Club. 1,200 Navy Men To Leave Vietnam SAIGON (UPI) -'Mle U.S. military command said today 1,200 Navy men will be among lhe 25,000 Americana wlthdra'ifll from Vietnam by the end of August under President Nixon's plan. M6st of them will be from the Mobile Riverine Force in the Mekcng Delta, the same operation from whicll U. S. tth Infantry Divlsicn troops will be with· drawn for the tl'lp home. Other U.S. Navy officen and enlisted men will be pulled out of support a.ss.lgnmenta. w~ the Marine Corps In South Vietnam'!! northern five provincts, the annOWlCement said. Seal Beach Postman Haley Listed Serious Francis Louis "Jack" Haley, assistant postmaster ol Seal Beach, 11 l1Jted Jn seriowl condiUon today at St. Mary's H06Jlital In I.orig Bead>. Haley, a J7.year veteran of the Seal Beach postal department, underwenl an operation June 2 for the removal of one tung. He-has been under lntermive care in the hospital since then recovering; Weadter It's another blue ·Monday ind Tuesday'll be even bluer' says the weatherman, who looka for drizzly ctood! and temperatures In the upper Ill'• le< the coutllne. 'INSIDE TOB.\Y Financlat •columnist S fl I v Cal P'>ftfr todafl ri1umt1 her 'con-• tinmtv 1erit1 on "FaHJUt ln- vrittnnit.1'" on1Page 14 toda¥·· ~. .. -" ---· ................... .. C\MtlflM -.» °"""" C_,, " Cfllllkt t1 l'ftorit ,.,._ 14 (,......,,. ,,. ..... ,.... ,,.,. I '*"' ...... ' 1t ....,.\. -:__ .... ......... fl!'!lll--•4 ........... 1•1~ ....... ,....... . . •. , ~ " ,~ ... ,. ~ .. ,....._ .. ......, 4. ...._ L.....,, 11 ..,.. ...... N. MMtllllit_ -· ,. l ---· ------------------------------------- J . DAILY PILOT H • Big White Slaip Back Spectators watch as the great wtlite steamer. S.S. Catalina, docks at Catalina Island. The ship spent more than a year and a half in port when it was plagued by labor troubles and unable to make any trips to the resort island last summer. Coast Man Freed Of Insurance Fraud Oiarges A Newport Beach man has been cleared of all charges in a case involving sale of an estimated $l milliori in Ur surance to Californians. Cleo Marvin Johnson, 51, of 1901 Kings Road, was one of four defendants ac- guited Sunday by a Superior Court jury. The weary panel returned to the court of Judge Wllliam Murray to end more than three days of deliberation.5 by clear- ing Johnson, Roland K. Marsh, 38, of Redondo Beach, June Virginia Adams. 25, of North Hollywood and Harry Louis lllb- bard, 58, of Anaheim of fraud charges. But the jury could not agree on iden- tical grand theft and conspiracy counts filed against David Morton Kane, 37, of Beverly HUis. Further action against Kane will be decided at a hearing set for June 27. 'Ibe jury retired late Thursday follow- lng more than five weeb of iestimony on the operations cf Regency Investors Inc. of Encino. They had heard allega· lions that the five defendants were fn. voJved in an cperation that bilked jn- vestors. cf more than $2 million. Jack Bernard Follis, 54, of 508 E. Ocean Front, Newport Beach, pleaded guilty to fraud charges in a pre-trial pro- ceeding. He served five days in jail, wu fined $250 and is currently on probation. All five defendants were accused of selling to Southland residf:nts -many of them in Orange County -regular life in- surance policies which were said to be highly lucrative profit sharing contracts. Regency was compelled to refund more than $650,000 to policy purchasers last year following an investigation. of its ac- year following an investigation of Its BC· tivities by the California Department of lMUI'ance. Jaycees Seek End l'o Ster eo Thefts Huntington Beach Jaycees will condu ct a stereo registration clinic June 21, 28 and July 5 al Five Point.s Shopping Center, 18555 Main St. The free service is off~ in an at· tempt to aid in recovery of stolen automobile stereo units and with coopers· tion with the Huntington Beach Police Department. A cross file of unit and license plate numbers to aid in recovery will be maintained al police head· quarters. DAIJY PIJ OT OUHOI COASl PUil ISHINCI COto\1-AH't ••~•rt N. W••I ,.,..,...,_l"llllli.t J1c.k R. C11rl11 Viet Pra!Otflt ~ GeMr• Mlirlfft1 n111111 KttYtl ··~ T\1M11 A. Mwr,l.i11• """'-.... l!dllor AIMrt W. l 1t11 W1Ui1• •••' ,._1111 ~llPlll•'I""' .... Edllllf (11, l!dl!Ot " ........ ~°"'" lot Ith Sh11t M1tn111 M 4t91ll P.O •••• no, !2'4t ---....... etaui. 2711 .... _ 9Gllft¥t,. GDll• _,., m Will It\' S!tttl ~ """"' W '"'f'&JI ·¥- • Nixon a Hodad Gets Surfboard for Father's Day President Nixon l! a Hodad, it deve- loped on Father's Day. A Hodad In beachtown paralnce, is person who has a surfboard for prestige, but doesn't use it and that's what the na• tion's Chief Executive plans to do. Daughters Tricia, 23, and Julie Eisenhower, 20, gave the President a scaled-down model of a custom-built Hobie board to be de11vered to the sum- mer White House in San Clemente next week. Thousands of dads throughout America surveyed various Father's Day gilts with the same forced good nature Sunday as did President Nixon when he opened his gift .... CO.HONORS Jacklt Bt nlngton "I'll never ride it," he muttered, smil· Ing. The bright blue monogrammed board will apparently gather dust at the old H. H. Cotton Esiate, as Orange Coast surfers mourn the waste cf both it and use of the prime Nixon surf beach. "I rode a surfboard 30 years ago and It doesn't imprm me a bit," added the 56- year-old President. Mr. Nlxon noted that one of bis aideJ, Roy Goodearle, accompanied h i m partway to Midway Island via Hawaii a week ago and broke his leg surfing lZ hours after arriving in surf heaven. "I'll Joan it to people," he continued as ·he examined the model surfboard, "I'll loan it to members of the press." TOP VIKING Grog Helland Marina Fetes Top Vikings ~farina High School's Jackie Benington and Greg Holland were named "Vikings of the Year" during a school honor ban- quet held recenUy in Long Beach. The awards are the two most coveted honors bestowed on Marina students and are awarded entirely on meritorious service to the school. Mlss Benington, who was selected America's Junior Miss In competition at Mobile, Ala., was president of the local chapter of the Calilornia Scholastic Federation and the American Fie.Id Service Club, Helland was seniO!' class president and a member of the school's Viking Council. Both were graduated from Marina dur· Ing commencement exercises held Thurs- day night. From Pagel UC IRVINE GRADU ATION • • • by shotgun loaded with buckshot, and by helicopters equipped with tear gas -in· jures the innocent equally with the guilty." He said that such action (which took place during the recent Peoples Park demonstrations at Berkeley) "is the most effective "'8Y to drive the moderate, reasonable student into the arms of the radical." He urged moderates to voice the ir con· cerns along wth the radical s. "Remember,'' he said, "if the voice of the moderate remains silent, the voice of the immedorate will take over." Adding to the note or re c e n t UCI campus unrest, Studenl Body Prest· dent R6nnie C. Ridgle presented Aldrich wilh the class gift, a set of books for Ute library. Said Ridgle. "We wish the University of caurornia at Jrvlne llle very best of luck, beca•1se if 1hlnp coolinue at their present rate, we may not be around very long." . Sale: Aldrich, accepting lhe gilt, •'J 1cnsed 11 tremendous effort (by Rldgle) not to pour forth wh&t was ln his heart. l ''Because of the limitations of time,'1 Aldrich said, "I assure you that what was not said, we have heard." The ceremonies continued with the presentatlcn of632 undergrad u a le degrees, 56 M.A. 's, 75 M.D. 's, and 18 PhD.'s. AwardOC honorary degrees along with Kuchel were KeMeth Bancroft Clark, Negro educator; H. Northrop Frye, literary scholar ; a n d Charles Sparks Thomas, "distinguished alumnus of the University of California." Nixon Names Friend As Bonn Ambassador WASHINGTON !UPI) -Pttaldent Nixon announced today the nomination of Kenneth Rush of Rye. N.Y., an old friend since college days, to be new U.S. am- bassador to Weit Germany. Rush would auceted Henry Cabot Lodge who left lhe Bonn pogt several months ago to become chief ntgotlator al th tVletnim -talks In Paris. I ... ---=----------·-·-·--------------- .. ' . Dro.wn Murder Probed~-. -. -. . . -.- I ViCtim Fournl;in Wat ery Costa Mesa Dit ch By ARmUR R. VINSEL ot tflt DllltJ 'UIOI' Stitt Murder by drowning ls the officlal theory today a! police proM the puzzling cue of a dead man found in a watery dit- ch Sai.urday by a farm laborer bicycling to work in a Costa Mesa parsley field. A fingerprint check identified the vic- tim as Herman C. Everett, 35, a Redondo Beach reside"* employed only l ~ weeks earlier at a Torrance machine shop. No moUve has been developed in the weird slaying, committed by someone who apparently clubbed Everett between the eyes with a heavy weapon then dumped him ln the ditch to drown. Some discrepancy developeQ, however, with a relable story that Evertt's mouth and nose were taped when the body was found in the 15000 block of Talbert Avenue near the Santa Ana River. "You'll hear that," said Costa Mesa Police Capt. Ed Glasgow today, "but we can make no comment.'' Orange County Coroner's D e p u t y Harold Minnick said the victim's nose and mouth were not taped when he ar· rived to check the body and cause of death is listed as asphyliaUon, probably by drowning. "We ar~ listing it as a homicide due tG the blow between the eyes and the lack of any identification on the body," said Capt. Glasgow, bead of the detective bureau. He explained that it appears Everett's slayer or slayers drove down the San Diego Freeway and turned off looking for a remote spot to get rld of the victim. Tire tracks were found in soft earth near the spot where field hand Marcos Hernandez discovered the body at 6:40 a.m., but there is no certainty they were made by the vehicle involv~ in the crime. "This whole thing is apparently cen- tered in the Redondo Beach and South Bay area," Capt. Glasgow said today,. explaining thai Everett had not partic- Sunset Residents Nearing Victory On Strip Fight Sunset Beach residents who have vociferously objected to construction of apartments on a former railroad right of way nP.ar the beach are one step closer to winning their fight. The Orange County Planning Com- mission has just completed a study urg- Jng that the county buy the mile Jong strip, which runs between North Pacific af\d South Pacific avenues, and convert it info'.fieich parking spaces. "., '1rv Area residents have urged such a· move -which is expected to cost the county $1,695,000 -for some time but have been thwarted in their endeavors by the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, which has commissioned a Santa Monica construcUon firm to build apartments on the land. This week 2nd District Supervisor David L. Baker heard from resident Eugene A. Grant, who threatened to in· itiate recall action against him because he repeatedly "ignored his constituents" by not oppaslng the construction. Baker's <1ffice replied that it was , powerless to stop the construction since the railroad company owns the land and can legally construct the apartments since the area is zoned for It. The county presently owns 6, 100 feet of be_ach, but only 16 public parking spaces are avaJlable to the 10,000 beachgoets it can accommodate. The new lot could hold 1,240 cars. Should the county acquire the land, cormruction already begun on the duplex· es will have to be torn down. Meanwhile, the builder is going ahead with construction of 23 duplexes which have been planned for that area. Browsers Wanted -What kind of a person goes around with a big fat smile on bi1 puss! An idiot. An ituu rance sales- man. A aweep11ake1 winner. An owner of a new &et of den• tures. A Bidwell 1taffer. Let'• talk about the Bidwell 1taffer. We admit, we weren't bom with that 111mile. We wear it deliberately. That'111 to make our cu111tomen feel wanted, be- cau1e they are. AIIO we want our n on<na- tomen to feel wanled. We like to .ee men come in and joat poke a r o on d, a procedure known u brow1ing. Some p eople a re ae- ct11tomed to olher type• of fac- ial expresalon. They want to know why we act so plealed wh en tome guy walk.a 011t o f hue without buying anything. ' ular reason to come to Costa Mesa him· self. "All indications are that he was just dumped here," the captain added. Santa Ana police showed up at the murder scene, right on the border of the two cities, .then notified Costa Mesa of· ficers when it was determined which department had jurisdjction io the case. Detective Gerry Thompson has been assigned to investigate the hOQ).icide, according to Capt. Glasgow. "Right now we're checking out his known friends and associates in the Redoodo Beach area," he said. Everett was ll.sted as a John Doe until N ew Position a fingerprint cheek revealed his identity as the result of h,is arrest a year ago. Pr , Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies. : Authorities said he had been booked on • suspic ion of burglary as a result of for<:·~ in~ his way into the apartment of ~.;. wife, Delores, before the couple wer,. ! married. C11:pt. Glasgow said the charges were : apparently dropped, since the case w .. not prosecuted because it was more .-- boyfriend·girlfrlend spat than a burglary.;, The machine shop laborer's body -wu . taken to Bell ~roadway Mortuary for art; autopsy o.nd Iuileral services are pend~'t today. · ··~ ... :: ~· ' ' Pilot's Reed to Take Posti~ , ..... As Information Officer.·~ ' -. . William G. "Bill" Reed, West Orange . County editor of the DAILY PILOT, will assume a new role in early July as public information officer for the city of Hun- tington aeach. City Administrator Doyle Miller said today that Reed's appointment, and crea- tion of the new city office, have already been ratified by the City Council. "Reed will be involved in direct preparation of infonnation on actjvities of the city, its staff and assisting newspapers, radio and television in keep- ing the public Wonned about the city,'' said Miller. Reed has been with the DAILY PILOT since 1966. Prior to that he was a general assigiiment reporter-photographer for the Huntington Beach Independent and also served on several weekiy Jle'\nP8perS. The city's new information officer was graduated with highest honors from Cer- ritos College in Norwalk with a degree in journalism. He also attended Olympic College. Mille' said that activities of the new of- fice may include a regular report to the residents in the future and some form of employe newsletter, as well as other steps to assist' in making citizens well in· formed about their government. Reed and his wife, Diane, society editor of the Huntington Beach Independent, have lived in the city about six years. They have seven children ranging in age from seven to 19. Summer School ~ ", . , . Too Popitlar "Help, we're being :inundated !" That's the word this morning from frantic officials of Ocean View School District where officia~s are planning their first summer school session in four years. They thought the additional money voted by the taxpayers earlier this year would provide a nice, comfortable sum· mer school program for some 2,000 to 3,000 youngsters in ihe norihem and cen· tral parts of Huntington Beach. Today lJlore than 5,000 youngsters have signed for the summer classes which begin next Monday and the district ls short some 40 to 50 teachers, according to Gayle Wayne, public relations aide for the district. She said elementary school teachers with almost any experience and a creden- tial are being sought actively by the district today. Don Devor is handling the recruitment program and prospective teachers are being asked to call him at 847-2551. The school session begins on June 20 and runs through July 18 for teachers and the pay for the session is $500. Our answer , we wa11t our store to be one where anyone can walk in, 1aunter around, keep his hand1 in his pocketl'i, and aim a 1cowl at our ealeg. man if he approaches 100 cloee too 1oon • When your wife i!I shopping at Richard's, or you've stopped 10 eat at Berkshire's, or drove down f or M>me n it water activ .. ity, we hope it will seem t:om- forlahle and easy for you lo TAKE S CITY POST DAI LY PllOT's Reed Nude UCI Coed 'Tr ips Out' in ~~· ~ ' ' 'Downtown Grove': Flitting about in the middle of Garden· Grove Boulevard early this morning, an 18-year-old nude UCI coed was almost ht; by several cars before police rescued hert The victim, a student from Oceanside~ told Garden Grove officers who took ~ to the Orange County Medical Cen~ about 6 a.m. said she thought she was "1n heaven". She admitted using LSD at a ooi_ festival Sunday at UCL • 'f Officials at the medical center told police that several persons had heel\ brought there Sunday night suffering th• effects of J..SD. Some told attendants lhe.t someone had spiked a punch boWI at UCI with the psychedelic drug. Tony Sonier, 22, of 13186 Jefferson St.: Gard en Grove, lold police he stopped the nude girl when his car almost struck her. He parked and attempted to get her of{ the boulevard but she insisted on return· ing to the center of the busy street and sat down. He called police. The victim was incoherent most of the time and told police she didn'~ know how she happened to be in Garden Grove. co1ne on i11 a1uJ lake a look around. Dy getting you lo do that, if you're now a customer of MY Silverwood'1, or Buff11m1', or Charlie's Friendly Neigh· borhood Haberdashery, we'd like tlte possibility of hecom· ing a Bidwell customer to enter your, mi nd. How could that happen if )'011 do your brows- ing in Silverwood's i111tead of Bidwell'&? We have all the right things for yo11 to look at. Suit!, 1port coats, slacks, sl1irt1, the u111ual. Also 1l1e u1111sual. Oll111kins, sea•proof jack e 11, luggage, drit1ki1tg mugs, manicure 1eU, and what nol, One possible p roblem. How clo "·e k11ow if you're here 10 brow1e, or buy? Easy. We a~k yo11. • Jack Bidwe ll ' at 3467 Via Lido, right where you tum o(( Newport Blvd. 10 go to Lido Is le, al Lido Theater. Free parking at rearo( atore. PJ1one 6734510 Copyright 1969, Jock Bidwell. , I I I 'I " , I 11 ,, I I ---------~----"" 'ii 'I I I I I . q ti ~J Volvo Dealer Digs Job Sod is broken with hubcap for new Dean Lewis Im· ports sbowroom, to house Volvo agenc y at 1966 Hap. bor Blvd., Costa Mesa, by owner .Dick Lewis, who hopes to open next month. Propert;-: was f_onner site of Ethel Struve home, a rambhng residence moved to new address as part of land buy. Mrs. St.ru've bad lived in the l~year-old structure since jt was built and the elderly woman \vished to corr tinue to make it her home. Even Russians Worry On Morals of Youth MOSCOW (AP) -Soviet parents are puzzled, too. Unusually outspoken articles in the Soviet press disclose parental co nc ern over miniskirts, drinldng and sex. A lively debate on how to improve teen-age m o r a I s sprang up after the govern· ment paper Izvestia reported a court case involving 15-year· old girls' affairs with married men.· A flood ol letters from readers suggested ways to handle the problem. Many urged parents and s t a t e authorities to be stricter. "I would forbid the showing of all foreign films, as well as some of ours," wrote ane reader. He complained abol the recent Soviet movie "Once More About Love," which took a sympathetic look at young people's problems. . A.pother re~der, app~ntty an 'tlderly man, said: ,ti'J'his Mond11, Jun< 16, 1'69 DAILY '!LOT 13 ... . ANN l~ERSARY SALE LOWES2:, PRICES OF THE YEAR IN EVERY DEPARTM ENT AT ~LL 17 S.TO ~ES ; • I • flowing nylon gowns in pastels or brights . ' .',[. Shown la lu11 ori• gowri fro1T1 o coll.ction of mariy 1tyl•1. Choose locy, e rnbroid•r•d, or 1imply 1tyled. Fo1 hionoble wolt1 lerigth oown1. In pastels or bright color1. ,.,..,. 9.00 to 13.0CI 5.99 panties in nylon . . . choose briefs or bikinis a . Bikini1, Burlington ri ylon tricol fiber by Mon,tonlo Blu e C®. White, pastel~, !i-6-7, reg. 79c, 65c eo. 6 for 3.69 b. Brief• of Burl i.,gto~nylon tri cot fllMr by Monstanlo Blue Ct;. White, pa1tel1, 5·6·1, reg. 1.35, 1.09 eo. 3 for 2. 99 may co dayweor lingerie 28 the classic cardigan in easy-care acrylic Th i1 clas1ic cardigan con1e1 in powder blue, peach, lila c, yellow, navy, re;t, while, or block. 11'1 the perfect ligh'twelght wrop, great wilh pont1 or 1kir11, 1i1e1 36 to 42, 6.00 va lue 4.99 may co boulevard 1p<1rt1weor 16 idotic fashi on of short -~ ' \ ~ must be banned. Men ~ .. travel by streetcar." ~ ' ---------------------------------------------------------One parent called 'f or stricter ~nsorship to weed cwt . books about the seamy si:t' life. 1'he writer camp! . :~ <1bout the novel "What MUM tht:! \Vorld Go Round ,'i 1n Y<hich ''they glorify a girl born out of wedlock." NEW YMCA AIDE L111i1 Doek Y Names Program Director Newest appointee to the staff of the Orange Coast YM- CA is Leslie Doak, who will take over his duties as Com- munity Program Director. He is to join the staff June 23, according to Hugh Mynatt. chairman of the local Y personnel committee. Mynatt said Doak will supervise such Y activities as the Indian Guides, Indian Maidens, Gra· Y, Tri-Gr a· Y, some Junior and Senior Tri-Hi- y events and the ca mping pro- gram. He joins the Orange Coast YMCA after educational work at George Williams College, Chicago, Ill., where he has been studying for his MA degree. One r e a d e r called for rehabilitating such discredited customs as beating children with a leather strap or smear- ing tar on the front gate of a girl's home as a mart <If shame. Children who are whipped "remember this for a long time," the reader sald. At this point a woman writer for Izvestia drew the line. Commenling on the letten, L. Ochakovskaya said beating and other cruel punishmtnt.s only teach children to be cruel themselves. She called instead for tolerance an d un- derstanding of the ·new generation. Mrs. Ochakovskaya defend· cd outspoken modern movies and books, saying they merely reflected Ille. She said the ad. vocate af stricter censorship would wind up bannlng such classics as Leo Tolstoy's "An· na Karenina" because its heroine is immoral. Are You Troubled With Problems? T.tll .. .....,. ... ., wi" • C.•lllMler ..,. Min ttt..... Call DIVERSIFIED COUNSELORS Today H•lffl: 11 t. I -171·2300 -IYe • .,. Ap,.I•'"'"' I I See by Today's Want Ads ""'~'-~~~~;:;~ • F.d, come home, )'OUl' own· , f'rl mW )'OU. Look for a grry PoodJe wearina: a red collar. • V&cttlon Ume Is he~! Take fl trip with this '58 F\eld " Stream, lleep1 5 11nd ha• a canva1 aide room. Idell way to aet away frnm It all. e Take WI be11.1tUul 4 )'tV old Filly ""' .-oil Iota of Pf'f'l'OH&llly plus. pull-on flare pants in smooth stretch nylon Tl'lese ore tt\e pants that g ive yov perftcl f it. Becouu when you bend a nd 1tretch ond move, they do, too. In navy, block, powder blue or gold, in 1i.tes 8 through 18. 13 .00 c.omporoble volue 8.99 rnay co acliva 1porl1weor 76 , ' ,, 1 f \ ' j \ jj cool cotton knit pants and shirts \ \ ~ \ \ ' • \ \ \ .\ ·~ Pon11 a nd top1 10 live In came •ummer. Callon sl'lirts in slies small, medium and large. Pants, in siut 8 lo 16. c. 7.00 top, 3,99 d, 6.00 joma ica , 2.99 299 3 99 were 6.00 to 7 .00 te may co b~ulevard sportswear 16 I ~ i . : . ' '. / ' .. cotton twill separates -they're summer winners We thaw you fu•I one of a callKtlon of cocl ond comfortable pontt, culone1, ond mld· riff tops in navy, ora noe or white fc111'llo., cotor1. $i:r:es 8 to 16, were 9.00·13.00 may co 1klr11, iroord!note1 101 ---------·-----------------, m•y co south coast plaza , sen diego fwy at bristol, costa mesa; 546 • 9321 1hop monday through 1aturdey I 0 a.m. to 9:30 p.ni ' l I ' • ! ' ' • I • • MAvco l l ------------------------------------------~------------- J I ··--- J •I DAILY PILOT H Vice Presidents Picked Unlled Califoru!o Bani< hu 1ppolnt.ed Paut 8. Devlin, -Somelhing New!- -CHOC-UKS • are coming- If yot1 '""''eel °" tll• .,.... floor wltll com,_.. lft Ill• Polaroid, M & M'1, James E. Hanna, Robe.rt D. Johnson. \Vllltam Russell , 11)(1 Lawrence B. Wilson to vice presidenlS. Devlin Is manager o f rtsearch and devtlopment at the bank's business services center; Hanna is 1 trust ad- mlnis'trator at the Beverly J!ills Trust Office; Johnao.n is sales trainlng dlrector In the Los Angeles Headquartm marketing division; Russell Is head of the estate and income t1:1x 11ection of lhe trust division; and Wilson ls dirt.'(· tor of urban affairs. Bette1· Picture w G"trol Electric-wller• wot1W you b• today7 S•• our M hi tM lusb1ns OP" ,.....Uty S.CHoo. CHICAGO (UPI) -Admiral <Arp. has announced price reductions o( $10 to $30 on col- or television receivers. MODEST INVESTMENT CAN BUY YOU A WHOWAll BUSINESS Of YOUR OWN! LUCKY TICKET -11iss Newport Beach, Bonnie McDonald, picks out winni11g card in Volkswagen drawing and hands it to dealer Chick Iverson. At left is l sabel Pease and at right Jack Barnet of Newport llarbor Chamber of Com· merce. •ac11M ay -•lll·f'MOWMf mwd!IMli.i.e .,p1tl>t!Mll COl!'IPln'('• dlwr• 1iflcerlorl progrtm ,...,lrn -llMlf: 11111P1ler l'o •••vkt ••1111 Oll!leii In tt.11 ''"· In High Gear $1tet111l11I tl!Cllk:a111 will own '"' c.per11t • -Intl~ bllslr>es1. Ou~ proer1'" Cllll for yOU to lllrl ~-1~ ""'"' ~I !nYfll,_,I warli.l"I only per! time -then ~ 11 i.roe OPl<•tlol'I. lhpld grawtll po. le<itlti, Gaol! ttPllftllciol In )'OUr IOctl tru 11 t prlmt '""IM:e. II lllTH .. I .. , ,i-wrltt ll•Klloillllt '°"" ....... IMlfMolr) M Mr. W•lfn u. M. INDUn111s. INC . 12JI N. Hl9hlllll4 A~. a.. A119fin, C•lif, tOOJI IZlll 4''-'7'41 Student Wins Iverson Bug .I By CARL CARSTENSEN Otlly '1111 AWIO!lllll\le IElfllDr Newport Harbo r High School student Sharon Halloway of Corona de! Mar is lhe proud owner of a new "Bug." She was lhe winner of a drawing at Chick Jverson 's new Volkswagen headquarters at Coasl Highway and Bayside Drive~ Newport Beach. Miss Newport Beach, B o n n i e 1ilcDonald, dfew Sh a r on' s name from a Volkswagen trunk loaded with contestant cards. Iverson. one of the more successful VW dealers in Californ ia, has rolled along at a record pace since the dealership was opened late in March. Nationally, Volkswagen dealers sold 52,047 vehicles in May, the. highest monthly .sales figure since with new Bonus Balance checking . .. -· .., _____ __, ---. .... -.. - BONUS BAlANCE checking means just what it says. Whenever·you need extra money, you've got ll Righi In the old checking account Bonus Balance costs you nothing until you use it You're not forced to borrow one Penny more than you need. And you don't pay finance charges one day longer than you have 10. tt's like writing your own terms on your personal credit card. It's not only cheap, it's convenient More convenient than credit cards or· other simllar bank systems. Instead of wriling even more checks; you pay back your loan the sermlble way. You simply make a deposit in your checking account. And you get only one monihly statement to cope with. n Includes your checklng .ndSonuaBalancetrans~ctions-all on one piece of paper so you know exactly where you stand. There's a built in se- curity to Bonus Balance. In the event of ttie borrower's death, the money used from Bonus Balance Is Insured. The out .. standing bal ance is paid off in full with no obllgation to the survivors. ' Bonus Balance otters a bonus too, A United States National Bank Courtesy Card. Use it to cash checks at any of our 52 Full Service offices. Use It like .cash. -If you need extra money for two or three days before payday-or two or three months or more-don't live off your credit cards. Don't spend time fumbling through a wallet full of plastic. Just use Bonus Balance with low United States National Bank finance charges. It's cheaper and more convenient. UNITED ....... J1C1m1t• nan• llttl•HSi•r S1J!.7"ES . NATIONAL • ·-·-·~*"""""'-~If:.~ October when Volkswagen dealers set a record. * * * Ai\IC CONFIR~1S NEW S~1ALL CAR American Motors has con- firmed that it will introduce a new small car in the fall. Roy D. Chapin J r , , American Motors chairman. said the car will be a "totally new addition." The car, to be named the Hornet, will be somewhat smalter than anything currently being pro- duced by AMC. American Motors dealers are being advised lh is week or the new 1970 product program. Chapin has said the company is ··~·ell along" in developing new products to compete in the compact and import car market. Chapin also said recently that AMC has plans to introduce one "enUrely new product every six months for lhe next three years," starting this fall. There isn't any question that American Motors is gunning for the big time both in com- petition and performance and is trying to corner a good share of the new sub-compact and ever-increasing sport car and imported car markets. * * * OLDS CHIEF SEES EXPANSION· AHEAI> ''The automobile business requires constant change to keep a customer happy .. said John B. Beltz, Oldsmobile's new general manager. I-le ad· ded, "\Ve will continue to im- prove the appearance or our cars but the times dictate even greater emphasis on im· provemenls in engineering, design and in improved pro· cedures for the manufacturer and assembly or our cars.'' Beltz met with Southern California newsmen as the recently appointed chief ex- ecutive of Oldsmobile. He also added that he believes the auto industry is on the threshold of its greatest period of expansion. "If s also going to be Oldsmobile's greatest period of opportunity.'' he said. Beltz added Iha t Oldsn1obile 's sales are up over 6 percent since January and the division is headed for a new annual sales record, the third such achievement in the past five years. * * * AMA BOOKLET CITES RECORDS The AMA 's new booklet points out some of the lesser known automotive records established in 1968. For example, American vehicles consumed 80.9 billion gallons of motor fuel last year while traveling better than one trillion miles. The AMA book states that during the 1968 model year more than 85 percent of U.S.· made passenger cars were equipped with V-8 engines. automatic transmissions and radios. More than 77 percent had power steering; about 45 percent were factory installed with power brakes and 43 per· cent with air conditioning. All these figures are records and it goes without saying that American new car bu ye rs love their luxury regardless of cost. Olher facts and figures hlghlighled in lhe new book in- clude : -Nearly 14 million persons -one of every six employed -works in the manufacture. distribution. maintenance and commercial use of motor vehicles. · -U.S. has more than 800,000 ;iutomotive businesses -one of six rirms. -Four of every five U.S. households own an automobile with 27 percent owning.two or 1nore. -Automobiles remain the fa vorile means of travel with 86 percent of commuters using them to get to work. -Trucks now represent 17 percent of the nations registered vehicles and pay 32 percent of special federal and state vehicle taxes. -Special highway user tax- es on motor vehicles produce 21 percent of total state revenues. -Automotive use accounu for 60 percent of U.S. con, sumption of rubber and 20 per· cent of steel consumption. We're Looki1ig For Men Like Bill Kettler G•11• li1J..op, I~ SAlfS CORPORATION'1 Rtinbow Di~hio11 Mtne9er ;., lon9 B•1ch, con9r1twlel•1 Bill Kett l•• who r\c1iv•d lht Nt lion•I A11oc iet io11 of lift Und•rwriltn t l'ld N1li•n•I A1- 1oci tlion of l ift Comp111i•1 ewtrd1 for ••c1plio111I p•rfo1111111ce, CAltflR SELLING-WITH ISi SAUS CORPORATION INCLUDlS * Solery whll• 111 tfel111l*f * TrW1i .. rr., profeuloaot Pffpl• fOf Uc.M111119 -4 Ntl•tni1lo11 ill Ro•arith1g •11d Mll$fyff11J C•'"' hi flH1Kllll MfWk" Bill KtHltr ;, • ~., .... ol H11nlin9lon a •• ,11. He htt h•tll I Ill(• ceuful h11111111"'•11 101 16 v•1r1 htfort he 1old 0111 t nd joi.,.ct UI •• I •• 1,, tt p111tnltliv• ;., 1962. Wotki .. 9 ~;. OWR ho11n 111d 11 ~;. ow., bou, IUI h11 b11il1 • pr•ili9• c••••r for • fi.,,.,,;,1 1trvic11 OHjtfl:1tllo11 "'1t119i119 owtr I billi•n dolltrt lt1 ••c11ti 0 !111. lt1 two yttrt h• w11 t i'<'ell tddlli•t1tl• le,pot1ilbtllty ti I cl i1hicl ""'"'9•r. 1111 h11 b••11 tfl• •K;,;,111 of "'11clrt rec•t~ifio" j., • c~1ll1119l119 1t1d t•w11d/.,9 Ct••••· If YOU All INTlllSTID IN JOININO A DYNAMIC AND GROWING ORGANIU.MON WITH THI OPPOITUNITY fO• RIWA•D AND PlltSONAL ADYANCIMINT, Wl'D ll•I TOU JO TALI TO llLL MmLll. You'll flnol 1111 ·~•ll•~lt ti °"' lttlflllow Olvllltfl office. '"' l..., IHdl •t...e . LlnO lffUI , Ct. "'· n1J1 dt.UZSJ Dr II 1111 llOlne Ill H1•'lfllll*" IN<ll (114) "6<lli:IJO. • Menep'• W-ertla S ·A· '"""'' ,.s ~ 'f. '" .... t "'•1f t... l(t ... t\ ~. 'i4 amps ~.·:ti'" .1~ 11. ·• ~ !.~ ~"' '"' 4 11. ;1n -+ 11 N~~Wy:illf~~1-=-~.::iJ.-rlllt1e 11Ttt 1:40 I UV. 'U.: 'U I :f \i ; Postmg• ,1t1 Jn't; "1 •• !!.... Jfl\-, .. SllM M.i 11'1' ~': ~ )I Ii\; Hill -'-~ llllfl.I Hloll LtW """'Ott. ~~'"/,,:' f 'J -~'°' tt"" ="'~ B. G. -A-H -+\\\~tm1· ... ,ttrH r:..5 lg ams :::m .•1: H w~ l:•: n , " ~~111• u: J ~ r.. ~· = ,, ~~1l"r:c; ·-~ ~! a1, ~ •• "" i.v " w1 2 ,11n 1 l1 31 +-. ~\·• U ','~' At ~ ! = =:It: ~r.se f ~ l .. U ~1tt By SYLVJA PORTER ~'tTiu:·'.~ : ~ u~ lf~ t .a ~1."~1 " :f u<! Jffi 1ri,t t ~~ Would you pay paJ,000 (or~=~ 1·• 1fl ff: li l1 t ~ ~Finl 1 • '\1 ~"' t~h \f"° ... ,. two tiny chill of paper~::.~r.lfc1 ·'° 2~i nit.~ g~ m!+1 :,~,ri·ii.:· •• ~\<on~ »~£1 . _meuurlna: tess than one inch ~l~le't" ·~ ;r r ti11o U~ -c;.11K>• .n.i\ 1t ~ M +:.:, ~are each. This is pree1sely ~~'~'1\1•~ ~ B= lJI: H~ =·u tM:~ 1J~ /, , \t ~\l ~n:: to N 0 I -'--Abtr l! 411 •3\t ff"' ~.+IV.~oltP Pl'l..50 1i!: 51 11 S' .. . w t • ew r eans "WlllP ... • IU I 10 UI "" l v. 21 + "" oll/""" ' y " .. ~ ·~v. ... ... '• dealer did a wh ile ago for a~ o$'t~ 11! 6ol r.~ f,~ tr~.:.:· ~:~r,.i:r ·~ \\ u~ ~ .. h + ~ couple 011341 stamps rrom the ~II:~:' fl n H\Olm ""' ;';; = ~ 011 111111111,11 11!'1~ : y: ·.:;"" Indian Ocean Island 0 r ~i~~.~n l • ~~ i ~ + ~ ~JI~ ::,1:to 201 ~~ N: 1'\t\IJ .:!::f'J Mauritius 11 t<1M111 .1s • 2 2• v. + ~ ll ,.; , , ll'A 31161 1 -"' "Why ~ould anybody bidif~~0f.'l .,.'1~j ~ U. • ~i; 0~~fc't ~~ ,.~1 ~ ri\t »!~'\\ *3*),000 for a couple of Al 1::~··.; 1 )I f,~ f!l'I f!¥1 = ~ ~~~ 1i~ lt ~ ID! .. ,. -~ postage stamps?., I asked ~ r." cne1m 1H JOI~ Jt'to JE -. ,om~\v ...;~ ~ tr" \!~ \~ -t ~ f AllllYPC 2o. t ~ ~ -~ om._ .-. " "'~ 45 \ Barnard Hanner, prestdeot o ,.._, 1:'6 » ":; 15\lo ~ + t:?:.;;wjc1P1?~ :C ;" ii" ,.~ it H R Hanner1 Inc., the ~~'r jot4 Ji ~ at JI?+.,. ,.,.,.won ·'° 2•2 ~-7.1 n + '-'1, • , mi' 1.20 1 2• il\.i + 14 Coml'5cl .019 IT u .. tl tJ -world 's largest stamp auc· A .;~, l t.1111' 116\' ,,, -"'~omP sci wl 21 2•1• 2sv. 2~sv. •.. ,, ~.1 1i!'il'ir ao 11 Jt>o 29\lo 2tV. -1\• omlt! S1 '''' • -tlneers. "Because," expla1nC\I ""1111run 1"d 211 lS4. :u~ l5"'-.;. •• 0.,. Mill• 1 1 11•:1; n 1 -14 h ·· Am 61•u I ''II•~ It 11 -\lo orw.c:CP .60 S ~ '6 •It+~ he, ''t t Mauritius stamps "'"~on 1 1 21"1 2~ "'' -\~ ! 1Eo1s 110 10J lNO 32 '2 -I• combine just aboul every e e-Am 2: 11 1,, si:.t J " -1.< IX' 61, Pl 3 nu n n11o + "' I ..... , 1 r, ,, ui.. .2.. ~i·· + !1 :;c11. oi 1 II ""' '"' ,,... -1~ t f t in stamps AC•" 01 1 s ' '• 1tlo 21111 ... "" IXIE 114C• •S i110 ., &I ., .. men o va ue ~tm .6o 11• uo... u u -o... CM Foo:is· 1 u •s " u -'• today." Amcr:u1·~ 1~ riff'' w· NV.=~ Con~~e1~t'Sf .: 1~ 1~1 .. 1~1{ +: FIRST RARITY Only 14 of "-C•1Su<1 1..00 1 1o 21\9 lt -~ ~':N•tG 1 " 11• 21,,. 111 .. :ie·~ -,,. • · .o.c'l ot • . .so r10 e ,, • -.~t p ,·'° ~ :ie Jtw 31.,, lh I"7 M 1'11·us sl•mps .o.m v•n 1 2J 3ll.1 Jo•, XI JO"• Ofls," ,· ,,.. ,, 11v. +·,_ ese .... aur . h . ".1. · AOut1vt .i2a JO ll'~ 111, 12'• -:it :;:1,.'f,L r>f lxiso 1 tt 11.Z ll~i 1•111 -'· all hand-printed wit pr1m1 1ve 1ou11 p1,1w 1 u._ U\~ n~ -u, c , Ctn ~ 10 12J ''" 1ti... ...,. -• • Pr;,.1:ng •-hni'q"es, a'e '""Wn •"''•IP_"!,'·,~ '" JJ~ JJ,,,. ?I"' -~•c:ircOO>P '» " 1~ 12\4 tno -'• ..,...., ~ 11.tJU ,., "" •1 JO ?9'"' tttli -\lo Con! C• 1.io IJf U 43'/o " + ~· lo e•'•I. The stamps sold ",•,,•,=•11 Jnd,, 50 "" ~ :l'l'o -"ere .. PIA250 11 50u 50 50 ..... A"' nd .,. :110 1•llo , .... 7l1.l 't\~ClCp ptBiSO I..,..~~., •. , recently are the sole known :~~nimpfi~ 10i fl~ ill: ~:~ :+"1 ~'Ml~ '·\i: 1i ~ ~Vt ~ :··· · e18mples of this type of sta1np ',"".1;1!!!', ·,'.~. •• 11 161'.-16"--~ c:i1 oi1 ·,,50 111 xv. Jnoo ::it +~ "~·· .., 171 ''"'' ).6\• ,._~-1 Cor1tOH p1'1 l 52 12 51 ... • alla'hed lo a letter from ... HO"'I' OI 2 I 8tU ~~ 12'• ... ~ ' I S11 1 3f .«'Iii .« 5' . " . ... ,,, H01p .n " :li'o 3•10 :..i·~ .+'lo c:t T•I 68 " 24V. 2Jl~ ''"' + ... J\.fauritius. ",~l~"',',', '.·~ 9 20 If'~ 19'1 -'lo C0111r<11 oi11 ,,, i~ uci 1«1 -·~ d S '""' "' 6i 11\ri 111/t n;~ -\lo CllOtl pt• 50 1130 '51-i UV. "5Vo .. { Second. deman . tamp.s -..1 c1 1.~o 1• uh 46\~ ... , _ "'c _,, 1 ;o. 5 lS ~ ~ -• M 'I' I h AM•t OI 1•.5 I 11' 11' 11' _, (WI u 11 ' 50 37 '1~ •I"" '2 .+Ii from aur1 1us a ways ave 1m Moton 311t 10J.1o 10 to· • ..._.,.., l::_,rn 1·'° 1 J1 ~ ll\lo J111o + l\ been a fa.vori~ of collector.. -:;:~::;·~~ = tt!: ~ ~;'• ='.,, ~-TR. 1 l' 21:i. ~: ~ :--,_. along with those from Hawaii;•,!··~<:.,,,,·"', •2 191v, 1e1 1111'> -1•) c:!T1J11i7~ f ~f' "l'f ~t .+1 .,. ,,., I? 21'~ Ui'io 1~'• C R 50t> ll •5 j4V. 4Nt -•'o France, the German and .o.m .~1r. i~:O 11 ,,,, ,,.,,. , • ., -l'i't c=1fi'i i 20 11 n"A 1v, 21~ -·~ llall·an slates. Tile U.S. de·" ... ,, ,."' 111 36 35''> JS'< + "'cor1n11111 i511 16 2111 21i11 2t 'o + •• Am..,... •v 2t ll'• ~2' • S) ' -\lo CorGW 2 .-50t S? ?Sfi~• 25"$ 15' -''11 nd . th' b k lo •m Sid 131 34'/t l6'~ 31. • -'lo cor-lln· 12 l~ 21 21 21 +I\ ma 1n 1scasegoes ac o.ms10 .p1•.1S 1110.,,,1ro·.1c1·,_1 cawlH 50· • 11•., 11·~ nv.-"' nl d d fl Arn Sle"I .41 1' ll>!. 31 •~ Jlh +~ Co•Boc.i~ 50 ~· '5 Uh 4! +''I 1860, o y two eca es a er 1 511g,, 1.t.0 • 1n . n•, 11~, , . CPC Inn ,-10 76 JN 11 """ + a. I fl'rsl ,·ss,-• , .• AmS\l';I "' .61 I 101. 10'.0 lU\~ . ·-1 .... 15 '51i '511< '5U b s amps 1,1,·ere cu .o.m T& r ,,,., 161 SJ\. s21~ !l _..,, .~o"" · '° ! 11 11" 11-. -l• Britain. •,•m .. !.'!!-, .• ? •• 35 J.i:i:o J.1•, -'"'crou'<!Hln '11t 1 11" 211/t ?1\1> -\lo """ ~ I Ui~ 11\> 11" . C owCol I !lt '' JS'l 3S JS -,,. Third condition of the •w pref 1.21 1llO 11,,. n•. 11·• i I\ c~n c0;~ 20 ll'>o IOV. IO'Ji -14 • .1.w~.1"' 1..a 1?lo ?l'~ n•, nw -'' c~c-l>f? 1 •J •l 43 .. slamps. Jn the case o( the ~~.,',.'M··· 1 ?J~. 2n, ?J'• .. .-...... zei• 1 .a 1i.oo t.0t~ 5''14 """' -'" th "'" "" ?l UI\ ?!•o ™• .+ 'lo c -''z 111470 1)0 61\lo &I 61 -\lo 'I•"r1'Uus stamps ere were "'"'KllK ao ne SJ'AI .«'> !~-lit '.n, , -,, ,,..., it.I\ 111o11 .... " · AMI( C iii Jl!I 2t\I 21;, ="lMo -l'i ~.:.O..n:'~0·-Ji ,, .. 11\lo 11\lo -\II '• no tears or creases, no defects AMP ,.:: ·... JI •J• • .,,. "~ -,,_ '"""~ p1i ,1 , 2n, 2n .. 211"1 +..,, I thin 'pols no heavy .l.mpe~ CorD UI ""' '°~ '~" _,,,,, 0UU1Qon ii ll ~! , .... , ... -... " 0 • Am1le6 ? . ..a ?5 ll'lo •1 •i.>.o •. cumrnln ·IOb t :Ul'o :UV. :llV. -"-~ cancellation marks. Margins ::,n11~321.so 1H ~! W,~ ~I>(:=:: 2~11~~;1.10 1 }~ ~~ Mv. = ++~ around the design were wide ~~~~~~l.·lf 1~ j~io j~"• ~~ ::!:1}! ~u\~,wH ~.J 1~ ~,1, ~~ .. ~~• ='14 and exactly even a factor Afld c111 i.'o •11 JI! 1110 JJ\'o -1 c{c1-1 io :11 11 n·~ :w:i,;,. :u~ -1"" W"·h can spell a difference of ~~~t,;~0 3l1 J,\ ~'5'" ~f~ + ;"" C~pru~ i '° 11 S?h 12 n -"'" •= I Aout C~m n lll'>o f~: l6\'9 -~ . -0-thousands or even tens o •RA svc ·'' ,, 1a.. 101 lll:l _ 1~ I 11...::110.,. 1 &0 11 51"• 51~ 51'--1o11 an Riv 1 ;ia 1' 19'• 1901 nl·o .... thousands of do Jars in a A•l•PllhS~c· 1 n 7Jlo 211o 'J!t -·~ 1na C• 1.1.1 tt 1n& '"" 1~ft -~ stamp's value. The design \\'3S !=5°~'"~ :~ ~f~ Jt ~~ .t ~ 0:~ I~ ~ 1~ ~v. ;f• .::1• .:.::v. ,. I l _,_ I t' t Armour t ioC ~.I S•'lt 5Jt<, ll\'f -1..., OaycoC~ l.60 6 41\\ 4l'4 4J"" -.,.. exact y cen ercu tn re a ton o """"' pf ~.is ~1 6-1..., IM'" 6•'h -..., Otvtn• J·oo ,,, ,llt! ,Jl;z 1&g~ +·il the margins. ::~~'f-p1J~~! :t~ ~i ~"· ~f' ~l"' B!'.L,.Dl:.o ;4 :Sih ;;vo ~ -\.i FOURTH, l he 1i1auritius :~:'"c~~p 1·ti ,; ~~:! ~v; J'~~:: ~ R!l~"';h~ \.ft gu ~~ Ji~=¥; 'lamps COntained a \'.Jlue-A•'lln Jl'ld 1 1J1 :n•l 11'11 u1 -..., o:l1111.1r . .oo Jlj J7\IJ l6lio lMll -'Ill ...... Id Dll l 70 )19 •SI~ 'l •l\4 -1 R!!_IK Int 17 17 u~ 1' -1 boosting typographi~al error: !!t?ue::-~'° ,A ~ ,~,. rl'' +5~ oe~v~~~ ~ 1jf ~~ mt ~~ .:,~ instead of the notation •·f'ost Aud OG 'zlg ·~ ~ ... Jl,. t,.~ .:1:~ ~~~t'r 1j~I: 2: 1~11 1.v. u~ + 1: Paid" along the edge, the !!:Jt~.,,1. .•o 11 a •, 11·~ 15•'• + •, o:;.·Ko DI l 6111> 61V. 111 -2v. stamps rea os ice. s •11c1ve1 1.10 11 '"' 161 16•• + ·~ DeSotolnc .90 •'• !9:~ ~~ • ::·,, d "P I Off' "A 11\0<:!nv 1,•o ' Jt•) 7910 :it't -I··~ Drreco ~• 8 '°\i 59111 ~ -• th I I th ff I .l.!CilvEI It!• 110 66'• 66'• 66\/o ~!Edis 1.•0 6.l"TO .., • ano er examp e o e e ec 1111 R1<11 1 1o 19s 173,~ Pl n••·· _3,1 1 Ed 01s.~ ' t• 9l"' • 'A -}~ f ' ,. tam AllRtll l>ll.1.1 JlOO .17'~ Si"-sn. + lo ' Slftl ·'° XI 11 16~ I ... 'I o pr1n 1ng errors on s P .1111Rc1t Pl1.IO :u 901,. n 11 -1 ·0e~1~ .2• 1r21 15'!o fl fS\11 t i va lues. a 1918 24 cent U.S. ~:~· c~:~ 1 2~ ,~: 'f~ 1f.~ -~ 08;:~i~n1.n 3~ ~l,,_ Jtt s~ :+: \! 'd 1 •511Jm 1 'Q •O 261< 2!~+ 16 -Vo Al·rmail stamp \Vith an ups1 c •H• " "' 50k i100 ,,1, 1• , •• ,, _.. " , f' ' ,._ ""' 3• + • •or~ra Pl~> 11 15>-\ 15"• !!'• •, 8'~~11 of 2 """' I -h •aS clO 10 U j'h 19'..t l'lo-'·• down airp ane IS \\'Orl_ sonu~ ~v.~~,~ 1~6~ l,'t 1!~·. :•,:;, ]~,~ !. ;,' 01c1~o1>on ·,, 02 1~~ Po -,., -• h I ti '"" 0''"'' "' '1 '""• " ffv. -~ .. $25 000 t""'ay -w I c 1e Avco CP 110 176 1111 '9 7~'• . . · >J.i oe",,. 111 YI -1~. ' . h . h . , .llv<o P1l,20 6S i.oo, ..It _w,,, .+I '~ OoGoorolo ·~ 5I 2i'ii I ? l4.;. \~ same stamp wit a rig t sioe •ve•r P<1 31 1 !P·o 11 .11 t ,. 01111""""" · , "v. 1, If\'-+,,. up plane is worth only $10. :::1 1~1.~'0 'l' 1l"" 1s1c ~;" .+1~ 81~b ·~ ~ JJl.: ii' J5"' .:.:.1\\. Another important prop ror AvOfl Po 111 Sii '~ l SJ\'1 ISJ"\ -iv. 1.:t.oXf.:ro I 52Yt s I'll S2VI -\.-., b ' I -B-Pl!Ol>tr .llO J " ""' 4Vt ..... stamp ya!ues -0 VIOUS ':/ not 81bck W I~ 1'° Jt~ ,,,., 11~--F6 1~ 1: fu1 ~m r,,,~ i'°m ··~ applicable to stamps from ea~ro11r .1J •• 11'• 21 '1 -12ey· 60 11 l '"+ -· 81llGE 1.70 '' 12 ll •• 31•~ -'J• Dorr llwe'r 1 111.4 'o -V. ?\1auritius and other small or 11111 Gs rt 11'6 \'o 1.;1 3-.tt-1.11 Dover o ·" 1 lf.: 1™ ' -~ I. . BtlG Plll,.50 llO 70 10 70 OowCltm !·'° ,, ~ 11\6 ..... now non-existent na ions -IS 111 .. 1Pun• .i.C '' :io•·, i~·· JOJ1 + "'* Or•.-oCP .ea 1' 11 ~ + "" · d'(' f lh ll•119P pt 1 1 l91o l'J1, 391, -·~ Or!"s.slllcl 1,..0 2.1 U'/t 33 33111 -.... the economic con 1 ion o e Bent .,, i.u '' ''\' ~•'• 61~ -, .. Or'nll 111"2.10 1 "°"' .tit\\ .tit\' -·~ country in which the stamps 1:~~"1.~rs 4: ~t:! lf0 ~I~! =1:~ ~~~cp1 .~ ~~ ~ .. ~t~ ~ = 't; are issued. If the economy nf l~1i;t ,:JZ 11: l;\A ~1 !~ +::g~f;:0,f;.0 ~~ ~1 ~'\'.; ~!.~': a nation fall s nff, its imports :::r 1=' st u:t ;~ :r'o~"1~~p:: ~lJ,5(1 11l 1~i! 1:? \~+·~ and values o{ its stamps tend 11,•,1•,,'.",',' .·~,, ~1 u ... 60'~ '°.,., _.,,, ov11 Lr 1.u. '' 11i .. 2~ 21" + '• • ~ l1 4Mo •11~ •1'0 -\'! DuCILI Ip! 2 t•50 30 30 30 to drop 111~u•c1<1 50 11 u 111,, 1s•Jo ~Ponl "'' so 1 1:1\'1 nv. 731 _., \" ' lfftlnv• f 16 00"' 00 •O -'lo.. , H>Pt10~ JUO l9h 2t 2' -IV. An estimated 25 million-plus .,, Fels! 11 11 l6' • J6'o ... ·~ o,mo.•n ..S.• 1111 n11t 11•' 21'11 -"" f<llml~ . .IO IS 50 •9 19 -1',D~NAm '(I 1J 17''1o H•~• l~-.. are collectors of sta1nps k<;101c.-.:io 16 '''' •1·~ ••'• .+1·~ · E F IN(~ l or .IJ lo JI 75 25 -~. -• -throughout the world today . !fii11 C•• z 1110,. 11,, 111 1-'-•eialePt" eo 111'/to 2tlli ~+v.. This l·n'ciudes about 7 m,·111·on ,•,•,.~.". ,•, 1110 ll•~ 1e•, 191~ +H• 1••c;o co ·,o u 21 2J 23 ..... ,.. •9 26"• 15'1 15'1 -·~ '''Air U. Jl'i' J,\~ 211• 21:it + 1, ' he U S f h Bt l How .60 ll 16'o li'i 1.ll.< -1'• ••tGF 1 'JS1 112 7J'i'o t.I tl'lo -T>.4 of you <ill t ... o 'N .oin !Pit 1n1ercon 1 IO'o '"" 1o•r, -•\ Eail uril i .a 17 25'* 21 2sv,.;. ~o 100,000 ·are con s ,. d e red """...,'', '•'.1. 3 JS>~ 35 J~;\io + " e1s1 K0<11~· 1 206 1~• 11v. 1i + '• -"" II ••Iii '' •0-.. E tonY I •O 91 :ll'o J.I ::M -"' "ser1·11U1"" collectors. Yearly •,,,,.;•,•,, ',.~. 17 n . 70''• 71 + •; e:.sc;o ind · 2 191 ""' 6-l'rll "~ + v, ..... , .... u 11•, '°'• •o\~-tYt e 11rflM• 12 73 19\!o ,,,,.. 11Y1+•• ldwld pendl'ng I 0 r Bet111Fp 15 so • ,,, 12' 111 ... 1 ' • ·, n " 51,,. s2:it + 1. WOT e S 11¥tl!F pft:XI I 7J1l IJ'I 73 ... + "I:. ~~:;:8° wr 9 21,,., 11 21 + '~ stamps i.s now calculated at Bet1F 5"12.50 rso 1' 3'I l6 + 1'1 G&G ,o 51 m. :w1' 3"1>4 + 1~ . , , B•ll9W! 561 7'1\'o '''~ 18~ -i,.. ~IMu~ic' 09g 195 6>.~ 61'1 61.'I -~. ~ell o.ver $100 million, and 1t s a,!.~~tt •. ",.. 3,J 1'1'• 211. ''"" ... eitci ,. .. 0c ,1 ui.i ll\'o 11'" -'• b h I d ~~ " .!4 1• 1J\~ llft ···· EIKI SPIC 1• 17 16~ 17 + 'llo Clim 1ng S arp y as more an Bf'rmec Cor11 ,~2 !~~~ !~ ,? ;_; ,,. ElglnNal Ind JS ll"> 11:,1o 1~.;. Vo I lu to la B•t~ SU 1.IO ~ r~-: ,;,,, '3'~ + \i Enr1 CP 1.70 36 ~ lO:to :ioi., -:.• more peop e rn s mps as f!ll•llij.I fld wi tS 39\. 38,, 311, _ "4. Erner Eif'c 1 11, ',', UY• s,1,111 i \•' an investment medium, l~ckb'i' 1:~ 'i 60l, S9'• 60 + "'° EmEI Ill' a.to ~· ,. 1 .' . • I 2.1'"' 2S . is·~ + ... EtMnAlr eo IJ SJ>i SJU $.l'Jt ... • POST.AGE STAA1PS are a t~s:apr.~i 10 11 61 ' t.0·~ 60"' -'~ Emt11n 1.':0b •s ...,,,, •l'"' "_ + '-Ir Bel p1.11• J '"'• 11••1 llf'o -•v. Emp0111 1.&0 ', 'j''~ ~,,:> ~,,~ · ·,,, ll'aditlonal hedge again.st !n-ao'i'..ti1e a~,· •• 1~ .. 11 11 -•·, em""'c .tot> .. -· ... -·o h la 8 11111 110 '1G 'l •? (? -•\ IEllclJOlln .1111 s I'• 31,,., 311" . ' flation. ver t c years, s mp ... :i-ic•• :2.1b ~:111 61•• " 6&'• i•i En•111M111 ·'° 10J "'" 2n. 2,Jo +I/• I h ' Id belle' Rono Sirs 1 ?O 11•~ 25 2s -2\1 Ennlsllv~ .&.4 1 36"! 36\.:. :16\.:. -,\ va ues ave ue up BookMtll 1 71 6 14,,. 1,11, ?•'1 Eou1c.a~ 2.20 • 36'0 36•~ 36\.lt - than m. °'· t investments tled. lo,'~•"•'•·'·~,,, 1n :in. :xu. ~"' -·~ ESB Inc l 20 I• 2:'<: ~i\.lt ~"" -Y' ~ 61 ,.,,_. 21., ,. •• _,,, •ies.oul•t JO 1 • :ll>.4 34"" + ,,• an lnd1v1dual country (savings eorm•-:>F .10 xll ny. ":' ?I.>.. -"'~~~r1or0 1·~j ~ f.l; 31,,. 11,,_ ... ·! nts ds . Bos ec1 .. , OI 18 J9 • :H • :.Ii i -... IElllYI on «I • •II.It ~ lli: .. -~. aCCOO 1 boll , lnSUrance, Bourn1 Ill( 7J l~': 1~ rf,, -1 :; Ei1rofnd .20o 16 ni.1o m. -'• cash) and have successfully l~f;:~~1'1.~ s s1&.o so1: ~,.,. +1' ~~~~'S. '"]: nl ~~,~ ll'"' et"' ::i\9 ''1dden out national economic 8,•,11•,•,.•,• ,',',o 11 '1'• 61'' '' -'' E•er1~•rii • 11•i. 11v. 11v. -•• II 'S '1'< ~; +I'• ExCellO I it 39 :it 711h 11~~ .. · crises primarily because the eowy Hite 1 ~a "'" '"'" 'o''> Fi~torA .i1 11• svt~ st•~ lf"" + 10 • . BwyHt pf A2 i• U •JI " ., -·~ FtorcilC so. 1S4 ,, '''" ''~ -1•• market for stamps is 1n-Bkl~nuG 1.n 10 n• .. 78'l ?ii"'• -'~ F•lrd'I Hf11w 1u i.~ " H'4 ... . . a,_., co u ll"1 ll'~ '~'" -..., F .. irino<"t 1 26 ttYJ tt"o jfil'" ... , .. temational. SLamps also are a e•-n co p1 .1 uu. 1110 n•, F•ll!•ll .•o 39 11 12~) ! -'• Bwn !.h••P I 10 70 :'fl 1l Ftm F ;~ I JO 14 n·~ , .. ~ •• -•• convenient in v cs t men t BwnMtoe 1.so s •l ,,,~ •1 • -•1 F•Mlttl ·~ \• !Po 111 11tz -'- medium because their value:~~~ 1:~ 'gl n:: ~·~ n·· :.'~~ ~=~.~v .:ob '~ ::~ lf"' 1'f,;;: =,:: be di 'I h' h . Buttd Co ao 1U 11 ·. 11 11 '• -\, Frci<k« ,'II u ,,._ 26 ' -1~ can extraor nar1 y 1g 1n a F pi~ 1 11., ,,,. ,.,, ,,_ '• FedMoo 1.to 10 11~ 31,,. j'•l' .... , ' ' th ' I' · ll=tl tn ·,~ 60 11•• l&t. 11 't lo FeclP~c Eltc J'I !'\II. 27 -"" relation to e1r 1ny size. aut1~orQ 1:10 " 31 v. J1 :11•1o i ,., F P•c i11.16 • 4'• ?• ' + ~· F' II th re a e fe<" "" B 111\11 &Cl 11 ""' .t1io "''• j'• FrdPeo cl 1 ID lO'A 30 ~. -,o 1na y, e r ~ ... u R' 113 17,, 11,~ 11 "FedSlon ·"° u1 3J 31~ : ".._,,'.' Uonal restrictions again Ii I &~~11 g.'Mo 1 l4i'" l6\, l&'• -11. F,".,°Uf.. ·Ts ID~ ~i:Z flli..\ \ '~ :j: .: , II' llw•I Ind I • 51 J1'11 JJ J"•• nv 25 ll ll' -buying and se 1ng stamps. or e111roc1v .10 1 111ti 31 ''" .i. ·~ F'"o eo .10 1 34~ .. v.·::.:.,i,4 · l•k1'ng them from one country 09!:'!'11~ ,,H,~ 1' 116"' 127''> n··~ -1'1' ~i:r:V~ i~ !: .,...., ""'.., 1,., " <> .,,u,.. 8 2.Po ?3 '3 -'·• F'Uro! 1 19 36\f) ~ ·n"i + "• to another. Bu!lt•iSh . 411 11 :Id'~ 36'• + "F'ln Ftckt'tt11 ~! ~ 271ttt ra -1~ , -C-F r~11n11 1.60 ... SI"" ~Vt «l'h -11, • During the past decade, cit.or c." ·"' 11 3l 31H " _ •·· ~ll~~~ l"t&:. 1tt "UU .,.,.. "v.i ~H .. • overall stamp values have E::1.~~~lf }a~ Y~: ll~: ~r" :--11o ~~~11 ·~11C1 ., im' Pll' 'jfil7 +·1' ~ risen s to g perCt'nt a year. In C11moRL ,.,. 25 j,14 )I .. 31 ....... illlMl'kl .l• ,',,:, • w~ . -"" ; Oim•So 1,IQ 40 J1'4 ~ ~--\\ 1t111lna .50 .+ii -14 • the past two to three years. Ct!\Sow Rv l 1X'O " 11 57 -3 1111,,.01, 1 '1v. •• " the actual rise has been in the $:: 11P':c"' l:~ 11/ 1!'• ,;'• tt'1" =: J!n'e0't:.i~ 1:f !1~ 45 ~\" +l .. ; <In PK lnJ l )SY, 15Vi \I>"''' Fi• Gts ,..o l6 19~~ !,-i ';.."-,~· •• 10·15 percent range -com-.... 1Rc1 1.10 15 :in 10 311 + .... F • P&w 'i'' 2J • ' ..,. • -, ' f bl 'lh th · IO C llOtsl 10• 3S1'o JS J5 -t.r. Fl9Pwl t I t SO 6 !1 I -I~ pan.ng avora y \VJ c trtorun 1..ci 11 ,.,~ •9 l9 -•• Fte s1eoo1 't0 u ,,,,., 26•~ 261-1o -~., • growth rates ot <M'eil selected :;~·~~o~ s ~fo 1;.i f~;: j\? 1 :.,: ~::;c~, ~a;1 1°! ;"" r,~ t"'" t ~ ~ stoc!.-troPlt I I) JI ,U1.. lS l5 -'• Fl¥ Ti<t<:r lD l1 ?t 7l 1J :f 1,_ ' common A.:), roTth 1:60 :n :is J;p, """-'""FMC er, .i.1 '" """ n 21 -•:, THIS YEAR' ""YS Hanner, ,••,,'•",'''•.-.'° 11 »>... u.. ll\o ..i. lo FooclF•' .to :u 2•'• ''" ,.~ + 1,. -'"" ' H'' ;n.., l2~o -V. Foo~ CB &O I u-. nloi Ii'' + \'• Prices for the "best" material ,•,•,!erW\ ·"°'" " '• 211 ~ "'~ ' Foott Mltl . rd 11\'lo 11 'lo +\~ , 'l 6'o li>o 16~1 ... FOD!t Fil t() ~ 'l't """ + '• Su~ as the rarer 191.h cen-t•lleC~e .. s 32Yt w,~ 32 -'· For6Mol 2 . ..o ,,., O'\tt 'm -"' . -o.;n •t~Tr l,2tl J.5 51111o > 51 -''> FO!'~K 15 ~ lCl•'o ~ ... ~ • '"'Y """"imens -are up 30 c, •.M~r,~,,·, .\4 12 1•. 11 .. -~ FMtK; .,,\ '° ,j .. 4 ·-· _, • percent from 1968. To ii· eco Ca .to ' 25~1 21 " ;i • ... '' Fo.T w11 Pl 1 1 1~ '"~ ''' -v.. .... • l l6'~ 36, 3.1:~ -\'o FpilWM .~ U .. lt1~ llf\4 -'4t ~ ' ~·\•MHCo ' 'I ., ts' M; -\~ F8•borO 6CI '' ~ 31)\\ VI -'• lustralr a Canadian letter ~r t~ D•A• 50 .,,.., '~ · tt ·· · · Fr•M; s1r · ·~l U fi' 11 2N + ~ . with a ~are stamp l\'hich was ~;g.}"".~ ilJ h~ ~~~ ~·· .:..··1, ~~~ l:n " 3h, in: ~ ;_" W•s auctioned ~aaJn one year 1\11~~~0"·1':1 2 t30 W. \' -l.. -G-auctioned in 1956 for $5.250 :;: ri~ci, l:U. : l!., W:,.'; ·~ = ~ F-1nc1 11 -.i •\-..,.,.., -'• "'e tl•f.I U 2l n:; \o ""+\-lo AC Cio 1,$0 251 j1!io SPto -"Vi-t \ ' ag~ for $15,500. Andh •. ~armer ~f.j tU !5f~ !'t~l ,fl~! lm i ~ ~~ c:f1~:J 3?j ~ ~\~ b"'4 = :z ' beheves, "slamps 'M' IC seem ent S<rlt .to ~ ._ l&.o _"" Slt:o 1 JO 'f Wl it., 151o = }J expensive today will seem :'.~11Y.~" 1 31 Ji," +111o '"'! •fl.ti lfl'' M1oe lO\o -'• · h l o r'l·leecl .IO 11 Wt 211~ 11 -*lo _,, ~Pl.~116 1• 11~• 1' ~ -~ c eap omorrow. erl·t:t •·:g 1 ·~ :it11 \'lo ~M • 31'1 311, ,,,, -si How can you, ;n. am~teur. ·~~'~fnc: ~ ~: fltt ~? ~·~ ~~ ·r-11 i,: ~~ ~ !1:: Invest intelligent 1n s amps rnoSN->·"J r.-' ~~ !'sit =1~ 9!:-..1111 c.,. ~ ft1i: 71'·,. ~!.a with a reasonable hope or r.:it~ .. '·'° , ~" ~ j\~ ,: ~ cr!A,~!n ,:r.: ; 30~ ~:~ ilit + ..; i11ignificantly Increasing your ='ti 1~ :n~ ~ ~t ! ~ 8!~~ ;i t: tI'• ~f,; ~r" ~ '' funds~ See my next column. ..;..,, '.» 1~ '! "" a:;-11 OAT•" ~,,.so , "'' '' "'~ -" , tV l.M f ' •.11, ' +1 GM ~•nc _,.. t 111. u•; ,,,,. _, 'f l'lllltlr• .., 14 ua •S •f'~ + ~ -;.., c11 tft l''. 2l~ • . I Oltlcl ' 31 lol1Jt tl'i r ... Catl1• I.ti ~ "'• n1, l"' -lJ Navy Contract LEXINGTON. Mass. (UPl) -Raythto11 Co . obtalne<l • $9.9 million Navy contract for Posekton missile electronics assemblies. 111cer1• 111 j 14"-1•\t i.·~ Gno-: ... ·'"' 1 ,., l)>..o )1•1 -'t lllMI SIP " GI.lo 4n, 'I"_, .. O..~Ovn1m I ID ,..,, "'' -' 111 S!l'P tl • .. Olt Qlo -lol c;.e., £11'' 2~ 2f4 'O 90 ... to"--'"I 5p,. ... s , ''" ~"' "'' -' 'ln f~"" .. 1U ~ 1r• 1!"' -'? 111.J"lltT• ,1 l? 2N 2'\lo 2N + ~ ~eri ds 1. 116 !.',• '5 +' 01 "r, '4 ~I ,.,_. 1"lo -\t '.i"' ~I 71 ?'t' • • • '\ •K l H n ~ . . !(ert ln.t .~1 16~ lS "'/ '"I -•t 11 Cf u• '"' jf! ' ~ I:. ,_.nll'i•" Pl i 1 441~ ... tt -'' 111' CfHW I Jt~ "' "' -'• ..... MHI• .. !S !!:' "' »•~ -'1 -f~!I • .O l lf>o ' ' -•1 ';Ml!l1 prl.U 4 "'I $''1 55"' -l't llrh Cit 6C1 1 U lf>' 11 -'• -:.nMOI J.<IOI "' , ,_,~ lf'"I + ,, Cll ... .i 1 l tPl l'O'" ~'I -111 :I Mtol Siii J 10 _,,, """ II'--'i . h!'OnlfU ,u .. >:!'1 l2to n •o -''G M<.I pllJJ 1 ~·~ llOI• llO'~ .;.;-. I L t t ' ' I I ! • • : ' • • • ' ' • • ' • • ' ' • • ' ' ' ' • ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' • ' • • ' • • ' • • • • < • < • • I ' ' ' I I ' I • ' ' ' • • • ' ' ' • ' ' t ' t • ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • • ' I ' I ' I I I I I I I ' I I ' I I ' ' I I ! I I I ' I ' ' I I I I· I 'I 1. 1' -·---~-~ ---"--··----~-"T~-~----------------------~------------------------------------·-- MOlldaJ, .hlne 16, 1969 H DAILY PILOT J5_ -1 Closing Priees-.~m~lete New_ I I J • • . • • t• DAILY PILOT , -. ~ 2 Women Receive NATO • ID Trouble Sli.erilf Training SJ.xWen ~ officers, in- cluding two women and six Orance Coast area residents, have rt!Ceived diplomas from the llr""8< Cou,.y Sheriff's Depattn)eot' Training Acad- emy in Orange. Praising the two women for abUity to -wkhstand the rignr- oos training program, Sheriff James A. Musick said, "Since we started sending our wom- en deputies to the academy a year ago. we have yet to have a woman drop out. That may be a little hard on the male ego." ... llllv\d N. AJl<n, of Ga!d<n Grove, for outstanding over. all ablllty and firearm,s abil· ityi officer John M. Collins of the Santa Ana Pol.ice De- partment, outstanding aca-, demic ability and physical. agHlty and Irvine officer Christensen, who had the top not-k. ' . Canada Witlulrawal Poses Grave Threat LONDON (UPI) -The North Atlantic Treaty OrganlzaUon (NATO); t h·e Weat'I principal defense allg~ ment, is In serious trouble. Rdllll>IJhnd 1 .. fall under the, impact of the sovtet Udlon's Invasion of Czechoslovakia, NATO l_s threatened anew. The trouble ,has been lrif· gered principally by Canada s decision lo withdraw some two-thirds of ila forces from the organization. NATO 1ead4;:rs bave been wamln( openly that the allian- ce may have to plan for earlier use of n1.1.clear weapans ln case of war because <:A the weakening of the alignment threatened by the Canadian decision. After the Soviet UnJon's" surprise invasion of Czechoslovakia in A u g u s t 1 NATO allies rushed to close their shaky ranks. Britain and some ol the smaller member nations, groaning uoder the financial burden of the joint defense setup, were dragging their feet POLICY CHANGE to modemtu and lmprove the; alliance's military post u r 5' over the next Ove yean. ' SEEKS PUU.OACK ln tbt midst of theSe developments Canada declde<f on a phased pullback of somtt two thirds of its troops and oq its nuclear capabillties from Europe. The gap will be seriws.: Very ,strong warnings have' come from U.S. Defense Secretary Melvin Laird and Brltaln's Defense Mlnister Denis Healey·. 'The We s ~ Germans are deeply worried. One-third of the current class dropped out before com· pleting the course, the sheriff noted. Orange· Coast representa- tl ves graduating included UC Irvine poltce officer Eugene P. O:tristensen, oI El Toro: The officers, representing five county law enforcement' agencies went through seven weeks of "stress training," the sheriff noted. Included 1 were 30 subjects ranging from murder investigation to first aid and public relations. "Many ol the practical problems were vldeota~ for late!" critique by recruits and their superiors," Musick said. WIN TOP AWARDS -UC! Police Omcer Eugene P. Chr;slensen (right) was one of three officers wining top commendation in recent Orange County Sher- ill's Training Academy class. Other winners, Deputy David N. Allen (left) and Officer John M. Collins, Santa Ana PD, shown with Sheriff James A. Musick. NATO plaimers consider the move the ~t alarming development since F r a n c e pulled out altogether from the group's integrated military commlll\d on orders of fonner President Olarles de Gaulle. U.S. OPPOSED Canada's decision is being sharply opposed by the United States and most or the Euro- pean partners. They fear the move will leave a dangerous gap in the joint defense shield The Soviets, seemingly re. hued attitude in Europe prior to Czechoslovakia induced the allied leaders to call formally for a policy change to tum NATO into "bridge builder" of conciliation between East and West. Laird has warned that others, Including the United. Stat.es, may be pressured by; public opinion at home ti>' follow lhe Canadian example. The next few months will witness a great deal of behind: the-scenes efforts to revamp the defense setup to adapt it to new circumstances. NATO planners foresee cooslderable. problems and difficulties . Deputy Midlael R. Jacobs, of Westm:imter : Fouota1n Valley offlCe!" Terttn N. Tavernettl. of Costa Mesa; Sania Ana office!' Ronald L. Thomp.90n, of Costa MeSa, and deputies Perry A. Patrick and James A. Baker, of San Juan Ca~ istrano. ''Also_ present with TV cam· eras was the Irvine Com- p&JJY'• Cablevision· Company, SOO?J to serve the. Newport Beach.Costa Mesa. area. A i~l program showing the acWemy from st~ lo finish will be presented on the ca ble soon." Nixon Mum on Labor Wages in Europe and prompt other 'The Invasion changed that nations to cut their alnady overnight. NATO closed ranks lagging conlribuUons. and in a special . meeting in WASHINGTON (AP) The woman graduates are deputies Carolyn Blamett. of Orange, and Ba.rtara Luken, IX Senta Ana. Top awards went to deputy This was the first academy that officers from Fountain Valley and Buena Park -po- lice departments a{te~ ac- cording to the sheriff. Construction industry pleas that President Nixon act to curb union wage increase demands of up to 50 percent and sometimes more are get- ting little encouragement from Before you decide to let hi m catch you, be thinking about the ring you want. Select any or these from our Coup d'etat collecilon. Thlsway,his choice wil l be perf~t. (Prices nt'/ aeu:irding to dla.mond selected.) I SLAVICK'S Jewelers SiAc::• 1917 18 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -644.1380 .. Yt11r Cllf'll Ac-I W9k•--••llkA....,rk1N, Mallar CMr,t, Me., o,_ MHllor, Frw., •.tll t :H '·"'· ENJOY THIS SUMM£1! WITH A CC.OL, c. ~ r.''=l?'ZE 11 KITTEN cur· MD A BRECK Pt:~1,;1\ .. .:.1.T, Vt OFF - Easy, casual ••• 've cut here, b~sh there. You have an exciting new hair style pel'30nali:ted to you. An assist from a permanent will make it stay all through summer, Fqr a limited time, our '"kitten cut" is included with either Breck w1-ve. reg. 35.00, now 17.50. Reg. 50.00, now 25.00. 11Kitten cot" alont",. 3.50. --·- the White l{ouse. Acknowledging the ste~p wage-price spiral is con- tributing to skyr,ocketing building costs, the President's Council of Economlc Advisors still promised only to keep a close eye on the situation. ''The construction industry's size alone, about 14 percent of the Gross National Product and more than 6 percent of total employment, makes its influence in the economy a major one, and the present rapid rise in both prices and wages in the industry is a matter to which we are giving close attention," said Council Chainnan Paul McCracken. l'dcCracken's response gave little comfort to Carl M. Halvorson, president o! the Associated G e n e r a 1 Con- tractors of America, who had asked Nixon to step in with temporary compulsory wage settlements until the spiral slows. "Because of the over·po'A·er- lng strength of the unions," Halvorson said, "there w i I I be some bad settlements - bad for the country as well as for the contractors -unless FAIR Fait, fa ir, factu1I. Tho1• !lira• wor41 uu11 up fattor1 in operation on Iha DAILY PI LOT aclitori•I p1ga 1v1ry 4•Y• Beaaty Sbldio, all slo?U! uaoi>t MuinA u IDS ' • Manfcllre5 • Pedi ClJ !'M • Facials • Elecln>logy M!Wl'ORT· • #1 FASHION ISLAND • NEWPORT CENTER t 644·2200 the administralion and the public speak out and give the industry some definite support in its opposition to these in· flalionary wage settlements." The kind of wage set- tlements Halvorson and other industry officials are ~com­ plaining about is illustrated by A great deal or reorganizing November member a f t e r and replanning will be needed mem~r nati_on . pl~ged to to fill the gap left by the . raise its contr1but1on, 1n terms massive Canadian pull~ut, to. of money and qualjty, so as to be completed by 1972. reinforce the defense shield. The move may, 1n effect. NATO planners have since necessitate a review o f been working on the projected NATO's strategy. refurbishing program which is a recent new contract in Philadelphia which will boost ""'~· . . pay for 2,000 uruon plumbers to $9.25 per hour within. two years, a hike of more than 25 per cent a yea r. However, Labor Department figures show such whopping (J. CHARLES he inrich HAL AlllSCHIR HEARING AIDS Culio'" Aural At11plfficatiM NO U.LIUMl<N J40t I. COAST HWY. c....•-ht A 11t..t 671-JIJJ wage increases have not yet i6' become the rule among the • nation 's approximately 4 ~ Will PREVUE his Latest Restaurant Adventure mtllion construction workers. ~'le;! ~U,&.~-1/ff' Thelatestgovernment ..._:; ngures placed the average wage ;ncrease ror building TO HIS MANY FRIENDS AN D PATRONS trades workers at a relatively There wi ll be no GftA~D OPENl1''G t>r }'IRST NIGH'J' -but we are modest annual rate of 4 per-. . . . 1. Th ~agerly awa1lln.,. u v1s1t frt>n1 )'OU at your ear &Cl!l . :-'\.,'\' ~~,"~'J~~ion ~:rvke:r~g!~ ::..F-convenience" during ~UR PJlEVUE DAYS"' ~,,,~ •• at $5.32 per hour, not includ ing ~ . · _ . . . . _ . • ,... fringe benefits. ~,.. t:llARLES 60ch1c h1etro Par1e1eu" 11!1 dc1ngne'l to l1r1og a Construction wages over the ~ \.:~. new trend lo Newport and Corona del l\1er1.i lrodilioo of ' past year increased 7.6 per. ::..-F,,,.,."":\ fine diulng and to preawl for yout" plea1111rc ~· ~ cent, only slightly above the ~" 'A T EX1'RAORDINAIRE ~) :""::~~·~d~o.':t.au ;ndus1ry, (3~· THE ~ESTAUR N • Union official! defend high ~ ~1 & .. c,.l.·.llighway, Corona dcl :ftlar -673-8267 ~ wages for construction men on K' hJ.:. · • gl)>Unds that th• work II . "-'~·-~~ .,... v • -~~ '~ hlibly . seasonal with Jong • ,...,., .... ..::>";q,J · .. ;.gJ, layoffs m bad weather. '....;I "' J~'"'L.... ,-. • ~ • f. l i . ,, i! I ,, ... ·~ J l' ..... ,· 1····"~ ... :~' I ~ ~ ... ..· • • • l 12..00 Come to our Charles of the Ritz comer for a .hrigh~ new look in.make-up ·eome in ••• let Chari• of lhe lUts ezcl--up artiRs C111tom-deslgn ;rvarmak..up to ""1 mwl ahow you how to appcy il It may be the~ of a new beauty life for :rou I MHt Ruth Renwick, Charles of the Ritz make-up artist, Monday, June 16th through Wednesday, June 18th in our Cosmetic department. A bonus-cift waHs for,... with the purchue of 5.00 or more ot Charles or the Ritz cosmetics. ••eotor-Kit'' bolds a trio of luscious colors for your. Ii~ and nail& . u umS' MONDAY. THURSDAY, FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 9:30 • OTHER DAYS 10:00 TILL 5:30 -----~------------·------____________________________________________ ... ___ ..., ____ _ I • c I t I I I c ,, i c s ' s ' , .. ~ ; • 1 • • . . ' • Fou niaiD Valley: vot:. ~2. lilO. '143,.2 SECTIONS, 34'PAGE_S DAilY PILOT Steff ....... TOURING ·IN MEXICO -Huntington 'Beach .youngsters currently · pn good will -trip south o! border include girls (!rom ltlfl) Sally Fo~­ fer, Darcy Bateman and Kathy McC6urt, plus boys (fnMl! le!tf Brad- ley Mansfield, David Peters and David DeHUff. AlsO ·IIJilkJJ!g IJip, ·but not pictured is D!W• Bass., , --Seyen Hu~tington Y.tiutlis On Mexi co Good Will .Trip .:seven Huntington . Beach youngsters joined S3 other Orange County youth Saturday as they began the first leg of a two-week good will tour to Mexico City. Sporutored by the Garden Grove 20-JQ d\zb. the tour is an annual event, with yoUUlr! selected each year from ap· pllcaUoos and interv iews to live two . Budget Adoption Seen at Session Of · Beach Council Official ad;option of an $8.85 million ia)eral fund budget for the city of Hun- tln(ton Beach is expected at tonight's aeisaion of the City Council. k~ increase in the present tax rate-or $1:4& per $100 assessed valua\ion is ex· pected because of lhe budget 'for 1969-70. 'the money is to be divided for .opera· tion of the council, $28.900; city ad· mini!trator, $8:7,US; tre&surer. $15,49'1: attorney, $100,203 ; clerk, $67 ,9.S4 ; parcbil.sing, S24,866; personnel, $33,925j finanCe, $154,478. weeks ln Mexico City with Mexican families. On Aug. 9 a reeiprocal visit will be made to Orange' C-Ollnty by 60 youngsters from Mexico City, .who will stay with th e'ir .counterparts here. All 60 Orange County ambassadors met for five wee:ks prior to Saturday's departure to receive lhe necessary shots, uniform flUings. and general infonnation. Youngsters on the trip from HunUngton Beac·h are:' Dina BasS, 11, of 9062 Adelia Circle; Kathleen McCourt, 10, or 22122 Capistrano Lane: Darcy Ba~eman, 11, of 10111 Beverly Drive ; David DeHuff, 12, of 10101 Birchwood Drive; SaUy Foster, 12; vf, 10111 Cynthia Drive ; Bradley !\tansfield, 11. of 10122 Birchwood Drive, a"nd ' Davki Peterson, 12, . of 10031 Birchwood Drive. They will be treated to guided lours or Mexico City and enjoy lhe experience 0£ each living with a family there. Adult supervisors for lhe trip will be t.!r. and Mrs. Steve McKinley of Orange. The 20-30 Club of Mel.ico·City will host tbe entire tour. I ORANGE COUNTY, .CAUFORNI~ ·,MONDAY,· JUNE .16, l~69 Powel l: Gets Seat r t Supreme Co urt Upse~ Hous e Action WASHINGTON (UPI) -nie Su"""" Court repudiated the Home ol Represen- tativeJ 'today for barring Rep. Adam Clayton Powell from the last CongreP. ln a 7·1 ruling, the court declared Congress has no right to deny • member· elect his seat if he meets the basic qualifications of age, residence and citizenship -just u Powell has argued. The opinion by Chief Justice Earl War~ ren rejected argument.. on behalf of the Vallev Center ol Dedication Rite s Held__ . . .,..: Fountain Valley welcomed a new ad· dUlon 10 Ks growing family 'Saturday afternoon with dedication eeremonies for lts brand new commUDity center. Repn:$entative1 from nearly. all leve1J of government were gathered like proud uncles and aunts to catch a glimpse of the. fourth member of the city's civic center complex. The library and police facilities , finish- ed only a few months .earlier, were in- cluded in the dedication rites. Representative James B. Utt '(Jt. TusUn), was unable to a\tend ln person, but noUfied the city !hat he would &Ive a U.S. flag that had flown over the.Capitol. After , announcement of Utt's nae presentation, state Senator . John G. Schmitz llM'ust\11) alUIOUnce<I that California "would not.be outd~ by the federal g6vernmenrln tta. glv~-way pro- gram." .... · ·· ·&ilJ\,li,-,uien oi1.r..i ·ro'unlain V"1iJ' 1 ~fto~.ag thl~.~ ~own ~~ ~ Maltllew Weytll;er, amstant to..,~ A...Jnlllttiln •8-1 H. ~e .(""""I'!' lington Beochl, Olfmd C<lllll'alulatlom IO tlle city for Burke who wu unavoh!lblJ delalned by ·hi! w!fo. .... thm llllil- versary:." . List 'official gueat to speak was County Supmrlaor RObert w .. Battin. Battin tokl those present thtt he had been responst. ble for the new rug in the library, "It'• not much of 1 contribution to this fine civic center," he aaid, "but Jt'1 all I can claim." Tammy ~II. foreign exchange stu· dent from Johannuburg, South Africa, gave her congratulations to the city. She presented Jhe city with a South African tree to grace the civic center. Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger summed up the ceremony with the hope that this. "would create a stron1 sense of civic and community pride in Fountain Valley." The newest addition to the civic center family , the communtty ct:J!ler, ia·buµt co 6,000 square feet and contains tit.chen, rest room and craft facl1ltie1, u weD u general meeting area and housin1 th• parks and recreation department office's. Police headquarter• cover 3,000 square feet, and were built with the ability to ex· pand to nearly twice that 1iu as the city grows. Enlargement of the library went from 5,200 square feet lo the 10,000 squatt feet just completed. Stock Ma t ?ts NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market closed on a lower note today after an ear· ly advance ran out of .steam. (See quota· lions, Pages 14-15). Houoe that eltber· chamber or ea..,... hu the right to exclude an --eiected membet-under other provisions: ol tbe OonsUtuUon. W~n'• opinioo alao dilmlased·clabns that federal coorts have no jurll,dJcUon to intuvene in cues involving Congrus and ita dealings with members. Wamn acknowledged that the House and Senate have the right to dlsclpUne members once .they.are seated and even to upe1 them· but laid or the ·we in-. ' • aAti.Y PK.OT .......... SOU'l'H AFRICAN OREE.TINGS . . . 'Exch1,,.. 11_.:BoMll· oV ·S~hO<JI . Boa~d •. . To. M()et Tonight ~ o! ~ Vi~1•',~;Jlta(:lcl mee~j::ltl o·c~t ~!Jhl !n;tjle ~ board. Toom, 7'12 warner Ave., Hun· tincton Beach, for a regular business meeting. .The ·aovemng board will' try 10 figure . how t0 equjp P..ark View and M~ ViN Schoola without state funds which are not available due to ~abl~ty of ~ a,tat~ ·to sell llO million In slate aid boods due to a poor bond ·market'. . , Jn addl:Uon, tnatees are expected lo take uP tbt issue of Sa1lry 1ehed'DIM for the coming year, aniiuile which hll led to wlooa problems in the high lcllool dlitrict.. volvliw the ftamboyant, ~yeaNld New _ yort Democrat : - "Since Adam Clayton "Powell Jr. was duly elected by the volen ol Iba 18th C.Ongresalonal D!atrlct '"'Of New York (Harlem) and was not blellglble to serve under any proviaico of the Constitution, the House wu without power to uclude him from Its "membership.,. The ruling, one week before the court 11 scheduled to end its term, was expected to arOuse. 1 storm of criticism in Coogrffa. Powell was not at hls•office wbtn the cipln1on came down. Rep. H. R. Gross (R· Iowa), laid the House abould ignore lhe court acUon. \\;arren said the court meant no "lack of , respect due a coordlnate branch of government" but of the argument 'that the courts had no jurisdiction, he com· --~: "It la' the reapooal~ilUy o! this court to act u the. ulUmate interpreter of the Constitution." '.ft!e · a..page· decis,lon .ent· back to the lower fedetll ccurta Powell's claim that - he Jhould be paid his back aa1ary for the 90th Congreu from which h.e was ex· eluded. When he was re-elected ahd re- 1eated In the·llst Con,.-ess in January, Powell was fined '25,000 and stripped ol bis' seniority. . , The Negro coogrepman w11 barred ln>m the 90th eo,,.,.... after ' • special lloule comnilttee !ound hbn con- temptuous of the. Houae, defiant of New Yort'State courts and uncooperative with conuniu.rt ·1nvestil;ationa of bis use of gov.enunent funds and of other acdvities while chairman of the House Labor and Educallon Commlltee. In another dec:Lslon the court ruled fo. dar, the right to vote in achool distrlct af airs may not be mtrict.ed to thole primarUy intert!l(ed, 1uch u parents and property owners. In a aepanle cue, the court also ruled the riPI ·lo vote on munic\oal uttllly -""""·-11!11 Dot .. limllld lo.~ .• ,.,...' ' . '. • Beac~ Srupect Waiv~ Jury M11rder Tricl Henry Lopes . Slanei today elected to face a non-Jury trlal and leave the ruling or JtiJ guilt or tnnocfnce on murder charge.1 to Superior Coar! Jud,. Howwl Cameron. · 11 ii expected thet the lrfol·o! the Hun- tington Beach man wlU commence later loday. Court o!liclals had expected that he would prefer a jUl')' trial and wit· nesaes were not available for testimony this morning. Sianez, "5, of 312 Cay St., 11 aceused of the murder qi Mr.. Healer Mar~ee, 1508 Ollve Ave. The '55-year-old widow was allegedly stabbed to death by the· angry Sianez after she .pursued his stolen car. 1be pr05ectrtlon c I a i m 1 that it will prove t.bet Sianez stabbed the frail, gray. haired woman repeatedly followlng an in· cident ln which his auto and that of Mrs. Mariee collided. Slanez's companion In that car 1te:allng jawrt was Edward Roy Harg:r8ve, II, of 17392 Marken Lane, HWltlngton Beach. Hargrave was today ordered to stand trlal July 14 on reduced grand theft auto charges. . 0th«' bUdget categories include elec· tions, Sl7,000; planning, $121,133 ; urban planning. . $43,211; municipal ·bulldi_r1gs1 iJi,100; none-department, 11,993.221; firi, $1,3&1,f1t:-'eed abatement. MS,'50~ pqlice, $1907559; harbots and beacf'!es polJce, $1,907,559 ; harbors and beaches administration, $44,998: Ii f e guard , S307,l49; · harbn, '8.f,70:I ; beach mainta>ance IW.844. Charter Class Graduates Hargrave has successfully pleaded that he. was simply 1 horrified spectat.of while Sianez butchered the helpless worn·an' and that he wanted no part of the killing. Copvictlon on the first degree murder count couJd technically mean death in the gas c h·• m be r fair Slaoea:. His eatjier attempt.1 !or • guilty plii to lesser charges and hi• moves 'to eatabllsb in· aapiiy have all. been rejected. Others are parking facility, $65,944; pier, '$26,747; parking ~~ers. $12,635: ctylJ de{eme, $19,393: building, $288.423: ou: faela. control, $28.814 : engineering, $317 ,2f1: maintenance administration, '2J,ttS. . Municipal . yard, $103,404; building maintenance, $119,926; pump station· s6t'W maintena'net, $107,0M; stbrm driinage, $10,000; street maJ ntenanct, $320,564; street bridges, $3(1(); .street trMs. $W,1 44; street cleaning, $118:188; stteet marking and painting, $131,116; st~ lighting, $288,899; and traffic ""'""· $14,000. In addition to the general fund. the coancll Will coosider adoption of budgets fO( the 1pecial fund departments and ac· u.iu ... The 1155 water bond ruoc1 •• S4S,67S: capifal outlay fond , $293~71 ; library, $3il.~55; muaic and J)romotlon fund, Mt.,-; recreaUon and parks t.crnttu, 11.2$5,1•; and water uUIJty fwid, f!,llZ,1•. • . . ' . Echos of Protes t Han g Over UCI Co nt.tn:ente,,,;ent By JANICE' BE~AN Of Jiit Diiiy Plllf ""' , UC Irvine graduated its cbarter class -the first class lo go through four undergraduate years on the neW campus -In Saturday afternoon ceremonies un- .marked by overt st.udent.protestl. But the, atrr;;iosphere was.colored with echoes of recent camP,US disruptions and the' foreboding of mori student dlnent to c:ome. (See llhOl<>S page J.) ,Oiaicusslng student protests,.Unlverslty Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. said, "We must re alize the underlying cause is man's search for freedom from poverty and destructJon." At the same Ume, he warned againat reaction and radicalism u the key to ch'.ange, and called for "justice," uying. ··~atness la the way we ~e our lfvell. ·It ~ the qualily·of jualice." · · . Guest speaker Thdmas Kuchel, who rec:eived an honorary degree , to\d the &radU1tt11, "Nowhett haa the ql)ffl (for .ptace)•beeo so felt u In 1our sener•· lloo." r -;.1, "You have put the 'establlsbment Oft trial," he said, "for what tt bu done &pd what it has failed to do Jnd 'yOu have returned an lndJctment q&Wt. those outside the establiabment on the same counts." "A verdicl of guilty eoukl be ap- propriate lti either case and maybe both. But at lbe very ltut, there would be (l'OWlds for clemencji." Saying that the graduates repruent "a wide range of human thought,'.' , the former Mnator added, "YoU have refmed blindly lo accept the 5talu1 qoo: You ha\te pondered bow to.bnprove IL nat ii Qle hlstortc pattern of the unlvenliy. It 1 function, by tradition, hu been Ii> apply , knowledge t.o · the De\\ennenl of'":the human condiUon." Kocbtl ·llkl the unJvers11f, u t11•1n- 1Utl1Uon, 1:1s ln trouble.", So).l our, aocie- · tY .'SO Is the human tac~." ' Decrying violence on American ctOete campuses. he: aaid, • .,,,. hlltorlc autonomy or .. u. ... and ... 1vm1t1ea bu been dilruptod and·-·dellro7td·ond .t , • damage bu been don< to the pn...... o! American education." Violence, .. KucheJ:1aid,. ''can; tie,.-.u ' it should be, put down." . · "11;_,peci . !or· 'the . aulhortiy of 'the audmle dtan 11 not lncon;.Patible' w~ the rilht bl the aludenl l~ prot.o'( J!d!lj, I think, are ntlevaltt to 'the llbiitY Of· the . unlwnlly11f an IDIUtutloa." · ·." He laid thal bout m riJ11'd . 1<1'the pucwlt of ' knowledge, and thlt today, kneWledg,e pepr~el\ta ~r: . • • DiJeuulng dtv111'e !orcea In U.. naUOn, Kuchel called the war In Vietnam "a cruelly dlYlllM lor'l'O !or ,llJo· Aiiie;l(oli . people," and added that.hopes for peace bftween , the. r.acta ~v•~ "been ra.Wy lhall«ed by Vioient 'Olllbrwb hort·ll . home." ' ' The answer m ··these problems, • 11ld Kuchel , "will not come from· the radtcal , left. • JI will not come ln>m U!U'USOll1n& reoctlon by duly coosUluted pobllc powtr. ' wtw. the lnd~lminate \Ill c:i tor&._ . (lleo VC IRVINE, Pap I). . . ... ... Vhlley Rezoning . . ' .. Hearings Slated' . ' ' ' . Three ptiblic ~arinp are scheduled for me change requests at the replar meeting· 61 •the Fuuntain' Valley City Council al I p.m. Tueoday in the councll , clfambers: • ' · · · ln'the llrsl.hearlng, PBS Corporation 11 a11klni 'the councU to overrule a pllnnlrig -dt1Jlal !or apartmenl ronlng on the northwest comer Bushard Street and Slater A venue. PBSipropot11.250 ·ulllta on .a l!.1 acre plot. City plannen turned down Iha "" • qliat dur!ni a publl< bear\118 Apiil 1•.' In other·nquestl, Green Valley la Ilk· ' lniJ for µie<llum density apert:ment zoning on tht! tckrtheut cornu o( Slater Avenue • and Ward Slreet. while D. & J. Sl>al . have listed for hlP dtnllty apailnienll on the northwest comtt of Slater A vet\11 • and · Won! Slreel. • . . 'foday'• FleeJ • IDI C,INTS DI.Ill' PILOT·•• ...... IRI SH ROSE R-.IGNS Valley's Rosemary Kelly OCC . Coed Wins · Fountain Valley 'Miss' Title . . . . . . . ' Rosemary Kelly: an 1 I · y e a r • o I d sophomore at Orange Coast ,eoµege, is the new Miss. F~taln Valley. Selected during ceremonies Sat~y night, Miss Kelly now reigns '811 queen of Fountain Valley, replacing Elltn Evaiul, who served the past. year. · Joining Miss Kelley's Court are Dor1na Flory, first runnerup, and Lori Htn- der!IOR, second nmnerup. · ' Tho new queen was the only coo~t ol.l\'whci ~Id n0rattend Founlaln Valle)( lligh Scliool the past year. . Sotne ' bright ·entertalnmerit ·d~ br.eaks of. the contest was provided l)tlt by, the "Americana Brau" of Tamura .. ;,.., ""11 I ter by . ·~ ~ -;z:;:rt ' . ~ I ' .. ;;:;;;;r.; 111\'P s, a group o YCllJQf .,.. •• T~ura.School .' :r1X11 Ciiio, a stall writer !or the ~ B I i c h Independent Presi-Telqnni. halldled · tbe mite and the cbatler II MlsteT " Ceremonies. · .Linda Anderson, 18, a girt W,ith a briribt smile.and helping hand, was -by hei'' e'o·con t e1tanls as "Miu Corigeniality... ,.. Tijii yw's pqeant, the fifth, .w,.a sponaored by the Fountain VaU.y q,.111- ber or Commerce and the Fountain Val-Jey Woman's Club. 1,200 Navy Men .To Leave Vietnam SAIGQN (UPI) -The U.S. mllllary command Nld today 1,200 Navy men will be amoiig the 25,000 Amer 1 c a·n s withdrawn from Vietnam by the end ol August under President Nixon's plan. ' Most of them wlll be from the Mobile RIYerfoe Force in the Mekoog Delta, the same .Operation·from which U .. S. Ith Infantry Division troops will be with- drawn for the trip home. Other U.S. Navy officers and enll•ed men will be pulled out of aupport assignments with the Marine Corps in South Vietnam's northern five wcwtnces, the announcement saJd. , .. Seal Beach PostiDan Haley Listed Se11ious Francis Louis "Jack" Hiley, aasistant pootmast.r or Seal Beach, Is lilted lo .serious' condition today 1 al St. · Mar)"'r Hospital in Long Beachj · · Haley, a 17-year veteran ofi the Seal Belch postal department, "Underwent an operation JUne"2''for Ule. removif of ooe. lung, He baa beeriundtr ln\emlve CC't in .-&.. therhospital since then recovering. . . . weatlier · ., !l's anothel' blue • Mondiy. Ind Tuesday'll be even bluer, SIU'! the weatherman, who loob for .driJZJ.y clouds and temperiliires in the upper ,.,., for . the .coUwne. . ' INSWE · TODA.'Y · · ' FJnqn.dal. colu'11nilt S tl'l o,1,G 1 Porter rtodo11 re.rumu htr· ~ • tintiinq 1erlf1 on "'Far~ut '"" v~•tme7iti"· on Page 14 t6da11; . , ....... M 'Mt¥1ft ; •• c.....,,...i: 'M ,........ .......... .!.. C""9Hllllll ' .,U or..... ~ ,M ~~ n 1-m1t ~ 1•1 c,.....,,.. . n: • SW:ltf ,..,,. ' ,, .. '*" ... lie.-,. .,.,.. ...., ........ ..... • ·--Mlflttt 14111 ellftrtalll--'9 T....,..... n ....... 1•1• ,......,.. • ............ ,. ......, . ,..,~ 11 ............ -" t I . • • • I Z DAILY PILOT H Big White Ship Back Speclator. watch as the great white steamer, S. S. Catalina, docks at Catalina laland. The ship spent more than a year and a hall in port when it was plagued by labor troubles and unable to make any trips to the resort island last summer. Coast Man Freed Of Insw·ance Fraud Charges A Newport Beach man bu been cleared of all charges in a case involving &ale of an estimated fa miWon in in- &urance to Californians. Cleo Marvin Johnson, 51, of 1901 Kings Road, was ooe of four defendants ac- quiled Sunday by a Superior Court jury. The weary panel returned to the court o( Jud,ge Wllllam Murray to end more than three days ol dellberatlona by clear· Ing Jobmoo, Roland K. Manh, 38, of R<doodo Beach, June Virginia Adams, 25, of North Hollywood and Harry Louis Hib- bard, It, of Anaheim o( fraud charges. But the jury could not agree on iden· Ucal erand theft and conspiracy coonts filed agalnlt David Morton Kane, 37, of Beverly Hills. Further action against Kane will be decided at a bearing aet for June %7. The jury retired late Thlll'lday follow· tna: more than flve weeb ol testimony on the operatJons of Rtgtncy lnveatora Inc. ot Encino. They had heard alleg .. lions that the five defendant.I were ln- wolved in an operaUon that bilked !.n- vestors ol more than a mlWon. Jack Bernard Follis, 54, of 508 E. Ocean Front, Newpxt Beach, pleaded guilty lo fraud cbargtt In a pre-trial pro- ceedlng. He served five days tn jall, wm fined $250 and 11 cum:ntly on probaUon. All five defendants were accused of aelllna to Southland residents -many of them 1n Orange County -regular life In- surance policies which were said to be highly lucrative profit sharing contracts. Regency was compelled to refund more than $650,000 to policy purchasers last year following an invesUgaUon of its ac- year following an investfgaUon of Its ac· tivtties by the California Department of Insurance. Jaycees Seek End l'o Stereo 'fbefts HtmUngton Beach Jaycees will cunduct I 8ter'«I registration clinic June 21, 28 and July 5 at Flve Points Shopping Center, 18555 Main St. Nixon a Hodad Gets Surfboard for Father's Day President Nixon ls a Hodad, ft deve- loped on Father's Day, A Ho<Wt in beachtown paraloce, Is person who has a surfboard for prestige, but doe!n't use it and that'• what the na- tion's Chief EJecuUve plans to do. Daughters Tricia, 23, and Julie Etsenhower, 20, gave the President a scaled-down model of a custom-built Hobie board to be delivered t.o the sum- mer White House in San Clemente nut week. Thousands of dads throughout America surveyed various Father's Day gifts with the aame forced good nature Sunday as did President Nixon when he opened hLs gilt. CO-HONORS Jackie Btnlngton "I'll never ride it," he muttered, smiJ. Ing. The bright blue monogrammed board will apparently gather dust at the old H. H. Cotton Estate, as Orange Coast surfers mourn the waste of both it and use of the prime Nix.on surf beach. "I rode a surfboard 30 yean ago and It doesn't impress me a bit," added lhe 5fr year-old President Mr. Nixon noted that one of his aides, Roy Goodearle, accompanied h I m partway to MJdway Island via Hawaii a week ago and broke hls leg surfing 12 boun: alter arriving in surf heaven. "I'll loan it to people," he continued as he examined the model surfboard, "I'll Joa; It to members of the press." TOP VIKING Greg Helland Marina Fetes Top Vikings Drown Murder: Probed .. • V'iCtim Found in Watery Costa Mesa Ditch By ARTHUR R. VINSEL , , or ... 0.11'1' .'1"{ l..tt . Murder by clrownlng ls tbe olflclal theory today u po!ICe probe the J><1Ullng cue of a dead man found iD a wa1f17 dit· ch Saturday by a farm laborer bicycling to work ln a Coat& Mesa perale7 fleld. A !!ngerpltnt check ldentllled tbe vie· Um u Herman C. E•erett. 35, a Redondo Beach' resldtnt employed only 1 ~ weeks earlier at a Torrance machine shop. No motive has been developed in the weird slaying, committed by some<me who apparently clubbed Everett between the eyes with a heavy weapon then dumped him in the dll<h lo drown. Some discrepancy developed, however, with a relable story that Evertt's mouth and nose -were taped when the body wu found in the 15000 block of Talbert Aven~ near the Santa Ana River. "You 'll hear that," said Costa Mesa Poli~ Capt. F..d Glugow today, "but we can ftl4ke no comment." Orange County Coroner's De puty Harold Minnick said the victim's nose and mouth were not laped when he ar- rived to check the body and cause of . death Is listed as asphyxiation, probably by dro}\'ning. "We arti listing it as a homicide due ta the blow between the eyes and the lack of any identification on the body," said Capt. Glasgow, bead of the detecliva bureau. He explained that lt appears Everett's slayer or slayers drove down the San Dir.go Freeway and turned off looking for a remote spot to get rid of the victim. Tire tracks were found in soft earth near the spot where field hand Marcos Hernandez discovered the body at 6:4() a.m., but there is no certainty they were made by the vehicle involved in the crime. "This whole thing is apparenUy cen· tered in the Redondo Beach and South Bay area," Capt. Glasgow said today, explaining that Everett had not partic· Sunset Residents Nearing Victory On Strip Fight Sunset Beach residents whG have vociferously objected to construction of apartments on a former railroad right of way near the beach are one step closer to winning their fight. The Orange County Planning Com- IT\iSSion bas just completed a study urg- Jn'I that the county buy the mile long strip, which runs between North Pacific and South Pacific avenues, and convert it into beach parking apaces. Area residents have urged such a move -which is expected to cost the county ular reason tO come to Co&ta Mesa him- self. "All indications are that he wu just dumped he~," the captain added. Santa Ana police showed up at the murder tcene, right on the border of tbe two dt)es, then not1fled Costa Mesa of· ficers when 1t wa determined whleh department had Jurlad.lcUon in the cue. lleleclf" Gtrry Thompoon balJ been asslsned to lnveatlote !be homicide, aceordlng to Capt. Glasgow. "Rlght now we're checklng out his known friends and associates in the Red°"® Beach aru," he said. Everett was listed as a John Doe W1Ul a fingerprint check revealed hil Identity . as the result ol hlJ anoest a year •10 b,v. nos Anj;eles CoWlty Sherllt's dtpuUe&. I) Authorities said be had been boofted °'!'! suspicion of burglary as a resull of for~ ' Jng his way lnlo the ooartm•nt of iq•. wife, Delores, before the couple wd'1 f married. • Capt Glasgow said tbe charges weiii oppmntly droPlled. .. atoce !hi! case w,t'. not prosecuted-because tt was more 4,,, boyfriend-girlfriend llJ>&t tllan a burl"'1°i ' The machine 4bop l~er's body "'!ft."' !Oken to Bell .Broadway!.!~ !or lj)'' aulOl"Y aild funeral aervices aie peodio~ Joday. ;; '! Pilot's Reed to Take Post; •. 1·- i - As Information Offi~er,. ;~ Willlam G. "Blll" Reed, West Orange County edltor ol·the DAILY PILOT, wll! assume a new role in early J11ly as public informatkm officer for the city of Hun- tington B.each. City Administral<r Doyle Miller said today thal Reed's appolnlrnent, and crea· tion of the new city office, have already been ratified by the City Council. "Reed will be involved in direct preparation of infonnation on activitie1 of the city, ils staff and assisting newspapen, radio and televisioo in keep. in~ the public informed about the city," said Miller. Reed hu been with tbe DAILY PILOT since 1968. Prior ti> that he was a general assignment reporter-photographer for the Huntington Beach Independent and also &erved on several weeldy newspapers. The city's new information officer was graduated with h1gllest hooors from Cer· ritos College in Norwalk with a degree in journalism. He also attended Olympic Colle1e. Miller said that acUviUe.<J of. the new of· fice may include a regular report to the residents in the future and some form of employe newsletter, as well as other steps to assist in making citizerui well in- formed about their government. Reed and his wife, Diane, society editor of the Huntington Beach Independent, have Jived in the city about six years. They have seven children ranging in age from seven to 19, Summer S.clwol Too Popular TAKES CITY POST OAtl Y PILOT'• Rttd ' Nude UCI Coed ~'f rips .. Out' in, ' .. Downtow1i Grove . $1,895,000 -for some time but have been "Help, we're being Inundated!" thwarted in their endeavors by the That's the Woril this morning from Flitting about In the middle of Gardea Southern Pacific Railroad Company, frantic officials of. Ocean View. School Grove Boulevard early this morning, tti which hu commissioned a Santa MonJca District where officials are planning their 18-year~ld nude UCI coed was almost 11\t construction firm to build apartments on first summer scOOol session in four by several cars before police rescued hft. the land. years. The victi.m, a student from Qcean~~. This week 2nd District Supervisor They thought the additional money told Garden Grove officers 'who took her David L. Baker heard from resident voted by the taxpayers earlier this year to the Orange County Medical CentlJ' Eugene A. Grant, who threatened to in· would provide a nice, comfortable su m· about I a.m. sald she thought she was um itlate recall action a1ainst him because mer school program for some 2,000 to · heaven". • he repeatedly ''ignored his constltulnts" 3,000 youngsten in the .norihem and cen· She admitted using LSD at I ~ by not opposing the construction. tral parts of Huntipgton Beach. fesUva1 Sunday at UCI. . '.. Baker's office replied that It was Today more than 5,000 youngsters have Offlclals at ·the medic at center t.old powerless to stop the construction Jhlce signed for the sµmmer classes which Police tliat' 'several persons had been the railroad company owns the land and begin nert Monday and the dJstrld is brought Ulere Sunday nigbt sufferin1 the can legally construct the apartments short some 40 to 50 teachers, according to effects of LSD. Some told attendants tblt since the area is zoned for it. Gayle Wayne, public relations aide for someone had splked a punch bowl at UCl 'lbe county pr-esen.Uy owns 6,100 feet of the district.. with the psychedelic drug. ; beach, but only II public parking spaces She said elementary school teachers Tony Sonier, 22, of 13186 Jefferson ~ are available to the 10,000 beachgoers it with almost any experience and a creden· Garden Grove, told police he stopped th'e can accommodate. The new lot could hold tial are being BOUght actively by the nude girl when his car almost struck her. 1,240 cars. district today. Don Devor is handling the 1-{e parked and attempted to gel her olf Should tbe county acquire the land, recruitment program and prospective the boulevard but she insisted on retw'n· . cOMtrucUon already begun oo the duplex· teachers are being asked to call him at ing to the center of the busy street and es will have to be tom down. 847-2551. sat down. He called police. Meanwhile, the builder is going ahead The school session begins on June 20 The victim was incoherent most of the with construction or 23 duplexes which and runs throogh July 18 for teachers and time and told police she dldn'~ know how The free service is offered In an al· tempt to aid in recovery of stolen automobile stereo units and with coopera- tion wttb the Huntington Beach Police Department. A cross file of unit and liceme plate numbers to aid in recovery will be maintained at police head· quart.en. Marina High School's Jackie Benington and Greg Holland were named "Vlkln&s or the Year" during a school honor ban- quet held recently in Long Beach. have been planned for that area. the pay for the se:Mion is $500. she happened to be in Garden Grove. America's Junior Miss ln competition at •-;:=====================================:::=;-Mobile, Ala., was president of the local I DAllY PllOT ClaAMll C0ASt Pvtl llMTMO CQlltHM'I 1t•"11 N. W•" .. ,...,,, .......... ... J., ... c.,.., Wlm ....... ~.-----n.., K~TI ·-,,..,. ;... M.,,ltf•• ~··llw IJl,ttt W. ltt•t 'WilUtM •••' .,._.... "''""'" ... ...._ l!..ilW Ch Ntef M_.. ....... OMc. JOt l ttt Strfft M.m., AUN..1 P.o. a.. no. t2••• --....... -..o.nu .. , ................ c.on. -.i. W.t a..y 'lfwl &..-llltdll m ,...,.... ._ The awards are the two most coveted honors bestowed on Marina students and are awarded entirely on meritorious service to the school. Mlis Benlnlfon, who was selected chapter of the Caillomia Scholastic Federati.on and the American Field Service Club. Helland was senior class president and a member ol the school's Viking COunctl. Bolh were graduated from Marina dur- ing commencement exercises held Thurs- day nlghl From Pa1e J UC IRVINE GRADUATION • • • by shotgun loaded with buckshot, and by helicopters equipped with tear gas -in· jures the l.nnocent equally wllb the guilty." He said that such action (which look pla~ during the rettnt Peoples Park demonstrations at Berkeley) 1'ls the most effective way to drive the moderate, reasonable 1tudent into the anns of the radical." He urged moderates to voice their con· cems along wth the radicals. ''Remember," he said, "if the voice ol the moderate rema.lnl silent. the voice or the immedorate will take ovtr." Adding to the note Of recent UCI campus unrest. Student Body Presi· dent Ronnie C. Ridgle presented Aldrich with the c!UI gif~ a let of booJ<I for tbe library. Said Ridgle, "We wish the University or Ca!~omla at Irvine !be very best ol !uck, beca•1se If things continue at their prestnt rate, we may not be around very long." Said Aldrich, acctplln1 tbe gif~ "I o<noed a trtmendoo1 tffort (by Ridgle) not to pour forth what was ln h1I hW't. , "Because of the limitations of time," Aldrich said, "I assure you that what was not said, we have heard." The ceremonies continued with the presentaticnof632u nd er Ira du a le degrees, 56 M.A.'s, 75 M.D.'s, and 11 PhD.'s. Awarder<! honorary degrees along with Kuchel were Kenneth Bancroft Clark, Negro educator; H. Northrop Frye. Jiterary scholar; and Olarles Sparks 'Mlomas. "distinguished alumnus of the University of California." Nixon Names Friend As &J¥1 Ambassador WASlllNGTON (UPI) -Presldeot Nixon announced loda.y the nomination of Kenneth Ruah of Rye, N.Y., an old frlend since colleae days, to be new U.S. am- bas&ador to West Gtrmany. Rush would aucceed He.ray Cabot Lodge who le.fl the Bonn po5t several mon\M aa:o to become chief negotiator at th eVletnam peace talks tn Paris. Browsers Wanted -What kind of a penon goee arouud with a big fat smile on W1 pue1? An idioL An in1nrance sale.. man. A 1weep1take& winner. An owner of a new &et of den· ture1. A Bidwell 1taffer. Let'& talk abottl the Bidwell 11.Uer. We ad.mi~ we weren't born with that 1mile. We wear it deliberately. That'• to make our c:Ultomen feel wanted, be. U.0 16 they a.re. Also we want our non-c:ue- tomen to feel wanted. We like lo eee men come In and jn•t poke around, a procedure known u brow1ing. Some people are ac- c:u11omed to other types of lac· fat expre11lon. They want to know why we act 10 pleated when tome guy walb 0111 of here without buyins anyth~. , Our answer, "·e want OW' store to be one where anyone can walk in, saunler around, keep his hands iD hit pockets, and aim • scowl at our eale.. man if he approachea too close too .ooo • When your wife is shopping at Richard's, or you've slopped to eat al Bertmhire's, or dro•e down for tome ult waler actlv· ily, we hOpe It will eeem com· fomble and -r for you to come on in and take a look around. By gelling you to do thal. if you're now a customer of say Silverwood'•, or Bnffums', or Charlie's Friendly Nei@h· borhood Haberduhery, we'd like the poHibllity of becom· ing a Bjdwell customer to enter your mind. Bow could that happen if you do your broWJ• in@ in Silverwood'-• instead of ... Bidwe11'1! We haye all the ripl thing. for you to look at. Soit11, 11port coat., slaclu, shirts, the usual. Al80 1l1e unuaual. Oilskina, ~ &ea•proof jac ket•, Jugpge, drinking mugs, manicure Aflta, and what not. One po .. ible problem. How , , do we know if you're here lo browee, or buy? Euy. We 11k yoa . Jack Bidwell at 3467 Via Lido, rlpt wh...., you tum olr Newport Blvd. to 80 to Lido I.le, at Udo Theater, F-parklns 11 rear of •lore. Phone 6734510 Copyrisht 1969, Jack Bidwell. •. II Laguna VOL o2, NQ.· \.o, 2 SE.CTI NS, 34 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, C!-4FollNIA . ' -MONDAY, JUNE I , 1969 JEN CENTS ' ' Public Aid Sought to OpCll Up Salt Creek • An ellorl lo raDy brood public support ' ' behind a plan to acquJrt public ~CCHI lO the Salt Creek OcMn. wea ii bth1g made by the Capistrano Bey Park IDd Rec.tea· lion Diatrlct (CBPRD). Letters were sent out to a numbtr of community .organlz.ation representatives by ·ttie CBPRD, one ol the participants in tbe recent coqrt fight to retain public access to the' area, in an open plea for community help. A CBPRD leUer to olber organizations ... sicned by Board President John O. Snipes asks if they support the di&trict's cam· paign and if so, to notify them before their June 2& meeting. "The capistrano Bay Park & Reorea- tion District would like to enlist )'our help in .advising the board of supervisors of public disappointment in not allowing public access to the Salt Creek ocean area by abandonment ' ol Salt Creek Road ," the letter says. "It is specillcally requested that the Orange County Board ol Suporvilon aeet means to provide possible acceal' to the Salt Cteek ocean area to· dliitns of Orange County can continue to enjoy its recreational acUviUes," the ldt.er says. Petitions ire being circulated. ind should be malled or delivered to the board at its June 26 meeUng, requesting all appropriate government 1gencies to guard public shottllne access. They are quick to attach blame for as of tho Salt Creek access to Laguna Niguel • ~Uoa, wblch owned the laud. "Wt !JOI tho .......,t and 111a0pect\y1 publlc .... ol Sllt er..t -~"" • certUolY but for tho IUIMW')' ....,. dooplOlit IClfon ol. Mucb )I, i• and ,.. would like alflrmaUve ac~ taken to USW'tl ICOHI," Snipes writes. '!\no "CBPRD ball'd 1-lnchides a -pie pot!tioo c:alllntl for -and .. otfer to-wpply more forms If needed, on inquiry milled to the qoacy.at P.O. Boi 117, Capistrano Beach. In a lljiarato.lotler, tho ball'd ....tndo ~ ol lou ol public·-to the tidolandl bot-Dalll hint and ,,,,.. An:b Qoy, i .... wl-c<lllparabl• oc- C\lfftllCO In Ila.to blltory. "It " wmh ...,..lfnl that tho public """ lln)'S hod ...... tO --and that in the summer ot ltet, a.s the need ,becomes greater for recreation, the pul>tlc will ho prohlbiled !Mm access to Salt Creek," the note 11y1. Tho board· oupporll thts contention by ' outllnllll a hllb'.Y ol ~ -and ... ol Salt Creel: tlcWiindo -!Ml, lllluatinl • ltlldy lo clelennino coat'llld benoflll o! buylOfl back ,.,.,...-rtPla. "Under a f" ochodulo sud> u JJl'O' pol<d by Laguna !11111'1 Corporation-for IQ< ol Ibo public tldolanda, ocquia1tlon of acc.sa and parklog -·not Ilk• loo& to pay for,'' the letter says. "And public use ol tJdolancla In thts area couJd thett continue forever," it oon- dud"' ras I a ·O OU es Down the Mission Trail Auto Flags Hail Clemente Fiesta SAN CLEMENTE -Small brightly ccNored fiesta flags advertising the San Citmeote Fiesta La Cristklnita are now available from the Chamber or Ccm- mJ(ce office, 1100 N. El Camlno Real. The flags fit on automobile radio an- ~as and promote the fiesta, this year lclledulod for July JI lhrO\Ji)I 20. Flq1 will be given out free of char&e aa long: u supply lam. :e No Cit• r-C'illC7 SAN CLEMEN)'E -Street n!pair costs, necess.llated by the heavy winter rains may eliminate a proposed one~nt ¢ty tax rate reduction for San Cle- meot.earu. ', ~ 1'1 i City officials had at first { 1 ) 11 \ •• dropping the rate from $1.38 pt.· ••fOO assessed valuation to Sl.37. That penny means about $4,500 to the city coffers. In a study session Mayor Wade F. Lower recommended keeping the one cent. Street construction budget as proJmed fgr the new fiscal year is $103,949 as com· Mred to almost $30Q,OOO this year, BUdget Increases for personnel salaries coiJld cost the city an additional $1&,000. • Guides Get Oftlcers SADDLEBACK-New leaders for Lhe Mission Viejo-El Toro YCMA Guide.! Na- tion have been elected by members of the organization. Don Robinson was elected the new chief. Medicine man is Gary Kavigan, wampum bearer is Gary Roberts, tally keeper is John Nelson and loud talker is Ken Kehrberg. • Swln• Classes Set MISSION VIEJO -Adult swim classes will be heJd beginning tonight at 7:30 o'clock at the Mission Viejo Recreation Center. Basic survival teclmlqucs will be 1tressed in the five one-hour classe!. Classes are limited to five persons: Fee is $4 for members and $18 for nonmembers. :e C.rtoolU Screeaell MISSION VIEJO -A cartoon show for youngsten will be held Wedneaday at 10 a.m. al the Mission Viejo Re<:reaUon Center. Adini.ssion is 25 cents to the cartoon lhow. A teen spcrU night is scheduled for 1 t 7 :30 p.m. Wedntldly at the, center. 0ruc• Coast Weatlter 1 It's another blue Monday and Tueaday'll be even bluer, says the weatherman, who looks for driu.ly cloods and temperatures in the upper &0'1 for the coutllne. INSWE TODAY Financial columni.tt S 11 l v i a Portn todo11 rrsumt1 hrr con· tinuingi 1eril.1 o" "F'ar-oui In· ocrtments" on Page 1 f today. """.. ,, ,.,..... " Ceillftnl\9 .. , .......... ..... ... C'-1..... a.D Of'Mlt CW111Y It ~ " ., ...... ,.,. 14 ~ n: .... '"'" ,,.. °""" Nllk" tt ._,.. u.u .......... ,... 4 Sfitdl ~ttt 14-'ll .l!Mrl........ 1' T......._ 9' ,._. , .. ,. ~ . ..__,. it•.,.. • A• LM1i11tt lJ Wtl"llf ...,.. W -.. • '. j -Mill'.,....,..;.. ..... PIONEER OF,IUR SUCCUMBS 'LA9un11'1··'tep' Allenton 'Cap' Allanson, Pioneer Laguna Officer, Dies Howard Davis "Cap" Allanson, pioneer Laguna Beach police offieer who served on the Art Colony force for 28 years, died In tbe-fiinily-9iliday, Ho was 75. capt. AlliMOn, w1M Joined the depart· ment in 1930 when it bad but two officers, rose .thi-ough the nuW to captain as the departmeTit grew: He was a Laguna resi· dent for 42 years. Perhaps one of the finesf tribu~s to the 'Veteran .pea~ offietr came from his former colleague,, George Plet\s_. Lasuna identification officer: ''He jlilt seemed to Know j>eople: He seemed *10 have the knilck loi getting along with 'everyone. "Why, even the people he arrested lik· ed him." Capt. Allanson retired rrom the Laguna department in J958. While on the force, he had served under five different police chiefs includin& Lal\llli'S first, Chief Abe Johnson . Funeral servk'es wiD be conducted (Seo ALLANSON, P•&• I) Two Planes Collide on East Coast Bv TOM GORMAN Of Ille O.llr 'i'-' Sl•lf Two San Juan Capistrano couples were among nine persons killed Saturday In a collision of two light planes over Lona: Island Sound in New York. Dead are Jack W. Johnstone, 45, and his wife, Joan, of 2703l·A Capote de Paseo, and Donald C. Plwi:ib, ,7, and hiJ · wife, Mary, of·27032-A Pueo Burl.adero. Johnstone, de.scni>ecJ aa .an. uCtUeot pilot by Capistruo Airport officials, wu plloOng hil -in for • ll!idh!I when the plane c:ollidM with 1, PIP"' Apache, baled at the Ltnden., N.J., ,_ . ·-~·· The two couples, said to have been cl<lOesl ol friends by neighbors, had been tourin( tho country on a combined bulineu-pleasure trip~ according to relatives. Wltneslle! said the crash occurted · tn poor weather about 300 yll'ds offllhore. Following two explostons, the two planes fell apart and dropped Into 50 foet of water. The other plane was carrying Mr. and Mrs. James v. Richey of Brooklyn, and their three sman children. PaS!tng boatmen ind acuba divers recovered five bodies before the Cout Guard continued the aearcb for the four remaining· victims. Mr. Johnstone, who formerly resided tn La Canada, moved to San Juan Capistrano about one year ago with his wife. He had commuted to his Los Angeles advertising agency by plane dai· ly. "He was a very good pilot, .. 1aid Bruce Denham of the Capistrano Airport, where Johnstone has had his plane tied up since November. "It wasn't his fault. He was making an approach and rollided with a twin Apache that shouldn't have been there." Mr. Johnstone had been licensed for in- atrument flying. Mr. and Mrs. Johnstone are survived by their two daughters, Debbie, a sophomore at USC, and Mrs. Cheryl Saari of Manhattan Beach: and his mother, a re1ident of Los Angele1. Plumb retired from Jet Propulsion Laboratory ln Pasadena as personnel supervisor in 19&7, having worked there for 12 yean. • i . . '• ' . FOR CL•MINTI PU .. ;._,P,..,ldent.Nim,;ey,.-, a model,ot .Ille Hobie •urlboenl'JIVlll hllnl'.f~t'Father'a ' - Nixon Surfboard \ On .Its Way Out To s·an Clemente President Nlxoan'1 Father'• Day gift. a Hobie surfboard, ts •IJ)Ociod to be ready for tbe water In time for the Presklent'1 next tr)p to Ibo Orange ~ •Jri,AuiOll. Except .!or tit•. lniUoll ... mm •. tho surfboard will not have any frills . Nixon had already·· ·war_ned • hi 1· daughters It's unlikely he'll hang JO on q,e new board, despite t~ San ~l~menJ.e home 's proximity to etcellent surf. Work ham't begun on the boeid ·yet. 'All boards are custom made. It. ls .expectec:t to be a nine-foot, four-lncher. According to Hobie Vice President Jim Gillon, "It'll be fairly plain,~ with a· natural· flrilsh·." The pr-esidenLial representaUve . who ' came in just asked for 1 ·stoct boanl. •1 Tho board· coru a boot f1so, Stock Markets ·NEW YORK (AP,) -.Tbo'l\<Jek market cloled on a IOwer note today after an eir- 1)' advance ran oat of ateam.-(See ~uota· tm; Pa1ei 1.f.15} •. • · ' ' · • · ' Nixon a . Hodad . Gets .Surfboard for Father's Day President Nixon tii a Ht>dad, U deve- loped on Father's Day, A Hodad in beaehtown paralnce, 11 person who has a surfboard for prestige, but dolpn'l I.lie jt and tbal'I Wba~tbe n,a.. lion's Chi<! !'lHCl!tiV< )>tans to <f<i, Dauthters· Tricia, '23, and Julie E~ephoW~r. 20, eave the President a. Scaled.clown model or a custom-built Hobie. bo&)'d to be delivered to the auin- rper White House in San Cl~mente next week . · • · Thousands of dads throughout -America SJ.lrveyed various Father's Day &ifl! with the Ame forc·ed good natU:re Sunday a1 did President Nixon when he opened his gift. "I'll never ride it," be muttered, amll· Ing. The. bzi&hl blue monogrammed board will apparently gather dmt at the old H. H. Cotton Estate, as Orange Coast surfers mourn the waste of both It and use of the prime Nixon IUl'f beach. "I rode a surfboard 30 years &J.O and it doesn't lmt>re'ss me a bit," adde(f the 56- year-old . President. Mr. Nixon noted that one o( his aides, Roy Goodearle, accompanied b I m partway to Midway 151and via Hawaii a week ago and broke his leg 1urftna: 12 hours after arriving in surf heaven. · "l'll loan it to people," he continued as he examined the model surfboard, ·"I'll loan It to members of the press." Laguna Youth, 18, ToUl 'fo Stay Out of Oregon Charter Class Grad-uates .A ~a Beach youth accused ol per- Jmy 1fter a series ol Eua:Q, Ore., born· binlS has been reloued to !>JI father's clistody and caullonecl against returning lo the colloge lown-bec•IJIO o!·lenllon there. session and tran.spor<ation. ol dynamite. "We claim .that he dld in fact receive tl\f: dynamite," .said Lezak. He added that no one has be<!n ch;rg.ct · with actually '41Uni the sjx erpi<>slous that damaged five buildings. Eclws of. Protest Hang Over UCI Commencement By JANICE BERMAN Of ffM DlllJ '"" ~I.ti UC Irvine gaduated its charter class -the lint class to 10 through four undergraduate years on Ole new campus -in Saturday 1fternoon ceremonies un- marked by overt student protests. But the atmoephere wl1t colored with echoes of recent campus disruptions aDd lhe forebodlnJ ol more student diuent to come. (See pbotol Pll• I .) Diacula1ng lludonl protats, Unlvorslly Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrlch Jr. said, "We must realiU: the. tmderlying caUSe Is man' 1 search for freedom from poverty and destruction." At Ibo. 111111 time, be warned qaln!t r~a and rad.icalllm u the key to change, ..r called for 0 justk;e,"' ~. ''grtatness la the way we lfve..our UT&>l& la tho quallty ol justice." Guest 1peater Tbomu .Kucl>tl, who received an honorary dqree, told the graduates, "Nowhere hu the quest (for 1 pea<e) been so felt H In your s<nm· tJon." "You have put the establishment on lrial," he said. "for what it has done and what it bas failed to do abd you . have returned an indictment against those outside the-establishment on the same counts." · "A verdict of gultty coold be 11>- propriate th .either case and maybe both. But at &he very lea.st, there woWd be &rounds for clemency." Saying that the graduatel represem 1•1 wide range ol. human thought," the former te:nat.or added, '1YO!.a'hive refused bllndly to acttpt the status quo. You have poodend how to Improve IL That II tho htstotlc pattun ol the llnivontty. It I function, by traditioo1 ~ 1>oen (o aPflY knowledge to· the Detlerment of Lbe , hulflln oOiillllon." • · Xad!oi · llld the l!lllvenll)', u an In-' 1Ut1.1Uoo, 0 is ,in tr0uble." So .ii our S>de. ty. So ii tho hunum race." Deceylnc Ylolenco on American~ campu9e1, he said, ~ ~ c autonoiny of coli•let andrUnlvmiU.. been dlaruptod and -clMtroyed and . damage hu been done to the processes of Amttlcan education." Violence, Kuchel said, "can be, ·as · it should be, put down." "Respect for the authority of . the academic dean 11 not Incompatible with tho right of Ibo atudont to protest.• Both, I think, are relev~ to the liberty of. the university as an Institution." He .Ii.kl that both are rtllted to the pur111lt 'of knowledge, and that today, knowledfo "'P.....,.. power. DiscualJng dlvtslve forces in the Ntlon, Kuchel called the war In VI~ "a cruo(r, ~VO' forte for tJi0o Aiz\mcan te," and added· that ho\lel for peace ' "" tho racu . hive "boon ll*if · oliatt<red ~ vl.ol~t ootbr:eakl bore •t hGmO.". ' The in ..... lo thtse problem1, lllld' KucheJ,. ;'will not come from the r84lca1 i<ft ••• It will not '°'"' !rotn unrouonlni . reaction by duly conttitut.ed putiUc power, w11tn<tho lndilcrlmlnate u11 ol forco - (See UC IRVINE, Pap I) KMel Jooepli Lamhort. 11, ol 2965 Alpine Way, was relealed Friday in Portlan~. Ore. to his father, Dr. Joseph Lambert, a professor at UCI. Sidney ·I. Leiak, U.S •. attorney for Oregon, said the perjury cbar&e stems . from • Lambert's testimony before • federal Gfand Jury loliowln& the born· bings May 19 and 20. · . Lezak said young Lambert den\ed hav0 1~ received a destructive device (dyna- mif< stlcko) from Rld)>rd L. .Olla ol Eu,_, who II charged with illOpl poo- Lifegua~ds Treat , ' . Jellyfish Victim11' ·Lag.,,. 'Biach lliquanll trea¥ with nibbinl'alcobol an estimated tilO penoas wllo·r•• olool of tho .CU""'Jt jollyflah ·m. · lestatkla durt111 the wotkend . Ovtrcut weather and light 1crowds were reported with moderate' IUrf and water lemper~tu,re running 83 to I& de(rea. Llfegu1rdt ••Id the IUrf WU building IOtnewh!ll today. Jn rtleasing. young Lan,bert Friday, Judge Robert c . Bellon! told him In U.S. District Court that because ol a tense situation in Eugene, he might 'be banned If he returned tbert. FBI agenia estim·ated that the blast set ori. the outside of bulldlngl did an eatimjltecl lii,000 damage. · · A perjury complaint has been issued against Karel Lambert but ho h8' not been indicted. The U.S. attorney said to- day he would seek an indictment before the federal Grand Jury within a week. 1FBJ qtnts said the motive of UM! bom· blngs II unknown. They conflnnod that they happened just before a ac:heduled panel of speakers at tbe Urllver&Jty of Oregon. It wa.s to have featured Bobby Seale, a Black Panther; Tom Haydon, C<HOW!der of ~ Studon1' ror a Democratic Socifty: aod fl..,. Erlich ol the 'ciilllotnla Poace and frtedom P.arll'. ' The three men cancelled ~Ill engagements alter the bomblnp. TM cancollallon they attributed to moumtnc IOI' the death of a YOUl'll man tn 'U. Berkeley "People's Park" riotbJC. • • I I I I I ! I 2 D""-V PILOT L Laguna_. Faeing ""-'-Irr Tom C•rtv LAGUNA MAN'S CAR 'DITCHED' IN CANYON ACCIDENT NEAR EL TORO ROAD Henry Brown's Sunday Drive Over Hill and Dale Ends Abruptly in Gully Lagunan Injured As Car Plunges In Canyon Ditch A 37-year-old Laguna Beach man wu Injured Sunday when hla small foreign car ran off Laguna Canyon Road and ended up in a IO.foot deep flood gully. The incidenla was one of five weekeand injury accidents in the city. Henry W. Brown of 460 Hich Drive wu relealed following treatment at South c-t Commuruty Hospital, aides said. ~cddent occurred at about 4 p.m. Sundjf'about one mile east of El Toro road. The ck<p gully fonnod by tile wfnl« rains complef<l.Y owallowed the &mall car. Police Lt. Frllllk Schopen said that Brown told officers he mnemben watching the culvert, but nothing die. Another accident early Sunday injured Ernest LeJih B<nn<t, 4-0, of La Pumte. Bennet was released after treatment. The accident occured at 5: 10 a.m. at Coast Highway and Calliope Street. The Bennet car went and out or control struck an electrical pole, S<:hopen !aid. A Sunday accident at Pacific Coast Highway and Nyes Place injured Frank PrenUce, 47, of ll631 Crystal Sands Drive, Laguna Nf&utl. The two-car C'Ol· lision occurTed as Prentice wu north · bound on Coast Highway and another car pulled out from Nyes Place. ~entice was released following treat· ment it South Coasl Community Hospital. No others were injured. Ship Captains' Union Strikes Atlantic, Gull NEW YORK (UPI) -The lntema· tional Organit.ation of Masters, Mates and Pilots struck all AUantic and Gulf ports today but aJthough the strike posed a major threat to the American merchant marine, its immediate effects were minimal. The 'uruon, which represents ship cap- tains, struck aL midnight when negotia· lions with the maritime service com· mittee and the tanker service C001mitt'ee, representing ship ov.·ners. broke down over the quesUon of "primacy" of the captains' salaries. DAii Y PllOT OFFICER KEN CARTER INSPECTS CANYON CAVE-IN Del11yed Acti~ Flood Damage Driver's Undoing From Pqe J UC IRVINE GRADUATION • • • by shotgun loaded with buckshot, and by helicopters equipped with tear gas -in. jum the innocent equally with the guilty." He said that such action (which took place during the recent Peoples Park demonstrations al Berkeley) "is the most effective way to drive the moderate, reasonable student into the arms of the radical.·• He urged moderat.es to voice their con· cerns along wth the radicals . "Remember," he said, "II the voice of the moderate remains silent, the voice of the immedorate will take over." Adding to the note or r e c e n t UCI campus unrest, Student Body Presi· dent Ronnie C. Ridgle presented Aldrich with the class gift, a set of books for the library. Said Ridgle , "We wish the University of CaJifomia at Irvine the vtry best of luck, beca•1se if things continue at their present rate, we may not be around very loog.'' SaJd Aldrich, accepting the g1tt. "I sensed a tremendous ef(ort (by Ridgle) not to pour forth what was In his heart. ''Because of the limitations of Ume,'' Aldrich said, 0 1 assure you that what v.·as not said. we ha ve heard." The ceremonies con tinued with the presentaUcnof 632unde r gr ad u ate degrees, 56 M.A.'s, 75 M.O.'s, and JB PhD.'s. Awardec! honorary degrees along with 2 l\fariner Spacecraft l\Ioving Right Along PASADENA (UPI) -America's two Mariner spacecraft now are more the.n thret quarten of the way through their ,·oyage to ?\.tars to find out whethtr the planet ls capable of supporting W"lh-llke life. Mariner & and 11-farincr 7, launched Feb. 24 and Marth !I.,.. O>ptded lo fly by Mars at a dlstince of about 2,000 miles on July 30 and Aua. 4. At lhtt time, f\.fars will be a relaUvely close IO million miles from tarth. Kuchel were Kenneth Bancroft Clark1 Negro educator; H. Northrop Frye, literary scholar; a n d Clari es Sparks Thomis, "distinguished alWMus of the University or California." 3 Hospitalized From Drugs After UCI Pop Concert At least three youtM have been hospitalized s u f f e r i n g hallucinations following ~ Sunday pop concert at UC Irvine. One 18-year-old girl was discovered thls morning rutting about nude in the middle of Garden Grove Boulevard sa}'lng she was in heaven. There ha ve been unconfirmed rtports that apple cider sold at the pop conctrt called High Noon in Festival wu spiked with LSD. Also taken Jnlo protective custody at Orange County Medical Center were a 22· year-old young man from Enierald Bay. near Laguna Beach, and a IS..year-0ld Costa P.1esa lad. The young lady and Emerald Bay yollllfl man are rePorled in satisfactory condition today in the mental health. ward. ~ CO«la Mesa youth was releu. cd to his parents. None of the three are UCI students. Orange County Sherif( narcotk:s In- vestigators today were }Ookina: into the tncidenl UCI campus police said UJeY had the~ haods Tull Sunday just ltyin1 lo contain the crowd of 2,00o that turned out to hear &Ix rock bands 1ponaottd by the AMOClaled Students. "We're checkJng into it ounelvts but things are not moving very fut this morning." aald campus pollce Sgt. Robert Rodgers. The Costa f\.teu youth first was brouaJ>t lo Costa M ... Memorial Hospl,.I by 1 friend. Costa Mesa police took hlm to the county facility. Flooding Threat ~ • CityOffic~lsH~r-W,hµtFu~ur.e.Ho~ . . By RICHARD NALL Of llM Dtlltr Pi.t Staff A Oood four times the mqnllude of Ille ...., thol devtilated L8guna Canyon this winter could roll down the natural water way any time. The canyon -which couldn't handle thl1 year's torrent -would be in a very bad way Indeed U that hypothetical flood were to arrive .next winter. So would downtown Laguna business structures. Hydroloa engineers call it a n "Intermediate Regional Flood" having lhe average frequency of occurrence in the order of once in 100 years. Yet it's somethin1 Uke the odds in dice. 'nle odds against throwing two &evens in su~ are long ooes. Yet after you roll a seven, the odds against rolling the nei:t one are the aame u they always are for cominc ~ with seven ln one t.hro1' of the dice . Ir a 100.year flood oocurs one week, natwe might u eaaily schedule ooe the next week u 100 years later. DISCUSSED PROBLEM Couflty and recteral engineers diacua1ed the problem and a?UJ of 1oluUon with Laauna Beach councilmen Wednesday niglit in an Informal 1tudy ses&kn The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers had conducted a study of the Laguna Canyon "flood plain", eight square miles from the beach al Broadway to a mile "upstream" from El Toro Road . Walter Raketlch Jr., chief ol the Corps' Flood Plain 11-fanagement section, Los Angeles, said it was the first such study completed for Or~ County. Others are being done for other County areas. He celled Laguna Canyon "a very, veey critlcal area." In view of homes, businesses and1 • hlgbway, alread,Y loCated in the f10arf. path, Raketlch caut1oned councllmtn .. of the need to establish regulations to c• trol the remaind,er· of the flood plain. ~ • These might Include peohlbltion ofi.qf careful control of tutu.re construction ti the area. WHAT'S NECESSARY Councilman Richard Goldberg as~ the engitleers what is .necessary to ~ tect the caayon and downtown fl; fectively. · · ... ~ Carl R. Nelson, Orange Comity Fl<><ir: Control District planning engineer. said after Laguna was hardhlt by flooding. Id the 1930's, residents began pounding Oil Congressional doors. Capo f!istorical Group A survey was authori:iied In 1945, ~· never funded . Nelson ~aid Geof4! Osborne, county flood · control chief, is -.~ Washington, D.C. attempting to s~· the $30,000 funding wtth assistance ;.et Rep. James Utt (R-Tustin). <... Seeking Dana Monument Goldberg asked if persons living ~ Cloing business on the canyO'n· flood pl'-tq\ had "great cause for alarm" and wtiit they could do. i Nelsoit said the flooding could ha · The San Juan Capl:'t.rano Historical Society has launched a drive to raise $10,000 for a monument to be placed at the new Dana Point Harbor in honor o( author Richard Henry Dana. Three nationally-known sculptors have been commissioned at fSOO each lo com· pcte for the privilege of creating the final design or the massive monument, ac· cording to Jerry Gaffney, chairman or lhe memorial committee of the historical society. Meeting Friday to launch the drive were Fifth Di!trict Supervisor Altoo. E. Allen, Harbor District Director Kennetlt Sampson, Gaffney, and Robert Savage, Dana Point Harbor architect. Commemorative license plate frames are to be sold at $3 a pair and decals at 50 cents each to raise the funds: The frames read: "Dana Point Harbor, Coast Man Freed In Fraud Case A Newport Beach man has been cleared of all charges in a case involving sale of an estimated $3 million in in· aura.nee to Californians. Cleo Marvin Johnson, 51, of 1901 Kings Road, was one of four defendants ac· quited Sunday by a Superior Court jury. 'nle weary panel relumed to the court ol Judge William MurTay to end more than three days of deliberatk>ns by clear· ing Johnson, Roland K. Marsh, 38, of Redondo Beach, June Virginia Adams, 25, of North Hollywood and Harry Lools Hib- bard, 58, of Anaheim of fraud charges. But the jury could not agree on iden· tical grand theft and conspiracy counts lilt.el against David Morton Kane, 37, of Beverly Hills. Further action against Kane will be decided at a hearing set for June 27. The jury retired late Thursday follow· lng more than five weeks of testimony on the operations of Regency Investors Inc. of Encino. They had heard allega· lions that the five defendants were in· volved in an operation that bilked in- vestors of more Ulan $2 million. Jack Bernard Follis, M, of 508 E. Ocean Front, Newport Beach, pleaded guilty to rraud charges In a pre-trial pro- ceeding. He served five days in jail, was fined $250 and ls currently on probation. All five defendants were accused of selling to Southland residents -many of them in Orange County -regular life in- surance policies which were said to be hlgh1y lucrative prorit sharing contracts. Regency was compelled to refund more than $650,000 to policy purchasers last year following an investigation of its ac- year following an investigation of its ac· tivltles by the California Department of Insurance. Browsers Wanted • -What kind of a perwon goet1 around wilh a big f•t emile on hie puee? An idiot. An insurance aale&o man. A 1weepatakee winner. An owner of a new eel of den- luree. A Bidwell 1tdfer. Let's talk about lhe Bidwell etaUer. We admit, we weren't born wilh that 1mile. We wear it deliberately. That'• to make ou.r cu1tomen feel wanted, be- caaM they are. Abo we want our non.eu&o tomen to feel ...... tec1. We like to eee men eome in and ju1t poke around, a procedure known .. browsing. Some people are ae- cu1tomed to other typa of fac· ial ~re11ion. They want to know why we •ct "° pleated when tome guy walk1 out of here without buying anythlng. I Orange County'' and are In the new blue ..a,nd gold cotPn selected for ,state liCense plates beginning neJt November. Dana Point is named for . Richard Henry Dana who wrote "Two Years Before the Mast," relating his adventures on an 18th century sailing ship which put in at the port lo load hides. Sculptors competing for the monument commission are John Terken, or East Meadow, N.Y.; Vincent Glinsky, of New York City, and Edward F. Hoffman , of Wayne, Pa. Gaffney said they. will be able to work In any kind cl. material, stooe, wood, or whatever, as long as it "ls luUni.'' License plate frames may be obtained by writing to the San Juan Capistrano Histortcal Society, P. 0 . Bo:i 81, San Juan Capistrano, Calif. From Pqe J All.ANSON. • • \Vednesday at 1 p.m. 1n the Sheffer Laguna Beach Mortuary. Capt. Allanson made his home at 315 Locust Street. A Mason for 49 years, Capt. Allanson was affiliated with the Maaonic Lodge no. 380 in Jowa. Masonic services are plan- ned. Survivors are Capt. Ananson's widow, Mn. fear! "11•~1.ol lbe family home ; ""-Al A. AUll!IOll, of San DlegO; daughter, MQ. Min<1'YJI Digloy, of Costa Atesa; b~sr.EdWird, of Te:ias and Eugene, Of · tllinols; ifiters, Mn. Harry Cogswell, of Illinois ; t.(i's. Leland Clifford of Michigan, and Mis!, Mildred A!Janson of lllinOis; three graOOchildren and two great·grandchildren. · Entombment will be. at Melrose Abbey in Orange. Funeral ·arrangements are being direcled by Sheffer Laguna Beach Mortuary. · Dana Point Cluh Holds Hobie Race · Spectators lined the blufrs and jetty o! Dana Point Sunday to watch 25 trim Hobie Cat 14's battle tt out in the first regatta ol the Dana Point Yacht Club . Overall winners of the three races were R. Paul Allen or Dana Point, 4-1·1; Hobie Alter of Dans Point, 1-3-3 ; Wayne Schafer of Dana Point, 3-2-2 ; Jerr Jones of Newport Beach, 2-4·5; and Jeff Prindle of Laguna Beach, 5+4. The If.foot catamarans were launched off the beach at the old Capistrano Beach Club. They sailed a trlanguhu-Olympic course of three or four miles in the three races. Wind was about five to seven knots. Our answer, ._.e want. our 1tore to be one where anyone can walk in, saunter around, keep his hand1 in his pockets, and aim a scowl at our sales. man if be •pproache1 loo close too soon. When your wile i11bopping at Riehard'a, or you've etopped to eai at Berk1hire'~ or drove down for tome ult water a'ctiv· itY, we hope it will teem com· fortable ud euy for you to next year: He said peraons should be" • tng (structural) precautions they can~ 3 ford . "If nothing el8e, in a 'heaVJ',.11.iP stonn, they should get out," the wali;f. engineer said. l!.O • , BUILDING ON STILTS , He said structural precautions miaht Include building on stilts, solid walls to divert water and high floors. Mayor Glenn Vedder asked the engineers about the contention of some persons that the lagoons in the canyon present a menace in a flood. Nelton said they were sumps and not 1 threat aince· there was nothing to give way a~ release a wa\1e, With the coming of North American Rockwell's Autonetics plant, said Nelson, the whole south coast is In the midst of an economic boom, yet the flood control district (with bond issues beaten twice iit recent years) does not have the economic·· whP.reWlthal to solve the flood danger. He said during recent floods the flow In Aliso Creek was greater than any measured since mea&urlng began in 1930. ONE SOLUTION One solution, Nelson mentioned, is the possibility that coastal freeway coald serve as a retarding basin when it ls built across the canyon on a buge fill in the bl& bend area. He said State Division of Highway engineers are we!J along with the cle&lA Such a fill, which would act u a dq: might be 1,000 feet wk!.e at the ~i Laguna Canyon Road could be nm ~ i>ln a -~· ;, .~_. __ !.!ii; Nelsbft~ nofed. that occupants ~ from the fill would have to be remOVJi:f since in storm the. area would fill ~~ water. But he sai4 it could be an oiltb ~pace and recreation area with trees am hiking trails. • 1 · "Everything in the big bend are.a wftf be wiped out by lhe freeway, the telortici. factory, everything," the engineer 1114, He e.stimated this is abo1.1t 10 years awa:. . Asked about recent flood destructl(ll\'91 Laguna ·eanyon Road, Neloon said in' WI! opin.ioR it was unwisely builL Rebuil~ tt without protective drainage tacill~ he said, is a waste of Ume but said &ti; State Division of Highways refuses to 't!' gas tax funds for drainage. .; Dr . G. R. Ekeberg, a veterlnartan, ~ yon dweller and frequerit critlc ot·the P: ty, called it a disgrace that the city hlr:I put in "little bridges" that collapsed tbd formed water obstructions. She claimed General Telephone Co. ~ Laguna Beach County Water District hilt also done this. She said during uit flooding she saw a 31h·fool wall of water rushing toward her. Nelson said there ls no governmentll regulation preventing persons from building such structures on their own pro- perty. He said there are many obstruc- tions to drainage in the channel thal should be modified. come on in and Lake a look around. By getting you to do that, if you're now a customer of e.ay Silverwood's, or Buffunu', or· Charlie'• Friendly NeiP· borhood Haberdashery, we'd like the poeeibility of becom· ing a Bidwell customer to enter your mind. How could that happen if you do your brow ... ing in Silverwood'• instead of Bidwell's? We have all the dght thi"l!I' for yo11 to look at, Suite, tport co•l8, slack., ehirta, the usual. Also tl1e unu1ua1. Oil1kin1, sea-proof jackets, luggage, drinking mugw, manicure 1et1, and what not. One poaoible pr:oblem. How do we know if yoia're here to bro wee, or buy? Easy. We uk yon. • - Jack Bidwell at 3467 Via Lido, rlaitt where you turn off Newport Blwd. to f!O lo Lido hie, at Lido Th..,ter. F,.,. parking at rur ol ttore. Phone 673-%10' Copyright 1969, Jock Bid....U. • " " M lb " " " It " ti! "' la " I Iv "' ... •""-' ..-.-. ..,... ""· ·-· .. -r-~. ~----~-~~--------------~-----------------~---,...-..... • • " . JEAN COX, 4'4-'466 MMMr, ...... U. 1Ht L , ... 11 Executives Take Bows Las Damas del Mar auxiliary's new officers for the 1969-7() year will be feted at an installation luncheon next Wednesday in Omar's restaurant, San Clemente. The_ luncheon, traditional with the San Clemente- Oilpislrano Valley auxiliary of Olrlldren's Home Society, bas 1-1 arranged by Mrs. WUiarn Taylor. Mrs. G. Carson Rasmussen, a past president, will serve as in- atalling officer. Mrs. Thomas O'Keefe will serve her second term as president. Assisting her will be the Mmes. Ralph Koch and Thomas Peden, first and second vice presidents; Robert Driscoll, treasurer, and Kenneth Oarr and Robert Cassi, recording and corresponding secretaries • . _Plans for the coming year include an Interpreta· lion Brunch in October; Baile de Navidad, the black-tie ball which traditionally opens the San Clemente Christ• mas season, and a borne tour of prominent San Cle- mente and Capistrano Valley homes scheduled in early spring. Las Damas del Mar is one of 220 auxiliaries of Chil- dren's Home Society in Califurnia. The society seek• to bring together children and .fainilles m need of each other and provide counseling to natural pilrents wbo are trying to reach a decision concerning the future of their child. Auxiliary assistance is pr;xMded throogh financial aupport and active participatien in the society's clinic and administrative programs. Graduates :Get Boost . ·for future · HiCh ochool graduates Susan Jane ·chamberlain of Laguna Beach and Thomas Stirling of CapiJtrano Beach won this ;ear's scholarships given by Auxiliary of South Coast Com· ~unity Hospital. The scholarships are the aole financial awards given by the auxiliary which bas as its main objecUve financial &up-• port of the hospital. In presenting the . ·awards; . Mrs. Arthur Brl1gg1,. scholarship chairman, sa1d the auxiliary, re.alizii\g ~ urlent iteed for nurses ·and doctors, 1 Sas made these awatds an an- nual event to encour.age lludentl who wish to further their carter in the medical field. ·Mi• Chamberlain ls the daugbter of Mn. Richard W. Raun of Alta Laguna. She has been active in gymnastic!; and ls a memiJer of Medical Ex- plorer Scoots. She will eni.r Brf&Mm Young University thil fall to prepare for a nurs- ing camr. • LAS DAMAS DEL MAR -Mrs. Ralph Koch, new first vice pr..- ident and outgoing tre3surer of Las Damas del Mar passes•on a suitcase of money to its new keeper, Mrs. Robert Driscoll (right). San Ju.an Capistrano L~ade~s Told Woman's Club of San Juan Capistrano members will travel to Irvine Coast Country Oltlb tomorrow afternoon for their annual in· stallation luncheon I<> be led by Mrs. Keith Hutch ell!. Mrs. Colleen Buchheim of Rancho Santa Fe, a · former club member and resident of San Juan Capistrano will join the 12:30 p.m. gathering in Newport Beach to act as install- ing dcer. E'ollOWing the instaJlation, Mrs. Geoffrey Maru!!eU. former · program chairman, will take over Ule presidency of the group which me& the third Tuesday of every month at 12:30 for a luncheon in San Juan Capistrano Women 's Clubllouse. other new offi.cers•will be the Mmes. John Given, Ole Hanson and James Thomson vice presidents; Jack Cobb and Elarion Heiiian· dez, recording and corresponding secretar .. ies ; Myron Smith, treasurer; Ralph Davis, historian ~ Myrtle Simpkin, auditor; Joe Evinger, parliamentarian, and Maurice Isch, Harold Albert and Thomas Conner, members at large. Mrs. Isch, luncheon chairman, is assisted by members of the present executive board. Luncheon reservations may be obtained by calling Mrs. Thompson, 496-1419 or Mrs. Floyd Arce, 493-1757. Tickets also will be aV'ailable at the door the day of l.tie luncheon. Special projects pursued by the group from 1968-69 under the Jeadershjp of Mrs. Hutch- ens included hemming towels for South Coast Cooununity Hospital; collected discarded eye glasses to donate to Chun:h World Serv- ice for use in lndia ; American Field Service : • ' • • i Thomas Stirling, son of Mr. and Mn L. W. Stirling of Camino El Molino, ii an alum· nus of. San Clemente High Scbool where he participated in track, swimming and surf· tn1. He hu been accepted in w..amm College, s a n t a Barbera, where· he w 111 ~·for a medical car~r~ NURSE'S TRAINING -Miss SuJBn Jane Chamberlain of Laguna Beach (right), Who receiv00 a scholarship from Auxllillry of South Coast Community Hoopltal to encourage her interest in a nun- ing c.areer. learns bow to operate a wheel chair from Mrs. Arthur Briggs, sdholarship chalnnan, while Mrs. Irene Snyder, assoc· iate dlrecl<>r o! nursing 1ervlce for the hospital plays patient. San Clemente High School's Parent-teacher Association project and Cervantes, a service club; donating ditty bags to the American Red Cross for servicemen in Vietnam, and the use of clubhouse for oratorical contests. ·. Super Salesman Trips Up and Is Called on His Own Carpe ~ DEAR ANN LANI>ER.r.My hu!band and I own a profitable carpet business. Mi brother works for WJ. Vernon and 1 do lhO ,.llJng and my bn>ther and a helper do ·the lnstallaUon1. Yesterday a 10Cially prominent woman ~ame in and selected llOIOfl tJ1'nsive wtiettng for a small room. V~ sold It to her. She asked if he 'l(P'OUkl lay the catpet peraooally. Instead of telling her lhat someone else does the tnstanauon. he-said, "I'd be happy to." Today Vernon left the ahop with the 1141'• carpeUng. He waa gone five hours and J wu WGl'l'ied lick. He came back at • P.M. -drunk .. I --said they'd bail a few cocktaila, aot to talklng and loot tract of Ume. He also said mT ANN LANDERS ~ brother should go over tomorrow and lay the carpeting as be never got around to il I am furious.. U Vernon had been pick· ed up in our truck for drunk driving it could have ntlne4 us. When I tried to ex· pla1n Ulil to him he called me equare and said per!!Onal attention ii aood for busln••· What do you 11y! -ALMA DEAR ALMA: Penoaat 1tttaUot1 IS good for baslnen, b11 w~en H r<il TOO penonal ll'1 bad for bu1hte11. Tell Vemoa to 1tay 111 the 1bop and out of the tnlct Ind let ')'oar brother' make all tbe lloue calh from now oa. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm a widow who ls gettlng mighty fed up with women who view every wunarrled female as a threat to their marrlagea. A woman I work with was leaving the office juat u I was. Her husband was waiting in troot to pick her up. When he saw me, he poked his head out the car window and asked U I'd like a lilt home. (t1Jey live a few blocks from my apart- ment.) I said, "Yes, thank you," and alarted toward the car. His wire leaped in . front of me and elbowed her way into tl\e car to make certain I didn't sit nut to him. I said, ln·a voice dripping with honey, "Your husband is very attracUve, Myr· tie, but I make It a rule never to attack a man whUe he's driving." Her face turned red and she dldn't reply. HU husband laughed for rive minutes. Thil morning when.! saw her In the ollice Ille WU.VIII')' cool. Do yo11 feel I spoke out of tum?· • -V:B.C. DEAR V.: Your remaJi' WU exqWil&e! I ~ldn't ,have. done better myself. , DEAR ANN LANDERS ' We ')illt bro u g h t our 2-and·a-hall-year-okl dalighter and'. our 1-and-a-half·year-old bo)I home from lhe ho!pltal. l'l'hey1 bad their s.!<.:n1achs pumped. ll wasn 't a very Pleasant experience ror us or for them. 'Pleace' inform all mothers in your nading'. :1udlence . that no bottle Is chUdproof and no shelf is out of reach. All medicines and cleaning fluids ahould ht kept In 1 metal box or a cupboard - Q n de r tock and key. surely the -· trouble ls worth a child's We. Your youngster may not be as lucky as ours. , -CUY~HOGA .FALLS Dt.\R C.F.: l 'Ve printed . 111cb· wan- 111(1 lo Ille past bll I'm willlnl to do •• again.· B'usy modten forrft and need ti be · rem.IDded. • Alcohol is no shortcut to social succeas: II you think you have to drink to be aoo cepted by your friends, get lhe fact(' Read ••Booze and You -For Teenlgtl1 Only;'' by AM Landers. Send 35 cent(~ CQln and a long, self·addtessed, stamped envelope with your request. AM Landers will ht glad to help YOU witl'I your probltms, Send them to her ii] care o1 ~DAILY' PILOT, •nclollna I ' stamped, sell-addressed en velope. • • • • • • • I) ' Blue Birds on the Go Fulfilling their wish to go interesting places are (left to right) Stephanie Wil· Jiarns, Cherie FitzGerald, Kathy Wessels and Torrey Offley, members of the Jewels of tbe Sea Blue Birds, Sunset Beaeb. Henry Wessels area potter is demo~t>trating the art of throwing a pot on the potter's wheel and explairiing the history of clay pottery. ' • ROBINSON'S: NO TWO BALI SNO-FLAKES®ARE ALIKE JUST AS NATU1\E &OF"Jl..Y SHAPES EACH INDIVIDUAL SHOW P"LAKEt BALI DOES "nnt BAME, ACHIEVING TifE ULTIMATE IN BEAUTll"'\11. DESIGN AND COOL CDMl"DRT , W.lnt·AN EMPHASIS ON PERl'ECT P'rT, SUMMER 5No-FUKE)S 9 FROM 71i£ bALI COLLECTION.• .THE UNDERWIRE BRA, Bl:IGE, WHITE, BU.CK, BLUE, YELLOW PINK 32-38 • C D I o t I I I .oo ,6.5 0 -7.50: LONG LEG PANTV GIRDLE, WHITE, PINK, BLUE', YELL.OW, BEIGE, 5-M-L, 1!5 ,00 . FROM F'ASHION FOUNDATIONS, MEET llALI STYLIST, PEG DENSM01*:1 IN NEWPORT , JUNE 17-18. • ROBINSON'S NEVvroRT ·FASHION ISLAND · 644-2800 • -. . ... Rainbow Girls Name New Worth,y Advisor Betrotlial Revealed At Partv Newport 8e1ch, Calif. 1111 "''"1*'' •Ml. Mtlr~lt l•1•t1 5Wtr• "'*'-"5-It 1 0 ' STITCHERY KITS! S u .i 111 • r f1111 fer ftCetloal119 khh , •• GI'' t11e1!1 HMetlliat I• do. Yo11 will w1111t ... too. Lle111, ti~M. clo..,111 .ad ftoweu Jrc111 SJ.SO ta SS.00. IT'S SPRfNG! it's verve! it's instant color with 75' PLUS SHAMPOO ( .... ., ..... _, s2so AND SIT (Ah s , .•. SJ.71) Fri.· Sat.· Sun ..................... $3.00 CL0111 htir ••tr•I When Spring puts verve in your life, we put it inro your hair I \Vi th our new comb-able, brush-able dos. And with our color that just riiises in· and "takes" while we set your hai~ .It's marvelous Roux Fanci-fuU that· • tolon instantly-then shampoos mJt. when you wish! • uses no pe.roDde. needs no after·rin11 I • eovera rra:r, rtfrtahn dun hair, tonu . ble.acbed hair I Cost• Mesa. C11lf. 7U E. 11111 Slrw1 MtrUlr (""tr ,.,,.,.. ...... , Cost• Mesi, Ctlif. r.oo .... ,..., '"""· Ce1t1 Meta, C1llf. 1M w. lflfl ·~ ,If< ...... lflll 1( Mtrf "lflUI ·--fount1ln V1lley, t1llf. '"" M....-lla V1!11tt C•• ""°"' f624IOI _ .. _ Fount1ln Vali•Y• C11lf, ~' ....... ti lllClill ..... ..., '""" _..,_ Cf' ... ,.. ....... ' ••••••••• •J • • p1tture: peeks: • by M«WYR• • • • • •• School's out! Drive extra carefully for the kiddies' sate. And, be eapecially careful when YOU are driving near the Mesa. oo aeoount there will probablt be loads. of kids unloading for die terrific family nutlnees every afternoon. ALlflT flMHEY • Before summer Is too far "'°" Ute Lido will pop with yet another superb exclusive showing. Well, we'll keep It under wraps for a few more reels, but it will be something that yoo'll want to enjoy for an early August evening. Remember, Mesa ~1atinees e a c h and every afternoon, starting at 2:00 o'clock wllb family feature films. Kids m11 be proud to take their parents t.o these summer shows all JellOIJ at the Mesa. FREE PASSES to Ille Lido or Ille 11 ... will be mailed today to 1l E. Foster, '11 AlllO Ave., Newport Beach, Tommy Tuck· ~. i:ll Polnaettia Ave. Corona del Mat, R. V. Jordan. Ill Al>llone, Bal hie and H. C. BaUey, 1"8 Elm, Coif.I Me&. 'Ibese four will be aucst1 of .. Picture Peeks" to enjoy a movie at the Lido or Mesa real toon. We do hope that JOU?' name will appear here 10m• dme tn the near future . Tai• the flmlly out to a movie this summer-et U'le Mesa! .. • • - Al bah! lhe by I lion L< "°"' by t ln ~ """' " .~ A Cl ..t Cito .v.r in; la .... wtll &UPI • SJ eaiit -ctty men Cl dr"I .... m" a II -81 for I ::; cool • SA Ml& Ila! -!lo chle -be! Ken • M wtll o'cll ce 9' •Ir• Clal lff, • M Y"" a.m Cen Ao '"'" 7:111 -, 1 • ~ f • • • • c • c • • • • • • # .. - • . . ·~··~· _, ' ' • I • VbL:. 62, NO. :143, 2 S~CTIONS, 34 PAGES • • ORAN6E COUNTY, C!JJFOR t>,40NDA y; Jl.!NE 16, 1 '69 nN CENTS • . ... ' . . ' Public A:id Sought io Open lJp_ $alt C~eek ' ·' An effort lo nib' broad public 111ppart behind a plan to acquire public acce11 to t11i! Salt Crffk Oc<an .,.. Is being mode by the Capistrano Bay Park and Recrea· Uon District (CBPRD). Les\erl 1Vm! aent out to 1 number of community . organiiatk>n represeuta.Uves by the CBPRD, one cl the ~lpanta in lbe recent coort llglrt lo rtlaln puhliC acoem to the area, in an open piea for ~tybelp. 'A'CBPRD Jetter lo other or&anlutioos ' Down the Mission ·Trail Auto Flags Hail Clemente Fiesta ~ CLEMENTE -Small brig)llly colOred fiesta flap adverllslng the San Cldnente Fiesta La Crlltloni!;a are now a~able from the Chamber ol Com-mif'ce otflce, 1100 N. El Camino Real. The f1ags flt on automobile radio m- lennal and promot. the fiella, lhls year ti:beduJed !or July II thnlug)l 20. Flqa will be'ci~ oat free of charge 11 Jong as IUpply ·lull. :e·~· c1t11 r-Cutr SAN CLEMENTE -SlrHI nopair calts, necasltated by the heavy winter ninl may ellm.ina&e a propostd one-ctn' <tty tax rate redudioll for Su Cle--· City o!ficials had· at Orsi proposed clropplnf the nte from $1.31 per 1100 aneaaed valuation t.o $1.37. Thal penny means about $41.SOO to the city coffers. In a study session Mayor Wade F. Lower recommended keeping the one cenl 5ltt<t <ODllnldlon budcel u propooed for the new filCll year is $103,!U as com- pared lo almool fl)0,000 lhll year. Budge! 1nc:r ..... for penonnel aalarits could cort. the city an additional $11,000. 9 Guides Get Oftlcer• ' SADOLEBACK-New leoders for · the Mission Viej~EI Toro YCMA Guides Na· tm bave been elected by members of the orp.ni.z.aUoo. Pon Robinson wu elected the new chief. Medicine man Is Gary Kavlgan. wan\pum bearer Is Gary Roberts, telly kee{ler LI John Nelson and loud talker is Ken. Kehrberf. .• S"'I"' Classes Set MISSION VIEJO -Adult swim cl&Sles will be held beginning lonlghl •• 7,30 o'clock at the Mission Viejo RecreaUon Qlnter. Bame 11.1rvival techniques wlll be atreaed in the five one-boor clauu. Clulet are limited to five peraons. Fee is $6 rot members and fll for nonmemben. ·e <:er-Screeoeell MJSslON VIEJO -A cartoon show for Y'JllDPlen will be held Wednellday al 10 a.m. ·al the Mialon Viejo Recreation ceni.r. Admlllion la IS cenll lo the <l\floO!I •'-·A leen oporla n!g)ll ia oi:heduled for '1:11 P.m. Wedneld•y at the cent.tr. Wudler n·1 another blue Monday and 'nlelday'll be even bluer, aaya the weithennan, who loota for drtuly ~ and lanperaluru In the upper !0'1 for the <OUlllne. INSmE TOD.4. Y · Financial columnf.st S 11 l v fa Pbrter todav rtiuPM1 her con-tinuing series on "For~ut ln- 11t1tmmU" on Pag~ 14 tocfau. ....... H _...,. ,. ~ "'".._..,...... ... ~ •ia or..,. C-" tt ~ 11 lrMI ...,..,, ,. C,_..,., II lwl9I ....,, u.- D..-...... 1• ._.. ... . ......,,_ ..... -..... '"" ·•·•••11•• • ,........... " • ...,. . , .. ,. n.M • ......... ".......... . Aflll L_..,, '' WWfll Nawll 4-1 -.. , aiped·bY Board PrWdenl John 0. Snipes a.ab lf they support the district 11 cam- paign and U ·IO, to nolily 11Jan before lbelr June :1111 meelln&. "'lbe Capistrano Bay, Park & Recre• Uon DlstriCt woold like lo enliat your help in ·advialng the board of. supervisors of public disappointment in not allowing public access to the Salt Cre,ek ocean area by . a~ent · of Salt Creek Road," the letter uys. "It is specifically requested that the • Orange Cou!lty-ot.~ ... k means to pnrride' pw!Ne accea to the Solt Crffk ..... area to clli>eM of Orange Coanly ,.. con-la fnjoy !ta recrtaUonal actt.vttiel," tbt leUer llJ'I. Pellllons ore. betng clreuJal«I and should be malled or dtU.ered lo the boar<! al ill JIDle :1111 meeling, ~nc all approiwt.te ao-nment a,...ie. lo guard pubnc sborellne ....... 'niey -QUI$ lo allOcli blame for Jou of the Salter..k acceu lo Lquna NJcuel I s ·-' . OAlLY ~LOT-.Uaft""" . ~. . . ~-. Two Planes Collide on . East Coast By TOM GORMAN °'"" ~, ....... ,, Two San Juan Capistrano couples wen among nine persons killed Saturday in a colllalon of two light p~l'lel over f:.on8 Island Sound In New York. Dead are Jack W. Johnstone, 45, a~ his wile, Joan, of 2'103l·A Clpote de Paseo, and Donald C. Plumb, S7,' and bi1 wire; Mary, of ~A ·Paseq Burlidero. Jobn!tone,~deecribed u an excellent pilot by Capistrano Airport offidala, waa piloting: his ~ iD for a landltlg when the plan< «>lllded wtth a Plpor · Apache, baaed 'at the Undeh• . N'..1.1 airport. . . . c.r,on1ton, wblcb owned the land. "We feel the -and -'•• publfo: -cl Salt tlreek -~....Jd·be·• ~ bul ,... tho tummary aban- cloan\llll>adlon cl lludi .. 1111 and ... ....W !IA olllnnaUft a.lion IUeo lo ...,.. accea,'' ·5n1pm wr11ia. CBPRD boord le<le!' lrfcluclos a jetWm eallinl for actlOQ and an itlDDlrmcn forms If needed, on ~ maliect lo the agency -.al l!.O. DOa ,.7,ICajlillrano lleo<h, 0 es PIOHIE,lt4FFIC.IR-SUCCUMBS . L19un•'1 ""C•p' Afl.inson . . Tiie ' lwo"cooqJ1'a, Ald '.to have \1>t<n . •-at cl friend& liy nel&hbon, had been -""'· the _, ,. .,.,~ buolli'!U'Pleuun .atj>; ·~ to relaUves . . • • iii<' • J Oa,,CWMJ!¥11 l'Ult-Wlll&oR'nrA Da)<by r..~ters Jalle ~leftl·and Tricia. The,glrlt model.Of 1!11>'mbi, lurfbol!td sl•ffl!UD''111r'1'#1'e!I ' Nld'l(~lOf Jiin} 14!,~t It San Clenlente. rJ "\ '" '>',; .'-f.,/'., ••,,I' o },'.;!"I'. •' J~ "I It ' . . 'Cap' Allanson, rioneer. Laguna Officer, Dies WltnesS<I said fhe ·<l'luh oc:cun<d In poor weather lmilt · 300 yards offihore. FoUowlng two ~' the two p1anu f•ll ·apart and ~peel into 50 feet of water. . · · Nixof.'SllE~d.' :: . N~ott · a·' Hodad On ~ts ·W'ay -<~ut To San· ·Clem~~te Howard Davis "Cap" Allanson, pioneer Laguna Qeach pOlice officti' who served on the Art COiony. force· for 7.8 fears, died in the family bo'mf: Sunday. He was 75. Capt. Allanson, who joined the depart- ment in 1930 when it had but two officers, l'Ole through the ranks to captain as the department -grew. He was a Laguna resi- dent for u . yurJ. Perhaps one of the fine.st tributes to the veteran ·peace officer came from his former colleagut, GeorJe Pleits, Laguna identification .officer: "He ~ aeemed· to know people. He teemed .to: b4ve the kr\ack' for getting along with everyone. "Why, even the people he arre.sted lik- ed him'.'' Capt. Allanson retired from the Laguna department in 1958. While on the force, he had served under five different police chiefs including: Laguna's lint, Chief Abe Johnson. Funeral services will be conducted (See ALLANSON, P•g• I) The other plane was urrylng Mr. and· Mrs. Jame.s V. IUchey of Brboklyn, and their three mall children. Passing boatmen and IC\lba diVers recovered five bodies Ware the Coast Guard continued the search for the four remaining victims. Mr. Johnst.Qne, who formerly resided in La Canada, moved to San Juan Capistrano about one year ago with bia wife. He had commu~ to his Lo9 Angeles advertising ageocy by plane dai· ly. "He was a very good pilot," aaid Bruce Denham of the Capistrano A1rpo,rt, where Johnstone bu hl.d his plane tied UJ> since November. ,"It wasn't bia fault. He was making an approach and collided with a twln Apache that shouldn't have been there." Mr. Johnstone.bad been licenaed for in· st.rument Ofing. Mr. and Mrs. Johnstone are survived by their two daughters, Debbie, a sophomore at USC, and Mrs. Cheryl Saari of Manhattan Beach; •nd his mother, a resident of Loi!J Angeles. Plumb reUred from Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena u penonnel supervisor in 1967, having worked there ror 12 yean. President..Nlxoan's Father'~ Day glft,_a Hobie surfboard, is expected to tse re1dy for the water ln time for .the.~~ident's next trip to the Oran~ eo.st·hi August. Exei!pt •far ithe ·b\ltlall · RMN, the .surP-..oard will not have anJ friPs. , 'Nlx6n· had ·already · Warned! h Is dau&hten II'• unlluJy ;he11 Jiang JO on. the new board; .cleoP!'4 the·5aa\ pie~ bomeis pioxlmlty to exctnent surf_ . Wurkham't ~'Oil the bOardyet: All boards are custom 'Diede. 'lt~ia·ei:pecte'tl to be a nlne--foot, tC.U--lnch~. According lo Hobie.VI<• i'T"ldenlJlm Glllr,:• "11'11 be fairly plain, tllh' li·,••I finilh.", The pi'esidMUal ·rep-~tatlv8' · ~ ' came In just -1sked for a stock board." ]lle,bo8rd <Olil •bout 11~. ( . . St0clc · hiarkeu · lfEW'YORK (AP) -The·lllock morj<et c'lOe:ed en a k>wer note.tod'ay 'lftei' an ear· ly advance ran out of it.ea.IQ. (See ,quota-llons~P•I• JHSJ. . . . Charter Class Graduates Ech,os of ·Protest Hang Over UCI Com·menceme ~. By JANICE BERMAN Of ... DaltJ ,11111 ... UC' Irvine graduated ita charter ·c1a111 -the fint class to go through four undergraduate ytata on the new campus -in S.turday lfterooon ceremonies un- marked by overt student prote.ts. But the atmosphere wU coJored with edloeo cl l'OC.'<lll Clmp(Ja dimJptions and the foreboding of more ttudeot dillW to oome. (S..·fll>olfs pqe 31) • Disawbtg student protests, University Chancellor Dariiel G. Aldrich Jr. said, "We must reaUU: the underlying cause is man '• search for freedom from paverty and destruction." ' At the AD'lt. time, be warned ·against reactiOll and radlcaUsm u the key to change, ad called for 11jultlce/1 aaylng, ",rt1lness la the way we Uve our lives. It II the qullllly ol 'jusljce." ' a-lfl'OM 'l1>omu Kuchel, who recelrecr ., honorary dqree, told the gaduates, 01Nowhert hu 1he quest (for peact) been ao feU .as Jn )'out aenera· &ion." . . ' "You have put the establllhment on trial," he 11id, "for wtiat It hu done ind what It baa failed to.do ·and )'OU have· returned an • indictment qail'lll ~ outside the establllhment .on the same counts." ' "A verdlcl of guUfy .;.,Ill be ~p­ proptlate in' either ~ca1111 and maiW both. Bui •I the v.,Y 1-. there would be ground• for clemency." Saying that the grHuatll r~nt1"1 Wkil rllll.I .of' .human thouaht.." thei former .enator added, "You ha.ve refmed bl!Pdly lo \iicepl the rtelul 'll!O, You ,have ponclerei! how lo bnprove '1L "'fi>al Ii the , hlslorl• po1i.rn cl the Olilvmlly. 11• function, by lnldllloo. hai Ileen 10 apj>ly knowled(e lo the btttennent of the human condlUon." Kuchel said the unlvm:fty, II In In- stitution, "I• in trouble." So la cur IOd• ty. So ll the human r1ee." Decryln1 vioMnce on American colleae c1mpu1e1, be Aid, '"lbe· ·hlltdric autonomy of colleaea and wilYenllfa bu been dlorupied and almosl dultoyed md ,___. __ -------~-~-·------ ' . ' dam.ace ha1 been done to the proCeuea Ori 6.merican education.•• , Violence,. Ki.tC:hel 1ald, •1can•be,.as It thould be, put down." "Reipect for ·the 'authority of the 8cldemlc dean ls not IJ\cbm~Uble with the rt1ht of the-sfudent to protfst: Both, I think, are relevant to lht llbel'ly of the lin1Vir'il~ a1 an inaUtuUon." · He', said that .both .. ~~ re'\al«l 1to tt,e Jiurstjjl of knowledae, M<I ·;diat>loday,, kn0"!1'fi' r,epr~ll Jlil":ll:· , , Dllculli!'I dlviilv.e forcu•in the' n11]on, l\ucbel <lllfed the war In ~1-.i ·"a, cruelly dlvlllve fj)r<e for the~ peopli, 11 aild added that,~ for peace between · the races ha.Ye been rudely· llhaltered by violent OOlbreaU here •I· '---" ' Ulnl~ • : •• The anawer lo thele .probl<ms, ,uld. Kachel, "lflll•nol c:ome fl'.<>lllJho .radl<al Ill~ • .JI will nol OOlnefrom 1lftruaoninl' 'naclloo by dub'.OONll!uled 'publle powor, ' where·tbe-lndlacr~.;\tM of --1 ' t ·,~~IPoPIJ ,. ' ... ' ' ••• I .. G~ .. Sµl:tb.~(itd f Qr Fatlier' g Day : I ' P.reSident.NlioD .l&. 1-Hodad,.. lt -deve-"I'll riever ·ride it;"'be muttered, amiJ. loped on Falher'1;Doy. Ing. ,A Hooad lo. btoc:blo"n poraln<o, Is The b~ghl .blue ·monogrammed board t.,...w. who bu i°aurfboard'for-----uae, ·Wtll 1 apparently --gather dust ·ar the old ...... ....... ,..._. H . .H. Cotton Estate, II Orange Coast but doe.sn't me Jt·and~&'' what tbe·na-surfers mourn the wute of both ".ll and ijo11'.1. Chief :~v.e pi,J,a,fi! d,. ' ' use of the prime Nixon aurf bndt. Dau&htera Trk:l1, 23, and Julie "I rode .a $1rlboard 30 y.ears 110 and it ~er-.. 20, .gave. ·tbe Pre.sldent a doesn't impres,,.me a blt," added the $6-SCllled-dow~ ~odel ~ ol.._,a ,.,C\l'tqm-til,dlt 11ear-old P;resldent. Hobie 'boaril IO'M•ll.~· to,U.. '°"I'!)' ' ¥t ·N!ian noted Iha! .one ol his aides, nwr WbUe 1iOC11eJin. san'. Clfmeiitt. :nest. ~ ., Goodearle, accompaz;tied'' h I m week. . . , (>art way ~·Midway laland via' Ha wall a "'l'llouaan<ll lfda~•·tla'ollflhWI l\Jnel:iO!a week 'ago ahd broke his leg.lllt'fln& 1J IW'VtYtd ·VariOUI Fa"9er'11~Y:&Jfta·wJt.b' tiow:s.after an:iving Jn·aurf.heaven •. lbe aame forced· &ood '11&1Jlre 6'jnday u "rll loan it.to people," he Continued as \fld PreOidml Nloon•wben ~·his he eiiamJned. the model siJrlbOard; "I'll &14.: . , t.oan ti to .members of Uie preu." :LUiguna Youth, 18, .Tol.d ' . ' : . ' . . :To Stay ·O:ut of Orego.n · . . .. , A Laguna Beaeh·youth acoulled'cl'per• fury 8.fter I aeries cl Eugene, Ore., bCJm.. tiings hu been nleued to ,hia faiher'1 ~to4Y and ,cautioned 11a~~ retUmlng, to the college town becaUR o(t ~ there. . 1 Kjji;(-'Jooepli tambel'1;-1s;-cl --~lplne Way, was relea'aed _ Friday in Portlarid, Ote .. to hla father, Dr. Josepb Lal;nbert, a profet90r at UCI. . 1 'Sldriey . I. Lei.ak,' U.S. at~y for <)reflOO. aald lhe perjury chOrge Item• rrom Lambert1a · ·teitlmony . before •· federal G.rand Jury followinJ lhe-born·. tilng• May ·11 and 20.. · · Leutk"sald young Lambert deftled hav· l"fl re<elvd • dellnl<tlve device (~· nilt .. atic:b) ,.... 'lllOOud Lo '°"' 61 £ucelie, w1io· II cbalied with IJ1'pl ...., •. .,, ' ... . . . . ~ ~ . . . . . . µEeguards . T~at , . : J ellyfi8h · Victimt .', : t.aiuna ~ lilecuatdl tre11od,, wtth rubbln& 1ICohol ail allm1tedll0 -· Wild ran 'lf P!ll ·ot the l"'"""''jellyfilll Ir> !Mali<!I dllrln( •,the ......... ' ' ' . • 1 Overcut , wutPer · • ,Upt, ,,...,.di-: lf<r•·reoorl<d ''ll'lth ~·~ ..i; ... _ ......... ~_ ... ,Ninliti ....... <legrtts. LUeguatdll ujd ·tit,lli#cwa.; bulldlni 10111ewhll iedai. '• ' ' .... ion """ transporlaUon. cl ~· "We clabn·th1t he dJd in fiit:t1recei~ the dynamite, "i said l.eJ.lk< He addedithit rio one bu be<n d>ar&ed wilh ~ setting the ab: ap!ooMm tbal cluna&ed five buildings. , t in re1eam~tambert*'".P'rida1, .J,uda• Robert c. BeUoaf told him 1n u.~. District Court ~t ~waUMI • of 1 tenae ajluaUon In Eugene, be,inlahf be harmed if he, returned tliere. · ~ . . Fill ageiiu'esulnat;,.r lhal the blast set on the outside of bulldinis did on eillmated 111,doo damqe. · A perjury c0mPlalnl bu been laaued ~alnat Kml Lambert bul be bu nol o,.n Indicted. '!be C.S. ,ttontey &aid bl. Illy be wwkl -., flldlctmonl beloro tbe federal Grand lury-wtthln a week. ' FBJ•Hftlilold lbe moliYe of lhe')!om- £ la unfmow11. They ...ilrmed thot happened lual belort a .li;Jlodl11ed ~ " lfl'8kere a1 the un1....i1Y o1 Q:rtpi.. ' •. 11 was lo liave feoluftd Bobby;S..le, • Bla<k Pulber; :rom ~. <\>loUncllr cl lhe Sludeola for a Den\OO'all< Sodely; ud -Erlldl ot ,lhe Callfqmla Nooe a/id -a Ptl'\)') · • • • l'..J:=~~·~ ~lllfO!i tjiq a11P,bulod 1q ~Ina lclr lhe death of • younf m•• II the lliiru!iir ·~I•'• Part• 1loOlls. · • ' I ' l 2 DAll.Y l'ILOT L "I._., J...,.U,, IM, • ' . Laguna· · Eae-..'1 / .C.a· y.-. Floo~ng . Threatf "'-'• h' TMt ~rttt LAGUNA MAN'S CAR 'DITCH!D' IN CANYON ACCID!NT N!AR l!l TORO ROAD Henry Brown'• Sund•y Drive Over Hill and Dale Ends Abruptly In Gully La.gun.an Injured A1 Car Plunges In Canyon Ditch A 17.,...,-old Lqunl -..., WU b!Jurtd lund1y -hll llftll1 lwolp Cl1' ~ olf Lqunl CIJl10ll -Ind """"" up In I 10.foot -llood ,.ny, 1'be inddenta wu one ol live weeblnd inJlll'JI ... 1-In lhl city. Hanry W. Brown ol 4111 llJab Drive WU rt-followlna .tr11tmtnl 11 South Coll! Community Hoopllll, •Idea 11ld. '11>t ICCldenl occurred II lboul I p.m. ~lbolltmemllcautolE!Toro J'Old, 11>e deep IUlly formed .., Ibo -nlnl completely awlllowod lht 1111111 Cir. ' Pollet Lt. Frink Schopon llld 11111 Brown told olll<el'I he rtrMlllbon w1to111na the culvert, but nothlnc elll. Aaolblr ICCldel!t early Sundey lnJlll'td -LeJ&h Bemtt, 40, ol La Pultlll. Bllmel wu Aleued after treatmenL 1"bl &ccldent occured 1t S:IO a.m. at CoMt Hlfhw•Y and Calliope Street. The Btnntt ear went and out al control 1truck an electrical poie, SCboptn ta.Id. A Sunday accident at Pacific Coast Highway and Nyes Place injured Frank Prentice. 47, of 31531 Crystal Sands Drive, Llpna NlpeL 'I11e two-ctr col- lision OCMT"ld U Prtnttce WIS narth· bound on Coast Highway and another car pulled out from Nyes Place. Prentlct was rtleued rollowina trtat- ment at South Cout C o m m u n I t y Holp~ No others were injured. Ship Captains' Union Strikes Atlantic, Gull NEW YORK !UPI) -The Interna- tional Organliatlon ol Muten, Mates aod Pilott struck all AUantlc 'and Gulf pen l1ldey but •lthouih the 1tl1ko p,..t. a mljor threat to the American merdwt martnt, Its immediate effects ....... mlolmal. The ·union, which represents ship cap- talnt, struck al midnight when nerotJa· tlOl'll ·with the marJUme service com• miUee and the tanker service committee. representing ship owner s, broke down ovtr the queltion of "primacy" of the captalnl' Alarlea. uAllV PILOT O~PICER Kl!N CART!R INSPECTS CANYON CAVE.IN Dilaytd Action Flood Dam•t• Driver'• Undolnt From Page 1 UC IRVINE GRADUATION • • • by ahotcun loaded with buckshot, and by he.lic:optera equipped with tear aaa -in· Jurea the lnnooenL equally with the guHty." He 11ld that IUCh action· (whlch took place durln1 Ula rtcent People• Park demon1tr1tlon1 at Berkeley) "I! the most eff~Uve way to drive the moderate, reasonable student into the arms of the radical." He Ui'ied moderates to voice their con- cerns along wth the radicals . "Remember,'' ht 1ald, "If the: voice of the moderate rema ins silent, the voice of the immedorate will take over." Adding to the note of r e c e n t UCI campus unrest, Student Body Pree!· dent Ronnle C. Ridgle pre1ented Aldrich wlth the class ,Ut, a aet o( books for the Ubrary. Said Ridgle , "We wis~ the University of Callfomla 1t Irvine We very bat of luck, bfea11&e 1! thinp rontlnue at thelr preeent rite, we ml)' not be around very lona." Sal~ Aldrich, accepting the &ill, "I aensed a tremendous effort (by kid&l•) not to pour forth what wa1 in hla heart. "Bec1we or the llmlt1tlonJ of timt," Aldrtd!. said, 1·1 u1ure you that whit was not said, we have heard." The ceremonlea cont.lnued with. the pre1entaUcn of 833 undergrad u 1 t e derree1, 66 ~t.A.'11 75 M.D.'1, and 11 PhD.'s. Av.·ardOC honorary de1ree1 alon& wllh 2 Mariner Spacecraft Moving Right Along PASADENA (UP I) -Amerkl'! two Mariner &pa~ecrafl now are more than three quart.era of the way throuah their voyage 10 Man to flnd out whether the planet ll capable of aupportln& eartb-Uke Ille. Marlntr I and Marlntr 7, launched Feb. 14 and Marth 14 trli expected to fly by Mara 1t 1 dlltince of about 2,000 miles on July 30 incl Au1. 4. At th1t tlmt, Mars will be 1 rtlltivtly close to million m11 ... from tlrth. I Kuchel were Kenneth Bancroft Cltrk, Negro educator; H. Northrop Fryt, literary scholar; 1 n d Olarles SptrU Thomu, "dlstlnruiahed alwnnut <lf the University of Calll<lrnla. '' 3 Hospitaliz;ed From Drugs After UCI Pop Concert At least three youth1 hav!!I betn hosp italized s u r f e r I n g halluclnatlons following a Sunday pop concert at UC Irvine. One lS.year-01d 1irl was discovtred this mornlna rutlln( about nude In lht mlddl< ol Gatdtn Grove Boulevard llflna Ibo was in heaven. There have been unconfinned reporti that apple cider aold at the poi;i concert called le Noon in Fest.lvll wu aplktd with UO~ Also taken Into protective custody at Orange·County Medlcal center Wert I JI. year-old young man from Errl.er11d Bay, near t.aaun1. Beach, Ind a lf.yw~ld Costa Mesa lad. The youna Uidy and Emerald Bay young man are reported ln 11Ulfactory condiUon today in the menlal ht1llb ward. The COlltl Mesa youth wu rel...., ed to his parent.. None of the three are UCI studtnta. Orana• County Shertlf nlrCOllcl ln- vegtlgttor!I today were looking into the Incident. UC! campus pollce 11ld Ibey had the~ hand• lull Sunday juJt try1n1 to contain the crowd ()f 2,000 thtl tllt'l'ltd out to hear six rock band• 1ponaortd by lhl ~led Studtnll. "We~e cheCkllll Into 11 OUl'ltlvtt but things are not moving very r11t thl1 morning ,'' said campus police Sat. Robtrt. Rod1er1. The Cotta Mm ycuth fin\ wu btouahl to CoN Miii Momorl1l Hoopltll by 1 lrltnd. Colll Me11 police took him to Ibo coun1y lactllty. I ~-City Q.ff~ials ·He{Jr W~E~tI.ireHo~ • .. -• ~4 •• • .., RICHARD NALL Of .. Ollt1 """ ,..,, • A flood lour llDMl lhl rneplludt a( tlie -tMt -1-111 Cciyoo thb wiaW c:ou.ld roll dowu·llat nMural WM.er way any time. The canyon -which ClllU1dn't hand1e lhil year'• tcrrent -would be ln a very bid '"1 Indeed If !!Ill bnotllltloll llood were to arrive nut whiter. So would downtown Laguna buli-IU'll<lurt•. Hyclrolou englnem call It a n "Intermedi&te RegioD1l P1ood" hiving 1111 .• ..,.... 1req.....,, M ocainwc. ill Ibo order OI OllOI In !DO )'Uri. YI! U'1 oonietlq !l)f ll»oddl In dice, '"'' odda ...... lhrow\ll l'>O .. ._ ln succWion art loni oaill. Yet after you roll a Will>. ~ oclda oplnlt roWn1 the Dtll one ar1 lhl Nmt u Ibey &IW*J'I ar• for comln&; UJ with seven in one thfoW of the dice. U a JOO-year flood OCCW'I one woet. nature might as easily achedllle one lht DCXt week u 100 )'e&n llttt. DL!CIJ!ISED PROBLEM Co~,'1nd federal eoglnlers dllcussed the problem and art.al. ()f toluUOn with Beach C<Jlllcllm., Weclnuday In an Informal 1tudy -· U.S. Anny c0rpo or'Englneers had cooducted a study of the Laguna Can)'on "flood plain'.', eight. square miles from tht · beach it Jroedw1y to a · mll1 "UOlire&Pl" ~mn El Toro Ro&d. Walter IW<ellch Jr., chlol o1 the Corp.' Flood Pliln Manqemenl ltCl!on, Lot AncoJOI, .. Id it W¥ tile f~ll IUch llu4y completed for 0rlll(I County. Othen are belna dooe lor other Oounlj! areu. Ho called •Laguna clnycn "a very, very critical area." ' ' ·IA-vlew of homee( buineul1 ~ 0hl-'1w1y,•a1rtldy loeeted ID' tfie· ' path, R.tketl<!'l cautioned ~ the need to e11\iblish regulations to * trol lhe renWnder.of the flood,-plalu. . .-'¢ These ml"1t include prohibition or ,. Clrolul control .. I llltiire COllllNctlOll '~ the lrel. ~. ' .. WHAT'S NECESSARY • "1 Councilman Richard Goldberg aslfi' the epaipeen. '!hat js fleCes&4TY .to lect the ClflyoD and downtowb' lectlvely. ·· ~ Clrl R. Ntlaon, .Orange County Flc Corbo! Dlltrlct pl-111 enfllltOI', after Laguna was. hardhlt bx floodlnt In the 1'30'1,-relidenta .be&•n pQUndlna .on ~I doon:. ,,,'\_ Capo Historical Group S.eekingDanaMonument A IUJ'Vlf Wll I-ln 1 never funded. Nelson .s&ld • Oaborne, C0\11111 flood c:ontrol chit~ \I. Washington , D.C. attempUng· to ,.., tho '30,000 funding "'tlh iwlllillce·~ Rep. James Utt (R·Tustin ). --.C- G<>ldherg asked lf persoos living ' pr doing business on the canyan flood·~ had "great cause for alarm'' and 111jt they could do. . , ~. Nelsofl 1ald tho 'flooding could l,>a~ nut year. He aaid f)tl'IO!" sJlould ~ Ing (stnicturll) prec31lti>ns they cancJ!f: for<!. "U nothing ellt, In I bel)'.Y .1!€ storm, they should get oot," the wiiWt engineer said, -'!- 'Ibt San Juan Clplatrano Hb:tortcat SOC1lty has laundled a drlv1 to raise $10,~ for a monument to' be JSli.Ctd at the new Dana Point Harbor in honor of aulhor Richard Henry Dana. l Three natlonaJly·known scu1ptors have been commissioned at '600 each to com· pet.I for the prtvUeae of creatin& the final deslan of the muslve monument. IC· cording to Jen'}' Gaffney, chainnan <Jf the memorial committee of the historical society. ~1eetlnl Friday to launch the drive were Filth District Supervi.,r Alton lll. Allen, Harbor District Director Kenneth Sampson, Gaffney, and Robert Savage1 Dana Point Harbor architect. Ccmmemor1tiv• t1cense plate fr11n• are to bl told at $S a palr l.Dd decals 1t SO cents each to raise the funds. The frames read: "Dana Point Harbor, Coast Man Freed In Fraud Case A Nawpcrt Beach man ho been cleared ol 1U chataea Jn 1 cue lnvolvlna Ollt ol an elllmattd 12 m1Won In In- surance to cautom.Jw. Cleo Marvin Johnlon, 11, ol 1101 King• J\old, WU one ot four defendlntl IC- qultod 8undey bJ • Superior Court Jury. nie weary Pll1el rllumed to Ibo court ot Jud• WlUJ.am Murr1y to end more than three day• ol dellheratlons by clw· in& Johnlon, RollDd K. Mar,h. 38, of Rldondo Beach, June Vuflnl• Ad1m1, 1$, ol North Hollywood Ind limy Louis HlJ>. bard,$!, olMll>tlni'i>I Ulud Charlff. But tlie Jury could not asrie M Iden· tical &rand theft and cone:plr1cy counts llled qllnll David Morton K111e, !7, or Beverly 1Ull1. Further action aaain!t K111t wW be decided 11 I hearlna set for June 27. The jllf')' retired late 'Mlursda1 follow· In& more thin rive weeks cf teetlmony on the operallon! of Re1ency Investor• Inc. of Encino. They had heard alleaa· tlorui that the nve dtfendantl were ln· volved In an oper1Uon that bllktd I.no vestors ()[ more than n million. Jack Bernard Folll1, M, of IOI E. Ocean Front, Ne"Wport Buch, pleaded tullty ta frtud charges In 1 pre-trial pro- ceedln&. He terVed five di.ya in jail, w11 llntd ISIO and 11 currtllUy on prohaUon. All five defendant.I wve aCCUHd of selling to Southland residents -many of them In Oranae C<>Unty -reaular lift In· 1uranct pollciea which were II.id to be hlghly lucraUve profit aharlng contract.I. Rea~ waa compelled to retund mere than '6DQ,000 to policy purchuera lut year rollowlng an inveaUgaUon of ill ac- year following an investigation of It.a IC· t1vlUt1 by the Calllornl.a Department of Insurance. Browsers Wanted -What kind of a penon- al'Ound with a big fat emile on blo pnoo? · Au idiot. An illlurance talet- .....,, A 1weep1takee winner. An owner of a new Ht of den· tu-. A Bidwell 1talfor. Let'• talk about the Bld""D 1taffer. We admit.. we weren't born with that 1mil•. W• wear h deliberately, Thal'• to make oar ca1tomen leel •ut.edt be- e&UM dley are. Alto we want our non.eat- to-.O to f .. I wanted. W• llb to Me men eome In and Jmt pob a r o 11 II cl, a procedure known ao browlfat. Some people are ao- eu1tomed to Other t)1M!I of fac- ial ""pl'Mlloa. They wut to bow why -""' IO pleued wh•a oo-py wallce out of here 1'1thou1 buyla1 auythlnc. f Orange CountJ" and are In Ule new blue and 1old colon aelected for lllale llceMe plates begtrintng next November. Dana Point Is named for Richard }lenry Dana who wrote "Two Years Before the Mast," relating hi.3 adventures on an !Sib century lliling thijl which put in at the pert to load hides. Sculpton: compeUna for the monument commiulon are Jahn Terken, of Eut Meadow, N.Y.: Vincent Gllnlky, of New York CJty, and Edward l". Hotlm1n, of W1yne, Pa. Gaffney nld lhoy will be able to work ln lnY kind Ot matertal, atoot, wood, or wh1t1v1r, u lonc u I\ "11 lutlnl." L1ctn1t pletl lrarnu 1111)' be obtolned by wrl~ to Ibo Son JUlll C1plltr1110 Htllorlcei Society, P. 0. Bcix II, Sin JUID Ctplltr&DO, Call!. l'rOlll Page 1 AILANSON. • • WednUday 1t 1 p.m\ In the Sheffer Laiun• Beach Morll!IJ'Y. C&pt. Allwon rnlde b1a home 1t 8 lAc:ult Strfft. A Muon for ti yur1, Capt. AlltnlOn wu affiliated wllh tht Muonlc Lod1e no. :Jiii In Inw1. Mucalc IOl'Vlcel. are pllll· nae!. SUrvlvon are capt, All1111011'1 widow, Mra. Paarl AllwClo, ol lhl family homo; "'"· Al A. Allanaon, or Sin Dleao: d1qhler, Mn. Minerva DlClay, ol Colla Meu; brothen, Edward, cf Texas 1nd Eu1ene, of JWnoJ1; 11.sters, Mrs. Harry Copw1ll, of IWnol1; Mr1. Leland Clifford ol Mlchlpn. and Ml11 Mildred Allan!IOll of Illinois ; three gllndchlldren and two great.grandchildren.' • ' Entombment will be at ftfelroee Abbey In Orange. Funeral arrangements are being dlrectld by Slldltr Laguna -Morfllll')'. Dana Point Club Holds Hobie Race Spect.ton Unod lht blufl1 Ind jetty or Dina Point ' Sunday \o watch 15 trim Hobie Cat lt's batUe it out in the first regatta ol the Dana Point Yacht Club. Ovtrall wlnnen of the three ra~e• were Jl Paul Allen of Dana Point, 4-1-1; Hobie Alter of Dana Point, 1.W; Wayne Schtfer of Dana Polnt, 3-2·2; Jeff Jones of Newport Beach, 2+!: and Jolt Prindle of Laguna Bttch, M-4. The 14-!oot catamarans were launched off tht beach at the old Clpl1trano Beach Club. They sailed a trl1niular Olympic courae of three or four mllea in the three racta. Wind w11 about five to seven knots. Our answer, ,...e want our 1tore IO be oDe wbwe a11yone can ,..alk ln, uunter around, k..,p hie lumd1 IA hil pocket.o, and aim • teOWI at OW' sales-- man If he •pproaehoo 100 eloae too-. When yoar wife 11 1hopplnf at Rleharcl'a, or you'n •topped to eat at Berluhlre'a, or drove dowa for IOIDll Nit waler aictiT• tty, we hope It will -m com• fortable and Ml)' for you to BUILDING ON STILTS He said structural precauUons mtght Include building on stilts, solid walls to divert water and blah Oooi1. · Mayor Glenn Vedder atked the tngineers about the C()(ltenUon <lf some persons that the lagoons in the canyon f,resen\ a menace in a fiood. NtllOD said, hey were tumPI and not a tbrelt since there was nothing to give way and release a wave. With the coming of North American Rockwell's Autonetlc• plant, tald Nelson, the whole South coast ls in the midst of an economic boom, yet the Oood control , district (with bond i1auu beaten twice iii recent years) does not have the econom.ie ' wherewithal to IOl.ve the flood danger. ; : rte said during recei\ Ooods the Oow'Jti' Aliso Creek was greater than any measured slnce measuring began in l~· ONE SOLU110N One aoluUon,· ~elson mentioned, ia, Uie poulbllity that coastal Jreeway coUld serve as a retarding ba1ln when tt ls bullt acrou the canyon on a hua:e nu in the:Jil bend area. . • : • He llld St.le Dlvlslon of .1Dl~wl1 enatneers are well along with the des~ Such a fill, which would act 11 a dlcri. rn.l&hl be 11000 feet wide at the bu:j. Laguna C.nyon Road could be nm ..... it in a tunnel. , ; Nel!On noted !hit OC®plnto u~ from the fill would have to be remo-.td since in lt.orm the ilrea would .fill wt:h water. But he uld Jt 'could be tn .'osin apace and recreauoo ate• with trees llfl h!klnf trllll. :t, "Everythl~ln th~ big bend area~ be wiped out the freeway, the tetmlkis factory, eve hlng,11 the engineer -1t He estimated thia ls abOut 10 yun IWV'· Alked about recent fiood dettruc~ Laguna Canyon Road, Nellon atld Ja,1"f opinion It waa unwlle:ly built. Rebul.._. It without protective dr1tna1e facllldis1 he said, Is 1 wute of time but lllid tie State Division of Hllhwaya nfuaes ttrliM ga1 tax funds for dtainqe. \ r Dr. G. R. Ek<berg, 1 veterinarian,""'° yon dweller and frequen t crilic.<lf f.be fri· ty. called it e disgrace th'1t the cltY 1lld put ln "litUe bridges " that collapud ~d formed w1ter obltructloru:, : She claimed Genertl Telephone Co. "'d Laguna Beach CO\lnty Waler Dlatrlct ~ all<l done this. She said during the flooding ahe 1aw a 3 ~l·foot wall of water ru1hln1 toward her. Nelton n.id there ls no gov~nt.aJ regulation preventing per90ns from building .5uch structures on their own pro- perty. He aald there are many obatruc- tlons to drainage in the channel that 1hoold be mod.lfled. come on in and lab a look around. By getting you 10. do that, if you're now a customer of aay Silverwood'e, or Buffum.', or Charlie'• Friendly Neip.· borhood Haborduhory, wo'd like the poHlblllly of be.om· ing a Bidwell r.uetomer to enter your niittd. Bow could that happen If you do yolll' bro~ • inc IA Sll!J!rwood'o iaatµd oJ Bldwell'1? 'W • have all the right thlnp ,; for you to look at. Sui~ 1port·. coatA, slacka, lhlrta, the usual. All!lo the uno1ual. Ollaki., ' , .ea-proof j eek.eta, luggage,' , drinking mup, mani"°"' aeta,.'; •nd whai not. One po•ible problem. HOW . do we bow If you're here.to ~ i browoe, or Inly? , Eaoy. We aok you. I . ' I • 1 Jack Bidwell at 3467 Via Udo, r!Pt wbere you turn off Newport Bl•d. top to Udo lalo, at Udo Tbeator. F...., parld111Jal roar of lloro. Phone 6734Sl0 Copyright 1969, Jack Bidwell. • • • • • • • Newport· ··arbor ED I Tl N • -- VOL. '42, NO. 143, 2 SECTIONS, 34 PAGES • ORANGE COUNTY, l:All FORNIA , TEN CENT1 . Protest·s 'Heard' But Not Se en·· .at ". ' . UCl:_ .. Rites By JANICE BER.'>IAN Of ..... .., ... "' stiff UC Irvine graduated, its charter class -the first class "to go through four undergraduate years on the new campus -in Saturday afternoon ceremonies un· marked by overt student protests. But the atmosphere was colored with echoes of recent campus disruptions and the foreboding of more student dissent to come. (See photos page 3.) Discussing student protests, University AU 'Jfet Chanc<llor Daniel G. Aldrich -Jr. said, "We must reallie the underlying cause is man 'a aearth for freedom froro poverty and destructlon ... At the same time,. he warned against reaction and radicalism as the key to change, and called for "justice," saying,, ••greatness 111 the way we live our lives. It Ls the quality of justice." Guest .speaker Thomas Kuchel, who received an honorary degree, told the graduates, "Nowhere bu the quest. (for ·- . •'GbHstina. Kin(; i<)x',m<rnt!f$, 1ltamaces as ' !he di>Co\.er. U.at rigor-S . 1 · of 'sw!m!'liPJI loCn.lf_g't!!!lg; y.cMlr· face '""'" Chrutlna, Ual!Rbter or ;,Mn. Edie King,-TOpslile Lane; Cororie•del Mar, is ohe <L young-~pupils of caro~Diqwiddle, 19, an tn<truclon1t a IOcal Wini school, .., ... . ,. .~ , ' $13$f.tO· in ·Gems Stolen From '. Realtor's Home . . . - BarPn Sundal. looted the Bayshores )xme ofMewport Beach realtor Louis W. ftriau( an estimated $13,640 in jew:elr;, Mrs. Nina Love Succ umbs at 71 Mrs. Nina M. U>ve, mother of Ney.>1>9rt Beach Deputy Fire chief Leo Love aOO Mrs. Betty Noler·of Newport, died Satur• day in Doctor's Hospital in Santa Ana. She was 71. Mrs. Love had been a resident of Santa Ana since 1936. Services will be conducted at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday in Brown Colonial Mortuary, Santa Ana. Besides her son and Mrs. Noller, wife of Newport Fire Marshal Walter Noller, Mn. I.m>e leaves three brothers, Leslie Peten of Orange. Donald Peters of Kansas and Neal Peters ol Santa Ana; a sist.er. Marguerite Lahodne.y of Santa Afl.¥;1 and four grandchildren. Of fie.la Ung at the services will be ·Dr. Gerald S. Bas.h ol the First ChrisUan O'~ Santa Ana. 1{iiriifWill be at Fairhaven Memorial Park, Santa Ana. Nixon a -- including teVeral expensive imperial jade pieces, police reparttd. Briggs told police -he left for church sun.day morning at iC:30, .then went to a frlend.'s house tater in the day. When he returned to his.. home at 1907 E. Bayfront at' 11 :30-e.m. Sunday he noticed his front door a1ar, he said. Police said the thieves pulled open a closed, but unlocked living room window facing the bay, then ransacked cabinets, closeLs aod jewelry boxes throughout the two-story house. The loot was apparently put into two pillow · cases taken from a· be<I In the home, officers said, · The burglars apparently 1'rt the home through the front door, leaving. it open, officers said . The jewels, amounting to scores of pieces. belonged to Brige.s' l8t.e wJfe, Included In the stolen · items wert 11 platinum ring set with diamonds and sap- phires valued at $1,000 and aeveral jade pieces valued at about $650 apiece. Polict' dusted the residence for fingerprints, finding s e v e r a I on furnishings and ;e•etry b o s: e s • Investigation will determine whether the prints belonged to .suspects, police said . Neighbors nest door to the home tald officers_ they spent mosL ol the day outdoors, but noticed· nothing unusUal at the Briggs home. Bod ad Gets Sur fb oard f or Fathe r's Day President Nixon Is a Hodad, Jt deve· loped oo Father's Day. A Hodad ln beachtown paralnce, Is peraon who has a IW'fboanl' for prestige, but doesn't wie it and that's what the na- tion'• Chief Executive plans to do . . Dauchters Trida, 23, and Julie Eltenhower, 20, gave the President a aca!ed~own model of a custom-built Hobie board to be delivered to the sum- rper White House in San Clemente next -k. . '"1ouJands ol dads throughout America IW'W:yed various Father's Day gilts with tbe aame forced 1ood nature &mday aa did Praident Nbion when he ~ hia Cftt. I peace) been so felt as in your 1ener• tion." "You have put the tltabUlbmeat ... on trial," be .. td, "for what H bu dooe and what it bu failed to do and )'GO have returned an Indictment igainst thole . out.side the establishment on the 11me 'COUnts." "A verdlt:t of guilty could be ap. propriate in either case and· maybe both. But at the very lea.st, there would be grounds for clemency.'' • Slyln& lllat the sraduata r.,.-t'"• Wide range ol bl,unan \boucbt," the former senator added, "You blw refused bliodly to accept the atawa quo. y.., have pollde'"'1 how to improve IL Thal ls the hlltot·ic pattern of the univenlty. Its IW!dloo, by tradillon, bu been to apply knowledge to the l>eltennenl Ill the human condition." · Kuchel &&kl the unlve:nlty; u an in- sUtuU~ "JJ-ln trouble." So 'il our llOcie-11'. So b the bwnaa ra<e." Decryiq' vlolenct on American coDege camJll&lel, he said, ''The historic aut(lllOlilio lll,<?lleieo and uni~efsltje''bas been dl.fult!ed -and almost dt!troyed and damage has beeq done to the~ of Amerlcui odUca\top'." • Vlolence, Kuchel said, '"can be, as it should be, put down." "Re~ l tor the authOrity ol ' the academic dean ts not Incompatible-with the right •! the s~ent to protest. Both, I .. • 1think, are nilevant to lh111Jbst)'·f.lf1UM university as an lnsUtuUoa." . He ia1c1 that biith · arertlated to· Ibo pursuit of knowfedge, aod that t.ociar, knowled&e repreaenUI Power. • j Discussing' diviiiv!~ 1&e nation, Kuchel called the war in Vietnam "• cruelly divisive, force (or the American people," and added th,i l>opetl foe peace between the races b1,ve . "been rudely_ (See UC m~ P ... 11. Nixon Asks Air Program Urges $5 Billwn Ticket, Fuel ' Tax to Ave~t C~~is W ASlllNGTON '(UP]) -President Nixon asked Congress today to enact a $5 billiOR airport and ·airways program deslcned to ease what waa deacrlbe4 as a crisb situation iJI aviation. Money for the program woold come from taxes on airline tickets, cargo and aviation ruel. "The various users ol the system, who will benefit from the development, abould assume the responsibility £or Ute cost of the program," Nl100 said in a special Newport Man In Insurance . ' .Case Cleared • • ' 1 \ ' ~ . messagt to the HOU.&e and Senate. "Pay-a.we-grow" ls the way the Pml; dent characteriud bis pro-I. Nixon said, ''We ... do not have ~the capeclty in our airways and airporU am- ple•to oUr"pttsel'lt 1netaa" or to the fi:itu're -growth ol avlaHon. Jama M. ·Bew, w.tereecretary for transportation, was more direct."He II.id the nit.ion faces "a crlsia attuatlon In lta alnrl)'• and .atrporta." . Umter the program, $2!1() million would A Newporl ]lqch mu hai been cleand Ill aJl chaqos in I cue involvinll .. t( ......... .,, •· iillloa. .... ., ~toC4JI-" - . ( ctio Man>1n Joru-, sf, or·11111 'illlfp · Rl>ad, ..., -(,{ IOllr -cielendanii IC· qilit.d Sunday by ~>Superior Caurt;i!P'i . . 'l'M , ""°'-' -1 1ietutillll.1o tii·<Wt of .Jui!p.l\'llllam Murray-I.. -.r.-. than tbr.e<lays ol delmeratfom by cleor- ing Johnsoo, Roland K. l\lanh, ~ ol Redondo Beacb, June Vir1inia Adami. z. of North Hollywood and fflrT)' Louls HJb. baril, 58, cf Anahelin 'of fraud chirps. But the jury could not llJ'ff c:m iden- tical grand theft and conspiracy coorits flied against David Morton Kane, 37, of Beverly Hills. Further action apinat Kane will be decided it a hearing Ill fw June 27. . The jury .-.tired late 'llluraday follow· lng more than five weeb cf teslhnony on the operations of Re1ency lnvestorl Inc. of Encino. They had heard. alle4a· tions that the five defendants were in· volved in an operation that bilked in- vestors of more than $2 million. Jack Bernard Follis, ~. of 508 E. Ocean Front, Newport Beach, pleaded guilty to fraud charges In a pre-trial p"Oo ceeding. He served five days in jail, WM fined $250 and is CW'J'fllUy on probatlon. ' be spent annually for the next 10 years on aJrWays f&cUluea and equipment. This compares to _an average of ap- proJ:fmately · $93 mlIIJon Jn each of the last 10 years.. . Ni:lon called for $1110 mUllon in aid to alnlorts ln'flli:al 1970, which ·starts July !. 1bts MN1d tncreue to.ID) million In fi1eal 1971, '"with conUnued apan1ion leading to a total of $115~blllion in tbe next 10 years." · Matctilng ·grll'lb· from state and local authodtiea would brin1 the total airport -.. spending program up to fS billioo. The heart ol the program ii thie 'bier ti.x formula, however. Specifically, Nixon asked· for :· . -lllcr~asing the dQrn(:stJc air~ ticket tu frolri fi~e percen' to dght ~ -A 13 tu on ,.._ger tl<ktta for lo- t>rnltional fllgbta originating In Ille Unit.cl &tales. -A ·new tu ')f five wcent m air freight Wl)'bnls. . -·An increase from two to nine cents I ia~on on general avtaUon fuell. Court Upsets House Barring Of .. J{ep. · rowell WASHINGTON (UPl) -'Ille Supi'mle Ooirt npudJated the Houle ol Rei*W• --~ fut ~ llep. Ma.. ~"-""JI "!II!' Ille 1111 c..,;... In .1 M rullol. the court d\idored ~m.·no.;tpt to d<ny 'unernbor· -!WI -· jf be meela the -' QMUl"l .... ot .... ~;_and cltlw t 't• ~ just-111 PotN!ll hM...,,.. ''llleJapOlon bt Cbilf Justl<o Earf """ nn rejected arruments on behalf of. tbe : -u.t'eltll<r chamber ot ~ bu" t1IO l1ght to· 'exclude an <leot.d member1 Under clbtr' JrOVi&IObl of the ConllliuUon. . Womrlls opinion also dwnnbaed claims thlt\f..._I' courts have no jurildictlCXl'k> Intervene lncueo lnvolvinll "-llld Ill deallnp with membera. Wamo acknowledged that the Houle aqd s.oate·have the rig\lt to dlldpllne --lhlJ .,. seated and ..... to expel _them but aald of the case in- volvlnf ~ Oamboyant, 80-year-cld -New xort -~t: " t'S1Dce1 Aliah'i Clayton PoWetl Jr. was · " dqly 11~ by .the vote.-. ol the lath ~ D!Jtrlct ' ol H"' York (Harlim} and wu not ineligible to aerve unc1er-any piuv!Jlon or the Constitution, the 1kiuse wu wiijlout power to eic:Mtt 1 Mm trOm •its-membenltlp." · The ru1ln1, one w~k befort the·court fl · ' °""'.,...;.or"'" ....t. acheduled ~ end Its term; was erpected All five defendants were accused of selling to Southland residents -many of them in Orange County -regular life in- surance policies which were uJd to be highly lucrative profit abarin1 contracts. ;. tO arOuie a .·11orm ·of crttlcLtm in FIREMEN BATTLE-STUBBORN NEWPORT·ILAIE· <Jon -gross. Sleopy llojldtnt fhoUtht· Ho -Ha.I Pvt It Out Powell ,..,, not at hia office when the opinion came down. Rep. H. R. Grou (J\.., 85,000 Ignore Clo uds, Drizzle To Vi.sit Beach Blaze's 'Second Wind' lowa), said tho Houoe ahould Ignore tho cOOrt action. Warren Hid tbe eourt meant no "lack' oft respect due ·a coordinate branch ol (Seo POWllL, ...... 1) Cql!,ses $10~000 Lo~s- -·- -H. ·T. Melurn --·hi• smoldOrlng mattrea Sunday-mornm,.~tet thit·tmote ' clear, then went Into the livinll room Ill, • hla Balboa resideilce to aet a ·few· more' winks. Two hours· later the mattress Dated again and caused $10_..000 in. dama~ to the borne at l3S w_ Balboa Boulevant. Mflwn, whQ ~hot tryJured in U)e e ~~ 1.m. fire, said the smote ,,.,,.. hlin up 1t about 4:30 a.m. He had fal}en u1eep with • ·IJcbtod djaretle; r ....... said:, . . He'doused the. mattress·Wtth a pi'n ·of water the (int-tlmec.\fl<r ~fl---' he tried a garden hose, but.it did no 19(>d,., fl~nsaid, I , T ---· ,, . A. pueer·bY saw the ampke an:d .ran to the nearby,Balboo r~e staUop to-reporl tt>e blaze. ' . . . 1, ' 1t(Olt seyer,e damace · wp, In the ~. althou&h smoke and water ~ tju'qughoot the ho\lle .... ... tenllve, firemen Aid. • , 11'1ree· tNcU and a reecue ~unit r~ to the alarm.. ... I '·' ' ' Stoek ~11r_keu NEW YORK (AP) ~Tbe-atoct market closed on a 1ower note today after an ear• iy advance ran out of.steam. (See quota- tkN, Pages 1~15). ' --------, . -- Or ..... • ' ,..._. u • ,....... • I :-J ~ ::'2:' = 4;! C....V • :n ..... .....,, M C.-'I, t \tk. ...... ,...._ .... o..9-....... .. _.. .... ' ........ ..... •:ILi I I• • ,._ "a ,..,_ 1 .. 1 • .,....... jF: n ::-..... .: • I .i-s .. ' - Uosp.i~I Trio • Ill •' :, I For Drug Effects· AL lea! three y'Oulha have blln llosplhJlled 1 u f f e r I n 1 ballu<ln&Uons foll!>Wlne a Sundty pop conctr1 al UC lrvlno. • OM u.,e&r-Clid 1irl WU dllcovertd tbia ........ -Ollllnl about iude In the middle ol g.-O..We Boolmrd l'Yinl Ille WU lnbeaYen. ,,,.,. haft been \lllOClllflnned reportJ thal apple elder IOld at the pop -1 call6d lll&b Nooa In Festival wea spiked wlih IBD. · Allo taaa Into protective ~ al Orup °"1lllY l!edloal Cent« _. • :a. 7ear-Okl yoima inan frun Emerald Bay, near 1-ia BelCh, and a 11-ynMld Coila 14-lad. ,,,. ,.... lad7 and Emerald Boy :rouftc man lri reported In oal!Jlactor:r -IOd11 In the -1 buHh wri Thi c.11& Mell yOU1h wu releu- td to II» ......... ,.. N-of the three m UC! otudents. Oran&• Counlt SherUf nercotlcs ln- vtlllpWI today were lookln1 Into the Inc_., UCI campus police telcl they had --full Sundl11111! tryq to coalahl Ille aowd ol 1,000 that -out Far Reaching Porrwgraphy Law Passed SACRAMEN'IO (AP) -Thi ie&lllalllrl puoed and -to Gov. Reapn today Callfonila'I ......... anllsmut laWI, with tpedflc -lmpoeed Gil -who tall pomosr1pby to children. 'J'lle llepubllcan (OVenlOI', who fCJU&hl -lfully fO< the bill& In lllT and 19111, is ••peeled to •lcn them, "*"l'lnl oot a pledge he made when he cim- -palp>ed for the st.I<'• hlct>est office in -· Ftutltated by Democrttlc majoritla In the put. the governor won b1a victory when Republicans took over lqill1Uve leadlnblp. °"" "' the ......... by Sen. Robert ~ (R-Ojal), deals apeciflcally wi1h -W><1e< 11 )"Ori ol ap. It ~IM. Thi bill tels up • ,,.,. -"' obtcenHy for ywnpten. More ...tric:- Uve tbu for odults, H mala H --to iw-:-1< ""ut peddJen who concantrato Oil the Y'JUlll· The other deals with tclull.o. II nptndt the current deflnlUon of what la now oblcene. In the put, the legal delinitlon of ll!lut wu films, boob. plays or other matter that It "utterly wllhoul redeemJn1 toclal importance," • phrue that law en-fon:ement ofllcJalt protested WU far loo loooe. Now, It 11 matter that "taken u a whole,"· It utt«ly willlout redeemin& social Importance. Thooe few won!t, plut reotrk:tioos qafnll thooe who pander - RU amut for smut'• aate -will mate it -to prooecute lllSpected Ylolal«t, law """"--tald. Dinner on Howe -And House Mad Six dinen with good lalie but ap. .,.,..Uy llUle cs.oh ran up a (ab fe< llT worth of }obiter and steak dinners and fine wine at Newport Beach'• Anclent Marlntr restaurant Satw'day, t h e D qulelly allpped out. Nobody paid the bill. Police tald the ll'D"P· lour youn1 women and two men, ordered and dined in ihe early morning houri, then dlup. peared at 1:15 a.m. Df\llY PllOJ ....... OMf1 l"V• ... , ... OJlllNlf I.wt N. 'Wtfl ---JtU I. C...., -~ .............. 'nlelllff k .... --............ _,..,.- . .i.,_, •. C.111111 --"" '""' ---1111 Wiii I•'"-.... ..,,,4 MtUl119 ....... I P.O .... 1171, t26'J. --c... .......... , ... .,,_ ~l .. dUJit, .. A.....,. 11aruru .... :••..._. =-·--·-.. .................. __ _ •" ...... ....., r.:11'f~:1tc• =·=---= ----.............. 0-~ c:-...,... ...... _ .. nn-.; ........ ....., .......... ,. -"!"' ;"j"r" ~i~m ct# f If; • .,_ ........ ~!!It>--.......... __...::.fl'# e .--.: .... ==· .......... .-.· -· -:,•i;t-.r11G~+-a ---. .. --.. . -... • to hear •I• rock bandl IJIOlllO<ed by the Alaoclated Students. "We!re cheeking Into Jt ounelves but tblnp are not movtna: Vf/fY fut this mcnlnc.'~ aaJd campua police sat. llobertllod(en . Tbe Colt.a Mesa youth fir.st wu >orQU1111 to .Costa Me11 Memorial Hoopttal by a friend. Cotto Mesa police took him to the COW>ly laclllty. 2 Capo Couples Die in Collision Of Light Planes Bv TOM GORMAN Of "'9 Deir ,AM IMH Two San Juan Capistrano couples were ...... nine -tilled Saturdty In • mllldoo ol lwe llllht plants over Looi Island 5i>und In New York. Dud are Jack w. Jobnltone, 45, and hia wife, Joan, of 27031-A Capote de Pueo, and Donald C. Plumb, 57, and his wife, Mary, of 27Q32..A Pueo Burladero. Johnstone, ducribtd u an ezctllent pilot by Caplttrano Airport olllclals, was pilot.Ing his Beechcraft in for a landing whtn the plane collided with a Piper Apache, based at the 1.Jnden, N.J ., airport. The two couplet, uld to have been clooell of friendt by nelehbon, bad been louring the couotry on a combined bualne»-pleuure, trip, accordlq to rellUva. 1 Witneues telcl the cruh occumd In poor wuther about aoo yardt offahore. Following two aplolionl, the two planes fell apart and dropped Into !O !eel of water. . The other plane wu carryl111 Mr. and Mr•. Jamet V. Richey of Brooklyn, and their thret small ch!ldre:n. Passing boatmen and ICUba divers recovered five bodies btfort the Cout Guard continued tbe llW'dl lcr the four remalnlnl victims. Mr. Jolmllone, who formerly raided In La Canada, moved to San Juan Clpistrano about one year •So with ht! wl/e. He had comm-to bit Loo AJllelee advertlslq '1-i> by plant dal- ly. "lie WU a Vf!<f pod pilot," laid Jlruca Denham of Ille COplatrui ..,..,,..,.. J-bat had bit plane tied ap illnce November. "It WllD'J hta fault. He was mUlna an approach and collldtd .~ a lwln Apache thal _,' bave been tber!." Mr. Jobnsl-bad beln llctnled !or i.. llnlmenl Oyfnl. Mr. and Mrs. Jolmttont are survived bf their two dalllblen, Dtbble, a aopbomore al USC, and Mra. Oleryl Saari ol Manballan Beach; and bit mother, • -of .... Anl•let. Plwnb retlred from Joi Propultlon Lal>ortlor)' In Puadena u penonnel aupaivleor In lllT, bav1"' WO<ked there for U years. ...._P ... J DROWNING. •• "YOll'U baar that," Alt Colla M .. Pollce Cell*-Ed 01-today, "but we can mate no eoauneat." 0rllll' County C..-'1 D~puly Harold Minnk:t ..... the vk:tlm'• DOii and mouth were nol toped whon he ar- rived to chacl< the body and ta111e of. dOlth 11 lltlod u atpbyxlaUon, J><obably by clrownlnJ. 0 We.art u.un, Hu a bomk:kle due to the blow b<tween the eytt and the lack of any k1entJftcatl6n on &be body," l&ld Capt. Glaqow, bead . of the detect.Jve bureau. He t1plained that It appun Evtrett'a 3layer or slayera drove down the San Dieeo Freeway and turned off looting for a remote 1pot to get rid of the victim. Tire tracta were found in 10ft earth near the 1pot where field hand Matcoe: Hernandez dilcovered the body at l :to a.m., but thtte is no certainty they were made by the veblcle involved in the crime. "This whole thin( It apparently cen- tered in the Redando Beach and South Bay area," Capt. Glagow Slid today, ,, explaining · that Evereu had no partit· ular reuon to C(IOlt to Calta Mesa hlm· tell. "All indlcaUons are that be wu Just dumped here," the captain added. Santa Ana police ahond up at the murder acene, ri&ht on the border Of the two dti'l!!I, then notified c.ort. M"' of· ficers whtn it was determined which depanment bad Jurladlcllon In the cue. DetecUve G<rey ThomptOll bat been aalgned to tnve1t11ate the homicide, according to Capt. Glugow. "Risht now we're cbecldn1 out his known fritnds and auoclate.s in me Redondo Beach trea," be tald. Evtrttt WU lllted .. a John Dot unUJ a lln&etprlnt dieck rtvealed hit -Uty u the ruult ol hit amal a yetr qo by .... Anftlee Coonly Sheriff'• deputlfS. AulhO<lli<I ta1d be bad been booked on tusplclm of burllarY u a -tt of forc- inl bit •11 loto the apartmant "' hit wife, DelGr<I, before the couple ""' married. Capt. G'-" tald the cbarru ...,. --11 mrc, t1nco the._ wu nCJt llMli Ill It RI more & llrlond tpal than • bur11try. machine llllop l>llonr't boolJ WH taten to Bell Broodw11 Mortuary !or an autopoy and funeral MrYlcel lh PIOdlnc today. 1.' . .tMIM'·~ Big Wlaite Slaip Birek Blpck Units !l •• . Said Behind School Riots I . WASHINGTON (UPI) -A Sen alt sub committee lnvestlgator testified t~c that "black po~er" groups_ have hetP!'-'. swk city a{ld campus riots 1s s(ept, toward ''a general 'revolution throu~ Ule country." - He said the Black Pan\hei-s aiid Ou Student Nonviolent Coordinating Com· rnittee (SNOC) had formed alliances wa&• white revolutionary organizalions · irt eluding Sti!denta foe a DemoCraUc Soc» .. • IY (SOS). · ? Pttlip Manuel, who headed the -11> vestigaUon ot campus disorders for Sen John L. McCij:llan'1 · permanent I» vtstigaUons 3UbComntittee,,sald SOS no\I ftcea an internal split .between the nq "revolutionary \Ulion" faction .seekinij"'i/ radicaliu faCtory workers and o . members, Jed by sos founder · Ht.yden! w~ belie"'.e "Arnqlcan work~ are pa1d too much and are too c2!: servative" for revofulionary actiori. ·•• Spectators watch as the great white steamer, S. S. Catalina docks at Catalina Island. The ship spent me>re th~ a year and a half in port when it was plagued by labor trnubles trips to the resort island unable to make any summer. "Black power organi:r:l\llons are t~ which promote what they call 'b~ liberation' willihfthe context of a rev~ tion in the United States," M..,- test.ified. " ... they advocate" ~ a~ ticolonial struggle for seU-determinatlqi( which mwt go hand-in·hand wf\h 'J' general revolution throughout the COOft.' lry.'' -! Court Weighs Church Tax Exempt Status -WASHINGTON (AP) -The Supreme Coo.rt, In a historic move, agreed today to COMider claims that the Constitution forbids the tu: exemption of property us- ed for religious purposes. The major church.state iswe was rals. ed ln an appeal by a New York lawyer, Frederick Walz. His claims have been succinctly rejected thus far by courts in New York. But the Supreme Court, in a simple order, noted that it has "probable jurilcilction'' to settle the question and said Wab:' appeal would be heard ne.1t l<nn. 1be lawyer, who prepared his own four- Pl.le appeal, Slid his "dvU right of reU&bls freedom" and of all other pro- perty owners wu uocoostituUooal ty burdened , by the exempion given reJJcious imtitutions from real estate tax- u. l A iiroperty owner In SUiteD _ sland, Walt-clalmeil :he was beinlr fon:ed, In el· feet, to make 1 payment to religious orpnltaUons In vlolaUon of bit rllht of "nllelous lreedom." Liit February the New yort C:OUrt of Appeala Aid the ezemption for property uaed exclusively for nligjous ~s bat lq and _CO!llistenlly been upb<ld by courts throUgbOUt the country. Walz reN his case .on the First Amendment. II piohibllt ' ' t h e establlahment11 of religion by the govern- ment and requires the separation o[ churdJ and Ila!<. ,.,.... P .. e J POWEU ••• ,..,.,,,,....1 .. but of lbe trgument 111•1 the courU' had no jurisdl<jlon, be com· mented: '1t Is the responsibility of this court to act 11 the ulUmate interpreter of the Constitution." The Q.pqe deci.slon sent back to the Jower federal courts ' Powell's claim that he lbould be pajd his back salary for the 90th Coogen from which· he was ex- cluded. When he was re-elected and re· seated in the 91.st Congress in January, fowell was fined $25,0IXI and slrlpped of fUs senJority. 1be Negro congresaman was barred from the 90tb Congress after 'l special House committee found him con· temptuoua of the House, de.fiant of New York state courts and uncooperative with committee investigations of his use of government funds and or other act'ivitie3 while chairman of the House. Labor and Education Committee. In another decision the court ruled to-_ day tbe rillhl lo VOi< In school district affairs ma;r not be restricted to those primarily interested, such as parents and property owners. In a aeparate case, the court also ruled the right to vote on municipal utility revenue bond issues may not be limiled io property tax payers • Boys' Ouh Sets Summer Hours New summer hours have been an· nounced for the Boys' Club or the Harbor Area al ll3 two branches in Costa Mts3.. The 1ehedule will be 10 a.m. to 5 P.m., Mondty through Saturdty, "1th a variety ol actlvllle1 oflered . C&mptn1 at Cedar Lake ln the Bi& Bear area Is lcheduled July 17 to Aug. 3, Aug. 17 to Aq. 24 and Aug. 2•, to Aug. 31, at 131 per boy per week . Parerit.a m1y rtgilttr their 80l\S for the camp ....ions at either iloyl' Club branch and )'OWlgllers who "°"Id like to sell P·NutUu clnd.lec may tarn pert or all of their cam.p fee1 . Sottball t1gnu-ps are· al1<> now under way at the Upper Bay Branch, with Cotch John Clmbsluk's league open for bo)'I I throup IS )'<ll'I old. f ' Frolll Page J . Manuel and Pennan Clay, another sah- commiUee investigator who concentrat~ on SOS, led off testimony after MQ:lellan announced his yearlong investigatio1 disclosed that "many of the same ID dividuals and organizations which havt been involved in agitation in the citie! are spearheading the disturbances and disruptioru: at our colleges a n ~ universities. UC IRVINE GRADUATION • • • shattered by violent outbreaks here at home." The answer to these problems, said Kuchel, "wi ll not come from the radical left. • .it will not come from unreasoning reaction by duly constituted public power, where the indiscriminate use of force - by shotgun loaded with buckshot, and by helicopters equipped with tear gas -in· jures the innocent equally with the KUllty." He said that such action (which look place during the recent Peoples Park demonstrations at Berkeley) "is the most effective way lo drive the moderate, reasonable student into the arms of the radical." He urged moderates to voice their con· cerns along wth the radica l s. ''Remember." he said, "if the voice of the moderate remains silent, the voice of the immedorate will take over." Adding to the note of r e c e n t UCJ campus unrest, Student Body Presi· dent Ronnie C. Ridgle presented Aldrich with the class gilt, a set of books for the library. Said Ridgle, "We wW,l the pniversity of CaUforni.a at Irvine the very best o{ luck, beca•1se lf things conUnue at their present rate, we may not be around very long." SaiC: Aldrich, accepling the gift. "I sensed a tremendous effort (by Ridgle) not to pour forth what was in his heart. ''Because of the limitations of time ," Aldrich said, "l assure you that what was not said, we have heard.'' The ceremonies continued with the pres:entatlcnof632u n de r graduate degrees, 56 M.A.'s, 75 M.D.'s, and 18 PhD.'s. Awarde<! honorary degrees along with 2 Mariner Spacecraft Moving Right Along PASADENA (UPI) -America's two Mariner spacecraft now are more than three quarters of the way through their voyage to Mars to find out whether the planet is capable of supporting earth-like life. Mariner 6 and Mariner 7, launched Feb. 24 and March 2• are expected to fly by Mars at a distance of about 2,000 miles on July 30 and Aug. 4. At that time, hlars will be a relati vely close 60 million miles from earth. Browsers Wanted -Whal kind of a penon goe& around with a big fat 1mile on hie pu11? An idiol. An ineurance 1ales- man. A &weep&take1 win11er. An owner of a new &et of den· turet. A Bidwell staffer. Let'• lalk about the Bidwell 11affer. We admit, we weren't boni with that smile. We wear it deliberately. That'• to make our cu1tomen feel wanted, be- uueei they are. Abo we want our non-cu .. tomen to foe! wanted. We like lo tee men come in and juat poke around, a procedure knoWJI .. brow1ing. Some people are ao- eu1tomed to other lypM of fac- iaJ expre&1ion. They want 10 know wby we act 10 pleated when eome guy walb out of here without boy~ anything. • Kuchel were Kenneth Bancroft Clark, Negro educator; H. Northrop Frye, literary scholar; and. Charles Sparks Thomas, "distinguished alumnus of the University ol Calllornia." Mesa Man, 26, Takes Own Life On Newport Sand A Costa Mesa man who had scrawled his final comment on life : "No" in the sand, shot himself between the eyes early Saturday afttr cootemplating awhile at the water's edge in Newport Beach, police reJ>0!100 today. Norman Hutchings, 26, of 2110 Newport Blvd., was found Saturday morning by Balboa Island resident Herbert Tatsch who WM out for a. belch stroll. "We will bear wilnesse3 who win d~be in detail the backgroonda, struc- tures, and activities of four mllltanl organiia.Uons whose members are knowD to have been involved In widespread agitation and incitement to violence 111 many cities that have suffered serlow riots. "Three or the groups and the ir members also ·have been notoriously ac- tive in campus turmoil and violence." Nixon's Board Ready for Waier B.y August Visit - Police said Hutchings used a .22 caJiber . , , weapon tJSec!tfl ttie .truetlon busint ss r--Yr:es1dent Nlxoa9 f Father s ~a~ gut, J to drife natM into "corK:rete In taking his Hobie .sGrfboard, 1.1· .upected to ¥ red life. for the .water in time for the ~eeiden\~. Investigators said Tatsch discovered ne,xt trip to the Orange <?>a.rt in ·Augull. the body at 6:35 a.m.,' about 200 feet up Except f~r the lnltlBls ~' thf the beach from The Wedge area at the surf.board will not have any frills., . . • . Nixon had already warned h I 1 Jetty leading from N~port Bay into the daughters it's unlikelY he'll hang to on open se~. . • the new board, despite the San Clemen" The victims body was taken to Baltz home's proximity to excellent surf. l\1ortuary~ where funeral arrangements Work hasn't begun on the board·yet. AJ1 are pending. boards are custom made. It is ex~ Dana Point Oub Holds Hobie Race Spectators lined the bluffs and jetty of Dana Point Sunday to watch 25 trim Hobie Cat 1•·s battle it out in the first regatta of the Dana Point Yacht Club. Overall winners of the three races were R. Paul Allen of Dana Point, 4-1-1; Hobie Alter of Dana Point, 1-3-3; Wayne Schafer of Dana Point, 3-2-2: Jeff Jones of Newport Beach, 2-4-5; and Jeff Prindle of Laguna Beach, 5-1-4. The 14-foot catam11rans were launched off the beach at the old CapistranQ Beach Club. They sailed a triangular Olympic course of three or four miles in the three races. Wind was about five to seven knots. Our an&wer, we want our store to be one where anyone can walk in, pouter arou11tl , keep hit hand1 in his pockets, artd aim a ecowl al our sale8· 111a11 if h e approachet loo close lOO 800U. W11eD yoar wi1'"J& shopping al Richard'a, or yOb've atopped lo eat al Berlub.ire't, or drove down for &0me sail waler •ctiv· ity, we hope it will teem com· forlable and euy for you to to .be a nine-foot, four-inch er. Accordlnl to Hobie Vice President Jim Gillon, "It'll be fai rly plain, with a natural finish)' The presidential representative . wtM came in just asked for a stock board. N The board costs about SI50 • Jobs in Summer.: Offered Youths Yes Vir&inia , there ls a YES. Volunteers are now staffing the head· quarters of the Har bor Area's Youtb Employment Service, helping youngster! find summer jobs of all types. Hours of the operation headquartered at S94 Center St., Costa Mesa, will be 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and job advice may be ob· tained by calling 642-6311 and 642-0474, say YES aides. come on in and lake a look around. By getting you to do that, if you're now a cu&lomer of u y Silverwood'&, or Bolfum1', or 0.arlie'& Friendly Neigh • horbood Habenlaabery, ,.·e'd like the po&1ibility of becom- ing a Bidwell cu1tomer lo enter your mind. How could that happen if you do yonr browa- inti in Silverwood'• lnalead of Bid"·ell's? We have all lhe righl things for you to look RI. Sait1, 1porl 1'" coals, slacks, flhirte, lhe u1ual. ~ Al80 the onn11nal. Oil1kint1t sea•proof jacket&, luggase, ' l drinking mng1, manicure &ell, and what not. One poHible problem. How do we know if you're here to browae, or buy t ,' Euy. Weukyou. Jack Bidwell I at 3467 Via Lido, r~t where yoia torn off Newport Blvd. lo IJO to Udo Ille, at Udo Theater. Free parking at rear of 1tore. Phone 6734510 Copyright 1969, Jack Bidwell. ·----------,___..~·-~-~-·--~-~---~·-----------• • • ' Lib>r8ries · ·C1heckee! -Out ~~: €;hild i . • ' . ' . ,., ' FREEWHEELING THE MAGIC MILES -Costa Mesa and Mesa Verde children are set for a magic journey through the world of books, as swnmer reading programs begin today. Traveling via Whale of a Time ·Ahead • Books • "Thar· she blows ._ wha1e ahead!" The cry of old·time whaling vessels will echo throughout Newport Beach as yollllg "whalers" launch the summer with Read a Ta1e, Spot a Whale. Borrowing its theme from the popular coastal past. time of whal~watching, the sununer reading program for the Newport Beach libraries began last Saturday at each library. Paper whales were given to each young .,.reader as he registered, and the large mammals will )>e piloted across the globe from the Bering Sea to the Baja Penin- iula with the help of large maps as backgrounds. With the completion of eacb· ~ the whales will advance on their journey across ··the .sea to the final destination." · , Each new location will featur~ an adventure for the whale -playing with seals, fighlin'g oc\opi and counter· acting other perils of the deep. • TI1e whale hunt1 will end" Aug. 20 with a celetiration, and all bookworms will be inVited to be a part of the festivities. Refreshments and entertainment will be harpoOlled for the event, and those who have read 10 books or more will receive a merit certificate. With. th.e bay to one side and the ocean to the other, the Balboa Library Has capitalized on its salty sur· roundings and sports a room where the emphaSis is on tblngs maritime. Penguins and sailboats will appear as the summer story boor and other activities are logged, and the Ii· brary shelves have beeti weJl..Stock:ed'witb boots about the sea. Surfing, swimming, sailing, skin diving, ocean· ography and sea lore may all be studied from boots in the collection. Willy, the 'talking whale, will greet young book· lovers as lhey enter the Balboa Library, and be prom- ises a "whale of a good time." to those participating. DAILY ,ILOT ,,..,_. h •kllfinl .... ler tricycle are Daniel Miller, 3, and Jennifer Reinhan 4. Kirsten Cole, 4, is about to roll of( on shoe skates, while Steve' Miller gets a firm grip on his scooter and books in hand. AHOY, MATES -Willy, the talking wbaie; greets Ricky Greeley, 7, John Lumsdon, 6, and Brooke Kephart (left to right), as lhey prepare to begin the popular coast 1port of "w!Hlle-watcbing" tn --. ' · -' For~~ 1zna11,.11on1 tbe .-ii. ol Ni!IDllr am bocome · ' "iDqlc mlltt'. to travetae UJroach Ille world ol boob. I • • ·, .;Swmner .-,_ J>rocra-..-11 oot and~enibutlum • ol•)"CIUllC -.n.llf Costa M-and Meoa v on with 111cb , ,IDlilpe • ••cl;lu\ from the land of OZ and a c tmp ol the U.S.-.\• , ' ' ' '.At the "CG.ta l,l"esa branch, each child beginning the reading P'°' gram wjJJ' '.travel a briglrt yellow brick roed, marki!lg oil a mile for , ewry· ~ COR)Pleted. He will ni:eive a cif1 boOl mark, alter ftvo boOb and '..a certlllcate, and compass-watch. after 10 -·· plua a · lllti. paper foot ,lo tag with hU name and place Oil the bulletin "°"rd . • After 20 miles, or books, Ille reader will receive a biue paper 'car , and may from )lien oo rid~ lnotead of. wilt on· the -yelow brlcl<1. • Children beginning their Magic Miles trip en a Seefenerica First theme at Ille Meaa Verde brancb'Will find a large mural of. the United States with a magic route to 10 nati'onal monuments. · They will travel Oil their own sets of wheels, marking their prof- r ess forward with each book read. Each child will receive a Magic Miles chart for recording.the titles of boob checked oot and completed. After 10 book1,'readel'I will bo rewarded with wrut-<ompasses and cer1Ulcates of AC!>levement. P rograms at both branches begin today and cood\tde on Aut. 2. Pal'liclpallls at Meaa Verde will marit the end. of their magic journey with ·a party at the library, wllile those at Ooola Milaa will gather for a party in the porl< u they come to the end ol their yeHow brick road. BEA ANDERSON; Editor JililMeY, ,, .. 16. 1Mf .. .. ... ., the summer reading program offered tn Newport Beach libraries. The program, now underway, is themed Read a Tale, Spot a Whale. • Super Salesman Trips Up and Is Called on His Own. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My hutbond 1111<1 I own a profitable carpel bultnesa. My brother worb for us. Vernon and I do tbe sellln& one! my brother one! a helper dO tbe IN!allatioos. 1 y tlterdaJ a aoclally prorrilnen\ woman came tn and aeJected IOllte ·upenslve ~ for a small room.. VerPon so1d ti to her. She asked ff he .)fould Jay tile dlrpet perlOMlly. lnsteed'OI tdllng her that 10r11eone else doel the Jnstallation, lie said, "I'd be happy to." ANN LANDERS ~ i Tod., Vernon Jert the ahop with the lady'• carpeting. Ho waa gone five hours M1d 1 wn worried 1lck. He came back at el'.M. -dnmk u a lktmk-llld they'd had a few cocktalls, go! to talking and lost tracl: of. time. lie allll uld lll1 brother 5houkl go over tomomJW and lly the carpetinJ as he never eot. around to it. I am furious. Jf Vernon bad been pick· ed up In our tmck for drunk drivbi& tt could have ruined UI. When I tried to U.. plain U1il to him he called me square and said -al aLlentlon II pd !Cit buslneas. Whal do you say! ' -ALMA DEAR ALMA: Per-' -llaa IS ------------- Sood lor ba-1. bat ,. ... It gets TOO pttllD&l Jt'a Md for bulneta. Tell Vemoa to atty la tH altop and out or Ute tntct and let your brotbe.r make aU the ltoGH calla frtm. MW Oft~ DEAR ANN LANDERS : I'm a widow who ls getting mighty fed ~p with women who view every urvnarried female 11.a lhrut to Lhelr marrtqes. A woman I work with wu: leavlna: lht olrlce just as 1 was. Her hUlband was Do you feel I spoke out of turn! Youncster' may not be M luc.ky u oun. ~: walling In front I• pick her up. When he -V.B.C. .,,CUV,m<K!Ai FALilC aaw me, he poked hls head out the car DEAR v.: Yflll' rtm•rk wu Ut(Sl:dlet DEAR c.r.: l'w ,,.. .... lltd ~ window and asked ff I'd lib a 1111 home. I -·t llffe -lleUer m,..U. hop bt Ille pool bat I'• wlllbitr "do ji;IC (They live a few blocb from .my apart. ll(alL 8'il1 ·-l.:pl .. -ment.) t said, 11Yt1, thank you ," and DEA{t ANN LANDER.S: We Jll.t be rembtded. ~! started toward the car. His wife leaped in olt-r o u I h t our z..and+hatf-ytfl?-otd .... !rooL of me •nd elbowed her way Into !he; d'"'*'11tr and our 1 .. nd-a-llalf.year-eld Aloollol 11 no "1«l<ut to social succtOit: car to make certain I dldn~ sit nut to bo1 home from tile hoopltal. They had ff you Lhlnk you have to drlnk=be him. \heir 1tom1ch1 pumped . It wtsn't • vuy cepted liy your ffiend1, set tba f J said, In a voice dripping with honey, pleasant eiperitna1 for us or for Uicm. Rud ''Boor.e and You -For "Your husband II very attractive, Myr. Pleace Inform all mother• In your Only," br Ann Land4n. Smd • ;:.~; tle, but I make Jt a rule never to attack a i'eadlnc audience lhat no bottle • ii coin and 1 Ion&. teU«ldreaed, man while he's drivina:. '' Htr face turned chlldproof and no 1htlf ls out ol. re.ch. envelope wtth your .nquest. , ~ red and she didn't r<ply. Her husband All medlclnoo and cleantnc nuldo lbwld Ann Landen will lit 1Jad lo halp YW laughed !or five mlnuta. '11t11 morning _be kepi In a metal. box or a cupboard -wiLh your problems. Sood u.n lo her .!!I wbenlsawherlntlleolflcalhewasvery under 16ck and ke)'.,&irely the exlrs care o/ the DAILY Pnm, -·Ii coot tNUbll II worth a cbUd'1 lU'e. Your , atamJed, 11tr....tdr1111~ mwlklp& ~l . ..: • . .. • • ,., -~' l ___,_ --~ .. ------~---. -... ,,.. ---... _.._.. '· -·,. - , ( ' ~·- DAl\.Y I'll.OT Blue Birds on the Go Fulfilling their wish to go interesting places are (left to ri ght) Stephanie Wil· Iiams, Oherie FitzGerald,. Kathy Wessels and Torrey Offley, inembers of the Jewels of the Sea B!ue Birds, Sunset Geach. l:l.cnry \Vessels, arc.:i potter is demonstrating the art of throwing a pot on the potter's 'vheel and explai~ing the history of clay pottery. Ship Christened at Celebration Families and friends will join Mr. and Mrs. Ger ald L. Thompson of Corona de! M:ir for the christening of their brainchild, "Paclfic Clipper,'' at 3 p.m. Saturday, June 21, 1n the Lido Shipyard, Ne1vpo;·t Beach. Following the shi p's ble'>SiOJJ by the Rev. Joseph Wawadirz of San Francisco, Mr s • 'lbompson will christen the new vessel. Tyler MacDonald will act as master o I ceremonies. Brightly colored signal flap ' will dress the new ship and two other 65 foot boats as the 450 guests are welcomed aboard for champagne, hors d'oeuvres and a harbor cruise. Entertaining on deck will be Bud Shank and hi.! five pir·ce orchestra and atrolli n g mariachi bands from the .E.1 Pescador restaurant. Out-of -town guests will in- clude Mr. and Mrs. Edward Reisner of Koloa, Hawaii , Thompson's mother, and Mrs. John Lloyd-Butler of Rancho RO Bf NSON ·'S: -·-~ -NO TWO BALI SNO·FLAKES®ARE ALIKE JUST AS HA'rURE SOFT\.. Y S HAPES EACH INDIVIDUAL. SNOW FLAKE, BALI DOES THE SAME , ACHIEVING TH t l1LTIMATC IN BEAUTIFUi.. DESIGN ANO COOL.. COMFORT, WJTH AN EMPHASIS ON PERFECT FIT 1 IWMME" SNO-FLAKEgilD FROM THE BALI COLLECTION .,. THE UHDEftWIR t JIRA, laEIGE , WHITE , BL.ACK , BLUE , YEU.OW PINK 32-38 B C O • t • • f • .DO, 8 .50·7 .50: LONG LEG PANT'i GIADLE, WHI TE, PINK, Bl.VE, vm.&..OW, 8EIGE, s-M-L, 1!5.00. FROM FASH ION FOUNDATIONS -. MS'ET II.ALI STYLI ST t PEG DENS MORE, IN NEWPORT, JUNt 17-18, I03INSONTS NE\lvFORT • FASHION ISLAND • 644·2800 , --·----~~---------------~~- ~ Rainbow Girls Name New Worthy Advisor Newport B11ch, Ca11f. JllS Nt'#llO(• 11¥0. Ml rktt B11•t1 SCll.lflt "'°"' •tJ.1110 Art•1la, Calif. 1U1S f'lotlw' Mtl'I!" 9111!.tl CtftlH l'Mnt Ml·lll1' ------ • -Betrotnat I Revealed · At Partv ' STITCHERY KITS! $1111Mer fl11t for ... ....... kids ••• •1, ............ .. ro ft. Yn will wctet ... tff, LI••· 1~ clowa -4 flow.rs fr.,. SJ.SO to Sl.00. it's verve I it's instant color with PLUS SHAMPOO AND SET 75' Fri. ·Sat. ·Sun ................. , , .. $3.00 {Long h•ir 1Jtr• J \Vhen Spring puts verve in your life. we put it into your hair ! \\.ith our new comb-able, bMJSh-able dos. And with our color that just rinses· in· and "takes" while we se t you r ha ii'> .It's marvelous Roux Fanci-full that • colon instantly -then shampoos oa t when you wish! • uses no peroxide, needa no &fter-rir:use ! • COYen rn1. refreshes dull hair, tones bleK!led hair I ,,. ...... _ ... ' ••••••••• •;i •' . . p1tture: peeks: • • ., Ma•p• ••ii••• ' Before sum.mer !! too ra r gone, the Lido will pop with yet another superb exclusive 9howing. Well, we'll keep it under wraps for a few more reels, but it will be something that yoo'\l want 10 enjoy for an early August everung. Remember, Mesa Matinees e a e h and every afternoon, starting at 2:00 o'clock with family feature films. Kids may be proud to take their parent~ to these summer shows all 9e8IOl1 at the Mesa. FREE PASS~ to the Lido or Ille Mesa will be malled today to R. E. Foster, 437 Aliso Ave., Newport Beacll. Tommy Tuck· er, 301 Poinsettia Ave .. Corona de1 Mar, R. V. Jordan. Ill Abalone, Bal l.>lc and H. c. Bailey, 1598 Elm, Costa Me& Coit• Nit.: Ca 1 • = .. ~.,... C.Jif;-----· ..... =·-=~·~=~~-U.ll ,... ' 1our w111 e guc~ s o 1~ 141, .... •1¥11. O:·Mlll "IUt f'ltOM ~JS S1nta Ana , Ctlif. MCFt<ld"' • lltf!'9"' f'llO!I C ... ttf ,._... SG tal 11' W-lrltl 1..-..t 1rn.-.. p L.' f'i.tfflf!• • 1t:11 • .--... --..ure et:...,' to enjoy a ,_,, ~.mt movie at the Lido or ~1esa real soon. We do 1lope that :vwr name will appear hert some time in the near future. Take the fami17 out to a movie dtiJ summer-at the Mual t t l 1 . ' ~osta -Mesa 'J'oday'• F:'-1 ' . . . N.Y. St.Mu VOC. ~2, NO. ~43, 2 SECTIONS, 34 PAGES· ORANGE cou~.-CAl.IFORNIA MONDAY, JUNE 16, 1969 ~ . ' . Protests 'lleard~ But Not Seen at UCI RitCs By JANICE BERMAN Of .. °"" .. , ... Steff UC Irvine graduated it! cbar'ter clus -the first class to go throua:h lour undergraduate years on the new carhpus . ..:_ ill Saturday aft.emoOn--ceremonles un-- marked, by overt student "prowts. . But the atmosphere was co~red with r-echoes of recent campus disruptions and the foreboding of more student dissent to como. (S.. photos page 3.) Di.aouasing student protestJ, Univ-ersity ChiDcellor · Dlniel G. Aldrich Jr.1 said, •1we·muat realist tM underlying cause is man's ~ for freedom from Poverty and destruclXn .. At the ame time,. be 1warned a1ain!t reaction iand .radlcaJllzn IJ lhe key to chan&e, and called for 11JQStkef' ..,mg, "greatneu la .tbe way we Jive. our Uves. Jt b the q~ty al justice... • Guet ipeam Thomas Kuchel, who rtcelved an bodorarf degree, told the graduates, ·"Nowhere bil the quest (for ' peace) bee • felt. u Ill 1f118 _. .. tion." · "Yoo have put the .estal>lllhmeot' on trial," b_e Mid. '1or what It bu dooe lllld what , It bu lallod to.Clo lllld you have returned , an indl~ qllnlt. thole ootalde the · establllhment , on the ume counta.'' · 7 · "A verdict al rulltY coold be ap- propriate Ill either cue ond maybe both. But at the very leut, then· would be &fOUDd!: for clemency." • • • S«ylng that the 1Taduale1 rein-I "a wide range of h~ iboucbt.'' the former senator added, "You have refused bllndly \o accept the status quo. Y• have Polldm>d bow to Improve I~ 'lbal la the hblo<lc ,jlOltern ol the"1nlnr'!lly. Its fwi:tion,,by tradition, bu been to app]y knowledge to ~ betterment 1'of ·the human coadition." Kuchel aJd the .unlversltf, as an ln- stltuUon, "la 1n trouble:" So is our IOcle- ty. So is the human race." • Decrying vlolft<e !'" American coDeae .catppu1e1, be-aald.1 • 1"rbe h&toric alrtooomy ol ~ .... an4 unlven!Ues baa been disrupted """a~ -..Yed ond damage baa been done Iii the pnx:euts ol American educaUon.", ' VlotenCe, Kuchel aaJd,, "tan M~· u it should' be, put down... . . ''lleapocl !or the 'autliorlty or· the academic dean· Ja .not. ~tri~Ubl~ ·with the right ol the student to pretat. Both, I • tlllnt;,are rolevont>ll.ilbe llhertr Gf·UM unlvtrsUY u ao Jn.ttituUOn." · ' . . ' . ' He Aki that both are re1Aled 1to 1Uw i>urlult of knowledle.' and 'that' todat, knowledge upresenll power. ' Discuasing,d1v111ve forct1 jn the na~, Ku~bel Caned the w.ar ~la Y"tttnam ••a ctuelly divisive force for· lbe AmerlclD. plople," and added that hopes lot peace between the races have "been rudely (See UC JBVINK,-Pap I), an rowns1n e1r I ' Air Taxes Sought BodyFoun~ h1 Watery Mesa ·Ditch Nixon Urges $5 Billion Program WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nixon asked Congress today to enact a $5 billion airport and airways program designed to ease what was described as a crisis situation In aviation. Money for the program would come from ta.1es on airline tickeb, cargo and aviation fuel. "'n>e various usen of the system, who will benefit from the development, should assume the responsibility for the co.st of the program,•• Nixon Aid in a special 7·1 Rul.,g message to the House and Senate. "Pay-&we-grow" is the way the Prest· dent characterized his proposal. Hixon said,_ "We do not have the capacity in our airways ·and airports am- ple to otD' present neeCls" or t0 ,the .future growth of a~tion. James M. Begs, undersecretary for transportation. was more direct. He said the nation £ae9 "a crisis lituation tu its alrway1 and airports." Under lll' prOlf""° '3lQ _miUion would , •fl.I• Supreme Court Upsets -, House Actwn on Pawell W ASITTNGTON (UPI) -The Suprenie Court repudiated the House of RepreseD- tatives today £or barring Rep. Adam CJayton Powell from the last Congress. In a 7·1 ~· lbe court declared Congress has no right to deny a member· elect his seat if he meets the basic qualifications of age, residence and citizenship -just as Powell has argued. The opinion by Chief JU!tice Earl War· ren fejected arguments on behalf of the }louse that either chamber of Congress has the right to exclude an elected member under other provisions of the Constitution. Warren's opinion also dismissed claims that federal courts have no jurlsdiclioa lo intervene in cases involving Congrw and 3 Hospitalized From Drugs After VCI Pop Co1icert At Jea~t three youths have been 'hospitalized s u f f e r i n g hallucinations following a Sunday pop concert at UC Jrvine. One J8---..Y~ld girl.wu...discovered..this rrlorning,flitting about nude in the middle of Garden Grove Boulevard saying she was in heaven. There have been unconfinned reports that apple_ cider aold al the pop. concert- callcd High Noon in Festival was 1pii:ed with ~D. Also taken Into protective custody at Orange County Med.icat·Center were a 22· year-old young man from Emerald Bay, near Laguna Bea.ch, and · a l~yHMlld Costa Mesa. lid. . its dealings with members. Warren aci:Dowlt:dged that the House and Senate bave the right to discipline members once they are aeated 1nd even to expel them but said of the case in- volving the flamboyant, 80-year-old New York Democrat: "Since Adam Clayton Powell Jr. was duly elected by the voters of the 18th Congressional District of New York (Harlem) and waa not ineligible to serve under any provlaion of the Constitution, the HoUJe was ·wlthout power to uclude him from its membership." The ruling, one week before the court is scheduled to end ill le.rm, was eKpeeted to arouse a storm o{ criticism in Congress. Powell was not at his office when the opinion came down. Rep. H. R. Gross (R· Iowa), said the House should ignore the court action. Warren said the court meant no "lack of respect due a coordinate branch of government" bul of the argument that the courts bad no Jurisdiction, be com· !'"toted: "It is the rMponsibillty of this Court to act a1 the ulUmate interprt:ter or the Constitution." The 62-page dec i!ion sent back to the lower federal courts Powell's claim that he should be paid his back salary for the (See POWEU., Pore %) SIHk M•rl<ets NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market closed on a lower note today after an .ear· Jy adVancErH~ ol steilifo-(l!ee quota- tions, P11es lt-15), Nixon a be spent annually [or the next 10 years on airways faeilltiea and equJpment. Th.is compares lo an average or ap- proximately f9J million in each or the last 10 years. Ni.I.on called tor $180 million in aid to airport&: in fi3cal 1970, whl~ starts July l. This would increase to $Z20 million in fiscal. lflt, "'with cootinued i.lpanalon le-g to a Iota! ol 12.5 billion In the ota 10 years." . ;./. ~ .. l a:.:t, . --Newport Man In Insurance Case Cleared . . " 87 AR'riltJR R. 'VIN~EL °'*'NJ, .. ...,, Murder by c!rowhlng b tho olllclal theory today as Police probe the puzzling cUe of a dead man fOUnd in a watery dff.. ch Saturday by a lann lablrer bleyclinC · to work In a Costa M ... parsley lleld. .A flJllerprb\I. check Identified tlie vie< tlm u Herman C. Everett, 35, a ·RrJctondo Be~li reoldenl emplo_yed QtllJ I II -Ill •f!ller at· a Torrance llllchlna ~· No ll\ellve bal -developeil ta Ibo weird. ll•Yln«" C!OmmlUetl. by· ..,..... who a,,...&itly clubbed Everdt bet1Nin vi._ 'l'll l with 11. beavy weapoa -lilea dumped,lllm ln·the clit<h to drown. . Some dtocnoP11!'7 de"io!>t<!· tvbuw-•11.,., with a relable otory. that Evert!'~ mouth and nose were taped when the bodJ was found In the 15000 b!Ock ol Talbert Avenue near the Santa Ana River. "You'll hear that )• ·llid Colla Meaa PoUce Capt. Ed G.:Wow today, "but wa can malte no comment." A Newport Beach man has been cleared of all charges in a case involving sale of an estimated n million in ln-- surance to Californians. All Wet -' ' Onnge County Coroner's D e pa I y Harold Minnick aaid the vidbn'a 1lOl8 and mouth were not tlped when he al'· rived to .check the ~ aod caue of death IJ U..ted u aspby:datloll, probablJ'. by drowning. Cleo Marvin Johnson, 51, ol iiOI Kings Road, was one or four defendants ae· qulled Sunday by a Superior Coort jury. Christina King, iix months, gramaces as, she discovers~tbe/ rigors ol swimming include getting your face ivef; Christina, .4aiig~te~ ot Mrs. Edie King, 4()00 '.J'opside ~e, Corona Gel Mar, is o_nB ~ IOUJ\14 est pupils or carol Dinwfddie, 191 an iQstruclor at ~ local11wim achooL, "We ll'tl Uatb\J-it u 1 bomiclde due to the blow betwHrl the eyea and the lack of any ldenWlcatlon on the body," aald CaJ!l. Gllaaow, head or the delecllve bureau. The .weary panel returned to the court of Judge William Murray to end more than three days of deHberatlona.by elear· ing Johnson, Roland K. Marsh, 38, of Redondo Beach, June VirglnJa Adams, 25, of North Hollywood and Harry Louis Hib- bard, 58, o( Anaheim of fraud charges. But the jury could not agree on iden· tieal grand theft and conspiracy crunts filed against David Morton Kane, 37, of Beverly Hills. Furttier action against Kane will be decided at a hearing set for June 27. Councihiten Ma,y Reyiew .. Municipal Budget !onight · He explained that It appeara Everett's 1layer or slayers drove down the San Dl~o Freeway aod:turned ort loQklna,for. a rerpote spot to get rid of the victim •. Tire tracks were found 1n IOft . eutb neat. the spot where field band M~ Hernandez dl!COvered ttie body at '8:40 a.tp., but there is no certainty they were made by the vehicle Involved in the crime. The jury retired late Thursday follow- ing more than five weeks of testimony on the operations of Regency Investors Inc. of Encino. 'Thef had heard allega· tion11 that the five defendanl.s were in· volved in an operation that bilked in- vestors of more than S2 million. Jack Bernard Follis, 54, o! 508 E. Ocean Front, Newport Buch, pleaded A relatively light le>ad or busirless ite~:;. possibly including presentation of a fS,978,llS mun!Ctpal budget for the cooting fiscal year is .on tonight's Costa Mesa City.Council agenda ., Police Won't Swallow Theory guilty to fraud charges in a pre.trial pro--P'lls T ,.. -· •• -·-· ceedlng:1le-served1lvo-day1 ln1ilr,Wis' l -~atlVf!S fined $250 and Is currently oo probltion. · All five defendanls were accused of A quartet of Costa Mesa teenagers pro. selling to Southland residents -many of testing that the only bad trip inVOl\'fd them in Oran&! County.= ~~-life ln· would be to the toilet were -arrested surance polli:les ihTeh weri"liid to be Saturday rug· ht when police claim they hlghiy JuaaUve profit sbarin1 contracta. found 180 yellow pills ln a search of their van truek. Hodad Narcotics • Investigators · • n d a· . . ~ ........ , . The 1969-70 budget· ls due to~dlscu,.. · ed,in pubijc h,ea.iinf at. tl!e colqicil's,June . 30 meeting, b!Jt could be • preteoted. tonight for reView in the next two wee~. Vice Mayor Robert M. "Wilson b In Europe on . CaWqmla League al CIUea business, however, and dty offidals "TbiJ whole thing ii 1pparently cen· (!lee DROWNING, Page I) Jobs in Summer Offered Youths migtit . wait : to prestnt. the tentative Yes Virginia, there ii a YES. budget t.o a full council. ' Volunteers are now atafflne the head-- Biggest lndividual II.em to be .discuured quarten of the Harbor .Area's Youth al the June 30 session is Polj.ct Chief Employment Service, helpmg younpt.ers , · . find smnmer jobs of all types. Roger _NetQs requ~t ~ -~t up_~-Houn-ol the weratlon headquartered hellCopter patrol system dt;1l&ntd to, im· at $94 Center st, Colla Mesa, wW be I prove local law enforcement. a.m. to t p.m., and job advice may be ob--~ayor Alvin L. Pinkley said recently talned by ca1ling MU.lit and 142.o474 that the be:licop patrol program appears say YES aides. · ' to..:.be ttie only Item f•cl!I· a eeriool c~ance of titing ellmmata from the budret Wead!U The younJ lacfy and Emerald Bay young man are reported In satisfactory condition today In lhe mental health ward. The Costa Mm youth was releas- Geti· Surfboard for Father's Day Two Men Sought In Mesa Burglarr pha~acls; challe•&'!i the claim tl\at Pie supply was only for laxative~ arid 11ald they appear to be homemade· LSD plJ1S. I Patrolman Pat Donohue ~l(>P99i the • A stammerinl pigeon-toed ne'er-do- two bl)y• and two girls oo F.,alr Driy at well *ilriDc an' Ellenhower 1.-ll Harbor Bolll•vard ¥ BlllJ>!'cls,ln·°'F tMft · sought 'today aloog wttli·hla parllllr for of a 110 wrtnch oet from a ~by the ~ weekend bur&l~ry ol, a -~ It'• another blue Monday and Tueaday'IJ be even bluer, aay1 the weatherman, who looks for drllzJ,y clouds aiid temperatures In tbt upper IO'o !or ·the coutllne. . ed to his parrots. Presktent Nl.ion 11 a H9(11d, it deve- None of the three are UCI student... loped on FaU.'s .Day. Orange Count1 Sheriff narcot.ics ln· A Jlodld in beachtown J>!lralnce, 13 \"e1tiga1.ors today were looking Into the person who"hu a surfboard ror prestige, incident. UCl campus poUce uid they but doesn 't use it and that's whit the na· had their hands full Sunday just trying to tfon'1 Chief E1ecuUve plans to do. contain the crowd ol 2,000 that turned out Daughten Tricia, 23, and Julie to hear 1ix rock bands sponaored by the Eisenhower, 20, gave the President a ASIOCiated Students. 1eaJed.down model of a cuat.otn-built "We'I e cbectll!iirilrtlrin,.,,,oeh..-11ot:-iicitifiwmrii&nm1verea tO Uit awn· !bing., art: not moving very fast this mer White HoUlle tn San Clemente belt morning.·· said campuJ police Sgt. week. Robert Rodgers. 'nloulandl ol dads throliafiout Amttlea Th< Costa Mesi youth first was surveyod various Father''Da111111 with brou&ht to Costa Meas Memorial Hoopltal the -!creed pd nature Sunday as by a friend. Cool• Mesa police toot him did Pr<lld111l Nixon when be ~ hla lo the county ladllty. tlft. I • l u1•11 never ride it,~ be muttered, smil· Ing. 1'he bright blue mono~ammed boar.d will apparently gBither dust at \he old H: H. ·Cotton Estate, as Orange Coast surfers mourn the waste of both Jt and use of the prime Nixon aurf beach. "I rode a surfboard 30 years ago and It doesn't Impress me a bit,'' added the 56-year-old Pres_ld'.m_t,_ _ _ _ _ ~noted that one o/ his aides, Roy Goodearle, accompanied h t m partway to Midway laland vii· ttawaU 1 week' •ao and broke hla !es ourllns a houn after arriving ln IUJ'f helven. "I'll loon tt to people." he continued u he examined the model Mfboard, "J '11 .loin It ta..member1 of the preu." service station. , 1 1 , MeU. women's sfloi,. · ~ ... ' Searching the vehicle !or loolJrOlll'l11e. -Marlys J. ~I~. employed by · Tcuco atalion at 21'15'Newporl Blvd .. QI. Mamne Fib~ Inc .. 3133 ~. B~St .. fie!': Dooohue . ICMllld the vlall of pllll told Oosla M..a, P.llce the IUlpOCI ~ a wrapped in a 1ackeL 1n , the lool com-clerk busy while his complfllon ~ partment. · wh ind checU Imm the storo 'olll<e. CoosultaUoo wllh ~ drualsl Indicated The 1111PtC1. wJiooe detcrlptton -el>- the plfi• were hoinemailc fr0m a glucooe lained had a '°"*• ond ,.., 1boufto 10 base commonly used to prepare ln· :s, while hts partner was Aid only to be div~ual UD dot!es, lnveatlgaton taid. abou\ the same.lft. · The aus1pecta, two of them 15, one 14 lftvUtl~ saJd 1 music oonctrt. 'wi1 and ..,. 16, ~en charged with -Ion bellw· o1 In the South Cout 1 Plw qi danprooa diugo and te-to their malr OUUlde ind tho -m1,y have be<n perenll l!Yin( In the Meoa Verde.,..., pr.,,.m !or lilal when 'lilltYen' 0.- pendlng Juvenile court ICllon. tbelr mlnda. • ' ' INSIDE TODAY . Flnottdal -coZMmnltt S t1 I" f I Port.r today rt1wmc1. her COfto tinuing •erie1 on HFCJr-out I• vcttfnentl'' on Page 14 todo'1. -M (ellfrenllt •• CllMl'n.c 9'» ....... . -.. .,... """" 1t ....,... ,_ . .... , ........ ,.... l&.ll -. AM L_,. 17 -.. -. --.. or.. e-11" ... .,,_ ,....,, M ........ ,,... .... -.... ~ ..... , ......... ·-. -. --.. • I . I I I l I . I , I . ----,. -.....,--............. ~'1:":!':::-0-,:0~""'"=""""""'""'==·,....,="'1=,.......,.=...,,..., ....... _ .... ____ .,.. .... __ .... _~-~----------~~---. ·---·----... -.. -.. c . Eniaptlen ita; Diinf!rl' · .. Court· to w etgli . Church Tax Issue ' wAia'INaTON (AP) -The Supreme c.urt;ln •-·move, •&reed tOd>y to -... cloims that the Constltutio• r..-the tu aempU.. ol propert1 ... edlw ·~~ ' Tbe•mljor i:bui-ctMLate lslue wu r'1&o ed l1ua -ai by a New York lawyer. Fredlilet Walt. His claims bave Deen su~ rtjected thus far by courts in New York. 1!1111 tile SUpr<me ' cowt. in • 'llmplt order" iiote4 that It has "proi>oblt jurildict1on" to settle the q1,1.eai1oa and. Aid'Wall' appeal woulil be beard "'"' . . term.' • • . . F~r Reachi:rig Pornography Law Passed SA<;RAMEN10 (AP) -'!be legislature paaed ind seat to Gov. Reagan today <;alllomia'1 strongest antismut laws, with specific restrictions imposed on those who sell pornography to children. The Republican governor, who fought umuccessfully !or the bills In 1967 and 1911, II npeCt.d to sign them, carrying out a pledge be made when he cam· paigned for the state's highest office in 1966. Frustrated by Democratic majorlUes tn the past. the governor won his vicWry when Republicans took over legislaUve leaderahip. One cl tbe ......... by Sen. Robert Lagomanlao (II-Ojai). deall specifically with thoee under 18 years of age. It passed 25-0. The bill sets up a new standard of obscenity for youngsten. More restric- tive than for adults, it makes it easier to prosecute smut peddlers who concentrate on the }'OWll. The other deals with adults. It expands the cunent definition of what is now obscene. In the put, the legal definition of 1111ut waa filml, books, plays or other .matter that II ''utterly without redeemJn& 'soctll importance," a pbra.w that laW en· forcemeal ottldall protested wu for too 1 ..... Now, It ls matter that ''taftn a! a w!IOle," II utterly without redeeming IOdal Jmportonce. Tbooe few wordl, plua restrldJons agalM thooe wbo pander - sell smut for miut's sake -will make It uaier to proeecute 1u1pected violators, llw enforcement afllcl&ll said. Bearded Motorist Ro~s 2 Hikers A bearded, tattooed molor1Jt drlvln1 an oblolete former California HiWbway Patrol car robbed lwo hltcl>hlkers cl MIO after picking them up .In Costa Mm, the victimB told police over the weekend. Allatalt McLeod,:24, o! m Ruby ,Ave., Balboa Island and Michael Piencin, ·17, of · 145 Woodland Drive, La&un• Beach, said the man pUUed a gun after driving lo a qulel spol Friday night. The two carpenters told investigators lhey were picked up at 17th Street and Superior A venue while hilch-hiklng lo Laguna Beach. carrying their week's pay. The bandit, described as having long sideburns and many t.attoos on his arms, allegedly used a .22 or .32 caliber revolver In the holdup which occurred at 211 16th Place, police were tokf. McLeod and Pierson said palnl primer spots sprayed over portions oC the black car Indicated It bad been a CHP unit, «>Id after being replaced by a newer vehicle. Ololll PllOI bUJttl CC»lt "'8'.lllON• CQMPAN't ••Mrt N. W-' ~ .......... ...., J1dr: I. C1rley VIClf ,, .................. ,,._,,,, T\llfl'IM 1t'11J¥:1 .... Tllewt•t A. M....,Ylln1 MtftMIM 1"11' ---2JO W•t 1.., $tr11t M1Ui11 AMrem P.O. 111 IS,0, t2•16 --.............. n .. ~ ............... ~ ... 11111 .. '--' .. _ Hwlllnllll a..G: M 1111 lfl'tll • I 'nte lawyer, who!r~ed his own fOl.U'· page ipPea.I, saJ his "civil 'rtaht of rtligious freedom" and of an other pro- perty 11wners was unconstituUonally burdeoed by the ewnpUon given nlicloUs lnatltutions from real estate tu:• ... ·A p('Ope.f'ly owner In 8'aten Island, Walz claimed he was bein& forced, in ef· feet, to make a payment to ~li1ious organizations 1n ·violation of his right of "re.llgious Jreedom." Lut Febraary the New York Court ol Appeals said the exempUon for property uled exclusively for reltgious Jll:lfPORS bu Jong aad coosisteotly 6een upbeld by courts throughout Ille counlty. Wat1 nab !\Is case on the FIJ'!I Amendment. It prohibits ' • th • ,stablilhment" of religion by the govern· ment and roquit& the oeparaUoo ol chwdl aad atat<. 2 Capo Couples Die in Collision Of Light Planes Two San Juan Capistrano couples were among nine persons killed Saturday in a collision of two light planes over Long Island Sound in New York. Dead are Jack W. Johnltone , '5, and his wife, Joan, of 2'1031·A Capote de Paaeo, and Donald C. Plumb, 57, and his wife, Mary, cl 27tm-A Paaeo Burlldero. Johnstone, described as en excellent pllot by Caplatrano Airport clficlala, waa pilollng his Beechcralt In !or • landing when the plane coWded with a Piper Apache, based at tbe lJnden, N.J ., airpolt. The two couplea, Aid lo have been clOMlll ol frltada by n<lahbon, had been touring the couolty on a combined buslneu-pleaslll'e trip, •ccordinS to relaUvu. Witneues uld the crash occurred In poor -Iller about 300 yardt olfabore. Followlq two exploak>nl, the two planes fell apart and dropped Into IO feet of water.. . The other plane wu carrying Mr. and Mra. Jllftel v. Ricbey cl Biooldyn, and their .three omaU chlldren. Paaolna boatmen and acubl! ·dlvfn ,..,..._. nn bodlta ~ 1111 .Colli Guu\I -ibt ieoriili ·~ .0.1""" rtmalnlnc Ylctlmt: Mr. Jolutsloae, !Ibo formerly ~ed~ La Canada, l!IOnd 10 ~1· Caplllrano about -yur qo With · wile. lie had commuted lo bla Loo Angela advertlllni agency by plane dal· ly. ,.He WU I very pod pDot," qid Bruce Denllam cl the Caplatraoo Airport; where Johnslooe has hadbla plane tied up alnce November. "It wun"t hls faulL He wu maldll( an apJ><OIC!t and collidod with a lwin Apache that lhoulda~ ban been th .. -ere. Mr. J-had been licenaed !or In· strument Oyil!g. Mr. and Mrs. Johnstone are 'survived by their .. t)fo daughters, Ptbbie, a sophomore at USC, and Mrs. Cheryl Saari of Manhattan Beach; ··and his mother, a res:ldent of Loe Angelu. Plumb rttlred from Jet Propulsion Laboratory lh Pasadena as per30nnel supervisor in 1967, havinc worked there for 12 years. Mesan Gives Up Grad Party for Air Force Duty Enrollment tn a new kind of school awaited a young Costa Meaan Fridty, 10 hours after he graduated from E.Uncia High S<:hool. Daniel J. Sliva, 18, ol 727 W. 20lh St .. Je(t during the early morning hours to rtport to Lackland AFB, TeJu, as an Air Force ainnan recruit. "He had planned it for a year and gave up the party afterward," said a friend of the Betty L. Sliva family, which IJ1Cludes four younger brothers besides Dan. The Silva. family has lived in Costa ~1esa 15 years and . the oldest boy went out for football at Estancia High School, then dropped oot due to a kri<e Injury, Physicians said aggravation of the pro- blem could jeopardize his Air Force enlistment, so he made what he felt was the more important choice. "He wanted that varsity letter badly." said a friend of the family, "bul be wanted to be in the Air Force more." His Bop Worse Than Her Bite? A Coat.a Mesa woman complained to Police early Suml:ay about her boyfriend's method of fredng htl finger wllen II The opening was her mouth. the became caught ln an openJng. The openin& wu her mouth, the boyfriend told Officer Dean Howard when he went to take an assault and battery report at 4 a.m. Sllnday, and ahe wu biting hard . So he hit her. Uncertin as to Just who was the vie· Um and who was the asaailant, P:itrolman Howard tol d the woman lo consult with detecUvu today U sbe wlab- ed to pursue I.ht matter. • Big Wlaite Slaip Btrek Black Units ti I ~ Said Behind, •J • School Riots • , . l ~ I WASHJ!IGTON· (UPI) -A Senate ~ commiU.. lnvesllptor testified ~ JJ;iat "black powtµ"" grqups have 'S . aperk cllJ and camJl\11 ~lob al loward ••1 pneral revolution throuibl:!IJI L.·• the CO\D'lu-y... • • • ~ .• " -J He said· the Black Panthers and tq.:. Student Nonviolent CoordinatinS coif:! miltee CSNCC) 'ha<t:!onriecf aUJancc. w1'; white rev01utiOn.arY · oriahlzaUolli!I . ~ cludiilc Studeiits tor a DemOcrltte sOdirf.~ . ' . ' ' ' , . . ly (SDS). "'-' . Pbillp Manuel, wbo headed tbe In· vestlgatioo of elm.pus dllorders for sM. John L. McClellan'a pet'Dl~I . ~ vesttcaUons subcommtllee, ~d 500 ~ fr.ces an inten:ial split betweeri the fllfli';. ,_ .. revolutionary unton" facUon ~~ radicalizt-factory workers and otlief. . ,_ members, led by SI,)S fpundei: TOJI! Ht yden, who believe "American work~ are paid too much and are too ~air Spectators watch as the great white steamer, S. ·S. Calalina, docks at Catalina Island. The ship spenl m ore than a year and a half in port when it was plagued by labor troubles,'811<!. unable to' make any trips to the resort Island last aummer. servalive" for revolution•"" ....... ~ ' .... : 'rJ, -~ .. .. 0 Biact power orgli.ni.zations are thou whiCh prolll-Ole what theJ: call' "bJ>iai: liberatiOn' wJthin the context cl. a revoJQ:: tlon ·tn the United •States,''., M'anU'tl'. testified. " .• .they advocate ·an: ~) ticolonial struggle for sell-d~te~tii:fi which must go hand·in·band with a general revolution throughout the coun· Boy Bicyclist, Motorcycle Rider Injured .. A boy whose bicycle wu thrown out of control by a dangling bag of groceries and a motorcyclist who collided ~th a car an: hospitalized with bMken bones lo· day as a resuU of Costa Mesa traffic ac· cidents. Dalt!'M. Walker, 16, of 2001 tmne Ave., Newport Beach, ii in satisfactory con- diUon at Hoaa Memorial Hospital with a fractured left leg. Richard ' B. Bell, 11, of 1241 Conway Ave., Costa Mesa, is in good condition at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital with a f.rlctured knee and contusions. Police said Walker and his passenger, Jeffrey T. Greyson, 15, of lip Santiago Rold, Newport Beach, were thro'fD to the pavement Sunday afternoon when the cycle bit a car on Irvine Avenue at Broadway. ~ Gl'O)'lml •:$Ith ooly minor ift. jurfea Ip tile · ""11 a car dJi-by Donald G. Giblnat , ol)IOGfl ·Blyvlew -.Ave., Santa Aaa HeJcbll; • The Ball ywtb 'WU injurod Satunl1y morning when biJ bleycle veered away Iran the edge ol Baker Street aad col· llded wltb a m driven by Sharon L. Ctrney, 24, of %230 Delaware St., Hun. lingloo Beach. ·He lold police a bai o1 il<leerles he wu carrying home wedged between bla knee and the blcycle wheel, throwing It out of control, but could tell nothin& of the actual collision. "I closed my eyes," he explained to Patrolman Georae Webater. Mesa Man, 26, .Takes Own Life On Newport Sand A Costa Mesa man who had scrawled his final cominent on life: "No" in the sand, shot hlmseJI between the eyes early Saturday after contemplating awhile at the water's edge in Newport Beach, police reported loday. Normao Hutchings, 28, ol 1110 Newport Blvd., was found Satunlay morning by Balboa Island resident Herbert Tatsch who was out for a beach st.roll. Police said Hutchings used a .22 caliber weapon used tn the COMtnlct.ion bualnm to drive nails into coomte In taking his life. Investigators said Tallch discovered the body at 6:35 a.m .• about 200 feet up the beach from The Wedge area at the jetty leading fion\Newporl Bly into the open sea. The victim's body was taken to Balli Mortuaey, where funeral mq~ll are pending . Fro• P .. e l POWELL .•. 90th COngrtn from which he was U· eluded. When he was re-f:lecttd and ,. seated ln the 9lst Congress in January, PoWl!ll was fine<l.VW and atripped ,cl his seniority. The Negro CO!llfeum&ll .... u bt1red lrom the 90th Congma a(tar • .,..i.i House committee fouod hbn con- temptuous of the House. ddiant of New York State courts and uncooperative with committee lnv..Ugatlons of his uae of govemm•nl IUndJ and cl other act1'1ties whlle chairman of the House Labor aad Education Committee. In enother declsiop the court rultd to- day the righl to vote In achoo! dlatrlct ar1,1n mar, not be restricted to those primarU,y nteremd. such u partnll and property Owntrl. In a teparate caae, the court also niltd Ille right to VOi< an municipal utility revenue bond J»uea may not be llmtted to property tax payers. From Pagel UC IRVINE GRADUATION ••• try." shattered by violent outbreaks here at home." The answer lo these problems, 1ald Kuchel, "will oot come from the radical Jell .•. It will not come from unrwonlng reaction by duly constituted public power. where Ute indiscriminate Ulie of force - by shotgun loadod with buckshot, and by helicopters equipped with tear gas -; in- jures the innocent equally with lhe guilty." He said that such action (which took place during the recent Peoples Park demonstrations at Berkeley) "is the most effective way to drive the moderate, reasonable student into the arms of the radical." He urged moderates to voice their con- cerns along wth the radicals. "Remember," he said, "if the voice of the moderate remains silent. the voice of the immedorate will take over." Adding to the note d r e c e n t ~CI campus unrest. Student Body Presi- dent Ronnie C. Ridgle pmented Aldrich with the clua Pt, a .et ot books for the librl!Y. " Trash Exemption Signups Slated Tr ash producers who pay their own way when it comes to rubbish collection have ·until June 30 to make ~ they doo't pay !or ...-vice they don't set next year. Cost.a Mesa Sanitary District Pr'1idfllt Ellis Porter announces that property owners who have a private collection service must file written application by that date for local tu es:emptlon. Fonns are available by wrillne Cost.a Mesa Finance Direct.or Robert Oman at P.O. Box 1200, but faJlure to file ap- plication wlll rewlt in tu usessment for public lri>b pickup. Agreement Reached LOS ANGELES (AP) -TentaUve agreement on a new COl'lt:act waa reach- ed early today between. retail clerks and market 0wntrs to end a tt-day st:ike- lockout at Los Angeles a r e a supermarket!, the union announced. Browsers Wanted -What ldad of a penon f!OM around wltll a hlg fat amlle on hia pu11? An idiot. An insurance sale• man. A 1weep1takee wiuer. An owner of a new 1et of den· lore•. A Bidwell olaffer. Let'a lalk about the Bidwell otalfer. We admit, we ......., •• , bom with that amlle. We ·- It dellhenleiy. That'• to make oar eaatomen foal wanted, be--.e 111.,. are. Aho-WlUltoar..,._.. to_.. to feel wanted. We llu to --eo-la :::J••t poke aroaacl, a p a.re known•• browtlllf• So•e people •re aeo cu1t•med to oilier typM of fa .. ial eap ..... 1... They Wlllll to know wlar we act oo pleaaed wliea ao-guy walk.a oat of here w;ltboat hayiq aarllllnt• - Said Ridgle, "We wish the University of California at Irvine the very best of luck, btca11se if things cootinue at their present rate, we may not be around very long." Saic: Aldrich, accepUng the gift, "1 sensed a tremendous effort (by Ridgle) not to pour forth what was in his heart. "Because of the limttatiooa of time,'' Aldrich said, "1 assure you that what was not said, we have heard." The ceremonies conlinued with the presentalicn of 632 undergrad u at t degrees, 56 M.A.'s, 75 M.D.'s, and 18 PhD.'s. Award~ honorary degrees along with Kuchel were KeM.eth "Bancroft Clark, Negro educator; H. Northrop Frye, literary acholar ; and Charles Sparks Thomas, "distinguished alumnus of the University of Califorilia." From Pagel DROWNING. •• tered In ti. ~ Beach and SouU.~ Bay afea," Capt. Glasgow said today, explaining that Evereu had no partic· ular reaaon to come to Costa Meaa.him· self. .! "AD iridici.tlons are that be was just dumped here," &he Captain added. Santa Ana poll~ sl)owed up at the murder scene .. right;on the border of the two citiel, thea noll!led ~ Mesa cl· ficers when lt waS determined which department had jurlsdlctlon in the case. Detective Gerry ThomJ>$0n ~ been assigned to invesYgate the homicide, according to 'Capl .. Glasgow. "Right now w~te thecking out his known friend.a a.Dd assoclata in the Redondo Beach area," he said. Everett wu listed as a John Doe until a fingerPrint check revealed his idenUty as the result of his arrest a year ago by Loa Angelea.COtmtY Sheriff's deputies. Authorities aaid he had been booked on suspicion of.burglary aa a result of fore· ing bis way into the apartment of his wife, Delores, before the couple were married. CapL Glasgow said the charges were apparently dropped, since the case was not prosecuted because it was more a boyfriend~girllriend spat than a burglary. The machine shop laborer's body was taken to Bell Broadway Mortuary for an autopsy and f1.meral services are pending today. Manuel and Perman Clay, another &Ub- commJUee Investigator who concentratm on SDS,'led oil testimony alter McClellan announced his yearlong Investigation disclosed that ••many of the same in- dividuals and erganiiaUona:~whiclr havf-· been involved in agitatien in the cities · are spearheadirig the disturbances ind disruptionf: at our colleges an d universities, "We will bear wltntsaes who will describe in detail the backgroilnds, st.rue.. tures, and activities of four mHttant · organizations whose members are known to have been involved in widespread agitation and incitement to violence in many cities that have suffered serious riots . "Three of the groups and tbe1r • members ~·have been ~oualy 1c· tive ln campU! turmoil and violence." Boys' duh Sets Summer Hours ~:, ' . ' . t.. .. New~-·~ nounced !or the Beys' Clulrol·\JitlJOrllt;- Area at Its two branches in Coata'Jit~ 'nle achedule w;ill be 10 1.m. to I P·1';;t Mcnday through Sa"'day1 wi~ a varletj of activiUes oltered. f.!>- Camping at Cedar Lake In the Big e."'' area is scheduled July 27 to Alig. 3, AUf. 17 IO ,\ug. 24 and Aug. 21, 19 Aug. 3t, ~ 135 per boy per 11eet. . ' Parent.a may register their sons for the camp sessions at either Boys' Club branch and youngsters who would like.~ sell P-Nuttles candiff may earn part er all of their camp fees.. -· ·L' Softball signups are also now unclP' wa:y at the Upper Bay Branch, will Coach John Clmbaluk's league open fir; boys B throogh 13 yean old. Tires and Wheels • . ' 1· Taken From Two Cm'! Thieves rambled into a Costa Mesa ear dealership Sunday, removed rear tirts and wheels worth $280 from two models and left them jacked up on milk crates, Costa Mesa police said today. Jerry E. Hayes, spokesman for Holiday Rambler, 1969 Harbor Blvd., said the sport model tires were mounted on racy magnesium wheels .. rome on in and take a look llJ'OUDd. By ptting you to do that, i£ you're now a custom.er of •Y Silverwood'•, or BuU111111', or Charlie'• Friendly Neigh· borhood Haberduhery, we'd like the 'p<M1ibillty of becom· ~ ing a Bidwell customer to enter r-our mi..)ld. H~1f could that happen if you do your b.rowe- Oar anawer, we wot Oll1" ing in Silverwood'• inetead of store 10 be one "here Anf91;'8 Bidwell'•? can walk in, M1unter around, We have all the right tbinp keep hi• hand• in h!• poe~ta, for you to look at. Sulta, aport aad aim a 1COwl at our ..i... eoata, •lacke, ahirta, tile a""8L ' c DIAD if lie approaeh .. too el-AIM> !ho 111lDIWli. Ollakbat, · too IOOD. ~·p~f i a e k O t ... lnlJPil". .' , , 1fh•n your wife ii .. opplq driDkiag maf!I, DialueDJ'fl aeta, , atlUelaard'-. oryoa'ye'ttOpped. and wllat nOt. . •J to eat at Berkahire't, or droft One -Ible problem. Bow. j dowa for aom.Mlt wailer eeliY.: _do we know If roa're here 19 • ~ lty,-.h~lt ·wlll·--hmwae,orbllyt ·• fcirtahle and -Y for ro• to , F.aay. We ult r'"· '< ' Jack· Bidwell at 3467 Via IJao, rip.t ,......., yoa turn ofl Newport Blvd. top to Udo Ille, at tldo Theater. Freepark!J18at ftVof atore. Phone 6734510 Copyripi 1969, Jock Bidwell, j ' . . ' . ' . ' , ' . • ----·------'-'--....:...c~"-'--"---"---'-'------------------- -------------------------------------------------c--,-oc-7, ___ -.- , UCI Commeri~ement ·Mar·ks End "' .: !.. of1 1st · 4 Y e·ars . , .;,. /20 r-i DAILY PILOT n.tM ., Lit PtYM bers of UCI's charter student body, picked up degrees at rites conducted on lawns of bowl-lik:e park at center of campus. In background are com- mons building (left) and library. COMMENCEMENT SCENE -This was scene Sat- urday at UC Irvine during commencement exer- cises marking completion of first four years in life of campus. Nearly 750 graduates, including mem· LINE OF MARCH -Faculty marshals Richard Barrutia (left) and Kenneth Ford lead colorful academic procession during UC Irvine commencement. Saturday ceremonies marked another milestone for UCI in that Class of 1969 was first to include students who \vere fresh· men when campus opened in 1965. ----'-------- F eatherly Park Size Reduced After Floods Reduction in scope or Fcalherly Regional Park along the Santa Ana River near the Orange-Riverside county line at a saving of $131,577 has been approved by the Board o( Supervisors. Building Services Director Joseph J. Smisek told board members that damag~ to the $1 million facility, now under con· struction, during the January.February stonns dictated the reduction in size and cost of the fa cility. Principal damage was done to proposed campsites when one-third of the site was stripped of topsoi l during the floods, Smisek said. Approved reductions IDcJJde r e s t rooms, 10 to seven; and in asphalt paving areas, landscaping and sprinklers, and a vehicle bridge over the river bed. Additional savings will result from elimination of a central sewage system and substitution of septic tanks, Contractor on the job is J. D. Dif· !enbaugh Inc. of Riverside who was the low bidder last December at $912,m • 2 County Youths Burn to Death In Auto Wreck A bla zing freeway crash led to the death Sundy of two Orange County youths who were trapped and burned inside their car. Dead are Jess Leamer, 18, of Los Alamitos and Rick Bunker, 19, Anaheim. The California Highway Pat r o I reported the two youths were northbound on the Long Beach Freeway about 3:40 a.rn . near Willow street when their car was struck from the rear by one driven by William Duran, 28, of Compton. Officers said Duran, who was not in· jured, was driving at "a high rate of speed." He was jailed on suspicion of manslaughter and felony drunk driving. The victims were trapped in the burn- ing car and it was 1everal hours before their bodies could be removed. Cotinty Motorist . Badly Hurt in Freeway Crash Charles B. Adams, 46, of Sant.a Ana Is In serious condition in Santa Ana Com- munity Hospital following a freeway ac- cident early this morning. California Highway Patrol officers said Adams was driving south on the Santa AOa Freeway near Sand Canyon Avenue when his car went out of control. The vehicle slammed into a guard rail and then crashed a bridge abutment, of- ficers said. Hospital aides said Adams Is suffering from rila)or facial and head injuries and poalble Internal lnjuriel. Villa Comrade Dies MEXICO CITY (AP) -Maria de! Clrmen Rubio de ta Llave, a legendary guerrilla figbttt and eompanlon of Pan- cho Villa and EmUlano ~pata In the 1910 Mexican Revolution, died Thursday or an undisclosed illneu. She will be • ON THE PLATFORM -In forefront of UC Irvine commencement proceedings ·Saturday were (from left) Dr. Cecil Hoffman, executive secretary of UC! Interfaith Center who offered. invocation and bene· diction1 plus former U.S. Senator Thomas H. Ku· chel, former Irvine Company Prealdent <llarteo Thomas and psychologist Kenneth B. Clark of City College of New York. Latter trio received honorary degrees along with literary theorist Northrap Frye of University ol Toronto. · • YOU ARE INVITED TO A BEAUTY BE-IN CONDUCTED BY JOHN ROBERT POWERS Have you ever wondered how you might look .if you had the assistance of a professional ••• if someone who "knew all the tricks'' was there -·- to guide your hand ••• sh ow you how to 'bring out your best. In 1n _ infef)sive two hour session John Robert Powers is offering just such individuali1ed instruct.ion by a specially trained representative . We suggestyouopply iMMedl4tely-arenrollmentis-limited-to twenty per session. 5.00 fee entitles you to all cosmetics ':lsed, plus a gift lipstick and nail enamel, reg. 2.50. Bo-in is scheduled et Iha Broadway Huntington Beech on the following dotes: Monday, June 30 2:00. Tuesday, July I 10:30 end 2:00. Wednesdoy, July 2 10:30 Md 2:00. Thursday, July 3 I 0:30 and 2:00. Be·Tltore. Cosmetics, 17. I t1 __ >.AI ANAHEIM 444 N. Euclid 131-1121 Mon. thl'\I Set. IO 1.m. lo 9:30 p.m. NEWPORT 47 Fuhlon Island 644·1212 Mon. thru · Fri. 10-11.m. t o 9:JO p.m. s.t. 10 •. m. to 6 p.m. HUNTINGTON BEACH 7777 Edingor Avo . 892.Jlll Mon. thN Stt. 10 1.m. to 9:10 p.m. KUCHEL SPEAKS.-Former U.S. Senalor Thomas H. Kuchel docriea campus violence, wheth~r g~erated by rat!ical students or ~' during his commencement address e t UC l rvme as Chancellor Daniel O. Aldrich Jr. listens. Kuchel, a native of Orange County, was one of four .men to receive honorary degrees in outdoor .ceremonies Sat- urday. · burled Saturday. , !----------------------------------- ·' ------------------- j \ ~ W .. mi.. ..... fllfl'I PalWi sdenu.ati have taken the sn>lll oat ol prlic, developed its anllblol!c proPerties and used It wilil IUCCOll• on a' number of ailing penons, p&rticularly children, the ~press agency PAP re- ported. Bacteria which resist odier antlblolics, Including &tapbylococ- ci 'auccumb to the pulverized gar· II~ preparation, the report said. And with the smell goue, petleots no longer object. Now the Polllh re.-n:bers are lnvestl~g the medlcel,potdalltles of the onioo. ••• "Tootit", 4 year old Labrador Re- triever, did Friday the 13th up in ·style -she's now "mom" to 13 pups. Nothing to worry about, even though it was enough t~ give the Salinas, Calij ., dog a headache, it'! black cats not pups that are unlucky. • The smell of fresh popcorn may blanket the land as trucks and buses bustle about their business. David Hurst, a researcher at Geor~ gia Tech's engineer • experiment station, says a catalytic converter deve1oped at the station cuts smoke production from diesel engines by up to one-third while emitting the smell of freshly popped popcorn. • Tonia Twigger oj Portland , Ort. has been sneezing ever rinct she was tu1m.td a Portland Rost! Fe&tival princess. She's al· l.ergic to roses. • The Blanc• de Jongh Jacobs parking lot bas opened at the Mi· ami Heart Institute in Miami Beach, Fla. The hospital chose the name aft.er Mrs. Jacobs donated $500,000 to build a parking facility. She said her sacretary had to park several blocks away in order to visit her at the hospital. • Louis Calleg•rl, a clerk at Hick.s- vllle, N.Y.'s Old Country Delica· lessen, had just closed up shop for the night when two men in a car drove up, pointed ·a gun at him and told him to "hand over" the brown paper bag he was carrying. Calle- gari handed it over without protest and the robbers drove away. The robbers got the dougb all right - the loaf of. bread Callegari was tak· ing home in a brown paper bag. ....... -. .., • ,P0mpido11 EJeeterl Frenc·h President PARIS (AP) -Alta' serving 25 y~s la Ille shadow of Gtl1. Charles de Gaulle, a fonner school teacher called Georges Pompldou will succeed the general as president of France. Though promising Hdellty to Uie policies of De Gaulle, Pomptdou has pledged to be more liberal, particularly in foreign affairs, and promised to enlarge h1s govenmeot to bring in new faces and 1deaa. His pe""'1al style also la especled to be less grating to frleruk and allies than De Gaulle's often high-handed, un- compromising manner. One of Pompidou's first acts as presi- dent ls expected to be the appointment of Jacques Chaban-Delmas as premier. Chaban-Delmu has been one cf De Gaulle's most faithful supporters since Woftd War U days and president d. the NaUooal Assembfy since 1952. The victory had been widely forecast and was never in doubt from the minute the firat .returns came in Sunday. Fired as De Gaulle'• premier a year ago, Pom· pidou. 57, Nlled up a bigger margin in Sunday's election than the general hlrmelf gained in the 1965 presidential elecUon. o,Jn.cta:f returns for ~u of metropolitan FranCe and part of the overseas areas Official .. turm for all of melropolltan France and part q!' the overseas areas gave PomptdoU 57.71 percent d. the total, while his ma1n oppooent, interim Pre- sident Alain Pober, got 42.2 percent. But about :ll percent:r, the 29.5 million registered voters ed away from lhe polls -almost doub e tht number who abstained three year1 ago, Poher, who stepped into the Elysee Palace when De Gaulle quit in April, had campaigned to end De Gaulle's "rule by oppression." He sent a telegram to Pompidou con· ceding defeat and adding: "l send my personal congratulations to the president. elect of the republic. My wlsh for France is the full success of your mandate. May the democratic spirit animate your future action and permit all Frencbmen to know a new era of dialogue." Congratulatory messages flawed In from the United States, Brttain, West Germany and otha-countries. De Gaulle, who sat out the presidential race In Ire- land, cabled: "For all national and per· sonal reasons, I send you my most cor· dial congratulations." Pompidou. announced: "The vote today aeems to me to constitute a consolidation and even a consecration of this great reform that we owe to Gen. de Gaulle." Thais Repel Red Attacl\: With American Backing SAIGON (AP) -Thai Infantrymen backed by withering lire from U.S. dive bombers, helicoplers and artillery batl!cd a 500-man Viet Cong force early today 20 miles east of Saigon. Military spokesmen said they killed 212 enemy in six hours while suffering only six Thais killed and seven wounded. No American casualties were reported . Spokesmen said it was the biggest battle Thai troops have fought since they ar- rived in Vietnam in September 1967. Reports from the battleground said the Viet Cong swarmed out of rubber plan· tations against the artillery base of the Black Panther Division under cover oi a Bachelor Spends Father's Day With New Son SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -William Jones and his three-year~ld son made a big deal out of F ather's Day, partly because there won't be any Mother's Day celehrations in the immediate future. "My life is really beginning at 40," said Jones, a bachelor, who spent his Father's Day wlth bis adopted son. Aaron Hunter Jones. The adoption -~e first by a single person in the hlstorJ' of San Fran- cisco -was arranged through the Department of Social Service. "I was unmarried. I had no children.'" said the fonner school teacher who is now in ruI estate. "I kept asking myself, 'What am I doing'?' " Then the new father saw Aaron the day before his second birthday. "It was crushing," he recalled. When Aaron arrived for a visit from the foster home Jones said he "rea11y ex- pected Shirley Temple to come out singing." Instead there was Aaron, who just sat there -his skin tanned very dark, dirty in spots and his hair closely clipped. Jones spent the next few days brGOding "about that smelly, brown, bald kid that no one would ever adopt." The next time he visited the boy, Jones broogbt a teddy bear. heavy mortar barrage shortly after mid· night. t They li).unched three separate assaults with machine guns, bazooka-type rockets and hand grenades, but were beaten back each time by the 300 Thai defenders and American firepower. U.S. Air 1'~orce dive bombers and Army helisopter gunships strafed the enemy w i t h rockets a n d machine guns while American artillery units raked them from nearby bases. "That broke the ground attack," said one American cfficer. But the Viet Cong -identified as troops of the 274th Regiment of the Viet Cong's 5th Division -continued lo harass lhe base with mortar and s1nall arms fire until daylight, spoke:;men added. \Vhen they withdrew the Thais found more than 600 mortar she I I s. rocket-propelled grenades and hand gr~nades that the enemy never got a chance to use. "Aaron came running out or the door and thre\v his arms around my leg." Jones said. "That did it. l "'as hooked,'' Unruh Proposes Santa Barbara Oil Drilling Ban SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Assembly Democratic leader Jesse r.1. Unruh has proposed Jegislation prohibiting the drill· ing of any new oil wells on slate-owned submerged lands off U1e picturesque San- ta Barbara coast. The measure would be similar to a bill by Sen. Alan Cranston {0-Ca\if.), to outlaw the drilling fo r oil anrl gas on tidelands leased by the federa l govern- ment on the outer continental shelf. Proposing the bill Saturday. Unr uh sairl It was ''abundantly clear that the oil companies are either incapable or unwill- ing to plug oil leaks off Santa Barbara when they do occur .. , The new measure will be amended into an existing bill giving the State Lands Commission the power to ban drilling on submerged lands under its jurii;:diction when it finds "ultra·hazardous" con- ditions. Jersey Roads Under Water Upper Midwest Remains Unseasonabl y Cool Coattal CIOll!h' wlll'I IOC1I fol or lf•lllll n19'1h """ "'°'..t""' tolf•Y ind 1..,.... d9l'. ~•Ir lfh!•noori1, Hl"" f«il)", ... Wifldt *"'-t lo ~ 10 lo If llrlOb Ii. lfttomc:eti1. v .......... ,.,._,..l'Ut'n rt fl ••d ,,,_ t f'lltJI ol * lo •t. lflltnd ._ ",.."'" ·--Jt to 71. .... """-·"' .. wtl 61 ... ..,,. Sun, 111-. TWes MOHOAY F!rll '°""' , , . $!IC '·"'· 2,, F!rll tlllft ... t id 1.m. S.I lUISDAY ll'lnt low ., ........... J:t• 1.m. OJ Fll'll 1\19ft .............. U :ll p,f'lt. J.~ 5'cOl\d low •.••.•.•••••• ~:00 '·"'· J,1 SffOM ~IOI\ ............. lO!M II.fl\. IJ 1111 llbft S·'1 •• ..._ left l !IN 1.rn. ~ IUJtot J:50 •·"'· ll'lt t :CIO •·"'· V.S. Summar11 Thunde."$1or""5 dlmlnl1h.ecl Hfl'I' lo- d1y lfl•r loc'lllY t1111VY r•IM $\IMll'I' C'WWd llOOdltlt 1IOt1t Ille H•lem fff- boo ... Ntw JffWY motorllll •lflli.d hi low- lylftf ~ or ~.,...,.. -""' "leflell .,.... tl\lbc:allil: ... let two ... , .,., .. N«W Jl1"tll'J' 11 ..... dll!Md lo lt1ftlc •""' ""'" ''"'"' ol tornntlel reln1 11111 (lf'S --lllldlff• ... fOr mtln ., u.s. • ..... 1'4.tW ,..,.,. 17 In 11.,....,.. ceut!fy, -. !'he H~­ ltl"tt lrtlfll "",,,,.n111, l,. ,,IQllC Rivet' In l't•Hk COUnl'I' Wll .... ll'W:fl b$1Gw llllOd lewl NH•IY two IM1lel or 11ln ftll 11 Ollr!Ot*Vllle, V1~ llnd If k,...,IOl'lt ... Terri ''~e1·at 111·es Hi•ll low Pr1c . ... ltu~uor<>vt ao 59 Ao<tior~Re All•nl• 11 63 IS 61 .I} B•kt"l"'ld «I 1! Bl1mart~ SI 60 811IH Boston c111ca1111 Clr>eir!1,.!1 Cl•Vtllr>d Qetlv~r ~s MQIP'lft O~!roit Ev re~~ Fort W0<lft ""'"'" Ht""I Hoon.lo~ KMPHI City l11 ~ lcs 4.nttlK Mltml MllweullN Mlnneec>Oll1 N..., Or~n1 Nt.w vm Nor111 "a.tte ...... -. Pino llllbt,1 "'11INlll>fll1 _,, Plrt*I ..... --lt•ld C11v It.cl •1vt1 ·~ S1tf11'11C~lo Sl. Louis &lllMl k!I l.11'.e (lfy '~ Cllfto • :s.., ,-, • .,.cbto $.fntl ''"*''' Stitt~ ,J 6" .a1 6! s' 6! ~ .;; SI •1 .11 6? 51 .o~ ~J 51 i1 '~ .H ~o 5• ,. 61 tl 61 ,, •J " -6• Sl H O> n ., M JI .W .. " 1$ $1 tl It IJ 65 ,7t .... .. " 11 ,, . " ., .. ,,, 9$ IJ 69 J4 .01 .. " .,, ,, 100 n 71 •& ~ . " ~ ,, JJ ,, !$ • .i) " " ll S• ,. $9 .. " 81 !• ·-----. -. --·• • Carrier Officer Grilled -Gwld Evans Collision Have Been Prevented? BAY NAVAL BASE, P!IUlp- uP!)-A young Allllrlliu ... v1l of ioned oharply lodly u to "is sh I p, the Carrier Melbourne, had dooe everytblng pouible to avoid '°lliding with the U.S. destroyer Frank E. Evans. u: llusoell D. Lamb, Z'I, ol Sydney, the bridge watch officer, maintained the Melbourne did her duty in keeping with international rules in her effort to avoid ramming the Evans. He said that regard!.., of what Ille Melbollme did or JDl«ht have done the collision would have """"""'1. • The lieutenant said t11• MellJourne bad the right of way and should have mofn. tolned her course and perhaps reducod her speed ol 18 knots, Then he said It wu the duty cf both ships to take whatever action was necessary to avoid the CQI· lision and that slackening speed wo6Jd nOt necessarily have made any dif~ ference. If the Melbourne had ordered full astern and 30 degrees rut:lder at lbe time the collision course was f~ ncUd. would that have placed MelboUrne. in a different place? King ask~. " Yes, It's Sophia But under the close questioning of Rear Adm. Jerome H. King Jr., lhe seni~r Ama-ican member of the six-man m· vesUgative board, Lamb began t.o wav~. He acknowledged that had the camer slackened speed and changed course as soon as be saw the Evans turn on a col- lision crurse the Melbourne woold have been in a difierent pooition at the time of impact. "Not very much," Lamb aMWered •• 4 "Would It have been in 1 diftetent place'?" King persisted. F'ashion is fashion but things are going too far when some. one like Sophia Loren dons shirt and tie. The radiant ac- tress was returning to Rome from a week's vacation in Yugoslavia with her husb'and, Carlo Ponti. • • • • • • • • " • • • • • • A:L o.rlvcrtistd it~ 1ttbjeet to a.vnilo6le supply due to picke~ ing 11.cti1~ily at loca.l wcirt~es. "Yes sir," Lamb said. Earlier Lamb testified, "Taking Into consideration the substquent movement of the Evlr\ll, the collision still would have ~. (but) maybe not al right angles." Ii, • •, •' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • \\'ake up appetites with tomato juice .•• and !ave on Libby 5 oz. c.ans! Carton of six .•• 35c Bordo Grapefruit ................... 29C Ripe flavorful sections!.,. No. 303 can. Green Beans ..................... 4 "' Jl Green Giant ••• french 1tyle or whole ••• No. 303 Maxim ....... , ....... 1 .'.'. .... , .. , ... $1.69 Hunt's Catsup ........................ 19e The famous freeze dried instant coffe:c: Sa'\1e 20c l Goes so \1•el\ lvith so Q1any thlnsrs ! ... 14 07.. ' Casper Cookies ................. 3 ,~ $1 Crown Prince ................... 4 "' '1 As.sorted varieties ..• kids' favorite! ••• reg. 39c J-Iorsemeat for dogs and cats .• , No.1 cans. Halley's Salads ................. 4 '" '1 Sweetheart Soap .................. 29C Save 14c 0n each! ••. No. 303 can~. Package o( four r 2a-ular size ban! • Serve lamb .•• for nutrition, for flavor and for pleasure Lamb Chops ..... s"~~DER 89fb Ra~Ht $1 39 • U .S.D.A. choice .,, ~pring lamL fo r that tenderness and flavor that wina approval everytime! . -. Stuffed Brea~t of Lamb ........... ~-~~~--~~ ........ 49~ Oven~rcady ••• all you n~d do is bake it .•• and accept the compliment.! Lamb Stew . . ... , . . ........... 29~ Lean ... 8el"'t'e lt hct and hearty I Super-fresh produce! Bing Cherries ............ 39ft. J{ipe and sweet ••• flavor to evoke memories J Pricu in t.ffect Mon., Tue8., Wed., Juttt 16, 17, 18. No 1olt.s to dealer•. Lamb Loaf .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . ............ 49~ Oven ready .,. just. i.ha'C)e and b&kel Super delicatessen value! Shrimp Cocktail 3 FOR S1 LasCcO • : • :• oz. rt... ••• chill and ttrve I AlltADIA: Sunset and llunlfnglan Dr. (!I Rlnclto Ctnllil PASADENA: 320 West Colorldo Blvd. SOUTH PASADEllAs Fnmont and !Nntin&lon II:-. MUllTlllGTON BEACH: Wimer Ind Al1onquln (Boardwalk Centeij Nl:WPORT BEACH: %727 Nnport Blvd. ancl 2S55 Euthluff Dr. (EIS1f>fllff VW. Ceatlll """ l.nl o. Ht• ll'lnl 0. Juflt 2' ..ll'lr I J-14 ..IUftt :IJ tilt t1ot 11'111 hl,imld 111 INll lh1! l'I•• ctornlr'llll• MIX:ll o1 ""' E••• 1or ll'lrtt • .,, ... , tie!n• IUtMd wt fO .... In New Eftf!IM llV I llllw """"'~· Uld ll'Ol'll Wt mos! l"(.tlof'l1 ol Ille ho.l~••lt -• •IU>ttl'M to rff!Mlll 1tt0.v. Sdl"" l~Hfl'll W1t11!11tloll 100 70 '-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. " "''' --~-----------------..ww w ==-.-·-"·-------·~·---·---~---------------------------------,_,...,_, U~T ....... ,. Roof Fall ·Kills .SO In Spain SEGOVIA, Spain (UPI) - City officials proclaimed a state of mourning today for 50 persons crushed in lne col· )apse ot a restaW'ant roof: In a model village Sundiy. Police arrested the O\\llel' of the pro- ject and sought the de.slpers. Doctors said they feared many of the 120 lnjut<d would not survive. Nearly 300 persons were eating a late lunch at a fiesta u,. ,........... to celebrate the openine or a WAR HERO DIES new convention hall testaurant in the model villaRe ol Los ___ E_•_r_l _A_lu_•_nd_•_• __ Angeles de San Rafael 50 mlles northwest of Madrld when the ltagedy occuned. It was almost Ume for selection of three beaUty queens of the fiesta. ' . M-. Juot 16, 1'169 • Britain's Alexander Dies; Remembered as Ike Friend ~ LONDON (UPI) -Field Manbal Earl Alexander o( Tunis, who drove Erwin Ran- mel"s A!rlka Korps out of North Africa and .Joined Gen. Dwight D. EisenMwer in the destrucUon of Nazi Germany, died tod ay at the age o( 77. Doctors fought in vain to save h~ life. Alexander, who wu tbouJht to have recovered from a heart attack suffered two yean ago, became ill at his home. Wlndield Locfie In Windsor Fo-. Sund<y night and was rushed to Windsor's King Edward Vii Hospital He wu transferred to Wn:· ham Park Holpltal In nearby Slough •nd died from a perfonnated aorta, the heart's main artery, as doctors prepand to perform a n. emergency operation. The m...taachloed British soldier, called "Alex" by Eisenhower and hla other comrades, alao dlrtcted the reorganlution of British arms as MJ,nlster of Defense after World War II. His grutesl moment came Jn ltu, when Prime Mlnlst.er Wlnaton ChW'Chill sent him - aided hy Field Marshal Vis- count Be rn1rd L1w Montiomery -to wJpe out tbe Afrlka Korps. Dlft!cllng Montiomery Ind the Brllilh Ef&hth Army, AJeunder nt the stratesic boss In the bottle ol El AJa. mein in wh1dl Remmel'' fore. es were delltroyed ln cne al. the war's decisive mc:ments. Montgomery took t h e spotlight, the tubcrdlnale with a flare for publlclty. Alex- ander atay ed in the hockground, a COlnlllllldtr with a.lmott a puslon for anocymlty. Rommel'• hn>l<en Korp1 fell hock acr<1M the North Afrlcall desert, out of Egypt, -throuib Libya and Into Tunlm. 2 BERKELEY SENIORS WEAR GAS MASKS TO COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES 350 Students Walked Out of Memorial Stadium Durlnt G~aduatlon Activities "Suddenly there was a deafeni ng roar and I saw a big cloud of dust erupUng from the building,11 said Civil guard corporal Jose Flores. Brazil Jails Agitators For Rockefeller Visit From the other side ol North Africa c a m e the American forces led b y EiJenbower. Together tbty . cnllhed the Airth Karpe In T\lalala, Rommel having Down home tO Gennioy, a slclt Ind dlsplrll<d geoeral. 350 Grads Walk Out Of Berkeley Rites ' BERKELEY (AP) -Chan- ting "power to the people," about 350 graduating seniors walked out of c oni- mencement ceremonies Sun- day al the University o( California. The walkout occurred after live special student speakers addressed the 4,000 students who came to Memorial Stadium to accept degrees. It was far from a traditional ceremony as several of the graduates donned gas 1nasks and helmets, symbolic ()f last month's clashes with police over "people's park," Others sported peace symbols on their gowns and wore garlands of flowers. One graduate walked out wearing a blood-soaked wider- &hirt-supposedly a memento o[ violence after the University fenced in the park bu ilt by studen ts and "street people" on university-()\.\.·ncd land. John David Bachrach, on e student speaker, created a stir wben he added this sentence of his own to a Utany written by english professor Tom Parkinson : '"The governing forces of the United States would build universities that'd take your most creative youth and turn them into Joyal plastic robots for a society that doesn't give a damn ." ''Go home, you dummy,'' one woman in the audience screamed as many parents and a few students booed. Others cheered hin1. The clamor ended when Parkinson strode to the plat- form to disclaim the added sentence, saying it was out of place. The walkout occur r e d shortly after outgoing studen t body president C h a r I es Palmer told the audience, "Don't tell us about academic freedom." "\Ye saw it taken by those who were supposed to be pro- tec ting. it. This university is a white man's school, although the taxes of mai d&, streetsweepers and janitors supporl it." There were no further disruptions following t h e walkout. Afler the walkout, graduates and others briefly toured the fenced-in "people's park" site before retiring to a "facul ty glade'! on campus where they held their own "counter-com- 1nencemcnt," Population Op Iu San Diego SAN DIEGO (AP) -San Diego County popu I a t io n surpassed l,356,000 April I, an Increase of 162,600 since 1965, the Slate Department of Finance reports. The increase means an ad- ditional $1.4 million lo lhe count y during the next 13 months from state motor vehi- cle li cense fees . Pat Nixon Heads West To Aid Poor Projects WASHI NGTON (UPI ) - Pal Nixon flew to the \Vest Coast today to put her personal stamp of appro\•al en projects to help black!'i. the poor and the handicapped. The first lady went by car lo Andrews AFB, Md. She. daughter Julie Eisenhov.•e r and about 60 others took off ot 7:12 a.m. PDT on one or the presidential jets on a six-hour fli ght to Portland, Ore. fi.frs. Nixon returns Io \Vashington ThUrsday night and she and the President will then fly to Key Biscayne, Fla., where they will celebrate their 29th wedding anniversary on Saturday. On her firs l trip alone since becoming rirst lady, fi.1irs. Nix- on w i 11 visit 10 \Vest Coast projects in Porlland and Los Angeles v.•here , she said , volunteers are helping: "right the V.'rongs of society .'' The \Vhite House sent word to governors and mayors that it preferred no ceremonial fanfare for the first lady. After a five-hour flight and a brief breather she will pay a ca ll on the PorUand Adult Literacy Center (PAL) '.:Ind then will drop in on FISH, an organization dedicated t o rushing in -emergency help whenever it gets an SOS from a needy person. Slotll Careful Training of Dancers MONA FRANCES Sc1iool of BALLET SUMMER CLASSES NINE WEEKS -JUNE 16tti to AUGUST Uth Kind•rbtllet -819inn1r1 -lnterm•diete Advanced Oivi1ion i1nd Po int• Work Also Cl1sse1 in Modern Jiu 642-4068 363 Noni! Newport ll!Yd. Plt1st mike reservations ttrly 11 clestts ere limited Snipers Hit Cairo Again CAIRO, Ul . (UPI) -Snipers shot at firemen and ·police at the scene of a warehouse fire Sunday night near the housing project that has been the scene of recent r a c i a I violence. Two police chiefs, in the midst of a change of com· mand, directed the quelling of the disturbance. It was the se- cond st raight night of unrest, ending a two-week calm in the city of 8,0CKl to which National Guard troops had been called earlier this spring to impose a fragile truce. "Dozens of people were screaming, trapped under the debris. lt was terrible." Police said the dead In- cluded 20 women, four children and Angel Jimenez Millan, 49, mayor of the town ()f Barco de Avila. AJI the dead and injured were Spaniards. 4 Die as Trains Collide Headon BARCELLONA POZZO DI GOTTO, Sicily (UPI) -Two trains collided at 50 miles an hour Jn a tunnel i n. northeastern Sicily Sunday, killing four persons. One of the trains carried 130 passe~t::s and the other waa a fr t train. Authorities said tbe tun· nel had a single track. BRASILIA (UPI) -Brazil's military-backed govenunent appealed to the naUon today to receive New York Gov. Nebon A. Rockefeller "w l t h lta· dlUonal hospltallly'' and Jailed 100 suspected pollllcal agitators to try to prevent anti-American demontraUons. Rockefeller was arriving In lhill modem Jn1and capital in late afternoon for a three-day visit to Lat.in America 's largest country. It is the third stage of his tour of Latin America for President Nixon lo collect facts the ad- ministration will use l n fonnulating a new U.S. Jl()liey toward !ta neighhon to the sOutli. ,Rockefeller wlll go to Rio de J aneiro Tuesday and to the nation's largest city, Sao Paulo, on Wednesday, then to Paraguay and Uruguay. Besides rounding. up suspected Jl()litical agttaton, the government of President Arthur Da Costa e Silva forbade the press and radio and television stations from mentioning the anti-American d e monsttaUons Rockefeller encountered In the first two segment! of his trip. "Gov. Nelson Rockefeller is ooming to listen to what Brazil thinks about relations between the United States and Latin America," said an appeal broadcast over radio. "The revolutionary government (of President Costa e Silva) has a definite · opinion about this. It knows what can harm these relations and It knows bow to speak up with independence. "Brazil is large enough and conscious enough of I t s sovereignty to speak as equal to this foreign envoy without abandoning th e tradlUonal hospitality of our people." Bookie Ring In LA Cracked LOS ANGELES (AP) -A fj-millloo-1-yoar bookmaking operaUoa bas come to an abrupt end with the arrest of 23 persona. aheriff's deputies say. Thl;rty..five officers made the arreSts in two houri Satur· day Uirougbciut East Los Angeles after a &Ix-month in- vestigation. Tun.11 . W a' I Alezander'a triumph and he adopted the cl· ty lot bil name when the British monarchy made him an earl. Later Ale,x1nder 1 E"""'""''' deputy In the Jn. vasion ol lt4Jy, ~allied commander· tn the Mediter- ranean theater of operatkln!, freeing "·JH" for tbe Norman- dy Invasion of IMt. Montgomery wrote at leut four books of · hll North Afrlcan adventures and joined in a postwar batUe of the memoirs. Monty and the late Field Marshal Viscount Alanbroolle, Britain's wartime chief of the Imperial G<neral Stall, ""°. barded Ellenhower with M,.. day morning cr!Ucism. Alu· ander did not. Chevrolet Pacesetter ·Values. $101.00 less You expect thia year's Chevrolet to be more car than lut year's. That'• prog- ress. Maybe you also expected it to coat more. Most things do. But the Impala you see below is actually priced considerably 1-than laat year's with comparable equipment. We've reduced prices on the kind of e~trBB 1!10re and ~ore people are ordering. Like bigger VS, a. _Automatic transmia- !Uons. Advanced.:cleaJgn _power diac brak.M. And head reetrainll (now fiiured into the. base price of the car u standard eqwpment). . So for thia '69 Impala-equipped with a 300-hp VS, Turbo Hydra-matic power disc brakes, whitewalls and wheei covers-the price is actuallf $101.()()• less than it was in 1968. Our hidden persullders Some of the Wayt we (ive you more car are pretty apparent. It'll probably come as no surpnae to you, for ei:~~-:; that this Impala is longer and wider any comparable model in ita field. But a lot of the advantageo-like Chev rolet~& emooth-riding computer- selected sprinp-are tucked away where you can only feel what they do for you. Others-like our t'lllt-rooiating ftuoh- an~~ rocker panela-rou'll come to ap- preciate more after you ve driven the car for a time~ Still otherw sho" up mainly in the added aenae of oecurity they give you; The protective side guard beam we build into every big Chevrolet door, for instance. Th-are the oort. of advanta~ea that may be out of sight. But when you re buying a car they shouldn't be out of mind. Biggest standard VS Laat year'• atandard Chevrolet VB waa 307 cubic inches. Thia ear's is 327. Which meana you get a bigser atan- dard engine with ~ore output (~ hp) than any other car m our field offera. (Our standard six, incidentally, ia also the largeet and ~ost powerful in our field.) And when 1t comea to extra VS per- formance, we've also got it like nobody else. 427. Right up to our 390-hp Turbo-Jet Other thine• ·t A power trunk opener controlled from iruiide your car. Order theee oo any other car in our field and you're. in for a long wait. Chevrolet'• the only one that oll'on them. Plus higher resale Look at it thia way. A Chevrolet actually saves you money twice. When you buy it. And when you buy, your next one. Come trad&-in time, Chevrolell In· dltionally bring the highest average reeale in their field. Year after year. Your Chevrolet dealer will be glad to show you the figures u they appear in impartial industry publicationa. ! It really aJJ·adda up when you think about it. We 8et thepace by putting mon uito our car. So you get more out of it. Even when you set rid of it. the others haven't got Self-washing headlighta. -:_.,.,,...-:--"" Electro-Clear rear window defroster. ~cker reopondin1 vanabl~ratio power 1i-ing. . . J \ • I DAD.Y PRoT EJ)ITOBIAL PAGE l .--, ~t SS His Life's 'lbe mle of the policeman in society has been the subject of dlscuuion, study and dissent In theE•st de- cade more tban any other tUne In history. lety's struggle with ttseU in America has led to a pa cularly close analysis by people in au wallt• "I-Ule. One of the most overlooked factors In thll analyst! Is the· fact that being a police omcer Is a dangerous job. At no point when he is oo duty does .a policeman know for certain that any person -be be a speeder, a drunk or a man fleeing down an alley -may not turn on this show of authority and gun him doWll or klllle him. This edge-of-danger existence was sadly displayed two weeks ago when a Santa Ana police o!llcer, Nelson A. Sasscer was killed on duty while questioning .. v. eral men ~n a Santa Ana street. The youn' officer's death appar;:!1l' was outright murder for his gun re- mained sna in itl bolster, indicating be had not been forewarned of danger. A cogent point was made by Rev. John Sammon, pastor of St. Cecelia'• church lo Tustin at a memorial Mass for policemen and firemen following: Sasscer'• death. Father Sammon noted that the public frequent.. ly points accusingly at·-.Pfficer "who indul~es 1n his own penonel feeling ot·use:·s his badge as a Jicens'l~ to be mailer and tyrant" and identltin him with the en- Ure department. , ., · ''But " Father Sammon continued t'when the •SU: preme sftcrifice is made, the public' IDay not identify the department with that." People and organizations quick to express outrage when a policeman or group ol policemen overstep r~· soii.able bounds are seldom to bt found expressing regret or concern when a policeman is killed. In Its painful way, perhaps OIDcer Sasscer'a death on the Line ., will give pause -" peuie to remind ouraelve1 that a police officer put. bis Ille o the line every day lie pins on bis badge. I - Overhauling the Draft During bis three-day stay on the Orange Coast last week, President Nixon made a number of significant decisions. For young people, perhaps the moot ·Important ol these decisions was his establishmen't ol youth advisory committees within the Selective Service -System. The committees will make suggestion~ on how to make the military draft "as falr and equitable as possible/' be said. No · better source could be tarped ror thal kind or advice. For too long this nation s military draft has been too unresponsive to demands !or change -Crom young and old. The Sele:ctive Service System today has a very bad image, due m no small measure to the continuance in offic~ of its chief administrator, Gen. Lewis B. Hershey. Gen. Hershey, through various recent statements and~ actions, has made it ab\11\dantlf clear be is out oC touch with the younger generation; As a .consequence, it does .not seem likely that he would be amenable 'to suggestions from young advisors who hold ne.ither him nor hi& policies in very high regard. General Hershey has served his country with dedi· cation and served it well for many. yean. But he .ha1 also become a symbol of the draft'! problems inequi- ties and dlssaaisfactions. His retirement w0wd be another •tep toward improvtnc the system. Defusing Is a Simple Process Government • Covers Self Dear Gloomy t . . Gus: America's Great Nerve Gas Fiasco In Black Ink Herewith another unwritten chopter tram that unpubliiht'd tezt. tf A His· toT1J of th< World, 1950 to 1999." It• title: ••ao~ment Con Pa11." Mr. Nixon's decision to tum the U.S. Post Office over to a corporation proved wbe. By 1971, for the flrst time in a cen- tury, the postal system wu in the blaci:. The AdministraUon WU elated. "U the Post Office can pay, so can otbe:· agen.' des of Government," uld Mr. fo!IJon in a televised addrw. "All that Is required Is to eliminate inefficient Govemmtnt bureaucrats and let private initJativ.e take over the job." 'l'1le nut day he announced Ute nle of Defense Department to the Mllitary· Industrial Complex, Ltd. A COMPLEX spokesman projected an . r '. Art1 Hoppe • , •\..· ......... ............__....,. ...•. earnings rate of 8.S percent on the klarketing of surplus weapons, the leas- ing or troops to foreign dictators under the "Rent·an-Army" plan, and the sale ol Anny-Navy game tickets. 'Ibe Rent·an-Army Plan -under the slogan, "What Price Glory'!" -caused initial controver~ But It was pointed out that it would mean liUle change in U.S. foreign policy, except to make wars ooce again profitable. Patriots complalne<l lhal sale ol the De· fe:n&e Department would leave the coun· try defenseless. But the Complez pledged it wou1d stand ready to defend the U.S. at all costs (on a cost-plus contract) against any lower bidder. MORE OUTCRIES were raised the following week on the sale of the Internal Revenue Service to the Mafia. '.Qut this proved the most efficient move of all. Mafia agents simply called on each taxpayer and asked two quest.ions. "What I am wondering II II could be po. sible that .when the utronauts land ori the moon and dig through 18 inchOs ol dllll, they will find a net·. work of freeways. Hence lhe lack of vegetaUon, habltltion, n:sulUng in the desolation tbe astronaull described. -M.A. K. TMI .....,. ........ ,....,... ..._ -" _. ...... It IN M•••rw. ,_. ,_ ........................ 0-UYPltlil, wu your tUeT" and "Wbert'• our cut!'' Tu ~ ooared. The number ol delinquont tupa}'<rs fell to ""'· A!ld. .-Americanl agreed Iha! • vtlit ltorn the Miila aure beat ll1lJni tn all -tu forms. With t'*9e .UCCe111e11 behind" him, Mr. Nixon moved nrillly. In a package deal1 Dillley Enlerpri.., purehalled NASA ana Congress for conversion intO Spaceland and lllstoryland,_ rupeclivoly. THE AFI,CIO bought Llbor and the Grange bought Agrlcultur~ though both complalned that they had, In effect, long owned both departm<llls already •. The State Department WM IOld to • conglomerate of travel ~tes add catering services, which could wen employ its upertile. But there were no takers, unfortunately, for the Commerce Department -no one be1ni able to figure out wbat It' did. Mr. ·Ntson'1 only major setback was over Health, Education and Welfare. lo keeping with sound business prac- tices, the welfare program was declared bankrupt and the poor were paid off at the rate ol ten cents on the doll&r. THERE WAS SOME talk that Mr. Nix- on planned to aell everything ln sight. He heatedly denied il. "I did not become President," he said, ••to preside over the liquidation or the American Govern· ment." And he pledged to keep forever one U.S. agency -the Mint. And thus it was that the Nixon Adminiltration achieved its unvoiced goal: a Government that did nothing but make money. Law for Rich or Poor? By SYDNEY J. HAIUWI In.the fall of 1964, nearly five years ago, a wealthy New York btl,!inessman was convicted and given a 30-year•to-life sentence ror slaying his bookmaker. Recently. he was granted the 14th review of his case, and was turned down by the New York Appeals Court, which deliberated more than a year be.fore i.ssu· ing Its Z2·page oplnion upbokUng the COii· vicUon. The case ls not yet closed. Defense lawyers are now contesting the "constituUonality" ol the conVletion by a blue-ribbon Jury, and will tell the matter In a state court. It miy drag on for years more. NOW I 00 N<n' objoct to this ~y procedure, lw every man baa a r1gbt to fi,ht !or his f-In IQ)' ~ he can. But while every man bu tbe ftfJ few hive the rtlMl'etl -ud tbeareUca1 equality remlndl me. of Anatole Jl'raoce'• Ironical runark lhal, ''Tile In, Ill JU Impartial majaly, pemllts eqUlllJ the rich and the i-to slNp -the IJricllel at nlghL" Whal lhe mlddle cluo lolls., rOIU.. ls the pnilouod -pl la wlllch i-poo-p~ hokl the .,..-. eaAI al "law" and "jultlce." 1111 ol utile -~ - noble -to pec!llle ""° -them ap-plied lat ...... liberal1' to Iha alllu<nt tbon to lhe lndJc<eL Ted!nlcallr, Ill our soclel7, the - laws apply to the poor and to the rich; but practically, the greater one's flnan· cial re.aourcea , the better one's chances of going fl'tfl, or at least getting a milder sentence. And, of course, It has long been u.iomaUc that the more you ateal the ltlS (proportionately) you are punished. TIDS ~OWLEDGE has brecl a cynicism deep In tht bones of all the disposstUed, nol merely the bl1cks, but all who Uve__precarioualy on the marsins of aocltty. 'Ibey Bet two ll'tf& In action, not one, and e'ltD their caaual mcountm with the police and ol!icialdom have lhreatenlnl overtooel lhat ~ --are &upremtly unaware of. Ocld(y .......,; .... lhot!cb .-of Europe operajM on an qe-okl ''cute'' _anc1 ... _ _.,..1>11amora eplltarlan -,, In tbe -. of poli;ce aWbdol ad Jur..-. tllor'a JS fsr less IOda1 dlocrimlnallon tn the n.abnent of ollendera la Europe than la the U.S. THE JUCR do better everywhere, or course, but the dU!trenet I.I not to bla· tant in most EurOpean oounlrtea, and thls ''respect ror l1w" baa mn meaninc to the lower cluHI thao It does here. U man· must live with horror, he mu.st make it routine. That Is why mlsalle- borne hydrogen bombl have become ''delivery system.a" a n d two piles of corpses a "kill ratio." It can therefore be counted as a minor . triumph of the human spirit over a bureaucracy numbed by thoughts of mus death that we will not risk, this spring, the death of. hundred.a: of tbouunds by a tired railroad engineer's mlsadjustment of a Curve in the track or an aimless shot al a passing freigbt train by a boy testing bJ.I oew rifle. UNTIL CONGRllllSMAN R I c h a r d McCarthy, a conscientious third-tenn reptt11Mtative from Buffalo, started looking into a proposed C1'058-country ahipment ol nerve 1u_ .several weeks ago, the Army bad a 1lmple plan for its disposal : 1.5 million bombs, each con- lalntng 2.S pound& Of nerve gas, plus an explomve charge, were to be shipped by rail from the Rocky Mountain arsenal at Denver to a point on the Atlantic Ocean of( New Jersey and there dump- td to the bottom of the sea. 1be more questions McCarthy asked. the mare horrified he became. The result or hLs efforta: and complainta at the Pen· tapn i$ that the nerve gas ts atilt In Denver. ·and two aclenUfic committees are preparing recommendations for alternate methods of disposal. Nerve giJ is -lo use a layman's word-d'eadly. A& tt dries on a human or other animal. it kil1I tbe vital enzyme which "tums off" nerve impulses, mak- ing it impossible-for example-to relax a muscle, close an eye or tmpty a lung. Vlcthru literally are strangled by their own muscles. BY llM the Amiy's Qe.mical Warfare Department had manufactured enough of the gas to kill every human being on earth 11000 tiines over-and stored it in the form of bombs at the" arsenal, ap- pr'oximately three mUea from the end of the runway at the Denver Airport. The bombs were "cluste:red" In packages of 76 bomblels, each "package" roughly the height of a man and weighing 1,500 pounds. In the event of a decision to use them in war, the packages were to be dropped from the air, whereupon they would break up into their 76 component h<lnbs, each with Its own liUle parachute. When the parachute opened, a small spike at the bottom of each bomb would also emerge, and when the spike touched anything the bomb would 10 off. Early in 1969 it was decided to ahip the stuff out of Denver and destroy iL Jn 15 years the gaa bombs had become obsolete. 'Ibeir wel.ght and trajectory wen no longer suited to the speed of the planes which would have to make delivery. THE DECISION was then to ship by rail to the Atlantic Oct.a!l graveyard, as it were. But as Rep. McCarthy discovered in his dogged pursuit of this .---811 Geor9e --~ Dear George: Wlty don'\ you ever have any sexy answers'! ANNOYED Desr Annoyed : -Raquel Welch. No", shut up. Dttr George : What waa the name or Lady Go- diva's hone? STUDENT Door Student: Hone? Hone? What hone? (II )'OW' pniblem Is ol a highly conllclomlal nature, wrti. "Hl&hly Conndentl1l" on the outa:lde of tht eaveiope and George wUI throw It away unopened. No ~ advice colwnnlst cu make that atate- mcnl) particular truth. no Orlf'l really knew - nor had made much of an effort to find oul -how· the gas and the explosive charge would rtact to the hazards of rail lravel. Nor, (or that matter, was there any knowledge of how they would be af. fected by prolonged exposure to salt waler. At that point the National Academy of Sciences was asked to appoint a com- mittee to study the matter and come up with an altunate disposal method. The committee has not yet come up with its final recommendations, but some of the scienUsts are ready with a simple answer. A skilled teehnician, they say, can defuse one of the bomblets in less than a minute. Then all that remains, the1 say, is to add a few drops of a sirriple household caustic -lye solution -and the arsenal will have on ils hands notD< ing but 3. 75 million pounds of harmlest liquid. Now Rep. McCarthy would like us to ratify a convenUon outlawing the use ·"Of this kind of weapon. If the Pentagon would stop calling it a "lethal toJ.ic agent" he'd have a better chance. · Frank Manldewici and Tom Bradea London Sp_~Jies H~gh Rollers -~ t LONDON -The Engllah have alway1 been concerned with fair play and now seem determined to bring it to the &ambling table. Last year there were some 1,200 11wlnging gambling club! in Britain with a combined gr08S take of about $Z50 milll~. And guaranteeing that business would flourish stood the Mafia. , ' . , . Editorial ' -R~~arcb ' ~ employe11 registered. The Gaming Board also will standardize the rules and pro- cedures for all games and ultimately will regulate the margin of permissible irofit. Just bow large this profit will be hi ta be determined by Slr Stanley Raymond, Director of the Gaming Board. To bone up, he's taking a "study .tour" of th• casinos in Ostend (Belgium), Monti Carlo, and Las Vegas thi~ month. England may want to control its g~mbl· ing estabUshmenlll, but no one Is willing to reduce the number of tourists eager ta try their luck. •'London under the Tories became the Las Vegas of the Western World," said James Callaghan, the Labor Home Secretary. "We cathered. an international clientele, some of them not very desirable people at ail." Particularly odlOU'I were the "high rolling" junketeers who came to London with a Malia escort. Tact-or Doubl.e Talk? JOSEPH NAPOUTANO, 34, a 1•tou r organizer" of the gaming world, who listed himself as a travel agent from Aielrose, Mass., was arrested at the Vila Casino on May 15. He was charged, along with seven other Americans. with con- spiring to defraud, unlawful gaming, and possessing rigged dice. N a p o 11 t a n o regularly flew in parties of from 40 to 140 Americans who could not find facilities to suit their tastes in Las Vegas. The unprecedented lx>om in English gambllng started when P a r I i a m e n \ Jlberallied the gaming laws in 1960. Casino11 sprang up everywhere. Bingo ex- paruted to the point where every night of the wt:ek more than 500,000 women now pliy. Slot machines stand in the comer of every saloon bar. Even though statutory limits of $12 have been imposed as the top prize On these one-armed bandits - and clubs may not install m1>re than two of lbtm on the premises -they have proliferated in the arcades. TuE HOUSE OF LORDS decided In 1967 that the gambllna: epidemic had got· ten out of hand and that the best way to cut the underworld out of the pidure was to nip the protits. TM Lords decided that roulette played with a· zero and. at odds of SS to I was illegal because all the players (Including the aoupler) must have equally favorable chances of winning. Rouletle wheels played with a zero were prohibited. The Home Office now hopes to reduct the number oi clubs to a~ut 300. The Colony Sporting Club (lonnerly G<orge Rllft's Colony Sporting Club) closed its doors ln February because the managing director aaid the new laws made it "mathematically impossible to be pr~ fltable." .. In attempUng to curb thole forms of gambllnc which ire partk:ularly liable to abuH , the Home Office bu established a Gaming lloml. To leach delectlves boo< to apot allctntu of the wrist at cr1ps, casual ~linl ol cardl at bloclQack, or suspklcmly lmbalaneed dice, the G1mlnc loud hu set up a mock training uotno. ffERt a<rOUPiers demonstrate the flntr point.I ol cheatJng -all In an ef(ort to give gamblers an '·even break." Starlin& next year, each eaalno will have to be properly licensed and Jt.s If you're at loose ends about what to do this summer, why not spend at least part of the time practicing up on your double talk'!' Double talk of eourse, Is the polite conversational' art or saying one thing while thinking another. It keeps you men· tally healthy and .at the same time socially safe. The more skilled a person becomes at double talk the greater are his chances to marry the mate of his choice, achieve prestige, innuence people an_d beeo~ wealthy. It can also be a big help 1n borrowing or inheriting money. FOR THE BEGINNER, here are a few t.yp:cal examples of double talk -follow· ed by a translation of their probable meaning. "I can get it for you wholesale."-my brother-in-law owns the store, and 1 get a 10 percent rakeoff for any trade I bring him. "No Ronald, J don't think your • h . ht .. whiskers feel too roug ton1g . - What's this guy shave with anyway, a Boy Scout az? "Would you mind looking up the spell· Ing of it in your dictionary, Mabel?" -I never can remember which letter follows which in the alphabet. "Our son is staying out of college for a year until he decide11 what he really Wants to do with his life." -He flunked three subjects and "''as suspended. ", .. and this cozy little apartment we like to call our junior executive suite."- But Onl,; a midget could be happy in iL "I CAN'T TELL YOU how much fun we had watching those movies you and Belle took on your last trip to Europe, Henry." -The next lime you invite us ovtr for 1n evening remind u11 to bring along blindfolds. . "No, don 't tell me ••. Just a moment now and J'U hive It . , • you must be John." -Or J1ck or Jim or Jeremiah rw Charley -who rtally cares? "We:ll, I'll say one thing Bosworth, you Ctttatnly were the life of the party." - But if you were trying to get att.enUon, ~hy didn't you simply drop dead? "Actually, I prefer a d!mly Ill nstaurant such h thlt -ft make• me feel mort roman Uc." -And besides, big boy, It keeps you from seeing my wrinkles. f "That diet you're on really Is slimming you down, Hazel'' -I guess it also helps to wear a gtrdle so Light you can hardly breathe in it. "This novel should provide you with some light, entertaining h a m m o c k reaLing." -It is so easy to read it won't even make your lips tired. •1m 1s IS A NEW medicine that has worked well with a number of my pa· tients having symptoms similar to yours." -They all had hangovers, just like you. "Just let me stretch out on this aora ant: close my eyes if you're going to read me any more of your love poems, Bascomb. They're so relaxing." -And your voice is the one thing that cures my insomnia. "The boss was asking about you only yesterday, Homer." -He was wonderin1 why he could never catch you doing any work around he.re. "You must be doing okay linanclalty, Bill, If you can afford to buy a big c•t Uke that." -The way I figure it, your wlfe must be taking iii washing. -----~· Monday, June 16, 1969 The editorial pagt of tM DaiJv PiUJt u•kt to inform and 1Um- ulatt r1adn1 bJ!' pr11nttng thia ntwtpap1r'1 optnJon.t and com- mntarv on topics of inttreat and tignifk:o.nct, by provfdint • fOf"Um tor tht tzpressfma of our rtadtrs' opinions, and b~ J)rea11ntinQ th.a dt0tr'' trlcw- points of informtd ob1tf'Vtts and apokesmen on topic.I of Uw' ciar. - Robert N. Weed, Pablisber , .. a• to sl fa Id JS, 1d l'j Jy 'I llJ ly, at UI l I I T -··--------------------~-•1•~·-·--1·~·--·--~,~-~~···--·· .... ~-~--·--~.-~.-·-· -~· --.·-·-· =~· ... -·--~·--·---· ---.. --·----------·-·-· -·-·~---~· ---~-~------·~-----..,...----~--~ .,,.....,,.., CHECKING .. • UP .• Bartenders Have High Divoriee Rate By L M. BOYD T H AT OCCIJPATIONAL SPECIAUST wbQ r~s third on the lilt of men most apt to £et divorced is the bartender. ••• IN EMERGENCY at New York Cfty'a Bellevue h<M!pital is an odd intricate instrument solely designed to remove billiard balls from rnen'.s mouths .• , • OUGm' NOT fall to menllon the specialty of Dr. cutter of Roanoke, Va., is surgery. LOVE AND WAR -How they met their matrimonial mates -that!s what they were talking about at a get· together the other night. A particularly sophisticated little lady said, "It was after choir practice. nus man, now my ·husband, had been standing in the back of the room, staring at us for about hall an hour. Then he walked over and said hello, and I said, "I'm not the sort of girl you can pick up.' And he said, 'I'm not picking you up. I'm picking you out.' Th11t was all there was to it." YOU ARE F AMllJAR with Mr. Shakespeare's "Hamlet." right? But do you know why Mr. Shakespeare called hls famous character bY. that name? Was a nickname. came Drink, Vote Age Drop? People should be able to drink and vote at the same . age and subversive elements should be kept out of public of· fice, the California Constitu· tion Revision Commission has reaffirmed. · The SO.member advisory panel took three actions at a recent meeting in S a n t a Barbara as part of its 1970 .packqe o' recommendations · lo thO otate J:.egislature. They reconunend changing wording of the constituUon to . forbid j>urchase of alcohol lo -anyone under the voting age rather than expressly under 21 ··years old. Some quarters e:rpect 18- : year-olds in California to even~ tually be granted the vote. The group also recom- : mended r etaining the oath ad· ministered to anyone taking public oUice, as well as a sec- tion barring any advocate of unlawful overthrow of the government from holding such office. The ·1 at t e r constitutional clause a1ao rules out state tax exempUom to which such persons might be entitled. . -·. from ·the Jutlah "Amlpde,11 wtUch meant .''fool'' ••• J. UN- TIL THEY'RE about lt years o( qe, girla taJled Adrienne, says our Naine Game man, ~em! to be lnflueQC<d too much oy the -pac;kagin~ In their ·se1ection both . of •food and tnea. POtriC STATES -AM AsKED WHICH &late bu the most poetic name. Difficult lo decide. ·Indiana ii pretty poetic. ~ is Hawaii. Likewise Oregon. Calilornia as a word isn't so hot. Too long. Teus la all right And Georgia, too. But as for the state with the least poetic name, that would be a tossup between New Jer5ey and Washington. The foregoing has been thought out thoroughly .and is therefore beyond contradiction. CUSTOMER SERVICE' Q. "ls there any state that won't let a IS-year-old girl get married?" A. As long as her folks approve, no state will bar a young lady of 16 from marrying, not one. • • • Q. "WHAT'S In red flan nel hash?" A. Chopped red beets, corned, beef, spuds, peppers and onJons, 1 think. • • • Q. "WHAT DO COWS like best to e.at?" A. Acorns. REDHEADS -'Thought we settled that question about whether a redhead can get a suntan. But here ls a ma.scullne client who still fn.. sl!ts a suntan on a redhead proves her red hair· to be of the drugstore variety. That's not altogether right. Jt only proves that if she is a blue-- eyed redhead. A brown-eyed redhead can tan. At least some can. A little. FAD-Nobody's alive today maybe who remembers a brief feminine fad of the early railroad days. One hundred years ago or so. Lifesize dolls sold everywhere. To lone lady travelers who wrapped them like babies. ··So mighty fine fellows wool~ giVe them 'JOOd seats and inen on the make would leave them alone. My dad used to ten a band-me- down tale from his granclpap- py. About a young woman wl)o started out cross-country with · one of those dolls , . but got bored with the clickety-clact on he.r third day out, so elect- rified her fellow pusengen by plunging a batpin into the thing. Your qutstiom and com- ment.! are wtE<:o1Md and wUl be used wherever pos- riblt in "Checking Up." Address mai l to L. M. Bo¢, in care of the DAILY PILOT, Bo:e 1815, Newport Beach, Calif., 92663. • PeMeys says ... they' re never too young, to look thei...be&t • O.ildren's haircut from $2 ' Frostlng ---··-·····--·-····-14.18 SIJlo loudgot """'°"""'': .............. 9.88 ..._, .... ShonlpOO and set ••• :... ••••••••• -........ •3 w • .,.,. ................. ...... US1 YOVI nNHl'f' CHAIOI CAID - NO APPOIHTMINT - 'ULL~ll:TON Ortnetf1lr C1nttr 2nd flaOI'", •11..00 HUfllfUt•f'Ofll l lACH Hll'lll""'°" Centtr lnd ·-· ""''" MI WPOtlT l lACN '""Jlfl ''""" IN noor, '4f.~· . ' .. . ' ~ .. , :1 • enne••• ALWAYS i;JRS'T QUALITY.,. ' .. Be your own designer • .-. better fabrics ONLY 55~yd. Handsome fall sportswear cottons in rich sol ids and colorful prints and solids. Get a head start on your Fall sewing. Jaunty yam dyed woven gingham plaids for your fav o1: " casual styles. You'll find so many utei for these cottons. Better cotton auortment In plain and fancy weCIYll, solids and prints, .«"wide ••• in all the newest CQlon. Everybody loves yam dyed gingham check•I 44c yd. ·:_. " .. Chtcb flO --~I C.-, bfoUt.s, cwtaiOI, and .-1 36'.widt fabric In auartod colors ••• .pricrod "° that ycv can buy yards and y<irds anc1 -·whi11 ycv _, . • .. ' ' . .. .. . . .. ' .. . WM GOT IVERYTHING YOU NEID . ' Mab PIMoys your aewlng head. quarltnl Thread, zippers, binding, nttdles, pJn1, sctnon, more! • 58'' WIDE 3.99yd. ' Buy yards and ~els of this fashion-r ight fabric in Fall shades, and gtf slortecfonJOUi Fall wararobe early! trsperfectforbaslc, elegantly simple •falhlonsl Make copies of desig-orlglnolt In this fabulous mlracl• fabric. ' ' . . . Penn Prest• Ramona in discontinued prints . 2 yds./'1 · Our -111 all cotton fabric that's Pem Pr .. 1 for no ironing..,, c' an In a11011ocl prlntt. 4.5' wide, machine washabloi tool ' . 1 J J --........... --............... ------~~-~--------------~ .. ·, .;., _..~" .. ,.,f I.. • • "ii,"-'.'..._ -•. ,. • ,. __ • ". ·~c;r • . ' • ,... ,---,. .. ~ "'r'r~• ~"' ,.•~ ... • . ---....--.......... _ ....... . ,, ~-.,_, .... j ~ •• .................... __________ ,.... .... ~~' r ~Ql!!:!•!!•!!_~ _ _!•yt!Ph!!!!_ll_!!!!•nt!!!·ilcm~d~· GoP-Pleaas~ f~f · ' .: ..... 1' .... I , The only medication that ''l'ft ......,. woriced for L holding compan:y..- juot hDlr much 'J>oldlnc' la lnoolved !" ' . . • Crucial · Vote1 Nears ~. , . ~ ~ • 1( Dems, ~vernor Pressu.reil~'di;. D~ne Approaches SACRAMENTO (AP) -..... of M to -•. ,bUdgtl J...... and 'l'uaUon Com· Tu re4uclionl would bt ~r. Wllh a crudal budget dtadllne from lht llCHeal. Jower boua<, 1"-·•· h'· · Just two weeb away, ""• they can b1ock the budget In-m wir::'l:l1 mauv ~ comment f~ ··u an tncenUve f9r the Republican leader called on definitely. The ou.tlay, Sunday as the commutee restof·tbetaq>ayen·toeccept Assembly Democrat. today to however, mual by law be olgn-pr<pared to begin dbcusslng wl~ • drop !heir blockade of Gov. ed by nildnlgbl, June IO when lhb week a bipartisan com-' Jliit 'Bqley ~ the Reagan'• 141.23 bUllon spending lhe new. fiscal year l>egjns. ir prombe lu r't form plan ,_., pj"!l -idbe coot· , pnllTill!I. It Lm'l, .stale 11sca1 experts which.co n la In • ~'°'1. .'!le\' .nci ~ to adminllter At the same time, another say they will not be able to withholdirig._ " · · for_ tbe. ltltf IDd ~n Re p u b llcan assemblyman pay the state's bills -or. Bq:ley satd the . govel'J)9r .• apd . ~i . '"l'lit proposed mounted pressure on the salaries. ; . .now ~p~ the princtple,1of ..part...way withMlding ts so governor to accept compulsory Lantennan, who ls carrying . withholding , something defective that we would be • wttbboldlna Of llale personal tbt budp\,for the"i!ovemor..,•~~ I 'aid ln .~~Y better off wtlh no withholding income~ -a key issue accused' .Demo:.t!i•t• Ol ~Jhqw .... /'TbelSS9fnurt:': at all." ~the battle over tax "playing a'ria1~·11ll'nutl ~~lyman~•"tslbe Meanwblle, as the session'• retOrm .,bk:b, -ln turn, is 1queer.e0 pine hi: ID effo,rt tot'~ to ~ -ra 23rd week got under way, the ' boldlnc up budltt acUOI). w t n tu rtlOQD cmoes!iOl,ll .~ . .,.__._.. systelD. ~ ' Senate Finance Committee Tbe plea for odion on the from ·Rtagsn Md. bis. fellow • Rf~~.!' ouppo""'8 •par\; struggled to reach a vote on budget came from chairman Republicans. · ' v Q ~,,, part.:mandator)' its venion of the budget. Gets to a Major Cause of Hemorrhoids Nowl Most complete 3-way rellell. This Important deVelopment in hemorrhoid treatment comes to yilU tfter five years of scientific and clinical tatinc. Not only does Counternold-work by lesSeninc pain fast, mf by eoatlnc, sooth inc. and proltctlllf injured tissue ... but unUkt every other hemorrhal.i pHMluct. Counternoid also works 1 third war. Thanks to 111 exclusive fonnul1 wit h OSS10 T• only Coun_t!rnoid cets to 1 major cause of hemor-rhoids: h lnful hard constipation. Without lrritJtinc lmtiv1 effect Here's how: In hospital X.fay tests doctors h1y1 demonstrated that .th1 remarkable Counterr.oid form11- l~tion with DSS 30 penetratislll minutes to the top of the· rectal area to soften th! stool and ease the bowel movement. · It is this unique action that does' so much lo make natural healinc pouib1e. So, if )"llU live with the pain arid fear of recurrint minor htrnorrhoid troubles, get temporary reUef with medicallr-ttsted Counternoid. · Actually, used 1s directed, Coun- ternold offers the most comt1\et1 3-way relief you can cet without 1 ~e~cription or without Sllfgery. In slam less crum °' suppo$ilories. . At all druc counters. 01 ..... .,.,, II Helli•-·Llll-I!"> Prank Lant.rmu of lht p..,..... came fm;n the b,1~1djng Pi.i.Jt WO<!ld bt With lht budget stalled Jn Asarmbly Ways and Means governor's o~ part 7,, tory. foJ' -~who file a the AMembly, the usu a I ComnUttee. The La Canada however, to ~t tbi man· itate• tncome tar return fcir legislative procedure was "Republican said Democrats datory withholding sy1tem the first Ume, such a~ coll~ge i:eve~, leaving action up to are "nothing short 0 f Democrats say ls a must u1..:src.•c.du:.•.::tes.:...:ln.:...:th::•:.lr_:f:_irst:::..;l:;•b::.. _:tlle::...:::Se::na::le::·~-----==================- reprehen!ible" for refualng to they are to give substantial1 supply the votes needed , to su~port to any tax revlslon pass the GOP governor's leg11laU~ . . "We worked hard on It and Wllllam T. 'Bagley ~( · ~ · It , w,a a . tight budget,.. Anselmo, chalnn~ of -Uie budget. j\epublicsn .Assemblyman A Lanlerman • a Id In urging . "• . en· ne~·· . DemocnUte a.ipport. T G:..;t.-n· · -· SAUNAS <APl -A 75 _..l.~· Tbe·"-mbly Democrats-", een .. \' . ies . Republican COUnty supervtaor Republic8:DI have won the outnumberecl· 40-39 with one DINUBA, caw.''-.<.UPI ), -AIJNAV8 FIRST GUAUTV . ' backed bY Go¥. Reagan and a I la! former Democratic st 1 t e two Pr e'V· o u a spec: vacancy -are withholding Debra Sue EasbiQ, 17, senator ~ a poilllcal leglJlaUve elections lhb yesr, !heir votes on lh~ budget unlil Bsktnlield, wu·,Jlilleif Salurr comeback are rqarded. u the the last one by 50 votes for a a tu reform program to'1beir day in 1be craib-cl -a 1porti main oonlelldtn for. crucial San Joaquin Valley Aasembly liltlng b wrillen. . . car Ille received ~. h)&b'I r~-----------.,---------------------- slate Aaembly -Tut811ay. ,..,; ... =l'--------"-Slnce'--1"-l c.lak __ .,c.•:_tw,,,;C>lhirds-=· .:::.._•,;:cb<c."':.~.:gra<Natlon_;,:__:1lfl;__. -I Bollotlnl In Mjmlerey Coun· ty'o Mlh dillrfct will dlhtr give Republicans a: -king msjorfty <II 41 In the lonr homle, or deadlock h al IMO. It now ii f0.5. 'Ibe eeat became vacant wbtn Repohllcan Alan G. Pal- let al S.Unu wu llflled In an auto accldeOt A runoff wlll'be held July IS U ID candldale gela .a majority, bul the top candldalea and lhtlr bacten ezpec:l a winner to bt plcbd Tueaday. Tbe main conlenden are Democ:!rat Fred ~trr, a M- yeor-old wldowor -WU lht county'• stale senator for 11 yean,.and Rtpublican Robert G. Wood, a 53-y.., .. ld apricot grower who won election u • county supervisor on a write-· in campa.Jgn in 19M. ' Also on the bBnDt are Republicans Bertram F. lJu. dolph Jr. and Mltchtll Bed- ford, and American Independenl Alton F. Ogborn. Sime 70,%54 reg ts t ere d v o \er s are ellgible. County eledlon offlclals predicl a 71). Man in Crash Electrocuted · SAN JOSPJ (IJPI) -Manuel S. Ellu:lde, 25, San Joee, was electroctued SUnday when be touched a hot wire from a utility pole after a mlnor traf- fic accident. AutboriU.. aald PJlizalde, who suffered ·only minor Jn. juries in the accldent, was killed when he stepped from his car and tried to remove lhe wire from the hood of lhe vehicle. Let us copy that old family picture now SALE! 5x7 COf>1 of )'OU' p/ctur• In lood condtrlon ,......,,. ~ rn.morin '°' ... the ftmlly; ,,..... your fwotttt old phot& 1r•111I copltd now. If .)'Ollt P'cturt I• In poor corAlllM, tM tddltlonal dWf9lll lot rntOf'ttlon .. _.prbd. tool Your .,...,.., photGcrepfl will M ,.,,... unh1rmtd. =:r, ... -:-= - llte!!!Y• Shop qt · .home! ' ' • M.r-L..I I ' I • • ...,. -·• Ks plell • Ne cililll"tionr • ,,.. _,,_, • ,,.. consvltatlonl . ' , . ''"' ... . c / '' Save. up to 99.sQ]~n~"; ydJ~ Gt~Peting .. Broadlobms ·Reduced• • I • • • ...... . ~ ~Reg, &99 NOW ·, $7, SQ. YD. . ' . O,UI EXCITIN~ "N9w Dij:>ar· W foam 'backed continuous fi"'-11nylonprints.In8 boau- tiMcolon:NO~. Reg. 6.99 NO 5.SOso.YD DUPONT" 501 nylon shag In lb f<Dm colon to comph. mint °"' home. Pemeys exclu- sive "Nylshag". ' Reg. 6.50 NOW $5 SQ, YD. HANDSOME 100% Herculon in lQ glorious tweed colors. Loni wearing and stands heavy traffic. (Rogufar Pannoy prices for cushion and installation.) This we~k only, !errific savings .. on our c~stom made slipcovers! .. SAVE UPTO ' . . . ' . See how little It costs ta redecorato 0 with °"" fine custom made sl' w, • 't choos opcoven. ~ •flVI e you to e from a beautiful selection of all cotton prints and solids. Regular low Penney prices on our expert Custom lobor. . lfKE IT ... CHARGE IT! A r a• ... • P9llr •--------------'· -····-·------------..J THROUGH SATURDAY ONLY . . ·EVERY 1969 PENNCREST® -. ' -HOME AIR· CONDITIONER REDUCED10~ SAVE 12.40 on Penz"1Cl'8st ® 11·.ftl'Vi. 1111'1'1 I • 1e1• • . ~DIV -~lfioner A sure way to beat t'he ,heat during hot weather days. Easy- to-fnstall air cond.itioner features two speed cooling, 10 position thermostat control, permanent Scott foam filter. Hoi 115 volt, 7.5 amp motor. Reg. $124 NON 111.60 Pr:ry OS little as $6 per JnOnth 6,000B'N Reg. $M4 ........................ NON ~ . · Payers littWas $6 per1h0flth .. ' SAVE 16.90! 8,000 BTU SAVE 29.90! 24,000 BTU 2 speed Reg. '169 NOW 152.10 2 speed Reg. '299 NOW269.10 SAVE 19.90110,000 BTU SAVE 33.90! 28,000 BTU 2 speed Reg. '199 NOW 179.10 2 speed Reg. '$339 NOW 305.10 . " '.SAVE 21.90111,500 CBTU SAVE 14-90! 5,800 BTU for sliding windows 3speed Reg. '2J9 NOW 197.10 slider Reg. '169 NOW 152.10 . ' SAV1·21.90! 15,000 BTU . 3 speed Reg. '21crNOW 197.10 SAVE 20.90! 9,000 BTU ':. slider Reg. '209 NOW 188.10 SAVE 24.90118,000 BTU . foulldlntwlncfGWS 3 speed.Reg. '24~ NOW224.10 LIKE IT ••• CHARGE IT! ·BUENA•PARK ·BURBANK ·CANOGA PAllK ·CULVl!R CITY ~OWNEY HUNTINGTON PARK MOITTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH NORTH HOLLYWOOD SAN FERNANDO FUUERTON LAKEWOOD GRANADA HILLS LONG BEACH HUKTINGTON BEACH LOS Al TOS 'WESTCHESTER WEST COVINA SANTAANA TORRANCE VANNUYS VENTURA ' . ...,.,,,., ____ ""~---~----------... --------------.... ------:-~-~~-------------------·-------~----· ----.... ----• ' ' . 7~98-Get-• • ·Degrees .At .UCLA \ LOS AN~ <U.PO UCLA Cbancetior Chafles ' E~ Young conferred a record 7,298 degrees Swiday at com- mencement ceremonies at- tended by about 2 0, 0 0 0 persons. There were no disruptions during the exercises, except for the rejoinder "I dig it" from a gowned student when Young conferred en masse, 4- 317 bachelor degrCes. Young ·delivered the com- mencement address and noted t h e exercises marked t h e "comptetion · ol . my l i rs t ·~~.,~~-.~~ 'Thought I Was Policeman' -:... I"',~"'• .. ' .:ilA~(Al(l - A . .-, abooit' a .a bl~ 11·7 ear-old De1"P"Plf awoy, tbe ~P ~ued liln1 nponer Aid f!ldly a ~ ol again, ' ,_ IMpti beat and ata1> . ""llley cllJ&ht m• and beat bed blm clwlnc a -'htu out of nil 'qiln," Elklna ....... _ ~ .... -"tbey . . . ~ ......... ....X-'io•" Slid. I , _\, ,_, -:.--C • WU 0 ,....,""-:'. • Elldne 11. It -Ii Ullgn- Jto;I . Elldns of 1'h •' merit ,..~,!~ tbe 'morning ~~nto Union wu in· newSpaper ind n o· r .m a 1 ·1 y 1 aatllflctory condiUon 4t a handles police oewi ·on SUn-&aeramento bolpltaL He wf •. 'dBY• ' • · firlcl stab wounds on tbe aide ' · and face after be w a 1 • · · d~cbed llwldol' Dilht to Wll'' tz Says War ........ oal!>rtil< " vi~ . Fntbe-Negro·, ou• ·part 11ctlon ol Prtjtest 'Right' sacr-ui. "1 c0uldn1 -111em 1 STANPPRD ( u P 1 r ·- academic year" as chancellor. •. . . . He descdbed the y.ear ~s SACRAMENTO UNION REPORTER PHONES STORY FROM· HOSPli!i.l~D ~·~~L~~t~~~~ry.'~':r' w!~ Hoyt Elkins Beaten, Stabbed by-Negro Youths.During. O•lc Park Dl1turiNtft111 marked by five days of stu· .. a~ reporter," Eltlnl told Former Secretary Of Labor l hll newspaper. "They tnocked Willard Wirtz told•~~ me aroond pretty good and Stanford University seOiors · ldcte.I .ml' held again and Sunday stud<nts w<re right In gain., J 1Ut11 that was when 1 prOtesUng the· Vietnam War iot llabbed • , • I didn't bow I . bee!...,. "nothing else wl)l be had been knifed unW I Cot to seJt1ed until that is cleaned · the liolplta.I." u .'' B u t he added, "Peace EWna who ls white, said · !\'i1. be a half-victory qnW ib dent demonstrations I a s t 1nonth. • In Sacramento's Oak. Park · Police, Youth Fight Erupts · one 'ot the young men con-: dividends are ploWe<l baCk into \ · Vinced the,otben to· halt tbe humanity's comrnoa ent.erprls-1 ~ bul after Elkins liad ses:" . Coo If DAILY ~ILOT D Win . ~.Trip .\V~fh ... 'h 'I I .>: ..• ~r e Ange s. ' .. ,. ... ...., *"1-' Ws IN., ......... lt0121 I • w6'I wM • nip witfrl tM C .. lf.,.lo A .... YM "I. ...... "' A,j,.c.u~ lcM• tM .... hi o.ll-4 f ............ FtW.r: Joly 11 -,.,.,. .. ... ... ,,. wftll .... , ... S..., .... IJ ... '" wltl '~ .... ...., '.whti tM Hol ... ..,.. Mt ht th ""'"'° for tk foor ,... O•l•tll _..._ AM ........ tit .. 'lf ..,,, Doll tlie wey JM ......., '" •1-. s.a.it Y••r eotTy whti ,.., --.... .._ .. Ykti'9 ..,. ... c ....... C ..... 1"11 .. lo"9ff by lltt Y-9M JIM 5poKer ef ... Aatek .. Sclhtrd.,, J ... 21 •• Pick op 'r''' frM tkht to .fllo ....... /$ti ..... ,, ... 21 ...... ,..Hy .... c... .. tMC...· Mt Cffff. 5outb Coast ?Ina "Like many of you," Young told the graduales, "I do not know how many more com· 1nencements I will be involved in. The future of the university president or chancellor these days is at least as uncertain as that of the graduate." L l n d a Kay Goldenbe rg delivered the senior address. She defended student activism and said words must be ac- companied by deeds. SACRAMENTO (AP) Tension between police and young Negroes erupted into gun battles and fights in which three policemen were shot and a newsman stabbed Sunday 1 1'• o-, POIMI or Pool •••• t•ke • BOOK to keep ·tl••r and it juit spread arouoo,·· .. ;no~t~conllnn~~;Ul;-]~r;epor~"ts~ml~L:Tll:•~B:•:•:ka'tall:~~m~L~·l~M~lf;·;c~;..,.=~l:••:••~M:•:·•:11~1J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rooney said. A shotgtm and a officers posted at tbe'Pantbet 1...._.n. ,~,..._1 pi$tol were taken_ froi:;n six office declined d. commmL Negroes riding in a car, be Raymond Goldstone, a juris doctor degree. candidate who \\ill join the administration of UCLA next fall, delivered the graduate student address and was critical of "reaclionary forces" that would "rob the university or its very potential for change." "The turbulent energy in our universities," he said, "serves to dramatize the present state of antique tradiUons and archaic organization too 1Jften controlled by unstatesmao-like elders, academic mandarins, who rule with the heavy hand of the past." Yorty Bids For Funds LOS ANGELES (AP ) 1'1ayor Sam Yorty urges Gov. Reagan to submit "soond pro- posals" to the legislature and make lllirect appeals 14: ft1 aid for Los Angeles City sc'hools and the Southern california Rapid Transit District. In a letter sent Sunday to Reagan, Yorty called for ac- tion because "time is slipping by ..• and ••• lhe legislature has failed to provide hopeful signs lhat funding will be made available in at least these two critical areas." night. Squads of shotgun-armed police chased carloads of Negroes over about 40 blocks of Sac.rarnento's predominantly N e g r o Oak Park . district, 2i,: m i I e .s southeast of the CaiildPnia Capitol. At . one point, oHicers fired tear gas shells Into the local headquarter.s of the Black Panther party. The policemen .said they thcW,ight sniper fire directed at them had come from the mill· ta,nt Negro group's head· quarters_. but Police Chief Joseph E. Rooney could not confirm this. Rooney said several rifles and a pistol were found in the office. The guard around Gov. Reagan's home in. a fashionable area 1 ~ miles away was slrengthebed. as a precaution. Rooney and Capt. .John said. Most or the gunfire U· changes and about 20 arrests ocCWTed later and away from the center ol Oak Part. The situation cooled after 1 a.m., although police continued to man barricades. Wounded were Lt. lterschell Foster, 41 , hit in lbe elbow with a shotgun pel1et; Sgt. Joe del Ponte, 42, shot ln Die leg; and ']>8.trolman Mike Shockley, 28, shot ln the forearm. None were wounded aerioualy. This is the third conaecutiw: week such spOradlc, hit-and- run violence has O«'UITed ~tn Oak Park. With Sunday nigbt'1 gunfire, it was the worst. Sacramento has about 11,000 Negroes out of a population. of 300,000. Rooney and Keams aaid they were told by policemen at the scene that one or more persons fled from the Panther headquarters when it filled with tear gas, but they could Keams said the trouble· began .vv..,.._. . ~)lndoY•<V_'!l)ng .allet''Vffjcers -. were seUt IO' cope Witli,rowd)< •J:telps Y •• Overc-f yoongsters around McClatchy ·'l!'•LSE ..rr.oa· Park at the foot of Oak Park's r ft a ........ . main business street -35th J.ooseness aad'.Worry Street. . Nottmprbl!~ort..i:w .. i-. Rooney said the youngsters eue becau. ot 1-.. W'Obbl,. ,._ 'ad been blocking traffic teetb. PASTSETB, -.a lmproYed 11 • aut&llne p0"der· boldl plai. a.nn.r tossing rocks, and driving ao thl'J' teel more oomtartable. A'fGld t 'lo th k nd "t em.bVnam.atcaUledbJloo.et...,. au os 1n e par a ear-•th. Dlntur. t.bat flt.,.._.._. ing up the turf." to bea_1~~ J1)UI' d1z1:u11i hllUlUtl'. "We tried to break that up ~•All'T'UZ'Beiau4n1roowa._,, WANT INTEREST ON ~OtJB BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT! ' YOU CAN'T GET n BUT WITH PACD'IC'S SWITCH 'N SAVE ACCOUNT You can do almost 11 wall by beplng 1 lot Ian ma111Y ia your checking accO.nt and 1 lot more in your Pacific &% Plllllaok Accaunt and switching manay back and forth as often a yea 111. Became every dollar earns everf 4ar It Is la your Pacllle Aeeount- even for just one day. 5" 1111..U, olPr }11it.W.111_,. .... My .. 1/4"• d"ltianal on thm-7'11 •1111-11111 .. amlir--· · S1vin11 i• yoar 1ccnll 1t quut1(1 end 11m from the 1tt 1f 11y month when nc~d. lly th 101L ' ' · .S~oot a .,,pictur.• history of your fQRJily growi.ng up! ----· . • ---,_ ., . ' ,,, SELL & HOWELL SUP,ER 8 HOME MOVIE 'OUTFIT . . \. . ' Evtrythl1111, 10" ....i. to ihoot and show homo .-iesl Camera i,o. ~ .,......,,. control and electric film drivt. ;riijedor foq\uNI automatic rffl to rffl lhreacling, and wlf! Wiw Ngular ..__., ..Supot I flt.,i. I~ mayjt light, ._, tripod\-, -r1tl with case, lillo card Mt,~·~ Molc1 Me¥fes'-bookt.t •. , ·-• ' ' ~ • . ' . .229 95 ' Pi:ly as• rrttl• as $11 per month ••• NO MOlllY DOWN ... USI PINNM TIMI P.AYMINT flAH ( . • CANOGAPABK HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA FULLERTO,N LAKEWOOb MONTCLAIR ' • • ' • .. I For The R~cor~ DEATH NOTICES SCHUYLER = Glenn s. Sdlu~. 1»12 on .. 11 •• W-INfef'. Su!'vtvld by wlf9, Ollnl two .s....-i111n. (Mol TwlM ltld GIW>d1 ~ K~I two brolMn E-1nd Jolln ~I twv i.lttel'I, H .. 11 ,_ Mieth ..-Id l~ Wll1lem1. $ertke1 Wll'W Mid -y, MonfSty, 10:>0 AH• "'tli: Flll'lll'f Col011!1I Funer1I H-. RODGER on.,. M. 11aoeer. •1• w. "'' s1 .• H~ le.ell. SUrvlvld by dlU...,. fw, Mn. llobert T-1; brdher. Atltn P..,; 11uer, ,,.,.,,... ~''" end flW .,..-.clclllktNn. Servlat, Tlled1v. l PM • .._ F.mlly Colonltl ,.,nitre! ·-· ALLANSON Mow..,, C.v11 "-lla>IWO!I. 3IS Locus! SI .. L-lftdl. AM T$1 lilt. of oa11h, J...,. U . ltetlrM callll'I" of LI ...... 1.m Pao~ Fair«. SUrvl~ by wlfll, Pftl11 1..n, AH111 A. Allin· ~n. S.n 0!'901 O.Uiltllt<', Mrt, Mi- n«VI D'"9fn, C•!1 ~; two bt'ollwn, E.....,, al T-• 1rMI 1!11· -· of IU1not11 11'1rw II"'"-Mr•. HM'l"Y c_.i1, Ullllolll Mrt. Lel9nd Cl'll'faN, #lldll9linl Ind Ml" Mllcll"ld Al.,_., 1M1noi.1 fhr'ill' tnonddl11dftn •I'd '--1-ddllkh!I. 5'll'vf(:ft will b9 Mid w.on.o.v. t '1M.' Shet· frr Lffu,. IMCl'I Mar1'u¥Y o--1. E•ll011tbo1•ll, Mil,_ ,,._., ~I PMtr.. """""' ~. Olrwct .... WARNER Alli<,.,., A. W1rMt'. JN E, '11! 51 .• C.11 Mn.I. Dtik Ill ~ J-1,, Sllrvl\fd by two Nll9hl~. Mr1. -ni.im. Grot1., of Marro s.vr Mn . Lucy l vron, C .. 11 "'-"-: Httn 9rltlddtllclreo1; it!""' -~ll· ,...,, l!'ld ltlrw '"""-'•lftdlcllll- 6"rl. R-rv. T....0.-,, 7 PM. Sell a.-..r a-.4. lt""k!m MIH, W~y, t AM. 51. JOldlllTl'I c.lll- ollc o-oi. Dir~ bY 1141 l rDM- WIY Mol'Mrv, Ill S~y, (All ..... WAGNER M11"' C. W-r. tit Gfel'ld Carll!, IMboli ltlMll. Del• d illlllfl, J11ne I!. Survlwcl by lllwl\ter, ~me l"•r· tu, ft.llboe hNnch ..,, PlllllP ~. w-. El~; taur 9f'ltldcllllclr.n end t.w vrhf11'11'4d11~ .s.rvi.:.e. will bli tlltcl TIJ9ldly, J-17, ' PM, Pldflc vi-c~. 1"'""*"• E11;. 11<n V1111'r c.met.rr. f...,Uy .-.-tt -..... lhlne to mlk• ~· _.. lrlbuffllna. ., ..... c:ontrlbult-11:1 ABC. 11ox n.. ~. c..111. nm P1cil'l~ Vl.w #Mrl\IM"I', Dlreeton. ARBUCKLE I< WELSH Westdlff Mortuary 4%7 E. I TUI St., Costa Pitta• -BALTZ MORTIJARIES Corou del Mar OR S.H51 Cott. atesa l\ll 1-ZUt BELL BROADWAY MORTIJARY tit Brudway, Costa Mesa ua..iw DILDAY BROTHERS H1111Un.rto11 Valley Mortuary 17111 Btach Blvd. Rmttiagton Beacb au.mt PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK c-lerl' e M°""ary CUptl SIM Plldfle View Dri,·e .Newport Beodl, CaUloralo - I ~ i . . "" Calling P.olice up t9 f;h~ic ;llor • ' ........ M 16, IM • Space Kitchen Pamela. Smith pr8j>lU'es a display of the space kit. ch en used in "2001: A Space Odyssey" for the 19611 Orange County Home end Decorators Show 1 sc:hed .. uled for ·J one 2048 al the 'Anaheim Convenlion Center~ Grand · Jurors Trying To Better Press Ties SANTA ANA -DelillMd county newsmen today are welcoming an Orange County Grand Jury iMontlon ·that coold lead to a lon1 overdue establishment of a d e q u a t e communication between the pre!S and the investigative panel. In what is regarded u a radical and highly welcome (for the press) departure from traditional press-jury rela- tionships. the panel resolved to vote on which of three pro- cedures will be used in con- veying tbe niture ot future decisions to newsmen. Those procedures were detailed in today's resoluUon as: -The calling of • press conference and the aoticiling of questions from newsmen. -Issuance of a press release with the statement, resolution or report, givirig supplementary information. -lS!Wlnct of the stalt- ment, rtlOlaUon ·or re:Port m itstlf -tht pruent method by whir.6-.Grand Jury information b1 distributed. One of those methodJ of con- veying information wm be Ul- td on all r uture occaaions ln- "Yolving Grand Jury action. Land Sou ght For SA Park SS Opens New Office ANAHEIM' -A new Socio! Security office to s e r v t rt1idents of . A n a .h e i m , Fullerton, Buena Park Brea, Yorba Linda, Placentla and La Palma opeoed he\'e today. The new branch omce, designed to supplement the existing Social Security office in 5anta Ana, will be located in the Granada Shopping Center, 1070 N. State <;ollea:e Blvd. Ralph A . ., Dlllmaq, ,dislr\c\ manager fo< the lederal Social Seeurltf · Admlrustratlon in Orange County. ~ the new: otflce ls neeessa·ry .to bindle SANTA ANA -Famed lncrut1ed workJoadl. Th.t aviator Douglas "Wrong Way" , populal{on of tht aeven titlet Ccrrl11an Ls one of si1 def en-to be served by the new ,o(flcJ, dant.s who'll get tl\eir land· ht~. Is about-41~.ooo: owning wings clipped If a AbCRtJ, 40.,000 micltn.t. o( the current eminent domain action stven cltiai curreriUy rective b approved in Superior Court. SO<:bl SecvrUr beQe11l,\ -~ C o r r i g a n , two other ing more than $3 m!lnon per mtmbert of his family , the Tl· month, Dillman added. tJe lMUrl.lltt and Trult Co. Ind the Uniled Sla!H of America are stated to be the owners of land wanted for development by the city of Santa Ana. P.1Mt of lhe terrain ouUlned in the complaint ii currently conrined to orange IJ"OVH. The city complaint indicates lh1t the acrtagt will be In- cluded in development of " 1J1.acre park In the. Orange Road·Westwood street 1eetor. 'Y' Directors Meet Tonight l . . I n CORONA DEL MAR ' ' IT•"-h!>i.-toMwdf loiilta weight ond ~ •ilff lo< good.~tohOM ondoolyW ...... Woldtet$•. Ma,., -ol ...... tlvouohouttheUoiled Slotes and in other Ports olthe-1<!.......,fuOy lolow OVf Mftllbae weight coolrnl ...,.,_, No pills. No stamrtia. diols.Y°"eat_......, meol$a dorOlld lh9a, Sotl'le, and Yol loM ........ 0on·1-.tllildola. 1fl ,. , ct 1 um W..U, ... SUD c ~s OPENINGS NOW I THIS WEDNESDAY, 9:30 o.m. or 1:00 p.m. •f !ht Co1111111i111ity Co1t9r•t •ticH11I Churc\ 611 H1liotrop1 leff Co11t H...,'y)I CALL 1:11-JSft" hr h rfter ,....,_,... ASK FDR FREE BROCHURE GRAND OPENING OF IVERSON'S 'NEW PAD! It's finally happened to Newport Beach (and to the world)-a genuine, hones:t-t6-goodness BUG·A- BA LOO! Nobody's ever had one before but, it was bound to happen, and Iverson thought of it! lver$on's ''ped" is his brand new Volkswagen building which is the largest and most beautiful in th!! United States. Conceived with an artistic flair, it houses the very latest in service er.id diagnostic eQuipment, and-'is a perfect shoWqase for dis- pleying the latest changes in the Volkswagen line (that· ls, if you can spot the changes). A FREE BUG! During the world's first BUG·A ·BALOO, Iverson will giv". awa¥ a sparkling new 1969 Volkswagen (atherwrs" known as "The Bug"). All yQU have to do is p~y us a visit. If you've ne'!er been to a B UG·A·BALOO, now is your opportunity t o be among t~e firs.ti Al the BUG-A·BAL90 ; you'll .see the'-(ateat lti Volksw'agens and Porsches, within a layout:the 1lke'a ofw~ich you've never seen before! • I I '' · BIJC!l·A:SALOO refreshments await those that · · CAAE-tos..e·abmething different! Now"a·the time to put a ''Bug" in your house! .......... C 445 E. COAST HIGHWAY ~ '" ""'"' """' NEWPORT BEACH 0 ' 673.0900 s '~f-~ ~ The harbor area's only authorind Volkaw,pn d .. 1,r. • \ tt £1 l! I For The Record • • Births cltfdl. YI Btlty l•, 'dtfd!. &. lll'tlH eotnl>lal!WnT Pllft, '""'° J"'' \IS Cltn1rd Arlie' ' ST MM M I T '( l.twrtni, 9trtler• I . Yl OoMld ll . • IOUTH c:o• .. ,.,,,,c ~ u .....___ "" ,..,. Souk"'' Rebecca R. w .._..Id J. MtJ U lllalr, Edlffl J. "' Robert G. JN. tnd Mr1. CIMorln E. Wtlll Jr., •12 ,,l'lnMr, R1ndo\pli "'Don. El.lint C.tlla 1'Wn11, S111 lemlflte, bDy ' l'trN. I•-"f'ortlllo ¥1 llourenct MtlY 11 W_, 11.-ld L VJ JeMlfv M. Mr, 1t'ld Mr1. lltoblrl M. Ailtflo 33111 AldlftlM, Dan L Yl Ctrol htll I .. Vlollt Ltn!trn. DIM l'olnl, tlrl p-, flllll« Mtoy vs Allthoi\r ' ,,.,.., lJ Dom.n. IC.t i' Die,.. "' Sttwn Jol#ll ~ Mr. t nd Mr1. Robert E. 0.J-t , lU ,..,,, ........ , z . .,. l'l'Ul<I s • ..._ Grtl'*:lt1 S.n Clemtn!t, 11•1 .. ""'""' ,.. Mr -Mn. llobe<'I E -· lH Meec:t, Alkl• Ooro!hy Vi l'Wl"I' ,. Peilodt, Sion Cll,,_ .. , 11rl E<tw.,.t f" Mr. tnd Mt1. Otnltl R, Pl1UHKo lSS El l'lotrvwMr;l, Vtrclt M, \II A.111wr J. t L..,111!1, '-n Cll~nl1" l lfl J.,'TINrt, VIVllllM 51¥ ¥1 Olol Hfl'Mrt I. Mr Ind Mra. Oon o. Edwlber..,., 134 Fleldl, Clliutll' J,, Jr. ¥1 t>onott11• L, I.. AW Oolora, S.n OllMfll,, llo'!' J1y, DllDl'n Anll ,,. Giibert ~ Mr ' Ind Mrl. P. Or-KMnl'IM. HJ LOf"ft, ltllY M. ,,_ l"llf' L. ( f tobol S.n Clll!Nfllt bor 5ut10r1, MV'I Jo ¥1 Alll!lft Fr ink ~ r I ' "'"' 11 ' Kurl!I, Lind ." VI Cll1rltl Wlllllm .. M•. Ind Ml'I. J1mn P. Jorlft. 741 ""' l"edet1t11. JMl'I Mlrl!Yft ,,. L'f1Tllll ,.. flllnle, kn Cl-'9. bar C..:11 , M• Ind Mr1. G-.. W. Ktlllf', 2!241 Htlflf.ld, Edllfl l . VIC ... ''" E. " Millnto Drlw , L19UNI NI-I, 1lrl MltdMllUH , LI"'" Cr11t ¥1 Jlldllfl Alln "'-' 11 I' Mr. 1nd Mn. H1rl'Y T, Ablf' .... lfly, 7'S H11n . Jimmy G. ¥1 EdM M. ~ Coll! vi ...... L11<1n1 e.lch. bo't' 8t.W., Lon .:tfllll•d ¥1 Mktl<ll~ Lo..!11 • Mil' • TFlollwllOll. S.ndt• Jo VI Eddie I< Mr. 11'1d Mr1. Ak!J!!:d J. Al .. n, 11M 0-ll'M ThomlUOfl ,_ Ave. G1¥lol1, S.,:i_1~'\'l'*'' .. boV l("°IUIClfl, Gtrlkl tv1fl rt Kllhtrlnt ~ Mr Ind Mfl. &rl1n E. Vld<trY. 4l1 Alln ., c1i1t O.LICICl1, S1n Cllmaftlt, bol' Cowin, Mlrv VI Jerry Allon • M1v tt Doutll1u. aerlh1 L. v1 L•u•f l I" • • Mr. 1nd Mr1. Clifford J. Hltla. 113 W. Stutmkt, Judl' N. ¥1 Donlld W. Ctl\ldl, 51n Cltmitn11, .1lrl Not.,., Jlldllll G1U v1 Jlmml' L1wrentt jl Mr Ind Mr1. Polllld 5. M ..... 111. U21J MlllOll. Sl'llrlty HIVH l'I Tllom11 ,. L1 'H•-· LT!'! NI-~ 1lfl s.mvel I Mr elld Mrl. ~I 'i. Gutw. 21S VII NII._, Noel Robert vs "•trlcll c s.oCorro. kin C It, t lrl Chr11111\Mn " Mr tlld Mrl. Phi II L. N,,.,lt •. 1"11 0111ev1 •lllh M. ,,. Rldltrd Jlov lo ~11\111 Orlw .. N..,..._.I ltKll. tl~lil• kl!wfl\lf , Evnl« C, VI •obert II:. ~ Mr Ind M(f.. OMld M. 11or-. A•ulrr•. Vl ... 1• M. ¥1 Jot M. It-Lli lolll.. Sin Clffntnle, twl" llo'i't d9 Codell, Jo Mn vs Fr1nl!!ln A. Mr. 1nd Mr•-Jol'ln It. Trllll-a rown, S111trot1 Jun..,. James loul• " Cflllw, LI"""' 8Mch. bor , Mr tnd ,,.,,,_ Chitin I. Vldn. 2tcn H•rll, .Dlf M•r~ ¥1 IUc:ll•rd Oon•lc! t VII VtN....,., LHU .... NI-Ii.~,. -· Albert, Jllc .... rd Clifford ¥1 Emmi Oort Dr and /INa. Edwll'd .J W1icn. • ., Htrmer, Nll'IC'I' LN VI 0on Ludlow •-c 1i11 Ptunl1, Sa11 Clementt, boJ eozvucri, A-K•lhlff" v1 ""'"'°"" • MeJ )4 llftl Moorl, Wiibur LN n Jtuit lH • Mr •!Id Mr1 .• Jowph e11111rr•, Hoblls. El!Je~ A, 'II DoMld L. • o.i ObllPO Strffl, Sin Ju•n ci.iitr•no. Cook, Gtyltl l"itrlcl1 "' Flayd •tx •1lrt T -.. •-·· Mr. Ind Mrl. GrllOl'Y L, efll, .....,, ltutllo. JHUS, Jr. VI rr ...,..,ff t> ,,.,. .... , OIM Point, t lrt ... ..-. PPWIMI C. 'II Jclln T. Iii-Mn U J-. .11 ... L . .,. C.flMrlM S. '"Mr. 1nd Mr1. fl~ Liflllqwi.f, 251S! 811Ttlt, 01-Robert, \'I. AldMI.-0. .. " ~~"~. =~tdor ""-Jr~ 1501 lll'llnf, LI Molnfi Ltillf' ¥1 MltlCY L"" • estrtlll. s... Cllmln!fc1 •lrl G•rrftt, Ellllbtlll A. "" v..--• ,....., 111 Ed'w'1fll r IW Md MB. Rudolt •-Aulul'( 1l1t Mtrt111. Glf'tld C. vs Murltl "· " !!'i""' Dr!"11, it-= r-~-:.. llD1 Hollowl'/', OW'l'I C. VI •-Id 0, !'IW'~~-Polnl, ~:~~---Jr ::::;."~~·:::=..'::l.' ; ~·~Wit c.-T£r-.!"·~i:1 ,. V~tmtr911, Gtt-11dl!MI D11111 ¥11 JeM • JM Md Mrt . .Mtnutr L.. trld,no. 105 AloHrl, J-LtMre ¥1 Ctrm\M C, • LI "aOflld. Sin Cltmlnle. twl" DOY• GlllNre, N1nao l'I J...ill 011t t Mr l..0 Mrs. E.llwtrd L. l!vtM,, 1'19 White, GIDl'lt M. VI Ct lVlll 0 . , c1i1t Puent1, Sin C""""te,, t lrl, JIOt Fowltr, sv1v11 a.u"' "•ul i.-r Mr 1nd Mrl. ~tfl H. l'IOITll t ' ,,_ ,. , ...... , e1 'c1m1no •111, 5•n c .. ,,,....., •"' •KY· .. .... v1 ...,... .... .. MIJ n DIM. 811tti.r1 J•rt VI a • .., .... • IW' Ind Mr• Otvld w. YllUlll. ln Ch11mtr1, Kttfllten Normen ,,. Jolln ~ Pa9l1r Slreet. "L11un1 a.tell. """ Alt• Ml">' tt Su>:Uk!, Mltotnt M. \'I Htllrr T. 'Mr. Md Mrl. Frid J. Abft'tl, Sin SllllOl\o S.ndrt J, "' Lff Vlrw;el\f ~ .5.~m::::i•·J~~~ Anlhon'I' H. PtttJ, Sill C ... m~r1, Mtrlet'll I.. VI It-If L, • Juin C:tl'lstr1no.. '•'",. !irlderl, Jean Tl11! ¥1 Jim • I Glrtll, Oonltll'I' J, VI L-l"ll\CI Q. • ¥.r illd M'11. WI lltm S. l"tlllbrldl. Alt•1ndtt, Ir-Mlrle wt T"- t )1 302 MontlftY, ~!..f! .. L,•-w'i:'-~M1'2 •oblrt f Mr 1nd Mrl .JOSI..-• · Ill-. Fr11tr, Clf'OIYft I ..... •oblrt ll. c:oist Hlfhwt'f, 01 .... Polnl, llllfY, e 1rt.tn J-,... Wt}tlr D9ni.t M9T 11 Jp ... ~ Elcll YI Dontld Mr, Ind Mrl. Etrl M. Gtllo!I kidl. ··-.,,.,_ 0 . "1 Jlldlrtl H. 'I. &,tttllrd C1nVOI\ Ori"' lHUnl ,..,~ "' I I Ytn "'""'-Albert Wlllltrn ¥1 Jtll1 ~ and Mrl. Ill!!. R. It--. 11' Diii ,,.,,,.. ~ ll:tPo.e ,lt,v-t. J::.C~· t lrl IClnll, Mlrltn ,.l'IYltlt YI MldlHI Y ·-·~ .... tlV'I ... ~ Marlin Fr1nce1 ... Rll' HtNkl Mr Ind Mr1. ltllf · " ,..,...iNdi: MlkNll. 1lfftrl1 •• ¥1 ~ WIHl-VUil l"IClflC Ori .... Huntl .... Dll S';!!,."t.., S.'-... Mirr J-=-Ind Mn-JUI!\ G. SlllJ.lr Sr .. MUS F~, ~~A. VI Hl"f, (. ~'111~~· i.°:~ ~~"~;.,\:.r. 211 .t=· 1=;~'i"~~:;;... Do~ln Drl'fe· <X•-1, .... bol' GMrOI NM -• L-, V1ctw ·~ \'I llfeel'li " Mr 11'4 Mrs. Wl\"M 0 . ltllW'll. ..... Kum-I 'Vii ft Frtfllt, hn CllfPltnl" t\l'l HltbUrn, Loulte VI J-V. ' • • Divorces 1MTt•LOCUTO•Y 01.C:ltl.lS GtUM. Ger11dln1 Ltl "1 lt1!1d ... ,N Mlllnts, lvnnl Ellinl YI Mlft C. O Mtrt-.,, Judith L. ¥1 LtoMrll KIO•· Anne "ll JICOtl Li.rT!llr "':iii' Cl111cll1 S." ltldlVI E. It 1<1. Lllllft A. "1 ~Id It. Vi n ,,., Piii-¥ Lou VS GIN ll:oMrt llODIM. J1rvl1 N11t11ni,1, .... JOdr FUil""'' ~~ I. ¥1 W~~m H. ~=;. L P•tr~T: "~~ '\•1 Jt mes Fr1ncl1 Thom••· An,. H. v1 Loul1 Hom•r loerlltr, "''°" S. VI Wlllll m -I Ouwffltnd, EllUMth N, ¥1 Wllllom ' lhtd, Mir!• Anl'>I YI Elmer Gtortl " H"net., Pll•'f E. v1 H1rltl' 0, l Gll!lt/ler, l1mlc1 MIY l'I Ot~ltl G1arte ICrli\'?:r.' Jr., Jtfl\M Mtrll VI M1rvf" i;,";"J,:,,,";" 51\ttllfl J"" "'-W!lrntr lawi!ll. (1rolv11 J, VI GltM'I 11:. e11w1r11 PIMA\. OIC:•lll OuPlr.,,y, Julll Ern1 YI Gtor1e1 O'lrltr" Ranni• Jo "' Pttrlcli: ,. e11w1rd Tulln Ht.WY ¥1 C1rol Jlavmond 11.!.0.r, Htnrl•l!I YI Rkhtrd John TrttnelM, •Olllkl Ot l'kl YI Jtlfllll .J Rhodi1, Cllr!1l\ne ""n v1 Oennl1 w1rd MoAno, Oo11 l'I Al!On lO • Snetldon, Jt..,. w .. J•. ,,.. 01rl1 Je•n 11 RDWe, Gtof'lll E. VI 1111 J. Loul1t c_,., ll011nl1 LN "' AlwVft cs • P1l1y, Otvlcl 0 . VS P11nell V. L.....,, Oor!1 ¥1 Arlll\I• 0on ,.,,,n •• K1V M. VI Tlmollll' I Mtr1'!MJ, LUPI! ()rn.111 l'1 Jdln Mtd ll -I MlrtlMJ, ls.tb91 L. VI Avlllll DI Allll111. Mtrl:ll GtH 'II ROiif' John Mll)On, Cllel'YI J"""' \'I M.911' Clayton Wlllon, Chtr1"11 Y. VI (trlYM i:. JOMt. Yon e . l'I Ml""'" L. Slllltr, $1'!1ron L. VI Dutne •. O"'VV• C11MrlM A.. ¥1 l'r1flk 0 . K11h!n, Pt1rt J. ¥1 H1.,,ld W. Lumlllr.ln, Terri l tt v• Guinn flwln ~ lun1tdtfl, Mtrlhl Loli VI Oon•NI Kn, Mtrlorle L. VI ll'Mlf It. Sd'lw1rtr. l"l'lrl E. I , ¥1 Glf'lld S. 0-, Lil.-Adelt ,,. OW!tht Otv141' i Hi!f:~ Mtrtl~ t . Jr., •Ill. a cross YOUR PROBLEM: You wlKf"t&-..fl iidmi Item that you no ton,er nHd but someoM el.. can use for NOT OVER $50 1 1 1 1 ? ? YOUR ANSWER: You call THE DAILY PILOT, 11k for Cl111lfitd Advertising. and place • PILOT PENNY PINCHER CtASSIPllD AD AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE 3 LINES 2 TIMI '$ 2 D·OL ,LAlt$ DIAL NOW DIRECT! 642-5678 !Toi ......... _ -11•1 AND YOUR CltlDIT IS 0000 I ........,,,,,,, Mooldq, JUM 16, 1969 DAILY PILOf Jl ' AN NJV RSARY Si4\L: • ' ' ' ' • I I' tqWEST RRICES OF .TH& YEAR IN EVER'? DEPARTMENT AT ALL 17 . · Cutnbe:rluid. 6.9' our entire collection of Sango china now reduced 203 to 333 20 3 to <33'ro1- for 1 weeks onJr. yoo may sa•t ott beautiful Smgo china ita anr a( out 24 pattern•. Each trim· med in 14 kt. JOld oc platinum. ' piece place id· ting hu dinner pl.tte, 1al1d platr, bread and but· ttt. tup and llUttr. Open stock a t ll>'jf, 1a•inp. 3.99-699 savings on lovely silver plated hollow~re from F. B. Rogers )!lit iii timl' for Jiaa. ..ldinp •.. ow a-.ilal UIOrtmmt el. .i..-hollowut. AU pt .. .,. hee.•il, plued ... ~ ...... lll&OJ "" la•ith tppl.illd botdert.. ShOW9 , _ _. eol...._: ......... pico 49.99 uve on pand cut, polished lead crystal from Bavaria •; ±• ananr faceted lead ayKaJ actft90ri• at ...,_.cii111 11."tio1s. Tht:rt an m1111 b.u· tlhd .,a. Ni the toll«tion , .. they'll mab ltllnainJ &if1t. Or, why not t{e&t younelf. Llaittd quantitiet. Shown: supt.\'. ttnrner M'l. "'' 10.00, 599 new si x piece porcelainittd cookware set from Dcacowin: S•" • Mautifal. _pfliCtiaJ o.arn... r. !:ht ... fampue coolrt,tte yo. kn• • • ..,, ....c1. ' piett -CU: irGll widt •if• ... name. • 1old pcrctlain muior. IoclWI. ~ CJuaft l'O'lertd illtC.h vrea. 1" aal r .,_ skiU.. ancl lYJ ~-"""'-fa "!"" -....... ,. 2199 • -- • • may·~ south c~1t plaza, son diego fwy at bristol, cost~ mesa; 546 • 9321: · 1hoP, mon~~l t~rough 1aturd•y I 0 o.m. to 9:30 p.m ' I I l'VIAVCO . . • i I \ I ......,, ..... 1&. lM Real Sports Fan A funny thing happened on t.h_e w~y to the hone~· moon. The bride stopped to see a bicycle race. This Montecatini Terme, Jta1y bride's husband will never · be nagged about too much time for sports events on television. Republicans Eye Heir To Virginia Demos WASHINGTON (UPIJ -Is Harry Flood Byrd Jr., scion of Virginia's old and traditional p6litical dynasty, ready to shed his party heritage and become a Republican? It's a possibility, although the odds are long. Once again, as they do from time to tiriie, reports have surfa.-ed that the &4-yw old senator might turn his bact on the Democrats and pledge his allegiance to the GOP. One report even indicated an aooouncemenl was imminent. rumors link a defectioo with Byrd's 1970 re-election cam· paign. The one person who could kill or kiodle all the-nnnon refuses ta do either. Byrd takes astute refuge behind what sounds like a reasonable comment : "I do not comment on rumors." !! ~ I NO COM~tENT ;. But would this be the com-J TOP TEACHER J im Newkirk Harbor Instructor Wins Award Jim Newkirk. Newport Harbor High School social ' studies teacher, has been given a '·Beacon Award" for ~ being an outstanding educator by Newport-f\1esa Education ; Association. '! Newkirk received the honor at the teachers' recent award ' and installation banquet for • his influencing st udents to : tutor Cisadvant.aged children · in Santa Ana . A "Beacon Award'' for men1bers of tlle co1nmunity , \'fas given lo James \Vood, 'Mesa Verde rcaltor. "'ho was · C{rO rganizcr of '' C it izens Forum " school support group and chairman or the bond campaign Election Day Com. mittee. Paul t-.1otzkus. r o r m e r NMEA president, was presented the teacher associa· lion award. Newkirk, a Harbor lligh graduate himsel f. earlier this year with another t.cacher brought blac.k students to the school from Dorsey lHgh in Los Angeles in a race re)a. lions program. lie also took studenls on an Easter Week tour to the East Coast. Installed as new ofricers were Gordon Becktold, presi· dent : Mrs. Doris Se b b o, secretary, and Doug \Vatland , treasurer. Principal address at the ar- fair was given by Dr. Richard D . Batchhelder, executive director of the California Teachers Association Southern Section. ment of a politician who never has considered s w i t c h l n g parties or a senator who hu been wooed by the opposition and rejected outright it! bJ.an.. dishments? WouJd it, for instance, be the reply of Senate Democratic leader Mike Mansfield? Or Sen. William B. Spong, also of Virginia? Not likely. Aside from Byrd 's refusal to make a Shennan-like state· ment renouncing any am- bilions to cross the aisle and take up residence with the Republicans, what other con· siderations ga into t h e speculation about the senator's plans? -Until a very recent poll , taken in connection with Virginia 's currenl gubernat-orial primary cam- paign. Byrd was considered vulnerable in his bid for re- election. The latest poll ~hows him running very strong among the state 's Democrats. -Virginia Republicans unabashedly admit they have wooed Byrd and the feeling is that a coalition of the Byrd machine and the GOP could rule Virginia for twa decades. -Byrd likes to think of himself as an independent but his record refutes it. Like his late father, he i s ptulosophlcally more attuned to lhe Republicans and not the liberal Republicans either. He is a Virginia Democrat but certainly on the right bank of the mainstream o( the na· tional Democratic Party. RECENT PRECEDENTS There are-recent precedenls for party switches by leading politicians. Former Sen. Wayne·.Morse of Oregon quil the Republican Pa rty in 1952 and subsequently joined the Democrats. ln 1964. Sen. Strom Thur· mond. the "Dixiecrat" party presidential candidate in 1948, dropped his formal ties with the Democrats and became a Republican. Byrd would be readily ac- cepted by the Republicans and would risk looing little within the Senate hierarchy. We do have the largest stock of SHAG CARPET at ~e lowest prices! l)ON'S CARPET SHOP tz .... ,.......,..,...111111..,.1 Of sounfMAIN " ' ORANGE .-AN .N·IVERSARY SALE . . LOWEST P'RICES OFTHE YEAR IN EVERY DEPARTM ~NTAT ALL 17STORES ANNUAL SALE OF FAMOUS-MAKER NO-IRON DRESS AND SPORT SHIRTS a most colorful selection of dress shirts Bright blue, raspberry, green, gold yellow and of course, classic while. Permanen1 ly pressed polyesler and ccillon. Cool. Wrinkle-free. Solids, slripes, pallerns, Spread or but· 'ton-down collars. 14~ to ·J7. Save more on 3 for 11.00 regularly 5.00-6.50 3 • 7 9· an enoromous choice of men's sport shirts Thousands of trim-tapered Ivy style sport shirts with butlon !lawn collars. Many patterns and solids. Cool, short sleeve slyles that never need ironing, wear without wrinkles. S-XL. regularly 5.00-6.00 2 • 9 9 may co men's furnishi ngs ·6, sportswear 84 • ' • ' ; • ! ; I • ' may co south coast plaza, son dl990 frMway at bristol, costo mesa: 546-9321 shop monday through saturday, l 0:00 a.rn. to 9:30 p.m, l . ~' ;· . . . I . ; ·'· t • :; · t f ·I · -' ! i " • -' " ' . ' . .. : ,, ' \ . i . ' ., ! ' ' I . } " -. I/ I I MAY CO • • -. -------------....,....-------·----·-~--------.. -----. -. -. - Volvo Dealer Digs Job Sod is broken with hubcap for new Dean Lewis Im- ports showroom, to house Volvo agency at 1966 Har- bor Blvd., Costa Mesa, by owner Dick Lewis, who hopes to open next month. Property was former site of Ethel Struve home, a rambling residence inoved to new address as part of land buy. Mrs. Struve had lived in the 19-year-old structure si nce it was built and the elderly woman wished to con- tinue to make it her home. Even Russians Worry On Morals of Youth MOSCOW (AP J -Soviet parents arc puzzled, too. Unusually outspoken articles in the Sovie~ press disclose NEW YMCA AIDE Leslie Doak Y Names Program Director Newest appointee to the staff <>f the Orange Coast YM- CA is Leslie Doak, who will take over his duties as Com· munity Program Director. He is to join the staff June 23, according to Hugh Mynatt, chairman of the local Y personnel committee. Mynatt said Doak will supervise such Y activities as the Indian Guides, Indian r.1aidens, Gra-Y, Tri·Gra·Y, some Junior and Senior Tri· Hi· Y events and the camping pro- gram. He joins the Orange Coast YMCA after educational work at George Williams College, Chicago, Ill ., where he has been studying for his MA degree. parental concern over min.iskirlS, drinking and sex. A lively debate on how to improve teen-age m o r a I s sprang up after the govern· ment paper Izvestia reported a court case involving 15--year· -0ld girls' affairs with married men. A flood ol letters from readers suggested ways to handle the problem. Many urged parents and s l a t e authorities to be stricter. "I would forbid the showing of all foreign films, as well as some of ours," wrote -0ne reader. He complained abet the recent Soviet movie "Once ~1ore About Love," which took a sympathetic look at young people's problems. Another reader, apparently an· elderly man, said: "Thi! idotic fashion of short skirts ntust be banned. Men cannot travel by streetcar." One parent called f o r stricter censorship to weed -0ut books about the seamy side of : life. The writer complained about the novel "What Makes the World Go Round." in which "they glorify a girl born out of wedlock." One rea der called for rehabilitating such discredited customs as beating children with a leather strap or smear- ing tar on the front gate of a girl's home as a mark of shame. Children who are whipped uremember this for a long time," the reader said. At this point a woman writer for Izvestia drew the line. Commenting on the letters, L. Ochakovskaya said beating and olher cruel punishments only teach children to be cruel themselves. She called instead for tolerance a n d un· derstanding of the n e w generation. Mrs. Ochakovskaya delend· ed outspoken modern movies and books, saying they merely reflected life. She said the ad· vocate of stricter censorship would wind up banning sucb classics as Leo Tolstoy's "An· na Karenina'' because its heroine is immoral. Are Ypu Troubled With.. Problems? Tolkl11t them •••r ""ith ,. ,C•111selor may IOI•• tllem. Call DIVERSIFIED COUNSELORS Today Hoen: 10 te I -67S.2JOO -ht. by AppollthM«t I See by Today's Want Ads ~~"-...::~~t::;~~ e Ed, come hornt', your own· t'rs miss )'OU. Look for a grey Poodle WC!llring a red collar. •Vacation time 111 here! Take a trip wttb this '59 Th:!ld & Stream, sleeps 5 and ha~ a canvas side room. Ideal way lo get 11.way from it all. e Titke· this beautiful .C year old Filly and show oft lotl ot pcnona.lity plUJ. ' ' MondoJ, June 16, 1'169 . DAil. Y Pit.Of J;! j I \ \. ' ' . '· ' Ji '· 'J' \ ' flowing nylon gowns in pastels or brights Shown i• iu1t one gown from o collection of many 1tylM. Choose lacy, embroidered, or 1imply 1tyled. Fosh ionoble wolt1 le nglll gowns. In po1telt or bright colon. were 9.00 to 13.00 5.99 pull-on flare pants in smooth stretch nylon These are the pant~ that give you perfect f it. Because when you bend a nd 1tretch and move, they do, too. In navy, block, powder blue or gold, in 1ize1 8 through 18. 13.00 comparable value 8.99 moy co c;iclive 1por11wear 76 ' • ' . •• • ';~· . { ... panties in nylon . . . choose briefs or bikinis o . Bikini!, Burling!On ,nylon tricot fiber by Mon1tonto Blue C®. Wh ite, pastels, 5·6·7. reg. 79c, 65c eo. 6 for 3.69 b. Br iefs of Burlington nylon tricot fi!Mr by Monstt·:u,to Blu~ C®. White, pastels, 5.4.7, reg, T .35, 1.09 ea. 3 for 2.99 may co daywear lingerie' 28 ;· ' ' l f, . j) ri-/ -\ ~· \ \ ; } \ \ .. ' . ' ' ) I. I t\ (, cool cotton knit pants and shirts Ponls and tops to live in com• 1umm1r. Cotton 1hirt1 in sizes smoll, (n•dium and lorge. Pants, in 1iies 8 to 16. c, 7.00 top. 3.99 d, 6.00 ;ornoico, 2.99 299. 3 99 w•.re 6.00 to 7.00 to moy co bou1,vord sport1weor 16 , , .. . . • -. . J the classic cardigan in easy-care acrylic Thi1 cla11ic cardigan comesln powder blue, peach, lilac, yellow, "avy. re.:!, white, or block. lt'1 the perfect lightweight wrap, great wilh pants er skirt!, sir.e• 36 to .42. • ' I 6.00 value 4.99 ' : ~­ -Cotton twill sep_arates they're summer winners We show you just one of o collection of to0I and ciomfortabl• penh, wlott11, and mid· riff t•p• In novy, orange Of whit• fashion colora. Siret 8 to 16. wer. ,,00.13.00 may co tklrtt, coordlnOl•1 101 ------------ may eo south coast pla1a , sen diego fwy et bristol, costa mesa; I shop monday through saturday I 0 a.m. to 9:30 p.m 546. 9321 . i , MAVCO ' ' ~ i I I .. 14 , DAll.Y PILOT S Molldq, Ji/ii< 16, 1969 ' • • Vice PresidentS Picked Uoited CAlllomla Bani< has 1ppolnted l'.W B. lle¥lln, -Something New!- -(HOC-LIKS -11e coming- If ;,.. l"west.d on the trouncl floor with compm1· les lll!e Polaroid, M & M'~ °' G•eral Electric-where would yow be ,....,1 Sec our ad In tt.e l1t1lnns Op- Ja.me5 E. Hanna, ~ D. Johnson, William lluwU, aacl La.......,. B. w1i-1o vice presidents. Devlin is manqer o t resean::b and development at lhe bank's business 3ef'Vicel center; Hantu1 ls a trust ad- minislr&tor at the Bev~ HUis Trust Office; John.a:oh b .siles training director m·the Los Angeles Headqua.ri,tn marketing division; ~·ls head of the estate and incqme t'ax section of the trust <livision; and Wilson is direc- tor of urban affairs. Better Picture CHICAGO (U PI) -Admiral Corp. ·has announctd price reductions of $10 to $30 on col· or television·reeeivers. MODEST INVESTMBIT CAN BUY YOU A WHOIHAIE BUSIN£SS Of YOUR OWN! am ... _,, Mf'M-•_.,.., m.,dl•llllllllt .,...,.1u11 ... Comii-nY"1 dlllff" •iHc:ttlo!I P'tlll••m rl'Ulrn -!Kai• •uPClllt'I' IO 1....,,lc• rt!lil out!•~ In tltl1 l rtl. Suc<fllhll 1ppllc1nt Wiil own •Ml -•1• I wlloltw~ b\islneu. OVr P•Dll••m (Ill• IOr \"OU to 1t1r1 i.mlll, wllh """''"' in~es:meou wol't.ln9 onlV l>lrl llrM -tntn ••P•ltd lo i.rg~ •••lion. A1pld gl'OWllt PO- t.iilltl. Good rtiiui.tlon In '(OU• IOCll tr .. Is I prllTllP reqv!1l!l!, 11 lnltrl'll .. , plftff ""111 !IMlulll ... ,,..,.. ........ llltlfll6er~ .. Mr. W.lfll U. M. INDUSTlllS, INC. 12ll M. Hl9hlolld ·-·lei A ....... Cellf. 90011 12111 466·7641 ••••••••••••• ! • • • • with new ~ LUCKY TICKET -Miss Newport Beach, Bonnie McDonald, picks out winning card in Volkswagen drawing and hands it to dealer Chick Iverson . At left is Isabel Pease and at right Jack Barnet of Newport Harbor Chamber of Com· merce. In High ~ear Student Wins Iverson Bug By CARL CARSTENSEN Dallv Pll91 A.11'-0tl\ltl •dltw Newport Harbor High School student Sharon Halloway of Corona de! Mar is the proud owner or • new "Bug." She was the · winner of a drawing at Chick Iverson's new Volbwagen headquartert at Coast Highway and Bayside Drive, Newport Beach. Miu Newport Beach, B o n n i e McDonald, drew S h ·J r o n ' s name from a Valkswagen trunk loaded with contestant cards. • Iverson., one of the more successful VW dealm in Califomia, bas rolled along at a record pace since the dealership was opened late in March. Nationally, Volkswagen dealers sold 52,047 vehicles in May. the highest monthly sales figure .since October when Volkswagen dealers set a record. * * * AMC CONFIRMS NEW SMALL CAR American Motors bas con- fifmed that it will introduce a new small car in the fall. Roy D. Chapin J r . , Amerlan Motors chairman. said the car will be a "totally new' addition." The car, to be named the Hornet, will be somewhat .smaller t h a n anything currently being pro- duced by AMC. American Motors dealers are being advised this week or the new 1970 product program. Chapin bas said the company is "well along" in developing new products to compete in the compact and import car market Chapin also said recently that AMC has plans to introduce one "entirely new product every six months for the next three years," starting this fall . There isn't any question that American Motors is gunning for tbe big time both in com- petition and performance and is trying to comer a good share of the new sub-eompacl and ever-increasing sport car and imported car markets. * * * Ol.DS CHIEF SEES EXPANSlON AHEAD ''The autornobile business requires constant change to keep a customer happy" said John B. Bellz, Oldsmobile's new general manager. He ad- ded, "We will continue to im- prove the appearance of our cars but the times dictate even greater emph;\.sis on im· provements in engineering, design and in improved pro- cedures for the manufacturer and assembly of our cars.'' the division ls headed for a new aMual sales record, the third such achievement in the past five years. * * * AMA BOOKLET CITES RECORDS The AMA's new booklet points out some of the lesser known automotive records mtablished in 1968. For example, Am er j c an vehicles consumed 80.9 billion gallons of motor fuel last year while traveling better than one trillion mlles . The AMA book states that during the 1968 model year more than 85 percent of U.S.· made passenger cars were equipped with V-8 engines, automatic transmissions and radios. More than 77 percent had power steering: about 45 percent were factory installed \\'ith power brakes and 43 per- cent with air conditioning. All these figures are records and it goes without saying that American new car buyers love their lui:ury regardless of cost. Other facts and figures highlighted in the new book in· elude : -Nearly 14 million persons -one of every six employed -works in the manufacture, distribution, maintenance and commercial use of motor vehicles. -U.S. has more than 800,000 automotive businesses -one of siJ: firms. -Four of eve ry five U.S .. households own an automobile with 27 percent owning two or more. -Automobiles remain the favorite means of travel with 86 percent of commuters using them to get to work. -Trucks now represent 17 percent of the nations registered vehicles and pay 32 percent of special federal and slate vehicle taxes. Bonus Balance checking Beltz met with Southern California newsmen as the recently appointed chief ex- ecutive of Oldsmobile. He also added that he believes lhe auto industry is on the lhreshold of its greatest period of expansion. "Ifs also going to be Oldsmobile's greatesl period of opportunity,'' he said. Beltz added t h a t Oldsmobile's sales are up over 6 percent since January and -Special highway user tax- es on motor vehicles produce 21 percent of total slate revenues. -Automotive use aceounts for 60 percent of U.S. con· sumption of rubber and 20 per- cent of steel consumption. We're Looki1ig For Men Like Bill Kettler ;BONUS BALANCE checldng lll03l\S jvst what It says. Whenever'°" need extra :money, you've got it. Right in the Old checking account Bonus Balance costs you nothing until you use it. You·r~t forced to borrow one pemy monfthan • · 'you need. And you' don't pay finance 1charges one day longer than you have to. It's like writing your own terms on .your personal credit card; one piece of paper.so you know exactly where you stand. There's a built 1n 8&" curily to Bonus Balance. In the event of the borrower's death, the money used f{om Bonus Balance is Insured. The out- standing balance is paid off in full with no obrigation to the survivors. Bonus Balance offers a bonus too. A United States Nattonal Bank Coanesy -Card. Use it to cash checks at any of Our 52 Full Service oflices. Use It like cash. If you need extra money for two or three days before payday-or two or three months or more-don't live off your credi\ cards. Don't sP.,nd time fumbling through a wallet full of plastic. Just use Bonus Balance with low United States National Bank finance charges. It's cheaper and more convenient. , :trs not onfycheap, 1t·s convenient More ~nvenlent than credit.cards or-other ts1mnar bank systems. Instead of wriling .ven more checks; you pay back your loan Iha .... 1ble way. You simply make II deposit In )'OUr checfdng account. • • ~ yoa get ony one monthly statement lo cope with. I! ln~udes '°ur checking MClllOl1Us Bahmcetrameeflons-all on UNITED ••-•:Plil'F--•···--tr STATES NATIONAL -----.. ~--~~~ f - G'"' l i1hop, ISi SALES CORPORAT10N'1 R•in~ow Diwi1io" M•n•gtr in lo"q l1•ch, congr•tul1!t1 !iU IC•ttl1r who r1c1iw 1d th1 N1tion1I Auoci1tion of Lil• Undtrwrll1t1 •nd N1tion1I Ai· 1oci1tion of Lift Comp1nl11 1w•rd1 for 1.-c1plion1I ptrform1ntt • CAREER SELLING-WITH ISi SALES CORPORATION INCLUDES * Sollffy whlle ht troh1h1g 1t Trol•lllf lly l"rofft.1101101 Pffpl• for llcHtlJtt 0114 ,.,1.tratio11 "lit R•w•rcU~ •1ul 111tbfyl1'f c1tHr h1 fhte111cl11I ,_,.Ice.• l ill IC1ttl•t i1 1 fl•liw1 of H11ntin9ton l1•clri. H1 h•1 bt•fl ~ _1uc- ct11ful buintum1n for t 6 y11n btfort h1 1old out 1!\CI 101ntd ut 11 1 t•l•t t1pr1•1nl1liw1 in 1'62. Worlii"t hi1 ow11 houn •nd 11 hi1 own bo11, 8iU hit built 1 p••1ti9t c.•t•tr for I fln•11ci1I ,,,....;,,, 11r9111i11tio11 11'1111•9int owtr • billiolt tl•ll•t1 111 1tc11ri. li•1. 111 hoo V••r1 ht w•1 t iY111 •ddifle11•I r111pefltibllity •1 • di1tricl ll'l11119•r. 1;11 lri11 b1111 th1 t1clp:111t ef m11t0h ttcognit10111 in • clri1ll1n9i119 111d r1w1rdl11g "'''''· IP YOU A.IE INTEllSTED IN JOININO A DYt!IAMIC AND C.ROWING OIG-ANIZATION WITH THI OffOITUNITY fOI lfWAlO AND P'llSOHAL ADYANCIMINT, Wl'O LIXl YOU •o TALK TO llLL •mLI .. You'll 111-1 1m •vtl!fb .. •I -••""'"' Olwl'loft ~ll<t, •XII 1..-.. INC" 111\ld., l""' lltKtl, C•. Pl'I: 0 1)) d6-UlJJ tw II 1'111 llllrN IP! HUl'tllf'l91Cln IHdl (110 J.».:ioa. ' Stamps Posting Big . Gains By SYLVIA PORTER 'Would 1'Jlt pay .IJSl,000 for two 1 tiny chits of paper measuring less than one inch square each. Thls is precisely wl].at 1-Ne'f Orleans stamp dealer dld ·a while ago for a couple of 1847 stamps from the Indian Ocean Island o f Mauritius. "\llhy would anybody bid $380,000 for a couple of postage stamps?" I asked Barnard Harmer, president of H. R. Harmer, Inc., the world's largest stamp auc- tineers. "Because," explained he, "the Mauritius stamps combine just about every ele- ment of value In slamps today." FIRST, RARITY. Only 14 of these 1847 Mauritius stamps. all hand-printed with primitive printing techniques, are known to exist. The stamps sold recently are the sole known e:mmples of this type of sta1np attached to a letter fron1 Mauritius. Second, demand. Stamps from Mauritius always have been a favorite of collectors - along with those from llawaii, France, the Gennan and Italian states. The U.S. de· mand in this case goes back to 1860, only two decades after stamps were first issued in Britain. Third, condition of the stamps. In the case of the Mauritius stamps, there were no tears or creases, no defects of th.in spots, no heavy cancellation marks. Margins around the di:!sign were wide and ei:acUy even, a factor which can spell a difference Qf thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars in a stamp's valuC. The design was exactly centered in relation lo the margins. FOURTH, th e Maul"itius stamps contained a \'.ilue· boosting typographical error: instead of the notation ''Post Paid" along the edge, the stamps read "Post Office." As another example of the effect o( printing errors on stamp values, a 1918 24 cent U.S. Airmail stamp v•ith an, upside down airplane is worth some $25,000 today -while the same stamp with a right sicie up plane is worth only $10. Another important prop for stamp values -obviously not applicable to stamps from Mauritius and other small or now non-existent nations -is the economic condition or the country in which the stam,,. are issued. lf the economy ot a nation falls off, its imports and values of its stamps tend to drop. An estimated 25 million-plus are c.ollectors of stamps throughout the world today. This includes about 7 million of you in the U.S., of 'Nhoin 100,000 are considered •·serious" collectors. Yearly worldwide spending f u r stamps is now calculated at well over $100 million, and it's climbing sharply as more and more people tum to stamps as an investment medium. POSTAGE STAMPS are a traditional hedge against ln- f\ation. Over the years, stamp values have held up better than most investments tied to an individual country (savings accounts, bonds, insurance, cash) and have successfully ridden out national economic crises. primarily because the market for stamps is in- ternational. Stamps aJso are a convenient inve s tment medium because their value can be extraordinarily high in relation to their tiny size. Finally, there are few na- tional restrictions a g a i n s t buying and selling stamps. or taking them from one country to another. During the past decade, overall stamp values have risen S to 8 percent a year. In the past two to three years, the actual rise has been in the 10-15 percent range -com· paring favorably with the growth rates or well selected common stocks. TlllS YEAR. says Harmer, prices for the "best" material -such as the rarer 19th ctn· tury specimens -are up 30; percent from 1968. To ii· Justrate, a Canadian letter1 \vit.h a rare stamp which wa s1 auctioned in 1956 for $5,250 1 was auctioned again one year. ago for $15,500. And. Hanner bel ie\'es ... stamps which seen1 expensive today will seem cheap tomorrow." How can you, an amalellr, invest intelligently In stamps with a reuonable hope of signl£icanlly Increasing your funds? Set my nei:t column. Navy Contract LEXINGTON, MAM. (UPI) -Raytheon Co. obtained a $9.9 million Navy contract for Poseidon missile electronlca assemblies. Who Reaih the Sum For the Stars? " • . ri. .. • It's Sydney Omarr And now this articulate writer who has been called the "astrologer's astrologer:'' reads the stars for you. Sydney Omorr, longt ime personal astrologer to many of Hollywood's ond the literory world 's most famous stars, is o DAILY PILOT columnist. Omarr's record for accuracy of predictions based on astrological analysis is amazing. Whether you read astrological forecasts for fun or os a !.erious 1tudent ofstor-gezing, you 'll on joy Sydney Omorr's doily column in the DAILY PILOT • • • • • • • • • -~ ... --• ••••••=•=••a•aaaes asssccczsssss a a a 2 a a a : s a a a a s s a a s a as a a a es a es a a a l Get Set for the Fla9•VICivingest- . . . , I Day o them All ••• lly 1a New Flag On the Fourth Help Yours.elf Delp The Independence Day (July 4th) a11.d Labor Day (Sept. 1) are coming · soon. Be· ready to celebrate ·with flying colors with a De- luxe New Flag Kit •. Order yours today. Supplies are limited. •' .. ~· Boys~ Clubs Fly a new flag at your home or office during this patriotic season. Here's an offer that lets you save money and help your Boys' Club, too. Participating in th is public service offer are the Boys' Club of the Harbor Area, Boys' CI u b of Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach Boys' Club. Here's how you can help them and help yourself. Just order this beautiful deluxe flag kit, at a fraction of its retail value, and get as a bonus a California state flag -all deliver- ed to your door by Boys' Club representatives or mailed directly to your home in time for holiday use . . Order Now At Any of Four Boys' Club Headquarters HARIOI ARIA !CENTRAL HANCHI SM c.t.r Sir"' CostaM-C.Of. ...... 541-9317 HARIOR AREA IUl'Pll IAYI 2131 Tustl11 A•211uc Costa M...,, Ctlf. """" 642-1372 HUNTINIHON HACH IOYS' CLUI lltY ..... ww Hutl ..... '-"· Collf. ...... 5l6-t415 LA~UNA BEACH IOYS' CLUI 175 Mom c-1 Hlpwoy Lat--· Ctfff. """"•4t4·2535 Use m1il order coupon below and sond it directly to club headquarters nterest you. Your flag kit and bonus slate flag will be dertvorod or moiled directly to your home or office. Or ~ou can pick them up in parson at the Boys' Club headquarters in your •re1. Pick Up Your Own Flag Kit and Get This Free Gift 5o.sTAR UNITID STATIS PLACP 395 01 :' •n.s.tcmallsJlfSr.cftls uao1..a,...,.....u1110:1-.linct• ............... ...,= .. -· ""--Holiday Bonus: High Quar.ty 12 by I 8·inch California Stale Flag ..----------------.. I I I I Just clip .ut thi1 meil order coupon end fill It out. Send, elon9 with check or money order, to the loy1' Club heedquerfel'I n••r•st you, M•k• checks peyeble to ''Boys' Club." .............. ·······--····· -tlOIJ klh .. $J.'5 ,.. kit. I 1111d1nts1d I wll recelT• • • ....... , -. • Calforala state fl9ll wltll _. kit. I Nam•·-·-----····--·--·-····-·--·-·-··-.. -·-·-············"· I Street Address .... -... -... -... · .. -·--··-· .. --·---............ -............ . ' I Cify .. --·-·····--······-·····-····-··-·· .. -·..IiP·-·---····-···- I I I I I I I I I Phone .-......... __ Enclosed is f ....................... -.. -............... -- 1 · I I Tht1 special holid1y offer 11 e public ••rvlce of the DAILY PILOT ind the loys' Ch.ibs of the Herbor Area, HuntlnCJton leech and La9une leach. I L..---------IQllS9-- ---· • • • ITHIS IS ACTUAL DICAL SIDI Free Decal While they l11t, the Boy,• Clubs offer you this 1peciel, fr•• CJift ••• e decel of the Americ1n Fl19 like those you ••• everywhere on car wind1hleld1, home ind office window•, or even on the f1mlly bo1t. Visit the Boys' Club r.eerest you I phone for hours of •p•rttlonJ . Buy e fl•CJ kit; CJ•t the dectl fr••· Supply of deca/I 11 limited. Hurry. i I I • ' ]f DAll.V I'll.OT 2 Women Receive . SJWrilf Training · SIUMI peo<e ollk:ers, Ill' cl~ two wointn and six Oranrp Coat area residents. ~• I ·diplomas from the CoUitty Sheriff's · · >,.raining Acad- en>1 lo Or111&e, Pnillnc the two women for abiUty JP •ilhstand the rigor· ous t.ninlnf program, Sheriff James ~. ?dusick said, "Since we lllrted ~ our wom· en deputies to the academy a >'• ago. -we llave yet to have a woman drop out That may be 1 little bard on the male ego." • .. !>avid N. Allen, ol Gilden Grove. for ootstanding ovt:r- al\ ability and firearms abil· ity; affic:er John M. Collln.s ol l1le Santa Ana P11ii<e Do- partment, outslandlng ""'-! demic ability and physjcal agiUty and trvine olflcer Christensen, who had the top notebook. ' NATO • ID Trouble Canada Withdrawal Poses Gra1'e Tlireat LONDON (UPI) -111• NATO leaden have be.en to modiirnhe and Improve ti"\ North At I ant I c Treaty wam'fna: openly that lhe alllan-alliance's military po at u r 1 Organlultion (NATO). t be ha 1 f ,._ -~ fi • We.st'• principal defense align-ce may ve to p an or over we: n~, ve yean. merrt, is in serioul troubie. earlier use of 1"tclear weapom SEE.KS PUIJ.BACK RefurbW>ed lut fall ·~ in caSt ol war because « the Jn the midst of th~ 1 \ the impact of the S.Vlet ~ weaken'ln, of the allgnment dev.elopments Canada decidetl U n J o n ' I l a v I I I an o f 1 threatened by lbe Canadian on 1 ·phased pullback of SOnl8' C&ecbollovUll, NATO I a decision After the Soviet lhrtattatd anew,. , • ~ · two. UUrds of its troops and~ The trouble has been trig· Union's' surprl!e' Jrivasion of its nuclear capabilities front gered principally by Canada's Czechoslovakia in August, Europe. decision to withdraw some NATO allies rushed to close The gap will be seri<>U.Sl two-thirds of tts forces from Lheir shaky ranks. Britain and Very strong warnings have the organization. of the all be so~e sm er mem r come from ·U.S. Defense NATO planners consider the natiwn. groaning under . ~e Secretary Melvin Laird and move the most 111nn1nc· financial tiUrden of the }Otnt Britain's Defeme Minister development si,nce France def~ letup, were drautDg '-Denis Healey. The wes t pulled out altop(ber from the theJt {eet. Germans are deeply worried. groop'a ~led military OnHhird ol the current class dropped out before com- pleting the course, the sherifC noted. Orange Coast representa- tives graduating included UC Irvine police officer Eugene P. Christensen, ct El Toro: The olficen, representmg five county law enforcement agencies went through seven weeks" « "stress training," the dleritt noted. Included were 30 subjects ranging from murder investigation to first aid and public relations. "Many of the practical problems were videotaped for Jater critique by recruits and their superiors," Musick said. WIN TOP AWARDS -UC! Police Officer !Eugene P. ChristenseJL (right) was one of three officers wining top commendation in recent Orange County Sher· i(f's Training Academy class. Other winners, Deputy David N. Allen (left) and Officer John M. Collins, Santa Ana PD; shown with Sherill James A. Musick. command on orders ol former POIJCY CHANGE LaJrd has warned · that PresiderK Charles de Gaulle. 'Ibe' Soviets, seemingly re-others. Including the United OPPOSED Jaxed aWtude In Europe prior States, may be pressured bJ ' u.~da'• declsi b beJ . to. Cle;cbpslovakla btduced t.he public -opinion at Jiome to sharply oppooed !iy'U,. u:,:J allied leaden to call lonnal\y .follow thl!>Canadian eumple: i States aod most of the Euro:. ' for a policy change to turn The next few months w1J~ pean partntn. They fear the NATO into "bridge builder" of witness a great deal of~ move will le.ave a dan&eroos conclllaUon between East and the-scenes efforts to revamp gap in the jolnt def~ ahield West. the defense setup to adapt it t~ Deputy Mldlael R. Jacobs, ol Westmimte.r; Fountain Valley otrlOe!" Terrell N. Taverneu1, of Costa Mesa: Sam'.a Ana officer Roos.kt L. Thompson, of Cost.a Mesa, and dePUties Peny A. Patrick and James A. Baker, o! San Juan Cap- istrano: "Also present wilh TV cam· eras was the Irvine Com· pany's cablevision Company. soon to serve the Newport B,ach-Costa ·Mesa area. A special program s~wing_ the academy from start to finish will be presented on the cable soon." Nixon Mum on Labor Wages in Europe and prompt other '11ie tnvasfon changed that new circumstances. NA nations to cut their already overnight. NATO closed ranks planners foresee con&tde.rabl lagging contributions. and in a special meeting in problems and dilflculUes. 1be woman graduates are deputies Carolyn Blansett, of Orange, and Barbara Luken, ol Santa Ana. Top awards went to deputy This was the.first academy that officers from Fountain Valley and Buena Park po- lice departments attended, ac- """'1ing "' the sheriff. 011 tr • · I • •4 $1 .275 '""'"'°··-·-· $750 WASH£NGTON (AP) Construction industry pleas that President Nixon act to curb union wage increase demands of up to 50 percent and sometimes more are gel· ting little encouragement from Beforeyoudacideto Let him catch you. be thinking about the rtng you wanL Select any of these from our Coup r!etat conect.iorL This way, his choice will be perfect. (Prices ••1 ~ding to diamond selected.) SLA.VICK'S .a. •raS..C.1917 '18 FASHION ISLANO NEWPORT BEACH -~44-1380 •. Ttw CIMrwe ... _. ~ -........... 1car11. M1lfw cllM'ti. ..... o,_ M""4ry, ft~ 1111111 t :JD P·"'- ENJOY 'l'!!1S Sl!MMnt W1TH A COOL, c. -::~~r.-r:: "KITTEN cur· MID A BRECK P£i\iv.1~ .. :.. .. 1, Vt Off· Eoq, ......i ••• w• cut here, lrnlsh ther.. You hllve an aciting new hair al71irB penonafu.ed to you. An amist from a pennanont w:lll malco it stay all throuth aummer. For" limited time, our "kitten et1t" is included with either Breck wave, reg. 85.00, now 17.50. Reg. 50.00, nw 25.00. "Kitten cul" alone, 3.50. Baal;J Studio, all_ stores a.opt Marin u • Faclals • Elett1otoa the White House. Acknowledging the steep wage-price spiral is con- tributing t o skyrocketing building costs, the President's Council of Economic Advisors still promised o{lly to keep a close eye on the situation. "The construction industry's size alone, about 14 percent of the Gross National Product and more than 6 percent of total employment, makes ils influence in the economy a major one, and the present rapid rise in both prices and wages in the industry Is a matter to which we are giving close attention,'' said Co\mci1 Chairman Paul McCracken. McCracken's response gave little C{)mfort to Carl M. Halvorson. president o( the Associated G e n e r a I Con- tractors of Amer ica. v.•ho had asked Nixon to step in with temporary C{)mpulsory wage settlements until the spiral slows. "Because of the over-pov.·er- ing strength of the unions." Halvorson said, '"there \V i 11 be some bad selllcn1cnt" - bad for the country as well as for the contractors -unless FAIR F•1t, f•ir, f•ctu1I. Thot• thr•• ... on:b t Uflll, up f1ct1rt in •p•r•tio11 '" th1 DAILY PILOT •ditori1I p•g• '"''Y ,J1y, mS' • 11 fASfflOH ISLAND • NEWPORT CENTER • 6C4-2200 ------' ____ .._ ___ ""-'-"·-;_:c-'--"- A 0-111 deal of reorganizing November member aft e rl'iiii~!i!i!ii!i!!!!!!i!iiiiiiiil the administration and ·the •·-u led ed II and replaMlng will be Qeeded member na on P g to HAL AlllSCffll public speak Q.,_Ut and give the to fill the gap left by the raise its contribution, In ti:nns HEARING AIDS industry some definite support m•-'ve Canadian pull -·•, .A of money and quality, so as to -.. -ui.n ..., C.tfM!I A.111•! A1111lllic•fiM in its opposition lo the1e in-be completed by 197%. reinforce the defense shield. No sA1.1sMu flationary wage settlements." T!;ae move may, in effect, NATO planners have since l4" L COAST HWY. The kind of wage set·ll~necessl~~tale~~~·~re~vlew~~o~f~~been~~"~"~kin~· ~g~on~th~e§p~ro~j~eded~~~ ... ~~..._~~ .. ~-~"~"~'~"~'~ tlements Halvorson and other NATO's strategy. refurbishing program which is industry officials are com- plaining about is Illustrated by a recent new contract In Philadelphia whi ch will boost pay for 2,000 union plumbers to $9.25 per hour \\'ithin t,wo years, a hike of more Lhan 25 per cent a year. However, Labor Department figures shew such wliOppins . wage increases have not yet i6 become the rule among the . . nation's approximately 4 f"j million construction workers. \..~l(.! The latest gover nm ent -.:::; fi gures placed the average r;;. CHARLES hei11rich Will PREVUE his Latest Restaurant Adventure wage increase tor building TO HIS MANY FRIENDS AND .PATRONS trades workers at a relatively There will be no GRAND OPENING or }'IRST NIGJl'f _ hut we are modest aMual rate oC 4 per-1 • • • ·, 1 t your earlie1t ~\.. cent a year .. The average for eager Y ::iug da ~111 ~Ji ):lluE~-DAYS"' ~ ''- all construction workers stood ::.F-coa.v ce unng: ~c at $5.32 per hour, not including ~ · • • • • • ....- fringe benefits. ~ r-CIJARLES "chic bistro Pan111eu"' 111 des1gnE'.tl lo 11.r~ng n r Construction wages over the \ '\.:~. new trend to Newport and Corona dcl l\far 3 trod1ttou of ~~~t:i·~L~~~~~ri~~~~ ~~ THE ;;;~i~~u~ANr ... ~'.XrR1~i;1NAIRE~.s th~~:''!r~:· defend high -.~: . :m,o L-~·llighwa;r, C"Mcma de! Mar-673-8267 ~ wages for construction men on K ~ · ' i~_,.':!,.:1'° w1;,0'\,1~ ~C~J\' ~-4l~~R-::J6',~l:!~0;,_.~ layoffs m bad weather. ~ ~"''·'T\.:.....-'1'L-- f ' ' i ;j • ' .... , ..... ., ... ;i .·( --. I -• • •I ... Come to our Charles of the Ritz comer for a brigh~ new look in make-up . . ·eome111 ••• 1etami.ota.eR111rm:1• ...... '"1>111t1111 <mtom-deatsn ,....,. moJto.ap to""' IOld lhow :poa bow to am It. It may be the beglnnfn1r o! a new be&ut;y life for :roo I Mfft Ruth Renwick, Charles of the Ritz make-up artist, 1t1onday, June 16th through Wednesday, June 18th in our Cosmetic department. A ~ft waits lor,... with the pon:lia .. of 6.00 or more o! Charles ot the Ria eosmetk.a. "Color-Kit" bolda a trio ot luscious colon for your, lil'! and nail.a. .. • MONDAY. 71iURSDAY, FRIDAY ~0:00 TILL 9:30 .. OTHER DAYS 10:00 TILL S:la' • I ~I .-----------------------------------------------------~~------------------------··--­........... , ...... ---. ·~--- • • JODEAN HASTINGS, '42-4321 --.i, , ... Mo 1Mf a , ... IP ' Office-rs Sc ·an Float Plans Preparing their entry in the Huntington Beach FoUrlh of Ju1y paraclc and planning a summer social \Vill occupy any leisure time of member·- and new officers of Las Brizas de! ~lar Au xili ary of the Children's Hom ... Soc" I , .,,:i,ey.,,. ~ l"., Jn charge ,of this year's float will be Mrs. Glen Scoble, and Mrs. John Mclane will serve as chairman for the summer social. Last year's float entry by the auxiliary was awarded the Mayor's Trophy. Following the new president's theme of Up , Up and Away, officers for the 1•70 year were installed during ceremonies conducted in the Guy Fawkes restaurant, Fountain Valley. Serving as president of the group will be a founding memb_er of the auxiliary, Mrs. Anthony Gajewski. One of the club's most productive mem· bers, Mrs. Gajewski also is active in Friends of the Library and is record· ing secretary for Harper School PT A. Sbe is employed at Golden West College as course assistant and man· ages her home for a husband, 9 year~ld daughter, 12 goldfish and a dog. Serving with Mrs. Gajewski will be the Mmes. Scoble, first vice pres"'. ident; James Laurin, second vice president; Ronald Thomas, correspond· ing secretary; John Travis, reconling secretary; Tho.mas Mulcahy, treas· unr, and James Ackley, parllamootartan. Mrs. Ackley, immediate past president for the group, will assume the office of vice president for Ille Orange County Coondl of awrillaries. Centerpieces depicting bright, fesfuoned balloon baskets centered . tables for the installation conducted by Mrs. Lou ijall, associate member. ' Arrangements for the c eremonies were made by Mrs. Ted Hagstrom. Entering its third year, Las Briz.as is one of 220 volunteer groups work· lng to further adoptions through the Children's Home Society, a national oonprofit agency. LOOKING FOR COMPANY-Polishing last year's Mayor's Trophy and hoping to capture a sweepstakes priz~ in this year's F!>~rth of July parade are new officers of Las Br1zas del 1'-tar Auxill'ary (left to right), ~trs. J ames Laurin, Mrs. Glen Scoble and Mrs. Anthony Gajewkski. Although the auxili3ry wil not cond.uct re~· ular meetings during the summer,, members ar~ constructing their float and planning a summer social party. Families ~erved in New Counse/ing Office Annual Report s Read League Totals Year's Service Accounting !or a total of 12,698 hours of volunteer service to the com- mWlity were members of the Assistance League of Huntington Beach. Welcomed into full membership during the annual luncheon meeting were provisionals, the Mmes •. John Carriveau, Wayne F1anery, Robert Parker, Robert Seybert and Hugh Stutsman. Also introduced were new provisionals who will serve a full year before gaining active status, the Mmes. Frederick Forster, William Sommerfield, Edward Howard and Arthur Newlin. The new officers· who ' will serve during the coming year include the Mmes. Gilbert Turnbull, president; Thomas Broderick, Richard Crouch and Floyd Hair, vice presidents; Jack Colvin, recording secretary; 0. B. Root, corresponding secretaryj Gray Mi.Iler, treasurer; Melvin Penhall, district social service chairman; W·ayne Flanery, thrift shop; Hugh Stutsman, public relatiOns; William Russell, house; Norman Warner, regional coun· cil representative: James Sayer, alternate; Harry LeBard, hospital co- ord'lnator; Andrew Yeiser, speech center; John Wyatt, gift shop, and Rictrard Crawford, Assi91eens. Appointive chairmen named during the brief ceremonies ~luded the Mmes. Werner, parliamentarian; Al ice Freeman, amenities: Sally Far .. quhar, bylaws; Sayer, convention; P arker, Girl Scouts; LeRoy Benson, ·&cholanhipsi Jake Stewart, coordinating council ; Fred Mcc arl, budget, and Miss Lea Hood, bulletin. Many officers and members assembled;lo greet new provisionals dur· Ing • luncheon and can! party in the Hantington· Seaciili Country Club. Mrs. Turnbull introduced the Dec~inber class of provisionals, the Mmes. Milton Brown, Warren Hair, Robert Murray, Bert Robinson, Wil · liain Stephenson and Charles White, in addition to the four new June pr°" visiomls. Also introduced during the luncheon were sustaining and associate members, and members of the Silver Anchor Auxiliary, who were attend· ing as guests. Rounding out the social afternoon were bridge games with prizes awarded to Mrs. Ila Dabney, Mrs. Fletcher Dart and Mrs. Parker. Ready, willing and ab1e to serve are members of the .stall and 'new auxiliary of the Family Service Association. The HWrtingtoo Beech o!fice of the family counseling facility has opened its -doors In the Town and Country ·Shopping-Center, W~ng guest.; during an open house. were (left to right) Mrs. Marilyn Fagen, secretary and receptionist,; Mr:;. R. Qudley Boyce, Mrs. William Geiger, and Mrs. J ack Cl"l!P. Residents in need of coun- selliig service may call the oUice, 968-5938. Philanthropic activities carried on throughout the year by the Assist· ance League include Operation Merry Christmas, stholarsbip awards. campships, maintaininl: the· thrift shop, s peech center and· a gift shop _ In Huntington. Jntercommunity Hospital and conducing monthly rnaterruty teas. As a chapter of N~tional Assistance League, ~e or~animtion is d~i· cated to actin-g~as a friend -to--men, women and children m tbe..CQDUJluna.~ in need of care, guidance or assistance. Super Salesman Trips Up and Is Called on His Own Carpet DEAR ANN LANDERS: My hosband and I own a profitable carpet business. My brother workl for UI. Vernon and I do the selling and my brother and a helper do the inslall&llool. . Y Ollorday a llOcially promJnml l'oman ClllW ID and ltlected IOIM npensive c~ f<J< a·llMD r-. Vlnl!>o - II lo ber. She amd H he -lay the carpet penooaily, lmleld ,ol r.lllng her lhllt tomeOM elle does the lDltallatJ.on, Ila aa~'l'd be happy to." TOilly Vernon left the abop with Illa -lady'• . He WU IODe Ove houri '-'lid-worried lick. He came back at IP.II. -dnric a a *1Jnl< -Aid they'd bad a few cocttalle, got lo taltlog and Dot lraclt ·"'-time. He aJoo aald my ANN LANDERS ril _,.,. should go over tomorrow and lay the carpeting u be never ''" around lo IL I am furlool. II Vernon had been pick- ed up In our tnJct for drunk drlvlng tt could have ruined ua. When I tried lo ex- plain this lo him t,. called me aquare and aald penonal •lldttlon la · iood for boslneaa. What do yoo 1111? -ALMA DEAR ALMA: Penoeal •lleolloo JS 110d for ba1lneu, bat wbe:n It gets TOO penonal Jt'a IMld for ba1lne11. Tell Vernon to 1tay tn &lie thop and out of tbe tract and Id yoar brolbtr make aU' Ule home cal& from now on. DEAR ANN LANDERS:. I'm a widow who ii 1•ttlni mJahty fed QP with women who view every unmarried fem ale as a threat to their marriages. A woman l work with was leaving the Do you feel I 11poke out of turn? -V.B.C. DEAR V.-: Yaar remark wa1 i!xqulalte! 1 coaldn't...Uve done better m11eU. office just as T was. Her husband was wailing In front to pick her up. When he 11aw me, he poked his head out the car window and asked if I'd like a lift borne. (They llve~a few blocks from my apart. · ment.) 1 said, "Yes, thank you," and • DEAR ANH LANDERS: We just started toward the car. Hfa wife )taped ;in b r o u·1 bit our 2-and-a.:lWl-year.old front of me and elbowed her way into the daulftter and . our l..and-a-half-year-old ca r to make certain l didn't sit nut tol •Ho, hatne frorn •the hospital. They had him. their stoqiacbs pµmped . It wa sn.'t a very , 1 said, Jn a voice dripping with honey, pleasant experience for us or for U1em. "Your hosband b very aUracUve, Myr. 'Pleace inform · all mothers In yOur tie, but I make it a rule never to attack a reading audience · tfiat no bottle 1s man while he's drivlnj:." Her face turned childproof and no ahelf ls out of reac h. red and she didn~ reply. Her husband All medicincl and cleaning Oulds should laughed for five minutes. Thia morning be kept In i metaJ box or a cupboard - when l saw her in the office lhe was very u n d t r lotk and key .. Surely the extn cooL '1'0uble is worth a chHd's life. Your youngster may not be aa lucky as oun. -CIJYAHQGA FALLS DEAR C.F.: l 've printed 1adl wam- lng1 In Ille put bul l'm. wlDJns to do ,. .agall-BDly motllen. l«Jet aod _,. to bt · re.m.btded. Alcohol is no shortcut to 110C:ial IUCCW. It you thiilk you have to drink to be ao- . cepted by your lrlends, get the facts. Read "Booze a,nd You -For Teenaaert Only," by Ann Landers. Se.1¥1 S5 ctntl \n coin .and a long, self-addressed, stamped envelope with your request.. - AM Landers will be glad lo help y.., with yow-problems. Send them lo I'll' la cate of the DAIL V PILOT, eoc~l stamped, sell-addressed envelope. • I Dolll.Y "1.0T . . .,, . , ~ti~'·..., • Blue Birds on the Go Fulfilling their wish to go interesting places are (left to right) Stephanie \Vil· Iiams, Cherie FitzGerald, K-a thy Wessels and Torrey Offley, members of the Jewels of ~e Sea Blue Birds, ~set Beach. Henry \Ve!>~els. area potter, is demonstrating the art of throwing a pot on the potter's ""'heel and explaining the history of clay pottery. Ship Christened at Celebration Rainbow Girls Name _New Worthy Advisor Kann~-­• worll>y -., the lnlM>ltiooal Order ., Jlatn- bow for Girls, llllntinglOo Beach Assembly 15. Tbe daughter of J.lr. and P.1.rs. W. 0 . Luden of lhm- tington Beach seleci>d Let Tbett Be Peact as her theme. Her colors will be lime green and gold, and her flower will be the daisy. Installed with Mias Loden "·ere Kathy Alleman, worthy associate advilor; C h e r i e Rodgers, charily: N a o c y Nelson, hope: Camile Hulme, faith; Nancy Blakes l ey, recorder ; Susue W a I k e r , treasurer; Jeanine DeCou. chaplain; Bonrue Loden, drill leader ; Lori C.OCkrell, Jove; Lynne Pilkerton, religion: Cin- dy Brown, nature; Karen INSTALLED Young, immortality; Carol Karen Lucian Bernedickt, fidelity; Cherie _____ ....:;:.::.:.::. __ _ Barogollo. patriotism: Sue Couch. service: Terri Parker, confidential observer ; Debbie Reynolds, outer observer and Matti Rodgers, choir director. Mrs. Luden is mother ad· visor, and Mrs. Eugene Gregg, grand deputy. Hostesses will Auxiliary To Install Busy Doy, Evening Predicted ............. . ............ ,, • • picture: peeks: • ., M-yu • • • • •• be Debbie Walker and E leen Mrs. Ross Carpenter, past El Camino Real '''oman'a Couch, both past worthy ad-parliamentarian, will install Club membn...rs will have a visors. Airs. W&JTen Ferguson and busy morning and evening . Janelle Shler y,·as installing her slate of officers tomor-Tuesday , June 24. 1p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;,I worthy advisor. and assisting r ow for the Au.riliary of the The Crarts and Creative were Vicki Bates, Candy International Brotherhood of Sewing Section of the group, Conway, Linda Walters, Joann Electrical \Vorkers, Local 441. which will remain active dur- 1vy, Kathy Crum and Mrs. Coda's restaurant in Buena ing the summer to prepare Robert Walker. Park will be the scene of the items for the an nu a J The Rainbow tribute was installation dinner. preceded Christmas Bazaar, will have a given by Terri Unsworth, and by a 6 p.m. cocktail hour. meetiJ:lg in the Dana Point STITCHERY KITS! s •••• , ............... ,., u• ... She,.._....,.. .. ,. •. '" wtn .......... U...tt,.....c...__, • ...s frM $Z.IO te IS.II. the Flag tribute by J ean To be installed with J\frs. Community Clubhouse at 10 \Vardell. Ferguson arc the Mmes. Jo-a.m. Th JJ.t~RT flHMIY The Huntington 8 e a ch seph Stauber, vice-president: All clubwomen art! invited, e Assembly will host the official Charles Downing, secretary: and participants are asked to KNIT Take a peek at the pictures vi.sit of the grand worthy ad-Daniel Herringer, treasurer: bring sack lunches. Coffee and planned for the Mesa. Now it visor. International Order of R o b er t Hardman, Daniel tea will be served by Mrs. WIT i,, My Side Of The Mountain Fam.iUes and friends will will dress the new ship and c:;anta Clara d I N 1 RainOOw for Girls in Head and Richard Martin, J ohn Renfro, chairman. • e o r t! , plus Hello Down There. Wed-join Mr. a.od Mrs. Ger3ld L. two other 65 foot OOats as the Saticoy. California, in July. trustees, and Virgil Thom.as, That evening tbe annuaJ Thompson of Corona del M.:;r 450 guests are welcomld Built by Willard B 0 at rhe group makes tray parliamentarian. meeting of Community House, Phon-nesday the Mesa plans to show for the christening of their aboard for champagne, hors Works, Costa Mesa, the new favors for co n vales c en t --'------"--"----Inc. wUI lake place in the 545•2• n Bob Hope in How to Commit brainchild. "'Pacific Clipper," d'oeuvres and a harbor diesel-powered "Pacific 1..'!ip-homes, gathers food and The D ·1 P"ilot clubhouse at 7:30. Th e SOUTH COAST PLAZA Marriage, followed on June at 3 p.m. Saturday, June 21. in cruise. per" is a yachtsman's dreaul medical supplies for a Mex-0 I Y clubhouse is owned by Dana Low•r M.11 Ac:«1•1 fro111 ZS.th by Ice Station 7.ebra. the Lido Shipyard, Newr'i;·t . Entertaining on deck will~ and a feminine luxury. 1he ican orphanage, anti is saving Point Art Guild and Dana Woolworth'1 Beach. Bud Shank and his five pi t·Co;! hull is fiberglass. and she c..ar. stamps for Fairview State Covers eoating Point Civic Association along l riilol •1 ti.. s.n Di•t• frwy. Look for Star at the Mesa 1:01Jow;ng the ~hip's blc~,,in6 orchestra and s t r o 11 i n ~ ries four 400 gallon fuel ~nks . _H'..'.w::'.'~P'._'.ita"'I:_. ----:---------------_2C"~'it~h~the~~w~om~en~·~s_'.cl~u~b'.:.. --~~~~C~O~>~l~A~M-,!!ESi!A~~~j along with Love Bug, Maline by the Hcv. Joseph \Vawad1cz mariachi bands ffom lhe E.l The galley is equipped '\'ithl" Dippy, The Rascal and F1ntan'1 of San Francisco, M r s . Pescador restaurant. an electric range, electronic ~ ...... ..,,.~ . .,.,. ., ..... ...,_.,. · Rainbow. How is that for open-- Thompson will christen the Out-0f-town guests will ifl.. oven and dishwasher. There is ; .,, "~ ers of a summer schedule that ~~ v=L ~ler m1:~~~~ =~e~·of~o:~ :~~~ ~w~:!1S::er':~~r: ' ' ~, .._ f/j't# belongs to the guys and gals ceremonies. Thompson's mother, and il1rs. of the "Pacific Clipper" is : )#!"'/J'.19./#. 'II who are building their future Brightly colored signal nag:; John Lloyd-Butler of Rancho Ken Nelroney. • ~'It/JI.,.,~ WI ·· on solid ground? iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Make it a Mesa summer, for :S e a u '&. 7 S a l o n s aIJ the family to stay together, .tile «1joying family feature films, starting at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon, coolinuing througlQa the ... a1ng !or mom and dad to eojoy -pride, ROBINSON'S · NO TWO BAL I SNO-FLAKES®ARE ALIKE JUST AS NAIURE SOFTLY SHAPES EACl-1 IND IVI DU AL S NOW Fl.AKE • BALI DOES T HE SAME, ACH IEVING THE ULTIMATE IN SEAUTIFUl. 0 £SIGH ANO COOL COMFORT , WITH AN EMPHASIS ON PERFECT F lT. SUMM ER SNO-FLAKE,S~ FROM THE BALI COLLECT ION ,,. THE UNDERWIRE: BRA 1 BEIGE• WH ITE, BL.ACK, BLUE, YEU..OW. PJNK 1 3 2-381 B, C, D, ·DO, 6 .50•7 .50; LONG LEG PANT'f GIRDLE. WHITE, P INK , BLUE, ' 'f • lT'"S SPRING! it's verve! it's instant color with 75~ PLUS SHAMPOO "'_ .... _, s2so AND SET IA,,_ I , ... $1.711 FrL • Sat. • Sun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. • . $3.00 {Long h•ir ••tr•, When Spring puts verve in your life, we put it into your hair! With our new comb-able, brush-able dos. An~ with our color that just rinses in· and "takes" while we set your haii':' .lt'smanelonsRoux Fanci-full that • cclon i,Ntantly--then ab&mpoos out when 1ou wish! • UMI DO peroxide, needs DO after-rinse f • CCftn SJ'l.J , refnahes du.II hair, tones . bleached hair ! t YELLOW, 8EIGE, 5-M-L , 15.00. FROM FASHION FOUNDATIONS • MEET ISA&..I ~lYL IST 1 PEG DENS MORE, IN NEWPORT, JUNE 17-18. Newport 8e1ch, Calif. JIU N•WllOr1 e1vo. Ma!'lltt e1w." k,~rt PhOnt 61S.1'1Q Coste Mesi, Calif. Costa Meta, Ctllf. n1 £. 11th StrMI 1100 HtrtlOI' •M· Cotti ,,..., C11ll. JM w. '"" "'"' ·='Ma.""' Artttl•, Ctlif, •llilROiiiiiBNiiiiSiiOililN'lliS•NlliE\NF0-111RT-· r.."P>S111H"'"I0111NiillSiiiiLAliiNoiiiDl.·.ii64-4-21iii8iiliOmO..li l!!!!.i~::f.. ,~,ff ..._. ... ,.)0,. Mtyfelr Cll!!l'I" K.·Mlll PllU PllDM ~ .... 1 r_ ....... l5 Or1ng1, C1llf. 1~,. w. Ch•-" Vl(llf (.,.!ff FhOnt ltl·l21S fountain V11l1y. C11lf. S1nl1 Ano, C11ll. 17'1t Mffl\Ollt MC:'tddtn •·l~f'C \lllllOI Ct111tr Ptlm Ctll"'. Pl>Ofle .U.JIOI PhOnt S0-14'1 Fountlln V11ley, Calif. .,,, •• , ...... "' 111Cli.1 .... ,..., GtnW ... ,.,_,. Dl• too! Don't think !or a lllOlll«ll that thin&! are asl«p down at the Lido. No sir, they are contin- uing that magnificent movie duo Tbe Longest Day plus Tbe Blue Mu right now. So many guys and gala wanted to .,. more of thal terrific D-Day review in gtorloua color, with a '"1perb all-star cost, that Tbe Loogett Day WIS recalled for Lido review. Wait for the next big one at the Lido. lt'1 a big, fat auper- duper exclusive opening, at your very own Lido, the same day and date with one ~e ln LA. Line-up your sights to truly enjoy Jack Lemmon in April Fools. Ummm, maybe not for youn~er lads and las· sies, but a btt spicy for older youths and moms and dad!. Before summer ls too far gone, the Lido win pop with ~ anodler superb exclusive showing. Well, we'll keep it under wraps for a few more reels, but it will be son1ething that you 'll "'·ant to enjoy for an early August evening, Remember, Mesa Matinees e a c h and ~very afternoon, staTting at 2:00 o'clock with family feature films. Kids may be proud to take their parents to ~UlJ'lll'ltf'_ ,shows au_ season at the Mesa. FREE PASSES to the Lido or the Mesa will be malled today to R. E. Foster, 437 Aliso Ave., Newport Beach . Tommy Tuck· er, 301 Poinsettia Ave .. Corona del Mar, R. V. Jordan. 111 Abalone, Bal Isle and H. C. Bailey, JS98 Elm, Coola M ... 'Illese four will be guests of "Picture Peeb" to enjoy a mOYle at the Udo or Mesa rtal soon. We do hope that your name will appear here IOl1\e time in the near future. TW the family oot to a movie U.11 summer-at the Mesa! 1.1ondaY, Junt 16, 1961) DAILY PILOT jf) V. . ~ /'di"hb . M I • 1~torLa ~~.o·: ~~-s arr1es On Pa~e~is', An'niversary September • Ceremo 1y 'ch· I"""' _:..L. . era, <;>•oup.' Every Monday al 7:30 p.m . members ·or the ,Rrospcctive Aliso Valley Chapter or sweet Adelines convenec in Mission Vlejo High ' Schf l. Those in· terested in joining may call Mrs. William Recht at 83.Z.- 0737. -TO,PS Merm aids Secretaries ; Information r e g a rd in g At. 6:30 p.m. every teeood membership in TOPS Mergt,ng 'Thursday women of Bah.la Mermaids may be received by Ch.a Pt er o C N1a t l 0 n al Exchanging vows and rings on her parents' 22nd wedding anniversary was Victoria Lyn- ne Hodges who became the bride of E. Karl Kloetzer of Corona del Mar last Friday, lbe 13th, Parents of lhe bride are Mr. and Mrs, Robert V. Hodges of Newport Beach, and p1;1rents ol the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kloetzer of Levit-' town, Long Island . The Rev. David DiProfio p!rformed the ceremony in Christ Church by the Sea. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore an ivory silk organza gown, fashioned with an empire bodice which was ap_pliqued with alencon lace, etched In seed pearls and clusters of crystals. Her A-line. skirt extended In- to a chapel train. trimmed with matching jeweled lace appliques, and her cathedral length mantilla also was outlined with the 'lace. !'ihe carried a cascade of daisie'i. In yellow t~ffeta gowns and carrying casc3des of daisies were Miss Kathleen Boyd, maid . of honor, and the bridesmaids, Miss H a r r i e t Collins and Miss L i n d a Hodges, the bride's cousin. I Wearing a white pleated organdy frock was Patty Robinson. flower girl, ai;:td serving as ring bearer was her twin brother, Bob Robinson . Attending as best man was Tom Bache-wiig, while usher- ing guesls to their seats we1e Tim Hodges, the b r i d e ' s brother, Victor Lawrence, .James \Veaver and Herbert Chin. Candles and dai s ie s decorated the church and were repeated in decorations <ll the reception, given for 250 guests in Irvine Coast Country Club .. Music for dancing was played by the lloneybees. Cireulating the guest book were the Misses l\1ary and Carol Forderbrugen. Special guests attending were Mr. and MRS. E. KARL KLOETZER Corona del Mar Home Mrs. John Williams, bride 's and atten ded Orange Coast grandparents; Mrs. \Villiam College. llodges, her pa I e r n a I Iler husband studied in New grandmother, and Mr. and York, attended Atlantic Union Mrs. Sherman Terry of ColW>ge. Boston Uni versity and Oakland , her godparents. California Sta te College at Los · After honey1nooning i n Angele.<:. He now is atten<iing Carmel, San Francisco autl Sout hern California College other points of interest in and UCL northern California, the bridal ---------- couple will make their home in Corona de! Mar. The bride is a graduate or Corona del Mar High School Now in Our Family: Family Weekly In Offing A Sept. 6 wedding ln St. John the Baptist Church, Costa Mesa is being planned by Patricia Ann Steimer and William Hyde Braly. News of the forthcoming event · has been announced by the future bride's parents, Pi.fr. and Mrs. Thomas L e w Stelzner of Costa Mesa. PATRICIA STELZNER Engaged The bride elect is a graduate of Mater Dei High School and UCI where she majored in biology and was a member of Tamandoa, a women's service---------- organization. She also was a member of the UCI student senate. Her fiance, son of Mrs. Harold Hyde Braly of Newport Beach and the late Mr . Braly. is a graduate o[ Corona del Mar High School and Orange Coast College. He attended UCI and plans to continue hi s studies in the fall at the Art Center School. Los Angele~. He "'as a member of the swimming ·and water polo teams in high school, OCC and UC\. Bradshaws Reveal News Of Betrothal Film, Talk Illustrate Welcome The Welcome Home pro- gran1 [or Marines returning to El Toro Marine Base will be illustrated for me1nbers of tbt• \\/omen's Division of the Foun· tain Valley Chamber or Com- merce \Vednesday, June 18. Presenting the film and discussion during the 10 a.n1. 1neeting in the new Fountain \'alley civic center \\'ill be Bob Clark . The public and all organiza- \Vedding vows will be ex -tions within the city are in- changed June 28 in 11esa vited to attend. Ch a r I er Verde f\.1ethodlst Church by membership ln the organizn· Nancy Christine Bradshaw· lion will be available lor and Jon Jerrill Rossi of Costa women in the area, unltl the Mesa. close of the meeting. and Their engagement has been anyone wishing to join may announced by J\1r. and l\1rs. contact Mrs. \Villiam ~Iayes. Arthur John Bradshaw o[ !162.-4735, or Mrs. \Viltiam Costa Mesa, parents of the'-.:=P=u\=fo=r=d,=p=re;=id=e=n=t,=8=47=~=0=49=·=.1 future bride. 1.· Miss Bradshaw and her fian Ce both are graduates or Estancia High School and she attend s Orange Coast College. The bcnedict-elect is the son of ~1r. and Mrs. StanJey Ross i of Costa Mesa. DO SINGLE MEN HAVE MORE FUN? • , • only It they've met mu.tint the RIGHT GIRLS! CALL 547-6667 -24-Hour Recording - Lose 10 Inches in First 10 Visits to Gloria Marshall's . , Secretaries'' Ass o e.t-.a t lo n t e I e p h o n 1 n g Mrs. Leon Intbma.tional assemble in .dif. Townsend at 6 4 2 • 1 8 0 4 • 1erent locations to l!Ue!Kf Meetings take place at 7 P.-!11: .•• meeUngs, Ml'.!. SalUe Fleming every 1\u.rsday in Woodland at 673-6360 may be tetephotied School, Costa Mesa. for additional information. I ,. OF fASlllOll ~J~L WAR.an CE of ALL our Amano open shoes reg. to $25 NOW 1690 • black leathers • black patents • wh ites • all our pastels • spectators in blue, tortoise brown or black with white • high or mid-heel styles • good selection of sizes. ltlVEllS!DE WHITTIER NEWPORT IEAClt ANAHEIM • • Based on our actual records ••• our average patron loses 10 inches within the first 10 visits from hips, waist, thighs, tummy and anns. JUNE SPECIAL DUART PERMANENTS The most carefree and captivating hair styles, to lasJ all summer long thanks fo" our famous Ouart perm. Complete with expert styling and cut: in the salon, 8.50 . in the studio. 14.50 Also featured, a brand new shipment of fabulous 3-way human hair piece s, each 5.99 Career 9irls -remember we have evenin9 lioe.n. Phone: Anahe im, 535-8121: Newpod, 644- 1212; Huntington Beech, 892-3331 . The Beauty Salon, 60 I FIG1JRE CONTROL .SALONS f1i< worl<l'• IM41#t f/#f!;l'e eontrOl •~•l<m Dally !J.9, SaL 9.5 • Bank1•1rioard aal .Mhllr. Chllp W1lcom1 NEWPORT BEAC·H -430 Pac:ific Coast Hi9hway l .~1'.:.:';!"~,:: ) SANTA ANA-1840.West 17th Street-543-9457 642-3630 Salons Al so In : Anaheim, Beverly Hills, Covina, Crenshaw, Downey, Glendale, Lakewood, long Beach, New~ port Beach, North Hollywood, Ontario, Pasadena, San Diego, Santa Ana, Sant• Bar!1ira, Sunland, Tarzana, Torr1nce, Westchester, Whittier ••• Also Fresno, San Jose, Sacramento, Sunnyvale and Walnut Creek, Calif. (c) Copyright 1.969 Glorill Marshalt litgt. CtJ .• ln<:. ,. ., • • • • ' A ~ g " ' ~ ., • ; ~ ' • ; , ' • , , ' • ' ,, ' , < l ·, i , ' •• • • ! • • • • • • • , • • "' • i California Salute · California's warm colors of orange and gold now are being sported by Air California stewardesses in Spanish inspired uniforms designed ,to salute the Golden state's Bicentennial. The ensembles consist of A-line dresses, poocbos, sombreros and flight coe.ts and are part of the airline's tradition of main· taining a Spanish motif for the hostesses' unusual uniforms. Kaye Curtis models the gold belted ensemble. YOU KNOW YOUR CHILD WILL LEARN TO SWIM AT BLUE BUOY DGs Elect Over Lunch· Delta Gamma A I u m n a e Association o I Huntington Beach wt11 host the Newport- Santa Ana chapter for a salad l\1DCheon nei:t Wednesday al 11 :30 a.m. in the HunUngton &ach homr: of Mrs. Harry ruegel. New officers will be in· stalled by Mrs. D o n a I d Sutherland, president or the KUtst chapter. For Top Sports Coverage Richard S. Greathead Wed tQ Leslie Moore During late afternoon rites solemnized in the Chapel of ""\he Brick P resb y te rl an Church, New ,·York, former Newport &acb resident Richard Scott Greatbead claimed Leslie Ann Moore of New York as his bride. The bride ls the daughter or Dr. and Mrs. Oliver Semon Moore Jr. of New York and Easthampton, Long Island, and the bridegroom ls the son of Mrs. Craig Greathead of Peering Around MRS. BEA Anderson, socie- ty ed!tor of the Daily Pilot is enjoying a reunion with family member's and friends in Min- neSola and Wisconsin. Among highlights of her ·trip will be her high school class reunion in Le Center. Following her back wilL.. be her husband Norman Anderson, Dally Pilot copy desk editor. WINNER'S CIRCLE visitors at Hollywood Part were Mrs. William D. Lydick and Mrs. Frederick W. Johnson, members of the Wednesday Morning Club of Costa Mesa. Congratulated was John Sellers, rider of the winning · horse for the Wednesday Morning Club of Costa Mesa purse. INVITED to attend a recep. tion honorin& Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Norris of San Marino was Kenneth Kings- ley of. Newport Beach. Norrb received an hooorary doctor of engineering dea;rte from University of. Soudiem Cali· fomia . EXCHANGING w e d d I n g vows in the Balboa Island home of Mrs. Pauline Wllson of Palm Springs were Kay C hri s tenson and John Carpenter, who will reside in Garden Grove. The · new Mrs. Carpenter is assistant to the director of public relaUons at Knott's &rry Fann. Pasadena and Edwin Burton Grealhead of Santa Barbara. A long ailk organza gown trimmed with venile lace and tulle veil was selected by the new Mrs. Greathead, and a bouquet of lidterfly orchid! and stephanoUs complemented her bridal ensemble. Miss Jane Moore, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and Deborah Moore, her niece, was flower girl. Both wore yellow silk dresses. Frederick Treamine Billings III of Nashville, a Princeton Un iversity classmate of the bridegroom, served as best man and ushers were Oliver Moore III of New York, brother of the bride, and Peter Jason of Newport Beach. The bride, a graduate of Cha pin School. attends Bryn Mawr College. She wa.s a 1967 ,. I Junior League Debu.tante anp now is a provisional member of the league. ' ' Her husband att e nd ed Newport Beach Schools and is a graduate of PU, where he was a member of the College Club. He also attended the University of Virginia Law School. Jetting to Europe The couple will establish their home in New York in early September. Horoscope Departing for Copenhagen via polar jet are Mrs. Lucille Morgan of Newport Beach and son William. They will holiday in Athens, Rome, Florence, Ma· drid and Majorca before returning via New York. Scorpio: Honor Due TUESDAY JUNE 17 By SYDNEY OMARR pliment. PlSCES (Feb. 19-March 20): SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You can advance career, pro- fessional interests. Key ti to follow through on hunch. Pay ARIES (March 21-April li): attention to intuitive intellect. AC:cenl on creative activities. Special honor Is due. Accent on how you treat those who serve ·your needs.If you have a pet, give it special at- tention. Maintain s t e a d y , moderate pace. Avoid U· tremes. Get sufficient rest. You get chance for greater SAGl1TARIUS (Nov. 22. Jf . Wh t To find 11111 who'1 IYdr.v 1111' vcv In se _,xpresston. a was Dec. 21)·. Travel 1.s eni-mon1:v 111..:1 '°"'· 0t<Mr Svdnev 0m1rt't blocking path". -ntoved. Yoo booklet, "*••I Hlnta f<lf Men 11'1d " pll ' e<f V (" h W'/Witn." 5.,,.. blrll\dllt lnCI ~ ce<i_lt Should pursue c-ali"ve en-as1z . aca ion pure ases 10 ,,.,. A1rroloQv~r.i1, rM DAILY " I d N d t I " '" Bolt 32~. •l'ld G1ntr11 s11-deavors. Say yes to child. are avore . o ay o ge •Ion. ew York.. N .. ioon. bogged down with details. •=--=---------1 TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Take overall view . Ex- Practical matters dominate. pand-realize that you can get There could be concern over what you need. home, property. Spontaneous CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. thought creates enllghlment. 19): Be thorough in any in-~ ready for some coo-vestigation involving use of structtve changes. funds. U aware of apparent GEMINI (May 21.June 20): minor detail!!, you succeed. Deal with relatives. Short Nothing to fear-what you journey may be on agendn . learn will be of benefit. Don't try to lose weight ~ alone. :; , S t. . Put ideas on paper. Create AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. orop 1mrst s outlines, campaigns. Advertis-18): Concession on your part WEIGHT@, WATCHERS. Soroptimist Club of Hun-Ing plans should be reviewed . necessary to keep peace at tington Beach gathers al U :l5 CANCER (June 21.July 22): home. Avoid tendency to be p.m. the :second and fourth Spo~t on money, personal otwtinate. Be willing to accept Tuesdtys in Fr 1 nc 011 possissions. Thinp may not changes. Empbuis cootinues .. . Somt talking, some list&ning 1nil • progr1m 1hlt works. '• 1 fill llOQIUll-CAU 135·550S '· r 4'"" MEET MR. ALBERT, FAMED STYLE DIRECTOR IN NEWPORT. JUNE 16, 18 MR. ALBERT HAS LECTURED J.\ND DEMONSTRATEO HAIR STYLES. THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES AND CANAD~. HE HAS APPE~R ~D ON T ELEVISION, AND SERVED AS BEAUTY CONSULTANT FOR TELEVISION, STAGE ANO SCREEN°WHERE HE H"5 WON MANY AWARDS. HE HAS STUDIED WITH 'rHE WORLD'S OUTSTANDING BEAUTY EXPERTS ANO HIS STYLES AND BEAUTY ARTICLES HAVE APPEARED IN MAGAZI NES ANO NEWSPAPERS . NOW t YOU MAY COME IN OR CALL. FOR APPOINTM ENT WITH OUR FAMED Oli:SIGNER AND DIRECTOR OF STYLING. CONSULTATIONS ARE COMPLIMENTARY• IN OUR BEAUTY SALO"'!. ROBINSON 1S . NEVJi· l'T • IASHION ISLAND ·644-2800 Best In The West restauranl be what they appear on the on area of partnership. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~-surface.Necessarywdlgdeep -~~-'-~~-'-~~"-~~~~~~~~-~~-~~~---~~~~~~~~~ FABRIC SALE ' ' • • • I ' • COLORED BUR.LAP excellent colors fo r spreads, 100% Jute drapes , curtains, decals 36" Wide BETTER FABRICS dacron pofyester & cotton • VOILE PRINTS cotton, rayon, blends • SPORTS PRINTS dan river fo rtrel polyester & cotton • WOVEN PLAIDS all little or no iron fabr'ics in a very good range of colors and desi9ns REG . VALUES TO $1.19 YARD 36"/45" widths ZB:d guar. wa shable VACATION FABRICS RAWAllAN PRINTS colorful mod desi9ns on cotton COMPARE AT 98c YARD 3'6 11 wide guar. w11h1b:e TERRY CLOTH PRINTS bold designs on thristy cotton for beach towel5, cover ups 36" wide 9uar. washab:e I J < ;\ I ' f I.( I I '.'.) • HUNTINGTON CENTER EDINGER •t BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH 897-8013 • for added informaUon. Protect assets. LEO (July %3-Aug. 22): Cy- cle moves up tonight. You gain added recognition. You can successfully take initiative. Be a sell-starter. Set example. Utilize sense of showmanship. vmoo (Aug. 23-&pt. 22 J: Complete tasks in quiet, ef. ficient manner. Don't be distracted by one who is en- vious. You get necessary knowledge to score gain. Be discreet. Doo't tell all you know. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cl. n J: Accent on hopes, friends, wish es. You meet people. You are stimulated. Obtain hint from Leo message. Be direct, confident. Member of opposite sei: pays meaningful com- THE N·E·W LQQK HAIRSTYLING * * by the area's TOP STYLISTS!, SPECIAL I CASCADES $14.95 YIYIANI WOODARD COIMITICS maflie~ WIG & B!AUTY SALON 5~446 210.D IMt 17" ltNott H ILL6REN SQUARE COSTA MDA Gas Company servicemen are rigorously trained in safe driving, first aid, and the maintenance of all gas appliances. The 11 ee dimbing they leam on their own. Caught him, too. Our servicemen ore like that. Determil\ed~ Actually, what withihe rescued cots ond stranded motorist• ond all the rest, you might wonder how the work gets done-, But somehowo11 the pilols get lighred, the burners get odiusted, the ovens get cal ibrated. the wc:1ll heaters get cleaned. ond tile gos dryers get checked. And right on schedule. Our servicemen really do o job. Men, we solute you. Keep up the good work. We're lnve1tlng In tomorrow. ' I I ~ I: 7: I: - I • • \4 c ., 0 ,"\. y •iltno ... -111 <"' -· ea·r ·a•..., fQ (IO) ···-TWIM. * 11 tlto ..,..! Wiich! ....... -Iii 1211 ,..... .......... ...... • ., ... __ 411_ _., ~ 'S4 • .,., TN4 .,...,., • , ""' (Cl (IO) ........ (IO) ...... (<j(JO) Ill> (I) --(C) (ID) ·---IQ (JO)·---T ...... ,, ....... .... __ ....... .... ....... _ .. __ .. _ ·h-...... ""(30) l!l lftM -(Cl (IO) t:JO D l1llC .,_,. (C) 160) ·-.... -.... s.. (C) (90) .................... ..... ,,,,, ....... flW 1111 r Ottv.~ ·--(C)· ............ lllo(t()) . ., __ _ .. ·-.. IQ. (30t Cll! C'AW!dl ... s._ " ......... bJ ....... "" lor • Nii ... di•·..-. •• tbt,....... , ................. .. Ill& .,.,._ CM' .... ,_, ee ro•••• CC> ..... M1' _.~ ~· """' -°" -· .... Dela EN~ llilli.. 8'ic.,; Dill- -... --Loi .. en., Knh. ·-Qell!lllS .... ... ,.,.., ,..., ....... .. Hld&MerMI ....._ WIW 111 ttllchll • ·.W. tfl • ...,... _,. __ _ ,., .............. ... Llttiw, ............. wtfllfll ........... •lln1 tht lhl• rirla .. .. llldlln. (I) • "" -(C) (eil) 0 117> (}) Ill"" -(C) (1'1) "lty 1tM11 11 JtnuiL • Canby- """ taMti I ..... nt to h ....... *'btlitlllt Jt!M DIWN for thelf llfbontr, (R) - ly Ctiarles M. Schulz I - By Saunderi and OftnJard PERKINS ly Johil Miles ... --.... ---_ .. ~- DOUBLE TAKE _,Singing star Jimmie· Rodgera headllnes a new comedy·mUSic summer replace- ment show tiUed, "Carol ~ett. Presents the Jim- mie Rodgers Show," tonight al 10 on Channel i. Singers Wayne Newton and Dana Valery gum on Ute debut show. Other regulars on:lhe Burnett abow will be on this on&-hour offering. TELEVISION VIEWS New 'Hee Haw' Nothing Much Ill (I]·--(<I (30) m t11•t1••11• (30) "Vecat101111 Ed1JC1tto1." A llWP d 11•11t1 •· ,..,. t widt t11Ct el VllCltiGMI subjads tn th• Los ~Ill• · Mull Schools. a (I) m '°"' ICl' (30) ~-141<1 (IO) fl) JE ...... , ($0) "lllrllll/Koltt -UllUllJ hlct... Two htlf·hour doclHMntlri• point out tht llllM· 11ry 1rtd ICOllOl'llic pruams of two dill(mll« Alll11 nclmtL Thi 11111 111111 ,.ndrltu tht """'boo alf• Q]fl• fot I klok It lht bulldlrtt of 1 MCJdtrn mi!illry todlRit ""'" tilt•. Tht tlCOn4 docttrntnllry 1ookt 11 tilt boocnlq SollOi Kortu tCOll!ln'IJ NIM 011 1uisbinc1 fn:1111 .,......,... JUDGE PAiiR•K-ERiiiii~-~--~-;;~-r-~-::::::--r-:=-~;;;.;;;;;7.="'li?:~=B~y=H~ar'7";;;0l~d•Le:;;;-'D,o_ux.....,IL~~~~~~~~~~~~-' AnlOll 'OIJTOF YOU IETTR MAKE HOLLYWOOD (UPI ) -Th ere are two reason.a l:Ol B ca --IC> 130> Cl WW1 1117 LIM? (t) (!Kl) W1llJ 8'vnet 1.nd Mtft• fr1flcis wtltorM l\ltltl Sotlpy Sain, .lolMI t WANT 10 '«>lilt .WNP? 1rs rr sec.OMc:is! I C:OTTA. why I didn't pre-review CBS.. TV 's "Hee Haw," a u.LK 'TO YC.t.. THrEE o''t.oo:: Ill &e ON THE JOS J.T summer series of country-style comedy and music •• -"""' lualll. • -1<1 (30) --· held ltlld llrry Ntbon 1uut. Ill Cl)--(<I (2 ·~ • f.llllrll ...... '" ...,. Ult (30) "Nonlwt." Alan Wttb .ii.cu... tllt Idle of ltll$1 .. • "°""' ot l)'lltbol1 ""* than of the rul world. 1111 Cl) "" -(<I (30) &>u"'" ""'" (30) l:JOllFlllilJ Mlif' (C) (30) nt twins 1tt ptnDillicm tel brln1 MIM tMlr ,..,, Oliwt, who tvrlls out to M I llrp doi tlllt tit. I~ Ill· stint lhllkt to Uncle Biii. (II) a-IC> 110> m u ...... ..., (60) Ill (I) ........... (30) tm Rwbtl lfrial (30) am fNlllJ An•" m (30) 10:00 11 am '"o"m c..i ,.,,.. . Mtl PnNnb Ille Jl••M hdrwt ...::* JM.llE! THE MORNING! El6MT! ID'-'•""" (C) (30) -(C) (60) "''"' w.,.. .... MOON Ml!LLINS aJ .... tfMM (C) (lO) tori 111d DIM V1l1ry Ill lht IUnb I ri!i:-:_'T" __ ....:_ _______ -:;:"1 7:31. a (I) I .... ('C) (llO') '°' this prtmln lltotdclst of llm-mil Rodcets' wml!llf 1how. Rt111-IJ CJ I DnMI II llnnll ('C) (30) 1111 for tllt llrits ire l)'lt W11· "'.IMMll ind tht Top Slcrll S. CGnfl', Vicki Lawrence, Jr11ncyAustin, tr1t• M11ni1 pb TOllJ 111 troubl Biii f1nnlnr. Don Crichton tnd Tht wltll hntlron orndils when 1 BurruAQ Strfft Sh11us. tuma top *'" film inte • Jlolnt a m ..... (C) (60) ...._ 1RJ o 117> rn m Ilic* ._ 1<1 110l D @ (l) aJ n.. llHlpn (t) 0 hlll (C) (60) Diiie R ..... (60) "Tiit s. .. Throu1h Mtn.." Jahft Sindy' 81rD11 1r1 futurtcl. • ,. Stied and Emmt P1tl investlptl fI) flrtq lilt (t) (60) "Cotlqn tht rtj)Olt " I dtrk Ill the Minis· In Cllsll. ~ Mr. Buckl11 talb with • Pn:lessor Alfred' Conrad, City Col· bJ ti Dtf111M lhlt 111 .... kllCICb 1e11 of New Yort; Prormor Allen ..... Q 111 invislbll 1 .. lltnt. Groumtn, Brtndtls: tnd Pn:il'mor (R) Jeffr.,. Hirt. D1rtmoUih. CJ 111111• I llltwit: (C) "'l'WrtJ· CE MON (30) 1111t l1i,1" (lll)'lt"J) '60 -Kin-. fteth Mort, Tiln• Els. 10:30 ID "-"' (C) (30) 'lhtl Johnt. ID Tmll " ~-(t) (SO) IEI F1nute C.lllll (3tl) TUMBLEWEEDS m""' •-(60) 11:0011 a om m m -(() fD I....._ (30) "Spiel Pratl1 II AltrM Hltdlced: lnllO'lftioni." Dr. Rictltrd llrennt-B MW: "Klll1 ti t1tt hlrfq men ._ n1mpln "1 ntw lletl· rw.tlll" (dfl!IMI) '61-Dmct Jtn• noloa bk111 frum 1. .1ned .,.c• Mil. MidllJ Rooney. .,,....... m HUMPHREY BOGART Ill -• ,_ (30) * Film Fntinl 11 PM/KTTV ''" ........ ,. (<I (60) °" Rkklll sulltl 11 I Out.di boy, I dlol'111 '°J 111d 1 t•dltr of du· m ,._,.,., hprt Fv. Fllfiinl: '~flict'' (1945), co-sttrri111 AIU Smith. dtnt nbtls. (R) m-(C) (30) 111 Wlltilll "-(C) (Ill) A 111111• m ..,.= ''?111 ... " •• ,.... IH"' (dr1m1) '59-Stl!lhtn Boyd. II! (}) Ill Cl) 1111 (I) -(C) '""" of 11*1 prm iuc:tlDM to 11:30 U lllwie: (C) "'WIW fflritlp" Mrttrlllllanll, ,.t1on11 ind ml 1.. (dr1m1J '5& -frt!J Oor11hu1. Will RO(tn Jr., M1urtt~ O'S1.11fi¥1n. ... MUTT AND JEFF llJ-J-(30) II Ill ttl ll!l '"'"' -l<I 1>0 SoMETtlltlG! 11 Mftl1: •AJI llM 1"'1. 11111 rq · I :• 8 9 (I) Mft'1 L1q (t) (30) 1'1Ms" (flllhq) '43-Jon Kl1L t>0NT VU5T LllCJ hkn Unclt M1rry to the 1lr-D (ffi (]) UJ JNr ...., ('t) 'STANO • port tor 111 lmport1nt busi11111 trip L ;_:1i:HERE'.'.:'._'.I~~ 1nd wtiilt In the ltnnlntl aht ii lZ:JO llJ Adlo!I TIMM: "Ei(tltell .... r 1uddelllt' Mtrusttd with 1 t1crtt Anxious.• for11111ll •Pll'I wllldi tht llfl11 of l2:IO 1PJ lllld: "T111· lr1ll PflM ftlllf tht ,,.. world d.,.ndL (R) '""" (set.II) 'S8 -John Apr, D WM YtrlCI (t) (30) Joyce Mt•dowL B ll?l(l)l!lT>t '"' " "" 1<111-1 '""' 1<1 --(C) (30) "Jilftl ,. "" lid•." Jiff )Dins wp w!U'I thrM """ wllo dllm to bt pi1rtntra witll IJC•ll!'•~ltJ llllttil IMrl (CJ 0-1<1 Jriis IVl'ffllltlr htl!lr. M1jof Croa 1:1$ IJ Mftil: "Milli rnstit'" (d111T11} ""' "!' _tw' ,,.. hit Jiff tMI '5f-RtJ' Mllltnd, AntllonJ Nnle,. IL.__;.=.. ___ _,, Oioa.....J GORDO -. -. , -~ TUESOAY e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Q••ltt., Prflrfl'n1 •"" 0.,...411.11 S1mc:1 ... --...... Ov•...., ... C.ftt"'. Zill I Wll'r IAUOA 11.YI. MIWPOn IU.CH • I "DON'r KNOW, llUTOO "'~ QUlcK/ ---~ -T'HE CAP~ IS WFINIT~Y J.Ess C"'-"'L 7J/A>I TllE .SWORD/ ·ANO···· By Ferd Johnson l\A'll' YOO '10!" SOM/i SNMl<Y ( !>EAL \lllTH °™" IND<lOR DR!~ M/ollllfJcru/1ERS? Ol that arrived Sunday night, replacing the Smothers Brothers. The first reason is that CBC.TV, which has made a big thing about allowing pre-reviews of its shows, was not very sharp with handling this new policy in regard to "Hee Haw ." That is, it did indeed offer a screening of the • debut earlier last week. But someone from CBS-TV. ~ called me up the d ay of that screening ·and told ·me ' very honestly that the program. being shown in·•• advance would have some slight adjustments made~ before it was put on the air for the general public. _. MY OWN PERSONAL altitude is Utat I flatly : refuse to se anything in advance that is not precisel~ ,.., as it will be when it is put on the air. I had some baa ~, experiences along these lines when I used to watch shows on large screens without commercials -· • and then saw the fanta stic difference in impression · · that they have when viewed in a living rom. •· ~ At any rate. l turned d~wn the "Hee Haw ' . ~ screening. And then, of all things, CBS-TV ollered the ·polished (if you'll pardon the expression) ver- sion of the debut in another prescreening last Fri- day. But si nce some of us don't have Saturday or Sunday columns, this meant the final version oC Hffee Haw" was not actually available for publish- ed pre-reviews on a blank.et basis. AND IT SEEMS lo me that il CJIS.TV is going to, have a policy, it should make Sure that its fi.Qa) air.; ·prints are· available to live up to that policy. As I '" recall, didn't the network fire the Smothers Broth· . ers with the chBrge that ·they ·didn't deliver their shows in time foi-proper prescreening? And wasn't there a lot of talk about the fact that you can't make an exception for one show over others? Well , anway, the matter only bothered me as a point of principle. Or, to put it bluntly, the second reason I didn't break my neck to manage a pre- i'eview of "Hee Haw'' is that, after a while in this business, you get to have a second sense about what is worth looking at in advance and what isn't. IT DIDN'T TAKE too much ·experience or In· sight to get a hunch about "Hee Haw," and I didn't \Vant to be responsible for anyone staying home Sun· day night to watch it if social alternatives were By Al Smith available. To be brief. ''Hee llaw" Is a so rt of very pro-~EY, vincial country-western version of "Laugh-in.·• .1, ,.HEY~ country-western it is. "Laugh-In" it ain't. I lAUGHllt'/ 1..c:..:.;c.:::..::_....:.._ ____ ::..._ _____ _ ';1 Den1ais the Jtfe1aace By Gus Arriola By Men ~ """' ' . ~ Complete Printing Service Top Quality -Fast Service ii!iiii§ii§E 642-4321 2211 W..t Balboo 11¥4. I I I !1 ' I ! -r I I • MOllAJ, JuN )6, l '161 . OLYMPIC SILVER MEDALIST NELSON PRUDENCIO O~ BRAZIC STRAINS FOR DISTANCE IN THE TRIPLE JUMP HE WON AT SECOND ANNUA~ ORANGE COUNTY INVITATIONAL lnVitational Track Meet It ~as Artistic Success, But a Boxoffice Failure By JOEL SCllW ARZ Of ... DlllJ Pt-. Staff :Tbe oPeratioll was a success, but lht .-11en1 died. ,. ~ ju.It about sums up the second an· nut Orange County Invit.alional Track abet Field met< held Saturday afternoon • Fred Kelly Stadium in Orange. ~ 'I)e meet wu an artiJtic success, but a llnandal flop. :A small crow.1: of abuut 3,000 faM only half filled the Stadium and, afttt the com- )irution, meet director Earl Engman said ••.we probably broke even." Engman and other meet officials weren't happy about the crowd aod were (pprebensive about poor attendance for a week before the meet. Undoubtedly, the meet would bf.ve run, In the red it it hadn't been for a ttlevlJlon contract with CBS, wblcb televlaed the meet nationally on Sunday. •With no a.uuranct1 that CBS will con- tinUt to televise track . next seuon and the poor attendance, the chances of a tl1ird annual Oran1e County Invitational leol< bleak. While the meet suffered at the gate, It certainly didn't suffer in competition. AthleLes sm•shed records in U events Rutgers Tops Pirate Four Speclal to the DAILY PILOT SYRACUSE, N. Y. -Orange Coast C.Ollefe didn't win the four<iar varsity race on Lake Onondaga in the finals of the Intercollegiate Rowing Association Saturday, but lhe Pirates proved they are no flash in the pan. Coach Dave Grant's shell linished Se· cond behind Rutgers, a learn that they had defeated Thut'9d1y in 1-qualifying heal Rutgers won the race in 7:24.3 with the BUC$ clocking 7:34.1 ahead of third place Cornell. .. We rowed exactly as we wanted to.·• Grant said. "\\'t rowed a fine race but Rutgers' boat was almost entirely made up d. aeniors against our three fushman and two sophomores. Perhaps that was the difference. They had some \'tty big people in their boat. Grant said a 10-knot head "'ind ac- counted for the slower times on Saturday. oa:: bad the fastest of aD 11 entries on Thursday, a 7:02 eff0r1 . Saturday's race was "an instant replay of last year ." according to Grant. when the &cs fin.isbe<I HCond to Penn in lhe JV eighl!. Saturday, OCC led for the lir1t SOO meters, then began trading the lead with Rutgers. Ruljers loot over al the 1.000 mM' mark and the Boes ~·ere ne\'er able to reclaim lhe lead. and lurned ln aome of the world's lop performances of lht year. Australian Ron Clarke was named athlete of tht meet aft.er whippilrr: previously unbeaten Jack Bachelor in lhe two-mile. Clarke won the race in 1:30, the best in the world this year, Most. of the other forei&n entrants ln the meet f 1 r e d well. Aussie Ralph Doubell won the 880 in 1:47.1, overtaking Felix Johnaon of Prairie View A&M in the last 110 yards with a withering kick. Cr.ech discus thrower Ludwig Danek beat Jay Silvester 212·2 to 209-3 and triple jumper Nelson Prudencio of Brazil easily woo at 49-8%. Other top performa~ we're turned ln by Dick Railsback and Otis Burrell. Railsback cleared 17-01h in the pole vault, his opening heiJht, and then had several near mlsses at 17·10, which would have bffn a world record. Burrell, coming off a knee Injury. won the high jump at 7-2~1, the best in the world th.is year. IOI -1 C.r1-tS111 Jost SI.I t.I IHtw _.., rlCOl'd. Oki m•rlr, t.7 O.v. R••""· lndl1n Emp!r• A,C~ 1 ... h t. H1wrll1111 CG/""41i.. Arll. J .C.) t.•1 l . llolll-(UCLAI f ,j , 22t -1. Cir .. /S." Jost St.I 21.I {Haw -•I rtmrll. Old -~ 1 .l. Mlkt r.•tv• Mitt. Arlr. JC. lMllJ : !. W!Mi.m1 A"*" C llbJ. 21.l: l. R-11 (Strktenl 21.1. ._.. -1. N""*'H u•r1lrlt V~ """'I "6.t : 1. Wtnl fAltw.t Club) 47.6; l. T•Ylor CPtc fie (Olsl Ctull), 4 .1. "' -~I !Autlr.ilt l 1:41.1 {NI"'"'"' re-t0rll. o·• m1rll : .2. o.~1 Per,...., l"•cl Jc C0"1t Ch1b. l ... l.i.'l J< ll"rtlrlt VI-.U.M) l :a .J1 J. l"tr-ry !-c lie 11111 C!\lbl 1:".l. Mlle -hr 4UMtl1Chtd) 4:02.t CN1w 11'1111 record. Old Mlr'o;, •i~-1. 8ob °""'· U.S. Armv. I ... ); 1. ~'°" fP1clflc: Co.11 Club/ 4:01.•i 1. sean 1Pac111c Ceelf Clvbl •:OJ.7, Ot\IM -tekt · lllt • hindmost • m111 -T. Hk!klt IMSAC/ "l'f l 1. Mlcle• 1s1r-.1 •:IJ.2; J. "'-tr UCLA •: J J.Mfl<I ~ I. C!lr1r.• {Aus!rt ll,i) l:Jll.I IN-~I r-.il. Old ,,,.,__ 50.t. WldlMY, IHll: 1. McCr11y '"'f; 1. 9ach1!1r rl'1orld.I TCI 1:».•i l. t.1-P11c •le COit! \111111 l :Q.I. lW HH -. 0.Vl'llOOrt lt-ID!ntan Strld1.,). JJ.I fNtw _, rKOf"d. Old °"''11, 1•.I, T"""'y Whitt, Strkkn. IHl!i 2. C•ltlTl8" ($trlder11 n .t: J. onoz (l~y)IH11~ 1. W~llMY IStddfr!) 50.• !Nfw ''""! •'"CW'd. Old PN'11 • .S...•. W~lt>I~. lHIJ '· McCr1n1 (Atlw,,. Clul:il JI.SI· J. 8111 CPralrlt V""'l· 52.t. ' Hit~ Sc'-! ,..1 t rtll V -I. Homll,.,.11111 Ifft~ Dittrkl !l.Kv. P. M•u. T. v...irmlQIJil. Oodb<!. o . M111. Ori-II!~, G.S:l'lln. J, Vt"t!~llel J:oo.•: 1. A~IWl._";J~O~ '1.1"t.• 1l':.,J~Mli1Y Coll•ctt 1:17.1: 2. G6idotn Wt1I. l;tf.4. Come>tal Hlah IChool fl"bllld ~ bvl .... •'-•tlfliod. Miit RtlfV -I. Prt lrlf v~ .... 3:11.J; 2. Strldtrs. 3:U.l; l. ,.N:lflc (MJI C•11b, 3:1S.7. H•mmer tllrow -l. CllNlllllV !Str~rJl tot'41 7. l"1ng"""" CU.S. Armvl ~; S. f11r1 (U.S. Armv, l'Ol-'· s,. -1.Jtellll'lllll!r fU.S. A•mvJ ~1rvi. no1..,. "W"tt •"<o•d. O• .... ,~. ~4..1, O.~ M~oo••d . S."11 ,.,.., "'lllllto Vlllaot, 1Mt!: 2. Wlll'lllm IAIMn1 CIOJl>I 'l-'''' 1. w1111n tu.s. Artnyl '°'"''~. DiK .... -1. 0. ..... fCrKhatio'Hklel ,1J·3 IHtw '°"ff! '~· O!d -rl<. !U..11 "'• C"rv C1t1••"· s• .. io.1'11 J. sn ...... i.-IUNITIChtdl ~; l. Celt 1u ... 1t•c11ec11 201-4. Jl\lf'llf' -1. $1\llrf IS!tid•rsl ,.,._,, J. ti• be'-'" cov.i11 CP•clllc , .. ,, (llltt) Ind TWl'llUI !US. A•mvl 1!'-•. TJ -1. ,.,UCIPflClo !l,.rlll ..._,,, '· Fo"<I l \tr~I 4·1~; J, GI-. !"•d lk c .. 11 Club) a . .. HJ -l. 911,.tll lSl•lc!t r•) 7:7\~ !H•w '"''!"! •t<"Ord. Old ........ 1·1, Ed C."""tl"I. P•df•C (Olln Club. 1-..1, J. 9rown 1Cornp1on Hlo~I .. 10: J. Cltrtt I S1r~~I .. 11. U -l. 1•1"""' !Sdlool ef ~ ...... 11,0\l,.l ,._. IN-. ... ....... <t'CWll. Did ,..l rt., n.•·~. llttl"" !leo-. St~. 1Nll; '· !o<-lflC CP1tllic CDISI Clvlll 2..-: l. •111 .... 1~ IS"fdt'"'I ''""' '1V -1. IUlbllol'rt IUCL•l U-4''o IN"' ~ t'!C0"11 o .. ..,.,., IM, Ctw-11 "•N~lnll•w. $•~ JO!!t StJ 1"'41\; 1, f l rV!htri CS.II J""" SI.} IM: l. Sl9i1> ISMdt<l , 1 ..... ~·• 100 -I. (lot .. l(to:;"") 10~ lN•w ,.,~I r"CW"il. o:• ""'Iii. 10.1. ll•rb.I•• F1<•tU. L.A. ,_ •• ,cvr'°'". ltUI J. FIJrrtll, 11.f: S. Hldlol1 (ll•k1<1~1d S~lnlll 1~.I. • -.... '1 "1CI -1. T--O.\lc•"'" M'*tllft, ~.JI '· Fe'"""' Ue~ Gt lwlfl Vllln P1cwnl ».•: l. s.ro•t !LA.. Mi!rc"""""' .11.!. W-"· .. -I. T""'•"f"' IA-Tt"l ,.11 •· 7, Sitt"" /Slnll M.,.icl AC ! J:lJ.•: J. NOrrls IS.C. M '<t''"'t) ~·lf,t. S"".0' Mllr -1 1'"11111'"••!4 tS•~l&rs 11'('1 •·JO.f : 1 U"'CI'• I S~·I' M"llk l TC\. • JCl.J: J. IC:l<llnMUtf' I~..,.,. '"Cl J U.t. AMBLING AUSSIE Ron Clarke of Australia leads Jack Bacheler during the t\v~mile run in Orange County Invita· tional. Clarke won in 8:30, the fastest time in the world this season. Satriano Traded For Sox' Azcue ST. PAUL·MINNEAPOLIS IAP) -The Ca lifornia Angels traded catcher Tom Satriano lo the Boston Red Sox for catcher Joe Aicue, the Angels announced here Swlday night. The An&els said Azcue, who left the Boston team without permission here last Thursday night and flew home to Kansas City, is to join his new American League club in time ror tonight's game against the Twins. In the series opener the Angels send Tom 11-furphy (4·3) against J im Perry (4· 3) or Dick Woodson (3-2). The game vi'ill be tele\•ised al 6 p.m. by channel S. Satriano will hook up with the Red Sox -'l'besday in Cleveland aner-he retums·to his home at Anaheim, for a day. -Satr:lano was hilting _.2.59 for the Allgels v;ith one homer and 16 RBI. Azcue, traded from Cleveland to Boston earlier this year in a si1·player deal keyed around Ken Harrelson, was hitting .240 and had one borne run. Jackson Spells RBI for jBOSTON' (AP) -Reggie Jackson may not bt a lllperstar quile yet, but don ·1 try to tell that to lht Boston Red Sox. 1be !S--year-old Oakland outfielder destroyed Boston pitching over the wetktnd in one or the biggest three-game ~·any hitter ever had. Be bit .MS with nine hits in 14 tries, d(O\"t 1n a nur-record 15 runs, and WIUf'ld up with 15 total bases on four harnen. a trtpte. two doubles and l w o ... r... His alt.f&llnl •• too much for lhe Rtd S.. to --u tbi Athltllu hllmillated -lo a tllrooi•mt IW"l' iw-..alf.1.Jl_,ud 11-L -,1F'rcm ll'blt 1 aaw ,here. he look! like a .upcr star rilht now,"' .eon.on Man11u Diet li'llUMnl aJd al the J"Ul!I 1tu11er I ~·ho ls In only his stcood ma jor league season. "He's strong as an ox, and he"s got aU the equipment.'' Jackaon came into town trailing Boston Rico Petroce.l\i by ooe home run for the American League lead, but that situation didn't last kJni. The Oakland outfielder hit hi! 20th homer Friday night to pull into a lie , then ••ent wikl Saturday as he dro\'e in 10 runs with pair ol homers, a double and 1 .... ·o 1inales . Ht finished up the bombardment Sun- day ...,.ilh a double . a triple and hi$ 23rd bomer, drh·lng In rour more runs. The JO RBI Saturday just missed Tony t.auerrs league record of 11 set with the New York Ya11ktts tn 1136, and the 14 for two days were 1lso only one short of Laueri's mark or lS !el In the same year. but Jackson said he was not aware of either record during the ga mes. "They don't feel sorry for me wh~n l strike out live times In a row." he said. "I struck out 171 times as a rookie last year. and nobody v.·as fe-eling sorry for me." "1 lry not to think aboul a day after ifs O\"Cr," ht sald. ''Today !Saturday) was another day and 1 just wanted to try to get a few hiU. Sure it v.•as on my mind, but I kntw that w-sn't going to &el Ole a.ny hits against Ray Culp. .. Now today ii over, too. and I'm think· Ing about tomorrow. You never know wt\at tomorTO• will brine." JacUon rtruc.k out his llrst ~ up Sunday, lhen hit a run·$COrlng double 111 14-inch Putt Worth Fortune To Open Champion Moody HOUSTON (AP) -OrvUle Moody, an olf.lhe·boerd long-<ho~ hu tq be the most unlikely, unorthodoi: U.S. Open golf champion of all Ume. Besides being a one-quarter Choctaw Indian and a 14-year Army veteran, he's a crou-handed puUer, never practices, corrects presidents and -believe it or not -didn't know his own name. Moody, SS, a nonwinner on the tour, received a telephone call from President Nixon Surlday after he had won the 69tb V.S. Open with a 72-hole score of 281. "He !aid it was a fine thing that some- one n o t of the elite class, t h e middle class, to win this championship," Moody said. "He said it isn't often that some'IOOy cornea out of the Army after It years and Willl the U.S. Open. "I told him it's .the first time." Moody shot a final-round 72 on the l ,t67·yard, par 70 Cypress Creek course at Champiom Golf Club and won by one stroke. Tied for second at 2.82 were thin Al Gt.iberger, who had a final-round 70, Bob Rosburg, 71, and little Deane Beman, 72. Bob Murphy was alone in fifth al 283. Third-round leader Miller Barber col· lapsed with a 71 and finished at 284., lied at that figure wllh Arnold Palmer, 72, and Bruct Crampton, 71. Jack' Nicklaus had a 73 for 289. "l had no dream 1 could win it," 1'1oody said. "I didn't know I v.•as good enough to win it. l came here playing good and pl annin g to try and "'in it, but I didn't know I could." Playing in the last twosome, he came to the last hole, needing only to par it to win. "That's the first time I started thinking about it. I thought , 'Well, get up there and Jet her fly.' I did ," he .said. He drove the fairway, started to use a seven iron and went to an eight instead. "I thought, 'I don't want to back up now,'" he said. "So I went to the eight iron. I figured if 1 was a little tight, I'd probably hit an eight better than I would a seven." He put it on the green, about 13 feet from the pin, and missed the putt by 14 inches. He walked up to it quickly and tapped it in without lining it up. "It was a long 14 inches for a million dollars," he said. "1 didn't ~'ant to th.ink about it, didn't want to let myself think about it. That's why I hit it so quick.'' Moody left the Army -most of bis time was spent ruMing golf courses - after 14 years of service when he found three sponsors to back him on the tour. Drysdale Returns, Gives "J mel them playing golf at Killeen, Tex.," ht said . "I was playing with them every day, taking their money. I guess they figured It was cheaper to put me on the tour than keep on playing." flMI ICWft Ind monty WIMl"91 IW*y lfl fh• U"tlfd St•tn OPtn Golf TourMmenl; Or\IHl<m MDOdy, lJCl,000 71·JM&.1f-al Al G•fbfr9er, Sll,DDO •n·7l-11-aJ: 0."9 11...,.n, 111.-....,..7).72-112 9eb ROlburQ. 111.000 1Mf.7J.1J-m Bob Mu•phv. 17.000 IM-1'1·74-ll-21J Mets Pah1 in Standings LOS ANGELES (AP l -Don Drysdale returned to combat and promptly put the New York Mets on the casually lisL Making his first appearance in more than eight weeks, Drysdale hurled a steady 5 2/3 iMings and then receiv~ relief help from Jim Brewer as the Los Angeles Dodgers shaded the Mets 3-2 here Sund1y. The Dodgers, one game behind Atlanta In the light National League West Dodger Slale J11n• 16, Oodttr1 vs s.~ DI-7:55 11.m •• kFI J\11'11 Iii D<Mltt" VI S." Dl-Cfl, S;p "·"'·• Kfl J,_ 1 , Oodttn '! "" ""T' l:u "·'"·• KFI Jlll'll 11. DodDtf"I"' "'°'IMlll, p,m .. KFI /"'' JuM JI. °'"""'" ., l!ldnMll :U ,.,m .. K ' (-1 J11M 22. Otdpr1 .. ClMlllNif CJ), ll:lt t .m., ICl'I division, take on the skidding San Diego Padres tonight in the start oC a four· game series . Claude Osteen. 8·5, will pilch for Los Angele! agaWt Dick Kelley, 3-4. Drysdale -14-12 last year -was sidelined ·p;ith a right shoulder injury * * * NIW YOl.K LOS AN•lt.al Nrl>1111 •lrlll'M Harr1i-, ,.. • 1 1 I w 1111. u J 1 t • ,.. .. ,cl JIJ Olluutll,cl ~•t• G1rrt1t,'l'b l Oll P1rl<tr,lb llll C:.J ...... lf •01 111.D!CO,rf 41 1 1 S111maky.rl JI O Mo!i,lf 4 110 Dytr, P!1 _ 0 >_ 0 o 1 _Sl1etn@!'t,_ 2'_1 L I 1_ 111.Tly»r, JI I l....,,,,.., Jlio ., 0 t I • Kr~ lb 3_ o '-lori.oro, c I I .,1 o G11ptr. pl! 1 I I Orytdt !t, p t I I I CMrl<I .. » 4 f ......... p 1011 Grol1,c ,. o DILIW .... I' 1 I t , ..... 1. pll • • • K-1." I I I Otlt,d 10 I T1ltl$ U 2 J Ntw Ytr11 LGD A11111i. ,. l I I --· ,.._, Oakland the third inning, a run-scoring triple In the fifth. and a solo homer In the St \'enth. Now jus two RBis awly from Lazte- r1's two-ti!ame record. he came up in the eighth with the bases loaded and a chanct to tie or break it. 'T'ht first thing that happened was that the Red Sox noticed hb: bat was chipped. the umpire ord~ him to cet another one. Then a high lN1de pitch hlt him on the hand as he threw It up to protect. his laee, forcing in a run and c1 \'lnc him hi! final RBI of the day but deprl vlnc him of the chance to break the record . "I hit about 12 or IS ol my homen wtth that bat, but dor'l'l think I'll miss it,'' Jackson said. "If 1 can 't use it, I can't use It, that'! all,'' April 22. He got cred it for the victory agaill!lt the Mets, bringing his season record to 2·?. "Things went a little bit better than I thought they woukl," he said. "My con- trol really surprised me." The big right- hander did not walk a batter, yielding two runs on seven hits and 1trlklng out three. "There v.•as no trace of pain and the shoulder felt jw;t fi ne," Drysdale said. "I was getting tired in the 1ii:th and in 1 close ball game l didn't want to lose it all at once." He said he expects to take his regular tum on the mound Friday night in Cin- ciMaU. ArllOld P1lmer. ll,OCll 711oJUl..l1-3U 8rvr;e Cr1mptan, l5.000 7J..72.ef.11-21• Mllltr 91rti.<", U ,000 67·71471-:IU 9unky Htn•Y. Sl.SOll 10-n.a.1s.--xs Olw M•rr, st.ice 75-tt-71·71-nf a~t Ot-Yt!n, 11,lllO ,,.,._,..,...... GearQI Ard!.,, 12,ltllt 6t·l4-7J.l'l-4N Cl'llr!U CDOdy, Jl,m 724f.72-l.$-ll7 Dan Rtlrtm. SIMI ff.7•7'1-7+-X1 •1y Flll'f'I, ll... 79**11--:111 Julhn '°""· 11.• 7\.7J.7'1-7S-llf 0.11 °""l!leq, 11.... 7Mf.JO.~ pt,lj IOOOt<1. SI.Ml 16·79-4f.n-X7 Ktf'ml! Z1r1ey. 11.m 1 .. n .11-11-111 0.Yt Hiii, II... 7J..l .. 11-l'l--lll7 H11Wlt Jafl"'°", JI ,... 7J.7J..n.10-Jft flOb Stinton. Jl,SOll 7•111-71.n-M llert Y•Mf'I• Sl,!00 11 ·11·1•72-lll Ton'! Wt!tkapl. 11 ,JDO •f.IS.11·7>-M fleb M!lcl>tll, SJ.JOG n.7 ...... 11-211 Tonv J1ckl1", Jl,JOO Ji.J0.7J.7$-71t DllY• s1oc-1an, 11.lOO 1J..tt.n.1s-m Old; Cr1wt1rd, J l,JGll 70-IS.7).71-ttf Jld< Nk-llut. SI.JOO l'-'7-1J.7>-2" JM C..mr>tttll, 11.:JOO 7J.7•n..t-2" J. SIH llmllh. SI.HI n.7J.7J.'1-2'9 tlob 5m!lll. 11.140 7Ml·72-l!-M llotlbv Cai.. 11.1• 7J.n.J1.l>-M &ob Hlchelt. 11,140 1 .. 1 .. n.18-21t 11:1c1t II•..,"· 11.uo 1J.7Uf.7"-1'1 Eyes Masters, Open Hogan Plans Comeback After Three Operatwns -----::: • -.:;:---::=._ - HOUSION (AP) -B<o Hogan, graylnC ·Opens, two MB!len and the British Open. at the temples nut brown ind lookinc flt, Hogan is walking the ChamPionl Club'• said Sunday h~ hoped to make a golfing steamy fairways as a rare role-catchinc comeback. scattered shots of golf's new breed. "I plan to see my doctor In New "1 look at them and 1 don't know who Orleans next week and I hope he will give they art," he said. me permission to starting playing again," "1bty look at me and they don't know the Iitlle ironma1ter from Fort Worth, who I am, either." Tei .• one of the gamea's immortals, 1aid Askec_! how it felt to be l rpectator, he during a brtak In the U.S. Opt.n Golf ·~~ 1r1f!llY.: . . championship. I don t like 1t. I get • bit conlU5ed out "Yes. I would like to compete in the there. It's hard to aee with IO many peo- Open and J\.fa!ten again. Seriously?" ple around. I don"t care where the ball His steel eyes glinted and he toot ano-aoes. J Uke to watch lbeir technique..'' ther measured puff on a cigarett". Hogan, who played at around 150 "If J play 1 will play 1erk>us1y," he ad-pounds, said he now weighed cloaie to 17$. ded. ' "I need to get in shape," he AJd. "I The once-feared Hawk, now 56, four wouldn"t dare go out on a coune wltbcl.Jt times ••inner of the Open and one ol the first getUng in shape." few men to capture all m1jor pro. Hogan bas chan,ed litut. He 1pe1ks In fusional titles, said he hadn"t swung a slow, measured tones., with 1 deep, rno-- C'lub s I n c e an operaUon on his I e I t nant voice. He chain«n0kes. He can still shoulder 1ent him to UH! sidt:Unes la!t look at you like • landlord asking for last Aug. 15. month'• rent. "I had lhree operations" he ei:plained. He admitted he is intrigued by lht "I had some tJnue remo~·ed. One opera· mushroomlnJ puntl and mutU -milbo. lion was just explOralory. I had a cut ten· dollar succea of the modem game. don in my left arm. I couldn't brine the ··1 think it's wonderful," he aakl ... Tt club back in a bt<bwing." will &<I bluv. Soon they will be playl111 The Injury dates to the near fatal for ~f-m1ilJon dollar puna and even 11utomobUe tcddent on a Tuai highway mOUon dollar pones." Jn 1941 \\'hk:h 1lrmst wrteked his carttr. How much did Ben gtl for h1I fint Although 90me doctors said he'd never Open Y1c:tory. \\'Ilk again, he came back to Win threfl "I think It wa.1 $1 ,5fl0," he aald. " ... I ... Yardley Nominees PAU ~ HUGHES JOHN VALLELY Hughes Is Versatile; Vallely Proves a Point Add Paul "The Surgeon" Hughes to the roster of NewpOrt Beach-costa Mesa area athletes nominated to receive the coveted George Yardley Trophy. The award is made annually by the Newport Beach Junior Chamber ol Ccmmerce to the area's outstanding athlete. A swimming-water polo star at Orange Coan College, Hughes is known as .. The surgeon" during water polo """'"· "I don't know how many steals Paul has made in our water polo matches over the put two years but It's con- siderable," says his coach1 Jack Fullerton. "He play• with great con- centraUon and he's very aleit to any situation. He's the best defensJve player we've had here lately." With Hughes leading the team in thefts, OCC has won 52 of its last 54 water polo matches. As a swimmer, the former Costa Mesa High standout is a freestyler and in two OCC seasora has earned A 11 • American recognition and his 18:03. 1,650-yard ·time last season was tops among JC 1W1mmer1 1n the Southland. ·He was the Pirates' hi&h- point man ln swimming. He'll enroll at UC Santa Barbara oerl fall. ~en it comes Ume to pa!s out awardl to athletes who represent the Orange Cout area, you'd have to struggle to overlook John Vallely. No basketball player pro- d\tced in this area has ever had a season like Vallely had last season at UCLA. He was a season-long starter at guard on a national cham· pionshlp team and bis great ~t performance qaillll Drake in tbe NCAA seinlfiW game propelled tbe Bruin& loin tbe final against Puidue. UCLA won the title game, 92-72, and Vallely potted 15 points. The Balboa Island product, who prepped at Corona del Mar High, played forward at Orange Coast College and skeptics said he wouldn't make the transition to guard at UCLA. "There's no way Vallely will play for UCLA next year," snorted a Pasadena sportswriter. Smarting from such skep- ticism, VaJlely not only played but started ·every game. "I wanted to show a lot. of people I could play at UCLA," Vallely says. "People advised me to go to a smaller college but I wanted to prove to them and myself that 1 was good enough to play major college basketball." He proved his poinL Sports In Brief Area Drivers 1-2 In Dallas Drags DALLAS -The National Hot Rod Association Spring· nationals ended Sunday in triumph and tragedy for two young dr<tg racers. One won big. The other died. "When I crossed that finish line, t said to myself 'I won !," e x c I aimed Hank Wesl· foreland, of Coron a del Mar who emerged as the top fuel eliminator in the $190,000 event. The victory. his first major triumph, could be worth $100,000 NHRA officials said. This Includes prize money con- tingencies, p e r s o n a I i;.p- Ji ear an c es and other gratuities. The 25-year-old Corona del "1ar driver pilated h i s Chrysler powered AA Oragster, the Beachcombe r, over the quarter mile track in on -elapsed -time of 6,848 seconds, bitting A speed 0£ 214.79 m.p.h. . He shaded Kelly Brown or Fountain Valley, who was clocked in 6.916 seconds at 184.ot m.p.h. An estimated 25,000 fans jammed Into the new Dallas ·International Motor Speedway and watched in horror as two funny cars collided at mid· strip, killing Gerry Sc hwartz, 25, of Fort Wayne, Ind. ..... ....... ..... SACRAMENTO -.,You're dam right 1 was thinking about 1 world record,'' remarked 18-year-old Casey Carrigan after he had pole vaulted higher than any high 11ehooler Jn history and tried in va.in for 17 feel, 1011. inches. The Orting, Wash., youth - lln Olympian 111t the age of 17 rast year -went over 17""4~~ In S.lurday night's I 0 I h Golden \Vest JnvltaiUonat meet for the nat.Jon'1 top senior prep tract and fle.ld men. .... .... SAN FRANCISCO -Tho Montreal Elt'pos 1 w a p p e d veteran first baseman Donn Clendenon to the New York Mets for four minor leaguers Sunday. Clendenon was batt.ing .24-0 with four home runs and 14 RBI in 38 games for Mont.real. The Soviet Union shut out Italy and Rumania beat Spain to gain the final berth in Euro- pean Zone B Davis Cup com- petition. The Russians completed a S. 0 sweep over Italy Sunday with a pair of sina:les vic- tories. Tomas Lejus defeated Eugenio Cast.igliano ~4. :H, 6- 4. 7·5 after Alex Metreveli had trounced Nlcola Piet.rangeU g. 2, 6-2, 6-2. Rumania SCJJred _I .+.1 vie· tory over Spain in _ t h ...J. semifinal at Valencia. ... .... .... A TL.ANT A -Hank Aaron. the 35-year~ld supentar of the AUant.a Braves, says he turned down a half million dollars last spring to play for the Global League. "That's a lot or money," Aaron told Wilt Browning, Atlanta Journal b a s e b a 11 wrlter, "but I'd be giving up too much that I've spent 18 years building up in this Na- tional League." fte money wouJd have bttn pa.Id over a tw~year period, he aald, and was offered by a frlend whom Aaron declined to identify. .... .... BUDAPEST -The Soviet Union's Romuald Klim stt a world record in the hammer throw Sunday, marking 244 feet, 6 im:hes at an ln- ternatlonal track and field mett hert. The toss broke the record of 242 feet held by Hungarian Gyula Zsivot.iky. Maas Tops Drag Field At OCm C.W. "B\Jtch" Maas of Hun- Uncton Beach ws the top drt\'er In Saturday '• Inaugural Mardi of Dimes benefit drag race at Orange County International Raceway Satur- day nJcht. Mau. driving an AA.fueler of Toay Walter! from Batenfleld, flrat blitled to a 1.17 second qua:U.fyi.ng mark and then wrapped it up with a 1.16 second clocking for the beat. Ume during the three rounds of ellminations. John Wright of Long Beach took home tbe •t,000 winner's purae in the funny cir field. Wright's "Hellfire" entry, with lnstant starting line reac· t.ions, hit the t a p e in 8.01 seconds at 181.28 MPH. A berth in tbe OC IR An- nivenary Race of Winne.rs (Aug. I) along with a cash award of $1,000 ill at stake In the Fuel Altered feature S.turday nlgbt. Tbe i tarting spots In the Augmt event are accorded the previous year's winners in the top fuel , funny car, gas supercharged and fuel altered divisions. Saturday's race b one of on- ly two remaining opportuniUes for lhe allred pilots to make the starting field. An early favorite for first place Saturday is Leon Fitzgerald of Anaheim, who has taken R. T. Reed's ·"Pure Heaven" entry to three wins in five it.arts this year on the OCIR quarter mile track. The qualllying f>""'Ul"< Is off oo Fitzgerald, as he has already qualified for the August feature. He'll be going slricUy for lhe puroe of 11,000. Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE Eut Dlvlllon Won Lott Pct. GB Chicago 4-0 19 .678 - New York 30 26 .536 8'h Pittsburgh 30 30 .500 10'12 St. Louis 28 31 .4'ffi 12 Philadelphia 23 32 .418 15 Montreal IS 41 .268 23Y.r: West Dlvi1lon Allanta 34 24 .536 - Los Angeles 33 25 .569 1 S. Fnmcl.sco 33 25 .569 1 CinciMati 29 25 .537 3 Hourton 29 33 .468 7 .San Diel<• 25 38 .397 1111 SUlllhY'• •n111t1 loa Al'IOtlft 3, Nllw Yori! t SI. Leul1 S, Hw1t1>11 l PllllMN!Pi1!1 J, S•<I Olno ,, flO ....... , Att.nr. e, ~lltlbur.i> I Clnd ..... I 7.S, Chlceff ..... tlld ,.,... .......... •II... 7 IMl"91, Plelll .a.oui., wm be r.omitle!HI In s-1...-s.... f'r~ltc0 7·6, Mon!~•! l·I T•Y'• Ga'"" Chleleo (511..,. 4-)1 •I ~lttlbureh {l11Mifte; •·•0, nlltlf Mol!lr.11 CJ. lllClber'I"'" 1·2) 11 SI. llllllt (l r11n .,,, llltl'lt "'°"",_, COlf't'k"" 1-• 111d ll:1y 2·11 ti Atletltt (P, NIMro 11).l 111d P. J1l'Yhl s.o. 2. twl-1119'11 Sin OIHo {Klllrl' :J...11-'LOI An. Min IOt"°"' I-JI, tilfl'lf'""'" CltidllMU CFfollef J.(.I) I! S.ti Fri"' cl1cv (R. llClbtrtlon 1·11 Only ""'" 1c1Modoled r""".,... 01"'" New Yort; 11 Phllwde'lptill , 2, .... I. "Ifill Clll~ 11 P'lltlbuP'fh, 2 lwl.1119'\I Mollll'Nl .i St. leul1, 11(9111 ..._,_, •I Alleti!I, 1119111 Sin Ditto 11 LOI Al!lelti.. !. lwJ.. ..... Clnch.,,.11 11 San Fr-1~~. 11;,tit AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division Won Lost Pel GB Baltimore 44 17 .721 - Boston 36 22 .621 61h Detroit 31 2.1 .574 91A Washington 31 32 .492 14 New York 30 32 .484 14"2 Cleve1and 20 35 .364 21 West Dlvl1loa Oakland 30 >:; .54S - Minnesota 31 ~ .M4 - Seattle 26 31 .456 5 Olic.ago 23 32 .411 7 Kansas City 24 34 .414 7\2 California 19 JS .345 11 lllllllrr'• ._,... "IN Yort; ~. 5.e1l11t Or, r """"-'• r11" 811!lmort f.ll. Cll~ t.! Detroit 7, IC.I-City I .. ' · · .DA!LY '!LOT If Baron ·wrestling-a Success Story By ROGER CARLSON cess have chalked up 1 31-2 Ot ,.. Otlt1 P!Mt 1"" r~ri! jn dual meets over the Im.mediate succesi1 in high three years th e prorram has school sports for new schools been In existence. is extremely uncommon. Last season '• team wu 1 1~ Usually 11 lakes two or and the Barons we re three .sea.sons to get a p~ represented by. two CIF cham· gram under way. plons tn Glen Anderson and At Fountain Valley High Chris Sones. School, however, there.is one Both of lhose athlele1 are sport that has reached almost leaving shortly for Whorly, unbelievable success In the Wyo., w~re lhey'U compete in three years the school has the National AAU finals. been open. Artderion will not be among It's wrestling. I. ll'QUP of Orange Coast area When people speak or Foun-athlete,, from the Newport lain Valley wrestling, it's Beach YMCA. beginning to sound in the He's in the position where he same tones as Anaheim fool· 1nust finance the trip entire1y ball or Centennial track or by himself and to dale he's a Comptoo baskelball. good $201j shorl. It's the tone of respect for a HowevPr, with the ffi!Qrd program that's obviou s I y Iha! he's obtained In his senior deserving. year at Fountain Valley, it's The Barons, firsl under the unlikely that he'U miss the tutelage of Ken Duddridgt for lrip. a year and then Vem Wagner His roach, Wagner, says one the past two seasons, have way or another, he'll' make ~e C9J11Piled a spectacular finals. F!.naocial aid should .be record. directed to Glen Anderson, c/o They've won 'the Irvine a Founta in Valley High. League championship t w o An~rson chalked up a 5-0 years running aod in lhe pro-record as a senior and capped k with 1 Cll' championship that wu 1amered with a pln in the first period. Two weeks ago he won the Wiii Coast AAU qualllying dwnplonship at N e w p o r t Harbor. Hb penonal efforts refJect the Overall success of Foun· taln ~alley. The· Ba.rota won m o s t everythins tn 1ight last year and added to their lustre by hoaUng the Irvine League prellms, finals and C I F prellms. 'Ibis coming season they' u add the coveted Ftve Counties wrestling tournament to their belt. 1be Five Counties, a unique tournament that invites teams to participate u a whole rather than individuals, is restricted to schools that either won thelr league cham- pionship the previous year or are a major 10Urnament win---It originated·at Marina High SCbool under coach Jack Ken- n¢Y, but haa •Ince been tr.ansferred to Wagner'• ·pro- All SIZES ONE PRICE! SAVE UP m s37 PER SET ON 4·PLY NYLON CORD TIRES • BFG's biggest-selling 4-ply tire! SIZES OFFERED•· 7J5-l4 1.55-14 7.75-1 5 • BFG Custom Long Milers ! 7.75-14 lBS-15 l.2S·15 "Big Edge" long mileage tread! LZ'5·l4 7JS..1S 1.55-lS • .... l!W., ""' w...r ...,. tu " '2.11 • JZ,Q .... wllll ........ gram bfcaUSt: ol lhe fonner's aeuon. lnclOdJq a travtl date n!Urtment from act Ive at Palot Verdes Jllab- coachlng at Marina. CUrrent!y he has most of. his It's considered the best wrestlin& tournament in the athletes working out TU'9d1y stale. and 'lllursday nlghla a I Wagner says his biggest Oranfe Coast c:oDeae. The problem now is trying to keep wortouta are open to anyone his program going tt tbe same wltb an AAU card and com· winning clip. mence at 7:30. Some problem. Andf:i-son's future appears When the recent season con-to be at Cat Poly (SLO) where eluded, his charges had won he's· been offered a full NCAA the Irvine League varsity Utle wmtllng scholar1blp. Sones with an II~ mark. will be going to the University The junior varsity was •lso of Iowa under a similar grant. 11-0, winning league honors, The marked success at and the frosh-soph team was Fountain Valley Is indicative 1~1. of the entire Orana:e Coast or the 86 grapplen involved area. on the lhret; teams, Ill will be Newpqrt Harbor has won back In December for another two UUes In succeslion in the seuon: Sun&et Le.,ue against old· Wagner says tbe key to time pawer Westminster W Founta.ln Valley SUCCtlS has Marina. been, "Just hQw much time a And, Corona de! Mar ~ <on· boy wants to put into It." sldered a prime threat lh. .the And the crowds have been · tall to Fountain Valley ... in with the Barons. The Costa· Irvine circles. • , Mesa match, 1t night, drew a For. Fountain VaUey and the gathering of 800. entire arei, the put ~ Wagner hopes to have !bur years in wreJtllng l\ave t>e,p a night ~ts this c ~ ~ fji I study l.n' how to sUcceed. i ' • Easy te rms with BFG "Choice.Charge" Whitewalls 13 more per tire. 3·1N·ONE SPECIAL! 95· Includes: FRONT WHEEL BALANCING MOST FRONT END ALIGNMENT AMlllCAN ••• BRAKE INSPECTION & ADJUSTMENT fOlllGN TORSI ON IAI ADJUST MINT & r•m m u. CARS BRAKE RELi 40,000 MILE GUAUNTEE • EXPERT WORKMANSHIP MIM!elot~-Clll"llWllll-2 "''~ -11-1 c,u1""'i. ,, w11111~ ,.~. - Otl<i.nlll ll. SMlflfl $ . • QUALITY REPLACEMENT PARTS __ __!_5"0AL LOW PllCES ·----- T•n Ga-0.~ltlld (Hllflltr J..7 l9ftd Ul/rfflel,M! 2·11 1t IC1,.,._1 Cltv flvlltr 2-1 ~ llulll!er '·l l, I twW!llfll C.tlflfml• 1M.,;,,...., "°" ti MllWlt' sot1 IPetTY .._. .,. Wl>lldtoll J.l l *"'' 1Mtr1tltlll J..7! V!. ClttClllO (W~Mt M ) •I MllW111kft, 1119'11 lollort !fMIY >-o! 11 Ci.wl9nd (Tl.I"! Ml, 1111('11 o.rtall {MCUl!t t-SI 11 N.w Yort (P~ Ml. nit~! °"" •-KMcluled ,.,.....,._ O.mn O.kllnd ti IC111Mt Cl,.,., 11ltllt C1!1for11l1 11 M'-0!1. 1111111 s..ttle 11 Clllca11e. J. twl-fti.1'11 llCll!ol'I 11 ClrlNfld. nl9'11 lllltlf'l\Orlt 11 WMll.ll\MOll, 1119'11 Ottr•n 11 H.,. v.ni:. 2, rwi..""""'t Dee p Se a Fis li Rep ort HbPOllT fArt'1 l.IMll111)J.~n 111o 1i.n1 u • ~ • .,, Rnltw. a1 .... J lltllbvt. MUNTINOTON l •ACM-1' 1ntltn: ,, '°"''°" Ill 11111. hrM ........ .,,., aol lol\11'1, 60 INu. 11 ...,_..,,.., IAN Ct.•M• .. Tl-W 1,,...,..1 l,fff 1111\119. 1.111 ""'· "' lllrTKW!lll. tlj\l, 1a ... c11-1u 11Ml9n1 '' be,.. l'9CVll1, JOI boftllo, )1111 btff. 11 hell. Wt. &--. '" l!'lfllnl tJ bt•,.cwa, tJI bllftltw. 1J ..... 4 M llllul. 210 .......... '"" P•DttO fH-'t l.l~ntl-171 11'111tr11 M "t1owt111, I! lllrr9<119, ,., ~ 1 • .00 c.nco .,_.,, ' JlllllNt. fnN, SI. l1Nlll1)-ll 11111tn1 J yfl· lowtlll, I Nrrtc:11Q , J1S uHc1 bltl, I htllOi.I!, ,. llorltt ... .... - NO MONEY DOWN ... FOR MOST CARS COSTA ME$A WESJ'MINSTER . JONES TIRE SERVICE L. J. LITTLE'S Big 0 Tire 2049 ~ARIOR BLVD. !At Bay! 7352 WESTMINSTER AVE. PHONE 540-4343 or 646-4421 PHONE 893-5572 DAILY B anl'~ 6 pm • Sat. Til 5 pm DAIL YB am . 7pm Sat. Til 5 pm OUR OWN B!JDGET PLAN • MASTER CHARGE • BANKAMERICARO S•• Miu Rtdl1! A91 pr111ftt Tft1 S1111dty Mc.-.. 11, The Owtc••h, N.Y.P.O., T~e Wffn11d1y MoY!t , Tom Jon11, J11dd, Tht 1-tod Sq111d, t ncl Th• $win91r1 on AIC0TV thll Spri119 I ' ' f •' • • I •I )I • I ~I i:. I ! I I- j ' • DAILY I'll.OT • Monday, :Juno 16, 1969 Steel· Slag Track ·rQo Soft for · Most Competitors DAILY PILOT ~ 1W hie ....... Tbe great steel slq track experiment 11 over and the athletes who served u gulnea pigs when they ran on it Saturday in the second annual Orange County InvltaUonal track and field meet didn't particula.rly like It. Most complained abcul loose footing on ·the steel.gray col· ored track al Ell Modena High School. Hefe's what some of the c:ompetlton said aboul th< track and the competiUon: Sprioler Joho Carlo&, th< meet'• cnly double wihner: "Either this track ii slow, or l'm tired, and I don't feel tired." Baseball's Top Ten AMl&ICAM laAoua "lrrW C• O A& • M ""· Cat-Min U 114 l5 " .Jr! "·"°"""-111 .. 1t5 $1 " ,,. ,.f'fl"oclltt &111 SJ ,,. :u u ,m "·""""' a111 .. 1u • a .m F . .._ WH 6l J• d 7• •• H-ft Sn •7 llM U • •• ,._,. S.I Sf 21t M W .l05 &lmir a.1 '° '" ., n .m OllYI Min 5f 222 f1 " .tt1 Murcer NV n m » " ·"' -·-a,JeClo~. 0..111111. 221 ,..._m, 9-tan. •• !" • ...,,...rd. Wlll'll~, If; V~I, 8f11Jton, 171 1'"'41ont, HIW Yon, 17. ·-··· ·· "-'L .. ltinwr.. 12; k l"""'-, M~. 521 lt.J~ Olilthll'ICI. .,, T.Horelfl, C,.....111111, "'I Nwrur, New YOtt. • .t!I; F.How1rd, Wuht"'ICll'l, ~; Y1itn<!i'nlkl, aonon.. .U; F.llob!,,_ ao11, l1Ulmort. 45. ,.llchl~• McH1lly, t11ttlmot11, f.f, 1.000: Lyle, ll»fOl'I, S-4, 1.000; Pl'IOlbu1, .. ltlmo~. 1·1, .17J; Le!lbclrl, 8nlgn, .. ,, .W ; Lod!dl. Ottrolt. .. ,, .• J7. NATIONAL llAOUI M.Alou ""' Ill ''' 41 H .3" M«-SF s2 110 o • .sn BREEIING HOME -Australian Ralph Doubell breaks the tape comfortably ahead. of Felix Johnson of Prairie View A&M as he wins Orange County In· vitational 880 in record time of 1:47.8. Johnson set the early pace in the race, but Doubell, a gold medalist in the 1963 Olympics, rushed by him in the last AJOl\Mclll Cln S. 225 :ti' 19 .:l51 H.AarOl'I An SI '1S S7 74 .lA>l $11'"41 """ .U JOI )4 '' ""3 ,.1<11 Cln SS m •s '' .let C.J_. NY 5f l06 C 111 .MO Mrit Htft 61 21D ff 11 .331 It.Alim 1'111 U 17' 41 411 .JS1 &11\Ut Clfl U IM 1i ID ..US 110 yards. • Bane Fan s 21 , But Loses, 2-0 Left-hander Eddie B a n e struck out 21 batters but still lost a 2.() decision to Anaheim, to highlight American League baseball action Sunday in- volving Orange Coast are a teams. In other games, Newport Harbor downed Sonlo, 7-4, and San C1emente dropped a ~ decision to Los Alamitos. Bant" turned in a remarkable perrorm a n c e against Anaheim for Midway City, but his own wildness and some poof aupport cost him the ball ganu~. 'Ibe Westminster High star struck out lbe side in the first five imings, cha1king up 16 strikeouts, ooe over the usual maximum. In the third he fanned four men, because his catcher dropped a third strike. That came after Bane had wa1ked a man and the first run scored when the catcher threw the ball into the outfield on the dropped third strike. Bane yielded the game·s on· ly other run in the fifth when he gave up a triple and then uncorked a wild pit ch. Meanwhile, Anaheim pitcher Richard Vince b I a n k e ti Midway City on just three hiu. Six San Clemenlt errors made things easy for Los A1amitos. ANAllllM (?) .. It M lt81 . ' . ' ' . CNtmbfoM. C!·:lb Sh·-· c D.NlawiolMn, e ~!l.d 8-11. 111 -· rl IC .Nldlobcln, ~II S.NldM!~. • Wotwrwi, II • • • • • • . ' . ' . . ' ' ' • • • ' . . • l..llllen', 1f 1 1 • G 0 L.--. ~ ' Vinet. p l Tlll1l1 ll ' ' . ' ' . , . . MIOWlY CITY 0) llutMI!, lib W . .WC.rll>fy, ti s.to!"', II l".Mce.1""'¥· lb J1llNlll, < Marth-1. "" CM'l'IOHlnl"t, 11 "'-,. ,_,,. ....... rl ·-·" Tortlt .. . ' ' ' . ' . • • • • • , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " . Scwt '~ lnnh1•• A.nlllll'"" 001 ~1 000-1 Ml .... ~ Cil) 000 000 ooo-t SAN CllMENTl Ill ... -·" _,. ~.u T_...,('f _ .. Wrtlfrt, c ,,..,....,., -·· ,.,_,,. ._,. ·-· ·~· ,, .. • ' ' . ' • • ' ' . ' • • ' ' , . ' . ' . ' ' ' . • • M ltll • • . ' ' . • • • • • • ' . ' . • • • • • • ' ' "1181 ' . • • • ' ' ' • • ' ' • • ' :1 • ' ' • • • SEE THE STARS "--""" MCC.,,.ey, kn l'l'lftCIKo. :n1 L.Mly, Clnc:l~ll, 111 11.Alltfl, ,..,lt.,...,...11, 17; H.A1r0ft, A"-tit1, 1'1 WYM, H- fOll. 1•. II~ .. a11M I~ lit the tltn 9u id11 you, Sydn•y Omtrr, on• of th• world'1 f.1r1· fflOtt ll Jfrolo9•r1, wrif11 th• id1ily horotcop• colu"'n f11tur1d iii th1 DAILY PILOT. llris, Cl>le.K, .W; Md:.IW•Y, Sin J'r1ndsc.a. 90/ S.nlo, Chlc..o, ~'' Toi.ti, Cl11tlf!llll1, '-ll lt.Al1911. 1'~111· ... IPflle. a. "lk~IH s1-. Allanl1, H , 1.0001 Holtimlft, 0.1ueo. 1•1, ·'°'' hlcltdlull. Sin DIHo. J..1. .mi McGraw, Ntw Yorti , •I. 1.001 Mlrld'ltl, &1n Frandlc'" 7-2, .n1. TU~SDA Y AND WEDNESDAY ONLY 8:30 A.M. TO 9;3o P .M. 30 MO. WEAR GUARANTEE 4-PLY SILVER FALCON TIRES BlACKWALLS ANY SIZE 650·13 775.1 .. 82.5-14_' 8 .5.5.J4 $15 735-15 7]5-15 81 5·15 8'45-15 Whitewolk add 3.00 40 MO. WEAR GUARANTE E 4-PL Y GOLDEN FALCON TIRES . WHITEWALL S $24 ANY SIZE 650-13 700.13 695-14 735-14 775-14 825-14 735-15 775-15 8.55-14 815-1 4 815·15 8'5·1 ' REGENCY FALCON NYLON TIRES FULL 30 MONTH WEAR GUARANTEE 825-14 12.88 650x13 8.88 775-15 10:88 855· 14 815·15 845-15 14.88 WHITEWAllS ONLY 3.00 MORE EACH TIRE Plus F. E. fox cif T .81 lo 2.S6 ond old tire, TMf ••OAOWAY'~ Tl"lf WIDE 0 N•TIONWIDE "" GUAIANlU . VAL TIRES fA lCOM Tl t{S .ll( GUAIA..HlllO JOI lit( (~TIRI NEW YORKER SUPER WIDE 70 l lff Of ll4l OllGINAl flllO OlSIGN. D70·1' F70·1' 'E70·14 G70-1.t • .............. MoNNI ll)tlfltt, ...... ; .. ,1M .......... 1ot,O.i.th. 24 95 101 TME Nu1111r1 or "'°"'"s Sl'fClf•ro ANY SIZE 0 • ""*°'" ,,_ w_ .. ,_ I• ., .. , ..... •iolt !he -•f -.. "''" ....... i.., ....... _ .. '~ .,,1,. Woll lie ~ •• .,,. ... , ..... . clo•'e~ w"' •"" ....... e• "''"' .. Ill .. ~· el tlN .. -~··"-"'· ........... 1 el ... -·· "---· .. . •'•<•,..,.t n,. 11<1<• wTh i.. ..,,_,· .. 111,. ,,,._ -... SllGHTl Y BlEMISHED .,.,. •• , •II•-••· M l••!-"" •111 M •"* 1! ..,y .... "'''"""' ........ ..,1., ,.1 ... 1; ... . w .... 0.1 ... 11.,..•<• w-.0.1 .1r.u ..... .. M•"'"' ,_ ... . ~30 ........ 1J'IC. ll ·lt• ....... 'Xl,,1, l 7>4U "'"'"'' O"Jo Tire Centers Open Daily Al 8130 A.M. Evonings till 9130 p.m.; Soturdoys ~II 6100 p.m. ---------------------· -- Wlllle Davenport, winner of th< 1111 hiah hllrdl<t : "The track was fine, but the stuff right underneath wa1 no good. It was too bard ·anif1bent my spikes." Ralph Doubell ·Of Australia, winner of the 890: '"I'he track wu way ,too l(dt. Too much dirt was flying up and being kicked on everybody. T h e track at the (Loa Anseles) Coli.sewn ls much better." Ron Clarke, the Australian who won the two-mile: "It was way Loo soft on the inside Ian· es. Too manr. people had been running on 1t and it was all chewed up." Describing his race wittl previously unbeaten J a c k Bachelor, Clarke called It "a bard, hatd ract." • '"nlis is tbe best start I've evei: made, buJ. I'm getting tired of running. '1'1il wW pro- bably be my last year of com- petition and I'm not thinking about Munich at all now," said the man who holds five world distance records a n d at one lime held II, ranging fnNll % to s miles. ''I don't have any more goals in running. I 1ust go out and try to beit the opposition. If an opportunity comes up I'll take advantage of it. You have to run tract like you play te~ nis, and I'd rather win &:O than 6-4. "Right now, I'm thinking ahead only as far as next Tuesday when I run in Belgium," Clarke added. ' . I Dick Railsback, winner of the pole vault dlscusslng the ruling which made h1{ll in- inellgible for the NCAA cham- pionships: "My opinion of the disqualification is un- priillable." · ' t•Tract ls fun, but what goes along with it isn't." Railsback said a delay of nearly half an hour in the meet while oUicials had to get a truck so they could measure the crossbar at a record 17·10 height didn't both<r hiin loo much. "I cooled otf a little, but I still wasn't in the · groove because I had only taken one jump," he s a I d. Railsback started cunpeting at 17--0Y•. after everyooe. else had bl!en eliminated, and cleared that height on hls first attempt. "The delay d¥fn't h&\'1. anything to do with my miss· ing,11 be said. "But I'm not pleased at just clearing 17 feet, that'a noth1JJ1' anymore." Ludvik Danek. the CUchoslovakian winner of the discus: "I think someone wUI do 230 feet this year., Who can do it? Who knows." Jay Silvester, world l'ff.Ord holder in the discus at %24-5 and second behind Danek: "I've been in the national guard for the last week and I havea"t been able to wort out at all." Silvester said the makeshift throwing ring wa! 0 K • although it was a Utile slip- pery at first. SAVE 5 7 ·On ~rs Wgh-Voltage Battery; GUARANTEED 48Months Fits 90o/0 of All American 12-Volt Cars BATTERY GUA RANTEE Free replacement within 90 days of purchase jf battery proves defective. After 90 days, we replace the battery, if defective, and charge you only for the" period of ownership, based on the regular price Jess trade-in et the time of return. prorated over number of months of g1u1.rantee. Regular Trade-In Price $26.99 19!9 Trade-Jn N °"· 3-12-95-7 4 66-53-90-82 ... ------24-Month or 24,000-Mile Guarantee ______ .,. Remanufaetured Engines ~--Over 950 Makes and Models Available 24 Months or 21,000 Miles Remanufaeturtd Engine Guarantee 11 1111 part f1.l11 dut \o fftlll".U 111 f!l~­ttri1.I or wor1Un&n11hlp • , . durlnr ..,, first llO 111.11 or 4,000 mUt1, wbLcll•nr ooc:un fin\ ..,, 11111 r$1Lr or nplt.el Part.I fte• of ehuce. pni•ldl11c required eer¥k11 11.-bff• pe!'formtd eccol'dlns to l'U•nntt• cert\Ucalt. Alttr 90 dl.1'9 or "-000 milt• 111d up to 24 mo11th1 or 24.• 000 miles,' •hlolle•et ocain nnt. pt.rt.I 11.114 labor cb•rr-will be prorated, hued ... IJ$'011 th• ~rcenta.r• of CU&J'9.llt mo11th11 or mlle1, wlllcheftt' le STNler rt.prue11U11r u .. ,, r_l.,td. PeTiodfc ,,,.... lee II l"Ml;Ulrtd to littp SU•l"llll•t la d:tect. Satisfaction Guaranteed ' or Your Money Back Ttlore New Partg In Every Rtmanufactured Complete Engine • AU New 1\'ater • All 11.'ew Rod • All New bh&aat l'Ube1 Dearin'' Vah1e1 • All New R~ker • All New Intake SWta • All New \'alve. • AU ln llydr•alle 1Jlter1 N-Tlm I' • AU N~w Vah•o ChaiM • AU New Sprln-• All New Tlmlnr •• 0-• • AU New M&Ja -·· Bnshlzlrt • AR New Sul Gultet1 • An New Pi•'-• • AD New Cbrolne Type llbip ALI;STA TE-Car and Truck Engines -Exchanges available for over 950 makes and models remanu!actured to more exact· inr standards than used in new engines . Compa.H ALLSTATE Remanufactund Engine Quality ..-Block1t and Heads -Resurfaced A-1agnaflux inspected and pressure tested ..-Crankuse, Cam&haft , Cmnectlng Rods -Reground com- plete and polished t,1 Oil Pump, Oil Pan, Front Cover and Rocker Covers installed on all OHV engines t ............................................. cup ft1a cou.,_ ............................................... .,, • • , On Purchase ot ' : This $ 2 5 x. n y 6 or 8-: ' Cylinder Com· : : Coupon plete Remanafac-' : Worth tured Engine In· : : stalled. : ' Offer Eaplrel IJIJ /II OM Coupon Per Ouat.omer : : Hns.ld-.lub-Sub _,. S/l.S/69 I ~ ........... : ............................................................................................................... ~ Sears Shop Monday thro Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. auu, aonva A!fD co . 1 6 10 14 11 u l7 11 1' 20 21 2J 21 26 27 29 31 J] 31 '1 .. 42 .. " 41 •• I ' ' _______________ .... _ ....... ...,, ... ,,,"""· -••IZJ414fCl•t••WJ•iil"1"7'••'''.' ij »r>t wtAl*l ''"· ¥, •l!lt •l •tS\ *1•1ftJ1'Pt lff·'•"!f·•!l.filfi'! >tf P..M .,,, ..... ~'lC51 '~">t '•'*t '1 r~ '" •S.>'i., ow;'~ -.-;-r.,":~"=""'-r.OP:-., '· .. ,.~,.,...'T~ • Crossword Puzzle-· Gleim Bids To Retain Elim Lead " ACllUn 1 Ht carred IC Abb<. l CllY ol s. M1rlc1 10 Spacts 14 lttl1lln1 to a bone 15 Ont btld In hf"' Hlft• l• Orylnt cfla•ber 17 Sinter llltn 19 !lu Tumer 20 '-and Lovely" U Kind of Ptlwatt Eye: ! words 2J ,Coatofns 25 Before 2• Pro!Ktlng Sbtltff 27 Reuon for 11VCh absll'ltetls• 29 l"l1ywrlght COllltllf 31 lorost Jl Fat )5 School subJecl: Abllr. · '1 Evil splrtl 41 Blrlhdq Clh speclaltst <42 Accept IS yaJld 44 Loot at <45 Part of an o,._n 47 Moum6.!I sound . 41 Bit na• In 1 Yugoslavta 41 School vthlclt 51 Zodl1c • 1,,. SJ l191tlv1 word 54 Bor office sign 57 Thototiafi .. fares: Abbr. 59 Ttte ·-: Z words S&twdlJ's 1'»1211 Sor.I: 61 Show respect to a lalfy: 3 words " 64 Pr1vtnled · 6/lt./611 a goaJ S Pttsldtnl--: 40 Inert 67 Beyond 2 words gastl)US the not• 6 Pink ' elt11ent 61 Falhlonlblt and orange: 43 The 1hln9 beach nsort 2 wards pointed at 69 Ft11lnln1 7 ldn: 46 Abounding n&•t Co11b. for1" In follagt 70 Ft .. lt lCtnl~pm• 50"-B~ anl•al •Iodines Starnatit' n Cbaractrt In 10 ltlll 52 Nat fo Sbates,.111 ll It of profit 54 Piece or 72 Of rathtr 12 lrltllh coins Jau: •usle I low l.Q. ll Wnttm 5S Ont Seeking 73 Froll' US river the same 74 Vut 22 lllttal thing flllllUtudt 24 Lt91ftdatY S6 Enttrtalreent 7S Cbe•lc1I 27 t1•ele rtln"'t I~• m•,_.d 21 r1C1c 51 ~::,~rd . DOWN 30 Night club 60 8ibllc1 J , • ·~ttrlalnrr . weeds 1 Rank.atd·fllt lZ StllJful fiZ·Card p\1yt1s: 34 Not•very 63 Garden lnforul fnteresUng of Eden Z Part of 36 Win4erl119 resl•nt a foot JS Prlnclpal 6S Noun 1ndin1 3 Kind of 111atch: 66 Anl.al loan 2 wotds 11 •nY 4 Light 39 Numerical national lnstru11111l prefix p•ks The form cha.rt says Dale Glenn won't hold on to his lead in the West Coast Match Game Ellmlnatlons, which resume tonight at Co s t a Mesa's Kona Lanes. At t~·. that's the way It's been going in the first three SCSSIOM of lhe prestigious bowling tournament. There's been • dif~rent lea der after each Monday round and to- night It's Glenn's turn to stave oil the remaining 119 --Gleoo. a West LA entry. 1"0lled a 9116 four-game set last Monday night to leap from 17th to first place, 19 pins ahead of runnerup Jerry Hacker of El Monte. The ~igl}est standing Or· an,ge c.oast area performer is Fountain Valley's Dici: Braasch, who stands n.imh. Fred Rlccilli of Westminster is !oth and Costa Mesan Fred Bernal b 30th. Defending champion Lamar Keck cl Reseda is fourth, 106 pins all the pace. The 120-man field will COO· tinue to jockey for position until ·so games have been rolled, at which point the tourney will be cut to 60 piay. en . Eliminations cootinue un- til only the top four remain Sept, I. Orange Coast area stand- ing" BEST TIM DAILY PILOT off•rs •orn• of Hit i,.11 ft•turos, ~ ec:tutl '""•Y of ro•4or1, •v•lt•bt• in e11y n1wsp•p•r i11 t+it 1otlo11. . l\nne111 · ........ ,."..... -' ._. ,,,; • ·' ' ' • , .. Nla]or ~surgery o~ just an 1.aspirin? There's !!Q guesswork at Penneys Auto Diagnostic Center. Either there is or there isn't something wrong with your car ... and we'll find out scientifically! m las than one hour, we put your car through a series of $Ci- entific tests (212 of them, to be exact) that pinpoint any existing problem~and warn of potential ones. Steering. Engine. Brakes. Tranamiasion. Electrical and cooling an.d fuel and exhaust systems. Expert analysis ol everything from headlights to tli!lplpe. You watch the resufts come out on an electronic typewriter • : A skilled ~lagnostlclan goes • aver lhe report with you. If you wish, he'll give you an estimate of any necessary repairs. You'll be able to take care of 1m1ll problems now, before they de- velop into big problems costing blg money. And, if you wish, Penneys will make the repalra-quickly, ac- curately, economically. Reptilrs that could prevent a needless highway breakdown. lf'j'Ou prefer. you can take the report anywhere you Uk1. n.. ....., Only 9.88 Pretty reaaonable for • doctor, thew d1ys. / 1 enneysAuto Diagnostic Center alENA MID<)'°' ........... \1...., ~ .. The ScSenttnc Troubleehoot1r1 FUUfRTON • ' • • Mondiy, June 16, 1909 DAIL V PllOf ''' ., • r • • . . . . . ' AUli [SJ .CENTER • Pure riding comfort with no tread whine and no thump ride! • Long-wearing polybutadeine rubber adds miles and miles to the tread I • Surer road contact across ·the entire tread surface! · 33 MONTHS GUARANTEE WITH 17 M.ONTHS FREE REPLACEMENT Black ..... ._ 650:13 Reg. 18.95 $16 . NOW plus 1.79 Fed. tax and old tire . Wl1ii.w1ll1 $2 extra Rog. Size Price ·Now$16 76o.1S 20.9S c1a.14 20.9S U0.15 20.9$ 11a.14 22.9S Fed. Tax 1.94 2.11 1.7' 2.41 NOW$20 P7a.14 24.95, 2.54 P7a.U 24.95 2.4S ' 01a.14 26.95 2.66 ' $23 ;H7a.14 21.95 2.19 . NOW • J7a.14 30.9S 3.00 l . 071-15 26.9S 2.62 H7a.1S 21.9S 2.IS SIZE 900-15 WHITIWAUS ONLYI REG. PRICE FED. TAX 32.95 2.t3 NOW $25 HERE'S HOW OUR GUARANTEE AGAINST FAILURE WORKS: . . Entire guo;ont.e period·., •• , , , • , •• , , , • , •• 33 month' frM nplacemtnt period. , , • ·• , , , , • , , • , •. 1-17 -th1 .509' off period ••••• , •••••• , ••••••••• 18-25 months 25% off ~iod . , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , , . , , , , 26-33 mofi ths rou:mT ltl( IUMANTIE IUAIAltTll llAlliit ,. .... WWIUT -11 reUr 11,. """ llll durinr t/11 first ~1lf . ef, ui. CUtflftlM ptr!M, "rtllnl It wltrl Jllllf piai" .... ltt (l r!Hltltl lad ,._.Jiil 1'tn nolk• your l ift w11~ • "tw Utt. clllriltlr rou IO% 1111 tlltn 1111 Clll'flflt .. ltiiil tl'k• J!ICludlll F•rtl (nlM ~"1 If JOllf llA .... ,. t11f t~lill( • tN ..,_.. Iliff", )'Oii PIY Z51' kt1 ""'" tltl' c~rl'll'lt Hlllll& prlct ll\elu1u111 rw.ni htlM Tn. , . , , llfAUITa IM!Mf fAILU•I-tf lf9 rtptic1 Ult tlrt dGrlni th1 ffff.rtPltc .. • ""'"' fltflOd. "''" II llD clllrl't If ••·1tpl1ei 1119 llrll '"" 1111 fJWt:UPIKI• 1111.tt ""°" ""' ,., so~ er u%1 1111 u. .. tbt cu111nt 11H1t11 prln ., U.• 11,. lldllflltl fthr.i E1el11 Tn. ' tOllMPCIAl 1111-11111 IQl"MllM 11 void "1\trt palHftllr llrt1 trt und Oii true••, uMlll for htllltl't ., l1lw111 1r11r J0,000 mll11 Ill -)'11r. · UM Penney• Time Payment Plan Our tire life saver ·special prolongs . your tire life and prot:ects you! (3 days only) 8.88 • Expert wheel alignment • .4 whHls balanced • 5 wheels rotated • Experj brake adjustmenl • Complete pit boss inspection .) BUENA PARKl°'e=~r!':") CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA FULLERTON . ' HUNTINGTO~ BEACtf '·M_ONTO!,.AIB .~EWPORT BEACH VENTURA • . . • • • ' . . . • . . .. -' • : ! • I · l l M tiAli.V 1'11.0l San Di~o ~tat~ lqtercoll~·gi~te · __ Fa~ ... ·· ori~e ·~~~!f:i€~~;,:;;;~~;;~ ... ~· Jul!"'1 to ~ flf ttw II-._. •~ vi;tw of en Utclltlool !iwM .. llMY r.::ibly-00011"'~.. tbM11"" pl·-··~·n r-N. w p"-· ~by Joolln --· Dan -11M ..... lllltk• jl'lllr'WI .~ ... tfl• .. Ifft."" 'hf ...,)Or.(ou", c-i. .... "' ' jlan lllelo·Sll~,la laVGRd to retaic the lo- """11e81oto clinPY raclnil ....... .. the lotertalleglate Yacbt R a e In 1 Auoc:latlon clwnplonshlpo get under "°' a.l Belllnabam. Wash., Puget Sound today. The regattl lasts all week wllh We s tern Washington Stale at .Belllngham and the Unlvenit1 ol Washington a t Seat&l• 1barlnc the spoooonhip of the thr.e.lltk two·dly'lol lnlel'dlltrict..,. competlUons with the host racing. This wm be foUowed N o rt b w e s t Intercollegiate by college seillng's No. l event, the 3rd annual JCYRA· Yacht Racing Assoclattoo. NA dinghy Ona1s Wedoeoday, This marks the second tbn• Thursday aod Friday off BalJ. the intercollegiate s a 111 n 1 Ingham under W e 1 t e r n championships have been beld Washington's sponsonhlp. on Pua:et Sound as British Alter a two-day resplte, rao. Columbia a n d Washlngton • in,g will resume oU SeatUe staged UUe racing there Jn with the University of 1964. ' Washing!<m bost to the 7th an· 1be program, covering a lBo nu a t · ilngleobanded diam· li'!Y •Pin· opens todoY with piooshlpo. Juoe 23-2' -and _.,... ·~· .... .-. UQDO """" ~· UV alN llndlnllMll ~ .. •N Mcollolk l.o. """"" $M1' of C•INorlllli, -1 une 25. .. ",. " 'England. "capt. JUcbfe Doyle J\Ull ....: coached bY. .. Scott Z~" ~ '"""i...-~• • ~~ T'i: .. ·:.~'i"" .f f!..U:: 'lbe Paclftc CoUt bas• won of Notre Dame and .1.11 .... former USC llllGr !tom 5'1 """'"""· eo.1e·MM1. u.onor ""° .. ,11111 Alfred l"-IMN .. the lnterdlstrict team raclna: nuau, Purwtt11 ,. well 111i.ntkwl. !hi """ l~I ....,, HWlnl 1 Mt "'""°" !or th. Walt-c. Wood Tropby Marblehead, Me.ss., who Jed Ne-Beach ._._. 11 .,."'._ ... 111t DtH""*" o1 n.u1.so acMllY ""111 .. ic '""'"'"-' "~ ........ • • of Ak:Mtllc hWf .. c..tl fW lhuoWlu 111'1 !I'll Hte " ll'lt l.W.11« ol Mid H• for the past two yean and the the 1risb lo the Mldweat team Racing in the .1 ... rte..bandtd "' oo11w1 ~-• .,. •kollolk kllllwl. 1 11oM 1tY1N -.1.11 ..,. f"l9Jl1, ,..,'6 Mwf .. lkMM i# ~ lot fhne "'" ~ lflMl'ftt all Mid ~.,_, 6ttolW skipper quartet of San Diego racing crown this sprm,, ls championships wUJ be in OK "".,..._ " .. 11oW11 1t1 lfll ,,_."' If! t11e C-'Y of or._, State's Ed BuUe Dd 1bomas . o..4elt ._ "'" of c.1ttomi.. ffl.trlbell •• follclw•~ . , r a pointiD& to uptd. the CaJUor· Dln&files. M o s & interesting .....,,..,.. *''~"' .. -"" 111e i.-L..Ot 11 " T11c1 No. DI. " r.-o.d McLanablln '""ether W 1 l h or M.ldl llciMM(•I IN'Y fllt • -mffllll IN'O-In eoot 116t. P"n 31 ,. '9 of -., .._ nianl with an fud!ana Notre aspect of this ser'" wW be 1111 witt1 .,.., ..n1c.1 of t11t °'""""'" " m1tc11i.-,,..,,, rtWnl• .. ..,. USC's Argy~ CamRbe}I and . • \ AkoM!k ...,.,.... Contto1. wlll'll11 )II or_. C-ll' A1cordlr. "'4 '*"'-1., Tim Hogan highly regarded Dam~ comblnaUon Gf sktp-the brother v1 brother dueJ otY• ot -.. •tt ,,_ ......i· ,_.1... kno"" •• *' C•'l'IOn Roff; CMI• d.rend·-. pers. between the Doyle brothers of wt111 ""'' ~1911, •'•"111 _ •l'Ol.llld• tor AW••· c1111orni. .,...~ . . dll\111 '' -ldlll llY ltw, Tiit Pl1lft'llMI Jloldlmtftl rlCOttlld ()r111111 (Oun!y La!t year the Midwest made This racing and the sume. Salem and Mlrt>lebead Mass. '"' not ~ llC**CI for .,.. ••1t " lllCOl'dtr on Mtrc11 11. '"'· elOlc ~ t "·•• fin·'· ill ~ Robbie Do I ol u--· ' d •ll:Oholk .....,..., TM fllrlll ti w11111;..--p"' 111 • stnma bld and took second quen ........ y .... w 1,1111; ye naolr was ''°" ..... ., lit oOt•IMO fl'Onl .-ilY offkt .. NOTICI! · ,, t!l!ltl!IY GIVEN """ .. held ln a aloop-rlgged dinghy tbeA u.s1• o11ymp1c aJLe~te at in.--=;'·•. ,.ttocK :r:it ~1Y~1~'. ~:.!~PS~ known as Ult C ~rt. " capu co ast year, and hla Put.11"*' 0tt11M cow 0.11-t Piiot, clt'r ., c..-. MtiM. c_.., of or-. San Diego &ate won the brother Rlcble has been a J-it. 1fft 1nw• ,,.,. ., c:.1Hwr111, 1 .m Mii ,, t1U011c H M ......,,. I z __ ,.... -.;c11on JO 1111e 11i.""' lllclMr, fflt utti tn enry A. orss .... ........, aat flll8JJ3~ in lhll event for LEGAL NOTICE 11wtu1 _., of 1111 1.1n1teo1 s1.1i.. •" ..,. Year w1'th a --••t ma~111· -veral YMn ri.111. 11111 .-n11 1n11rHt oi M}CI lvclfmfnf .u.-.,._. •e ...., • ClltTIPICAl:• OI" COl:.l"Oll.ATIOH dlblw Ill 1111 ,......, OHUllllof ,.-rt"t, tr TW(a.;prenged Race-: Earl Elms over Yale in the 26 races. Expected tog l v e the Doyle POI:. T1:At1Si:C'ft0fll °" 1us1Miss so m11c11 111ttto1 " tnt1 bl ,._,..,., 1o W . A . Besides use, the team moSt brothers some keen com UfllOlll l'ICTITIOUI fllMlll WJ1ty uk;I 1HC'll!lotl. •It• KUUlll Ill< ms galll . TNE UHO~llGNEO (OAl"OA,\TION ~rul •nd COii .. likely to upset San Diego in petition are Campbell from 11oet Ml'Wv c.ertlf'f' ,...,, 11 '* conc111e11n11 0a1111 •' Cott. Mltll, c..111orni.. JUM lh 11 school II Id Ill ·-USC d M-' ... hlln f I Ctrr~ kl'lool ••!Mu loclllll 12, 1Nt. e • e w UC: • ' an u..cwg 0 Sf,11 •I UOl llrcri Str.tt. NtwPOrl BeKh, fllAN'clS L, OLA.SEA. M.lnllal Navy's Middle AilanUc cham· Diego State C•Hlornl1, l,Hldtt !tit lkllllou• firm 111mn Or11191 Counll' Hlrtlor Mun~I In S • ' of NOl"lll Atntrlten l111tllutt ot S)'tll'fN Cwrt. Jlldlcltl O!•lrkt -84 finish Reverse Argosy Eilbty.fotr llnllben out ol 103 startws in the-Bihl• de Cabrillo-Argoo)',yacht race malled Newport Harlxr SaturdlJ •• Tho 1-.....ed race b co- sponicnd Ip)' 8ll1ia CorinJA!aq Yacbl ,CJub ol 1'ewfl!!l1 Bach and Clbrillolleacb Yacht Club ol Loo Alllde9 ad fl a copy of the Newporl ocean Salling Asaodatloo'a Abmitos Bay Arg"'Y lalled In Ute fall. Satwday'1 race was from Loi ,,~ · Harbqr to N ewporl ad the ollippero and crew1 to<r'< pesto o1. BCYC. On _.,. Ille lleet ...... bled off Newpor·t B each br-. In the Ocean RaClng dlvtalon, M. R. ·M l n t y ' s S'""IP11'!": ll !tom Soulh Shore Sall\nl -dub. wori the race rrcxu ~ ,'\nleleo lo Newport, and·' Al -lliiiOellerman's Ana Muta from Bahia Corinthian YC Wll the W~ on the reun trip. FlnaJ fesults in all clasles: Loo, ADplea lo Newport OCEAN . RACING ( 1 ) Sandpiper ll, M. R. Minty, sssc;· <2r"Ana1·M1r1a II, AI Scboellerman, BCYC; C 3 ) Savila!; I,!Qyd P.owell, CBYC; C4l '!Jiotiiiy· n, 1ohn H-n. BCYC; (5) Shamrock, Rober! B-·UIYC. MORF -(1) Seaquacious, craig & Doo Rootello, LBYC; (t) Nlrnrod, Andy Cha,mbers, HHYC; (3) Yare, Mark Haines, CBYC; (4) Stonner, Johns & Wi....n, BCYC; 0(S) Westerly, Fr e d P&trlcio, CBYC, PHRF·A (1) Pasado Manana, William E r v i n , 1.BYC; (2) J°'Na, Joe Walsh, CBYc; (3) Halcyon, Wllttam HUnter, Sl BYC; (4) Querida, Ninlloo, Hugh Wherrltt, SI Finesse, Hal Pudewa, CBYC. PHRf"B ...,, (1) Juanita, Steve Bradford, BCYC; (2) Nanlloa, Hugh Wherritt, SI BYC; · (3) .. Escape, p, A. mpes LEGAL NcmCE LEGAL NOTICE •nO Proc:...,,..,f Nlll'"H'I ........ rlun $Cl'IOOI Ir L. H. Dolflt, """"' ) rv of JlirWVlllt •M ~lnll Narth Miii twir .. PMlntlft'• AthifMY Bambtrg, BCYC; (4 ZQo I Ll•AL. llOTtC• """"ci.11 $Cflolll of AKfHlkllll Nortlt :ws I , (~11. 11111• al Nonn SW!"·-, CBYC·, (5) Th e-tlm . l S l NIEW,OltT-MISA UNl,llD SCMOOL T"'nn """"ktn Sc-i of Molli M~ll 1"11llfftM. C•lfllnll• ""'"' re e natJona n pe DllT•tcT IUPll:IO• COU•T °' THI 11111 lrtw1ll ......,.Ian khool of Gun PvbW"*I, 0r.,.. CO.JI 0.ltr Pllo!, G . l B F edendall ch . I I I Mlfkit ........ .... $TATI. 01' CALll'OlfllLA ~· Atptlt, •f'ld ""' "" MIN Of ..... (111'11' JllN 16. u ... lHf 11 .. ., raoe a, e v r • amp1on Ear Ems rom NOTICI IS•NEAllY GIVEN llMI tfle THI COUfllTY 01' OU.NOi or•tkwl Md Ill prlnd ptl pl.-ce " bul.,1------------- CBYC. Mission Bay Yacht Club was ~1~~sJ::'°o~~ :'0rN.;"~ MO"ncl 0, N':°A:i1:~110, ,.,.,TION MUN'Q:·T~1'°':~ I! 1 icA N .coA· LEGAL NOI'ICE PMA -(I) Magnificent the winner of the District 6 C1llfomll. •Ill Nee!Ytl _ .... -.. lo POI PAOaATI 01' WILL ANO AESPONOENCE SCHOOLS, INC .• ..01 ..... ... ll:DO A.M. oi. UM 241 city « Junt. lfrtt COOICIL ANO POA I. ITT I IS Bl•dt Arttt, N._-t Bud!, C.llfonll1 Obsession George Nedelman ""amj)l'onshlp for the cl.ass in •I Ille oflkie "' ..id fcl*I 01-trk.t. 'TI STAMlltTAIY two. . HOTICI TO CAIOITOIS ' ~plash Marl ' ~ loc.11td It 1U1 PltoMllll A-, Gftll Etlllw OI BEN U. KA.DINO, OtcMMd, WITNEU lb Nnd 1111* 11111 cit~ ot SU,IAIOI:. COUll.T 01" TMI! PVYC: (%) ""' • otte a five race regatta held at Mel.I, C:.llfel'1111, II~·""" Mid Didi NOTKE 1$ HEAEBY GIVEN 1'11" June. 1,.,. STATI OJI CALIPOllltlA l'M '1: Bradley, CBYC; (3) Hap-•Ill be Miieir ....cl -,.... •1 LEOfrtl. SOWEA "'' 111111 hlrt1ln .. Mii-NORTH AMllUCAN THI! COUNTY 01' OUMGI: P'-• ls,,_ Griswold, King Harbor Yacht Club PA1N;r • ,..,.,....,,oiw111.1N1codkH•lldfOI' coAAEIPONDENtE ,,,,,, ,•,•M••,~.",•· "••• u,.._ ,,,,..,. All bid$ .,. fll -·111 KmnMIK'I Wiii! l""'nte of Lllltr• Tesl1rntnl1ry to 11'11 SCHOOLS, INC. "' "' CBYC (5) Swl,, .. Blade Neil Saturday and Sunday. CoNllllOne.· IMtrwctloflt n '""lfkttklllt p11111ontr, ref1r1nc1 ID w111c1i 11 ""*for tf.1'91d o . A!Otr LONGNECKEll, DKMMd. : '!"'"' • I . wllkll .... now .. flll lfl'IM "1klt el<thl fu"'* llltllar,.rs, •NI lhll the time Ind s.c .. 1.,.,.T .... Mlt.. . NOTICI!! IS HEREBY GIVEN lo the Harvey, CBYC. Elms bested M riva11 in the Pun:ti••lN·"-' of will sa.oi 011fr1c1, •ltd"' M1r11111 1M .. _ 1111 been ~t STATE OF CALIFORNIA , c..a11on °' "" .. ._, Mm1c:1 c1.can1 N ... -.•• I.... • -1ele1 Ila . hich ·1 d In IW '"*""" Av-C.I• ..,...., fir JuM v. ,,.,, II •:• '·"'·· 111 , .. COUNTY 0,, OllANGE 1 u 11111 Ill pen.on. r..v11111 c,.lm. -lnll '"" ,...., ....... ft.II rega w -was :Sale Cl1llor"'-. .,,...,_., .. ~tt ..... nt No. J .. Mlcl ON THll 11111 lllY of J-. A.O .. !Hf, ••Id Olc8cllnl .... •-l•td ,. flll "*"• OCEAN RACING -(1) Ana li h shill •-•-ff Redoodo Ek/I bldd# l'llUtl allblftll • blf ~ court, •I JOI West E1911t~ $!reef, In 11'11 llt!Wt 1111, fhl ~ltned, .1 tto11rv wllh In. lllCUU"Y -..:Mr1, In tllt offk11 I l, Y Wi.uu;:i 0 to. tri. IOtfl'I « 1 ctfttfltll .,. Ullhltn CllY of ~• Aftt, Ctllforni.. Public 111 .1nc1 tor Mid counl"I' •nd Stitw, GI lht drrt OI W. Mwlvt tflfllled cuuf'!. tJJt · Marla, A I· ~n, ""-ach dtKll; or •·• bwld Mlltl to flw ..,c.ni DltM J-'· lfft. •Hldlne IM•lft, dul¥ cornml-.loned •NIN "'""" "'-• wltfl "" ~"' •• BC'YC; (2) Destiny Il, John .DC • (NJ « tfle ainouM ef 1111 blf, lllldl W, I!. IT JOHN 1-.t. .....-111 •...-irld H1rold G. VOUCMn. ID 1111 ul'Kl9nloned II !!It UW Hooten, BCYC; (3) Savi tar, Second place went t o :~~!: ~1 -r~~·."".., *..:..== Ll,HL~=SON f,i:;-ICI~ '°""'"" C:.,:.,t, ~·;:. ~e:.i J~:_:,-:J~H~~L.1!~ Lloyd P .... 11. CBYC·, (4) Norman Towle o[ Alamitos 80l'ld llll'f 1111-!lrtill"""' •llglltoll Cit ANO l)IN~· 9WNd the within IMl~f ... llllwolf OI C1ftlorl'llL wNdl It "" ,1ec1 of bl/llllHI v n· !hi Dlstrkf. Ill Ille _. of f11iur. to Mt ... , lt!l It,. tflt Cl:M'JIOllllon llllrlln fllllnld, Md ol !I'll ltllCllnl1nN 111 i ll mt'"'" Pt<· Shamrock. Rebert Bresnan, Bay Yacht Club and Dave lllflr Intl! ~ contr.ct .... Jll'OCftdt ol,.... 111 ~ti!"" ltwit lllCft corw111on 111111n1 lo ""' nl1l1 "' Mid dtadMI, I.Bye·. (5) e-~. Keltoo •. U"---of Bvc' third ""'dl9dl. Wiii ... forlll ........ In C.IM"' I Cttf• MtMI, Cdf, •11 D:IQli.cl""' -· wllloln four -ffl1 .... , tflt Hr1t PllbNU-n..a.IJ 1111 UlUOU . was • bond, Ille NII -lhlrwt W'lll bt """'-' fill' ......... IN WITNESS WHEllEOF, I titw llOn ol H'lll 111111<1. BaerlShi, CBYC. Final results. lorfelltd -Miii kMol Dhlr1ct d °""'* T.t: 1n41 ...,nN ,_01 ,..,._,., Ht m1 ~Md 1nd '"1•eo m1 ol· 011ev J11111 ,, l"6f. • COUlllY. f'ulllllllld Or-...-O.Hy Piiot, ftcl.11 -I !I'll d11 1nd ""' 111 lllll Pali\11nn V•n N.1tt.1 MORF -(1) Ya re, Mark 1. Rampage, Earl Elms, Ho bldOtr fM'f wlNhw 'Ml w tw 1 .11nw '· 10. 1', tHt lorut certlfle.ll• fl flt •boott Mlttwn. Adm111111r1,rbt o1 ""' E1t•l• Hines, CBYC·, (2) Fly Away, MBYC Ptrklcl GI for!Y"I" f4l 4ln lltltf 1111 tOFFICl.-.C SEAL) o1 1111 1bo\11 n1mtc1 dec'*"'t • !1119 wt tor tflt -1111 IMrwt. LEGAL NOTICE Ml'9.11'11 H. EvtlllClll 'OHH A. MICHAIL, .-,., Charles Marudng, CBYC; (3) 2. Pfft, Nonnan Towle, The ..... a11Educ111onatt111 "_,. Nol•rv Publlc.C1t1fornl1 Alttr• •t Lh Seola S H Mac Gregor St Alive ~ U11ttllld khOol Ol1lrld ·r~,1111 LlllAL NOTICI l'rlOICIHI Office In l17 I . 11.._.i ftrlllf, Sltll1 17, ' ' ' ' . ' , rl9hl to te11Ct tfl'I' or 111 bids. .lfd llGI NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN hi 11'11 Or•"" '-"' I~ C•llftnMI ,..I BYC; ( 4) Nimrod, 'Andy 3. Magic Dave Ullman, necaS1rltf' ~ "" ._.., bid; _. N io11aw1i11 11 ..... , 1111 fou!!d or MYtd pr-l'!'f M., Comrnl.-lO!I Eulrft Tcit: uni 11•1at1 Cham~ H H y C CS) B' vc • w11w ,,., 111forfM111y « '""""'rt"' 111 ,..,,. bHll held .,.. 1t1e ""lkl Dtp.lrtmen1 Mirth •· 1'" A""""" ,., .urn1111•tr11r111 ucni, : . .. • 1111 bid TllOtl'IH. of !hi Clfr OI CMI• lrMM tor • -i,ci Ill l"ublfsllld Or.lf'llll ca.11 DI Liy' Pl)ol, Pllbllllled or..... COit! e 11i, "lot. Westerly, Fred Patric Io, 4. Exit Jerry Thompson ~ U11ffled .._ .. cnt., n1......,. 1t•l d.IVI: June "· 22. •,..... Jiiiy 1, 1w n c:tt June 16. n. ll •fld JulY 1, 1w 114149 ABYC 1 ' 5dlool Cltttlct l,.id'(l llll'tll -.td'I, 110k1 bill.I, Ytllow CBYC. • "' Or""" C-IY bike, ~-bike, r.o me, rid bit•. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE PHRF·A (1) PGsada ~ Acipulco Gold, Chuck ~~H~ "'....., NOTICE IS ,UllTHEA GIVEN ffllt ttJ--------;=,,..,=,...,==,,,.,===---'--'--'--- E W-·--·~vc "" -""' -.. ..... --1111 COSTA MESA SANITAllY DISTR ICT Manana, Willi"1tl r VI n. l:Ua", ~ • """°"'',.......,. -niiiwo '« "" ,_,., w1tl'l111 _.., OU.NG• couMn, CAL11'0111111A LBYC (2) Querid Bill . - -'ubl!slltd °''"'" Coltt O•ll'f Piiot. in ..... IOllOWIM ,... ,.,anarlon ot ltll1 HOTICI INVITING a1os : a, LEGAL NOTICE J\IM' ..... J-1'· 1'" llllMt Hollce, 11'11 ttti. tflt .... a lhtll .,..., In 11111 NOTICE IS HEAEIV GIVEN NI •Ml.O pnJpallla Wiii lie rtc•lvld ..,. !hi Woodcook, CBYC; (3) Jo-Na, LEGAL NOTICE fl!llNf, N 1111111 111 -· or In the Clt't of c11y Cltn, on blilatt of 111.1 COtt1 Mesa s.n111ry Olttrltl, "" w "-fO!'• Tve.H~. Joe Walsh, CBYC; ·( 4) 1~1-1ns C:t.1111• """"' Ill •hlcll u11 Ille o-rn ll>tl 111 o.., of Ju11, ltff untn 1111 hour o1 11:00 A.M. or s•ld d1!1, 11 the ""'' NOTitl TO CllOITOlll .,,_.,. Ill tOld It lllbllc •!Jdlon ti I tlm1 M-Clly Hill, 11 F•lr Drlvr, COiii Mtw, C..llfllrn,_ Healher, Gordon c 0 w i e' su,11:10• COUI' 01' ,... • ..... ,.,., trod "911 fO Ill ·~lll;td. Ptopoult for IVtnl~lfltl •II l•bor •fld m111rit11 '°' 11111 CONlnK!lon ., • LAYC•, (5) e-~p, p j Ck STA.Tl Of' CALll'OllNIA l'Oll Cl!ATll'ICAT• Of' SUllNl!SS Dl'-l 'JU!'I lt. lW WW... ll'l.lln, • .._ for(I m.1111 ~ ••lac1llon of tJCltliflll 1ltctrlc1I .1nd 11ml UVONOI TMI COUNTY Of" INt:ANOI PICTITIOUS ,,.M NA.Ma A. E. NETH fecitltln •Ill be Oflll\ed In publlt; 1rd fll&d •loud 1t1 lhl Councll OYl!'lllll'i on wld Ramage, LBYC. -. ~ Tiit uNllf'1l•Md doel ltlrllt't' urtJfy -o.iet of hlkll de"f, •t ., 1bout Mid thnoi, by ttw c11y c11n: of Mlcl c 11y. ™ Mlll• "MESA PHRF.B-(1) !Iii•-•, E rf &hll of ANITA AOELlNI! DOCKTER, tlwil illW II COl!OiKtl,. .I tuktft Mln•ll 'ubll"""' Or•nH Cot" 0.llP Pile!, DRIVE SEWEA RELOCATION" Mould •PPMr °" 1111 111velopt. .. ..__.. a OtcNMd. 1$ •n lndlV~I •I ICAI lffdl Jur. 16. ,,., 112Mf TN wort .. m CQ'll;hf of •JIP'Olllfl'lll9tf' 350 L.F. of r v.c:.~. s.-M•lnt Halliburton Jr. BCYC; (2) NOTICI! 11 HEllfBV GIVEN t11 ttw kult¥•~ In ttwi City "' w.1m1nt11r. LEGAL NOTICE "" LF. ot JO" C..11 111111 Foru M•Jn. 1 ....,.,. nw1111o1es •nd °"""' ·~nt • ' 1 · erldlNln all ttw ....... ""'*' OecllOlnl COl.tftf't of Qnnff, Ctllf9ml.t, ""°"" lht .... Naniloa, Hugh Wherntt, Sl ,.., 111 ...,...,.,. fltlllN clalmt 191111t1"" lkt1n-""'" -., WIEST~NSTEA A ..i or plll'll •nd --.111e.1t10m ""' bl c1111o1n111 •t 1111 oflk• of 1111 CtlY BYC· (3) 'Zoo IV Nonnan uld dtctdeftt -,_,Ind Ill 1111 '"""' ~~\~:.'Ns~:: ~ ~~TV !cl :.... or T~nn Cl«lt II 11 F•lt Or1¥1, Coll• Miu, Cali10<ni1. llpatl I d...-11 of llf!ten (U.llO) Fluky Winds Bother Races to Long Point . - S I,:_ CBYC (')'Gradel •1111 1111 NQUill'I' \'llUdlln, 111 1111 0111o1 carnpOSfd of Jht ~lawl .. ~ su,1111011 COUAT 01' THI! ..... ,. .... M ..xi11ion.1 c~1rg1 DI one n.001 ootlar wltf bl midi Lt lllndllld llf' In.Ill W ~1 , ; .. 8, « Jiii dtt1c of ftrle ...... tnllllt<d court, Of "'~. STATE 01' c:Al.Jl'OANll. l'Oll PLEASE MAIL $EPAA..ATE CHECl(S. Be F edend Jl ' CBYC• (5) Ill .,._. llltm, _,,~ fhl MUtMry fl.lrne 111 full •NI 'lace OI fllllllenu Is ll THI COUNTY OP OU.NO• EKll bid 111111 be In.Ide 111'1 1M prapaul form 1nC1 In ,,. 1111111111' proyldtd V r a ' ', ~ to ,,_ ~ II IN offlc9 tollawl. Jo.wit: flit, A~lll In tl'l.e COfllrKJ doc111ntn1S, Ind !Mii bl 1<compenled by t ctrlllitd d>ldr; or Windigo ll, Larry Miller, ol ~ •ttoriwn. CA;w'LOA ANO llEAO, $ IUtfltrin1 ~UO~C ll~ r~~Jlt NOTICE OP Ml!AlllNO 01' Pl!TITION u11!1B'1 -or• b!cl -tor 11111 lets !Mn 1111 (10) Pff (1"11 o1 !I'll 1maun1 ' Atftit'ntvs ,II LIW, 3.511 E. 171ti Street, SU lie trell, Wnlm "".... I '"'"11 I .,_ l'OA ,llOSA"TI' OP WILL AND 1'011 ol "'' bk;I, ....... PIYltllr fll tfle Coll• Mna 511111••1 Dhlrlct. BCY C. 112, Colli Me11. C.llforn,., whkh '* ffl• ~•ltd Mn f, 1Ht. Ll!nEJU Tl!STAMIHTAllY Allbrl'\l,.tlDns used In the ICl!ed11la of prtdelermlned .,."9 r•1~ Jn Oltllun« PACIFIC MULTlHULL -Pi.-e.I of bllllnes1 °'"" und.1-.!ontd In •II STATE IC~::W~l'Li~~:':A > Est.11e of 1'HEOOOAA J, VOLMER. 11on will! emp~vtr Pl~l'nln1s llttecr In tile right Mnd cglurnn1 ••• klenllti.:t •• . "''""' "'11lnlflll to tllll 111111 OI Mid o.cN'ltd folio..: (I) Sokitoum, Bruce H arvey, dectdlnl, wltl'lln four ,,_11n; •fttlr tilt' C:OUNTY OF ORANGE J •• NOTICE IS HEREaY GIVEN Tll.i Ph Plr l!allr pd P1rd11 CBYC· (•) Force 10 Roger llrsl Pltl>fleellon 61 llllt llOflui. On MIV •• lfft, ~·· "''· • Nollrv SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL flANI(. phw Pl• l!allr wortld pdw Hr d.., M1111." , 4 ~ • , Clltd Mli't 11, 1.,.,. ~tlllllc 111 11111 !or alld COU11!1 1.nd Still, tol'fMf'IY kcllftll' f'lrrl Nlllonll B1nt "'' pl'IJJ per Ylour Pl~---·--- Jewett CBYC; (!) Whiplash, l.«'rtl"' A. Jo't'Cll --11"1' te"•rllll Kitfltrlrlll Setlem•n tiled lotl'eln 1 Ptllll°" tor prot>.-t1 or """t Pfow/ ~r hour~,, ... ~ ~•I•,..--.. , -.. ,.. times of the tw' races. The ' CBYC AOll'llnhfnlflll of "" E111• 11.-n 111 rn11 " lit "" """"" 111t1aM 1nc1 1or 1.-u-,_ ., L•ll.ltt Tnt_,,.., 11 .... ...... "'' ... Marlette & Bradley, ; of tflt .cio.... Mmed dll;tdtnt N1rn11 I• MlblCl'Tbed ti! in. w1tt1111 1 ... 10 "" PllllklM• rofirena to Which 11 P•lh Pl' "••ltM Tlrnt t!Olir "' """' ovUaU winner was Conctrto. (i) Hambone Mirk Beiley CAYLOlt AMO •IAD •trvrneftt, 1nc1 .ldl~ 1o me !Mt m1C1t for tutlltll" ·,.,.,1cu ...... •nd fti.lt IM ,.111w Pl• •tr•lofl111rn11 '-• wortr.ed ,.., erwt •••• '. , A~ ... LIW . iM •l(tcutiotd thl 1.111'11. t1rn11 •ncl place of hel•ll'll TM -hH Plll\p Plf llrllehl llmt hoi.lr ,_Id tw tiit.I .... FtN1 Resalts. CBYC; (5) Switch Blade, Neil • L tM. Strilllf,""" nL 10W,'rlet..,L:.,.st;t,• ... 1. Wftl Mt 1or Junt1 n. ,,.,, 11t:•1.m., 111 "'"'•IP ,.,. Jt••klhl time 11our-111011111111 P"MI _. -... OvEJwL -(1) CODcerto, Harvey, CBYC. ~,~::""" "'"' L. ~ ~ld C:,~'."':r ~ J:::'t':::',:, ::..:. : 1m.~"':,1o~ ~tc,";'"c'!ci.~":. 111,:" bt"'°;., 11:,111~~ ~~ ~lnlll~ !f':: •-;::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;::::;:;:oJA,..,_.,. fill' A*9lilllllrllrl11 Nott.., Putttlc.C:.llf0ml1 "" Cltf' of s.nt• An•, C..lllornlt. col1tctlv1 bfil'Qolllnlflll 19•eemenl 1ppllcablll '9 "" mi. or ct.utt~llon 11f w.. JohQ, Hall. NHYG; ( 2 )J~ l'l.lblllMd OrtMt Coffl Dtnr 'llol, Pr1rlcl11.1t OttlCll 111 D•!fd JwM '· 1,., WOl'tll'lln.,. !Mdllnlc:t ln!Ployild 111 lfll P"lllCI. ~--udero, Dick Vales, LBYC·, 00 SIN~E GllLS ""' •• June!.'· u, lNt 111'11... 2'"·-, ccor~l:.i E1••r~ w. E. ST JONK Ow•tlll'll'. SllNl.lp .-nd holkla't$ -not lHll ll'Mlll 1\.!I llrntl the H iie holtr•v -E FUN? LEGAL NOTICE "'1 °""" ... -Cwntf' Clertc ••II phn. 1pplk.-lll llTIPiOYll' l!"Vn'llnl1, Thill llolldlp uPll'I Wllich ltlCh r•lu man. • (3) v· t John Hull: 11 HAYE MOI AMTON".;'C~~o.i.~~n """' 111.&IME E. CIOAS ,Mn DI Ptld 111111 bl •II holldlyt f'ICl>lrnlztd In"" c.ollt<tl\ot blr;alnll\g .-ore. 1van , e • ly tf th•-m.t IA A· Inf . ,,. WnlmlMl•r ..,;_, • 1514 Ml111tn '""' ment 1ppllc1bl1 ro !I'll p1rtkul•r cr111, (1tu111u11on or type of won:""'" ern- In Saturday'• race lo Long NHYC·, (I) Firebrand, n-. '• ·" • 1 .... suPt•10• cou•T op TK• w 1 IMMr c.111 11 n111 Stttth '•sNll'I•. c 11111r111i , t1ut P101ec1 an th'\ profec1. It was a bad two dayz for the gamblers in Newport. Harbor Yacht Club's Long Polnl. race· Saturday and Sun. day a1 fluky wµm failed to get the word from the weather ~· tht llvHT MANI STA.Tl OI' CAL.ll'OINIA •oit r.t" :WU.• r~ Allll'MYt ter P1Htlllttr Coples of •ll c.ol1ecllv1 bervalnlnt •U•Hffllflh rel1tlvt to thl won: 11 HI Point skippers who listened to Ayres Jr., NHYC; (5) Con-c•u 547-6667 THI COUNTY 01' OAAHOI p1ubll""8tl °'"'""' Co11I D1llY Pllol Tof: llUI ,,,.JtU forth Ill ti!• •for-llontd &..bar todll 1111 on 1111 Ind IVllMlil!I..,. NPKllOn A ,.., ......,_ Ju,,. l6 n, :IO •NI Jul1 1 !Hf lUs.ff Publlll>ed Or.11111 Cont D1lty 'Ila!, in Jht olflt;1 GI 11'11 0..rlmml of lnilu1lrllil A1llllar!t., Dlvl1loti ., Llbor Sii• the forecast of westerly winds quest Bill Polly LBYC 244-1 a.conll fllOT1c1 ol' MI Allt,.. ·GM P•TITION • ' Ju,,.'· 10• 1'· Ifft iorut 11t11a •111t A11n1rc1i. • ' • -our "I -Po• P•OU.'I! OP WM.I. AfllD l'OA LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 'A111n11on 11 dlr«led .. Stc11on 1-1.01G o1 "" s11n011"11 spec111c.11i.. -Id· from 10 to 18 knots in the CLASS A -(I) Concerto; LITTIAI TllTAMIHTAAY lnsr tor ffl'll'I01rntn1 OI •PPl'll'lllt;tt an 1tw1 work. £wry ltlCh •PP• .... rlce 111111 bl &litw o1 ETHEL. M. GAINER aec... l>lld fol' llonalaf'll Wat• pll(I lo 1ppnnticn unOer Ille' revul1tloti1 of lhe trade 11 afternoon lacked for the Chan-(2) Jacarol, Jack ffamlllon, .,s. ' ltOTICI! 01' PUaLIC NI A A IN 0 SAA·Utl .....,kl! Ill h atnPlaVIM. lnlomt.ltlon r1!81lV11 lo t~loyment of .1pprentk:a ~II l NHYC (3) Orient Peter ~ NOTICI! lS HElll!IY OIVEM T'tllt •tl'Olt.I TtK l'UNNINO COM-NOTICE TO CllEDITOllS M abl.11Md from the Director Of Ille Oetloertnwnl of lnChntr,_I ll:rltllonl, who it nel crossing in the usua ; • UNITED STATE$ NATIONAL. BANIC, • MllSIOM OP Tiii CITY 01' l'OUN· su,••tOI COUAT 01' THI "" ACl1!1lnl1trlllYt1 Offlcll' of tM C•lffornla Apprtntk:11hlp Collnc:U. d ed t Davis, NHYC; (4) Windward Ntr•1 B.111111119 AIPKJ.1;111111 '™""""' TAIN VALL.IT STATE 01' CALll'OINIA l'Oll Punwnr lo 1111 prvwl•lon• of Secllon 1no of ll'MI Lib« Codi of fM Sl.119 of' places but "ere oom 0 Passa•e, ~b J-·--~. LYC. s. Tl'll U'lltt.d "'"" N•lloMI B• ... of ...,. NOTICE IS NEAl!.BY 11Wfl ~I on THI: COUNTY 01' OUNGE c~111orn11, !he Boiord ol Dl•Klao of "" Cost.I MIH S.n!t•rv Dbltld DI 0••1'11111 l • bn' 't' h lh & 1J!U UUI~ Dleeol .... flied ""'91n I llllllon -WldntsdtY, J11111 2S, lHf II 7:31 P.M.. In "" """"' Cotlnl"/', Clllfornlt hM .llClll"lllnld 1111 -·•I "'tv•Hln9 rill ol W.lllft •fld """ d sappom en w en e CLASS B (t) E udero P'911111'1 e1 wm •lld 1or .,.._.._ of """ 1111 CGl/fldl c~ Clll' H111, 1moo e ,1111 of llAY BAKEll CHAMae1tLIN, Plo'ftr P1vments 1cw 111aH~ .11111 .,,,.11.,., v1e111ans, peflllO!i •NI 11m1,., lllll'POIU _.A•I f-"A-' \0 tr te -SC ; llr'I Tt1!-t1ry, ~ lo Whlf:!I 11 S,_ltr Av-. l'CMt11ln V1llt1, C.1lll11rnl1 aka JIAY B, CHAMSEALLN, Dec111ecl. In lhe counry In Whkh !ht work Is lo bl clont lo be IJ fllllOws: W=Ki Y IWCU pene a (2) Vivant; (3) Firebrand; (4) SAFECO l!Mclt lor turtl'ler 1••tllwl.ln, •!Id 1111t"" Ille P,.nnlno Commlukln wlll llold • NOTICE 1s HEJIEBY GIVEN 10 Ille •••k A•I• S111111n1r ,,.,."*lb fir the 5ootherty that was blowing I t llme •nct ·•i.te ., hfftlnt 1111 Mm11 Pin 1111>ne ht•rtno on 11111 1o1111wh11 •• creditors o1 1111 •boll• n .... 111 dt<:tdtnl Ptr H-Cll•i.llk:.llltrl K .,... w v1e111111 P-1N Conquest: ( 5) n erme:r.zo, INSURANCE btln Ml klr JUIY ~. Jfft, II t :2t ........ In plle1tlorl: H'l•I 111 PffiOfll ~evlnv d•lmJ •ll•lnsl the SkHIW Llblf at the start. Stan Williams, NHYC.. . 1111 coutlnlOll of°"'""""' No. 3 o1 Mid !H us. v.1111"" N" n A~leellon lllb-••Id dectdt~I 1r1 r1ou1r111 10 111e H'lll"Tl, 5.44 "'""'" plant rnolnttr A! a ~t ,Bob Johnson's. f • I CllV'1. •I JOO w. Eltlllll.Sh'ffl, In ffl1 Clll' mltted h'f S.!Ko ln1ur1..ct Cormt1n1 wltll Ille flf!C1111ry 1111t1tl!er1. In th• o!flct s.~7 Asphalt pllont ltttll'll'~ Vaunted Windward Passa.e. CLAss C· -(I) Annenue, or spec1~ Ot' .. "'' ""'· Ctllfcwnl l. lot laullan of • tnoll.,-la bl ull11ztd of 1111 cleft of H'I• •boll• tnlllltd court. or S.f) C••Ptnlll k ABYC (2) D•l9d June n , Ifft. •• • ...,,_..,., ofllct an ,,_,,.,. lo. la prffefll "*"· wit~ H'lt MCess1ry s.21 Cemtnt Ma1on halled as the boat to beat in David Croc eU, ; GOOD STUDENT. w. E. ST JOHM. COi.iniy Cllrt utoed "" Ille _,, 1klt-of B~wnl voue11er1. tto th1 u11Mr1111Md at"" Law S.16 Ch11nm1n afld •acltMn Mahia, Tom Schock, NHYC; f'ltA,..LIN'" PUNl(LIN Street m marr or lHll '"" IOllltl of otncM of GATELY 1NI GATELY, llM9 s.• Conctt11 or 11pt1.1U 1prM<llng lOc phw/p lClc phw/p Moe llhwlp 5k pllw/p lOc phw/p 30o; phwfp ihe Hooolu1u race, wasn't even ' • DISCOIJNTS AtlWflWt," LIW • "" nnterlll)f of W•rner A-Ill PMlen BullO'ln1. 760 Mlf'kll $1rrtll. Sin rn«hanlctl !Imping or ll111t111nt f'rst to f . h. N 'ther w (3) Atari, John ewer, BYC; on ,,, I . 11111 Sh'Mf !hi Cl Olltrki. F••ncbco. C.11lfornl1, ....... lch LI !I'll p!-c:e mM:hlnt GPl<•lor I UUS el as (4) La Prensa, Al Lockabey, F J CMi. MB.I, C.IMflt'llllt nf,, 1'111• m11t1r Is bllM ltl'OCl111d w•su•nl of busln1n of the unoHnl1ntd In 111 mt!· S.H Driver Of dump trvd< 2S yo;1,, JSc phw/p Jack Baillie's I 2. meter your ami y Toft .,...~ 10 !ht Pl•tl!'lln1 L•WI of "" 1111, o1 '"" 1trrtain1n1 '°IM nt1te of u ld dece-or ,,_. •111r 111v11. 11ne1e t111!1 N ...._, · • hich II BYC; 15) Sanderling, Kirk &: A~ .tit P .. IU--C.1Htornr1 (Gov'I. Coclt '5.000 et lf'I.) •NI dent, wllllln tour """""' 11111' !hi 111"51 or cllfl\blNlllOn of vetilcla ew""".T• w can u:sua Y Poole, BYC '· BCYC. Auto Insurance f"ublilhtd 0non.-c-1 0111v Piiot 1111 Foun111n v.1111Y zon1nv <>n1111.111C1 . ..,b11c,11an o11M nail<•. t.01 Fenc:• ••«IOI' be counted on to be the first 0< J-'"' 14 71, ltH n:JWt Thi ZOl'llllll Ordlllll'ICI. Plot Pit~• 1111t e~· 011.a June '· 1'6t. s . ..i Gracr1 ct>tekl!'I' CLASS D -(1) Windswift, h(bll1 1r1 on fill In th.I ,,.n"lrtll OtHrl· Freod c . Chtmbtrlln 5.17 lmtrumenrmtn yaeht lcro6S the finish Une in Carl Tunberg, CYC·, (2) '·· LEGAL NOTICE rnent •lllt .1r1 1v1lltble !tor 1t11bllc 1... Adm!nlll••for of lh• E111T1 ).56 Motor P1!rol oper1tor o51 a y race she entel'll ru -tlOll and •~1m1 .... 11an. a11 tM .. ~ "'m«I dt«dtr1I 1.44_ Pllnllf' -br111h m n ' riba, Smiley & Thorne, BYC; l l·-----To..,:::..,;;1-----1 Those desltlM hi IHll,., In fa_. w In WILLIAM I'. o.t.Tl!LY, I!"" 5.56 P•rll' dlllt The actual first-to-finish was I ld NHYC IUJllll:IDll COUllT 01' THll -Ilion lo 11'111 ......... ,will bl ,1...., 1n OATILY .... OATILY, S.1f P!urnt>tr Jack HalJ'S new Columbia·57 (J)·()dln, Rod L ppo 1 ' STATI! OF ACLll'OIKIA POA -rlll"lty hi do 10. II fulher '"' AtllmlYl 11 LAw J.10 Aelnlor<lfll lronwatl<er MORF Twist, Andy TMI COUfllT'Y op·o•ANOI torm•llon 11 dnlrld, '1'1111 "'IY corot-c:t 11'11 1~t l'll•lan •~lldln1 5,;7 Roller Ofllrator ~rto which is b e i n g .... A-uni Plann11111 O.Perlme11t 11 N2..242A •nd teltr , .. Mtrtll Streit s.46 Rubber 11n<1, h .. ~Y duty •--~ for Ute Honolulu race Mortland, NHYC. fllOTICI! op Nl!AIUNG o, PETITIOM to UM v1r11nc1 No. 11, S1R Fr1nct•co, c11111rnt1 t41n @'QUlpmant 01)11'1rw •~•= PHRF (1) K 1t:a M l'OA JIAOIA'a 01' HOLOOllAPHIC PLANNING COMMISS•OM 01' Tel: (US) Jn.1ne s.~7 $crftll OPl•••or start. -ea '. ' WILL ANO , l'O• LITT I AS THI! CITY 01' FOUNTAIN Alllf',,..,I !or Adlnlnlllrrttr $.4 SklplofG1r oper1tor, wl!Ht lype Yachts which finished well Matcbis, ·vvc; (2) rnru, TISTAMIN'TAAY VAl.LEYll I Id Pub!llhed o ... _ Coa1t D•llY Pllol. owr "' ro:r1. llP"' .no 1"<1Udlflll Bud Harvey, BYC,· (3) E1t111 OI HAAAY THOMAS s111111Y .M.lnll•... J..,,,.1',7l,lll.1ndJul\f1,IHf 1~ 1~ro:r1. In the race went aimoot to the SCHWARTZ, •k.I KAAllY T. SCHWARTZ. Pl•lln"'-Dl•Klw • S.5' Slclploaclf!r OptrllOr, ...... , .:r15 phw 30c llhwlp JOc phw /p JOc phw/p 2'< phW 30c phw/p l!MI, of llW .l'CJ l>l'ow 30c phw/p 30c phw/p lOc phw/p 30c phw/p :Ille phwfp n-• Gil Knu"-·SSSC. .• DKl'1Md. Sltrll•rv"' 1111 l'l.lf'lnl"' LEGAL NOTICE l"l'IM oYlll' I~ .,.,.. Long Beach light before tack· ··-· ~ NOTICE IS NEAEBV GIVEN Thlt Comml11lan '·'° Elecll'klan lk plow Ing across the Channel, and LILLIAM BUCK NI tiled htrt1ln I 11111· Putil0'""',.,°''"" COilll 0.1I,, l~~l~f P·t"1 S.Y Trltlor ioedllr aper11ot, •II lffl" :Ille pllw/p !IOl'I lw Prvto.119 "' MIOll••PlllC ... 111 -June '· "' •All·tm S.56 T•Klaf' -·!Or wltll -JOC phw/p even then did not pick up the Thistles Bob Paley lo• IUt,1.ll'ICI of Liiie .. 1'H••-nl1rp lo NOTICI! TO Clll!OITOllS •!tl(hl'ttfn:I anticipated v;e:slerly unlll the '"' 111tlllofltr, me~ to w11rc11 II made LEGAL NOTICE sU,l!fllOll COUllT OP TME s.• Tr1<1ot -•tor -dr111 type. lOc 1lhw10 f il JO• fllrtlMr H111Ctlla!'I. '""' fflll 11111 llrne STATI: 01' CAL!POAltlA l"Oll SllOWI bulldOlff, ''"''*'· tcrtper, last ew m es. •NI ,i.c1 ol 11t.-rl111 the .. .,,. N1 be.lf'I Ul·lnt 0 AHGE. •NI push rractor Sunday's race was just as p111nd Associatft Ml tor JulY II. '"'· II t :» .1.m., In IM HOTICI! 01' TAUSTE•'S SALi! THI c0:.11 .. ~rn • . J.27 Trtn<:~I"' intehlN OPt<'.l!Or llP JOC ph\¥/t> T GI 1 court,_,, of DtNfflm:nl No. l DI Mid Tl .... 4:Ht Es!Alt of lEOflA EOITH WALLING, fll 6' dl!ll~ CIPKll't mfl. rtlllll light and fluky, The flet::t 0 as1er twr1. •I 700 WHf Elllhtl'I Slfffl, In Ulf On J11l1 f, 1ht, 1t 11 :• A.M .. TITLE llso kllOWn ,1 LEORA E. WALLING, 1lso S.Y Trt1n~hlflll ..,..chl!'ll -•tar _,. 3k pllwfp !tarted in an easterly of. f Long INSURANCE Clll' ol S.nt• Ant, C•llfllrnl.1. INSURANCE ANO TllUST COMPANY • .11 tnawn 11 1... E. WALLING. 0ece11t'd. '' dto111 c1P1cl!1 mlfl. rallno Oa!lll: J11n1 11, lMt. du"' lllP<lln!ICI Trvllff under aNI NOTICE IS HEREBV GtVEN 10 llVI S,$6 Unlv1rul e<iulprnen! oper•lor. J0C l>h•IP Point, and again the wealher W. E. ST JOHN. County Cler~. 1t11rw1n1 to Dffd of Tnitl ••ttt1 se.. crtdlllll'• of !ht 1._1 Mmtd d«eclenl 1hoY1I, bllckhotl. drq!lne, cla""' f'e(fCf hilt to A GI • f Al ito8 B 474 E. 17th St. SAMUIL A. GAl!INSUAO to<nber 10, IH2 Eucutilll ly! JOHN A. 11\at •II Pl•-Nvl!ll cl1lrns "'''"' ffll •rw.11. Ol!'rldl, O.rrl(to: t11roe. man was P l 1ng as J't. as1er O am ay COST• uES" ~·r:!;:::, ... ~:9'=:· ANDERSON 1!'111 JAN& £. o. =!; .. Id dtCeCltnl 1,,. t'ICllllf'td JO 1111 tfleom. crane. p!lt dri .... •nd tnll<kl,. the west in midafternoon. lt Yacht Club. with Olympic gold "" m ,.. Tcit 011, ...a., SON hlltb.INI 1no ,..,, -"" w1111 ""' r.teemrv 11!M.'hln. In "" affice ~11111 never came. Newsboy went medalist Peter Barrett as 642-6500 A-"" ,.It!.....,. Fl'brv.-rv 11• lffl ••• hntr. No, 1141' 111 of !I'll clefl: Of tlle lbovl tntllttd eo11rt, or '~""""""-" Orldt L•llll' l"llblllhld 0•11'1111 COl•I 01lly ,Lio! baoll "27, "" 75'. of Ollkllol Jleconft Ill lo p-1 !him. wlftl "" neatwrv '·'* Air comprH-Pllf!IP tr lookl·ng !or Ute westerly 1'n a crew •··nday •"'led a-ay wllh , , • 1111 Olfk:e " 1111 C111nll' l:ICO!"lllr of ~ "' t11e lltlden.19ned .1t 1111 Llw oe<ier•tor GPt••tor '.xi ....., " l'!!~~~~~~~~~~~~!':M:..:l<~··~~"~'"'~----....'."~n~ ... ~/0r1net Countf', C.1tltorn,_, WILL SELL Ollkn 01 AobllrtMln, Howtff & G1rltn4. 4.JSS A$JllYLI rt-tr l1ld 1.-r w ild gamble that took her on a the Southern ca 11f0 r n l al AT PUBL.IC .-.uCTION TO HIGHEST -'341 c .. ..._. DrlYe. "-' BNch, 1..US A1ph11! 11>awltr course t oward San Pedro and District Thistle championship. ••DDEA f'OA CASH !~•bit •I lime OI c111iorn11. which 11 thl ~ GI M lneu 4.135 ConcfTlll e1rr•r, '"'""''°'"" JOC pl'iw /p 1~ jll'IW/p ,Sc pl'IWI• 25c flhW /, wll' In Ulwflll -• of lllt u~ued Sl1tesl ol "" unOtrllerted 1o1 111 m11tter' lltl'· """'"'-•NI '9rm Olltf wound up finishing -in the The five·race regatta was in ttoe labtlY oi 1111 '*"' t11r111,.. lofl , ... tilnl!'ll to 1111 n11t1t of u1c1 decfld9!!. •.u Driver of du""' 1t1K-Leu """ .).$( p11w1p Class D fleet. Windward sponsored by South Shore Sail· 1r.1nc1 of the Tiiie IM11r.1nc1 11u11c111111 w11t11n tour rnontlll 1111r "" 11.,1 'ubllu· ~ .,.,h. w.11,. ...,ti IOUtld Oii fhl HOl'lllwtll corn•• 01 Eillhlh lion OI 11111 nollc1. •.• OrlYlll' If d~ lnldl. • yds, Passage was first to finish. ing Club. Nineteen entries .lf'IO M.11n Strtth, s.1111 A11.1, c1111orftt•. DATED JUN u . 1H•. ""' 1111 th•n • fd•. w1111 11ve1 Th. race was !he fN•rlh In ned I he .n right, 11111 •NI lnl1r11t (QllV!1ed la UNITED CALIFOllNIA llANIC l,f) DrlYtr o1 dumo lrllCll, • yds, S5c Pl!w /1 ..... tur out or .t regatta.. 1n11 110• htkl ir, rt ulllll• 111d Ottd 01 tv v. o. Hov1N11•. Jr. but rm m.n 12 Vd1. w1twr lrlel lhe Ahmanson Series. Han. Defending champion Pat Tr\11t 111 "" _,., 111u•ltd In th• crtt ew.c:utor o1 lllfl wm s.01 or1 ... , oi oump truck. u Vd1. SSc phw/p d, . ol Ca&l1 ""'"" Ill .. ld C°'"'t1 11111 Ill" of 1111 1bov1 n1mt0 dtcfff:lll ()Ill ltu thlll 1' l'lh· Wiier ...,., 1cap times were cqmputed Allen of Newport Harbor oett;1111111 •: 11:01e11T10M, HOWSEA a GAllU.No 1.u 0r1wr of du""' 11.,n, " Yllt. 11c flhw/' aplnsl the <:Dm.bined eta-...,, Yacht Club fi .. 1.lt.ao1 lhlrd. Lot 52 of Tr1ct No. ~1. 1~ !tit city o1 4)tt '-""' DflYe 111111,., ""'° » Y'll•· w11er 11vt1 - __________ ..-;,..._" _______ .....-,;..____ Cttll ~. counl"/' of Ol'•ntll• •1•11 ol N---1 SMdl,, c..lttlnlll ~ ~... El'll""-• ollll'. 1'9n11l11111n JOc pflw/' c1nrorni., " "' "'•P •10J....., 1n lOOk Tth j.tt.SM •..1U Finl .,.....,, hlghwey •nd '"'"' Uc phw /11 1'°-'"" 11 11"11 )t el Mltetll-Altll'lllYI fill' lnc1o1• tllvflll •1r!llrtl-""' .. 'P 1N1 Mtn. Ill ltol olflct of Ille' l;llllflfy Publlillld Ol'tnll Gott! Dlltf' ,Ila!, tl"'I,_; tlM¥J' eetllllfwtllon ,_..,.,. of 0111n11 C-ll'. C•Hfornll, J-16, n, » lfld Jul't 7, \Hf 1\4Uf 1 22J Gtllnff <"-' Ut pllwf1 s.ld Mill W'lll bl rn.-dl, IM.lt Wllholll 1:.. H .. ...., ft1Y f#llnNorn 1111111"' lie plo•/' COWMN .,. .. ,r•nll'. '11""" • knl>llld, LEGAL NOTICE 1...u LA)'!nO " •II l'ICll'MNtlllllc "'" 11c .._,,. "9•"91ne ttl\t, __ .._ « _.... ~Int ...... plpt1 cll'tll! PIM. eutnbr.ll'IC"" ti! ,_., ffll ,_llll"t "'1"' NOTICI 0, OISIDUITeotil ...... lnclulllnll ~ 1111 cll>tl ..,.,.. OI "" noi. HCllrt'll 1111 Mid OJI PAllTillASHIJI l.»S M.-llinlJ ll'ld c:t1o1• ... of •II .20 llh•I• DtM " Trull. to-•11: si.rn,p, WI"" In-'1.tltllc notic. 11 ,_...,. f\oen Ill.It Jolln --'•"k flfllt ltlnh tel'lfl lfom +.I.fl ••• Ill .. kl NIM PfOVld· M a I nd J•trWll' 0 Mtcntl~ l..'1 W•lto' ., !Mll-lypt: lrvdl. d•lllllf' $k flflWfO ::jd~·,.1:V:~'i.n~N~ ~.~ .,.:...;:..';"ciair:. IM~ -1111 lk· Vndtt t50lt .. llGM .......... ot 1111 Trvl"r tnd OI Ille trUlh lk:IOul !ln'fl Nn'll •lllt •t'fll of (llllllm S.P W•ttr « l.lf'lt:·tf'PI lrlldi; dllvtr Slc phw/P u••l«t IW Hld o.td of Trull FllMr 01111 PradlolC!t II ,,. Pt.cen!l<I, 2JQO t•lloM llt 4111111) Otlla<'lt 'Ool otntflcllrv '""*" Ml; Olltd OI Cll'f Of C0tl• Mfl.I, Cluflly ol Or•f!OI• S.U W.1tw or t•llk·IVPI lrudl clrlvtf" SSc phw/p J.Sc pllwf p )Cle phwlp lllc pllw/p '°5c pl\WIP ~ ph•lp JOc phw/p lie phw/p « pllw P 2Sc 111\W 30c phw/p Jlk pflwlp lOc phW/ft lllc phw 30c pi,wfp 12' ol gW "' ... 30c p~w'p 30c phw/p 30c 111\wlp 30c phw/p ·-:JDc phW/JJ 30!; phW/JJ JOc p/l!w/p Xie ""WIP 2k pllW'O 7.k phw/p 2Sc phw•11 •Sc phw/p « llhw/p JOC ""W/ft 2X p!IW/P 2Sc 1111•1• 60c phw/p Mic: ptiw/p 5X phw/p Uc phw/p 60c ph•IP '°< phw/p .SC phw/p »< , .. Mic: lll'llP 60c phw/p 60c ptiw/p JSc phw 60c pl!W/JI "~" llW »< .,. '°< phwf' 60C phwt• 60c phw/p 60c; phw/fl ,._ 01 .w 60c: phwlp 60c: 1911.,.fp 60c phw/' 40c pllw/fl 0: ,.,..,, 4lk p1o .. ,, ~TUii$. DllGllOSTIC arltl •-'IDT ' ,IC .. CMllX .tlllJUSTllDIT II * ...... l!f'MANTU. * lid Z ALL rMn TIVll, IW ,.._ el 1 brffdl « 1111!.IUll 111' ll•M of C..lltoml .. lllld on IM 1)111 O•y 4(lllO .. ~=-W - IP'll e11tlt1110M ..cured thtr1bv ," J11111. Jttt, by l!Whil!I __.,,, .. .._ 11 .~.,1•_ '1c: plow/• 2X llftW/o Jk Jlh'#'J ~ llll'Clil!td .... dell ... rM tit 111t ...._ 'flll Mid ""''"'"'" .1!1111 ltl"l'fll. '4' ,._, / * DIAlllllCl)C mrotlT ........................... _. ~--·-· ....... ... - COITA MESA 1"4 Nc•l"'1 111..i. .. .. • .. .. .. . 64S.()9()0 • Qllflrs ......... • ...._.. .. C•IW. e f'nMl!IM I• ... .., .. • I • ""°"'ltntd • wrlll911 0tcl1r.11too1 OI 1111t tlllllr ,..,., .. " ,.,""" thtrlllll. t.145 LttlOrlll'~r.11 or c-tructlOfl 2k rito•/11 1k t/frW/ft aSc ""w • OoflUll .... 0.-nd ...... ,. • .-nd ••flten l•ld bwtne.-111 "" "'""" .m bl -Tlll CllllfN(IW INll ..,,. MIY lll'llMftfecturld l!lllltr,.11 ~ In "" lltll"" notlc• « """"" tnd ot tltttloto lo cllne dtletld llf' J11"111'S D. M.-C:l'llll. """" wl1I $"111 •fd orily fl'lllnllflttitlrtd .,....IHI l'NftyllCtvl'ld In IM Uftlltd SllMt, •uCI> lht ~lttold .. ...i uld ........., to ..,. •11111 dlldlllrM •II ..... ll!IM . ..W cNibb. tlW.llflll'f' •!I f!!fll l"t!trltll ,,.clKlllil 11'1 1111 Unltw lteillt. In !ht ~ • NlltfY .UN ellof!HtlON, .... llwHl!H, Oii OI lht firm .1111t t'Wll'W 111 rnonln "'-.. -• .. Kt. O .. •-,_ " • --0 ·-..__ •-hl'IN ... M.-rdt ,, IHf, t"t t,llldlttlll"lllll Ctlllld 11.1111>11 II lllt JI"", IM c-...... WI... ...-. """' .,,.,. "' 11111 notk:t 11 llrtKfl. ..., 'lllf illdlofo 1o bl Flll1ht< no1'\tt i.. ner..w t'-llMll "" IN c"" ,,,,_ Stftll•,., 0111r1c1 •nd i. IMClt In KCOl"Wnc• wltll Ille ,,........,. ,_,.,... lfl lloak tin. -4i. llf Mid lll'dl!'Ml'ltd wlll not tll r•-tbll• from If 1111 """°"I r-lr-ll, Oflkltl ll..:onh. tflll N~ Ori for lll'f tbl'9.1llor9 tncurrlll ltd! l>lddtr rTMI 'o. l\cfl!Hd Md •!wt IM'...Wlllltlll H ,..,Ired ll't law. Dflflld """ •• ,,., "" cu.ram l"lbH ~II•• il'l"lllltlCtl Ill l'llf T1'111 IMl'll " Cir«,.,.. OI ""' Col1' M-S.nlt••• Dlttrkt , __ ""' 'fllll 1-•fltt ,,.. ""' "'"" Of h 1"" ,...,.. « 11111 tJrrn. r!olol tit ref«! •ny Gr 11H llldt. Tmt '°""'111'1' DATIO AT (Otlt M ... , C1llfornl1, Olr.d1 J-It ltff I• .. w t~lee 1111• Ulll ffY of Jutw 1Ht tY OllOEll 01' THE COITA MISA $ANITAll, B1 t'lrntr W, He!n11r Jolln M. 91~1 ' OISTlllCT 01' 011.-.NOI' COUNtY, CAL.IFOAH" A114110r!"'5 $1""""' Jltnft D, Me(rltll Jr.. KEAM ~!MA "wbll"*' °''"'' CllMt Diiiy Pllof, Jlubllihtd Or1111• COilll D.1l1Y ,.llQl, S~11•rv J\lnt. , .. U. .. IM 111Ht JllM II. \Hf IU7..M ,llllll'1'11f Or•fltt CM•! O.ll't ,_.. J-U, I&. Ifft • • • , ........ _ -On Bot~-s1 · es • Su.mm ertime. The liv ing may be easy ••• but MAKING a liv in g isn't, if you're a teen-ager looking fo r you r first job ... or a graduate trying to start a career. And , if you 're an employer -or even a private citizen with some odd job to be done -you may not be finding it easy either. The two sides of the e mployer and employable probl em might be illustrated by the two letters below. You tell us to get an education, to be impressed with the opportu- nities this great nation of ours has to offer, to stand on our own two feet, to make something of ourselves and to quit protesting everything - including The System ... The Estab- lishment. I spent the last three days trying to find those great opportunities this nation offers. They must all be some- place else. They weren't where I was looking for a job. You told me I didn 't have the experience. You told me there was no place in your business for a beginner. You told me you were looking for someone older to paint your house, mow your lawn, clean out your garage. You said I was too young to really be a responsible employe. Where am going to get experience, where am I going to prove my sense of responsibility if someone doesn't give me a chance, doesn 't give me that first job? Am I suppoted to believe what you say or what you do? How do I force your world to give my world a break? I've Here is Help ••. for Both Sides If you're a young person willing to work or an adult lookin9 for • willing worker, these five Orange Co1st area non-profit youth em ployment c.enter1 can help you. :YOUNG PEOPLEo Sign up with the center In your area now • • , for job opportunities. ADULTS, ' Check with these ctDters for a boy to mow your lawn, a girl to care for your children •.. or for young men and wom- en lookillg for the career opportunity you can offer. HARBOR AREA YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE '(Sponsored by J unior Ebe ll Club and A11i1tence Lea9u• of Newport Be1ch.) Office1 in Centr1/ Branch, Boys' Club of the H1rbor Area • • • 594 Center Street, Costa Me11. Open l-5 p.m. thi1 week; 9 a.m. to I p.m. Mon· dtr. through Fr iday, J une 16 through August 15.· Ta ephone: 642-0474 YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE HUNTINGTON BEACH ISponsored by Ellis Avenue 81pti1t Church.)' Offices at 8121 Ell l1 Ave., Huntington Beach, Open 9 1.m. • 5 p.m. Mond,ty through Friday, Phone 147-6067 · ~ . FOUNTAIN VALLEY -YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE I Sponsored by South Coa1t Junio r W oma n's C lub.I Offices in Nurs•• Office, Founta in Val- rey High School, 178 16 Bushard St., Fount1in Valley . Open I 0 1.m •• 2 p.m. Monday through Friday HUNTINGTON BEACH UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT JOB REFERRAL SERVICE I Sup•rvi1 ed by Rob ert M•rtin, dir•ctor of work ••perienc• educatio11, Huntinlilfon le1ch Un ion Hililh Schoo l Di1trict.I Offices at 1902 . 17th Street, Hunt inlilt.on Beach. Open 8 a.m. • 4 :10 p.m. Mond1y throug h Frid1y 111 1umm•r, Phone 516-91 1 1. SOUTH COAST . JOB PLACEMENT SERVICE ISponsorad by South Orange Coast YMCA.J Offices a t 49 I Forest Ava., La9un1 leach. Open 9 1.m. ·noon and 12:10_. p.m. M~nday1, Tu11d1y1, Thur1deys I Fridays. Phona 494-llll got the questions but I don 't know how to get to you for Jh• answers. Just answer one of my questions: when and how arn I go- ing to get a ,..job? Pretty discoora9ecl, • -4 J(;,J . (. ::bear _}~J: .. You came to me today looking for a job. But your appear-, . ance told me you just didn 't have all the qualifications I'm looking for. I You didn't bother to wear a tie; your haircut was at least c;i week old; you didn't shave. You impressed me as just an- other one of those kids who wants to start at the top . Your scholastic achievements seem pretty impres- sive, but I wasn't impressed by · your failure to grasp some of the practical facts that make the business world run . You should check the classif!ed-advertifin-g-section of-the newspoper before going out to look for a job. It will tell you who is hiring, what kind of people they're hiring, what the going salari~s are and which jobs are plentiful, which are scarce. (That last item is important. It will give you a hint as to ' ' how hard . to please yciu can afford to be. In fact, many al. ready employed peaple make it a habit to read classified ads even wheh they aren't lookihg for a job-just to keep them- selves _ppsted on the job market.) And I'm going to give you some more advice. Get eager. Show that you're interested. Maybe what you kids cal l' The Establishment is more interested in you than you think. Did you know, for example, that there are five non. profit job .placement servi~es in operation right now in the Orange Coost area, all trying to help you find the job you want? They a_re ready to help you find "one-shot" odd jobs, a summertime job or even the job that could start your lifetime career. -----But they won't hancl the -wo rld .-to you. You'V'e got to keep ' . . trying -on your own, through tlie classified ads and through . . . ' ' the employment centers. If you don't "make the sale" the first . ' time you try for a job, try again, and again. You may not believe it,, but all around you employers are • looking for young men and women smart enough to go after ' . a job in the old-fashioned way. When "these e ~ p I ~ye rs find · one, they can't wait to ge~ him, on their poyroll. St ill waiting, .(This Page Prepared and Pubfished by The DAILY PILOT as ·a .Puble Servfcei ' ' ---~ r • I • ··- I I ' . I l ' • I ' I I • I • _______ ; DAILY ,ILOT • . . CMtl• .. n Skw fTOlft J P·""' I , hf tllb Fl• r-ltr Sllow TEDDY ECCLFS . . NIWl'Otf llACH -.. 1lw • ...._ I• f•HI•"" Uh lolo -01. HlM THE BIG SHOW -All Star C11t- "THE LONGEST DAY" ALSO Gtor~ Peppard Ursula Andress "THE BLUE MAX" ONI SHOWING ILUI MAX -. 7111 LONGIST DAY -t.ll I( llOLj. YWOOO (UPI) for lh& bes! supporting arum al • Albarado the horse, Arnold the · · in a mbtlon picture. · 1 pig, , Ti:Jnmie. the chlmpanze~ and Laslie the dog walked off .with. tho:top hof\On In lhei.~ nual P8isy awards -the Oscars of·tbe animal kingdom. Albarado, who starred in the movie "The Horse in the: Gray -Flannel &tit," won the award Featw·e Role HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Arr\old. 1.••l~red In telev1;1on's ~·Green Ac.res," g J> l tahe, Patsy for' best SUP' porting animal to a iel~vision series. Timmy won his award for the best single appearance, a cameo ~pot in "The Beve:rly Hillbillies." . The awards, announced Saturday, are sponsored by the American ff u m a n e Association. ALSO ?t1anol~ Fabregas, a top. Mex-1.===========.I lean leading man, landed a EDWARDS••••• featured role with Shirley · C I N E M A II~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ma;cL~a:in:e~an:d:~Clin:t:E:~astw:ood~JI in "Two Mules !or Sister THEATREStl•••- Sara." ''Pr•ml•re Prenntetlon ThNten" 1be Killin ·~ s, ..... , eorge" i 1 IBeryl Reid ® 1 1 \SuS3nnah York CoJJJI Browne, ... "FACES" WlllO Jo1!1 M mt., ... -- o,.. ., '" •SACH , AT ... Lie ., , ........... cr,.,- 547-6011 HUHTIHGTON •&ACH t 847•980 ._ _______ _, ,.,:,. .. nW 11 ~Ill ,Ht H odMitted ••5-....,.,..1.., ,.,...., CH' ctchllt guardian. NOW S,HOWIN• "THE BIG BOUNCE" .• ,,_ O'Neil lcti .. ,.,. •• ,.., ..... "' ....... '"'' . . . ......._... 't" .._,,.1_ -___ ...,, ___ n..,..nlA .. , David Janssen · Rosemary Forsyth · Robert OrMtS .. · y . kl nC...IW.nn nOW ENDS TUISDA . Brenda Vaccaro • ..., Don Ric es.-CAESARS""" ' .. r'_,,.· .•· .. ,...... . "AACRNDEAT ---~ .,,Gcnon Kanin . ""'*-I" Frank Ross ,_w->--1-•---n•r•-....,.•~~ miiilii8iil COURA.· laj ~.eJ~~?,&=·~ : : ~ =; 111================='11 : --~~x:'· : :.. . • ;.~nr .. . ~ . JOH CASSAvtits' FACES ' lelr11H !Ir COlillf(lllll iiJ -AND- ' CAPuclNE ·CLAUDIA l:AROINALE ' I •' . .. AIBERTO SORIX . • JEAN SOREl MONIC.A VITTI • RAQUEL l'IElCH; STARTS WIDNESDAY -ALS O - -· The ~ . :6rlnge Co•sl's 114..t !=ompleta RJNYJiNG 'SIRV CE -,._ 642-4321 ' • GAlA BENEFIT PREMIERE TUE~DAY, JUNE 17th. r--:-----U'ONSO"EO I V---- Providtrtr:t Sp tech i nd Hearing Clinic (Atfllltit.d With TIMI Chlld....,'• Hotpibll) • For lntorn11Uon C1ll -•it -4fl0 .. BESJ. lJ, PICTURE .......... DFTHEYEAR! WINNER 6~~~S:o':v EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE PRISINTATION "A VERY RllllY, llMNSRY APPIAlll& MUVl • WAii Tl> CLEAN • • • ' -.. . ' - DAiht· PILOT W ~NT 'iiQS . ; - HOUSES Foa SALi HOUSIS '5!ft SALE HOU11$ l'OR SALE HOUSES FOR SAl,I Genera l IOOO CHntrtl 1000 Gonorol 1000 General .' 1000 -1-----..,..- up · Easttlde ShGke Roof Chorm INDUSlRIAL PROPERTY . POOL TABLE Been looking tor a placc to pUt one! Here It Is • Beau· t itul family home in ("Xcel· Barrett Really l YOUR CLEAN OUT! FOR FAST! FA$TI. 3 bedroori\, 2 baths, dining room plUS Jarae paneled tll{ltUy room With ~-et bar and wood burning fi~place. Oream kitchen has bullt-lns and pantry. Roomy back yard with tree shaded patio tor aummer tun. $26.950 •!For A Wi5e Buy" Colesworlhy & Co. loca.ted in the ceDter ol the lenf location with separate COSTA MESA INDUSTRIAL 18 X 20 foot l'WnPUS room to DISTRICT .,.,_ accomodate regulation size •· .,.... year old, pool table, plus plenty ol 2,000 squatt foot building room lc(t over for enjoying presentl)' used as a plumb-TV and the manunoth stone ing shop. easily adapted to fireplace, Large bedrooms, many indust\ia} or commer· 2 ''Queen" s.1zc baths, din· -clal uses. Three private oU· icea, storage room plus large ing room and separate room . for offipe or hobby. Assume shor> area wt th over head low interest S%. % Fl-IA loan. doors. Property completely Paymenta ol $183 per black-topped and chain Unk month, included eve,..,t"i ...... fenced, AN IDEAL BUY AT ·~ '"''6 Submit your smaller home $33,250. Present financUW on our gual'!Ultee 11ales plan. '."lll"lllbell!lal.,,l!l!um!lcd~.~!!!!!!I!; \ WE SELL A HOME r' EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 21'.HJ \Vestclilf Dr. 646-77U Open Eves. W·rfn Evenings Call 646-1000 Fountoin Volley High $26,000 pr•••"'' I PRIC E REDUCED! Owner amdou.s to sell this \V&rm & fliendly Ba.ycrest home on · corner. 3 bdrma, dining l'OOm, family room. Wonderful work shop • dark room • luxurius buUt-ins. 1605 Westcliff Dr, NB 642-5200 8 UNITS Pride' of Ownership All 2 lms l bath. built-in range & oven, large ward• robes, new carpets &. drap- es. Private patio!. 1860 Ne,vport Blvd., CM Rltr. 646-3!128 Eve. 644-1~ Lachenmyer Highly rated Fountain Val· S E SMAN tey High School District RE AL .,UNBEL'IEVABLEll EAST SIDE 111o Dowo rnA.. No c!ool"C COSTA MESA com b""' a 3 bedroom. 111 $19,600 FULL PRICE bath bome. Look at ~st Only one block to Catholic exlrf,I! \".";uhcr, ~r, 're-Qiureh, this 2 bedroom only 2 b!Oeks awaf. Rustic WANTED ·: fiiPrator. Built in bar for 6weet1e. Has lovely carpets AmONJ ·enteitJt,tning. Complete sttr-and drapes, new paint and eo and speakers. CU.tom lovely fmnt landscaping! 'drapes throughout. Pl u a No back yard maintenance! thick. like new carpeting. Cul de sac street! Attached ALL nus FOR 0 NL Y garage! This charming home $18,9(0, nrLL PRICE. CI needs only 10% down!!! $600 DoWn. Firat come, finl DON'T MISS IT!!? atyllng with board and bat. 1\Vant to n\ake $2000 your ten facing and tons ot alone , flnt mon!h? Want all the trim. Picturesque "English ready buyel'S you can ban· Pub" bay \Vindows. 4 cozy· die? \Vant an active fast bedrooms, 2 baths, big fam. growing office? The catch? ily room with · fireplace, ul· You have to work and like tra modem kitchen with all to \\'Ork. If you're youfli', built. ins. Surrounded by greedy, and not a!raid to go homes of far greater value. after listings call Dick Berg Wide open GI or FHA terms or Nadine, 962·2421, Conti· Only $26.000 full price. See cd"'""'-''":c'·-------CALL DAILY PILOT CLASS· IAED DEPT. D I A L D I R E c T 6 4 2 s 6 7 8 WE. ~y~ HOM& WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES EVERY 31 MINUTES Walke~ Lee !~!~~!,v~• ~.~ ~~r 54a-9491 842-4455 or 540-5140 Open 'W .9 PM Open Eves. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY A charming 3 BR "1hip shape" home on large 8tx 233' c.1 lot. May take 14 rental units. Owner will carry 1st TD of $32,000 @ ~%. Drive by 1919 Ana· heim, 0.1 &. call to see in· side. $39,500 Newport et Victoria 646-1111 (a nytime) $20,950 FULL PRICE 4 Bedrooms, 2 full baths. Plmh carpets & cl r a p e s throughout. Doublf! Garage. O.d~e-sac streeL Walk to schools. Gt no cash needed. $100 Deposit refundable or take aver 5%. <;(, FHA loan with payments of $124 per month. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 7682 Edinger 8424455 or 540-5140 Open Eves. 4 BEDROOMS No Down VA This is a quality home with cement driveway &. shake roof. Only 3 years old. Sell· rr \YU! pay all buyer's clos- ing costs & \viii give you $100 to move 546-9521 or 540-6631 J. K. ,Nichols Realtor B/B BAY AND BEACH REALTY, INC. 20 Years Jn Ne11.'POrt·Harbor Area. Specializing in listings and s a 1 e s of Bayfronts, Oceanfronts and In • Be· fl'.-eens. Please c::all us or slop in our new oftice loca· tion. 901 Dover Drive, Suite 126 -NEWPORT BEA.QI 645-2000 -TOP LOCATION Large MeSA. Verde Colonial 5 bdnns {2900 sq ft) Art- thony pool home near goll course. Farm style kitchen. family & dining rooms. Could stand redecorating. Owner transfered • m a k e oiler! Baycrest Beauties 4 To Choo11 F r<C>m 1 4 & 5 Bedrooms 162.500 .. $79.500 Arnold & Freud 388 E. 17th St., CM Realtors 646-17"» -Export.,qd RE- Sall1m'.i'ft EXCEt... COMMJSSJON ss1 w. 19th st .• c.~t Ritr, 642·9730 Eves. ~.07'10 e KBfNEDY BAYCREST JUST LISTED Parklike gardens & tall trees surround sparkling home & pool. Discriminating buyers will want this lovely 4 txtrm, 3% bath home w/lrg. lam, rm. & l.onnal din. nn. $74,500 Mrs: 1-larvey ~ Coldwell, Banker & Co. 550 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach, Calif. 83~700 644-2430 4 BDRMS $23,500 \Vould you believe"V-A. FHA terms on thU! bar· gain? Hardwood floors, • new dishwasher. cover- ed patio & dt>Ughttul landscaping. Q u i e t neighborhood. COATS '& WALLACE REALTORS ~546-4141~ (Open Evenings) UP, UP AND AWAY To tts hilltop location, where a meticulous European tam· ily has kept this beautiful four bedroom home in mint condition. Enjoy a dauelipg vie\V of our scenic Pacific coastline. Owner anxious. Reduced to $36.500 • f.lake otter. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 MESA VERDE This immaculate 3 BR fam· ily home ran be yours by assuming 5~ % FHA LOAN. A must sE'e to appreciate. Askini: Back Bay area home 2 baths, Ureplace built-ins, carpets, drapes, A!kfng $46,950. DAVIDSON Roalty 546-5460 Eve~. 545-49'11 Nursery School POTENTIAL. 3 BR 2 bath home, comer lot, 130x180' all fe~. Cal lfor de!ails. illanfa ltealty 612-6560 7 NEW HOMES East.side Costa Mesa. rrom $27.~ S &: 4 Br.1 1 & 2 Sty. . Open daily 2348 Santa Ana Av~. IBet. 23rd· &tnta Jsat>en Days 642'3960 Eves. 6t:Z.Sl00 EXECUTIVES moving to Newport Bea~!l. Ne'v 1Vln \Veils' f!uality vie.,..· home ln Dover Short'Ji. Larae 4 bdrm. 3 bath fan1i17 room. Set models open dally at 1 <t3t) Galaxy 0 r 1 v c. 646-1550 OlARGE IT! today. cau LOTS! 645·0303 Ot ""'"" feet. like 34,00! . I OHi \I I. 01 \II\ ' £ ~ ' c ,, behind F.clison Co., Hunting· ton Beach. Zoned M·2 for heavy Mfg. "A real good thing for $37,500", Submit yoor otters for this choice location. I-========· I Red Carpet Realty KITCHEN CARPET Thia one .ha.s it! And a lot mo~ features too! Including 4 bdnris, 3 baths, panelled family rm & format dining room. Just listed, lsl time adv. $41,900 "ll~\sQ\ Cr~' ~l\\ .1lh' . 546-5990 4 Bedroom Nontvcket 132.00 Mo.· Totol AS!lume existing 5% loan, no qualifing, lovely 4 Bedroom 2 Bath home with built-ins, forced air heatn\g. Double garage, seller very anxious. Don't wait. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 FOUR HOMES on large comer Eastside lot. Privacy prevails here! 3 BR units \\'ith garages & private pa1ios. Live in one & rent the other 3. $62,000 (10°11 Down ) Newport at Victoria 646-1111 (anytime) MESA VERDE NEW LISTING. 4 bdrms 1 ~~ hath. Choice corner lo- cation. P.lany extras. $33,900. JEAN SMITH REALTOR 646-3255 400 E. 11th, Costa Mesa lmmed. Possession 3 BR 2 baths ,fireplace, car- pets, drapes, built·ins, dou· ble garage, $23.7SO. Wellt·McCardle, Rltrs, 1810 Newport Blvd., C.r-.t. 548:. 7729 anytime -OCEA NVfEW - 'h ACRE I GoU course lawn. Lush land· sea.ping, 2650 sq. ft. of ele• gance 4 bedroon1, full din· Ing room, family room. Built-Ins. 3 ba1hs. 540-1720 TARBELL 2955 Ha rbor FUN LIVING! ?.fOOem 3 M11n ., l block to ocean. S:l3,000. CAYWOOD REAL TY 6306 W. Coa&I l·hvy., N.B. 54&-1290 -MESA-VER DE- POOL PARADISE 4 Bedroom, 2 bath!!. family room. Electr1c "AWlll'd" kitchen, Decking, patio, gllll firf! pit, lovely pool. Near the Jn1 r coun::". 510-1 T20 TARB ELL 2955 Hubor NO matter \Vllltl it IS, )'(IU can eclJ It \\'ilh A DACLY PJLOT ctassitif!d ad. Call Anytime • 67S-600l'.t 2005 \V. Balboa Blvd., NB MESA DEL MAR 3 BR 2 bath, harchvoocl fl~ VA/FHA/Conventional Rand Rulty 645-2340 S BEDRM.-POOL BAYCREST Exclusive area of hon1es. Family roon1, 3 baths, lu.x- urious built • ins, gorgeous contoured pool. Huge Jr. Es- tate grounds. 540-17'20 TARBELL 2955 Horbor OCEAN_&_BAY- Peninsu1a Pt. Attr. 3 BR. 3 ba. home. SpacioWI, i;W'QY patio. S49,500. Balboa Real Estate Co. 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa 6734140 ---GREAT POTENTIAL · Honie on 80x185 lot, I blk, lo aulomobile row. Parkin& for camper, trailer & boat. FORTIN, REALTOR 170l·A Westclilf Drive Newport Beach 642-5000 4 BEDRM.-$22,500 Attractive brick patio with gas fired BBQ, 2 baths, fire.- place, family room. 540-17'l0 TARBELL 2955 Harbor WOMAN with R.E. Broker'1 lie. needed. Speciality office, No exp req. XLNT OP· PORT. 548-4900 after 6 51;,•1 •. G.I. $119 h1onth pays all. R·2 lot; 2 Br. home. $20,000. Pyramid Exchangors 646-2629 Real Estate SALESMAN NEEDED Nt\vport Realty & Invest. Co. 1842 Npt. Blvd., 0.1 548-0588 HOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A ' DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 .. ---··-----·····-----··-· ··-··· .. , Mtndoy, .iu ... 16, 1969 ~-.--a.,..l ___ 1"'0iiiJ"" HOUSES POR SALi HOUS I S POR WI HOUSI S'POR SALi I HOUSll POR IALI HOUSll POR IALI HOUSll POR IA~ Ho-Purnl,,,.. O ·:·11c RJ.:AL ''\. ;:STATERS IF you CAN'T AND THE HOME YOU WANT LISTED HERE Col UL Wo Cao Help Y °" Find II Am""'l 0... More Thoe 100 Llsffotll • WATIRFAONT PIER AND DOCK 3 Bedroom -2 bath room for 40 ft boat spic and span • $69,500 • COLLEGE PARK 4 IDIMS. + POOL 4 Bedroom + pool. 4th haa scPanite en&a.nce. and fireplace -Pool with solar heat . $33,500 • CUSTOM DESIGNED Newport Heigh ts 3 Bedroom 2 bath com- pletely remodeled. $33,500 with 10% down. • 5 IEDIOOMS MESA DEL MAR 2400 sq. ft. Sparkling clean. tile electric: kit· chen-3 luxury b a th s . Enclosed boat & trailer i;patt. $37,950. • HORSE LOVERS Santa Ana Heights. 66x200 with 2 bedl"OO(JI borne and a 2 car garage. Lot com- pletely fenced. $23,500 - Great terms. • WESTCLIFF Ready for immediate OC· cupancy. Spacious living room with log burning fireplace. Carpeted &: draped.$ 3 9. 500-1 o 'IO down. • FIUR 0 UPPER Char ming Newpor Heights ',• block from CllU Drive 3 Bedrooms, family room + d e n $26,000. • NEWPORT COTIAGE Neat small home. Lots of closet space • o n e bedroom plus den • hoge lot with patio • $22,900 • NO DOWN G.I. 2 Bdnn • 2 bath on R·2 lot. Room for another unit, Can be: purchased FHA with low, low down $25,000 • ASSUME 5¥• LOAN 4 bedroom Mesa del Mar beauty. Huge family room with raised f ireplace service porch, I 1! n c e d yard. New outside paint. $31,Stltl. • COUNTRY ESTATE in the city. 20x30 Liv. Rm, Lot lZlx300 -5 car garage. Elec. kitchen • H\\'OOCI fioon. 20x40 swim pool • $79,500 • 16'x4S' PLAYROOM 4 Bedrooms, 31,S baths on secluded private drive, Sep. playard -Family paradise s.54,500, 10'14 -·· • INCOME UNITS 3 • 2 Bdrm 11,~ baths. Studio style . $41,950. Clo8e to WeslcliU Shop- Pini • 2 HOUSES S0'11'S' LOT 2 ~room completely ttmodeled • new, kitchen. Nl!W bath + J Btdroom rented for $140. $28,500 low as $2.'.aJ dn. F'HA or no dOwti Gl. • VACANT LOTS Eulakle • SOx125 R-1 Sl8,500. Went:ide • OOx300 • R-2 • $19.500. Back Bay • 40xll4 • R·l • $20,500. Back Bay. 90xl.25 -R-1 • $25,000. Ba,ycreat • 88xll2 • R-1 _ SJ0,000. Westside • 115x:4.17 • M·l • S7S.OOO 2 OFFICES: 2790 Harbor -. 1700 Now,..t lhd. 646-7171 -OR - 546-2313 O THE RF.AL ' "'\. CSTATERS °"*" 10000-r•I 111119 , c .... -1100 N!!P!'! .... h 1100 H~ ...... 1400 Hum""°'! ~ch 1400 OUTSTANDING ! iiiii!. ~·~~~~~~~~-~~~,,~No~wpor9!!!!:~1o~ac~h[=•~20Q~ C-• dol - IN COSTA MESA REPUBUC Home, I mo1 old. I 1tory. f BR. 3 ilA. tam rm., ntrut rm. 3 cu 1aftlC!', Mesa Vndt O:lr lot : $4.1,"'1. llY Owner. !llfl.44U ~=IUr~~~~ ONL y 2 HOMES LEFT QCA 1::--'11~~~-.,.'.""'.,.c:s~--..... ~~ ... ~. '1 tlpr quiet •a. In 'court New bomei, ltady to move tn, 1h mUe Lars• national company I '1$4131' ot fB.61Clt >Vd. !teat "-1nr, rt1ta11-from beich. Fht payment up to 60 days .-.. . Jo ~ Oiuncy • rant.. LU.. new . .........,., Hvtlff ...... -Now under construction ~'.~· .~~equip!. ... ·-~!!'; atter move In. . p·ART TIME -. -''-----.,-1 -~·-""~ ~··~ Ttrrns VA/FHA. Fl'lnt $22.990. 1395 I.SE, t ED:! SEVEN CUSTOM HOMES! prlvatt patio. 2 bd""" HELP WANTIO "' op ' d ....... room. h\lft cloo<tt, CORAL' SHORES WOllK EVES "30 TO lt>.:JO ~ .. .!;.~+-~~ from $28,575 * BY OWNER-POOL. 3 8R, c:rpta, dt"PL X·Lta LR. Low malnt )'f'd. U),500. 2 ~' bathl. 11.rtplaee. EncJoe. PM. WE NEED 25 MEN pvt *ch. sdhr, t; wt ed 2 car Pl'tlie. heated (on Garfield between st'ach l: Mlgnolla TO START WORK IMMEO. n• • 8n-atl38 WITH SUCH FEATURES AS : pool. t\eaant olubhou... 9 ' 2 • l 3 S 3 IATELY. NO EXPERl•l;3-:.-;;BR:;---;;1!1;;"--;:ba'°'thaO:--;;;;::I tem.ce, Sauna. Own land. !;l!~ .. ~YOU Y lt3 C.pljtrano Lan.. ( • Fireplaces * 64&-2895 • • 4 Large Bedrooms e VA & FHA Financing e Wootl Roo!s Assume 'lof.l::I, Owner Bkr, ,..e.. ~,,_"~ • BNcii&ant A the OdeinJ Bi_ ~::~w~ :!.H;•·~ 64~~~ ~"'; ic ~r lfr, Corofta llel Mir 1250 Huntington ludt 1400 TOP STARTING PAY. naimo. <n4> .,.._ ....,,,,.. ... loans $\t.tl\1%. I ... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ALSO 3 BD-lll ... 2 Need euh. 518-ltl.19 -2 UNITS $23,000 NEAR OCEAN SELLING?? ... ,11. $21D. Mo.'"' 1'17_ Cooe to Beach a;.{ °"""'I. One o1 "'-..,.. """" hon>-Lut ,.., Walker .. Lee.,. SUMMER WORK FOR '"530-="=l<'====o=i=-:t • 20 Year Guarantee Dishwashers MoN dal Mor 1105 Llve in one &l1d rent one. es in the btart ol CdM. St~s tabllshed a world's m:wd TEACHERS & I ~ • Oversized Lots Up to % Acre Sm&ll boat rnoorinr includ-0ce 4 BR .fil' ba ol 154 re salt homes IDld ln STUDENTS L.,vna Nf9uel Try Thia For Si9h1 rd. Price la nearly lot vallk'. ~19,ooo~(By appi.J • one week, 11liJ yeu, start· PLa, an d&y work 4 boun -~J __ _ • Roman Tubs & Showers ?-l'ew on market 4 bdrm Ii: Delancy R1•I Estate Ing June 22, we're out to In the ewninr Fer inter-4 Br .. 2 Ba.1 v.w· • In Prime Are' den, formal dinln&, loaded ,,. L break our own record. Call view Call Mondi.,. find .,..,,..,_ P~cellttttt ~ J300 mai \ e PLUS MUCH MOR E with extru, spotll!as inalde, .......... 2828 E. ~~wy, CdM ua now to Uit your home., da,v, Ask for Mr J..m.:s-~ utl1. SW or ...... ftawlessly manicured out· ~I Al TY v.•e'll have somethina to sell. 774-725,1 SELECT YOURS NOW & CHOOSE YOUR COLORS & STYLES '"''· ""tq"' landleaptng, pa-Near Npt.'Po•t yk. 540-2411 NEW LISTING WE SELL A HOME San Clamonte 311 :0°: ~i!':~.$.19,~l '"'""'~~~~~""'"'I Corona Hlghland1; Oce a n EVERY JI MINUTES =·R 6s~~r:'s.~1=~ ti'~R hlne, 2 ear pr: Graa Yes, we have a trade-in proar1111 NO WAITING Yi•w: 3 BR.' Ila. Yoo own Walker & Lee patio, 70' prlvato doek. loo, -.. -..... ,. Me1a Verde 1110 J'Ol" the bl.th Sl.turday ni,zht the lend.. Full price '44,IXKI. $1000. mo. on yrly liie. beach. Min. 1 yr leue, for information call --------or any rnomini with a batb CORBIN-MARTIN 7682 Edlna:er • 213178G-5013 or 213/785-6333 pets. PIO mo. Avail A 3 BEDROOMS BY OWNER. for each bdrm. 'lbl!re are 41 R1•ftors 342-44$5 or 540-5140 LOVELY, ·Fully furn. prlv, 11) 491-2421. 12700 down-oa 2nd. $26.950. Plus a view trorn Abalone 3036 E. ~--1 H~ ~... ~--3 '-;-;;;;-;o.:-.;;::::::--::.:::1 Large family roam, 2 baths, ~1-~~.1·o uim. Open .E.'Yea. llUIUI:; Br., 2 Ba., deb;13 BR, J Ba. Ocean Pt to Ca~. 3 Fireplaces "''"' -. 2 BEDROOMS llnefll; uW., ·prdener pd. 4 uo,rm bome. lmmtd., w/w carpets, d r a Pe•, blend with fresh pa.int for M onl ~ COATS & WALLACE REALTORS 1491 BAKER STREET 546-4141 dishwasher, extra cu~ extra chann. Widow will INCOME, TOOi $13,500 F/P s'1400 moYe·in oc. y. no $260.""Mo. Tl~I GM ' boards, fireplace, 1hake trade down . $.5500 handles. 2 BR. home, 0<7an side of Seller pay; 11sCrow le:'. all BAYFRONT,A dock, 3 Br. 3 ~ ti . . . root, double prage, Guava, Hi1I Pinch In & Assoc. Hwy. Newly paint~; patio other C'Ol'tl. $138 per month Ba. '$500. Mo ·on Isl! opt. No. ens nfurn..; .m COSTA MESA, CALIF . apple, avocado, orange 3900 E. Coa.at Hwy. 67>4392 ~~va~ ~ND CX:P·b rear lncludlna: tues. carpets, 2 Balboa Coves 675-4331 'IMMAC 2 Br new ~ tree1, 1 5 9 8 Myrtlewood. BAYFRONT MOBILE a · i Uf • drapes ell!ctriC built • in Owner. ""''' .t..... bibul (.....,_ · 545--6446 Call to see! ' hood fa 1 ..... . -·r. t -,.-. ,• •J'-;o• HOME Gene Robertson Realtor range, oven, · • n, zar:--on, duplex, 1 blk. ocean I: wuhi' opt). le ow pa&: 1000 BY OWNER 2 Br, eabana, Ill .._ hi>k. '75-2440 ba" dapoW. Thenoootati· bay: 1135 Mo. >early. Lo,.11 .,,,.. .-. Gu · CUSTOM REPUBLIC HOME avail 00..t dip, adlt section. CUSTOM BUILT calb'. controlled forced ~r nu \V. Balboa B!vd. tio.t park's. SltJ, adlts. fn. ON BEST VIEW LOT OFF· C.Ommunlty clubhouse, pool, II heating, double lara&:e with tant ok, no pttl: •. Uf-Hn Gen1ri1I 1000 G.naral UNBELIEVABLE! $850 Down FHA. No closing costs buys a 3 bedroom, 11,I bath home. Look at these extras! Washer, dcyer, re- frigerator. Built ln bar tor entertaining. Complete ster- eo and speakers. CUstom drapes throughout. P I u 1 thick, Jike new carpeting. AU. THlS FOR 0 N LY $18,900, FULL PRICE. GI $600 Down. First come, first !iCrve. HURRY!! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & ~ee 7682 Edinger 8424455 or 54().5140 Open Eves. COUEGE PARK $25,950 OPEN DAILY 1-5 2578 Grnnbriar IVac: &. ready tor oo::upancy) Ne wport al john mac:nab 2 Story Presti9e 4 Bedroom • Pool ERED • BR ' BA SING-game area, etc. Will trade 2 Bdrm., spacious dl!n • • boa.t door, fenced ' i ~ Lillo Isle 2351 HB. ~--· '-le 2 Batrus + sea.peel. Vacant. Immechatel-'-'------=c.:1 . .::;:i:-=--:-:-::-----·I LE SroRY0 DESI GN up or down for furn or un-...... 7 ' u., ·· ~pancy. NEW EXECUTIVE COM-.<tNl AL5 PHONE SU.2144 • furn LaRUna Leisure World sep. house for income. On 2 ING TO NEW p 0 RT A..._ fumJ ..... A picture or perfection nestl-· or hillside Oran&e Co. R-2 lots. Owner will financt'. ~ r•- ed on manicured park-like Coll-• Park lllS Home. 546-7331 Orange C~st Property J !l_lj1"!lf! =t~? ,::1~t~e~ ~General 4ooo grounds. Impressive 2 story' ---~·-------BLUFFS -3 BR, 3 BA 33Z Marguente 673-8550 T'!FT1111J June 15, ,Lido Ji.le .Nord.. n 10. 1 Br, cloot. --design with 3 bedrooms plus WANT A 1% LOAN'!' Doctor w 1Bayv 1 e w on wide •-·~nt ' pier and ·" .,~ ............... h" ma.t•r bed-m w·te Lido I I 1351 5 BEDROOMS ......, ... u • ,. iwp, Nt-ty f"-. Av&ll Jnl• lll 8!! .. ""' • w~ finance his lovely 3 BR gTttnbell.Stl!pfl to p 0 0 t , _ ...!..! furnished. 3 bdnrui. Con. Bkr ..... ,..,. ~ -Y with private balcony. Step. 1% balb home with a Cuat. addltklns. Stea~ UNIQUE ON LIDO 131.00J A no down to a Gt vertibl,I! den, 3 baths, newly1"",,--..,...:--=-,..,--=,,. down 1 am i I Y recreation substantial down p&¥ment. Ut 500 Owner 644-4265 Can .)'OU beat' that any. renovated. Ownef 67f>...35r9S $135. :i Br Triplex W/W, room and center island Hu purehutd a new home ' · e 69' Cor. Jot w/pool ,__ -1 ,_ __ ,_ -1.. av&ll DOW -~ d I th Ex ~~. 3 Bd 2 a-. w .... ~? Locat .. ,,.. near scuuua zu., VIA T uo-t.r....,:i ..-."""mo ~':'%-• --kitchc:n. 3 e irxe ba s. • &: wants action! Asking Newport Heights 1210 • ~1 nns. .,...,_ l --'-_................ _.., ~"""'-............, ~ pensive fixtures thru -out. S27.SOO. All otters will be • Sep. 1 or 2 Bdrms. &: .,._,. .. ..,.,~ • rent except A\11' which ill""'=======:: Malntel'llllQ fr@e yard with oonsl!lered. Ask tor BW NEWPORT HEIGHTS ba.. apt. Rex L. Hodg,s, Rlty SDJO.· WE .... or BR C-Mna 4100 huge heated pool and patio 646-3Z5 or 546-~ Agt. OPEN DAILY e Private garden. $125.000 8'7·252:; 0-4547 -osta area. The location is great. 401 Santa Ana Ave. R. C. GREER, Realty RANCHO LA CUESTA. Tile $JO 'oo wk · The price unbelievably Jow. Newport Beach 1200 Tastefully derorated corner 3355 Via Udo 673-9300 root. Open beam !!elllnga.. 3 L19un1 Niguel · 2707 . • • "P. For a treat see today. Call 1--'-------$69 000 BR, 2 BA, ronn11ol din., fam, ----~· ·-· t... • Day, WMk, month. 645•0303 home in ni~at residential , ml. many extru. Walk to LUXURY are .. 4 br, 2 um, e Studio A Bach. Apt&. N H area. Thia lovely 2 Bdrm O\armlng l~li ·Sty. family July Au1oryearly Walltto e J l Utill A Pho ew Ome home Is immaculate & has homf'. 4 BR .. conv. den. 2;s beach. By Qwner $31,900, ' · nc ne lft'Y, Assume low FHA 6%. % beach. Owr.er 491)...Mll • Mal~ Service. TV avail. lush crpt'g, d11>1, ll'I ki.tch· ba. Lg. liv. nn .• format dln . !162-0029 e New Cafe & Bar en w/ bltna & can be pur-rm. Fat'ft stmda. 45' Lot. Summer Rent1t1 2910 237& Ne...,.,...rt Blvd. MS-8'75S Private cul-de.aae strttt. 4 chased w/ a )ow down PB)'· LIDO REAL TY INC, * 7042 DEITY DRIVE .. ,.... bedrooms 3 bath, 75xl.25 lot ment at $29.500. &G-2799 3400 Via Lido 673-&30 13000 dn-no loan fee t READY NOW t GORGEOUS new 1 Bd $1811. IOIH\I I Ol\O\ R l A . -( ,;- forever view of Back Bay. ==='===== Owner will help (inanel! Taklnc rt!Hl'VaUcQ for fum Actlvicy nn. pool, sauna . iiiiii!iiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiii J Delta Real Estate 646-44.IC BalbN Cov11 121 S LOTS OF ROOM New w/w • dri>S • ~·ly 2 Br apt, nr oet!an. Sleept 6. 21XX1 Panons. &o-8610 CllEFREE· 200 Steps To Beach ~.=;;....;c:.;.;.;... _ _;= Custom qua]lty 3 Br., on 51' painted Wkly rate1. 312 3lrd St. DLX. apt. spac. 1 BR, ~ Parle Lido Condominium 3 Bedroom• 2 Bathl Near .private community pool 3 Car garage Cheerful kitchen Private Patio $31,950 Call Jack Scroggy Res. &t4-2al Beautllul 3 bedroom 2 bath WATERFRONT. 4 Br; 2 Ba, ltrfft to T ~treetSolotht. 3 Cartlo Bit-Ins-bl& tncd yd-FA heat N.B. 61S-:m2 for bl.cheklr .. Jl.20. 1993 .. 21XX1 SQ ft. Pier & slip. No. garage, ~e. u pa. ; Bkr Owner M7-85S3 89J..4152 ,..._ 6 St CM ~· -· home, deep shag carpet .,. nr clubhouse &:-tennis cts. CLEAN Balboa Beach Un1tl. ....,urc ., . ~. ex~ beam ceilings ~Balboa Coves. $58,000. $69,soo. Ca1J for app't. , --I Sleeps 2 to 10; 1or awnmer 1 BDRM fw:n, UTIL PO throughout, 3 landacaped pa. !r m~=~tf:r."~ Mo. WALKER Rlty. 67S.S200 Fount11n Val ey 1410 f'Hl!rvaUona call 67J..S'!M5 $100. 646-2544 or~ tios, firl!place, all built-In ========" I 1 ~315~E;_. ~Bal~boa~BI~•~·~· Bal~boa~ j ~:::=~;::~=~;; kltohe n, douh l • ,.,..e. Nawport Shores 1220 Huntln"'on a.1eh 1400 DEN/440 Sq. Ft.18.wioA • '""'"""'ive.oot· N-port !!Noh 4200 $32,500. 642-34111 •• kly * REDUCED * BEACH HOME PANEUED • $28,Stltl tagH. Wee '"'" Jwy. SINGLE y..,.. Adwt. ..... LIST your property . Almost new cptl/drps, Jge Auaust, Sept.548-315S ury garden aptl with coun- THE BLUFFS 3 BR 2 bath, fireplace, built-with confldenc:e lot. sprlnklns, block wall RENTALS try club atmoapbere and 3 BR & 2 BA .. cotnl!r Jot, Ins, 2 patioa, double garage, SELL with prof1... eov. patio. Nt'Wly painta1. HoWH Uftfurnilhed ~plete privacy. OOtrni view &: spa_lc:ous !eeljng. w/w carpets "-d r a P e a. 1ion1I skill HAFF DAL REAL TY J3AY CLUB APTs. IrviDf at Custom carpta, drps, other ~,00 ~ 14::, ~~ THROUGH !740 Wamer F.V. 842-44(l; Gener1f 3000 18th Nrwport Beach . extra.!. Handy PllOL Ownu Realty Co. HJ-4422 Evea. YOUR NEW, By ownl!t, 3 BR, 2~' FREE RENTAL BOOK <n4> 545-0550 COMl'ANY 644<ml 54<J.35<>i REALTOR MEMBER Bath. w/w °""'"' ........ FURNISHED $41,500 value • Now $39,500 • H ti....._ a. h/ bloek re-. Many e··-om Real sharp 3 bl!d~. 2 "--'-lot AN llO!I. REAL TORS FOR SALE b Ow 3 un .... -. -•c •M ~· Batha El trio bWlt Ina ~ ~ 6 3 0 BACK BAY BEAUTY y ner Fountain V•lley features. 131.~. Euclld I ' ec . 6~9086 7 440 Bedroom, patio, tanae. Tal~rt, "'frwy. ~" .. 79 Carpets, Drapes and retrli·1-=======o==:j • Lovely home on estate size c pool Multiple l.,l"C ~ .__ • • fl~ r • "!!l~!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ omm uni ty & ==='=='===="ltre ..... u:a.i ., ...... permo. C dol u-•250· PRIME VIEW LOT = io1 ; badminton ct .. •'°''"'· ~."'°" •. N .. e,;...,;. Sho""''-"" .• '!".. Listing s. •• 1.. Saal BHch 1(so Walker o . Lee .::::: •. :lot,' -·-~ - La \ · c1us· Do FOUR BEDRMS lndscylng. Bloek 10 bay. .~-==·==·=~·=·=·= .. =~"! 8 C. J. R&EEVES GI ~ -·~ ~ ~ Sho"' 1' ·'"h "· "'' ~" .-$49.Stltl. 153.c Luaonta NB 642-3286 A $"•' GI . nl "'' w•t pnvate ...,.,,.. $19 500 PROPERTIES WEST ' """"' '' ,. 7682 Edinger ...,.,_ ReJrfa 0 Y· 115. tion beach. Architect's plAns 1 ·--3 BR, 2 jJ.A. New bltm. U2"""55 or ~140 * 613-«I04 'If ava ilable for impressive 4 J..fove Into this large family ,.1""..,.ii..,....,iiideii,iiiiNiiBiiii67lii>4iiiil30•l .:U::;n::;l•.:•:.;rs::lt:.!y_P:.;•::•.:k:._,..:1.:2;::37 ASSOCIATES crpt'd,.2 lrplca, tedec tn 1 Qptn Evn. , or 5 bedroom bOme. F 0 r home today!! Close to shop. S .• ' -r '" ~ a.1•·-•-• -• . ~· -• ~.~. THE BLUFFS FREESTANDING 213 Main lrfft 0"'· -• am mi. ~·-· ~ YI taJ, 3 Br c:;:;-:.::..:;;-:;;•;.:-;:.__..;.:;:;;I inf01ination call 642-8235. ping, sc:, ...... s a .... ,.,. ... ...,,,..1, Owner 430-4097 .,....... r Y ren · -This one won't last. $153 TOWNHOUSE Huntington Be1ch · duplex, laces ocean, w/w, WA!J'ERFRONT APT. (714 ) 642-8235 901 Dover Drtve, Suite UO NcW'pOrt Beach per month includes taxes Exp.1n1lve B1y View 3 Bedroom witJt atrium, 2 ---,,,,,5-;::J6.;;-lll,..7=--I L1gun1 Be1ch 1705 children O.K. Bkr ~ on Bal J1le. July cri1 sm. ~insurance. ONLY $700 Popular ''T'' model • 3 Br, bath, and lots of atorage, WANT LOW 1135. 2 Br, 1%. Ba, townhse, 'wk. Call 673-f38I iviAL cash required. 21Ai ba, crpta, drps. 6%. loan cl05etl 1alore. Patio and PAYMENTS?? w7w, R/O, patio, cblldrtn - WE SELL A HOME • By owner. 644-2370 small back yard area. Uae u-.a-.. J'12 A1CRES O.K. Bkr 53U980 Garden Grove . 4610 EVERY 31 MINUTES !!!!'!""!"!!!!' .... !!!'!!!!!!!!0!!!0!!!-I the community pools and Here'll a ntA loan with $127 11Uvv1:1oped and. City ()f CH , , . Total.Paymeoti, anyone can Laruna. 9 Blks. to beech. EAP Rent. 2 acre fann. 3 SINGJ.,.E Youns Adults J.m:· Owner Moving East Walker & Le.e DOVER VILLAGE, w .. i.un, teMI• "°""'· Let "' show "'""'" and q"81\ly. ,.,.,,,, Ocean views. Sho<Jid dMde Br .... storage ...... Av&ll ...,. ganlen apto with . .,,.... 2 story condominium 2 it to )'OU today. FP $27.500. ol.der California Home. Hup into 13 Jo•· ~-°'",-·, 6/23. Bkr 534-6980 -. club a,_..bere and A1ust sell large 3 BR &. fam· ily room. Assume 5% '7o Joan, $165 per month pays everything. Also FHA or no down GI. 2 bl'oc:k from 1.1~ Verde golf course on quiet street. CALL 540-1151 llcrltage Real Estate (open eves ) bdr, 2~i ba. 129.500. Own • ed h'll Lot I Q •··• bed .a. ..-~1\.--.: '""uuv .. .1 ... ~., 21M3 Westclill Dr. r I . ueen •w:u . 293 On. A ftal sJ.-... $120. 2 Br, fencd yard. 11.crYe, complete privacy. SOtrnl G46-77U 0 ,..,..n Eves. land. Arlu1ts. 1195 mo. incl. . rooms. Luxurious bath. ~~ .. ~ 1...1~ mk BAY CLUB APJ'S 13lDO ,... taxes. Patio, courtyard, dbl Double Gan.rt:. Belif've me, MISSION RLTY. .f94.-0131 re"'6• 1ar. B er $34-6980 • • . Dirty & Nenlected' pr I M · t $25 Own-I WB~~~~~;;,;,;;;;1~=~==="";;;;;~1 CHAPMAN Ave., Garden .. ., poo. am • you should aee thia on el I ~ SUPERB I Cotti Mtta 3100 Grove (TI4> 636-3030. $9j0 dn. Needs paint, clean er Bkr. ~l!M8 REALTY Priced at 119,500. up & fixing, lrfesa Del Mar. BY Owner, Baycrest 4 Br+ 18008 CUiver Dr., Irvine WE SELL A HOME Ocean view, 2 Br. tum. CUSTOM 3 Br den kit w/ L aHCh 4705 3 bdrm, ram nn, 1~ ha, den or 5th, tm rm, 3 Ba, lge OPEN 9 AM-8 PM 833-!820 EVERY 31 M INUTES hme. lO~ Down or ~h to bllns. Lra: hon{e a~ from eguni . ' ' trplc:, bit-in kit, dble gar. patio & pool. Beaut . E bl 1"'2 Walker & Lee loan dlSCOunt. Prlnc1pa11 Mesa ..Verde Cntr)' Club. OCEAN FRONT 2 B1t. •lee Price $26,000 VA repo. land&caped, price reduced ••t uff -only. Call owner~ Lease $325 mo-aardnr aer. kit, fireplace, deck, pvt =P=.W=.C=.====-==54!0=='-i ,;'0:;;;173~,;;Stltl;:·:..;548-4598;;::~:_,==· $(2,500 DELIGHTFUL 3 lxlr BEAtITIFUL Ocean view Immed. occupancy. 6~1245 beach, year ll!alil!, avail. Boat/Tri1il•r P•r klng Costa Me1e 1100 DELUXE Duplex. OCEAN 3 ha. Lusk-built home, on 7&82 Edinger ho'me, 3 BR, 2 BA. lower 2 BDRM. crpU, drpa. Garage .tune 15. Abo a 2 BR SUM- lrtESA DEL MAR corner VIEW. $42,500 • law dn. quiet cul-de-sac .. ~ fenc-l~no~~l40 r4~m:ie !:-~·alby6 owner. oa pell!, 2 chlldmi OK ~RENTAL at $22S wk. home. Neat 4 & family room 9 RM, 5 BR, 3 BA + pool Ask for Naomi, Doyle ed yard, fam rm. dm. rm. • · t 548-7St0 1 possession g/V'G9. S29,7SO, and ~t house 138,950. Co. 548-1168. Eves 6'JS..1977 Ideal home for rvowing Swl ASh SUME S1V,•f.1o LAGtlUN~ Caty ~~:.00' x ~b1·: 3 BR, 2 Ba, cpll drpl:, bltN RENTALS 10% dov.-n or submit, Prlnclpala only. 646--2544, DELUXE Duplex. OCEAN family. Owner is Pasadena· tc your l!QU ty r 0 m rua c ,.., • •-..uK: poui e $260. includes I~ rd en er'. &ah.. Unfurnlthed · 548-8333 VIEW $42500-low dn k bound and eager to aell. "back home'' Into this el~ Cl or M-1 iofll!; $4.000 dn. i75-313l l-'-=:<.;;;.....;;.;===;;;...-1 S4l ·SUG for Naom'1, Doyle . c~. Peter Dobb8, Realtor a:ant ' BR 2 ba home. Full Bkr. 675-6581: 49f.n61 Rea. G.neral 5000 fnurcNNthllbt) IT'S Beach house time. Big· 615-SOOl Cl!,tp'tin& A: drapes, elec DELUXE 3 br. home with 36' =="'-----'~ OLLEGE REALTY gen sele<:Uon ever! See the 548-1168. Eves. 6T;r19'7T SUPERB view, newer cu.st. 3 pool Leue $280/mo. • RENT • •~MMs llttl!W,CM DAILY PILOT Qa.ssified For Dally Pilot Want AdJ BLUFFS-WORnt $39,50C ~~~ce~;r'itin:til~, ~ Br. Sell/trade. $15,000 Eq, 546-920C ~ ~!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!g"""°~~nkN~OW~;,! ~===~=dD~l~al~642-~5679~~· =:.... BUT MAKE OFFER! exotic plants. Only $1llg 675-6591 494-TI&t Rea. . J Roamt Furnffure Must sell View end unit "C" $20 $25 & UP -· monthly Inc: all. Match tbe Sin Clement• 1710 Newport leach 3200 • , General JOOO O...era t 1000 General 1000 plan wn950 Ml· .Jt. 4 BR'a, 3 equity or $11,700 and_ .-ve ........... "'-Moo-e-•- S©~~lA-l&t-~s· Solve a Simple Scrambled Word Puulc for 4 Chuckle O Raorronoe Setters of the ,,_._ IOI.Ir mombled words ii.. Sow to form four aimpleo words. ILUMNIS I . I I' I I I' . IHIMDU I _' I I I I' ~~ . r·., ITOYIO I ..,. 1 I I j ~i!y !ho poor movio queon. . . _ . She never know1 whlra her Ir.:-:-:-::-~,.-,---., neJI/ -Is ~Ing from. TUGHAC I .. ·-Ir-I ~ 1-.,j'"'-..,l ',....,j-'"j -.~ O c.m,,1,,. tll. ch.di• q"°"' • • • • by 1111•• •• ,,,. ~ ...... _. • you ._lop from ..,. No. 3 bo!ow. I i e :~''f Ht~~~.~mRS r r r r I' r I' I" .& ~~i\lElT!ISTO I I I I I I I I .. . ............... .,....., .... SCRAM•LITS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 1500 BA'1, aep. dlnint, IJKt!d· money. _ ...._ LG. Lux. new famU, home' ntE m:.tJfFS on•~ '811$. .-.w-... "' "1 6\o!l'u .... ed. Immaculllle! Call ~rn. Call for sppl. \vllh view of ocean 1; cify. 2 -w dtdt wtawntnr l ctua Ap~s: !'fiP.°f...aJL r Wh1t•Ow673-9060 er-6~57&1 O. D. COLE min. tram San DI e l'O enclosed 1uebo. Channln& No Slcurlt)' Depoelt eve1. ner/agt. 548-4Ml Realtor ~ freewy. 4 BR, 2~ BA, m&rt)' patio ort din rm, lge mutr HFR.C F\tmtttn Rentall e NEW BLUFFS e Xtras. l'Ully crptd. &: Br suite. Presently 2 Br, 2 517 W 19th, Oil ,.. 2 Br, 2 Ba split level. Many DIVORC~ · draped. PrHllge area, Will •Ba. Expuakln to 3 Br. den 1568 W LDcln, Anhm T1+.llOO tu.1tom features, all elec, Dtfarinf': J{i School, 70' corner cona:k1tr rental tn mp. par-.I: 3rd Ba. ~ Mo/ot $500 · · • etc, Loweit malnf. & Jtue. lot w/bloc::k fence, S 111! t,y, Owner n4 • 496-3871 w/adcllt1cm. 644-Wl o r BEACH •YEARLY hold . MUST SELL • BY BR~, 12xl5' lam rm. Sell . fi9T.l.U37, 3 Br, 2 Ba. untum ...... $215 OWNER. call Dlc:k Dyer FHA or GI, lake over 51.4 % Dupl1xat For Silt 1975 LOVELY Nwpt Bch home, 2.Br. 1 Ba. untum .••••• '3U MM456 ext 401. or 67J.5m. with cash, $150 total mo. a.viU Julie 23rd. Bade yard 3 Br. 2 Bi., w/den ••••.•• $3q0 prhll. PUPLEX. $56.000 ~% ~ pool, 3 blks to ocean. 3 BR, 1 Br. 1 Ba, Untum •••••• PJll Irvi ne Terr•~ 1245 BRASHEAR REAL TY terest. Slfi Femleat, CdM.. rncd cptt drp1 bltna $.100 3 Br. l ~ turn ........ $215 1 ----~---847-8531 E ..... '31-3769 s. or ..... !7;.tltlH -· mo. 'sq-4i63 • . BURR WHm . LARGE 4 BR ramf!y home, THE GOOD LORD Rl!NTALI NEAR ·• WEST CLIFF RiAL TOR healed Ir: llltmd pool, RP S1'ILl. LOVES THE HOVMI Fuml1hM dtUCbtfUI, Ip. 2 Br. prden 2901 Newport Blvd., N.8. childrl!n'• pl!Q' area. 146.000 '\VORKING MAN apt. Coup.la snf,: IOITY. QQ &7M630 842-2253 Ew9. Bkr. 673-ml"" 673-1350 ShaJ> 3 BR with tloctri<: R...talo le Share 200S ~no,,,,._._ $Ht111o. Coron• dal Mar 1250 bull>"'° " dbhwubtt at HAV& 5 BR $ b&lll -· Plnehln ....... ~ Coata -1100 $15,900 full price. tum Want ma,ture man to DOPLEX avail/~ 1 3 bf £:."<CITING, 3 BR, ck!\ and 147-=inc Sborta ~~ iha~ $1Wmo lncllld, utD. 2 ba. t!ltnp. l.nc:l. ~hr.,~ ~~~= 1.,,_ dlnln1 nn. home wtth ,lae or 549-2623 or 6134li66. trpl •. 1 block fro.rn beach. f. encloeed pr no IWlmmlrc pool and OU~ Room for Boat GA.I.. 30 &hare 2 BR, 2 ha apt m..1751 or (2l3) .~18 ~ts. 'tnfant ok. mo ~ qtjJ dlfll outdoor recreatloftal T ' !I-. .. ' with ame Prt pat pool incl 135 Albl!rt Pl. CM ~ 11:~ l~I~~ e~~ • or fatt1n n'cl!I)' tum'. lm 968-3193 ' ~nlvWlf!y '" ' 3237 ~ Apt B, 1ftl!r 5 pm. • SHORECLIIT I BR. 2 BA. !..:~=~:.::.. "T..:: 2200 3 BDR I~ bo, tamJli, loom, QUIET 2 BR. l~ BA. i'l'fO> QW,t u.. lb>l!d an;i by the l!d ya.nl, Priced right al Newport leach view! Ltue. Refs. 133-0lOt tio Gar-Adlllb-no Pits.. J3.t6 .. : Fee almpk. ACCftl to 2 $26.91» Cl Of FHA ~ AUG. er yeuty rental. attfr f p.m. Sant.a Am. 5tM'12t bcaeh6. u.-$50,0JO. 8Y MUTUAL REAL TY • Eltpnt. Olm. I Bdrmll, I~ -• l BR .,,in apt. Ip!. ..... owner. * 67l-3681 , 3'12·ltlS anytime l!l)llt·ievel, adulti on1.1. Call '"''"' ' • .,.. drpe. bltm. pldo, pool $31,500 • 2 UNn'S • 1 Blt S BR. 2 ~den. Many Xtrai. after 8 PM ~2394 · SliARP, Un!v. Park. J BR. 2 AdllJ, no ~ti SUD. 51Mle• hotlll! with fireplace. ttudio XJnt family home priced to 2 SOR, 1 ba, encl Pf-tlo. $175 B}. carpet.. drt"'-buUI· r.:tourM\nourch"'hht apt. 4: 0011bk! prage~ Phone · etll .• t.m Park St., R.s. mo yeW lt1t1. Ptlot are..' ltw. '275/mo. ~· Near ~ will be _... M m..w or -53!1-'98 Ow\ltt. (213l -7. ua. W-lo<T · '· tt.•llUI·-· .1 ~ I I I • l I , I j l • I DM.V '1IAI' M-. -16, l ... l . . . C'I ..... I ....... 1. ISTATF"'· ~ 1 ...... Un~ " Apts. Unf\lrnl•hod GO-•I BUSINIRMI FINANCIAL . ' 11*pm-•;'111-, •;1'11-•I *.,.111!!11 ... *-liilll'l*P'ISlllVICl'l)fRICTOltY JOIS I EM,LOYMINT JOU r. EMPLOYMINT ,._ha ...... , HO!o Wan...i. -720CHolp Wanted,~ 7200 -- I Coola -$100 -lngton -h 5400 1 _nd_ut_lrla_l_Pro_p. __ 60IO_ Bua. Oppo;:;.,,,llfn dlO I OR . ., &citing Uving ' '. " A I : In now apls, 1 bedroom, 2 HIGH IN.JERESTll ' HBPll , -. ~ . ' bedroom • 2 b&t.h. Not on this 5 acres In Eut 8.EiPNS $140 to $195 Anaheim. 6~ noi. may be N&Uonai..,,-Uad!slrlbu-, £ Swirnmlnl pool om IAUoa. asswnt'd. J.Acattd on major tor ror. ca:nd)r • anaclcs In ttertttkm ~ ' street in . prltne indu8trW your lln!a. ~non selected General Electric ·Appliances. area. FUJI price only $92,500. most be able to de:vote 2 to . ~R llNJ'llllN, ,,_ $110 Al30 AVAIIABLE , 1. 2 a I BDRM. Adults only. For more Wonnation plea.II 10 hra. per uek (days or all K. W "-"" eves) to make vny high La Ii ._._ Ars. ' . _,_, mp 1g .... r Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. eamlngs. You may keep - - : Beal:ed Pool&. Oilld care ' Cllaltr, MJ. ............ - 16102 Springdale S 1818 w. Q.aprr\an Ave. your present poiitton. No Pholil!! 592-5421 0r911ge, C.aJU, ~-· No CXJ)(!rlence nee. Whlddy1 Want? Wfuidctya Got? 01EZ ORO APARTIOIENTS Sll-2621. Ew•wknds 538$11 , '"'"'but must"" rcli<bi•. $PECIAL Cl.ASSIFICATION FOR : Nopetaallowod Painting dl!O ' . El>ah>e<n INT. ~ Ext. Palotl11& • El> . i: .... w~-:"'it ... a.~ GENERAL AUTOMATION Chuck G4S-0809 ( aedlcate(t to automa\i.on leadership .' • ENGlllEERlllG TKHHICIAN ·- , 'I . 2100 ~tmoa Way, at Har- • ~hor • Adami. o.t& Mesa 5'64l7tl ~ I . COISTRUCTIOll Company wUt teach. \Ve NA U 8234 Ati&nta _ mffi with Banlrers Approv. T RAL BORN SWAPPEllS New 1·2 St!drooms ·Pay 6 Commeirclil 6085 al. $1650 crush required (se. Specl1I Rite elf"Ctric only cured). For immediate lfl. S Llnff -5 tlmM -5 bucks 5$.39Z7 or 53&-2727 OFFICES FOR RENT tervlew In Your area send •uLES -AD MUrt tHCLUOI! PAINTING, int. I ext 2 Univeraity lftnion, 3 yn exp. Resp., nea,t. depen. dable. 833-2232, 492-4C32. lNTER!OR Painting U ..... 8a..Y' atta. Immed Service. Call Bob, 646-6446 e PAINTING, reasonable, tree eatlmato. Experienced In dig ital clrculis, preferably w11h a computer background. Should be skll!ed in the operation of DVM, oscilloscope and signal. generators. ShouJd also know how to breadboa<d and to read logic schematics and circuit diagrams. With these capabilities you will ass ist a SYSTEM ENGINEER in the design and doc- umentation of computer control sys.terns . You will also build and check out prololrJ>• circuits and subsystems, as well as conduct integrated system test procedures and docu· ment the results. l I • ' ~ JUST COMPlfllllG ' .. HMbor Ho;ghll Four : Rental .......... , M~ (l)riatienlen : 3117-A Clnntmon Avo. . Coste Meu • fl block west of Harbor Blvd I 2 blocks south of the : San Diep Freeway' Pool W--"·n o-·-~ i ·~·' l'OU ,...,.. "' •r••· ~Wfl•• "°"' •• ,.. 1n ,,__ . ~,.. · .,, ..... ~ -~f()ljem, spac.iou.s, prolesti on· name, addresa k pllone ~You• ~ .na,., • .._, -s 11ne, ., ..,, .. 1,.. Private Garages al on monthly basit. Avail number to: I-NOTHING ~O• SALi! -tR .. DEl ONLYI REAL ESTATE 8/1/69, Contact Mr. Lapp, "DISl'RIBUTOR DMSION" PHONE 642-5678 EXT/Int. pntg. Avu rm. iz General Doo.vney s A L AslOc, Mis-P. 0 . Box 58 To Place Your Tr1der'I P1r1dlM Ad + gooct paint, neat work, s.ion vte;o. 831-49ll Pomona, Calilornla 91769-loc refs. Roy, 847-1358 ' RR~•~nt~&~l1~W~1'.!!n~tad~_;5~990~I ;"';'=:=,7·':::':'.7"7.:~ I S9CKIO eq. in Sllxl40 R-3 kit Almost 1000 ae., S25o ~f val, PAINTING P ..i .... 16 .;.. lndustrlil Rent1I 6090 lnv11tm1nt Oppor. 6310 w/gd rented bse, next to 80 ml from dntwn LA. 5 in • ape.':',. -yn SINGLE professional man Ga:tden Grove Civic Cntr & min. from twy on paved rd. Harbol" area. Lie &. bond· 40+ \\'ants clean modern NEW industrial bldg, 2500 sq. 1ST MORTGAGE, 20% db-HS. kltal val. $20.500. Tnl btwn Beaumont A Oak Glen, ed. Reta furn. 642-~ furnished apartment. June ft. 9e per JL 1639 Monrovia, count. $10,000 at 8% interest for unit& or ! 547.w;g Bkr. Trd for !' !' 547-6469 Bier, NEAT. exp: Paillter, no 30 occupancy. Will consider l=CM=.;673-!ll=="====:::I payable $100/mo. 10 yr, I---------;-:;c:-=-:,-,--.,--,..-.1 drinking. College student sharing new home. Recur· payott from tale escrow Lge view parcel Riverside. Lake Arrowhead waterfront Low prleet! Steve 54M.549 rent trawl. disc:rttt. Any L.J-6100 with 25% cash down. Call Trade 40 acres or mott, free & cir, $50,(Q) val, Pa.=========! ......... -• .....__ u1• ..,,.,,..,, n i::n... i eitlc Palisades ocean vu lot -~· area, p .. ,,,.er u.w.vna l\.fr. Selenen TI4-6f6-0231 9-5 .,...""" • _,.,.,, acre c ear. ' ,__ •-cl•. ·~.soo val. Plastering, Repelr 6880 * 494-8238 * Apply in person or dence to: send resume in confi· GfNERAL AUTOMATION 706 W•st K1tella Or1ng1, C11ifornla. 92667 de! Mar. 646-7000 LAGUNA BEACH Submit au otters. Owner u=-CJ< ~· YOUNG man wants to share 2 Lou Cerritos Dr., tract Money to LNft 6320 ,_am<1ouo ___ ._B_kr_<_94-8563____ Want: lnc.ome. Bkr, 548-77'11 •PATCH PLASl'ERING. AD An equal opportunity employer or rent house or apt. for 2531 Temple Hutllws.· Stra1teglc.· .... •-2nd •Tax Shelter needed: trade Large boUSe + income + t.YPea. Free estimate. Callll~!!!:!!!:!!!:!!!:!!!:!!!:!!!:!!!:~!!!':!!!!!':!!!!!':!!i!!'!!i!!'!!!!!:!!!:!!!:!!!':!!'I . . ""°"" 546-1034 ' I : l BR, priv patio-, all e.lee. 1 ~ cpta, drp&. car port. • Responsible adults only. No I pets or childnn. $ll0. ' SIS-1.122 summer (Have 8 mo . ally located. in, s pav· .l.>• • lo&nl for qWclc r?Om to build, on golf 54G-6825 I" friendly trained Ger Shep). ed. $19,000, $6500 cash. Buy· cub. Borrow on your pro. $25,f.QJ land eqUlt;y Jn rapid· course. Trade for tree &!=:=========!Help W1ntecl, Mert 7200 Help W1nted, Men 7200 Prefer CM or Bch area. er assume existing TD's. petty eq without dlsturblna: ly apprec, area for units clear land or submit. -Plumbing 6890 :l ·: J BR, 2 &. patio, frplc, ' crp,tl. drp.s, ""'ly dee. 1%6 I Bakrr. $150, 540-4358 i 1 BR Duplex, aars.. elderly ! pref'd. No dogs. close to ' tbop'J'. 548-2'1:m J SPLIT-level, 2 Br, new cpts, , drp.s • stove, Adults, no t pets. 2885 Mendoza ~ ~ REDEC 2 BR. retrig, bltins, ' cpts, drpa. no pets, 568 W. I Wilson, M5-0760 · 2 BR • 2 BA Studio. Drapes, cpl!, pvt patio. Adults. (213) 592-5227 or 543-8301 • Quiet, Dix. 2 BR. apt ; Adults only, no pets. ' lJ77 Santa Ana Ave. 64&-5542 ' 3 BR De.luxe, adults. no pets. 50-0lM,, 548-3481 or Ml 6-'992 64"1982 5 Lots RUnnxk C. Rd., Sec. your low !ntertst lat TOa. or beach prop, Owner Box Madg o ·•-RI ••• 7000 ~ 676 Tustin 544-3666 e av-. tr D'U." PLUMBING REPAIR ~N~TJONAL Oil Cll. !!n ~·~.~f ~ ":tu':':;; ... ~~~-F-, cl•ar 2,,','::_, 2 Newport Height& lovely 2 No job too small industrial representative S. .,._., '""'"" n ... " BR bome in nlc.estreaident· e ... .,_ e thtr details Q)ntact S. SeNing Harbor Area 3> yn:. mi west of Antelope Valley V'M"\Juo wants unfum. house or apt, Franklin iOt E l8th St 336 E. lTtt. St. ial area. Trade $13,000 :====::=====I yearly. 1 child. Laguna. So. CM 548-.;.,.,1 or s4s.s643 eve' "•"21'!1 c.ti:._,_. Fwy A Edwards AFB plus eqUtty for Income or va· Remodel Rtl'Ulllr 6940 Laguna or Dana Pt area. · ~..., · -.._._..._. ? For down payt, units or cant land. 642-2799 -· ' ,.--' Limit $150 mo. 499--3827 R·l Prime Lot. ANNOUNCEMENTS GI or ffiA eqtys. 499-1948 6 Units, Santa Ana. inc. * IF YoU need remodeling, e LANDLORDS e Costa Mesa's Mesa Vude end NOTICES $1.IXX> equity in 1968 Ponti· $600 Mo., value $49,800; painting or repairs, Call FREE RENTAL SERVICE atta. 1~ x 45 :< 132 126. ac Firebird. Trad!! for equ. want lg?'. units or land .. or Dick, 642-1797 Broker SM82 WE SELL A HOME Found (frH Ads) 6400 Icy in house or lot, beach sm. home, Sub. offers. Py. EXP all types home repairs EVERY 31 MINUTES URGENT!! Aging B&W area. ramld Exe.hangars. 646-2629 & improvements. Call Scot· Rooms for Rent 5995 Walk'er & Lee cocker, wag swimming in __ ._n_._,_ .... _,_300 __ ._ Level lot towering pines. on tie, &12-1091 the E. Bay. Now at Humane 43' Mathew.s FIB yacht, l\vn exclusive Goll Course Rd., :=========! ITT JABSCO TURRET LATHE OPERATOR/ SETUP New wage rates lo take ellect within the month. PRIV. room w/kltchen priv ileges. Employed person. f75 Month. C.M. ~3167 mo Harbor Blvd. at Adams Soc. I: may lose life today. Imperial eng, Full e1ec w/ Lake Arrowhead, FOR tri· S.wlng 6960 545-9491 Call 494-1512 alp, $SOM clea.r. Want $50M plex or f...~ex. Costa Mesa e Dressmaking • Alterations EQUA~~~:l~NITY Open 'til 9 PM YOUNG male puppy, pa.rt hm., bus. or smlr. boat. area.. Fortin, Rltr 64Z.5000 Custom Desi.ins SUMMER rental June 15 to Sept. 3. (Women) Klich priv. No children or pets. 673-9140 btwn 9 AM & 1. ATTENTION German Shepherd, well 54&8030, x434. 8944094 RetiJ'ed.cJon't need tax shel· *64&-6446* 1485 DALE WAY BUILDERS trained, housebrkn Brown Is San Diego, 3 BR.. 2 ba. ter. Want hse tree & cir forl-:'=========iCOSTA MESA, CALIF. 92626 230x300' A'.pt: Site, Cost.a white. Vie Newport bland. month to month rented $175 $l9M or S38 M eq in T· Trff Service '980 (TI4l 54s..8251 Mesa. Room for 46 + gnits. >673-8<55===,,...---,-,.,,. Equity $6,000. \Vant ·local plexs. $960 per mo, pool. ~---------1 Call lor details. Perron GUNSMOKE gray male kit· area, duplex or triplex. prl.me loe. no vac, 8 Yl"ll TREES pruned, topped & PRIVATE bath & entrance. Realty 642-lm ten, whlte nose, feet, app 9 Madge Davis Rltr 642-7000 o!d. 540-6001 removed. 26 yrs exp .,1--------- Quiet. Call Thelma 540--0608 t --.. -,~wr"""~.-o-AN=A-PO=INT=-wks, Colony K l t c b t n • Will trade, Aug. Beaut home Paulson Tree S a r v ice or 673-ll80 Laguna Bcb. Cindy 497-1005 1400 sq. ft. stet} bldg for in Burlina:ame w/3 BR, 3 =630-==""======= . N•___. BNch 5200 ======== $8200 FIRM tra.iltr, boat infg. on 1%. BA d la ~, •;;::.:•,;.::...-"'"-::.:;;:;:.......:= 999 ·~ •••• e·-• BOSl'ON bull~·~ L--• 1 __ ......, , en, P . rm. "'""" h '" Misc. Rentals 5 !===~=-=="=== ........ ...., ...,. ..... e, ~""""" ac:re nr Redlands bay view, for ace.om. on Up olstery 6990 CRIB CONTROL AmNDANT ' ' Be I. A Is, approx, 111' yrs. VIC. fwy ~ Trade for units, etc. Bal I ' ICo P MOBILE Home untum, 2 Br, Acre1ge 6200 Fairview Rd. & Wilson. Eves 673-2654 · st, Newport, CdM. <::zYKOSKI'S Cull Uho1. I I. ·--•--ho!-May 30. 548-6059 eves_ only Xlnt ref's .. <415.) J62..l2l2 European Crat.manship MU!t be able to ready bills N e D I ge iv nn. 1"'v"' • •~'6· BY OWNER acreage Lake Arrowhead waterfront wk days. 8.30-:i.OO 100% fin! 642-1454 ot material keep statistical eW e UXe Use of heat'd pool, no between Bakersfidd & ~UUND black & grey kitten, free It clr, $50,000 val. Pa· What do you ha.Ye to trade 7 1881 Newport Bl., C.M. records and have knowledge (714) 536-4616 children or pets., $125. incl Fresno 1 mi. trom fwy, 99, "" around neclt. VI c clfic Pallsades ocean vu rbt List it be Orang a (714) 5~1487 utll. 890 W. lSlh St, N.B. $200 per acre. ~3864 Fernleaf Ave., Cd M • f.ree & ctr, $27,500 val~ County's ~eat~ trad~ JOBS & EMPLOYMENT :~ "::,~e1'.ndustrial too 711 Ocean Avenue 64&-3US Tak 15 10 A ~1871· Want; l neome. Bkr. ~Tlll Ing post-aM make a deaL J_ob Winteid, Men 7000 (3 blks W. of H. B. Pier) GAR.Ator GEN w aNnB.t • d C Mfor ,! ~:-:n~~n~. Nearr:rw. FO~ND: Small female Blue-.&. Cadillac Controls MOO. 2 BR Penthou.&e type s age. ear · or · · Lake & City. SSM.743 point Siamese cat; vie. 1' * * * * * YOUNG Christian man, 24, Division of Ex·Cello.Corp. upper. Beaut. carpeta &: * 646-ll4G * Harbor High School. l!Jl!!!!!!"!J!!!!!!'.!!!!!!J!!!!'l!!!!!!!!J!!!!!!'l!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~~~ desires eve or 2nd shift 1866 Whittier Ave. drapes. GE Rerrlg. & stove. TRAINEES Fry cook, '!1~ · 642-t667 after 5 p.m. SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY work lor min. 2 YI'5 ol day Costa Mesa Self-cleaning oven. Stmcleclt. income Property 'OCIO ~stm~Wa~~.:4 Pacific. UTE TAN Shepherd!' Yng college time. Call J im alter 646-2491 WAdults, no pets. $115 yrly. EXCELLENT • tnale, choke chain Flea col· Carpentering 6590 Gardening 6680 6. 642-7318 An equal opportunity J'c:1'c:"'~· "-612--3666"""~~---1 TAX SHEL TERI R. E. W•n!ecl '240 ~~College Park. C.M. Job W1nted Lid 7020 employer ' SPACIOUS 1600 ft. studio CARPE ' y MATURE -SERVICE OJM. •• • Adu!'-ov•• 18 3 8, 16 UNITS deluxe ~pped, BUILDER'S -..nes• wanted .,....._ UNO S'--••• ··• Ute NTRY 1-----~-~-. ... ~ ' • """"A"' .. ·at·" pool A•'·ing ' ·~ ... w ., ~-v ,,..,.,""' ..... ., l\llNOR REPAIRS. No Job ANTHONY'S EXPERJENCED Nurse/com· PLETED, ""--'d in factory ...,,L ft. n-..1 p pa«-WA..., II<' ~ • i>ll " n2 O• "Sidentlal lob in L--with black -·~-. -... .,. ua. """" • rv ""• $175 OCXI fncome over $22 000 "" "'v"'" ........... ,& "' panlon. Cook diets. Xlnt production, H.S. or College ~RP· din'g rm. frplc/$275 ' ·. . • · Palisades, Dana Pt:. area. fn CdM area. 615-6632 .i.oo Small. Cabinet in gar-" PacWc Shores Realty Bkr. _ ... 1 ~1-... , ., 0 th., ••b'-·ta. ttfs. Ex 103, ~ woodshop and gen. chem · 1mo. 646-5501. Clay A St 01;.:>-VJO ...,.,... o•• ..... u"' 6• L 1948 de · bl J b d' cri Andn?WS. DOWNING Apts. ,,,......~~__,...,..!"E~ve~s". ;>:536-32<0~~1 C.iSfn)Ulcr<:n.;d3o.< SM PARROT on Penn, Pt. MS-8175, u no answer leave ....,.. EXPERIENCED nurse-com· try lll'8. e. 0 IS p- -5 Neglected Darlings CASH QUICK-need 3 or 4 Mitamfl.r &: Be 11 e v u e. mag at £46.2372. lL o. The Best, costs no more! panion. Cook diets. Excel· tion: . . . )'RLY. Lie. 2 Sr., fpl, 4-3 BR+ 1·2 BR aep homes Br, G.I. or FHA bouH near f'75-617D aft 4:00 PM Andenon Experienced Maintenance lent refs. Ext 100 494-8541 •Bath muting of.plastics ··!!!~Wlhr, bltM, newly dee. on i,s A. TLC will return 1~""~,.=· ~•911-=19<8=------FOUND C.M. male Pek· MASTER ........... nter -~JI par Budget Landscaplna "J'.-~-n-.-,.-,H'ou-,-'•'kee---,-1 • ~~ &. handluig molds -. llUSINESS ona I Id full Call -..-' .,. Graduate Horticulturist ,... ,.. e ~.,,pping parts 1' BETI'Y' DAVIDSON f125.f1SO mo. Asking only ngese go • grown. hour. Remodellng-Repa.tn. 548-5182 e Weighting components Shore Prop. 67J..!m> $48,500. Drive by 2tlt Santa FINANCIAL ~2140 642.-6409 or 536-3900 NEW I . NURSE/Cllmpanion for lady for mixing Ana then call Jo Hansen,•------,-1--63-00-~ro=UN=o"'s"1am=,-.,-.,"'t'"""V"ic-.-.of REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS aw111r e·seed1nc . who wished to travel. Exp.• Im;pecting & evaluating CHANNEL Front one BR RJtr ~ Bus. Opportun t ff ·Placentia Is Hosp. road. CABINEI'S, Any size job Complete lawn care, clean ST3..389S btwn S.l2 PM finished parts apt, priv bch, pt)y furn. Sgl FOR SALE BY OWNER S Call to idenL 54s..5935 aft. 6 up by job or month. Free e A.Sliisting in solving ;;:L\oo';' pr. Yrly rental 4 units, 2 • 2 BR, l BA & MCanHo,OwomCan• ~!! in VERY sick male or Wb cat. =u::~pairg _ s:;:: estimates. For . info, call Domestic H•I 7035 problems 2-lBR, 1% BA. MS-6155 ~ on Redlands oil 23rd Back 846-0932 or 893-1995 p e Assisting In wood dept . 2 BDRM, sund.c:k, garage, thb area to become part o1 Bay 642-4424 tions -New const. by hour AU.EN BROS. George Allen Byland Agency KINGSLEY MFG.CO. -close to beach. Yeuly $185 Busin.,1 R•nt•I 6060 the greatest candy discov· I'========== or Contract 646-3442 GARDENERS STUDENTS Employer Pays Fee (Phone for appointment) mo. No children, no pets. ery since chocolate! Th1.s ex· Lost 6401 REPAIR, Partitions, Small working way thru college. l~B E. 16th, SA 547-0095 548-6116 642-3978 eves. STREET FRONTAGE citing new idea is sweep. I---------Remodel. etc. Niie or day, Exp. Lie. Reas. 646-4203 Chinese live-ins. Chee_ rluJ MECHANIC. MARINE ·-~ Oca Beach Blvd. 1480 Sq, Ft. ing the Country. Be the first LO::IT: Peke I Pom, male, Reas! Call KEN 540-467'9 p Ex d J;11t Bluff 5242 Model home ideal for tnsur., 1n your area to become part ho &: hi col • MOW • EDGE * WEED. ermanent. penence Busy times now for inboard Rltr., etc. (Bet. Katella and of this very high prollt bus-ney w te or; ans. kl Cem•nt, Concrete 6600 Prof. lawn maint by capable Far Ea.st Agency 642-8703 & outbom:I man. Beach.side 1 e NEW DELUXE • c · ) s I -•··pd 1--. ~mely high pn> name 01 Poc.o; vie. lSth PL, Colle&;e students. Reas! co. Pleasant work, nice em-emtos t n &, J,..... ., '"""" """u"' Costa. Mesa. Reward. K 11 H I W d .,_ 7200 1 Br. 2'rii ba apt. for lease $250 mo. 10650 Beach Blvd. ftts can be realized In this SU.754fl eves. • Concrete nra, patios etc. a na Brothers 646-1234 • • p ante , "...--. ployer, job now. $8800, Call Incl. spac. mstr. rulte, din e 6,1&.-02(! e Nationally advertised pro-Concrete &: blk top sawing. -EXPLQREn Gerry White, 54~(65. ,nn. &. dbl. prage, auto. ==~~~-'--'-=-I duet. Part time OR ru11 tirno? OLIVE Green Ladies Wallet General Servlcn 6682 Ul COASTAL AGENCY 1 ·.aoor opo-a·-" Pool & Sl'ORES For lease Village .bo. ns Uabl Ooly sin-Vic Bristol & Paularlno _a.,...,",.·.,Do=n.,. ;;642-85=--',,'=,....,,, ·-·-Sbopplng Cent••, -. o! El posi ava e. • CON""~E k ii We SH Better Inc: Prof. 'fee. area. Nr. Catholic "' .. ,,,. cere need apply. Requitts a Church. Reward. 673-7356 ~l wor a 0 ORHOME CORP Chureh k IChool & Corona C.am.ino & Mendosa, CM. small invesbnent ot: $995.00 types. Pool decks &: custom. care for children, elderly, M J , A member of Snelling & Snelling Inc. 2790 Harbor BI, Costa Mesa de! Mar High. Su.itable Food to ao. TV, to s2,S95.00. Investment re-Personils 6405 Call 54S.U24 convalescent. ln home·hos- 1--• ONLY $260 • variety, Dreaa Shop, etc. tum can be realized Very ecusro~1 PATIOS• pilal. 24 hr serv. Hr-day-wk· NEEDS * DRIVERS * &37-871 Amigoa Way, N.B. See Liquor store for key. quickly. For lurther Wor-LICENSED concrete sawing & removal vac. AWARDED PARENTS Al Wagner 213: 98l.ssIO mation write National Su~ Spiritual Rtadtogs, advic... State Lic.•842-1010 MAGAZINE COMMENDA· * ELECTRICIANS No Experience Coron• del Mir 5250 -~ .. ~ ON TEN ACRES 1 I: 2 BR Furn k Ullfum Frplc.s I pnv. patiot!Poola. Tennll • Contnt'l BldsL put· ............ iloO S.. I.Me, 01M m261.1 !MacArthur Ill'. Coast Hwy) ..SR. partially furn. -Mo. 61))1A, Acacia. Sat & SUn. Bal boo 5300 GRACIOUS adult 1 i v I n g . :-Spac. 2 BR, 2 BA, walk·ln doeetL Bay & ocean view, p:IOl & boat slips. 673-&Kl3 Huntington Buch 5400 • PRIME Retail Location . pliers: Corp., P.O. Box 566, on all matters, lml s. El nsc:::. SEAPL. A * MILL MEN Necess ryt 17X40, Xlnt toot k auto traf. Salt Lake City, Utah 84110. Camino Real, San Qemente C1rpet Laying & 1 in~ retty gency * CARPENTERS a • fie. 1871 Harbor, CM Include phone number with 492-9136. 10 AM·lO PM Repifr 6626 Subsidiary of Gerber *CABINET MAKERS M~t have clean California 646-fi654 request. SPECIAL $2 READING Prod. Co. 642-3274 * WELDERS driving record. APJ>]y FOR LEASE store '23x42. AFFILIATE Attractive Expert CARPET· VINYL -TILE .. 730 * GENERAL HELP YELLOW CAB CO. Also office apace. 333 E. CANDY SUPPLY YOUNG WOMAN Expert tnstallatlon Hauling u LINOLEUM MEN 186 E. 16th St 17th St. CM. 615-2'50, ROUTE d"""•wWteachyouall BLANKINSHIP FLOORS GENERAL HAULING** CARPET MEN Costa M•sa 548-5508 (No Sellilll I11volved) latest steps, Call Ardell 642·14o:J 540-7262 & CLEANUP RESf~URANT MANAGER '. 213: 591-4538 1·10 PM -G-ng W t ~-t Co Excellent income for few $12 per load. Overtime .. Day Shift •vWI es ~s · hours weekly work (Daya or NOT responsible tor any Drifting Service 6637 962-6846 alt. 3 & wkends. ne:e<fs man now \vith coc.k- evenlngsl. Rei:ni .... & col· debts: other than my own. tail & food exp. A ground LAGUNA BEACH '""'06 nESIGN Dndting electro HAULING, clean·uP<, lots, Major medic.al and ll!e In· .. 1 T fu , lecting money from coin op. Robert L. Opa1ek 1815 W. ,,.,, • . 'd '-'oor IPO · op ture. Air Conditioned erated dispensers Jn Costa Balboa Blvd. NB 6112169 mecb P /C layout & detail· gara~. etc. Ll'g truck, surance, paid holidays, pa1 Sll,001. Call Gerry White ON FORES'/ AVENUE Mesa & surrounding area. ALCOHOUCS •--owi lng. Ken Sr. 6'5-1191 handyman, ~. Call vacation and mall)' other 54o.6055. Otsk ~SP,Ket •val!able tn we est. route. (Handles -. ___ .,,_.,,_ T ........ ..,~-BOB 645-2256 company bc!ntlita; COASTAL AGENCY ·-... ..z•·-~n.11.... -• r•...,,. ~m Ot" write to t'!~rdonl-6680 YARD ...," "'""""' ............... .. name bran d candy & P.O. Box 1223 Cl>Sta Mesa. ~----"~"------/gar, cltrup. Remove APPLY-lN PERSON ~ -A member of prime location tn downtown snacks, $1450 Cash requtt. trees, Ivy. dirt, tractor back Snelling & Snelling Inc. Laguna Beacb. Air eoadJ. ed, For personal interview · Jipanese Landtclpe hoe, grading. 962-8745 3021 Newport Blvd. 2790 Harbor Bl. Costa Mesa timed, carpeted, beautiful in Costa Mesa area, aend AnnouncerMnts 6410 Designer B & G H 1· •-I _ _:C~o•!'l~•_:M~t~••!,·~C~·~ll~l.:._.j1PPiEiiiiMANANENT:-liiC;i;!ii>p;i:S. paneled ........ t1 .... 1 ..... T w 0 For Plans 64Q-0384 au rng ... rv ce : Mod Open. entrances-;-"nori'""':!.... en name, address & phone 11t1m· * THE COIN CHESr * Rea.'l()nable. 642.1403 Exp'd. (to $3.50 hr) Fcrest A•e., rear i:~ to ber to Multi.State Inc:., 9075 Rare coins, .eta, mail aue. Cut It Edge Lawn JANITOR Trainee• <S2:2J hr) Mundpal parldna iota. '50 t.i~~=I Hwy., Downey, tion, etc. 741 s. Cout, IA-iJalntenanee, Licensed Housecle1nln9 6735 Core Makera. Exp'd. <to .... morith fer ... -. n ••• --==::-:-=:c:-::=--""";;.,"'=Bc•h.=-'9+5585.=====-...,..-;;;-;=:;:/::6';:!>-::231-;;cO:-::catt'7'4C:-' ICARPETS w·-· • M " •-bi t ~ th'rd $3.50 hr) Trainees ($2.00 hr) '"~ FRIGIDAIRE • AL'S GardenlngServlc.e. ' 1'"'ows, ,_,rs, u ""a e 0 W(h" 1 PRECISION CASTINGS and ehlln aVallable for is. SERVICE DIRECTORY , , . ~ •tc. Re' o• Comc'I. >ant shilt, 10,30 PM to 7 AM. OF CALIF. INC. Bua"lnesa houri annerblg JET ACTION Ing-",." mclainte:~,; ~-uen-\\'Ork Reai;! Refs. ~8-tW Must be able to do general 2044 Placenlia. C.?if. Offlc• Rant1I 6070 aen<ice ava&ble for $10. f'rl3idaire 18 min. cycle ts B1byslttin9 6550 ean up . .....,... ..... ~ °""========! plant and oHlce clca.nina. - 2 8.EDROOM 2 BATH, All utilities paid except the futeat in tha Industry. BABYSITI1NG 1ll9 home. YARD Cleo.nu P • Tree Interio r Decorating 6737 STOCK CLERKS fVJ\NISIJED & telephone-, 30 FrlgidaJtts do the work full or part time, weekdays, service, new I awns• C•dlll1c Controls $450 per month to start. No UNFURNISHED 222 r.o~ ~ of 40, 30 min. wruihers. Find 4 year old for corn· i;pr!nklers, rototill. 646-5848 ROBERTA'S In l e r i or Division of £x·Cello Corp, ctxpulenc:e necessary. Mon· Q,t.. drapes, builtins, belt LAGUNA BEA.at out how ~ it ls to own panionship. Yellowstone Dr. JAPANESE gardener Comp! De co r a t 1 n I:: & Color 1866 Whittier Ave. day through Friday. Cha~ kcatklllr, 1 bJk to 5 Point.I a payin& laundry. near Bristol le Baker, CM. RN. Exper, dependable, ~~;i;7:at~.:-~· (ost1 Mesi to adva.nc.e. Write Dally :.tqipinc etc. from $130. OFFICE-$ FO _ Carden Grove, Santa AM. ,,,SIS-=1='8=1,,,...~--~-, tree e•t. 642-m9 646-2491 Pilol Box M-417. -.1Ellis. apt. O.. &U,..28JSi R RENT Tustin, Orang~. Anaheim 1 NURSERY Sehl teacher It CLEAN·UP Specialist! Mov· Ironing 6755 .An equal opportll.Dlt;y * KNOWLEDGABLE person ,,Id aoa ?o.fode.m, spacious, proltu:iort-Coin-0-Matic Asst wilt babysit Toyt. Ing, edging, odd j 0 b •. ---"'------·· employe-r In HI-Fl components. Sales ou • •·th . al on monthly bMla. Avail E I I pl•"""ates, -"mmlng. By Reaaonable. 548-6955 JAPANESE IRONING TRAINEE·. La' g' d•part. trainee. Call Mr. Van, an..._ • -• private 8/V69. Contact Mr. Lflpp, qu pment, nc.. -.,,·-· .. ~. ..... 2 • 4 5•• -go.a.. bra.ltd pool. Downey s & L Assoc, Mi• 2334!4 w. Valencia day or hour. 53&.2453 J obruJon·s Gardening 645-0'WS ment store chain nttds .,.,tween · ...,....,,...., , • Call 962-3994 skin Viejo. 837-49ll F'Ullerton n4: ~18l3 WD..L babysit our bome by Finest equip., expert Cll.~. Call Alter 7 PM sharp. able-, eager man. Not FULL TI m c delicatessen "BR 1 u .... -· .a-... •Iv, """ N SUB'~ •·-~ 1 Da.,y, hour or night. Planting, clean-ups. 962.-2035 =========1 a clerk. but dcllnlte tnlnlng man. S Day:t wk. See Terry. ;J• "'1711 -.. ,,_, """'"' ......., EWPORT BLVD. ....:..' or 11.,.. .. ,..wery Jenltorial ,790 $7500 C&.U Gerry 495 E. 17th St Co ta M AA. :)lit_ $175 ~ Oilld ok. Otttce1 1ui1Able for Com· stcn, Bal. 1111. Suitable-H.B. area. • 968-25.10 • Yamauchi Garden ServlC'e ---------I pl'Of[ram. · ·· s e. tla:Mi11or4.10-63T4 merd&l, Medical, Dental. sifts, repaln, etc. 5*-7211 CHILD care 5 dft11 week. Dl)' Free Landscape CoMuHin& \VAU.S. \Vlndows, floorl. ~b~~AGENCY SERVIC~ Sta Attendant and '·~-~ --""' patio, Alr-o:lnd., crpts, clevator am.. home. Matun 'M>m&l1. • 6T3-UG6 ti CArPCls. Commercial & Ml!Chan1c, Refs. Reqr. 1000 • ._ ~ .,... ,..."' al Dal "'" A member of E. Coast Hwy, N.B. drtl, bed J001. $135. 35c PER SQ Fr. OONCHll.J..AS 6f6..1932 EXPERT Ja.pt.MM m8Jn-f"?l:ldenti • b'. wee....,-Snelling .l Snelllna Inc. -~ SU-5032 OR 675-2464 Att )'OU intere1ited!' terl&nc.'e H.B .. F.V, art.a. and/or Mo. 897-7350 2190 l-larbot Bl, Costa Mesa Kennel man, over 35. Aflply ·~-a. Br. 2 ......... NEW deluxe oUice ipacn V111tourraneh 642'°465 lrldc,Matonry,etc. Call Mack, 842-3«2 i =========i!.'.~:;:~:=;~~$800;;;::;=.1 in penon. SPCA, 20012 lA· ....,.,._... .,.. _.. 1200 6560 P1perh1ngin9 Jr. Account1nt • guna Cnyn Rd, LQR Bch ~,Clfll. ~ 6 DIW Im~ 3Z IO sq It at Santa \VAN'TEO: oU-u.le Liquor J•panae Girdner Plinting 6850 Acents. payable & reef:lvtble ,,,,..._ 2 palJot. ao.611; Anl Fwy & Crown V1i.tley Uce111e. Crance eowrt:y. eun.o Remodtl. Repalr ~. oompl yllrd eervtce! <---------• 2 )'Tl. mil•. call Dan. • • DRIVER Nd a, j • J Bit BMlld .I mmoa. ln·lfOO, 49Ml9S. <All: 64MU9 Brk:k.' block. co n c r e t•, Frtt ttt, SCS.'1958. $i6-0'1'24 • INT • E>.T, ANY SIZE ltt:rchn.nts P'1'10n.ncl Agtn. CTTV AUTO PAR~ 1-__ ....., nc rm. 11111 a 300 Sq. ft, Office DAILY Pn.ot WANT ADS I o,>ntry~ ~job too •man. * Expert -ta~~·· JOB. Xlnt wo~. tt11, e-ee 'ey, 200 Wtttcllft Dr., N.8 .1=,,==.,,Pla_ce_ntl&_· _._c_.M~·- Alpa:qldn. Msr NM1J7 CX>STA 11r&.~ 646-2130 BR.tN'C TtESULTS! L\c Olinlt. 962-614S FIN'Effi' Yi'ORK 6*0384 e11I, JIM 6.tl-4669. 61.j.2170 CHARGE )'OUr want ad now. --. ' ~ ---·· ~-·-----·--------~··---= -- SALES PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT COUNSELLOR U YoU have the ability & desire to work with people in pleasant surroundings & havt> had sales or public contact experience we are looking for you, lVe will train. Rapid promotions. Good management oppty. Potential $8,000 to $10,000. Call Mr Richards Mgr. COASTAL AGENCY A member of Snelling & Snelling, Inc. 2790 Harbor Bl, C.M, ~ POLICEMAN $667. to $800 a month Age 21 lo 31, up !o '35 with approved experien c e HEIGHT: 5' 8" minimwn. WEIGHT: in proportion to height PHYSICAL RE- QUIREMENTS: High school graduate, vaJid Cal.ii, oper· ators license, U.S. citizen. File application at City Hall. 8200 Westminster Ave., \Vest· minster. CaliL before July ll, 1969-5: 00 PM, Written exam July 19. 1969 (TI4) 893-45U Ext. 2C6 Production Control EXP EDITOR Must have over three yrs. recent experience in ma· chine shop expediting. Cadillac Controls Division of Ex-Cello Corp. 1866 Whittier Ave. Costa Me11 64&-2491 An equal opportunity employer DESIGNERS & DRAFTSMEN People with heavy experi- ence in rotating equipment are urgently needed by progressive aircraft com· ponents manufacturer. Ex· perience in fuel pumps, elec. tric motors, and tans is de· sired. Big company benefits with small company al.mos. ~:i~v R;f~X M 632, the C1'REER OPPORTUNITY! J oin tod1y1 fastest growing profession.Mutual Fund sale3 No experlP.nce nece!sary. We train · full or part time Mutual Fund Advisors, Inc. Npt B, 1603 Westc.lltt 642M2:2 S.A. 1212 N. Broadway :;;:,;-;;;;::;~7.T~-8331:::=--.,,...~--· MG~IT TRAINEE: E:<citlng, top co., growing rapidly, No exp nee. Food & ruostaurant field. Must be eager. Mgmt 100n. $9600. Call G e r r y \Vhite, 54{}..6(65, ~OASTAL AGENCY A member of Snelling & Snelling-Inc. -2790 Harbor BI, O:ista Mesa TRAINEES: 23 ;T old pro- motional advertising firm needs >"OUng men. Company listed on 1'1."0 stock ~· changes, nationwide TV. If you are earning less than $150 a week, call for In· formation, Mon. thru Fri. 638--0270 aft. 6 PM Day or Ni.11ht Centonese Style Cook Apply in person Wu Ben's 333 &yside Drive Newport Beach M'Ac:HINTST: exper. i n tra~ lathes, gun-drtll1 & mllls. capable of aet·ups. ExJ)C'r. in machining lnconcl I Stalnleu Steel. Exotic Materials Inc: .• 545-9'25, Mr, Coffin. Equal Opportunity Employer MQTI::L nigh! auditor • deitk clerk with exper. on NCR 4200, 11 PM to 7AM. rd pay & v.'O'rki t\2 cond'•. &n Brown's Motor Hotel, Laguna Beach. 499--2271. Mr. Gates MAN to help lady wttb old boo!ll!, c!U'J)entry &; fi:rins-, ReMOnl\h1!' Wfl.~~. s+S-tn.f • I • ' . I " ... -...... ~~..----...-.~---------------------~--~---~· --~·---·~-------·-·-·-·---·----·---·~---~---------...-------·-.. ·-, --. -. ,. • ~ ---.. _ • .lint 16..1969. ---D!IL'tl'IU\' .. Joas A l,!llPLOYMINTJOM A IMl'LOYMINT JOIS a IMPLOYMINT JOIS .. IM,LOYMINTJOIS .. EMPLOYMENT JOllS .. EMPLOYM!NT JOBS & EMPLOYMllil JOU i iMl'LOVMINT JOIS i IMPLO\>Mlilt -Wanted, -7200Htlp W•--7200 :tto=:l!p_:W:·~n~led~, :M~ ... ~n!..7~200~1;;;Hol;;;;;p;;;W;;;"";;;;;;t..i.;;;;;M;;111;;;";;;;;;7200;;;;;;Ho;;;;lp;.;;;W;;;ont;;;;ocl,;;;;;M;;;'"';;;n;;;noo;;;;;;;;1!'·lp Wanted, -~ Hw..:.nted 740011o,:r..:,- ENGINEEIUNG CARDEN ER -------"'-'"' l !!!I PROJICT DISIGN ENGINQRING ITT JAIS(O . ~ACHINISTS i · LatM Operator Senior GROUNDSMAN NEWl"ORT IEACH Requln1 experience In design of hydritullc servo sy1tenu and componenta, such as ac- tuaton. nrvo valn.s ..or aolenold valves . ' Desires . strong capability In servo system dynamic analy111l and/or Ould system stress analyslll. MANUFACTURING INGINElll Must have experience In mechanical/hy- draulic field. Mu1t be able to make manufac- turing cost analyslll, quotes and have strong background In castings, forgings and other manufacturing processes. CADILLAC CONTROLS Dlvl11.., af Ex.Cillo Corp. 116' WHITillR AVIL. COITA MUA '46-2491 An equal cpportunlty ei-nplayer Holp Want..i. Mon 7200 Holp Wonted, Mon 7200 J. W. Robinson Hea ope.nine for: TV SALESMAN Exporltnced Full time poaition, Excellent company bendill:. APPLY PERSONNEL DEPT. FHhlon lslond Newport Beach Equal opportwUty emplO)ltr, GRANT'S GULF SERVICE SERVICE STATION MANAGER ~furt be ~ Co. l'tlident far at lea.st 2 yrs. Major oil company trainlnc prefe~. Excelent u.llry &. company bmdita. Apply in PH10D 2 to&PMat GRANT'S SURPLUS 1750 Newport Blvd, CM GRANT'S SURPLUS Now Interviewing SALES CLERKS Full Time Only Experienced prefm-M. but not necessary, Many com· pany Mnetlts. Apply in ~ .an only between 2 and 6 P.!d. 1750 N""""'1 Blvd, CM SECURITY GUARD MUST BE ABLE TO WORK ANY SHIFT Apply Cadillac Controls l\RODU-•• -N \MATlll L •HANDL ll Prefer tome experience In manufacturing l'aclll- tie1, Oper1.te1 fork lltt. C(IOd benef1t1 and work-tne condlllcns. EQUAL OPp0JtTUNITY EMPLOYER 1'8S DALE WAY COSTA MESA, CALIF. 92626 <nt1 54.).3251 ITT JABSCO CLEANER, DEIURR Prefer 90me factory ex· perien~ handlin1 met· al1. Good benefits and worldng conditions. EQUAL OPPORTIJNIT'l EMPLOYER Mlllt be experienced on lurret lathe, own tools and do owil setups. Mill Operator ha\'e Must be experienced on num~cal macliines. control Drill Press Operators Must be experienced on all types of drills, have own tools and do setups. Minimum three yrs. experience. Tool Grinder ~linimum five yrs. in close tolerance grind· ing of bigh·'P•ed and carbide tools. Hone Operator Must have minimum of two yrs. experience on Sunnen Hone . CADILLAC CONTROLS Division of Ex-Cello Corp. 116' WWttl• AM., C... M•• 646-2491 1435 DALE WAY A11 •ciu1I opportv11ity •mplov•r COSTA MESA, CALIF, 926261 ~::!!!!!!!!!!!!!!::!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!~~~~~I ln4l ~25! Holp Wonted, Mon 7200 Holp W•ntld, Mon 7200 NOW HIRING 53 MEN ALL WORK BACKGROUNDS ACCEPIED LARGE COMPANY EXPANDING IN ORANGE COUNTY MANUFACTURING Join a vital eXpanding lndustey with th!! fure. mce:t manufacturer cf automatic valves and controls. • DRAFTSMAN Management Trainee PART TIME EVES. $3.50 per hr. lair. Bend e SAIIJNG lNSTRUCTORe SOtrl'H OJAST YACHTS UDO W. Pacific Coast Hwy. N.B. Mk !or Tony. Dlvtnltl.ed land devtlopment compell)I ii aee~ 10me- cne kt usltt ln maintenance of commereial properllea. Job duties wW Include clean- up of cutalde area. and aen- eral gardening aulstance. Ne experiwce required. Ex· ce!lent benefits. with grow· Ing company. Call JIM BALLENGER at 6'2-D325, From 8 to 5, Pttonday-Jo'riday SALESMAN & gener•I heJ.per for nursery, * ~4 * Holp Wonlod Women 7400 SALES PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT COUNSELLOR U you have the ability & desirl! lo wtirk with people ln pleasa'nt surroundings I: have had sales or public contact experience we are looking for you. We will ll'ain. Rapid promotions. Good manqerilent oppty. Potential $8,000 to $10,000. Call Mr. Richards Mgr. COASTAL AGENCY A member of sntlling &: Snelllni, lnc. 2790 Harbor Bl, C.M. ~ e EXPERIENCED e NEW ACCOUNTS CLERK UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 4667 Pt1'acArthur Blvd. Newport Beach 540-4424 3 yt!&n mechanical draft. Ina: experience required. Must be able to make complex detailed draw- ings. u well u. tracing, changin& er completing them. Holp Wonted, Mon 7200Holp Wonted, Mon 7200 TOP PAY Must be able to start immed· iat.ely. CALL PERSONNEL OFFICE FOR INTERVIEW MONDAY & TUESDAY. 774-7251 ClA·YAl CO. e FIBERGLASS e FOREMAN Division of Ex.cello Corp. 1----------17th & Plocenllo C'osta Meu 541-2201 CALCOMP IS COMPUTER GRAPHICS for 1elcoatinc flbeJ'ilaa, chopptr cun &. fiberllasl and hand layup department Frin&e benefits. Sailboat manufacturer, Send resume to Box M-631 Tht-Dally PI- iot, or apply in ptt10.11; 82l.1 La.nktrahlm mw., North Hollywood, calil, RETIRED man: bast 3% da,ys per wnk in moat lux- mious laundromat U.S.A. Modest Wary. Must be 1<>bfr, reapo111ib1e I: zet along ~u with people. Stt attn by Pantry Mkt., Baker at Fa1rvtew, C.M. Then call: John Br1-ooe &ft.er s PM 644.-1301 1166 Whittlor Ava. Coda Met• 646-2491 An equal opportunii;y """'°""" MECHANIC Journeyman mteha»ic, ~­ ptrlence Foreign or Domes- tic. One of the oldest For- eign car service departments in Orange Co. nat rate " warranty work $9.00 per hour, PL based on 50/50%. Excellent \\"Orkin& condi- tions. Mu.st have own hand tools. Call Ken 494-9771 or 54$-0634. YOUNG manied man will· ing to work hard for futlln!! AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT MECHANIC HELPER $4fl.$605 Por Month (Recommended ~ $65L Etftttive July 1, 1969) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Requitt1 completin& o! 8th, zracie am one year Automotive Experience. Apply before 5 P.M., Thimday, June 19, 1969 to the PeraonneJ OUice, 3300 Newport B I v d., N!!wport Beach. cn4) 673-6633 An equal opportunity emplo)'t!'r FILTAIRE NOW HIRING l..arge international corpora.. ticn expanding In Orange County, Many openings now available In al! departments. No experience necessary, ALSO SUMMER WORK FOR TEACHERS & STUDENTS Llcented Real Eltate Sales. man needed far immediate employment. New unit now sellina:. Will train. wlth rapidly expand in & 1-~=~~=~~~-1 PLASTICS FlltM. IL!S lo PICO CRAFT For lnt"v;ow oall Mondoy •tarL A .. amblers and TUHday, A&< tor "'" Colcomp h tho world'1 lo1dor i11 Comput•r Groph· ic Sv1tem1. A1 tho u10 of colftp11for1 c:onfinvo I• grow, 10 dott th1 morkot for 9r1phic di1pl1y do- ¥iCt l • , • end •• Colcomp i1 tho m1jor do•olopor of thl1 ••r11lilo equipm1nl, wo hovo •nioy1d 1 pt.011om1111 I growth. A1 111 •••"'pit : Ovr 11101 vo lum• ho1 lncr1111d '400 % 1ir1c1 1965, 111d w1 ho•a lncro11od our R I D b11d9ol proportlonaloly lo mot! the challo1190 of 11ow prod11ch ol'l<l 1pplj. c1fio111. Thi1 11me ouht1ndin9 pro9r1u h11 boo11 1oft1ctod i11 •d•1nc1m1r1t opporfu11itio1. If yo11 w111t to b1c:omo • momb1r of !hit winr1i119 t1om, with a trvly dyn1mic i nd uniquo comp.,ny, join C1Jcomp today! Ouhtoncii119 c1ro1r opporlunifi11 ••ill a1: four S.a1on1 Homes Huntington BHch '6M500 2650 S. Grand' -Jame1. UNIVEl!SAL FILTllATirN Carnenffi'S 2650 S. Grand ,..- Santa Ana Experienced 4658 Linooln Ave., Cypreu. Smrice Station Attendant, SALESMEN (behind Hyatt Dyee8.1U nights only. ever 25. mutt Cl.reel' opportunity w Ith .. -" · """'"'1.... Co. Prefer .-.-.'d Archftedural expel'., A""" pay, Jn. -v~"'6 -r D f oentivn. permanent. Apply men. Fut floor, ruarantt'ed r• tsman in pe:non, North Coast + commlsion + P.M.'1. wanted. Prior exper neces- Sbell, 1342 N. Cout Hwy, APPLY aary, Smalld office, prlmar- Lq Bcb 333 E. 17th St., C.OSta Mesa ily res! enlial. Richard H. MAN for bakery clean.up 464 S. Ma in St., Santa Ana Dodd, Architect. MS-8818 work, about 5 hn/da 6 Store Mgr. Tra1nff MAINT. MAN $563 d a 1 I wk , S e e M r . $500. Excellent Costa ?t1esa co. Top ITT JABSCO JANITOR (Second shift I Prefer experience in care cf lndustrill offices and tacilitics. RlchardAon, Tr c t t e r · 1 Excellent future for right be'nefiU:, bonus pl111, raist Bakery, 234 F<>ttst, J..aiuna man, call Loraine, Mer· 300n! call Kay, 546-MlO EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Betth chanbl PeraoMl!I ~ncy, JASON BEST EMPLOYER QUALITY CONTROL 2043 Westclill Dr., N.B. Employment Agency MANAGER ~";";';;Tl;;0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;2t20;;;;So;:;. ;";;""';· ;·;Sa::;n::;ta;;;A::;na;;,;;i 1485 DALE WAY for maa:neaium and alum • COSI'A MESA, CALIF. 92626 ~E'. :~·st~~: YOUTH WANTS JOBS <n•i ~1 MACHINIST (Lathe er mill) Non military. Millien Ma· chine 1402 McGraw Ave., S.A. 540-7?ii6 HANDYMAN k OIAUF· FEUR fer local driving. Live in .. Private room I. bath. Preferably middle q. ed. No drinJd.ne. Relerence1 ...,..-.CaU(n4)6C-16li SERVICE STATION Employtt with experience wanted for f>.12 pm ahUt. Apply 60f S, Cout Hwy, CheYrcn 1talicn. Profoct Englnoor $700 Mech ability, know drattinc, 2 yn. colltce, call Dan, Merchanta Peraonnel J.een- cy. 2to3 We1tcllU Drlw, NB.~ SHOE SALES manacer trainee. Arnerlca'1 larwHt retaUft'I o1 women'• lhon. LEEDS Shoe Sten. Sc. Cout Piaza. Contact Mr. P!ldps REAL Estate Salemten wtiy not tell ·I. bl: trained tn the bottHt arta· Huntqtoo Beach. Ca11 Phil McNamee 962-Hn VW&p Real Eatate I'RJJNEES. Full or part time. COOK· FOUNTAIN· DISll MAatlNE. T H E WO, W. O>ut Hwy, A Mac- Arthar, N.B. EXPERJ~CED: S ERV STA ATr. 0.., mtn 6 N!pt man. 490 E. lTtb St., c.c.ta Mesa. (2) SERVICE 1tation at- tendants Cl) Mechantc . Cxp'd. Call llWOSO ult ... C.t1, I' vo11'r• • ve1111' p•ne11 willin' •• work or •11 adult lo•kl11t 'or • wil1i11t warkar, tlia1• fi•• Or11'14Ja Co11f ar•a 11•11·profif v ••th •"'1tloy111a11f !le11ter1 Cl ll htlp V•lil. YOUN& PEOPlft '"" ......... c ..... .. .,...,--... .... - ADULfS: a.ct "'* ,.._ c•-.n ,., . .., " -...., .._ . "" .. ,.,. ,.,. "'"' dl\lillnill • • • ... ..,,....._ ............ ....... i.,fwtllllc.,,_ ...... tty ,.. QI! ettw. HARBOR AREA YOUTH EMPLOY· MENT SERVICE 1Spontoretl Ly J1111lor Ebtll Cl11\o •nd Aui1· fl llC• L..•t"• ef New. port leech.I OHlc•1 ir1 C•11b•I ~a11ch, loyt' CluD •f th• H1rffr Art• st• C.iittr str .. ~1· ta Mtta, Op•11 t t.ftl. to I IJ.M, Me!ld•'I throu9h Fri· Ila,, Juna 1 • thr•uth Aut . II. T1l1ph•110: "41· 0414. SOUTH COAST JOB PLACE· MINT SERVICE c s,..-.,M ~ s •• tt. Or•Wf• C.•1t YMCA.I Offio•• •f 4tl F.tt11t A••· • Le91111• •••ell. Ope11 t ••··"•" aM 12iJ0-4 p.m. Mori.I•"· 1'uo6'..,., Tilund..,. olMI Frldoy1, Ptiolfl• 494-IJ)J, FOUNTAIN VALLEY YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE ISpo111•red by South Coo1t J u"ior Wolfton'1 C1ult.) Offico 111 Nun•'• Office, f•1U1t1i11 Volla, Hith Scheol, 171 16 Iv· '"''' St •• Fo1111t•h1 v,1. loy. Opo11 10 '·"'··2 P·"'• Mo11doy throuth Frllll1y. Pho11• t•2·244t. HUNTINGTON BEACH YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE tSp9111•rt4 ltv 1Elli1 A••• ""' lo,t11t Ch11rch.I Of· flee• ot 1121 1Elll1 A••· • Hu11ti111too lo1ch. Optll t o.m.·S P·"'· MolHl11 thro119h f rl4•Y· Pho110 147-6067. HUNTINGTON BEACH UNION HIGH SCHOOL DIST RICT JOB REFERRAL SERVICE I Super•i•t4 It,. RoMrt Mortl11, 'lroc;for of w•rk or,orlo•ro •'11catlo11, H111tfl19t•11 lt•tll U11l•11 Mith Schffl • Dhtric;t.I Office• •t 1902 • 17th Stroet. H•11t l 11tf•1t looch, o,.., I 1.111 .... :JO ''"" "'•""•' .. , ... ,11 fri. ''' all 1111t1M•t• Ph•11• ll .. tlJI. MOTOR HOME e BUllDERS e ASSEMBLERS Immediate opeJlinis for men with experience in plum!> tnc. electrical. walls, cab~ et. and finish • er We .in· train )'OU. Must have aome hand tools. See Rkk. 2135 Canyon Drive, Costa Mesa ..,_,,,. BOYS 10 ·IC CarTl.er Routes Open for Lquna Beach, So. Laguna DAILY PILOT 642-4321 P1rt0Tlmo 5:30-9 PM Deliver health euldci whUe taldnr 1mall orders, Sales exp, not nec'y, 96S·:UU betw, 5 and 6 pm ONLY. MAN, experienced,, t c try domitl I: Ulllt baktT full time,. ~ !-fr. Rkhatd.tcn, Trotter'• &kt'I')', 2 3 4 Fort:st, Latuna Beach SERVICE Station attendant. Graveyard all.UL Apply 2800 W. Coast HW, ,NB or oa11 ~ At.rro 6 BOAT UPl:IOU'fERER. Top pay, 40 hr. wlc. Call - Systems Design Engineer fo porform 1ytlom1 clo1i911 o' i11!ttf.,c1 1q11ipmtnl to adopt C1lcolflp plottinlJ oquipm1nt lo tt!1 new 9or101otior1 of compul1r1, Mu1f h1vo tJ'ptrionco i11 digitol logic 111d c:!rc11it d11i911 of c:ompulor 1y1° l1m1 and 1/0 1quipmor1t. Roquir11 IS or MS in EE. CRT Design Engineers fo porform 1y1t1m d1 1i9't ind ....... 1opm 1nt of x.y dof11cllo11 ompllfi111 lm19notic) for cothod1·r1y lvbo di1ploy, Roq uir11 IS or MS il'I EE ind 2 yo1r1 ,,.porionco ill onolo9 f1td-bock 1mplifitr do1i911 ond d1volopment. ~ Sr. Mechanical ngineers IS or MS in ME wilh yoor1 or more 111p11!or1c1 !11 mochoni1m1, cl11i9n on1ly1i1 ef po1iphorol com· pt.tier oqulplft•11I, i.1, m19nolic tip• tr1111porh, pr;11tort, plofloo, •IC, Computer Service Engineel's To m1lr1t1it't ond ropolr 'it itol compul1r on.If ro• !1!1119 "'•motJ 1qulpm111f •l Co1Comp Ct.t•tomer loc1tio11•. Mu1f h1w1 1 mi11ilftum of 2 y11rt ttch· 11ic1I 1chool lrai11i119 or coll•t• 10¥11 EE courttt. two y1an t1porl111co i11 toll' •l•f• .circuitry, 'i9ltol lo1ic1 1ol•ti119 momory a!ld trowblt1hoofl119 com· m1rci1I computor oquipment. We ht~• ·ope11i111.-- l11 lo1 A11g1l11, Houdo" trld Ntw Yo1lt-. Soloctocl oppllctl'lh will r1c1I~• •ll·h111d tr1i11l119 1f f11lt pty /11 A111holm bo9i1111ir19 Jur1e JOth. El•ctrical & Mechanical Draftiman Roqu lr•1 po1t hl9h 1chool froinl119 011d rocor1t ••· peri111co i11 •"• P••P•t•tlon of d1t1ll dt1wi1191 for ol1ctro0m1ch111ic 1I oq11iflmo11t, Mutt b1 famili1r with f1 bricoll111 011d prod11clio11 t1chr1iqv11 ,.,o linow Mil •p1c1. Erp1rl111cod In 'r1wl11t 1ch1mof· lei orld PCI l1yo11t. Computer Operator Pr1fo1 1rp1rio11c1 011 !ho GE .... 25. lrporio11co 011 olhor lfttdi11m lo l1r90 1c1lo compulori with m•t· l'lolic. t' ,..1 1/0 1cc1pt1blo. JOIN Cf\LCOMP - SOON TO BE IN ALL NEW FACILITIES CALL, WRITE Olt VISIT EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 305 N. MULLER, ANAHllM 635-6501 ©®©8@®)® CALIFORNIA COMPUTER PRODUCTS, INC. Ar1 •qu1I •r.portu!'lty omployor 1l11c• lt60 "'-• •r fom•I• moy opply • *<:LERK TYPIST* Dlver'lilled duUe1 Jn. cludll)i IOrtlni and de- livery of internal mall, type ~ wpro on electric. C1ll Penonntl Dept. (7 14) 494-9401 TELONIC ENGINEERING CO. F.qual opportunity em ployer ITT JABSCO CLERK Tc uslst In the biUing/ accounting dept. of a small pump company. Previous experience and typing desirable. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 1485 DALE WAY COSTA MES.\, CALIF, 92626 * CLERK SECRETARY Shorthand 80 ..,,,,,, Type 50 wpm., on electric JBM. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR One ~at experience de- sired. Day lhitt. Wed. • Tbun. oU AND 4:30 pm to l am llritt avalla.ble. COLLINS RADIO CO. 19700 Jomboroo Rood Newport k•ch Equal opportunity employer EXPERIENCED e ESCROW e SECRETARY HUSHES 1 NEWpORT lllACH has Im-............ HYBRID & INTIORATED CIRCUIT ASSEMBLI RS . A mlnlmum ot ab: moatbl o experimce ls dntra.ble. Openl1111 are on lit and. 21!1 ahift>. ' -..-.......... , HUGHES N!WPORT llACH 500 S..,.rkw A- Nowpon INch, Cotti. Equal oPPGr(w>lt;y employu • M A F LIBRARIAN $6211-$754 Per Month ' ( Reoornmend,ed l4r 1667.-$811. Jut;y 1, 1!111( CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH . ' Appointment above flnt ' step poafble for eapeci. ally well qUallfted cancll- dafe!I. Pos!Uon 1nw1wl · Admlnlstration of Refer- ence Servlce for Maia I and Branch Ubnriea. : tn<l °'°"'' UNITED CALIFORNIA Minimum requtmnent M.L.S. flan an Acaedlt· ed Ltbrlly S<:hoot. A.,.,, . bo>Jote 5 P.M., Fridl:7.~, June 20, 1969, to the Pe-r- IOMd omce, 3.100 New· port BI v d., Nnpcrt· B<eclt tn•i m<til3. KEYPUNCH Experienced needed for v.·orl<. either schedule or buh. operators Plrt time on regular "on call" Pleue caJ1 Mr. Chard 548-2201 CLA-YAL CO. 17th & Placentia Costa Mesa An equal opportunity employer BANK 3141 E. Coo1t Hwy Corona del Mar 673-9240 Equ"1 opportunll> employu YN CLERK TYPIST or l Must be eXJll!rlenced In t;)o'I " (C1llfornl1 Llcen1od) Ing and fllin&, and ...,.. olt!ce ,..,... Rollof .. I lo 4:30 p.m. Apply in penon Huntlnrton Beach Convalescent Hospital 18192 Delaware St., H.B. GIRL FRIDAY Codllloc Controls Division of Ex-Cello em,. 1 1166 Whlttlor Avo. : Costa Mt1• ' ---------IAet:Urate typing, ability to 646-24'1 EXPERIENCED e NOTE TELLER e PART TIME TELLER handle detail In one girl , off!~. Good with people. To • $425 BE A CALIFORNIA GIRL 1 RUTH RYAN AGENCY Tak• a -loolc ot thlo lol>{ 1793 Nev.-pcrt, CM 646-4854 Thett aren't many like it. It 17931 Beach, HS 847-9617 YoU are an attractlWJ CAN YOU QUALIFY! )'Ounl, single. mature Pl UNITED Could you spare two hrs. a <ever 2ll wtth a rood aa1ej CALIFORNIA BANK day fer five days a week, ii :::"~~ ::. ~~um:: -n-you receive $65 for lt1 It II() ''CalUorru'• Clrl" s•-H Ym ~ ....... -.:an Ave., Laguna Sch. alt M N I 64" ~" -" 4~ c rs. e scn, ~ will meet lntelllpnt peoplt -;=====-..=-I bet . Z4 PM far an ap. &: repreeent cur t1nn .H Consultant to $575. pointmcnt. your local ara.. Excellent Dept. bend for 11nanclal & PART-TIME HELP pay with a complete fr!J!11i estate planning, good typ. NEWSPAPER INSERTING benefit prosram, tncludizli ing + tlgurl! appitude, scme APPLY IN PERSON your own de1!1nl!l r' college l'l!qulred, will train DAILY PILOT wardrobe. Hoon en right person, 'Ii fl!e pd., call 330 W. Bay, C.M. ttllllar rotational lull, NI Lcralne, Merchanlll Person-• -tt For t •· -•• "'t Agoncy -·3 W••tclW General Office $400. me. app. p..,ue --i: • W'I .,.._ 60 H (714) 642-6337. Maeco Corp;· Drive., N.B. 64~2770 ·i~ dut~i,· ~~~~ * STATISTICAL ! * EXPERIENCED Merchanta !"el'IOhnel Agen. AHAL YST $S75-$60I t WAITRESSES * cy, 200 Weatclill Drive, Beach area. Sl!loa'ltiea ~ Night Shtftl .•. Unk>n House Newport Beach 645-2770 R.E. co. w/trn ~ -U Hosp., surgical, Medical, & ' :i. ... 3 ] Denl, Plans. Apply in R.N for in«rVice education fie requirmlmt.. Collerrl1 p e r 1 0 n H a w A R 0 , s In 262 bed extended care ma.th. Econ Wot itr.nce~. RESTAURANT, 4001 w. bolp. Salary dependent on deainlble. ~ii fee pd bJi Coast Highway, Nl?\vport educ, and exper. 1030 W. l!.'mpl, ~by app. . ~ Beach. Warner, 546-MSO J, R. Pk!roe Aaoc. Aaencr Clerk Typis t to $500. EXP putty cook A 1885 Newport, C.M. " Gond w/lla:""'• • Ilk• ""m· "'tl'm'7 ~ •• NEEDED · ber typing, to work In ~ar· Benton'~ Collee Shop 1 ketlng dept., call Loraine, 133 S c.o&!t H LB T OHi G9' Merchants Pet10nne1 Agen· · Wf. WO Ce cy, 2043 WestcllU Drive, Hnus~EPER 4 chUd Must be 21 and able io N.B. 645-2770 ~~teh:,m ln,l :.~h. ~. APPLY ;1 Acct1. Payable Clerk $50 wk w/perlcdlc raiaes. 188 F..ut 16th st. Experienced, Some typing, 54Q..9212 Costa Mesa '! iood telephone manner. To '°"==;;;;,;,;;~,..,..,,.,.,,..,.,,1---:--=:.::..::;;::;::,=-.fl MOO EXPERIENc£D M ' d I oa I Steno $550 RUTH RYAN AGENCY Transoiptionl•t & !root ol-,, .. · )793 N rt CM <!A<! AO~A flee 1lrl; Radiology offtce, Sharp )'OUnC pl, top lllOU; e"'P<I • • .,..,,.....,.,. N rt Be h .,A .. ,,A~A lot norKtefense company 17931 Beach, H.B., 847·9617 ewpo ac ' ...._,...,.. MTST helpful or wW tralAi BANK proof operator/com-HOUSEWIFE Wanted 9 to 6 9ttd 90. :1 puter clerk po!lltlon n ow Tu e 1 • We d • T h u r 1 ' Coronet AtlwtcY available. Prevk>wl experl· Minimum. Clerk and ollice U)2 £. W&lbincton~ ence not necessary. Apply woril;, Ph. M2-«l57 (Grand I: Santa Ana at Security Pacific 11/atlcn-WOMAN, part Ume Summer Santa Ana 5tJ...(l al Bank, Sool"ls La a: u n a job, nlghtJ. MUJt be at least DRUG ~ 2 """, ~' Branch. 499-2224 18. Wlnchell'1 Dmlut House, ._...., )'l'9o --DENTAL aaa.!Jtant ~re. 2947 Harbor Blvd., C.M. ttt. Collea:e Phatmaq . •" 'D ...--.~= •--f~"~I-Fllr.Dr.rc.M.--~ tary Laguna. Hills • Leisure Pl-ft& : MCl&~• no= mu..: , ~ World area. All phue11 mu-3CllOG S. Coist Hwy., Lquna YOUNG AtbacUw akl. ~ tered, $41HSQ) start, Re-Beach, 499--2>05 )Tl kt 211 yrs, full • swne, P.O. Box 10915, Santa EXPERIENCED Part-time =k~ Clll ~ Ana 92TI1. Replies atrictQI medical lnsuranct! Write · confidential. P-492, Dally PUot • • HOl'EL MAID, fUll Umi) ruu. & Part lime-Wtlmen POWER machine operator, pleasant surroundlno. I fer J~welry store. Previous Salls by Schock, 501 29th St., * 51198 * experience not neceasacy; Newport Beach. 675-1823 WAITRESS, Exp., owr JU 40 hrs week. Apply in penon, Rodi Apply In pe!'M)n MOTIIER'S AID. SUM~. Lanes, 2899 Harbor, CM ~r Kirk Jewtler1 Exp. H.S. senior. Live-in. * WAITR.ESS * CJwr 2l 2300 Harbor Blvd. Sl.25 me. (2l3) 346-tUO Graveyard lhltt. Contact ~ Q>sta Meu. LJVE.IN baby t t t t er I. Mr. Zimmer 67'S-<Wll Keypunch Oporotor ~':°::::"" & bL DRESS OPERATORS I F~ paid. Experienced Alpha Top Salary OtJ1 f48.2'1lt & numeric. To $499. Other EXPERIENCED Sfnlle. N!! DENTAL S.E CJ RECPTf fee pcslUoon!I. d1e Opentot1. Apply. NOJ • • RUTH RYAN AGENCY W. !8th St .. Coot& M.,., ~.'JS~~ ~ 1193 Newport, CM 646-48M GENERAL houaekttptt, 5 ~ 17931 Beach, HB &17-9617 hn dally. Swedl•h. Enaliih SITTER For tu1.. 5 P L A S T I C S "' C.nn<n. ~'11 = 6U-6411 di>, Injection molding open. or EXPFJUENCED M • d l ca I < trainees. Over 25. Openinp Aalstant lnatructor. ~ i:-'encl. ~· tor doy and awing lhlft.. * 646-2922 * -" Apply 8-4 p.m. Orange Ccwt-EXPERIENCED D e n l I 1 Infant& to 5 yn.. ---' 1¥ Pluticlo 850 W. 18lh, CM Aaaislal\t. Wrtt&. Box M-863, BABYSITI'ER I • dl1' ~ SALES LADY <20 lo 45), full Dally Pilat II "'1 -· time tor children's store. JIAIRDRESSER needed 833-ttllO : /1pply: 8 ERG ST R 0 M S B&Jbol. hland Alon. SlTT'ER Wam.d 1D1 hciml !. BABY STORE, So. Cout 175-42S2 or 675-3701 d~. Own tr a 1' I Plazl, C.M. PBX A~ ltt, ap'd ~ : 111!: QUICKEJt YOU CALL, pn1, Must bo •viii lot ill MEDICAL RICIPT, TirE QUJCKFJt YOU S!:LL 11\lftJ, steady \\Wk. S36-ll81 Wrfte Ntt, Dalty Piiot I I I 1 . I I I ' I ~ I ·I I I I .1 I t 1 c--~~. ------. -------. ---. ----.. • -----• -. ------~ l!IWlrt1YMl'll.~aaTSilmlilTTliliiflfllWllM...,:O'i~'~m ... Jff'16~·,1'691li a , ~ -"""'..!..°..-JOBS ,.,I MPLPYMINT JOIS & ElllP.L!IYMINT MERCH,ll!OllE.. P:Oll Ma~l:IAHl>ISl.l!Oll . il~ll~Sl-.a.-lll~llDlll~; ~--~W'-"•-=·-:.·---"7.:;400:.:: I Help W•n""' li"r·~~Me~n~,~W:~-~7;~;~SAL~l~AH~if=T=~;Dili, iS~A!L~l~AHDii~·TRADI~~!, W.J~D ~I, SALi AND TllADI """'.!!-..... w.... ' ' We 7400 w-. 7400 ...._.,..._~~-----1=:=:==--=::1 .· ij-iiijjjjijjjjijjjjijjjjijjjjijiii'ia' I , · GAS Stov., 2 l'lja , ..,., . / /11'....' 1 1 eprfngt, e&rJld r fmooll.1 2 ,..,-~ •• t * CLUJ( * SALES OllDER ExperleDC\"d ln .salff ordtr processiJw, me.inta.in orck'r loc and "'°""-'J')'pe '° wpm on electric. C•ll P•r sonnol Dopl. (714) 494-MOI TEL ON IC ENGINEERING CO. Lagun1 Be1ch Equal opoprtunity employer MISS EXEC AGENCY newport . pe1Sonnel agency 131 DOYER DRIVE NEWPQRT 8EMli -I llM Koypuneh to $515 APF' I One Yf&r exper. tlPha " numeric, lBM $2f ' 026 & Vf'rif)-.:r. Records Control Supervisor $500 FM Nogotl•blo s.petYlle I< Maintain engtn. ~ & te<:lutical. library. Llght purchasina-, superv~ small reproduction depart. ment.~ Stet Clerk to $500 l/t EPF, 'h CRF Statistical data for market· Ing research dept. Banking or simlllar background, 10 key & calculator. Gonl Ole. to $450 APF Very busy material control dept, typing, light ah, abil- ity to work with figures, last paoe. Acctg Cle rk to $425 APF Asst to Corp SE'C Trea •• $600 Secretary /Lega] •••••••• $600 Secty to Pres , ......... $550 Good accounting exper or Sec~frktg or Sales •• $.JOOup training, Glamour coippany. s.c1y!Pw-cha'"'1: ...... ...,. Typist $400 APF Musi "~" lo type, and be Sr Clerk, no skills ...... $502 Credit checker, bank • to$500 accurate at 60 wpm. S a~. l2J '-•UV> G irl Friday $400 tat t."l"ll.S •••••• '"""""' Keypunch .............. $476 FH Negotiable Bookkeeper • , .......... S-175 Bright young lady for advtr- General Office •••••••. , $450 tising finn. Accurate typ- Gen Ole/Architect ..... $433 ing, accts receiva~pF Clerk Typist ........... 1420 Reep! $350 1 girt ofc/medical , .... $:f"iO Bright, attractive young lady Serv Casl:rier/Laguna •• S340 to answer ~hones pleasant. Girl Friday ............ $346 Iv, lyJ>e &:. ~-APF l.girt Office/dicta.phone • •• • Exec Secty to $600 Tougb job -top pay. Exper- 410 \V, Coast Highway ienced "girl Frid~", ~h, Newport Beach IH6-3939 fast accurate typmg, lite 1'-':..:C'-'-'---== I bkl<J><. NURSE AIDE S.crotary $450 If YoU are interested In: * Progressive patient care * Service education *Excell. working cond's. Cali Orange Counties largest extended care hospital 5464450 ADVERTISING ARTISf Due to expansion the Pe.n- nysaver is a c cep ting applications for part-time LAYOUT. PAST&UP & PRODUCTION. Exp. pref'd. Apply in person Wed. thru Fri. Pennysaver, l S 4 5 Nl!WJ>Ort Blvd, CM. Female Secty. 500.00 A top beach area co. is look· Ing for an attractive gal with aood sec. skills, p-eat po. tenlial and the co. will re- imburse the fee. call Lo- raine, Merchants Personnel Agency, 2043 Westclill Dr., N.B. 615-2170, EXPLORER MOTORHOME CORP. Need• Good tvpist w/90me knowl- edge of bookkeeping, $2.00 per hr. Phone for interview ~3300. 'h EPF, 'h APF Sh. 100, type 60 wpm, front office appearance for beau· tiful office. Comtr Socty $500 EPF Experience _necessary. Good sh. accurate typing & abil· ity to work with sub con· tractors. Good with tlgures. Personne l Secretary to $550 EPF Attractive, well groomed, good skills & references. Work for a constructing com- pany in beautiful new oil· ires. PBX Recptto $500 CRF Must have good telephone techniques, voice &: ability to handle heavy traUic. Should have university or college background. Work with )'OUlli stall -mini skirt ok. Bkkpr to $600 C RF A/P, AIR, payroll, work some weekends. Good loca· tion &: office. • EPF, employer pays fH • APF, applicant pays fH • CRF, company reimburses fee SALES WOMEN ADVERTISING For exciting new .f.ashion s t / stnre in South Coast Plaza. ecre a ry CostaM•M. AppU c anl must be thoroughly ex. B kk e er pcnenced in re.Oy-to-woar. 00 e p Xlnt saliry &. comm. Apply Re sponsible, top . level in person, Al.ROE. JNC position for sharp, tek• -"c'""o..::,,::Ac~c::n..:t."c"i-er~k-·l cherge girl. Must have to $476 exce llent skills Incl, Able to use calculator + shorthand; ha ndle lite exp., call Lorraine, Aler· bkkpg; billing. Unde r chants Personnel Agency, 30. Cell B•rbara. (7141 2043 We:stcliU Ori~, N.B. 642--3910. M>2770 !--------- INTERESTING Po s i I i on mcetlng public. 21-29. at· tr a c Ii v e, unencumbered Car furn, salary 0pen. Ml-6198 Fishing Rod Wrappen Experienced. Top pay. Browning Mfg. Co. 1919 Placentla, C.M. 548-1171 GENE RA L INSURANCE AGENCY GIRL. Must be experienced. Salary open. 548-U85 Mr. Glb90n a e EXPERIENCED -TELLER- UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 300 ?.Jain, Hunt. Bch. 5J6.88Jl Equal opportunity employer I ~1' J DREAM J~b • Keep your im· I ~ portant JOb as wtle & mother & eam a wkly uz. llllHOr.11~ , ,f'_l 4=' paycheck, 544-38M,-636-J497 t--4SOO C-,_.Dr, •-N1.,,_, Acnur !--o,_,, C•""'J Air,., WOMAN for full t Im e l'hOM J46-l1JI · employment in beauty sup. ply store. Some beauty or beautician exp'd required. Call aft 7 p.m. 833-00'J3 Please Call For An Appointml?nL BANK Proof Operator/Coni· ADVERTISCNG ARTIST puter· Oeti(. Position n ow Due to expansion the Pen. available, at Security Pa· nysaver is acceptlni ap. clfic National Bank, S, La· plieatlons for part time runa Branch. 429-2224 LAYOUT, PASTE-UP & SA1..Efil.ADY -ladies wear, PRODUCTION. Exp. pret'd. aome iexperienct preferred . Apply In person Wed. thru ~ ..veek -Mad Fashions Fri. Penl'lyaaver. l S 4 5 l0o56 Adams at Brookhunl Newport Blvd ., CM. FRON T Dlll S K cl•I CLERK TYPIST tnedlca l /d e n talexp'. SO wpm. billing & genera] RtilUmlJ to Da:Dy PUot Box oUlce. S400 M 35' Many Other Ll,,lings: ..... ty n... to RUTH RYAN AGENCY 1 -.-r• rs 1793 Newport, CM 646-4854 J\LD t# "11: time, busy shoP, 179."\ Beach HB 847.0017 Htc. Bell. ~f ELECTRO~JC As.5EMBJ... WOMAN to, help care for ERS No experience neces- .,_. • ct.Jr tsatlent. lite Al')', Sm.all plant, du.y ahilt, Jwemk. &!>Od -• SENS!TRON INC, ....,.. 117..fJJI 225 Paulartno A'l-'e. e OOMPAHION for eltkrb' Coata Mesa, Calif. penoa. eW an,cl n.tahQ. SALES W 0 M A N. Ex· *a •* pttienced In ladle• read$ to llAID, pl ttme. · Call ln wieu. Apply ~1on thru Fri · -rpenon;-fflDI ... Shlres trom,.10 ... 4. APROPOs No. ....... ~ a..n, Jf.8. 2'1. To,.-n • Countey, Dt1.nac 4SSEMILEI ..,,-' ' ''"""' chab:o. b1n1. • -· TRAINEES' / t'< ' t . 1 "'ANOI' & ORGANS i.n.p, melt! P"""' U.M<. ' A(jENCY SUl~~~TURE t '. / Dicoa&TOI om :tANCIUAtlOlt". '~~~~c g:~~E_!~s:' J::f.; ASSE,,.ILY . 1 ~ I" OF 1a ·~v »~. Bead! MISlc Celifer * AUCTION * A MEMBER OF \ o-'"'"0. NS Spillish & ~111'!1!1 Fwri!t•t, , , . . u you wilheu or bu)" l"l:!<A 'I , ' I . I All l~ND N£W Factor)' ~I< :!<"1oe ' give Windy l tr:-SNELUNG & bi·11-#"'1·es '"' .... ;iom..~-·-DatJ, tl _, '111 '· s.t~ A..uona Frldo1 7,30 p.m. ltllllNGr ltl(. '5:~~:'.$~~ agumite() ~7.i~:.!~~~~~ J!i! ,El>~~ ~1;i;~ ense, and be e.ble to Pl• a agenC(Y' I:!'n1 ... Hftllll l'Hi w~"tt:il/................ Open ~8.1 1 to 5 rigid """"cal"""'· A decorator dream house on display - 3 ·ALWAYS A BUY AT ~~,;;'s~~./'~~;~ World's large st profess Iona I employment n rvlce I Harbor 11 Adams Cosla Mesa 540-6055 Secretary, Executive to Admin. Alert, aware & accurate typlng, Gregg S/H. For Newport Beach elec· tronics firm, Wt mov- ing busy office. To $500. Call Gloria Kay. Tellers l Tellersl Ftoue apply tn pcncn '" / ['_ rooms of gorgeous Spanish furn iture (was 0-;\'!,.~•_:o 0~~ny d(van. Naua•~• brand $129 new $115. ~ , reg._ 5.M new and used ••• ::; HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH 500 SuperiOr A venue Newport Beach, Ca.lit. Equal opportunity employer • M &: F Part or full time 10 women Pttded immed. for child care, aides or companions. Sitting Pretty Agency .Member of We Sit Better, Inc. Subsidiary of Gerber Prod. Co. 642-3274 quq,lift«d ¥" s•a IWU'IJlleed fine used oraaii.a NE,W Grolier Eneyi.;au.-.ia peraonMd 'SACRIFICE • • • • • • tN Bald~ft!n.en-~~~UI ::,· ~~l t~~ placement fllO MCllWIY Ott. ltlQUlltEO -we CAltltY OUlt OWM ACCTS. WU;llti.M'.htln.Thoma11 boobhelf. $2'15 $ts.-0223 11111 .mm FURNl_TURE ''~:IE;;~~oo':'d S~°t;.1~~: WOMEN New Wurlitzer spinet• $569 Quality klni bed, quilted, 1844 . Newport Blvd.Ha:. ...... , ~~~-~~~~·ms!';~, ~~ s":':'..:~-.= hoc S.Cry $500 Mission VleJo area. Must have good &kills, fee reimbursed. Jr L090f Sec $475 Must have good skills for nice offices in Santa Ana area. GI~ Friday $450 Orange County Airport area. Nice offices. Costa Mesa Only ENROLL NOWI HOBIE SUJtFBOARO I' Begjnnen ·clau 1....... · lcubo Tanks 1 lvtry lfllht 711 t-Wtd., S.t. & S...•fl,6 leam lo pl&y the organ. Six 49f.-&2l2 • weeks course, 1tarlln1 ·- June. 17 at 7:00 PM. Mite. Wan ... JOBS II E,..,LOYMENT fumltvre a..,..t.ec! re"'1ta, $12. · , IOOO Practice organa available. J""'-Men, Wom. 7500 1--------Aho "7' for more"'· WCE PAYSMOHRE O:.~~N~~!;. ~R!!~~ ~~·.';~.,i~= =~~r::10: A' . for a tecbnicill artist with 2854 E. ~!.,~Wf, Q1M , . .. ' 1610 SARAH COVENTRY baa openings for full or part time sales. Min. age 18. Pleasant work, no invest, no deliveries. For Interview call 540-0614/ 837-4749/ Some banking 847-8950 , ba ckground, pleasil'l& 1..;;;;;======. Acctg Clerk $450 Prefer over 30. Orange County Airport ,...ea. eJCJ>erienQ! in layout, ink & Office Furniture 8010 111-.., pasteup of charta, grafts & HAMMOND. StelnWQ •. '" For furniture, applianOes. personalily. Pick your own area. All company benefits, much public contact. Goes to $450. Call Gloria Kay. Secretary To adv agency Pres. Accurate typing, good slh, some knowledge bookkeepjng. Yo u n g dynamic boss, Newport locale, Go to $525. Call Gloria Kay. Artist, Gra phics An al l .round bacll:ground gets a spot you can ute your talents fully. Work variety & llexlble hrs. Goes to $650. Call Gloria Kay. Recpt/ Secty For Newport B e a c h legal firm. Good typing, no S/H , much telej>hone, public exper. To $550. Call Gloria Kay. Adv Girl Frid•y Fast, accurate paste up & accurate typing for Newport Beach adv. agency. A career spot. Collect samples & bring in, Goe1 to $607. Call Gloria Kay. Secretary Front oJf ic e ap. pearance, acrurate t)'l> ing , S/H , .Some knowledge bkkpg. Rapid advancement op. portunity. Newport Beach area. Goes to $500. Call Gloria Kay. Adv Paste Up & Typesetting For Costa Mesa printing house. Accurate le neat \\'Ork. FuU knowledge, willingness to learn a pl us. Goes to $45(1. Call Gloria Kay. Bookkeeping Checks&ba l anceg , accts payable. Alert, quick girl who lil<H variety. Some overtime, future, beach city. Start $500. Call Ann Willia.ms. Gener1I Office Auto Leasing. Prefer PXperienced, typing, fiJ. ing, sales. Beach city. Busy public contact & varie ty. To $400. Call Ann Williams. Leg1I Steno 80 wpm, JOO S/H. Plush modern office, generous benefits. Top Kiri wan- ting change to top spot. Competent. Start $52S. OlU. AM Williams.__ Secty to Pres. 50 wpn1, SIH 100. good wund bkkp~ experience, advert islng. Young staff. publir contact & variety. $525. Call Ann \~·u11ams. Girl Friday Harxile front o f f I c ' , neat. attrac11ve gal. Pho!M!'s &: bookkeeping. All around aptitude for husy spot. $375. Call Ann Williams. Tr1lnM Teller M 11 t u r e appearan(..'(! • Nt>w ai;cts. adjust-com· pla l nls, hand l e c u 41om e r s. 90me business experlPn~. To $100. Call Ann Williama • Job>-Mon, Wom. 7500 General Accounlanl Jnrluding all generaJ. , ac· counting functions in a small tni'g. co., audit of account- ing machine runs, journal entry preparation, pa)'l'Oll reports & control. Cash di• bursements, pttparation of monthJy financial & atatisti· cal report. A&siat controller in dept. P.lanning & special assignments. Related exper- ience required. Knowledge of bookkeeping machine OP- eration helpful. APPLY AT STACOr INC. 1139 Bokar St. Costa Meu 549-3041 An equal opportunity employer ITT JABSCO MECHANICAL ASSEMBLER Prefer someone w I t h mechanical assembly ex· perience. Good benefits and working conditions. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER {Male or Female) 1485 DALE WAY COSI'A MESA, CALIF. 92626 (n41 545-8251 *COOKS* EXPERIENCED a.nd NON-EXPERIENCED positions open Apply in person REUBEN'S COCO'S 1555 W. Adams Costa Mesa SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS P""Y Plan Mgr. $600 For nationa1ly advertis- ed ladies wlgs. car fur. nlshed. Excellent oppor- tunity! Train•• Commercial or P•oduc11 .. An $350 To learn paste up. Or· ange County Airport area. Clork Typist $347 Must be able to type 50 wpm. Solid future. D-1 Asst, $433 Must have chair side exPerience for busy of. lice. Hottou $347 Some light office work, for lovely Newport Beach restaurant. Hours 2-10 Tuesday thru Sat· urday. TralnH $286 Good personality & at- tractive. Checker Trainee $100 No experience neces-•a''" pictoriab for proposals It SI'EEL com~ releases ma.ha • Qe\'"r & used p1anol coloft'd TV, •tercot and aJ>. technlcal reports, A know· 11urp~us office fumltune. of all makes.. Beat bl.l)'I ill tiquea. ledge of reproduction & • File1 e De.ska • Chairs, So. Calif. rilbt here. Da..v or ni~ht photography ia desirable. :!:MAHAN'$ m •••• SCHMIM' 1907 , NMU. MPj~ OJ., m.3620 After July 1, We wilt be lo-'"" - rated at 2400 Michel!on 1830 S. Anaheim Blvd., In Santa Ana ' $ WE BUY $ Drive-Irvine ""-"' 92664 Anaheim (alOllg!lide S.A. . ' ' """'""· ' Freeway at Katellal THOMAS Electric o rgan Send resumes & aa1ary re-with all instruction book!. $ FURNITURE $ qu irements to: . XI APPLIANCES· DYNAMIC SCIENCE Office Equipment 8011 ~·~~~~:~~ c.iw TV't-"•n•·-s11,.,•, P:O, Boie 668, Monrovia, Cal. DeJUR G ncf St I Pi1e1 et H•1ue fl/II 91016, Attn: A.R. DeLellis. tran . 'bl ru ig hi enorette SILVERTONE Organ with CASH IN JO' MINUTU Equal opportunity empl~r scr1 ng mac ne, used chords & pedals. Very little • 541 •4531 • 3 times, UJQ. 494-3960 use. Orig. $395. Sacrifice! rt Addressograph -Elliott $175. can 54M903. WA N T E D TI0wp0 · with supplies, aen1ce BALDWIN Acrosonic French Personnel n....,., ,,,.,,_ """"· """1ll50. s.u $695. Mr Rigga 646-4494 or •. agency G""a"r"•s.,•;..:S:.:•:::l•;.... __ 802=2 M&-2159. TECHNICAL Sl'ARTS Mon., 16tb, 1~7. UPf_UGHT Piano, good cond. POSITIONS Hundreds 01 ltems. Furn:, Painted. Make offer. Many professional & tech. appliances, antiquei, rugs, 53&3976 nlcal positions available. saddle, lite fixtures, woi'!d WANTED Call M. Baughman, 642-3870. globe, games, c 1 o the s, SPINETS & GJµNI>s 833 Dover Drive scooter, tape rec., dishes, 636-·362>. Newport Beach collectables/ 307 Goldenrod, UPRIGHT Piam. Beautifully WONDERFUL (lpportunity CdM -relinis~. $150. We need quality (no ;funk please). Furniture, c olor TV'1, atereos. applia.nte's, tqols and oUlce ·equipment. TOP CASH IN 30 Minutu! 531-J.ru * 893--0555 WANTED: Child's pla.Yhouse and · covettd a and box 646--016 FREE TO YOU for six aggreNive yoong GARAGE SALE * 545-7093 * people to learn a new pro-JUNK· TQ ANTIQUE PIANO WANTED B le W, grey & W, and all lession. 7 hours of training 336 A. Victoria, CM in rear (Z13) 8T1-l005 Pvt Party grey, kittens; intelligent, for l hour of work In beauty BACK Door Sale. Sewlngl=;==:=::=o;;;::::= an1using, b o use b token Keypunch Oper. culture Jield. 496-9436 • dos. machine & i:nisc items. 1882 Hi-Fi & Stereo 8210 GT~5983 6116 to $4lJ ed Monday. Monrovia, CM 642-7249 2 DARLING Box traiMd klt- M"•l have 6 months ex-STEEL desk, refrlg., dl'll.f-Kl.HBo Stereo, series. 24· J.-F. lens, part Persian, 8 wks.. " Schools-lnstrudion 7600 x 313 125 Sherint"°n PL Id 14492 •-"·-L H B perlence. Ung _equip. tools, other N ' r't Be h • o · .-iMU"ll n. · · · Educational Vacation 5th valuable items. 545-3020 l!WJ>O ac 897-6937 6/16 Und....,ltlo9 Clork graders • • • Sr Cittze"ns C & E I 1300 MOTHER cat S moa. Old I: to $347 " Chilcoat 10 lesson lyping Appf11nces 1100 •meris qu p.· her baby nttd a new home. Must be married. '-'==.:.::;..... __ _:.;..;. 149 n... A a ·"-5 PM Sehl. Trial Lesson. 173 Del LARGE General Motors STEREO Realist camera, ....Y• pt. ~'""' Polley Typist $312 Mar C.M. 548-28,j9 Fr 1 g 1 d a 1 r e refrigerator Dash attachments & car-cC::M::_ ______ _ ?>1ust be good typist. POOR Grades'!'-Summer Very gd cond. $32. 546-5465 rylng cases, $40. 494-3960 LONG haired black calico Tutoring now avail. Remed C.M. 1-=he=l=5='p=m====== female kitten. Pure white Seamstrftlft reading teacher (USC creel) 1 · long &: short haired klttem, Experl:c~·25 0~' will =~ on phonic a . ~~~~A::a~hlne.=!~ Sportlng_Gooct __ , __ 1_5_00_ 836-4493 6nT train on po\ver ma· 11",,:.:,,;,,.,.,,_~==--,..-needs minor repair $50. Skin Diving Equip FREE K111'ENS B&W male, chines. DRIVmG LESSONS. 1st 549--0283 aft 6 PM. U.S. Divers tanks tr ..•... $S9 wh. fem, f}r ,k W male. Je5.s0n fre"e!' Dual control 68 FRIGIDAIRE Custom U.S. Diwni regulators fr $40 Hsbrkn. wnd. OR 3--8QI bef. cars. Patient, lOcal in-Jm p e r i~.1 MobileNewNylon llnedWetSults 5 S/J7 S.Ciy /Dlctophooo Huntington Beach office. Salary commensurate with ability. MEN structors. a-Altro Driving dishwasher. Cherry top, low as .............. $39.~ LARGE Frigidail'e! ttfrlger· School 836-5731 front load $130 646..&888 Custom duck feet fin11 .. $8.$ ator w/bottom deep freeze. MO.NTESSORI &: Pre-School KENMORE Automati c AQUATIC CENTER Xlnt cond, except broken children acceyted ye a r washer, xlnt cond. ~ w. C.out Highway handle. 4%2157 6116 round. Ages 2% to 10. Call: $35. * 8«7-8115 Newport Beach 673-5440 HELP Find a home Jor kit- Store Manoger 64&-3706, S4l-569T WHIRLPOOL. Auto. washer. SURFBOARD, 9'3" $ 2 S. tens. 2 .oort-halr calico TralnH $600 Swimming Instructor Late model. "1nt cond. $6S. Good condition. fem. 1 tabb)' b u I t Must be married, some Very Certilied. QualWed &: 847-8115 962--6870 546-9965 6/17 retail experience pre-Experienced, 543-5552 -:P.10TIIER Cat &: f kittens, ferred. Many fr 1 n g e MERCHANDISE FOR \~~ .. ~~ootho gn~~~~-~~ Miscell1neou1 1600 a.s!lorled colon. Free to beneftti1. Excellent op· SALE AND TRADE good hbme. Call 5CS--298t portunity. cellent! $50. 54l--0626 PAINTING & after 5:30, all day Sat. 6/19 Auto Rental Furniture IOOO AUTOMATIC Washer &. Gas PLUMBING FREE To aood home 6 MaltOC)tr Tralttff Dryer both for $SO,• Spray guns • Compres-adorable kittens ust'd col· Must be bondablc. Costa SPANISH Returned from separately $30. 545-1318 sors • Elec snakes • Pipe ors, before 10 and after 6. Mesa company. Model Homes OD nle at FRIGIDAIRE $37.50. Apt. dies. Call 494-2.835 • 6/16 less t!'ian wholesale! Group gas stove $50. 1769 Tustin. United Rent All lranch MotHMJtr includes beautiful 9 6' • 642-289(1 NEED food, shelter for Trainee $450 quilted sofa & love seat, 710 ,W. 19th St., Costa Mesa Abandoned skinny Yeliow E II 3 S ...... ,_.. __ ,_ ... --ra•-'68 17 cubic foot Admiral 645-0760 manx & mallese -& wht klt· ' Ftt paid. xcc ent op. _.. .. ,,.. .,..... """'"' .... portunlty for Young tp_bles, swag or table lamps, upright freezer. Exec. Cond. A'M'ENTION: Marquette ten. 540-6183 until 4 p.m. • man. wall placque, king, queen, $200. 54~ tune-up equip, like new. % PERSIAN Kittens, they SalHmctft $600 or full 1lte btdroom suite BllO sna~n air chisel & impact are beautiful. Please take complete incl box sprinp, Antiques wrench. Jet air-rond. equip. them before they have to plus Commission mattresil, linens & boudoir JS .n-d m· I'd in Frontier &: stock. T·UP mach. and go. 548-5977 6/16 Potential of $12 to $20.-la Spa · b oak 6 ~ · · mps. nis pc Relics, gnns, Civil \Var other nusc. call alter 6 1 ONLY. Abyssinian male 000 per year. dining set priced elsewhtre iterils? If 90• why oot do 897-4837 kitten. Beautifully t!Cked. Shoe Salesman at approx. $1195.00 ALL. your Dad'• Day shop"g at McGREGGOR Goll CJubs Weaned &: tr a In ed . $125 wk, FOR ONLY $399. Pl down, Helen Ml\nnlng·Ant. 2428 (14) & bag. SGO. Japane.!!e &16-4698 6/16 Will t rain. $4.99 per "eek / out of Newpt Blvd, CM Crear) Lithophane Chin!. tea set, 2 ADORABLE pup,i, white, t state credit OK. WI I I 6:12-9251 gold/hand painted $ 5 0. F, 1 M. 6 v;ks to gd. home Manater TralnH separate for quick We. 20th Port massage tble $50.. !J62...18S8 H B. g117 $425 r.entury Furniture, 917 2 Sfwtng Machines 1120 546-0561 eves. ' 1 Costa ?i-fesa Company. Garden Grove BI v d . , HAPPY Healthy k I t t e n • • Muslin -Humid -Booty -Garden Grove Dally 10.9, 1969 SINGER wi1h zig·u.g l f. ..8X.1S)p.5, ancl 2 8-45X15, Weaned It housebroken. Ca.light ~ HUSBAN Architectural Sat-11).f,-SUn tu Come''-7~90Je . Mliltei blit· tires -good oondition, ·$60. 548-1615 -611'1 Pity the poor movie queen. -.D1aflstnClft ti $4.50 hr In or call C71t} ~5240 tOn holes designs etc., $5.25 Desk 4xfi with glua cover GERM,AN Shepherd, female, kno Newport B e a c h com-. $36 .. 00 h 526-6616 '150. 6 Mo. old green nylon h'l•-She neve-r ws where her ApproveCI Furf'ltur. mo. or . cas · carpet 50 yards $2/yd. 5 mos .• good with c '""'"n, next IJUSBAND is coming pany. S?a;nish & Afedlterranean Musical Inst. ll2S 847-0055 BEAUTIFUL. 64$-0127 6n6 from . Shop Trt1lnet1 Furniture • Sale! Sale! Must 3 LONG haired kitt~m. 6 REAL ESTATE to $2. hr !\ell all! Bldg. beillg tom Guitars • Amps • Drums LAMP, Table: Patio &et, v.:ks. old. Ready Jor iovl,ng SALESMEN l\.lilitary complete. down to make room for ·NEWAND USED Dres_ser, Orte?tal rug , horn!!. 642-8308 6/17 ' boilding" 21'9 H """ 12 MAJOR BRANDS Stud>0 Bed •.. 68 wuber. •.'an ted . Beach ofc., EVENJNG ne\ · · a • ,..,.. -~~ • •"•· Item• 2 HALF Persian Beauties, 9 established 25 yrs. At>-APPOJ.NTMENTS Cos'ta ~lesa. Daily 9-9 Sun. Also Many Importa At "'10'"'°'" """""· wk$. old. Pel"ll(f18llt)' plu1I pllcant must be exp·d. good AVAD...ABLE BY 10-5. 548-9660 BIG DISCOUNTS SALE-FUrnlahlngs~ mis c . Box trnd. 536-9606 6117 • kno '"-X1 I APPOINTMENT MOVING I ~·ERYTH!NG ~· MUSIC Mcwlnc: out of • t. t •• w .. .., area. n com· · : sp. Pano, stereo, ..,.., u' every.I.tung goe\111 213 Uth BLACK Kitten, male. Short mf'1 .. ,ion -s~i!IO. \V ~.o ~~u.,art M:-;Ev .o~~Rp~E al.~rled chairs .," '!.~~~s. Beach Music Center SL, HB. 5.l3-3976 hair. fret to good home. oo e, 11•;;r-w or ,,.,\>..,., . POSmONS. 1ving room su1 e, Ullmig Jlousebroken. 641H.162l '6/lT WAIT~. COCKTAIL rm. suite, : bdnm, one 9 Sa &-5 UNICYCLE WAIT RESS. COOKS /f'"'...._ refrlg. Other valuable Daily12 noonUU, l $20 Clrl'ET\\·k.oldmtxed pup. BUSBOYS.' / ./ f'......-....... items. 546-218t J741W Beach Blvd. (Hwy. 39) 673-27~ att 6 pies tree to ad. home. / I ' 1~ ml '°' San Diego Fwy. I==='~~~-~~-I 548-2365 6/16 apply in person Approved Furniture Hunti1'8ton Beach 847-8536 DIAMOND Solita.lre wedding Newport Grotto ,,,,. ...._ ""f'. Spanllilt & Medlterranean l!Of ())gt $395 eell f15 cub 18 OLEANDER lrtt1, 5 to T • 3333 w. Coast Jtwy. N.B. /" I ' y l"'-Fumlture. Sa.le! Sale! Must Pi•not & Orv•nt 11301='613-3600,,..,.· ==-"""'·.,...,.,...,,--.,.-· ft high, pink. k white. You 64"'4298 t . L/" .!ICU all! Bldg. being torn DJAMOND Cocktail rina .•• :;,.::·,,:"::3-3525:..::=------I TEACHERS AND dow'n to make room f o r JUNE SALE!.!! Have appnl $675. all $250. 13 CtlJ'E P'Jppies lo aood SUB TEACHE ltS / I• I" lf,""'C:.::'obu-='"ll~dl::ng.:.!_!_2_15_'_1_'•_rho_r., I Factory anthorized cleara.nee 67S--41ll ,""",,..,.;,;'.:.'·.;;.,._,::..72.1<1='----I Summer e.mployinent • full C1:'5ta .,!:!~.;. Daily s-9 SUo. of ove~ • .returns k demos ROLEX SOiid gold man'• FIVE kittf:n&,' real citte! or part Hme. Gu.rnn!ced ,,,.. · ort<>""'1W J>il,nos f:' Organs. Practlce watch, gold Band. Like ne•. About 5 wks. ~104 6/J· tneome. For appointment a· b1"lfft"e s MAPLE Twin .l dbl. beds. pianos. new walnut spinet C<:i$t $575 sac. 67l-6635' :l BLAOQI while kittena to C41J &1S-9557 9-12 am , 6-3 pm. chests, des\(, dinette, 6 capt. pl&nos, new A used Grands OlAMONO v.'eddi.ng rina: set. good ~s. ~3 6/lfi Teller Trainee HAffi STYLIST'S needed. a nlim if e () ~!'~ .... sofa, tbles., lamps. & d~mo Baldwin Organs Worth $150, ~crlttce $50. TOP Soil will help d'• and \Vlth ao l t d math Hiah Commission. Russ C "V '"_,.IO<I te&IJ.y .A lnl\y on money~· )oad. 8"2-4825 '*6116 bAckground consldel"('d. Thompson Hair Styltat. ~gef'?, (7 , 2 PAR.IS f:&ch e.voce.do a.nd savln; SALE!! ~t ln on1.:::..::;::. _____ ~ · Adding Math i proof 67~961 48I E . 17th StrMt blue. lined, wide and long, the hta: deals at.: . CERAMIC KILN $75 GREY & Whitt kitten. opc1111or. Ex c e 11 en t 1.:...:...::;;;:_______ ~-.. ~-•1 •a -w••o·s ......... " .. ' ~""'JO 548"""" \l."te.lal old. 962--5700 6/16 EXPERIEJ1CE1) Suite 2:24 .u:;;;•·~~;.~::;,;~;.:;;~-:::;;;,_,,~ ~ ~""'••Yu - btonefll!I, futurt, Call DESK a.ERK. CottA Mesi '42•1470. DAILY Pll.O'r ·WANT~ADS Ul9 Nft"POrt, C.M. 6tU4&4 CHAR.CE YoUt want ad now. Bt;ACK · kitten, t w.k 1, Ann Williams today! Phone 646--7443 ..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,'Jl __ _:BlllN~::G::.:;llE:=..:WL::::_T:_:S1:;_. -White elepha.nll1 Dtmw..JJne DAILY ~n.or WANT ADS! hou&ebroken. 49f..6828 tin -.... -KITf loOI ma!• -old- "SA.~ lone< """' """' 5411-' BEAi -fectl bom H.B. raE: bya silv., part Very """ ten. "''" CALi beat teJll. -PET Pets -FtlL1 .,..,, ""k bits C1t1 SIAY kittE qUal eve! ~ ALA! """ colo frier Intl• gooi Reg op. z 6 P""I REG 2869 • to nus: ma! 64>- Wii "" !or Aifc OUT. Sbel ,..., OIAl Eng l.oV< GER .... .tan. UiVi .... ... : Hor. BEA" Per: al I offei TIU B .. 1 SI Imm cont ..... pert lath ''"' dee< ...... J fu PR COR COR COR Sav, SAB " New p Cal e PJ "' (213 so; ..r Ca: !. s.1· 211' ""' Jllo ~ D ~ UC FU dO • ,..;=~~~..,,...,.--r;;or.;c~~~~ TRANSPORTATION JRA~SPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ~~SP~RTA~~ TRANSPO,TATI , Sall~ • 91110 Troll1<, ·Trov11 v. 9425 C 9-,Imported. A-Hao lll""'rtod Au10t HOO lm""f't"' A•"-HOO L __ , -1o u~~ r.,. KnTENS' eny lo while . •l!lfl"rt · ..., ' r.; .... __ ~ ""· •·-Auto ...... n -- ....,.._ """"" llrer KITENo.539.LIU..,..con. TENT TRAILER,"""' otv, TRUCK• Camper llSDll. 61 FERRARI MGB VOLKSWAGEN .~ LE'"I .~ FORD inaJe· lnr A: wb·lte dJtlon. BUdn.i bbw, milt blue: b box. wtr tnk. xtra rm. rnss;-i owl!U.,\-1 «iii." ,..... rw ,..... ~ ~ l<m&le T\i ""' ~ = =~ '= 1«1!!11\!f!.~ . <-wrl 1* pictu"' FERRARI MG •ff \IW'e 1: ~ "5°'!::,.~ ~ l9G ,;D ~ ltallon old. ,.... .q 1115.-TliJll8-7111 T 9500 ' -I for dJninr, 19'17 N....... lmporu Ltd. °" Sain, loryleo, Pull noa:tJlATE DELIVER! ro. olrllntd Illa, V"'! wnd/1-w-. Cleu. '1llO. IPrr "SAM" -•home wldl a , · ., rucb ·. , ?!~ CM . """' ~!>'• cal> """"" lmmedlato °""""· -,,,_,~ Wiii It; -toj>. I -"°""' -Oii lon<lt Individual. or older ~ID Ti.l..~: 'Iii FOIU> 1' T v.-R.H., WANTED: Good ..id campe• lud "'"'"· AD -.$21J DOWN .,....._ w/o/w Ira., 1M 'Iii LTD, -/oJll1K 'ilili COUIJW, ~~'! ~ tun raclJlc aeu 6 extru. ' ewit:m 1M. ''Mldrle· $600. ot &hell !lo fit 19(18 • ~ ton ~~~cr::;:rs Mt.OS * .. IDOi SUI mo. . • ooad. flllllt -1 to ·-~. -~~; llMO<I· 4M-Tl3S 1030 L1nOoo Pl, CM. lotVbedplcl<-up.Mu&•beln NewPOrt ... ch -lllnll-4« ~- ,,.......__ ..,.... ' 5U-3C39 a: o o d co rd l t Io D A 642..$405 ~O.J76' UIJa, J'UD 2 )'I', M,OOD 1111 Cid Cpe de 'flDe.. pwr C&l1 aft f U Mal u;AUTU'UL Wbll>l>ola, l lJ' lJ~G, 4oc ~ MIJS'LSELL TIDS WEEK ............ 6C-6528 Authorlud MG Dealer ID! -· A..U oni1 at wind, 1-W&i' 11 6 dt lodii: "5 2 DR. HT. ID-. ..... male• 1 !•malt.-.11-~i,,;T~~'!.belcrtui '69 'llT l"ao!. 5IM68I" T & M.MOTORS tilt otr wbl. olr ....i, ----tlnl, -t.. -lo• In• --' .....-.. pri ply. C•mper R•nl•I• 9522 FIAT ""' w. Cout'H .... NJI. IOl1 a-. Gl'IMI Bl... ..,, -AM/JV, w/o/w, ll1llt-. •• 21111 borne, 8291 °""" Dr, .olM "~ _..,.,.., . ...._ 61().l* 5".2281 et Boech maim Lie 11«1 mo, , '6S GALAlm 1!!Jom11ir H.B. 1111 Powo. r CrvlMra 9020 JO.p0, 9510 * EXPLORER '* oo TIAT iSO Sports ·Ooupo. Ai'-NQi Deeler OPEil llUNDAY SOUTH COAST • no. O>nd. ..,,.. ..u. FREE Love! Puadbo lab-By Wftk or month. Lmurt-L!,!00 ml, xlnt coodl Fl'ee 1966 \ MGB, hidtoitt topo, '61 VW ~R LWINO -; -' bys 1bow qua!. one l:Jnr, w 161,fMz:•IOftM,r · OU&, Sleeps 6. Sell COlltaJb. flow exba.Ult. ~ Race wire\ ,ib1a. lhowtOoal eond. ~ Ooiicut\OD tn6i. a SCIO W, Cit Hwy, NB ~ '51 !'ORD ~ ,yltb 'll oilv., one ""°llo, ·.-.. frllTftl 1 M fftUI 'l 4 wbeel , one owoer, ed. Limited DWnber, C.U Abe.rib cam, ndlo, ....., "'"""2 i \ ou~ honey ....., m., plUlh U 9900 .,,p., pa1oc1 r u • n h 1 partioa on11. ·1145-4522 •Ill AVl.ll'!An M"lUA low "'"'"""· .,,.,io1e1t Uk• todoy, ldru. 11400 ""'2'15 bllOk lnterJor., $12!1 Cuh led Cara CODdl =. ~ v.,.., ....... ~1w1111o 23• lollb•Allmond .n -. . new. v.a, automa& .....,.. LEISURE RENTALS °"""'°"""' s.,1 'ST Flat OPEL dell. dlr, """'-. ~ 1ow TIRED of SHOPPING seml·long halrect' baby kit· bardtcP cndser. •150 hp 1Q ~"';"~·~~: (nf) 6'2-6611, (TI4) 8.17-3809 850 cpe, Blue, under 17,<XXI pymnt._ LB VIU lJM, Call BECAUSE OF UNCOLN ~~ -.. 6 • ""'-$4950. Clll '*'816 ...,,.. h""" be&vy duty ml. SlL!O Owner muat ""' '66 Op41I Kadltt Bill. -•-tumed doWftf • Nol--~,:..;;...:..;:.;... __ I ,,,_, owrload spring•. Dune B1'911I.. .9525 .6'734!ll l'Hib.dc Cou-vw · WESTPHALIA down _.,if •Out ot 198'1 u:::::,;~2!:~ CAIL 6'~:1>1l tcr die "'°" •-•-U111t -" -~~··"· D B ShoW' $ I ~ CA.MPMOBILE Po P · U.p "°'° crodltl ml& -· --· beautilul ond -· kit· Speed-Ski ..... ~ b.'~"';:'j, j5ii6'.::-" ...::..:~ ~ 11'9. a.a!! MERCEDES BENZ --whoell, ... Top, lib .. ,.. oond. oric. Ooll ...... -.. -"° rut. -m4ll!! ~~!!';..! ..,....., l black. 15' FIBERGLASS boat, 65 hp Lie. No, VU'"" lrom $249. Cluome ml! ban, dlo, UC. l'l;;:-11!885 ownen -they ba4 lin>I * 19U031 * ::.-=.=-=--~=...,...cW:=; moio. & lraller. $500. or 111\Y $3799 114.!15. La Pu Dune BUIOll' to utllbo .,...._ MERCURY supennarko~ 3623 w:. war-~ FOR A GRADUATE BUICK ·a MERc. w-..••· o.. ner, SA 54&«KS.· ()pen Sat, ft ~ Tan '68 VW Exel, Cond. :.-Pell, 0.nerol 1800 Boot Maintenence 903) Sun. ~~ MUii llOll, 21.000 mL oltet '61 Buick Spldol *~* rroo ' FULL °"'""' ... be.bles. JAO<'S El..-U, -= cc ....... Manx Loaded, ~o ' p.m. fGSl33. Sedan, v.a, ·!~, dlr, tad. MUSTANCJ Geese, ducks, c b I eke n.1 , Electlical repair. fttnod, Must Sell! Great bu)' for oo-~~ '64 VW, new 1600 ene., euar.. alr, pwr 1tr, n.ipt Jrom turkeys, a:ulnea brlll, nb-new inltallation. 543-8329 ly $1395. 50-3642 'w~ ~' new tnt., stereo. XLNT IAilure WCll'ld. $125 cub MUsr SELL 19Bf Mmtalll 1 I bits&. cages. ~~ . l." Ji' c:ond. JJ.250. m.-663C deL or take tore1a:n car. Call Yellow w/Bl&ck bit. A/C , ' 1.:::=o;;;::=;;;;,;;:~= Ma I E I 9035 '\ Imported Aulol '08 250-8 .(Blg • Dr. Sedanl -""9713 or 56<lt!34. p,, .-113.000 ml C1t1 1820 rne qup. · AUSTIN HEALEY AJr.<:ond,•lee•lodow 1, -Ext,66orST VOLVO '62 LE SABRE =am putt, ·.y;:1882 •1!8»•. . . . CONTROLS, -54!l:JOS1Ext,!60<6T AM·FM. 15,300, -Zl4f l910HARBORBLVD. tomllea.Verytr..h.18JOor·l.,..,;,,;;~====•1 ,; SIAMESE Cboa>lale point auembty, props, hloWon. IJl'lll HARBOR BLVD. prlvato party. rosrA MESA VOLVO ""'--· OLDSMQllll ' ,: klqualitte~_. 2R<gl'-i1/t•,""',4' ,.-2'8 hhu:~t '"1 II tond lightlngt QJf!fA ME;SA ~e~:Sco~~:i.~~ =: 1&).'58 MERCEDF.S, good PORSCH" '62PBBUICXto !pecial~v.bePS, <:?: •1• " -, " c ......... · na rumea. 1 ·'67BRONCX>Wagont·wheel 491-9629 · condition. Call after 5 pm. -. NEW 164 _..:._•_.~ •• ':~~-or 11 • .• <i eve1/w)mch:. · ' w 1 n d 1hIe1 d S. inboard drive, 6 .,.,. -•11,.. beater, * 833-1050 ~ --tranunlulon .and ps tanks. ..,. ... •-....... . PORSCH&fixer tipPer. & ·J : haM """ "'~ Red with white DATSUN ~>11'=-"•oa=-'250~-olr-~lu~to~FM,,;,f'Body"" • In• -work. NEW 1800 'GS RlVlERA, ell equip., BRANO NEW •: Dogs 1125 :C. aeu:'::!.:ie. ~ bardtnp. $1.~. Call 879-&1!8 like new, 'pvt 'party: 714; MeclwrlcaJ..l.y ~nt. Extras! NOW ON DISPLAY ~~~· ~ OOd;)i wrk. '69 CUTWS :'l• ALASKAN Malamu~s. Csled CHRYSLER Outboard~ HP C1mp1n 9520 'c9 DATSUN 00-6677 Pr1ce reduced! &C-5191 fl L ·fii dog pUpl), AKC. ~uWul . with remote and direct con-Big sedan. 96 hp, overhead '58 MERC'!:DE'.i 190, new int. eGJt Ain: 1 '66 BUICX Riviera AM-FM 'l"ll fri"'•lorlngndly,· ""10!!.., fanl• ~~-to' trols. Extra prop, used 8 cam eng .• dlr, 4 spd, radio, new paint, ad. cond. RENAULT UlllG rad,m ~~~~-~'!~};ow F4.S SPTS. CP!. f.~ ·-.... -J ...... -• ..,,., -~-• _,_......., CAMPER hea~. wsw tires, Joaded! ,.~,. -...... a-.1 ., • ., •ft>G ue auua. ......... vn-..... Oetux. belts front A: rear, 11, b"ain. Perfect Mow -·~·· -·~ =•C 3'00 Mlle.. under '"""" ~·-·~ ~ 7 RENAULT IHPORTS podded duh, fllllJ fAclory ; i good for breedtn1 '. •tarL $425. Cub. 5t9-Ui.30 Sales· Rentils waminty, Bal to tine, $1715. '6 f TA-YOLYO CADILLAC eqWpped. =-~ I I ! • • 1 I: . ' . " . • . I t t . • ' • Regi>"red purebml, 1125 EVINRUDE 10 bp, ftm<>le, Authomed Dealer Take $75 cub-dell, <>I' old" MG Jl.IO 4 Dr. Sedan. StlD -1966 Huber, ~~ 6'6-8!031 --------$199 DN. $65 Mo. 'I up. 49'1-3573 ta.bk-equip, Sale or trade ~·-F::ra~~~ car, lBD 8025, Call Bill MUST ,aell '69 M.G-BGT, N~ ~·DlrNo-.,!82.!:, $1311. '69 VOLVO 2 Dr. 1US. tac '6t OOUPE de Ville. fQJ] S2399 f I PUPPIES 1125 or,.. hp._.,,.. 54Ml63f. ·----· --•-~-~ -•·t 1 '1 HELMSMAN SEAT 8' Cabover Low M ==:=======-1 British raclne Ire en, • air, AM·FM. ~ atrast ....---• ~-. -....... · • ' 6 ...... old ...,. Qlcker Hvy duty, chromed,.... M~ IOO ENGLISH FORD ::::,_1m ~~.WI ml Xlnt SUBARU =545-6788======= IWJ. 51G-182S n I puppltt.~~ ~ upholstery. 6f6.319l Theodore CAMARO Plulb Td A lJc. 1: ROBINS FORD i .-.. -CAMARO---a-IPd--lld.-11:•':..i m:,. ~ ft lloel Slip Moorlnp 9036 REGISTERED DalrnaUon. 2969, Mendoza, ·Costa Mesa. SI to 5 OR 3-8420 "WANTED" Side tie or lllp 2060 Harbor mvd. R/H, PS. ytilow wlblk on 48 months. 4PP.f'l'Y'd Cotta Mesa 642-0010 int, Heut atfack,,mQlt eell. credit. Ser1al No, S.11779Zll.. for 24' power boat IRISH Setter, AKC champlOn Call Mf..<ll02 male, 10 Wks, sired. Temui. ========:-* PAM-TOPS * 64'-5065 lloet S.rvl-9037 All llleol ohelh. Sain & ..,,. ta1a. $149 up. Buy factory WlAi Hair Terrier, no P&· SMlTll BOAT REP.1."" d1rect. JDlO So .. Harbar, SA. ..... beaut dog, LOOktng ~ for ltUd. M5-00e) Fiberglulng &: pe.lntlng '67 Dodge Sporfmlan AKC Blade Female Pood1t Free Est 847~, 5tl).555S completely equipped camper 3 Monthl old '35 xlnt oond. 548-74n e 893-3306e Bott· "Y •cht 9039 For OaUy Pilot Want Adi Charters Dial ••• ~ for RESULTS OUTSTANDING lg, Grman • _;;,;._.;...;c.;;. ___ ;__ , ,,;;:;~~;;;;~··~~~~;,.L;:~~~~~~=~=::::;;;;;;;,,~~= Shep. PYP'· Parenti OD BLUEWATER OIARTERS Imported Autos pnmlsos, $ll..M7~ Zl' Trojan, """"' CHAMPION bred female 26' 'lbunderblrd,, Sail Engliab Bull.. AKC rte. Skipper available · 646-8000 I.cYes mndren. 545-2951 GERMAN SHEPHERD MoblleHomM 9200 pups, AKC R'"'d. m.c> 6 BAY HARBOR .mn. 5 """"· 54""682 Mobile Home SalH LOVEABLE Dachabund Cua Loma Roll-Away pups, AKC. black le tan, 12 hraton Manor • Homette • l=w: .. :"':·:897:=:-7297:=::::==== Kit .Prestige·~ . , ALL SIZES H..... laO Now ON DISPLAY BEAt.rnFUL'• :,..U. old !Illy 142 Beker St, Personality plUI! Saaif!~ % Nock i::.t ~Blvd. a1 s:m. hit ·must tab best a.ta Mesa <n4) 54().9470 offer. 673-2456 TRANSPORTATION' GREENLEAF PARK :.;;:;:,:::;:.;;:;==='--ln clear, clean, COO! Costa BNf'I & Y.chf'I 9000 ·Mesa. New 92 rpace adult park. Models & Sales office SP'ORTSFISHERMAN! located at Parle. Open 9 AM $19,500 to 8 PM. !mnw:ula!e 38' lll6l dual ACCENT MOBILE control fb'1nl bridge ex· HOME SALES press! Ouyslet V-8'a. In 1750 Whlttitr Ave. perfect oondition. Radlo, en.ta Mesa n4: &0-1350 fatho.. halt tank, ~ UDO Peninsula, 35X8', step, etc. Sleeps 6. N e w furnished. Large enlc patio, decorate?' interior! Leavin& exclusive area, 54f..8970, area, must sell! eves &-v•eekenda JOHN GRANATH BD Y.ACHT SALES VERY cloan l0x4T 2 • rup, <I.rps. a w n 1 n &: 1 , for ~ phone 673-3570 Beautiful adult park. PRE-SUMMER SALE 64&-2632 9600 Imported Autos ll"t • c•r tti1t wo11't 9"'9 yoa ·:r.· thl119 to worry •bout. W• "'' • 1ur• of th1t. W1 9i.,. ft th• VW 16-poirit ••ft ty •'"' P•rfonn111c:• t•1t. It h11 to p111. So W• 9iv• it 011r I 00 % 9u•r111t11 th1t w•'ll r•• pl1c1 111 1t11 jor rn1c:h1nic:1I p1rt1• for ]0 <il1y• or 1000 mil11, whlth· IYff COll'I•• fi,.t. lu1't th1t whit • 11-c:1r-ow111r 1111ch1 A bu9 th1f wo11't ctn.,. yo1i1 11uh. WE SELL LOVELY BUGS 9600 $ SAVE $ Executive C•r Sale Hurry Whlle They Leoti WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR W eu Lfmib coNNru CHEVROLET IHPORTS XII llarW m ... TOYOlA·YOLYO Colla Mesa 545-U» B'iu'" M:Ax"EY CO~F.!!~tLLY I Forelgn Or Sporb Can !TIOIY)Q!T!A PAID FOR OR NOT 11111 BEACH BLVD. B. J. SPORTSCAR Hunt. Beech M7-45511 CENTER 3 ml N. of Coast Hwy, on eCb 2833 Harbor mvd. TOYOTA HEADQUARTERS ELMORE Costa Mesa 540-4491 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR !Dr aood.. cle.n uaed can. all makes. See George Ray Theodore Robinl: Ford 15300 Beach Blvd. Wstmnstr :lOOO Harbor Blvd. Phone 1191-3322 C.M. 642-<IOIO Pri ply tl3H4l2 &3Sl. • CHEVROLET --'--· -•. ·--NEED A CAR? We Can Help You! • U others have turned ycu down e U you have no down payment, • U )'Oll are em· University Oldsmobile l : ,: . : I ; :i: J • • ployed. 2850 Harbor O.t& Meta : Many modell to -b'Oln 540-9640 ! : * * Call Mr. tJlmtt 193-SOll GRADUA'nON GUt or ae-1 : ==-=--,--,~.,--,-I cx..nd car • 1964 Oldl 1'85 , ; '69 El Clmlao 3S6, ' -Sports Cpe, ...-. lull ' very low mileage. $3200. power, air, good condition • ~ • $M94 bet 1 &: 4. by original owner $600. See • : Q.EAN '59 Station Wagon V-at 2909 Broad SL NB, ~'. I; auto, R&H, $125. S48-0Ci8l. OLDS 65 4U CUtlau 2 dr HT : 846 Senate St. Auto PIS P/B 37,<XXI ml. t,: '63 CHEV NOVA, 6 cyl Orig. owntt, ExcepUonally l; Automatic. Very aean! sharp! Pr. PtJ $1 5 5 O. f : • 6f6..9094 • 6G.3374 , : 61 OLDS,. FUIJ, POWER, NEEDS TRANSMI$ION ~ CORVETTE ~--"' OORVEITE. C.Onv, P/W, P/B, 327, ' ....... !WI, .Best otter .. ~ aft 6. DODGE PONTIAC '67 LEMANS • Bucket seats, t.actory &Ir, • • -----~---1 pwr steering, nu tires, xlnt : '66 D~• Poler• CODdilfon lnlldo 6 ou~ dlr, 1.: Omv., dlr, t.ict air, pwr win. $175 Cub or foretp car. ,j : dows, loaded! $75 Cuh delt Take low pynllltl. LB TKR ! • or take forelgn cat in trade, 595, Call Ken, 8"7'13 or : P)'mnfl $39.88 mo. LB YNW 545-00lt ' ::: -"""7T3 .oi '65 GTO only 7,000 mL lldn., : • . map, •pee. -.pension, i • '68 CHARGER, air, ps, pb, black Int, 4:11 posl., many 1 f Your Volklwqen or Ponche landau top, tape stereo. more Xtru, must aee to I I Good r u n n t n g le pe.y top dollars. Pa.kl for $2150. ltfm 5 t I .. 3 at 3, believe $1.D». Mllft sell. I $125 su.-wJ Alk !of Dou&. 548 6366 ': I Will Buy TRIUMPH .... 961 • or not. Call Ralph •• ~ 673-0000 '62 DODGE wag., V-8, RIH, '67 FmEBIR0 Cl'G9ert. A·l 1 l IMPORTS WANTED air, PS/PB. Asklna $600. cond. La mi'L \Jader W1l1'-: 1030 Linden PL CM 5CS-M39 r'nt. Auto str, DllW tittil .I: ,. 1 VOLKSWAGEN NOW ON DISPLAY 10X50, 2 BR.. in qUiet. adult CORON' ADO 23 ••••• • $3195 park. Cpt:s,. drapes. Must ~S = 1966 ·CX>RON'Er, 1tat1 on brks. Best ofr CMT low book : 1 / LIKE New 1967 VW Sedan BILL MAXEY TOYOl'A wagon, $1315. SG-2276 Owm 546--1"211 .1 :, am-tm. air cond. new tires, 18881 Beach Blvd. -'64. LeMANS kpeed. top 1 ' CORONADO 25 • • • ••• $4995 .ell, make offer. • CORONADO 34 •••• $16,995 ~ After 2:30 PM · ORDER NOW!! FOR a new Mobile Home in (l)RONADO 30 Save on demOll this weelrend new Adult Park. Walle to SABOTS, New, Complete $265 ocean, sauna and poot Golf 2912 w. eout Hl&hway ,;"""";;:;:·:;1536-;:·:-2731;:===== I Ntwport Beach * 6'>ml0 37' F /B Express '64 3 PRIVATE DOUBLES TS 2'.25's. Onan, auto- pilot, TV, etc, Electric plley, refrg, RIC 1bowtt. MUST BE SOLD •PACIFIC YACHT SALESe MM Via 0port.,, N~Wport <2'!.!l 507.s;a (Tl<) 6134'10 BOAT .Up wanted for cal 24' ailbo&t. Contact Mr I, ~ 836--88S7 befo.-.·5 pm, qr 837-6519 after 5:30 pm S.llboets •. 9010 • MotorHomH 9215 NEW U.wtde 2 bdr I: den 2 bath crptd. draped. $10,950. Can finance. Hunt. by the Sea, No. 12'7. 536-7686 Motorcycl" 9300 1968 HONDA "350". SC RA MILER '6' GHIA COUPI Y•llow wlth bl1ck l11t.t· for. Shows •11c1ll111t c:•r•. So •ic:• 011 th• ro1d. R1· d io I h11t1r. Uc. No. YPS 121. $1599 '61 vw SfUA•I U.CIC Rid with bl1c:k lnt1rior. Ec:o~omlt•I 111rnm1r f1111 cor. R1dio I k11t1r. E11· tr1 roo'" for kltldl1t & p1h. Uc. No. VTU 14<1, $2099 Low, Low Prices On Th.,. SPECIALLY PRICED BUGSI '6' POllSCHI 911 COUPI ll11e with bl1c:k l11t1rler. Chrome wh11l1 -XTRAS -R1die I h11t1r. 611 ifiil1191 11 9ro1t 011 tfii1 · 111odol. Uc. No. SVZ llJ. $4299 I ~~'g.=· '""· ovrhl. 11. e.acb. Pb. "'-a FALCON CODcl. euc1oe1 ,. • .., ... im ·: • WANTED: JUNK CARS -------ml. $1025 67J..2957 , : ·~-vw. Sq.ad-lo V~t. !:_;: TOP $SS. '62 ·F~~ si:~ mllWAG. ' '63 Le Mana V-3 Automatic . : UJ,"C. ' .-.Lo ...... a.i. * 546-5106 * Dr. n.w• ........... WW eqe. R/H in nlce cond. $595 ... : "lll95=~·~ !IJ6.""5~'"==~-I:======== I ""'1156 642-8801 ; : V.W, 68 "BUS" Uke..,, l1f>OO Priv. Ply Auto Le11lng 9810 FORD 'ST FIREBIRD, 17,00J m11.., ': 5'Ull8 Ewa A:' wknc:a FIRST TIME! ~~· Vinyl top. $2500. ~ : '65 VW BUG • lood con. Leue a New '69 for 6 Months '65 FORD Station wagon. · d I t t on : rad IO, n e w &:: re tum with no obligation. R&H, p/b, p/1, new tires &: '56 SAFARI ala wgn. cbnn upholstery, $900. ~ Call Mr. Malcolm Reid fQr brakes, xlnt cond. 84~2733 rims, bucket Beats. must : 88 VW Squareback. Ex. oond. Full DetailA~o '64 FORD XL t;-Top, tac air, sell, $120. ~7615 .i.:: Extru. Warr. moo mt. Fool Authorued di< ucrlfice, LB OMB 395, RAMBLER r,' Maki otter. 6f6.3307 Leutrg 3y1tem '*9773, '63 vw v~ Good Cond. TModore '12 RANQlEJlO, pod nm- o..n M"'t .. u l!OO ROBINS FORD ""· 1oc. ""'· R/11, outn. l50 1 •&C-7106• • dlr, 545-0634 DIAL dnct'642-5678, Charge 2000 Harber Blvd. NO mattft' what It 11. Yoll )'oar ad, then 1tt baclc and Q:lsta Me.-"2-0JtO can siell tt with a DAILY lllten to~ phone ring! DA.ll.Y Pll:.O'!'.. '?_/AJ(r ADS! PILOT.WANT AD!! 6C$18 I I PRE-OWNED BIG sr:LECJ'IO!I ' l '61 nIRU '68'• ., ALL MODELS FROM$295. • • • • BRAND NEW '69 11991 J. .,. ' , ~ , . \ .. '42""°23 ~. 'SS NASH 2 dr H. T, au'f air, i Good eond. $100. : * ~= * l======::====I"· T-BIRD '16 T·smD LAl'll>4U """""'· --• clam " ...,.., pobl --""' • brk, AJC, stereo tape. 1ow -1m1-m-Tm 1111 s,,. : 1- 'ST T-BIRD, t cir. Gold with - whifli r..ndtu top. sun on wty. Fae. alr,. best otter 1 • over S2.'15. MMU8 ;- '13, T.attd an pwr, atr coat : 1 i ....... lllti 11rm. m-1ru • ··-··-r ·-" -· • • • ! I l ~ • .. • I ' I I •• -;,;1~ -.. ~~ ........... ~--~ -;·---·· ..... -. ""''-~.' • • • MOflda1, JIN 11, lM IAl.V l'IUlf ~Sonrelf:andy~uk~. • ., . •· '. ' I . ' . ' .. .'' :~ ..... ·To A:vbid · Shw:~; ' . ' . ; . • , , . . , , . I ' . . ' .... , ' ' ' I ' . .... -.... " ..... WASlllNGToN .(UPI) -1! artblghlyln)ts! ...... " a ahark llhoUJd ci>nie. noalng· it bu the gmter tcioth ' around while yOO're swimming power, ao. to 11peak. Some w)lhO!l\ -ltrol "deterrent devices seek to balallce thlnga · devices", remember Uijs rule: by supplying the human s;wlm· "At no tl!!l• should ,a ahark ·mer· iwitb irea!B-lllre' ~-. ,'\ ever be provoked.'' But such we.a.pons,. have to : Pi9votl!d,' ·evea ·the com-work the first time. . : . , , paratlvely dOcile. nurse shark "An inabntl -shot· Can ' has· b e e,n known to comriut produce a ~el'l' \lQbappy ahf.r~ . mayhembnpe:ople,particular-in an exttenielJ·excl-ted. ' I Jy 0 on adventurous divers who state.!' ' · have pull!'d t~~ir tails or tried 'C,ar t a In drugs, hYPI>': ,to ride. them. dermtc8lly: driven 1 n t'o the Capt. H. Davld,.JWclrl~ge of slilirk With ••Ionc·•l!<llt, •IJU!f : , the Naval A~pace Medical • after 80llle m in· u .te a:· ID- Center; Peh.sacpla, Fil.;· W14 capacitate~ kill~ beut. 1 • Dr. Scott JoiuisOn 'of·the Navlll But •hi •the fl1st - U!1dersea.Warlare center, San after applicatiOO,··ihe ·ihert Diego,, discussed 11¥tisbark may•becqme"higtily akitated,' Measur;es" in·aittcent • of -and agitating sbarb il!I not a Naval ~ Reviews. safe thing to do. · A lot 'o~,an~trrbeasures ll'you're rtotlieai'ed to flghi •. J .. •• " STEREO-:s&Nsa11or.!. fh.een Carpet · Treatment • . Coola ·Mesa -Beautificatloo-Committeeman Cl~re· Nelson tW trophy-owr to· green thwnbs of Mr. and Mrs: Malcolm H: Saqn<lers, 2863 sei"&iig:Place, as !irit w!llners of group's continuing Lawn-of-llui-Month con I est. Standing .behind· (from left) are committee chairman Roy Erickson and contest' officials· Pete WDJoon, Al Ziegler and Al Hollister. have been proposed and bad, according to the~ · tested, some 1 of. th e-m in undersea. warfare try Do( to some.~~ . effecµve,, .ot!)ers: draw: 1be· ,sbark'a 'attenUOn. useless. ,The l~ .thal.Cj)ITI.et one sure way to attract a through time a00:aga1J< is that : shark'• ·mtksr 1s to .. thrash It's cfan'gerou:i: ..... DO matter around.'~· 'Another ls to what "deteriCJJ~:de~e!e;S" Y,OU sti,m11Jate · 4tll SJllellj.ng ft!>: may have at tlie ·rea,:IY. -. tp. 1paratus .... with blood from a annoy'a sha;rk. · cut, for ezimpie. . "U the :shark ·becomes . sut~ · Meanwblle, 1f you can avoid flcientfy .exC:jted t6 'attaCli:,"' 'dolng .ao .. never . provoke a the au1h9rs said, "'tl1e c>dds · ~IL , The colortul so•.a. of. ~ · · Orange county-_M~$.ic :· 91iJlllD · RADIO KOCM .103.1 F.M . . . . . . From ·Fashion lsl~nd ;.Ne~pqrt~Beach· .. ' . . ' ' . -· Sears Black"1all •• rt..:·tewall . or vviu ·~ or '\Vldle1<.U \Vlole Goard F·iJ>er G}allS 'BUY i 'fire• ·"7\de Gaa..,-.1 · Fi)leT G\a88 'fou sa•• Buy 3 'fires "[ou Save . . . . . . 'IAO' Oii 'f\elllll' 2 Fiber . Glass Beli-s Plus 2 Nyion Plies · G~~nteed 4o Mont~ ~ WIDE GUARD AND SILENT GUARD SEALANT 40-MONTB GUARANTEE Tl'fll4 We&r~t: o.nntiM Gaanuttieed A.plJYI&;: TrMd .....-.wt. For Bow Loarr to mantha. · What: 8Mrl WUI Doi In uchu~ f~ tllo Ure, replace tt. chai-gtng currerit regulu Mlllng prica plu11 Federal )b::ctae Tax lw lhe followlni 1'"11owan~ · Wide Guard-25% Bllant Guard Sealant-30" · · trOAe-bl l'r\CO Ask Sears About Convenient Credit Plans . --Blaek.-....~--' or Whitewall . \Vide Guard Fiber Glass Buy 4 Tires y 0 u .Save , . . , ' ' ,--.-.-111111-- - - ----- - - - ---- - - - - - ---- -• ·-------------, , . .• ...PAI!' ;rA1 M400, 121"4530 a MCNTI GI 3-3911 10NG llv.Of HE 5-0121 11CO WE -8-4262 ' • r -PAii( 340-0661 . OlpftlAt! Ol 5-1004, a 4-4611 CllYMrlC. 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