HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-18 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesat• Ii • .v .. fSSlll ~J --/ /. -· -·· - . -· ' . . . --sA-_Kiibte,-· ~vi· -ti1n . . . . -. -·--.. - -Susan Mazze.~s -... I --.. -' . . - Co:Ddiiion \Vorse • . " :;< • --.. -. ' , . • I .. .......... .--.. _ ...... ~ . ,. . .... ·lVC· • • • • . -·. .. • . . ·~o-.J~ty 1 J, : • ·Six-Hore ' . . ' . ' ·ode Dan~ers · Rule. ' . . :Lewd~: ·Fined . $1~'.500 • ·• • I ' ' ' , • Fueling .,for: Apollo 11 , Mooµ .. Begins ,. ' . WEDN.ESQAY A~.E!(NOON, JUNE ;11, 1~9· ~.i,,.,. .... ~ ... ··- YOL & NO. 1 .. l SICTIOMS. n P'ANI --.t·' "'r4 • Kiiied ~-S¢or~ . -· Tickiisli Tilslt ~Mystery Shrouds. Gets Okay .. "Sh t• . D th After Review 00 ing·. ea. . CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -Teclml- nlclana begin IU<llng the Apollo 11 A Garden Grove yout!I Inside Ills grandparents' closed liquor store with tllelf peimlssion WI! shot to death by eomPton police late Tuesday nigbt when lie unuplainedly opened fire on them. Arthur G. Laramie, 17, wall dead on ar· rival ·at Harbor General Hospital as the trap:: climax to a trip to the store to get. some cookies and milk for a mldnlgbt Iliad<. · • The. ·victirp. acckient.ally tr.iggered .a silent 'buf81ar .alann in th,e sl)op, leading . to a cn,pat.ch ·of One regular patrolman and j'te!erve officer to investigate. cmnpton Police Lt. A. M. Thotn4s iden- tified the pair involved as George· Keaton _ and Ralph Reeves. . ' He said OfDcer Keaton wtht'to the rear of the ·)1quoi-·store whlle the reserve patrolman covered the frool, spotting young Laramie lhrou&h the back door. Officer Keaton shouted at the figure in-. side, Lt. 'lllomas said, at whl~ Ume Laramie fired ,a ..38 caliber Pistol and daried 'back .. the patrOJman !Ired back. BOth ·bullets In !lie udiange mlutd, tiut Keat.on tired again al1d stnick Laramie in .tJie head: ' 'Mle v)cf.im's ~randparents aid be was In the store with their ~on but they were mystified u to· why he bad one ' o( the two &UDI in the store ani:l why be used it. 6 County Nude Dancers -. Hit Wi-th-$1,SrJO. FilwS · s11·more iw~ tavern dancers were fin- ed a total of 11,lOO Tuesday following I.heir convictioh on lewd conduct and indecent exposure charges. ~ Orange County Municipal Judge! Eugene C. Langehauser ordered probation fqr all sentenced. Sentencing was delayed In four other cases, one woman was held innocent of charges aod a warrant issued for another who failed to appear in court. cam~1o the judge on tht basl!I or af- fidavits. . Miu Zlmmer, convicted of tJ1ht counts of lewd c:onduct and lndeooit exposure, wtn be ,..tenc:ed Tueaday. · Others continued to ~ were Ethel Mae Sooter, n, of Fountain-Valley, Joan Thompson. Ontario and Llnda Rae Clark. Santa Ana. · Charl"s againll Be9erly Vleriro, 28, of El Toro went dllmiaed. A warrant was ordered bsued far Ellllier 'Pike, 'll, of Cyprus, wheo al!o failed to appear. nJOOl)Ship t~y to start• final ~· raUons for the l~unch four weeks away of man 's first moon landing mission. The g<><lhead for 1he ticklish and llme- consuming spacecraft tuellng operatiloo came from project officials after a ·41y~ long rev1ew Tuesday of all aspect.a ol the historic lunar flight. Astrooauts· Nell A. Armstrong, Michael Colllns and F.dwln E. Aldrin were pro- nounced in e~uent health by Dr. Charles A. ·Berry, the dlrect.or of medkal operaUons for the tpactmen. ' Chief aatronaut Donakl K. Slayton said the pllot.s wll1 work IO-hour days, at1. days a week for the final four weekll. He said be e1.pecls tbem ·to be "adequately train- ed and adequately rested" at launch time, 6:32 a.m. POT July 16. "We are go at U\ls Ume, subject lo suc- ctSS!ul compleUon ct the remaining tests, u reported U. Gen. Samuel C. Phillips, the •Apollo program director. "After hearfug the -readiness &BSessment or'all e1ements of tfMi tWas1on, t am con- ·fldent 'that _we an p_rocetd wil!l .our preparatiOl'UI to meft the July launch wt. dow." Today's fueling operaUon was the start of preparations for the last big test -a dress rehearsal countdown scheduled to begin June· 25 ·and end with a mock laUnch July 2. The spacecraft will rtmaill fueled a!IA!f the tell. Ship Strike Settled NEW YORK (AP) -Slrlklng decl< of· flcen have reached a tentaUve set• *menl with • major portlon ol the ... tion'• merchant fnUlne1 tndln& a two-dat• tleup at EaJt and Gull Cout ports. '. t . . • -' • • J;seapes Uyitery A~ush Lana's Hypnotist Mat.e .FaeingMesa Theft Rap By~ 1tTllUI\ R. VINSEL Of 111t C.llr Pia.I II.rt Jet oet hypnotist Dr. ~d Dante - Harbor Area enl~ and, conllctante ~' of stars -today faces a theft charge lh· volvlng $18,500 worth of boats at a Costa Mesa firm, after surviving a mysterious murder attempt Tuesday. l~ES MURDER TRY St<ir'1 Hu1bon11'Danto ~ing B9y, 6, FmliiaAiiv~, werr SAN BERNARDINO (AP) -A &,year· cld boy missing. foufldays~tn. the San Bernardino mountalnl. Was found alive today 11 INl'Chen were about to pve qp hope. (See eorller lllary, Page ll) First wOrd fnm the sCene WIS lhat Matthew Joseph ..%bnmerman was in good C<lllditton. He W.. being Down by helicopter to 1 hoipltaJ· for a checkup._ The 1"'I, bad ~n fDin.ing sine<. Salur· day wpen bit ·wandered away ftom !Us . mothei' and sister near the 1>eBennevtlle Plna.t:,mp GnJllllClt ri!ar Barton i1at.s. lie .... ·founif-~ two mu. awar·· Sant.a Ana police recogni:.ed the name tn news reports of the live-shot ambush and tipped off Hollywood detectives who arrested the ill-starred seventh husband of actress Lana Turner about mictmgbt. The attack b)' a mystery gunman wear.o , Ing a rakish Australian bush hat earlier, as Dante drove into his fuhlonable office-apartment on Doheny Drive, left . him with only a cut on the (ac~ SHATl'EllED GLASS The barrage ol, bullets ahat\ered the "'ihdshield· of his .car and be 1Jll nicked · by Oylng gWs u he dove . for . the 1 ltoorboardl ·durlnc what autllotltlel aald WiStHt 'thttd--itt~mpt Orrhtl·Ufe. ' Once bet.,., a jealooo tovir wbo claJm>. · .;i th• b}'llllOllat . twf 'llf'!ftilted hlo' girllriend, fii'ed a· .45 caliber p1.a&ol shot at Dr. Danfe · durlni a . San l>ie10 nJghiclub pe~ormance. · He wu not blt.. and lawmen dliS not elaborate Tuesday oo the third alle1ed rilurder attempl Dante w11 apparently u shaken by bis arrest as be had been by the mur4er at.. tempt earlier, ~lling autboriUes he knew of no reason for e'itbet, . unW the bolt cue Was explained. ••1 don 't know anyone who would want to kill me," he said, "unless it would be aomeone who is jealOUI about the woman I jw:t married." I OTHER HUSBANDS Dante rolfowed six other hul!lbands down the aisle with Miu TUrner in a Las · Vegas wedding chapel aix weeks :1go, after they met at a fashionable discatbe- que three weeb earUer. The alleged attempted theft of sever. motorboats belonging to the Marlin Boat Co., 1595 Newport Blvd.;Costa Mesa, oc- ourred almost one.year to the day before · Dante's recent May 8 marriage to the blon<le Star. \. ' . . Mla Turner, 49, and her daughter Cbery'I, 25,-were present when the S!ni•por .. born nlghiclub bypnotllt waa picked up at their Sheraton-Universal Hotel suite. · -He llsted-hta age .. 49 during the book- ing piocioe ind told police be. bu a doo- (See DANTE, Pqe I) Orange Coan ' Weatlier . The sun will ma.ice its perfunc- lory appearance ThUrsday after- noon, but otherwise It'll be D10llly cloudy with temperatures' in the blah IO'a lloog the Oranp Coul. . All had been arrested in recent weeks while performing at two Santa ft.Jla beer bars, ,the Apartment A~ and the Apartmtbt. 'lbole fined were: r A.-W1laleo, JI, ol "11llndl, Calif., 1121; mnwo y ... probo- R-. Bedmao, U,. llurllln):, 13111 'and Moon to · Get U.S .•. Flt)g. · Susan Mazze Suffers Relapse ·Susan Mane, the 17-)'UM>ld Santa Ana Kiri who .-tved· ,Oranga Co\mty'1 lint kidney tralllplMf on June 3, ltU lulferell ti r<laiiot and ·II' In cr!tkial. qtl1dlti!ll-ln: INSWE TODAY ' Two of the fastest t1GC1tU a/loot £o~lc thit weekend GI Wil'tdwdrd' Pm1age mettl Black-- fin·for the California Cup. Boat. ing, Page, 29. . • . · ' : 1 four years probation. • Patricia C.W., 111, N-Holl)'wood, fl25 and two years probatloo. Bellr Vi,brs, :15, GanlM Grove, f3'I> and four .Y••n probatloo. PrildOa ~ D, Santa Alla, 1125 and two years J>rOblUoa. Na-Wlleel4r, a, s,.., f40ll and two comecutive two-year Dtbbatloo terma. Miss Wlleeter and !icltio AhaZlmmer, 21, of Santa Aha,...,. found guilty of the charges late tall -u. by a munlclpal court jury. All o( the otl><n lnvolftd ta · Tuesday's oent...,,. submltled lhelr . 'f I . I WASlllNGTON (UPI) -Sil< houri a!IA!f man rint lmla oo 11>o ,_ ll,HI month. .-ul lliil ~ wtU boll! a nykrl, S by I foot -llaC on an I-fool pole, and plant 11 In Ibo hmar crust. • I • The nae will be lln!tchnd out•...S. 111 a simulation of llylni, by a sprlnc cle>!o' made. oece111ry bec1nte then II no wiDd OD the mooft.· And becaUR ther< It "no wtlll, no rain, nothing to knodc tt down," the - agency l&icl 1'1etd11, the -11111111 . - l \, , ~· Coiilfly lledlcal Cenf<r. · ,Dr. lloDold Mlller l&icl her llOW kidney • It fyflCllGalnl pe:rfectly • but ' otl><t Postoperative co·mPllcatlon1 hive ... -Suaan and llllde.lt dUflcU!t !Qr her to b;ealhe. : ~The mct<r dodloed lo dbclOOI cle{ails on the aimptlcatlonl. 18uSM11 tDoltJer,• Mfl. Flotence Mazze, Will "'1eued f"!'/' , the hoopli,I lafll Wednmoy, I .... t afteT -11111-of btr w..,. to btr dlulllter. ,.,., -.. •-n C.r.-c... 11 c~ ""' c.lc•' '1 ·-.. DNtll Mtltttl 11 DI--If ........ , ... ' ....,. .... 11·11 ,... •ti -" Allll......,. • -· . - ' • f DAILY PllOT s WfdntsdaY. June 18, 1969 Killer Elud~s ~.Manh;µst - -. I fter Hospital Eseape By roM llAJILEY CM lllf Dtflr ~IM lfdf "Candlelight killer" Robert Willard lJberty is still at liberty today, defying the intensifying manhunt beit!i launched h1 biw enforctmenl officers in Orange ud Loi ..,.i.. counUea. •• • ~ I •t •, \• ~ recon!ed. , Hltebcock·lilll ~ In tlle .pin. It Is not unknown, We& odd!, for the menl, they Nld , wu the !Id 11111 Lll>ml' Norwalk hoopital lo make such a belated had pla<ed bumlng candles all UOllDd lllil entry on the records of a patient who bas body ol h1s vtct1m. , r managed lo eocape from the facility. And Both Liberty ond hir ........... tkllit be bruda .. "utremeb' _ .. the had i<lf1I -d --.. 111pervillon of a man who wu lllted aa boll> hacl baan di ...... ad trMled la highly dangeroua at the ttme of his com-the mental wml ol ~ Colmlr mitt.al to Atascadero Stale Hospital. Medical Center. And both. it WU lailf n..11.year-old Wettrnln5ter man is~ joying the sixth day of a freedom that was, Deputy Di.strict Attorney Al Wells claims, handed to him on a plat.e with h1I utonl3hlng rel...,. from M etropolllln Stall! HOlpital al N°"'alk. Sheriff's Investigators also condemn discovered, had made several WWI-+ Uberty, IJTelted two years ago for the murder of Mrs. Marcella Landis, was due to be returned to Superior Court for the revivaJ ol char19 which were 1uspended because of his mental concUtion. Hospital officials say the fonner machinist walked to freedom from an open ward at the Norwalk: facility and thlt their paUent, recently ruled to be sane, could hive done that at any time in the days Lm.medlately preceding that new diagnoola. Welll acidly contends that what wu reported w him as 4'a sttnographic er- nt'' must have been a big help. He aJ'fUel lbat Liberty'• papen ahould have been endoned "d1schatged to court" and nol the slm.ple "discharged" that was the first report of Liber1y's able.nee that ce&Sful .Weide attempts. · was Issued by the haopltal. Superior COurt Judp B,,.. I[. Thal AWOL lill!Ji1, lhe1 uld, gave no McMillan ... 1 Ll))arty lo Al- lndlcoUon of 1Jberly'1 backl!i'ound and aNr detomlininc that the W- that the escapee wu to be returned to man wae insane and unable to a.tst i1J court on a murder Indictment. "We step. his own defense, - ped up Ille Mar<b -we did-... He la lodl)' ngmled as -by these facts, an officer commented, "but Ata.9cadero and Metropolltan S t a t e we lost a lot of valuable time because we Hospital of(ldals. thought he was just another J'Wl--Of·the "That may well be,'' said Wells. "Blrt mill get.aw~." you hive to wonder about. U. eepebillt.ies Uberty won his "CandJell&ht Killer'' ol J*JPI• wtlo cu ltt a mln. Mb that peeudooym from olficera wbo in-Wilk Out ol ouch a bolpftal la broad veatlgated the bizarre s1*ylng of Mrs. daylla:ht. - Landis, the attractive brunette who "I'm remembering todU what Mr. $Ired IJbert)''• apa~ al 8382 IJberly wu arraW·for ud I'm mnem- Westminlter Ave., In Weolmlnlter. berlng the long.-.!"' moolal'Ulnea orn.,.,. aid they fnund Liberty -... that WU dlJplayed In ""'11. Wa -have ming his gullar and IOflly lliDging while lo ruli>e tbal ho may be -on the Ille body of 1111 p&rllDOUr lay draped 11ntta of W-er ml U'I DOI a very ac:ro3s a living room sofa. Adding to the comforting thought ..... ~ouncll mt b y Writ From P .. e I Fountain Valley Told To Go On With Recall BY TERRY COVILLE ot tllt D.lllY f'J ... Sl•ff A writ of mandate ordering the city of Fountain Valley to continue validating recall peUUons turned in June 2 by recall leader Eugene .Van Dask was 5et'Ved on councilmen Tueaday night prior to the Ci· ly Cooncll session. Signed by Orange County Superior Court Judge Claude Ptt. Owens, the writ of mandate rules City Clerk Mary Cole must continue validation or the petitions, or the city must appear in court July 2 to &how cause why it didn't. City AUorney Edwin Martin indicated Tuelday night thit he ltllf advlle the ct. ty clerk not to vaUdate the recall peti. tiona. However, as of UUs morning, city officials had received no word from lhe city attcJrney. U Martin opposes the writ of mandate he must appear in court July 2 to defend flis earlitt ruling that the petitions are in· valld. Subjects of the recall petillons are Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger, Vice Mayor Donald Fregeau and Councilman Joseph Courreges. Van Duk and supporters of the recall are 1ee.klnt to OU!l the three from their posts for alleged Improprieties in office. Distributed with the recall petitions were photo cgpies of replies to the charges wbJcb led ·to the recall action. The repUea were answen to the charges and were pubUstied as a legal notice in a Santa Ana newspaper by the three coun- cilmen who are targets of the recall. Two weeks ago, Martin told Mrs. Cole not to validate the petlllons because copies of those legal nollees w_ere too small and difficlt to read. thus allegedly falling to follow legal recall procedures. July 2. attorneys for both sides can fiaht over the validity of tbe peUUon.s in Superior Court. The writ ol mandate wu addressed lo members of the City Councll, City Clerk Cole and acting City AdmJnistrator Jim Hollywood. Attorneys Paul Augustine, Jr., and Robert Sassone petitioned Superior Court 'J'Uesday for Lhe writ, which they recelv· ed. Van Da.sk and bis supporters lnlt.lated the recall acUon three months aao after the City Council approved the con- troversial small lot Larwin Tr8ct 3 to 2. Councilmen John Harper and Edward Just opposed the propooed 500 home Larwin development and have not been directly involved in the recall battle. Larwin Company filed ila: 1eCOOd ap- peal recently to attempt to overturn a ruling by Superior Court Judge Byron K. ~lcMillan which in effect stopped the Larwin Tract from proceedinj: on several points. At ilsue has been whether the city can give land credit to a developer f~ developing a park on )lfoperty it'.doe.s not own, and whlSf,her certain cUr iohln& pro- cedures were correct or Incorrect. AUonleys for both !Ides h.ave ex· pressed feelings that the case might go aU the way to the U.S. Supreme court. Countian Held in Sho.oting . Tires of Ex-wile's Auto AD El Toro man ls ln Orange County jall today charged with assault with in-· teat to commit murder after he allegedly .shot out the tires of a car Tuesday nisht · tn which his u-wUe and a companion were riding. Donald L. Winslow, 26, of %4172 DAILY PILOI ............... ................ a--·-·-C....lilllili ,.. .... CAUPOIMIA OAANGI COAS1 l'\/SllM41MO CCIMl"lHY ..... ,., N. w .... ~,..,.,.. .,. Putllblow J•t• It. Cltfl1y Vb '"'lcltftl -CkN1• ~ Th•1""' K • .,,11 .... n..-~~:=l•t - - o.t. -..., m ... , .., a1rw ..... .,11 ........ ....... ....... ._..,m,,_,._ ................ ;»tlolll ...... Blrdrock Drive, also threatened the pair and fired five shot! Into the air from his .30-callber rUle, sheriff's depuUes allege. Shertff'1 Capt. James Broadbelt said deputies were alerted by El Toro service 5tation attendant Wllllam Maas. Maas said a man, later lde.ntlfied as Winslow, drove into the station and a.Red him to "go up the road a piece and fix some tires I shot out.•• Winslow was captured Shortly by the Callfomla Hlahway Patrol whUe parked be.hlnd a-su~nn~kel in Lellure World Laguna Hill$ • Patricia L. Winslow, '11, of 133 PelaYo Circle, San Clemente, and her com· panlon, Robert L. Cary, 21, of 143 Cadiz St., also San Clement., told deputies they were driving alon& El Toro Road nur Valendl Avenue when Winslow started shooting at thetr l'!:at tires. He flattened. both of them. The couple stopped and Wln!low 1ot out of his car and threatened .them with the rifle, nrtng: five shots into lhe air, they told deputies. The suspect then sped oU in his car. Rioting Ei:upts At Kansas Prison LANSING, Kah. (AP)"-Rioting, which prison ofOclt1.ll aa!d apparenUy wu touched off by a ceneral shakedown of the lnatltullon "and a dlltw:bed nl~'• sleep," broke 'out al lht Kwu Sta!o P<nllentlary lodq. The trouble beKan u inmltea _, lo their ...,pectlva Job Ull¢m.!enta altar brwfa.t. Warden Sherman O'olllt said that at 10:30 a.m. order had baan &.'!'"'al\)I reatored. frt.on olllclall lald lw gu wu UIOd, "bill not lndlscrlmlnaltl)l, lo bliq !be~ rutes under Control." • DANTE ••• lorale In poycholngy !ram lllnppore Unlvenlly. STILL lllW!EN Tbe former entertainC" at the Vllla Marina nightclub In Newport Btacll - still shaken by the murder altempt - spent several hours in the West Hollywood sheriff's station before release on $12,500 ball. Dante, who rtnted a C08ta Mesa apart· ment during his booking at tbe bayalde spa, told Los ~eles Sherill's Sgt'. Ray- mond Goll he believed the theft case bad beendlsmlaled. Ron Snyder, or 237.() College Drln, COlta Mesa, aid be caught Dante In the act of auperv\sing theft of lhe fleet of 1e. boall May 5, 1968 at a now-ddUDCt Santa Ana boatyard. , SQYder and his brother Paul are partners in the Marlin· firm. whJch markets the boata at Mesa Boat. taur, 151$ Newport Bivd., and had been trylnC to work out a dee! wKh Dante.. "He was an elulive character," aald Paul Snyder today, "he'd call U1 from Lai Vegas and try to get. us to ship them to him C.O.D.1 which of course we relus-- ed to do.". S&CRETlVE PERSON The Colla M,.. boat compaey U • ecuUve II.Id Dute w11 a .,.Uva -and " la unknown •111 he -trying lo blt1 the ......., moton:rall. EarUar, Ron Snyder told aulbGrlllM Ponte had aivto them. --!or 117,4111 In _... !or the llolla, llul promiaed lo deliYV the pur<bua prlca in call! -Ille ;p.p.r ~ A -toe vial! lo lhe Sanle ADI flrd whenl tho boall wera built !or the Colla Meaa firm ·early May ·1, 1111, ltd lo discovery ol the allqed lhell In prosrea. Snyder uld. Dante wu amated on a warran\ Juoe 3, 191&. but one of the Jl'lnclpal Wltr 1171• was unavailable for court ·~ and Ille cue WU dlRniall!d prior.'!' Ille ·~·· .l1'ly !t ~ balilliC· SllOOND W.u!IANT ., -• A Mco.ci band. wmnnl WM illMd II)' Judge Leonanl )!. Mc:Bridt '"' Jiiiy 10 however. but the nllbtclub frn:inothl hid appartnlly departed In !be biflol ba ·- abtolved. -"He wu never plcbd up beet• ft just didn't know when be wu," Aid Sanle Ana Police sat. Kent -afllr Dania had been taken Into Cltllod1 la We!! Hollywood Tlleadq olllll, Miss Tumer's ... -taclude bandluder Artie Shaw, Steve Crane, Bob Topplng, actor W Barker, Fred MaJ and Robert Eatoo, whole divorce wu final onJy two mon&hl ago. One sultor, Johnny Stompanato. ntvtr quite reached the altar, ttabbed to delth 10 yeara II~ by MiM Turntr's 15-year-old d1u1hter Clleryi In a aplclacular c:aa Mississippi Miles Marred By Oil Slick ALMA, WI~ (AP) -'.ll)I !"!'pit ol E"""eer1 todq O(dettdl. ~~ ·~ ment to tab up a beU t .... [19\ an film ol oil, which sprucl 1:: alona the ~c upper Mlea I Rlvw from a wrttted barge. Col., IUclWd J. H...,_, bud ol Ille corps' St. Paul, MiM.j dlYlltoo,-ordored a iurvey tum lnto the .,,._ Also d~ wU I · vicu\im tn1C\:, Cot Htae said the machine wm be used lo cuct 111> Ille oil WW-. paaalblt, .- bably Into barpl. lloall\l·wlll ba UMd lo contain the .u; where tllat c .. Ile 4ooe, to '-•P 111e· mill from lj>tUdlnl. · -" .. 11wo Mid the q\lanl!ly o1 on,...... leak ad ll<lal lhe wrechcl barl' ,'dCJlOI .. _, .. orlllnill1 f-. .. 11111 " amOllnted lo about 40,GIO 1allolla-dcoll -ol lhe !lilt ......... ; - The oil WU '*'"' locW--in lbme boc~ater aitU. ~ 1a14~· II wUI be lit U-pl-.... t ti. \ ttiitk ;;m b< lillM. Mort wen. ba br«>&bl In 11 they't• lldd.r, Hde ' . ·- BarlMr T•ldng s•pe ' . . .,., .. ~" . ~ Work PtDlrMI• O!l'Dana Harbor, Onll&e County's neweat ilileJI c'rtdl refuge. 'lbla II aerial view look- lllc eut aloDJ cOuillnt 1o11an1 San Clem-. Land JUll!nf .1nto -at utnme upper ed1e d plloto is · C!lUoo's Polilt, silo Of President Nixon's Wbite HotJ.e . WHt. Work on harbor ttlelf Involves con- ~111 ol temporary coffer dems within b"ak- .Wlldl, pwilplng out , .. water , then scrap!ni dry stk(ace to make harbor bottom. . Thi~·u Gove.rnnient Rapped -. Clifford Calls for Reduction of Vietnam Fighting NEW YORK (Al') -rormer lltlenJe SecrelAry Clark M. Clilford oay• the United States should order a reduction of fJgbllng In South Vietnam and remove all lta: ground combat troops by the end or 1970. In a remarkably candid statement Cll£. ford. bllalen the South Vie!nam<M govomment, plc:turln( Ila leaders aa hav· Ing a tq alake In conUnuad war. He aaya: ~ a1r resources." Clifford contends that a policy of ap- plying maximum military pressure has resulted in continuing high U . S . casualties "without any discernible im- ptcl .., Ille -neaoUa~on In Parla." Ht ._,. a dlcWon to lhlft the combat bW"den to the South Vietnam• "would coolnol North ViebWneJe leaden wilb a ~ul dilemma." "\lrwd !hit 1111 ~reana ,.... begiz> nlnl to withdraw ml&ht at fin:t lead tbem to claims of victory," he wrote. "But even these initial claims cruld be. ex- pected 1o be tinged with appreheru:lon. There has, in my view, long been con- slderable evidence that Hanoi fean the poalblllly that thoae whom I h e y charact.rize as 'puppet forces' may, with continued but aradually re du c e d American support, prove able to stand off the comm.unlit forees." 11 M the Saigon autboriUes saw it, the longer the war went. on, with the large. scale American involvement, the more stable wu their regime and the fewet concessiw they would have to mab to other poUUcat IJ'O\!Plng!." Astronauts Describe How dllford, ance retarded " a "hawk," oemd aa P,.lagoa dllef for the last yeor ol the Lypdoo B. Jobnaon acl- minlstraUon. Hil statement, appearin1 1n Foreign Allain, quarterly of the Council on Foreign Relations, ls the most ou~ commait on the S&lgoa rt&ime lo com4 from a tt<ellt U.S. government offldal at thla level. State Looks From Moon The article ls likely to play an im· port.ant role in the conUnulng American debate on the w1r. He make! these propou11: 1. As a first step, the United Slates shou1d annOW'ICt it will withdraw 100,000 troops before the end of UliJ year. President NIJ:on already hu llllDOUDCed an Ulltial withdrawal of 25,001 'Ibe Clif- ford arUtle wu written before the preatdenllal announcetnllll but releaaed Wedneaday nlghl , I. "Wt lhould alao mate lt clear th1t thiJ I! not M loolated acllon, but tha bqtnn1nC of a pn:M.'tl! under which all U.S. ground com.bit forcee will hive betn wtlbdrawu ll<lal Vlelnllll by the end \JI 1870.u 3. ''Concum:nUy wtth the declJlon to be&in withdrawal, ordera ebauld be illued to our mllltaey commanders to diacon- tlnue elforla lo apply mulmum military prusure on the eomny and to seek in- stead to reduce the level of combat." 4. "While our comhlt troopc are being withdrawn, we could continua lo provide the anntd forces of the Sat1oa 1overn- met with loclaUc .,pport and with our SACRAME!ml (UPI) -From the moon, acxordin« to those who have beer! thet<, Ille San Joaquin Valley loob u il "somebody had taken a big shovel and just opooned it oul." The Sierra appears to be 1'bet.uUfully snow capped" -wblch it 11. The llale -I belt aelling book lo the contrary -doesn't seem· ready to 0 sllp into lhe ocean ." And the CaWomia Aqueduct just can't be seen, diaproving a myth promulgated by state water projecta publicist.I. Apollo 10 utronautl ~eecrlbed what California looks like frCIOt the moon Tues- day during a capitol press conference - their only official one of a thrtt-day formal ill.le visit. Col Tho,,,.. P. S.talford, Cindr. John w. Young and Cmdt. Eu.lenfl A. Cernan and ·their famWea flew here from San . Fraaclaco after a _, 1lckerl.lpe parade In tho Bay city. On their &ehe.dule today WIS an ap- ptartn>ee before a joint seelon of the Leglslaturt, tom through Aarojel and McDonnell DoucJaa Auoapace facillUes and a flight lo Loi Angelea. They'll be In San Dle10 1111.u·9d1y. Gov. Ronald Reaa;an 1ccompanled the astronauts at every public appearance, acting 11 tmtff. ,.,,_, three are a product ol -I so BLACK STAR SAPPHIRE .. ~', -. ·-1 .( .... ~ ' J )I fr.ly •II •1n111l1lk l•wtl ••• "on• of • •1t14:' 5,_,11lly tlo1l911.cl plt ti1111111 "'ount• Int • ..,~ro"41 with tho •l•9111co of 41•11'1•'"'•· $1200.00 0..lpH wftt. fh 111 ll'lllMI , • • FroM 011r J11•t11lfl1011I c.il1c:tio11 •f i111n•lld· 1•t •r••tf•U. ,.. ht •• thil ''" plt l• h1"11J1 ino1111tetl 4.JO t•r•t v-11•• 4it moM, wfflri 1911flc11loualy ,,,.1~ 41t mon41 In tM rt1111d. $3750.00 many would malign and amend -our aoctety," said the governor. "Too many are te1llna our youna children Ullt berot• are a thing of the put. Well, the9e are aulhentk: heroes." What does C!li!ornla look like from up lhere? "You know, one of the amadn& things that we saw when wt were out at the moon," said Young, "was CaUfornla ••• "During •earthrLse' you could see it with the naked eye. It is really something. The San Joaquin Valley stands out like aomebody had taken a big shovel and just spooned it out And you could see it from 250,000 miles away." Publicists for the state wate:r project a couple of ye&rs ago contended, somewhat joklngly, that when man reached the moon two public works he ooWd aee would be the California Aqueduct. down the well! side of the Central Valley and the Grtat Wall of China. Not so. It "would have taken a mighty powerful telt!cope to see anything:" beyond the valley Itself and the Sierra, said Ceman. 11We did obeerve and we watched cloM"· ly for the full eight daya t.o make 11Ure that ca.lllornl1 was not going to slip lnto the ocean. We want to \ell you we saw no ev1dence of It." • ' " .. " 1:1 I Ii ' YO - I I I I j F1 ..., 1 .. fy' ! co qi m1 « •h ' Tl; ty "" oO ell II I I ' l • ( j j ,, "' C< h• ri• Ir. ao •n al! lo ., UI "I ' of pt ye sl J.; di bl I; In u ol " • '1 •• ~ G v d ' v G I ' - untingto.,l B~ae-. • • • • l. - . -~ ' I I :VOL li2, NO. 145, 6 SE910NS n PAQS In Fountain l' alley Swim Summer lifeguard Mary pupuy, 23, is welcoming Fountain Valley residents io swim program offered at Fountain Valley High School and other' pools in the city. Program, along With wide variety of other DAILY Ptl.OT $lift Plllft activities, is sponsored by city's Parks and Recrea- tion DePartmenl Details on all programs can be obtained at department offices in Fowitain Valley Community Center, 10200 Slater Ave. Court Supports Recall 11 Orders Valley to Keep Validating Petitions . BY TERRY COVILLE he must appear iA court July 2 to defend his earlier ~ilia\ tlte peUUonS are in- failing lo follow legal recall procedures. ot .. ...., ..... M.tt ~ ""writ .i "'""""In .......... ~ cily•l'f · FIUalaln Valley to oootlnue vflida!ing ,_u l"tiUons -In June 1-y ftOll -~ Van llask was sorved oo .$f>!'pcii1Jnlftle:ictay night prlor to tbe Ci- ·1y _Council session . ~ SlJbil<I by orange COUJ1ty Superior . Couit Judge Claude M. Owens, .the w~t QI. tnltldate Nles City Clerk MiltJ COie mllll continue validation of the pe,t.itions, l i ot the city must appear in court July 2 to 1 1how cause why It didn't. I City AUomey Edwin Martin indicated Tuesday nigt)t that he maY advise the ci- ty clerk not to validate .the recall peti- tiona. However, a!I pf this morning, city <1fficlals bad receJ•ed no word from the city attorney. U Martin opposes the writ ot mandate . County Boy Slain I After Shooting · At Policemen A Garden Grove youth inside hi!I 1randparents' closed liquor store with Vieir permission was shot to death by Ccimpton police late Tuesday night when he uoexplainedly opened fire on them. Arthur G. Laramie, 17, was d~d on ar· rival at Harbor General Hospit.'at as Ole tragic climax to a trip to the &tore lo get some cookies and milk for a midnight snack. The victim accidentally triggered a !lilent burglar a\ann in the shop, leading to a dispatch of one regular patrolman and a reserve officer lo investigate. Compton Police U . A. M. Thomas Iden- tified the pair invo!ved as George Keaton and Ralph Rtt"". •aUd. . ' '/ · ... , ' 1 Subjedi ASt the ~ )et16ons are Marol---K"ob ·ert ~ SChwerdtfeger, Vice MayoIYfiOnald Fregeau and Councilman Joseph Cottrreges. ....Y at1 ·Dut'and supporters of tbe recall are seeking to oust the tltree from their posts for alleged inl~leti~ in office. ·Distributed with the recall petitions were photo copies of replies to the charges wNch led to the recall action. The repllea were answers to the ch<ttges and were published as a legal notice in a Santa Ana newspaper by the three coun~ cilmen who are targets of the recall. Two weeks ago, Martin told Mrs. Cole not to validate the petitions because copies <if those legal notices were too small and difficlt to read, Uws allegedly July· 2, atlomeyl for bOljl aides C8ll ~ghl ..., ibe ~li of !liO jletilions Iii Superlor Court. The writ of mandate. was ad4fttsed· tG members of the City Cotmcil, Clt;y Clerk Cole and acting Citf Adminlstrator Jim Hollywood. Attorneys Paul Augustine, Jr., and Robert Sassone peUtiOoed SUperlor Court 'I\lesday for the writ, which they rece.iv.- ed. Van Dask and his supporters lniUated the recall action three months ago after the City Council approved the con- troversial sma1l lot Lanvin Tract 3 to 2. C~ilmen John Harper and Edward Just opposed the proposed 500 home Larwin development and have not been direcUy involved in the rec.all battle. Substation Held Over; Trailer Park Loses Bid Future construction of the Huntington Beach Central City Park prompted plan- ning commissiooers Tuesday night lo continue a hearing on a proposed elec- trical substaUon for one month and to deny construction of a trailer park. Both of the projects fall within the park site, which will be acquired from funds made available from a $6 million bond issue passed June 3. Reason for continuing the hearing on the tw~and-a-half acre Edison Company substation at Golden West Street and Ellis Av'enue wu to allow Parks and RecreaUon Director Norm. Worthy to take the matter to the city rouncil for consideration Monday. Worthy will ask the council tr establish special zoning around the park site to prevent commercial ~ablishments from building in the area. Ralph Kiser, general manager of the utility company's Huntington Beach bran· ch, told the commissioners that even though the substation Would be located in land which has been proposed for a golf course, the design would be compatible with the park co.ncept. He added that all powerlines leaving (See PLANNING, Page I) S~JJ.J. E__iglatifig Cut , I ' . I' ' WEDNESDA .Y, JUNE • II, 1969' • . T~ay's-F~ N.Y. StoekS. • • . . TEN CENTS Apollo Fueling Starts Preparations Begin for l ·st Moon Landing CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -Technl· nlcians begin fueling the Apollo 11 moonshlp today to start final prepa- rations for the launch four weeks away of man's fir'!! moon landing mission. 'The ~u-anead for the ticklish and llme-- Consuming Spacecr&ft fuellna opUaUori came from project officials after a day. long review Tuesday of all aspects of the b,istorie lunar flight. ' Amonaute Nell A. Annllrol!I, Mlcllael CoUlna and Edwin E. Aldtln were pro- Beach Complex Plan Delayed :By Commission • PotenUal developers of a 352-acre in- dustrial and _ commercial complex in north Huntington Beach were unable to aeUle their dliferences with the city Planning Commission Tuesday-rligbt, but will be back for another try. The planning commission, although generally in favor of the project proposed for Bo~a Avenue and Springdale Street, continued the matter to July 1 for further study. Developers John D. Lusk and Son have asked that lots smaller than the city's 20,000-square.foot minimum for industrial properties, be allowed in portions of the tract. At Tuesday's meeting, the commission was stW hesitant about granting tt)e 15.,000-square-foot Jots requested by Lusk, ey~n _tboc~ the 4eveloper.lndicated he is now bavl!ig aecand tbougbla about mov· Ing Into the ma. . ~ to Lusk "the ·•rea ti not a jlrimt ~·111l Wiih all the mtilc· lioill liefug place<! oft UI we ate beglnl\1Jlg !o have ·• competlliff' 'problem with the Irvine Industrial C:Omplex." He said, that while the plannfni coi;n· -ts taking ibe tJmt to wort oot the detaill of granting tract appronl, he hu lost three major deala. Cornmislloners wW study the lot size problem with the _developer dUrin& a special session T••Y· "This is a reputable conctrn,'' Nid Commission Chainnao Robert Baiil, "l trun'k we should coOperate with them and ' not throw roadblocks ln their way." Susan Mazze Suffers Relapse Susan Ji.taue, the 17-year-otd Santa Ana girl who received Orange County's tirst kidney transplant on June 3, has 1uffered a relapse and is in criUcal condition in Orange county Medical Center. Dr. Ronald Mlll~r said her new kidney ls functioning perfecUy but other .. postoperaUve comp 1 i 'cat l On s have weakened Susan and made it diUlcult for her to breathe. The doctor declined to disclose details on the complications. · Stoek Market• NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market closed almoat even today, after an early sharp, advance,. partially ~oyed by bargain hunting, slowed in • 1 a t e r trading. (See quotations, Pages Z0.21). OOUJ\Ced In excellent heallb 'by Di. Charles A. ~ry, the director of medical operations for the spacemen. Chief astronaut Qonald K. Slayton l&ld the pilots will work l();hour days, ilJ days a week for. the final four weeks. .Ke sald he expects them to be .. adequately train- ed and adequately rested" at launch time, 6:32 a.m. PDT Jaly; 16. · · "We. are go at thiS timi, Rlbject t,o f\lc-~sful .' oomplelion /JI . lllll .: i:Cnaintng tests," reported Lt C.o. 5amuel · C. · •SCAPES MURDER TRV : $1• ... •1:1"""'11\1 ~1\19 .. :· ... t J ·tana' s lf:usbanil E1cape1 Sh.ot1., Faces Mesa Rap ' . B7 AllTR\)1'. R. VJNSEL ot Hit ~llY 'lllt Slaff · Jel set· hypootlll Dr. Ronald Dente - Harbor Area entertainer and confidante of stars -, today faces a theft charge in. volvlng $18,500 worth o( boats at a CO&ta Mesa firm, after surviving a inysterlous murder attempt Tu~sday. Santa Ana 'pglloe recognized the name · In news reports of qie five-sh9t amblllh and tippet. off Hollywood detectives-who arresteil the" iU'.ttiited &even th husbaud of actress Lana Turner about ~dnight. The'attack by a mystery gunman wear-tnr' a rakish Australian bush hat earlier, as Dante drove into his fashionable oUlce-apartment ·on Doheny Drive, left him with only a cut on the face. SHATTERED GLASS : The barrage of bullets shattered the windshield of his car and he was nicked by flying glass as · he ·dove for the floorboards during what .authoritiel aaid wa'S the third attempt on ,his lifei · Once before, a jealous !Qver who claim· ·ed the hypJloUlt . f14d. alienated his .g~UrleQd, fired a .45 caliber. piltol shot at Dr. Dante . during a San Diego .nightclub performanc~. · He was not hit, and lawmen did not .elaborate Tuesday qn the third alle1ed murder. attempt. , · Dante w8ri apparently.as sba~en by his .arrest u he bad· been .by: the murder at. .ttmi>t e"iU.r, ttlllng ciutbtrit!U 1ie knew ·o1 no ·-·for~.~ tho boat .CWJfllleipllitMi)d. · :_.,_;J.:.-~,._~<; • Pltlllies, the 'Ai>ollO pr0aram du.tlor. "After bearlna the mdlnesa .,.._1 of all eiemeols of Ute nlWion, I am con- fident that we can ~ with ,our preparations lo meet tlie July launch win- dow." Today's fueling oper.ation was the start of preparaUons for the tut ·big test -a dresa rebear11l coun~wn· scheduled . to begin June 25 and end ·with a moot launcn July I. The spac!etrall will remain fueled after UJo•tea1. Killer Eludes Manhunt After Hospital Break ' By "TOM BAllLEY Of ... Dtllr ,,. Sftft "~ellght killer" Robert Wli1ard Liberty ts •till at liberty today, d~ !he lnttnsllylng manhunt being llluncbed by law enforcement officers in Oranee and Los Abgetes counties. The 21-year-<1ld Westmln!ter man Is en- joying the sixth day of a freedom Ulat was, Deputy District ~ttorney Al 't\'ella clalms, 'handed to him on a plate with bis astonishing release from Metropolitan Staltl' H~ltal at Norwalk. · IJbetty, arrested two.ye.an ago,for the murder of Mn. ·Marcella. Landis, wu due to be returned to Superior·COurl ·fer the re>jval of Clhar1ea w6lc:h were IUlpendad •\llO·ol hil mental <OllCIJllon.' ' H"""ta) ofQcllt AY the. !..,.... m"'bfqlsl w~ to ·ltteclop\ front aa oprn ward at the No.walldacllity and that their 1patient, recently ruled to be •aoe,.could.have c1o11e thal .at 1111 llmLln the clays !mmediltely preeedli>l.tliid -.,....,,,., I Wallt .~ ooalnoda that Whal WU rtpOrted Jt Jfu9 .... "a ....,apMc .... rot" mult ba9' been a bit ihelp, He argues that Liberty'• papers 1boold have been endorsed *'diachlrpd to court" and not the slniple '.'dlscbaiaed". thal ., .. reeordecl . ll ia nol uolmol'll, wen. adds, for the NorwaJll· boi!pllOl to make auch a belated entry on the i eccrds of a paUeot who has mamaged 1o escape from the faclllty. And be bra'Slda u "utrt!m.ely careleu" ·the auperJilJon of a man who was lilted u bii;hly d..,.rolia al ibe lime of bill com- mittal to Atascadero Slale !iOIPltal. Slwiff'a invati1ator1 'also condemn the firtt repprt of Ubetty'a absence that was llsued by the hocpltal. Thal 11.WOL llsllng, ;bey laid, pve· no Jndicailon of Liberty's background and that the eacapee was to be returned to court on a ·murder indictment. ;'We step. ped up the search when we did cll500ver these ract.s, an officer commented, "but we lost a lot of valuable time because we thought he waa just another run·of.lhe ,mill getaway." · Liberty won hit "CandleU&hl Killer'' pseudonym from o(flctta who tn- veotlgated the bizarre &laying of Mr1. LandJs, the attrictlve brunette who .6bared !.l))erty's apartment al 1382 · (See KILLEll, Page !I Blood Bank · Slated A community blood bank wW be held at St. Bonaventure· Catbolic Church at ~pringdale Street and H~ Avenue, Hun- tington Beacli, on July I. Appolntmenta may be obtained by. callhia· Gllea Meyer al-. · .He said Officer KeaWL~went to the rear of-the li"ijOOt-stoie -while -the reserve patrolman covered the front, spotting 7oung Laramie through the back door. Officer Keaton shouted at· the figure in• ~. Lt. Thomas said, at which time Laramie fired a .38 caliber pistol and darted back as the patrolman fired back. Clifford Calls for Pullout . "l Qon't know aftyone wbj).wOWd ·Wlnt to kill me,". &e· said~ Ji•iqil,• Jt; would be soin~e who· UI j~ a~~~ woman r just married." ~ . , 1 OTHER miBliANti6 . Oruse Both bullets in the exchange missed, but Keaton fired again and struck Laramie in the bead. The victim'• grandparents said be was tn., the store with their permission but they were mysUfied as to Why he hacf one of ibe two guns In ibe store and why be Uoed i~ Jersey City Mayor W.ins on Law:, Order · ,, .<JERSEY CITY, N. J. (AP) -Mayor ·~ J . Wb4lab, running on 9·.,Jaw .and order" plank, won re--tlectlon as . mayor of New Jeney-'1 second! tarcest • oily Tuesday. •• • ,I •. • He defeated toimer: Ma)WX' 'I)lomas Gangemi in a ninoff eleeU<!rt with whit Whelan called "an ovei*hebhiJC ma~ date." The final ullJllnclal tally pve Whelan 50,231 ·~ lo JS,131 for GqemL • • NEW YORK (AP} -Former Defense Secretary Clark M. Clllford says the United States should order a reduction of fighting in South Vietnam and remove all Its ground collibal "troops by the end of lt'(ll. ,. . In a rtmarllably candid $1alemenl Clif,. loril bliMtf the · jiooth Yletnameoe ..Wrmneii~ pl(:lurln1 its leaders as hav-1"8 • big stake in contklled war. He A}!I~ . '1At the Saigon authorities ltiW ft .. the lonllel' ibe war went oo, With .the IBl'l! .. «ale ' American .liwol•f'emenit the-more gt.able wu their riclme and the (ewer conceasioft!l ,they 'A'OUld ha.vt to make to other poliUcal groupings." . Cllfotd .. once ~~ as a: .. baWtt," ,.Md '8 l>eiiti(Oll' dllef fqr tho last yw d. the L,-' B. Johnoon ad· ministration. His statement, appeafinl In · Fori!ip.Aftaln, qaatlerly.ol the·Cooncll on F\lftlp , RelaUcm, II the ..,.t wispolletl commeol on the Saison rqbne to CODJt-lrom a ..... 1 U.S. ,.........1 I official at this level. The article is likely to play an im- portant role in the continuing American debate on the war. lie makes these proposals: I, Ni a lint step, the United Stales sbouJd,announce jl·wlll withdraw 100,000 ,ll'OOPI be! ... ibe end of· this year. Piesldenl NlsonMeidy has announced an ililU.1 Wllbdrawal ,of )5,000. The Cllf. ford ari&cle was' t.nitten before the presidenlial announcement but released Wedneaday night. 2. ''We lhoWd IJao make it clear that this Is not an. llotal«I action, bul the beginninc of a process under which all u.s. ground combat '°"""' will have been withdrawn rrom Vietnam by the end of, 1970." 3. 11CoDcU.rrintb' with the dtcislofJ to ' beaJn withdrawal, ordora should be Issued • to our n;jlltaey ~ to dJscon. tlnue eflorll lli apply m,.X\mllm mllitar)' pmaurt on llli -and. to ... k.Jn. alead to.~lllo>lefel;el CODlbaL" f, "While our combat troops are belng withdrawn, we could continue to provide the armed, forces of the Saigon govern· ment with logistic support and with our air resource!!." • CllUord contends that a poHcy of ap. plying mulmum ntllltary pressure h .. resulted In contlltulng blgb u. s . casualties "without anr. discernible im· pact on the peace· negotiation !Ji-Pa& ... _He. '\BY• a .d~sion to shUt ibe. combat burden to the ~tti Vletnainese "wou\d confront North Vietnamese leaden with a pitnlul dUemma.' ~ • • · "Word U!•t 'the Ameercans were begin- . ~ing to wllhdiaw might al first lead thein to ' claims of vtctory,"· he wrote. ''but :even .~ inlt!aI ,clai~J ~d . be.,~· pect~ lo ·~ 'tinged ·wiib ~ppr0hl"'1!>~· There 'has" fn .my,'vlew, Jobi bffn.<Oft . ·,1~ble ·evtdenit __ thpl Hri\01 fe~.-. ibe . poos!HliJly that . ~ wbom I b • y characteme aa,'i'\iiool f9fW' may, wllb '~ed '"hllt·. giijlually., re·duce<l • :Anietlcall iupport, ~·~to llal!d o(l 'Ute Commwd.il f~~ . . ' • Dante followed aix other tiuaband.s down the aisle with Mlss 'I'urner 1in a Lis Vega!! wedding chapel six weeks .\go, after ·they met at a fashionable diacothe- que three weeks earlier. 1 The alleged ittemptacnliefl GI seven motorboata belonging to the Marlin Boal Co., 1595 Newport Blvd., Colla Me<J, .,,_ cunecl allDOllt one year to the day .be£ ore Dante's recent May a maniage to the blonde star. MlaS Turner, .19, and -hei' dauibter Chefyl, 15, w.. prtllllt -tile Singapore-born ·~lub hypnotist waiis · plck~.cf ,;p ·it · 11;elr''Sllera10n-unwer.,i Hotel•raite. ~ , r I · · He.llsled hill age ... II ninl the bool· Ina proce88 and told polica .l\elia1 a lloc· •!orate 1n· ·psyCbOlolY · lrom Slnfapore , Unlveratt,. t 1 , _ • · ' Tbei formet' entenaiaerv at the Villa ·:GF~~~bt1!t\!t:r.c1.~ : 'irpetll ·. aeverat •bolln bi • UiO ·Well llollywood lblrjfl'j 11411on bdtre rel- 1 on·112.110CtbAf1., i. 1. ~ r ' . . ·. Diale, wbo.1'9111od•a·Colla M.,.,apaa. . (llet~J)J: . ' . Weatller . The 1un will m~ lt.s perfunc- tory appearance Thursday aflel' noon, but otbenriSe-1i1U be mosUy cloudy with tem!><ra!Ures In the high !O'• alon1(ibe Orange coast. INSmE TODA li Two of • the faal<•I t/CIC~lr ·aflool" tang la this • ,...k,ftd oa Wi!id!Dor<I Pauao< m<<I.! BIG<lo,. fl• for tho Colifornla Cup. B°""' Ing, POQe 29. I J. ,_.......... , . ,_. • Slr\'lct• • -" ..... .. .. ,....., ... . t;ltlMM .... , ... 0-~ II liKttl ..... D• --Dr. .... •• ,. ---.T ........ , R -.... -. --...- l ~s;--~-.:.:--·:::· ::.-:;--;_::·-::=--. ~..:;;;.=::;:;=::::~-:....;.·...;..· =-==-· --==========---~----------.--L ------ 2 DAll.Y r!LOT H W•• t d'!f, • l& lM '~µ<l~e' .D~;q~er.s . Fined 'Six Ru~d Lewd, Sw~,ped~Wr:ith $1,~Q.Q f~vy : Six more nude tavern danCOll ,..,.. fin. 'lliooe fined w'"'' court jury. All o11 the othen [nyolved In ed a total or 'I"°° Tutsday following Arlene WU.lea, 34, of Valinda, Calil., Tuesday's aen~s submitted their tbl:lr ~vlction 00 lewd conduct and 'l2S and two years probaUon. ca&eS to the Judie On the basil of af• Roae Redmu, 24, Bwtank, $3lO and fldavlts . Sn4liclat txpOll,lTt charges. four years probation. Miss Zimmer, convicted of elght coonts Central Orange County Municipal Patricia CelllnJ, 30, Nonb Hollywood, or lewd conduct and indecent uposure, Judge Euaene C. Langeha\&ltt' ordered· $125 and two years probation. will be sentenced Tuesday. probaliOn for all sentenced. Sentencing Betty vtcke:n, 25, Garden Grove, '375 Others continued to Tuesday were wu delayed ln four other cases, one and four years probaUon. Ethel Mae Sooter, Z2, of Fountain VaUay, waman was be!d .inooceat ol charces and Prilcllla Blackwell, 22, Santa Ana, $1.25 .loan 11iompson, Ontario and µnda Rae • wwrant lscue.d for another who failed a.nd two ytars probation. Ciark, Santa Ana. to appear in court. Nannie Wbetler, 28, Brea, $400 and two Charges agaiNt Beverly Vlerlra, 28, of All llad been arrested In recenl wee.ks consecutive two-year probation terms. El Toro were dismissed. while performini at two Sanla Ana beer MW Wheeler aod Jackie Ann Zimmer, A warranl was ordered Wued for bin, the Apartment A-Go-Go and the 7.6, of Sanla Ana, were found g\J.lty Of the Esther Pike, 'Zl1 of Cypress, when she AputmenL cbarg.., late last montL by a mOnlclpal failed to appear. ' Beach Hires Coordinator For Parks A two headed Recrutlon and Parka Department seemed a dlJtinct possibility in Huntington Beach today following an aonouncem<OI that the' clfY hai created the )IOlllioD cl·coordloator of parks and recreational development and has hired 'lbomaa Severns to fill the poalUon. . 'Ibo deportment prete11Uy h di1'Cted by Norman Wortl:iy, recreation directer for many years, who took on the pa.i:k development and operat)oD. program 10 1985. Sevmis curmrtly Is deputy dir<dor of parks and executive assist.ant lo the director of parks, barboi'a and beaches fot Orange County. His new di.ties begin July I~ WorU:!Y said this morning that 11we will have to get together, Tom and I and City Admtnlstrator Doyle Millet, and work out the neW" system. II Miller's announcement today ·said rriit ''the city council bas created the posiUon o! coordinator of parks and recreational · development and has employed Severns to fill the position. .. Ia cooperation with Mr. Worthy. dtrector of Recreation and Parks, Mr. Severna: will be .coordinating Im· plementaUon of the park plans and their future operation:" Severns is a (U'aduate ()f the Unlvmlty af Soo.lhern California with a degree in buatneu admlnistretlon and has two · yem of . graduate •tudy In· 1111bUc Id· m1iL11tiatlon. Hi ts a fellow ()f the AmWt<iib ~ark !ind llecr<illon Soelety. Mlller said "the council feels that the comblnaUon of the talent& Clf Severns and Worthy will brloi to the Roc:reaUon and P1rks llepartmen\ ezperlence In parks arxt recreaUon admlniitraUon and im· .......-"1UohjWl!l ~.pub aqol r-prostam .oc.ind to none In or..,. ewzt.y!' Pair Face Court In Bank Holdup .. Two ,... a«uae<I ol ·Uldng 145.lllO at ll\lllpolnl from • a Hmrtiqt<in Beach hank muJI -lriOl ADg. & llo ~ Lei Angelea federal court. ' • ·, Raymond Arthur VJin.oatlii 43, ol Lomita and Kenneth RJchaid Werner, 41, of Long Leach are accused of the holdup of the Brook.burst al Adams branch o~ the B.ank of America last Aprll 16. Police clalm that they arc the two stocking~ masked bandits who marched into th• bank and orde:rtd shocked tellers: "Everybody hang up the phones."' Vigneau and \Verner were pursued by police in a high speed tjlase tbal ended iD Fountain Valley when lhe'.bandi~ auto 11lddded oot of control s.nd.,,craabed •• 0£. flcers fired repeat.edly at ·the Jet.way vettlcle and believe the dlstractlon caused by their gunfire Jed lo the driver's lO!inC control of his speeding car. Both men are held ·tn jail In Ueu of $25,000 bail each. Both have pleaded not guilty. DAii Y PILOT Despite Opposition Apartment Project OK'd In 2.Jiour Valley Hearing , PBS Corporation defeated heavy op- position Tuelday night to win an appea I before the Fountain valley City Cooncll fer a propooed 13.5 m1Illol1 apartment project. FoD°""'B a twt>bour poblli: hearing, cOwooibiJen voled H to •f!P!VV• the aportment lllll!ng (RA) la< pr~ m tbe northwest corner ,d. Bushard Street and Slater Avenue. lt had been defeated April 11 by the planning commisalon. Jobn Parker, pre&ldent of PBS Corp., ezplafned to councilmen that be bad ellmirlaled the three bedroom apartments and the -bacllelor units wbich planners bad objected to In bis developmenl About 10 residents spoke against the apartment unlta, ouutoing the followtng reasons: -lk>.vkr burden on schooh. ~~ter tralflc problem. -Undesirable tenants In apartments. -DevaluaUon of nearby property. Parker answered thOle charges et· plainln& no one Wider 16 would be allowed In the al)artments, traffic surveys tn~. dicated only a sUght increase ln tralflc, studies showed blgh education level in high quality apartments, property vahle.s would not go down. Councilman John Hal'Jlel' Voted against the apartments because he wanted the. area zoned R..1 (11partments, but less units P,er acre) rather than R-4 (high density). Parker's apartments are ne.arly of an R-3 (medium density) level, with only about five to ten unlli too many for an R· 3 zone. Other councllmen £elt wasting time to modl!y the proposal for such a miall nwnber af units would not be Justifiable. Councilman Edward Just, normally an opponent at high density, favored the apartments because the area is "a pro. blem piece of property and lb.ls use ls ap- parently the only ineans po.sslble to develop the area." The San Diego Freeway cuts across the back ol-lhe PBS property. From Page 1 PLANNING. • • the oubolallon would be pieced un· dergniuod. bul a fll;Ooo \>Oii fe<ding line would have i<> be broU&Ht in overhead because of the high voltages involved. According to Kiser, construction of the statioo is "critical'" since oil drllllng operaUons nearby have placed a higher load on the system. "We'Obtafned this pniPer!Y fw9 lo thtte . yfan ago wtlli the itdv!Ce cl Ille city ataff and DOW we an bclna: told that maybe it im't the right locaUoo after all,"" oald Kiser. The su1":tation drew a vig(!rous protest from Robert "Sutake1 a member of lhe People £or Parks Committee, He told commlssioners that "anything" Which in· terferes with . the fl\Ullniz•tl~ .pf the park plao should be ,..jecied!'. Ke alnfed . that ""tbls' power. ~Uon H not In 1he pobfic tntemt.'' and uUcl whi ~ • ~ • -· • r' ~ . . . ...... -... ~ -. ~ 1• "': I -•• s l:F....,.. Page, l , IOtttR ~ .·. Westmlnsler Ave., In Westmlnster. the city 11shoutd allow public utilities to develop an eyesore where natural .beauty '3 paramount.'1 , . A-ding to Satoe, power poles and lines feeding the station would interfere wtth a proposed park blrd sanctuary and might Jeopardize additional funds oought from the Hou.sing and Urban Develop- ment Apocy (HUD) for the Jll"OJect. "I ttJ}Jy expected Ibey would .drop the plam for the aubAltion when the bond bsue was paged, ll sutake added. The planning commias.ione"r also denied a request by Jaseph Ferm and Rolo McClellan to place a moblle home park an 30 acres near the intersection ol Gothard Street and Slater Avenue. 'Ibelr request .was denied al the sug· gestlon of Senior Planner Dick Harlow who reminded the commission the city is In the, process of filing · eminent domain actiom on property for the -park. Ferm, who did not oppose the planning staff's recommendation at the meeting, told the commlsSoners that it lJ dlUlcult for property owners to do anything with the land there until !he city makes a inove to purchase it. . "We are on the horns of a dilemma," said Ferm, "untJl the dty can acqulre the property." .-• .. Offlr.ers sal.d they found Liberty strum· ming bis guitar and ="'fUy &inglng while Iha body of bis J>lf..,.....' liy d!"Po<I "aero~ a li vlng,room &Ota. Adding to the l'Jtcbcock·like atm~ ... 1n the apart' :Men. tal. ::uosp· 1• .... 1 rn<nt, they said, was the flct that !Jberlt :H. UI hail plaeed burning c:andlea an around the body of his victim. D Ob• • Both !Jberly and his strangled victim raws Jections had long records of mental llln~ and both had been diagnosed and treated in A proposed tS2-bed long t e r rn the mental · ward of Orange CMmty psychiatric hospital drew vigorout1 oho Medical Center. And both, it was later jcctlons from Huntington Beach residents discovered, had made seveMI. WlSOO. Tuesday night berore the city planning ce.ssfuJ suicide attempts. commi.!slon. Sqperior Court Judge Byron K. Commluloners decided to continue ac- McMillan sent Uberty to Atascadero tlon on the facility to their nett meeUng after determlnlng that the Westminster to allow for more lltudy time: after hear. man was insane and unable ta assist In ing from several homeowners adamantly his own defense. oppo8ed to it. He l! today reaarded as aane by Major D CorporaUon or Pasadena filed . :~ leMf.f N. Wetl PralMflt ""II l"\llllllhlf Atucadero and Metropolitan S t a t e for the use permit on property located uospltal 01·~-·, south of Holland Drive an.d east or Beach JJ. llClllJ • \ ,.,_ ...... . .. • . , '). ~ • .Ne• I. C:.'l'J Vice ~I ~no~ ..,_..., no11111 k11l'll '"* TltMt1 A. l.fyr .. ~I"' -...i"f !Iller IJMr+ w. '"-' W.1111111 ···" AH«.... ""°"'llol!OIO 91ad'I ll!lliof (lly ld>tw " ............. o.. Jett Ith St1 11t : Mo1Ttlftf u-;, •••• P.O •••• )'tCI, t2Ht ·--.........., '-°'· nu ,,,.., .. lllOI "'-""""' (,oM INM! • w.t In llr.et ~ --"' m ,.,.._., ,,....,.. .. -·-_ ... _. -·. • '1That may ,well be," iald wens. "But BOulevird. . you have towondtr about the capabilities A'ccording to their represenlalive, Ned of ~fe· 1fho: ea11 ·Jd a man like that 1'filler, the facility would be ued for walk ·Out· ofl;llkb a·· hospital in broad senile, elder!~ ~e~e and not for those dayllgll.'"L . cansldertd cr1m.1Aally l.nslne. "I'm rememberiQa today what Mr. Mrs. Kathryn Sheldon fOe.d a 77· Liberty wu muted for and I'm re.mem· signature petition with the petition, op- bering the long record or mental illness posing construction of the hOl!lpital lhat wu displayed in court. We now have because "there are other places ht Hun- to realize that be m•• be loooe on the tington ·B~ach more suited lor Uli! type of ··~ hospital." streets of Westminster and it's not a very comforting thought , • , " __ ~aglund HeadS Exchange Club Marv Hagflllld. direclcr cl oublic _.ks lot .FountsJn Valle~. lla1 &oeri elected presldent of lhe Foantatn Valley Ex· chan&• Club. • • Other ne" oUlcers jolnlna Haglund Jn recent election victories .are J o e l R.o9tnfekl. vice preaident: Ber n i e ll<i111111g, -.1acy; aid Leon· llaUllT, truaur.r. .. . Directon elected lo two :roar ,tmnJ wen Marvin .Adltr, Floyd Warr eod..Ed Myers, while Ron 11f<e, Tom Sbepbeod .illd .• PJntt T!Kfrpe · recetvad Gilt year Boord 0( lllroctoc terms. Cau.lina Trip 0 Set for Youths Fun and ldv.-0 oil c;atallll-1 Joland awatt boyi and girh ~ the trip oo the white steamship Ju~·.17 In • trip sponaored. by the H~-n Beach Roc:reaUon ao4 ~kl ~nh Deadline for younpt<ra•T thro<IJ!h 17 yean old to sign up for Uie trip la Thurs· day •\ l :IO P•lll-,'Ille cost of.o1S.for )'O\lnplon 7 thrwgh u and $10 flir. -IS \bfuu'1117 m\Jst be pal4 at thtnlna- tJon center, 17th Street aod 'Ofuat Avonue by Thund11:a11:10 p.m. , P~ 11\ll lttYo .a&. l'L~JIJllO 27 i!ld Mum at lll«lt 1:15 p.in; QIT· dren wlll'1le atl,ed w ~ --mt ID00t:Y ffr toti drinb. • ._ • ... .I :,. .. ' . Ba'r'IJor Taking Slulpe Work,progressea on Da'.na Har_bor, Or~ge County's.... -~,I MIJ4}1 craft re!uge. This Is aenal view loo~· ing eaSt along coastline toward San Clemente. Land "jutting into sea at .extreme upper edge of photo is Cotion•s Point, site Of President Nixon's White Houstf •wist. Work on harbor itself Involves con- s\ructlo11;<1f temporary coffer dams wilhln br .. k- .... wal!rs, pumping out sea water, then scraping dry lur!ace to make harbor bottom. Froiia PGfle 1 DANTE ••• Astronalits Describe How men! di\'!!)~ bis boolclng"it•lha bayside ',pa, told Los·Angelel Sheriff's Sgt. Ray- mond Gott he believed the theft case had been dismissed. State Lofiks From Moon Ran Snyder, of 2320 College Drive, Coita Mesa, said he caught J?ante in the act ol supervising theft of the fleet or 1~ boats :P.fay 5, 1968 at a now-defunct Santa Ana boatyard. Snyder and his brother Paul are partners In the Martin finn. which markets the boats at Mesa Boat Center, 1595 Newport Blvd., and had been trying to work out a deal with Dante. "He was an elusive character," said Paul Snyder today, "he'd call us from Las Vegas and try lo get us to ship them to him C.O.D., which of course we refus- ed to do." SECRETIVE PERSON The Costa Mesa boat company ex· ecutive said Dante wa!I a secreUve person and It is unknown why he was trying to buy the seven motorcraft. Earlier, Ran Snyder told authorities Dante had given them a worthless check for $17,460 in payment for the ~ats, but promised ta deliver the purchase price in cash when the .paper bounced. A surprise visit to the Santa Ana yard where the boa1a were built for the Costa Mesa firm early May 5, 1968, led to discovery of the alle,ged theft in progress, Snyder said. SACRAMENTO (UPI) -From the moon, according ta tha:te who have been there, the San Joaquin Valley looks as if "somebody had taken a big sbovel and just spooned il out." The Sierra appears to be "beautifully linow ·capped" -which it Is. The state - a best selling book to the contrary -doesn't seem ready to "slip it)to the ocean." Aod the C~Ji(ornia Aqueduct"just can't be seen, disproving a myth promulgated by state water projects publicists. Apollo 10 astronauts described what California looks like from the moon Tues- day during a capitol press conference - their only official one af . a three-day f~rmal 6\ate visit,., . . Col. Thomas ,P. Staffordt Cmdr. John \V. Young and Cmdr·. Eugene A. Ceman and their families Uew here" from San Francisco after a downtown ti~pe parade in the Bay city. ..1 On their" 6Chedule today wu, an ap- pearanct befare a joint _msian of tbe Leglslatqre, tours thtough Ae~t and 11c0onnell Douglas Aerospace facilities and a flight to L<is Angeles. They'll be in San Diego Thursday. Gov. RonaJd Reagan acaunpanied the utronatit.s: at every public appearance, acllng as emcee. . "These three art a product of what so many would malign and amend -our society," said the governor. "Too many are telling our young children that heroes are a thing of the past. Well, these are authentic heroes." What does California look like from up there? "You know, one or the amazing thin&s that we saw when we were oul at tbe moon," said Young, "was Califarnia ••. "During 'earthris.e' you could see it with the naked eye. It is really something. The San Joaquin Valley stands out like somebody had takei;i a big shovel and just spooned it out. And you could set it from 250,000 miles away." Publlclsta for the-state water praject a couple of years ago cantended, sonlewhat jokmgly, that when man reached the moon two public worka he could &ee I would be the cau£amla Aqueduct down the west side of the Ce.ntrat Valley and the Great Wall ol China. 1 Not SQ.. • lt ·~ould have taken a mighty powerfUJ. -telescope to see anything'' beyond the v.Uey itself and lhe Sierra, said Cernan. Dante. was arrested on a warrant June 3, 1968, but ane of the principal witnesses was unavailable for court appearance and the case was dismissed prior to the suspect's July II preUminary hearing. * * * * * * SECOND WARRANT Flag_ for Moon A s.econd bench warrant was signed by Judge Leonard H. :P.fcBrlde on July 10 however, but the nl&htclub hypnotist had apparently departed in the belief he was absolved. U.S. Ba1irwr to Fly Forever? "He was never picked up because we just didn't know where he was," said Santa Ana Police Sgt. Kent Reesor after Dante had . betn ·taken inlo custody in West Hollywood Tue!day nighl. • Miss Turner's ex-husbands include bandleader Artie Shaw, Steve Crane, Bob Topping, actor Lex Bark: er, Fred 11ay and Rebert Eaton, whose divorce was final only two months ago. One suitor, JohMy Stompanato, never quite reached the altar, stabbed to death 10 yea.rs qo by Miss Turner's 1$-year-old daughter Cheryl in a spectacular case. WASHINGTON (UPI) -\Six hours after man first Jaru:ls on the J]loon next month, astronaut Neil Armstrong will hoist a nylon, 3 by $ foot American flag on an 8-fool pole, and: P?nt it in the lunar crust. The flag will be stretched outward. in a simul ation of flying, by a spring device made necessary because there is no wind on the moon. And because there is "oo wind, no rain, nothing to knock it down," the spnce agency said Tuesday, the banner may fly forever -or at last until man starts colonizing his natural satellite in the BLACK STAR SAPPHIRE Trvly •11 1.quhit1 jewel , • , "0111 •f • •111d." s.,.,;.11y d1si9"ed pl.ti"""' '"-"·-1"9 1rribt-•t•d witb lh• 1l•9•nc1 1f di1mond1. $1200.00. . __ ....._._ __ _ Dotlt11.d ._;tfi VM i11 r11i"4 • , • ~ 1 wr ''"9"ifie111t colt1ctio11 of di11t111!d• ''' er11tioJPi, w1 h1•1 11\h •If• pltt. lftt11n 1now11tM 4 .JO c•r1f"' y1l'- di1mol'Mll, wiffrt. lll•iicwlou1ly 1ppoiftt.cl di11no11ch i1 *"• relll!d. $3750.00 years beyond the horizon . The flag planting will take place after Armstrong, commander of Apollo JI, steps out on the lunar surface around 11 p.m. POT July 20. I Armstrong wlll be followed 30 minutes later by Edwin E. "Buz" Aldrin to make a moon walk lasting two hours and 4D minutes. One of Armstrong's first duties, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration said, will be to take the flag assembly down from one of the legs of the lunar lander where it will be fastened, wrapped in plastic inside an aluminum tube. - I I I I •• " .. .. -,. - I '; ·: -. l . ·..1 -': t '.-.... ' ~ • RY . ~ • ·-'< .- 1 • .. . ' l • :-· . 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WATIR PIK" ORAL HYGllNE APPLIAINCI 24.95 vcrl•e 1687 I Recommended by thousands of cfntflfl IWoter Pik* carri• M the cleaning job .,0... · toothbrush begins I Cleans lnac:ceulbfe places your bNsh cannot reach. Mo4el :Jt AUTOMATIC 4·SLICI FAMliY SIZE TOAITIR 19.95 valae 9'' • T oosts fovr 1lice1 aitnuftoneovtly for family bnoldadl · •Adj intable color £Olllnll I Beautiful chrome fftthh ITIAM 'N SPRAY TEFLON®·COA TED IRON . 21.95 ,., value •Teflon•-coohld '°'' pla for eosr-gllde ltonln1 •Dial foioll fabtta • Pvsh-bwtton 1pray • J yr. unconcfiflona1 guarantee LADTWOITH 5907/l:Jtll l·l'EAR ON·THE·SPOT [}NCONDITIONAL GlJARANTEE ON ALL TRAFFIC 'APPLIANCES AT ZODl'St I\ \'f; \TOR\' Rf;fll ('Tffl \ ! S . \ \ I \f'-'<t l 1• 1'tl I :1 11:;1 ti\ . \I .I, '' l \'.4''1'1 \ti lltll SI·: 1'\ -S'l 'f;H l~tl.4' . \'I' :tflf)\ ... ! .... ~~ ~. WESTINGHOUSE TY CONSOLES . ~WITH AUTOMATIC FINI TUNING • . l ......... I SAVE OYER $1001 I 518.l7valueo . $ 488· YOUR CHOICE ·--~ ---~..,..-~- .World's lorge.11 bright TV picture (295-aq. htthe.1) I Automatic fine tuning co~ls . •Separot9 VHF/VHF chcinn•I selecton • Exclusi•• "Cho1si1 22" • lnstont automatic color 'fidelity with -fingertip control •Fine furniture cabinets Including a few ' ltalfon and fl'9nch provincial model1 AS LOW AS NO,MONIY DOWN ••• TAKE MONTHS TO PAYI . . WESTiNGHOUll 12''* JET SIT INl'IANT~ON® PORTABLE TY WISTINGHOUSE·UHF 19''* JET SIT PORTABLE TY $109 '79 • lm.tont-on•-·no wait; no warm· up •front mounted speaker o~pVHF·UHF -.w;c.11nernumber. •Soft•r, clearer, easier to wokh ITel•scoping VHF antenna I UHF loop antenna •11ue10 .. e1 ,.,,, .. , ....... , WESTINGH0,11 SO~fl!t STATE STIR•o CONSOLI IN CHOICI OP 3 FINI FURNITURE CABINllS . .. AM/~M/FM.Stereo multlpieX with FM tuning meter •Tape h•put-outpvt focb and external speaker lock1 •300 watts peak Music power for lt1ttning pleasure •In Contemporary Wolnvt, Spaniih Pecan, Frenth Pnwinclal Fruitwood @$ 169.9S value '124 ' •B•avtiful off and beautiful 'Ort •.fftttant·On, no waiting,· · · -- no wolk-boclr. I Illuminated UHF/VHF channel numb&n I Full 19"• diagonal p'ictvre I Walnut grain finish (N .. I•, ..... ) 1· SAVI $3471 I '. •m••a · tN•t 111 ,._ .. , HURIYI SOMi .QUANTITIES UMITED ••• SOME MODEIS NOT AVAii.Ai"' AT ALL STOlESI · ~:!iilOP WITH ZODYl.CONVINllNT CRIDIT OR YOUR BAlll(AMIRICARD ••• IATllFACTIOll GUARANTllD ALWAYll '-('n"l • ' • II "'·--•HOP & SAVI AT ZODYI MON. THRU SAT. 10 A.M. TO 9 ..... , SUNDAY 10 TO 7 ••• LOTS OF .... PARKING! • .. Jll '~Yffi.Ol H ----~-----,------"'°.,---,,,==---,TUOI e• OCCUllATION LEGAL N<n'!CE LEGAL NotlCE • ' • l J I I • I I l I I I ¥C IWLY l'ILOT JJ ' W....,, .i... ll. 1'169 . H Wednesday's Closing Prices-Complete New York Stock Exchange List • 1-'ist I I '' J p D.t.11.Y I'll.OT LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Saeeeeds With Stmadards Kaye Joins Don's Sl1ow Tony Benne.tt S·urvives Music Trend Kaye Stevens will be Don Rickles' special guest star at Melodyland when the insult comic presenta his nigh~ club act there June 2'1·29. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE P-»111 c •JITl,ICAT• Of' •U•••u• MOTW:I Of' IHT•WT!Gtt TO IMOAOI LEGAL NOTICE PICTITKWI Mot.Ml IN THI V.ll Of' ALCOHO~IC Tiit W!Mn .......... drtlfY Witt tMo h llhlltAlll 1--------------1 ~ 1 MIMU 11 3'° Vl1t1 a.y1, Jvne t, 1Mt ,-ll41t N-' IMdo. Callloftll1, ~ ~ flo. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: CI JI TI, I C AT II 01" DlKOJrt. 111\tut..,,., -of &ClliHTIFICO ~ SUblld le IHWrlCt ol ""' lie-..,. TINUANCI Of' use ANO/OJI ,,,.,. ... t!llC C~h ~l'rl' 1nd !Mt MW •1'-for, llOtlcl II "-•etl¥ 1IWft lhll fllt DONMl'.NT Oii f'IC1'1TIOUI NAMI ti•"' i. ~ tf 1IM tolloWlfll WMtl, llftdoln".,..i pr-.. lo HI! t Jcol>ollc THE UNDERSIGNED lkllll hftlb"f WNM -In tun Ind .!&(a of rt1i*flC:ll bev9rfftS •I "" ltel'llwt, ~Ibid II ~r!lfy 11111, lffl(ll~ Ml'f ll, ltO, ... lit ........ ! !oltow.: <.MMd lo clo IMnlMtl 11n0tr tM llctlllouf f"l'9d W11ftf, 11511 Vblt awa. "'"""°" 2Ul lrl1lol s1,...1, COlll IM"' llrm ntmt of THE COPY HOUSE 11 77' .._.,, C1llfonll1 ,,,... Plll'Want to well lnlentlon, !ht 11r1o W. ltlll SlrHI, Cos!1 Me5&, Clllloml1, Dtllill Mn U. \tff. ~ 11 -1\rl"' la Ille Dfperlme!ll Wfllcll butl,,_ w11 farrnttlv c~ Of F,... W1lltt of Alalll&tk Btytr-Conlrol tor l"INllQ Ille follawln1 HrlOfl, wt.ow n1me ln foll $111'1 .. (11...,.,11, °""" Couirtv:Nol Pw 1,.n1!fl" of •n 1kdlallc btwf1 .. incl pllct af ruldftw;t 11 lalloWJ, to-wit: Ofl ,,..., U. lMt ~ WW. I •,~. lletftko ltt Ileen'") tor fhet.e Prtmltl• It Alln II. l•Mlltv, MU Mlrllold ""'le Ill ... • ..,.. . '~"'-,..,_ lollowl: Aw .• Fllll'lltlfl v111rt, C1lltornl1. _,..,. ,,..,. Wt .... ~•-... ·"• ON SALi!" GENERAL (lonl FIOI C1tlllk111 !or lr..,....dion al blnlnnt "" ...,._ ..,_ -JI """""' Pllbllc E1tl1111 Plloct) uncltr lllt tbow lk!llkllll ntrne, Ind ti· tht wllfllol ..,,._. 11'111 IQ!llli•I.,..•~ M-•l•lnt to ..-olftt ttw 1....,.n« 1Wlv11 ot PUbllulion ll'le<'fOI. 1r1 on lilt ht .._,,... """ Mlftt. al -" 1ic-c1J rn.tY 11111 1 vtrlli.d -ln IM olllc.t ot lllt CwnlY Cltrk flf (Ol!',KIAL it:ALI t.tt wltfl ..,., elfl<t af Ille Dtptr1'mtfll af 0.1"" CounlY, lll'IC!tr lt'lf 11<owl1~ ot :r:-O.l«r1n Alccllolk kvtr-Control, wltllln ::. SKt'°'"' ?W el lht C!vit CDM. Jrtot1no Pi.IDllc-C:t lltomlt dlvl Ill lllt Hto 11w1 ,.._,., premlSll WITNESS llW lllfld tnl1 21th Ol1 ot Prlflll;IHI Ol'llot In -. flr11 -ted, 1 .. tl... prwnd1 tor ~ ..... 1Ht. Loe. .......... Coul\IY dtrlltl H ll""'lded by llw. lhe l>l'ln'llllt Al1111 II. Brlodlev "'' "-"'*' ~fts 1r1 ,,.,. llcMllH +or lt'lt tato ot 11(oholk Pubtl1hed 0••.,...e Cw!I 01111 Piiot. Oct. J, lt71 ( I .. 1 ... PllOt t..Yltltftl. The forrn (If Vl'l'lflct!IOll n'llV MIV H, Junt ~, 11, 11, 1'69 102Ht ~~ Ol'I""' NI " 'be oblllntd I,.,.. lnY ol!IU af llltl---"""°""-°"==c=-----1 ,,.,.., ., ,,_.a. 11, 11. "" 111wt o.Nrtrntnt. LEGAL I~OTICE LEGAi, NOTICE ttll lrl1!ol SlrMI (Or•. 1--------------1 Putolld!M Or1111• (Oflf 0111'1' .. llol, IAl·U~, J-1 .. !Hf 11~ NOTI CE TO CllEOITOll lllOTICI IMVITI,.. 1101 I UPl!llOll COUllT 011 TMI" 110 !TIM fltO. ,. LEGAL N011CE ST.I.Tl 0, CALlllOllll.I. 1"011; NOftcl! IS HEllEIY GtvEN tllet -\. THt: COUNTY 0, OllANOE .. '""'°"II Wilt bl rKelwcl b'r !ht CllY polJffl Mol. A ... 1"11 ., C-1• ""'9 ... •It: The CHV eouricn, Ct:1tn1'1C&TI 0, COltl'OllATION ,0111 E1tlle al CYNTHIA ANN DOWELL. ~-A~, 1!';,,Cll'~l:.al.!:t:.~ TIUlllAC::~~l:i:u~U~l::~s UNOl"lt ~~~i:: 15 WE~EIY GIVEN le 1111' '·"'·• D11 1''1dl'I', Jl,IM 27, !Hf. BICll wllt THE UNDERllGNIO CORPORATION crt'dll«1 Ill !hi tbavt ""mtd declde"r "-Mbllcl'I....,.. •nit •Nd •loud'' ll:IG daH hlrttw certllY !hit n II toNIU(!in. 1 11111 111 """"" llavl.,. elllm• 1111ln1t 1n1 1.lfl,, .,. 11 -ll•t....itff 11 "'Kllublt, M inni Ioctl«! 11 MIO MIU<rtllur lllvd., 111d dKe<lt"I are ..aulrtG lo Ille !Mm, Oii 'rfM'" June !7, 1"69 In IM c-11 N-1 B .. cl'I. C.ll!wnla, uriclef tM tk-with !he ll«tH•rv voucller1, In lht olll1;9 (Ill""""' City Htll. 77 fllf Drive, Cotti tltl-!!rm ntrM af AEl.0 CHAITElll ol IM Cltrll af Ille Ibo~ enlltled tour!. or """"' C1llfvm!1, "°' !ht luf!l llllt,,. of -Ind ftllt ulcl llrm It mrnPOlld ot the l'O prei.tnl them, will! Ille ne<e111N (11 Ol'l'Sl!T PRINTING MACHINE. followlnt corpartllon, whlls• prlnc;lpil ~O\ICl\ert. ta ll>e '"'derolvM<I ti lt'lt L1w A "' el 1M -lfkllloM !MY blo ob-Pll<:• ot ti.t.t,_0 It et tot-.: Oll!te. er! HAFIER. $ILLS & WOOO, Union t•IMlll •I 1hl ot!lct af !Ml CllY Cto'1!. 11 <:alllGrn!t Mro Tr1mpart, Inc .. *7 Bink $Quirt. South "Tawer, Sullr '°'" Tl 1"1lr Drl\lt, Cot.tll ~. Ctlllll'llll. Ml(Arlt'lur l lvcl., fff'#Plrt Se""' O!'l"9f, C1llfarnl1, wMcll 1• '"'° pl1c1 er! 111111 ...,Id bl ~urnld to '"'-11ttntkWI If CtlllorPll bullnHt fJf lhe Un<te.-S~fd 111 111 mlllff• tlll Clf"I' Clrrll. In 1 M•totd ....,,lellt, ..,.._ WITNEss' nt MIMI' this 2nc1 cr11 of Ju111, pert11111,,. lo 1111 Hl•h! af w ld dtlcl'Oenl, Tin.II en 1hl flltblft wttti !tie l ld u .... Ifft. wlthl" lour monlt'la 11ter tile l!rtl pu,lk1· """"'lier -""' IM -• oeN. (Corllfl"•lt lffll llen ol It'll• Mll<t. Etd'I bid lhtn tPtdfV hdl 11'11 _., ClLtFOINIA AIEl.O 01ltcl M-:t l", 1Nf. llln'I H Mt l9rltl In the -Jflailia... "TRAN51"011T, INC, Armll""" M. Dowt'll Af!Y ...CS ell 1llC9llf• ta "-..e<lllc.. Frl'd I". W1rrl(k Adm!flltlr1klr af IM! Eiltlt t!.,.. """'' bt c ... rl, 5!1'-1 In lllt ~14. St<.·Trt•., ot ltw tboll'I nu•>td dlee.i.ril .,n4 .. lllmo to Mt !°"" l flY tltf!I In Ille Glfltd 0 . Hllt!ld NA,.11, SILU & WOOO -lflullonl, ..... ll bt trl1\llllb tor ,.. Pl'ftlclttll A,...._,, II UW lect1-I f/l h 11141. STAT!! OF CAL1FOllNtA. U11 .... l•nlr S.U1f9, Sell!-T-r l!l>dl bid th.Ill wt ......... lt'le tun _, COUHT'I' 0' ORANGE. st. IYlll M . lftd reklenc .. of 111 1>1r-Ind pert!" Ori lll!t 2nd N1 If Ju,,., A.Cl. Ifft, Or .... , CtllltfRll ftUI 111,.,..lold tri tlle -I It Pl"IMillllt. 111 befof9 rn1 Miry IC, Ht,.,., 1 Noltno Tth 147.fUI c1 .. el _....,..11a1u;, lnclucll llwl llllMi ot l"utollc 111 1nd far 111d Cou111Y •I'd Stitt, Allel'MYI "r Adnll11l11r111r the Pmldeflt, 5tcnl1no. Tr.aur., •lid rn1•1nt 1twrtln, dulV comrn111lonl'll incl Publl1Md Or•"lll Cat•! Q1Ur P!IQI, M•MW-,_.,,, ,.,_,,.rv ll>Hlrtd Frtd P. w .... JUM" 11, 11, ts, 1Mt r 1056-49 LEGAL NOTICE T1'l4I Contrtclor 5"111 ui.t only u11-rick Ind Glr1td D. Hlla...S ~-to .,,. to ,.......,.lld\H'W ,...mra11 •'1)(1uttd In !ht bt IM Stc·Truwrer •nd Praldtfll ol 1111 U111'1>11 St1tn Ind onlY n'll"llll<Wrtd tofll'Ol"ltlon !Not ••Kloli.ci !"'-wltll"' ln-.... mi.11 INU'IUIKll/rMI lfl !ht Ulll'" 11.--1 en bth!IN af lhlr ~ll""l ·-0-,-,-,-.-,-.-.. -.-.-,-.-,,-,-.-,-.-,-,-.-,-.-I Sl•lu. .. lltl!llllY Ill fr<ln'I rnt .. rl11t ......_I" ,..mid, Ind idlnowledttll to me IN TM• SALi OF "LCOHOLI( llrMIN.., 111 """ \lnll'l!d Sl11tt. Ill tllt !Nol WCll -r1Tloll t ffCVlff ......... IN. ll!VIR.AGl!S ...,ruo11•nq el lht Contr1ct. 111 Wffne11 WhlrlOI. t htw lltrwrllll Ml Tiii (lf"I' C-1~ ol 1M Clt1 ol COlll ""' lltnd tftd ,lftl•.:I rnr oftlclll Wtl 1M Meu ,....,_ tllt rltM la rtlKI '"' .,. u v 1111 .,.., 1n #Ill ctr1Hk•tt llrat ellllu To W11on'1 n MtY Conc•rfl: 1n ~ ... 111.... Sllbltel "' luut..u al "" llcenu DATiD: J-"· lfff. 10,FICIAL SEAL) 1apllrd ror, l'IOlk.e h Mrtll'r oTwn Thi! Publ!....... 0!'1.... Cattl D1llY •1101. Mlrv IC lffnno !tie und'"IVneil prOP<l"I"' ta ••II 6-17 ... EDITOR'S NOTE -I/is Ii< 0$kew, coUar ope11, 111icro- phone tn ha11d, Tony Be11· "ett has survived succt$S· fu.llr;, by si11ging the stand· ilrtU. Bennett goes with "I Left My HeaTt in Sa11 f'ran· !'is'cil" as much as the pro.- verbiat ham with eggs. But the entertainer U hoping to b-ranch out into other areas now, movies in par· ticutar. By NORMAN GOLDSTEIN NEW YORK (AP) -In this age of turbulent change and raucous revolution, it I s somewhat comforting to know there is still Tony Bennett. An island of calm durability In a churning sea of song, Bennett continues to sing the slandards, with the same romantic style he's used in recording and night clubs for the past 20 years. The more music changes, so to speak, the more Tony Ben- nett stays the same. He 's survived rock 'n' roll, electric guitars and protest songs to remain a so1id-selling record- ing artist and a consistent ni ght club and concert attrac· tion. Whether it be London or Cherry Hill, N.J.1 Seattle or the Ccpacabana -or Apollo 10 on its way to the moon - Tony Bennetl is there. When lhe astronauts were awakened one day during lheir recent Apollo 10 mission, it was with a Bennett recording of "The Bowl Tickets on Sale Going Best Ts Yet To Corne" - because its lyrics included "You think you'vl! flown before, but you ain't left the ground." Bennett, a q u i e t , In- troverted, businesslike singer who has managed to stay pret- ty much out of the public eye when he's flQt working , was 6 when he first got the singing spotlight. He sang at the ceremonies opening N e w York's Triborough Bridge, with Mayor LaGuardia, sir.ging "Ma rching A I o n g Together." "That was it. I decided show business was it for me," he recalls. And show business it has been . Bennett says he was the first pop singer to make an album -"Cloud 7" -back in the "pioneer days," in 1951. "Now any group comes along and right away they cut an album." He isn't overly impressed by the quick success of young rock groups. nor does he feel he has to change his style to keep in the running. ;. A good song will last no matter what the changes in style," he says. •·11 isn't old time if it 's good music." "I Left My Heart in San Francisco," which he recorded se ven years ago, slill is his biggest seller. ''It's just one of those standards. It's a good music song.'' And ''It Had To Be You," "I Can't Give You Big Shorty HOLLYWOOD (UPI) 0 n e t i m e heavyweight con· tender Hal Baylor (G·foot 4-in· · ches) will play the rote of Shorty, a petty racketee r, in "A Hall ol Mirrors" starring Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. The Vi\•aclow singer-com- edienne will appear In all five performances with Rickie$ at 8:30 p.m. opening night, 7 and 10 Saturday night and at S and 8:30 p.m. Sunday. Tickets for the IUckles show are available now at the Melodyland box office, by mail and at all agencies. TALE of the WHALE NEW SIAFOOD RESTAURANT BALBOAI 673-4048 o,.. 6:45 7tt I. a.ttiN .. , ... '"''"•'• STE.VE NATIONAL GENEltAL CORf'ORATIOf<I ,.,,.c "U EEN Jl,l'M lt. ntt 1151.ft Nor.,., ioubllc-Ci llfa,.,,1• 1!cohallc tievu&OK 11 IM ..,..rn11.n,1-~====~:::::;~iil P•lncloal Ol'llct In CIMC•lbtd •• l!>llo...,: LEGAL NOTICE 0 ,11111 eou111Y 11 ' M1rn strn!, Huntlfl<;l!on Bncll, '.t:!ll:lll:!;~i;illfiwlf Mr C""'"llHlan £~pfr.. c11111>rnl1. 111 Nav, 2•, itn Pul'l'utlll fO ""'" lnltntklll, ff>t Ull· F e~••-. I"'• ~ ox SOUTH COAST I AS S-OiecoFwt~..:~ I 'f>ULI ITT". SUPl•le• COU•T 0, "THll l"ub"•l'lld Ori~ '°'"' D1IJ1 Plll!I, dtnlgMd 11 IPl)IVl"9 lo jllf, Dt!lartment STATI OP CALIPOllMIA FOR Ju,,. 4 11, It. tJ, Ifft IOJl .. t 11 AICQl'lollc llVtt"!ll Control lof li~utntf THI COUNTY OP OUNOI by trimter ot 1n 1lcahallc !Hlver1oe C-M-M• 1Mnt ... ,, .u.•-"s ON PlatT AMl"DID Uc-lot thlH ort'"I"' 11 •v ows: -LEGAL NOTICE OH-SALE BEEll COMPLAINT An-dtllrlnv IO ll<OllU ~ 1HlllllCI TAaTAN HOMES, INC,, WA Ill D Ll!OAI. MOTICI!" af ""II tlctfl .. 1n1y Ill• 1 ver!tled ,.-otnt Cl!Vl!LOf'MIEHt COMPANY NO. 10, Nl!"WPOlllT~lilA UNIFll!O KMOOL wltll '"'' attlu al I"'° DtpfrTmtnt ot INC., C, G. WAllO lfllll JAMES H. OISTalCT Al~lc e.P..11,.. Canlrol, wlllllll :111 ICINOllL, JR., II Tl'\ll~ of lllt ANN PN!tct lft'f'ffillto .,. dt'i Ill the di .. ttw Pr-eel prtmllll t!Al.lllNGTOH, JUDITH HAlllllNGTOH NOTICE 11 HERESY GIVEH !Not It'll! -• tint paoftod, 11111"11 trounos for 11\d JAMES A, HAllR.INGTOH TJtUST, latrd af Educ•llaft ol lllt N~Mtw dl'l!l•t It Pt'OVIOl'd tl'Y ltw Tl>e pr...,1," d1'9d Novrmbtr 1, ltN. dolnt bullntsl It . •-GLEN MAtt Ot:Vt:LOPMfMT COM-Unllftcl ~I Dlltrlct of Or1ng1 CGUfllY, 1rt llOW l!ct ...... for l1't .ule ol 1tcohlll"' PANY 1 Joint VlnM'I Iii.I ttlh VS C11!fln1lll, wilt l"ft't(yt w11rd bids UP 10 1>1Wr19t1. TIW lorm af v1rltlc1llon ITlll'J' llLAICi-J, HUFF, IM"G.i.llET ~ HUFF: 11:00 A.M. on "'-Jrd dt' af July, lNt be ob11ll\fd !rain 111r alflu ol 1111 lltOGfll O\.MS"TED irld Mlt$. llCGIR 11 llW alflcl of 11ld Sdioal Ol1trlcl, Oe11erlrnenl. OLMStl!"O OOt: f ttir-ll DOE V localld It llS7 P ltCll'l!lt Avtnue, Cast1 Strnutl J. Goadt lnclullNt 0....,.,1,.,.. ' M111, C1Ufornl1, I I wllldl llmt u ld blOI l"ullllthld Ortngt Co.ts! O.lly Plkl!, Pf~ll! OF 'i'HE STATf OF W'lll ... PUl!lclY -!led tl'ld rtod far: J-11, Ifft HN--H CALIPOllNIA to 1fW l boYI Mr'llld Dlfen. GllAl'HIC AllTS IEQUll'MENr N nh· • All bld1 1r1 lo be In 1ccorl"1nct w!lt'I LEGAL NOTICE vW •rt"-""" d!l'ftll!d ta f!lt 1 .,11. Co11<1llfan1, lnltrucll-111<1 Sl>Klllutkln•,_==~~====-0,---0,-,--,,, ~ -wflf(.11 1•1 l'IOW 1111 !lit In lt'lt alfl<I af ~1· n I !ne lfl --· "' ,,.. ..... rlfll'd P~• "''"' er! Slld Sd'laol Dlll fd NOTIC• OP tNTl'NTtON TO l!Nl>AGI ~ltlnt el llW lboll'I "'"""' ll1l11llfl1 1lS7 l'l1un111 Avt"'ut COill ,:...· IN lltl SALi OF "LCOHOL1C wl"' "'t cl•r'll el IM l tlo'A tftlllll<S OIUrT C1tlfarnl1 ' ' l lVlttAOES lft "'' lbovt ...illltd M;flm;t broutlll E1cll 11icklu must 1ubmlt 1 bid W-11 •••lflil YOU 111 llld coun, W•lllln Tl!N In "" lomi ol • ctrTlllfd ; ..... _. Tl W1Wll'n It Mn COl'IC'tf'T\: "'" lfltr .,,. ""'I<' WI YOU ,,, 1~11 ........ or ............. I ,._. It .. f'l'td wllt'lln tr.. itiov. Ill/Md clltck W I bid barld -I IO llvt Pt!'· SlllllKI fll IHlllllCI al tr. !lctMI IP. c-.;.,, w wt"'ln THtflTY dlrl II Mrvl'O Ulll U per<tnl) ol lllt ll'l'IOU'l'll ol !tie bid, pli.d for, nollct 11 hert!by glvtn IMI lhe elMWMff !llldt ,.11bto fo lt'le •"r of IN llftdlnltlltd pr-H to Mii •lcahclllc You •rf "~ nel11i.d ,.,., Utlllsl YOU N-'-Mew U"llll'd Sctlaol Oltlrlc!. A btVl•IOtl II "" P''tnb H , Clncr!btd .s .., Ill• 1 wrltttft fe-.1¥• Plffdlnt llld Pfffonn1nc1 land,..,., be ""utl'ld 11 '"'-fotlowa: Pilllnllff1 wlll ll kt lvdvmenl ,,,: 111¥ dlK!'tllon ol "" Ol5lrlcl. '" "" "'"'1 Ill U10V. Cotti Hl9hw1v, Se•t BH<1" ,......, ar .,.......,. 0-•ncltd ll't "" l•Uur1 fo 1t1ltr lnl!> 11>th conlr1ct. lt'lt Punu.nl ID iutll lf'1tntlon, IM .,.... ....,.llltd ~ll lnl 11 i •lllntl .._, ,_ Pl'llClfdt of lt'lt d'ltdl wltr be forl11!1'd, or d1nlon!d 11 1pply!119 IO lht Dtpar!menl tr1Cl • .,. wl~ ia•1Y Ill "'' callrT far t nY In Ult ol 1 bonO, 11\t fllH llltn ""!'IOI al AICOflOllc 8t\ltrlp Contra! for luu•nct atlltr .,.1111 dft"lll'lded In tlle urlfi.r wlll be forftllfll fo lltd Ser-! Dlllrlc:t ol an orlglNI 19Pllctllon al 1n tlootiailc Clrfl•lt lnl. · Ortl'ltlt Cauntv. bn'trtgt llctf'llt tor thne prtml•a 11 Ya11 ,..11 Mele ,.,., ld'vlcl ol 1" t"-v No bkl<llr rn11 wltlldrtw hit bid for 1 follll'Wi: 911 111y ,,,.lltr ~ wllt'I lhe ~ H•lacl ol forlv-llve !di Hrs tlltr In. ON SALE BEER plt lftf IH' ttilt SUn'llllOlll Suell 1nor dll<I 111 far !ht OPtnlnt IMreal. A..,,,_ d .. !rlrt; II> prolttl 1111 h1ut11Ct tl>ould llt con.urtl'd wllt'li" ~ !lml! n~ M:~: ~::i ~!!,U::'J\"': 1of1 t!>e N~rf-al 1ucll i1<1ni.e moy lilt 1 vtrllltd Pl'Oletl tltltd 11111111 """""-'tor llil"IJ t wrl!ltn •ltrllt"' rotlK! ,..., w ',j1cbl~"""',: ~ w!ltl 111'1 oflla! ol ll>t DtPlrTrntnt o1 llletdl.., II llW comoil1lnl. MCttHrllY ace"'! !he lownt ~i.J 1 nd ":, l lcQhalk l!rvttavt Con•ral, wHhln :Ill 01111" Mlv lt. Ifft. wtlv• 1ny ll'lfwml H'1 w lrrqui.:itv In dlr• al ll>t 0111 tr.. !!faPOStll -mlttt W. •· IT J.OMM. ci.n ,,., bid rlt.'flvllll ... ,, flht ~~. titting orou""s for Bv ~rr LIN Gorlton Otltd J-1.., ·1fft d..-ltl as provldtd bY" lllw. ,.,.. prft"lllet. 0.......... Cto'1! ~1-Mnl Unified 1n1 flCJt MW' tic-rd tor ll'le salt af 15EALI ~ OIUrkt 1 lcolwllc 111\11!'1911. Tr.. IOm'I al vtr\lk. .. W4Uwot1TM, t•IOl'L & CflAIL cl Orll'ltll Co;in1Y !Ion ,,,.T bt ot>Mln.:I lrorn 1ny allla! ot 1tU W•klHI' DrlVI, SWIM 2" Ctffklrllll ll'le Dtsllrlmtnl. .. _, -..ct\. C1llftrtllt nut By ~Illy He~y Dt~ld Jot..n SIHIQ~!1nd •TILr ,......7t -tn-9"t Purc~••ll'ltl """' Publbhld Of•ntl c.wu Diiiy Piiat. NOW PLAYING acm,,,.r.,.. OMARSHARJ ."l:llE!" JACll fWllCE •REIL CAITM . Color 117 Dr lint ""1ltn "' l'ltlftl!fl'I J.U-1100 Junt 1•. "'' 11 ...... Pllbllllwd Or-Cat1l Otllr •llal. 11\lblhllH Ori,_ CcliF DolO 1:~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:11 Ju,,. 11, 11, U. JulY 2, 1.., lllut' JIH!I' 1• 1nd Junt lf. INt Y 1i~ LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ITATI 0' CAL1POllNIA EllPAl.TMINT 011 Ml!NTAL NYOllNll ,-AIRVllW STATI HOSPITAL NOTICE TO COMTfll.CTOllS lt:ALl!D PltCll'OSALS W"lll bt ,~ .. Yid ~ t11t FAlttVllEW STATE HOSPITAL 2111 H1111Dr •114~ Cotti Mal. C.tlf0rnl1 unlit 11:00 A.M., FrlcltY, Jlll\I n: IHt If wtllch llmt I ncl Pllct lllcy 1¥111 bt pWlkly 11P911ed' tt'lll rtld far !!'It If\.. 1t1ltollln of Hl~f"lf W•lnKollklt. lfl ,,_.~ flli. lll"OIKI C011illt1 Of: Flll"fthll ind ln1l1n 1_,,lfln\Allly S11' 14 ft .i J/I " "'I(-"nowpl"f'' Cllrt re!ttOenl Plfllcltt bolrO -9-lJ lllrnt ••ldl W1rti ·=~i.:.1 ... Ind l pjlnllllme!t!y lot 1111111 IHI af mt11r be1t. •II IS hll'tlnllllf" lllok mu•! bt 1ubmltted' for !11• 1t1lltt -k dtKrlbl'd lt'llrtln Dn-llllools fn1111 pll ... l1'lcl IPICllla!llllN Will flOI ti. CO!Olldl'rd •I'd Wiii be c1ui1 IOr r•IKllCll ol •t111. TIW lltd Sl•le A(ltllCy """"" fflt tlQh! IO nlrU 11\'f •r I ll bkl• In IKcordll'ICt Wllh 1111 prP'>t l1lom ol Sl!clloll 177J af It'll Ltbol' (Odt, lf'le ta!O Slit. .-...ncr IWltdlno !hit <O<itrect "-• IM:l!'ltlnld !hit "" ""9f"lll~ pr ... •!111111 nl" ol ""'".#'Plk..Olt IO_tnti_-1< 11;1 be done 11 tt f9ilow1: • ......,.,. Pl'fn'\Ml'I 1..-1:........,... 1-'lli GALA OPENING TODAY! ""'"11ffflflr./tlaMl1Q,."""llfl111""' ' OMARSIWlf:l:llEI" JACK PMAJICE ·--, • ....._.. '*-,.,... ....... aMM IWCM flCt(lf" ll'ICIM wr:a;rr mcu UMIM U1M --t1wun-1o .,..JUllOll .._11111111.-.0 "'"Mm .. iolfWllUl••• .. '-.. -"111 ... _.°"""... -ii- CINEDOME 21 532-3361 • Sit.VE MCOUllN AS · 'E>UI 1111' -I BOB • JACK IE I lletoctiw U. frank HOPE Gl.EASCIN 13ullitt--wme BOW TO COMMIT vther.l<ind vi wp. -~­ .PLUS !Ill ....... • 111111 , .... '"' IWilllllllllll 1111 ~JD!lDJQ.Ji! MfWl"CRT BEACH • Oll.3-&SO "THE PERFORMANCE THAT SHOULD HAVE WON THE OSCAR FOR VANESSA REDGRAVE !" COLOR -Raled M En. Show Sllll'tl 6:45 I 1 -Yinc1ntCanby, N. Y. Tim11 -' llOllllri PlllO!llWIM ?n!ain I !lo ~11111 ~!1 VANESSAREDGRAVE. "'IHE WVJ<;S OF ISADORA'. t\1e-rnesa T ·,·· • · F.ro· N .... \' .. A; 1.__'1 ,1.., rit"'- NF\'J P1.1P1 ANO HARR O R JN COS TA fl.'.ESA llLEPNONE 541·1SS2 FOi INFOIMATIOlt W1ltar Combination Also Brenn1n-Tom Low.ll-K1ran in the ComHy "THE GNOME-MOBILE" Contin uous Dally from 2 p.m • - Dotrlce -PACIFIC-jCl~li:!j;~ Ftr Ov! Ad~11 Camrdy Cl11tlSTOPNER JONES "3 IN THE ATTIC" IClllK DOUl>U.5 "THE BROTHERHOOD" PEI.SONS UNCl!ll 11 Wlll NOT llE AOMITTEC UNLESI ACCOMPAHIEO IY PAllENT Cit TOULT QUAROIAH JAPANESE MOVIES EYEIY TUESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS THIE PtCTUllEI LI STEO IN "THIS BOX MlY aE CON510t:llEQ av SOMIE TO llE UNSUITAILE FQR CKILOJllEN ANO YOUNG ECl'LE -ANO ttEOUllll! PARENTAL DISCRETION. ''MICHAEL & HELGA" "l IN fHE ATTIC," CONTllART TO AOVIEttTl~INQ IEVOND OUll CCNTJl:OL ANO APl'E.t.JllNG l!L51!WMlllE YOUNG l'EOl'LE UNOlll U (NOT H I ILL NOT •E AOMITTEO TD PACIFIC THEATRE$ TC SEE • ' -. .................... UNLESS ACCOMPANIEO llt(t N lhl TIP l'1" 1!11 Wlffid aocK MUCSON El.NEST 101.GNtNI! "ICE STATION ZEBRA" JIM l!llOWN "KE NNER" 'H"•ft'.ffeHRl•*'i:i!f ........... " .. M1rrlt91 b tr.. IHI "°lie' IOa MOPE Jl.CKll! OlllSON "HOW TO COMMIT MARRIAGE" llOD STEll)ER CLAflE •LOOM "THE ILLUSTRATED MAN" ltoc-.nfl'd !tr Advlh " ........... .,,.,.-......... ... CJktl 1M lttlnbOw FRiii ASTAIRE f'ETULA CL.lit( "FINIAN 'S RAINBOW" MlC:N41L J. POLL.AllO: CONNEil R.llD "HANNIBAL BROOKS" RAlEO 'Iii" - l:llCLUllVE OlllVl·IN PalMtlRI l'ltl,IMTATION TIM Trve 5IOl'f tf c~. OMAR lltAalP JACK ,ARL.ANCI "C HE I" PLUI "ONE STEP TO HELL" ............... ,,.,,,_ ............ .. - $175 I ,.. -C.AllOAD l.tw't Tnlt I...,. "MICHAIL & HlLG.\• ••• TM Tlllfll, T• t-...i .,HILL'S lllll$" ' I I t I ' • • f r I• ( t: ( • n • • , t: l • c c u c h r to s I s •• a u a • p y s l d b l h l • • ' , ' n c ( I d I ( • FountQi:n .Valley :. • ~ ~ ! YOf. 62, NO. ·145, i SECTIONS, 7.2 PA~S-' ~61: COUl'{TY, ¢ALIFORNIA ' ' WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 195' ' TEN CENTS • Apollo Fueling . Starts Preparations B egin for l ~t Moon Landing DAILY PILOT still'"'' In Fountain Valley Switta · Summer lUeguard Mary Dupuy, 23, is welcoming Fountain Valley -residents to swim program offered al Fountain Valley High School and other pools in the city. Program, along with wide variety of other activities, is sponsored'·by city's Parks and Recrea· tion Department. Details on all programs can be obtained at department offices in Fountain Valley Community Center, 10200 Slater Ave. Court Supports Recall Or de rs Valley to Kee_p Validating Petitions BY TERRY COVILLE Of t1M o.tlr PMll Staff A writ of mandate ordering the city of Fount.a.in Valley lo continue validaUng recall petiUqns turned in June 2 by,.recAU leader" Eqane v .. Dasi\ WIJ ·-e<I on COWlClllllen TutSdaf nigllt;pfiorlo tho ci. ty C<luocil session. , · Sigried by Qrange Coun~y . Swlerior Court. Judge Claude M. OWens,, t&t writ o£ maqdate rules City Clerk Mary Cole Jmlltfconti.nu.e validation or the pttilions, or ~ city muot •PPW iA court Jiily l lo show cause why it didn't. . City Atto~ey Edwin Martin Indicated Tuesday night that he may advise the ci· ty clerk not to validate the recall peti- tions. However, as of this morning, city oflicials had rec:e.ived no word from the city attorney. If Martin opposes the writ of mandate C.Ounty Bo y Slain After Shooting At Policemen A Garden Grove youth inside his grandparents' closed liquor store with their pennission was shot to death by Q.rnpton police late Tuesday night when he unexplainedly opened fire on them. Arthur G. Laramie, 17, was dead on ar- rival at Harbor General Hospital as the tragic cHmax to a trip to the :.tore to get some cookies and milk for a midnight anack. The victim accidenlally triggered a silent burglar alann in the shop, leading to a dispatch of one regular patrotmao and a reserve officer to investigate. Compton Police Lt. A. M. Thomas Iden. lilied the pair involved as George Keaton and Ralph Reeves. he must appear in court July 2 to defend his eacliet ruling that the petitions are in· valid. Subjects of the recall petitions are Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger, Vice Mayor llonald Fng""' Jnct Ciluncilmon Joseph. Courrege!. ~· • : Van Dask and supporten or the recall are ~ oust 1be three 'f!tm-their poolS-f(r a'&fied ilnPioprteties ti office. Distributed with the recall petiUona were photo .copies of repliel to the charges which led to the recall acUon. The replies were answers to lbe diarges and were published as a legal notice in a Sant.a Ana newspaper by th'e three coun- cilmen who are targets of the reeall. Two weeks ago, MarUn told Mrs. Cole not to valfdate the petitlpns because copies of those legal notices were too small and dillicll ~ read, thus alleged ly failing lo follow legal recall procedures. July 2, attorneys for both sides can fight over the va.lidity of the peµUons in Superior Courl ~ wrjt of """""'le,. .. ~· ... ~ •! thei:tty·CoUndl, City CIOrl< Cole and lcllng City Administrator Jim -HoUywood. • .. Attorneys Paul AuiustJoe, Jr., and Robert Sassone pet.Wooed Superior Court Tuesday for the writ, which they reeeiv- ed. . Van Dask" and hil aupporters hUUated the recall action three month& ago afler the City Council · approved tfie con- troversial small lot Larwin Tract 3 to 2. Councllmep John Harper and Edward Just opposed the proposed 500 home Larwin development ·and have not been direct:y lnvolved in the recall battle. Substation Held Over-; Trailer Park Loses Bid Future construction of the Huntingtcn Beach Central City Park prompted plan· ning commissioners Tuesday night to continue a hearing on a proposed elec· trical substation for one month and to deny construction oI a trailer park. Both o( the projects fall within the park site, which will be acqutred from funds made available from a $6 million bond issue passed June 3. Reason for continulng the hearing on the two-and·a-haU acre Edi5911 Company su~tation at Golden West Street ·and Ellis Avenue was to allow Park! and Recreation Diredor Nonn Worthy to take the matter to the city council for consideration Monday. Worthy will ask the council tr establish special zoning around the park site to prevent commercial establishments from building in the area. Ralph Kiser, general manager of the utility company's Huntington Beach bran- ch, told the commissioners that even though the substation would be located in land which has been proposed for a golf course, the design wouJd be compatible with the park concept. He adde.d that all powerlines leaving (See PLANNING, Pa&< %) Seeks Fighting Cut CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -Tecbni· nlcians begin fueling the Apollo 11 moonshlp today to start final prepa· rations for the launch four weeks away of man's fint moon landing mlssioa. The go.ahead for tho Uckllsh and 14ne-. consuming spacecraft fueling operation came from project officials after a day· long review Tuesday of all aspectl o! tbe historic lunar fllghL. Astronauts Nell A. Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin were pro- Beach Complex Plan Delayed By Commission Potential developers of a 352-acrt in- dustrial and commerclal complex ln north Huntington Beach were unable to settle their differences with the city Planning Commission Tuesday night, but will be back for another try. 'Ibe plaMlng commission, although generally in favor of the project proposed for Bolsa Avenue and Springdale Street, continued the matter to July 1 for further study. Developers John D. Lusk and Son have asked that loLs smaller than tbe city 's 20,000-square-foot minimum for industrial properties, be allowed in porl.lons o1 tbe tract. At Tuesday's meeting, the commission was still hesitant about granting the 15,000-square-foot lots requested by Lusk. even. thol!gh the developer indicated he is now having second thoughts about mov· ing brto the area. Accqrdlng to Lusk, "the area Is not a prlnie inC:!Ustrial site. Witb all the restric· tions beil)& plai:'!ed on ua·we are tiegµµUng to'Y~' -, .. bt.n\'Wlli'll>" ~· . 'Ccimpl:!" --; '' <;T -. &;said, wtdll 'lbi planil!n!,·""l!' ,,,_ ia tiklnirlbfllme lo wOrt out thO details of granting tNcl lpptOfal, be bas lost three major deals. c.ommisl1oners will ataMty the lot al!e probltm with tho devet-during· a 1peclal """°" Tueaclay. 'llJ'his is a reputable concern/' spid C:ommiSSlon Chairman Robert Bazil, "l think we should cooperate with them and n®throw roadblocks in ~ir way." Susan Ma zze Suffers Relapse Susan Mazze, the 17-year-old Santa Ana girl who received Orange County's rlrsl kidney transplant on June 3, has Suffered a relapse and iS in critical ~odilion in Or dnge County Medical Center. Dr. Ronald Miller said her new kidney Is ,functioning perfectly but other post.operative c o m p I 1 c a t I o n s have weakened Susan af!4 made it difficult for her to breathe. l The doctor declined to disclose details on the complications. Stacie Market• NEW YORK (AP) -The alock market closed al~l even today, after an early sharp advance, partially buoyed by barg~in hunting, slowed in I ate r tracung. (See quotations, Pages 20-21). He said Officer Keaton went to the nar of the liquor store ¥hile the reserve 11:alrolman covered 1he front spotting -~ youri(-Uram e tffi'oUgfi"tfie back door. Officer Keaton shouted at the figun ln· side, Lt. Thomas said. at which Ume Laramie firecj a .38 caJibu pistol aod darted back as the patrolman fired back. ·-=e iifford Calls for Pullout ' . Both bullets in the exchange mi!!ed, bul Keaton fired again and struck Laramie In the head. Ttie victim's grandparents said he was Jn the store with their permission but they were mystified as to why he had one of the two guns in .the store and why he uaed ~. Jersey City Mayor Wins on Law, Order NEW YORK (IJ') -Fol'pler De!enoe Secret.ari Clark M. -Clifford •ays the United States !hould order a reduct.ion of fighting in South Vielnam and remove all its groUnd combat troops by·the end of 1970. In a remarkably candid statement cur. ford bllslera tho South Vietnamese govemmen~ picturing lta leaden u hav· Ing a big -ln conttaued·'ll'll'i -He 11ys:: "As the Saieon authorities llW n, the tonger the war went on, wtth lhe large. JERSEY CJTY, N. J. (AP) -Mayor . scale American involvement, lhe more Thomat J. Whelan, running on a "law stable was their · ~lme and the fewer and order" plank. wnn re-electlon as concesslons they· would have to make lo mayor or .New ,Jersey's second lar(ot othei: poUUcal groupln&s.1' cit1 be5day. CUlford. once regan!ed ·u a 1'b1wk." He defeated ronner Mayor Thomaa tef"ffd u Pentu:on chlel for the last Ganaemi in a runolf election w_ith what.-year of I.he t~ B. Jolwon ado Whdati called lljan overwbelmlna m1n-mlnisttlllon. Bia statement. appeadng to date." The final unO!liclaf tally gav• Fortign Al!atra, quarterl,y o/ the Ccwlcil Whdan 50~ volt! ti SI.Ill foe on PCftlgn Rtlatlons, I• the moot GlJll'llll. outapoilfn "'""""'t on tho sat,..,~ lo come lrom a ..,,.m. u .S. rovermneot -.. •• • olficlal at this level. • The article Is likely to play an Im· portant role Jn the continuing American de~ate on the war. He makes these proposals: l. As a first step, the United Slates sbruld anoouoct tt wUl withdraw 100,000 troops befon the end ot thi.S yur. Praldent Nlroo already has announced an lnlt1al WiU\drawal ot 25,(0). The Clif- ford artJcle wu written before the prnidenUal announcement buL releued Wedn<tday nlgb~ 2. "We should also make It clear that thiJ b not an · isolated action, but the beginning of a process under which all U.S. ground combat forces will have bee.n withdrawn from Vietnam by the end of 1970." 3.-••Concurrently wtth the decision to begin withdrawal, orders should be ilaued to our military commanden to diacoo-' Unue el!Ol'.b lo apply mulmam militai'y p._,.. ... tile-and lo •,..koJn. . mad lo radoee.the leVel'OI combo~" I 4. "Whlle our comhat troops aft ~Ing wJthdrawn, we could conUnue ,to 'provide the anned forces of the Salgon govern· ment witb logistic support and with our air relOl.lrcea." ..Cli!!ord eontends that a poHey of a!>' plying maximum military p~s.!Ure has re.ulted In contlnulng lltgh U .• S. casualties ••wttbout any discernible im· pact on the peace nqoUaUon lf1 Parts.•• He."s.&YI a dedtlon to sblft the combat burden lo the South ~ "would confront North Vletnamue leaden with a palnlul dilemma." "Word that the Ameercans wen begin- ning to withdraw might at first lead them to claims of. victory,' he wrote. ''But even these tntUal clalfns C®ld be ei-~ pected lo be Unged ·with opprehension. There has, In my vlt~, long bttn CM- =~ ~~ J!t u::,: .. 't'\ ~ char"Fler1Je IS 'pu""'t f~' Mlj', wtfh ~·but ~ r1duc1d Amet!Can :'z1f:'rt.,~. -~ allniI oil 'ti>O Comm (~. . .. . -- nounc,ed ln excellent heallh by Dr. Charles A. Berry, the director of medical operations for the spacemen. Chief astronaut Donald K. Slayton said the pilots wlll work l&.bour di)>&, alt days .a week for the fmel four weeka.· He said he ezpects them to be "ade<tuatel,y train· ed and adequately rested" at launch -time, 8:S2 1.m. PDT Juif .16. · • "WI! are go al th1a time, subject to lllC· c,osoful -pletlon .«. . tho . remaining tests," reported U. Gett.: Samuel C. ESCAPES MURDER TRY St•r'1 HUllNnd Dante I . r -,, 'Jl 'band ·.~~(~\T U1 ·1f ·. ·; . . "°. ' E1Mpe1;S~,_-.. Faces Mesa Rap By A~ R. VINSEL Of Iii .... ll'lllt lleft. . . Jet oet hypnotllt 'Dr. Ronald Dinte - Harbor Arel(l entt!"tiiiner ahd contidante or stars-. today faces ~a the.it 'chafie fn. vol,v!PI i\!,liJO '!•rth of lloata. at a Coile Mesa firm, after surviving a mysterious murder fµempt Tuesday. Santa Ana' police recognlzed~UM: name In news reports of ijte flv~ahol unbulll and Uppe<: off Hollywood det«Uves who arrested the' ill-starred seventh lfuaban<I of a~s Lana Turner about :nldnight. , The' attack by a mystery gunman wear- ' Ing a '!akish Australian )?uah hat e~ller, as Dante drove into his faahlonable office-apartment on Doheny Drive, ·left him with only a cut on the face. SDATrERED GLASS . The barrage of bullets shatlerecL•e witldshield of his car .and he ·was n\Pltd by ·nytng glass as · he dove for l ltie floorboards durlna: what authoriUea aid WQ1 the third attempt on his life. . :'. Once before, a jealous lover who clai.m- ·ed the hypnotist ·had alienated hls girllrjel)d, flre:d a .45 caliber:pbLol ahot at Dr. Dante during a San Diego nigh\club perfonnance. ·. He was not hit, and J,awrrien dldr pot elaborate Tuesday on the third alleged murder attempt. · , Dante was apparently.as aha~en by.~ arrest as he had been :bY the rmµrdar at.- tempt earlier, teilln' aUthoriUea h&.knew of no 'reason tor edh~, unUJ. the ·bolt ca~e was explained. . . · "I Clon't know anyone wbo wO\Wl want lo kW me," he said, "unless it would be &Om!"'!" wh<>Jo j,alooa ~ the_wonwi I just married." . I crlRER hUSBANIJS Dante followed aix other husband! down the aisle with Miss Tum'er in a Lu Vegas wedding chapel six WetU '.f!'.O, after they met al a fa!hionable dilc8tbe- que three weeks earlier. The alleged attempted theft of· seven motorboats belonging to the Marlin Boat Co., 1595 Newport !llvd., C:O.te Mesa, <><- curred almost one year to the day before Dante's recent May, 8 m.arrtace ·to the blonde l1ar. Miu '.llimer.,49, and her dauit>ltt Cheryl, • 21.. wm pment when th< Singapore-born nightclub hypnotist w111 picked up at · tbeJ.r Stieraton-Uttivel"lfl Hotel i aulte. , , • ' He.lllted hla op at 49 durlilg tho book· Ing process and told police .be has a doc· lotate iA P'YcbolOI)' !rom Sillga""" . UnlVeralty. 1 · ~'' The !armer enlertalner at,..ltfo Villa , MariJ111 nlglttclub Jo N Beach ~ stW ahaktn by the er attempt - · aper1I · ..,..al: < 1tt · the• West llollywoocl alltlon Wore rel..,. . on 1)1,IGO " r -.. Qen~ rente<l a Colla Mesa •]1111- •"-(Illa DANTE, Pact I~ , - Phillips, 111' Apollo program director. ••After hiartnl Ule readiness assessment of all elements of the mission, I am ron- fidenl that we can. proceed wllh our preperttiona to meet the July launch wfD.. dow .". Today's fueling operaUon wu the st.art of preparaUona for the lut big ·test -·a dress rehearsal countdown scheduled to be&in June 25 and end· wllh a mock launcn July 2. The !pacecraft wW remaln ·f1icleil after the tesl. . Killer Eludes · Manhunt After Hospital Break By TOM BARLEY Of tail DlllW fli.t Stiff "Candlelight killer" Robert , Willard !Jberty b sUll at liberty today, defyJni the Intensifying manhunt betnc launched by law enforcement offlcen In Orqt and Loo Angel" counties. 11te 21-year-old Westminster man ls en- joying the sixth day of a freedom that was, Deputy District Attorney Al Wells claims, handed to him on a plate with hla as:t.ontshing release from Metropolitan State Hospital at Norwalk. Liberty, arrested two yean ago for the murder of Mrs. Mareelll LandlJ, wu due lo be returned lo Superior Court for the revival of charges which were IUlpCDded .because of hls mental concUUon, Hospital ofllclala · uy tho former m.ochtnlst wallted lo freedom from an opeo word at.tho N~alk' Iaclllly and t!W• their papen!, ~ '?Ukd lo be ·sane, could have doni that it!any 11ml bl tbll ... ' tl..., .......... tbat..,, •:;1 . rt · aiwt,, ,,._ !bet whet wu reponed lo hta! ar "a '"-grapblc er- ror'' mlllt have been a bit help. Be argues 'that Liberty's papers sbotdd have been endorted "diacharged to cow-t" and not the airliPle "dischar1ed" that wu recorded. lt Is not unknown, Wells adds, for the Norwalk hospital to f11ake such a belated entry on the records 'Of a pa.Uent who has mHn1ged to escape from the facility. And he bruds as 0 eitremtly careleu" the supervision of a man who wu listed as hfi;hly dangeroua at the Ume ol hll '°"" mittal tn Atascadero State Hospital. Sheriff's investigators also condemn ,tbe ·first report of Llberty'a absence that , was ilsued by the hospital. 11tat AWOL llsUng, they said, gave no Indication o/ !Jberty'a background and that the escapee wu to be returned to court on a murder Indictment. "We step.. ped up the search when we did dlaeover these factl, an officer commented, "but we lost a lot Of Valuable Ume because we thought he was just another run-of·the mill getaway." Liberty won his "Candlelight Killer" pseudonym from officers who ln- vesllgated the bliarre slaying of Mrs. Landis, the attractive brunette who shared Liberty's apartment at 8382 CSee KIILER, Pege %) Blood Bank Slated A community blood bank will be held at St. Bonaventure Catholic Church at: Springdale Street and Helt Avenue Hun- tington Beach, on Jiily 3. AppoiAtmenta may be obtelned by calling Gllea Meyer at 846-0558. OrBDf e Weather • The sun will make ill perfunc- tory appearance Thw:lday after. noon, but otherwise It'll be mosUy cloudy wJlh temperatures in the high Ill's aloog tho Orange CoasL INSIDE TODA\' . Two of &he f<Ul<•t JICChta a.float · tanglt thU welcend ai Windward PouaQ1 meets Black· fin for Ute California Cup. Boot- ino •• R6ae 29. / -.. .. c......... 11 Ul'Mf' ClrMt 11 CltMI.... 11..t ._ . ·-u °""' ........ 11 ~-14 .......... htwl I t IMS ·-... -.. --.. ...,_ ' - -·, ( l.lciNteM 14 M9ll In llrTlu I Mettllltl ll -...... ............ ,. --.. =-=".:. --.... Dr .......... 11 ---·-. ---' .,.,. .... .. . • • 2 NllY PILOT H 'Nudie ·' Da~ers ·:·Fin ·· d • I Six Rh"led .Lewd, Sf4pped Witli; $1;5·oo· Eevy . stx more DUde tavern dancers were fin.. ed a total o! ll,500 Tuesday following their coavlctlon on lewd conduct 111d bidecea1 uposure charges. Central Orange County Municipal Judge Eugene C. LangehauMr ordered probaUon for all sentenced. Sentencing Was delayed in four ~ cues, one woman was held innocent ol. charges and a wanant issued for another who failed to appear in oourt. All had been arrested ln recent weeks while perfonning at two Santa Ana beer bars, the Apartment A-G&-01> 'and the Apartmenl. Beach Hires Coordinator For Parks A two beaded Racrealinn and Parkl Department seemed a distinct possibility In HunUnglon B.acb today following an announcement that the city has created the POlluOn ol coordinator of parks and , recreaUonal development and has hired Thomas Severns to fill the position. Tbe department presenUy is dirtcted by Norman Worthy, recreaUon direclor for many years, who took on the ~k development and operaUon program m. 1915. Severns cummlly is deputy direcU>r ol -. parks and executive assistant to the director of Jl&Tks, harbors and. beaches for Orange County. Ill> new duties begin ;. July 11. . WortJlY said this morning that "we will have to get togetlw, Tom and I and City Administrator Doyle Miller, and work out -. &be new systeni.'' -Miller's announcement today said Ciit :· t •tbe city councll bas created the poslUon ' Of coordinator of parks and recreational -developmeilt and has employed Severns , to fill the POllUon. : 11ln cooperation wllh Mr. Worthy, · director of Recreation and Parb:, Mr. .. Severns will be c oord t n at i n g lm· ptementaUon of the park plans and their ·, future operation." ' Severns is a ,raduate of the University " of Southern Califamla wllb a degree In · business administration and ha1 two years or graduate study in public ad· · ministration. He ls a fellow of the " American Park and Recreation Society. -Miller sald "the council feals that the ,. CQ111billallon ol the talenll ol Sevtma and Worthy will bring to the Reaeatlon and •. Parb Department experience In parks and recreaUon administtatiop al)d im- plementation which will1~eveIOp a parks and recreation program second to none in Orance Coum)'.'' Pair Face Court ... n Bank Ho~up Two men acMecl of Aaldng "5,000 at gunpoint from a ~untington Beach bank must &tand lria! Ang. 6 In a l.os Angeles federal courl· Raymond Arthur Vigneau. 43, of Lomita and Kenneth Richard Werner, 41, of Long Leach are aceused of the holdup of the Brookhurst at Adams branch of the n:ank of America last April 11.· POUce claim that they are : the '"-°' atocklnf' masked bandits 'fl'lo · m~ ·into · the bank and ordered sbo<1'ed · tellen; "Everybody bang up the phoPes.'' · · Vigneau and Werner were pursu~··by police in a high speed chaM,that ended 'in Founl.ain Valley when the bandits' auto skidded out of control and crash~ or. fleers fired repeatedly at the getaway vehicle and believe the distraction caused by their gunfire led to the driver 's losing control of his speeding car. Both men are held Jn jail in lieu ot $2.5,000 bail each. Both have pleaded not guilty. DAl!Y Pl!OT OL\NGI ~ l"UIL ISHIMG ~Alfi •et.ti N. W..l "-*"" .,,. Putl!Wllt , Jee.Ir l. C.lw YU ~kllnl a."° Gtftfl'J-..... !--· nol'ltet kaa1i1 ..... 1\.111e1 A. Mllf,hl110 ~Edllw IJN•t W. let•• Wll1l1"' Re ... A1MCl1'9 Hl,l!Ollf>tHlll 8etdt EOI..,, Cir, fdllor ................ OMu Jot Jtlt Street · u.n;"' At1t1,.·.n r.o. a.. m. '2w1 . _.._ .......... ltMtl, Ull ""'' ..... ,...,,..,,. <NI• #ltM: .. "''" ~_., ..... "--~ m "~.A;.,... I ' ... Those fined were: Arlene Whalen, 341 of Vallnda, Callf., $125 and two yean 'J)robltion. Ro,. Redmaa, 24, Burbank, l3SO and four years proba:Uon. Patricia CoWu, 30, Nonlt Hollywood, $125 and two years probation. Betty Vlcken, 2.5, Garden Grove, $375 •and four yean probation. Prll<Ula Blackwell, 22, 5anla Ana, $125 a.nd two years probation. Nannie Wheeler, 28, Brea, $400 and two COMecutive two-year probation tenns. Ml!s Wheeler and Jackie Ann Zimmer, 26, of Sanla, Ana, were found 11.1.illy of the chargea late last moutL by a municipal court Jury. AU of the others Involved In Tuesday's sehtencings $ubmif™I their cases to the judge on the basfS of af. fidavlts. Miss Zimmer, conVlcted of eight counts of lewd conduct and indecent ixposure, ·will be sentenced Tuesday. Others continqed to Tue_,day "'1!re Ethel Mae Sooter,'2Z, of Fountain Valley, Joan Thampson. Ontario and Linda Rao Ciark, Santa Ana. Charges against Beverly Vierira, 28, of El Toro were dismissed. A warrant was ordered issued for Eslher Pike, 'll, of Cypress, when she failed to appear. Despite Opposition Apartment Project OK'd In 2-hour Valley Hearing PBS Corporation defesled heavy op-PoSition Tuesday nl&ht to win an appeal before the Fountain Valley City Council lot a propooed 13.s million apartment projed. u ·--~-Following a two-boor pub c •-••B· coundlmen ,_ H lo approve the apartment zoalng (JI.I) for property on the northwest corner d.. Bushard Street and Slater Avenue. It bad been defeated April ·I! by the planning commission. John Parker, prea!denl of PBS Corp .. explained to councilmen that he had ellminated the three bedroom apartments and the bachelor units which planners had ol;Jected lo In bis developmenL About 10 residents spoke against the apartment units, oulllnlng the following reasons: -Heavier burden on schools. -Greater traffic problem. -Undesirable i.nanta in aparlmenll. -DeYaluation of nearby property. Parker answered thooe charges ex· p!alnlng no one Wider 16 would be allowed In the apartments, traffic surveys in· dicated only a slight increase in traffic, studies showed high education level in high quality apartments, property values would not go down. Councilman Jahn Harper vot.ed against the apartments because he wanted the area zoned R-3 (apartments, but less units per acre) rather than R-4 (high density). Parker's aparbnents are nearly of an R-3 (medium density) level, with <1nly about five to ten units too many for an R· 3 zone. Other councilmen felt wasting time to modify the proposal for such a small cumber of units would not be justifiable. • Councilman Edward Just, normally an opponent of high density, favored the apartments because the area ia "a pro- blem piece of property and tbis use Is ap- parent1y the only means possible to develop the area." The San Diego Freeway cuts across the back of the PBS property. From Page 1 PLANNING. •• the subei.aUon would be placed un· dergrouncl, but a 66,000 volt feeding line would have to be brought in ove rhead because of the high voltages involved. AccordiDg to Kiser, construction of the staUon is "aitlcal" sirice oil drilling operaUc;ms nearby have placed a higher load on the system. "We'obtaioed this property two to three ~ars·ago with the advice of die city staff and now we are being told that maybe it isn't the right location after all," said Kl!!Cr. The substation dre~ -_ yigorous protest from Robert Sutake, • me~r of the People for Parks CommitteeJ He told C<lmmissiOQea. that ~~~~eh .ill<o tederea with . the ~Ubn tof tbe · park plan sbouJd !Ji!:.r.ieeled.";: ' He stated Uiat "tfilS po"\ttr Stltlon ts nol In the public: in~t" llflll uU<t wb,y ~ . . ... . From Page 1 KILLER •.• WeMmln.ste.r Ave., 1n W.mmlnster. ~ . . Officer!; said lh\,yfOUl>d ~­'min& J!i! f!Uilar ;µ;.i.ioflly ~ging while Ute l>Ody of bis paramour lay draped across' a living room sofa. Adding to the Hitchcock-li ke atmosphere in the apart- ment, they said, waa the tact thet Llberty had placed burning candles all arowtd tbe body of his victim. Both Uberty and bis strangled victim had long records of mental illness and bof.h had been diagnosed and treated in the mental ward of Orange County Medical Center. And both, it was later discovered, had made several unsuc- cessful suicide attempts. Superior Court Judge Byron K. McMillan aent Liberty to Atascadero after determining that the Westminster man was it}sane and unable to assist in his own defense. He is today rqanled as sane-by Atucadero and Metropolitan S t a t e Hospital officlals. · "Tbat may well be. •1 said Wells. 1'But yau "have.tO ~about the c-r>ablllties of people wh9 can · let a man like that wal< Dill ol Stieb'.. hospital in b=d daylight. "I'm remembering · today what Mr. Liberty was arre.'>ted for and I'm remem· beriug the long record ~f mental Ulne!& that was displayed in court. We now have Lo realize that he may be 1008e on the streets of Westminster 8nd it's not a very comforting thoughl ••• " Haglund Heads Exchange Club Marv Haglund, director of public work.l for Fountain Valley, has been elected presid<nl of the Fountain Valley Ell· ~Club. Other new officers Join!111 Haglund in rtctn\ elec\ton victories are J o e l ·ltoaeofekl.-. vice president: Bern I e .Jlea111111g, ..._etary, and Uon Sutlill, treaBUN!f. •· Dlreclon elected to two yt!ar term s •Were Marvin Adler, F~ Warr ud Ed Myer~ while Ron Ri"'1 ,.... Shepherd -and Pini<)' Thorpe nceived~~ year Board ol Director """'-'. the city "should allow public utilities to develop an eye50re where natural beauty is paramount." According to Sutake, power poles and lines feeding the station would interfere with a proposed park bird sanctuary and might jeopardize addiUonal funds sought from the Housing and Urban Develop- ment Agency (HUD) for the project. "I really u:pected they would drop the plans for the substation when the bond issue was passed," Su take added. The plaMlng commissioner also denied a request by Joseph Fenn and Rolo McClellan to place a moblle home park on 30 acres near the in'tersection of Gothard Street and Slater Avenue. • Their requ.est was denied at the sug- gestion of Senior Planner Dlck Harlow who reminded the commission the city is in the process of filing eminent domain actions on property for the park. Ferm, who did not oppose the planning staff's recommendation at the meeting, told the commissioners that it is dllficult for property owners to do anything with the land tllere un~ ~ city makes a move to purch~se it. . , "W.e are on the Jloms of ·a dilemma," said Fenn, "unUl the ¢tycait .acq~ the property." . Mental Hospital Draws Objections A proposed 1$2-bed long term psychiatric hospital drew vigorous ob- jections from Huntington Beach residents Tuesday night before tbe city planning commission. Commissioners decided to amtinue ac· tion on the facility to their next meeUng to allow for more study time after hear· Ing from several homeowners adamantly opposed to il Mdjor D Corporation of Pasadena filed for the use permit on property located south of Holland Drive and east of Beach Boulevard. According lo-their represent.aUve,-Ned- Miller, the facility 'WOUid be used for senile, elderly people and not for .those considered criminally Insane. Mn. Kathryn Sheldon filed a 77- signature petition with the petition. oir posing construction of the hospital becat11e ·"th~ are'other·places"in Hun-t!naton Beach more suited lot. thls tfpe or bospltll." Catalina 'f rip ' . Set for Y9uths Fun and ' odventure iin coJ,ii1.a Island await boys and ftrb l')llk!ni·t!lo trip on the while · st"irishlp .lune 27 ·in,.• trip 8pan80red by the 11\m= l!<&ch Recreation llnd Par Its' DepW • nit •, Deadlloo fl>!' younnulll '! lhroulh 17 years old lo sign ·~ liir the ldp ~ "l;hur•· day al 4:30 p.m.'~ c9'I or "Jf for · youn,gf!crs i thro\igb land $10 'for th ... 1l Ulroug11 l7 must Ile Id at'~' ....,..,. lion center, 1 \th Stroet , i/id Orange Aveflue by Thllrsdllf' at J::IO p.m." Pardc!paott 'lltlt~fo It 8 ~.in.,Junc .!! nd rtllllil at ""1llt 1:46 9.m. Olli· ·dren will be asi\l!d .lh•bring ~cti_es and money for loll i!z1$t. - Barbot• Taking Shape Work progresses on Dana Harbor, Orange County's newest sma11 craft refuge. This is aerial view look· ing east along coastline toward San C1emente. Land jutting into sea f\t extreme upper edge of photo is Cotton's Point, site of President Nixon's White House West. Work on harbor itself involves con- structiOn of temporary coffer dams within break- wpten, pumping out sea water, then scraping dry surface. to make harbor bottom. From Page 1 DANTE ••• Astronall)ts Describe How ment during bts booking at the bayside spa, told Los Angeles Sheriff's Sgt'. Ray- mond Gott he believed the theft case had been dismissed. State Looks From Moon Ron Snyder, of 2320 College Drive, Costa Mesa, said he caught Dante in the act of supervising theft of the fleet of 16-- boats May 5, 1968 at a now-defunct Santa Ana boatyard. Snyder and his brother Paul are partners in the Marlin firm, which markets the boats at Mesa Boat Center, 1595 NewPort Blvd., and had been trying to work out a deal with Dante. "He was an elusive character,M said Paul Snyder today, "he'd call us from Las Vegas and try to get us to ship them lo him C.O.D., which of course we refus· cd to do." SECRETIVE PERSON The Costa Mesa boat company ex:· ecutive said Dante wa s a secretive person and it is unknown why he was trying to buy the seven motorcralt. Earlier, Ron Snyder told authorities Dante had given them a worthless check for $17,460 in payment for the boats, but promised to deliver the purchase price in cash when the paper bounced. A &U"prise visit to the Santa Ana yard where the boats wete built for the Costa Mesa flrm early May 5, 1968, led to discovery of the alleged tbelt in progress, Snyder said. SACRAMENTO (UPI) -From the moon, according Lo those who have been there, the San Joaquin Valley looks as if "somebody had taken a big shovel and just spooned it out." The Sierra appears to be "beautifully snow capped" -which it is. The state -a best stiling book to the contrary -doesn't seem ready to "slip into the Ocean." And the California Aqueduct just can't be seen, disproving a myth promulgated by state water projects publicists. Apollo 10 astronauts described what California looks like from the moon Tues- day during a capitol press conference - their only official one of a three-day formal state visit. Col Thomas P. Stafford, Cmdr. John W. Young and Cmdr. Eugene A. Ceman and their families flew here from San Francisco after a downtown tlckertape parade in the Bay city. On tbeir schedule today was an air pearance before a joint sesSion of the Legislature, tours through AerOjet and ~tct>onnell Douglas Aerospace facilities and a flight to Los Angeles. They'll be in San Diego Thursday. Gov. Ronald Reagan accompanied the astronauts at every public appearance, acUng as emcee. "These three are a product of what 10 many would malign aod amend -our society," said the governor. "Too many are telling our young children that heroes are a thing of the past. Well, these are authentic heroes." What does calilomia look like from up there? "You know, one of the amazing things that we saw when "''e were out at the n1oon," said Young, "was California .•• "During 'earthrise' you could see it with the naked eye. It is really something. The San Joaquin Valley stands out like somebody had taken a big shovel and just spooned it out. And you could see it from 250,000 miles away." Publicists for the state water project a couple of years ago contended, somewhat jokingly, that when man reached the moon two public works be could see would be the Cali£omia Aqueduct down the west side of the Central Valley and Ute Great Wall of China. Not so, lt ''would have taken a mighty powerful telescope to see anything" beyond the valley itseH and the Sierra, said Ceman. Dante was anesled on a v.·arrant June 3, 1968, but one of the principal witnesses was unavailable for court appearance and the case was dismissed prior to the s:uspect's July 11 preliminary hearing. * * * * * * SECOND WARRANT Flag for Moon A sec-on~ bench warrant was signed by Judge Leonard H. McBride on July 10 however, but the nightclub hypnotist had apparently departed in tbe belief he v;•as absolved. U.S. Banner to Fly Forever? "He was never picked up because we just didn"t· know where he was," sa id Santa Ana Police Sgt. Kent Ree.<;0r after Dante had been taken into custody in West Hollywood Tuesday night. Mi ss Turner's ex·husbands Include bandleader Artie Shaw , Steve Crane, Bob Topping, actor Lex Barker, Fred May and Robert Eaton, whose divorce was final only tv;o months ago. One suito r, Johnny Stompanalo, never quite reached the altar, stabbed to death 10 years agG by MW Turner's 15-year-old daughter Cheryl in a ~tacular case. .. \VASHINGTON (UPI) -Six hours after man first lands on the moon next month, astronaut Ne il A11T1slrong will hoist a nylon , 3 by 5 foot American flag on an 8-foot pole, and plant it in the lunar crust. The fiag will be stretched outward. In a ~imulation of flying, by a spring device n1ade necessary because there is no wind on the moon. And because there iS "no wind, no rain, nothing to knock it down," the space agency said Tuesday, the banner may fly forever -or at least witil man starts colonizing hi s natural .satellite in the BLACK STAR SA PPHIRE J I Trvl'I' e11 •Jl'l•ilile lew1I • 0 , "0111 of e kjnd ." Sptc.j1t1y d11i,11ed pl1tinvlfl "'01111•· 1119 1mbr1c1d with th• ol19 1nc.1 of di1mo11dJ. $1200.00 . l>Mi911ed "'ii~ yo• 111 mlttd ••• Fro111 our1i11jilfft•lit c.olt•ction of di1111011d~ ltl C.ffltloM, -hlYO lhil flrO pl1t• l11v111 mownhul <J.lO c111t v•llow di1mo11d, wifh 111olic.ulov1ly 1ppoi 11!1d di1mo11d1 in tho 1ov!ld. $3750.0<i years beyond the horizon . The flag planting will tak e place after Arm strong, commander of Apollo 11, steps out on the lunar surface around 11 p.m. PDT July 20. Armstrong will be followed 30 minutes later by Edwin E. "Buz" Aldrin to tnake a moon walk lasting two hours and 40 minutes. One of l.rmslrong's first duties, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration sald, will be to take the fl ag assembly down from one of the legs of the lunar lander where it will be fastened, wrapped in plastic Jnside an aluminum tube. ' I I I I -''"'°"-'"""'==='-'~r • -· ' ' Lagga _Bea~h • .. YOt ~2, NO, '145, l 'SlCTIONS, 72 P,4.vES , OAANGE COUNTY, CA(IFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JUNE ·11, 1969 ' • -.. scs1·n ...... .(). ' ' oun Lana'• 7th Bub"1.I J)a,ite Escape.s Mission Trail . Death, Not Law · San Clemente • By ARTHUR R. VINSEL U' 17 050 Of'tllt CM!lr 1'1111 Sllfr p to ' Jet set hypootlsl Dr. Ronald Dante - SAN CLEMENTE -The ci ty of San Harbor Art.a entertainer and confidante q.emente now has a populaUon Of 17,050 of stars-today faces a theft charge in- -an increase of 450 persons since April l volving fll,500 worth of boats at a Costa of last year, according to an officia1 state M~ firm, after surviving a mysterious estimate. l]lUrder aUempt Tuesday. The lnertase of 2.7 percent will mean San ,_ ... an additional $6,750 in revenue to the d Ly, ta Ana police recognued "'"' name wti:ich receives shares or state-collected in news reports of the five-shot ambush license fees and gasoli ne taxes based and tippe(. off Hollywood detectives who upon the current population. arrested the ill-starred seventh husband Population of the seaside resort has ()f actress Lana Turner about =ni.dnlght. nearly doubled since the federal census of The attack by a mystery gunman wear- 1860 whic:J:i listed 8,527 residents. Ing a rakish Australian bush hat Wlier. as Dante drove into his fashionable ·• Girls Win Wings offic"•partment on Doheny Dnve, left MISSION' VIEJO - Ten airline him with only a cut on the face. 5lewardess students have won wings at · SHA'ITE':ED GLASS Saddleback College. The bafrage of bullets Mattered the The girls, who served as hostesses d~r-windshield or hiS car and he was nicked Ing campus functions, are Peggy Barret by ijying glass as he Cove for the of Newport Beach, Cyndee Hendrickson floorboards during what authorities said of Laguna Beach, Terri Hennan of was the third attempt on his life. Laguna Beach, Patl Laney of Dana Point, Once before, a jealous lover who claim- Jayce Leonard of Tustin, Pat McCarth y eel the hypnotist had alienated his of Tustin, Kathy Sco('ield, San Clemente, girlfriend, fired a .45 caliber pistol shot Debbie Shea of San Clemente, Debbie at Dr. Dante di.iring a San Diego Smith ()f Lacuna Beach and Wendy Weiss nightclub performance. of !I'ustin, He was-not hit, and lawmen did not The college will add a second year to elaborate Tuesda)' on the third alleged the program in the falL urdet ~ '.• Te.eller Gets Gr..C m Daftle-w1111pp1reiitf1-.j ibllie.'1ir hi• arreSt aS he had been by the m6rder at- MISS!ON VIEJO -Rober! W. Olson, a tempi~. telling authoriUes be knew Saddleback C<ltlege dralttl\I and of no ~ for either, WJtU... the boat engineerln1 instructor, has reoetved a case W.. Opla.ined. . • NaUonal Scl~nee FoUndaUon ardt to at· 0 l·don'&.kDOW anyone who would want tenlf a slimmer conference for engineer-to tlll me," he said, "unless It would be ing and social science instructor&. · someone who ii jealous· about t'.he woman The conference, to be held Auaust lt-22 1 jusf married." -· ESCAPES MURDER TRY St•r's Husb•nd Dantt ·r • ~~·-· • • ·El Toro· MU!J • Held iii Slwotout Ov'Cr Ex-wife / st the University of Santa Clara, will In- clude courses of study involvinl future 'g'!':a,:~ other·h~nds Ah El Toro man ls 1n Orange County technology d th · <n a • jail today chatged with assault with in- olson W.·, a project en•;•eer ror the own the aisle wi Mi.ss TumJW n a Las , -· vegu ...i..i:M Ahn ) .. 1..-weeks <M tent.to commit murder after he allegedly U.S. Atomic Energy COmmlsslon and W-.n.uug ...,Klpe T. ·'e¥• Atomic Power Equipment Department after they met at a faJttfonable discothe-shot out the tires ()f a car Tuesday night · bef que three weeE:=Her. in which his ex-wife and a companion engineer for General Electric ore Tbe allaaed empted theft or sev~n l · ed ••:n~ -were riding. en ermg UC i.wit-mo~rboa , onging to the Marlin Boat Donald L. Winslow, 26, ol 24172 ·_e Photo Contest Set Co., 1 . ewport Blvd., Costa Mesa, oc-cu almost one year to the day before Blrd rock Drive, also threatened the pair IBVINE RANCH - Irv ine 's "Pathways Dante's marriage to "tbe blonde star. and fired five shots into the air from hiS To Prog~s Week," June 5 through 22 Miss Turner, 49, and her daughter .30<8liber rifle , sh'erifrs deputies allege. will feature a photography contest for Cheryl ,· 25, were present. when the sher'iff's CaPf. James Broadbelt said children under 12 years .rA " age. Singapore-born nightclub hypnotist w<1s deputies were alerted by El Toro service Youngsters are invited to take·pictures of picked up at their Sheraton-Universal station attendant William Maas. sites and activM.ies on tbe ranch.. Hotel "Sllite. Maas said a man, later identified as Application blanks for the contest are He listed hi! age as 49 during the book· Winslow, drove into th e station and asked , • ' Dr. Ullom Hits State Tax Plans Laguna Beach Unified School District Superintendent William Ullom · <warned Tuesday nl&ht that paaaage of a proposed state-wide school tax would have "a devastaUng effect on our community." Ullom and Laguna school trustees urg· ed that Lagunans write their state assemblyman (Robert Badbam) and senator (John G. Schmitz) to ui:ge d~eat of an assembly bill which would set up 11uch a la'I structure. Board members were ·speaking o( Assembly Bill 1678 which attempts to equallr.e educatlonal finances throughout the state by imposing a statewide tax in lieu of local property taxes. Its passage wtll.lld mean taxpayers in Laguna Beach would pay higher property ta xes, and yet less money would go into local school coffers. they sa id. Opponents of the bill also maintain that It will eventually destroy local coptrol of education. "l don't disagree children in other areas should have equal opportunities, but there are other ways of flnancliig tbis. For exam ple, there is.safes tax," said trustee Larry Taylor. He added , ''Every taxpayer ip b guna Beach. should be concerned." "For our ·community, it would 'be devlplatlqg," ·Dr. William Ullom. "'1>Crintendenl of Laguna 8;~nifled School Dillrlot, aaiil ol an bill .~.·~-·, -l ie m! llChool truateei TueodaJ ~\ed the pre1S to encourage tupayers to write lltelr ~tlvoo In tile state capitol to tell them to vote asainlt the !>ill. Board members were tipeaking of Asseiiili!)I bill 1878 which atten!pts to equallr.e educational rinaneea thrOughout the state by Imposing a statewide tax in lieu oC local property taxes. Its passage would mean taxpayers in Laguna Beach would pay higher property taxes, and yet less money would go into local school coffers, lhey said. Opponents of the bill also maintain that It will eventually destroy local control of education. "I don 't disagree children In· ()ther areas should have equal opportunities, but there are other ways of financing th~s. For example, there ls sales tax,'' s~ud trustee Larry Taylor. He added, "Every taxpayer in Laguna Beacb shOuld be concerned." Stock ltlarkets available from Irvine I n f O r m Cl t i o n Ing process and told police he bas a doc· him to "go up the road a piece and fix Center, at the Island House in Fashion torate , in psychology from Singapore some tires I shot out." NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market Island, and the Irvine Gardens at Myford University. Winslow was captured shortly by the closed almost even today, after an early Road and Irvine Boulevard. The former entertainer at the Villa California Highway Patrol while parked sharp advance, partially buoyed by Marina nightclub in Newport Beach -behind a supennarket in Leisure World bargain hunting, slowed in I a i e r • Big Spla11t Slated (See DANTE, Page!) Laguna Hills. trading. (See quota tions, Pages 20-21). MISSION VIEJO - A &iant water fight ---------=-------=--------------_;:...;.. _ _:_ __ :_..:_ __ _ promises that the Mission Viejo Recrea· tion Center will be wet and wild Thursday and Friday alternooos. Grades six and above will fight it out Thursday beginning at 1 :30 p.m. while fi ve and under will meet Friday at 1:30 p.111'. Each participant should bring an empty hall 1allon milk carton. Hobie Cat Maker Sued for Divorce Millionaire surfboard manufacturer Hobart Laidlaw "Hobie" Alter~ charged with ''extreme cruelly" alld-"grievous mental suffering" in a divorce complaint on file today in Superior Court. Seeking an end lo her t~year maniage to the Laguna Beach sportmian iJ Mrs. Sharon Diane Alter, 1073 Gaviota Drive. Jn a complaint that seeks division of con· siderable community property a n d bustness Interests, she asks for an allowance of '50,000 a year plus monthly benefits ol l100 for hmelf and each of her three chiidmi -Paula 14, H~ 12 and Jeffrey, 7. Mrs. Alter ..U th•! the court mtraln her estrang<d hulhlnd fn>m dlsporlnc ol any or the ~ ooain., hotdlnp and Inter""' Ille poJnstalMiJy detalll In her 11-pap filing. ' CHRIS HANCE CASTS OFF Summer In the Swim . ' ·swim·= ClaMes ·~1 ·,' Slated Along . Soutl1 Coast li:or the dcnliens of the Orange Cow!ty south.em coastal area, swimming seems to be almost ~s necessary a, meana ,of locomoUor; as w1lking. To ensure that swimming skill la ·&C· quired by all who need It, several com- munities have Initiated swimming In· st'ruction in their summer recreaUon programs. In Laguna Beach, Mission Viejo, and San Clemente, organized swimming In- struction programs are now . under 1"&J and will be conUriulng throughout. ihe summer.· . In Laguna Beach. five suslont of nine daily half'hour classea are gol"' on, but the classes for t~ summer are now full, said Mrs. Mary Wormald, chief lifeguard. By the end or the summer, nearly 1000 youngs te-rs will have tieen taught to swim. At Mission Viejo, a full slate ol classes Is offered for mothers and ' tot.s, youngsters and adults in beginning, In- termediate, and adva nced level1 at the Mission Viejo Recreation~Center. Six sessions will be held through Sept. 5. Adult cl asses will be held durln1 even- ing hours. Fee ls $5 for membera and fiS tor non·mem bers. In San Clemente, a joint ctty- Caplstrano Unified School District pro. gram will. make SlVlmmlng lnslrQdtlon available to all who livo1wHhln the: ·school dlitrict incl!Jdin1 ·Paot( Pottil, SM Jiian, Ca pi.Wand Beac~ il!d, .PIJ'il .ot· Licuna Ni~cl. · ~· · · '"'"' th ..... ..et~ 0( weeltday ct.assel Will be held at. t.he San Clemente municipal pool. ~ve 'ltud!llt swimmers must be at te&st sb:-ytaf\ldf age. -First. session started:,:.____oo4af. Classes meet Crom a a.m. to noon. :lee ii 11. /. l I Susan Ma z1e ' Suffers !Jelapse , -· Su..an Mazze, tht<J 7·year'°ld Sanl&Ana girl' who r<,<elV~ or..,. c.uiity•s·fli.1 kidney transPIJ"ll oa June 3, has IUffer.d a relapse iql·ls in crtUCal' coodWosi.in Orange Coonty M«llcal c..ter. · · She cites Alter'• .-oJ ol lllll'fbolrd and catamaran Ccnttuction facWtiel I.pd mt eJtate ln Sin JlllJI Cap-.'Doba Point, Lake l!!lainore and aeverll out-«· county locaUons. Dr. ~ ~Al~ i.<-~ lddlio7 Is ~. perfedl)' 'bul. -~at1ve eorqp11c1tlon1 ba¥e w.-..i Suaan ond ll1lde II dWlcult I« • • heJ; (o breltbe, ' ' ' I Alter II known in an.,. Coast boalfnt circles as the dellCJ:ler-ol "Hobie cat.111 -the popular 14-loot eatamannl that hive trlmnplled In aovenl coollal races. lie atao eootlols Hobie -loo. ' . \Vork pfOll'IU8l •O!I' Dua Hatbor, Orange County' a newesL IDllll croft ref•ge. Tbl s lJ aerial view look· 1111 east aionf coellline toward San Clemente. Land jatllng lllto ·aea at utreme upper eel&• of photo la Cottol>'J Point, alte ol. Prtlldent Nixon'• White ' ' . . /'Ille 'doc\Or declined to di..inM clOtalli House west. Work . ot1 harb!>r Itself ·Involves eon· 'On 111e'<>>mJilleidGllO -,-~ _ • structioo ol'le01porary -coUer dams within .break· : Solan'i iftoibtr Mn. ~ Moue. waters,;pu,,,Ptng•out lea water .then scraptn¥ dry :' v/u f<JellOd .,;.,,, Ille' hoopllil 1111 surface t.o 'llllke harbor bottomi , ' lVeclno!dor.·•..., ·~·-liq'"" ol ! ...., lddoef•'lo lier .......... • ' • I I t i r I . . .-~ 'fpday'• Flael N.Y. Steeb TEN CENTS _Breath Stops During Trip To Hospital . SAN BERNARDINO (AP) ~ A if-year. old boy mJB1i1i1 to lllOUJ!lalm since Satur· day was found today lylnC in a tnOW pat<h. · Autliorlu.. .Aid he llOpfled breathing while beJnt taken by helicopter to 8: hospital and was ritven moutb-to- mooth resuscitation. Upon anivll, a team ol dodon woriled over Matthew Joseph ZJmmerman. 1bey ~--ii! oertoua C<Jlldl~oa:auflerlng fram exposure. Two youths, volunteer IW'chen from San Bemll'llino, found tile boy •bout 9 a.m. al an alUtude of more than a mile near Bartott Flals, where snow still lingers in patches from a record winter fall . At first the lad's condiUon. wu reported as good, and teani came to the eyes of men at a base camp for a four-day seirch. Later, however, came unofflclal word. hia condition wa1 "not good." Sheriff's Sgt. Ollie Gray, traveling tn the copter with the boy, gave the mouth- to-mouth rtSUscltaUon 1n· the copter and continued until be was takeri to a clinic at Norton Air Force Base. The boy wandered. away Saturday from • campgniund where his t.mlly w• on an outing. Durlll( 1..arch,-by 200 men at one time, tracten f()llowed hll footprtnta but c:ouldn'\ find Ma-. When be WU diteOYerfld thls ·~ 111 Wll ilJ'la1 I '1liJo ml:_ llllt ,.al ' fioin' tb't C:lrnpgroCnt. '~ ... ,. "We bow he's at 11.,.....,.._.,7'!:.."! . ··--.·......-~·~"'"""'" ll1lle 8111' " lltJOlla!Jnt terTlln you ,,. _,bell .... " . The Mardi lfU lnclud" heavy timber and uncWbtuah, some ·oprn areu and fut·.ntOflq mounta.ID ltream1 with an occuional ca1iln -. tile banla!. . Some people Uve in the l!f", deputle! aald , but most of the cabins are unoc- cupied and Wlltocked with food. Five Arrested On Narco Counts f Three juveniles and two adults were picked up Tuesday by Lagun8. BU.ch police o~ a variety of narcotiCI· ~es incJuding possession of beroln. Of the ldults, Eugene La For<e, SI, of Long aeach WU booked·on_·'":barp of possesiton ol J>eroin, and 'l)lnOthY Eric Wiley, 2>,' of Arcadia, wu booked on charges of posseaalon of dan¥erous drugs and marijuana. : The~ were made at 190 McAulay Place after a sherllf's deputy and ~a Beach Sgt. Norm ~bcock went .to the residence to serve · a warrant charging unlawful posaessJ9" of dangerous drugs by Alfred Jame.a/De Stefano, 20, of that address. Taken into eVidence were a variety ol pllt1 bellevet by offlcen to be llllelt drugs, a" llftall quanUty of huhilh, a marijuanaJ.-clgaette and several small packagea;rof heroln1 Police Lt. Frank Schopen 'aa.id today. La Force remained tn police custody this ti'iOrniflg. Wiley .,put up P12 ball and th~ juveniles were 'releued to tblir .parents, U. ~ Aid. Weadler The sun wilt lllUt HI ~. tory appemmce ·Thunday ar-. .-i, bul otbenrls< It'll he mootlJ cloudy with temperatures In the l)ICi1 IO'I along the Onqe Coast. INSIDE TODAY Two of th• /alle1t l/OCklS cfloat tanQle &hil weekend ca Wind"'°rd Pcuao• IMtlt Bia.;k· fi11 f"1' the Coiifomia Cup. Boo~ inp, POQe at. ....... ft u-. t• ClilJlf.a 11 • -• ....,.. • CW--ClfW' II .......... tt ~ n.-..... •• c.... .............. . c""""" a . ,...... .._. u Dlllll ..... • 11 .,_ ""'-II ...._ M ----........... ' ......... ==· I = :.·::: .: ........ -~ . -~ . .,........ --. .._ ... ~ ..,.. ..,.. :w ( ~·--.:...--~~---~~~-=="""'-'"'"""~~~~ .... .._~ ......... ~...._~,._,~..,.,,.,""' ... """"'""'~'-"'""-!.;1'!"-~'"''-"-'-"-""".._~~ ..... ~.;;.~~~...:.....;..~~:.:-..:..~---~----~~~~~~-.. • • • I UllOi». Wil li ~o~fti,ri El M<).t ro Traffic Fight ' j ~ • ' tbe ICbool ontraneo n«lll ol tbe city. UUom llld~=--o1 1111 l!lalo PrtYiOUlly, bolrd meu>l)en bid wlocl Dlvlaloo ol . . end Clllltiml& lo ohare O>IU with the ._..lo Ip ~I'll!!! Je.t J~r.J: lilt e'llahllebl01:a:tra1fle 1111111 to 'ilo'! IM-: lld>Oa\.illl!rlll . ii · lo .; Niii -lo -lill .... _ ..... ~,,, ........ "* • ... .. ll!!o . ~ -~iiiil---Jlf!C 'IWOI .... In -.ol Iii ---G( lit ~....... . • Boyd --"" not -·-~ driver could never legally bave bHn i.. ."we.,.~abll : "--:-• ,...-... ·-~•Y tbe r1aJ1t unlll alier he complelld l>Ja tun• , lh" neeclo{,~ .illd Edwll'd ~~= evening, 8'!'i r.cn. Bo}'il will be abt<ot at 5$-mlle-per-holir trafflc iD Z milu when lhe sehool 80 ~bus drivers and ~er El Morro School ii in seulon. motorists would have a better vlew ol Ult onto Ute higbway. . . : bt.11lneu manager •. .H~ aalcl oUt of the t.be OW pthlt~fll· • Jn olher bulinul, -~ -~t, " moo<y, $2$,000 woiild "' ~-·-Apfr!lltdbi(!;l_tf ll awmn.,..ICbool Laguna tn\lleet: · . " saJanes and $20,000 wJliJd Iii ·fof other teacher• and 51ven subltltutea at 1 rile Since, Ullom hu been advlted thlt highway. they wert miltaken in believing that traf. BecaUS6 the &Cbool drive ii • prlv1te -Adopted • ....olutaon for -a:~i•·-: ulerief « Jmrtruetion.---;--of M pefhour to teach 11 courees which o! addltloha! b1COme wblcl> ~.lll<l'I\. -.,Delayed to July I Ibo QJWll)R In oJ r-lrom el,emtqll\r)' and intermediate to take 145,000 wortll :'! ~ · 1¥>1 • , nC\f' ""'1'.d members ~'!\Norman chorus lo inlerm~lle al'I. fie past the school could be legally slowed drive, a bus driver entering Coast to 25 miles per hour. Highway from the elementary school bas .. • Soil Report \ '• -CoII·~g~ Aid B,ill • e1ett~ Asse~hly On Canyon i ~eT~~~t • c0onet1Jnen tooi.ht lake up I ll!iil eftlineerina: and geologic report on poten- Ual lerT&ln bazar<b In the Laguna Can- yan .,-ea. .. . . . . Thi ,..n_.eipected lo play a part In ' the cit)''• current .1eneral pla" atudy, dotalll auapecled problem areas and recommend•: -CouideraUon be alven to rettrlcUng lmprovem..ta on PfO!"'rlY aubjecl lo : · polonUal terrain haWit• unlll remedlal ::. actlon· " t4en. A bill that could provide Ill 111.mloo In 1avings for South Orange Cout •tax- payers of Sld<Ue~ck Junior College District lw pasoed another hurdle in the llate Legl!latur.e. With Supt. Fred Bremer an4--board Trailer Park -, E~pansio!J: .. Set .... -&>II qlneerinl and engineering nolo<le lnvuUgaUon should be roqulrod ... Tof develo~) ln order to o b t a I n blilldlnl permlll In the Canyon Aerts " Drive area. SCHOOL'S OUT -Dr. Norman Browne (left) bids farewell to three Laguna Beach school teachers and a achool board member who are retiring after Browne are (from le.ti) Mmes.'Margaret Sumbera, Jean Tuttle and Ruth BWlngton and board mem- ber Robert Turner. At EI Morro'- ~ .. ·~ ' -Barring any lalt ml~lt itioeill today . the f;I !-I'"'° Trajjer Put W!l!-belin con'. strucUOn this year on an lddiUonal 96 trailer space! just north of Lacuna Buch. •· -s1omi drain Jmprovoment ol the can- ,.. boljGa1 ind Ila major lrlbullries would -the flood lwanl and bellelil larrtan llablllty con<llUOlll. servlnJ the dlslrtct for a total of .:5.:9..:y.:e::.ar.:•.:· _w_1_th __________________ _ "":""Fear vertical cut alope1 tn colluvlal ma!erWI (porOUI llope waablnp) at the ' -ol many H11denca ..,, aubJect lo ;,• IOudlllde and abouJd be Improved by pro- perly dellgned retaalning 1truclures. · · -E1cavaUon of cut •lopu end place- ment Of flll ln 'the project 1re:a should be .: ... · accomplllbed only under aupervilion of a ~ quallflod aotl engineer and enaineerlng Three Teachers, Trustee Leaving School Di.strict Free Univer sity Plan Be fore Council To night Although the El Morro lnvesbnent Co. has the blessing o:i both the Orange Coun· ty Plannlng CommWloo and Iha Irvine Company 1 the Laguna Beach City Coun· cil has written to the county commission requesting denial pf tht appll<(ltion. TPe addition to the 20.\ospace p a r k ... the city council wrote, would mean In· creased problem& Jn both traffic and sew· age. · 1eo1ot1t11. · Tbm leachen and one trustee from :. ~.:':!teo ~~dev~~ lh~ the Laguna Beach Unified School District · -Clllj'oo Acl'll aroa llaa'bapptnod without retlte lhla month. . · adequate land-UM planning .to allow for Leaving the 1chool dlatrlct are lrustee u.lltlnc and potenUal terra1n huardl. Robert Turner, Mrs. Margaret Bumbera, 0 Tbe IUIJ*t.ed old landllldt eree• may Mn. Ruth Billington, and Mrs. Jean Tut· bl ect.lvated If a atrona: earthquake were u •• to follow 1 lona wet aeuoo," it states. Turner, a local realtor, has volunteered A map lhows tbe two alldt are.as . located between Skyline Drive and Can-his time to the school district u a trustee yon Acrea Drive. The narrative of lbe for the past 13 years, serving as presi· report delO'lbel t.bem u ha v In I dent for one year. He has spent an .= f~ .. ~ ,of 500 estimated ten hours a week on the )Olicy Tho llUdy 11 111 aflennath ol lhe winter and bUdgeWllaklng bolrd. 1tonn11 tnclud1nc tbl l'eb. 24 Ind 25 Mrs. Bumbera. who worked with Aliso ltcrm. which deatroyed three Canyon fi~t graders in reading, has spent 22 Acrel resldencea and,1 cauaed heavy years teachiq. Mrs. Billlnglon. with 11 damaie to others. Thi cib' t)'.ICl,llled the yean f,eachlng experience, instructed ltU. . I ! j hJI Tbe city hu In put ween feced a first gtaders at El D.torro, w e 1.lrs. Hdel of claJrm from property owners TutUe, who worked With &eventh graders for flood daJnqe. Such claiml often are .at Th~ton Intermediate, has 23 years' • tecbnic~prelude to landta. experience in the claismom. ·' . . ' . ' Lri~ (;oo~will ~fut~ Ashes to Be Scatt ered A proposed free university ln Laguna Beach that would mlnlster to community ills as well as educate will be back before councllmen tonight in the form of a legal evaluaUon. P ublic Comfort Cost May Rise Fo r · Lagunans \VIII Lagunans 8tarld still for a hike In pay LoiJet raWJ? Councilmen t o n I g h t are to plumb the soc lo·econom i c ramifications or a proposed hike in the cost o{ public comfarl \ Talk about the vanishing five-cent cigar, the Pacific Nik.().Lok Co. -for years the city's public comfort turnkey - has 11commended that pay toilets join the inflation lipiral. Not~g tt.at the city is having new steel partitk>ns installed at one comfort ata~ tion, the company suggested by letter : " ... Now would be an Ideal time for you to give consideration to having all of the new equipment which will be installed designed to operate on a ten-cent rather t.han a pve-cent coin." e.-.. 1.. ' ~ • =t'orh. ·1v of Newport Beach made this The uhel of popular ouvUl Lagqnan 'f.bout ~00 yea.rs liO· -.--., : · ,::hB.~~11;"1' ef· several ·years ago and has Gerald Comllock will be ICattoreil al .., · · 'Th,&"''' olher 1iOdt f9l\I".! (rtfll~ • . · costs of · bile Ccmforl i. ap- -tbe aea lhat coat bllJUt.alxlard-1lle'lli< Wll>dlllli vessel 1fU llltlt',ol Tl>n 6jnl'll:, •· · · ·11'' · bi~lii.l'li'!jlil. · fatal yacilt Goodwill,;· .. -• ;._:~~ .. ·,,; .-.!' 111342 sa.ta·Martnr. Fogntilo parenThe !!"~ny Slates' ft llisbeen gain• The body of co~ tr.i•·--M. · "\tallly ,--· . ·-"~ • end father hu beea · ermuted tn · ' on 1n lhe U.S. and Canada for the pat.t Ense ad M th ~ that 0,. ' ?ttr. Com5tock, an ~lec:trlclan. was a five or s1x years. "We very seldom Goodn m'did ~tx., It e The ill* ~ captain in the Marinea hi 1World War 11 receive requ~ts today for a five-cent bo -~ sh:hf· M...u.··-· ·~1 before he wss 21 years nld. Soon· pro-coin tock equipment," the Letter states. Cl te er .,._,. n moted to major, he was the youngest =~~ttock, 32202 Villa de Catalina. ltfarine major in \Vorld War II. Upper Three Arch Bay, wu one of nine H~ was .•. member ()f. the Second aboard the Goodwill on 1 trip from Cabo Marine DivlS1on and led his men in the San Lucu to Enaenada . bloody . .landings on Tawara and Salpan, The vessel died on the reef Sacramento serving from 1941 to 1945 in the bitter about 200 mile• south of San Diego. The South Pacific fighting. reef wu named for an historic wreck A resident or the area 11lnce 1959, Mr. Comstock was born In San Francisco and was graduated from San Mateo Junior {JflllY PllOI Cl!Wtl' ~T PUil laoltNe <C:ClillUWl'f • 11 • a.MrtN.W•" · . . -. . ~ ,,....,. ..., ,...., tt...11 11:...,q .... College. He was athletic, known for his good game of volleyball, and was a good sw1mtne.r. \ ~tr. ~ I! 11urvlved by his wife. B~el~~~y home, a teacher ~t 1-ttacG:rqreter or High; a son, Neil, 5: and a ija~. , ti. Road Decision Delays Complex I n Boat Can yon A proposed 44-unit resldenUal complex above Riddle Fle1d in Boat Canyon wl.11 have to remain just a proposal unUI the county and city come up wllh a definite future location for campus Drive, Laguna City Planners decided Monday night. ·~' n. .. , A. M•rplli•• ....... fdifl;w l lthtrlll P. Nell , __ Mr: <;?Ols:tock'i-.ur-vlvors alao Include hts~. ADce .Qlrru:tock of Laguna ~-1l!<'filhe'r, !;ell of Redwood City an'¢ bis liltv Mi's. Pau1 Eaton of Cup<rtln~ Attorney Rlchlfd Mudge la handling a fund set up by friends of the Comstooks to search the area. it has included 19 boui's of hi!Jicopter search of the vicinity The four-to six-1anfi hljhway. which would lint the inland freeway with Coast Highway, will wind throuih Boat Canyon on a still undetermined route. The county has offered three !!IUUesUons for the route:, and the city engineering depart· m<m l!ls com• up with a fourlh; f. . ("" . ..., .:· . ' aQd use of a diving team. ' Friends aald that Mr. C<!mstock ht,d been recently Involved' in electrical_ fn- :;tf11lations for the ne\v Laguna-Moubpn Playb~ that ia nearing completion. ' Council Studies Uotll lhe precise allinmenl b etlabllah· ed, Iha Ul acre development propooed by ardiltect William Bluroct and engl· neer Bernard Syfan will remain on tli.e drawing boordl. In-olber acUOn Monday nlght. the plan- ning commlulon : "" .. -Deterred action on a ptopOU.I by LyM J~ Muir Assoc. to construct 1 plan- ned r~de11Ual cleYelopment for five elngle'dwelllnp "' -undeftloped R-Art Show Pl "ll 1 Cmlldenua11 iota 111 lh• .!06 :block of ~ I Sonora.SU..L • Piamlon will invt1Ucalo=I , Give• Cltf. councjl ,pprolt Pork · !ft .a . atu!IY -'11!1111'· ra AveNJe bet.ween Coast· lifshw snd ~tenilne ll Sonora cu be over Glenneyn·Street may be the acine 0( an th., •tetP 1lopu of Arch Be~ H41Pt.a. art Jbow (July t. ' ~ -ATIOwed Mr. aitd Mrs. U~~oyd, CO<lncUmen !<>night wlll lalol 1!11 \h• i.. !SSS Sjcyllnc Dr., 19 continue lheh< dllna· ,quat, by Chal!lber of Commll'Cf Pm1-paln~g classes lot ~tr ~.,;:-when dent lllll'!')I Lawrtnct to bold a ooe day • the C(h\n!lslon · wlU qiln · m1d •Iha ,art festi val, lfmll&r to the aucoeat'.uJ \~\l&rlartce. · ; ' ··'. . :Jl•lllOl1al Day .Sidewalk Art Sho~, . \ , ~~wed a .mohttoll~· 'far tho • !f a . Id, lhl ~ lhg of pels In.a , aone, •how :f&'l'( ~ llaiid ll'<ll!I .7, f.m. !<> , ~' as , It -DOI : IUde ov~t p,m. r .. -r;.;\urg of "'"' \ • • With the council agenda comes a lhree- page report from city altorney Jack Rimel on the unlverslty proponents' 're· quest that the council recognlze, endorse and give financial aid to the project. Dr. John Wallace, a UCI associate pro- ftssor, bad requeiiled city assistance for the project al 1 May 21 councll meeting and that the matter was referred to Rimel. ,The atl9mey sald the university is just p-elUng started, that articles of incorpora· lion were filed with the state March 21. nimel said the city could acknowledge this fact but said he (lid not believe the city could acknowledge that a "going university" actually e1ilt1 withoot furth· er lnvesl!gation. The city attorney also suggested that the council might wish to determine If the free university is carrying out the pur· )XlSes stated in lts articles before giving endorsement to the project. Rlmel stated lhat lhe city could give financial assistance In cert<Jn areas.such as comm\Jnitf health and recreation. "Certa in olher activities, however, such as general education. legal services and draft counseliJlg would not in the opi- nlnn of this oHlce be included within allowable aclivities which a city could subsidize out o{ public funds," R!niel wrote. If the city should chose to subsidize the project, Rimel recommended that the university segregate on a trial basils the services which the city could legally help finance. At the earlier meeting, councilmen agreed that they would want considerably 1nore Information about the project before loose ning the purse strings and giving endonsement. The county planninC. commluion de-- • nied the city'• requtat, and~ Ji.m. today i! the deadline for any rurther ,Ppeab. Tl1e Laguna Beach Planning Commis- sion Monday night sent a letter to t h e city council requesting the council appeal the decision due to "the tremendous lraf· fie hazard occWTing at thls location." But when the council offlclally receives tht' letter at tonight'• 7:30 meeting, it will be too late for effective acUOn. In addressing the county plarming com· mi salon, J. W. Peyton of El Mocro aa.id the park could handle triple the sewage, -and tbat·lhe llaltlc preble!m are aeat.d by g<!neral condition o! the highway and are not related to the park. When constructed, the ~ Would e:<· ' 1st on a~ interim ba&Ls. The i5-ytar lease fr~ ·tb~ Irvine Company· la 'not renew· able. Conditions laid down by the county com· mWion ·stipulate that the El Morro In- vestment Co. will be required to bulld aoceleratlon and deceltratlon lanes onto Coasl ·Highway. Another'C(lfldltlon demands the detailed land!Cape pl& be approved by the plan· ning t!01pmilslon.· 'l'be other eight' condi· tionli df.9',l with hliiM4'1 coi:les, parking ' facil ities and undergroilnd utilities. The expansion will be on the northeast side of Coast Highway end apprat.ch the : .sou~ boundary of El Morro School. ' .. . l - 2 Captured, 2 at Large SAN BRUNO, Calif. (UPI) -Four prisoners at the San Francisco County Jail slid down 15 knotted blankets Tues- day night in an eacape attempt, but two were quickly apprehended . ~till at large Wednesday were twc. fugiJives identified as Joe Jojoll1, 25, charged with armed robbery, and Claren- ce Galindo, 18, accu11ed of petty theft. BLACK STAR SAPPHIRE '• ' Truly e11 e.ciui1if• I••-' •• , ''•11• ef • •i11d." Speci•lly det!911.d ,t.1i11u111 111 .. 11t• tn9 e111brececf wi t~ ffie ele1e11u. el .... ,,,.nd .. $1200.00 De1i1~td ~,.,. h1 111i114 , ;: Fni"' eur ,,, • ...,.ceflt cellectlo11 ef cUeMe11d· ••' c .. eti..c. .,.. h .... till1-,.,. ,t.1. 111uri . ll'ltlill ... _ 4.JO cer.,, veltpw il lelflollll, wffti ""•tic~le111ly •l'll•lllfttl 4ieP11ett41 h1 tit. r•u!ICI. $3750.00 member Hans Vogel lookin& on, Senate Bill ~ Monday cleared the Asaembly educaUm flnlnct subcommittee and was sent to the ways and means cmnmittee. From there the bill, if sUJI alive, goes to the full education committee and then to the Autmbly floor. It previously pass· ed committees of the state Senate. The trip to Sacramento Monday to watch progress of the t>ill was the fourt h for Supt. Bremer. Saddleback represen· tativea have not yet been called on tG speak. The legislation, introduced by Slate Sen. Donald Grunsky (R·WatsonvUJe), would make funds available to new junior college districts established after 1964. based on student enrollment projections flve years in the future. Because allocations are now bated on curnnt enrollment, new junior colleae district& with low initial enrollment becauae of limited courae offeri.np do not receive much 1tate ~Id. Saddleback was one of three junlor cal· lege districts in the state that did not reeeive a shart of the slltewide junior college bond issue passed last June. The expected cost of construction and equipment purehase for the next five years for Saddleback is $14 million. If tho Grunaky bill paases and the •lite con· tributes $6 million the local taxpayers share will be -8 million. That much is covered by the $9.~ million bond Lsauc passed lalt year. From Page l DAN TE ••• still shaken by the murder attempt - spent several hours In the West Hollywood sherW's 1talion before releue on sn,500 bail. Dante, who rented a Colla Mesa apart.. m.ent durin1 his boot1nt at the bay•lds spa, told Los Angeles Sher!U's Sgi. Ray· mond·Gott he believed the theft case had been dlsmlsaed. Rori' Snyder, or 2320 Colleie Drive, Cotlta Mesa, said he caught Dente In the act of supervWng theft of the fleet of JI).. boals May 5, 1968 at a now-defunct Santa Ana boatyard. Snyder and hls brother Paul are partnen In the Marlin finn, whlcti markets the boats at Mesa Boat Center, 1595 Newport Blvd., and haa been lrylng to work out a deal with Dante. "He was an elualve character," said 1 Paul Snyder today, "he'd call u1 from Las Vegas ind try to get w to ahip them to h1m C.O.Q., wWcb of cour&e we refus- ed l<i do." The Costa Mesa boat company ex· ecutlvt said · Dant~ was a secretive person and It is unknown why he was trying to buy the seven motorcraft. Earlier, Ron Snyder told author!Ues Dante had given them a worthless check for $11,460 in payment for the boats, but prorniaed to deliver the purchase price in cub when the paper bounced. A surprise visit ·to the Santa Ana yard where the boats were built for the Costa Meu firm early May S, 1968, led l() discovery of the alleged theft In proere1s, Snyder said. \; I l I I I I I • '1 I • !BQard Cool To Protest ,. Q.f Auclitor ·County Auditor·Controller· Victor A. Helm's letter to the C<lunty supervisors advising them that he could "not com· ply" wiU1 their order to cancel tai:es 'on 457 acrei: tbe Irvine Company has "deeded" to the county in the Vppet Newpo:t Bay Land Exchange paet failed to stir the board members Tuesday. The yvoted lo refer the missive to County Counsel Adrian Kuyper. Kuyper has steadfastly maintained that the tax· es should be·· canceled as "the county now owns the propeny." Hein1's Jett.er puts him in County Assessor Andrew J . Hinshaw's-camp. Hinshaw has consislenlly rerused to take an action to1Yard cancellation of the tax- es, saying he will not do so until so ordered by a court of law. Heim noted that "there is litigation pending between the auditor-controller and the company ... dictating that I not comply \vilh the board's orders.·• Heim referred to a lawsuit in. which he questi<"lns the validity and the con· situtionality o( the transf:!r of title of the 457 acres of Irvine property for 150 acres of county-0wned tidelands. The case has been oending for more than a year and is not expected to be sctlled \\'ilhin three or four years. When Heim released his Jetter last week, Assistant County Counfcl Robert Nuttman said the supervisors and the company ha\·e !lvo.alternatives in view of Heim's ultim3tum-they can go to court, jointly or either of thcn1, or the Irvine Company can pay the taxes under pro- test. f" Involved are about $130,000 in taxes for the 1969·70 fiscal year. Hinshaw assessed the 457 acres at $1.53 nlilllon last year and says they are worth more now. Heim contends ~ his letter that "the circumstances under which the county agreed to the recording of the cor· poration grant deeds indicates only that bare legal title was transferred, and that this was apparently accomplished for the purpose of providing property lax relief to the Irvine Company \Vhile the current litigation is pending." Heim further contends the county docs not have the normal indices of ownership, i. e., possession, the right to make im· provements, and the right to~ alter the physical characteristics of the property (to dredge it). , "The contracts between the parties clearly indicate that there has been no consideratiol\_given the company because the county property being us~ as such is still in escrow," Hein1 continues. The supervisors ordered the 457 acres removed from the lax. rolb l~t May 'J:l. Previous objections by Hinshaw to the action were termed by County Counsel Kuyper as "without merit.., "Th~se lands are now O\vned by Orange County," Kuyper emphasized, "and the C.:allfornia constitution specifics that they are therefore tax exempt." Car Ban Planned For Stockholm STOCKhOLl\1 (UPI\ -Cars will be banned from the city of Stockholm for one day later this year on an ex- perimental basis, traffic safety and tourist organizations announced today. They proclaimed Aug. 24 -a Sunday - a "carfree day" and promised dancing in th e streets, concerts and other ac· tivities for all Stockholmers \\'ho leave their cars at home. Organizers said the ban on cars bet\\·een 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. will be volun· lary. "But we believe most people will follow our proclamation and use p u b Ii c transportation." orSani7.ers said. • "' O:N --------..,--------------------·----------------------~ ------. ~ ..... -- L DAILY PlLOT ll . Moon Ship Fueled "• I Preparations for· F ir_~t Landing Begin CAPE KENNEDY <UPI> -Technl· nicians begin fueling the Apollo 11 moonship today to start final prepa- rations tor the launch four weeks away of man's first moon landing mi~slon. Tbe go-ahead for the tlcklUJh and time· consuming spacecraft fueling operation Came from project officials after a day. long review Tuesday of all aspects of tbe hi$rlc lunar rught. Astr'lnauts Nell A. Annstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin were pro-- -i:r -i:r -i:r U.S. Astronauts Will Plant Flag On MQOn Surface I WASHINGTON (UPI) -Six hours after man first lands on the moon nrxt month, astronaut Neil Armstrong will hoist a nylon , 3 by 5 foot An1erican flag on an 8-foot pole. and plant :t in the lun:ir crust. The flag will be stretched oulward, in a simulation of flying, _by a spring device made neressary because there is no \\'ind on the moon. nounced In 'xeellerit be&h:h by Dr. Charles A. BefrY, Ille dlrtcl«'ol medlcal operatiorts for ,the apaceiiien. Chief astronaut Donakt X. Slayton said the pilot& will work 10..hout d&l'S, six days a week for the flnal 0fobr weeks. He said he expects them to be "adequately train· ed and adequately 'rested" ai launch lime, s,32 a.m. ,rDT July_ u .. · "We arc go at uus Ume, subject to suc· ces.sful. completion of ~ -remai ning tests," repafte4 Lt. Gen. Samuel C. Fled Hospital Phillips, the Apollo program director. '•After bfaring the readiness assessment ot all-element!" of the mlsSlon.~J am Cofi!. fident that we can proceed wlth out preparations to meet the Ju1y, launeh win· dow." Today's fueling operation waS lh.e start of p?'tparatlons for the last bi8 lest -a dress rehearsal countdown scbedUled to begin June 25 and end with a mock launcn July 2. The spacecraft will remain fueled after the test. 'Candtelig ht Killer'· Still Gone Despite Ma:n~itnt By TOM ~ARLEY the first report' of Liberty's absenct that 01111e 0.11, "11t1 '"" was.issued by the hospital. "CandleUght killer" Robert Wi\l;;:rd That AWOL· Ii.sting, they said, gave no Liberty is still ar liberty toda)', defying indicadon of Liberty's backgro~nd and the intensifying manhunt being launched that the escapee was to be returned to by law enforcement officers in Orange court un a .murder lndict,ment. '"f{e .step. and Los .Angeles counties. ped up the search when we did discover The ~!·year-old Westminster man is en· these fa cts, an officer comment~, "but joying the sixth day of a freedom that we lost a lot Of veluable time because we was, Deputy District Attorney Al Wells claims; handed to him on a plate with his thought he 'Y.'as just anoiher run-Of-the astonishing release from Metropolitan mill getaway.'' FIRST LADY HAS A BIG SMILE FOR ANOTHER PAT Pat Nixon Helps Patly Munigia with Painting During Vi1it And because there is "no wind. no rain, nothing to knock it down."' tl1e space agency said Tuesday, the banner mci.y fly forevP.r -or al least until man starts colonizing his natural satellite In the yearb beyond the horizon. Ti)e Oag planting will take place after Armstrong, commander of Apollo II, stePs out on the lunar surf3cc around 11 p.m. PDT July 20. State tiospital at Norwalk. Liberty won his "Candlelight Killer" Liberty, arrested two years ago for the pseudonym from officers who in- murrler of Mrs. t.1arcella Landis, was due vesUgated the bizarre slaying of Mrs. to b~ returned to Superior Court for the Land.is, the atlractlve brunette who Pat Nixon Fits in Well Armstrong will be foJloy,•ed 30 minutes later by Edwin E. "Buz" Aldrin to make a moon walk lasting two hours and 40 n1lnt.tes. One of Arn1strong's fir st duties, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration said, will be to take the flag assembly down from one 01 the legs of the lunar lander where it '"ill be fastened, v•rapped in plastic inside an reviva l of charges which were suspended shared Liberty's apartment at 8382 btcause of his mental condition. v,.·estmlnst~r Ave., h; Westminster. }fospitat officials say the former OffirerJ said they found Liberty strum• machinist walked to freedom from an ming his gUi tar and softly singing wbil~ open \\'ard at the Norwalk facility and the body of his paramour lay draped that their patient, recently ruled to be across a living room sofa. Adding to the sane, could have done t.hat at any time In tlitchr.ock·likc. atmosphere in the apart,.. the days immediately preceding that ne\Y ment, they said, was the fact that Liberty diagnosis. tiad placed burning candles all around \he Ai Watts Se1Avice Center LOS ANGELES <UPI) -Pat Nixon, taken in as an "honorary volunteer'' of an intlir1 acial settlement house on the edge nf \Vatts. says "I do love and I am concerned, so I fit in very well.'' The First Lady 3nd her daughter, Julie Eisenhower, 20, wer~ present'-<.! their "volWlleer" plru depicting the black and \l'hite hitndclasp or "eternal brotherhood" when they loured the ' Wesley Social Service Center Tuesday night. The)' drove to the Watts black com· muniJ,Y buoyed by a1telepi;lpne call from the President telling thi!m he had heard a lot of "good reports" abOut their current lour of vo!Unteer projects. They had three more on ~p !Oday, planning lo visit a public school, a foun· ·dation for the blind and a c\earing~use for those who want to "do ~methinC" for· others. • Wells acidly contends that what w;is body of his victhn. reported to him as "a stenographic er· Both Liberty and his strangled victim ror" must have been a big help. He had long records of mental Illness and Mrs. Nixon and Julie were ~hoy,-n the argues that Liberty's papers should have both had been diagnosed and treated in center by its founder, the Rev. \\'illiam been endorsed "discharged to C<iurt" and the men tal ward of Orange County aluminum tube. Rollins, and his y,•ife. Janet, an in· not the simple "discharged'' that was f\.fedlcal Center. And both. it was later terracial couple. Couuty GI J(il!cd recorded discovered , had ,.ac1, several unsuc- Rollins, a N.egro minister, told the F'irst lt is not unknown, Wells adds, for the cessful suicide attempts. Lady their theme was "love and concern Army Special 4 Ja1nes C. Luc ero, Ule Norwalk hospital to make such a belated Superior Court Judge Byron K. in the inner city" and said the volunteers son of J\fr. and Mrs. Frank L. Lucero, 621 entry on the records of a patient who has McMiiian sent Liberty to Atascadero received pins after working with the N. Mantle Lane, Santa Ana, has been kill· managed to escape ~rom the: faclllly. And after determlning that the Westminster center for three years. ~ · .. ed in Vietnam action, the U.S. Defense he bra11ds as "extr,mely careless" the man was insane and unable to 1lSSist in \Valking over to a microphone in an off. Department announced today. supervision of a man who was listed as his own d'fens,, / theoeuff response, MrS. Nixon said "but l Lucero was one of 49 victims. includ ing hit;hly dangerous at the tlmt of his com· He Is today regarded as sane by also am one o{· you1'in that I am coo· eight Californians. who died in action 1niltal tro Atasc;adero Sta te Hospital. Atascadero· and Metropolitan . St·ate cerned and I ·do love. So J really flt in during the pail week in Vietnam. Sheriff's investia1tors 1llo condemn Hoapltal officlals .. very well, and I'm proud of this pin ..• 1---=-'-'-----------------....:.----------'------------ and I think J'll have to come back to do my three years of duty to earn it." Mrs. Nixon and her daughter also Visited weightlifting, music and drama classrooms. Now al A TLANJIC MUSIC only • • • SAVE $83.00 (LIMITED TIME!) Evans Officer Tells Radio NEW 80 WATT SOLID STATE STEREO $149~l ..__ ' Foulup .Before Collision SUBJC BAY. Philippines (UPl) - A young American Navy officer testified to. day that there was a "potentiality for confusion" in the USS Frank E. Evans' communication systen1 on the night it collided with the Aus{ralia n carrier Melbourne. · Lt. (j.g.) T. E. Bowler Ill, 24, of An· napolis, Md., told a six-man U.S.· Australian board of officers investigating the crash that there were two task groups operating on the same tactical radio nety,·ork that night. "When two task groups operate on the net, there certainly Is potentiality fo r confu sion," he said. Seventy-four U.S. sailors were k.ill~d in the June 3 collision , which occurred while both ships were. participating i n Southeast Asia Treaty Organiiation ex- ercises in lhe South China Sea. Bowler testified after the board con· ferred for four hours In c:osed session on the ref us a I of Lt. (j.g.) Runald C. Ramsey, 24, of Long Beach, Calif., to testify. Ramsey, officer of the deck on the Evans at the time of the crash. asked to be excused on constitutiona.1 grounds. NEWEST 80 WATT SOLID STATE STEREO, COMPONENT· SYSTEM! MAO .. f•I~• S'lA~t' ' llALA .. Cf 5Wll(:H '0W(~ (QUO'jl ~S .... 5!!11!0 ""T'" e MIKADO AM/FM .. Ml'Llfll~ SlCTIOM TOTAL MUJIC 'OW~ll I OHM •I WA11\ llAllMO>.,C Dt\TOllTIO"' 1•• llllDUINC.,. •llElllOotS[ "·11.•i~ (¥C~fi ,f::;"'"l TO otO!ll llAT!O .0 01 DAM'll"C· ,A(TOll t lh'•ur $fNlll1¥1f'I' (flAMI( * ...... M•r.. •MY 'M TUM(~ SfCTION \(,.!11iVOl'f' 1111•U·L ro wou r ••010 ~ElECT!Vlf'f' I .. MY •o WATTS t 11¥ M.t.X. JI o• MIN. 1U'I M0,.•1011 8WllC11 "' SWO!Cll e GARRARD N•w lf6t ~ .t tfib f•111•11• •uto111otle: tu1'111...._ wltflr 4•1••• wt1l11wt 1t11oi ebtill• MM. REG. $<4.lO e ELECTRO. VOICE Dltilllfftl •Nip f•, JJ I /J l .P.-Stlfl,.J,. tt,lws f"r 11 l,,.M, e LANCER 11'' t11t•nl•I 50·14,000 C.l',S. 1,...-t111 111 •t111tl· ...... •"•" .... ,, ..... ,....,.! REG. ss•.oo • )lt•MtUllC OISIO••<Oto IMAGE •EJECllO>< ('APTU•li! llATIO • ITl•EO ~EPAllAll(lllC ,•tOUENCY llANllt J'( l(llf ... :. "' ..... ~'. O• Ml"'. • 1~ oa -•· --= • B.tMAJNJNG MERQHANDISE, AT • 71 DI Mllf, .. M .. t 10 111 Miil PRIC£S START AS LOW AS '1iilll--· ~6950 ------.. . I. u~a1dl ..-.... Mt .. Mil~ ~II .. S•lttl A London book publisher doesn't like the spare Ure ~round bis mid- dle. He plans to trade his vest and striped lie one day a week for dungarees, a pick and shovel and 72 cents an hour laborer's wages. Chrl1 West, 30, an Oxford grad· uate, took out this ad in the Lon· don Times: "Publisher wilh pugil- istic and soccer background over- weight. Progressing toward early coronary, be seeks heavy manual labor. Anilnalistic work please: heavy portering, gardening, etc." • r:~Sila1 Spe~r Griffin has spent . li\ore than half of his 55 years be- hind bars. This week be stood before a Portland, Ore. judge. for &entencing on his fifth felony con- viction -armed robbery. "If you had your choice between life in prison and a 25-year sentence, which would you choose?" asked IU judge. "! think l ,.,ould pr#er life, your honor," said Griffin. "It would keep me out of trouble." He got his wish . • Tricia Ni.%on and Swa1• EUenhawer, both. "'at home" in pre1ide11tial sur· roundings, watch the welcoming cere· monies for W h I t e. H o u s e fellow1. Susan is a granddaughter of the late Geh. Dwight D. Eisenhower. • The North Carolina House ap- .,._roved a bill to make the gray ~uirrel the official state mammal. Quring the d e b a t e, state Rtp. J:1 • n r y Bosham•r, a Democrat 1rom Carteret County in the eastern part of the state. quipped : "I ,yould like to say that an animal that can bury nuts could be dan· gerous to this General Assembly." • ' Th irt1tfive oora went do un& at 1 . ~ seci off the .coaat of England near ltam.sgate. The car.s wt're 1 aboard the German freighte r Aphaia whet~ it beaclied on a ~· mud ba11k. Tiie a1ttomobiles slip-• . ped off the deck a11d sa11k. • • . Cindy is having her toenails ~becked toda:y -with an x-ray ib.achine. Cindy is an elephant, and .t'he x-ray machine was the. only wav attendants at the Dudley Zoo ill "worcester, England could fig- lire to check her feel "Long or in· growing toenails can cause, an elephant great discomfort,•• a zoo spokesman said. W.....,, .J\lot It. IM Lindsay· ~o~es, Will Form .New Party . . DEMOCRATS' CHOICE Mario Proc1ccino N ~s GOP S'!lons Pledge 'to Supp0rt 1Ma yor ...!.. • ' 'NEW YulU\ CAP) -M'aj<or John V. tlull any Republic.on le&\!tf wtlo IUpporlr , 111...,..11.oe,nocrauc flO!d• H•-wlth l.indsay, de!ealed in his bid (or lhe Marohl in tbe aeneral elocUoo oemJ>alln CllllJ lboirt I third ol ill' - Republicao mayoral nOf'l\inalion,.aakl t~ "had better look vert, _..,uHy." ,. Bronx Barou&h Prtlldetlt Herman aay be wiD ronn • new"'urban pat1y" o"l.lndlay uked ... ,,. ... _,_. __ to Badillo, .... WU bom to ~"~• . ~ ' ~-·-r-·.. ,,.. ran • ~third. Autbor NGl'1Ufli'MISJtr and appeal to ln<k~enll and Uberall New ·York Gov. ~ A . .ROcW~. and !lop. Jam., H.·Scbeutt lrallod. In the Democrallcond Republican parlles who bad "1d .be· would l1lj)port lk· The ,qie • ., Proc'°'lno ·1111,213 1 the fall mayoral ele«lon. • Pl'iniltT w-. 'l'ejlllld' Iha! H 11 fit. Wagne ' fll,806, Badillo Jt5)11; ,...,.,; Undsay, •ho said be ':would remain a "WeU, ihll'• the cue." . iJ,13", SCheuer SS,t.11. , ' ~ Republkan, •aid that State Sen. John J. ' N .... York'• lwo .~ 11nalora, · .!f':'JJ!.~li~ tbe :':i"' :.i- Mmhl, who de!eated him, had bceo Jacob K. ~avltl and Cbarla J!l, Gooddl, ~lemporacy" con:!i Or ~· panf:en "captured by the rorcea o1 the uHra rilhl. liave Aid thOy wotlld • .,ppor\ Lindlay iJie city. , • m "He at.ands Ior negat.lviam," Lindsay even Ube lolt. ·• '"l'here· la: a' mood fl. bostil t_ irr thls said, ·~and appeal.~ to the forces ol hatred T1)e lllllle .... cduervatlve.itrend that hit city and,naUon,"· IJncbltJ •l.d.. 1'but be- and divisiveness. , ~also wreCked former Dimocratic . lore;JJoyember the mood ot 1'l50n will 'lMy the mt In the campaign," he said, . , . :. return.~ ' , . ·'will be 'a.mayor for all the city.' We Mayor Rober1. F. Wagner 1 comeback bid Tbt GoP ~efeat wu a aevmi bk>w to · will create an independent line for a new TUeaday. the· party pri:stige of Undaay, who last urban party." The !lnal unoffiClal -coun& for Lindsay yearWu considered a poasible contender The mayf. said no name had been was 108,351 •pinlt .. tbf 111,725 for for ·the national ticket. choaen for the new party. But he is Marchi. a llttl•known &tale senator fronf· However, It did not knock the 47-year· already on the ballot as the candidate of Staten Isl d • o.ld mayor out of contention for re-e!ec· the Liberal party. W im~r an,~... t 11 .. 11 ...... lv-Cit bon to a aecond term in November. In a . . •~·---· 0 ...,........ruuo.. 1 city that is 1·2 DemocraUc in voter Lindsay, \tho lost in a mayoral PfUTlary Comptioller Mario A. Procaccino, who registration he will be the moal liberal that echoed the results of recent elections rejected the label of "law4nekJrder'CiJ1-candldate u; the three.man field in Los Angeles and Minneapolis, warned did.ate"· but wu lhe most conservative iD ' U~I T...,._. GOP WINNER Sen. John MarChl Senate lnvesti9atio1i Sl).S Convention Opens Behind 'Security Wall' Liberals Still Outweigh Right Wing in New York. Bl.ack Pantl1er ~arty Aim To l\.ill Policemen Told CHICAGO (UPI) -Students for a Democratic Society opened their national WASHINGTON (UPI) -A S.note In· vestlgator testUled today that Black Panther Party leaders said In broadcasts originating in Havana that their aims were to kill American policemen and government officials and destroy fac- tories, airports and other facilities. Transcripts of broadcasts, rtad at a Senate hearing, included praise for Negro militan~ tor lbe deaths of policemen in Cleveland, New \>ork, .Chicago, Peoria, Ill., Llttle Rock, Ark., and Seatlle, Wash. John E. Drass,, J Washington, D.C., police caple'in who has been on loan to Sen. John L. McClellan's Senate in· vesllgation !\lbcommittee, read excerpts from the tranScrlpu at the third day of the group's hearings into the relationsh ip between city disorders and campus unrest. Drass has betn working for the sub- committee since January, 1968, to con· duct an in\•esll1atlon of the Black Panther Party. one of four militant organizations which McClellan is in· vestigatiog. Drass said the radio broadcasts were monitored by the U.S. govemment and included statements by Bobby Seale Iden· I convention ioo.y behind a wall of sell-lm· NEW YORK (UPI) -Republicans may while Lindsay finished up with 108,358. tlfled as chalrman of the Black Panthers: posed security and in ferment over which have overthrown Mayor John V. Lindsay Many of the Democrats who voted for Huey P. Newton, "minister of defen11e," ideological direction the radical student in their primary but he's hardly ready to liberal candidates can be e.i:pected to :cin::~~~~.~ tt1ason Murray, "mini&ter of movemenl should lake. be counted out of the general election. start looking for a liberal in the fall, and "Murray spelled out the Black Panther SDS marshals were posted at all doors The conservative trend in l he their only choice in the three-way race is Party's intention to fight the United of the old Chicago Coliseum, the con· Republican and Democratic races that Lindsay. States through guerrilla warfare," Dress vention site. All newsmen were required brought State Sen. John J. Marchi and After the mayor conceded his loss, one testified. t · le I 'th th d I t Controller Mario A. Procaccino to the of his advisers expressed relief at the "Murray further stated that by guer-0 regis r a ong ·w1 e e ega es. rilla warfare the BPP means: 'To Cameras and electronic media gear were fore, still fails lo outweigh the liberal Democratic outcome. "Al least they did us the favor of nominating Procaccino," organiie tl{e black people in twos and barred from the hall. vote. he sald. threes andJours to assassinate the police An SOS spokesman said one resolution In the unofficial returns, the liberal In the headquarters af all the who kill us.' " to be voted on would exclude coverage by vote for Herman Badillo, James H. Den1ocratic candidates except ~rocac- Drass . further quoted Murray as the New York Times. Scheuer, Norman Mailer and Robert 1'~. cino, many campaign workers conceded saying; The "underground press" would be ex-Wagner adds up to more than 500,000. they would probably vote for Llndsay in "The U.S. a:overnment has guards that empted from the restriction, he said. Marchi's unoffi cial tally is 111,725. the fall. can be killed. They have bridges that can 1------------------------''---'---------------- be blewn up, factories that can be burned to the ground, airports that can be blown up, people walking the streets. mayors, senators, governors, whose lives can be taken in exchange for the Ji ves of black people that they have taken." Orass said the Black Panthers are con- nected with the Black Student Union and has an alliance with Students for a Democratic Society (SOS ), which has been sparking many of the demonstra· lions on college and university campuses. Reds on Hamburger Hill, Fire on Support Copters SAIGON (UP I) -Communlst sunners ~ntrenched on Hamburger Hill in the A Shau Valley opened fire today on U.~ helicopters fupporting a major new allie1! drive in the area, infonned Americn· 1nilitary sources reported In Sai1on. They said none of ~ (..'Opters was. hit. Several tbousand U.S. paratroopers and 'South Vietilamesc infantrymen a r e sweeplnc' thfough the valley 375 miles northwt of Salton and two miles from lhe border of Laos, but there were no reports of any American attacks in lhe immediate vicinity of the controversial heii;iht. The 3,000-fool peak was captured by U.S. paratroops In an 11-<lay battle that CQSt the Am!ricans more than 50 dead and 300 woUnded. It was abandon ed as "useless" and was promptly reoccupied ~ y the North Vietnamese. The U.S. command announced Tuesday t had launched a new multi-battalion ,weep through the A Shau Valley, Opcra- 1ion Monl&omery Rendezv9us, but spokesmen today steered clear of ti'>! !llbject of Hamburger Hill. The hill had been captuitd In a similar operation call· :d Apache Snow, The Communist gunfire from Uie hill came as 'Ainerican spokesmen reported stepped up Communist drive» ran;ina rro1n the demilitarized 1,one to Saigon's defense perimeters had killed S 7 Americans and 'A.'O unded 114 in fl&hting , Tuesday and today. The cost was heavy for the North Viel· namese and Viet Cong -249 dud. Hail Blankets A'lnarillo Most of Nation Enjoys Mild Spring Weather co .. tal tt""1 1nc1 ""'"1"' 1ow overT.1t1 bf. CG'l'll._ 11"1!'!' t\IMY bl.I! l'IHW "''' 1fkr-•>IO mo11t1 """"' &y -l"uridt•. Hit~ tod•'!' ... 1..lfl\I '!'111-•blf wllld1 nit"'! 1nd rnornln1 llouri l>rcornin, W1'1t.•I• t to it ~flGll, Y1uer111r'• .......... ,.,.,.~ , 1 ",, d '""" • lllill ti JI te ''· l•llulf """' '''""" , ..... 1'9111 .. lo u, ....... , 11-.111 .. u d".--. S1111, ~r .. 011. Tides WIDttlSDAY ,11'11 lew 1: .. 11,rn, ),ii '1n 1 lllfl! J;ll '·""· l.t ~KO<lll II:" lMt.llUDAT Hill I .II\, I.I •1n 1 11"41 , ,.., .... , . ., 71\1•111\, G,I !'In t 11.11 ......... , 21»'•'"· a.t S1tond 11+.tl ............ •:U ""'-J.t $1~ low ,, .. ... .•. Iii I) 1.111. I I Ill!' ...... S~" '·"'· h" l iOI I If!. .... •• 1.411.M. .... 1111111,ft'!. PliH L11I •• Htw ''"' I . JUl'll9 1' J11tr • J\llt u Jl#flt n Temperat11res V.S. S11111111ar11 Albu"IM'- AlodtoniH At11nt1 •l1•1n!le+d l lMTllf(li; ''"" ... ~ "-ClftclllNlll ~llM Ot1 Mol"" Dot!~lt f wrtll• '{°'' WOl'tl'I -~ o•N -'wlt,1 ......... k*'l11 City s-l11 V"11 Les AMoll l"t $<.1t1trtd tl>ulld'""-'' lr.11'1 1M Mien>! lff(.)11 MllwtOJll;tt ~ Ciiio Ind mHldlt MIH ln l•I M1-IM1k l!~ll m.1tred a1"e'..,."" l1lr 1ml mlld w111Mr ac,..u !he ."Ilion t~''' 0tlfMIM1r1 11aii 1wi1 -1"-"" notlM"' 1tcllllll ti ,t,,.,.rl1Jo. l11,. .,.. 11NH llall 1111 1011tllM1! ti w • ..., .... '""""· TY•11d1r fllltM. Nt"" Orle1111 Ntw Yor• Wortll Pli!I• ...... Oitl111t0 , ... Jl:llblt1 l'tlllllHIP'llt P-nlw • Plttlburtll A f~ Cb.NI '1111 11tll""9 11e1r P.,11 ..... , .... C.-C.11., T_ .... ""'"'"'' lt•lll Cltt Jl:tll •Iv" 11rl'I' """"'"" ""'""''-rlftMf "'"' '"*"' "" JOI tM • WI •!flt' IWM!ltrll' ""'l,hcr11tt1t11t ' Gttel L•• trM .. "" 10fo Md' to. ti, Louit • -. • !;11!1\1~ lfl ,,,_ d"' 1~111, I"" 1rlf r"ltrl ot h tl i.1~1 City lftt klrtllfl,..1t tflll tl'lt IMe•lw '*" 1111 Dltff lltftt ot 1111 ~Kiiie N~I, SM '•ttlCIKO ~ .. n• """--"" Wfll• "u" s.1111 .. ,.,.,, Wfl'ldl 11'9!'ft • 19 Jt fl\tlll W.1 '""" k1ftlt "*"lltlfl N..-.. Mlfll """"''""" l .... llll Atdltf f2 Ill ""' ........ 'fl1tfYt 11111 Ttltmltl l U If! '°"'w '"II"'' WMl'llfltl'lll'I Mltfl l..fW '"t. Q .. .... 11 fl ,, ,, .... H 11 " .. It .. . .. 7J 11 " .. 54 ,. .}I ~ ~ Tr ,(Yerf lioor on the liOur! Los Angeles & San Francisco! " u II 1r--~---------....,-~----~-~~-~~--------------~ I I! If .65 ' !i * Presenting the greatest flight schedule on earth li E ... between 7 am and :~ pm! Both ways! More on weekends! ., n ,,J . " ,. ..• 11 JI .St N Q n IJ " .. . . .. " " " . . " ... -H •S. " n " n II " ,, # .11 ., . " .,~ .... ~ '"'! 11 .. .,. u .... " Q " .. " .. . .. . .. " . Why worry about a re·servatJon when PSA ~as over service to Oakland, San Jose, and Sacrame~to? Or that 1100 flights a week? Such an easy-to-.remember :.. • ..'!!'!...._ kids: under 12 fly PSA {wi th their pa rents) tor half schedule you can carry It around in your heed. tare? 51111 want a reservation? Just remember Why remember lowest fifes? Or all jets? Or great to call your travel agent or whalsllsname airlines. • •• • \ \ I \ \ ... QUEENIE By Phil fnterlancll "WilJ,·at least the tb•ater manacer ls honest." Prisoners' Families Get U.S. Reassurance me most recent official casualty report listed 341 U.S. servicemen captured or in· Pentagon and State Depart- ment officials are holding meetings with families of more than 1,300 captured U.S. ,ervicemen in a widening ef- fort to assure them they have not been forgotten. terned and 987 missing. Most.I•------------ of the missing are believed to Two sessions already have been held and more briefings arc planned in the next four or five weeks to inform the relatives about th e government's: efforts to free the men and ease their con· ditions o( captivity. Another pu~ is to make sure the families of men miss- ing or captured in the Vietnam war are receiving all the help to which they are entitled . HEADS TEAM Richard G. Capen, deputy assistant secretary tlf defense, is head of the team of officials arranging the meetings as part of a new Nixon ad- ministration program. Sessions a r e tentatively planned in San Francisco, Los Angeles, P h o e n i x. Ariz., Denver, Colo., Kansas Cit y, ~1cGuire Air Force Base, N.J ., Westtlver Air Force Base, Masa.,. and an '\lDdertermined location in· the sOutheastern Unile<I; °States" .. · ·. Gas:ien said ~new etfor~ -which' bJ! included a series o( statements by Secreta~~of Defense MelVin R. ~d designed to focus world ~i­ niqn tln the side of 11.s. prisoners -represents a r;w1tch from the last ad-· ministration's pOlicy. , "The policy 'In the past was not to say any.thing· publicly for fear of reducing the possibility of release tlf the men or release of information by North Vietnam on· their st.a~" Capen said. "It seem- ed to Us the time was now for us to 'express deep concern about these :mei:i." be pri$onen; in North Vietnam L..- -pilots captured when their planes were shot down during the air war. Laird sent key Pentagon of- ficials a memorandum last March 3 stressing that he is "deeply concerned about the welfare" of captured and missing servicemen and their families. "I want to be assured that the military services and the office of the secretary of defense are doing all that we possibly can for the next-of. kin," Laird said at the Ume. Later that month, Capen held the first private, informal session with about 75 wives in the San Diego area. He and his associates followed this up last week with a similar gathering of about 100 next~f-kin from the San Antonio and the Fort Worth-Dallas areas of Tei.as. CLOSED OOORS The sessions are behind . closed -doors, Capen said, to pr.eserve the privacy o( the .faroj,lies. In ·addition to p u b 11 c statements by Laird deploring .Nm1h Vlctnan'5 'ti:eatment o U.S. pr1so~ there have Peen be~nes moves 'by"· the ~ense secretar:y in ' thil area. In one such move several weeks ago, he briefed U.S. ambassadors in Belgium and Br.ltain so they could solicit Jielp from European countries in bringing pressure on North Vietnam for '·humanitarian handling or Americans in cap- tivity. So !ar, Capen ackno\yledged, . Hanoi 's response has-been · disappointing. Ex-price Control Chief Asks Voluntary Controls WASHINGTON (AP ) -The man· who caUed the shots wben price ceilings were last clamped on the nalion thinks it ls ·time for the government to try controls again -but voluntary, this time. restored. were marking UJ> price tags to be in an ad- vantageous position when the anticipated "freeze" came. Prices cla imbed I percent In , lhe six-month· period o f • military escalation preceding pt·,. the clampdoWn in January ;""' 1951, even -though some in· rlirect controls were still in ef- fect. Midiiiel V. DiSallc , Korean War price boss, suggested the , Nixon Jldministration might try for hold-the -l ine agreements with the 500 bis- 1 gest corporations. or with ma-STILL PREVAILED jor industries. "Credit restraints were In f That would mean aban-use, rent controls still prevail· d 0-n· m en t of the ad· ed. and the excess profits ta1. ministration 's policy st.and was still in force ," DiSalle · aga1nst price-wage controls or said. ·~vet none of these seem-~ "guidelines, DiSalle said in an ed to slow -'up the spiral.'' ' ~ -1 interview, but he added : ~ situaUOn is s'ln:t1!8r now; , " "The administration doesn't Ute lawyer said, with the . have many optioris left now. suriex having no m o re " . "If they keep putting it orr, dampenif11 ef;fed than th&.-old . -excess profits ~ and •Uh this inflation is just going to businesses· bori-owing hand , \ keep on accelerating." 1· I DiSalle, former Democratic over ist n spite of record ' high interest rates. goverqor or Ohio and mayo,_or . 'Toledo, directed the Office'of Tfghtening the money •Price Stabilization from·· 1950 screws brtngs" lnequltable ef-~ to 1952 and in the latter year lccts, with hardships on small ~ 'administered wage curbs alsn, flnns, on marginal businesses · d' t of 0 i that need Joans to expand, and I as U'ec or e c n ° m c on housing, DiSallo said. 1 stablllzation. And a wrench violent enough •DO NOTHING lo cause a rapid deflation • "I didn't think the 10 per-causes shutdowr.s and t «nl surtax would do anything unemployment "which hurts •to slow things dowr., and it those whom you want m0$t to fhasn't." said DiSalle, now protect" -the poor, the shim 'practicing law In Washington. dwellers and minority groups, l "I do think some kind of and the lower~killed workers. •1 quasi-voluntary system might work." Voluntary controls fail· TRIED BRIEFLY fed In lhe Korean War, he con. The idea of Industry-wide ANAHEIM J I • \ ' Ill __ coded. The "'"'¥'"'1 ·was atill ·ho!d-the-llne . •f"lementJI "u i•~n<llnf oil'.the m.ntth or · trrea brief'>' Jf1 the . Korean ,COl"AltMJel deintnd pent up War. A at~ pact wu made 1dlW!nl WorJd War IL Prlto whlrh worked, Dis.Ile m.all- 1«1llii!• hld•been·removed -eel, but the id<a !•U apart ;llt"l>bal>IY llJ'lllAllhly, I h whei ij ptj>Yed. imposaiblo .to ,bis.De's oplnlon -a n d bring the auto industry into 4# N. Euclid' s3t.s12•1 47 Fashion Island 6+4-1212 )>!alnessmen, lull¥ expectll\fl agreement. 11 might -k this lhal ceilings would b e lime, DiScllle 1uggestecl. Mon. t.hru Sot. I 0 e.m. to 9:30 p.m. Mon. thru Fri. 10 e.m. io 9:30 p.m. Sot. I 0 e.m. to 6 p.m. We~. J.,.. Ja, 1969 D~LY PILOT S • • • . ' • = SWIVEL ROCKERS PROMISE DEEP COMFORT ' . ' " 99.95 reg. 139.95 We salute the tall and handsome swivef rocker ••• in cot.ton cut velvet imported from Belgium. Bottom tulteg beck, deeply comlorteble soo t cushions wit h polyfoem ~ wrapped in Dat!ron polyester for snap back resilience, non allBrgic qUalWies. A final custom flourish •• • •. out line welting in solid color. Furniture, 38 ' • "¥AQUERO" ••• COORDINATES MEXICANA, SPECIALLY PRICED. FROM MORRIS OF CALIFORNIA Reg. 39.95 .129 .95 34.00·116.00 ~ ,, , }' '· .. .. . -. . • • . Pion o young bedroom or fam ily room oround this rustic~­ rugged series in mellow brown woods . 11 9.95 6 dr Ar•n •r h•1• Jt .t S '"•fcliiR9 '"irror f4.95 ,t!Jd•Rt cl•1lr 119.t S Iii ck.tt, 5 clr•w•r1 69.t5 lo ch•tf, l dr1~r1 69.95 lo cup~e1rd 19.95 corR•r d•1lr ]9,9$ Ri9ftf l f•11d° 42.tS ]0" boolr1lt•lf Furniture, 92 1n.oo "·!f HAG 1N.OO ..... ..... 14.00 ..... J9.00 54.ts 44"· 1'00~1li.n ••• 59.t S twift •r full bitd 14.to '94.95 4-.d'rlw•r tlrn1•r 2t.95 1t1/rror 27 ... b••• only ttAlll 129.95 buftlr bM, 9u•r tlr•il _ :! l•cld•r 116.lf 109.tS trund'l• It.cl, ~1 b•ddlR9 box H.91 r2s.9s '"•"•''· pl1tfor'"• for tr11Rd l• b•d 1 ff.t:I i 2001 MATIRESSES AT THE LOWESl PRl.CES OF THE YEAR Twin size 59.95·89.95 All ere Simmons famous quality -in os.sorled sires, including twin, fulls, edre longs, quoonf ond kings. Choose tufted or quilted stylos in firm or oxtre firm lensions. All reduced es loest 20 % Full size; Queen si?o 119.95. Sleep Shop, 69 HUNTINGTON BEACH 7777 Edinger Ave. a92.333 I" Mon. thru Set. .I 0 o.m. to 9:30 p.m • r L . 't • . -·-·-''--- \.DADiY PILOT EDITORIAL P AGE I ' Laguna's Flood Menace We've been warned. EnJti,neers from two governmental agencies lai d it on the 1ine for Laguna Beach councilmen and a.hand· fUI of spectators last week . They described the very real flood hazards that face Laguna Canyon and the downtown basiq,. Engineers, tor Instance, pointed out that the recent flood s which wreaked canyon havoc. were only one fotu1h the volume of a Oood termed "1ntermediate Re· gional Flood'1 that could arrive any time -like next winter. The candid conversations were the upshot of a study of Laguna Canyon, its eight.square mile water shed and its "flood plain" from about a mile upstream of El Toro Road to the sea. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' study-a first in Orange County-showed many things. It showed inadequate flood checks. The existing drainage channel didn't cut the J1"1stard this time and it certainly wouldn't in a bigger flood. \Vorse, the flood plain (path of drainage and flood- ing) is populated with people and businesses. Not only are the lives and property of occupants on the line in a bad flood, many of the structures in tho canyon actually hamper drainage. For instance. one man's fence might force water through another man's home. One man's bridge might let go and cause a drainage obstruction that would build a destructive head of water. Oddly enough, a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers study to come up with recommended solutions was au- thorized by Congress' after World War II. This was ap- parently due to nagging by persons hit in floods of the 1930's. But the authorized study was never funded. It may be now, with some more na¥ging. The cost is only $301• 000 to find out what ls needed . We need to know. The Orange County Flood Control District ba s rec- ommended an up-canyon dam to serve as a water check. Better Oood control is essential. Until better solu· Uons can be found, it may even become the moral re· spousibility of concerned governmentaJ agencies to rig- idly control and limit building I~ the flood plain. Money is one problem. Twiet in rece'nt years flood control bonds have been defeated on a county level. Despite the short·liigbtedness of those who voted "no," money must be found for solutions. Growth in the area is going to add to· runoU and increase the mag- nitude of the problem. 'Time to Take a Stand' "Perhaps we should not have been as diplomatic and careful and should have taken a strong stand for what we really believe in . Perhaps it's time to take a sLand." Former Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce president Tom Johnston was speaking to feJiow board members a bou t a new role for the chamber, a stand-: up-and-be.counted posture, instead of kid-glove diplo.- tnacy. This would be desirable when a consensus of Ute chamber govQrning board feel s a position is called for. The problem li as been one of not biting the hand that feeds sine~ .the chamber r~eives $35,000 from the city for advert1s1ng and promotion of the city. It's tough to blast one's financial benefactor even if the criticism seems deserved and the money has been earned. T L Truth-in-Lending Vs. Buying Habit Impropriety Question Has ·Been Removed • Gatnes of Senatorial Cat-and-Mouse Businesaes which offer credit are gear· ing up -with new printed forms and salecman training -for the Consumer Protection Act of 1968, which takes effect July 1. Popularly tagged trutl't-in-lending, the law is designed to let buyers and bor- l'owers learn clearly and unequivocally \Vhat they must pay for merchandise and credit. Much merchandising In reetnt years haa been carried on, for example, on the $1-down-St-weekly basis, with the option left to the buyer to compare the total weekly installments with the original purcbaae price. NOW "REGULATION Z,'' a Federal Ruerve Board publication of rules to ltr>d and sell by, has been dispersed- across the nation t.o acquaint affected buslntsses with the law. whose en· forcement is the responsibility of nine federa1 agencies, chle!ly the federal Trade Commission. "Finance charges" and 1 ' an nu a I percenl.age rate" must be printed more conspicuously than surrounding material lin contrast to the sometimes "read the fine print" caution ). Finance charges ( • ~· ··J:" --; -.. Guest Editorial mu st list "the works": interest, loan rce, c:redit investigation fee. cost of life or other insurance associated with a time purchase, and any amount paid as a "discount," service or carrying charge. BUYERS AND borrowers not gifted in the "higher math" for discovering the full price of an item or money acqulred "on time" may raise eyebrows momen- tarily when the whole cost.picture stares them in the face. One effect may be to prompt shoppers to hunt around for the ''best financial deal," since final cost answers will be available for easy com· parison. \Vilh the national habit of Jiving on next week 's or next year's paychecks well in· grained by now, we seriously doubt the new truth-in-lending disclosures will permanently divert many Americans from their buy-now, pay-later way of life. The Times-Picayune New Orlean1 Just to Stay Even ... IF YOUR 1958 INCOME WAS··· $3,000 $5,000 $7,500 $10,000 $20,000 $50,000 $100,000 -IN 1969 YOU MUST EARN, JUST TO STAY EVEN-- -$3,846 -$6,332 $9,417 A PERCENTAGE INCREASE OF·· 21% 21,..; 26% $12,543 -25% --$24,888 247. $63,1 60 26"• 247. The effect.I of inflation and tax.es are illuslrated In thili chart. A married man with two chJldren who earned $7 ,500 ln 1968 must earn in 1969 about 26 percent more lo be as ''wen off." ,.......-------.811 Geor1e --------· Dw G«lfp: 1...i thil follow at the ollice and ... -perfectly nice, harm] .. , and -· Some of the other clril lnlilt he ii an•awlul wolf. How can I find U it to true ht Is a woU! J've accepted an lnvJt.atlon for a • e1adlcHitit dinner lit his apart- ment. WONDERING Dur Wondering: What are you writing me for? t can't think of a better v.'ay to find out. To the Editor : Please be advised Iha~ Mr. Arthur Strock has removed any question of im· propriety that may have. arisen in C1>n- neclion with his conduct to which you referred in your June 7, 1969 -issue regarding the O'Donnell case. CLAUDE M. OWENS .Judge of the Superior Court i\lr. Strock , while acting as attor· 11ey rcpresenti-ng Dr. /11errill (,'. O'· Do11ncll in Judge Owe1ls' court. dre111 a complaint from the judge that he M.ai.lho.ll • ,, appeared to bt flouting Ca11on 22 of the Canon& of Professiunal fthics when he cited a previously rejected dec~io1~ during law a1ld motio1~ ar- gur11ents. Judge Owens' l.etter reports the result of /11r. Strock.'s re1po11se 10 the judge's request to him for com· nienl. -Editor JtJoral Aspecu, Too To the Editor : Recently critics of sex education pro- grams have-voiced their opposition dramatically and emotionally. Their ma- jor objection1 is that their children are being influenced away from thfi IMl'llity of church and home and being in· doctrinated into the "new immorality" taught in sex education programs. Statistics show that there has been a rise in unwed pregnancies and venereal disease in America today. This is an in· dicat.ion that the youth of today are im- properly instructed in the moral aspect of sex, WHERE DO TH~E children get their misinformation? If parents cannot or will not leach thoJr chlidren about sex, and in- still in thd'in a healthy attitude, the children ~Ill look for information elsewhere. 'hieir whole knowledge etiout sex will be derived from discussions with their equally uninformed, or worse yet,' mJslnformed peers. Children 'ti.re curious by nature, "and they will seek out the. forbidden in· formation oo that they can satisfy their curiosity. Ttiey will read as many filthy books as they can find and they will eagerly accept the moral attitudes of their "more experienced" friends. ANAHEU.f HAS A four-year-old sex education program taught in the seventh through twelflh grades. This course in· tegrates the biological. psychological, and. moral aspects of sex education. It emphasizes that the sex act demands the knowledge, trust, security, maturity and the love fouod in marriage. Once the need for sex education has been recognlted, what must be done to ensure that there is a sex educaUon pro- gram taught 1n the community thlit ls in· formative, moralistic and relevant to .society? IF A SEX education program exists in your community, Investigate its aims and methOOs. Talk to the teachers and to the studtnts. The students' attitudes are in- dicative of the SUccelt& of the program. ti a stx education course does not ex· 1st, study the programs taught In othtr communitle1 and write to SUX:US, Sex Information and EducaUan CounCil of the t.'nlted States, New York, N.Y., for in· forma:tlon regarding organiEing and in· itlatlng a progr1m in your e<1mmunity. FRANCES OLDENBURG Student at UCI More Tarnish on Congress WASHINGTON -President Nixon, who has been slow in filling top govern· ment jobs, is now having some of his ap- pointments delayed by games of senaloria\-cat.and·mouse. Senate leaders of both parties are in- volved. The result is a little more tarnish on the lack·lustre facade of the current, 91 st, Congress. The Senate has always been zealous in carrying out its constitutional responsiili· ty to "advise and consent" on presiden- tial nominations. In the past, however, ra ther precise criteria were applied in considering presidential appointments. The old formula, as the late Sen. Robert A. Taft, R-0., once explained it, gave a president wide latitude in selec- ting top aides, provided that an appointee (1) was not clearly incompetent to do the job assigned, and (2) bad not been gullt'y of an offense involving moral turpitude. THERE WAS another proviso. A single senator could block a presidential ap- pointment on grounds that the nominee was "personally obnO'Xious," but such an objecUon could only be applied to a nominee from a senator's own state to a federal position within that state. Now a nominee can be opposed on grounds of prejudice, personality, or even pique. This is how things have been going for President Nixon : DR. JOHN H. KNOWLES -President Nixon hadn't even nominated Knowles, his .choice to be assistant HEW secretary fo r health. when Senate Republican Leader Everett M. Dirksen, Ill.. an- nounced weeks ago that he would fight Knowles' appointment. With the post still unfilled, Dirksen restated his opposition last week. Knowles Is the director nf the prestigious Massachusetts Gen e r a I Hospital. The American Medical Associa- tion opposed his appointment to the HEW post because Knowles has supported I ' I ' !lleu-Gol<bniith ; ' . ~ .f •• compulsory health care plans and other liberal social welfare projects. Dirksen, who professes great ad- miration for Taft, has not really e.1- plained his opposition to Knowles. Dirksen has noted that the AMA is op· posing Knowles and he was reported to have described the doctor, a fello\v Republican , as a "radical'' at one closed· door meeting. OTTO F. OTEPKA -He is the former State Department Security Officer who was demoted after he privately slipped some departmental data lo the senate Internal Security Subcommittee in 1963. His · cause was quickly espoused by a number of right wing groups, and he then became a target of the left wing. . • At Oirksen's. behest, President Nixon nominated Otepka on March 20 to· be ·a member of the nearly defunct Subversive Activities Control Board. No one testified against the nomination, and the Senate Judiciary Committee approved it 12 to 3 more than a month ago. Since that time the nomination ha~ been stalled and in a sort of limbo on the Senate calendar. The Se n a t e ' s Democratic leadership. which attends to such procedural matters, simply has not scheduled the Otepka nomination for floor consideration. Ev~ntually, the nomination will be ap.. proved. The word now is that action may come this week after a few opponents, mostly Democrats, air their objeclions. which are keyed to the old security mat· ter and to the way Otepka raised money to fight the long legal battle which ensued. CARL J. GILBERT -Two Senate committee chairmen are in a jurisdlc- tional battle over Gilbert, who was nominated by President Nixon on April 14 to be the U.S. special representative for trade negotiations, a job with am· bassadorial rank . Gilbert's nomination was approved by the Foreign Relations Committee, since it is a foreign policy post. Then Chairman Russell B. Long, D·La .. complained that his Finance Committee, which created the job. should have a say in filling it. Long and Chainnan J. William F'ulbright, D·Ark .. of the Foreign Re\a- lions Committee. have now agreed that the Finance Committee can study the nomination for up to 30 days. Then Gilbert too, will probably be confirmed, and he can get down to the rather im· portant job ol ,tariff negotiations. While the President's nomination or Chief Justice Warren E. Burger was Quickly and overwhelmingly approved last week. by a vote of 74 to 3. th.c reasons advanced by the three Burger opponents fell far short of the old Senate formula . SEN. STEPHEN M. YOUNG, D-0., complained that an attorney who opposed Burger's nomination was not heard by the Judiciary Committee in its hearing! an d could not even get into the hearin1: room. Sen. Gaylord Nelson, D·Wis., said he kne1v "nothing derogatory1' about Burger but had not been afforded a chance to examine his credentials. Sen . Eugene J. McCa rthy, 0-Minn .. the third nay.sayer. said Burger campaigned against him in 1952 in a manner calculated to elicit "an emotional if not prejudiced response." McCarthy did not attempt to employ the old personally ob- noxious tradition on a broader base. It was, as usual. just the lone McCarthy voice. unheeded by his C1>1leagues. By Robert S. Alltn and John A. Goldsmltb Pot Is Calling Kettle Black It has always amused me to hear some pompous business official stand up in public and upbraid "the guvment" for its massive bureaucracy and its absurd spending policies. For I have seen enougl\ of private business establishments al first-hand to know when a pot is calling,. kettle black. . The thesis of tl:tese public denunciators ls the "govment" should emulate private enterprise -.but-in the cases t have personally observed , there is scarcely a shade of difference between the two, ex- cept that business is designed to make money, and government to provide ,a vice. THE BUREAUCR.ACY IN a large and thriving corporation Is not to be believed. The wastac• Js immense, and the level of Dear Gloomv • Gus: t Oun sharp-eyed Laguna B e a c h parking meter men are able to spot a rtd "violaUon" al too pa ces, but always mW seeing the big delivery trucks which park lllt(llly in lh• alley betwten For- est and Octan A venues. blocking It off lo the poor harassed motor· \st searching for an hontJl parking space. -M. L. J ~; r •"--~'""'' ·-..... -~~ ·-• • ..-'""""' ; ! ' • i' (" ' ~i.dt\~y J;, -U~irls ., ~' '·.·fff ' i.,, .. ,~ f \.. .ti!;~ ... i,j .... ...... --~ ~ e<1mpetence not very high. It is only the essential viability of capitalism that keeps some of these firms afloat -they succeed despite their sloppy manage- ment. Most of them are venny·wise and pound·foolish. They wlll alienate their minor employes by instituting some petty economic reform (dealing with something as inconsequential as pencil·sharpeners), and then squander millions on some foolish scheme that tickles the vanity of the top executive -but which any un- derling could tell him is a waste of funds. IN FACT, one of the best arguments for capitalism has never been advanced In its favor, !or it Is too embarrassing to mention -and that Is the indisputable fa<:t that the system works so well in the business area, that it can withstand even the mediocrity a.nd mismanagement o( its custodians. It's hard to lose money in an expanding economy. The closer one get:& lo lhe scat ol cor· porate power, the more obvious It becomes thal the system is supporting these pt01>le, rather than the people lbe system. Many or them haven'l evtn bad enough uvvy to keep thelr own com- pa;rtits under control -wh ich accounts for the appalling number Of c:orporele takeovers and fictlllous "mergers" ln the lut. rew years, The corporate bureaucracy gets so top-heavy that Its J'gs are amputa ted before i~ head beains to know what is going on. TJDS IS NOT meant to be a defense of the indefensible practices in government, whic~. should be more tailored, efCieient, and responsive to public needs -it is si mply to suggest that all bureaucracie~ are pretty much alike, no matter what , their professed philosophy may be. It's just that the idiocies of government become a matt.er of public record , while the Ineptitudes of business ar11 camouflaged by profits that are almost impossible not to make. When businessmen take over an ad· . ministration, as in thi s Nixon era, they will spend as much as their Democratic predecessors; the difference is in the :;peeches, not ln the actions. ----- Wednesday. June 18. 1969 Th• editorial P<D• Of th• Dcilu Pilot seeks to inform and stim- ulate readerr bv pre.stntino thif ntw.tpapu's opiniom and com- menro:rv on topict ot intereat and significance, bV P"'OVidino a forum for the et:prtUi01' of our rtaderi' optmon&, and b~ pre&tn&ing Ute diwrse viirta. pobatl of inform~ obsmiers and IJ)Okttmfl'& on topic1 of tilt dou. Robert N. Weed, Publi shcr I I ' f l I .. YOt 62, NO. l4S, 6 SECTIONS, 72 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JUNE ·11, 1196. • • IS Sill 0 ' ' oun Down the M •• ISSIOD Trail San Clemente Up to 17,050 SAN CLEMENTE -The city of San. Clemente now has a population of 17 ,OM -·an increase of 450 persons since Aprill of .last year, according to an official st.ate estimate. The increase of 2.7 percent will mean an additional $6,750 in revenue to the city, which receives shares of state-collected license fees and gasoline taxes based upon the current population. Pcipulation of the seaside resort has nearly doubled slnct the federal census of 1960 which listed 8,527 residents. .• uirls Wln Wh19s MISSION . VIEJO -Ten airline stewardess studenl.ll have won wings at Saddleback College. The girls, who served as hostesses dur- ing campus functions, are Peggy Barret of Newport Beach, Cyndee Hendrickson of Laguna Beach, Teni Hennan of Laguna Beach, Pati Laney of Dana Point, Joyce Leonard of Tustin, Pat Mc;Carthy of Tustin, Kathy Scofield, San Clemente, Debbie Shea of San Clemente, Debbie Smith of Laguna Beach and Wendy Weiss of Tustin. 11te etillege will add a second year to the program in the fall •. Teacher GeU Gtillllt MISSlON VIEJO -Robert W. Olson, a Saddlebact College drafting a n d engineering instructor, has reCeived a NaUonal Science Foundation grant to at- tend a summer conference for engineer- ing and social science instructors. The conference, to be held August ll·ZZ at the University of Santa Clara~ will in- clude courses of study involving future technology. Olson was a project engineer ror the U.S. Atomic Energy Cormnission and Atomic Power Equipment Department engineer for General Electric before entering education. ·• Photo Contest Set • IRVINE RANCH -Irvine's "Pathways To Progress Week," June 5 through 22 will feature a photography conten for children under 12 years of age. Youngsters are invited to take pictures of sites and activities on the ranch.. Application blanks for the contest are available from Irvine I n f o r rn l. t i o n Center at the Island House in Fashion Island.' and the Irvine Gardens at Myford Road and Irvine Boulevard. e Big Splmh Slated MISSION VIEJO -A giant water fi ght promises that the Mission Viejo Recrea- tion Center will be wet and wild Thursday and Friday afternoons. Grades s,i.t: and above will fight it out Thursday beginning at I :30 p.m. while five and under will meet Friday al l :30 p.m. Each participant should bring an empty half gallon milk carton. Hobie Cat Maker Sued for Dworce Millionaire surfboard manufacturer. • Hobart Laidlaw "Hobie" Aller 1s Charged with "extreme cruelty" and "grievous mental suffering" in a divorce complaint on rue today in Superior Court. Seeking an erid to her t~year marriage to the Laguna Beach sportsman is Mrs. Sharon Diane Alter, 1073 Gavlota Drive, In a complaint that seeks division of con- siderable community property a n a business interests, she asks for an allowance of $50,000 a year plus monthly beoelits ol l'IOO fer benelf and each of her three children -Paula, 14, Hobort, 11 and Jeffrey, 7. Mn!. Alter askl lhll the courl mtraln her estranged husband from dispolling of any ol the substantial business holdings and lnterestl she painstakingly detallJ In lier IJ.page filing. She cites Alt<r'1 con1rol of surfboanl and catamaran construction faclUUes and red estate in Sin Juan capllttano, Dana Point, l,.ake Elsinore and 'leveral out..of4 countJ localiona. Alter ii known In er..,.. CoUt boating circles aa the dal~ of uHoble Cl.ta" -the popular It-foot catamarans lhlt ha•• triumphed In oe•erol cout>I raoa. He aJao controls Hobie Surlbolnll Inc. Lata1J's 7th' Hubby Dante E~capes ' . Death, Not L~w- Br ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of the Diii, Jlllel Stiff Jet set hypnotist Dr. Ronald Dante - Harbor Area entertainer and confldan~e of stars -today faces a theft charge in- volving $18,500 worth ol boats at a Costa Mesa firm, after survivlng a mysterious murder attempt Tuesday. Santa An~ police recognized the name in news reports of lhe five-shot ambush an d tipJ>Cf'. off Holly\l'ood detectives who arrested the ill-starred seventh husband of actress Lana Turner about "Tiidnight. The attack by a mystery gunman wear- ing a rakish AustrallllJl busb hat earlier, as Dan te drove into his fashionable office-apartment on Dobeny Drive, left him with only a cut on the face. SHA1TERED GLASS The barrage of bullels shattered the windshield of his car and he was nicked by flying glass as he dove for lhe floorboards during what authorities said was the third attempt on his life. Once before , a jealous lover who claim· ed the hypnotist had alienated his girlfriend, fired a .45 caliber pistol sh9t at Dr. Dante during a San Diego nightclub performance. He was not hit. and lawmen did not elaborate Tuesday on the third alleged murder attempt. Dante'Was apparenUy lJ shaken by his ar.rest1u lie had been bf•tbe murder at- tempt earlier, telling authorities he knew of no rt,aS<>n-for either, unUl the boat case warttplaJoed. · "I don't know anyone who would want to klll me,'' he sald, "unles.s it would be someone who is jealous about the woman I just·matrled." 6 OTQER HUSBANDS Dante followed six other husbands down the aisle with Miss Turner in a Las Vegas wedding chapel six ·weeks 1wo, after they met at a fashionable discothe- que three weeks earlier. The alleged attemn.ted theft of sev1::n motorboats belonginglo the Marlin Boat Co., 1595 Newport Blvd., CO$. Mesa, oc- curred almost one year to the day belore Dante's marriage to the blondt star. Miss Turner, 49, and her daughter Cheryl, 2S, were present . when the Singapore-born nightclub hypnotist wois picked up at their Sheraton-Universal Hotel suite. He listed his age as 49 during the book- ing process and told police he has a doc- torate In psychology from Singapore University. The fonner entertainer at the Villa Marina nigbtclub in Newport Beach - (Set DANTE, Page Z) ESCAPES MURDER TRY Star's Husb.tnd .Dante • • 'ti :El 'Toro Man '" Held ·in Shoowilt Over . Ex•tbife '. An El ~Toro man ls ·1n Orange Count'y Jail today charged with assauJt with in- tent to commit murder after he allegedly shot Out the tires of a car Tuesday night in which his ex-wife and a companion were riding. Donald L. Winslow, 26, of 24172 Birdrock Drive. also threatened the pair and fired five shots into the air from his .31kaliber rifle, sheriff's deputies allege. Sheriff's Capt. James Broadbelt said deputies were alerted by El Toro servi<:e station attendant William Maas. Maas . said a man, later idenUrted as Winslow, drove into the station and asked him to "go up the road a piece and fix some tires I shot out." Winslow was captufed shortly by the CalifonUa Highway Patrol whlle parked behind a supermarket in Leisure World Laguna Hills. Barr.or T•klng $,..pe Dr. Ullom Hits Slate Tax Plans Laguna Beach Unified School Dlstrlct Superintendent WlWam Ullom warned Tueoday nigtll lhlt passage of a proposed st,te-wld~ school tax would haxe "a devastating effect on oUr comml,In.lty." \JUom and Laguna school trustees urg- ed · that Lagunins write 'their state assemblyman (Robert lladha<U) • and senator (John G. Schmitz) to urge defeat of an assembly bUI which would set up such a tax structure. Board members were speaking of Assembly Bill 1878 which attemiit.s to equalize educaUonal flnances throughout the slate by imposing a statewide tax in lieu of local ·property taxes. Its passage would mean taxpayers 1n Laguna Beach would pay hlgber p"'P'fll' Laxes, and yet less money would a:o into local school co"fiers, they said. Opponent. of the bill also maintain !hat it will eventually destroy local control of e~ucation. 'I don't disagree children in other areas should have equal opportunities, but there are other ways ol. flnanclng this. For example, there Is sales tax," said trustee Larry Taylor. He added, "EY'1'y tllpay" In Laguna Beach ohou1d be concerned.·~ "Far our community. it would 'be devS.SWUog," ·Dr:. Wtwam U I lo m , superinlen4eo1.ol Laguna. Beaoh Unified School lllstrlct, sild of an .,,.mbty bill J>r~~~ ti;.>pr.si '.........., · to · le tbelr repmentatl~a ln the state cllj>itol to tell tl\em to ••It qalJlll thl bill. Board mem~ were 1peakin1 of Assembly bill 1511 which attempta to equalhe educaliooal flDincel thn>ughoul the state by imJ>Ol4nl 1 ·1tatftide,tax in IJeu of loCal "phiperty taxes. · Ils · paUage would' mean taxpay.ers in Laguna Beach would PIY higher property taie1, and yet less mbney would go ·into local achoo! cofCers, they &aid. Opponents of \ht bill al.10 maintain that it wlll eventually dellroy local control of education. , "l don't disagree children IQ .other areas should have equal opportonitles, but lhere are other nys of thlancing this. ·For example, theN! Is sales tax" said trust~ Larl-y Taylor. He added, "Every lazpayer In J,.aguna Beach ll>Ould be concerned." · Storie M•rhets NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market closed almost even today, after an early sharp advance, partially buoyed by bargain hunting, slowed Jn I a t e r trading. ·cSee quotations, Pages 20-21). • • I Work progresses on Dana Harbor, Orange County's newut small crall refuge. Tbfs I,s qrlal view look· ing east along coutline tow1rd San Clemenll. Land jutting into sea al extreme upper edge of photo is Cotton's Point, silo of President Nixon's Whlte . . f • Houae west. Work on :barbor !!&elf trivolves con- slrucllon of temporary coffer clam• wtlbin brtalt· waters, pumping out If& water, ·lhen .Jer1pint dry surla<:e lo make b~ bo~ ! j,' .. I•'· I f" I . . ~ . / ' . ' I I) I CHRIS HANCE CASTS OPF Summer In the Swim '1 · •. ''1'11 .: • ,:. ; t O~;t~S~~·~:t:,t'. ' ' . ' I . . ' . Slated· Along Souill f.oast For the d1µ1herw of,the .Orange County southern coast.al irea, swimming seems to be almost a1 necessary a means of locomotlO!: as Walking. ' · To ensure that swimming skill 11 IC• quired by all who need It, several COJTl4 munitie1 have initiated swimming Jn· struction ln ·their summer recreation prorram1 •. Ift Laguna Beach, Mlasion Viejo, and San Clemente, organized swimming ln- strucUon programs are now under way and will be coqUnWng throughout the summer. In Laguna Beach, five ~ons of nine dafly hall ·hour claue1 are ·1olng on, but the classe11 for U:te summer are now full, said Mrr. Mary Wormald, chief lifeguard, By the end of the summer, nearly 1000 youngsters wUI have been taught to swim. At MisMon Viejo, a full slate of classes Is offered for" mothers and toll, youngsters and adults In beginning, in- termediate, and advanced levels at the Ml8Slon Viejo Recre&Uon C.enter. ~Ix •esslons will be beld through 5ept. S. Adult classes will be held during eftl:>- lng hours. Fee is '6 for members and •15 for non-mem.Qera. · In San Clemenle, a 'joint 'City.- Capistrano Unified School Dlstrlck~ gram will !Jlak• 1Wlmmln1 'inllfucilOn available to all who Uve wilhiD'}be ldloal district Including Dtna Poiltt, san laan, Capl!lrancJ' Beach ·and _pOrja · of ti......; Nll!U"L · ~ -,< ~-~-~ '"""" thiee--11';.....,. ~day ell..., wll!· be,l!Old 1t' the ·SY. Clementi m1D1iClpal .,001. ~· l!u\1a\l awllnm<rl"'must be ·at !Wt' alx-yeara di age. ,Plfst ...,..,, starled · Monilay. Cla*s meet from I 1,mlto nooo. Fee ii $1. l -7 ' T~ay's Flnal 'N.Y. Stoeks ' TEN CENTS • 1ve Breath Stops During Trip To Hospital SAN BEil!iAilinNO (APJ - A I-year· old bo)' miallll ID ...U.ta1ns since Satur- day was ·found today lying in a :mow patch. AuthorlUtll aald be stopped ~rt!athlng while beina Ialcen by bellcopter to a tmpltal and Waa 1 given mouth-to.. mouth resuscitation. Upon ll'rival, t team of doctors worked over Matthew JOlepb Zlmmerman. They said be was in seriouJ condition suffering from exposure. Two youths, vohmteer searchers Crom San Bernardino,. found the boy about 9 a.m. at an altitude ol more than a mile near Barton ll"lats, where snow still lingers in patches from a record winter fall, At first the lad's condlUon w11 reportf.d as good, and tears came to the eyes of men at a base camp for a four-day search. Later, however, came unofflclal word h15 condition was "not good:" Sheriff's Sgt. Ollie Gray, traveling In the copter with the boy, gave the mouth- to-moutb resuacltaUon ln the copter and continueCI unW he was taken to a cllnlc ;i.t Norton Air Force Base. The boy wandered away Saturday from a campgraond where his family wu on an outing. rmtng a search, by 200 men at one time, trackers followed b.ls footprint.I but c:ouldn' find Matthew. When.be WU dJaco>ered lhiJ morning he was. about a mile and one half upbW · '""'1 tilt eamPlll'CJUDd. "Wa mow be's ........t hlacktop Roule 38 at least twice,'' aaJd Sgt. Gray, "The tlllle Ill¥ b oegotlatlng terrain yoo Just wooldll't' btlilVe." 'Ille "'8l'd> ireo Includes heavy timber ll1d ~. """"' open areal and fut-m0vtn1 mountain ltreamJ witb an OCCf'\aial eabln along. the bankl. Some people Uve in the area, deputle,, said, but most of the cabins are UDOC· cupied and unatocked with food. Five Arrested On Narco Counts Three juveniles and two adults were picked up Tuesday by Laguna Beach police on a variety of narcotica charges Including P"""S6ion of beroin. Of the adults, Eugene La Force, 34, of Long Beach was booked on a charge of pouessiOJl of ~oin, and Timothy Eric WUey, 20, of Madia, was booked on charges of possession or dangerous drup and marijuana. The ~ were made at 190 McAulay Place after a 1herur1 deputy and Laguna Beach Sgt. Norm Babcock went to th• residence to terVe a warrant · charging unlawful possession of dangerous drU&I by Alfre<l,James De Stefano, 20, of lb.al -Taken into evidence were a variety ol pi1ll belleved by oUlcers to be llllcij Jffup, a mtall quanUty of bashish, a marijuana dgaette and several small packages of beroin, Police LI. Frank Scbopen aid today. . La F°""' remained In police cuslod1 lhiJ. ""'"'111g. Wiley put up 1312 ball and the juvenllel ...... -to theJr porenla, Yo Sch6pen sajd. ~ Oran1• Cout We•tller The sun will make its perfuno- tory appeartnce Tlwnd111, afte>- ,_,,, but otherwlte !I'll be mootly ctoucty with temperatures In the blP Ill's along Ule Mage CouL INSIDE TGDA 't' . Two of th< foltesl l/OChtl •!loo• tonoi. thjl .,,.,kend .. Wind......i POS!O(Jt mttil Black· fi• far-Ult CllU/0nti4 Cup. Boo~ Ing, P091 D. -'e c........ I t1 ==-"' .. .:: -' .. -h :::C"-.. .. ==· .... -,_ -..., -. ---. ,_ . - • L..... tt ......... -.. ...._., a.n .............. --.. ~(MW 11 --.... .... ... °'· "7 =• 11 ----.. ---. ....,. _ .. • • --1 -----~ I D&n;y PROT EDIToRLu, PAGE l Laguna's Flood Menace We've been warned. Engineer~ from two governmental agencies laid it on the line for Laguna Beach councilmen and a .hand· lul o1 spect8tors last week . They described th e very real flood hazards that face Laguna Canyon and the downtown basin. Engineers, tor instance, pointed out that the recent lloods which wreaked canyon havoc. were only one fourth the volume of a flood termed "Intermediate Re- gional Flood" that could arrive any time -like next "'lnter. The candid conversations were the upshot of a study of Laguna Canyon. its eight-square mile water shed and its i•fiood plain" from about ~ mile upstream of El Toro Road to the sea. The U.S. Army Corps ot Engineerio' ~tudy-a first in Orange County-showed many things. , It showed inadequate flood checks. The existing drainage channel didn 't cut the ntllstard this time and it certainly wouldn't in a bigger flood . \Vorse, the flood plain (path ot drainage and flood· Ing) is populated with pe6ple and businesses. Not only are the lives and property of occupa~ts on the line in a bad flood, many of the structures m the canyon actually hamper drainage. For instance, one man's tence might force water through another man's home. One man's bridge m ight Jet go and cause a drainage obstruction that would build a destructive head of water. Oddly enough, a U.S. Army Corps ot Engineer~ study to come up wi\h recommended solutio~s was au· thorized by Congress after World War JI . '1111s was ap· parently due to nagging by persons hit in· floods of the 1930's. But the authorized study was never tunded. It may be now, with some more nagging. The: cost is onJy $30,· 000 to find out what Is needed. We need lo know. The Orange County Flood Control District has rec· ommended an up-<:anyon dam to serve as a water check. Better flood control ls essential. Until better solu· tions can be tound, It may even become the moral re- sponsibility ot concerned governmental agencies to rig. idly control ri(ld limit building ill the Oood plain. Money is one problem. Twice in recent years fiood control bonds have been defeated on a county level. Despite the ~Ort-sightedness of those who voted 0 no," money must be found for solutions. Growth in the area is going to add to' runoff and increase the mag· nitude of the problem. 'Time to Take a Stand' "Perhaps we should not have been as diplomatic and caretul and should have taken a strong stand tor what we really believe in. Perhaps it's time to take a stand." Former Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce president Tom Johnston was speaking to fellow board members about a new role for the chamber, a stand~ up..and·be·counted posture, instead ot kid.glove diplcr 1nacy. This would be desirable when a consensus of the chamber govt{rning board feel s a position is cailed for. 'rhe problem has been one of not biting the band that !eeds since the chamber receives $35,000 from the city for adverti sing and promotion of the city. It's tough to blast one's financia l benefactor even if the criticism seems deserved and the money has been earned. • .. -' ~~I I-:. L "SIC 'fMI wHoAI SIC 'EM / WHoA' .. . . ~ . . . Truth-in-Lending Vs. Buying Habit lmproprie~y Question Has ·Been Removed 6a11ies of Senatorial Cat-and-Mouse Busineases wblch offer credit are gear· ing up -with new printed forms and t1alesma.n training -for the Consumer Protection Act of 1968, which takes effect July 1. Popularly tagged truth-in·lending. the Jaw is designed to let buyers and bor· rowers learn clearly and unequivocally \vhat they must pay for merchandise and credit. Much merchandising In recent years haa been carried on, for example, on the $1-down-$1-weekJy basis, with the option left to the tnzyer to cumpve the total weekly insta11mcnl$ with the original purchase price. NOW "REGULATION Z," a Federal Reserve Bo1rd publicaUon of rules to lend and sell by, has been dispersed across the nation to acquaint affected businases with the law, whose en· forcement is the responsibility of nine federaJ agencies, chiefly the federal Trade Commission. ''Finar;ce charges" and ' ' an nu a I percentage rate" must be printed more conspicuously than surrounding material fin conlrast to the sometimes .. read the fine print" caution). Finance charges i . -~ -·-· . ,, Guest Editorial ' must list "the works": interest, loan fee. credit investigation fee. cost of life or other insurance associated with a tlmc purchase, and any amount paid as a "discount," service or carrying charge. BUYERS ANO borrowers not gifted in the "higher math" for discovering the full price of an item or money acquired "on time" may raise eyebrows momen· larily when the whole cost·picture stares them in the face. One effect may be to prompt shoppers to hunt around for the "best financial deal," since final cost answers will be available for easy com· pari son. With the national habit of living on next week 's or ne.xt year's paychecks well in· grained by now, we seriously doubt the r.ew truth·in·lend!ng disclosures will permanently divert many Americans from their buy·oow, pay·laler way <>f life. Tbe Times-Picayun'J New Orleans Just to Stay Even ... IF YOUR 1958 INCOME WAS··· $3,000 $5,000 $7 ,SOO $10,000 $20,000 $50,000 $100,000 ·IN 1969 YOU MUST EARN, JUST TO STAY EVEN·- -$3,8~6 -$6,332 $9,~17 $12,543 $24,888 $63,160 A PERCENTAGE INCREASE OF·· 21,.; 27% 26% 25% 24% 26% -24% The effects of inOalion and taxes are illu.str1ttd In lhis chart. A married man with two children who earned $7,500 in 19~ must earn in 1969 ab<>ut 26 percent more to be u "well oil." .--------Bu Geo,.,e --------- ow Gforp: I met thll ltllow •I ~ offict and be ...... perleetly nle<, hannl"' llld courtooua. SOme of ti>< other litil lnlllt ht to an awful wo~. How can l find i( It b true be la a wolf! I've teeepttd l.D lovl&.al[on for 1 candlellght dinMr 11t his apart· ment. WONDERING Dear Wondering : What are you writing mt for? I can 't think of a better way to find oul To the Editor : Please be advised that 1tr. Arthur Strock has removed any question of im· propriety th.at may have arisen in con- nection with his conduct l<> which you referred in your June 7, 1969. issue regarding the O'Donnell case . CLAUDE M. OWENS Judge of the Superior Courl fl.fr. St rock, while acling as altor. nc11 representing Dr. f.1errill <.:. O'· Do11ncll in Judge Owens' court, dren1 a co·mp /aint frotn tile judge that he . . Mailho~; appeared io bt f loutiiig Ca no n 22 of tlie Cauon.t of Professia11al Ethics 1vl1e11 lie cited a previot{s/y rejected de cision during law and motion ar· gu1ne-111.s. Judge Owens ' letter reports the r esult of /.f r. Strock 's response to the judge's request to him /or com· men l. -Editor itloral Aspects, Too To the Editor : Recently critics of sex education pro· grams hav• voiced I.heir opposition dramatically and emotionally. Their ma· jo~ objecti<>n is that their children are being influenced away from the mor-.Jjty <>£ church and home and being in· · doctrinated into the "new immoraUty" taught in sex education programs. Statistics show that there has been a r ise in unwed pregnancies and venereal disease in America today. This is an in· dication that the youth of today are im· properly instructed in the m<>ral aspect of sex. WHERE DO THE.!E children get their misinformation! If parents cannot <>r will nol teach their chlidren about sex, and in· still in th~fn a healthy attitude, the children w!ll look for inrormation elsewhere. Ttleir whole knowledge about sex will be derived from discussions with their equally uninformed, or worse yet, misinformed peers. .. Children .me curious by nature, and they will seek out the forbidden in· formalion so lhat they can satisfy their curiosity. They will read as many filthy b<>oks as they can find and they will eagerly accept the moral attitudes of their "more experienced" friends. ANAHEl1t1 JlAS A four-year-old se.:< education program taught in the seventh ·through twelfth grades. This course in· tegrates the bi<>logical, psychol<>gical. and moral aspects <>! sex educnti<>n. It emphasizes that the sex act demands the knowledie, trust, security, maturity and Ule Jove found in marriage. Once the need for sex education has been recognized, what must be done to ensure that there Js a sex education pro- gram taught In tne community thlit Is in· formative, moralistic and relevant to society? IF A SEX education program exists in your con1munity, investigate Its aims and methods. Talk to the teachers and to the students. The students' attitudes arc Jn- dicaLive of the succeu of the program. If a sex educali<>n course does not ex· 1st, study the programs taught In other communltles and write to SIECUS, Sex lntonnalion and Educatklti Council of the United StaLts. New York, N.Y., for in- formation rt:8arding organizing and in· ilia ting a program In your community. FRANCES 01,DENBURG Student at UCl More Tarnish on Congress \VASHINGTON -President Nixon, who has been slow in filling top govern- ment jobs, is now having some of his ap. pointments delayed by games of senal<>rtal cat.and-mouse. Senate leaders of both parties are in· volved. The result is a little more tarnish <>n the lack·lustre facade of the current, 9lst. Congress. The Senate has always been zealous in carrying out its constitutional responstili· ty to "advise and consent" on presiden· tial nominations. In the past, however, rather precise criteria were applied in considering presidential appointments. The old formula, as the late Sen. 1~obert A. Taft, R-0 .• <>nee explained it, gave a president wide latitude In selec· ting top aides, provided that an appointee <I) was not clearly incompetent to do the job assigned, and (1) had not been guilty of an <>ffense involving moral turpitude. THERE WAS another· proviso. A single senat<>r cou ld block a presidential ap- pointment on grounds that the nominee was "personally obDO'li<lUs," but such an objection could only be applied t<> a nominee (rom a senator's own state lo a federal position within that state. Now a nominee can be oppQSed on grounds of prejudice, personality, or even pique. This is bow things have been going for President Nixon : DR. JOHN H. KNOWLF.S -President Nix<>n hadn't even nominated Knowles. his choice to be assistant HEW secretary for health. when Senate Republican Leader Everett M. Dirksen, Ill., an· nounced weeks ag<> that he would figh t Kn<>wles' appointment. With the post still unfilled, Dirksen restated his opposition last week. Knowles Is the director of the prestlgloos Massachusetts G en e r a I Hospital. The American Medical Associa· lion opposed his appointment to the HEW post because Knowles has supported ' -Alleµ;~olds..00.ih · f.' • J I .,. J compulsory health care plans and other liberal social welfare projects. Dirksen, who professes great ad· miration for Taft, has not real\y ex· plained his opposition to Knowles. Dirksen has noted that the AMA is op· posing Knowles and he was reported to have described the doctor, a fello\v Republican, as a ''radical" at one closed· door meeting. O'M'O F. OTEPKA -He is the f<>rmer State Department Security Officer who was dem<>ted alter he privately slipped some departmental data to the senate Internal Security Subcommittee in 1963. His' cause was quickly espoused by a number of right wing groups, and he then became a targat of the left wing. At Dirksen's~ behest, President Nixon nominated Otepka <>n March 20 lo be ·a member <>f the nearly defunct Subversive Activities Control Board. No one testified against the nomination , and the Senate Judiciary Committee approved it 12 to 3 more than a month ag<>. Since that time the nomination ha~ been stalled and in a sort <>f limb<> on the Senate calendar. The S e n a t e ' s Democratic leadership. which attends to such procedural matters , simply has not scheduled the Otepka nomination for floor consideration. Eventually, the nomination will be ap- proved. The word now is that action may come this week after a few opponents, mostly Democrats, air their objections. which are keyed to the old secu rity mat· ter and to the way Otepka raised money to fight the long legal battle which ensued . CARL J . GILBERT -Tw<> Senate committee chairmen are in a jurisdic· tionat battle over Gilbert, who was nominated by President Nix<>n <>n April 14 to be the U.S. special representative for trade negotiations. a j<>b with am· ~sadorial rank. Gilbert's nomination was approved by the foreign Relations Committee, since it is a foreign policy post. Then Chairman Russell B. Long, D·La .. c<>mplained that his Finance Commlttee, which created the job. should have a say in filling it. Long and Chairman J. William Fulbright, D·Ark .. of the Foreign Rel.a· lions Committee , have now agreed that the Finance Committee can study the nomina\ion for-up to 30 days. Then Gilbert too, will probably be confirmed, and he can get down to the rat.her im· port.ant job of tariff negotiations. \Vhile the President's nominaUon <>f Chief Justice Warren E. Burger wa s quickly and overwhelmingly approved last week . by a vote of 74 to 3. the reasons advanced by the three Burger opponents fell far short of the old Senate ·formula. SEN. STEPHEN M. YOUNG, D-0 .• complained that an attorney wh<> opposed Burger's nomination was not heard by the Judiciary Committee in its hearings and could not even get into the hearing room. Sen. Gaylord Nelson. D·Wis .. said he kne\v "nothing derogatory" about Burger but had not been afforded a chance lo examine his credentials. Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy, D·Minn .. the third nay.sayer. said Burger campaigned against him in 1952 in a manner ca!culaled to elicit "an em<>tional if not prejudiced re sponse." McCarthy did not attempt to employ the old personally ob· noxious tradition <>n a broader base. It was. as usual. just the lone McCarthy voic!!, unheeded by his colleagues. By Robert S. Allen and John A. Gold1mltb Pot Is Calling Kettle Black 11 has always amused me to hear some p<>mpous business <>fficial stand up in public and upbraid "the guvmenf' for its massive bureaucracy and its absurd spending policies. For I have teen enough of private business establishments at first-hand t<> know when a Pol is calling a kettle black. The ~hesis o£'these public denunciators Is the "govment11 should emulate private enterprise -but in the cases 1 have personally observed, there is scarcely a shade of difference between the two, ex· cept that business is designed lo make money, and government to provide service. THE BlJREAUCllACY IN a large and thriving corporation is n<>t to be believed . The wastas• is immense, and the level o! -Dear -Gloomy t Gus: Our sharp-tycd Laguna B e a e h parking meter men are able to spot a red "vlolaUon'' at 100 paces, but always mlss seeing the big delivery truck5 which park UlegalJy in the alley between For- est and Ocean Avenues, blocking Jt off to the poor harassed motor- ist searching for an honest parking space. -M. L. ,.,,.,.. ,,_,,_.., ... _.,, .. ·-· '• _...._-.. .. '""' . ·~ I • ~ , • . ~i'1g~y J, ff ar.ri~ . I tJ"' 11 11,.•.._ '., ''-i,~.,..,J~ ..i.:, __ '$ competence not very high. l l is only the essential viability or .:apitalism that keeps some of these firms an°'-t -they succeed despite their slogpy manage- ment. - Most of them are penny·wise and pound-foolish. They will alienate their minor employes by instituting some petty economic refor1n (dealing with something as ine<>nsequential as pencil·sharpene.rs), and then squander millions on some foolish scheme that tickles the vanity or the .top executive -but which any un· derling could tell him is a waste of funds. IN FA.Cl'. one of the best argumenl-1 for capilallsm has never been advanced in it..i; favor, for it Is too embarrassing to mention -and that ts the lndispuLable fact thal the system w<>rks so well, in the business area, that It can withstand even the mediocrity and mismanagement of its custodians. It's hard lo lose money In an expanding econ<>my. The clostr one gets to the seat ot cor· porate power, the more obvioos it becomes that the system is irupportln1 these people, rather than I.be people the system. Many of them ha vtn't even had enough savvy to keep their own com· panles under control -which accounts ror the appalling number Of cotporate takeovers and flcUtlous ''mergerg" ln the last few years, The corporate bureaucracy gets m top-heavy that its legs arc amputated before its head begins to know what is going on . TIOS TS NOT meant to be a defense ot lhe indefensible practices in government, \\'hie~. should be m<>re tailored. efficienl, and responsive to public needs -it is simply to suggest thai. all bureaucracie:. are pret ty much alike, no matter what their professed philosophy may be. It's just that the idiocies of government becom·e a matter of public record, while the in eJ)liliRlff of -business-am camoufl aged by profits that are almost impossible n<>t to make. When businessmen take over an ad· ministration , as in this Nixon era. they will spend as much as their Democratic predecessors ; the difference is in the speeches, nat in the acti<>ns . ----- Wed nesday. June 18. 1969 Th< tdltorlol page of the Dmlv PUot sctkJ to inform ond 1tim- tdott ,.,adtf't by pre.senHna this ntW$p(lpn'I opinions ond com- menlary on toptct of interest and 11anificanct. by providing c forum for the ezprc.s.sicm of ou,. rtad1r1• op(nlon.t, and b.11 presenting th1 d.Wtr1t tliei!- pofnts of fnJornttd ob1tnitr1 and rpokt"""' on topici of the c1av. Robert N. Weed, Publi•her ' •• • l I l l I 1 • Saddleba~k:. • YOI:. 62, NO. ·145, 6 SECTIONS, 72 PAGES OR.+NGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEONESOA Y, JUNE ·11,' 196t Down the Mission Trail San O emente Up to 17,050 SAN CLEMENTE -The city of San Clen'l!nte now l\as a population of 17 ,050 -·an increase ol 450 persons since April I of .last year, according Lo an officia1 state estimate. The increase of 2.7 percent \\'ill mean an additional $6,750 in revenue to the city, which receives shares of state-collected license fees and gasoline taxes based upon the current population. POpulaUon of the seaside resort has nearly doubled since the federal census of 19li0 which llsted 8,527 residents. ·• Girls Win Whigs MISSION . V[EJQ -Ten airline stewardess students have won wings at Saddleback College. The girls, who served as hostesses dur· Ing campus functions, are Peggy Barret of Newport Beach, Cyndee Hendrickson of Laguna Beach, Terri Hennan of Laguna Beach, Pali Laney of Dana Point, Joyce Leonard o( Tustin, Pat M<-:CarthY ()f Tustin. Kathy Scofield, San Clemente, Debbie Shea of San Clemente, Debbie Smith of Laguna Beach and Wendy WeW of Tustin. The college will add a second year to the program in the fall ;e .Te.eller Gets G....t MISSION VIEJO -Robert W. Olson, a Saddleback College drafting • n d engineering instructor, has rpived a National Science Foundation grant to at- tend a summer conference for engineer- ing and social science instructors. The conference, to be held August 11-22 at the University of Santa Clara, will in- clude courses of study involving future technology. Olson was a project englneer for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and Atomic Power Equipment Department engineer for General Electric before entering education. ·• Photo Contest Set ' ffiVINE RANCH -Irvine's "Pathways To Progress Week," June !i through 22 will feature a photography cont.est for children under 12 years of age. Youngsters are invited to take pictures of &ites and activilies on the ranch. Application blanks for the contest are available from Irvine I n f o r m ._ t i o n Center, at the Island House in Fashion lsland, and the Irvine Gardens at Myford Road and Irvine Boulevard. .• Big SplflJlh Slat ed MISSION VIEJO - A giant water fight promises that the Mission Viejo Recrea- tion Center will be wet and wild Thursday and Friday afternoons. Grades sj)t and above will fight it out Thursday beginning at I :30 p.m. while five and under will meet Friday at I :30 p.m. Each participant should bring an empty hall gallon milk carton. Hobi e Cat Maker Sued far Di~orc~ Millionaire surfboard manu(acturer Hobart Laidlaw "Hobie" Aller 1s charged with "extreme cruelty" and "grievous mental sufrerlng" in a divorce complaint on file today in Superior Court. Seeking an end to her 15-year marriage to the Laguna Beach 11portsman is Mrs. Sharon Diane Alter, 1073 Gav iota Drive. Jn a complatnt that Seeks division er con· siderable corrununity property a n a business Interests, she asks for an allowance of $50,000 a year plus monthly beoerits of f100 ror herself and each of her three children -Paula, 1 t, Hobart. 11 and Jeffrey, 7. Mrs. Alter asks that the court restrain her estranged husband from disposing of any oC the sub&lantlal business hoklinp and lnterells lhe palnstakln&lY dela!IJ in her tJ.page filing. She cites Alltt'1 control of surlbo8"! ond catamaran coostructlon laciliU.. and na1 estate in san.Jusn C.plltrallo, Dana Poin~ Lake Elsinore and -1evtral out.of· counl)o locations. Alter Ill known In Orango CO.st boating clrcles aa the dealgner.bullder of "Hobie Cata" -the popular If.foot e1tamarans that have triumphed In aeveral coastal r-. He allO controlt Hobie Surlboardl Inc. 0 oun ' ' --~- La1aa's 7th' Hubby Dante Escapes . . Death, Not L~w- By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of tM O.llY Plllt Stiff Jet set hypnotist Dr. Ronald Danle - Harbor Area entertainer and confidante or stars -today faces a theft charge in- volving $18,500 worth oC boats at a Costa Mesa finn, after surviving a mysterious murder atlempt Tuesday. Santa Ana police recognlzed the name in news rePorl.'i of the five-shot ambush and tippff'. on Hollywood detectives who arrested the ill-slarred sevenlh husband of actr.ess Lana Tumer about '"llidnight. The attack by a mystery gunman wear- ing a rakish Australian bush hat earlier, as Dante drove into his fashionable office-apartment on Doheny Drive, left him with only a cut on the face. SHATTERED GLASS The barrage of bullets shattered the windshield of his car and be was nicked by nying glass as he dove for lhe floorboards during what authorities said was the third attempt on his life. Once before, a jealous lover who claim- ed the hypnotist had alienated hia girUriend, fired a .45 caliber pistol shot at Dr. Dante during a San Dieio nightclub performance. He was not hit, and lawmen did not elaborate Tuesday on the third alleged murder attempt. Dante"lras apparently aa shaken by hls arrest•u • had been by the· murder at- tempt earlier, telling authorities he knew of n0 r~nr for either, until the boat case "Wute:1plained. · "I don't know anyoile who woold want to kUI me," he said, "unless tt would be someone who is jealoUs about the woman I just·manied. '1 6 OTllER HUSBANDS Dante followed six other husbands down the aisle with Miss Turller Jn a Las Vegas wedding chapel six weeks 1go, after they met at a fashionable discothe- que three weeks earlier. Tbe alleged attempted theft or sev'?n motorboats belonging to the Marlin Boat Co., 1595 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, oo- curred almost one year to the day before Dante's marriage to the blonde star. Miss Turner, 49, and her daughter Cheryl, z, were present . when the Singapore-born nightclub hypnotist WttS picked up at their Sheraton-Universal Hotel suite. He listed his age as 49 during the book· lng process and told police he has a doc- torate in psychology from Singapore University. The former entertainer at the Villa Marina nightclub in Newport Beach - (See DANTE, Page Z) .. ESCAPES MURDER TRJ· . Star's Hush.nd Dante 'ElToroMan 1l Held ·in. Shootout Over Ex~ib.if e . ' An El 'Toro man ls ·rn ·orange County Jail f.oday charged with assau1t with in· tent to commit murder after he allegedly shot "out the tires of a car Tuesday night in wh.ich his ex-wile and a companion were riding. Donald L. Winslow, 26, of 24172 Birdrock Drive, also threatened the pair and fired five shots into the air from his .36--caliber rifle, sheriff's deputies allege. Sheriff's Capt. James Broadbelt said deputies were alerted by El Toro service station attendant William Maas. Maas said a man, later identified as Winslow, drove into the station and asked him to "go up the road a piece and fix some tires I shot out." Winslow was captured shortly by the California Highway Patrol while parked behind a supennarket in J..eisure World Laguna Hills. 111"1 ••'911H ' IJarbor Tilkirag s-...pe Dr. Ullom Hits .State TaxPlam Laguna Beach Unified School District Superintendent William Ullom warned Tuesday night that passage or a proposed state-wide school tax would ha\;'e "a dev'°stating effect on our commynity." Ullom and Laguna school trustees urg- ed · that Laguniins write ·their state a=blyman (Robert B.adhanU and senator (John G. Schmitz) to urge defeat of an assembly bill which would set up such a t.u structure. Board members were speaklni of Assembly Bill 1878 which attempt.a to equalize educational finances throughout the state by imposing a slateWlde tax in lieu of locallft'Oper1.y laies. lt.s passage would mean taxpayers ln Laguna Beach would pay higher property taxes, and yet leas money would eo irito local school ooffera, they said. Opponents ol the bill also maintain ~at ll will eventually destroy local control of e~ucatlon. · 'I don't d.lsqree chlldrtn In other areas should have equal opporturrlUes, but lhert are other waya ol financing this. For o:ample, there is sales tu," said trustee Larry Taylor. He added, "Every tUpayer in Laguna Beach lhould be concerned ... "For our community, it would be devastaUng," ·0r. Wllllam .Ul l om, super!nlmjent.ol J4una. Beach Unllled School District, Uld of an assembly bW ~ ....... ~~ tM~ m...,.'tupayeri !Ownte their repreoentatttu In !he ll!ate capitol to tell !hem to vole agail!JI 1111 bill. • Board mem~ were speaklnJ of Assembly bill 1878 which 1ltein:pts to equalize eaucatiooal flninces throughout the state by lmpoeN a ·statewide ta:1 In lieu of lot:al 'ph:iper1y taxes. · Its· pawge woUkf mean ta:1pay.ers in · Laguna Beach wooJd pay higher property 'taxes, and yet le• m<liey would go Into local achoo! coffers, they said. Opponents of \hf bill a1ao maintain that it will eventually destroy local control of education. "l don't dlsagne chltdren tn .other areas should have equal opportcrutJes, but there are other ways of ftnancing this. ·For example, there Is !ales tax," said tru~ Larry Taylor. He added, "Ev>ry tazpayu In J.,aguna Beach lbould be concerned .... Stock M•rkets NEW YORK (AP).-The stock market closed almost even today, after an early sharp advance, parUaUy buoyed by bargain huntine;, slowed in I a t e r trading. '(See quotations, Pages 20-21). .. _ ...... I . I ~ Work progresses on Dana Harbor. Orange County's newest amall crart refuge. This ts aerial view look· Ing east along coesUine toward ·san Clemente. Land jutting into se& at extreme upper edge of photo is Cotton's Point, site of President Nixon's White House west. Work ,on harbor Itself involves con- struction of temporary coffer dams w1thln bruit· waters, pumping oUI If& water, lhen scraplng-ch'y surface to make harbor bot.tom< . /' , , ' . " : • . . f. -I . . \ t . / ' DAILY r lt:oT SWI Plllfe CHRIS HANCE CASTS OPF Summer In the Swim ~. . ~ . . t ~~··+; 8 ~:~.~·1:',1··. . ' ' •• ' t •. Slated· Along South Coast Fof tbe di;n~ of,the Orange County southern coastal irea, swimmlng seems to be almost as necessary a means. of locomotlo1: as waUdng. ' To eMUte that swimming aklU ts ac• quired by all who need It, several com- munities have lnUiated IWimmlng 1n- st'ruction in their summer recreation p~ms .. Jn Laguna Beach. Mlasion Viejo, and San Clemente, organized swhrunlng in- struct.ion programs are now wider way and wlU be continuing lllroughout !he summer. In Laguna Beach, five ae,salons of nine dally haU 1bour claues: are'1otng cm, but the classes for lt)e summer are now full. said Mra. Mary Wormald, chief lifeguard. By the end of the summer, nearly 1000 youngsters will have been taught to swim. At Mission Vlejo, a full slate or cla1ses ts offered for mothers and tots, youngsters and. adults in begjnntng, In- termediate, and advanced levels .. at the Mission Viejo' Recreiltlon Center. ~i:1 sessions will be held 'through Stpt. S. Adult classes ·will be he.Id durir1g even- ing hours. Fee ii f5 for memben and '15 ror oon-manbers. In San Clemente, • joint city.' C.pistnno UnUied School Dlstrlct ··f>n>. gram \\'Ill ![lake llW!mmin1 lnllfucllon available to all who live wtthhrthe actioQI dtstrlct including Dana Paint, San .luan. C.pbtrano· Beach ·anc1 piita of lluuna Niguel ,/ I -· Three lh----1or11 ·"!'.'-day cl.mea will befald 11 the ·SU Clejtieitle l!IDlllCljjil ;p6oL ~· iiliidiiii\ swlinmerr'must be ·at· least' siI·Years cir ~Ffrst ..,.100 , starl.d · Monday. meet from I a.nyio noon. Fee ii 11. . : T,.Uy's FIUI N.Y. Stoeks TEN CENTS • ·I Ve Breath Stops During Trip To Hospital SAN eEilNARhmo CAPl - A f.ytar- old boy miaalnir In mountains since Satur- day was found today tying in a .snow palch. Aulhor!Ues uld he stopped breathing while being taken by bellcopter to a holpital and' wu given moutb-to- mouth resuscitation. Upon arrival, a team of doctors worked over Matthew JO&eph Zimmerman. said.be wu in serious cood!Uoo su11·~~, from exposure, >-'<&-c Two youths, volunteer searchers from San Bemardino,. (ound !he boy aboul • a.m. at an altitude ol more than a mile near Barton Flats, where snow still lln'gers Jn patches from a record winttr !all. At first the lad's condition was reported as good, and tears came to the eyes of men at a base camp for a four-day search. Lat.er, however, came unofflclal word hl9 condition was "not good." Sheriff's Sgt. Ollie Gray, traveling In the copter with the boy. gave lhe moulh- to-mooth resuacltation in the copter and continued unW he was taken to a clln1c 01t Norton Air Force Bue. The boy wandered away Saturday from a campground where his family wu on an outing. During a search, by 200 men at one time, trackers foll!J'ftd bis footprints but couldn't !Ind llatlhew. lVben. he was clisoovered lhia morning be "11 about a mile and one balf upbll1 ·Iron! 1lle eampgrouod. "W• lmow" be'.s mmed blacktop Route 31 at least twice," said Sgt. Gny. "The little lllY la .. gotlatlng terrain you just waoldl\'I' bel!M." 'l1>e IWCb area lncludea heavy timber anct wicler!>ruah. 10111e open areu and fuWnovtni mountain 11.reams With an OCCflional cabin alOng !he banka. Some P.eQple live tn the area, deputies said, but moat of the cabins are unoc- cupied and unatocked with food. Five Arrested On Narco Counts Three juveniles and two adults were picked up Tuesday by Laguna Beach police on a variety of narcotlcs charges Including pouesaton of heroin. Of the adults, Eugene La Force, 34, of Long Beach was booked on • charge of possession of heroin, and Timothy Eric Wiley, 20, of Arcadlti,, WU booked on charges of possess.ion of dangerous drugs and marijuana. The arrests were made at 190 McAulay Place after a sherifrs deputy and Laguna Beach Sgt. Norm Babcock wen t to the residence to terve a warrant· charging unlawful possession of dangerou.s drug!! by Alfred,James De Stefano, 20, or that add,reas. Ta•en Into evidence were a variety of pilll believed by oUlcera to be llUcil =.:a ci~~~ua~ ~ve~~~al~ packages of heroin, Police Lt. Franlr: Scbopen uld loday. La Force remained In police custodJ lhls.mornlng. Wiley put up 1311 ball and !he juvenlla were releued In !heir porenll, Lt. Schepen said. Cou& Weadier The sun wW make lie· perfuno. tory appearance Thurllday after-- noon,1 but otberwile lt'll be moitly cloudy wllh temperatures In !he high 80'1 a1ona !he °""8• Coast. ' INSIDE TODA~ ' 'TIDO of the falell flGCM• •!loot tonoI• tlll# .... ktnd ., WindlOOrd PC1114d1 lnffl< Blaolc· fi• for Ill< CaUfomi4 C•p. BOC!~ ino. Pagt 29., -)w ~-J n -l"'r " ~ .... It• -.. 0111 .. b ij: .. " ... . ... ... • .. ·--1,:::. • ........ 1•· ... a...,.,_ • ....._ , .. -.. --. .............. --11 -----Dr .......... It ._....,..,.INI -. -.... -. WttN -•• \ . . • J ClllY PMT L W..,,,.U.lM, '1 . Ullom Will Uolltinu e El " Morro a'raffic Fight . I . . ~ t,l:;: . . ' =...,.. --tal&1 .,.. •to push their llgbl for reduc- ed llm1ts near. El Morro School to ....... blyman Boben E. Badham (!l- Newport B<adl) and the Irvine C<>mpeny. :. Sc;bool Superintendent William Ullom -. Wicalod at 'llJUday ni&hl'• school board • ..... that he WU moll diasappoinled in : refuaal by state officials to cut back speeds on Pacific Cout Higbwt.)' near " , Soil Report On Can yon :'Due Tonight Councilmen tonight lake up a soil enginetring and geologic report on poten- tial terrain hazards in the Laguna Can- yoo area. The report, expected to play a part In the city's current general plan study. details suspected problem areas and recommends: r -C:onsideration be given to restricUng improvements on property subject to poteriUal tmain hazards unUl remedial action Is taken. • -Soll engineering and engineering geologic lnvesUgaUon should be required 'of developers) in order to ob ta In building permil3 ln the Canyon Acres Drive area. -Storm drain Improvement of the can· yon bottom and it.s major tributaries would reduce the flood hazard and benefit ttrrlan stability conditions. -Fear vertical cut slopes In colluvtal materials (porous alope washlnga) at the rur of many residences are subject to mudslide and should be lmpro-red by pro- perly designed retaaining 1tructures. -Excavation ot cut llopu and place- ment of fill In the project area should be accompll5bed only under supervision of a .. qualified soil engineer and engineering . 1eologlll. The report by . W. A. Wahler & • Aaaodates states that development of the Canyon """' .,.. bu happened wilboot • adequate iancf.use planning ID allow for ' ulating and potential l<rraln hawdl. '"Ibe suspected old land.slide areas may be actJvaled if a strong earthquake were · to follow a long wet sea.son," it stat.el. A map shows the two slide area.a localed between Skyllne Drive and Can- -yon At:res Drive. 'Jbe narraUve of the · report describes them as b a v I n g . llUspeded landsilda dlmemlons or 500 and t,000. feet. ~ The study is an aftermath of the winter • atorm.s, including the Feb. 24 Ind ZS ortonn which destroyed tl1tee Canyon Acres residences and caused heavy damage to oC.be:rs. The cJty1 evacpatt;cl the area. The clly ha.s In pMt week1 laced a series of clalma from property owners for Oood damage. Such cla,ima often are a technical prelude ID lawsuJts. . . . .~r 1• , 1 • tlllocbool-Dlll'lhaltl!odlY. ' \lllamllld•=lltl .. alllltllalo ~·lillll \11!11 lo -.... -.... · YlaullJ, bGOn1 -..llld -DMilll! al '.Pd Cll1IGftlla •'Tllatlwo. la we Of an acoiaent. the lo tllanl -with U.--II! JMlw. ....,. illlllil i...i tlaal tho drilW' QDUld never legally ban been in bUlhlni a lra!llc dpal lh "°" tllo -.cliOll -illotrtci .amte: iM drl'irnr Ill tho rlllhl until alttt h• completed Illa turn ~rnil~per-hour traffic to 15 milts when the school so bus drivers and other-onto lhe highway. I El Morro School II In ....too. motorisll would have a bett<r view ol the In olj>er' bul~ Tueaday night, Since. Ullom hu been advlled that highway. • Lquna lltll6ei:. • · tbey were mistaken in beli<ving that traf· BecaU!O the ochool drive la a private -Adopted a reoolullon !Or esvendlture fie past the school coold be legally slowed drive, a buJ driver entering Cout of additional income which alk>w1 them 14 25 mites per jlour. Highway lro111 lb• elemelltary school bu lo lake 145,000 worth OI IW>ds nol • . ' SCHOOL'S OUT -Dr. Norman Browne (left) bids farewell to lh""' Laguna Beach school teachers and a school board member who are retiring after Browne are (lrom•left) Mniia. Margaret Bumbera, Jean Tutue and Rulli BilllDglol) aDd board mem· ber Robert Turner. - •ervilli the district far a total of_5_9..:;y_ean_._w_tlh _________________ _ Three Teachers, Trustee Leaving School District Three teaclten and one trullee from lbe Laguna Bead> Unified School D~trict retire this month. Leaving the school district an QiJstee Robert Turner, Mrs. Margaret Bumbera, l\lrs. Rulb Blllingtoo, and Mrs. Jean Tut- Ue. Turner, a local realtor, has volunteered hill time to the school diJtrict as .a trustee for the past 13 years, serving as presi· dent for one year. He has spent cin estimated ten hours a week on the ~licy and budget-making board. Mrs. Bumbera, who worked with A1iso first graders ln reading, has spent 22 years ~eaching. ?rtrs. Billington. with 1 t years teaching ~ence, lnslrucled first graders at El Morro, ~·hlle Mrs. TuUJe, who worked wipi seventh grMers at Thurston lntermedi81t\ has 23 years' eiperlen<t In the ~m. . : . . . . ' . . Free University Plan Before Council Tonight A proposed r ... unlvenlly In Lquna Beach that would minister to cmnmunlty ills as well as educate will be back before councilmen wnight in the form ol a legal evaluaUon. Public Comfort Cost May Rise For Lagunans Will Lagunans stand still for a hike ln pay toilet rates! Councilmen t o n I g h t are to plumb the soc lo· economic ramiflcaUons o( p proposed hike in the cost: of publlc comfort. Wllh the council agenda cornea a three. page report from city attorney Jack Rimel on the university proponents' re· quest that the coundl recognize, endorse and give financial aid to the project. Dr. John Wallace, a UCI associate pro- feMOr, had requested city assistance for the project at a May 21 COW1cll meeting and that the matter was referred t.G Rimel. The attorney said the university is just getting started, that articl!!s of incorpora· tion were filed with the state March 21. Rimel said the city could acknowledge this· fact but said he did not believe the city could acknowledge that a "going university" actually e1ists without lurth. er invesligalion. . . ~ .... ;.,...a;-..1111o · _;.... wm.;,.;wU..,;..,.,jll(n.Jane the generll 'tutm. -. , BQyd. Wllco1e:n ,wu not present Tuesd1y "We are Ulnarerrlng a\btt l'llOJ'ti'.,~ evening and Mn: Boyd will be absent •t than netdtd," said Edward1lbtd, dbtrlct ' . business manager. lie .said out 61 the the next. gat.lierlnc. money. ~.000 would go ~~en -Approved hirinl of 19 summer 5Chool salaries and $2{>,000 would 10 ·!Or other teachers and seven 1ubstitutes at a rate aalariel of tnstructlon. -----or $8 per hour to teach 19 courses which -Delayed to July l the swearltlg In or range from elementary and intermediate new. board membera or,. '.Norman chorus to intermediate art. C.oll~ge Aid Bill • I Cl~ars Assembly A. bill that ~ould provide $6 million in &avmgs for South Orange Coast tax· payers of saddleba<:k JwUor College District has passed another hurdle in the at.ate Lea;islature. ... With Supt. Fred Bremer and board Trailer Park Expansion. Set At El Morra·· ' B&JTtng any last mlrn.ite appealJ today, the Et Morro Trailer Park will begin con· slruction this year on an additional 96 trailer spaces just north of Laguna Beach. Although the El Morro Investment Co. has the bleiising of both the Orange C.Oun· ty Planning Commission and the Irvine Company, the Laguna Beach City Coun. cil has written to the county commi5s1on requesting denial of the application. The addiUon lo the 203-space p a r k , the city council wrote, would me.an in- creased problems in both traffic and sew- age. The county planning ~ion de- nied the city's request, and S p.m. today 1s the deadline for any further appeals. The Laguna Beach Planning Commis- sion A-tonday night sent a Jetter.., to l h e city council requesting the counCq appeal the decilion due to "the Lremendous traf· flc haiard occurring al thi! location." But when the councU officially receives the letter al tonigjll's 7:30 mtellng, it will be too late for effective action. In addressing the county planning com· mission, J .W. Peyton of El Morro said t he pa,rk could handle triple the sewage, and that the traffic problems are created by general condition of the blihway and are not related lo the park. When constructed, the park, woold ex- 'ist on an interim basis. 'The t~year lease from the Irvine Company ia not renew- able. CondlUons laid down by the county com· mission stipulate that the El Morro Tn· vestment Co. will be required to build acceleration and deceleration lanes onto Coast Highway. member Hans Vogel looking on, Senate Bill 508 Monday cleared the Assembly education finance subcommittee and was sent lo the ways and means committee. From there the bill, if still alive, ge>es lo the full education committee and then to the Assembly floor. It previously pass-- eel committees ol the state Senate. The trip tG Sacramento Monday lo \\.'atch progress of th e bill was the fourth for Supt. Bremer. Saddle back represen· tatives have not yet been called oo tG speak. The legislation, introduced by State Sen. Donald Grunsky (R·Watsooville), woold make funds available lo new junior college districts establlshed after 1964. based on student enrollment projections five years in lhe future. Because allocaUons are now based on current enrollment, new junior colleg~ districts with low initial enrollment because of limited course offerings do not receive much state aid. Saddleback waa orie of three junior col· Jege districts in the state that did not receive a sbart of the statewide junior college bond issue passed last June. The expected cost of construction and equ ipment purchase for the next five years for Saddleback is $14. rnillioo. Uthe Grunsky bill passes and tbe slate con· tributes $6 million the local taxpayers share wilJ be $8 million. That much is covered by the $9.S million bond issue pwed last year. From Pagel DANTE .•• still shaken by the murder attempt - spent several hours in the West Hollywood sheriff's station belore release on $12.500 bail. Dante, who rented a Costa Mesa apart- ment during hJs booking at the baysido spa, told Los Angeles Sheriff's Sgt. Ray- mond Gott he believed the theft cue had been dismissed. Ron Snyder, of 2320 College Drive, Costa Mesa, said he caught Dante in the act of supervising theft of the fleet of lS. boats May 5, 1968 at a now-defunct Sanla Ana boatyard. Laguna Goodwill Victim Talk about lhe vanishing flve~nt ·cigar, the Pacific Nik.Q.Lok Co. -for years the city's public comfort turnkey - ·has recommended that pay toilets join the inflation 5plral. Not.lng U:at the city Is having new steel partitions installed at one comfort sta· tion, the company suggested by JeUer: The city attorney also su ga:ested that the council might wish to detennlne if the free university ls carrying out the pur· poses stated in its articles before giving endorsement to the project. Rimel stated that the ctty could give . financial assistance ln cert.tin areas such as community health and recreation. Another condition demands the detailed 1andsca:~ plans be approved by the plan· ning comini~ion. The other eight condi· tions deal with building codes, parking facilities and underground uUUtles. Snyder 'and hJs brother Paul are partners in the Marlin firm, which markets the boats at Mesa Boat Center, !SSS Newport Blvd .• and had been trying to work out a deal with Dante. "He was an elu&lve character," said Paul Snyder today, "he'd call us from Las vega il and try lo get us lo ship then1 to him C.O.D., which of course we refus. eel to do." Ashes to Be Scattered . • ? • t •. The ashes of popUl1r SouUt' Lagunan Gerald Comstock will be &cltf.eied at aea -the sea that cost h~ life abbatd the W· fated yacht Goodwill. The body of Comstock, 47, :a· hulbaPd and father, has been crematid. bl EMenada, Me:i:., the seaport that the Goodwill didn't make. The ashes are to be r9turned to SheiOer Mortuary in San Clemente. Mr. Comstock. 32202 Vlsta de Catalina, Upper Three Arch Bay, was one of nine aboard the Goodwill on a trip !rom Caho San Lucaa to Ensenada. The vessel dled on the reel Sacramento about 200 miles south of San Diego. The reef was named for an historic wreck DAILY PiiOT OIWf~ COUT '°"M WllMCI ~y a.Hrt "· w • ..1 t-. ..,......., .......... llfllr J1clr •~ Curr.., Vici_~ ... 0.ntl'~ Mtnntr • .about 1DO years ago. 'nie oaly other body '!0und . lro!n lhe .wrecked vessel was that of Tim Smith, 1~ or · 18842 Senta Marina, FOWltain Valley. Mr. Comstock, an eledricilln, was a caplaln in the Marines in World War II belore he wu 21 years old. Soon pro- moted tG major, he was the youngest Marine major in World War 11. He was a member of the Second Marine Division and led his men in the bloody landing& on Tawara and Salpan, serving from 1941 lo 194.5 in the bitter South PacllJc fighting . A rtsldent of the area a1nce 1959, Mr. Comstock was born ln San Francisco and was graduated from San Mateo Junior College. He was 11thletic, known for his ==-~ of volley~l, and was a good Mr. ~ ls survived by his wile, Barbara ol tllojamUy)lome. a teacher at 11-t&rCD Forster Jupior High; a son, Nell, S: and a daughter, Qfu, IS. ".,.Now would be an ideal time for you to give consideration to having all of ·the new equipment which will be installed designed to operat.tt QO a ten-cenl rather than a ftv~rit com." ' ' · '"l''oe city of Newport. Be.acb made this · changetOver severaf years ago •M ha! Rising costs or publlC comfort ls ap- parently an international trend. The annptny Jt.ates It hal been going on tn the U.S. and Canada for the ·past ttve or lix yean. "We YetY seldom receive requests today for a five-cent coin lock equipment," the letter states. Road Decision Delays Complex In Boat Canyon A propcsed 44-unit residential complex above Riddle Field in Boat Canyon wW have to remain just a proposal until the county and city come up with a defb:Jite future location for Campus Drive, Laguna City Planners decided Monday night. "Ccr.tain olher activities, however, Stich a! general education, legal services and draft coomeling would not in the opl· nlon or this office be incloded within allowable activtUes which a city could subsidize out of public funds," Rimel wrote. If the city should chose lo subsidize the project, Rimel recommended that the university segregate on a trial basis the services which the city could legally help finance. At the earlier mteling, councilmen agreed that they would want considerably more infonnaUon about the project before loosening the pu rse strings and gi\•lng endonement. The expansion will be on the ·northeast side of O>ast lllgbway and approach the sGulheasl boundary of El Morro SChool. 2 Captured, 2 at Large SAN BRUNO, Calif. <UPI) -Four prisoners at the San Francisco County Jail slid down IS knotted blankets Tues· day night In an escape attempt, but two wer e quickly apprehended. Still at large Wednesday were twG · fugitives identified as Joe Jojolla, 25, !!harged with armed robbery, and Claren- ce Galindo, 18, accused of petty thelt. BLACK STAR SAPPH IRE Truly •11 •ll'lfulsi .. !1wt l , •• "0111 •f • kind." Sp1c.i1llv d11i911'4 plt t111•"' 111eu11+- l119 '"'Dr1c.H witll ~ .1.,111c.t •f d!1rnonth. ' $1200.00 The· Costa Me.a boat company ex· ecu Uve said Dante was a secreUve person and it is unknown why he was trying to buy the seven motorcraft. Earlier, Ron S11yder told authorities Dante had given them a worthless check for $17,460 ln payment for the boats, but promised to deliver the purchase pric.e in cash when the paper bounced. A surprise visit lo the Santa Ana yard v.•here the boats were built for the Costa 11esa firm early J\.1ay 5, 1968, led lo discovery of the alleged theft in progress, Snyder said. •• .. n, ••• ic • ..,11 Mr. eo~·s suhrlvors also include hi•-lliOtW, AUoa Comatock _of LajJuna Beach, hli father, Nell of Redwood City and his sister Mrs. Paul Eaton of The. (our-lo six--lane highway, which would link the inland frteway with coast H~ay, will wind lbroogh Boat Canynn on 5Ull undetmnlned route. The county h , oflettd lbroe lupe&tlonl for the route, and the clly e~ depart. meal baa come Ill' l!ilb a IQU!1l\. D..1911.4 "•ft~ yo• 111 '"i11d • • F,.11t ... •u, ,..,flllflc111t .~oll1etio11 ot4fniol!d• ,., crt•f ilJfllt, .,.., ...... th11 !~· ,, ••. lnu"' ll'I01~+.cl 4.JO c1r1t y101w i f1molld, witlt 1t1ttic~lo111ly 1ppoh1t.J «li1111trtd1 I• tilt ro11N. • .... TA'"''' A. M1rplti1• """""'"' •dilat l i1lt1r4 P. N1R ·--(~ ··- Cupertino. . · Attorney Rich~ Miidge Is bandlini a fuDd set up h)'"fiiends·or the ComstocU to search the area. lt has included 19 hours of hellcopler search of the vicinity and use of a diving team. Friends 11ald that Mr. Comstock bad been recently Involved in electrlca1 !ft. stallations for . the new Laguna·Pl-toult.on Playhouse that is ntarinl CO!DPl•Uon. ' ': Council Studies Art Show Plan . ' Given city council 1pprov1T, Park Avenue between COast Hl&hway Md GJ..,,eyr. SU..t·may bO 1h< scene ol·an art llhc>w July 4. CooncUmtn IDnlght will tsl<e up lhe ,.. quest by Chamber or Commerce Prtsl· dtnt Hany Lawt1'.11C't to bold a one daJ Jrt fesllval, alm.Uar to the , auccasful Memorial D.,-Sidewalk Art ShOfl, 1 U approved, tho chamb'!-r.d abow would .ha ltqed from 7 un. ID 1 p.m. Until the proc:IJe alignment b .,labllsh- cd, the 6.21 acre development proposed by arc:i\ii.ct William Blurock and engi- ftlll" Bernard Syfan will remain on the drawing boalds. In other 1ctlon MCN>day nigh~ tbe pl ... lllng c:ommlulon : --Oefemd action .., a PfOl'O'AI by 'Lynn 1. Muir Auoc:._19-eonstruc:t a pl ... ned resldenUal deVelopment for five slnll• cl,I~ on aeven undeveloped R-~1' al! Iola in tbe ~ 0 block of. 'PlaaMn will lnve!llcate tho, _.1 In a ltu' session wbltt enci-n determine Sonora can be -over lh• steep a ~I ol Ardi -.Rlfllilb. -AJfowed 1'. arufMri. l.auence lloyd, 1Ms Sk)'llne r., to canUnue tllelr china. ~~a..M' roe_ 8l\Qtl1er yoar, whtn ;.rl&I-.~ni.iOat~ ~·~ ~W the g~or':~ :=titor~ a1 I &S\lt does not include overnight kenneling of pets. L $3750.00 ' ,. • I Y< -' ] ' ] r H1 of VO M• m1 fn an ar or ln1 as ofl hb SE • wi by !lo WE ' ed gb at n11 ! ell mo I or tel of ca to so I ; ,, do v. af; qu ' m• C< cu DE Ch Sh pii H< In, I !OJ U1 ' M I lit: I Sp "' on m• sp m• be C< ., 00 Ar P' m IS lo 1 1 ~ 0 1' b • II " l s h b ~ d • n s g e n u h ( u l II d • D • • ~ewp~rt Batrhor EDI TIO ·. To,tay's Flaal N~Y. S~ ,. YOL. 62, NO. l~S. ~ $ECTIONS, 72 PAGES ORANGE COU WEON~SDAY, JUNE It, 1969 • TEN CENTS . • Lana's Mate , • I Faces Mesa ' -' Theft Rap By ARTlllJR R. VTNSEL 0t 1111 o.11r '1111 s"" Jet set hypnotist Dr. Ronald Dante - Harbor Area entertainer and confidante of stars -today faces a theft charge in· volving $18,500 worth of boats at a Costa Mes~ firm, after surviving a mysterious murder attempt Tuesday. Santa Ana police recognized the flame In news reports of the five-shot ambush and tippe<'. orr Hollywood detectives who arrested the ill·starred seventh. ,huaj>ahd of actress L.ma Turner about :ntdnight. The attack by a mystery g(inman wear- ing a rakish Australl11n bush hat earlier, as Dante drove . into his fashionable offil.'e·apartmept on Doheny Drive, left him with only a cut on the face. SBAt:FERED GLASS Th'e barrage of bullets shattered the windshield of his car and he was nicked by fl ying glass as he dove for the floorboards during what authoriUes said was the: third attempt on his life. Once before, a jealous lover who claim- ed the hypnotist had alienated his girUriend, fired a ,45 caliber pistol shot .at Dr. Dante during a San Diego nightcllib performance. He ·was not hit, 811d lawmen did not elaborate Tuesday on the third alleged murder attempt. Dante was apparently as shaken by his atrt$t as he had been by the murder at- tempt earlier, telling authorities he knew of no reason for either• until the boat case was explained. "I don't know anyone who would want to kill me," he said, "unl ess it would be someone who is jealous about the woman I just married." t OTHER HUSBANDS Dant~ followed six other hu ands down the aisle with Miss Turner · a Las Vegas Wedd.in& chapel sJx ks :tgo, after they met at a fashiona discoth·e- 1ue three weeks earlier. / The alleged attempted theft or ~v-en motorboats belonging to the Marlin Boat Co., 1595 Newport Blvd,,1Costa Mesa, oo- curred almost one year.10 the day be.fore Dante's marriage;: to the blonde star, Miss Turner, 491 and her daughter Cheryl. ZS, were' present when the Singapore-born nightclub hypnotist w»s pic~ed up at their Sheraton-Universal Hotel suite. He }.isted his age as 49 during the book- Ina: .procesa and told police he bas a doc- torate tr; ,,sychology from Singapore University. The former entertainer at the Villa Marina nightclub in Newport Beach - a;tlll shaken by the murder attempt - \ spent several hours in the West ' Hollywood sheriff's station before release I Dn $12,500 bail Dante, who rented a Costa 1t1esa apart· ment during his booking at the bayside spa, told Los Angeles Sheriff's Sgt'. Ray· mond Got~ he believed the theft case ha d been dismissed. Ron Snyder, of 232.0 College Drive, Costa Mesa, said he caught Dante in the act of supervising theft of the fleet of 16- boats May 5, 1968 at a now-defunct Santa Ana boatyard. Snyder and liis brother Paul are partners in the Marlin firm, which markets the boats at Mesa Boat Center. 1595 Newport Blvd., and had been trying to work out a deal with Dante. "He was an elusive character," said (See DANTE, Pace 2) Board Postpones Move to Probe 'All Land Deals Consideration of a proposal by the 1969 Oi'angt Count)'-Gi'aild JUry-Ular••filture- land transactions of the county, whether buying or selling Gr leasing, should only 1 • take place arter holding a public hearing" was postponed by the Board of l Supervisors Tuesday to July 1. Board members belt that holding public hearings GR all land transactions '"could be very costly." They asked the county Real Property Services department to detennine "advertising and GUier costs lf such a procedurt is followed ." The jury also forwarded their recorn-- mend1tlon to the eounty11 legislat<irs in Sacramento asking that c;onslderation be given lo enacting legislation "that wUI ensure that pubtic 1hearlngs be made mandatory for all future land transac· lions." Some obscrvon. sew • ttfcrence to 1he highly<!ebated abandonment of Uie Sell Creek Road In the South Laguna area in the GraJ'ld J\ll')''s acUon. The action revives recent charges by Laguna Beach attorney WIUiam WUcoxen that aupervlton consented lo abai .. donment or Ule road"Way in March 1968 wlthoul holding a public: hw1Jlg oo !be rnaUer. ' . . ESCAPES MURDER TRY ' Star's Husbarid Dante Police Nab Pair After $3,500 I 'Mole' Burglary Two men who police said burrowed through several fences Tuesday before stealing $3,SOO worth of b u i 1 d i n g materials at Newport Beach's Harbor View Homes were arrested later in the day trying to unload their loot. Nwef>ort burglary detectives said the pair, residents of the Lynwood area, were arrested by police there as they tried to unload a van jammed with Qoor locks, plumbing hardware, copper tubing and other costly construclion items. The two in custody in Newport are James Samuel Allman, 27, of Paramount, and James Weldon Higgins, ~. of Lynwood. The;: face grand theft charges. . Police ~d-lhe-lhe!ta ~d ~rjllc the night or morning hours TUesday fal the corcitrucfion site al:love 'C.Orona del ~Jar. • Officers '814 several contractors at the building site re~ boles in thetr fences. and garage and shed locks cul f\.1ost of lhem reported nothing stolen, however. The t~ firms hit by thie'.ves were the Donald E. Bren Co,, which lost $2,880 tn materials, and the Taylor Plumbing Co., which lost $725 in plumbing hardware. Officers said the stolen merchandise "'"ill have to be inventoried be[ore it is returned to the victims. That task might take up lo a full day, they added. Discussing Time Results in Time A Balboa resident who allegedly told a •lass in astrology that the subject was "a study of time" did some time himself Tuesday night -in Newport Beach City Jail. Police said the alleged astrol~y teacher was arrested at 9: 30 Tuesday night after lecturing to a class of 17 students and one plainclothes detective at the Sun Sign Book5tore on the Peninsula. Burton Wentworth Morse, s:r, of 2141 Seville Ave., was arrested on charges of violating a city code forbidding astrology teaching in the city. Police said eacl1 student was charged $25 for the cl.ass. The detective a,Iso paid tuition. He got his money back. Stock Markets NEW ·YORK (AP) -The stock marke\ closed almost even today, after an early Eharp advance, partially buoyed by bargain bunting, slowed in· I a t e r tradin1. <See quotaUons, Pages Z0..21), . ~ f • ~- ,S'c h oo ls Sla~h 13 Jobs / , .... ' -"Trustees Boost Tax8afe Above Planned Increase ·By THOMAS FORTUNE OI' tllll O.llY Plitt Ii.ti Newport.·Mesa school trustees Tuesday night cut out 13 new non·teaching posi· Uons, decided to boost Uie ta1 rate another penny <r penny-and-a-half above increases already contemplated, and came close to balancing next year's 8Chools budget. The total net tax rate increase for Costa Mesa would be about 24 cents ana for Newport Beach about 28 cen\O. ' Police s·lay County Youth In Gunfight A Garden Grove youth inside hi! grandparents' closed liquor store with their pennisslon was shot to death by Cc.mpton police late Tuesday night wheo he unexplainedly opened lire on them. '-Arthur G. Laramie, 17, was dead on ar· rival at Harbor General Hospital as the tragic climax to a trip to the store to get so1ne cookies and milk for a midnight snack. The victim accidentally triggered a silent burglar alarm ln the shop, leading to a dispatch of one regular patrolman and a reserve ·officer to investigate. Compton Police Lt. A. M. Thomas iden- tified the pair involved as George Keaton and Ralph Reeves. He said Officer Keaton wtnt to Ute rear of the liquor store while the reserve patrolman .ccwered ~ fron\, spottina: young Laramie through the back door~ Offiair Kea!rio;lboule!l al. the: fl&ure \II· side, ·Lt ')'bamu said: at · whidt time Laramie fired a ~ caliber plalol &!Id 4ar1od baclc.as lhe.palfolmlll'-bacil<. Both bullets In the exchai>ge m!Sled, but Keatt'.ln fired apJ,n and struck Laramie tn the head. 11le victim'• v.&ndparerits &aid he was in the store with their penn.lssion but they were mystified as to why he had one of the two gwis in the store and why he used IL • Susan Mazze Suffers Relapse Susan Mazze, Ule 17-year"ld Santa Ana girl who received Orange County's first kidney transplant on June 3, has suffered a relapse and is In critical condition in Orange County Medical Center. Dr. Ronald Miller said her new kidney Is functioning perfectly but other postoperative complications have weakened Susan and made It difficult for her to breathe. The doctor declined to disclose details on the complications. Susan's mother, Mrs. Florence Mazze, was released from the hospital las\ Wednesday, a week after donating one of her kidneys lo her daughter. U.S. Personal Income Rise in May Reported WASHINGTON <UPI) -Personsl In· come of Americans rose $3.75 billion in May, the government reported today. The C.Ommerce Department said the May increase equalled April's advance but was abt'.lut $1 btlllon less than the average monthly gain in the first three monlhl of !be.year. A mo~ firm decisloo ;,,.y,,i;. made al a special budgel ~!led by the school board for next • Cuts approved y nl~I Include eliminatic:. ol .#Jr custodian, three groundsmen,):bl"ee bus drlver1, two full time a?)d,. three part Ume clerk· secretatial positions for a savings of '8I ~v:x> in salaries. · Other cuts totaling about $150,000 were made in purchase of equipmeht, main· tenance, travel and consult.ants. Board members would not buy cut,s recommended by the admift1straUve 'staff in a hot idea fund or building repairs. The best estimate Js .that. the $25 million p!us budget ·remainl about $50,000 out of balance. Board members also approved a resolution stating they 8J'tl reserving the r l g h t to increase salaries during the school year after the budget is adopted. The resolution was seen by observers as a sop to teachers who f o u ib t & * * • $23,880 Sliced . . . From City Budget By JORN VAL TERZA OI' lllt °""' ... ,, ... ' Newport Beach Councilmen Tuesday Jumped head-firsl inll> the city's $10.11- million proposed budget and came out he.!f way through with" $23,880 in· cuts which they hope will go toward street and alley improvements. Before councilmen adjourned after the tedious session they set their final study meeting on Ute huge document (or a:t5 a.m. Saturday wh"1 !"'1..W·Jnl lo find more areas to cut out of _pub~ works, general services and several minor -1ec- tions. At the outset of the meeUng. Mayor Doreen Marshall said .she hoped to see the budget cuts added to the fund for street and alley . lmprovemenls, ad~, "It might be a hope and a dream, but Im sure we •• .. in.. agreement that Ult: taX rate Jlbould stay lhe same."' \lli ··audilltoe> i~· was..-...., lh~ the evening. ' • 1 Coundlmen unanlmous!Y •acreed lo the followinfl. llljdpl ~: . -Cul ool the uell by jlarbor Coordinator George awefi f.or a new boat ""'ling $8,800 and inallad, qteed lo allocate about $1,250 for refurblsliing and maintaining a boat to be -retrid by lifeguards. The cowicll also denied Dawes' request for an engineering aide with a n,• annual salary. DaweS wanted the aide for ·clerical and public contact duties to give him more ume in his field work. 1 -Elin\inllled the proposed post of Clly Development Coordinator from the city manager's budget, amounUng to a sav. ings ol $8,595. 'nlal job, councilmen agreed. could be handled throogh exlsllng sWf in the plaMing department. · -Erased proposals for an outside con. suiting fihn's study of salary acheduJes. 'nlal look olf·$3,ll00 out of the per~ department sect.ton. . -De<tucted $1,160 which Will not have 1o be 'pald·m1o lllo ·employ"' rotlmnenl IW)d becau;e Oi'Jlhe cancellaUon of the I l .... ' • . .. WO Wv~ · • ~·n!\:ouiieir"·alio;-.. ~f nil'i:;r amounts in -... ·?.t;~--saOO~tor -· -~·,., the dly elerk'•·oftice; l1;211 ill adilid 'premiums for fal1e arreat tmuflDCe:, and "50 for an extra lramc:rlber !or the city al~rney'1 office. 'Bargain for City' Council Def ends Buying Ad in CofC Brochure A $1,oOO budget 1"'11 lnV1>1vlng a city or Newport Beach ad in a publication sponsored by the Newport Harbor Chamber cl Coolmerce was hlt last night by the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce. The money, which councilmen and city aides agreed· was "a bargain for the city," involves a large, compreh"1· sive brochure on the Harbor Area which is being prepared by Windsor Publica· tions under direction of a committee composed of city officials and members of the Newport Harbor chamber. In a resolution to the council Tuesday nigh~ the Board of Directors of the Corona del Mar Chamber objected to the action as a deviation from a long 1ta"1llng policy of not donating public funds to organizations. "'nle board of directors ls unalterably oppooed to any change in the , long- establlshed pol.icy,'' the commumcation aaid. ·• the city lo dlspeM< lo lnieresled per· sons. He dls<ounled the theory that the money was a subsidy or a direct dona· tlon to the chamber. "This will benefit the whole city_ of NewPOrt Beach," Mayor Doreen Mar· 1half added. "I'm sure Corona de! Mar wlll hen. efit greatly from this document, too," said Councilman Ed Hirth. n.e Jlem stayed inlaet in !be budgeL CdM Girl Hurt , In Auto Accident A COrona de! Mar girl suffered bead in- juries 1'\lesda)' in • headon colllllon at a busy co.ta Mesa intmectlon near Orange Co\lnly Airport. • Bonny R. n.eoe. 17, of !024 Breakeri Drive, wu treated tor a bead JaoeratlOO and o:amiaed ' for concuuion at COila Mesa Memorial Holpltal, bul releaoOd \o strenuous batik !Ci" higher salaries than they were given. Board members also refrained from cuttin1 into salary side beneUts -giving teachers a 50 percent pay boost for arter school duty and allowlnl them to advance on the pay scale without requlring a masters degree. The board adopted a non-teachlng employe salary ecale baaed on the aame 5.8 percent pay boost given teachers, but (See BUDGET, Pqe I) Missing Boy Found, Fights For His Life SAN BERNARDINO (UPI) -Six-year-. old Matthew Zimmerman was f o u n d mo&ning and half-frozen today -huddled behind a log in eight inches of snow a mi.le and a hall from the .campsite he wander-- ed away from last Saturday. He was taken by helicopter and ambu· Janee to St. Bernardine's Hospital here, where he was i11 critical condiUon, auf. fering from exposure and dehydration. The copter was from El Toro Marine Air Slatton. OepuUes said lhe little boy" heart stop. ped beating in the heilcopter and rescu· ers applied external heart massage an d one wrapped his own body around the your1gster11 to keep him warm. He, had been the object of a massive search by 250 men on foot, by horse, jeep and helicopter since noon Saturday wben he dlnppeared durll\i a weekend camp- ing lrlp 'With hla mother and sister. lmprlnta irl.n hJa 'temilx shoes w or e sighted Monday but no lra<e bad beeti seen of i1iiJ1 since, W~, W~ Brennen, I!, and Willter f ........ 17, both ol San Ber-"""1111o,.• out "I' lbelr oWn lo look for )'datllleii alter Ferguson lokt: hJa m-Olher, "l lhllik I kno'W where lo find him." Ferguson had often hiked in lhe area .£fle1T De Bonneville cam9 grounds in the -fSan Bernardino National Forest because his gr:andpuents bad a cabin near there. Matthew was cooscious but incoherent when they found him , his orange plaid shirt and Ian slacks aoaked. The boy• stripped bls wet clothes and wrapped him In jackets. Smoke signals were used to guide a helicopter from El Toro l\1arine Air Station into the rugged area. The chlld's father, Stanley, a Loa Ange- les engineer who had· been aiding In lhe search, was notified by bullhorn and reached hJs 90n before the helicopter did. "'T-hey told me be wu alive, but when I saw him ·he looked dead," Zimmemian said. "I carried him lo lhe hellcopter, and 'for the first lime in my llfe, 1 pray- ed." Sheriff's Sgt. Oliver Gray sakl the child'! pulie !lopped u lhe belicopUir be- came airborne and he and Walter Walk· er of the Riverside Search and Reacue Team applied hear( massage. Whtn the chopper aet down at Norton Air Force Base, military doctors worked over the l(ttle boy in the helicopter for about ten minutes before transferring him to an ambulance to be taken to the bospi· tal.' "1 lhjnk be'• got a Jood chance of mak· Ing I~" one of them said. Gray, aald the area where Matthew was found had been -searched Tuesday morn- ing and hJa foolprinta ledlcated be b ad •l'!'"bled inlo the area during the after. noon. Or .... ~Uy Manqer Harvey L. Hurlburt, a member of· the pto~·, .st.eering corn· mlltee, stoully delendOd the Idea. He oaid lhe suin either ""1!d _go for •n ad in lhe 'T ~'":or 'IJllld, lnltead, be used ~ .copia for =~----~-~~=~ her family. . . . TrattlC investigator• aald .Mia llee!e W81-drivlnf'W•-P1-'8oad-li1'4i~I~~-=-=~~ Thieu Government Rapped p.m. rush hour trafiic when her am.all car colllded with an eatlboUnd vehicle tun.- big left onto SaMa Ana Avenue1 The other driver wu klentlfled u RObert c. Reed, 21, of 2516 Dute Place, Costa Mesa and invMtlpUon it con- linulng today lo ddtnnlne which motorist wu at fault. Weadaer The sun wlll ,;,... Ill perfu» lory ·--Thunday alter. noon, but olhenrlae It'll be moatl1 Clifford Calls for Reduction of Vietnam F.i~hting NEW Y<!RK !AP) -Former. Defense Secretory Clork. M. Clifford .. ys the United Sllles should order a ttduelll>n ·o1 fighlll\i in South Vlelnam and l'tlDOlle llf !ls ground combat troops by lhe end ol 1970. ' ln a rtmarkably c>ndid alah!Dltnl Clll· lord blislers lhe South Vlelnu>ue a:ovemmeat, ptcr.uring tU: 1~·" bav· ing a big slab ill coollmied war. He says: · "A> the SaiCon author!Uea oaw I~ the Jongtr the. war went on, with the larg"° 'scale American involvement, the rnt'.lre stable wa' their regime and the fewer conoeaslons they would have lo make lo other po!IUcol lllWPinfls." - Clifford. once rqanted as a "hawk," r 't. served as. Pentqon chl@f fGr the last )'"r ol the Lyndon B. Johnson ad· fhlnllt.ratloo. H11 statement, appearing in F9reign Affairs, quarterly of the Council • M Fortlgn Jtetatlons, )s the most .wt.spoien comment on the Saigon regime ~to come from a rectnt U.S. government olllctal at this level. The arllclt Is llkely lo play an Im· pottant role in thei continuing American debate on the war. He makes U-proposals: t. Al a first e,tep, the United SlatH sht'.luld •nnotlllC'!e lt will witl'ld1 '"" 1001000 troops belo"' U., end ol this year. President NixOJ> alrUd)' bu aD110Unced' an ln!Uaf wllhdrawll ol 2$,000. 1be Cllf· lord article wu wrillU before Ibo . eire'..::t1 .:m~n1 but relealed Back Bay Trade 2. "'We should ll!O make il cl>ar that T • ·CH .CRT this i. nol an llOiated aellon, bul th• ' opr.c at . ~ beginning of a pivceu under wbich 111 U.S. grUlllld combat forces will have betn A pair of prfncl~ls I~ the ~ wlthdi'awn from Vleinam by lhe end of Back Bal land IWap,wtll be -lo a 1970." • dialogue ThundaJ at a CHART Cott:a 3. "Coi""1'ftntly with lhe decision lo Mesa breUflll meeting n.nsay, begin wltl1dra,..I, orden obould.be Issued The ....ian will bt al 7:IO a.m. In the 1o oo.i: military commanders lo dlKOn-Coltit Meaa. Ccunlry Club "1"1 Otqe tlnue effo"I' lo ·apply-mulm:nn military C-y A--kl,.haw an d pressure on the enemy and lo ,..k in-Mn .. Ft~ Jlob"-llCheduled on lb• 1tead to redUee the level of combat.'' Pf'Oll'im .. • 4. "Wbll: our combat troqps are being Mrt. Roblnlon ts' one of''• group of peo- wi-, we could ,coollnue lo•provld<. ple. whom~ ·tb ·ICh!eve coorl-in· the armed forcol of the · silgon govern· ttrv•pllon ID the proj>oted dul -ten (Seo CLIFFOllD, Pl&i I) , .Ille _ltvine Compaey llld Or~e ~· cloudy wtth temper•tura in the high 80'• iIOl1J the Oranp CoasL INSmB TODAY Two of Ille f4!~1 ,,...~" ojloo< langlc lhil •weelcclld a1 Wjnd!DG'll P4!IOQI ...... Blaclt- flll fcrr the Cali/omio C.p. Boo~ ing, l'cQe J9. ,__ .. ,.... ......... -" -.... ........... --.. or-. c.-, 11 ... .......... ·--Dr.~M1tr1,.. ll .... -... T• ......... ~ Ii -.... -. --.. - JI: DAILY PILOT 'Nttdie' Dancers I 1' ."" \ -,., r" ~ l ·Fined .. Six Ruled Lewd, Slapped Wit~ $1,500 Le'.Vy I . ' ' I t •, Sb:morenudeta\lerndlncers .. iefin.. Those fined were : . bwrt jury. All of .the otben ln\lolv·~ in ,«Cl "',tolll of fl,500 Tuesday following Arlene Whalen, 34\ of Va}lndl'!, Calli., Tuesday's sentencinis submitted the.Ir ':their convicUOft on lewd conduct and $12.5 and two years _probation. cases to Uie judge on the basis cf af. · 1ndeolftt. eiposure charges Rose Re~p, 24, Burbank, $350 and fldavlts . 1.. 1 · . four years probation. Miss Zimmer, convicted or eight counts " Centra Orange County Municipal Patrl~ Cottins, 30, Non'h Hollywood, of lewd conduct and indecent e1posuri, Ou<fBe Eugene C. Langehauser orde~ $125 and two ~ars probation. will be sentenced Tuesday • .P't'Obation for all sentenced. Senfencing Betty Vicken, 15, Garden Grove, $375 Others continued to Tuesda) were ..._was delayect .~ four other cases, one and four years probation. Ethel Mae Sooter, 22, of Fountain Valley, l.C'.woman was nrud Innocent "-charges and PrileUla Blackwell, 22, Sant.a Ana, $125 Joan Thompson. Ontario and Llnda Rae ~ . , a wammt illluec;I for another who failed and t_wo y~~bation. Ciark, Santa Ana. :}"Al•ppeab dr lnbeencourt. . NaJui.te. W 1 28, Brea, $400 and two Charges against Beverly Vlerira, 2:S, ol . l bat . arrested 1n recent weeks consecutive two-year probation terms. El Toro were dismissed. while perfonnmg at two Sant.a Ana beer Miss Wheeler and Jackie Ann Zlmmer, A warrant was ordered issued for bars. the Apartment A-Go-0-o and lhe 26, of Santa Ana, were found g\.llty of the Esther Pike, 27, of Cypres,,, when she Apartmeot. chal'a:es late last montL by a municipal failed to appear. f:Cookie Crew Cooks Up Rock~ Assured _ DAil Y l'llOT Stiff ,._.,, Welcome Home .GI Plnns Brazil H~ading , . "~"" ila11 tn N.;..,~ · ' B k l N aJ · It's summer. (It says here.) And school ls out. 1lut · Newport Pier. It seens the sun is taking the sum· 3C 0 Orffi ' you'd never know· it by beach crowds, which baye 'Iner oft, too. In old sol's absence, beach goers are ~ ScOrts of 'ttarbor. Area clttzen1 wbo, She is enll!Ung the aid of all Harbor ""-been ;Something less Qian overwhelming as in4i". ~ 1eftkii!' ·p1enty of goose bumps instead of tans. baked and otlwrwl&e teamed up in the re· Area families and friends of servicemen RIO DE JANEIRO (UPI)-A govern .. ' ., 'tBted fn 1Jrls view of shoreline looking east fronr . ---~, · cent We Care CooldeUft are cooking up a back or soon to return from tbe war 1.0ne, ment spok.esman disclosed today that ---~. ,----:c-,--------...:..---------''----------------- : mass heroes' welcome for Gls soon to for a giant welcome·home celebraUon ln New York Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller has \ .. return from Vietnam. September. ~ The latest project grew out of a remark First step now ls to obtain a roster of by U.S. Anny S/Sgt. Joe Hooper, one of these men, including: name. length of .• the flrst tlu'ee Vietnam veterans to Vietnam tour, branch of service. family's ·receive the Medal of Honor from Presi-local address and telephone number and ·:·dent Nimn. estimated honle arrival date. • ' Now assigned to recruitment duties ln This information may be sent to the ' the San Jl'emando Valley, Sgt. Hooper Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce, 583 . vlsited the cookielift campaign head-W. 19th St., Mn. Dorothy Dietzel, city quarters in lite April and cqmmented persoonel office, Tl Fair Drive, or Mrs. that every Vietnam returnee l! • hero. Ollver herself. "He's right," declares Mrs. Darrllyn "The men are dead Ured when they ar- .Ollver, of 3IJT1 Yukon Drive, Costa Mesa. rive, so we'll be contacting them a week ... ortibiator Of the cookielift project and ar so after they return," says Mrs. ~)lrtmary forct behind the oewest idea. Oliver. ~Escapee Facing . ~Robbery Trial : , Nicholas Wayne Picke tt of Costa Mesa, : known to the law as Charles T. Dee when _.he punched ano~er hole in the brand new . ;Orange County Jail's infant legend of In-- .. vtoclblllty, must face a jury trial oD July 29: ' · • · But that trial will be on the armed rob- bery and kidnap charges which put him in the COUDty lockup in the first place. ' Proceedipgs on the escape charges whicb -are sure to be filed have not yeti been set. · "Pic~tt bolt.ed to freedom via a long est•hlisbed bole-in tbe Jail fence and a rope. of knotted bedsheets last May 31. He · followed the route used by three prisoners who fled frPm the facllity'a fifth floor exercise yard last December. · Pickett, 21, ol !!"! 111•»1! st.. was 111blequently arrei!W at a COnsrus Street addreu by eight deputies. He put up no Rl!istance. He Is accUaed ol laklilg l800 at gunpoint last Dec. 11 from the Tie Toe IJllrket. 191S Pomona Ave., Coeta Mesa. ' I • ',;· Of fi eers Elected At Shoreclif f s 1be Shoreclllfs Property Owners's Association today announced its new of· fleer& ror 1969-70. , El«ted pres ident at the group's annual · meeting was Ed Jacklin .. ·He succeeds John Killeler as bead of the assgciati~ which represents mkitrnll t>f .the , 140r home coastal subdivision .l:ft Corona del Mar. Viet pre&idenl is William W.·DoOLlon; secretary, Mrs. John Killefer; trea8W'er, · Mrs. Ed Jacklin. Other board members are Mrs. Isabel Pease, Killefer and Hans Lorenz. Ex-pres1dent Killefer will also serve BJJ liaison to other homeowners' a!SOCiations. .. , ., , . •• ., ... ~. .. .. ~ ~ -·· • • She saJd ~gt. Hooper will join the initial heroes' welcome program, date of which ls not yet set, then subsequent ceremonies will be planned on a smaller scale. Messages are still being received from mllit.ary units whose men received cookies and other goodi1 malled In the all· volunteer cookiellft effort which con· tinued throughout the month of April. Col. Gerhard W. Hyatt, command chaplain, recenUy wrote her from head· quarters of the U.S. ~llllt.ary Assistance Command, Vjet.nam. to say cookies had been delivered to the mo5l remote, isolated areas. He said they were sent to Green Beret advisory teams of five and seven men each and enclosed a copy of a Memorial Day addre!!l8 by Gen. Creighton ·w. Abrams' USMC Vietnam "s commaOOing officer. From Page 1 DA NTE ... Paul Snyder today, "he'd call us from Las Vegas and try to get us to ship them to him C.O.D., whlfh of course we refwi- ~ to do." · . • The, Costa M•Sjl 'boat ~mpany es- tcutive said ~· was a ·secreUve ~ii. and it ill. unknown why he was trying to buy the seven motorcrafl. Earlier, Ron Snyder told authorities Dante had given U1em a worthless check for $17,460 in payment for the boats, but promised to deliver the purchase price In cash when the paper bounced. A surprise visit to the Sant.a Ana yard Where the boats were .bUilt for the CO!!lta Mesa .lirm early ~Y .5, 1968, led lo ~ of the llleg<d. theft In progreS6, ~-sald. ' 2 Captured, 2 at Large SAN BRUNO, Call/. (UPI) -Four prisoners at the San Francisco County Jail slid down 15 knotted blankets Tues- day night in an escape attempt, but two were quickly apprehended. t I t • f • (;fir .~•""fl .. on the B ea111 been assured Brazil intends soon to return to constitutional rule. "We are on tbe way to a return to (constitutional) normaJcy," Foreign Minister Jose de Magalhaes Pinto told foreign newsmen. He referred to the ac· tion ol President Arthur da Costa e Silva in closing Congress last December and persooal assumption of decree power. ~1agalhaes Pinto's remarks were made while Rockefeller was engaged in a third round of discussions with Brazilian of· ficials who have pla~ down the goverrunent's military backing and played up the country's economic pro- gress. The foreign minister left no doubt the government intends to restore con· stltutional guarantees and reopen parlia· ment "shortly." It was believed evident he echoed what Costa e Sliva told RockeCelle.r In their la.lks Tuesday in Brasilia . The day brought discussions with Interloc Minister Cosla. Cavalcanti on the impoverished northeast and with Educa- tion Minister Tarso Dutra, business groups and intellectuals. F rom Page 1 BUDGET •.. held off for a week doing the same for admlnistrator5. Supt. William Cunhingham said he hopa:I thos e teachers who feel there Is money around not being used would realize the board had to make severe dent! in worthwhile progra ms and cut out people in their effort to square budget in-- come with oµtgo. Board member Mrs. Elizabeth "Bet- ty" Lilly asked if high school staffs couldn't be cut back further to save money. A previous cutback reduced the ratio from one teacher per 19 pupils to one per 20. Three high school principals present said they would have to drop their new remedial reading programs if their staffs were further reduced . : ~oard mem"oUi did not ask why lhe r'eading programs· .would' hive.Jo be the <mes to be cul The projected tax increase for Newport Beach next year is higher than for Costa Mesa -28 cents to 24 cerits _: but Com Me,sa 's school 1ax. rate would remain more than Newport's -$4.51 to $4.24 per $100 or assessed valuation. Both the existing dlfference and the variation in projected increases are due to indebtedness on school bond issues pa.ssed in each city prior to unification. • " : f :cf.uc1ia" ~·· '15,' of Pacifica, wound up in Ui!s !:: ~~--.. Potlli~stl!~ an l l·b~am over a 150- off-ramp tn San !"rancisco. Fll't!Jlftl',...CUecl her from \h• car and 1atd• 1he aillto~ed coetusJolll.of the forehead arid •••cmoL\onal upset.*''• •. •. dMp IOIUVI""" • ., ... , she !Illllsecl a freeway • ' Es~in High Ra~S-Top . . . . . . -- With Accrediting. T ~am Estancia Hlgh School has been given top rating and a number of compli· ments on Its flrst report card . An accrediting team from Western Association of Schools and, Colleges Insurance Pool Bill Introduced Assemblyman John V. Briggs (R· Fullerton) has introduced legislation to set up a slate.wide insurance funding pool to protect insurance policy holders against the inso lvency of an insurance company. 'The bill, AB 1!10, which is sel for hear· ing on June 25 by the Assembly Finance and Insurance Committee, will establish. a California Property and Casuaity Guarantee Association. Briggs noted that the legislation will •.•relieve the Insurance buying public from suffering losses rrom the unex- pected bankruptcy of their insurance company." Commuter Line Chan ges Name Aero Commuter.Catalina Airlines t<r day announced the change of its name lo Golden West Airlines, Inc. The change was made to renect the statewide operations of the airline. The name Catalina Airlines will be retaineQ for the amphibian air service to Cata· Jina Island from Long Beach Airport. Golden West Airlines ha.s flights from Orange County Airport to all point.!I in Southern California, including Catalina. Solons Call Laird \VASlflNGTON (UPI) -The Senate Foreign Relations Committee plans to summon Oelense Secretary Melvin R. Laird to discuss differences between his estimate of Soviet first strike missil e capabilllles and that of the U.S. intel- ligence board, it was learned today. It l IJ JI recently reported OD three days spent earlier this year poking around on campus. They gave Estancia, four years old, a maximum five-year accreditation. Some of the good thinp the visiting educators had to say about the school: -Principal Fl61d Harrfniarf is to be commended ror 1niliating\a systematic evaluation of his role ahd offiee by teachers and staff employes . -There is high morale among non- teaching employcs wno have rapport with the administration, teachers and students. . -Most teachers are willing to con- sider curriculum changes. -The entire staff bas made efforts to promote good relationships between students. teachen and administrators. The accrediting team al.so gave some recommendations for improvement. Among them: -Expansion of on-the-job training pro- grams for students should be investi- gaLed. -The staff should work on developing long and short t8Jlie teaching aims and objectives. -Periodic follow.up studies should be made of all fonner students, including drop outs, to determine if the school is satisfying their needs. FUil five-year accreditation makes Estancia graduates automa11cally ellgi- ble for acceptance to just about any college in the country if they meet en- trance criteria. Harbor -Official Get s New Tiile Cil;o 11arbor Coorditlator George Dawes v.·on a longer title Tuesday niill.t. Da,,.es, who has served tn the relative- ly new city post since last fall, hence- forth will be known as the city harbor and tidelands coordinator. The action, by agreement of the City Council, was added because Dawe!' du- ties have expanded more and more aloog the city's ocean beaches in recent months. Remarking on his work d u r i n g the sewage coordinator most of all." shoreline, Dawes told councilmen, "In the past few months it seems I've been sewage coordinator mOl!lt o fall." BLACK STAR SAPPHIRE Tru!v •n 1tquhita i•••' , , , "0111 or • \'inti." Sp1tilll'f ti•1i9111tl pl1ti>1Ulft fl'IOMlll• ;.,9 •"'brtt•tl with th• 1l19t1iro• of tlitn'10...d1 • $1200.00 ' ;· D.11i9'1d~!h .,.. i11 "';"' • , Frolfl our lll.lfllific:111I c:ot11ctloitjf'~11"'a"d • , •• c.1•1tlli11C,--11 .... thil' ,.,. ,.,.,_ in•lft fftOllflf1tl .(,)0 c.r.1t yellow tli1"'o"d, with ln•liculow1IY •1'POi11tocl tli•montl1 in th1 roufltl. $3750.00 • • From Page 1 CLIFFORD ••• ment with logistic support and with our air resources." Clifford contends that a polley of ap- plying maximum military pressure has resulted in continuing high . U . S • casualties "without any discernll?le im· pact on the peace negotiation lo Paris.'' He :says a decision to shift the combat burden to the South Vietnamese "would confront North Vietnamese leaders with a painful dilemma." "Word that the Ameercans were begin· ning to withdraw might at first lead them to claims of victory," he wrote. "But even these loltial claims could be U:• peeled to be . tinged willt apprehension. There has, in my view, long been C<lO· siderable evidence that Hanoi fears the possibility that those whom th e y characterize as 'puppet forces ' may, with continued but gradually r e d u c e d l American support, prove able to stand off the Communist forces." DAILY PI LOT n•AHOE Ct)l,51 PUlkllHIMG cOMPAWr ••It.rt N. Wea4 ,, Pre&lltfll eOlll l'llbl""" J ee!.: I. C1111.., YQ ..,.Wint -0-11 ....... r1ri ..... , x...,n .... n.,,, •• A. h.f11rpfll~· lo\allMI .. Ed""' . Jar•"'• F. C.llia• ,_,._., Cl" .l:dltor ----1211 w .. t lallta• la•l1¥1rl M•lll11t A44rMn P.O .••• 1171, tz•••. --Call• IMM1 DI 1't'lt1l 11\1 ltretot 1.•-8otlcll:m,_tA-1 ~-ee.dl: • 11h S"-1 Oolft.T Pll.01, "'*" wflidl • ~""' ........ p..._ ...... ._ Pllt .. ( .. , ..... .. .,. Ill _ .... edlflllr4 ,.. 11-1 leedlo C..11 111.... L-lffdl. Hvn"'°'f!M hld'I 111111 '-=•lfl "-'""'· .... --.... w .. .,.,..,., o. .... c-1 l'IAllllll...., .:-"'"''1111 -· .,., 8' 2211 Wnt ••lboe •""'~ tHvrrPO't •-n. -ua W~ .... ""'-'• Ce1t11 llNM. J.11,....11 1714t 64Mm a...lllM .Ww1t..,1 MJ."11 C.1r19M, !Ht, Or-CMll l'Wlhll"-t-"1' .... -...... • ..... u ..... ·•••1~ -"'' "' ~"" .,.,,. .,.., 09 ,_ .... ""-·-... -""'"*' 1111 Cllfflllltt -· ~ ~--..... ~~ -· ,._, SUcfl ,,. Colle """'· C.lllwN. ki.11->1.., b"f c1rrlw u.• rn.n1t1tr1 _., -11 u .. -ll!fl m1m1ry 111es11na11on1, U.ot llWllfll"f. ' I ---.. QUEEN!! By Phll fnterlandl • ''Well, at leaat the theater manager 1s honelt.,. Prisoners' Families Get U.S. Reassurance The most recent official casualty report listed 341 U.S. servicemen captured er in· • • I Pentagon and Stale Depart- ment officials are holding meetings with families o! more than 1,300 captured U.S. servicemen in a widening ef- fort to assure them they have not been forgotten . terned and 987 missing. Mostll ·------------of the missing are believed to Two sessions already have been held and more briefings are planned in the next four or five weeks ta inform the relati ves about the government's efforts to free the men and ease their can· diUons of captivity. Another pu~ is to make sure the families of men miss· ing or captu red in the Vietnam war are receiving all the hel p to which they are entitled. HEADS TEAM Richard G. Capen, deputy assistant secretary of defense, is head of the team of officials arranging the 1ncetings as part of a new Nixan ad. ministration program. Sessions a r e tentatively planned in San Francisco, Los Angeles, P h o e n i x, Ari.z., Denver, Colo., Kansa s City, McGuire Air Force Base, N.J ., Westover Air Force Base, Ma!s., and an undertermined location in the. soutbeutern United Stales. • Capen uid the new effort - which has included a series of statetpents by Sec reta?'..:.-. of Defense Melvin R. Loiurd designed lo focus world ~pi· nion an the side of U.S. prisoners -represents a switch from ihe last ad- ministration's policy. "The policy in the past wa s not to say anything publicly for rear of reducing the possibility or release af the meD ar release of information by North Vietnam an the ir status," Capen 11aid. "It seem· ed to us the time was now for u11 . to express deep concern about these men." be prisoners in North Vietnam '---pilots captured when their -~ .. ~ planes were shot dawn during the air war. Laird sent key Pentagon of. ficials a memorandum last March 3 stressing that he is "deeply concerned about the welfare" of captured and missing servicemen and their families. "I want to be assured that the military services and the office of the secretary of defense are doing all that we possibly can for the next-of. kin," Laird said at the time. Later that month, Capen held the first private, Informal session with about 75 wives in the San Diego area. He and his associates followed this up last week with a similar gathering of about 100 ne.xt-of·kin from the San Antonio and the Fort Worth-Dallas areas of Texas. CLOSED DOORS The sessions are behind closed doors, Capen said, to preserve the privacy of the families •. In adpition . to. p u b Li c statements by L8ird deploring North Vietn"1'l' trealll\eril o! U.S. pri.5o.& there have ~ beh~the-scenes moves .by the defepse secretary in this area. In one such move several weeks ·ago, he briefed U.S. ambassadors in Belgium and Britain so they could solicit help from European countries in bringing pr~ on North Vietnam f o r humanitarian handling of Americans fn cai>- tivity. So far, Capen acknowledged, Hanoi's response has tice.n disappointing. Ex-price Control Chief' Asks Volu11tary Controls WASHINGTON (AP) -The man who called lhc shots when price ceilings were la st clamped on the nation thinks it is time for the government to try controls again -but voluntary, this time. Mich&el V. DiSallc, Korean War price boss, suggested the Nixon administration might try for hold -the-line agreements with the 500 big· gest corporations, or with ma· jor Indus tries. That would mean aban· donm e nl of the ad- ministration'.s Polley stand agalnSt price-Wage cobtrols or guidelines, OISalle said in an interview, but he added : "The adminlstraUon docsn ·t ha ve many options left now. "If they keep pUttlng it arr. ~ this inflation is just going to keep on accelerating." DiSalle, former Democratic governor of Ohio and mayor-of Toledo, dire<;ted the Office ot Price Stabilization from 1950 to 1952 and in the latter year admin istered wage cu~bs also, as director of economic stabilization. ~DO NOTHING "I didn't th.ink the JO per- ..... -.•• cent surtax would do anything to slow things down, and it ; hasn't," said DiSalle, now practicing law in Washington. , "I da think some kind ol , quasi-voJuntary system might , work." Voluntary controls fail- ed ln lhe Korean War, he con- ceded.. Tbe economy was still ...,.Jiding on the .Wgth ol consumer demlnd pent lip dur11ng World War U. Price O!llllngl Had been removed - Jl"tbably prema lurely, I n bis1Ue'1 opinlon -and bulinessmen, fully ezpecting Olat ceiUngs would b e I" . restored, were marking up price tags· to be in an ad· vantageous position when the anticipated "freeze" came. Prices claimbed 8 percent In : P. the six·month period o f ' military escalation preceding ;t· the clam pdown in January ~"" 1951, even though some in- direct controls were still in ef- fect. STILL PREVAILED "Credit restraints were In use, rent controls still prevail- ed, and the excess pro!ita taz was still in force," DiSalle said. "Yet none of these seem· l cd to ,slow up the spiral.'' The situatiOn is similar now, the lawyer said, with the surtax having no mo re dampefting...er!ect than-the· old exwis profJts tax, and with businesses borrowing hand ~ over fist fn spite of record ~ > high interest rate.s .. Tl#ening the m o n e y ~crcW. br1ngs inequltii:ble cf · feels, with hardships on small "- firms, on marginal businesses • that n~ Joans to eJ"pand, and ~ on housing, DiSallc said. And a wrench violent enough · lo cause a rapid d'eDatlon 'i• causes s hutdowr.s· and• unemployment "which hurts thD.$e whom you want most to protect" -the poor, the slum dweller1 and minority group11, and the lower-skilled workers. 1'IUED BRIEl"L y The Idea ol indusl!y-wide bold-th&-Une agreements "'' trted biieOy Jn the Korean War. A steel pact was made which worked, DiSallt recall· ed, OOl the idea fell apart when It proved frnJ)Olllib~ to bring Lbe auto industry into a~ent. It nilgflt wort thl1 time, DiSalle suggesled. -Ill_ ANAHEIM .«{ N. Euclid . .5l5-8 I 2 I Mon .. thru ·Sot. I 0 o.m. to 9:30 p.m. NEWPORT ~7 Foshion Island 6+!-1212 Mon. thru Fri. 10 o.m. to 9:30 p.m. Sot. I 0 o.m. to 6 p.m. -. wtdntid.r. Juni 1s. 1969 DAILY l'ILOJ I -'' SWIVEL ROCKERS PROMISE DEEP COMFORT 99.95 reg. 139.95 • We solute the tell end handsome swivel rocker ••• in cotton cut velvet imported from Belgium. Bollom tufted bock, deeply comlorteble seot cushions with polyloom · wrapped in Det:ron polyes ter for snap bock resilience, '• non allergic qualities. A final cus tom flourish • ~ • out line welting in solid color. Furniture, 38 "VAQUERO" ••• COORDINATES MEX I CANA, SPECIALLY, PRICED. FROM MORRIS OF CALIFORNIA Re9. 39.95-129.95 34.00°116.00 . • • Plan e young bedroom or family room around this rustic." rugged series in mellow brown woods. llf.f5 6 dr .~ ... l llW lt•1• Jt.tS 1t1•fchint 1t1irror 94.tl 1t11 d1nt d11k I It.ti hi ch.it, I Jr1w1u <:,6t.f.5 lo cli1it, .l Jr•w1r1 '6t.t5 lo c11pbo1rd St.t!i corn1t d11k 39.95 11!1ht 1t111cl 42.tS JG" boo•ih1Jf Fu'rniture, 92 101.00 ..... '':" 101.00 64.ot 64.00 14.00 J4.IO lt.00 154.tS 44" lieo•1h1lf II.Ii st.ts twi11 '' full ii1cl 14.M 't4.t5 4.c1 ••••• "······ ~ 2t.95 miner 27 .. b111 enly lf.M 129.tS bun• beef, 9u•r clr1ll • l1dcl1r 116.11 109.tl5 trundle btcl, ', b1cklln9 bell' tt ... 125,fl rn1tr1M, pl1tform1 for trundle b1cl lot.ti • 2001 MATIRESSES AT THE LOWESl PRICES OF THE YEAR Twin size 59,95;99,95 All ore Simmons ·fomous. qual ity -in 'ssorted sizesl including twin, fulls, extra longs, queens ond ~ings. Choose tufted or quilted styles in firm or extro firm tensions. All reduced os loost 20% Full size. 89.95-99.95; Queen size 119.95 • Sleep Shop . 69 HUNTINGTON BEACH 7777 Edinger Ave. 892-333 I" Mon. thru Sot. .I 0 o.m. to 9:30 p.m. ' - 'jDAJl,Y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGEj Safet y in Diver·sit y 1 Ti.s the J)Ort of a wist 111cui to lretp lllmself today for tomorrow, and not venture oil his egg1 in one bas· ktt -flfiguel de CtrvanUt 1541·1611 Don Quixote's autho r no , dou.bt was not the orlJ· inator of the idea of safety 1n d1versiftcation, but his "eggs" analogy is by far the most frequently quoted.- especially in the modern field of financial investment. lt applies as well to the economics of a munlcipaJi· ty and a region. Huntington Beach found itself-not by de1lgn-\11ith too many eggs in one basket last week. ' McDoMell Douglas Astronautics Corp., a prime contractor in the f\ianned Orbiting Laboratory Project, announced that some 3,600 jobs would be affected by the Air Force's decision to shelve the $3 billion MOL program. So illstead of employing more than 10,000 eventual· ly. and approaching 8,000 now . Huntington Beach's giant industry will drop well below 5.poo as the tesult or can· cellation of a single government contract. Managements of defense industry suppliers from General Motors on across the board have worried ever gince World War 11 about lessening their dependence on government contracts for survival. McDonnell Doug· las is no exception, but its concentration of space in· d ustry in Huntington Beach, which lacked :and still 1 lacks much of any other industry besides oiJ , made for a severe jolt to the city in case of such a cutback as MOL. _ The Harbor Area, like much of Southern California, has a deep economic interest in government contracts. But this area also has diversity, at least to the point where no sin.~le industry could have such impact on the area as McDonnell Douglas has in Huhtington Beach. I Newport Beach and Costa Mesa have such diverse manufa~turing operations as bpat building, plastics, electrorucs tor civilian as well as military use metals fabHcation,. medical items, sporting goods. d3ta pro· cesslng equipment and ball point pens -as well as a variety of aerospace items -among 'their more than 350 manufacturing firm s. To avoid the risk of too many eggs in one basket flar~or area business leaders should, and no doubt will'. continue to search for even more dJversl!ication -for the sake of tomorrow. Defining 'Temporary' The removal of a high-voltage power pole from a new area of Corona del Mar last week symbolizes the increased interest in community aesthetics. The offending pole in this instance was located in an area where residents had understood that the mas- ter plan called for underground utilities. The "temporary" pole was, it turned out, intended 1o serve the area only "until the freeway goes through." T~~s. "te1nporary" .in the view of the developers and ut1l1t1es translated into perhaps. five years, perhaps lon ger, for the homeowner. A vigorous protest got re- sults. . \Vith the increased public awareness of the value of aesthetics in our everyday lives-not to mention the cash value enha ncement to th ei r property-it seems clea r that develope rs and utili ties are goi ng to have to place even greater emphasis on undergrounding. Chances are th ~y'll find that a lot more people un- derstand that the bill for thi s ;icsthetic gain ultimately mu st be paid largely by the benefiting property O\vner and are prepa red to pay their share. ' CNl "S ic 'fM! WHOA.! S! c 'EM! Wl-loA !" Truth-in-Lending Vs. Buying Habit l1npropriet y Question Has Been Removed 601t1e s of Se1intori nl Cnt·n•id·lH011se· Businesses which offer credit ar e gur· tni up -with new printed form s and salesman training -for the Coll5Umer Protection Act o[ 19M, .which takes effect July 1. Popularly tagged Lruth-in·lendlng, the Jaw is designed to let buyert and bor· rowers learn clearly and unequlvocally what they must pay for merchandise and credit. Much merchandising In recent years has been carried on, for example, on the S1-down -$t·weekly basis, with the option left to the buyer to aimpare the total weekly installments with the original purchase price. NOW "REGULATION Z," a Federal Reaerve Board publication of rulei to lend and sell by, has been disperJtd acro51 the nation to acquaint affected bu1inesse1 with the law, whose en· forcement ls the responsibility of nine fedrral agencies, chiefly the Federal Trade Cotnmiulon. "Finar.ce charges" and ' ' an nu a I percentage rate" must be printed more l'OOSpicuously than surrounding material nn contrast to the sometimes "read the lint Jlf:'jot" caution). Finance charges Guest Editoria l . ' musl Ii.st "the works": Interest, loan fee, credit investigation fee . cost of life or other insurance assoc iated wilh a lime purchase. and any amount paid as a "discount," service or carrying charge. BUYERS AND borrowers not glfled ln the "higher math" for discovering the full price of an item or money acquired "on time" 01ay raise eyebrows momen· tarlly when the whole c06t·picture stares them in lhe face. One eUect may be to prompt shoppers to hunt around for the '"bt!l financial deal," since final cost answers will be available for easy C<Jm· parison. With the nationa l habit of living on next week 's or next year's payc;:heck11 well in· grained by now, we seriously doubt the r.ew tfuth·ln-lendtna: disclosures will permanently divert many Americans from their buy·nov.·, pay.later way of life. The Tlmes·Ptcayune New Orleans Just to Stay Even .•. IF YOUR 1958 INCOME WAS--- $3,000 $5,000 $7,500 $)0,000 $20,000 $50,000 $100,000 -IN 1969 YOU MUST EARN , JUST TO STAY EVEN-· -$3,846 A PERCENTAGE INCREASE OF-· 21% $6,332 -27% -$9,417 26% $12,543 -2 5% $24,181 24% $63,160 26% $123,566 24% nie effects of inflation and taxes are Illustrated In this chlrt. A marrl@d man wlth two children who earned $7.$00 in 1968 must eam in 1951 about 26 percent n1ore to be as "well oU." DHr Geor(t: I md t.hJa fellow at the office aod lie .ant perr.ctty nice, harmless and tom ttous. Some of the olher a1r1' lnliJI he II Iii awful ••U. How can I find U ll 11 true hf Is a woU~ I've t«tptld 111 lnvltalloa for 1 candleli~t dinner at hi! apart· ment. WONDERING Otar Wonderin1 : What are you writing me for~ t can't think of a better "'ay to find out. To the Editor : Please be advised that t-.1r. Arthur Strock has removed any queslion of im· propriety that may have arisen in con· nection with his C(lnduct lo which you referred in yo ur June 7, 1969 issue regil.rding the O'Donnell case. CLAUDE f\1. OWEN S Judge ol !he Superior Court ~1f, Strock, tolnlc actin9 ns altor· ircy rcprcse11101y Dr. ~1eTritl C. O'- nouncl/ 111 'J udge Ou;e11s' cot1rt. dre11J c1 con1p/ai11t front the ]lldge that lie i\1ailhvx appeared to be flou ting Ca11on 22 of tlic Canons of Professio1UJI Ethics whc11 he cited a previously rejected <lecrsioii d11ri11 g law and 1notion or· giunents. Judge 01vens' letter re por t.i tlic result of Jll r. Strock's Tespo11se ro the judge's request to him for com· ntent. -l::ditor 1llor nl Asp ccls, Too To the Editor: Recently critics. of sex education pro- grams have voiced their oppOsition dramatically and emotionally. Their ma- jor 4)Jjection is that their children are being influenced away from the morality of church and home and being in· doctrinaled into the "new immorality" taug~t in sex education programs. Statistics' show that there has been a rise in unwed pregnancies and venereal disease in America today. Thi!: is an in· dication that the youth of today art im- properly instructed in the moraJ aspect of ~ex. \V.ilERE ~ THESE children gel their 1nisi,nformat1on? If parents cannot or will not &sch their children about sex, and in· still1 in them a healthy attitude, the chllaren will look for information elsewhere. Their whole knowledge about sex will be derived from discussions with their equally uninformed, or worse yet, 1nl1lnlormed peers. • Children are curious by nature and 1hey will seek out the forbidden in- forn1aUon so that they can .saUsfy their curiosity. They will read as many filthy books as they can find and they will ragerly ·accept the moral"";:;;at&ltudtl of 'heir "more experienced" friends. ANAHEUI HAS A lour·year-old sex rducatlon program taught in the seventh through twelfth grades. This course in· ltgrates the biological. psychological, and moral aspects of sex education. It emphasizes that the sex act demand5 the knowle<lge, trust, security, maturity and the love found In marriage. Once the need for sex cducallon has been reCognizttl , what must be done to ensure lhat there Is a. sex cducaUon pr~ gram taught In the rommunity tb;:t Is In· formative, moralistic and relevant to society? rt· A SEX education program exists in your community, investigate ils aims and tnethods. Talk to the teachers and to the students. The studenlS' attitudes arc ln- dlcaUve of the success or lhe program. If a sex education course does not ex· isl, study lhe programs taught In other communiti~i and write to SIECUS. Sex Information and Education C:Ouncll or the United States. New York, N.Y., for ln- fonnatlon ttgardlng organizing and in· iUati n; a proaram In your communily. ~-RANCES OLDENBU RG Student at UCl More Tarnish on Congress WASHINGTON -President Nixon, who has been slow in rilling top govern- ment jobs, is now having some of his ap- pointments delayed by games o( senatorial cat·and·mouse. Senale leaders of both parties 11re in· \'olved. The result is a little more tarnish on the lack.Justre facade of the current, 91sl. Congress. The Senate has always been zealous in carrying out its constitutional responsiili· ty to "advise and consent" on preslden- 11al nomin ations. In the past, however, rather precise criteria were applied in considering preside ntial appointments. The old !onnula, as the late Sen. Robert A. Taft, R-0 .• once explained it, ga\"e a president wide latitude In selec· ting top aides. provided that an appointee f 11 was not clearly lnaimpetent to do the job aS9igned. and (2) had not been guilty or an offense ~volving moral turpitude. THERE WAS another proviso. A single senator could block a presidential ap. polntment on grounds that the nominee was "personally obnoxious," but such an objection could only be applied to a nominee from a senator's own state to a federal posilion within that state. Now a nominee can be opposed on grounds of prejudice, personality, or even pique. This is how things have been going ror Pre sident Nixon: OR. JOHN H. KNOWLES -President Nixon hadn't even nominated Knowles, his choice to be assist.ant HEW secretary for health, v.•hen Senate Republican Leader Everett M. Dirksen. 111., an· nounced weeks ago that he would right Knowles' appoint1ncnt. \Vilh the post sti ll unfilled . Dirksen restated his opposi tion last week. Knov.·les is the director of the prestigious Massachusetts G e n e r a I Hospital. The American Medical Associa- tion opposed his appointment to the HEW post because Knowles has supported Allen-Gol dsmith ' . compulsory health care plans and other liberal social welfare projects. Dirksen. who professes great ad· miration for Taft, has not really ex· plained his opposition to Knowles. Dirksen has noted that the AMA is op- posing Knowles and he was reported to have described the doctor, a fellow Republican, as a "radical" at one closed· door meeting. OTI'O F. OTEPKA -He is the form er Slate Department Security Officer who was demoted after he privately slipped some departmenta l data to the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee in 1963. His cause was. quickly espoused by a number of right wing groups, and ht then became a target of the left wing. . At Dirksen's~ behest, President Nixon nominal~ Otepka on March 20 to be a· mcm1'-er of the nearly defunct Subversive Activities Control Board. No one testified against the nomination, and the Senate Judiciary Committee approved it 12 to 3 more than a month ago . Since that time the nomination has been st.ailed and in a sort of limbo on the Senate calendar. The Se n ate 's Democratic leadership, \vhich attends to such procedural matters, simply has not scheduled the Otcpka nomination for floor consideration. Eventually. lhe nomination will be ap- prO\'Cd. The word ndw is that action may come this "'eek aft er a fe\v opponents, mostly Democrats, air their objections, "·hich are keyed to the old security mat· ter and to the way Otepka raised money to fi i;ht the long legal battle which cnsuell . CARL J. GILBERT -Two Senate committee chairmen are in a jurisd\c. tional battle over Gilbert, who was nominated by President Nixon on April 14: to be the U.S. special representative for 1rade negotiations, a job with am· bassadorial rank. Gilbert's nomination was approved by the Foreig n Relations Committee. since it is a foreign policy post. Then Chairman Russell B. Long, D·La ., complained that his Finance Committee, which created the job , should have a say in filling it. Long and Chairman J. \Villiam rulbright, O.Ark ., of the Foreign Rela· lions Committee, have no\v agreed that the Finance Committee can study the nomination for up to 30 day s. Then Gilbert too, will probably be confirmed, and he can get down to the rather im· portant job of tariff negotiations. While the President's nomin ation of Chief Justice Warren E. Burger was quickly and overwhelmingly approved las,t week, by a vote of 74 to 3, the: reasons adv~nced by the three Burger opponents fell rar short of the old Senate formula . SEN. STEPHEN !'ii. YOUNG, 1).()., complained that an attorney who op~ Burger's nomination was not heard by the Judiciary Committee: in its heatings and could not even get into the hearing room . Sen. Gaylord Nelson. O.Wis .. said he knew "nothing derogato ry" about Burger but had not been afforded • chance to examine his credentials. Sen. Eugene·J . McCarthy, D-Minn .. I.he third nay .sayer. said Burger campaigned against him in 1952 in a manner calculated to elicit "an emotional If not prejudiced response." McCarthy did not attempt to employ the old personally ob~ noxious tradiUon on a broader baae. It was. as usual. just the Jone McCarthy voir.r.. unheeded by his colleagues. By Robert S. Afle11 and Jobn A. Gold1mttb Pot Is Calling Kettle Black t\ has always amused me to hear some pompous business official stand up in public and upbraid "the i;uvment" for its massive bureaucracy and its absurd spending policies. For I have seen enough of private business establishments at first-hand to know when a pot is calling a kettle black. The ~hesis of these public denunciators is the "govment" should emulate private enterprise -but in the cases I have- personally observed, there is scarcely a shade of difference between the two, ex· ~pt that business is designe<I to make money, and government to provide service. THE BUREAUCRACY IN a large and thrlving corporation is not to be believed. The wastage is Immense, and the level of Dear Gloom,· ·' Gus: It's not that RX education Is wanted or not "'anLcd in our New. port·Pt1e.'la schools, i1's that lt't NE EDED. So1neone has to ltll c:hildren the fa.els before It'! too late for lhl!m. I'm 14, and a friend who's 10 knows more. Or does he? -J. A. T. "flllt .. .,.,.. rt•llfa'I ,.._,.. ·-... --•111'¥ "'"' .. tl'll ---· ..... "'" nt _.,. M O"-"' ..._ O.lfr '"9t -' \ l Sidney J. Harris' competence not very high. fl is only the essential viability or capitali11m lhat keeps .iOmc of these firm s anoal -they suceeed despite their sloppy manage- ment. Most of them are penny·wise and pound·foolish. They will alienate their minor employes by insUtuling some petty economic reform t dealing with something as inainsequential as pencil·sharpenersl, and then squander millions on !Ome foolish scheme that tickles the vanity or the top executive -but which any un· llerling could tell hiln is a waste of funds. JN FACT, on e of the be.~t arguments [or c:apitalism tlas never been ad vanced In il.3 favor, for it is too embarrassing to mention -and that Is the indisputable fa ct that the system ~·o·ru so well, in the bus iness area, that It can withstand even the mediocrily and mismanagement of its custodians. lt 's hard to lose money in an expanding econom y. The closer one gets to the seat of COr· porate power, the more obvious it becomes that lhe sy1tem is supporting 1hese t4'0Ple, ralher than the people the system. Many of lhcm haven't even had enough liavvy to keep their own com- panies under control -which accounts for the aripalllng number or corporate tRktavtrs and flcUtiout .,mergers" In the last few year1, The co rp o r ate burtaucrrcy get1 $0. lop.heavy that tts legs are llmputated bef<re 11.S head bt:tlna to know what ls going on. THIS JS NOT meant to be a defense or the indefensibll! pr~ctices in govemmen{, whic~ should be fuore tailored, efncient. and responsive to public needs -It is simply lo suggest that all bureaucracic~ are pretty much alike, no matter what their professed philosophy may be. It's just that the idiocies of government become a matter of public record, while the ineptitudts of business are camouflaged by profits that are almost impossible not to make. '\Vhen businessmen take over an ad· ministration. as in this Nixon era, they will spend as much as their Democratic predecessors : the difference is in lhe speeches, not in tht actions. -...iW- Wednesday, June 18, 1969 Tiit editorial page of tltt Dailt1 Pilot seek.a to fnform <1nd tttm- ula:tc re<1der1 bt1 pretmting thi.1 newrpoptr'1 opfrt.tON and com- meniarv on topics o,t ·fnttt11t ond signtficonce, ~&I provkUng a fOTUm for the tzprtuio" of our reader•' o~nWn.r, and bu pretentina the diwr1e view- points of informed observer1 and spoketmn on topics Of ih1 do~. Rl>bert N. Weed, Publisher ( I I ----------------------------' I I . -' •• , f - • f;osia · Mesa -Toay.'~~- ·-~ t-: ---;-~~c. ' N.Y. Ste&s - V~~2. NO. 145, ~SECTIONS, 7,2 PAGE ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JU~E '18,' 1969 ' . TEN·CENTS . '\' ... 1 • ' ,, • ate aces ana .s Missing Boy, 6 ·' ' Heart Revived in Drama on Toro Rescue Copter SAN BERNARDINO (UPJ) -Six-year- old Matthew Zimmuman was f o u n d moaning ind half.frozen today huddled behind a log in eight inches of snow a mile ~d a h'alf from the c&mpsite he wander- ed away from last Saturday. He was taken by helicopter and ambu- lance to St. Bernardine's Hospital here. where he was i't critical condlllon, suf- fering from exposure and dehydration. The copter was from El Toro Marine Air Station. County Bo y Slain After Shooting At Policemen A Garden Grove youth inside his grandparents' closed liquor sto~ with their permission was shot to death by C<.mpton pol.Ice late Tuesday night when he unexplainedly opened fire on them. Arthur G. Laramie, 17, was dead on ar- rival at Harbor General Hospital as the tralfc climax to a trip lo the Mort to g~ aome.. cookies and milk for 1 midni&ht ' llllCk. ' • ; I nie victim accidentally triggered • silent burglar alann in the shop, Ie&Qing to a dispatch of one regular patrolman aucLa reset\re officer to inyesUgate. Compton Police Lt. A. M. Thomas iden· tified the pair involved as George Keaton and Ralph Reeves. He said Officer Keaton went to the rtar or the liquor store while the reserve patrolman covered the front,· spotting young Laramie through the back door. Officer Keaton shouted at the figure in- side, Lt. Thomas said, at which Ume Laramie fired a .38 callber pistol aDd darted back as the patrolman fired back. Both bullets in the exchange missed, but Keaton fired again and. struck Laramie In the head. The victim's ~randparents said he was ht the store w1lh ttie!r permi~jon but they were mystified as to why he had one of the two guns in the store and why he . used it. Police Check Bal's But Fail to Find Ditch Deatl1 Lead Wherever Hennan C. Everett went lll!l Friday night, he should have stayed. home. The Redondo Beach machine shop employe found deed In a Costa ~esa Irrigation ditch last Saturday morning, victim of a bizarre drowning-murder, was not seen in his usual tavern haunts. Homicide detectives Gerry Thompson and Arnold Appleman toured Redon- do Beach bars-favored by the 35-year- old homicide victim Tuesday night. but could find no one who saw him last friday. . --· A similar vlsil Monday mght turucu - up no lead5 in the odd killing, but many regular bartenden and barmaids we.re · off, replaced by reliel r.rsonnel. . , Mrs. Dolores Everet , the victim s wife of a year, said earlier she knew of no 11ne who would want to kHI her h'usbi'pd, whose funeral was held Tues- day ln Cosla Mesa. She .said he left their home about 9 p.m. Friday, supposedly on ~ brief errand and that was the last time she saw her husband alive. She also told investigators a few ol the spots he was known to frequeut In the SOuth Bay area and poUoe say they are bafOed about why he was fOCIDd in Costa Mesa. Convtnienet seems so far to be the only rea.wn. since he hid 1a~t1y been clubbed .-u shcrirn b7 tht severe bNise and lump an bis fore- head, then taken to die clealll ..,... by c:.or. Coroner's deputiOI lilted dftltll IS due to asphy1lallon by drowninl, cauaednch • when he wat dumPtd into the 11-1 deep lrriga\l_on dltch along . Talbert Avenue near tbe S.nta Au River. No motive hu been develooed IO far and some conjecture hit Involved ·aont· land style uecut1on, while. ~LMt.ec­ tlves 1uggest he may have ~ the victim ol an 1111planned bar dlipute. •• Deputies said the'llttle boy's heart stop- ped beating 1n the helicopter and rescu- ers applied erternal heart massage a n d one wrapped his own body around the youngster's \o keep him .wann. He bad been the object of a massive search by 250 men on foot, by horse, jeep aJX1 helicopter since noon Saturday when he d~ppeared durin~ a weekend c.amP.- ing trip with his mother and sister. Imprints .from his tennis shoes w e r e sighted Monday but no trace had been seen of him since. Wednesday, William Brennen, 18, and Walter lierguson, 17, both of San Ber· nardlno, set out on their own to look for Matthew after Ferguson told hls molber, "I think 1 know where to find him." Ferguson had often hiked in the area nea r De Bonneville cam!J ground! in the Sar. Bernardino National Fow.t because ·his grandparents had a cabin near there. · Matthew was conscic.us but incohererit when they fOWK1 him, his orange plaid School Jobs Cut, Tax Rate Boosted By THOMAS FORTUNE Of t1M1 Deity l>lllt Sll ff Newport-Mesa school trustees Tuesday night cut out 13 new non-tea ching posi· lions, decided to ·boost the tax rate another penny· or penny~and-a-half above increaMS already contemplated, anl1 came-dole ~ to baiancfu,, nex\ yur's echooli-litd,et. ' 1 1 · ~ The total n~t tax rate incrt:ase for Costa Mesa wClllld be about 24 cent& and lot Ntwport'~9ch about 28 cents. A mo~~s~ may be made at a spb;:ial bUdaet session called by the school board for next Tuesd8y. Cuts approved Tuesday night include eliminatiOn of four Custodian, three grciundsrnen, tliree bus driVers, twO lull time and three part ·time · tlerk- secretarial poaltlons for a savlnp of $81,000 in salfuoies. Other cuts· totaling about $150.000 wert made in putch8se of equipment, main- tenance , travel and consultants. Board members would not buy cuts recommended by the administrative staff in a hot idea fund or building repairs. The best estimate is that the $25 million p!us budget remains about .$50,000 out of balance. Board members also approved a resolution stating they are reservina the r i g h t to increase salaries during the school year arter the budget is adopted . The resolution was seen by observers as a sop to teachers_ who fought a strenuous battle for higher salaries than they were aiven. Board members also refrained from cutting into salary side benefits -giving teachers a 50 pereent pay boost for after school duty and allowing them to advance .• .-l1le , p'ay· 11C81o ·.witl)oul 'OCJU!rinl • misttrs ·degree. · 1'.he board adopted a nqri-leaching employe salary scale baled OD the same l-1 -t,pay boos!_ll~ teachers, but held off for a week ~~ Jhe same for administrators. Supt. William Cunningham said he hoped those teachers who feel there is money around not, l:ieing uaed would realize the board had to make !eveie dents in worthwhile programs and cut out people in their effort to square ·budget In- come with outgo. Board member Mrs. Elizabeth "Bet.. ty" Ully asked if high school staffs couldn't be cut back further to save money. A previous cutback reduced the ratio from one teacher per It pupils to one per 20. Three hiah school principals present said they would have to drop their new remed ial reading programs H thelr stafJs were further reduced. Board members did not ask why the reading programs would have to be the (See BUDG~,. Page Z) /-./ ,. •• I Swinging Swinger· •• ' sturt and tan slacks ~aked. The boys stripped his wet clothes pnd wrap~ him In Jackels. Smoke signals were used to guide a bellCO[lter from El Toro Marine Air Stati90 lnlo the r\llied area. The child's father, Stanley, a Los Ange- les engineer who bad been aiding in the search, was notified by bul~ and rear.bed bis son befort the helicopter did. ."They told me be. w~ alive, but when I saw him he loot.ed ~ead," Zimmerman (See FQUND, Page !) ! Clifford -r;Ji ges Cut in Fighting, Blisters Thieu NEW YORK (AP) -Former Defense Secretary Clark M. Clifford 11ays the United States should order a reduction of fighUng in South Vietnam and remove all its ground combat troops by the end of 197tl. In a remarkably candid st.atemenl cur. ford blisters the South Vietnamese govemmeIJt, p)cturlng its leaders as hav· tr!( a blC itaU tn epot!nued war. He ;II.JI'.,. ,· ... , ,-;.; "A< l1le S.ip ·authorities saw 1~ the longer the war went On, with the large- scale Amer'ican JnvoJve.ment. the mote stable was lheir regime and 1he fewer ....,,.,. ... tlley irould ~.·io -to other political grouping~·: " Clif!ord, once regarded as 1 i'hawk, served as Pentagon cblel. for the last ye.ar of the Lyndon B. Johnson act. minlstraUon. His statement, appearing in Foreign Affairs, quarterly of the Council ,on Foreign ~lations, is the most ootspoli.en comment on the Saigon regime to ·come frOm a recent U.S. government official at this level. · The article is likely to play an im· portant role in the conUnuing ~erican debate on the war. He makes these proposals: 1. As a first step, the United States should announce it will withdraw 100,000 troops before the end of thi5 year. President Niml already has announced an inlUal withdrawal· of 2$,000. The Clif. lord article wu written before the presldenUal announceme:nt but released Wednesday nliht. 2. "We should also make it clear that (See CLIFFORD, Page%) D-'ILY l>ILOT,..,. 'J ~ ,.,..._. . , For the sheer Joy of II, ll>~re Js nothing like Ille free, wind·in-your.face feeling generated by a good, old-fashioned swing In tile park, observe1 tw~year­ old TimDtb,y Stechman of Costa Mesa. It is especial· ly nice when dad is back there ready' to push when things get too all)W, or 'to catch you, when things get a bit scary. Even In, an uncertain world, some things never change. es·a Dante Fired On, Held For Theft By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of ... O.llY. 1>1111 '''" Jet set hypnotist Dr. Ronald Dante - Harbor Area entertainer and confidan\t of stars -today faces a theft charle in- volving '18,500 worth or boats at a 'Costa P.1esa finn, after surviving 1 myateriOUI murder attempt Tuesday. Santa Ana police recognized the name In news reports of the five-&hot ambush and tipper' off Hollywood detecUves wbo arrested the ill-starred seventh hUJblnd of actress Lana TUrner about :nidnighl The attack by a mystery gunman wear- ing a rakish Australian bush hat earlier, as Dante drove Into his fashionable office-apartment on Doheny Drive, left hhn with only a cut on the face. SHA1TEllED GLASS The barrage of bullet.I shattered the windshield of hls car and he wu. DI.eked by flying glass u he dove for the floorboards during what authorlUes Aid was the third attempt on hla Ufe. -.../ .a ESCAPES MURDER TRY St1r'1 Hu1bend Dint• Experts Launch Drive to Stop . Pool Drownings Once before, a jealous lover who claim;. ed. the hypnotist had alienated hl1 girlfriend, fired a .45 caliber pistol shot at Dr. Dante during a San Diego nightclub performance. He was not. bit, and lawmen did not A grc>UP .. of. safety exper\I ~!I a:a&ng elaborate Tueadlj' "' l1le lhlrd a1t~1ed where ·lfte actioo la -tlie tragic ~ murder attt!ltpt. -thia wee~. 1n a unique edbc.atlorial Dinte wu ap~lly u llhaten by bis program destgned to .prevent backyard ~-' awlmmht( pqol -lllS ~ ll'rt$ U be bad -·_"!_~I l"'N The' • .0:0.L --I.:;jJ , _ _,~' temp{ wller tdllnl aut.awes · . npa;loa are guaug ~ r.i-., • of no rtuon' f« either, mit.ll ·tbt ~ )'aril pools. ' case wa1 explained. • • Claqea will be offered by appolotment "I. don't know ~CIM who would want thr~ Friday from 10 ~.m. to e p.m .• to k1U me," he !:lid, "uni.._. It ~·u!it.be ft'lll!ini ,llOQl ~<II'_ •. IQl~IOI\ ~ '°meone who ii ]ealoul •boot thf wOma. deinOlliti'aUOiio of teoM lei:lftilcjll'41, - I just marrl.ed." . ' A minimum of. 12 :adulll 'arid• 11helt chlldren :are, requiJ:ed ti> schedult' .ane 6 OTHER HUSBANDS of tlle at·home clwes ·conducted joinlly Dante followed she .other hu!baflds by the .AmerJcan Red Cross and ·Coita down the als~e with Mlsa Turner In a Lis Mesa Recreition Department. . Vegas wedding chapel 11~ weekll :go, Pete .Buzzard director Cf water Afe- after they met at a fashionable dlscothe-ty Rrvices for' the Red cioss• of&Ni:e que three weeks earlier. County Chapter, notes 14 eounfy back· The alleged attempted theft of ·sev'!n yard drownings occurred iut year, mO.t motorboets belongJng to the MarUn &at of them children. Co., 1595 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, oc-"It is imperaUve that parenta •nd curred almost one year to the day before backyard pool OW!Jera receive thlJ in· Dante's marriage to the blonde star. structlon to prevent more tragic Joss Miss Turner, 49, and her dau&:hter of· life this summer,". aii)'I Buzzard. Cheryl, 25, were present when the Nothing will be charged for the spe.: SingaporH>om nightclub hypnotist W»S clal Servite and appointment.· may ·be picked . up al their Sheraton-Uo.Jveraal made 'by tekij>Mrilng··Tom· Dutwie"&t Hotel suite. 8344103 the Costa Meu. RecreaUon He lilted hll age u ft during lbe bOok.. Oe~ent office. Ing process and told police he has .a doc. • • torate in psychology from · Singapore University. - The former entertainer at the Villa Marina nlgbtdub In Newporl Beach - still shaken br the murder attempt' - spent severa hours in the West Hollywood sheriff's staUon be.fore release on $12,SOO bail. Dante, who rented a Costa Mesa apart· ment during his booking at the bayslde spa, told Los Angeles Sheriff's Sg(. Ray- mond Gott he believed the theft case had been dismlssed. ' Ron Snyder, of 2320. College Drive, Costa tw1esa, 1aid he ·caught Dante. in the act of supervls.ing tbelt of the fleet pf 16- foot boats May 5, 1968 a__t a now defunct Santa Aha boatyard. · Snyder and h1a t>rotber Paul ' are partners jn the Marlin firm, w!Ucb markets the boats at Mesa Boat Center, IS95 Newport Blvd., and had been.tcyln& to work ouL a deal with Dante. "He wa! an elusive: character," llid (See DANTE, Pase ZI Escape~ Facing ' Robbery Trial Nicholas Wayne Pickett of Co!:ta Mesa, known to the law as Charles T. Dee when h~ punched another hole In the brand new Orange County Jail's infant legend "Of ~ vlnciblllty, must face a jury lrial on July 28. But lllat !rial wm be "' lhe armed rob- bery and ltldnap charps which put him In l1le county lqckup In the !Ira! place. ~'"'the -chir ... which are ,... lo be liled have nol 1"1 been ..i. Pickett bolted lo freedom via a Jtnc -bli.lhed hole In lhe Jail fence and a rope of ktiolt<d bedsheets tut 1111,1 JI.~ followl/d. Ullo 'route uted by lllroe prisoners wtio lie.I from ihe fadlity•a fifth noor exerdM yard last December. Plmll, 21oi of 1111 1'1aplo SL, wu subsequently ~"'1 al a Oaos- Slrftt •dilrea by'ef&ht depuUes. Ht put up no re•islance. • He Is aCCIUed or tokln& !IOI) 11,.'"fu1 last Dec. It from tit\ 'l'lc Toe;. INtile~ 1913 Pomooa Ave., Com fll"A· • ' -' ' I Susan Maz ze .. Suffers R.elapse Susan Mazze, the 17-year.o_ld Santa Alia girl 'fh~ received orange County's first kidney transplant on 'Jurie 3, has suffered a relapse and is in critical condition in Orange Cow\ty Medical. Center, Dr. Ronald Miller 18.ld her new thi1'ey ls 1 tuncttoning perfectly but other postoptratiff· comp Ii eat Ions have Weakened SUsan.and made it dUficult for ber to breathe. The doctor decllned lo disclose details on the compllca.Uons. t Susan's hlOther, Mn. Florence Mazze. ,raa' re)eaaed from 1the h08pltal 1 laft Wedn'!Sday, a week after donating ooe of her kidneys to her daughter. Oraage Weatller C.Ut ' I The sUn Will mak~ Its perfunc-1 tory appearance Thul'!day alter-J noon, but ol1lerwlae 11'11 be mos\ly 1 ctouctY with temperaturu in th• 1 hlgb IO's a!OOJ_·llle Gr&1111e C...L I JNSWE TODA 'Y , TIDO of U.. /mtc!I 1/0<W: ! afloat . tangle th6 wee~; ,, l\'tndtDOrd Pa11aae ""'" .ll~lt.­fin for fi" Cclj/omlG C,.p. Boa~ • tAq,-Poo1 29. -" =-~~-', <-... """" . .. = .. .. .. • 'WI I .... ........... ,..,._. »II ·-. .._.._ N ... -. Mtime.e ,, \ . ' :_Rilii ng !(""""'°""' """' a •Pleca of <V6clnt stafe land as their style of People's l>arlt ~ ~ !fA8a Verde vlillantes with the law ao their Bide may tum the 4\IO\y c..ta 111 ... "hlllJlde Into -City ...... Actlo& within the curttolly ubtlnc • legal handicaps poHd by no olllclal slate- • dele11tod authority, p0llct will bellln . = th•reycJlni: center by jMp W. • ,,.. tell la up to ....idenla annoyed by ·· .. bl_, dull and Iba ·~ of hlab-~ mec:hlnos penetrating their $tCl,000 homes downhlll lrom the popular "°"""· '"lbil will be strictly Oil • cltiiens' CJQIDpUblt bull,.. Colla ,... Police DiJ r rtara"1t Patrol Capt. Robel'.l Moody . Mid ,.....,. lo out1ln1oC lhl "'""am. ': llotltlnl can be done to comet Iha pro- •• """' ..... tndlvlduala ... wUUoa to ~ a -~t cbal'llnl• a t1d1lt '111111 dllturbkll lhe .....,.;.lloOdy ~oocb' said lawmen at the ec111e wlll lalro motorcycle tlcenae numben and ·;· I 1¥ !e. ft ~'!' · . ·showdJ.w·n · l o ' •• V ~rsus V ertk Vig!,.la111~s , l Mi.~ la_..,. -.. _ .. lllalt-•" 1 to permit proeeeuUon, U an~ Mtaa Ver--Sign." posted originally on lhe property dean1 agrtt to acL sUll prohib,1\ trespasalng, but local WamJ.n&s Of P<>Nible criminal action lawmen no lon&er have the authority to wDJ first be Issued to motorcycllsta using Jnvoke California Vehicle Code provisions the a.tea Wblth la wtst Of Eltancla Drive on the property . and adja~t to the rear of homes alona: Disturbing the pet1ce, however: is .• Swan Dr1ye. misdemeanor crime under the California Complamts have been rqlatvtd that Penal Qxle and appliea to the st.ale pro- c'teflng Uilek lirlvtn even pull ~Ir perty, baJe(fon. the alleged vlctlms' will• niobUe Junchfooms up to MU coffee, IOlt ingneas to prosecute. ddftka m>d aandWlche1 to motoreycllata. Lawmen would ddinlttly have the A concerted effort by homeown~ ln power to act In cue of a felony offena the ~tng area br~t a aym-being committed, or an accident of any pa\hmc response by police. who ~d 50rt involving threat to life or limb. they can do llttle as a result of existing ha ... 6 _ t 1 lhe Depar~ legal technk:aUUes. A request s u=i1 ":" o . The property beJonis to the state bllt ment of General Suvu:es asking that tt:ie portion med by the mot'oreyCUsts Costa Mesa police be aUowt.d to resume tmderwtnt a change in jurl.5dlct1on from their fonner powers of law on the pro- the state Department of Mental Hygiene perty 1n quesUon. to the l>!partment of G<neral Services ..A. ..A. _,, anti Estancia Drive WU constructed. H H H Costa MMa pollce ha4 to reapply as a M p }i ''l'"lt for authority to enforce anti· esa 0 cemen trespassing laws alter Estancia Drive aevered the total land parcel and lt went COoktellft I.aded Take Fairview Traffic Control City Councilnien Honor Citizens' Achievenients Acldemnenll .. the local and - Uooal lnmt-In two hemlsphenl -have --by the Costa Mela ctly c.uncJl. Tbe city lladf a1ao bu .rocelv.d ~ a cltaUon. -Best known recipient, perhaps, w a s Mn. John Oliver, wn Yukon Drive or· · '*"llel"· ol the ·Harticr Arta'a We Care • OooldeHlt program in which goodl<s • -were sent lo Gls at war. Durin& MondaY's cOunctl see:aJon, Coun- cilman WW Jordan gave her a plaque b<orlnl her orlalnal ll City Hall rental cheok1• Plus a !00.plaator South Vietnam· ese buf. ,\fltr objoctlons from llOlllt quarten to the use of vacant civic center floor. •pace foe lhe month-loog project lo Ap- Iii, Mn. Ollwr pleged lhe $1 rental, which lllayw Alvlo L. Pinkley refu!ed. Special attelilion a1ao was focused on lhe Cost. M,..·Newport Harbor Lions Club, for Its humanitarian trips to En- senada where children were tested and fitted for eyeglasses free of charge. John Saint, coach and 1Uldlns force behind lhe Costa M-Cornela semlpro- f esslonal baSeball team alsb was clttd Monday for his effort.a In alble.Uc:s and charader building for yooth: Councilman George A. Tucker-as a former Jaycees' vicO presl-...pre- oented the city wi1ll a commendatory tt90lution fTO(D. the Costa Mesa Junior Chamber cl Commerce. The resolution cited the city's interest in Jaycee pro- gram1. EstaftciaHighRates Top With Accrediting Team • Estancia lf!Ch School hao been 11ven top rat.iq and a-innnl>tr ol eompli· '""'Ill on 1111 fin! repori card. An accndltlog team from Western Asaoclatlon of Schools '1!d Collegn recemly n!poried 00 three days lpttt earlier thlS year poking around on campu1. • • They' p ve l!:slaneia, . foqr yoon . old, a mutmum 'fJv&jU?' aredltatlon. Some ol the gOOd tblnp. the vlaltlog educators bad to say about the school : -Prindpol Floyd Harryman ii to be commended 10< tnltlat.iq a 1}'11ematlc evaluation of hil role and office by teachen and staff employes. -There ls high morale among non- teacblng empl.o~ who have raJ>P011 with the administ.ratlon, teach~ and students. , -MOit teachers aie ~ to COP- older curriculum cht!IPI. -Tbe entire staff has made efforts to promote good relat.iomshlpa between students, teachers and adminlstraton. The accrediting team also gave aome recommendations. for improvemenL Among them: -Expan"10!1 of ""'tll•lob tralnlns p~ gnnlla for atud.,111 , ahciuld be lnvesti;. gq,d. ·: ~The '·ataff shCll11d work on developlru!: lq and ahori range tuchlng alms ana objic:Uves. • -Periodic follow-up .tudlts should, be made ol all former atudents, Including drop outs, to determine lf the school i.. salisfying their needs. Jl'ull live-year accredltalion makes Estancia graduates automatically ellal· ble for acceptance to just aboUt any c:oil'I• In the counay It they meet ,.. -criteria. . . Suspect With Moustache, Tattoo Sought in Theft .•. .. . ' ..... -· .. :. ~=~ .. .• ·:. ;:-. ' ·-·· A mouatachloed man Wlth laltoood 1..-e- arms Is 90Ulht today u a suspect ln t.be fllO dayligbt burglary ol a Costa M ... DAil'!' 1'1tOT ~ CQUt P\191. Ml"-~ltJtt l e'-t N, W-4 l!'N ... .,.. ....... Jee\: a. Curl.y Yb,,_~ IM 0-.. ,.,._.., T\t11111 IC1evil ..... Th•M•• A. Murphl u -·-e.---))0 w,., ''' sm.,t , u.m .. , A44!,. •• : r.o.'" •* .. :11•a• --. ..,_, tudl: nu ""'' .. ,.. ...._. .....,.. ~'" m ,.,.. ........,.,---- l'll#lh .. , ..... , .... .,.... . . home Tuesday, one of sevuaJ Jobs re pon.d to poll ... Investigators 1 a l d a record player, radio and two portable tt]evl.slon set.a were taken from the residence of James B. C1art, 1116 Carson St., apparently without forced. entry. lnfonnatlori riven t.o Patrolman James Farley llsted the tattooed suspect as tn his mld·twentlea, with a bushy moustache and a mtdium build. FtefUgio 1'-f~ Leon 1799 Kenwood Place. told police a burglir broke lnlo hb home -for the third _Ume In a year-taking a $300 guitar and $15 worth of spare strings. Design enfinter Michael F. Doyle 111, 264 BoWltng Green Drive, told investiga- tors someone prted open his kitchen door, taking a $115 coin oollectlon. An intruder also entered the Mtrbv home of Dolores E. Handwerg at 287 Hanover Drive, left a dead cigarette In .an ashtray, but took nothing, police said. Back Bay Trade ·Topic at CHART A•patr ol irtnctPa1J In lhl ""'ltOYmlal Bact Bay land rwap will be featured In a dlalOllle 11iunday at a CHART Coct. Meaa breakfut metUnf 'Miutsday. T1>e swlon will be a 7 :~ a.m. In the !:Ollll Mtsa CounlJ'Y Club with Orange Caunty Aaoetsor Andrew RIMhaw a n d t..,~Ml'Jir~ Robh-acbedllled on the ... • Roblnlon ...... el • -Of ...... • pl•· ..... !O )c]llo~• court in--111-u.. prOp6ii!4" deal' bet• ... \.,-...,,.;'-.;.;._ ...... ___ _. lhe lrv1no·Comp&i\7 and Orab&• ~- Tralfic control on prfvate streets at Fa.lrview St.ate Hospital will soon be assumed by the Costa Mesa Police Department, after completion of neces- PO' legal docu.ment1 . City Attorney Roy JUl)e wa.s ordered to draw up an ordinance covering erlension of Police service, after a request ·to the Cost.a Mesa City Council by Fairvn Superintendant and Mtd- !cal Oirec:ll>r Dr. /,nthooy M. Toto. 1'le new jurisdiction will kave no effect on a brewing controversy over use of state lands by dirt track and hlll~limb enthusiasts riding motor· cycles. Police are awaiUng permlasion of the st.ate Department ol General Services to resume traffic and t'respuaing en· forcoment oo tbat property. 6 More Nudie Dancers Given Fines of $1,500 Sb: more nude tavern dance.rs were fin- ed a total of l l,lOll Tuesday following their conviction on Jewd conduct and indecent exp:osure charges. Central Orange County Municipal Judie Eugene C. Langebauser ordered probaUon for all sentenced. Sentencing was delayed in four olher cases, one woman wu l'leld innocent of charges and a warrant lsmaed for another who failed to 'fpear Jn court. Al had been arrested In recent week5 while perfonning at two Santa Ana beer bars, the Apafi4nent A-Oo-Go and the Apartment. Those fined were: Arlene Wbalen, 34, of Vallnda, Calif., $125 and two yeara probaUon. Rote Redman, 24, Burbank, $350 and tour years probation. P•trlda Collini, 30, Nonh Hollywood, $125 and two yean probation. BeUy Vltken, 25, Garden Grove, $375 and four years probation. Prltclll1 Blackwell, 22 , Santa Ana, $12.5 and two years probation. Nannie Wheeler, 28, Brea, $400 and two con,JeOJUve two-year probation tenn1. Miss Wheeler an4.,Tactie Ann 1Jmmer, II; or &ant. ,.,.., wire -..,Uty ol the charles late Wt monUr tiy a municipal court jury. All of the others involved In Tuesday'a: sentl!lncings submitted their cases to the judge on the basis <lf af- fldavita. Miss Zimmer, convicted. of eight counts of lewd conduct and indecent exposure, will be sentenced Tuesday. Others continued to Tuesda)' were Ethel Mae Sooter, 22, of Fountain Valley, Joan Thompson, Qntario and Linda Rae Clark, Santa Ana. Charges against Beverly Vlerira, 28, of El Toro were dismissed. A warrint was onMred issued for Esther Pike, 27, of Cypress, when she failed to appeu. From Page J CLIFFORD .•• this I! not an isolated action. but the beginninc of a proceu under which all U.$. ground combat forces will have been withdrawn from Vietnam by the end of ltTO." , 3. "Cooc:umntly with the ,decldon to beilo wlthdr•wal, anlerl s!iould ti, Issued to our military Colnmanders to dtscon- tlnue effon. to apply maxlm;nn military pre1sure ~ the enemy arKi to seek in- stead to reduce the level of·combat." 4. "While our combat troops are belng withdrawn, Wt could cootlnue to provide the anned fortes of the Saigon a:ovem- ment wtth logtaUc auppon and with our air resources." ' F rom P .. e 1 BUDGET ••• ooes to be c:uL The prol<ded In increase !or Nawport BeAch next year ls hlaher th~ for. Colta Mesa -21 cents 'to H·ctri!l -buCCosta Men'• ~hool x rate would rtmaln ''"'"' than New 's -IUl ·to $U4 per lllO ol , io1ilatlon::.: . Both lhe u~ dlflel'erlct ·and the vOl'l•tio!1 lo Jll'!I Oil.~"' A1',l due to trtdebtl-dntu · achOOl bond tssuu pw<d lo each city prior to unlfkation. • DAILY PILOT PMt. ff 1><1111 la!Mlt_. MAN AND MACH INE ROAR THROUGH CYCLE 'PLAYGROUND' ON STATE LAND IN COSTA MESA Wetkend Showdown Due as Homeowners Fuss and Bike Exh1ust1 Fume .. Cookie Crew Cooks Up ·Welcome Home GI Pl,ans Scores of Harbor Atta citizens who baked and otherwise teamed up in the re- cent We Care Cookielift are cooking up a mass heroes' welcome for Gis soon to return from Vietnam. The 1atest project grew out o[ a remark by U.S. Army S/Sgt. Joe Hooper, one of the Urst three . Vietna1n veterans to receive the Medal of Honor from Presi· tlenl Nixon . Now 36signed to recruitment du ties in the San Fernando Valley, Sgt. Hooper vlsited the cookielift campaign head- quarters in late April and commented that every Vietnam returnee is a hero. "He's right," declares Mrs. Darrilyn Oliver, of 3077 Yukon Drive, Costa Mesa, originator of the cookielift project and primary force behind the ne"•est idea . She 1s enlisting the aid or all Harbor Area famWes and friends of servicemen back or soon to return from the war zone, for a giant welcome-home celebration in September. First step oow is to obtain a roster of the!le men, Including : name, length of Vietnam tour, branch of service, family 's local addrtss and telephone number and estimated home arrival date. This information may be sent to the Costa f\.tesa Chamber of Commerce, 5&1 \V. 19th St., Mrs. Dorothy Dietzel, city personnel office, ti Fair Drive, or Mrs. Oliver herself. "The men are dead tired when they ar- rive, so we'll be contacting them a week or so after they return," says Mrs. Oliver. She said Sgt, Hooper will join the initial heroes' welcome program, date of which Is not yet set, then subsequent ceremonies will be planned on a smaller scale. i tessagcs are still being received from milita.-y unlts whose men received cooki!!S and other goods mailed In the all- volunteer cookielift effort which con· tinued throughout the month of April. Col. Gerhard W. Hyatt, command chaplain. recently wrote her from ~ad· quarters of the U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, to say cookies had been del ivered lo the most remote, isolat&I are.as. Council Stands by Elderly Home -and on Sidewalk A home occupation Is a home occupa· lion whelher one is buying or renting Lhe premises, the Olsta Mesa City Coun- cil has ruled In connection with a guesl residence for elderly women. A zone exce.ption permit allowing Mrs. Beulah Baber to take over the guest home at 391 La Perle Lane, from Mrs. Harmle Blls!, was approved Monday. Neighbors had objected because they relt the house originally opened by Mrs. Bliss wasn't well enough maintained al- Utough the Babers pledged to spruce up the residence.. One of the conditions attached to the permit Is Installation of sidewalks in front of the home. There are none in the surrounding neighborhood. "I'll be danged if I can see them put- ting Jn sidewalks In th e middlp of no- where," said Councilman WilliatQ L. St. Clair, whose motion to delete that clause failed for lack of a secood. "They can have the privilege of being the first with a sidewal k," commented Councilman Willard T. Jordan. ''And they 'll have a place where the elderly people can ride their skate- boards," quipped Mayot' Alvin L. Pink- ley. Residents of the immediate area had complained that ft1rs. Saber's home amounted to a commercial venture be· cause she was only renting there Instead of buying. Two members of the Costa Mesa Planning Commission agreed last week in a 3 to 2 vole in favor of the permit. "'Everybody has to have a home and this is Mrs. Saber's, the same as it is for the elderly l&die.s," said Councilman George A. Tucker. BLACK STAR SAPPHIRE fn1ly 111 •wqui1il• J1w1I • • , "o .. •f • lti11d." s~.,;.tty d11it11.d pl.ti11u"' ... 11111- 1119 .,,.br1c:M with th• 1l.,111e.1 of di1111011ef.. $ 1200.00 O,.ltnMl-wfth y.v 11 ,,.111<1 _,. ''•"' ••' "''f~IGc .. t eolt1c:tl&11 ef ;i1111111d· 11f cr1•tiont,.,... )t, ... thl• '''' pl1f· 1~""" '"ount.cl •.JO e1,..t v•tl•w ~ll1111o!ld, wl ... 111•tic1tlo111ly 1p,.ol~19' llli•mond1 I~ th• ''""'· $3750.00 Fron1 Page 1 DANTE ••• Paul Snyder today. "he'd caU us from Las Vegas and try to get us to ship them to him C.O.D., which of course we refus- ed to do." The Co3ta Mesa boat company ex- ecutive said Dante was a secreUve person and it i! unknown why he was trying to buy the seven motorcraft Earliu, Ron Snyder told authorities Dante had given tqem a worthless check for $17,460 in payment for the boats, but promised to deliver the purchase price in cash when the paper bounced. A fiutprlse visit to the Sanla Ana yard where the boats were built for the Costa Mesa firm early May 5, 1963, led IG discovery of the alleged theft In progress, Snyder Eiald. Dante was arrested on a warrant June 3, 1968, bul one of the principal witnesses was unavailable for court appearance and the case was dismissed prior to the suspect's July 11 preliminary hearing. A second bench warrant was signed by J udge Leonard H. McBride on July 10 however, but the nightclub hypnotist had apparently departed in the belief be was absolved. "He was never picked up because we just didn't know where he was," said Santa Ana Police Sgt. Kent Reesor after Dante had been taken into custody in West HoUywood Tuesday night. Miss Turner's ex-husbands Include bandleader Artie Shaw, Steve Crane, Bob Topping, actor Lex BarKer, Fred May and Robert Eaton. whose divorce was fipaJ only two months ago. One suitor, Johnny Stompanato, never quite reached the altar, stabbed to death 10 years ago by Miss Turner's then 15- year-old daughter Cheryl in a spectacu- lar case. From Page 1 FOUND ••. said. "I carried him to the helicopter, and for the first time in my We, I pray- ed ." Sheriff's Sa:t. Oliver Gray saJd the child's pulse stopped as the helicopter be- came airborne and he and Walter Walk- er of the ruverside Search and Rescue Team applied heart ma ssage. When the chopper set down al Norton Air Force Base, military doctors worked over the little boy in the helicopter ( o r about ten minutes before transferring trim to an ambulance to be taken to the h~pi· tal. "I think he's got a good chance of mak· ing it," one of therr.. said. I - ! t I • • QUEINI! ti fnterl1111dl "Well, &t lea.st the .the•ter manager la hODMt.." Prisoners' Families Get U.S. Reassurance The most recent official casualty report listed 341 U.S. servicemen captured or in· Pentagon and State Depart· ment officials are holding meetings with families of more than 1,300 captured U.S. servicemen in a widening e[· fort to assure them they have not been forgotten. terned and 987 missing. Most -------------of the missing are believed to Two sessions already have been held and more briefings are planned in the next four or five weeks to inform the relatives about the government's efforts to free the men and ease their con· dition.s of captivity. Another purpose is to make sure the families of men miss· ing or captured in the Vietnam war are receiving all the help to which they are entitled. HEADS TEAM Richard G. Capen, deputy assistant secretary of defense, is head of the team of officials arranging the meetings as part of a new Nixon ad- minislration program. Sessions are tentatively • planned in San Francisco, Los Angeles, P h o e n i x. Ariz., Denver, Colo., Kansas City, be prisoners in North Vietnam ~ -pilots captured when their ~ planes were shot down during 11' thr. air war. Laird sent key Pentagon of- ficials a memorandum last March 3 stressing tha t he is "deeply concerned about the welfare" of captured and missing servicemen and their families. • "I want to be assured that the military services and the oUice of the secretary of defense are doing all that we possibly can for the next-oC- kin," Laird said at the time. Later that monlb, Capen held the first private, informaJ session with about 75 wives in the San Diego area. He and his associates followed this up last week with a similar gathering of about 100 next-of-kin from the San Antonio and the Fort Worth-Dallas areas of Texas. McGuire Air Force Base, N.J., CLOSED DOORS Westover Air Force Base, The sessions are behind Mass., and an undertermined closed ·doors, Capen said, to locaUon in the .sou~~Wa · ·~· the privacy el the United ·states. rBmilies. c;apen sa.idthencweriort...-, In· a.ddition ~ publ\Jc which bas included a seri(!S'Of ~-~t~ 11y;J.ariti deplormg statements by Secretary,;of t 'Nei(th 1'4etnllil1s tieatrnent of ., Def~c Melvin R. ~d .U.si pi'isonirs. there have des.igned to focus world opi· '~ behind-the-deenes moves , nion .vn the side of U..S,... bY the del'ense seCretary in prisvners -Tepre.sents 3 this area. switch from the last ad-Jn one such InOYe several ministration 's policy. weeks ago, ho briefed U.S. "The policy io the past was ·ambassadors in Belgium and not lo say anything publicly Britain so they could solicit for fear of reducing th~ • help from Europe.Si countries poss)billty of release of the in bringing pressare an North men or release of information Vietnam f or humanitarian by North Vietnam on their handling of Americans in cap- slatus," Capen said. "It seem-tivily. ed to' us the time was now for So far, Capen ac~leda-ed, us to 1~~ess deep concern 1-Ianoi's response 'has 6tcn about mese men.'' disappointing. Ex-price Control Chief Ask s Voluntary Controls WASHINGTON (APl -The man who called the shots when price ceilings were last clamped on the nation thinks it is time for the government to fry controls again -but votunta,ry, this time. Michael V. DiSalle, Korean War price boss. suggested the Nixon administration might try for hold-the -line agreements with the 500 big· gest cori>orations, or with ma· jor ind~tries. That. woukl mean. a ban· donment of the ad-min~stration's -J?Olicy st.a.ad aP.i!lat price-wage contrvls or guidelines.. DiSalle said in an interview, but he adcted : "The administration doesn 't ha ve many option! left now. "If they keep pUWng lt.vff, this inflation is just going to keep on accelerating." DISalle, fonner Democratic governor of Ohio and mayor or Toledo, dired.ed the Office of Price Stabilization from 1950 to 1952 anjl in the latter year administeled wage curbs alS<l. as director or economic stabilization. DO NOTHING "I dldn"t think the 10 per· cent surt.8x would do anything to slow things down, and it hasn't," said ·niSalle, now pracUclng law in Washington. "I do thi:nk some kind of quasi-voluntary system might work." Voluntary controls fail· ed iu the Kore.an War, he con- restored , were marking up price tags tD be in an ad· vantageous positicm when the anticipated "freete'' came. Prices claimbed 8 percent In · ,,__. the six·montli perlod of '• military escalation preceding f?-· the clampdown in January ~"' 1951, even though some in· direct controIS were still in ef· feet. STILL PREVAILED "Credit restraints were In use, rent controls still prevail· ed, and lhe ex~ss profits tax was Ifill in force ," DiSalle s8id. "Yet.ttone of.these seem-~~ ed '9 slow up the 1piral." . 'I1le situation is similar now, the lawyer said, with the surtax having· no m o r e dampening erfect than the old · excess profits tu, and with businesses borrowing hand over fist In spite of record pjgh interest rata. · Tightening th' m o,n e y screws bfing! inequitable ef. fccts. with hardships on small firms, on marginal businesses that need loaru: to expand, and on housing, DiSallc said. And a wrench. violent ~gh lo cause a· rapid defiaUon causes shutdowr.s and unemployment "whJch hurts those whom you want most to protect" -the poor. the slum dwellers and minority groupl, and the lvwer-skitled workers. TRIED BRIEFLY The Idea of ln<!us!t'y.wlde ANAHEIM Ill_ ... ceffd. "J'he ~y 1WU stiJI· eJ;)J!lndlng Oil the strength of O<IJsmntt demal)d pent up durtng World War If. Price c$1lngs had been removed - probably prtm,turely, In DiSaUe'1 opinion -a n d 1bu1Jneumen, fulty expecting that ceilings would b e ho~line a~!ml ,... tried . bl'.ieQy 1n ·the 'Korean W•r~ A steel pact waa rncrde which •orked, DISIUe recall- ed, but Lhe idea fell apart whon i l p<0"'1 lmpouible to +4+ N. Euclid ·535.s121 . H Foshion lsl•nd IM-1212 bring the auto industry Into agreement. It might Wort th11 time, DiSalle suggcat.ed. Mon. thru .S.t, 10 o.m. lo 9:30 p.m. ' Mon. thru Fri. I 0 o.m. lo 9:30 p.m. S•I. I 0 o.m. lo 6 p.m. . • ) ' .. •• ·, , ' • DAILY PILOT S ; " • SWIVEL ,ROCKERS PROMISE • DEEP COMFORT 99.95-reg. 139.95 We salute the tall and handsome swivel rocker ••• in cotton cut velvet imported from Belgium. Bottom tufteg b•ck, deoply comlorl•ble se•I cu shions with polyfoam ·~ wrapped in Dacron polyester for snap back resilience, ·~ non allergic qualities. A final cu!t9m flourish • • • ~ out line welting in solid color. · Furniture, 38 "VAQUERO" ••• COORDINATES · MEXICANA, SPECIALLY PRICED. FROM MORRIS OF CALIFORNIA Reg. 39.95-129.95 34.00-116.00 • Plan a young bedroom or fomily room around this rustic; rugged series in mellow brown woods. ,. I l t .tS 6 Jr .fl,.,,,, •••• Jf.95 '"•tchllit '"1rror 94.95 •hHle11t Je1lr 101.00 34.00 19.00 101.to 14.to 64.00 14,00 34.00 J9.00 54.95 4~" bool:,h1rr Jo.0. 119.95 hi cht1f, 5 Jr•w•r1 69.,5 lo chMf, ] Jr•••fl 69.95 lo cupboerd lif .95 cor11t r cle1k ]f.95 11i9hf 1tend 42.95 JO" 1Kiok1lttlf ' Fu'rniture1 92 . St.ts twi11 or full btd 14,0:0 94.95 4·drewtr dre11er • 29.95 '"irror 27.11 bes• only ff.II 129.95 bu11k btd, guer drtil • l1dd1r 111.8 109.95 trvrtelfe btd, ;, b1ddi119 box tt.ff 125.95 '"•tr.11, pl1tfer1111 for trundle bed llt.91 . ' 2001 MAITRESSES AT THE LOWES1 PRICES OF THE YEAR Twin si~e 59.95-89.95 All •re Simmons fomous quolity -. in ~ssorted sizesl including twin, fulls, extro k>ngs, queens- •nd kings. Chooso tuftod or quilted styles in firm or extra firm tensions. All reduced as least 20°/o l'U11"slzo at:9s.99.95; Queen size 119,95. Sleep Shop, 69 ... HUNTINGTON BEACH 7777 Edinger Ave. 892-3331 Mon. thru S•t. ' I 0 •.m. to 9:30 p.m. ·- •• [DAILY 'PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE I Safety in Diver·sity 'TiJ the part of a toiit m.an to keep him!elf today for tomorro1c. and 1tot venture all hU egga in one ba.s- ket -Miguel de Ceroontt:s 1S41·1616 Don Quixote's autl1or no doubt was not the orl,. tnator of the idea of safety in diversification, but bis "eggs" analogy is by far the most frequently quoted- especially in the modern field of finaoclal investme11t. It applies as \Veil to the economics of a muni~ipalia ty and a region. Huntington Beach found itself-not by design-with loo many eggs in one basket last week. McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Corp., a prime contractor in the Manned Orbiting Laboratory Project, announced. that some 3,600 jobs would be affe<.:ted by the Air Force's decision to shelve the $3 billion MOL program. So instead of employing more than 10,000 eventual· ly, and approaching 8.000 now, Huntington Beach's giant industry will drop \veil below 5,000 a1 the result of can- cellation of a single government contract. Managements of defense industry suppliers from General Motors on across the board have worried ever since World War It about lessening their dependence on government contracts for survivaJ. MCDon nell Doug- las is no exception, but its concentration of space in- dustry in Huntington Beach, which lacked and still lacks much of any other industry besides oil, made for a severe jolt to the city in case of such a cutback as MOL. . The Harbor Area. like much of Southern California, has a deep economic interest in eovernment contracts. But this area also has diversity, at lea1t to the point \vbere no single industry could have such impact on Truth-in-Lending Vs. Buying Habit Buslnesp:s which of!er credit 1rt gear· ing up -with new printed forms and 1aleaman training -(or lhe Consumer Protection Act of 1968, which takes effect July 1. Popularly tagged trulh·in·lending, \he law is designed lo let buyers and bor· rowers learn clearly and unequivocally what they must pay for merchandise and rredit. Much merchandising ln recent years 11as been carried on, for example, on the Sl-down-Sl·weekly basis, wllh the optton left to the buyer to compare the total ,,.eekly installments with lhe original purchase price. NOW "REGULATION Z," a Feeler al Reserve Board publication of rules to lend and sell by, has been dispersed !cross tile nation to acquaint affected busi nesses with the Jaw, whose en- forcement is the responsibility of nine Jcderal agencies, chiefly the Federal Irade Commission. , "Jl'inar,ce charges" and ''an nu a I percentage rate" must be. printed more conspicuously than surrounding material I in Cflntra&l to the somelimes "read the line print .. caution). Finance charges -- Gues t Editoria l must list "the works": interest. loan fee. credit investigation fee, cost· of life or other insurance associated with a time purchase, and any amount paid as a "discount," service or carrying charge . BUYERS AND borrowers not gifted in the "hlgher m~th'' for discovering the full price of an item or money acquired "on time" may raise eyebrows momen· tarily when Lhe whole ~t..-piclure stares them in the face. One effect may be to prompt shoppers lo hunt around for the ··best financial deal ," since final cost answers will be available for easy com- parison . \Vilh the national habit of living on next week 's or next year's paychecks well in· grained by now, we seriously doubt the r.ew truth·in·lending disclosures will permanently divert many Americans from their buy·now, pay-later way of life. The Times-Picayune New Orleans Just w Stay Even ..• IF YOUR 1958 INCOME WAS--- $3,000 55,000 $7,5 00 $1 0,000 52 0,000 $50,000 $100,000 -IN 1969 YOU MUST EARN, JUST TO STAY EVEN·· -$3,1 46 -$6,332 $9,417 -$12,543 ·-$24.188 $63,160 A PERCENTAGE INCREASE OF ·· 211': 271'; 261': 251': 241': 26% Tbt: effects of inllallon end W:es ere Illustrated In this chart. A marritd man t•WI two children who earned $7,500 in 1958 mulit earn in 19&9 about 26 percent more to be as "'well off." .--------B11 Ge orge --------· Otar Georce : I met tht• fellow at tht office and ho _,,. perfectly nice, lurml111 .11111 ""'"'°"'· Some ol the other 1lrl1 inlist he la an 1wf\.ll wolf. How can I nnc1 If ll 11 true he I• 1 wolf! I've accepted an tnvltatlon for' • candlelight dlnntr at his apart- ment. WONDERING Otar Wonderloi : What are you llTitina me for~ r can 't thJn~ of a better way to find out. the aroa as McDonnell Douglas ha s in Huntington Beach. Newport Beach and Costa Mesa ha~e . such dive_rse manufacturing operations as boat bu1ld1ng , plastics. electronics for civilian as well as military use, metals fabrication, medical items, sporting goods, data pro- cessing equipment and ball point pens -as well as a varJely of aerospace items -among their more than 350 manufacturing firms. To avoid the risk of too many eggs in one basket, Harbor area business leaders should, and no doubt \\'ill. continue to search for even more di versification -for the sake of tomorrow. Fisl1 Fry's Good Works The budget ha&n"t been drawn up yet, but nearly $30,000 will soon be dished out to deserving agencies by the Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Club, which served up nearly 9,000 dinners and lots of entertain· ment at the 1969 Fish Fry. Based on last year's impressive budget, more than a score of bene!iclaries are destined to get a Lion 's share of the the $74,000 gro~ receipts Crom the three- day community event. !: Top recipient in t·erms1 of income \\rill be the Boys ' Club of the flarbor Area, granted $7.000 last year, and Girls Club of the Harbor Area (given ($5,~Jess be- cause it is smaller). Funds will be channeled also into cancer research, aid to the blind or v~ually handicapped, college scholarships and similar pfojects. "It's a wonderful thing to work with," said Lion ii Club President, Or. Ron ctaig. "It allows us to help out a lot of people and a lot offfojects." I cc) Impropriety Question Has · Been Removed Ga111 e s of Senato1•ial Cai-a1td•ltlotise To the Editor: Please be advised that Mr. Arthur Strock has removed any question of im· propriety that may have arisen In con- nection with his conduct to which you referred in your June 7, 19G9 issue regarding the O'Donnell case. CLAUD!-: J\l OWENS Judge of the Superior Court filr. Strock, IQhi/e aclhig ns nttor· ncy rep rcse11tt11g Dr. f.ferrill C. O'· Dounell in Jud.g t Ott.1ena' court, dre111 11 cornpLaint fron1 the judge tliat lie Mailho~· appeared to be flouting Canon 22 of the c:ano11s of Jlro/essiu11at Ethics u;l1c11 he cited a preuiously rcjectecl decision during law and motio n ar· g11me11ts. Judye Owe ns' letter reports tile result of ftfr. Str O<!k's response to the judge's request L-0 him for com· ment. -Editor 1Uornl Aspects, T oo To the Editor: Recently critics of sex education .pro- grams have voiced ~ir opposiUon dramatically and emotionally. Their ma- jor objection is that their children are being influenced away frcim the morality of church and home and· being in- doctrinated into the "new immorality" taught in sex education programs. Statistics show that there has been a rise in unwed pregnancies and venereal disease in America today. Thii is an in· dlcation that the youth of today are Im· properly instructed in the moral aspect of sex. WHERE DO THESE children get their misinformation? If parents cannot or will not teach their chlidren about sex, and In· still in them a healthy attitude: tho children wlll look for information elsewhere. Their whole knowledge about sex will be derived from discussions wilh their equally uninformed, or worse yet, misinformed peers. ~ Children are curious by nature, and they will seek out the forbidden in· formation so that they can satisfy their curlosityoo-!hey will rea~ as many filthy books as they cen find and they will eagerly accept the mofal altitudes of lhelr "more experienced'' rriend s. ANAllElftf HAS A four-year-old se." education program taught in the seventh through twelfth grades. This course in· tegrates th& biological, psychological, and moral aspecU or sex education. It emphasizes that the 11ex act demands th~ knowledge, trust. 15ecurlty, maturity and the Jove found In marriage. Onct the need for st:x cducaUon has been recognized, what must be done to ensure that there Is a sex education pro- gr:im taught in the community that ls In· formative, morallsUc and relevant to society? • IF A SEX education program exists In your community. lnve1tigale it! alms and melhodi;. Talk to the teachers and lo the students. nie students' attiludes art ln- dlcaUve of the success of the program. If a sex education course docs nol ex· Isl. study the programs taught In other commun.iUes and writ.6 to SlECUS, Su Information and Edutatlon Council of tht lini led Statts, New York. N.Y., (or In- formation regardlna organizing and In· l!Jating 1 proaram In your communlly. FRANCES OLDENBURG Stud~nt al UCl More Tarnish on Congress WASHINGTON -President Nixon , who has been slow in filling top govem· ment jobs, i.s now having some of his ap- polntment5 delayed by games of senatorial cat-and-mouse. Senate leaders of both parties are in- . Allen-Gol ds1ni th volved. The result is a liltle more tarnish compulsory health care plans and other on the lack-lustre facade of the current, liberal social welfare projects. 91 st. CongreS!. Dirksen. who professes great ad· The Senate has always been zealous in miration for Taft. has not really ex· carrying out its constitutional responsiili· plained his opposition to Knowle~. ly lo ''advist and constnl" on presiden· Dirksen has noted that the A~lA is op. tial nominations. ln the pasl, however, posing Knowles and he was reported to rather precise criteria were applied in have described Lhe doctor, a fe llow considering presidential appointments . Republican , as a "radical" at one closed- The old fonnula, as the late Sen. door meeting. Robert A. Taft, R.O., once explained il, gave a president wide latitude in selec-OTI'O F. OTEPKA -l·lc is the former ting top aides, provided that an appointee~ State Department Security Ofricer who ( J) was not clearly incompetent to do the was demoted after he privately slipped job as.signed, and (2) had not been guilty • some departmental data t~ lhe . Senate of an offense involving moral turpitude. , Internal Security Subcommittee 1n 1963. Hi.s cause was quickly espoused by a number of right wing groups. and be then became a lar~et of the left wing. THERE WAS another proviso. A single senator could block a presidential air pointment on grounds Lhat the nominee \YBS "personally obnoxious," bul such an objection could only be applied to a nominee from a senator's own state lo a federal position within that state. Now a nominee can be oppo.sed on grounds of prejudice, personality, or even pique. This Is how things have bttn going for President Nixon: At Dirkseil s behest, President Nixon nominated Otepka on March 20 to be a member of the nearly defunct Subversive Acllvities Control Board. No one testified against the nomination. and the Senate Judiciary Committee approved it 12 to 3 more lhan a month ago. Since that time the nomination ha~ been stalled and in a sort of limbo on the Senate calendar. The Sen ate ' s DR. JOHN H. KNOWLES -President Democratic leadership, which attends lo N.ixon ~adn't even _ nominated Knowles, --fiuch procedural matters, simply has not his choice to be assistant HEW secre~ary scheduled th e O\epka nomination for for health, when Senate Republican !loor consideration. Leader Everett f.1. Dirksen. 111. •. an· Eventually, the nominalion will be a~ nounced, week~ ago that _he would flg~t proved. The ,.,.ord now is that aclion m:'ly Knowles appornlment. \V1lh .the posl.:-.1111 come this \veck after a few opponents, unfilled, Dirksen restated his oppos1t1on mostly Democrats. air their ob.ieclion~. last week. . which arc keyed lo the old security mat-Knowles Is the director of the ter and to 1he way Otepka raised money prestigious Massachusetts Gene r a 1 to fight the long legal battle which Hospital. The American Medical Associa-ensued. t.ion opposed his appointment lo the HE\V post because Knowles has supported CARL J. GILBERT -Two Senate committee chairmen are in a jurisdie· tional battle over Gilbert, who was nominal.cd by Presidenl Nixon on April 14 to be the U.S. special representative for trade negotiations, a job with am· bassadorial rank. Gilbert's nomination was approved by the Foreign Relations Committee, since it is a foreign policy post. Then Chairman Russell B. Long. D·La., complained that his Finance Committee, which created the job. should have a sey in filling it. Long and Chairman J. William Fulbright. 0-Ark .. or the Foreign Rela- tions Committee. have now agreed that the Finance Committee can study the nomination for up to 30 days. Then Gilbert too, will probably be confirmed, and he can gel down to the rather im· • portanl job of tariff negotiations. \Vhile the President's nomination of Chief Justice \Varrcn E. Burger was quickly and overwhelmingly approved last week, by a \'Ote of 74 to 3, Lhe reasons advanced by the three Burger opponents fell far short of the old Senate formula. SEN. STEPHEN lH. YOUNG, D-0., complained that an attorney who opposed Burger's nomination y,·as not heard by the Judicia ry Committee in its hearing, and could not even get into the hearing room . Sen. Gaylord Nelson. 0-Wis., said he knc\v "nothing derogatory" about Burger but had not been afforded a chance to examine his credentials. Sen. Eugene J. f.icCarthy, D-Minn ., the lhird nay-sayer. said Burger campaigned against him in 1952 in a manner calculated lo elicit "an emolional if not prejudiced response." McCarthy did nol attempt to employ the old personally ob- noxious tradition on a broader base. It was. as usual. just the lone McCarthy voice. unheeded by his colleagues. By Robert S. Allen and John A. Gold1mltb Pot Is Calling l(ettle Black It has always amused me to hear some pompous business official stand up in public and upbraid "the guvment" for its massive bureaucracy end Its absurd spending policies. For I have.seen enough ol private busine~s estabhshments at first-hand to know when a pot is calling a kettle black. -'J!hl ~hesis of these public denunciJtors is the "govment" should emulate privale enterprise -but in the cases I have personal\y observed. there is scarcely a shade of dlffen!nce between lhe lwo, ex- cept that business Is aesigned to make money, and govemment to provide service. THE BUREAUCRAC\' IN a large and thriving corporation Is not to be believed. The wastage Is Immense, and the level of . Sidney J. Harris ' \ , ' competence not very hi'gh. It is only the essential viability of capitalism that keeps llo me of these firms afloat -they succeed despite their sloppy mlthage- mcnt. ti.1ost of them are penny-wise and pound-foolish. They will alienate their 1nino~ employes by instituting some petly economic reform (de a Ung with something as inconsequenti al as pencil·sharpeners), and then squander millions on somt foolish scheme that tickles the vanity of the top executive -but which any un· derling could tell hlm is a waste of funds. IN t"Acr. one of the best argument_, ---------, 1 for capitalism has never been advanced Dear Gloon1y Gus: It's not that RX educaUon Is wanted or not wanted In our New· Port-Mesa schools, il'~ that It's NEEDED. Someone has to lell chUdrtn lhe. facl.I before It's loo late for them. I'm 1-4, and a frltnd \\'ho's 10 kno .... ·s more. Or does he~ -J. A. T. T~I-... IY" lfnteft tM9"'1' Wit*" llet fltttutrlty ,,..., "' ""' MW°ll'.,..· I..,. -Hf -n i. •1M111w Oil .. O.Hf ,Ii.I. In itlJ favor, for lt is loo embarrassing to mention -and thal is the Indisputable fact that the syStcm \\'orks so well, in the business area, lhal it can wllhsLand even the mediocrity and mismanagement of Us custodians. It's hard to lose money in an expanding economy. The cl~r one geti to the seat of cor· porate power, the more obvious it becomes that the system is supporting these i-cople, rathe r than the people the system. Many of them haven't even had enollih savvy to keep the.Ir own com· panies under control -which accounts for lhe appalling numbtr or corporate takeoven a.nd fictitious "mergers" in the last few years, The corporate bureaucracy gets so top.htavy lhat its Joas are amputated before Jts head begins to know what Is going on. TRIS IS NOT meant to be • defense or the indefensible pra ctices in government, whic~ should be more tailored. ef£icient, and responsive lo public needs -it is simply to suggest that all bureaucracies are pretty much alike. no matter what their professed philosophy mey be. It's just that the idiocies of government become a matter of public record, while the ineptitudes of business are camouflaged by profits that are almost impossible. not to make. When businessmen take over an ad· ministration. as in this Nixon era. they 'viii spend as much as their Democratic predecessors; the difference is in the speeches, not in the actions. ------ Wedne sday, June 18. 1969 Th• tditonoi pag1 of th1 DaU11 Pilot strks t.o inform and •ti""' tdate r1adm b11 pre11nUn17 'tMI n1101paptf"s optntoni and eom- mtnlary on topfu ot intfr1rt and significonct, b11 JWOuidtng a forum for th1 1%J)r111ion of our readers• oJ)tniotU, and b11 prestntin g the dfHrse vie'°'" potnt.1 of in/orm~d observtT1 0:11d spokrtmefl on iopk, of thl da11. Robert N. Weed. Publisher I l l • f --------------------,--------,----------------.,-------------~..,,.. .............. ~'""'!" Board Cool 1,o f rotest Of Audito1· . County Audltor.pontroller .victor A. Helm's letter to the county ·supervisors advising them that he could "not com- ply" with their order to cancel tai:es on 467 acres the Irvine Company has ,'deeded" tO the county in the Upper Newport Bay Land Exchange pact failed to stir the board members Tuesday. The yvoted to refer the missive to County C.OUnsel Adrian Kuyper. Kuyper has stead£astly maintained that the tax- es should be canceled as "the county now owns the ~ny." 'Hein1's letter puts ·him in County Alsessor AIK!rew J. Hinstiaw's pmp. Hinshaw has consistently refused 1o lake an action loward cancellation of the tax- es, saying he will not do so until so ardered by a court of law. Heim noted that "the re is litigation pending between the aud itor-controller and the comp any ... dictating that I not comply with the board's orders." Heim referred to a Ja"'suit in which he questions the validity an d the con· situtionality of the transf:?r of title of the 457 acres of Irvine property for 150 acres of county-owned tidelands. The case has been pending for more than a year and is not expected to be settled wit hin three or four years. • Wednttday, June 18, 1%9 $ DAIL'( PILOT ~ Blind Tee11 s Sunset P arking For Drivers Sixty-five bUnd teenagers and younc adults will lead an equal number of rally drivers £rom Los Angeles to Huntington Beach this Saturday. Impossible? Not quite. The blind participants will act as "navigators" for the drivers and will read their In· structions from route sheets prepared in braille. The three hour event will begln al 9:40 a.m. in the parking lot of the Braille Institute ln..Los Angeles, 741 N. Vermont Ave., and will end at the Hunllngton Harbour Beach Club 1during early af· ternoon. During the event the drivers will be virtually as blind as their navigators since they will only know the course from tt'!e navigator's verbal instructions. Win· ning depends not only on the driver's skill but also on the navigator's proficiency in reading braille. several name drivers have been Invited to ~i>rticipate in the rally, including Dan Gumey, Sam Hanks, Alan Johnson, Scooter Patrick, Richie Ginther :ind actor James Carner. A De Tomaso Mangusta v.'ill lead the entry of exotic sports machinery, which is expecled to include a Ferrari and several Lotuses and Porsches. Or. Karl Knapp, a prominent Southern California race driver and automobile dealer Bob Challman will officiate as rall y master and as rally chairman. According to course master Dan Patrick, the roote will involve freeway travel. surface streets and many types of driving challenges. . Again-Delayed BY I ACK BROBACK ·t 1 .. o.11.,, ......... AcUon ·on development ()(. the "bodly needed" parking area fQr,the county.own· ed Sunset Beach was delated ag@Jn Tues. day by 1the Board ()(. Supervllors. Despite I warning from Second Plstrict supervisor David L. Baker that "we-can't afford not to move now." the board voled to "continue \b:e matter unUl nett Tues· day at to a.m." . The motion by Supervisor Robert W. Battin also Included a notice to all af- fected county de partments to gather needed information and lhe admonition that talks be held at once with the cUy of Huntington Beach. In delaying, the supervisors are fighting two deadlines : · l. Local cootractor Mel C h a s e presently has one duplex apartment building un<ler constru::tion on the mile· long, SQ..foot wide former Pacific Electric right-of-way, and : 2. 6ipplication for federal and stale funds to fin ance the $1 ,695,000 purchase of the property must be in before next July I If. the money is to be received in the next year. GAS TAX FUNDS Use or county highway gas tax money for the acquisition, widening and im· provemenl or Pacific Avenue on both sides of the strip is possible, according to hd McConville, assistant county road Commissione r. l.v. I have lo consider the develripers, Carlton Bullders of Beverly Hills an d the Southern Pacific Co., 01vners of the pro- perty. Delays so far have been very cOOt· ly to them." Huntington Beach is iJJ the process of attempting annexa tion of the enti re CQffi· munily of Sunset Beach. Bud Belsit.o, representing City Administrator Doyle Miller, said the petitioners already have the required 25 percent of r:?gistered voters signatures but are shooting for 5() percent before proceeding with the an· nexatlon mo,•e. PARKING AUTHORITY He t.old supervisors of the Huntington Beach Parking Authclrity through which the city is developing 2,500 parking spaces, bordering the city beach property so1,1th of the pl er. "\Ve ran a feasibility analysis before proceeding with tile project," B~lsito ex· plained , "and found that parking fees are very important. This way out-of-county residents will pay most of the cost, they ue the spaces." Belsito also estimated th at it will be at least four months before Huntington Beach can complete the annexation. Dickason reeommended "immediate aclion " by the supervisors on a four·point program : . 1. Adopt a resoluti on staling a fir1n in- tention to acquire the approximate IS acres of right-of-1vay bellvecn \Varner Avenue and Anderson Strc!?t as soon as possible for a parltjng fa cility as shown on Plan Cl of the report. PUltCllASE PLAN I When Heim rel~ased his letter last week, Assistant County Coun~~I H.obert Nuttman said the supervisors and the company have two alterna tives in l'iew Of Heim's ultimatum-they can go lo court, jointly or either of thcn1. or the !r\"inc Company can pny the taxes under pro· lest FIRST LADY HAS A BIG SMILE FO R ANOTHER PAT Pat Nixon He lp$ ·Patsy Muni gi a wi th Paintin9 Du ring Vi1it Object of the rally Is to arrive al pre- rlelermlned checkpoints at the proper time and winners "'ill be those who come through "'ith the leasl amount of Ume er· ror. "1! we widen the streets to 32'r~ feet (now 15) we could possibly spend about •soo.ooo on right-of-way acquisition and $90.000 on improvements," McConville said. But he warned that uslJlg_the money for that project would result in "about a 21·month delay in overall county road projects." (Pla;i Cl calls for purchase of the pro- perty for an estimated $1,605.000, witb improvemenLs to cost $589,200 to provide 1,130 parking spaces). • Involved are about $130,000 In taxes for the 1969-70 fiscal year. Hinshaw assessed the 457 acres iit $1.53 million last year and says they arc worth more now. Pat Nixon Fits in Well The tea1ns will pau.se al mld·point at the Portoflno Inn in Redondo Beach where drivers and navigators will be where drive rs nad navigators will be treated to lunch by the management. Planning Director Forest Dickason presented his department's program for acquisition and development of the park· ing area, .approved by planning com· missioners last Wednesday. 2. Direct the County Administrative Of. ficer to immediately take necessary sleps to hnplement the plan , including fine n- cing arrang-:mlents through the establish- ment of a Parking Aulhortly. Heim contends in his letter that "the circumstances under which the county agreed to the recording of the cor· poration grant deeds indicates only that bare legal title was transferred, and that this was apparently accomplished for the purpose of providing property tax relief lo the Irvine Con1p'1ny while the curren t litigation is pending." A t W atts Service Cente1· After the cars arrive In Huntington Beach, the teams \\•ill be guests of the lluntington. Harbour Beach Club He said "there is no doubt the project will qualify for matching state funds. With the state providing half the finan · clng, the road department three-eights of the balance it leaves only one~lghth to 3. Direct the Planning Commiss ion to Initiate an ~mcn1!mcnl of the Sunset Beach General Plan to replace the residential use on this property with the parking and related facilit ies. Heim fi.rther contends the county does not have the normal indices of ownership, f. e., possession , the right to make im· · J)rovements, anCI the right to alter the physical characteristics of the property (to dredge. i,t). -: ... r. , "Tile cooLracts between the parties clearly indicate thal there has been no consideration given the con1pany because the county property being used as such is still in escrow ," Hei m con tinues. The supervisors ordered the 457 acres removed fro~ the tax rolls last May 27. Previous -Objections by Hinshaw to the action were termed by County Counsel Kuyper as "without merit.'' LOS ANGE:LES (U PI ) -Pat Nixon, taken in as an "honorary volunteer" o( an inten acial settlemen t house on the ed ge of \Vatts, says "l do Jove and l an1 concerned. so I fi\ in very well.J'· The First Lady and ,he:r .dcMAghter, Julie Eisenhower, 20, were presente<I their "volunteer" pins depicting the black and '"="white han4clasp of "eteml b~erhoocft' \l'hen ,they t.ourfd, the Wesley ·Soci!I Service Center Tuesday night,. ' They drove to the Watts black com- munity buoyed by a telephone call from the President telling. them he had heard a lot of "good reports" about their current lour of volunteer projects. , They had three more on tap today, planning to vi sit a public school, a (pun- dation for the blind and a clearing house for those who want tf) "do something" for R egents to Consid er come from county general funds_" othe rs. Parks Director Kenneth Sampson r-.1rs. Nixon and Julie were ~ho,\11 the People's Park Issue warned the board that funds for the en· center by its founder, the Rev. \Vllliam tire project must be available)f the coun· Rollins, and his wife, Janet, an in-BERKELEY CUPtl -The board of ty ls to be reimbursed for 50 percent or terr.Cl-al couple-ts ol t•· U . It f ~-i-r . less by Jederal-state funds. regen ·~ mvers y o ._ 1 om1a 11 - -Id th y -d th -• u -th Builder Chase, in answer to questions. Jlo ins, a Negro m1ruster, to e irst opene a re~ay mee ng on e said he bad applications In for Pzrmits Lady their theme was "love and concern Berkeley camJ>Y:S today, with the in the Inner city~· and s~d lhe volunteers "people's pa"rk" cOntroversy ,high on the fo11 18 more duplexes and it would take received pins alt~ WGrking with the agenpa. three to eight months to complete the center for .three y~s. . t : , . -The committee on grounds and project, half in ·four month& end ,the Walking over to a mlcropaone io an off. buildings planned to continue its con· balance following. · the-cuff response, Mrs. Nllon said "i>ui I sideration this afternoo n of alternative Supervisor Baker a,,ked Chase if he also am one of you in that I am con· uses of the university-owned property "could withhold application for the ad· 4. Estnb1ish that tile use of gas tax funds £or the road widening adjacent to this f~cility will receive very high priori- ty Dicka~on had previously warned the board that ··the urgency in moving now to acquire this land cannot be stressed enough, inasmu ch as constructiog is already under ""ay. "The dt.veloper has decided to exercise hls legal right to develop thls property under the exls,tlng R-t zoning. As of June 13, one building permit has beqn issued and application has been made for 19 ad· diUonal permits, containing 38 more unit.!." cerned and I do love. So l really· fit in near the campm. ditional permits." The reply: "Not hard· very well, and I'm proud ·of this· pin ... ,,. -----'-------------'------:....;.------------------ and I think I'll have to come back to do my three years of duty to ea:rn jt," f\1rs. Nixon . and he!,' ·daughter also visited weightlifting, n1usic and drama classrooms. Now al ATLANTIC MUSIC only • • • SAVE $83.00 (LIMITED TIME!) "These lands are now O\Vned by Orange County," Kuyper emphasized, "and the California constitution specifies that they are therefore tax cxen1pl." E va11 s Officer Tells Radio NEW 80 WATT SOLID STATE NEWEST 80 WAn SOLID STATE STEREO COMPONENT SYSTEM! Ca r Ba n Planned For Stockliol1n Foulup Before Collision , IU/jlNG ""''(~ STOCKHOLM 1 UP!l -Cars will be banned from the city of Stockholm for SUBIC BAY, Philippines (UPl l -A one day later this year on an ex-young American Navy officer testified tcr perimental, basis, lraffic ~afrly and day that there was a "potentialit y for tourist organizations announced todily. confusion" in the USS Frank E. Evans' They proclaimed Aug. 24 -a Sund11y com munication systeni on the night it - a "carfrce day" and prornised dancing in the streets, conce rts and olher ac-collided with the Australian carrier tivities for all Stockholn1crs who lea\ c Melbourne. their cars al home. Lt. (j.g.i T. E. Bowler Ill , 24, of An- Organizers , sa id the ba n on cars napolis, Md., told a six-man U.S.- bctween 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. 1vill be volun -Australian board of officers investigating tary · lhe cras h that there were two task "But we believe most people will foll ow grOups operating on the same -tactical our proclaroatio n and use p u b 1 i c radio network that night. transportation," orga nizer~ so id. "When two task groups operate on the ---------- • ( t' • .. • .JJ ~ REMAIN ING net, there cert.einly is potentiality for confusion." he said. Seventy-four U.S. sailors \vere killed in the June 3 collision, which occurred while --- both ships were · particij>atir.g In .. .,.'llr-'1--..,--+--~--+~•ill"""'~ Southeast Asia Treaty Organization ex- ercises in the South China Sea. Sll'IA"llt '"' I lt'IAl/j {JllltA I AlA'"Cl IW"Clt -lit l OUOflllSS !•ill{ Bowler testified after the board con· .. ~ .. °"llONts fcrrcd for four hours in c:osed session on •""MIKADO AM/FM the refu s al or Lt. (j.g.)' Ronald C. Ramsey. 24, of Long Beach, Calif., iii J.M,Lll-111 SICTIOH testify. Ramsey. officer or the deck on the Evans at the time or th~ crash, asked fOlAl l!IU5t( '°Wiii I 0MM WAllMONI( O"TOITfot'I ti WATTS ... t ·-ed "t If I d 'llOUlN(T .,,,OHlr. o ~ excus on const1 u ona .groun s. ~•i.N•l To ,.011c ••Tio • l)Al!l,INC ,ACTO• 11",UT S!lo'S!TIVIJT Cl"IAMI( Mlttl, AUJC. c1i4 fUHll SICTIOH • JIM ... ,, ••• , .. MY 11 WATTS SEN~ITIVllY • Ull MAJC. SIGNAl TO l<IO!ll ltAOIO H '" Ml#, $ll[CT!VlfY to( IMZ MAIMOPll( 015TOltT10N ;oot. MA•, >MA1-l IEJICT10N ·~ 0 1 MIM, c.~ru~E ~'''° 11 o• MAX. ~T EltEO ~EPAillATION J~ 01 MIN. FIEOUtNCY IAN<'lt 0 "'"! TO , .. MNr w,111111 c.•1• ;,.,1111hl-11., 1111.sG .. , llW!ICll e GARRARD N1w I t •t lllffitl ef tlli~ 11 -UI •-1111tlc. rutllf.ttfe wltll "-'••• •1111111 •a4 •bl"" i..... REG. $44.SO e ELECTRO.. VOICE Di• .. •IHll 11"tlu1 lo• Jl l /l l .,,-$1pphlr1 llyl•t l11r 71 lt .P.M. e LANCER 1.t" ~-•!Iii• 50·1~.ffO C:.P.I • .,._,,. 111 h•4· •vbb1ll ellltf •el11111 c•li· RE G. $51-00 -COMPLETE SELECTION OF SONY TAPE RECORDERS PRICES ST ART AS LOW As • 'CJ/Tfj ....-.: -,--- ...-... .., ... D9itl' ..... IWfl A Loodon book publlsber doesn'l like tbe spare tire around bis mid· die. He. plans to trade bis vest and striped tie one day a week for dungarees, a pick and shovel and 72 centS an hour laborer's wages. Chris West, 30, an Oxford grad· uate, took out tbi• ad in tbe Lon- don Times: "Publisher with pugil· iltic and soccer:background o.v~r· weight. Progressing toward early coronary, he seeks: heavy manual labor. ~stic work please : · heavy portering, 1ard.ening1 etc." ~ . Sllal Sponcor Griffin has spent more tbal1 hall of his 55 years be- bind bars. T\lis week he stood before a Portland, Ore. judge for senteocing on rus· fifth felony con· vlction -armed robbery. "If ~ou had your choice between life "in 91i50D and a ~year sentence, ··wliicb would you choose?" asked tbe judge. "I tliiiilr:l wouJa ·prefer life, your honor," said Griffin. "Jt would keep me out ol trouble." He got bis wish . • Tricia Nixon and Susan Eisenhower, both "'at home" iti preridmtiol iur- roundings, woich the w,Jcoming <;ere· monie1 for W h i t t H o u a e fellows. Susan i.s a granddaughter of the late Gen~ Dwight D. Eisenhowe r. .. . . ~The North Carolina Hous.e ap- r 1.roved a bill . to inake tbe gray ;lguirrel the oilicial state mammal. During the d e b a t e, state R•p. _,. • n r y Bo1hlllm•r, a Democrat :jrom Carteret County in the ea.stern l>a.rt of the state, quipped : "l :wOuld Jike to say that an animal that can bury nuts could be dan· gerous to Utis General As sembly." • ·~--;a.,;;; ~ t Thirty.five cars went down at ~I stG oft the coa!t of England near Jtam.sgate. The cars were aboard Ute: Ceman freighter J, Aphaia: wllt'n it beacllt'ci on a 'i mud bank. The automobiles 5tip-J ped Clff the dtck and sank. \· ""1~'"""'""'"~""'""'!:f.:t..:-. .-..~i11:.: ;:·· ••• • ~ Cindy is having her toenails ~Ehecked today -with an x·ray · zhachine. Cindy is an elephant, and 1Jle x·ray machine was the only ·way attendants at the Dudley Zoo in \Vorcester, England could fig. ure to check her feet. "Long or in- growing toenails can cause, an elephant great discomfort," a zoo £pokesman said. -- Wfdottdoso, ~ 11, 1969 Lindsay Loses, Will Form · New Pa;rt~ DEMOCRATS' CHOICE M•rlo Proc•cclncr 'I NY'~ 'GOP Solons Pledge tO 'Sup,Jo~t Mayor\ I - NEW YORK (APl -May.W Jolln V. that any Republican LA<!B wbo0upt>Clria a flv""'on Democr1UcJ1eld. Ht won' with Undsay, defeatlld in hla bid !er the Marchi in the ,;;,;;.r.~ ;,.mpalp) ool)' aboul l!lhlrd ol lljt ""\!'· •. rtepublican mayoral nomination, said t~ ''b~d better look, v!P.' cartfully.". B~ . Borough Pr~t · ~ day he will fonn a P"W "urban party" LlndSay, asked if be wu relerriQ& to Badlllo,: Who wu bc:n m Puerto: Rico, ,_, ' -• ran a~ third. Author Norman Maller ?nd appeal to "."l•""1<1•nl& 'nd liberals New Y<l't Gov. N~ A. Roctdtlltr, aoil Rep. 'Jame1 H. Schtuir lrailid. ~ 111 lhe Democratic and Republican parties who had uld he .. ,l"ou1d aup~ the 'Ille Vote wu· Procaccino 252,213 • ;, the !all mayoral elecl1on. prlmaey winner, replied that tr tt rtt,. WaptJL a11,I05, Bldll!Q· 115,311, Maller Undaay, who said he would remain a "Well, thal'I the cue." 41,138~ Sc,beuer 31,UI. . .. 1 Republican, said that Slate Sen. John J. New York's lwo· Republion senators, Llodaa7 usaUed the .. .forcea of rucUon . • and '!ltkl•sh" lbat ht saJd hod taUn Marchi, who oelealed him, had been Jacob K. Javtts and Clwles E. Goodell, "lemporary" co trol ol both part! .. rl "captured by the forces o£ the ultra right. have iaid they ~.support Lindsay Jhe city. 0 , es 1 "He slanda for negativism," Lindaay even Ube toat. f ''There is a mood of 'hostility in this said, "a~ appea~ to the forcu of hatred 'Ibe same conservative trend that bit city and nation,'' LincJsi.y'akl, "but be- and dlv1&lveness. _ Lindsa a18o k-..1 f Demt>Crati .fare Novembtr the Jriood ol reuon will ''My Uleme in lhc campaign," bl!: said, Y wrec ... ~er .c retarn." ;,will be 'a mayor for an lhe city.' We Mayor Robert F · Wagner s comeback bid ~.The-GOP defeat was a severe blow lo 'will create an independent line for a new Tuesday. ... the party prestige ol Lindsay, who last urban. party." The final unoUlcla\ count for Lindsay year .Was considered a possible contender The mayor said no name bad. been was 106.351 agalnA lbe 111,725 for for the national ticket, cbolen for the new party. But. be is Marcbl, a HtUe-~ state senator from However, It did not ~II: the 47..,.ear- already on the ballot as the ctndidate t:1f Stal.en Wand. -r ~.. old mayor out of coa~nlion for re-elec- the Liberal party. W•-lost to Itauin-born City Uon to a second term tn N.ovembet. In a L.nd h I t at Im -v-·-· city that ls 7·2 J)emocratic in Voter 1 say. w o os in a mayor pr ary Comptroller Mam A. Procaccino, who registration he ·n be the oil liberal that echoed the results of recent elections rejected the label rot "law-and-order can-candidate u; the :hr n"Id in Los Angelea and Minneapolis, warned d.Jdate" but wu Uiii most conservative ia ee-man e · ' '" ... ' > GOP WINNER Sen. John Marchi .- ~DS Convention • Opens Behind Senate Investigation BlackPantl1er Party Aim Liberals Still Outweigh To l{ill Policemen Told WASHINGTON (UPI) -A Senate in- vestigator testified today that Black Panther Party leaders said in broadcasts originating in Havana that their aims were to kill American policemen and government officials and destroy fac· torie11, airports and other facllllles. Transcripts of broadcuta, read al a Senate hearing, Included praise for Negro militants for the deaths of policemen In Cleveland, New York, Chicago, Pec:iria, Ill., Little Rock, Ark ., and Seattle, Wash. John E. Drasa, a Washington, D.C., police captain who has bee.n on loan to Sen. John L. McCleJlan's Senate in- vestigaUon subcommittee, read excerpts from the transcripts at the third day of the group's hearings into the relationship be\ween · city disOrders and campus unrest. Drass has been working for the sub- committee since \January, 1988, to con- duct an investigation of the Black Panlher Party, one of four milltanl organizations which McClellan Is in · vestlgating. Drass said the radio broadcasts were m~itored by the U.S. government and included statements by Bobby Seale iden- Ufied as chairn1an of the Black Panthers; Huey P. Newton, "minister of defense," and George Mason Murray, "minister of education". "Murray spelled out u.e Black Panther Party's intention to fight the United States through guerrilla warfare," Dress testified. "Murn.y further staled that by guer- rilla warfare the BPP means: 'To organize the black people In twos aod threes and fours to assassinate the police who kill us.' " Drass further quoted Murray as saying: "The U.S. government has guards that can be killed. They have bridges that can be blown up, ractories that cap be burned to the ground, airports that can be blown up, people walking the streets. mayors, senators, governors, whose lives can be taken in exchange for the lives of black people that they have taken." Draa said the Black Panthers are con- nected with the Black Student Union and has an alliance with Students for • Democratic Society (SOS), which has been sparking many of the demonstra· lions on college and university campuses. ' Reds on Hamburger Hill,. Fire on Support Copters I SAIGON (UPI) -Communist gunner:-: entrenched on Hamburger H.111 in lhe A Shau Valley opened fire today on U.S. helicopters supporting a major new allied drive in the area, informed America ·· military sources reported in Saigon. They sak!. none of the copters was hit ._several thousand U.S. paratroopers and SOU\.b Vietnamese infantrymen a r c sweeping through the valley 375 mtles northeast of Saigon and two miles from U1' border or Laos, but there were no ·reports of any American attacks In the Immediate vicinity of the controversial height. The 3,000-foot peak was captured by U.S. paratroops In an 11-day battle that cost the Armricans more than 50 dead arid 300 wounded. ll was abandoned as ''useless" and wSs promptly reoccupied ~y the North Vietnamese. The U.S. command announced Tuesday t had launched a new multi-battalion sweep through the A Shau Valley, Opera· lion Montgomery Rendezvous, b u t spokesmen today steered clear of th! subject of Hamburger Hill. The hill had been captured In a similar operation call· 1·d Apache Snow. The Communist gunfire from the hill ramc as American spokesmen reported stepped up Communist drives ranging from the demilitarized ione to SaJgon's defense perimeters had killed S 7 Americans and wounded 114 in fighting, Tuesday and today. The cost was heavy for the North Viet- namese and Viet Cong -149 ~ad. 'Security Wall' ' CHICAGO (UP)) -Students !or a Democratic Socieiy opened their national convention today behind a wall of sell-im· posed security anii io ferment over which ideological direction the radical student movement. should take. SOS marsbala ffere posted at all doors of the old Chlcqo Coliseum, the con- vention site. All 'newsmen were required to register along with the delegates. Cameras and electronic media gear were barred from the hall. An SOS spokesman said one resolution to be voted on would exclude coverage by lhe New York Times. The "undergro.j.od press" would be ex· empted from the restriction, he said. Right Wing in New York NEW YORK (UPI) -Republicans may have overthrown Mayor John V. Lindsay in their primary but he's hardly ready lo be counted out of the general election. The comervalive trend in the Republican and Democratic races that brought State Sen. John J. Marchi and Controller Mario A. Procaccino to the fore, still fails to outweigh the liberal vote. In the unofficial returns, the liberal vote for Hennan Badillo, James H. Scheuer, Nonnan Mailer and Robert F. Wagner adds up to more than 500,000. Marchi's unofficial tally is 111,725. while Lindsay finished up with 106,358. Many of the Democrats who voted for liberal candidates can be expected to start looking for a liberal in the fall, and their only choice in the three-way race is Lindsay. After the mayor <:0nceded his loss, one of his advisers expressed relief at the Democratic outcome. ''At least they did us the favor of nominating Proc.aceino," he said. ln the headquarters of all the Democratic candidates except Procac- cino, many campaign workers "conceded they would probably vote for Llridaay in the fall . · Hail Blankets Amarillo ,. Most of Nation Enjoy·s_;__Mild Spri1ig Weather C.UfoM1i• V.S. Su111111ary S<tltffl<l ll\!,ll'l(ltfl!lawfr1 *-" 1"' ~ Ohio 1..0 mlddlti Ml"INl•I Vt lln lo Ckl~ trlCI tKI~ ~ l ti.tl m1rrM O!llln.11'! l1lr -""' lftlld wttlfltr IC,..H b Mllflll Moihv, Golftlllkla !MU ftll In .. ""*""' Hd'-lffl AnwrUto. fl ... end l/flflt 1'1111 lllt MWlllM•I 14 Wt lefl .... towt. • flHIMt cloull ••• ••"' ""' '"' c.r-(Ott.. l'l'ttNr ...... hr1;'r Mlfftlnt """"'""'"' ,..., ..... "'-.. _, ......... /Mlf1'ltnl Grfft LMe. ,,.. l'O 1M ,.._ W .. Ill Ille fttf' Scvtll, !tit t tld ""'°" II' 'lit S.,,1"'"•1 ..,_. .. lnfwloJ _. 1tei."' ._ ,ttlfk ~I. t>Mtt\ ""' ll'*tty -•llJI •It* ,,....,. .. "' • """' lwl i...., "*1tll•l!I ,...., """ ~·""" • Ill "" WOHi' ..... .,. ..... i.I '" '°"' ••llf'f•· Temperat1eres A~r­ ilo"CllGO't"- Allati!I ••Unlleld t l1mtrd .... "-(111(.lllnell , ..... .,. ....... Dll MolMI ...... £urrt1 l'•I Worlll ··-..... -· ......... lt.nYI (llV l•I Vf9fl \.ot AllMle1 Mitt!\! l ttdl MlfW1<*H MIMl6"1i. Nnt Or1"M Ntw YoA HOl"lh 1'11"1 ...... ..... ,. .. llobltl l'll!leiltlllll'll• Pll(lltitl• 1'1"•111111111 '""'"' t..wtt Cltr llttf lllifl .... Ster_ .. ''· \. ..... LlllMI Jilt LW (II)" Llit 01"1i kfl l'rt11tl-J1t11t1 ..,..,, s.1ni. ,.,._ ~~rllt Hltfl \.-Prtt.. u .. .. .. u " ., ., .. " 15 f1 " .. 11 II ... n " ~ ;: .ft 11 'Jt " st Tr " » tJ '' .ol " " .... .. H " " tt It I.OJ " .. " . " " ·'' J1 • ,II 76 JI • .Mi .. u n " " . . .. n " n • !; :; n· " " .. " .. u .. 1J .a ,,. n • " r, 1.14 11 Joi .1• u ... " .. " .. n " .. u " .. " . ·E~hour oo the hour! Los J\ngeles & San Francisco!, Presenting the greatest flight schec;lule on earth between 7 am and 8 pm! Both ways! More on weekends! Why worry about a reservation when PSA has over 1100 fllghts a week? Such an eaay·lwemember sche~e you can carry it around in your head . Why remember lowest fares? Or all jets? Or great service to Oakland, San Jose, and Sacramento? Or that kldt under 12' fly PSA (with their parents) for half, ~ fare? Sllll wa nt a reservation? Just remember to call your travel agent or wtialsltsname airlines. • QU•• By Phll fnterlanclt \ .. <' , Prisoners' Families Get U.S . Reassurance Pentagon and Slate Depart- ment .officials are holding meetings with families of more than 1,300 captured U.S. servicemen in a widening ef· fort to assure them they have not been forgotten . The most recent official easu•lty report listed 341 U.S. servicemen captured or in· t.med and 987 missing. Most:l---------- of the missing art believed to be prisoners in North Vietnam '-.... _ -pilots captuted when ,their Two sessions already have been held and more briefings are planned in the next four or five weeks to inform the relative s about the government's efforts to free the men and ease their con· diUons of captivity. Another puryose is to make sure the families of men miss· Ing or captured in the Vietnam war are receiving all the help to which they are entitled. HEADS TEAM Richard G. Capen, deputy a5.5istant secretary of defense, is head of the team of officials arranging the meetings as part or a new Nixon ad· ministration program. Sessions a r e tentalively planned in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Ariz., Denver, Colo., Kansas City, planes were shot down during the air war. Laird sent key Pentagon of- ficials a memorandum last. March 3 messing that he ii "deeply concerned about the welfare" of captured and missing servicemen and their families. "I want to be assured that the military services and the office of the secretary of defense are doing all that we possibly can for the next-of- kin," Laird said at the time. Later that month, Capen held the first private, informal session with about 75 wives in the San Diego area. He and bis associates followed this up last week with a similar gathering of about 100 nen-of·kin from the San Antonio and the Fort Worth-Dallas areas cif Texas. McGuire Air Force. Base, N.J ., CLOSED IXMJRS Westover Air Force Base, '11le sessions are behind Mas., and an undertermined ' closed daws.,... Capen aaid,. to Joe~ In µie southeutefn 1>"¥rY• Che privacy of Ille l!MW ~-i' " lamilit.!z. _' ~~'. lM'~.f~:-" )A ... Jud.) p :bl Jc ~ ~~ hided a .Jtries ·or· statements ~Laird dej>lorini · iiiaWDenls· by' Secretary' ol . J'lortlr Vletnam~.,,.eatment ol Defense Melvin R. Laird U.S. prisoners,. 'there have deslined to focus world· opi· been behind.th~nes· moVes nioo on . the side or U.S. by the deferik. secret111ry· 'I.ft prisonefs i -represents a this area. ' , ' ilWitch fri>m ·'the last ·ad· ln one such'. QlOVe !several ' mln!stralion·s policy. · weeks. ago, ht briefed U.S. "The policy in the past was amba1Sadors in' Belfium 8nd not to say anything publlcly Brit.sift. so they could solicit for . fear of reducing the help. from European countries J)OS;al'bility of release of the in bringing pressure on North inen or release of information Vietnam f o r hilmanitarian by North Vietnam on their handling of Ametjctns in ctp- statu&," Capen &aid. "It seem -tivity, · • ed to us tbe tilpt was oow for So far, Capen acknowledged, us fo . exPresa d~p concern Hanoi's response-i'has. beeo aboUt these men." disappointing. ~ ~·price Control Chief Asks Voluntary Controls WASHINGTON (AP\ -The man who called the shots #hen price ceilings were last Clamped on the nation think s il ~time for the government W try controls again -but Voluntary, this time. 4 ~Michael V. DISalle, Korean War price boss, suggested the NixOn administraUcm might bl)' for hold -the -l ine restored, were mirking up price lags to be in an ad- vantageous posl'tloq when the anticipated "freett:" came. Prices claimbed 8 percent In , the six-month period o f ' military escalation preceding f-· lhe clampdown in January ; 1951, even tbough some in- direct controlli were still in ef. feet. agreements with the 500 big-STILL PREVAILED gat l'Ol'Plfations, or with ma· JO!: hxlUICiles. "Credit restratnls were In woukl mean ab¥-use, n!:nt eontrols ll!U prevail- ' • of tbe d ed, arid the ex:C98 prof.its las: • I'• t ' 8 -was still-in forCe," DiSalle •• Uoa's JIO!!<Y !la'!'I -, li!lt jiric.~·oonltcila or said. •.l'et-none..of lhese .:11...... · Aid bi an ed to slow. up the spiral." I _._, 0Tbe1situa0orr;il similar DOW • .. rfie'f, bUt bll ' 1 ~ • • . '°'111' -lnlstratlon doesn't Ill!' 1...,.... said; wltJi · Ille .. • have many options left now. surtax having no more • "II they keep putting it off, dampening effect than the old .! this inflation is just going to exct:ss prolits tu, and with businesses! bQr'rowi.ng hand s~:s~ ~ keep on acce1erattug. '' over fist In spite cl recdrd ~ DiSalle, fonner Democratic high lnter,st rates. I• ""rnor of Ohio and mayor of T; ... ~tenin the f. ~. directed the 00it"C of ..,. . g m ~ n t y • Piie• Slsbllizatlon from 1!1M· _.,. bdnp laeQ9ltatilo ef. ' 'i t01't62 and In the latter year .• reda,_ wW. hard_shiP4 ~ lll'lall l admbri!tem:I wage curbs a!IO, lhui, on marginal businesses as director of e c o n o m I c that ~ loans to expand, and stabilla.tioo. on bo~s1n1, DISallc said. . r And a wrench violent enough DO NOTIUNG to cause a rapkt deOaUon , 1 ~·J rdJdn't ~k lhe 10 per-CllU91!S shutdown·• aod ' cent surtax would do IJl}'thing unemployment "wbicb. hurts • to alow things down. and it those whom you want tn0st to , hun'~" said DiSallc. now protect" -Ille po\)!" Ille slum i! practlcln& law tn Washington. dwe)Jers and m.lnof1iy groupe "J do think tome kind of and the lower-skilled worttn' quuJ. .. hmury l)'atan mipt · I wort." Vol\Qltary coatrols fail· TRIED BRJEFLY 1 ed in the Korean War, he con-The idea of indwitry.wide t ceded. 1be economy was still hol<Mbe-Une agreements was •'-Ille otre•m• I tried bri"'-ut' ·~ ~---•I t ·• OD ''6"' O -•1 "'-= ~ I donf!lod pen&, up w.r. A .lll<j_J*t.,.u tnide ' W"ld °lar 0 11. Price which wmed, biSalle r'ecalJ. • hid -"""""" -ed. bu! Go\! • kl<!a , fell ' opart proma\urely. l n when ii proved. l.._tble ro opinion -1 n d bring the Oto" illc!Dltry Into ........... folly expeclln& agm0>ent. 11 llilghl W«k this ~~l cellinp would b. tim•:rle ~ >, I I ANAHEIM ' · r ' '!# N. Euclid , s3s.a12 f · Mon. ihru S~t.• I 0 o.m. to 9:30 p.m. f. .. ' . ..,. ' f NEWPO~T 'r 7 Fashion \sl•nd 644-1 212 Mon. thru Fri. 10 •.m. to 9:30 p.m. J Sot. ~O e.m. to 6 p.m . l / . . ' )• I I ' . , .. ~rJ _. ·,, • .. • I ~ 1 ~-1 .;~•1 •.... j. • 1!'!>1.lt .... • ... ~ ·r . -. ' ·-; . .. ' ; • MILY flLOT I ' . ' . • • • • • • : ,S'f{IVE~ R~KERS PROMISE · DEEP -COMFORT J 99.95 · ,. ··",•g • .139.95 We s•lute the tel\. •nd hondsoma-swive\ reeker ••• in cotton cut velvet imported from Belgium. Bottom luff~ beck, deeply comlortoblo soot cushions with polyfoem wrapped in Dacron polyeste r for snap back resilience, 1 non allergic quoliti~s. A final custom flouri sh , • , ~ out line welting in solid color. ·• Furniture, 38 _. ' "VAQUERO" • • • COORDINA1"ES. ' .. .-. ,• . • . • • ! • • > • < ' I MEXICANA, SPEIC:IALLY PRICED. FROM MORRIS OF CALI FORNI A Re g.39.95-129.95 34.00°116.CIO Plan. a young bedroom or family room aroun"d this rustier rugged series in mellow bro~n woods. h "" " . I It.ts ' ,., -'r••••r •••• Jt.tlli ll'l •fchhtt 11'11'1•r 94.91 1t11cl•11f '••k 119.tl hi cha1t, I clr•w•rt 69.91 lo r.h•tf, l dr•w9r1 6.9.91.. lo c,11pltoe!11 , 59.95 eorn•r cle1k 19.95 11l9ht '''"' 4Z.911i JD" ltoolo:1helf Furniture, 92 ...... J4.00 ..... JOl,M ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 14.tS 44,. ileo••t.." JIM 59,91 twin or full W 14.H '"·'' 44r•w•r dre11.,-Z9.95 mlrr•r 27.lrl l>e1• enly ltJil 11t.t1 i1111111i l>ed,, 911•r irell .r ledcler 11 ... rot.t i tru!MU• Md, i.l beddi119 bo. ""' 111.95 fl'l•tr.11, pletforlft• ~~ for tr11Hle l>ed 1M,tl •, ·' .. 2001 MA TIRESSES AT THE LOWESl PRICES OF THE YEAR Twin siz e 59.95·89.95 All ere Simmon~ femous qu•lity -in ~ssorted sizes, i'l,cluding twin, fulls, ixtra longs, queens ond kings. Choose tufted or quilted sfyles in firm or .•rlr• firm tensions. All reduced es. lees! 20% - Full size 89.95-99.95i Queen sim-119.95. Sleep Shop, 69 HUNTINGTON BEACH 7771 Edinger 'Ave. 892.3331 Mon. thru Set. .I 0 •.m. lo "60 p.m. I t I I I ) I.: I --~ 1 ·o~Y Pu.OT mrmBIAL PAGEi + 1.1 Ne e d e d : Diver ·sifi.catio n ' ' ' ,, ' 1· '!'be uncertainty, confusion and probable lOI of Jobs for hundreds, B not thousands ot employes of tho McDonnell Douglas stronautlcs Corp., after announce- ment of the cancell tion of the Manned Orbiting abo- ratory Project last week offers an inter,sUng tl.100.. · Officials of the company announced that some a,..- 600 jobs would be aUected in Huntington Beoch by .jjle announcement by the Air Force $ec::retary tbit the.-S billion job was being shelved. The company is the largest industrial employer JI) the city. In the five years of its exiatence lea~ers have pointed with pride at th e huge plan~ u the backbqne of the industry of the city and have encouraged more of the same, sometimes at the expense of other pote&- tial industry. t The mighty plant was suppised to employ in excess of 10,000. But as it neared the 8,000 ·mark, a sudden change of plans by the federal government -a single, drastic decision wholly outside the power oj the em .. ployer or the community to infiuence or negotiate - has dealt "l»tnpany and community alike a hard blow. This is not the 'first time that hat happened on 'Ibis scale in Soulhland aerospace ind.Ullcy', nor will it be the last. That doesn't make the situitron any eesie' for anyone involved, but it does underscore the lesson. The picture is sWl clouded. Many of tho<• who must be laid off. will find other. jobs elsewhere . in the county, or nearby. For many, however, ~· probable answer is to move on. Homes may have to be aold and furniture moved, children will be upr'091ed and plans for the future shelved. For the commllnity, tht · drastic ' layoff means a reduction in buying po-wet", lessenilig tit sales ind gaso- line tax revenue to the city and loss Pf those talents which have m"ade the nei ghborhoods and small organi .. zations strong and beneficial. There are those who have argued that space 1n: dustry alone is .enough to keep the city's economy strong. Much time and effort bas been expended to Truth-in-Lending Vs. Buying Habit Bualnesats whJch offer credit are gear· Ing up -with new printed forms and salesman training -for the Consumer Protection Act of 1968, which takes effect July I. Popularly tagged truth-in-lending. the law is designed to let buytts and bor· rowen learn c:learly and unequivocally what they must pay for merchandise aod crodll Much merchandising In r.eeent years has been carried on, for example, on the Sl-down-$1:.weekly basis, with the option left to the buyer to compare the total weekly iMtaUlDt.IJUJ with the oriJinal parcbue Pf"'"· NOW "REGULATION Z," a Federal Reserve Board publication of rules to lend and sell by,,' Jw~ ·been di!pened 8Cl'08I the naUon to ·~uaint affected bn•l"".sse:s wlth the .law, whose en-: forcement is the roaponsibillly of nine: federal a~a,· .c.fii'1Jy the Federal Trade Commission. "Finance charges" and ' ' an n u a I percentage rate" must be printed more con.!picuously than surrounding material fin contrast to the someUmes ''read the fine print" caution). Finance char1cs { ' 't" ., . ·~·· • must Wt "the works": interest, loan fee, credit investi&ation fee, cost o( life or other in.!urance associated with a time purchUe,. and ~·amount paid as a "diJcouftt," servic;e or carryin& charge. BUYERS AND borrowers not gifted In the 1'hicher math" for discovering the run price of an item or ~Y acquired "on t1me11 may raist: eyebrows momen· tarily Whef!: the whole COii-picture stares thtm in the face. One efftct may be to prompt shoppers to hunt Bround for the "best financial deal." 1tnce final cost answers will be available for easy com- parison. With the national habit of livinc on nei:t week's or nert year'• paycheckl well lll- grained by now, we seriously doubt the new truth-m.lendin& diJcloaures will permanently divert many Americans from their buy-now, pay-later way oI life. ne Ti.Jnes-Plcayuoe New Orlemn Jus t tO Stay E ven • • • •• IF YOUR 19 58 INC OME WAS··· $3,000 $5,000 -57,500 $10,000 $20,000 550,000 $100,000 ·IN 1969 YOU MUST EARN, JUST TO STAY EVEN·· -$3,146 -$6,332 . $9,417 - $12,5 43 $24,ala $63,160 A PERCENTAGE IN CRE ASE OF•• 2ar. 27Y. 26Y. 25% 24Y. •• 26% 24Y. The effects of Inflation and taxes are illustrated In this chart. A ml1'fled man with two chlldren w?io urned f7,500 In 1958 must cam In 1919 about 21 perceot more to be u 11well off.'' ...--------Bii George-------~ Ow G<ori•' I met tllil fellow at the offiet and he ,...., perlectly nice, h1rmless Ol1ld courteoo1. Some of the other girls insist be 11an11wfo.l woU. How tan I (Ind If It 11 trot: ht lJ 1 wolf! J'\'t. accepted en lnvJtaUcrt for 1 I candle.Jieht dinner at hls 1part- ment. WONDERING Dur Wonclerln1 ' Whal an you writing me for ? t can•t think of • betttr way to find ouL secure space lndllllry ~ qtber defense conlracll, hut !Wtunalely Ihm are thOse Jooldll1 ol11where for the Deeded pmperlty. . \ Of late thll. Chamber of Comm<rce, bullness\nen and city •officials are beJlnnlnJ to nalize that cllv~tty 8Jld lndUllrial hallDCe are •• Important, perhaps even more .0, ·iJian lnduatrlal volume. The po11lbl\ltY )llat even a 10lld leader In the aero- space lnduatry u fhe McDonnell DouJI" A-utlcs Corp. certai~'nl ls, can be hit so hard by one contrllCI being drop should In iuelf be a warniDe to thole charged attraction of lndut!ry to HunUniton BUch. Diversity mutt be IOlleJrt ao that the communl· ty ne\rer is at the mercy of a single 8DllOUDComcnl In ·' Wulllngtoa 'or at the whim of a polltle91 decree. Cities surrounding . HuntlDtton Beach certainly have been succeuful In oblalnlnJ clivenillcaUon. Wlth llO!De effort Huntington Beach can obtain the 1111110 pro- l«:tlon against OC0110mic upset. ' 'Fountain Valley Days' Each year ••Fountain V'8lley Days,'' the celebration of the city'• birthday, grows a Hiile, just u the city ~rows. This year the,FounWn Valley Jaycees brought 10 a prelesSlonal carnival Ollllif u an added birthday present for the young dty.. · . "Fountain Vjllley~" can play an important role 10 drawing a rapidlY-rtowlDg city to1ether, Jivinl it a senae of: identity • .\?.atby is the erntest roed blocl: to a city's progress. While a three-day htrlhday party wo~'t fill the city with commerce, it can achieve a small feeling of "tog~~esa" among residents. . ""'!CW~N:> -- The Jaycees sliould be applan<!ed for their recent effort. But they ,'realize l!ley can't stand on their !au· ~·· Plamiinf~begln eedy for a bigger and better 'Fountai.n Vallex Dllya." e.eleltJ.uon to serve a erowlne commuruty. '" " s .. Sic 'fM/ tuHoA I Sic 'EMI WHoA 1 " . . . . . Improprie ty Question Has Been Removed To the Edllor, Pleue be advised that Mr. Arthur SlloCJ< hu mnoved ony , quesUoO al im· propriety thlt may ti.ve arisen in con- nection with h!a conduct to which you referred in your JWJe 7, 1969 issue regarding the O'Donnell case. OLAUDE M. OWENS Julf&e of the Superior Court !tfr. Strock, while acting cu att,or. ney representtng Dr. Merrill C. O'· Donnell in Judge Owens' court, drew a complaint from t1Le judgr: that ht appeared to be flouting Canon 22 of the Canons of Profes1iaool Ethics when he cited a pre viottllv rejected decision during law and motion ar· gumentl. Judge Owem' ltttu report.! th e result of J\fr. Strock's responsl!!' to the judge's reques t to him for com- ment. -Editor 1Uor•l MpecU, r- To the Editor ' Recently critics ,of Jel eduCIUOn pt"0- 11'11111 have volC<lt: their opp9eltlon dfaDlallcally and emotlooollJ, 'liiilr'Jnt. 1Jectlon la that lheir' dilldNn .,. · lnnuenced away from'"' t.bl morality and -e and beinl in-doctrinated into the "new lrnmofality'' taiflbt in an education Jl'Oll'llDS. StaUstics show that there has been a rise in unwed pregnancie1 and venereal dlseue In America today. Thla ii an in- dlcaUon that the youlll al toda,y are Un. properly lnsllucted in the monl upect of .... WHERE DO THEIE cl1ildrea Ill their mlalnlonnaUon? H -cathii or will nol teacb their children about .... and.in- 1tlll ln them a bellthy attitude, lht chUdren will look for information et.ewber~. Their whole knowled&e about .ez will be derived from ~ wilh their equally uninformed, or worae yet, mllltlw ... peers. • Childron aro curlGUa •Y nature, ·and they will tttk out the forbidden in- formation so that they can aatilfy their curk>eity. They will read u m1ey Ulthy boolil u they con find and ·u,q wW ..,...1y accepl Ille moral attitudes of their "mort esperl~" frltnds. ANAHEIM HAS A f'our.year~ld 1e.t. educaUon proc:ram t.auabt In the ttvtnth thrw&h twelfth arades. Thil courae Jn. tesratu the JjJolocJcal. psycholO(lcal, and _. upocta of an edUcatlon. It emphuhea that lhe ... act demands the tMwtedie. lrult, security, maturlJy and the Jove found tn manta'" Once the need for 111 educaUon his been recocniaod, what m1111 be cJooe to ensure that there la a an education pro. gram taUlhl In ibe community that la Jn. · formaUve, morallstJc and relevant to soclety? ' IF A SEX educaUon procram exists In your community, lrrve.U,.tt tts alm1 ud method1. 'Talk to the teachtra and to tht ttudtnta. 'nle. atudtnta' atUtuda ,,.. lD- dlcaUve of tM auccess of the pt0tram. If a &u: tducaUon course. does not ez- lst, lllldJ the procr1m1 talllht tn other communltlu and wrile lo SlllCUS, la lnform.odon Md EducaUon COllndl al the United statu, New York, N.Y.1 for ln- lonnatlon ttlardinl or1anldng and In· iUatin& a proiram in your community. P'MNCES OLDENBURG Sludcnt at UCI Games of Senatorial Cat-and-Mouse More Tarnish on Congress WAill!NGTON -Prt~dent Nil<on, who hu been 1Jow 1n filllng top 1overn- ment jobs, la now havinJ aome of his ap. pointments delayed by games of anatorlal c•Wnd-mouse. Senate leaders of both parties are in- volved. The reault la a llttJe more tarni.Bh on the Jack·luatre facade of the current, llst, Conarus. The Senate has always been z.ealour in carryine out its camUtuUonal respongiili· ty to "advile and comeat" on presideflo tial norninaUom. In the put, however, rather predse c;!lterta were applied in conslderln1 ·~entlal appointments. ·The old fonliu!a. u lhe lale Sen, Robert A. Tait, •M>., """ uplained i~ gave a preaideqt wide laUtude in telet- linl top aides, provided that .. aJ>POintee (I) -... dearly ~to do lhe job l!lilned, and (I) hid "°' been guilty of an off.-11\volvlnc moral turpilude. TllEllE WAS another provl!o. A slncle Hllltor COUid block a prealdontlal IJ>' poln-Oii ....-that tbJ -was "penonaD.y obnoDoul," )at web an · objection could anly be applied to a nom1nee from a aemtor'1 own atlte to a federal pooltton wtlhln that stale. Now a -can be~ on aroundl of prejudice, penonaUt;, or even pique. Thll ii bow thinl9 have been loin&: for Preddtnt Nlt'on: • DR. JOl!Noll. KNOWLES -Prosident Nixon hadn't even nominated Knowles. his choice tf be lsaiat.ant HEW secretary for health, when Senate Republican Leader EvereU M. Dirksen, Ill ., an- nounct!d neka q:o that he would fight Knowles' appointment. With the post still unfilled, Dlrben restated his oppooition lut-. Knowles Is the director or the preattpous Musachuaetts Gen e r a I Hospital. The American Medical AISocl•· don oppooed his appointment to lhl HEW poet becau,. ~I.. has supported compulsory health cal'f: plans and other liberal social welfare projects. Dirksen, who professes great ad- miration for Taft, has not really ex· plained his opposiUon to Knowles. Dirksen has noted that the AMA is op- posing Knowles and he was reported to have described the doctor, a fellow Republican, as a "radical" at one closed- door meeting. OTJ'O F. OTEPKA -He is thO former State Department Security Officer who was demoted after he privately slipped some departmental data to the Senate Internal Sewrlty Subcommittee in 1963. Hb cause was quickly es~ec:i by a number of right wing groups, aad be I.hen became a ta.get of the left wing. · At Dlrben's behest, ,President Nixon nominated Otepka on March 20 to be a member of the nearly de.funct Subversive Ac:tivtUes Control Board. No one testified against the nomination, and the Senale Judlclary Committee approved it 12 to 3 more than a month ago . Slnce that time the nomination ha~ been stalled and in a sort of limbo on the Senate calendar. The Senate 's Democratic leadership, which .iittends to such procedural matters, simply has not scheduled the Otepka nomination for floor consideration. Eventually,.the nomination will be. ap. proved. The word now is that action may come this week after a few opponents, mostly Democrats, air their objections, which are keyed to the old security mat. ter and to the v.·ay Otepka raised monry lO fight the long legal battle which ensued. CARL J. GILBERT -Two Senale commiUee chairmen are in a jurisdit· tional battle over Gilbert, who was nominated by President Nixon on April 1• to be the U.S. special representative for trade negotiations, a job with am· bassadorial rank. Gilbert's nomination was approved by lhe Foreign Relalions Committee, since it i.s a foreign policy post. Then Chainnan Russell B. Long . D-La .. complained that his Finance Committee. '"·hich created Lhe job, should ha ve a say in filling it. Long and Chainnan J. William Fulbright, D·Ark., of the Foreign Rela· tiOflS Committee. have now agreed that the Finance Committee can study the nomi~lion._ for up lo 30 days . Then Gilberl 1~· will probably be coofmned, and be can get down to the rather im· portant job of tariff negotiations. \Vhile the President's nomination or Chief Ju stice Warren E. Burger was qWckly and overwhelmingly approvt;cl !;tst week .. bY a vqte (Jf 7( 1'0 i. t~ rcaS<lns acNanced by the three Burger opponents fell far short of the old Senate formula. SEN. STEPHEN l\1. \'OUNG, D-0 .. complained that an attorney who opposed Burger·s nomination was not heard by the Judiciary Committee in its hearings and could not even get int.o the hearin~ room. Sen. Gaylord Nelson, D-Wis., said he knc\v "nothing derogatory" about Burger but had not been afforded a chance to examine his credentials. Sen. Eugene J. ~1cCarthy, D·Minn .• the third nay-sayer. said Burger campaigned against him in 19:>2 in a manner calculated to elicit "an emotional if not prejudiced response." McCarthy did not attempt to employ the old persc>nalJy ob- noxloo~ tradition on a broader base. It ~'as. as usual, just the lone l\.icCarthy voice, unheeded by hi.~ colleagues. By Robert S. Allen and John A. Gold1aUth Pot Is C·alling Kettle Black lt bu always amuatd me to hear 10m• pompous businea official it.and up in publk:1and upbtGd "the iuvme!ll" for ill maoalve bonaocrlcy and Ila -.t apandlnf pollclol.·ror I b1ve,........,. of prlvale bu!li!eli estabtlihmenta ar lint-hand to know -a pol is callln( • Mttl• bl1ck. The thesla " the_oe publl< denunclalon 11 the "rovment" lhoald enulate private enterpriae -but In the cua I bave penoaally oboervad, Ulan is ecamly· a ahade ol. difference between the two, ex- ctpt that bullntls is dellped to make mOMy, and aovernment to provide -Tiii I UUA\ICllACY IN a Jar1e and lhrlvtn1 corporatloo is no! to be belltved. The wutap Is Jmmeose. and the level of • Dear Gloomy Gui: ')')lat motl vocal of opponent& of HuntJncton B<ach ldlool' booda didn't oppooe the parks bonds. Coo1d tt be becaUlt lhe park Ill• ta _. hit JWOPllV! N""° be would mppolt acbool booda H a IChool were located near hil P"P' erty. Jllll a lllousJil! -F.M. TMt """"" ...,_ ,....,... .,... .. _,,, ....... ·-·"'· ..... ,.., .. r .................... . i . competence not very h.lgh. It is only the euenU•I viability of capjtalism that keeps some of ~ firms afloat -they succeed despite their · sloppy manage- ment . Moot ot them are penny-wise and pound-foolish. They will alienate· thei r minor employes by lnstituUng some petty economic reform (dealing with !lOmething as Inconsequential as peocil·sharpeners), and then aquander millions on some foolish ICheme that tick.Its the VJnit)' of tht top esecutive -but which any un· derllna could teU him is • waste of lund!!. IN FACT, one of the best arguments for capltalllm has never been advanced ln ill favor, for it ts too embarrassing to mention -and th•t I• the lndi!putable fact that the system lfOf'ks sO well, in lhe bullneu area, that It can Withstand tven the mediocrity and mismanagement of 11-custodians. It's hm! to lose money in an expanding economy. · The closer one getl to the seait or cor· porate power, the more obvious It becomes that lhe system is supporting I-peopi<, rather than the people lhe l)'sttm. Many or them hlvtn't even had """lh .. .,., to ktiop lhllr ""' com- panies undtr control -which accounts for Ute appalling number of corpor1tc taktoven and (lct.ltloqs "mergtn" In the last few yean, The eo rp orale burtaucracy gets 90 t~he1vy that it.s l•1• ore amputated betOR )ta head bfllnl ~ to know what is going on. THIS IS NO'T' meant to be a de(e~ of the inde!ensible practices in government. which should be more tailored, efficie.ot. and responsive to public needs -U. is Ji implyio suggest that all' btrreaucraeieit· are pretty much atike, no matter what their profeS9ed philosophy may be. Jt'.li ju.st that the idiocies of governmen' become a matter of public record, while the. ineptitudes of business are camoyflaged by profits that are alm~t.. impossible not to make. · - When bu.sinessmen take over an ad-I ministration. as in this Nixon era, they I \\'ill spend as much as their Democratic predecesS<lrs: the difference is in the speeches. not in the act.Ions. --~-- \\lcdne sday. June 18, 1969 The tdltoriol paac of tht Doau Pilot sctks to in form and 1tim- ulote 1'1!!'adara by prsstnttng thiJ tlCW$paper'f opiniofir and com- me ntary on ~ict ;~of inlt1'Cft and signf/icancf, bf providing a forum f01" l1at eiprtstio" ot our readers' opinim&. and br 1 prtrenUng OU dfberse vie'°" points of fnfonnfCI. ob.server• and spokennt" on topfc1 of thl doy, Robert N. Weed , PubUsbcr ----------------------------r----------------~~:----...,-~--~---.----~--~~--.---.-,____~-. --. A~erage Gir.~ Has :1 . ' "' .. .. .. ' '\ ,. ' -.. ' Exactly 42 Moles 87 L. M. BOYD laENTl8TS now aay the averqe woman hu a moles, but lhey do not uy how lhey found out . . • IN THE m.EPBONE omcE at San Bernardi.no, Cal, I'm told, works a genUeman named Buzz C'urrwlt, whole two aons are 1cnmm by lheir ln!Uall •. A. C. and D. C. . • • WELL HERn a CJYH war scholar who Insists Abt: Lincoln's mid- dle name )''IS Thwpas. muC..noN1-At hand 1. . a nole from i San Antonio youth who asks: "Can you tell me where J can•flnd a couple o( books called 'Your Future in Aeronautics' and 'Sane Sex'? Ir you can ~nly find one, I sure hope ,. it's 'the Aerooautlct. I intend to take lhat up." OUR NAME GAME MAN says a g\rl called Naomi tends to be particularly gifted In the art of making one man happy, although she is rarely the type who can deal adeptly with t,ro or more boyfriends at a time • • . NO TRICK lo sayillg tpe following sentenc< just oace. But try saying It twice. Swiftly, swiftly: ••SI n f u 1 Caesar sipped hla anlfter, &elz. ed his knees and meezed." REDHEADS· Th a I redheads are temperamental, whether they be men or women, h widely balleved. Can't disprove this theory wllh hard fact. Nooethelw, a seasoned official of t b e Nevada courts who has presided over the dlasolution of. many a marriage say1 he hu never wltneaed t b e divorce of a ~ad from a r<dbead. 1111 hll llated baliel that redbtJred men • n d women tend lo get along wllh one .another even when they find it dllllcult lo 1tt along wllh anybody elae. CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q. ••wJµcb state bu the most fertile IOU?" A. Years ago it -ul~ lo he Iowa. Don't thlnk It mallm muc~ "-• -·what wllh all lhal'I .... in ferlllfl<n • , . Q. "WHAT THE ARG\llli!:N1 b all aboul hue at· lhe mo- me"nt ls whither Jt wu l!'.ddlt ' Cantor or MatirlCe Chevalier wbo lDit<>duced ¥·-'One Hour Witll· Y<a(i' "' • Caotor took lta "I' blf , illeiie song, but Maur~ Clievall introduced it in • rum witb t. same name. , . TBE DOLL -'The w. "puppet," it comes from. thie Lalin "pufl'!." Our Langua1e man says that'• what tht old Romans called a ~ doll ' which was made m Che I.mace of ihe Emperor Nero's wile, 1 lilUe lady named Sabjoa Pop. pea. Everybody was wppo!led lo worship lhe dolt Nero demanded ll!aL No doulJI • because he felt gullty. Al lout he should have felt guilty. He was short-tempered, that man. Sabina Poppea annoyed him one afternoon, so be kicked her to death. Much too abort tempered. PUZZLE -U you're tlnd of lh<>oe malh JIUllle•. alclp lhll lt!m. Alter a Vietnam skirmish, a ragged leaderiea platoon of Viet C9nf sol~ , reallzed Ibey woit loot. pne fiflh of lhem walked norill. One third walked south. Three times the difference of the number of soldiers in the two aforementioned group! walked west. And one dilconlolate soldier walked ust to rtve hlmse~ up. How many Vial Cong soldien Urted out from the sklnni.sb 1 RAPID REPLY: Ya, Mn. J., cost of railing one c:blld to the age of 18 is now Aid to run about $Z7 ,000. Your que1tiom and c:om- '7Wlt.r are welcomed and will be wed whtnoet po. lib le in "Chtckino Up ... Addres1 mail to L. M. BOfld, in-. bf U.. 'DAILY PILOT, BO% 1875, N<VlpOrl Beacl1, CaUf., 92660. • TooMu~hVodka Russ Worry Over Drinking M 0 S C 0 W (UP!) -A Rwslan loves his glass of atraJibl Yldka. He throws it <!own an 111 one neck-popping swallow. 1be trouble is he d:r1nb too much of It, • pro- minent Soviet criminologist uld today. Prof. Aleul A. Gerllemon, wriling in the government newspaper Iivestla, said it wu time to create a govern- ment agency lo f I g h t alcoholl!m. Gertlenzon said vodka ac- counts for a third of the na· tioo'a alcohol consumption. "not counting home brew" and for monumerUI financial lou and u:ceulve clime. "The central statistics office aMual report shows th1t con· '"'l'ptlon of alcobol 13 In- . creUlng," he said. • • D 111 erenl IOdolOifcal ttudles teatify tO what a &reat moral and financial kJ8I is suf· fered," GertRnzon 1 a Id. .. 'Ibey include loafing, vlo\a- Uon of industrial s a f e t y measurea wilh serious mn- sequeoces, accidenU, wute and Bick leave ••. " "In quite a few crlmbW cues oC murder, rape, boollpilbm, the!~ robhery llbd -· (In 111'1·111&8) there n.18ted the provocative role of alcohol," be Yid. Gertsenzon propooed the government create a "state committee coordinating the activities of all branches tn- vol ved in the struggle apJnat alcoholism." He "Id It would dlncl Iha acUvlties of ppllce, dodon and economlstl to control the consumption ol a I'~ ob o 11 c beverages In tile Soviet um. Scientists, be Aid, 11can Jn. troduce anti-aJcohollc acbooJ programs, pbyslclana will lab up the problem! ol. 1eneraJ and forced treatment o f drunkards. People tn trade will determine the norma of. sale of alcoholic drinb." He aJso suggested a "YOlun- tary organization" to figM alcoholism. "Some people ovetestimate the effectiveness of repreuhe measure!! for eradlcaUon of drinking,'' he said. ''No doubt these measures are bnportant. but they become elleotlvo aol7 In comblnatioa With prntn- live ODel." "It b Ume lo ~ -meamtet apJnR alcoholiml," c..-aald. ''The fact lhat ..-comumpllon ol ak:ohol doea great hann lo the state and lhe lamll7 b un- qU"1Stlooable." I See by Today's Want Ads • ·-"'-' 4 -· u.t IL • .anllquo pool ta. .... slate lop, ....._., - • hr • dlJtrtnt ana an. UIUll pet; BaJ:.i, ()pJ&IDtl clean and unlquo. . ' \_ . . ,f •• \ '. . ,j._ ...... ,. '. • '"- lfHB PBNNBY •• Can a sh 1 play foot e& . -stay fresh By ROBl!RTA N)j!IH Everyone knowa hat happen• to shoCJ a ou wear them, and pc ire into them. lt'1 been ug· ging our shoe people for ycan. "We wanted tol'<cp our shoes fresh even ltter we sold them," one !hoe man told me. "Today we've go\ it The iasidcs of all 1ur Penney shoes are imp ' g- natcd with •o.me S i· tizcd 1tutf that'• mu er oa ·ba~lcria.~11.d.tu . i, fighll mold ana mild • protccll against athle '•· (001 fungi while, u . ' wall<. ' ·· "How many pain I oell you, Roberta?" o r oupcrshoe man c:ontinu •. -- , . ~ " • ' ., • .. • -. , I . ' ' . ' ' " c.jo • I_,. -.. . ' ... · . ~ .. ~ •I I• I ' . - :1 •• • .. 1. • .· • ' ' Pric·es 1 reduced on summer I . - sand Is •.•• buy 2 pairs anc:I .. SAVE THRU SATURDAY! Skip right clown! SM thil ~g,beautlful llllldal •lectfon, ' all safe.priced for buylne In IWOI and foun to IO 'wllh ev.rythlng you11 be w~ this IUlltmet. hy mlor under the 11111, and then I W• haw lea!Mn and . . vlnyfi, shiny or smooth • , , strap,~ and REG. 3.99 PR.,2 $7 NOW... PRS. .tid•. , • flat or ll!He.clty 11 • , • trlml !ti dMitM or \ . . hardware, Just Mil'-yol!r ' head to fPlnil!ng to think what's waiting for at P.~ C'-down t flnt !hlnq lamo!1ow for a warlhbel ~ . REG.'5.99 1PR.,2 •10 NOW .'.. PIS. ~ .. '"·' LIKE IT ••• CHARGE ITI I i -.I-1 1 ~· l • DAILY PD.OT 7 • . ...... ~-.. ,. ... ...... • • .• ... -· ... .. ... ,,. . "• ···" ·~' •• .. ,..,, . J'h ••• .... .,,. • : . • •• • " • • • • ' . • • .. " .. .. •• I ' .. • • '· I• •• . : ' •: •• '· ,, •' r': i . ., '· ' '. • • , • • ' ,. ,; • • ' .. , .. , :~ • " I ' • Ii 'l t I ' I I I DAll.Y PllOT ~ I w-. Juno 19, 1969 , ! t I ---ft•;~_: -~-~ .. ~ • • -co~st · .A~efl :Men .j'1 Se,:vlc~ Around the W,ntl~: .. • ' ,,,. lllDd Mobile Com-rle w. J-, USN, ... of Mr. ftcen Trllnlnl C«po -II Mn. -R. Holme of l!S 'Ibey ore Codd CaH!dllo Jeflft7 w. FliN,, IOll of Mr. and att...i<d Oranae c...t --Squid, Air Na• · and llrl. Tbomu Joneo of Ill Ille Uofvtni\1 of · Soutbern 1111 A .. ., eo..a, dtl -: -·....,..,IOI( of Mn. ad Mrs. l"re-S. Field of COl!ego• b'efcn entering Ille tlonil-' Guard of ISO Coot3 Walnut St, Newport -II Cllllonll&. . -"-· --P. Amie lllhaylo of~ aierenne l40t Bruce ~ N<wpOl:t aervlce. • . , N-men will portlclpate In oervlnc aboanl Ille uM Kitty -'l; ~ ..0 of M. Hon of SI.. Coot& jlleu;, Cadel CU-Blad! ind I •*'• M* ..._ tho~ uen:be, Western Hawk off Ille cout of Viet-tf~· 4, .._,'21, -11131 PraU Cli<Je; Honllncloo ..... G117 M. 'PiblO, IOa of l.C. ~ W. =· ""'it . .l'YI.--· :11, 11111 =A ~trol System nam. of J1¢ ~ ~.' 1Q1iio, 151 , ~ ud Alr:mMWllllUa·P. ~"andMn. P:if.J'Wlee! :,-,~~-Gr~ of l\lr,andl!l'S-1Jlal'Pltd>i:r, , ug. . Tills Is !be f""'1li conlbal Vlcfiria It;. c.lla.Mou, com-""'"t"~ '°"of Jack Jloeel'" ! ..... ::~. '1 .:.....-,.,. Drl "::!~.. •· '14 ·ar..;.. ~.. H~ 1beexerclaewillbeheldln deployment for the car-,,-.• ~~"'!U!"' I07Acadl,Huntln1t~n --·~-.. ....,.... '('I,' . ...,... f .~. wlll graduate .tioai -~ portloa <i Ibo ri<r. Upoacompletlmof'nlilit .. lt•.,llii ; ~ Pr)mary Boch.·• :'!!:'~Hlsh ,ldiool· llld '' " ... .-..... U.S. Army bulc tralnlnj Vatted: States under the com· operation the KJtt;,Hi.wk1.wll ,_.llcoPter~.'f't. Wolters, 1 , ~, --,.J... Cide\, c.·='3 ~ a.. tAlrw 1 "D'••1la1 J.. June· I at~tt.. Ord, CaWomia. mand of Brig. Gen. Wllllam R. return 1o Ille U.S. f« a nilie 'l'a. . . j!lM ~ o .. Alen Jr.. a-.,• of COi. (~) 'Gllleqloi, iao 'of Mr: and Mn. On ~une t he Is sch<dU!ed !I> Sefloo. moolb yard p!l'.iod: 'Be jiu,beon·~oaip;.!'lo ·a.i.,-UIN, -of ClpL (iet) mi .,,cl Mr>. Jut D. Blanchard of T. 0. GlllftPle <( 11511 l';dilb reporl~ FL-Gonion, Georgia, The lllDd will join la aip-. , . • ·....,,...,. 11!11\! lrllinlnl . at ~,.,., 'Ollllea Alen o! llltl .!qi Alta VllW Drtve, Newport Ave., We&tmllllter, ba1 been for tralninl u a µilllWy partm 0 boll I !bee cexoerwem m. ·-~-~ ,' Spee. I. a,.Y ll· -,., It,. H~ ~ Afrlleld, Ga. ~ 'llkled On:1e.,~11un-lleach. __. , ~ lo a W1lt of !be Tac-p.Hc.ma... . , · . ~~~ oon of Mn. Neva a...,. of ~, . · Boacb. -1111 olflc<r's t1£a1 ~ Command. ,GeorJe Pitcher ls married lo Bever· mun''I"~..:... onefll""t~lef-·';"!" 154 JOlllll St.r ~ · .._, , FM ~· •.i:<lljDIY men ,'. ~ lo, Ille U.S. Navy Pv1. l.C. -_ A. a;..., AFB,.Callf, 'n!e · alnqao, :an Jy PltcheT <t Sten ton. He a~ ~-~ ... ~~ ..-ralr received .Ibo Army• ()om. .,.,iervini lil>otnl ljle uss . ~11tlcie 1-0fllcer 23,..,of~'Bnmoof251 aircraft -mechonlc, Is • tendedllunllngtonBeachHfgh tralllc control and navtg.. mendallon lledal wblle ... ··Tlcoade!oP oil 'd)!t cout of .. , te Sdlool at Newport ~ q;.ialo· :l.Mljla,,· ,_.bol~been ~of Wella>imter !Dgll ·School and wautudylng poll« Uonal fllgbts. lng with 'tbe' 4th 'Jbran.try Vletnani. · ·~' : :(LI. ·. . . -""" 1111 • sCience at Orange Coast J!:ach m ob 11 e · com· Dlvilloo near PWlku. Vlelnam. They ·ar, ~ ~a. . ,:... Aken Is a gradUltt of Brigade In Vie · u I · ' • · · Colltge ,.hep he enjlsttd.bi ti>., mof'::!capp~~ :u°':{•~ J.~tr~i 'Spec, 1. Heriry earned !be Davis, 000. o1 ,Mr, and ·Mrs.• Yale Univtnlty, New Haven, telHe~~ "!!".!° .. ~~ ... .:_. .~ Gory MocM....., Army. ; ' · · 1 •u,.~ --award f0< merit«!Gut llel"lke · HowF<! "~ Da9fs·: rt' *9 \:Oan. · · • g l1IOUIOI' > ....,. -·of llobert A. M>cMeelln fie control requlr.-.and , u a rifleman wllb Compony PhaJaropO eo.at; ~ Meea: " ' · :-";-' Talley, lives lo , of 1330 Pall•-Road, Santa Airman Undo A. Dove, ~lions needed lo B, Ind BaUallon " Ille -~ .-..i s. T1'1'!0 Onnp•CountJ men · -.,. Ana,; hu beee ulgned to dau~ of Mr. and Mrs. an alt bue that bu Dlvllloo's ltll lnlanley. lt••M-ofNr .. and Mn. ~V. .,....,alodll""" 'Ille U.S. Two Oruct c.iitl,. !ft Emrr)' A1'B. Colo. for<ra!n;,,g )loli<tt, L. Dove, 13471 lmtlllpemiinelitflcl~tt1e1. Hllfatber,JobnHeory"lives Rol:lert ·.s:,Bt1nnut ,of 1J:r1 Alr Force A-c1rdemy sentng ·~· 1bt USS inthemunftlc:mll)llweapom: Ana'YQO:d Way, Westmimter, Alrm1:9 a-..,L.,·~r, ... " Mr. and Mn. COllo L. Brtww of 13970 Nenda ,St., W-1nster, hu'be<ii uilp- ed lo Georae APB. The airman ii an aln:raft mechanic with Jbe Tictlcal Air Command. He la a graduate o f W-1Nter High School and ..-aranae Coast Colleg• bel<n entering !be Air Forte. In Stockton' · · • Somene! ~ ll•wport "-'°'Y SCbool: !bat Comtellatlon off111!'!.COMI of "1aintonaoce field. bu ·~·Uslgllod In a unit of · ·" · • Beach; ,Airli;a .. -'•1r••. qualifies the candkl1ta for California. · i ' The.airman ii a graduate cl. the Aetolpact Defense Com· Sgt. Marl< s. Calp, 19, IOll ot: .~ F ....... ..., of lppollitin<ot lo Ille AcadOmy. 'llley ore -... A....... ·Huntlncloa Beacl>'fU&h SCbool mand on McChord AFB. Wash. Mn. Jeanne B.'l!(e~'of }'191 · -· • Pomona Ave., C.O.ta Meg "ls servlna with the 41b Infantry Dlvil)o!I, Company B, Id Ba~ taJioil of the divlsion'l i 9th Armor near Plelku, Vietnam. He Is operatloo!I oerpanl for tbe c<mpany. His father', O. D. CUip lh"8 In ()c<am ... ' . " . ' . .. ,. • • > ~ • T .. re.,re • 'Co*. . l~j·1 ·'~sld111i;.: CapL • Rpjierti-W\1-liams. llSN. been tninsterred ·to · · attle, , Wash .,· where • .. will be Dlstric.t ~~Of. ficer of the lll!h ~aval. Districf .. lt_1rS. ~bi!i.c two sons, Robert Jt. and .,Biil,. boih•studems al E .st.anala -Hlgb . Sc)iool . and • diugltter Mary-Frariees .. :wbo' at. tended St. Jahn jhe BapUst Scl!ool,< wtJl)l~ . the . caplaln In SiatUe • • • .. • • i ' JI ~ Cj GI Sb Jo H< c. P1 R LL Jama E. Bauea, IOD of Mr. and Mrs. Han'y E. Hansen ol 13751 Edwards, Weetmll11ter, bu been Ulign- ed lo a unit of Ille Air Wealber Service, "TIChlklwa AB, Japan. • Alrmu MlcUd s. ~ ... of Mr. and Mn. Sieve Gelet of 19871 Potomac LIM, ~tlnglon Beach, ba• 'beeii aiilp<d lo a unit <i Ille Air Force CommUnki1Unp1 Pay, le~s, enpy ~ummer more • •• w~, ~ci ' . v..p ..... .w-'"~. tloomu JUdiard Lnls, USN, 10D. of Mn. Roland Becker of :IOO Colton St., Newport Beach la ltl.Uoned. at the U.S. Naval Statloo. Midway Island. President Nixon met with South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van 1bieu on the hland where 1300 Navy and Air Force men and their families live. 8'«dleoper 3.C. Mlcbad J, Dalef, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald. Daley of 1 fOS Skyline Drive, Laguna Beach, ii serving on the staff of Com- mander U.S. Naval Forces, Vtelnam. ~Costa Mesa. r • The "1nnan. a ...,. munlcatloos sj>eclallot. a~ tended Huilttngloci Beach !Dgll ScbooJ and Orange Co8ll College before enterlna: &be service. U. Steven Hollltter, USMC, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1Jbmt. H .. Hollister of 467 2Znd St., Newport Beach, Is oervlng with Training Squadron 21' at the Naval Air Statio'n , Kingsville, Tex. Ll Ralpla E. y_.., USN, son of Mr. and Mn. Ralph E. Yeomans, Of 1367 Galuy Drive, Newport Beach, Wu designated an aviator at the Ne:val Air SlaUon, Corpus Christi, Tex. when he received With Headquarters In Saigon, Commander Naval Forces, controlJ v.irtuallY aU U.S. Naval force& in the ,.public and advises Ille Viet· namae Navy oa phases ol hl1 "Winp of Gold" after completing his a d v a n c e d training course as Naval 1 aviator. operalion." . -.AJaa c .. -. · -U<N l'.I•,..,., Driva, u.w_K:_, ...... ~ , 'fk"....ma LI. Col. 'tJSMC (let~ and .,.,;r. ;~ ' ', ~USS w~ ll'elhe·;of' 480.·M;'riW'"-..,,lt', . ,; " · 1 st., Liguna Beach, bu been ··~~~· In graduated from o ff I~ •T lilppqd of;~ ·-•ilt1 trolnlng llCbool al Lackland and 'pi:ovl~ii/of~~ AFB, TeL In lhe l\'estJIU!UlllC! ;_-.· The lieutenant-ls a graduate · ·--~' of Lquna Beach'Hlgll School ~olol' lllUo ~ -· ... and received 1111 B.A. degr.. of Mr. :mi' Mil Ill'!!" A. fr!llD Prinolfia College, E11a11, Martin i>I ~u .. ·Et Dorado DI. -. J>rjft, .iiunuiilt9n Belch, hllS -been.~ .. ,.. ""'tan-. Dental T-a.c. llar-dine Air' """" Riierve' Of. Laguna ~er,viceman ·: :. Gets 2 ·Bro~:Stars A Laeuna Beac) oervlceman, Army Sp. 4 Gregory L. Huggins, son of Mrs. Hellen Huggins of 412 Shadow Lane, has b e e n awarded two bronze stara for heroism a n d meritorious service 1n the Vietnamese war. The first medal was given to Huggins for his valiant act.iool whUe serving with Company E, 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry. Huggins subjected blmlelf ,to an intense rocket, mortar a(MI small arms fire u 'hil com~ pany was attacked. to fire ii-· Jumlnation and cowiter mortar You call THE DAILY PILOT, ask for Claulflecf Acfvertl1ln,, and place • PILOT PENNY PINCHER CLASSIPIED AD AT OUR SPECIAL LOW ·RAJE 3 LINIS 2 TIMES 2 DOLLARS Dl~L NOW DIRECT! 642-5678 (' . ,,. ht ...... c.-, 141-llffl AND YOUlt CREDIT IS GOOD I - • • ' • •• ' ~-' ' . ' ' .... ; . , ,!,s p~c:.iq.I : 1:111,y 5 ... vel•~·~hirts 95YiVl•~~lla~n1 ' ;~~o0ll v •.... .., .... --Git• ... ~"*'5·to_ ............ _ -,ldml·Pol); I 0 1 /oottoie .. ...... _,,,..,., ....... md;-.Utllsa .......... ...,..,._....,.,_ "'H.W .. ,...,,_._,.i.. .. -... ~ ..... . ' ., ... I\ ' " ' • • -~· \ -t ' , • " ·-' Men's Penn Pl 111• sport shirtS · vql.,e.~I 2tor$S' • ' l • • ' ' ·' . ! ·--1 ._ t ... --· --~···-" .. \'O'~ ' • .. . "' ...... , r·· ... ' . ' ~ . : ·· .. '•' • I ..... ,' . . . . 1·.·· : ~ : . :p:~· . . . ~!t -. ...... _, . . ' • . ' . . • ·~· . . . . . . . ' . ' ' . .. . ' ' ' ' ·- • ' • • ,, • •· . ~~ Sl<\illom."!11 Other •Wdenll -led: "I . "I ., ' • • "" . ' ·. 'l • ~ ..... :fAHlst . Gra«Js At ·Ha~ard : ~ Otlnge Co a 1 t IOCill. ldeoce.• t\ ~) -.r. among 1,eoo Frma)" FJ 'hn: Jenme ..;J. June lriduata ot Caltt"'11ia Oriol!,. mut.r ot -1n 61111 Oolle(e, ·Hayw~. They matbemaUC.. are: . · Fnm. Newpwt\·Jleld: Judy Fnm Caplsl!>!oo: Chari., Gillbpie, mast.. ol 1eleoce In R. KeiU>Oy, ba~or ol am Jn ,_, • · *-n ,4 .. ' ~ot weather ·speciwls · for ~ll~the1·fa.«i_ly! ..... • . . : t • ',. -· ...... . . ' •• --·1-l"" .,.... -.-~-· ... f • ,-. ' .. " .,., . , ' . -~·· . -. . ' ... .. 'i <-. --~ •' ...... ,. •1'. .. ~l ~ • ' .. .. Girl's love to summer in\cool .. ' tie-shoulder play • ~ "· ·r· .V1ts1 c-J.;;. "niM1 · : • ' ~!'T' \ " ~ . . . .. '' ' ' 1 .... . . . . . ' .. ' . ' . . .,.. ... ' •' " ' ... --· ·\ ••-•-••--•• >I - f: ~ il 1 . .. "; . Ji ' " :! -~-;' " ; ' • ···!• . j; ~ ---:''T ,, < Pt~ .. . ..:~J !! ., ::, l":l·I ' 'ii' ! •• ::i: g:: ;;· '"' • .• ' I f· . ' ' , . __ ..,._ --· .. . Special ~on:. hiddl~• cl;tt,on. · knit pOfo .itlrts 2/•1'"' .. , ...... ~spondlllo • u1::1rCo.il0tliW1 lft short ile••Oil ,.1 • . -· Of tollil~color tNml-4.. " . . ' : ;'Penn l!'nit! bo'!ter shorts ~ally prlcwcl ,_ Ul(niMr 1 '°1t;•IW/tl:ltt0ft ~ .......that...., ... _.. .,. •• \ • tol4t Of p•"'ltei'ao. Toddle(• 'f..3. ---· .. . . " .. ! · I· j \ , ) • . , •• ' ~.-,.,, ' . 1 ,l . . . ·· --- . ' . , • " -· ....... . . .. '' .. ' . ' "DAIL¥ PllOT l . Honor Roll Newport Girl sCt. fqr Efu.1>pe Katherihe A. Wits.on, Newport Beach, will be at.- tendiqg the Univei'slfy ol Aix. Mlirseille In fl'1nce next fall. She is oiie Of 19 -students chosen by Callfomta State ·eonege, Fu'1'1erton to participate In study-abroad programs. Miu WatBon will itudy llngulttlcs. · Gets begree Judith ~attY of Dana Point, has received a Bachelor of Science degree · tnm· Pacific Ow CoJlese, OPEN ff.otJSE TOURS of the IRVINE 'ltANCH ... J~ne l51h't1\ru JJrie 'iind·" ·" . • -\~"•'···~ l ,, 51.n1,.·Po1a1< ' ~~!:;" .. ~~~~ Unler \._ ..... _ ol T""") W..:.-~ ~·f.lhj;,n~~"' Newport a.DJ , , . ' ' • • \ •• ' • .. • i ,.. ' ' . ' ~ I I • It llolll.Y I'll.OT Hqpn;r . Graduates Coast Man At Chapman Saddlehack Honors 'is At Banquet Elehteen tap atudenU at Sldiltbac:k O>llep ...... hon· _.r at the oi:hool'• finl SchoW*ip Awanh Banquet re<OD117. 1be banquet honored RVe!I -rectp4ema of spl'lnf quar· ter awards along with 11 !all and -oCbolars. · April Mysliwy, ol Tustin, r e c e i v e d the outatandlng adlolanhip awm!, w b 11 e Brod M.-_ also ol TuJ. tin was awarded the "diri-,iOO scholanhip award." Bruce Anderson, of San Cle- ~ and Damis R. Frank· ""· of Laguna Beoch, re- "ved -· conurus-... -'11o1>v-. slclll ....nts, -~ 1':"' ~ i;;;:u;:; nan!. Fred TilmbuD, ol Tultin. ... honored db ,. ''Out- ~= °i.~ s.nc-wu awarded the Sin a..neme OJtlmlot ~-.:.... IChoianhip -indude: Tim Butler, Heollert Heary ml Oilrlea Rnn ol Son Cl-; Diane de Ford ol LICum Beodl; Mn.Jan -Harril and ~ Pattenon ol Do!IO Point: SUND Vuiln, Poul eo.. Linda Wbllacft ond Eva Plmllt of Tuttln ond Mart W!cllllm of Jrvloe. Jack It Guewelle of ~boa 111m1 11u been appointed an Harbor Grad lnllluclor ln hlltory al Chap- man Collqe. Given J)egree GUlewell, who will join the Chapman faculty In Sep-Rooemarie Ebey Reed of Wnber, bu been a teaching San Clemente. baa received a aulltant for the past two bachelor o( arts degree in ------'y"ean""'"111'!C.:C:trvlne, wlierrht-Y--ndlih---rram--P-e-m-b"r-o-k-'e received his master's degree Colle1e, Rhode Island. and has betn working for hit She ii a graduate of PhD. Newport HIP .School and at. He l! .an alumnus of Chap-tended Mills College i n man, where he 1P"aduated' OUJand before tramfen'ing to magna cum laude in 1963. Pembroke. l\nne••1 Mlllll'l8 IWT QU/IUN .. -~MID-SUMMER WATCH TUNE-UP 3 DAYS ONLY AT THIS SPECIAL PRICE ........... ....,.._ ...,, ....... ,..... ......... Y ......... ... ............... ·--·--.,, ........ . _,......_. 5.95 .......... , ... ...... .., ........ .... --alllfmT 'lllOUClllf , , , YOia COININCE ,.. 11111CAH111111'1 OUl -IS Ill l•ls •••'nu ·ca .,_._...,., •. ,, ... ... .... n'F'a • .._.. ..... •I ta ' . l·111r. ..... -,..-. ..... CB<lni If AJ YOUlt l'INNIY'S ,.. llWIUl'f °''.Al1MIH1 HUNTIN•TON RACH Hwitll'lflOn '""' '""""' ., s...o....,.,..,., \ -- ' . -· ' . . .. ' •• I ' • , II ' ' . • • • • • .. I .. • ' . I';,..~ ·~ I ' ··' ( ... • 1· ~· ... .,, ~· .. .. ·~ WE'VE ALL KIND·s OF .Pl REDUCED THRU SATUR ows v.~ .. ' I I I ~. ' ••• {Which • • " • one 1s yours LIKE IT ••• CHAIGEm • ' ' our bed .J . . ' • Standard 20x26 $5 'Reg. •6 NOW •••• Q•••n 20i40 Reg. •a NOW 6.50 King 20x36 Reg. '10 NOW 8.50 Dacron• polyester fiber fill around a polyure- thcme foam co,.._ Solt, medium or firm with becMiful floral ticking. ~' fluffy Dacron-poi,.ter fiber flll pll· lliYol fer -r bed In the hauM. See thMI In a • • ,• " . ··' ' 1 ::: ~ ~ c~ i "": ... .. .... :t' ' .,,. .. . ._, • • blue arid~ floral pattern. $ _ Standcml 20x26 llag. $4 NOW ........ 3 !""" King s1o 20x36 llag. $6 NOW ........ .$5 .. • Luxury white 80••• dawn fdled pillows! Imagine such luxury at a saYingsl Ca.wed in doWnproof cotton ticking in le~ wid. ~~""'*· . 'TI s1anc1an120x261 .. $11Now .... : ... IClnglli:e 20xl6 leg. $20 NOW .. .' .. 17.50 T ) l ' ~ ..... • I " ( I ( 1 r n L s " l ( p r ' ' " • d I l .. u T s ' ' \ ( r ' ' 1 ' \ ·~-=--_L_---~~1---~--~------------------- -l . -• • --,· Panther Hi1ac1£s Plane to Havana MIAMI (APJ -An armed Negro carrying Uterature or the militant Black Panthtrs forced a Trans World Airlines jet with a crew of sev~ and 80 passengers to ny to Cuba. The gunqian, tall, well dressed and beo>eetacled, took control of the sch e du I e d Oakland-to-NeW York nonstop flight 'l\lcsday over Wilson Creek. Nev. Except to describe himself as •·a despti'ate man who had lo iet to Hlvan.i, ·~ be gave no ·reason for bis action. Eldrldge Cleaver. , Black Panther. leadeJI who ts a fugitive from U.S. justi~on a parole viola- tion cliarg~ is reported to be living in the Cuban capital. Panther." He was not ldenWied, b u t LyM Bell. of P~, Calli., a passsenger, took movtn1 WC· Lures of him u he left -the plane ln Havana. Bell said the fllm was taken from him by an FBI agent when the plane reached MiarnJ. N<ira Hamplon, f a a h l on editor of the Oakland Tribune and a passeqitr • aboard, the Boein1 m, i'ald the litJster , le't hls lua:aaP at his seat after being admitted to the flight deck at iunpolnt. • In it, she said, "be had·JOme of the Black Pantben' 1'>.lny , black suits, an Atrican shirt, and two black sweat.era: also a sheath knife with a slx-lnch blade." .. ·, Wldotsdlr, J.nt IS, 1'169 ' . DAil. Y I'll.OT J. "Solon's Protests I. Bring Gas Review WASHING TON (UPI) - Seven weeks ago, House GOP leader Gerald R. Ford atood on the steps of the White House and denounced Rep. RIChard O. McCarthy (0. N.Y.J •·Do they want to stewardess, said the hljack unilaterally disarm America'?" Ford asked after began when the man showed ~icCarthy had cr!Uelzed the her a run and politely ordered Pentagon's poison gas pro- ber to have the plane diverted gram. to Cuba. But on Tuesday, at the Capt. George Behnke opened White H o u s e • presidential the. door of the cockpit and press secretary Ronald Ziegler allowed the man to enter. He pnflrmed President Nixon remained in the cockpit for -..iad ordered a study of the the three-hour flight . at times government's chemical and dOMi.ng a crew ma n ' 1 bloloilcal warfare program. creasional protestl -such II McCarthy's -were "o( coune •.. a factor involved" in ordering the review. As.•ii1ned the job were the Defense Department, the State Department and the U.S. Arms Control and Disarma- ment A.gericy. Zlealer 1ald lhe rev i ew was ·ordered "re«ntly" and no time limit had been set on tu completloll. Ziegler also told newsmen It could be assumed the National Security Council had dlacusl· ed the subject. McCarthy's relatively un· noticed campalan to curb the teatinl of t:bemlcal WClpGM College Head Killed The hljacker carrled a copy of Cleaver 's book ''Black Nan Schwa1er, a earphones And he acknowledied con- and ban the testinl of '"'" agents burst Into natianal at- tention in early May Charles E. Johnson, acting president of the University oC Oregon, was'kiµed in this crash Tuesday between a sn1all car and a logging truck on Highway 126 east-of Eugene... --'' fi! . • i .. , ... 3·9 Senators Opp~~ : r U.S. Missile Tests,'· W~lllNGTON (UPI) -SoViet Union. • ~: Twq-fifths of the Senate is on record opposihg the testing or 1nultiple warhead miss iles by the United Slates and the Labor Party Ma.y. Ca use Irish Crisis Twelve Republic·~ -and 27 ' Democrats -001¥ 12 votes shorl or a Senate inajority - signed a resolulio,o Tuesday urging President Nixon to seek an immediat'! moratorium with Russia on fhe testif18 of the multiple independently- ! argeled re-entry v ~ h i c I c (MIRVJ. The ~11RV is a single rnissilc containing 'P ejv c r a I \Yarhcads which . cpn .}I e separated be[ore impt.ct a·nd ~ guided to dif ferent largets. D BLIN (AP \ -Th e Backers of U>, ~ rJS(lluUon •. shou ing stopped and lhc drafted by Sen.. Eaward W. \'Otirig began today i n Brooke (R-Mass. l, Said MIRV Ireland's national elections. had the capacity of increasing Observers predicted the Labor U.S. and Soviet nu c I ear party v.•ould sap some of the arsenals tenfold, prtpically ruling Fianna Fait party's overnight.· ~ ~lrength , \vhich could create a There we re differing in- polltlca\ crisis or a period or terpretations on what the 1ni nority rule. strong show o[ support for Ireland's 1.75 million volers Brooke"s resolution meant - v.·ill 'elect 143 or the 372 can-particularly in the current didates running for seals in fight to stop deployment of the the Dail, the lov.·er house of safegu ard antiballistic missile ParUament. The Oail 's I44 th I ABM ) system. 1ne~ber, the house speaker, is The resolution itself would uno!fpOsed. not be binding but !!I s"'lrn ply an Vql.ing is by proportional expression of "the sense of the representation. a complicated Senate." syst~m in which voters list the But if a vote is taken on lhe l'andidates in their district in ABM later as part of an urdcr of preference. The total at.ithorization bill, a vote ,·ote · for each candidate is against 11t Would be a binding determined by weighioS the vote to stop work on \he nun1ber of vole.s he , ttceived weapon. ' as a fi rsl choice, S!Ctlnd Some senalors who · backed choice, lhird choi~ and so on. lhe MIRV resolulion, however. Thus, in Ireland, pre-election may not wish to vote against polls, .don·t work. , the ABM. Israel Jets Attack Ar.~bs In Jordan 1ylhllt.11,.,...IJ11WN._.I Israeli jet planes anned with rockets and machinegUN today attacked an Arab guer- rilla unit which had tal(en cover in an orange grove on the east bank of the Jordan river 21 mlles below the Sea.« Galilee. An Israeli m ilitar y spokesman in Jerusalem said the two jets silenced th e guer- rillas who had opened fire on an Israel i patrol, touching or .an hour-long duel near Tlrat Zev i, a .01ile west of the river. The Israeli patrol called ,[or air support and the jeb streaked into attack tbe ~Atab positions in the Wadi A.I· • Yabess. a fertile area across the river. Jordan said there were no casualties and that Jordanian forces fire<l -back al the planes. The last Israeli air attack on Jordan was May 28 near Kureiyima , midway between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea, but Jordan s¥d Israeli planes had violated Jordan air space three times this month including Tuesday when they new over the Dead Sea . resort area where an American tourist was killed. The air strike followed a night in i,ybich an Egyptian military spokesman s a I d Israeli a1kl l Egyptian artillery engqed lnJ a "violent" es· ch&n&e. of fire along the entire lengtll Of the 103-mile long Suez Canal. Egypt said its guns "silenced" the Israeli artillery. . '' .... .:,., .WANT INTEREST oN· YOUI\ :BAiot CHECKING ACCOUNT! YOU CAN'T GBT J.T ---BtJT WITH PA-eu'le' SWITCH 'N SAVE ACCOUNT You can do almost as well by k11ping a lat las mon1Y in your clllcling •-t 111111 1 lot mo11 in v-Plcilic 5" P••••Dk , AccolM •• IWilDill 111C1111Y bllck 111d forth • oftln • 'fllU Ike. Beeause · 'evert dollar •••• eveq daf lt 11 la J'OUr Paelllc Accoant- evea lor IUlt one day. &" 1nnuolly oa P ..... ot Acc•llll _,..llllH Ul1y ... 114" • tlitionll •• W.-yur ••11 1e-• 1n Cltnllt ntll. Sni111 ii, .. , ICClllll It •11rt1(1 1d 11n fro• 1•1111 ,, .. , •11111 wlln nctivtd lly th 10tll. -t'""'! ~ "' . .. .. • ' I ' . ' \ e2195 . . I;. Saturday! ~SHER REDUCED ••• AND THERE'S ~-CHAR$E:f'* COLOR! • ' LIKE IT ... CHAIGI ITI Penncrest® 16 lb. four speed washer Reg.209.95 NON $188 Poy .. little as $9 per month • Hugo 16 lb. waoli capocily • 4 -..... "'"' tpood solting • Five wa~h/rime temperature llttingl • f1Qtur11 a convenient bleach cit,__. • Pot<Oloin enamolfitiish • In white, coppertone,fMXCldo or horwost · g<>ld < •• • Penncresl' Custom program 16 lb. washer Reg. 229.95 NOW'208 ' r.y oa littl• • t.SO 111;9' mM'llh Penncrnt-Imperial '"",.,..;""miner · ' Reg . 239.95 NOW'218 • a pr..,.,...... '""" -.... 5 """''"-_ .... Mtting1 • ai-i.~.-;c --'f--loodo • In white Of C<IPP'fiOMI with porC... ~ fiMh BUR.BANK CANOGA PARK FULLERTON I l ' . ... GRANADA HILLS LAKEWOOD HUNTINGTON BEACH • LONG BEACH HUNTINGTON PARK LOS ALTOS - I . '-Y•-•$10,.._ • 16 ._ woM cap dly, MQ '""" ...,,,,,,,_ ~ _.,. -• ~to.nollc ~ ••Fnt Mii ~ -.Wtiow t51 • ....., .. -'.• • ~loWe 9' ..+» .. , copp ar1•• or .i--111 'm MONtCLAIR , NEWPORT BEACH NORTH HOLLYWOOD l ' 1 .-P.. .... r --_; .. sAN F~oo .. v~,Nuvs. SANTA ANA . VENTURA • J ORRANCf WESTCHESTER --· • I I I I j, .. I I DAILV ,ILOT . ... --. "' I .... .. ~ .. • " . . ·L()ST AND ' ·'fQUNO I Wtdntsdat, June 18, 1969 t ' ' i . .f1:eagati' s . R'efund ·B~p~an ~i(ht ).i. .· , GOP Wins· Contr,ol . . . ~ ·Sm1ls ·Borrowh.ID ~ . Fram, &M Win Sen1ce1 ·SALIN~, Calif, -A special Assembly · election. haa put Gov. Ronald Reaglft and his Republlc1n party in control of both houses of the Callfornia Lqi.llalure for the flf'St time since 1956. The victory Tuesday gave the Republicans 41-39 control of the Assembly. They already held a 21-19 margin in the Senate. Monterey County Supervisor Robert G. Wood, 53, a farmer, Vote Slated On Fiscal Worth Bill ' S::":.a~ ~~ !~.~~ ·:.~~~~ ~ D~nied sot'~ ci~-. f•~~ J:.~ famous by ftovellst John Stein-f 21, 0 0 0 ·a· y tar 'ob as SACRAMENTO (AP) r~ rnountln&: flninclat prob)ema the ate will bl"ft no m41Je1 bec:k. coonllnalol' ·of ·the federal ~•· are lllallid fll lbe Alaembly to.• 111 pay for $281.! inllo.; In Wood tallied 2U74 votes to highway l\OMltlflCaUon pro-Reogan has flied for 1 flt Jlf.'0-clOy II)' Ill lilcrusfllg1Y bUter • ll(Jlod coootruetloll ~ ll,&51 tOr Democrat Fred gram to nm for tbe seat. . pet(y tu refund oa his Paclflc n,bt between a bipa:rtlsan 1'i.e object ot the maaetlftl'w Farr. 1 former state senator Wood ran ~Y in tracli-Pallsldet home bUt Lo s eo11Woa of \eplators · and Jo& Poroe .Relpf _ ~ ~ ho f t•--h d lionaJly Republican areas of Angeles County Asses i or Gov. ftellan. Jbme4ehft withlpldlDC or w or 1"-yean. was ea the diarict composed enUJ:ely Phi Up E. Watson says be can't 1tie •adloct d e e Pe n e d state l"Ii&me tal"-t be ol the naUonal h,1 ~·b w a Y of Monte~y O;iunty. His have It becaU¥ ~ law re-r~·· ln aft.em9on ,of leglalltors say the new syattm :£·cation . procrltn. The popularity as a co u ~ t y quire.I the governor to reside ~vwtng in the Aasanbly of tu colleC'Ung would provide 1 .e'l~ect f<O'D , was supervisor appar"ntly helped in Sacramento. Rev~, and Tuallon Com· 11 ... uc1a.u-m1Dto:n.ayear italed by -l)'Illlll lilt him to vicloef: R<ogao In a.Wng for 1 be mlttee Tuesday. 1or'U.. .,..,.;;;;u.. beclUJe of A1an PatLee11 dealh t w o Farr bad cowlUid on GOP money av'allabie under 1 Iiea 'Democrats and Republic;:ans speeded up tu collediom. months ago·'tn 'an auto crash. cross-<>ver ballots wblch failed property tu re~ , I 1 w.. ~ I o ck e d key adm1n-Reqaa dislgreeS. It was the third straight to materialize ahllooib fl: per-~ .m q-~•iC: ~~,, 11ttatioq • backed measures '"Ibey are pqt;ttng_ me in the special election victory of cent of eligible vbtm birned Wiltaon's office. that Ult "pre-to ~h the stale to sell iniddle of 1 Croufire," said Republican candidates this out. ,. perty wa1 "hiJ prlDclpaJ place $1.S4-blll.kln ln consti'uction Sen. Gordon Cologne, (R· year and give• Reagan a But Democratf', who hold a of residence.~' bonds m the tight money lndlo) who is spontOrinl the working majority in the St percent tb 44 ~rceht voter A spotesm, an ~ ln Reagan's · mw•',~·t the ,..., .. -~ !...._ bond 'sales measure for the ad-legislature as it wresUes with registraUon edge, apparently f .. ...,.. .... ~ ~ his proposed '5.a.blllion budget were unable to tum out thelr 0 flee said that even thou~ raising the maxlmwn interest ministration. and a tu refonn plan that voters in 'the oo.mtieb · ~t · the governor rents 8 b:Ome m rate the state i.-ys borrowen The act.loo drew the bond could mean a multhnillion-GOP precinct workers did. Sacramento he ~ 0 0 5 1 d e r s buying Us bonds from s to 7 crisis into the same con-- dollar break for property 1bree minor candidates who PaclOc Palisades bis home. percent -Cllllornia will not troversy that surrounds other "That is where he votes" he · crucial "--·• p.....l.Jems. owners. appeared on tbe ballot ran added ' be able to obtain money from u-.a luw Wood, -an apricot grower poorly, totalling only 1 percent · borrowen to complete lhe Assembly Democrats refuse 250 to C t • H t SACRAMENTO (UPI) -from Greenfield in the first of the vote. Republlcan Thespokesmansaidthatthe Slate ,Water Projectandolber topennltadlon onanyoneof on lllfLe un Assemblyman Jess Unruh'! partisan race, told newsmen Mitchell Bedfonf'eoUected 359 law apparently says that public worb, unless rates the items until Reagan airees bill requiring virtually every al his victory celebration &hat VQtes, ~blicen Bertram Sacramento ls the residence of d to with b 0tdjn 1 public official in California to he intends to vote bis own Rudolph llO and . American the chief executive bJt that rop. • bare his fiscal worth headed mind in the Assembly. Independent Party candidate doesn't mean the man who is for a vote in the Senate today "I don't intend to be a rub-Allon Ogborn, 1a governor has to be a resident after clearing a crucial test. ber stamp Republican," said Wood said he Wu surprised ol Sacramento. For Lost 6-year-old Are You Troubled With Problems? T .... .._ ._. wtttl • C1111lfM .., .......... SAN BERNARDINO (UPI) on a weekend camping trip In But ' in approving the Wo04, who described himself by his wide margin of victory More than 2.5 m 1111 on th S B a d·no Nati'onal measure, the Senate Govern-a1. •.moderate. in a race that furthtr un-homeowners were m a i I e d - A force of 250 searchers gathered at Barton Flats in the San Bernardino Mountains e an ern r 1 ment Efficiency Commh.t.ff Farr, 58, -who waa defeated deracored Republican voting refunds last Friday. Call DIVERSIFIED COUNSELORS Today Forest. rejected the n em o c rat I c, _fll~a~l~ll&~Se~n~a~te~ ... ~.,~lectio~~n~b~id~trencfs~~~in~C!'.:al~li~ornlo~~·:_ __ ..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The searchers, u s l n g leader's appeal lb.at it bel- H...: 11 .. I -671-IJH -1..,.,. App1l1t1!•• today to hunl for a 6-year-<>ld boy missing in lhe rugged country for five days. Sheriff's Inspector Eugene Majors said the huge base camp will be kept in operation until little Matthew Joseph Zimmerman is found. But privately, officials said the chances of finding Mat· · thew alive were slim. There was concern over night time temperatures in the low 40s and the possibility that the boy might be injured or too weak to move. The tow-headed youngster"' disappeared Saturday' while he, his mother and sister were helicopters, jeeps. horses and amended to prevent pouible bloodhounds found Matthew's invalidation la~. · _ footprints along Calilornia 138 · Two other bills af!ect t__he same govemme.pt cOde sec-- Monday but on Tuesday they tion. If either measure by Sen. found no other traces of the Richard J. Doi wig ( R : boy. Atherton), and Aasembl)tman "He's found "°ater l 'm George Mi Ii as (ft.Gilroy), sure." said Lt. Phiriip L.. ...were signed after Unruh's,. tt Pounders. "The streams are ,w_oµId void his bill. runnin~ but he doesn't have The . comm~tf:ee ref~ to any flOd and by now he's pro-adopl • prov151on ~t would bably toO weak to walk." eliminate that poss~bllity. Matthew's father. Stanley, a AJmosl. every official - Los Angeles engineer, is from a city c o u n c 11 m a n separated from his wife, but through a date supreme court he assured her at the base ju.st.ice -would be~eqaired to camp: "Matthew Is rugged. disclose publicfy an Y int He's wiry. It makes me feel vestment over $10,000 lo ·1 better to know that. I know business regulated ·bJ •& state he's alive." or local agency, ~ .. • ,'rr.," FOR SUMMER . ENJOYMENT Outdoor Lifing is a way of life in Soutlrern.._Calil. ENJOY IT NOW CALL US TODAY! The NEW LOOK for '69 CANVAS AWNINGS VALANCES CURTAINS Nothing decorotes like can¥as. Beautiful new colors & new fobrk1. f or homfl ••• tor business , , , for ll"oilen ••• for compenl MAIUflCTUllD • lllSTIU& FREE ESTIMATES HO OlllGAf lOH WE DESIGN WE MANUFACTURE WE INSTAU .,. ALUMINUM ' SCREENED PATIOS Pkmned for lorge, smoll .w mobll• -·· ••• _. ... ly ... proof. WINDOW and DOOR AWNINGS Many 'styles & 18 stunning decara!ar calars for your selection SAJiJ,.\ANA TENT ·'& AWNING co. FACro.Y SHOW~M ..... ----.. 120,2 'So •. Main . . '";:,,:.~ Sanhl ... •.• 545-0491 .. =.::.., l ,, ,. "1 \ II "' " ,. . " 11. ll ' Save 41.95 on our Incomparable Penncrest lmperia.1 zig-zag now! ' ,_ 2 "*" .....J inab1in9a... ' . . .1 gi ...... 1obott ... ~~ .. ,,....,. Reg.:199;95 NOW ~ ...,_ so,.,.._ .it doesn't run away, 24 inseft. =~\ lble ~leloot~.but-$158 tonhol• with tM ponh cif • . ....,..,, I double needle far t ai!Or ·1ftio;, ·' I pus1i bunoa far ,., • .,,, --., ...,n1. I:"' """""'· "'"*" • Pay as llttle as 7.YJ pll' -'h ,, I ' ' . " .. S.w·31.95l Penncrest '42 D11ign' zig.zag that weighs only .28 ·lbs.I Reg. 149.95 NOW s11a ' See our l•d- cle•onstrati.sl Ye1'R be sold H , •• Knit ligoa11 " I I . " NOMONIYDOWN· .. USl··~ftmM'YMINTl'WI I CANOGA PARK HUNTINGTON BEAGH NEWPORT BEAa-t FUI 1 ER I ON LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR VENTURA I \ I 'I I ' ' . ' ' " ~ ., ,, ·l ., 'I ... , •' ' .i • M~· ~ ----~-- lfl•d•fldof. ~ ... 18, I '169 I e I • • f Coast· Water Boost Co tint Gas Tax • • South County Ratet U ped by 30% - SANTA ANA -An avera..:e 30 percent incrt:ase in water rates char1f4 by Orange County Water Works District No. 4 w,bich aerves lhe Capistrano Bet:ch-Dtnl Point· San Juan Capistrano area has been approved by the County Board of Supervisors. In a Jetter to lhe. board sup- portllllJ lhe · lncrtue, counly FIOQd Cop.trot E n g I n e e r Georga Osborne Aid the.re bas been no change in the rates since: 195'7. "In l!Mij t!)e dlslrid clian&«I from 100 percent tfOOnd water, costing •1& an acre toot, to 100 percent · Colorado ruver w~~ .. COlllng pe an acre foot," Oaborne related. "A KS per acre foot rate is effective July t." he added. "In 12 years the district has lncriUed from fGO custoihers to 1,500 and the asseGed valuation ha's jumped from $1.S million to •11 million. '/ A-ccused Ski.ill Killer _Said High on Drugs RIVERSIDE -A Sanla Ana youth accused as the ex- ecutioner of a would-be mari· juana buyer in the Riverside County skull murder case was high on drugs when the victim was slain, tuUmony has revealed. of jnsanity to the killing or Kent D. Davis, 21, a f Haywud, about 15 months aco. · Psychlatrl1t s and P,1.Ychololista wbo evaluated the rnental state ot the defen· dant after his ln'e9t tesified Manday, Tuesday and were expected to finish today. "Tbe increase in customers, sale ·or bonds, d e v e l O-ii e r charges :a'nd propert)" • t.ues . have unUr' new offset the need for a rate increase," Oii borne said. "But if the rates art 1at raised now tht properj;y tax rate would have.ta be ui)ped to 20 cents. ft ts now 10 cenls." The engineer said the new rates compare favorably with those cha~ged by utilities serving surrounding a.~as. Rapist Gets 23 Years For Spree -' Win• AU...-a SANTA . .\NA -Distribution cf $13 t million In highWwy users tues and $5 mlllion in cigarette levies w a s an- riaunced t<ll'.lay by tctate Con· trotler Hooston I. Flournay. Orange County got $611 ,111 hi the highway taxPs derive~ from gasallne t.Ax, motor vehi- cle \ransportaLion lAx fund , and mator vehicle funJ. Shares ror Orang~ Coast cities in the !\.I • y ap- portiorunent include C o s t a Paul T. Attner, West~ ~1esa, $-42,SS!I: Nev.· p 0 rt Beach, $25.974. · f!untlnstoo minster, bas been prer e ch ·~"' 1 •·"cl ea , _,.._; ..aguna ~ 1, sented both the Pres». $3,325 : Los i\lamltos, '9,001 : dent's a nd ·Friends of San Cle1nente, $10.292: Seal the C 0 11 e g e. servic~ Beach, $14.122; Fol· n ta In ,.. VaUey, '~6,J40: &ln Juan awards from California Capistrano. ~ 2 . o 9 a, and State Callege, Fullert \Vestminster. ~:l.1,435. Anyane wbo thought that ton . Attner, who gra~-Of tl!f Sl3t million In Ronald Hall was lucky Tues· uated from CSF with highway users taxer. $11 day when Superior Court million went ti> counties; $8.7 honors, was editor of niillion to citie~. i.nd SIIO Judge Howard C. Cameron the student newspaper, million for state highway dropped. six of the 10 felony The Titan. work. counts cf which the Santa Ana -----------Controller Flournoy also an· man had been convicted just nowiced the M a Y ap· didn 't know whal they added T k Ok J portianment of U1e state rue . "ayet cigarette lax representing !l'J up ta in the Penal Code. percent or the revenue ~I· Judge cameran made sure SANTA ANA ~ P\lrchast of lceted during April. Beach, ,$;4,681 ; HunUngl.:fl u .. c11 ...... , i.acuna Beacb, 17 ,Oii; i.o. AlamllOS, f<,131: San Clemente, S&,113: Se41 Beach, $7,239: Jo' o u n ta i n Valley, $8,781h San Juan Capistrano, $ t , 4. 6 0 , and Westminster, $20,'35. New Irvine Deputy Due IRVINE Carl F . Hartman, c urrently an associate profes5<lr of English at Michigan Slate Univer1ily, will become deputy v l c e chanceUar far ac&demic af. fairs at UC Irvine July I. Hartman will serve as deputy ta Vice Chaocellar Roger Russe ll, wha is responsible under UCI Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. r or academlc administration of the campus. Nearly Everyone 'Listens' THOltOUflllMIO • IBt:I. now! • I 818 RACd DAILY Tuet. Thru S.t. ,..,. • tl(;9 ... W..dty.1:45 S1turdlp•Hoidaya 1 :1 I ORDER YOUR Ai.SERVED SEATS HOW THROUGH· COMPUTICKET Hollywood l'.n, ......... C9f'ltuty Blvd. me..,..,. . 'Fhe extent-ol UUs influenc• -in terms or diminlsbett· mental capacity to determine right from wrong wt1s beillJ~ argued Tuesd41 in Riverside Collnty Superioi COurt, Witb proceedings ei~ed to wind up today. I I I Rowland J. Berry, 21, Of 734 Toland St., has pleaded in· nocent and innocent by reason Davis' animal-gnawed bones and bullel-timashed skull were found last Nov. 11 In the Railroad Canyan Dam area near Elsinare by three Costa Mesa rabbit hunters. Dental work and a watch engraved with the iniUals K.D.0. helped identily the re· mains, which y,·ould have been swept inta oblivion b y floodwaters from heavy winter rains a few weeks later. that the reinaining charges -a $79,000 crash truck for the Orange County r e c e I v e cl rape, burglary, anned robbery Or1nge c:aunty Airport !has Jl9,866. Distributian ta Orange to landers '\~b<e~n~a~p;pr~o~v•:d~b~y~lhe~~Boaril:::·~,~r_jc~-0a~s~t~ci~tl~es~~in:cl~u~d«l~~Co~~~·1__~~-=~:=.::.:.:.. __ ~~~~~~~~~~~ and assault -.added up lo Supervisor.i. Mesa, $40,397; N e w p o r l samething substantial by mak- County Picks Park Group Three Seek OC School Board Post SANTA ANA -Th1t:e can· didates will compe!e Aug. 26 Architects and engineers far th e posiUon ~of Faurth have been selected for the $1.26 million Fullerton Dam District Trus~ on the Orange Regional Park. The 12&-acre County .Beard or EducaUon, facility adjoins Imper i a I tM county elf'Ctlans office an· Highway just north cf tbe,. oounced tOOu. . \- dam · "~ · · ' The pr<lleCUtian has rested its case, charging that 8erry murde~d Davis for $800 he \\'as carrying ta make a mari· juana buy, posing as • sup. plier a n d perhaps acting with accomplices. Three others arrested on warrants issued as a result cf detective wark by ~ h e Riverside C a U n t y st)eriff:1 Department in De c e,m b e r were later released for lack o( evidilce. Psychiatrist \eSUmony sa fJr In the lrial indicates Berry tiled· to -commit suicide' with an-overdose of barbiturates, apparently around the time Davis was slain. ing them consecutive. And his ruling could mean that Hall. 27. Yl!ill spend the next 23 years• in state priS<ln. Had·s countywide c r i m e spree ended last Oct. 5 wben he was captured in the apart-·· ment of a Westminster palice officer who was returning home from duty. He was 'coil· victed by a Superior Cour jury twa manths later cf 10 felony counts, faur cf them in- valving rape. /utl~I hif_ victllm., _were We:st:mlnster .. nd Hunilnston Beach haU'stwive~ who tesWled that Hall taped their bands and mouths, ra-ped them and lhen ran,.ck«I lhe homo. One pregnant tvjctiJn \Old the ·i caurt that Hall'laughed and ig. nored her plea she was ju.st days away from childbirth. N~mcd by the Board 'of -·~~ pa~rs bY ta.~t ~upervisors were C h a r I e s Fnday s dt:adhne 'NCI E Ph1hp \Vicketl and Associates of Alan Ramseyer. tt! Anaheim, Fullerton. archltects; Janes an educat\lr; Richard L. Acton and Peterson of Anaheim1 .{£.• Orange. an cxeciJtive ad- landscape architects. an,. Bli d Child , . c· -McLean and ScllUU.,. civll ~:;,•,nd, Ooph\~ci~~--n.Araujo;_o[ fi ren S amp -.t engineers. cf Fullertori. Lf"' · Vl"ll·o.e .. , .. State recreation fUDOI are The trustee'i:i poi.ition was ... , being sooght to,\" rlnlftee 1tbe . · ·vaqited in Mity b)' Lyle o M d • ~­ _P_"'_g_r•_m_. __ · ... ;'~'"",,,_.,'-' .:;·-"-,~~:~'(¥).;has rn0ved io sens on,. ay, m .~rove '- D EATH NQ_TJCES .. T!ie Fourlh-Oistrt<I Is the GARDEN GROVE -Blind r .. 1ure hiking, e o k o u 11 , '·~ . • lil.l'.'lf'I( iO area of the EOUnty's children h'om Orance County crafts ind base\;u games for HUTcm$its' , ' uVt . school .board districts are invited to the Braille the 8.Ightless youppieri from ~~:;·~~~~ 0~~1e~'":'.at~ .. J=' 1~ wbicb corresPoDd to county lnstltute'I summer day camp, · 6 ·t 11 e. Id l' Private •••vlt\>$ WHI ~llC!fod 11 sd~rvlsorial distnd.s. . w~ch CP,r:M Monday al Euclid . 0 y ara (l -l. \ !!~: ~o:,~··~1 3:,.e. '°"'..vftl"r'::, It covers abou(two-tb:irds et .Park he~. J ' • • ' ·A ~i,lar. ptop-aQ\ for .blind · SCll~110r ., Anaheim, most cf Oran.ft. The s1x·week program will teenagers and y<M.lng .adults ""•l•d• Scllmldt. "'' n, '°'""''~ .,,.. 1\lSlin tUld · ~'1lb1 l'ark, \be,,.. will be held starling June 24. L•eufll ee1ch. G .. w11de ""'~ ... 1• r f1.11t•growinri' -El Toni pea, •' ' Paren" can enroll "cir Ttwrlod1v, , PM, PKltlc ""'"' . -~ , . · ·R K 1 • ~ u> morl1I P1rk. 11111 Mortut rv, uai £, rr SDlall .port10n or ·M1sa1;«. Vlej~ ] n ge1· bl1"nc! cru'·~•1n the p-~am to.11 Hl111w1,, o1r1tf9t1. .,.nd alL ·of the mountain.areas'. • ----KJ.'I"' '"IY HALL _ ..':....J' of "e ...... ..n. ,i;;A .. ..;\of .~ by contact"-.; Mrs. Shirl'"" J•1111\t. Mlrlt Ht!I. "'" '· of """ u1 ._..,.u~1 SOUu~.u• u~ ,,.. ~,, H~ si .• w r.1m1n1itt. survived bw Santa Ana RJvtr. • Wm' S HollOI' Grove at the Orange County Plfet1!1, Mr. Incl Mro. Brr!! H1lf1 1wo ,1.iers. s11<, loe ,,..., Nod oe afficc of the Braille Institute, ll,1y, ~rvlen. s..1urdtv. 10 AM.. Smilll1 C.MPtl. lnt~mtnl, GGOd Sii~.. A·-•-,~" r~ N' a' med AN'llEIM -Robert Kl· telephone SJS.1221 n•rd (t!Tlt!ei-v. Smltns MortutrJo lllJ:t; I"\ - o;ree1oo. HAHN ' \ .. • . . Jnger o( }nahcim~.,has ·beefr c.orv GO!'O••• H1hn. 1111 w. 11111o1 • 1 To Hear' t Po•l . named fl'aihtr of the Year by Bl~d.. Btlbo.. Sorvi~s pelldlnt t i . c:i We51ehlf C.h•Pe! Mortu1rv. .......... the Big Brothers al Orange LIGGETT SANTA ANA -Llo".d L. ·County. JCl\n W11tu LIH~n. :IJO Emertld • 1. 11v. t111una 8"1cn. 011r or ~ 'Aubert cf Ceroni' del Mar is Klinger, who i! an in- June 11. ~rv1ved bv wn, i 1me• J. the chairman Cr. the Or"nae stallatlon foreman for Pacific l lt11tll. llllnc;11 two d1wthter1, M,.,_ "'"6 M1rv E. wuoon, Emer1kl 11y1 ,..,,., C<lUnty Board (lf th,e Ce.Ufomia Telephone and Telegr3ph Co .. Jttn F. Htl>\es, Lt C1n1d11-:' •!• H rt • I ti h SI hlkl ..n · roQ!l~hlldren ind 1welvt t•ttt.,'rtnd· ea: nSSOC 8 On. 85 X l: ren ra.-&.ng. M cnlld•t n. F1mllv requt1rs ""t110.·1-wi111---Or. Vincen -y: Carroll of ages Mmrl to 19. 1"11 to ma~e memo•lt! contrlt111!1on1, 01t1.., coo1r11iu1e io the Amerlt1n l.aguna Beach will serve as He was selected because of t1neer societv. ~vien. Thurid•v. the president of the local his devotion to his family and 11 AM, tommwnllv Presbvltrl1n c.nurtn Par1or1. w1111 Rev. 0111.. Heart Association chapter. his civic work. T~rnor o!He!tll!>V. Prlv1te ln!ermenl 11 Roo.evelt Mtmor111 P1rt.. sn~l!cr LOllWfll Bt1th Mor1w1rv, Dl~crori. ARBUCKLE & WELSH Westcllff l\lortuary C7 E. 17th St .. Cn\I Mesa lf&.<aBI &ALT'l MORTUARIES Corona del l\1ar OR I-Nit Costa l\lesa _ _ l\!1 f-!424 J~ELL BROAO\VA\I ~10RTUARV 110 Broadway, Costa l\1esa I.I 1-3433 on.DA v BROTHERS HuaUn&l .. ·Valle1 •-,Mo~ry -' j1 8ii~di J!lv•. - . ~ II ~9'll , ~~1·'<, ~ T."~ -r • •· ' • &vfl!lC <VIEW" 'lEMORl.U. r~ •I rf'JTJ!eler1~~~ N:opo~·~· ,~··" t, PEEi " ~ LY COIAINVJ. NEjW. ROME • 7801 Uolu A.\le. Wettmlnster ~~ SHEFFER MORTUARY Laguna Beacll U4-IW Sliding at Dohen11 Picnic Slated FUU.ERTON -Alnerlge Park he~ will be the'9Cene or the 31th Annual Arkansas S~te ,Picnic slated' fo/ July. 4 ..• '!l'he-program, starting at·~I p.m., will feature eounlry, \\"Cstem, modern and gospel music. Su ctemeate 411WlllO SM ITH'8 MOR'l'\JNIY 8!'1, l\11ln ${. lluoUn~lnn BeaCb LE Ml3t Or&llge County surfers rarely !Ind waves like these !... small as they are - at Oober>~ .Beach Stale Park anymore. But when they do, they take advantage of them. 06he.ny, once a mecca tor surfers: has been vtrtually dormant since the construction of breakwaters (background ) £or new Dana Point small craft harbor. Now, only an infrequent south swell provides waves big enough for the r surf~t art. I PUWRlON 171-410 . I ..,. . ·,;.. •. •• b Looking~ for floor clrama ••• ' Penneys has it! YOUR CHOICE ' 8 ·49 SQ •. YD~ Plu1 ""'•ll•tion lhe.,.ood™ I • ' You wouldn't expect this exciting, new . : ;,:i,.i d,uign to bo priced'° low-but , -.Jitreit-ial Muhi-cotor vinyl ''.lecMs" ' In mottled tronslueont vinyl. In gold, J white, grftn, rust and beige. .'.c \.i.-Apn-™ ':;! ,.1'fh1';ftel" chipatone dolign i1•a ha.ii· -:tg-.~e jCiroe-scol~.off;~ciln"'9rit ' ... :.:'hi~ ·gotcl, Whitt , nreen, rust anc:f V°I" .,,.~ •• ' • ,. ! '6.!~· Striking ,witli p<ovlnclal 't· · '. or co~temporory decor. Like it ••• Charge it! -· COMI Ill OI CA1A '°"'" -HUNllNOlC>ll RACK iAklwooD ' NIWPOllT HACH 'en.n71 • .....,,.,. --, l l J 4 bAI\. Y PILOT Wol ·1 3'11•• tM ,.. .... Vital Str~isties 'Marriage • . ' Licenses 111.,. WOOOALL·DOUO -e;q,, C WGOlll ll, "· Ind 11ve<l'I J. ~w. ,1, Gltn c. WOOIMll, .,_, 11111 lliln•IT J . Douet. "· bo"' ol WflfmlnlffW, JONES.SENOR -•~se l , Jonft. U. ot Hunllnt1111'1 8•trll, 1<'<1 (1to1Yn K. SeNI', ». ol SHI Blad! HOLLOWAV·PETEll50H Clt'tus Ge••ld HOl~rt. n. lfld TM•"t Mltl.t PtlWSQll, )), boll! o I Wntmlnster •TJIOOl·WRIG!o!T -JooM E, Sl•odl, )}. ol LAI ... "''· Nev .. Hid Pl ll'k:I• .t,. Wri9fll, n. ~• Hunllneton BeKll r.HElLSOt<t-TOll:Ef,DAHl -ltltMrd A. l)lell-. )0, 111J Sl'>lror< L. Tot~•lll, :It, bclti ol Hrtntl111tlotl 8e1t11 tJEAHAGEt,...GAltR!SOH -sre .. e-1 ... TIN-I. 2,2, tnd K1t"'rlM Elll!W G1rrh.oro, '"· botlo ol COlll Mew GERALD-Mr.C.A.Jlll' E•nest N, Gllftld. 1~ '"" Donni McCtrly, n. beth ol Hunllf'l9IOll ''''" WEDLEJl·JIOHNSOH -OutM' S. Wmdle(, n, o1 Sllwr-(~"vc~. tnd Lo!1 J•Jt>ntOl'I, n, nl wrstmln•trr •tSHOP-JOHNSTON. Peter W. )I, ol 11:10 vi. Slr1llo tM Je•nnt C . 7l, ol 166111 ~ti L•roe, Hunllf'll!Of\ 6••t~. l"INMER-Jo\NTZ. Ra<!l!Mlo<1, ,., ol lt171 lt•flll~' l.•ne. !"'''"""""" Be~<ll • ..,, Mu·• E., lJ· ol JOO-I Re<1er1I SI .. , Cl>Stio. Meil. OARR~ON-MtOONAl.0. ll:on11a l.. 11, of Ml Ctnl•• SI., illpt. !I. Co1111 Ml!'Slt '"" M r•llvn {.. 10. of IU 01hf\a, Coron• 001 Mn SHAJ>tR0--11.\KE, P•ul s .. 11. d 'u 1'"" !I. '"" Ger•ldlor ill .• ??. o! ~;t! Nes1u""' ""I. 111, ""'"' or Nr••PMI 8t'ts· V€Go\S, Nr• -r1rri•9t nr.-• luveti Mre ,,,.,""'' Jur• I Cir¥ Wllll•tn Ho•'c;lll ... ?I ,..., r~1rlll'n \.11111$1 Har••lf\, tl, !Xllfl or Hull• tlo!ttoo ~c~ Ju•• 1 Mlc:Ntl T. Loc~l•f 11 ll"d Slfllllf N...O.ue•. 11, bolf\ ol Hunllll'!I!.., 11,..,,, Wiiii•"' J""" a~1r a, J•, •l. ol rr:11 Mes-, 11'1d Ntrlflll H (llCrl. 11. ol co._ d•I 1111.r 01rold ll1e P•P<l'U-. ?J. o I W1!$ltnln•ltf. Ind l'•f'C•I II 8ulkU>. 11. ol G1rorn Ci•c,.. Ju~t • o\rlf\ur T uortrn1n !~. or Ne••l>Orl 8e.tn, '"" """' ~ l>t' J1mi:.01'. ••. rl LI Pwnlt, Ju·"' J l(e~ Hood1. ~J. ti llunT·~vll>n 8•1rh, 1nd Shi9~ Mlyraa, fl ~• Stnl1 ""' J1c~ 0 , Oerno•"· 11, 1l. ll'ld Melil<>I Ell••brlll kho•!. 11. l>r!lll ol Founllofl Valley Mlc.,ltl R "lotob•. '" 11nd J•·~·· Polrlci1 C1no-. 11. bc1n ot tlo'r .. •>r•I Ce•cll flllo!I Eftolon l}<i~:O:n n, ol P .. u"d' ' """ Edna M$"~~r. 61 . cl w~::n1h1~!rr JUM • $1•ven Ktl111 R•lr.llt<1, ?'.. or Co'!" M~u. ftn<I Lindi Kev 8aur, ?I, cl H~ntlng!'tl et1cll Jee., P lt•r1 Llt\'lnm••lt V1n!i•Me. 16 ...cl /1111ry Keth"'" Wllkotson. ~. II<'!" o1 L-.u,.. e ,1c11 J~•· 1 1'-~lC W. C•1!1, 15. ~ntt Jo'tl '" l•t'" C•ewtor.s, '71, tr.1111 o1 r11-·11 t" ~ It•~ Ci. s ... 1111, l•, -.,<1 K111lw :fto.tll1111, ti, Ila! .. ti H1mt"•"ICfl 8tM~ Sltnwl Ron1lcl P,r.r, 14. ot l !I' Ai.ntllos '"" P11dc.1 "' S1'ndlt'r. ''· of W'ts!ml"~"' D1<111' ll1Y "'°"'lN;lcn. 1•. of S•nl• ..._,.., '""' l-ltlen "-· 11. of l h'~ ll"f far! !f~rll Rlc Dard G .. C11rlt'. 1J. ~r~ J~·"rt ~' ,.._ .... '°· IY;" Ill l'r•l-;fl""' ltq111d 8 .. Glf''u, Jl, •ftd Crb·•A IJ ...... COMbet. lJ. bGm t i l .,.,,.,~ N t <'"' 0..'1f>l1 C1rt1e<, lt, ol Wnlm!1t1ltr. '"° TQl>l llft GHrri.rt, 11, ol WMU~r Wllll1m G. CtOWleY. 11. and Kl""" Mhotro Joll"-1. U. !'DI~ Ill LIGUM !Nell ThClml1 Cr010ln, 31, ''"''"~ Ool"•tt (rpnln, JO. llollt ol MvnllN•'cn Pr,·c" Atbfd II .. Onl!:l'/, ll. and C~r.11 le. k ln70M, 11. IX>I" or Co•1• I ·il'S'O • lle>t•fl N. Pell•, loO, cl Hunllrg•o~ fltltf\, a'ld ln11•1d A .. S<l>e•~•I", JJ, of v~n•ce R0011lcl Mtlk•I Porttr. ?6, nl Analle'm, 11nd 81rb1r1 Irby', ?9. er Hu~tlnqll'n 8c1c.1> Lew"'nce Ge,.. LllMm. l~. o! wc11tnln•ler. •nd R1mon• 1C.y fnt• , 31, of ~•nit "''"· C~rl1rlc Ch1ri.t Anlh~nv l'riw11. 11. 11\d ~l'ldre1 L. K~•'<" :1, llo:h ol Weslml.,,l•r ft ob-"•1 C. Pa,.y, ~~. nl •""dw1v C!!v, 1>nd (f\c"'I 0 CtitO. 19, ~I Wtoltnln:cr lklb P. ~Ith, l~. of ·~··! t rf'''• r~<I Edn1 L. Rcmm11~. ll. ~I Hue '"' • 8e1cll H1rolcl J. Butlt, If, <tm on ·1 I '"'''V Ht""' 8uc•. JI. bo I> tr """'•'''' B•1ci.. C~•-Ho,,.~. Jr ... '•. ~r 1,,.,1~wordo~n<I ~ ... Wllt!<,OI" ~wdc•, H . of '"'""" llflltlcn 8t<<" lli1•tlu' ST. JOJE"M MOS ,IT ~L JUM I Mr ,.,,, Mr$. Monr.,.. Grol <y, 1145 illn1f\e•tn A•c .• \1-0, Cc111 M·~1. v•rl .. Ju,.. 1 M• •nd M•> Ooue111 H. R"'lrn>:'<tr. 11-491 Vu1•rru1. Ml11lan Vleio. boy. Jun• I /\I" ond MrJ J"~ t:.1nno. 1'811 8~wcn ~1 . We51mlMl:r. ~cv M•. 1na Mn. (•1<<1 l . Stcc~IN. 1IO W, E11<1l"""1 •5. Sin ClrmcnlE. '"'" bo•• .. lHI STUHOI WOILD .. MR.MUM Divorces D IVO•CE~ "ILED rici.o~. Dl·n• K .. v• M?rtc• r: Duneev, El'<"n J. vs Jerrv D. RIM"'r JC"~ P. VS .\n,,. 8. (IJrlo., Sf\olbv Jc1n vs WIUi1tn Pliclltr " ou<YI•. Lucllle ., Slrion M. M1n~. Sv:v11 A .. vs WIUltrn C:. 1-t11c!M, s .. 1r1ev w. •• 0 1•ld M P~tr.,, S1111n"1' V1 R•''h $•n·•51•~an. G:·•lavo •• C:•"i<'l'"'" <w'h-rd, l.-l'e la~~-v• Lin'• F'?v H,~,-11. Yvc:t-C .. •• lh~tn·o o\. Fl:~!. Lirn~I 11. "' 11.uln A"n [nnlh.,, L• Vern~ II. YI. Trey W. Hll lf\l!UJ,, Sf\•rry Rulll VJ Jc••:>" F•ll• Mutr•v. J•1nn!e l. v• 0•·•'11 .I. 8•'1 81rbJr1 1'•n" "' H•rclG ~1·1. !'-:.. P~•k'r, M"Ch-"" t' " "r'•r• (. C'ul·r .. 0 1""" f. v·. r··~·-1 "· PBUn!r. J•tlUO~ (. v· H· "" •1 /' Quinn, limit "~ J ~, Jr:··~ Cllnedln1t. Nelli• Jun• •• PA"I lf!IJ Ran'\frU, illtl~u• A •• '"'Y W. 01 $•1'1dro, Ron11<1 "' J•·• L1M•lP. Norene E. Y• T• rm 1n "' No•~oco. Hoitn •s Jol\n A. Fcllfnlllff, G~ry l. '' Sviv"• J. Slulll>'., P•ul C. v• Mii dred N. $rn!t~. Hltl'ef Wllli1m v1 Mldtyn M1n11rt1 Fletnlnq, Narw:• S. v• Oon1'd £ '"'-l!U. Coro.'l!' J .. YI P1ul w. Al'·n Linea v• Rot!rl J. F::">•i-i.. Li"ll• J-in-:•i. .,. o,~n • G:n· C~•. WI"'~"' !-•of'!IOll Ir• H•'ti J. 810clt, Florerw:e C1nill"9 •1 Wfttiim "-· C•1•'diu1. Suell..., M.. •• Dtllol G . WM ;:, C•tol O. •1 Elmer L. 8r1111. Ann l . V• Donald (. ""'•a:•, Enrkl....:ta vs Me1:k>ct M1r-11 .... , S1•1•1>r!, Juli• A. "" OlllaNI C"ur~n! ~~-rl:e, 8e111 "· v• Robert O. C ··~. Jr~n ll:CO!:-rl \I\ Jo.tn LG"'>• J i 'vn, S11'1d,. 11.e:llellt YI r~berl Jr~n I( •··. I:.•• luclll• .,... 11:0~-r1 F M ~· ··• C•r.,.~n 5. "' A.Hr'~~ Ml•· !'···· Ron:n,Ji, Su~in v• Ro,.1~ Ra~e ~': .. ~v.J0~:1h~;;,::e1 ~~ .. " v:~•l•voo•d'"" 8•u<e M1n1tleld. Corolt L . ., P"t~•rd "· Voc.hal, E. E1rlene l'I E""'~~1 Al!et, S"1ron Ol•r>e I'S H -~:rl L •"!· ... McHu~ ... B•verl• Je1n ., r , .. ,, r •. ,, M~n1C•I. Flcl•• Our•~ l'I F'•1i'" .. ,,, MtC111, C•n "ii Alll\ "~ T"•,·.•1 Jnm•1 H•ll. Eu11 Ny!""" ¥1 J1mr> 1' r ·?'' S!f!'t. J1me1 W11tor vi Cot~·d"' F~v 0'1en. Nnncv H. vs Geo<~e ~·. C·cv,e, Mot'Nr.!! J1ne I'S Re" ... rl l~r G1llen1lne, Vlrp!nl1 8. u1 C · ' •. VlldDso!l, Sherle!• L, •s C'-··r L Rtlnl'l1r1. Selm1 •• Jcf\n 0. Cu"'u~ Lucille 8. ¥• R:c~:•d W. . ' MtOanlt"I, Sel'ldr1 Je1n •• t il'y Advwt!Mlftef'I Vl\l;cn, Madne E. •1 Wesl:v H I L11t111 .. .,, Jovce M1rle •• J~y o~ H I y O Groll. Martin Wllti1m VJ Judllll l e ps OU vercome Lvnn«ll Wllllatnl, JOY ClrOlv" YI~.·~ .. , Fred · F.'ALSE TEETH lttnDlt lcn, M•<Y Ann vs 0 vi~ E•rl l Cris!, Su~I~ M. YI O~nnl• N. . w1111.111:0f\, Lwis.e ., 8 n •-1• LooseRess and Worry DU"91!l'. C•rolyn E .. I'! GllY w_ Cct"r•n, C1•ol~ J•~~I• •• r> t111r'1 No lotipr be 1no01ed or feel Ul·•t.- L....., u.1e becaute ot loose, wobbly f1to:e D~w. Oline LVM •• J•m« "'"' teetll .. PA8T&ETR , I.II lmpro•ed Prn~. Jun~ Oolort,1 vs R lc~:rd Atlt n llbllue PQwdet. tlolds plat.ea llrmu L111tcn. E~lvn M. "' C""~' N. 11e1 !.her feel more comfon&b!t . A'old SI And••· M•<Y """ VS Ftrd f.lllbilITIMmtnt caUMd b7 IOCIH f&l.e:I Hour.e. 0~11• Ann YI C••vton Hon,..,. tttth. Oenturu t.h&t A\ ire e.tee:D-tltJ Edmoru~n. Cll••lcs L. vs Ocro:llr J . to he11th.8e1 7out dtotl1t 11!Sulll')f. Moore, Sharon l.. vs Erne:t F. I Ott PA8TZ!:Tll 1.11,U dfur count.en $mltll, C;.iol•"" M. YS Chari•• I!. SAYE S3QOO 15 YR. l M.\TCHING BOX SPRINGS Flq'-1. flEAUTIFUL COVER REG. 115911 U NCONOITKlNAl.. GUARANTEE. EASY FINANCING HEADBOARDS YOUR CHOIC[ Of COlORS INSTANT CREDIT IWIM Sill MATTRESSES ""MATCHINGPO)( s39so S"'RINGS ' YR. OUARMTEE SET Kini) Size SPREADS 8t1utifully qulltH In your cholc1 of color. Llmite<I Offer. $1299 Hurry While They L11tl Coast _Mea Why ·Pay Higher Prope~\ l~,ce,s? See Our Vinyl P•ols SEcARD POOLS 11 Years lxperlence ·s locations ' 100% fin1ncln1 LAZY L .SHAPE Only $150.00 more SIZIS I ll[l WEDGE SHAPE $90.00 --·~-· AYAllA~ • ! SECARD POOL 1 S'•lO' inside w1t1r line m11swemtt1t. In- cludes pool s1.1rf1ee slrimmtr, center dr1ln1 fll· ltr, 20 mil vinyt llher, bull nose coping. Como pletely fnstalled in ground less m1lnten1nce, less chemkals, less heating. Needs no costly .icid b•ths or upkeep. OpUon1I 30 mil life-•• Sounds ridiculou s, do es n't it '! But wha t if eve rybod y in thi s country were to throw their hands up in despair and say the! don't give a hoot. Ind eed, th ere "·oukl be no to1norrow. But fortunately, A1nericans have a way of solving their problems. And that's just what's going to happen in the se troubled times. Simply because it's always bee n an An1erican tradition. Now, how can you, as one little ole citizen in this big, \vide country of ours, be of any help? Well, take a m~ute and think about a U.S. Sav· ings·Bond. 323 S. Main St, Orange • 532-1992 HO"'RS: 10..9, 7 D•ys i;m, 9"'~'"'"· light, Only $1595 board, 1hde, decking. No, it isn't an iinmediate rc1nedy for all our ills. But it helps. If everybody 'vere to buy just one '25.00 Savings Bond (cost 118. 75 ), your country \vould be stronger economically to wipe out some of tho se scars we've been sporting. Of course, every body would .be helping themse lves, too. If you were to sign up on a Borid purchase plan where you \vork or bank, you'd have quite a ni~ nest egg for your self one of these days. You'd have a lot more dollars in the kitty f o.r things like college education s, that ne'v home, or a secure retirement. So think about' a U.S. Savings Bond today. And then go out and buy one. T)iat's right, a U.S. 1 Sa0ngs Bond. ir tw ......... """"'· Tomorro,v. ... ..._.,..,,, -"Pi.•··- Take stock in America Buy U.S. Savings Bonds & Free.dom Shares ' .. ~ ' f •• ~ ;. ,. .. .. •' < ~ ~ •. , ~ .. ' s PILOT0AOV!'.RTISER 3 ~ vince her it is juSt as bad to ~ be an undereater. I tell her -: she n~s energy to study and ~ take part in school activities. , •: UPON ARRIVAL she In· :· fonned me she wouldn'l be ~ eating breakfasts. She takes a ~ can of one of the liquid diet ~ foods for lunch. ~ I admit she does eat a fairly ~ good dinner of meat, potatoes, ; vegetables, a salad and fruit. ~ She never touches but.tt.r or f. margarine, mayonnaise. ·: breads, never eats a dessert ·' nor partakes of any of the ~ carbohydrates. Takes only one ; glass of milk (skimmed) a Z day. ~ In spite of it all she seems ~ to have a lot of energy. does :: well in her classes and seems ) to have sparkling health. Am I ~ wrong in being concerned? - ~ Mrs. C. . . i COMMENT. Ealing pro- ~ bl ems! They begin when the ~ young1t.cr rushes out to grade j school without breakfast and seemingly never end. Your f niece is a case in point. Get-l ting to college is no parantee ; that an eating problem will be \ solved automatically. ; However, if she hasn't Jost t any weight lately, if she con-! tinues to be healthy and full of ! vim, my suggestion is that you • Jessen your concern abou~ her : eating habits. ' Although evidently not an ~ overeater, my guess is that !she is getting sufflcieri t • nourishment: milk, proteins, I• vegetables, fruits, some rats, and the vitamins usually found : in the canned liquJd diet i. formulae . MEDICALETTES (Replies ! lo Readen) : • Dear Dr. Steincrohn : What i Is your opinion of a copper •• bractlel In the trtalment ol. ~stubborn arthrttll? -Mrs. T. I' COMMliN1'. lt'1 a waste. 111 Uke bt!nc oold ll1e Id .. (and l paying !or It) that sltUng In an , t t abandoned uranium mine once ~a week 11 good for arthritis. I too. But quacks wW promise t1ufferin1 bumanily anything -and Uve off their tal&e pro- W~ntsdaY, Junt 18, 1969 · JOHM$0N "Crew'' , ' • t • hlln••Clewt Jlst sinf.tf, wt,. tll!. Ml riul11111H•! lf 0%. Silt ! "Just Wonderful" . HAIR SPRAY. C-. th• *" flnll1l1s ••• h&ll1r. llaf•:t.ffDIC 1111 Um11trl. 121 OZ.SIZE .oi<o~no Station.ery ·choose from 4 uilortlll floral deOgns. Uch box COD\Jins a pad ol JO ggc .Witint sheets and 20 en· _'i'tlopes to .matdt. · ••• .•. , ... , .. "iOXIIMA" MEDICAtfD~ . · • Skin Cream · !IDX!!lll ~ Sreaullss -Cleans ~ Olrt.i l ~ up dfy·sKin bltmisbes. Ht!Ps · = "' htaf, soflln Qmag!d hiW!ds. .... 1.1111 u. ISlll---·- 5gc PH-MOIST Disposable Towelette 11r Tranl-TidJ·•P-At M11ls-01 l~e Joi ror tlll 1111icbit. cooles:t cle1ft-11p •hen • P11etratin( Foam For Relief of Athl!te · s · foot w1!rr is llOt n tlllble , •• air drie$ in uconds after u1t , •• no IDwel naedtd. lie 11·1 tk JZ's 1.41 4D'I 47c 77c 1.09 I DIXIE Batllroom Cup lllP!Mlll •ltl II et11 Plilt 100 l o01. Sin 77 C.0S FRIE ... Asi.o• C · 5ip i• litvlr ¥14 wlrlla. Eau de Cologne'1>· .: .. • • • ®"L OX· 3 00 • ~i1"1W&l .. I IL a Bath Gel •• , bubllHnt ~ittllilnt! '11. IJ 11. 3.00 5.00 -COLONIAL DAMU Glycerine & Rosewater ' Help! to 1111 !M&h1 rid, c;1119Ped blr4s lfld U1n tile! . 11t1tu, --~ wen . <Ired lot looi. T°" M· • l'll'lllCe If tllest special . low prices now. .... 1.11 lq.1.11 • u . . '1111. UC 1.49 It JllJllS Plfllll· 1'orlllr. lllo lltl tin! ~ ......... 22 .. . We4"""1, Jllne 18, 1'169 1 ~ I . QAILV PILOT Jlf CHARCOAL ANTIStrT1C Briquets 'Listeriiie' "HOT-CHAI" for OIAL HTOllNl f11t 1t1rt1 .. , .... . •ins , .... 't •On.ts " .... 1., ... . ltltKt! ... ,.. kllta with HICKORY! 10 LI. BAG SUPIR "Secret" lrtdi! . 17 O?. lltl UQlllD "Prell" SHAMPOO ANTl.PllSPllAllT ho4at•t PrttKtl11 ter ''' w11ti11 t1•11r1 lltrl lid ••. """ .,.. •air sett IU rallllt -'"' ,, ..... 1 .Jt 5 OZ. SIZE 1.ss 11 ~ ot.1111 l 1• 14 lq.IJI 0\:~ r.~~~~rt~.~~! 2. 69 pall! dresses are great for today's 1 88 acti'fe 1lrls. tiltal for camp th11 sU!Mlef'. Sim 2 to 6X. 111. 1.91 1 01w· 2-Piece Sets ,.0111· Shells 1exluied nyloo krlit with jewel ~eek, 7" zipper. Assorted 2 69 coron~1wee11 prints . '> M-L a11. 2.11 • ed111ed nylon, "turqbl!ut'' eolllf, nylon 1lwer. Assllft· 1 49 (d $1llld iiaSltl co!- ors. S.M·L a BAUER & BLACK "Sernit" 1u111c Stockings fer lADl[S r ull ~upport, seamle<.~ . lwo WiY '!retch n1lt1A I~ tlllp rtlieve pain and d1$COll'lfort of vancose Vl!lns and clher lei: d11Gfdef\. AbM' knee, lull loot lftd oPlll 10~ ~tyll . i~ S-M·L -~!Its. "" , .... ,. l .11 2.99 El !tiiltlm WHU' Casual Slippers Styled to COfft!lletnenl the latest in fashions. Luiuntus slip-' pm in assorted colors n 1 88 materials. All bve heel lift S-M-L. e GOUIMIT Grater's n' Bin Plastic -r.of11lsh cf bin ln NIMY rol4 cotor, Irater. 11icer and 1 69 s~1ed er-strln1er in colors. • "Ant & Roach" llMI RAID -Spray whtl'Mr crawlin1 in· MCI& 1r1 lound ••• rtlidual tc:lion ~l!IS Mn weeks 1ftM IP• 77c phe1\ion. lhz. Sko "L ol" ys TOIUT IOWL CLIAMll liquid disinfectant Is betttr and faster than aystal1.,. Conm1t11l3gc: plaSllC sqtl!ele bl!tt!e. a11. 4k Si11 ~~~---;;:;;;:;;;:;:;~;:;;~~ Paint Brushes >' 'Y llEAl -108% "fl T bl'is!le 1n J-IYi:·Z •nd w· ~ 2Y," size~ for all your needs. u. 9" Paint Roller 1l~~ a££Jtl .... ass·t cCvers I lor fill. oil b.ise, •10µ. &lie ~em1-gloss 1.~imtl$ tnd '1'" e1 DroPcioth .. · :~ 9•12 lt clear plastic protects Ole: ....... from paint spills alld splatters, uu-. Miili T .•. "Slrlf-11" II : -""~ J '"""' . ~3t-: .; ~. . Pl..,. J-ON "61orj" •oAM IUtSHAMPOO Thi "'~ ,., "1 1 39 lodNIOpl 2411, Sin 1 Pilnid ·colDr Film· I 1 ' f ~EN,AllJol~~~~~!l~l~ • : NlwPORT BEACH 1120'1..,NI IN WftlCLIPP PLAZA JTP!lll -7111111 ~!Plott -·t!olloljs!Pl!nil pk;twrcs wi~ I*· clllse of J rollt of hlm~t ... ' ,, t1 ·.:H: HUNTtNGTON BEACH .':':':.:~~ • -· HUNTINGTON BEACH •••M• •"" llOOIM"'f ~.3 . mJsea. l call quacks human Wlturea and -• but plwe ~,Y~' get sta"'!'· • ~ 't" _ "--~JL~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~-1.--~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~··"--~~~~~~~~~·-"-~~-- i• DAILY PILOT :·60 Honor Students \ _In V alleJ Grads . · Sbly honor sludeots head the 1st ol. 1989 gra~ from Fountain Valley !Ilgll'School. HOnor graduates who"'receJv· .ed 1 B plua grade average or better. are John A,lmquist, st.ephen Beverley, .Denise Bra«on, Llnda Calhoun, Linda -Carlson, Adele Caw>, Phyllis Chernow, Gerald Clements, John Collins, Valerie Corna by, Kathleen Crozier, Peter DeQuoy, Wayne Dor band, Kent ,Dudrear, ~f i ch a e I Edmood8on, Steven England, at'eDda Fillman, Rooda Ford, William Fowler. Al.so, William F r e e m e n , Anthony French, Jacqueline French, Martin Full-On Ill, Greg Gocal, Douglas Godbe, Marcbelle Hammack, Eric Hammer, Carol Harris. 1..iane Heyer, Amy Honda, Sandra Hunt, Nancy Hunter, Arlene Kato, Vera Khun, Cheryl .. Langner, Susan Lee, Woletta ·.Lindo, Charles Mayo, Ramona :"Moore, MichaeJ Nix. ·: _ Robin•Novlck, Nancy O'Con· :'.flell, Lorene Otsuka, James ::Palmer, Christine Parker, ·Laurel Parnell, Mary Pal· : t.erson, Tim Rasmuas e n, ·.Ronald Ross, D avid Schoonover, 'Jlleresa Sheeley, Deirdre Shiu, Joane Spencer, Patricia Stanley, Ch a r 1 es Vaughan, Bradford Veach, William West. Wayna Williamson, Virginia Wil90n and Dorothy Yim. Other studenls graduated : -.,.. Pftbltt f$0CltffM1tl. lf'* ~. ,..... Pefel, JMll't Pettl'Mfto Joflll Ptelftf', NIMI Pf!Jllppteft, 0.Ut Pl+l1'1 ltabert Plett., J•"lcl l"olll, o.vi. PoUodl., Pfirnfi P--. DoMI p,... levko. Ina Pft\111, Mlnh1 ' P11M11r, S/ltlltv Quine!':"· ~111 Oull>li\r\. O.leo ltld. Gery Ridn'.iond. ,511lrley 11:1111, Elllln R11t, ~-r11r, DOwln Rellll!', c.crti. 11111'1. J-ttllOdt$. 9 rfftl RldleNJ. 1rlllit Rldwnll. Gw.MIOlvn Rlcho"'-' Nikki RIOl.lrds. Tlmollly lti<'flA/'dlOl'I, CYnlfll.I Ri.mer, DI-RUclllt. ,,,... "lllM ltlv11. O.nie! ltOlrk, Fred R-..IMlfl Ill, KM! RoWrllOl'I, Cr1l1 Rco/son, D1Nel Rodie, Gery RoclWo 1e .... TerrlMI ll;O(l'lele-.o, O.vld RoO- ttkk. Jdlnfll9 ltollw, Debi• It-. ~Ill• It.,,.,., ,.... 11-. $,._ 11-111111. MlcM;olf llubl-. OWVlti ......... Lindt 11111111 DoNld Rusi, Clt'I S.lldllloori\. Elllebetri S...tengete. ltoDtrt S.rtt Jr-Lotl'•l"f Sel<«I. tut'le s. ........ Potrkll Sc1UUH, ROI'· -$ct\mL 1(1~11 Scn.ul, APrll Scl'IHM. Ll...,.1_ $<tlkll:Hr, JHM ~. Git'*' Sd'>Orr. ~nl Sd'llltl. Del>lon SdlUJtt. P.ul Sd>uSIH. ll-• 5"1'W, Jr •• Lor"I~ ktteff, Jo51t Selhent, Dllllel $Mffef, Rtt>et Sfltw, RIC!wlP'O $11hr, Jr .. Vicki S- rlrl. Brltn Slleltirr, ,_Hip !Ill~. Ml.:t>eel Sllll}lb:ll/ Charlot~ Sr.ott, Ll...S. 51'1«~.WUll""" Simone, C1rol $1~ ~ ~ C~rl1t)n. SIM11lr. VldOrl.I SOltOf\, P1ul Slt~orc 11, ,\..,. Smlllo, ChrlM!M Smllll, Ooutlll Smilll, Frlderlclt Smith, Gtill Smllh, LYM Smlfto, RCICM'lie Smllll, s .. 1dr1 SMl!11, s1wen Smilll. Mlldlell s"~" Ull(I• Sonia. J1ml'$ Sollel, Nell SHfn, Merk 5~fty, 81r1>1r1 SPon, Julle Speir, 0-ld Splc.r, P1lrlcl1 SPu•· -· G1vle St1pledofl. Niki stHhuk, Marv $It 1 n tr. Gill Stl~w1lt, S1ndr1 Slirllnv, lltc:Mrd $todle, S1111n Stoddard, Rudo!Pll ltolr, f'lc Stone, Rebert Slr1ckllnd, w.,... 51r1nter. Mlr941~ SUdtH'lnll, ShlileY Sullln. Detorn S~lltld, K1t11,..n Swn- tieJ (MrFe-rrAn). Mldlle Tlldoltoto, Eiieen T-kl, MIU'"'1 T~!ff, Mo<>- ICI TrtWl!ft, Pllrktl Tesale-r, 51fl Tllomn. Jlo'dy Tllllf1ton, ""'41no. Tiiton. .Mnnlfe< Trollt. Tlt'T)' TllOll"· le1lle Urm .. Ofl. SI""°"' V~, Demrllf'I Yl'llouftte, Teor... VIMI. SlndJ Yll>Clt¥f, Deelrl Y1mtY, II.on V1utl'llfl, Ylvl1n Vt11, S... YtrH11r, Lorr1lne Yttrllt. WINI..., Virden. ElelN Varl1, Jomn Wildt<!, Pllricl1 W1111e11. Doullla• Wolk«, J~ W1U, Jlll\Q! W1llrko. P.....to W1rtorlck. J!ltvn Wardlow, P1lrlcll W1!Slll'I, GllY WN...,f, Donl\a w-.. Lilld;e Wein-It• LI-wm •. Jim w .. m. Lindi WelJoK",, 11.onakl weir. O.vlct Wl!ltft>INI, J11lle Wllne, SHpl\11\le W~I~ CSe>!tl'lden), Mariarle Wllca•, Rabfr1 Wlllllnlon. ll1rtie .. Wiiiiams, J~M W1llJ1m1, K1re11 WK- ll1m1, l(evln WllHarru. Det>or1~ WI~ so"' JudJ Wll'°", Corol WllllM, C'l'lrb- llM Wlntan. 1G<J Wo!lonl, Detlre Wolny, J1mes Wood , Robert WllOll, David Wor6m, Sam W"'1•b1d\fr, Sle-ven X1n1t11kls, Liiv Yameolr.1, 51..,nen Y1nt1, Robin Y1rtlroug.h, 1(11uko Y1i,ke (l(ell<>11vJ. J1r Yolr.oY•ITlll (All!x1Nlerl. Mltllm YOl.lnt, Eric Ztlll'ldef, S.lldr1 Zri, 2 on Coast Nelv Doctors Two Orange Coast residents are among 75 new medical doctors graduated from UCI- Califomia College of Medicine. Edward Bradbury, of 266 Brentwood St., Costa Mesa, will intern at Sacred Heart Hospital in -S p okane, Washington. He previously at- tended UC Berkeley. Allen L. Mosley, of 8211 dianapolis Ave... Huntington Beach, will intern at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center in San Jose. He came to medical school by way of Cal State L-Ong Beach. Othe r· CaWornia ·college of Medlcine graduates from the county are John c: Clark and Harry R. Webb Jr., of Anaheim, Donald C. Guenther, of Santa Ana, and Wesley E. Root, of Fullerton. UCDA,vards Five Degrees Five Orange Coast residenls are among 1,200 J u n e graduates of the University Of California, Davis. They are: From Costa Mesa : Gloria Bosque, Partica Kell and Dale W. New. From Newport B e a c h : Pamela Butler. From Seal Beach: Celestine B. Ash. Cdl\1 Girl Wins School Honors Jane Ann Gepfert of Corona de! Mar, has graduated wiU1 horion from tht \ffi.iventty of Denver. She was amof\g 40 seniors selected during her f~an year for academic potential. She . participated in u ac- celerated program and main· tained-a "B" average in the college of arts .nd sciences during her four yean·at OU. Get8 Doctorate Chester J. S\ablnski of Newport. Beach has b e e n awarded a ·doctorate ln elec- trical engi(>eering lrom Cue Western Re9el"Ye UnJvers.lty, ClevelaDd, Ohio. 'ANAHllM CONYINTION CENTER ~-•1.n-.!!JNIOll fl~ -II - ------·••"!'" i I 'I 1 . ... .. ' '· ' Si mmon s Hide -'a-ed,witn . l" ,.: a ma zi ngYecfr~--;, co,~r.s.·. ' ' ~ ' ~ •·..... . Simmon~ fa.~.~~-~ Ms conVenj..' ence, comfo(tAand Vtctra"!EJ olefin fiber upholsl~ry ••. all at sale prices. Vectraill is rugged, tough. Bright colors are locked right into the fiber with built-in resi~ta nCe to fading and mois!ure. 'Contemporary style. 1eg. JOO.DO '.2 59.00 . may co sleep equipment 145 • ' ' '·· .-.·,·-.,.--~-.. -.. ' . . ' ~ • I I ,, • •(! ' '· • - . ' ,. • '· .. i < ~ ' ' . -. , •r ·Y . , • ... ' ' ' I• • ; " ~I • • • our Aristocrat nylon pil e especially sale priced : Exclusively al Mi1y Co. Nylon pile shap broadloom in sixteen fashion shades, tweeds and solids, installed over choice of rubberized waffle or sponge rubber pad· ding. It's soil resistant, Ions wearing. f08.11.99!Q.yd.instaUed 9, 99 sq.yd. nidy co floor coverings 32 •'' • all our Simmons mattresses are now at special prices Rqul.1r super or exlr•·firm, flor.:rl print covers; twin or full .tizes; quilted covers; mattresses and box springs. All pti.ces have been. reduced (euept fair trade items):Select a Simmons, and sleep rn comrort, \ • ;. \44. oo-6·9~9696i ~ may co sleep equipment 1•st ,J • • may co south' coast pla'u1, 1an 'diego fwy at liristol , co.ta mesa; 546. 932 I' •hop monday through saturday I 0 a .m. to 9:30 p.m I J i I MAVCO • r f PILOT ·ADVERTlSER (j ·, ------,. / . • •·•:.:.I•-~ ......... I" ,/ ,,.,, 1 THIY NIVll NllD IRONING MIN'S PUMANINT PRISS TEXTURED SPORT SHIRT . . :A. .... 36'91 PERM.AMENT PRESS 2.99 value aport 1hlrt with regular spread cc>llor I'' and short 1leeves, tingle neitdle tailoring. Slub te:idu red polyester• · ~tton In blue, gold, olive; S,M,l.xL NO.IRON NOVELTY SLACKS I. I••• ~6,_I Stripes, ploid1 and chMb add %1111 to traditiOflol Ivy 1tyle 1lacks. No-iron cotton-polye1ter S.99 value ' in blue, gold, olive, whiskey; 29 to 30. •OYS' WALKlllG SHORTS A. hn J6'611 Bright &01ii:t color cotton walk: thortt fastback 1tyl•- llue, lol'd, loden. 6-16 1.ff Y11l11e LmL1 BOYS' SHIRTS L kwe 40"'1 Mock hlrtle "'9Ck thort aleeve 1hirtt in combed cotton knit. llu•, gold, white, 3-8. · 1.2t nl•• LITTLI BOYS' SHORTS C. k•• 40'611 Cut off jean tlyte 1horts. Blue, gold cotton; .C te 7. t.s .. .-.. 3'' 121 . . ~ IUFFLED TllCOT WALTZ GOWN &IAIYDOLLS ~·- Save 26~1 Fr_pthy. sheer acetate tricot baby doll pj's (shown) and waltz ,length ,,, gown1 feature shlM-eJI~ ny1on ruffle neck and hemline and dainty bow-and-rosette trim. Blue, .,ink, hot pin It or orange in sizes S,M,t. • , ••• ••R"I' su~ER DR11111 • Value• to ' .. , .• , :2~~ A. •ftil L . .-• .,. 42 .. l Spe;ra1 Purcha1e af nationillf aifv.rt1 .. c1-~aiicM.MO\iir 1irtl" dresaa brln91 you a th1y gr~ngt )iricel . One find two-piece 11...,.r ... print 1hlff1 Wiiii Match Jn~, ntfffed pant cl,.... ..:d _d,...., Docron• palpster •nd cotloflJ ........ 4 11 ... The n ...... ' ~ .. aAil~colon includi111 ~u., pl11k, ffft•, 'ftovy, ;rftn, hlf11""9(7 to 12. '., ~ ~ITTLI GI.LI' llA•IHIJjf 2.99 It value -. -. ' .Ll•.l llACll . • SAllTAAllA ' . ,. lOI c0Tons. ....... aw1a1aun N. OU. AYI. Af 1 ml RWIR ' w......,, -18, 1969 DAILY "LOT J7 COOL, SUMMER FASHIONS BAllD&llA PRlllT YOIU BLOUSE A. l•v• 1a,.11'~l'9Clt •portlWear look at g...at JO¥o a.99 v•I•• in91I Polntitd collar.,...neck with y1k• 1tyling, wid• 1•7 wff long 1IM¥n and in-oraout overblouse hem. Sheer cottonvoll1 In a110rt1d colon; I to 16. WHITI PLARI LIG SLACKS 4.9tnl•• I. kv• 44,.1 Sharp 11,1mmer white cotton 1lock.s 277 in hop1acking wea,..., No-&and woi1t with fly front and 21" leg opening. White in sizes 6 to 16. LIATHIR•LOOK JACKO C. I••• 44'611 f.ashlon'• rich, mellow leather·look '·'' ..... 111 a jod;1t ~f ea1y·car1 vlnyll Zipper closing, high 277 neCk bond collar and long dHvet. lrow.n, bloc~. bei9e, trten, rtd. 6-16. . PLAID PLARI UG SLACKS ··""'•• D. l•Ye 44"1 lri9ht and col~rful tlacb of smooth 277 Avril• rayon and cotton In a•ortitd flare plald1. Fly front with 21" 1-o opening, sizes 6 to 16. COLORPUL PRlllT PAllT SHIPTS 277 I. S.ve JO"'I Perky O'lt!rall flower. print cotton pont shlffi for cool Cofllfort. Bermuda collar, button front, sle9'Yeless. AMOrted colon, I , to 16. 3.99 .. iue RUPFLID DOITID YOIU DRESS ,.7 f, S•ve JD'611 •Cool, tleevelnt, ruflle·colla~d, but· ton front dreu In Dacron• polyester and cotton in black, brown, green, navy; 12·18. . ...... , .. . . . YlllYL llRAW SUMMER BAGS O. I••• Jl'611 fa1hion handbags of shining, wipe• .327 clean pla1tic vinyl in a strew texture. Large attach• •styles ha .... leather and novelty handle1. Nol!'ral, . white, lilack. • •••••••• • / ... •• .......... ·-~· -CMUMJI a-..OO«R ... T NN rl ........ MM. M IWUMC . I ' :. ..... a._. •• AT ZODYl.MOIL , ••• IAT.10 A.M. TO t P.M.i IUnAr 10 TO 7 ••• LOTl .OP fUI PA•K•• ' • r !~. • -' ( \_ . ' ,, -- I () I I ! ' • I • • I .. . ' ~ .. .. . . . . ......... • . .. . . -...... .. • . ~ -. ,,... ... . .. -. -. . .. . JI DAILY PILOT Wtdnttdq, Junt 18, 1969 Wedllfl<i'1, June 18, 1969 Q PILOT-AOVEUISER • t'ff,fhi.J!Jij.Jti ......... ZODY~COUPON I 11.1.s+·''''·'N I J 11.1,1511·'''9·):' I COP ... TOlll ·~= 4·9.: wtTMCOUPON CHILDRIN'S •AYIR ASPIRIN •••19c sl.a• Number 1 Mii·. ln!il brand of diild'1 aspirin&. SAVI 20cl aottle of 36.. BRECK HAIR CONDmONIR 2.2s 127 1ia:• Basic texturi· zer for f int, wispy or li mp hair. SAVI 9&cll COLGAD SHAVE CREAM ~9csia:•29c N9W, improvoad instant sha¥• cream. Regular, menthol or lime. 11-or. siie. SAVI SOcl PAKOFB COMBS 3tc YGl•e Unbreakable, lifeti111e combs. Pait of 8. SAVI 20cl LIP .. LIKI FALLS Ill "MIRACLE" FIBIR •A quic~ COfft·up for today'1 multlfa'*'-«I woma1t • Chooae from owr ..0 aha des 19.97 ""1 ... 9'7 IYnASHll, llatk or lraw• 97c 2.ts ••'•• ••••••••••••.•••••• SIYIO HIADS 2.00 value,.,"•• 5 7~ -. ' ,, PAPIUIATI •LAIRPEN .:r:.27c Nylon tip mul- tipurpo1e pen by PafMtmote. Assott. colort. JA.VI 22cl SO••SKINHAND LOnON 7S•39C ii•• lich in lanolin, for honds and body. 10Y2-oz. bottl•. SAVI 36cl RUBBIR GLOVES _,,...."n' welu• 39c Protect your hands from honh deter· 9tnlL Sntafl, med., large. SAVI 30cl 1.2~59c •••• Extra dr( cf• odorant 1prc:i)' that 1topt 'Wl'lt- nsu effecri.-. ly. 6-or. size. IAVI 70cl SUAYI SHAMPOO 99c 1la:e 39c Choice of egg,' o°'den or con- ditioning 1ha• . _poo or creme "-'WJ rinse. 16 oz. SAVI 6Dct bottle. PIPSODINT SUDDEN •EAvrY . OR IPANA HAIR SPRAT 1.os 111:• · T oothpcute lo brl9hten your amile. 6o/.t-oz. SAVI Slcl ffc 1la:• 39c Super-hold, Ng· ular or unKent· 1 ed. t.av.. hair SAVI 60cl noturol looking. SAVE 38% ON DYNACHRO!llE FILM DYNA(HROMI SUPIR 8 COLOR MOYll JILM '"' ••'"" INSTANT-LOAD 264 INCLUDES PROCESSING DYANCHROMI COLOR SLIDI FILM ""' .. , •• , .. 20 EXPOSURES. INCLUDES PIOCESSI NG t .... '". " ~ ·•' DYllACHROME COLOR PRINTJILM • INCREDIBLE LOW PRICEI IURPIR ALL SPORT WATCH Zodys leg. 12.17 Handiom• Di¥er·SPort watch wi tlt 8 8 7 Painless-steel bock. Acc1trate, Sw!11 made. Preuure tested! ·--CALINDAR I IELF·WINDlllG I SKINDIYEI WATCH I Campare . 88'J I at I 29.95 t Tiie 1kindiver watch thot ne¥er need1 winding bet:a;i1e it's fully outornoticl I I FU.TURI PACKIDI • tn. boring, daring IOGt for HIMMtrf •Do41ble bond, twin T ..... p • Chvnky little hffl •s.ooth ·wtiif•· flniah; --=--• Sizes.5-10 FAJllJLOIJS SAV1Nf;S.ON SPORTING GOODS AT ZODYS LOW PRICES: ::::; FAMOUS llAMI BRAND Hl•RISER .. .,. .. GARCIA·MITCHILL ~--: aon' 01 GIRLS' MODILS BICYCLE 34,17 :val•• 2787 • Durabl• 5e1fe-1top comttr l:ira~ . • "°"'Y purittuft.proof typr Ncir tire • Stwd, frame •Flamboyant fini1h 24.95 value •Plastic cover.cl dllCI will not rust or mar flocrs • lnclud•s disc, barb.II bar, d"""b- b.11 ~n. ccllan, sl...,.. aftd exercise course SP,NNING REit:> 14'~: 42.00 value r: ,.1331.1 ROLLER DIRBY SHOESKARI 8.95 value 4 87 •Boll b.arlng wlieel1 • Stning Mtal ch•i•" "•.shmf1. long wearing shoes •For both fresh and solt water use •Full ball pick-up arm • P01lli¥9 anti-reverse •Quiet 1en&itiw drog •Counterbalanced head • Durabl• corTosion-resistant baked-cl\. ' finish •Two spools inc;luded '·: •"Service guaranteed" •' •. OUTDOOR FU'111 TITHERBALL 511 7.95 value 4 4J .. , •Fun for all ages EXTRA· LARGI l•LB. SLllPllllG BAG • lntlude• prp~• slonal tet~r· boll · 7.17 411 value set •Btavtiful and aturdy dinn.,s.t •3 pattern& •2·yeor 9uarantee I\ PLASTIC. llOOM er ii. .SPONIE MOP ... . 1.17 991 ,\ t\ values . ...... . ... ... 18.95 9'7 value • Pradicol, handSOMe extra-large 36xH-with h9C1~ flap •lhiggM $anoll poplin cowr, cotton flonnel lln1ng · •O..p 5-lb. acrylic fiiiing for 1atra wan11tft •Heowy dllfy 100 lrtch zipper ·• · PYREX MIXING BOWLS • Otenproof ptrtx glaes bawlt •For ottn-to-table seMce • Auorttd 1lzn IAlllEIR IAI OR · PWUC SHOE IAG 1.17 value 97! • 5-4., garment bag •Shoe bag holds6palr of 1hoet 14.17 ,., value •full 1u1pension lntarlock;ng chain llnlc 1pring1 • Co"'fortable padded matfreu COlOIFIL 10.LI. fill CHAISE l,OUllll-'AD 5.97 2'' value AMAZINIJ DISCOUNT! • Co111fortoblt MWchalae lounge pad, 10.lb. cot· ton fllltd •Heavy duty_ 9.ft. pol• : •Groundsl8"¥9 •Tetherropl! •Co111ple1e·'l(itt, . storage ca1'~n ~7: _. AUTO ROOR MAT, •Full size I 9' •Assorted colon SAVE A FABVLOVS SGS QFFI PRl-RICftDID RllL-TO.RllL Values to 7.95 TAPIS 3'7 LIQUOR -YOUR CHOICI CantJllGr•at 2'' 3,99.5.20 flf1• HOOLD ITAi." ILINDID WHISKIT Ught, lftlocth, mellow. C•mpere at 3. 99 1 :ZODYI ''%" VODKA 01 GIN 4 c .... ,.,.. •• a.19 :ZODYS CALlfOINIA llANDY Zodys own tmocth and mellow brondy. Com,_,. at S.29 IEGAL SEUCI LAIER IEIR 1 •ltfl"tlh1111 • tROVlttClin olr I C • Jltr1ded UpNMty for Zodys • 12-oa:. o.b.r battle CoMp. ot 19c pl•• ... WALK llOllTM L .... BIACll ANA•IM•BftllA PAD .ANA .. M......u.t• .., .... " MWY ••• ITUlllAtn• L IOUTM ITtm AT atnn IUCM ""' • UNCOl.M OUMITMOIN ., LIMON WIST C9YlllA Nl•TH•IB•I 111B0190 a1&C11 .. • AIUIA Aft.A' PUllln ......... Af ........... NAWTM°'"" •We.ATM UY •Vl1fl fOUllTAIN YALLIY . L .... al&Cll •lnlNITOll BIACll '""'" AllA ·---CA .... A •A•K·. MAllltOl 11&.W .. AT llUMll LOI COYOTIS, '" .... & wooettun 90t .. fll wttf a ........ N. HANe &'ii. AT 11Tlf lrlllf ... Jlll&.MM aft. At IVllAN• tOJA ... o\ CA"1'0M .... .,..., ll«l(OI . \ 1 \, . . . ·. . . -. . • ~~ --:. .. ' • • ... . • '· 1 .. ·. , • . -· ....,...__...,, WO 4 0 ii 0 A 4 i 00 • • •• f = ---$2 = = = -·· = = ...... ,.... •• = = ..... uz µp r•••? -a a 0 ; PILOT-ADVERTIS ER 7Wtdnesday, June 18, 196' ' I ' •All.V PR.OT I• 9.95 value PORTABLE 4-SPEED STEREO PHONOGaAPH 49.95 value 3'' 29'' r: 311s1 .. •Soli d 'tale circuitry with 8 tran1i1tor5 •Dynamic speaker •Personal listening earphone and jack •With carrying strap • lnclude1 9-volt battery IMERSON SOLID STATJ; AM TABLE RADIO RMtlid state circuit for improved 15095 value ·_'·.performance and high reliobilily I : '~kk·oo p,o,;d., ;"''•"' · 8 87 · l1sten1n9 ~tomotlc volume conlrcl J ~ ~~~sh·~ull output for I EMER SONj .... s periorsound -- AM·FM SOLID STATE PORTABLE RADIO • All·tron1i1tor dual chan• nel amplifier • Aulomotic -'·sp•ed r•cord changer • M11lti-speoker sound 1y1t•f.1 in detac.hable lid •Variable tone· control 31 LS7 EMERSON SOLID STATE AM CLOCK RADIO •Accurate self·startin g clock 19.95 value wakes you to mu1ic •Easy-to-read fu ll-vi1ion diot 12'' •Solid state-, instant·on lOund •Beautifully molded SlimH,.~ de1ign cobinel- IEIEHH.i SAYE OYER $71 AM·fM·POLICE & AIR BAND 'TWIN SPEAKER RADIO 49.95 value ."i•I \l,I , \1•1•1 .1 \ \('J.'."i \"f' ~tlll\ ."i I .ti\' l"lfl('l .. "i! ~ IMMERSIBLE DILUXI BUFI!" SQUIBB BROXODENT AUTOMATIC TOOTHBRUSH 19:95 1087 value ' •Recommend ed by more dentists than all other auto- matic toothbrushes combined • lncludet -4 ind i~dual color-coded brushes GREAT GIFT! FAMOUS MAKI HAIR DRYIR 9.95 value 4'' Hl·DOME HOOVER FRY PAii • !~i!~ 10'' •Big 12-inch size electric f!J' P"" •High dome cover for extra caped., •Removable temperature coritrol· •Pan immenlble fo r eaiy clpc:ining. WATIR PIK~ ORAL HYGIENE APPLIANCI . . 24.95 valve 16'' •Recommended by th®Mlnds of dentiiti •Wot.r Plk•com .. °" the cleaaing job .,Our · toothbrvsh begins •Cleans Inaccessible placet your br1r1h cannot NOch. Mffel Jt AUTOMATIC 4-ILICI FAMli. Y SIZE TOASTIR 19.95 valea ,., !:i;:,12'' 281 ' • 2 position tempera• t1.1re control switch t Handy stand leaves I • TCMllb four •llCAo• • hands fr•• ' •5!-ufta11eously for I family breakfasts . • Adjuttoble color cot1trol •Beautiful chrome•.fini1h ~' " . • Big;·vertkal style luggag•~o •AC·DC with built-in line cord •Earphone, pe_nlite boHeries •AC and' DC speaker •Twin spea~ers for fuller sound •AM, FM, polic;e l:iand •Base can aho L'e•. rerROved •Fast spof drying MeftlJ4121 1•YIAI OYll·THl.COUNTll IXCHA NGI MMkl ru 110• and aircraft band 12·CUP STAINLISI ~OFFEEMAKIR STEAM 'N SPRAY TEFLON®•COATID IRON . 1·YIA• OYll·1Hl·COUN111 IXCHANOI : . . . . . : : ::~ ... ..... :. z ~ .::: .• -: .. UHF·YHF·FM COLOR ANTENllA'KIT 12.95value 10'' ~ ./... .... ~cei'lesall 82 channels •Range up to 120 miles-VHF •Range up.to 60 miles-UHF • Rcinge up to80 mlles-fM i • •Pole, 50-ft. twin leod, I mollel 9GSIM ' •@\. WESTINGHOUSE TY CONSOLES ~ WITH AUTOMATIC FINI TUNING , ~' ... ~: ,. 5&8.87 vaJues. YOUR CHOICE I SAft OYER $1001 I $488 •World'• largell bright TV pic,ure (295 sq. inches) •Automatic fine tuning ~frolt , •Seporcrt• VHF/UHF cho11nel selectors • lxcfnM "Chassis 22" • Jnstant automatic color ~~~i~i~i~~f 1id.11tywi1h fingertip control " • Fhte fumiture cobinel1 includifttJ a few Italian , and FtfftCh pl'O\'lnclal i'"""' , ...... mode It' . . AS ~OW:.U NOMONIY DOWN.~; TAKl·MONTH5 TO PA'fl . SOLiDSTATE WAi.KllTALKIE 15.95 value ~ 2:1•7 •With vol ume control •High sensitivity •Telescoping onlenno Motlel W11DC 1.9,95 value •Fully automatic coffeemakff • Eosy-to·pour, non-drip spout •large handle protects fingors 21.95 7'' value · •Teflon~·coo~ lale for eaq-glide Ironing •Dial for all fabrics • Pnh·bi.rtton •pray • 1 yr. vnconditioflal guarant.e , •• ,.,.. •t yr. over-the·CC1J rl ler LADYWOliH M•"•I 4JID01 guarantee StD7/J3ttl \l·YEAR ON·THE·SPOT UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEJ; ON ALL TRAFFIC "A PPLIANCES AT ZODYSZ '. WISTiNGHOUSE 12"* JET SET INSTANT•ON® PORTABLE TY WISTINGHOUll·UHF 19"* JET SET P.RTABLE TY $109 value s79 • lnstan .. ona-nn wait1 no warm-up •Front mounted seeabi: • Pop-v;,· VHF-UHF chan~I numbers •Softer, cl.arer, easier to wotch •Teleteoping VHF anln1ta •,UHF loop antenna WESTINGH..,l SOLtD STATI ITiRIO COlllOLI Ill CHOIQ OP ·i PINI FURNITURE CABINITI ' ..... ' I '•H'/fM/f'NrSt«8o multiplex 'With FM tuning meter · "•T~ lnpul••ll* Jacb and external speoker jacks •·3bo watts peak Music power for lit-.nlng plea•ure '91ln1C..-.Mponl'1 Walnvt, Sponi1h Pecon, French P,lol Frultwood ''''~~. v•l•a s124 · • leautifvl off and beovtifvl '°" •IMtant-On, "waiting,· no walk-back •Illuminated UHF/VHf channel numbers •Full 19',. diagonal pictvr• •Walnutgrain fini1h (Net .. ,,, ••• ., I SAVI $a471 I ' $795 VALUI • • tN .. 111 P .... •t . .. HURIYI SOMi.QUMTITllS UMITiD ••• SOME MODELS llOT lYAI~ AT AU no1n1 • I I • • ~··sitOP WITH ZODY-I COllYlilllll!T CRIDITOR YOUR BANllUDllllJCARD ••• SATllPACTIOll GUARAllTllD ALWAYll . ~ ~ ., ' :.·-·•HOP & IAYI AT ZODYI MON. TllllU IAT.10 .A.M. TO t P.Jll.7SUNDAY10 TO 7 ••• LOTI OF l!illl PAR~INOI . . . . ' . r I • L_ 1. ' I , . • .• Do\llY I'll.OT ' ~. Junt 18, 1169 b ) t . 'I TU DI! oa CUPATION LEGAL NOTICE • 1 l I ) ' I I ' [ • ' : r 7 Tuesday's Closing • Prices-Complete New r ' I =·· a 0 •••a a a acsssssoo a DAILY l'!LOT York Stock Exchange List · list l I ' • ) U DAILY PILOT w......,, -111.1'69 Ll!(IAt. NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ITATI 01' CALll'ORNIA Dl,ARTMINT 01' MENTAL HYGIENE l'A1•v11w 5TATI HOS,ITAr.. NOTICI TO CONTRACTORS SEALl!D P•DJ>OSAl5 "'1\1 be r«tl'<'Od by ltlt FAIRVIEW STATE HOSPITAL, ~SOI Hertlor II~~ Colli Mtu, C1Hforn!t ""!It 10:00 A.M,. Frldty, J11t1• 11, , ... ti whlc:ll !Im• •lld P4k• ltlty WIH be pvO!kly opeMd 11'd r•ad 1or ll!t !,.,_ ,,.1!9tl0fl ol' H1rdl>Dlrd W1lnscolll'19. In ttfMrtl, thl1 P"'IKt <On>!1ll OI: Furnhl! aflCI install t~Jlmt~ly f71! ~ f'I of J/I" !tote-"nDYGlll't'" Olrt r•l•rdotnl Ptrtlclt botrd -O.ll lllmt: 'Pf•&dl With melll trim llld IPpnul""l•ly lall 1111111 fe.t OI rntltl bll11. 111 11 f'lerelnt l!tr tc>«Hltct. lld1 '"""' be wbfnlUtd for !tit tt111,. wotll m crlN<S ftl'l•tio'I. 0...111""'" '""" ,.1."' •1'14 •P1Clllc:1llon1 "'Ill na1 be com!cltrtd •nd "'"' be c•i..• rar ••l«llon of llfc!•. T1141 .. .., Sii .. Agtnq ,.,,..,..., ttlt rlP! t.. rel.er lfl't' or 1!1 bids. In ICCOnltM• wllh ,.,. P'O't'l•lonl &f SKTIOll 1}1l "' lht L•bor Codt, "'' wokt Sith-At-Y l""'rdlrit 11111 ton!r1ct M1 l lClrltineod 11111 11\t a-r•Uy pr1v11i"'° r•l't of ""'-IHI lllflllub!9 ti lllt -k lo be done Is 11 fol~; ,..., • .,..,. Ptym..,ta ttr .,,.....,... llfllflh St!, & Hl!ldty Doubll Tim. Doublt: Tl- 1 ,,1'-5 LEGAL NOTICE 6-17-4t Succeeds With Standards Ka ye Joins Don's S~o-,v 'Iony Bennett Survives Music Trend Kaye Steveru will be Don E:D11'0R'S NOTE -l·lis tie a.tkew, coUar open, t?!ICrl> phone in hand, TcniytJe~ 11ett hru survlvtd success· fv.lly, by stnging the stand- ards. Bennttt goes with. "l Left My Hear& f,1 Stu1 Frail· risco" as much as the pro- ve rbial ham with eggs. But tl1e er1tt::rt<tiner is l1oping to bra11cl~ out into other areal now, rrwvies tn pa.r· ticular. By NORMAN GOLDSTEIN NEW YORK (AP! -In th~ age of turbulent change and raucous revolutlon, It l s somewhat comforting to know there is still Tony BcMett. An island of calm durability in a churning sea of song, Bennett continues to sing the standards, with the same romantic style he's u11ed in recording and night clubs for the past 20 years. • The more music changes, so to speak, the more Tony Be~ nett stays the same. He's survived rock 'n' roU, electric guitars and protest songs to remain a solid-selling record- ing artist and a consistent night club an'd conccµ-l attrac- tion. Whether it be London or Cherry Hill, N.J ., Seattle or the Copacabana -or Apollo 10 on its way to the moon - Tony Bennett is there. When the astronauts were ewakened one day during their recent Apollo 10 mission, it was with a Bennett recording of "The Bowl T ickets on Sale Going Best Is Yet To Come" - because its lyrics Included "You think you've flown before, but you ain't left the ground." Bennett, a q u I e t , in- troverted, businesslike singer who has manai;::ed to stay pret- ty much out of the public eye when he's not working. was 6 when he first got the singing spotlight. He sang at the ceremonies opening Ne w York's Triborough Bridge, with Mayor L aGuard ia, sir.gb1g . "~1arching A Ion g Together." "That was it. I decided show business was it for me." he recalls. And sh'ow business it has been. Bennett says he was the first pop singer to make an album -"Cloud 7" -back in the "pioneer days,'' in 1951. "Now any group CGmes along and right away they cut an album." He isn't overly impressed by the quick success of young rock groups, nor does he feel he has to change his style to keep in the running. "A good The Hollywood Bowl box of• song will last no matter what flee is now open daily except the changes in style," he says. Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. "It isn't old time if it's good for sale of tickets to au music." performances of the 1969 "I Left My Heart in San .season of symphony and Hollywood Bowl "pops" CGn· Francisco," which he recorded seven years ago, still is his ce~~ season opens on Tues-biggest seller. "It's just one or Rickles' special guest atar at Upon a Time." "LAve Loot .. ln movlel. you have to be McJodyland "ben lh1 Insult Aw~,'· "The Shadow of Your carerul in the selection of comic presents his nlght club Smile" -all still favorites, at films -u you are wllb act there June 27-29. least of an over 30 generaUon. tunes." He turned down a part The vivacious slncu-eom· "l sing love songa,..not ~ in "The Dirty Doien," he edienne will appear In all five test 800gs," 1ay1 Bennett, says, but he h83 confidence performance?! with Rickles 11t born o -)'WIJ'S qo lo A.sW(la, he right ones will come along 8:30 p.m. opening night. 7 and Long Island, as A o t o n I o fot'1Uln.. 10 Saturday night and at 5 and Benedetto. One of the "rljht ones," If ft 8:30 p.m. Sunday. His conversation Is peppered ij eVcr dOne, will be with Tickets for the Rickles show with references io 11tn1ers he 1-ctor·dlrector John are available now at the admires: Frank Sinatra, Peg. Cauavetell, "Canavetes says Melodyland box oUlce, by mail gy Lee, Dionne Warwick we're gQMa make a movie and at all agencies. among them . togeUle,r someday. l believe·===========::: Thert baa beto a change lo we w1U. For five years we've -Bennett's career, but It's one been talking aboot it, piectng of expansion, rather than dlf. it together in conversations. ference. "I'm still learning, "It's a takeofr on 'Crime ~."'"" st.ill developing," he says of and Punlshmeot,' with music. ~ his singing, but "I'm putting It'll be updated and the starv- irons in all the fires" -clubs, iog writer changed to a starv· recordings, television, movies. ing singer. Dream sequences p;1lST lUNI C..tln•111 Doll., h•• Frod A.t1iro 1•- He has even taken up painting. of lvanovitch will be done with "FINIAN'S RAINBOW" "Crosby started it; putting Dali paintings and Duke EU-Pl~1 irons in all the fires. You bear ington music. It makes sense. "HANNIBAL BROOKS" a musician on the radio -"I figure by my fourth film Mtch••I J. Po ll••" Dionne Warwick, Ray Char\esl=I~'l~l~re~:i~lliy~be~w~ailin~· ~· ~g~in~lilmgs~:~· ~~~~~~~D~~~ -you want to see him at a club. It's a way to 1et rans. T~levislon, movies, concerts, COMING SOON ..... OLD PA¥1UON irs ai1 inlerw•V<•. The way TALE of the WHALE each artillt approaches each medium detennines hi s NEW SEAFOOD RESTAURANT artistry." :l:~'.!"'~~-~~·~·-~~~QQQQQ~~~~~'"'!._!~,~~!~'~'~'!.: He began the painting hobby with sketches and he's now doing oils, mostly of scenes from the spectacular view he has from his 32nd floor East Side apartment. "I'm just learning; I've got a Jong way to go. I've started with this Japanese-style painting. It's like jazz; you just sit lhere, wait for the moment, then when it comes to you, quickly indicate and go into the details 111owr1•s ,,,o uo 110 TIU.-ur. later... SllMDtT AT ,,,. lllT His movie career has been GRAND HOTEL 1n.nn 1,,..._ • .,,......, limited so far to a small part'I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"~'~"~·~·~·:":-:::-::""::; in "The Oscar." ii Big Shorty IALIOAJ HOLLYWOOD I UPI) 0 n e t i m e heavyweight con- tender llal Baylor (6-foot 4-in- ·ches) will play the role of Shorty. a petty racketeer, in "A Hall of Mirrors" starring Paul Newman and Joanne 673-4048 o,.. 6:45 '"r. •n.. SllllM Pniln-'• those standards. It's a good day evening, July 8. ~'ith the music song." And "It Had To Los Ange I es Philharmonic Be You." "I Can't Give You O~chestra conduct~ b Y Anyth ing But Love •• "Once Richard Bonynge. ·with the1....:.::::.::::~...:::::...=:.:::_• _ _::::1;:::==========.11 Australian soprano, J 0 a D C:lldl• ,AClnC COAST mGHW'•T • '"' n NATIONAL G!:NIEAAL C°'"'°"ATI()toj Sutherland, soloist ~! fiJ"jij[H~ Woodward. ~ MCC2UEEN AS NOW PLAYING ·--OMARSllAlf ·---·· -~-JACK PAlAllcr •~CAITM ColorbfDfl111e PLUS GEUGE llllEI Rall PEPPllD BTMDS Im 1e NtwPOllT IEACH "THE PERFORMANCE THAT SHOULD HAVE WON THE OSCAR FOR VANESSA HEOGRAVE !" -Yinc1ntCoroby, N. Y. Timei I s.. ._. ,_, • ...... • -.uu 1 .::·~ HOW TO COMMIT .MAlllUAGr.._ ·1n ...... -IRllll lllllM ~ IHI . llollllllllllED•I COLOR -R•ted M tl1e-rnesa T· -3+rt:"' '): F1~l"" ~ •• ::"\'-Ar.1-,.:.,1"t .... _:-qt~ NEWPORT ANO HARBOR IN COSTA MESA TUEPHONE 548·1552 FOR INFOIMATIOlt The Big Disney Combination fl)UI 1111 ~ ' I llefecfiw U. frank 13ullitt--§()file vfher .l<lnd vf wp. iJWIGtittO IOll WA1\.ftl' ,l\AJltHCU)O lUJlllLal fm ..... am llJl ti -PACIFIC-jo!~li:!j;~ 1'1r out AGun C•mtdy CHRllTOPHElt JOHES "3 IN YHE AnlC" "THE BROTHERHOOD" PERSOHS UNDl!lt If WILL NOT II' AOMITTl:D UNLESS ACCOMPANIED IY PA•ENT OR TDULr IOUA•otAN JAPANESE MOVIES EVERY TUESDAY HIGHT SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUl PATRONS THE l'ICTURES LISTED IN THIS IOX MAY 11! CONSIDl!R(D IT SOME TO IE UNSUITAILE f'O• CH1LDRIN ANO YDUNQ REQUl•E PARENTAL OISCRETIDN, "MICHAEL & HELGA" "J IN THE ATTIC," CONTRAIY TO .l.DVE•TtUNG IEYOND OUR CONTROL ANO APPEARING ELSEWHERE YOUHO Pli:O,LI' UNDElt 11 (NOT 1') ILL MDT 8E ADMITTED TO PACIFIC THEATlll!S TO 51!1! THE PICTURES LISTED IN THIS ID)( UNLESS ACCOMPANll!D IY PAllENT OR ADULT GUARDIAN: -. . ·······-·········- Riie• .. Ille Tt, OI lh<I W1rkt ROCK HUDSON ERIU!:ST IOllONIN'I "ICE STATION ZEBRA" JIM IROWN ''KENNER" ............. ~'i'f'ii~·······~· ... '~ • M~lt !Mini 1'91ky IDI HOPI: JACKll! GLl!ASON "HOW TO COMMIT MARRIAGE" R06 STl;IOl!R CLAR'I I Ll>OM "TH6 ILLUSTRATED MAN" •«•rn-.,. "'Multi C:ll(fl 11\t Rtlft!Mlw 'ltlD ASTAIRE PITULA CLARK "FINIAN'S RAINBOW" MICHAIL '· POLLARD CONMlll RIED "HANNIBAL BROOKS" RATIO 'M" ~ ......... ".*''''• .. ··········· 'ltrZflr-./fllrMAIDllE.,,_ llE 11111 OMAR SHARf :.:.1• IXCLUSl\rl! ORIVl ·IN l'RIMllRI P•li:Sl!NTATIOlol T"41 Trw !.ltry II' 0.. OMAR SNARIP JACK PARLANCI! JACK FWllCE """'""" ,, .... ~~ ..... ~ CUIM~ UITtCCGll JIX.llW'mta .... UM "-"11w.nm-.. ~~--"-...-""11wnm~ .. 1TW1.£11""•• .. ~·-.. U1.0IOl'lll-i..~11i... l!l• ' I Also Willer Brennen-Tom Lowell-Karen Dotrice ln the Comedy "THE GNOME·MOBILE" Continuous Dally from 2 p.m. "CHE I" PLUS "ONE STEP TO HELL" .............. ~·········••994 L.oft"I Tno S"IY "MIC HAIL & HILOA• '1•1 T• Yll\lflt, T" T ...... .. HILL'S l lLLU" I ,, ~~~~~~~~~...L~~~--~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~----l- I t t ) I ' I I Che ·FiJm Premieres In Orange 11Che,'1 the movie version of ·Che Guevara's revolutionary exploits, wUJ benefit t h e scholarship fund of the Orange Friendly Center in lhe film's Southern California premiere tonight at the Cinedrome U theater in Orange. Tickets are rive dollars pt!r person, which includes a champagne party ·prior to the movie. ':Pro c e.J!d s from the premie.tt will help finance the college educations of young people who come fr om an area where only four year11 ago no one had even graduated from high school," said Mrs. Jan Menge, president of th e Friends of the Friendl y Cent er. Mrs. Menge hopes to raise $4,500 from the premiere, which will be pooled in a reservoir fund from wh ich scholarships will be awarded. Already, 12 eligible center area students have applied . Orange Cou.ntians can sup- port the scholarships by call- merce at 538-3581 and reserv· ing tickets for the premiere. C. Neustadt New Leader Of Players t . r The R a n c h o Commuruty Players have announced their officers for the 1969-70 season, with Carole Neustadt elected president of the Mission Viejo litUe theater group. Mrs. Neustadt succeeds Art Gordon who resigned earlier in tbe' year because of ill health. She has served as in· terim president for the past three months. Other board memb e r s elected at the players' gene ral meeting were George Shultz, first vice president ; Ross Stanfie ld. second vice presi- dent; Carol Stanfie l d , treasurer; Colleen Us n er. recording secretary ; Gloria Newton, c or respo n ding secretary; Linda Longfellow, membership director ; Jeannie Hirsch, production director. and Sue Farrell, t i c k e t chairman. The Rancho Players cur· rently are in rehearsal for a summer musical,. "Once Upon : a MaUress," which opens July , 11. ---· '""'--.. --·-----·-------------.----------------------... ---- UPI Ttlfftto .. Strother l\fartln 'C ool Hand Luke' Warden Among Best of Bad Guys By VERNON SCOTT remembered a.s the unsym.1 .., HOLLYWOOD {UPI) £~U:,Hc warden in "Cool Hand stage, or away from Nothing enriches a movie or microphone range on location, television so much as the "I love playing dirty oid when he's playing one of his character actors who persist men," Martin said the other patented cringing, id I 0 t Jc !n making the star, director day, ''especially a sure-fire roles. The crew ls terrified of and writer look good. role of the inept guy W!\11 gets l,a,•ughl.~,g aloud and ruining the Time v.·as when JioUywood one big chance in hiS life, take could count on Zasu Pitts, makes a heroic effort, and No finer compliment can be C. Aubrey Smlth, A 11 en then blows it. paid an actor, The crews ha ve OA!lY PILO' f# Jenkins, Barton Mae Lane. "The public loves to see a seen 'em all, and making them Edna Mae Olive r, Frank wily c~at who ge~.lleeced in laugh is almost an im-LOVES LOSING MCHugh, Henry Stephenson, the end." possibility. Strother Martin Eugene P a 11 et t e, Gene Martin, who er.eels as an,;==============;========• Lockhart and a h u n d r ed Itinerant tgnoram11s in the old CitherS. west, is a graduate of the HOLLYWOOD'S SUPERSTARS FORM PRODUCTION COMPANY Paul Newman, Sidney Poitier, Barbra Streisand Discuss Pact In recent years UJese grand Q'niversity or Michigan where Clld performers have died off he i was one of the country's or have been overlooekd by finest diving stars in in· producers. tereollegiate Competition. But there's a new breed o[ 11e's made 16 appearances character players · c om i o g on "Gunsntoke,'' unfailingly .along, and one of the best of playing • lying, cheating th em is Strother Martin, who coward ~ho plays host to a usually plays a whisky-soaked fusillade·of .45 slugs before the Stars Form Co:mpa1,1y desert rat )>Creft '' a single final retl. redeeming ·virtue. "l'vf perfected several ways UI ....... -You've seen hlf sad-eyed of dyklg," Martin said, grin-..... Merger Recalls United Artists Birth face in 25 or 30 movies and in ning. 500 television show!. He is one Mirtin gives a thousand of history's great losers-and dolla rs worth of performance 1111• .:ln ... a MIN 0 1'anessa Redgrave , .. """""'""""'""""'"*"""" The Loves of Isadora By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP) -The formation by Paul Newm an , Barbra Streisand and Sidney Poitier of their own comPany. First Artists, quite naturally evoked memories of another amalgam of s up e r s t a r s , United Artists. Last week's announcement included explanations by the three stars of why they are joining together. Newman: "The purpose of this company will be • . • to put film pro- duction on a more efficient basis." Streisand: ·• ... We'll have a teamwork situation based on mutual respect and understanding." Poitier: "'We have opted fo r leadership." Rough translation: They aim to get more money. If it's independence they want. tha t can be acbeived at any film com pany. Any of the three can pick his or her own properties, dlrectors and co- stars, a nd collect a million dollars pe r picture, plus a hef· ly share of the profits, But their own company of- fers the opportunity not only for indepe ndence, but a chance to share profits with no one. Almosl exactly 50 years ago, United Artists was formed with much the same idea. The founders were the big four of the day : Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, Charlie Chaplin and William s. Hart. Unitc-d Artists proved to be loves it. for eve ry frame of film. He plus Uie most important direc-best able to withstand the At the moment there are it1proves tremendously with tor, o. \V. Griffith. Film four or his p J c t u r e s f.Very picture he's in. l!I 1'1CH9COLOR"MIUMllON" Cit_ his torians can a/gue over sweeping changes in the fihn unreleased: "The Ballad of Crew members have been whether members of the 191 9 industry because it lacked the Cable llogue." "1rue Grit," know to run outside the sound quartet were bigger stars than heavy burden of a st.ll.dio. The "The W i Id Bunch" and,l-------;;;;;;;i;;,;i;ii;i;ii;~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii t 0 day's Newman-Sl.reisand-company merely contracts for '·Butch Cassidy and the Sun· Poitier. They probably were. films which are made in rent· dance Kid." ed studios. He is probably b e $ t Chaplin described the starti1================='i"==;;::: :~,,~~~~adphyAru~:, inr i ~i; ·k GALA WEST COAST PREMIERE * founders had beeTi hearing TUESDAY, JUNE 24 -I r'.M. rwnors tha t the majo r fi lm companies planned to merge into one giant organization that would control the industry -and hence dictate terms to stars. The quintet joined for dinner at the Alexandria Hotel, then the meeting place of the film industry, and revealed their plan to form their own company. They in· tended this mere!}' as a gam· bit to head off the merger. "The next day the heads of severa l production companies offered to re sign their posts and become our president for a small sala ry and an inte rest in the new company," Chaplin wrote. "After such a reaction we decided to go through with our project." At: Edwordi Clntm-Horbor ond AdalM-Costo Ml'ICll e IENEflT e Lant hadl Jewish Con1rn1111hy C~ampenhip Fund for Youth Sumnier Co111p Fund A GIANT OF A MOV COLllMDIA PICTllRBS PRESENTS lllllDRI/ DMIR PICI 11111 CARL FOREMAN'S . MIClll111'1 GD D Its ready to color your world with happin ess. Direct from reserved seat engagement! 'TOMMY STEELE ~.:-e y llARBIJRG':d rREO SIJOY· d:HA'Raiilis. BURrONC LANE """ sm RVJsro BY SCl'lffNPl..AY sv PApOUCtO sv 0 1/llCTEO 11v I oru&A1.SC1.11D111AC114lh ore f . Ray Heindort· E. Y. HARB URS & FRED SAIOY· JOSEPH LANDON· FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA--·"""~""""", Crossword Puzzle United Artists experienced storm y days almost from the beginning. Doug and ~1ary were angry at Charlie because they provided the pictures wh ile he was working out an old contract. for another pro- du cer. D. W. Gri[fitt. and Bill Hart lost their vogue and dropped out of the comp any. Charlie objected when Doug and Mary brought in Joseph Schenck as president. •••••••••• ACROSS l Emperor's !Ille 5 Okefenokee, , foe one I 10 Man's • nickname ! 14 Shoreline indentation :115 Less severe ~ 16 Trombonis t's acce ssory ; 17 Open space within a : buHdlng ; 18 Iron rust ' e.g. 119 Leave the l stage ~ 20·Noted US t lawyer · : 22. Inanimate 1 24 Sprinter's goal ; 26 Mint ptOdocl zi w;doly sptiktn language: 1 Abbr. 30 Symbol or qulelne!ls 3Z Stirred up 36 Atmosphere: Comb. form 37 --shooting 39 Slyly disparag ln1 40 Relatlve o .., a valise ii 4Z Made I 'I wrong -1tattm1nt 1 44 Foolishly enthusiastic . • " ' • 45 "·--Little Movem mt" ~7 Have a han kerirtg •9 Necessi ty for volleyball 50 Tak e on oil 52 Sm all group 53 Tree 54 Kind of platform 56 Card3••• 58 Slate 62 Military uniform: Colloq. 66 Anlmal color 67 Periodofno hosti lilies 69 Tapering solid 70 In the height of fashion n Duck: 72 Feminin e name 73 Golfer's target 74 Fl owets 15 Deserters DOWN 1 Tropical fl"' 2 Israeli dne J Declare 4 Organ · 5 One moving sluggishly 6 Do a house· ho ld chore 7 Ang le of leafstalk , --------- Yesterday's Puzzle Solved: " ' ~ "' c ~ 8 Doctor: lnfcwmal q Like better 10 Metal· lurgical precess 11 Oe- 12 Disease: Suffix 13 Shea Stadium ido ls 21 Equ int food 23 Mr. Slaugittt 25 Abrasive material 27 Al l set to go 28 Part of . a too th 29 Unhappiness 31 Head cover· Ing of some soldiers 33 Woody vine 34 Borders 35 Taxes• partner 38 Rents • ' 6/18/69 41 Discretion 43 They should be nondri vers 46 Tim e per iod 48 Fathe r in the Bible 51 Park employee's bugbear 55 Serious: · Comb. form 57 Kind of running horse 58 Braodenburg Gate, for one 59 Londcn area 60 Put to sta 61 Clothes: Inform al 63 Source of e;i.fftlne 64 Current mortth : Abbr. 65 FreedDlll of the -68 Letter Fairbanks' death in 1939 lcftl'==:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:~=====i only ~1ary and Charlie among Ii the founders. They were at odds most of the lime. NOW AT POPULAR LOCA.L PRICES! ~1i.ss Pickford wrote in he r autobiography that she wanted to modernize United Artists, but "no matter what I pro- posed or how I proposed it, Charlie \\'Ould aut omatically flatly turn it down. As we 1 were 50-50 partners, I was completely stymied.'' I The situation continued until t lie co 1n p a n y near ed bankruptcy. Finally in 1951,I Mary and Charlie so ld out to a new management that put the company on a profitable basis. W,,~~~!.H "011e of ltt. hst pictures I'•• lffll in years." -Rt K Reed, Womtn'l Wt•< O•il'f ~~ ~e J Killin ~ Si.mg eorge" Beryl Reid ® Susannah York Coral Browne An American nuclea r-attack sub sets out on a mysterious mission •• , carrying a spy! ~·c~ !'..:&<fl IJ1p~ Mr'~ "Ice Stati DlrKt fr Its Record ll'fflll ood·Show Eng eme111 END5 M DA r NIGHT ' ..... Rock Ernest · 'ck Jim Hudson Borgnine M Goohan Browi 1 .... Tony e;g lJoydNoian ·-~-_..,~ ... U.r.t , ...... ...,~ ... -dnaedt,J:m5:1tssJl*t,j · Rndrlt1·ir.._._.""',...,,__ (!]su.,..t..t1,,nifllm&.audi•"C-. · lAIT TIMI$ MONDAY' XCLUSIYI PIEMllJ.I IUN SKond Outttandl11t Hit Ollfff' R .. d Mldloel J. Pollard EVERY FATHER'S VIRGIN! - ., DAUGHTER OR IS SHE? IS A You Musi See the Orailge County Pr~miere Presentation of ''GOODBYE COLUMBUS'' A FILM FROM THE NOVELLA BY Philip Roth THE AUTHOR OF-THE NOW BEST SELLER "Portnoy'• Complaint" e WHATIVER YOUR AGE, YOU WILL ENJOY THE ACTING OF llNJAMIN AND THE STUNNING MOVIE DHUT OF ALI McGRAW, THE FRANKNESS OF THEIR LANGUAGE AND THE TENDER AND GENTLE RELATIONSHIP BETWEIN THI TWO • "Genuinely Intimate Love Scenes" -Tt .......... . "Refreshing to See" :..Tl ........... "Memorable!" "Irresistible!" -Hew Yori! .... -.. I Rated RI r11s0Ns UNDER 11 NOT ADMlmD To THI ORANGE DRIYl·IN; UNDER 16 AT THI HUNTINGTON CINEMA UNLW WITH PAUNTI -"--tff ,. ... ,.. the e11lhor of tht J~n• Fond• •nd 9' lotll "'-"" : ID • ! now b•tt 1tl1tr Robttt Rtdfo rd 111 J•n• Fonclt a koiit. ttdfotd ftMWIJllQlpllMi bllSfbt -.11•BOM111t1111Jt.-Sl'ftlalfl li1oi-".Po•rt-no•y•''-C•om•p•l1itl•n•1•.j.••.•.•.'°.o•T•l•N•T•H•l•'•A•1•rlll!I L---------;.;.i;.,;;..;,;..;.;._.·.1A_ll•FO-o•T•tN-TH•l-P•.•.•.·---·-·.··.··.~.?.~ •• !.!.•.•··.·:--~ r ., ( --------· I 1 ~ t ' -----,.~- .... ....., .... _..._ .... ,,i.,c..r,c.te .... e 111n ......... •A ...... -HW1 ... 1 .. e.dl e UJL17•1r.-C... ..... ll; ;1l 1C..W,C... ..... • IU7W..rw' ta •...._w.t-W• ' a Wtdnndq, June 18. 1'169 JO PILOT-ADVERTISER . e 14MW ...... _. ..... IL-..... C.-•S-.A• • ,,... ........ St •• ,...,._._..c..,,......,.,.., • , ...... F t ..... w .. t ,._ • ...,..c:.t.J ...... ,... ·• 11142~ ......... _ •• ,, ••• ,,, .. ,c-._ .... ..... e t6'1 C' 1••--•lrt It •-0..,.C-,~ .... .... e ._. 911 ..... ...__ , ... .,. a .... S•1;111l11 c.tw, H .............. - • ,, ... ..., ... a e•••-....... "-:_..,.. ..... • .... 5,,:,1 ... 1.oe ~>--=c ..... Del'9111• ' • C.11awt , ....... ell'*-•••i• EN-FR£SH [! d Bags ~ Cookies t& lft1 Yptletln c ~ 33 ·1 2"" 6k AnJmal. Lemon, ... ~ gar, oatmtal 1c· Old Fa.shloned Coconut • CooJUea! F Jg Bani Chocola te VanUl& ud ~ D u pl e x Bandwtchu! Try thetn all--at ~l~ .. [: .. -X,.'•"(• ,,, ...... :::::x::::·: Y.:::::~ . I Cbmamon, Lemon, lJco-..... rice and Spearmint Ila· VO!' hard candies. 7~~-«'0o;-'; reu11able jars. ·:~::: 1:~:.*':~~l~~ 1:.:.-.·v······ .· .. :·:-.·z:: Reg. 98C Plastic . Cold Drink Cups PACK OF 100 77' Popu1ar 7 as, 1iz6 JllMUe in choice or popular colon. Re- U!J8.ble ()r disposable! Great.for boroe uu, patio, plcnlcs. 111, 2 aid Sna $2.9& .•.•• Machine wash & dry!~:;:: . Permanent PTess \\'1th::;;; ··aou Release. 80% ray-......_.l Oh; 2or.. Polyester .in . White, Colon. 52 x 70 Y:!I.: ln~:::::;:::;?;::: ~:;:::::;:::::::::~~~~j % ply ho5e in Green mirror finlah \\ith braSlll couplings, ~·:-: performance-teated material& .;:::: tor Jong Hfe, Fully guaran-:;:~; t~. . .... t'::;:::;:::::::::::: f::::;~:::::;::: 1::;:;:::;:~ ~,v·~ .. -<\ .... ._..... ~··• ... -.·.·.·-;: r.:·~·:::.:~~ ~::~~:~::::~:;:;: t::~::::::::::::. Full Quart DUNCAN SINCLAIR. @\\ Scotch Whisky ~: =1~~~ $448'tl tnr Boot.chu. ~ ,...,.. ttUed and bI•nded ha 8ooU&tld, save ..... ~ 50c m special offer. }.:~ ~ ~~ ~Y.~ . General lledr& AUTOMATIC Percolator <aoammg -$119 fln.Ub. on coppw bod,y.U o l,· ..... cup lllze. Brew · Sdector, "'K e • p wain .. umt. p..12 $1.49 Famous Make Disposable Flashlights 771: Inata.nt u,ti.t tor 12 month• or more under nor-. mal hou1ebold use. No batteriea ()r bulb replace-o mont. . $1.59 -Value! 3 Piece C:hip & Dip Se'ts nc 8" bowl wtth '"" dip bowl In A~ c&d o o r ,G old glM& with .mu. tone fr&me. Reg. 99c Plastic ~ce Cube Trays • •4.29 Penetray CORDLESS Light Control wa.u .. ~=Uc·$ 2 27 ~·"'"' ··-1 0 0 k. Protects In . ;roar-. $1.98 Value ea.! Patio a T.V. ' oorCu1hiom 4"" $5 ' eolon. l"Olllll nib-bfr core. 18.sl8x3" MCAYV YIH'l'l. t i.EGNIT INDOORS • U1£,IN PLAYROOM OR AT IDE . ASST. TIIEEO COLORI . $5.00 Value! .Glass Party Perk $231 $3.981 al.I Swing A Way Wa Can Opener $236 l •JtO•ltloa wail bradet. I J" e & r ....,... .. ,,.. .... nm., oUtrl J:&Q" to '"•~•m $498 1 :Z 'wJl~t• pet•1 • tram• • sunny yel'-. f low face. • ............... -c.... .... ' S1.95 Value! •. 10 0.. 01 ,,,. ...... Cut Crystal Look Plasticware •Ill'>·-· . Matching 36 ozffi · Pitcher 69c ~ 98c VoJue! Now $9.99 Value! t PADDED Bridge Chair ..... y plated $6 93 =~a~:! , . 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Heavy duty ni.bbber tire s, at.eel re.lnforctd grip handles. Reg. 69c Aqua Net Hair Spray i:: •· 4 9 c $1.29 Cosmetic Travel Kits by Sirls Reg.59c Windex ).____..._ ............. .....:.,;, i ............. • ............ W b~'"'C •~• •' '--1• 'L-1 ~---'-'--~} -~__._J ______ _ I I I I I I I I - 1! ii. I' •• ............ .._._ ..•. ••• ' -• .,... ........ St •• ,......_...... c--. '·'· • '-di & ...,. lh4.-M•tllttM.....-S•••• ... ,ciw.. H .•. · • 1NI ............. H ............ c-Jiw, C.t.t. ' , I e tl1J1 IMO u.4 . .t A....,._ H.I. • R99.49tWwn's •1.91 ea. Little Glrls' Lavishly Trimmed Acetate Briefs Gowns and Pajamas FAULnESS JOURNEY-AID lottlti ~ oflOO s119 ·79c ea. C•ity ... of 275 Cotton B@dl~ 2 for 99' BuYI 2 and Save 69c For ba b YUUMJd makeup u1e. Get 7oun:I $1.89 Glory 1111 c1 ..... . Dhcont $147 t"rletd . HOUSEHOLD LINED Vinyl Gloves . :~..::::.·::::. 57c I htN f ... 11 • A-ff·SllP s.My • °"' • c.i.r Chic• Reg. $1.91 J&J 1st Aid Kits r .. , 99c c .. , .. Bow.flan& • h 0 • • • (II' aleep cap. lilelp l'l&lr . neat17 ta place! "Jl[ust'• fr. miladJI n-44c ........ ~$ R • Ji: •4•• Hi·l=ashion Girls' Cotton PARIS IMPORTED .l~ICA Sunglasses Play Sets :r~"".:'~:$2. 97 ~.~;,""'~=·$1s9· cludlna' -. new' blome, m. •-'ch t n I' Ugbt U..! All belt. Pm.ta, PWda. I with.optical . aoll.d•I I eoliar hlnpl. . , . · . sf.J1• f to IC. _ . :·) $1.98 Women's · . Fa1tey StrawHall ~ .. ~144 Bott, cruah· · able woYen atr&ww. with .. lace klOkl In IUDUPV'• bell: ~!tuhka Girls' Wet 'Look · ~Ion Jackets (~. D=:' $198 ....-~--11,flm taffeta tn populat' coton. ..... T to lib Baya p for them,*' Women's c-1 Folding Sllppell'I D;:::'"' Myi., eolor1 p.lir91 w ....... dom'8 or ou.t • ....... . l•11 •11r HG.LI •12 .. ... , ......... ---,. ----~--· 8&ft dollar• at -· $12.00 Vahle! WORTHINGTON Goff Ball• ... .;,n : $4"· lachillnton Seta · $1.19•-'4 Raellu I .,,~. ' ,,. 1079(& 'fl& .... Sleepl•1 . lag 59c Dl1111y ·p I a •r .. ••z -.. ·Ml-. ·?,i•,1=1: 44· I lt•rd&.':-. ... .. -. e 111u~1t.•W• · ••• w--...c..r.• ... e 6U7 W1••lnU• • ...... Wiit; w..tml PM • 11t61 • ..,..,.a.,.-.................. . • H-'* lh4. • ....... ~ ,..., S29.95 Value! BERKLEY SPECIAi. Spin Rod & Reel Pvt"''ll' .,,.,, · BOTH fOR ~~*'$19·95 dut, n.1. and r 200 yd& Hne. $2.79 Value! MONOFILAMENT Fl1hi119 u ... ' ~ 9f • 1$ l.0.-916 Y4. ..... • JO Ut-UI Y41. ..... • JI Ut-4H Y41. ..... 119 5-ft. x 12" Poly Wading Pool s499 Molded blue pluUo with i.W pUOn c&p~citf. $23. 95 2·Burner Colema• stove '7" Double Hibachi .... •• ~ MajOt' labeo1. 12" L.P. ~ -~ • lJbety, United. . Artiab, World Pacmc. Dot f•· turing' Gary Lew .. is, Bll1y Vauf)m. ~ Jdll:my River.,' Cller, mu:y morel ·Johnny Ca•b,. Jur, Rhythm 4-. "" Blues, Country, Bft<M. ~.=iJ"::$.19a· t~ .•• 5&'19 , • .52 1n lim- ited tlm1 ofter at your nearby : -· w.~~~t: ~f?::%~ ~ . PACK 84 OF l ·( 12 flaallea • • • • .blue coated tar IU}>er per- formance! , ' ' . -l_~----------'l__ I I I 1 ' I j -.-~------- ;ilf .... DAILY '°ILOT ,._. W O.i. S.......... ANOTHER CONTROVERSY -Sen Jose State Colle~e sprinter John Carlos says he'll run in NCAA champtonshjps desp!te thr~ts from the NCAA. NCAA says Carlos and other athletes com~ in Orange C0tu1ty Invitational and another meet that were uncertified. Five Finalists Named Yardley Banquet Honors Top Performer Tonight Bruce Chapman'! BiU Jenkins'! Mike Martin? Steve Shedd? John Vallely'! Which of these will be awarded the Yardley Trophy tonight at the Newporter Jnn '! Festivities begin at 7 with e:1-Later coach Bill van Breda Koll£ the guest speaker. Then the coveted award will be presented to the outstanding male athlete vf the Costa Mesa-Newport area. In 1968 there were ~winners as Phil Spiller and Bill Voss ..• a couple of ex- Newport Harbor High aces who made Laver Rates Top Seeding At Wimbledon \lllMBLEOON, England (AP) -Defen- ding champion Rod Laver of Corona del Mar is No. 1 in the men's division and Mrs. Margaret Court is placed ahead of Billie Jean King among the women in the seedings for the Wimbledon Tennis Tournament next week. Australia has two of the top six seeds In the men's competition. with Tony Roche following Laver and then Tom Ok- ker, The Netherlands, No. 3; Ken Rosewall, Australia, No. 4; Arthur Ashe, Richmond, Va., No. 5, and John Newcom- be of Australia No. 6. Clark Graebrier of New York was seed- ed seventh in the list of 16, with Cliff Drysdale of South Africa No. 8. The last eight , in order, are Roy Emerson, Newport Beach : And r ~ s Cimeno, Spain; Fred Stolle. Austraba ; Pancho Goniales, Los Angeles; Ray Moore, South Africa; Bob Hewitt, South Africa ; Dennis Ralston , Bakersfield, and Stan Smith, of Los Angeles. Back of Mrs. Court and Mrs. King in the women's singles are Virginia Wade, Britain, No. 3; Ann Haydon Jones. Bri- tain, No. 4; Nancy Richey, San Angelo. Tex., No. 5: Kerry MelvUle, Australia, No. 6; Julie Heldman, New York, No. 7, and Judy Tegart, Australia, No. 8. good in pro football and baseball. Now it's five amateur aces who are the finalists shooting for the trophy, named for its donor , George Yard~ey Ill, the ex. Newport wbli who stirred Jn the National Basketball Association. Chapman was a sparkling basketball player at Costa Mesa High and Orange Coast Colleg'e. The past season he stood out at Nevada Southern and led the Rebels to a finals berth in the NCAA col· lege division regional playoffs. Jenkins prepped at Huntington Beach then came to Orange Coast College where he was an outslanding football and baseball player for two years. Although drafted by the Pittsburgh Pirates, he'll attend. USC tbis fall. Martin's aquatic exploits at Corona de! Mar High and now at UC Irvine, have made him a finalist tonight. In the recent NCAA swim championships he won five gold medals and broke meet records in three individual events. Shedd prepped at Newport Harbor and is now a member of UCLA's Pacific 8 Conference baseball champions. The out- fielder made second team all-circuit despite being sidelined early in the year because of eligibility. Vallely, basketball virtuoso at Corona de! Mar and Orange Coast, brought UCLA off the carpet in the NCAA playoffs. He hit 29 points in the NCAA semifinals at Louisville as the Bruins held off Drake, 85-&. YARDLEY TICKETS ; ON SALE AT DOOR Tickets for tonight's Yardley Trophy awards banquet will be available at the door at the Newport.er lnn. The banquet st.am at 7 p.m. Tickets are $6.50. Highlight of the fete, which is open to women for the first time this year, will be Uie presentation of the Yardley Trophy to the Orange C.oast area's male athlete of the year. Former Laker coach Bill van Breda Kolff is the guest speaker tonight. Also on the program is Johnny Lindell, the ronner New York Yankee who's now on the Callfomfa Angels' front office staff. ··~~~~~~~~- Now Moody's a CHARWITE, N .C. (AP) -For the first time in bfa: career, Orville Moody ts ranked as oDe of the prtrne contenders for a pro golf crown. 'fhe touch. stooky former Army aergeant who made last week'• United States Open -th• -111·1 mosl prtsllgious tiUe -hll fil'lt lollt victory. was one of tile late arrivals for the 1150,000 Kemper Opon. Th• Jong-Open cbamplon dido~ get fn from Teu.s 1n time to take a practice mmd on the Jong, lush Quail Hollow Country Club course, a rolling, 7,205 yard. par n layout. But the ruddy.faced guy, a 14-year Anny veteran who came on the tour less than two years ago, wu scheduled to participate in today's pro-am event that precedes the 'n!W'5day start of the 72. hole event. Among the missing in tht chase for the !30,000 top prlu .,. Ja<k Nicklaus and Billy Casper, who flntshed well back ln the national champkmshlp, Gene Littler, who misled the cut (or the final two rounds of the Opeo, and Miller Buber, lht< third round leader who blew to a 78 In the flnaJ round. • ·-;:;:::::;:;,;'-~ ... .. ------;:;-... --.... IVCAA Threatens Ove "tiCounty Meet I ' Carlos: I'm Legal, 1~'11 Run KNOXVILLE, TeM. (AP) -John Carlos, controvenlal sprinter counted on by San Jooe State to carry It to the NCAA track title, says he lsn'I -.ied about challqers over bis ~lllgibtllty In tbe·na- tional champiooahips wfitch start 'lbura- day. "I'm going to run," Carlos cootebds, '1J'm legal ••Somebody doesn't want me to race here -but thal '• just IOiDi to get them whipped worse than they would have been." However, the exploaiVe sprinler alSd he had doubll aboul ~-of oettlng • world record of nine -Dal lo !be NCM meet on lbe T.-lr11<k. "I've got nine . raca to nm here," Clrloe said in a interview Tuesday. ••vou can't upect your body to do a nine Oat when you have to nm nine races." Carloe, booted. out of Olympic Vlllage lalt fall because of a black-Slo•ed ractal demonltri.Uon, will start trial races 11iunday ,la the meet wblcb winda up Saturday. He and Olympic clwnploa Lee Evans -favare<'. lo lllo HI-yard daah -make San Joee St.ite a top favorite. Tl'! Calllomlua and Kanau are tx· J)eC'ted to1 battle for tbe teem' tttte, b.ut lot a whllO Tuesday H appeoitd thal San Joee. State WP out of contention. , The NCM cbarpd that San Jooe state, UCLA and seven other llChoola: violated track rulel by parttctpallng lo uncertllled - , The meell In queellon were the Or111111e County Invitational and Houston Striders meel. The NCAA said that the twO m e e t s questioned were sanCUoned by U.S. Track and Field FedeniUon but did not f'I certlfica~ from the NCAA. Both meets were AAU-affairs, indicating that the NCAA Ind ~ MV may he renewlog thflr tract feud. Hearings wW be held to determlne if they are guilty, bul the schools could hold albletes out ol the NCM champlonablpo to bolster their chances of teepin& oU probaUon lo !be fulure. Robert Broman, San Jose State athletlc director, said be wa& confident his run- ners would compete anyway. Meet ol- flclall aald they lhoughl UCLA -wblch bu two ol the 10 defending champions, with ahotputter Sleve Marcua and pole vaulter John Vaughn back -would also compete. Coach Jim Bush of UCLA was en route to Knoxville and not available for com· ment, and Athletic Director J. D. Morgan aakl 'n Loa Angeles he thought only one or two athletes were involved. LOu.lsiana State, al.so on the NCAA 's list of violators, said 440 flash Al Coffe, whose 45.I clocking is the best thia year, would rur.: in the meet. The charges by the NCAA could result -if uphekt -in the forfeit later of any team points scored by the nfne schools charged plu.s the track teams being plac· ed on probailon next year. Will Meet With Rozelle Kosco Ends Slump, Rips Padres Twice Namath: NEW YORK (AP) -Joe Namalb, the co ntroversial New York Jeb quarterback, bas agreed tc> meet with pro football Commissioner Pete Rozelle but whether there'll be a meeting of the minds remains to be sq!n. T h e meeting will probably be next week. Rozelle is fishing off the coast of lower California and Namath will be out of town tmtil next week. too. Namath and Jets Prelident Phil helln had their flnt face-to-face meeting Tues- day since June 6 when Namath tearfully announced he was quitting football rather than follow RozeUe's orders lo give up bis half-interest in a Manhattan restaurant allegedly fr<quented by undellrable characters. News of an imminent Rozelle-Namath confrontation wu the only item. to emerge from the ~ meeting between Namath and lHlln. There was no word on who's calllng the plays. In another development, Namath ·said on television, "I'm going to try and play football again." The swinging quarterback, who led ~ Jets to an upset victory over Balttmore JD the Super Bowl, conunented on the pre- taped Mike Douglas show originating in Philadelphia. Douglar asked Namath, "Are you going to play football this yW?" Namath answered, "Yes, I'm going to try,. It was a big decision to make bu~ I'm going to try and play football again. Rozelle haB said Namath must sit down will> him before he will iie allowed to ploy What's This? Angels Have Laugher, 13-1 ST. PAUL -MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Andy Messersmith was detehnlned to tasl pasl the first Inning Tuesday nighl against the Minlluola Twins. The last time Messersmith started against tile Twins, he gave up pve runs and failed to retlre a man in the first as the Angels fell 13-1. The teams meet again tonight with Jim Angel Slate t 11nt 11, Ant1t11 •I M1nnesot1. $;.SS '·"'-• KMPC l7J~~I 20, A1"'1tll Vi Cftl("° (21, !:ll p.m., KM.PC C 11 D) McGlothlin 5-5, of California starling against Jlnl Kaat, 6-5. But it was Messtrsmltb's and the Angels batsmen's turn to show their artillery Tuesday night. The 23-year.old Messersmith pitched a three-hitter and the Angels bombed five Twins pitchers for 13 hits and a 13-1 vic- tory. '(' t .. "d "Messe rmllth was magn11cen , aai Manager Lefty Phillips of California. Messersmith, only 2-5, struck out nine while Bill Voss swatted a thrft-nm homer and Rick Reichardt a two-run snot and a run-scoring aiogle. CALIPOlllNIA MIMNSSOTA •• , .... 1 •• ,,, ... Aiomer, ~ s 1 2 2 1ov•r. ,b 1 o o o \IO.&.rl •lllRMSe.lb •1 2 1 FrfOOI~ ss • 0 t 0 Ollv•, ti • I I _ 0 A!'Nro, Pl' 0 I 0 0 KH'9tlfew. 3b • 0 ., 0 R•khlrdt, If I t 2 3 N9111ts. If 3 0 0 0 Johmtone, tf J I 1 1 Rowcoro, c l 0 o 0 A.Rodrlguer. lb 4 l I 1 111thtflsl<J, c 0 0 0 I A1cue, c $ 0 I t Clrdt'l'llS, •s I 0 I 0 ~-•r, lb • I 1 1 Ov!Ucl. ,. 1 I I.,. Mtntramlltl, p • I 0 I Uhi.endtr, d l 0 t t M ... tlt. O O I 0 I R.,.kk, pit 1 O O 0 8.Mllttr,p 0010 C1r.w.,,,. ltOO Crider, p o t o o Wotltllt'llllllll, ft t o o I GntNl1, p I t I 0 To111, 1' 13 II 1J T$t1!1 311 1 J 1 C1llf0,,1!1 012 006 :no -ll MIMQ011 000 100 000 -1 Favorite Besides Moody, other late arrivals ~ l eluded Arnold Palmer, t b e 1lnlggling dynamo whole Jut victory was in the Kemper Jut yw, -tt was played in f New Englllld, and Lee Trtvloo, !be deposed Open champ wbo WM bo&hered t by an aching left knet. · Both Palmer and Trevtno rank blgb among the challengers, alon1 with Deane Beman, tbe liUle man from Bethe~a. Md., who flnlahtd in a tie for second at the Open, &llllllling Muten champ George Archer and 49-ye8Nlld Julius mtros, the PGA tiUtholder. I Want a&aln even If he sells bis interest In the restaurant, Bachelors Ill. In Toronto, meantime, Jake Gaudaur, commiuioner of the Canadian Football League, dismissed a report that Namath mlghl ploy lo Canada. Gaudaur told the Toronto Telegram that there was no way a CFL team could Sports In Brief to Play deal with Namath snce he is under con. Lr act to an American team. The Telegram quoted an unnamed personal friend of Namath u saying in a telephone interview from New York that a CFL team had Invited Namath to play in Canada "but he 's not saying which one." O.J. Wants Insurance To Play for All-Stars HOLLYWOOD -All-American O.J. Simpson said Tuesday he would like to play in tbe Coaches' All.Star football game in Atlanta June 28 -with one large provision. "Some sort of insurance against possi- ble injuries have to be set up," said Heisman Trophy winner Simpson. "We'll be talking to the Atlanta people in a day or two to see what can be set up." • NEW YORK -The New York Nets of the American Basketball Association have called a press conference today at which they are expected to name Lou· Carneaecca u their new head coach. Camesecca currently is coach of St. John's University of New York, which won 2.1 of 29 games last season. • DENVEF~ -Russia's 7-foot-2 Vladimir Andreyev scored two short jumpers in the last two minutes of Lhe game Tues- day night to lead the touring Soviet basketball team to a 75-72 victory over the rookies of the Denver Rockets of the American Basketball Association, Over 1,526 fans saw the game, which was played under lnterna.Uonal rules. • PRINCETON -t>efencting champion Southern California 8nd rival UCLA kept all four of their singles players and both their doubl .. teams wtdelealed in NCM teMls championships played here Tues- day. Both California schools have 16 points In the tournament. One point behind is Trinity University, Teic., led by Bob McKh\ley, brolber of former Wimbledon champion Chuck McKinley. • SAN DIEGO The San Diego Chargers of the American Football League signed Tuesday quarterback Mar- ty Domres of Columbia, their No. 1 draft choice, and end Skip Orszulak of Pittsburgh, No. 5. 'Ibe 2l~pound Domres, who stands 6- foot.-3 ~2. was third in the nation in tot.al offense in 1968 with 2,404 yards and fourth in passing with 1,133. Orszulak caught 50 passes for 725 yards and four touchdowns in 1968. • SAN FRANCISCO -U.S. pairs cham- pion iceskale!'s Ron and Ciody Kauffman have turned pro and are under a three- year contract to Shipstads & Johnson Ice Follies, it was announced Tuesday. The brotber.-sister team placed first this year in the national senior pairs, first in the North Americap. competition and fuurth in world competition. They have been skating together for 13 years. • NEW YORK-Bialra's Dicki-iger was named Fighter of the Moo.th by Ring Magazine Tuesday for his upset JG-round decision over middleweight champion Ni n o Benvenuti ol Italy in a non-title bout. Benvenuti suffered a broken bone of his right hand in the May 2S fight. nger beat out light heavyweight cham- pion Bob Foster for the hoilOl'. Foster stopped Andy Kendall, the No. 1 con- tender, in the fourth round of a title defense on May 24. • NEW YORK -Baseball fans have long memories. Joe Cronin, Tris Speaker and Rogers Hornsby , all members of the baseball Hall of Fame, were named to All.Star teams in two cities in a recent vote by fans in major league cities. Cronin, now the American League president, was picked as shortstop for 'both the Washington Senators and the Boston Red Sox. Speaker was in the outfield for both the Red Sox and the Cleveland Indians and was selected as Cleveland's greatest player ever by Indian fans. Hornsby was the second baseman for both the Chicago Cubs and tbe St. Lou.ls Cardinals. LOS ANGELES (AP) -A disillusioned Andy Kosco went home Monday nlght and reed the riot act to himself , searcfling ror the answer to end a week· long batting slump. He decided to take the advice of some of his Los Angeles Dodgers teammates to open up his batUng stance. Tuesday night he opened up a few wounds on the San Diego Padres as the Dodgers swept a twi·night doubleheader 7·3 and 11-0. Kosco slammed his: 12th home run of tbe year in the first game to cap a sev en- run uprising in the seventh inning, then went four-for-five in the second game with three runs batted in. "I really needed those," he smiled, "especially after last night. J was so mad at myseU I didn't want to go home." Monday evening Kosco personally left eight rull!1ers stranded as the Dodgers dropped a 3-Z verdict to the Padres in 13 innings. "I was becoming too much of a defensive hitter, so I decided to open up a Dodger Slate Ju~ II, Doclotl'S Vi S.n 0 1190, 7:$5 p.m., KFI June 10. Dodtotrs .tl Cfncinr1e!I, $om .• KFt (6-tOl June 21. Ooc!vera •I ClndnnB!ll ':1$ P.m .• KFI !6-0lll Jo.mt n, Doclvt•l •I Clnclnna! !2), 10:10 a.m., KFI little and attack the ball. After all, that's what a clearu.ip hitter iS supposed to d0." The teams conclude their four game series tonight with Dodger Don Sutton (9· 5) sdleduled to duel ex-Dodger Johnny Podres (f>-5). Alan Foster hurled his second straight complete game shutout in the nightcap and ran his consecutive scoreless innings streak to 21. Foster struck out seven and \valked only one while effectively scattering seven hits. Pete Mikkelsen collected the victory in the first game, relieving starter Bill Singer in the sixth. Singer left after yiekling a solo homer run to Ollie Brown and a two-run shot by Van Kelly which gave the Padres an ear- ly 3-0 lead. Kelly 's homer was his first in the majors. In the last 30 innings which Singer has pitched, the Dodgers have produced only one run. ,lllST GAME SAM 01!'.ac> LOS AHGEL!'.i ,.,, ftrbl •brllnl •01o wms,ss •111 lOO O MDt&,11 •122 • o o o Parker, lb 3 o o I •111Kosu.rf 411 1 301 0Brewer,p 0000 l O l Cl Haller, c • o O O An:l1, I I $!pin, pll R.P ... 1, lb o.arown. rr Ftrrtrl, If Splezlo, lb C111n1u1ro, ~uon. c1 Kelly, :1b Rou, p SI•, p R~,p Murrell. ph C401 0le!H>vrt,lb •120 •120 Crawtord.cl 3 110 •122Sln mor•,2b31 10 2 0 0 0 Slng•r. p I O O O oaoosuaakl•·P"' 1000 G 0 0 0 Mlll.ktl1en. p 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Geb•ltlson, pll 1 O 1 I W.Oflvlo, pr 0 I 0 0 Ruuell,d 0000 Tatals ]4 l t l Tot•li l2 7 ' 1 Sen 0Tf'OIO 000 I~ OOD -3 Lo. Ang1tn 000 ooo 10x-7 f -S""9er. OP -Les An11tlts 1. L08 - San Diego 7, L.cs A"llflfl •. Hll -0. lll'<lwn !11), K•llV {1), KOKO (12), se -Spltllo, Arel•. s - Rot1. !F -P•rk .... " " • .. .. •o ·~· (L,l°'J .. l/J • ' ' ' • Siik ' ' ' ' ' ' Rtbtrgtr 1·2/l ' ' ' ' ' Sl~r ' ' ' ' ' ' Mlkkttll'll !W.2·2) 2 ' ' ' ' ' ·-' ' ' ' ' • Tlfl'l9 -~:24. llATING IT IACK -Ed Sptezio of the San Diego · Padres dives back to second base just abttd o! pickoff throw which Is being handled by the Dodg- Ul"I Te ...... ers• Maury Wills. Dodgers swept doubleheadef, 7-3 and 11--0, to break out of hitting slump. i ................ ,l & I .. _........._,___....._ --' \'{fdnttdt)', June 18, l~ OA:LY 'lLO? 27 Bannister, Balan·ce Make North Choi ~e SAND TEXTURE ANf HOW IT AFFECTS YOUR yAME Tho fll<lur• of the ......... a groat dlff.,.nce In the action tho! tho clubhlCld and boll wUf tab on lnlp ....... 5 Orange Cou nty Spike1·s To Compete Aga·mst City If U Wll football, the North would be a tw~own favorite. ·it '1s, how!Ver1 tbe aecond annual Kiwanll Oi'ange OOUnty Aii.Star Baltball game. · u's billed for Thursday nl&ht ot a at La Palma Stadfum in Anaheim. What maktl the North so Imposing is It's gnat overall balance p1ui a young man named Alan Bannister. Bannister, from Kennedy High School, Is so bJibly thought of he was recmtly drafted by the California Angels in the flrst round. He hit .554 in ltllidlng the Irish to the Freeway League championshJp and that fig\lre included siJ home runs and 21 RBis. More on Bannisttr: He led his team with 3' hits. six triples, nine stolen bases (in nine attempts). 16 walks and ocored 19 Um ... Pethaps hll lllOll lmportont stat lies in reaching bue safe. ly IS ti~ In Ill trips to the plate. That's a .883 perctnt· aae. Another fmposlng figure on the North roatet is Andy Di•laru!ki. Bielanald (drafted by Oakland) was the co-player cf the year in the ClF AAA in 1911, pllchlng and batting Savanna High to the CIF title. The dooble-play combination of Dan Hansen and Gary Mack of Western -a tandem that turned in 20 double plays dur- ing the season -ia there and Loara High's Keith Marshall, a .500 batting outfielder will be in the lineup. Coach Andy Smith and his stalf, however, have a few HB Blitzes Baron Five, 8144, fu Cage Opener By STEVE ANDREWS Of flle Dll11 """ .,.., Defending champion Hun-. tington Beach stormed to its first win in the Huntington Beach s u II) m er basketball league Tuesday night troun- cing Fountain Valley, 81-44, in lhe Oilers' gym. Ehner Combs' club, which dumped Marina to win the ti- tle last summer, took an open· ing step toward the same goal as Jt blew open what wa1 a tight game, 32-24 at halftime, with s 25-10 advantage in the third stanza. Lee Walters topped the Oilers in the scoring depart- ment with 16 markers. He was followed by Wes Thomas 14, Curt Carlson 12 and Tony Cate 10. In other action at Hun- tington Beach.fi rst -ye a r Edison High School narrowly missed Its initial victory losing to Garden Grove , &J..58. Westminster topped Villa Vike Spike Boss Quits Jack Rowan, who has coach· ed varsity track and field for the past 16 years in the Hun- tington Beach School Di.strict and for tbe put four 1easons at Marina High, has tendered his resignation as track coach, the DAILY PILOT learned exclutively today. Rowan, 45, will continue coaching only in cross coun· try. "This is something I've been thinking over for the past cou- ple of years and now is about as good as time as any to make the move," said Rowan. "I made the decision aome time ago but didn't wlllt to make any public an- nouncement until after the track season was over," he added. Rowan's varsity «O relay team made It to the state prelims at UCLA before fin.ally falling out of com- petition. While coach at Hunilnaton Beach High for 12 seasons, he managed the highly successful Southern CounUes Invitational. The past season was the Vikings best~ver year in track with the varsity finishing third In final Sunset League standings and the Ct:es second. Culver City Trips Cards- Fountain Valley's Cardinals dropped a 12-6 decision to Culver City Sunday afternoon at Los AmlgOI High. Culver City broke open a 2-l lie with aeven runs 1n the fourth inning • Mike Bailey led Fountain Valley with three RBis. l'OUfllTAlfll VAUIY Ill DtM1lt, !l·P 8'! '1 '1"'1 Qvlftl•l'I. rl 1=::~ !.111 ·=\.~ 11.-~ J·' 111 ~-:... ' ~.r. 'lCl ,1, ~.~,,,.,:L'llft CIT'( 11:: t , 1 •11 E:t,. l I ~,n 1111 ~.~l ~, J' I<-." lllfllnh I K 0 C~l"'r ClfV 020 TII «»-1' t t l'wni.lll v111111 * 011 oa.-• • a Part, 8$-57, In lhe nightcap at Huntlnrton Beach. Marino Miah School I s hosUng the second ball or the league and the Vikings fell just short In their bid (or vic· tory. Marina rallied to win the fourth quarter 1~9, but lost a 67..SO decision to Rancho Alamitos. Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar notched victories over La Quinta and 8-0lsa Grande. The Sea Kinirs ,:>osted a 49-2• win over the Matadors. MIJNTINOTON l•ACM ltll P'O PT l"P Tl' W1ll1"' ' l J ll C1!1 S O JlO O.lr1Tllln J t T 1 Wist ,,,, C111S011 J 2 ! 12 M1rNll 2J2T T"""'81 l 2 t 1' McCord ! ! J t Tot•I• l7 17 16 II l'OUNTA!N \tAll'fY 1441 V1ltlllflll Lvt1eh PCM1rr •Mw Krl111ne1 (-lll!r ftl'ldtr Ocodaltt• T"""'11utl '"" Tol1ll l'O P'T l'I' T" ' 0 s • J 7 J "' 1 l 0 ' I 3 2 5 1 ' 2 J • 0 2 0 • 0 ' • • l 1 l 0 ' t ' l 0 1 t l! 18 11 lj SC-Sy Qu1rttr1 ~un11,...1on 111<;11 n fl ?S 24-11 Fount•ln V~llt" t IJ 10 1~ l!Ol50N f"l) P'G l"T 1'P' Tl' 0!'111~ 1 ' ' ' l'lihl!r 0 0 5 t Fun~• 5 I t 11 Arv1 J.St t Bowm.n l 5.S l1 "•leltff 1 0 I t Wiison !It ! H•""°" I 1 1 3 Tol1T1 11 'Ill ?O ~ OAlOIN ••ov• 162) ·~ Vin 111111"' •1lnt Ktrl'l .. n MIUro!f' ...,,, Ttlll1 r• l"T l'I' Tl' 5 I J 11 l 2 J I 1 ' ' 11 s ' J '' I ti J 2 ' l s .., ,, ll 21 62 kw. ., 0..1rtffs Ef!'°" t 12 U 2:1--5' G.mn r.-t lt 12 2l-U IOllA CllAN"I! ft•! l'CI "1' I'll' Tl' W1rd 1 143 McCrM ,,,, 1!1111 3 • 0 ' Kirrlln 03SJ ""'"" 11 2] Ftltv l 0 1 2 FU .. 1002 Brode 10Jt Tft1l1 t l 17 '' PY111n o o 1 0 COi.ONA OIL Ml.• lttl l(llll&n ""'" H ... -Gr1tt"1 ..... ...... A411M .. ~ COll!f'll Tote It 1'0 1'T I'll' Tl' $ l ~ 13 • ., ti 7 I 2 1 A ' 1 7 s 7 0 0 ' l 0 ' ' O 1 I 2 T I J 4 1 0 D 4 17 IS 14 4' St-11Y OV.rt.rl Bolst Gr1"4<! t 2 1 ~14 C-. *I M•r U 10 11 l....,_t MAftlNI. IN! ll'f) l"T 1'1' TP Mo,r..,. 1 1 1 11 McG111r• 2 1 S ! ••11'111 60111 l!•rll 02l1 LKV 11 4 l Mull&lly J ' 1 I ,...,,..., I I I 0 Crllftkl!1 4ltt Totti. ,, 14 17 60 IANCMO AU.MITCIS 1111 llct;;enlDntld Aflftr10ll Gr1t11"' ,., ,,_ ltrttr M~O•n\fl Rigbv To11l1 l'O l'T l'F T1' • 0 1 0 3 • ' ' s l ' 13 ''''" 1 1 s l! 1 1 ' 3 t • ' ' 0 0 t 0 11 II 22 tt ,_ llYO...rttrl ~r1n• II 15 1' 1.......0 ll!ldlo •l~mttoo 11 n 2J t-41 WISTNUNlTl!t (ffl ...,_ ........ ~ ·-·-M "'"' SleYtnwn .....,., Rtld Dedrick Tol•lt l'CI l'T PP Tl' ' , . '' I l t f ' ' • t ' ' 1 ,, 1 5 l 1 I II I 0 l I 1 I 2 I 2 ' I 1 1 4 ,, 21 ,, '5 VILLA 1'A•IC 1111 l'CI l'T PP' Tl' ~ t ; : 1: Te,..a,1ijie 1 I 1 t ... _ 101t lllllttmon I J 0 I Mtff1li.'f' 2 4 ' I Htlm S O t 10 Htln ltlt LI-ltt t Tt"lt 10 17 lt SI . sc-llr Ot 1n1n \i:W.-lf!llM_, 11 17 11 1'-'S II" Pltlt 14 ll \I 1....n' Langrill Signs Jim Longrtll of Slddlebact Collqe, who was draJted _b1 the California Angels In the recent major tel.pt draft, hu be<n glgnod by the Hofog, LafllTiJI, •ho wu an All- Crtalvltw League pitcher for TU1tln High School In 1961, will be essigned to a Class A club in Lbe Anlel Farm s11ttm. nq.aets of their own in the South camp. Salltiago Higb's B er t Blyieven, a fire -ba lling rlgbtbander, waa picked by Mlnneaota in lhe third round. Blylevtn chalked up a 10-3 mart and to compliment him are a couple ol Orange Coast ma pitchers -Steve Schoet- tler of Newport Harbor and Adrian Witt of Mater Dei. Schoettler ( I 0-2) led Newport to the CIF AAAA playoffs and was M:lected as Player oC the Year in the Orang~ Coast area and was . Whon the tcmd II wet, JOU should mob o th.U-cutundor!MbolL You should ploy the ohol oo tho! tho dub c:ontods the sond doMr lo h boll Ilion normal on<! !hon lust shav.. a thin 11iC;e of sand. named to the first team AU. 1,~~~ Orange County team. ri Witt was selected for third- team All-County honors. He posted a 10-4 mark for the season including a 6-4 mark in the rugged Angelus League that included the eventual CIF AAA champion (Bishop Amat) and tbe runnerup (St. Paul). New additions t'o the roster are Eltaocla High's Chuck Loseth and Howard Hoyt of Foothill. Both teams will be guests at the Disneyland Hotel Thurs- day morning for a breakfast and will vlslt the children in the Orange County Children's Hospital later In the day. All players will receive certificates, all-star jackets and tickets to an Angel game at Anaheim Stadlwn later in the season. The North, fa vored last year in the inauguration of the event, lost 3-2. Mater Dei Holds on Wet sand wlll re1l1t your dub- hood mo<e than wlll-dry sand. Whereas your dub might cut readily throug!t cl!Y 1!J;nd, It wlll 1low_ down comidtrably In wet aand-unlt11 you mob o shallow cut. I . WET 5ANP °""""''-~ ........... -""'' you ... molcing .,... flnt "" whon pooling an -Don, <vi too doeply or R wlll oquirt al - your hands. Glenn Fires 87 4 Set To Retain Elims Lead Dale Glenn of West Los Angeles restored a litUe bit of sanity to the hoUy contested West Coast Match Game Elimination at Kona Lanes in Costa Mesa by becoming the f!rst bowler to hold on to Uie lead for two consecutive weeks. of El Moote Is third with 3,389 while Foy Belcher, who had a 916 set Monclay, is now fourth with s.m. Oe£ending champion Lamar Keck of ResMa is another 22 pins back with a 3,357, ~ for the fifth spot. After the lead bounced around for the first three weeks, Glenn came up with an Mater Del withstood 8 last-874 effort for four games f\.1on-day night to keep the top spot moment flurry by Buena Park in the qualifying round. Glenn For Win Highest Orapge Coast area bowlers in the standings are Fountain Valley's Dick Braasch and Westminster's Fred Rlccllli, who are Ued for 13th with 3,269 scores. to hold on to a 4+43 victory took the lead last week for the 1!?'"'S'ra. cia,~.;11t~'roai.111~ v1u~ Orange County entrants OQ ternoon, will pit the recently the CIF southern seCt!on cop.. '°aduat.ed atus of the two tlngent that will meet • .a areas against each olhe:r. 1im1lar eggregatlon from Los Slated to represent Oranae Angelea City 1<hools ·are ' Counly Bfe Clyde EnJ•ry of .limited to five lndi\'ld~. Santa Ana Valley, Isaac CUrUs The meet, to be h.el~ Jll Ctr-of Santa Ana, Mike Sampson rltos Colle1e Saturqty · aJ. and RPben t,fejla of La Habra the stale finals !or sixth place whlle Sampson baS a btst of 14.S In lhtl Pole vault . Murray made it to Ute stall! prelims. HiB best e!(or{ has been 57~~. The meet will benefit the Suna ir llome for AslhmaUc Ch ildren in Tujunga . Three Bs Top Area Fish Action ."and Pat MurTay of Lowj!ll . ' Curtis will compete Jn bOth ~"'"""T--,,..,.....,,.-~.., hurdlei races and the long r jump while Emery goes in the Music lovers qaJte note, the three Bs are still hot items. Not Bach, Beethoven and Etrahms. but bau, bonito and barracuda. The, three Bs continue lo dombiate the Oran1e Coast area deep sea fishing picture with quite a few limits being taken. JOO. Emery went to the state pre I i ms before being eliminated in a heat that saw his three conquerors ltlt tbe tape in 9.7. Emery's time was identical. Curtis was injured on and off almost his entire senior year at Santa Ana Jilgh. His track season was at a near-stand still. As a junior Curtis racked up Santa An~ school record marks of 14.0 in the 120 ·high hurdles, 18.6 in the low hur'1Jes and a 23·3\f.: mark in the long jump. ,l(/GHT 'fMCING ;•u, ~St•rts Tool~~' · "Gn.vl R(lt:R l :U ' • I f'LIJS. Al:AMITOS La Habra's one·two punch flf Mejia and Mike Sampson will provide good depth for the CIF Operators at D a v e Y ' s in the 2-mile and pole vault. Locker and Art 's Landing in Mejia ran a 9:06.4 2-rnile In Wa~qf ~j,.odwiK~ Newport Beach. rtport Jopi and'1r;;iiiiiii;~~:;~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ lots flf th e bass and bonitoll with the barracuda now run- ning over the legal limit. The bass are running up to four pound!, and Lee Clarke of Davey's said they were biting like crazy Tuesday mflrning. 'J1le bonito are mostly four and five pounders, with a few in the six-pound class. DELTA SUPER QUALITY Tires Cost Less! e COMPLITI LINE AVAIU.ILI e WIO E OVALS !Somt l1ber1111u l -SUPER PREMIUM -POL VESTER RAOlAL SPORTS - SAND BUGGY -CAMPER SPECIALS -a. ALI. SIZE lllUCK TIRES. IANKAMIAICARO MIASTll CHAIGI Barracuda still aren't of the big log variety, but six BERG'S DELTA Tl RES pounders have been reeled in. ...,,~!~1~ut T!~~;1t i!r f~~~ 141 E. 17th St.· Costa Mesa· 645-2010 Gabriel landed a 21-pounder on o,,os1._ lob• l lt loy one of the Art's Landing boats I~=======~===~~~======~ Sunday. I · Clark said the yellowtail pie· ture ia still slow. Pole Vault Is Scratched * CHtCK ADJUSTMENT Tuesday night in the feature first time. 1 . Fr..i ll~ wn1,,.111111r 1.2'• tilt at Estancia High School in His Jead, however, is a it E.~~~11~i.:_w.11~1"'' 1.1u The All-comers track and the Costa Mesa Recreation rather precarious 32 pins over .w. L. """"' '· 11 MeM field meets at Costa Mesa *~TUT 1105 * REMOVE .. DISMANTLE * l"SP(CT ALL PAll:T$ * DIAGNOSTK: REPORT Summer Basketball league. Roland Alexander, also o( fl. ~:~•a'.f.!F.'c~~·J::• j:lU High School, slated to begin In °th er games, Estancia West LA, the second-week ~1: t~ ';'~ ec.sr. M.,. 11;' June 26 and continue for seven pushed Los Amigos around, Bl-leader. Alexander fired a 916 Hunt1~1011 &..c1' 3.coi constcuUve Thursdays, will 3S, and Costa Mesa buried series to move into lhe run-?6. ~:,.~~~"v :i.ms oot have the pole vault event. Saddleback, 84-35. nerup t It dropp'mg to u. Nlct s1kltu1, Cott• Mesa '·;·!I That real1'zat1'on came 1'nto COSTA MESA The Monarchs, led by Tom spo a er ••. J1m c:wi .... '°''' M"' 2, fourth last week. 1oa. ig•u;, "'"'°"'· Hun11~D11 ae.ci. rocus after the pole vault pit Bomkamr,'s 15 points, broke Sixteen-game totals show l~: W!n.'J'l~· ~ur.& ... r tm at Costa Mesa was burned out 1934 Newport Blvd •...... , , .... 645.0900 a 38-38 t e with 3:37 left and Glenn with 3,470 while Alex· \~t i1~''lt«J,"-. " l111ttr by an unknown vandal last " c11111r1 How Open '' L1t111..i '" c1111. • Fr•n<h'" ,.,, .. '51~144 extended the margin out to 44-. _a~n~.d~e::r2h~a~s~3~«~38.~J~•~'!}~H~a~c~k~er'.......!!!J"~"E"~'~~""~"=1K~'!:!:...._J'~·"';__2Th~u~r~sd~a~~ait~ernoon~~~· ...:._...:.}~=====================!:: 38 before Buena Park came1. 11s. Al Mw11. c.. 1 lf ,._. i.u. alive with an e£fective full· T court press that almost caught the'-victora at the buzzer. Buena Park narrowed the margin to a point with 11 seconds to go and took possession with two seconds left before finally falling. Costa Me1a's overaJI teamwork was impressi\te as the Mustangs had no trouble with Saddleback. ~ Jim Casillas and R i c k De1met led Mustang scoring with a dozen each. Desmet will be a sophomore in the fall. Skip WITiiams was the scor· ing gun for Estancia, tanking 21 points for the high output of the evening. He was aided by Mike Schaunnessy (11), Kurt Kersten (10), Steve Butler (10) and Curt Thomas (10). U.OO~llACK Oil KOib LIPl~f T•vlor Kru~ s1111r .. 1r luta Gtrtl• Beet••• T4!1l1 FQ FT f'F Tl' 1 0 l , ' I o 13 D 2 l l l 5 1 ll I 0 2 1 ' 0 1 , 0 I 1 I I 0 3 1 l)f\3 35 COITA MllA !HJ Oetton 0••1$ Dlt1 w .. Ct•lll•~ Oflmft McKlnllr .... AU111n W"klnt N•vllle Wellln Toflll P'O 1'T l'F Tl' 1 0 D e 3 0 3 6 5 1 1 11 3 0 ' ' ' • , 11 ' 0 ' 11 l 0 l 1 2 • 1 ( 5 0 2 10 l 0 ' ' I 1 1 3 ' 0 0 • " ii _1a •• SCtrl llr Qulrtfl'I COlll Mes'I 25 16 11 n--.-• SNdllblC:k s 1 12 u~ LOS ANl .. OS (2S} G1rtl1 Sf!rgut Kfrtter Lonvorl1 H•llnlhl '" MIWOrl~ ftimltY Ou""" 0-Ufl\tt!Y LIMOln C1rt•' Toi.It o,..in ktr11en Wlll!l lNI .... t(hlllllntHr utllr V1U111 """'" , __ Toltll ,.",PT, . ( ' ' J 3 0 ' 0 1 l l 1 1 I 4 I I 1 l 0 ii 2 2 l 1 I l l 1 7 ( 0 I 0 I 0 , 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 , 0 , t2117SJ l:lfANCIA 1t1) 1'0 l'f '"Tl' •• 1 1 s l ' 1 l 10 ' 3 l 71 ' 0 2 i ' 0 ' " i J 3 10 • o 2 a 4 ' J la 1 , 2 3 lS U Ull *"' .. , °""""-l!•l•Ml• 21 21 11 IJ.-11 LOto Amloe11 t 10 4 12-'5 au&:NA 1'1.1.lt IUI I'& 1'T l'I' Tl' s ' ' 14 I 1 0 l 1 0 l i ' 2 ' 1~ ' 1 3 ' • 0 2 0 l • 0 , llt\,(l Ma.Tiii: 011 (441 McMt•'d"'ln '"""' -~ Htl'MlllWX lomklmP klle~ Tat•lt llO 1'T f'I' T1' I I ' 6 l ' s 1 J 1 ' ' e • 1 ' 6 I 2 U 1 s J s U l6 1144 ·-., OWrlfl't ' ,_ I"•·-,. 7 'l ~l Mllff Del 14 J 11 1~ t Just this once, don't hire your nephew. • This wmmer, there ue 1 lot of kids who wDJ need the job mOre than he does. Like thil boy. And not for jlllt tbe money - though he can 1ure use it. He needs the job for all the ~· that COIM'with urniq a day's wage,. Things like pride, aelf·respect, 1tlf-00Dfidence:. And most important, what comea.,withknowing IOmlbody 1 tU3IS him for I change. Right now all he needs ii a summer job -tomethins to carry him tluough until M:hool 1taru in the fall. And lt'1 import wt he find one, Important, that ii, if ht'• going to be able to re tum to school. Tho IWMler job could mean tbt difference -it could keep him in lthool. He01 one or the young peoplt lhe sociologi1t1 label "'disadvantaged ." They don't look any different than your own kids. In fact, yo:.i probably oouldJl't tell thtm from the kids on your own stroet. They don't wear 1 labtL It may rurprise you, but there art a Jot of them in Orange County. Some haw had previous work experieDCe, others have not. But they all want to work. They jwt don't know where to look. They have no uncle• to make job1 for them, no .irifluM* tlal relatives, no friend• among the highrr-upa. They h.aYS no connection•-unlc• Jt'1 yotL Most of them don't hmi much b>nfldmOl,either. And that's the worst part of all Their only qualifications: t~o hands, two legs, suong backs, minds that can think, 1tomleb1 to feed, feelings to eon.iider. Jun like your nephew. And like your nephew, 100, tbey'te aoina: to be llOVJtd for a long time. So, i1 thCre a catch to all this? You bet. ll'1you.-an& the summer job you can give one of these kids. You've ccad thi• far , to you"re probably intemted. Why nfll go the rest of the w1y and pick. up the phone. Dial 632-JODS. We've tc.ied to make.it r.asy. _., __ _ Na_tional Alliance of Businessmen .10111 Orang111.County Metro - U93 North Miller Street •Anaheim, Californ ia 92803 I I ,_, __ I \ I' I .. i • I I I • ~ . -~ -· -----~-:v...., •-..;;.... ~ If IWLY PILOT Wednt!daJ, J"" 11, 1969 .. Start Yo1ir Engines! by Deke Hou/gate The tnteresUng phenomenon of the business-public relation manager for sports personallties is drawn into sharp focus In 1969 as lam everywhere wring thelr hands over the plight of O.J. Slmpoon. Simpson . chose as his manager a brilliant sue alumnll!, ChuCk Barnes, whose enterprise had been mYslly devoted to managing auto racing fitures . He handles A. J. Foyt, Parnelll Jones, Rodger \Yard and Mario Andrettl, as well as Baltimore's all-lime great quarterback, Johnny Unitas. 1r you watched the closed circuit version of the Indy 500 or were there in person, you would have been irnprwed by the popularity of O.J. among the greasy thumb set. He drew tremen- dous acclaim. F.veryoot is waiting for O.J. to sign a pro contract, which he has been unable to do because of the wide variancf: between wh::it he wanb ($650,000 over a rive-year period) and what the Buffalo Bills are willing to pay ($250,000). . The other day a USC oUlclaJ whO la a close friend al Barnes gave him some advice. ''Tbtre are a lot of people out here. particularly in the sports writing profession, who are di!pleased with the image O.J. is gel· ling," the l!sc man said. "It is only due to the great respect they have for him, and their desire to help him all they can that they have not yet begun to tee off on him. '1 hope there ls something you can do about changing his lm· age before permanent damage is done ." As &·matter of fact, the Bills' oHer is too low-for a potential super star like Simpson. He deserves better than SS0,000 a year, "'Oll!idering that lesser players are commanding that sum. On the other_ hand, an untried rookie hrui to have a great deal of confM:lerlCe in' b.i.i own ability to ask for $130,000 a year. Whal i:l:oes th.Ls have to do with automobile racing? Simpson has been used time and again by Barnes in his ef- forts to enhance his own image in the motcir sport world. Barnes has ~n bsuing publicity to the auto racing press aligning himseU with Sim, while mentioning such top drivers as An- drctti·in ·his dealings with the football establishment. J.n the meantime, he has aUowed his client to be portrayed as one who will tll>i budge from a contract demand and has gone to such extremes 8s to suggest that O.J . may play for the minor leai:ue lndlanapolis team if he can't sign with the NFL-AFL. Sarnes bas allowed O.J. to be quoted demanding a trade so he can negoUale elsewhere. That's not the O.J. Simpson who is a hero to an entire generation of young boys. So while Barnes parades O.J:. Simpson around the world's mott important race track and drops names like Andretti and i-~oyt to footbaJI writers, a tragic end seems at this point to b;e a~ proaching in I.he brilliant career of one or America's all-time great athletes. lf it does, Sames will have to take his share of the blame. Gro1clng lip Pa11• Oft Bobby llaac Is currently tbe llottet1 sbort lrack driver In NA.SCAR and formerly I.ht hottest tempered driver la NASCAR. 'Mte oLber day Isaac took time out from a pa.blictty tour of the WaJhlBp, D.C., area to visit wounded Vtetnam veteran• at w. alter Reed HOHpllal. That night be dedicated bl1 vldory at Bell1vl Ue, Md:, to the mea he had met earlier in Ole day. There 11 a completely new 1ide of line. There was a time that the most complimentary lhlng that could be said about him was I.hat be wu "colorflll.'' He started racing at the a1e of 11, wben be was a commoa laborer at a local mill. Be quickly developed a code ti eUUcs for radn&. '1'bere'1 DO cheaters, oaly pys wllo get caagbL" He also developed a repubtioll for U:vin1 a solid left book, which came into play after some raca wbea be tboaght be bad been uafalrly treated out on Ute track. The "new" Bobby Isaac approacbes bis sport thi1 way: "A race driver'• mind 11 just a1 important as bow fast the car will 10 and lhe physical condition of tbe driver," Isaac said. "I was 1 wild mall when I started racin& and IODDd myseU upside do¥r'D lot• of times. ,;rttenlal atUtude and emotional maturity, I learned, are so Important ii you art goinic to succeed In racing. That's why there ~ren't aoy n-year-olds winning race1 on this circuit." Stars Don't Stay Aro11tul One of the most underrated racing series in the nation Is the J'acific Coast NASCAR late model stock car circuit, and lhe reason may be that no great stars devel oped here have stuck c1round. Parnielli Jones got his start with NASCAR. but like most men aiming at the big Lime he left as soon as he felt he was ready to tact.le something bigger. So did Billy Vukovich. This year one driver has emerged who may not follow their cxrunple. Ray Elder, the husky fann boy from Caruthers. He is currently leading the Pacific Coast point standings. Earlier in the season he finished seventh ln the Riverside 500 and 10th in the Daytona 500 -driving a non-factory-supported Charger. Most recently he won the Sears Point 150 en the new road cour~ near San Francisco. What makes Eider's prominence important is that he ap. parent1y is not going lo leave the West Ccast. If Elder and other top drivers do continue racing here. it is possible that the caliber cf Pacific Coast racing will improve lo lhe point that the whole NASCAR Grand NaUonal ball of wax. factory teams and all, may some day soon campaign regularly west of the Rockies. If that happens, NASCAR Grand National stock car racihg 'vi i! become a national rather than a regional sport. SOFT SELL SAM By Manin Mym ~- -~--1--JI/ 1,~l 1 11 r' AND JllIN, FOR CRfAPSXATf5. l JK[ you FOLKS ... 11 \ i -· ' Once Around Orange Coast Area Greens ~ ~ Ralph, Bob Irwin Win Ro.W,ley Tourney ~· ' • 4 Dr. Bob Irwin and his father, Ralph Irw in, teamed up to score a gross 81 to ca~ lure the second annu:.I Frank Rowley Memorial tournament at Santa Ana Country Club Sunday. It was a scotch b a 11 twOS(lmes event. Dr. Ernie Ainsley and his son, Steve, combinell for a net 67 to c,apture the 21-49 division while William Livinptone and Bill Jr. netted a 63 for the SO.. 59 class, It was the low net of the event. Joe Lisle and his son·in·law Dick Hewiston tied the team of Chuck Hollister and his son Dwight for the 6<Hi9 bracket with 70s. Otto Jacobs and his son, Bob, took the 70 and over flight with a 68. Ra...,ho SJ Don Barney and Gerald Miller won partners low net honors at Rancho San Joaquin Baseball Standings ... ,...., ··-ta .......... , NATIONAL ll!"AOUE 1!"111 Dtv"kHI Chlcaoo N-Yorlt Pltttbur<ih $!. l oul1 Ph!l~~lohl1 Mon1rtal W•'I L"'I l'cl. GI '° " ·"' JI 17 .5•t 7 l~ :io .,,. 7'~ :Jl'I JI .•"7 tV, ,, Jl .•'1 tlV. 15 0 .2.!t 23 w.t Dl'1'111eft Allu•!a l7 '' ·''" -.!N t l .. A .... ole• 35 2' S•tt Fr.o"°'ilCO ]j U C'"°'lttNtl JO n Hous""' 31 .. $a~ D'"° '6 #G T~I"• lltwl•• Pllllblirqlo I·•· Ch ltl'!IO t.J .~' , .... .J.ll JV, ·"' 10 .lU ll\\ Ml!W YOl"k l-3, ph(i..,o.lohll 6-7 $1. Louis 2, M""'rNI ~ Alltlll1 ,, H""51on ! Los Anvel•s J.n , !..n Oi.c... 3-G !..It FtlM'<cO •. r 1nc1 .... 111 0 Taoll1"1 01"'" N•w """' !Koosman 3-') •t Pt'oll• dl>l.,hll (WI,.. 6'!!, ni9M ClllUl!o !HollHn11n HHJ 11 Plrts. b\J•'>ll !Elli• l·1), nloM M""ll'ffl (W""'rier 2·l ) 1! $1. L11t!t !(ilu1ll ~J. n1911! H0111ton (Lt'fT1111tlf s.n 11 Ar11n11 !STO<lfO '--61, nlolll S.n D'-(Podrtl S.~) 11 lot A ... ffl~• [$ut!M •·51. ttlGM ClnclNttll /Mtfrltt W ) 1t Si n Fri,.. cloc:o !SO>def11' 3-•1 AMP'~ICAlf ll!AQUI! lhltlmGrt ·~~ D•tron Wa•hl"'lton N-Yof1r. Cle"*l1"11 t:11! Dl<t"lerl wan Lnt l'cl. Ga •I 11 .m ll 1] ··" 1 J• n .S•6 I'll JI ll .51• 15 30 ]J .•.17 11'"1 21 M .lU 211,.) Wnl Dlvl1'1111 D~ki.ftd 31 16 _5'.j Ml~""><>ll ]7 17 .5"11 S<!•!!lt! " J7 ·"' 51~ Chlc..i11 7• :n ,47' I\~ Kt"IMI CllY 1~ ll .lll 1\; C1lltOl"l'll1 10 17 .lll 10 Tlletll•r" llnurh Clewl1nd •, &ollon 1 ll1llllTIOI'• 5, Wl .... IMlon I Callfornl1 ll. MlnN!...,11 I Ol!troll M. N~ Yor\ O.l 0.~!1'>(1 11 IC&l\MI C!tv, •1ln Se1ttl11 11 ClliCIVO· 2. r11n TMlr't 01mn O.kl1nd fDobwn f6'S •"Cl OdOlt'I l ·l ) •t 1(1,,.,.1 City !Or190 :J.3 and Roolltr (l.JL 2 !w+.nl9hl 6os!on (Ja,...,11 1·2) al Cltvel1nd (McDowell l·el. nigh! C1illornl1 fMCCik!!!llln S.SI 11 Ml1tnt'-tol1 CICa1l 6'5), nigh! $.?Ill~ !!l'"bef!Otr 3-l 1nd Timber· 11~" 0-01 11 Chicago f!ltll 1-4 1"11 Pe- ltr1 •·I), 1. M l·n!tnt !11111~ (Hardin l·ll 1t W11hlnot· fon tMoort S.I « H111111n 2·!l, nlgnt Tars Blast El Modena • Newport llarbor opened up with an impressive 71·29 rout of El Modena to highlight ac- tion at the Santa Ana Summer basketball league M o n d a y evening. The Tars were led in the scoring column by Lee 1-:laven (13) and Nels Tahti (12 ). In other league games Santa Ana trimmed Santa Ana Valley, 62-47, and Saddleback disposed of Los Amigos, 43-35. Maler Dei was idle. Action continues tonight at Santa Ana Ccllege. Huntington 9 Country Club Saturday with a 138 in men's club play. Second plaet: went to Frank Smith and Fran Giblan with a 140 followed by the learns of Dick Boucher and Hal Smith and Joe Pailoletti and Paul Runge at 141. Irvine Coast Don and Denni! Harwood won the hanrucap division of I he Fa th er-Son-Daughter tournament at Irvine Coast Country Club Sunday with a 65. They nosed out Jim and Mel Keane ~66), Bill McCabe and Bill Jr. (67 ik ) and Bob Li- machcr and Mike Smith (68> for the honors. In the father-son calloway division it was Jim Bri1nble and Jlin Jr. takl cg hooors with a 70 follo wed ~y· the teams of Chuck and Roger Andres, Dick al)d Doug Myers and Harold and Bill Welch, all with 72s. Lew gross winners were John Helton and Joho Jr .. who successfully defended their ti· Uc with a 74. Last year's winning team in the father-daughter di vision was edged by a half-stroke ~·ith Ken and Karen Win· tcrburn (73) nicking lhe duo of Jerry and Kathy Halperin (73 1h). Third place at 74· was a tie between Dan Boone and Barbara Limacher and Paul Du nlap and Susan Beard . The 14th annual member- guest tourney , slated for July 11·13 is virtually filled. Of the GOODYEAR PREMIUM. TIRE "CUSTOM POWER CUSHION" 4PLIES OF POLYESTER CORD long wearing, srnoolh riding and track t ested fer 100 miles at 100 miles per hour. ll•tw..rl •• ,.1 .. hpol1t YOU err "" '"· Ell. lll '""tin tyllf:ltu h k• h i't lor fOURTN 711( •~ 4 Tint. Ml 111'1 •x• J Tlrn IRll Tr1d1 Nied"' 1.35 l u $,O.t5 ' 1.2.55 ~-ATH TIRE fAEE $2.07 --1.15J\4 ll2.15 I t J,15 FOURTH TIR( ,It([ $2.20 --·· . -. . . ----8,25 I 14 135.75 $101,25 f(lUltTH TIRE fRE E S2.36 •1n1ow1U l~IMIHI 1.35 I H $35.05 110,.15 FOURTH TiRI FREE $2.0I --. -----~--7.7Sl14 137.10 1111.JO FOU•fll l lRE rREE u .20 -----· ----~--1.25 I 14 J-41.55 $121.95 FOURTH llRE FREI "·" ----1----------1.55 • It ...... $1J3.IO fOURTH T!IE FAE[ $2.51 -~-I .IS 114 ~·!! S151.15 FOtJRT14 TIRE nlEE $2.111 f---·-I.IS 1 15 ...... $1 57.~ FOURTH TIRE FREE 13.01 •Smooth as rayon -strong as nylon • Wrap·around tread for stable cornering conlro. • Smooth, no·lhump rid e •Prl!m ium J1 Goodyesr'1 de1lgn8tion. No ind111try wlde 1t1ndtrds exi st for Premium llrc1. 3 days· only ••• Offer ends Saturday Night/ GOO 128 openings only two were ltlt u of Tulsday. First round or action Is bet- ter ball or partners with a scotch ball and combined net of partners slated for the following two days of com· petition. Last year's winners, Fred Patterson and Jerry Frick, are entered . SeacUlt Dick ft1 cCammon posted a net 67 to capt.ure the low net title over the weekend at Hun· tinEiton Beach Seacllff Country Club in men's club action. Second to McCammon was WiJ.Jiam Schmidt with a 68 followed by Dan Tannahill ,and Ernest lli£h,· both with 69s •• Fourth place went to Ed BUY NOW ON EASY TERMS! Allen's 70 and flllh was knot· were the winners In a recent ted at 71 between Vance partncr1 best ball tourney. Anderson, Jim ThomPiOn and The tandem shot a low net Of Terry Adarru. 61 to capture the title. Second place was tied at 62 Blind bogey honors went to between the teanls cf Charles Pete Peters' 62 . Osborne and Greene and Chet Yula Tollef~n (65) anti l''roude and Ralph Merrill. Rosemary Ericson (711 were Agnes Gouin won a best ,6 the top finishers in the of l 8 tourney ·with a net score women's club blind bogey r .. I Td o~. ourney ues ay. Jn a mixed best ball even!, El .Ni I the winners were Warren and gue Patricia King 160) with P.ier· Gordon (Skip) Greene of rill and Isabelle Ellioll second Monarch Bay recorded a hole--::'t=62=.=======:=; in-one at El Niguel Country ..- Club in Laguna N I g u e I rectntly, using a six-iron on l the 162-yard 14th hole. I Playing with Green were Willard McCay, Ron Miller[ and Stu Ebey. Bill Kole and Bud Loury MOUNTING! F-or the Mall that tun ewcrythllHJ b11t the right t lrlt. 547-6667 14 Hrs. KKardln9 fuW~ · . Huntington Harbour opened : SERVING ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA : ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• up tile Anaheim Summer t + Baseball League with a 1-0 win t + over Magnolia M o n d a y . t + Pitcher Gil Banagas limited t YOUNG & LANE TIRE CO. 1596 NEWPORT COSTA MESA t the opposition to two hits in t Phone 548.9383 t facing 19 batters in six in· t • nings. t • HUNT INGTON KAllllOUJI 01 : • r~n " i1"1·1, ".i • YOUNG & LANE TIRE CO. ::!n~~::.~,t,vE. LAGUNA : Srmon1, •I + t 1;~ l 1,· l l i THEODORE ROBINS FORD ~:!~.Ht.~~c?o~:Lvu. COSTA fAES A i f~~ ,, ' 1 • • ktrl llY lllllft!fl 00!1 000 0..!_~5f}R1 "-············ .. •••• .. ••••• .. ••• ........ •. •+•• • • • • ••••• • • ............... ,# OQO 100 ... 1 1. ~ M~ntoell• H111t1lnt l0ft Ktrtowr \ l .:;L _ / ) l I l --------------------------------- Coast Crews Score USC:, SD, State Ca p ture Wood Troph y Bf:LLINGHAM, Wash. (AP) -Collegiate sailing crews or the Pacific Coast region made it three In a row as they sailed a~ay with the Walter 0 . Wood Trophy. However, a sudden Tues- day afternoon calm prevent- ed the start of the individual team competition o! the Na- tional Intercollegiate Yacht· ing Championships. The Individual teams, led by defending champion San Diego State, wen to begin sailin& Wednesday for the Mom Trophy. Crews from the University ol Southern California. and San Dieao 1State teamed up for a perfect 4-0 recor~ in sweeping the Wood com,peti- tlon. It was the third straight Wood Trophy win for lhe Pacific Coast region. The N6r1hwest, represented by host UniVer3lty of Wash- ington and the University of British Columbia, took sec- Eagle Upsets Ondine In A nnapolis Event NEWPORT, R. I. (AP) -"I didn't think we had a chance to win," said owner-skipper ·red Turner after his con- verted 12-meter A ro e r i c a n Eagle was first to' cross the finish tine In the yacht race from Annapolis, Md., to Newport Tuesday. "It's not a fair contest," Turner said of the duel between American Eagle and the second nnisher Ondine, 20 feet longer at the waterline lhan American Eagle. "\Ve were built to race 12 meters and Ondine was built to be lhe fastest thing in the water under 73 feet," .said the JO-year-old Allanta resident. He skippered his boat to lhe finish line 20 minutes ahead of Stfmner Long's Ondinc and 61,!?. hours ahead of Walter Gubebnann's 73-foot yawl Win· di go. Under a new timing system used by the Annapolis Yacht Club, one of four sponsors of the 473-mile race American Eagle's elapsed time was 69.4340 hours and her cor- rected time 61.4473 hours. Times for Ondine were 69.7825 elapsed and 64.0956 corrected. Wind1go's elapsed time was 76.2120 and her corrected lime 68.0448 hours. The U.S. Naval Academy sailing squadron co..sponsored the race with the New York, Annapolis and the 1da Lewis Yacht Clubs. American, Eagle swapped the lead with Ondlne four times before the boats left Chesapeake Bay and Turner said he neve.r e;i:peeled the smaller American Eagle to beat Ondine before the wind. "Ir you hadn't taken your spinnaker down, you would have had us," Turner said to Ondine's crew afler the race. The beefed-up rlging .. of American Eagle held fut in a 40-mile-ao-hour squall which hit both boats late Saturday n i g h t but Ondioe was un- managable with the spinnaker up, according to c r e w members, Both boats IOiil spinnakers to the fierce gusts up to 45 knots. American Eagle replaced a shredded light weight spin- naker with a heavy storm 1chute and passed Ondlne ear· Jy Sunday morning going "so fast we had to change our course to avoid hitting her, 11 according to a crew member. Turner filed a protest with the race committee agahuit Windigo for a near miss at the slart, which he said occurred when Windigo "port-tacked u,, with no room, I thought we were going to hit them." SC's Hogan Faces Long Sum111er Sailing Season A full sum mer of In terna tional sailing competition lies ahead this year for Tim Hogan, captain of the universi- ty of Southern California sail- in g team . Hogan, the son of Mr . and J\1rs. John Hogan, 1120 W. Ocea n Front, Bal boa, will skipper the USC team In the nationals now in progress on Lake Washington, Seattle, and then leave immediately to become a crewm an aboard Kialoa JI , Jim Kiiroy's entry in the Transat18.fltic race. Hogan will be a member of Kilroy's 13-man crew which \viii sail the 73-footer from Newport, R.l. to Cork, Ireland. Long accustomed to the rigors of sailing, Hogan - senior next year In USC's school of business ad· ministration, will serve on four hour watches aboard Kialoa II as she plows across the Allantlc In search of in- ternational sailing honors. The voyage aboard Klaloa 11 will serve lo get the young Newport sailor lo th~ United Kingdom where he will be the only one from USC to sail with the U.S. intercollegiate sailing team of nine members who will be competing against an all-British team in saili ng matches during the late sum· rher In England , Scotland and Ireland . Hogan has led USC's sailing team lo top honors dW'Jng the past year. Last ()ctobtr he skippered the USC conUngent to win the Douglas Cup -na· tlonal match racing cham· pionship in Long Beac~ -.and high, point scorer 1n the Midwest intercollegiate cham- pionships on the Great Lakes early this year. Bo th the use learn and Jtogan earned trophies in the Southern Intercollegiate championship -the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans, Jan. 1. In the Kenr.~y Cup com· petition at Annapoli!!, Md ., Hogan capta ined the Trojans sailing a 44-foot yawl which finished second in a field of 11 schools. In the Pacific Coast Cham- pklnlhips, Hogan wu regatta high-point scorer for USC as the team finished srcond in the series. Jn 1966 Hogan plactd second In the North Amer~an Junior Championship for the Scars Cup; in 1968 he was seventh in th.e 5.5 meter Olympic trials BUSY SUMMER SC's Tim Hogan and won t.he Area G finals of the Prince of Wales Cup, sym- bolic of the California match racing cham pionship. USC's sailing team Is con· sidered 1he finest such ag- gregation in the nation today, Hogan stands a good chance to win the Sailor of the Year award -sailing's Heisman Trophy. Outriggers Slate Race • On Weekend Completion of final exams and high school adjournment is expected to almost double part ic I patio n when lhe Kalifotnia Outrigger Associa- Uon stages its second regatta of the season Saturday in Loni Beach Harbor . The even t will include a series of races for both men and women teams, by age group, on a quarter mile coorse paralleUng the Cherry Avenue Beach area in sil-man outrigger canoes m o d e I e d after the traditional Clnoe! O( ancient Polynesia. The cran are 40 feet Jong and weigh up to 400 pounds. Clubl from Marina del Rey, Newport Beach, Balboa and Huntington Beach will com· pcte. The Marln3 del Rey team Is favored to win overall point honor~. \ ---------J__ ond with a 3-Z mark. Crews from the Midwest were tie<! with w; follow«! by the Mid-Atlantic ..: 1-2 and the SoutheNtem and North- east.em crews at 0.1. The crews were sailing two- man, 11-foot C-Larks. 'Ille I.et.ms entered lnclude: ·Navy and Princeton from the Mid-A t 1 a n t i c, Notre Dame and Indiana from the Midwest, M.I.T. aod the Coul Guard from New !:nlllnd, and Tul111e and GeoraJa Toch from the ~hell.stern. Two Fast Sailboats To Tangle ' Two of the world's fastest racln&-:eruislnl sailboats start compeUtion Friday off Marina del 'Rey for the Calltoni!a CUp. The event, sponsored by the pallfomia Yacht Clllb, is con- sidered by many to be a preview oC the flnit-finilb yachts in the Honolulu race whlch gets under way rrem Los Angeles July 4. The eonla>dtra will be Bob Johnson's 73-foot ketch Windward Passage and Ken De Meu.9e's n.foot ketch Blackfln. \V lndwartr Passage will ny the colors of the Lahaina Yacht Club and Blackfln will carry t.he burgee ol the St. Francis Yacht Club. Both yachts are of radical design. Windward Passage ls a beamy (20 feet) flat-looking boat which boating writers in Florida have dubbed the "sail· m, platfonn" or the "strttch· ed out dinghy". The yacht fillilhed first and set new elapeed Ume records in five of the seven races she sailed earlier this year in Ule Southerr. Ocean R a c I n c Conference off Florida. Tht yacht was designed by ~year old Alan Gurney of New York and was built in Johnson's own shipyard on Grand Bahama Island. Blackfln was designed by Bill Tripp, noted New ' York de.signer, and built by Abeking & Rasmussen of Germany. In her first two e.ppearances in Los Angeles Yacht Club's Whitney Series she set new ell!psed Ume records. The two-boat match race-for the California CUp will get under way Friday at noon off Marina de 1 Rey. Five races will be sailed, Including two on Saturday and two on Sunday. It will be the seventh sailing of the California Cup. Previous winners wtre the late Walter Podolak's IO-meter Coquile in 1963; Don Gum~ perU' Cal-40 Tangent, 1964; John Kilroy's Kialoa II, 1965; Don Haskell's Chuba!!CO, 1966; c.omdlus Bruy n zee l 's Stonnvoeel, 1167 and Charles Hathaway'& Gtm, 19111. - Chris-Craft Makes Boat Fine Dinghy Aristotle Onassis, G r e e k shipping magnate, Is well known for his Insistence - among ot.her things -t.hat his 325-foot yacht Christi na be kept in Immaculate, ship shape and Bristol fashion. And like mmt boat owner!!, he is usually shopping around for acceuortes that will make things m o r e comfortable a boa.rd. Onassis' latest accessory for the Christina is a dinghy -a 27-foot Ch rl s -C raft Com· mander which will bt carried on board the larger vessel. It wam't that ()nap.ls was short of skiffs ro.r getting ashore or away from the big yacht. He also has as 1tandard equipment aboard the Chris· tina a small sailboat, two.. outboard boats and an older Chris Craft mahogany runabout. Douglas Cup Ra ces Slated Fourth annual sailing or·the Dougl1s Cup' Intercollegiate matoh race serie11 will take place Oct. 31 to Nov. 2 off Long Beach Harbor, It wu an- nounced today by the lponsol'· Ing Long Betlch Yacht Club. Host 1ehool will be California State College at Long Beach. Eight leading college teams from all over the country will be Invited to compete ln a seven-race series In which t:ach tt:am sails against every other team over a 2•,'J-mile course. Identical Columb1a·28 Mark U sloops will be used: ' ------------·~·-------- Wrdntsd17, June 18, 19'? ' !!'!_ DAILY PILOT JD • Pure ridln9 comfort with no tread whine and no thump ridel • Long·wearing polybutadeine rubber adds miles and miles to the tread! • Surer road contact acro11 the entire tread' surface I 33 MONTHS GUARANTEE WITH 17 MONTHS FREE REPLACEMENT Black tvboloK ( 65~13NoW5 $16 plus 1.79 i:.cl. lex and old tlro Whitewalls $2 extra Reg. 5111 .Price NOW $1 6 700.13 20.95 C71-14 20.'5. 560-15 20.95 NOW '20 171-14 22.95 FTl-14 24.95 '71-15 24.95 071-14 26.95 NOW '23 HTl-14 21.95 JTl-14 30.95 071-15 26-95 H71-15 21.95 fed . Tax 1.94 2.11 1.76 2.41 2.54 2.45 2.66 2.19 3.00 2.62 2.15 ,SIZE 90().15 WHITEWAUS ONLYI REG. PRIQ FED. TAX 32.95 2.83 NOW $25 HERE'S HOW OUR GUARANTH AGAINST FAILUIE WORKS: Entire guaranfff period •••• , ••• , ••. , • , •. , 33 manth1 Free replac.e,,...nt period, •••• , ; , ••••••• , I 017 month• 50% off period .••••••••••.•• ,, ••• ,, .18-25 month• 25% off period.,.,,,,,,,,, .• ,, •.• , •• 26-33 months fOlEMOST Till IUWlfflE You'll enjoy browsing in our Auto Center; •• where you'll find excellent values like these .::olorful air circulating cushion for your car 99'- 1neM terrific (uih~ns tome In rec', blue, black and beige. Don't miss our le key event. .. He what le will buyl 2/40c 2/SOc 2 bra11 key1 thot r•t~lorly 1ell for 39c •och, for AOc ,, . .,, 2 color ceclecl ol11l'llin\ll'll keys that regw larly 1ell for '9c eoch, for -'Oc ... o great •oy lo or9onl1el BUENA PARK (0·~~~,~~") CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA " I ., -'------------··"-----~-------'~'--~--'----'---~··'· , ,, '• •l II • ,, '· .. -· . ,, , • ' Seminar Set On Quality "What's Nexl in Quality Assurance" will be the topic of the third annual Q u a I I t y Assurance seminar slated for Orange Coast College Satur- d•e· .H. Hutcherson , divisional director of quality assurance and logistics, Aulonetic s Division. North A m c r i ca n Rockwell Corp .. will deliver the keynote address, "Quality Assurance in the N e x t Decade." I-le will speak at 8:30 p.m. in the OCC Science Hall. After the talk by Hut- cherson, the seminar will break into ri ve discussion sessions. Finishes Class James C. E1nling, 17361 F o r b e s Lane, Huntington Beach, is a recent graduate of the Southern California Edison Company's s ub s tat io.n operator's school. Em Ii n.g works at Edison's Hamilton substation in Hunting ton Beach. LEGAL NOTICE 1All·17't NOTICE TO Clll!OITOJIS SUl'l!ltlOI. COUllT 01' THI STATI! 01' CALll'OIHIA FOR THE COUNTY 01' ORANGE No. lli·'31_. Etl1!e of HENillETTjl, M. THEISEN. p.ctlstd. I I. "IOTICE 15 HEREl!IY GIVEN lo JI'' crt<11ton cl ~ •l>ovt n1me.r me- Cltnl tt111 •II "'"-h1vln1 cl1lm1 • .,.1 .... 1 the uicl 11e<eaen1 1r1 reciulrd ~ l ilt 111ern, wlltl the ~«s•1rv vouc:llen, 1., """ ollice ol !ht clolrt: of !tis 1bove en-lllted c-1. or IO preHnl tt>em, wlltl 1t11 1>Kin.ury _ ...... IO 11141 uno.n.lgnecl 11 1h!' Uw OllkH of EDMUND F. 11 .. RICER, l.iol -ltllor 111....t •• Montebello. C1lilornl•, wrilcn It. tilt p11c1 of butlM'S~ or Ille Ut1Wrtl9"9d in 111 ma!le•1 per. 111 .. 11111 ht '"' "''"' or 'l.Aicl Cl«t'd~t. within lour m<ml'"' 1!1tr 1he 11•<1 1>11blic:1. ''°" 01 1t1;. nonce. J. WHley Tht"en And Nlllllt Duin+1n Co-Mmlnlt1•110•i of lf\t E1t111 ol 1"" •bowt n1med dtceoeni EDMUNO F, •AllKl!ll. 1!11. llitMrney II Llw lqJ W~lllltr llvti., MtnleMllt, C1U"""l1 Ttl; UUI 1U·l24J AIM1'""1' IOr Co·llidmlnlllrllon Put>tllf\t'd 0!'111111 Co.111 Dilly Piiot, Juiw 11, 1S Incl Ju!y 1, t, lfH 1164·69 LEGAL NOTICE Cl!llTlll'ICATI! 0111' IUSINESS l'ICTITICWS "AME Tht unc:l1ulg111<1 doe~•ctrtltv ht II c- d11<llng I Duilnt• II 17~' LO•tnio Avt .. C~ll Mell, C1U10rni1, ur.ot• tile tic:. lfllOlll llrm rllmt ol R. E. WALL ... ND .11:$SOCl ... TES 1r.o !Not 11ld !lrm 11 com- Poffd of !tit IOllowlng pe....,., -e n1..,. ln tull tnd pltct ot ·~i<11r.c1 I• •• IOllows: RICHAllD '· W,t.LL. 1161 Lotu110 Av1., Coot• 1\1~1. C1lhornl• Otlecl J...,. II, lN' Rle"'1rcl E. Will ~!tit o! C1llf0rnl1, Of'•~ CounTY : 0.. J-11, 1Nt, bt-lort me, 1 t.1011ry Publk In •ncl tor s.ood $!•tr. P'!""•"""'llY IP~rN Rlcl'Mlrd E Viti!, -nown to ..,. IO be 11\r perilOn -· n.ornt ~ 1utii.cribecl to "" wllh!n lmlrumem • ...., •c-now!edlled llt t•KUred !!It 1111'\1. tOFFtC1AI. SE>.1.1 M&ry I(. Htnry Nollry Pulllk·C•ll!ornl1 Prlncl,,.1 Otllct In o r1ne1 coun•v My Commlulon E•pir•• Nov, 1.t. ltn Put>ll1ht'd 0r•l'9t Co.Ill 0tr11 PHot. ,lu"' 1•. :u 111<1 Julv '· t. 1H9 1161-49 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICI" TO ClllOITOllS SUPl!IUOll COUllT OF THI ST ... TE OF CALll'OllNllli 1'011 THI" COU"TY OF OllANOE Mt. A4J1lJ Etlalt ol HAROLD I . WINICELMAN, tltCfffftl. NOTICE 1S HER El'I" GIVEN ta the <•ed•IO<"t of '"" ll>ovt n1~ dtc•<kn1 th1t 111 ff''°"' 111v11111 ct1lms 1g•ln1t IP\e 111<1 <ltcfdent ••t reaulre<:t ro lllf' tl'<em, wltn the M<tut•Y VOllCll•"· In lh• o!llct of !flt ell!•• of lllt 1bo\lt 111111~ CDllr1, or lo Pf'ttorH llltm. wlln Ille necttu,.,. \IOUdW!fl, IV f!w unclf!rl•9ftt<l 11 llw DI· ,,,,of G1tvln R. lt;NfW, llil!Ofl'll'V II Llw, 414 Korttl l<ltWOO•I 8ovltv1rd. NtWl'O•! BeKh, C1Ulorni1, wl\Jcl\ It tht plf Ct pl bu1lt1ts1 at lllt unclf!•1lgnfd in 111 mllltr\ H•!•lnlng lo !he tll•lt ot ••IO <lecfllMI, wl!ftJn lour ..-ltl• tltt• •"• 11 .. 1 oubllu· hon of tt1l1 notice. Oiied JufM1 t , lNt E-lt S. V111t1....,re E•Kulrl~ of Ill• Wiii or lllt 1bo..,. n1me<1 drce<lenl Gt lYln 11. K- All-y 11 L1w 4U Mori~ ,..._..., loultY1r~ New,.11 l1K~, C1lll1rn11 ,. ..... -., "4+-1211 All......,. Mr l"lkUlrb Publlll>ed 0rtl'llt (01>1 OIOIV Pilot, J une 11, 11, )J, July l, 19'9 11 1•·49 LEGAL NOTICE IAll·114t NOTICE TO CllEOITOltS 5UPElllOll COURT OF THE STATE OP Cllilll'OllNtlli POlt THE COUNTY OF OltA"GE ""· lli-41US E1llte or GRACE H. SMITH, -~· C.ltACE H08S0"1 SMIT H, 1t1 GRACE V, SMllH, Otcetttel. NOTICE 1$ HEREl!IY GIVEN lo the crHl!Oro or Ille 1b0vt n1med dtcfdent lh1t 111 11t•IOl'll n1v•1111 cl1lm1 1911nol tne 111d Ot'Ceclent 1rt re<111ortd lo !lit '"'"'· wltll r~ necn11rv wvuchtr1, In !tie office of lht clot•• of tllr 1bovr enlltlH covrl, or tO Drt"<!I "'em, Wilfl !flt MCtl~lr)' ~oucht11. to 1111 u...,.,.;,...., 11 ttie Low Otllctt of PHIL H. CUii.RY, E1Q., l U3 ~"""' llvo , La1 Ansrlt" C1llf<lrnl1, wnlc~ 11 IM Plltt ot bl.l1•n•u of tll• 11ndt rtltnt<:t In 111 ml!tel'I <>e•tfln!n1 lo •ht •111tt 01 uld 0-tt'd•nl. wUllln tour l'nO'lttl1 •lier tne !Int 1>11bllc1t10<i cl 1h'5 ll<llltt. 01ltd M1w 7', 1'6t JO!ln W, JICt""' E••cu1or or !he w 111 o! tne lllave n111'1t<l Ot<.t<lfnt PNtL H. CUltllY, E.11. llillwiwJ ti ltw SIU Sll!IHI llY~ .• Lti An1r1t1, c111twnl1 tttll Tth U1U "6·1'4j "'"''"'"' tor E.a1cw11r Publl1he<I Or1nge Co11t D111v Pllo!, June j , 11. 11. n, IHt 10}1"69 LEGAL NOTICE •11i1t·1'tl "DTICE TO (lllOITOltS $UPElllOll COUllT 01' THE STATE OF ClliLIPOllNllli POii THI COUNTY OP OlllliNGE Ne. A·6:lt4t fllll1! of WILLIAM SHERM.-." PJIN. DAi,LL, 1t1 WILLl .. M S. RANDALL, 1t t W. S. llANDllilL, Otttllfd. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the c•HJlor1 of ltlt> 1bo¥t 111med a.t<t<1~111 ,.,., 1 11 _._, h1vln9 cl1lm1 11111,.,11 11\t uld <!Ktdent 1rr ._Ired lo Ille "*"'· wlttl t1'le ntetowrw ~ ... In the offlc;e ol IM cllt't of IM 1bove f'ntilled court, .,. lo ..,.,,.,., lhtm. wllll !he -<Y YOUCflln. lo lf\t Wndt!'ll'IM<I 11 tht oHlu ol lllt 1ttornon, ICNUPP 1"° KNU .. P, '1J.4U fltnll; of "'""'It• Wldlftl, UIM E. PhJlldtll>lll1 Slrtf'I. W'Jlllller. C.llfoml• toMl, wt>lc~ 11 '"" ~ o# b!IJir.. ol 11111 unoersi.n.o In 111 lftlltten ...... lftl .. lo "" tsll!O of 1t i0 lflc.tdent, w JltllR fo&W "*'"'' •Ur• "" first Mlllllulloll ol 11111 tllllkt. 0.ted ""'' n. !Hf. "...., L. "'"'*''I E11tcufor ti "" Wiii ol tllt ....... Mined dec~I l(NVl'f' ....... u .. .. .. ......,. .. lo-. '""" ...... AftWtcl ...... 1-. L ,... ...... Srrwtt, Wllltflw-. C..WW.rt .... . T111 ttUI fN41tt A,..,..., ftt SltcllW ~lllMd Ortl'llHI eo.11 Dilly "110!, Mii¥ tt. J\IM I , II, II, 1Ht 10'11·•1 ·-~ --., -- Ftfo llopl&tHIOOnl -If th• ,;,. I• undu ... ,..,. ... ,..1 ••. •~Ir f•r •n1 ,. .... tll•rlnr th1 firol ti tlo• •fltt p•r· th•"'· 1t •ill H npl•t HI •I n• ........ . • Jl•MI H••••" -An1 tall••• lhll otrll<• cl110 le <Old h .. - 01d • .,..,It ho upla.:rd on e pre·ro<•tl b••• of ••rronl o•·orr4ar "'llinir Prl<• <>f 1ho 11ro, •! t i,., •I adJwo!- "''nt. •rrordlnir lo tr•od ,...,.1,.ln1. with •JH1rifle4 numbor of •onllt• 11ur1n- 1 .. d. e \\'nrk .. onlhlp ond M'1!ui1I -l·:••rr dt1 told lor •• lo 1u•r110IHd 11oln•t 1n f•ll· utn •t oltlttto I• .,..,k111a11• >hi p utl. "'"lfrl&I le< 1ho lifo of 1111 ori1r1nal ln•d. Ir oho 1lu hih duo 10 d•frrto in nt•l•ri1I 1nJ •or~"'""' ohip, lh• lito .. ;11 Ito , ... plocotl, clou1rin1 ""'' lor lh• ......... 1 •f ... 11 •••• ,,.... «i•tcl. Al,I. ADJ U~TMf:l'ri'T!'I ARF. RAtlF.11 Olli CUHRF.ST "''f;ll.YDAl' $F.l,LI NC PtllCf;. A'f THK TIMI: OP' ADJUSTMF.ST -N"OT LIST PJtl C E OR J\iO ·TllADt> PitlCI::.. G••,..nleo ...... noli•1t·wi"• TWIN JET AUTO AIR CONDITIONER 13995 Pl~I luUll•lltl • T\l.ill Sqt.1trrcl·C11ge f\lo1to.:r~ • l·amou~ York Comprcs.sor • )60" Air Voluf!'e Control • Aulomalic f'Julch Provide' Low (l'<t Or~r~t1r1 ~ AUTO Alit·CONOlllOMll J11v1cr . ~. $5.87 ., .. , ....... , .. .. •.; ATF FLUID ~.:re .. :~-~:" i;~,;: 2 r' ti> .~'t f,., ~·~' ., '""' ,j .. ,c. : l·1•Hl>j -. -1 -~ ,':.-: ·>. .\. :" ., /' 'y22 ·:. 26 ~ "". ,. I .• '"' • .. .., .. CHAMOIS • f·,11~ t 11JI. dura. I-It , •• \\oil IUll II>•~ "' \tl'llTC ~ !~~ f'."~'" ~~ l•"•r a• ... 10., ' I?.~ TRUCK MIRROR l'or Ooubll -.k· ' ····· ·-911 ,.,,. lru~I;. ..,;r. ""'· l·tltriin11e" J l lf I~ .. h\ind 1pot", l l-:1110 -1 i PRESTONE Oil MISER •. Stops oil tt.o,.._ Ina. N•loo'cl io.t ~o .. rr 16 111- 11,.1, alHI cult ~·~1~1 1....ir.1rit. 'l·110? 4 .7e \t.N 0 ·~­CHROME • , REVERSE WHEEL 13~~ • DE LUXE CAR RADIO ;;:~.:;:; ··2411 •/12 •alt. crn Y.1l•lll 11iial!lcd lltllM '" nir.-. , ............ A••il•lrll• THESE SPECIA LS GOOD AT THESE LOCATIONS ONLY WESTMINSTER BUENA PARK BUENA PARI COSTA MESA SANTA ANA 15440 BEACH IL YD. 188} LINCOLN AYE. 1301 HACH ILYD . 1200 HAHOR ILYD. 1400 !DINCOR Al Mcfoddc11 At Valley View .. , luitwic-lff' At Wllsoo .. , lrlstol 892-1081 826-~00 52l·l040 548-2082 54'-7112 \ I I I I I t ' 8.25-15 {1.15) -• • ••• • • I \ . : --··---·-'---------~-L----------l----------.1.------------------------- .. ---~-------------- WE ONESDAY • , . NlioM1 IWl!ds lfld l*folnd II ..ao!at .;iui mOr1 11111 SS llr?ftPhOnY oichutr•s. JUPll 11 "-"" ~ ..... ....., """""'(Cl (10) AlnW 1 ••Iii ''"' II Tllo lie "'"' (CJ !IOI ~ Dunphy. D ·--lCl llOl B ..... .a.1 ti)1 C2'A h1l Calif. Allttl• vs. Minn. TWln1 I Mlnn1$0ll.. 0 Sil O'Cl.a Mtvlt: "'TM Dtrif MIMI ..... (liamlJ '52-'en Ke!l7, ~ Aft&1ll 01 ... !Cl (IQ) m I ... Liiy (IQ) m"-m <"I 01J (I) Mm liiritfil (Cl (90) m...,.. .... ~·<ti <30> ""' El1hU1 Wender." Camtr11 fo!klw 1 yc11npter •round tllt Aatrodorn1 In Houstoft., whtrt hi ~drums lbout oper1tlq lhl ICO(lbq.ard 1ftd Wd- c1stina 1 baebi11 1un1. (EU11Cellr hr1 &ti PW {30) GIKPUI !kn lCl 1601 1:30 0 Mic: .._nice (C) (60) • m-vONt • t11t eono. " t111 Sea (C) (60) tD Cl) Hulltl1J·lrlt1kl1J (C) (30) Eli) lel'I Tilt AMiil THiil (30) •·our T11111 Get ln'l'GIYed." M11lon ~M Ell! u., -""!' I> {loo • Lwttr t1om Grun Ami) •1111 ., posit lht Clflmllfft fortune 111 SI• Ot11ek1r'1 {ft•nk.. tidy), 11111 .. Mr. Oiy&d1le conviiqt morit tttr Dash 'lp1odl .(Leny h1111tll) to ""• ciutr•de •• 1 co1111tty bey 11111 colrtl EflJ..-MU. (R) , D 9 ll'J m _,., """' "'' CCI (60) Sm:llu & Yaun1 end ~ ,C.rne welalmt 1uest1 frank Gallhln Ind ~Orman Wlldom lrom l.oft4olL &1 ...... (CJ (SI) 0 @(1)'8 AIC We41t1dtJ M•lt: "'Co•Plllit11" (dr1ma) 'Sl- Otvn Will«. Oiallt Y11al., Dten Striwtll, 8r1dford. OUh111rt. M1111 Lll'fn'<1 1a:ount of Chicaao'• In. fl fl'IOUI Mctime of 1111 Clntllry," when two law stllOtnll 1t 1 111ill- wu1:~rn wn:Nt111ty plan •nd tuc:Utt 1 xlllllw crlmt. (R), m-• -iCJ '"' "Tile Crisis lrl 1111 C.tllollc Cltllftb." ,.,. Yolk Times rallalo11 edttoJ Ed- wa1d B. nm, DI. Jarosln Jin f'etlk1r of tht Yalt Divinity Schoo~ ind edllct Philip Schlrptr of Sllltd Ind W1rd l'ubllllle11 dlSCllU tlll current probltms If the churth. !ll-' ....... (IOI M1rsh1H llMI !Oms. rol1 pltJln1 9:3tl 8 QfJ ())Gr'" Acru (C) (30) ind lnttlYll'llJ to &how t1e11111 p10-lh1 Doual11 houa1hold b tllfown 1r1ms 111¥01Yinr tht communilJ. lnkl clllos wl11n , • Hunpfl10 irDo a (i) m""" (C) (30) m!r.•nl (Wolf• Bamll), •• ,. £E Notldn 34 (C) (60) Pl lflt/y sned the ifl ot U.'t 7:00 1J Cll Ennln1 flm (C) (30) Wi llet Cronkite. 0 WW1 MJ tine? (C) (30) m•-<CJ <30J ID (I)YM Asbd '"II {30) uncle durlni the Wtl', atrivu ind lriu lo entrench himatlf IS 1 th• In h1ndJm1n. (R) 0 lkws (C) (30) Tef lky11s. m u O'tloct ""' <601 "''° 11 9 (I) Honl .,,.. <CJ !IOI fl' f11twt1 (C) (30) "Between tht SllYe McGtfl rtt 1nd his ipecil\ \11- Tides." vestlt1llve tum 111 t1llld In wlln 9 (I) lmrlJ Hlllbilllu (C) (30) • wlnnlnr lk:ktt in 1 numbtrs pme' tull\S Olll to be 1 loser and 1 YQUl'IC m W~llst (C) (30) Arm~ corpo11I (Johnny C11wford) b (!) Drll• Kollll (C) (30) ICCUstd of i crlml. (R) a 9 'll m"" •·-tci 7:30 II Tami (C) (60) J1l 11 doulil•· (60) "for JJifftbtrs Only." Prt.rlt crossed br 1n 11nscrupulc111 tripper lnveslla:1tar Dlvld Ross prob11 Into who 1sret1 to help tJ1t boy 111.U his 1xd1111Vt mt11'1 d11b In hope1 or llllCO'lltlllf clleith!f lfttl I ~ pt! leop1rd '° it can't 111 llJI• ol unusual hta:h lows 1mon1 Cini· . to 1 zoo and then plot• to ltlll lh playina membtrs. leopard Ind sell II lo tht hl&Mst II m WINI (C) (60) bidder. (R) D hlll (C) (60) O @CIJ mne Ylrrlnflll CC> IPJ)Sp1cu11t111 (60) ~eut I {90) ·~a Crm •f Socom:i Crnt. N WOuld1't Wtnl To Livi Tho11." l he Ylr1lnl1n ferrets cut wspects l<tllh Be/Wick wtlcomu authcr ruPoraib!t !or th1 tyncllfn1 of in ftorm1n Corwin ind 1ulhcl" Ricftard LriiR$0n lot 1 spi rited dJscusaiDf old f1lend. Steve Ihnat. Lanny of 1111 reltli'll meriU ind demerits Chapman. Elltn McR11 end Oevln ol 1111 In Los Me:elas 1nd In Hn Coua:hl!n runt (RI Yott. O (J!CIJ GJ)Her• C11111 tll Q)Mtri1111 (30) Irides (C) {60) '1111 fire maker.~ h son't lucl tOPPlf, Rtdmond Bin, 10:3tl ID Nm (C) (30) Bill Jahl'ls. la 1ecued of 11ttln1 lottsl flrn by IE Fiii• CoruN (30) limber ow111r Mitt B1ltw. Mont M11kMm runts II Bau, •rid [.d. 11:00 II 0 0 IE m m " .. {C) Wlrd Alnlf ruuts IS 81llM. (R) 0 Alfr .. Hitdlcecll 0 MilllH $ Movlrl: "lntlftl Te 1111" 0 Mowlr. "1111 Lut MMI" (dt1· (dr1m1) '9-Rlch1rd Todd, BetJJ m1) '59-MlclleJ Rooney, Don 91rrr. ,,.,.. m HUMPHREY BOGART mTrutl II Co111qMnca (C) (30) * Film Festival 11 PM/KTIV ffi PtnJ 111•11 (60) ED JOJh ChlR CeoU (30) ia Cl) lat " KtllJWOOd (2 hi) U1 o-. 111 Plliola t30) ''"' m -ici (!OJ m ffamplu" lo&lrt r~111 felltnh •'ID1ct L11ion'' (1937), co-sltrtlllf Alln Sheridan. Q) Movie: "TN fllfl .. 1 Wtllf ta Fr1nce" (dr1ma) '42-Robtrt Mor· 11r, eonsunce.tummlnp. llll rn rD CiJ a m -«> ED Spfch• (C) (30) "Abu Sim· b1I." A dotumenUIJ .. the tflort of UNESCO that SM4 the 11:30 II Mowit: '-'Cit In 0. flllM"' ancient llmplas ti R1msu II from ~~st~~57-RIJmond 8111r, Nt- lh• wltm of the Nlle Rlw1 when D ~Ci) Im TMJPt .. (C) the Aswln H!th 01m waa co~ atructed. II Movie: ""' ,._.. Uttr' (fllJ*lery) '44-franchot Tone, lilt R1!au. £[J Milrcolel Maiul (30) l :lS 0 An• Wrlf'illl (C) o l!ll rn m"" -m - 1:30 e n. , .. C111t (C} (30) An lZ:JO m n SUrtstt Strip 1!derly G11ek 'ffOrkm.an (lilot Y1t1· OJ Actlo1 Thntn: "Thuodu Onr dis) offe11 to do odd )obi 1round T1n1ie1." Bert's Pl1t1 ind knps hl111111f b1111 fixln &: the thlnp he iccklifltlll1 1Z:40 D Mowlt: "lftllde • Mlflt-' <elf .. b • (Di m1) '59-C1muon Mltch1H, Eune 1e1 S. "' Edwards. O Win m lh stirs (C) (30) 0 (HJ CD m TM ltin1 flll'lib' CC> 1:00 DD NINI (C) (30) MW11kln1 Hippy" b thl open· 0 C..111r11tty lllltU1 IOI~ (t) ln1 IUfll. (R) 1:15 8 1M1r. -rtw" atpn 111 thl m Mn Crtnlll (C) (90) SUn" (dr1m1) '55-Aldo R17, Die~ ID Ru11 hr Ye• Ute (C) (60) Yatt ED lnslpt (30) A looli II Ille mllll-1:30 m AIJ.flliM Dor. "Th• C.1111 Dan ul talent of Cndra B1loflt, 1 14-j Pitch," -oononn'1 Brlln." 111d ye1r-old vtollnlst, who h11 won two "Th• Amnlslltd H ... rt." THURSDAY 11:00 a "Sona " lndla"' {dflllll) ., ..... j S.bu. T11th1n l ey. 1Z:30 m "Quartel" l•nlholol)') '41-' Jack W1tlln&. lrtnt Brown, Mervya .lon11, Ctcll P11'ku. DAmME MOVIES ~ ... m ................ ("1)1111)) JUDGE PAiKER I <All'r allOB!m!IP '!'IE CHAllOE IN lA.™ElnNI!! ff MIJ5T IE ™AT ~E "S &KOIAE tNnr&llW lN 5(>ME()Nli et.SE! .. - MOON MUWNS ~AIRPORT_. .JUST ~l!l»AT MY Pl;t.N FOR >Joi U~l'R· <;IOOUNI> AlllJ'ORT ... • TUMBLEWEEDS '49-John C.lwfrt, MJrl'll Din. j t :OO ... T•""' (mystify) 'SS-John 3:00 Q "Unlaltld'..., Ylllrl" (COflltd1) , ...... ~ lrtlaM, Honor l ltck1111.. '4S--.u: Hllfbo1, Unde DerMll D "FlllM 11-· (d111111) 'M-.ro-.~ !Mlle. FMUI fucUr. 4:0011 "SlrllNd ........ (llhtntull) t :SO 0 "Datt Yldlr(' (4l'1mtl 'JI-'47-0olllf,a, f~ t .. M1w.R GICflt 1nnt. Geraldltll Fltzl'l'll O'HlrL Complete Printing Service Top Quality -Fast Service 1111·111;11""'' By Jbhn Miles Harold Le Doux r....,;;;-;....,;;;;;;'\·WON;;;;;;;;.rc;S!<;;;;E .... "::ir;;; .• ~"':;;':;.-::o;;'t:;cLOC;;;;;,:;:, r;;;•" -~."'n,..,,.wor='to~tAE SACK lO eeP! PERM -'P!J PISC.U5S Jf WITH M!?; &ETTB: UE POWW IN M.Y HE'5 Tl.LKING TO HER OM THE PHONE! t ' •• WE'VE l.lWl.VS STUP't' I.WP TllV lO GET A. 5MOllLP LISTEN MERE ON TME EXTEW510N! I EBI .HOWE5f COtJPlE OF HOUK5 SLEEP! .wo •• I WOtfT liEt:>RAPE MYSELF •• , WITH d.c.H OTHE'R! l 'VE A. 816 PAY IN ti----,~>--:; C.OURT' TOM.OUOW ! By Ferd Johnson '/OIJ'RI! Ill 1M~ fl.'l'IHG 8USINSSS, '1tl<J .SAS~ ,Hill<; --)'OU GO FL'f' Oil~. By Tom K. Ryan 'C/>iJSE. HE'S A SHE! &OU: J.XA CAN'f CALL A SllE A HE NAME! SHES AIITT HOS! I ~ '-----'"-~~~·--~---...... ·~~·~·---·--~-~·~···~·-~·-~-~~~1MLM~~L•~-~·~~---'l._ __ ,~,--~~~C~·~·--~·---~~----~~-~~~.~-~~-"'-'"""~~~~~-~~~.._..~ RELATIVE GUILT -Dean Stockwell, lefl, and Bradford Dillman argue over their re1 ative guilt in the motion picture, "Compulsion," showing to- night on Channel 7 at 9 p.m. Orson \Yelles, Diane Varsi and E. G. ri tarsba ll co-star in the movie. TELEVISION VIEWS Censorship Disc11ssed By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOu (UPI) -Televislon censorship is lbe subject or the latest issue of the journal of the Producers Guild or Ame rica. And one of the articles , "'ritten by no velist-producer David Levy, a former NBC vice president, deals 'vith censor- ship, politics and the new comedy. A moderate man , Levy notes that "what today's generation finds refreshing, challenging, and ir- reverent these days on televison , an older one some-- times fi nds sophomo ric, cliche, old hat. If there is one human characteristic on which all generations tend to agree it is that each generation must relive the experiences of past generations." MENTIONING such show s as 0 Laugh-In" and the canceled S1nothc rs Brothers hour, Levy points out the vast political and social satire that bas gon e before -"the debunking o! pretentious quacks 'and the deflation or pompo us cOlonel blimps; the poi nt- ed ridicule and sharp jibes that reveal the some. time amoraJity, v~nality, and cupidity of elements of big business, of Con gress, of the professions." He lists such popular satirists as H. L. Mencken, George Bernard Sha\v, Will Rogers, Henry Morgan, Oscar Levant, Fred Allen, Sid Caesar, Jack Paar, Steve A1len and the cast of NBC-TV's "That Was the Week Th at \Vas." LEVY RECALLS how "CBS, In a shrewd an- alysis of its Sunday night schedule, slot~d the Smothers Brothers opposite •Bonanza,' a program in which the virtues a nd the moralities of tradition- al America have been symbolized by the character and homilies of the Cartrights for nine years . , . their success helped prompt NBC to launch 'Laugh- In' against another of the symbolds of middle-cl ass llle, Lucllle Ball ." Asking why the Brothers later slipped In the ratings, Levy says ; "Their decline may have bee n a result of the difficulty of doing topical humor with a heavy emphasis on politics ; it is the kind or comedy that is vulnerable by the very fa ct of Its topicality. It tends to become repetitious. It tends also to require constantl y escalRtiri g barbs whi ch can alienate viewers as well as induce ti ghter edi- torial scrutiny on the part of the adverti sers and networks." LEVY GOES ON : "The decline of the Smothers Brothers may be, in part, due not only to the rnr- midable competition of 'Bonanza' bu t al so the emergence of 'Lau~h-ln.' which managed to cover everything the brothers had to offer plus a lot more by the fla shy style of its presentation. Not only does the speed of its form allo\V for mu ch more comedic material , but that very speed_ itself guarant ees more freedom. since something that can fl ash by in seconds can be mo re acceptable to censors and public than the same subj ect handled in a lon ger routine." LEVY NOTES thal the impact o[ social and poli- tical humor "ha s within it the seeds of a dan gerous boomerang. There is always the possibility of tight- er network censorship when matters tend to get out of hand -an internecine strugj!le that does all participants more hAnn than good. Excesses in try- ing to get a1vay \Vith more. in repeating and es- calating the nature of diS?S and sallies (fonner P res· ident Johnson was already in this 'overkill' position) may backfire and eventuall y lead to public rejec- tion." Dennis the Jtlenaee 1' 1 ~ • . ,, w.iMsdai, J;.,. 1a, 1%9 • DAil Y l'!lOT OPEN SUNDAY. 9 P§ ' -:~f?!WTE> OVER ll;ooQ Rtri.i; ond Sl:IQlGUNS ON DlsU\'I :' GRANT'S GUH DPARTMIN1 ·lol1t1fft4 lly 11q11Pls In tholr 'llild of oho01iiit. Who~ evif you m1y wlnt In '"''• lipm 1 $20;GO 22'11fle to 1 $3,500.00 5holp/t, Gnnrt · . har It 'In 'ttockt CtM1 In u4i Mt fof yourutf one of tht ltrgut st•b ·_of '""' lrt s.u·ttttm ,(lllfomill . t. SH 1'llUI AU Oii DISPlA YI . . ' • WllKhesttr • $mltll I W.ISOll • lt..U111to11 • U•m• • S.kt • l1r1tt1 • INWnllll • Wt1thtitiy •Ch1rl·11 D.lly •Celt • H & I • lu11r • Arm1- Ut1 • W11th1r • S.v1p • ttMCI. ; J!lilOW)llWD, " ... nr& ~..:....; , l 2, 16, 20~ lc.3"J4aignu111 l2'""1: 20. . . ' ' . . ._ s1141s -llUIO " ~ , 1411'11'0AD\W9- Grant's Has The Greatest SelectiOi) And Lowest Prices, Too! HIGH SIEQ4:$? I . wr-111v.· 1,c1n1ptEt'e ~ltc• t!eii •f l00% Oown·fiHt.d• ~· fw th• . mt~• pie-lt•sion" of cint,.nl ~ SiEEP,ING BAGS 'smiAL ~ D1ci on, full 1111 ' ·, tiuclPt 1leopl&g1~!'·'Ru91tt1·qutsr ; covef', full zipper, Warmlflri1l 1&i!h:~.: ; J • • -., • ~ I ' ~·· 5·1111·: $16.95 V1lutl fP,m $J9.95 IU, f--.r ilHiti..f Ht• wltlt confldenc• 1(,Gtiint'1 ••• ·wt h1v1 111 of. th• ~!l·i;iifftl• l••ttck ..• "' ~·ltlnt • •• .;.-..h ~tllYVJ • , , WI Vt fJI . it~,.. uff ltl . •; . • The "Vagabond" by lftil.}8 ~#.GAION~ftough, tlfht 1n•; f!o- rliWe. Floor• 'ff•r clry with ntw ... It 'Vinyl-co1t1d iiylon flMrl ·tNt 1xtt11• 10" 1bort 1rt11nd Nrtl. Off·wkltt fOPI reftect tht h11t-l1t1 ln tht U,htl SAVE M·O·R·E at GRANT'S! Nationally Advertised SPARKUNG new cal· 1n in Pl1ids, Checks ind 1olid col ors. Ptr· 1111nent preu f1brit1 1f caurul Complet1 rtngt of silts, tool 100% NYLON GOLF JACKETS $495 li!htw1i11ht 100•/. 11l·nyWin for 1l ·ye1r w11r l ltight ntw color1 in Red. Blue, Yellow, Green, ll1tk, Or1n111 ind White. Sl1e1 fir tll S-M.L·Xl SPORT SHIRTS THE LATEST new styles just 1rrived in Pl1ids, ChKlu, Solid colors ind Stripes. Button-down lyY styles, per· menent press f1brles, short sleeves. Small, Medium, L1rgt i nd Extr1 Llrge. s39a All . :Slreil SHIRT STYLES BT THE DOZENS! WE'VE GOT 'lM-1hlrt1 of 1r1ry ties. criptlon inti tvtry slyl1I S.1 Gr111t'1 flRST-we'vt 101 thelfl~,111,..wh11 you 111tcl th•ml FAMOUS BRANDS at BIG SAVINGS at GRAtlT'S J "C~lRBE IT" al BRANT'S SUR,LUS I-Gll,~T'S J . CH,,lGE ACCOUNTS -- ~ ~· .. J 1t.: .::..:.....:.::......:.:.1.:__..:..'.,L__: .. ,; .. · -· ' ' . , __ ·-~ ----------- • I " " . . ' Colnjlllll _,..whit llgsl ' . PRICES EFFECTIVE Wednesday, June 18 'til • Tuesdoy, June· 24 BE~ aonoMs $7 LEVl'stt Orlaiilel lh.11 Jt1n1 •• "" loHOl'l'I with the f11UC.11 cut, tl1teillnt1 1M XX ff11l111, ·. NUYO® FLARES $9 . HEW Fltrtd vtnio11 •f l1vl'1e '°'ul1r Sii· Pn1t& 1l1ck1. Hopsact J11n1 In meny ntw tol•ta. . , DJpSSY STllJ,IPE~, . $8 . < lM'S& lett1t In ttrlpet~Wt Wf'Y ;rtf , -:- ' itrlpt '•r Grl'J witli thl• MKk 11.;,t. .... .OVfR 20,000 PAIR LfVl'S®· IN STOCK AT GRANT'S/ *All Sires '*All Slylh * All Colors I ' \ I '- ' • • . • __ , ___ ... Hliio(a iAdC P4C~ r~ ••• ,~. • '0 ... ·, 2·MAN •••• , $U.9,5 4·MAN • • • • • $44.95 6-!U!f ·, .. . $St.ts 'FAMILY TENT" Nlw •Gitt...,.. ..... , off h111, Jtt1 i11 '"ort Utht, •11 pldurt wl•~. tW..Wl't Dutch 4oor provi4e1 /ltnt., of Yttltll~ ,5fil.W.•ft1ppecl 1na ii.,lon 1cr1tn1 . Out• . "' • ' ---- CATJLYTIC HEATERS · n.. -' pntllul •••Fl• •I ...... ~1. lwff· '" .. , ,.,,.. .. .... u ..... \~ s21•s GRANT'S RENTS EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR CAMPING! LEVI'S® for GALS! ~ NOW~YOU ~ Statct ...... 111 1f thf ihw.fttw 1lytti ., ltvl'1:BI Slat.lit inti J11M fer 1/1 you tal1f'St1 Grent'1 for tht ••rftct fill from $6 ''FLAlt'''' ~ $1.00 • I ' • . ' • • ---------• • , • , • . rtaofe ,s·no.rte n'.e.d. ' . ' ' . ~ • • • ..r.. . ' . 1 )' ance of the U, S. Food and Dnii(.Aw'l'Plstratlon,a ' llU'lh," he claimed. • '.pretty, falr jqb •·<l!tlng done Ip qWllWnlbg· nu!rl· · ,; S>'ndietle· vllamlni and . !Ji~ are o. reality, he , foods from Iron pots and skillets 'to maintain 11111 • lf'lll 'a11owan~." · ' \ I 8¥-BEA .~DE RS.()N ~ > ' ~ ""'1!'· ..... ! F.~ 1)loment · .::1ooe1 product is haf.'lHied or sl,pgh ered II ltarti, l'"rlshing. '. • , · So Dr. Kenn~ Morgareillie, -vice. pi:esl-' dent ilirector , of !lie cbemk:al lliYaiOn, Food tional NBluei i'~lll ai.ld. > . · J. said! and pr.,ed1ct~ that more will be done with syn- • -. . . ...!fi. • • thet1cs and addltive1 •. •• • 1 W1~ 11!tfo111cre!'e of !roun foods,:productswe t Dr. LeRoy Voris, executive secretary, food and reachlrij thtJ~ns~er wflh lu,,p~ve loss'than • .nutrition hoard ol the National Academy of Scien- He claimed the only pro&lerA In taking\ Iron pills as a supplement would be the abuse In taking too much. and Drug \Research Labs, New Yo~"••• )le dft· dressed mo.re than 600 home economists; dieticians and. IOO<I editors' at UC! during a •"'!'I -up- dating nutrWon edlJcation. · t _All ~Is ~ble. he r,~. "!!>Phaslz· ing Q>i4 ll •s a-long, long trjliJ from the farm to the,. dinn~,t.abl' "-1-enUy there are less detours and bypas~t' '<xlay llocaise many of the food proces.s'orl hav':~moved'~\j~ts clos'er to the fann so that pre- we have a right 10 expect, he a'ssi~. . ·_ "ces, Washington, D.C. discussed .t&e recommended • 111ea1 preparatlc>n has been rel~lited to a minor dietary aUowances. chore be· as's~ clai!Qinr~· -;i ~ ;t becau$e the ;,_ ·; . 0 1t's hardly pracUcal:tO put a computer 1!1 every - ' h / .i. '·-.~ "'tk' >1-.:J•<t. I th b h rl! th' rsk,ilchen so ·the homemaker CllJl l>e sure she 1s serv-. ou.e.-ue Wu .. •"."" uas esa ", er ~ , er 'lng a lull quota of dletafy allowances to her family," or grandmother ~d. . • . ~ . _ j. ).>e noted . -. .' -. . " In discussing dietary supplements, such,u , ln- 1tant breakfast, Dr. Voris contended. they bJvo some nutritional value and they have W,J>lace·tn the diet II put in the proper place'. Jil o(b(r words, use them as part of and not the w1iole dieto semng, ,,._ " star\ed sooner. • • viyven so, u;ienus nee<t not k41bMiJig, thanfl to ~ The max1m~m calor1e Intake to m8111t8111 weight ? the v,ari~tr ,of. lri>;en and ~~ OOds av~llabJe /f.; as been ~ing down over th.e pa~ t.wo decades,~be in supe1'!11aH.et5, >I( the familY,t111e.Qu, tendf to be<i aid, pol~lfng o~t that sametunes 1t" hard to. me~t rigid it is because of family'~;s, such ·ssV '!Je proteln r~qtiirements·while k'ei:>lng 1n the h.qiita~ Both Dr. Voris fnd Dr. Morgareidge agreed that synthetic vitamins are more readily ~blorbld _ ()lan the natural form , and joldpgl) susgeru.il tblt in .time we IDight be eating Qur ~ed meals, prepared synthetically, out of atcan.'• " • . "Th_e. sceparlo about the vlllalns bcing ,tbe food indti~ll'l"!tiong PBll," he said, although ~e admitted a m1oot1t:i oJ processors, some of which service vending machines,'· snack bars and Plant cafeterias, do n~ed, to upgrade their st;andards._ NUTRITION VALUES. religious, cul toms 'and t'be locale w h may , be : , lion of cal?r1es.. . Jimitecf to variety of available fooc;l.Sf ' ' ~ · The b1gges,t. pro}llem 1.n dietary allowa.nces ~s Thefe is'.,~t enrichffienLiftltobd today tha!".ks . a:etting e~ugh iron, espec1all~ for women m their .~ .. tc :JJii 1 , , reproductive y~rs. He expl.~m~ that this is be-t& add/tlVes ~d synthetics, h•:'S.~·t ~ ... }) ,,., cause of the high variability of'tron in foodi and the . . I · MVTH DISPIU<'io , .' ;} wide vailabifity of man's absorptiO'I of iron. Points in favor pf this ••practical but 1nbt I>&>-·, lar" method wouta be th' elimination of all-'l'V f09d .commerctals, cook 'liooks, marl<ellng !dad sections in newspapers aod board meetings( !of the speakers).~ •:s~t, th•nks to' keeri competition and Iha vigil-• .... -r-·l\.. . "People who think all food<must be from natural i IRON ALLOWANCE products ~o-be wholesome ar~ Jll•relr _upholding a ; He suggested that cooks reverl to preparing 11This would even appease the Heart Assocfa· tlon," Or. Voris concluded. ! r • " • ~ • • 40> .... 1 ' ~elestial l m sR .tt~~.i.9n ;, . I,~, . ...,. :>'-~-.,~..;·~· ' ' -l!y JOHNA BLINN wAiulNGTO~. p.c~"All foods 1are associated with the zodiac;,", Jeane Dixon said, •· , the cosmic rays- the Sun, or example. -give lifu to~ ants and animals. Plants haVe to have \hem in order·' to ! grow, even • mush- rooms. thaf. grow in caves." ~ rtnowned astrologer and ,~etess, who ameog other'?rijictions fore.tqld the assass1n~1ons of Prwsldent Jchn F. J(ennedy and 'of his brother, 'Sen. Robert Ken- nedy, "Jives in a quietly elt- gan~ Washington, D.C., town house. ReQ roses, her favor· ite flower. graced the table in her dining room. PSYCffIC· POWERS •·Ceitain Io o d s Interfere with Y.our psychic powers," she said,,. drinklnf somt or- ange jaiCe. Coffee~ tea oz: bQt chocofate ' interfere-,. .With _her poweN of concentrltlo"n, she said. ~ 1 ''I belie\re in eating what suits hie". personally." She nu~n~~n.e,1-?her rrlimd, AQele Flctdler. Who sufrered trom severe headaches after eat· ing Seat~ "When she elUn-.. inated that food from ~r diet, she felt much better. ' Jeane explained ihe re:ta- tionshjp belween food and as- trolo&r. HW~.Jjve in a psychic world} ~fOlogy works irtto al! our Jiv«;1.\~strologY,. ~a SCU>l"i'!-<1~" 0 a ~I~ ez~1 1 , It you j.'en ~ diet Di . things about ·-,a ·.~ . ~ , person, ifagnooe allergies add ~ -. -• eveq telf what foods are good o11... • '« or bad for tbat person, b\11 , · ~ fi '~ji .iii .1 not al"l'iU's. Here's where tfie "', . ~ ~, ~ matterr of your own b~ ..,, • ·•· ~ ~ • ,, chemi~ enters the picture1' HEAVENS ABOVE I "EATING Hi'iBITS PREDICT ED sh~:: you get Ot<tet, yodr , ..: '. .. ~&fl~er Jean9'bixon • .,.; -,, body chtmi.!try changes arid · .f. '. * Ingredients, stirring Jus t enoagh to dampen the flour. ~ -The ~er sbouJd be lumpy. Heat ungreased· griddle (or Jry pan) over n$derate heal. Griddle ls bot enoUgh wtien few drops Of · cold ws:ter sldd across Ute griddle. Pour atiout 3 lablespoons of batter fnr each cike onto gridd~. Cook until cakes are bubbly and nicely browned. Flip oyer Lo brown on other side. Serve at unce with butter, strained honey, apple sauce (oraose m•rmala~e 9r strawberry preserves), fresh UV;ija ; in season (crushed : -s~ed strawberries or blueberries) and crisp bacon, sausages or grilled h a m steaks. Serves 3'"4. 1EANE DIXON'S CANNELLONI For die pasta • t<-: 11)11il'f itut\a wafer ., ")~it "'"' . ' ·1-'t•ounces iTiatllC6t.U :i :·f Jho\ng sfilted water to rolling ; ,.-!; ti>j:J;• add' !!-' ma~cottl at ·a : -til!!e:tC.OOlt .,bq_ut alx mtnut~s · Jor i tnttn··· -"'a J i11 ban:ly I • ~· ~ • "tender).~PluQ«t in cold .e.ter ~; · to rlri!te. Con'tlnue COQking un- \ ·tu all ,the·~ is cooked. ·t • ,.~,J·· ft.r 1'e" ~ 1 poun4,.{lcott8<1:1>i.,• . · • } cup C<ll!kedi_ )ined, 01191> ped J)iinac • '1 j.bor~d ked gg minceit, atiGUtl\' cup g r a (of: d ~. Pa chet!e - 111.i: tatiltspoons c h o p p ~ d · ·~ (f:·Wa~ress) ~--(e~QJ:tneg / .. 14 l~pbc>n· salt fresbly,.;. ground pepper ta~· , .. N-'. ti0tb1._ ends of the •• \ -. ,. " .. • " . -you ~u.st change your ro~-tlon fl the cosmic bocties, 'the ·for duj1llcating d~ by feel tine 1i>d diet to be in har-sun, moon, the planets atid ·.and.: ;r1 , !net, she .. s·.' d. She mony ..... the univert1e," she • w Coni~e all .ingredients; , •• ~l~ welt Set as.ide. gredienls." wb1firung. or •e dtffle sa uce , Sher likes to make S®,ps, ~u :3 tab~··butter 'MUsHROOM EGGS NllTH MA.DEIRA FLAVORfNa ~ . . . . .. ' ..,. decla:t "~aUed bra i p the stars. Their positlOns c8.n Jmtl, . '.h¥-SbaiKI', James L. art she earned lp ~ h el'~ ·;,~~-nour . .... . food is n™-e ~Ult pr,aG.-affect people,. tbeir»-behavior1'. .Dilof1: ~lners in.their \Vasll- tice ol -'Un thoSe'-foods thit how plants ptw aii1 every. _'ingtOri /Ulty company, have ~i:/'in~lJ~'l.:~i:,;'~~ funo; living thing.' B , "'° children ol 1be1r own, but RELA ~ '8&.')'ENS 'icr ce~~ied 'U;' C:: all ~the earnings from her mother's )louse. She and ~er ' • ·i eU~tnlWu-" brdther: e1-football star Emy' SaU .~ to taste. Plnckert, grew up in th.:..f10me 6 · 't88ieSpoonJ • g r a t e d ?' :German-Amctican. parent$ Parme~an cheese · m Santa Rosa and Los · I ' , bl · fl .Versatjle : ·wine . Noted • ; . I ' ' •' f Ear~ly astrologers r~a~ mlc effect$ ori . 0yseen/ A>y !~~e ~~~1f~n,to c~il~ ood t9 e heavel'llli believing-reiitcwlng · ;lttel;n' m:im Long ~1 ~hat . I movements were • lslalld· Sound .Jt» a "JaboratOry ·(ten t'o 'Chlltlreh, tile. · 1n som,:way related to the in Evamtt>rr, Ill'., ~ed· In '· "When l w•s .. in lt.aly, I earth,ly rheoomena that ruled darkened containers. "'I o"r 'didn't partlcularry 'like th,c f~nn1ng"' health and the ~ -nearly two weeka, the Oysters ~bicken .cacciatore.~ she said. c1al oroer. ~fany of . their .ned and closed the J·t 1"l'm 'not mvch. 'OI one for beliefs •e SI.Ill found In al-shells to the ·rb'Ythm ·of the 'highly seasooed· fpods, bu~ I A getes She ften make hag" e ; Met outter ,. end m ou r, n · 0 s , stirring. Cook over low heat Pots of soqp to carry .lo ~-• few minutes. Add mi I k valesclng friend~. ., • . cradually. add seasoning! to She admittedly ls .,,_fiplSY Wte and four tablespoons about the presentation or fOid • ..:cheese· cook until miooth and Recipee ··rrom tJ:le COSD!lc ' thick, Stirring. A !llcdium-dry Madeir:l '1s:a ' In a IWge frylna P,an. alowl)' Madelra and about% teaspoon mosl versatile wlne;r it can be cook oruon In l tablespoon of -sail. · h · ·r the butter !!lld 2 tablespoons (I[ rig t as an aper1ti • as a soup-U1e Madeira , s>lrring {re- course accompanimen t, with a quently , unuJ onions arc light !irst course, with dessert, or golden brown and slightly Melt repialnlng 2 tables· poons buttq Jn frying pan over low heat, add egg mix· tu.re, and cook eus. Hftlng gently with a w.ide spatula as they begin to set (do; not stir). When eggs are barely s~t. still mofst.J(J(Mdng on ~top, serve: cOQk folk>w : 1>.. •• Grease a Oat ba1dng dish -' after cfesscrt. crisp. (This will take at least lt1USHROOM EGGS, 20 minutes.). manacs. t · ~-sh· , _,.,. 1 ·1anc1• · dia llk:e \he P.nne!loni. ·J malle "There;s a time for plant-es \Va ing ~ s s the filling with .Wt\at~er-I ing and.411 lime for harvest-re. On the lSth d~, th~ have-around ," she aaid , · JE,\NE\ 00.0N'S with butter. Spoon few table- BUTl'ERMIUt PANfAKFt spoons cheese sauce over the 1 cup all-purf)ose flour . , · bottom of baking pan. Lay l't1ADEIRA Tum onions out of pan, salt ing. Yoll~ave on ly to Consult . oysters · altered Ulei_r. ythm "P'•e'• ps' yc•c, as well , a>. lh teas~n baking soda 'I. stuffed noodles Catefully in I large whlte onion, very lightly to taste and keep thinly sliced warm. Melt 2 tablespoons but-the almanac for this kind of of .opening and closlhg to con· ~· •i advice,'"' Jeane said. A well f~ t'l the ~age of_ ~he !Ogle PISys -'an impar!anla~le­ known al[=ac advises the !1190'1 over the IOcal meridian in developing recipisf' , !he 11,!J teasf!Oons bakloi powder baking dish, aPoon remaining l tablespoon siigar ' sallct over all: Cover loosely 5 tablespool'l.'I butter ter in frying pan, add 2 tables-For supper : S,OOn fanner, r example, to plant m Evanston. asserted. "We Joye buttennilt: I egg beaten with cover Oi 8lumlnum foil. 5 tablespoons Madeira poons more of the Madeira mushrooms over top ol ~. and make a border· of the onions; serye from J rying pan. For flrllt t'OUl'Se : Spoon •w onto warm plates, galnillh with toast pointl\'~nd dicfate with mushroOinS and dfiion rings. Makes, J,' .,~ ...,... ings or ; f~Aervl!>P· Salt and the mushrooms: cook t b th light of th coov• 4e y EAR' _ pancakes and t tn!ke them for ~ Y e 1 e ..., breakfast or .Sunday night sun.. 1...2 tabltM>oons mcl~ butter Bake In pretieated 3SO degree in 'pound small wh o I e quickly, stirring. u n t r 1 mushrooms or J a r g c r mushrooms are u·ghtly brown· mushrooms cut into halve1 ed and liquid evaporates-. .., 'or· quarters Turn mumrooms out of pan 2 tabletipoons finely chopped and keep warm. Beat eggs moo!l, Thei-e Is Jess myatery when -t' (a t room temperature) F. oven ~t 20 minutes. 2/3 cup bu"ttermfik. ~ Sprinkle fetfi&ining chee!!e The effect or the moon on Jeane takes to the kitchen to per. I kept changing the rntlo the tides Of '!llrth Is a v.·ell ii&Sirt her eulinary talents. of flour to bUttermilk until it known scientific fict, Je(nt "ln! my cooking J'm like a seemed to make sense and ad- said. "M u c h astrological piano player Who plays by ded just a ttttle baking soda to thinking is bSled on the posi· ear." She has a great talent harmonize ay· the other ia- Sift tOgctlfer flou r, bak.Jng ' over top of POOdles. Bake 10 soda, baking powder ud 'mini. lontU or until the sauce 1ugar. C.Ombkie eg1, but~r k nicely biowDed and bUbbly. and buttermilk; add to the ?y Serves &. fresh parsley slightly to blend with parsley, • 4 egp 'the re~ng 1 tablespoa11 • -. En ticing Adver1.tisements, Ba:r§ai hs. Often . ·Big _'Come . ~ ' . ~ROTHY WENCK ..., .• ,... ... hamburPr or ..atew meal A hi.ridquarter c..tY ..._ ¥,¥1.w H ~ N ' ' d v • )'lelda mOre steaka and roasts and will Have YOU Ileen !<Jnpled lo in-ome • ews Qfl fews cost 15 to 2!,ceots mqre per pound Utan a vetitlgate a good-to-be-true bargain • • . . loreqtl. uartet •• f;.htcti»c0 1 n ts. ins rewe, r' tender arter ~ n enUcinc ldvertisement *u such as "Sfde of beef -Jull 39 cents,• else, with a much mianer cut11.,,. ioss'. • illabl~ deal and old ng like a pound -IeaS j.than you PIY for ham· u"• re ers, · •v 1 1 4. Buying!a aide or quarter of beef is a burger." . STORY CONTINUES .pia,ue lhe freezer-rout dealer who -'btg investment. Uthe meat turns out to This: happen<;tl to an qpe,rienced, well Bvt ~he 1tory doesn't eM ~rt. Upon advertises prices YOU know are not )e poor qualµy you're stuck with a lot of lnfonned ,couih redefl01: They had Jlictinl•P _...,IBJtlt.tlte~1 ~·.~™~.--< ~--i.: ... --~'--~ing."oDl-,Jay-io&~reor'quiµfy bought meat for tb~r !""""" oo reverat bloody ~... wllirll llai tb•ioulY< · _., crs · • . ~ . "'"· b SD occaslom' from a reliable delfet. n.ey • ttl)Od ~·a Mi d!Q,t~ "8Jlrl; ~·~ENA ··, ,. ,., ~ ·:. .~ii &o/!"!1' y USDA grade. U A knew ~t glades, culUnK Joss aJfd . fl."-1M7 -·1,..en. 6"' 1Pfii!'i6ffi· · "lree\ilirblllld'J!><oe ·I•, ~bOil~buy~ .gra~ ellolcc!:)"Jll be the most tender ~lid yields. Anet they kne" that a ·sldo of ·~-w~•f ~ jltNj , .. ·-u , ..... ohe · ID¥,I for Yoyr freezer< "" · • II yoolr l!!;ot ~ lor freezing. selling tor at ctnts a poti(!d--muat 6e • · liW ~ ,..,_ ~ ~ "'akl !,roni Uie . 1'i)'ou Usuiillr. do iot save money when · ~,, ·~ , · ' com~~"bd" advettisomait. · lolo IMI~ )ilil ~ho prtvlolt -.a1 "1uf1hii..e1 by ljle ild~or~ COii\· SUEn'IONS~ ARE ASKED • lo rupture, due to formation of Ice crystals. It might be more re¥sible for you to have a Iarae meat purchase blast frozen by ~. commerc~l free¥Pg . .-com~y. rather than to freeze it yourself. Howevet, limaller an:iountJ of ·meat -1 to 3 powx1I ptr aiblc root ol freeze,r capacity -.can ~ .d~ ~f. efficfCnUy at home. Set yop:r: frieaer lit it.!I lowest t~pei'hturc• -ft'' should be about -10 de~s. Don't overload' the. freezer with wirfoien food as this slowe down the freeiin,g unle . • And ~wing 111this,11\ey couiaA~ '-tM~·'9"'f ' '. ·· .. 1 ; ', · ~,lj> ,mat Y~,-'kl .m.,191'rlll<lie> q. S-:illiei· .. 11eo 11ea1<1 or routs N!Sist g lo Ille ir-er meot dftlet '-' .~t lhlr. Ji<llitt the· e, ,~ Oiu. wfie"t sold i 0•. oped'!. a~ lhe '"' oa~)it-!t< lo boy i quanUly Old· .Q.'We',. cOnfuJ<d by Ille dllft,..t :'~a~tb .:;i::~.~-:-.:U f~ =C~ 11;,.~ ~."Jrort k•~, ~~ro·rk~~ed ~Pti°"'' Pe < ik;J· Ii ,.. ~-. flinds told •• 111at: .-'•~Im• m•de. by fr«<er meat .r.11<rs. their e-nco~ lmo'l'.f>nt th<!' 8'* hadatgnoo no 1iist'1ilm~ l'qlita , whlctt' mis~g'becnl1'e:• jb~.qtiarter oi .... fl • c! :P 11-, becau1< olir "<Jil< ma•'~•• • Pri"' consld<ra,bly ed ups fOl'a •Ide of.bed p!ul W\)Uld haye,~.rnucb, ""¥'f ,al(flc:ult to. , ~fit SCll~ ~~ ill•'1i~· ~1111"'"4 . 1 ....... fM ~ eo""1 .to,lreeu 111e~ .111per 11\8-' 117 ?tber but said.If •wls a Join, st~ • cnu:r~. . . """"''· H!llldtnl , tlley refiol'{<d tblJ · __ not Jri<\lude"tbe "C'111inf Llou'.' .~ .. i, ..U ltve7 ' , flelf<r dnl,fieOlase be .. kl onl)' Vteld Yes, 1" 1(lcilml·OI "~I and iNefy operator.lo bOth the Or11141c Coun-(bones, fs~ wlSle) which averages '5 A. It 11 ,lr\leothat meat that Is f~ Gncle I ..... ~ lled O!lly !O perceot · .. I· switch" • s1111. Tiil 3t'oents ~·JIOWlll 1, 1Y 'Beller Business '.Bureau anti the percenl Add ooe-lourth tnore lo the <111lckly will be '°Iler quality, particul•i· !lo.Ii loo• iD•,lead of . 10 percent 'thot beef wa illcb P!t»r aaalll)' lb.at lio ...e ..consumer F"ud Dlvi$1on of the Orange q~ot-1 price for a more reaU.Uc r'1<:• Jy moro juicy, than meat that Is f....,0 •Oiiier dealer ba6. Doe1 WI oouad would Wint 10· eat lt.'llut 19' cent lletf, Coun ty District Att6rni'y's office. .' ' P<T !!OOnd· ~. .' ~ ;' " · alowly. This Is beceu;. q11lck fretllng .,...Ible?-' ela1med the supersalesman, was far bet-The lVho\e point or thL'! 8lO!'Y Is to 3. A side or quart.er of beef Is not all allow11 cells In the meat fiben to re1nain A. Yet. this could be possible. USDA tcr than beef you would buy aey~·hcrt tmph3Slze the importance or buylfla Crom &leaks and roNta! At least a lh.lrd will be whole, while slower lreeilng causes Ulem has live Yield Grades wiU1in srade cholco ~----------- which measure the yield of \oneless, closely trimmed retail cuts fl'\Wit a liven carcass. These are wbolesa,._ 1rades which the consumer does not. see at the retail market. ' Yield' Grade 1 will yield 79.8 percent or more in retail cuta; Yiel4 Grade a -75.2 to 7J,7 percent: Yield cfrade s..-7,D,I to 75'.1 percent: Yield G:iaet -... at '1'0.5 percent and Yield Grade 5-&r.1 ~t or less. So you see there ii a JS ~t difference between lhe. loweat and bllbat yield grades. Q. We bought • side or bttf and ·Wn: ahtned at aD ,lbt bamburaer we 1~'J'h b1mbaiger tasted pod ~ , ..... , few m.ontbs bat recently rt•1 'been &Mu.a awful. Co11ld thty bve stvea 11 ,_. poor quilt)' b1mbvger la allll"9 to U.at from our .ide of beef? A. It'• posstble that ·OU,. ha~ But It'• more Ukely· lhat the h8n!liU!ll"lw been in yocir free:ier too long 'Ma tbt fat has become rancid with age. lt'a IWJ lllt .to eat, but not as tasty. --1. I l I ' :U DAllY '11.0T ' Arrowhead , Wedding Trip . lawn R~kit Ne.wport Bea~h Couple Take Marriage Vows \· Afternoon Rites 'Read ' At 111 ~ cer....., In Comm u a 11.J PnlbJtarl,an Cbmdl. 1-- Judllh Elllat -ol Balboa IJlaod became the bride of Mlchad Xenneth ilrboch ol Colla - I MRS. JOHN ROBERT VIALL Morning Nupti1l1 We dd ings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines To avoid disappointment, prospective brides are reminded to have their wedding stories \\1ith black and white glossy pbo~ graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart· 1ne nt prior to or within one week after the IYCdding. l'or engagement announcements it is suggested tfiit the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy picture, be submi tted early. If the betrothal announce· ment and wedding date are six weeks or less apart. only the wedding photo will be ac- cepted. To help fill requirements on both \red· ding and engagement stories, forms are a~·ail­ able in all of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Social Notes staff members at 642-4321 or 494-9466. June Bells Ring Double ring nuptials tn Christ Church by tbe See united. in marriage Virginia Lee Noga and Robert Bruce Bennett Ill. The Rev. Davi d Di Profio per- formed the riles tor the daughter of the Be rnard C. Nogaa al GUI, Ma'5. and the son .ol the Robert Bruce Bennelll o! Costa Mesa. The bn de attended Boston College and UCI and her hu sband is enroll ed at Cali- fornia State College al Fullerton. Our La4y Queen ol Angels Church WU Ule mornin& set- ting for lbe wedding of Brownie Sue Brown and Jo.'m RdJerl Viall, both ol N"1'0ft Beach. , The Rn. \Vllllam llolph Ha""1 olllclaled •t ttie - ble ring cemnoo.y for the dioghteT ol Mr. and Mn. Warren A. Brown and son of Mr. and Mn. Jobn \llall, 1111 of Ne•'PQli Be.ch. ... ,M _ __,,,. ,Glveo Jo· mairllge by ber ~ or; falhe:r, Ibo bride wore a full ·;., l~ skirted floor lenatb gown of .~ .. , •.~ Engfisb Dd and puu d'ange t lece embroidered with ~ced pearls. which swept into a princess train. 1be b:idlce ftatured a mandarin 1 collar .. -.-·~"""""...,,. and bell sleeves, trimmed with satin bows. A shoulder Jeng..h illusion veil was c.aughl to a matching MRS. LARRY FRANKLIN BROOKINS Chapel Woddi .. lace headpiece and f u I I cathedral length train vei l. She canied a cascade of while roses and baby's breath. Malron of honor Mrs. Rudy Malik of Cosb Mesa wore a full length apple grttn gown in empire style with a ruffled boat neckline. Her flowers y·ere a cascade of carnations tnd baby's breath. Carrying simi lar colonial bouquet! a n d wearing iden- tically styled goWN in pl n k were bridesmaids S a 11 y 1'1artindale of Newport Beach a n d Irene Holman of H~ Unit.on Beach. Pair Exchange Pledges, Rings In St . Andrew 's Pre s byterian Chapel, decorated with white daisies and summer flowers, Patricia Margaret Me"r exchanged wedding VO\\<S with Larry Franklin Brookins belore the Rev. Dr. Cbar.1.•s H. Diereo· field. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father for the double ring ceremony o:t· tended by members of the ii n- mediate famlJics 'Ille daughter of f\t rs . short sleeves '!lnd A·linl!' skirt. Her cap was ol pink :.ll!~ies and sbl!' also ca1·ried a co!on'.cl nmeaay of pale pink eleg11..nce carnalloos. The bridegroom, son of ?-Ir. and Mrs. Frank1in Wllson Brookins cX Lona: Beach, asked Leo Allen Battle· of Bellflcw\!t to serve as best man. The Rev. ~ Dallu Turner = f:"the ~rinJ Lawrence E. nr-rt Santa Ana and Mrs, --ol Santa Ana. The bridegl1lom II the ... of ldn. 51e,. Tvpallu • Balboo l!land and the We Harry K. Orboch. Escorted on her {au.r's arm , the bride wore a Door length empire style gowo ol white organza trimmed with blue ribbons and vmile lace. A htadpitte of blue flowers caught her short Uered veil of illusion and wlPte daisies. strawflowers and brhekt'a buttons made up her bodquet. \V earing full length blue and white gowns of empire sty)e and carrying bouquets of daislea trimmed witb blue ril> bons were the bridal .at. tendants Mrs. Charles Cam>D or San Clemente. a.nd tbe Misses Carol Grinder o f ~ Irvine, Saodi Mord of Palm Springs and Jennller lllapir9 olLagunaBeoch. Kort Orbach of Balboa hland was best m:ii for his brother. while Denn Is Campbell ol Newport Beach, Jeff Jarvis or Laguna Beach and Jobn -Jr. of lnlne y.·ere usbus. Appn!Dmaldy 150 guests attended the ftdding rece~ tion on the church lawn. Amonl those pttSeDl were the bride's grandmother, Mrs. lfeleo -ol Santa Ana, and the grandmother ol tbe bridegroom. Mn. M.a tl lda Orbich ol c.r-dd Mar. The bride WU grJduated from Newport Harbor IUlh Scbool and Orange Cout College. Sbe plans' to furlher her educatlou as an mt major at California Stale ColJep at ~ . • " , MRS. MICHAEL KENNETH ORBACH La9una Nupti4l1 ' J Fullerton. The benedict Is a graduate or Corona del Mar Hlgh School and UCI, where he receive4 a BS degree Jn economics. He shortly will enter officer's candidate school for the U.S. Coast Guard. Following an extensive trip :iround the United States, in- cluding visits to New OrleanJ, Florida, New York 1 n d Canada, the couple wlll make their home in Costa Mesa. Bruce Brown, brother of the bride, wu best man, wbJJe James Viall, the bridegroom 's brother headed the ushen. Also seaUng guestl wen Don Sutherland of Wesbnbuter; Greg D r y de n, Huntlngton Beach; Nat Brown, Newport Beach, illd Malilt. Appro!1m.ately 120 guests attended the receptioa follow- ing the cemnooy at 'Ille Bluffs, where Mn. Jack Barcus of Newport Beach al- "'1ded the guest book. Margaret Jones ~1eier of Newport Beacn and Frank B. Meier Jr. of Costa Mesa wore a street length white lace sheath drea with a long sleev- ed coat of i.llored lace. A 3hort \'ell trimmed her halo hat of wbite st.:aw, and she carried a colnoi.ll nosegay of pale pink and white elegance c.amatioos, white stepbaoolis and baby's breath. For a family luncheon reeeptlon at the Stull Shirt following the ceremony, the table centerpiece f e a t u r c d summer f I o w e r s including pink and white elegance carnations, while and pink sweet peas, rosebuds ;.nd stephanotis. June Wedding Told The bride, a graduate of Newport llarW High Schoo~ attends Orana:e Cout Colleae. Her new husband w a 1 graduated from lllarina lflib School. Fol.lowing a trip lo Lake Ar· l'OWbead, tbe couple plan to reside in Costa Mesa. Kathleen Meier was maid of honor for her !!.!fer, wearing a pale pink street lengtli dress or organdy Ofer taffeta with The bride WU graduated from N"'J>Ort llarW lllgh School and atl<nded Orange Coat.t ColJtCe. Htr l1tW' hus- band ls a graduate of Millikan High School la Long Beach and alt<nded Long Beach Clly College. He received a diploma from Ft. Belvoir E•gineeriDI School. Tbe couple plan to make their home in Torraoce. First Baptist Church Setting for Ceremo11y A double ring ceremony in the First Baptist Church oJ Midway City united In mar- riage Kathleen B e a t r I c e Henderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer C. Henderson of Huntington Beach, and James Ray Hathorn, son of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Hathorn of Shreveport, La. For her wedding, at which the Rev. Harold H. Coble of· ficiated, the bride wore a gown of white sllk orgall18 over satin featuring a longsleeved bodice covered with appliqued lace and seed pearl.I. A cathedral !rain was a~ tached with app\iqued lace at the shoulders and h e r cathedra l lengt:t veil was ca1:3:'t by a nosegay of orgnnia rosebuds. She carried a bouquet of v.·hit.e roses as she \¥as escorted down the :iir.le on her father's ann. Mrs. Frank Bennett, matron of honor, wore a noor leqth gown of deep plnk crepe. A headpiece of pint roeebuds held her matchina: short pink vell, and ahe carried a bouquet of pink carnations. Bennett served 81 belt man for the bridegroom, and Davkl Henderson, the b r I d e ' a brolhtr, ushered. A reception took place in the garden of the Hendenoo residence, where white tables were placed beneath a areen and white canopy decarated with white wedding bell1 and white spr1y1 of flowen. 'n1e bride's cousin, Llz.a D'Aurin, took charge of lhe guest book 11 nd Betty D'Aurin, Dorl! t~ischcr and Glenda Wholley MRS. JAMES RAY HATHORN R•1lde1 In Loulsl•rui served 1t the punch bowl and ------------------- burfel tables. The bride is a graduate of fliarlna High School and I t· ttnded Golden West College . A graduate of Perryton Jllgh School in Te1as, t h e bridegroom attended Colorado State UnivtnJty and Louisiana Polytechnic InsUtute. He allfl hu served with the UnlteJ States ~iarlDe Corps. Following a btie( wedding trip, the couple wlll make their home In Algien, LI. Betrothal ~tr. and Mn. Jay Waumuth of Colla Mesa have announced the mgagement of t b e I r daughter, Jayde Waasmutb to Darrell Hancock 0: Huntington Beach. ~Jlss Wassmulh Is 1 graduate o f Downingtown Revealed High School, Penlll)'lvanla and attended Or1n&e C o a s t COll.ge. Her flance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Hancock of Pico Rivera, ls a graduate of El Rancho Hlgh School and serv- ed for four years with U.S. Air Force. Newlyweds • Mexico Slollnl for their leacber'1 ,.-. were e1lht Madrigall from Foothill H1gb School, when Judy Heaton ol Balboo Ja&ind became the -ol . Craig Alu Weightman rt 1-Beach. '1\e couple achanged vows and rinp before the Rev. Dr. Karl Christ in T u s t I n Pmbylerian Church. Their parents are Mrs. J a m e s Heaton Jr. of Los Aogelea: and the late Mr. Heaton and Herbert G. Welghbnan of Hollywood and ldn. Clintoo B. Cary of Pasadeoa. Given in marrlagt by htr -er, James H..ton 11~ the bride •ore a gown of AU5trtan lace with rote motifs in long vertical rows. A fabric bow caughl her long train, and she carried a oosegay of white roses and baby's bre&lh. Pink embroidered "'i""" over taffeta gowns 3 n d nosegays of pink and white daisies and carnations were aelected for her entmrace. Maid of honor was Marylou Gougeon of Tustin, a n d bridesmaids were M r s • Marlborough S. Nichols II of Mission Viejo, Mrs. Nonnan Varnen of Encino and Miss Anita Elduayeo ol Lo 1 Angeles, the bride's cousln. Attending as best man was Douglas R o drigues of Camarillo, and serving as ushers wtre N e 11 S. WellOltman, the brldeJ!l'OCl11'' brotlior, Fred Wood of PboeniX and Nichols. A n<epl1oo follow<d In Irvine Coast Country Club, and assisUng were Joyce RudbeTK and Diane Hardison of Dallas. Aller 1-Jmoooinl I n Puerta Va ll a rt a, the newlyweds wtll reside Ill MRS. CRAIG WEIGHTMAN Tht Former Judy Heaton Newport Shores. Tbe bride is a graUu~tc of the University of Southt m Califomla where she earned her secondary t e a c h i n g credential. Her husband a t te n ded Oregon State University where he affiliated with Delta Oil and ts a graduate of San Jose State College where he ma- jored in industrial englnee~: Engagement Disclosed During Dinner Party Navy Cmdr. K.. W. Carlton of Mlsaloo Viejo, chaplain at U.S. Marine ColJll Afr Station, El Toro, and his wife hive an- nounced the eneagement ol their daughter, Karin Rhea Carl-. to Jooeplt Qiarlts HewtU. The betrothal WU dilcloled duriDI I IUrprUe buffet dilmlr for Ill close lrlendl and r.i.Uves from Laauna Hllls, Long Beach •nd Anaheim which the Carbool bolted la the~ borne. The bridegroom, ""' ol Mr' and h1rs. J. L. Heweu or aiehalls. Wuh.. new to California for the wttkeod to be present for Lb e an· nounttment. Lutheran Chureh of the Crou, Lquna Hllls, will be the set.uni ror the wedainq which Will take place Sept. IZ. Miu Carlson, and her flance both are. graduates of W. ~,, West High School in C.'hthalis. The bridH:lect a t l e n d e d University of Pu&<l Sound, Tacoma, where she aUlli.ated wUb Kappa Alpha nie:ta soror-'· lty and served u pledge class ~ She also was a member rl Spur1, IQPbomore women'• hooorary . Presently she: ls a junlor nisjoring ln Ena!lsh at UCLA. .., Cl"I ,._. KARI N CARLSON • S1pttmbtr Rlt11 ~ lft'ftlt attended Unive rsit)' of WUhioatoa and w 11 grldulted from Wa:;hlngton State University where he ar- fillaled with Kappa Sigma fraternity. A hittol')' major, he WU ICUvt ll! a D in- ter<ollqlale Knight a n d played rugby and fl'tllualn baseball. He wu the reclplenl of his fraternlly·s Junior Man- of-lhe-year award. h "S Wf y, sa 3 lh F D< B' Cc pr in la ' l -~------__ · _; ~ ~---------~-J ____ . ____ 1 -----------------~~---\-..a....__;, ------------------------------------------~---------·--------------------------------....----.. -- Air Moms Lift Off .. ~~ r • ~ • New Plans • . " BUly aummer plans and an overvMw of past eve:nll will be' on lhe age:nda wbe:n U.S. Alt , Force Mothers, Flight 12. . meet tomorrow at 7:• p.m. ln California Federal bulldlRa; .. Mrs. Walter Hurtado will' ~Jwtjlde and tt:U of the quarttr~· ~ly president's I u n. c h 9 on • meeting she atteoded ·. whh 'Mrs. Forrest OIH' a\1 r ,. treasurer of tht group, _ • Uppennost on the club's qlendar will be plans for en-- try In the Huntington Beach Fourth of July Parade ard ;· parth::lpat!On in Santa Ana 's • 'CeoteMlal In October. ' Participants in t h e Costa Mesa Fish Fry parade in- cluded Kay Hemmer, sign bearer, along wllh Mrs. ijurtado and other members from Flight 12 and Flight 19. Ail mothers of Air Force personnel are Invited to aUend the group's meetings. DAILY I'll.OT library Hour Costa Mesa Library Is the scene Of a library story hour every Thursday at 10:30 a.m • BLdSSOM TIME -Summer. benefit luncheon planners for Col. Wi1liam Cabell Chapter, OaughJefs of the AmeMCa'n Re"'.olution, are tlef~ to right) the "Mme.!I. S. R. Nord Jr., George 0. Buccola and William D. Rabbitt. The salad luncheon will take place June 20 in the Balboa hom'e of Mrs. Earl G. Corkett. •• )1,, = Happiness Is Having a Birthday Party -usnoopy," "Peanuts" and their cartoon friends will welC<lme members and guests when the Fountain Valley \Voman 's Club celebrates its fifth anniver- sary during a luncheon birthday between noon and 3 p.m. tomorrow, in the Villa Sweden restaurant, lluntington Beach. Making preparations are (left to right) Amanda Ryder, RiChard Stev.1n and Dawn Giesing, children of members. Past presi- dents and five-year members will be honored along 1A·ith Mrs. James McCalla and Mrs. Williafn Chen- ney, Orange District president and vice president. Mrs. Vance Derington is in charge of 1uncheon. Teachers For Tots Rewarded A variety or a·wards will be made when members or the Orange County Association for the Eduation of Y o u n g Children host their annual banquet tomorrow at 7 p.m. in Grand Avenue Un It e d Methodist Church of Santa Ana. Teachers who have com- pleted requirements at Orange Coast College and Fullerton Junior College will receive nursery educaticin certilicates and annual scholarship reci- pients will be announced. Benefit to · Bloom For DAR Luncheon The Balboa bay front home of l\1rs. Earl G. Corkett will be the setting when Col. Wil· liam Cabell Chapter, Daugh- ters· of the American Revolu- tion offer their aMual salad luncheon Friday June 20. Ptfrs. John A. Hopwood will arrange a <lisplay of DAR Na- tional Defense material, while Mrs. Gary L. Myers will be in charge or patriotic station· ery and flag pins offer~d for sale along with the group's Keepsake Cookbook. Je"·elry, glassware and assorted items will be available at a golden elephant table. Welcoming hostesses for the tvent. to last from 11 :30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., include Mrs. Selah M. Reber, regent, Mrs. George BucCQla, state as· sistant recording secretary and the Mmes. John A. HoJ>- wood. Guy Holmes Cherry, M. VI'. Martin, Hart D. Hickman. Robert A Speed, Edward W. Crumley, Dwight M. Roberts, Edgar M. Cox Jr., Clifford M. Estee, C. E. Stovall, Neil V. Willlams, William D. Rabbitt and S. R. Nord Jr. I AsslsUng will be members of the Henry Bowen Chapter, Children of the American Rev- olution under the direction of ~fn. Bruno D. Norman. Proceeds from the yearly event will support American history award.!I in the elemen- tary schools, DAR good citl· 1.en awards and girl home- maker awards. as W1!\1 a! the purchase of American na,::s and history books for schools and libraries. Corona de/ Mar Home Vows, Rings Exchanged Home in Corona del Mar Special guests attending Now Open EVENINGS and SUNDAYS 54LONS 70 Fashion ls!anCI, Newport Center, 6#21 Sr: 95 Town & Country, Orange, 5~1-6641 Floral Theme 'f>,Janted' Children 's folk songs will be performed .by recording artist Mrs. Nancy Raven. Those wishing to attend the banquet may call Mrs. Roger Hertzog, association president, 546-3244. following a Palm Springs were Mrs. W. P. Wilkin.son, honeymoon ·arc Richard W. the bridegroom's ·grandmoth· Wilkinson and his bride, the er and Mrs. Grace Heil, his former Dianne Buck Flory .wife's grandmother. 1:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r who exchanged vows and Alter a reception Jn the rings before""the Rev. William Newporter Inn, the newly- Eller in the Lutheran Church weds left on their honeymoon of 'the Master. trip. The new Mrs. "Wilkinson De coration planners for Western Slate .University College of Law's annual Baby Bar Ball are (left to right) Mrs. James T. Slack of Orange, president of Orange County Lawyers Wives club, and Mrs. J. Ronald McCain of Huntington Beach. president of Law Wives of Weste!'n State University. The dance next Friday in the Santa Ana Elks Club will celebrate completio.n of California first year law students examinations. . I 2325 Ea•l Coast Highway Corona dcl J\lar 673-8267 "BISTRO" or "BISTROT" Spelled either w1y; A Blttto ls a warm, COTigtnlal place whe re one dines and wines A Bislro is something dllterent -not 01lentaliou1, but elegant without pretense , A Bistro is del igned with love ind eare -its cub lne, wines and b9verage1 an prepared and served with Jovin& care and 11lill It'•• place where Good fo'ood and Good Drinks are lht 113tls In fact Jt'1 1 place where Respectability hu 1o &hart 1 ital with love and Wlderstandina: Ladlt1 go there to mfft their dreams. Gasltonomu go there lo be inili1ted lo U.e' Specialties de la •taison. Wine con- not1seurs 10 there to Imbibe and 1avor fine wlntt. Lovers all, find Lt Bistro lei leur1 Chateau d'Amour, Bidroa are becomin& rare -the be1t ones. many world r&- nowned are In Paris -CHARLES BISTRO will be the fiisl one of ilJ kind in Corona de! ~lar. PRE VUE June 18th thru JWle 30th DINNERS EXTRAORDINARE Wednesdays thrn Saurday from 5:30 P.M. Sunday Dinner from Two P.M. Sunday Brunch lnteniationalc from 10 A.l'tl. Evening Wear Elegant fabrics play a part In at-home evening wear -for him. · · Consider: royal blue nared slacks of velvet wom with a blue and white silk shirt and matching silk scarf. Brocades also make the man fashionable. Attending the couple were attended San Bernardino High Mrs. Richard Green as ma· School and San Bernardino tron of. honor-; Tim o th Y Valley College, while her hus- Thomu, best man;· William band was educated at Char- League and Gerald Soehlke, latte High School and di e ushers, and Mark Flory, aco-'niversity of Ptfichlgan. lyte. -----~~-- Parents of the bridal couple are Mrs. Gladys Wilkinson o( Charlotte, Mich., the late Mr. Wilkinson and Mrs. Lucille . Buck of Glendale. GRADUATE TO OMEGA The Daily Pilot Covers Boating From top: In while or yellow 14 karat go ld lilied, $87.50. Fourteen karat in while or yellow gold, $230.00. Textured design in gold filled, $87 .50 SLA...VICK'S 18 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -644· 1380 •• Ytwr c",.. Acc....,. "'"""" -•-•mttlc•f"f, Mttter C!Yrtt• "' • Optn Mondey, Frid ty until •:lO p.m. LQQK AT YOUR SERVICE FOR A ) ' NEW YOU! A 111w -ncltin9 YOU, from your Yl ry f!tsf visit te eut Wi9 & l11utv S1lon. Yo11r f1vorlt1 wig -or 'rOUf own cr11w11~ in9 9lory -ttch 111p1rbly 1tyl1d by 1p1ci1li1h -th1 fi11t1f In their f.eld! , Drop in, viii! 011r thop -vou'U lo•• the ,..;a, 1eltclion -ind modern f1 ciliti11, 111 ~1y1cl to 111h1nc1 your 1pp11r1nc1, .. ---WIG LETS·--.. 3'5 6'5 1Vr -. 21/r -. ..,.. __ FALl.s __ ...,. ..... ,, ... , ... Wit ... 26'5 36'5 4995 ..---WIGS---.. :.~ ············· ............... , ····· H .... TIM •••••••.••• , ••••• ,, ••••• , •• ,,, 29" 59'5 == . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .. ......... 6495 ....... H-4 M ... •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 15000 20000 . ............. -.......... . CLEANIN~TYLING-REPAIRING--SIZING mallie ~ WIG & BEAUTY SALON 250.0 East 17th StrMt MILL&JIEN SQUAJIE COSTA MW, CALlfOlNIA ' I Early Bird Uses the Noo~le DEAR AllJI LANDEllS: I'm a ,_.. oldmdftlind.IAlllopatfew..-la ,... ... priUf -. Ina P"'Ple - ..... loll nlPt -.,.. .... .,.. _, ofml ........ I bope you'D prb&.. ANN LANDERS [fl MOST BEAUTIFUL BONNETS -Cboren as wil>- nen in the parade of lloweT-l>ededed boonet.s wllicb toot p'3ce during the llDDWll Hau in Bloom lunch- eon ol. the Udo Isle \.\'oman·s Club were the Mmes. Lewis Byingtoo, E. ll<><gan Quinn and Martin Lockney (front row, left to right), and Mmes. Mel- vin A. Ricl!ley Sr., E. T<mlllCe Moran and Jol!n WUson (back row from left). .., -· ........ it...,, -cnzy. It J!JiPI DOI -lo< He)'ilody but it -• pum al.I me md 1111 dodor uid II Im -,... .. 1111' life. 1...i-1t'al!lt_,.._ but -,... ... tlm ........ ,,., -is to I**: In ....... Ilic .......... bun up die -dJdnc lbe Uy ..... lo .... " ol&IJl ... lilllt -1 ..,. newr-nmda ol. a breakfast eater, la fad I bad tlJe -1-\ eat moch la die mamfag. I mod lo lfAb • cup cl cdfflt an:t a piece al tout on. the nm. I dac:idod loll)' lbe .... .-...i it -oaOn.YalenlaJllQ'- ........ cl• Iara< p.. cl ....... juloe. '-a pll&e al. spspetti and meat ball&. a ba!f plat al. ice cram oa a slab cl cba1'} pie. Of couno 1111<r tlm I _, eat moch -<r dinoer. A l;pt mack msfied -U P"'Pie say to -'"tbot'1 DOI l<r me. I ... , ... la !ho -.Jnc," t.n tlJem, Ibey an ii Ibey really wet lo. I tnM-heca11e i•m doing it.. - STREAMLlllED AT • DEAll sntz.UIUll."BD: I cm\ ..... _,__ .. !_\,_ Dysons Honored _,__, ...... _ ... ,... ..tr __ .. _,..... .... _ ... -ti --..... l!Jlioc t I ----..... die: wl&dtfll .,. ti. ,.,_, ti ....... DEAR ANN LANDERS : I'm ll!ld at myoell. asbanwt, dllcJ!sted and upoel. Can JOU help me? I'm 11, a girl and the WOfld 11 worst crybaby. U I go< bnlod out by a teacbtr I cry. If my le.am kJles I cry, If •••~y Jells at somebody else I feel ....., ltr the ponon ¢ting yellod al and I t:ry. It '""'1dn\ be so bad H I cried In print. bot I doa'l I ay rigbl iJJ froJJ! al nd)bodJ. A.ad it sbnrl fOI' an hour aim·. MJ eyes get rod and ....ii.o. One< a friend came up lo me and uked il _, bad --1 hale m,.tf for being 10 !ltnlitive. Is there .. solution to this probiem or am I going to swim in tears for the rest of my life? -DAMP HANKIES DEAR DAMP llANJ(, A«ept t1oo !Id LILll JGa'rt • a1er ... ya'D •• ,.. be w. ll'• part o( your emot6-•' paden, .._,. the lid, too, tJJal 11111•1 Ill ..... Cr)'bl1 ii a be1ldly way 1-releve &tntloL People •t.. can't cry an la tettou u.uble. 8-your laablUly to Mid back u.e waterworks ll em- barrl.ubac. tlC'lllt )'OW'Mll prompdy wbta you. feel tbe kan: eom1JJ1 -ud 111,,.-, yORt cry lA prlvak. CONFIDENTIAL TO WHAT JIAP. PEi~EO TO MR. D: I thlnk D llandl lor Detergent. He worked fut and ldt no ring. Contact the Florence Crlt1enlon Home in Toledo. U1t1W'e of yourlflf on datt1? Wbt's ript? What'• wroog? SboWd. JOU? ShollldJl't you? Stnd for Au Loden' booklet "Dallng: Doi and Dft'&I," ucb- ing: with )'OW' reqaest 35 ceatl ta cob and a Joni, seU-addre1ttd, 1tamped eavelope. Ann Lande" Mil be glad to lw:lp you ..Uh your problem•. Send diem to Hr In care of the DAILY PILOT, eacltliD& a stamped, seU·addre11ed ravelope, Selected Six Winners In Floral Hat Horo scope Golden Years Feted Show Displays Sea and Sh ips Of Californ ia The grttn thumbs of Lido ~le residuts were t"\'ldtru. ounng the annual HalS in Bloom luncbtoo o( \be Udo Is.lie \\' oman • ! Club which loot: place in the na.·er-bedttked clubhouse. Ac=dlllg to lladition, club members create hats using: fresh fknroen from Lido l5le gardens, and the headpieces are judged with the mo5t beautiful most original and most hw:norous seltct.ed. Si:r bats """'"' chosra for honors. 111·0 m each cat~·. ln the ··most beautiful"' STEWARDE SS Lind.a HoffrMn Far Flung Hor izons Ach ieved Parade ca~gory. a yellavr daisy crea- tion •·om by ~In. Mart.in l...ockney and a cap Of blue hydrangeas: designed by Mrs. c..ris Byin&tm -top honors. Tbc ;nmt humorous"' bats 11·ere worn by Mrs. John Wi1'on. who sported a water· ing can filled with daWes aod ~ with • bwnblehtt. and I.in. E. Terranct Moran. ~ bonmt was a huge gTttTI lhnnb enbancrd with matching blooms. Judged tho ··.-original'' ~ere a tall hat al shtiet mWik "'1b """ a1. -.... r.mnc tht lOI\ worn by Mn. £... Morpn Quimi. and a straw bat·-with-..... and tx.u., wsn by Mn. M.el''lll A- lbclllty Sr. A o;pecia1 guest ns Mn. \'an D. Clolhitt ol Lido We. -impirod the -"""'1 hiit lnncbrtg JD yean ago. F oUowillg tho porado al chapeaus a musical play, .. The Galeratioo Gap .• , by Mn. Rolph u.-i and Mn. R>lph Tandoo-sky. was staged bdore the capacity audientt. A cast ol 13 prumted the deligbllul spool on tho nola- liooship between the younger gmeratioo and their' dden: w'ith a polished and pro- te.ssiooal ueartioo.. Leo: Be Leader THURSDAY JUNE 19 BJ SYDNEY O>WIR AJUEi IMan:ll %!·April It): Include family memben in cruti,-t activities. Qilldrm can brin1 great pleasure. Hold no grudges. Set fine eumple. Be diplomatic and loving. You .,. popular with tho oppooii. .... TA UR US I April 20-May 211): Go atw-tht solid; t<nao the oebulcm:. Yw are romant\c. But see lhn:lu&b r'05e<OkM"ed glasses to actualitia Don't bt fooled by oat who makes big promisos with nothing lo -pan Ihm>. GEMINI (}lay 11.Ji.mt. 20) : Accent 00 how JOU read to .......... ..,;_.. Short journey Jrul)' bt 00 agenda. Be surt oi directionL Yem CGU.ld ...astr time if confmed abou1 -· °'"'* fads. Be pmiti\'e. CA.>;CEll <Juno %!.July 221: \~w may havt to git't up §OIJlething in ordu '° gain. You cwJd make trade to )"OW" advantage. Yinish rather than begin; concentra1e Oil prvptr" timing. LEO rJuJy %J.-ADC. 22 ): Timt to press forward. You can succiessfully make demands. Higbli&bt in- dependo""' al thwghl. action. Sltts:s tbr DrW". Tab in- itiali\"e. AttTnt origiDality. Lead rather 1haD follow. Vl1IOO (Aug. ~pl. 22): Loot behiod the soenes for special information. Meam what appears oo surfact is apt to be deceptive. Bt anaJyUcal. Your bunch is correct. But follow through in i.nl.elligent manner. LIBIU fSept. 23-0ct.22): $tras OD social acti\•ity, Dine out. Y w are stinwlated by Loo indivi&lal. Break from routine. Pw'sut bobby. Gain pleasure througb c r e a t l v t e:ndn\'(r. S<X>RPIO (Od. %J.-Nov. 21): Accem. on bow you haDd1r responsibility. St.anding i a community can bt elevated.. Pay au.em.ion to dittails. Break fn:m ttSb'iction is -.. Be gracious. You are a winner. SAGnTAIUL'S ~Sov. ZZ. Ott. 21): Your opm. frank at- titude is iespec i ally ap- preciated today. Your long- rangie ambitJbns rome under scrutinv. lmpm1.ant to include family · member. Yoo are not happy u alone. CA.PR.JOOR..~ (Dec. %%-Jan. II): SUivt for ba.lanct. Don't upset one close to you . ?ifake coocessian in return for ma· jor gain. "lessage clear by tonight. Make nece1sary domestic adjustme.nl. Mr. and Mn. Fred 0,... al. Huntington Beach w e r e honored Oii tbeiT 50JlJ wedding .amuvuury during a rueptioa -by tbeiT dauglden. Mn. Alvia Graham al. Laguna Niguel and ?tfrs. R o g e r Graham ol Garden Gr"O\"t.. Touting each Olher with champagne glasses from tho .. Queen Mary." I Dyson is from En&land) the aiuple also enjoyed a four-Ou wedding caU made and d<coralod by th<ir dau&ht.n. Strviq: rd:t d1•••Wi&b were gnnddaugbt<n, Mn. Bruc:o ChriltiaMen, Cynthia a n d Lomta Graham,. and grand- daughter-to-be., C J a u de t l e GranL Out-of-town guests Included a mt.er, Mn. Pearl Voigt; • nephew, Mr. and Mn. Wllliam Goalby al ~ Pan; a mter.iJ>.ln', Mn. Luci JI e Du}'Ot't of San Leandro. and a ........... Mr. and Mn. Ray. mand lluyOn! "' 5"! Rapl!ad. Mn. Lena -O!u1a Vista. an old acbool. friend of Mr&. o,...·1. ud Mr. and Mrs. Ray DJOl&er of Saa Di'IO -.. up lo mngr.ilula!e the couple.. Mr. and Mrs. 0,... met and married in San Diego but ..... made Los Angela and Orange counties tbdr bc:me for mnsi " their married years. Retired Person s Meet AQUARIVS {Jan. 20--Feb. ti\: Play waiting game. Let othen state thtir \iews. Hold in reserve )"Ollf own int.t:ntiom. ~t continues on mutual Grandchildren al.lo ilrlude GleM Graham, ~tanhattan Beach: Gary Graham of ' Yiestminmr. and Cynlltia and Denni& Graham. G a r d e n Grove. They bave ooe gnat· I grandchild, Sam a nth a , daughttr of Mr. aod. Mrs. Glf)' Graham. Picnic Fare Elected effo rt s, ma rr i ag e. 'fbe l;wEness agenda wiJ.l be pactod inside • pkni< baskel ~-ben !\ew-porl Beadl Cllapttt 121 al. American AD:ria.tion of P..etired Pt.nOOS met.Ls next Tbunday iD the Costa ~fesa Park. Tbr noon gathering ii being planned by tho p..,;dent, partnerships Auxili a ry J.Joyd E. '-focrlsoa of Corona PISCES lftb. t9-~farch 20): dd htar, Mn. MonUoo., :P.trs. Those who deptnd upon you American Legion Rall ln Holbrook ~1ulford of Costa may be estravagant Be fair Costa ~lesa is I.be settin& for Mesa, Mrs. ).table Hawk. but sensible . Hold line on meetings of tht Auxiliary to Cost.a Mesa, and Eua:eoe Hite budgel Esplain \'iews. Dispel Barracks 1241. Veter.ms of of Huntington Beach. notion that money grows on World War L 1be first Tues- 'Ibose atte.nding shoo.Id bring trees. day of each month members a pknic lunch, side dish and ..:;..;1~na-:....-':•"t:J~~~~ gather for a business sr.ssion tabl ... -·-. tlQOll\t'I, "Se<AI Minh Iv NtWl'I ..... at 7:J:t p.m. and the third I...... w-.. Send liotr1l'IOl'9 ..... Ctftlt I --~-· and ~·nn· g the bus;....., .... -.;...... To om... "-"ol09" $f1;1"t'M. "'-Tuesday or a :ll)Ujll Ll\ol u,.. _ __..,., DAii. Y Pt I.OT, &ox l:l~ Gf"..W C-I plans for a.s.sistlng construe· tr.i s1.,1on. Hew v~. H. v, 10011. potluck: at I p.m. Golden wings ol a Pan Am lion of the new $4.~ millKin l,=:~~=~==============1 1 , ...... -. oow belong"' MJS> Party Toi d g"•ntology c:.ni.r at the Uni· w DISTINCTIVE Lmda HafCma.n. daughta ol ,:enlty ol Sout.hun California m I I l NG \I .... F•ank °'"'"'Y Holln»n will be diS<USStd and a .... "(;flJ ...Nair e~ HAIR STYLI ~ ol U.guna Beach and the la" A binhday party for "'" book. "The W>ldom °' Dr. MANICURES e PEDICURES ~Ir. lfoffman. aod Mn. ArUmr St.ead, ..-onhy Ethel Pttcy Andrus" will be J JOS Hewpert ltYd .. N....n a..m. 6n-41 16 follo ... -mg ~ lralntt ptnod malroll and palral1 ~ La(wla rt\•iewtd. IACllOU FlloM' CITY HAI.I.I at the 1 n t e r n a 11 on al Beach Chapter. Order of the The book's author was \';=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::;:;:;:;:;:;;; I st"'ardess collegt m !ioliam.i. £astrm Sw. will take place foundtr of AARP and thel1· the rww hostess gradualed Fnday. Junr 20. at I p.m. in center under coostructktn 't\ill from Pan Am"1 colle&e in Laguna Beac:b MaJCIDic Hall bt dedicated to her memory. Sea.Hit Sht now is on duty lor M.atn:m and pat.nm of Anyone wilbin& information polar Oighu 10 E u r o p e • other axmty dl..apUrs will fill on the pimic er ~ may northern tnps lO Alaska :.00 tht stations and ~frs. Arnold call Mn. Ruth Johnlc:a, -. <icross the Pacific to Ha111·a.iL Yc\tls will host festivities. SllU. A former English major 11\1.====~~=============.IJ Rio Honda Jwuor College. she al.so studied at \\' h 1tt 1 e r Business College. Her hobbie5 are gounnet cooking Md a \ariety of rnus1ca l in· strumenl,. including ,>10.00, organ, ceUo and 'iola. I Silver Sands I I The f.irSl and lh.ird Tutlda)'s at 8 p.m. mefllbe.rs or Silver' Sandi 286, Nalh·e Daughters of t.he Golden \\'est gal.her for meetings. Lake Park Clubhouse in Huntinglon Beach ii the meeting place for the firlt session. Atrs. Jack t Wilson. 544-1479, wiU rum15h l locatk>n on the nei:t meelina date. MEDICAL REDUCING W. DUANE Al.BfRT, M.D. 1827 WESTCUFF NEWPORT BEACH 646-0251 LEARN TO SWIM AT YOUR ORANGE COAST YMCA 642-9990 ,, s ..... Ceref•I Trel•l•9 ., De11ttr• MONA FRANCES Sclwol of BALLET SUMMER CLASSES Nl~E WEUS -JUNE 1'" ,. AU&UST "" Kinderb1llet -8eqinner1 -lnterm•di•t• Advanced DiYiston and Pointe Work Also Cl11111 in Modern Jett 642-4068 lUN-N..., ..... 11¥4. ) 'OUEEN MARY'S' GLASSES Mr. •nd Mn. F...t Dyoon Featured in Santa Ana's Charles W. Bowers Memorial ltfuseum from June 20 to July 13 will be Archltedural Pen Sketches by W. Donald Smith. Th e exhibit of skelcbe5 ol historical buildings and sites is keyed to California's blcen· tennial celebration and Santa Ana's centennial. The artist, now a resident of Costa Mesa. is noted for bis accurate detail and perspec- tivt in depicting boats u well as buildings in the medial ol oils, watercolor and int. Classes Open Now! Tlt,..p..t t1ie H ..... ,._ WEIGHT~ WATCHERS. • Saint talking, .om1 listening "'' • progr1m tll•t worb. s ~It llOCMUU-C.W. US.SIDS Breakthrough In color photography~ 1flRSTTIME EVER OFFERED AT 99c * BEllllE FILL IATllAL COLOR POITIAITS! • Not the old style liDled <><painted black 6. white photos, * SATISFACTIOI CIAIAITEED ar your money refunded.' * FOi ALL MES! Babies, children, adults. Croupo photx>grapbed at an additional 99c per. subject. * LllllTED OffEI! One per rubject, two per family. THREE DA ~S -·ONl Y THURSDAY· FllDAY ·SATURDAY -JUNE 19 . 20 . 21 PHOTOG RAPHER'S HOU RS II A.M. TO 7 P.M. 3049 COAST HIGHWAY CORONA D EL M AR OlllY AT THIS LOCATIOIC I ----------------_L __ _ ·------------------'----·----------- I I t . i : I ' I ' • ( I I . I I I I i f I I I I l I 7 ·DAY VALUES giYes JOU the opp0ftunitJ to shop at STATER BROS. any day of the week ••• From Thursday to Wednedsay you canny selected top value groceries and also enjoy the savings of our low every-daj prices plus BL~E CHll' STAMPS. U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR ST ATER.BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF BEEF LIVER FRESHLY SLICED TENDER Good Only at ST ATER BROS. Good Weoeokof JUNE 19-25 ll"'IT 1·COU!'O"" 'l~ I OX r1J~CMA510 ~ STEWED OR WHOLE PEILED LB. ~" USDA 0401C101 STA.Tit HOS. CUTJID lllf RUMP ROAST ..................•.......... 89( IASTllHGIA ... FID • ftlDft • tUTI .. LB. PORK 5TIAK5 ............... . .............. Le.69' 59c USDAOfOtCIOISTATllUOS.arr•110Hl, • s 1 '9 . LB . 5TIAKS CUBE OR SI RLOIN TI P ................ LB. USDA CHOtCI OI ST A Ta: llOS. an.llD 111' ROUND BONI ROAST .... 93C AIMOUISTAIUGKT6'D.ulMIAT •29• LB TURKEY ROAST . 2·LB . 6·0Z. USDA otOtCI OI ST A TB NOS. llONIUJS SttOUUlfl ROLLED BllF ROAST .... 99c •••wtLIAN-GIOUNDHOUllY 53' ..... LB. GROUND BllF ........ . LB USDA OfOtCIOISTATll nos. tallfMJ 119 ROUND STEAK BONELESS OSCAIMAYlll.QIMQOtUI 39 Dti.IOOUSlYSlAIOfiE> 59' BRAUNSCHWllGIR . .EACH c MEAT LOAF READYTOCOOK ............. LB OIC.UMAYHl-OUNaCHUll 39 HOIM&'SCOOICID • •llHIOllfllOll&TIDJI S, •• SANDWICH SPREAD ............ EACH ' CANNED HAM ........................... 1 ll ·LBs. BRIQUETS ~b~E.1:0~.~ .............. _ 1o u. 89' POMPEllAN OLIVE OIL -PIS 89' STA CRISP CRACKERS --· . , u. 29' NESCAFE ~~SFTF~~~• ,.u••·~·•••••••••••u·-~•·••., 15•0Z, ssc ROYAL PUDDING INSTANT -·-2 '" 25' ROYAL GELATIN . -------· 3,oz 29' RIPPIN COOKIES .. somo ···--···· '" 29' LICKITY SPLITS ~:~au ....... " oz 53' DEVI LED HAM PluM,05£ ·······-··-··-·-ooz 39' DIET IMPERIAL"'""'"'··········--:1.u. 39' J.PQUND CAH , •• S1 .7S ' s 'i.ICED BACON MORRELl'S YORKSHIRE 1-LI. REGULAR OR l·LI. THICK 59!. : HUNT'S !TO~AJOES , I $ N0.300 CANS STATER BROS. COFFEE 1-LB. CAii . YAN DlkAMl'S tflF 01 OffUI !!~.~!~~DAS . . 3 ,. . ., 'I !!.!!§.!J.!!tCE . 4 i~·,• I .~.!~t'K5 iioiiili'xl~~~-··-··-.. , .. 59c I LONG GRAIN . I RICE .. 3 LB. PKGS. I • I WtlSHill F•ESH PACK I CUCUMBER . CHIPS . l sMA 0 .AD 39e ! DR~5SING 24f,t . I I . • . I . . -. . ,I • • ' l i .$ 22-0Z. lARS FOUiER'S COFFEE '"''·69' W:I'/ CAN J·ll.~I• Sl.99 10·0l. lfi1S1'ANT ............ 11,3 LARGE EXTRA FANCY SEEDLESS MOITON HOUSE OVEN BAKED BEANS 16-0Z •.................... THOIO-FID OflCKIN • UYll • KIDNIY • MU. T DOG FOOD MEATBALLS ......... $ CANS $ REG . CANS llRDS£YEAWAIC£ 37c 1""'"',10-ri•ri110~1 ..,,M ,_......_.0 --··'oz GINO I PJW ___ 11.oz. 7fe llRDS EYE CA RIOTS _ ,0 oz. 31c CHic'"•'E'•~ 49' •••011" swEEr.,,,. sou~_ PEAS CREAM 31' "0'0""""~-ou1 ---""''".O'uon 1 c•;•~·-tooz. CHICKEN . ----o.oz.29' lllDSEYEP£A1 ___ 10.01 31c S0ffOC .i'N'oFF 49' ICOlDCllJ ·----l ·Ol. !!!f .. f.TEW :~~'i~, •oz 29c ~.~~TPIE5 6 .. ,•1 HNQllET DINNERS ··--·····" 39' PEAi"ONIONS 31' •co'"" . ---·~-10.oz. EOGO WAFFLES 45c <Mo~"'°'•r··~ .IOHHlrCI< ··-···--·,KC MEAT IALLS """----·''·OZ. 5gc CHEESEPIE 67' co~11~n 1001 .•,. ·~ .... ,11""'"°" ........ ______ 11oz ONIOPIRIHOS ,_.,, ____ ... 1-oz.2r 1 ~OHHSTOH PIES --.... t 1"" 69C i'Q'Y'SfNK1£JIRY PIE ·-···-· •·IH. 75e ROD'S ... L 39 ~~~~.~· 79 c TSP ,,NT, 29c WHIP-0 C STAlll LIQUID . TOPPINCi REMOVER CLEANER MACARON 'I GOLDEN GRAIN 2 43' WITH CHEDDAR .. , .... 714 ·OZ. FIG BARS :~~m.~~N .: 2•.oz. 59' WESSON 01 L .. .. . .......... 4B·OZ 89' ORTEGA PIMIENTOS WHOLE ······ 4 0Z 22' HEFTY BAGS JO-Qr.39c 15-GAL.39' SIZE ......... . ..... SIZE CHIFFON MARGARINE .................. l ·LB.43° ·r~lf.2~ PIMIENTO CHE~!f,f~l.~~\'}o __ 49' 39 SHARP CHEESE SHREDO<O ............... ,, 39' "·•L ' CHEESE SPREAD ~tlt,'i':~'&z. -····---. 69' DOG FOOD ~~1£~~~G~LC:RIETY ... 31 5.oz. 27' CIRCUS NUTS ~i~~~¥;;1~~ •••••••.••.•..•• 12.oz. 7gc FRUIT DRINKS ~~~[~~·~·············· 3 .s.oz. 95° PLUMS GULDEN'S MUSTARD B~ri~N ... B OZ. 19' ICED TEA MIX ~¥~· ... MON ········· ...... 4 oz. 59° WISK DETERGENT DEA L PKG .......... OTS. 69' B-B-0 SAUCE ~b~s~~".' ...................... 11.oz. 49' INSTANT TEA uProNs . . . ...........• e.oz. $ps CRISCO OIL .. .. 24-0UNCE 48t • i I ' I I ~~ I • l . .,.,__.,.. FANTASTIC ~r~:~rn 22 .oz79'32 oz ....... 89~ CHI LI SALSA 8~irn•.......... . ..... 1.oz. 25' MAGIC SPRAY SIZING ................. 2ooz. 69' ROLL TISSUE ~~~+~v············ ....... 4 PACK 37' SCOT-TOWELS BIG ROLL . .. . .......... ,.,.33• VANO FABRIC FINISH .. . . ...........•.... 20.oz. 63' BRILLO PADS-PACKAGE OF 18 -'· . PKO. 49' SCOTT BATHROOM TISSUE ....................•. ,.,.38' AQUA-Ill IYI HAil THOllO.RD Gl~lfTIE NlllSPHT SOLUTIOll COLH DOG FOOD ILADIS IAINll~HtNDS NIWDAWNAllT. HOIUMIATC......S_.., AO.I.AT Am ASlt. 66( $1.'39 "OL$1.79 UYll6.1Uf • IUOMf&_, .... 1 >-01. 4 uc$l •. 87' WASlll' llRADIT DllTUH CHAM LOTIOI POWHI CARI GIWTTI """''•Cl .lflGINS f.tr,iTHTH TIOtlAlOll 1V.·OL 59< 11•1a.01. S 1 St :1S·OL53( lllOWY 43c s2'' IA. BUACH II-OZ p.:G l KAL KAN m'f".''\tt~ ~1'tll.ic1~ltil.~GG2,.,. ' DRY TREND DETERGENT ,,. o< 2,.a.37' SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE 7-FULL DAYS; tiiiJRf thru WEDS. 'UNE 19th-25th llOODLE-ROlll DllllERS I M.,,S.-TUNA 2 3 c NEWS DETERGENT oc.a.L PKG itt or 5ge 3430 W••t UM•ln A••nu1, An1h1lm 1175 liker Strttt, C.•t• MH1 14212 Mint• ""'"u•. Wtllnltr c;0t.DfN.G1A• l9' 6-0Z. CAT o• TUNA CHICKIN ..................... FOi' SWEETHEART SOAP 4 36' 4 49' 2564 Wt•f .,.. .... ,. Auhtlm 707 w ••• 19th Sh'ttt, c •••• MIN .... Ch1pm1n AY*fliUI , Oar•.... ,,..MUANO I FOOD HOtl:St:Mt:AT • LIYll • KIDNt:Y J 3ftc ·· AlG IA,ftf 2110Mtw,.rt11¥4., C11t1 Mnt 1900 lut C1llln1 Av1n111, Ortittt 2603 W11t 17th Strttt, S1nt1 Ant ~~~' I TUNA KIDNIY • TUNA UVIR . fOI ,.,,-SU REX DEODORANT SOAP . . 6 PACK 49c IS22 We1tmln1t1r l l'f'd .• Wt1tmln1l1r 2630 (dlfttitr A'i'tftVt, S,nt• Ant 6162 ldlftl•r A'i'tltllt, "u"tl"'''" lo1ch CNICllN rKG . • --------~- 3a DAILY PILOT Wedntsd'1, Junt 18, 1969 Hi·C ·Fruit CanclH · SUGAR Drinks Granulated-Pure Cane From Hawaii! Rich Fr~! Flavors-Assorted ~01~ 00 c ·cans Kleenex Tissues Cream 0' the Crop White or Assorted Pastels pkg. at • Wesson OIL c The ''light" Oil-lrs Poly.Unsaturated. 24-01nc1 llattle · Hunt's Brand c Tomato Sauce Rich, Thick & Flavorlul! 8-oz.$ cans Large Eggs • • 1;( Grade "AA"-Farrn Fresh Flavor! ' • .. ~ \-., c · ·1-doz. ell. e Best Food I . Mayonnaise 1 "The Real Mayonnaise" Creamy·Smoolh! \ c ~: ~urt • c pr Folger's Coffee _....,:-:-~._. ..... Mountain Grown-Choice of Grinds l·lb. can c ALL PRICES II THIS AD GDDD WHILE STORE SUPPLIES UST , , , SHOP EIRLYI Vine-Ripened , low In Calories c ' Every Bite A Delight- Flavor-Rich. High In Enjoyment' lb. Ala Mode With Delicious Cotillion Ice Cream! Tomatoes 1b. 2 9' Large Size-Vine-Ripened . . ~; ,\)Yellow .. 7· · Mealed , Sweet And Ripe- , . Picled At P"k IL. .-• Of Goodness! u. Oranges :.:: 8 ·lb.98' Apricots Y~enc~ ug Northern Roy1r V1n1ty lb. 29' Duncan Hines Cake Mixes ASSOITID U.Yll YAllnllS Rtc•l•r '••he• each c Hunt's Tomato Catsup Made From Plump Vine-Ripened Tomatoes! 14-oz. $ 00 ..... Purex Bleach Rl'b Steaks u.s.o.•. c";" l111e Me1tr Cuts "· SJ 2t Wtdntsdly, Junt 18, 196'J SAHWAY POWEii 99 Gerber's Baby Food Strained-Fruits, Vegetables or Juices Your Choice c each Lighl Meal For Sandwiche s c Banquet Dinners Frozen-Assorted Varieties 11.S.D.A. Cito/ct IHI{ Chuck Stea ~. Boneless Beef Roast Rell..i Allol Tl..i 89 USDA Choice Beef Chut~ Flavorlul And Juicy Always' lh • . Ground Chuck Sirloin Tip Steaks Top Sirloin Steaks •·SJ n I , For 'Burgers, Meat Loaves Or C Preahlr Greunol 1t· •. s1n Pork Steaks ~~:he':" 69c From Young Grain lb. Fed Ea stern Porkers Use In Your Favorite Recipe!. lb. ~,. ~~::-~~~~~---. Sliced Bacon Dubuque Miss Iowa. 1 ~1b. 69,. 1 ', Cut from Youn9 Porkers Pk9. ti Frankfurters St erling Skinless. Tender, Leen end Juicy i-1b. 59c Pkg. Prices Effldivo 1111n. Jn 19 t1wu Son, l111t 22. 211 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa • 1000 Bayside Dr., New port Beach • 24 Monarch Bay Plaza, So. Ltguna 136 N. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach • Santa Ana Freeway al Lt Pai, Mission Viejo • Fairview Ave. & Wilson St., Cost1 Mesa ' I I ' I _________ l _____________ J.~---~-------..&-' ----...;...' ---· _ .. _.......!.\_, ··-· "·•-----~ ' •rt:;----·-· ------··-----w ----·w-·• -:-:----~------------- I I I ~ G PILOT·AQVE~Tl\[R ~~.at; Cool .; ·---.. ::.:t"'" -.,.... .. .· \ 9;'ll 10*'-lois In, 1ff.._f.., 11fr..'T' ... . )jEAT >.NL\ CQOL! • Two ol fhe nicest things you can say about a dress nbw. 8191 seam- ed yoke adds spanklng fresh toucli lo coatdress. sua now. PrtntW Pattern IW:' NEW Half Si.le, lOYi, 121ii; 141h, l&'ni, 181Ji, 20"1;. Size 14.lh: (bust 37) takes 3 yards JS.inch. SIXTY-FIVE CENTS I n ~iM for each pall ;-add 15 cents fF e'ach ltffn for first-cl~ ~llillg d ~special ~andling;'1lherwise <k:W. ' tpelivery.1'lll take weeb or more. 1 Send Maria n Martin, Ifie DAIL PILOT, 142 Pattern Dept., 23Z West l!lh St.. New York, N.V: 10011. Print NAM'-1 AD- DRESS w i t h ZIP, SUE and STYLE NUMB ER. , 1 Spring SellJl-off! Mo~ fresh, young, easy.sew styi!a in Spring-Summer P a it e r n Catalog. Free pattern coupon. 50 cents. New INSTANT SEWING Book -shows )'OU bow to sew it today, wu.r ft fomorrow. Over 500 pic tures. Only $1. ~ors Look Delicious ~, "G/amoro Js· When you go to the trooble to .bake hOmemade cookies, you 1·Y'ant 11\em to be ..Jlly ~·I. '. These ba" taste as g~. u they look-you'll want to ask a neighbor in for tea to show them oft • COCONUT ORANGE BARS 211 cup Wlll!ted aU-purpo15e Oour l . 1-2 1 teaspoon double-acti~ baking powder 1h teaspoon sail v, cup buUer f ;up sugar 1 ;lesj)OOll milk i taas:poon grated orange . rilld t cup cookie coconut 4 sq uares semisweet chocolate. melted Mix flour, baldng pot,1•der and salt. Cream b u l t e r . Gradu111ly add sugar: blend well. Add egg, milk. and orange rind; beat well. flour ' mixture and mixing only enough • Spread in an t-lnch square van which has been lin- ed on tioU-Om with paper and then Jtease<t. Bake at 350 de~ lpr 30 minutes or unlll lightly Hmwncd. Remov[ from pan and trim off edges.1 Spread with melted chocolate Cool. Cot into 20 ban. Chili Dish Wi:ms Oles If you make lhis chill ahead, reheat it In a double bOllef. CHILI CON CAJINE 2 table!poons butter or marg~ine 2 medi um onioos, finely chopped (1% cups) I pound\ lf"OUDil bee( '<!Und , I can IA ounces).'~ l!l!Yl• ~ato .. iJce • t1a1p e garlic, ~ed r to a fablespoo111 • chill "~~· .a:min ·t · can • 4 otmcd) red ans,· uno ' drained In • l .. nch skillet in the hot butter l'Olly cook onions until yen-. _ Add beef; crumble With a fork until meat changes color. Add remainin1 ingredient.; cook gently, stirring several times, for 11.boul 1,~ hour. Ptfakes 4 servings. Wednesday, June 18, 1964 FRESH EASTERN PORK .PARERIBS COUNTRY SfYl~ ·9c lb. Reserve yow set today! SI ,C)j ilzf ~nlE. Of l6 EXCEDRIN TAI Imported "£1191ish ) r ;l>innerwcn : by Enoch Wedgewood (Tun1tall) Lid. S•vo·CI% •ff .,." l..U """ <Mite ef 4 11 .. ltltt pctHlnll • , , 21 pi•• •tort•rMt cw 9 piece ~-p\ettr 1et youn for .ftl7 I l kr)oowoy ~rtiflc11t•., 99 C12~0~ • p~r<t.o1 .. iioi'AcH'RililiLADES $·~~ $1.09 Sill AMH-l'llSl'IU.NT NEW SECRET $1.otSIZE DESITIN OINTMENT $1.98 SUNIU•N llllff NIEWUNIURN $1~SIZf SUNTAN LOTION TANYA LOTION J.oz. aac SIZE J.2.oz. a9c TU Bf •oz. $J . .$9 SlZf , /• - l STOCK UP AND ' SAYE W·ITH FAMOUS BRANDS YOU KNOW Plus ,. " .,. Blue Chip Stamps Plus U.S.D.A. ChGlct Beef Pfus- Weekly .Specials c m1ii'F' U.S.D.A. fHlflfdlD YOUNG TUMfY DRUMSTICKS , I PftSH flOllH f'tAIN Olt l lUDID VEAi: STEAKS fac>ZEN l afADE D TUftEY 01 VEAL DRUMSTICKS GAllON PLASTIC ..... DELICATESSEN .. l lOZfN Sl'lllNG SHOUIDfR CUT 'LAMB llOA$1 51~ • CHICKEN, WHOLE LEGS OR n-itOHS , FRYER PARTS 5 ,9~ $J09 a9c '" LEI OF LAMI ... LUER QUALITY PORK . 35, c iiUSHflOZEN SlllNGU.S.CU.tNSPICTfD SM.All $J 19 . LINK SAUSAGE 1•. LAMI CHOPS lOIN IL • . . ,,(~ flUH flOJrNVllNG U.S.0.A.INStECTED 98C 3 s 1· 89._ ~~~~~!CHOPS ''~ 59~ . .. a.oz. . . ~ ~S:K:IN:l:E:S:S~C:O:D:__~~-"~'·=..:.___;:::::::::::::::':KG:s:.:::::::::::::;~ ALL PUJlPOSE .. GOLD MEDAL FLOUR .C FROZEN FOODS fOOD OIAllT SUCID .{_ LUNCH . MIA TS =~*~~~1 3 5-0Z. s 1 • SANDWl~H LOAF PKGS. •DUTCH LOAF 3 ~·$1 3 ~~· $1 REGENCY ROOM CLH llUCTIQI STRAIGHT IOURBON WHISKEt CHAMPAGNE A~EX THOMPSON SCOTCH MAGIC SPRAY SIZING ~L 69 C • ... -; . HOI DOG; SWEH, HAMBURGER DEL M.ONTE RELISHES 1r: 39 c flAVOR SI® WliH. Al ~AUCE. \ }OL 43c .1~ 69 C B/L , BIL . DEL MONTE '"l"' m MEI PEPPCRS PIOOES 14-0Z.. JAR , •. 22·0l. JAA 41 c 75' HORMEL • PAM SPREAD J-01. 25c ciN HUNrs SPAGHffil SAUCES • MEATLESS ; Ml.lSflR0.1lil ~ ,. MW IU'IOll l&-OL 49c· BTL SOUtl PACI( HUNT'S TOMATOES m 25 c ~~33c PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. IHRU SUH. JUH. 11.11, 21, U, 1111 2300 Harbor Blvd. at Wilson St., Harbor Shopping Center, Costa Mesa • • \ -----~~~~~··-·-•~·-·-~--·-==-e1w~~~-•ww--~-·~•~w-44~i...wm•,..•-•--·~••.,.9#.-1!U"""""'-'',!l,c""".,._.,.......,..,,,Ul...,..,"-"',ui,~~~;)Ll1}!1floi~~i.:ii~~:.n!~lliliJi!'lf'l~a;;;:lici~!l!?!!ll!!lr!iii111 .. :::!.~iel ------...... -------------------' ff , DAil~ l'llOT Wtd~, .hiM 18, l'l6' Attention ; Ship Shape . .. Salad Sounds Appetite Alarm . . .~, Breakfast for Boater5 Boaltn ollj>uld plan lo eat such as paper "°'[\>. p bfeakfast on board if they cups and plastic JROQM in a w'l!rh to get an 'early sailing picnic basket. Add to the ltlri beCore-. their favorite basket individual packages or waten are jammed with other ready-~at ~reals, regular On • wann swnmer day, letting some run down between 'craft. · and -presweetened. wiltlfll appetites snap to ·at-cubes. Sprinkle wllh onion, if It fs ,liJDple to assemble an In the morning it takes only tenUon when a s l u r d y , d I ed Tl • 1 1 · h adequate b r e a t f a 1 t the seconds to pat k fresh fruit, es r · e oose Y wit previous night and ever 'so milk, a coffee cake or flavorful chef's salad pops up. string. e11y to tote. . doughnuts (in Jieu of toast and Even YOl.Wisters, die-hard Place on bak1ng sheet &;nd 1 JuS fcj{low i •,basic 'breakfast f spread) in a lbermal picnic opponents cl more deUcate bake In 350 degrds F. oven lo ~ PICter:n '1l tr,lt'; ~· ~ 1 bag. ( saJada. d.IC in when the bowl to 15 min4tes. Remove strini iftad' and ~ ~ 1 A vacuum-cuntalner of hot bowl features strips of meat. and serve warm. Yield: i mended by nutndonlsts. ' coffee or hot water for inst.ant cheese,bard-cookedegghalv-servi.np. First, p-,.Ct·aee-d0ed 4 coH~ or cereal will un· esandassortedgood~s. ;---~-':~==----~~-===========::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::::'.::=::::=~=====~========~~~~~~:.;_..::,_.....;.~~'...:::..:.'....~;::~~';""~pooa~b~~~servln&~,~~~~J~pmen~~~~dou~~~edl~y~he~a~·m~us~l"~,too~.-Wlth the cool main course, I ~ hol chunks Of eheese-loppe<J bread fresh from the oven de- mand equal attenUon. There are almost as many ways to prepare chef's salad as there are chefs. Our own version begins by marinating halves of tiny cherry tomatoes in lhe dressing. Into the dress- ing go a variety of flavorful ingredients including Tabasco. To the marinated tomatoes add crisp green:i, hardoCOOked eggs, anchovies, radishes and green pepper. The salad is topped with strips of ham or luncheon meat, strips of cheese and a few more tomatoes. Add the dressing ... and there you have a salad that's tops in flavor and variety. Cheese Loar° is s I m p I y delicious. • .and It's easy to make. Begin with an unsliced loaf of whlte bread, cut into large cubes and add a mixture of melted cheese, butter and Tabasco. Bake for about 10 minutes ... and that's all there is to making thiJ fine hot loaf that tastes like from-scratch homemade bread. There you have the matings of a wonderful family lunch or supper ... or a sa1ad so splen- did you can use tt for a com- pany menu, too. U you are serving the meal on patio or porch (or even indoors, for that matter), by all means serve on plastic-coaled .plates. When . the w ea t fl e-r gets hot, it's just sensible to keep your kitchen chores t o a minlmwn. Hearty ~ad and hot bread are perfect summer fare the season long. CHEF'S SALAD French Dre1stac I teaspoon .paprika . 1,1a teaspoon dry mustard 'l(i leaspoon sail l teaspoon suaar 11.a teaspoon curry powder , 1i2 cup salad ell 1h cup wine vinegar 1h: teaspoon Tabuco Salad 12: cherry tomatoes Salad green:i l hard cooked eggs, shelled and baJ ved · 1 can rolled anchovies in green pepper, cut in strips V. cup sliced radishes 1,2 pound Swiss cheese, slic· ed 11' paant ham or luncheon meat, sliced Thoroughly blend all French dressing ingredients. '\"ash and cut tomatoes in half. Place in bowl; add l/3 cup of the French dressing. Let marinate 2 to 3 hours. Wash and crisp s a I ad greens. Place in bowl with a layer of eggs, anchovies, pep- per strips and radishes. Cut cheese and meat into thin strips: place on top of sallijj. Garnish with cherry tomltoes. Serve with re- maining French dressing . Yield: 6 servings. CHEESE LOAF I loaf unsliced day-old white bread 1 cup grated Cheddar cheese 2 tablespoons butter I/• teaspoon Tabasco 2 tablespoons minced onion, opUonal Slice crust from top and sides oC brtad . Cut bread lengthwise almost through to bottom crust. then c u t crosswise to form 8 cubes. combine cheese. butter and Tabasco tn saucepan ; heat, stirring, until well blended. Pour mixture over bread, Scramble Swiss Way SWISS EGGS Swiss cheese give s de.llghUul, different navor to eggs . $ large eggs I/• teaspoon salt l/f CUp milk 1 tablespoon huller l/S cup finely grated Swiss cheese, loosely packed Beat eus and salt just until yolks and whites are com. bined ; add 'milk and beat to combine. In a lJ).lndl lldllel heat lhe butter; add ec11: cook ienUy, 1Craping up mflturl• tt •LI; do not stir conit.antly. When whole mixture ls just about set. remove from heat and fold in cheese. Serve al once. Makes 2 large servlnp. COUNtYFAIR FROIENPIES FOLGER'S COFFEE 14.&. CAN ALL GllNDS APPU . ·PEACH&. IOYSENIHRY 8 INOISIZE IATURALSWISSCHEESE ~~'::!"SS REDI SPUDS HASH BROWNS'i,~.'29' c · . . 2·LB. $1 .lJ~.U. $1.93 ....... -.... -A~ff'CTL"-~\a $, 1-LLCM'JOH -· --~-_ ......... , ........... v .. SKIPPY 8¢ DOG -FOOD 1 S-OL CANS-...;l......----·---·····-·-·--·-····· ..... ·····-· ·-·· HENORIOM TURKEYS -. SllKT YO.H:l fflOaD4 rutrns. p.__:_," W\IJW~lllllllll Van deKamp's SP£CIAl$ lliin..S~ ,_ 1•n. LBS, .i'rfOREMA YFA !R MR4L J\'1AKERS ADVERTISED PRICES Effl<TIYE 7 FULL DAYS-THURS., JUIE 1' tlino WED., JUll 25 \ JUNE is DAIRY MONTH FEATURING ARD~N FAMOUS _ DAIRY PROPUCTS COTTAGE CHEESE MA YFA• M.Ut llllON STER IEEF-U.S.D.A.. OIOICE LB. MAYFAIR ~ARKET -17$ EAST lTrH STREET, COST A MESA 2030 West 1st Street, Santa Ana 9892 Westminster Avenue, Garden Grove I I/ • I l .. " J4 PIL • Once • c:hati 1"New Y! a dOlJa Bee Cl Thb d yeas ...... 11:ut a:ta Beca1 now ar decidec Cake. , If yc 'Bee Ca ol lhe here's 1 trying. and we 114 tc 2 tab J,,. t.e: I le rin• 1 pac 1/3 c Y<1:11 2 u ma I OJll ~ VanlJ hel ' In I. mixer, togethE salt, dlssolv In a low he and br warm to mel' Grae ture a casioru medlw er, Add enough batter; casioru Spi Thi,, b lypi spoons spoons s!Joons reaspo mixtur soning cs and 701 Dre! with L open i Takt breeze gracef stripe! Patter FIF' each J for ea' mallin other.1 will ta Send t LY F Dept., St.atio1 Print Patter JKt over : free I Send: NE\ GIFT. toys, Make row! I cents. "11 chtt, cents. Boo cents. Bar beaut M11 terns cents. Boo uv1., ) ~ -~ I -~----------~~~_.,...,~J'-""-~-'-"·~-~---·.:.· • .-·--------"':.-.. ,-. _____ L-L.__._ __ • ___ .... __ .;....._ .... _,/.J~-----L.-~~..:.--.... ""'...J n" ·-·-o--• .. • · -.l -· • -8 • -. e -a m Jt-n£-J .. , • • .. l4 PILOT ·AtvUTJSU Wedn..tay, Juot 18, 1969 • D.\JLY PRDT 4 f WtdMsdlyf JUN 18, 1969 . Honey of .Bee I l • Ga~e · RerTiains a Confection -" • I . Onco1upon a time there was S mlnulel. s\Jr baller down: flPrOad In Bake In prtheated 351><1egroe fuc ·uint. Malla 9 aervllics: • Coot over medium hlab beat together t "'P cold milk, 11 'For a Dufner fUIJnl, \ouow 8 chaJn of bllery ahops ln SUr 1n enoustr additJona.1 • greased square cake pan (I ove(l lbour 30 m inute L · <»ccut Topptq: untll buUer and sugar are cup heavy cream, t ~~ above directionl, om j t t In I ' ew Yon-.., coWd buy flour to ·mata a still battu, by a by 2 inchea); k will be . Remoye lrom pon and place Into a llDall saucepan tum melted. ·Bring to a boil, 'then sugar and I ~ v-iu,a.• beavy mam: u.,a wbtp It a delightful corifecUoo called Coyer~ 1et "rise ·in wir:m bard to spread, but you can do 1.xl wire rack to cool. %/S cup o·aked ,coCo.iut, If.I cup recb.'e heat aod simmer for 1 Add 1 package. (S,. cc.mctil) se~ratelf and ~ Into pud· B ~-·· drafllree place unW doubted It! Cover, lot rise In warm Spilt cold· cal<o In half ~··ar 11 lllct (II ~·nd) but minute; stir In II le, aspoon al· vanilla Instant N ....... With din• mixture. Yau will hove • ee ~. . I UI doubl<d ~~-~·"•' d V··"" ~ ' ~ . ~-• • 'Ibis consl!ted of two la yen: in bulk -about 30 minutes. \ draftfree p ace un •.-,._......,. .. Sprea UWJ& ter or margarine, 11 table-m o n d e z t r a ct , Co o I rotary beater beat slowly until delectably soft fll.Ung, but we d yeast-risen cofreecake with S~art at once to prepare ln bulk-'i;~ minutes. Cre8Ql Fl1llng over bottom ipOO(lS hoot.y, 1 ' tablespoon thoroughly'-, blended -~t 2 minutes. must warn you that wlth1t the 1 creamy filling and a hooey. C:ocon••t Topei"~ so it will Carefully ad co o~ e..d ;halt; replace top half. Serve at milk and 1 tablespoon toUted Vnllla Cream FUll.n.g .tet stand foe 10 minutes so it Bee Cake will be barcler io nut gtaie. . J-b•_••_Um_e_1o_coo_1. ____ cocan.,._u_t ...:to..;.pp:..,'.;:.g_ov__.•r,....,-.,;"'-: :--""'"-'":IJ<_ref__.rli:..era._i._'_unt_il_serv_·_•li_·v_ere_d_almonds ____ • ____ 1n_'•..:ap>all __ m_1x1_n:..g bo_wl.:.., ma_·_w1_.:U:..:;cse::.t. ~--..:.....-__;'="t:... ------ Because the bakery &hops now are ou~ ot existence, we decided to make CU' own Bee Cake. , If you ·an: nostalgic about · Bee Cake -it's an adaptation of Lhe German Blenenatich - here's a recipe )1)ll may enjoy trying. Our family loved it, and we !hint 1'!ts ~ too. BEE CAX!: 11/4 to l\{ cupg-~ Dour 2 tablespoons sJa:ai!-- 1/4 teaspoon sail \ 1 teaspn grat .Jtmon rind ( r 1 pac.kaj! active ,,._ l/3 cup ·milk t 14 cup +r marg \ 'l 2 tabl~na biittet, or 1 ega:, a m temPe!rtttire Coconut . opptna. see below ~-... Vanilla Cre&Jl\ Fill~, see below'• ~ , ·, · Jn large bow of electric mixer, t Ito r o u ~b I * '!Ir togelber ~ cup n~. 1U1ar. !!!alt, lemon rind 'll"1>-dissolved yeast. . 1 In ·a small saucepan ' Jaw heat, beat the milk, witer and butter ·until liquids are warm -butter does not ~d to melt. '' Graduallj· add to fiour mix· ture and, scraping bowl oc· caslonally, ~at 2 minutes at medium s~ ol electric mix-er. ) Add egg and in •CUP flour or enough flour to make a thick batter; scraping bowl oc- casionally, beat at high speed i Spice1 Blend 1 This is a·. spice blend whl is typicall1 Freoclt: 5 lei· spoons grouftd pepper, 21h tea· spoons groond nutmeg, 1 !f.i tea- SlXJOflS grOUnd cloves and a teaSpoon of ginger. This spice mixture is a traditional sea-1 soning for ragout!, wine sauc. es and rabbit stews. Graceful . \ Dress up ,1eeveless styles with th.ls pretty cape -worn open in front or back. Take cover from brisk breezes, air conditioning in a graceful cape with diamond stripes. Knit or sport yam. Pattern 7018 : sizes 32-38 incl. FlFJ'Y CENTS (coins) for each pattern -add 15 cents for each pattern for flrst.elass mallin' and special handling; otherwise third~lass delivery will take three weeks or more. Send to Allee Brooks, the DAI· LY P ILOT, i05 Needlecraft Depl., Box. 163, Old Cb~llea Station, Ne'lf York, N.Y. 10011. Print N1me, Address, Zip P•ttem Namber. Giant, new 19CI Needlecraft Catalo1 - over 200 'designs to choose, 3 free patterns printed Inside. Send SO cents now. NEW!; "50 INSTANT GIFTS" 1 fabulous fashions, toys, decorator acceuoria. i\lake it today, give it tomor- row! Ideal for all occaslons. IO cents. "11 JlffJ Rap'' to knit ~ chet. wene, :s"{, hook. 50 cent.. Book°"" PT1le AfcMa· 50 ce.nl!!!. ·MMJeum Qlllt 1-pat· I I I ' I , ' CENTER cur- RIB CHOPS • .; FROM TENDER CORN.FED ' PORKERS .. I I fRESH LEAN" &MEATY • LOIN.OR RIB END -" , . . FIL~T OF S.O.lE ::~~·.~~:;::.~ ...... lb 8~ S~ICED HAUBUTc'"'"'"· .... , • .,lb.98c FILlET OF PERCH °'"'''"•"·· .. 1b79' FROSTED SHAKES 1orc1M·, ... -.5/1. C:REAM CHEESE:::t:~·:.=:: .. n ..... 3/1. CHIPPED MEATS ~!':.7:;:: ......... 3/1. \1.11ENERS ··"''"""'. AG/ ... , . I 1b.,pkg .................................... ,,,,. Lu. NCH MEATS '•"""''"'• 59c Sliced 14 or. Pkg.••••••••••••· CHEDDAR CHEESE~:::~!'.;:.,h •. lb .... 109 CHEESE SPREAD ~7~:::~~:: ...... ,.,.;39~ 24 OZ. BOTTLE 2 -1 2 HUNT'S '1 C ' CHRIS I'. PITTS )'/ 07 l>R~fN GIANT 1-LB. CHIFFON ZEE CRISCO Holv~d Sliced B-8-Q NIBLETS SOFT Tropic Tones OIL PEA CH ES SAUCE CORN OLEO NAPKINS 45c 26< 30< 22< 39< 10< - • l -' • ~ • ., >'1-~ ""· • ... ~· .... --.. • ' ALBERTSON'S ,) llDUCIO 36·•~ TAtt.1SKIPPY . ·-a~ AttERTSON'S 48s 48~ ALBERTSON'S '""'" 59~ GAllON BLEACH'"'"' DOG fOOD lltllK1fl5PlaAI~.......... TfA BAGS 1111ummm1........ PO TA.TO CHIPSsrmu -11.01 .. SHOP and COMPARE NATIONAL BRAND ITEMS at FULL DISCOUNT -7DAYS A WEEK Save at Albertson's 0111(1 ... ,tlCI ,_I(( 'TOMATOES ••• \,.,,, ........ 33 27! PE~NUJ B,UJTER ;~;~·:: •• l ;, 1" CORN "flA'KtS •-·· ""·" 39• 38! POPCORN ''~"M"'"· ....... 43 < 38! BATH TISSUE ,..,~,. ........ 29• 264 29< 254 4 • • J ~· Save at Albertson's ~ Save at Albertson's 01111 Piia Save at Albertson's • Ofllll p11ct: ' ... '"" SALT:-:.::;;..~~ ............. _"_ 15• ,12! KETCHup,..,,.,. ............... · 35< 32! BROWN BREAD ............. · 33< 301 PORK&BEANS ... ,,.,.,n .-· 25 • 221 BROILaFOIL "" ...... , ...... 59• 57! WHITEKINGD 1~.11..., ........ 81• 581 TOMATO SAUCE """''"" ...... 3/3 101 DEnRGENT =~7 .............. , 1'9 1" FOIL WRAP ;.":,~t.~~'!........... 65< 59! FRUIT DRINK ~.:\:.::'.' .... -.JPc 341 PANCAKE MIX :'.:';.'!~~ ...... : S6c 551 GIANT FAB.1 ~011, .... .,......... &3 • 82! SPRAY,STARCH .... ,, ...... _ 7,9c 61! CRYSTALWHITE ... L.,.. ....... ' 69.• 591 PICKLES ~;·.;.-::!':: ........... 37• 331 MARSHMALLOWS :;.::~.:_M SYRUP ., .. -···"'' .......... 59' 574 ·DOGFOOD ;::;.';t; •• _ .. _ 93'• 8~ OiiCKEN SPREADu......,,... ll7' 45j ·CLEANSER"'"'"''""'"'"'". /35• 171 11-=.:.::::::...;==;::;.:;=:.:.:.:..:...;;.;.....:-.;:;.;........, "cLEANER ••• ~ .. -·"""'"'".: 79,c 6 ·S1 WINDOW CLEAN£~ ... ,,_ .... :. 5~· 571 .. CltEEZ IT !'::.':::.':':'.1:~ ........... :. 29• 271 STRAWBERRIES '"'"""""·n, ............... 201 ICE CREAM Nl>ori•Ofl'•1 ~Gou.,,11tll!HI •••••••••••••••• 69~ ORANGE JUICE l rtHWHI 601. •••••••••••••••••••• 264 t ORANGE JUICE ""'"'""" ..................... 521 .. . Enchiladasv~"'-':' tMm• 344 Potat~s c .• ~ 1.a111. S1oot.111n1••• 34 ¢ Chicken .Pie•~"'''"' 101~ ... 371 RED-VINE RIPE and JUICY -LB. ' I ""'" 9c Canta oupe c.,1ft ...... , •. • l fmh 25< Apr1co S swee1 •••••••••• LB. bl. ""'""'· 7 (a 1uage Green~~ ••••••••• tit ' ' , 10 Frtsh Re"' C lettuce Leef ............... . C ol Vefl ~ Kltt!IP Mtocoroni 36 ' asser e ondO.-.llor......... "' .lUX LI.QUID 10( Off 220L LIQUOR -BEER and WINE S '\ FLEISCHMANN'$ l'l~~GIN'°''"' SAV! t.lOOlD.CROW ]]49 BOURBON lf.,. . . EDENROC 3'' Tuhorg Danish Beer 6,,.u 22' Piels New York·Beer6~~ 791 Falstaff.Beer •n2· ... s. .. 16c 1°' Millers Hi life ...... 12.120 •. 211 ~ Champagne .... cn .......... 5!11 17' All WIDO/llG"ClllS MOHfN Of JllNL CREST PRELL SECRET . ' Extra large Medium Size . Anti·Pers. TOOTH LIQUll), SPRAY PASTE SHAMPOO DeOdorant 59~ 48~ 98~ LEMON Mill HIGH MIRIN8U! PIE IA•GISHUl 59 Ml"IO WllN , ( fAN(;f,IUIHG SESAME.BREAD; ....... 160,,4/J. £(lAIRS Ch~oloto• ' . large Sin ........ ,••••••• Ea.19 COOKIES ..... ,.d loxes·Or ..... o ••••••••• 4/1. 48 ~ I oxvoorG;a2 i1DASH ... ~ ... Gr. 11< .,BONUS ...... cr.82<11vory Bcir Mfo. l 'J< BOLD ....... or.82< GAIN .•..... or.82< CASCADE2002.42 1 Spic'nSpan cl'31 I -• - Barpln ! Qalll iJ.\,i. 1 has II beauUlul pat1erns~cenUI terns for IZ sqpe:rb quilts. 50 cenls. .Book 3, "Quilt• for Today's Liriq11• 15 patterns. 50 cenLS. Huntington Beac:h -15~11 'So. Edwards Ldguna hadt -700 So. Coast Hwy. , huntain ~alleY ...... !6042 Mognolia Huntln9fOll •h -8911 Adams Corona del Mar -3049 Coast Hwy • I • •-"'•4' """"'-"---"-J.J.-~--~,....,_ --.~ "''-"-,~ r r i .:t :! : L~-.!Wl1J.,::rkll!.!'-':.llf;l.tl~-~'LA.M~ttlt<!:dti,1:lli.~~~~~5..!.U!L1~2~·.'.l·~~~~~~ ::-----......,..---._____,,--.. -.-.----~..--··-·--·........--.-..... -.~--·-~----· -.... "J:.tf'O'!:C:Cb; ....... ~::r • ..,..• ••• -• .¢ .. t-_._,,.,..,.. ~ ............ _ .......... -., ...... _. _ _. __ "' ............................... ··-............ -.. , ............ ··~ ...... .,..,.~ -· YALU.AILE COUPON COF°FEE1 69 AXION PRE-SOAK · 3 LI. CAN It .. II• .... "·" SCHILLINll'S 3n.r BACON-BITS ~;!'.~;:-'"' 7- TOiLETBOWL Cleaner 79' s..tlolne Hydro1 COOKllS, l~b. cello ___ ,,_4fc Nabisco G-CllACKEU, 1-lb. lox .. _.Jtc Poclllc l.G. Sodo CllACKHS, l·lb. bo1 .. ___ .2Sc 2 LI. CAN , •••••• , , , • ,, ••••••••• Sl.JJ lU, CAN ''·'' GREEN GIANT · . eCutGl'ffn leans •French Sllcecl Green leans ' • Whole Kernal Com •Cream Style Cor:n •Green Peas . · [#303 CANS -IWIN PACK FACIAL QUALITY 2·PJ,Y TOILET TISSUE FRESH EGGS Grade AA ·Dozen ' · KERNS TOMATO SA.UCE l·oz. Cans WATERMELON BAR M WESTERN STYLE SHANK LESS HICKORY SMOKED · U.S.D.A. GRADE A FRYING CHICKENS Red & Ripe SMOKED HAMS SHANK HALF-CUT UP Soft Imperial., '" .MARGARl~E ~ 3 T i.:t PACKAGE • OF ~snc TUBS e BURGER ROUNDS e CHICKEN ROUNDS e CHICKEN STEW e PET STEW Kai K~n DOG FOOD • ' " M.P.S .. CHUNK 4 F $1::'. '#1 TALL CANS ~ •. · .. , Brion -New Enzyme Active :~ PRE -SOAK ...... ·.-;"l•·· " . ' GIANT SIZE REG. 69c 49 ci'. .. ' ·'· ~· -·~ , Ajax Laundry '""' DETERGENT --"· · FAMILY SIZE REG. $2.89 Foremost . ••• $19~~ ··"''' ICE .CREAM _ 1f2 GALLON Slj)UARE CARTON 59~ •.J " HEALTH Ii. BEAUTY AIDS /.,. MOUTHWASH~;:. 99' " MINT 4~ ShavinCJ Cream '''.:;:~""' 7-· ' IODT SIT PIOflUIONAL sftlt ' HAIR SPRAY '"""-'"' 7-... IOUILOff VODKA fifth $2" LB. LB. SCOTCH WHISKEY 510" SUGAR SWEET CANTALOUPES EXTRA FANCY, SEEDLESS GRAPES MILD llllMUDA ONIONS Young·N· Tender BEEF LIVER 59~ BAR M WESTERN STYLE BUTT PART HAM Fresh Lean lar M Western Style GROUND CONEY·~·: BEEF WIENERS 49~ XLNT 59c FOR BAR·B.O lb BAR M WESTERN STYLE SLICED BACON :~:~ Bar M Westem Style c c SLICED lb lb BOLOGNA llNTUCIT TOWN -1tettfuc., Stn1i9ht $399 BOURBON '.:~'"' ii.ENDE01Wi.isk;y $3" · PRICES EFFECTIVE: Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sunday .lune 19, 20, 21, 22 Prlcet 1ubJect to stock on hand. - " " I :.:'. " ' ,, . .,,.; " WI GIVE WE GIVE BLUE CHIP BLUE CHJf STAMPS STAMPS COSTA MESA 19fh and Placenl,f .. PLACENTIA 710 W. Chapm1n • ;in it ~ I ' i I I I • I ' ( • \ ( • t ' I • 1 ( ' t J l \ ' j __ --__ -__ J_. ________ , _________ .___._ __ ~----------'--~----'----------....... Win H~rts ' t.yf:l6tt13~ come a June -or .Ju er any-month baby \Vith th harming sam'pler. mom and batiJ's heam ,.,.i adorable sampler story. Embroider laiy daisy flowers in multi-colors. Pattern 722tl : transfer llxtS", 60 names . ' FIFTY CENTS (coim) for each pattern -add IS cen~ for each pattern for fir~(­ class mailing and s~1a' handling: otherwise th~ class delivery will take three week! or more. Send to Alice Brooks in care of the DAILY PUJlT. 105 Needle<raft Dept.. BOs .163,, Old Chelsea Stall?"· NeW York. N.Y. 10011. Prmt Name, Address, Zip. Pattern Number. Giant, new 1969 Nee- dlecraft Catalog-over 200 de· signs to choose , 3 free patterns printed inside. Send SO cenU now . T NE\V! "50 INST A.N GIFi'S'' -fabulous ·fRBh'<!ns, toys decorator acce!50l'1es. Mak'e il today, give it tomor· row! ldeal for all occasions. 50 CtJJt.s. "II JUiy Rugs" to ~kni·• crochet. weave. sew, holk. 50 cents Bargain! QuiU Bolk 1 has 16 beautiful pat· terns. 50 cents Museum Quilt Book z -patterns for 12 su· perb quilts. SO cent~ Book 3. "Quilts for Today·s Llvink". 15 patterns. 50 cents. Molded Desserts ' ~· Popular Molded desserts are popular because they're do -a h e a d dialJ_es. d :}tade In the mornin~ an alowed to set all day m the rifigerator • they can be bfought out and unmolded at dflnertime. . eo here's a new recipe for yi.i lo try. It features cfocolale and coconut flavor~. jiou might like to try this =rt on a menu . that f tures fruit in the openmg or in course. On a men~ of U.t sort it's not a good idea t~.repeat'the fruit flavor in the dlssert. That would be too m\ICh ol a good thing. a;J!OCOLATE COCONIJT ! SPONGE t' cup cold water enve!ope unflavored gelatin 4 cup plw 2 tablespoons I sugar •/, cup cocoa ~4 teaspoon salt I: cups milk .• eggs. separated •h: iuspoon almond extract ~ can (31h ounces ) flaked ~ coconut, toasted );weetened whipped cream #>prinkle gelatin over water lOl soften. stl l n 8 l.quart saucepan r oletber l/4 cup sugar, ~e !:ocoa and salt; 8!°aduaD:Y •i::, ir,..l cup of the milk ; bring s•mering temptratw'f. . eea_t e1g yolks slightly ; stir !t~Ul:e~r'!e i:n ~ ~and'r:I.; •< an Cook l mmute ~ tll~e from heat: s~ir in ~ened gelatin until diss<Wv· c •Add remaining • l CUP ~~~ d the almond e'ltract. . ~Lil partially get. Fokl 10 1 curn °! ~~a~:i~ bowl bekat · until soft pea 1 egg whites . • tablespoooa tonn: wt i~ ~ ta.form . aupr unUI still Pt" bliu GradulDY fold egg ~ 1 lntqcoeoamlxture: turnUI tel. 4 '.Te\IP mold .. ~lhu~hlpped Unmo\d: 1a:tn11 . . coeonut cream and rema1nm& · f!\a\es I servlnP· Simple Sauce gor i lllmpte but dei\clou:t :;auce (or fish. m!1 mellt.d W&.&er, capers and lcrnotl Julee. ' f • • v . .• . ...... ..... , .. -...... ~ ····-· ... -· ........ -··· ........ ~. . ~ ..... • DAILY l'tlOT 0 'f". , COl'Yl lGHf 19,t MARK!T t.t.SK~T JUNE 11 DllP-CUT DISCOUNT PRICES AS USUAL • • • ALL MAIKd 1AsKn S101ES OPEi REIULAI HOUIS 7 DAYS AWEEK! Sii~ed Bacon • ~ 6!Jt Wf tfSfM THI llGHT TO LI MIT QIJANlll!fS: NO SALES TO WHOlfSAl.fU Ot OISTlll VTOIS. ALL STORES OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 'OONUIDllCOUNT WI All PllASID TO ACCEPT :;~~;-;. U.S.P.A. FOOD STAMP COUPONS IN LOS ANGILIS COUNTY STORH ONLT NEWPORT BEACH_. ................... St. • 11111"1" Av•. IW•IKllfl "-tit e SANTA ANA-'.!:.'..'-= .... e COSTA MESA_..""-e FOUNTAIN VALLEY-'!'~ e HUNTINGTON BEACH-'~!!.~f,;:..,;,.. j I 1 l1 .I \l 11 I I l ) • I ff IWLY•PllOT WtdMSdq, June 18, 1969 · '* , ... THE STRIKE IS ·OVER!. ,. • 1 •.•. ~·eoNTI ,uEs 10, SELL :AT .LOW --· ' . . .DISCOUNT PR·ICES ! STOCK IS SUBJECT TO MERCHANDISE AVAllABlllTV . " YOU CAN DEPEND ON LUCKY FOR A COMPLETE SELECTl.ON OF FAMOUS GROCERY BRANDS, TOP QUALITY LUCKY BONDED MEATS, FARM FRESH FRUITS AND .VEGETABLES-ALL YOUR SUPERMARKET NEEDS-AT LUC!:KY'S GREATER EVERYDAY SAVINGS. lUCKY BONDED MEATS GUARANTEED FOR FlAVOR & TENDERNES~! SIRLOIN STEAK $ 19 LUCKY IONDID • .. • .. .. .. ... .. •• .. 1 , •. RIB ROAST 97~ ROUND STEAK STANDING -LARGE END . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . · GROUND BEEF 5 5 ~ FRESH AND LEAN • • . . . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . · CENTER CUT LUCKY IONDID' • CROSS RIB 89~ ~~r;~~"~c~r!~~ .............. 3 71i.. · BONELESS ROAST ......................... :.. · RIB STEAK $) 14 TENDER AND JUICY .. .. . .. . .. .. .. • LI. : ... ,.:·· ... ; .. ,·:·i :T·BONE STEAK 1 3~ CUBE STEAK $)29 l ·Z CUT • , , , •• , , , •••••........ , , , , ll. · " · · · , · · TAILS REMOVED .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. . .. .. .. · FAMOUS BRAND GROCERIES AT lUCKY'S LOW EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICES! GERBER'S BABY FOOD DEL MONTE PEAS CHICKEN OF THE SEA CORN FLAKES .... ,... 10· 11.01. 22· Cltu11kT1111• 30< ··"···· 38' 41/a..Oi.Jir , .. 61/1·01. c •• 11-0L lllt HILLS BROS. COFFEE HUNT'S TOMATOES CORNED BEEF HASH CHEERIOS CEREAl 1 .. 0 1. 68' 21.01. 31' u1i1i, 47c 15·01. 49' Cn '" 1 Sh·01. C111 ... HILLS BROS. COFFEE CUT GREEN BEANS WESSON SALAD OIL BEST FOODS JJ·01. $135 01/ M11111t1 2 4 C 24·01. 48' M1y111111ht 5 8 C ,,. 16·01. Coi• Ill. 32·01. Jar LIPTON TEA BAGS TOMATQJUICE LUCKY SALAD OIL KRAFT DRESSING 4l·Ct. 59' l illllr'• 33c 41.01.ltl. 67( 1000111••• 38 c ... 4~·01. Co" l ·Ot. ltl, MOTTS' APPLESAUCE HUNT'S CATSUP MPS DOG FOOD BISQUICK 2.S·Ot. 36' 20·0r. 30' ll1lllon 25( 40·0t. 48' '" l tl. 14·01. (11 . .. DOLE SLICED PINEAPPLE TOMATO SAUCE KEN-L-RATION CAMPBELL'S SOUP 14 \lli.01.(111 24' H11nt'1 19' Oo1Footl 17' TefMt• 12 C 1 .S-Or. (111 1.S\lt-01. (111 10%-01. (111 " fRUIT COCKTAIL KRISPY CRACKERS SCOTT TOWELS GATORADE DRINK Dol Me11te 25' S11nll1i11t 3 3 c 161·(1, 33' .Sloktl•'• 3 6 c 17-01. ''" 16-01. 101 ••ti 22·01. ltl. SUNSWEET PRUNE JUICE HERSHEY COCOA KLEENEX FACIAL PREMIUM ICE CREAM 4t.01. ltt. s 8 c 1111t1nt . 79c ll-01. (111 Ti1u11 2 7c 200-(1.101 ,,,.. .... 11 79c l'l·G•I. Ct11. MOTTS' APPLE JUICE GAIN DETERGENT ZEE NAPKINS BIRDSEYE AWAKE J2·01. 37' 49-01. 83' Tr111ic To1t1 12 c Drhll 37c I ll. ... 60·(1. ,k •. 9·01. (111 Hl-C FRUIT DRINKS DASH DETERGENT IMPERIAL MARGARINE BANQUET CHICKEN PIES .,.o .. 30' .so.01. 71' 16·01.(!11. 38 c 18' '" ... l ·Ot. Pit Niii.iT'S CORN JOY LIQUID SOFT MARGARINE FROZEN FISHSTICKS 12·01. 23' D1tertt"I 5 8 C lwck, 29' Cfffl·F,.1h 6 5 C '" 22·01. Ill. 16·01. C111. 14-01. Pkf. r ' THE FINEST QUALITY BANANAS YOU CAN BUY ANYWHEREI CHIQUITA BRAND BANANAS 120 WeJf LI Palma AYe., 333 North Euclid AYe., 19080 Brookhurst ANAHllM PUlllRTON ttt GA.f.IRD HUlttll'IOTOM •llAClt 6lf Soul! M1in SI., 100 North Harbor Blvd., 1307f Springd1le SAHTA ANA 1.4 HAlkA wi•tMIMs~.-:AlDIN GJIOYI I c lb. 2620 E. Ch1pm1n .. Yo•u . OU.NGI 13075 Euclid et •ARDIN •aOYI ·' Sweet /c/ea , Pineappl~. F.alls I ~ Into New Mold the hard &rainy side after chilling. It ~ILOT·AllVQTI.![ft t W ITH JC you're Interested 1n serv. ing a cool and refreshing but substantial dessert. you may be interested lo try this new Pineapple Rice Mold. It's substanUal because.., following the fashion fjl: a famous French dessert, lt has cooked rice added lo iU creamy base. l It has a pleasant ~g because the amount ,of sugar Make this dessert in the roomt111 or early afternoon and senie for supper. This w33 the flavor will be al lta beit. Although the mold st.ores · well ovunight, ill fla vors will become tangier on overnight atorage than. when freshly served. SALLIE 80 HIOI: 'm CO"f ll01"" TO Cornmunlcailonet Aren ·i they ~ moat! Wou.Jd yo11 believe l"ve btt:n up and owa.y from Newport &arfi. makinc the rounds ol t~ United States. I fowxl out thai theft. it a.n Oran1e County in South Cuofin;,i, alM a TIP.mine Road, Gon• zaltz, Louisiana, ia the Jam• balaya capitol of t~ World. In the 90Uthem patt: ot Ala· bl.ma "wild grapes'' practic· ally ·take over the ~tr)'• aide. They climb ~s and rhake a Junrte betw~n them. Scuppemong i& the jlotanical name. Bulllsis thr. 'kid's name. and accwdlni.: ro ' those wbo's picked then1 wild, lbey've got a real called for is low aocf beca1w PINEAPPLE RICE ~10LD buttermilk ii used . , 1 envelope u n fl a v or e d And it has refreshing navdr . . gelatin because crushed plnupple '~ cup sugar ,,. · ·1 1.~ l.e.a.spoop salt s..._.5 m I , • 1 can (B'i-S ounces) crushed A few tips about iU makine : pineapple Use rice that has been cook-1111 rops soft-cooked rice eel unUI it i! very soft. The 1 cup buttennllk mold has to be refrigerated 1 tablespoon lemon juice for several hours in order to 1.{t teaspoon vanilla have the dessert set; if you ~4 cup _heavy cream use rice that isn't soft enough In a medium saucepan the kernels are likely to ~ ~ tliOrougbJy sUr together the Pimientos Brightener ... For Salad Molded salads always ate nice. For this one the ingredients are ,colorful and tasty - bright big pieces of pimiento highlight the two sha~, of' green of the avocado and artichoke hearts. P™IENTO MOWED SALAD 1 jar or can (7 ounces) whole pimientos, drained ~z small head (about) caullOower 1 ripe avocado l package (10 ounces) fro1e en artichoke hearts, cook- ed u directed on package 1 cup bottled French or ltahan dressing 2 envelopes u n f I av ore d gelatin ~'4 cup wine vinegar 1 can (12111 ounces) con· somme madrilenc Boiling water I tablespoon capers 1 teaspoon instant minced onion To prepare : tear pimienios Into large pieces; b nee' at cauliflower into fiowerJets' then slice into "fans ." ' Peel avocado and cut int'l slices or ' cubes. C o o k artichokes as directed nn package. Place all vegetables tog:eiller in a bowl; sprinkle with salt and pepper and 3'Jd dre5.$ing. Lightly toss vegetables to mis: and distribute dressing. Let stand at room tem- perature while prep a ring gelatin base. Soften gelatin in vinfgar. Heat consomme, then . add bolling water to make 5 cup~ of liquid. Stir in gelatin until dissolved. Stir in capers and onion. Chill gelatin mixture: until it Is \'ery thick and syrupy. Drain vegetables, reserving marinade, and fold i n t o gelatin; spoon in ta 2.quart mold rinsed in cold water. Chill until firm. Unmold on greens and garnish with a few reserved avocado slices and artichoke hearts. 6--1 servings. Inspiration Pops Up ltlatiO. sugar and salt: add undrained pineapple. Place over 1 ow beat, sUrrtng coo- stantly until gelatin dissolves. Remove from heat. SUr in rice. Cool to room temperature. Stir in but- tennHk, lemon juice and vanilla. Chill until mixture begtns to thicken -thi.s may take only a fe~ minutes. WbJp cream until sun and fold into ploeapple minure. ";Turh into 1-quart mold· ehlll until finn -usually severa1 botm. Unmold at serving time. To ~ so, .with the point of a par· mg knife, Joose.n sides of mold D,ip.mold, almost to the top, ih warm tap water: remove from water and shake from · side to side. Invert a . serving plate over ·top of mold: holding plate and mold together securely tum over; remove mold. U mold cannot be lilted off, repeat dipping and unmolding pro-cess. If you like, you may garnish th.e dessert . with pineapple shces and mint sprigs. Makes: 6 lo I servings. See Through .. :: .. Sheer nattery for day, din· ner! Irish roses: in crochet ring neckline, waist. Have fashion's new look. Crochet see-thru bodice of ' string attach .to fabric skirt. Pattern 7234 : NEW siies 10-16 included. Size lZ (bust l4). FIFTY CENTS (coins) for each pattern for lirst~ass PE AN UT P 0 P C 0 RN mallinJ and special handling: CRUNCH oth'env'ile third-class delivery For Snack J package (5 ounces) pop-will take three weeks or more. com in foll pan Send to Alice Brooks the DAi- l jar (9 ounces) dry-louted· LY PILOT, 10$ N~lecraft peanuts Dept., Bos: 163, Old Chelsea t cup dark corn syrup Station, New York, N.Y. 10011. I pound confectioners sugar Print Name, Addrn1, Zip, sifted ' Patten Number. Giant. new I teaspoon vanilla IHI Needlecraft Cflitalor - I 1 a r I e marshmallows ,.'"over .200 desllnl to choose, 3 quartered ·' free patterns printed inside. Pop com according to Send 50 ct.nl.I now. package directions : tum into NEW! ••so t N s TANT large bowl: add peanu~. GIFTS" _ fabulous fashions, In a saucepan combine ¥ 1oy1 decorator accemrtes syrup and 2 cup1 of the sugar; .:Make It today, give it tomor: ~k over medium heat stl;· row ! Ideal for all occuJon.s. so nng constantly unUJ sugar 1S cent.s dissolved. · Gradually add remaining "II Jiffy R11g:1'' to knit, sugar, stirring constantlr and crochet, weave, uw, hook. so bring to a full boil. Boll I cenll. minute Book of 11 Prlae A(pau. 50 Remove from heil: 1dd. ctnts. vanilla . and maT'lhmallowl; Bargain! O.lll 8tolc t has 16 stir unlll marshmallows me.IL beeutiful pattem1. SO cenU. Pour hot ..mixture over com Mastvm Quilt Boole I -pal· and n1us: toss Until evenly term for 12 superb quilts. 50 coated. Sprud on WU popor; c<nls. whong. And here's a real iwm) '. All the way lhru Colorado and up aOO across Canada and down to Ne1v York and Wa..shinaton, D.C., I haun ted &ift shops looking for 5 Un< usual, typical of the area 1itts lo bring back to 5 vet)' speciaJ friends. In the Slut'! Ridge Mountaill.! ol Vlrg in!A I finally settled on some Car- oJina. Pines": Sachet soap. The heady scent hit mf! when I \valked in U>e-door, so I folJ01ved my W and came across stackii like 1,.,. do cans In dump bfns ot these French milled beauty ban ln the wildest eolorll I've ever seen. Antique aoJd. blueberry, fem, cyclamen aOO tiger lily, al! the more Impressible because t h e y were carefully coklr blended ·to 5 of tbe tmost popular House and Garden col.on. The box WU no5t:alfic, sa old faahioned and ..qua.int looking. I waa thrilled. Htl'I'. I lhou&ilt, \.\'U somt! tt'al channing country rtult. YOU KNOW ' THE ANSWER • Back home, m~ th!! rouOOs ol the old cohal, I had to pick my1ell up lron1 a bij: swoon in the · bat~1 shop. You really feel like you'·ve am~, and ence you aet in, you can't teat! your. sell out. C.Omplete new look, And what jewels a!T' com· bined 10 happily! :Njii just towels and !Oll.P dishal and tisaue boxes, but ~~u.re~, plaques and magazifte.,rack.1 . . • chairs and fish tO' dan- gle and mirrors that-;..tand 6 feet tall or hang en 1he wel! ••• pillows .a.nd11oii:t·~ with drawers to put ih1ngs in •.• Shter color ~lion, a regular bathroom lun&l9 of bounteous baubMa !tt make shower curtai~ rue:t and wuh cloths more fun, You iuessed it! The~, scentfully nested to ~lther dramatize or hannon!M w it>t the correct ~me .bottle~. aue« towel holders aii:l ca.~t Iron frogs, Carolina's iint.•t French mil!M sachet .oii11 elegantly added the, perfect dot-0n-the-eye col.or .. TO 1'tELLOW ' ALONG WITH THE BLACK, WHITE AND GOLi) bath, even Caroli,,. PiM.• black soap, unscanj.ed !r1 ni~ big man.size(I bani. Thal b.lack white ~ aolrl bath is rather natctt;. Evtn has IOme black aJil while clocks from Ena:J~ mad" like cardboard bo~· wit!, plastic faces. But th@ n!all,v \\'ind and ha~·e \o\'ofta And. the whil(' hands go round' and round on black laces. : Right now the big p i is on hangers, Or perha.Pf you'lf cal.I them hooks to hl.ng on the wall to hana thil&s on. Some are wrou1~ • iron, painted in today coien. or p~k your deoorafuw, kick wuh cherries, da.is~ 1em· ons or bows, Or wh7 <nor a , V.:hole striq of ~ .. on a. Pleee of wood • • ~ cotfe~ cups, towels, even POii and pans. Need a do.set·!~ .. v.'8.ll ! Hook it all ovfto: and lilt your mo1t colorful'~hf!s do your decorattnr ff\;_you. CAUPO•IA 1!1 TB:" WONDEI PUU'..EST ~ especiall,y Newport •ach aoo the ~t witt O'lf' bright ~ carpet 1"" organ music. Where . are fruit sl&llil 90 p · us. \Vhat a wondrous ~aion or Jum!Xt apricots • .' ms, grapes, peachea, pa f'l!d raspben;e1, nectarl •• , even f~h figs, coco and all the r;reat melons. Mt,.ay8'. the newl~ .... Would Jiu 10 fot· lemon navored ~ "'" in cans or frfftt.dri14' cot. taa:e chef:te In a .. tie packet .• , to empty-1"ntly into S 07.. ot water •!It and ld stand 10 ml~ut.., Or taco fill In the meat ~· ll')('nt. rtad)' to Jq 4 pop Into a ta.co lhl'U aJorw'tw\th lettuce, tomato and new Undy'1 taco 01n1ce. . Richard'a. ~ people , 11 mot'! than " ttOtt .. _11'1 a "'&Y ot Ut~ .and L..,·-~ lo the fulle.-t. • • "fUli' Cool 1n<t break into pk:ces. Book 3. '<Q11ll11 for Today's Makes Z~ pounds. Uvln1." 15 patterns. SO c~nta. '-••••-••• .. , .. ' . .. . ' l .. . ·~ .,.. ,, .r.• . ·.1• . . ) .. , . ' ... • ''f ' .. ... ' ' .. . . ' .. ' ' .. ~L L .. " ... ;I •• ... ,. "~ . ' ., _".""' ___ , -•'·-------~-.,.,..·-------~ ......... ----------------------~------""'Mrl ., .• -. . . . ' . - .. •.• ' '" ·' ' 1• ·' ""' . ·-.'',if .. , . ' ' . . '.· ... ' . ~'·' . . ·-· ' . ' . . ' . ,. ,. "' .. ... , ' ' 7 . .. ' ' , ' Wtdnt5dQ', June 18, 1969 DAILY "LDT 4 j &S!z•za z sJJa•oanzA JU zsaazznass '#s&tswsA Asznmartsaruna HZlsP_s§!lstsssea•zSUs?JJ ar A ' ~; unds of glistening .&trawberrias ij our ' '''-~Jtrewberry pies, frothy p11terit1 end claln, 10~ mtn'( fresh baked goodies to pita•• you. . ~ CRUSTY ROLL~' FOR SANDWICHES OR WITH BARBECUED f\4EA TS FRtNCH ROLLS 6 ,.,31c FLAVORFUL FOR TOAST Cracked )Vheat Bread 39c PECANS, RAl~INS ANO COCONUT TOPS THESE SCRUMTIOUS TREATS BLONDIE· BARS ".10c FINTLE FOR A CHICKEN DINNER CHERRY PIE 1.55 Dilled oniPn rings, corn rtli1h, pickled egg· pJants encl tomatoes, Senf Gurktn-f'elishas of all ki~s for summer variety. Plus 30 sauces en~ gle:zes . Try some, for funl M.J.Boi COFFEE 1 LB. 69¢ M.J.B. COFFEE J·llt. 1.37 M.J .B. COFFEE ).~. 1.98 KNUDSEN LABON BUTTER 1 LB. 83¢ SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS v ..... 25c KERN 'S Strawber~y Preserves ... ~l9c KERN'S GRAPE JELLY IO~L29c • CRISCO OIL 24-01. 39¢ "46-01. RED HA WAllAN PU.~CH . O,• 3 ;., 11 HUNT'S WHOLE ~. ;-- NEW POTATOES ... 8 ,.,'1 -~· . ;1 8 ... '1 HUNT'S RED KIDNEY BEANS HUNT'S STEWED TOMATOES HUNT'S 8 OZ. ... ... ,. 5 ,.,11 Tomato Sauce 12 for $1 HUNT'S WHOLE TOMA TOES "' 5 '" '1 CH IFFON DELUXE NAPKINS ....... ,29c For your .next perty, try • tr1yful of our imaginative Can•pe1. Stuffed beby tom- atoes, sli't'ers of cucumbers, a curl of enchory, pungent spreed1. To orcfer! ROYAL HAWAIIAN ll/2-01. Macadamia Nuts AGED 3 YEARS, NEW YORK SHARP Cheddar Cheese lb.1.59 ' NICE FOR SALADS, FANCIFOOD Heartsiof Palm 1 ~·-69¢ • NEAR EAST RICE OR WHEA,T . PILAF ; REESE SEAFOOD . COCKT A·ll SAUCE PHONE 673-6360 FOR HOME 'DELIVERY PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 20, 21. Q<' • • ' ' Orgon Serontdo For Your Pleasure LIDO MARKET CENTER ' "' I by Bernice Fay . NEWPORT BlVO. AT·JHE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE ' THE FIRST WEEKEND OF SUMMER The air is soft, the house is full of friends ond filled with relaxed laughter. It's the time we entertain a little more. Beg in the weekend's fun el Richard's. Stroll our aisles for provocative food ideas, and enioy the pleasures of our attentive service. 0 RICHARD'S IS THE NICEST PLACE TO SPEND YOUR SHOPPING HOURS! We never compromise on the quality of our meats. T~ey are always the best to be found! For inrt•nce r our plump, fresh California Chickens! ZACKY FARMS FRESH, CALIFORNIA FRYERS Whole Body FRYERS Nlceforoutdoorro11ting 39¢Le. ~. "! '/ ' Cul.up FRYERS FRY UP A BATCH, FOR QUICK PICNIC LUNCHES ON THE BOA Tl • Split BROILERS Try m1rin1tin9 these before ro1stin9 ••• m·m·m FRESH FRflNG RABBITS J?otta;°r6fl~ 49¢Le. Fry lightly 2 oz. salt pork, add 1/4 C. olive oil, and I dove crushed garlic. Brown pieces of..ifrabbit well over med. flame. Reduce heat and cook 25 min., turning once. Add 6 crushed peppercorns, juice of I lemon, salt & pepper, I T. brown sugar, 1/4 C. tomato p•ste, l/2 C. chicken broth andd l/2 C. white wine . Cover, simmer 10 min. Add l/4 C. raisins, l/4 C. shelled pine nuts !from our Produce Dept.) and sim- mer I 0 min. more. Add l/2 C. white wine to seuce and serve with rice pilaf. MARINATED MEAT BALLS STUFFED BELL PEPPERS STUF.FED PORK CHOPS B9c LI. 98C LI. 1.39 LI. WE ALSO HAYE A .COMPLETE SELECTION OF EXOTIC SEAFOOD ANO U.S.O.A. PRIME BEEF. CHRIS CANDY CO • . ~ DIETETIC CANDIES FOR SUGAR RE'STRICT!D DIET P'rlced from 1.59 FRESH CUT CARNATIONS ·ALL COLORS The fir1't rf•Y ne~teril)e•, b19, plump, c:hecrie1, royel aptic:o.t1., plums, 111 t~e fr•h •u,mmei' tasfes' are hete. So beautiful you'll want fo mound th,m high for a c:enterp.iece. FANCY, S.WEET, FULL BUNCHES ' . . PERLETTE· SEEOl'..ESS.. ' , GRAPES LB. . 29¢ ' GARDEN FRESH, LEAFY GREEN BOSTON Butter Lettuce 2 for 25¢ BUTTERY RICH, FOR SALAD VA·RIETY HAAS AVOCADOS LARGE SIZE, SWEET, JUICY COACHELLA VALLEY GRAPEFRUIT Arn•ting 11 the word for our vor iety of Frozen Food,, How •bout Hewaii•n Lychee,, or coconut milk, Weight Watch· •r's frot•n dinner,, tool A QUICK HOT HOR D'OEUVRES, JENO'S PIZZA ROLLS 6~'· 59¢ COME IN AN D TASTE THE 8 FLAVORS, DEMO. FRI. & SAT . BIROS EYE QUICK THAW STRAWBERRIES STOUFFER'S CREAMED CHIPPED BEEF STOUFFER'S BEEF STEW STOUFFER'S Chicken & Noodles STOUFFER'S Creamed Chic~en 10°01. 3 ,.,'1 11 .... 89c 11 v .... 89c You 1v8 baen asking for it. ROAST RIGHT TURKEY TURNER & MEAT RACK Fils all standard roasting pans. Hold s up lo 30 lbs. Cradles meals abe>ve pan grease. Sturdy design permits carving right in the reek! 6.95 HE WfEK { 2 FEATURE Of FT COFFEE Cl:IP Thtie l'l\ln·titld tUpt llt tellly I l~ial bUy ll 29¢ tKl'I! Stock up fhi1 "#Mk, r1mtmberlrt1 yov11 wanl HYlt'll 1xtr1 10 ldd )'tlf5 more plt1sur1 to your stt! \ ' •:ClsZF&SF 7 Sff&U&SU&EF& Jl &•ssealfSC'F • U r -. ·-r --VI pr· -,_p-·z p-, (2 1· _,._ Tl'C a . a no rs f!s SU&ZS4J£_ w w Q ES Ut\QSF ?JSR'$ 'J RS? F•r• nnrur•·ttnrsnv ;., ¥22 r . "'£~-,MARKET HOME & GIFT SHOP LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR FLOWER SHOP CLEANERS ' OPEN DAILY 9,7, SUN. 9,6 OPEN DAILY 9-6 ' -. OPEN DAILY 9-6 DAILY 9-5:lD, SAT. 9-5 OPEN DAILY 9-6 DAILY 9,J0-6, SAT. l :'l0-5 • • ' ~-----~ -~ -----------~ ,, I I I I I I I • r OAll.Y PILOT NO SNOW JOB : CALORIES AT A MINIMUM No Need to Be Angel When Gelatin's Around Oscar Wilde once said that he l'OOld resist anything ex· cept temptation ..• and that's how most dieters feel at dessert time. No need to be an angel. Try desserts that teem luxuriously rich, are in fact stingy with calories. And that's just where unnavor~ gelatine r e a 11 y shines. Unflavored aelaline provides dieters with desserts that look like cheating, but that may be enjoyed with all clear con- gcience. And "enjoyed" is a key word. A wonderful dessert that pernY.ts the weight-"·atcher to leave the table feeling really !iatisfied i! a boon to the diet ... and a deterrent to snack· Ing, too. A meal that ends with a rousing nnate makes it much easier to wait until the next meal for food intake. And unOavored gelatine diet de&erta really plet16t. They look light, nuffy, attractive, taste m<>!t flavorful. There's litUe cook Ing Involved .•.. only the few minutes required to dissolve the gelatine. Mosl gels are a real snap to make. C l a11lc Lime Snow, generally considered to be too high in calories for the diet, come$ in a low calorie version that's only 13 calories per serving ... and just as delec- table as its richer sister version. Orange Gel is a real 11:em ... It's a sparkling, clear orange- flavored dessert made simply by combining u n f I av ore d gelatine and low-cal orange soda. For most adult palates, It tastes agreat because it's less sweet than a packa ge d dessert mix .•• and ju.st as easy to make. Applesauce Whip Is a sweet· tart dessert with all the fine flavor of apples ... it's bound to turn up o[len on the diet menu. LIME SNOW I envelope unflavo red gelatine 1 !f4 cups cold water'· dlvided Non • nutritive sweetener equivalent to ~ cup sugar ~'4 cup Hme juice 2 teaspoons gra ted lemon or lime rind 2 unbeaten egg whites Green food coloring Sprinkle gelatine over 'h cup cold waler in saucepan. Place ove r moderate heat; stir con- stantly until gelatine dissolves, 2 to 3 minutes. Remove from heat. Sir ln non-caloric sweetener. remaining o/.i cup water, lime juice and lemon rind. Chill un· Health Message Sent BERKELEY, Calif. (UPI) -A pilol nutrition education effort is taking the University of California's Agriculture Ex· tension program deep Into poverty area.s in both city and country. The program, aided by federal funds, is designed to reach "hard to reach" poor families lo help improve the nutritional quality and ade- quacy of individual and fa1nily diets withi n the economic means of the family. The university has employed 360 women from disad- vantaged areas as pa ruime 11.ides. They have learned basic nutrition and t e a c h i n g methods and are already teaching others in their ov.·n neighborhoods. "In the first month of the program, more than 6,000 California families were reached,'' says Or. Gaylord P. \Vhillock, project director. tll slightly thicker than con- sistency of unbeaten egg whiles. Add unbeaten egg whiles and a few drops food coloring and beat with rotary beater or electric beater until fluffy and mixture begins to hold ils shape. Turn into a 6--cup mold; chill until firm. Garnish. Yield: a servings. 13 calories each. ORANGE GEL 1 envelope unflavore d gelatine 2 cups orange low-caloric carbonated beverage, divided Sprinkle S'latinc over 1h cup orange carbon d beverage in sauce pan. Pl over low heat; stir constantly until gelatine dissolves, l to 3 minutes. Remove from heat; stir In remaining orange carbonated beverage. Pour into four 1h· cup molds or custa rd cups or into a 2-cup bowl or mold. Chill until fl rm. Yield: 4 serv- ings, 7 calories each. APPLESAUCE \VlllP J envelope unflavored gelatine t cup cold water, divided Non -nutritive sweetener equivalent to 1/3 cup sug· ar I teaspoon granted lemon rind 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 cups unsweetened ap- plesauce Sprinkle gelatine over 1,~ cup cold water in saucepan. Place over lo\V heil; stir constantly until g e I al i n e dissolves. 2 or 3 minutes. Remove from heat; stir in re- maining \Yater, sweetener, lemon r ind and juice and air plesauce. Chil l, stirring occasionally, until mixture mounds slightly \\'hen dropped from spoon. Beat with rotary or electric healer until light and fluffy. Turn into 6 dessert dishes. Yield: 6 servings, 30 calories per serving. • There's a shiver in every sip of fW>oerldae Farrrie Soups. Just ice them down. Artd seM them up. Glide Into our Vlchyuofse. .1.c.::)~:;;::::::~ Fftlh.,... leek& braised In butter. With tiny snow .. paUloM. And lots of country crum Or dip "*Jellied ~ M&drnene. M8de with ICfUmptlous stocils of chicken and beef Spoon In the cool of Pepperidge Ferme SouPs. AnCI ti.Im orf summer, ; • • • ~ I I . ~ __ • J .. ~....:.:..:...:.:-_ I . . .. • - - 10% DISCOUNT ON A LL CASE .PURCHASES OF WINE & LIQ UOR BALBOA $ VODKA FULL QT. TROPICAL FLAVORED WINE $ BAU HAI 112 Gal. SEE US FOR FOOD PRO VISIO NS FOR ALL SIZES OF BOATS & YACHTS WE GIVE 29 39 BLUE CHIP STAMPS CHIFFON "NEW" MARKET ''0• t he '' P eniru ula,' Thursday· Friday Saturday ADVERTISED PRICES GOOD THROUGH JUNE 21 SKIPPY TOWELS SHASTA CANADA DRY DOG FOOD SUN FRESH CASE-$3.95 GIANT ROLLS 12~:;$1 F $ 0 R CAMPBELL'S PORK & STARKIST TUNA BEANS HOME STYLE 5 F $1 REG. 37c: CAN 0 $ R F Ret. 27c ea. 0 R LOIN END FARMER JOHN PORK 59c SLICED 69c ROAST · lb BACON lb SOFT DRINKS 12 OZ. CANS 12 F $1 0 R PLAYTIME· VACUCEL ICE CHEST $1 1!.$1 .79 FRESH PRODUCE ---=-------- RED-RIPE & JUICY WATERMELON WHITE ROSE POTATOES FRESH CABB·AGE ON THE PENINSULA -608 E. BALBOA AVE. -PHONE 673 -8310 HOURS: 9 A.M. TO 8 P.M. I ' ' \ \ s p c ' d y f. ti h c r b c 0 a ti g s 0 ti b F " f• c h d t• d • s I b e ' H u e s c c p " ti n R b n p b c n ~ " ~ a g " a ti ~ F fi c h 1 .. f;' le H " 3; " Cl fi h1 d• 01 M .. " I( D i '. ye St a St! s it 0 -.,.. Juno 18. 1'16'1 DAILY 'ILOT 47 Ins pi ration · for -Outdoor Lovers Booked I 1tJ' JP.4NNE l.!3D1 deaaed IOUJ)I were quite com-Because mixes still weren't The newer book waa written adulU," aald Mn. Rlvolre. .ent thmi to Amerlcan Clrl totether. U abt •a• bamed by rectpe,, ACh N eggs cooktd NEW YORK (UPI I -Allcfi moa but not much charcoal widely available, some of the for the scouta but it "We finally deckled to write Magazine, and were paid a the direc:tionl, we'd clean on a stick am Mcon cooked Jn Sanderson RJvotre, who wu available and alumlnwn recipes were pre Uy elaborale. available to the pub Uc both for outdoor cooks -beglo-dollar for each one Uled." them up." a PIP« bq, lad good aolid piled the Girt Sc o I 1 ' (loll) had been taken ~I or Ginaerbread gems with apples mall order aod al Glrl Seoul oers, 12-yW'Old>, 17-year..i.t Seoul lead<n and COW!lel°" Wbee lhe boot wu pni-Im that _, take Jong to cookbook, &ay1 &he'd glv the the consumer market because called for 11 ingredients. In shops and department.. At city glrb and adulta with an. also contributed recipes, abe posed, Mn. Rivolrt ctme cook.•• same advice to beglnnl out· of lhe war." the present book, ginj:erbrud $2.50, it's a real find for cooks e!eclric kitchens. added. Those ae<:ept~ for the about JOO recipes from fUea Professional naturallsla: and door cooks '\hat the w<>uld to a Mrs. Rivoire said the flnt and applesauce cobbler is of all ages. PAID FOR RECIPa magazine were t~ by Mrs. contalnlng about 1,000. botanlsta were couult.ed ror young bf~ prtparlng her book was intended largely for made with two ingreditnt.s, a "We had to decide if we "We pic~ed up a lot of lUvolre and a 12\YUl'Old "We trJed for a bl1ance the chapter on edible wild first d!Mer.•. llCOlll leaders and caunseJon. mil· and canned appleuuce. were writing fOl' tlds or reclpes,.trom Glrl Scouts who Mlghbor, "We tried them between 1immicty, lbow-off foods and their Ulll.-"Slarl sllnpi,. Cook 1..,1-=--------------'-'-'==------"------''--c;;.:.:.:.;;,..;_...:;::c;.,;,;.;;,:.;;,_...;;;._;.,.:: _______ ;_ __ .;_::....:::;:::...:::;:.:-=::.:..:::._:===::...:=..:::::.... __ thing only, a one-pot meal or hot cocoa or lomato juice and calT)' the reM of the meal in ready-to-eat-form, so it will be both fun and a success." "Pkk the kind of out.door cooking you will do for yotu own personal reasons,'' she added. "Some like to do elaboral£' things because they're fun aod guests enjoy it. But for something like a cave. canoe or mountain trip, remember that you n~ to eat to keep up both morale 11nd strength.'' In an interview, Afr s . Rivolrt1 aald "many firlt- timers lhlnk everythjng ls di!· ferent in outdoor cooking." Not so, she added. Only the conditions vary. "If you kno\v how to cook. you can cook out· doors. You have to know how to build a fire and you must decide how many uten!lls you want to carry." SIMPLE MENUS She recommends that the menu selection for youngsters It -. ..... v. -·-l'Gliq" ~ .... ~ .. blo9d ...... in tofi quality foods. You'll firid--~~_, d.parti-t of v-.... Nit ... fot toddy, but M/Gfl.r4ry, ........ -kt So .,.,, "' Yom for~ qdil)' ond ~ prkel ••• .... ,... ... ... °"" .... be adapted to their age and.1 ..... --... experience -"which are not synonymow." I "Young ooes like Brownies like lo see a flame, to m things cooking. They want to eat right away, 80 you shouldn't toast thinp over · coals. It takes too Jong and the coals should be gray, not red. "As kids get older, ex- perience makes them willing to \vait for the coals to reach the cooking stage." Mrs. Rlvoire, wife ol a marketing consultant, John Rivoire, is a city-dweller now but "we do quite a bit ol pie· nicking in the suburbs and in parks." She said she first became Interested In outdoor cooking at a Girl Scout camp near ber birthplace, Ithaca, N.Y. She later wrote a cooking feature for American Girl Magazine, a scoot publication. and -along with other pro. gram specialists -gave training courses in various outdoor settings for the na· tional scouting program and at scoUt training centers. FIRST PUBLICATION "Cooking Out • of • Doors," first published in 1960, suc- ceeded a pape rback published in 1946 when "mil.es and con· Slimming 9247 SIZES I0~-20lS r.,, 1ff...,;..., lff,...-r ... SOFTNESS starta at the top ll'ith a cuU C<11lar and gentle gathers that lead to slender lines. Sew this in a single day to enjoy dly after day. Ptinted Pattern »247: NEW Halt Sizes 10~1:. 121/r, 14 1f.i, 161,i, 18 ~, 20~. Size 14 1h: (buat 371 takes 21/r yds. 45-in. SIXTY·FIVE CENTS In coins for each pattern-add 15 cents for each paltern for first-class mall ing and special handling ; otherwise thlrd<:lau delivery will take three wee.ks or more. Send to Marian Martin, the DAILY PILOT, 442 Patterµ Dept., 231 West 18th St., New York, N.Y. 10011. Print NAME, AD- DRESS wtlh ZIP, SIZE and ITVLE NUMBER! ~ ,. AU VONS S10RES OPEN IEGUf.AR HOURS 9Alf.JOPM '71.uJ. 'II ...••• for yovr tremendoul support durt1111 Cl.It re cent lolxlr di1pul• with the n:toil clerb union. It inoy please ycu to know that m:tel!d.d negotlatlon1 with in. union multed In an m11lcabl111ttl1mtr1 that will enabl1 UJ to eollllnvll to lrtn'I ,._,wit~ en t1nremonoble Tnc:11cge in prltfto W1 tlncettly fiopt you did not -.iITermy ~.-ilt11C:t1 during this fll!gotlotiOTt period, Cl'ICI -will contltr.1t too 1liow cxir si11cere oppreclaliOl'I boy !.T1111r.i )'DU quallty foods with wrvlee and rrimd11nesa In o llCnltf tld Id bioeorrm diotod-rhtit of V011$. ('JfO)N/S : ': ~:. :i ' ENRICHED BREAD ~ .JK!lff VONS, l~l LL LOAF ::::. 3:$1 Scrncl'wkr. I · Ger••• Clioalat1 CAKE ~89' Vons Cookies ~ 39' Rupert'srishSticb ............ -.-W~"J;431 Rupert's Fried Fillets of Sole --~ 8111 _ KOlD KIST QUAUTY fOODS CKICQH, lllLOlN fll1i, 601. flQ, .. -••••• C lrfll Wml ORAVT, CUAMID 39 Chili & Beans '"°'-JIG. ••·•••••• 25c Rupert's Frlecl FIDets of 11.m.t -"3171' Rupll'l'sD1ug111UCrUM11t_~ 111 Shur-Tnlla ltef Flilltn .............. u. I" '=BACON 11a11111ttW o::~Sr.. Hall c.mr Slcts =--= 'I~ 69' •·-·'·-"----ttn ~.-1i.w.-..aa&1. -... Pllk S.sage ==..-: 5' .... (.1111 SAVI CASH wmt THl$E Ell1RA VAWIS FIUH TURKEYS J0.121..1. AVE.t.\GEWECHT Red Snapper ~-79' -llllllf • 49~ W 0 ~., •• estem rsters _ /V/O/N/S/ COFFEE ,,... 0..,.-1.U. c- 2 IL ,JI 3 LL , •• IAI SAi . V-8 JUICE COCKTAIL 146 :'.:.I TOMATO SOUP CAMPBB.l'S ._,, .. 4_ Sun-lllponed, Pkk r/ lht Crop! APRICOTS 11.<VOl· PACKED • GOlD£K. llP!> ••• ....,. ... 0 Del111hl NECTARINB llCUl9E hl ~J..--4 __ ....., -· ... 29~ lllg C .. nles .Z~ 39~ • .,, wa1 .... 1o. = r. f11cy C11talHp1 :::I 4 i11 Slll!a Rosa Pl1•s :V 29~ Westwood Ice Cream . .:a 59c Jerseymaid Butter ~w~~ 79' Johnston Fruit Pies ~f. 69' Gerber's Baby Food 2f*-10C ROY AL VELVET BOURBON '"°''" ..... ., $419 •M ~~~ • .. m. otO 60C '"' MIRACLE WHIPrauArr KRAFT'S JAR Smooth, Velvet Ttxtur• . Froren I" GRE!Nm.5 0 CUTCORH R ctfOllf'EO Sl'tl>.CH I/ 10-CL r•11· 'I e>.:SWln'S .r0SMOKIES ] 99 WI Spring Send-o!fl Mort fresh, you ng , easy-sew styles in Spring-SUmmer P a t t e r n Catalog. Free paUem coupon. soNc:u·,NsTANT sEwmG 1011 Adams Ave., al Brookhursl, Huntington Beach 5922 Edinger Ave., al Springdale, Huntington Beach 17950 Magnolia, Fountain Velley 21082 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach Book -shows you how to sew )J081 Doh p ..&. D ' ( 'sf Be h It today . weJr II tomorrow. " eny l1n llYe, ap1 llllO IC Over 500 pictures. Only $1. • • ' I ,\ • ! l l I ) I I' ----. --··----·----·--·--------- • • < \ . '"-"'· • • ••• . . , . . You haven't tasted real ham until you've tasted the ham Super Shoppero enjoy ... and that's El Rancho's own specially cured ham! And look at the low prices for this weeks big Ham-what~msa,le!Come-in, buy, save, drool, enjoy! El Rancho Shank Half Butt Portion or Whole ....... 59~ ER Ham Slices ...................... 98~ 'Tender and ju.icy ••• more fla\'or, because every ham is smoked to El Rancho Specifications! ChuckStoak Here's proof that economy cuts can be flavorful and enjoyable 'vhen you shop El Ranchol Chopped Sirloin Steak ......... ~9~ Finer beef for more flavor ••• each '''eighs Va pound ••• perfect serving sizes! Ground (huck ......................... 69~ Budget-minded?,., you'll love the quality you get for pennies pe1· serving! Round Bone Roast .............. 79~ U.S.D.A. Choice Beef ••• for all the hearty goodness you expect from a beef roast! Clod Roast ............................. $1 19 ,~ For a main course move to win raves .• , and so many possibilities fol' left-overs! B I B. f D o k . $109 one ess ee 11r1s et........ lb Kore value ••• hence you get eat.it-all goodness in U.S.D.A. Choice beef! Super Dup er Grocery Specials Van de Kamp' s Dinners ....... 49.c. Enctµlada dinners, American style ••• choose from beef, chicken or cheese I Stouffer Meat Pies ............. 4 9 ~. Tender cruat ••• heavy with hearty beef chunks, tender chicken or tasty turkey ! &hrd's Dressing................... 45¢ Jif Pean ut Gutter .................... 49¢ Six n.riet1e9 from which to ch oose ••. 11 Oz. Smooth creamr style or chunky ••• 18 oz. jar Clfsco ....................................... 61¢ .Bi1 a lb. can at El Rancho .S:lYings Liquid Jc1 .............................. 59¢ ·~dst Oran .. ~ Ju:ce r, 6 ez. s1 ~ CJ;JS :Cig king-size,,. priced Jo\v for sa\·in.'.:S! Ch?e;" Kl::> ::rr ............................. s9: Caliton:Ua'1 finest ••• frozen ••• 12 oz. can 3Dc 1\.ing-sizc package ••• (includes 30c off) )· • I . . .. -'---_A_.... "-'. ----~ -----c -- Center cut ••• thick or thin ••• for tempting breakfast delight or satisfy ing ma1n course pleasure 1 Pineapple F ield fresh •• , pi cked at peak of per· fection flavor ••• and rushed to you by fast jet aircraft ••• Compare the quality! VIA AIR FREIGHT Summer Squash . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . . . 19~ Garden fresh ••• thin skinned and tender? Fresh Tomatoes ..................... 25~ P icture pretty •• , ripe ••• yet firm, for slices that add eye appeal to f ine flavor ! ' White Rose Potatoes ..... 5 ; 29c U.S. No. 1 quality ••• smooth skins and clean ••• your i11Yi t.atio n to better eating! Big 24 oz. Game Hens TYSON'S PRIDE! Big little birds ••• you'll wonder ho\V .so much flavor can be packed into a little hen! ... so delicious barbarcued ! 79~ ~"""~~ ~ r.<! I Pricea in rf/ect Thura. through Sun. · ~- Ju.nc 19-21 . '/\'o !ales to dealers. ~ ;:::;; "' l:' Ask the man~ger about our convenient Charge Account Service ~"~/II\~ . JI HUNTINGTON HARBOUn: Warner Ave. & Algonquin St. NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. • 2555 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) Also conveniently Jqcated stores in Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena l , Pl - __ ....., __ -~ ... ;.::;.:;: ... ;::; ....... -----;_ ... --.-_ ---·~--.. -. -.. ~ .. ,... __ -~~-.. -~ .... -.-.. ~ .. -.. -. -·--=·.-.. -.. --. -... -.. -.. --.. -.. -. -.. -. -.. -.-.. -... -.. -... -. ---~.,..--.. -. ----.--·---~----~~-. -~~ -PILOT·AOVERTISU 1 L WtdneidlY, Junt 18, 1969 WtdntsdaJ, J1111t 18, 196• DAILY PILOT 48 • LB. FRESH SEAFOOD NIW AAION SALMON . ORE-IDA FRO:i!N-12.0Z. PK6S. PollTIONS. 59~ PIECES TO BAKE SHOESTRING DOZ. ctNT•« . $109 9· 8 25c · · ~.·::::::::.:. 59~ ~ GUPEFnlt r1ju1c:OTATO; ~R. 69c POREKEASPARERIBS ~~~~~\'.~~: ... 68~ ~~;:·m..'U·.~'.i:~ .. :',r. '1" MINUTEMAID-6-0Z. TINS H:R~EL'; •• · · 9 ~~.R~:.~ :'. ............. ::: 694 ORANGE " SLICED ••• 69f.. SHURE-TENDA-EASY'TO PREP~. JUST HEAT.'N' EAT· 7 C '"'' Rlloh of '" 794 LABEL ..... m BEEF FRlftERS ......................... _.: lb ~!~~·:::::::::: i~ 9a• JUICE .... 4 ... s 1°0 BACON ~~~ .... 79~. --11.S.D.A. Grade ••A•• Young Lo~~ Low Prices ·I. E TURK. YS JERSEYMAID-CATERING 69c H . . ICE CREAM ••••••• Hll:!;r • . .;,. . • FRESH FROZEN ML.CE.PM. -6-00Z.NTINAS DE. 3 ~R 2 s c OVEN-READY 12-14 LBS. • • • • • • · WONDER "HOLSUM" WHITE OR WHEAT 2 5. . ~ c ~LICED BREAD ••• ~ ... ~~~: ~ DITTRGENT-INCL ISc OFF . 59c. f AB, GIANT •• • • • • • • • . i ,. . · PURR-MINI BITS -61/, -OZ. TINS · . C LB. 10 FIRST OF THE SEASON 2 5 c CA' FOOD. • • • • • • • • • • . O's MARY ELLEN ' !OPULAR '~S · , . APRIC ·········· 111 20-oz. JAMS ALL · COFflE .. ' POTATOES ... 10•":G69c ' EXCEPT YUBAN, 6 5 ·c · SANKA, MOCHA . JAVA Ill Delicatessen Specials OSCAR MAYER-ALL MEAT OR ALL BEEF BO LOG 12·0.Z. PKG. • • • • • DelMonte Dollar Sale !GiiEN BEAJ45 ..... 5 '0 ' • c i:iuli COCKTAIL 5"" ' . • GAEAiDEN PEAs ...... s ·FOR EA. ' ' . OSCAA MAYl~ll_,,Z. Pie. . • 99c YARllTY PACK ........ ' . AMEsaci·C:rt.PKG.5 ·9c'!~lliliuaRN-45'K6.c ., ... oz.OTINS M ••o SA. UCE 12 FOR CHEESI • • • • l .CHIESE • • • • i -Ml PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. thru SUN., JUNE 19,, 20, 21, 22 2701 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA • 13922 BROOKHURST, GAP,,.t:lliil GROV.E e 1308 W. EDINGER, SANTA' ANA • · 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH 23811 EL TOR~. EL TORO ' " i I ; II ; I • ' I ; ,I : ' ! ' i I I t !( r r . -· ---·-----------·------~..........-----........-----.---~~-··-·-··-•.,,_,_.,,....,~,-.·.,~•~c·-·~~c~.•~-~·"'•"'<~i'~' .. "''"•+r..~=0~•~•7',>"''"~"'"''"''"""-·'·""J"'......,....,,.. __ 1 ' 110 D.1.ai.v I'll.OT ·,. ... . ..... ' . ' . " ... • ' I . ' ' 'save :'.y'riu s.8.88·:,, .. . .. . ' .. . .. ' • Tot11 savln&• ·1s computfd.,Clll ·1inaie unit Pllf'Cha&ts. Tht·Jlgure woiild bt in~ hi&her If meat & produce savlncs wert intlu~d ·~'"------• ··at'· I ·• • DIS(OUNT .. . . PRICES/,. ·,-~_., ... •JUMBO SJ7.l 4 ' • SWE£t • LU5C!OUS .. . ' • • LARGE SIZE IMPERIAL VALLEY .• VINE RIPE BING CANTALOUPES • . 00 CHERRIES s F .. . . ,$ 0 '1 ' R t " 8 • s THESE PROOUCE PRICES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY lhrcu&h WEDNESDAY JUNE 19 throu&h 25 101Al DISCOU "'lS l~lRY UAY IOME IDH-BET~ ITORCS P!SCOUNT CIWIGE />fllCE 'iC'EiiM · :r'01'CE cTRAY 99c9~ JlULTIPLE US!:. rot.Ds FUT FOR ·COMPACT STORAGE SALAD BASKET 149 971 111 $135 2( ee SWEETA LIQUID 69c 591 ?.OUNCE BOTIU: YITALIS HAIR TONIC J!I 991 HELEN!: CURTIS . 15-0UllCE Bomi: MORI: THAN 40 APPLICATIONS Pr.R ilOTTl.t Suave Salon Formula SHAMPOO tl!TRA RICH 1 '' 791 il'iS'E''ilor LATHER 2-0UNC::: TUB::• SUJITA!I LOTlO:t SEA I SKI '-OUNCE Pume llOTTLt I-OUNCE PUSTIC BO"ITU: )ZS 991 100 791 lllNACA • l/1 OUNCL BOTTLE . )\15 11 .39 2.SO 12.H BREATH FRESHENER 79c 63 1 EFFERDEKT TABLETS 14' 871 Xit1S FILAS POJI 3 MOUTH& DOG & CAT • lNCI.. IX orr , PulvuSaperF11aColl1rs111S1 u SAVE I Sc WITH THIS COUPON ~.ONE ONLY ,,.~ .aox OF 24-•4 Rt0UIJJt •SUPER• VEE·FORM :,~:~ct~{~~~ . soc .... Storet Chef• n.· Ollo CQu""' f!ff r..i~ • Adults Onl1 CNpll .... llrn '"' 25 '-TOTAi IHSCOUl<fiS (VER~ llAY $OM£ lLPHA BETA 'ITOR£S PJSCOUNT CHAAGE f'ltl CE @i~~''ia;ONllAISE . 53t 41 1 TWIN PACJC • S9G Vil: •YOUR CHOICE ALPHA BETA POTATO CHIPS or DIP CHIPS 541 ~GOLDEN GRAIN • 6-0z. Pka. 38¢ ~FRIED RICE-A·ADNI 49c 1-1.B. PACXAGE •WIDE OR t::i:ii;\ tXTH A VllOE 341 ~Gold Med•I. Noodlu 39c 1·1.8. CARTON • 2lc VJ.LUZ 16' PRINCESS MARGARINE. ~-I !-LB. CAN • REGULAR OR PtRK-0-t.rCTR!C · :~~~:~rg~~E1.~9c !' PAC!f!C• J.t B. BOX 27' STA CRISP CRACKERS 31t t:Ji:ij;\ NABISCO • 8-0Z. • B Vo.r!at!a1 38¢ ~SNACK CRACKERS 4llc ~ NABJSC0 °1o:oz. l'ACKAGE 391 ~WHEAT THl~S 4llc t.LB, CAN • flN"E DRIP• REGULAR iUgANAc~if~E 74c 72'. --..,,. Z.tB. CAN • REG\JW, DR!P OR i . ll.ECTRA-MATIC 1.41 11.U l·l.B. CAN• REGULA! GRIND '°'~ ·HUGGINS YOUNG . MOCHA JAVA COFFE£ 75' J21 a!:' 11::·GALLON •INCL; tc OFF 3"' · -..;::;:;;;;/ YANO Liquid Starch 59c 11' t::i:W\: PA.CIC or so . PLASTIC IUW' ~ GLAD·STORAU BAGS 69t VII' /::Ji;;;\ PACK or 10. PLASTIC 64• ~&LID TRASH llAQS 79c . lY?o1ri~~~~~'f:flN'r 1.aa s 1 T 1 @ ri~~Ccif,~l'crnner 49c 37• • 19-0Z. AEROSOI. ~FORMULA 409 ~ DISINFICTANT 14·0?. CAtf• lllCL. 2e otP BON AMI POWDER 89c W tac 14' @ !JOt.mCt CA~ GROUND ROUND 18' FRISK!! 008 FOOD 2llc . ' ettr OR HOR&EMEAT • ltVJ•Oi. Cn. llMM" ALPO OOQ FOOD 32c "11; @:tsSi:or" ,,,a1;I lllrllll iETI • '24·0UNCE LOAP '!Nt4 FRONTl£1 BREAD ,,. VALUS -- .,.. l lllrllll lfTI • 18·0UNCE LOAP 211:' FLUFFY IUAO . 270 VA.LUI " ..... 1" ,,._, -· .. -- . . . ... ' ~ .. · . . ' ST.ORE HOURS MON. th'•u FRI. 10 AM. 9 PJ.1 SAT;1 and· SUH; 10 AM to 7 PM: ·\ ·~' . ~ .. ' . 'SAVEWITH A~PHA BET A'.S 12,876 "' TOTAL DISCOUNTS -~-I .. sO.·.if even more With · .. , Ooµb l.e. Discou~ts , ~ • "Thty mcori .f'drQ sovlng, for you. MO<f• posil:!le by spKiol pvrchases wiih the cost reductions pcued on to you, Look for them .throughout the stor•, ' ~ -•. ,"l ;. { . ~· ' ' .. 'ui~, lil~LlJU NTS I. w[ RI r:.\ T ~'12. INCHES x 7.S FOOT JI.OU. . ~ALCOA FOIL ,..,.al~ ' ~iria'GICswv ~SIZlllG .. ; 69c 571 22-0tmCE l!OTT!.E . CHIFFOll LIQUID DISH DETERGE~T 49c 391 GOU) rltmi: • WmiE:.• AQUA 3.PACK INCLUDES" OFT DIAL:BATH·SOAP ' 63c 51' J.PRlCOT-PlNtAPPLE OR stto1.Eu ...... ...,,. MlRYELLEll .IAM "'""· 1All 63c sic ~ AIJllA ,RTA h11is WELCOME CHECK • TOTAL OISCOUfrj T\ E~fllY OAY \ ADM£ .AlPtiA'HTA .'STQJ:ES DISCOUNT '(MAR Ct PRICE .. 11-~. Pack,.11• • AMERICA!: 67f ""i'i KRAFT SINGLES \I<_ ;. TOTAL DISCOU NTS -[VERY OAY . SOME ALPHA BUA STORES U!SCOllNT CilARGE PRICE ~~1~~·~ Co~Wf'.UL1AR "Jrn/.TV SPECIAL" l·L!, ~FLEISCHMAllll SWIFT • 4-0UN°cE PACt:'AGE Jlftl! SLICED SMOKY THURINGER 53t 'Ill' ' ffo;'d So\®11 • GenQa • Pepperoni~ ~ lllA!),~~~~!lll? 39c 371 .$3.:i 41• UNN!!RsAt • ~2-0UNCE PACKAGE JNDlVUlUALt.Y WRAPPED. 68¢ SLICQ"!M£RICAN CHEESE &9c ~f!DLN'S • 3-UI. PKG.• IL!CED $22! IMER{CAN CHEESE 2.49 7 "Qi .• • ,JIEGUUR aft::t;MQXID ;. 83j N.\TBOO ~ABT EDAM• ... 69t · ~Vi~fi 1Asr;~ouo1 · .. sic 631 ·~" . """" . . 27' )ORANGE JUICE S..z."" 29c . . . l.2·00NCE CAN S7e 530 . ' ' " . . . •• JA.Ci::,.a£AN&fALK •303Cll!l ~.cat .or freft.ch Sliced 2 ~~REEN BEAN$ 24c 11 . . . ·~ . . . ' . @cli"ElM's'r'Yi:E~ ~;" . WHOLE CORN 22c 171 ~TAO: & BEANSTALK • 303 CJJf:'_ · 201 ~SWEET PEAS '23c . Y0ur AlPHA BETA NeighborhOOd'Butcher'! 11 (t he Man in the Red Apron) Proudly Offers · SUTCHEn'S fninB MEATS MEATS YOU''-' II PIOUDTO SIRYI • QUAUTY'.& 0 SATISFACTIOH GUAAANTEED • DISCOUfff -PRICED •U.S. GOVERNMENT INSPEClED COLORADO BEEF 01EAf AllECUID · 1 -· ·1AKID· o• U.S.O:A. GRADE A • FRESH FROZEN ARMOUR STAR CORNISH GAME 20-0Z. MINIMUM ff.ENS ALPHA BETA !UTCHU'S HIDE 8EEF ROUND , BEEF , STEAK ~~~' 99,. SHORt RIBS 49., FAMILY ""· $109 STEWJNG 89• STEAK "" • BEEF ~m-,. 8lARNEY. BRAND .• ·ECOtiOM!CAl ~IUQUI •· EASlERN QUALITY IOWA . MAID SLICED BA COM IU. PACK.lilt -'PRIC ES EFFECTIVE IN ALL , ALPHA BETA MARKEif'S COSTA MESA-241 t: 17 .. Sr. HUNTINGTON IEACH-t041 AdcnM HUNTINGTON IEACK-11411 N, M•• St. FOUNTAIN YALLtY-89JO Wflrftrlr '0UTH LAGUNA-JOSU S. c-t HI.., lAGUNA HILLS-JJ541 Ccrll• 4e la LtlM IRVINE-11041 C•l•er. U11lftnftr Port CORNED BEEF BRISKET Gfl 81c . IJ. ' ~- I ' . ~ ) ,; . r I .. -: • ' l • I ,• • • • ' ,. • ,, ·' .. < ~\ ~ :t. ... '1 • • • • '\ ' ~· •• '· l ' )j~ ., ~: .. H ;ii • • ... ' 1· "1 •t ·1~ · l ~· J .:i ,,. • ' ~ ! ' . . t.j,~· ·""'~ '.3 ·~ •• • • . ~:'\ .,,, :_\ .• • •• . ' . • ~ ... --~---------~----~- • W1N! ' .. I , I _,." •. • • , FREE1 USE OF A DELUXE CAMPER FOR ONE WEEK DIAGNOSTIC CHeCKS .. si't'.ic e'.11921 l-' •. Y ~r generous ,itron~·9~' .. an cf confi .. Clin.,. in our de'.'l.nhiP' 'Ms made us pr~d lo be • palfiofO'rtn.~C~unty 11)!! it's phenomen1I growth, *Is to our counttess friends for ·• w"~derful .. .. ' . •:48 "y91rs. · r1 . . . . ... THIODOllLlOlllll. SLt I•.~ • >. . ,Jh~d !!~bins.Sr. . THJODOU.1¥!!11111.~ ,~, 1':1~···t··" -' ¥ .. ,. .... ~' •. J • • --.'1] ...... WE'VE ·PUtlED THE SJO'f>S~ ~,O.R J'UNE! ·'.~ . -·• ~ r -· FREE' · ._ · ! ' : · • · • lte;llttt ft wllf • comr>lele d'l«t ol' .,_.. ctn CM> "'OT..,j••~O BUYI ·•uSTCOMC ' d1t1on 111 $0!Jtllern c.111om11·1 ""' "°"' 011onosHc '1 ... .... • • ,,·~ · ' ' · P,. ' ,C~IU. '""' I••"<-<*" .. M"ly, 1ol•olll" I~ A'ND' :, l! 1.$. l1S":!,-E·'R. ,P~R!lfl E ~ . ' end '!"'1°'11'191Q. Orl\19 ttlla w.ctllon wllflOul worr,, '' . ""'·. ~ DRAWINGS · 'EV.£RY. SATURDAY. Ten Checks To Be Givfl! Freel >i1 ,ii: ~~u ~~E~-Nor OVER 30 PRIZES IN ALL! BE PRESENT TQ, y.'IN. ' SUPER SAVINGS WHEREVER YOU TURN ••• VALUABLE .lR!ilS F:OR nt£ GROWN·UPs • • • ~EEN STUFF, FQR,1 THE· KIDS •.• '. lljS OUR Blf.GE$~i . SA~IN~ST BIRTHDAY .P~.,T'( "IN ~M9ST H~iA CENTU,ltY OF DOlNG B~SIN~ IN. THE .. ~~f,;~REA ! ~~ BIG 8 ,.FT. f.P~L CAB-OVER . BARRACUDA· CAMPIRr-· c • .., ... * , ... .,.., ................ lee Mz. z tl..w. .... -.. .,.., Nil." IMlteN .. .aii.trfc ·upts. "'* ...... , ..... ' ' . tioe, .,.. ad clnih1 ...... ...,, .... llfetl-..... ....... 'w. ~. f.ctoiy ~ ............. hr .... ,... ,.., WI ... ~. l&n ....................... _. ... Tep. ANNIVERSARY SAVINGS on MUSTANGS-BIG FORDS.•TORINOS • ••. ..iltl!R.fDEIBIRDS. ~.FOR~, lJUCKS! . CtlECK OUR ·PRICES FOR JUNE BEFORE YOU BUY! . AUfflORIZED DEALER ! ----· ---'·· Large Inventory-of New '69's For Immediate Delivery. Six only -New 1968's Now Slashed For lmmeclia19 Clearance! $ l • ·o~IVE A NEW, 196,, ENG~ISH FORO!; ENGLAND'S NO. 1 SELLER, . FU.U P!{ICE AMERICA'S .NO. 1 IMPORT BUY.!. . : CUSTOMS * GT'1 t( STATION WAGONS. Large Selectio~ of1 Aut~t1c1 and Four Speeds. LAST CALL:. NEW '68's! NO TRUCK PURCHASE NECESSARY I Limited number •t F.in1I Cle1r1nc• Pric11l RENT :YOUR VACATION H0ti1E ON WHEELS LEASE YOUlt CAR . FOR 6 MONTHS OPEN 7 DAY S A . 'WEEK! IN, HEU' US, ~EµBllt'TE. . , ., 1 "' .·, · ~i ~ ~ . ' \ '67-CH£VROtET ·~ $1' ·7·9· 'S· H.T. lmp1l1 '4-Dr. V;f \ , '.uto., ftS.1 1ir, R&~ :,, . IOKUl'51l ' . ''1 ~( '~. $1·59 · H.T. l empett Cu1tOm. Auto.1 PS., Rl:H •. ITl.J • 053) '6& oMm ·. $:2· 19· .. s·· ~ 165 FORD : . $1 ·3·95 M_1libu 2-0r~ H.T. V-1,' . ' F•irl•n• 500 2 Dr. ~.T. ~ , ) aoto.j P.S., R&H IWPC· · v.s , ·outo., JUH, l!iS, 8,311 · ' ' '" "" , ' .I RHHt25·~ ·,-.. " -' ' ·~ .. . . . ., '66 BUICK $14 ... ,. ·:5'· . '65 .f~, :'. .' , $139· ·s· ,, LeS•bre. Full .P.ower, 1 ..; 61lntw'.900 2 Dr. H.T. ·q , ' .-fectory •~r; 2-Dr, H:T,_ "'· • ; P\S;, !~~· R&H. .l ROM .. , : · _-. : IRPM860l 1 87.6J ~ ., _ ~ ., . , . ~ . " . '66 OU>l F-85 4-Cr. Sed•n. V-8, •uto. .lll4696M4116111 Oo· tective c•r. , I . \. '· .. , ~ ' , . . .. .. ·.~$ .. ~, .. 5 Gr•nd Prix. Auto., R . J 'l P.S., P.B'1 i1ir cond. IJJV9201° ·. '64 POflTIAC . VACATION S·PECIALS . - '64 DODGE · . . ' . Bart 170· 1 Or. Equ;p.· po.I; 6 cyJ .• I PBY 605 I $6-95 ;.:630~~~?·~~~~.;··.·:.,:;r~s . , R&H, .n· yinyl int1r..: '·f : ·7 , . ' llH~Q91 • 4 · ., ! ; · 1-......,----~~----...... ~~~-1 ·60 lmRNATIONAL . $595;· ~.MUSlA"GS'~·11UUJIANGS! .. · · ' OVER 'A,'...... . !!.'I, 'UTIFUL Pic~up. Extr• cle1n. UV 1sa201B1 · '65's-'66's-'67's-'68's --------~~·~·-..~I TO CHOOSE FRQta •.. '. , '65 .PLYMOUTH $39.5. '.. ~s~backs-H~,cttops:-G.~s . ·· . . Sport fury 2 Or. H.T. 1965 MUST·•NG "''"" wlbla ok ;.+ • ., •.• Example: _ ~ , ' VI, •utq., PS. (YXS4621 -. I jl v.a, pow1r,1teerin9,.eut01Mtic, radio,.hii~t•t '6!i .MERCURY 1·0· 9· s '. . 1OIOQU9686),5 p.,11.pe c.onY1rt., 1ut~., $ , i,.._ $ t • • ~l/i, ,P.S., P.B., p.,.,,. , . , ·. · , .. 1 . dt:~1,1factory air. , j IYCT1201 ·, . ' ·, IL-..--l _______ . _ _...-t __________ _L __________ _l __________ _l _________ ~- I 4 ! I ' ! ' '. I I ' l I I I I - ' i HOU~ES FOR SALi HOUlll ,Oil SALE HOUSEi FOil SALE HOUSES FOil SALi HOUSll ,Oil SALi HOUSiS FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE "·'4';::;,;;.:.;;.:..;..;:;;.;..;;;.;=-1000 G.Mr.•I 1000 'o.ner1I 1000 General 1000 Chner1J 1000 'Gener1I 1000 Gefttr1I 1000 Co1t1 Me11 1 • General 1000 General ..--,. _ _. _____ ..;.·1::.::::;:.;;; ____ ...:;::::; 1..;;.:::.:;;;.;.: ____ ..;c;_.;. •• l ~ · .... 1 .. !'! Offe•I" s .. ,.'J.:.;~~•milr oPuLw~:J!~~N~ COMMEICW 1·'b~1!: .. .~;~ :.Y.~;ll. c::o:° . ~1''!!'.;. ~ts HU-n!~~~~Ls~!t + 1-• Qootl' • fmm aruuous ou1 ot v.·ho nttds lots o! room. S LAW UNIT -PLUS PROPERTY That's part or owning this model condftion. large 3 bf!d-BERT WOOD ••.• $15,960 family rootn, 1'.\ bafhl, ~-•town owner, ao il+• nice hugr bedrooms· i&fll:I' tam-Ooublt 1tud rJegant n1aster ch&rmills &,ycrett 4 bed-~~RA~UCE~~ mime~ opportwiit)' to * M-l l3x300 Ideal I.Or small·' nev.·ly redecorated, ~-In \ clrftn 3 BMroam D<'n. lly kitcllen with all delWto1 bedroom and 2 baths in A chatmlJll S BR "chip l'OOlft home. Extras pl.ore Ull.lMe T.2% loan. 1112 mo. Ind111trlal UnJts ,. $20,000 Xitchtn. Nrar all tdl«lll. 2 Bath Oona dcl Mar home. bu1Jt.ins. Stone fireplace, beautiful presllae Cos I• ahape" home on l&l'ac 14x 29' baths, fonna.I dinln&: home, comptett1y profession. pays all. 3 Big bedrooms 2 * NEWPORT BEACH: Cor-Only $25,~. Aso FIV,'\j •• 1 ·· A!I 1~ecorated, Vacant · \Y&IJ to 'wait carpetlfV thN-Mesa Prime area! NO 233• Cl lot. May take i 4 room, sepan.te-pool area, ally redecorated 11\Side ~nd baths, forma1 dining, huge ner lot ~ bloclc: from no down VA. CALL 5'10i.• 151 Qu ick Pol#l.1ion and on e"'· out. A big home at • low WHERE In Oranae. County rental unill, Owner wru corner lot with 3 car ga.raie, surrounded by ~ • ~e paneled ~ family rntert&in-R.lvo AJfu Canal, l~ block Heritaa:e Real Elstatc '{~n teUent t•nru i.s of intere~t sacrlfl~ prict. Only S2995 ca.n you find anything like CUT)' lat TD of $32,000 @ btt&kfut al'ff. in the k1tch-ll'OO'ld• and spac~ patio ment Cftller. Something )'OU from RICHARDS MAR· eves) 1• : to you. better take a look down and no second lo&nl. it at 1uch a FABULOUS 7~"· Drive by 1919 Ana· en. A IOUnd IJWHtment for In lovely, lovely qwet area. find in mOl't expen,ive ham-KET and 1bopplog $25,000 MESA VERDE mrnet IOt. J ,.,: and get In your oiler. Pric· C&ll today to see. BUY \\'ith lovely carpell heim CM " call to see m. you ~tr. Executive $62,500. VERY PRIV~TE ~STER ea. Only $27,500. Better bur-*BALBOA ISLANO: Comer 11. BDRM, 1'4 Ba, tiQb.lly ed now f4i'l 141,500. poaibl)' and drapea, and bright aide ' BEDROOM with outside ac· ry there's a dtadline on thil Ruby A. Paril: • IO' on rm. Fully crtd ~ di-pd. 2 ;;. 'a lo1v down wHh owner 645·0303 clleerlul XitcM:i and dining , S39 500 C'eSll. ALL ELECTRIC kilch· ~n .• Ca!J flO\\'! Ruby.1,deal toca,:Uon 142,500 fireplaces, covered ~.Uo. cal1'Vint: the,. 2nd. ~ room~ area with FIREPLACE wall· • en and dishwasher. Water 645-0303 * C-3 75 x 360 HARBOR 3068 Gibraltor, CM. '\. _ ·I are . all l!'ood 1i.tt, Uvina; ed living room leading to IOUener: Trade in Y 0 u r BLVD. frontage thni lo $26,900 owner. 5\ff:-2626 :~-:. Rm, has fin!place, also the LOW '9fAINTENANCE back Ntwport smaller home on t.his VERY back. street , •.••. S'r.1,000 * BY O"-"l'OO' , \oo,1.·f'r level den has another ·--'and POOL thlt'I btal· at SPECIAL BEAUTY ~!?! * R-1 ( ltrlded) 24~ AC. "'~""""" ..., - , -fi r'!'Place. You own the lara:e ~';oo filtertd! Priced for W& SELL A HOME ~SIDE Priced ~ BR. crpt5, dl'J:l!I. x.Lrg l;Jt. ,.-; coi'TJCr lot • with play area immediate salt at o NL y Victoria EVERY 31 MINUTES sell at Only is,ooo lot. Low ma*i~~..;,!1".;,500. 1 .and shade. Somtone will ~I $33.500 and your pre5enl 646-tlll ..........,.,,, '. • irood buy here. \\'hy Not l\tay home considered FOR A (11nytlme) Walker & Lee BY OWNER 3 BR HornJ. 2· : .• You! Shown anytime. Oor greatest month ever GUARASTEE TRADE!1! UNBELIEVABLE I E. side, 2-W. 8.IC.e. VefY Irr '' Ovfr Sl4.8 mUUon In Wet WE SELL A HOME 1190 Harbor Blvd. at Adams S850 Down nIA. No cloatng transferable loans 51.41 9f, Bay & leach &VERY 31 MINUTES $17,500 FHA Loan 545--""I' b""'. 3 bodroom, II> Neod ca.n. 54~1059 . ... RNlty Inc R HOMES w lk & L Attumption Open 'til 9 PM bath borne. Look at these 9 RM. 5 BR, 3 BA + .. fool_ 675-3«111 ' fOll a er ee $136 Per Month Totel "For A WI,. B""" ex""'! W"""" dcye" re-and pot hOllH ~j151l . Cd , ror thl• cozy 2 bedroom Colesworlhy & (O frlaerstM. Built m bar tar Principals only. 646-~. ,.:1.,'.,'.,°'-".· .,c""'.,..1,..".,'~,.·.,· -.'.., on lafl:r corner Ee.stside 2700 Harbor Blvd. at Adami home with CARPrfS AND • IA YCREST entertatnJna-. Complete ster-:Evenings Ca.JI 54!-3'n5 M!l-8333 :r·· -UNB-ECTEVAliL E fl-lot. Privacy prevail• here! M.>9491 DRAPES MU' achoala and JUST LISTED eo and speakers. CUstom liioiiiliiiiiiii ...... iii;i ... iio J,;;;:;;;;~===='±~I 3 BR u.nit1 with garaae1 l Open 'tll 9 PM •bollplna. With Just • lltUe G42-77TI drapes lhrouahout. P I u 1 Mtu del Mir 1, ~05 ·-S&50 Down FHA. No cla1ins private patiQ1. Live in one 4 •--'roolll + ca.sh yoi.a can't aUord to RE SALESMAN Parklike gardens & tall trees thick. like n~w carpeting". MESA VERDE • BR -~·---costs buys a 3 bedroom, 11it & ttnt the other J. ..u rent ANYONE CAN QUAL-WANTED 1urround 1p&.rklinc home & ALL THIS F'OR 0 NL Y • ASSUME , '. :•:. bath hDme. Look at tbeu $62,000 Upstairs lonus Rm. IFY TO TAKE OVER ntIS Want to n}&ke $2000 yoUr pool, Dlacrtmina.t1na: buyers SlS.900, FULL PRICE. GI Tbla h • s to be the t"Xtru! Washer, d~r. re-A tinllbed bonu1 room hu LOAN! !I We mean It when fint month! W&nt all the will want thll lovely 4 lxinn. $600 Down. Flnt come, first SHARPEST 4 bdrn1 5 l/4 O/o LOAN: ~'!':t1~~~~~11: (lO"/. Down) Swedllh llreplac.e dividers we say, "RUN, DON'T ready buycn )'OU can ban-3'19 bl.th home w/lra. fam. aer-ve. llURRY! ! home In c.osta Mna! 4 Bedroom beauly with ·~ eo and ipe&kel'"I. CU.tom Newport tor two extra bedroom. ot WAUC" to our ea.ta Meu dle!' Want an &etlVt! fut nn. 4 !orm&I din. nn. WE SELL A HOME Outside you'll find famllyroomwlthniscd,:'Gre-~ drapes lhro1Jihout, pl u 1 OM big den Home is in. ex· office! II!!!! rrowin.a office! The catch!'. f74,500 EVERY 31 MINUTES BL o c K FEN c E, place. Has service poretf'lnd . ~ thick, like new carpetina. llt cellent eondillon • Alkina: WE S&LL A HOMI You have lo work and like Mn. Hazvey w lk & L p Lu s H LANOSCAP· fenced yard. New out ide ··- :it900~H~LLro:ru~LG~ ::;: ~:~!~~-~~;. uawne w&VaEIRkYe3rlM&INULTeESe ~e~~.:nE;~JE la....: .. _.. a 7:~1nger ee ~~~G~,~~T~~:CE~ :;u~!s~~·;y: Unbcl :.: b- 5600 Down. Ylrst <.'Orne, first ( ti J 11--.i .., .... 0, ~" n 40 The inside has new UP· •ny mt or Nadine, 962·2421. Oonl.I· ~ .,,..,,...,... GRADED CARPETS ·o ·THE Rr:A··~ "'"\.. ESTAT!~P. 3 scwE· ~l~~~y~ HOME 2190 llarbor Blvd. at Adami 1.::"::"::tial::;,. ====~-(ol .. ell a.k & ( Open Eves. THROUGH0\11', St"r- ,.,..91 EXECUTIVES ' If 0. SQUEAKY CLEAN vi" pon:h, LARGE EVERY 31 MINUTES ORANGE COUNTY'S Open 'lil 9 PM 5SO Newport Center Dr. MESA VERDE BEDROOMS " mob- alker & Lee LARGEST movini to Newport Beal!h. Newport Beach, Caltf. Ready for immC'd. occupan. washer. Th~ existing 293 £. 17th St. '4'-4494 New Ivan Wells' quality 833-0700 644-2430 cy, J BR + frun . rm,. 1~ loan can be ASSUMED 7682 Edinger 812-4455 or 541)..5140 Open Ewa. CAREfREE view home Jn Dover Shores. ba't .• db!. pr .• bltln kitch. at 5%% Interest. The Large 4 bdnn 3 bath tamily • w/w carpet, thruout • . full price ls only $31,450. Pal'lt Lido Condominium 3 Bedrooms 2 Datha -' . Met• Vtrde ~b10 ·--~~ -· --·-NET 25% ~~ Galaxy 0 rive. Thla lmm&culate 3 BR fam. ~ roof • Ja"e. patio area & BY OWNE~:; .. ' john macnab lie.re's a brand new l\1t- lng: 3 bdnns on a b~ big, lot. The houae i1 clean, the bedrt>Offill are large & the price or SZ7.900 is a bargain. Great rtoor plan. Call now. Return on your cash Invest· ment It bt the proud owner Near private communJt,y pool 3 Car garaa:e Cheerf\11 kitchen Prlvatt" Patio or these large 2 BR 1 bath Sll 950 room. See modela open dally MESA VERDE dl'apet • 2 f>'plct. • hoavy • COATS '" ......... ___ .. __ , ill' home can be )'Olft by • entire yd, btauti!ully tad-WALLACI CUSTO~f REPUBLIC HOME HIGSON auwnlnc 5"-'9'0 FHA LOAN. cpd .. aprinlden. 1750 aq. ft. ... E·Lro ON BEST VIEW LOT :Orr-A must SH to appreciate. or llvin# am. Priced below R ,. IS CON$"l'RUCTJOK CO. Aai.: .. ~ -lacement costs at • .,",SOl'.l. ---54Ml4 l-ERED. 4 BR, 2 BA. SIHG-"' ~c DOVER SHORES aptl. with private paliOfi. A Call Jack Sc~gy real money maker. Res. 644-2250 M~-'I'-H ..... ._ .~.. .,,,. LE STORY DESIGN, ..,,.. ..... iun ome $26,tSO To see, call (Open Evenlnp) Builders CHI LT ROBIN EtT """'""'"'"'"'""'""""'""' l;P:>t~O=N=E=>;'~:':J4:=4. =~;;;I Abll'nlfe owners wish im· mediate 1alc. 115.000 Reduc· lion. Perfectly lovtly, c.-:· 1860 NRWJ>Ort Blvd., CM Rltr. 646.3928 Eve. 644·16,j;j ~ ~ REALTOR ~128 !! Coll~· P•rk .t11s "' pensivtly dtco~ted home ')1~~$1\\: r~1 ·)~1 1 t ' 546-5990 Lachenmyer ~ ~ WANTED WANT A 7% LOAN? Doi••· PERl=ION '"' . ... . · -"·Ith the finest of dtapt"rie1 ,. &-.,..•a)lpaper. Large, beitr• Four ledl'OOlll$ 5 BEDRM-3 BATHS All electric bulll·lru. Fa.mlly room. Formal dlnlna: roorn. Park like yard. Magnolia, Barrett Really a •• 1 E1t•te S11l11m•n will finance his lovely:J 'BR * 64J.1n1 Anytime* _ Tired of 1itlin&: on the aide l~ bath home wllh • a Ina cit1"US fn'.!('l! & beautiful ' -role illl'tlen. PriL't'd to aeU ' ' at $99,500. :, -S19.,500 5 Min. to leach track '''alchlng the main substanlial down ~i!nt. . presents ~ line run? Join a winner. Has purchased a ncwl¥>me l .ti Man.I 'MUe more money with less & want! action! Asking U C on PRICE REDUCE DI fMJ11tration. c a.11 Randall $27,soo. All ouers will be (714) '42-1215 VM!w of Bay & mountains. Owner anxious to sell thit McCanile 5484313 lot ~ considered. Ask for' . aut 901 I>aYer Drtve. SUJte 120 ;., Nrwport Beach !\1ove into this Jarie tam· 1ly home today!! CIOlt to shopping, s c ho o I a. and ('hw'C'hrs. This one won't last. Sl~ per month Inell.Id· 1•s taxes and imunnct. ONLY $700 TOTAL caah re· l.Awely 3 BR har'ne, double /f!!ll!!!!!l!!lf!!ll ... !!!!!!11111!!!1!111 I star Pine trees & variety ol fireplaer, laml1y • dJn;nr, -$i0-950-FULL PRICE Inti! ""''· Fin plJ. FoW> built • In kitchtn. Secluded 4 ~ml 2 full baths. tain. 540-1'72.0 back yard, redwood tenet. Plush ~ts & drape 1 TARBELL 2955 H11rbor 4 bdm>t. extra la.rae livlna Wlltrl\ & frlendl,y Bay<"Test fidentlal lnltrvit'W. 64&-3255 or ~2'.&1 Ai~ ruom, huge recttatlon rm. home on comer. 3 txlnns, ..::;;;;~~:=;~c:-,=,.- 5000 sq ft of comfort, 4 car dining rooni, family room. ASSUME 6°/e LOAN 3 ledroom _Newport Hei9hts "~"'\ELL A HOME. '182.00 1otal Pmt. Evi~f .31 MINUTES Secluded in the height•. 1hi! ~a & Lee home ha.s hlah beam cell· n c: er inrr. •toot fireplace, hard-. wood floors OOat ac«ss 1.0 2GU Westclilf Dr. "'ar yard,' covered patio. &H>-7711 Open Eves. Assume high GI loan at DANA PT. UNITS 6% -\\'on·1 lasL I Attr. 1 &: 'l Br. units, ln Easy upk~p, cJose to s~p. lhrougllout. Double Garqe. ping. Double garage. Price Cui-de1&C strett. Walk: to $32,950. Thla plus others in schools. GI no cuh needed. Newport BHch, SlOO Dc<posit refundable or JEAN SMITH "'' .,., s~" rn• 1ou REALTOR with payn1ents of Sl24 per mon1 h. ""'"' WE SELL A HOME == ----EVERY 31 MINUTES lmmed. Possession Walker & Lee 7682 Edinger 3 BR 2 baths ,fireplact, <'&r-842-4455 or ~140 pets, dtape1, bulll·lns, dou· Open Eve1. No Down GI 4 bdrm + family room. $183 per mo PA)'a Ill or FHA or Conventional. $21 ,tSO RANO RL TY. MS-2340 Experienced RE S11le1m11n EXCEL. COMMISSION 657 W. 19th SL, C.M. Rltr. 642•9730 Eves. 543-01'10 garqt. One o1 • kind. Wonderful work sl'lop • dark No cost, no extra cliarae1 10 Newport Bt•ch 1200 Phone for appointment. roo1n -Juxurius built·ins. buyer. 4 BR, fam rm, 2'4 BAYFRONT MOBtu; Arnold & Freud ""· """ 2000 ,. 1~ ""''"' HOME :- 388 E. 17th SI.' CM llKli WHtcllft Dr. NB 642·5200 fam rm. huge stone frplc, 2 "Br. cabana, l \i ba, h'plc, like new cpt&ldrps. Only · Realtora M&-775S S25.~. HLUTY! , . av8U boat ~ip, adlt section. NO DOWN GI p c -Community cl"b"°""'·'l""I· .W. · game area. ere. \\'ill trade OR fHA TERMS 1100 up., down ,., lum .. u~ Needs paint but has extra 1.C.;;°'=',;;•.;M=':'".::..---'-"" turn Laguna Leisure WOrld Duplex with pier, all thla large rooms. 2 bathri. FJag. or hillside Orange Co. for $63,500. Good financing. stone fireplace • and big ' Brm Fixer Upper Home. 546-7111 : :; 1860 N.,..pori Blw .• CM R-2 lot. -Close to "'""°"· Juli """"'"' C·l * REDUCED * Rltr. 646-39'28 Eve. 646-2290 Imn1ediate po111e11ion. Just $5,!XXI buys equity. Rent ; Waterfront .. 1win 4.p!exes. ltlonthly Inc. S9$. Annual taxes $l2till. TG- tal price S95,5r50. Low u $1.2.9.l(} dov.·n. ble r~Je. S23.750. loiiiii..,;&ii;;;ii;;;ii;;;••• L h S25COO. pa,ytnr off S16,500 ba1 THE BLUFFS :~ ac enmyer fi'.11-1,1111rM· ~~~ ~~~·~ ~~ '"': ~ ',,~:'~~: , .-ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. -17th It. 646-4494 4 BEDROOMS No Down VA RIDDlftl R E A L T Y 20'Q \\'. Balboa Blvd., N.8. c.11 Anytime 67s.6000 KEllNEDY W1ll1-McCerdle, Rltra. COWGE PA*"' 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. Im. 54&-7'7'29 an)'drne • S 5 950 OCEAN & BAY Z • Peninsul11. Pl. Altr. 3 BR. 3 FUN LIVING! OPEN DAILY 1-5 ba. home. Spaciou!, sunny Modem 3 bdrm. 1 block to 2578 GrHnbrl•r patio. $49.500. oct'an. $23.900. ' (Vac & ree.dy for occupancy) &elbo. Rt•I E&t•te Co. ~I ~ to paved alley In bua:h Custom carpts, drpg, other &XCLUSIVI ~l!Mlll!lflii!\1!1 ~1kt Center on W. 19th extras. Handy pool Q1inet MEREDITH GARDENS, HB. S.0·71 • 646-2313 and proba.blJ worth &U--0771 ~ B 'loo II • $26,500 without hOUat'. $41,500 valut • Now "';soo y owner. 1q, ., l 11- bdrm.s lg kitchen, sepu.nate NEW HOMES Paint ®ti dt, &el '" 200 St-1 To Be1~h-. c or rembdel ior busineait. -..... ,. formal dininr room, panel· Eubide ogta Mesa, Frorn BeauWul 3 bedroom 2· bath led tam nn with built.in en-$211,500, Only 2 left! 3 BR. Over $600 yr~~ ~it home. dC'ep ahag ,,0 ~•. & OPEN DAILY not as is. A ~ ~· ........ t"'V\ tertainmenl unit Cathedral exposed be a m l.-eU}ngs living room. Corner lot with ~Santa Ana Avt. . Lytle Re11lty thn:iUghout, 3 lalldscapod,pa· For Lt•H CAYWOOD RIAL TY 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Neat 3 bdrm 2 bath In al· 6306 \V. Coa8t H .. -y., N.B. Newport 673-4140-~=~ This is a quality borne wilh ~ ce m£'nt driv~ay & 1hake ;: ' . -. -. ., ' ' , ,. ' . ,_ . . ·-,-• root. On ly :: years old. Sell· "r \•;llJ pay all buyr-r's clos- ing L'0~1~ ,\; w!ll i;ti\'P you lractlvt' Huntlr\gton Beach m12t0 11 t GREAT POTENTIAL loc11tion. 1 year lease OK. """""'"'""'""'""'""''""'"I Home on 80xl8:"> Jot, I btk. boat or trailer entranoe. l (Bet. 23rd & Santa Isabt':ll 583 \V. 19th 5t&·!M93 lies, fireplace. all buil.!·ln mil.. from ocean. $46,500. 642·3960 !:ves. 642-5106 ,., h " d o" b J e •. ,,_ $100 to move 2 -·----Victor I• S2 5/mo. (possible option to N.EWPORT HGTS lo automobllt-row. Parking " LUXURY LIVING 1 c e ' " -1"'·' 6\4 ~ loan avail. 962-7374 $32,500, 642·34M . Pool Homes 0w~'~·:.~·~~~~'!" -'--=-~B-A_C_K_B_A_Y~--I 9511 or 540-6631 bu.y). $19,SOOll 646-1111 for camper, trailer I: 00.t. OCEANfRONT J. K. Nichols 5.f6·5110 Spa cious bedrooms, c.bffrful {11nytlme) FORTIN, REALTOR 3 BR home on exceUent fl'letfciiemathaatrt\ living room. fll'l!pla.Ci!. Qual· 170l·A Wes!cli.ff Drive beach! $54.950 lN l'U. 4 IE 8 EPf'OJIOOR SUMMER &: aauna beth. 1 Br, &: df'n. Quiet. Cui De Sac· sb:e~t . Kit. bullt-lt11. FrpJc. See Lovely bomt • Hlate1 ~ze this own your own and live lot Sp11.c. 3 Br . .tr Wtlily: LLEGE REALTY ity constnictlon. Large pool I~~~~~~~~~~ j NPwport Beach ~ Oeorg• Williamson MS l5llJ .ti.Mn 11 K.tltlor,c.M. siud gl'DUnd1. 540-1720 DUPLEX-Balboa J s I a n d . Nur1•ry School REALTOR ":1·~0toNl4S,"°I carefl'l'l'. brlck frpl. S49J100. 1l 3-0 -4-BEDRM.-$ifsilo-TARBELL 2955 Harbor Three yean, -rental. POTENTIAL. 3 BR 2 ha.th 673-4350 Eves. 673-lS&t DA Ru ty l..,..;~\!!""":~""'""'""'~541i""'1~-~~~~E~v~"~·;""~-~S~l42 (i)L PROPERTIES wstr 1028 Baysid £', NB 67HJ30 DUPLEX 4 yrs old . ~~hR f!nch. Built-Ins. crplll, ~­ S32.500 Owner. 646-2'1 O. 0\\1N[ft--. -51,.,-3-bi;. Altracllve brlek patio o,1.•1th Twnhsc, 11.R. S l O 7 Imo gaa Uttd BBQ. 2 baths, flrt'· p.1.1.i. blt-111s R/O, T"l'! plat'f', family room. 540.1720 Wsh/dry, t't'C'. laC'il. 147-1067 TARBELL 295S HArbor \\'OMAN with R.E. Broker'll Want cash/inlel'l!1t in 4-6 home, romer lot, 130xl30' He, Rfeded, Specltlll)' oMet. ~ti TusHn area. $31,000 all fenl.'l!:d , Ca1 lfor detail!. 51/4•/o .G.I. DAILY ·PILOT DIME-A· ,..,,.,., l\'o f');P req. XI.NT OP. tqU!ty. Write C/O Jack 'Battlll "'talfit $119 l\lonth pays all. R-2 tot; LINES. You can uae them PORT. MS-4900 &ftfr 8 Brewer, General Dellvtry, SI S\ D 2 Br. home. S20,000. for jusl'pennle1 a day_ Dial llALTY Near Npt. Po~t Ofc. 8£.2414 pm. Ba.lboa ls. Crt!Y to brkn. 642-&560 Pyran1id Exchangors 6·16-26?9 ~ Princlpals only. . .. NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 646-7711 2043 Wtstcllff Dr. •f Irvine Open Evenirtp PARTY POOL HOUSE P'antullc home \\'Ith gorJteous pool and pe.1io 1rea for 1ummertlme parties. AB· SOLUTELY Immaculate In cvt"ry detail. Hua:e windows over0 lookin1 entertain· mtnt area. King~Ue masler 1ui tl' Includes drep,lng room and be.th v.1th a .. Roman" tub. Beautiful l.Xetlon. Room for beet or traJler In over-&tie ya.rd. ·A mwt see!! $34,950. Submit your smaller hOf'fle on our i:uarantce u.le plan. aaJc plan. IA YCUST -$46,000 ~Ull Dlacx.-d o.n the market, thl~ t xcPptlonal pride of o'vner~hip home: ahouJd bt llltft lmm4!dia~11. Prlvlll" court yard enlry, beautiful yardl with mom for a larlll ~ and &OCU$ for l>o¥t or trailer. Subrna your smaller home on our auar· ant. ..i. pJl.n. IA YClllT LOT -n.ooo REDUCTION Don't mla tht opportunlly to bulld your dl't'am ma ~ion among thf> most f'X• penelve horntl h'I NN'pOrl h eh. Rl.mbllm;: or f\\'O ~tory. Pool 1b:f' \+.'Ith un· Jlmlttd garden al'ftl. for outdoor t'nll'rtal nini;: on thi5 Jar.cf'. h1 rae property, \Viii dt'li&ht YoUr famUr and frlench. Owner I~ off,.rlnll: this one ol a kind, quiet and goJTeOU& JocaUon on land you OWN lor only $23,950. CHOICE IACI .IA'( LOCATION J.rnmedlate occupancy on t1'lil loV"tly la l'J:''" tu~tom built home. Spacloua family room pl111 dlnll'll robm. H\IJe_ ~. :\ quttn •ltt bllth1. Owner: andow:. Wiii .el> "NO OOWN'" OJ. a.t 133.'00. Submit your tm&Urir borne on OW' l\W'all~ ool< pW>. .... • ........ ' 1000 1000 General NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY COSTA MESA OFFICE 545-9491 2790 HAUOR II.YD. 0,.. '-""''Ill' P.M. ''HELP!'' LAST YEAl WE AT WALKER & LEE ESTABLISHED A NEW WORLD'S RECORD fOR RE-SALE HOMES SOLD IN 1 WEEK ! 154 lfomn M>ld during Utt It.at WHk 1n June 1968. \Ve have an all out adwrtlsinC and U1Una camps.Ian from now to the end of thf! month. We uJd we wtre golll$ to do it la't yrar, an4 we did! This ,year ,.,.~·re a:olntt to ~at our°"''" n"cord. Ctll ua now tn lilt your home 10 we'll bavt &eme:thJ.n& to 1e:U dW'lna: record week of June ZhM1. HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE-842-445SI; IH:Z ltllot• OPHllft '".) ____ ..,;M;;UMT;,;;:'";;,;''";;;,,;;";;"'~';;•;_ ____ o,.. ....... .,, \14 HOMIS SOLD IN ONE Wlllll A WORLD'S RICORD. STARTIN.,_. JUNI ll, WALllH & LU IS OUT TO HU.I THAT OLD RICORD. c:A1J. ;· US NOW TO LIST YOUR HOME. SO IT WILL SELL DURIN• HCOlll-' WDll ... ' '., UNllLllYAILI 11 :~ $850 Down FHA. No Closln1 Cotta bu).'I a 3 bedrnom, 1"' blth home. LaoJi \(•:I these extras! \Vaaher1 [)eyer, Rttrlaerator. Built in bar for entertlllnlng. Com .. ,;~ plett 1t.erto and 1peakers. Custom drapes throughout. Plu11 thick, like nttW ta""'~ll petlna. ALL THIS ll'OR ONLY $18,900 FUU. PRICE. Gl. S600 Down. Flrtit come.i • fint St"rve. HURRY! '·l . ~ I NEiD 5 IEDlOOM5 77 , , Here's a Big Family Home with • worklnr man's price ta1: Cloce to 1horip,lf11 : and IChooh In RnldentlaJ Fountain Vallay. 1.A'lt• of" llvin1 apace for the ·trida to.' f romp and play. G.L no cuh down. $29,900 Full Price. A &lttl for thi1 2,20Q 'tq.,· ;1 ft. home:. 7682 F.dlnpr, 842-445.5. Optn Eves. ... ~ 'l I ASSUMI s v.~• •.1. LOAN ,; Total ptt,Jm•nt1or198.00. A rtal 1barp 3 btdroom doll h,ouM!. l..oll ot room • 'I to Jl'O'N· Clrpata and dntpta art ntw and beautlf\.11. Modttn t flact·uver kJtdltn , tor Mom. Anyone quaJ1fita. Subrnlt your down pa,yment on $21,:500'"-=Sa~ ~°':!,1 -: :;;I: 7:i' --~----l!l!!!l!!!l!!!!!!ll!!~il!l!!!!!l!--l!!!!!!lfi!!!l!!!!!!m --------------------..L.----~-~-~_., ____ _.,_._ ..... ___ ..,Ao.:..,...:...,_;,,,.:....-.::.,.;.._;,_ .... ,. • :' '.Jf '1LOT·ADV0TISEl HOUSl!S ,OR SALi HOUSES FOR SALE Wtdntsdq, Ju1t1 18, lM DAILY PILOT Q HOUSl!S ,OR SALi ...... , ~ "'~ fflv111 ~nfvntl.._. f(tN•AL~ . I Apto. '""'llhetl D~L~~,'9..,,; a•s~'lliDq,, ,., -......... ....., """"-DIAL DlllliCJ' 84%.se7a OUTSTANDIN01 Wmcutl, ~ VW.,. 2 •tDl')' <nndominlwn. Pres. die. quiet area. In court )'U'd. Near shoppU.-, restau. ranµ.. LJ,kt' new. Luxurlou1 carpeted. ab eQuipl, Weit. in&'houle kitchen, Beautiful private patio. 2: bdrma, dl"tll~ room. hU&e cto.cls, 2',i bathl, fireplace-. Encloi- ed 2 car Pl'N'e, heated pool, ~eaant clubhouse, tema.ce, Sauna. Own land. . . L ...... -2705 N .. ,..1 .... ~ noo N_.i -.. 4200 ONLY 2 HOMES LEFT 3 B~DIOOMS 0-~~:.="'--... '!'"""-.. -..;.-.'1-.:.i: ~~:..:z.s:.. ~':i Y&ARl.Y ..... .. ""' nrA or VA .. U\lll S20.000 trffl, Ill' hla'b, school • pool, 2 blkl • oet&D. 3 BR. MOdem 2 BR, .u b£tna. HOUSIS FOR SALE OP,IC. ISinAI. ,. . ...... ,.tiN tNDUS"'tAL PaOl'l•TY •••• -- New homes, ready to move in, ~ mile lrom beach. Fmit payment up to 60 days alter move jn. WHAT EUE IS TRERE beach, lPP 1 ac:.Tt, 300) aq ft tncd, qitl, drpl, blb.\I. $300 frplc, beam ctllinp. Aduha. TO SAY! yr Jae. $400 mo. 494.-3112 mo. MT--0163 no pell. G42-3f90 Rtx l . Hodget, Rtty OUPl..EX avail/July t , 3 br, LARGE 1 BEDROOM Torma VA/FHA. F'"'" $22.9'0. !<7"52> L...,n• Nitvol 2107 2 bo, "'""· Incl dahw.hr. • llSO month, ,..n, C:OMMllRCIAl. •.• . • ......... .. rr,t. l bJock from beach. * * 6"l3-8M8 * * LIDt.'URY area, • br, 2 bl., 673-1~ or (1l3) 2U-93'1'8 l·BR apt., 1 blk to bbc. Yrt;y. July, Au.a: or yurly. Walk to lze. $160. Avail. JUb' lJt. elMllAl-.. _i.•··•••••••·•· .. •• ... tM lllDUSTalAL llWTA&. ••••••··"" CNTA ........................ ~;: i.ors ., •....•.......••.•••••••.••• MmlA OIL MAR .............. aANCMU ............. -... -•. •IN ~:r.::•::.~~.:-:.::·::. ·.:. ::,:,..::: il"'.·~=·~.~~. '·:::::::::::: .. :: CORAL SHORES ·L19un1 le1dt 1705 M•Wf"O•T ........... ............ LAKI IUIMOlll .............. tat fflWl'OIT MllOMQ .......... 1111 lllOllT PIOPllTY .......... 6111 IAL&OA COVll'.I ............. 111, OUJNI CO. PIOPllTT ..... ...., 1111wp01T IKOlllS ···········'"' DUT Of' ITATI ·~-•••••••• um ~YClllT ·-·-······-···••'"··'m ~MTAIN & o.-sl!IT •...•... All {on Garfield between Beach & Magnolia 962-1353 THIS OLDE HOUSE beach. 0v.'flCl' e-Mll Newpert _H_!~lhh 3210 Realtor 675-1642 I 's=u=m=.,.=,=R=ont=",=._="=29=1=0• 12 BR, 1 bath, frplc, din nn, 2 2 BDR apt upa~in. tum. car p.rqe. Yr'• leUI!, $D1 mo yriy, Avail 6121 212% unMOltU ................... 1m IUIOIVlltON I.AMO .......... tits DCWlft SHOllS ............... 12!1 ilUL. lnATS SllVIC:I ••••. 6111 WUTCLl,I' ... -· •••·-·••• l DI t.I. IXCKAMel ............. UM Au mne Joan:. Owntr Bkr, Eestbluff 646--1948. 1005 Dover Or, 1242 Huntington Baach 1400 CLEAN Balboa Beach Un1ta. mo. No pets. S48-6640 orl,lOth=='='=· =N=.B.====='I BELONGS TO A BYGONE SI .. ~~-2Uol0nalca!O; I~~ ~·1346 Coron I del Mir 4150 KAlll.01 MHIMU.NDS ........ 1111 t, I . WAMTltD .-· ....... .utt 11•1VllUITY PAllK ........... •!» BUSINESS end UlVtMI .......•....••••••..•. 1Uf IA<~IA't' .•.... :.---··-········ FINANCIAL .,.. L.Vil', , .................. IMS •u•n1111s1 ""'°•TUNnllt .• ,.. lllVI • n1uc ............. ,ltu •UllNISI WANTID '* COIDNA OIL MAI ........... lut IM\llSTMINT o,,.rtWl~·-··,,1. IALM>A l'I NINSUL.A ......... lJlt iMYllTMINT WANTID ., .. ,'_''6J1J •IACON IAY ............... .,l:IM MOMIY TO LOAN ~ U.Y ISL.ANDS ................. l»I (llllDMU.L LOAMI ·::::::::::::ma LIDO llLI ·· · ·············••••·1MI JliWI L.IY LOANS ...••....••.. U. ..... IOA ISLAND .............. lW COLLATllAL LOANI ......... l#S 1111\tlfnltlTDM IUCN • ··-···1• ltPL llTATI LOAMI 6Me MUNTOW'IOtll NAllOUI ••• ,.Mm MMITOMIS. ,,... o.t.iij '"""".w ,.OUN1A• V.\LLIY .......... 1lll MONIY WANTID ·:::Qlf SIAL ll.\(N ................ ,l4ll .... LINOUNCEMENTS iUNllT llACN ............... llM """' 0"1ot:N 01ov1 .............. lut and NOTICES LON• l lACN , ..• , ............. 1$tl ~AKIWOOD ··········••••••·••·1111 ,.OUND ,,, .. A•I ••.••....• , 6M )llAH•I COUNTY .............. LDIT ..•.•... , ................ Mil OUT OP COUNTY ..... M••"•••,.... ,.lltSOflAIA ................... ..... OUT OP $TATI ................ 1 .. .\NMOUNCIMlllTI ............ 1411 ITANTOtll .......•.•..•••.•••• ,.1111 lllTKI .·,:••·········•··-··••··1411 Wt:ITMINSTEtl ................ 1n1 ,.UNlll.\u , .................... 11 MIDW.\Y CITY ..................... ""ID 01nuA11tY .............. Mii SANTA ANA ................. ,.11Jf lllUHllltAL DllltECTOlll ....... "611 IANTA ANA ffeTL ............ 1"9 'LOlllTI · .............. '-111 OIANOI .••. : ............... ,.11.11 (AID 0" THANKS ............ Ml TUSTIN ,,,, ..................... 1141 IN MIMOl:L'M ................ ..eu NDITN TUITIN .•.•....•.. 1MS Cl'.MITlllT LOTS ,., .......... M~I ANAMllM , " .. :::: .•.•..••••. IUI CllM'TllltY CltYl"TI ......... Mlt ltl.VllAoci CANYON , ..•••.•. lt.sS tlMITlllY CllYl'TS _, •• .,,.Mii U.IUNA MILLI , ............... IMI ClltlMATOllEI ............... loOf L.MUNA llACM .•........•••. Im r,llMO ltlAL PAllKS ........... Mii LAOUMA N18UIEL , .......••.• 17'1 AUCTIONS .................... Mll SAN CL.IMINT!l .............. 1711 AVIATIOM llltVKli •••••..... '4» U.N JUAN CAl'ISTllANO ...... 1PM TllAYIL. .................... , •. Mii ~l'ISTU.NO IEACM ......... 1l"U All TlltANSHltTATIOM ., ..... ..... OANA t>OIJ4T .................. 17>11 MIT9 TIANJl"OlltTATION .... , ..... CAIL.SIAD ·····•••••··•••••••••1U• LIO'L. NOTICll ........•.... 6411 OCIAHllD• ................... 1111 OlaMAN & TUTORING .. "911 r;i1t:: coum·::::::::J: SERVICE DIRECTORY., "9USeS TO s• MO'VID 1M ACCOUNTIN8 . . .......... I OPEN SAT & SUN 1-6 1--------- -:--=--:~-:---1$42,500 DELIGFITFUL 3 bdr C I ·d S' , ... Lu ..... " """"'· .. a . e· ac quiet cul-de-sac. La.11::e feno- ed yard, fam rm. <Im. rm. Lot + Back Bay view. New 4 bedroom 3 bath, f;)X.125' lot, room for boat &: traile r. Delta Real F.state 646-4414 Ideal home fol' a:rowlnr tan1ily. Owner ia Pasadena. bound and eager to sell . Peter Dobbs, Rell.ltnr 675-5003 OWNER'S NE\V 4 BR. Harbor View Home, 3 ba's, BLUFFS-WORTil $39,50'.; liv rm, din rm. fam rm, BlIT ~fAKE OFFER! Must sell View end unit "C" bar. le. kit, 2 frpics, w/w I l95IJ f < BR' l apfl drps, yard I: many p an w/ sq. t. s, extraa! 69. f i n & n c i n g . BA's, .sep. dining. Upgrad- 644-404.f e<l. lmn1aculale! Call 1<1n . =='°'""--:--=c-~=I White 673-9060 or 675-5764 BLUFFS - 3 BR. 3 BA eves. Owner/a.gt. w J Bay v I e w on v.ide -~==-.c-greenbelt.St~ps 10 p 0 0 1. e NEW ~LUFFS e Cusl. additions. s t ea I 2 Br. 2 Ba spht level. Many SM,500. Owner 644-4l65 custom features, all elec, ~-=-----=-I etc. Lowest maint. & lease. DELUXE Duplex. OCEAN hold. MUSI' SELL • BY VIEW. .$42,500 • low dn. OWNER. C.all Dick Oytt A sk for Naomi. Doyle 533-4456 ext w or 673.5m . Co. 548-U68. Eves 675-1977 BY OWNER, 2-story 4 BR Corona dtl Mar 1250 2~ ha., nr beach, clubhse. 1 _________ _ ll000/S275 mo. 646-5616 BRICK & BEAMS CONOOMINIUM , ......... ::::::1tM ~::~.~~~Nl!G ::~::~~, .,..,,,::: DUl'L•lllll ,Oil IALI ........ 1'71 ''" T .,, ,,,. Adobl•-•·'·k ...... , •-oms A,AllTMINTI 'Ollt U.L• .... 1 ... A AL • s ........... , ... -. , ,,... , "' '-"' , RE••'T•LS •UTo 11tll'A111 ....... . .. wt Newport Heights 1210 ne w carpeting and Beliian R' "' AUTO, Jul h ltl. Tt,1, EiC. Ult Houtn Furnished •••TSITTINO .......... wt1----------linen drapes bid you quiet llNlllAL ..................... ,... :r.JIC.~J.~:~t;K.~, ·;:::::::tl: NEWPORT HEIGHTS welcome to 11 serene ocean ltllfTAL.I TO IH&lltl ......... -. IU'UNISI l llt\¥(U -·-····· tSd OPEN DAILY view framed by professional CDIT& Ml.IA .......••••••••••. 11!! IUILDlllS . ; ................ 6111 1 • .vi--incr Ad"'! O\"""'"' MIU. OIL .................... 11 .. CA'tlllM0 .. 6111 401 Santa Ana Ave. .........,..,...,....... w y ...... .. PA \IE1to11111 CAllNITMAKIN• ISie Tutetully do-rated --r are Palm Sprinp bound. LLl•I ....... ·•····•·••·••·! ... \IS CAl,INTallHO .:::::::::::::6"1 "v "'"'"" .,.., •IAC'll . ............ CIMINT, ~ ... ............. home in nicest re:sidentiaJ Sug&t!Bt S5.000 down. early WPOlltT MOTS. ···-··---·····2211 C"ILD CAii!. u, ............. '411 area. This lovely 2 B<lnn posse:61i?'1 ~nteotd. WP'Dll:T s111101t1s •••..•..•• :mt COHT11•CT01t1 . .. .......... ua H I p h & •ssoc AY'SMOllt:S ................... mi Ull,IT CLEAHIHO ......... ..u home is immaculate & has a inc tn "' • DOVlll SHOIU ····---········2m· CAll'IT LAYING ••• , ..... » lush t:n>l'g. d""', Jrg kitch· 3900 E. Coa51 Hwy. 675-4392 WISTCLI,.,. , ................ zu. OltAl'Ellll!I .................. UJI •r g UNIVllSITY l'AlltK ........... !2JJ Ol!MOLITIOIC ................. ..u en w/ bltns & can be pur· HtVINI ........................ JUI DllA,.TING SE11tv1c1 ··-·-····.mo cha:sc<I w/ a low down pay· NEAR OCEAN IAIT ILUP, ................... 2141 ILl!CTltlCAL .............. .,...... , ••VIN• TllltU.C:I -····-····· = IOUll'MIMT lllttTALS ......... ,. ment at $29,500. 642-2799 One of the three fine1t hom-COll.OttA OIL MAil •.•..•••••. ,INCIN• .......................... es in the heart of CdM. Steps .............................. -.............................. -FIXER UPPER ~ ' BR •" .. . LIDO llLI! ..........••...•••.. n11 fl'UlllCACI .,,,,1 ... l!k. ·····"" to ........ .,an, • Ill ' U.T ISL.ANOS .............. ,.IUI ,UllHITUll •llSTGlllN• 1' bl-k from Cl •"U On· .. , I• $119 000 (By a-I l IALM>A llU.NO ............•. tHS • llE,INISHIN$ "1S )1t ..,.... ~ " ' ' """ 1A1T •LUFF .................. na oA1tDINING . • ....... Ult excellent area .• Extra laii:;e DtL•ncy Re•I Estete "'CK •AT ..................... H4illl OIMlllAL 5lltVICES ..•...•.. 6'11 lot l Bed , ... -a.. 2828 E o ••• H CdM U.CIC •AY .... .. ............. $U.Ol1te. DIKING .............. • • rooms, ......,_,, • ..........,,t wy, itVHTIN•TOM •u.•.•.ctt ......... ~ •• GLASS ........................... room & den. $26,900. 67J..3TIO FOUNTAIN \IA .............. Ollaltt THUMa -··--·-·•······''. lt&L •IACM ., .......... , •••. :H• OUN INOI' ...................... 111 LO ... •U.CM .................. ISll HIALTH ClUll ....•••••... ,. 4nl NEW LIS'TING OllANOI COUNTY .....•...•.•. 2Mll MAULING .................. •7>11 SANTA ANA ····-··-····-·······Mii HOUll!CLIANING ·············'"" Corona Higblands; 0 ( e. n '#JllTMIHST•• ................ 2'12 1NT111t101t oe.co1t.t.T1N• ..... ml View; 3 BR. 2 Ba. You O'Nn \0 THE REAL ~ESTATERS ;, .. ,, . . MIOWAY CITY ................. tll6 INCOMll TAX ... . .•......• 141 546 2313 · ••• '7171 SANTA AHA HllGHTS ........ 2Uf lllON, Ol'Ml!Tlllnt.I, Ek. ........ '15f • • ~v· f.tie ljUXI. Full P,,rice S«.000. COASTAL ··········-··-··"····'' .. lltONINO ........ , ............ tJH =========I CORBIN-MARTIN I.A.OONA •EA~M .............. 2105 INSULATING ........•..•.•.... '"' U.G\INA •oovEL ............. 2111 1Nsu11ANc1 .................. •n• lalboe Co\les 1215 Realtors IAN CLIMllNTI!: .............. 1710 INVl!:ITIOATING 0.ttctlYt ... •ne .... ., JUAN CAl'ISTlltANO ...... 27U JANITOlltlAL ";J-:. .. ..... 1 .. ----------3036 E. Coast H\vy., CdM CAl'ISTllANO 11ACM ......... mt '1:we:L1tY Hl'A111, l!tc. .......... WATERFRONT .~ Br. 2 Ba. 6T:>-1662 DANA l'DIMT ......... , ....... 1741 LAMDSCAl'ING ................ 4111 a1v111ts101i COUNTY •......• , .. U>a<SMITN ............... me 2000 sq ft. Pier & slip. No. INCOME, TOOi \l'ACATION lltfNTALS ......•.. tNf MAIONllY, allCIC ....... ., .H>f 51) BaJbo• Cov•• ~• 000 IUMMl!I lltlNTAU ···-····· 2tlt MOVING ... $TOll,lGE ..•...... 1141 ,_ . ....... . 2 BR. home, ocean side of cDttOOMIN IUM ................ 7'$1 PA INTING, l'l~llJI"' ...... wt .$2000 dwn p It f $392 Mo H N I . ,., ,. DUl'Ll!ICES Fl/JIM. ............ ml l'AINTIHG. Si9M .............. 6151 • . . W)', e.w y pain ..,,.; pa JO RENTALS ,.ATIOS .... .. ··········-···"" or make otter. 529-8100 w/privacy AND lleP. rear H U f l hed l'KOTOGlltAPNY .. . .. . ....... 7' 2 bactl. apt A iOOd buy OIM•:~~---·-~-~~-~--~-.. »H :~:.~~ca. "~'_C:~--~-~~::.': Newport Shores 12 0 Call to seP! COSTA MESA .................. )\ .. l'IT OIOOMING ''" Gene-Robertson, Realtor ld'IA DIL MAit .............. )lU l'OOL SEltVICI!' ............... .. MllA VllOI .,,._ .......... tilt l'OW'll SWlll'INe ........... 4111 FOR SALE bf Owner 3 675-2440 COlL•OI ,.AlllC ........•... ,l\\I PUM, SlltVICI ............... •nt Bed t' 111wt>01T 111ACK ............ mt t1too,.1No ................... ,.,,,. room, pa'°• garage. CUSTOM BUi l T NIWt>OllT MONTI. , ........... nit 1,\010, Jt.,aln. lie. ··········'"' c 0 mm unity pool & 2 B<lnn., S""cious den • U-N•Wt>OltT SHOltll .......... mt IEMOOELI NG &. REl'Alll ..... pla.yzround 2 bib tro ..-IAY'SHO•ll ................. 12111 lllMOOIUNG, KITCKINI .... •NI • m brary. frplc., 2 Baths + DOVI• SMOlltlS ............... ttn l(lllOllS SNAlltl'IN .......... "1J ocean Ne\vport Shores 242 0 2 Wl:ITCLIFI" ............... J2)1 SllWING .................... .... '. . sep. house for incom1e. n UN1VlllSITY l'AIK ........... nn Sl!'WIN• MACHIHI JllPAllltS IN! Lugonia, NB 642-3286 R-2 lots. Owner wilt finance. lltVINI . ... . ............. JUI lll'TIC TANKS. Stwa. lk. .. ,NJ ·~ -----C p ii:vtK• Tl!llACE ....••...... nd TA1L011t1NO ........... .,_,,,. Unt'v•r•t'ly Pork 1237 Orang• oast r operty ce11tONA DEL MA• ........... :mt T•aM1TE CONTlltOL ........... ,11 332 1'.lai~ucrite 673-85)0 IALIOA ....... , ............... .)111 TILi. C .... rnk .....•...••••• .,.4'74 u.v uuttos •....••....•••... mt TILi. Un•'""' a M9rM .••.•. •ns Welk to The S.ach LIDO~· .................... DI! Tllll llilYICI .............. ,,. s.Hl.NY BRIGHT J BR, •••. 2 ... h horn•. LIOA ISL.AND .............. JUI TI LIVdlON, 11.,.n. I.le. ... INS " ~ 'MIWl'Olt:T w1sT .............. :tus Ul'HOUTltltY ................. ,.,. 111 this 1mmaculately kept 2 You w:n 1 .. _ land. Vacant, =~=~::::::: t~~~ua·::::::: j(,8$& EMF•LOYMENT bedroom 2 .bath. townhou_se. quick occu~ . .$42,500 '0UNTAIN VALLEY .......... '4!1 Joa WANTl!O, M9ll ............ ltol Nf!W ~ting U1 the Uvuig LEIGHTON LINDEN RLTY ~'o::"0c:0v.:·:::::::::::::::rs JO• wANT1c, w-........ mt and d1n1ng roo~. Complete-oo.nu or 6n.0372 l:ONI llACH ................. sue JO(I Wlol'4TEO, ly repainted, cablneb and'-====='""""',-"'"'" OllAMOI COUMTI' MM MIN & WOMIN ............... Im 1SH'0RECL1FF 3 BR 2 BA :.. ··-·········· DOMISTIC MIL, .............. ltU doors have been refinished. • . SANTA A "i···-··········-····:~; AGINCllL Mn ........ -•••• ,,, .. Be tlful tio . land Quiet lrtt lined area by the WDTMINST ll ................ » .. tlll,. WAMTIO, Mtll .......... !Ml au pa • nice • MIDWAY cm '"'trii""""·-···SIM AOINCllL ""-........... 11111 Se&Jlng. FP $26.950. sea. F~ simple. Acress lo 2 SANTA AKA Ml!IG ......... "' MILP WANTIO, .._ ...... 14• • eel beaches Under $50 {00 By rnii"AL ••• , • .-·:::::::::::::::"' JO•~ a ~ ......•... n• R H·111 owner. * 'fi'li.3681 L.AOUNA NIGU EL ............. J1t1 AGENCIES. Mtl! & W-.... nst Wf CLIMllNTI: .... ·-·-··-···rn: ~~~~ .. -...~~v.:~~'.~.:::·~~ $31.500 • 2 UNITS • 1 BR l'ISTllANO · ............. .,,. T'MIATlllCAL .................. ,,.. ho 'lh f'-la-al"d'°' CAl'llTlltAMO •tAC ......... c IS use WI u .. p ....... , u DANA l'DINT ................. JHt MER HAND E FOR REALTY apt. & double garage. Phone ~im~rs'~~,-UliH."".'.:-:::: .. ::,1; SALE AND TRADE 18008 Culver Dr., Ir.tine 637-JO~ or 835-5466 SUMMlll lltlNTALS .......... ms PUINITUltl ... , ................. OPEN 9 AM--8 PM 833{1820 LGE. hilltop •-t. P•rm ... ,.,. RENTAL~ O,.,,ICI WltMITUlll ........ Mii IU • o,&IC• 'loUlfOMllllT ......... •11 of ocean .l hills. 01~~!~ ~~~~~~~~~-····"" i;i\::~VJf:t"'~.:;;:;:::::5l! Realtor 613-2010 ~0J:::.~~ ... ::::::::::::::::::: ::~l~~~=ODOI ·····---.. = DUPLEX. nr. ocean. 2 BR. 2 Nl.Wl'DIT alACM aet ·········-••••·· BA + l BR & ba '•• lol NIWt>OltT HllGNti''.::::::::'.on1t PUlltMITUll AUCTIOM ........ lt1J , • ....., • , NIWt>Ollt.T SHOlllS ........... .mt .. ,l'L.IANCES ................ ,llM privacy. Rltr 6'13-2010 W'llTCLIP,. ···· ........... ·= :;;,11~~1~KINI '""""•··-···:~ UNIVUSITY PAllK ....... :... 7 MUStcAL INSTltUMPif "::::::11U IACIC IA Y ................. ···"'* PIANOI & OtltOAMI ............ 11)1 AIT llVPP .................. an. .. DID ... Lido Isle 1351 LIST your property with confidence SELL with profe .. sional sklll TH ROUGH YOUR REAL TOR MEMBER Huntlnvton Beach/ Fount1in Valley Multiple Listing S.rvic1 8 PAT · ROBERTSON REALTY 16397 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 147-IS53 WANT LOW PAYMENTS?? Here's a FHA loan witb Jl2T Total Paym~nts, anyone can assume and qualify. Sllali>, older C-!llifornia Home. Huge. Lot. 3 Queen liized bed- rooms. Luxurious b a t b. Doublp GaragL Believe me, you should sec this o n e! Priced at $19,500. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 7682 Edinger 842-4~ or 540-5140 Open Eves. --S~ELLINO??- La.st year Walker & Lee es- tablished a world's rt?COrd of 154 re sale homt!s sold in one "'eek. This year, start- ing June 22, "~·re out to bi-eak our own record. Call us now to list your home so v.•e'll have 110mething to sell. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 168'l Edinger 842-4455 or 540-5140 Open Eves. 4 BEDROOMS A!lsume l Joan $24,440 pay· able $21};) per month includ· Ing taxes \\•ilh S4il00 down. Carpets &: drapes, built-ins fi~place. super clean! GL E NMAR Owner relocated: own laod, 4 min. lo beach. 4 BR, porch-front, rear palio, <log run w/ drain. Lrg rooms. Xlnl lndscpdg &: in~rior. $2,629 down to qualify buyer S'2'/',500. 9351 Nantucket Dr., HB. 962-4657 *LOOK HERE* ERA. Located fn the heart· _..... Vh~"'""' land ot l..quna'a Riviera 315 E. Balboa Blv., Balboa Unlvwslty Perk 3237 -------- C.0.1Utne. Sltuatl!<! on tree BALBOA -lnexpen&ive col· COZ'l 2 SR., trpl. G:oand shaded a:rounds & shelte~ tares. Weekly rates July, 3 !ID~~· be., i::~m, 8oor. Near ahopplnr. by hlrb brick walls. in patio Auaust, Sept.~158 ~w. ue. fs. ltH Furn., SITS. Adults only, no prdcn setting that aUords I -~=-"'-------afb!.r 6 p.m. pets. Owners/aa:t., 0c~1i ~~ATHi: RE~:~ UMurnishH lrvlne 3231 HaJ Ptnchln & A190C.67M392 LANDS. Gener1I 3000 SHARP, Ulllv. Parle. 3 BR. 2 lilboa 4300 THE ANTIQUATED 3 Bl).. -----.--BA, carpets, drapes, bullt·l----------1 RM. FLOOR PLAN, is rem-FREE RENTAL BOOK ins. $275/mo. lease. Near l & 2 BDRM apts. $165 Ir inlsctnt of another time ".l Real aharp 3 bedrooms. 2 UCl.133-2047 mo yearly. Anita, Jones place. Massive llv. rm. 1n Baths. .Electric built inl. ReaJty. ~o "GREAT HALL bESIGN," HAS OOVEO CEilJNGS 6 Carpets, Drapes and refri&· Huntfnston leach 3400 -l~·VY WOOD BEAMS. erator. Leue Sl65 pel mo, 3 Huntington leech 4400 ~ w lk & BR 1%. baths. 22101 \'VHERE SOFT SUNUGHT a er ee Capistrano Lane <Nr 2 BR Furn apt w/lrplc, IS FILTERED THROUGH Brookhunt & the Ocean). bltns, l~I: b1k to ocean. TRANSPARENT SKY· 7682 Edl.naer M/mo. <TI4) 492-3285 Ne\vly dee 1: crptd, alto 2 LIGFIT. GR.ANDIOS, LOG 842-4455 or 540-5140 BR lit I I t. - BURNING ~~~ •CE 3 .BDRM, 1~ ha, 2 mJ from 11p eve crp , , r~l\.LC~ , Open Eves. ...._ h $210 •r 1.. bll C·'· 1~ -framed by tlm .... ac . • ... o. on >-Tv L&e. n1. ~ pre.,.~ ..... ._ l'Olllh bewn • NEAR BEACH 4 BR 2 ba, S36-174f 3rd St., HB. 536--'321 early hers &: mantle.· FORMAL w/w cpts, toed yd, I; 3 BR. ant. DINING RM. HAS BIG din/kit combo., 1_ 1 llv rm fam rm, bltins, fncd,l==~-~---~- B A Y WINDOWS O • ._. '6 nr achoolll I: hleacb. Eves FOR Leue 3 bdnn tum G&en .,.c..rv w/t...lc. Bet 2 s'--cntn, LOOKING THE BALCONY .. ,. 96S-4Mi 536-2004 ?.far West Home. W/OCEAN VIEW. S235 fTlO· lat. aft. g 3 BR. 2 ba, mi from beach, 963-279! Remodeled kitcbtn, opens to EL Toro. New S BR 2 st;y, 2: Almost new; 21i\ car gar., NEW $a>o up. 1-i-3 Br, btd olde fashioned dfUda:ny & 8A. Cpt. Drps. Fenced. Lse near all 11<:hools. 962-1141 It sauna pool•, rte rm. Hell aewinc room that overlooks $240 mo lsl " last + dep. 4 BR, 2 BA. bltns, frplc, <lb! .l Ali<IQUin. Mar' ~ the paUo terrace. TH I 8 837..(1648 ., I 'R"E"N°"T'°"•"°L'"'S~~---· I UNIQUE, OLDE HOUSE $275. Yrly rental, 3 Br •• gar, l ml heh, S~40 mo. 1st "' HAS BEEN COMPLETELY dupln , face1 ocean, w/w, &: lut. 842-2936 Apts. Unfurntlhed RESTORED. Hu new noor ehlldtt.n O.K. Bkr ~ Mldwa City 3616 General 5000 cove.rings, carpetlnc, decor-$225. 3 BR 2 ba, frplc, w/w, y aUnr. etc. If )'OU have bttn RIO chil~ I: pets ok. Bkr. 2 BR, fncd yd, gar, wtr pd., • RENT • lookina for an older home ~ New paint. $1115 mo . 3 R F ~- \v/chara.cter, cons.ider Utl.l I.:;========" I 96l-l96G oomt um"'"9 ;;.,950 FULL PRICE Coot• /Mq 3100 ======:-I . $20 • $25 Ir UP. L1gun1 leach 3705 Month.To-Month Retail Terms open to offei-1 -~--------1 WIDE SELECI10ll MISSION REAL TY BIG 3 BR· UNIQUE Lai1Jna .l~id~away. AppUances I: 'IV'i a'ld. 98;) So. C(.)8.st Hwy., Lairuna , • TeITaced 1ardens, tc:reened No Security Deposit Phone (714) 494-0731 2 baths t: family room. Ex· room, full~ crptd. Exquisite 1-IFRC Funrlture Rentall * EXCLUSIVE * tra clean with full <:arpetll, canyo~ view. S 19 • 8 O ~ · 517 \V. 19th, CM 5tl-3m BEAlITlFUL PROPERTY drapes & buUt-ln kitchen. 4~351 1568 \V. Lncln. Anbm Ti't-2800 NEVER BEFORE ON THE Great famil y home! $225/ L19una Nl9uel 3707 e BEACH • YEARLY e 1'.lARKET. R-2 landscaped mo. Oilldren OK. CALL 3 Br. 2 Ba, unlurn • ·•• $265 lot fromBlv<I. to OlU Dr. :,.W.llSl lierltage Real E• BEAUT. View EXCL 3br 2 2 Br. l Ba. unlurn •••• $115 Y.'ith ~ubstantially built and late (open eves) ba, bltN dsh..,,T. crp/drp,s. 3 Br. 2 Ba. wide~"'" $300 distinctive 5 bedroom bJme. fp. 1300 836/5150 542--1215 1 Br, 1 Ba. unlunt ~ $200 18 x 24 ~wood paneled !iv. NEW :II bdr apt. East.side 3 Br. ] Ba. rum •••••• $275 lngroom with fireplace. 12 x crpti. drps. btlilt·ins, dHh· San Clemente 3710 BURR WHITE 15 dinlnpoom. Entry. La~ washer. Encl. rar. priv. kitchen. Furnace. Bricked patlo. 642-62:>7 patio. Only a few Htcps to Diver'• Cow. $140.000. Terms possible. e l\fUST BE SEEN e 2 BR Scll-conlainecl unit. $135. ?.fanager at 2278A, Placentia A v c . , 0.t. 64~56.17 or call ( 7 1 4 ) l\IARSHALL & ROPP 496-3812 2ll Ocean Ave. t94-1021 1 3~B~D~R~.~~,~~~---,.f, Ba.th. LQ:. Fam. LA GUNA Canyon. 90" x '100"; Rm. Pool & maint. ne\v cpt. rustic 2-sty. house; possible & drps. Built·ins, frplc, C-1 or M-1 mne: $4,000 dn. sprnk1. $300/mo SC-211.J Bier. 675-6591: 494-TIGI Res. BEAUTIFUL Ocean view homt-, 3 BR, 2 BA. loY•er Temple Hills Dr. by owner. .$42,500. 49'-2786 alt 6 SUPERB vie1v, newer cust. 3 Br. Sell/trade. $15,000 Eq. ~I 494-Tifll Res. 2 BDRl\f. crpU, drps. Gara1e no pets, 2 ~~~i;n OK .~ BR, 2 B11 , cpts. <lrps, bJma, $2.60. lnl'ludes r 11 rd e n e r . 675;-3131 DELUXE 3 br. home v.•ith 36' pool. Lease $280/mo. """"' Duplex" For Sile 1975 NE\VLY redec. 2 BR home, flUPLEX s,;5,000 6%% I~ !ncd yd, cpt-drp, stv. rtlr. terest. 514 Fernleaf, CdM.1 ,..~~-~"~·~'-""-"'°=·-""""",..,,....~'cc-­ S. of hwy. 6T>-6044 Broker. 3 BR home 1~-1 baths, 2 car RENTALS garage, covered pat I o . Hou1t1 Furnished • $200/nio. Agt. 546-4141 3 BR h~, 2 car ;:ar. Great REALTOR loc, close to 1Chb1, shi>'£: &: ~I Newport Blvd., N.B. beach. Min. 1 )T lease, no 675-463() 642-2'153 Eves. pell. 1200 mo. Avail Au:;. $1&:;. 3 SR, 2~· bra lludio, (1) 4!n-242l. RIO, w/w, tpl. Cbild I.: fC.CNIAL) pets OK. Bkr. 5J4..alO A,tt. Fu"'i.W Sl.15. 2 BR f.pl,cx. w/w, drpe, RIO. Chlldren I: ,et& 0.=n"•"-r;;,•l;,,._ ____ 4c.:000;;;; OK. BKR. S34-69IJ Single Young . Adults Cost• #Mia 5100 HARBOR GREENS BACHELOR tJNFURN. from $110 ALSO AVAILAJll.E I.21r3BDRM. Heated Pools, Qilld Cmt Center. Adj. to Shopphw - No pets allowed Au u1ne this 51A ';)) FHA Jewel for $8000. 4 br. 2 ba fp. F'AU. Patio & BBQ. Ora~ 11'1., corner lot. boat Rentals to Shere 2005 Newport Be1ch 3200 Luxury single, l & 2 bedroom apartments, furnished and unfur- nished, with complete privacy and landscap-- ed country club at· n\ospbere lricluding $750,000 worth of recreational facilities designed and operat. ed just for s in gle people. 2700 Petenon Way, at ~ bor I: Adams, c:o.ta X., 546-0370 gate & much more . .$26,500. GAL. 30, share 2 BR, 2 ba Principles only. 842--1656 apt with same. Pri pat. B / B NEAR BEACH pool, niceyl tu m. H B TOWNHOUSES Only $25,950/5V.e•/. loan 968-3193 ADULTS ONLY! 3 bl"d- Lovely 3 bdrm 2 ba. newly HAVE 5 BR 3 bath house, rooms, 2\~ baths. Split· painted. Also VA no down or furn. want mature man to level. Carpets, drapes l:. FHA low down. share Sl65/mo inclucl. util. bu ilt-ins. 3 car rarat:c. P'ac- HAFFDAL REAL TY 519-2623 or 646--11'.n! e.11 pool. $265/month, 8740 Wamer, F.V. 842-441Xi =========I ALSO SHORECREST 4 BR, 3 BA, Costa Mtu 2100 AD ULTS ONLY! 2 bed1'00nl!, lamily room, formal dining ----------1 2 baths. Spllt·levcl. Carpets, room, }l()ftwater. Childtrn'.11 SINGLE House. Reuonable. drapes le buUt·lnh', 2 car play area. OPEN DAILY. f.flddle-aged or oldtt lady. iara&:e. SZ25 monlh. ""'"' "' "'"'"'"" Bay & leach GARDEN GROVE 13100 Oia.1-man Ave, {4 Blks. W. Santa Ana F\vy.) 1n•1 636-30.10 NEWPORT BEACH J.Nlne and 16th St cn4> 645-0500 3 BR, 2 BA, den. Many xtras. Newport Beach 2200 Reelty, Inc. Xlnt family home prictd to 901 Dovtt Dr., NB Suite 126 Furnished 1.-todt.ls CONSTRUCTMI JUST COMPU1'1116 Harbor Heights Four Rental Manaiter - Mrs. Chrbtien11en 3117-A Clnn•.,,.,, An. Cost• Mesa (1 bloc)( we1t of ~~ Bltd 2 blocks south ot the San Dleeo _Freeway>, Phone 546.11134 · coaONA DIL MAil ........... f!JI ··········-··············-U.L.HA ....................... •• ~~~~~"~:1.i:o ·:::::::::::::::a11 IAY ISL.ANOS ••···············= TA,I lltlCOllOElltl .......... 9"1 L.IOD llLI .................... CAMl.llAI a IQUIPMINT ... 11ell. 18:ll Parle St., H.B. DOVER Sh ores bayfront ~2000 Eves. 543-6966 Imm~~ ~ipe.ncy AVAILABLE JUNE 25 BIG HOUSE 536-4698 home. 6 Br, 4 Ba, large l~~"!!"~~!!"!!'~~~I * 1110 3,000 Sq, Ft. of real Jamily patio, 70' private dock. NEAR WEST CLIFF South Bay Club * 2 BR with carport IALIOA ISL.AND .............. •ns HOllYJ• , I ..... . MVMTIMTON al&CM ............. . I' I.I I ............ .... ,OUNTAIN \IAUIY .......... 441. ll'OlltTI • GOOOI ......... U .. SIAL ••ACM .................. 4411 .",",,"'.~.~.·.··.~.o,es .......... Sf LON• lllACM .......... ., .• ,,.IHI ....., "' ............. 1141 , AMII COUNTY .......... ,. .... Ml.C, WANTID ............. .,.111• .,_,ltOIN •11t0\ll .............. 4'11 MACt41NllT, ltc. ........... ,Int M..,$TI& ·•"••••····•• .. 4'11 L\IMllllt _. ...................... 17111 W.IOWAY CITY .................... ~1.~f:e ~tini1Ai.S:'"·"···m: 1..t.HTA ANA , .... i.:~···••• .. ··"· •w&-··::· .. ,,,. llTA ANA HEl•KTS 4'JI ... ···•' "· · -~"" ............... ::::::::: ... PETS and LIVESTOCK .. CDA1TAL. ..................... 11'f l'ITS ,elNlllAI. .............. -LA•UNA llACN , ••..•••••.••. 1191 CATI ......... -......... -.•••. -1.Ae•MA .. 19UIL ............. 410 DOU ........................... -So\M CLIMIN1'1 •.•..•.•••..•. 4nt MOlltSIS ...................... ,lflll Ot\H&. ,')HfT .................. 4Nf Ll\llSTOCIC ····················-r:..~ .. :---··:.:·::::::::: .. ::: CALIFORNIA LIVING RENTALS NUlltlll•llS ................ ..,. IWIMMIMO l'OOU ............ ... AptL Unfur nished l'ATtos .................. -..... 1t11 roominess. on 50' comer. Fountain V11ley 1410 S1000. mo. on yrly lse. dell1htful, lge. 2 Br. prden *Water P4id Loads ol bdrms., bas., fam. 213/700.S013 or 213/7§.G333 apt. Couple pref.; SOJT)', no Apartments * Near schoob AND din. rms., GREAT pa-NEW, By owner. 3 BR, 2',.i BUSIEST marketplice 1n pets, no children. $160 Mo. :::::-:c:::-....-:-----1 2192 Placentia Ave, Apt D tio • Stl6,00J. • Bath. w/w carpets, <lraPes. town. The DAILY Pnm Hal Plnchln Ir. Auoc 675-4392 $l25. 2 BR 1riplex, w/w, fer-63Ml.2o R. V; ~ER. Re~ block ience, Many custom Oa.ulfted section. Saw 3 BR., E-Z -walk 10 beach. ~vall July lst. Brk. $115. 2 bdr vie. of Dth A r=:::.,.;::;;,::;<=-=""C:.::::: I features. $31,500. Euclid Ir money, time A effort. Look Cpis, dtpt.. bltns. $250 Mo, I ==-~=---~-1 Anaheim. ranp A retrs. hO LOT_S OF ROOM Talbert. nr trwy. 962-6419 nowlll Yd)'Jfe. rutr. 5'--1290 fmi. 3 BR upper duplex, pets. call bd<n I pm Cus tom qUali ty 3 Br., on Sl' I "'="°'i==="'====.t.=="===~===,,_:=::,=::=;:=:::,:=:=::= I facts ocean, w/w. Child 642-C698 street to strfft lot, 3 Cir O.nerel 3000Gtnar1f 30000.neril 3000 ~o,.K.,. =B=lcr=. =5.1:'=998='°====ll;o"UPLEX==""'2'"""1r-.-Crp~-dii8'.;·-1 gan.a:e. L&e. South patio; ----------------------------"'-I ·· 4100 1e151Jnc!/mo~.,!iar,..,1 •IV t.. __ ; nr. clubhouse &: tennis eta;, CMte Mell zu • • -... ok, 224< A 169.500. Clll for app't. C.tlll'O Jil.,,,, l -·· f)'f1 ~Q.9 $30 OO wk State, 84:1-1472 WALKER Riiy. '7S.5200 \:)~ 1-'QtJ L"tJ..; (b pq• p e Day ;,_ man~., ,-B;;;R,;-,2..,.,&-,-.. ....,,.Uo-, ~fri>lc..;.~.1 NOW~S THE 1TIME FOR QUICK CASH OIMlllAI. ......................... :g:;:,s" ....................... = JUST LISTED! wi.·:.~~.·:::::::::::::::::~: TRANSPOR:'TAT10N'' THROUGH A Sharp 3 BR • conv den ':tr" Solve• Simple Scrambltd WMd Puzz!c,for a Chuckle •Studio i. S:.c11. Apll. crp!J, drpt, newly dee. IZli fi tnc:J Ut11s A Phone MN. Baker. $150. 540-t3SI ===~ ::~:::n:·::::::::::: :..°tt~U°J"ClfTI ............. = 2-Sty. Vacant· see fod~! ' o ·~ ~ cf tha ;,;_.·::-...,,.--...._.,,,._..._, 1111wro11T s111011ts ........... 1211 POW•• cau111iS:'::::::::::::tat LIDO R EAL TY INC. four 100 ,.,,... b.-;,: e Mald StrvSet, TV avail. 1 BR Duplex, prs., eldariy •New Calit Ii: Bu Pn:t'~. No dop, dote; .to 2378 Nnport Bhd. 5Cl-S'1"'.i5 Shop I': 5$-2'1':> WISTCL.IPI' . ···-.:.·•··••··•• .Im SPllo-tlCI 90AT ........... tt)t low to form fGW ""9ple 'M:l'fdr. UNIVlllSITY , .... .,; ........... mr IOAT TllA1Llllt1 ... 3400 Vill Lido 61.J.8830 Efi:~-~~:::::::::::::a 5~ .. 9'r.i~5.t·~:_:~jj_:_::~: DAILY PILOT uoo 2 ~R 4 <kn. At. ,,01 1 Lr. 1 ENI · 1 · 1 , I t.AL•OA ·•·•·····•··••··· .. -IOAT II.If'. MOOlllfl .•••.••. MM •. an ltLAHDI ................... llQll.T Sl•VICl'S ............. ,,., --- -.. tractive. Owner will CU1'l' • • • LIDO It.LI ...................... --.T l.llfTAU ............... ,. J.arte loan, 7~% $47,SOO. I • ~~:.~~1>1101..:cii·:::::::::: =~~"m'J ········-·····""= WANT AD , Phil Sullivan, ~l 'll'AOI I • 'otntT.t.or •.t.1.1.1:• -........ •o• MAT ,.., .... :::::::::::::;: 1 I '""" •••CN ................... IOAT ITOlt&ll ""'·-······ ..... H I B h 1.1-. LIM• llACN .................. • H4n WAJfTID .... --......... unt net&n tac __, I I I' I OflAM•I COUNTY •••··--· .. ··Wfl &lltCllAn ..................... n.. :..:%.:..: ' u•o•• 011ov1 .............. w• •Lr.-L.••~· ................ 14·2.aJI R-for loat W'ltTlrollMSTllt ........ -• ., .... ll MCltlL.1 MQMIS ..,. • . t MIDWAY CITY ................. 5114 MDTO• NoMll :::::::::::::::"'' I GYM u M I IMn'• """ ..................... 11c:YCL1s .................. .,. or Trailer ""NTA AU Niie"'" ............ ILICTlltlC CAll .............. . T\ISTIN t···-····-··· .. ········jl MINI lllCh ............... _. ms l BR hmne, carpct1, drape11, I I I r coarrAL u················... MDT'OltC'YCl.IS .............. ,. "--"··--" "--.•·-I•--A ~tufted shirt 1, u·.volly 0 ~ l •ACN •••••••••• ,,,.11" MOTOllKOOTlll • ... , ....... ,......,.. .....,.,... -11o., ,,.... • • • -• u•'"'" .. ,._,.L .......... ··"" 4U"fO 1a1t¥te:11 a ?Am·::::,.. td )'Mf. Priced riabt al very -p:rson. = .fu~:=TWiirit·······ml •uio. TOOU •MUI,., ....... Mtt $21).908 GI or FHA tcnn•. I I 6•11 Ri"AL~inATE; ... ::::::,,. i:iilt.~~::'.'.·:·::::::::; MUTUAL REALTY ~AITNllM1· G Comp leie th• d'lud.I• ~ O..af ~IUI ....................... .,. sa.1m AJlYtime I I by tilling 1n th• m1•no wont '11" ··· · · ........... tsi• n ~ HUB o1 -~·~ tor • • • ""'' dcJwil...-lrom *•No. 3 Wow. CAMfl'ftlt lltlffTALI . -fib 1i;.. .... u.-oy r-""" • f. D""' •ut0•1• .... lf:r'VJol buslnetlel ••• the .. PRINT NUMa£•ED L£TTt•s IN 1 1 r 1 • 1 • r 1 IMS'OITIO AUT• ·••••••••••·'-' CauiOfd Ada, ...... , I!~~ • .. ~ l'H'f CAii o """'"'""''••Hft -_......... r ,.,(JE $QUAl:fS AffT,OUI .. CL.AISIU. ............ tin of.fer )l'OUi' li!rvb NOW. i~~;;;;ri;;;~~;;:;:;;;;:==~~=~::::=~~ ' :!: HOMES ,... :~: ~'¥ .. ~Aoo~.::::::::::: .. : DON'T ~ve tt .,,,..,, ret .I UNllCOIAMIG.!r l}NASW!ao~E ~EfltRS I I I I I I Ml lEN'TALI ..... A\ITOI WAMTIO ............. '*1 ... -~~~5:~ ... !!'-~-'-'· I " ' •au~• "fC:.~rr.,·:.:· .... ! iif:tiJ" ···:::::::··:::·=: quK:A cash for u w th • .. . .... " ................ Jlal'1.l'lloLwant.Adl -'. l .... !Ce•·M-Lm ....... NSWI ~· ·sst-·-oN-wtl U •lflTAL ,.,........ 64Ui61I ~ ,_. ~ """All '-~~~~~·-r-~~~~~~~+--'-~~~~~~~- BEST V&lue 2 8 R LARGE 1600 IQ ft 3 91t. dlahwaaher, pool. Quiel W/W cpla. drps, Avail ...... Adults, no pets. $140/mo 6. S6-2'66 • utU pd, ms Pacific Ave. REDEC 2 BR, ntric. blth, -, ipll, -. ro pets. 561.)1'. NEWLY crpt'd 1 Sr. f'l&m. WU10J1, 54$-0760 Lup ""'""'' $130. S23 ~let, Dix. ' l BR. .... Bernard St., Apt B. 548--2TU Adults only, m pets. : titrore·:s pm or after I pm. lm Santa Ana Aft. -.ea BAOIELOR • Modlm I: 1 BR, util ·pd, elec "Qm. dbn, Ill ufil pd. Man retna. ro e)IUtlrea,.. polL o I 30. 1637 Irvine Ave., ft6.6:m befbre 4. 646-5736 3 BR D~hlXI!.', adulta, no ...... NICE 1 BR Dpll<, Sep by !141).ql54, *3411 or _ pn. Quiet. 1>fdtt ltDt, no ....- pets. M&-1021 1-,.3 "e"R"'J"bolhL=::--:WOl.,,;;,_,....._,,...-1 LGE tum bf.ch apt. 1123.. Wen..McCardle, IU~ Av .. u July 1st. $&-2896 Mt. see.mt a,,yt1rne •Smith I BR """ opt. Jpl, DIX. apl 1pac. l BR, Idea) drp1, bltm, paliot Jlllil. fqc ba.cbelor. $120. 1993 Mlts no pats l1'5. 541 •• Church St .. 01. 54$..9633. UT lat 2 BR. l'J: '7S ,,.., Mcholor .... " poo1, -ts. a. &fen onb'· ~ :mo ~la Ma. IC5!a::s , I I I I I I ! I l , I I :J I t• • t{;f -ff'i -. . i~ t: l " .. ,. ----~ -~ ----~ -r --·-~--•• --• ... . " I f I :: ""'~ .. ~: ~·· .. ' •! •• , .. ;: ~ .. · Summertime. The living may be easy · ••. but MAKING • living isn't, if you're a teen-ager lookin9 ''""' ' .... ,._., . ' ·1 1•-llo , . .:, .. r :~ ... for your first job ... or • gradue!• trying to st•~ • cereer. Anel, if ;yo'ir're en employei; ;:-cir,.•v~n I t: "'" 1 :'~· .. ' ,n ' e private citi1en with some odd job to be done -you mey ~ot b~ finding it easy either. The two aides of the employer end emp!oyeble problem might be'illustrefed-by 'the two r~t+.r~ be ow .. ' •t ' . , .~ ... You tell us to get an education, be impressed with the opportu-: to ' l nities this great nation of ours hos ' . . : :·. to offer, to stand on our own two ' jr'feet, to make something of ourselves I and to quit protesting everything - including The System ... The Estab- ',. lishment. . . ... ' . I spent the last three days trying : · to find those great opportunities this :-··nation offers. They must all be some-.. place else. They weren't where I was . looking for a iob . •' . You told me I didn't have the experience. You told me there was no place in your business . Jor a beginner. You told me you were looking for someone " •·.·.older to paint your house, mow your lawn, clean out your ·garage. Yo;i said was too young to really be a responsible . ~employe. ·" Where am going to get experience, .where om I going to • . ., . . ·:prove my sense of 'responsibility if someone doesn't give me a .. ,, .chance, doesn 't give me that first job? '. .· Am I supposed to believe what you say or what you do? "·- .How do I force your world to give my world a break? I've ...... ... .. --------------------- Here is Help ... for Both Sides If you 're •'young person willing to work or en edult looking for • willing work•r, t~•s• fh•• Orange Co•1t •t•• non.profit • youth employment center1 C•n help you. • YOUNG PEOPLE• ·•· ). Sign up with' the center In your area now . ' ... , ... for j-Ob opportun.iUt.!1. ADULTS, Check with these centers for a boy to mow your lawn, a girl to care for your children ... or for young men and worn. en lookin& for the career opportunity you can offer . • !c· HARBOR AREA !.-,~ . YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE ,,,.,, L~ · I Sponsored by Junior £bell Club •nd A11ist1nc• I' l••vw• of Newport Beech. I Offic es in Centr•I --lr'J'ch, Boya' Club of the H•rbor Aree • , , 1 ·--.594 Citnter Street, Cost• Mes•. :·~ Open 9.m. to I p.m. Mond•y thru Fridey, June i t~ 16 through Au9u1t 15. Telephone : b42-0,.74. /~ ·~ ' YOUTH EMrLOYMENT SERVICE HUNTINGTON IEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE I Spon1ored by South Co•st Junior Wom•n's Club.I Offic e1 in Nurse's Office, Fount•in V•l- ley High School, 1781 b Bush•rd St., Fount•in v.11.y. Open I 0 •.m. -2 p .m. Mond•y through Frid1y ' HUNTINGTON BEACH UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT JOI REFERRAL -SERVICE I Supervised by RObert M•rtin, director of work experience educetlon. Huntington le•ch Union High Sc.hool Oi1fric t.I Offices et 1902 · 17th Street, Huntington Beech. Open 8 •.m. · 4:30 p.m. Mo ndey through Fridey •II 1um mer, Phone 536-9131 ,. SOUTH COAST JOB PLACEMENT SERVICE I Spon1ored by Sou th Oreng• Co11t YMCA. I Office• et 491 Fore1t Ave,\ L1gun1 leech. Open ' 1.m. -no on •nd 12 :30·4 p.m. Mond•y•, Tue1cl•y1, Thur1d1y1 I Fridey1. Phone ••4-3])3 . . got the questions but I don't know how to get to yo'i1 for 'the 'J answers. Just answer one of my questions: when and how am I go-: ing to get a job? ~y discouraged,. . .A _}~J ;})ear _}~J: You came to me today looking for a job. But your appear· . once told me you just didn't have all the qualifications · I'm looking for . You didn't bother to wear a tie; your haircut was at least a week old; you didn't shave . You impressed me as just an-. other one of those kids who wants to start at the top. Your scholastic achievements seem pretty impres- sive, but I wasn't impressed by your failure to grasp some of the · practical facts that make the business world run. You should check the classified advertising section of the newspaper before going . out to look for a job. It will tell you who is hiring, what kind of people they're hiring, what the " going scdaries are and which jobs are plentiful, which are scarce . (That lost item is important. It will give you a hint as to how hard to please you con afford to be. In fact, many al- ready employed people make it a habit to read classified ads, : even when they aren't looking for a job -just to keep them- selves posted on the job market.) And I'm going to give you some mo.re advice. Get eager. Show that you're interested.· Maybe w h'a t ·you kids coll The " Establishment is more interested in you than you think. '• Did you know, for example, that there are five non -profit job placement services in operation right now in the Orange Coost area, all trying to help you find the job you want? They ' are ready to help you find "one-shot" odd jobs, a summertime • j.ob or even the job'i that could start your lifetime career. ' • • But they won 't hand the world to you. You've got to keep : trying -on your own, through the classified ads and through·:; th'? employment centers. If you don't "make the sale" the first ' ti~e you try for a job, try again, and again. ~. • ' You may not believe it, but all around you employers ar~ ; looking for young men and women smart enough to gQ a~~r : a job in the old-fashioned way. When these em p Io ye rs find . one, they can't wait to get him on their payroll. Still waiting,·.; ., (Tlil~ Page Prepared and Published by The DAILY PILOT as a Public Service) -· -~ •. -. - . ,; ; ' . ' . . --. ''J \ . ' ' . T ..... ~.........-..-· "--------·.....-.............-----_.._..,.~.--------------..... -.... ~--------.·---·-·--- 19 PILOT-ADVE~TtSU Wod~, Juot 18, 1969 ., ,... llEAL ESTATE RIAL ISTATI Apt&. Unlurnl"*' · General GeM<al BUSl~ISS w flNAHCIAL Newport I-" S200 It. E. W1n!M '240tl. I . Wantod 6240 ~ ta I.Mn fi2~c1!.~o~R~:~· .. ~·~;;~~-y~;.,-;~;;~~.li ~1,~t.~~iiiifV~:~~-,-~iis ~En~~r._iiiiii4iiiiii .. ~ 1iiiii 1 iii~~-$~ii fJ20, mo. No chllclten, ao "r,ts. i ~ \:.--ml 84:1-3918"""' :"¥.. ' . -., " ·, ' 0:1'~~ :'' bltot. ~: • • ,.;,;. v,.,r HoiM:' 1 ..,;11;1 ' 615--0753 oi'.fO..«m · ~ . AbtolU..ly M COi t • · • •• . to you Illa SELLER I Coron• dol Mor 5250 12 years oi paying MORE CASH !or Orang~ County Property. • Coll tho Rott ••• Thon coll ttio BEST .Beath 4pls. Found If rft Ads) 6400 "'"" R OB'E RT A'S lnleriot' Dc<:oratinc. __A19oc. tnterion ._ ·.a. ._.S by Wtnto.d. i< 1>r serv. 6311 * ILECT(!ICI~ E. Katella, Oranp. ""°"' * Ml LL MIN 633-$988 * CARPl!NT I RS l="';;;°=====I* CABrNET ~ERS Ironing 6755 * WELDERS Whoddyo Wont? WhHdye Clett ·SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION POR JAPANESE IRONING * GENERAL HELP 84i>6345 * LINOLEUM MEN Call alt" 7 PM * CARPET MEN NATURAL llORN SW"'PERS Spoclol Rohl 5 Line• -S tlmet - 5 bucks ltUl.ES -.lt.D ¥UST INClUOe 1-Wlltt rou llll'l'e to ffaclt. 1-WIMI ~ wtnl II'! ,, .... ... 'COUit ..,._ Inell., __.. ..... tlne9 t1' MYflf'lilln .. ~OTHIMG F01t SA.LI!' -TltAOl$ Of'41.VI PHONE 642-5671 To Pl•<• Your Trader:1 '-•r..U" M J•"itorlal 6790 Overtime· Day Shift ::.;;:.;;=;;.._-...::..;.:: \VAllll, Wlndow1, floors. Major medical and lire ~ carpets. Commercial & sun.nee, paid holldll,)'1, pa.Id l"'Sldential. Daily, weekly vacation and mall)I other a.nd/or Mo, 897-7350 company benefits. Paporhlnelng APPL y IN PERSON LaJt, Arrowhead waterfront ,P;_•;_i;_nt;_l"l,;:.. ___ ..;61=50,1 3011 Newport Blvd. tree Ii: clr; $50,000 vaJ. Pa· 1 • Costa Mesa, Callf. ciflc Paliaadea ocean vu lot INT I< Eld. Painti.... t' •• • --==-=°""~:;:;,~;.:;_;.o_ '"" " c1r. 121.000 vol. .,.; wo-.:n.hl;-:-~:,. DESIGNERS Want:· Income. Bier. 548-mt Rates. Uc. A Im. Cell & Newport Heights lovely 2 Chuck 645-0809 CRAFTSMEN BR ~e in nicest resident· PAINTING Int & Ext Lowest . ial &rea. Tl'a~ $13,000 co.ntracted prices. FuUy inll. People with heavy ~xperl· equit)' for income or va· Satisfaction l'Jar. Free est. ence in rotafin& equipment cant land. 642-2199 Jim Weeks 673--1166 are u~ently needed by -· progressive aircraft com· PIODUCTIOll I' PAllftt '"I. '" "l!lth' ~ ond 11 .. years ••perle.tc. .,.. ong oll ty-w sfi- e1 of spray 9UM,. pressure pumps .,.. t y p h o n 9t1UIP"*'t plus full "'-lodte el thl"nert, ..rventt .- p1lni. unclor ,...,,r,f spoclffcotfons. WHI .. p1fntl"f aluminum boats. Coll for oppolnt,,,...t to Poto Helfrich -·· Ext.' 154 ~ H1rbor lllvol. Cotta M,u M.isaile S)lstfms Diviskia ATlMTIC RESEARCH CORPORATION A Div, ol Susque~ ,Cotp. ' Equal opportunity tmployer 6 Unit!, Santa Ana, inc. PAINTING, int. I eXl. 2 ponents manufacturer. Ex· $600 11fo,, valut W.800: tfrii11'ersity senlon;, 3 yrs perience in fuel pumps, e.lec. want lgr. units or land .. or· t,xp. Resp., neat, depen-trlc motors, and fan9 ia de. srn. ·honie. SUb. otters. Py. dable. 833-2'J32, 492-4432 &ired. Btg company benefits ramld Exch~on. &16-2629 INTERIOR Paintini 12 yn with 1mall company "atmos- h vel lot tov..~ring pine?, on Bay area. tmmed Service. phere. Reply Box M 6.12, the I miii&-•iii•iil0ii9J exclusive Goll O>une Rd., Call Bob, ~46 DAILY PILOT. MOTOR tlOMf Lake Arrowhta<t, .P'OR ttl· e PAINTING, reasonable, CAREER •lex ., <·plex, O>ota M•sa het estimate. • BlJllDERS l teL Fortlp, Rltr 842-5000 * 494-8238 • OPPORTUNITY! . • Will trade, AUg. Beaut borne IEX=:-r=i"in"o,.., "••°'t'=g.::A;;v-:,:::,-:,=m,-. ""sio Joil'l todays fastest P'DWinl ir, Burllngame w/3 BR, 3 + &ood paint, neat \\'Ol'k, professlcm-MututJ Ftmd 1ale1 • lfffMBLW BA den, pla. rn1. Spect N --"''" IUJ baY view, ior accom. on !be refs. Roy, 847-1358 o ~,.....""n<» nectasu')'> Bal. Isl, N'e,wport, CdM. PAINTING, Papering 16 yrs We train . full or part time Xlnt refs. (4151 J6l.J212 in Harbor area. Lie &. bond· Mutual Fund Atlvltort, wk days. 8:30-5:00 ed. Refs furn. 642-2356 1603 Inc. lift Gf 3 BR, den, 2 ·ba, pool, cpV e INT EXT ANY SIZE Npt B. Westc . 2-6422 drp, in Np. Downey. Valued JOB. xint wo;k, rds, fret: S.A. 1212 N. Broadway at $45,000. Trade for 4 BR tit. JIM 642-4669. 547.1331 home in CdM or Nprt arce.. Day or Nit'ht 2J.3.9'l3-ll31 Ple1terlns1. Rep1ir 6110 C1ntone10 Style Cook ;9000 eq. in 50xl40 R.J lot' \V/id rented hse, next to1 Garden Orove Civic Cntr ~ HS total val. $20,500. Trd tor' Wlita or ! 547-6469 Bkr. 9PATCll PLASTERING. All types. Free estimate, C&LI 5!0"825 Plumbin1 '"° Apply in perS011 Wu Ben'• ·3.13 Bayside Drive ·Newport Beach Immediate openings tor men \vith experience in plwnl> ing, electrical, walls, cabin. els and finish • or we will train you. Must have 90m('. hand tools. See Rick, 2130 Canyon Drive, Costa MeSM 642-9758 • GRANT'S GULF SERVICE SERVICE STATION MANAGER !\lust be ~range Co. resident tor at leut 2 yrs. Major oil t'Otp.pany training pMtem!d. Excelent aa.lary &: company !Jene.fits. Apply in person 2 to6Pi\fat GRANT'S SURPLU!I: 17j() NeWpOrt Blvd. CM SPS Western ' • 270 1 So. Horbor, S.nlo Aro1 \ I ' 1 1 I I • -I ' I I I! ' l: . ' ,,. %1 · PllOT·ADVE~nSER -W!d-. June II. 1969 W14"""7, JtJot l!, 1969 OAJlY rtLOT 5£':_' J"'RS'"ISCrlli...,IMlmf'"'Lo"'v"'Ml"""N"')""J'"O"'a•s "1."IM""'P"LO"'Y"'Mrii"'N"''l'-:-Tf.lltin'11tcHANDIS'1 1'0~ MERCtlANDISE Pait MIRCHANDISI !'OR SALi-AND TllADI' MERCHAH_Qlll FOR pf.fS ..... 1.11/iSTOCk i llANSPORTATIOii L:. IH'-........ w-.-~----J;;!I; ::;i;. Wom. 7500 .J_ALE AND TRADI SALi AND TRADE 1-:S""A":Ll:;:..;.A:':N"'D:-T'-'llA=D:.:l':':':l l-M~·ll"'C'.-:H.;;.A.;;.N;;;D;.;;IS;.:• ... -'-:''::::-.:::'""A""Ll':'-'A"ND""--"-T~~~~:':ao::-: !!!r . 112$ Spoed-Skl --- Women • 7400 ~ ---,umlluro -umlturo ''°4!0 tewl"' Ml•hl-112 MllCfllo-uoow .. 111o-· • ALASKAN ?dal&mutu, (sled SKI , boat, Jobnpon . lS; tr\t·• : .. " e SECTY/l\ECl'l' • J. C. Pemtey Cc. Fashion Island Newport Beach * ri69 SINC!'.ll With zit-11.1' ' do¥ P\tPI), •AKC. beautiful rtmots contrOll; ~I~ I wai...t conoole. Make• but. REPOS.SESSIONS cot....,., "'"' famUy dop, "!In" nbt---. X1nl oJIPt)' lot r lrt w/ ~­ cepU penanalll)'. lltaT)' typl~. lite bk.kpt:, IJfvance to Eiec Stet)' w/ln 1 year. To $$00. Clll Mr. Richarda, =TAL AGENCY j A member of Snitllin& • Snelllnc Jnc. 2790 Harbor BJ, O>lta MeMa ee NEEDED Two Offlc1 Girls Muat be 21 and able to drive APPL.Y / 186 !Aat 16th St. Costa Mesa SECTY, EXEC TO ADMlN. Fut ' rnovinr busy ofiloe. N.B. electroncis firm, To -COASTAL AGENCY A membt'r of sne:nina: &. Snelllnr Inc. NEEDS FURNITUR E SALESMEN F'ull lline tmp~t . excellent incentive: plan and outstanding benefits. A chance to participate in this company's expan- :iion prosram. APPL'{ IN PF;RSON 10 AM to 9:30 PM l\fonday tbru Saturday J. C. PENNfY CO. 2190 Harbor BJ, Cclta l\leaa * INTERESTING Po 1 i t i o n mee.Una: public. n-29, at- 24 F•thion l1lend An equal opportunity e:m~r * 1 r act Iv~, unencumbered Ca r turn, galary open. 6f2..6198 *COOKS* I all ] I r1 ~[I} l r.. ... ton holea,. ~ t:tc., $5~ friendly, loflrc, f:U)' to Make cUe:r. 64J..stl5 ~ :J' L ~ , \!! ' mo •• $36.oo """· -* and * ::; 'i:."tctb ,-:O;d 1~ 1~~1;;!.' .=r. :_:: --• ••••••• t•••-Muslullnot. 1125 UNCLAIMED STORAGE Re•bt•""' purebred, 1125 Nuotr.612-2161 DECORATOR GETS CAMCEUATIOM Guitan e Amps e D.-FRIDAY, 7:30 PM, JUNE 20 up. '92-3$l3 OF 18 LUXU~Y APAl!TMlMTS NEW AND USED SACRIFICE, "''" toy - 12 MAJOR BRANDS Beautiful bedroom sets, divans, love seats, di•. AKC, u wka, female, Spin•-• & u.• .... -.,,., Fumilurt all "'°"· c11~. Also ,... ,,_,...., Al •• 1 1 At dining room !els wiU-CbJna cabinet1, deaks, ~ •LL "••NO NEW a "'1G D""1's~ompouN"Ts · Motht~• ,..... •1J.<1367 "' D""' ;: coffee table11 lamps, upright piano, iwo new . ....,._$111te11t'K1~ EVER\'THlNG ll"i MUSlC Baldwin oraans, color TVs, bunk beds, mir-ONLY 2 left! Adorable, ~~~~l~:.'';it~~~~::~'.jj " Buch Music Center L":1~ ~:~1·';.g~~~.fo;.';~r;~~i;;.:.~d :'!1::: ::~~. ~~~s .. ,,...ni f;!,f;:ifm~~.~·i·:·;·:·:·:·:·:·::·:::.'ft# 1 • o..Uy 12 ~ llU ,, StJ 9-5 stoves. New carpeting by Lees, and much ~~ ~e :.~; =: A decoralor dream house on display -3 mot s..et.111..s. 1it,;y: l9l more. AKC. Call ......., · h I . ( 111~...s, s.n m ... rwy. WINDY'S AU,...TION IARN !RISH •• rooms of gorgeous Spanis urn1ture was 11 Btaoh "4l.8'3fl .. .~1tu, AKC, mare, ro _ • _L u.. wb old ,cbampicn alttd. reg. $1295.00 UPR CRT piano with btoch ....,Ind Tony's B.,... Mot'! ' .. ,_,.,.. • · $398 tiq •1 1 l075Y, N1wport Blvd., CM 641 Mii SACRIFICE • . • • , • ~ura~ =~ ;ll~v S~~l~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!O!!P!!E!!N!!!D!!A!""IL!!Y!!!f!T!!!0!4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ s:::u."=· mal~~~ HO"'°""' DM. 11.0Ulllftl -WI CAA•Y OUll Owt4 ACCTS 644--0254 I' chldm. 213 .. 592 ... :1541 H.B. mm RJRUITURE 8!'.~~ •• w.:;~';Q= Ml•coll•-l600 FREE TO YOU ~i!~.ffiis. black " with case, e:xc. cond. $40. PAINTING & KrITENS frff to aood ~ ~Ta31 PLUMBING home:1. i male, 2 female. MIN. Schnauurs, AKC ·1144 M t Bl d (at •Spray iUN: •Compres-Habrn 4 weaned. 6 newpor V .Harbof lfvcl.} Planot & 5>'11n1· .130 aors e Elec makes e Plpe 6f6...1403 6/lS $50 ~:ee:,: =4 ' !Hes. I' t M I U I d R All Vory •IX!clal °"'111•/whlte POMERIAN Pupo Ch '""" ... os a esa on y JUNE SALE!!! n t• •nt semi·loni: hatr.d .. by kit· AKC .... Btaui. lem.r .. : !'.ry N'-ht 'TU 9 _ WICI., Sit. & S1m. 'TR 6 Factory authoriied clearance 710 W. 19th St .. Cos ta Mesa ten. 1 wks old, hsebroken &: 1111me lw.ve lhots. ~1204 '111 ot overage:, returru: & demos 645-0760 weaned. 333-2795 CHAMPION bred female Pianos & Ora:MI. Practice MAHOG. Seeretary, lamp, MOTHER Cat &: 4 klttena-, Encllth Bull. 'AKC ft&. Boot Tr•ll•n 9032 ·.;;..--"..-wAtm!:o TFWLER tr l4' Allboat. Call after I PM 64&.1027 Boot Melnllnon,. 90U JACK'S Eloctnmlc S<n1co Eloctric:al r<palr, -. new ioltallaUoa. 5G-l329 Boot Sllp -rl'!!I 9036 · FREE Uae: of :!O' slip In NB for occuk>nal u.e of 35 10 53·, power or sallbt 6'D-323S or 615--T2ST "WANTED" Side: tie or aljp tor u• po'llr'ft' boat Call- SMITH BOAT REPAIR Fi""11uin& 6 palnt\rc Free Eat 847.MM, 541).5556 -:! ~ 801t·Y1cht Ch1rt1ro ~· SALES \VOMAN. Ex· perW>oed in ladie1 read)' to ~·ear. Apply .Mon thru Frt trom, 10 • 4, APROPOS No. 27, To\\-n & c.ountry, Oran&.? HOUSEKEEPER • livt: in, motheries• h o,m ~: l tee:naa:e chldrn. \Voman w/ 1 un child OK. Pref. u/45. SU.1223 EXPERIENCED and NON-EXPERIENCED posltion.s ope:n Apply In peraon •000 pianos, nl'!W walnut sp~t table11, n1atchi"'1: Hotfn1an assorted colon. Free to Loves cbildftn. ~2951 Furniture IOOO Furniture · & · scd Grands --.i ho I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil pianos, ne\v u atcffi>, 42X72 drop.leat din. auuu me:. Call 54&-2981 GERMAN SUE pH ER D I I & demo BaJdwln Or&ans rm. table, china closet, like ail.er 5:30, all day Sat. 6/19 JJ\UIS. AKC Rea'd. Black & really &: trvlY on money ne:w. 546-9234 lJTJ'LE black ,kitty with tan, 5 ......... - BLUEWATER CHARTERS 21' 'ITOjan, Power ,.. lbUndtf!>lrd, Sail Flahina Rod Wrappen Expe:rle:nced. Tep pay. Brownlna-Mf&:. Co. 1919 Placentia. C.M. ~un GIRL FRIDAY, front office: neat, attractive, 1 h a r p. ?hon.ts &: bkkpr. $373 Call Ann .Williams, M4)..6ffi5 COASTAL AGENCY A member or Snellin& It Snt'llin&: Inc. 2790 }!arbor 81, Costa Mesa SA.LES It LIGIIT OUict work in fllabionable Lldo jewelry atore. Jewelry experienoe necHlary. can lor ap. polntment. Pennanent pcsi· tion. 613-9334 $EA.J4STRES S E S : Ex perieftced er will train. Full time. Apply in penon to-. Jobamen I: Chrilte:nse:n 898 W. 16th St. N.B. (L'Of711!:!' 16th I: Monrovia) BABY S ITT E R, l i te hOUsekeeping; 11-:'i, .,.kday1. At lt'ast 11 or older. Nr Baker l: Fairview, 0 1. 540-0,214 all 5: 30 pm. TEENAGE girl \\•anted 1,1 day, 5 day v1k., for I ?i1os. old, child c!lre:. C d lo-I . 675-2396 Jobs-:.Men, Wom. 1500 General Accounl1nl ' REUBEN'S COCO'S 1555 W. Ad•ms Cost• Mes• TECHNICAL ARTIST Dynamic Scit'nce: is lookinc: for a technical artist with experience in layout, ink Z. pa.ateup of charts, &:rafts &: pictorials for p1'0p0Sah & technical rePort.s. A know· ledge of reproducticn & photocraphy is dellirable. After July 1, we will be lo- cated al 2400 Michelson Drive, lni'ine, Cal.ii. 92664. Send resumes &: salary tt• quireme:nt.s to: DYNAMIC SCIENCE P.O. Bo.\'. 668, l\Ionrovia, Cal 91016. Attn: A.R. OeLelli1. Equal cpporl\lnily employer PROGRAMMER Experience with disk and/or tape B)'!te:mll. Prefer a kno1\·ledge of Hone)"\'ell 200 K'rit's computers, with a knowledge of communica· llorn; and a background in K·12 scbool processing, Sal- ary $785. to $958. NE\VPORT MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISI'RICT, Oassified Per· sonll("I, 1901 Newport Blvd., Costa l\-1esa. ~ • BOOKSJ"ORE CLERK Receiving &: unpacking, pric- ing booak, stocking shelves. Should have: gen. kno\vledge or invoicing. Hrs. during summer 8 to 4:30 pm, Fall 12:30 to 9:30 pm. Heavy Hr. tin& involved. $481 per mo. Apply . ORANGE COAST JR. COLLEGE DIST. 2701 Fairview Road Coata Me:sa. 834-:'i'lOS SALES: all aa;es, botne furn, " prod. sell discount. na oompet. may work from home, your hours. \Ve train. no exper. nee. Need sales personnel full or pt·tm. Mr Swanson ~29 SELLING AVON saving SALE!! Get 1n en ~ the big deals at: REDECORATING! Get a unusual white: mark Ins• Skipper available 64&-90DO '5' Aux khOcN• C. Guard Uc'd, 21 PIA 14 DAYS LEFT!! HIWMI SPECIAL OPENING SAT. A SUN. Te•rlng Down Building to M.ke Room For Our New Stor• \VAR.D'S BALDWIN SfUDIO free estimate on Vinyl and a:entle 4 habrlm. eve1. 1819 Newport, C.M. 642-MB4 lJnoleum. Lie. Co n t . 548-9578 6/20 ~-====-~---~tSHANE Nttds k>ve, black BEAUTIFUL Rug: 14 ~ 16 mix Lab r ad c r, wry lhag, wool, grttn. Top intdll&eht lor 7 m c 1 . quality. WW sa c r i I Ic e:. 549-1417 6/20 644-ll2S ADORABLE Kitte:lll 16) 8 SALE-Furnlahinp, m i a c . wk.I. old. House trained. Moving out of 1 t a t e , Will deliver to iOOd homtt. everything goes! 213 Uth 61~lll2 6/ll St , HB. S36-3976 VERY Gentle coune hair SOLD my oil bume:r. but lltill · OacMhund, 1 yr old. RaJ.aed have17 qt Te:xaco 40 Mighl \11/ small chldrn . oil. Make oUe:r. 642--7682 546-5846 6/20 Open Sunday 1 ID S ALWAYS A BUY AT Gould Music ComJNny PIANOS -ORGANS SHErLAND Pony, aood with 1n4} 548-5038, ~ ""'"""· I ========:I SPANISH ** MEDITERRANEAN $75,000 CLEARANCE • Wood game sets from $169.9.5 • guar. mattresses $19.95 • Spanish dinette set $69.90 • 3 pc. Spanish bedroom sets $99.95 • Spanish table lamps $12.95. Remainder of Huge stock al terrific savings? No down -t•rms to mfff youf' budget - benk fine ; Mester Ch1rg•, B•nk of Amerlc•. or Store Ch•'9'· • This S•lo For Stock on H•nd Only • APPROVED FURNITURE ]!~9 HAK~OK COSTA ME ')A ' ' > ' I I ' ' ~ " ' ·' 1.· • I"• O~il) ~.9 e S·.·nd11y 10-S e 548 9M>O --------- new and Ulled i\W'&nle:ed fi ne '.:.ttd ora:ans from $315 Baldwin-Gulbransen- \Vurt itz.er-O:inn· Thomas 76 pi1nos must be sold new and used Grand.5- conliOle:a-spinell New Wurliber spinell S;.G9 Gould Mu1lc Compt1r1f 2045 No. ?t1aln, SA 547.QIBl GULBRANSEN ORGANS WURLITZER PIANOS A ORGANS Pianos " Orran. Rented EVERYTHING IN MUSIC alter 6 pm LOVABLE 14 Wttk puppy. UNICYCLE ti.rzy black l,..abrador to a;ood $20 home. 6'13-486s or MUOOG. 613-2100 aft 6 6/20 * 54&.0952 * AQHA. &ta;. Filly, &rnd nat1 chmp stock, $1000 or best cHer. m.5058 GENTI.E whltt' m a re: , perfttt for child's flnt horse. $100. Phone 646-1'124 TRANSPORTATION ii;;; & YocfuS 9000 37' F/B Exp~llll '&l 3 PRIVATE DOUBLES TS 225'a. Onan, auto. pilot, TV, etc. Electric &alley, refrr. H/C shower. MUST BE SOLD ePAClFIC YAOIT SALESe 3446 Vla Oport'>, Newport cru> 587-5568 1n•> rn.is10 DIAMOND Sclltaire weddin& NEED food, 1helter for set. Cost $395, Rll $75 cash. abandoned aklnny yellow 673-3600 manx & malteR Ir. wht kit· BIG Leather chair & 6' ten. S40-filS3 unUI 4 p.m. couch bard wood con-5 ADORABLE kittens, takt' stn1clion. $50. 642-0501 one: or all five. Call Mr. er lleich Music Center ELEGANT Qulttod -·1. , Mn. Trimble, ..... 1910 "" '" '" cHRIS Corin1h1an. chr dlnette blue chip books LOVABLE 1 yr old Ge:nn. f'Ully equipped, lllc:e new SALE AND TRADE- MERCHANDISE FOR Factory Sales &: Service n\e:n·1 Sch~lnn. 6~ ' Shep. female. trained. Likes $2000 for equity. Call days G•r•g• S•le 1022 Dally 12 noon 'ill 9, Sat 9.5 S2x31 MIRROR $25. 2 rock.en kidll. 968-3035 6'20 737-o&>l ?.tr. Owen. Nights -~-------17404 Beach Blvd., l~lwy 39} $25, table $30, tamp $15, 3 KITI'ENS. P.lolly, Mule I: [ ;;,""'=""';;-c;,--.,...,~~= fumiture 8000 GARAGE Sa1c-V\V-door, 11,~ mi. So. San Olq;o Fwy. plants $2 . $15. 837-3367 Johnnie. a wks, trained. BOAT allp wanted tor Cal 24' ---~-----wlndo\\'ll. & fendtr. Antique 1-luntington Beach 847-SS.16 CERAMIC KILliS7S 642-3294 6/20 u.ilboat. Contact Mr s. SPANISH Returned from de5k. tab.te, Al-1-FM-ra?io, ENROLL NOWI 548-:i863 2 ~ ,Cock-a-poo/Ba.uet Carter 83Prfi687 befo~ s pm, ),fodel Hornell on aa.le al round mUTOr, car radios, n .... · cl 1 pupp e k ho'-1 or 837-5519 after 5:30 pm in1ercom, '6:! Chevy~ cyl ....... .,tn1K'rs &ll!i e: 1 so n I, I I, PlC )'OUl' c ....... o less than wholesale! Group eng. ,63 Ford wagon, chest, learn to play the orge.n .. Sl:< DIAMOND Cocktail ring. litter now. 642--4986 6/lll 17*' Inboard fibt'l'Jlas Cabin includes beautiful 9 6'' Bicycle. misc. i 1e m 1 , \i·eeks course, 5 tar 11 n e: H67~v.;.:,ppral $675, sell $250.l;3c-;;Kl""'J 1.;'EN;;;;S:',"1""3::"=-7~-=w::;:ht. Crulae:r. Gd cond. Slip avail. quilled sola It Jove seat, lDam-lOpm. S48--0368 June 17 at 7:00 PM. ~ king haired, 1 wkl. cld. Very Raworthf, fl97 5 . 3 Spanish oak decorator --='~=~=--1 Guaranteed rellullJI, $12. DIAMOND weddin& set ril!I: 642-1322 6/20 673-9361 tl'.bles, swag or table lamps, THE GARAGE Practice organs avallable, set. \Vorth $150, u.crilice FREE K' 15' GLEN L fJsb It ski boat, wall piacque, kin&;, queen, Used Appliances Ii: turniture. Also classes for more ad-$30. ~83 11tens 8 wka: old .68 model. 50 h u-..-. or full size bedroom suite B o. r gai n s! Dr cs s er ____ _. l · =====-,,""'==I 673-3065 housebroken. Dil· r•,, -.16 p .......... -". v ........ ..,.. Payers. Join Uie J>ORTABLE 1V, 15" scree. _ "· re,,·t patt-·. 6/~ -compl ete Incl bo,r sprlng11, vanities, dble & snaJ beds, tu , n. · 1 " '"" w -.,,==,--~---.... n. ,..,..g111 er now. VHF-UHF, great condttlon, LEAVING mattress. ll nens & boudoir $.10 gas & elec stove:t, refrig HAMMOND STUDIOS $40 &?3-2706 alt. 6 4. ADORABLE klttena, 7 wks. country • must lamps, Spanillh oak 6 pc $20 & $30. 1550 A Superior, 2854 E. Coast Hwy, CdM · old. 2 0ranp tabby 2 iell 17', 35 hp ple:uure boat, d1ninc: set priced else·.vhere Cf\l. 646-9188 673-8930 llOBIE SURFBOARD 9' blk/orangt'. 545--353) 6tl9 good cond, i425. 5.'le-1363 ~Rafj.~~ ~~I·~ d:;;, NiiECi1I'.G:i'.iHiiiBOORRSSTTRASHRAiiii'"'·"':~i·l:HAM"=M"O"N"D;_::·..S:;:::te~ln~w-.,.--, • .,..,-_ I ~:Juan.kl TO WVJNG home, 9 month 12' TRI-HUU. Bay T REASURES Everythmg maha • nt'li a: used pla.no1 old mixed breed female dog. 2117 s . L,yon, S.A. $4.9'J per ,,Pek , out of goes. 9-5, 6/20, 21. 22. 534 s. of all make•. •·•t bn ..... ,_ SET of Prestia;e: 1ilver, SU-4986 6119 545-0663 Boat. Mobllo -'200 GREENLEAF PARK ln clear, clean, COOi Costa ?.lesa. Ne:w 9'J spue adult park, Models I: StJn olnce located at Park. Opeb I AM to 6 PM. ACCENT MOBll.E HOME SALES lr;>Q Whittler Ave. Costa Meaa n4: 642-1350 VERY clean 10x47 2 BD, rup, drps, awni n11 . Beautiful adult par II: • • 646-2'i32 FOR a new Mobile Home in .. new Adult Park. Walk to ocean. sauna and pool Gell course, 536-71'31 HIGH QUALITY xurl' cond. 6 clsts Cooler Sp rent $35 Immed poss. 642-4664 '59 UNIVER&AL 1 Ox 5 o , partly furn. Excel cond. Adult park:. $3900. 646-121'6 10 x 50 FURN1SflED lbdr very rood rond. ........, I' TURNPIKE, fully equip- ped Not OTer/cab. ~ 642-7673 au 4 ... ~ --· Motor Homea 9215 NEW Uwide 2 bdr·i; deft 2 bath crptd. draped. Sl0,950. can finance. HunL by the Sea. Ne. 127. 53&-1686 Mini Blku 9275 RUPP ·3% bp. Xlnt amd, almost new. Loaded. $2T5 • new w/tatt $150. &H-1498 :•, 1tate credit OK. \V 111 Bal I ~ -· •• 1 I lti •AO: Bayfront. s. So. Calif. riabt here. Pace ae ngs, ....,, 1 YR old fem cal, black. ~=e ~~~e9 ~~ ANTIQUES & MISC. SCHltIDT MUSIC CO., 646-1424 Free kittens, 7 wkll old. S•llbo•ta 90l0 Motorcyclff Garden Grove 8 Iv d., 2012 Commodore Rd, 1907 N. Main, NORCOLD Refriierator • 497-1808 6/20 BOAT Show Excalibur, full 9300 '.' 1968 HONDA Garden Grove n..a .• 10-9, Baycrest Santa Ana Convt gall or t'lec, 4 cu rt., FEMALE ,. Do .. -, race It cruise. 5 Bap of ~<UV $75. 54>J,j()!I aft 4 pm. 11 ..., .... an ~1 Sat l.CMi, Sun U-5 Come GARAGE SALE THOMAS Elt.ebic or E' an German Shepherd, s years u.llll, var1ent w In c hes, ''350'' • . . 1n or call CTI4) 53G-6240 JUNK TO ANTIQUE with di instruction books. KJNG·SlZE loam mattress old, ~381 6/19 dlnctte, 6 HP outboard, 336 A. Victoria, CM in rear SJ.50. Xlnt cond. throughout. arid 1prlng1. $98. Excellent ro GOO many cruiti.ng .vctru. Kl SCRAMBLER ·~ ~=~-~~-~-1 Call "'" -1 • ]q·• co-•'•llo-. •••7513 D home, a11Crted 7 7""" D•"• •••• E·-. .., ..t-BACK Door Sale. SCwing ..,.,,......, .. tv'el '"'w '"'1 "" " .....,... kittem, 215 Oceanvlew NB -._ ~ .,...,,. • .. i : 3,500 actual miles, fll'•-' n1achinc & misc itenu. 1882 WANTED CARPET all styks and col· 640-3402 6/19 n 4: 639-l22& handle bars, dual carbl. 1' J\.1onrovia, CM. 646-7249 SPINETS It GRANDS ors. Free estimate. Lie. PUPPI~ all ,_ KITE No. 539. Likt' ne:w con-SS00.00. Phone 962·U87. . tncludine aJl 1ene:ra1 ac- countin& functions in 1 amall m1c. co., audit of account· ini:: machine runa, journal entry pre~aUon, payroll repcrts &: coctrol Cuh dil- burlleme:ntll, preparation. of ~ 6,tancial &: 1tatiatl- cal repon. Auist controller in dept. planning & special LllliJnme:nts. Related ~per­ ience required. Kno1vledge ol bookkeeping machine op· uation helpful. IS FUN Earn a.s you learn. Pay bills, make-h'iends. Te11'itory ope:ninp ne:ar you. ;>40-10C1 or 546-6341. SCRAM LETS ANSWERS Tingll' -GraJ)C' -Grun1my -i\larlin -Ei\IPTY ~3675 ~Co:="!;. ;540-:='llG=l====~I • 1~ mvi; breed, dltlon. Biktni blue, mJst blue 1"'5 Hond '· _ nutty, vane:ty cf color1. d "' • • • · 1 Appliances 1100 UPRIGHT P iano. Beautifully l6lO 54&-7087 6119 eek, black boot strlp. Hard Scrambler, S,300 miles. Good :·: I 2 re:tlnished, $l50. Misc. Wented TOO ull, cedar nukler. 4 part condition. Aaldfll' $310, or GE Refr gcrator dr 18 cu ft * 545-7098 * L box Jo~ PU truck, vang. S675. 714/488-7188 best cUer, includlnc Helmet · . auto def1u t Deluxe IW· O .wide bed. 408 Ford Road, COLUMBIA Oefend~r 29'; with Bubble. Call afttr 4 • ing~ut crispers, & sllelves. PIAN W~NTED WE PAY MORE C,_f after 5 PM 6/19 sleepll 6; JO HP Inboard; 847 n 87 APPLY AT STACO, INC. A sruffrd shirt is usually 11. very Ei\IPTY person. LEAVING STATE 1139 B•k•r St. or pay balance of $149"See: Labrador &: Germa. 64.~.1 4 •• 17,.,, e TRAIL BIKE e at Henderson's 1877 Harbor, Television 1205 " "'""""' ; J"r o>-1 ~, Coat• Mei• 549.3041 BEAUTY O~alor needed, deluxe beauty Salon. No. 19 ?ofonarc Bay Plaza. Lag. Bch. Niguel Hair Fashion 49S-222, Early Americ1tn sola &. chair. Distressed rnd t11bll', corfet! table. 2 n1;1tchini;: la1nps. 9xl2 oval bruidcd 1i.ig. Besl urfrr ~.ll or separu.le. Call aft 6 pn1 \\'kdeys or all day Sat & Sun. 536-3968 :r.take payments of SID/me 12131 8n -100:; Pvt Pan y CASH 3 FEMALE p u Pp 1e 1 • full raclna rear & extru. "p_.m_. __ ·--·-----1 Costa l\.iella.. 548--0155 . Shepherd mix. 548-TI42 6/IJ Sp 0 RT y A I< SAILlNG 1968 Honda 90, &Uto. trail 1p., : ==~=~....,~--1RCA Color TV. large screen 2 FEMALE Kittens, white DINGHY, Ail, alum mut, 1300 ml., $:150. CeJl Jt&.'1219 ---: FRIGIDA IRE elec dryer w/ Beaut. walnut • gralned For furnH~. appliances. wlth blk. mrkp. to iOOd lttboards, cust. r u d 'r , An f!QUal opportunity employer BEAUTICIANS BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Rent space in Huntington Beach Salon. Reasonable. 847-91&4 WAITRF.SS. C 0 CK TA IL aft 4:30 PM. WA IT RE SS· C 0 0 KS =s;EA"'UT=l~C!AN=°'.~•"1.,-,t"1><-,-ood-. BUSBOYS. 1tyllat. Fint cla11." llhop, appq in penon Corona deJ ~far. Guar. + Newport Grotto 60%. Call 675-lm, eves. guar~ntec s, 100. used 2 mo. cabinet l\.1akc P a Y m en t a colored TV, stereos and an-homes. 642-8043 6119 $89.50. MB-6617 ~ . blHONDFuDA 175 c;_,c Admiral cec. stove, good SlO/mo or take eve r """'am er. wuran..,, cond. $35. 20333 Acacia, San-bala"-ol -.62 •-at tiqucs. LIVE Bunnlea· tree. ~1285 HOURLY h ENTAL.S 600 mi, SSOO or ctter. ...... • .... , ~ Day or nlltht 3153 K i 11 a r n e y Ave, * Rhodes 19's * 642--9'82 ta Ana. Hendenon'1 1877 Harbor, 636-3620 C.M. 6/20 ru:rt Zone Boat Co. BalOOa .=-,,==-,=--:== WASHER/dryer, Frigidaire, C.M. :;u..o155 '&I HONDA 150 CLEAN, Custom Imperial, mtchd DRAFTED Must 1 e I I ! $ 2 GREY with whllt' and COLUMBIA 29, l/3rd in. LOW MILES. t: LE C . while. Gd cond. $60 pr. 196S-23" Motorola QI.war, $ WE BUY ~~7 wlty white; ldn:; ~:'dn:r~~~s;=· sr613-AR1037TER $150 PV. PTY. 673--059S complete $Olk! .slf,te bli • ! • :W \V. Cout H'WY· N.B. 673-78:)1 ........ MOVING: sp. piano, llleno, asllCrtcd chairs Ir. tables. living room 1uile. dining rm. 1uitt". :; bdnns. one refrig. Other v a I u a b I e lte:mll. 546-2184 68 FRIGIDAIRE Custom noor model, $400 or be:st of· $ FURNITU RE $ FREE ftmalt's, ColUe/Labra· LIDO 14 No. 2661 w/trlr. '64 Honda B S\lper Hawk. J m p eril'I ?.1 o bl l e fer. fll 778-3482 APPLIANCES dol' pupple1, Calleo ldlUn, Exce.lle:nt condlticn. 2 )'I'll Seeat1725 SuperlorCMor ! QUALITY Do"'YI and !>'eathcr dish\\·ashcr. Cherry top, C.IM TV'1-'i•J10'.-Stort•'• black ' sold. 491-2362 Silt new. $1339. 545-398:; Evell call 6464022 newport . peraonnei agency TECHNICAL POSITIONS Many p~ulcnaJ Ir. tech· nical po11IUona available. Call M. Bauirhman, 642-3870. S3l Dbvef Drlve I Nt'wporl Be:ach GOlDEll OPPORTUIBTY Schffl .. ln1tructlon 7600 Be Prospero~sl Good typin&: sklll1 can open many door1. Inquire abou t our "Door Openers". NONA HOFFMA.iV, N•wport School of Business 83.1 Dever Drive Ne"'JIOrt Beach 642-l87tl Scfa, Casual uphol1tery; I 'loco or Hou10 Full I ==~.~-.,c..;.;;c;;c-~ I ~=~~=-~--" "==~~~--~-knv cabinc1. both Verde front load $130. 646-6888 Hi-Fi & Stereo 1210 CASH IN JO MINUTES FRE,E kittens. 9 weekl old. LEHMAN 10' excl. cond. '67 HARLEY Davidlon 2§0 cc Grttn. 67>-2113 FRIG~OA IRE Autom~tic KUf Steno lt'ries 24, J . F. • 541-4531 • 6f6..:64l3 al~. 1pan, flbef'ill.SI $&K1 Sprint $450. "'"'=~"-'-'-~~~I wa.sh1ng machine, turquoust. 2175 ~-Pl lS OLEANDER trte1, 5 to 1 aacnfi~. ~21'l4 * Ml-9139 ii 8' SOFA ~ver used. Quilted Box 3ll, "'""'"'tgon ·• WANTED TwJ 11 · noral. Scotch·guardcd, Sl20 needs 1n1nor ttpa.ll' $50. Nt'wport Beach : n stro er UI ft hlgh. pink " whlte. You ~ No. 4144, good cond. 1961 BSA, 650 l.J&btniq:. ~1atchlni love lt'at S7S. 549--0283 aft 6 PM. gooc11 condlUon. Call 837-9682 dli:. 548-J525 f\111 racina: gear ~ dolly Perfect amd. Best offor S.::7-80.12 REF'RIOERATOR • Stan-Sporting Goods 1500 anyt mt' 13 CUTE puppies to eood incl. l350. 548-ru& over $!CIO. M&-SlSI BEAlTTl.FUL Teak executive- . desk-paid S350. NOW S200. See at 245& ll oa;ar, Eastbluff, or call 644-4170 ELEGANT Matq. din. set: Table lo: 3 leaves, 6 chra, buffet. mirror. 64M834 da.rd, bronie. \Vill sell S40 or -- -homes. 646-7230 :rt' CUSTOM Ra~ Sloop HONDA :m "ScnmbSer" "'"' •""· 644-1351 Skin Dlvl"I Equip FREE TO YOU USED c1oon from 1., .. e "Dolphin." CCA n tod-19 "'"t. '°""· 337 Ki~ Bornott REFRIGERATOR $30. Ga.a U.S. Oiver1 tanks fr ... ·· .$j9 TOO m•••h 1.,. tlllo old ••l•. apt. Call 673-4387 6/19 flnt place trophitll. 67l--0512 clutch, $495. $48.-8348 slovc s25 dcublc bod no U.S. Divers regulaton Ir $40 .. lJ'.lO M franw., si. &4&.i57? , ' New Nylon lined Wet &ill &autUul white mothcr cat HALF-Siamese kittens, (4), co yers Manx loaded, t•so low 81 , ............. $39.PS wit h t while and t blk/wht. blue e.yea. 846-1129 6/19 Mu1t Sell. G?'Mt bu.y for on. Motoncooten " KENMOftE Au I am at l c Cl.lltol'n duck feet fins .. $8.95 kHlen. \VIII PRY for aJt. of FEMALE Beqle 1 yr. old. xlnt cond. 54.S-74U LEAVING (:()Untry • tnU8l washer. xlnt cond. • AQUATIC CENTER mcthcr if you will adopt. &47-5990 ' 1120 22' STAR Sailboat. Xlnt sell 1geq CUlhman moror Educational Vacation 5th 1--========; I $3S. * S47·Sll5 453;; W. Ccut Hi&'hway 5"8-ffi!IO S/l9 FLUFFY Gentle: lftY killen cond. Deluxe trailer ICOOler, rood eond. f lZ. lf'l.dmi , •. St Citizens Offlc. Furniture 1010 \VH1RLPOOL Aulu. wuher. Newport Beach 613-5440 FREE to owner or new S42--0896 61a) $1650 U s.-5982 538--7863 · ; Qi~t .10 le.1.!0n typi11g I Late model, Xlnt cond. $6S. F80 RO home Part male poodle SABOT _ AU. GLASS ' Sehl Trial Lesaon. 113 ........ 1 DESKS Wanlut c.,cc 32x60, S47-8U5 SUR A SALE pup . 2.J rr.onlhl old OLD bike needl l Ir 1 1. DACRGN SAIL NO. 2322 Triller, Tr- 1.1'1' choice or 3. Swi~l de11I: $110 7'6 F1awltu Harbour py, · ~71 f/20 ..... , ~nc!!a~ c~?eer.':: 1itu C.11. 5'8-2859 chrs, 2 black lealher 11lde ~EW dl1hwasher &; d ee ftapler . olhtn. 8t6-i621 ~ • 611& S2!IO 64&-6159 TE::l\'T TRAILER. prop .tv, ! -I -~I ' ' .. jwid, &0<9477 POOR Gndts! s u m m er cbtl, 6' ao'd nau:;. !ICfR. range, i Ull ln cartons. Make WORKING &irl must find PITS end LIVI STOCK UDO 14 No., 2Tn. good cond. b box. wtr tnk, ~tn. rm. , : , '"!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!"'l!!!!~~!'J!!~I Tutori~ DOW avail. Rtmed D&ya 645--4>111 E ve 1 . ofler. 962-456a. ~ Mflcell1neou1 MOO new home for Ione l y ~.IOO NI ndnr Pie" 4 yan1 $400ibnt. 915M61!-~ !· IWotmmnn, • oppommit1 ttad1rw teacher CUSC creel) 54~79 STOVE Obl:.1 oven, Dtct:io lovcabl~ klttt'n. Ptttian, 3 Pett, Gen.rel dolly incl $1311D, St3-7U6 1 : Jot ilx auteafve yogna emphula on Pb o a I c • • LEA111ER davenport A 2 etauL <And. Call morns. LAMP. Table, Patio eet, mo. charcoal/white. Aftt'r 1 * BABY bPOSSUMS ; SPRITt, sm&JI f • m 11 Y Tnl-.,. Utllty "50 . ; ' I T P10f1e to Itani 1 nRW pr. ~-===-~==~~..., I d ub chaltl. Xlnt oondltico. for appt. 96S-t940 Ortucr, Oritntal r u r ' PM. 642-00Sl 6120 aaie A unique a cit ~ ...Ubot.t, Fllfrrllu. Ulm , '• -..on.:1' baor1 ol ~ ORM.NG LESSONS, 1 1 t Call 64&-.3118) Stud~ Bed. 'SI wubet', KITTENS: Gray It white 64~ an pl new, $700. Eves.. flS..2865 TRADE td udllty for amaD ! ; f:Qrlb31r'a(worklnbaubt lenon fret!•Dual control AntiqtMI 1110 a.: •~.Items Iona-haired male; tl1er LIDO ,4 _ hone:,Utr.OKfoc'Welab :: ~--.Nll · ~ =to:.al=·~m> ~~ Office lqu1pment I011 AnENTIOHi ~!i =: ~T.~!;; ~~e~c ~.J ~ C.ts WO New hand trlr. m.G732 pony. 7'13 ~l ~ fl.all or pt.rt .School 136-6T.U Mdf1uocr&pb , -ElUott Clock dtaltn, eolJ«IOl'I, r&-tinbh. 839-..1)2'J old. 540--113.l SIAP.tESE Chocolate point : I __,_ flilowlrc ,..td. MONTESSORI ~ .,...,..,.,.. with -""""' pair men. bobby;,i.' 200 NOW"S THI M<m!ER col g ""'· old • kllteno. Rtrbte....,, •how l'owor CrulMro 9020 Trucb 9SOO l! ...,I ahof, Xlnt ' loc. c:bOdrln acoepled )'ear 'l14-3J» :as:,~~ "TIME 'FOI bcrb&bynefdanewhome. quallty. 213/964 .. 124.l ir~SUPER.SpwtFl.lberman 1967 DODGE v~ blc ·a. ... 0wt1n11 ftalr raltdonl . ro,md. Aat• 2~~ to 10. Call: wahe elephants! om..11n1 to iM. a> GrandtatbC!r dock:t, 149 Bay, Apt. a aftf'r 5 PM ew:l/wkndl. "Ottp V" 219 Jntt rceptcr ft.JU. auta. Xbit c:oad.. ! . I m.m llW106, Mt-om DAILY PlLOT wANT ADS ""' '° llll5. All ''°"" ..id QUICK CASH o1. slliiEsr: Kl ..... -· i.. """· '""i.u. A'~· Ne. $11l5. -.. -:: APT ~ tor a.2 p. SOOrii Cout s.w.. -· Dial MUm ,.. RESULTS u u . THROUGH A BLACK m1n1atu" poodle, adoption coll -'""'' OR sc.a "'515-0663 1964 CHEV Pldl \It. 1 ey1. r t: unlta. ~ etl w/ tn.. Warn tt aaU on 2$' Race BUSIES'J' martel»&M» tn LARRY MORGAN housebroken, sood naturtd, pm Debor"ah Seutffrt PLANNING to move! Ycu'll bed, l'(IOd tirt1, racUa. ~ •1 band~• fix·lt b'Pt: llwn I. Sk>op. 64$-W3 town, 'nMI DAILY pJLOT .ANTIQUES-DAILY PILOT llke1 children. Call ~2079 StAM~E kitten.. 7 .wetks. l1nd an amaz:Lrta: number of end. $12T5. flS.390.,,... ! pool tare. ~ SPANISH • prin.te tutorlna Qasstfted lll!:Cdon. Saw ~11-73&3 WANT AD afle11 5 PM. 6/1 9 ScalpolnL S15. Call 842.1339 homt 1 In toda~"• OuslUed •61 FORD Pickup willll ~ • \ E)Cptrtenoed Ottk an • or clult1. 'YOID' home ot money, dme le eNort. Look nt:E QUICKER YOU Q1J... For Dl.lly Pllo Want Ada For DailY Pilot Want Ada. Oieck them now, •nrlftt, pertfd r 11.1aI1 I ~ t 49>ll5l • ml~"" ... 1151 l ""'"' :1 THE QUJCKEll YOU SELL ¥Jldl!!-od ..... Dial -t ltl!:SULTS Dial -SOOK rr 10 ·~n coooJi$125. m.• ~~~-~·~ ................. ~~L 1 ~ SfOA!LV PILO -·Juno 18.1969 iiiJiiPOllTATIOli tliANSl'OltTlTICIW TRANSPORTATION .1oopo tSIO 1..,..1rted Aulel -li e"rt..i _.um 9600 '" ,,_ Wo91n11r , __ .:.su.:=U...o.+RI-'---RENAULT ' -drive,............. :.~ 1ow mne.1., ....,.,.~,.,. FEltltAltl '67 RENAULT TRANSPORTATION 0TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION lmeottocl Autot -Imported A"!" 9600 Autw Wonted 9700 .Auto L111lng 9110 Uud c.,. VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN WE-:--:P"'"•Y-.-.-. ----'-= .i=~.,...::.::.::L:::.:EA;:,Sc..!_"'= I 1964 VW New 1"6-built eDI(. $7$0 Depend.Ible CASH 1969 Olds Delta 88 Royal, 2 BUICK • • PILOT ·ADVERTIS£!1- N TRANSPORTATI CHEVROLET new. V..S, a~dc ~ N;:wpo1t l.ml)anl Lid. Or-R-10 4 Dr. Sedan. Still lookl ,· mlnkla. power a~ uce O:mC)"a cmb' autbi:Jr new Ser No 58248.. $1377. power brakn. factory air, I.std dMler. N~ Cat ·Dir ·646-9307 But '68 VOLKSWAGOI • 646--2944 • !========I '°' -..,. • ._..""" dr. H'f, 455 e,.., tUJ'hi>.tiyd· 1 ro. air/tntd 11.,, pwr wnd/~ w~ al, labda~ top, S new '68 Buick Speci11 Sedan, v.s. auto, dlr. fact. alr, pwr sir. RJght rroni Leisw-e World. Sl25 cash del. or take foreign car. Call Ken, 494-9173 or 54!Hl631. NEEO A CAR? ' We Can Help Yoo! • • Jr olhel'a have turned jtou down e If you have no ddwn payment. • Jf you are ~· • wa.rran but., M:avy d'ut)< SALES-SERVle&-PARTS ~c..;:~::.;;,;·~'"'-='-~ rubber, overload sp~ 3.JOO W. C.0..St Hwy. '60 RENAULT Caravel.le. Fil"l!!stone wl llw tn, Lse lll8 mo. FuUy factory equipped. call ua fat tree mdmate. GROTH CHEVROl.ET VOLVO • ''This u~t IOld oricinall.Y NeVo'{)Crt Bef.cb Body .l int. needs work. tqrappmxhna\eb' $581&.'' 60-MOS SC0.11'164 Mech. good. $450. 8t7...fi817 lJc. No. VLF.ST Authorbed ftfG Duler $3799 FIAT Outstandlni Buy! '67 Fiat 850. cpe. Bl°', under 17,000 ml. Sll50 Owner mu.st sell! ""1111 JAGUAR SIMCA '65 S™CA 1000 Sed&n ~cl. cond. i:reat 2nd car. $575. Ownu 673-2430 SUBARU Subaru of Calif. VGZ 189 $1695 VOLVO ATLAS NE~ 164 ' NEW 1100 CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH NOW ON DISPLAY 2929 HARBOR BLVD. OOSTA MESA . 546-19.14 fl ' l • Open Daily 'til 10 p.m. fan, llDU .. ., VW1s . IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 111PORTS Bank F\nancing . TOYOTA·YOL'IO 1969 Cad Cpe de Ville, pwr Aak tor Sales ~ wind, 6-way 11. & · dr lock!!, ll2llH; ....... ~~ i:!v;t.; tilt str whl, a ir eond, solt- .... ""'ti........ ray &lau, Al-1/FM, w/s/w. IQ . 9-3331 Lee Sl 65 mo. --=-ic11,...4"'y ""w-H-1SOUTH COAST ,.~ r CAR LEASING • " 300 \V. Csl I-fwy, NB fUS.2182 FOR YOUR ~R FlRSl' TIME! Lease a New '69 for 6 Months CONNELL ....... with no obU.,tion. CHEVROLET ~ ~~~ Reid '0 ' '62 LE SABRE cream puff, Jo niiles. V t-ry fi'Csh. S600 ru· best. 642-.s584 '65 RIVIERA. all equip., yery clean. Nels body \\Tk, $2100/ best. 642--&584 . CADILLAC '64 COUPE de Ville, full power, air. l\iecb xlnL $1200. 540-78'28 ployed. .. ... Ma.ey modola to c~ Jn>m * * c.au Ji.fr. lillliQ', 893-5038 :--:· * '63 CHEVY II ...,,_ Auto. 6 Cy!. R/H ~:weu. $450. 675-3000 ..:,. '69 El c.am.ioo 396, 4 9ftd, yery low niileage. ~· .n4-M94 bet 1 &. 4. ~:· 1957 O!EVY 4 DR. :&Jd oondiLion, clean. $300. : : * &39-Sli79 * -,. ·57 JAG. u "'·"" M;. lnc.-Retail Div. " S49-30ll Exl 66 or 67 Wire wheels. $3ID'.l. $l2'l POE 1970 liARBOR BLVD. Orig. owner. 4934683 $213 OOWN ""'-· C.M. .....,., $44.03 * 36 mos P 1800 Pl115 1 final pymnt for ice of J. All ready to £:0. 2828 Harbor mvd. 642-0010 Costa ~fesa 541).1200 Font Authorlzt!d '66 BROGHM. ONLY 16,CKXt !'tll every Cad. extra. ex!. cond. sacr. $3495. 842-6265 '58 CHEVY. Xlnt tran41etta. tion. $2'l5. Call 673-7®'. er "b:;-;;,,iCO~ST~A~MESA~~::;::.I ;~~~~~~~;'; 0ptequip$.10.Fre~htn4.50 ;167 BRONCO Wqon 4 wb<d KARMANN GHIA ~,:".n.i ~j=.50 • drive 6 eyl, radio, beattr.1--------- title. Full 2 yr, 24.000 Low as CONFIDENTIALLY i..-n::;~•m ml wfUTallty. Avail only at T lo M MOTORS $1799 \Ve P8y More For ROBINS FO IZW483 Fo..-;go 0< ~porn Car> RD 548-1940 eyes. : ;J CAMARO CONTINENTAJ, !~ ,rear 1aeat, Red with white FOR We: Karman Ghia 1000 W. Coast HIWAf, N.B. • hardk>I>. $1,e. Call 8'IS-d CoJ'.IVL 1958. New tires, runs 645-aliO '* 5-41).2'733 8081 Garden Grove BlYd. 646-9307 Dir. PAID FOR OR NOT 2CIO Harbor BJYd. '62 CONTINENTAL 4-Doi::>R ONE -OWNER C"AR fil!OWROOM <X>NDITION. ALL EXTRAS. $8X>: ~V. '67 CAMARO ... . eo:xt. $«Kl. 642.-1947 ecre1rft' Vehicles 9515 . TOYOTA 534-~P:_:. ~~DA~1 ''58~v=o"Lv"'o~«""4.-R~u-"'-•""'~-B. J. SPORTSCAR O>sta M•.. 6-IUIJJO ---·"68"'""°'VW=---1 ~;~ $~e~L carbs. CENTER UMd Cars 9900 V8 • 4 spd • Big engmt • All extras • VAC.::~:i. MG • TOYOTA HEADQUARTERS ELMORE 15300 Beach BIYd. \Vstnl11litr Phone 894-3322 Excellent condition inside & ·-2833 1-larbor Blvd. TIRED of SHOPPING out, honey cream ext., plush Antiques, Classics 961.S Costa Mesa 5104491 BECAUSE OF black interior. S:l25 Cash WE PAY TOP e &· t ed d • d•t., di<, or trade • take low ~31 DeSOTO. Runs well, CX· OOL LAR lll& w-n own · • No II do'vn payment! • Out oI pyfl'Ults. LB VHJ 194, Call ce ent body condition. t7DO. !or 1ooc1. clean used cars. state credit'!' :::8;;"'=;;· ,.5<5-0034i"-i=.<====-I'' ="=S-=S404======= I all makes. See George Ray call us !or immediate action FOR A GRAOUATE 'Rico Cui Rods 9620 Th<Odore Rohm• Fon! * 193-5038 * $2297 646.9307 011 .. 67 CAMARO SS 11•/R.S. package 350 4 sp. (X)Si·lrac- lion. Vinyl roof. $2250. 962-1831 CHEVROLET Tan '66 VW Exel, Cond. ----'-----I 2060 Harbor. Blvd. Must sell. 21,000 mi. alter •32 FORD ROADSTER C.M. 642-00lD BARRACUDA ·55 CH.EVY· 11 ss, 4 spt'Cd, 6 p.m. 642-5333. Best offer by 6/18/'69 JMPORTS WANTED air~ Best otter. VW $300 83tJ.S228 aft 5 PM Orange r.oonties '65 BARRACUDA v .s, auto 4944121 after, 6 pn1 TOP $ BUYER Pftllls, many extras real I "'====±7.':-=::c Autos W1nted 9700 Bll.J. MAXEY TOYOI'A sharp call eYes.. 642.-8996 '62 CHEVY SS Iinpa.la Conv. 642·3407 PTY .673-1037 ~~. CORVAIR :. '65 CORVAIR 2 Dr. Pithte party. $500. ~2537 4dl 6 pm on .wkdar.; :;: . CORY~:-. ---'64 CORVETl'E. Con\'. P,._fW, P/B, 327, 4 speed. JltAH. Best oiler. 6"2-0102 aft C. 18881 Beach mvd. 321 cng. Orig 01\'IIT, S500 W'll 8 cash or best oiler. 642-4834 -·57 vw Sqwu-ebook. bi"" I uy H. 8'ach. Ph. ,.,_.,.. BUICK DODGE --------1 '" OIEV 2 ~, •~top X!ol • radio, w/s/w, new tires. WANTED: JUNK CAR s --""" '"" ---- real sharp! $1650 or best. Your Volkswagen or Porsche TOP $SS. '66 BUICK Riviera AJi.1-f'M condilion SD>. Call 66-~ '68 GIARGER, air, 111t:i;b, ~Di& or 833-2'225 &: pay top dollan. Paid Ior * ~5100 * rad, air cood. like new. Low '63 BEL AIR 2 DR gd. cond. landau top, tape s&no. '65 vw Bus, '68 Sundial or not. Call Ralph '°T=HE=~Q~UJ"C~KER=~ro=u~CALL.=~ Blue Book. S235D &14-2448 S57S. Call ~1260 $2750. .firm 5 4 6 • 3 $ ! 3 • Inter. re-built eng. $1900.l,_,=::=='™""'=:=~===~THE:;;:~Q~UI~CKER~~Y;::O;::U~S~El~J ..'.._=~Ol~AR~G~E=l~T~! ==~D~A;;IL~Y~P;;ILOT~~W~A;;NT~A;;D~S~! !='54~0-fil!~'§=====:~ 67"°.>-1865 &: ~ I V.W. 66 "BUS" Like new $1500 PriY. Pty 542-5118 Eves & wknds 68 VW Squareback. Ex. cond. Extras. Warr. 1200) mi. Make oiler. 646-3307 ... VOLKSWAGEN • '62 VW sunrool, radio, good condition, $645. Enter· in~ service. 4!»-1329 .. * P.U1-TOPS * 1teeJ shella. Saln 1' ren· tali. Jl49 up. Buy factory dittct. 1010 So. Harbor, SA. CHEV P.U. 6 cyl w/ Hlway Crui 1 er shell camper. Good con d . • !148-5917 Musr aell '69 MG-BGT, British racing green, VW WESTPHALIA am/fm radio. 5.DJ mi. Xlnt CAMPMOBlLE P o p · U p cof¥1. 67:>-2422. Top, like new cond. orig. 1---sc~=c-:-.---I owners wiAh they had tiJne '49 MG Touring to utUiie 4~ 638-41Jl9 '64 VW, new 1600 eng., guar., new int., stereo. XLN'T' cond. $1250. 673-5634 9600 Imported Autos 96001mported Autos MGB •••••••••••••••••••• : TEMPTED BY : :[!1~00[0]00~]? : Ji rlu p Ll rt }I 111 p Ll rt ~' • SEE DEAN LEWIS TODAY! • • • • '69 TOYOTA "ALASKAN 10', but. ref.on 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. • FROM 5 1790. ·ss %. T Ford 1cmpr spec, 642-9405 540-1'1&1 e Ill; SAYINl;S • EXECUTIVE CAR SALE NOW! • cust cab, V-4. au lo .. Authortz~ MG Dealer • ~ $2495. 842-5261 DRAFI'EO! 'li6 -M G B • 9522 hardtop, witf! ,vheels. First • (am~r Rent1l1 $1450 takes. 536-8640 before • * EXPLORER * 11 ""' '"'" '· y week " month. Lux"''" MORRIS ·Dua. Slttps 6. Sell contain-1--------- .ed. Limited number. Call '59 ?o10RRIS MINOR. "today. $100 or best offer. LEISURE RENTALS 6-1~2188 ""'· • • • • • • • "69 TOYOTA HARDTOP ····-··•-....._·· $lDH 8 '69 VOLVO SEDAN, Automotlc -········ $2975 • 4112 •/o BANK FINANCING ON AP',RQ\IAL NEW TOYOTA MK II NOW ON DISPLAY Factory Authorized Dealer For OPEL and JAGUAR CHECK WITH US BEFORE YOU BUY No Better Prices Anywhere ! BRAND NEW 1969 STATION WAGON 300 turbo·hyd ramatic. Power steering, power brakes, FACTORY AIR CON. DITIONING, Sonom1tic radio, whit• wall1, cuslom seat cushions. NO. 434- 359110946 . '.1 , (TI4) &G-6611, l714) 837-3800 BUSIEST marketplace in • • town. The DAll.Y PILOT e DEAN LEWIS • • • • • • • 53688 , .Imparted Autos 9600 Classified section. s a" e • • 646·tlOJ ALFA ROMEO ::,i; ttm. • •••rt. Look a Orange Count_y Toyota• Volvo Hdqtra. S40.t4'7 • • 1966 HARIOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA • FA Romeo 1965 Guil\al-"'==CHARG===:E=rr='===-·~•°"•~•=•=!l=•~·~·=•=:•°"•~•=•=•=•o==•=:=•=•=•=• G.T. 1600 cc OHOC. 4 wheel _..1 A 96001 -• Aul 9600 dl!ic brakes, radio, elec Imported Autos 9600Jmportsu utos mport1SU ot antenna. Wht wf black int.I,====::.:::::::::::::=:::':=================. 644-1351 AUSTIN HEALEY ' ·59 AUSTIN Healey, 6 Cyl. O'drlve. wire whla, hard & aoft tops. 642-3675 DATSUN '67 DATSUN SEDAN 4 spttd, Full factory equip- ped. TUP s.15. $1295 F R E E AUTO AIR CONDITIONER WITH THE PURCHASE OF: I ATLAS I ~1 OIRYSLER -PLYP.10UTH 29'J9 HARBOR BLVD. (DSI' A MESA 546-1934 Open Dally 'W 10 p.m. '09 DATSUN Bi& tedan, 96 hp, overhead caln ena: .• dlr, 4 spd, radio, hf&ter, ~w tires, !Oflded! UOO Miles, under factory wtJTJDtY,. Bal to fine. $1775. Take $75 cuh dell,'or old~r e&i. L8D IJ25, Call Bill --. •a -DATSUN Waeon new mob' $!DO. Aft 6 pm or ~·"1711- IN6USH FORD ORANG• COUNTY'S YOLQMm •NOLISH 11C>llD DIEAL•R SALIS ·411tVICE •llOOEU lmni<dloledellv<ry 1.UICE 8ELECl'JllN Th11il1r• IOllNS FORD ----x-ljS"'10 rn ._. -!Imo. llltl- .-J llTdkm lMtf See rtlt DAILY PD..oT a•'*°" I __ , I FIAT 124 FAMILY SEDAN lrlllCJ b•dr th• fw" af f.rTlilv drivintJ with11111I d111li11'll the f1mify b11dci1t. Your Fi1t d11l1r c•11 fit yau i11i111 1 l111u•·d111or 11d•11 ar w•tJlllll .nd kit lo.., Fi1I pric11 wltl l11v1 yau pl111+v af c11h far 1u1T1m1r fun! Both f1mily Fi1h ••• fully 1qui pp1d: 4.wh11t diu; br•k11, 4·tp11d ilic• 1hift, CJ••·1qu111in9 111cii1111, w11h•bl1 vinyl i11!1ri111n, r1cli11i119 fra"f 11•h. C111m1 in 111d •1k 111: "How d1111i f it ! da ii far th1 pric11" FIAT 124 FAMILY WAGON Complete Service Department With F1ctory Trained And Authorized Mechanics To Mff;t Your Every Need, Open Monday Nite1 'til t I -~ALIFORNIA ~I SPORTS CARS 1IOI L ~ .. ST~ aAM'TA AHA .... ~•eor 901 E. lat ST., SANT A ANA 2-8801 .... ~,~~~~~~~------. .. . .. -~---r---... -------- I '69 ELECTRA CUSTOM 225 BRAND NEW '69 BUICK Fully equipped including V8, power stHring. s2377 4Jl72tz FULL PRICE ElECTRAS -WILDCATS -RIVIERAS-LE SAllES AT COMPARABLE SAVINGS '67 LE SABRE '66 Thunderbird C11111p1. C111t111m. Full f1clory •i• cond. full p111w1t, f•claty •i• cand. pow1r, vinyl top. !XLV TOZ t04 491 1 $2695 S2695 '66 JAGUAR '65 BUICK )(JC[ R1111d1!1r. Chrome El1clt1 c11111p•. fu ll pwr, wlr1 •h•1l1. STH I DO F•clary 1ir cond. !NCI i "" $3395 $1995 OUR OPEL PRICES START AT $1777 IMMIDIATI DILIYllY '65 OLDSMOBILE '66 YOLKS 4 doa• H.T. F1ct. 1ir. 4 1p11d, 11di111, "······ pwr 1te1tin9 I br•k11, TRH 170 111!0. I MOY 1461 $1395 $1495 '67 MUSTANG '61 CADILLAC C111nv1rf. 4 ip11d, r1dio Sid. 01Vill1. Full p111w1t & ~1 1i1r. ITXS 16l l, f1 et. •it. !HXS 742 ) $1995 S795 No Better Prices Anywhere MAKE US PROVE IT! '65 SKYLARK '64 FORD WAGON 4 d r. Autom1tic, p111w1t Cnlry. Squi••· Full pwr, 1+11rin9, r•dia, h11+1r. f1ct111rv •ir. IOQX 71JI IRGV 4141 $1395 $1395 '63 IUICK '67 OPEL l1 S•bre. F•cl •it con , Sporl Cp1. Oi1c br1\•a, pow1t 1ie1r & ~11 . 4 1p11d. r1dlo ,h11t1r. !HYM 411 1 VHS 91• $1095 $1495 JAGUARS LARGE SELECTION Compl•te Sales and Service Department Open Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. -Sat. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. -Sun. I 0 a.m. to 6 p.m. ., . ( -----·~...-·..---~-----·--·--·-··-.....----·---·---~-·---------~-·---.............------ 1· •• ... • j..-' ' I'.- •• ' ' l 1969 COJIPE DE VILLE Full power and ftctory air condlUonlni;. AM-Fr.t radio, J!'m'er door locks. po\\·er trunk opener, .yl leather interior and padded lop. lJ9~) • .. .. ' CADILLAC 1969 CONVERTIBLE Full power, factOry air, dual comfort sea.ts, tilt wheel, stereo, power door locks, cruist cgntrol. twWght sent!Ml. automatic dimmer, leather interior. A~ aolutel,y loaded. (1'9131493) SALE PRICE NINETEEN SJXTY-NINE : PRICE 1968 CHRYSLER 9 passenger Town &: Country wagon. r.taize yellow with saddle vinyl trim. Full power, air conditioning, luggage rack, tilt steerina: wheel, · low mileage, (VTP971) 1967 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille, Phantom blue with blue leather interior, Full pow~r equipment plus factol"y air conditlonini:. One owner. (UJA337J 1965 CADILLAC Convertible De Ville .. Sandlewood \vi th match- ing leather irtterior. Full po\ver plus factory air conditioning, tilt-telescopic !teerlng \Vheel, Si.ereo AM-F!l'I radio. Low miles. <XSP692) 1965 CADILLAC Flrct<.\•ood Brougham. Black \vlth silver bro- ende interior. Full i:iowcr plus factory air con- dltionini;. All options. IR'IT056) 1964 RIVlliA Pov.·der blu! with matchi~ ''inyl bucket seats. Full po'1.·er and /aclory aJr condition· ing, 1nany extras. CHctf836l ' .• 1965 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille. Royal blue exterior with mat· chine cloth and leather interior. Full power, factory air. tilt and tel~cople 1teer1nr, 1h0w1 exceptional low mileage. (PGN683) ON DISPLAY AND READY FOR DELIVERY TODAY! SALE SA222 SAVI' SALE $3888 PRICE SALE $3666 SAVE . SAi.i s2444 PRICE SALE $1555 PRICE SALE $1999 PRICE OVER 80 QUALITY: AUTOMOBILES TO. SELECT FROM 1 IN A 1,000,000 1963 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE Full power equipment plus ft1ctor~ air 'ondition!ng, AM-FM redio. Thit on• cwner, 30,800 mile! cer is imp1cc1bl1 thru-out, .INYNI 10) . SALE PRICID " 1968 IL DORADQ Full power, factory air, tilt-telescopic wheel, AM-FM radio, power door locla, disc brake~,. padOO top. (8TP094) 1967 CAQILLAC SO<lan t><VIUO. N...,...,,. blue with black vinyl root and filue cloth and leather Interior. Full power, factory air, tilt-telescopic wheel, pov.'cr door locks, AM-FM, (VIH785) 1966 CONTINENTAL Goddess gold with c:old top and a:old lc&ther interior. Full poY,.er and factory air, .:tcrco tape, loeal, one owner, (SVY710) 1967 RIVIERA Forest green exterior with black vinyl in· tcrior. I-las full po\ver t?quipment plus factory air conditioning, tilt steering wheel. (TSD498) 1967 EL DORADO Leather lntel'l.or, pedded top. fuU power, fac- tot"y ai1·, t1lt-tele&e0plc wheel, power door locks, i;ter.:!d AM-FM, every factory-option. (WXN646) ' I ' 1963 CADILLAC Coupe. vs. automatic transmission, radio 111d heater, power •!1'wlnl and bN.lcec, ftct.Otr llit ~,,~ t"Ondltionlng. Wtili.e with blue cloth interior. tPEP3411 ~ SALE s5999 PRICE SALE $3777 PRICE SALE s2333 PRICE SALE s2999 PRICE SALE $4666 PRICE SALE $888 PRICE .. -----------SALES DEPA!{TMENT OPEN---------- •··· '66 Dodge Pol1ra Conv., dlr. !act air, p1vr \11in- dows, loaded! $/a Cash tlels or take foreign car in trndc. Pypi,nts SJ?.86 mo. LB YN\V ltG .. can Ken, ~-9773 or :1 545-0634. .--. _, : ·- sALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1969 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY Your Factory Authorized Cadlllac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area 9900 FALCON ·w FALCON Conv. excel cond. hi-pert. 289, Marina Enro, 893-9846 $900. IS YOUR AD IN Q..A.SS". FlED? Someone will be lookin& fr it. Dial 642-5678 White tilephanti:! Oime+ll.oe ' NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa FORD 1963 FOO Fairlane Station Waa:on, Clean. $700. Prv party. 548-3875 Cl\1. 62 FORD GALA.XIE Excellent condition $450 or oUer. 646-614fJ SOCK rr TO 'EM! ' 540-9100 9900 9900 9900 1--------i FORD LINCOLN MUSTANG OLDSMOBILE PONTIAC RAMBLER ---'64 FORD 1967 Lincoln. clean, 28,000 TllE ONE! 1967 Mustartg miles. Loaded, air, etc. Must 2 + 2 dellL'<C w/ power & sell fast $3595 613-5180 auto. one own<!r wl only Galaxie 500 Sedan l'°'========I around 17,000 mi. Must 1ac. V-8, autoniatic-, JXl\\•cr steer-MERCURY for in1mcd. sale, Pvt. Ply. ing, radio, heatct'. PDD 157, 847-8144 $895 '63 MERCURY OLDSMOBILE OLD& ·•e;, 442 Cutlu1 2 dr '67 LEMANS HT. Auto, Pis, Plb, 37,~ Bucket seatt, factory air, mi, Orig. own e r • Ex.· pwr steerln(, nu tires, xlnt ceptionaily sharp! P1X1prty condition Inside &e out, dlr, 642-3374 S17S Cuh or foreign car. PLYMOUTH Take low pymnts. LB TKR 595, Call Ken. 494-9113 or >lr.-06.14 ATLAS C t SS 22 '6 J PLYMOUTH SACRIFICE. '65 GTO, HT' ome • • • 389 eng, all ,..., & let .~. Automatk, radio, heater. AM/FM vlbrasonlc atereo 0'1RYSLER -PLY!lfOUTll PMP 528. Fury 9 Pa11. tape, airlift ihockJ. auto '66 RAMBUR Am~ssador 990 2 Dr. Hardtop V-3. automatic, factory t ir, powtr 1teer, radio, beater. SIR 103. $1495 ' ATLAS 2929 HARBOR BLVD. $795 BRANO NE\11 Stetion We•on t & the t COSTA MESA "'"19'1 '69 CUTLASS • nn1 many o ; x ru. CJ-CRYSLER -PLYMOUTH _,.. ¥ V-8, automatic, radio, heat-Mist gold w/matchit\i la~ a .... n Daily 'Iii 10 p.m. Cl ~ 1 29'J9 HARBOR BLVD .-ATLAS er. eo.n! vv• 921. dau top, Xlnt cond. t.1usl C()gf'A MESA StS-iJ34 DELUXE Ford _ Econol,inc F45 SPTS. CPE. $995 sell. Aaklna:_,s1~a. ~ Open Dtib' 'tu lO p.m. Super Van; bullt Dec fi6. J_ De1u.'l:e bells front & rear, '67 FIREBIRD PRE-OWNED Beautiful cu11om l n t; Cl YSLER -PLYMOUTJI padded dul\ fully factocy ATLAS suck sblft. VI. factory air mG SELECI'JON . mahogany pan'ld, be Ii e 2929 HARBOR BLVD. equipped • PIS. Lookt new • Lie. # 'Sl THRU '68't ~~·t~t~~~.1;i~~~ CO~n ~~~ ·1u 19 S:-m~ $1" DN. $65 Mo. autYUR -PLYMOUTH· Yf'y864 ALL MOt>EL.1 S-tm aft 6 pm. '63 MERC. Wagon. Bli One. $1'lflll mt.HAl\iloR BLVD. 0 Z?o1r. e '':"' ':5-e 'IJFORDWqon,Aulom1tlc, *5'84173* S700 ' /.JJJ CX>S1'A1,IESA -154&.DU need• llOme work ifil 81 • Open Dally 'tU 10 p.m. '85 GTO oflJSi 1,000 ml. Hdrt., BRAND NEW •a $19'11 Ford Wagon .... worl<in• MUSTANG LEAVING country • mutt =~~~ii:.::: e· traftlJ). N t 'II tirt1 Sl-45. Plush Tax & Lie. eell 19$8 Plymout'1 'flllOn, mtir. Xtru. must tee to , W I 548-8991 eves 'SS MUSTANG g auto •_.& .... Paym~ntt Jnclude tax and Good cond m. ---""'""--11000 ••II -11 -._ ::....ii -· II ··• f'•· -·---·• ' , mu -· ...... _..,. '----. '&5 FORD Slatton wall)n, blue.-wlw, rad»f ed'n81>1•. cense .. ~ .... nee .... -..es Ask for Doua:. 548-6366 . .....,_ P- R.ii, p/b, p/o •• -tU.o • Good <:0nd. 1995. 541,-~ on 48 monthJ. ApP_. PONTIAC brakes, xlnt cofld. 8*-2733 '65 MUSTANG 6 cyL ~ credit. SerlaJ No. 331T19Z1J.. ·~,.!:!,~~llTio~ :: ·~ FORD Cialaxle XL•, ta-lhllt. exct. cond. , ' 6351· ..... -=1•• ~ '64 IAMANS -top ~ w df'ck, ~ condition, best fl73-0731 • u • 't nd B "· •• ooo I========== u -n1vers1 y 00 • uc....,t 1eatll, w, '5.1 NASH 2 dr J-f.T. AUIO. lir1 Good col'ld. SlOO • , 0 '" ~ '116 MUSTANG, pwr brl<I, mu ... $W25. 813-2957 RAMBLER 1960 FORD. 8i,.tion Wqolt, auto. trant, map • "II nm BUN NEVER SETS on .. $40--'1i21 ... 1311 or.OPTER. -· C1t1n, 1137-312'1 Q d b 1 Clutitled'• octton -· .. 541-1913 .. IS YOIJll AD IN P.?Jiil· I smo ·1 e For ... ad ... "" ......i !fit Ford Station Wl\gOn F'IED ! Solnl!One will be 1 the clock, dlal 642-567& e MAKE OFF£Ft • l for it, Dial 642-56111 DIAL direct. &U-5678, Charge I __ l;:l'ln:;::le_:~:.'~"f'_:han:;::te:.'c__ i:-..:::~;:P\Wf'-F-:_:_;:W;:A:;NTc:__:AD::::S:;I , ___ :;54:;0!:;:_~0:_ __ 1 listen lo the phone rlnt • • • • .R,ELJABt.S traNport&Uon 'IT Ramblir < dr. Sta wac, STUDDAllD Rill. Oood cond $350. 1D60 STUDEBAKER Lart. 673-4525 ntiCd.I brakes l valve JOb ; DAILY PILOT \VANT ADS ~-Clean {l) m-.3482 . BRING RESULTS! 1 White Etepl\antlt ' .......... " . .... ,~~· . . .. 494-5921 · k, etrlclenl .rtsullt. 285(1 Jftrbor jCosla Mesa your ad, then 11t baCW' ~·: • .... • •' f:• .. _ 0 • ......... .._. -···w' -.... ' -· --~ I I ~ I , t ! l 11 • i • DAILY PltOT think • summer. ' •• think Ian. • • • •• 11,.dne!day, Juno 18, 1969 Pit.OT .AOVERTISU think savings! SUMMER IS HERE' AND TIME TO GET INTO THAt NEw WAGON so YOU'. CAN ENJOY THE am ,,ART QF ·1969' IN THE CAR QF' THE YW ... PONTIAC! · · · THREE.-;GREAT ·NEW · PONTIAC ·w A&ONs -.. · • EXECUTIVE • l ·sEAT 'STATION WAGON. EXPRESSO BROWN WITH GOLD INTERIOR. TURBO. HYDRAMATIC TRANSMISSION, PUSH BUTTON RADIO, POW. ER STEERING, POWER DISC BRAKES, LUGGAGE RACK, TINTED GLASS Alt, AIR CONDITION- INC>, WHITE SIDE WALL TIRES. l25649Cl2941 II WINDOW STICKER PRICE $5ll0.5J. $4603 SERVICE DEPARTMENT OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY. 7:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. •• SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN 8:00 A.M. to 9:3.0 P.M. EVERY DAY 1960 ROLLS ROYCE Silv•r Clo~d. Thi1 i111!1'11eul1t1 .. door i1 1b1olutely lo1d1d with lulfuty f11• tur11 i11cludi19 f1dory .air ctultlifioni1111, f i11llh ... i11 Sholl G~y wltlr. ori9in1/ l'l'lofchirtt intorlet, Word1 r11tly e111't 1:rpr111 #11 f1bv101ti conditio1t .. f th·;, Roll1 Royet. I KAS 000), for fvrthtr inform1tion pit••• eont1et ovr Rolls Royct Rtprt1tnf1tivt. s3777 1967 OLDSMOBILE 4-4·2 2 Door H1rdtop. E•pr1110 browrt 11d1rior with "'atch in9 Interior, Fully t quipped includin.g VI, hydr11111lic tr1n1mi11ion, po••r sl11rin9, power l>r1k11, r•dio tnd h11t1r, f•ctory 1ir con dilionin9, rtd lint tir11. This lov1ly •ufomobile h11 only 29,744 mil11 i nd i1 in fl1wl111 eondition. IWIB )bOI $2677 1968 PONTIAC LE MANS Thi1 l"1ly 2 d oor h1rdtop ii c oPl'tpl1t11y 1quipp1d with VI en9in1, 1utom1ti0- tr1n1Pl't_l11i1", powtr tfttri"'J, ttdio 11\d h11l1r, wh ite 1id1 we ll tir11, f1ctory t ir conditi0nift11. H11 low1ly ~qui 1xl1rior with bl1c1r int1rior. Ve ry 1.;... mu .. ,. C.4,1ll m;IHI '$2777"" IVTL 6501 ~ ' , . ' ' ~ ' . ' . ' IRAND NEW 196f-READY·TO GO l _._ ~-~·-, ~ • TEMPEST CUSTOM • Station Wagon. Beautiful antique gold with matching gold interior. Turbo- hydramalic, 350 V-8 engine, power steering, tint.ed glass, decor group, white side wall tires and tho dual-hinged swing gale with power window, push button radio. Stoel: No. J..495 J235359Zl25959) BRAND NEW ·1969-Ready To Go! •CATALINA • 2 SEAT STATION WAGON. CHAMPAGNE WITH GOLD INTERIOR. DECOR GROUP, TURBO HY. DRAMA TIC, PUSH BUTTON RADIO, REMOTE MIRROR, DELUXE BELTS, POWER STEERING ANO BRAKES, TINTEI> GLASS, AIR CONDmONING, WHITE WALLS. l252369Cl228800J. $4197 • 1965 PONTIAC GTO This littl•1il,,.1r b11uty h11 white vinyl top, VI 1119i111, hydrtulic tr1n1mi11ion, pow1r 1tofrin9, rtdio 11\d h11t1r.,whit1 1idt will tir11 ind i• inl.011hl1ndin9 eondition • .You will w1nt to driwt this 0111. I REI 52 ~1 • 1963 . CHEVROLET Novi 4 door. Sky blue in color with m1lching blut interior, 6 eylind1r on• 9in1, tulomalic tr1n1mi11ion, pow1r 1l11ring, r1d io end h11l1r, whilt 1id1 w1!1 fir11. This ont i1 just rig~! for th1 9r1du1!1 or for mom tnd lht •id1. a. 1ur1 to t1k1. t11t drive tnd ••• wh it Wt 1111111. (LIB -'301 1967 MERCURY COUGAR l ovely 8rili1h ricing ,r1en 1xlt'iior with bl1ck int.rior. Equipptd with VI 1ngin1, 1utom 11ie +••n1111i11io11, powtr 1!11ring, powtr br1•••, rtdio 1nd h11t1r, rtdi•I ply tir11 plus mort. lhi1 0111 should Dt ift your drivtw•y 10 hurry in b1for11om1on11111 gr1b1 thi1 ont . (VHC 6561 • ALL CAR PRICES INDICATED IN THIS AD ARE, OF COURSE PLUS LICENSE AND TAX •• . -~. 1965 PONTIAC WAGON 4 Door, 6 p111t1\9tt. VI t ngint, hydr1m1tlc t r1n1mi11io11, power 1!11rin9, ttdio end h11t1r, whilt 1id1 will tir11, f1ctory t ir eondilionin9. Thi1 bron11 b11uly h11 only '36,652 1ctu1I mil11 ind i1 1b1olut1ly Ii•• br111d 111w. Mu1t 111 tod•y. I PGW 632 I $2177 1'965 RIVIERA GRAN· SIPORT VB 1n9in1, hydr1m1tic i r1111mi11ion, pow1r 1!11ring, powtr br•k,1, r1d io i nd h11 !1r, wh1t1 1id1 will lir11, f1c lory t it conditioning, r1lly fypt wh11l1, power windows, lo,,.tly bro1111 11d1rior 1utomobi11 with m1iehin9 bron11 in· ltrior i1 imm1cul1t1 in1id1 i nd out, (TAY 199) 1968 BUICK WILDCAT Tht very pop11l•t 2 Door h1rdlop fvlly equipp9' •ith 'hycl'rnnttic tr1111mi1- 1io11, pcwer 1lttrilH) t11d powtr lirtkt1, rtdit llft4 •h.tftt, whit. 1idt will lirt1 , f1elorv 1ir eonditio1tin9. A lowtly iwory oxtorior wi+fi lilut 'vi11yl top, h in txe1lltnf likt 111w eo11ditio11 111d just 1potl111. IWAE 531) " • • •! • j _· _ ..... """~~:..t...---------·-----~ ... -----·-_____ t ..,. ..... __ , ____ ,~--=::::.__~~.....:.:· "~' ~~--_...t _:~-