HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-17 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaBeagan Leaps-Into .Pool~. " ' .. ..... Guess What Nixon~s. Sau: f;leJDente ar .. ' .,. ~. ... La~erGets 3 Months On Pot Rap · By JOl!li VALTEll2A Of ... DellY 1'19t "'" Assailed by his prosecutor as having 1ran .eye oul for profit," Balboa lsland • lawyer Richard A. Higbie Monday re- ceived a sentence oC 90 days in jail and three years probation on charges of fail- ing to pay a federal tax on marijuana: lfiibie, appearing before U.S. District Court Judge Jes.!e W. Cun\s, heard pro- 6ecw1or \Villiam Tomlinson charge that the termer Newport Beach planning com. missioner was the instigator of a plan to jmporl $1.7 million worth of marijuana from Mexico to Palm Springs. , That charge of conspiracy was reduc.ed last May to charges lqgble and an ac- complice failed to par, a $100-an-ounce tfansfer La v on the il egal weed. "As a lawyer he must be held to a higher cOOrse oC conduct than a Street w:cltln," Tomli nson told the court. Judge Curtis ruled that !figbie and the •ccomplice, Raymond Daniel Teeter, 20, Orange, must appear before noon this Monday before the federal marshal to begin serving their sentences. _Teeter, who is still a minor, was sentenced to an "inde.Unllc" rehabllita- llon period under the Federal Youth Cor- rt!l.'tions Act. That-period. !J'omlirl90!1-isald t.ottty, usually lasta from two to four ye:ln. .. It seems a little inequitable, ddesn't , it?" he added. 'Tile enUre cue stems from a Federal G'~d Jury indictment ls.sued last Npvembc;r charging Higbie, a 3i-year-old (See WGBIE, Pag~ %) Basil , ·o .r . ' DAILY PILOT IWI ....... Scere• in Coitte.C Connie Jo Pflster 1 18, cillTent ---=M.isa=Huntiogton Beaicb1~· was tapped as first ruhnentp SUD· day in Miss South~ Ca)il~rnla Beauty Pageant in Oceanside. Orange C o a s t College. coed stal)ds 5 feet 6 inches, weiilhs 119.and measures 3S.:24-36. •, Clemente Estate Has Termites By JACK CHM'PELL Of .. o.6lt' Plllt M9ff President Ricbard MilhouJ Naon baa h:rnllta. Or •at l,,.t, his newly-p.ircbaled San CI.mente 5ununft White HOllle does - i..o kinds. But oot !or long. The jll1)I wood ... tlng pesU ""' -be ing psed by the Chemical E"llneen Termite Control, Inc .• 'Of Whittier. The mammoth job of exterminating the wood borer1 In lhe lkoom Presidential pad began Friday al'KI is due fOt'-COP'J• pletlon a week from this Friday, JU®'27, lllicfVan PoweD, pmldenl ol uie lennlte ·---· . Powell saJd the C.yeaN>111 Spol1illl style estate bclne waa ln "vory lyocl sbape,11 'termite-Wise. No WODe thaft I -.mporoty 15-y......id home, ho said. The exlmnlnatina job ia beboc ·done u • """'illon ol tlie ·-· •nd Is being "'id ·lor by the ..tier, Mri. Heney Hamilton Cotton. ' Powell de<!Uned to oay how much the job would ctet. Howev..., ho .. 1c1 that ll Is one of lhe largest ever handled by the Whittier company ai\d definitely, "the . (See TERMITEll, P11e I) • ' Ter1ni(es~ • What ~-• 00 a ·x •• .. M(}t Impact Felt . . ~ ' Lay~ffs Continue As Work Sought ~. Hundreds of empklyes are gone and JayoUs continue today u eJ:ecutives at McDOOnell ' Dougloa AstroMutk:a' plant · try to find work elsewhere for those idled by caucollalion of a 13 biruon pro)ed. Imi>act of losing the U.S. Air Force's Manned Orbllal Laboratory (MOL) con- tract ls finally being felt -brutally -at the sprawUng Huntington Beach re'!learch complo:. - W'1ter CleveJand, filreetor of eJ:ternal relation! for the finn, tOOay confirmed the layoff, '!"Ying lhot "hundnds ol employes" were laid off Friday and will conUnue to be·lald off during the neJ:t few weeks. ·The mauive layoffs were predicted following· aftnO\lllcemeDt of the MOL pro- gram's demise a week ago. He said, however, that the exact number of jobless cou1d not be determln· ed IOI' some time since McDoonell Dou1Ju1 sublidiary. and a.llSOC.lated com- panies are now screening the former Governor Saves Girl Who .Fell -~ ~=""~~ leto Home Pool . SACRAMENTO, Cam. (AP) -°""· Ronald Reagan, a Ufeguard tn his youth, )Uf!lped fully' c\Olhed mil! his IWlmming pool and rescued a 7-year-old girl ln Water Over her head, his Office said to- day. Reagan saved Alicia Berry, daughter of 1 · N•llJ'l Ille cl<r~ in his office, Jn lbe • Jiuodfy W:idenl. Tiie clerk, Mn. Morlene Murphy .. -among 200 altendln& 1 stall party at the Reagan home.. / Mrs. M"urpby aaid Alicia, who' doesn1 nim, wa1 at the aldt or the pool, reach- ed to 1et onto a piutlc rail and w...i ilownjn l .... 1..i ol w1tor. • • 11Jle dived Jn clotbel and all, .. Mn. '!,!uo:plly llld ol lbe ,..,..,.,.., Shi, lllid bor dllllhltr came· oUI ·~Ult gupjnc ind sptWnc water," ~ wanted ta IO rllbt bockm. , ~ ldviled !!ml Alicia -Mllm IO tJi. pool, Mn. Murpby lllid, ao Ille girl wouldn'\cleftlop 1 fear llw~ter. ~ 'Wll a U!.,...cl at 1 rlYer park In ~~ Alf!ni llllMMn while bt ""'t lo IChool ""' coJlep. employes for jobs at other locations. "We are trying everythjng possible to flhd meaningful jobs for these people, either wlt)l our companies or with other .aen>Q>ace firms," sald Cleveland. ' He added that many employes are ex· pected to be shifted to Douglas. Aircraft Co. Loiig Beoch, the McDonnell Aircraft Co. in St. Louil, Mo., the Conductron Co., a subsidiary in Missouri, the Douglas Aircraft Co. In Canada and the McDon· nell Automation Co. · According to Cleveland,' ihose laid ofl first were hourly empk>yes with the pro- fessional, salaried employei put on a two- week notice. He said that numerous local firms have contacted the corporation and are "very interested. In Interviewing" personnel laid off by Mc.Donnell Douglas. "We have had very favorable response. Those firms are always looking for people." Al), announcement issued by the cor· poratlon'a board chairman Jame 1 McDonnell last week stated that ap. proximately 7 ,~ employes were to be afleded by lbe cancellatloo ol the 13 billion project. According t.o the corpor.atM>n's official.! 3,600 of tbeae were employed at the HI.in< tington Beach facility and 1,700 in Santa Monica. EUorts to find work ·for the jobless are also being made ~y two Los Ang~les firms, Career Specialist and Mark Allen Assoclah!!, who are · conductihg inter· views for 30 aerospace firms in search of engineers and sclenttsts. Ttie interviews begin today at the Hun· tington Sheraton Beach Inn, following a m8581ve advertising campaig!J.•by the two personnel clearing houses ·"hie~ lnCluded slin trailing airplanes advising Douglas employes to come and sign up. The MOL project was designed to orbit two astronauta in a 72-foot long laboratory above the earth in 1972, It was scrapped by the Air Force because of "splralln1 CO&ts." :Mesa's Ditch Slaying: Gang ~ilror~IJq;r ~r(lwl? By ARTllUll ii. VINSEL. Of tN DMlr Pllft SI.ti Gangland homicide or a tavern tiff that t\lmed into murder are considered today In the case oC a man dwnpecr to drown-unconscious-In a Costa Mesa farm irrigation ditch four da)'s ago. Herman c., Everett;· '3$, of Redondo Beach; left home on a short errand about • p.m. Fridai and ·wu round at 6:401.m. Saturday in 1 li feet of water along Ta1bert Avenue near the Santa Ana River. HomJcide Detective GCITy Tbompsoo said he and lnveati1ator Amokl· Ap- pleman spent Ill-Oil of Mondl.Y In tbe Redoodo Btach orea, lollowto& recent patterna of Everett'• work and aoCial Ufe. "We w40t lo 1 few qi lbe beer ban hil wife said he was known to visit. but we dkln 't come< up~with much of ~." . Thompooa saJd today. . . The vtcUm11 wile Dolores t o 1 d autberlllel Moadl)' that she baa no !d•a why ,anyone ,wouJd have wanied'"--"\O murder Everett, a Torrance .machine allop employ• hired Jull 1\0 weeu belOC'O hi• death. She Aid lbe .. W hJm lut Friday nl&hl when he Ieft their houae and Orange County Cofoner's depuUes esUmated he died in the water-fllled· ditch anywhere Crom 10 p.m. Friday to 2 1.m. Sat.urday. COsta Mesa Police Detective Capt. Ed Glasgow no~ Monday that Everett had fieen clubbed . between the eya, ap- parenUy with a beavy object. The Joaltll eateNlon of this clue ls lhai he was uncoJwcious when thrown into the ditch,. In 'the · llGOO btoit ' 6r ''l'lllbett Avenue. 75 foei !Tom llletlm; channel. " Circumttaneet already1dllc~ MKf1 "'"'• lnvnllfaton· lire apporerilly .nor disalallng -' blvei I"' lllem to clW' Everett's deatbu'a~e · Reports lndlClted Mondly that the death bad overlonel of a J""81aod-<t1I• murder, carfltDI' i&ao. an uneiplaJned rumor that £ftrijt'1 moulla llld -~ bten loped llliil. "As of ncnl, ·weWrio!1oa!Mi nilieb Iii that directiol), .. ~ ... TllAl\l-.. Id wbtn ~ I~ Iii< euQested gMgland UJ*'l qi lbe c!tall1. "It IOon ilke he may l1io hlvt just gotten lnwlved ...,ehow with the w'°"' guya -for whatever feUOft -and they (See SI.A YING, Pap I) c · Pennissiv» Override , ' '• . By THOMAS FORTllNE Of ... ~ ...... " It Is now virtually certain the school tax rate. pai~ by Har~ .Ar• residents will go up more than 50 cenla@'Us year. Of that amount, ~ voted diree,t.lr._ to approve' only i3 · Cerib: and gave support for 23 cents atumst. What gives? ·"";. 1 What giv.. js ,tbat--·oHlollt'th~ Orange "Coast · ·JUnkir ~e and Newport-Mesa Unified ,ScboOJ, DiBtrk:ts have declded to m~e uae «>l•germlaive overrides, which' can· be reVled·by·IChool boards without voter approval. With one.major exceptionrtrustees Jong have had ·· these ·ovet:tidea Jie.g a 11 y available to them. They 1 are ·called permissive overridesi becau8e it ts permj'8ible to levy them wltliout a vote of taxpayers. · As far as permlssl\re overrida go, school trusi..s do not have tbelr bailds tied , and have the same poWfl as city~ county, state or federal legijlaton to set the tax rate once Uiit)' are voted inJo office, .. " Apart from pennlatve overrides however, school finance;ls W\ique .in thit the public must vote for any tQ ~. Permissive overrjdea are loopholes ln !hi> popular lfxinl •uthorlty written In (Se<· SCllOOliTAX.-P1P l) -, ' • I . ,-,. I 1c.an : wea--.. .. ' I .. • I llAILY PllOT ' s l utsday, J11nt 17, 1%t . Most ·of Pulled--Troop·s, to Stay • Ill Pacific t " • W~ (AP) •:_ '·AlJout hlo '-Ill Ille •;GOO ~ trooPs 'wtlwrawa -Viltli'lin wW be . .. .. ~ GD Okll>lwa, Hawall and -. ·J--In pooltllm to be used ' ln ...,.l'l!tndes •Dj'Where In the Far Eost. ' Tbe J>entogon ennout1ce<1 Tue.day 'that about H,000 soldiers ... MailneS'WW be reposttiOned Jn the Pacific area. ' Included. are the 1,000-man 9th Marine l\egimental Landing Team bound for -. Oklaawa, the 7,toO maa Ill Bripll ol the 9th Infantry DMoloo IQd DMllaa Headquarteu 1otn,I to Hawl'IJ, ""° a ._ maa Marine oqua&.a o1 Ft jet llabton bclng sent to Iwaklinl, Jtpan, In J~ly and August. Previously, th.e Pentagon said that another a,ooo Anny troops, including 2,000 active duty NaUonal Guardsmen and Reservisb, will be flown back to the United States t.o be disbanded, and about Welcome to Laguna 1J90 Navy men will be spread through- out the Paci.fie command and the United States. Announcement of the deaUnaUons of the tl,000 Anny rl!en ~ ~ In the Paclflc art.a comPleted a .general' detail ol the 15,000-man troop wltbdrawe.I an- nounced by President ,Nixon a( Midwa.y over a week ago. The nonnal Pacific combat reserve for possible use ln such pla~s as Korea and Thailand has been virtually nooeIDten& DAILY P'ILOT ,.... ~ Lee P•Y .. It's summertime and the traffic !s crawling along Pacific Coast Highway in Laguna Beach. Thi s un· usual view of bumper·to-.bumper jam between Legion Street and Laguna Avenue was snapped at 4 P·/TI· 1ast Friday as photographer and other motor- ists\ \Yaited and \\'ailed to get through downtown Laguna. Black Panther to Face Trial in Officer Death By TOM BARLEY Of .. o.ltr 1"1'91 Si.ft Black PantherL te utenant Oa r· 1 Ptlichael Lynem must face jury lrinl Ju.y 21 oo charges that he shot and killed a Santa Ana poUct officer. The tall, Impassive Santa Anan got that date from Superior Court Judge James F. Judge moments after he \\'as hustle-J from municipal cou n to the higher bm<'l1 ?ttondq kl be handed an Orange Coon r Fro"' Page l TERMITES ... mod important." Two types of termites are commor found in Southern California's coasl;.i areas, subterranean termites which bore in from the ground and dry-1,1,·ocxJ fl ying termites. The San Clemenk' estate "'ill be lttated for both kinds. Some 200,000 cubic feel art in\'olved. he said. A bright blue and yellow tarp has res- tooned \he main house on the estate grounds sin~ Monday. Poison gas called Vlkane ("Dow Chemical's pride and joy") ls pumped into the sea led off dll"C\l· ing. DAIL\ PILOI ............. Hsat ... wlMdi L..-..... e..t. ..,_,..,.. ...... CAU•OAlllA 0tU.HGa (0.U1 P'\l•l•M-itMG CCW.Nil't'r k.L•rt N. Weed ,.........,,_f'l'lll'-' Jec.l •. c.,1., Yim ..,.._ -°""'• ~tel n..-1 J:n"11 .... UtMt1 A. M•r11~i11t ..._...... '""" -a.. -..: u ........... """" .._.""""',m'..,., ...... ...,...,. ~.,._.,m~, .. -flililit'••• ...... -»~ '"'"" frand JUI)• indictment. l..m\•er cowl murder charges we.re c:ismissed by Judge Philip Scbll'ab for the con~·enience of District Attorney Cecil Hicks in "'hat bas now become. the tradi· tiona l bypassing of municipal court pro- cedures in capital offenses. Judge Schwab's denial or Deputy Public Defender Roderick Riccardi's plea for "just 15 more minutes" in which to research law to support his argument that Lynem should be entiUed to full municipal court procedures obviously angered spectators in the crowded courtroom. Lynem. 22. entered and left the cour lroom lo Black Panther salutes and cries of "Panther Power, Panther P<Wt·er." Ile grinned and raised both anns in acknowledgen1ent oC the saluta· lion. Court officials credited heavy security measures -the tigt:tesl e~ seen by ne"·.smen in both Superior and P.tunid,pal court hearings -for the lack of incident in the highly charged proceedings. Black Panther literature and appu.ls for subscriptions to the Lynem defense fund "·ere distributed in the courtroom corridor. Panther spokesmen said they 110,,.,· ha\!e $250 in donations iD the hmd 's coffers and more than 100 names on a petition which demands "a bigger courtroom for the Lynem trial to give all of his friends a chance to be p~t." Sixteen \1'itnesses testified belore the Grand Jury in lhree days of testimony 11•hich resulled ln the issue of an in-- dictment naming Lynem. Nathaniel Odls Grimes. 21. and Arthur OeWiUe League, 2.l, all of Santa Ana, oo murder chargu. The three men are accused of killing (lfficer Nelson A. Sas.seer, 24, of Garden Grove last June 4. Grimes and Lengue are still at large, evading \\'haJ Santa Ana police officers c-lalm is the "b~t manhunt e1·er launched by Orange Coon· IV." · Lynem's decision lo allow the public defender to represent him -only arrived at after 1-.·o prolonged recesses of the municipal court hearing -astonished Black Pant.htr spokesmen. .. w. had gnod peoploo ~ fr<m Los Angt:le:s to dd'end him and we fttt eoing lo pick up the tab," a black-raincoated member who tdenUned himself as '·Brother Purvis" commented. "He decided to tale the public deitnder after discussing the mall.tr with bis wife and -.·e were not aware ol his decis.ioD until bf told the judge." Fro"' Pllfle 1 SLAYING •.• did him ln,'' tht homicide: delecth-e ad· ded. Questlonll\g of personnel at various bttr tan and ta\·erns E\·erell was known to \'lslt turned up l\\Ue information of v1luc fltonday night, Tbompsoo 11.id. I From Page l HIGBIE ••. bachelor from Corona del Mar, with con- spiring with three other men -one a federal undercover agent-:-to ship the 3, 700 pounds of forbidden weed on a private plane rented at Orange County Airport. One defendant in the case, Lyle Paul Gennan of Garden Grove, is still .at large. Higbie and Teeter last May 14., in a surprise-move, pleaded gullty to the lesser charge of failure to pay the transfer tu. Judge Curtis immediately set a date for sentencing. The ezpected trial of the biz..arre, mysterious case, aft.er having been delayed for months, was finall)' erased by the guilty plea. ln har.dlng down sentence, Judge Curtis, himself a Harbor Area rea ldent, said it was "a difficult decision." " . • • But the court cannot be un- mindful that, as a lawyer, Mr. Higbie knew what he was doing." Hisbie's own attorney, Cal E. Stewart, told the court his client's action "was quite stupid •• , he should have kno-.·n bet1er." Stewart took over Higbie's case a few days before the guilty plea was entered last ~tay . lie had defended Teeter since tbe case first came up last year. Even though sentence has been piwed, the bachelor lawyer still has one more fight oo his hands -the Issue over his license to practice law in Califprnia. Sources this morning said, the business: and professions code states that con~ viction of a misdemeanor or felMy In- volving a question of moral turpitude could ttSU.lt in disbarment The Issue, lbe source s a I d , automatically goes to the SI.ate Supreme Court, which wUI decide on the matter after confidential investigatioos and .. recommendations by a committee of the St.le Bar. Higbie has practiced law with hls father, former Newport Councilman Clarence "Chick'' Higbie at their olfices at 229 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. From P•11e 1 SOIOOLTAX •• by the state Legislature lo satisfy special school needs. The oo1y new one, which Orange Coast Junior College District ls going to make use or to the hilt -26 cents worth -ls to match with local money state ~ SU'Uct.ion grants to junior colleges. The other trustees have refrsined from le\'ylng in years pa.st partly because \hey didn't want to run oul the string and use thtm all up in one year. and partly bec111>t they didn't feel justifi<d In doing ... An nample of the latter is a junior col· lege permlssive override of up to JO c-ents for adult education (e\•ming classes}. Orange Coast tru.rtces haven't tapped U in recent years because of a money shortage. They ha\'e ~ ma.king cut~ bacts in adull offerings arxl dkl not ~ sider II wist 10 lncrea.9l' the taxes for that purpooe •·bile reducing progams. since the United Stat.ea begin pouring troops into lhe Vietnam war .ln mld-11165. wtieo the movwne.nt.s ~ C01Dplete, ... brigade oJ the ~ lnlutry Dt'iJllar! wW remeln In Vle'M.'\'t one bripdO wUl be in Hawa!t and a.lllltd will be tUu all . lhe regular Army f0lls 1 The Ith Division. was farmed In e'l!ty-111641 spedflcally for the. Yietnam war. . Daniel Z. Renkbi, the Pentapn's chief spokesman, indicated to newsmen Utat there wW be some mbuflling beloro tbe 9th Olvlalon'1 brigades leave Vietnam . Under broad guldellnea, the brigade be,lng ~turned for reactivation in the Ulliled Stoles wW be manned with troops who have """!" cloie to the n>d of the D(ftDa) ooo-year war tour and who have lltUe time left iD tlitlr service obligations. The b'T' ede going to Hawalt will be staffed. trien who have vary.Lna amounts reaular aemce ahead of 1bem_ and wW be r<placed In the unit flVm the Anny'I IJWljJOWet pool II theJr Airport S~udy a hitches run out. The brigade desUned for loacUvaUon ln • the United States will leave Its equipment behind Jn Vietnam, mostly for the South V~&m)y. Tbe l1.1tlne regi-1 going to Okinawa \ will include virtually all of its present troops and all of it,, equipment, Henkin sa.id. The 20 National Guard and Reserve , untti returning home for demobiliz:atloo come from 16 stat.es. None is from California. I Reality • . ' SCRA..SS Initiated as IO .. eounty, $700,000 Survey .· By JACK BROBACK Of t1M o.llY fOU11 Sl•ll A Southern California Regional Airport Syal.ml, study (SCRASS) i3 a reality to day with the initiation of ,the lo.county $1.4 million survey, Dan.let D. Mikeself, prOilident o! the Southern Cal!filrnla A,. sociatien o! Government& (SCAG) ... nounced. Flm lal!k of the SCAG Airport Study Authority which wlll carry out the two. year pro}ect ls lo inventory existing con- ditions and expose those immediate plans, both physical and of a Policy nature that might be pertinent to the study Itself, according to Mikesell. ''This initial exploration is required to ensure that the study commence on a knowledgeable note," the president ex· plained. • APPROVED SHARE that there i.s no duplication of efforts," he advised. The Inventory ol exisUng conditions will include specific airport modiflcatJon projects Hpeoted to begin prior to July 19'11. construction projects to provide surface access w airports scheduJ«t to begin prior to July 1969, ordlneu<es or resolutions of the cities or counties relating to airports or their effects on surrounding areas such as zoning, hazards, flight hour or flight pattern restrictions. STUDIES FINJBBED Airport related studies already com· pleted such as origin and deslination studies, traffic handl_ins requirements and capacities and demand forecasls; ln· • ventorles of existing a i r po r t II ,, . ownerships, management policies, fee • charged, Otght patterns and oolae< studies. Chronologies or hislDries ouUining the( establishment and development' o f airporta in relation to adjacent com..-i muniUes, master plans of airports for cities and counties and an)' reports sum-' marWng their status. ~Iikesell said this information should be in the SCAG office by June 30 to meet a request of the consultants. The SCA Ggroup's sludies are ez· peeled to dovetail with Orange County's airport studies program being carried" out by the Pereira firm, according to Aviation Director Robert J. Bresriaban{ Orange County supervisors recently voted QS.500 as the county's share of the first year's study. The program will cost $1.4 million over lhe two-year period, with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development paying tw<Hhlrds. Bay Ouh Branching Out;~ , • Mikeaell said a contract betweert SCAG and the Airport Systems Planning Group, a joint venture· of System· Development Corporation and William L. Pereira and Associates or Corona del Mar, will be signed shorUy. PJans Palm Springs Site Other coonUea joining In the -am are Los Angeles, Imperial, Kem, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ven- tura. Both the State of California and the Association of Bay Area Governmenls (Northern California) are undertaking concurrent airport studies, Mlieae.11 noted. "Steps are being taken to assure that these studies are inpuls to each other and The Balboa Bay Club will add a "Desert Club" ln Palm Springs within the next two years, Richard S. Stevens, vice president, announced today. The 2,200-!amily, Newport Beach club's addilloo: to be built on East Palm Canyon Drive, will feature hotel apartment studios, 50 to 100 condominium units, and recreational faciliUes such as swimming pools and lakes, sauna baths and a clubhouse on about 15 acres of Janel. Con.st.ruction of the first phase, desig- ned. by Black and Pagilluso of Palos . t lo1Waj HEALTH SPAS SUMMER SHAPE-UP Guys! Gals! JOIN TODAY Grand ln1u9uration of our new Huntington Be1ch Health s,... Public invited, frM tours daily. A few special charter membershipt still available. INCOMPARABLE FACIUTIESI • Heated Romon Swbnmln1 Pool • uttr. Mecl.,... Condltloftlnt Pactlllles • ,,., ... Rock Sauna Rooms • Rom.n StMm Rooms •ll_k ___ . • RorWa Sun Te looms • Wlolo1pMI - • Condi ....... '9dlltlet • Swiss f_..I M•d.._ FRiil FREii fRlll !xdusin F11-fnll Group Slimnastics ond Swimnastic:$ to music • No tlmt limit on your visits • No appointment ntemiJY -. Sepe~te fatilitles for wtnen • fret ouest privilege$ • U.nlimited hours.-unlimited di'!'-fnll fntl \ • • Verdes, is expected to begin next wbfterc The first ,phase will cost an estimated $3.5 miltio'h. • Two additional phases will follow, Stevens said. Noting that members have expressed ~ great dea! of interest in the new addiUon, Stevens said, ''For several years we llav~ watched our members to see where they like to go, and Palm Springs is a heavy favorite." He said the club anticipates no dues in- crease for the new facility. JUlll JS U110llAL flTlllSS MOllTll Exclusive Crash plan for getting in shape FAST! l AS DKWID IY TllE ~ I • • • I I , I ·-t r •• Huntington Beaeh :r~)''• ·~ N.Y. Steeb . , ·:. E ' 'l.Ot:. ~2. NO. 144, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA J\JESDAY, JUNE '17, 1969 TEN CENTS • DAILY .. !LDT &i.11 Pl!Ott Scores ;,. Contest Connie Jo Pfister, 18, current Mi ss Huntington Beach, was tapped as fir st runne.rup Sun- day in Miss Southern California . Beauty Pageant in Oceanside. Orange C o a s t College coed stands 5 feet 6 inches, weighs 119 and measures ~24-36. Most of T1·oops Pulled From Viet .. Stay in .Pacific WASHINGTON (AP) -About two thirds of the 25,000 American troops withdrawn from Vietnam will b e redeployed on Okinawa, Hawaii and Japan -in position to be used in emergencies anywhere in the Far East. The Pentagon aMounced Tuesday that about 16,000 soldiers and Marines will be repositioned In the Pacific area. Included are the 8,000-man 9th 1'arinc Regimental Landing Team bound for Okinawa, the 1 ,400 man 1st Brigade of the 9t1'1 lnfantry Division and Division Headquarters going to Hawaii, and a 4()0. man Marine squadron of F4' jet fighters being sent to Jwakuni, Japan, in July and August. Previously, the Pentagon said that another 8,000 Anny troops, including 2,000 active dUty National Guardsmen and Reservists, will be nown back to the United States to be disbanded, and about 1,200 Navy men will be spread throug~· out the Pacific command and the United States. Announcement of the destinations of the 16,000 Anny men and Marines in the Pacific area completed a general detail or the 25.000-man troop withdrawal an· noun ced by President Nixon at' Midway over a week ago. The nonnal Pacific combat reserve for possible use in such places as Korea and Thailand has been virtually nonex.istent since the United States begin pouring troops into the Vietnam war in mid-1965. \Vhen the movements are aimpletc, cne brigade ,,f t'1e 9th Infantry Diviiion \viii rr" .1am. one brigade will ti'? · <1 third will be taken off .. ny rolls. The 9th Division \;wS ,..,,1ned in early 1966 specifically for the Vietnam war. , Dan'iel Z. Jienkin, the Pentagon's chief 1pokesman, indicated to newsmen that there wil! be some ieshum:irig be(ore the 9th DiVision's brigades leave Vietnam. Under broad guide.lines, the brigade being returned for reactivation In the Uniled States will be manned with troops whq have aime close to the end ot the normal one-year war tour and who have litUe ume left in their service obligations. 2 Huntington Beach Planners Renamed Planning Commissioners Robert Bat il and Michael Bokor were reappointed f\1onday night lo new four.year terms on the HunUOBton Beach planning body by the City COuncit. The vote was unanimous on Bokor, but Councilman Jerry ~1atney abstained on the appointment of Bazeil. NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market was IOt bid< sharply today, with broken reporting coollnutns Jnvet:tor concern over tight money. (SM C)llol'lltlol~, Pages J().tt).' Trading was moderately active near ~ clost. ' . Hundreds Lost in Douglas Lay_off Huntington Workers Being Screened for Other Aerospace Jobs Hundreds of employes are gone a~d . layoffs continue today as executives at McDonnell Douglas Astronautics' plant try to find work elsewhere [or those Idled by canei!llaUon of a $3 billion project. Impact of losing the U.S. Air Force's Manned Orbital Laboratory (MOL) con- ti-act ia finally being felt -brulally -at the sprawling HunUngton Beach research comple1. . Waller Cleveland, director of external relations for the firm , today confirmed the layoff, saying that "hundreds of employes" were laid off Friday and will Coronor Testifies continue to be laid off during the next few He added that many employes are ei- weeks. pected to be shifted to Douglas. Aircraft The massive layofrs were predicted .. Co. Long Beach, the McDonneU Aircraft following announcement of the MOL pr:o. Co. in St. Louis, Mo., the Conductron Co., gram's demise a week ago. a subsidiary in Missouri,· the Dou&las H~ said, however, that the exact Aircraft Co. In Canada and the Mc Don· number of .jobless could not be detennln· nell Aulomatlon Co. ed for some time since McDonnell According to CleVeiand, those laid off Douglas' subsidiary and associa\ed com· first were hourly emplo)'es with the pro- panies are now screening the former fessloria1, salaried employes put on a twt> employes for jobs at other locations. week notice. "We are trying everythlng possible to He said that numerous local finn.s have find meaJ1ingful jobs for these people, contacted the corporation and are "very either with our companies or with other Interested in interviewing" personnel laid aerospace firms," said Cleveland. off by McDonnell Douglas. "We have had 9 Stab Wounds In Beach Victim A coroner's officer 'tesWied today that the body of knifmg victim Hester Markee bore nine stab wounds and that the Hun· lington Beach widow must have died "almost inunediately" from multiple slashes. Dr. David Katsuyama offered medical testimony as the trial of Henry Lopez Sianez, 25, entered its second day before Judge Howard Cameron. The county pathologist is one of seven witnesses call- ed by the prosecution at this stage of the non-jury trial. Donald L. Carr of Huntington Beach told the ~ -Mn: ---= 115, t:iOI ()live Ave., w11 dyilrl when )ae·ttopped lil8 car lo give •illinre &o ~ ..tri.Cken woman. Carr told the court that he found Mrs. Markee lying lo the gutter bleeding from her many wounds "and obviously in her dying moments." f\.1arken Lane, Huntington B e a ch • Hargrave has successfuUy pleaded that he could only sit and watch while Sianez attacked Mrs. Markee and he must face jury trial July 14 on charges of grand theft auto only. Earlier appeals by Sianei for a reduc- tion of charges from the first degree murder count filed against have been re- jected. ff ru:b..c>_ur Gets.;., 'Concession' In Stink Case ver; (avorable respogse. Those finM are always IQOking for people," An announcement issued by the cor-- porauon ·~ board chairman Jame 1 McDonnell last week stated that ap- proximately 7 ;200 employe.s wer-e to be affected by the cancellation of the $3 billion proJect. According to the corporation's officials 3,608 of these were employed a.t the Hun· lington Beach facility and 1,700 in Santa Monica. Efforts to find work for the joblesa are also be.in& made by two Los Angeles firms, Career Specialist and Mart Allen Associates, who are coaducting ln.ler· views for 30 aerospace Jinns in search d eogUieers and scientisU. The lnlerviews begin today at the Hun· tlngton Sheralon Be!ch Inn, follqwb)g a m...ive advertising campaign by the two persollflel clearing houses wblch included 1ign trailing airp~ advising Douclas employes to comt; and sign up. The MOL iroJect was designed to crbit two astronauts In a 'f2..!oot Jo0g laboratory above the earth in tm. lt was fiCl"apped by the Air Force became of "spiraling cost!." r 'DAIL y ' Pli.n ...., ...... It is beUeved that' Mrs. Markee died between the time that Carr called poliCf: and the arrival of an ambulanCf: at the scene of the slaying. · Police claim that Sianez of 312 Clay St., Huntington Beach, inflicted the wounds which led lo the death of lhe gray·haired widow. Huntington Harbour Corp. attorneys won what they described as a "major concession'' Monday in their battle to eliminate odors allegedly wafting from the Sunset Beach Sanitary District's sewage t.N!atment plant in Huntington Beach •• . . . . . ' ' FROM DOWN UNDER -These visiting lifeguards moved on to Newport Beach. At rear (from !till-' from :i:iew Zealand wound up their ktu!!}'. cif life are Paul., Ca'l'IPter, ,John Thomas· Bild. John Martin.. saving technlques in Huntington Beach today and 1n lioDt are Terry CbriStle (left).and Trevor Corkin. ~~---'~~~~~~~~=---~~...__--'--~~~~~~ They hope lo prove in wbat Is expected lo be a week long trial that Sianei left his car last Jan. 12 in a fit of raae after Mra. Markee had pursued the stolen vehicle and that he repeatedly knifed ber and left her to die in the dimly lit street. With Sianez in the stolen auto wa!I Edward Roy Hargrave, 18, of 17392 Governor Saves Girl Who Fell Into Home Pool SACRAMENTO, Ca!U. (AP) -Gov. Ronald Reagan, a lifeguard in his youth, jumped fully clothed into his swimming pool and re!JClled a 7-year-old girl Jn water over her bead, his office said to. day. Reagan saved Alicia Berry, daughter ol. a Negro file clerk In his office, in the Sunday incident. The clerk. Mrs. Marlene Murphy, was among 200 attending a staff party at the Reagan home. Mrs. Murphy said Alicia, who doesn't swim, was at the side .of the pool, reach- ed to get onlo a plastic raft and went down in four feet of water. .. Re-tuved in clothes and all," Mrs. h1urphy said of the governor. She said her daughter came out "just gasping and splttini water," but wanted to go right back tn. Superior Court Judge Claude Ch':'~ns refused lo go along with the three measures incorporated ln lbe air· poration's motion for a preliminary In· junctkm but he did grant what attorney Charles Collier described. aa· an "im- portant recognition of our cue." Judge OWens ruled that the district must not -at least before trial - discharge water from its processing tanks into an cpen ditch on the east side of the property. It 11 felt by many of the residents involved in actions against the district that such act.Ion wlll go a long way towards dispelling the odors that brought on the court action. Denied by th;e judge were motions aim- ed at compelling the district to guarantee that there would be no overflow from its plant and no seepage of sewage water in· lo Huntinator Harbour property and homci area!. lt was e1tremely unlikely that the dry condlUom sure to· prevall between now and the trial date -possibly six months away-would impel any overflow, Judge Owens commented. And he ruled that it had not been established, to his saUsfac- UOn, that infiltrating sewage water was indeed the cause of the circumstances ~complained of by the corpora~lon and the residents: First In the field with an action aga.imt the district was a group of 21 homeowners led by John Silver. They 'petitioned the court to end the odor pro- blem and asked for $300,000 damages againal the cltslrtct. 5 New Zealand Lifeguards Vi.Sit liIDl:tington Area Five young lifeguards lrom • New . Zealand finished a flve-day st8y in Hun- tington Beach this morning, then weQt on to Newpcirt Beach to view American style water safety procedures. ' The five from down·under were guests of Huntington Beach lifeguards who put them through a rigorous training session to demonstrate the American lifeguard system. Terry Christie, Trevor Corkin, Paul Carpinter, John Thomas, and John Martin will continue lhelr study of American systems Jn Newport , Beach, San Clemente, Long Beach, Los Angeles and Santa Monica. They return to New Zealani:l" July 13.. . Biggest distinction between the two countries noted by the visiton wall the organization and intricate communication system.. used by Huntington Beach lif_eguards. In New Zealand, the vla.ltors explained, life guard assoclaUor11 are formed on a voluntary bu.ii and they have only a mlnimwn· amount ot equlpme!i because they are not aubskUzed. Tern1iies Bug Nixon Esiaie Exrerminatpr (From Whittier) Attacking Pests By JACK CHAPPEIL filyle estate borne was In "very good The Son Clemente eatate will be °' ... D9lfJ' ,_ .. .,. shape," tenntte-wise. No worse than a treated for both kinda. Some 200,000 cubic President R1cbard Milhou1 Nixon hu contem pr. Id 1... h · · feet are involved, Ile SI.Id. tennltes. .-..1 porary ..-year-o iiume, 8 um. A .bright btµe and yellow tarp: bas !es. Or at lelst, his ..wly·purclluod San TD< emrmlnatJnc job 11 b<lng ooq,;as 'tooned the 0maln hQ)1S! on · the estal• Clemenin Summer White .H°""' 'does -~ condttioo of the ~ and Is liolng I crourid! •ii"" )!l~Polloo gal'cilled two kinds. • ,, , paid. /or. by .ll'&-~·Mn. ll!iorY 1Vllcane'.,('!Dolj .. 11btmlco/'• .pride ,,nd e.t not for;'°""'"'° tiny-'woock.tt!na jlam!lloll Colloli.c < ; , • ' • joy'~ ll:pum,ed Jn!o 1t1u011ed oll cjWilJI.. J>tit.I are -bellir ,_ .., the· P~t d«Itnod lb \rJ 'bow much ll\O Ing. • •• Chemloal EncJneer1 Termite Cootrol. ·job •wld·COlll. However, he said !bit It Powell said that the' fact hll ~ !no .. of Whtttltr. Is ooe of the tersest ever hlnllled !If lhe Is baled ID WbIIUer ~the rta~I ' The ·nwnmolh job of utenninl!lnl the Whlttltr comJ>l1')' ml dellniltlf, /':Ille liomet..... -hid nod!Jbf ~ & with tlM\ wood boren tn tbe 10.room PrUldeDtlal most bnportut." 1, awlldlnl of tbs job. • pad began Friday and Ia Jiu• for com-Two typtt of t.nn1tea are ~. Ho .'uld the....,pal\1 "" $"' p1euon ..... k 1rom this Jl'rid•r. June %7, 1ound 1n -Ctlllonla'• ..,...."' iS~q1,~~~1am . no1 nld Van P....U, prealdent of Ille letmile areu, --wtlldlJ111n;,. RH· llrJn~ Y contn>I compony. 1n from the ,,...., ...i ~ l!t,ti1' I Clio , iiirml • ~tt<il COllJ~llllY l'owtll lllld lhe 42-year-old Spanish tcnnltts. ' ' ~. : P~f~ l) Market CQotle Now Beach Hears Problems . . In Sale of Park Bo'nds Although Huntington Buch voter• have approved a $6 million bond issue for parks, the work has only just begun for city officials, members of the city coun· cil were told Monday afternoon. Terence McCarty of Stone a n d Youngberg, the city'a financiJl con- sultanbl, told councilmen that selling the !Jonlb would b< the oat llep alter the city decides how much they need right now to· get the park program going. Getting a favorable interest rate, or even takers ~eq the bood! were h1gbly favorabk to the buyers, wW take .,me 5 Architects' · Firms to SOOIC Park Coptract doing, he etcplained. McCarty Uid that "right now the bond marke:C' is in a ch a o t I c state. Interut rates art the highest ln hi.story and 1UU going up. "The market ls not Improving and lhere Is g'reat risk of not _getUng any bids at all." He pointed out that Interest rates now are near 5.82 percent and rising. '"lbere may be some down trend ln the fall, but I'rh not predicting," M.cearty totd the council. Mayo r Jack Green aald' the city does want to move · ahead rapidly with land purchases. • A special rp~tin& was cfl)led for 7:30 p.tn. Monday to dls<ua 1--lo·be(in the _ear:k progr_am and ~ much inoney wijl tie needed unm"11af<ly. Orange Weadter ' Thing! art looking. up for W ednetdoy, like thermometer• which ioill adoonce: into &M lower 70's along tht Orange Coast with 1ul'l8hine: prombed for the afternoon. INSIDE TOD,\ Y • J I I /, I ' 2 DAll.Y I'll.OT • H -Mystery Veils Slayiiig ' . ' &;mglaful M~rthr or ·8esult of Bar B.rawl? BJ AimlUll R. VINSEL Of .... Dlltr '°Hit II ... Gqland homicide or a tavern tU! that UJmtd into murder art consldtred today In the cue of a man dumped to ~in a Costa Mesa fArm irriptlon ditch four days ago. ·Heman C. Everett, 35, of Redondc> Beocb, left home "' a abort errand about t p.m. Frtdl)' and wu found at f :to a.m. S&lurdoy In 11> feet of water lloal TaJbeft Avenue near the Santa Ana River. _ Homlcid< Dotective Gerry T!>ompson said he -.and lnvmJaator Arnold Ap- plemu spent moot of Monday In the Redondo Beach arta, following recent pattlrDS of Everett'• wort.and social life. "we went to a few of the beer bars his wife aald ht wu ,known to visit, but we dldn~""""' up with much of anylhlna," 'lllomptClll said today. Tbl victim'• wUe Dolott! to 1 d authorlllea Monday that ahe bu no Idea Girl, 10, Saves Friend, 9, From DroWning in Pool An alel't 111-)'Ur old Westminltu elomenllry achoOI pupil aned I 9-yW'• aid prl from drvwnln& durinfl a weekend clus porty for iourth ll'ad• students, II waa reported today, Alfred Squill, ol !Al Lodi Ave, pulled Terry J!:die of -Ralbford Ave. from eJchl feel deep wales' >fies' the became -lollowiJ>i I brief llll'lll&le In thewala'. Terry,·-· jumped lnln lhe deap end of the poo~ lhlnklnc she was sun wearing • Jlfe prellel'Vel', when tpe teacher bad already taken u off, Do lolfll• Elementary School teacher MtJ. Verna llJcka oppllod arllflcial retpinUClll In Ille child uoW the be(an In respond. Sii< waa lbOn taken In w-.. .communtty Halpltll lbortly alla'ward and laLsr releaaed. Schools Merit Member .IJesigm .. ~•fu1'a~ nllbl of Mel Duvel!, a membOr o1 Iha district'• merit commlqioa wblclt acta u an appeN board for oo.te•rblnc employu, ~ wllo -Oll!IOlnted lo th• volun-commltlee bi !be ocbeol boanl 2Z months ago, ill moving to south Hun· tlngton Beach, out of the Ocean View district. The merit commlssloa ls a three-man c:ommltlee lhat establlabea r<latlooohips, tenure and 1ccepts appeals from the non certlficated (maintenance, secretarial, etc.) employes d the district. One m• is appointed by diJtriCt trustees, one by the county and one by Ule state. Frot1t Page J TERMITES •.. In Southern Calllomla. Secret Servicemen checked out facets of the job, Powell said. He termed them "very OJOpetaUve." Followln, removal of the huge tarp from the main house ~y, other struc· tures on lhe grounds would be tteated for the pests. No special problems, other than size or the job, have come up, Powell aid. He noted that jwt Inspecting the Cotton EstaU grounds took a wbole day normally the job takes two hours. UAllY l'llOI OIWMI COM1 "111\ ... 1 ... ~ . ••"-rt N. W ... .,....... .............. Jic' ·-a. Ci"'°' .. ~ .... ~co-·--­ n-., "'"" ·-n.11111 A. MM1phi .. "'-"" ...... "'""' w. ~t11 w.111 ... .... ~ ....... _ ._., ..... (lly ..... .............. OMee JM ltlt SfJHt ...,.. ~ •.0 .1 .. no, tim --..... ~: .............. ........ ~ -. . --... , ''"" "':'!T ............... _ ' ----·- l • will' W-wou!d '.llave "'lid to 414 llllit 1~." ~ .,.. -·ad-murder lrnrelt, a Torrance machine ded. shop employe hired just 11,i weeks before Questioning of persoonel at various his death. beer.bars 4nd tavern~ Everett was ~nown She said Bhe saw him last Frkiay night to visit turned up htUe information of when he left their -house and Orange value Monda,y night, Thompson said . County Coroner's deputiea estimated he Many establishments give their regular died In the water-filled ditch anywhere employes Monday off arter the busi~r from 10 p.m. Frklay to 2 a.m. Saturday. weekend period, and some persons ques Cott.a Mesa Police Delective Capt. Ed tioned oo1y work one or two nights, be ex Glaagow noted Monday that Everett had plalned. been clubbed between the eye~ ap-"lf we could just run dO'!fl that one gur parently with a heavy object. who'll. say: 'Yeah, I, ~whim tn here. FI:1- 11le logical extension of thil clue Is that day n1~ht with •.. , Thompson said tn be was unconscious when thrown into the dlscuss1ng the case tOOay. ditch in the 15000 block or Talbert Tire tracks near the homicide seen! Aven~e 75 feet from the river channel. are also being examined for possible 1m· Circumstances already disclosed -and pUcaUon, but Capt. Gl~gow pointed out some investigaton are appartntly not Monday that many vehicles drive thro~gh discussing -have led them to class in connection with the fanning operation. Everett's death as a definite homicide. Everett's T-shirt and cord u r o Y Reports tndlcaled Monday that the trousers-clad body wu found by Marcos dealh bad overtones of a gangland-atyle Hernandez, a Santa Ana laborer, as f'le murder, carrying also an une:rplained rode his bicycle to work in the parsley rumor that Everett's mouth and nose had fiekl Saturday. been taped &hul A funeral service was scheduled today "Al of now, we're not looking much In at Z p.m! ln Bell B,roadway litortuary, that direction " Detective Thompson aald after which Everett s OOdy was to be when qu~ti~ned about the suggested shipped to Greenville, N.C., for burial. ganiland aspect of the de ath. Besides hiw wife Dolores, he leaves "ll looks Uke he may also have just four brothers and three sisters, most of gotten involved somehow with the wrong them living in North Carolina and guy1 -for whatever reason -and they VirginiL Efficiency Expert Relates Demotion by Air Force WASHINGTON (UPI) -An A~ Fon:e efficiency upert wbo lint told Co"""'5 of a $2 blllkct cost increase for I.be Giant c5A cargo plane t.stlfJed today lhat he now is a.ssigned to studying costs for such minor j>rograms as a bowling alley and mess halls. A. E. Fitzgerald, who originally was blocked by Pentagon orders fro m test!· fying publicly lut week, returned before a congressional hearing to cite other overcbargea in Air Force weapons development programs. Fitzgerald, a deputy for management aystems, lnld lhe Hooae-Senate Ecoaomlc COmmttt.ee lut November that the O A would coot about 1$ billion to develop ralher lhan lhe IS bllllGn orliinally esllmaled. He r<latod lodoy lhat "almoot hn- mediltely" after bis Novembe r terlimony, he WU shunted from COO· aJllmn&"Cllt control studies ot. all major Air ~orce · wea.PoJJS aystems to other ~S.' J«dJ. (Jl!Id~{ ~kOd Filzlerald wbal he now does. Fitzgerald r<pUed that he .... curreutly ll}'ln& In prevent a cost increase ln construction of a 20-lane bowling alley and is studying "the high cost of' food in mes! halls." He was authortied to (e!tify at the hearing thb week only after memben of the congressional group accused the Defense Department of trying to muule Fltzgerald. In today's appearance, the efficiency expert said the esUmated cost Of the Air Force's short range attack missile, known as SRAM, shot up from '301 million in January, 1968, to '636 m.lllion in December. He added that the estimate has now been reduced to $438 million by changing "program content." Fitzgerald also testified that uniden- t1f~ Pentagon officials deliberately sub- mitted a misleading report on a complex electronic brain for the Flll flghter-bom- ber to conceal its probable cost from Defense Secretary Robert M. McNamara. They arbllrartly dropped ll9t million from the ertimate he said, because they feared McNamara would have.:cMlCtlled the provam bad he knowtl lhe true cost. 'nle device-is iulown as the Mark II Avloolcs System. Graduate Students Jvin City Staff ;for Summer ~~ NEW FACE AT ·CITY. HALL Summer lntem Thompson BRIGHTENS MUNI SC ENE Summer Intern Cox I, . - Three political science g r a d u a t e students were welcomed to the Hun- tingt~n Beach city staff Monday night night by Mayor Jack Green. The trio will act as interns during the summer on a full time basis. "This may be the first lime that In- terns have been hired to aid the council in fulfilling some of its duties ," Mayor Green said. Carolyn Cox, 22, Is from Cal State Long Beach and lives in Long Beach, From Anaheim is Richard Thompson, 29, a stu- dent at Cal State Fullerton. The thlrd intern ls Jim Dukette, 26, a s~ent at Cal State Long Beach, He is a resident of Huntington Beach. In addition to helping the council with deve.lopment bf re.ports and background information on varioui toplce, the interns will work with the. administration, Jeem- ill(! both the political. and administrative ends of city government. according to Mayor Green. OATH&RINO DATA Summer Intern Dukette ' $'100,fHH) Project SCAG Launches ~ • " \ . ' . Airp~ri Study _ Congenial Co-contestants in fifth annual Mi ss Fountain Valley Pageant tapped L i n d a Anderson as "Miss Congeniality." Llnda, 18, graduated Jast week from Fountfiln Valley High School. Huntington Mum Over Arm y Boat Slips in Harbom· "No comment" will be the word from the •Iuntington Beach city staff to the U.S. Army Corps of engineers over pennits to the Huntington Harbour Corporation for construction of boat slips in Christiana and Warner bays. Councilman George Mt'Cracken Mon. day night suggested the answer to the re- quest for the city's feeling about more boat slips in the marina community. J~e explained that the corporation must come to the city for pennits to build any slips for the off.water residents of the community and that "We have all the control." Boat slips in the two boat baslns have been opposed by waterfront residents who say they do not want boats blocking their view. Corporation officials have maintained they have an obligation to provide boat slips for the offwater residents and that the marinas were master planned at the time o( sales or the waterfront homes. I ' ' ,/ BY JACK BROBACK -{>I .. DllW l'li.t ll•ff A Southern CalUornla Regioruil Airport. Sy>tem study (SCRASS) ~ a r<ellty to day wilh the lnitlatloo " the 1o.countr. '$1.4 mllllm survey, Doniel D. Mlkesel , PftOl<lent ol lhe Southern California M- IOCiatlon of Govel'Mlents (SCAO) a11- nounced. First task of the SCAG Airport Study Authority which will carry out the two- year project is to inventory existing con- ditions and e~ those immediate plans, both physical and or a policy nature that might be pertinent to the study itself; according to Mlkesdl '"Ibis initial exploration is required to ensure that the study commence on a knowledgeable note," the president ex- plained. APPROVED SHARE Orange County supervisors recently voted $23,500 as tbe county's share of the first year's study. T1le program will cost; $1.4 million over the two-year ptlriod, with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development paying two-thirds. Mikesell said a contract between SCAG and the Airport Systems Planning Group, a joint venture of System Development Corporation and Wi!Uam L. Pereira and Associates of Corona del Mar, will be signed shortly. other counties joining in the program are Los Angeles, Imperial, Kern, Riverside, San Bernardlno, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Sar.ta Barbara and Ven- tura. Both the State of California and the AssociaUon of Bay Area Governments (Northern California) are undertaking concurrent airport studies, Mikesell noted. "Steps are being taken to assure that these studies are inPt1ts to each other and that there is no duplication qf efforts," he advised. The inventory of existing conditions will include specific airport modification projects expected to begin prior to July l97t, construction projects to provide surface access 10 alrports scheduled to begin prior to July 1969, ordinances or resolutions of the cities or counties relating to airports or their effects on surrounding areas such as zoning, hazards, flight hour or flight pattern restrictions. STUDIES FINISHED Airport related studies already com- pleted tuch as origin and destination studies, traffic handling requiremeots ·-~ HEALTH SPAS SUMMER SHAPE-UP Guys! Gals! JOIN TODAY Grind Inauguration of our new Huntington Btach Health Sp<. Public Invited, frH tour• d1ily. A few 1pecl1I charter member1hips 1tlll 1v1llabl1. INCOMPAllAIU fACILITIESI • Hfffe11 lorMn Swtmmht1 Peol • Utfnl Modem Cendltleinlnt facllttlet • 119Ctroftlc Ma1so .. • Plorlcla Sun Tan loom• • Whirlpool ...... • flnnl1h lock Sauna loomt • Cond1tlonl"I Pacllltte1 • ·-- 1' ' ' ""' and cipeclUes and demand forecasts: ~ ventories of eilstlng a I r p or t ~ ownershigs, manapment-policies, fell cbarged, flight patterns and ..... studies. t .. Chronologies or hislorles ouUlnlq U... establlsbment end development q4 alrporta in relatlOo to adjacent ~ munities:, master plans of airports fWi cities and eounUes and ~y. reports sum-4 marlzing their status. Mik...U said tbls inlormaUon ahoul6; be In the SCAG offlce by June 30 to ..._ a r.quest of the C<lbJUl!anLs, ,.. 1be SCA Ggroup's studiea are ~ )lect<!CI 1n dovetail with oran .. Coum'y!lll airport studies progra~m being carri91r OUI by the P<nli'a· firm, aoeonllnL Ill Avl1ilon Director ·Robert J. BfOID• q,. • Justices Reject ~ Stiff New Ethics :. .. Plan by Warren~ WASlllNGTON (AP) -The Supreme Court justices have turned down a bld by Chief JusUce Earl Warren that they tiir\d .. themselves immediately to stiff ne'lt"' rules on olf-bench activities, A majority of the Justices decided, 1( stead, to defer action until October w_he( the court will meet with a new ~ justice at the helm. Warren reported, in a lll-page llat tt' ment, the results of his efforts to bavt; the just.ices comply with the new r.ul~ He said he took up the subject with therit at a conference in the Supreme Court lasE Friday. ~· The new rules, )aid down June 10 by the? U.S. Judicial Conference, forbid aJI.. federal judges except members of tht Supreme Court to accept outalde fee•~ The rules also require all federal j1.1dg~ -again with the exception <lf thrt- Supreme Court jusUces -to file beginiJ. ning next year annual reports of their "'* vestments and other assets. ~ Warren called a judicial ccmmittee into action to work oo the rules oo May IS{ the day after Justice Abe Fortas quit the'. court under fire for having considered a $20,000 annual fee from the WolfSOll Family Foundation. Warren was understoo::l to be deeply ln.- terested in having the code imposed quickly and before his service as chiet justice er.els early this summer. ' ~ ' ' 'Jaiil I llTiilAL ._ FITNESS MOllTll AS DKUID IT TIE ~ ' ; \ I • • lomllft Stecm leom1 • Swl11 Peclal M•hlne• FREE! FREE! FREEi b clu1iYt fHtvm Frttl Group Slimnutitl tnd Swimnastics to music • No time llmit on your visits • No appointment/ necessary • ~rate facilities for women • Frte guest privileges • Unlimlled houn-unlimited days. Fml FrNI Exclusive Crash plan for getting • • I l • ( in shape FAST! I • ,, ' I ' ' . I I ------,.-~ ........... -. .:";-.. • -. •• lilPIT1"'4!Mltt .Divorces DIVOl:Cal ,ILID a.kl. Ot,.ldl!ll AIVI .,._,,.,_ Mni.r ,,...,.., l.,.,.,i. "' Ow H. aemw. w:..-.... o..ow •l"""9 MHa. G_,. .. LYM• .... fM~\f'I It. JIJIUl"llte. t!Wt11:11 "' f111ttlo Otlrtla "'°'"'• LOI',,.. , l~• n lt•,Y"'9ftd .J It .. Ir. I. "'llM.1111r, ~ Jffr>. \'t llW'riflC:I -, .. ..,.._ 9"1Mr• J•111M ¥1 K•llll ..... McirMMITll!\. ,HPIClt llll' ... • ., t P1fl"tcl1 AM ~ AVrt'-I,._ .,. Ht••lll •111-T'r•W.. ..... Gel'fnldt .,. J-... ,, ... Mckl'!l,lllt, ll:Olllle 0. VI Olvkl lH 'l'llH, 0.111 f . VI Ill~ I('"' F1y, 'rv(I Ml"llllM ¥1 Arlllllcll lN 9o!Tet0. o..M!11 1111 .,. H1rcl-Ylc- "' WiM, M.lrlorll M • .,. lll~rll W1.,r11 Mc:l • .vehlln, 0.W.1 Cht1111.,. v 1 ~· lllldltrctl M1111Cft, l1rblor1 A. vt Jlobtrt Ill. C-. Ml•loll LOlllM VI Jollfl t. 1vld 0..llt, Lortft f , VI llll'blrt1 • Ottlofll, Jft L11tfiklfl, Jr, VI Hel_ ,,_ lll'lot1n, Jllfl I. .,. Mlr<lkl M, Ill 1t11111ot. wu11a ... "· .,. $h1r1n E SdMlftH, "'9oclor1 FrlnCll I'. VI OrHNll1 Eln.S. Hlvwood, JlfM'I., Mlirvlll VI Sllldr1 K. lwll1, Rechel Ellabllll .,. w11n1m HM" a.ct•. (lf'Ole l . .,. C..vlll P. Vlncieftl, NtllCJ' Anti VI Jtrn· RaOlrt hollt, 01tlr11 G. VI l(tMetll Jl!'Mt All1'oml. Lltklll L. w EllWtnl F. Fr111k, E•i.llt .... l"IUI JOl'ln MIUltllrt. llridl E . "' Jol'lft It. C11chNU, e.l't't SW vs ltklllrll Hltll!nt Ltnlut,. Joen Ell11bllll VI W#frtn w.,.. Htr11, Willer Slruthlr, Ill .,. ltu.111111 ... Grtflll, 0 !111M S111dr1 VS 11:..,_.kt "~" Ev1111, c • ..," l . VI ket1Mll'I c. Gl'(llJI, Clltrlll C. VI Lindt 0. stiff, LOii Jff11 VI Wlltl'1'1 J. I0111~r, Erk 0 . VI Ml l'IQI E. Sl'lumlkl .. PhYlll Clllldll VI ltocl1t• MurrlY Slr"'I"''· 11.oOerll K. "' Sherwood I. O. Yoon, Frfd1 VI Arthur FW!lf, Llfldt Lff VI 11.l(hlrll ilillf'I 01vl1, l lftlll 11:..,.,. Thoma Edwin Zl,.._11, AllM S. "I Fr1r.ll A. Curt11. 11.ct>trt L .,. Glllrll J. Fulllltrbuftc, lt_I,..,. .,. EMii O • Leo. Clrol 11.tnH .,. Thomn Herbert JOhnteift, J1111« VI WlttM G. Zld\I..,, IMbll E. VI Freel A. "' . 500 YEAR DREAM MAY BE $30 MILLION GAMBLE Artl1Y1 Conception Showa Wk et Big9e1t Sh ip Plln1 to Do ltollrlll. JuclJlll ,, ......... 11.0ltr ,,_.,.. 11.ode(ktr, WJlrNo J .. 11 VI 11.0Mlii! -~-. Slfldrt l. VI Wllll111> M. Ltwls, 511111•1 S. VI Cr1l1 A. Ftltoen1'11"9<', NIMY En .. n \Ill Ntll 3 COM ~. Northwest Passage ~ OilMayRealizeOldDream 1111, Jtwtlf .-..1n VI l......,trt INT••L.OCUTOll.Y o•c•••• f1ldllll,i1, f rlfllt E1r11at, Jr. VI DorMI ..... l111t. Cllht•lne I. v1 It-Id W. S....llh, Pttrldl J. VI lll•Mr1 J. Voll. Ann loubt "'' JouPh P1ltldc Sd!UI ..... l lllltn VI Pl'llll10 s111,.., Ltoll Mvrn1 VI Ernftl C. PIM&Ofl, JllfloU VI P1lrlcl1 SlUM91', C1rl11 D. \111 Rtl'ICllll Ernnt LOWY, M1rllt1111 VI Ml!lo.. Jtv Collrn, Wll'\nllrtd v• ll.1!1h Jul!UI Btr1tr, JuM V. v1 Cl'l1rlfl Herbtrl 1 .. ·~ ~ WASHINGTON (UPI) other Ideas were considered To do the job, the Manhat-~~ii'.~i,1.'~hi: ~m~!.i~ Torrer t The 500-year-old dream er a and discarded. For example, tan was converted inlo a giant ~~u:r'.!~0~~ ":... !:'11.°"'ld o. Northwest Passage may the oil could be sent in ice breaker with a specially cOM111V. J11111 s. VI K•nntll'I w. 0111111. Avclr .... Rulh VI J!ltellh Mtchnl become a reality next month supertankers around 0 a p e constructed 125-foot long bow 111n1. 11rt11r1 L0\1111 v1 Albert J•..,.. ... ·II''. Ovtrtoy, 81rMr1 P1ltkl1 VI 1obrt because of a thin line ol oil Horn to the East Coast of the designed to smash the l<M'oot 11.i. 0om1rt Join v1 ~ .v..r1111 McClllltnd. Fr1..e11 Shltln VI Jd'lfl derrick!: rising along tht U.S. or smaller tankers could thick ice expected en route. Lumer ' HUll'ln, $11>dr• LYM VI Ptlllllt> Vll'llClll :":" frozen north slope of Alaska. use the Panama Canal. The The ship was lenfthened try 6$ J"""'""· """'" e, .,1 '-" '· il H.otrl$Oll, JllCllll'I lY,.,,. n TllMtlw •_; In whBt is being termed a Idea of shJpping the o to feet, widened by 16, and its JOl'ln S30 million gamble, the biggest Panama in sun.ortankers then weight boosted by 9,000 •nMs. tiru1ei, Ttreu K•Y "' DMn """ r-""' Herrtll. Mtrv Ellef> VI Wtrrtn RllHll ship in the U.S. merchant fleet sending it across Panama by The crew was given Arctic F1•rl11t1-l"rtdt•ldc Alblr1, J•. VI b r I · k I AM1W1llloe t e t,000-oot on g pipeline to waling tan en a so training and the shlp's sup-L•"'""· s1>e111 J. YI J1,,,.,, wmi.m supertanker "Manhattan" -was considered and rejected. plies will Include a high-'°"''1" :Sl'l••Of'I •· v1 s11n tev J . O•nlOf'I, Jt ,,..I loulH VI lar111 hopes to bttome the first com-Since the cheapest, aod powered rifle , for protection L•wr~• mercial ship in history 19 bat-_, .s~rtest .. 'f3J :-'. 4.~!!t_:mllp •,against polar bean:. ~ i "~~flllei, Llftd• MM .,. l ••Nlro t ru. ·' ;t• .f ter Its "'ay lhlJlugb. ~ ice·:. from Prudhoe fo 'New Ycrli' Ci-SUI M.A. Wright, Homble'I K1..eP>tn, LJoTd o. v1 l•rbl•• A. hoked ha ·-of th c I th ''orth l boa d" hal ' o( M(l(!-J', "'•"" ... ROY o..,.. c c M C111 e ana· v -was e l'I wes r c rman, ' As today c1w»-. c..ro1 L v1 E"""''' Fr.,1e11 dian Arctic and link the Allan· Passage. Ute company agreed it's a big qbestion mark-but ~~~~':~!:"·1~":,:i<i:' w~~;,':r!'i YI tic seaboard with the newly· to gan1b\e on opening the it's a gamble we have to Robert F•1tKf1 d' ed 'I f' Id f · I k d h I 1-•e." ltt!M!, &tv1rllo' "'""'VI •Dbtrt E111tne 1.scover 01 Je s o ice oc e c anne . 4J\ Miin,....., 01111 L J• . .,. a"'' Jo.nn Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. 1----------:------------"=:.:...:=-=.c:.:...:.:...::c::...=c_ ,, •• • ll the 115,000-ton Manhattan can do , the job, il could b<! fellowed as early as 1975 by a fleet of tankers ranging up to 150,000 tons which would set up a shuttle service from the oil field1. The next step, some , , oil men predict, would be a J~ fleet d n uclear-poweffil sub-.s. marine tankers. Under the ! present schedule, the Manhat- •• tan is set to sail from •• Philadelphia July 15. The Northwest P a s s a g e * , crossing is not new, Ships ... have managed th e tricky .,. ~ straits since the era of the early explorers. But the Arctic ~;;. ice was a formidable obstacle • and the passage was discarded , as impr~tical. ; • .Why reopen the battle now? . ?'1¥.Wbat is at'stake? The answer 1.lis simple: Oil. millions of bar· ~ls or it that lies In a great ';,"'.':-J pool beneath the Alaskan tun· ~ dra. This oil Is a potenUal profit bonanza to the oil companies. It could mean lower priceJ for the oil consumer, and an open Northwest Passage itself could change the trade routes of the world. The Manhattan project Is backed by the Humble Oil Co., which will put up the major share of the money. AUantlc Richfield and the BP Oil Com-· pany will also defray part of the cost. In a news conference ,.. recently, Or. Jack Bennett, general manager of Humble's supply department. e1plalned the economics which led Humble to gamble on opening lhe Northwest. Pas!age. By 1980, he said the oil fields may be producing as mu ch as two million barrels a day - more than the entire con· ,umption today of all New ~ngland, New York and New Jersey. To make the oil worthwhile to sell, it has lo be shipped to market at the lowest pos1lble cosl Humble had t w o allernaUves -the Northwest Pauage or a pipeline acroa: Canada, or one which would run through AJazka to a port where the oil woukl be 1hlppld to the U.S. Wu! Codi lnll and then transshi pped via trana.conllnonlal pipeline, Bennett saJd. LOCAL Ne elh1r 111•1p1pet hll1 ye11 1t1•••· t ¥ery 4ty, '"''"' wh•I'• 101111 •11 111 lh• 61••f•r Jf•n11 ~.t..•1t lh111 th• DAILY PILOT. • A free booklet to answer your questions about Annuitiel' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ... .. ,. ••nd me, wlttletl'I ellllt•Uon, • Ir•• ccipy of th• hoklet: "Aru11ilUe1 .,,th1 key .. • 1olden ., .... : : • • • NAME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,., : ADDRESS,, •• ,.,,.,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,, ........... : .................................... " ... ... .. .. . . . .. .. . • MlinufKhrr•• Life lntur•nc• Co. : • P.O. lo• 1flJ, I •"•• Ane. cant. 92106 • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• There comes a time. in most mcn's livts when a prantecd income is more importaot thab the bopt or ca.pi1al jain, And that's coctly whit annuities rrorn Manuf1cturcrs Life offer. They provide an aulomatic, suaranteed income r01' life. PcopJc have 1skcd us many questions •boutaniluitits io tbeput. lmpolfllt q~tioris 1ucb u : can I arranat ror some or the mcmey•o beret~ to my eata1e if I die early? b there 10 annUity lhat will tr&Mfer the income to my wife if lbc outlive& me? How do ·aool.liti• atl'ect my income tu? I! an anouitJ a practical way of supplemcntirq: Soci.11 Security llld other retirement income? To pro¥ide JOU Mtb tbe amwm we haVC: pu:blilbed an my~rcad, euy-11>~ booklet called "Anwitiet • ; • the key to a aoldai aae." It'• Joun ror the aWaJ, without obtiption. Jmc ftll in and mum J,LP~C.LU. A1•ACY Associllt• HARBOR AREA Tel: 547-5621 I he coupon abcwe, AIMI H' )'OU would like to disa.-uauidcl rib aomeooc, you couldn't find a better penioa to talk to tball the Man from M~ l ri• '· T...,..., . Aa..-.cy Aaaocllte NEWPORT BEACH Tai: 547·!5621 ' - , MAIUFACTURERS LIFE lit. D. Stlflt• Aaaney Associ•t• COSTA MESA. Tai: 547·5621 INSUAANCE COMPANY r.-.,, ..... 11, ''"" DAILY PILOT f), the Record .. • Clllt\ollt 1 R-.i. l oure L.,11 n J-. ·-(fMUlrntflll Cemcrv, J-1 C11ri.1111t .,. •oRrt Jtmtl ~ G ....... M. .,. H1rt11Y A. (111- "'lrntflll 1"1imtfJIJfl, l•llY Leu ""' L1ltftll 0. (IMUlmlfl!l I P1111. $Mron l . "' '"""'' M. Jr. Wntn. MMY L VI Q>til'fr 11.obln-. Elunor VI •-Ill C. "''"'"· J-""· .,. llebltt J. Gtlwl, Mlt(lllt Hunt VI Robert I". (All- t111lmtfltl lllucler, l•-.111 A, YI l lllllt M1rl1 ,,,.. ~-· LUO. JOyc1 Mii VI Rldltrd Clllre Avtrht JI.,. lll1111"11'1 VI 2-E!'Mry MID~"'' lllchtrll L1Ytr111 VI C11trl1 Nldl.ollcl'I, 1n111 M • .,. v1e1n"'1r I". {lnMllmlfll) ....... ' ... ttnol\, Mlldrtd Fr1..e11 ¥i Uwll Tte-11!, Jlllff M, VI HIMY J. c""'°", c-11 Maule .,. 1twu1u L'>'NI (IMllliollf'lll Oolliieu, JOllllll'I A~ VI lllllfff' HtNY Cto1b',o, WHlllm l'rMkrlcll: VI El111btlll Jt Ann M.lfll'IO, 0-M. VI Fr-H, tm-F1~il:i'i~J!t!tt Fl't'I VI 11.odl\IW lfl, '"11111411111. Trwen, 'flllnll1 loul1 .,1 l1•btr1 JMf'I C,...to,, ldlll'I Jol'Ui'fft VI Htrrf Lln'futl l r111d!, Ellablll'I AM 'n J.cll 0. PIHAL OICll.111 Minni, l Ollll VI llltlHll McMllltn, HI~ Eut-VI SMlll M. Mff( .... I!, LlnOt Thtrtw VI O.lrMr ·-Ml .. M-. Amllll H. VI Rldl1rd M. Dullll, Aport Glenn VI Jnslt LOU Flulllh11, M•rvln JI"'"' Jr. "' Tlf'rlt '·~ Hentt1. Comtlll n l"erml11 llonnlt ktlMt. S..Niltl H, VI l'•M Ml••moni... J1111t Jovce ... TOllY II . Siorr1h. '•lrl(ll M. \II Gtlrdall It. ~,..,,, Dolotll Mt•ll "' Jtmtl Mt11rlcl Sll~l"d. Birney I. VI ll Vemt ,_ Slofle, LlflCl.I l . VI l'rtdrldl It. HNI. Elltn A. vi lttlPl'I Ltt P11ttp_1, LllMll Htrletn "I L1rry £"""" Del ltlo, Rlibtrt A. VI Ktll'llttf'I 0111 Btktr, Tl\'9k• S."" Citrin« J . Ctl , JUlllll'I AM Vt D1nlll a- Sladt . Mtrll~n VI LI•.., fllw1rd R1vbllrn, Ntr>e;l' , ••• ., VI Jtl'Olnt Wllll1 M!tclltu. 11(111.,.,11 011111 "' Cirl Fl'lderlclr Norton, Sht!ll A. "" PhMl11 0 . C1111!1. l11!r!t1 Ann v1 WllUl m 01vld Shtrm1n, Glorlt AMI VI FrMltrkk Jlck t1111111lfl'l4!11IJ M1v1llll. Albtrl £111-\It lutll1 AWlllll (IM\llmtttl) JUDOMINTI OWIM, Alllt1 J. v1 lllllMl!e l , fi n· nu1m1111) Mlldtbrand, Oltf'lfll J . .,. Terry l . (1n- nulm1111l SltflCtl. Lorr1!111 l-low1rlfl VI LIO c . !•~n111mtnl) Bl'•n1. Rkllmorld Thom•t VI 811111 Jove• (ttlf'lll""-nll CollfOl111. hrHrt J • .,. John 11.tmiond !1nn111mtnt1 Umlted Time Only! ~448 88 '•' You Get These Conveniences orrElttfe-rtne Sic:te;oYfSKW Or the Top Freezer Model. · Good·b)'• D1lro1tlng. Both tha11 Frlgld1lr• Aefrlger•· 1011 •r• 100% Fro1t·Prool. · Smoolh.g!lde ny"lon r011eJt m1k11 these Frlgldalr• Fl1lrig· er1tor1 e•af to move; e•y to 'cle1n behind or be~lh, No help needad! .f1 Eithar right Of l1fl·h•ndtd. Ct\ana• your mind, ch1nga your li:1tchen.11rrangement. Reveru·door. Top Frffzar modal lats You convert t>oth Reveraa-doora to rlghl· or l•lt·hlnd opening. Slde-by·Slde Is !ult n1tur1lfy 1mbl· d•xttoua. ' Org1nlzed Doo; S!oraige, Lola of rbom to tlott In ltlt door. Remov1ble tgg trays, butter llld 1n1ok c~ptirt• manta, deepdc>Of IMlff« half-g1llon mUk car1oni, More door ltormge on f(.."zer lloors. Happy Medium MMI Storage. FIOWina Cold Mast Ten- ders keep maat fult 1bow IM fl'fftlng polnt tor ul1ty, y11 ready 10 cook without IMW!no. DEPENDAllLITY I SERVICE SINCE 1941 • I See by Today's Want Ads e lifother needs a vacation 100, aet her a new dllh- wuher and electnc ~. 1till in cartons. e H1vlne J1undry problems? Even royalty would 'lake advant.aae of a. Cutcrn rmperial malched white V.'Uber and dr'yer. e Clauy O\uslal Mate the beat oUer for ·a Foni Roadster. • ... .!11. ......... ~ ... .:. . " ' I • .'·~. • • • •3sa~· . ~ ' ..... ~ . ,. .. 411 E. SEVINTllNTH ST. COSTA MESA Delly f •t : s.t. M e .646-UM l I ' \ I 1 l I ' Je 0 11A1t l'llOT H TllHdoy."""' 11, 1'169 YMir lffeney's Worth . . --~-- T ,,....,...,...,...,...,..,_..,...,...,...,.,,-~~~~~, • • -A--t>VER THE-COUNTER .... .. .. (...., """ r.. a.'-· -C- ·Bnyit1g St:µllps? Don't Tal{e Licking NASD Ll1tfne1 for Monday, JUM 1', '"' ' r.. ~ "' 'lb 't'l! -· ~~r ~ ~ E w i~-~ ~w :i_•tic l-''l~'f'• cem,ltl• iT1 1 ~ .. _ il 1t_.._t111 .... ....,. .. , .... -"""" tt....,.......,. r A.M, t,.. fr!IA$D. y $toc.k -A-lll'kM: 1~•111": I *' '9' -~ .,ilel'i ·"~" ~ ~ "j ~ ..... _. :1 llY SYLVIA PORTl!ll You are aware that the < •Has ol well chosen stamps are now ria1nc as much as 20- JQ percent a year. Vou're · ap- palled by the ~ct that reoeoLly the shrinkage ln the :bupng power of your dollar hai more than wiped out the Jnt~t you have earned on 100! bank savings and U .S. . nds. How can you, the amateur, 'Intelligently invest a porUon of .your capital in stamps lo pro- .tect your savings against in· -flaliop and probably to make ·wbstantial·P.rofits too? • HERE, FROM an interview "With Bernard H armer, presi· 0 dent of: New York's H.R. Harmer, Inc., the world's :.Jargest stamp auc tioneers, is bow: :· I) Do start as a general col~ ·tector, investing only small •. sum s. Then develop ~ a !lpecialty - s uch as s tamps o[ •one type (e.g ., airmail stamps ·or engraViJ(i ~!raJnp.s), from a 'particular ,country or region, or from ·a .particular era. ·study as much re l ia ble , literature a,s possible and at· ocea~raphic ; fuiidilC. A mutt.Ill fund iavestin1 In the . dtftloln:nt Ind use of th•. oceat1 llld Its resourcas -----------~~Ilk. ...... ,1 .... 1 j .... ,..,._ N.V, I .... ,._,.-"IM• prosp.mJI ol'! ti. _... .... le fund. Inc. m-• Zip S h ,rlc .... -....... NU&l tf' --~.,a......... 1•1irr e ~ r-~ tend as many aucllons in your quite a few aren't), cheek printing .error. u~ errors -NEW YORK CAPI 11 " V• G 1 1 1 1~" ~l.J.J. • ~v. \"' 1~ =:1,. area u )'OU can. ll3mes wlth the American In marg1n!, leuenng. design, -11111 ~lowlM 9ill = ~ I s~ I 1r' 1m ~ r=r• .II: fflf ~J Klf!I Lew c-. llY l1n .... .J i lfi6 -IJ, . ) Stamp De81ers Msn. in Ne~ walennarks, perforatlom, etc. ::=.. 11u:!~ tt-rt: 1ftl'l1~· MON'!!.,..., i:t? nvJ ~ ·11 I~ ·~ ~ ..m Ii ll.'-jO 3'114 -"' tt1'1t111i lu "' f; '!4 ... 2 Don't \\'SSte your money York 'City or 0 n e of Its -can be manufactured by a ::-~·~'-'SKwnlff , ... lflN,;I ~I = r· jlMl 1·~ Sc:an t~I{ t: m1L-:. '\·.14 -!1" ?1"" .:.::-tt ~n. ~:: M ,,ti, i ... g ='~ on cheap packets of stamps. chapters 1·n other big cilieiL •·stamp doctor" for the sole oe • ..,., /11C.o ••• •on filt "'Mofdl M 1U: 1~ ~ !' ""~~Ak',"i! 'i i~ m:-"' J:r;~ ,_,. ll 7'\ot 711'1 11~ -.JI.\ , h not ~· Ir•-· ~~ rm j ~ (;2"' If 16 ~Xi' 1't lt.. l~ E. , .sf: \oti ~., :J . =111i ~p~.. ' JT~ 1f'4 lNo -'If The odds that you'll fl~ a 6) Do, if you know nolhinc purpose of neec1ng l et :=:~1111~. ••• 1:.:: im .u · "'gre::,. ff~~~' c°m .. ~~ *"' u uu~ .IA I 1!ll ffi!I _" NA l'1n1 .50 1011 2s~ l!l! ';' ::!: ~ valuable one are virtually nll about stamn~ but still wanl to unwary, On such apparen ctu1tt 1H"ke91 ., o1 1:dmd 11 -u l 11 EC1Ull •'" 5"uov~ "" ft; ~,••, 1..0 n ll '" +1 pt A~.11 Mi J1 f&.% ~i ~ . l d · f •PIH"Olllm.tlllJ' l IE;duc Sy1 12 )I) 11 1'9 !"" l'I ~1' SE\ttl'\ p 111; ._m r1 m IN 16'1'i I + °'I' SI 11 +I 3' ~ · -lilt •--ause these pac•-ts a re pu't Invest for prollt, employ a bargains. ge a vice rom a prn., ,, wr.1c~tti. .. c1 t'!IO e-1 u l•\.'I N•j ~ 1 " 4 i\:'' H 1 110J l'J 1V'111• Llf )AO H" .u11t .ut• -.1t>G• "' .1• j• 411~ ., .io _ ~ ~ ~ l h bl d 1 1 u IA" ex· pm,,,, w111o;11 1~ "I He l• 11 M1 \:1y :lJ Iii'"' H ,.,. 1,1;i A1111trr1 .. o ' "' n 22~-ocaco1 1.n ! n• "ll,l! 71\t _1 to•et'er by ~xperts wlso know edgeable dea ler or ot er reputa e ea er, a r s \;\I 11c11r111ia1 '°"'i.t 11 • 11c1 it 201 N1; R• 1;iv. I t nt• '"' F,,.. .1i1r Pr~ .2Clb 1:11 I\ ii. d l't ,. 181111 1.1t :is111o )(\f. _ tto • n < d · I b t f icnd o r a reputable h1v1 beel'I 1111r· Eltcl<:Pl' lj• :m Nit S'f 7\'li l'J Pllt 21, Alrr!!_ llf•.)S I Im 11 11! . P1f 1.20 :It •1'11 \ '11' + V. •!most SUte)y have snagged expert to a VlSe you, 0 U)' per r • t llu.c! \m.9d) OI' fillram11 7.\11 Ntrol p '" 1 f HG 1~ •"' Alrjt;:tn II~ 11~ .; iin ntt";.;. , ... 011 P Pn._lO ',", ,_, -!! ~! ..... .,, " sla';fy' for you a t auclion. or committee of stamp expertsdNJt• m1rtr.•ll!i~c11 ~ NE11•• ~ Jm • w~ 1•>;;.11 AJ• .-,,"0 1, • """'I: -~-f ... -. ···-!I ,,, . .,, ,, G ' ~ T• ... -· All l ll "' ""' • . . • o! 11JtMI . ''' .. ,. .... DD~ .. (usually Part Of the large .. 'jitW d1V, "Ptlc 0.1' n, ... 71 Nld\IMI F l6 . , Gu lj )1'""• ..... "f. 1.D0 4 41 •l'li ~ •··· 1lolnhl 1 . .0 J76 Si • ... 41'4 ~14 any valuable stamps before sim 'I to sell you stamps he , . . . hlch ill 00 llOI 111~'!~ MOClut ,.,. ~ Nlell A ~ "" WEt sv '"' 1 ~ 1t1n1.... ,10 ~ 11_, ti ''~~ _ ~ 11111 1if ).t •v. .,It 50;; + " they get into the packet. The deems inv'estmeflt worthy. pb1latehc soc1et1es) w w re1111 m1;r.;,: moS ou 11\'J lf\I) NI•~ a ,.* J5'i w G11C1t " "l'l A.~~1111 ,~.M lt '~ "l'I ~ -111. c111 Ln •• 1 ,, u 113 . I"" I f la ,...rtr.down or ~ !l:Mrl'fil'f 53 ~ NorAm" ... t RO a 10 l~ _.,.1 · U 'lf.! ltto 11\9 -.. Oii i" I'll f »Vi ~ »>ill :.:.1'4 wholesale price ot a typical Such agents today a r e tSSue cer utca es o s mp m1u-. ~,..,,., • ~ ~NC« M"G '" 1~ 11:..itt 30 3t A.11tt •. '!1 ! "• -n -_,'l! 'l ,.'·"", "'• s11Mi '°• s1~ +"' p--lo f 5 000 · · I I th · · I:. llr• 11 141'1 la No Ew OU SV. ~ f~ Sa""' 2' jl ._,_..., 2.IO 2 ?-. 4 ... II ~ 30 ~ ' :~i12~00~ ' stamps 1S ~?~=~ in~:s~~ 5th~~~ aulNe~~YWoRDS or Milton =c!ke U11r ~ i~~~I :iml'I ~~ S5'l-1?v if~ ~t? = fC n.: ~= :1£i;n ;;: q ~"" ~ ~ = ~ ~~ ~ lll ii\\ 11· = ~ 31 DON'T BUY UP whole fa.oo generally run aboul 5-10 r...~ki a Colorado s tamp ..,,.. HOsP 16 11 1:.11111111 41 a l'J Hu<Jr R111 ,. ll Sulldl !"els 11 lf'h AHl..wm ·75 1 I\ f.~ ~ .! ~ ~ 1i~ " f:1 ..._ u . +'~ .. ._. VGA • Alt 11111 11: t I'll (-f\{o 0111o A'1 l•h 1~ St.00 fd 1114 l ,,_ AlllllCI N .61 -l~ ~l\t .• 11 1' 1""-lf'li-\to Sheets Of Ordinary new Stamps percent Of the COSl price Of broker W h 0 is author of the ::=r, fgl lih :~ l'ebrl lei\ t l'I to lo W)f J1V. JJl'r T..,..,.,,. llJO IU ~\lj-'='"g. rJ 11 ~ Ml .tO -' on'I 111.M :ii 16~ l' II -I f h. · th bou h Se · I · I bit bed "H to•"-,, ••111o F11rtkl T IVt tl'l kin 5'1~ 511'1 T1111•r 12 I~ Al\I 1 • , ,~ '''"" 51,L ~L ..... d 1.20 , 45 ~ .,.. + .._ rom t IS or at country-stamps gt. rious CO · reecnty pu s ow Ai'itc:'Ld 19..,10v.Fl:ley.ar s1n5l ~1 121412 T11>Nn 2• 2--.Al l«I 11 JO i 1~ 11n f'"····· pf!,., iis '""' 21\'o' tM-'14" where a C\IJTency devaluation le<:tors and top s tamp auc· Play the Slamp MarkCt: '' "'11oD e..v '"" •l'I ~~;/1n Rr t'v. J111o 01:;. ':A 2t1'4 mi l:~~1'4> }l'llo 1f•11 A1111 ci..1m i 1=; ,_ti,. ~: ..:.:·~ :::~11 .of: fil M 21lln fl... +N COUJd stash 'their value. This tioneerS Can steer YOU to ad· "The Stamp market is • • · :::r ::: !! '~ ~t:~~~ I, 1'::ii, P!~tC'Jr !m ~ t~:..:.ml~I i:in l~l4i ::::"f . .o* ]? ,UV. n" n\4 = ~ om:_,Sd WI ~ = 45VI: = +·:-: goes tor the U.S. loo: The visers. an exciting Investment fron· .. ,','"'•E<i 1•,i~ 1ltt F1t8• CP 1• 19 Pac F•rE J9 .o r1u1n• 31"-.n\li ~':.'.l~ J,;H J ntl Iv. !... -* ~ MU11 1 11 11 11-. ''* =,,. , . • Pl'I '° ' y, fsll>fft 1<E 1l 25 Pllkeo 11\ii 12 Tllfny I '!: U ,....~ E ,,.,. -"° lt:" .IO 12 "6 ~ 4' -\\ value of·p0st-l!M3 U.S. stamps 7) Do beware of any bar gain lier , very similar to the com· ~~pf11 2~~ ~ .. F11 M111e 2Jl\ 2~ P1MCOI ll"' 10 r111n 1 1~ t°'ir:'E," 1J!~ l ~\\ ~ .... ~ .... :..:i\4 on ffL1 I.to 120 3214 » mi.+ \'I ll •. h I d • " ·u. od't kl r~ ,,.,, FllktllCP•'-"•l'>PkwYD11 ~1J.-TrensCtl 611.. ' M,,,..,,, •• ,,I, ,.eondslf• 4'714i ~~-~ as co ectors items as re· pr ce stamp • gem w1 , m 1 y mar es o .w years ~meE L•b 61¢," Fst wn1 F "'• '"' P&11llY P Ul'l 1~ rr1ns o.1 1,11. 20 AJ3:F'utr ..., 12 n" 2t'--~ c .... dl1 pt s • nw. n~ n-. + ~" · ed be! lhe" f bl h I b d " m •Pr ; F1ldd"l 20\~ 21 P1velle ll ll~ Tr&nel 01 7\11 N Ain All"ll IO 33' ll~\ H~ !IS -,.• ~ FIOOh I 50 U\li ~ G\'e-~ maw at or ow ir a ce say, a g vaue ase ona ago. ~t11•n1 1t.t.~VtFue111 11 21 n P Dl11Ls1 11/o t tr1nspM u IJ"'1 AmBlk~·1 3"~ -.-c::Fd10t1.so 1•110 1119\il°""'-ll\ V8 1Ue and their SOie U5e iS 3$ A ~I 1•"111 Foodl' Ptl I\~ IV. Pl e .. Jn '"' fl/o frtncl Ind 1"' J• Amllt Hot. I tl lr"' ll ll .:_:1~ ~°"~~td"t1~ n = Im i:-.. +···,··· ,.m l!O Jl 31 ForaitO Jl\'>2'\'JP1G.l.W 1$ :tst,'Jf11c0Pd 31'h J<l .... ,t,mBdc'1160 U06lt'olol't'1'111+1 1Pwrlto ,...-. '!'jl . postage. ...;:: i!l!o1 13 1S ~°'1 Grant» l~l'o ~~'1-1 1j" tf" f~c!ft._ ~~ lf11o Am CM f:'n l~ 52~ Sl\1 ~\.\ -411 Pw pt•'.n 110 i"" •1\lo f,; ;,;;'°' 4) Do stick to the higher Home Bui· lders Pl d t..,M~'F ~:~ ll" F~• 1~ 111'1 p-REI 1•1'1 u" TYIOft Fd 111'1 111'1 ~"'c.:! ';,o5 11: n:: m~ n: :t: ~ ":.~.~ ~sooaia ::... L -1+ :-. , , d "d th ea //4 St ~ 1 IYI fkln i!ltc :IJ\\ ft\'I l't'P W1lll 11'1 ' UnllK U 1 \Ii A Cl'l•ln 1 'Ml JS 3 4 22\'f l2Yi -l\'J ContAlrl .90 l'C! 11, l64ll lHli pr1cespec1mensan avo1 e ~siG1>1 lO 12 Frllktlh~ ll~ ~Perini 12 n\liunAr1t~ ll 32 1.merec111'to ,•, n,•• nltll ••_,+Y>t-~1111.:N u ";lt f' fll!+···;,· l ' l 50 t t I l •-· C I'" ,, ... l'ullvltw 1'4 f'h P9trl SI 41 ..S ~n Doll1r 23\'J 251'1 ACrrSui 1"40 t l'Vt 26'9 1 I yp1ca percen re a ........ _ ., ..... .. c.er11n1.i 11~ iii.. Petron .u .UYI n 1uum 22:i,r, "" Ame 1· 5 * ~ lO v. °" -·" 2• 1 M 1 ..... k . . •.'1.""~,·, ~.~ u,,e, Gu Svc 16 16~ PhROll 1>1 n 1' n Mc;GJI lo iov. Am '&1~1111·21 11 im• f' ~ -" 11n1 C1> l.IO It «1'9 '3 "'"' -~ nlar Up On Inexpensive CX· ,.,..., -> G Alrc!I V.~ t V. Pllll kb 2J'lo r•"" U11 Rtftl 11:U. 11.,., AOuilVI l7I 33 ,,_ j'{o -\lo Cl5.fo.ptA.t,Y I JO 4t'At ~ -~ amples. The big increases in Fol•. Tax J • //4r(l11,.!' ~,,• ,•,v. G 0tv1c.u ~ s•4 Ph111" Gt """ ..... u! t1Na1. tPA 21v. 1.011•• ...... , v. l + v. c~1 1.111 n •1to li" '"" -~ ncentlves •,•a, ·.-,,. 12,., G11 Gllblrl 3'-l 1¥1 Pho!Oo'I Inc :10\lt 21\ll U row11 J 1"' AmEIPw ·1 51 11s !l -14 °"'l ~!OP 71 20 flh ~ -\It values are ta.king place today ' M G 11:1n.11lc• 'I'> s PJts Pell w. 6\.lo u nv11 11 11t 23 Am Enk1 ·1 u ffl'I ~ ff 'I.I ::1 1 -•~50 m 371"11 :114' -~ Ar<!lfl PIPI ..0 •l Gltl E•I 10111 11\lt Pinker!" 51 $11'1 U! t•r 5l 5J Am E~p Ind .. '~oo "",, nM 11"' =_j• I Ott! 'j' 2 ,1 !! U ~ +'·,··• in lhis hlgh priced category -i-.,rk ~ ,.n'll !~ i;oeo111 • ''~ Port•• HK lD.,., ll u TrkL av. «\II A~x•nd "'"' VI 731'11 "" = ... ,,_ " ,,. Gu10'' ::M'I< l? Pro Goll 111'11 11~ Up Pq_nP 25\li 26 A enlM 50 ,. H" l'" JlY. \4 ont ti .61 ld l~ 23fi ~ .... , particularly, 19th century . Ar'flCll 1t'h 21\/o Gl1Htll 'I 4 1'1 Prw AIWll 6\'• '~ U~MI )f!Ld ,.,., • A nln ll'!i:to II ~ jl'I 21'1 = ... I"°' °''' 361 lU~ l:Jtlli 1'4 +1 Stamps and ea'ly a'·rmoi't LOS ANGELES (AP) -A they can loan at rates lower "•'",", • ',', •,.1 G1e1 ... w 411'1 «'-Pubs NM 21 \li 26 u111 1nd 33 u 1.mttoi.t .Jo .c1 , l!ll"' •;. --1.tot 6 J.tW. >4 · ,. -"' UIO r1 GIDbe Rul> 6 1 PS NClro lli" 1514 V•I L01v 13111 13'1. A Hornl I fO ID2 Sol 53~ · =l'tli oolc IJnlt .st '' .Q 411'1 411111 -~ stamps. group representing the na-than the prime rate. If the !~~I '~ t:gr.:::;•con av.l:~~~~~t ~~~·~oJ!'ii ~ r, ~~:J ,J ~ ~ ~=1: =lnT~1 li ~l~;; lm+t;, 51 Do, it you find an old Ljon's 15 largest home builder:s prin1e rate is 8 'h percent for 1Y.~ C0•1 •,•,¥> 15,~ G••llh Sd s• SJ P ~-..neit 21\"J 111'1 w1110eu 11: nv. 1t Amlnvsl 1.fif 12 IN I~ 1;\'0 -.,. -T "1.is .j 23.,. ~ 2N -~ ' -, -,, ' 00• oo'" Grlll" Ml ltV. 0 Purity Si r 11 111'1 -I~ p lt 21 AmMRt-1 .to 171 11\lo 21\~ 214'-Y. -lend 1.20 "2\4 41~ o• -Vo Stamp Collectoo· n in !he a11;c 11 d M nd 1 1 d' I . 2" pe ce t 1 -1 Gm1111 kl 11 i• POiio C1P 1" ,,,., 11: • ..,.. 9~ 10,,. AM1>1 c1 1.to s< "'"" "' ""' . . .. -R11 .-«l'l .. """ -~ ca e 0 ay or ax er e 1l cxamp e , a .2 r n ax &1lrd Al 1• u Gr lnMll HJ 110 Pulnams 11~, 11·~ wirsti H 11 l:R!. AMn pf 1.1s i 111v. 1u u. 11•14 + 14 1sr 1.70 t ti"' 21v. ·11\'o .... and want to sell it, take it tor . th I I Blktr M 2l\._ 2•'" Grov1 p,.. 241\\i JiO Rad °"""" 111' 7lV. 1v. NO 111:\i 1•\~ Am Motor1 sn low '"' 101\ -"'cor1n111• .1.s. 76 2o1o,;, ~ 25'19 -V1 Incentives and olher measures credll so ey cou d oan at 6 e11 P•int 1 1:w. Grwih 1nu 2J 24 11.an>bsl E1 'ltl'.t lll\lt w11 Trmi 1~ 10 1.mN1101i t " ~'I 3m 35\lt + o,;, GW t..50.I It m 2u111116 +j a r epresentative sample) lo 1H•un1 w1 '"" '"" G111rd c~ 1\·1 • R1Yctom u1 ,.., wtot> Rtt 1J11o 11 1.mP11o1 ·°"' 14 lf\~ 11~ lit• -"~In .J2 •· n H" 21 - two Or th'" reputable SI.mp to avert what it called "a na· percent. 11erwld l•lis nl'I Guloe rm 2~. J 11.1vmo Cp n 11 w1H11rn u ,, 15.,., ARirs•ch ·'°' 30 ltl\lt lU\li 1"'11 +l c-1es .st ',in;, J14 1No -•\ a.arn P 12 l J GuM In! '\It 1ov. ll:EtOll E<i 50\ii 5t'h elllf'lll M 2t\IJ 31 Am Seel I I '1 2~ 1~ + It COJ18dal .'114 IJ .e;. 43'11 """' -•• dealers .nd I Or .uctl.OneerS. tiOOWl"de hOUS;"g Shoctage "orlgage terms O[ 40 l0 Bl'fif:Si U\fi U GYrod'ne 10\\i 11 ... 11.n Mt\lt 1SV• 2' 1UJ Reh ll 1314 A.rn Siii• .60 1 25=1~ jllM J~" ll'o CPC 11111 1.70 •t 37"'° ~ 3AI -...,, uo -ltl 8ffd'l1m l2 U \lr Hirn C:cnc; )I>·, It\> Rtll11 Cr Jt'll .OY, Wscit Pd 15>.;, ""' A Smfll l.•O 161 .1S!lo 51'' .1SV. -14 Cr-l.60b IS .tS\fo .S'Ji "5'.!o -\is Ask each hOW much he eon• di"sasler." oo th! a ent &!!It Ille 1?1'1 11\lt Hind Voe 5\i. ... R!llY Slk l3 31 Wsln NA l~\• Uh AmSo//4!r .10 •J u· ll'° S1'rll + "CromPKn .IO 17 17\'J 17 1'1Ji -,._ ""years, so mon Y P ym s e.1m '"° 11~ IJl'l tt1...,...1, s 21\\i n ROM!w E• is 76 w.1,, Mtoe 10,,. 11 Arri Std 1 111 S\'I ·~ :J.1~\ -1•.1. C•Olllffiln lb 2 21~• 2Ju. 111h .. Siders !h(l whole COl!eCtiOn tO f \VOU!d be lower. Btll(OI ll t\, 10\IJ H1ven Ind 3'111 • ltobbln M !l JS W Publl~n 2J>,, ?Ji~ AmSld p!0.15 I 1 ll!O 1(1(1 -]\.'/ CrowCol l.~1 1 JS JS'9 3.1 ~ -1 · The SUppJy 0 mortgage B1rlh H 36 ..0 HUh Mor lt\/J 20 11.o•e~ l'4 u~~ Woln SJ\e• It ?II //4m Sl,r!I .01 31 J!l~ 30¥. 311\ -•1, CrOOlln Cor• 10 to~·, HV. ~ + ~ beworlh. , DetlL1b 56 51 t1...,l!dnF21\/J l'tV.Rolf Cs11t l'I. t't.I WMVlllh 16'1111ASug&r1 . .0 U 2J7·1 1•• j1'1•-:tt!rwnZell2.«> ., l'"' 5'~'a Jt'4 ....• IF THE STAMPS .re at. furids is so short, the Council -Variable 1nlerest rates, 8111u"' w '"" 10 ttu111vn 11>.o 11'4 R11H s111.,. 11 31 w1nnb•~" J<I', 35 1.msua pl .M J 1oia o"' 0'4 . TS Cor1> ,..o 1 9''a l•'-19111 + "'' 8lrd Son 41 .... LI ·-•• " •• ' " '' Am T& T 1 '° "' SJ Sl\o JR'o -l'I udlh1 Co 66 11\lt 16~ nv, -+. * f H ' p d • . h tbe • t DI ldl .. t\'I nO~n ""' Vin nm! JO Wlnsl T •''< '"' /4 't1 Ill • 2 47 j,11"o 14>0 W.\ ' Udl'tY lfl,1S ' 22 11\'o 21~ -VI tached to the original letters, o ~1ng r o u c e r s r1s1ng w en prune ra e B~ 'tt11 36 31 ttoo.11• 2'"' 21 . ss1 comp 2• 21 w 1w.. PL 211• 21 v. ,.::::ww°k. t 56 lll 1,,_, u·~ 1}'4 _ .,, Cull l•an .n 32 2""" ,~~ 2.._ • , •• don't remove them, or you declared, tbat lending ill-goes up, dropping when the LT'a!=,1H 1l~ ,m t::8' Fil im 1i~ ~~r1:n Eli~:~ I~~ w~.~fn 2~~ 2;" ~~.Pt:: rn !1~ ~~:~ lj~!t ~]~ + ~ ~~~~~·~,\ l~ ~ ~t: ~ = !t may Slash their Value to · -C 3.11? l•"'1 n::: =~'f A !!: ~\'> Scllotr 131' l>O, Vl<d Elec S>t. '1~ A.m lit>C . I :l:l''a 3''a 7':J>o •• CwtlH Wrl I "6 ~ :IO 10\9 -~·· stitulions are charging 9V~ to prtme rate goes down. Boe c11111 3o1 u Hu•• G•• U':li 16lt ..,...,_~~--· ~ __ Am~•et ·'° •1 11•• ,,,,, 2•14 -1~-. curt wr A t J ,. ,. 3o1 virtually nothing A stamp . &owt1er 1 ~.. p JI'-... \ ~-""' ··:.Jo<..,_.... ;:lit //4mfaclnc .eo lot 53U "914 .50\io-"" Culler H 1.20 2l 31119 :it111o ~ .:..:-;,i · 9% pen:ent interest and it ls A comnutment by Brtr.w1-, G 1J•t. 1•"" H~~~ :itih 30,Z AMK Co .:io 101 "'• 21 71•'a -"cvdops l.IO 11 » lM uv. -"' professional may legitimately Br"""' N lOV. l1Vi 1nc1 Gt.W 20 20'1' AMP inc •t •I •11' 41'~ .uv. + l'l CvPr~ 1 • " 52 .501, 50t1 -1\~ charge you for an assessment a lmost as difiicull for middle Congress to housing almilar to &IKkev• 1•1'1 1• 1nc1 Net 22" 2Jv. MUTUAL ~~ )0!: 'i; :1:'i ;:;~ :&~.:.:\a • -0-e urnu P SF ~ 13\lo lntolK )~• •~• ,.,J,., .l2 II 20"t 20 20 -:lio g•n ltlv 1.20 ~ lt~& ln9 l~ _ ~ or your collection, if you do and upper middle income its commltment to space pro-~~1'1'::1$v 16v. ih. 1n1rrtd ~''> ~ An.1c0f'ld 1 ~ sn ~ ~ •OVt + u. .,.. co , 15 u u i, ,. 2•1~ + .... not end up selling it to him. buyers to buy a home as it is grams including Jegialat1on ~·tn<.O M J:n ft"" '~' ~1;• 121, 1Jh ~~v 9r 1'~ ~:l ~v. ~\• !. :Z g:~I i:= ~ 1H _;m ~ ~ ;1~:· T . ti • t' UI f th 'th I . • c•nnon B 71 12 lntrfT\k n n .. nd C1•Y 11(1 11 31''1 l.O•'t 3.0 .... -1• OavcOCp 1.60 10 0'4 .01\ "3'4 -·~ • yp1ca y an auc 1oneer w or ose w1 ower incomes. for tax c redits and funding for c~~ • ,.,.. \nr11k wlh 10VJ 11'.~ FUNDS Aoa<hooCo 20 ,. 26 1•» 1•11 -,,. §:"' ~1,,25 110 n ll ~ " barge 011 a commission of 20 The '"'OUP said in a stale-c 1 •A 1t 20 ni ""111 ,s . 76 AKOOU 1 •1 , 11 31"· l7'• :11 -~ ·~inP 1.~ t ll'' ~I\' '°" .:.:·"'-c y f>' housing programs, issuance Of c:::n nSow ltV • .,, 11~1 ~;:r ~f" ~ :~~· s':cem.. :;: 1i/t'Jo 1gr,1:. 1-ff~: ±1.l; ~t g.0 J:!i 180 .. asl.O · +li/i percent or the sale price ~f t he ment that the recent bank ho I h . (IP Teen '"" " nl Svs Pl Ir.I\ U t. ArchOln I' Cl 59 "'' 511,, J] +l'lli Oe~t Co 1 1:& 1'!9;'.> '.,)? l~ 1 .... ,, Jess if the collection is very cent makes reforms vital comm1 o r mo gages, cen vtPs 21 h n'!\o \°"~:r;c H" ~Vi Ju111 1' e01 n 54 13 n Ar"'"5 n1 '° 21i ~'a m. :JO -11 111.1. ... ,.,. ~ .... <!Ollection for auctio";.,,,. It, prime raJe incr,ease· to 8% per· t~x-exempt nds w t monies ~!~~:, ~. ~t': ll~ 1n1 l •Pt n•,. 13•.~ ~~~ !!C't1?7r'il'U~ //4r11Pubsvc 1 1 11 2J10 ,, + I• ~PwLI 1.ce '' W 22~ jl , ,_,. 'Ued f rt Cis NG•• lJ>• 1~ lnt.,~I 2S 21 Ar!1M OS ?fl 17 JI~; 31'• JS~ii -•• I Mnte 1.lG ff!ll j'?,\~ 1'~f, l • j,1 valuabl,e. To make ' sore a without delay. It urged: similar to plans in Medco and '"'·~~·,"'on ff:? ~r"' J~bt FL, 'I'> 1 NEW vo11:.c <A~) 1~iO~' :1i\°"'~ u sao :~~ ',6fs 13 .. '~ ~~ 1#~~ .:!.2:t 'KM~' . .., J~· !.!"" !m' -,n d I · tahl and T ..>....; lend N ,.. IC<w!n 1:1\0 141'1 -Jlle lollowll'ICI -· · Ar,..s!Ck IO $.! 36ll JJ 361\ +1"" vRst .Ool :n•~ l1h ~ + "'° ~!::=::=~;=====:::::::::=:!.'..~'t~3~m~p'.,".e~a'.'.'.e".r~15:::r~e~pu:'.'.~~·'.,'.(~::_-_::_~U~~g:'.=~ls~~to~,:'.'.;~e~r~!~SO::__::e:w:_J~erse'..:~Y~·-------Chm Le.-n 11" 1•14 J1m wtt llV. l1\• 11t1on1, auwlllld ll'f Miii l01l II 1\ Armll.ub 160 11 "''' 41\/J ,«.. _ \.'t 11111'1 I.JO.I u ""' " "' _ Che<nokl. '"' ~ JemesllY u 1:w. IN N111on11 1.1-1. Prov '" sn Aro coro ·90 • 1• 1• 2• _,,.. nRGr 1.111 11 19-~ 1t11< 1m-''t c.naUhl 11 It Jerollt'lf, 111'1\IV.1non o1 Securm.,. toe-l'O&lr2 62 1.r 1 1nd ·1 1112 31 Jl\.\-'.~ ~De 1~601•"'11'° t' S'!~1,r•,~• 1~ 1~ Jllt• Fd• 1\11. ,.,. DNlers, inc... 1r1 v.~~ • ., : !J ;·r, 1.1~.; 011 1 20 .. 1 "3'.'t 41•0 '1V. + 14 ~So101nc ·'° 14 41)'• ..n" «i 1, • I ' for that summer job, don't forget your banker's boy ·I • Smt, he needs the job. The m one;t is going to help pay for thattpOrts car he'sgot his eye on -or that grOmy stereo with tape d«k and bal'?ced speakers. .Bt'1lilce the boy you tee ~c. In a -way. Except tMI boy needs the job to help pay for things like pocerkS, medicine and shoes. The things bis family Will be needing long after he goes back to school ln U.f.U. lfhe ~s back, that is. l r ·~'toneof the many disadvsntaged kids livin& in '°'"Oraqe County. He wants 10 stay in school, and have a cbliJCO to ""be"' tomething. But unlike your banker's '~..;or, for th.al m.atter,your dentjst's boy or your ~s'boy -the summer j o b !"ill be his only ticket. 'JM retlly doesn't 10und like much of a hurdle, -(I, Vnle•you happen to be poor. Or 1 kld llv· 1111iia-4ownhoo• with 1 fomily otyounaer 11N11w1ad o&ten you have to help "'pport. And ,.-Jh• -'OliSI' coll "hi~-· unemployed.'' .AllJ!,laka It "alltP• .ft up aod go." But whit if fog" clDri't aow bofi to aet up~, or where .. to ao"? ' That's where you come in, and us too. t'..astyeu President Johnson uktd fotyour !:Yi This year Pn:s.idcnt Nixon is akin&. Big or ~· u pro,bably have a handle on at least one summer • If Y9'J. won· <ler how important that Is, uk a kid needs iL Call us, we'll holp you rmd h~. Jost tlill 632JOBS. National Alliance of Busin4;1ssmen .1011 Orange County Metro 1193 North Miller Sli'oot An1helm, Calttornia 92803 ..... ·~ tCllH• St ... ~ 61 the l>fkff .. w!ol(h . . //4ud Brew 11 ll 111'1 nw I, IEdl1 1...0 IS 1111. " Wi Cllrl•I pf t7 \Cl Kl I Hr pf 'lt'AI !I fMse •tcurlhH lnw Rtih •.911 S.36 //4ssd DG I 10 3I .. •1,, H~ _ 'Ai I \d DIS JO I 'f"" tl'4 •. '• EHr:-i, ... J~ ~~ K11v61' 11o& 111 , °"'Hj h•.... l>Hn :~~', is~r~~~ •sc1s1>9 1.ii:in , J' ]] 13 -11.11 1 '"1 -~ ,'s l!, ... !t'h ..... ·::~,· CUil UtB JJ'r'I J•'Ao. Kt1rn "T :IJ ~ SOid (bid) Of l>Olltnr IY'f I003 lOlll At.SOTran -IO l S U I\ lS IS'\ -la. -111~fni;• Sil >j f'i' "' ff"' CllrkMI 2~•Ji21 ~·/~ _J'.~,,~Ci5*.oO Mond••· JH...:oclc; In fuAsi«l~v 1·'° 'fi -r.~~ ~:.! n~t:.:. .. ~ \1mlnt11'.to lo sJ\! !lU ll1 ::·1.;. C.ll'ftolt $>, •l'o tCt I .. E 2' ll l td A.Ill. John'111 l \ ltf 11.69 //411CtvEI 1 lO tfO tl!4 66.,, 66,1 lti~lll'I l.•D ,St ?t\lo :HYI U ••. _, Cl!nl MC.II 10~ ll'h 11::':a Fib 20\!t 21•,:. AdVf~r• l lJO 'll Kev11or1e Fund•. ~\f'1~fil, ~tJ, •:ll 121 ll11-1 no'h +1•,:. i:r'rlh~J~ 4 ff 1~1;, U -... Clu11on 0 ]t,. lJ tCerat Cua 31 31 Artllll•IO >"'> .~ 1 C111 Ill 19,tS :!Ctll Atlltth 01311 !010 SI 51r., SI + \lo' ,,,--. · ,u, ll~,· l~ •l!ll!~ --'' Clow U l! ICeYal PC t'4 10 //4futr• 1 It • Cus 82 21 22 23 IS A I !tic~ p1 l ! 20J 19' 2Dl $ _ • ...,, · 2',. ., ~ Colemen E '"' tV.1<1neEI l'olo t\~//411 ... mtf l~J II• Cu111• ,·,s1016,_:11th pll&O 61 17~~ nv, 11,~-10 0:•tloi~ ·:lg 1• Jh -\loll Co!ln$FlntJI tt !Kllt1pt Pr'l6 )7 AIPha llllll.~ f uS lt:l 1.nt s1 A!l1;Chem l )JJl•OJl'4 211ot •.g1?m.-.,10·10 ~ '-llu" _.,,. ~ fir ~,:.; Joi,, l<lrk CD U\~ H ~~t~~~ ~ !~ ~I) c~: ~!l 7~ ti 2~fJ .. Ila• Corp 300 i<\ I\, '11 -1~ l1Hnohm . 6 ?I '!" >t ~~ -I ' ml '"1,~1 ti,;, 101• ~~.P vwi J0,•n •,,'./> Am Uolfln I 1,02 11 11 Cu• SI 1 (66 n n ,•w,,•,•, " ... ~! •l I!'• l•'• "~• -\'1 §'II"" Pl A j I l I~ 5 YI 51"1o + ·~, ~ "~ ... ,.e I IQ•~ SJ 11 f.s.& up r lJl 11·~ 11··· 11'~+1. .. i ln<I DIB j ' l' l' _, ComC\e1r3' ·~•LMCOll s1:. 6 ~.~P ,·.j iU c~· .• Automtn i"" 1110 B'~ ll'• l,l .. -1. 111oncos .w t" t• f~ Com Intl II~ I"' Llnu .J,J"" "'11 Am ur.n ii. ,'.50 Cui SI l .ll '·" 41fCO CPI 10 11' 11'• 11';~ ,. -tr. ntrClub J,Q ,'l •,.~ j,~'j :;::: Cam Ges l•IJlo U\Co Ltllde In j\'j 6 Am Inv · Pollrls !,0.. 5il //4 to ptl.:ic\ n jf\o .!11.'t SJ~i -'~ $111¥ .>Ob ..,.. lit + '-Com"" Ttl 21'.• :It•~ L-Wd 71 ... lj\!. Am M~I hi.•~ 1"·" Kn1U.b 1.01 I. 1 A;tr Pd J1 t l>O'I 541'• SO<o -\~ stSelQ 1.211 • 51\IJ 52 . -!,i Comp //4 •'4 ·~ Llrl Ind 11 I Am N(i ... l .)J lA• Kntdl 0111 11.11 11.,. Avcn"Pd , .• 101' 1u1. uo 153 .. +"' •P-'° lj .. 4• i. (mp Com 3S\J 31'.2 LHI COii .,~ 1\lo A.hChor l.in"'o•' • L••l"91 10.11 11.19 . 8-otM ln 10 • 7jV. 1D'4 ir;: ;,; CmPlr Ind u 17 Lelwre G lD lt CIP t. 10. Ltll RKll IS.'9 17.4 -Fa, "1.i_>o " ! " 'l -.. Cmp Mlh SYI 1 LwlnTn lo'' U.-WI~ n.bU.IJLibU1V 6.11 1.ll eo-•W , .. ''' ••• ,,... llev ·'° ,, .. 1·' Ctnotr TUI lO 21 L-IJ 8F 110.. If•; Inv t.ll 10.22 Lltt Srk 5.10 !.51 Be~O!IT 'i,j 11 l11'o 20\i: r Oll•tr 19 1\Ao 6\.'J It'll .:.:" Can!illPmr 5 ' 'lh Lib EQUil llVJ lf\1 ;.g .Inv lu . .OU 11.olli Lila In~ 1.1. 1,12 etl!OE 1.ifl JS 3111 JI tr Cl> ,M 4 J7\'o 1 lJ ->.i Con ><odl lllt ll Lllf\I J5 1' A»Otilld 1.4.t l..!I Llf'lll 1.'5 1.36 811! GE rt Ill :J.J1 1·1' 1·11-1.al '-~· j-~ 'll no,;, ~ n -• Can Comp n1~ 13V. Lob!1w ••.• 114 A•llO•• 77,15 l•·" Loomis Sarles Feb: ll1JG l>llU.SO 160 10 ,. 70 ......... A I 41\.li ""' t + " Conlr1ld f V, ~ Lofl Cindy 7 7\1 //4.lle HQuoh!or1 1 Ctnad 3'.:JO 3'.311 8ingP(,lnl .60 7q :Ill" 19>1 :itl~ .:.:·\~ tHlnd 1.-0 lD lJ -1111 Contren 6\ii 1\Co LOii !;1r lt 11 F-11nct A '·""' 1.211 C1PH 11.12 11 . .0 81nk Tr 2.. 71 ,,,_ 6f•., 6tllo + \li rtur o!?.7D ll Oil ' -l~ Cooo>e< L 19'!0 :io•;. Lrnc~ c 31 J2\~ F~nd 8 t.51 IC.•I Mui 15.21 U.21 8erl!Olt l,l!I •l U'.1 7J'o 111• -,1, §rfUI" If Bl l>l "i" 'oti ~.,, lt,,. --.... Cr1wforct 22 J'J\lo Mid G"E 11\i 131.(o )IO<O 1,>2 1.122 M1Mt11 1.!I 1.20 Berd CR .,5 •O 51 19>~ JO -1\l< revl111C1> lb iTVt _.,. 31n Cron Ca ll Jj Mrr.l( C~ l2 3J )t! (p •.II •.1 MIH fnd 11. 11l.l2 e1slt lllC !D ,, 1T IS~~ II +1 uttPw 1.'0 t 5V, .1S 35 -V. Cn.tttll Ret II 111'1 Ml ltllv 1114 IP~ 8el>son 1.IJ 1.11 Man Giii 11.11 ll.U 8•$IC pf fso ?ID •l .,,~ "'~ -'4 011r>8r1d 1.10 l • .. ~ "4IAI ..... +"' Cyprts C I!\/; 14 MlllCkl SO 57 ' Dondstk 1.3' l .IW MIS$ Tr 15.16 17.12 81te1 Miu · • 1110 ll .... IH1 + y; DuPl1n Co •• 2JW. l' J4 -1"" Daniel In 17~1 11~; Mam>m //4s 6Vo 6,,., lio~I ~1k lU.)I,) 11,.ul M1!11 1.10 7.80 Bath Ind 'l Sito SO Sl~ -~~ duPant 7.iii l.W 133 1 1411 IJW. -•~ Danly Mch 16 !""'11 Mt"9Uf H\'t 1J"'1 e~lon l./ol t,.U M1!herS 12.1917.19 Bath Ind DI' U6'~ lll IJ] -11\'J dVPOrtl Dll. 0 6 7':1\'o n•,;, l'l>4 -\lo 0111 D•Jn .,..., n v. M M1~1,., 6~ 7\io ll•Odct SI 14.ll 16.IH Don 10.ll 11.30 81uschLb .to 10 '°'II 60 60\il -"' duPon 1>13. J M>4 ,WA ~ 0 .... 1. F ll u M er-~ 31 .. 8ulkldl. 1'.61t 11.:i MldA Mui 6 ... 1-'1 81xlr\.lb .11 " •11'> '6\1 '6"'1 -~ 011'111 Lt I.ti 2~--21V. 21\Aa .:.::~~ DIV Mir :IJ'll 2l Md Sl!lo D JI )?\II ·,,; fO lu.W ),!;.! Moott'f Cp lS.'211.2' l"ultCHi ,!Cl lj r."•.·, ,.",', ~~. _-.. -E:Oq t·12!:i:Jj'.'Jf 11<0IO ~·· >03" •,..r.1~ ~ DK:or Ind 11 11" Ml"te'f' 0 4 \lt 131'1 l'IClllO l'.01 ~.,,, '• U.3111-'1 11•f"91 l ~,..., ..• o..ii1n<: I 10 II IMcQuiy ll\11 J.l\'z 1.:11>1! Inc 11.1• •.~ MOrlOl'tl Funds: eat Fch I :!a 36\'t 37 + \'o •.I .Qi >60 JO JO +1 Dlluu Ch 4 0 Moldlc H :nr l l CIPll Snr 1,)1 l .(M Grw1h 11.'46 11.!16 Beal FM ot . I IOO•'t lDCI~' 1DCl<'1 . OuqLJ ... , l 1170 lO :l'tVr ..,.,., -1'1 SWl!JI APd t•~ IJt MIO!rMC ]1 J1VJ ~'"! :!onr 10.~) ll.,1 ll'ICom Bttllm011n .JG. ~ .... ~ ~Jo>O f,~. ~ !1 ~m!'~~'.J~ rn 11m l~ 2r."" .:.:o•' DI! C111J IJV. 11 MllH• I 1'4 Cl'lannlnl fu11ch: O,C:Z •.•• I· 8KI ck · ,. ~ ~• o; •-•• •• '"' Ott Inter n n'1t Mldld c.., 11v. Ill.It B111n 12.JJ H.02 ns,,.. 1.u 1.tl Betti\ Alr .n l5 ,s 'J"-i:vo -n'a 'fn• ... ., ·'° S• 6~1 uv. 6'4 + I• Ovlo Am u U Mkllltll • 6Vo Cllrn Slk I.A 2.IU MIF Fd lt.lrl :II.fl Belco Pet .50 7311' n,1~, ,'t,', n, • .,, = ~ -E·F-Dfwey El 11~~ 11 Mklwll Of U '16 Utwlll 1,llJ 1M MIP Olh 6.Dt •.51 BtldHtfl'\ JO .. E lt!P > " Oitm c,..,,. n•~ JtV. MUI Ro-, 2• 1$ lr.c:om l .2l t." Mu OmGll'I 5.•1 5." 11111 H<>w .60 101 "'l 73\1; 1•\\i -JV. e" '{_ .•v lDCI nllt 'lt'\ li't ·· 4 O!sc t~ 10 MP ll Gtl lJV. :i. ~l>K<ll J.l6 3.i.t MU Omln 10.•s ll.19 8•"', '"'c"t~n fO ,',~-*IG1,, ,','"• = ~ E::f0 A!~ :/: 1~J l'"' Ji"" , )1 = !.,. Cl'llR Grouo: M11! Sh'" n .'9 lt.'9 tm l o II ·• '"E tG• o '' I • -~und 12.51 ll.15 Mut Tru11 1.75 1.11 !!'..'!,I• !;60, 11 •1\'o 1 l4 •~'II. -"' 1' I r 06 1'4 12 72\to .... ' -l >OOI -E ·•~ • .., 2 11 ~ 10\/t -l'J E111 UICI .Ml 2 25\lt jSlt 25V. -... FrOl'I! .... . ... N A Mui 11lD11.Jl el!fleffl , lrO t1 .,.~ • \'1 ''"• +1>..i E1sl KOOi~ I m 1• ' I• +I Slur>.d 1~·'' •l.n Net W!M!C 10:19 11.71 8 llF "...c')O • 11\lt 13\.r. 13•1, _VI 11!0rtY1 1.411 6' U\A/ ~ 34!./o + 14 htmlc•I 11.2! It.ti N•I Ind 1 1.1~ 11 ... e~F Sof2°j,0 J~~ l' 35~ ll'it -\'I b.lsco Ind 1 174 151,\ .... ,~ '5"'1 + "4 ... olCJf\111: NII lnvf$1 1.9, 1.61 ~~Uel . H2 2111i 11•! 1HI -'II t~llnMr .n l' 1114 17'1 17'P'i -•• Eq1111'f S.11 5.IS NII S•t Ser: tnSrUet •n 1Dll 1 21\, 11 ••• EckerdD11 :n 5 5l'~ SO\'J ill -' ~vna n .6' lJ.11 81111" 11,o• U.CJ r•PhO llf 106 jl''o n•.• 22'~ _ v, Et~1rd011 wl 1 ,..,. 1$'1\ -114 Gtwt~ 6.tl 7 . .» 8ol'IO 5.11 6.JO tfmff c;'0,., •OJ l 11 121~ _.,. Edltonero1 I 10 .J.OU: lJ•.o -1 Vllnl 1.~I 1.21 Ol~ld ..... s.n th Sii I IO l" J.I'"' l ., »v. -'I: EG•G .10 !1 lS 30141 ).w. Commerc J?,l1 ll.Cl ~I Stk I.ii 1,10 B M Ind 'wi ~ 11'"' i •; nv. _, . E!Muslt .~ to$ ~ 6'!• •'II ::::· i.:om~• DO l.11 ).ll lticom !.7• 6.21 ! Thrte '° 32 31'~ ,,. 37'1 _ l~ !!Mu, ln.099 11 •I'< ~~ na .•. '. eommonwllll f ds: Slod t .n t.,1 llcttOk f20 16 '°'~ 6Q 60 ... 1tCT ""°' '9 19>.~ 11 I' --•• C111 ~d 10.'2 11.lt Grwlll tMl 10.•9 11111 L1.,.· 1 21 2S'" ,.t\ 1•'1 -i:-, IKI Sot<: 2' I~ 161\ 6»\ -'-ln(Dfn IOA 11.«I Ntl Well 6.IJi 1.01 lue &ell lJO 10 l/J 511 ~ S'P'4 ->i ElcllnN1I · l~d tO TJ'to nv, nu. -~ Super-62 United Gets 1nv111 lD.l l 10.91 Nt11Wrl~ JS.11".7' r.obbl• erlc1 ,, " 11\l IN-14 i"•IP1JQHG I Ill 10 ltft 1~1 -~ Sl'Odl. 10.lt 11 .2$ Now E11111 10 ,.1),\t eoth'IO 1.111 11'1 •2''> ., 1'2\'o + llt rl C• 1.20 n ~ lO :IOl,(o: + i LONG BEACH (AP)-'fheCw1m .ue 1.u 1.1t New Hor 11.1111.11 !'"''! .l5b 1n "'• e 65\~-1" llr• Pfl lll 1140 19'\lo ~ ~-1 Cw1111 c .. o 1.M 2.01 Nrw Wld l•.32 u.•s ond trs 1 r~ 2$ ~;i~ 11 ... ~ ~~ E~ l 16 ll'll Jr:'.Ali 5Gili -n" first Super OC8.Q -a jet that ~t· 1::ll l~:" ~~~. i:::~ l::fi ~C:1",.Ju21 ,.1 ~l\ w~ ~ = v. e~lf, ::& ri Sl Nv. ltJAi =l b. h t erf l \:omP 8d '·'° ID.1' ?l:7 •.DCI .... BoraWtr I " 1'5 ~11 sn,, \'It -~ Im~··· 1.1(1b 93 .. "" ... ... ·~ com 1nes t e mos pow u comp F• 10.61 11.11 • 1.10 1.11 se>rm•nF .llCI ',', 'n" j'•'•'• ,.~. -_ :t ""'1"',.' .. _ ... ,,, ! ,"", • •ui' ",~ ::iiw . , t.onut~ 5.19 6.11100 0 lS.tlll.:16 rcnEdb 2.fil •• ndJ01~, 31\'i lln engines with the longest range Contord u.:n 19.12 1c1 F~l'td 10.40 11.11 !~",,',,'"'• " i\ n, 211, -11-. e1111Ja11n Pl• 1'0 se &11 !'""i.{ '°""']' un1v111 wmS 16.'' 16,U ran r . 111 ll~ 1! I! -~-!f'llllhMln .fO 111 ~l'l/i 7l\.'a l4V. ,,_ capabilities now operating in Consm nv S.!O 6.01 II 16.4111.52 1;1~.uv 21~ 1J: l1i: n:: ~: .::,:: ~t~i.°''i:~ ll !~~ 1~£1 1~~ 2~i CorpLd 11 ... ll,.O 1.21 I." r11Mv oil ii 'l 'S •5 .... Sec...: .20 JS 16 '!1~ 2~i.,..:.:'1h commercial airline service -entry c,,., u . ..a 1s.s' 1.15 t.1.s gdw~ u11e \ 11 • "• ~i;, ,,,, + .. ewulr• .:io 31 ir>i. '"" 11,.i. _ti (.l"lwn W 1.:11 I. f.61 •.•1 wvi-11 ~I/< J u l'tl •l''' •l'I)' -''• Esse~ln! 1.20 u ~·,.. l311t ~ -1 \Vas delivered Monday to Con win u.u !l·1, 11·0116·•6 1k1vnuG 1.n 11 w•,• '"• ~·· ..... e1~~1 CP .n 110 !no 30\I 31 -j• OC!V~ M XI.II •w. m 9.n IQ,tt rown CD IJ • 1J 1 • ..... Ethyl <ttl 10 !! q 'i .W.io 46\.'J ~ Un.lled A'or L i'ncs by Mellon o"'" inc 13.17 14.U Pllo! •.n 1.r.1 erown co Pl 1 11'1-< 1 ·~ I '11 ••• ., .,..,..111no :....... •> _,L ... .,. -·L -t ,, • Otll.,,lrt U.lol U.61 Pine 51 11.1111.11 Bwn $111rr ' lj 111 ltlN ,,~ .... E "'"' .. ' ...... .,., ne Ug 3S orp1.\ \)!Yid Sllr 3.tl •.JI Pl~n Inv ll.'6 U.19 flru111wt .G!a 411 jl~o >t 11>o .j.. 1J Elftrsl\irp l>I IJV4 ljV> 16'4 -Jt II Do I C 'II Dtlll fr 1.61 t.• Pl-of l•.Ool \5,,. BwnSl\ol 1.50 l •7'~ a·~ 12•1 :-:-. EVl 'l$P .60b 7• 17''!1 •I ''"" '• PowThln 1.021.uPrt,1TR 7•.177•.l1 I OKYEr 1.f!, J +'• l'• ~I•-~ xcetto 1.l5 1s ,,,,,. 2 \l 11'h-•i. The plane can carry Ji7 '"'1 16.t110 •1•-"••'•" , 10 ... ,10.'t ~ fco ·,, ,,j jfi' .. 13,, ,"JI"';..-,, ,~:):~ ~. ,~ ~~~ ~v. ~~~ rems lJ. '· rO¥idn J,J S.IO ....... a o. , " , •. , •" _ ... 1.re11 Hltltr 1i• ,_,, tl" , __ _ g d 14 000 nd •1ona.How1rO: Putllllll 11.lt 11.10 Ull<I gf.611 '• ... .. r 0 -'"" passen er s an , pou S 8111n ll.1'.1Jll Putft•m Full<!" udqrtln ·'• 21 1 ,,Ii 1•'•-'·" 1 '"-1 1 s 1>"" '"• 21~-;, ' -> ' ' 0 OS''" !urrforo 1 IO • W.'" l l • Jp1 .j.. \\ 1trmn1 11'1 1 I 1Jl\ 2Jl1i '3'li _ ~ or cargo 6 ooo miles develop Grwi~ J ..... '· u QI.Ill 1· · 1 llCI. u • ~ 5111, +1v. F11s1111 .-a " 11•, 12\'t 12V. ...• ' ' tntom ··" 1.15 Gtort U.41 lJ11 u .:''i:timo 151 '" 11~1 11 .... -"'"•m Fl11 1.30 JI 11\.'J 21 2:!!-.. ing a maximum of 76,000 ,•,~M 11',·-~ •,,•-.•,•, •,...'.!~ 110·_~ n, .• •,, l~nlilt o11 so J ti" I'' li:?. + ~' F1m1"'1 Int 10 11'111 11'11 1 ... """ "" ·--·· •· url tf'CI I -0 JI lli 'It -'" F1r We11 Fl'! II ll'A 11'11 1~ ..: a\ pound.'J Of thrust fr om [Our ben t U.J71S . .0 lnv1,1 1.lJ l.01 t1rndV 7fi l I.,. fi -Va l'lf'.t!MI .llOb U '3 ill! ~ + • . E1rt1 ll.ll U,:16 Vitt~ 11.t112.92 eurrqhs · 60 :n l "• 1 11 l '" 4-5\'l Ft!dllers . .cs U6 2fV. """~Vt JT31).7 engines, Emerov k 9.0l 9.11 VaY~• t.t.t I~.~ e;shUnv \,,\f ~i ;, -.... FedMot I.to u 3 ~-1\ lU!o + .... '--------------Elllrl'f 1•.611(.61 ltt.1> Jech !l.IO 1.23 e1t!ltrs$h '10 6 Mo J l'o J 'Ji + 'Iii l"IOP1c; Ell' S4 11 16\'i :Miii -\'.! 1· t:nt1>rli1 t.«1 10.21 Revert 1•,]I 11.~• ' ,. _ ,•..,•,•t 1>11.?I 2 ~ "'4 t:IV. -llli Vlee Pre1ldent Dr. Allen L. McCloskey has been appointed vice president and director of chemical research, U.S. Borax Research Corporation, Anaheim. it was announced today • He has been with the corpora ti o nforlO years. E<wllY 10.~ 11.U ltOMn1h1 t,13 t ,9' -, eo&d I 11 lO ll" .. .:~ult Giii 1•.•110.11 111r 16.•• U.11 ~llOI co .60 11 ~ D " ii;:~ -~. Fl!d!~ns C10 11 »* _, .. ···,, Eue• 16.lO ., . kudder FuF>Os: '[ Fin1nl ; o P,li I -,v. Fl'llD t ·I" '\ 31 !lS\.'t 35i4 ;'."!Cl twanJ In 1$.9217.:li ..-!nt lnY H .. t• lf,lt lll!M .nr .. ~ i Fed 11 "" t~ l~ 1,_. _ °' l!~alril' "·" 17.Sd PKI 3'.1' :lt.1' lmDRL .•11 J i~ lO~ ·~ -~~ ~~:brtt .: ': Wt ~~ ~ ::'"' ~~ldeMu n·~ ::::: ~::.. SI l::~ 1f:U ~"l~ 1'.1.\ "! W. t -\'o Flelck!M 1... 12 ltyt 30U. 1ai'.i, -~ Fl'd Orlh 1•.11 lJ s. SK 01¥ n 74 u.n d118rw fn .«I ll 'l ·· ., Flllral 2 10 361/o lrl 3'14 _ 14 Fkl C1p 11.25 11.3' Sec EO\IJI .t.Ol .... ,'"• •K,.~J.to l: •l'I '·~' ,,~ -1.,.. Fin Fedtr1tn 60 ,. 1~ 21 + 1 .. l'kf Fllftd 11 01 I " ~ •n·· I.OJ I~ I(.. JI ll" ~· ll .. ,.. f lfeslne '·'° '°" 511't 7\\ ~ -1,\ fld tmd 21.Jlll.fl SelK //4m 10011.ll •ne~de · f 1: ~ -Fs!Chrl I·"' 1)9 Ml'll IOI' ~ 1" Fll'llntl1t ~I 5PKS 1~.61 11.U 1obr'U1'1 -0 4ll t Vt4 f "';,; Fs!NC'f ,IQg 1'1 '5 ~ 6"" n Prwr· Sh Det11 7S.•l 2!.•I •• 1· , _, Ill\\ iw -o,, Fs!NSlt ,JQg 2• 31~ 311.ro 311ii 1 .. 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Pkl\K 1,1, 17.NI Cl M• I ti; 11 .., -"' 1 OW · l '~ "41~ ol$ •• , •Flt Ill 1,111.tl kltft S.666,lt IM pf1.J$ ... ,n.,,,-w~P~L1,1. l •rn•1o;.,~ .. ·.: IFnd th 5.U •.2CI Sl~n .,. Fund~: irco Co .to l ~ " IS •·1•• F._.t!" · l 2''Ao 'hi .i!.._ -Mo ~::~· I~ ,~::: ~~ o. ft!1 ft~ 1l:~r.ru~ ~ ~~ :£ !1 ~~,.rl ~°lo , m; ~ iE = n FrankNn Group: Slodc U.111 II.¥ IMO j;i' ' \lo 53'.1~ -~ FMC ter l5 1. ffl: U" ff• -1* ~ftlcs"",t:l,}'1!ii11f'°"'t·_;·~-~ i:ictt,.., , ~~ ~ m:=it:~~"~.H'° ~'Ii"""" ,.. :.:.·'4 Ulll •·\l J.JI VflCI' Git! 1 .45 U.61 .., II~ 1:ll I . 76 + 'It Foo!t Cl 0 IO 1m rl~ ™' -.. J!'M;om 2. 1.61 Mlt Al /l.n 1•.U 11 LI ol• 121 '• 10\4 l'ooll Min. ...4 "" -i, ,.-,Hllm 1 ... t.n Tlldtr1 11,~1 11.lrl tn!llPI 'j! IO Ir Ir.:..:·~ Foofot d2 :JO • Jt!h ~ ·.t··· Fund Am 10.u 11... edlfKI U~IVlll .... L. 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I -lli /.,:.~ .. ,tf:1tl:~-llt :,i :rirll'~;p.,f\ 'l ttU a~~=='-. /"ft~·· :1 ,:11r ""=:t: t-Glf> ,.n I.fl V•r 1 ..... 1 . 1 &·"' tit~' Mtl J ! ~ ~> im\t.-1~ 1 ,, !f m~ -JJ Inc~;& ,,:U ul_:~'';:.,. ,:B101f ~,.:VV\.k,1 ': • "•=:: r..,..,· .to iit lm Sf\; ~~=11 !'i!!! 11.n 1 .11 tOSI Ill lj-JJ 1!.JJ ~I'll 1ti 'u ~ \• -141 't .)0 .t ~ ~ ., -'l~ t~~111't:ll 11:1:;t£ 1tn;l:I :~~=dri 1 ~ m; ~:.: nCl~fi'1 lf I~~ .. f ~tt I~~ q:BJ. 1""'1, 11jj16.0I l'loelrFu11... I "' r~ tm-VI f:i·"' \ : p.; , -.... "" °"'" 1.l:UI 'j· .,...,0, I "·li 11r1, c 11 .ao Io '"' I 1•i., -Vt~ """ Ti ~ l!.. -~, • ... .• ,.,,. ... .. ,1, _ _... • "' , , .. ~-.... ,.. , 111; H11 ii'-.. nv ln1:nc w1wor1 1J I I, c 1 .,..,, 1 3 ;:!. 1'1-1 lt\6-~ •n d1 UO • !l'i , -\.I 1$.lJ 1) J9l11vu Of'I~ W 2.tl hroll'llll """ •f U al•t ~ .. -.. "°•! t l 2 ,, l'\• Tllftd>r; J1J11t 17, 1969 H ' ' D•ILY PILOT J {. •; l I , l ! I -I . • • • JI D,\11. y I'll.OT .... ' ,,. -.. ... M • • J. p 11 ll I Go_lden West College Awards AAs to 339 A total Of 339 student! have graduated from Golden West College in Huntington Beach with Associate of A r t s NeM1 Chairman Richard ,L. Regosin is tile new chairman of Department of French and Hallan at UC Ir- vine. He will come to UC! J..iy 1 from Dart- mouth College. He is a graduate of Dartmouth and ~olds P~ from Johns Hopkins Univer- sity. .. Qrug Abuse ;'Epidemic,' Claims U.S. WASHINGTON (UPI) Drug abuse in the United States, particularly that in- , volving marijuana, has reach· ed ·epidemic proportions, ac- ~ cording tn the. Department of ·Health, Education and Welfare. ln a June newsletter, the department estimated that five million lo seven million · persons in the United St.ates have usod marijuana at least once. But it also re vealed use or LSD, so-called "acid," has • declined in the past two years. · HEW lists these olher drug- , use statistics: One million persons have used n o n b a rbiturate sedatives, in- , eluding ~D; 400,000 have us- ed barbiturates and am- pbelamines and 100,000 are • known narcotics addicts. • "The total social cost is $S41 million a year," HEW said . some or the information came April 22 in congressional testimony by Dr. StanllD' f'. Yolles, director of thlP'Na- t.ional lnstitute of 1'tenlal llealth. '"Marijuana use has been rapidly increasing in the past five years," Yolles said. ''Although originally restricted lo certain jazz musicians, artisl!I and ghetto dwellers, it has now appeared among the middle and upper class." A NIMH informallon sheet on marijuana says it is not nareotic. It does not cause physical dependency as do heroin and other narcotics, the publication says. ''A number of scientisfs tfUn.k the drug can cause poychologlcal dependency, .however, it its users take it re,Warly," I~ said. • ·volle.s did not use the term epktemlc in 'his testimony. But • • May 15 memorandum from NIMH· oUice o r com- municollonl -Gerald . N. Kurt: to the editors ol the • EW _ ... quoted Yolles • ..,U., d1VI abuse !µIs ~ ~proportions. Jn lib teldmony. Voiles • llld, 0 • • .druf abuse and . ll'COllc 1ddldion are mo)or ~lliil '"'"'"" publJc hNllh pro-'J>Jern. 'ol major ntUooal con .. cem.n .. ' degrees, 28 of them singled out for scholastic honors. These students a c h I e v e d grade point average ot 3.4 a high B, or above during their studies at the Rustler campus and are identified as: -.. ! I • ANNIVERSARY SALE . ' LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR IN EVERY DEPARTMENT AT ALL 17 STORE-S shOrts sets with ruffl ed midri ff tops Solid colm ;hons with el0>1ic waist pair with ruflled midriff lops. Both of pure cotton. Tops in stripes, so lids, checks, in pastels. 4-6x . ~ ., -, were4.00 3.29 may co girls sportswear 77 __ .. ___ _ co tton short sets with sca ll oped tops Girls !>horts sets of cool cotlon in stripes, chec.ks, and solids. Sleeve- less tops are scall6p trin1n1ed or rufned. Sizes 4-Gx, reg. 4.00 '.1.2'1 '· ·• }•'s zes7;'f4,re8;."S.oo },59 .. , may co girls sportswear 77 I ' mock turtle shirt with cab le stitc hin g Liule boys cotton kn it .shirts fea- \ure a mock turt!e neck and short sleeves. Textured like fisher kn iis. \Vhite, blueo, maize, mint, bone. 4-7. . f<g. n,~1.,9'.9~ may co little boys wear 52 ' • fla re le g pants ~rinted wit h flowers A grou p of cotton flare leg .pants. All have elastic waists for easy · .; ' fit. In an assortmen t of flor.il prints, green, blue, brown, red. 4-6x. maycoglrlssportswear77 gi~l's bright flare leg pants · with matching trim crop tops Girts flare-leg pants liave their own br.ight ~5'1!!. Of cotton in navy, white, green,, and cranberry. Sizes 7·1 4. Matching sleeveless crop tops, 7-1.(, were 3.00, 2.49 pant!J, were 6.00 4.59 may co girls !iportswear 77 may co south coast plaza, san diego fwy at bristol, costa mesa; 546 -9321' shop monday through saturday I 0 a.m. to 9: 30 p.m. ' ! ~I I I I ,, l Iii 'I'. '" ~'! 11 t "l '· ,11 ~ ·:~ 'I' 'I 1111 :IH .i1 'iltl "1!1 ''I ··It , .,, ·iu 1111 ii "' '!!I "' "' 1111 ·111 t•ll ,, :11t "' '.I~ .. , '" ,u ril ·I' "j •h '" ;'f 1\1 :111 l,1j 1j1, tjlt ,,~ ''j 1•1 "' .. ~l ··If :,1: I.!! : li ~ l ·I ';'.1 ,,,. - Ill' .. .. ·II ". ''l '/' ,, 11:1; I·• l!o \, II".' ,j •I' '.1·:i ·11.1 I ' j,. 1.1; r11·1 I ... , 'ii 1 .. ,,1 . " I• I '. 1, ;, '" -"'! "'::it ,, 11, MAvcq;;' -... ~ I. I Valley T•y'•~ . ' , l • Stoelu .. r W>~. 62, NO. loM, 2 SECTIONS, 26 ,PAG~S ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA I •• TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1969 TEN C!NTS • DAILT P'ILDT ltlff rNlt ~res in C.ontest Connie Jo Pfister, 18, current · Miss Hu.ntington Beach, was tapped as first runnerup Sun· day in Miss Southern California . ·Beauty Pageant in Oceanside. Orange C o a s t College coed stands 5 feet 6 inches, weighs , 119 and measures 3&-24-36. Most of Troops Pulled f .rom Viet • ., ;-' " .. -t . ' Huntington Workers Being Screened_ for Other Aerospace Job~ 1 Hundreds of employes are gone and lilyoffs continue today as executives at McoOOnell Douglas Astronautics' plant try to find work elsewhere for those idled by cancellation of a $! billion project. Impact of losing the U.S. Air Force's MaMed Orbital Laboratory (MOL) con· tract lo finally being felt -brutally -at I.he sprawling Huntington Beach research complex. Walter Cleveland, director of external relations for the finn, today confirmed the layoff, saying that "hundreds of empJOyes" were laid off Friday and will (;oronor Testifies continue to be lald off during the next r .. w weeks. The massive layoffs were prtdi.cted following announcement of the MOL pro- gram's demise a week ago. He saJd, however, that the exact number of jobless could not be detennin- ed for some Ume since McDonnell Douglas' subsidiary and associated com· panics are now screening the former employes for jobs at other locations. "We are trying everything J)03Sible to find meaningful jobs for these people, either with our companies or with other aerospace firms." said Cleveland. , 9 Stab Wounds In Beach Victim A coroner's officer testUled today that the body Of knifing victim Hester Markee bore nine st.a'b wounds and that the Hun- tington Beach widow must have died "almost immediately" from multiple slashes. Dr. David Katsuyama offered medical testimony as the trial of Henry Lope: Sianez:, 25, entered its seeond day before Judge HowfU'd Cameron. The county pathologist is one of seven witnesses call· ed by. the prosecution at th1s stage af the non-jury trial . . Donald L. °'!rr ol Huntington .Boach told-the court that Mn. Markee, 55, 1508 Mar~n Lane, HunUngton I> e a ch • Hargrave has successfully pleaded that he cou1d only sit and watch while Slane~ attacked Mrs. Markee and he must face jury trial July 14: oo charges of. grand theft auto ooly. Earlier appeals by Sianez for a reduc· lion of-charges from the first degree murder count filed against have been re- ject.d. IJarbour, GeJI He added that many employes are ex- pected to be ihllted to Douglas AJrcraft Co. Long Beach, the McDonnell Aircraft Co. in St. Louis, Mo., the Conductron Co., a subs.idlary In Missouri, the Douglas Aircraft Co. In Canada and the McDon- nell Automation Co. According to Cleveland, those laid oJf first were hourly employes with tm pro- fessional, salaried employes put on a two. week noUce. He said that'numerous local firms have contacted the corporation and are "very interested in interviewing" personnel laid off by McDonnell Douglas. "We have had very favor able resixM;i.se. "nlose firms are always looking for people." An announcement 'Issued by the. cor· poratlQn's board chairman J ·a me s, McDonnell 'Last week stated that a~ proxlmateJy 7 ,200 emplo)'es were to .be affected by the cancellatiOn of the $3 billion project. According to the corporation's officials 3,600 of these wei:e ~ployed al the Hun· tington Beach faclllty allj! 1,100 ln Santa MQnlca. Efforts to find work for the jobless are also being made by two Los Angeles firms, Career Specialist and Marll: Allen Associate!:, who aff! conducting mt.er· views for 30 aerospace f1nns in aearch al engineers and scientist.!. The interviews begin today at the JtUn. tington Sheraton Beach fnn, followbig a massive lidvertising campaign by the two ' personnel' clearing houses which lnc~ ~ sign trailing airplanes advising Doualu employe!I to come and sign up. The MOL project WU dd\gned lo•a.1>11 . two astronauts -In a 71-foot lOhg laboratory above the earth in 1972. n.waa scrapped by the' Alr Force becaUM-.of "spirallog oost.s." ' Stay in 'Pacific -:-::~:!.!1.~':'J:·,:= woman. Carr told the court that he found 'Concession' In Stink Case WASHINGTON (AP) -About two thirds of the 25,000 American troop5 wlihdrawn from Vietnam wlll be recteployed on Okinawa, Hawaii and Japan -in position to be used in emergencies anywhere in the Far East. The Pentagon announced Tuesday that about 16,000 soldie~ and Marines will be repositioned in the Pacific area. ·included are the 8,000-m<Ui 9th Marine Regimental Landing ,Team bound for Okinawa.. the 7 ,400 m'-n 1st Brigade of the 9th Infantry Divi~on ~ Divlstoo Htadquarters going to Haw~: a~ a tOO- man Marine squadron of F4. Jet fighters being sent to Iwakuni, Jarpad, in July and AUgust. ~ o Previously, the Pentlgot said that another 8,000 Ann y lroops, including 2,.000 active duty National Guardsmen and Reservists, will be fl0wn back to the United States to be disbanded, and about J.200 Navy men will be spreed through- out the._Pacific command ,Jnd the United St.ates. Announcement of the desUnaUons of the 16,000 Army men and Marines in the· Palcillc area completed a 'eneral detaU of the 25,000-man troop ,withdrawal an- nounced by President Nixon at Midway over a week ago. The norm al Pacific cotnbat r,eserve for possible use in such places as Korea and Thailand has hem virtu~lly,.nonexls~nt since the United States bClln pounng troops into the Vietnam war ln mid-1965 •• When the movements are complete, ane bMgade af the 9th Infantry Division will remain in Vietnam, ooe brigade will be in Hawaii and a third will~ taken off the regular Army rolls. The 9lh Division was formed in early 19116 speclically.for the Vietnam war. • Daniel Z. Henkin, lhe Penlagon's chief g~esman, indicated to newsmen that there wll~ be some re3huffling Wore the 9th Uivision's bMgades leave Vietnam. Under broad guidelines, lhe· brigade bcing returned for_ ~ctivatlor\ ln the United St.ates wUI be manned wtyi troops wbo have come close to. the end of the normal one-year wa·r tour ao4 who have Ut!le Ume Jeft-ln tnetr service a;b.ll~at.ions. 2 Huntington Beach ·Planners Renamed Planning Commissioners Robert 'Bazil and MiChael Bokor w..., reap~t.d MoedaY night to new four•)'Cll' terfrj, on the HunUngton f1eaeh plannlni boO ·by the CltJ Coun<il. • Ttte vote wm unanimous on Bo~ 1.. but CculclJman Jeriy Matney abltaiieG bn the aPPointmenl of Buell. s! · Stock Mtirkeu Nf:W YORK (AP) -The stock rnarbt .... set bad< ''"'l'ly today, wltb brollq• repOrtlng conUnW111• In•-cenctm iwer llaht mooey . (See quotations, PICfS 10.11). Tradlng w.a.s moderately active • .-r tilt close. • ·' Mrs. Markee lyinc in the gutter bleec!!ng from her many wounds "and obviously in her dying moments." It is believed that Mrs. Markee died between the time that CarT called police and the arrival of· an ambulance at the scene of the sJ8ying. Police claim that Sianez ol 31;.Clay St., Huntington Beach, inflicted the wounds which led to the de_ath of the gray-haired widow. They hope to prove ln what is expected to be a week long trial that Sianez left his car last Jan. 12 in a flt af rqe alter Mrs. Markee bad pursued the stolen vehicle and that he repeatedly ·knifed her and left Iler to die In the dimly Iii street. ' Wlth Slane:r in the stolen auto was Edward Roy Hargrave, 181 of 17392 Governor Saves Girl Who Fell Into Home Pool SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) -Gov. Ronald Reagan, a lifeguard in hiJ youth, jumped fully cloth<d Into his swimming pool and rescued a 7-year-old girl in water over her head, h4 office said to- day. • Reagan saved A.Dela Berry, daughter of a Negro file clerk In his office, ih ·the Sunday incident. The clerk, Mrs . Marlene Murphy, was among 200 attending a staff party at the Reagan home. • . Mrs. Murphy said Alicia, who doesn't swiin, was at the side of the pool, reach- ed to get onto a plastic raft and went down in four feet of water •• ''He dived ln clothes and all." Mrs. Murphy said of the ~. She uld her daughter came out "juat gasping and spitµng water," bul wanted to go right baclc in. Huntlngt'on Harbour CorP. attorneys won what they di!Scribed'' as a "major concession" Monday In their battle to eliminate odors allegedly wafUng from the Sunset Beach Sanitary District's sewage treatment plant in HunUngton Beacll. Superior Court Judge Claude Owens refused to go along with the three measures incorporated in the cor· poratlon's motion for a preliminaJ1. in- jWlCtlon bul be did graJjl whal attorney Charles Collier descMbed as an "im· portant recognition of «ir case." Judge Owens ruled lhat the diltrict must not -at least before trial - discharge water from its processing tanks into an open ditch on the east side of the property, 11 Js felt by many of the residerits Involved in actions against the district that such actiqn will go a long way towards disP:elling the odors that brought on the coort action. Denied by the judge were motions aim· ed at compelling the district to guarantee that there would be no overflow from Its plant and no seepage of sewage water In- to Huntington Harbour property and homL....., It was extremely unlikely that the dry conditions sure to prevail between now and the trial date -possibly six months away-would Impel any overflow, Judge Owem: conimented. And he ruled that it had not been e~tabllsbed, to his aatlafac· tion, that lnfiltratillg seWage wale( was irMleed the cause of the circumstances complained of by the corporaUon and the residents. . First in the field with an action against the district was a group of 21 homeawners led by John Silver. niey petitioned the court to end the odor pro- blem and asked for $300._000 damages qalnst tbe distrid. • l • ' ol'1tY' PUT! ......... ' • FRPM DOWN UNDER ·-These vlsllln(llfeguards ni.Ved on ·to NewP.,rt' Beach. At rear (lrOm I~) from ·New Zealand wound ·up their stud)' of life ate' Paiµ ·C~!1>inter, John Thomas and John Jllarlin. savin(·'lecbniques in Hunting\on Beach :t<><fay and . ill front are .Terry Gbri&tie (left) and Trevor Corllin.. . -·'--'~-'--~----~~~'----'-~~~~~~~~~~~ 5 New Zealand Market Chaotic Now Of eguards ·visit Huntington Ai:ea- ._., .... Beach· H~'llrs Pr0.b.lem.s . ' . Five young lifeguards !rom New Zealand , finished a fivH!ay stay in Hlm- tington Beach Utls morning, then went Cg; In Sale of Parl~ BondS to NeWf!Ori ~ch to v~ew American style water safety procedures. ' The five from down-under were guests of Huntington Beach lifeguards who put them through a rigorous training session to demonstrate the American llieguard system. . Terry Christle, Trevor Corkin, Paul Carpinter, John Thomas, and John Marlin will CQntinue ·their ·study o( American systerm in Newport Beach, San Clemente, Long Beach, Los Angeles and Santa Monica. They return to New Zealand July 23. Biggest distinction betw.een the two Although Huntingtoft·Beach volerl have approved a $6 million bond Jsaue for parks, the work bas only just begun for tjty officlals, members of tbe city coun- cil were told Monday afternoon. Terenct McCarty of Stooe a n d Youngberg, the city'• !lnanclal con-- suit.ants, t.ld COWJcilmen that aelllng the bonds """Id be the nut step after the city decides bow. m~· they need ·rlg!ll ..., to get !be park program golnf. Oetting a favotabJe interest rate, or even takC{'S unless the bonds were highly favorable to· the buyers, will take IOttlO countries noted' by the , visitors was the • ' organization and Intricate communication 2 Architects ~ystem used by Hun,tington Beaell . -,. lileguan:ls. . . tn New Zealand, the •~itors explained, F;.-.n., to Seek life guard aSSOC11Uons are formed on a .a.a. .uic voluntary basis and 1hey have only a minimum ....... 1 ol equipment because they are oot IUbskti.led. ' Park Contract doing, he explained. Mccarty aald that "righl now the bond mai'k« is in a ch a o l i c stjlte. Jntere.o;t rates are the h),gbest in history and ltill going up. "The market ls not tmproving and there is greal tisk of not getU111 any bids at all." He p(iinted out that interest rates now are near. 5.82 percent and rising. "Tbere may be some down trend in the fall.1 but I'm not predicting," McCarty told the cOuncil. • ·Mayor Jack Green said the city does want to move ahead rapidJ:f with land purchases. 1 • A speclaJ meeting was called for 7:30 p,m, Monday to·dtscua·--begfn-,lhe- park program aTtd hbw much money will be needed lmmedlately • Termites Bug Nixon E~1a1e Fl•e firms of park m:hltocll wlD be In- terviewed by 'the lluntlngton lleoch CUy Council fn Its quest to lifil landacapa archllectl. to dQlln It mlllloo wor1IJ ol 'Wea~ ThinO• art looking Uf> for Wednesday, Hkc1 'thtrmonu:ten which will advance •iKto thi loWi!r 10'1 along · the 1·0rd11gc Cocu:t with nmh1nt promised for Ute afternoon~ Ext.erminawr (From Whittier) Attacking Pests By JACK CHAPPELL Of ..... c.llr ...... lltff President IUdJard Mitboul Ni>on bu tennltel. or o1 1e111, hll .... 1,~ s.n Clemente -White lloole doel -l\tO ldnda. , Bui not ~or hq. The Uny .. ooc1 ... 11ng peel.I .,. """ ~ ·-· 111· lhO Chemial E1JC1n1a> Termite Coa!nJI, Jnc .. of Whllller. 'Ibo ........a. job of nterminlt1ng the """" bcir<nJ hi the tlHoorn Presidential pad began Friday and II due !or com- pletion a -k from lhll Friday, June 17, said V1n1'owell, praldent oi the \ennlte COllltOl COIDp&llJ. Powell 11ld the U.yelJ'oOid Spanish style 'estate home was In "very 1ood The , San Clemente' . ntate . will be lhape," termite-wise. No worse than a treated for both kind.I. Sarni 200,000 cubic contmnporary l5-)iear-old home be Mid feet are Involved , he uld. ' ' A brigbl blue and yellow torp bas fe .. The e1termlnatlng job II· being*"'"· tooned .lb< ·m•ln 1p11e on Ille 'estate a COlldlUon of the ...,,,.. and Is lioinc 1 gtOandl ofrJCe MOIMfay; P-gil called pald for by 'the Hiter, Mn. ileftr1 · Vlkaqt ("Dow-Cllemlca1'1 pride .. nd Hamllton~ • • • •I joy") W_1111111ped 'ltJ!o l!Je aeai.d'CJll dwtll· Powell ·d«Un«t to'..,,...,, mac!>l lhe· 1 Ing. · Job would coot -..,, ha aaJcl tt.;11r Powtll aaJcl lhal lhe,farrbll.--~."" ol lhelargm ever handled br tl\e l.s'J>aa<d in Wh(ltler.:r.!ha· ~ Wlifttler comj>lny and dellnltely, "the liomeio,m -bad nou1m11 to do wttb t1ie -Important... ••anlllia ()( the job. . Two tnies <II lermltet aro c<JnUllO>nly lie aald the company wu clioofn by found In Southern Calllomla'1 c:o¢11 r-tall•ea of Ibo Coltoo limlly, nol •-. -anean termites ,.hleb bore I Nixon. Ht noiad lllal the.firm ls.probably in from.the ......,.i.and dey·wood flYinc • u..Jhbi 1aum control Cllll'pal!Y tennltel. I ~ ..... ·I) ~· ' ---...-.-~- parU. , 'l1io Recreation and Parb COllunlllfon hu recommended Lyneoch and lleJnoldt, Richanl BliJer Ala$>ClatOI, Comtll, Bridgen and .Troller, Eclcho, Aultln, ~ WlllilDll and the Voorhlet, Trtndle and Nellon firm u candidatea 10< the Pork d .. ltn job. • ' 'Councilmm, ar•~to J)eCln · hit.ervlft'1 on June If lo tbi ~ve anou. Dlfecto. ol, Jleci•Uon aiJd Porb Norm J'ortlly told ,lfW -U tllal the ........... bad r-...ncl'9d hlrlq ...... -.... 11nn "' dollpl a -of unall, .,qtiborbood, lilrkl 1and. !bin to oelect the -llrm tbty fall did Ibo best job to deol(lli ihe Jar .. ocnlral clly .park. He ~-Ille clty bin a fll11. time !lillClll:IJpe dtl1-to ....... tha• park· d8ve1~. JXOl!JlllldJ:' t11e council•~-lo wUlibOid a Ion on, lhe malt*.· 1 ,1 ~ •• • ' . • INSIDE TODAY • .Even at thii pofnt fn the ito- son, Hoe theater dCtiuU11 if stW bOomingi. Four locoi groupi ore ~Uighled todap 'm ·Enln1"i"I'" . meht, Poot 1B. " . \--~ .. llrtltt ' ............. • Cel"'111e 1 ...._,. ... ,. ·c...,.... ""' ........... '' c-1a 1• a.~· u r c_., '' ~ ,.,,.. • .,........,.. ......... .... or-a. t ... """' • ...., ,,,_,..... .............. , """""' ,. ~ .. ' t ,,.._ Pllllft It , 1"""" M ~ ,....... '""" .., ....... . 1,0....c..... • _ ..... .. .. .., ... ,... . .~-.... " J .. ~ ... , .1 .... : .. ~--- H • ' Mystery~! V eilS. ~laying · 8700,.000 ·Project t. : SCAG Launches ~ ... . Gangla~ Mur.Cler or Res~lt of Bar Brawl? . . Airp~rt ~tudy '· f BJ AR'Tll\JR R. VINSEL 0t .. Oreitr PHii 11.n G&Alland hcmiclde or a tavern tiff· tllol \\nod lntA> murder .,. COllS\dered todly lo the case ol a man dwnped to drown-uncoosclous-ln a Costa Mesa !arm lrTiptloo ditch lour clays ll!O. Hennm C. Everett, 35, of Redondo Beith, left home on a ltiort errand about 9 p.m. Fri$lay and waa found at 6:60 a.m. Saturday in 11n feet of water along Talbert Avenue near the Santa Ana River. Homlclde Oet~ve Gerry 1bompson said he and Investigator Arnold Ap- pleman spent most of Monday in the Redondo Beach area, rollowing recent patterns of Everett's work and social life, "We went to a rew of the beer bars hts wile &aid be was known to viiit, but we dklh'1 come up with much of anything," n-poon aald today. n. vlctim'a wife Dolores lo Id aulhorities Monday that abe ba.s no idea Girl, 10, Saves Friend, 9, From Drowning in Pool An aJort tO.yur old Westminater elementary echool pupil saved a •year· old slrl !rom drownln& durtns a weekend clala porty le< !ourth grade atudenl!, II Wal repomd today. Allred Sejuin, ol 1$21 Lodi Ave. pulled Terry J!:die-ol -llathlord Ave. !rom <llbt feet deep water after Ille b«ame uncomclODI following a brief struggle: in the Wiier. Tiny, a ......-.tmmor, jumped Into the deep "111 ol the r.:~ thinking she was Bt1f. ~ a U ~ pre1erver, when the teOdier bad alrady tabn it off. • De Mille Elemenllrr Sc:bool tucller Mri. Verna Hlckio lflPUed artlllcllll ""l'irllloo to the chUd until lhe began to· reij>ood. Sbe WU then taken lo Weotmlnlttt Community Hospital abortly aflerl'iQ:a aod later rel!aaed. Schools Merit ~~mber cResigns ~ ol ilie Ocean ~ Sc"9o Dlltrlel'aocePta<I ~~Monday nJchl ol Mef Duvall, a member ·o1 the d.Lstrlct'a merit conunlsstOn which acts u an: appeal board for DOD-teacbinC employu. DIMJI, who Wll aPPoinled to the volunteer committee by-the school board 22 months ago, ls moving to south Hun· tington Beach, out of the Ocean View district. The merit commission ts a thret?mtn committee that establl&he! n!lationships, tenure and accepts appeals from tire non certlflcated (maintenance, secretarial, etc.) employes o{ the district. One m• is appointed by district trustees, one by the county and one by the state. From Pflfle I TERMITES ... In Southern Califor1)1a. Secret Servicemen checlced out facets of the job, Powell said. Re termed them "vuy cooperative." Following rtmoval of the huge tarp from the main house today, other struc- tures on the grounds would be treated for the pests. No special problems, other than siu of the job, have come up, Powell said. He noted that just Inspecting the Colton Estate grounds took a whole day normally Ule job takes two hours. D~llV PllOT ~ mt.11 Ptm,dHINO ~ . ...,. ... ....., ·~-........... J.,11 •• c,,..., Vltlf ............ ~ °""'"' ,.._.., n-,,, kH•lf ··~ n...,,. A. Mvr,~iN ............. ,.... ~ w. ••t" w11n .... ••-' ...._... """'""" ..... .l!tl• (lly ... . M ............... ... lot fttl SfrMt M.ni.., MlfN•H r.o .... 7tO. ttMI --......., ..... Ull *-' ..... hrtMM c-. .... 1 .... t ......... 1 .._ ~ .. '4fMI ·- wllJ -WUlld 11a.. ·-to murder Everett, • Torrance machine • shop employe hlrtd just 1 \2 weeU before bis death. She said the saw him last Frid~ night when ·-he left their" house and Orange County Cclroner's dei)uties esUmated he died in the wat er.filled dilch anywhere from 10 p.m. Friday to 2 a.m. Saturday. Costa Mesa Pollce Detect!Ye Capt. Ed Glasgow noted Monday that Everett had . betn clubbed between tbe eyes, ap- parently with a heavy object. The logical extension of thia clue Is that he was unconscious when thrown into the ditch, in the 15000 block of Talbert Avenue 75 reet from the river channel. Clr<um!ta11cea already dlaclooed -and sQme investigators are apparently not dlscus!in& -have led them to class EvereU's d.eath as a definite homicide. Reports indicated Monday that lhe death had overtone& of a gangland-!tyle murder, carrying also an unexplaJned rumor-that"E'verett'a moulh and noee had been Japed ahut. ..As of now, we'rt not looking much ln that direction," Detective Tbompaon said when , questioned about the suggested gangland aapect of the death. ''Jt IQOks like he may also have just gotten Involved somehow with the wrong auys -for whatever reuon -and they did 111111 lq," 1111 ia.lddo. detective ad- ded. Questioning of personnel at Yarloua beer bars and taverns EYerett was known to vLslt turned up little information of value Monday night, 1bompl0fl said. Many establishment$ give their regular employes Monday off alter the busier w"6end period, and some person1 ques tioned only work one or two night&,' be ex plained. . "If we could just run down that one guy who'll say: 'Yeah, I saw him Jn here Fri· day night with •.. '," Thompson said in discussing the case today. Tire tracks near the homicide scene are also being examined for possible im- plication, but Capt. Glasgow pointed out Mooday that many vehicles drive through in connection with the farming operation. Everett's T-shirt. and corduroy trousers-clad body was found by Marcos Hernandez, a Santa Ana laborer, as he rode his bicycle to work in the parsley fiekl Saturday. A funeral service was scheduled today at 2 p.m. in Bell Broadway Mortuary, after which Everett's body was to be shjpped to Greenville, N.C., for burial. Besides hlw wife Dolores, he le aves four brothers and three sisters, most of them living in North Carolina and Virginia. Efficiency Expert Relates Demotion hy Air Force Congenial Co-contestants in fifth annual Miss Fountain Valley Pageant tapped L i n d a Anderson as "Miss Congeniality." Linda, 18, graduated last week from Fountain Valley High School. Huntington Mum Over Arm y Boat Slips in Hal'bom· • . -. ,., 8l, I.ACK BROB4CJ[ ; and caPa<Jll .. anll demand foreeu!J· ~ iii IMll't riw 'tt' I ventorle~· of e1lsting a i r po r 't f"i A Southern Callfornla Re&Sonal' ,Airport ownersbipg, mana1ement policies, f4'1 System Study (SCRASSJ Is • .. lily to <barged, flight patterns and noloe • ·•1 with· the .tnitlaUon of1tbl' lo'..countY studies. • fl.t million aurvey, Daniel. n~·t · esell, Chronolog1es or histories outlini11& £i;e P"'ident o1 the Soulheril Cal la f»· eJlabll!lun<ot and development~ · :::~~ of Government! ( .o;~ · an-' .airports in relation to adjacent First task of the SCAG Airpo Study munJtles, master plaM of airports Authority whicb will car"' oui tlfe ~w~ :ciUea and. counUes and any reports sudJ.' ·;, marizing 'their status. • year project Is to inventory exist.in{ ~n-. M1ke;9ell Aid this information ~ dltions and expose those UnmlClitte be in tbe:SCAG ..z11 __ b J Mt pianl, both pliy~col aod o! a JIOitey a requd o! the'"'~ -0 nature that might be pertinent to t!!e The SCA Ggroup'a 'sjudies are f study Jtself, accordin& to Mikesell. . pected to' dovetail with Orange Coun · "ntil Initial ~xploraUon is required to airport studies program . being carr . ensure tlult the study commence on a. oot by the Pereira fl.rm, a=i knowledgeable nOte," the pres!Qent ex~· Av.·iatloo~Director Robert J. B 1 plained. ' . APPROVED SHARE J . . R . dl- or1111e County supervl!ors . rocenlly ustices e 1ect ~ voted $23,500 u the county's share of the ~ nrat year'• study. The program wm ... t · St:ff ·New Ethi.re.a. $1.t mlllion over the twe>-year period, ., -..q: 1 with the U.S. Department or Housing and Urban Development paying 1w .. lhlrdJ. . Plan 1..Y Warren? Mikesell said a contract between SCAG (J and the Airport Systems PlaMing Group, a joint venture of System Development W.ASfllNGTON (AP) -The Supreme Corporation and William L. Pereira and Court jultices have turned down a bid by Associates of Corona del Mar, will be Chief Justice Earl WtlrTen that they bind signed shortly. themselves immediately t.o mur petf Other counties joining in the program rules on off-befich activities. are Loa Angeles, Imperial, Kem, A majority of.. the justi~ decided, ,,,.. "No comment" will be the word from Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, stead, to defer action until October wtW, the Huntington Beach city staff lo the San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ven--the court wlll meet with a new c~ U.S. Army Cclrps of engineers over 1ura. ju1Uce at the helm. jg permit.! to the HunUngton Harbour Both the State of California and the W~ re~, In a 113-pap sta~ Corporation for construction of boat slips Association of Bay Area Governments ment, the results of his efforts to ha. WASHINGTON (UPI) _An Alt Fotce prevent a cost increase In construction of (Northern California) are undertaking the Justices comply with the neW rul• 11.. and 11 tud . in Christiana and Warner bays. concurrtnt airport studies, Mikesell He sakl he took up the subject with~ ~fficieocy expert who first_ told Congress a 20-Wle bowling a i.cY 1 ymg Councilman George McCracken Mon· noted. at a conference in the Supreme Court ~ of a $2 billion cost lncreaae for the Giant .. the high cost of ~ in mess halls." ''St be' tak to th l Fn'day. ·-· . .., CS I ·-~"'~ tod th t he H ·•~·-• to 1~"y t ••e day night cuggested the answer to the re-eps are mg en assure a A cargo P ane ~~ ay a e "11 au1.uui ucu ~ui a ui ,. these studies are inputs to each other and The new rules, la.Id down June 10 by ~ now ill assigned to studybolng1~alleror ~:!: thearingh ·-~.!'~1ooly after ft~~~~ quest for the city's feeling about more that there Is no duplication of efforts," he U.S. Judicial C?onfe.rence, forbid 1J minor programs as a """"'& Y -.iN e ....... ,......,_.,.,.11.1 group -.:..;....,.,.... boat slips In the marina community. advised. federal judges eXcept members of ttie mess halls. Defense Department of trying to moule H e I ·ned th I the corporau·o must h Sun~me ....... ,_. •:.. accept ou'·'de le"' E Fl•-Id wbo ori"'• 11 Fi••• rald e xp a1 a n T e inventory of existing conditions ,... ~ vuw 1. w IWN A. . w1era , r;• .. a Y was ..,.e · d The rules also reqwr· e all ledF' al ·jud...i. bl ·~ by p ••• ~--I •~• I tod • •• !fiM-..... come to the city for permit& to bull any will include specific airport modification """ oca~ en-r;cn. v•~• rorn .,_..,. n ay s appearance, we e ..,...,,.., _ again with the ei:cepUon ol tlJt fying publicly last week, returned before expert aakf the eat.ima1ed COit o1 tbe Air slips for the off-water residents of the projects ezpected to begin prior to Ju1y Supreme c0urt ju ... '---~ lo fUe ~ --~ J '--"-to cite ~ F • ~-"··k -•··U ·1y nd that "W ha all n. 1971, construct.ion projects to provide '""'~ .....-a co.,.. -·on• .,.,... "'5 Ou-=--orce 1 . llUUl"• range a~ llUA) e, commuru a e ve ..,,e ning nut year annua1 reporti of ••eir· ~ · -•-· I Air F Imo SRAM ~-1 •--1 surface acress w airports scheduled lo w ...., ove1-UU11ltl n arce weapons wn as , ...,..., up u-uu1 ,...... control." vestments and other assets. ": elev Jo t million in J 1968 to M3fJ UUon · begin prior to July 1M9, ordinance! or e pmen programs. I ~--be anuaryad,ded th. t them .... u in Boat slips in the two boat basins have resolutions of the cities or counties Warren caUed a judicial committee lrtte Fitzgerald, a deputy or management ..-..~11 r. He a ~wmate be d b 1 J 1 ·d 1 1 . . th · f ac11·on to work on the rules on May l"' •-· told•• H-··· •--• Econo I h bee ed ced to u.. JIU b en oppose Y wa e1 iron res1 ens re 11.ting to airports or eu-e fects on ~ syaoc.i•~, "11e ~e m c U now n r ll ...-m on Y h h do bo bl 1.4.,,. the day after Justice Abe. forta.. quit ~ Committee Jast November that the CSA c'-.-l .... "prnaram content." w o say t ey not want ats oclUU6 surrounding areas such as zoning. -.&1 ·-•&"'6 •¥•• their view. hazards, flight hour or flight pattern coort under fire for havine consider~ would cost about ts billion to develop Fitq:erald also testified that uniden--Corporation otncials have maintained restriction!. $20,000 annual fee from the Wolfsii rather than the '3 billion. orlctnaUY tlfied Pentagon officials deliberately aub-they have an obligation to provide boat Family Foundalion. ·~ estimated. mitted a ml&leadlng report on a complex slips for the offwater residents and that STUDIES FINISHED \Varren was understood to be deeply In- He related today that 0 almolt bn· electronic brain for the Flll flgbter-bom-the marinas were master planned at Airport related studies already com· ter_ested in having the code imposed mediately" after his N o v em b e r ber to CODCeal ifJ probable colt from the tbne of sale$ of the waterfront pleted such as origin and destination quickly and before his service as chief ~. he wu shunted from con-De!en11e Secretary ~M. McNl#laia. homes. studies, traffic handling requirements ju.slice er.ds early this summer. •lderinc COii control atud1el ol aU major They arbitrarily ~vv.,... !ZOO pillllon --.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~-------~~--~;;;;;;;;;m-;-~or<e w .. ""°'-onstema-to-~-!rom01he-eotlmale-he aaldc becat!le,-!}ley--! ~I!. "' ·· . ·· · feirid McNamara would have cancelled · '-7 • J: __ If L -·-·i l 'Sen. Len. e: Jordan (R-Idiho), asked the_ ... had he known the lrve cost. I Mii n- Fllqerald what he now does. Fi1-ald The device I! known as the Mark II o" ~ •• r<plied that he was currently trying to Avloolca System. ,11111, Graduate Students Join HEALTH SUMMER SHAPE-UP lllllESS MOllTll AS DKLAllD IY THE City Staff for Summer NEW FACE AT CITY HALL Summer Intern Thompson ~ " I' BRIGHTENS MUNI SCENE Summer Intern Cox ' Three political science 1 r a d u ate students Mn! welcomed to the Hun- tington Beach city staff f\.tonday night pight by Mayor Jack Gn!en. 'nle trio will act as interns during the summer on a full time basis. "This may be the first lime that in· terns have been hired to aid the council in fuUllling some of its duties," Mayor Green said. Carolyn Cox, 22, is from Cal St.ate.Long Beach and lives in Long Beach. From Anaheim Is Ridiard 1bompt0n, 29, a stu- dent at Ca1 State Fullerton. The third totem is Jim Dukette. 28, a student at Cal St.ate Lona Beach. He ls a resident o! HunUnston Buch. In addiUon to )lelplng ttie council wllll development of reports and blck&iound lnfonnaUOn on various topics, the Interns 'Will wort with the admi¢stration, iw. h>i bolh the polillclll and admlDlatralive encb of city 1ovemmen~ ac<oninfl 19 Mayor Gretn . , GATHERING DATA Summer Intern Dukette ( SPAS Guys! Gals! JOIN TODAY Grand lnauguratl.on of our new Huntington Beach Health Spa. Publle lnv1ttd, frH tours dilly. A few special ch1rt1r memberahfpe •till 1vall1bl1, INCOMPARAIU FACILITIES! •HMtMletMft _....,.,Ml •n.m.k ..... ie • fforWa liin Tn loem1 • Ultra Mectem Condltlonhtg '"'IUtle1 • Whlrf,.ol lotha • Roman lteom loom• • Swlla f•hll MechllMI i FREii FREEi FREEi h:clusln F11hnl ff'MI Group Slimnutics and Swlmnasticl to music • No tlmt llml t on your visits • Mo appointment necessary • Seplr1te facilities for women • frea guat privileges • Unlimiltd houfl-unlimited days. Frtel Frtel Exclusive Crash plan for gf!fffing in shape FAST! ~ i • ' • .- . ' . . I I ',, ... ,. - ----'---------------------------- ' I I I .. ........ .. ._.,..... . .. . ...... • Lag11na_ Beaeli:-, ) " . 'ED.I TlqN • voe l.2, NO. 1"44, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ..J 0 I I ' TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1969 1EN CENTS J'empest Erupts in Capo Over Sex Education . ' A tempest •over sex education in the Cipillrano Unified School District was atli'red ~p again Monday and during a meeting of district trustees. Tbe battle began wbeo trustees sat down to consider two letters to the school board -one from the anti·sex education forces, the other from the PTA 1Council aupporting the dittrict's "Family Life" prncram. Se:s: education foe David Fa~s o( San Clemente wrote that the district. program ' t • Down the Mission Trail Joaquin Schools Discuss Bud g~t :.. San Joaquin Elementary School Dis· trict trustees meet" tonight to discuss in public nert. year's budget and in private teacheri' requests for saJaries. Supt. Ralph A. Gates aaid budget re- quests from school principals exceed a~ ticipa\ed income by about S51X),000 wheq funds are held out for a five percent teacher pay Increase. He said teacher and !Chool ad- minlstration negotiallre teams have been mee~lng behind closed doors for several months. Gate! said he Is hopeful salaries and the budget will be settled within the next couple of weeks. e C::itl:en• to M eet EL TORO -Narct1tics, campus unrest, pornography, lawlessness and militant minorities will be the topics of discussion at a meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in t9e, Royal Savings and Loan, 231K>1 El TOl'<I Road. Called by a group of collCi?rned cltiiens, the meeting will feature student speaker Richard . Theis, executive director of Voices in Vital America, (VIVA) ac- cording to spokesman R. A. Ell!worth, preddeni of the Laguna Hills Construe· tive Action Council. .e Jlir elDOf'k• for Nixon SAN CLEMENTE -President Richard M. Nixon, the First Lady and their fami- ly wW be saluted in the Fourth <>f July fireworks display sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post No. 7142 ariifthe American Legion, Post No. 423. The annual show al the Municipal Pier m;cy be seen from the city beach. Funds are f"!W being solicited from community organizations and individuals by the spomors. . . •· Fourt/a Stan d Set ' El:. TORO -With the explosive c~lebration of the Fourth of July just weeks away, the South Orange County YMCA is in the process of setting up its fireworks stand. 11Us year's location w.111 be on El Toro Roai!I just east or the Santa Ana Freeway, adjteenl lo the Torocenter. 'I1le stand wUJ-.be open July 2 and cooUnue to serve t~ 10 p.m. July 4. . appeared lo be the rtSUlt of pressure. "ft Is quite evident that a handful of people in oor PT A ... cotmCll preMured our school offk:J.als lnlcJ.adopling a sex educa· lion program which wou1d be intertwined in a leglUmate program and called 'Family Life Education'," he said. _ Iiw1sponse, Mrs. Kenneth Bloom of i.,... Niguel, Pl'A councll president, said lhe PT A became involved in the pro- gram only after a citizens committee ap- Church Bid For Castle Rejected Bv TOM GORMAN Of 11111 OtllJ ,llol Sidi A wave of citizen protest has drowned any Immediate plans of the ~!vary Evangelical Free Church lo use historic Pyne castle 3! a Christian day school. In a split 3 to 2 decision, Laguna city planners Monday night denied use of the 64-room mansion at TIO Hillcrest Or. for a school, and eventually a chapel, in the hotly contested issue. The Calvary· Church has 10-days in wbld! Ip, appeal ll>e planner•' decision (9, the City Cowicll. -to voting -for the Qenial of-lhe--ap:; plication, Planner Charles M-Johnson said, "We have \o be v~ry certain in our own mind that there w11l be no adverse effects on the adjacent property owners." Residents in the irrimediale area of Pyne Castle, in registering their co!"· plaints verbally and in letters. told of in- creased noise and traffic, the loss of esthetic beauty in the neighborhood, and the loss of approximately $500,000 assess- ed valuation from the tu roll. · SIGN PE."l'ITION Thirty-one homeowners within a 300- foot radius of 770 Hillcr~st signed a peti· lion claiming the church would "create a great deal of unnecessary noise and lraf. fie, and destroy the esthetic beauty of the property ln the neighborhood." An additional ten bomeoWnel'1 outside the radius signed a aimllar petition, while 2tl homeowners outaide the radius asked that the application be denied in still another petition. Jn a letter to the planners, Dr. George Frempter, 377 Pinecrest, saJd the mansion, now an apartment, ls already an encroachment or the R-1 (single dwell- ing) zoning. "Further use of the dwelling (by the church) is a further en· croachment on the use of R-1 land and conflicts with property owners' interest. Our property was purchased in con· fidence that the R-1 zone would be preserved . If granted, It (the church's application ) would lead to further requests for vari ance In the R-1 zone." TAX LOSS Frempter also slated that if the ap- plicaUon were to be approved, il wou ld mean a loss to the t.ax roU of the assessed land, valued at '500,000. hl ber letter to the planners, Isola H. Johnson, 782 Grandview, stated, "The streets within this area are now ~Ste CHURCH, Page %) Council Hears Criticism Qf Youth Street Dance "Every hippi" In town was there. We have indeed made it niet? place for these buml to enjoy." La}una Beach businessman Charles R. iteCalla, 919 Bluebjrd Can1on Drive, was crlticblng conduct at the most recent youth ~l dance on Fort•l Avenue. M~Ua's criUque of the dance spooaored by the South Orange County Y~fc.\ will . be before councilmen W~ay nlghl In a kiter. McCalla estimated no more than IS or 2G eercent of the crowd •ere Laguna Deacfl • students. fie said. doiens of pe:r• carried llgbl.ed incente suek.s. .. The_.muslc wu the loudest thbli I've ever Hird in my life. No one f!anced, maybe J arrived too late. Everyone. was 1ttting around anlffing thtlr !nctn,. stica{t McCall• wrote. ( "I noUced several hippie types half aslee p and glassy eyed,.. he slated. McCalla t!stimaled Ille age of the crowd ranged from 9 years to 30. \\''hen he left, McCalla reported, one boy was getting sick to his stomach In a doorway. '"lbla was In short, just a k>u!y dirty crowd lor our kldJ to be associated wiU11" he stated. McCalla sai~ he favored street dances or any other kind of "good clean fun" for youngstert of Laguna. He ur1ed another so that pa....,. and bllslnwmt11 could observe the conduct. He suggeatetl that tuture dance& might have clothing requirements ·and that youn1sten might be requlft!d to show a local student body card as a pren!lqu.i.site \o entr1nce; pointed by school trustees J,ad decided there waa a need for a family life ~ gram in lhe district. ' "We cannot close our eyes or bury our heads in the sand and hope that the pn> blems of teen-age marrla~, unwed mothers, alld venereal disease will go away. Ignorance is not the answer. We also cannot insulate our children from in- fonnalion or mis-information about sex so doesn't it make sense to educate!" Mrs. Bloom said. Trustees repeatedly aUempted to cut short. heated argument which followed lhe reading of l!!tterS. The roes of sex education proposed' that clas:Je3 in the subject taught at night school and that parents as well as youngsters attend sex segregated claalea. Dr. Robert Beasley, board ·vlce JJ""I· dent, said the matt.er had been gone over many tlm~ before and "l see no reuon· to change our program." The Capistrano program requires parent.a of students to give permiJatQn for their chlldren to attend Ute clll8lel. About 60 perctnt of those who may take classes are enrolled. ;. Fales said his . grOup of concerned citizens had no quarrel with the 'pfeaent program of the district but a!ked; .. 'ls this Ute end?" He was told that after comP.ld.ton of the upcorhing school year an evaluation or tbe entire prosram would be made. .'DA,ILY ''LOT hil.'~'.._,;~ • ' ' I ' -J ' ' NEW NIXON ABODE IN SAN CLEMENTE FESToOl'(ED WITH T.OOLS ' OF 'EXT.ERMINATOll',S . TltADE Under S.cr1t Service Suptrvlslon, T1rmit11 T1ke Ge1 11 (ondltion,of, IKrow -• . I Termites Bug Nixon Estate Exterminator (Fro1n Wh ittier) Attacking Pests .o. • • By JACK CHAPPELL OI Ill• DillfY '1191 5111" President Richard Milhous Nixon has termites. Or at least, his newly-purchased San Clemente Summer White House does - two kinds. But not £or long. The tiny wood-ealin g oesl.S are now being gased by the Chemical Engineers Termite Control, Inc., of Whittier. The mammoth job of exterm inating the wood borers in the IO-room Presidential pad began Friday and is due for com- pletion a week from this Friday, J'une 27, said Van Powell, president of·tbe termite control company. ~ Powell said the 42--year-old Spanish Plane R epo rte d Forced to Cuba 'OAKLAND (UPI) -A Trans World Air~·ays jct with 104 persons aboard was apparently hijacked today and ordered style estate home was In "very good The San Clemente utate ··will • be shape," termi~ise. No worse than a treated for both kinds. Some200190l).cubic feel are involved., he saJd. contemporary IS.year-old home, he said. A bright blile,aad· yelloW larp.bas"'ft. The eXtemilnaUng job i! being done as t.ooned the main house an the estate a condition of the escrow and is beln& grounds since Monday. Poison gas called paid for by the seller, Mrs. Henry Vikane ("Dow · Chemical:-S ~ and Hamilton CoUon . joy") ia ~ped into, the ae1tled.off dwtll· Powell declined to say how much the ing. job ·wou!d cost. However, he said-th.al it Powell said that the fact.-his company is one of the largest ever handled by the is based Jn WbiWer ....: the P:rerident,lal Whittier company and definlU;ly, "the hometown -had nothing t.o do with ·the most lmPortan\." . awardisltof.the job.. • · .. .,. TWo types of termites are compionly He the1 com~.was ·chosen· by · found ·in Southern Ca11Iornia'1. coaSt.al reprerenta.UVes or Cotton famll]I, not areas. subterranean tennttea which bore Nl:s:on. He noted tha the f1nn la ptObablJ in fJ;oin_ \Ile Bl'QlllMi .and mY·WoocbflyinC, the third 1atg.,i tthnlte COOtroi -paD)' tennites. in Soulhtl'IJ CJolllornl&.. . ·• : Black Panther to F Q,ce Trial in Officer Death ' . . to fly from Oakland to Havana, Cuba. Black Pant.her L I e u t e n a n t Daniel to re!t.arch law to support h1I ~t TWA sal dthe pilot ol the plane, which Michael Lynem must face jury trial July that Lyne.m should be ·tlnlltled tof.full was due to Oy nonstop from Oakland to 21 on charges that be sho\ and killed a municipal court procedutel, obvitimy New York. radioed flight dispatch at Santa Ana pollce. officer. angered apectaton ' in die ctowded 11 : IS a.m. PDT and "requested weather The tall, impassive San~ Anan sot that courtroom. I ' Information for the route or Atlanta to date from Superior Court Judge James 'Lynem, 22 •. entered • and 1f:.ft the Miami to .Havana." The airUne said it had no information F. Judge moments alter he wu husllcd __ f'C'OW'lroo~ to_ B~ Pal\tber ':'k'les ind on how the skyjack.Ing took place • from municipal court to the higher benctl cries of ••Panther Power, ~mher Fales repeatodly alltlled to the Im· po61Uon of the ee:s: educat!On pi'op'am 111 the district by a ''amall group." During one eschange, he pointed' to a member at the audience and aakl "'are you not one of the people that have been p11shlng this on the diltriet for ten years?" . The lady, unldentifttd;-,.... and llld, "No, l thought we needed UU.-prOIJ'IDl ror tD yeara ... oos New Budget Means Raise Of 20 Cents Bf lllCHAllD P. NALL Of "' DlllY ....... The Laguna Beach municipal budget wlli cllmb ·put the 13 million mart for the fin:t Uine lh1s coming flscal year. . And though the cltY manager ii ltUl red pencilling deletsbt. Items, It looks llke t,be budget package may require a oupportlng tax lncrta!e •P11roachinl SO cents. City Man8.ger James D. Wbeltcn-llid the city faces the um< )l'Oblem thal the houaewife faces, lnfla.Uon. It ii COiling mon1 to buy produ~ and aervlcea __ '"""' . pencila aod -. to . <lllpio)W ·T.a ... hopes to ha .. tbe pnllminary bucf«tl ready to hand-.i:oancllmm someUme next week fOr their ·pac&-by- J>lie. peruaal. AREAS INVOLVED . He ldentl!ied areas aod . aituaUons, not necessarily by any priority, 1hfl wlll be part ol the cost spiral: -Laguna must make 1 ~I 1t palchfilg up its rundown sewage ~ '>'stem. An engineering finn bu "'""'" mended long-term expenditures that In- clude '42,000 this first year. The city will .Pread this over two yeaq_. Wh<atOn la recommendinl expendltur< ot: $22,000 in 1969-70 for equipment - from valves to chorlnators. This adds up to about 3 cents of tbe tu hike. -Policing Laguna ls going to co&t more. 1bere are m o re pel'IOnl being arrested. Consequently It costs more to clot.be and feed them. More officer• are 1pending more time in courL ADDMONAL OFFICERS Wheaton has recommended that an a- dditional police ofncer and pullce woman be hired. This will probably be a f14,000 or fll,000 in<:rease Ju>t lor the salaries. -Another cost will be removal of the municipal court to new offices in Laguna Niguel, expected to occur in Novem~r. This will result in more police time spent gettir)g to court and tbe city will need a prboner vehicle -some type of van. -Salaries overall for city employea are expected t.o go up. Wheaton has recom· mended a tlflWlep (U percent) pay ln- creaae for municipal employes effective Sept. t. Thb woold· coat -fSS,000 or '6(1,000 more. -The cpuncil h~ set f:be stage for an eipai\ded recreation program. Wheaton 11 now recruitlng for 1 fuu:.time recrea· Uon Wrector, who will~ a lec;l'elN'y, a cir, olltce lurrillurt and Other equipment (See BUDGET, Pqe I ) Oru1• Weadler Things ore looktng up for Wednesda11. like Chumometer1 which will adtxlftU into the loWtr 70'• a.long tM Orcnoe Coa.tt with sunshine promi&td for the o.Jtemoon. INSIDE TODAY Ewn at thla point In the stoo son, Uve theater actitnt11 ii 1dll b~no. Four loco& groups art tp0&lighttd todat1 fn E1'ttrtain- ment, Paoe 18. "The polit Indicated they ware pro-Moncl~y to be handed an Orange ~ty Power."-:~r.abd rliJed ~ ....Sing to Havaoa with an •IQ!l<ted Granll' Jury IMlclment. · &IJlll. ill 1~•~Clttof the"8llila· · time of arrfval of 3:10 PDT,'' a ipokes· J .. tlQ11· • ~\ ,, J... I • ' • • 11..iM • c:::c . , .llfWt........ \t ....... ··-.11 -. ...._. ... ,.. man for 1W A slld. "We are proceeding LOWtr court, mu'rde.r charges were . • t •• · • ~~ l""" • on the 8'1umptl~ thst hew~ MJ,.,ked." rtlsml~ bi.Judge P~lllp Schwab lor the · • ', ....:...r. ,.._keel , • '!be Boeing 707 ]et carrM!d.84.,eob pounds convenience of Diitrtct Attorney Cecil . ""'""~ of fu~. the airline: taid, whlch_"u -isuf· Hick.a in what hu nOw become the tradl· flclent to reach Havana with adt!quate tional bypaS!I~ of municipal court pro-· reserves." ced.um in cap'ttaJ offenses. , There were 97 passengers ind II· crew Judie Schwab'•· denlal of ~ ol seven aboard the plane ptlotedr •1 -Pub!IC"--!ld<lider Rod<rtclr Rlcctl'\11'.I , CapL G. Behnke. plea lor "just ti more minute&" In whtdl t • 1C <.,4t ...... .. (,....,..... "11 --. .,_ . --. -.. ............ ,. :::= ~ ........... .... ......,,. ·'''" .. ,.. ....... " ..... ,._ 1a.t1 ..,.. , .. ,, , ... _....., .. It ·-" -" -. _. ........ • • J DAILY Pll.OT L Tuetdl~ Juot 17. 1969 ·-' ..... ~ .... + ..,..-If """'"'""" .. . ' . ROI. .JS?&li ''How'1 Thia One for Ch•rm? It Wat Origln1lly • Re1t1ur1nt, 11'<1 -. _ . Thtn .~onverted to 1 Home.''· From Pllfle 1 CHURCH OPPOSED. • • overcrowded. Even now it ls rarely piossl· ble to park In front of· our own homes. 'Ibe use of Pyne CasUe as a church and pre-school will make our property un- tenable for parking." Agnes Williams, 2'/.11 Grandview, stated ln her letter, "This (the church) will greatly increase lralfic in an R-l n!sidtn· tial district due to achoo! bulel!I, trucks, aitd automobiles, as well as tht noise fac- tor .'1 Wrote Harriet Brooks, 290 Grandview, ••Most of I.he peOple living in the im- med.Laie area are of Htirement .qe and have chosen to live tn the neighborhood because of the quiet it affords them." • OWNS PROPERTY Murray Krieger of Newport Beach, who owns land above Pyne C.uUe on Pinecrest, told the planners, "No one here is against the notion of a Chriatian day school. But the question Is the removal of $500,000 useued land. It's not a small way to begin a church. There are otlier pl~ces in Laguna other than the limited land of Pyne Castle. And we moved tnto town a!!umlng Pyne Castle would be the ultimate 1n no~n­ fonnity." Herbert Edwards, Ml High Dritt, told YMCA Day Camp Riis Pi~k .Ups ,Set At Six Schools YMCA Day Camp buses will pi~k .up children at six schools In the Mission Viejo El Toro, and Capistrano area. Rai'ph Gates School, o I I v e w o o d School. Margaret O'Neill School, Linda Vista School, Las Palmas School· and Ole Hansen School will serve as depot.s for the YMCA activity. Day Camp program includes crafts, swimmlni. trips, hiking, nature study, and an O"er·nlght campout. '11le pro- gram is directed by Kirk De Ford, a San Clemente teacher. Five Day Camp sessions will riln froqt July 23, Monday to Aug . 29. Fee is $39 for YMCA members and $44 for non· members. Activities will be held at the YMCA Camp Dolph in Aliso Canyon. To register, prospective campers may stop by the South Orange County YMCA al 491 Forest Ave .• Laguna Beach, or they may call 494-9431 and forms will be malled.· Reagan Tells Support SACRAMENTO (UPI) - A sampling of Gov. Ronald Reagan's telegram basket showed today Californians support his defen5e of armed force in hand.ling the people's park demonstrations by a 33·to-l , margin. uAllY PilOT OltAHO~ (Oo\11 PUal ISMIHG COMNltf 1, ... ,. N. WeM p,.,...., Ml ,,_.., J•c• It. c.,1.., Vk.e rr......., 8IW ~,.I MMllW '"''"''' KHvil .... Tli•111•1 A. M111phTnt MMttlltt •dli. l id11r4 P. Nill ..__ "" ·-1 ......... 0MM 22.Z Fere1t Av1. M1lli119 A44+1Af P.O. l tlll 666, tlUl --c.-JIMM1 1111 Wnl llY lfnirt ~ INdl: 1711 ..... , ................ ~ a.eca, • lt~..,... --·--·-- planners, "All we need ls another l'ecrf!I· tion place. We already have a ball park down. there, and that's loud enough. And people visiting Laguna Beach are getting wlse about using High Drive to get downtown to beat the traffic log. There's ~ traffic hazard." Dr. Jack Wheaton, chairman of the COIJil'tPUon, detailed the plans of the church, t.llJng of two pbu<J of ullllsa-tlon. The first · pbue would lpclude oc- cupying the 1iulfdlng u lt -atond5. The thlrd·Ooor ballroom would evolve iDo to a meetlna room for 180 c:trurm1oers. The apartments would be chanied Into cluaroom1 lor pre.school and day ICboo~ he said. SOME JIDIAIN Some apartmenta would remain u such for vbltlng mlaalonarles and sums. The Umetable W<IU!d allow fO< the t1llrd floor church lo be Uled In lale Itel. The prHCbool "ould be In operation b1 -February cf 1970, and kindergarten through ellhth sra<les would be In pro. gresa by September of that year. 'l1\e school! would serve a maximwn 200 studenll. A propqsed chapel for 500 people would be built In the second pbue when lundl became available. Also In the final pbue would be construction ol a larl!V parting Jot, for . a total of 13$ cars, a driveway and ~ boandary•lanclacoplng. ID rebutting the homeowneri• attack, Dr. -Mid, "The pt-I) .....,,, draw In u much ~ mane, apeopJe are led lo believe. And lbue won't be lfff busee." Plannei' J-Tomehak, In picturing the tnffJc prob'Jem, eotnrnt11led, "I can't imagine 200 cars com.lag to:tbe scbool every morning. and at~· DIFFlctJLi p l II lalkln:; i,ctay , Dr. Wheaton lllid, "We've been praylng for a long Ume. We've. looked ,It P.yne C&rUe IS lon1, U !Ive yeah ko. Laguna's a_pretly dJlllc1J]t area to Joo\ tor a site for a thurch. The only other po&siJ>le site b Top of the World . And that's not a preferred area because of ~ts location." Or. Wht;iaton laid the. church board would declde Saturday if they are to ap- peal .the decision to the City Council. In the meaotime t.he churdt will cott- tinue to use Thurston Inlmnedlate School for Sunday services. Dr; Robert French, In making lhe mo- tion .to deny the application, sa1d, "We're putl1ng more Lraffic intc an already dif· !icult area ~ause of the topography." Planners Johnson and Trimcbak also \'Oted fo r denial, wilh Frtd Briggs and Howard Holden votina against denial Slotver Traffic Near El Morro Not Possible Laguna Beach Unified School D!Jttlc! has been advised by state agencies that traffic past El Morro School cannot' be lea:ally 1lowed to 25 miles per hour u Ule city had hoped. Dr. \Vllliam Ullom, district superin- tendent, called the news "very disap- Nktting" and said he will recommend i!M ihe board seek aid from ttate legislators. 1ichool officials, \\'ho weren't allowed a stop light at the school, hoped for a signal to slow the M-mile-per·hour traHlc to 25 miles when 9Chool is.in.session. Ullom said representatives of the Slate Division of Highways and Callfornla Highway Patrol told him at a recent meeUna that this is not legal. He said lhey proposed instead that the school dl1lrict elevate the driveway to the school 10 that bus drlvtn and other drivers would have a better view of the .highway. Ullom said state officials also bellf!ved that the 4J>mlle·t>er·hour speed limit through Emerald Bay could be extendtd lo the-. He called lb e recommendaUons unsatisfactory. Ullom said a bus driver entering busy Coast Highway from the elemenWy ld>ool Uttrally hu no ri1ht time to start the manet.aver since the school drive la a "prlv11te drive.'' This means, Ulom ukt, ln cue of an acddent the driver coukt never have been in tbe rlcht until alter he had completed hi1 tum onto the h.lgh•ay And wa1 mov· Ing with the lra!llc now. I, Limitations • • ' On Schools' I'~ • Budget Told From Page 1 BUl)GET •.. and Sl}pplles. This ls ei:pected to push the recreation budget rrom $22,000 this fiscal year to $50,000 next. -Because employes of the city will receive more, the city share of the employment reUrement program will take more tai: money. This year it amounted to 20.8 cents on Lhe tax rate. Next year it will be 24.2 cents. -lt will be the first year that both principal and interest will be due on Laguna's two new flre sub-stations. This will be about a $13,000 increase. Wheaton said the city, also, may have to hire two more firemen so that others can have vacations. This is undecided. ' Wheaton aald income will be up, too, rrorn sources other lban ,prqperty tas.es, but riot enough. He expects greater ¥les tai:· revenue, more "bed ta% funds and soroe increase in the city 17% percent Shirt· or Festlval of Arts receipts. Aaseued valuaUon will be ·ul> too. ' Bu~ said Whelton looking-glumly st his already whittled budge~ Jh,eets, I~ still adds up to a sb:ea.ble tai: increase. He· Ian'! optlmlatlc that the hlk• can bj; inuclt lea thaJI 20 cents. To tht Owner of a home l~t Utt ~: aneasor rates at U0,000 matket· value, U'l.ls would mean an increase in 'luel for municipal services of $20. He would be r,1inc about $185. lot a year 's municlpa servicelll. Howev.er that same homeowner mJgbt have a total pro- perty tai: bW for all services In the neighborhood of $900. Wheaton said when he received lhe fint' departmental b u· d g e t recom- mtndaUons, he called department htads together and asked for voluntary cuts. These were made and then the city manager began making his own. Wbe.aton lsn 't sure yet how much the budget will eicetd $S mUllon but it will probably be considerable. The budget for the fiscal year now nearing 11n end was $2,979,483 which took an 8.kent tai: ln- crem to $1.457. Court Acquits Suspect In Frater~ty Stabbing L06 ANG!LES (UPI) -Geor10 Jordan Jr .. te, one of three men charged with the sl11bbln1 death of a USC fraternity pledge, wa1 acqulUed Monday. Superlor c.urt Judge George M. D<ll ruled there wu insufficient evidence to link Jordan with I.he 1laylna of Brian Clay, a. ( ' ' lo1i1a!1 SUMMER H::!~ SHAPE-UP Guys! Gals! JOIN TODAY Grind Inauguration of our new Huntington Beach Ht1lth Spa. Public Inv ited, fr" fours dilly. A ftw 1peci1I charter mamber1hip1 still 1v1llabl1. INCOMPAllAIU FACILITliSI ............. " Swt.mn'"9hol • Ultra Mod.m Condftfonlng '•cllltles • Electron1c Massage •florid• Sun Tan Rooms • Wh1rlpool laths • '1nnlsh Rock Sauno lffmt • Conditioning Focllltles • aom&. Steam Rooms • Swiss faclGI M51chlnts PREii PREii FREEl bclvs1v1 Ftatun• frttl Group Slimnastics and Swlmnasties to music • No time limit on your vlalts • No 1ppointment necessary • Separ.,111 facilities for women • free guest privileges • Unlimited hour'$-unllmlted di9ys. Frtel frHI I 0-county · ... 1 ' Air Su,:ver _,, .- Established JUlll IS llATIOIW flllllSS MOllTll Exclusive Crash plan for gett}ng in shape FAST! ' AS DICLllED '' 1111 ~ ' . ' .... " .. • " c" .,, ' 'T"l• l "' •• ••• • •• • •• - I i I ' I' ' I \ • I I I ' -... l l SHOPPERS BROWSE AMONG MERCHANDISE·PACKED SHELVES AT EL TORO POST EXCHANGE Plent)' of Bargain" for Active and Retired Servicemen and Their Dependents Toro~s PX Big Business New Exchange Will Be Department Store for 50,000 By JANICE BER.\1AN Of !ht Daily '°Utt Slat! "JL's like Zody's. Vor(s and anylh\ng else you can think of, all rolled into one,'' aaid a ~1arine. He was talking about a rather exclush·c st'Ore. You have to be an active or retired s~viceman or a dependent lo get in. Jt's the Post Exc11;:;nge fPX) at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. ~t year. the PX g:os~·C<I $16 million. That's pr elly big businc~s. For ex· a1nple, in its lir~L year of operation. F,JEhlon Island in Newport Beach grossed only a little n1ore than tv>'icc that -a total of~ million for all its stores. By Augusl of ne xt year. ihc 5\l,000 peo- ple v.·ho no\1' do their t:hopping in croY;d- ed \\1orld \V ar II tcn1porary buildings at El Toro will be able to sho)l in comfort at a new $1.8 milliori PX 001 the base. Then, as now, they will be able lo buy mercl1andisz at di.<;;cr.·1r.ts al'craging ' between 34 percent under retail stores and 14 percent under cul,rale stores. Just a fc"'· of the items offered are clothing , cosmetics, home furnishin gs, sports equipment. stereos, camera!:, watches, • jewelry. cigaretle?S and lugsase. DEPARTM~i STORE 1· The merchandise at the new PX will be 80ld in a collection of depa rtments, along with barb2r and beauty shops, laundry and dry cleaners, a cafeteria, a garden t shop, and other' customer services, all en- compassed in a 75,000·squarc·foot area '"ith twe build ings connected an I enclosed mall. The fund s for all the new fa cilities \Viii · not come from taxpayers, no.r will any of _ the rri'e rchandlse, according to Capt . Eugene ?if. Glass. the man ln charge of~ all ex change operations.al El Toro. "The money comes out of a .central fund in \Vashlngton. D.C.," be said. "Th'e fund assesses each llfarine Corps m:mber. And all sen •ices furnished by the base are reimbusred on a monthly basis by the exchange." He said that the exchange Is completely self.sustaining, and last yea r netted $1 million profit, all of which has been poured back into the anned rorces. RECREATION FUND The recreation funa of the Special Services receiYed S400.000 of th e profits. The fem_aining $600,000 is carn1ark~d 'for con~lon of the rrcw · PX: by Mel'llpolilan Construttion C-0. of Los Angeles according to a de!li;n by Thomas Rich.i.rd son Associates of Costa Mesa. A~!;ed for an ex~l::innl1on of ho\\' the point s~·stc.>1n 1rorlicd, f;!ass replic<.1, "It 's very co1nplicoted. I can't explain It." 's ut he -did ·say that accumulation of points depe nds on the number of person- nel on the base, the mission of the bi:o;e an<! the amount of retail aclivity. RETAiL Acr1·;1tv •·Amount of retail acti<,..ity'' is t\1c l:ey phrase here . .'\JU1ough the 40.000 off·bo~e pcr~flnnel using the El Toro PX ta n11n1U:::r equal lo the lol:il popul:;;t:on of t!n. city of Ne1\•port Beach) do not figure a.!. people in the poin~ systc1n, thri r purchasing pov.·cr docs. Sensitive la charges by ci1·ili;.n n1erchanls and other citizens of PX boon· d'lggling, Glass sai d, "The exchange is not unfair competition with outsid!! business. \\1e have created 550 jobs for civilians in Orange Count y." He added lhRl the PX subcontracts to civilian concessionaires for such services as laundry, optics, appliance repairs. vending machines, hvo restaurants and six snack bars. Glass said the 1949 Armed Services Ex- change Regulations pro~·lded that PXs be se t up as a service. which eliminates a need to provide a profit to store owners and stockholders. \Vhen the goven1mcnt runs the store, according to a Consumers Union survey published this week in the Navy Times, the following ret ail discou nts exist. on a national a\·crPr;e: Cig.lrette Ughters Sunglasses Razor blades ll1iscellaneous drufs Headache remediC'S Deodorants Luggage Electric shavers Radios Children 's sneakers Electric typewriters Electric coffee makers Hand mixers Irons Hair dryers \Vafflc irons Electric frypam Electric carving knil'es Ell!ttric ice crushers Toasters C~k radios, Ali-f·fM Boys' jeans Women·s \\'tar J.ien's slacks and jackets Men's white dress shirts Gl'5S said additional monies for the PX will ~ raised through a civilian loan rc- quiriag repayment with interest. , fl1en's undcrn·ear \\latches ~o Saved 44.S 50.0 33.0 31.5 23.0 34.5 37.5 39.5 :J0.5 32.0 29.5 3j .0 37.0 32.0 :J0.5 37.0 3.1.0 26 .0 :17 .0 27.5 31.S 32.0 28,0 32.0 33.0 33.5 34.5 The 7~,000 square feet alloted to the ne wiPX, sa id Glass, wat determ ined by a •·complex point system.'' _set up by the Depattment of Defense. Hd"!'stresscd that the amount of spact \\'aslletermine<I by the numbe r of person· nel If lhc base. . "\~ are not allowed extra space for reti{fd personnel and their families," he uplillned. , ,. • Average 34 And here arc tl1e 1•c:ccntages under the cost of ncarb)' cul·rate or discount drug stores: Smoking articles Dn.1g sund ries House.hold llems Groceries Watches and clocks co Saved 21 II 20 9 2S Mesa W o111an in Crash • .. . ' .. liilled; Accident Probed ft---~·· .. .. . I Califomi• Hlgllway Patn>I officers ,.Id Cpl. Bemer has been ablolved ol eny blame for the J2:01 p.m. smashup on Hlgh)Vay 39$, but ~ dead woman's hus· AlfhariUes today are probing a he.adon colliM!b on an arl'O\f·Slra~ str~p or hlghar neer the Nevlld6Calilamla bOrclr,Sund.9.1 lo detennlne the blame for ' PCo5ta Mesa Womio's resulting deatfi:• · !band is sUll under .lnvaU,ation. elvlnt Oerl.icli, 611 of 22d Con-, Gerlack ls in . terioU.s cond!Uon at 1 Ave .. was dead On arrlval at 1Washoe Med~ center In Rtno1 N'tv .. M Count1 General Hospital In wbiJe Cpl. Beamer ls In &ood condition at Bri rt, Calif .. after the noon ctlllslon • ill< Mono County faeillly, sufferinl from 10 80Ulh' or the small town. I l broken ribs, f,iclal cui.s aod a fractured· issblDd William, 11 , Ind 1'hi.~ne rankJe. ' u "Beamer, ll, of tht 0 Toro The eccldent ocettmd ' on a atraljtit nUrta 9t'l'.ltt slaff -wHo wu li'lreldl of freeway ill completely clear driv: othtr car Involved -Mfered 1 weathtt and • with 1lmo1t unllm.lted 1erioul lnJurlet. ~iaibWty ahead. ' . ., Stationery 21 Cameras z Projectors 18 Film 2 Photographic 2r~·-· II Radios 19 Appliances :3 Toys 23 Au10 suppl:c:.:: 17 Average 13 In the study made by the non-profit, in· depcndenl testing organliatlon for tl1e JJ::pa rtmcnt of Defense, Consumers Union said 1:1at fon1i\ies of military r:ersonnel on the al' er Jf;;C .. Co better \\·hen they do all the ir shot-ping in exchange 5tores.'' A 1valk through the mcrchanclire·p~c!>· rd PX at El Toro sho\';s ho·.v mt•ch "b:::t- tcr" 50.000 can do. A $~0 sui~'!::isc s::fls !:lr 127.01. A lad les' ~:lO 'M:tcll co:sls $29.95. Ci'garetes are 2,1 c::nts a pack. A $2.50 lipstock costs $1.50. TI1ere are restrictions on \Vhat can be r;old, sajd Glass. Clothes mu.st be "sporty." he said f:ilthough there was a pair of gold kid high heels in the shoe department). No auto parts worth more tl"i an $1S.7~ wholesale may be stocked. No sterling silver may be sold. No large appliances, like \\·ashers or televisions. either. But lhe price slashes ore clearly evl· dent to anyone who wants to brov.·:-e t~rough, although nobody may buy \\·ilhout an exchange card. GoverJlQr Saves Gitl Who Fell Into Home Pool SA'.CR AM ENTO, Calir. (AP ) -Gov. Ronald Reagan. a lifeguard in his youth, jumped fully clothed into hls swimming pool and rescued a 7·year-old girl in water over her head, his office said to- dav. 1 . Rca,an saved Alicia Berry, daughter of A Negr::i file clerk in his office, in the Sunday incident. The clerk, ~1rs. Marlene ~turphy, \\'as among 200 atteAding a ~.a.ff party at the neagan home. Mrs. ~1urphy said Alicia, who doesn't swhn. was at th e side of the pool, reach· ed lo get onto. a plastic raft and went do~vn in four feet of water. "He dived in clothes and all," Mrs. fllurphy sa id of the governor. She said her daughter came out "just ga1ping and spitting 1vater," but wanted to go ric:ht back in. Police Probing U CI Conceit; Was Cider Spiked? . UC Irvine campus police are quieUy In· vesUgaUng the possibility that jugs or ap- ple cider aold at a Sunday pop concert on campus might have betn spiked with LSD. · 'Mle Investigation figure, to remain quiet since all report.a are being filtered through the · UCI Public ACf1lrs · Olflee, not known for relea!ing Information that might reneot unfavorabty on the school. Rumor on campu.s. Is th8t UCI police 1'ave turiied 21 cider jugs over to Orange County S1'erJff11 crime. Jab for arlalysla of the cider residue. One lS.year .. ld girl who alleJedly dranll: of tht cider and lei.er was ta.ken In- to custody sitting nude tn the middle or Garden Grove Boulevard wa1 reported to be . recovering today at Orange COunty Medical center. · A U:yeaMld Emttald Biy')Ollng m•n recovered 1rd wu re.lNHd from the m"'bl heellh wanll M-y and a IS. year-old Costl Meaa youth earlier. -. -, Tuttda7 • .SU,, 17, 1'69. L Stay .Ret;tdy · J .,..,.._ .. ' . " Mnst .Withdrawn Men frill .~tay i~,Pireilic ' ~ ... ' ,,. ' . WA$1f1NG10N. C~) °""· '4bout , I... Oklnawac 1!'9 1,400 man Ill Brlpdt•ol' n011nced by Pmldtnl Nbcoo at Midway thirds of the 2$,000 Amirl&n troops the tt.h 10Jai1try Dlvt.sion and .Dlvtslca over 1 week 110. : .. '- withdrawn from Vietnam will b e Headquarters &olng to HawaU, llld a 400-1'le' nonnal PaclOc oDmbat teMl'9t for redeployed on Oldnawa, ff•W•il and man Marine aQuadron or Ft jet ·rlgblet1 ~ibte ~ ln such places as KOna 'and Japan -In posltJi>p to be uoed In being sent lo ll'!'lwni. Jjlpan,.!n July and Thailand bas been virtually nonmll-1 emergencies anywhere Jn the Rir Ea,st. August. . · since the United States bqtn: ~ 1 The Pentag~ announced Tuesday that Previowly. the Pent4eon ai'ld th•l troops Into the Vietnam war In mid-I• I about 18,000 soldien aod Marines will be another 8.000 Army troops, lnc:ludin& When the movemenl..t are comp&ete, repositioned In tbe Padllc arta. 2,000 active duty NaUonal Guardsnien one brigide of the 9th Infantry Di~ 1 ln<iuded an: lbe t,ooo.man llh Marl.. and R<llervlsb. will be flown back lo the wUI r<maln In Vietnam, -bdpdo wlll j Regimental Laniltna Team , bound for United States to be disbanded, 1nO about be tn Hawaii and a tbltd will bl C.U..oft 1 • • 1,200 Navy men will be •J>l'!•d 1hr00gl>-Ille re1111ar A1111Y rolla..1)Ml.9'h l?l'*'I out the Pacific command and the United waa fonned In .uW'· 1* •~IUJ f« B h M d States. U1e Vietniun war. • 1 eac Ur er Announcement ot the destinations of Daniel Z. Henkin, ill< Ptntqon'• cb1e1 ' the 16,000 Anny men and Marines in the spokesman, indicated to new1men. that Pacific area compHrted a general detail there WU~ be some resbufflln1 before the Victi1n Bore ol the 15,000.man troop withdrawal ... 9lh,Dlvlston'a brlgade9leaveVlelnam. 9 Stab Marks Other Firms Beerultlng A coroner's officer testified today thnt the body of knifing victim Hester Markee bore nine stab wounc!s and that the Hun- ti n1If,on Beach widow must have died •·almo~t immediately" from multiple slashes. Dr. David Katauyama offered medical testimony as the trial of Henry Lopei Sianez, 25, entered Its se.eond day before Judge Howard Cameron. 'Ibe county pathologist la one of seven witnesses call- ed by the prosecution at this stage or the non.jury trial. Donald L. CarT of· Huntington Beach told the court. that Mn. Markee, $S, 15118 Olive Ave., was dying when he stopped hi.: car to give assista nce to the .stricken woman. Carr told the court that be found Mrs. Markee lying in the gutter bleecllilg ·from her many wounds "and obviou.sly in her dying moments." It is believed that Mrs. Markee died bet\\•een the time that Carr called police and the arrival of an ambulance at the scene of the slaying. Police claim that Sianez of 31% Clay St., l lunlington Beach, inflicted the wounds which led to the death oI the gray-b alred widow. They hope to prove in what Is expected to be a week long tria l that Sianez left his car last Jan. 12 In a fit of rage after Mrs. t.1arkee had pursued the stolen vehicle nnd that he repeatedly knifed her and left her to die in the dimly lit street. \Vith Slanei In the stvlen auto was EJ1vard Roy llargrave, 181 of 17392 ?-~arken Lane, Huntingto n Le a ch . Jlargrave has successfully ~leaded th 2t he could only sit and watch while Slanei; att:-.ckcd Mrs. Markee and he must face jury trial July 14 on charges of granli thcl t auto only. . Earlier app:als by Sianez for a redue> lion of charges from t'.ic first. du:ree murder count fileli against have been re- jected. Douglas Lets Hundreds Go in MOL CancellatiOn liundreds of employes ve gone and b'1yoffs conti nue today as exeaiuves at ~fcDonnell Douglas Astronautics' plant try lo find W'>rk elsewhere for those kl.Jed by cancellation of a $3 billion project. Impact of losing the U.S. Air Force's Manned Orbital Laboratory (MOL) con· tract I.; finally being felt -brutally -at the sprawling Huntington Beach fe$e1rch complex. Walter Cleveland, director of external relations for the firm, today confirmed the layoff, saying thal ''hundreds or en1ployes" were lald off Friday and will contlnue to be laid off during the next few weeks. The massive layoffs were predicted following announcement of the MOL pro- gram's demise a week ago. He said, however, that fJle iua1.:t number or jobl'" could not _be detenniJl.. ed for some Ume since. McDonnell Douglas' aubakllary .IOd as&OCiated ccm· panics are now screening the former em ployes for jobs at other locations. "\Ve are trying evl!rythlng posslble to fir.d mea ningful Jobs for these people, C';lher with our companies or with other aerospace firms," said Cleveland. He ad_dcd that m1ny employea are ex- pected. to be shifted to Douglas Aircraft Co. LOng Beach, the lllcDonnell Aircraft Co. In Sl Lou!&, Mo., the Conduclron Co., a subsidiary In Missouri, the Douglu Aircraft Co. in Canada ad the McDon- nell AutomaUon Co. ' . Accordl"' lo Clev•lao!I, U-'lald oll first were hourly employ es 1tltb1 the pro- fessional, salaried employea put cm a~ week notice. · He said that numerous local f1nnl have contacted I.he corporaUon and.are '"very interested In interviewing" per90Mf.l laid off by McDonnell Douglas. "We have hid very, favorable response. ThOae f1rml 11'1 al\\.·ays looklng for people." . An announcement ~ued by tbe CCI'< poration's board chairman J am e 1 McDonnell last week atated that •Po proximately 7 ,200 employ.es were to be affected by the: cancellation of the ti billion project. Accord.in& to the corporaUon'a officlala 3,600 of theae were employ«I at the Hun• tlngto1\'Beach faclUly and 1,700 In Santa Mon ica. Eftoru to find w«k for the jobJeaa are also being made by two Los· Anieles firms, Career Specialist and Mak ADen Associate!, who are conducting inter- views for 30 aerospace firms in IW'cll of engineers and acientilts. The lntervlews begin· today at the Hun- tington Sheraton Betch IM, following. a mai,sive adve.rUslng camplJgn by tht two personnel clearing houses which lncludtd slgn trailing airplanes advl1ln& Douglas employes lo come and sign up. The MOL project was deslcned to orbit two astrooaut.s in • 72-foot long laborcitory above the. earth in tm. ll was scrapped by the Air Force becaUll of "spiraling CO&ts." Santa.Fe, in it.s tOtst year i1 moving toward new wayi to tenet..~ ~erica'• growing need for faster and more efficient diatribution ~ -Talk a,bout fast service. We give you "Super C", the world'1&.tat • freight t·rain. Now rwmiog as a ma.rke.t-uster lor • Piggy·Back and container cargOl .between ChiC"ap, Ka.ow City and Southmt'California • Talk about commitnic.ationf. Our microwian , neN·ork and data center uses third·gcneration. computers to keep constant control of ur mov~nJs, ; and &.a help develop new methods that xrve yoa bdter. How about c.apital expenditura? .. , , ... :.ill.. ,,~During 1969, we're spendinr $190 miJlion £~new "~'..1'"~·"*~. ;_; ~equ ipment, modernization of facilities and · 'development of new projects. • for our equipment fte'C~ we are acquiring 2,600 new freight cars, 90 high hor1epower dicseb, 25 remote ' locomotive: control unill, ·1126.1 van1 for highWSY, aad "Piggy·Bac.k ~ryice1along-with other-vcbidel..r:= We'rC completing a multi-millicm doµarlJ. espamiop,..o( ou~ automated freight C"l11..i.fication 1 terminal at Kan1a1 City .. . We'fc expanding: diesel shopt, Piggy-Back ·, and Automobile handling facilities for ·Chicago, Texas tnd California. . 1()tber major improvement. include the ,. replace.mcf!l of 4-17 track miles with condnnomly welde~ rail and the co~.struc.tion o£ a .S1'1ftUe tpur ttack to serve new 1ulpbur deposits in West Tau.. And we're constructing 2,000 mile1 of Gulf Centnf Pipdiae to tti' tran5port anhydrous ammonia from producing areu of Louisiana IO the : farmlan·dt of.central U.S.A. ~ , "' lVe want to 11erve you better, no matter how you want' CO lhip: by niJ.1 i by highway, Pigf)'·&~ or conta.iDCr, and by pipeline. And throagb. induwial dtv~IOpnient,,we..can provide .plant Ii.ta aa"'Oll 13,000JP-' mil Cs of one of the J.astW. groWiptg' tectiom of the U.S.A. We helped 'build Al"'"ricir. Now we keep it moving. . . ' . -( • • . - . . ~1 -17,IM T • (C ., .... __ ,,. ..... , .,, Charle. Cort.r of London be- ; 1-1 In &01111 right to the top with ? 111 pl'O!iMma, even if il'a only a A natter· <li ·a scalMy serving of fish : Uld c!llP.. So Prlme Minister Hor- • old wn .... had better open lll• mail ~ "1th a knife and fort. "I ~aid 2 • lhlWnp·toropence (2.'I cents), 'Car- ; ~r aald. "I got 20 chips (French ! ried potatoes) and J teensy, limp ... Uce of fish. I'm sending the meal ; o Mr. Wilson as a protest." • -" ' • • ~ • • ... • • ~ • ., • • • • ' • ., , .. • Thll famllv of baby owl• h4s btc" dop .. d btl th< Ray Bo<hhubtr fam- Ly of MoyWLI, Wisc., TM trio 1hown, 1hu o mis.ring libltng, gets p~t11 of tttcntion from Mary Bachhuber, B, Pho t.ake1 turn feeding the birds. • When Sam Kipp, dean of stu· lents at Sacramento City College, 1rrived at his ofiice he found the loor covered and surrounded with lowers. In the center of it all was 1n anonymous note which read, in 1art: "You are a beautiful human 1eing ••. We realize that we are inly human beings and you also, Uld that there are times of hate ind times of love •.. and today is t time to Jove, the age of Aquarius. ind lbat love llhal rule the world." tipp recently has been the target .r both student and school board :riticism. • TM 1949 yearbook of Jcffer· ion Medko.L. School hi Philad#l· phia is apt to become a co!~c;. tor'a item-thtre'1 a centerfold color picture of a nude girl in it. The auburned Mired girl is wearing a white ·11urses cap and a smalL pearl pendant, but noth· ing else. She's lying on a blue rug, reading a mtdical te:tt. 'The reason we decided to put the nude in the 11earbook," said the t1earbook manager, "'!Oa3 to get it more w1dtly distributed." He added, "We've ntread11 1old · twice ~ many veacbookl to ,atude:ntr."' • Now the white man is teaching Indians how to shoot with a bow U1d arrow. Each Friday night tbout 30 young Indians meet at the Jones Academy gymnasium in Hartshorne, Okla. to learn to use !he weapon of their forefathers. "There must be something to tltis lhlng called heredity," said Leon llqgord, president of the Little [)i.J:ie Bowmen Club.' "It is surpris· Ilg how much natural ability the roung Indians have lowtird the w~apo_n used by their forefathers.'' ·House Vows Not to Pay ' ~\ ~ . Powell Bill WAS!llNGTON (UPI) -Hou·se mtmber•. ong««I ot the Supnme Court ruUna they had no rf&bt to er.elude Rep. Adal\I Ci>Yton Powell, Irately vowed they wouldn't fool, the btll for the Harkm Deinoctat'1 back pay even lf the court otdtrl theJl\ \0 pay IL "We'll MY« pey ·l:J," was the defiant word around the Houte. Most members arsued holly the Supmne Court had no busineu con siderin& the case of Powell 's exclusion trom t11e 'totb eooir-. Th<y said the CooltituUon gives the House the ex· clllSivt rlght lo judge the qualification of members. But the court said the Conl&ltudon Mil the qualifica.Uons for Home memb;trs and PoweU was eli1ible. Monday's 7 to I ruling, which alao sent to . Ole lower courts the question Gf Powell's ri&ht to back pay, cleared up the last. of the fepl problems that have beset the Harlern lawmaker since 1960 and that figured heavily in the March J, 1967, House vote to exclude him . And it threatened to put the }louse JtseU ln the contempt of court role that dogged Powell for years after he refused to pay a slander judgment against a Harlem widow he called a "bag woman" for poUce bribe taker$. Under the court'• deeislon, members of the House thenuelvu could not be sub- ject to any eventual court order that micht grow out of the ease. The court said employes of the House such as the serg~·at-ann.s could be defendantl but not membera themselves. But since the members would have to direct their employes to issue any even· tual pay order for Powell , they do in ef· feet hold the purse ltrlngs. And It appeared that because or varloll! legal appeala lft!t open to both aides, any eventual court order for payment might not come until well into ne1t year. The case could even wind up In the Supreme Court again, by which time there would be a new chief Justlce -Warren E. Burcer -and a replacement for Abe Fortu. nie color ci the ease, and the court a1 well, could be ehana:ed by then. * * * Warren's Ruling On Powell Upsets . Burger Decision WASlllNGTON (UPI) -Chief Justice Eafl Warren's declsk>n in the Adam Clayton Powell case overruled the man who will succeed him on the Supreme Court next month -Appeals Court Judge Warren E. Burger. The dltference In opi.nlona, was · not . surpriSitlfl: Burter h~ been marked u a conservative during hla years on the U.S. Court. or Appeals bench in W11hlngton, at leut in colitrut to the liberalism that was the hallmark of the Warren court. Burier w11 one ol three judges who had earlier held that the congreasman from Harlem <lid not have a ease In ask· log the courll lo order the Howie lo give him the aeat from which he bad been ei:- cluded . But court observers were reluctant to draw any impllcatlons from Monday's decision In the Powell ease on the C1>nfiict of·oplnlons betwetn Warren and Burger. The slr.e of the decision by the high court - 7 to 1 -apparently indicated that it was not a reaellon to President Nixon's naming of a conservative to replace War- ren. That idea was shored up by the, fact that usually conservative members of the court -such as John M. Harlan and Byron R. White -joined Warren in the opinion. U'I T...,,.... RiP. ADAM CL~YTON POWE LL RELAXES ON BIMINI Says H• FHll Vindicated by Supreme Court Decision Powell Ma y Ask Return Of Back Pay, Seniority BIMINI, The Bahamas (UPI) -Rep. Adam Clayton Powell (D·N.Y.), buoyed by the Supreme Court ruling that his fellow House members had no right to exclude him. said today he has not yet decided whether to seek the seniority rights or back pay he also lost. Powell told a news conference al his Island retreat here that he planned to return to Washington to discuss the situa· lion with Democratic party leaders . "l have not yet dccidl'd whether l will ask for restoration of the (House com· mittee) chairmanship" or the back pay and money pa.id in fines, Powell said. Powell was chairman of the powerful House Education and Labor Committee before he was stripped of his seal by fellow congressmer.. Powell sat on a dockside w"au in the hot morning sun to explain his plan:ii to newsmen who flew in to Bimini especl· ally for his news conference. He said his ultimate decision ''will depend on my conservations with the Democratic party leadership.·• He said among the congressmen he expects to talk with are Wilbur Mills, Hale Boggs and Carl Albert. He said the question of gelling his money back "Is not important at lhis mo- ment." "The main thing (about the Supreme Court decision) which we established is that the principle of three branches or government has been reaffirmed. lt af- fects not only me but 220 million people." Pressed as to what he might do if the llou.se leaders refuse to restore his chairmanship, Powell replied : "Well. that's become secondary because I think Ute fact that we have fought before the Supreme Court to establish the principle ?f three branches of government is more important than Adam Clayton Powell." But he added, "You can't have a government in the United Slates that believes in law and order if the Congress of the United States does not believe in law and order." • Gov. Rockefeller Meets Military On Brazil Visit BRASILIA, l3raiil (AP} -Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller meets with Brazil's armed forces commanders and leaders of the suspended C1>ngress today before fiying to Rio de Janeiro, the next stop on his fact· llndlng mission for President Nixon. Few residents of this backwoods capital turned out Monday to greet Rockefeller and few of them cheered, but there were no violent anti·U.S. demonstrations like !hose that marked his previous Latin- American visits. The only incident occu rred Monday night as the New York governor con- ferred with President Arthur da Costa e Silva. Witnesses said four young men drove past the hotel housing he Roc kefeller mission and shouted : "We'll kill Lhe son of a bitch!" Police caught oae .or the men . There were unverified r e p o r t ii authorities had jailed about 300 potential troublemakers, mostly students, before Rocke feller arrived. The university was closed. Da Costa e Sliva and Rockefeller were reported to have talked about Brazil's needs and problems and the objectivea of the military-backed regime "in a frank and warm discussion" in Spanish, Portuguese and English. Sur~ Ne%t I ' , Committee-ff al ts • 1% Tax <Z redit • WAS!qNG'l'ON (UPI) -The \HOUll ;iti ol the our14J la .. r In the doy. TIM Ways lllld,-.. CommltUe voted k>cl•Y . ways ud muns cltolnnu !lop'. lo re::\;, the 7 percent tu mdil for iBous. (D·LI.); said tbtro w .... ,., bn-vestment.e, Of ubd by Preai· about It." , dent Nixon, lllld drove tow"l1! ~I ol ring a mornina seSllon, the com- aa utfm!Clll ol the lllcmlo IO suichil;ge. volod a repeal of ll>• Inver- • 'he tuwrlten alaO approved· a one t.u credit effecUve AprU 20, ltlt, without ,_ -Iola ol ledenl uclle tues of any escepUOlll for nnlll burl-. r lf pscert ~ eatlaiand 7 pt:r-transportation or air and water ~ _cmt on_ a whk:b nomW\v equipment -~ some ~ -.Id drop lo perCllll ueJt ~-er wiinted. . 'Ille panel plunod lo •PP~ ~.ex· '!he tu credit, Oral impaled lo 1111.111 allmulate the _,.; odl u a .~ • 1 • b\liiOn annual aubtlctY for "'"-m. U·.S. Mo··""'ts , ·-byallowin(llb·•lo--UJ.• Illes 17 for every 1100 Ibey ~ for • New Offensive; 106 Red s Die SAIGON (UPJ)-'llle U.S. command di>closecl today.It D10Uoted a new (/I· fensl~ Chat swept back tnto the A Shau Valley ...,. llamburaer llm. the IDOWl· tain that was captured in a controversial and costly battle and then abandoned . The new operation called Montgomery Rendezvous began nine days ago and has resulted In 106 Communists killed, a spokesman said. U.S. losses were listed at 21 killed and 130 wounded in fighting near the hill that overlooks the border of Liao. , Size ol the operation was not <ifieially disclosed but a spokesman said it in· volved a "multi-battalion" force of IOlst Airborne Division paratroopers, the same division that a month ago carried the brunt of an earlier operation, Apache Snow, in which the battle for Hamburger Hill was fought. A muIU-baltalion force can run any- where rrom a few thousand to 7,000 or more men. Fil't'y.three paratroopers were killed and more than 300 were woonded in an ll-day batUe to capture the hill which is on the western edge of the A Shau VaUey two miles from the border of Laos. A spokesm an would not say how close the present fighting was to the hill. Announcement of the new operation came aa fighting flared over three- fourtbs oC South Vietnam. Military spokesmen said U.S. and South Vietnamese troops broke a Com· munist ambush in the central highlands and turned back two ground attacks near the demiliWized zone and on the approaches to Saigon in a series of fU'efi~ which killed 211 Communist guemllas. ""' equipment. .RepW>licu coogresslcmal tuders Mia """' • twcMlou• meollng -lilml lbla ll)Onling that the dllef --balk at any further ~ to wlD approval of l>is tu pockaae. Evans Officer Won't Testify In Crash Probe SUBIC BAY, Philippines (UPI) -The officer in charge of the USS Frank E. Evans when it collided with an Australian aircraft carried nfl15ed today to letstify before a Board of Inquiry wiU:lout ••tun constitutional rights.'' Lt. (j .g.) Ronald C. Ramsey, 24 of Long Beach, informed the board ol.1 h1a decision through his legal counsel U. Frederic~ F. Tilton of Mariemont, Ohio, on the eighth day of hearings into the cause of the crash lhat killed 74 Americans. Till.on said he advised Ramaey not to testily because his requests to Me the test4nony of previous witnesses, to recall witnesses and to cross-examine witneslu had b::n denied. . · "Mr. Ramsey, after careful cari- sideration of this advice, decllnes to make a statement at this Ume, re.servln&, of C1>urse, the right to testify before any board Or fonnal board hereinafter con- v~ed which has the auUm'ity to grant hirp his full constitutional righb," nitoa sald. The board of three U.S. Navy and thrM Atlstralian Navy officers, called to determine the facts and not guJlt ad· journed for a closed meeting. A spokesman said no more witnesses would be called today. UPI Te ..... FIRST LADY SHA l!,l;S LAUGH WITH PCiRTLAND STUDENT .: Spring Arrives Over .U.S. Senate Hearing Told of SDS Splinter Groups P•f Nixon Vl1it1 Adult Lrterecy Center During F',our-d•y West Coeat Teur Pat Nixon Keeps Cool In Portla~ lfeckling '· , Cout•l Miff!! 11111 "*'*°' -.i IMni.. bl/I _,... ~"""1"' 111 ~ -·~· Hftlll "" WINls _,.,,., I to 1 t 11/lllfl. v .. ,......,.. """""",,,,,,. r, ~, 1 • ,,_ • "'"' .... at. lllitlld ...... ~ '""" • '9 "· Weier .._ "'"""' -fl ... ,__ . S•n, M-, '.l'llle1 TUl"IOA'I' ,l~I flltll .......... , 1;IO '·"'·I.• Pl ..................... •1• •·""I.I ...... "'"' •· II:• I.ft'!. 1,J WtONalOAY t'lrtt ... .. ......... "' f 1M 1.11'1. I.I ,.,.,, "'"" .............. ,, .. ··"'· J.t ~ llw " ............ J:)t '·"'· '·' ltCmllll """ ............. 11100 1.11'1." lffll lllltt J:•l '·"'· Ith 1: .. 1 m. ..... IU••1 ,, .. 1.m, Ith 10:3' 1,on, IJwll LI" 0, """" "lrlt O. Jllllf ft J111, I Jul' 1• J11,,. tl I Temperature• ~ ""' ,l'I(. AlllllWii--.. " --• " " Ali.1111 u .. llice~lltld .. .. a11..,,.,~ " " llol ... " u ..... 71 .. Ch~to " " CIMldtl " .. CltV•~ " " °"'"''• • "· ·" C>n MOlntl " .. ....... " " ., .... .. " l'orl Worlh " " ''""" n .. MeleM " ., Hou1ton N • ··-"~ " " l 11 V"91 .. " ... ,._... .. .. M-0 " n ... Ml .... '*" " " MfnnNMllS " " •• H9w °'"'''" • .. _v .... n .. NOrth PllHt " .. ....... " .. ·" ....... " " -·-" .. PflH~i. " .. -· .. " 'llbllu,.., " " ......... -.. ll:Htd (lfY " • "" 81vft " .. ·-" " •• ...,._,, .. " •• $1. Loul' " " "41llM• .. .. S..11 Leke Cllv " " ·" &lit O'-" .. .. ... Sen ll'ranclk • .. " ''"'' lertll•• " " Sltlllt .. " -·~ .. .. """"'' . , .. WIMlll'lllCl'I " u WASHINGTON (UPI) -A staff I•· vestia:ator told a Senate subcomrnitttt to- day that the militant Students for a DemoeraUc Society (SOS) ls splintered into Miven ractlona with a group following a pro-Chinese Communist line holding the upper hand. Philip Manuel testified about the In· ternal problems of SOS on the nation's college campuses after another itaU in- vestigator warned lhat the organlz:aUon is pushing a doctrine or violent dissent in high sehoola, factories, city slums and at Army bases. Manuel idenUfied the "~Mao, pro. Chinese" apllnter in SOS as the Progressive Labor Party. He said four "TrotaQlte facUona" rank nest In m. nuenee. Leist ln0ue:ntta1. M a nu e I .._;.d, -· the -·-of the pro-Soviet U.S. Communist Party aod a nnall West Cout group which he said lollon Mant.et.Leolnlol ~-W. ldtlmooy prtllllptod Sen. Abnbam IUblcoll (!).Conn.), lo prodict: ''Tlle daya of SOS are numbered." In the lloole the admlnistraUon pro- pooed that collqet be given authmty to &It a federal court injunction, wh!ch could be enforced by troops U ...,....,,., lo •lop riollftf otudenla. The Wblto HO<lle Hill tbe proposed bllt to a House commit.lee wlUch ltu been unable lo get ogreement oo le1ialaUon lo deal wltb Clllllfllll umul ' ------------------------- PORTLAND, Ore. (UPI) -Pat Nixon, who kept her cool during a mock "napalm" bombing by anti-Vietnam war protesters. tours day CARE and braille centers today before flying to Los Angeles. The first lady and her married daughter, Julie Eisenhower, were on the second-leg or a four-day West Coa1Jt safari to spotlight nationally local volunteer programs to help the needy. Before departing at 2:50 p.m. PDT, Mrs. Nixon planned to motor ZO mUes lo a farming area to visit a day nur&ery for the children of migratory workers and a Jewish temple where the blind are taught braille by volun(eu tutors. Her journey, which ahe cltocrlbed st Iba outlet u a "Ughlbu.rted t.rtp". wat mar- red Mondry when Jl"'(es.., sllowired down paper from I lop-lloo< lrlndow. TJie sUpo rud: "II lbla ,,... napalm. you l woukl be dtld." ., The confront.etloo with demonstr•lors t occurred when oho UT!vtd ot the heod- quarl<!n of • 11"'-volunteer ........... , cy servloe In IO old gbello nt.ighbOrhQod ' ctwrch. Many anU-w1r groups bad their 1 heodquartor1 In .t11u•-b\llidlrc. I Mrs. Nixon lbokad pale and ... rtled, but ~ lo ipn plocord·W8Vi'i members or the Portland chapler tf the Resistance, a national anti-war gniup. Later she was beset by several members of a group calling • kltU "Conspiracy ' From Hell'' (WJreH),, who wore black witches' costumes and put a "hei" on her in a chorus : ·'" "Mrs. Nlxori: mUllons die bul youldln't cry,': they dlanted. '"Thia bel on )Wiwlll all come true." , A huge banner held up by ~ also read: "How many people have you kUled t<ilaJ? How many have you allow· ed 'lo starve! 170 mUllon • day speot In Vietnam -Jwhy?" 1 ' 1 The demonstration came as a aurpriae and Mrs. Nlson~1 wary Secret Sd'\liCe guards cut lhort her Yillt. Latlr, .. tu Prelidtnt'I wife &aid of the }ltleltdv thllt •lie dlcl not "¢ • aood loei< 't them," but her daughter Julie, a lilt pel'IUtbtd, said she thouatit the plct.ls were "6Ul of place." . • In ~ evening. Mrs. Nixon and her$ icy toul-ed a 1ense black gl\eUo •!it t hal Ptoduced a rasb of fire bomblnp dlstUrba .... In recf!lt days. She ... hto no lroubl£ escept ror one block !IOl'!tr flas hung on a preu bua; But about ln hour after she 1ett, eome rock Uarowlg and one small fire pnxluced ~ &ltbouCh nobocly WU burl. '":::I!' l " ' I ., l • , , I I p • n •i " - VOt. 62, NO. 144, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, C~IFO~NIA TUESDAY, JUNE ,.17, 196;· ' -TEN CENTS -. .. 'f empest Erupts in Capo Over Sex: Education }), tempest over sex education In the CIJ~strano Unified School District was slined up agaln Monday and during a meeting of district trustees. The battle began when trustees sal down to consider two letters lo the school board -one from the anti-sex education force&, the olher from the PTA Council supporting the district's "Family Lile" P~<>Jram. "Se11: educaU9n foe David Fales of San Cle)nente wrote that the district program Down the ·Mission : Trail • • Joaquin Schools Discuss Budget ·San Joaquin Elementary School Dis. trlct trustees meet tonight to discuss in J)Ublic next year 's budget aod in private teachers' requests £or salaries. Supt. Ralph A. Gates ~id budget re- quests from school principals ex~ -an- tjC!pated income by about ISOll.000 when fund~ are held out for a five percent teacher pay increase. .. lie said teacher aod IChool_~d· nllnlstratlon negoUatlng teams haW Ne:n" meeting behind closed dOors for ~veral months. Gates said he ls hopeful salaries and the budget will be settled within the nexi couple of weeks. e CHlsen• to ltleet EL TORO -Narcotics. campus ·unrest, pcrnography. lawlessness and militant minorities will be the topics of discussion at a meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Royal Savings and Loan, 23801 El Torti Road. Called by a group of concerned ciU7.ens, the meeting will feature student speaker Rlchard Theis, es:ecutJve director of Voices in Vital Amer!Ca, (VIV A) ac- cording to sp0kesman ·a A. EllsWortb, pr.esideni of the Laguna Hills Construc- tfve Action Council. e Jlirewark• for J\'ixon SAN CLEMENTE -President Richard .?§. Nixon, the First Lady and their rami· Jy will be saluted in the Fourth of July fireworks display spotL50red by the Veterans or Foreign Wars, Post No. 7142 and the American Legion, Post No. 423. The annual show at the Municipal Pier may be seen from the cUy beach. Funds are now being solicited from community organizations and individuals by the sponsors. e Jlourth Stand Set EL TORO -With the explosive rlebration of the Fourth of July just wee.ks away. the South Orange County YMCA is in the process of setting up its fireworks stand. Thi! year's location will be on El Toro Road jl.ist east of the Santa Ana.Freeway, IK!jacent to the Torocenter. The stand will be open July '2 and continue to serve through 10 p.m. July 4. appeared to be the resu1t of pressure. "It is quite evident that a bandful of people in our PI'A council press~etl our school officials into adopµng a SeI educa- tion program wbict: would be intertwined in a 1egiUmate program and called 'F""amUy IJfe EducaUon' ," he said. Jn response, Mn. Kenneth Bloom of Laguna Niguel, PTA council president, said the PTA'. became involved. in the pro- gram only after a cltizem committee ap- Church Bid For Castle Rejected Bv TOM GORMAN Of l!MI Diiiy .. 1 ... llllt A wave or citizen protest has drowned any immediate plans of the Calvary Evangelical Free Church to use historic Pyne Castle as a Qhtistian day school .. In a split 3 to 2 decision, Laguna city planners Monday night denied use of tbe 64-room mansion at '1'10 Hillcrest Dr. for a school, and eventually a chapel, .in the· hotly contested issue. .,,. c.tverr a.a.h-i.-W· 4'r• iQ li~.the p~anner~' ~ ~ .la vDtiai tot the ~ of the· a,._. pll(allllli; J>lannet 811arles M. Johnson said, "We bave to be 'wry cer;tain in our own mind that there !fill be no adv~ effects on Ule adjacent property owners. Residents in the immediate area of Pyne Castle, in regliterln1 their ~­ plaints verbally and in letters, told of ln· creased noise and traffic, the loss of esthetic beauty in the neighborhood, and the Joss of approximately $500,000 assess- ed valuatiOn from the taJ: roll. SIGN PETITION Thirty-0ne homeowners within a 300- foot radius of 770 Hillcrest signed a pell· tion claiming the church would ''create a grpt deal of unnecessary noise and lral· flc, and destroy the esthetic beauty of the properlY if> the QeiKlll>J>r!l<\Od·" An additional ten -&OirieOwne.rs outside the radius signed a simllar petition, while 20 homeowners out.side the radius asked that the application be denied in still another petition. -in a letter to the planners, Dr. George Frempter, 377 Pinecrest< said the mansion , now an apartment, is already an encroachment of the R-1 (single dwell· ing) zoning. "Further use of the dwelling (by the church) is a further en· croachment on the use of R·l land and conflicts with property owners·· interest. our property was purchased in con- fidence that the R·l zone would ~ preserved. U gtanted, It (the church's application) would lead to further requqts for vari· ance in the R·l zone." TAX LOSS Frempter also r;lated that if the ap- plication were to be approved, it would mean a Joss to the tax roll of the assessed land, valued at $500,000. In her lelter to the planners, Isola H. {ohMon, 782 GrandvJew, slated, "The streets -within this area -are now (Se• CHURCH, Pare Z) 'Council Hears Criticism • ()f Youth Street Dance "E\.ery hippie in town was there. We have indeed made a nice place (or these bums lo enjoy." Laguna Beach businessman Charles R. McCalla, 919 Bluebird Canyon Prive, was •1critiching conduct at the most recent youth street dance on Forest Avenue. McCalla's crtttque of the dance •ponlOl'td by the South Orange County YMCA will be before councilmen Wednesday night in a Jeuer . McCalla estimated no more than 15 or 20 wcent of the crowd were Laguna Bead'! students. He said dozens of persons carried li&hlod tnoet1le ~kk!. "'lbe music wu the loudest thin, l\te ever beard In my life. No one dinced,, maybe 1 arrived too late. Everyone waa otttlng around 1n1Wng thfu -· stickl," Mc:Cllla wrote: '• "I noticed several hippie types half asleep and glauy eyed," he stated. McCalla estimated the age o( lhe crowd ran1ed from I years to 30. Wben be 1<14 MCCalla rej>cited, one boy was setUng llkk 1o bia lfomach In a doorway. '1'lltll wu in ,hart, 'just a louay dirty crowd for our kktl to be a&10elated with," he stated" • McCalla sakt be favored llreet dance1 or any other kind of "a:ood clean fun j' for younptm ol La111111. He ur&<d another m that parmta and bUainessmen could ob9erve the conduct. He sugested lhat !Uturo dances might have clolhl04 . requiremen.b and that youn1steni mJ&lll bt requlr<d to 1how a local 1ludent body card u • prtnqulJite to entrance. - pointed by school trustees had decided there was a need for a family lite pro- gram tn the dJstrict. "We cannot close our eyes or bury our head. In the 1&nd and hope that the pro. blems of teen-age marriage, unwed mothers, and venereal disease will go away. Ignorance is not the answer. We also cannot insulale our children from in- formation or mis-information about sex so doesn't it make sense to educale?" Mrs. Bloom said. Tru•lee! repeatedly attempted to cut short heated argument which followed. the reading oI letters. The foes of sex edlleaUon propo.wid that <lasses In the . oub~ taughl at ni&ht school and that pareo(s as ell as youngsten attend sex segregated cluses. • Dr: Robert Beul•y, bi>anl vice prut. dent, said the matter had been gone over many times before and "l see no reUOD '° chaJ:!1e our procram." • The Capistrano program requlm parents ol studenll to give permt.salon for their chlldren to attend the classes. About «> percent of UlOle who mat take clules are enrolled. . Fales aajd_ his KfO\IP of concerned citizens had no quarrel with the ~t program of the district but asked;·" .. ts thls the end?" Hfi was tokl that Ml.er ·completion of the upcoming school year an evalualion of the enUre proaram would·be·made. ac1n ax '• ' ' I I """,J 1 • DiUL'IPlun' ..... tr,\#A¥.. NEW NIXON ABODE IN SAN 'C:L&M!N.TE F~~OoNED WI~· T~LS 'OF 'EXtERMINAT!)R'$' TRA.DE . Under' Socrot·Sorvlce '.St)p,rv1t'r0,;; Toiinllo1 foko 001 a1 ConclltMft of Etcrow. , j ' Exte~minator (From Whittier) Attacking Pesa·;., By JAC!t CHAPPELL Of ttlt OllW PllM Sl•ff President Richafd Milhous Nis:on has termite.. Or al least , hl.s newly-purchased San Clemente Summer While House does - two kinds. But not for long. The tiny wood-eating pests are now · being gased by the Chemical Engineers Tennlte Control, Inc., of Whittier. The. IJlarnrnoUi job of extermlnpUn1 the wood borers in fue IO-room Presidential p~d began Frld;iy and Ls due foe; chm· pleUon a week from this Friday.,June 'J:T, said Van PoweJI, president ol the term!te control company. .. , ; ~ Powell Yid tlie e-year.old";"Spanlih- Plane Reported Foreed to Cuba styJe estate home was In ••very good shape," termite-wise. No worte than a contemporary l~year-0Jd home; he said. The exterminating Job \I being done as a condlUon of lhe escrow and ·is being 'J)aid for by the seller; ~ Henry Hamilton Cotton. . Powell declined ·to say bow much ttle job 'would cost. However-, he aaid that it·. is one of the larg~ ever ~ll"I by the 'YJlHll~r .comPl-?,Y, -Md detlntteJy'I j•tti,, most .unportant. , . r · , , Two. type1 oj ~!~ I'"' •CO!JllllOlllY found ln. Southern Ca~'• .cciutal : areu,.1ubterra~ tef.Jl1ijel w)llch bore t~ frO!J1 ,the ground and '.iltY-wqod. Oylnc · ~It!. --= ~ The San Clemente estafe will be treated for both kinds. Some 2(I0,000 cubic feet are Involved, he aald. A brl&ht" bliie and ye!IO'f tarp has fe.,. tooned ·the .maJn hOU11e on .\he estate groitnd.S 1ince Monday. Pobon"'gas called Vlkane ("Dow ·Chemical!• pride and ioy"l ii pumped Into. the oeated oU ilwell· Jng. Powell said thal the!><!•'"' ~"1 ls . based if> ~, .,. .11*.J"rW!eiitill hometown -hod not1iJn1 to· do· with tbe •irmlln.l 'of. the JOb. · . •. · ... He safd' the. ~ompany ·WAI chosen ~ r~tauv .. of the ~ fiml!Y, ni>I Nixon. )le lioted tba( the fini(ll .....,.bly ufe thltd largest terinlte conu.r~j>aey , lftbtbern Callfiffiil.a. ~ . :: Black Panther to Face · . . ' ' ' . . - • Trial in· OHi:c.er P~ath . ·:· • j • ! " • •• • Fales repeatedJ1 iltuded to the lm- po&llion of lhe sn: educalion Jll'OP'llD on the district by a "mnall group." During one extbange, he pointed to a member of the audience and Hid "are YQ!J not one ortM people tbaL have been po!hlng tht.s on the district for len )'t!-ars?" The tidy, unldentif!od, rose and aalol, ''No, [ thought we needed th1I pncram for 20 years." oos New Budget Means Raise Of 20 Cents lly RJCBARD ~NALL 01 bit Dell'r l'lllt Stiff The . Laguna Beach municipal buds<! will climb past the $3 million mark for the lint tlrile tblJ cmilng flacal year. And though the city mana&er I! atl1l red pencilling deletable llem•, It looks like '~ budget package may require"';8 supporting tas: increase apprOICbin& JO cents. City M..ager Jamel D. Wheaton aalol the city -the ..... probleln tbal-the housewife faces, lhflatlon. lt ls coatlng ~ 11 'buy produc:ll' and -.. - -,ponct11 ond paper...to-.'1Ql!lo7a ~ bopel·to bavo the prtlimfnaey l>od&el • ttOdy to llancf counclliMn -nm week (Or their p.ge.by. -·peruaal AREAS INVOLV,ED • 1 He' idefttffied areas ·and lftuationl;' not n<ceiw1ly by ..,. prfpl1fy, that wUI be parl 'ol the'CO!I 1plral:' ' . -Laluna must make a beginnJn( ~ patcti1rfg up its rundown sewage dlsPQdJ •fli(em, An englnffrln1 firm, baa recom-mended tong.term upendllures that Jn. • elude IG.000 this lint year. Tbe city will 1prel.d UU. over two years. · wheaton is recommending expenditure , of $12,tlOO In 191&-'lll lo< equt~ - from valves to chorlnaton. '.lbll:adib up . to about 3 centa of' the tai: hike. -Policing ~ ta · going . to -more. There are m' OT e penons belng arrested. COOlequen(ly tt-. m .... •to clothe ond fted tbem. More officers are 1peodini·llllft -In ...... ., ADDiTIQll.u.. ~RS wheatoe Im ·ftcommended that an • fl dditional p0lice officer and police woman be hired. Thia wut probably be a 114,000 or Jll,000 lncreue just for the ~ -Another cost will be removal of the municipal court to new of:fica in Laguna Niguel; apected to occur in November. ThlS will result Jn more police time spent gtttlnl to court and tbe city wut need a prlaoner vehicle -eome type of van. --Salaries overall for city empJbyea are expected to go up. Wheaton bu rec:om- DMtnded a OOM!ep (U percent) poy Jn. creue for municipal •play• eUecUve Sept. I. This wdllld --f55,000 oi: M0.000 more. -The couacll baa set the 1}81• for an eipanded reCreaUon program. Wheaton ls now recrultinl for a hllMlme recrea- tion dlrector, who will need a tecretar)', a cor, o111~·fllrillllln! Ind ·other equirxnent (flee BUDGET, Pap I) . er..,. Weadaer OAKLAND (UPI) -A Trans World Airwaya jct wilh 104 persons aboard W~ •PPll'lll\ilY· .htJacked today and orderfi to lly from Oakllnd to Ha•ana, CUbl. TWA oat dthe pilot of the plane, whlc\' was duo--to fly nonstop fra.-9aklanll te- New York-radk>ed flight dispatch at 11:15 I .Jn. 'fDT and "requested weather inJormallon for the route of Atlanta to Black Panther LI e u tenant OanWll Michael Lynem mlllt face furl' lrfill Juljr 21 on ctiarees that he shot and killed a 8'nta Ana police officer. to. murcta liw to llllppcri hll argument that Lynein 1hould be e;itltlod Jo i full , muolcipal court 'procedum •obYIOllliy . angered -"'fDrs . In !he ctdWd4od T1'£nat art! looking up for Wednta:da11, U1ct 'thtnnmnetn1 whjch wlll odixmce fnto the _lo&ber 70's .along th:c Onlngt CO(Ut with tumhine promiled for the afternoon. INSWB TODA1c' Even at lht.s polill hi tM -''°"" live iheakr oc&itntr ·fl nut bOOl!lhlg. lour local fll'O•Ps ort 'J>Otllgkled todo1/ In !'..Una;,,. men~ Pogc J8, Miami to Havana." · The airline said It had DO infOnnaUon on how the ll<YiS<klng took place • "The polil' fncttcoted they were pro- ceeding· to Havana with an npeCted time of,,arriVal of S:IO PDT.'' a &pokes· man for TWA sald. "We are proceedlnft on the usumptlon that he was hlJatketd-' The Boeing 701 jet carried 14,000 pOli!ids o( fuel, lbe alrllne said, which wu "•uf· lklent to reach Havona witb adequate reserves.11 There were '1 pasaengm 1Ad 1 eftw el ..... aboard the f1IOM plfOlotl by Capt. G. Behnke. (/. '" The. tall, imP8"tve Sanlt Anan 19t tbal., date from Superior Coort Judge .Jamu jF ... J ud1e mo(ffl!nta 4fler .he "'~~ huaUed from mw>IOll'J'i:outl lb tbe hfgtior booC:b 1 Monday to be hiliiled an Orange Colmty Gr~"' Jury lndtc~nt. ", • • • Lower court mUl'der charlU "ft d~saed by JOO.. Pl\lltp l!clnr•b lor .the convenlenct of lltstrlCI Attonity c.df Hlcl<a In what bu now become tho frodl. Uonal bypasstns ol municipal -Pl"' l:edurei In capllat off....,. · oi Juc1p Sc!>nb'• ~ Jlol>illr ~urtropro. I .. ,•·,•· • L:!)ltm, 22, . en~ fnd, left the ~ !o.!l~aqtllor~' Ind crtls ol "Panther Power, Ponther P-r." He lrinned ·""1 raised' bdth lnDI ln·acknowiodC«Dent oi lbO AIUta• lien.'" 1 ~bile -ftWert<t Rlt!eai'dr1 r'" for "jail It llllft mfnuta" Ur wbldl io:w YORK ~AP) -The stoclt uiilrt<et WU.Ml back lhol'pq ~,.witb brobrs ~ <olllblultll -.,_.,-cem11 OV<!r lf&hl ...,., .. (!lie~ . tl).11). ' I I ~ ·. ' . ..... ,_. ·-{:"!::Z ... ---------__ ........ ,_ • ' ... " " • • • " " .. • • ............ " ,... tt-11 MM1 n t• ::...":. ;: ............. -,.,, ----... -" -. --.. + l .. ~ I j • TW1y, J11,,. 17, lM • J • .. -ly Pllll lolort11141 -I •11111 ... , .. .. ~'How'• 'Thlt One for Charm? It Wat Orlglnally • Rtataurant, and Then Converted to • Home.'' From P .. e 1 - CllURCH OPPOSED • •• ' . . overcrowded. Even now it la rarely poeal- ble to pork In lrmt ol our """ bolnes. The use of Pyne Castle u a church and pre«bool will make our property ..,. tenable for parking." Agnes Williams. 228 Grandview, stated In her Jetter, "'Mlis (lhe church) will greatly increase traffic in an R-1 residen- tial dis61Ct due t.o school buses1 trucks, a'nd automobiles, as well as the noise fac-tor." . Wrote Harriet Brooks, 290 Grandview, ''Most of the people living in the im- mediate area are of retirement a1e and have cboaen to live In the neighborhood because of ~ quiet it affords them." OWNS PROPERTY MuirOY Kri<&er ol N~ aeacll, who OW1ll , laod above fyne Castle on Ptnecrest, told the plaMers, "No one here Ls against the notion of a Christian day school. But the question is the removal ol. $500,000 -.sitaed land. 1111 not a small way to beglr) a eburch. There are other places in La/juna other· than the JitnJ~ land of Pyne Castle. ·And we moved into town assuming Pyne Castle would be the ultimate 1n n~n­ formity." iltd>erl Edwards, 5&4 High Drive, told YMCA Day Camp B~.Pick .. Ups~t . At Six Schools YMCA Day Camp buses wtn pick up children at six schools tn the Mission Viejo, El Toro, and Capistrano area. RaJDb Gates School, O 11 v e" o o d School, Margaret O'Neill School, Linda Vista School, Las Palmu School and me Hansen ScbooJ will serve as depot.s fa< the VMCA activity. Day Camp J>f'OV&m Includes crafts, switnlaiog, trtps, hiking, nature study, and Sfll over-night umpout. The pro- gram is directed by Kirk De Ford, a San aemeote teecher. Five Day Camp sessions will nm from July 23, Monday to Aug. 29. Fee la 13t for YMCA memben and $44 for non- members. Aodvities will be held al the VMCA Camp Dolph in Aliso ~anyoo. To register, prospective campers may stop by tile South Orange County YMCA at t91 fomt Ave., Laguna Beach, or they may call 4M-M31 and fonns will be lll&iled. Reagan Tells Support SACRAMENTO (UPI ) -A sampling of Gov. Ronald Reagan's telegram basket showed today Californians support his deleruie of armed force in handling the people's park demonstrations by a 33·t1>-l margin. UAllY PitQT • I ". planners, "All we need Ia another recrta- Uon P.lace. We already bav~ a ball park ~fl there, !lnd that's loud enough. And people visiting Laguna Beach are getting wise .about using High Drive to get downtown to beat the lralfic log. There's a traffic hazard." · Dr. Jack Wheaton, chairman of the congrega,Uon, detailed the planl of the church, telllng of two phases of uUllza... tioa. The flrtl phue would Include oc- cupytna: lhe bulkUn& as Jt now stands. The· third-floor tiallroom would evolve in- to a meetinc room for .llO ·=--The •parlmentl wouJd be Into c.lURooml for prHCbool and day ICbool, he Aid. SOME REMAIN Some apartments would remain u such for vtsltlnC mlnlooarieo and -"'· The timetable would allow for the thW floor Church to be u!ed In lato M. The pr .. scllool would be In Opetallon by February of 1970, and kindergarten lbrough elfhth grad .. would be In pro- gn11 by September of that year. The schools would serve 1 maximum 200 students. A propooed chapel for 500 people would he built In the aecond phue when lundl became available. Allo In the final phue would be conllructlon ol a larcer parking lot. for 1 total of 135 cara, a driveway and per\n)o!« llollQdary i.-ap1ng. In rebuUlng the homeownen' •ttltk, DT. Whea\Qn cald, "The nropqty ®'111'1 dmt ln '.,;'mlidl'i«mon~'u l>OoDJeili' led to beJJeve. Amf then WoD't 6e any buses.'" Planner Jooeph Tomehak, In Pidurlnc the traffic problem, conunented, "J can 't imagine 200 Cll'I comln1 lo the acl>ool every mornln1 and allemooa.'' DIFPICllLT .\JIEA It lalkln: today, Dr. Wheaton Aid, "We've been pray1n1 for a Jong Ume. We've looked at Pyne CuUe u long a1 five years' 110. Lguna's a pretty difllcult area to look for a sJte for a church. ThfJ: only other possJble site is Top of the World. And that's not a prelured aru because of Its location." Dr. Wheaton aaid the church board would deckle Saturday jf they are to ap- peal the decision to the City Council. In the meantime the church will con. tinue tO use 'JburBton lntennecilate School for Sunday services. Dr. Robert French, In making the mo- tion to deny the applicaUon, said, "We're pulling more traffic into an already di!· ficult area because of the t.opoil'aphy.'' Planners Johnson and Tomehak alao voted for denial, with Fred Briggs and Howard Holden voting against denial. · Sl.ower Traffic Near El Morro Not Possible Laguna Beach Unifi«! School District has been advised by state ilWlcfes' tha( traffic put El Morro School cannot be legally tlowtd to Z6 mlla per hooll'u tho city bad hoped. Dr. William Ullom, dlstrlct superfn.. tendent, called the news "very disa~ pointing'' and said he will reco"1mend that the board .seek aid from ,...,. Iegislators.:-1 School ofnc~ls, who weren't allowed a fitop light at the school, hoped for a sipat to slow the SS-mile--per-hour traffic to 25 miles when school is in eession. , - Ullom said ~sentaUvM of the State Division of Highways and Caillomia Highway Patrol told him al a recent meeting that this Is not legal. He said they propoged Instead that the school dlstrlct elevate the driveway to the: school so that bus driven and other drivers would have a better view of the highway. Ullom said state officials also believed lhal the 4S-mlie-per-hour Speed limit through Emerald Bay oould be ext<nd4d .. the school. He called t b e nconuntndationa: unsatlafaclory , Ullom aald a bus driver entering busy Coast Highway from tbe elementary sc.hooJ literally has no right tlmt to start the maneuver 1ince the IChool drive II I "PflV1le driw:." This means, Ulom aald, ln t:ase of an accldtnt the driver could never have been in tht right unUI after he had oompleted hit turn onto the highway •nd was1nov-ln& wllb the tralflc now. • -l1imitations-r On Schools'· ---' Budget Told By JACK CHAPPELL Of 1'M o.llY Pl11t i!eff Take equal parts school budget ' demands , cash limitations, teachers' salary bargaining, failure of tax over. ride, and a dash of controversy over coat:hing assignments. Throw It all in a canister and shake vigorously and you've got the t:u~nt sltuaUon in the Laguna Beach Unihed School District. The budget and the. teachers' salaries art· intertwined. According to Dr. William . Ullom, district superintendent, the only increase in the budget for out year will be in the area of personnel salaries. That increase will amount to more than 1l4,000. "Aa a re.suit of the tax override failure many items will be curtailed next year in that -the budget has not included a percentage factor for inOation or growth in the areas of supplies equipment or materials. "In the end ttsult, this will have a direct ntgallve result on our educational program," Dr. Ullom said. The area of the bud&et not being kept af last year's level is known as Section 21.S. It ls for teacliing aalaries. QAll.Y PILOT Steff Ptiet. Depending upon" the agreement reached by the board of trustees and teachers, it will be the budltt Item Jnt:rea:ied next year. Those negotiations moved along during a meeting last Wednesday night between the board and the teachers' represen- tatives. The board upped its offer to the teachen to a six: percent increase, or WATCHING BABE RUTH ACTION FROM SIDELINES Bred Rening, 14, With Former Mayor Riddle about 17 .. 000. Boys Club Opens Ruth Teachen had asked for s a I a r y i~ creases amounting to about U.5 per. cert increase, or $158,000. George NelUeman, . p<etldent ol tho teacben' U90claUoa, said be expected lo praart anolher propooal -number three Season With No Hitter for tbe t.adlers -to the board by • ·~··• Beach's Bab< Ruth Baseball toolgbt. ' -.--Teachers' proposal number one asked league cipener started out with a bang for hJkea amounting to $267,000. The itche T' board C0W1tered with a '80,000 bid. That Monday as Boys' Club p· r im w1s about three weeks ago. Sweany hurled a no-hitter against the Time la a factor becauae, by July 1, the Realtors. Boys' Club won 3 to O. district'• prellminary budget has to be approved and sent on to the county Young Seany struck out 18 batters in 1chools' office. the seven-inning contest. Losing Realtors' Jt is possible, however, to con tinue pitcher was Tom Murphine. nea0Ualin1 after the oonnal July l ' deadline. In the first of the tw~game contests, While the district won't be 1etting any , · Kiwanis defeated the Firemen 8 to 5. addJUonal revenue, the difference -if Winning pitcher was Peter Cot.tam. Los- lhere ls one -between what the board 1.... :.-'" Jell "·-ell elnna:rks for salaries and what would be ... ,. Pil.l;l.ier wu .ina.a." • required could bo ta.ken from tho The Bahe Ruth loop wu olflclally op- ened when Jesse Riddle, former Laguna Beach mayor, burned a pitch across home plate Into the catcher's mitt of present Mayor Glenn E. Vedder. Some 80 boys will be participating in the eight-week league season. There are five teams, the American Legion, the Kiwanis, the Firemen, the Realtors, and the Boys' Club. Teams will play Monda)'s, Wednesdays and Fridays at the Laguna Beach High School Field. Each night, two games will be played by four teams. Admission is free. lo w-::.t . -coun .. J r~ ~ AirS~.vey . Escihli~he ... BL JACK. B80BA<Z ,. • ... ~.Plilt IMiff, If 'r'l A Southern Callfomla lkf)onal ~ System Study (SCllAS8) ts a rulltY:'!b day with the intuauon ot the 1°i:W $1.4 million survey, Daniel D. M · • president of 1be Southern. Calilornia' f.s. aoclallon of GoVel'D111enjs (sc,\G) il· nooncect. , · ...,- First task or the SCAG AlrPort SI Aut.bority which will carry out the l year project is to inventory existing • dWona · and expooe those Imm~ pJ,ns, liotl< pbyeical and ol a n•ture that mlpt .be peltlnen~.t\I otudy ltseU, •c.conllni to MlteaeU. ., "™' lnl!W upl«atioa b requlr.._, ....... that the. Sltidy .........,. .... knowledeetble note,""lhe President Ii· P!~~te County .._.1s... 1·' •, voted ,$23.SOO as U>e \'OW\,11'• sllve'ol first year's study. The prolram will ' fl.4 million over tbe twG-year per , with the U.S. Departmen~ of Housing Urban Development paying two-thirds •• ' Mikesell said a cootract between'~ and the Airport Systems Planning ~. .a Joio..t ventuce of System Develo~t Corporation and William L. Pereira and Asaociates of Corona del Mar, will be signed shortly. Other counUes Joining In the program are I.Gs Angeles, Imperial, Kern, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ven-tura. _ Both the Stal~ of CalifDrnla and the Association of Bay Area Governments (Northern California) are undertak ing concurrent airport studies, Mikesell noted. •· ''Steps are being taken to assure that these studies are inputs to each other and that there L5 no dupUcation of efforts." he advised. The inventory of exisUng conditions will include specific airport modificaUoa: projects expected to begin prior to Jul)' 1971, construction projects to provide surface access lO airports scheduled to begin prior to July 1969, ordinances d( resolutions of the cities or countitS' rela g to airports or their eUectt On s lng areas such as zoninj." ards, fligh( hour or flight pattern restrictions. Airport related studies alrudy COm( pleted such as origin and destinltiorr studies, traffic handling· requirements and capaciUes and demand forecasts; in.. ventories of existing a I r po r t s 1 ownerships, managemeflt poUcla, fetf; charged , flight patterns and noise. studies. . ...: diltrict'c reserve account. , . .. l~"m••••••••••••• .. ••••••••••••••••••••-i But that prisenb another ~~1em, ac-cm:dlnl to admlnlstratorJ, ~..,. ,the m<nie sliocifd li<'mllntllned' at ·a'bdllt '. fl!0,000 to .. meet_ unupected dlstrtct >d emergencies. At thlnp look now, to maintain that level, or even get cloae, cuts will have to be made 1n other bud&et areas. .. .r- pr. Ullom mentioned lleld trips, con- ferences, telephone services, awnmer ......... acbool, and toachen' aides u BOm< llU- ly wr.u foe the scythe. From P .. e 1 BUDGET ••• and supplies. This ls expected to push the recreation bU~get from $22,000 this flical year to $50,000 next. -Because employes of the city will receive more, the city share or the employment retirement program will tak e more tu money. This ye.ar it amounted to 20.8 cents on the lax rate. Next year it will be 24.2 cents. -It will be the first year that bolh p1blcipal and interest will be due on Laguna's two new fire sub-stations. This will be about a 113,000 incr~se. Wheaten 181d the city, also, may have lo hlre two more firemen so that others can have vacations. This ls undecided. Wbtaton said income wW be up, loo, froni BOl.IJ"ce! other than property taxes, but not enough. He expects greater ~es tax revenue, more bea tali: funds aitd some increase in the city 17~ percent · shi.re · of FeSUval of Artl receipts. AlleSled valuation will be up too., Bu~ said Whealon 1not1n1 sJumly at his alreody whltUed budget sheets, 'h still ad~s up to a slr.eable ~ tn~. He 1 l!n't ()ptl.mlstlc that the hike can be much len thin 20 cents. · To the owner o1 I hoine that the COUlllY · uaessor rates at $48,000 market value, this would mean an increase in tuea for ' municipal services or $20. · : He would be paying about $18:$. for 1 yN,•1 municipal aervlces. Howewr that aame homeowner might have a toial prd- perty tax bill for all services in the neighborhood of $900. Wheaton said when he received the rim· departmental bu'dgei rECOnh mendationJ, he caJ]ed departmt.nt heads toc~tber and asked for voluntary cuts. These were made and lhen the city manager began making hls own. Wheaton Isn't sure ~et how much the budget will exceed $3 million but it will probably be conaiderable. The budget for Uie flscal year now nearing an end w1s fl,9'1'9,4&3 which toot an 8.S«nt tax lfl' .,..... .. fl.657. Court Acquits Suspect In Fraternity Stabbing . LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Geor1e Jordan Jr., 28, one or three men charted with the stabbing death ol a USC fraternity plodge, w11 acquitted Monday. Superior Court Judge George M. Dell ruled lhete wu Insufficient evidence to Unk Jordan with the sl13Inc of Brian Clay, IL i " ' lo1irlj''' SUMMER " H~LTH SHAPE-UP SPAS .. Guys! Gals! JOIN TODAY Grand lnau9ur1tion of our new Huntington Beach Health Spa. Public Invited, fr .. fours daily. A few optd al ch1mr memberships atlll avalleble. INCOMPARAIL! FACILITIESI •HMfMllotMn lw_..,. .... f • UltN Med.,,. Condltlontn9 foc.llltles • f1nnl1h lock lavna looms •1...,...ltM'"loom• • llectronk Mm.1•1• • '1ortH Suft Tmt l.oonts • Whlrlpool laths • Concfltlonlng facllftltl • Swl11 faclal Machines PREil FREii FREE! bdvsln ftltum Frttl Group Sllmnastics 111\d Swimnastics to music • No time limit °" yt>Ur visits • No IP90intment ntctlSlry • Separ1te f1cllitln for women • Free guest privileges • Unlimlttd hou~nlimited, days. Freel frHI Exclusive Crash plan for getting in shape FAST! r . ' -. • ' I JI r I . I .. ~ .. . f• . • • • --. • . I _, ewport ••• V~~. 62, NO: l<M, 2 SEqflONS, 26 PAGES • • • • N.V. Stoeks ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1969 ~ENTS ' . ' Harbor .. School Tax · Rate Going Up 50 Cents ~ . . By THOMAS FORTUNE 'I Of tM o.llJ 1"11" Sltff 1t is now vjrtuall_y ceflain the school tu rate paid by Harbor Area resident.! wlU go up more th.an 50' cents this yea r. t)f that amount , residents wled ditectly to approve only 13 cents ®d ClVe suppo~t for 23 ,cents at most. What gives? ' t.'hat j ives is that lrus tees or bdth the. Orange Coast Junior College and N,f'Yport..Mesa . Unified Sch~l District& have decided to make use or penniash•e overrides, which can be le\'led by schQOI boards without voter approval. Wiili one major excepUon, tru!lees long have had these overrides 1 e g a I I y available to them. They are called permissive overri~e!I'. because it is · permissible to levy thqn without a V'lte of .lallpayel'I. • As far as pennlssi~ overrides go, school trustees do not have their hands Lied, and have lbe same PQWer as city, . . county, state or federal legislators to set the tax rate onct they are votai into office. _ , Apart !rom pennlsslve overrides, however, school finance is unique in that the public must voee for any,t.ai: i~ease. Permisslvei 0Vfiri'ide1 are' loopholes. in UUs popular taxing authority wriUen in by the !tate tcgislature to saUsfy tpecial school needs.· . 'I1ie (l).ly new one:which 'Orange Coast Junior College District is goiog to make .,. of to the hilt -IS cenla worth -Is LI match with local money state con- struction grani., to junior collesea. The other tn&steea have rtfrained from levying In years past partly because they didn't want W run out the string and use them, all up In one year, and partly because they dil;4l't feel jusUaed in dolnc ... An example of the latter ls a junior col· lege pent}i.sslv.e override of up to 10 cents f~r adult education (evenina: classes), Oranie Coast trumes haven't tapped It in recent years because of a money ahorlage. They have been making cut- blcks ·m adqlt offertnp and did not con- sider it wise to increase the taxes for that purpose while reducing programs. This year, ,they may dlp intc that pocket for a couple of cents: Each cent Orange Coast Junkr 0ine1e trustees increase the tu rate brings In $86,000 in additional lnt'Ome. A penny tax raise brings In $40,000 for Newport.Meaa Unified. (The varlaUon It becau.!e the junior college dLstrlct'1 boundaries allo take in the HunUnston Beach •ea and the district thus ha.5 more assessed valuation.) Newport-Mesa board membert 1te thinking in terms of a minimum tax in- crease of 27 cents In Newport Beach and 23 cents in Costa Mesa next year . Of that amount, 14 cents comes from an increase. in permissive overrides. The (See SCHOOL TAX, Pare l) City Brass I-liked But Council Cool to Fire, Police Raises By JOHN VALTERZA Of,... o.llJ """' ,, ... City Councllmeo .Monday night gave hefty rtlses to Newpart Beach's top three city administrators, but met with mil:ed reactions two pay hike proposals by leJ»~rtativea of firtmen and police of. fleets. In their first of two rTY?ttings to refine the ,proposed 110.8-mllllon budge(, COWi· cilmen raised City Manager Harvey Hurlburt'• pay from $24,000 to 118,IOO; Higbie Draws 90-dav Term .;. On 'Pot'' Ra City Aitnrney Tully Seymour"• from U0,500 to $22,500, and Gty Clerk Laura Lqle1' wages from '8,600 to $11,JOO •. The three raises amount to· more than 10 percenL 'Ilte couiacll, however wasn't u definite af>OU! paltce and f-Allry matten. • Colmcllmen agreed to "take urxler 1d· vlmnent" requests from f J r e m e n representatives to cut the fireman's average weekly houri from the present 67 .l-hoor work week to 60.8 bouis. That proposal would cost an estimated 1115,000. CICy Councilman Robert Shelton Hid that the proposal had little hope of becoming reality thla year. Be forecast that 1 smaller reduction mi,trt be con- sidered -. they examine the budget for ·fiscat 1971>-71. Tile counctl ·~· Shelton then turned to requeela by police 81lp1oye representative Ed Cib- (See RAISES, Pace I) Black Panther to Face Trial in Of-ficer Death . ' • I ; •••• '. . ''. < ' 1.;I' llliiilri!W~l\"-•~!!it' '...., • ...., , )"> ~~-~-I~~ ~;&ii ~tor ... bvbli M! ~ll'~il:.r~ ~,lljlJM 1 •an iyi oUt fer plO/t~" Balboa lolam<l The ~ve Siifta~I that Pu1>111 D!{enctor lledertck RloclrCI'• p!e~'jiiif'l5 .,,_ iiiliiiltri•'liiWlilCli---'11 io i:-orcJi i.w, tu 111pp0rt bla argument . Ter1nites Bug ~Ni-xoit Es:tate ' Exte rminator (From Whi ttier) Attacking Pests ' '" -t By JACK CHAPPELL Of '" DllllJ l"fJlt $Mtf President· Rlchard Milbous Nizoa hu tymttes. Or · 1t least. 'his newly-purchased San Clemente Summer White Howie does - two kinds. Bur not for long. The Uny wood-eating pests are now being gased by the OlerqJcaJ Engineers Termite Control, Inc., of Whittler. The mammoth job of e:rterm!ngting the wood; borers in the l~room PresldenLial pad began Friday and 11 due for com- pletloo a week from this Friday, June 27, said Van Powell, president of the termite control company. "Po,rell said the 42-year-old Spanish . . Just ices Reject " Stiff New Ethics Plan by W arfen ,. WAS!UNGTON (AP) -Tile Supreme eourf1jUJtices have tuiDeOCIOwn·a bid by Chil f'J'ustice Earl Warren that they bind theriiselves immediately to stiff new rul~ 9" off-bench activities. · style• estale honje ·was •In~ uver.y good sba"pe,1' termite-wise:. No .worse than a :~poraiy 1~"'1<!,·holne, he.'aaid. The'ftfennlnliib\tJ'JOb is betng'done as a condition of the· eicrow and is being paid for by the '•leller, Mrs. Henry Hamilton CotlQn. Powell declined to 'Uy how much the job would cost. HoWtver, he sakfthat it is one of the largeSt ever handled by the Whittier company and definitely~ "the moet important:" • TWo types of 1 termites are commonly four;d in Southern California's coastal ·areas,. subterranean termites which bore in from the ground and dry-Wood flying lennlies. The +San Clemente •etlate will be treated f<f bolh kinds.~ !llO:ooo cubic feet·~· ti\!'Dlved;heraid. •. ' , . A •6i'flilit')ilile' 1,i1c(y~·11N .fe" toOned' the miili house\ on tbe ieljate grounds since Mqnday.~Poison-lat ca~ed Vikane ("DOw , Chemical's pride 'and joy") is·Pl4DPed into the sealed of! dwell· . ' . mg. Pawell said that the fact his company fs 'bued in Whlttier'--·.ttie Pr~identlal hometown ,_ had 1K1Uting to do with· the a~ Of the jq!J.. He 111d the company waa chosen 'by representatives of the eottOn"lanlily, not Nixon. He·noted that the firm Is probably the third largest termite Control cOmplny in Southem Californ1a. • Big Burglars Get $·7,000, Believe in Saf~ Keeping .. Apparently brawny burglars strU111e<t.- out d a Newpor6 Beach home with.a 4'0- pound 1a!e,full or more than S7 ,lllO in loot Monday • riight in tbe second larg_e · burclarY in Newport in as many days. -. ~ jewel the(ta were 'the largest o!·severaJ cases Wlder investigation. . • , "Soineone is working awfully hard1"·ht added. • · la"7«' Rldlanl ·A. ·Hlltile,Milll<tay ,.. date ~SuPerlor Cilurl.'Jilllfe Jamea F. Judp momenla after he -bUllled celved a -of 1IO day1 In jlll and from munlcli>al court to the lrflher bench three years probation on chlrg-:S of. fall· Monday to be handed an Orqe County ing to PIY 1 federal LU on mariju~a. Grand Jury indJctment. Higbie, appearing be.fore U.S. District Lower court murde r charges were Court Judge J-W. cums, heard pro-dlsmll!ed by Jud&e PbiUp Sclnrllb !or the securtlX' William Tomlinson charge that convenience of , Diltr1ct Attorney Cecil the former Newport Beach planning ~ Hieb In what haa now become the tradJ• !""'loner WIS the lllltlgotor of a .plan to Uonll ~ of municipal court pro- 1mport fl .7 mllUon worth of mariJuana cedtires in capttal olfenaes. from ·M'*° to Palm Sprln1•· Judge Schwab's denial of Deputy That charge ol conspiracy waa reduced J~ M,., to charges Higbie. and.an ac· complice failed to pay a $10G-an-ounce tra.nafer tav ·on the illegal weed. "Al' a 11,.yer· h< mllSI be held to a hifl!W courae of «!nduct than a otreet ufchiD," Tomlinlon told the court. Judie Curtis ruled that lllgble and Iha accomplice,. Raymond Dant~I Teeter, 20, <Kan,e, must appear before noon thla Monday before the federal marshal to begin.serving their aentences. ·reeter, who is Still a minor, , was sentenced to an ••indffinite" rebabllita· lion period under the Federal Youth Cor· rectlons Act. That period, Tomlinson said today, usuaUy last.I from two to four years. "It seems a Utile inequitable, doesn't It?" he added. The enUre cue stems from a Federal Grand Jury indictment luued last November charging Higbie, a 37-year-okl bachelor from Corona del Mar, wltb con- spiring with three other men -one a federal undercover agent-to •hip the 3, 700 . pounds of forbidden weed on a private pllOe rented at Orqa Colmty Airport. . . • One defend811t in the . case, Lyle Paul Gtrman of Garden Grove, Lt ltill at larg!. -. 1D1hle and Teeter lut Moy 11, In a alUJll'lae move, pleaded guilty to the 1...., cllarp of . fallun! to pay tho (flee BIGBIE, Piii l) Plane Reported F.orced to Cuba From ·Oakland OAKLAND (UPI) -A Trans World Airways jet wllh 104 person1 1board was apparently hijacked today and ordered to ny from Oakland to Havana, CUba. ·TWA said the pilot of the plane, which wu due to fly nonstop from Oakland ,t.o New York, radioed night . dispatch at 11 :15 a.m. PDT and "requeste(l weathel' information for the route of Atlanta to Miami to Havana i., The airline said It had no lnforrnaUon on how the skyjacking took place • "The pollt indicated they were pro- ceeding to Havana with an erpected lime of arrtval of 3:10 POT," 1 spokes- man for· TWA said. "We lte ~Ing on the assumptton that he was hijacked." The Boeing '1111 jet carried 14,900 pounds of f\lel, tbe ·alrlloe, said, -~ Wit-0 1Uf· flcient. to reach Ha•ana with adequate re1ervu." , Then were .97 pmenpn and a crew of. seven aboard lhe plane piloted by Capt. G. Behnke. A ·•jority of the-justices decided, in- stead; to defer acUon until October when the~Jourt will meet with a new chief ju.UC. at the helm. Wirren reported, In a 113-page 1tale· men\, the results of his efforts to have theJ,lstices comply with the new rules. He 11id'he took up the subject with them aL 1--eonference in the Supreme Qourt last Frld.iy. In the Monday theft George o. Griffin, 59, told 'offJcen be and his ~ife left their home. at 2S3S Irvine Avertie to take a daughter f.9 the bus, station. , When f.hey returned at 10: 10 p.m. they round their• rear gl~ door ,pried o~n and the safe, containing upensive dla· mond and emerald rings, stocks and bonds and a coin colleclion, gofte. Airp.ort Study a Reality The new'rutes, laid down June JO by the U.s:1 Judicial Conference, forbid all fede'll judges except members of the Su~e CoUri U 1ccept outside fees. TM' · abo require all federal Jud«,. -· with the uceptJon of the ~ Court jullk:ei -lo file begin- niiC'i\ul year Mnual reports of· their. In· \I~ and other usets. \!'......., called a judlclal commlltee Into 1cU~ &o work on the rultt Oh M1y 18, the ljly after Juatice Abe Fortos quit the courl"uoder f1re for having considered 1 no.Oii annual r.. rrom . the wo~ ... F'i~--... W WH understood lo be deeply In. le · In havln1 the '*le lmpol<d qufc~ and belo<e his lll!tYice ., dlie! ius1!'" erd& wi, thiJ rummer. \ It was the tecond large haul of jewelry In two days. • Some time Sunday, thieves climbed through ~a. window of a Balboa ltland home and le~o pillow c.,., full of jmlry to -raltnr LouiJ w. BrilP· loll w11 "t at fll,llO.-. Nrwport. bm'Clary detectl,. Tom Shearn -.Qd tndl)' tho two thtfta didn't ...., to be niali.i, but the ljlleot burglai:y doe1 DI Ill ,with methods ol..1 few other recent ones. "Thia -and othOn we ..... had recently lnvolV. the ....,ectt clearing their w11 out 6'~ _, .,.i . '<toon before t(e&lin& the IJ'tides, '' he uld. 8lqlJry lnddtrll bmre ....... during lht pa1t three doy1, Shearn 1ol<t 'Ille lwo • • • • • SCRAS S Initiated as 10-county Survey By JACK BROBACK ..... Dllfy ""' ..... A Southern California Regional Allport S,.._ Study' (SCR.\SS) b a naltty to day with the tnltla~ Of the lkounty 11:4 million IW'V~I D. MlllaeU, pruldenl. of the Calllomta A>- aoctaUoo of Gov""""""41 (SCAG) Ill· nounced. · Finl task ol the SCAG Airport Study AuUlority which will CllfY out the two- year Jll'OJect b to Inventory Wstlllf ""'1· dltionl and .._ -tmmOdtata plans, both pb,.icaJ and of I policy nllllft lbat mlCbl be portl-to ..lbe flludy Itself, accordlni to Mlk ... n. '"lills lllltlal nplOl'1ltlQn la rtqUlnol to ensure thll lht stud; commence ' ou a " '· ; knowltdae'abie note," "the eatdent .er- plll~. __ .. __ <>range County 1uperY(lora recenti, voted $33,500 u tbe COW'l\J'I •bare of the first year's study. nit prOgl'lln will cost 11.4 million over the. lll01'W period, with the U.S. Deparll)l<nt of HOUl!ng and ' Urblln Devdopmt!lt ]iayln1 two-thirds. Mlk ... 11 Hid o i:ontnct between SCAG and lhe AJrport Systams Planning Gf1111p, a joint venture of Symm DeV.lopment CorparaUon and William L. Ptrtlra and Alsocl1tes of Corona , del Mat, will bo tlp<d lhortly. , I lfl Loa • ~-. I~ Kem, Ofbei: count~•~ln the prOIJ'•m • HJve&ld.,-~ au ~ • ... '. .... ... San Luis ObLlpo, Sonia Barbara and Ven-tura -nolh 'the 5tate of CIUIGrnla and Iha Alooclatton of Ba7 ~· Govonnnents (Northern Calllornta) m llllCIOnuinc COll()lr"1ll airport atudles, MJkestll· noted. • "Steps m 'be.IQ& ·taken to USUN that th.,. studies are lnpula to uch other and that there ii 'rio dupUcatloo of e!lorto." he advlled. The Inventory ol nlaUOI condiUons will Include l])IClfic airport modification Ji">jecll •rpected to belin.prtor to July ll'lt, conllnlC\lon lftjecll to Jl">Vld• surfa<e acce# io airports acheduJed to bell•' pttlit _!1;_aii 1 •• -ordlnancel , ... (llee'-~.~.11'''. • that L)11!1ll aboold be enUUed to full m<midPil court procedures nlMoU!ly ang<red spectafars In the crowded courtroom. Lynem, 22, entered and left the courtroom to Black Panther salutea 1nd cries of "Panther Power, Panther Power." He grinned and raised both 1rms In acknowledgement of the saJuta- lion. Court officials credlled buvy secur!Cy measures --r the tightest ever seen by newsmen in both Superior and Municipal court hearings -for the lack of iocldent In the highly charged proceedmgs. Black Panther literature and appeals for sub&criptlons to the Lynem defeme fund wert distributed in the courtroom cdrridor. Panther spokesmen said they now have $250 ln donations Iii. the. fund's coffers and more than 100 names on a petition which demands "a bigger courtroom for the Lynem trial to &Ive all of his friends a chance to be present." .Slrleen 'Wltnel!ts testified before the Grand Jury in three days of testimony which resulted In the Issue of an in· dlctment naming Lynem, Nathaniel Odis Grimes, 21, and Arthur DeWltte League, 20, all·of Santa Ana, on murder charges. The three men are accused of killing officer Nelson A. Sasscer, 14, of Garden Grove last June 4.. Grimes and League are sUIJ at large, evading wtm Santa Ana police officers claim ls the "b.iaest manhunt ever launched by Orange COun· ty." NEW YORK {AP) -The stock market was set back sharply today, with brokers . reporting-cnntlJluing tnveator concern owr tight mooey. (See quotaUoos, Pages 10-11). . Weailler ThiOIJ are looking ap for Wed• 11.tsday, like tbermomttm which will advance lnto tb6 lower '10'1 along the Orange Coast wilh sun- llllne promlied for the afternoon. INSmE TODA. l' Ev~n o.t tl'lil paint in Che. aetJ· son, Uve theater acifvittl U •till boominQ. Four local grOUJ>I arc rpollighkd toda~ in e•rtai ... mtnt, Page 13. ..... . ClJitniMI 1 C~llM t14S C-kl ,, c,_., " --. --' -. -" MWtMI ,_.,, 11 __ .. --. 1""'111 hie I .1 I J DAii. V I'll.OT • N r,....,, J\lllf 11, 1969 . • Cities Reach Anne ~ .mru.ce,-. But Will It Last ?-1 -~ .. . Jami poik;r_pepen &Jmed II I l:uce In Harl*',Alea ...., -op. pnnod lodaJ' )1111 " -""' the bottling may conUnue. The reooluttons 1dopi.d by the Costa Ill .... llld N,ewporl Beach city councils call for worklq out smoother bound.mes -both commwllties along a tl'Ollbl«I llrtp of county territory known •• the "Gua Strip." Contaloed l!'J the original twin versions are three pocr1phlcal areas where Costa 111 ... llld Newport Beach offlcllls need to llnlilhtOo Olll munldpal borden, with dHmiuillcios aotod u pnssib!Uttes. Cc*a Mesa l~n approved the rec:Ommtodations est.abllsbtd durin& a F ,.... P .. e I RAISES ..• -rt meotqa by the cillal' .... __ ....,_ . .......,... .. .-..1 iWeo. llewport -alftel'11 .......... same paper, but ol!l:J oiler ""...,. ~ lo say they plan to press on with two hot tn- nexation attempt, the whole tblna wu designed to cool. · The slight modification tn wording says Newport Beach officials will pursue with vigor attempts to annex land in the Back Bay-Santa Ana Heights area. Newport Beach Cotmdlman Howard Rogers bad earlier denounced the policy plan u 1 method ol sabotaging the pro- posed annezalions, the apparent reason for re-wording the document. ~.i-w.......--1.,,w....,. I • 1 d li!r tllt cauilJ'I Loool ~ ' J\ia..._ Onm'qtm ~.r. 6 .... ......... llllit .. 1111 llld omlapptng -piclsdals. Coeta Me;a participants were Vice Mayor Robert M. Wilson "1d Councilman WWard T. Jordan, while Vice Mayor ~11!1:Y ::::r:~=~i::c:.obert Costa Mesa Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley an- nounced the occasion optimistically 11 the atut of his council meeting Monday, terming it • most Important polleyo llate- menl "It's probably the biggest stop forward the two cities have made !lnce l've been Stor111ed b<relll, wbo uked that half .. tep in- creases be granted io police sergeants and.ufiutenanta , who sometimes earn less than l'°1Jce ofacm bee• ... the high« . admlnlstraUve. po!U do not involve overtime opportunities. Kids' Playlw use Cal,led 'Nuisance' Fort Dover is under· siege. · To a group of kids in Dover Shona, the home--made fort might be just a~ playhouse, but to at least one neighbor the fort is a rrulsance. ?i-fonaco at 1243 Santi.ago as a two-story plywood fort with a roof that wu put near a si1-foot fence separating the two homes. Hanna called the fort "an invasion to the Bonns' privacy and detrimental to the Bonns' welfare." 'lbat proposal would cost about $8,000. Shelton-said -and his colleague• agreed -tbat the request would not substantially e1ceed recommendations by City Mlnoger Harvey Hurlburt. "l would lean towards jls approval," he 1ajd, While the council took no definite action on those two matters, it did give unanimom. but tentative, approval to recommendations for several other department requests for budget ad· iumneol.o. Under. the library section of the budget the ~ ~-P~ved ~uests to ra.l.se the tax rate sllgbtly to pay for employt salary hikes and more bonka and perlod1cals. 1be tu rate tncruae would amount to about • half-cent. The book purchase fund, the council learned, Wouid be beefed up to $&9,640 IO that l>Qoks !or the propooed civic center library branch could be purchased regularly on a five-year plan. That would insure enough books to !ill the branch w~ it opens. The council also approved recom· mendations to 1dd a !Ind.scape planner and a tree foreman to the parks and nCN:alion department employe roll.s, alollg with a new tree-t(imming lilt and two pickup trucks. Those tnawes. added to rqular • raJ!es for employes, pegged lb e de&l&rtment's budget up from $MS,860 to 1$73,7<0. ')be. laborions ·comtdl esamlnatian of tM-1ftllmlnuy budpl wlll OODlinue~ t~t 111rti1Ji at 7,30 • in co1111<ih chftnDeri. . . -'' .. The council Is expected to eontlnue ex· amlning' bod get categories !or •peclfic ci- ty department .. From Page l AIR SURVEY • • resolut.ions of the cilies or counties relating to alrports or their effects on slDTOund.ing areas such as zoning, haunll, nigh' hour or night pattern restriclions. Airport related studies already com· pleted such as origin and d!SUnaUon studitll, traffic handling requirements and capaciUe.s and demand forecuts ; in- vent.orie.s of exlsUng a I r p or t s , ownerships, management policies, fees charged, flight patterns and noise i;tudles. Chronologies or histories outllning lhe ntabUshment and development o f airpoN in relation to adjacent com· muniUn, master plaru of airports for cities and counties and any reports sum· mariting their stat.us. Mikesell aald this Information should be in lbe SCAG office by June 30 to meet a request of the con!lultant!I. The SCA Ggroop's iitudies are ex· pected to dovetail wtth Orange Countr,'s ~ studies program being carr ed out by the Pereira finn, according to A viaUon Dlrector Robert J. Bresnahan. DAllY PilOI ot.utOI tt>oU1 PUil ISMllfO CCIMPANV ••Ml'f N. W•H ,. _ _.. ... ~ J•t\ II. C11tl.., V"9 ~ .. Oflltt"• ....., n-., .... vii l'tiW 1\elJI" A. Mwr111il11e ................... . J er-e F. C.lliM --..,_ ---2211 w ... '''"• ........ " .,.., ~ 1.0 •... 1171, t266J, --Clillltl ,.,...., • """"'' ..,. 1trwtt L....-. liledt1 m ,_, • ......,. It I' •l!M IMdi:. ""~ ·- .... ~ PtlOi, .. -.. ~ ... .......,, ... • .,.I_ ... ~ '""'" .,_ • -. __..... ........ "" ,...,.,, ~· Clllll ... ..... ...... ~ ....... """"""" """'· .... "'"" .... ....... ---.o.-c..t~ ..,.... _....,...., •' n 11 wn l -.. .......,. '"°'· .... a -..... c.t• ""'""· . T Qj: I fn4) 6Q.4Jfl 0 ••• r ... ," ... Ml-MIT .......... -'"" ""'41111 .... c....... .. -............... ...... ...... ... "' ............. " ... . -.. ·-iiio-· ...._ ·-* ..... ....................... 7 ,j~~r-..·· ..._, ... ..... -~liHltfl" _... WMtlliiA_..,r .....,.. -"*"""""· They're ~ailln& to see if the dty agrees. To some observers the luue over the painted plywood fort mllbt seem like a neighborhood squabble, OOt to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bonn of 1251 Santiago Dr., lhe fort next door is a non-con forming use and a "platform for chJldren to look through the bedroom windows, a.bout tilings 11 children and guests llld throw thing!! Into the pool." Those are the allegatlom, made through Newport Beach Attornty Paul Hanna, who is handling the ere.at war against "Fort Dover." The battle started Jut March 25 when Hanna ..,.te city h.oll to deocribe the fort at the home of Dr. and Mn. R. P. Since thin, city aides laid today, building inspectors examined t h e playhouse and asked that it be shortened and moved to the center of the lot. It was. The BoMs are still not sati sfied, however. Hanna has cal1ed "for, an opinion one way or another" from tbe city as to whether they will consider the fort as a non-complying structure on the property. The opinion from the city attorney's of· fice is due later lb.is week, municipal spokesman said. Hanna said if the city decides no( to get Involved In the playhouse husle, he'll tu. his cllenU' case to court. Bay Club Branching Out; Pl~s Palm Springs Site The Balboa Bay Club will add a Verdes, Is erpeded to begin next wlnltr. .. De9ert Club" in Palm Springs within the The first phase will cost. an · estimated ntzt two years, Richard S. Stevena, vice $3.5 million. president. announced today. Two addjUonaJ pbaus will follow, The 2,200-family, Newport Beach club's Stevens Wd. addition, to be built oil East Palm Canyon Noting that members have ezpressed a Drift1-Will-'leatdrt ho&r -a,.ru.e,1--great-d<ahflnleraHn·tbe11eW--; studios. 50 to .. Joo 001domlniwn unttl, and Stevens sald, "For several 1W• we have reerealltmal hcWtiee such u strimming · watclHtd our-memben tlr'IH where they pools and lall:es, sauna btthl and • like to go, and Palm Springs ts a heavy clubhou!e on about 15 acres of land. favorite." Construction d the fint phue, deslg-He said the club anticipates no duel! in· ned by Black and Pagilluso of Paloa creue for the new facility. -. " '.From J>Gfle l SCHOOL TAX ~. bulk of that. ls for lncreue In employe medical ~urance and added coe:t of educating Intermediate ichool · students over the expense for elementary he students. In addJtlon, there bi ,a • fpur~nt ()perating tu 1ncrtase, · lhe ttna1 in· crement of a three-stage 41-cent increase approved by voters three years ago. Finally, there is 12.l cenll !or payment· on the bond issue approved by voten In February, Jess the year's reductions in repayment cm previous bond issues belna: gradually retired. INTERES? RATES UP The 12.5 cents is m()re lhan the nine cents votefs were told 1t e'Jeclion Ume .the payment would be. The reason is In- terest rates went up drutically before there was a chance to sell the hoods. The iriterest rate the board had to ac. cept, and gratefully at that, was five per- cent, the maximum legally allowable. That is five percent per year on the un· paid balance, and ·compounded !or 25 years it 11'Jl.ounls to $5.3 million interest on a $6.9 million bond sale. Putting it all t0t:ether, It can be shown the public has voted for nine cents 1n school bond payment plus f()ur C'eflts in Newpori-Mesa operating budJet lncft- -a total of only 13 pcents. In addition, Harbor Ana voters did .po prove an Orange Coast Junlar Coilqe bond issue Jut fall that would have cost 10 cmt.s, but it ftnt down to ovuall de- feat . So the most they have voted ls 23 centa, while the t.ax rate next school year seems headed for a more than 50-ctnt hike when trustees take final action in July. $31 TAX BOOST Fifty cents on the tax rate will coat the <M·lK'.r of a home a~ at $25,000 ex - actly $31.25. The same homeowner thl!I year paid $.102.SO in local school taxes I[ he lived in Costa Mesa and $283.13 if he lived in Newport ,Beach. Despite tu rate increases, bolh school Union Leader Lewis' Body Buried Today SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) -The ,. • main& or union leader John L. L<wls wtre burkd early today to Oat Ridge Cemetary ln Springfield. Lewll w•1 buried neit to hJ1 wile, with only f1mll.y member• 1ttendlng. O.t Riiiie Cemetery a]io ts the site of Abrlha.m lincoln's tomb. l.A:wts, w b o headed the United Mine Worten or America for 110me 40 yean, died June 11 in WasltJnllon, D.C. He WU 19. l jurbdlctlons are plamlng to cut reserve funds they say already are low. . Both t.he junJor college and unified school dlatrlda art admittedly faced wlth a money squeeze. And an indlcauons are they will be again next year. · Newport-Mesa ofllclals say they onJy hive a penny or two leeway ltt't in permissJve overrides, with the exception of employe medical INurance that has no upper Jlmlt except that It can't e1ceed monies spe:nt for that purpose. Orange Coast Junior College official• will have the mnalnder ol the 10 cents IM adult education left and that'• •ll. l'wo years hence, 1971, is a different story .. Unless present legislation Is rtpealed, school bolrd members w111 be elven the same authority as city coun· cllmen , to set the oPeTattng taz rate without vote of the people. F rom· p_,e I HIGBIE ••• " transfer tu. Judie Curtis Immediately set I dale for 1entenchig. · · · The ex]!ecied trial of the blmn, mysterioul'. cue, Utir bAvtiig' been delayedTor rnoatba, wu !lnally erued by ' the guilty pita. In hat:dlng doWn 'oentoitce, Judi• Curtis, him1ttt a Harbor Area ....tden~ · Slid it was "a dlfficuh dectlb1." · '" • • • But the court .cannot be un· n1indful that, as a lawyer, Mt. Higbie knew what he was d()ing," Hl&bie'a own attqney, Cal Th slewart. tola the court h1s cllent·a -acuon "was qulie stupid , , • he lhould have lmopn better." . Stewart too'K ()ver Hl&ble's case a few days before the guilty plea was entered last May. He had defended Teeter s1nct tbe cue nm came up laet year. Even though sentenct has been pugtd, the btcbelor lawyer still hu one more fllh1 on his hands -the !nut over bis license to practice law in Callfornl1. 6ourcel Ibis morning said the -and professions code stat.es that coo- vid.lon of a mildemeanor or relony In· volvtng a quttllon or morll turpitude could l'Wllt In disbarmenl The lslut, the IOW'Cf: s a I d , automaUcally· ioes to the state Supreme Court. wlllch will dec:lde on the malttr after confidential Investigations and recommendaUons by a c:ommittee or the State !Jar. - Higblt has practiced law with his lather, former Newport Cow!ollman Clartnce "Chick" ffigblt at their omces at 121 Marine Avt., Balboa Wand. J ' oe the .,...u,• be llddod. '.'!ro ru1lzo W. clUes h.olh out tbelr conlllcts before -FOriller Newport Beach Olly " ,..,. ....,,, 'lei•·-111 COUl!lf-. r im.:-Dt='9' •• ~ I~" ' ~ i WiWNtwpatlledldtroMek)illlit ... .,..,tllt 111...•a:t• Ht -.....i hli lune today. ' In effect M~ nli\'! 1\ the~~ establltbOd. -~ • "It.-,~ .IOWld ao prorniah>f -.· ~~·~u.r in nJ,. ~~~;.,..ell stan-r~~trte"i: ~~~~1 the mayor sakt. · doff. ci~ council actions on the three "Alti.Nih It Itri~ ~·eiid ruwt "e 'lbeorettcllly, working oul boundary l!ineiaUona gO .lo the LAP(:' . ~ i ho~.Jl!r, It'• ~ a atop In ~ lines in peocelal negotiation is 1 goocj coun!Y ..uon. R-gnltinn ., "'~'"'· right direction," ·c~Uman Pe«"'P A~ ... Idea, but we'll l.ake and bold what we CM. AVenue~' as . th& .balic futuri"'"'" ~.:r.n.w. Tuclter h.od said Moni!ay nlghl after ,the 4 unUI that 'theory looka better. boundary between Cosli Me~ to O adaption vote. ,'. . ..,, »as!Cally, the inter.etty relaUons com-Newport Beach. i( Costa Mesa wins dlf: Vice Mayor Wilton 11 currenlly on • .m!ttte suggesta these "®IUons for border upcoming anoexa*° heaitn1. ... Callmia League 0( Cillel trlt>. · pioblems: r.raonal pre!......., o1.-~-1s ,_ '""' 'l'hrOe anneulloN.-•eiby co.ta -&lutb<tn limits between the Santa a!l'ectedarea.lbouldbe .co'Jid:t:.r\;·ii; Meaa ind two by New.port Beich -are Ana River and Irvine Avenue: Wort out LAFC, the committees ncmnNW~ curr~Uy pending before the LAFC, a eystem of land ttam!en running the but ~hould not necessarily be tta wblch bad lllUesled the Harbor Area baslc border aloog 15th and !&th meets. detonninlng !actor. ; Bal Youngster Sells Tickets To Councilme,n. Last year, 10-year-old Chris Croason sold U5 Uci:etl at $1 each for a Corona de! Mar Youth Center Improvement pro- ject. The Balboa Island youngster ls off to a good atart again th.ii ~ar -with the assistance of. Newport Bt.ac:h city coun· cilmen. Last weekp au-~ 211 Agate Avenue, walled toward the end of a long council seuion, t~ stepped to the microphone. COuncllmen, during the portion of the agenda, generally gt!t cJtiJe.o complaints. But not this tlme . · • "I'm selllng baseball tickets for im· provement Qf our ball field,'' Chris e1· plained. "They're only $1 each and last year you (be pointed toward ~ smiling Mayor Doreen Maraball ) bought one and I WU bolllnl: you and other •council member• Would buy ()?le this year." Mayor ManhaJI lold Cbris that waa fine, but the council wu in a regular of· fictal sesalnn and buying and selling can· not legally be conducted at 8llch times. Councilman Howard Rogers quickly solved the dilemma. He called for a five· minute recess. ·The motion w a 1 unanimously •pproved. Then the line-up began. Almost everybody -council members, city staf- fers and eounCll spectators -bought tickets from Chris. The pnss atood lalde and took notts. Five minutes later tbe council meeUng resumed. The tlcttts Cbrts and dozens of other younpten are •llinc will win aomebody a $500 Avinp bond at the Youth Center's carnival later thil month. - -• Mesa's Ditch Slaying: . • lit • . ' Gang· . Kill or Bar Brawl~ . 'J ' ' I .. By ARTliuR ft. VINSEL slid he and lnveatigal4r Arnold 'Ap! ot "" o.11r "'"' ".., pleman spent most o1 Monday in Ult Gangland homicide or a tavern UU Redondo Beach area, lollowinl r~ that iurned Into murder are c:omtd<red patlerns of Everett's -t and adc:lalJll today tn the cue of a man chunped to "We went to.a few Or the beer bari· drown-uDCOOSCious-ln a Costa Mesa wife said be was known to vlalt. but we fa.rm irrigation ditch four dav. • .,0. didn't come up with mucb of anytbln,a,'' ,. -Thompson said today. Herman C. !(Verett, 35, ot Redondo The victim's wife Dolores t b 1 d B!ach, left. home on a short errand· about authorities Monday that she hu no Idea. 9 p.m. Friday and was round at 9:4o a.m. why anyone would have wanted to Saturday in 1 "2 feet or water along murder Everett, a Torrance m.achlne Talbert Avenue nr.ar the Santa Ana shop employe hired just l'ii weds before River. Homicide Detective Gerry Thompson Joaquin Schools Discuss Budget San Joaquin Elementary School Dis- trict trustees meet' toni&ht to discuss in public nezt year's budget and in private teachers ' requests for salaries. Supt. Ralph A. Gates said budaet re- quests from school princlpala exceed an- ticipated income by about '500,000 when funds are beld out for a five percent teacher pay incnue. He said teacher and school ad· ministration negoUaUng teams have betn meeting behind cloaed doors for several months. Gates said 'he ts hopeful salaries and the buda:et will be aettled within the next couple oI weeb:. his death. • She slid she saw lllm Jul Friday nJcl>l wben he left tbelr bOUR and oraaae County coroner's deputtta ~led i., died in the water-filled ditch a11ywbeti £r()m IO p.m. Friday to 2 1.m. S.tutdaJ. Costa Mesa Police Detective ClpL Ed Glasgow noted Monday tbal EV...U bad been clubbed between the 11es. ap- parenUy with a heavy object. The logical exteo..lon of Ibis clue lJ tbal'' he was uncon1cious when thrown into tb&rl"· ditch, in the 15000 block of Talbert Avenue 75 feet from the river cb.amel. '·1' Circumstances already tlilcloted -and• some investigators are appafeatJ1 noc discussing -have led them to claq· Everett's death as a definite homicide. , Reports indicated Monday that tbt death had overtones of a gan&luMHtyle - murder, carrying also an unezplaine4 rumor that Everett's moutll Ind DOie Md· been taped. shut. : .. '"A! of now, we're not looklnc much q that direction," Detective TbomJ*lll llltli,. when questioned about the IUglltlcl. ... gangland aspect of the death. .• , .. r . "" 'IS Ul'IOIW . . . '"' l01Wa!1 HE~LTH SPAS SUMMER SHAPE-UP F111US llOllTll AS DKUllD IT '1111 "" ' ' > .. "" ...... Guys! Gals! ~ JOIN TODAY Gr•nd Inauguration of our new Huntington Beach Health Spa. Public Invited, fr• ...,,. dilly. A few spectal charter .,,..,bershipo 1tlll 1v1lla bf1, INCOMl'ARAIU FACILITllSI •MMtM RerMTt 1w1 ... 1na , ... • Utlre Modem c...dltlonlntl fadlltl .. •11-.k~- • FlortH luft Ton Roen"11 •Whirlpool- • fbmllh Rede hVftcs Reoma • Cendttlonln1 f ttdlltf11 • ll:oman ltffm looms • Swlu focl•I Machin., •REii •REEi •Riii b:dusln hlt1n1 Frttl Group Slimnastics and Sw!mn.stics to music • No time lirnlt on your visitl • No tppointment necessary • Separ1t1 f.ic ilities for women •. Free guest privileges • Unlimited hours-unlimited days. Frttl Frttl Exclusive Crash plan for getting in shape FAST! ·" . " ". .•t I ' • ,, ~. 1 ... 11i " " . ""'•. .. , . ' ;>, "' .. .. , • • ' • -l-. ·~ • ·Cosl a v&. ~2;_NO. 144, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES . JI· I • , , Mesa ORANGE COU NTY, CALIFORNIA • • Today's l'liaal N.Y. Stocks lUESDAY, JUNE '17, 1969 TEN CENTS Ha·rhor School T~x Rate Going ·up 50 Cents , .. • .:.J By THOMAS FORTUNE CH ttM n.lly t'lltl Stiff Is now virtually certain the school lit' ate paid by Harbor Area residents _\vdtko up more than 50 cents this year. g . ~t amount, resident! voted d ly to appr:ove only 13 cenls and ga support.for .23 cents at fuost, t gives? at gives is that trustees of both the e Coast Junior College and· ·Mesa Unified School Dtsl:ricts have decided. to make use ol permissive overrides, which can be. levied by school boPJ'"ds wllboUt voter approval. \VJth one major exceRtJon, trustees long have had theSe overildes 1 e g a I I y available· to them. They · are called permissive overrktell because it is ~ssible lo ieYy them without a V'lte o( taxpayers. As far as permissive overrides go, school trustees do not... have their ha.nds lied. and ~ the same power as city, county, 1tate or rederal legWators to sel the tax rate once they are voted bito office. Apart from perm~lve overrldel, however, school• finance is uftique in tblt the public must vote for any tax lncrea8e. Permissive overrides are loopholes in this popular talllq authority wriUen ·tn by the otate Legtsliiture to satWy oped>! school needs. The only new one, which Orange CO.st Junior College Disttict is going to make -. . . ' ' use 9f to the hilt-ZS cents worth -ts IJ match wlth local money state con- sfrucUon grants to junior collq:es. ~ o th e r a trustees have refrained from levy.Ing 1n past years partly be- cause they didn't want to nm out the string and UR them all up ln one year, and partly b«auae they dldr't !eel jlJOo lilied In dofng IO. An example of the latter b a Junior col- lege permissive override of up to 10 cents for adult educaUon (evenin& c1uses), Orange Com trustees haven't tapped It In recent years because of a m6hey shortage. They have been making cut-- bacb In adult offerllJi& and did not.con- sider It wise to increue tbe tueai for that purpose while reducing programs. Thia year, they may. dlp into that pocket for a couple of cents. Each cent orange Coat JlllllorOollqe trustees lncreue tile tu rate brinp In $85,000 in addlUonal income. A pem1y tax rabe brlni• In !40,000 for Newport-Mesa Unified. (The variation Is because the junlor college district's boundaries also take in the Huntington Beach area and the dislrict thus hai!I more asse!Md valuation.) Newport-Mesa board members are thinking in terms of a minimum taz in- crease of 27 cents in Newport Beach and 23 cents in Costa Mesa next year. Of that amount, 14 cenca comes from an Increase in perrnisslve overrides. The (See SCHOOL TAX, Po1e I) , Murder a Mystery Was Mesa Drowning Gang Killing? By ARTHIJR ft. VINSEL CH t111 Dlltr '1lft SMft ' Gangland homicide or • tayern tiff ~1al turned tnto murder •~ considered today in tbe cue of a man dumped to drown-uDconlcious-ln a Costa Mesa farm lrrtptiaa ditch lour cloys ogo. Herman C. Everett, 35, of Redondo Beach, left home oo a short errand about 9 p.01. Friday and was found at 8:40 a.m. Saturday in 114 feet of water along Ta1beit Avenue near · the Santi Ana Panther Faces Trial in Death Of SA Officer River. Homlcide DetecUve Gerry Thompson aaid he and Investigator Arnold Ap. pleman spent moat of Monctoy In the Redondo Beach' area. fallowing recent patterns of Everett'• work Ud. llOC.lal life. "We wept to a few of the beer bar• his wife aald he wu koown to visit, but we didn't come up with much of anything," -Thompoon oald today. The victim'• wife Dolores to Id authorities Mooday that 1be bu no idea Lleense Ignored? why anyone would have wanted to murder Everett, • Torrance machine shop employe hired ju.st I~ wee.ks before lUs death. She said she saw bJm last Friday tllgbt when he left their house and Orange County Coroner's deputies estimated be died In the waler-filled ditch anywhere !rom 10 p.m. Friday to 2 a.m. Saturday. Costa Mesa Police Detective Capt. Ed Glasgow noted Monday that EvereU bad (See SLAYING, Poat I) Mesa Councilmen Told ..... -. --~·· ' ~ !-.:B ~ . u.t.e.a.a.ia.l.J:)udil_ -Dt .. C0izul~Sales 'War' r · ~ -r-jury trtaJ July ~Carps U..t 'lie shot ml killed • •. DAILY P&Of ......... W,... ..-,, Santa ANI .police oftlo!f'. ~EW NIXON ABODE IN SAN Cl.EMENTE FESTOONED Wt'l'H TOOLS OF EXTE rtMi NAtOR'S TRADE' Thetall,lmpuslTeSontaAnangotthat ·. Under ·Secret Service Supervi al~ Termites T•k• G•t •• Condit ion Of E~roW date from Superior Court Judge James . i'. Judge moments after be wu bustled Ter_..ites Bug Nixon E ·state Exterminator (Fro_m Whittier) A ttacki1ig Pests By JACK CHAPPELL Of tM DlllJ ,llft Stiff "President Richard Milboua;rNixon has termites. Or at least, his newly-purchased S3n Clemente Swnmer While House does - two kinds. But not for long. The tiny wood-eating pee(.s are now being gased by the t':bemlcal Engineers Termite Control, Inc .. of Whittier. the mammoth job of extenninaUng the wlkld borers in the ID-room Presidential Pld began Friday and is due for com· pltt.lon ai week from this Friday, June 27, slid Van Powell , president of the termite <XIJltroJ company. -Powell said the 42·year~ld Spanish Plane R eported Forced to Cuba l'.rom Oakland OAKLAND (UPI) -~•Trans World ~ii'Ways jet with 104 perSons &board was appjl'ently hijacked today and ordered bl Oy from Oakland .lo Havana, Cuba. style estate home was in "very good shape," termite-wise. No worse'than a contemPorary 15-year~ld home, be said. The extenn.inating job ls being done as a . condf~on·Ol ,tjje ._.., and ·lo' ~ paid for by the seller,, ~trs. Henry Hamilton Cotton. Powell declined to say how much the job,wbuld cost. However,•he said that it is one of the largeal ever bandied by the Whittier company anc( deflnitely, .. the m08t important." Two· types or tennilel are commonly found ~in Southern California's coastal areas, subterranean tennit.es "hicb ·bore in from the ground and dry-wood flying termites. The San Clemente estate will be treated for both kinds. Some 200,000 cubic feet are involved, he said. A bright blue and y,ellow tarp has fes- tooned the IQAiq-bopee • on tbe tstate gtounda .l!nce Molldoy, Potlliri ' I .. lied Vlkane · ("OoW CbetniCal's . ~de and joy") ls pumpred·into the sealed o!f dwell- ing. Powell sald that the fact hi; company Is hued' ta Whittier -Oie Presidential hometown.-had nothing to, do with the awarding of.1he job. ' He said the company was chosen by representaUves o!)the 'Cotton· ramJly, not Nixon. He noted that the firm is pfobably the third largest termite conlrol company in Southern California. Justices Turn Down Code For Off-bench Acti,ities WASHINGTON (AP) -The Supreme Court justices ha ve turned down a bid by ChielJusUce Earl Warren that they bind themselves immediately to stiff new rules on off·bench activities. I Family Foundation. _ .... Warren was undel"3toqd to be deeply In- terested in having the code Imposed quickty and before hls service aa chJef juslice erds early th1' aummer •. m.n municipal <ourt to the hflher bench Monday to be handed an Orange County Grand Jury· lndlctm<nl. Lower. court nwrder charges -were dismissed by Jwlgo Ph!Up Sdnrob for tile convenience of Di!trict Attorney Cecil Hicks in what has now become t1;le trad~ tloMI bypassing of municipal court ~ ~Ure& in cap~tal offenses. Judge SCbwab's denial of Deputy Public Defen®r Roderick · Rkcardl's pita for "Just.15 more mlnut,e1" In which to _research·taw to support Illa argument , that Lynem lhould be enUtled to lull mUnlclpal court procedures obviously angered spectaton in the crowded courtroom. Lynem, Z2, entered and lelt the courtroom to Black Panther salutes and cries of ''Panther Power, Panther Power." He grinned and raised both arms in acknowledgement of the 1aluta· ti on. Court officlala credited heavy security measures -the tightest ever seen by newsmen In both Superior and Municipal court hearings -for the lack of incident In the highly charged pt-.flngs. Black Panther literature aild appeal• for ..-Jptloal to the Lynem dele,... fund were distributed In the courtroom conidor. Panther _.apoke&men sald they now have flSO in donations in the fund 's coUua and more .thin 100 names on a peUUon which, demands "a bigger c...rtroom loi: q,. Lynem trial to give all ol hlt friends a cbance to. be present." Stneen wltneae1 i.rtllied before the .GtlllllkJ!!O'-in tlJi'tt ~ysAJ~•¥ which resulted In the issue or an in· dlctmenl naming Lynem, Nathank!I Odis Grimes, 21, and Arthur DeWltte League, 20, an or Santa Ana, on murder cbarsea. •• . ' TWA said the pilot of the plane. which ~I due to ny nonstop from Oa'kland to N~ York, radioed flight , di$patch at 11 : 15 a.m. PDT and "requested weather lnftima0tlon for tbe route of Atlanta lo Mlllint to Havana." 'Jbe airline sald it had no infonnation on bow the skyjacking took place . A majority ol the justices decided, n- stead, to defer ·actlon until October when tile court will meet with a new cliief ju!Uce al the helm. Airport .Study ' a -......... ..... ... -- A 0 block ~ wbo ~t per day, per boy: for ~al Los Angeles J<lW1IJlen to sell canoty In Cott& Mesa complained to city councl.lmen Monday that ctimpetttors fla\U'lt the law and poUce Jgnore them. WUijam Hoob, operator of Boys' Enterprl!es, a firm which brlnr!• Negro younpten out of the ghetto to earn mOney u candy salesmen, Wu promised • report on !he altuaU... "! wooJd like to talk to yoo alJout a few things J consider pains tn the neck," aild Hooke, who takes teams of young aalemnen lo variom Southland com- munities over the weeks. He said obter black orgaJUzatlons hit predominantly white Coata• Mesa fi'Om time .to Ume wiil\out payfng tl)e required $10 per se.ller daily license feea. 11We' can't get any ooopiarstlon 'from the police dtpartment," he uid, "J might just u well Join the others ln!tead of Creative Rhythm Oasses Offered Creative rhythms production clami registration for girls 13 through 18 is scheduled Thunday, Friday and Satur· day at the Cosla Mesa . Recreation Department. Beglmlng June 23, the 10-Wffk class will meet each Wednesday at 7:30 p.m., In lhe Community R«reallon Center oti the Orange County P'atrgrounCh1. Fee ror the class ill ~ and creative rhy$8! production ~lutes exm:IR set to music, eecenUng· body c"Onttol, b .. \ tetpretive exp1aaion and ptiyalcal fit~ · ~-. -~ ·. Registration hours will be I to I p.m. Thursda)I and 'I a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday and Sautrday, according to RetttaUon Direc- tor Keith Van Holt • Reality paying my f9eO In lilt past 12 mootbs - $5,oo6 a year all OVl!'f' Soafbern Califomla. '' Hooks charged he once placed such a violator under arrest. and was told at police headquarters that the business license ordinance carries no penalty other than a verbal warning to romply. "With as much as the city charges for license fee.s, there must be some stricter enforcement," Hooks declared. Consulted, City Attorney Roy June said the law most certainly carries a max· imum $500 fine and county jail tenn on conviction. He saJd each of his young salesman canie.5 a photostatic copy of the $10-per· da,Y business license as suggested by the Finance· Department and urged anyone approached for a candy sale to ask to see it. Hooks abo said one of lhe compeUng candy sales managers he reported to police later ridiculed him when they met at their suppliers and bragged he would come back to Costa Mesa when be chose. Councilman William L. St. ·Clair said lie htd writen Hooks after several com· ·plaints by local citiuns about unlicensed boys selling candy. Hooks countered by complaiolng that people simply assume any Negro youngster selling candy Is working for him, while his compeUtors operate il· legally. City Manager Arthur R. McKenite and Pol.ice Chief Roger Neth were asked to investigate the complalnla for a report at the July 7 regular city council meeting. Action on requests f~ new Ucenses,ror Boys' Enterprises to sell candy in the ci· ty July 20 through 28 and again in November was continued tmtll the same ,meeting. Orange Weatller ;'The polit indicated they were pro- ceeding to Havana with an expected t161l of arrival of 3:10 PDT," a spokes· man for TWA said. "We are proceeding on Oie u suinptlqn that he was hijacked." Warren reported, tn a ll:J.page state.. ment, the results of his effol't! .to bave the justices comply with the rn~ rules. He sald he toot up the subject with t.bem al a conference ln the Supreme Court last Friday. SCl(ASS Initiated as JO-county Survey Things are looking up for Wed- neiday, like lhcnnomet.en which will advance Into the lower 7011 Jlong the Orange Coast with sun- lhlne promised for the afternoon. 'l1le Boeing 7'1/ jet carfied 84,000 pounds of ra:el, the airline said, which was "sur· Hc.1ent to reach. Havana with adequate teserves." ·n.ere were '11 passengers and a crew of ,aven 1board the plane piloted by C1pl. G.Bthnke. NEW YORK (AP) -TM stod< market was IOI bkt silarPiy todoy, with brolo!rt • reportlJC ce11dn• inveator cona:m over UPI .._. (S.. q"°"'lklll, P11t1 1q.U), The new ruJd, la1d down June 10 by the U.S. Jldclal ,Confertoce1 forbid a11 federal judgOI excepl members of th• suprem. Court to •«<Pl outlkle lees. The rules aloo roqutrt oU federal ludCes -.again wtth the u~ptlon of the supiene ·Court )IMtlcos -to rue begln- nlng nm yeor Ollllllll! ..,..is ol tbeJr Jn. v..unento ml otb<r mets. Wamn called • judlclol c•mmitte1!'1nto aeU.. to wort on the nda on May II, the day one Jmlf<e Abe F-quil the <"'111-lllld<r llrt !or bovlna COOlidqed • 130;000 ... ua1 let !rum Utt -... 'I ,J i .(: ' By JACK BROBACK " ... o.ty t>t• ..... A Southern California &glonal Airport S11tan Stucl1 (SCRA&!~ is • mllty to day wtth tlie lnllllllGo ol the' llkolm!Y ft.t, million surv=i:,1e1 D. MlllMtll, t><Uldent of lhe C&lllomll "" aoci.tlon of Go" ellll (SCAO) on-nounced. , Ftrll t&sk of the SCAG Airport Study Aulhorlty wblch wtll wry out lha 1- year Pn>lect to to lnvtlllof1 extot1n1 """' djltaos ...r ... _ -lmm«llole p!am, both phyalcal ...r ol • po!lcy noturo thal might be .-i-t ill tho study 111111,-occordlng to lltltetelf. "'l'hll ll!1lt.l apl«allao II raqultW to .... tbot °" llud7 ... ..,.,.. On • k!>O"'ledgeable nott," the president ei- plalned. .orang. County SUl!'f\'ilon recen!IJ voted $:3,500 u the county's •hare.of the first ~r'• sfudy. The ·prograM wtU cost fl .i nlllllon over ' the tl.o-yur pertud, with (be U.S. Departmfnl ol HOualng and Urban Development PIYini \wo-tblrds. Mlk'-"11 ~ a controct between SCAG and Ure Atrpoi't Syalems Piannlng Group. a joint venture of S1stt:m Dtvelopme:nt CorporaUon ond Wtlltom L. Pert!ro ml Asloclatu o! Corono del Mor, will be signed ahorll7. Other coomtlf• joinJlw In \he (tl'Olr•m .,.. • Loi An,.r.., JmpertoJ;, ·IQorn, Riverside, SU 0llerDmltno, SU' _p!eco, San Luis Obispo, Soiita Barbor• one! Ven- t1:1ra1 · ,Both tJ\e ~le' of ~ornl1 ond 'the A"octauon of Ba)'. AIU Govtnnnento (Nortbmt C&lffornla) ore undertoklng concurrent airport · studiea, Mllcettll ll!>led. . ,11Steps are belng takin "to auure Ulet these 1tudl1& are inputl to each:otber and that there ill no dUp,lieaUon ol tlforts," he adviaed. TM ln"1llol'J ol ttbtint condlUons wlll Include 1pecllle alrport modlllc•Uon pn>jectl expected to be~ln pr!« to July 1971, construction ·,proJecta to pnMde 11,Urface ....,. '° alrpQr1s l<htduled to tielJn prior to July 1118, .onfllloncea or (See AIR lllJRVllY, PaCt I) INSWE TODA.\.' Evt11 at this Point fn the Sta· son, Uve thf!oter activity ts still booming. Four local aroJIJ)I, are sp-0Uighted to<tov m Entertom- ment, Paa« lB. ...... (lllfwlll.I """"" ,_ .. ,_ .,..... Mlflat ----·--·--- • ' ll·H .. .. I • I .. .. ... • 1"""1otl ,... '. .. • , t . I I -~· _, 'i ........ J DAll.Y PILOT C Tlltld<1, J'!J' 17, 1~9 "-~~~~~~~...,--'-"""'-,~"""-:C.,., 7 Citie·s Reac h Anne x: Truce, But Will It -L.ast~ Jalal ,.uey ~ limld ol• tni<e ill 8""' -7 ......... olal!4 .... proved today, ~ut It appeared the ootUIDi 1nay contlnue. 'Ille rosoluUons adopted by the Costa Mesa UJd NeW)>O<\ Beach city councils call fot wotktrw aut smoolher boundaries be--C!lftUllunllles alont! • tt'Wbled llrip ol county l<rritocy knowo as ~ "Gaza Strip," COntllned In the original twin versions .,. three,1eocr-aphical areu where Costa M.,. IDll Newport Beadl o!Oclals need to ~ out munlc!ipal borders, with dNnnexatiobs noted as possibillUes, CoS~ Mesa leaders approved the recoaunendations established during a l'roa Pcge 1 SCHOOL TAX •• bult of that ls for Increase in employ• medical insurance and added cost of educating lntmnediate school students aver the expense for elementary he &tudents. In addition, there Is a four-cent operating tu increase, the final In- crement of a three-st.age 4l·cent increase approved l>Y voters t,hr~ yeara agq. Finally, there Is 12.5 cents for payment on the bond Issue approved by voters in February, Jesi lhe year's reductions In repayment on previous bond !Slues being gradually retired. INTEREST RATES UP The 12.5 cents Is more than the nine cents voter11 were told at election ·time the pl.)'ment would be. The reuon ls ~ terest rates went up dra.!ltically before there was a chance to sell the bonds. The interest rate the board had to ac- cept, !nd gratefully at that, was five per· cent., tbe maximum legally allowable. 'l'hat'ls five percent per year on thf: un-- paid balance, and compounded foi: is years It amounts to $5.3 million Interest on a ta.I mllllon bond sale. PuWng ll all together, it call be 11town the public has voted for nine cent.I in school bond Pl)'ment plus four cents: Jn Newpo~Mesa operating budget increue - a total of only 13 peent&. In addition, Harbor Area voters .did ap- prove an Orange Coast Junior College bond issue la.st fall that would have cost JO cents, but it \\-'tnt down to overall de· feat. So the most they have voted is 23 cent.s, while the tax rate next school year seems headed (or a more than 50-ctnt hike wben trust.eesiake final action in July. 131 TAX BOOST Fifty centa on the ta% rate will cost the owner of a home assessed at $25,000 tx· .acUy $31.25.· The eame h>meowner tbla year paid $302.50 in local school taxes If he lived in Costa Mesa .aJ)cf $213.13 it.Jut Jiv>d ID :Ne"J)bl1 Bead!. . Despite tu ra~ increases, both school jurlsc:Uctlons are planning to cut · reserve· funds they say already are low. Both the junior college and unJfled school districts are admittedly faced with a money squeeze. And all indications are they will be again nei:t year. Newport-?.fesa ofiicia1s say they only have a ptMY or two leeway left In permissive overrides, with the exception of employe medical insurance that bas no upper limit ezl.<ept that it can't exceed monies apent for 1hat purpo!e. Orange Coast Junior College officials will have the remainder of the 10 cents for adult education left and that's all. T?.·o years hence. 1971, is a different story. Unless present legislation is repealed , school board members will be given the same authority as city coun· cilmen to set the operating tax ra te without vote of the people. Union Leader Lewis' Body Buried Today SPRINGFIELD, tll. (AP) -Th< rt· mains ol union leader John L. Lewis were bwied early today in Oak Ridge Cemetary in Springfield. Lewis was burled neJt to his wUe, with only family members attending. Oak Ridge Cemetery also ill the site of Abraham Uncoln's tomb. DAllY PILOI OltANOI C0Al1' P\lll IUtlMe COMPAH\o a.M,1 N, w.,, ...... .., Ml """'"""" J•t• •. c.r1 • ., \I-,.,.llltlll -._,.., MMltef n.,..,, Kt1 vil ··~ THIMt A.. M.,irphi"' _ ...... ---llO W•d It., Sh-Ml M1tli111 A44tt1•: r.o. ••• 11•0, t2626 --..,_.....,.,m,~ ............... L..,... hKft: m '-•' •-N~ ._,.,., lltl llrMI •• -ti .,..11ap by Uie 9u..• vlct DllY'ftt w lalridual coinclbmn aqd adWoryaldeL Nawporl Beech olllclals approved the same paper, but only after ~anglng It lo say they plan to press on With two hot an- nexation attempts the whole thing was · d'8igned to cool. The slight modiDcatlon in wording says Newport Beach ornct11ls will pursue with vigor 1tternpt:i to 1Me1 land iD U-e Back Bay.Santa Ana HeJghts area. Newport Beach Councllman lloward Rogers bad earUer deDouDced the policy plan u a method of sabotaging the pro- posed aMe1aUons, the apparent reason for re-wording the document. Helping Hands Tiie Joint -}Mllinp bad llaen al(plt.ld bJ lbe c:ow\tf• Local ,,,_ Fonnatloo ~ (LAFCf to .., .. 111 "11 """1loilll!I. lllllllfm,.W and overlapping annexatJon proposals. Cosla Mesa participanb were Vice Mayor Robert M'. Wllson and Councilman Willard T. Jordan, while Vice Mayor Lindsley Parsons and Councilman Robert Shelton represented Newport Beach. Costa Mesa Mayor Alvln L. Pinkley an- nounced the occasion optiml!tically at lhe !tart of his council meeUng Monday, terming it a most important policy stat.a. ment. "It's probably the biggest slep forward the two cities have made since I've been DAILY PILOT Stall P"'9t Mrs. Colleen Randall accepts $42.61 collected by CUb Scouts Bobby Davis, 9 (center}, and Peter Schlepphorst, 9, who wanted to help Mrs. Randall raise the $25,000 she needs for medical treatment and, eventualty, a kidney transplant. Costa Mesa boys sought donatiohs and rounded up empty pop botUes in (und~raislng effort. Efficiency Expert Relates Demotion .by Air For~e WASHINGTON (UPI) -An A~ Fon:e efficiency expert who first ·told-Congress of a $2 billion cost increase for the Giant CSA cargo plane testified today that be now is assigned to studying costs ror such mi.nor programs as a bowling alley and mess balls. A. ·E. Fitzgerald, who originally WIS blocked by Peo1&11on orders Jrom tali· lying publicly last week, returned before a congressional hearing io cite other overchariei in Air Foroe weapons development programs. ~ Fltzgerald, a deputy (()r management sy11tems, told the Houu-Senate Economic Committ~ last November that the CSA would CGSt about SS billion to develop rather than the S3 billion orl&lnally estimated. He related today that "almost im· mediately" alter bis Nov em b e,r testimony, he was shunted from coo- sidering cost Control studies ol all major Air Force weapons systems to othsr assignments. Sen. Len. B. Jordan {R·Idaho ), asked Fitzgerald what be now does. Fitzgerald replied that he was currently trying to prevent a cost increase in construction.of a 20-lane bowling alley and ls. studying "the high eo«t of food in mess halls." He was authorized to testlfy at lhe hearing this week only after members of the coogresslonal group accused th'! Def('!Ue Department of trying to muuJe Jo~it'igerald. In today's appearance, tbe efficiency expert said the estimated COl!it of the Air Force's short range attack ml.salle, known as SRAM. shot up from $301 milllon)n January, 19&8, to $636 million in D!cember. He added that the estimate has now been .reduced to "38 million by chi.nging "program cootent." Fitzgerald illso testified that unlden- tifltd Pentagon officials deliberately sub- mitted a misleading report on a comple1 electronic brain for Lhe Flll fighter-born· ber to ~nceal its probable cost rrom Defense Secretary Robert M. McNamara. They arbitrarily dropped $200 million from the estimate he said, because they feared McNamara would have cancelled the program had be known the true coat. The device is ~n as the Mark 11 Avionics System. From Page 1 SLAYI NG • • • been clubbed between the eye1, •P- parently with a heavy <1bject. The Joglcal extension of thJs clue. ls that he was uncoruiclous when thrown 1nto the ditch, l.n the 15000 block of Talbert Avenue 7S feet from Lhe river channel. Circumstances already diliclosed -and some investigators are apparently not discussing -have led them to class Everetl's death as a definite homlclde. Reports indicated Monday that the death had overtones <lf a ganglend-ltyle murder, carrying also an unexplained rumor that Everett's mouth and nose had been taped shut. "As of now, we're not looking much in lha1 direction," Detective Thompson said when questioned about the suuested gangland aspect of the deatb. . "It looks like be may also have just gotten involved some.how with the wrong guys -for whate ver reason -and they did him in," tne homicide detective ad· ded. . Questioning <lf pef'IODnel at various be.er bars and lavtrns EvereU wa s known to visit turned up litlle iofonna Uon of value Monday nlsht, ThOmpson said. Many establishments give lhelr regular employea Mooday off after the bu&.ler weekend ptrlod, and aome perlOl'll ques-- tloned only work ()fliC or two nlghl!, he ei· plained. "If we could just run down that one guy who'll say : 'Yeah, I 11w him In here Fri· day nllht with .•. '," Thompson said ln dlscuss1ng the case today. Tire tracks near the homicide acene a~ also being ex&mlntd for possible Im· pllcttlon, but C1pl. Glaaaow pointed out ?.1onday that many vehlclea drlve through ln connectlon wllh lhe farmln1 operaUon. Evtrett'1 T-shirt and co rd u ray ll'O<IJ<l'loClad bodf wu found by Marcos Hernandei, a Santa Alla la~. as he rode hi.I bicycle Lo work in the paraley field Saturday. · A funera1 se.rvlce was scheduled. today at 2 p.m. In Bell .Breaclway Mortuary, after which Eventt's body wu to be shipped to Greenville, N:C., fer-burial. Bhldes-mw "Wll'! Dollll'tl, be -klm- four brotbtrl and three slsten, moat of them Jiving ·1n North Carollna ·aod V~llDI•· ' Fro111 Pflfle 1 . AI R SURVEY • • resolutions of the cltlM. or counties relaU.na: to airportl or tbelt effectl ~n surrounding areas such as ioillrig, hatards. flight hour or !light pattern restrictions. AlrPoft related studies already com· pleled such aa ori&ln and dt1UnaUon studies, trarlic handling requirements •nd capaciUes and demand forecasts; in· ventorles of existing a t r po r t 1 , ownerships, management policies, feea charged, fll&ht pattemll and nolae studies. Chronologies or hi1tories ouUlnin& the estabUahment and development o f alrports In relation to adjacent com· mun!Uu, muter plana of airportl for clllea and countJes and any reporta awn· marldng thelr ltltUJ. Mlkteell aald lhif information should be In tht SCA<J,, office by June 30 to m«t a !:f!QUtst of th• consultants. , Tht 6CA Geroup'a atudles art U· petted to dovetail with Oranse Couni.y'a airport 1h1dles proaram being CJirrled out by the Pereira firm, aceordina to Avl&Uon Director Roben J. Bresna han. an tbl~," be i4ded, "n rWlJe we -,,.ituaJ .. cl -• 7 wllldi ... lie ruo!Vtd-" llAI cbilopd hll tune toclay.' ..... "It. doem "t IOUDd SO promislnl DOW,'' lhe m~51Jd. ··AJ~ tt lsnrt ~tDe eod "result we hoped . for, It's _cpt.ailllY. a step in . the right direction," Councilman Georgi A. Tucker had said Monday night after the 4 to O adoptli>o 'vote. \'ice Mal!j Wilson is curr~oq_4 Calfri>nifi gue of Cltlei trip, Three anon:atlons -ooe .br Coct:a ?i-ieaa and two by NtwpoH Beach -·are currently pending before the LAFC, whlch had suggested the Harbor Area CdM Freeway To Chop Wood Sales Location Perry Heaverin has hundreds of cords of firewood and a place from which to sto~ aod aeJJ them. But tbe ~ is clouded. Heaverin leases 2.l16 acres from the Orange County Flood Control Diatrict on the north side of Palltades Road, just east of Newport Boulevard. Th< rout< of the propooed Corona del Mar Freeway cuts ril;ht throulh the bear! of the trlnnlular-sbaped property. So wben the bfghway engineers atart preliminary work on the freeway, Heaverln's woodpUe will have to find a new home. The firewood operator, wbo lives at 2902 Newport Boulevard, Costa Mesa, Pays •too a month to the county for use of the property -on a month-to.month basis. Heaverln bu 1 tenuous contract with the Flood Cootn>l Dlatrlct wblch "'llllru that he put up a ,1,000 renlal security deposit, have lnlurance to cover any JiabtUty, repair aoy damqe he may C8UJe to tbe flood control cbanDe1 fence, keep the prooerty clear ol we<ds, and rubblah -and pay all tuea a nd a"'8!11lent.. CltlOii ,Jwll Cllit their coollJcta before ... -. -not N..,orl .. dlr aftld1ll llld In effect M°"411 •lllht at the c1-of their lengthy meeting Js a line wbJch 'hu become famlll.aT In the Arab-Israeli~ doff. 'nl\oreUcally, working out boundary line1 In pucefut .. ~oUatlon ts a food idea. but we'll take arid 000·whlt We can unUI that theory looks betttr. llaaically, the Inter-city •relaUOlll coms • JOillee augaesti these 1101Jitfono for ltoc'der probl<m" · -southern llmlts be!_, tbe $anta Ana· Rtver and lrvlne A"'°"': Work olJI• a system of land tr&nlfers running tbe basic border along 15th and 18th ttreets. ... -Fonner Nz! Beach Cltyl:f ~ ::~tir..nt'-, eotab~. . -Northern area along Tustin Avenue rrom Bay Street to Palisades Road : Pa& 1 city COUhCIJ actions on tbe three JX"OPOMI. ann~xitJoris go Jo. ~ L.\FC ~~ 1]>'.; county action. RecOgnJUon of Ttiatlji;< A venue as the basic futarf: ... cOmtnot'- bowldary between Cost.a.. Mesa 1114 Newpci!" Beach, If_ Costa Meaa wina tbe ~· upconuqg aonexauoa beaf~. 1 Pmonal prtl ...... di ""'-"'i1-::; affected &IU• abOuJd be c<lillldered by lbi.l LAFC, the commJttees· recommtnd«llr but should not neceuarlly be Ow: determining (actor. " • Opposed lty Police ~ Nightclub Wim Permit i • e lll " Despite 'Pot' Charges The 110t al the end ol Finnfpn's floln.· bow soinetimes coolains Acapulco_ Gold, police hinted Monday, as tbe Coat& Mf:sa City Council coosidered tbe psycbedelic nlght club's fat<. Marijuana Involvement and other in- fractions entered lhe discussion oon- cemJng Sylvester Grove's night spot at 1714 Placentia Ave., before he wu gr8nled a ~ay dance permit. , Police Ollef Roger Neth arxl Fire Chief John Marshall recommended against the request, in which the owner was represented by Newport Beach attorney Sneaky Burglar Cleans Cleaners Paul MCCieary. • 'Ille matl<r was up 10< dilcuslloo at u.J C:SO council session, but wu held over at McCleary's request for a apot tally of crlminal violations since Grove took-Ol'tr lbe club. A check of the Joe dating back lo February showed a total of 46 arrests it the dance spot, only 13 of them. fnvqlvlng drugs and thooe ~Ing . from 10 ID February to nooe lpt month, ailef Netb sald. Most of the alleged offenders were over 21, the chlef noted. ,. The establishment ser.ves beer. Undet" terms of its Alcohollc Be:vera,e Ccritr()( Board license deJignatlon , minon cu be present, bITT are . prohR>lted !rom , bJl.. blb!ng. Bualneu baa been (Joocl at the club - too . gOO<i -added Fire Qlief Nanball;'- say1n1 the occupancy Umlt ls 211, wbUt' • head counts showed 330, 250 and 240 A sneak thJef who evidenUy stepped persons inelde. ,._, over an electronic eye beam doorbell "We mtcht have taken more "-d,.: device cleaned 1 Costa Mesa cleaners for count!," Chief Maniball exJMlned. ''bu\ the second time in six months Monday in people must leave the building Ind l»¢1: a $300-plua grand theft. counted as they come back. This ls not ~ Laurence Florea, owner of Personalized popular thing.'' i- Reagan Tells Support Cleaners, 2tl7 Harbor Blvd., n id he "You make them very angry wtien Ibex . nearly caught the burglar who slipped in-are taken away from their bee' and to the untended front of the store at 3 outalde -you can't blaine the customeri. SACRAMENTO (UPI) -A sampllng of ID f t ch the " h tin cd . p.m., a oo aae. or owner, e coo u . Gov. Ronald Reagan'a telegram buket He deacrlbed the: thief aa having a Councilmen finally voted 3 to 1, wit• showed today Californians support his deformed right eyelid and said be duhed Councilman George A Tucker opposed,. defense of armed force in handling tbe from the building with the counter cash to allow G~ llO days to e«1Unue to of. people's park demoosirau9111 by a ~to-1 register and cootenls blddeo under a fer daoclng, with tbe stlP11IDlioo that he"- m_ar __ p.~;;;;;ii';;;;;;;;;:;' ;;;;;;green~;;coa;;l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;•;lhnl;;na;l<;;the;· ;problema;;;;;;'i;ted.;;~.--.'- ' ' ·-~ HEALTH SPAS SUMMER SHAPE-UP JM is u'liolw flTllUS M01111 AS DIClUID IY TllE ~ I Guys! Gals! JOIN T.ODAY Grind Inauguration of our new Hu ntington le1ch He1 lth Spa. Publlc lnvlttd, fr• teurs dilly. A few lf*l1I charter memberships 1tlll avall1bl1. INCOMPAIAIU FAC IUTIUf • llectroltk ...... t Heated lollMln Swimming Pool • flerltla Sun TP looms • Ultra Mottern Condltletlfttt f.cllltle1 • Whlrl,.el lethl • ffnnlsh: leek kun• looms • c.Mltl.,.lnt Pmcllttl•• • lomn St.am '°°"'' • Swlu fMlal Mechht•• •Riii •RIEi FREEi bth11hoe fMtum ''"' Group Slimnastics and Swimn1stlts to music • No tim1 limi t on your visits • No appointment necessary • Separate facilities for women • Free guest privileges •.UnUmittd houn-unlimited days. Frtel frttl • • Exclusive Crash plan for getting in s·hape FAST! • • ., "' .. +!'1,1 " ,,,, ... ••O ,1• I · • 1 (- •• •• -. '. •'' . •1~, ~t•to '" '~" ·' •• , ' • ' c t i • J y t t a c t e n v n 11 v • E y r c p l G H ir p di le .. II u K VI Cl 111 -------~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ........................................................................... ..,_..,.,..,..1111 .. 111 ........................... ,...~w·...:..11:11~·l::f.,..,,.,.ri. ... ..,:.-· '~ ~ DAIL V P ILOT 1'-" ,...... SHOPPERS BROWSE AMONG MERCHANDISE-PACKED SHELVES AT EL TORO POST EXCHANGE Plenty of Bargains for Active and Retired Servicemen and Their Dependents WORLD WAR II VINTAGE POST EXCHANGE TO BE REPLACED BY MODERN STRUCTURE Discount Buying in Comfort at Your Neighborftood M8rint Corps Air Station V ariety'·S'liow to Help Injured Huntington Boy Danny Ramos• impossible dream may come true Wednesday night. lie may learn lo walk again, ride a bicycle, play wilh his friends. That is, if enough money can be col Jected durinc the 7:30 p.m. variety show et the Huntington Beach High School Auditorium to pay for the 5-year old youngster's medical expenses, whlcti ha ve mounted to more than $10,000. Danny is encased in plaster from ches• to toes after having been struck by a car and thrown 50 feel, landing head first on the pavement. Specialists pieced him back together and a1erted his family to ex:pect immediate death. Purpose of the variety show _is lo raise money for the Huntington Beach boy whose family is unable to pay for the medical ex:penses. Appearing will be severa1 groups and Jndividuals, including the Mariners, a variety group, the Roving Kind, con· temporary folk singers, the Fantasy Ballet, the Huntinglon Beach Community .. Pops and magician Stan MiWeman. Master of ceremonies will be Jack Llbidinsky from the Toastmasters Club of Huntington Beach. Anyone unable to attend the show can assist the family by making contributions to the DaMy Ramos Fund at the Bank of America , Adams Ave nue and Brookhurst Street, Huntington Beach. Res:ixmse to Danny's plight bas already been overwhelming. with donations pour- ing in from San Clemente to Loe Ange- les. One group of fathers from the SL Simon and Jude Parish 1n HunUngton Beach have brought ten full bags of , groceries lo the family and plan on com- ing back every Monday for the next three weeks. Others Include the Huntington Beach Volunteer Fire Department, $:IQ; Foun- tain Valley School District teachers, $100; Superintendent-Parent Council ol the school' district, $113; and $107 from merchants in the Brookhurst Street"' and Adams Ave. shopping cen~. Students Reading Better, _ So State Aid Decreasing .. Increasing reading skill among the yol,lnger students in Ocean View School District is decreasing the district's chance for state aid in reading programs. ~ionday night trustees approved ap- plicalion for qie MIJ!er-Unrull Reading HOME Council " Seeks Nominees F.or Ma11 of Year l lfomiJ)aUons for the annual 'Biii G~hime Award ol Ille HllllU118ton'8eadl H<il!E Couicll al'e ~I sollclted fn>m indlvidaals and groups in the clty, ltOME l'rlll<lml Cl'ls c. eris annoonttd ID<lay. 1he man of the year 1ward is given during the July 4 ftitivlties to honor the 1..;,1 man -has dofl• th• moot !<Jr his <O!"mun\ty In the year lnunedlal•I)' past. the award honor1 the memory" of c. uBlll" Galltenoe, roanaaer of mber or Com~ ror 30 years. aa· .. EI Generalluli:no," Galllenne troog pronloler Of the area and Is crtaited with ,b)sUtuUrig many celebra. tlons including the huge July 4 parade. I • Program which cou1d provide u much as 90 percent of lhe salary from state funds (or reading specialists to teach in grades K-3. But District Superintendent Dr . Clarence Hall told trustees that the district's youngsters were readhtg too good, and probably would not be eligible for state aid. For state funds district students must be reading In about the bottom 30 percent of the state. "Last year, when we, applied for state funds," said Dr. Hall, "our students were read.ihg in the upper IS percent, and now it looks like they are moving into lhe up- per 11 percent." Trustees approved the application, ''just to be ready ii tbe district . ever needs the state fund s." Trustees also approved a S3(IO ex. penditure to ..m a te&:ber, Mn. Debbie Dick; to attend a 1pecl:tl visual percep- tion clinic July Ml tn Loo AJiaeles. The clinic, explained Holl, would help Mrs. Dick Implement the dJrtrict'1 di apostle. sylltm .tn . visual we<pllon, which dilcover• and helps correct read}ng probleml. DiagttOstk: work in. visual perception (dlstlngu18hing .. the fonn of letlera or ol>- 'ject.oJ Is conducted In the kln\)ergarten and flrst grade levels. . Mother Saves 4-year.old Son From Home Blaze A fr ieghtened but b'.lurageous mother ol five dashed back into her bluing Mod- jeska canyon home Sunday and saved bU •-year-old son who was 'tn the bathroom shower. · Mrs. Thomas E. Lawrence i.s no stranger to' tragedy, The family's former home and all their posses.!lons were destroyed in the February floods In the canyon. Mrs. · Lawrm:e escaped the flameo with only singed hair, county fire depart- ment officials said. Her &On, Joseph. was unharmed.,Her husband, an aviation In· dustry e~ploye was at work at the thne. Four other !Ons aged 9, 5, 2, .and eight months all escaped the flaming structure without injury. Flre officials estimated damages at $12,000 and listed the house and its con. tents aa: a lotaJ Joss. The home at 23745 Modjeska Canyon Road was rented rrom Mrs. E. SlivkoU of Anaheim on March 23 after the holl!O the family had been buying waa destroyed In the floods. Officials said the cause of the tire wu undetermined. ' €ofC-Appoints-· Industrial Committee Head Chamber ol Commeroe offlclalt moved to streogthen lnc(ustrlal developmenL In Huntlngtoo Beach with the receilt ap- pointment of Richard Belyea 1 1 chainnan of the new chamber IDdustrill C.onnnittee. Belyea, manager of operations at McOOMe!Hlouglu Astronaullcs Co., will -k clooel)' with 'BUI Back, director of the Economic Development Department of the cbunber, . Two otl_>er committee po.st.!, the toorbm committee and the business, commerclal· and profes':sionaJ cormbtttee, wlU'.ooon be fiu.d by Olamber ~t C. E.'"BID" Woods., who Is allo. lictlnl chamber managa-uhtll a new runager Is hired. . . ' .PHor to coming to HunUngt<>n Boch. Belyea wu director of bualnesa. IOrVlce for Ille Ida~ Unlv.talty ol c.ur..;u. iyitem. ; ·The nrw committee chairman earned a )l.S. delree In archllecture tn city ..... nlng at l'lorlda Slate Uolverslty. lle Uv .. with hla w\re, 0.udelle, and two cblldren, at 6811 Via caruna, -· ...,.11, 1'69 ·s D.111.Yl'UT 3 Toro~s PX Big Business New Exchange Will Be Department Store for 50,000 ' ~. By JANICE BERMAN Of ... a.MY ,. • ...,. "11'1 lllie 1.ody'I, Voo•s and ~ etae you can th!nk or, all rolled lnm one, • sakl a Marine. He was talking. about a rather exclQslve store. You have to be an active or retired aervlctman or a dependent to pt in. l~a tbe Post Exct11111ge (PX) at El Toro Marine Col'l'I Air Station. Lall year, tbe PX ir-ecf $11 million. That's pretty big business. For ex ample, Jn its !lrst year or operaUon, Fllhlon lalandln N-1-,,_ OftJy a little more than twice 1hat -a total ol $35 million for ill Ila stor<s. By Augmt of next year, rhe 50,000 peo pie who DOW do their sbopptng Ill.crowd- ed World War D temporary•bulldjngs at El Toro will be able to shop in etmfu1. at a new $1.1 million PX on the but. Then, as now, they will be" able. lo buy m~IJe at dlacouats averaging between 34 percent under retaU •tores and 14 percent under cut-rate at«es. Just a few of the Items olfend are\'dothlng, cosmetics, home fumllhfno, sports equJpment stereos, cameras, watches, jewelry, ctlarettes and luggage. DEPARTMENT STORE The merct>andile •t the new PX will be sold in a collection of departments, along with barber and beauty shops, laundry and dry cleaners, a cafeteria, a garden shop, and other customer services, all en- compaaaed in a 75,00kquare-foot area with two , buildings connected by an encbed. mall The funds for aJJ the new faclllties will not come from tuJ111en, nor will any of the mettbandlse, according to Capt. Eugene M. Glass, the man in charge of all exchange operations at El Toro. "The money comes ,out of a central fl.Hld "in Washington, D.C.," be said. ''The fund assesses each Marine Corps member. And all services famished by the base are reimbusred on a monthly basis· by the exchange." He sakS that the exchange is completely seU..su5talning, and last year netted $1 million pro!Jt, all of which has been poured back into the anned forces. RECREATION FUND The recreation fund of the Special Services received $400,000 of the profits. The renulining $600,000 h earmarked for construction of the new PX, by Metropolitan Constructlon Co. of Los Angeles according to a design by Thomas Rlct>ar<lson A•110Ctstes of Costs Mesa. Glau said additional monies for the PX will be raised through a civilian loan re- quiring repayment with ln\,erest. The 7:!1,000 square feet alloted to the new PX, said GI.us, was determined by a "mmplex point system," set up by the Department of Defense. He stressed that the amount ol. space Wal detenntM,.d by the number of persoo- nel oo tbe bue. . ' ''We are not 1Uowed extra rpooe for retired perooonel and their fmillles," he explalned. Asked for an uplanaUon ol bow tbo point !)'l1an worked, Glasa replied. t'lt's very complicated. I can't explain ll. '' But be did say that accumulation of points depends on the number ol peraon- nel on the base, the mission of the bue and the amount of retail activity. R&TAIL ACTIVITY ''Amount of relall actlvlty" ls the bf phrase here. Although the 40,000 off-bue persumet ustnr -~ El Toro PX (a number equal to the total populaUon of the city of Newport Beach) do no& figure as people tn the point .,.tern, llleir purcbastng power does. Sensitlve to charges by civilian merchants and other citizens ol PX boon- doggling, Glass said, "The uchange Is not unfair competiUon with outside buslness. We have created 550 Jobs for cl~Wans Jn Orange ~.'' He added that the PX subcontracts to civilian concesslonahis for 5UCh RrVlces as laundry, optics, appliance repairs, vendi.pg machines, two restaurants and six snack bars. Glass'said the 1M9 Armed Services Ex- change RegulalliH>s Pf1Mded that PX& be set up as· a service, Whlch eliminates a need to provide. • profit to store owners and stockholders. · When the govemmeot runs the store, according to a COnsumer. Unkm IUl"VeY publl'1>ed this week In the Navy ·TJme., the following retail disalunts exist, cm a na'Lional average: . . ClgareU. llaJ>ters SUnglasses Ruor blades . Miscellaneous drugs Headache remedies Deodqranta Luggage Electric shavers ~ Radios Children's sneakers Electric typewriters Electric coffeemakers Hand mixers ·-Hair dryers Warne irons Electric frypa"' Electric carving knives Electric Jee crushers Toasters C1ock radios, AM-FM Boys' jeans Women's wear Men't slacks 1nd jackets Men's white dress shirts Men's underwear Watches %Snocl t4.5 50.0 33.0 IU Z3.0 ~.s S7.5 39.5 . 30.5 32.0 29.5 35.0 S7.o 33.o 30.5 S7.0 33.0 28.0 S7.0 27.5 31.5 32.0 28.0 32.0 . 33.0 33.5 34.5 Averq:e S4 And here ... the pe"""-under the cost of nearby cut-rate ar dlicounl dlU( stores: ·,; Smoklq atrlclea Drug- HOU8ehold Items Groceries Watd>a aod clocb SlatlonerJ Camoras Projeclon Film Photographic -Radloo Appltabcos Toys Auto supplies %1nN n II • f , • ,. 2 JI % II JI 13 23 17 A-IS In the study made by the ~ In. dependent testing O'ianlsalJm for· Ibo Department ol Del-, _ c:on.um.n· Uofon said that bmJJies ol mllllar7 personnel. on the averaae •do better when they do all their shopping tn ezchange stores." A walk throug!J Ille merchandlw.pack· ed PX at El Toro olio..s how muCh "bel- ter" 50,000 can do .. A PJ aultQee .U. for 127.0J. A ladiel' !50 ntd> -$29.a&. orar-are St ceall 1 .,..S. A $2.50 lipotock. a* •tlO. ' ' Tber8 are mtrlctJoaa oo whal.,.,. be sold, oaid Glass. Clothes lllUlt be 0sporty." be aJcl (although ther. WU I pair ol llOkl Jlld hlJI> l>eeis In:: f"8 ~). No auto ~ _. --flf.71 wbolesalO m11 tie ~ No alefllnc silver m:iy be Illa. No llrle·sppk m,. like wasben O< teleYlalons, dll!er' . But the price ilasbes are ~11 ev1· cleat to anyooe wbo wants .to brvwoe through, although nobody ml)' buy without an ez.dlange card. 'lnkubus' Slated For Beach Darice '' The •1n1ru1>us"· 1l1Ulilcal ,..OUp wm begin Ille Huntington Beach Recreallan department aeries ol summer dances an Fr1day at Marina High School, Edinger Avenue at SJringdale Street Time ii from g,30 to 11 ,30 p.m. tn tbe lfll!' nasium. · Marina dances Will be held each Friday for the nm elgbt weeks with namei of. bands to be announced each week. ..,. cording to I h e Remalloo ~enl spokesman. There will be no daDce on Ju. ly 4. . The series begins !JebJrday at Hun- tington Beach School with ''The Lovin' Bunch" dilplaytog their zm1.WJ Warel for Jho-leen-age aet -l :IO to U:30 p..,; 'l'lle Huntqton -wlll p •for ..... -.. , 'l\e helped buildAnierlca. owweJreepi ' • ,m ~- Santa Fe, in its lObt year is moving toWifd new ways t.o lttft ~ {America'• growing need for falter and more ef&.cien.t distribution medii• Talk about fast acrvice. We rive you "Super C", the world'• Wtatt freight train. Now running u a market:..telter for fi Pirgy-Bac.k and container cargos between Chicago, K.a.osa1 City and Southern California. Talk about communications. Our microwave network and data center uses third--generation computer• to keep constant control of car movement., and t.o help develop new methods that eervc you better. How about capital e:ipcnd.itures? During 1969, wc,re 1pend.i.ar $190 million for Df:W -,+ equipment, modernization of facilities and ..._ development of new projects. For our equipment fleet we arc acquiring 21600 new freight can, 90 high horsepower dieK.ls, 25 rcmofe ' locomotive control units, 1.26.1 van• for highway and Pi1gy-Back tervicc, along ~ith other vc:biclfi-, We're completing a multi..milli011 dollar e:ipamion of our automated freight claai&cation tuminal at Kamat City. We're e:ipanding diesel.shops, Piggy-Back and automobile handling facilities for Chicago, Tesas and California. Other major improvemcnu include the replacemcnt·of 417 tnck miles with contia.uomly welded rail and the construction of a 31..mile lpUI' track to serve new sulphur clepos.itl in Welt Tuu. And we're coDltrUcting 2,000 miles of Gulf Central Pipeline to ff transport: a.nhydroU1 ammonia from producing areas of Louisiana t·o tbe farmlancb of central U.S.A. ~~ We want to serve you be.Uc~, no matter how you Want to ship: by ~l by hichway, Pig~Back or conta'iner, and by pipelin~ And through - i.admtrial development, we can provide plant sites &CfOll 13,000 ~iJes of one of the faatat pwing 1ectiont of the U.S.A. We helped build America. Now we keep it moving. •SantaFe • • I I , t ,I IWl.Vl'ILOT Charlet Carter of London b&- ~lfms ln going right to the top wlth ,!.Us problems, even if it's only a ... natter of a scanty serving of fish .. ~lnd. chips. So Prime Mlnl1ter Har• ;.sd Wilson had better open his mail .1•vith a knife and fork. "I paid 2 :.lhlllings twopence (25 cents)," Car· " er said. "I got 20 chips (French ·~ried potatoes) and a teensy, limp ! ,iece of fi&h. I'm sending the meal .. o Mr. Wilson as a protest," • House Vows No t t o Pay 1 Powell Bill WASHINGTON (UPI) -lloua e member•, 1n1ered at the Suprem'e Court ruling they had no npt to uclude Rep. Adam Clayton Powell, Irately vowed they wouldn't foot the bill tor the Harlem Dtmc:icral't back pay even if the court orders them to pay it. "We1l never pay it," was the defiant word around the Hoose. Most members argued hotly the Supreme Court bad no business coo- sidtrtng the C8.'t of Powel.1'1 exctuaion !rom the 901b ColJiress. They' Aid the CoostiluUoo gtv,. the Houle the ex· cluaive rlgJ>t to judge tbe quallficaUoo of membC!rl. But the court aald the ConsUtuUon sets the qualifications for House members and Powell wu eligible. Monday'• 7 lo I rulin(, which alaO tent to the lower courts the question of Powell'• right to baclipay, cleared up the last of the legal Pro\>lema that have belet the Harlem lawniaker since 1980 and · that figured heavily in the March 1, 1987, House vote to exclude him. And It throat.nod lo put the Houae It.sell in the contempt of court role that dogged Powell for years after he refused to pay a 1Iander judgment agat.nst a Harlem widow be called a "bag woman" for pollce bribe taken. UPIT ......... Thil family of boby 01D!s ""' been dopt<!d by th< Ray BachhubeT fam· ly of Moyoill<, Wile., Th< trio •Mum. 1lw a millina sibling, gets plentu of Lttention jrom Mary Bachhubtr, B, oho takes turn feeding the bird.s. Under the court'• declsloo, members ol. the House themselves could not be IUJ>. ject to any eventual court order that mlgbt 'iroW oot of tbe c.... The court said employes of the HOUie such u the sergeant-at-arms could be delendanta but not members themselves. But since the members would have to direct their employes to issue any even- tual pay order for Powell, Uley ·do in ef· feet bold lbe purse strings. REP. ADAM CLAYTON POWE LL RELAXES ON BIMINI Soys Ho FHl1 Vlndlcatod by Supremo Court Docl1ion • When Sam Kipp, dean o! stu· lent. at Sacramento City College, UTived at bis office be found Ille loor covered and surrounded. with towers. In the center of it all was tn anonymous note which read, in 1art: "You are a beautiful hwnan .elng ••• We realize that we are mly human beings and you also, md. that there ere times of hate l.Dd times of love ••. and today is t time to love, the age of. Aquarius, llld !bat love shal rule the world." (ipp 'recently bu bOen Ille target 11 bolh student and school board Titicism. And it appeared that because of various legal appeals lelt open to both aides, ·any eventual court order for payment might not come until well into nut year. The case could even wind up in the Supreme Court again, by w;hlch time there would be a new chief justice -Warun E. Burger -and a replacement for Abe Fortas. The color oC the case, and the court as well, could be changed by then. Powell May Ask Return Of Back Pay, S~niority • TM lSHIJI ¥carbook of ltffe<o '°" Medlcol Sc/tool in PhUOOe~ phia tr apt to become a colUc- t.or'• item-th.ere'• a cenfMjold color ptcture o/ a nude girl in it. TM auburned haired girl ii wearing a white nursf!s cap and a small pearl pendant, but noth- ing else. She's lying on a blue rug, reading a 71U?dical text. "The Teason we decided to put the nude in the 11earbook," said the vearbook manager, "was to get it tnOTe widf!Ltl distribut.ed.H He addf!d, "We've alread11 10Jd twice as many 11earbooka to s&¥dcn.,• • • Now the white man is teaching Indians bow to shoot with a bow md arrow. Each Friday night about 30 young Indians meet at the Jones Academy gymnasium in iiartshorne, Okla. to learn to use the weapon af their forefathers. "There must be something to this lhing called heredity," said L_, Maggard, president of the LitUe Dixie Bowmen Club. 11I·t is surpri.!- lng how much natural a·bllity the p-oung Indians have toward the weapon used by their forefathers." Warren's Ruling On P owell Upsets Bur g er Decision WASHINGTON (UPI) -Chief JusUce Earl Warren's decision in the Adam Clayton Powell case overruled the man who wUI succeed him on the' Supreme Court !'lext month -Appeals Court Judge Warren E. Burger. The dlfference In opinions waa not surprising: Burger bu been marked# a conservaUve during his years on the U.S. Court of Appea!I' bench Jn Washington, at least in -to the Uberallsm that WU the ballmart of the Wantn court. Burger was one of three judges who had earlier held that the congressman from Harlem did not bave a cue in ask· Ing the court. to order the llooae to give hlm the seat from which he bad been ea:- cluded. But court ob&erven were n1uctant to draw any lmpllcationa from Monday's declslon in the Powell cue on the coofllct of opinions between Warren and Bura;er. The size of the decision by the high court - 7 to 1 -apparenUy indicated that It was not • reaction to President Nixon's naming of a couervaUve to replace War· ren. That idea wu shored up by the fact that usually comervat.lve member• of the court -such as John M. Harlan and Byron R. White -joined Warren in the opinion. BIMINI, The Bahamas (UPI) -Rep. Adam Clayton Powell (D-N.Y.), buoyed by the Supreme Court ruling that liis fellow House memben had no right to · ei:clude him, uid today he has not yet decided whether to seek the seniority rilhta or beck pay he also Jost. Powell told a news conference al his Island retreat here that he pla1U1ed to return to Washington to discuss the situa- Uon with Democratic party leaders. "I have not yet decided Whether I will ask for restora(ton of the (House com- mittee) chairmanship" or the back pay and money paid in fines, Powell said. Powell was chairman of the powerful House Education and Labor CommHtee before he was stripped of his seat by fellow congressmer.. Powell sat on a dockside v:all in the hot morning sun to explain hi.s plans to newsmen who flew in to Bimini especi- ally for his news conference. He said h'is ultimate decision "will depend on my conservations with the Democratic party leadership." He said among the congressmen he expects to tal k with are Wilbur Mills, Hale Boggs and car1 Albert. He said the question or getting his money back "ia not Important at this mo- ment." ''The main lhing (aboot the Supreme Ciourt decision) which we established is that the principle of three branches or government has been reaffirmed. It af- fects not only me but 220 million people." Pressed as to what h"e might "do if the House leaders refuse to restore his chairmanship, Powell replied: "Well, that's become secondary because l think the fact that we have lought before the Supreme Court to establish the principle ~f three branches of govenunent Is more unport.ant than Adam Clayton Powell.'' But he added, "You can't have a Spring Arrives Over U.S. But Many Porti.ons Still Feel (:old , Showers ·-·--· At1Mf1 .......... '""""" ... M am'"' °''-CIO!d-" ,_ .. ,,_, .. _ ...... , ,,_ ..... ..., F.rt Wlll'll ,_ ··-"-"" Hltfll IN ..,...,..._ IMll fl'ftt* Wt ..,..! CfiMl1N lfl .,..._, ....,_ """ "" WlnM; .-...t¥ ... u t.Nfl,. Y.......,... ""-'"'"" r• 111•• ........ • """' ., " .. .... lllllM ...,,_.. ~ ,.... • " n. W.tfr --"'"""""' -........ S•11, llf-, TWu TUUDAY fllrtt ftlltl .............. •:tt l'JI\. M Ptnf 10W .............. 'ia "-"'-µ "°°"" f!lllllt '.. 111• ....... '" WIDNllDAY '1nt W .............. •r• t.fl'I. t.i 'I"' llltfl .............. 1:.af '·""· ~ teODfloll tow .............. J :l4 '.Ill. 1.t ~ 111111 ............. 11 1• "'1'1· J,I v.s. s ....... ,,, -~CJ.Iv , ......... , __ Hllfl ---111Wltd -r ... ·-.,.. -... ltedlltl -lluCtd ""' ""4llt _...... .,.. "'o" " ... lltlloft ........ lifWY. Men>IN .... lfl ... ~ "°""" ...... ,...._.., ......... ._.... -lblt ,_... iow-.. 11111 I ...... __. .. ""91 ...... '""' tlll ..... . Llfltt .._. -. f-'9d fr9l'I\ ..... o.1io1.. to "" ~ -1!erll .. "" -Ofwl Ullft, -"*"' ... ,. """"' • ....... Cl nillN llld _.,,...,,,.,. "~ ...... "'-" - """ ............. ~ .... I(~. •• ,.... ,,..,... C.l!lorftlt -1 lnlO "" -"""' l'ltlfll. W"*.. Tn., '"4ll"tfd ht!! WO Iv !"- lnct.r. 111 dlall'llltr M!INMy """''"' eNI tfl'll ~ n...lt ...... 1111111# 111 tM 1iu, 61rwte w1fldt lll1J!W eut Cll 'flupMr1!9nns 111 tht Mlfl1M, Tt•·• 1rt1 tll4I '1-.t wnnl roafl trom bl/Hd!1111. Tl/fld11•1 "'11 tno""lll1 ._, .. "''" r1lllHlll lrom JI 11 11ourto11t Mtlnt. i. ti ti II P~• Tt._ Mltl'l'll Mtl~M Mf"'-"'0!19 .... ..._ H-"°" H01111 ~II ltt ...... .... ,,. l>IM It~ ,.,,,_ ,.,_ ... ·-'"""" ll..WC"'°' Rid 9kln ---.$1. LINll Salltlti Jilt l.llwl CllY Siii °"'°. $11\ l<'rtl'Ol:lk• ,,,,.,. l1rt»r1 ..... Spoll:l"t -~I W11hft1''°"' .. " f1 S7 .. ~ ~ . " " " ~ n " 77 fl n " " .. JI " .n " .. " " ~ " u .. tt .. ,, '3 N n tl " ... " .. " .. " " " " " . " n ~ .. " .. ~ " " n " " " .. .. " .. -.. n ., " .. ·" ·" .Oi 61 !1 M .. " ... n " .. " 11 jJ .lll '' Jt M .... ,, '' " .. IS SJ " .. n u government 1n the United States that believes in law and on:ler if the Congress ~of the United States does not believe in law and order." Gov. Rockefeller Meets Militar y On Brazil Visit BRASILIA, Brazil (AP) -Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller meets with Brazil's anned forces commanders and leaders of the suspended congress today before Dying to Rio de Janeiro, lhe next stop on his fact· finding mission fo~ President Nixon. Few residents of this backwoods capital turned out Monday to greet Rockefeller and few of them cheered. but there were no vlolent anti-U.S. demonstrations like those lhat marked his previous Latin- American visits. The only incident ocwrred Monday night as the New York governor cxm- ferred with President Arthur da Costa e Silva. Wltne.sses said four young men drove past the hotel housing tie Rockefeller missk:ri and lbouted: "We'll kill the son of a bitch !" Police caught one of the men. There were unverified r e p o r t s authoriUes had jailed about 300 potential troublemakers, mostly 11tudents, before Rockefeller arrived. The universJty was clooed. Da Costa e Silva and Rockefeller were reported to have talked about Brazil's needs and problems and the objectives of the military-backed regime "in a frank and wann discussion" in Spanish. Portuguese and English. Senate Hearing Told of SDS Splinter Groups WASHINGTON (UPI) -A stall In- vestigator told a Senate subcommJUee to- day that the militant stude!is for • ~m.ocratic ~ety (SOS) is splintered into seven factions with a group following a pro-Chinese Communist line holding the upper hand . Philip Manuel testified about the ln· ternal proble.rm of SOS on the nation's college campuses after another staff in- vestigator warned that the organJzatlon Is push.Ing a doctrine of violent dissent in high schools, factories, city slums and at Army bases. Mailuel identified the "pro-Mao, pro. Chinese" splinter in SOS · as the Progres&lve Labor Party. He aa.ld four •'Trot.skylte facUons" rank nat in in· fluence. Least influential, M a n u e 1 reported, were I.he adherents ci the pro. Soviet U.S. Communist Party and a small West Coast group which he said. follows M•rxist-Lenlnist doctrine . Hb testimony prompted Seo. Abraham Rlblcol/ (!)Conn.), to predict: "'lb• deys of SOS are numbered." In the H..,. the-administnlloo pro- pcMed that colleges be given autbortty to aet a federal court ~on, which ~Id be enforced by troops If necessary, to stop rJollng students. The Whtte House sent the pl"Ol)C)Sed bill to a House committee whith hu been unable to get agreement on leglslaUon to deal with campus unrest. I L . r Committee Halts 7% Tax Cre dit . 'wASHJNGTOH (UPll -Tbe U.U,.. • Wty1 llid Munt Commltleo voled today lo 1'Pta1 Ille 7 perceiit lljC crtdlt for b""P"• iDY~ .. llbd by Pral~ den&: Ntson1 and drove toward appr:oval of· U•tenalaooltbel!!<omolu~ 'l11e luwrlten aJao approved a one 1"* _.., ol fedml eJdae taxes of !I -oa fe1eo!1000 calls and 7 per. cml oo wtcmobile wblc:h normally • would drap lo I pef"'1( llOll Jan, 1. Tbe panel pWioed to approve aa ... U!S. Moun ts New Offensive; 106 Red s Die SAIGON (UPl)-'lbe U.S. commend disclosed today it mounted a new of. tensive that swept back Into the A &llau Valley near Hamburger Ifill, tM moun- tain that was captured in a controversial and coetly battle and then abandoaed. The new ~ation called Montgomery Rendezvous began nine days ago and has resulted in 106 Communists killed, a spokesman said. U.S. looses were listed at 21 killed and 130 wounded in fighting near the hill that .,.,.looks the -ol Laos. SiJ.e " the opentlon was oot officially disclosed but a spokesman said it in· volved a "multl-.batlalion" force of IOlst Airt>ome Division paratroopers, the ...., divlaion tllat a month ago carried the brunt « an earlier operation, Snow, tn which the battle for Hill was fought. · -Oatta1ion force can run any. where from a few thousand to 7,000 or more men. Flft'y-three paratroopers were killed and more than 300 were wounded in an 114By battle to capture the run which is oo the wesMn edge ol the A Shau Valley two mlles from the border of Laos. ·A spokesman would not say how close the present figlrtlng was to the hill. ' Announcement of the new operation came as fighting flared over three. fourths 'd. SOutb Vietnam. Military spokesmen aald U.S. and South Vietnamese troops broke a Com- munist. ambush in the central highlands and turned back two ground attacks near the demilitarized zone and on the approaches to Saigon in a series of firef~ which killed 211 Communis t guemllas. ·-a-.. • ' tension of the surtax later In the day. Thi acting ways and means ch&innan Rep. Hale Boggs, (D-1..a.). said there wu "no •bt about it." During a morning session, the com· mltlee voted a repeal of the inv..tmeot tu credit elfe<tlve April !I), 111'9, without any exceptions for small hugineu, transportaUon or air and water poUution equipment -as some Coog:reasme:.o wanted. Tue tu credit, first tmpooed in Ila lo stimulate the economy, acta u a SS billion annual suhOdy for bnsine-in- vestment by allowiDg firms to write trom Illes $7 for every 1100 they spend for new equipment. Republican oongresslooal leaden said afl<s' a !wo'bour meeting w1lh Nhoo this morning that the chief ueo.1Uve wcuJd balk at any further oomprunbe lo win approval ct bis tu packace. Evans Of ficer Wo n't Testify In Crash Probe SUBIC BAY, Philippines (UPI) -The officer in charge of the U~ Frank E. Evans when it collided with an Australian aircraft canied refused today to testify before a Board of Inquiry without "full constitutional rights." u. (j.g.) Ronald c. Ramaey, 24, o! Long Beach, informed the board ol bis decision through his legal counsel, Lt. Frederick F. Tilton of Mariemont, Oblo, on the eighth day of bearinp into the cause of the crash that killed 74 Americans. Tilton said he advised Ramsey not to testify because hiJ requesta to see the testimony of previous witnesses, to recall witnesses and to crosa-ei:amine witnesses had b~:n denied. "Mr. Ramsey, after careful con- sideTaUon of this advice, declines to make a ·statement at this time, reservblg, of course, the right to testily before an,y board or formal board herelnalter con. vened which has the authority to grant him his full constilutimal rit!hb," nttoo 6aid. The board of three U.S. Navy and three Australian Navy officers, called to ?elennine the facts and not guilt ad- }outned for , a closed meeting. A spokesman said no more witnesses wwld be called today. Ul'IT1 ..... FI RST LADY SHARES LAUGH WITH PORTLAND STUDENT Pat Nixon Vi1its Adult Literacy Center Dur ing Four-day Weit Ca.st Tour Pat Nix on Kee ps Cool • In Port ~~ H,e ckling PORTLAND, Ore. (UPI) -Pat Nixon, who kept her cool during a mock "napalm" bombing by anU·Vletnam war protestors, tours dRy CARE and braille centers today before flying to Los Angeles. The first lady and her married daughter, Julie Eisenhower, were on the second leg of a four-day West Coast safari to spotlight nationally local volunteer programs to belp the needy. Before departing at 2:50 p.m. PDT, Mrs. Nixon planned to motor 20 miles to a farm.lng area to visit a day nursery for the children of migratory workers and a Jewish teinple where the blil"ld are talJiht braUle by volunteer tutors. Her journey, which she. described at the outset as a "ligbthoaned tr1p" was mat· red Mooday when pr!JlA!llm i!llowered down pttper from a top-floor window. The slips read : 11U this 'Were DI.palm, )'Oll would be dead." The confront.aUon with de.mon.matora ocrorred when she an1vtd at the bead· quart.en of a 14-haur volunl.eer emergen· cy se.rvlce ln an old ghetto neighborhood church. Many anU-war groups had their he•dquortera in the eame building. Mrs. Nixon looked pale and slortled, but_ chose to ignore placard•wavlnc • members of the Portland chapter of the Resistance, a national anti-war groop. Later she was beset by several members of a group ca lling it3el{ "Conspiracy From Hell '' (WITCH), who wore black witches' costumes and put 1 "hex " on her in a chorus: "Mrs. Nixon : millions die but you don't cry," they chanted. "Thi.s hn on you wnl au come true." A huge banner held up by iroteston also read : "How many people have you killed today? How many have you allow- ed, to starve? $70 million a day spent to V~-why?" The demonstration came as a surprise and a.trs. Nixon's wary Secret Servke guards c1,1t short her visll Later, the PrWdent's wUe 18.id of the ~ that she did not "gel a good look •t tf}em," but her daulhttr Julie, a tilt perturbed, said she tliought the plc>A. were ''out of-place." T Ih the evening, Mrs. Nb:on and her t t'ry toured a tense black gheUo area t his produced a raah ol fb'e bombrnp d!Sturt>anc.s lh rec<nt days. She ran no trouble except for one black ~r flag hung on a press bua. But aboUt )n hour after she left, tome rock throw1flg tnd one &mill £ire produced ¥Nft1 allhoilgb nobody was hurt. ' Red World rQUEENIE ______ B~y_Ph_ll _lnl_•rl_and_• Summit Meet Ends MOSCOW (UPI) -Leaders or world Communism today adjourned their first summit meeting in nearly 10 years and called for a new and bigger conference to Include 'both Communists and 1•111 anU·lm- perialist forces" even though they be non-O>mmunlsts. Se rgei Lapin. dlrector - general of lhc Soviet news agency Tass, said 13 delegates to the summit have been nam - ed to make plans for a new meeting. He said it rould be years •way. c.._ ..... _._. ......... Such a summit would in-l ___ .:'"!!"":!!.:!-~=-::-:::...:....;b~·:!.17Z..:::=;~~~=~::.J elude Communists and non-• Communist left wing groups •1Yoa eeet No matt.er how rich you an you juat I •• I d ••••t buy SO'.,,.-.:_,__, •• as ong as 1o11ey are p e ged lo _______________ w_~------- fight imperialism . The summit adjourned wllh an overwhelming majority of the delegations signing an of· ficial declaratron of "tasks of the struggle ·against imper· lalism." T~, .luM 17. 1969 American'Killed in Mideast By UDlled ~ ..,___. A JS.year-old Amer le a a woman tourist and an hraell civilian were killed today and four other persons including an American were wounded when they were caught Sn an artillery and mortar duel between Israeli and Jordanian forees near the Dead Sea. She waa the fim tourist to be k:lU- ed tn the border warfare. The Israeli Army withheld names of i.he vicUms of the lhree·hour border clash but H"'••ah ffo1pltal In Joruaalem ldmJIJe.i the dead woman u Shfrley Anderson' of New York aod her companion u Elleon Bonnett 21. of Lodi. California. Miss llorinett suf· feted a shrapnel wound ln the orm. 'lbe two women had been ln Kln&hasa, the Congo, where they had been working at the American Comm.unity School for the pa!t two years and had pall!Jed In Israel durUlg a pUgrlmage to the Holy Land on 1helr return to the United chaJlalng and let n.. to two ~'f.· wounded In the attack lull patted ntarby. was a 5-year.old Arab taxi Qalya ls only 15 miles from driver who drove the two girls Jerusalem and bau!y three from Jerusalem to the Dead miles from lhe . Abdullah Sea. 'nle women were chang-B~dje l!pannlfti the Jordan iog for a swim when a River. Russian-made 122 millimeter An Israell spokesman sal~ ehell slammed Into Qalya the tourists had stopPC!d for Beach on the northern ahore of refnshments a& the Arab-own- the Dead Sea In what b now ed Lydo Cafeteria near Qalya occupied Jordan. when the &hell alammfld Into Shrapnel riddled the cabana the parkin& lot as they were In whicll the two women were changing. liiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii New Yorkers Go to Polls NEW YORK (UPI) -New ABM Opponents Fear Senate Sidetracked Yorkers choose Republican WASHINGTON (UPI) -win over the public. Opponents o! the Safeguard ~ Sen. J. WUUam Fplbright, and Democratic candidates for anUbillistJc mlssJle (ABM) chairman of lhe Se n ate mayor today, with incumbent system are becoming con-Foreign RelaUons Committee, John V. Lindsay and former ce.med that the issue is said he may schedule new mayor Robert F. Wagner starting to die on the vine. hearings on the ABM to The Senate's attention, once breathe life into the Issue. generally favored to win the riveted on the workability and Fulbright said he would invite nominaUons. need for. the system, has been Defense Secretary Melvin R. Backlash is.rues and crime sidetracked to another, even Laird and Secretary of State in the streets figured largely more complex aspect of the \Vllllam P. Rogers back to in the vo1;,.,,.0 with the arms race -the muJUple in-clear up some new Jssues they REGISTER N.ow .. FOR FALL SEMESTER Summer School July 7 • August 1 Day Camp June 23 • August 29 ... l "''' -hr dlhliNa· ........ 12--A.W "'""" !~ .. ~ •lea. ......... p ......... ~ • ,. 12 Mlly -........ ........... ' 'i Only Dominican Republic delegates refused to endorse any of it, insisting lt was "too mild," The rest of the delega. tions signed the entire docu· ment or parts of it or said they would refer lhe matter to their central committees <1t ~ dependently-targeted re-entry have raised. Democratic candidacy o ( vehicle (MIRV}. Fulbright and other anti· Pulitzer-prize winning aulhor Managers of the anU.ABM ~ leaders also have ex- SPACE CENTER, Houston launch July 16. Norman MaJler,.wbo wants to campaign believe the Pen-pressed concerµ that some (AP) -Neil A. Armstrong, In Washington, Apollo pro. tum New Yori: into the Slst Ugon and IU allies deliberate-ABM opponents -including commander o( the ApoUo 11 jecl officials said Monday Jy delayed a .showdown on the several RepubJJcans -were A polloll Commander Ready for Moon Trip ...... wf .. ,...._,.. ....,. • .,....-...c .. ~ _... _,..... 6:10 ~ te 6:JO P•"'• t; T,..p•rt•IM pt0oftM • c.n ,.,.,. , ... w.....r.. 't Hawthorne Christian Schools · hom e. The l:Htay meeting ended without the o ff i c i a I CO!l· dermation of Communist China the Soviets had wanted. Pompidou Pressured? PARIS {AP) -Preside nl· elect Georges Pompidou is reported under pressure from his old boss to select a faithful Gaullist as his foreign minister -one who would keep intact France's basic foreign policy of the last 11 years. Reports circulating i n Western embassies and the French press today Indicated fonner President Charles di'! Gaulle wants Pompidou to reappoint Foreign Minister Michel Debrl'! or name the currl'!Ilt premier, f.! a u r i c e Couve de Murville. Couve de Murville served as De Gaulle's foreign minister before he suc- ceeded Pompidou as premier' last year. If Debre and Couve de Murville are passed over, another possible candidate is Valery Gisca.rd D'Estaing, a Liberal who once served in De Gaulle's Cabinet. Even if he doesn't become fore Jg n mlrilster. D'Estaing is ex· peeled to be in Pompidou·s new c.biaet. mission, has completed a Armstrong and Aldrin are state, adding spice. ABM issue to alow the an-off on a new anru: race series of flights in a landing scheduled to land on the moon The final elecUon will be tlsafeguard momentum, mud-tangent involving tbe MIRV - trainer and says he feels al 1:23 p.m. PDT Sunday, July held Nov. 4. dy the debate and buy time to a new weapon ready to try lb~ touchdown on 20, and stay there 21 hours and ___________ ;_ _____ ;_ _____ _;:.._ ____ _c: the moon. 27 minutes. I Armstrong flew the lunar Then Armstrong will des· landing training vehicle LL TV cend a ladder to the surface. three Umes Monday , each Aldrin will join him about 23 time reaching 300 feet in minutes 1at~r. . altitude before practicing the 'l'helr main chore wdl be lo powered descent he'll use next take samples of the moon's month to rea ch the moon 's soil, including two c o r e surface. samples from 10 to 12 inches These brought lo e.ight his down. flights in the spider-like craft. "We're getting a very high level of confidence in the overall landing maneuver," Armstrong told newsmen after bis seaind flight Monday. The LL TV is a platform con· taining a pilot, cockpit, in- struments and rockets, and supported on the ground by spider·like legs. Its jets and thrusters simulated its control in the moon's gravity. While flying a similar craft a year ago, Armstrong was forced to eject and parachute after the craft went out of control. Another !LTV crashed last December. A test pilot ejected safely. Armstrong, a civilian, and Air Force Col. F.clwin E. Aldrin Jr. will fly a lunar module from an orbit of the moon to a landing July 20. A third member of the Apollo 11 crew, Air Force Lt. Col. Michael Collins, will re main in lunar orbit aboard lht> command module m o t h e r ship. 1 Apollo 11 is scheauled f 0 I Red Agents Shot Dead SEOUL (UPI) -South Korean troops Monday hunted d ow n and killed six North Korean agents, the survivon from a 75·ton Communist speedboat captured last week, the government announced to- day. A South Korean civllian was ki.Ued in the gunbattle with the North Koreans on Huban Island, 240 miles southwest o! Seoul, according to an an. nouncement from the South Korean Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). A CIA spokesman said the North Koreans were part of a 15-man Corii.munist commando team that manned the heavily anned speedboat captured near the island late Thursday. The boat had been sent by North Korea to contact a spy on the island. original wat prints From Standard Oil Company of California-a series of magnificent full· color scenes of California. A documented history of your G-0/,den State. Ideal for framing; for binding; for teaching chi/,dren their California heritage. . . Hamlet De~ides Not to Be Actor Walks Oft, Says Play's His Last BOSTOr-. (UPI) -British actor Nicol Williamson, whose controversial portrayal o f Hamlet has sharply split critics, marched off stage at an opening·night performance of the Shakespeare classic •,;loudly announcing It was his · "last play on any stage." Only minutes into the second ac t at the Colonial Theater Moments later, Williamson appeared again on stage and in a choked voice, apologized. "I'm exhausted, burnt out, like Ivanov Jn Chekhov,'' he said. • · Williamson repeated his in· tention never to appear on stage again and said "I hate everything I've done tonight It is damnable to take it out on you. I don't care what any critic says, it's a bad, bad, bad performance." A mixture of hissing and ap- plause came from the au· dienee. The actor said he was suf- fering from a "tiredness of spirit," bttt declared he would try to finish the opening nJght performance. He did. Monday, the bearded. 30-year· -------------------- " old actor flung down the goblet he was using to pour. a drink for the queen , angrily tore away his belt and walked off .ttage. The stuMed audience heard Williamson say from behind the curt.Bin it was his "last play on any stage." •. Constance C u m m i·n g s , play ing Queen Gertrude e1- plained to the aud ien ce "":fr . . \Villiamson has been playing Hamlet 12 to 14 weeks, in ad- dition to making a rum of il This Js the longest part Df the production.'' The stage manager, Kevin Palmer, then appeared and told the audience he would try and persuade Williamson to ~ return. A woman shouted from her seat, "If he doesn'~ want to go on, don't make him go on." LET'S BE FRIEllDLY U you have new nelahbon or knoW ot anyone movtna to our area. please tell us 10 th8 t we may utend a friendly welcome and help tht.m to become acqualnted ln thdt new surrouridlnp. So. Coast VisHor 494-11579 Harbor Visitor 494-9361 • '· --Win. -- A Trip With The Angels! $etM llCly 4eti 9MI tilt SM IM d•ltlltef lf•l2J will W'I• • trip wttll ... C•llhnd• ......... Ye• wHI fly Al' Celffentle, j1l1 ... t.-I• o.lllad "" -lltti ... ftlt6ef, ... ..,. 11 .... ""'"' .. tlte .... ,.... ..... "'-'--~,.. ., ... , .. wiR Mt _. ...... wttti the Hel-. -... tit 1111 ~ .. ...., ~ ... ''" , ... o•...., .,,... AN.,..tt... .. 6eh4'.wl>MtMftYYM .......,. ... w.. ~ ,.., ..m., .. ,. , •• , --.......... 'flcl:le ..... c-...1. C.... wfH M '"'94 .. •• , .. -J11t1 s,..c... ................. , .. ,,... 21. P1d., ......... tkbt ........... "' . .- J ... 21 ..... ,.. "' .... c... .. ,..c..... "'"-· . &uth Coast '1ua •· ,, Dlfferent sets weekly-42 scenes In all! An old legend aald there was a land "very near to the terrestrial paradise"; a land ruled by 1 beautiful Queen called C1/1fi1. This legendary land became fact. Flrat settled In 1789, exactly 200 years ago. we know thil l1nd today as C1f//ornl1/ · To commemorale C.lttornia'a Bicentennial. St1ndard Oil Company ol C.iifornl1 II giving away lree-wilh purchase-a beaulilul sarle• of orlgl~ll watercolor prints of historic California altes. There'll b1 different Hta weekly-42 scenes In all. Prlnt~lre 12by18~ Inches. St1rt your collection today; It's your Golden Stete ... your Calllornla. From St1nd1rd Oil Company of California. §m@JM@Illl CC@~1"1'1\a!'l1:1'1"'1n• Free with purchase AT CHEVRON DEAi ERB STANDARD STATIONS @ff ~®JmBMl (In Callfon\la) u 11 I l f r I • -·--- I DJ\D.Y P ILOT EDITORIAL P AGE I ' LAFC's 'Muddled·ate' Ati.r rather sut1>rlslng and Inconclusive action by the Local Agency Formation Commission, the Or ange County Harbor District's future now appears to rest aqoaroly witll the Board ol Supervisors. 1be LAFC, a county government body whrch makes recommendations on government alignments, vo ted 3 to 2 last week to suggest that supervisors call a county- widt elect.ion on the issue of Whether or not the Harbor Dlatrict should be dissolved. This was surprising. to a large measure, because mott of the noises that crept out"of the LAFC previous to the vote had suggested the commission would sup· port retention of the three-decades-old Harbor Dis trict. Secondly, the recommendation was in effect a one- VOU split and thus hardly came out looking like a clear mlDdate ol judgment. For example in the LAFC vote, representatives of two small inland cities, Villa Park and Cypress, voted for an election on vriping out lbe Harbor Di strict. Yet the representative from 5anta Ana, the large in· land county seat, voted with t~e elements which wouJd -the district. Supervisor David.L. Baker, who said llOlhlng wlll nally be changed by atiolishing the Harbor District and d~ared that'neither side had offered sul· ftc!i.,t 1J1U1nenl to convince him, nevertheless led the dU1oluUon vote on the commission. Baker's district in· cludet HunUneton Beach, the principal proponent of dtoolution. On the other side, Fifth District Supervisor Allon E. Allen. who represents most of the county's coastline, vo- ted in favor of.the present harbor government structure. Indeed, the LAFC's recommendation was hardly a !DIDdate. It loolt1 more like a political "muddledate." The big question -yet to be answer~ to any rea- sonable degree -is what will be gained by dissolving this district and substituting something else? Certainly the Board of Supervisors would be wise It it could set aside extraneous arguments. poliUcal bl.alb· er and other buffing and puffing, then judge the Orange County Harbor District in terms of what it has as OP" }X>sed to what it might substitute. A Little Relief ··Maybe A glimmer 01 nope 101 a tuture lessening of noise levels for homes in tbe glide patterns around Orange County Airport appears to rest with a Federal Aviation Administration study involving Long Beach Airport. The FAA has told Rep. Craig Hosmer, R-Long Beach. that, at his suggestion, it will increase the aUi· tude of planes approaching the Long seach facility if ground radio transmitting facilities will pennit an ac· ceptable signal to lhe incoming planes. If in.flight evaluations show it to be feasible, the glide slope angle will be increased. from tile present 2 degrees, 42 minutes to 3 degrees-an 11 percent steeper approach angle. This would mean some 300 to 500 feet higher altitude, with a significant effect on the noise level. If it will work at Long Beach, it might also work at Orange County Airport .. It won't lessen the noise level produced. by outi;ioing jets. but at least it would be some relief for those living under the approach patterns. Any kind of noise relief. however small will be wel· come pending a permanent solution to th~ jet aircraft problem in Orange County. T oday tfre ~ llJ01'ld ttltlncU in fear of rlll1' glqrinm ~~r • . ( I ) ' t t I I l ' ' ( ( ' ' d Los Angeles, Mitaneapoli s Elections Rockefeller's Memory Plays Tricks on Us • s , . • d The Law and Order Issue WAllllllGTO~ -Th< °"tcomt of muolclpal eloctlool In Loi Anpl<1 and M'lllllODOllt _.. the poull>l!ity that ~ urf.n .. eirtabliahment" of leadlng cltl" hu nol plumbed the depths of local .entiment. In general lht urban establbhmtnt in tht North hu taken an enllghteried at· tJtudt on the causu of crime, raciaJ -and \lrban decay. Tbe WO<d eatab-In 11111 contelll II u...i to cJ...uy the leadlnl bull-. prolesslooal And dYic .,...ps. Th<le .,...ps have on lht whale approached city problems from a toclolock:&l point of view. lf poverty, ,...jUll!ce IOd aocial lnjlllllce could be -by dvic and governmental action Ihm it '""1ld be tUppooed that <rime, racial violeoce and urban decay would decline. It II not at all cloar !run the l'Wllts In Loi Anceles and Minneapolis that this view is lharect by the majority. What is particular?)' evident is that the view is ]IOl lhaftd at all by what are !005ely call· ed the workln&· classes. IN TU CASE OF Minneapolis, a Nt1111ca1 anoiyJJ1 by the Minneapolis Tril>une showed that lletoctlve Charlu = who wu elect.Id mayor u the of law and order "had eitremely ltronl appeal to -~ men, to U-whooe educatlonl ended with blch school or belon" and In neJthbori>oodl wtiere Hllbort H. Humpbny•1 DemocraUc. ,..,,.... Labor Party hu had I s1zo111 appul. In Loi Anceln the rttltctlon of Mayor Sain Yerty. 11mt gen<ral pttc11ct1on1 to the contrary, bn:.w.ight forth similar IUJ> port which had not been accurately meund in the opinion polls. '?bl ratJonal auumpUon can be made /"\,.-;: ' . ~ ,~ •'< I • '\ .v . . ' ·-]lichard Wi,...on . . that bolh Yorty and Stenvig effectively reached the kind of people ta whom George Wallace appealed in lhc presiden· tial election. But it is a lot more com· PUcated than that. The Minneapolis Tribune analysis showed that Slenvlg al· tracted voters who have not participated in Minneapolis elections for many years. 1'1lt survey also showed that Stenvig received wide support from political partisans of many persuasions, from variGUJ income and educational level.,: and from all parts ol the city. ,,_ STENVIG WAS STRONG w h e r e Wallace and Barry Goldwater had been strong, He was also strong where Humphrey had been strong, and where Roman Catholic and Lutheran people were numerous. He was stronger where income levels were average or below than where income levels were above average. Therein lies lhe warning to the urban establllhment. lt Is rather· foolish anymore to 1&lk about blue collar workers, workingmen or the working clua u U they were separated from the rut of ·the population. The people so deaiaziated may be in the $10,000 or $15,000 income groups with homes of their own and vested interests in their neighborhoods. Marxian definitions of the working elm do not apply to them, althciug.h they may work in heavy industry, electranics plants, consumer'• goods plants. They more nearly fit. Man:ian deflnJtlons of the middle class or lhe bourgeoisie, which 111 a French tenn describing persons with private property interests. SUCH INTERESTS include not only real estate, but stocks and bonds, vested pension rights, health and life insurance, ta say nothing of the most valuable asset, the vested right to a job guaranteed by a union contract which may have a lifetime value of hundreds of &housands of dollars. These are the people who are now being heard In municipal elections where the so-<:alled law and order issue is featured . They are the people who have highly valuable property interests to pro. teet and it serves no purpose to speak of lhem as bigoted, racist, narrow or backward. They detlded In I a r g e numbers in Minneapolis and. Los Angeles where their interests lie, and they have · the clear right to make that decision for themselves on the basis of their own ex· periences and jadgment or even upon the basis of their fears and anxieties. THE J\1ESSAGE OF Los Angeles and Minneapolis is not going unheeded in Washington. It will be interesting to see how former Vice President Humphrey, who is thinking of running far his old Minnesota Senate seat, will react . He is a farmer mayor of Minneapolis. The alarm is spreading into nearby states where Senators William Proxmire in Wisconsin, Quenlin Burdick in North Dakot.a, Vance Hartke in Indiana, all Democrats, will be up for reeled.ion to the •Senate nen year. It is even passible thatPresidtnt Nixon may revert lo t.he theme ol his speech ac- cepting; the Republican presidential nomination on behalf of the "forgotten Americans" -the common, ordinary citizens who are now making their will known in Los Angeles and Minneapot;,. A Weird, Nasty Rundown T8IS U CHEEVER country. upper aulM'bll, at wb.icb he has leveled subtle and lranlc lttacka before. Only more ao. Jn "Bullet Park," Cheever's people are not merely neurotic, they are insane. The whole thlng Is one well-ordered fortre11s of madntts. Cheever goes beyond the land1c•lpe of his "Wapshot'' chronicles l llMI' '''"· A lltYfl '¥ JeM Cll"~tr. KMpf1 Ml "'"' •l.'I interaction influences acti on and things). Nailles is a n Ice guy who loves his '11.'ife and admires his teen·aged 50n: yet he is not what he seems to be, as Cheever peels o(f the onlonsldn. Neither is Ham· mer, a moneyed, illegitimate son who, obsessed and frightened, vlsUs his haJf. mad e:w:patrlatll mother ln Europe. The mothtr offers the son a plan: Buy a place in Bullet Park, be incorl5')icuous, single out $Olllt young man, a good example of a life lived without any 1cnulne emoUon or value. Then, the mothe.r explalru: '11 WOULDN-r' CRVClPV him on the door of Christ's Church. Nothi ng less than a crucifixion wUI wake the world." That's e.xaclly what Hammer sets out lo do, selttting Nallles' son as his In· ler.ded victim, ln an attempt "to awaken ll'MI world." He nearly succctds, but like so many figures in. the Cheever land· ac•pt, Hammer remains slmpi, 1 paten- William Hogan Dear Gloomy Gus: Al least New York was more charitable lO Nelson Rockefellu than was Venezuela -they allow· eel hia plaae to land! -H.J.B. 1'11Jt ... 11;1... Ntteftl l'IM'tnl' Ylewt., llft M("Nrlff ........ tllt --· IN 'Wf HI ....... ti OJMmy 01t. DflJl'f l"lltl. I Rejection: A Theory ' -. a....;>..t Any opUmism expressed over the miS&lon of Governor Rockefeller to Latin America was unwarranted, perhaps due to misjudgment of the true attitude of the Latin Americans toward the United States. This suggests a theory which cannot be pul to proof, notwithstanding it is of· fered here, . The Governor's difficulties with. diaen- ling elements began In Central America, and ran 'through the northern tier of South American countries, ending in a polite rejection of his proposed visit lo Venezuela. A FEW YEARS AGO North Americans were cordially received in Caracas, though Fidel Castro's agents were fomen· ting disorder in the provinces. The Caracas regime said it could not guarantee Rockefeller's safety "at this time." Any visitor to the south is made vague- ly aware of Yankee-fe ar and Yankee· dislike which does not prevail in Canada. It is easily explained by the difference in culture and economic status. and earlier Yankee intervenUorui in La.Un American affairs. It is now Intensified by a unique iir- tem!lation involving the Vietnam war, and that underlies lhe theory noted above. Latin Americans, resenting North American investments in their resourtts, feel threatened by futu~ "imperialism," and this instUlJ them with sympathy for AsiaUcs, whom they consider oppmsed and menaced by Yankee power. LATIN AMERICAN masses contain large socialist elemeub who hold that American businessmen . with Washington's aid, tend lo support reac. tionaries, in most cases Identified with military juntas. The frequent readiness of Washington to recogni:r.e military regimes taking power in palace revolutions, Ls all the proof the mas.ses need for antagonism toward the United States. Nor are the juntas parUcularly friendly when internal pressurts compel them ta confi.scatians of beleaguered American properties. There is scant record that Washington officials, up to and including four We are much more prone to remember someone who has insulted us than some· one who ha! complimented us; and, in any case, we may remember the com- pliment while we forget the com· plimenter, but we recall the insulter long after ~~e may have forgotten the precise offense. • • • Proverbs come, as it were, from the very marrow of a people, and thus it mighl be thought thal proverbs reveal national characteristics -but every na· tion has substantially the same proverbs, and different languages merely conceal similarities rather than sharpening dif- ferences. • • • The people who say today that the establishment of a genuine peace-keeping organization for the world is "im· possible" or "unattainable" are the same ones who' would have derided the Magna Carta 700 years ago, or dismissed lhe Declaration of Independence a s "idealistic" less than 200 years ago. • • • Sometimes scientists can have better prayers than theologians ; w it n es s Thomas Huxley's: ';God give me the strength to face a fa ct though it slay me." • • • The man who ls In the thick of his torical events often comprehends them least ; lhe demonstrator may know less of what is going on than the television au· dience wat.clling a thousand miles away. • • • (As a corollary, great movers and shakers usually misread the course of hi.story In their own lime, wlUle com· mentators and observers see it more clearly; Joseph Chamberlain, the British &late.sman, said in 1904: "The day of small nation5 has long pas!!ed away; the day of empires has come," but less than a half-century later, the day of empires had passed away and the day of small naUon.s has returned.) • • • "Does your dog have a pedigree?" pea. plc will ask, lD\aware that every dog (and <'ery liYina thing) has a "pedl"'°" - • "·hen they mean to ask if the doc ts registered and has a pure-bred anceslry that can be veriUed. • • • What the new Cabinet will shortly find out is the truth of Clemenceau 's cynical statement : "A Minister cannot tell a single lie -he must either tell none at all, or hundreds." • • • Those small countries who are foolish· Iy demanding tD be admitted to the Nu· clear Weapons Club are really asklog for no annihilation without representa· ti on. • • • Discontent is the first step toward pro- gress -and ju.st as often, Ule last step toward destruction; perhaps the primary task of civilization is ta learn to distinguish rationally between 1 ts discontents. • • • A haberdasher tells me an interesting fact: men with chubby necks keep getting shirts with collars a half·si:r.e too Ught, in the mistaken notion that this will give them a slimmer look, whereas It does ex· actly the opposite - a loose collar mak:es the neck look smaller. • • Young people searching fO!" their "real self" must learn that the real seH is not something one fin d• as much as it i9 something one makes ; and it is one's dai· Jy actions that shape the inner pencmali· ty far more permanently t.han any amount of introspection or intellecticm, • • • Marc Connelly's new book of memories, "Voices Offstage," contains a fascinating: chapter on the difficulties and ultimate· success of his Pulitzer prize·"'inning play, "Green Pastures," which J have Jong felt could and should be turqed into a firsl·rate musical play. with more • pertinence today than it had 30 years ago. Tort ls a Civil ln:jury . s n s y h y h D ' .. n • i• ( ' J v I. e • b b f. c 1' • d ii s A n b s v u 0 a • d c • p ,, c 1 ' b Preslde~ !!!-acutely: conscl<!QOOOls~ol~th~ifs --;;;~;::-:;:::;::::;--:::;:~:;-;:::;:--;:;-:----:=----====::;===-----; silU'illOri, lliiiigh ~l're.sidfnt n made· eome attempt to understand it. The law student who first hears of a I: ••torUous act" might think of tortures. 1· n IT IS CERTAINLY NOT of record that But a "tort" is a private or civil injury Law in AetiO'n r Wuhington undentanda the. causes, .or the principal cause, of the current un· and 1l9t a crime, which is a public wrong. popularity of the United States in Latin A person has committed a Iott when he, America and across the world . It seems by negllaence or on purpose, injures you, more pained than comprehending. impairs your good name, or unlawfully If many of our own people compare the deprives you of your liberty. And yau \Yashlngton attitude with Berlin's just may sue lUm for damages. before the Hitler rampage, tt is not Some people think that you can't be surprising t.he Latin Americans are even guilty of a tort Unless you meant to do more convinced. They simply find harm. But for some injuries the wrong- nothing to dispel the fear of a great doer rriay be held Uable for neglige.net, American aggression a1alnst their In· wilhoot ttgard to hls intent. dependence. Let's II)' a driver forgets'1Tsigb! ... This Vietnam war Is doing the United Jefl turn and cuts acrou your path, caus- Sl..ates, at home and abroad, more idjury ing a crash. A court might well find that than any development in Its histotf. It is he had committed a tort through leaving the nation a vast indurat.ed shell "negligence." He jusl didn't think, of frowning military force, no more the but-lhe ~ Ui saying -be: ahould ba\le "last best hope of earth," no more Otting ~ thinking. the Statue of Liberty lnac'1pUon beckon. To hold the defendant liable tor ing to "the huddled masses yeamlng to demages, or course, the court must nnd breathe free.·," that hls act was the "pl'01imate cause.'' Quotes Veda Valle, Oakland -••Let• 1 vociferously protest the now 0 t pornographic literature with whicb we are belna louodal<d." I Suppose, for Instance, yoo walk by a bulldlnc on which painters are WM'klnC on a ICaffold. One of them cartleuly kicks over a cen of paJnt. Another passerby sees the fallinl can, and, in his h'aste lo get out of the way, joalles you, and CIUMI YllU to lllumble rtght under I.he paint can. The palnter•s carele.uness, ' ) not the pedestrian's, ls the "prollmate'' or direct cause or your harm. The 'painter here would be the "tort- feasor." When two or more people com- mit a t.orl, the Jaw calls them "joint tart· feason." They are liable, as individuals and together. Moreover. anyone whcl aids, advites, orders, or approves (ii done for his btnefit) the tort is just as liable for damages as If he did the act him.sell. NoU: California lawvt r.Y offer th:iJ column so you may lcnow about our law1. .---Bv GeOf'le -- Dear Georae : My husband has an annoylna t habit. Every time I nag hlm he pours a bucket of wattr over my 1 head. What 1hould t do? SOAKED Dear Soaked : Give your husband my btsl re1enis. \ c h s c F t• ti a h a I• • 0 ( d ' p 1 • ' ( ( t l f"""'1, ~" 17, IM -OAll.Y I'll.OT lj CHECKING. 'WhereDo WeGo' . • tiy(ury ·Waiting for Blast -~ ' . I • •UP• I Sacramenw Asks Chemistry Experiment Goe~ Awry World's Best Bed Is Without Piano By L. ~f. BOYD MATRIMONY -Penniless THAT YOUNG LADY over fellows who marry rich ladies are not numerous. In racl, the age of 18 whose feet are they're rare. For thlt mat· bigger than her mother's is ter, men of middling means the exception now. . . who marry even f!iightly \YHAT'S SELLING wtll? Am wealthier women are in ttle ~dvised a merchant could minority. Financially, most 1nake a little fortune today If men choose to marry down, he sent a shipful of old bras,, women·,up. 'Illa~ is why rich bedsteads to Africa. . .. "IF spinsters' considerably out- YOU DON'T believe in the n-u,mber rich bachelors. IJ. is conventionalities," said Abe also why a poor girl's chances Lincoln, sagely, "Try wearing of matrimony are staUstically your wife's hat to church ." greater than a rich girl's. In SOME BED -A third of his observlll& the. foregoing, Dr. life -that is how much time Pau1 Glick ~of, tbe bureau of th e average fellow Is said to census sadly noted, "Wealthy spend in bed. Why should a girls often get left over."· Pity. bed therefore be little more CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q. than a box springs with a mat-''What 'was the shortest putt 1ress on it? Why, indeed? A ever missed by a professional British manufacturer h a s golfir in a toornament '!" . ,\. turned out a piece of bedroom Can't say. Know what the furniture to answer that longest putt was, however. A rhetorical inquiry. Controled gentleman named R. W. \Vith pushbuttons on a nashy Bridges ,hit a 196-yard hole·in· dashboard, this marvel of one with his putter at the m e r chandlse electronically Woodlawn Country Club in opens to twins and closes to a Kirkland, Mo., years ag9. double. It's heated separately Some putt, what? and automatically on both TRAVEL ~ A San Fran- sjdes. And it's equipped with cisco girl says her father, an two radios, one television set, air line pilot, has visited more telephone, shaver, diclating than 50 countries since World device, automatic tea brewer, War JI. Intetelting. However. silver beverage s e r v i c e , an Australian writer named massage machine, and a mink Derek P. Crau!ord has done spread. No piano. Eighty him some better. M r . years ago a maker of musical Crauford has visiled more instruments marketed a piano than 150 countries. Mr . with a bed in it. But this bed Crauford has been nominated has no piano. An oversight for the title or "World's Most Sirhan Has More Time Says Mother 1: ·et ·your ,table ~ yVi.tJ1 .1 Ft~v8' .~anc,... . ,~',fine~ china;~&oiit RICHFIELD. ~· ' '~ '·~·· .i .... '. ! ·~''' ~~. lili>\..i('tno\-.•. ... ., . .,,. • maybe. Traveled Man." A l\fATRIMONIAL EX-INSURANCE -How much PERT who teaches a course in life insurance does a family ''How to stay married" at a need? A financial fellow who major university Ulinks every has made a study of the mat- engaged couple should share a ter contends the equiva1eot of joint bank account for at least fi\re years' income is just three months before their about right. Sounds high, does wedding. . • . "YOUR LOVE it not? AND WAR MAN is derelict," Your qu.estiom and com· ''rites a girl named Rose, •'in ments are weleot1Ud and failing to report that the most · will be used wherever pos- effective device a lady can sible i1l "Checking Up." employ in her efforts to Address ma j i to· L. M. become acquainted with mem-Bo11d, in care of tht DAILY bers of the opposite sex is a PILOT, ~% 1875, Newpor' faulty cigaret lighter." Beach,.Calif,., 92863. Special Campus Bill .. Orders 'Get Tough' SACRAMENTO (AP) -A campus discipline bill bluntly telling educators to get tough with violent campus d.issi· dents is moving throulrti the legislature today witfi the strong endo~ent of the Assembly Education Com· mittee. Assembly Ways and Means Committee -would : -Require the University of CalilQmia, the state colleges and junior colleges t o disclpllne faculty members, sludenls and staff convicted of a crime arising out or a cam· pus disturbance. Opponents of the bill pro- tested l h e administrators already have this power, but proponents complained the campus chiefs seldom used it. -Cut oU for two years state financial assistance to any student committing an act "likely to dimlpt the peaceful conduct cl. campus activities. School goVeming boardJ would decide whether to revoke the SAN QUENTlN (AP) -The motber ot Sirhan Bishara Sirhan says her son is "not happier" but has '• more freedom" and gets along· bet· ter with officials now .that he is on Death Row in San Quen- tin Prison, as compared to the Los-Angeles County Jail. Mrs. Mary SirbaJl made the statement after she a D d another son, Munir Sirhan, 21 , visited for the second straight r day Monday with the con. demned assassin ol Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. Mrs. Sirhan also said that when "the truth comes out, people will understand more , .. " She said this would hap. pen when an appe;al is filed In Sirban's conviction and death .penalty. She did not elaQorate. The mother plamed to retlim to Los Angeles with friends after she saw her son again today at the prison in the last oC four visits allowed l)y relatives of Death Row prlsoners. Brother Munir had visited earlier in the month before-lhe mother's visits. She said Sirhan likes San Quentin and its guards better than the Los Angeles County Jail, where he was beld for almost a year. Mrs. Sirhan said he is "not happier" but has ' ' m o r e freedom, reels settled in" and gets a1oog betlcr with of. ficials. She said It was still un- decided whether San Fran- cisco attorney Melvin Belli would enter the case, In· dicating there were some legal difficulties. Oughton Death Inquest Slated "We.'re trying to stiffen the backs of our administrators," said Chairman Victor V. Veysey (R-Brawley.) "One of the difficulties ha s been that our administrators haven't acted like they are running the schools." The bill is the pro- duct of a special bipartisan compromise committee and are companions to crimina1 penalty legislation for troublemakers. ·The bill -which races a se· cood hearing before t h e aid. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A Panthers To Testify? -Allow chief administrative coroner's inquest Into the kill· officers to proclaim campus ing of an unarmed man by "states of emergencies" If police who believed be might disturbances are beyond the be a freeway sniper will begin control of campus police. Peril July 1. to person or pr ope r t y , Dr, Dona1d Stewart, chlef sabotage, fire, Oood, epidemic, hearing deputy of the cor- riot, earthquake and civil oner's offlce, will be ln charae disturbances woold be the of the inquest Into the death of SAN FRANCISCO (AP) _ reasons for the emergency Donald Lee Ougbton, 21, the Three Black Panthers who, hs;;ta~te~.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:o;;:o;>;;;t:n;igh;.:l ;;o-;;I ;;:June~t;lt;lt;. ;;;;:;;;;;;'*iii sought to avoid testifying1~ befo,~ a federal grand ju"' by voua ••oaLru. _ __ ..ioxoltine the Fifth.Am •·-1· -Fft · · ~nF.-~-- may be ordered to answer cer; ':. -~ taln questions under an im-ii You want to Mii 1om1 Item nntnity guaranlee, a judge has •i th1t you no lonvtr need but r uled. someone .1 .. can UM for U.S. Dislricl Court Judge N 0 T O y ER $ 5 0 Oliver J. Carter held Monday : he had the right to compel • ? '• , , , Steve Snead of Denver, Larry •i • • • Feed Crawford of Indianapolis : ? Carter of Minneapolis. and YOUR ANSWER to testify with immunity when : You cill THE DAILY PILOT, ask for they appear before the jury • again Wednesday. : Cluslfitd Adv1rtl1in9,. and pl•c• • U.S. Di!l Alty. Cecil Poole f had applied for such a decision :; after the trio declined May 4 : to answer questions regarding : alleged "interstate travel to f organize, promote and en· :; courage riots and teaching and ..,. demonstrating the use and ; making of fire1m1s and ex· • plosives. '' : PILOT PENNY PINCHER CLASSIFIED AD I AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE Defeated Again 3 2 2 LINES TIMES DOI.LARS SACRAMENTO !UPI) - i : I The perennial "learn. earn D I A L N 0 w D I R E c T ! and reimburse" plan to ad· : ! l'•nce lu ition funds to Slale i 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 ;i • . ,,,. ~""J'!lli ., • ll,."adas a touc~ of elega~ce'to· ~ ryieiil. .Royal Elegance fine china. Witn:a d.eJicate, lloWefed ~8"! jlld Sllver-trjninled - , 9dge:Yours·toroi.J!y ~a P,latl&'siittirig.(lncludiilg • • dinner plate, salad p)ate,.cllp an-dsaucer) when you flllup;wlth,at laa&t eillbt·Qali9,ns cit gasoline.at·, ;. participating Richfield statioi\s. And you can even 1charge your place settings and all acce$sory pieces on your Atlantic Richfield credit c.r.d.·, : · · , . 1 • • ,_ '~r .ii,; ~, .. ~ ~-n "\'.15 , .: . 4-P,iece sip settll'9 only ' .. ' •• r • ' e ' • • • ; Wang, who described ~ cbemlcals as "all bad atuf[." said he wei m.aklna I "volatile boron c om po u n d from. another boron com- pound" and was separatinC the mltture when the fttme developed. "I told everybody in the room to leave and got out of there qulckly," Wang said., "It's just bad luck, I've done the e.zperlment many times." BEST Th• DAILY PILOT off.rt..- of fflo bo1t fo•ktH, by •riw•I IWl"'IO'f of Nd an, O'tlollobla t.I 011y ~·••P•,.r in th 11otion. .. .. ' ' ., . . ' • ' . , .. ) • ' f, , , .. College. and University ~f L 1, ... "" Nd c....,. Mf.tUt, i Calllorru a .•!udenls hes again AND YOUR CREDIT IS GGOD I been reJected in the L!:'!~~~~--~_::...:.:::_::. __ -:----~-_::.:::~::.===:.::'.:'.:=::'.:=---.... --.::·~-~--:---...:.-~:::~~~= Legislature. '''~'''' ''''' ''' '''' '''''''''''''''''' ''"' ·- , ' • .. .. ' , . .. , I 1 I . • I I \ t I I ' . • • MEETINGS TUESDAY \l~ler-Ill' Warid W1r l & New MeUI a.rr.cll1 1?•9. Amtt!un Letlon H .. I. $6S W. ll!fl Etrtel, CDJll MH•, •:OD p,m., POI l...:k. Rcrt•rv CIUO ot N~ B1lbOll, 1,...,lfll COl$l COu!\fry Clutt. HOO E. (Oof•f H~11. COO'-0.-1 M1t, l :XI 11.m, 81itx. BIY Lions Club, I/Illa ~rlna, !Gd 81nl* Orlve, Newpor'T ee.<n, 7 1>.m. (HJ llffCt. To•11,..,.,,~le., Club, 101 R•ncll H"'°'"'· 1600 PK!lk (Mll ttl1Jhw1y, 7:0D 1>.m. Hun!lngron k Kll Elk• Looee. Elks Locl\M!. ll(M Oc...., Av~. tlu,.111111- 1~ 8ffdl. 7:30 "·"'· SOIOiff'I' tor "'°' PraeNeflo<o A En-COllr~ of Bllfblr ShOoP OU.r· !el Slnlllflll ln America, N-rl Hart>c>r C119Ple.>. Colleve Park Scfw>ol, nm Notr1 Oeme, Coot• Meu, 7:•5 p.m. 04<! Fello<owl L<Jde.e No. Ul, Odd Fl!I~ Tetl'IPle, 226 Main St1eet, H....,11""°" Bndl, t :OO p.m. 1.0.0.M. Moost' No. 11!ol, 45 E. 11111 Slrtoe!, C<Jill MPH, l !U p,m, Balboa Ski CIUO, Ne-ttt 11\n, N..,.por1 8HCll, I p.m. Se1 1nd S.!1<' AUOUOC!fl Society, SPUr-R_,.,, San!• Alla L\brerv. 1111 ""' Rou srree11. S.n•• An1, 7:JO "·"'· Soum Co..tl Acllve ~JO Club. V\11- lnn, Ut Mlrlne, 81!001 11i..nc1, 7:311 . ~. Orllllle County Ch&Pftr of the Ol&btln Auocll tlOll of Sou~n (lllforni... Otl/'lfe County Hfflth Dept., tftl ""' R* ttrttts, S.nt1 ,t,,.., I p,m, WEDNl!!SDAV Cpslt Mtu-0ro11r19e eo.sr Lions C l11tl, Odie's, 212 E. 17111 $!., Cottt Men, 1 1.m. B~ FltrM T~1tm1!ltn Club, Mesi Verde Country Club. CO'l!t IMw. 1 •.m. CHfl Mui Oollmisl Club. Cos11 Mew G<llf incl CounlrY Club, f?Cl Golf course Drl~. Co1tt Mew, n nOOf>_ Hunllnglori BtKll Exdlt"llf Club, Sl'lert!Oll Bt lCPI Inn, Hunllritlcn St~. 12 noon. Wutm11111er 0i>11m111 Ct11b, Klng•s Tttilt Rnt11.1r1nl, Wnlmln•I~, 11 llCl)ll. , Cost. Mell lilG1t.Y Club, Cool• Mesi Golf Ind Count<)' Club, CCIII Me~ ,,_ Fouflf1ln Vtllev Exc.fl1"" Club, Ft~n­ colf', 111$1 Beech Blvd., Hun!lngtllf\ Bud!. 12:15 p.m. DEATH NOTICES BROWN 5111rlw J . 8 ..-n. A!#e 37. ¢f 245! Or-t Ave., CC1!& Ml!NI. Diie of dt1M\, J unt I. SIJrvlwe<I bl' molhl!r. Mn. L!i. 8l'QllOTI tricl -sl5fer, Gr1wrslcle seNloeu wlll be held We<l- nr.llhov, 2 PM, P1c1nc v" ,'Nmorlt! Pm. Dir.tied by Bell 8rotOw•Y Mor!utrv. 110 Broadwty, COll!t M""· Hermtn r . Ellefl'tt. Aot lt 111 11\H KlflVldM, Redondo &Nd!. survived b'/' WI~ Doll:ns; tour bt'«hen, S1m-u.-I O., ol VlrPinki; Lvn_.s, of Hort!\ Clroltn.; J1rvll. C.llfonll1, ""' AlffH, of V1twlnll1 fltfw iii.ten " t!I trun Norm c.nilln.1, 0c>1ores Prla, RO!o91M ~ eflO Mflrv Lemon. $lerVkel, tocr.ty, T~y, 2 PM, Bell Sl'OldWlly Ch.,,.!, wllll Rev. B~ Kurra ot'ficllflnll. ln"r- mMI. GJ'Mtwllle, Nortll C1rollN . Di- r~ by &en St1;Nldl!NV Mortutrv. Coslt Ml!SI. RULLOCKS Frfderkk D. Bllllodl•. 139<1 lllue Lin~m O&n• Point. Diie ol dHlh. JUN! ii. SIJrvive<I by w!le. Corinne (I. Bullock, D•nt Point, afl<I tDYr 9r1riclcllllO~. Prlvtlt ser1lcu wll1 be held TPlund8Y, I P1:;1~ftlt Cll•Pel Al Pldlle View. Ent t, Mau10- 1eum df ~ Ptclflc, Pecfflc view .w.nori.1 Parle Ftmll'I' Wll!IHIS Ihm• wltflt1151 to mike "'""°"i,,1 conlrlb!r !lonl, dtt'f (;(ltllrlbu~ !O 1'lle A,rne-r+ ic1n C1ncltl' !ocietY. Dlrff1td by Pto;lflc view ....,,..ruary. HALL Ju nnlM Marie Hiii. Alie '' ol 1•991 HOPtl St.. ~tmlnster. survived bv -IS. Mt. incl Mrs. BrTll H1lh two Jlsltn. StKV Ltt and N~I De Riv. Service•. S.1twaav. 10 AM, s.rrH!h1 (!lapel. lntemlffl!, GOO<! 5-nel>· ller<I Cemetery, Smll!I• Morlu•rv. Oi~s. ARBUCKLE & WELSH Westclilf Mortuary 421E.17th St., Costa Mesa GIMm BALTZ MORTUARIES Coroaa del r.-tar OR 3-9450 Costa Mesa !\11 $-24%4 I BELL BROADWAY !llORTUARY 110 Broadway, Costa A1esa LI 1-3433 DILDAY BROTHERS Buntinitoa VaDey Mortuary 17911 Beach Blvd. -1Juntlngton-Bel:ctt- M2-7771 PACIFIC VIEW l\tEMORIAL PARK Cemetery e A-tortuary Cha pd S580 P1ciflc View Ori~ Newport Beach. California 644-2700 ' PEEK FMULV COWNIAL FUNERAL . DOME 7301 6olaa Ave. Wntmialter 19l-l525 SHEFFER MORTUARY Lquu Be.odl 4ff.IS3S Sa11 Clemente •ft.0100 LOCA~ No otlt•r n•wtp1p•r t•fla ., .. JMoJ•, •'l't!'y tfty, •bout wh.11'• t•lllt •n In th• 9r••l•r ""'1' C•.tst th,,. th• DAILY rlLO. ., . Tutsday, J\lnt 17, 19" Easing Air Pressure County Airport T esu Pilot Servlce By RANDY SEELYE 01 1119 O.ily Plltt .Slllf Orange County Airport Is parUcipatiog in an experiment in personallz.ed pilot service. The Federal Aviation Ad- ministration has singled out the Orange County and Fuller- ton airports as locaUons for "satellite" Flight Service Sta- \ions. These stat.ions are used by com mercial and private pilots for briefing on weather condi· tions and aeronautical infor· mation pertinent to their flights. There are 332 Flight Serv ice Stations in the U. S. that are currently swamped with traC· major changes in the weather flc. almost instantaneously and Since it Is an FAA require-gives hourly reports for tlle ment for a11 pUots to be U.S. briefed on weather conditions A facsimile mai;bine is also prior to flight, the organit.a-on hand for quick reference .. tion has declded to set up sev-n 'relays weather maps for eral trial satellite service sla· prediction of weather trtnds tions. These will help to allevi· and movements. 'Miese maps ate the pressures on the par-are a very important part of ent stations. flight planning. Orange County was selected When a pUot comes into tM to house one of the trial satel-office for a briefing, be is giv- lite stations. en the latest and most u~tD­ The new service slati<l'lS are date information possible. He termed sate1lite because they discusses his flight plan with operate as a branch of the Los the FAA specialist manning Angeles Flight Service Station the unit. at LA International Airport. The new station, located in Their function is the . same the main Orange County Air- as that of the parent with one port terminal. has three tele- exception. The satellite unit -The quality ol the briefing must deal with the pilots in -ls much better when handJed person, while the main station satellite station. can also rely on the telephone. on a personal level. HONORS DUE G•ra• co1our11 Testimonial To Honor Colouris . ' ,._ . . . . . ... • 't.. ' <:AB. Nixes Plan UC.I Student,s· Lose Flights ' . travel cooneclloos or aecuring acwvnmot11111w. The lntomaUonal Student Air.In Clu,b has_ refunded student!' fllg!)t money but sqme might find th<mselves out travel and hous ing pre- payments, she said. " IRVINE -A numl>t!' of UC lrvlne students have had to scramble to book new paaaage on .summer flights to E~ alter losing their original lilt •"*"-tbe AtlonUc to a OYll "•"""'litics l<oard rultlJi. Are You Troubled With Problems? .benty chaM lljgbts ol tho lntemational Studmt AUa1n ,.._ .._ ..., wlfll • Ce....., _.y *" ttte.. Clu~ were or~rei!I cancelOd. c;au DIVERSIFIED COUNSELORS Today Too many passelJlf.1'.S on ~ W...11... -67 ... JIM -.... ., .,,.,......., cut-fate student 61.gbts were·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ flying one way and groups on F tbe return flights ,,.,. being mixed, •=rdinR to lhe CAB. · Notice of the cant:t"llat:ions came last v1eek, just a few days before the first charter fUgbt was to depa1·l. Some 2,400 students are alfe<:ted, about two-thirds of them UC or California State College students. • New · "Sleep + Aspirin" tablets help you pop right off to Sound Safe Sleep I •ITNOUT .... ,, . .,0••1111• •L''"'"' ,.u• J ~ (8,.eta!) .... ,...,, Tod: ~lft from 1hapl1 •••r7d•1 !l•rTo•u • .. ,.rt.etM•~·.,..,_,.. M:111lona. :::Ir" t•niiila ••idi •al'-1-... (3) Ll•t but not leut. A;ptr- " ~!.~~ UIN• 1W. t..t aoud. SIM,P eoot11h11 1n1)aak, p1l11·n · r ra .. n,,-p. o otb•r 1lNpl111 11,.,111 uplrill. Tbi• curb1 t.bt ini•· !:1:: ta:t-9f::::,"\'fort • · · 7et 1rie• of common bud1ch110 colds Thief Hits Jack Woods of Huntington -The briefing is not hur- Beach. an air traffic control ried. Maps and teletype re- specialist with FAA, is man-ports are posted for the nier "I bave oo idea bow many It inv.olves from Irvine but several students came in here frantic,'' said Heleft stevenson ANAHEIM -George ofth t"•Maff . Colouris, prominent trade and office~ campus s uU1;Ut airs ind ml11or art.britla, rb•umatism, • N•,.1r kt ore U. t!M:r1tte.n1ucb mu.cul1r 111d men1trul1 ache·• 1nd !• coD1bln•tlo111 t• IMlp 7011 nll1T• p11n-to help you 11.lfep wbe11 th.ti• 1th probkin of 1lHpllhlnet1-t• dl1t11rb111ceii • ..-k«pingyou 1w1k1. Office of Supervisor ning the new station, He said to study. lhat, "the new station hasn't The local station briefed SO proven itself yet because not pilots one busy weekend day enough pilots are aware it recently, but the office is not exists.'' as busy as it should be on a home show producer, will be Students have been ac- honored at a testimonial din· commodated on q u i ck I y ner at the Anaheim Coo-scheduled UC charter flights ventioo Center, Sat u rd a Y, arranged by UCLA, she said. June 28, at 7 p.m., by the ea l Balbe dlna l ~rin~ r.Uv.J ~ wltbnt ~•bit-So ,.i 7C1ur dMp tonlrht wlth·1· :d'J' d~ k o prneriptu)n 11 out th hpr11•lnr aftfl,..d.ett of ~abl•w-;:1:!r ~0!:r~'f-9'•8f.'t! htblt·fon11inc drup. Aaptr-Sliep !u direct.cl 1 1 P e11ntalr11 '!-O b•rilltur•tn. Y1111 pop ' • • 111f to 1l"p, w1ke 11' "brig!it .. yld I TIM teUO• JO~ un f all •hi.tli to ind buah7-tafled" 11otd11ll ordope7. I f•1t and .i.., hlr:.t • IOf I• t\•t D11rln1 lb• nirbt you 1N relu:td eaeh A.8,.,..si.p tabJtt eon lain• Y•t ntponti'l'O to -•rl'!ntlet. ' ..... J lnlT"'dhnte: . M09t! Met cwwe1 , U!!lt11 SANTA ANA _ A sneak But. once pilots are aware day-~ay basis. Sheila Sporn Chapter for the ro rg, coor tor of charter flight.. >I UCLA, thief stole articles over the that the station doe s exist, ii The FAA has assigned two weekend valued in excess of should alleviate a good portion specialists Crom the LA branch S200 rrom the orfices of F ifth or the pressure on the parent to man the otfice (Of' two Dist rict Supervisor Alton E. fli eht station. months. They rotate schedules Allen and hi s aides at 515 N. Prior to the establishment of during the week and then Sycamore SL. Santa Ana, he the satellite station, it was ne-team-up to handle the heavy City of Hope. said an effort was made to Former mayor of Anaheim make departures the same Calvin L. Pebley, chairman of day, but som~ students will be the event, announced that a leaving as much as a week George Colouri.s c a n c e r laler than expected, possibly research fellqwship will be cau.slna: difficWtl rn a k i n a I (I) A• .. t1-llktan1h11 •hid (I• A1p1r-IHp br7,• 7011 bttt•r I • te1\ b7 docton) Pl"O"ftd u d<te-tutor •IHp tban anr 1lMpinr tab-'! tlv11••1 ... 111! d-or pMnobarbi· let roa h1•1 •"er taken ,,. ret11r11 ~ tol ... J'ft A1p.tr-8IHp ii 11lld, ad•. tb• p1rtl7 uatd bottl• •11d t-t •II l (l) A ted1t!Y1 with ,.ntl1190t)I. fOllr MOlleJ b1ek. Mk for Al-pet-,1 .hi pro,.rtle• -l9 help )'OD ttl11 SI Hp t1btet. at dr11Ullt.. UL cessary for all pilots to call the weekend traffic. Every two reported Monday. LA Flight Service Station be· months the office wilt be established at the free,,)---'----"'------'-------------------- nonsectarian Pilot Medical Center from the proceeds of Missing are Allen's favorite fore flight. Some pilots would manned by different FAA em- desk lighter and a valued pen, even call the station from ployes. · this event. Executive Assistant John Kil-their aircraft. This practice is The coets of the satellite pr~ lefer's desk clock and radio discouraged by FAA. ject rests entirely in the bands The dinner committee will include such p r'o Ill in en t Orange County resldents as Mrs. Beverly R. Selway, A. Ray Bradley, Rod Dye, Andy Dudics, John Jezewski, H. F. McGruder, Grant Maloy, Ted Sandeta, George Sandoval, Max Schwarz and L o u and sever.a! dollars in cash The advantages of this type or FAA. Orange County had to from the desk of secretary of briefing are numerous: donate the building space and Rose Carter· -The visual impact of the FAA took it from there. "Sheriff's deputies took our maps is lost when a pilot asks It is hoped by the FAA that fingerprints this morning and for the hifonnation over the the satellite j>roject will be a are making comparisons," phone. This he can't do at the success. If so. satellite Flight Killefer reported. "Evidently type machines that constantly Service Stations can be set up the intruder was ooly interest-revise weather data. It reports through-Out the U.S. Solomon. ed in valuables as our files1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil were not touched." Deputies theorize that the thief gained entrance to Al- len's offices with a key taken from the receptionist's desk in the lobby of the six floor com- plex of the county administra- tive building. The key was returned to the desk, they said and the offices of the other four supervisors were not entered. Man Freed In Holdup SANTA ANA -One of three men sought by police after the holdup or the Newport Nation- al Bank's Orange County Air- port branch has been cleared of attempted robbery charges in a Los Angeles Federal Court. Freed by U.S. District Court Judge Albert Lee Stephens was Danie) Jacques DuPree, 27, of Santa Ana. He was al· leged by officers to have been one of three masked bandits who took $2,000 from the bank on Jan. 11, 1968. DuPree was arrested by Santa Ana officers last Jan. 29. On that same day James Roocoe Holmes, 26. of Santa Ana was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison for his part in the holdup. GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Get a Gallon SAVE 25¢ --· ~ ~&i ' ( .. Bl ' Help celebrate our Golden Anniversary w ith a gallon of frosty, delick>us A&W rpot beer and save 25c. Otter good June 15 ttvu 21 at A&W-an Island of Refreshment. A & W DRIVE-IN 2155 Harbor loulevar4 ••• and save up to 15% Our 1970 Sylvania Color TV and Stereo models have artrived. Frankly, they're outstanding. But, we still have some 1969 models left. They've got to igO:-So, we.'Ve .red.deed many up to 15%. Huny. Quantities are limited .•. and there won't be any more. Remete CentNI C91w TV mod•I CP521WR. Beautiful Contemporary console craft. ed in oiled Walnut veneers and select wood aolld&. FUJI 295 sq. in. viewable picture area. "Plcturematlc" AFC Automatic Fine Tuning tunes the picture at tht touch of a button. JUST $5t9'5 SYLVANIA STEREO AND COLOR TV AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Sylvanl1 H.E.C-CF5'2W e Contemporary e Gliding Doors e Vt neers and Solids e Reliable Gibraltar Chassis: • Colorbrlght 85® Picture Tube • 295 Sq. Jn. Viewa"'le Picturt> • Sealed Air Suspension Speaker Systems • Gerrard Custom Deluxt Turn· table e FM StereolFM'./A~1 Tuner e 25 Watts F1A • Convenient Facilities For Adding Extra Speaken and Tape. Sylv1nl1 Acff.my Coktr TV CF5.57PR e Spanish Provincial Styllnt e DJstttssed Pecan Venttrs and Solid!! e Reliable Gibraltar Ousis e Colorbrla:ht 85$ Picture Tube e Optional F\lll Feature Remote Control e AFC Automatic Fine Tuning • Powtr Tuning and TON." C.ontrol e 'J\vin 9" Oval Speake-rt • 295 Sq. In. Viewable Picturt'. JUST $795°0 JUST $89500 Vo1u• Barbor Aren SYLVANlA Headquarters 411 E. S.venlMnth St. COSTA: MISA 0.11, f..t: .. ,. '"" Cl .... IUMl1y 646-1614 1 • ,at our 'everyday low prices MATCHED SET OF 4 NEW TIRES SIZE REG. SALE SIYr FED. EX. TAI PRICE PlllCE IEACH TIR[) 6.50 x 13 78.00 58.50 19.50 1.79 7.75 x 14 89.00 66.75 22.25 2.21 7.75 x IS 89.00 66.75 22.25 2.21 8.25 x 15 102.00 76.50 25.50 2.46 _.8.25 x 14 102.00 76.50 25.50 2.36 8.55 x 14 1 tJ.00 84.75 28.25 2.57 Plus s~te 1ndf11r Ioctl 11xes P'iced 11 1hown ti G&n.,.I Tir.t •torn. C'lmP't!llli~1ly prieed •I Gt f\t•1I Tire d e'.11•,. di1pl•y!111.1ne Gen11,.1 1i1n. JET•RADAN Radial UPTO DOUBLE THE MILEAGE• UP TO 10% MORE TRACTION' 2RAYONCORD RADIAL PLIES As low as s44ss 4-PLY RAYON CORD CIRCUMFERENTIAL =-BJ;L.t:~ ~ ----P111s U .29 F.td. Ex. T•Jt, illo-l•»tH·f11JS-x·t•l '<# IUbeltSI whilew•!I. e11~~w111s s111htry '°"""· ' i RUBBERMAID Iii i CAR MATS i ~ Tr ims to lit most ~ cars • All rubber• ~ Top quality• He1vy duty \il., ..,,.,u;iy . ·s395 'l Assorted cok>l's. ~ ••• jjp,'!:.!i!'!!f!l'l:IJl'lifl'lliPll COAST GENERAL TIRE AVERY GENERAL TIRE SERVICE i it41 leecti •M. " ............. 147.1111 GENERAL TIRE SERVICE 1221 IOJt 4~ s-te All• l4J·IJJ:6 • ------MEMI(,. AUTO #ffXISfR/fS HICHWAY SAIETY COMJrllTTCC _____ _, • I • I I , . • .,. • ,. A ~ yt. " • " ~. .. • • .. • , .. .. .. .. .. • , ~ •• • .• -' .• .. -~ ., .. "' ,. • ~ .• . •• " ,. .. ... • • .. .. .. • .. .. ,. ..• .. .. .. , • ·' .. .. • .. ·' • • • Tuesday, June 17, 1'69 DAILY "LOT fl ,. ~ ' r ' • For he Record. ' .. ~­... VPIT1lwb9'1 ., . Divorces DNO!tCIS •ILH Jltkf. OtftldlM Mn ,VI Jol\11 Mllltr { "°totnta. T-'t YI GV'(·l4. a.rc'lwt. K•r YI De•llll I'~ MML GIY .. LYM YI ,,,_rllrl It. Mlt.i.. E,_lftal y1 Eui. .. Oarcl• ""''"'· L0trtlnt Elnort ~ llt1"ffliond -+ ~. DolW J-·~ l,,twr1nee .,..... '. 'S.~ 11 ...... t Jt-YI Ktlth •. Mlrti " MCIM.111wunt11. fl••Mll L-"' • P1lrlclt Anll f'tll!rt, M1r11e lrt"41 v1 H.arold liuttnt TT1bllt, IN Gertrude w J1"'" Hlrrr Ncl(1111:I•, lttwlMI 0 . y1 0.vod Ltt V11 ... Otll• I!. "' ltlftdon l(lm F1r , I....:. MltM\111 v1 Amina.. Ltt llort-, Olohtlll Mia v1 M1•t!lo(O ¥le-... Wlw, Mlrlorlt M. ~ IUc.lltrd •W1rn1 Mcll!llhlfn, Do!ln• Chrttll111 v 1 Thomt1 Rldl11d1 Mtloon. a1rt.t~ A, " ltll'lltfl R. C-. Miiion LOUIN VI John 0.vl<I o-, L-E. "" ltoOtrt.o ~ JoM Ll~h!Ofl, Jr. VI H1I....: ltldiel llheM, Jean I. VI Mtrold M, Ill ltouN, WllHIM H. "' Sl'olrllr E Schfidlll, 'Thtodor1 l"f1t1tl1 F. "' Orllrldl1 Elrtd.a HIYWOllll, Jlll'WTll' MINI!\ "" $1Nlr1 K. Burki, lttcl\tl Ellilbtltl "'' Wllll1m HM~ • Btc-11!", C1role L. VI D1111ld ),. Vll\C ... ,, Ntf!CI> Ann VI J1rrv R.nit•I Pooler. 0111111 G. YI Kt!INlll J1""' Alllorrt, L1flcl1 L. vs Ectwll'l:I F. Frank. Estel .. YI P1ul Jolln MllntMI. Lindi E. VI J~11 It. CtldMll, htW Jut "' JUchtrd Hlnlns LllllllL Join EHr1btlh vs Wtrrf11 WIYl!f' Hll!"n, Wtllirr Slrutlltr, Ill "" ROJIMI ... Gr_, 0 1-Stlldrt VI R-!d HM~ IEWIM, C1ryn l. ¥\ KtnN!lh (. Gros1. CMtlH C. "' Ll!IOI D. Slttd, Lou Jttn n WllU1m J. aoUl"91r, Eric G. v1 Ntl\CV E. Sl'oumtkt~. PhYlll Cllud!1 "' ROOgtr Mun-1v Slr1w1111l, Roblr11 K. "' Shftwoocl I. Oe Yous. Frtdll "'' Arltlur Fl&hef", LlnoH Lii VI Rlc ... rd A~n 01vll, Lll)OI ltrf vs Thoms Ectwif! Zlntlll, A""" S. VI Fr•nk /fl. C11rt11.. Rotllrl L. v1 Gtorl1 J. Flltl0¥t>urt, Roumlrt \>I EMii 0 , LID, (tn!I Re .... "' Thon\11 I-left>.~ Johlltofl, J.rikti v1 W1rr.., G. ttctwirv. t11blr e."' Frid A. ~ • , -~ .. ..• 500. YEAR DREAM MAY BE $30 MILLION GAMBLE Arti1t'1 Conc:eptlon Shows What Biggest Ship Plans !o Do Rohrl9, Jlldlltl Ct ... le "' R-Ja~oh ltooedl;er, Wllmt JMn v1 Rll'f!tkl •w~ J\HITllll, S.ndr1 L. Y• Wlllltm M. Le..,11, Sand,. S. v1 Cr1l1 A . l'tl99nl'l1111r, MHl<Y Ellttn "" Nell "~ Northwest Passage t111. J~tl AOl•n "' Lt ..... lrl INTlllL.OCUTO.T U£CltlliS Ftklh1u,, Frink Etrnesl, J•. "' Oona ... -.. • .• •• .. OilMay RealizeOldDream L11\1, Ctllle•lnt 8. Y1 Rantld W • Smlrtl, P1hld J. \II 81rbllr1 J . Volr, AM laub1 ¥1 J-..11 Ptlrlct. $dlu11tt, LJUl1n lf1 Phlll1 S"-rp, ltoi. Ml'TM VI Ernest C • Pltlton. Jtmn YI Plltlcl.a Sir.In,,.,., C.arll1 D. VI RtndtU E•nnl LgW,>, Mt•i.nne YI Ml!llln J1v .. WASHINGTON (UPI) Other Ideas were considered To do the job, the Manhat- CollrtP, Wlnnllrl!'d v1 R1l1>h Jullul ''"'''· June v . n ChlrlH He,..,.rt lruckr. JIMI R. "' J1mes c. GvlllrTtr, JooePhlM "" Henrv Torl'Pl tJtu. 5-h..-on L. 1(1 T11 ~ The 500-year-old dream of a and discarded. For example, tan was converted into a giant io" Nor1.h"1est Passage m a y the oil could be sent in ice breaker with a sptclally ';! become a reality next month supertankers around C i p e constructe(I ~foot long ,bow because of a thin line of oil llom to the East Coast of the designed to smash the l~(oot derricks r1s111g along the U.S. or smalle:r tankers could Ulick ice expec\ed en. route. frozen north slope of Alaska. use the Panama Canal. The The sttip was lenithened·by 65 DeVllbl11, Vonni L. v1 FIOl\lld G. conn1!tv, J1.,., S. vs Ktnntltl w. DU111n, Audrev Ruth "' JOH~ MlthHI Alra, hr~·· lW1M "' Alber1 J•-· 0..ertty, a1rblott P1ltld• "' BtbbV APt. Dorvrn. Joe" "' GtorYt M11ll!I Ml;(lelllr>d,. Ftll\Cts Sl'oirlrf VI Jlllwl Lull'llr In what is being termed 3 idea of shipping the oil to feet, widened by 16, 'a~-its ·' $30 million gamble, the biggest Panama In supertankers then weight boosted by 9,000 toils . .. HU1111et, ltndr1 lY"" VI f'hllllp Vll!"llDl'I Joh-. Mlrle E. vs JOSolDtl a. Mll•dM>n, JudUll LYnM vs Tlrnoflly '~" CtrGfel. Terttt K1111 vs Oe1n ""°"' Har<•ll, Miry Elltn wt W1rrfll ltClftn F1rrl"11'hl<I. Frtdtr1dr. Alblrf, J•, vs • ship in the U.S. ~erchant fleet sending it across Panama by The crew was given .Arctic Annt Wiii.iet the 1,000-loot Ion g pipeline to wating tankers also trai~g·.and. the ship's ...SUp- supertanker "Manhattan" -was considertd and ftjected. '_'pji~s, will in~lude 4/JJrigtJ· L•"''"'· s~u. J. "" J,...,, wuu1m Bovtrll, Sha•on A. vt Sttnle• J . •• • hopea tQ become the first com· Since lbe.,. -~~. ~, wered rifle ~fpi; prOl~jion 'l.mercial ship ih history lo bat· .i...~sr.ortest W'llf --'-4,IDO.-'mlleS'~ lalriit'.polar beari. t. ''"'I ter its way through the ice-from Prudhoe to New Yotk. Ci-•. Salli M.A. Wfi;ht, nUrTible'11 Dentan. J1net Louise vs Lorin llw'l"n(f HerMl)dtr. .llncJ1 MM "" l,,Mndrv Tn,o. 11111 ' ,~ choked channels of the Cana-ty -was the Northwest J)oard chairm an, "Aa of today . dian Arctic and link the Allan·-.: Passage, the company agreed 'l's a big question marJ&..-but ~ tic seaboard with the newly· to gamble on opening the it's a gamble we have to Kln<Mft. Lllml 0. VI e1rbllr1 A. MCKfnneY ..... rift ¥1 Rot' Georte Cawthon, CttDI L VI Edwtrd Fr1ncl1 Old1k1•. An91!1tnt P. n Wlllt1m E . MeCllrnan, P1trlc:!1 ...... r111r1I "" Roblrt Fr1nch • discovered oil fields 0 r icelocked cl}annel. ~ake.·'" ,. Prudhoe Bay, Alaska .. R.tftdl, l1v1rtv .._,.., "" Robert EUltnt Ml......,, OtM L. Jr. "' Btlt\> JHIH'I ··· tr the 115,000-ton hfanhattan can do the job, it could be ·' followed as early as 1975 by a neet of tankerS ranging up lo 250,000 tons which would set up a shuttle service from the oil fields. The next step, some oil men predict, would be a fleet ff 11uclear-powered sub- .,. marine tankers. Under the ~· -. present schedule, the t.1anhat- tan is set to sail from Philadelphia July ts. The Northwest P a s s a g e crossing is not new. Ships have managed the tricky .. straits since the era of the .. early explorers. But the Arctic " ice was a formidable obstacle and the passage was discarded as Impractical. ,, .. Why reopen the battle now? • ~ What Is at stake? The answer :-. is simple: Oil, millions of bar- .. rels of It that lies in a great :, pool beneath the Alaskan tun· dra. This oil is a potenVal profit bonania to the oil companies. Tt could mean lower prices for the oil consuml.'r, and an open Northwest Passage itself could change the trade routes of the world , The Manhattan project ts backed by the Humble Oil Co., which will ·put up the major share of the money. Atlantic Richiiekland the BP Oil ~ne pany will also defray part of lhc cost Jn a news conference recently, Dr. Jack Sennett, generaf manager of Humble'~ supply department, explained the economics which led Humble to gamble on openins the Northwest Passage. By 1980, h"e said the oil fields may be produc ing as much as two mUllOn barrels a day - more than the entire con- sumption today of ·all New England, New York aod New Jersey. • To .make the oil worthwhile to sell, It has to be shipped to market at the lowest possible cost. Humble had l w o alternatives -the Northwest Pas.sage or a pipeline across canada, or one which would run through Alaska to a port where the oil would be shlpp~ to the U.S. West Coa.t and and then transshfpped via trans.<:ontinental pipeline, Bennett said. LOCAL Ne tlhtr 11twu1t11tr tell• Y•ll M•rt, ... ,,.., d1y, et.owl wh•f', teint e11 111 !ht b111tt1 .Jrtn9t Co1.t thtit th• DAILY PILOT. , , A free booklet to answer your questions about Annuities ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • Plta1t und '"'• wltholrt obllgatlon, • fr•• • cop1 of the booklet: "Annultle1 .•• the k•J : to a go kl en 'I•·" • NllMt ....................... ,,,., .•...••••••• ,, • ADORtSS ..••.•...... ,, ····••••1••• ·····• ...... . • • • • • • • • ManufKtu,..rs Life ln1urtnC• Co. : : P.O. lo.s: Ith, ltntt Ant, Ctllf. t2706 : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• There comes a time ln most me.11'1 li\lt.S wben a irUlfanteed income i1 more impcrtant than the hope of cipital pin. And that's exactly what annuities rrom M&ll\ifacturen Life offer. They provide att automatic., auuan1ied I~ ror life., People bavc11bd us many quCl!ftkmJaboul amiuities in the paos1. Important question• sucb u : Can I an-ahac ror M>mC ofthi mooey to be returned to my c:stale if I die e1rly? 11 there an annuity tbat will cransfer the iocome lo m1 wife if she outlives me? How dq imluiti.5 affoct my income tu? la 1n annuity a pn.ctical WIJ or suppleinmtina Social S«urily and other retirement iocome? To proYide you wilh the anawen we ~ ·~lished 1n easy·to-read, cuy-to-uadentand booklet ctlkd ··AMultiee ,. •• the key to a aolden aae." If youn for the asklna. withoqt obllpUoo. JUll lill in and ~turn J. L. PtWOMg~ t".LU. A1ency Assocltt. HARBOR AliEA ··--'let 547.5',/:1 I he covpoo alictft. And if )'OU would like to ___ ~iacus~itialwith~youcouldn't -find a 6ifttt Peiictn to-ulk to lha.o tbc Man rrom ·~umfattUrtn .. ' Brian J. T ... ,.., A1ency Auoc:lttt NEWPORT BEACH Ttt: 547-5621 MANUFACTURERS LIFE R. D. Stenge A1ency A1soc.iate COSTA MESA Tel:. 547·5621 INSURANCE COMPANY .. 0 • khl.lltr. Oonlkl Ordlll n Chlrlollt ....... c_.o.,, J1ne1 Chrl1lln1 "' Robert Jtmf:I P1ul. Slll•on L. v1 Lou\1 M, Jr, w"'''· Mary L. n Cl>ftlef RMoln..,..., IE.._ YI lt-1111 C. Pt ...... Ja.n M. Vt ltlbwf J. Luce, Jovel Ann YI ltlchtrd Clllrt A111t•ll~.J•"4I l'llr11>ell1 "' t1M1 Etr1trv Mtblrr, Rldl1ra LtVtr"' vs CMrl1 '"' ,.,..,._,,, Mlld•ed 1'r1nc• YI Lt'¥11 Ttdbtll, J"llY Ni. VI H111r'1 J • """'9i..1, JIMlllll A.Mt VI R-H_.,. (1•""'· w 1m1m F•f'Olrlcl< "' Ell1tblllh " """ 'Trot11n, Tllornls Loul1 vs 81•~r1 Jt111 Cmtw. l'a1r11 Jovtttirn ¥!. H1ru• Ltn1uel 8•1<Kl'I, EUttbtlh "'""VI Jldl 0. •11UoL OEC.lf:lt "''""°' Louis ws lltl1ell McMlllln, H1rold Euer"' vs Slwlll M. M!!Cllell, Linda Tl\ere•t v1 DthTllr Eu11- M11111l1M1, Am.ti. H. VI Fl ldllld M. Oubi., Albert G-~ Jtul1 Lou Fl111Ulflt, Mt""lft J1rn1t. Jr. ~ Tttrlt '·~ Herr1r1, Cornet11 n Firrrnln Rmnlt IC!lstr, Slnd•I H. 1111 Frlld Mlrtllionte.i, Jtnlt Joy~ on TOllY R. Surrtll. Pttrlt11 M. 1111 GardQ11 R. McM1h1n. Dolrlrt1 Ml•le w Jamtt M1urlce Sttllora. atrM'I II. \>t LI \'Pml Imogene St°"', Linda L. "" Fn<lrkk It. Nee!, Ellen A. vs llt!l>ll L.te PhtlPt, Lind• H1r1etn v1 Llf'"I' Euttnt Otll Rio, Robert A, \>I Kllhletn 0111 8tltr, To'/Glo S. VI Cltrtnc1 J. Co•. Judll!I "'"" "S D•nlel Otuce Slldt. Mtrllyn n L1rrv Eaw•rd R1rtiurn. Nina C•••Y 1111 Jerome W\1111 Ml!chtll, Ktltl'"f11 0!1ne 1111 Ct•I Frtderlck Norlon, Shella 11. vs Philio D. Chult. llNlrlce Ann "' WllH1m 01vld $.herm1n, G'<1r!1 AM• "' Frtd1rk l Jldr. !•nlM.'lmflll) H&•1lell, Alber! Eu•en• \11 Lvrllt AU9111I l1nnulnwnl) JUDGMENTS OWPnt, Allen J. n Bllncf\t l . (er\. lllllmtnl) HJ!dellr1nd. Oltnne J. n Terry L, ,,,._ n.ul ...... 11 S!er1c•r. LOrT1lne How1r1t1 "'' Leo C. t1nnulmtnll Bvrni, Rlthmond Tllom11 "' Bllllt Joyce C1nnulrnln!l Colt<?.tn, Barbl.r1 J. ,... JOhn R1Ymond (tnn.ulrnenl) Births SOUTH COAS.fos,.~t.t' MU N 1 TY Jl"ll 4 Mr. 1nd Mr1 Frllderldt o. v_.n. ll'tl2 OJINM Drl\'tl, Dini Point, bov. Mr. 111a Mra. LlllVlllf 'i'11<111a. IV. 2'1$ Jtw11M¥1I T1rr1c1, LIGUl\I 8tt<ll. "'· ,_. "'S-...~111'J.nL~:im~·-~1"" Mr. Ind Mrs, John O. whlll, "1aJ Chult Vl11t. Dflnl Polnf, bov. Jwnt 1 Mr. l'ld Mr1 Jolln B. Kina. )02 Monie V1111. Coa11 MtH, olrl. Mr.tnd Mri. alU T. Mcunc11 Jr., 1305 Vlt Avll1, S.n Cl-It. a rt. Mr. •nd Mr1. Ju1n J. Flod•I-:. 133 w. C1n1d1. Stn C'.t.f.:'~'· Girl. Mr. tnd Mr • K..,l\llh W, /°""'Oii• 1"81 Saulh 011 Vb!1, Sin c ,,._,,, air! •• .,j,W• t M~, 'B:1~M.7a, s.~· c1e.!~~Z'. 11" Mr. tnd rs. Devld (. Mont1ow, 3721 Btnron lrMI, 5ant1 c11r1, bcw. Mr. '"tr r1. Er.I• JI Vl~el Jr .• Ut OWi v1,·c"f11~1Vj\•·ar . Mr 11\d Mra. Jaftn R. Frtdlrlc:I, UOSI MOfllt Vtrde Dl'lvt. Sw!ll LIOWM, "'· Mr, tnd Mrs. Jerri It. Sch\1111, Ill, 1'2tl 8t rQUl!"'O Dr w. MliilOll Vlelo. ..... JUH 11 Mr. t!ICI Mra~Dlvld "'· J.c;obson, lOlt Jlt:""'"l~1 nll Anl, al•I. ~)!ANG ~ ~i~'? MllRlt1,t.Gl' LICEN El $SUED -~ $PERD-WAIHSJ~'b~l4Sttohtn M .• It. ~I 16'l1 aus 1ne, Hunilnqtofl BHC:l'I '.II'! J 111'1. ~" Jf, ot 9151 1'11~~\'::_p~~·l~'f;~ 1!"';rv S .. U , or "W. Vl1 Com~l\I, P1l111 V•rdtl • P1trlcl• L~ :U. of 202 ,t.11111, 81 bOI 11111111 Limited Time Onlyl Sf4js·a = ---p\~ .You GetThese·convenletrces-..• W~ Buy Now end Save I See ·by Today's Want Ads e Mother needs a vacatlon too. get her a new dish- washer and electric raflill, still in cartons. • Hav ing laundry problem•'! Even royalty would take advantq:e ol a Cwitom Imperial matched white washer and dryer. • Oassy Chau\J! ~fake the best oUer for '32 Ford Roadster. 6n Either the Side-by-Sid~ ~ O~ the Top Freezer Model. @S . Good-bye Oefraating. Bolh lhase Frigldelr11 Rafr!gar1· ,J..-rls\Of\ Decide on the Automatic Ice Maker Either Now Or Later ln'Ellher Slde·bY· Side Or Top Freezer. tors ara 100% Frost-Prool. u'IG" Smooth-gllde nylOQ rollart make ftleM Frigidaire A11frlg· eretort auy to move, easy to cleen behind 0< ben111h. No help need ad. ' EUher right or 1eft·hendod. Change your mind, changa your kUchan artaogement. ~ever1a-door Top Freezer model lelt JOIJ conVfrt both Aever1a-doors 10 right· or left-hand opening. Sld•bJ·Side Is jusl n1lurally ambl· dexlrous. Organized Door Storage. Lots of room to store In the door, Aem0"1b1t egg trays, bolter and 1n1ck ~part· rnents, deep door shell lor half-ga llon milk ctrton1. Mere door 11orege on freezer doors. Happy Medium Meet Storage. Flowlng Cold M111 Ten• ders keep mast Just 1bove 1he f1"118zlng point for sa!ely, yet ready to cook wUhout thawing. ·-N ...... .. blllld Ir! _..,. • DEPENDABILITY & SERVICE SINCE 1947 411 E. SEVENTEENTH ST. COSTA.MESA Dolly f·ft Sal. f4 e Mi-HM " I I ' I Yem" Motaey's Wo1·tla .... ••f lMl.J .._. LN C... Qf. OVER THE COUNTER -A· -e-Bu·ym· g Stamps? Don't T~1 ~·e Licking 1-~~----------1----1~~1.g,; .;~'l!~'il:'~l!i:11£1• ~ NASO Llotlnt• fw Monct.y, Juno It, 19" \W'~' '"" ll~ If .. • + I .t,tw ~ltl.J:Pl~~ .. ctlfllllett T-\t£ n~ ~ -• .,.....,~ ....,.....,. ~ " ..,.., .. ,..., •, A.M. fNM N.\10. Y ... m : n M: ™::! " im"" ~ t \I • ' .i. 1.--k · 1· ·-·Such rr s l"tk-. .......... n&alt.,.,---...., •• •~••' • ~ 1ti..&ve 1 •1 -'* IJ.SYJi.VlA PORTER tend as many auctions 1n your qull'l a rew are 't). c"'""'" prlll Ulg ......... • e or -, ... , .._ LAw c• ca.. ig •ll'f :11 a -1\ You are aware that the area as )'OU can. names wilh the A1~erican ln margins, Jetlerlng, design, -"fl: i'.:.i:r'WA:J lelMlll r S"' § G J"' I~ Mnlltt1 j~ ~ -A-ltv 1"-3 , w. n~ n: =~ . Stamp Dealers Assn. Jn New watermarks, perforaUoP!,.etc· r"' ~:!1~.J .. J'b': l""'l ~ ...,.• r:Y.I ftri "" _I:-~ --\\ \:t;E~n' M ,ff -'!$ "2 st !.,\; values Of·well clMJrien stamps 2) 0on•t waste your money York City 'or 0 n e o( its -can be manulaclured by a ~·r$eCV1111• lnN•~I w; lb= r l= 11U: ~ tit: t! . JJ?t ~ tJ ~lf1 \~ ~ ~~" ~"' t116 = t art 1'IOW rflb\& IS much as 21). on Cheap packets Of Stamp.s. chapters in other blg Citie5, "Slatnp doctor" for the sole De•ltn. Inc~ -tlr.o'\i 14t ~ Moldl M f'* Jlil ~ J ,f" ltt ft "' if" f"~ I!!,,, f~ 2 l lft I j1 ~ + 11fo 30 percent I year. You 're ap-The odds that you 'll find a 6) Do if you know nothing purpose of fleecing tbe r:.~'11 ~~~ :rs::r 12\ot zrr.cri~l;N :o-.-11 ,. 2 -i:Ylt: ?t:. 11 ~ r I =~ palled by ' ltie facl that valuable one are virtually nil about siamps but still wanl to unwary. On such apparent ="1Ji-'10 • ., ~~ :-ltil r ~"·~=·· JV. Jl'li 6N 11.;.13. I ! t =M~ " # !"'' ., t"' recenily the shrinkage 1n the because these n.t1ckels are put invesl for prorit, employ a bargains, get 'advice from a :::r.;"~rw~~ r $w\:1 lj .~ ~:: su• nr:n·tt V:-H~-~ , .. Z , "' ~ :t :rrrin1°'1 . I 2s: ;r ... ~---buy·-power, o1 .Your dollar ,... knowledgeable dealer or other reputable dealer a trusted ex· INTI •• .11 WlllQI IMH ~Tr: 1 l# H•11.11iy ~ U """" It' f111o ~ ,};' ~-' ' -1~ N.., 11tA1i 1 ~ y,. \, :i1~ -\• "'" ,._ b xpe 1 ho • *"'u1n 00\,lld tKI I !! . 'I "" R• 1'$ ttntt tli'I ii + ot11 s1 0.11 •• ~ ~ "" 1' .hu·l'IW', e ltian wiped out the toge 11~r Y e r s w "xpcrt to advise you, to buy pert friend or a reputable ll•va bM11 fllll"· C4"f' i"' 1:M11 .11 ~ $v > !~ ,,. U r -11SG1 J11.1t 1! ~ ~ ··" .,._, ned h ed .. ' Ch.ING (a.It.Id) Ot lrmlH N sit Halol P ' HG ~ 4111 .;t:: 7 •··u ocaCol 1.12 ' 12'li 7 7W-.. interest· you ha.ve ear on almost surely ave snagg stamps ror you at auction, or committee of stamp experts 11 .. i.r ,,...,..11 C.111 :r.· "''ll oe 211 2'* wit l\'.., 1 1·1-u • -:!!' ~81~.21 1 lSYt 3514 ji\l '"•· •• k _, u s f th I ChanH,. lllteu9ft-s~· . NJ II G u ~ E T•I °" ~ • olt P1l .20 :It 41111 '6\lt --your. ·!Mn . savings anu · · any valuable slamps before simply to sell you stamps he (usually part o e ar~e out 11..-OIY. Prlc" / ~. 1• Nrd!u F :iii ;i1v. ~ ~" ~ f"' · 111 1 P -» 11 S1 S1 +·; bonds. they get into the packet. The deems investment worthy. philat.dic societies) which will n1 .. 11 llOt ..t.n::= ~mPiOu'1 11it I~~:::~ ~ = t:'~U, II~ 11 ~ ~t' " ~ //::: 1:: 1S ~; ~ L-~: How can you, the amateur, wholesale price of a typical Such agents today a re issue certificates of stamp ~:::::-11 OI' om-~= : Sl., "'"" :~...,.,.N~ ~ ,gu ~I ... -,, ~ lr' A "' :11· ~ ~ 0~·1::: m :: rn; :u-li~ :t: .• lntelU,e.n.tJy invest a portion O( COiiection of 5,000 stamps is representing l n C r e 8 S j fl g authenticity Ml Corp 1J l' ~ &< c., Im ~t No El.Ir Oii S'IA. ~ lld :e;'.,. n ll I olt \" ~1AO l !ill 11:" ~ +ill. your capital in stamps. to P~ only $12.5(1. nu1nbers of investors; their IN THE Woaos of M11ton iFmik• ~~; !!~~~1 ts ~~ ~'i., if~~ s r.: f~ '4.: 1£: A ~ :1! 11 ~ l\ i,. 20~ 11,i ;''tt ~\\? =1 ~ tect your savings agamst In· 3) DON'T BUY UP, whole fees generally run about 5-10 07.akl, a Colorado st.amp Air Ind l \'I ' E11trlln .m .QYt NtKlr ... l4 ~ I tlit lf 111'1 A 1Jt "1: .. 1.-t!, rs 1-. ~ =+·a~ nation aod probably to make sheets of ordinary new stamps percent· of the cost price of broker who is author of the :~r, Fifi B~ lJ ~~W111 ~ ,:"' t: ~' ~t~ ~~ f:.,~d 1lo""J,Vi ~UI J:l ~l E 17l ,r M = m.-t i;:ubstanlial pr'ofits too? from this or that country -stamps booght. Serious col-reecntly published "How to ~:=' Ld :;...., ~~ ~~~111..J, :.m fi\'.I o.r Sc.lfl ttS nv. t: l~ i~ ~ri.,g..~ 1 • · 01T11So~ ,..-: ~ fr" \'"' ff::: t' u·ERE, FROM an intervie\Y where a currency devaluation lectors and lop stamp auc-Play the Stamp Market:" "1we b•v ·~ '~ ~~,111 adr 2 v. 2i11o 0 J"" l\I~ ~ Janauiv \NII l•V. ~If= '"l_,..-Ol'l'l,d 2jg · :J 45 ~ J .t ~ with Bernard Harmer. pres! could slash their value. This tioneers can s teer you to ad· ''The stamp market is ..• !l~:.~: : ... 1 .. ~rn~· ,, llhr_ OY«•c.11 16 .... ~ ::'fmSul 'i tf Z'JI! .. ' ='l~·-= 2~ 2N 21 rt ~ deilt of ~ew York's H.R. goes for the U.S. too: The visers. Harmer lnc ., the world's value of post·l943 U.S. stamps 7) Do beware or any bargain lier, very similar to the com· ~°"oo::'at 2f: ~~ ~:r-=" lln. p.fflo ~~ Bt? l~ ~1=-· I l~ :: ... ~~~~-" 'll n~ ~ +' ::-k11111 1 Sf ~:: :: :: = r: largest 'stamp auctioneers, is as collectors' items has re. priL-td stamp •·gem" with, modity markets of 30 years ~e~.!;..R ~\;; U ~!: ~:f"F ~ f~ ~•u:rfeDj: ~ f~M> t~:;: ~-:. 1;l: 20"' ~mrt \ J ~~ i = ~-·~-.ta l .-. " '614 ::_ '" bow : 1nained at or below their (ace say. a high v~lue based on a ago." ~ ~~.'..~ !:-~YI ~!$l"!r r~ ~Al ~""&i.1~t..r 1, ... 1j"'-!T~= ~I l~v. 1~ ~~.· ,·tt ,, ~ ~ I~.: ~i:k'J\ 1~ I fi.ll ft:+'~ 1) 0o st.art as a general col value and their sole Use is as Aln Kull ~lot~' F0t ... I rJ" 21\ot 21YI p: G4~n U~ u'~ ~ ~'f ll\lo 1' 1,. ce':n .'1i 16, 'lo '>4i I '>4i :::_ U ConE ,;;,r..'5 1111 " '9 •·-, · lector, investing only small postage. ~ ~ 1J f5 F•1 Grari1 lll ll PEC 11rM1•121ot ~v. Jrklelr ffit i:v. A oia1n 1..0 , ~ If" ~1o1i -.. ,.: "'~ 1 iii' 111 111 -1! sums. Then develop a 4) Do stick to the higher H B 'ld Pl d ~Mf'l'P'! ~ti"5v.~~· 1t:1~:::.-Wefli~ SV.TV~d n~n~~'1:;; :1 n~ ~ ~= cC:~f:t'\1~ 1tt =~=~'it specialty-such as stamps of price specimensandavoidthe ome Ul ers ea ~i1G...,, ~~:~=~~\~ ~5~~~w~:~ ~ n~~~I:. il\'.l ll:~1v~\g ~ ~ n~ ~;t=-~~~pf~~ ~~"'~ ~:f.·~ one type (e.g., airmail stamps typical 50 percent re I a j l "-IKl'Dt' P iJ"" ._\o\ lartl'*I \~ 11'>4i Pflrolt " .Ulft Ull IJ:"'' fo• n~ ADW IOI Ma ' j~ lW. n11i-Ill Contgl ..511 -tS 171Ji lffo 1-~ ed tamps) from a k · · .~', -· ,,.,_ .. '~ 16 1"' PnR.o• pf n ,, .. , ,,, 0 AmElf>W 1,51 1u ~ !~ ~1v.·-· 1 11 2.20 in ~ '"" -.·~ or engrav s • mar up on 1nexpens1ve ex-J • Af.Ui:.l: 39,'",••,.t; ~~ ~ 1~~1,11,:~ ffltl'!;tH" R.eflr, 1™'!!~~/x":•1..!ci ~ ::~ ~ ~=n~1111~ ~1 :1 1l,1.'Nl~1f:~ +'(; particular country or region, a mples. The big increases in F T . ncent .. ves Arc~ 1no ~ Gn Glltlolrt )Ill .WO Pholon Inc ~ 2 \o\ u1 ~o .. ~ ..... AExhllf "' ... ' JllD ,,~ 14't> 14'14 + ... ·~-""M..511 I, -= .§Cl JO ••.•• Or from a particular era. valUCS are taking place lodciy 01• ax I.I !~~~pf !c\"41 llV. gR~1r;1a 13~ if1ot ~\~~-sf" ntt ~! '::.1 rl"" ll"' ~":j!'"ri~ 1Dl J}~ llli 11~ ~~-IMr..pf~12!' 11 = ·:: ~ ::::: Study a'S mueh r e l iable inthis highprlcedcategory -!~~crw""°J ll'l2~ ten:! ~"'3'V.~t~K~~1=~ Prtt.~ fi~~l4~=.1~ 1~ fft rn! lltl=i•E!"'c1j1 ·~.t 11f Jt"' :11~ 31 ·+~ literature as possible and at-particularly, 19th ce n tury LOS ANGELES (AP) -A they can loan at rates lower 8~:r:: ~\o\~llo .~.:iltw !! ... ==~=· ~ttt.36 ~~f'!l.d ll'I J ~~.rl J ~ L~ ca ++= on;o~~ir .. r 3: & L r4 ~:~ J. mutU1I tund inves ting In the . dnelopment and use of the ocean and its resources r-----------Ml .. D~rs.lac. .. •rMlll Slrftf New TMll. N.T. 1'"4 f'll .. M se!'d -I ptoSpeciU1 Cit 111• OU•IMIS"l'pl'lic fund. ini;. Stamps and early l:lirmail "rOUp <epresenting the na· than the prune rate. ll the Aulo Sd f\lt. tV. ~.,Rub 11 1~'1> psbr;::o ~~ = V•I tac,. ll'io *':Mi ~~J,-1:: J n" ira: ~t~ = tt ontrol ~ra 1'2 l4m lAll IAO -14 Stamps. b • , !~~I' l:~l~ ralll!Conll\o\19 Purfi>K 5"' ~ ~000Wdl6 2J AMe!Q I.JO 16 ~.UV. ... 'l-\4 ~.:..ii;~ 11, r ~ =,:.:·\~ SJ Do. if you find an old lion 's 15 largest home builders prime rale is 81h percent, for ..1.1.1-c: 011 1~ ""' ~ ::-.' tt,,., fi = M' TI'°' r,YI~ w..ioe11 R nl'l 1t ~~Jt.5 ,,J 1 :~ '1: 1 1~" -1"" °'* u1111 JO » 41\11 ml '2 ~ I JI " . th [IC 2 l.t>Ollr 1u II jr~ • '' >1 lO "o C t .lllWfl'I P It 21 AmHMGH 2 .. -u... ~ .... '•• ·, In 1.AO 7 :Jl'4 ''"' J1"' + \lo s amp co ec ... on in e a 1' called Monday for tax credit example, a ¥.:. percent tax llolrli At 16 11 ir,_11 115 120 ~~-AP 1~ 11 w !!,,.., 1r' l~ AtnPlld .otQ ; TN li"' 1!'" = ""~ TR 1 16 ~1~ '°"4o ~ -"' and want to seU it, lake it tor incentives and other measures credit so they could loan at 6 !ti..:r;.1 1: 2f~ ~ !~1 ~°"" ~ :~~ U~ Ji~ w~~ lt~ ~'IA !:,~, ·r' ff l;l~ 1~ 1~ :-:''"' l~\! 1~ r £~ ll: ±'~. a representative sample) lo lo avert what it called "a na· percent. 8,·.~.,,·~ lfr.1 111'1 ~d: Tc':i ~ i ~:;~C11 ~ 2ff w-=r:n ~~~ i:l'I ::a ome1,Ft i:?o ,}f ~ li~ Y!l +1:.i ~::1! 'i:ll ~ r~ J~ Jl~ + :: two or three reputable stamp 1 iu; IJYI 1, Gull 1n1 .,,, lDl'I REcce e1111 sa\'f $9\o\ weiH,. M 2tv. 11 AmSoA. .,~ 1• Sl\oli »141 Sf\\ -..., ~ uJ: ,, 256v.. 2Sl 25-1 .. -4V dealers and I or auctioneers. tionwide housing shortage -Mortgage tej'fl'!L91 {(l_tQ ti:.k.... 3'l XIV. ~v·~,,. l~ u~ l(:t: :"'~· J:""' 2'\'.I 1111 Reh lJ I~ A":nl/3 14.75 'H ·36~ 1~~ 1~~ -,.. "" .22 IS 2t 2~ 2t + ~ Ask each how much he con· disaster .·· 50years,somonthlypayments R::~ 1: :~~l~~a~ 2~~2t .... ;=wslf HYt! ww:g'MN7 l,m :,1t f't.!':;1~.: 'J ~'ill: n~-+~ =:i'Jc..·!°.50 x: ~l"' !..~ lf"'-•• ~ siders the whole colleclion to B•1K01 it 9'12 10\'J lb Dbl> x 11n iue av. 1 ""'~'1 °' 61 1 lo•i. ov. 10"' · ... · CPC Intl 1.10 76 Jru 31 ''111 ._ be worth . The supply Qr mortgage would be lower. ;~\:"1.~b :: ~ ~ri~'MJ,nd 1~.,. ~ :,..,~"' ?k ~:,mu~~. fi"" gv. ~"' Tf~-1 ':~ fi"' u\/i !J ·+v, ~~:.":K~·'fo 31511~5'1111~1,1,11~!_ ~ fu nds l·s so short. the Cou ncil -Variable interest rates t11t1uin. w Y'h 10 H,•,,'•redn f 2!~ 291~ •,~ 's~1," .!~ ,•,• ww~, ~hit 16"-' 1' .-.;:;ww~ • ..s. 1 12~~ ~ f:it -""'c rouseH ln lb 1 71-"' 211'1 ,,.,.. -..., JF TllE STAMPS are at· · 1 Bird Soro •I .._. "" '-n ... uu "' ... n11""-1° 3'1' l5 AW "'125 no .... ~rowco1 1511 •1 39.~ lS JS -'Ill tached to the original letters, or Housing p r 0 d U C e r S rising When the prime rate g~r Hll :: l'YI ~,. ~\'! r, ilr"c~";,' ~ ll w\~I Pl. 2~~ 2~ ~-= lftrw: (.u ~ i~ n~ if;t _!~ c~~~ z 2f ~'lo< ff1t> g\!t "":'. ~ .. El ~~ s... ~SI Fii ~ 3 .. Sadlier 10111 HYI 'd'N En "" 6fi Amttek 6I ~ · ·• ·· Crwnl.111 2 . .-16ll0 '°,,. 59'14 5'~ -"" don 't remove them, or you declared, that lending in. goes up, droppmg when the Clr'\erN 13,,.. 1•"" H:-eav JiVi ~~ ~1/1" El ,!.":: 11: r-·d~lec 22\'t 23 Amfac1~ .llG ~ 5n"? U'~ ll:: ~cm r p1i20 iJO 61\io 68 a -Vi ay I h their value to ' . d tlDOlhe c lJY, 3'\'i Hiid PP A .... "5 I .. , Hr' 6\11 A.Ml( C• .lO xUI m.. 21l't ~!'I -..... CT5 COtP ... II l'l'I 11~ 11~ ' .. m s as stitutions are charging 9'n to prune rate goes own. 11o1 c ... n a.a JS H119DI Gai ls>Ao 16,. AMP 1~ ... J1 .u1,1, .. ~:. ~ -,.. s:=~ $ u ~ 3f ~t¥: Jh~ ~m +~ virtually nothing. A stamp g* percent inleresl and it is -A commitment b Y :;"".;!~ G ~~ ~15' ~~~~ P ~~ ~~ = 20:.: 1~~ !l:l :f"' ~~ :-:~Yt fU~~ ·~ 1~ ~ L~ L~ -; professional may legitimately , . tir-n Ar 1n1111 G&W 2t m. "'""'' .n 1' 2«'1 700\ ~ -cunn0 · 10 11 isVt 15 ~ + \.,, charge l'OU for an asseMment almost as difficult for middle Congress to nousing similar to :~ ...... e:es j~h l111o Ind "'" n v. """ MUTUAL ~~2-:i ill ff~ ,"" !?'~ -. ~ cur11.,rtO'r1· , 52 20Y1 20\'I ~ +w · Bull F 21) 21 lnlolK ~ 6* Atu:or NS · 1 20J! ' , Cu•t Wr A f l l.f l.f 3' -1 of your collection, jf you do and upper middle inC<lme Its COmtrubnent to space pro-_l1 =sv 261'z :vv. tl!lrarC eel ..! ... •'1.0 Md C~• ~ 20 tt.tl rn: ~-]'.II Cl/lief' H 1.20 17 ltV. 31"9 31.;, -'lo 1..-• C 2,.,., 26\11 Int nlr ..... ~. 111 ll 6 2J'.'> ~ -V. (:Ycl09I 1 llG 1111 3W. 3"loO l.f'lll -11\ not end up selling it to him. buyers to buy a 11ume as it 1s grams, including legislation c: M }t 12 /::::i!.i,v• lJ"' BYI Ai>ai01ii . .m ~' lklS\I 16~ + 14 CrpruaM iA 11 »"9 s1 n -\ri Typicnlly an auctioneer will for those with lower inco1nes. for tax credits and {unding for = 8 7: ·~.,., 1n11k w~ 1ovi. 11Vt FUNDS ~1't fv~u 21 1~ 1~ 103,.. = :2 -O-cha' Omml·ss,·on of 20 The gcoup said in a stale-Cap 1n1A i• :o 1"1 Mlll :is 26 Art110en 1.60 fj s1•i. s1111o !1~ -'I\ 01n RI., 1.20 29 1t• .• 19b 1,,,., .... ge you a c · housing programs issuance of c1p11 Sow 191.~ 211 !~I ~;:' 1f" g ...,.~Puig"' 1 u j " l'" jll'I -"" D•Ni C1> 1.2s 1' ,,'I\ ,,v. 24-h -"" percent of the sale price of the menl that the recent bank ' lap TKh 61'1 1v. Int svi l'f 11~ ifQlo Ar .,. s ·I: •1 :z s sv. +~Dari lod .»11 12f ~.,., ~· ~·.:.:·vi collection for auctioning it, prime rate increase to 8* per-tax-exempt bonds with monies c''\' lldp ~:~ 1:~ In! Ta,. U\;o 13'4 ..., • . • ~= r~ ZJ u~ ~"" ~~ -1..., &:~~ \".J ....... a,. "11\ -\• I ·f h JI u· · cent makes refonns v1·1a1 ·1·-• f mortgages c:~ :lG.s 1J"' 1J"' i"1'ts1 inc: ~ ~ Arrnr pf '.!' 111 i.v. "" i.v. -v. v1nP1.. '·'° ~ ,~• 1l!l! 100•• ·+· ·;,: ess 1 t e co ec on JS very comm1 10.1 or , cen VIPS 21~ 22"" ,on!.outti Jt.\11 29v, J-1a 11o1 12.S6 1lJJ A~tO: .... 163 :w "'""' :Mi• -1~ PL"!:'!'-" . 5fl1 « AA ~ _ \; Ci; St.t. lop valuable. To make sure a without delay. It urged : similar to plans in Mexico and ~~~e~ll ~:z ?J'"' ~ti. fL c ,~I~..., NEW1oT~K. (AP ! '"ID' ~~Dll~::M SIO :;m .. t.i""?:li 11: n., ~VI n,,. +'~ l~LI \2ft Jh"'" El!.-.... -~=======:::::::::~~S~t~a~m~p~d~e~a~l~er'._"~~c~e~pu"".la~b~J~e~(~a~n<l'.'._ _ _::_2T~ax:..'cttdi~~·ts~to'.'._l~e~n<l'.':er~S~SD~_.'.:N~ew~~J~en;ey'.::'.~· -------l~:ill'n ~hVI 1~ J:u.;., UYt II~ ;;li:.. _,\:,, ~ Pr~ 1: fi :rn !~nC~ ·t° 1~ nr; Jtv. ltll = ~ /:fJ': . .:0 l 1Va ~ ;a;= t for that summer job, don't forget your banker's boy Sure, he needs the job. The money is going to hCIJ' fir/ for tblt sports cu he's got his eye on -or that , f1-00fY stereo with tape deck and balanced q>Cakers. .. H•'•!i¥ the boy you see here. Jn a way. Except thil boy Deeds the job to help pay for things like jlUC8tfN, medicine and shoeL The things his family 1dtl'be needing long after he goes back to $Chool in the fall. If he goes. back, lhlt is. Bo's DD.e of the many disadvantaged kids. living in .~ Cow:ity. H.e wants to stay in s.chool,and have a·chmce to .. &." aometh.lng, But unlike your banker's hoy ~otl~~ that matter, your dentist's boy or your Jnya'11JQY -the summer job will be bi1 only ticket. That naJly doesn't tound like much of a burd.le, • , d\111 IL lhllt" you h.lppen to be pooi. Ora kid Uv. qloaJlllMlowu boU» with I fsmlly Dff°""F bo-"'4-you hive to h<lp support. And ,....a.. aodolosin• call "h.lrd<Ofe unemployed." Allll Ibis "a Utile J."t up llld go." But whit ir ' yoa D'.boft how 10 'aet up", or where "to &0"1 I , That's.where you come in, and utoo. Last year President 1ohnson uk.ed for your ~i 1h1' year President Nixon U a•ing.. BJg or , you probably have a handle on at lust ono summer job. If you woa dtt how important that ts, .. a till who need& iL c.n U!, we'll help you f111d him. Just dial 632.JOBS. National Alliance of Businessmen ,10111 Orange County Metro. 1193 North Millet Street Anaheim, California 92803 en.. u111 11 lf 1:=r lJ~, ltt;~Na!.tlcwla~~ !~, ~,',,' .~ ~r:"~·J: 3'f :_111 :l :lv.=b i~i:,:".40 l!f J,~ ~ ~>ot +•v. Oii 8r&I IO 12 Jlltr Fcl• I V.. '"" 1.1e11tt5. Inc., ar1 --P 1' t ,o1 A»d' ar.W 20 ll 11~1 In• + Ioli Ill\ ... 117 3'\lo ~ »~ -l~t, "' c11r1," •,. 12391 1~ Ka!Mr Sr Ml'! al 111e Ptlc.ft •I wf!ld! ln~'lta.:'r i~ s~ "*sci OG 1.10 '' " .ia .ia +1141 Onti,p!Y .llOI a •7 ~ ~ + "-, II • Kaiser pt 2014 21 mase Ma1r1Hff llltl "•• ., AldS..0 1.20!> l :W\1. n•'o :W\'o -1' 0...llt;;r I.ID 28 If!• lf'' ·ra + .. CUadel ,',:! ,',!'! K1 v1r 16' 111 Id MW tie... 'IUI u.li'ivl 06 Al..STi1n .IO lj ISV. "" nv, t • ~· ~ • } 6 \.'J 611'1 6 -2\'t (1111 UtA " ,.. k1•rn lo T 22 21\t Klill (bldl or b\IUvlll ' • • Auocln'I 1.olO 29111 ?tl'I 29\.\i 'h pf ti 60\9 591'1! 59 -lo) Clllr U18 """ 1'V. Kaller! 1\'o ''" (llkollll MondlY. Jy'Hnc:ock 1~·~ I ·~ Altt';tvEI 1 JO II ~ 261.o 161!it y, IQlnc; i ... ilYt Mr . •••tt Cllrk Ml 2•'il U KellwOod Mr'l2 •1\.'J ... At.II > · S • AtCl!YEI .r 4 710 "''' '-!\lo M•.~ t dl1 I. ff 2HI ii" -Ci.tYIO!I ~'.lo 6111 l(.lllt & £ 16 J7 JGhMln 1-'~ I-'~ All 11.kh 10 JfJ U3V. 111 lltV. ~ ii Ed ol5 • t 9 141 \I< -• 'I''"' Mdl lGVi 11 \\ KtYfl Fib 20'.lo 21'.lo M, ,•,',~1Zt =~ :·~ KtySlo:i F~yno,,",,. AtlRdl p '1s 11..i S1'Vt Jra 5~ + "· I 1iltel .lj ' ... i' cw 1• 2s KtYll PC 9\'olD ..,fulr• 11.6211.62 Cu182 21.l2t:IUAtlasC~ 54 1 11 27'~ 1n<-:t'i 11F1n1n .~ l't j • c Inion 0 Jl'4 :n KtYll Cui 36 31 I I . . CUI • . Alllldl l'f\I.'! » 'i" n n -3 .,,,. .14 Im It Colem1n E IV. 9\IJ IClnG El "' 9'4 A11 Amir l.UJ 1.1~ <..u1 ti• 9 fl IU.16 A.111$ (.,..,. '"' '" 4'!0 6'/t ... !•r.:ntl 1.10 », ~ l .~ -}; Collns flntll lJ \ICnt tPr 26 11 AIP!la 123113.U Cu1KI l n t ll:At lsC1>fl'f.SOk rl00~•1'1 2• 1'"•+''1 0t1 ml.oil) 40 "lo Iii! • ColO<I Sir 16•.lo 21 K!r: ~.. 1'\' JS Arl'ICIP • l• ~-1~ ~u1 kl ~ N 6,.44. Aurora Pies 17 ISV, 15'~ S•to ->to g11 h pl f2 2 + V. cam~t 21111 29Vt K v 1 Jl \11 l21'1 Am &us :1....i a.I• Cv1 Sl ~151231:1 Aul~1>klr Oii 1J' 17\11 "'~ 11 + ~. 1a~D .111 11 1P'll ltV. '"" -t~ \.'.ml A'PI t•;.. lOV. .. ~: Oii I S 1~ Am Oovl11 11 . .:t 12,11 <..u• ~1 11 6' 12.73 Aulomlft Ind 01 l''" lJ\11 111" -~I g1c1 4 's fi'~ ~·· ff'~ = '1~ Cam Clear J9 •YI LMC Dll 5u. 1 A Ex !IP!. l0,4t 7'ii Cul :i3 1.7• t.5.1 Avco (p 1.20 176 7t\IJ 1t 7 •1, !Jj 111 Ab ~ \l ,,_ i,';-I .. • '""'!E gi~; 1m it:! t:~: in 'R; 3l"" Z::: ~i;n ,•0':ll 1::rs .~;~ .. jj!· t:i~ tfi ~::.,'/tl~2 ~ r1i': r. W" t1~ Bip~Ot~ i , ·· 1o1i + amw Tel 27\lo 28\4 Lane wo 1'i• 1l,. a.m MUI .02 · """'" &..ol 1.U Almft l11e .ft 21t '1tt .k 1".41 +: lot ID , ,;~ ' !" ~ p A (\:i '"" rs lnll II 12'" Am NG"'. l~ i-" Knldl Giil 11.tl 1L'4 A-t 11'11.JO I 15 IS , 15 +I roer "" ~ nm fl ~!'>4i ;;j~ Cmp Cam JSYt flV! ~ Ca.I 6V. 1'A ~ ~~4 lO :D t•••n:~ l!i; n:: .lwon ,d 1.llG JO IS6 1"3¥1 1$3\.'J -1\:< !reaQ:.::".20 I sm ;j\o\' il\o\' _ <,i; Cmp1r 1~ 1•,. •, Lelwre G lCI n G~tll lJ'» l•:.;i L:.•tv .:u ,_. -B--erp_, :Iii , 11 •, ~.~··, H•~ ",m". t".·.i\·.· (onGIDm• Ht ,...., Lib ~QUI! 11\IJ l'l'I f-0 ln'I 10 • .011.«r Liie lnY 1.1• ,..,_ ll1krOllT .ts 'lt _?l\i " J1 -n1fi~·" ' l ~~:1r"\-e11:m 21 t:hnlo;, \iv.JJv. Inv t:lJ 10i2Lue~lk 5.10 3.Jtll•btltW 1.3' 1n .tti~ tP,\ 71111-~F'' 113o •w .. •• 7G Con Comp 1114 \?\lo Lob I-Vi JI.I, As1ron n .u 2,,,, ~Is SIYln FOi: Ill Ge rt 115' ~ :l-]2 J.3l-l..J1 <l'f' "' I 37V. -~ ... con ~Dck 31o;, n Llll'I 'j 11 M1.DC1.11.s •-" 1.,. Unp 7.11.5 l..l6 11•1fE 1.10 411 :12 ll'll. 31v, -v; ...,, 7 ; • !-" Contr•td 9\~ f'.lo loll (lnllY 1 7tlo Axe HOllvhlClll: (11\.111 3t.l03t.l0 &.llG pfll,,50 J:IO ~ 70 1D .•.. tllm !"'° 4i7' ,,_ 11'4 \.lo -~·i! ~on!ran 6'1't 7% LOii err It 71 t-uno "" J,>-C 1.20 C11>11 n.a 12.C ll1npPun1 .611 7' ...., ltl\~ 3~~ +Yo r•voC11 '40 1 •• ~ """' .,. .,.. -L 19V.20'"Lrnd'IC ~1 32\11 Fund • t.ll lO.•I Mui 1~.21u.ne1npP l!f 2 I • l't''i lt:\lo-'f:o O.~•odi:.o 2', l'I ~\.lo""'--" rlWfCl d 11 7214 M•ll G&E 12v. llV. St!Xll I.I.a 1.72 Marilin l.11 ,.fa I•'* Tr 2.~ •O ""' 6?\o 69,.. -\lo Ore•v pf .HI .i"'° ~ 14 Croai Co 3l J~ t:tl Ch 32 ll S.d C• •. 11 6.72 M1is Fnct 11.271 :0 ll•rbO!I 1,..,, '' i•llo 14~\ UV. -1'.~ Or,y1111Cp lb 7• .O ltV. 31\tl -:1.:, Cru!ch Ru 11 ""'Ml k11v 11\1< ,11¥! R:~l t~ ::~ ~;~ f~ll ll:l! li:~ ::~c ~.:'c "" J! l~ tl ~114 = n ~C";, \fo ll ~ JSY, 31\'o -Yt Cwpre1 C 15\lo 16 . M1 rw:kl 50 SJ IJos l ~•K 10.:.1111 . ..i Mlln 1 II) 7 IO 81il0 I 7.50 rlO • •l ~l + v, Du I.In C ?2 n~ ~~ = ~ ~ 8:~11~1 ~ ~r~ r:~ ~:::::.At 1~~ I~~ &ot!Oll l.6S t . ..S •1Mfl 11)9 ,,:,. R:~· r~" ,, u:: !t ~ri ~..,,. 11fron1 2;r,._ ln 135'1\ l~ lf-lV• Oili Osun 17\'J 111'1 M Mini"" ,,._ 1\.lo llr-SI 1•.111 1'.Yl McOon 10.ll 11 .:M &.IU9d>Lb llG ti •l:W. u.,., 60V. l\.lo cluPont r1'll I 5'>Ji ~ t l.(o D1~l1 fd 13 1' M llrO'lll•• ll Ml Bui~ :~·~:i:., :=,"tJ 11·:1_1~~ 8'111TrL1b )I 37 4~• •1'.4 •lllo=~E::l~1 ,:J'2 J~ yi\ ».,. \.9 D.vMlr :nv..2J MdSlllP Dll l2\o\e~IA11 1,:01'ZO.!fMooOY1 1.:lf1s.q8•vull.Cl9 .» 11 16 1''11 15'4 ... -ouPonl p14.50 2 ~ 1lVI 111 +·~ OKOr lod 11 "" """'f::..,0 fil'J .UV. Cff!I 1nc; 117( t.ll MOr!Oflt FUnlll' ~1rl~1 1 16 ~ 40 '° -~ 0<1 ( 10pf1 DS 11~ ~ 2t 2t -lV. g:'~~~c111 ~ ~ ~le H 2tYttt""c•PllSllr 1:i. I.~ Grwlll 11.4'lt..S6=m~~1 "° ~~ ~ ~\~ ~!i ~1l::1>Ym1!1n ...$61 1111 \.lo 21 V. j1"?-"' sw1111 ..,Pet ~ tr. .v..111ronc 31 »'"Cent llllr 10.95 11.'' 1nc;gm am Olct · 30 26 '1l\ .,1-•lr +n~ o~ Am ·"° n 16'1 419 -.,., D. C T 17,,_ 10 .,, , u. c1>e11111"' Funo•: 4.d. 4.M 1. iljg ,, ·1, ~ -' • • E F "I -.. ii.r ~:l' •I.In 11.IJ14.01MUr IU 1'3 _.,,., r · •• 2S 1' --• -Ott lntBr Zl 21'\lo Mlclkl Cep 111', \J>,:; .. !_ Site , ... 2 0$ MIF Fii •19jj 2e1'n C•k 1 f' ll 77\~ ,,,_.., -\ ... E1111!Pch llG 1\ m\ 1N ~ + I~ Ovlp Am 1' 15 MJOtu; ' 6..., '-"'" JO 1·" 'G • Pl!'I .JO 110 114 :itV. 71\~ +n'I ! c ·-, " •• n Dewey El 11~ 11 Mklwll GT 2! 1t Grwlll · J ' Ml Ill 6.09 6.511 llk!Hem, 4o0 ~ 1'1"• 2i\\ 75111 _\lo IKO P .... u ··· • Diam err :ia~ 71Yt Miii ill:ot' 24 2S Inc.om •.n !·" M~ gmGlll 5.Q l-" ell How 60 " 1•v. 1p,r, J.5\> \lo 111 Air .$0 3" ?2•4 11\41 21'ili ~1•> OIK 9~1 10 Mpls Gil lJV. :w !>pKl.11 1;~6 .511 Mu min 10.U I .19 fl lnHtcDn ll 10~i 10\lo 1014 = '°" E11IGF 1.lll IU 2l'll n. lltt~ + \\·. Clla.e Group. Mui Sl!r1 19.tt II.ft !ltmf) Col m~ ~s 3~~ + l'o E.111 Ulll 1.AO 12 1".io .,, 2l-t-unO ltSI IJ.7i Mui truil 2.75 2.11 t::.lx l 6D 16 .U\\ u .U'l'o ilJl ICod•k l 206 73.,. lJ Fron! 11Ll.l1107.M NEA Mui 11.:1111.Sl lrlldl~I' fl n 11 701• JI +·y, llonYa l.olG 91 3',._ :J.I -~.., Slutlid ''·" 11 ... NII ws.ec 10.tt 11.71 Fiii 1 IO " •1·~ '°"" 4Cl'J -lV. bllo(ll ll'jfl 1 UI """ <Mtlo M'll t \lhl!mlo:.ll U.2111.91 N•t 1no 11.14 11.14 ~'I"• 15;~ ',,, 1H 171 f l EcllllnMI .n 13 1roi. 1111 llVt i'" Um. ted Gets c\~1'~ 5.17 5.65 ::i ~ ... ~/·" 1 ·' 1 ft:}"~::·~ 1~ u·~ ~ ll" + '4 E:::8,· ;: l ilv. f?n fr+ J: t--und 12.14 tJ.11 B•lan 11.~ 12.01 8el'l9ilfl · S6l ,.,1, 71v. 21'l\ _ ;G&o • o s1, JSl-, 3'~~ ~,.L + ~. G"""111 1.9\ 7.5.5 lood 5.16 •.JO 8tf1Duelf " :nJ 29\'o 21'\ 71\lt IMuslc ·°'• 19 ~ ,., " -V.nl 7.51 1.21 0 !'1111 •.19 S.U 18-"kPhct. rn 4' ,. 'J"M 1~ :::::Elle! Auoc: 27 ll't\ 11\lo 11V. -'• ammtrc 17.71 11 . .,•1 Pl StK 7 . .i I.ID f!'mec Carp ~2 13111 IJ J .... E'""~, .. •-, ,.... ~~ 10~. '1','1' 1Jii~ + ~ coms1 Bel l,11 ). 1ncom S.lj 1.21 llerll Sit l.IO 200 :w ... :w :14 -,,. n .. 1 '"' ..., ~-.. ... + Comrnonwltl'I Fd1: Slack t.1 9.t7 IHMI nd wr .U 1:1:w. 271'1 2J~ + ~ r• Co"''", 0», '°'' , ... , ... !''~ -t l.' Call Fd 10.Q 11.:Jt Grwfll t.60 10.... ~ T!rftt • .0 1S :It~ 31i,, 3111) -~ rrw El Sl .. .. •.-. I"'°'" 10.Q 11 .«I NII Wl!'SI ,,"5 1 07 lackDk 1.20 lj .oo.a, !•>M '° -4-"II Em El pt 8.fO 1 31 37 1 ,'" Super-62 lm<nl 10.01 lD.94 N"1Wrt11 25.71 2U. lip U ::l: ' >f'fr 2J ,SV. + V:o EmerwAit .ID 1/1 "" ~2U -?,'4 + f SrotU-10.2'111.25 New e ... 10.3' 1\,11 !!tie S.11 .SD :n 6 '°'' IO'lo -IY, Emhlrl 1.'lClb ' ..... o&)l'I -+ ~· LONG BEACH (AP) -The Wiii! ,t.&8 l.6S 1.n Nl'W H .... 21.1111.11 lvllel DI .1S l lU~• lU~ lllh -4\,1, !mp()l1t 1.60 ~ ~ 28.~ ···,, wltll CID I.It 2.DI Ntw Wkl 14 :n lS-'S 8atltllol Brks " 11~ II 18 -\lo mPOtC .toll 1 31 ... )I'll ~1 ... -• • $ · p"*l11tl11'1Mewkon U'.sJ11.1128otlfl!l l.l!I 'JO •J •1 i1 _.,.ndJol'l~.12P !'\l1\li l1Vllll'I .,. fJl'St uper OC8-62 -a Jet that 01Ttpel t:.i. 10:21 Nore••' 16.6.J 1,-'3 &o11c.1 .tlb •~> ,,.._ " t.1•.~ ~ enalllM, 1n ..io tOl, ,.2'.~ ,.-n:~ 2~ +1: • CcwnP 14 '911 lG.7' ?r!1Ph t 00 • " llond Sin I 21) f1Va " 15 -2YI e""" UI ·" .. "' 36 .. -combines the most pow~rful 5 . Fii 10:6' 11.11 • 1'.10 !'.ll llookM!h 1.71 ' ~v. 1'''-'4V. ... e~tGas 2.20 ,,' ~.~ ll~ :wv. -~ ti< S.Jt 6,11 GO cl lS M 1 J6 llordefl 1.20 172 l~lo 30"1 '°'' -\lo £58 Inc I ~ •w... ,.. r-}2 engines with the longest range oncord 19.32 1t.l2 101 Fuod 10:40 11)1 BotllWe• 1.1s 11 "''" :11•1 n .. -1.,.. ~1E.ay1~ ,· .,2 J~ ~ ~ + \? cons 111\' un1v.1U o,,. wms loll4 16.2• Borm1nF .eo •JI 22''> 211/o 11'4 -~ e~~ ~ · 2 li 31\lo 3f' 31~ + ,,. capabilities now operat.iog in Consm nY !.~ 1t~ ~ 16,'7 11 . .U ~:,~~1·,,!• 2: r~ ~v. ~v. = ~ ~lhvl og,,to I ''"' ~.,. -~ . . , ~ro Lll 1~."215..SI ""m 1.23 1.1'9 Br•nllAlr ~ '82 lS:W. IS l!'to +"° urollld .'lOcl 2 n>,lo !flot-~t commercial a1rhne service -,~!Zn~· \::16 1.os ~: M~1q f:l1 i:H B•~5t J.ia. 5 51'1'o 50•'• ~"~ + 1 ~~C:,1$ '"·z= 221 .h~ ,,., """ .'...:i•·; d I. ed M d t Con Win n 15 11.2' Pl!Ua 15 07 16"' !lrl•I Mv 1.)(1 11 621'1 -.1·~ 62 -'A lversh••ii • F,'"' 17112 111'1 -~i was e iver on ay o c1evt!lll Nt 1'11:.1 7U.&1 Pl1trlm ,:,. 1D:,1 er1siMy p1 J 11 •S •7>.;. '"· +iv. .c.110 1.u n H" j~ ... . . . Decal lni; 13.1214.:M Pllol 1.11 19J !lclwyHltl' I ff 411'J ((!VJ «J·h ···-ICIOtA .11 ll• l• 'lo! '"+to United Air Lines by McOon·D111w1r• i..:w1s.11p1nes1 11.n11'.21 llWYH• P'A2 n .uv. '' •4 _.,.., •lrchC -* 2s.t 1 •l'r ,.,._,~• DttliTr 1.67 t .... Plonlar 14.IM\3:1.I BkhrnUG 1.n l!I 29i~ n•i. 2t'h -U.f1lrch Hiiier )U U '• H u"··•·• nell Douglas Corp. Olvkl Sllr l .•1 4.2'1 Pi.tn Inv ll.261•: ... Brown Co u ll''t ll'~ 1:.•• -V:o l'•lrmonl ' 76 221'1 :n•i n!.:i + '• QowTh lll 7027.0.I PrlceTR 1•11 2•J7 tl•own Co .., i 11:u. 11'• 17''1 ..... f1111111 .'° Jt jt nv, ,....,_,, The Pia e Ca Carry 1.7 r•••I 16"' lt.911 Pro 10'.16 1DA llWll Sh.1•11 l la 211 :a ?O • 1=1m fin 1.:111 1• .lo !"'• 2 '!1' -• n n l\li 13'411.,H PrD¥klnt s°J1 5 llG ewns.11ot 1.SD s .(I •J\., '2''> -v, F•n11tef inc: " '• \l 17'h -t~ r~HOWafd· P 11 11.ltlilO llru115Wk .O:Sq '°2 !)>ii 20"') :'O'io-1\\F1•Wl!'SI Fl" 10 IN'o 11\~ 111'1 -'-. passengers and 14,000 pounds "~1111" 11.M :nn p~~Ji:, Fund,, · llllQ'Er 1.10 JJ ''"'" 14 14 -"" "•r•hM• .IOb !! ~ 62 €"" -!~,.• . Gnf!ll 129Cll•IO £CIVIi 11,S1J06 fl uddCo .to 2'7 71!• 21 lll'o-~~ .... rl\'11 ;! 5ii; 21 if ·_, of cargo 6,000 miles. develop-1ncorn 6:U 1:u Gt0t• u:.u u:11 Rudo f, flll.n J ,9~ 1:~ 1'"" + t: F~~ E~ ~ t!(t ~r'i ,~~·:..: ;.~ Ing a maximum or 76,000 ~=·• ;l'l! ltJ: f~ '~:~ 'l.rl e~0t1" 1'.10 1• ''"' J1 3nr. f "'" wci"-:'o.P~'-~6 1j ~~ n ll ! ~ JT3D-7 engines. i::m~ov $Ct:~ 1::u ' Vor~o t:6& 10:~ =~~~pfr.l,.SD .J ~.i: r,14 ~~ :-:1..a F•cl Mto',... ~ 7i,.o, 1. -+ '4 pounds of thrust from fo_ur ~~~I l:·l~ ll~ i1:r:1 1~i 11i~ :~::"11:~ lll m: ~~ fi~ t~ ~Ei;,~i· i·r li~ I"" s~ ~~ t'~ El!t!lllJ 1.a... Rep Tl'd'I 5.7D 6.23 llurndV I llVt Jl ~l'l't + .... !ri11 i 10 2S 2S •• •• vi.,e President Dr. Allen L. Mccloskey bas been appointed vice president and direct.or of chemical research, U.S. Borax Research Corporation , Anaheim. Jt was announced today. He has been with the c or po r a l i o n for JO years. ' EntPrl:i.a 9.!1,~-Il F11vtr1 l'·l115.6• Burrghl . '1'i6~)1?2!h ,,,~~ -2\lt lntlr •'' ~ '"' g~\'I +1:1y EqullY 10 .. w • Fl-lhl t.n t .91 IW!tlllV ; 1! _ ,_., 2l D i. ••l'1id<I .«> ' ~ + • t:1111ult Giii le.•1 20.11 Sd'IUltw 16.U 11.t1 8.,1 .. _ ... · 0 •• 31 3''.IJ :M1'o + -II l .._. , .. -euex 16.)0 ... $Q/<lcler Fund1: w ""--' • ... £111 ll'flln 20 -21 •• -Vt i.vant In U.'217.21 !"' ln'I IS.9• 16.lt -C-1 .. ~ ... l.tt 6:1 5' -,~ ~=rrT~ ~~::! ~~~ sr:P n:l??I:U f:l'°'F~111·'° 1~' fl~ 1m H~ = u F!I;~ r: lJ: 1~ ·~·~ ·nti '+i~ Frm &M11 l1. .. l1M Com 51 11.0l'll.OI' Call1hM .. 13f 111 :m "'~ u ... 1=f!c "11 '1,4'0 ' ,.. fim +·v. fed Gtlh UJ115.S. t: ~Iv 12.1611.lt CitnpJ!L .'51 7! " Jl'"' Jl~ ~Fl I 1, IS \\ tv.. -1~ ~t: ~'J'nct ll.01 ll:~ SK ln.ci;' 11 :::J ::: ::'s':!' 11:~1\ ,,:: .U r lr" =>Ioli 1'1!fm!Olt "° 12f 2~ ~:~ 2~1 ::-. ~ Fld Ttnll )6.Jl 21.'1 ii!IK Aln ID . .o' II.» lln ~,.. .«t Ml ftto a""' ''°" -llftl~ l'IM..511 iU IU'4 It ~· -1v.. fllWlllCl.11 I SPoleS 1'.641 IUJ llrl K n· 21 M u -\lo a E' Col~I 67 '6'1o ~J •\~ +1 Pl'09'· Offll """' "··' .. ~ 'J I it: ...., YI ta G.n 3' lf;'o 1'V. ,....., -... ornm 7.ll 7 s1.s. 10.n n.n 111:11 . e 1 +·v; fla_,.llW .51 fl ~ tS •S -1"" tnctull "'' i-"1 si.....a 11.J! 1!.J.I c I ,, 1111 JS -\t F~Pw\..t , a 50 6t.14 61 IN -"' iw l::: ,:tt t~1:.i'"9 1J~ 1t# "'° 11. ~ill I • n~ + ·~ ~.~i:-·,.~ 1U = ~U 1r·~ -l ~ F•I FV.1 11 .3:112.31 f.,;' ln'lffl t.12 ID.62 S 110 + Flwl' ""Ii l ,. 51 SM 1.-t f1tl11 Giii t,7)10.'6 E lnw l•.ttl6..a A I -Fl'IT'"' If 17 24 ?l '4 Fst tnSlk 9.00 7116 1 rm Glh s.n s.n .60 ,. -H11 FMC ~ .is 24 ,.\'Ji 71 -1.1 Fii Mi.1111 10,0l 1~.lt 1111 SI UrwtVlll +: FDDllF• r .9CI 34 i·~ 2•1.lo 24"" + ,._ ~t!t Nc!'o i:n .•·~ 'l~"l:i ~~~~ n.31 ff ~ -:-: ... ~=t: ~n·"' ! 11~ liv. l~ t~ :~~ i~ ,f!? 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"~ "" M•O "" J!A>ll.R i"'l·"· • ~ • ·=g . ~.... '1 ll ir-· ~t·"' Mem Gt!! Ufll'l.ljl Un • .., f\I,...,. In 4'~ -1.Jt 1 \lo -'! 14:=r ,0u,..,.,.' Ac:Dfl 1..;tf,:::9 ~ . 1a _ , /1 , l"" , "'+. a:R\: 'f.~ l~i vt. ... ~ 11·· ·,·1· htm .. Q ~ ,l· fm ~ t; t ~ ~~ t~ 60 i: [-: if~ rru ~-?! ~ ..... ~ 'lj J: ... ~. I . ...,.·;1 i !fil' ~ '+•\' ~~12:n ~ ,,:i 3,, m? + ~ 1tl f"" ~· :;: v=:.• : :n Ol'lt t1 +·-. lflc(i; 1·10 ~ :~ fi \' -n"' "7 iii lm•icc:• 10 1.JOV...,... l'o.11 h 11 )" j 1 u"' 1 .. :f :tl? 1 :_t !!!l'-W ltnto Glfl 7,~ ... , Vtr lnd~I ti! •. OJ 1\1/1111 sr ~ ct"' ., ... •1 -1" "'"' I ~ -~ 1: ~;: 1¥. 't@" ~ 4'11-, .... 11:: "™li',." J~ \ ~II =1 1m ~1\6 Fi '~ ii " mi,\41 1 t. =it lncltPncl 11, 'l' W• ri'Ji11 ll.211'·11 P!1 Mlllk 1 11 !"' 7\lt 1'fi.'; +Ill toit 2'' I '* ll11 + i.! lflcl 'frl'tld I'-I I . WIM'O Mu lS.t, •.fll hlP'!>IVT t 1t f• 3'1" :16$11-"(\"" I •tt ll'' .. , ""'¥,"' '·' . aii.t.tn "·ts IS.ft !'=" ·~ J ~ ~ . . °'" "' .s.tf ''I JV. -2' I"' I! Siil 4.U 1.IJ Wnf 'IJ' '·'~ t. IP Cl fl IA 1.6 N + I.lo OeTll11llr pl ) mt q \' '6 -I,;; M ~ •• ft"· w'""'" ><ff 'B ' .. ~' w •• • • -'• ~It."" .,. ' " u~ m· -~ ~~ ~;' 1::JJ 1t:n :\1~'"1d ::, 1{'$' ... 'Cun' ·~ ::\• ,: •• ,; -=--~ ''\'~~ "l,.to! s1 ft? ~ 1 +'l-2 .,J,,.,. Wo"" 1' . H woff" > 211> M~ --·· """'' f '' ·~ •-u 1$.Jt UJtltw.. Worth l." Oltllh -" M ~ ~ U\l -" MOI flf),7J Vi 1)\1 ..., t-\t 1' \ ' • I ' i ' I ' • • • ' ' • I ' ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' J , j , J J J , J J J , J J j ' • ' • = • • : • ! • • • I K ~ I • • ~ l • w 1.o 1.o ,, 1.o t: ,, ~ 1.o I:: ll t: ~ !I H~r.Wtl '10 "'I' r1 1,"°" H•ll>llrl I ~ H•ITIW•I .Jl H•mm P'to ,_ .. ii t'l•ndlmll H1ndH•r 60 HeneiCo to H1nntM l JQ HtrcOllrl I Harri• Int I Harsco Cp H•rt5Mfll IO H1rv Al 110 ~:!..1frr 1.~ Have1 Alb 1 HtltltlM CP HKlaM .. o ,19 Htln dCJ .... Ht!tM CUI'! Hell Coll 60 HtllerWE 60 Htlll'r pU 01 Helmt Pd1 1 Htlmrhl' 10 Html5ph Ca• Hamll1>c .3:19 Hi!JC Im: I Her11\Fd I !O HH!CIM: .30 Hl!Ubllln 1J HtWP.tdl 10 "'Ill V•lf•llP HI IOllH'1tl I HUco 15 Hobttl Mt 11 Holl EIKtrn :::u:x l':'ft111 Holl~ 120 H-*• "° HO!lt......... I :Z0 HllOY Bl 1 10.'I Ho.I Intl lO Hole! CP Am Hai.I pf l.1S Hal.Id fnd to HOiii MUI AD HouwtiF I HI HOUI F 1112 37 M~•!LP 111 :1°"~1~G:n ~ ':raw John ~~ Howm~ .19 H~dtn9 3 fOa Hulltl Hi t olO ldMGPW 1 60 Ideal B•tk I l<k•ll pU 1 111 Ctnl 1 50 I 'I c... p!3 50 I POWllO I PW pl2 11 Ill Pw pl2,1) ll"'IP CP fltn INA Cp lAll llKQl'n• C,aplt 1necum Av tndltn 114 60 11'111 Gent to lndpltPL l 50 Ind Pl.. p161J lnEW.n 52111 lndBanu• la lr11>er1t.nci 2 tnaRd p12 » 1nl1nd 511 2 lnmonlCP 76 lnmot1I pU 50 lm l!coCP 19 l"slk;o ptA 15 ,,,, .. 1r1nC11o1> ) lntlfCO 1 lllftrltSI 1 IO t(IM ) 10 ll'llFlaFr .ill Int Harv 1 ICl l n!Hold 2to1 lrtl lndull Int Ind llfl.10 ln!Mln.r tt. Irr! Mnt 20ll lnlNld 110.a Int PIP I 50 1nl PIP Pl 4 1~11 RKt\t '"' \"" 1 olO kl! &T 9S ln1T&T plC.• 1n1T& T ptO • :w&~I~~· lfll.T&l JllJ • latT&T 1'111:• Int Ulll I Ml lnl U!ll A lntlllll pfl :n lll~H>ICt 1 lnfi!fl>tl pl S Int 11 .. ~e• to lnl~rOSlr 60 1n1ertPw l 2• •aw• e~t '"I" I" I• It GE lll lowaPL! 1 60 low1P$v I JZ •-1PSv \,31 :te0 ~~= ~ 11e~ CorP ITT Sv pUSO • • Monday's Closing Prices-C~mplete .... wo·J------,.----1 c .... , '°"' ..... ct..'"'· ..i ,_ .. ~· . t! TVHdlt, June 17, 1969 s New York Stock Exchange List J,ist ), DAJLY mer 11! I • •• I I f I I I I • r J! DAILY PILOT "~~ .. ;; ~ti ll • f! Dff"T • . ' ' • - Golden West College Awards .4As to 339 A total or 339 students have graduat.ed from Golden West College in ltuntington Beach with Associate of A r t s Ne10 Chairman Richard L. Regosin is the new chairman of Department of French and Italian at UC Ir- vine. He will come to UC! July l from Dart- mouth College. He is a graduate of Dartmouth and bolds PhD from J ohns Hopkins Univer- sity. Drug Abu se 'Epidemic,' Claims U.S. WASHI NGTON fUPI) Drug abuse in the United States, particul arly that in- volving marijuana, has reach- ed epidemic proportions, ac- cording to the Departme11t of Health, Education and \Yelfare. ln a June newsleller, the department estimated thal five mlllioo to seven million persons in the United States have used marijuana at least once. But it also revealed use of LSD, so-alled "acid," has declined in the past two years. 11EW lists these other drug- use statistics: One milUon persons have used n o n b a rblturate sedatives, in· cludlng LS D; 400,00J have us- ed barbiturates and am· phetamlnes and 100,000 arc known narcotics addicts. "The total social cost iS $&41 n1illion a year,'' HE\Y said. Some _o( the infonnation cRme April 22 in congressior.al -testimony by D~~St;inlcy !<~. Yol.les, director of Uie Na· tlonal Institute of t.1cntal Health. "Marijuana use h;is bct>n rapidly increasing in the past fi ve years," Yolles said. ... Although originally restricted to certain jazz musici<ins, artists and ghetto dv;ellers. it has now appeared among the middle and upper class.'' A\ NIMH information sheet an marijuana says it. is not narcotic. It docs not cause physical dependency as do heroin and other narcoU~. the publication says. "A number ar scientists think the drug can cause psychological dependency, however, lf its users take it regularly" il said . .Voiles l!id not use the term epidemic in his testimony. But a May 15 memorandum from NlMH . office o t com· municaUons director Gerald N. Kurtz: to the editors of the 'HEW newslelter quoted Voiles as saying drug abWM! has reached epidemic proportions. In his testimony, Volle• said, ". • .drug abuse and ·"narcotic addlctlon arc ma}or and arowlng J>Ub!Jc health p~ blems of major naUonal con· cem." 1 degrees, 28 of them singled out for scholastic honors. These st udents a c h I e v e d grade point average of 3.4 a high B, or above during their studies at the Rustler campus and are identified as: •" ' " • • ' • " L A-NNl.VERSARY SALE LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR IN .EVERY DEPARTMENT AT Al l 17 STORES shorts sets with ruffle d mid riff to ps Solid color shorts \vith elastic waist pair with ruHJed midriff tops. Both of pure coUon. Tops in stripes, solids, checks, in pastels. 4·6>.:. we re 4.ou 3.29 may co girTs sportswear 77 I cotton short sets with sca lloped top s Girls shorts ~ts of cool couon in stripes, checks, and solids. Sl eeve· less lops are scallop trimrned or 'ruffled. Sizes 4-Gx, reg. 4.00 3.29 ii zes 7· 1'4, reg. 5.00 3.59 m3yco &iris sportswear 77 . " mock turtle shirt with ca bl e stitchin g flare leg pants printed with fl owers Little boys cottun kn11 sh irts fea - lure a mock lurtle neck and short sleeves. T exlured like 'tidier· knits. Whit~, bTu~, m<1ize,.minl,'~ne. 4•7. A group of cotton flare leg pants. All have elastic waisls for easy fit. In an .assortment of flora l prints, green, blue, brown, red.4-6x. 1 ~ ·' ' " ' 1#99 v.We J.00 ~2 • 2 9 "' ' reg. 2".S9 may co liltleboys wear 52 may co glrl~sportswear)'.7 • • I girl's bright flare leg,pants ·with matching trim crop tops Girl" flare leg pants have their own bright sashes. 0 1 cotton in navy, white, gree!1' and cr.tnl>E;rry, Sizes 7· 14. Matcl;lin8 sl~_eless crop tops, 7·1.f, were J .00, 2.49 .. - pants, were 6.00 4.59 may co girls sportswear 77 -, .... " '· " may co south coast pleze, sen diego fwy el bristol, coste mesa ; 546 -9321 shop mond ey through setu rdoy 10 a .m. to 9:3 0 p.m. ' :1 'I 'I ,, ,., I " 'I I I " l ' •• . ' I' " ,, "' •II' ,[ oil.I, Ii "' ,li•11 .\),j ···I! -illq-·u. 1,•·1 • ' " ,, ' h ;: 1. I 11··1 j 11i ;,,, 1 "" I <Ir' ~· ,-. .. , ••• Oil ... ,j "' '"' 'II? In• MAVCQ · I ' ·~ • I ,.f~en ,Paid Well for ~volunte~r Work • : WI au.nm.,, IUD• at last anCI vacoliOll'Js here. · TbouHndl al ltudent,s will be Ollt·•estthini for 1ummer. tOO. to 'eam ICl}dol.expens., CGmprislng a much bigger wddt fotte than needed toJlll tli• area's aununer jiltil. , • " M'ost s)Ddeilta wurbe' succ .. sful, buf some wllf find themselves Jobi less )>eeliuse al fbe higher number of applicants than posiUODB. " Whet •ill.the unfortunate ones ®·who come out of fbe rush with no 111!1· iffisl&\'!? .~will ~ fbo,.iummer· al~ beach sorne will bang arouiid· Wiw. the'-itang, aild 11wr odi~·will complain o!'bor'e<kim . · • .wise studeall who find• fbemaelves jobless will try to find something meanmgful to do during fbe sdmmer that will be ~ctive, be!P!ill and aell'ftllicbing. · · · A woaltb of swruiler volll!'leer jobs are awllable throughout Orengo County, many in the H'lfbor Ares, caling for varied skills and interest.. Teenagers can easily find a volunteer job !bat will let them pursue their own bobby or favorite sport, gain experleOC. in an actual job, learn to assuine responsibility and find out more aliQ\lt what Ibey want to do as a career. Teenagers who don't want to let th,eir summer slip aw~ with nothing accomplished m~y. c;-ell ·tlle Volunteer Bureau, 642--0963, ·or. visit 'the office at 325 N. Newport'lllvd., Newport Beacf!, to see what 1bey>cail c19., Volunteers help community serviCe ·organizations ~rding to an organized plan. They do not take tlle place .of paid lfO.liers, bqt assist agencies in services wl!!ch cannot ·be prqvlded for on peirrolls. - Where do vo)unteers work? A staggering numbe'r of ·agencies in lhe county are crying'forbelp, and'l!lBDY are only a short drive or bicycle ride away from Orange Coast [Osldeots. · Volunteering won't take all the student's free hours. There \Vill be much time left to play after the .worlc is done. · · . Agencies requesting volunteers ine1ude Br:aille Institute of America, Garden Grove, for games, crafts, swimming and excursions; Cary Harvey School, Santa Aria, help on playground and at lunchtime, and ChildreT1'• Hospital of Orange Coonty, Orange, information desk, gift shop and office help, nurses &idS and arts and ·crafts teachers. (See AGENC IES ASK HELP, Page 14) ,..,..,., ,,.. ''· .,.. . ,... " CRAFTY TEACHIR -Tomage 'JIJi1!D!A!ett-wbo,art "~" Mn find !bat many opportunities are avdU!e for hlltruclliJo lii.arl.I ellif cralla. Teens can learn new crafts wblle teaching in conval...e.i lioin.,, boo- pi4811, schools and the YMCA, as well as finding Ille o#idacUon of heli,ring others. Jan, a vers8We teen, turns her attention lo &lliaUD& Susan Dooley with a mosaic. ' • ·,~ - MOR I! BOUNCE 1'.0 OUNCE -Tlie younger Utey are, the higher th~y C8l\ bounce 100 , a ~raplpoline, Jan Yantorn, 15, of C~ Mesa ffuds. T!)e teenager has signed up witli the Volunteer Bureau and find s that one of her a ssignments will be to instruct on Ute .trampoline at fbe Orange Coost YMCA. Donna Killins gets a lift from Jan while Mark Winburn waits his turn. • • l ~ ' . -SUN~Y'SIDE·-Helping sbut·U.. find •. ntl,; ~ve on lil~ al.0 '<41' be· fbe ,Job ol. tee\lage volunte~s. '.J'akllig llrr!e to ' ; l\>Ue •lllr••. lh t Mrs. Gra9e CbarnbOrs enjoys Ille warm auna~ Is but aoolher 'lrily 'tlllrt Jin volunteen ber·time. • ,BIG SPLASH-Teen volunteers may not make a big splash in the world with their· contributions, but their many small ef· forts turn into a large contribution that ds ,of great value to the community. Jan turns her abilities to the swimming pool iu' she offers instruction and encourage-. ment to Dana HanseJman, 7, in the }>ool of the Boys Club of the 1-larbor Area. Teen volunteers are needed in these areas and many more. Area young people are urged to contact the Volunteer Bureau and join Jan in her contribution of time. Pressing. Agreement ·Irons Out Problem But He's Not Collared I DEAR ANN: Pleue ..iue .. .,... ment betWeen my dad and me. I'm tl, have • 1ood office job and live ot home. 1''9 been ...... wllh ._..,, lnto...U.C 1UY w11o has hid o bod lliurlop llftd ls tlitemUnednot tomab-mlttllle. Jontle'o ... w11. dl6!'i ----.. COOklllJ ... ltonl• and ho 1'111111 ,10 make '""" I c:u p-him. Everf -k Jotdle brtnp aver his lhlrts '° I CM proctlce. Ho is very,_ obout 1he .....,t ol otmlt In his c:olllrt oi!d cuff1. We alw1ys p over l h e. ironed lhlrts and dllclla what I did ...ng. ' M1 {•Iller 1ots awfully l>)ad wbe!I he -me lroalng Jotdle'a lblrts. I HY 111 ·ttam now It will aave a lot d arguments. .later. Please upress an O[>lnlon. .. • -"ualNG l'ROBIZll DEARPUSB:Pnctlieo•,_"'4'1 atdL Y11 C11 .C... tllil Rlrdt p11ll• .,,..,_ __ . • DEAR ANN LANDERS: A, few weeks ago o. woman 1't«e to M1 her'husband kep( pestering her to have another boby. They hod four boy• •nd he wu <lying !or a little glrl. She sald if someone would fllVI her • auariatee that the nm baby ~ be a glrl tdie'd l"llP_..i again, byt Ille aurt-'5 tl/e world dldn'I want • filth boy • .. Yoa told the woman there could be no guarantee and 1ht'd have to take htr cha~. Well, Ann Lanaers, you are w"'°'. My .,..,..,..-told me the aecrel ol producing • boy or • girl boby -whichever you "l~L And It • ------------ v.·orb! (l have two ot each.) I'm so llred of hearing J>e.9ple..,aay, uyou The left ovary produces boys.-l'he-ri:ght ·-· ·took-the· easy way out. eh?" t could -ovary-produces--1irl1. The minute a--9Cl'eam. There Is nothing-easy-about a · wom~ dilcovera she lJ pregn8.nt (or Caesarean. I'd rather have the other. -;suipectl H) !lie sboWd llarl to oleep Yestertlay-I teleohon<d m)' n<lahbor oit1 her Jett aide tr lhe wants a boy and who hnd had her first baby. The first hfr riiht &!de lf abe wanll a glfl. It's as thing she told me was that her next baby easy u thlt! is going to be a Caesarean beeause she -LUckY ME wouldn't go through labor again for DEAR YOO: IA<ly It i-. ,..rd, oil anythinc i,1 the world. I tried lo o.u h<r ricll&. Ind l.Ul't wbt tt was. Lack. Tbe she WUA lucky she could have a normal au of a clafW If dt&trmlntd at tbe mo-birth, She got so furious sfie nearly hung ·ment el ceeceptioe. Once. a woma 11 l.l.P on me . pregnant ah can aletp on her head and It Will a d~c•or perform a Cac""'rc1n If a woa't affect lite HI of btr unborn 'thUd. woman ntlt.1 him to, even though she cun have a baby the normal way? -FERTILE MYRTLE DEARL ANN LANDERS: I have loor children, all born by Caesarean section. ' DEAR MYRTLEt A C1esarea11 ll ma· I Jor.-1urgtry and. vel')' few phy11clan1 wlO perform lhlt oJ»«alion_ u_nless lt_b abtolutely netes1ary. Women who ... ve ... d blblet both ways say a aormal blrdt ts ea1ler. If you have trouble gelUng along .-tth your parents ... if you can't get them \o let you live your own lµ'e. send for A8n Landen;' booklet, "Bugg<d By Plte!lls! Jfow to Get More Freedom.·• Send SO cents in coin with your request and • long stamped, self-1ddressed envelope. Ann Landers will _ be glad to help you wilh your problem:!!. Sf!nd them to her in co~ of th• DAILY rum. encloatnc a ~lf-addressed, 1tamped envelope. I ' I I J I I l • ~1 ml!~C~Z':""•s""s~s"""!c~s""!C<C~S""Z<S.,.S~C•¥""~~0zz""s~s"""!s'"'u~s"'!szs"""s""',..~',.."""'"""'""',..""'"''"' ... """""""',..~"""""'"""w~ozz"""""''"'"""""'""'~"""""'~""""""••~~·•~•·~·••~···~~~~~--~~-~~-. __ I J <f DAil V "11.llT T""'1, Junt 17, 1969 BUILDING FOR BEAU TY -Sawing his way to- ward a winning entry display in the 15th annual California National Fuchsia Society show at Orange County Fairgrounds is Paul Keaster, presi dent of the Costa titesa-Bay Cities Fuchsia Society. Mrs. Blossom Time Club Enters Fuchsia Show . ' . - 'Costa f\.tesa-Bay Cities men:ial displays also will be Fuchsia Society again will be featured. ,competing for top prizes in the Booths sponsored by CNFS pblorful Fuchsia Fant.My plant will include those for fu sct-Ja show opening Friday, June sales. begonia sales and 20. a( Orange County Fa ir· garden sales . There v.·ill be a grounds. gifts and gadgets booth and a "The California N al Ion a I snack: bar, along with a Fuchsia Society's 151.h ;:innual IDembership l»olh. Fuchsia and shad~ pl:int Judging of all entries and a display wil be a three day judges luncheon will precede eW:nt, running from 2 p.m. to the official show opening. I ·p.ra. June 20 and continuin& -·Memben ol the Cost.a .Mesa· f~ 10 a.m. to 9 p.rh. Satur.-1 .Bay Cities group serving on day, June 21. The show will the show committee" include ainclude at 6 p.m. Sunday, 'Ron Maitrejean, Mr. and Mrs. June 22. I.em Downs. Mr. and Mrt. Featured will be displays of Charles. Laudenberger, Mr. fucbsW in hnnging baskets, and Mrs. 'Don . Davis. and lhe trees, wall pockets a nd A1mu. \\'illiam Da\'is. Robert espaHers plus orchids. ferns. K. Hall. Jolm Trainer and bromellads, and begonias. Old Rllla Miner. aQd new varieties of fuchsias · · Creeling ~tors 1vill be the may be viewed in individWll king and queen of the annuJI J>lossom at the s pe c i a I event, Elmer and Gtrry "blossom table," and com· l\loosoo. Balboans Pick Weddin g Date Aloha Fi lms Lure Fliers Motion pictures C1f t h e Ha:walian Islands '~ill be sbo'A'n al the Senior Citizens Qibhouse Thursd,ay .. June 19. al · 7:30 p.m. A br1 ellnlil will follow for those interested in a J$ifay air trip to liawaii plan· Md for fall. . .... . ...... Keaster inspects a prized fuchsia specimen, 'vhile Lem Downs, plant show chairman, brings along pl ywood reinforcements. Display entries will be on YiC\\' !or three days, !ron1 June 20 through June 22. Future Wedding Planned During a buffet dinner ln their home Mr. arid 'Mrs. Frank X. Frei of Newport Beach announced the engage- ment of their daughter, Barbara Jean Frei to Joel D. Anderson. A graduate or Whillier High School and now attending UCLA, Lhe benedlct..elect is the son of fl.Ir. and Mn. Slgvald A. Anderson or Whit· tier. The bride-elect also was graduated from Whittier High and is pttSll!ntly attending California State College at Fullerton. A summer wedding 1n J97U ls planned, following the Horo scope --BARBARA JEAN FREI Eng..-.f eqaged p a l r ' 1 graduation from their respective schools. Harbor Council ' Installs Mn. A. W. Anderson, presi- dent ol tbe Soulhcril California Council ol Beta Sigma Phl, wu ln.rtalUng officer for Mrs. Frank W. Reed who was seat- ed IS president ot the Newport" Hubor Area Council. Inst.ailed with Mn. Reed in ceremonies at the meeting room of California Savings and Loan, Costa Mesa, were the Mmes. Phil Lally, vice president; Michael Hoe;ee, ~ secretary; Pa u I Nichols, corresponding secretary; Richard li1oeller, trtasurer, and W a r r e n Johnson, civil defense . Assisting li1 rs. Anderson W'ertl I.be Mmes. David Wertz, Waller Le1'is and Ted 11;11, Classmates To Reunite Graduates of Huntington Beach fljgh School, class of 1959, will gather for a class reunion Saturday. Aug. 2J, in the Newporter Inn. Former classmates will ex- change news and (:imily snapshots during a social hour beginn1ng at 7:30 p.m .. with dinner arranged for 8:30. A meeting of the reunion committee will take place at 8 p.m.1bursday, June 26, in the home of J.1rs . Ivan Umph~r. •Ad d itional information regarding the reunion may be obtained by calling Mrs. JUcbard Obont 962.&103 or by writ1n& Mn Max Bowman, 2111G Kaneobe Ave., ffwl. tingtoa Beach. Top Notes Take Hono rs • studeata ln concert and in- stalladon cl o f f t c e r s high< lighted the amual Awards Banquet of the Musi<: Teachers AMoc!atloo, Orange Brandt. Winners of. the Orange Bnncb ccmpmer'a cont.est """ perhlrmed ISnd received trophies were Matthew Dav- ks. Larie Montman and Melody Wellb. Pisces: Slow Up Pace IF DRAPES COULD TALK THEY'D CALL ••• s.,,,; ~t Of .... o,. .... c. ... tv EUms 'lt'ill include ,·i~·s o( llalnbow Falls. Bl""k Sand Beadi, National Forest and vaiiGus I o u r i s l atlrat"t1oru SldJ as the Ptarl Harbor 1 Mocmment tour aod t h e pinHpple canneries. I lillonn.tion r.1•~ the _, Ttlit t ._.; W., ,_...,......,..,Haft flley ... ~ ...... ,.. ,, ..... .......,,u...i.., An...,. ...... ~.....,......., ............. ... o<tL~-~ohl ...... fllfrln ..... .l(lp ...... 4•st, 111111 ... , ;' le .. ..... • ........ ,..titre dint•• It the ..... * Kfltr.ally W;, ......... "" ~Ncttt Mini ""i. COf1' MAPEIT ClMNOS tff1y for 1 ~ eas• ""'' • •• ~ •f ... , ........... ,.. b .. .Wi1ttl9111. 540.1366 642-0270 1702 Newport llYd. --.! dlly. In Honolulu, m,y be·~oblllned from John H. • Slalt, Gad-a®" cbalnn""' •l lll'lllL j ---------- • • % .tf fw utll I c..ry, ot 17th SlrMI Costa Meta , , fl' ' ' • I WI ' >, SILVE R ANVIL -Col. Ruth Broe o! Laguna Beach and Washington, D.C. ""' ~epts the Silver ~nv~l award earned by ,,·omen of the U.S. Marine Corps. Mak .. 'lt 1ng the presentation 1s {left) Or. Carl J-J a\vver, chairman of the awards commit~ le<! for the Public Relations Society of America, and 'vith them is Brig. Gen. Fred j!:. Haynes, USMC. Women Mar in es Earn Public Relation s Aw ard Col. Ruth Broe of Laguna Beach and Washington, D.C. accepted a Silver Anvil award which women of the U.S. Marine Corps won for lhe corps from the Public Rela- tions Society of America at a banquet in Ne\v York: The presentation of one of 21 awards presented by the society ma rked the end of the 1\·idely acclaimed Year-of-the- \vomen ~farines. The women's program, whlch carried oil top honors lar outstanding perlonnance in the field of government special events for 19611, mark~ ed three milestones in the history of women's aervice as Marin<s. They were : -The sotb annivenary of the emoUment of women u Marioeltes In World War I. -The 25th year of con- tinuous service by women marine reservists beginning du.ring \Vorld War 11. '-The 20th anniversary or the acceptance or women into the regular, peacetime corps From Page 13 Jn 1948. Cot Broe was project officer tor the winning entry. The a1van.I was presented for a year·long effort un· dertaken to enhance public awareness of the \Voman Mar ine progranl~ to im rro\'C morale and foster a se1~~c cf pride in accomplishmc:it, and to create a climate for cf- fe~live re~ruiling. '·The DAI LY PILOT l:c;pc1 us win for the ~1arine Corps the highly coveted award," she said, explaining, ''We used ~tories \\'ritten by Joanne Shaw and Pamela Powell, Pilot staff 1'lritcrs, together ;vith. con·cspondcnce w I t h these two ladies, to illustrate ho11' media representatives had become invol ved in help- ing lo le!! our anni'lersary year story." Eotil Co!. Broe and he r hus- tan:.I. c:~ ': Eroe. arc longtime residents of Laguna and plan to return to the Art Colony aft.er she completes h e r present assigrunen t next year. Entered Ledger Installation On Chapter's Former Alaska r e s i d e n t Mrs. W. Jay Scherer. CPA, now of Fountain Valley. will accept the president's gavel of the Orange County Chapter of the American Society o f Women Accounlants. The installation will take place next Thursday in Coda's restaurant, Buen a Park, fo1\owing a 7:30 p.m. social hour. A l so acce pting ... Agencies Ask He/ p responsibilities will be the rimes. Mabel Dellz, Hun- liJ1ElOn Beach,' first vice presi- dent; R. Laurance Paul, Newport Beach. second vice president; Laurance A. Reis- inger, Midway City, recording secretary; James I. Hardman, Tustin, treasurer, and Belly Spradlin. 0 r a n g e, cor- resPonding secretary. AJso, Community Y o u th Center, C<rana del Mar, help on baseball fields, I e n n i s c o .u r t maintenance, play· ground supervision and cleri· cal work, and convalescent hMpilals, planning programs, birthday parties, s b ow i n g movies and assisting with oc- cupational therapy. 0 t h e r agencies with the same type of needs to be filled are the Costa tl1esa Public Library, Costa Mesa l"nited Fund, CreaUve Day Care Center, Fairview St.ate 1-fospital, Health Department of Ole Co unt y of Orqe; Goodwill Industrie&; Mental Health Association ol Orange County, National Foondatlon ol Mardi ol Dimes, Manion School ol EducaticlUllI ,,,... apy, Newport Beach Dlplrt- - menl of. Parks, Beaches and RecreaUoo, Newport B e a c h United Fund aod O r a n g e Coast YMCA. AdditlooaUy needing assist· ance are the Orange County Association ror Mentally Re- tanled, Orange Coonty Medi- cal Cent.er, Orange County Development Center for Mul- tiple Handicapped, 0 r a n g e County Soclety for Crippled Children and Adults. Orange Co u n t y Tubertulosis and Health Association, Santa .o\nq Recreation and P a r k s De- partment, Santa Ana-Tustin Community Chest, Services for the Blind, Inc., Santa Ana Publk Ubrary, United Cere- bral P a I s y Astoc1aUon of 0rsnp Oaunlf, Volwi-Bu- ,..., ISnd YMCA ISnd YWCA IDSanlaAnL · I Installing officer will W MW Juliana Royal, CP ~ member of the Orange Count.)' Chapter. Guest speaker for the even, lng will be Mrs. Hazel BrooU Scott, regis tered parliamen-- tarian and pJst president of the Los An geles Chapter of AS\\'A. Her topic '"ill be It's 7'1ore Fun When 'You Know tho Rules. ~1embers and guests may make reservations by calling Mrs. Gerald Dunn. 529-70'Z2 or Miss Virginia M'lrtin, 538-8'.ISS. HAPPY H • .,, • h • p p y -•••114. Sti tt It by r11G i11g th1 WEfl(. ENOER 111 th• DAILY PILCT • E ( H< \'las ring Ret> Bria Mid• C! cha i Sam Ang1 cha1 and CCI vi Chai City Par; Tt \\'hit W3' laoe with seed A held carr valh Ki slste serv the ! Carr lock Pari ~ ' • I' 0 ~ R I 'I' ' ting Rldj by I Mr. Mee Mob M 11·s Ufe I In prl• 'llh ;:,t -Sh -. -. -... ·-. . -. . ~ . . .. . -.... -.. --•. -...... -' ~ ... -. . Laguna Beach . Home C. C. Cl lffords " Honeymoqning Wearing a white pique gown Elstrari wore identically sty1ed appliqued with daisies on tb;e dre&ses llned in yellow. Their bodice and skirt hemline. bouquets were made up of yellow-dais~ and baby's Judith LYM Martin was br~th Wrapped With ' white escorted to the a1tar of ribbons. Laguna Beach NeighborhoOd Ml.Ss Laura Bair, the flower C,oogregalional O:iurcb to • git I, carried a ,b¥kel of yellow become . the bride. ol. 1 Calen and white daisles. Her sheer Clark Clifford last Saturda.y white dress was lihed In white mOming., , and laabiooed with a large The Rev . 1!il11wor.lh .L. w~ite pique collar and cuffs. Richardson perfonned the· Eddy was best · man and ce remony ltnking the d8Ughter ushers·'were Etstran, Amos of Mr. and Mrs. L: N. ·Martin Trav'is, Tony Simpson and of Laguna Beach and · son of Mark Willers. Pi1r. and Mrs. J . L.' Clifford ot" For the ceremony, which La Mirada. was followed by a church Given in marria~e h1 her rece~tion. the altar w a s father, the bride cariied a decor'ated with wti,ite gladioli. bouquet of white s h ~ s t a white . and yellow daisies and daisieS, small · ·YtlloW· ·anc1 babf's breath. white daisies aiid baby~, The new Mrs. Clifford ts a breath. · • graduate of La Mirada lligh • '. Laguna Beach Of Newlywecf DAILY 'llOT J., Home Krafts ~PoUowlq 1 Ha·" • t a n from Cotta Me.. honeymoon, -lywtd Mr. and '!liey wore blue cbilron Mn. Paul Wllli&Jn Kraft will goWn& wltb white lace trim Htablilh ""1r ftnt home in . ..and carr.ied cascades of small l..o&Wll lltiich chiffon petals. Tbe .formel'l'.Kather i oe Wellh served as best man. Elizabeth ictuey .r~ted her while ushert wer~ Kenneth YOWi In a ..,.. ol wblie silk Kinsey, lbe bride• bnllllet, organia.overailk~deaoie. Herbert · Wanne, Ron~ld fuhlooed wllh a wedding rin( Walters and Dale SeyboldJ neckline and trlmmed.wllh &p. Tho bride b a 1radua1e·of pllques ol 1"° Dowen. A WesUalce School for G1rla and '"1a)I •corooet of , matching tilt Univerally ol Sou~ or1111U flowen caulht her ~allfornla where ~ ~ l'i<!iicb lllualon mantufa. wllh Delta ~· Dejja, . ·~· Sbe ls iho'dauchter of Mrs. also earned -~ l!lliforJ James Oofdon Whyte of Los degree from uM.1, w~ a Angeles and bguna ·Beach • =r, 0~~~ and !ta W. Kinoey of Pacm~ iolM ID ieiy In 'Ill!' Palisades. Her husband is the =na the cor':.t Dfbutia&e', :rib'.:~~ Kraft of Bait. . ·~ 1• '1be Rev. Dr. Raymond J. Her bus~ If ~ ~ Lindquist ' performed t h e of Black Fo~ M ~ [ i.t ~y ceremc>ny in the' r i. r a't Acaderny; and San F~ Presb)'Wian ch u r c b of Valley, Stlte Ctrllqe,.He allo HoUjwOod-Wylie Chapel. served for four yean witb the i\tteridantS were Mrs. Gebt U. S. 'Navy. Welsh of Los An&eles, Jlll;lron Confab Draws · « honor ' and ~ Mme.s. Thomas Senter .of North Hollywood. Terry Peanori. Alhambra, and s le p h ••.. Two Countians-. NicboJaon, Westwood, ;r Mrs. Alan Eddy, the bride's School and .attends C4lifornia sister and matron of honor, Stale College at-Fullerlon. Her wore a sheer white gowTI lined · husband, a graduate of the in white and adorned wilh same high'school,.is an alum- flocked daisies. She carried nus of University of Southern white daisies and baby's California. , . MRS. PAUL WILl:IAM KRAFT breath tied with yellow r.i~ After hon_eymoOning i n Merritd in ti+llywood brideSD)aids, and M is s ,.,... " .t-~1 Ki··-•-1y Baker, the bride's Allen<iinl Ibo -. rt..,.--· con1....... ol. <lbe . 11-.i boos. Haw~ii, the newlyweds will -------------'---------niece and junior bridesmaid Mtoclatloo of Bmk women, tnc .• in Lu ve;u ~ ~. Eleanor Berggren, First lila· tional Bank of Oranp County • . and Mn. William Boria of the MRS. CALEN CLARK CLIFFORD Double Ring Rites Bridesmaids Airs. Pattie make Laguna BeKh their new Gross an4 Mrs. T h o m a s home. USC Graduates Brian Saunders Claims Bride Couple Marry tn Lakewood Rites United States NaUooal ~. Fountain Valley. The ineeting was ~ Marketing Todiy for Tomor· row and was attended by women bank offlcen frOm eight stat.es. Holy Trinity Church, Covina, was lhe setting for the single ring nuptial ceremony linking Rebecca Diane Crowder and Brian William Saunders of ?vJidway City . Canon Bertrand M. Hause. chaplain of the G o o d Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles directed the vow ex- change for the daughter of Mr . and Mrs. James Crowder of Covina and the son of Mrs. Charles Littlewood of Mid1vav City and Robert Saunders Or Para1nount. · The br ide's A-line gov.·n of \vhite silk faced peau de soie was trimmed 'vith alencon lace which was embellished with teardrop crystals and seed pearls. A lace trimmed pillbox hat held her illusion veil and she carried orchids, lilies of the va lley and gypsophili a. Kathleen Crowder was her sister's maid of honor, and serving as bridesmaids were ! he Misses Joyce Pinto. Renee Cambon and Bobbi McClin- tock. They wore gowns of Paris blue chiffon, trimmed \ ' • l ., . .. LI.~,. ,. ,,,. ,. " '·• . •"' with handclipped white lace. The honor attendant carried a colonial · bouquet o f miniature white carnations, ye llow roses and b I u e d e lphinium, while b r i·de s maid s ' bouquets featured white carnations and delphinium's. The bridegroom ;isked his brother. Bruce Saunders to be his best man. Usher duties v.·ere assu med by Stephen Crowder, the bride's brother, Joseph Tilton and William r·rye. Selling for the reception after\,•ard was the Covina \\loman's Clubhouse where ~1iss Oleene Crowder, the bride's aunt, j>tesided ovet the guest book. Following a honeymoon on C a ta I i n a I s I and .. t.h•e newlyweds will reside in Htin- tington Beach. The bride is a graduate of Northview High S c h o o I , Covina. Her husband is a graduate of Marina 'Hii:h School and attended Fullerton Junior and Golden West col- leges. MRS. BRIAN W. SAUNDERS Hunti1"9ton Beach Home Pavilion Reception Pair Exchange Vows White and ye llow summer tron of honor, while brides- ! I o w t r s decorated Christ maids the Misses Susan Shaler Church by the Sea \vhen El-and Leanne Baldwin and Mrs. len Louise Caul of Newport and Mrs. Wilmer R. Cazel 0£ Costa Mesa, and lhe bride- groom's aunt and uncle, llfr. and Mrs. William Goodwin of B e a c h exchanged wedding Frank Sears wore sashes oC vows and rings with Frederick yellow. Riverside. Miss Sandra Lynn B. Goodwin Jr. before the Rodney David Cazel, the Caul, the bride's cousin, also Rev. David Defrofio. bride's nephew, was ring was present from San Jose The daughter of Mr. and bearer. The bride was graduated Mrs. William R. Cazel of Whit-Approximately 250 guests at -from California High School in lier. e1corted down the aisle tended a buffet supper in Bal-Whittler and a bea.uty college on her father's arm, wore a boa Pavilion following the in Costa Mesa. Her husband full length A-line gown of ceremony. Asslsting were Mrs. is a graduate of Newport Hat· white alencon lace over or· James Shafer, Mrs. Harold or High School who at present gama with empire bodice and Glass, along with th e bride's attenM Orange Coast College long sleeves. Her sweeping aunt ~frs. Mary McConnell. a·s a studenf in police science. Illusion veil was m a n t i 11 a whO took charge of the guest The couple will make their styled with matching alencon book. home in Costa Mesa upon their lace border and she carried Special Wedding guests were return from a San Francisco a bouquet of white roses and the bride's grandparents,"Mr. wedding lrip. white daisies. 1-----C'--'--------'--'-------1 MR. AND MRS. F. B.' GOODWIN JR. The. bridegroom, son of Mr. an<t'ldrS. FtedeflClC B. -coo& win o( Newport Beach, aslced his brother Denn&.. Goodwin to head the ushers. who ·in- cluded Roger Boyd and Greg Howland. 1be bride's brother Robert D. Cazel of' San DlegO'.-' served as best man. June Ceremony Carrying bouquets of yelJ daisies and bittersweet10lj8nge , cornfl owers were the bridal ~eacher's Betrothal. r~~~·;::.;..:11.;t= = embroidered wilb green aild yellow nosegays. An avocado sash accen~ the· e DJ· P. ire I Revealed b P t ~ wal!tline of., Mn. Cazel. ma· y . aren 5 YOU ,KNOW '. · ' ' { · The engagement of 1'-iuriel ne McCormick of Hun- tjngton Beach 111\d John Albert ttldgeway has been announced by parents ot . U1e bride-elect, Mr.· and Mrs. F. Morrison Mccormick of West Des Moines, Iowa. Miss McCormick, a teacher a\'Sun View School, taught for IKe· Department of the Defense tri Okintawa and Gerinany prior to' accepting her post ;uh the Ocean View School bistrfct. --She also is a former liWim· ' . ming 1\lStructor In othe•idb''t Iii; , ' · b , . r~a~~"d!:~ the YOU• CHIL ' University of -N~o}"I• Will LEARN and received het BS cte~ In . education at llfake<U,nivenny.TO 'SWIM A"' Her fiance ,. !JOO ~ Mr. ahd I ~· ~r:~~. R.:l:;!t o1a!: BLUE BUOY View College {Ind Drake. fle • served at Orlearu, France, ,.,,, S. Wftl y . with the U.S. Army. A.t...i ...:. 11-. 1'1M: couple plllr'f to . be mar· ,... :;.. J-"• 1 t ied July 26 and 1will make 546 1818 their home Jn ·we.st Del • Moines. 1 • in GORONA · DEL MAR , ·• " . ....... ~""'­_.,..._ .. ol'ld ke.ping it off lor good. C°"'9 kl the Of1'9 oncf.oNv Weighl · · 'vVdfehefs.• ;Mofty 1hou&o"°5 of.pe0ple 1hroughovf iht U11iled . Sto1ts ofld~ Qfi.er-oom ol M1e•ld~'t'1 lolktwdflt 5eMbie~ coftttiol °"°OJ~ · No,!ils .... _... .... di .. ~. Ycx.ieotttwee~· m'e.ols o day ond then 1ome. Ol'ld vou lo11 , , ~ weight, " -1 ~'1 ll'liJ$ thisehonce. feq.~SJ.00 W•el>f,du.1$2«» CLASS OPENINGS NOW I THIS WtDl(ESDAY, t;ao ••m. er 1:00 p.m. ' •t fhe cff.Mv11lty C•119r•9•tieit•I Church . 611 H•ll•tr•,. ltff C•••t Hw'yl CAU·.U·IHI ,., ........ ,.,., ....... . ' ,ASK' ~Olt fltEE 'lltOCHUltl • · • tending were the bride's god- parents, Mr. and MNI . Robert Richardson. 1 Both the bride a n d pa Gamma and he was af. flliated with K'appa Sigma. The Great No. Orange 1' Paper! IT'S THE PEOPLE that make the difference ... Shopping for home furnishings is a pie.sure when you are served by skilJecf, courteous people who are decl'tated to giving you the best ponib~ sel\'ico. At ligan thr .. home lumithing 1l0<e1, the lira• alaff of experienced people takes peat pride in thfir worir, training others to continue this tradition. Other factors too make liggar1 tlaff of people unique . Twenty .. ix people cu~dy employed ot filp11 will Nric their twenty•yein·ormore miJettone with the firm this year. Six ha:Ye been with ligars for over thirty yean. Our ttlff intl~des peo'ple in tales, int~ rior design, ligus CUiiom thaps fOf upholstery and dr1peries, deli¥!!)', W!rehousing a~d offl~· ·. Fomi]y o.wned line• ii. f.,..nding 43 yan .,o by JohnH .. 1igg,ar,St.theflm iaoperatetl by two_, and two araftdtont. - liggl11 policy to emp)oy people ""-wotk iNpi~ conlldeslco one! -t -you of 4ep1tldallllity Oft our put ;., off your doli- ' Coast's I FINE HOMEILl/INISl:llNGS • INTE~IOR DESIG N PASADINA: Color1d• a'i El Molino · POMONA': Holl, •uhOl'&•rey ' ·- • "' ,,, IN OLD NEW YORK -In a scene th at looks faintly 1,, like New Year's Eve in Times Sq~t.'.lre, heavyweight champion Joe Frazier and chal!e11i::er Jerry Quarry Ul'I TtleJ>!M .. held public workouts for their title fight next Mori~ day. The outdoor drills actually took place in Duf· fy Square in New York. · -----~ -~ ~ ~ ~ • • Ph.illips Blast·s Carew ' . Calls Record Ste al Showboat Stunt ST. PAIJL.MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Lefty Pbllllpo, llWJlier Ii. tbe Callfomla' Angels, called Jl4d, Carew'• Amttlcan Leque r•cml-tyln( slul Ii. home '"" the ' Mbmeaota Twlni .... showboating stunt." Pbi01PI 1iahed aut at Ctttw's flnt..in- ninC Ilea! U..t hdped the Twtnl to an H vldory over the Arlflels. Mbnd&)' night. , "Mlnneda better get aome insurance ~llfel Slate , 17~¥f" 11, Mttll flf .w.w.ott. f:J5 '·'"-• IC~~ June II. ...,_.II 11 M ........ S:U •·""'-ltMl'C C11DI • cA:i'9 It. ,,,_II 11 Ml-'9. II :U 1.1'1\,, ll;Ml'C with that lbowbolt in lbert,'' Pbi.Wps said. "Carew wu 1uccasful this Ume. But llunta lite lb1t might COit his club the pennant. .. Carew stole home ·oil ~ .. Id pllcber Tom Murpily wUh nobody out. one other runner aboard and powtr hitter Harmon Xllltbrew at bal "Sure be stole home."' aald Phillips. CALU'O•MIA 11tr•rM Alotrwir, • f t 1 t V-rt 4111 F,....t,u 4111 ··~r'dl."'111 JDllM-, cf 4 D O .o .... ll:odrltUtl. & J 1 J 1 s-.,. 1• • ' 1 • AzcUt.c 211 1 M11<plly, p 1 0 0 f ll:~r.• Ill• Wn1111¥'11, 11 t f I o E.PltMr, p f t f t L.J""-i. -• • • I lllDAoft. " • • I I MortM. 1111 I I t f MUOt l lOT4 •• , It "" OhlHnder, cf 4 I I I c..r ... a '''' 0!1¥1,rl •2 11 ltltllllr-, :!IJ J 2 2 I •wst,lb JD t i QvUlcl, lit 1 I I I Ntffln,ff 1001 Tovtr, II I 1 1 1 C./'d-1, ti 4 0 I I •.-ci,cJltl T~I. c I I t I J,,,.,,.,, P a 1 a 1 Tetell :U 2 I I Toteil U I 11 1 C•lttornle 009 001 001 -I MlnneM!t lllt 001 * -I E -C•19W'· J91'1ntltne. OP -C.ltfV11i. t. LOii -CtlltOrnle I, Mlllnllet• I . 79 -Pr9101F, Qo.l!llcl, ,..,.,, J, lfttrry. Mii: -ICI~ (1'1. SI -C•,.. t. Oll'H I. .II' -Hltllllo A. Rid>.~ rlgl,tu, J, ,,.,,.,, ""'"- "Bui off • )'OOlli pit,., He ... ~ do U..t qa!MI IOlllO of lhe8e older pllc:bers. He got away with It lo tbe firat lnnlng and ... ol the grul home ,run hlltera In tbe g1me baW..." Manoger Billy Martin alto lodlcated dilpl<asutt •• the OO«lt 11<11, and uid Carew stole tbinl and home In the Inning cm Im own. "I didn't call It," said Martin. "There's no excepUon with no outs, but he got It for himself. J've spo~en to him about it. He's 1ot the green ll&ht anytime be wants now." Martin reportedly had put Carew on his o~ when running the bases for the first Ume Uib !USOO. And Carew later said he would not try to steal under "those circumstances." Carew, the major league le1dlng blttu . at .:JG, said, '"I 111"" I look another RBI away from Harmon but J'll try to make it up to him. Maybe J clh ICOl'e from first on a aln&lt.'' Cuew rucbed first on an error and took second on Tony Ollva'1 run.scoring alnlle. He then ato1& third and was more than hallwo,y hom• before Murphy thre" to the plate:. It g a v e the '1eoder Twins' secon4 baseman his aixtb home sleal of the aeuop in ab: tries and lied the record for home steals in a season set in 1915 by Detroit's Ty CQl>b aod lied in 1917 by Cleveland's ~ Roth. Pete Relaer, B~yn Dodgers, set the major league record ol seven in 1946. Killebrew singled In Ille thlrd run cl lbe first lnnlng and later powered a 391)..foot homer -his 16th of the year -Into the bullpen In the elgblb. Winning pitcher Jim Perry, &-3, struck out 10. Today the Angels send A n d y Mwemnllb (I-SI against the TwinJ' Danny Morris (ll-0). .Quarry, Joe Hold Drills R evolt by Tennis Players? ~In NY Streets Star s Demand Bigger Voice NE\V YORK (AP) -Jark Quarr~· r~·l'<I to work the corner when his sol'!. Jr:ry, fought bul he gave it up because! he wa~ too nervous. "I get too excited," the older Quarry said Monday as he stood in Duffy Square ~·atching his son and J oe Frazier, lhc ~eavyweight champion in some areas, go LONOON (AP) -Seven top tennis stars have served notice on the sport's rul ing establishment that lhey have formed an international association to gain a voice in world tennis policy - notably the question o! whether South Africa should play In the Davis Cup. The development was disclosed Monday by John Newcombe of Australia.. the chairman of the group, which Include! reigning Wimbledon champion Rod Laver of Corooa del Mar ani1 such U.S. etar1 as ' throogh a public workout for their June ' ~ title fight at Madison Square Garden. "I'd be afraid I might slick my thumb In his face or something," said the 'alher, a former fighter himse.IL •·t haven't worked with him for years.·• Dodgers Lo se to Padres Jerry Quarry is a real family fiJhtrr. ~'hen he swings into action he has all U1:? fol ks from bolh sides of thf) family siUing up in the front seats. On Roolcie's First Hit 0 n f of the relatives, his kid brohter Mike. 11'ill be in the ring ~1onday in a ;)relim bout. They so metimes spar logethl't. "I don't like to see them work out rjogether,'' said their father. • "fl.like is not in Jerry's class but he : thin ks he is. He's only a kid . !-le shouldn"l i take the kind of punishment Jerry can ; hand out. But he stands right up to him . , and wants to argue about il. : "Jerry takes it a little easy, but ftfike ~ v.·on't let him. A cou ple of times they f really got into 1\·ars. It's bad for both oC • Lhem." ~ Jack Quarry thi nks it will be a tough • fight but he thinks Jerry will v.·iJi. : "Jerry 1,1•orked y,•ith Joe one time, yoU f know," he said. "Jerry got a cut lip. You • 1vouldn't believe me if I told you what t happene<t next. He hit Joe five shols in a : row and Yank Durhain his 1nanager jum- f ped through the ropes and sa id that was f enough." • ' ! food y ~loves Up NE\V YORK -Orville ~loody leaped .Jrom 26th tn ~~ighth µlace on the Professional Go 1 f <'rs' Association 's money winning list, thanks to his victory in the U.S. Open. .ACC"Ordin& 10 statistics rele<Uced -~tOn~. clay by the PGA . '.\"lo(}(!~·~ ~J~.000 Open first pnzl' rai~cd his eJrn111gs so far this year to SGi,921. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Exac tly one week ago Van Kelly was struggling along 11o·ith a .230 batting average at Richmond -an Atlanta Bra\·es form team in the International League . l\1onday nigh t Kelly '~as receiving plaudits iJJ the San Diejo Padres dressing room. Kelly prod uced his first major league hit. a 'rUn-scoring double to right center. as the Padres scored their first triumph Dodge r Slate J\lllf u, OgdQtfl> YI $.In Olt110 l1J, 5,35 P.m .. IC FI Jime 1 , DodOefl Yl S.n 01.,o, 1:" ,.m .. ICFI Jur>e 20, Doct9t " •I Clnclnn•!I• 5 1-""·• I( I ! ... OJ JUM 11. DoOiren ti ClnclnMll, 1::U P.m .• ICFl (6'01 J-n. Ooclters 11 c1nc1...,.11 u1. 10:11 1.m .. 1CF1 ever at the expense of the Los Angeles Dodgers, 3-2, in 13 innings. The teams play a twi ·ni ght doubleheader tonight. Bill Singer and Alan Foster wi ll throw for the Dodgers against Joe Niekro and Gary Ross. Kelly was acquired last Friday with catcher \Valter Hriniak and infielde r 1\ndy Finlay from the . Braves in ex- change for veteran outfielder Tony Gonzalez. And Kelly is happy to be a Padre. "ll was like a dream come true,·• he said. "I can't tell you how happy t am to be In the major leagues." Ollie Bro"°11 &lammed his 10th homer of the season in !he first ionhig and .. Ed Spiezio hit his 10th of the yeat in \he 11inth for San Die go's other tuns. The blast by Spietio was his eighth ln 10 games. The Dodgers scored an unearned run in the fourth. on Arcia's error. Pinch hitter Ken Boyer singled across a run with two oul in the boltom of the ninth to send the game into extra innings. \Yith two out and runners al first and second, Kelly laced an Al McBean fastball into the gap In right ctnter to score Jose Arcia with the winning run. Roberto Pena attempted to score on the same play but was throwri out at the plate. SJ,lf Ol•GO LOS A.NllL•S ... c11. 2" II.Pena, lb O.B•Own, rf F1rr1r1, II l(~lly, )b Si~~. 11 Sp111lo. l b C~nnlu1ro, c G11ton. cl ONn. u ICtlley, 11 R•rver, 11 McCool, 11 51'hl, ,,., ll1kllch..,.., p Murrell, ti 1trllnl tlr-rtil s1oo w!!l1.u ••11 5020M0!•,11 ,110 6111 Ptr11~r,1b J iii •0101Cmco,rf 100 1 0 l l L1!9'!Yrt, lb 2 I O O O o W.O.vlt, pr 0 D 312 1 H•ll•r,c Io SO DO Slrtmof9,111 5 O s I o o 'l'orboro, c J I 5 0 0 0 5vdlklt. lb J ' J D o o ""'"'" er 2 o 0 I 0 I Gtbdtlsoll, J1t1 I t 0 0 0 0 IC.Boyer, pll I 1 IOOOMcllun.p I. 0 0 0 I Cr1wtord, "' I 0 0 I D I C.Ot!Mn, D l e J Mlll1r, II f 0 0 l ot11s '6 l I J Tot111 c 1" 1 I S41n 01-100 000 001 000 1 -J LO• Afl911H 00D 100 001 000 I -2 IP H It Ill II -.0 1Ce1i.v 1-1/J l 1 o s s 11-rver 1.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 McCool l/J I • • I 0 ''""'"""' 1w ... 11 a. I 1· a_J Sl1k I t I I I _ C.Olteei\ r ' • 1 2 ' 1 McllNI' !l ,1·11 • 4 2 I I 2 S 51Yt -5llk. HI/ft -by ICtLft1 (Metil. Time -l :k Al!tn<lll>CI -11..-.. :Olso n t o Coach ·LB Cagers By llOCER CARLSON assistant. 01 lht O•llY Pli.r Still Lute Olson ha s resigned !us position as Prior to that Chuck Kane was in com: ; vanity basketball coach at l\iarina lligh marnlat the Long Beach school for three ! School and has moved on lo Long Beach years before moving further inlo ad - • City College whe;te~ hf;.'U pursue hi s -· 1ninistration duties y,·here he·s llQW the 1 basketball coaching, the DAILY PILOT-. dean or student affairs. , Jeamed today. Olson, who 's been the varsity coach at 1 Olsoo. who "'as rcccn1ty na~1ed sue-Marina since the school was built , guided r teSllOr to Jlm Coon as athletic d1re<:lor at the VlkJngs into the ClF basketball 1 Marini:, wilJ also serve as alblelic playoffs twke, in 1967 and 68. f COOllltlor at the Lona Beach plant. Hrs most outstanding indh•idual }.1ark • '1l'rn very happy With the oPS>Qrtunity ~. Is currently plavlng' under : that bas arisen. bot it's not an easy move Adolph Rupp of Kentucky. • ·to make. lie indicated a move was in his mind ·'Thel'a a compliment to Manr111 ond for lhe pasl year since completing h.is :1110 4'pe of kids we have there. l '1r been mnsters. , \•cry happy at Marino but from the "At that time I thought U the op- :>tandpolnt of a fiJture I wanted to get on partunity should arise 1vherc I might ad· • Jnto the college level. vance past tht high school stage J should : "Too. we'\'e had oar lha(C-of FOd do I\. playen and thal'a '!''bat YoU nec1 pfus • "I feeJ badly about leaving the kld!i ..• Joi d MUd cooperation Crom the retl of we have som'e renl good ones comtng up. the at.air aod adminlJJtralion," Olloo aald. 1 think the program ts qn good solid Olton replaces Rn llu.ghcs, who D'IO\'ed ground. It's tough Lo leuve from that un lo the llnlvtrslly of NebrasU u an 1tandpolnt," he concluded. ··f LUTE OLSON Joins .JC R•nks Arthur Albe of RlchmoDd , Va,, and Charles PUlfell of Puerto Rico. Newcombe Nid the group bu invited 100 other playm Oii the ..... Id dmiJt to join. He told newsmen: '"We are the people who are playln( the game, and up to now we hive never been COll!Ulted on any major Issue. We want to know bow playen feel about SOuth Africa'• partlclpailon In the Davis 'cup and we will make our views known." Sweden bu filed a motton with the JnltrMUonal Lawn Termls Federation propoalng thot all SOUlb AfrlcanJ be ban- ned from tournaments because of South Africa's racial policies. Poland and Ciechoslovakia refuaed to play South Africa in the DaviJ Cop this year. Aided by two byes, South Africa reach- ed the final or the European Zone, Sec· tion A, and will play Britain in Bristol, England, next month. Laver, Ron Holmberg of New York and Nlcliy Pille Ii. Yuio1ilavla are on Ille tem- porary committee ot the new ISIOClaUon. Pasarell b the vice chairman, Marty Riessen, Evanstoo, lll., general secre· tary, and Ashe, treamrer. Ulftl Tt""""'° THIEF IN ACTION -Red Carew of the Minnesota Twins slides into home safely against the California Angels the first inning for his record-tying sixth steal of home. Angel manager Lefty Phillips blllsted the Twin star, accusing him of showboating. Sports In Brief Newcombe said the association hopes to delve into such maUen as the condud of tournaments, as well u the lhorny South Africa issue. "There are many tournaments which do not have enough umplres and linesmen," he said. Laker Coaching Derby "We think t5 percent of l~ pJayer1 would be wllllng to belp oul Jf we can 1et this associ1Uon (olng, we can offer or.ti' members for umpiring duty where they are needed." Back Vp to 7 C1wices Hulbert Gets =--FrnBh Otge Job· at UCI J erry Hulbert, who led Troy HI&h Sdiool Ii. Fllllatoo to the Frttw1y League Ullo the put ......,, hu been named trt.hman bastetbtll coach at UC lrvme, the DAILY PILO'I' learned today. He succeeds Tom TUt, who moved up to the vanity spot after Dkk Davie be- .:ame head coach at San Diego State. Hulbert'a 1ppOJDlment will become ef. fective July l. The Newport Harbor High School graduate (1961) brlnp with him an Im· pressive record chalked up ln prep circles. His three-year rt«lrd at Troy ii 55-lt, lncludlnc a~ lllUt In 1-. Al Troy he d<ftloped J.lt Scott Magnum, who llgned 1 lttter of intent rccent)JI wllh tbe un1 .. rnty of Min· LOS ANGELES -The National Basketball A.ssoclation Lakera have "at leut seven outstanding coachea:" under conalderaUon to take over their head C"8Ching spot, says Generll Manager Fred ScbrlUI. Schaus uld-Monday ti.at In -OWi in- cluding owner Jack Kent Cooke would take place over the next eever1l weeks. "We want a man who ls golng to be here for 10 years or eo," Schaus aa.id. ''We want the right type of per90n the club needs and the organization wants." • NEW YORK -Professional football Commisaloner Pete Rozelle's office said Monday the fact that Joe Namath has hired a former FBI agent to police his rutaurant does not change Namath's non-playing status in professional foot· ball A police IOW'Ct bas described the upper , Eaat. Skte lounge a& "crawling with the wont IGl't ol cbarldtn." Jlm ICeMll, Roielle's top a.sslstant, said Moodl;y thol "before there ta 111)' chlnge In Ibo. lllulUon, the comml!si°"" sWI s1ys he wants to sit down and talk with Jot. So far, there hu been no cmtact either from Joe « his allotllt)'1." • nesota: SALINA, Kan. -The N1t1onal AAU HU.Jbert, zt, pllyed two years of varstty Decathlon Cb&mpionships will be held 1t ball under Jllla Gaies al Newport Salina July M u originally scheduled. Harber and followed that with a paJr of AAU ofllclal1, in a meeUna Monday seuona; under Al sawyer 1t Orqe Coast · rejected a proposal to cban1e the dates ~ Coll<ge. June JI.lit. Ht compltted IU1 educauon at san The change was proposed by Hilmer Dteao St.ate where he played another two Lodge, tract and tJeld chalrnlan of the rears Ii. buhlblJL AAtl, aftt.r lbret top cont<nd<rs com- '• .... .. .. plained of a hard track and the heat in Salina. The three, including defending cham- pion Bill Toomey of Laguna Beach also said the July S-6 dates allowed them' little time to prepare for the U.S.-British Com- 111011wealth-Russlan meet in Los Angeles July 18-19, • LOS ANGELES -Hurdler Roo Whitney and higi1 jumper Otis Burrell 11e athletes of the week as voted by the Southern California Track and Field Writers. Whitney won t.he 440 yard intermediate hurdles at Sunday's Orange County Invitational meet In 50.4 seconds. Burrell was honored for his jump of 7- 2~7. -the best high jump in the world this year -at the same meet. • NEW ORL~ANS -Ben Hogan, once one of goll s most compeUUve shot· m 1 k e r s, got the green light to start swinging a club aga in Monday but said he might restrict his playing to social golf. Hogan, 56, hasn't lifted a club slnct Aug. 15, 1968, because of an old ann in- jury wh ich has required surgery ~ tUnea, twice In the past seventh months. But when asked U he plans to return to professional goll, Hogan shrugged and noted that he was 56 years old. "lt would take me at least two years lo get back In shape for any kind of tournament play " he said. But he dltln't rule out. the possibility. . . . ---~--·-------------~-----------------·---------------- ' • H Cl b1 T, Jn SI g1 "' G ., N Cl N a1 to lh le :;. .z S1 d1 y1 N fo a al w lh •• B N "' fo A " g1 VO n h k b I: h I ,, • s E s I ' J I• t t r J I ( I I s ' ' • • ' • • I \ -~ ----... . . -.., .~ ' . . . ~ . ~ ' . . ' ' ···-. " ' .. ' . " •. rum11. June 17, 1969 DAILY PILOT 17 Yardley No1ninees State 880 ~· A!f.11.41.d Pa/Ma GOLF ~Heads ~· "SQUARE::--.:;: ::ASFE£T South Team Dotted ' . City Team tr past records are an;' in- dication, the Los Angeles Ci· ty Schools will be well represented iD the inaugural Southern California Invltallon All.Star track meet saturday I night at Cerritos College. The meet pits gri;i.duating : stars from Los Angeles against their CIF southern secUon counterparts In the first-eve r meeting af lhis type in track and field. Leading the city contingent ls Ricco Sanchei of Canoga Park. the state champion in f h .. t -prevlou$1y that golfers Ht up to the baU with a square stance-that is, 1 stance in wh tch a line across the toH is parllflal to the larget line. Such 1 stance a:ives the averqe ,;.ayer his best<:h&ncts for retutnina tht clubhead 'llon~ the target line. Howe¥er , it is not enough -~ squore yoor .. ttncL k b eq-'tf 'ltlal tn.t the bips the · shottldtrs 1l10 be squ •· A tine across the hips and tders 5houtd also par· an~ the target line. It is an loo S4mple to ass.umt With Area Players SOuthem prestige Is at stake Thursday night when. coach An~y Smith and his team do battle at Anaheim'! La Palma Stadium in the second annual KJwanis Orange County All· Si.tr baseball game. Game Ume is I. Duane Shaffer ( G a rd en Grove). Schoettler led N e w p o r t Harbor to a Ci:IF AAAA playaft berth with his outstanding · 10-2 record and was named Player of the Year in the Orange Coasl area. Schotttler struck out 108 bal- lers in 85 Innings while posting three shutouls during the re-- cent campaign. Three area players from gi, trVlnc League will aid Smith ': Olltfll. They're flex Snyder o, Corona del t.1ar. Dan Clark,of Costa Mesa and Bill Powell of Esta"nciM. All three . made the first team All-Orange Coast are11 with Snyder being named athlete or the yeS:r •l hb. sc)>ool. Clark bit .350 during U11· season for Cost• Mesa and. 1:- coosidered an e x c e 11 e Ii t deftll!ive player at shortstop. ~ the 880. 11,.:1115..--l-•o+ Sanchez won the staLe liUe a square stance and square hip positiOn, yet le111ve the shoulders ''open" -aimed to ttle left of ta rget. Soch 1 shoulder posl· tM>n "ill encourage a cutting The South team will be goJng for its second straight upset of the North, hiving disposed of the Yankees last year with a 3-2 win behind the pitching ol ~1ater Dei's Joe LePage. Again the North is favored with its roster dotted with athletes from Loara, Kennedy, Western and Las Alamitos - all league champions. Thlrd·baseman Bob Leavy is the other Newport player on the team. Leavy suffered a broken foot midway through the Sunset League campaign, bul finished with a .500 batting average in his abbreviated league outing. Estancia's Powell notched a .385 batting average for the Eagles while playing fla""5s fTEVE SHEDD BRUCE CHAPMAN Shedd: AJJ.p AC-8 Star; with a I :51.6 and has a seasonal best of l : 51.3. C'"'11ti. Mtl 9f city MlrlM! 100 -Alber't HH"""', Los A-lfl1 li;on"I' Wtlc.h, Lm. A11911<111 Ste .... Holcle... <Hr~; Rov Wtrren, J.._ !e .. on. 210 -H~rvev, Wtld1, Wtrre.1, OtYld Glllltrd. OorMVI ltrrv Wrlgl!I, Oor.ev. U-0 -Ricco StncMr, C.1'11191 Ptrk; E"iesl Otvl1, LOI Angtltll Ron G-dl,, S...n FerMl\001 Edale LowhrldM. Locke; Roddv Wr!eM. Wtllll..,IOfll 8rtc~fard 8rldte~. OorMY tlwo will r11n milt relty on1v). 1110 -Stnc:htl, Jot Pu1rl1. N1rbofl. ne; 8111 KM!ln, Cltv.iltncl; M1n11el L(Pfl, Btlmonl. MHt -Mike llvne-r. RHedtJ Otn !.ch«!ller. F1lrl1~1 llrltn M1rllne1., Blrml1>11htm1 Oort Penm1n, 8lrm- -across the ball-from outside to inside-of the cklbhNd. This will probabfy,cause a s~e . If you do not tm your shots as s traight as you ieel you sho~d. first th«k not only your stance, but also your h~ and shoulders, to see that they are also "square." Arnold Palmtr's "HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR ~ ... A copy of this hint.pac~ed booklet is )'ICMKS b' 204 -. .. Jllb" Ntm• a si-ped. ~·add!es~ed 1111allOF19 Motlil -.iii,....,...-to An-*!. Pa\.ner, in Qreof Otis 1 1 Q&Plf. Smith has a contingent cf 18 to throw at the opposition, In· eluding 10 athletes from the Orange Coast area. He balled .420 overall (2 1- for-50) and is considered an ootstanding player on defense at the hot corner. Smit.ti has two outfielders from Westminster 11"1 the brother combination of Will and Phil McCartney. defense at third base. • Wilt of Mater Dei rounds put the area players. A lanky righthander, Witt had a UM rec6rd for the Monarchs while being named to the all-league, all-county find all·area teams. The Mater Dei star~ who started every league garqe for the Monarchs, worked 105 in· nings this season with a 1.19 ERA. Chapman Has the Tools l1111h1m. \l,,=====================~-'l TlllO>Mllt -S!tvt 8111m. Unlv•tallv; ' He's more than adequately staffed in the all-important pitching department where he has Steve Schoettler (Newport Harbor) and Adri an Witt (Mater Dei) along with Bert Blyleven (Santiago) and The latter, a southpaw, had a .357 average during the season while Will was hitting at a .377 clip. The We!tminster duo was named lo the All-Suns et League, All-Orange County and All-Orange Coast area teams in the outfield. He rinished the campaign \.\'ilh a .325 batting average. Two former Newport Harbor High baseball players or re· cent years have gone into pro ball -Bill Voss and Terry Thompson. And now one has made it big In collegiate baseball -Steve Shedd. A 1964 llarbor H i g h graduate, Shedd has been nominated to receive the · George Yardley Trophy . awarded annually by the Newport Beach J u n i or Chamber or Commerce to 1he Newport Beach·Costa Mesa area's outstanding athlete. Shedd was named this week to a second team selection on the all-Pacific b a s e b a I 1 tea m. A UCLA outfielder, the 5-11. 180-pound senior wa s a .270 hiller this year. His high school coach, Andy Smith, says Shedd was a defensive gem during his two years as a Newport starter. "Steve was a .350 hitter at Ne\.\'port but I remember him for his defensive \.\'ork. He was a great first baseman for us. "As a hitter. I recall a game at Long Beach Wilson High when he hit two balls over their left field fence and across the street" Shedd is the alder brother or Bill Shedd. who will be Newport's varsity quarterback next fall. "Steve was a team leader for us· and the UCLA coach. Art Reichle, says the same thing about him there. He has great dedication and he works very hard at the game." During his junior college basketball days at Orange Coast. Bruce Chapman was somewhat overshadowed by the brilliance of John Vallely. Still, he was regarded as a player with all the physical tools and it was or na surprise to area cage followers when Chapman achieved stardom last season as a junior at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. A 6·7 forward, Chapman was a standout at Costa Mesa High under Jules Gage four years ago. At OCC, be teamed with Vallely to give Coast a potent one-two punch that produced consecutive E a s t e r n Con· ference championships. As a starter for coach Roland Todd at UNLV, Chap- man wound up on a jug· gemaut. The Rebels were rated among the nation's bes\. s mall college teams throughout the season before being eliminated by San Fran· cisco State at the NCAA ·s "'est roast regionals in March. The Rebs play a tough schedule. with teams like Southern Illinois. H o u s I on , Kentucky \Vesleyan, TCU. Cal State (Long Beach) and' Ok1ahoma on their slate. ''We play racehorse basket- ball at UNLV and that's U1c way I like to play the game," Chapman says. Coast area fans probabl y remember Chapman best for this 41-point night against Riverside in 1967 a perfarmance that helped wrap up th e EC tille that year. A 20-year-ald, he wants to be a coach. Cliff !.111bv. lltstdt; Jiff Loutll. ll:Htdt; Rich Orl"I• llHftltl Rtl'llh' 8tl1tr. Blrtnintl'ltrfl. Hlgn Hurdlts -C:htrll!:I lllch, W1:J>l119""'t Jtmt' Tolbert. Loc:k•; Gtrv F1tmln1. Mtnutl Arru o.,,. Ed\ols, So</11'1 Gtlt. L-Hvrdlft -Rici!. lo!berl, Firm- ing. Holden. Hltll Jump -Rober! J-11. Wtshl!>V'IOIU lonv Polntll'll . Wtllll119lon; Felmln11, Kl!'ll OoulMrd, Gtr!lent. Polt Vtull -.t.lltn Stuck. C1eveltnd; F1r11eY a ....... Ptllwcln; Ku"' Kt"ll' GardM11 StutrT Wr!ghl. Svlmlr. lonv Junuo -Hoklflt, louthrld9t, Ken Jl(k-.. G1rint11; LtrN Tiet. Bt!I. Siio! PU! -GIN Dorner. l1tr1 Jj>I/ Sherll\ln, l1tr1 Jlm S!tlh1rd, Stn Ptdro; S!Wve Wtlmtr. Wnlcl!Hter. Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division \Von Lost Pct. GB Chicago 40 20 .667 - New York 30 26 .538 8 Pittsburgh ' 31 3o .508 9l/:i St. Louis 29 31 .433 11 Philadelphia 2.1 32 .418 141S: Montreal 15 42 .263 23 1'? West Division Atlanta 36 24 .600 - Los Angeles 33 26 .559 2 1 ~ S. Francisca 33 26 .559 2 1~ Cincinnati 30 25 .545 31,~ Houston 29 JS .453 9 San Die~o 26 38 .406 12 MOllllll"• Rn111t1 Clncin,..11 I, Stn Frend1co • Atltnl• .. ,, Hou1ton 1·A Plt!SbllfOll f, C:lllttto f 51. Lou11 3. MonlrNI 0 sen Dl«io 3, Lox An11ele• 1. ll lnfl. '~· Ortlv 11•tne• 1c1u:<:111ted TocltV'• O•"'H Hew Yorlt (Gentry S.S •ncl C:trdw~ll 1 .. 1 ti Pl\lt111tll'fll1 (Ja<kson U •rHI Ct>1~1cin l·Jl, ), twl·n19'1! stn Dino (Nl"'-ro 1·3 and Sh~ G.4) ,.1 Lot AnHlf1 IS!nffr 1_. t nd foi!tr f.41, 2, 1wl-l!itllt Cf>lc..., (S!lmt 6-l tt>d J~nkl"' l·ll ti Pl"lbu.... (VN I(' 1·1 tnd Gtrbtr !H). 1. 1w~n1v111 Youth Fishing Derby Runs Through August Montrnl (W!!~ner ).)) 1t St. Louis (C:trl!on £.41. nloafl! , ~OUSIOll !l~•1ter S.1) ti AH1nt1 ! PADC>tl 4-6), nltM c;;nc..,ntll !C:ulvfr 4.4\ t i $In Fr11'> t•~'o IM!rtd'itl 1.1). nlfl'tl A~fERICAN LEAGUE Eatl Division Won Lost Pct. GB Baltimore 44 17 .Tll - Balboa Angling Club's an· nual junior fishing tournament is now under way and will keep the young Isaak \Valtons busy through Aug. 23. Purpose of the tournament ls to stimulate interest in Falcons Split Pair sportsmanship a n d com-Boston 37 22 .627 Ii pelitive spirit and provide a Detroit 32 23 .582 9 healthy outdoor outlet for the Washington 31 32 .492 14 youngsters. New York 30 33 .476 15 The tournament Is open to Cleveland 20 36 .357 21 lfl boys and glrls Jess than 16 West Division Years old and is divided into Minnesota :J2 26 .552 -Oakland :n 26 .544 1,s l\\•o age groups -junior Seattle 26 32 .~48 fi division, rive through 10 years, Chicago 24 32 .429 7 and senior division 11 lhrough Kansas City 25 l5 .417 8 15 years. California 19 37 .339 1 I Fishing may be conducted in Mond•I"• 11wu111 the ncean and any harbor or ~~:', :: ~~:'.. ~ bay (lpening into it from Pt. MlnnoM:1 1. c1111ornl1 t C ·~ th rth t th (~latllO I. ~"If 3 oncep.,.,n on e na o e o..1tiind 1.2, K1ns1s c 11y ~l; 111 31!)1 parallel on the south. ,_ 1l ifw>ln11s. ,,,., ''~ 11 11111111,1 E h I Onlv ""'" schtduitd Th . 1 l · · th ac contestant must catc 1 TO\llli,.'• 01-e area s wo en nes in c his or her own fish on rod and o,~11nd !OoMon 4-SJ " KtnWs Citv Pttetro baseball league con· reel. fO••Po J·'l· 1119111 tinued to have early season c1Htomr1 1~ser""1"" l·Sl 11 Mono troubles in \.\-eekend action . There is no weight limit on nt=-~~~~:,~· :\f'',1 C:1ievtl1nd P. 1 d ped ... · fish entered as species, bul to CP1u1 1-t1. "'"'' Wards 1ra es rop ..u1e1r IU f tr , he 1. h 111fimcn 1cut111r "'I 11 w, ... ,.,.. second game in as many qua 'I or 8 opny t IS ton CS#Oel~ 1-11. nlthl .. .l..1 h rnust weigh at'-least ont s.1ne i•rtaieni:lef .l;j. •!!'! ,.,111r1 starts .. 2-0 to the ·Jet.s w111 et ,. pound. No license iS required, Mi.,, a.~ !Pet'iri 1-:Y ""' •n Embee Falcons split a pair Of b 1 1. h nd 1 st , .. .t:..~.,·-, .• ~ ., .. ,,,,_ '"' I k. 11 u 1s a game awsmu ""''"' ........... •. Sunday games, h an ins ie .1 New Ya" is"'"""'",. M 11111 Panthers, 10-0, and then losing _:bc:.:...o=bc"'-y~ed=---------~"'°"'""'-'•~•~1.-""-"..,_~-=~' __ _ a night game. 1-0, to La Fonaa Jr" SOFT The Falcans. who are 1-3 in league play, had plenty of hit- ting, collecting 20 hits in the SELL SAM By Marvin Myers two games. In lhe opener agaln!!l !he Panthers. Noel Paulson 11nd Ron Ri chardson sparked an 11 -htt attack with home ntn.5. P~ulson had three hits In lhe t'OTltest and a pair of runs-bat tcd·in. Richardson collected ~ RBis with his homer and a single. Linescores: . " . J~h l'71 «Q fl01-' I t Wara. Por1t1t f1«1 (02 llC1-J I 1 C#fOtn •I'd I•"'"' O.~'-· "'"tt' C•) Mod Ctlf"I'. . " . "~""'" OOll OOll ~ 0 ' 0 f1lcon1 1Dt tlll •-10 H t p~lnd .....,_liw: Woclld 11'4 -lll'lf r:11u.tts OC1C1110C1 ~ ' O LI For .. 1:1 Jr... 001 -DIM-I • I llllkt 1Nll P1....,.•""'1 I••~ 11'111 E11t-4a. MITllO LaAOlla STA!'l,11'104 GI l• PO>M!& Jrl. J 0 t - ........ ' 0 It Hut!ton 1 O 1 '• - 1-,_~l -- , Some Quit, Others Switch Jobs Along with Smith, Corona de! Mar's Tom Trager, named All-Orange Coast area Coech or the Year, is a member o! the coaching staff. Coaching Musical Chairs: Infielder Buddy Moen and catcher Vince Moll of Marina Hlgh also made the South roster. Moen was instrumental in the Vikings' high finish in the Sunset circuit. He's a slick- fielding shortstop. Other players on the SouOt squad include Tom Heierle, La Quinta's Paul Hayden, Sad- d I e back 's Keith Keil, Pacifica·s Tom Sandt, Santa Ana Valley's Al Bames, Santa - Ana's Tim Sepulveda and Panesi Afaulo and Foothill 's Howard Hoyt. Area Staffs It's hard to recall a t ear when more varsity coaches on the Orange Coast area prep scene made more moves Lhan the past season. It seemed a continuous game of musical chairs -some dropping out er the coaching ranks -ot~ers switching from cne place ar sport lo another. At any rate, the coaches indeed kept thing! from getting dull . Of the area 's 12 prep schools. 28 varsity ********''''''' ROGER CARLSON *************** coaches. athletic directors and numerous assistants left the scene. There've been no changes in the pa~t 45 minutes, so perhaps an up to date wrapup can be put in type and on the street before it'is outdated. Here's a capsule rundown on each school : Corona del Mar : Bill Bloo1n (basketball), Dave Millovich (swimming), Ron McNiehol! ! gymnastics). Costa Mesa : Neil Peek (fOQtball), Herb Livsey (basketball), Brian Sprin&er (track and cross country), George Se If r .1 d g e {bastball ). Ken Stuart (tennis). Estancia: Joe Wolf (athletic director), Joh n Lowry {football ). Fountain Valley : John Kasser (basketball), Huntington Beach : Vince Asaro (wrestling ). Bill Ridenour (golf), Henry Leichtfried (ten- nis ). Laguna Beach : Gary Norton (ba!lketball), Nonn Borucki (basebRll), Jack Lythgoe (track), Ed Bowen (golf). Marina : Jim Coon falhletic director), Larry Angelel (swimming and water polo), Jack Kennedy (wrestling), Bob Duesler (tennis), Lute O!lon (basketball). Mater Dei : None Mission Viejo : None Newport Harbor: None San Clemente: Tony Sisca (baseball ). Westminster: Gearge Beckstead (gym· nasfics), Lyman Clower (tennis). Jim Thompson (golf). Lewis Bayles (wrestling). * * * Where'd they go and why? Who takes their places?, Costa Mesa's staff popped a blood vessel. All Shook Vp No less than five varsity coaches affecting six sports left for various reasons. Jiere·s a rundown on each school'! departing staff with the replacement when known in pa renthesis. At Mesa. Peek (Max Miller) hung up the cleats because of the demanding schedule. Liv!ey (Emil Neeme) moved up to Orange Coast College and Selfridge (Jim llagey) completed a one-year hitch as interim coach. Stuart is entering professional tennis and Springer is moving on to Palos Vertles High. Corona del Mar's Bloom (Tandy Gillisl quit to enter the trucking business and Mc· Nichols left for a better paying assignment out of the area . ' Millovich (Cliff Hooper) quit. dissatisfied with relations in the caaching !laff and ended up at Grossmonl Junior College as head aquatics coach . Moll was all-league for Marina for two years running. AJJ-Star Tilt to Feature Wild-card Pinch-hitting The secand annual North· South Orange County All·Slar Baseball game. sponsored by the Anaheim Kiwanis Club, ha s several unique provisions. Firsl, the teams are made up of Orange County players Ydlh no more than two from any one school. Every playe r must see at least one inning of actioc and pitchers are limited to three innings of work. Should the contest go into extra-innings, any player roay re-enter the game so that coaches will be free in using up their manpower during the regulation nine innings. This year·s game w l 11 feature a "wild card hitter'' like the one experimented with during the American League exhibition season. A coach can use a plncb·hit• ter for a member of his lineup without that player cominr out of the game. The wild-card player may not bat more than once as a Eslancia's Lowry (Phil Brown) decided ln try the football wars at Antelope Valley anti athletic director Wolf (Wayne Hughes) i~ Ga Cho Dllo pinch-hitter but may be in-ll ' serted in the lineup later in looking for something new -like coaching H the game. again_ to occupy his ume. Wins onors 111e conlest is slated for Fountain Valley's Kasser (Dave Brown ) Thursday night at 8 at La quit to go into business. Paul Cox and Don Sweetland Palma Stadium in Anaheim. Huntington Beach's Asaro (Bob Rice) and walked away with the top Capacity is 2.000. Ridenour {C1yde Frishholz) moved to Edison honors 1'1onday night in the Tickets, priced at $l.50 for High and Leichtfried (Dale Schultz) decided rirst annual Saddleback col-adults and .75 for students, to stay at Huntington only as the Bee basket· lcge spring awards banquet can be obtained al the box of- ball coach. held in San Clemente. r•f-ice;;;;;;Th;;;;u•rsd;;;;a•y;;;;ni•g•h•I.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Laguna Beach: Norton (Jerry Fair) quit to Cox. who won as many as11 venture deeper Into administration duties. foor events several times in Lythgoe (relieved) and Borucki fqu it l. were dua l meet competition, was named "Gaucho of the Yeat" dissatl!fied with administration policies. Ditto for track while Sweetland, ror Bowen. No replacements yet for the latter two _ Len Miller takes over track duties. Saddleback's leading hitter won similar honors 1 n Marina High's Angele! quit for similar baseball. reasons. unhappy with Huntington Beach rr1cti School District policies and Coon (Lute Olson) 0,~:J11~ ~r'1-fn°!r~OdM&lW,~ I ced thl t. d' ( K ed MOICOWl!r. Oullltndln; rr1c-min -was rep a as a e 1c 1rec or. cn n Y ~d(::."'" ov111tnd1no 1111d ~en•""'" (probably Mike Meek) left his wrestling •·m~" I ti t -" ( t th I C1011ln -S"l'ft l•nd. MOii lmorll'fff cu es o ._.,.,._en ra e on e c assroom. _ c;,~, p""~IM on. Most 1nwt111lloi't· lor'"t Scrwt11 111 the We1tl New l111proffd rrojoctlettl Olrl!'CI From Midi-. Squt ... Gt ..... ORlO KOVYV/l\GKl \ CK~MPIONSKIP IS ROUMOI I JOE fRAZIER i" •S . JERRY QUARRY -- Duessler (probably Bill Kelle r\ quit Cl}achlnq •I 1111ver -Ptnnl111J'""· ou111tndln11 olttt1slv1 ol•Y~• -Seo!! LOl'ltn«~ar. 7 tennis to devote more time to Bee basketball . 1;::::::::::::::::::::::=:::==::::=::==.11 Olson takes over at Long Beach City Col· P.M., lcge. for th Mo11 ALL SEATS lE$EllVEI SJ.SI San Clemente's Sisca ls leaving to con-tllot h• •••rytftl11t ..,11ohelm Con~ .. c...., rentrate his duties in the classroom. b•t tti. rltll• 91r11. 11ct111 "' .,,, •1 ""'hllm c111- Westminster's George Backstead (Leon ''°" c1111..-••• ot11c1-"" M...,., Crawford) Is moving up to Golden West 54 7 -666 7 A11nc11,, u~11M1 c.111.,,,11 ,.,.,, O,tftft c-ry '"" Wtlllc•'1 Mllllc College. Clower (David Knapper ) and tt,,==='='="=~='="="'=4='"='==="~'~'"~·""""""""""""""""""~ Thompson (Fred Rash) move on to Edison 1 High and Bayles (Bob CossarekJ will devote full lime to teaching. So there you ha ve it. For the moment anyway. ·-. To Win NCAA by Wolfe KNOXVIL~E. TelUI. (AP) - Kansas and San Ja1e State were tabbed Monday by the coach of the defending cham· pions, Southern Callfornia's Verne Wolfe, as co-f1vorites in the NCAA t r a c k ch•m· pionshlps opening here Thurs- day. "You ha ve to rate Kansu and San J05e State as the favorites," saKi Wolfe. whose Trojans edged Washington Slate by one polnt for the UUc a year ago. "I think there are at least six teams, including us, that should be raled as CM- Jcnden ... Wolfe said. "UCLA. Ore(on. Wuhlnfllon State and VIiianova. Wolfe aa\d he W<1uldn't be at all surpriled to see a few world records toppled in the thr<e-doy~. "'ntll Tartan track ls fast,'' Wolfe dtclln!d. "We love It. All ol the best ilma oor boys have established have been nm an Tartan. "t think we might see Bob Seagren shlltte.r his own Man- dard ln the polt vault Bob hu been vauklnc real well. He h31 gone over 17 feel In his lut four meets and I believt he Is ready ror a 17·10 (If t• foot leap." Seagrv1"1 world record ls 17 feet, 9 lr.ches. There wlJI be qualify ing feaps and throws In 1111 field events and Ume trlals In eight raca '11'1und1y. The finals In the six.·mlle run also will be held Thursday. ' hurdles. too-yard dash and 3,000.meter steeplechase art scheduled Friday along with aemillnals and trials in nine other events. Finals In 13 events are Ht for Saturday. "K8niaS1iiiI~r Jim -ilyun closes out his collegiate career In the m~t. Ryun, lanky senior barn· pered by illneu a year aga after winning the mlle u 1 sophomore in 19'7, is favoffit again this year. The world record holder tuntd up with 1 3:SS.9 clocklna two weeks a.go. R)'\ln and a trto of wel;hl mtn -Karl Salb, Steve Wiiheim and Dou( l<nop - make Kansas the probable favorite for the team I.Ille won the past two year1 by ~nthern Cal, which h • • dominated tilt meet and won Leaving town on business and your wife needs the car? Wflere aoes that leave you? 1 Near you' Ford Rent·A·Car dealer, that's where! Rent a new Ford, Mustang, or Torino for a day, week, or month. Low rates •.• Insurance Included. I FORD RENT·A·CAR SYSTEM r 41»'' . THIODORI ROllNS FORD JNI .._.., lt¥4. CM'9 M ... , C•flf. '42.0010 WILSON FORD -1 1m1.._ .. ..._ H•lltl"ftM IMc._ Cilf, 14t4611 , . I • ' I• j ; I I 1i:;,..,, 1' I I h ~'"'"'" l l" t::t'Pl••tn ~ \ "And don't forpl Tun· nesset. The Vols wlll be pcrfonnlng <1n tbclr own trACk bl?fore.• home crowd and they ha\te some bOjs who art colna to score some pofntt." F'lnals In the hammer, long Jump, 1hot pu~ t:O.yard 2Gtimesovulhe year'~·-_';:::=:=;:::=:==:::---~-;::::--:::---~-==:::::-::=-....l....J:_ t ' • l1' OAll.Y PILOT Tutld.11, June 11, 1969 Marni Siar ~ Miss Nixon H~ Lyric Opf!t~. C.cu.t .. -The billl>41 ... U.IJ>e Bowl lnLaauna1lelcll .,.IU be olive "1th "'!be Sound of M"'io" In r • when the Lyrlo AssoclaUon of Orange ~nls Rod&ers and e r s l ein '• popular ilMalc •llh a lull pro1 ... 1onal CMtJ .. .. ~ ,Maf!U ~ixon, the tin&inc voice of • many, a Hollywood actreA, lo tho role 1o1 MW .. ~ .... 1'111 be ·~. tor four P._erformantts" ~;lle'pl.<s;s, u·ana u. r,.,. ~1on;' i depar{urc ;r.ilii\Y.k: qpela ~_. 1policy 1of ~g . ., • ...ii 1an an · the ·a...1. will be staged by Kent Johnson, a we U-known dirtdor or Orange Counly community theater, who also ls designing the sets. Eugene _Ober, a former conductor of the Orange County Symphony, Ls ~usicat director for !he •tJow. 'MUSIC' t,\AKER Marni Nixon "Luther" a.nd ''Macbeth.~ will be ·pll)'\J1& hll first starring role in .a mwdcal. Also a direc- tor, he currently ls st13ing a Los Angeles production of Kurt Weill music and has dlrecled Mtss Nixon In "Trou- ble Jn Tahiti." Miss Jordan, who sang the roie Or Cherubino 1n ''The Marriage of Figaro" for the Lyric Oper~ last year, has ap- peared in operatic productions in Los Angelei and San Diego and has toured with the Roger Wagner Chorale. Dennis has appeared all , over the counlfy In musical leadlng rotes; lneluding·· ''My Fair Lady," "Oklahoma" ind ''Damn Yankees." He has played the rOle of Max in New Jersey, Florida, Charlotte and Cleveland. 'Generation Gap' Plugged at Lido By DOROnlV BARLEY, Fill your clubhouse (and :Your mem~· hats) with flowers, put on a Ugbt hearted piece of nonae.nse backed by bubbling songs and a h1gh- splrited cut ·and you've got the sunnieft saJute to summer · that any wlnter--weary group coiild devise. muse for lh is clever, cx- trdilely capable "Generation Gap." They ~ave a happy 'lru.i timely piece ol theater a thoroughly deserved ovation. Original 1 ·That, obviously was t h e fnnnula behind tile Lido lsle ACltlS OF FltlE PARKING Drama in Women's Club's sta&ing of tl}e ''Generation Gap" and it \l'a& HELD OVER Premiere a prescription guaranteed t.o 1''1';'-.,;..,_,..~ restore any critic's flagging p enthusiasm at this tail end of a tong season. "'I'h Haunted Wood " an The seve:::"'9Cene skit amply . e. . ' served to demmuhate the original dramatic f~lasy by . d8pths of local talent u po n Sondra ,Evans, will b e wblch the Lido group is able to premiered tonight at 8:30 in call . And for the playgoer who the Westminster Community might be inclined to weary of Th t the plot, there was ample ea er. compensation in a parade of Written for the students o( eye-catching fashions provided Miss Evans' drama workshop, for the play by a local fashion lhe play is directed by house. 1;e ) ENDS TONIGHT "MY SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN" -AUO -Tony Randall "HELLO DOWN THERE" STARTS WEDNESDAY DUN .lllllfS · llWIE BAKER ::--..._tul(_UIS1BIUI =-= ~ workshop student Doris Allen . Backing a capable cast was AddiUonal performances will a musical background from be given Thursday, Friday and those masters of th e Saturday evenings. tunesmiths' trade, Jean Tan-Kiili . I ng ALSO - w ........ ,... ..... . Endi Tonight Dcrt14 Jo115Mll i11 'WHERE IT'S AT" •nd "BIG BOUNCE" -~A.I'S WIDNIUl!A'f • P;ilon¥ PttiJts--. """" 91 A.ssixt,ltts .. -- -Alse ... .,.1,.._ 1..1SteJttor 111 "THE SERGEANT" EDWARDS CINEMA't THEATRES. __ _ "Prtml•r• PrtHntatlon ThMttrs .. "'Co-starring as Captain Von a'rapp, -proud head of an Austrian ram.ur of seven I ~mn, will be A I a n : .:Pµpninn. Andree Jordan will I. portrl)' the mother abbess. I Sue Harmon ls cast as the rich \ridow Elsa. and Allred Dennis "will play the comical friend Mu. heard dubbing for Natalie Wood in "West Side Story," Audrey Hepburn in "My Fair Lady" and Deborah Kerr in ''The King and II" The red- haired soprano's repoert.oire Includes both the 1>9pular and the classical side of music, Her appearance in "Sound of Music " will be her third with the Lyric Opera Associa- tion . Previously she played roles In "The Marriage or Figaro" and "Cosi Fan Tutti'' on the Irvine Bowl stage. Miss Harman, a featured soloist with the D a 11 a s Symphony, has sung with opera companies in Dallas and Pasadena as well as the Greek Theater_ Her movies Include "Thoroughly Modern Miilie," "The Flx!ra"· and "The Troo· ble 'With Angels.'' Lynne Morris of Laguna Niguel is choreographing "The Sound of Music,'' with Richard Odle as costume designer, Harold Cook • as technical director and Jack Coleman as choral director. All seats will be reserved and may be 00. tained by calling the Festival of Arts box office al 494-3900. Five of the play's nine roles dowsky and Prue Holden. are double cast. Appearing In Jean's score was in !.he all four performances will be capable hands of herself and Burt \Varner, Beth Cicilot, Millie Quinn at the piano ~d Arvld Malnaa and Ernie Prue's bouncy lyrics did much CUillas. Sharing parts are Pi:it lO enhance a p I easi n g Warner and La Dorma DeBar-performance by an effective O)L ~:~r ''THE GNOME-MOBILE" uec~ CONTINUOUS D•ILY 1 ~ .. ~.. eorge"~ 11~~~··~0·~· ·~··~·~~I •Beryl Reid ® Miu Ni.Jon's voice has gain- ~ more accla.Jm than the ~cer herself, havin& been Bergmann, primarily a dramatic aclOr with credits as Long Beach Play house ros, Sally Crowley and Jeri company. Loughmiller, Jan Storm and But let's not overlook the Lois Worthington, John Moran three songs contributed to this and Mike Clutter, and Fran happy romp by Came ron Flodstrom and ~n Slater. Quinn. They were fully in keeping with the tone of tl1e ' Susannah York Coralr Browne ... "FACES" Tandowsky score and young Wi"9 Quinn turned in a convincing Joh11 Marley portrayal of Rick. t he hll• ~.1_. F' · .. A.GREAT enamored riance of a prettyllr.=~=;=:;;;:~I .. , collegiate. --. ·,,--AND Taking the eye in the acting COURA - department were Lenore Re· ':.t.l.m crous day as Tricia, Robyn HOJd~n l\ldl 0 I \. ~, , r_1L,,M,,1• as Susie and Belly Godfrey 8s " 'Harvey' Shaws His Age in Revival • By TOM TITIJS Of ftlt 0.llY ,,.., Sid The Long Beach Community Playbou.ae has mounted a presentable, if not entirely staging regions might ha ve alleviated eome inherent pro- blems or a double set show . However. some of t h e performances are notable in· auspicious, revival of that fur----------- ry favorite of the forties, "Harvey." That Mary Chase's prize- winning CQmedy has begun to s}low its age is one of the chief drawbacks of this occasionally appealing production. Long Beach's version Is set In the · present but played in the past. retaining some uncomfortably dated dialogue and demeanor. It also is a bit of a chore for Haivey's friends to scamper "Hit.•Vl!.T" A comt<lv bv ,,.,.,., Chate. din<t«I bv JGl\11 Wllll•ms. 1K1Vllul ai1PCIO• G-" t4t'r .... 11. IOU!>d tnet 11\111tl ... tov K.-.ln Mo.""'"' 1>rnen1ec1 Frklev• •net S..Vto.\'1 1tlt...,,ll July S bv in. ~ 8Ndl Commv11i1y Pie.,.._..,, 51121 E, ~In SI., L-8~. THI CAST Elwood P, ~ . 8ulf O'Nelll V1!11 LOUIN Slmm.11. K•lhttYtl OlliU Mvr1~ ,,,.._. Slmmont . ~ Doll o.. Chumlev .... c. E~ra smu11 Or. SaMer1a11 , . .. O.r..il $(clot Mune Jluttl 1C1/lv Sl<Un,.. T-cka Du•"' Wiison .. Ambrose l lttle9t!O>! Ju<IM Glff""V , . Ctrl Goodwi~ Mrt. Cllauvenol (l'ltrlot1t Toltl Mrl. Cl'lurnlt~ Vl [Ol/llo• E. J. lolgron ... Edw1Nl Gt~~I rabbitlike arOU11d the huge ----------- horseshoe stage of t h e plush playhouse. Given such an ex- pansive area, two separate deed. Bud O'Ne ill presents a most engaging E I w o o d , playing the eccentric keeper of Crossword Puzzle ACROSS l Surprised sound 5 Kind or srrvant 'i Projtttion on a nmtr's shot lt Cupid 15 lrath l fi "-0 loal Is better Ulan none'': 2 words 11 Footb1Ue1s' garments, of o!d 19 Goose genus 20 -Maria Remarq ut 21 lllltary criminals 2) Place a ntwph one call 25 Fabric 2'9-machine 48 Arab 50 Conl1lntr 51 Com ts lo f ltlh 54 Unlinlshtd m't1lllc products 58 Cut across bl lmp11t tnowledgt 63 Eisenhower or Whitney 64 Malnt rtsort: Z words fib City of Puerto Rico 67 Greek civic 9oddr ss 68 She: Frerich fi'J Unpleasant look 7G CJ11inet, e.g. 71 Ltgal documt11! OOWN 21 Europe an 1 MOit plucky 32 Belmont or 2 love. Woodbine: in 11aly 2 words . 3 Wtll buil t 37Saf\dpiper's 4 Toa tee rtlativt S Kind of 31 Bt under vesstl U!t •t&thfr 6 F !!!J1!!_ 39 L .. ndry 7 Feminine t11ach in~. name 41 Result ut 8 Section of a sports Germany l.." C#ltst 9 Puts on 4?;Ground cover the lib 45/Ptmiltled 10 Light source • • • ... 11 Otherwise lZ East wind's oppositt' 13 Mariners 18 Blbli,al verb 22 Unit 111 physics 24 Tillt Z1 Bakery product 29 llem of bas~all gear 30 - ---: From htad 10 loo!: 4 D Stationer's unit 43 "QuieH" 44 Official at 32 Across. 4b La sso of S. Ame rica 47 Changed 49 Ensi91; Abbr. 52 Ex clude 53 Ratio In map-making 55 lltm of furnllure Sb --des 2 words Btau1-Arts '! Rrqul1emen t 57 Cut up In l Symbols of sm_a!l_Jlje(tS' pover1Y----i:·a-1iirsc111tr 31 Rive r of makers Eng land S-91200 hours 3( Mollusk f.0 Air 35 Labor group: t.1 Forest Abbr. membtrs Jb Staw~d 65 Possessed ' t h e Invisible b u n n y under almost continuous motion with the flair of a lepre:chaun and the bubbly innocence or an overgrown child. He is a pleasure to watch. tempting lo do so. She is a continual delight and a most aceomplished comedienne. Pat Doyey. Other members of I . ,\ : , .t Micwnt I a well chosen cast included - Joe Gaudio, Ruth Hoskin, Jim I JOHN CASSAYETES' Hitchman. Barbara Woolsey, FACES Also· exceptinnally strong is Hank Quinn, Babs Swilder, . C. Edward Smith as the older Betty Wolfe, Fran Richey and ENDS TONIQ.HT Marion Cripe. The production Kalheryn Offill as h i s elderly sister who wanl.s both him and Harvey committed delivers her lines with pungent relish. Howe ver, her snail's pace and unchanglng characterii.ation detract not on l y from her own performance but the tempo of the show.as well. of two psychiatrists, Vo'ho embellishes his role with a most commanding voice. Dar- rell Scott is acceptable as his junior partner, while Susanna Tomecko Is pert and charming as the nurse. \vas in the capable hands or l "THE LONGEST Peg Reday, Jud.\/ FranCQ, Eve DAY" Marshall and Nancy Hayes. "THE BLUE MAX" Lido's ladies turned out eu1.__o-'-"-'-"-·--~-°'-'-''-'-- the final scene as lhe cab Starts Wednesday Most outstanding or the en- tire cast is Debby Doll as the wallnowcr !\.tyrtle Mae . This talented young lady gives a performance so superior that she steals vi rtually "every scene without apparently at- Ambrose Liltle&host is ef· fectlve but a bit, too nice for the oafish s3nitarium at- tendant. Carl Goodwin's judge is far too slowly accomplished. Charlotte Toth and Vi Coulter are excellent in a pair of can1co appearances, w h i I e Edward Galuska gives th e show adrenal injection In driver. John Williams' direction is a bil disappointing in the,, wake of his fine work with a lesser comedy, "The Family Man." Too many awkward, un- polished moments abound for a production in its fourth weekend, although some im- aginative tec,h n I ca 1 ac- CQm plishmc nls are evident. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GALA PREMIERE TUESDAY, JUNE 171~. Spo11ttlf"H by PROVIDENCE SPEECH end HEARING CLINIC (AffiU 1tH with the Childr111'• Ho1pit1l-For l11fo. c•lt 6)9-4990) BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! h WINNERS :: ACADEMY AWARDS! Exclu1iv1 ftgMd St•t En9191m1nt : ·-····;Ric-£ A;j(j;[RfQRMA-Nc-iSCHEOUi.i·---··: TICKETS NOW BY MAIL ; M1ti11t•: : or at any of 1h1 followin111111nci1r .... 1' ""'...-.v"""' S•"'f<hV-1 JOio "'·-Sl.oo • 12.&0 : COMPUTICKET centel'l * , (,!;i'~. -"'-1 .. "' l,>Dfo . ..,-SJ.H • IJ.oo : 8ULL~KSdept.1torn : ~~lt. ..... T ...... __ ,...,,_"'=li"' l''oo I llAl'H S mtrll.etl 1 ,,..,., S.111 ..... ......,,_e·-·"'-.00 & l.t.O t All MUTUAL A..,.clw 1 Swftf.. ,,....... 2.111 • l.00 : -~~~=~~---' -------·------------------------------- FOR GR.OUP SALES PL'EASE CALL 632·3'19T Vanessa Redgrave 'The Loves of Isadora' Also Rod Steiger In "The Illustrated Man" •IN lock Httfte• Cindi• Cordi-I• ,, "A FINE PAIR" -AND - ~ •Q!!ir· CAiticiNt · ClAUOIA r.ll!Dl!IAlE Al.BERTO SOROI • J£Alf SOREi.! MONICA \llll • RAQUEL 'l!aGH STAITS WEDNESDAY .~ 'ICPtQllO -- S.A. f,..._., _, c.,._. 547·601 l PersoM ,._..., 11 ..wa .. , ._ -4wlln.4 1111leM .cc....,-1114 ltf ,.,..r ., ... tt t11111'41Clll, THETIUESTORVOFCHEGUEVARA ,------, 20ltl ClflllJV·fOI Dfnfl\f) CINEDOME 21 OMAR SHARIF .~l:HE !•, ,_._, • .,. JACK PAIANCf.flDEl.wllO ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER ADULTS Sl.75-JUNIOU Sl.00-C'HIU>llN '"'"' 12 nH I Vanessa Redgrave 1he Loves of Isadora' 1 AllO Rod Sttlger lft 1'The Illustrated Man" STARTS WEDNESDAY •llACl'I ~ • AT 11..Ua " tUl'llTU,.GTON •RACl'I • 947-••CMI EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE PRESENTATION I "A YiRY flNjf, . IMlllJSRY JlllllAlJlli Mll'l . -~-c ... ,,,...,, r....i. l l • I I 1:00' ' I I c • I ' I I I ( I ( I I 1:30 I I 7:001 7:30 1:00 1:30 - I • - ..,,....., .. .,...,,....,,....,.,..,....,.,.,...,.., .... .., ...... ,...., ...... ..,..,.,....., ... ...,~..,,...,..,...,.,....,,...,.....,.,...,.,...,..,...,~.,.~~~~--~·~~·-·-·~•~•-=•~·~·--•·~•~~....,....~·~.-....-..--.-•-•-¥~r• --~ ..... ·~~ r TUE~DAY JUHE 17 1:0011 llMI I ll N ... (C) (60) Jtrry Dunphy. em H111111.,.1M•1., <c1 1301 8 S'1M ~llt• Sllow (C) (90) Dlt.k Cl'lell, Polly Bttten, .loSfl F1 llcl1no 11111 Vid1l S1ssoon 111111. 0 Sb: O'CllQ: Mwil: (Cl "Cila• ltJ flH •IHI S.. 1111" (wtltvn) '4'-Y'IOl'lnt De c.no, Howtrd Dutr. fJ I 5n IC) 160) ID I LM lyq (60) ID htnl11 CC> (lOJ @CJ) Mtrw 'riftln (CJ (90) m wt11r1 .... ? tC> 1301 "Th• Oldtlt City." Two chiklrtn •lsll SL Auaustl11t, Florida, t nd 1 swa!ll- hucklln1 Spanbh capt1in btn them en 1 tour of tht city. a>"" Cilol" "'' lib Piel (30) GI) KPLM Nnt IC) (60) 1:30 8 MllC NIWStfYlct (C) (60) OJ V11111 t. tflt ltlto111 ol lbt St1 (C) (60) rD (I) Huntllr·l rlnkleJ (C) (30) m fttW 11 s.ttn (CJ (30) ''The V1u 5m RICI." A look 11 ttlt fr1nd · tit NJ r1c.. In tht worid, htld In honor ol Kint Gustavu1 V1u, !llJ Cll ll!l -IC! ClO! ·-..... (C) l"'J ..... flunl111. Nicor WUliamson. Mld" h ~:£;;;;!~~ Mllllllfl, Rolnit o,tolt, Vinnll Bur· II M'S. (fltlTlf Low Harrll lfld S.11111 Di1mond ruest. 111 • .,. ftr ,.., Litt (C) 160) l:OOO!IJCIJl!•l-M""' (C) "Kiq's Plr111"" (ldvtntvll) '67 -&ut McCIUft, Jill st. John, GI.If Stockwell. An llth ctntury com· 1dy·1mntur1 1bout British NIV'J 1ttemP1' to pi111lr1h a plt1t1 stron1llold 11 M1di1J$Cll. When STEVE ROPER I Hltt THE 800!( REAL GOOD, SUtTON /• .. UP tHEllE 8EHl!ol0 THAT COLO·Al,q GRILL/ B1itish n1v'1 otfk11 Brl1n lleml111 11--.,.---.;: Is 11'f11led ts a ipy, hll Ifft II J?1•td by tht btlutlful pirate col- Ollf lt1der who f1Hs In IDVI wit~ "-- hlm, thus bd111i111 1bout tlle e• mlty ol Pil:'I• tapl1in John Awry. iRl 0 Slllwtast $ IC> (60) Jo11nnie So111meis ii l11t1111d 1lon1 witk frankla Avalo11 1nd Buddy Greco. , EE NET F•ll IC} 160) "Thi l World ol Mt111Y Milltr." Slll(fy of tile wtlt·kltawft contrawnl1I Ameri· can 1uthof. Mifltr 1eminlscu 1boul his life and work. ID Cll11Ch1 Av1H1Mt (C) {JO) 9:30 I) 9 00 Doris hJ (Cl (30) A thou1htlul 1ifl from LeRoy, 1n In· tiqut thimint clock, tlmost e1uses Doris to sua:umb to complelt phys· Ital 1lhtustloll-because tt11 clocll chimes ao lGUdly th1t it Is lmpos- sib!t for her to slffil. (R) PERKINS e> Notlclert 34 (Cl (60) o l!ll rn m """ 1C> <30! "lht Cast ot tht Sl'l1dy l1dy." Wh1n 1 btauflful 10-to dinar t ct:uiu 1n inllUtnli1I businuam111 111 !mint murd11ed htl' husb1nd aflet llis de1tll hid b11n fllled 1 wit1dt, Dttectiw Corto seh oul lo substln· ti1te hit ch111e. (R) JUDGE PARKER 7:0l 8 CIS £mint Ntwi (Cl (JO) Walllf Cronkllt. 0 W111r1 Mr Lint? {Cl (30) m P....n IC) (30) Q)(I)...U! (C) (~) m ...... °"" ...... (30) "J•· 0 ..... (C) (30) Ted Meym. ID 12 O'Clld HIP (60) I!).., (30) PIM• T1mpl1 Scu!pturt.• Ulln1•·10:0011 91]) Wiii, Wlltt, Wll111, 1mplu from the Jlh to th1 14th Wllr? (C) (30) "Inflation." R111er centurlu. Russell Connor l1tcu the Mudd reporls as C8S News cam111t . lQ(us on th• fishM f1mlly 111 LI· d1~e!Gpm1nl of Buddhist •rt In JI. Crosse, Wisconsin, sholrillnl how the p1n IS it absorbed Chinese tnd n1tion1I situati<>n is rlf!ecled in lndl1n inftuence$. whit the doll1r 1queez1 has don• Q! Cl) n1 Good G11J1 (C) (30) to them. 8' Ill ... It! tM Sun (C) (30) 0 m N ... (C) (60) m .... H•11111 <c1 (301 o G1J rn m Die• c.ntt IC> (60) o-(C) (60) 7:30 8 Q! (I) LIMll' IC) (60) Stott !incl• himself s11tCumbln1 to tht wilu ol 1 lcw1ly (irl (Brenda Seal!) fD USC 111119k FISIMI (60) John Cr11wn bos!J 1 procr1m of two solo prurnlations: student Owid Croon pl1yin1 B•dt ind Hindemith 1111 the who has convinced th1 l1nc1rs •hr llult: and Otnnis Schutt, 111 tllo is 111 C.liforni1 to dispost of her 1uit1r t.c.ulty, with ll!ledions frJ1111 11\1 1f1ndftlhef'1 t&11!e. (R) Villi Lobos i nd Dt f1!!1. B ®:@ m Stir Tit• (C) (60) el Muilu (30) .,~., of tfl• DoVI." .Th• USS [nler· IO:JO B KNn ..,.,u (C) (30) "lsrtfl/ pnw blCOll\tl • 1t11p of Mlltd • Jordan Two YMu liter." a 111 Rob- 1111 officllt b1ttlt Klin1ons 1nd trts reporb, on the life 1nd undtr· w1ntU11!1 ..ch ol h11, (R) tyin1 struul• for POW h1 the II W ... (lO) c1isil·tonl Mldd11 Etst. fJ Q2) Ill ; MM ... (t} (60) QJ ,._ (C) (30) Bill JuhftL ''f•r Is tho Bud!int HlllM. ~ The 13 (I) UM ...... (C) (30) 111uH worn • rodeo, undefCl1¥1f. a> fall• CtrllOll (30) 1v p.-.ct • TV arwbo¥' Ital' whose Ill• hit boon thrt1tmod. Mon1•1t:OOIJ01Jfl)mfi1Ntw1(C) MAYBE I Yfl.S ••• M.A.Y&E t W~'r •• IT'S IAY 8'1S.OrlE55! I WOtrl'T &E MA.P AT yO(! IF YOU WE~! I'VE JUST GOT TO KNOW THE TlUTH ! r'VE BEE ht PA.TIMG LUKE A,lil[) l TH0tt6MT WE ~S '5Eli!'!Otl5 A.eot.IT ME •• JUST l.S I AJA AeOUT H IM~ M1rll\lm, Ed Btflty 1uest. (R) B AltrH: Nitdlcod 0 Mlllill S ~ (C) ''Dodtf In 0 Motil: (C) "llood AU1f' (Id· 11.......J,..1... ..... LM" (colftldy) 62-Mlcll1el Cr1l1. yenture) '55-John Wayne l1u1en Yt1&inl1 M1Uell. B1c1ll. ' m1"" ".__ (C) (30) m HUMPHREY BOGART ID""' ,._ <601 * Film f0$lival 11 PM /KTTV m DI fl'llldl Clltl' {30) ,{R) e-•-130! m H..,.,._, loprt fU• fllftnl: "'flit A1111lin1 Dr. Clittethou•" (1931), oo-st1nin1 Edw11d G. Rob- 1:00 8 l'IDllUE S.. JO (C) (60) inton. lttMp dt!ICI sl'low. Q) llhwie: "SIUrt Girb Don't Tait:' m Klftll (C) (311) (dr1m1) '4S-Vir1inil Miro, Brvc1 Bennett. Robert Hutton. m ~ Jur (t) (60} Pt1· torm1nces fr11m the "bluu tfltr· @(])fa (i) a (I) Nm (C) noon" of lht S.ptembtr ManttnJ fD hos•• """' C.Rfll"tfltt ftstivlt art f11turld. Pufotmers In· clud1 Cla11 W11d 1nd htr Gospal 11·30 II MMI· "ShtM tf 1 Doubr" Si111ers, T·Bont W1ll11, B, 8. Kin1 ' (mplafy) 0'42-Joseph Clltltn l11• Ind Rildlit Ht'ltl1S. st W1itht. ' lllllfm ... • • '•" (60) B tJJCilmTlllirM Slllw {C) 1:30116 (I) lid ».1llt11 (C) (60) 0 MIN: "fltdl tnd FlfttUJ" Tent Slndllf t ncl R1tph Youn1 {l1nt1sy) '43-Jlol:tert Bendll!f, 1uut. Tho m•)'Or ol C.clus Gulcll D Q"! Cll GD Joey l istloti (C) (llenrr Corden) lhre1tens to fire CfllOktd sheriff D1adey1 (Skelton} 12:JO m 71 S.Mt Stri, unlm h• tllcllu 1 pair ol tou1h d1111t1"1dols kn<Mirn 11 Tht Sln1in1 Bandits (Slndltr & Yo~ng). {R) mActl•• Tll•1t11: ~M ir1culou1 Journey." D !D@m lulil (C} (Jli) "Th1 lZ:SOOM1tlo: .. M11lc111 M111•1Rt9 SolidBrtss Snow Job." A med ical (mystery) 'SJ.---Geor11 Brent 111ppl1 11lesm1n (Pet11 lftdsl bile 1 handsome 1oun1 min (l110nud 1:00D1J lhwl (C) Simon) lo rom1nce nurse Julie B1~11 into buyln1 lr11111 t11s com· panr. (R) • 1:15 1) Mllrir. '11111 "' Ille ..... (myste11) 'SP-Jeff Ch1ndler, OrJo1 We!leL 0 lHJ (I) (l) II TIMI a Tllltl (C) {60) "Hans ActllSS lh1 B11rd11" Pill I. JoleJ)h Cotten 111tsls 11 ColoMI Htillridl. hud cf list German te· t:JO m AH-#l;pt Sllw. "Ton[Jhl W1 eu1il)', who imprisons Alu1ndu Raid Cal1ls," '1ht 811Dd ~· MundJ 11 llt American spy. (R) and "Dlllrt Rtldft" W£0N£\0A) 12:JO. "A D•tch FrMt Rtlltln9 (dr1m11 '40-Edwtrd Q. Rllblnatn. "A I•• of lutk'" (dr1m1) '46- Joh11 lodll. DAYTIME MOVIES Z.:DD m "tllltf ~" (mYStery) '41 -M111 It~ H1,llhu, ltl Pa~ J:OOIJ(C) ................ ,,. llllllCt) 11--fl•,,, ~. SrWI• .... ·=-. (C) ...... .. ........ (wnl· 1111) ·~.)oli11 Pl)'nt, MOM fr .. ••• • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Qu1lity Prl11tln9 1114 D1pt1141hl1 S1noic1 fw !fll'I th111 I Q111rt1' .f I C...t11ry, 2211 Wiil IALIOA llft. MIWP'OIT llACH • TUMBLEWEEDS MUn AND JEFF GORDO MISS PEACH • i I I I CONFOUND IT! IM GETTING FED UP WlTH HAVING JD ASK YOU FOR IT EVERY TIME I GET AN EMERGENCY ~ ~ YEH,I BOUGllT TEN SHARES OF' .. BLOOP OIL A MoNTH AGO/ CALL! ... IT'$ MOOT TIME WU 80UGtn' SOME SUSPINDOS! By John Miies By Harold Le Doux W LUlE'S 5Rl<)ijS A.WUT MIYec>P'i, rrs ~! ro ANSWER: vour OOfSTIOtl, l Uk:E 100K ME OUT oti1 TWE 'TOWN l'Otlll6KT~ WE WENT10 THE l..M'E- stoe IUM FOR' Pll!WR IMP PMK· Ml'G......,P HE OM ltEMJ.J' PA.NC.E.!' . I By Tom K. Ryan SPEAKING OF EMERGENQES Smith By Gus Arriala T"'411, JvM 17, 1969 DAIL 'y •ILOT ft ORIENTAL DUO -Tony Sandler, left, and Ralph Young, nightclub and television sin'1ing duo, give their inte11>retation or HBill Bailey I on the Red Skellon Show tonight at 8:30 on Channel 2. Skel· ton also presents a tribute to W. C. Fields. r TELEVISION VIEWS Old Friends Host Show By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Ronald Reagan, now governor or Oalilornia; was the host of television's long-running "Death Valley Days" series when he left to enter politics. Since then, the hosting du ties of the venerable show have been handed down to a succession of personal friends. Reagan, for in stance, was followed as lhe-host· headliner by his close friend Robert Taylor. Their closeness was indicated recently when the gover- nor S(?Oke at Taylor's funeral. A FURTHER indication of their friendship was revealed when its was learned that Taylor bad named the Reagans as guardians of his children in case anything should happen to his widow, actress Ursula Thiess, before the youngsters reach their maturity. Now, with the death or Taylor, anoth er friend of the late actor bas been chosen host or "Death Valley Days." He is the veteran western star Da1e Robertson, whose last network series was "Iron Horse" on ABC-TV. It was a solid action entry, wlth Robertson playing the swashbuckling head of a rail- road in frontier days. Some other notable changes in major television !eries have been announced. CBS-TV. for instance, finaJly made Jt official , that Leonard NiJnoy. the popular Mr. Spock or NBC-TV's canceled "Star Trek" series, will star tn at least several episodes of ''Mi ssion : Impossib le"· in the coming season. Since Mart.in Landau, one of the regulars of "Mission: Impossible, '1 apparently is leaving the show because of some di fferences with executives, Nimoy's addition to the series is more pointed. CBS-TV announced. as an example, that Nimoy will play a fellow Hwho excels at disguises." This, of course. is exactly what Landau played. VI EWE RS OF the recent Emmy awards tele- cast will recall that Landau's wife Barbara Bain,· who has perfonned with him in "Mission: Impos- si ble," was rather emotionally critical -while ac-• cepting an acting prize -of several unnamed ex· . · ecutives. She, too , apparently is leaving "Mission: · Impossible.'' On the more positive side, CBS. TV has also an- nounced that Rose Marie, long associated with the Dick Van Dyke situation comedy. will join the Doris Day seri es in the coming season. This seems to be another indication that Miss _ Day's series will attempt at long last to put some .. urban bite into a show that has inexplicably been ~. a weightless vehicle of 'bucolic provincial euphoria. SPEAKING of upcoming programs, there I~ one in the more immediate future that seems :; worthy of note. This is CB~TV's public affairs ~ series, "60 Minutes," which next Tuesday will offer • an exclusive interview with Marshal Tito of Yugo- slavia as well as scenes from the Yugosl av produc-' : tion of the American tribal love-rock musical ,.,~ "Hair." Dennis the J tlenace ' I 1[111111111s';''"'o:'l'r.·~·""'~o:!!t;l:'lt:i:'l>:i:">:o:"••.~""""'·''r•'"'""''"~Ol'.t<f<'••4to"'~"'T"~""-·"','"""''"""'"'"o",'"'""""·"""·~F•.~>•.~·•:r..'l"l"••.~a•••·'"~·'*"-''*•·•"'*"'"'""·"""~•·""'"""'·'''"'''"'""''"'"'"'·"""·"''''"'""w"'''''''"'"'''"'"'"·'"''";z.,..,,,.,,..,..,"..,..,'..,..,'..,"""'"'""""""•""•'"'"~""""""~~~1•~~-~~--------7""- • OAILV l'ILOT Tut>di'f, Jl/N 17, 1969 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL )IOT!CE •·UIU 1u•••1oa couaT OI' TMt sT•T• 01' P.WU ctaT1•1tATa 01' l llllNISS ca1.11•0•••• ce ltTll'ICAfa 01' llUSlllllJt .. l(TITIOUI ..... l'OR tMI COllMTY 01' oa.r.HO• (lllCTITIOU$ NAM• tf1c "'"""'''-'*' -. c.nllv fll is cot1-Ne. '".a" ,,,. 11N:le,.1.,..a do c1111.., """ art ~. ""''-.. m V1~1· Or, ....... ltOTICa -...... ING. 01' l'•TITIOfll Condllnlnl • ...,... ., ,., o ... ,,,., :t, C ... .,.._ (-4~ .......... MM lk· f'Oll l'IU)•ATa 01' '#11,.L AN• l'Olt tl6t 0.llY ......... Or., Hllflll"'tol'I 8.-dl, ~""'-"""' ......,_ .. JO..Y.11.• EM· UTI'Eltl TatTAMINTARY C1IUoml•, UllW ""'fldl"-''""' -TERPltlU.S 111111 fllft .. kl n..,. 11 Q:ln>-f.11111 M ANH!. WILLIA.Ml •REHHAH, 01 HEll:AL.01( C:OllT Ofi AllMS COM- -" ef 11>t l'llllfW'"9 -. -0.CINH41. f'AHV ...... """' WW 1111'1'1 It C-.. ef -Ill tul AM 11i.c. eit r.t~ 1$ .. HOTICf: II HEllEIV GIVlH TMI tN JellD'fll,.. ""°"" ...... .._ Ill hlll tol ..... l Dtnlri OI 4-"b, Pi1tltfttl Tfllll INI S.11-Ind llK" of ........... IN M ltllew'l f M T. L.w t11 'llaltftC.1-DI'. Me. 2. 1..,, ""'-'-'IOll 11M fllM 11en1111 """"" ll<J111111 I. tM,..11.u. tlh Gartr::r. eci.te IMM. C1Uf, tHH. !or ....... ~ el •Ill .,,. tor IM<llllCll "' °'•· Hi;..tlM• lff<h, C1111' . .. ,... JWM t, !Hf, Ltl'ltn T .. ,_..,., le Ptllllerler, lo••!'« i. SJ\ff~ tlf.l Otll'I ra Joe T. u. ' -....Cl .. wllkll 1$ ma(M tor '""""' 0 • .. !of\Jtltlrielo!I hacll. ~NI, I .II .. of C•lftanl1-. OI:•-c-rv: Nl'11¢411frt, .... ""'' ~ ti-n 1 •IK• 011.a J-16, lM 0.. J-t, 1Ht, llr!Df'I ""' 1 Nottrv OI r.arlM 11>1 -Mo lril.ii Mf 10t J11P¥" lloUind I, 51\1,.leu P\llillc In 1M>o11 .... Wld 51•1•, ..enonl1P¥" :I. lfff, II t .Jf 1.111 .• Ir! IN (Olllrf-DI Floo'HoC:I S, Slll;rplftl .... a<9111 -T. l.l'w t-11> one 10 ti. ~I No. S ol .. 111 t ...... t, II 1'IO STAT!! OF CALll'OllH1A, 1'r. --..,_ n-11 H1bsulbe0 JO -rl Elitli!h Sir"!, Ill IN Cit'( If Sln!fi OllAHGI!' COUNTY: "'• Wfffllft lftt..,,_1 11'1Cl 1c-now!Ml9f(I Ana. C1llfof11i.. On J11"4 "' 1Mt. lttfo•t ..,., I Nlltr'll he atwhd thl -· 011#. J11M 16. '"' P11bllc In •1111 tor wld s11i., "'$Ol'llll'I' j(),:;lllCIAL SEAL) W, IE. ST JOHN ·-""' llollfld •. S1141roi.H l llCI """' K. ~ c_,1y C1t<'11 Florene• S. Sfl•••IH9 k-n 10 ..,. to bt Nohll'r P111ilk>C1l!lornl1 NUIWITl. HUllWITl AND ll•Mfll llM ""'"°"' wl>DN """H 1re l~lbtd Pr1flc""91 Offl(t 111 ~ U ..... 1 IO IM "'flllln l"*lrvmtnl 1...i 1dli;flOWl!Oi- Or-C-IY ........_, IM<ll. C1llfW9!1, fM4J Id 1119• 1~K1Jlld tl>e -· MW Commlubl fultrt. flh (114) U)<tm IOlll(llt Still Hw. 1,, lt7J A~ 1w "'''"-E1tw1rd 8, Mlli. 1111411'*"-' 0.1"9t C-1 0:.llV 1>1101, Publl1htll 0.-C1111t Otljy Jillo!, N"'lr\I Pvbllc • C1lllofnl1 ~ 11, 11, 24, J111'r 1, "" HOl.4f JllM 17, II. )4, lHt llSl-4' Or-County M~ Commlt•lOf' E•1lrti ...... UJl),1'13 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE J-11. !4 •llCI Jiii, '· '· "'' LEGAL NOTICE Many Warheads I U.S. Uncertai n OnRus sia n MIRV WASHINGTON (APJ Observation of a series of Soviet missile test.s Jn the Pacific has left Pentagon ex· perls uncertain whether the Russians oow ha>"e multiple warheads which can b c sleettd lo separate targets. American ships stationed in Russ.ia 's Pacific testing area have watched three or four ex· tended ruge test shots of the giant SS 9 intercontinental ballistic missile lli nce April. A study or telemetry and other data gathered by the observing U.S. vessels has whether the Soviets have been inconclusive as I o whether the Soviels have multiple warheads which they rire in clusters, or whether they have mastered t h e technology of s eparat e t y targeting each of t h e warheads, sources say. OPlONION SPLIT to achieve, that could. mean the virtual total destruction of a significant element of thl' U.S. strikeback nuclear force. This is the Nixon ad· ministration argument for in· stallation of the Safeguard an timissile. The American hl I H. \' "''arheads arc intended to overwhelm any Soviet an· limissile system. Authorities believe that 1.000 t.linuteitlt'n, each armed with three \1•arheads. and nearly 500 Poseifion rn!ssilcs, cat'h armed with ten separately tJUided \1•arhcads. \VOU ld ac- <:omplish the job of breaking through and destroying So\•ict cities. The Russian.'\ monito r U :-::. missile tests from lrawleri, posted in the south Atlant ic. As do A1nerican observer" in th e Pacific. lhe Russians check on the size of the du1n· my warheads, lheir accuracy. <1nd other factors which tell thc1n how far and ho1v fast the United States is advancing. •. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ~EGAL NOTICE s • <E•Tll'IC&TI 01' •USINl$S pnng Mixed With Winter Opinion thus is divided, although there -is general agreement t h a t al a minimum, the Soviets have been testing mul t iple warheads \Yith suf f icient dispersion to l h r e a l e n knockout of i ndividual Minuteman missile sites in the United States. Loch Ness T .. D1' NDftCE 0' INTENTION TD lrrtGAGI! l'ICTITIOUS It.Ult: UPI Tllol .... M NOTICI! TD CJlEOITDIS IN THE SALi! OF ALCOHOLIC Tile ......,. .. 11 ..... -.. ~ern" l\t n con-Lily pads are nouris hing in lush Tahoe meadowlands, but snow-mantled moun-5UPl!••o• CDUllT OF THE IEVftAGEI auc11no ' butl"'u •t Ull llorc:M<a, Slnl• 1a· 1·k Mt T II l So h Lak T ho . I 1,..,, • .,., CALll'OllN IA ,011 ""'' :it. ittt "'"'· c1111orn11. 11ndtr lhf 11ct111-11rm · ins. t e . a ac a ut e a e, wiJ probably wear winter white TH• couNTY DF 011:,11Nc;1 Ta~ 11 M•Y Conct•ft: n•m• 0' ll:ACE CAR ""1111c"'T10N """ all summer. Natives say the heaviest snows in years that fell last w1·n1er should Monster Ht .1.41111 S\lblKI "' U.•u•nt• DI IM ll(tntP ~ ... 11111 »Id llrm It tDm-d of -to11o ... E1t1lt of CECIL F. MARTI N. Otctti· Plied !or. nollc• ls hertby 1twn lnll 1111 Ing Pllf'IOll .... hot. Mmf In 11111 -Pl-IC. last that Jong. td ullCltrsltlltCI P<'OPOltl lo t.ell 1lcollo!lc OI t•slOtnct Is 81 folloWI: 1--------"---------------------------------HoTICE I!. HEllEIV GIVEN lo l~e t>e"""ltll 11 11'1• P•tllllHt. ""loetll:>f'CI •• Llllrl!nCt Goortt !!111!1"1111, Jr., ''la! The United Stales has con· ducted at least J4 tests of ~tinuleman I I I land·based 1nissiles and Poseidon sub- marine-launched m i s s i I e s equipped with multiple in· dependently targetable re~n· try vehicles, called f\.1 1RV. St ill Safe cr.Oltor. OI ll>t 1bo11f ntrntd dl(t(len1 fQllo...,: l o1 ~rr1nos. So. L1g11n1, ~Ill. U..t ... "'''°"' 11••1"9 tl•lms ltllMI IM 6:!0t W, Co1,1 Hit ...... ~. N• .. Pllrt 011td ,,,,., ''· Ifft. .wld ~, ••• ._.1 • ..:1 to Ilk !Mm •eacll LIU .. IK'f Glor .. Stelllnt1. Jr. Wifh 1'111 necu11r, .._..., .. , ln lllr Dllk~ Pu,.u1nl lo 'u'~ lnllflllon, the ,,.,,. Sl•t• DI C1llhf'nl1. Otllltt COlm!v : ,., Int <left: el !he 1t1ov• 1111tni..i court,.., clft'1\9nl'CI 11 ,,..1,1..., lo lllf Oepttl..,..nl On M4~ ,,, 1'6,, -rl m•. I NOll rY la P•Htlll IP>tm, wllll tllt Men .. ,... o• .t.k:Pw>Mc !l••er•" c .... rrOl ror Jswanct Public In Incl lot 11ld S1111, Pf••DNtlly Youdltra. to Ille 111'1dtril•MC1 11 LlllllONI, on orltln11 •PPlk1t!on of 1n 1lcollolk •-r.il U u••nct Gtorot SHlll"9S J1. Hilftdl<nO'I '"" oir...r-..... ,,.,..,,..,. II ..... _ llc:tflle lor lktf'IHSI .... lhfw k-M .... "' btr Ille "'"°" "'ltoH L1w, W f"I 11111 Streff, Sul" 111, C<>1I• pretnltn. 11 lollo...,: ,.,..,. Ii •ubt.t•lbtd lo the ... 11111n I~· """"'· C•""""i. mn. WhkJ'i II "" •IKt On Salf '"' & Wlflf 18ona Fide "'"'"'""' .,.,., •tt-~ ... t-xltw!ect ol tlllllneu DI tM ..,....,.,,Md m All ""''· P11bt1c Elllnt Plltel lne ••-· 1.,. Ptrlilnltlt lo f1W rt.Ille of s•id Of«· Anv""" dnlrl111 ID prOf•ll '"" lu•,.nce (OFF ICIAL SE.t.LI -· wlt~ln tour ,,_lho •lier 111• Hrst OI ttKll tlc•'lotlo) "''" Ille • •rt!Hld or,.. Cnr1111"' J Klic...r" Marijua11a Smoking S aid Not Addictive IMlbllu lkwl of lhlo nollcl. ...,t will\ •"• olllce or the ~,,,,.,...,., o( Nolltf Puttl1c.C1lllo•nl1 011tod ""'' n , INt. Akollolk e-·-CClfllt'ol, wl1nln Xt Prrncl11•1 Olllc• I" 11:-t INllY Cll•I DI tl>r d1t1 11\f prQPOIO'd pr...,l1e> Or1119t COll<lh E•fleuftl• of Ille EA111• werf llrtl llOlltd, tl•ll"9 ''""'""' fo• M• C°"""lulon E•Pit•• o• Ille •bolla Mmecl ll«eclo~I dtnll! •• D•ovklt<I by i.w, Th• ....... 1,... Fett, 1], 1tn Lll•W. H•o•·-. Din-• . Atf NII ........ llc•tllld lo• .... Nie of Publl,llWd o ...... ,co11t..,D1llY •• ~~lo ... '· Allt,,,..,. If ~ •lcollollc M-l"•tfl. Tl•• form cl 11...-111c1· June l • 1• •nd J11!~ '1, I ~ ,,. E. 11111 91., SI.Ille Ill tlon m•Y tlo obt1lntd t•om '"' Dltlct "' CMft Meal, C1Ultnll1 91111 T~r Do:c11rl111rnr Att.rl'lt'I lw ••1ewtrt11 .t.1trlll J. H>ookln""", P11blllhld °'"'" C1111I '01111' Plloi. AHif ""-P11lnl & IM• JI. J\IN ), l .. U, 1'6t 111W9 Lorer.10 E. Pt•lnl P~bll•llecl Ott"Of COl!I 01ity "llot. LEGAL NOTICE J11M ti, 116t IUl..it LEGAL NOTICE "·"'" ClfkTl,ICATI! OF I UJINllS .. ICTIT!OUS NAMI! TM 11"'1"0 .. tif'd don c1rtlly "" 11 COll- Oucllnv • lloll11...,., tr UOCI S~ln• W1y, NOTICE TO CllllDITDJll S LEGAL NOTICE CD<onl cMI Mir. C1lllornl1, ..,..., """ lie• SUl'l!Rtoa COU RT 0, TME lllloin "'"' n•lfl• or 8 & J M1n1gemenl STATI 01" CALU•OllHl.1. NOTICE TO CllEOlfOllS •n<I 1"11 ..... lorm " com-ol 11'1• COUNTY DF OltANGE 1Ul'EllOI CDUllT DF TNI! IOHO'<lllnt HtlOn, """"'' Nn'le In 111!1 ll'ICI "'· A~ STAT!' DF CALlll'OllHI.\ FOii pl•ce of •Hldoenct ii 10 lalk>w1: E1i&lot of CHANCY M1LE$ LOTT, THI! COUNTY 0, OR ANGE 01vkl ill. l kt, 1700 S.llOl>Olnl WI·;, tlKUUCI. N•. A.4HU Co•""• d•I Mar, C1fl!arnJ1. NOTICE IS HEAEBY GlllEH lo ll>e Esla!t ol STAN LEY L MAC MILLAN, 0111d JI/tit' 7. 1'<1,. Cttdllor• of IM ·-· Mmed decHm1 D•«•M'<:I. OtVIO R. Tl(• 11\lf 111 pet..,,,1 ~8V!nt c!1tm1 191!nst ll>e NOTICE 15 HEltEllY G!YEN to lht St.It at Clllfornl8, O'l>Wt Counly. will Of<:lldenl ••• '"ulrtd kt 11 .. IPlt<'n, crH!tors of int •1111•• MmH Gf'Cfdf>nt On J11ne l. 1, .. , befOl'f' m•, • Nol••~ will! 1111 11ectn1t1 V011ther1, ln tM alllct t!l•I 111 .,.,_,1 nivl"' cl•lmt •O•lnit !ho PllllllC In •llCI tar llld S111e, PotsontllY o11i,e clef1i "'Ille •bcwt entillfll tOllrf, Dr Wld dee_ .. , ... •e<Nh'ed to fl!• !Mm. ·-··--D•vld R. Tlc• k-IO -IO 1o .,,...,.1 11'18m. ...1111 tl>I' "8CQ11ty "'Uh riw MClf-UI" -.cl\et1, ln tlM afflc• bt "'-"'''°" "'""M ,. • ..,. lo sulntrlbea ¥Ol!Chen. lo Ille ..-.. 11-I t "' ""' cltrtr of ""' •bo•• M llllecl <Ollf1. Of to Ille .. 11111" INlt\IMIJ\I ..... Kk-ledv· W.t.LLACE. l!IROWH & ClfAIN, AIWN!n ID pruenl !Mm, .,(lfl """ ~" td ... IWKlllN The lllllf. ~· L-. s.wu~ 1' Oolle• e1111c11 .... m "-"· to !ht' llndft'JllMd ,, ua !OFFICIAL SEALI DoYft' Drive. N__,.. Bi!tctl. C8lltot11l1, Ne-I CMlft' DriYO', Suite GO, ~rl M4r\I K. Hellrv , ""'ldl •• ~ PIKt Ill buslMU of !he k«l'o. ~Jllornl .. Wllldi II "" plKt OI Nol•" Pwbllt.C.llnlrfltf llNlel'lit'Mll •1n 111 m1ttet1 P1rl11n1rw to bllllllftl or trw 11,.,,...11.,.... in •h ,...,. P•lnc lll1I Olf!Qe II' the "''"' Of ••lei OK..:lff!I, wlll'lln '"'" "" ...,.111n1,.. to .... ,111\t>"' Nici OK•· o ...... County .._i11s ., .... ~lits! PVbtk•1""' "' IN• Offll wlll'lln IOU• """''~· •fl•r lhl lirtl Mt c,, ...... ~;;'°" Eul<•• l>Cltic•. M liullon of lfl(t nolltt. Nov ''· 1 Oiied JllfM' I, lff•, Oil"'°' Miy 7', , .. ,. l'11bll!.lllll Ot1nt1t CMol Dtllot l'llot, MIN M. Lotr l'l•al A, N..c Mlli." Jun1 J, 10, II, 1•, "'' 1GS1·tf E1Ku1t!1 Of lhf WH! E•ocultl• of IM Wiii WASHINGTON (AP) -The head of the National Science Foundation says there Is no scientific evidence that smok· ing marijuana is harmful or addictive. In fact. says Dr. Leland J . I laworlh. t h e information available now indicates the op- posite may be lruc. "It is our puritan ethic which says we shouldn't do this rather than science which says we should not, at the mo· 1ncnl," Dr. Haworth told a JI o u s e Appropriations sub· committee. Haworth said it still remain!! a scientific problem lo decide whether marijuana is dangerous to society. He liken- ed it lo alcohol and said a similar decision would have to be made if alcohol had just been discovered. CONTROVERSY of lt!e tbOW 'llmecl ""'~"' of ttlf ~~011• "ft"'"" """""""' WALLACE. l lOWN & CRAIN HAIWOOO, SDDIH & ADIOHSON Similar slatemcnts louched LEGAL NOTICE .t.llltMYt ,, LIW lttt .... JI " LIW Pll•10 ff t I 1967 h S1t!I• 1'I DIVllf l1tllclin1 no H-"'1 C•"''' Drlv• SU Pl!IUDll COUllT 0, TNI! 0 8 con roversy n w en tn Dlv•r oriw su n• •l<I sT.t.TE OJ< CALIFDllHIA FDll they came from a lop health N-""1 .. Pdl, C1Mflr~l1 Ht-rt .. 1(11, C.llWnlt THI COUNTY OP OflANGt: Off;·c:·aj :·n the JohnSOTI ad· .t.11-• fir l!•acvlf"IJ Attwnln kr l!•~lrb Ne . .t..f.Jl71 Pllbl~ Otllllt Cff•I Dtl!V Pllol, Putlll""° 0<1"9t c ... st Dal!~ Piiot. NOTICI OP MUll•NO OP PETITION ministration. J·-,,, n. 1•. Jwl'I' '· , .. , ll)M-6f J11M ], Ill, 11. ,,, "" 10•Hf FDI JillOl.t.TE OF WILL ANO FOi -------------1::::.:.c_.::__:.c;_:._;_ ___ _,,,;,c.. L1t:tTE11 Tl!SfAMINTAll Y Dr. James L. Goddard, a LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ~0·~:~;1 ~~"~;RvEi..~s· ~:~·TM1 commissioner of the U.S. Food ---:,c0c,c"c,:--:,c0:-:,~,o,~0c.,c0c,c,c---11------0-,-,-.,-,u------!~i~To~ ~,;. wD~•• "':, ";,,~ ~:" i: and Drug Administration, said IUPl!ll:IDR CDUllT OF fNI! SUPl!.1011 COUllT OP THE lnuMICf of LPllf•S T••t1..-11,,. to ll'H! then that as 8 physician he IT.t.TI D' CALU'DllHl.t. FOii Sf.t.TI! OP C.t.LIPOIHIA FOii Hlltloner, rptue«ee to wllldl lo ~tor (.sf.ed (h ed. j TIU! COUNTY 01" DltANGE THI! CDUNT'I' DJi ORANGE l11tllltt o>e••kulltS. e'1<1 11\al .... 11...., •llCI was nol sa I I at m JCS "lo " 1mJ N•. "'""'Tl Dl•C• ot h•••ln<J rfte ,,,... Ill• oeen ·~• justification existed lo prohibit E1l1t~ o! FLWOOD B II E: 0 EL l • NOTICE DP HEAltl Nfi OP Pl!TITION to< Julv J, 1•6t. el 9:JO 1.rn .. In 11>p D"1:•1\f<I. I FOil oitDl!I 011•tTll'olG T111.t..H1F ER <ovflrO<l"' 01 O•oar•ment No. s ot ••i" the use of marijuana. N~TtCE ts HEll EIY GIVEN la !ht DF SfDCK TO c 0 M .. l ET E court ... llXI Wf1t El<J~lll Sl•HI .... 1~• l·i<' went fu,the' th a TI u~olort GI IM l bov• n~mN d~C"l!fnl l Ol!C"l!OEl'IT'S .t.Olllll!MENT City o! Sin•• An•, (.illornl1. 1~11 111 "'"""' ~••l"ll c1•1 ... , ev•1ns• !~e '"it• M.>11••"' 1111 EJt•tt 01 ROBEll T 0.11<1 · Ju'"' 1a • .,., llawor th, however, and con· •oTd d~ art re<iulted 1~ Ill• IP>em, l. SMiTH. t lMI ~-11 11:08EltT lE( W E ST )OHN: County Clttll ... ;111 ,,.,. neceu••v "°"'"c•1, '" 111e ottr<• SMITH. D«••tKI. l!ot.IL DA1tll!Y , de1nned laws against the use ol ll'tl! clfr• DI lflf 1bnvf entlllt<I <Oufl, Of Nollet It hertlW •lvtn lh1I Dorothy M VICTOR H kENOlllCIC f .. \ lo P•fS!fll tllem, wl1h the 'IKfnttY Sml!h. It ldmlnlt1Ttlrl• ol Ille tllt1f cl '4t St1tlh o~,. ltrttl. Sult•.,, 0 marJJU3!1a as 00 Severe YOU<flfn. 10 1t1e ""'6ft'•1•""" •1 ?nt s..u•n "'" •IX>•e ...,mt<! ~~1. "•• Hied .. a~ L•• All9fltl c1111.,,.,11 ,.,~ and medically unjustified. l e Cl"'"' l!vd · to• •~,., toal.4, ""'clP•t DI 11111 c!W•I h., verlllfd tt1;11<w1 ,tHM'fll)lt,.; l'tllt'-' -l<h .1> !Mo Pl•<• "' bu•1ntt• o! '"' 1~,· "'""' Ol•ecllM 1••111fer DI 11Dct lo Tit: UUI , •. rn1 LEGAL NOTICE '"ldt'l"M<I In ....... 11 ... ~·••ln1M 101c-1>ltl• Cl«f'<lfflFI ... -~'· !O -Ith Publllhf'd °''"'. COi•! o •• ,, Piiot. ·-------------""' nlltt of "'"' dtc•cte"! '"11"•n '°"' •~•••enct 11 llerebY maOf to• tut!~•• JuM u , 11. 74, Jfllt '11t~t "'°""'" 1!1., 111t l,,11 publ<ttllon QI lhtl P•<licUl<rlO Ind 11111 !ht llelrJ ... o1 !11• LEGAL NOTICE Mlltt '""'' Ms -NI for JUM 11, 1Nt. •t LEGAL NOTICE NEWPDl!T·MESA UNIFIED ICHOOL O,i«1 Ju"" 1. lH• 1 )0 1,,, lh OeNrlm••••I l ol 1t!t Sllpt!rlor OISTRtCT ~""" I. R•f!t•I'< Cout! pl ' rr.. Sllle o1 C1llt.,..nl1 I" 1llCI !Or Noli<t 111¥111"9 8lt1 J1K~11111,,. Moreno E••<11tr,~ !l>t Counh vi O•t"9t, 1!10 West Elthtll NDTICI DF TIMI! .t.ND PLACE OF ND11CE IS HERE8V GIVE N tll•I lh• ~l tno Will DI tl>r Stre•t, S.Onli A111. (1llfort1I•, _,, 1llCI NE.t.lllNG 01'" THE LOCAL AOENCY INnl ol EdllUllon vi thr NtwPOt'l·Mn• 1baw n~m<d drc•d•"I w~•ro lnY 11erwn lfllt>tellH In Ille esl11t P'DllMATIDN CD MM I 15 ID N OF Uftll!.il Schl>Dl Ol11<1c1 DI Ott~ Counl•. Flyftn I l!ttl••IV <nlY •P'P•lt encl •l'IOW couse. It tnv 11\tv ORA NO I COUNTY, CAL I I'D II HI .t. C1lltOl'nl1, will rKll~f seolld bld1 u11 !D 1nt loelllft LI Cit•••• ltvt. "~·· .. n. "" order ot>ou!d ""' ~ ml"de WHEN PllOPDSl!D OllANOl COUNTY 11 :00 A.M. on 1111 1rld d•r Pl J111,, 19(,, Lft A"91'-1· Clllf. IOU4 oiitd • JUM s. lt'9, Rl!Dll:DAN llATION ND. llA, I ND 01· 11 1'1e Dll!tP Ill 111~ .SU-I OIJ!"<I, llUI IJt.J<lll W E ST JOHN Co11n!v (l••l JECTIDHS Oil fl ll0TE$TS TM.llll.TO, loc11td 11 llSI PIKMHI .t.~\lf. C<>1!~ AMtrr11y hr l!•Kulrlo KlltKP.-i1t1C1t a kllliiPATRIClt WILL I• l'lt:$EKTID 1'011: HIAll· MeN C1lllOl'nl1, " "'hlth !lm1 11ld bl01 l'11bllthf'd 1" ,.._ O•tng• C.0•11 01llv !'tt t:tlNft luli.i"' ll'tG will ~ PUblltlV ~ ,,... re1d IOI': p;1o1, I .. l••t ltlCll •tult~,..4 NOTICE IS HEREBY (;IYEN lh1I • CLASSROOM FURNITURE JuM l . 10. 11. 1'. ".. 16"1·6' L•M a..c:n C11lfert1I• Mlfl .,e!llkwl II•• bft" flleel w!lt! "'' LDCll All bid• ••t fo be In KCOtdlMf .,.;,., Ttloohorl• •i..m1 .t.1111K• Form1rion CommiHlOf' 01 the C-lllonl, 1<"41•udl0ftl ,,... S-lllc•· LEGAL NOTICE AM-Vo !tr .t.tml11ttr1!rh C-" of Or-t, S18te of C1lllornl1, ,., tlollt ""'ldl 1r1 MW on lilt I<! tl'M oUlct P11b!~t<1 D••"9• CNll D1llV Piiot, 0111111 ... 1MI ••Id comml'llDn -•ov, OI 1111 P11rCll111nO A~I "' .. Id ~-I --------------Ju"" 10. 11, H, 1... \Oft.4,t 1111 11.-d 1<1MXlllOl't OI certt lfl lllf· Dli!rkl, lUI Pi.cl'ftll1 A•tl'ltw. CD$11 f.(UtS rltorl lo Co1mlv SeNk:r .t.••• NI. l Mnf, Ctlllornll. SUPl!ltlOI CDUIT OF THE l.EG •, NOTICE Rl"flsect •11<1 dPtKl\m"'I vi Cfr111n If•· E•<" bidclfr ml/SI oubm il 1 bid cltl>ff I STITE DF CALI FDllNI" FD• . ..U. rllorY ff11m '"" Cftl>lltrl"" P1.i.. 1110 In IM lor"1 of' 1 cirllt~ or c1sftlfr'< fHf: COUNTY OF Oll&NGf: ltK•e1tlat1 Dlsft'lcl Oflll"tl!'d It Or1110t cl\t'cl< ot 1 Dlcl bof1C1 fCIUll to live Pttc~~t Ho .t.-4.31... Cf.TIFICATE 0, •USINESS CouM, Rtor9anl11tion NO. !IA of 0.l!IH tS .... cer.IJ ol-imountol""llld.m.t<lt NDTICf 01' HEot.•11rtO OF PETITtOrrt FICflTID\.IS HIME Counr.,, C8lltornl1. Tht PtOP:Kll e11-HYlble to Ille otd..-DI thf Nt-l·M•t• FDR PIDllTE OF WILL .t.HD FOR Th• 1111C1~•"9~r<I "'°"' ct<lllv \M 11 COfl· coml>d&MI t~t lollowlng I e "e t i I I' Unlli.d khool Olitrl(! A p.,formlrKf LETTERS TEST.t.MIHTA•Y n""'"' • bllsln1H •• JIJ E 1'111 sr .. Cotl~ descrlbe11 .,,. *hid> ,, mt>•• ••rliclllf•P¥" &oflll m•r bl '""Ired at Int dl1cretlon ol E1l11t DI REX R. ANOEllSON, Oectfl; ,M~11. C1tllornl1, ullCl tr l"e l!tlu;o.is lltm oacrlbed IW • let•! ottsul•llon Oii tllol ..,. 01,trkt. I" 1fW ....,,, of 1•1111•• lo H . -nAm• ot MR-.l.t.NIT0.11 .l_'ERSONALll!;p "'ltll.J he...Cpmml'l!Prt:. _ _ tnllt Into 1udl cOlllra(:t, lllt Pr'OCHlll c' NOT ICE IS HERE!IY GtUEN Thll SE">'ICE. t<ICI 11111 lt•d •·•m II (O~d S1!d ··-· Jf'liUi.irbljhllllPI ""' '"' (l!Kk will ti. l'llWtfltd or r11 CIMt qf. WAlT fi:ll G WEtNL"NOEll "~~ !OPd cl '"" follOWl"9 Prr'\On. wllo~ """'~ l" 111:-..c!'to Nl9111I u .... ,.., c"""' v •• ..., bllflll IM full '""' mtr«lf Wl11 bl'. tie•ei" • Pt!lh"" lo• P•ot>•!t "4 ,.111 •11<1 tull 1nd DI•<• o! 1•1lo•nce I••• lol!OWI' Ptrk"'•~ 1! LIO\lfll Hlvuel Of' lht norll'I forftllld 10 11111 Stliool Olol•icl DI Or1nte lot l11111P1Ce DI t"tor1 ln.t1~1!1r~ 11 NllA CASULAS. HS E. 1'111. CM, ind t1>e cem11111nltv of DI M PolPlf to ll'lt Counly lllr ~•l!•O"l'r •e•trtl'IC• lo ""'itll 1\ m-Ol!f'CI >-II. I.,., M>Ulll 11'111 Includes P~Mlf'I' loc•ltd Ofl Ho b111c1t• "''' wHfleltl* 1111 b\d let ~ ''"' 1ur111t• lll•l•<ull••· •nd 11111 Ill• """ "Ill• c .. ul•• /ht '"'"'" 11111 weslf•IY 1ldn of ""'""' fll fo<IY-ll•• l~l "'' 11\t>r 111t •"II •IK• ol hf••llll tl>e ...... "'' bef!I S•llt "' CllltoNl!I P1clllc Co11I H\ ........ , I<! Ille '°""" dtl@ ..,, for lht OPenln• lhetl'(tf, sPI lur Jllf\I' 11, \Ht, '1 t.30 '""'" ln th• O•tnff Cou~I.. tOlollt l•tl. The IN•d o1 Ed\lc.1ll011 all 11>1 N~POfl· '°"""'""' "' ~·lm(Cn! No l o! U•d On J11n• 16, , .. ,_ b•!of' ...... NOHN "'' ll'W ~1 .... ol tr.. "'"''"' notl<td l'ltre!11 N•I' ijnlhtd Stl'>ool Dl•l•lcl rtH•Vtl 1h• ,.,,.,, .. 1W WHI El1lltn 5!tft!, lfl Ill~ Plll>Ut 1 ....... '°' •• .., 511!t. !>e•\Of\111, IP-U11CI "°"""'<[" ""'' H modlllf'CI b' 11'\f' rill\! to ••IKI •nr or 111 bidt. •llCI Ml Clll' DI S..nlt ...... C1thlort11•. P•t•f'<I NIL.t. C.t.SUL.t.5 •l\OWfl IO m• lo lddlllofi DI ollle<' l!rrll-In I ... •lclnl!v nt«H•t!IY KCe<ll lftt lowtll tllcl, ...... to 01t"CI Ju,.. t . 1.. bo !1-t 1>e•l>l!'I "'"°'' ''""~ Is wl>K•llletl 111 "" ,,_,11. w•IYt in~ 11''1itt"llft' or l•'"~!l<I" In W I:. ~T JO>iN COU"IY (lf,ttt 10 th• W•1h•n ln1!ram•nt ~llCI ·~-ni;,.ltdt· NOTICE IS FUll THEll (;lVE,;, 11'111 iny bid r•ce!ved. Cl'IAll:LIS C. MDtllEY •d oM t•Kul..., "'-•~-w od CommlulOf' 111• tllrtd WtdMSdlY lllf O•!fd JIJftt " lfft SIM WHI W~!lll9• .• ,,.. <orl'tC!At SE ... LI 151h d•v DI Jllr\t, Ifft., 11\t "°"'"', 00 NeWllOrt·Me'8 Uhlllfd Mtll•-•to. C•tH. ..... Ml ... IC. >irn•v l'CIOC:k P.M. o• ttld O•Y ... II l(l(lf\ •• kl\ool Olotrlc l Tf11 111)1 111·?'11 Nol1•v P11bl•c · c111•ornl1 .. 111 mi~t cen ~ htircl lft lfloom 511.l In 01 O••noo '°"'"" ..,._..,., i..r Pttll'-r Pr<"tlotl O!lltt t" lhe O••n9e 1.ounlv Admlnls1t1t1Dn B~lld· Cilllorn!1 Pvbll•llfll Or•~ Coo" D•il• p,iot, D•lnQt County 1"9, SIS Norlll Svc_. Sltttl, S1nt1 9, Ootol!W H•NtV ,_ 10, 1r.-11 1 •t 11~1·6• M• Commlnloh £•tlffl .t.fll, Cllllornli . 111 tt11 1lmt 1nJ Pl•t• fo• P~rdltll ... Attnl 11 1 liov. 14 •. 1t1' 1 Ill• ht••l"f vi otld .,,_., thf"elo wl>!tll 64j.H00 LEGAL NOTICE ub l~lltel Ot•~ Cot• 0111Y Pllol. ,..,., be llltd ""' ti ""'kfl 11 ...... '"" pltc• """'"--Orlrwt Coe•I OtllY Pilot, J11M II, 1' INI J~C. l. 6, '"' l\Ss.ff Ill .,..._ !hll!rtited -·In .... , IOPtlr JWM 11 1"4 JI/lie 11, 1'6• 114~• ,.,,.. LEG L NOT! E ,..., b1 "'"ro1. AL OTICE l\.IPlllDll: COUllT OF THI! A c O•ltd J-J, '"' LEG N STAT• 01' CALIFOIN l.t. FO• av OltOEilt OF THE LOO.L AGtNCVl----"C:.-7'::::.,..-----TMll COUHTY OF OllAMGE l'·U7W FOl!MATIDH COMMISSIOlll OF ORANGE P-l»S' ,. ... A<6Jlll Cl:•T•FIC.llTI 01' •us1NE55 COU NTY, CALIFOllNlA.. Cl:llTll'ltATI Of' •uuN•SI NOTICI ol' MEAIUNO DF JifTITtDrrt l'ICTITIDUI NAME. R!d\1rd T. T11r-r l'ICTITIOUS H.IME l'Oll PllOUTI 01' WILL ot.MD FDI Tllf' W ... 1'11111111 ..., ctrlltv tw 11 '°" E•tt11tl"4>otllc:1• TM Uh!ltril9ntd don Cftfl1Y he 11 t-Lt:nEll:I O I' AOMIMllTll.t.T IDN duc:ll"' 1 Du11nh• II 11ih Wiii,_ AVf , locot "''"""' duc:llM • 111111....U 81 • H~ Ct11ltr WITff·Tfftf.WILL ANHElC.l O C0.1• -· C•IHlr nll, "'°'°'' lllr FOf,...liorl Comml1~kl<> Drive, New-I Befdl. C1llf0ntl1 ••• -u.t~ I!: !Ill ef ORLANDO Tll£11Ell ~UT· hct(•iou,. llrm ... ..,. DI lf:ACH CITIES of 0.1"'9t C-1'<, Cat•l(lrnle lht flclllkM/1 11"" ,..,..,. !ti .. ' ,.or: .... PAUL TllE:ll!IElt WTTON. '"' J.t.NITOl l.t.L SERVICE ..,,, "''' .. .., l'11tr!IJ ... d o._ Cotll D••I• Polol IOUCAflON INSTITUTE •llCI 11>11 Mid ftf,VL T, SUTTON, ..._. PAUL SUnON, lltm lo tompe1ect flf 1119 toll•owi"' ""°"' J-11 -11, !Mt IOU·lt """ It c.'1m-ld fll 11\t fol_.,,t """°n, OiH:iNtH -,..,.., In lull •NI 111« ol Nl!cltnt:I -ti Mtnt In It.Ill ll!d 1111Ct Of rnldfMt NOTtCi: IS fflt:llEIV GIVE" T<11t 11 •• !0Uow1· t1 1• lol.,_,: .JOANNli tvnON S\.Al>LE Ml llltd Ci•r• M. Cu1'11111l, 'US St11, ii, CMll Dr, J, W. 1t~hl1r, tAI Aml901 W1r, ....... • ..tllloll tor Pf'lll»i. fl! will 1...S Met•. C11Uornlf All. It. N-1 8eKJI, C11fl, .. ~""""""of Adm'"''"•'klll o.,.-,_ •. ,,., N early Everyone o,1ec1 J11i1rt •· 1m .,,_ .. 111111 _..tll fl llW Miiii.tr, Garv M. Cllfld11I T. W ttotllle~ ;;.;;;:c; flt ""'ldl 11 fl\Mt '°' l ... lllfr $Ilk ol CIH..,..t1, OrlMI C-tr! SlATE: 01' CALIFOlll:Hl.t., 8*110tUA .,.,, wi.1 1M 11-1...i IW>Ct 0ti J-I. \ptt, bttlltt me, t NOllr\I DR.t.NCiE CDUNfT: .t. ,.......,. '!he ...,.. Ml ~ wi 1'111' JUlll 11.,e.1~ ho •llCI for lllcl Slltt. OO:'lO!llltr °" Jy,.. t . ,..,, bolore mt. • Helt•• n: ,.... al , ••• .fl\.. "' ""' ceu,,_ " -·""' Dlt1' M. <"""'•" "-" IT'ii' Publl( "' •1111 for W'" s ..... PC' .. 0 .... "" **'"""" No, J " ultf cwrt, 11 ,. 1(1 bf '"' "''--,.,,.,. i. wtllM:•~· -'" J. w. kftltltr -"°"'" lo "" 10 l!ltflltt .,,...,, "',.. c1""' "'"'•" JO ltlf' ... 11111<1 ."' ............. ' -'L'1stens' ... "" -....._.. .,. ..... i, wbtc•n.f = C.1/f9rfl(I. 1(.11.-ltMfel "-•1K"'" ""' -· If lllt W!flll!I lflllf ....... ftl Incl K-flOW!fff• 0.WI jfllllt t .... tOFFICl.t.L SE.-l! td llt t•flei!fM 1111 ....-. w E 1'.f Jm41'1 C-l'r Clt<k ,,,,.,.,. k H...,• 1'9fll La•t .. YAilU • •Ml.i"-11011.LI Notify Pllbll«•l•IO•ftll ""'"' ''"' MOftOll NOlltY Pwbllc • (el\tornl1 .... ltPllill .......,.,,c P<1nti..1 Otl.t• lh :. ,. ........ c:...-. Or1ntf Coun•Y Teh (lllJ Jll•Uf'I M~ C_,,.holtfl [Utl<H . '"' .......... "'"· u . lt'7 A~-=-0tlll9t '-91j Otlly ~1191, Pwlll••Md Or•nt• Gt11I O•llv P11,1 , J-, .. 11. 11, l#f lltMt JuM ti. It, )4 J\tW I: lNf 1M4• to Landers llrlll(IO.il Ofllcl In • O••nt~ c_,., MY CommlotlOll l~•l•u ""r'' '· 1111 ll ubl l,M<d Ot•~tf COl'I 011!• PllOt J\lnt II, \1. t• fncl J\l lY 11 !fff llM• Release of Hawort h'!! testimony comes at a time when the gove:rnment is in the midst of a nationwide cam· paign against marijuana and narcotics. Gerald N. Kurtz, director of the drive by the National In stitute or Mental Health, said upon launching the campaign : "Our primary aim is to arm young people and their parent! witb the fact.."l to help them resist pressures to experiment with drug!! -marijuana and LSD." NO PROOF Or. . Hawor th, In h J a testimony to t h e sub- committee, said there Is no .scienlillc proof that the use or marijuana can lead to ad· diction lo harder narcotics. "This is a problem which re· quires very clear and in · sightful investigaUon of the facts.'' he said. "The evidence lhal mari- juana is addictive is not con· elusive at all," he said. "Quite the opposite as far a!! 1 ran make out." Dr. Hawortl) said the use of the hallucinogenic LSD has clropped off sharply among young people since it was established that the drug can cause chromosome damage. "As soon as they also became aware of the fact that numbers of them did not return from those 'trips' as they call them." he said, "they stopped taking it." Persons under the inOuencr of marijuana are as mentally un reliable as those who drink lo excess, he said, but there is no scientific basis f o r determining the long-term ef· feel or smoking marijuana. Goddard, in his statements lwo years ago, made similar comprarisons. Old Theory On Bees _De}lunked Bees don't communicale as long believed . A dance rou tine doesn't tell other bee!! where succulent flowers are localed. That 25-year theory has been debunked. Rather it is scent that leads honey bees lo nowers, ac· cording to three biologists : Adrian r-.t Wenner of UC·S:in· ta Barbara, Patrick Jt Wt!ll~ of Occident.al College and Den· nis L. Johnson cf the U.S. Air Force Acadefny . The scicntL!lS reached their cooclusion after conducting experiments under rigidly con· trolled conditions and making field observations. The results, they claim, upset a theory which has bttn unlvtrsally accepled s in ce fi rsl advanced • quarter of a • century ago by the GermAn biologist .• Or, Karl von Frisch . ills theory is based on the contentk>n that • forager bee. through her "waggle dance.'' successfuJly communlcJ1W to her hlvemates lnfonnatlon about dista~ and direction cf A .food sourct. T h e s e "rtef\llts." according to Or. \•on Fri!iCh, subsequenlly act upon thLs ln!onnation. I 1 Graduate Has 20Years In His School Most persons go through the educational plant of Dwyer lntennediate School in Hun- tington Beach in about two years, more or less. One of the nearly 660 youngsters graduating Wed- nesday night from the Dwyer School has 20 years to his cre- dit in the classroom and officls of the ola school at 17th Slreet and Palm Avenue. Principal J ohn E. Wyatt was given a "certificate of gradua- tion from the eighth grade" last week and a plaque com· memorating his long years or attending to the educational needs of the junior high school students of Huntington Beach. Wyatt i! to take over dutie!I as principal of the new Gisler Intermediate Sc hoo I in southeast Huntington Beach in tht fall. His last official duty "'as to assisl in distributing diplomas to some 658 students ; t lhe gymnasium of Hun· tington Beach High School. Receiving the class was Ernest Pascoe, principal of the new Edison High School to "'hich many of the youngsters in the class will transfer in September. The large crowd of parents aUending the 66th eighth grade graduation ceremonies were entertained by the con· cert band directed by David Borkenhagen and by the singers directed by Mrs. Lea Mead. The Rev. Roger Betsworth \\'as the main speaker, telling lhe youngsters and their parents that the· boys and girls are the hope of the world. After the long line of graduates received th e i r diplomas and the reverber<i· lions of happy shouts of "its over" died out the youngsters danced in the high school cafeteria until 11 :30 p.m. t~L .. _...,.,...~. ,:,,1':...l •. 2t¥~ --.. ~~ U.S. Air Force and Navy sources said lhese t e s t s demonstrated impressive ac· curacy. The U.S. test series began last August and is scheduled to run for two years before th e first M'IRV's can be mounted in combat readiness. Congressional opponents of the S a f e g u a r d antimissile system are beginning to in· tensify a parallel campaign aimed at suspension of the MIRV tests in hopes of getting nuclear arms control talks under way with the Soviet Union. DRUi\1NADROC11JT. Scotland I UP I l -The Loch Ness monster -or monsters -woo't tangle with the yellow submarine for another t.hr~ \\'eeks or so. That's how long scienlists f\gure it will take lo gel the 20 foo t sub ready for the chase. The submarine and its builder·pilol. 28-year·old Da n Taylor, wound through the Scottish highlands and into the Loch Ness region \\'edncsdriy to take PJrt lfl "'ha t some scientists believe is the most serious attempt ye! to fifXl out "'·hat it is that legend sa.v~ lurks in the 754-foot depths n[ Loch Ness. Taylor and rus ycllo"' sub. marine, work ing with t:ic Loch ESCALATE RACE Ne ss Phenom ena These opponents contend Jnvestigalioos Bureau, Ltd , both the Safeguard and MIRV are supposed to go after will escalate the arms race. "Nessie" and, if possible. U.S. missile men are trylng pluck out a piece of her hid1: for accuracy that would drop for microscopjc study. Min uteman Ill and Poseidon Sir Peter O g I i\' e \Ved· warheads within a quarter of derbum, 52, of AngUs. group a mile of their targets. commander of t h e in· Dr. John F. Foster, Pen· vestigations bureau. said it lagon Research and engineer· would take abolJt lhrce weeks ing chief, has indicated that he. to get Taylor's sub ready and believes the Sovllits will be checked out for tre grent hun t. able lo acllieve similar ac· ~1eanwhile. r~rt.s 0 r curacy wilh their SS9s, each of monster sightings already arc. which can carry a si ngle beginning to pour in. warhead. with the explosive Sir Peter said the occupants force or 25 million tons of TNT of three cars told him Ulcy or three separate warheads had spotted what they believ~\ each with the blasting force of was "Nessie" about five 1nilc" 5 million tons. from Urquhart Castle. a !"hor1 The Soviets have deployed distance frotn the burea11·s more th an 200 SS9s, in a total ~headquarters. force of more than 1.000 The monster or monsters - missiles which now roughl .v Sir Peter said he believes equals lhe U.S. land·based there may be as 1nany :is 30 of arsenal, according to reports. them -has been described a~ Soviets are reported building about 40 to 50 f~t long and the SS9 at a rate which could capable of cruising Locll give them some ~ of these Ness's chilly "'a\ers at up lo weapons by about 1974 . 30 knot s If the SS9 should be filled Taylor's sub can do about wi th three individually guided seven knots at best. hut he multiple warheads, that would wasn·t worried -en.her about mean the Russians could aitn catching "Nes-;ie" or about some 1.500 warheads al !he "''hat ht-might do if thr 1,000 Minuteman miss iles in monster decided it didn't want U.S. .si los, ff they should to be caught. choose lo launch a surprise al· If. "Nessie" aUacks, s.a td lack. Taylor, "I push a red button Assuming ttic kind of ac· which opens the h.atch and I curacy that U.S. experl~ shoot toward the surface et credil lhe Russians being able between 40 and 50 knots ." ... Cleotaing (]p Members of Newport Harbor High School's Key Club wor< !o clean up tho grounds at Newport J-larbor Chamber of Commerce's new Corona d el Mar of- fice. Left to right arc: Bo Crlf!ith , David Bradley, Randy Whil0$ldcsi Dick Andrews, Bill Elson, Bill Messenger, Bruce Trubo, Bob Vogel, and Bill 1 ender· son. 11 YOU FINC HO~ WAI I HER I I I Coll L v., Our 1 Listili~ \\ PIEi I :: B(·dc r1•r ·10 ~p,Ln • cc 4 Bt I BNI ha:-; St" f1rt>pla hra1 • :\r1qX1 l:l'di'OC plctc\y \1 l!/l I! 5 Ml ~IOU c 11 .. 111. l'ht•1i-': ~:111·lus ~rat'<'. H< S.1nta 11·ith 2 ;i 2 ca 1;lrtcly l,;l'C'Jl Rrady l~l!pa/l( n10111 ftrrpla drapcc: rlo11·n. C h I t llt'1ghl Ot!l ! rar.1u, $£,!XX! :-;cal ~ 1·losct locdroc lt1t 1vi1 N< Z Bdr lo!. l 1101'. FHA· !)271,1)()( ·I bcd1 hraul; l\'L!h I srrvic y;ird. $~1.:iot 111 !he Lo: rarag !!11ooi poul • 4 ikri ~rrluc ~p. ]';1r;1tl 1!~1111. ~ -z ~tudlr ri!'!S(' 111n:; ' " 1·rn10i :'\i'I\' r,.,nlc• \O"' II 110 do v Cf!; 'l ]"". '1 '11 l''lt'k ~1~1 m • R-1 I 1:'1x \. 27' 170 .............................................................................................................. ~ ................... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·.....-.---~~-~-~ ·--~·-··-· -... . I . i:; Vtith '1 't ,.., "' t J. lf !.'~m d ,Oj THEREAL ~ESTATERS ' , ()OIN UNlll'll"il s46·2313 • 646·n11 1f YOU CAN'T FIND THE HOME YOU WANT LISTED HERE Call Us . We Can Help You Find It Amon9 Our More Than 100 Listings! • WATERFRONT PIER AND DOCK ;; Bcrt1·00111 . 2 balh room f0!' ·10 ft lxiat spic and Sf);ln • $69.~ • COLLEGE PARK 4 BDRM S. + POOL I B<'droorn 4 pool. 4th hao; separate rn1rance and l1rerilal'f" -Pool 11•l1h solar heat • S:::l.500 .. CUSTOM DESIGNED r-:r11port Jlcights 3 3c'droon1 2 hnlh com· pll'lcly rcn1odrlcJ. S3J,500 \\Jlh 10',~ dO\\"!!, .. S BEDROOMS -MESA DEL MAR 2100 i.q. ft. Sparkling l·lran, 1 ti(' l'lectric kLI· i·hf't!-1 lU.\Ut)' ha!h s. E1w!o:;1'd 00.1t &: trailer ·'pal't'. $.17,%0. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES l'OR SALE HOUSES FOii SALE HOUSES fOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Gentr1I lOOOGeneral 1000 Gtintr•I 1000 General 1000 Gtmtral 1000 General s MllltlNS To leach I ;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;; u NB EL I E VAB LE 1 1000 College Par)( 1115 Newport Brech 1200 IN COSTA MESA Now under construclion SEVEN CUSTOM HOMES from $28,575 WITH SUCH FEATURES AS , • Fireplaces • 4 Large Bedrooms • VA & FHA Financing e Wood Roofs • 20 Year Guarantee Dishwashers • Oversized Lots Up to 1A Acre • Roman Tubs & Showers • In Prime Area e PLUS MUCH MORE SELECT YOURS NOW & CHOOSE YOUR COLORS & STYLES Yes, we have a trade-in protr1m for information call General COATS & WAllACE REALTORS 1491 BAKER STREET 546-4141 COSTA MESA, CALIF . It Sparkles! It's Vacanti ·$19,950 NEW HOMES ': .. °::: ~'\'b,.\'.:X,~~~ Here ft an excellent oppor-F R 0 M $ 2 I , S 0 0 bath home. Look at these \VANT A. 7<;:1 LOAN? Doctor v.111 finance hi..s lovt'ly 3 BH l~ bath home wllh a substantial d0\1'n puy111cnt. Has pur<'h.ucd ;1 new hon1e & \\'ants action! A-;kln~ S77,500. All oilers 11111 1:-c' COtUiidered. A!>k for DUI S.l&-37".>5 or 546---205-1 N;:t. tunity '°" the newlyweds or f'ltru! Washer, dryer, re-l~ retittd folks to aet a Eastside Coota Mesa !rigerator. Built In bar for 10.-price home tn an kleaJ Fenced Yards entertaining, Complete stcr- klcatlon. Lure )ot with at• W /W Carpeting ro and 1peakl'.rs. Cuslom eeu Jor bolt or lra.Der on Oraperieti drapes throtJihoul P I u 1 qWet CW: de .. c 1trttt. Se-Built-ins thick, like new carpeting. cludtd counlr)' almolpbm, Large Closets ALL THlS FOR 0 NL\' Ytt you can walk to lhop-Electric Garage Door Operator $18.900, FULL PRICE. GI Newport Beach 1200 pina: cw ~ on the btaeh. tn $600 Down. fo'irst come, firs! 1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; minutes. Should sell fast at 2341 SANTA ANA AVENUE u-r.ie, ltURRY!! 11 tlm low price. S.. .,..,,. (Between 23rd &Santa Isabel) WE SELL A HOME WE SELL A HOME 642-3960 Eves. 642·5106 EVERY 31 MINUTES B/B ln!('res,ted in Jnleres! ~ 5.5~i, t.1oncy nvailal\ll'! EVERY 31 MINUTES w lk & L Walker & Leea. __ .. _ .. _1 ___ 1_000 G.n._,_.1 ____ 1000_ a "!~"'"" ee In!e1x.>sted in Nc1ghlx11·hood? Lovely, qu1ct street in \\le!>tcliH! 20l1 Westclitt Dr. &M)..mt Open Eves. COMMIRCIAI. PROPERTY A charming 3 BR. "ship sha~" home on larxe 3U '233' Cl lot. May take 1• rental unil11. OYmer v.'ill carry ht TD of $32.IXXI @ 7%%. Drive by f!Jl9 Ana- heim, CM & call to see ~ side. $39,500 Newport at Victoria 64M811 (enytlme) Baycrnt • $65,000 5 Blocks W-4455" """·~ Beautiful Ivan w~ home To Th• Beach Open Ews. just put on the market. f our hU&e bedrooms, 4 Custom 16 Yrs. Young 'Y't?N·· • baths, large FORMAL DIN· Immaculat" 2 ~room home Jll ~ • 111 ING ROOM, plus family with large beam ceilln& lam· room. AbuMance of tower-ily room with fabulous mas-4 BORMS ing trees and shrubs give siw used brick fireplace and you country almollphere. immence country al;u: kltch· $31,950 Ow~r transferred, wanU en with free standing pullout Secluded loca1ion Jf't action. Submit your smaller r&nge and oven. 1-lardwood cl05e 10 school, churclJ.. Interc'stl'd in \'aluc 7 Charming, \\CJI cons!nu:l· rd 3 Bch111. honu·, pric~..i at $~8.~! Interested? Please call F1ori'nl'I! 1.tcCuc! Day & Beach Realty, Inc. !Xll DJvcr Dr., NB Sllilf' 126 64:)..2000 El"l'S . .Z:J9.16ll home on our £Uarantee. sale Floors?! Extra l&rge R·2 PS, library .~ shopp1ni:. plan. lot? Double detached &atage Bl'autUul condition \\'Ith ~ -- WE SELL A HOME on alley?! Never a.pin an. GROWING ROOM shag curprting through- EVERY 31 MINUTES 0w""'E' ro5•E$25LL,..,.A. 1HO%OMdowEn! Yo! can lose the chilrlt'C'n out, handy svc. poreh, and enjoy 15 nunutcs quh·I Walker & Lee EVERY 31 MINUTES ~~f:;.:!i~;~~ In lhis conten1porary-styll-.I W lk & L for boat or trailer. :lSS.l 5 bcdroo1n Baycrest hon1c 2043 Weatdi!f Dr. a er ee Andra&. just ~: block from fu lun.• 646-7711 Open Eves. Park & t.lar1na! 'I'l"ansfC"rr· 2190 Harbor Blvd. 11l Adams ed owner Y:iU consider $5,000 4 Bedroom + Sfi..MSl do\1•n or San Dicsu home Jn Up'ta•rs Bon 5 Rm Open '•II 9 PM · excha1if!c . I U • --:::;--~-;c:----Hal Pinchin & Anoe. A finished bonu,. room has Big 2 Story. ......,...,..,..,...,..,...,...,,13900 E. Co.1.:.I \11v~. u-;:;...L..n2 for tv.'O extra bedrooms or Space galore . for the family B H R It 200 Steps To Beac:h one big den. Hon1i is In ex. who needs lots ol room, 5 ifre ea Y Beautiful 3 bcdroon1 2 h.1\h 20'x24' GAME ROOM It's Charmingl Parle Lido Condominium Shake rool • 3 Pxtra. large J Bedrooms 2 Baths Swedish tltt'pla~. dividers 5 89Cfrooms ' Cf'l.lent cordition • Asking hu.ge bedrooms. Jartc fam· home, deep shag car[1"l f $26,900 FHA-VA or assume ily kitchen with all deluxe presents ~... cxpost'd be a m l-r•11i~s CHOICE AR EA Qu.iet l.h'l'c l, Cozv 2 bdrm , thnin:-: rm., Jrpl". G11rn"" 011 111.!r'~, f':0.11'".t p<1rkin·: 1 L,..1rr.P f1·flCi!d )ard. /uld.11;; ~.coo. ~~ ~('ar Npt. P°"t Qf,·, 616-2·ll1 -fiA y i"RON'r ~toBn.i:: l/O~[F. 2 Cr. cahanu, 11; ha, fl"f'I", 11v;til bo..\I ~11n. 11rllt &"ctlon . f'rymmun lty rlubho11~1>, f'CY'I , 1:<11111' :•r..':I, rte. \','ill lr;irlr, up l)r rio11n fl"r f11rn r"r un I furn L:\~111;1 l.F ·.urr \~'orld ! or h11J,idr" Oranr.c Co. Homr. 51;;...j.'jt -k R.EO!JCED * TH E BLUFFS ': RP. R 2 B \ ror111•r lot, ,.,, .. 1· .... 1111Ju.·011.,; IL'f'linc. r 11.,.u1m C''\1111~. rlns, oll1rr (':o.,t:·i." IJO:JJdy pool, 0-.1nr1•: 6\}.fl7•1 1 ~11 .:.{"J 1·aJ11r • i'\r•11• ~:~ . .:.~11 • e ,,·ith 11('\V 4 hcd1·,1om l bath ·f-ron 1 rvr 1en11is cou1·t, pool, boat~ r., 1ru!!cr. Oclta Real T" t:•'c f,IS·-1111 COU NTRY LIVING Dbl•t1c-liv1• ,.,..,~·i hr:trn c-•IJ. 1n;.~ .1·1!1 ch ·1"rn 11 thi, lJ;r. 4 Brl•Tn homr . f r your !an: i'v. s:.~:r.n i~·.r PRO PERTIES WEST l(t2.~ B:11 -;1dr'. :'l;;t • HORSE LOVERS Santa Ana Ht'.'igh!s, 66x200 11ith 2 bl'droon1 home and n 2 tar i;araj!C. Lill com· EASTSIDE COSTA MESA - Three Bedrooms. Dining roon1 plus 2004 recreation room \\"ilh Benjamin Frank· J1n fi replace. \ViU easily ac. commodale pool table. Slid. ing glass doors to palio and J<1rgc rear yard. Two separ· ·ale single garages. Fu 11 Price only S22.500 -Exl-el· lcnt residl'ntial 'neighbor· hood. Set'.' this before you buy. 5~~% loan.· llWT)'. built-ins. Stone fireplace. t::: throUghout. 3 landscafl''d p;1· wall to wall carpelin&: thru-BAYCREST • tios, fireplac'-', all buH1.1n THE BLUFFS out. A big home at a low E I I I O I kitchen, do u b 1 o garage. bedrooms and two baths · Near private community pool Used brick fireplace: in bo!h 3 ear garage living room and fam ily room Cheerful kitchen • Cheery bright kitchen with Private Patio sacrifice price. 0 .. 1 .. S299S xc us VI Y urs S32,500, 642-3108 Expansive Bay View ,...,. Sparkling adult occupied 4 ===~~~~== electric built·ins -Close to $31 950 ORANGE COUNTY"$ LARGEST down and no aeeMd loans, bdrm 3 bath home sit uated DELUXE Duplcx. OCE1\N Pnpular "T"' nir..irl • 3 Br. Call today to see. on a quiet strret with pal'k-VIEW. $12,500 -low dn. 2' ~ b.1. crpt<:. dt'f'S. li-:4 [<l:ln I -~ktf']y Jrnt1.'d. S23,500 - ~ lirl'<it 1crm~ Westcllff Center and school.a:. can Jack ~ Asking ;Jl,950. Rec. 644-%250 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 645•0303 like setting. Fo ...... al dining Ask for Naomi, Doyle • By O\\"'tll'.'r. li11·::!."i0 "" Co. 5'$-1168. Ev" 675-1'77 -room, uomual mothrr-in-law ';~~~~;;;::;~;;;~~~~~~==~==-• WES TC LIFF fl.rady for 1mmrdiatr oc- cupancy. fipac1ous hvlng rnorn \\'Ith 1oi: burn1ng- f:N'placr. CRrpct<'<I ,\.. drapcr.J. S J 9, 500-10 ',t i!O\l"O, TOP LOCATION Large Mesa Verde Colonial • 5 bdrms 12900 sq ft) An- thony pool home near rolt 1 llHI \I I Ill \II\ " ' " ' ' bedroom &: bath . Ftt sin1· ;:: pie. CaJJ for appointment to see. 1005 Wcstcliff Dr, NB 642-5200 COUJ'Se. Farm M)'le kitchen, May family & dinln& rooms! Our greatest month ever \VOMAN 1vi1h R.E. Broker's • FIX!R-UPPER C harming Ne\\'f'IOr I !rights 1 ~ bloc-k lrom Oiff Drive 3 Bedrooms. fan1ity room ·!-d c n $"'6,!01. Could st&nc\ redecorating. Over $14.8 million in sales lie. needed. Speciality ollice. Ownrr transfered • m a k e I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• I No exp req. XLNT OP· oiler! BA YCREST PORT. 5484900 alt" 6 • $~~~L ,!:iR~;._ ~1~=-JUST LISTED pm.. Plush CU1>1!ta & drape s OLUGEREALTV ~ gardmi: •tan trees $119 Mo!~·;~Gai~~ R-2 lot; thrwehoot. Double Garqe. . •l!iiiAdlllall~ und --•-~-& CUI-de.sac street. Walle to IU1TO ,,_._..., , ....... .., l Br. home. S20,000. "For A Wise Bu)'" Colesworthy & Co. 0 NEWPORT COTIAGE f:vPnings Ca.\j; 545-8823 sdJools. GI no ca.sh needed. I "'"'~~~~~~~!! pool.. Discriminating buyers Pyramid Ex:changors 64&-2.629 642·7T77 noo Deposit refundable or RE SALESMAN will want thia kM!fy • bdrm. Real Estate SALESMAN $110 Per Month take over 51.4% F1iA loan WANTED 3~ bath home w!lrg. tam. NEEDED S~ts°:;~~: ~~A~~~~~~ $450 Total On. Pymt. with payments of S124 per ~:: ~~~all~ ~·scJ' formal din. rm. Newport Realty &C Invest. Co. UNBELIEVABLEll ~ea t sma!l home. Lot s of (•lose r sr11.cc on c l\Cdroom plus lien • huge Jot with patin • S22.900 bath home. Look at these To vets or f1lA qualified month. ready buyers you can llan-Mrs'. Harvey 1842 Npt. Blvd., J\o[ S48-<l588 extras! \Vasher, dryer. re-b1Ayers at LOWESJ' INTER· WE SELL A HOME die? Want an active fast ~ · frigerator. Bulll in bar for ESl' AND tNCLUDfS TAX· EVERY 3I MINUTES growing ottlce! The catch? ~ Costa Mese entertaining. Complete ster-ES!!! Ready for ocropancy Walker & Lee You have to work and like 1100 • NO DOWN G.I. :! BIJrn1 • 2 ba1h "" R·2 Int. Room for another uni\, Ca• be purchased Fl!A \\oith lo\v, low down S!"i,IXXI eo and spt"llkcrs. Custom July 31st, this CHARMING ro work. Jf you're yoong, ,,..,., ""'"'""°"'· p I"' SMALL HOME on'°"'" lot 7682 ......... .,....,,, and not alrald "' .. Coldwell, Mer & Co. Spanish Style thick, like new carpeting. has ROOM FOR BOAT or MZ-4455 or ~140 alter listings call Dick Bef1 550 Newport Center Dr. Fonner model horn" occu- ALL TIIIS FOR ONLY CAMPER!!! One block lo Open Eves. or Nadine, 962-2471, Confi.. Newport Beach, Calif. pied 7 monttui & s1ill looks Sl.8,900, FUU. PRICE. GI school! Room for ANOTHER11iiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii dential. 833-0700 644-2430 like a model. 3 . bdrm 2 SfiOO Down. Fir:st come, first UNIT or add-on. 11 ""--c:======--baths. large rnm1ly room servl'. HURRY!! WE SELL A HOME • h b EXECUTIVES ,.....,~~~~""'""'!! & kitchen e11.ting IU'Ca. Fin-• ASSUME Sl/4 LOAN WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES 10 n macna movmg to Newport Beach. UP, UP "h"" & "'"'"d garag•. EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee Now 1van w.u,· .oa11., AND AWAY Su''" ""n & """ , ....... ·I bcdroon1 l\1csa <lei i\1ar hr;iu!y. Hugr fam ily roon1 \l'tlh ra1scrl I ir e p I ace ~l'l'llice porch, f I' n r' e d ~ ;irr!. Nl'w ou!s1dc paint. ~1.500. W lk & L CAMEO SHORES view OOmc In Dover Shores. CUstom wall paper, carpets a er ee Larae 4 bdnn 3 bath t.amUy Tu 1111 hilltop Joca.Uon, where &: drapes. Full price S28,950. 1790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams Ocean & jetty view from this l'l'.lML :see models open daily a meUculou.~ European fam. Assume low interest FHA 7682 Edinger !">45-9491 exciting 5 bed.room home at 1430 Galaxy D r I v e. Uy has kept this beautiful loan • $225/mo pays evcry- 842445:5 or 541)..5140 Open 'Iii 9 PM with beautiful swlmmin& 646-1550 tour bedroom borne in mint thing. CALL 540.USl }lcrl· Open Eves. pool & natural rock. An ex-5 BEDRM.-POOL condition. Enjoy a dau.ellnc tage Real Estate Copen eves) 4 BEDROOMS FOUR HOMES qoioito homo •1lkh "°"' BAYCREST view ol o•" ""'"'c PW!ic • friends will errvy. $95,000. coasttinl!. Ownl'r anxious. COU NTRY No Down VA Exclusive area of horn~ Reduced to $36.5Q'.l . Make HEY LOOK-EE!!! ESTATE on large corner Eash:ideo (714) 642-1235 Family room, J batha, lux· o&r. Thls is a quality home with lot. Privacy pnovails here! urious built ins KOrreous 3 BR 2 ba, cor F/P, paneled FIR. $21 ,$0 • try $1500 dn. in thl' c1!y. 20x30 Liv. Rm . ccn1cut drivc\vay & shake J BR un its with garaaes & 901 DoN'.'.w'portDriv!:.: .. ulht~ 120 oont.oured ~I. H~e Jr. Es· Lot l~x300 · ;, car I Q 1 3 •a ' Id 0 ·ll "-LI · •· .,..,.,.... roo. n Y Y r. o · ""' · private pa....,,.. ve 1n onelllll!~~~~~~~~ late grounds, 540-1720 ~aragc. Elcc. ki!chcn • er 1vilJ pay all buyer's clos-& rent the other J. 1: TARBELL 2955 Harbor :~f°.cl;~~:~· 20x~O !J'vi111 ing co~1s & wil~ give you $62,000 4 BEDROOM • $100 to move (lOO/. Down) 16'x4S' 546-9521 o' 540-4631 MESA DEL MAR 6% FHA ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 ASSUME GY 6';l'.. LOAN $1400, pymnts Sl09 Incl. alt. O.W.C. 2nd TD • no pts, no bonus fee. Call 11uick'. ! ! Lockhart Realtors PLAYROOM J K N1"chols Newport Enjoy living on • quiet 1 Bcrlroonis. :::1ir baths on • • •t street Beautif'Ul uh pantl· ~ecl udl'fl private drive. Victoria Jing in living Ir family room, 3 BR. homo on lge Iol wilh I """MiOiiiESiiiiiAiiiiYiiEiiR"D"E""" total payments of Sll1/mo. 569 W. 19th, CM &16·2301 MESA VERDE corner lot. 3 lg .. BDru.t, l~ Ba, family rm. Fully crtd & drpd, 2 fireplaces, coverrd patio. 3068 Gibraltnr, CM. ~r. playarrl • Family Re•ltor ......... 1111 blt·ins, frplc, niee J&:e back DAVIDSON Realty Thll lmmaculate l BR fam. l'Jrad1sc • SJ-I.JOO. 10'"0 II''"'"""'"!!!!!"!!""'""'~"" _. yd. Good linancing. 546-~ Eves. 546-8169 Uy home can be youra by d1111n. D ANA-PT. uN1TS lllfi<l Newport Blvd., CM • g Altr. t &. 2 Br, units, In ;,:::::::;::;:; R.llr. 646-3928 Eve. 644-1655 $26,900 OW'l"ll'r, 546-2626 MESA VERDE assuming 5~% IBA LOA.N. POOL PARADISE A muat see to appreciate. 1 i~~T~E ;;;; ~f.:'.:J·;.:::~~ •;,: MESA vER=D=E==1 Lachenmyer .1 · 2 Bclrm • J 1i: baths. tat· price· $95',550. Low as 4 Bedroom, 2 baths, famtly Asktne room, Electric "Award" $26,950 REPUBLIC Home, 8 mos old. 2 story, 4 BR, 3 BA, fam rm., retreat rm. 3 car garage, Mesa Verde Cor lot; -$43;so::i. 9Y owner. S46-44lS Studio style' -S-11.950. ;12,~ down. NEW LISTING. 4 b<lnna • n l)Sr to \Vcstcl!tr Shop-ncEO .....,..,_ l~• bath. Choice corner '"'l•·•iii;m;...,., ..... ...,.., pi"' l"I!: LllN'll oation. Many "'n" 133,900. (OlUGE PARK 2 H;USES R E A L T Y JEAN SMITH 50'•1 65' LOT. 20'..;; IV. Ball= Bl•d., N.B. REALTOR $25,950 ~ BN:troon1 romplctely 1!ooiCoiaOilliiA .. noiyiitiiimiioi06..-7ii~-.. ........ 1 646-3255 OPEN DAILY 1.5 r<'n1odrtrd • nrw kitchen. I I 400 E. 17th, Costa fl.lcsa 2578 GrMnbri1r Nl'11• barh + 1 BMmom For Le111 (Vac k ready for occupancy) r<'n!cd lor ;140. S28,500 Ne~t l bdrm 2 balh in •I· l1iv.· as Sl71(J Un. rHA or tractive }!untinaLon Beach r10 (lo1l'n GI. location. 1 year lease OK. Newport kitcht!'n, Deckirw, patio, cu fire pit, Jovtly pool. Near the a:ou course. 540.1720 TARBELL 2955 Harbor Experlenced RE S1l11m•n EXCEL. COMMlSSJON 657 \V, 19th St., C.M. Rltr. &12·9730 Evt1. 548-012'0 • KENNEDY e $22."1/010. lpos1dble option to at ---.== VACANT LOTS buy1 . 3 BR 2 bathl ,fireplace:, car· VI t I OCEAN & BAY r~c11;1(!r• • JO:o.l2:> R·l pets, drapes, built-ins, dou· Cora !'eninlula Pt Altr. 3 BR. 3 ~ ~ .,.., \rr•lsi"t1n • .,,...~.....,. ~ 5C6·5110 ht .......... _ ~ 646-8111 ba. home. Spiclous, sunny -.,.. ~· """..uu f11t11ciltma lllutrtl .e ..... _ · _.,,,....,. patio $49500 t:·!. Sl!l.::.00. Back Bay • LLEGE. REALTY Wellt-McCardte, Rltrs. (1nytlm1) Bali,;,. Re~I Estite Co. '1.11 1 • It·! · Ul.500. ISOO Adlms tttMibor,CM. lBlO Newport Blvd., C.M. f-'irk Bn.v. 90xlZi. ft.1 •11':========:::£, :~;5'8-~1!29~;•~nyti:·m~•~=f~i;i!r;~;1,[~l 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa u 673-4140 11~':" ~~~~;.~~ • Baycrest Beauties ocE•N viiw _ No Down GI GREAT POTENTIAL l~~ix·l:\7 · 1\1-1 • S75.000 "" Home on SOJ(J.85 iOI, 1 blk. 2 OFFICES : 4 'h ACREI .f bdnn + famll)' room. $183 to automobile row. Patkina: 2790 Harbor lt.d, To Choose From GoU courae l&wn. Lush land· per mo pays all or FlfA or far campe~1. trailer I: boat. 1700 Newport Bfyd, 4 & 5 Bcdroom.11 tlCt.plng. 2650 sq. ti. o( r.le· Conventk>MI. FORTil'I, REALTOR ""~ 119""" ranee• bedroom, full din· $21,fSO 1701·A \Vestclltf Drive 6~.6-71171 Arn-0°l~d 10 & fr0-eud 1"" ".""", funU, '° 0 m. RAND RL TY '45-2340 """"'°" B<ooh 612-5000 Btdlt·tnt. :I beth.1. 5-10.1720 • Sch ' _OR -~eaJ:.~, 17th St., i:,77$ TARBELL 2955 Harbor nm SUN NEVER SE:l'S on ~Y3 BR~ beth _.., __ .. ..,.,...,.., iiiiiiiOiiiiiii ... ..,,.....,,_I Oauifled's actton power. hetnit, cnmcr lot, 13QxUO' 546-2313 FUN LIVING! For an o<l 10 otll arowid aU fonced . cal llMd<IAll• 4 BEDRM.-422.500 M"""' 3 bdmi., l block to ,,,. clocJc, dial -ilan1a lttal ... OCt'an, S23.tm. ·6tf Atl!'lctivr. brick patio with CAYWOOD REAL TY rr·s WONDERFUL the m11ny 642-6560 J:Q!I fired BRQ. 2 bath5. fire· 6J(i W, O:>e.st Hwy., N.O. bl.G'S In ap~s )'Oll find plar.t. l1tmll y l'Orlm. 5'<>-1120 ~12'0 in thf OiUaUled Ada. Qeck For Dally PUot Want Ads TARBELL 295.I Horbor 1.,,... ......................... 1..:""""=::..:-::· :::..' ----Dial 612-5611 lor RESULTS ~ ~-PERRON . J, ... .,. ......... ... * '42-lnl Anytime*' * BY OWNER...POOL. 3 BR, crpts, drps. X·Lrg LR. Low malnt yrd. $30,500, * 64&-2895 * BY OWNER J BR 1-lomes. 2· _..,..,.., __ ..,_..,,I E. side, Z.W. alc!e. Very Irs B/B transtentble loaM 5%..fi!h';{i. BAY ANO BEA CI l Need cash. 548-1059 REALTY, INC. 9 RM, 5 BR, 3 BA + p(IOI 20 Yee~ in Ncwport-HMbor and guest house $38,950. Area. Specializing In IJJ11tlng1 Principa.!1 only. 646-2:111, and 1 a I cs of Ba.yfronts, 548-8113 Oceanfron1s a n d Jn • ee. twecrui. Ple11se call us or stop ln our new office IOCli· tion. 901 Dowr Drive, Suite 126 NE\VPORT BEACH 645-2000 Mesa Verde 1110 J BEDROO~fS BY 0\VNER. S2700 down-no 2nd. $26,900. t.arae family room, 2 balhs, w/w carpelJ, drnp cs , Vacant 3 BR-/Fem Rm dishwasher, e :x tr a cup. boa.rd!, fireplace, shake Nr. \Veetcllf! Shop. C<'ntcr roof, double garaitc. CuRva, 1~ ba, newly pain ted Inter-apple, avocado, orange ior &; exterior, ~ bdrma, trees. 15 9 s P.1yttlewood. blt-irw. brea.kfut bar, W/\Y 5'>6•4S cpc./dtpi, lfl)\C, Only $30, 150 ---==--====,..--- • EZ '"""'· BY OWNER P.W.C. ~ rosroM REPUBLIC H'OM"E DUPLEX-Balboa. ls I 1 n d . ON BtsT Vl~ LOT OFF· Three }'t!&n, good rental. ERED'. 4 BR., 2 BA, SING- Want cuh/in4<'rc11 t In U LE STOR.Y D ES I G N, unit.I TlJslin are11.. Sll.CKXJ PHONE St9-21'4. equity. Write C/O Jae\< Brewer, GeoeraJ Deliveey, CKAR.GE your want &d now. B&lbo3 Is. 01ay to brkrs. OAiLY PrU11' WANT. ADS! No Matter What It Is YO c W!TH A I t I I ---------·---~-~--.-----~ -~----· - !flt DAILY PllPT Tutsd•r. June 17, 1969 HOU•E> Fu..: >AL& HOUSES PUK -•E nvvSES FOR SALi RINTALS ----------·r·---......-----___,..-..,....._ -----~-~ •4-4 " RINTALS RENTALS ItlNTALS UAL ESTATI Genar•I REAL ESlATI O.n1r1I Newport BHch 1200 Hu~tlngton loKh 1400Hunllntton loach 1400 OUTSTANDING! m.soo MODERN LIVING -Furnl1ho4 H._. Unfurnl~ 1 __ ,......,__Pu_rnlohod _____ Aef!: Unfurnbhod . Cotto Mou, 2100 Cooto -3100 llU.00 ltlond 43SJ C-1 del ~ 5250 -'-'-'-'-"=---'---'-' .. . SINGLE Hollll!. ~uona:blt. Mkldle-qed or older latly. 31$ Hamilton CUSTOM 3 Sr, den. ~t wt WATERFRONT APT SO. of bW)-, S BR. cpla, drpt, bllNi. Lrg borne &d'Oll from on &1 Isle. July only l12S. 1ar. nr mkt • bch. $250 be. lutlneu R9nttl 6060 ~ 6200 STRcEET FRONTAGE Take °"'' pymof•. JO A"" On Be~cl\ Blvd. 1480 Sq, Ft;_ no down. $29 mo. Near We1tclif1, • Dove.r VlllAae ~ story Condon1iniun1. Pttt- •· qu.let are:a. '" ('OUt1 yard. Near ahopplr\5:, ttstau- r&nt.$. Uke new, LuXurioul carpeted, 1U l!Quipt. \\'est- ~ kilcben. ~utUul MeM Verde Cntry Club. wk. Call m-8388 Adlll, no pell. 6'1$-o(IM5 ========;I Leue $325 mc>C"ardnr aer. ===~-~-"'-====!"'======== Model home kfe:al for insur., Lake Ir City. 894-474.1 Ne"' homes. ready to move in, 1h mt1e. from beach. First payment up Lo 60 days alter move in. Newport Blach 2200 lmmed. I>="""""· w .. 1245 Huntington looeh 4400 lollloo 5309 NEWLY tedl!C. 2 BR Mme, -1--------..;:.c.:.: rutr., eic. (Bet. Katella and Cerritos) s·1 £ n .. Inds.cpd., R._ E. Wanted 6240 I $250 mo. 10650 Beach Wvd. CASH QUJO<-need 3 • 4 Terms VA/FHA. From $22,900 DOVER S h o r e a ba,yrtont home. 6 Br, 4 Ba, Jarge Pflt\o, 10' private dock. $1000. mo. on yrly lse. 213/18(1.501~ or 213/m-6333 ._ ....... ..t , _.._ Jr FOR J..toue: 3 bdrm turn Glen GRACIOUS Mfult 1 l v t 111 • u ... v I"'• cp.,._,,, stv. rt ' Ma.r Weat Home. Spae. 2 BR. 2 BA. wa1k·in wshr. S220 mo. 64f>..96Sl 968-2191 clolets. Bay " ocean vfew, • 636-4120 • Sr. C.t, or FHA ~lie near SI'Oflf.S For le&M Village hert. 49G-t948 private Jl(ttio. 2 bdm\S. h d ................. c1-·~ The Beac 2'ii bl.th$, firt'platt~ Endoo:t- ed 2 car garaae. hN.ll"d (on Broolrthurit T mile South of Adams) J-BR. du~lex, l blk. ocean 6 Nowport looch 3290 -pool " boat lllps. &1$-3003 ... --~ Gonion G<owo 4610 LOVELY N"(PI Sch home, avail June 23rd, Back yard pool, 2 blks to ocean. 3 BR, lhcd, cpts, drps, bltns. $300 mo. 847--016.1 SINGLE Y°""' Adults LW<• Huntington looch S400 ""' ........... with ..... Exciting Living try club atmosphere' and Shopt'" Center. oor. of El a ;:;.U:;S;,IN,;:E;S;s;c:...-.. ----1 C&mi & MeMosa. CM. NCI •L Sulla le 1-~ood to co. TV, f!NA , "' pool, ,,,...., clu-. 962 • 1353 ' bay, $1'5 Mo. y...-ly. lelT1LC'I!, sauna. Own 111,nd. ~ 3711 W. BaJboa 81\ld, variety, Dress Shop, etc. Bus. Opportunttlet 6300 Sc!e Liquor store tor key. Assume »an, 0..'!'ll'r Bkr,l'!!!!!!l!!!! "!!!!!'!!!!!\!!!!!!!! itS-19-tS. t® °"'""r 0r.r = Lid Isl• 2351 complete privacy. SOtrrH ln new l.P\8. l bedroom, 2 BAY CLUB API'S. 13100 bedroom • 2 baUl. CHAPMAN Aw., Gard<o $140 fO $195 OPEN SAT g. SlJS 1.6 Corona del Mir 1250 Hu_~!l!!fton Be1ch 1400 --•------- 224 VIA Lido Nord. $1500 mo NEAR WEST.CLIF1" delightful, lge. 2 Br. garden apt, C.ouple pref.; sorry, no pets, no children. $.160 Mo. Hal Plncbin ll As80C 6'75-U92 81.UFf'S -~ SR, 3 BA S3l.!:OO • :! UN ITS • 1 BR ""I Bay '1 i r w on "''Xie hotl~ u'il.h liJ't'pla~. studio itref'nbelt.St(',rs 10 p no 1 .. pt. &• doubif' garage. Pboor o.i~. addltlOn!;.. st~• I 611.-3052 or m-5466 ~™.:.::;·""=·-°':__""'.:;.;._,_,_1 _4~_, __ 1LGE. hilltop 101. Perm. view of OCt'Rn & hills. NeWDOf't Heights 1210 Rt>altor 673-2010 • Dl'PLEX. nr. ocean. 2 BR .. 2 NEWPORT HEIGHTS BA ..l. 1 BR. & ha. Lgc. 101, OPE;'-= nAIL Y prl\·ac..v. Rllr 673-2010 -401 S-8n1~ AN. ,\1•t'. T'astetully dt-Mrn1('(! ,wner L ido lilt 1351 tnne 111 nl<"t'Sf re.Qd('nllal -·-------- :utt. ThlJ 1o1~ty 2 Bdrm LOTS OF ROOM homt is lmmac:ula~ k has custom quality 3 Br., on SJ' lush a-pt"i;. d!'T'i-lrs ki1ch-street to street lot, 3 Car m w ' bltns I.: can br: pur-garage. Lge. South patio: ch.Ufd " a kw. dQll-n pay-nr. clubllpuse & tennis cts. mt'f!f at 129.SOJ. ~.:.rf99 $69.500. Call for app't. · DL'PU:X -I ITS (lid. :: BR WALKER Rlty. 67.S.5200 each. Buil1-i?is. crpts. rlrps. l,...,.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ...... iiii ... "'·!<II°''""",._" 10 · JUST LISTED! Pnncipals onl)'. l--~-------1ShaJ"p :I BR & conv. den, '.!-Sly. Vaeant • see today! B•lbo> Co••• 1215 LIDO REALTY INC. 310(! Via Lido 6~30 \\'ATERFRONT ·~Br, 2 Ba,!!!!~~~~~'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!~ aMll sq ft. P itt & s.hp. No. LIDO 2 BR & den. Al- so Balboa CO\·es. $58,000. tractive. 0Y.'ner will carry $2000 dwn. P & I S.192. lifo. large loan. 71,it;l; $47,500. or make offer. 529--8100 Phil Sullivan, 54S-6761 Newport Shores 1220 Huntington Belich 1400 1'~0R. SALE by 01\'fll'r 3 WANT LOW Bedroom. patio, garage. PAYMENTS?? comm uni 1 y pool & 1-fcre"s a FHA loan with $127 playground, 2 blks lrom Total Payments, anyane can ocean. Newix>rt Shores, 242 assume and qualify. Sharp, Lugonia. NB &12-3286 older California Home. Huge Lot. 3 QUttfl 1ized bed· rooms. Luxurious b a t h. Westcliff 1230 Double Garagt Believe rnc, ---------you should see this on c! CUSTOM • HOME P riCf'd at $19,500. Gracious t slory conten1por-WE SELL A HOME ary · 4 Bd .. 2* Ba.~ .• panel/ EVERY 31 MINUTES den, Bi's. 1nsula.uon. sweet LIST your prop,rty rent ex<:t!pl Aug which is with confidence $2000. WE Hl920 or BR SELL wltti profos-cl).454=='====== 1ional •kill - Laguna Be•ch 2705 OLD Spanish charm, Jge 4 BR, ocean V\v, patios, trult, trees. nr high 5Chool & beach, app 1 actt, 300 s.f., yr lse. $400 mo. 49-1·3TI2 DUPLEX avail/July J, 3 hr, 2 be., bltns. incl. dshwahr. & frpl. 1 block from beach. 673-1758 or 12131 24Z-9378 3 BR., E-Z walk to beach. Cpts, drps, bltn!. $250 1t1o. Yrly lse. Rltr. 543-U!lO Grove (714) 636-30CI) Swim · -• . muig _.,, om. aau.na, RENTALS TeCreation room. Apts. Unfurnflhed Gener91 ~~~~pliance1, c;. .. _n_ .. _._1 ___ sooo_ Lamplighter Apts. • RENT • 1610~~. SL 3 .Room• Furniture CHEZ ORO APARTMENTS $20 • $25 & UP 8234 Atlaota \VIDE SELECTION electric only THROUGH YOUR REALTOR MEMBER Huntington Beach/ Fountain .Valley Multiple Listing Service REGAN REALTY Month-To-Month Rentals Ne""· 1-2 Bedrooms · Pay ~ L~g~nl ~igu~l _2?.0? Newpor!_Helghtt 3210 Appliances &: tv''• avail. 536-3927 or 536-m? ----No Security Depogjl Pool·Wasben;.Dryers g 2 BR. 1 bath, frplc, din rm, 2 HFRC Furniture Rentals Private Garages car garage. Yr's lease, $200 517 W. 19th, CM 548-3481 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH, ·305 M1in Strfft mo. No pets. 548-6&JO or 1568 W. Lncln, An1un 774-2800 FURNJSHEO & Huntington Beach Summer Rentils 2910 S37-1J46 BEACH -YEARLY UNFUJiiNISHED i LUXURY area, 4 br. 2 ba, July. Aug or yearly. \Valk IO beach. Owner 499--3411 536-2585 University Park 3237 3 Br. 2 Ba. unfurn ..•••. $265 Cpts, . drapes. builtirui, ~st CLEAN Balboa Beach Units. 2 Br. 1 Ba. unfum •.•••• $215 location, -l blk to S Poinb 5 t/4 0/0 Sleeps 2 to 10; for summer 3 BDR 2~~ ba, tamily room, 3 Br 2 Ba ,v/den ...... $300 shopping etc. fro1n $130. S6000 nioves you In. Pay-reservaOons call 673-9945 view! Lease. Refs. 833--0104 1er:1 Ba.' Unlurn., •••. $200 ~Us, apt. 0. 642-2835, n1ents $150 per month with 315 E. Balboa Blv., Balboa after 6 p.m. 3 Br. l Ba. Jum •.•..••. $275 ,--,=--,.;,.-=:--="°"""°"'° taxes. 3 bedroom 2 bath. BALBOA -Inexpensive cot-I==='====== BURR WHITE 3 BR 1% BA, f'/P, R/O, pie sh.aped lot, carpets & tages. Wttkly rates July, Irvine 3231 REAL TOR re(rig, wash/dry, cpUdtps, drapes. 'Ai mile to the beach August, Sept.~158 2901 Newport Blvd .. N.B. $175. 646-2414 John 646-1460 • yo11 own the land. !-"""--~-----SHARP, Univ. Park. 3 BR, 2 -... ~.. ,,,,,. ""53 Ev••. 3 BOJU,.{, 2 ba•"-private -· RENTALS BA, carpets, drapes, built· v•~ ,,_... '" .... '' . Ho"·-Unfurn·,-•~ In•. s~,·1-·. , • .,.. Near I "=========:I patio, heated pool. l fWflD_J lfWQ 1-----·----~--1 ucr. &13..z047 ~ Cott• Men 5100 """""'"Call~-~~---­tu::IMT'!!'T'm11r General 3000 1-========== 1jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil3 BR l lh ba, cpts, drps, stv, Room for Boat or Trailer 3 BR home, carpets, drapes, hardwood Doors, large fenc- ed ya.rd, Priced right at $'20,900 GI or FHA tenns. MUTUAL REAL TY 842-1418 anytime RANCHO LA CUESfA. Tile roof. Open beam ceilings. 3 BR, 2 BA, !or1nal din., fam. rm, many e.xtras. Walle" to beach. By Owner $31.900. Assun1e low rnA 6~ 'lo 962--0029 FREE--R-E_N_T_A_L_BOoK Corona del Ma r 3250 JIHARBOR ~17~1~~ 4~7~hild ok. Real sharp 3 bedrooms. 2 2 BDR apt, Corona del Mar NEW l, 2 & 3 BR. Heated & Baths. Electric built ins. $175/mo. avail July 1 . GREENS sauna pools, rec rm. Heil & Carpets, Drapes and refrig-675--6737 or 673-5109 Algonquin. Mgr 846-3137 erator. Lease $165 per mo, Walker & Lee BAOiELOR UNFURN. fr.om $110 Huntington Beach 3400 3 BR 1~ baths. 22101 76&2 Edinger capi.strano Lane (Nr ALSO AVAILABLE Co.st al 5700 Bead1 Apls. 842-445.'j or 540-5140 Brookhurst & the Ocean). 1 -2 &: 3 BDRM. Open Eves. $185/mo. ~1141 492-3285 Heated Pools, Child Care New e Deluxe NEAR BEACH 4 BR 2 ba, 3 BDRM, l* ba, 2. mi from Ceoler, Adj. to Shoppina: -w/w cpts, 1ncd yd, Jg · • .,.,n 1 •~ No pe15 allowed {714) 536-4616 din/kit combo., Jg 1 Hv rm ~~44.,.. ..... Mo. on yr y .... e. 2'100 Peterson Way, at I-Jar-(714) 5~1487 \v/lrplc. Bet 2 shop cnt1'$, bot &: Adams, Costa Mesa 711 Ocean Avenue $235 mo. lsc. 968-45'11 alt. 6 3 BR. lam rm, bltins, fncd, 54&-0370 (3 blks W. of H. B. Pier\ ~~,,~~Is & beach. Eves --.-1·REAL EST•T• EL Toro. New S BR 2 sty, 2 .....,...,....,., ~I ""' "" Al Wagner 213: 981-6510 e PRL'4E Retail Location e 11X40, Xlnt foot & auto tral· fie. 18U Harbor, CM 646-<651 l-'OR LEASE store 2lx:42. AJao office space. 333 E. 17th St. CM. 6 45-2450 , 548-55011 Office Rental 6070 LAGUNA BEACH A ir Conditioned ON FORES'J' AVENUE Desk spaces •vailaille in newest offi« building at prime location tn dowtltown La.guq Beach. Air coridl- tioned, carpeted, beautiful paneled partitioniJlr:. T wo entrance.: Frorrtaa;e (lb Forest Afe., rear leadl to Munelpal plricin& lots. $50 per month for space. Desk and chairs availabl& tor S5. Buainess bOUl'I answering service avaii.ble for $10. All utiliti19 paid except telept.one. DAILY Pn..DT Z22 FOREST A. VENUE LAGUNA BEA.CH -3345 NEWPORT BLVD. Offices suitable for Com· mercial, Medical, Dental. Air-cond., crpts, elevator l5c PER SQ .IT. 541·5032 OR 675-2464 NE\V deluxe office spaces 320 to 1200 sq ft at Santa Ana Fwy & Crown Valley turnoU. 831-1400, 499-4198. 300 Sq. Fl. Offlco cosrA MESA 646-2130 Commercial 6085 OFFICES FOR RENT Modern, spacious, profesSion· al on monthly basis. Avail 811/69. Contact Mr. Lapp, H£Ull! National co. needs a distribu- tor for candy & snacks tn your al'ea.. Person selected must be able to devote 2 to 10 hrs. per wttk (days or eves I to make \ICl"Y. high earnings. You may keep your present position. No selling. No experienct net. .. essary but must be reliable, Company will teach. Wr.:; 1neel wilb Bankers Approv- al. $1650 cash required (1'C· curedl. For immedia1e in- terview in your area send name. addres:ri " phone number to: "DIS'I'RIBU'l'OR DMSJON'' P. 0 . Box 58 Pomona. California 91769 FRIGIDAIRE JET ACTION Frigidaire 18 min. cycle Is the fastest in the industry. 30 Frigidaires do the work ol 40, 30 min. washers. Find out how easy it is to owo a paying laundry. Garden Grove, Sa.ota Ana, Tustin, Orange. Anaheim Coin·O·Matic Equipment, Inc. 2334~ W. Valencia Fullerton 71~: SZS.7833 HARDWARE STORE Huntington Beach 10,400 sq. It. Busy sbopping center. Good will has been built over 44 years. F in: avail. BRASHEAR REALTY 847-8531 Eve. 968-1178 SUBLET or share jewelry store, Bal. Isl. Suitable· gifts, repairs, etc. 54&--7231 ""· ''"''"·de.''''""'·"" Walker & Lee R. C. GREER, Realty 337'.j Via Lido 673-9.~00 7682 Edinger 842-4455 or 540.5140 Open Eves. LOOK HERE Assume this 5~ o/~ FHA Jewel for $8000. 4 br. 2 ba fp. FAU. Palkl & BBQ. Orange trs., corner lot, boat gate & much more. $26,500. Principles only. 842-1656 BA Cpl. [)rps. Fenced. Lse General $240 mo lst &: last +· dep. 3 BR, 2 ba, mi from beach, (OHSJRUCTJON 1----------Downey S & L Assoc. Mis-CHINCHILLAS 837-0648 Almost new, 2~S car gill'., Rental• Wanted 5990 =---------1 near aU schools. 962-ll41 sion Viejo. 837-4911 Are you interested! ==="'=~·=====: l Visit our ranch 642-0465 University Park 1237 $275. Yrly rental, 3 Br. JUST (QMPLEJING duple<. ta'°' ocean. w/w, 4 BR, 2 BA, blln.'-h-plo, dbl children O.K. Bkr 534-6980 gar, 1 mi bch. $240 mo. lst SINGLE professional tntn 40 + wants clean modern H1rbor Heights Four furnished apartment. June Industrial Rental 6090 WANTED: off.gale liquor 4 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE Tl-IE GOOD LORD STILL LOVES THE \VORKING MAN 2QOO sq. It. of living spac!!. Sharp 3 BR with electric P a I i o overlooks bca11tiful built-Ins & dish\vasher at grernbPlt area and swim-$15.900 full priCf'. ming pool. Built in Sauna Pacific Shores Realty. bath. U~rad<'d carpels and 8474GS6 or 536-8894 drapes. cw de sac location. ASSUME 51 .1 ,, LOAN Th is is a 'grt'al place for 14 1• growing children. Priced 41l 20x20' Panelled Den Fountain Valley 1410 NE\V, By owner. 3 BR, 2~~ Bath, w/w carpels, drapes, blnck fence. Many CUiitom features. $31,500. Euclid & Talbert. nr trwy. 9£2..M79 $1 35. 2 Br. 1% Ba, townhse, 'v7"''• RIO. patio , children OJ..'.. Bkr 534-6980 CHEAP Rent! 2 acre farm. 3 Br hse, storage shed. Avail 6/23. Bkr 534""'980 $120. Z Br, !encd yard, slove, refrig, ger. Broker ~ $37,!195. +. lge 3 BR 2 ha. Den could Seal Betch 1450 • d h·11 also. be beautiful n1aster 1----------Costa Mesa 3100 re I bdnn. Only S28.950. A11L!me SV•'!. GI 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;; HAFFDAL REAL TY 3 BR, 2 BA , Ne\v bltns.1' 8740 Warner, F.V. 842-440J crpt'd. 2 frplc:s. redec in & 18068 Ct~;c~L6~:. lrvint SELLING?? ~~-ne~.rg 4J::oo:m $37•500· OPEN 9 AM-8 Pl\1 833-c&lO Last . year Walker ~ Lee es-- 1705 labhshed a \vorld s record e0.=,",=b=lu=f=f=====1=24=2=I or lM l'e' sale hon1es mid in Laguna Beech one \l'et'k. This year, slart· I.;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;; $12,aCIO DELlGHTI'UL 3 bdr ing June 22· we're out to 31h ACRES BIG 3 BR·. 2 baths & family room. E.'t- lra clean 1vith run carpets, rlrapes & built-in kitchen. Great fi:tmily home! $225/ mo. Children Ole C A L L ~'40-1151 1-feritage Real Es- tate (open eve.s1 3 ha, Lusk-huill hon1e, on hl'eak our O\Vn record. Call Undeveloped laod. City of quiet cul<lr.·sac. Large fenc· us now to list your honie so Lag\Ula. 9 Blks. to beach. eel yard, lam rm, din. nn. \i•e'll have something 10 sell. Ocean vie\l'S. Should divide Idea! home for b>TOii·ing WE SELL A HOMES into 13 Jots. Price $40,000; NEW 2 bdr apt. East-side family. 011,1rr is Pasadena-EVERY 31 MINUTE 293 On. A real sleeper. crpts, drp!'., built-ins, dsh- bound and eager ro .sell. Walker & Lee MISSION RLTY. 49-1--0731 washer. Encl. gar. priv. PC>tcr Dobt>i'. Re::i!1or patio. 642-62J7 67;).j003 LOVELY 3 BR 2 ha home Jn ~==-I i~ Edinger BEAUTIFUL ~an view M V ... . C ELUFFS-V.'ORT~I S3!1.fJX. S-12-4'15.') or J40-jJ40 home, 3 BR, 2 BA, lower esa C'n.1e section. pis. BUT :l\f,\Kl:: l)fFER'. Open Eves. Temple Hilll~ Dr. by owner. drps. S250 mo. bi;i-2865 r.tusl sell View end unit .. C .. 1----------$-12,500. 494-2786 a.ft 6 C'vt'.S. plan w/I9j{) sq. It. 4 BR's. 3 GIGANTIC LAGUNA canyon. 90• x 400'; 2 BR Seit-contained unit. BA·s. sep. dming. Upgrad· SHORECREST HOME rustic 2·sty. house; possible $135. Manager at 2278A, CfJ Immacul::itc'. Cn!l l\lrs. 3 B.R 2 storil'!S & outstanding C·l or M·l mne; $4,000 ~11• Placenl.ia Av f'., CM. \\illite 6D-906{) or 67~5764 111/w thru out \'ou can take Bkr. 675-0591: -i94-7161 Res. 646-5637 or call { 71 4) evP.s. Ownc-rfagl. over a 6';~ GI loan with a 3 496-3!12 SUPERB vlew, newer cusl. e NEW BLUFFS e lo1v down payment • & we B "-II d 315 000 Eq J BDRM, 2 Bath, Lg. Fam. 'llhl 'ht"-d r . .x/trae ..•• w1 e p you \I'll "" own 675-6591 494.n61 Res. Rm. Pool & maint. new cpt. 2 Br, 2 Ba split lc\'CI. r-.1/i!\Y custom features, 1111 elec, elc. l..oW!'$1 main!. & lca~e­ hold. r..t UST SELL • BY O\VNER. Call D1C'k Dy<'r 533-4456 ext 401 or 67l-5777. paymenr ii you are short of &. drps.' Built-ins, frplc, funds. \\'alk lo thr oc-ean or 4 spmkl. S300/mo 642-2718 slay home in a beautilully Dupl•x•s For.Sale 1975 landscaped baC'k yard. 2 BDRM. crpts, drps. Garage Rex L. Hodges, Rlty. PUPLEX $55.000 6~% I~ no pets, 2 children OK 847•2525 terest. 514 F.ernleaf, CdM. 548-7540 Corona del Mar 1'250 SHORECREST 4 BR. 3 BA, S. of hwy. 675-6044 Broker. 3 BR, 2 Ba, cpts. drp&, bltns, l,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~j RENTALS S260. lnclUdes gardener. fanilly room. fom1al dining 675-3131 • ft 1 Ch .Id · HouMS Furnished 'NEAR OCEAN room. 80 wa er. 1 ems DELUXE 3 br. home with 36' Ont of the 1h1·ec r1nr s! horn-p!~Y __ area. OPEN DAIL'l. Rentals to Shal'9 2005 pool, Lease $280/mo. es in !he heart of CdM , Stf'ps _-"~'~·-.,~~=~-----546-920E to Or.can. 4 BR, i'~ ba. 3 BR, 2 BA. den. t.tany xtras. HAVE S BR 3 bath house, $119,000. tBy appl.1 Xl'1l famtly home. priced to furn. Wan1 mature man to DAILY PJLOT WANT ADS Delancy Real Estat• M'll. ll!30 Park St., H.B. share $165/mo inchld. utiJ, BRING RESULTS! 2828 E. Coast Hwy, CdM 1 ~53G-4=;"'==<======0..:.-"~~=2;6=23=o•=6'16-=1;""==::;;:;:::;;=;;::;;;:::::;::;=:::::=: 673-3770 1· _.r-.. _ _ Gen•ral 2000 Gener•I 2000 2000 General & lasL 842-2956 NE\V industrial bldg, 2500 sq. license. Orange County, Call: 642-8139 ft. 9c per ft. 1639 Monrovia, Rental Manager 4 ?.O occupancy. Will (."Onsider CM. 673-9017 -========" Investment Oppor. 6310 -·-----~~---· Mrs. Christiensen sharing new home. Recur· 3117-A Cinnamon Ave. tent travel, discreet. Any Laguna Niguel 3707 4 Br., 2 Ba., view ho~. Pacesetter area. $300 mo + util. 673-9541 or 495-4485 San Clemente 3710 6100 Costa' Mesa beach area, prefer Corona de! Mar. 646-7000 fl block we.st of Harbor Blvd I;:;===-----=,_--,. LAGUNA BEACH 2 blocks south of the RELIABLE working coople 2 Lots Cerritos Dr., tract San Diego f'ree\vay) with 3 childl'en need 2 or 3 2531 Ttmple Hills. Strategic· Phone 546-1034 BR house ot apt In Laguna, ally located. Util in, st pav· Lot1 I ~~~~~~"!"~~~·I permanent, under $200 mo. 3 BR hme, 2 car gar. Gttal I 'UNFURNISHED lo·-•·· 2 BR starting July 1. 494-591.9 or ed. Sl9,000, $6500 cash. Buy4 I •---hi h • • "'~Y er assume existing TD's. :!:· h•-M. 10 1"" •,,.s pg apt. Upper duplex, w/w1=832--029=='==---------5 Lots Rimrock C, Rd., Sec. V<'."ac · Ill. yr ase, no crpts, enclosed gar., no STARTING Sept l , \vorking 19, '21,000, $9000 cash. Bal pets. $200 mo. Aviil Aug. pel!I. Infant ok. $150 mo. util couple with 1 child need 2 can be negotiated. For fur· 11) 492-2'121. incl. 135 Albert Pl, CM. BR house or apt, app $150 ther details, Contact S. S. Mngr Apt B, after 5 pm. mo. 494-5919 or 494-3513 F'ranklln, JOT E. 18th St., 1 BR, priv patio, all elec. FOUNTAIN Valley; want to CM. 548-2251 or 548-5643 eve. Duplexes Unfurn. 3975 I~f~AC 2 Br, new paint, crpts. drps, bltns, frebig &. washr opt). 4:: cov patio. Lovely fnced grnds. Gar & boat park'g_ $140. ·adlts, in- fant ok, no pell. 847-4401 HB. ARTISTIC 2 bdr. encl. patio, near stores. No pets. $150. 675-2942 t<c:N I ALS Apt&. Furnished General 4000 $110. 1 Br, close lo ocean. Nicely turn. Avail July 1.st. Bkr 534--S980 $135. 3 Br Triplex. W !W, frplc, avail llO\V. Broker 534-<i980 Costa Mesa 4100 2 BR -2 BA Studio. Drapes, TAX SH_ELTERI . cpts, pvt patio. Adults, C213l 16 U~ITS deluxe equipped, cpts, drp.s, car por t . lease 3 Br, Condo. &tarting R-1 Prime Lot. Responsible aduJts ooly. No in Aug\l!lt. 545-1501 Casie. Mesa's J\ote!'.9. Verde pets or children. $110. e LANDLORDS e area. 155 x 45 x 132 126. 543-l'22 FREE RiNTAL SERVICE WE SELL A HOME DUPLEX 2 br, Cl-pt. drps. Broker 5J4.6982 EVERY 31 MINUTES .. c1 yd. g.r .. •Iv. & ... 1. --=========1Walker & Lee $ISO/mo infant ok, 2244 A Stale, 642-7472 Rooms for Rent 5995 =~-=~----~-: 2790 1-farbor Blvd. at Adams 2 BR, 2 &, patio, frplc, PR 545-9491 crpts, drps, newly dee. 1255 T'(. ~m w I k I t c h e n Baker. S150. 540-435B pr 1 v 1 I e g e s . Employed Open 'tiJ 9 PM '""==--~---~~1 person. $75 Month. c.r-.t. ATTENTION 1 BR Duplex, gar& .. elderly 642-3167 pref'd. No dogs, close to===-~~-----~~ BUILDERS shop'g 54g...2720 SUMMER rental Julie 15 to 230x300' Apt. Site, Costa · · SePt. 3. (\Vomen) Kitch Mesa. Room for 46 + u,nits. SPLIT-level, 2 Br, new cpts, p1iv. No children or pets. Call for delails. Perron drps & slove. Adults, no 673-9140 btwn 9 AM & 1. Realty 642-1111 pets, 2885 Mendoza 545-~I ==========I -=,..;.=~=.,..,==c­R-2-WT, DANA POINT REDEC 2 BR. retrig, bltins, lncotr)e Property 6000 $82QO FIRM cpts, drpr;, no pets. 568 \V. EXCELLENT 496-1542 eves \Vilson, 545-0760 6150 Ranches 592-5Z27 or 548-8301 20x40 heated pool. Asking $30 00 wk up . S115.ooo. Incom• over $22,000. North•'" • • Quiel, Dix. 2 BR. apt. Pacific Shores Realty California •Day, week, month. Ad ults only, no pets. 536-8894 Eves. 536-3240 R•nches • Studio A: Bach. Aptt. 1 m Santa Ana A 646-5542 • Jnel }Jtils Ir Phone 11erv. Vl'. 5 Neglected Darlings 35 Acres or excellent Cali· • Maid Service. TV avail. 3 BR Delw.:e, adults, no pets. 4-3 BR + 1-2 BR sep houses fomia ranch land n' a r e New Cale & Bar 54~154. 548-3481 or Ml on 'h A. TLC. will return Chowchilla. I-las co"on allol· 2376 Newport Wvd. 548-!Jl"JS 6-6992 $725-$750 mo. Asking only ment, home, guest house, all NEWLY crpt'd 1 Br. Furn. 3 BR 2 balh..-.. Sl50/n\o. $48,500. Drive by 2414 Sanla utilities, large yard, beauti· Wells-McCardle, Rltn. Ana then call Jo Hansen, ful shade trees and school Large rooms! SIJO. 523 MS-7729 anytinie Rltr 646-8226 bus to the door. Full price. Bernard St., Apt B. 548-27ll $55,000, with SlS.000 down. before 3 pm or after 8 pm. 2 BR grdn apt. (pl, cp1s, FOR SALE BY OWNER Good tenYUI. For more infor· BACHELOR • Modern & drps, bltn.s, patio, pool. 4 un its. 2 4 2 BR, 1 BA & malion please call Glen clean, $80 µti! pd. Man Adlts 110 pets $145. 546-5163 2--lBR. l~i: BA. 54s.GJSS Thompson, 0 I 30. lfi.1T· Irvine Ave., --INDUS. Blag. 100%· occpd. Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. 646-5736 Newport Be•ch 5200 $190,000. Phil S ulliv•n 1818 W. Chapman Ave GORGEOUS new 1 Bd fl69. l ;:::;-;;;;:::::;:--:;:;:7-:-;~l,~S4~s.<76::"_'.~l--~~-~ Orange, Calif. 1ST MORTGAGE, 20% dis- count. $10,000 al 8o/c interest payable SIOO/mo. 10 yr. payoff from sale escrow with 25% cash down. Call Mr. Seiersen 714-646-0231 S.5 Money to Loan 6320 1st &: 2nd loans for quick cash. BotTOw on your pro- perty '<I \vithout d isturbi!Ji your low interest 1st TO.. Alw buyers for 2nd TDs. l' Sattler Mortgage Co. toe. Serving Harbor Area 20 yr.;. 336 E. 17tl. St. 642-2171 56-0611 ANNOUNCtMENTS,.. and NOTICES Found (Frff Ads) 6400 BLACK Female puppy about 4 nio. Labrador Retriever? 846-2900 FOUND Sian1ese cal, lite brown ·with black markings in CdM area. 675-6632 ' FOUND Siamese cat. Vic. of Placentia & I-losp. roacj . Call to ldenl. 548-5935 aft. 6 TRI-COLORED 1nixed Y.irc territ>r male dog. vie NOJ.'PI Back Bay area. 6-16-989:1 POODLE mixed. n1ale PUP: py, about 3 lTio. old. S.A. Heights. 545-0809 BLACK kitten 1v/ white feel. pink collar, no tail. Vic Nwpt H_cights. 642-7458 FOUND • Grey tiger ~!riped & y,•hile klttcn on Pacific Ave, C.~T. !'146--1880 BOY'S Blke in my front yard '4&-11257 BUS1E51 marketplace tn town, The DAILY -PILOT Oassilled section. Sa v e money, lime & ellort. Look OOW!~J NEW LISTING C.Orona Highlands; O c e a n view; 3 BR. 2 Ba. You OOJ.'n the land. F'ull pnc" $'~4.00J. CORBIN·MARTIN Realtors Aclivily rm, pool. sauna. SPACIOUS 1600 ft. studio White elephants! Dime-a-line 541-2G21 Eves-wknds 5l8-6727 2000 Panon.11. 642--8670 apt. Adults over 18, 3 Br. l -====~~~~~~;:=====:::======~=~~:====·1 2!it Be.. Pool, prv pa.Lio, I • DLX. apf ...... 1 BR, Ideal "'•· dl,,·g rm, hplc/$'15 I 12.,'Tflf =-s TAR" GA ... E-.:.". ~ "=' 3036 E. Coast I lwy., Cd~I 67a-I662 INCOME, TOO! Z BP.. home, oc-ean side of Hwy, Newly p11ln1l'd: patio w/privacy ANO *'P. rear bach. apl A good buy • CaU to ~! Gene Robert:son. Realtor 67S.2~0 l-'"'c"'u~S~TOM-BU'7.l~L T~-1 2 Bdrm., spacious den • Ji. ~. !rplc., 2 BalhJ -'- •P· hoUJe for lnCOtTit. On 2 M Iota, Chvner will lininwf', Or•nte Coa1t Property S3i Marguerite 673.il~ Wolk ht Tho 11 .. ch 3 SR, 1 den .2 bath home. You ""'" t:fae land. Vacant. qulck oeeupency. J42.500 lZIGJn'ON LlNOEN Rl.TY &G-no , or 673-0372 SHORECUFF 3 BR. 2 BA. ~ lTtt lilled area by lhtt jCl.. Fer dmpk. Aeces& IO 2 -Undu $l0,000. 8y ~· * . f13..368:1 for bachelor. $120. 1993 mo. 646-5501. Clay & st. Ai.,~ f, ~ ,,.. ~ "' ""'-it 1 Church SL, C~t. 548-963.1. AndtcY.'S. DOWNING Apts. J::.:"":C:."-',.,----Br CU. Y l. POLTLAJ<--~. -ir-'--'-t O Reorro'1g• let1e11 of the _ ~--,• •• -· BEAUT lge 2 BR, lh bft YRLY. Uc. 2 Br., fpl. Aft =~1 ~J;1. t Y-Do_ilyAm-.i;,.&rm ~ ~P'f~~~ lo11r icrombled wotd$ b. ....,.... , studio, pool, adults. $160. liiShOJ.'Shf, bllnH. newly dee. ~ ...,.r_ 1, Accetd111g to lh• Slo,... oc•' n @fi4t low 10 forll'I four ~rnp!e words 1 (• I 2310 Santa Ana. &IS.-2993 $235 hll·l&-.fOih To develop message for. We~. 17 ... ,,..,,L,,7• I PURTOE 1· . ~ ---------I BETTY DAVIDSON l~J.....F reoc:lwords~mglorunben..\ 1,:7::;:90w . > ~ 67>36.18 Shore Prop. 673-!lml i:Jt. TAUlUS • cf )UH' Zodlot birth11gn. ,,, SCOl I I I 17 I I t>" • Newport Beach 4200 2 BDRM. sundeck, ~. f""~ Nt.':m j 1 Good l l To 11 Witt. ro.u~~''° " • • • • • SINGLE Young Adults Lux-close to brach. Yearly $185 · (), NA{-~ · ~~lhlroa 5~~ fi~...t HO'i.11 I I ' ury garden apUI wilh coun-nlO. No children. no pet.II. • ~?·!~~1 1 ·~ 3.tU,.. 6,,,,. 3-6-19-"...: RU R 0 F I r Iii I ~ SGovd J5A 6.5Hotd 1'7-61-18 :v. .__. ~··~ t> · try club atrnoapberc and 642--3978 eves. GIMM ""*"" 36Dorl<. 66 A~ I I' I I I • , '< complete privacy. SOtrrn DELUXE upper, 2 BR, new-i ~"''"· ~ •'~,,_;. g:~ !:i:O MGITTMIUS ~I !. , ~~~-~ .. -~•n ~~__.._._ ...... _, I IL~ '-"', ) ly dtc, frpl, bllns, )Tly. ,. AM20 ·~ Jt~ t.•0r .....!,,, _ 16th Ne .. -BeAch. D' · 10Aioct "°°' 10wonr ........ _,,...,, 61>-01'53 01' 642--0507 12·1H!~ 11 "-•ie .u f~ 71 To ;.<" INIHES I ~11141 64&-0500 .51·7t!!:!!!I 1is..i.. oll Yo.r 1ll~ond ~:ll°~l~ I-·-..---...-..--... ~ YEARLY Steps to bch. Corona del Mir 5250 CAMC11. • 131,... 43Notl'-t ?JS.-CA,llCOIN I 1$ I I A man Is gt!ffn g ok:I when ~1odem 2 :SR. all bltns, c ... ~ ~ll ~~~~:11 ~;=::t ~~i~\ Dtc.n 4 ;==·==·==·==-=~~-:.,h~ watches hi5 food insteod· ftplc. beam ceilinp. Adults, _.,.Jl.A.y:U l'lt\!••1111 "'o-lop 16ttlddo • 1 -ofa -glrl.. no pels. 64z.3490 ,.. 1"1Wol1 .,,.,,. nO!hfo ~J..N •• 1~£";. I ~... 1~ &Mo., .,.9~71~ .>-~{~ '-rL-iAl?W-TB-'l-'ER-.,.....,,,...11 . -·-~ ~~11 LARGE 1 BEDROOM l'wt1at ·"'To ,. .. ,. ... ,, 2-68-11 ¢-; ,, 17 I I' I I' e Coins:ittt. ,,,. chudtJe quoted $150 mon!h. ye&rl)' ""' ~· ~uo ~~-I~;.-· fl~lcw'· AQUA&M . _ bv (;ll1n11 tn ff,. ~t!O Word ** m8C69 .,,., .i1JLr 2:1 nvou 52 A-.o1<1 120toeltic:f, J.ai~ "JO~ • - -\'°"dcvtlopfromttepNo.3~. ON TEN ........ .,.., f' , AIR.22 23~ "With llAdo r,•.t• ft~ ' 2•0f "'Gcocf ,,,,..,..,1., f} r::~l~~UM&Uto j1 11 11 I' 1s I' I' I' I' I Coron• chi Mir 4250 1~:. ~~r1~l:.=::. =s . ~~t• ~~tfu4 fl~~ob: ill,~..., cozy 2 BR., trpl. Groww3 T•nnl•. Contnt1 Sidtt. pUI· ~ NJG 23 21,lrO<"Ciolly sew,11 u Tu.,.. . ~"sea E) ~NNsSCw•,•,MBLE fORI I I I I I I I I I t'loor. Nesr shopping. tlne ~n. .1-2tt.oo1t1 5'F""" 8'r'f'I$ fR.1• " . . . • . . . . • . Furn.~ SlTh. Adultt only, no 900 Se-a Let, CdM 6"-26U w ·" 300i)y 60r-t0.v1. ..W.20 _s_c_R_A_M_·_LE_T_S_A_N_S_W_E_R_IN_C_LA__:.SS.:;l.:;F.:;IC:..:A...:.Tl=O..:.N.:....:•..:.o..:.o..:.0_1.:·~1~.,!l-4392J1'11Ma11cArthuriliillllill"'ii'll°'"ii1"11"11""i1'11 ___ .=~~~== .. 1:~lt'+==·,,.®==Good==®==Ad=-==()="'=.'=,~=~=~~~~· ~--1 Solve a Simple Scrambled WordPuzzU: for 4 Chuckle -· .. -·---~--------·---------.. -.... ·-·---·-------------------------------··4-- ;- ' ·~ ,_ Tax !: $25,0lll ly ap 01' be1 616 Tl fl't'e mi y,·c F'\1-y • ? !''or Cl or Sl.OOJ a-c Fil ity in .,.., .. * 43' M< "'"'" 8./p, $ hm., 546-80: S.o I O\OOti EquH~ area, ~1adg• Lake ,,.., cific ! ~ .. want: Retire ter. 'V S19M pit.>;!. Joe, n 14,000 tra.llet ~"'"' lwy • H5Mi OU"' t n Trade Owne1 838-57 .,. -ANN In• Foun URGI ""'' the E Soc. Call FOUi' py, c.., with .96Z- YOUI' G<rr. <train whill 673-! BLUE malE '2500 ,,.,_, GUN~ :en, \l,•ks, """ BOS'! a ppr Fair !\fay Four po in ilarl 642- WATI Heil! tify. Lott • l 'Cal, 1vhit Dr. RE\ I Daci Pier Mag Bch. HIL cul• ' ..... ; call GRE" lFrid 1Bay. I RE< OLIV 1Vic Chuo ~ LOS'! 'Ana i Rc\\.· ~MAI \\'h 1Balt ~EIG , Rc.w ~ :vtcir ,Hatr i~ ~ ~whit ~!en P.LK ,Heh· 1klcn bl.Ac • ,.,.,.,,, JuM 17, 1"9 OAll.Y flU1' JS ' r•:.-•.-: .. -•;•-•; .. -11111;--;· 1SlltVICI DlltlCTOltY SlltVl!:I DIUCTOltY JOIS & IMl'LOYMINT JOIS & IMl'LOYMINT .101S & IMPLOYM'"l'"'Nt""·"-JOU""''"l..,IMPnn""LO"'Y"'llll"'~"'N"'f"'JO..,iS...-.i"'IJaalllmlr1<0YM"'Mlll'f'-llliF1• 1 I * c-nt, C-..... MOO Po"°rha"tllOI Holp Wonttd, Mon 7200 Holp Wllnlell, Molt 7'1110Holp Wonlell, Motl 12QO Holn Wont""· 1*r 7200 Hole.Wonte.I. M0n 7'lllO l • r • CONCREl'E .... .. ... P•I•""' -EXPt.ORER • . I •l<:.Cooctti."blktop .. w-e INT. EXT, ANY SIZE MACHINISTS Enatneen Ing. Reu. Don, MUM( JOB. Xbit ~ Nb. b'ff ·~ ~ ;r.:,~· .. t JIM -MOTOllHOME CORP. GENERAL AUTOMATION cau ' ,._132, ,,.,,.,, ... 11.,.1, 6llO NEEDS Lathe Operator Senior ~ ec~;_~M PATIOSe ePATCH PLASTERING, All * ELECTRICIANS ~ cot1ere sawin_. &: removal typea. Fl'M estimate. CaU j;iJ' -IJ;;;i:,? s.. Uc:•B4>-WW _..,, * MIL~ MEN I======= * CARPl!NT~RS '" ; .. , ... ;_ Wbod!IY• Wont? Whoddyo Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPEltS Specl•I R•t• S Lines -5 times -5 bucks ll ULE! -AO MU$T INCLUOE 1_,.n., vov l'ltvtl '° tr••. a-wi..1 vou w1n1 lrl Jr1A J-YOU" ~ IM<ll• ~~ ._S RMI ot adwrTlal"" $-NOTHING FOii $All! -t ll ... DEI OffLYI PHONE 642-5671 To Place You r Trider'• P1radlM Ad Tax Shelt~r ~ed: trade $25,000 land equity in rapid· ly apprec. area for units or beach prop. Owtter Box 6i6 Tustin 544-3666 eVf"s. F'rtt & clear 2~z acres 2 n1i west of Antelopt.i Vallry ~'\\'Y & Ed"'ards AFB plus ? F'or do"·n pay!, units or GI or Jo'HA eqtys. 4~1948 S.l,00) equity in 1968 Ponti· a-c Fireblrd, Trade for eq u. ity in house or lot, beach area. * 114/ 496-1300 * "3' Mathews Fil! yacht, twn lmperial eng. JoUIJ eiec w/ &.Ip, $50M clear. Want $50M hm.. bus. or smlr. boat. ~. x434. 89M094 Almost 1000 ac., S250 ltf val, 80 ml from dntwl\ LA, S min. from fwy on paved rd. btwn Beaumont It Oak Glen, Trd for '!' '!' 547"469 Bkr, Lake Arrowhead waterfront free &: clr. $50,000 val. Pa- !'iftc Palisades ocean vu lot free A clr, $27.500 val. !Vant : Income. Bkr. 548-ml l..all:e house + income + room lo build, on KOlf course. Tn.de for free &: clear land or submit. Madge Davis Rltr 642-7000 Newport Heights lovely 2 BR home in ni~st re sident· Jal area. Trade $13,000 equity Ior income or va- cant !And. 642·2799 Corpot Loylnt & PlumblOI 6190 * CABINET MAKERS Ropolr 6626 * WELOl!RS CARPET. VINYL • TILE PLUMBING REPAIR * GENERAL P.l!LP ~~ in.•·"·&n No ~. ~-....n * LINOLEUM MEN -~· -e --• * CARPET MEN s!~ ~~ F1X that .Iea'kY bathtub, =========I shower or aink now! G•rd•nlng 6680 SEAL RITE 546-4104 --~---- AN11MIY'S 646-1948 '!~model, Repilr, 6MO * IF you need remodeling, painting or repairs, Call Dick. 60-1797 ' AU.EN BROS: T •-I . GARDENERS STUDENTS rM -rv c• 6980 w'Orking. way thru colleee. TREES pruned, topped &: Exp. Lie. Rt!as. 646-4203 removed. 26 )TS e xp • • MO\V · EDGE * WEED. Paul.9on Tree S ~ r v I c e Prof. lawn maint by capable 638-7234 Coller e students. Reas! :=;;..====== Kalina Brothers 646-1234 Upholst•ry 6990 Japan••• Land1cape C'ZYKOSKl'S Cust, Uhol, Designer European Cratsmansbip F or Plans 646--0384 1005' fin! £42.1454 Cut & F.dp Lawn 1881 Newport BL, c.M. Maintenance, Llctnsed Ov•rtime .. Day Shift Major medleaJ and Ille In· Sura.nee, paid holidays, pa.id vacation and many o!Mr company 1"nef!U. APPLY IN PERSON 3021 Newport Blvd. Costa Mes., Calif. CRIB CONTROL AmNDANT ~fust be able to ready bills of material, keep atatislicaJ reeorda and have know~ oI normal indwrtria.I tools and supptie:i;. Cadillac Control• Division of Ex-Cello Corp. 1866 Whittitr Avt. Costa Mes• 646-2471 An equal opportunity Must be experienced on tu~' rw lathe, have own tool• at.d do own setups Miii Opera or Must be experienced on numerlw control machines. Drlll Press Operators Must be experienced on all ·types of drllls, have own tool s and do setups. Minimum three yrs. experience. Tool Grinder Minimum five yrs. in close tolerance crtDd .. ing of bigb·speed and carbide tools. Hone Operator Must have minimum of two yrs. experience· on Sunnen Hone. CADILLAC CONTROLS Dlvf1ion of Ix.Cello Corp. dtdlct.ttd to automation leadership • , • EJIGIERlllG TKlllKWI Experienced In digital clrculta, preferably with a computer background. Should be 1kllled In the operation ot DVM, oscJIJoscope and signal generators. Should aJ so know how to breadboard and to read logic sch•matlc• and circuit dla.,-ams. With these capablllliu you will usi1t a SYSTEM ENGINEER in the desian and doc- umentation ot computer control ayaleml. You will also build and check out prototnie circuits and subsystems, u "'ell u conduct integrated system test procedures and docu· ment the resulla. Apply in person or send resume in confl. dence to : &UL AUTOMAJIOI ' 706 Woot Kotela. Oro"90, Collfornlo. '2667 An ~ual opportunity employer Help wooled; -1200 Help w.-. Mon 1200 MECHANIC • * San Diego, 3 BR. 2 ba. month to month rented n75 Equity $6.0CXl. \\'ant local area. duplex. or triplex. ~1adge Davis JUtr 642·7000 1 __ ........,.~-'--·_2ll_o_o!_t _,_JOBS & EMPLOYMENT 6 Units, Santa Ana. inc. AL'S Gardenlnc Se r v Ic e , S600 Mo., value $49,800; La."11\ maintenance, garden· Job Want.cf. Min 7000 empkiyer Help Wanted, Men 7200 Help Wanted. Men 7200 MATURE -SERVICE OOM· -~------· l·-------- 1ourneyman mechanic, U • Pflrlenc. J'onlp er Dome• de. One of the olcWat l'or- elp car IUVice department& In Ora.nae Co, n..t nte I: w~ wuztc $9.00 per hour, pa. baaed on 50/50%. Excellent wortdnc condi· ttons. Must have own hand tools. CIJl Ken 49f.9T1l or 545-0634. Lake Anowhead walerfront [ree & clr, S5i0,000 val. Pa· cWc Palisades ocean vu lot, [ree & clr, $21,500 val. Want: Income. Bkr. 548-TIU Retired.don't need lax she!· ter. \Vant hse lree & clr for S19M or S38 M eq in T· plexs. S960/mo, pool, prime loc, no vac. 540-6001 14,000 sq. It. steel bldg fClr trailer, boat nifg. on 1 !t fenced acre nr Redlands fW}' • Trade for units, etc. Eves 673-2654 wan! lgr. units or land .. or ing & dean up. 646-3629 sm. home. Sub. oUel'!. Py. ramid Ext'hangors. 646-2629 YOUNG Christian man. l-1, Pl.EfED, ~·d tn factory YARD C I e a n u p . Tree desires eve or Znd shift production, H.S. or Colle&e service, new l ay n 1, W'Dl'k for min. 2 :yrs of· day woodshop and aen. c~· • Level lot towering pines. on sprinklers. rototill. 6f6..5848 coUege time. Call Jim after try desirable, Job dlscrlp. vcclusive Golf c.ourse Rd., · Lake Arrowhead, FOR tri-JAPANESE prdener Comp! 6. ~13 tiOn: plex or 4·plex, Costa l\1esa serv. Exper, dependable, WAX your car. Corona de1 •Bath mOOnr of pluticJ area. fortin; Rltr 642.5000 free esl 6.f.Z-4339 Mar area. 6T~. Ask !or • Filline le handlin& molds J' M Fri. U..S Sat le • Strtppina: parts WUJ trade, Aug. Beaut home ~-UP Specialist~ Mov· tm. on.. • Weighting com ncnts in Burlingame w/l BR. J mg, edgina:, odd J o It• • Sun 9-l7 tor mixing po BA, den, pla. rm. Spect Reasonable. 548-895.5 a Jnspecti.ne: &: evalua.lini bay view, for accom. on Jol\Mon'a Gardening Job Wanted Lady 7020 finl.shed part! Bal. Isl, Newport, CdM. Finest equip., expert care. / • Assisting in aolvin& Xlnt ref's. 14151 J62.12U Planting. clean.ups.. 962-2035 i,» DAY Sec'y. Your office: or probiem1 wk days. 8:30-5:00 Yamauchi Garden Service mine. Expert spelling le • Auistil!J in wood dept. ~3~B~R°". d'co-n,-c2,..,-ba-.ic,..=1,-=,'.'.'.Pt"1 1 Free Landsca.pe Consulting phraseology, speedy shorth. KINGSLEY MFG.CO. drp, 'in No, Downey. Valued e 673.1166 e & type. Sl hr. Call eves. Mk <Phonto for appointment) at $45,IXXI. Trade for • BR ===------1 for Gray. 673--0372 541-61-16 home il'I CdM or Nprl 8.rea, EXPERT Japanese main-MO'IliER'S AID SUMMER. * SAW Sears Costa Mela F\JU. TIME OPENINGS TIRE SALESMEN Excellent Earnina• J. W. Robinson HH oponlnt for : TV SAWMAN Exporioncod YOUNG married man will· in;g to wurk bard for tuture with rapklly e. :ii: pan d t D 1 PLASTICS FIRM. SUS to •tort. "'IO S. Grand FUll time poe.iUon. ExceUIDI UNIVERSAL FILTRA.Tl<'N comp&nY be·nefi11. 2850 S. Grand Sonia Ano APPLY PERSONNEL DEPT, Fothlon lolontl N ....... lleach Equal opportunity employer ~ Carttr opportunity w I t h amrins Co. Prefer exp'd men. Fut floor, suaranteed + aomm11bi + P.M.'a. APPLY :m E. lTth 'St., Colt& Meaa MENS CLOTHING SALESMEN Full ti.me ~ excellent tncentive plu and oufatlrwtlrc benetitl- A cbonco., .......,.lo In thil Ollmt*n1'1 expan. lion ~. APPLY IN PERSON 10 A.M, to 9:30 PJl. Monday th.ru S..turd&J J. (, P£ffflY co. .. HOME on Altadena goll ~ourse $59.950 or 5 ac Vie\v rot nr Arlington $25,l)(Xl. Trade for Beach area. O"·nrr 642.302j, i\l.r. Lee 838-sn2 tenance H.B., F .V. area. H .' T -.~.· 213-9'23-1131 call Mack 842-M.f.2 Exp. .s. scn»Ot. ..... ...... in. -,---.. -; "1n=00x=1,~o-R~~~!-o1· 1 1 $125 mo. (213) 346-4120 "~•/gd rented hM", ne:o.:t to Japanese Gardner EXPERIENCED NUI'le/oom· Garden Grove Civic Cntr & Exper, compl yard service! pankin. Cook diet&. Xlnt HS. total val. $20,500. Trd f ree esL 548-'7958, 54&.0724 refs. Ex lo.1. 49.f..8541 Ior units or ;o 547-6469 Bkr. * Expert Japanese EXPERIENCED nurse-com· JANITOR Must be able to work third shift, 10:30 PM to T AM. Must be able lo do general plant and office d eanini:. Plus a Prolit sharing • Hospitalization • Group Ille Ins. GRANT'S GULF SERVICE SERVICE STATION MANAGER Dofust be Oranie Co. resident for at le:ut 2 yrs. Major on company traininf prdrrftd. Excell!nt aalary 6 company benefits, App}¥ 1n penon 3 to 6PMat 46' s. Main St .. Santa Ana •. ADVERTISING ARTIST * Due to ~n the Pen- nyaver la accrptins ~ plice.Horui for part time LAYOUT, P ASJ'E.UP I. PRODUCTION, Exp. pttl'd. Apply In penon Wed. thru Fri. Pennyawr, 15 C 5 Newport Blvd., CM. AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT MECHANIC HILPIR $491 $605 Por Mooth (-1536- $651. Ettect!ve July 1. JJal • Paid vacation FINEST WORK 646-0384 panion. Cook diets. ExceJ.. lj~""'""'!!!!!!*~!!!!!1'!!!!!1'*!!'!!!!!!~*!!!!!!!!!!\!!!!!!*\!!!!~~*!lj~· I S ; 6612 lont "'"·Ex! l lll, 494-8541 ..,..nera en11cft 1---~· --~--=-'-"'--'-'--'--..;..;..;.. IJ ajNnese HouaakHper ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS we Sit "'"" l"" Prot ....w Cadillac Controls Division of Ex·C.ello Corp. 1866 Whittlor Avo. • 8 paid hol.Kllyl • 40 hr. work week • Employee ditc0unt ; and NOTICES _•_nd_N_O_T_IC_E_S ___ 1 care tor children, elderly, . convaleSCttJI. In home-tJos.1---------Costa Mesa 646-1491 • GR.ANT'S SURPLUS 1150 Newport Blvd, CM PERMANENT: Mold Open, Exp'd. (lo $3.50 b r ) Tra1heet ($2.25 hi') CITY OF NEWl'OlltT BEACH Found {ff'ff Ad1) 6400 Personal• 6405 pita! •. 24 lu' 1erv. l lr-day-wk-Domes~i~. Help 7035 An equat· opportunity employer Apply In Penonnel Ottice Monday thru S.turda.f lO AMto 4 PM e FIBERGLASS e FOREMAN URGENT! ! Aging B & \V cocker, \vas swimmi ng ln the E. Bay. No1v at Hun1anc Soc. & n1ay lose life today. Call 4~1512 FOUND 6/3/69 young pup- py, m<'d. size, near El Camino & Bushard f"V. Blk with wht. mrkgs. on chest .962-3248 YOUNG male puppy, part Ge.nna n Shepherd, w c 11 trained, housebrkn Brown & white. Vic Newport Island. 673-8455 BLUE-POINT Siamese adult male t'&I. Very friendly. '2500 Blk. Newport Blvd. "'""'581 GUNS~10KE gray male kit· ten, white nose, feet. app 9 "1:ks, Colony Ki t c h e n , Laguna Bch. Cindy 497-1005 BOSJ'ON bull mixed. female, approx. l !~ yrs. Vic. Fairview Rd. & \\'ilson. ~1ay 3D. 548-6059 C\'CS only fOUND: Small female Blue- point Siamese c11t; vie. Harbor High Sc h oo l . 642-4667 alter 5 p. m. WATCH, Vic. New p ort Heights. Owner please !den- t lly. 548-5360 Lo•t 6401 e LARGE Siamc!lt! male cat. darlc brown, fixed, \\•hite Ilea collar, Van Dyke. D r , La&u na B each . REWARD. * 494-5897 * :>MALL. brown, m a I e Dachshund, red collar lfri) Gl!nmar West I r a c k , Magnolia &: Garfield Hunt. Bch.~1 .HILD'S pet SiamellC. Turq. collar. with Colorad<> ad· · dreS!!. Vic. of Bluffs. Please : call 64+-18.16. Reward. GREY & while fenlale CAT, I Friday vie Rubby & No. I Bayfront. BaJ Ililc. 673--8687 REWARD OLIVE Green Ladies \Valk:t 1 Vic Btia:tol A Paularino Church. Reward. 673-7356 L05r boy's class rl11g Santa 1 Ana High ·n ''M.o .·· 'Reward. 633-6411 ~MALL blk/¥.'h fem cat. 4 "1'1 paws, yellow collar, Balboa Isl. Jun& . .f9+.3317 bEIGE Poodlt', Jc ma I e ! Rc1Ward, lluntin&rton Beach. ,,,,.._ h:ti:Ow kitten, Jost Ln the ; vicinity of Pomona I. . Hamilton. f1t6..S890 fV Small doc: blonde and ;white. ml ha.mus. na~ 1llerman; niwa.rd. M2-72Cll P.LK male Labrador, vtc Npt .Hghta an:111, June 15. Can 'identity. Rr.wa.rd. 646--9197 buac. ,vhitc:, ~nd brown ;puppy, VJc. 2001 6 Pomona, C.M. 54&,.Q)B LICENSEO Spiritual Readings, advlee on all matters. 108 S. El Camino Real, San Oemente 492-9136. 10 AM·lO PM SP ECIAL $2 READING Attractive Expert YOUNG WOMAN dancer will teach you all la lest :i;teps. Call Ardell 213: SSl-4538 1·10 PM MARRIAGE & F AMILY P ROBLEMS can be 30Jvecf. Call Diversified Counselors 67~2300 va_c. AWARDED PARENTS '·nd •-MAGAZINE CO~fMENDA· Georre Allen By... ...,. .. ncy TION s£AL Employer Pa}'tl f'ee Sitting P;etty Agency lOC·B E. 16th, SA 54.7-0395 Subsidiary of Gerber Chinese live·ins. Cheerlul Prod. Co. 6(2.3274 Permanent. Experienced =========!Far East A;ency 642-871n Hauling 6730 Help Wanted, Men 7200 GEN:~~~r:J';ING Production°"'''°' ll2 ""' load. I OR 962-6846 att , & wk'""'· EXPED T * DRIVERS * No Experience Necessary! Must have ~Jean Calilornla driving record. Apply YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th st. Costa Mesa Stor• Mgr. TralnM HAULING, clean-ups. Iota, $50o. garages, etc. Lrg truck, Must have o~er ~ yrs. Ex~llent future for right SEARS Roebuck & Co. SOUTH COAST PLAZA 3333 S. BRISTOL COSTA MESA An Equol Opportunity • Employer handyman, anytime. CaU recent experience 10 ma-man, call Loraine, Mcr-1--='7C==-..,.--- N"OT=--,cc,.-po.,-,..°'lb"i.-71o-,-.-ny-I BOB 64~2256 chine 1hop expedltin1. chants Personnel A,&ency, POLICEMAN deb!.~ other than my own. YARD/gar, clnup. Remove Cadillac Controls 2D464.Jm~o'l'stdW Dr., N.B. S667. to S8tl9 a month Announcements 6410 * THE COIN CHEST * Robe.rt L. Opalek 1815 \V, trees, ivy, dirt, lractor back ~ Bal boa Blvd. NB 6/12/69 hoe, grading. ~745 Division ol Ex.Cello COl'J>. Architectural l\ge 21 to Jl, up tn 35 with 1166 Whittier Ave. approved exp er i en c e ALCOHOLICS Anonymoua 8 & G Hauling Service Costa Mesa Draft1man HEIGHT: 5• 8" minimwn. Phone 542.7217 Ol' 1\-Tilt tD Reasonable, 642·1403 646-2491 wanted. Prior c:qier ne<:n· WEJGllT: in proportion to P.O. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. An equal opportunity sary. Small ottlce, prfmar-height. pH y SI C AL R& Housecleaning 6735 emplOft'T i1y residenUal. Richard H. QUIREMENTS: Hilh achool , --~""'"'="~~--Dodd, Architect, 548-8818 _ .. ., ... _ v·"• ~"' ..., CARPETS, w;n<1ow.. m.. ,. DESIGNERS BOYS 10 . 14 :;;,-,k;,.,;,"' u$.'c1nun: etc. Res or Come'). Xlnt Itare coins, sets, mail aue. work Reas~ Refs. 548-4lll & Carrier Routes Open File application a t C ty Hall, tlon, etc. 741 s. Coas• La. DRAFTSMEN for 8200 Wemnlnater Ave., Wnl· " Llpna Beach, So. Laruna mlnster, Cali!. beCore July ~·=""=·="'~"=;~'~"~:5585=~; ==-11nterior Decorating 6737 People wllh heavy expcri· DAILY PJ LOI' 11, 1969-5:00 PM. Written SERVICE DIRECTORY ROBE RTA'S 1 n t e r 1 0 r ence in rotatin& equipment 642-432l exam J uly 19, 1969 Cn4) Babysitting 6550 De c 0 r a 1 1 n & &: Color ar?.: u~enUy needed by Jr. Accountant $800. ft93.4Sll Ext. 216 Core Maftn. Exp'd. (to $3.SO hr) Trainees {$2.00 hr) PRECISION CASTINGS for 1elcoatinc libeTslus, OF CALIF. INC. chopper 1un Is fibersJa,u 2044 Placentia, C.M. and hand layup department YOUNG MAN, mechanically Frtnae beOOits. Sailboll lncllned. Learn in srowill&'. manufaeruttr. Send resume )'OU:nl', electronlca co. Odd to Box M.fi31 The DalJy Pl-joba & mechanical llhop lot, ot •Pl>b' 1n pel'IOD; nu 'NOt'k. i2.00 hr to at.art. Send Lankenhlm ffivd,. Nortb brief, pe:r'IOMl and work Hol!ywood, Calif. hi•tor!' to m. W. 18th SL, SALES ARE AHEAD or Calta. Mna. Calif. 9152'7 PRODUcnON. Immediate R E QUIRE a c t l v e , Requ.lrea completin& of Btb aracSe and one )'et!' Automotive Erperlenot. Appl)> before 5 P.M~ Thursday, June l!, lJBI to the Pu9onne1 omc., 3300 Newport B I v d,, N""'°rt llMch. (n41, 67U633 SECURITY GUARD MUST BE Al!LE TO WORK ANY Slll1T open I n I• for Bo at meoliliank:ally, electricllb' Aqemblera, Woodworldnr, lncllDed m&D to help set up Setting Deck FixturH, ete. A Qfln.le auembl,y line for On1y lhme willlfl& to work E'Mll pats, BarteU Corp., need apply. Top ularies. l5"t' Monrovia, Newport Appty plenty o1 overtime. MERI· S..cf\ D I AN LTD. 10920 -=c.:' =====-I Ha wt borne Bl•d., SENIOR INSPECTOR CNlllac ContNl1 lnglewood Calli 9030t (213) with i.yout exp. Division ot Ex~ Corp. 675:S200 ' • ""' mqnnlum ond olum 1866 Whlttlor A-... RETIRED man: baet 314 days per week In moat lux. urious laundromat U.S.A. Modest salary. Must be sober, rnpon1ible le a:et aJona: well with people. 5ff store by Pantry Mkt., Baker at Falrview, C.M. Then call: J ohn Brlscoe after !I PM 6f4...1301 foundry tor aero 1 p ace COit• Meta cuurca:· &tJ..1333 Ltd o '""2't91 Cutln&, NB A.n equal oppm'tunifl EARLY AM N e ws p a per empk,yer De\lvery Moat have dep!n. Kennel man, over 35. AM dable car. Call in AM in pueon, SPCA, ntJ &;.a. ,..._ .. 513-1152 ""'" °""' ""-Loa Bcb Holp Wontod, Mon 7200Holp Wonhcl, Mon 7200 c oo r dinaUng. 1-776-5223, progreu ive aJrcraft com· Acenbi. payable &: receivable SERVICE STATION NURSERY Sehl teacher & 1-879-7652 ponents; manufacturer. Ex· z yn. coll"e l...0 Dan ~playee with e.xperl@nce Asst will babysit. Toy•, ---------1 perience in fuel pumps, elec.. ' ' led f S.12 ahlfL 1----------1 trie motors, and fana ia de-Merehanta Personnel Agt!n. wan or pm playmates, S\Vimming. By 6755 aittcl. Big co ... n .. nv benefit$ ey, 21'.Ml WeatcJIU Dr. N.8. Apply 604 ~· Coast Hwy, Licenaed Real Eata.te Salt• m&n needed for immediate rmploymut. Ne" unit now lflntnc. WIU train. YOUTH WANTS JOBS day or hour. 536-2453 Ironing .. ...,_.., .,."mo • ~---•'·tion with small company atmos. .,..,. .....,""Ynn• ... · WlLL bab}'llit our home by l>f\y, hour or night . JAPANESE IRONING phere. Reply Box M 632, the Project Engl""' $700 SHOE SALES m ,a D8 cer 64s.al45 DAJLY PILOT. Mech ability, know draltin&, ~e. America s. la.rpst four Seasons Hom•• Hun!l..,.... Booch ffM500 ll.B. lln!a. • 9fi8.'2530 e Call after 7 Phi CAREER 2 yrs, college call Dan, retailers of women a ahoea. CHlLD c~ 5 days wt'ek, my Merchants Pe.r5onne.J ~ LEEDS Shoe Store, So. I :c=--.:=:=--:-:==7 home. Mature woman. Janitorial 6790 OPPORTUNITY! cy, 240.1 \Vestclil:I: Drive, ~t P1az:a. C.ont1.et Mr. Service Station Attendant, ____ 64_&-_1932 _____ 1 ---------Join todays faste!t srowing N.B. 645-2170 ps nights only, ovtr 25, muat \VAU4. · W~s, Doon. p10te11sim-Mutual Fund aales DRILL PRESS OPERATOR REAL F.atate .s.Jesrnen why be aper., load pq, Jn. Brick, Masonry, e:tc. ~ts.. Commm:lal '1. No .xpedmm NO"MI,.,. elastica • Fiberala&s, Malet. not sell Ir. 1" ~ in the oenUves, permanent APP1Y 6560 residentiAI. Daily, WH.kly We tn.lrt. full c~pu1'-time---own-set-upa. Fulf"' co: hottest area--Huntlrwton Jn -penon, _North._ O>uJ ---------and/er Mo. 897-7350 Mutuel Fund Advfton Benefita. So. Sania Ana Bea.eh. Call PhD McNa~ Shell, 1342 N. Coast Hwy, Inc. ' atta. Call Ron BI 0 c k 962-ffTl Village Real Estate ~-Loa--"'~lk=h=--~== BUILD, Remodel, Repair Brick, block. con c r ete, crpntry, no job t.oo small. Pa(Mrhanglng Npt B. 1603 Westcllff 6f%.M%l 540-4850 rR.AINEES. run or put HANDYMAN • CHAUF· Painting 6150 S.A. 1212 N. Bro.dway Part·Tfme S:JO.t PM g~H ~~~~,:WE ~In.for Pr!:: ~ Lie Contr. 96U945 ---"------1 541743.U Dell~r health &Uktea whlJe zoo w Cout Hwy &: Mio-be.th. Preferably middle q . INT. &: Ext. Painlin& -Ex· Day or Ni,rh t talun1 small orde .... Sales Arth~r ·NB • ed. No drinldrc. ltefeftl!O!t Cor-ntorfn11 6590 pert Workmanship. Reas. Cantonoso Stylo Cook exp, not nec'y. 968-3284 betw, , . . ......,, ....... ~-" (~') ·--· r-• Ratt!s. Lie. Ii Ins. Call 5 and 6 pm ONLY. MECHANIC Needed.Salary ·~ ... M1.1a. ......_.. ''""" -...- CARPENTRY Chuck ~ Apply th person SERVICE Station Altn'dn't + commiulori. Experienced SERVICE Sta Attendant ud MINOR REPAIRS. No Job PAJNTING J.nt & Ext Lowest exp'd., n time. Union S~ Is own toolJ. 1900 Newport Mechanic, Rell. Reqr. 10)) Too Small. Cabinet in a:ar-contracted prices. Fully Ins. Wu &.n's Santa Ana &. Pali.sides Rd. ·Blvd., CM E. Coast ·Hwy, N.B. q e1 & 0 lb e r cabirieta. SatistacUon guar. Free e1L 333 Bayt:lde Drive. S.A. Ha . 540-5676 Hele WantM, u...... 7200Help Warited, Men noo 568175, U no answer leave Jim Weeks ~11116 Newport Beach s!iER:V~JC~E~Sta~tlo~o]a~ttendan:~~ll~;;~-;;;:~;;...,.;:";;;;;;~:;~;;:;;;;;;:; ~~~ 6f&.2l72. fl 0 , PAIN~G, int. I ext, 2 Mc5TEJ.. nii:ht &tJdit.or or . Graveyard lhllt. Apply 2llO University ~mors. 3 yn delk clerk with exper. on W. Cout HW1 ,NB or call CARPENTRY. Cabinet and tx~~P,;_lJ. __ MAl, depeq. NCR. 4200, 11 PM to ?AM, 5t8-32S2 furniture work:49 yrs eXp. dable. 133--zzti, 492-4432 a:d PIY It 'MWking cond'i , LE=cNci~IE'"R"T~Al=NEI\=-. ~0-,-,-.-,, 646-al14 eve INTERIOR Paintins: 12 yrs Bc!n Brown's Motor ~ote:l, Piano Guitar! Atle.r 6 pm MASTER call>f:nter, S4 per Ba.y a.tea. Irnmed Service, IAcuna Beach. •~2271. Scottie's 436 E. 17th C.M. hour. ~modrHng.Rflpajrs. Call Bob, 646-6446 Mr. Gatl!I SAL&C;MAN A I en e r a I 64.....oo OT """900 • PAINTING, ......... ..,, STOCK CLERKS .. lpeT fOT """'"· CARPENTRY • repairs • frn estimate:. $G> per month \o start. No * 54&-0t14 * Cabinel1 & Remodel. Quall· * 4MC3I * irxperJence neer..ry. ~ 1---:A"lll'O=-=a'"-=eo"A°"T=-- ly ...... 64~ or 64>-0ClS EXT/Jnt. ..... AVtt rm. QI U. -Frldo:f. Olance UPHOLSTEllER. Top '°'' REPAIRS, A.LTEltATJONS + aood paint, neat wort, to advlnoe. Write Daib' 40 ht, wk. C&U M)..3719 CABINETS, Aey m job 1oc ftfs, Roy, "7-1358 Piiot -M-<11 • 25,.... •-; S4M1U PAINTING, -11 yrs Flolfi lnopoclon TRAINEES Tr7 <OOk, win- QUALITY Repab't -Alltra· Jn Harbor areL Lie It tiom. M or pa.rt time. Concrete dow' man. mer. 50f Paclflc tiom -New con!it, by hour ed. Reta tum. sn.2l56 A/or weldirw ex:per!Jcnowl. Codt Hhn,y, HD. or Contract f;46..34ol2 NEAT. exp. Pe.Inlet, no edp. &42.002$ or~ TRAINEE mant11tt • Appl)' t REPAIR. PvUUon.ii, Smill drinkinc. c.outre student lrMf•...,..nt Pertorinel Royal Erltlilh Fish·• OllPlt Remodel, etc. Nile 01' day, I.Aw pricesr Steve SCM5f9 1r KNOWLEDGABLE pcl'BOll 488 E. 11th SI., CM. Rt:u! Call KEN 5'1IM679 in Hl·P'l.~PQl\t"IS. Sala ruu. T t me daUcateaen MANUFACTUllN• PRqDUCTION TRAINEES . :>.HE~~~~~~a'!~~~~·r; y~ '.!v:s ,~:1.::: TITUDI, WI WILL Tl.AIN YOU. HlMANENl IM• PLOYMINT, IXCELUNT. OPPOlTUNfTt IOI. AD- ¥ANCEM£Nf. INnRVIEWS MON. THRU FRI. SPS Western 2701 So. Horbor, S.nta Ano AN EQUA~ orl'OlTl/HITY IMI LOYll DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! b'ablee. Call W. • VOii,, mon. 5 0.,.. T/lr. S.. Tmy, DA~Y Pn.oT WANT ADS! -BRING RESULTS! lletwte1t 2 a f."-f416:1191' _!495~E~·_!1!!'11h!!!SL!;:•.,!°"~~ila!_!M!!-!!..I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:!;:! ' , . • '• If vow'ra • ye11119 p•11•11 wll1in1 to worli: '" •11 atl11lt loo•int for a •llllAt wo1k1r, Mi11• fl•• Oran9• Coo1t eraa "'"''refi t y o11 tlr '11'!pl..,...allf ca11f.,. ••A h•I, .,.., · · ..Yot.IN8_,EOPLE1-• ............... . .,.,,, .,.. -... ......... , .. ,..,.,.. HARBOR AREA YOUTH IMPLOY· Ml!NT SllltVICE 1S,. .... ,.. i.., J 11AIOf' l .. 11 CIU.. •114 A••l14 t•IM• La•t11• of N•w• pert le.P.J Offlc•• h1 C..tral lfaitth, 1...-.• ~•Ill •f tha H•rMr Ara• 194 C....., ltra•t-C••· fe M•1a. o,.. t •·'"· f• I ,.,... M•IMl•y tlir9vth Fri· 4..,_ Jut1• 16 thr•-.h At t • II. l•l•,h•~: '42· 0474. . SOUTH C~T J09 l'LACI· MINT SI RVICE ts,....~ tty s ..... Or•1t1• c...t YMCA.) OffttH af 4fl ,., ••• A'fl. • l..1111• l•1U. I 0,... f a.11t,oM•A elMI I 1120"4 f!:•"'• ....... Y•1 '""•"· 111.n.1..,. ..... fr1'eyr. ftt.M 4f4,)l 1.l. FOUNTAIN VALLEY YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 1s,... •• tH liy s ... ,.. Ce••t Ju"i.., W1111••'• Cl\1\,1 Offi•• h1 N1r11'1 Offlu, ....... t.1.. v.11.., H19h Scltul, 17116 W. 1h•'1ll St. ~ '-""'-'• V11t. l•Y· 01M11 I 0 ·~··2 !Mii• M•H1v th,.uth ftl4..,. Phone •42-244•. HUNTINGTON BEACH YOUTH EMPLOYMINT SERVICE rs,.,.,,,94 ~ £111, A••• n11• laptl1t ChurCh.JI Of• Ile•• at 1121 lllft A•• • H1111tl119"" h..ti. Op.. t •.111.•I p.111. MiiM•~ Htro.P ftWay, ni ... 147·6067, HUNTINGTON BEACH UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT JOB Rll'IRJt.Al, SllltVICI l $11(Mrvfn4 It., ...... ' M•1tht, ,,,_.., .t ...ti •• ,.MM. ..... ..... Hntl""9" ...... U..... Hl.P Schol Dlohlo\•l Offtc.. 1t I t02 • I~ Stt-t • H•11+l•tte• ...... o,.. ........ iJ. ... !ft ....... ., ..... ,,.., tltv aO ...,."'"• ,._ IJ"1tllf. .. lljl!tm ................... . • • -~ -------. -··---..---------------·-·------------------------------------------------------------- • Ms DAlLY •ILOT • T....,J, JuM 17, lM J & !~Li5'i'Mlli'i' li5BS i EMPLi5YMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JON & IMPLOYMINT JOBS & IMPLOYMINT Help Waoi..1, IMft 7200 JOU & EMPLOYMENT MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDISE POl Hel' W•olod, IMft 7200 Help Wonted Men 7200 Help Waotod . H:..,~-Help We-Help W1ntM Jolll Mei't, Warn. 7500 SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE w-1400 7400 w ..... 7400 w-7400 Furniture 8000 Fumlture IOOO OUl<o T!mpota:11 ~'mplO)'ment . • • 1aQ:U@ll(lji?if ENGINEERING Secretaries EXPERIENCED J. C. Penney Co. PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEERING ............... UR6ENTlY llEDED. F-lal&nd -• e 1SCROW e Newport Beach Requires e-xperie nce in de sign or hydraulic Typi~ • Clerks SECRE~ARY servo systems and components, such as ac· CAL"ORNIA • Typists UNITED\,CALIFORNIA NEEDS DECORATOR GITT CANClllATION tuators, servo valves or solenoid valves. PROFESSIONAL ALL OF~ICE SKILLS SCHOOL • Repro Typists BANK FURNITURE OF 18 LUXURY APARTMENTS Desires strong capability in servo system EARN MORE W1'nl US • Secretaries 3141 E. Coalt Hwy SALESMEN Spanish & Mediten111nn Furniture dynamic analysis and/or fluid system stress analysis. Cb1mpagne • K.-,punchen Coron• d1I Mar ALL BRAND NEW 673-9240 Full time employment, ""'-,r:.m;~.~t .~~ ~~ie :;.~ ~li-il ·~e--• PBX Opers. txcelfent lncenllve plan c;orri t ~ Cl'\lotrl lktl\ e w I -m:: MANUFACTURING ENGINEER and outstandlna' benefils. , ot 1\11 .... kit. ( .._ Mlt.tSJ ... ....... · Tempor1ry Help • Auemblers Equ11l oppo~ emp!Qyer !:' ·~·:'I .....:~....... .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . • ji A chance to participate 0.k 11 • ..., ~ Tebla .............. ._.Dirt 1 Must have experience in mechanical/by· in this ccmpany'a expa.n-0«.or•!lll' T-t=.. L...mlol lltt so.tJl .............. NOW 111 H .... 1111 U.... I ea. M'JS> ............ draulic fi eld. h-1us t be able to make manufac-ANAHEIM Work when I where LYN aion program. A decorator dream house on display - 3 turing cos t analysis. quotes and h3ve strong 775 W. L• P•lma you wantl RN or APPLY lN PERSON rooms of gorgeous Spanish fumilll'e twas background in castings, forg ings and other NEWPORT BEACH INTERIM (California Lic1naecf) 10 AM to 9:30 PM reg. $1295.00 manufacturing processes. 3149 Birch StrHt P.fonday thru. Saturday SACRIFICE $398 1 CADILLAC CONTROLS PERSONNa SERVICE Relief .. I to 4;30 p.m . J. C. PEflNEY CO. • • • • • • SANTA ANA NO lllOfflY Dell. llEQUlll;EO -W£ c>Jt•V OOll OWlll ACCft. Olvition of Ex-Cillo Corp. 1616-F, E. Fourth Apply in person ' 1166 WHITillER AVE .. COSTA MESA 445 E. 11th St. 24 Fashion Island mm FURNITURE 540-1345 Cost• Mis•, C•llf. Huntington Beach Art equal opportunity 646-2491 e Siud•nl lo i n• "'2·1523 Conval~nt Hospital empl~r An rqual opportunity employer e 01'1 l Evening Cl•1111 An Equal OpportunHy 1S192 Delaware St., H.B. * * 1844 ltewport Blvd.~ ..... > e Uf1tirn e Pl1c1m1nt s., .. ;,, Employer lntervl1wing ,t For Wo1111n of All .A.911 Mon. thru Fri. EXPERIENCED H•IP W•nttd, Men 1200 H•lp Wanted e Prof1uion.lly Stifled NURSE AIDE I a.m. to 5 p .m. *COOKS* Costa Mesa only -Women 7400 D1ntel Clini, Op1n To e NOTE TELLER GARDENER Thi Public Equal opportunity employer e PART TIME (very Night 'Tll 9 -Wed., S.t. & Sun. 'Tl 6 • GROUNDSMAN HICKORY FARMS 1195 HIWPOIT ILVD. It you are Interested in; TELLER EXPERIENCED and !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ oilers part time, enjoyabl e COSTA MIU * J>rosreasive patient care • * NON-EXPERIENCED NEWPORT work evenings. Jf you are a * Service education UNITED positions open Furniture 8000 Appllanc11 8100 housewife and \Vant to make 17141 '45.2't1J * Excell. working cond '•· J . C. ~nncy Co. CALIFORNIA BANK BEACH extra money, come in and Call Orange Counties large.sl Fashion Jaland Apply in person SPANJSH Retumed from WAS HER/dryer, Frigidaire, sec me at, HICKORY extended c11re hospital. .Ne'l'lpOrl Beach 22Z Ocean Ave., Laguna Bcb, Model I-tomes on sale at Custom Imperial, mtchd Diversified ]and development FARMS, So. Coast Plaza, 546-6450 494-6546 REUBEN'S less than wholesale! Group white. Cd "'""· 100 P'· company is seeking wme-Cosla ~1esa. (Lower Mall) HUGHES NEEDS PART TIME includes beautiful 96 •• 67:>-0598 one to assi~t in maintenance • e EXPERIENCED SALESLAE>IES * EXPERIENCED quilted sofa & love seat, 6S 1''RJG1DA1RE Custom of commercial properties. Asst I Bkkpr I WAITRESSES * COCO'S 3 Spanish oak decorator Mob 11 e NEWPORT BEACH Night Shifta .•. Union HC!U!e J mperii>l Job duties 1vill lnclude clean. -TELLER-ll'.bles, swag or table lamps, d ishwasher. Cherry .... up of outside a1'l!a~ 11.nd gt'fl· Cashier Hou11wlve1 & Mothers lfmip., 11urgical, Medical, &: wall pl.acque, king, queen, front load $130. 64&-6888 eral gal'dcning assl~tance. S420 up. has immediate openings for UNITED Can you spare a lew hollrs Dent., Plam. Apply ;, 1555 W. Adams or full sb:e bedroom suite Call 642..oo26 or 545-0979 CALIFORNIA BANK each day and add lo the pe r son HOWARD 'S Costa Mese complete incl box springs, Antiques 8110 No e.xpcrie ncf' rt'qu1rcd. Ex· Independent HYBRID & family income at the same RESTAURANT, 4001 w. TECHNICAL ARTIST mattress, linens & boudoir cellent benefits 11·ith i;:row· INTEGRATED time? S"hedules convenient Coast Highway, Newport [)ynam.ic Science a looking 1am.,. Spanish oak 6 pc ATTENTION I ing company. Penonnel CIRCUIT JOO A1ain, J~unt. Sch. for you. o\omlngs, alter-Beach. dining set priced elsewhere Clock dealers, collectors, re_. 5.1&3811 for a technical artist with ASSEMBLERS Equl\I opportunity emplo}Tr noons, evenin&'a or cornblna. WOMAN Wanted lor part exi>mence in layout. ink ll. at approx. 11195.00 AJ.L pafr men, hobbyists: ,00 Call JIAt BALLENGER e BOOKKEEPER t:ions of alt Work ln a tun time v.'Ork. General office pasteup of charts, grails &: FOR ONLY $399. $20 down, Vienna w.ill clocks, spring at &t7-032.:J. From A minimum of six months of sto~ under the finest of includes lite ty p ing, pictorials for proposals Ii: $4 .99 pet' ... k ' out of wound & \\'eight driven, $27' 8 1o 5. fllonday.Friday E xpe rienced, part tim• experience Ls desirable. c:ibilities conditions and top rupeiyis-av.'itchboud, mail, S-J pm, technical reports, A know· ""'" credit OK. W il l to $55. 20 Grandfather clocks, e FOOD Openings are on ht and 2nd anlimiteo sion. moy become full time, lodge ol reproduction • separate for quick sale. 20th S95 lo $155. All clocks iOld CHECKER shifts. perm. photography is desirable. Century Furniture, 9772 as is. MOTOR HOME agenc;y APPLY IN PERSON HARRY I: DA VJD After July I, we 1vi1J be lo-Garden Grove Blvd ., LARRY ).JORGAN 11to4pm Please apply In pe1·son to: 215 Riverside Ave. N.B. cated at 2400 Michelson Garden Grove Daily I 0-9, ANTIQUES e BUILDERS 673-2930 Quality Positions for PENNEY'S COP.fPANION to live in for Drive, Irvine, Calif. 92664. Sat 10-6. SUn 12-5 Come "'8-7383 Part or full time 10 \1tomen HUQHES Qualified Applicants FASHION ISLAND young lady with slight ban-Send resumes &: salary re. tn or call (714} 530-5240 IS D•d int'd ;, f'rontier needed immal. for child 488 E. 17th St., Suite 22.f dicap. M"'l be excellent qui rements lo: SCRAM-LETS Relics, guns, Civil War e ASSEMBLERS care, aide, or companions. C'.osta Mesa 642-1470 IOAM to5PM driver. ""I" girl =· DYNAMIC SCIENCE items? II so, why not do Age 21-65 NEWPORT BEACH r.tonday thru Friday good salary, call da,. P.O. Box 668, Monrovia, Cal. your Dad's Day shop'g at -ANSWERS Imniediate openh1i;s for men Sitting Pretty Agency ~2930 eves 642-8933 91016. Attn: A.R. DcLelHs. Helen t.tanning-Ant. 2428 1vi!h experience In plumb-?flember of \Ve Sit Better, 500 Superior Av1nue See Betty Bruce at All student positions filled. WOMAN Floral Designer for Equal opportunity employer Ncwpt Blvd, CM (rear) ing. electrical, walls, cabin. Inc. Subsidiary or Gerber Newport Beech, Calif. m ,uE:xec Equal opportunity employer part time 1Y01'k. Apply at BOOKSTORE CLERK TrouJ>e -Furor -Shine -642-9251 ets and finish • or 11·e 11·1/I Prod. Co. 642-3274 * • Peek's Family 1',ower Shop, Receiving & unpacking, pric-Bewail -BEAUTIFUL train )'OU. t.hut ha1·e 51)11\e e WOMEN & GIRLS Equal opportunity Pttk'a Family F u ne r a I ing boosk, .stocking shelves. A man is getting old v.·hen Musical Inst. 8125 hand tools. See ruck, 2135 employer • M &: F Agency for Career Girls llome, 7861 Boba Ave., Should have gen. knowledge he watches his food instead Pleasant telephone work Canyon Drive, Cost11. ?iotesa from our office, 410 W. Coast Hwy., N. 8. Westminster DI iovoicing. Hn. during of a BEAUTIFUL girl. Guitars e Amps • Drums 6-12-9758 "" oxp. B~ appoint "'6-3939 summer 8 to <1:30 pm, Fall NE\V AND USED ne e. F'uU or part lime. S2 lo ASSEMBLER DRUG CLERK-Top \\'ages MOVING: sp. piano, stereo, S5 per hr. 230 \V. \Varner, LI BR-ARIAN No ev~ N Sun. Ref's. 12:30 to 9:30 pn1. Heavy Ii!· assorted chairs & tables, 12 MAJOR BRANDS ~l:in."rrn1r,.1 T" "I'··• i.ui1c 717. S.A. TRAINEES College Pharmacy, 440 Fair ling ,involved. $481 per mo. living room suite, dining Also Many Imports At PART TIME EVES. $620-$754 P~r Month ADVERTISING ARTIST FOR Dr. C.Af .. 540-4580 Apply rm. suite, ~ bdrn1s, one BIG DISCOUNTS PLASTICS • l!ei::onuncn<lcd !oi· Due lo cxpansioo the Pen-ORANGE COAST r<'frig. Other v a I u a b I c EVERYTHING Ir\ MUSlC $3.SO per hr. fnjcction molding opers. or ~&67.·$&11. July 1, 1001n nysaver ;, acc e pting SUBMINIATURE WI.DOW To live in temp. Lite JR. COLLEGE DIST. items. 540--21&4 Beach Music Cenlet lralnC't's. Over 75. Openings applications IDr part-time houaekeeping-must d r i v e . 2701 Fairview Road for s\\'ing shilL Apply 8.-4 CITY OF l.A \'OUT, PASTE-UP • ASSEMBLY References 536-3552 Ccsta Mes.a. 834-5708 Approve d Furniture p.m. Orangr County Plas-NEWPORT BEACH PRODUCTION. Exp. preJ'd. OPERATIONS WOMAS With general la~ Spanish & Mediterranean Daily 12 noon till 9, Sat, 9-5 eau 5~1.n~ ~Ir. Bond lies, 850 \V. 18th, 0 1 Apply in person \Ved. thru tory &. assembly. Specialty ~newport . Furniture -Sale? Sa.le! l\fust 17404 Beach Blvd. (Hwy. 39) MAINT. MAN $563-RN ror in.~ervlce educalion Appointment above first Fri. Pcnnysaver, 1545 Molders TI2 Yorktown, HB. personnei seU all ! Bldg. being tom 1 1,~ mi so. San Diego Fwy. in 262 bed extended care step possible for espN:i· N!!1,1:porl Blvd, CM. i\lust h:i.ve good eyesight and BEAIITY OPERATOR do1vn lo n1ake roon1 I o r llw1!ington Beach 847-8536 E.'l:crllcnt Cos\11 )lcs.1 co. 'I'op finger dexterity, possess • new building!! 2159 Harbor, bcnclils, bonus plan . roise hosp. Salary dependent on ally 11·ell qualified cancli· EXPLORER valid California driver 'r; lie· NEEDED! Apply in person. ___ agency Costa Mesa. Daily 9-9 Sun. SPINN ET \Vurlitzer Ebony soon! Call Kay. 546-5,110 edllc, and expcr. 1030 W. dates. Position lnvolvt's Call, for appt. 545--0209 piano. Like new. $400. Violin \\'aml'r, 54&-6450 Ad1ninlstration of Refer· ensc, and be able to pau; a TECHNICAL 16-5. 548.9660 JASON BEST MOTORHOME LICENSED shampoo girl wilh case, exc. cond. $40. Emplo.vmenl Ai:enC'y r:XP pastry cook & enee Seiviee for t.1a in rigid physical exam. needed, top pay. POSITIONS QUALITY Down and Feather 540-7537 '"d Branch Libraries. CORP. Sola, Caslll\I upholstery; 21:?0 So. i\1ain. Sant~ Ana E.'l:p fry cook, part ~1inimum requirement Please apply in person to: &12-6857 flfa.ny pro!eS6ional & loch-low cabirrl, both Verde lime. 494-4898 Needs nical positions available. • Experienced Cook Ben!on's Coltec Shop 1.f.L.S. from an Accredit· Good typi.~t w/some knov.·J. CHILD care, glrl 51h. your Call M. Baughman, 642·3870. Green. 675-2113 Pianos & Organs 8130 e Dishwasher 133 S, Coast H11•y, LB ed Library School. Apply edge of bookkeeping, $2.00 H,UGHES home Sat. Harbor &: Wilson 833 Dover Drive 8' SOt'A never used, Quilted tn1ust ~ 01·r1· ISl before 5 P.J\1., Friday, area. &12-670S tloraJ. Scotch-guarded, $120 JUNE SALE!!! llOUSEWIFE \Vanted 9 to 6 per ht'. Phone for lnterview Newport Beach e Accordian or organ Tues, \Vcd , Thu r s, June 70. 1969, to the Per· "6-3300. NEWPORT BEACH -J-IAfRDRESSER i\eeded Ma tching love ""' $15. Factory authorized clearance playrr. Apply in person Minimurn. C\rrk and office sonnel Otfice, 3300 'New-Balboa Island salon, GOLDEN 537-&'.l.12 of overage, returns & demos S\.VISS CHALET work. Ph. 642-8057 port B lv d,, Ne1'·port SALES \VOJ\fEN 673-4237 or 675-3701 BEAUTIFUL Teak executive· Pianos & Organs. Practice 414 N. Ne1~•por1 , NB Beach (TI4l 673-6633. For exciting new fashion !lOO Superior Avenue desk-paid ·SJSO. NO\V $200. pianos, ne1v \\'alnut spine! e YOUNGMEN-EXPERIENCED Medic a I store in South C.oast Plaz.a, N~·port Beach, Cali!. Joba-M•n, Wom. 7500 OPPORTUNITY Seo at 2456 H oga r , pianos, ne1v & used Grands for COD dclivrr:--. hr~ ear Transcriplionist &: front of. Costa f.fesa. App Ii c a. n t EastbluH, or call 644-4170 & dcmCJ Baldwin Organs nee. ?.lake S2:i to SJ:> p..!r lice girl: Radiology office, e EXPERIENCED e must be thoroughly ... Equal opportunity employer for part time bookkeeper. really & 1ruly on money Newport Beach. ~6-1 perienced in ready-to-v.·ear. ·M&F General saving SALE!! Gel in Otf day. Apply only if you are Experienced. Ca ll Mrs. Office Furniture 8010 neat ;uxl deprndablt'. 230 \\'0;\lAN, part time Summer NEW ACCOUNTS :\1nt salary &. comm. Apply Jurich 642-9477 tht' big deals at: W. \\'artll'r, litthe 217. S.A. job, nighlti. ~lust be at least CLERK in person. Steno $550 Accountant DESKS Wa.nlut exec 32.'l:GO, \VARD 'S BALD\VIN srUDIO 18. \\'inchcll's Donut House, ALROE, INC Sharp young gal, top llkill s REAL ESTATE choice of 3. Swivel desk 1819 Ne\l'PQM. C.?ft, 642-84.S4 LATHE OPERATOR 79.17 Harbor Blvd., C.?ff. UNITED CALIFORNIA ELECTRONIC ASSEMBt,. chrs, 2 black leather side Open Swlda.y 1 lo 5 Plashes . flberglssa, IN non-defense company. SALESMEN BEAUTICIAN, Juli time: no BANK ERS No experience neces· ·111 & n t e d • Beach ofc., chn;, 6' gold Mug. sofa. ALWAYS ,\ BUY AT Pre cis1on close.tolerance MTST helpful or 1viU train. Including all general ac-Days 645---0181 E v e s . Gould Music Company machinery. full clientele required: ll•W sary. Small plant, day shitt. Shtd OC:. established 25 yrs. Ap-Co. counting Junctions in a small 645-4579 Beneflts. So. S.A. Call Ron i;:raduates 1~-elcome. Call 4661 P.tacArthur Blvd. SENS ITRON INC. Coronet Agency plicant must be exp'd, good PIANOS -ORGANS Block M0-4850 fl.tanager: 54S-99J9 N('v•port Beach 5·10-4424 2;!5 Paularino Ave. mfg. co .• audit ol account· &. know the area. Xlnt com-LEATHER dHvcnport & 2 nl'Vo' and used !llAID: Laruna Reef Motel, Costa Mesa. Calif. l 202 J::. \Vash!nglon Pl. ini:: machine rull$, journal mission i;plil. \V. Stuart club ehairi.. Xlnt condition. guaranlcc<l hne used organs BOYS 18 or OVt'I' " ll!SISlant e SECT\' /RECPr (G rand & Santa Ana Frwyl entry preparation, payroll Call 646-3695 f1'0n1 S3ia n1al\agt'r. night sh11!, apply 3Gll06 S. Coast Jhvy., Laguna SALES WOMAN. Ex· San!a Ana 5414171 n!ports & control. Cash dis· Foote, 673.0070 or 5'i8·5490. Ba ldwin-Gul bran.c;cn. Ta~l<'e f'reez, Costa t.1esa, Beach. 499-200;j :'\1nt opply for git·! w/ ex· pedenced in ladies ready to BANK proof operator/com· bur:sements, preparation of HAIRSTYLIST full or part \ Vurl ilzer.Conn·Thoma~ 2966 Bristol St. EXPERIENCED Part-time <'Cp!I personality. llcavy 1\'ear. Apply Mon thrn Fri monthly financial &: statisli· li1ne. Some !ollo\\·ing prefd. Office Equipm•nt 8011 medical insurance. \Vrite typing. lite bkkpg. Advance from, 10 -4, APROPOS No. puter clerk position "ow cal report. Assist controller Bu:;y shop. Xlnt lo c. 76 pianos must be sold , EXP'D eounter 1'.1an P-492, Dally Pilot to Exec Seely \V/in 1 year. 21, Town & Country, Orange available. Pl'evious e:xper[. in dept, planning & special Contessa Hair Fashions Addressograph -EllioU 11cw a.nd used Granda· CITY AlITO PAHTii To S500. Call P.!r. Richards, ence not nc~u.ary. Apply \Yith supplie!!, service con90les-spine b 2072 Placentia. C.1\1. POWER machine operator 540.6035 INl'ERESTING Po s I t i o n at Security Pacific Nation-assignments. Related cxper· 675-3385 774-5200 Nc1\' \Vur\ilicr spinets S569 BUS Boy and Kil . Helper Sails by Schock. 501 29th st.: COASTAL AGENCY meeting public. n-29, ••• al Bahk, South L a a u n a le nee required. Knowledge. Gould Music Comp•ny . The Blue Beet Newpon Beach. 67f>-1823 A member ol t r a c t i v e , unencumbered Branch. 499-7224 of bookkeeping machine op-Schocl ... lnstruction 7600 Gar•g• Sal1 8022 2Q.l5 No. t.1ain. SA 5'17-0681 cu lw'n, salary ope a. enatlon helptul. 673-9904 L IVE.IN babysitte r & Snrlling &.: Snelling Inc. .. ,.., .. DENTAL assistant I secre-Educational Vacation S<h GULBRANSEN housekeeper, prv rm & ba. 2790 Harbor Bl, Costa l\lt'sa. tary Laguna J.lills • Leisure APPLY AT graders . , . Sr Citizcru THE GARAGE ORGANS Help Wanted Reis. * s.m-2010 •• NEEDED HOUSEKEEPER • Jive in, \Vorld area. All pha..ses mas-Chilcoat 10 leSllOn lyplt!J!: Used Appliances & funlitllrt'. WURLITZER Women 7400 J-:XPERIENCED Single Ntt· 1noOierle-ss home; , tered. $<115-$5Q) lilal'I. Re· STACO, INC. Sehl. Trial Lesson. li3 Del B1tr g a1n s ! Dresser die Operators.. Apply : 825 teenage chldm. \Von1an IY/ sume, P .O. &." 10015, Santa ?iotar c.r.f. 548-2859 vanities. dble & sngl beds, , PIANOS & ORGANS SAl.ES & LIGHT Ofllre work Two Office Girls I sm child OK. Pl'l!f. u/"5. Ana 9'2nt. Replies strictly S30 gas & elec sto1·rs, relr1g P ianos & Organs Rented in hllhwnable Lido ~\\·elry \V. lSth SI., Costa i\lesa.. 542-722.1 confidential 113' Baker St. POOR Grades! S u m m e r S20 & .sJO. 15.10 A Superior, ~'VERYTJIL~G lN MUSIC GENER.Al. hour.ekeeper 5 ~I ust be 21 and able to drive . Tutoring now avail. Remed Cltt. 646-9188 awre. Jewelry experience F ishing Rod \Vrappers FUU. It Part time.women Coste Mes• necf!1!$8r)'. Call for ·~ hrs daily . S11-edish, Eng°us.h Experienced. Top pay, far Jewelry store. Previous 549-3041 reading teacher (USC cred) GAR.AGE SALE Beach Music Center poinlmt'nt. Pcrmanenl pos1· or German. 494-0170 APPLY Brownina P.Ug. Co. emphasis ., phonic s . JUNK TO ANTIQUE 1S6 East 16th St. experience oot neee.ua.ry: 644-4678 tion. 673"9334 EXPERIENCED Med i c a I Costa ~lcsa 1919 Placentia, C.ltt. 548-1171 40 hrs Yo.Wk. An ~ual opportunity 336 A. Victoria, CM in rear Faclory Sales & Service Assistant In~tructor. DRIVING L&SSONS, 1 s I SEAP.t STRESSES E• GENE RA L INSURANCE Apply in pet90n emploY41r BACK Door Sale. SewirJ£ Daily 12 noon '1il 9. Sat 9-5 pcrie~ or will train. Full * 645-2922 .. Con1ultent to $575. AGENCY GIRL. 1'1ust be Kirk Jew1l1rs lesson free! Dul\I control machine &. misc items. 1882' 11404 Beach Blvd .• <Hwy 39) time. Apply in pen.on to-EXPERIENCE.1> Dent a I Dept. head for Unanclal &. experienced. Salaey open. 2300 Harbor B!vd. \VAJTRESS. COCKTAIL cars. Patie.nt, loc11l in. Monrovia . CM . 646--7249 l 1i mi. So. San Diego Fwy, Johansen & C'hn111<'nsen Assistant \\'rite Box 1.f-863 ellla!e planning, good typ-54~ll85 Mr. Glb!lOn Costa 1'1esa \VA IT RESS. COO KS structon. a.-A!ltro Driving BACK Door Sale. Sewing llunt1ngton Bea<:h 847-8536 898 \Y. 16!h SL N.B. Daily Pilot ' ing + figure appitude, some School 836-5731 DREAM Job · Keep yoor im-SAMII . CUV>:N'rR Y ""' BUSBOYS. machine & misc: items. 1882 ENROLL NOW! !corner 161h & tl1onrov111l college required, 1vill train MONTESSORI & Pre-School PBX Ans\\<ering ser, exp'd right person, ~i fee pd., caJI porlant job ., "'"' • ope_nlngs for full or par1 apply In person children accepled y e a r Monrovia. CM 642-7249 B<!ginnC'rs class I es Ii o n 1 B ABY S ITTJ::R, l 1 t c pttf. J\lust be avail for all Loraine, Mcrchanl11 Person-mother • .. ,.,, • \Vkiy 11 ... tales. Ml"-ap 18 . Newport Grotto learn to play lhe •>rgan. su; housekeeping: 11-5 1vkdays. shHta, steady work. 536-8881 paycheck. 544-3854, 636-3497 Pleasant work. no lnvKI, no . 3333 W. Coast H11')'. N,8. round. Ages 2~~ to 10. Call: nel Agency, l:>43 Westclilf 640-3706, 541-5697 Afpli1ncH 8100 11't'Cks t'OUrsc, s I a rt Inc. At least 17 or olOer. Nr COCKTAIL Waitress, part Drive., N.B. 645-2TIO WOMAN tor full t i me del!Yertes. For lntenrfew 642-4298 June 17 at 7:00 PM. Baku • Fairview, Ci.\1. Hme. Lillie Big O. 1943 employment In beauty 1up-call 840-061'1 837-C7'9/ WONDERFUL opportunity Swimming lnatructor FRIGIDAI RE Aulomalic Guarante<!d l't'Sults, $12. 540-5214 alt 5: 30 prn. Placentia, CM. 642-8361 Secretary ply store. Some beauty or 847-8950 '"' lliX aggressive ,... ... Very CertUled. Qualified Ii wa.11hing ntachlne. tunzuoise, Practice organs avallable. Dentel to $350 FRONT DESK, for orthldoo-Fee pald. SSOO. &: up. Top bea.utlcla.n exp'd reqUired. YOUNG Atnactlve gtrl, 21 Pf!Ople to learn a new pro-Experienced. 543.S552 ....,., minor re pail' $50. Also classes for more •d I girl office, Beach area. tic offiet!. Fashion lsland tkllls. Call aft T p.m. 833-0093 )'l'I to 26 yn, full d.t.Yt!Jne fes1ion. 7 hours Qf training SOlmt Coaiit Sailing schl. 549--0283 aft 6 PP.1. vnnced playeni. Join the Experienctid, Call Lorraine, area. Call 6#-1408 Call 642-oo26 or S4.>0079 BANK Proof Operator/Com· employment. c.JI 642-4567 far 1 hour of '"'tlrk In beauty Lell.m to &Bil on 26' Race REl>~RICJ-.:RATOR $.JO. c .. fun! Register no1 .... Mereha.nla Pe.nonne:l Ai;:f'n. Dental Rt'cept. & Bkkpr. Independent puter O erk. Position now ask for Lloyd culture fleld, 4!16·9-136 • clos-Sloop. 645--1133 stove $25, doublt' bt'd, •» HAMMOND STUDIOS cy, 200 WeslcllU Dnve. N.B. available, at Security Pa· ed Afonday. fra111e, $25. 645-2.:J77 ~~ E. CO.'\!!I l111y, CdM S<5-11'IO Exp, or ('OI~. 2:5--0. Personnel \VAITRESS. Exp .. o~r 21. -cific National Bank. S. La· Apply I" ......... Kona TEACHERS AND Job P rep•r•tion 7800 KENri10RE Aulo 1na.1i c '1"'"""'1 ASSISTANT _, '°' BEAUTY OPERATOR, some Gener•I Office $400. gUn& Branch. 4~2224 La nes. 2699 llarbor. CM SUB TEACHERS Ftmale Stcty. 500.00 Y,'aShcr. xlnt c.."On.I. TH0~1AS Elcetric o r g: a n Sped&lty Shop. Must "' Jollowing preftfTed. Lido Type 60 eXP· In gel'lt'r&I oil-SALE.St.ADY -ladk!s \1-e&r, *WAITRESS* Ove'21 SUmmer employment . full Sl:i. * R-47-8115 v.·ith all Instruction books. wUI.q It able to •ssume 11rl!a. 673.-4186 Jor •PP!. k:t: du!ies, C•ll Loraine, llOt'M o:Pf:ritnce prefe:rred • Graveyard &hilt Con\Mct, or part time. Guaranteed A lop beach area co. ii look· \\'ltlRLPOOL Auto. v.·ashcr. SJJ>. Xlnl cond. throughout. mpoillibUlty. Retail ... Merchant.11 !l'ersonnel ,\gen. !><ia,y \\'ttk -Mad Fashions, l>.1r. Zimmer t7'J..M'n Income. For appointment ing for a.n attractive. ga1 with Late model, Xlnt cond. $&.}. Call 510-6717 eves £ wkends required. APlll.Y al Olri1' ENTERTAINER , • Organ cy, 20t3 \\'estcli!f Drive, 10055 Mama at ~hunt. call 838-!651 !).12 am, 6-8 pm. rood sec. aldlla. rreat po-847-81J5 Sll.VERTONE Organ 1'11h .......... SouU. Oout Pilla. Piano, Gul!ar~ After 6 pm'. Newport Bnch, 64~trnl WOMAN lo help care for DRESS OPERATORS HAIR STYLJSi'S needed, lenti&J. ~ the CO, wilJ tt-t'horrls & pedah1. Very little CM .Aak lot MW T. S<.'01lie'1, 4J6 & 17th. C.P.f. SALEs LADY (20 kl 451, full Top Salary, Cl1l 646-2766 lmbur.le the fee. call Lo-NEW d ishwasher & elec e P.1AIDS -Ho!el/Motcl wht-el · chair patitnt, Ute Sl'ITER. Fot <I clilldre:n, High Commission. R u 11 raine, Merchant• Pusonnel range, stlll In canons, Make usr. Orig. $39j, Sacritlce! lWmilTTER. -,,,,. time for chUdttn'1 alore. hllewurk. good home le Thomp!IOll Hatr S I y I i t t • Agency, 2043 WntclW Or., offer, 962-456:>, 518-3.'W.2 s 175. Call 5-184903. mad. Dt.V hOmfl 9-2:30, 4 d!ty Experience. Sl.85 how'. l.PPly: BERGSTROMS •·aae11. rm-s123 permanent buts, 5 dayl -· -. l'lur Wntdltt Shop Call 673-9410 BABY STORE, So. Col.It wk~ hn:. \1'1)..5467 N.1!:. sts.rno. Sl'OVE Dbl. oven, Eleclne \VANTEO Oemer c.M. Norm 541..0Ulll ee SECRETARY, lran.9Ctlp. Plau, C.M_ WAITRESSES. NI . ,. SMTER Wanted my home 5 APT M.anqers for li2 BR Clerk Typlat to $500. Beaut • Cood. Call morns. SPlNETS & GRANDS r>ut-tlmf. Apply In person. unlbl. lilanied cpl w/ h11&-for appl, QAA!..494(1 6:1$mJ G' ifll.llOI All 5 tJon vtperlenct. S m a 11, EXP'D baby:dtter,. CdM or SwiM Chalet, 414 N , da,yt/wk. Own Ir a n • . band a !Ix-It type; lawn le Good w/liaum • like num· UPRICJJT Piano. Beauti1ull}I E strt w.nted li prtva!e ICbool. CAii 673-8510 Of: for 1 '1' yr old boy Man, NctWpOl't, NB 642-..'267 pool ca.re. 54&-5694 ber typing, to \\'Ork In mar. '6' IT ('l.!biC foot Adn1irAI "'1. 5 da1 ..t ... lor I Mot. • MAIDS • f.Tolel Y.'Orlc. \Ved, Frl, 10.10. G75"'27l MEDICAL RECEPT. krtin1t dcpL, c&ll Loraine. u11r!1tht lrt'ercr. Exec. Cond. rclinlstied, $150. old, child Cd M . 1021 Ba.YJ1k1e or. Tue!I & Thun. MAlO, pt. lime. Call I" Is Your Ad In our clar;sit~s? i\1rrch1tnt1 Personnel Agcn· $200. 545--0211 .. !J.tj.700!! * ...... person; Hunllngton Shona \\'rite P-491, Dally .~\lot SOmeone wllt be lookit11 for We&lcllU Drfi.te, ~ Ne,.,..'J)Ol'I tk•ch cy, 2(H3 PIANO WANTED ' 000< rr TO 'EM! Motd. :1002 Ool!an, H.B. \Yhlte elepban11! Dtme-+Jlne 1L Ola! 642-S6iS ~.B.. 645-2770 DiAl &&2.-S678 lrtr REStJLTS ' -121~1 877·1035 J>\11 Pa.rty . I , MEI SAi Pla1 -ilAII' mal of I So. 5' -T•lt -ORA 196! """ tloo rer. = Hl·f KLH Box N" Seo s U.S. U.S. Ne1v lo• ""'' At 4s; N•WJ ' 1110 'Ral - Mis * 1 AUi Wit Bo h 2{)75! • s ..... dies. u 7JO LAM Dre Stuc ,... BEA •hat qua ...... SALi Mm '"'' st. sou hav oil. alte !Al .... 673- CE IAI H" 675- w "''· sw. POR Vin $40. HC For rok tiqi; $ ~ C ole c • WAI' aoo ... I MO'I her 149 CM LO• loo Ion: &l6 FR! w~ H•I s iiEi "n I•• 546 Bl.A ""' Ilk< alto FRI ... 18 ( It I di( 13 • hor BU ""' VSE ............ ~-:-~..-~ .... -. ........... .,.. ......................................... ;_,~ .................................................................. ~~----~--............................. ~ ....................... ~~........ I ' •• ~,..-- Tuesdal', June 17, l'lf>9 DAl•Y Pll~T 25 MERCHANDISE FDR FnEE TO YO TRANSPORTATIDN TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ITRANS PO PTATION TRANSPORTATION TWANSPORTATION I ''~AN:.vOl<•ATION I' SALE AND TRADE " U -I rlld A 96oo -· ·--. ---I a n• 11 TOO mu l Rall I~ Dotl·Y~t . --!=!l" • • ... ~.1,p l,mr~r!oit .~ut•t,, !~ mpo "!0 '. ~J·i!.'!" 9~ .v···I ,.,. . 9900 ' ~''nO> Ortt , ilO l!Mollllil.i. .:,.fh~-:;i SPOR1"F1S!IERMAN1 Charters '°" ·u BRONCO w...,. • ...... , MG .. VOIJ<SWAGtttl' Ct.Dl!.h''.C t--·::cun y t tW1Mot'{D • ~ • wUt1 l white anc;t l \!Wwtlt, $19,500 Bt.UEWATER CllARTERS drlw. 6 cyl., nWio, iwa.ter, ---, r----------_..__ ---- malla • .-.'A Iliad -,llltten. WU! pay io. 'alt. ot tnuruu:ulata 18' 1961 dual rr Ttojan, Power ro&r ecal. Red wtth whlta '49 M9 Tour~ Ex ll t n,.YY!_ , •• w. l '6< CCUP~ do VIiie, .. ,u 'G3 MC:RC. \Va(!On. 8lg One. of ll1J. ma.kel. Best bu;ys 1n JnOther if )'OU will ~pl eantrot Jl.yhlc brlda'e q: II' .'ftunderblrd, Sall hardtop. $.1,895. Call ~ NMalD ce. i:,. COJ""'!#m --pl ~·r, tJr, :.1ccb xlJlt. ;i!"~-:;...J'(Ut:.f100 i SQ. Calil. rl&bl bere. 548-0580 8119 .,....., Qu-yoier V-i'o. Ill ~ t•'allable -'11 r~"""". ~ n '""'·"'*' -°"~ y oream exL, uah ilioo. !l40-'IG28 &ml1l1I' >II/SIC CP. MIN!A~m~ Poodle, ~rty pel'ft<t oondltion. RodJti, ·--~· • ... ;cl I~~ n 111 I M•I ' black lnltrlor. 1125 C>lh -. · t.~l!STANG '1907 N. Main. ·-·-,. '4tho. bait """'--' ,.. ' . ' oiiMI ......, ' dela, dlr, or trade . tal<e low CAMARO Sanl.aAna ~~~~~~= dtep,'etc.:eepa 6. N_:! iC.IJ.f) ''•li'.fl t J ! C~Et ..0 ~~ VHJ 194, Call '65 ?.!USTANG 6 auto T I 11 1205 care and a ffe c t ion . ecorator teriorl Lee .. ..._ ~ C1 ... ~r1 •1tO lllll, ....... .,.,,. ' '68 CAMARO 3 IJPd std, blue, w/w, radio, ~. ••••on 646-$4!n 8119 area, must se11! ~ .. t.tp flOI · 7£ 1 ; s "j ;•r lmmtdllJt DIU..,. '64 VW, new 1600 eng., guar., RIH, PS, yellow w/blk Good cond. $995, 548-Ull DRAFTED Must se ll ! FREE to owner or new JOHN G.RANATH -·~..;;:: CAMPlll All' ....... ~ new tnt., stereo. XI.NT lnt.,Heart a tblck-,mustsell. ------ I96S-23" Momrola Quuu, borne. Part male ~· YACHT SALES U.V "4111011 . r oond, .,,:;o. m-5034 Prt pty 633-8412 OLDSMOBI compl•«! 11ohd state big puppy, 2-3 months Qld, for '1Pt. phope 673-3570 Mobll1 Home Sales Salt• .. "-.ntal1 "'='*'• 67 cAMAno _SS w/R.S. lloor mod<!, !400 or bett of, Sl><l809 em II' FIB Express '6< Cua Lama • Roll-Away • -~~t)<eriled °"''" VOLVO pa""'"" 350 4 ap. poa>t.ac-A fer. 11) .'778··3482 KITI'ENS: Gra,y & white 3 PRIVATE Sheraton Manor· Homette . ~ .. Four Wlnd1 • tton. VJ.ny\ root. $2250. "W H'.FI • Stereo, 1210 lorl<-bal:ed male; Ilg., DOUBLES !Qt . Prallge -s.Jwa ~ •• ~~··~no , VOLVO 962-1831 BRAND NIW I • rn.Jo· gray & w h ite TS 225's, Onan, auto. ALL SIZES -; LOf' A1 ·:-".! · e.·~ pilot TV etc Electric · NOW ON DISPL.AY .. !lOC W. Coast Hwy., N.8. NEW lM CHEVROLET '69 CUTLASS KLH Stereo series 24. J. F. """""""' female 711 wka Calley: ,.1;,,. WC shower. 142 Baker St. ~I # 11111 -5'0-176< _ Box 313. 2125 Shorlntaon Pl,. old. 541-1833 MUST BE SOLD !I bloclc Eaat ot Harbor BJ9d, ',,.were Antborhed MG Dealer & "llD • c•llt~ Newport Beaoh KITIENI. free to -t PACIFIC YACHT SAI,ESe on Bak" ROllN•· flOill) IJi& MGB, l>nli""t lnpo. NEW 1800 ,. ,. J-=='=======I hol'l\ff, 2 mate, 2 lemalt. 1446 Vt.a opo:-t:,,, Newpart c.Ra Mesa <n4) ~ 2060 Harbor Blvd. wire wbls, showroom cond. NOW ON DISPLAY e u ~:ec;:a~:!Pt= YoU Sporting Goodl 1500 H 1 b t n & w e an e d · (211) 5;97-5568 tnol) 673-U10 '11f1ENLIA, PARK Costa Mesa 642-0010 675-6912 111111 l"•,.; 1 down e II rou tiave no doim Skin Diving Equip v':1'°~ orange/w~:: BOAT lllp wanted io. Cal SI! 1t1 olMT,_ al1<11, s:ool Cos\a • , -MOllll ll, "'f~ t.11/WI ..,..,...~, • 11''°".,.. ..,_ U.S. D~vers tanks fr ••.••• aet ,.-1·locta" haired bab kit· aallboat. Contact Mr1-, a-. ,ft1W l'i l!PIOI t dUll 1* PlMJt'Orli 11 pleyed, U,S. Doveea regulatora If I.a "" wb Y C-r _,before 5 p'11, "'14•11 6 llllftl f flil" AU '"'' """"'· la!•• • ren. IHPORTS lol.W' •lt lo -tNOI Neiv Nylon lined Wtt S'Jilt ttn, 7 w old, hsebraken 6 or ~ Ii/tar 5:30 pm ted 11 Ptltt, Ott,. t AM ~1. 1.141 up. J)uf t1u1toJ1y '00 MOJUUI MltfOft. _ fOYOfA.fOLWO * * e'!,f!'i..~ lo\V as , ............. $39.ffi ·Weaned. 833-2795 . to I PM1 =r ®'fot, l.01-o So, }"'t'bol\ SA. fl.00 ~ bf•f t>U,t. ulllll;;~-~~C.~M!.:..,~l(&;! .. ~l'-•~i:"ffii_,~·rn-.- Cu<ton> dw:k !tft fim .. $8.'5 MOI'f!ER Cat & 4 kit""'· S111l1111t 9010 .N,! Iii, !if ClliiV' 'f.U, ·ouyl W/ -,..., Ji VOl.\IO '2 nr.' 'J:iU taC i 1ij CilE\ii U • AQUATIC CENTER =~ ~cill ~~ BOAT Show Jtliniw' tui't -i&'WNttwr AVt, -Htw•)' Qr u 1, 11 r •hail """1*'"• '• '"'**'·' 5 2 2 • a,fr, At.t.nr, 1n&11y .tr.,1 Auto. • Cyl. Ml aw. nit. N 4535 JV& ~t Hlg:~ after 5:;,eiill day Sat. 6/19 ra~ • mµq. 5 .g. ot 6-ta Mesa n 4: Ma.1!5o ;::a Oood c 0 ll ~. OPIL Ms.Mii '480·.,..... ewpo ac NEED f lhel sail&, wric:nt WI n O h e ll • LIDO p nlnsula 3 fl X 8 ' '66 C I K . d '69 El Camlno 396, 4 speed, SURFBOARD SALE ood, tllr for dJnettt!' ,-HP c:>i.llboan:f\ . e ' ' \VANTED: Good used can1pet pe a: ef't Race C1r1, Rodi 9620 very lo1v mileage, ;3200. $110 7'G 1'~lawless Harbour abandoned ~ yellow many 'cndslng exvu Ki f~rua~ed. Large .e=, or shell to fit 1!l69 • % ton Fastback Coupe ·---~!»94 bet 1 & 4. , Rapier • othll'I. ~ rnanx & maltese wbt kit· 7-7666 Pays Onl1, Eves: ex us& ve :e~ • long-bed pick-up. MIJ_St be Jn 4-speed, Chrome wheels, n,. '32 FORD ROADSTER 1007 ClttVY f pa, Good !-==--======:; 1;.""'.":0.· 54Q..6!J3~~;un~tll~'"..D!:·:,':""~ 714: 6Jl..12'l6 =y ;:, I.kiri g o od cord It Io n & dlo. Lie. No, SPM885 Be~"" OJ,!:; .. ~Y 6p/181'1i condltkm, cltAI). fSOO. MiscellanMUI 8600 a ADORABLE pups, white, 1 KITE' No. S39. Like ..,. con-10x47 2 •· reasonable. 642-3526 $799 --..t S M * '3M.'51t * t, l M. 6 wka ID gd. Mme _ . . l'U.g?>, drps, a w ni ng s . ,,~=~=~--~ • deck, black boot 1trtp. Hard 646-2632 Cemper Rentals 9 522 tlon. S22li. CaU fn..1078 or l'-65 SPTS. CPE. Deluxe belt& front " m:r. padded daah. tully ... ...,, =. $65Mo. $2199 ·, ~Ttz A U e. , ...,_.., ~ tax and DolJ¥q w · f'btaace ehargel on 48 montfu:. Approved credit, Serial No. 33177!)Zll. 6351. Universtty Oldsmobile * Au c:noN * 962-Utif H.B. "11 dltJOn. Bddni blue_, mllt blue Beautltul adult p a r k . ~ Autoo Wintod 9700 'flt CHEVY, Xlnt -la· 1! you wU1 le1l or~ 3 MAU: Coclr:-a-poo/Bamt Mil, cedar rudder, • part c ' ~ WE PAY . . 548-atO evN . give Windy . tr:' lfllppie~ piclt ~ oboloe .. -· 1615. nt1 ... Tl!I FOR a new Mobile Homa In * EXPLOrtER * ~ a CASH 'i;s ciiEWn II,. ·-· Auctions l'rtdlY 7190 p.m. litter now.~ 6flt COLUM!!IA Detendo'r 19'', ne\v Adult Park. Walk to ·~~ BS air. "·st o"·•. ' ocean, sauna and pool. Colr By 1veek or nionth. LUxuri· .x: u"" 2850 fl.arbor Costa ftlesa Windy's Auction Barn 4 ADORABLE kittens, 1 wks. lleeps 6; 30 HP lnboud; course, 536-2731 ous. Sleeps 6, Self contain· :\ t 49441 21 atter 6 pm 54~9640 Behind Tony'11 Bids Mat't old. 2 Orange ~bby6 ; full raclrw gear.,\ ti:M:tru. 10 X 50 FURNISHED Jbdr ed. Limited nunlber. Call 'G!l;:\_.dfll for used cars & tnlckl just '&3 CHEVY i6: Impala Conv. OLDS 65 442 Cutlass 2 dr HT 2075% Newpo;rt1 CM·-.-blk/orange. 54 n 64M047; 494-77S5 very good nd today. 1' call ua for fl'ffo •Jtimate. 327 eng, Ong ownr. ""1 AU«> P IS P/B 37,-m•·. I"--"=~,:,;""'~-TO LOVING home, 9 month 11' J,.IGHTNING daC ..U. .. ~.,,.:,n LEI SURE RENTALS h bet Uer 642-4834 .....,, PAIN ING & old mixed breed female dog. trailer w1ih i oodie1' VO'!..., (7141 642-66ll (714) 837.J809 ;,J9<i031 Ext. 66 or 67 GROJH CffEVRO'" cu or s o . • Orig. owner, ~l iona.lly I PLUMBING 642-4986 6/19 ·IJJ00.6t0TPM or betoreiQ a· TURNPIKE, fully equip-' l.970 H.ARBORBLVD. M;I 100 CHEV2door hn1~"Xtnt lhatpl Pr. Pcy $1 550 . • Spray cuns • Compres-·• AM ti73--8039 ped Not over/cab. ;385. COsrA l\fESA AU ror llJet Mf.ftllPI' oondJtion $300. Cl1l '46-• .&n.3314 sors • Elec snaket e Pife ~.lPPY ntalthy k 1tte n 11 · • • 642-7t73 aft 4 Dune Buggies 95~3 mu BRob Blvd. 163 BEJ.. AIR :i on'. &d· ;;;na. =========\ "'"· , W•aned & bousehrok6•nn7. ,._, END!lAndVOll.!._"!,'.' •2_~· --· Rl.:N AULT Hunttna""' llHob im. Cati ..O.UllO PLYMOUTH U • d R All 548-46!5 co • • ..,... llUUI. Motor Homes 92 15 1200 cc Myer$ Manx Loaded, 10 9-33!1 n1te ent FEMALE % Doberman l~ 1-fooring avaU • s 5 0 0. Must Sell! Great buy Ior on-'67 RENAULT '6 no w. 191h St., C"ta Mesa Gennan Shepherd, s yearn 646-4370 NEW 24-wid• 2 bdr & don 2 ly $1395. 540-3642 WE PA. y CASH CORVETIE 4 PLYMOUTH 64S.0760 old, 646-{)381 6/19 HOURLY' lU:NTAlS bath crptd. draped. $10,950. R·10 •J Dr, SOOan. Still look! LArttP, Table, Patio set, 3 LON G haired ki11ens, 6 * RhOdn lS's * Can finanoe. Hunt. by the -lm_p_o_r-te_d_A_u-to-.--9-6-00 ~~1~ ~:·D~0. ·&!~:~ su n . fOR YOUR CAR ·~,~~.~;:· ~'. Dresser, Oriental rug , ...,its. old. Ready tor loving Fun Zone Boat Co. &!boa Sea, No. 127· 536-76S6 Bll'llt otfft-, ~ _,l 6. Sl,dio Bed, '68 w"""'· home. 642-8308 6/17 COLUMBIA 29, 1/3rd in-Mini B;kes 9275 DATSU N SUBARU CONNILL 968-2844 & Misc. items TO GOOD home, assorted tereat. Top co!,ld. extras. --------I --------- BEAUTIFUL Rug: 14 x 16 ldtten" 215 Ckeanview NB $1000 dn. 612-3295, 673-72ll RUPP 3\l hp. Xlnt oond. '67 DAJlUN CHIVllOLET shag, y:ool, green. Top 646-8402 6/19 LEHMAN 10· excl. cond. almost new. Loaded. S2J.5 Subaru of Calif. 2828 Harbor .IJvd, '6' Dodge Polara quality. Will sac r i t Ice . PUPPIES mall mix breed alum. spars, fiberglass $300 ne?w w/take nso. 644-1496 SEDAN lnc.-Retail Div. Costa Ml!sa 146-1200 Conv., dlr, fal1 air. pwr wt"' DODGI Fury 9 Pa11. Station w_. V.f, aMmnatic. t"adlo, heat- 1r, Clenn! OOT 921. $995 644-1128 Duffy, ~~ety ot cmars: sacri.fice. 833-2174 4 s~d-Full factory equip-$1297 POE CONFIDENTIALLY dows, loaded! $75 Cash. dela SALE-1-Urnishings, ml s c. 548-7081 . 6119 SABOT No, 4144, good cond. M __ ot_o_r-'cy'-c_l1_1 ___ 9_3_00 or take foreigQ car ln trade. ~·ffiYOLER _ PLY'IO·- t ped. TUP 9·15. Opt eqUlp $30, Freight $14.50 W ... ~ •• F ......-1!' ,_, v '" Moving. out o' II ta I e ' TOOL box for PU truck, Full racing geo.r & dolly 1968 HONDA $12"5 llandling $49. T)t'l, Sl3!1D.50 e _,., 'or Pymnts $39.86 mo. LB YNW 2!l29 HA1U30R BLVD. ATLAS everything goes. 213 12th .wide bed. 408 Ford Road. incl. $3.JO. 548-nl6 7 + Tax and License Foretr;n Or Sports °'"' !all, Cllll Ke'*o tiij.0713 or CX>STA MESA 54ij.l934 SL, HB. 536-397G CM after 5 PM 6/19 1200 cc Myers Manx loa4ed, ''350'' 1000 \V. Coast I-Iiway, N.B. PAID FOR OR NOT &B-0634. Open I>ally •t11 U p.m. SOLO my oil bW"ner, but ~till r FEMALE pu p p le s. Must Sell. G~t PuY for on. SCRAMBLER ·TLAS 645.0050 * 540.2733 B. J . IPORTi GAR 168 ciiARGf6i, aii', ,,., pb, L!!AVING country • must ha, ve 17 qt Texaco 40 \\'etghl , .. 1.-.. A~ .a. G t rm a n Xlnl conr;t ..... T"n 14 C:INTll l&ndau top, tApe 1tertio, -~ii 1~, Pl lh il Mak -· -• ... -~ ,. . "' ' a-ao""' mil•• ••~,. 1-. firm l•"·"•a -"' ymou wni;on. 0 · • •-· -hol>;ol mix. 543-7142 6119 £!• STJU\ hlfliiiC lltit ·-·-' ·~'-· CllRYSLl!lt -PLYMOUTH TO Y OT A 28!3 -ll!vd. ~ • • • • Good COf<d $lll0. 536-"63 after 6 pm • 1 rilJALE Kltteni whfte cond Delwte triller ~~. =~ :Z~ooT~Vbf, 29'l9 HARBOR BLVD. 1---------C st M 64Q..C4ll UNI C'YCLE with bJk. mrkgl. lo good $1650 • u 8:-5982 1,.,5 Honda OOSTA MESA 546-193< /~_TOYOTA 0 • "" 1113 DODGE wag,, v.a, It/It, PONTIAC $20 homca. 642-81143 6119 SAB!l'f •Jlt' G~ '" Open DaDy •m to p.m. WE iflV 'fpl' 1\r, PS/PB. Asking l'Of). \ ----·----6~2-att 6 -DA""A» -MO ft'),,,, Scramb1'r, 1.,00 miltf, QOQd ,.,, :r.:~TSUN DOLLAlt 1030 Linden Pl, CM !>48-8439 ,67 LE"•Ns ·~ •~ (;!Vil Uiinn!H free. M&-nll5 . ··'"Y" .. ' -oot\dltloO. Allltnl WO Of •'"" $ SAVI. $ ,,_ \"'°tAM=o°'ND~iSill:ii.:taire:"C·::-'.w:OiiQ:rnl!l:t_I 1111 )( t 11arne1 Ave, ~ --...... bw t ~. tncludfnl Ht\m.1t Bii ltdan, Ill tip, overhe ._ for cood, clailll uiCd Clll'!I, 1967 DODGE Van, blg 8, Buek~ see.ta. , factory air. set. Cost $391, aell $11 .... c .M. 6/Z Ltbd~o. , g"Q. with Brtbble. Call lftN' • f•m eng., dlr,,14 spd, ~~· Executive Car Sole all=:;....~~~,.~~ 11R~. ~~" ;:in~0-4~· P\lf1 .,teertng. nu tires, x1n1 613-lEOO I ....., with ::::tte _ _.. -·" -·yn p,-. 84 -7187. ·, 11•t11ri WM '"res, Ioa ! Hurry Whtie They Last I "OIO u •• bo BJ d ,.,,,..., condftlon tmJde A out, die ~· WUf -.. *.-~~:'-::=-:'::'--::=-::----"\!JOO MUes, under factory L • ,_ r v · ':U™·"'= CERAMI ' Kil • -wtty white kittens. dolll ltlel ' .... • TltAIL •IKI • warronty, Bat to lino. $1775. tJ",!"'~·OTA~AJlo~ .... -0 I CM. 8<2-00ID FALC:ON rl ~ .;;..::~~ T~~ 541.5863 ~1 . 6/20 SP~, fmall tami l y T•$75cn.shdcls,or older t\111. UVLO Wiil 8 !l(f.) Can K 49',.S IAMOND c . ftlliiom"ili•. Col!WLI-llllbllt, f lbeW Uke 1* Hondo Ill, .... lftll .... ••f· J.BD SOl5, Call Bill uy 'It FALCON !TA. WAG. 4 ~ ... m " Have apprsl ~. iltU . .,.. pl.l&'Ple•.\ Calico kitten, , 1!"1 I~_, .E-~~· "'"'855 l3(kl mt., .... Clll Mf-121' ~· Your Volkswfltn or Poncbe Or. Runs aood • .low mllcqe.8 "AClm==.1~c=E-. ~.15~ar=· ~0,..,-H1=', 675-41.ll , · -~ I ~a • .,.2.162 6119 t10f*11 w i9i1 ifoRti'A .;ti Q a 1 '1'"ifMff."'A"T"'ili!l""'_,,w,..""-o"n-cn.,.-ew & pay top dollllrl Paid w1,.,,9'c:.l-~1156==...-r----. I 380 tfW, all pwr &: ld air, DIAMOND ~~*iiit ii .. f ffXI) Plnlifi Beiuties,'ii Nt!W _hind· W·.. 673-6732 ~bier. M ~ty1 matDr $300. Aft 6 pm or 1966 llarbor, C.M. 646-9303 or not, Call Ralph. '65 FALOJff Conv. excel At.t/FM vibrasoolc litet'CCl o;et. Wocih $ISO, oacrl1* wits. old. Per,.nallty ptua! -• f 611) mL $500 or of!er. wkend. 54&-Trn BILL MAXEY 673-0900 oond. ht-pert. 288. Marina tape, alrlltt "'°""· a"to $30. 536-3483 -lm_!!. SJS-~ 6/11 Power Crvl1t!f . 9020 641-94~ 1--:1>ooIP0'3iiR:TT>>· -\\W'';\ANTEON'i'.E:i5"-ll2E~n'Ooo~,~89"'3-':'!84~6~$!l(!l00~.:,.,..,~,.. Ir.ins & many other xtras. PORTABLE tv. !>'' ........ il1'itik'"Klttan. mali. ShOrt ' •• I '·u"'°'"H"'o_Oda.,...ll!l .... "'su-.::.-n11.-.~k. l!NGLISH FORD ITTll 011v vnio T~,: Orange Counties -"' -. M~t gold w/mnlohlng (an. VHF-UHF, great condition, hair, tree to good home. S(OJSMAN SPECIAL See at 1725 SUperior CM or ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; L!J .. ~ ~ TOP $ BUYER FORD d;i u lop. Xlnt concl. ?i1ust $40. 6'fl..2706 aft. 6 llousebroken. 646--0623 6/17 calJ 64fi-402"l Bll.L MAXEY TOYCYI'A sell. Asking S1595, 646-3708 =-.,====-,.,..-=~ ORANGE COUNTY'S l&aal BEACH BLVD. '64 FORD t!OBIE SURFBOARD 9' 23, John Allmand all glass ' HARLEY Davidson 250 cc HUftt. llalh MJ.Ull 18881 Beach Blvd. '65 GTO only 7.000 ml, Heirs., Sc~~ ' ~~1~· :-!\IJJ!~!I~~. ~flJI' erw,er. '150 hp u; Sprint ~s4s.9739 * V~~':oE 0j~~~~H 3 mJ N. of Coast frwy. on Qch :·~·1 11U:· b~ti ~~~·in~.~::~ ;,~~:.=:~ ~ Cits 1120 &: out, $4950, Call 646-S85S 1967 BSA. 650 Lightning. SALES -SERVICE TOYOTA Ot l1xl1 500 Sedan more Xtras, must see Ir CE I Kl ~N $7$ •~MEIE ~--l!IW!t £2£ 4 ....J__. -·-Perfect oond. Best otter '69 MODEL!! TOP"! 546-5lil6 * V.f, 1utoroatlc, power glee?'· believe $1,000. Must .1elLI 54t-5863 ti\t.;n•.. a,_lijif~, •• llt•ll 11 Ski Bo1ts 9030 over $800. 84B-9154 Immediate deitV.ry -----...;..;c....;'-'--l lnf• rtdto, healer. POD 157· Ask for Doug, 548--63G6 ~-=-~=~-=----nu ll•A;ARTl)R• $895 1----· r,::!IYo _31i /I U •UU IKl boat, Jo'""°n 3S; t.lr., '6S HONDA 305 Dream. LARGE SJ:LE"'~" EL ORE . L , · '67 FffiEBIRD, 17,000 ml1"•. Mi sc. Wi n'" ,; 8610 ws/Wknds. remote oonll'pls; Completely Under 10,000 ml. $l9S. Thetdore , Aute llllhl ' 9~,1.~ air-cond. Vlnyl top. $2500. 1 WE PAY (>\OR! -::;" " '"* ~ ":ill t!1t;· .::i~..,'.s'.;~' wood 1===*=675-=1=7n=*== R~!!!!,Fe~RI) 1'300 Beach BIY<!. Wal!llntlr ll6I ~ lt!1t'~ J:;11, 1 ATLAS ~8-~'!,ANS ,_,peed top CASH "-'""'" ~.~, (sled 1'_' F_ IBERGi)SS boat, 65 hp Motorscooter1 9350 Costa Mesa IM2-0010 Phone IHom dt HT, tftl •l'll•t IW'bo-h>'d· CHl\YILER -Pt..YMOUTH cond. Bucket seats, 48,000 ·~~~ ret1 • -•-1~::· -•1• """" HARBOR BLVD miles. U025 .. 673-2957 !,'tt P" .. !o 2mr"tltul IM"" & "'11er, $500, or any LEAVING oount.y • m""I VOLK SWAGEN ,., -~ '' pwr w•~ ~ """ , '-======== , ,,,..~ dog ~ etr Ma.~ . , wa, at, u top, 5 new COST.\ MESA 546-1934 1 · Ol'lfll; 8• · sell 1960 Cushman motor FERRARI l'lrestone w/s/w tra. Lse Open Dally 'ti\ 10 p,m, RAMBLER . . :i~~t ·.,,::"'.,.:. Boot T railor• 9032 ~~ -oond, $1'5, '68 VOLKSWAGEN $ll8 mo, DELUXE Ford Eoonollne ---1 For furru turt. appliances. good fBv b'f••lltng. .I~=======~ FERRARI Super Van; built Dec 'fiG. '66 RAMBLER colored TV, ttereos and an-Registered pu:retired, $125 WANTED Tl\AILER for 14 Trailer, Travel 9425 Newport Import.I Ltd. Qr. Bug 1969 Cad CPe de Ville, pwr BeauWul custom t n t ; tiques. ----"J-..ft ~t. CaU alter 6 PM,---------angc County's only author· wind, 6-way Et & dr locks. mahogany p 'Id b I e D I ht up.~!.~ . 84• -' l'ed de•lee, F ully factory equlpped. till ,-wbl, a i" "ond, .,,. ' . an , e g Ambassador 990 2 Dr. av or " P, ~-Aif'll!"it': ·· '!;;;-, •• -';,;,_,.""''='=o·o::=== n;t..,'T TRAILER, prop stv, VGZ 189 .... -• " ... crpt g fiberglas insula tion 634"J620 SAC \if!I• IH~ JVt pi?ltt 11' Ice bJx wtr lnk xlra rm SALES-SERVICE·PA.-t fS ray glaS!I, AM/FM, w/s/w. Xlnt for camping. $L995. fil Ha~dtop . die, U q , hiffWJ, ll1t M1lntfn1nc1 9033 $400~t. 968-ss7J · 3100 W. Coast Hwy, $. 1695 Lse Sl6S mo. ~1678 art 6 pm. V-8, automauc, factory aJr, l~-~=~~=~~1 &ll shots, @'t~T Al'9 -Newport Beach"_ SOUTH COAST . power sh~er, radio, heater. $ wr BUY $ 14C11her 3 mi-·~ JACK'S Ele(ltronlc Service T II u Ill 9450 642-9405 540-1764 A'TLAS CAR LEASING 70 FORD \Vagon. Automnllc, sm 103. BL'XMJ' RI nnnrt~ 1 Elfctrlcal fepalr remod ra ers, t ty Authorized MG Dealer ncedli: 11C1me work fll5 G1 $! 495 $ FURNITURE $ 1 m\~: ~ t~' 7' =~ N'!t}nstalla~n. s4HJ29 ' l1I'ILITY tra.Utt, 11 t e c 1 SCIO w. Cit HwY, NB 143.IW Ford WagOn good Working App•1 •NCES · .,. FIAT ~my· .J. _ PLYMo·-· FIRST TIME• ---. Ne w a."'' ~.~. · " " AKC. ~-2 ,, frame, 15" wheela,-'69 reg. -..,-SLER ..,,n .. _..," .,. Colo, TV'•-f't•no'1-St•r•o'• !RISH ~,1·t:a. a"'-:av--lfl Ml~"' Eqylp. 9035 $75 firm. S45-8554 1---------2929 HARBOR BLVD. Lease a New '69 for 6 Montha 548-;6997 eves ATLAS I Pl1c1 •! Hou11 f11ll ""' ,.,., nn111 mAJ@, . -eu --J967 FIAT = 's-· Coupe COST" MESA c~• •n~· &: retum with no obligation '115 ~•D Sta"·· CASH IN IO MINUTES wkl C}!d ,c~ llftd1 C QN'!f ft.OL S, Steering TRAD4 x6utlHty for small °""' ,.,....... . _,.., '"°".1,;l,)11 J\tl• ' ,,....,. """'wagon. uo.~' ""' bl •-· _,, OK•-13.500 mi, xlnt cond! Free Open Dally '6110 p.m. CaUFullMrDa.ta'I~~ . 1" tw J\6tt, ptb, r/o, ~·,rvs & CHRYSLER _ PLYMOtml • 541 4531 • ~ U@em....,,,, %Jrops, owers, ""l"""' u QJ.ler. a,q;· Welsh flow exhaust, % Race "''"' ._"""' .A• -I ' flOOt>LE . n", b I a ck bucket seat.f and lighting pony. MS-7873 '69 VW't iQ.ba)g ~~• _,, • 2920 HAMOR BLVD. WANTED; c6Ud'11 playhouse mU\\lM't Jet fTI. c h a Ir s , in st r um e nt ~:.11 Sl~~~~~· many IMMED IATE DELIVERY Foft! A\fijtptl.S 1961 l'dlrf1ifsanf ititlOn COWfA MU:8A 546-1934 and cov('Ad 5 an 41!Q11' · .... "t fl d sh J •I as, inboard . , Bank Financing Lea.sing ,....m. W · · fr(IO, Prv Open Dally 'tn 10 p.m. 646-tll6 A~;;;· • • . ~issk>n and gas tanks. TruckJ 9500 Outstanding Buy! 67 ~lat $213 DOWN ,,......,.. · CM. PJtE.QWNED wi.. H.,. Temt!'.. "'·... ""' hard""' All new ' • 6SO cpe. Bl"'. under 17,000 $44.03 * 36 moo ROBl .. S" -11 BUl Sli(.ECTIO!f _ FREE To ·you "'"'' ""'qt, W• -atdOII. R>-bl•. 540-0530 ;!!l .Fj)RD .\I T V-i R.H,, mi. $1150 Ow""r must aell! Plua 1 final .-1 lor n -rv ~\t ililtldltlon $4111 or "I Tl!llU '68'1 for 1tQll! f4<ll&(i c.mtom int. Asking $600. 673-0311 title Full 24 ooo ~ Ila bor Bl·"' vLl ~ ---------•l•"ll!ii-<-l-..,.j2;c'V7.,·;,.;;·...,...,,,,.,.~~XX""'c,_ .. CONTROG s, Steering itm Linden Pl, CM. ======== · '2 Yf, • Me; " -"lis.cm.o otrw, 14S · A MOPi1oLS MOTHER cat S mos. old I , W~ = assembly, p ps, blowers, 548-8439 ml warranty, Avail onJy at Costa eu. •55 2 DR. HT 292 ong reblt FROM $295. , -.-MERCEDES BENZ T & M MOTORS · ' . " o o • • her baby netd a new home. lllO to * '4 bucket .eatf aM fighting t."ro"sr='"'s"'EL""'L""THI="'s-WE==EK 8081 Garden Grove Blvd. Used C•rt 9900 auto trans, new tires, R/H, BRAND NE\V '69 $1998 149 Bay, Agt, 8 after 5 •M L4tlUWFfu '· ~ t 11 •tr u m e n t 1 •69 %T Ford 5«l-0!87 or ~2284 t Be ch B9UMI _ xlnt cand. 646-2158 Clot -r\111n~1t~ft.1,futllo'Jl •iiiiil, W\!!l•h i eld 11, inboard 64s-8oos prtpt;f O~SUN,DAY TIRED of S HOPPING '63GALAXIECountrySquiro LONG hairOO black calico Mm ~. ~\, ~. ..lsaio~ and gall'. tanks. . , • BECAUSE O ll Mak fem&le kitten. Pure white • "9.ve P .. la!.• AlJt hardWf,n!. All new 1966 CHEV Pie~ Up. 8 bed, V W W ESTPHAL I A e Being turned dow!'i e No ~~: ~~ust se · c long & shor t haired kittens. CilllfltoN""" bid c;aJe &lDCJI. ~ble. 543--0530 good tires, radlO, good ocnd. CAMPMOBILE P o e · U p down payment? e Out ot \========= .-., "'4!~.._-: ·_...ti,_ t»~ 836-4493 6(17 Eiiaibh Bull. AKC tt11:. QU\YSLER ·OU1board 20 HP $121S. 613-3842 eves. Toe, like new cond. orig. st.ate crt'dll? -.... °" .. FREE KITriN's B&W male, ~drep._ *m~ -with Hlmote and direct con-owners wish they ho.d time Call us for Immediate action LINCOLN 642-6023 wh, fem. Qr & \V rt\tll. Q""""'" lk•P ti trols. ~ prop. used 8 Jffpt 9510 to utilize 494-0408 ' * 8f3.5038 ·* 1967 Lineoln, clean, 28,00J l ~==~~=--c~ Hsbrlm. wnd, OR WftJ lief. . .AJtC ' A hours, UA model electric -'"'--------' F OR A GRADUATE ilet Loaded alr t Must '55 NASH 2 dr H.T. auto, ait, 5 •JiT · 11ar1. $fJ5, Oum. 5'!><1530 'H JHp WagonMr '68 25<>S <Bli • Dt. l ~ 'W VW liOrol, Co..t. IAIRACUDA :U ~t. l35ii m.SJo Good '°•"",;.~~ * HELP Find J home for Id; . • CHRYSIJiii l)Utboard 20 HP 'tow~ drive, one oner, Air-<:ond, eleil wi ndow ~, "6 1utl lcll64.; .. ~ooo mt, alter . ·--.-. iiii;;i:=~<:;;:::=::::: \ '========d tens 2 •ltOrt-halr cali!O Mtiw. Kt;, · with....,,. tnd direct """' v ea<:, abtolutei, like AM·FM. 1"'300. 54Wl44 p,m. ~. ,~~mA!I>· A,g-1' ~lo · M•RCURY STUDEBAKER ,, ... · t tabby b Ii .,...,, m,=~ trots. Jtrtra prop. u.c;ed 8 new. .a, automatic trans-vw A1t rlC'C......, . IO 54&996S l.-\1• .?A;:;: ' I bout'I. llllil model eloctrk mt..loo, p owu ateertng, ;.;te ~ji,'' ~ $3w •ha<1!call ..e& : '63 MERCURY I00o-S11JDEBAl<ER t.nr>, 'Ii =a -. -start.""' Olah."""""' powe• b"""" tact°"' air, BLACK mu~ ~ •• ,,_I ·-v=m st\; ------warrbbean hubs, heavy duty C'O*nd833-lt1on,050. cau .,. ti '"'' -~ . IUICK needs brakes &: va1V(! job bousebrokeo, ,..., \IA \ """ FOtl "'th Boat Slip Moo ring 9034 "' r, overload '""""· t:M II ~ C t SS 22 $50 •• Cloan Ul '113-3482 likes chlldntn. Call Ii• I . . I . ( • ~ "Thia tinl.t told originally '58 MERCEDES 100, w_· .Int. ·-·'""",'•", --~. JHrW "t!t.1. • 0 P'a'"11' -.,.k"""r :.t,r ' Autn. mltl~· n,dto, heater. after 5 P~l. ., 1a0952 * , ~ U• ct 50' Blip in NB ftr approximately $5&16.'' 1 -" ,. "111':'t"' •11 wou 6 ,. , .,,. "" T BIR D · • Uc N VLF<S7 !,'!':"'l550pa~.::; .J"·--J•"•' · '"111\lo llol, ..:=• !Ill• ovrbl. Seda_n, y•~; , '"~, JOO' 118. " FREE kitteri. 9 weeks old. TRANSPORTATION tt ~ uso of 35 to • o. ._,. ... .., -rlHfi!ll iltls ....., "' """' $795 646-M3.l II'."""" .. aallbL 673-323! $3799 220 .'6! Mili\CEDES ~ ,15 vw ~c:=1~ ~...... ~I-~ 'wlr' ,... • '61 T·BffiD, 4 d•. Gold with 18 OLEANotl &eai. !'·10 ' ...... Yte"'* : .. • .,..,.. ~ 0r· ~ ~ QO ... UllU.llU ...... ., • IJ While Landau top. swt Ob fdtl .. ,:~~ .P,.in""'k & white. You 1711, 1n~~ na.-i-. ,. ... 1_ '!_~, _:,_:~_Ltie or allp 0 clean. 1:.2-3666 r * Inter. ,na-bulU eJW, flMI, dtlt Of.• *"'IP PIQ', (,:.u AJL "'S wty. Fae. air, best offer ~ ~ ...... ..,.. -uu• __ #'I ,...,-... uua . ~ _____ .:____ 6~1865 '6 6'f3..89G4 Ken, 494-9773 er !Ms.<1634. K 14 over $2375~ ~138 g. Cra.1str Gd cond SUp avail. "'-11 /!AA """" ~ '67 VW -,.,.,,..__back, >tint '62 LE SABRE aeam putf, ···-"'""""".., -13 ctm: Ejootl y..,, ;..worthy: U 9U. --· o MG cond •• Iow~.;;;;;Alual.""1, lomu ... v..,,lfub.i;ooarC>mYSLER-PLYMOUTll -y_.11 ,..,. ' bomeL !ft' ~ ~ 'r-' ' P !MloO "'""' 4"'l!)J Ito!~ -2929 lf~R. BJ..VD. _,., ·~-~,--"-'.,...- BLACK jj1~w~, Jj1 &:£NL. fish l ski boot, Boat S.rvlcH 9031 ·o~ • Jllllrliit·"'l:.m • rrt":"'' "V,W, ii! •'110111 ° • '1J"'~~-<i\ii, ~ 1);ii; •111 to·~~~ lt:ll uAno top, 81-4 100. bou.,llniin: ,., , ' 111 Model, 50 hp. MertUI')'. SMmt BOAT REPAm ~/1"1 ~~19 \oo·m1. ~-{ t lkt ~ lllOll l't'~l!li-!?,'I' .II ·Wflt, • ·-« • -~•ttl t l1li01 USED -._ -9'Me16 FlborJ!uina ,l pelnllng -'I, ....... !iq.IUI llYH •. ' ' I i.JI)) . .. , 'I'll' .int• ml!l .f/llTJ ,l * ~ * apt. c..n 67M3S1 6119 LEAVCNG country • must Froo F.st 847-MM, 5t0-5558 549-3031 Ext, .. A or ti !---'-------68 V\V Square~clc. Ex. conci. '66 BUJO< Riviera AM-i"M Claullted'1 actton po¥.'nt. NO m4tter what it 1' J"lU JIALJ'-S\&nft!le k11tens, f4l, !It'll 11'. 3S li,p pleuure lp.l, 1970 IIAJlBOR BLVD, ,tor Dally Pilot Want Ada Extras. \Varr. '12000 mL rad. iJr eond. ID;.~ aew. I.ow For t.n ad to stU ai:ow)(J can sell 1t wltb a tw:LY blue eyt£ lf&.1129 6119 good eond. $425. 53&o-7963-OIARC£ )lour want ad now. COSTA~ MESA, Dlftt 6'1~ f\fitkc oUer. ~ Blue BtJok. $2l50 6«--244$ Ow dock, rAU 8G-S678 Pil..01' Oassitied ad. I ~ \' I ·4 " ' --~··-----~~ ' r -• , , •• ~ ·-~• ~• 1~l.:;;I ~II ~;:;!s-..:;!;;~:..::!,7 ','1:,:"9::;• ' • • U.S.D.A. 'CHQIQ .. OR FAD, ;~ENOER~Ut" SHOULDER CLOD· •. 9 BONELESS ROAST . c ti. ' ~ . . ' . USDA ·c~61tE OR .FAD "T~O,RFU(·' T -BOllE or ' . CLUB STfAI 1149 ti. ' ' ., • -. PRICES EFFECTIVE: JUNE 18-24 WEDNESDAY THROUGH TUESDAY 4-STAR SPECIALS • ~ ewf11t .,. they? '·STAR 5PECIA1$ ARE EXTIA SAVINGS MADE POSSIBLE BY Sl'fCIA~PUICHASf FROM THE MANUFACTURER & PASSED ~TO YOU MRY DAY.· STORE HOURS. DAltY-10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SAT •• &UN. 10 A.M.. 7.P.M • . " -WE CARRY ,,,,.~_...,,,....._ USDA . CHOICE OR · USDA CHOICE • FAD'S OWN "TENDERFUL" BEEF GUARANTEED. TENDER l FUU ~ FtAVOlt · U.S.D.A. OiOICE OR FAD ~ • CHUCK STEAK U.S.D.A. CHOICE Olt FAD "TtNOERfUI." ROU.ND ' -S-TEAK . -~ ' ' FU.Ll:9 • ,~ cut · ' . ' ·'· . ·La. " . FARMER JOHN OR .MD'S ·OWN SLICED IACO·N . :l-tl.&g·c PKG. . USDA CHOICE OR.FAD"TINDfmit• IYI . . Of ROulm .ff59 ROAIT OOlllMll·<ll' .... • ._ , . • • .. r • , " - .K - •• . ·• •, A gr an Ulell Com lie ii AI rlva: l<&J -!hie Tl ai.l~I to • and Q tllie and .t •' l . s ed Iii> ind c Jue pr< ... WO 0 I to I wb b~ Ap ' ' $U I !111 I $C I 111 .. '