HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-23 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa7 • ,, i: I I \ MOND'AY. AFTERNOON, :JUNE 21, A969 ' ' 0 ' Jumping for ~oy DAILY PILOT "'9191 Q O.ll h !Mti;tr C.hris Olsen, 8 (wearilig shirt), and his brother, Matt, 7, have a great time leaping from glant sand pile built up· near 561h ,Street beach in Newport where U.S: Army Corps ol Engineers is building another ln series of groins designed to halt beach erosion. Officials 'have wai'ned 'that p1aying near eo·nstruction . site can be dangerous and are asking beach visitors to beware. • ., Newport Man Arrested As_ Marijuana 'Farmer' Grand Haven Circle wasn't any grand haven for Emilio S. Flores, who today fa~ prosecution for allegedly cultivat- ing a small marijuana farm in Costa Mesa. scene, where 50 alleged marijuana plants aboot IO inches tall were confis- cated. Authorities said they found three seeds in Flores' cir, taking them as evidence under the presumption they are mari- juana seeds1 whk:h lhey resemb~. The 24-year-old Newport Beach air- craft upholstery shop worker was ar· n&ted~ Saturday wbUe ' allegedly fleeing the flejd :of: bb ~'"'" -he drove . · • , o1110 the dCJl<!<OO mee11 , '. · Crour"' 1·1AJOIU On Flores, of 19081 Baker· ~.Alla. ~ collared by Pattolnlan---wllliam · Bechtel _ as be tried to cllmb a fence · after exitina the .... auto and booked·l()IJ austMctoo of marijuana cukivatl91t. • ' ' : . ' B-·1·. oy,,. 9 ~ P6llce were called to the area of Paularlnl Avenue al)(! Ludington• Strett Saturday afternoon b)' a discoont store ·security iuaJ'd who re Ported a IUSpicious · A ll-year..iil s,.iita Ana ~~ ,.,,,.. l~·a.-rby nield~· -, all c...Cea1 .Bay In Laiufta • Som· Tbt m,n 'wU crawling attJund and •P-day as ·a crdlird 'of_ be'tc,--......... w.. ~ared to be watering plants with a ,_,,._.. -111--111 ptaslic Ju1, oaid the reporting officer, and •a"""" from the woter'• edp, wbo hacf .. atched him curiously lac ibout The victim, Rober\ New1Gn Gtrdnor, or' 20 minute>. · · 1234 Borchard St., was attcmpt1n1 to ()(fleer Bechtel said Flores ran when swim to Seal Rock to join two friends ' ho ~pproached and lgJl\)fed repealed when he 1"ol under about ·100 yards , ol1lm 10.J!ll~ @!Ung liilo his ~or ~--• _ dfivlng away cle3p!te the !act his cap1or . Iii ...:... •• ~.... nd w11 waving a revolver. s . --.q was recoverw one 1NQI" a Aft.tr nabbing Flores u he tried to 20 mmutes later. 'the Ol'an1e County 1eale the tenet surrounding a home, Cotq>tf'I oWce reported the victim wu Oltlcer Bechtel took llim back to tbe w~i.'1& jt1111. Friends 111d·he had work· ! .. ,i • • , • Marijuarta Far• Found,· -' In Mesa:· •Farnier~ Held • • ) • rowns 1n J • una :A: .H . South Viet Troops Open Supply Route to Dak To '\ ....... .. -.fes~lnster Y oath GI Kills Invalid, I Dies of Drugs An Anny Intelligence corpsman from Weslminster would have been arraigned today in the bizarre hug-and-kili murder of an 8$-year~ld widow in her wheelchair Saturday, but authorities instead are pro- bing his jail cell death of a drug ov'erdose. Pvt. Terry Akers, 20, o( 6181 Shawnee Road, was found dead Saturday at 10 p.m. in his padded cell in San Antonio, Tel:., the victim of a massive dose of either LSD or amphetamines, authorities said Sunday. Several days wltl be required to determine just what chemJcal compound apparently drove the young soldier tern· porarily out of hit mind, leading to the deaths of his vlctlm and himself. One lawman had to beat Pvt. Akers with a blackjack to subdue him after·the beaUng death of Mrs. Annie P. Hayden, a resident of the Broadway Lod1e North nursing home. , . Nor DEATH CAVSE Beur County medicti enmlner Dr. then he began beatln1 her with his fists," said San Antonio Police Sgt. Mack Grill. "One of the nurses tried to intercede, but he hit her and 'knocked her away," Sgt. Grill explained, saying M r s . Hayden's jaw was fractured in three places durin1 the sava1e attack. "He was quite acliv'e and appeared to be berserk, hi was c<lr{lpletely out of his mind," comlnented deputy medical ex~ aminer Dr. J. A. Diaz: 'OµT OF IT' The suspect battered the wheelchair patient for about 30 second:: and was quoted as screamJng hysterically that he himself was sick of life. hOut of it. Out of it. I've got to get out of this world," invest11ators quoted the (Seo SLAYER, Page l) ·----- Wolves Beware . - Rill T~mtory Slashed. by' Force of 500 SAIGON (UPI) -A force o! 500 South Vietnamese troops struck out today from the besieged U.S. Special Forces camp at Ben Het to try to battle their way to Oak To, eight miles, to the cast, and open a supply route t.hi'ough the Communist-held mounlains. The sie1t of Be.11 Het In the central highlands 285 miles north of Saigon baJ been under way for 47 days. Today the Communists shelled the Green Beret camp Or lhe 20th c:1JnsecuUve day and lawiched two ground attacks which were beaten off. U.S. B52s smothered the mountain peaks arowxl Ben Het with a million tons or· bombs today and shortly afterward• the relief force set out frOm the·camp to try to open the .single lane paved road which runs through the jungles to Dak To, itself a bloody battleground In the past. All supplies for Ben ·Het are airdropped by U.S. Air Force ClA Caribous for the defenders, who occupy th,ree hills that make up the camp with 700 women and children , their dependents, who k>St seven wounded in today's shelllngs. The roads are boobytrapped and heavy gunfife by J,500 North Vietnamese in the sur· rounding hllls prevent helicopter tan· dings. American singer Doria Rose, The relief force has made contact with Ruben Santos -performed the Sunday autopsy on ~ young 110klier and 'ruled oul head Injury BJ tile cause of dealh. CHECK THE ADS FOR FOURTH FETE f:ome DAILY PILOT readers are going to enjoy an elcltinc Foorth ol July ftreworkl allow free, 24, in Italy 19 rh~t film p~ ~unis~ i,rouJ!d forces but the ducers ,and improve her opera•• -. ....!1..~c f1?Uog..wu.not yet.known....The----·" singing makes it clear she is farce must ngttrtt!"wly-past mines and~ Hll ~~ Mr. and Mrs. llell Akers, l<><l11 ,,,,,_, to c0mmenl on the' double tnced.1 when contacted by newsmen at the family home In Westminsler. 4_uthoritles so' far have no motive whatsoever tor the strange tilling, ucept for the theory of drug-induced deran1e- ment, u. ,ide& 11.!~,by, witnesJet to the beaUng and Akers' prior tiehlvio'r: · 11He acted like he was going to wt his arms around the old woman to ldil her, • u yodi name approt tn thr~la1Sllled advertlaing columns of the DAILY PILOT thil week, you will receive free paaaea to the July Fourth Fireworks Show at Anaheim Stadlwn. There is no obllJallooi 0n your PJrt, · _ C~k tile · O.W-11 P,ILOT classilied section each day. If you find youf niihe, you are.a winner. · Drowns in Laguna ed all nJchl, and hadn't slepl for many howl. ' "lie WU ./l ~ 1"9'! ")Dl°"'r -; .a ...mr," Mid ate Jiirftb, It, a frlend 'of' O.,._., J...U of Ambelin, and Keith Damion, II, Gantner•a roommate, were on SeaJ Rock watching Gardner swim over. "When he~•~ for. help, Jttlth was In tu ch ·• hurry to get to him, he reu ofl the rock Ifni! hurt ht. leg Pretty bad· ly,'' Jarrell 81fd. "SO I started after him. I'm not' a very' a:ood .swimmer, ·~ut 1 reached him first. Rl&ht alter that Keilh 1ot to lllm. . "!le"' W11. ~ ,comdoul, 1pUUng out water, "J'Urti' ~· "1fet"'llld,• 'Tate me. abort', But we couldn'L niere muat have been an undertow or tide wor1ttn1 qalnll us. ' "kod the people on shore just stood there anct ·Watched· ua7 ~'l'My treattd it Like a circwl." 'Two ts.year old Anatieim bo)'a· "It· neued the drowninc from, above the (SJ>o DRO.l\'ljlliG, ~le 11 .. • to' be admired only from•a,dis-booby traps and the lre<pJCnl ambuilles . that have halted other sujlply ef!ortL ; tance1 Sbe would, appe~ . to The camp itself tr locat'ed atop three have only 4!ne prohlem-Sltting (Seo VIETNAM, Pap Z) down. Tµs,tinM~n Walks • -' r ' I Away From Crash . • • Of Small Plane "Erne.st Pegau, 53, 130ll Wreath Place, 'I\lstin, walked away from a plane crash · The sun cOnUn.ues ·to sleep Ull J noon, and Tuesd8y's oullook qtlls for a continuation oC the am:ne. .• li8IY Sllnshlne 'wlll bring' the -r cury into the low '10'1 aJongi ~the coast. ' on a San Diego County mountain peak INSm E TOD A. 't') si.inday.1 · , . The yeltow brick road wc\s-a Pegau, along with. pilot James K. Pofk, . pct1i to lonttirtt.ss a11d d"!Oir, 49, ..4201 LI Concetta. Yorba Ltnda .and but btfort her dea&h Sunaav. -er Patrick J. Trudel, 17, Chino,. Jtldy Garland dtctored •~'?.f!id .;.,.,,;.i· serioulIOJury lithe cruh of a , flMlly follnd hopplntS1.:•Hff • • 1 ~ ' , 1 i • , ·' .. -• r • i 1tCwuri1 -iold on Pa,ge 4 '°""'· i ~~!;;.~1iJd'1o'M.icy:h..pu.r !~'1 ."·'"l· ~·: ll in Saa Diep after-lteltmeat ol I broken ~ Uf, • ~ """' t ,Z: wrist, arid Polk requited MYtrll ltltcbes . =-',.... . :: t= ~:.,er , :: • to cloae a 1uh oa hll sca1 . Trudel com-... ~· 11 ...,. ,.... ,,." • pti\iied 'orl>JW"pa • . • --=:-=--: ~ r"'-.o ~ The trio were ~ toward Baja •.INllC• ..,,. ~ 'tct: California f« a (ilhlrtc trfP. wbin. the ~ :: ==: ':- plane deVfloped eoglne trouble at.cl plto\ ~ ""• ..... .. ~otk <=!•shed li~lhe pine.: • ' ~--' -------~---r I I ~ ------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- --------------,-,---,-.,,--,----,--,,--:-----:::-~-----=--~-,--------------------------~ J ~ D,\JLY PILOT s T--rial 'Defendant· Slain .~- , A ..... Court trial of lbne meo ao- euaed ol • bookmak1nc was thrown. into conf'Ulion today when the judge learned Y •t one of the defendant$ was shot and ll<d Sabl...S.y night In Los Angeles. Np dec1alon \bad been reached a }Wa llmt oo the liiture .,..,. -<>I the , ~ but It ~&;ed ,.asooably c;ertaln tllat ,Judge ~ Rickles will declare• mfstrlal and ... , new da\e ror trial of die r<malnlnc defelldlllll. 1"" ~ police said ~ they art ' ~ 1halt 1nv .. 1111t1on ol Ibo lhoollni of -Alan Canan!, e of North Hollywood. Polle< charae Caoird wu gunned down by Nelda ·Duncan, 28, of Hollywood as the couple IIJUed ,.in the parking lot of a downtown rtstaurent. Officers •id Mlu Dunc111 shot Caoird three tlmts1 in the ~ahd then allOI herself between tht . She had eat'ner pleoded cull!)' in Or • County Superio~ ~rt\to booklnaklnc cl es and was lo be --Thuradoy. Canon! had ltOod ID oourt here Frtday. Mission Viejo Merrg-Go-R ound ' • wtlll VilMUne Sari!J Jam.,, u, of"IM AQ1We1 and Sylvester B~e. n, of North Hollywood as the first week of their lr\al for felony bookmaki.Dg act~vitie.s con- cluded. Jame11 aod Blake were in court tod•Y visibly thocbd at the ci~ •hich eUfiilnated their co-defendant ftom Ille trlal. . . Ntwmnen ud the public were barred from the courtroom thb mornln.I while Judie Rictlel conferred witb proeecuUon ' The thne defendants ID<l,Ml.ss Duncan were four of seve.n ~ indicted by the°"""' 9°.1"1ty Graqd Jury last AU&, I~. lltatricl AUOrney Codi llltb •aid lhe arrut c..ended a Ion&~ and otemive in- ve9tig1tl0d into whlf he Uld •w•s one of the m0ot wtdepseld bookmaking opera- tions unco....ct Jn Oruc• and Los Allgales COWltie:s, High .Court Reverses Two 'Lewd' Arrests WASIDNGTON (AP) -The Supreme Court today summarily reversed the con- vlcUons on lewdness charges of two persons arrested by poUce in a raid on a New Jersey sadism club. The blcb court QT<ed, In a hrle[ &·2 opWon, to review the convictions of the two defendant!, and slmultaneously reversed those convictions, holding that the &eareb and seizure procedures follow- ed were eonstltutlonally Invalid. The unsigned opinion noted that Justices Byron White and Hugo L. Black dissented from the majority action. The two defendants, Monique Von Cled and James Albert Beard, had been convicted fot lewdeoa otfenaes. Miss Cleef wu 11ntenced to four months in Jail and r-$1 ,000, Deon! was lined $500 and rtven an 18-month probated sentence. Appealing, they claimed an un· constitutional search had been made of the Newark, N.J., club. The arrests were made by the Essex county sheriff's ofrice In the 18-room col· onial-type home .in which Beard and Miss Von Cleef Jived. A detective had an at· rest warrant, but the appeal claimed the warrant was invalid. These four :P.1ission Viejo High School coeds are contestants in Mi ss Mission Viejo contest sponsored by area's junior chamber of commerce. Girls (from left) are Debi Harri~, Elaina Hobbs, Trish Thomas and Sheri. Bronleewe. Win.Def will be chosen July 4 at Mission Viejo's first Community Day event. Jn tM coune of the raid, the appeaJ said, the offJcen aeiled 4,500 pieces of per>anal ~ce. two filing cabinets and a file drawer containing aboot Z,000 names and addresses1 a cigar box containing 200 applications for membership in the "Flair Club" and more than 200 photographs. Mlss Von Cleef and Beard claimed, throuch attorneys, that thlJ sort o[ "general exploratory 11ea!d!'' is forbid· den by a.; f«leral Cmstibltion. Besides, they questioned "whether an act of pun· ilhment, committed bet.ween two con- senting adults, , In pri~ate, can be made criminal." Coast Residf nts Return to Jobs · With County Fail· Wild Fre~-fo r.-all Erupts The 9»0victions were &!finned last Ju]y : b1 tho -•ta lliviolclllt ttlolaipenor Court Ol"New Jersey. The state supreme oourt ftjedod an appeal Jul Sepjember. ' At Laguria, Country Club The Suprtme Court said Monday tt had "no besitatioo in concluding that lhe ac- tion of the police bere in combing a three· story, If.room boote fr9m top to. bottom and cU'ting away several thousand papers, publications:, and other items cannot under any view of the 4th Amend- ment be justified as 'incident to arresl' " Five Orance Coast residents have returned to top jobs in the Orange County Fair and El:posiUon, it WU announced by fairgrounds general manqer Altr.d G. Lutjeom. JoJoin& the 21st exposition to be held from July 15 14 :Ml In Cooll Meu att: Jl'roni Costa Mesa: James Garvey, agricultural and community exh!btt.s building supervisor, for his third year. From HllJlUnpa Be1ch: Mrs. Dee Cox. home economics, for her second year .• Fl"llll La(UU llllb: Cart Jednoralaki, junior bulkting supervisor, SttOnd year. From Su1 Beach : ROOut L. Webb and As9ociat'es, advertising and publicity, and Gordon Wheatley. Jr.1 specW ew.nt5 supervbor, 19th year. Onassises in Capri ISLE OF CAPRI. Ital) (UPI) Arirtotle Onauls and his wife J1ckle 11'- Jivtd at Clprl today aboard their yacht OlrtstiJa. 'Ibey Mnt Immediately to the home of friends, German-born Count Edward Bismarck and his Am.trica.n socialite wile, the former Mona Williams. DAIL\ PI LOT ............ ,, ,, ...... ------. c•lefOllllA OIMOC CDUl "'9&.1$tnNO COMflM'l' 11.t..rtN.W-' J ... i.. c..i • ., YIC9,,....._.._......., TM.•• SMril ·-.... A. ...... -·-- ' Five men, lncludln( thne Lqunans, were arrested SundQ after a l!dlte Sun- day eveoing P thertnc at Lquna Beach Country Club enJpled inlD • wild rr .. for all in whh:h the ~r and a sheriff's d•puty toolt tmpnllllpW dips ID the swim· mi!11 pool. The riot brob out about 5 p.m. and ln- vO!Stlplln& ollkon an sU1I trytnc 14 aort out detall! of the ruckus. They booted five pel'90DI OD varytnc charses foilow· Ing a malee In which 1D011 of the poolstde fumltuno joined the manapr and lhe deputy in the ln>Ubl<d wat.n. Held ID 0rqe Coonty jail an Mark Carletoo McManus, II, 315111 Sb~wsbury DriV<, South Lquna; Fnderick Carl Bal&tr, ts, 4CM Loma Ttmct, Lquna Beach ; Rodgor Carroll Jones, 27, 1'31 s. Coast llJll>way, Lquna Beach: Michael Tiffany, X, of Santa An1 and Lotto Mlcllaef Sinpr, 11. ol San Frantbc:o. McManu.I is charged with suspiclon of resbtJng arrest, rtotlng and falluro to disperse from a riot tcene; Balter ts ac- cused of uuulUnc a police officer and riotln&: J..., is charpd with assault of a pollce olfictr and rlotJn&; nf!any and Fro"' P•1e I VIETNAM ... 1mall hills with a valley in bttween,.. Ttle def"Jd~ Jiave ·dUg ileep Into lhe mudcly earth under lhe constant shelling and pullod their . tanb in tlihter 14 the defense perlm-. llladlng Ulrl .-S near tbtlr cannon which flrt blCk ni&bt and day. There are perhaps: a dozen U.S. Green Beret ad\'isers on one of the hills eight miles from the border ol Cambodia and a U.S. artillery unit on another. The women and chUdrtn Uve tn flimsy shack! on the edge of the defense perimeter. Commu.ni&t CUU&IUes in fierce flghlin& In the area Ir!: placed In u:cess of 1,500 since. P.tay 6. The battles have cost South Vietnamese forces i• dt.ad and the Americans 40 dead. The palleni of Com· munisl attack was not clear. Aboot 12,000 Communist troopo moved ln14 lhe e<otral bighlaoja !n>m Cambodia and Laos la.st month, but It remains unclear whether they want to harass or conquer. There are an unknown number of South Vietnamese in the area plus about 450 mercenaries and about 100 t:!li~~ .... ~ .. ali =:..=-.. -:., ""!:":: American c~ Bertts. :" ,:, '::'~.:..,ca.:,_~ UnUl rettnUy lhey had a small btnp.d .--,....... w..., ..... .., -In use just outside the gale to tht camp. .:., ~ 111:7' ~ ~ But the landin& zone like evtt)'thtni elSe .._ ....._ • ...._ .. • outaktre the wooden gate bi now no man~• .......... ~..... ,_ ........... _ T 1.1 ~ tn 41 "'"""' t,&IJl4 ••lllr: lnipen have rno\.'ed la clw CL _ 1 A•: a A I 1 ..,...,. ~~!.. &boold at &n)1.h1nc that moves - - ---·~ .. -~ eeply dUg bunren. -==" ..::,.-;-... ::7.:~::; ... ;.._;::-:-:... In klda>"s fightin(the mf:l"CfNria whir ..., • •= 111 .-.. ...--receive S.U a month from the. U.S. Anny = C:.. ~ ..., .;. ..._., .._ threw back two Infantry atttcU. 1'iet w c......., ~-S.0111'1•"' kllkd M~Notth Vlttnamese and .UIJtrtd :::.,•• ~ .. ..,. ... .__, . ''light '' casualllt's: In thdr OWD TIM$ --... --. ... -...... -..__ ....... ~---',."'-· __ _,.. military spokesmen rtport~. • ' --____ ... -- Singer face charges of resisting arre~t. rioting and failure to disperse. Singer ls also accused of interference. Sherilfs reports indicate Ulat the riot broke out when club manager Lucius Gates approached 1 group of poolsiJe celebrants and voiced objecti<ins to the party they were staging. Gates flnbhed up ln the pool and was joined tMre a little later by Deputy E. J. 1tfcDoweU, one of a aroup or sherilr1 of· ricers dispatched to the plush, wooded rttttat. Offieers ~lalm that Jones and Balzer threw Mr.Dowell into the pool and that Jones also tried to rrab an officu's JUn and ~peatedly stnrl deputy Glenn Thomas Cllfl' In the back. lt said that such mass lli%ure of evidence wu beyond the sanction ol any previous: cues. Seal Beach City Chief Okay After Surgery Seal Beach City Manager Lee ruaner is: in saUsfactory condition today at l.A:Jng Beach Community Hospital a f I e r tmergency append ix surgery Friday. RJsner became ill earJ,y Monday al his Seal Beach home. En.~~fl N_ew Era _ . . ' President Nuon, Oanktd by reUrtng Chief Justice Earl Warren (lei!) and the U.S. Suprtrrn> Court's new chief jllJtlce, Warrtn E. Burger, appears pleased after his prt<;tdent-setUn1 addm• to court durin1 · swearing In ceremonies tod<f lor new chlel1ustice. Sl<lry on1'age t ·~ ,, ·l DAILT f'ILOT 5!1ff ...... GRIM JOB OFF LAGUNA Drowning et Two Rock Point From Page I DROWNING. •• bluff. "These two guys were in the water holding somebody up," said Jeff Dorman. "They were yelling for about five minutes. I thought they were just faking or something. When I saw they needed help, I ran down the cUff with my fins. 1'1 got to llie beach about three minutes later. Jull ifter I I'll there, tbe first lile- guard, with Uns: and a float, got there. The We,uard was real fut. He hid to climb over all ilit;. rocks to . get ther.e." Dorman oald. ~ , • "There were about 15 people standing around the edge, just watching," he ad· ded. The other boy, :ftod Edwards, said the two in the water were yelling for help for "about 10 minutes. Then the guy went un- der, and five minutes later the two came ashore. 11len It was five more minutes before lbe lifeguards came." Laauna Uleeuard Lt. Eugene. DePaulis said that once the 'guards were notified, it took "about one nilnute for them to reach the edge ol the water, and another 30 secondJ to a minute before they reached lhe spot"wbere he went under." . It's about 200 yards from the water's: edge to the northern-most of two lifeguard towers on the beach. Ufeguards had to nm around the rocky base of the cliff to reach the site. There were three IUard:s on the beach at the Ume -two in towers and another "rover" checking for drinkers. The guards, all eq>erleoced, were Steve Knauer, Paul Brinkman, and Dan Henry. It WIS not known this morning who was the first guard on the scene. While the guards made an Initial search for the body, the Harbor Patrol rescue boat was: dispatched from Newport. Later, Laguna Lifeguard LL ~ Werlgaa_rd and San Clemente Capt. Phil Stubbs, 1n scuba e q u i p m e n t , recovered the body. 1be coroner's rePort hid the initial autopsy showed drowning to be the cause ol death. Hov.·~ver, a toxicologist's report is pendin&. Valley Graduate Gets Scholarship Fountain Valley High School graduate Robin Yarborough hu been presented with the second 1MuaJ Naomi Jonkman Career-Teaching Scholarahip. 1be ta-year 41d student, a ruident of ltas Sequoia St., Fountain Valley. received SIOO and a plaque from the Fountain Valley Educauon Association for bis .,.rticlpaUon m an elementary teadllnc work uperlence progrom. Participants spent nine \\>eeks with f'kmmt.arJ achoo! teachers in al least two grade levels in the Fountain Vallty Scbaol District. 1bt pnicram, a cooperallvt tfforl or the HunOniton Beach lligh School District and the Fountain Valley School Diltricl. ls intended to give the student ruli5Uc ldW>OI and work experience as part of their hlcli achool education. Apprclimately 15 hlcli IChool students participotad In lhe P"'ll"'ID this year and ,_..., five unJU of hlih achoo! elective credU for their dforu. The tdlolmhlp hu been pro\'idod ror two YOll"I in I,... ando namtd in honor ol ..w..r Fountain V.U.y School Distrtct 1'rulll!t Naomi Jonkman. Yal1>orough ·indicated tho! he would use the award money to btlp with tui- tion at, c;awonn. BaptlatCollego, Rl ver- sidr, which ht plans to entt:r this ran. 'Prepared' Thief Roh s Food Stand A gunman who even had a spare roll nf tape handy -when the first one used to bind his: victim ran out -robbed' a Newport Beach hambur1er stand f $2,340 early Sunday mor!. Police said victim lerre J. F:'. Bertolino, oi Cosla ~1esa, nager of The Butger, 4501 W. Pacific Coast Highway, popped his bound legs apart to walk to a nearby bat at 1:30 a.m. to seek help after the holdup. He told police that the bandit came through a side door of the roadside restaurant at about midnight. He crept up to Bertolino. who w1111 washing his hands and face. then thnJSt a snub-nosed, blue steel revolver In his side and ordered the victim toward the 5afe. The robber took all the cash from the. safe, then added more than $200 from the victim's wallet to the loot, polit'e said. After 1oading the money into a p!per aack, poli<:i! said, the fidgety bandit ordered Bertolino into a store room and made the victim tape his legs together and wrap more arou nd one wrist. That took up one roll of adhesive tape. officers said, and the gunman prodrtc:ed another and taped the man 's wrists together. then covered the victim'•. mouth with the rest. Afler that he 6-fool-2-inch bandit ran out and fled. A short time later Bertolino popped the tape loose from his legs and ran to the Bayside Inn with his hands bound and bis mouth still covered, ofricers said. A bartender took off the binding while a customer called police. 21id Tirn e Around May Be Tougher , High Court Rules WASHINGTON (UPI} -The Supreme Court ruled today that a convict who wins a new trial may be given a stiffer sen- tence the second time. The 6-2 decision upholds the far. reaching discretion or judges in imposina sentence but requires that they make clear the "constitutional legitimacy" ci the increased sentence. At the same time, the court ruled that a person reconvicted at a second trial must be given credit on the new sentence for time already served in prbon under· bis: ortglnal sentence. Justice Potter Stewart wrote lhe opl· nion with Justices William 0. Douglas: and Thurgood Marshall concurring. . ~us:tlce Byron R. While also concurred but stJpulated he would have given judges even more discretion in resentenclng. Justices Hugo L. Black and Jobn M. Harlan concurred in part and dissented in part. From Page 1 SLAYER ... Westminster High School graduate as scrtamlng after he was confined to a padded cell in a straitjacket. One jailer became concerned after Akers' hysterical commotion ceased and checked on his prisoner, but It was too late. The murder suspect was: already dead. Authorities said Sunday he was definitely th.e victim of a drug overdose, but It was impossible to determine just what type was involved. No method has yet been devised to chemically determine the presence of LSD in the human body, but Pvt. Akers' sympton1s some"·hat matched those pro- duced by the hullucinogenic drug. Two Texas: acquaintances of the dead i.nan told pol.ice he had been acting odd Just before his sudden visit to the nursing home "''~ere l\irs. Hayden was spending h!"r twllight years. · \Vllliam Barnhart. 18, and Richard 'Valence, 17, said Pvt. Akers approachtd them a~d d~anded they accompany him to_ California afler riding over on a motorcycle to visit. The residen ce is near the nursing home. .. , guess I'll just have lo kill one or you,.., they quoted the Y®ng soldier as saying. . • He then ran ' across· the street like a craz~d animal -slamming straight into a. brick wa.11-but got up and began run· n1ng. errat1cally again, this Ume to the nursing home. A.uthori ties said Pvt . Akers had been. a.uigned to the Nationa l Agency Check Cen.te r at Randolph AFB, 3 special ln· lelhgenc~ detachment base. Westminster police said today that Akers h~d no record of brushes with the law In his home city, while hla bl!rtlvtd parents refused to make •ny commf!nt Dn ' the case. Clean ers Cleaned In $1,977 Heist Seal Beach police today are looklog for su~pecta lnvolvtd In a weekend bursllr'Y which emptied a cleaning establishment Ull ol ll ,m in cash and check&. According lo Sil. Sam D'Anilc:o, tM burglars pried open the rtar door of the Rossmore Cleaners, 1244 Los AlamJlol Blvd., between ITlidnlght and l ' aln-Satuniay . The early morning heist followed an at. tempted burglary at the cle.anen Frkl11t ~·hen Se~J Beach police apprehended t · iuvenlle as ht was trylni to break tbe 4ock on the rear door. ' I ... ' ·I • I I l J ] ] 0 C< tt. lti tiJ pl C( d< ll" c:c sl" N• ' "' ~ l C• • te .. .. cl th • m lo hi n~ •• bJ e\ H jll ' .. C< .. hi Di di, .. go In en 1t1 .. i lb .. I i l .. • .. ' Huntington Beaeh ---·--~ ' TOtlaY'•~ . . . . .. N.Y •. Steeb :VO~. 62, NO. 149, l SECTIONS, 34 PAGES Entering New Era President Nixon, flanked by retiring Chief Justice Earl \Varren (left) and lhe U.S. Supreme Court's new chief justice, Warren E. Burger, appears pleased after his precedent-setting address to court during swearing in ceremonies today for new chief jus tice. Story on Page 4. Bookmaking Def ettdant In LA Trial Murdered . - A Superior Court trial of three men a~ o.i:!ed of · bookmaking was thrown inta confusion today when the judge learntd that one of the defendanls was shot and kil led Saturday night in Los Angeles. No decision had been reached a press time on the future courie of the preceedings but it appeared reasonably certain that Judge Robert Rickles will deelare a mistrial and set a new date for trial of the remaining defendants. Los Angeles police said today they are continuing their investigation of the shooting of Emmett Alan Canard, 4:1, of North Hollywood. Police charge Canard 2nd Time Around May Be Tougher, Higli Court Rules WASHINGTON (UPl) -The Supreme Court ruled today that a convict who wins a new trial may be given a stiffer sen- tence the second time, The S.2 decision upholds the fa r· reaching discretion of judges in im posing sentence but requires that they make clear the "constitutional legitimacy" o! the Increased sentence. At the same lime. the court ruled that a person reconvicted at a second trial must be given credit on the new aentence for tlme already served in prison under his original sentence. Justice Potter Stewart wrote the opi- nion With Justices William 0 . Douglas. and Thurgood Marshall concurring. -Justice-Byron R; White-also concup'ed bulatlpulated he would have given.jud1es even more discretion in resentencing. Justices Hugo L. Black and John M. Harlan concurred in part and dissented in part. • was gunned down by Nelda Duncan, 23, of Hollywood as the couple argued in the parking lot of a downtown restaurant. Officers said Miss .Duncan shot Canard three (1mes in the chest and then shot herself between the eyes. She had earlier pleaded guilty in Orange County Superior Court to bookmaking charges and was to. be sentenced Thursday. Canard had stood in court here Friday with Valentine Sargis James, 51, of !AS Angeles and Sylvester Blake, 39, of North Hollywood as the first week of their tri&I for felony bookmaking activities Con· eluded. James and Blake were in court today visibly shocked' at the circumstances which eliminated their co-defendant from the trial. Newsmen and the public were barred from the coortroom this morning while Judge Rickles conferred with prosecution and defense counsel and district at· tomey's officials on the new develop.. ment. Huntingto11 Man To Head Alliance Walter F. Young, Hwttington Beach, has been appointed pledg~ c a m p a i g n manager for the National Alliance of B.usinessmen to find jobs in private businesses for the unemployed. Young, manager of employment at McDonnell·Douglas Astrona utics is on lo'an from the · firm to work full tin; el or NAB's 'Orange County program. The purpose of NAB ls to remove the unemployed and disadvantaged from the w'Uare rolls on a princple of hiring first, then training and retraining. EDITION . ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, JUNE 23, '1969 TEN CENTS 1GI Sia \ s I I Invalid, 1 85 Westminster Youth Die·s of Drugs in Jail Cell An Army Intelligence corpsman from Westminster would have been arra.lgnid today in the bizarre hug-and·kili murder of an 85--year-old widow in her wheelchair Saturday, but authorities instead are pro-- bing his jail cell death of a drug overdose. Pvt. Terry Akers, 20, of 6181 Shawnee Road, was found dead Saturday at 10 p.m. in his padded cell in San Antonio, Tex., the victim of a massive dose of South Viets Try to Break Red Siege SAIGON (UPI) -A force of 500 South Vietnamese troops struck out today from the besieged U.S: Special Forces camp at Ben Het to try to battle their way to Dalt To, eight miles to the east, and open a supply route through the Communist·held mountains. The siege of Ben Het in the ceotral highlands 285 miles north of Saigon has been under way for 47 days. Today the Communists shelled the Green Beret camp or the 20th consecutive day and launched two ground attacks which were beaten off. U.S. ru2.s smothered the moun tain peaks around Ben Rel with a million tons of bombs today and shortly afterwards the relief force set out frOm the camp to try to open the single lane ]Javed road ·which runs through the jungles to Dak To, itsett a ~loody batUe'l"'"'i llJ.,,\b'I , past. ' -, All supplies £or Ben Bel are alrdropJ)ed by U.S. Air.Force CIA CariboUJ for lbe defenders, who ~PY thtee hllla that make up the camp· with 700 women and children; their dependents, who lost seven wounded )n ·today's sbellings. The roads are boobytrapped and heavy gunfire by 1,500 North Vietnamese in the sur· rounding hills prevent helicopter lan- dings. The relief force has made contact with Communist gr o u n d forces but the ~xtent of fighliflg was not yet know:n. The force must fight its way past mines and booby traps and the frequent ambushes that have halted other supply efforts. The camp itself is located atop three small hills with a valley in between. The defenders have dug deep into the mudd y earth under the constant shelling and pulled their tanks in tighter to the defense perimeter, stacking extra rounds near their cannon which fire back night and day. There arc perhaps a doun U.S. Green Beret advisers on one of the hills eight miles from the border of Cambodia and a U.S. artillery unit on another. The women and children live in flimsy shacks on the edge of the defense perimeter. Communist casualties in fierce fighting in the area are placed in excess of 1,500 since May 6. The battles have cost Soulh Vielnamese forC1!s 168 dead and the Americans 40 dead. The pattern of Com· munist attack was nOt clear. About 12,000 Communist troops moved into the central highlai;.:ls from Cambodia and Lao.s la.st month, but it remains (See. VIETN.Uf, Page !) Seal Beach City Chief Okay · After Sur gery Seal Be3ch City Manager Lee Risner is in satisfactory condiUon today at...Long Beach Community Hospital after emergency appendix .surgery Friday. Risner became ill early Monday at his Seal Beach home. I either LSD or amphetamines, au thorities said Sunday. Several days will be required to determine just What chemical compound apparently drove the young soldier tern· porarily out of his mind, leading to the deaths of his victim and himself. One lawman had 4' beat Pvt. Akers with a blackjack to subdue him after the beating death of Mrs. Annie P. Hayden, a resident of the Broadway Lodge North nursing home. Bexar County medical examiner Dr. Ruben Santos performed the Sunday autopsy on the young soldier and ruled out bead Injury as the caUse i:i dea,th. Hi$ parents, Mr. aod M,r9. Neil Aken, tod a.y refused to comment .xi the double tragedy when contacted by newsmen at the family home in Weslmlnatel.'" Authorities so far ,have no motive whatsoever for the strange killing, except for the theory of drug·Jnduced de.rang~ ment, an idea sup(>Orted by wl.tnesm to the beating and Akers' prior bel>avtOr. "He acted like he was going to put bis anns around the old woman to k1SI her, then he.began beaUna her with his Ii.ta," aatd San An19nio Pollce Sil Mack <frill. . "One of the n"'*' lr!ed lo lnt.reede, but he hit her and knocked her away," Sgt.' Grill explained, saying Mrs . Hayden's jaw wa,s fractured in three places during the savage attaet. "He was quite active and appeared to (See 8LA YER, Pop I) ' Trustees Take Up Teacher Salaries ·Trust .. , of the HunUnglon Beach •High School District are expected to tel their 1969-70 teacher wage increase Tuesday night by officially adopting a salary schedule. They will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Fou ntain Valley High Schobl Cafeteria, 17816 Bushard St., Fountain.Valley. Action on the '6,720" to $13,440 range of. fered to the teachers will eUectlvely curtail all negoUaUng acUvlty by the teachers who had been uldng for a '7,000-$14 ,000 range. The trustee-offered salary schedule has been the subject of con1lderable co. troversy and prom~ ,teacher walkouts . -.111-~ -<'•iifoolil'MCY" and J\Jbe J~: . I • .,. • _' A su)lil&tlor.oourt restraint wu abta.lmd by -lhorlly ofter Ille two cllll boyc:otla, ~entlng tho 1eoeheni to engage ii any IUrthet w.t•.aloppipo for. the rest of the school year, · In 1ddillon, the governing board r.ecenUy voted to dock lhe teachera for two days pay, for their alleged illegal absences. Although it Is not Indicated On the agenda, it is passlble that representatives of the District Educators AS5ocia.Uon, which has been spearheading the drive tor h1&be:r salaries, wW make a stat• ment about the pay docking to the trustees. • Also sceduled to be presented lo the trumes Tuesday night ta a slatement by VOTERS (Voice of the Electorate Regardiog Schools) ..,~ · recent ttu9tee iction to table bat .. to ·Scrap a "~ Mure family life and .., educ.U.,, ....... In the dUtrlcl . ' . -• A · poeaib~ lU overrldo el<cUoo, perhlpi oomblned. with a borid laue for addJUonll llCbool funds, wlll lllo-r<eeive ~ation by the board oi1ru11ees. Graduate of Valley Higli Given ]onkman Award DAILY l"ILOT Iliff l"1lltl GRIM JOB OFF LAGUNA Drowning at Two Rock Point Beachgoers See S<lnta Ana Boy Dro wn at Lagun.a A 19-year~ld_ Santa · Ana boy drowned off Crescent Bay in Laguna Beach Sun· day as a crowd.of bcachgoer.s. stooi:l. by and watched from the water's edge. The victiln , Rotiert Newton G.i rdner ..,of ~ 1234 Bo(&_hunJ · Sj . ..:_was; attempting to swim W--Seal-Rock iO:JQrn two friends-- when he went under abbut 100 yards offshore. , Fountain Valley High School groduate Robin Yarborough has been presented "Ith the 9<COnd All!)Ual' Naomi Jonkmln Career·Teachlng Scho)8fslllp. The ta.year old student, a resident of 16685 Sequoia St., Fountain . VS.lley, received $100 and a plaque from tbe Fountain Valley EducaUon Association for his participation in an elementary teaching work experience program. Participant& spent nine weekJ with elementary · achoo! teachers in at lea.st t\\'O grade levels in the Fountain Valley School District. The program, a cooperative effort of the Huntington Beach High School District and the Fountain Valley School District, 11 Intended to give the student realistic school and work experience as part of their high .school education. Approximately Z5 bigb school atudent.s Golden West JC . To Get $7,097 Golden West College In Huntington Beach will receive federal · 1r8rit..s of IS,000 and 12,097 for fA!Tcbaae of library materials, Rep. Craig Hosmer (ft..Lon&: participated In lhe program Ibis year and received five units of high school elective credit for their efforts. Tbe schol8tshlp ha1 been provided for two years in a row and Js named in hm)or of retired Fountain Valley School District Trustee Naomi Jonkman. Yarl>oroogh lndlcated that he would use .the award money to help with tui· lion at California Bapillt College, .Rfver. z;ide, which he plans to enter thiJ fall. ' CHECK THE ADS FOR FOURTH FETE Some DAILY PILOT readers are going to enjoy an exciting Fourth of July fireworks show free. lf your name .appears In the classified advertising coluaw of the DAD.. Y PILOT lhis w.eek, you will receive free passel to tile July Fourth Fireworks Show .at Anaheim .Stadium. There Is n6 - obligation on your part. Check lhe ., llAJi.Y' l'ILOT · cla0611ied atc1lon..ucb day. I( you find your name, you art a winner. Summer·-Learnin' Is Easy His body was recovered one hour and 20 minutes later. The Orange County Coroner's office re(>Orted the vi~im was wearl'J.g jeans. Frlendt said he had work· ed all night, and hadn't slept for many houri!!. "He was a real good swimmer -a surfer," said Eric Jarrell, 19, a friend of Gardner, Jarrell or Anaheim, and Keith Damion, 20, Gardner 's roommate, were Beach) announced today. ' The $$,000 ' basic ·grant 1rilu1t be 'mnt- ched by non·federal funds, Q01mer 1<1td, but the second grant does not requli'e matching funds. Also ·receiving grants • are C&Hfomla, Slate Colle&!· Lona Btacb, a tolal ot 142,7tl; and Long Btach City College, $20,614. Weatlter Th.e aun' contlnuff to sleep till noon, and Tuelday~a ouU®': calla foi a continuation of the wne. Huy sunshine wtl1 bring the mer· cury into the l6w 7011 along the coast. School Gaining in Popularity Along Coast ~~.~I Rock watching Gardner swim Summer achool began today ln ~ _.tte~~ng remedial work-;-the rest st.an· communltla along the Orange Coast with dard or accelerated courses. enrollmt11t tn some school dlstrlcts M Ocean View Elerhentary, ,holding its high u half I.he regular yw students. flf'st aummer sealon tn a num~ of Hunttnctoo Belch Union High . School yeart1 enrol~ 5,~ out oC 13,000 regular Dtitrict aot a ,jump ~ other acbO!)I years studenta., dlatrict.I by Ollartlna laSI wi!ek. Over. halt the 13,000 student& In Hun· Summer sessions wW run from four to Ungton Btach' High School Dlttrict were seven .weeks with students ~ally attending summer echool. About one in aolng to ICbool in the morning and home four were taking remedill woflc. In the artemoon. Whal explains the growing popularity · In Newport.Mesa Ulli!ied 1cboo1 s of summer ICbool? enr:ollment wu 5,SOO out of 26,tm "Most kids go to summer school 1tudmtl during the rqular year, a •um-because'"they Ul!:e It,'" saJd QUthlf'Fal'tits; Jner record for the district. director of ·l(ltnmer achoo! for Laguna ln IA.gun• Beach, about 550 stud~r:iu Beach._ .. .. ~ ahowed Ulfl!lt nni d~. ~ar y~ On thi: nigh sclliillt t.vet: Dr. Loren enrollmcnt,11 .•boi!U,lllO. Onl11Q percent Moll ot' ~ h e lluhtfng\on Belch High District, thinks "the big thing Is to "When he first yencd for help, 'Keith was in such a burry tp fet to ~im, be fell reduce their required courses so they can off the rock a:nd hurt his leg pretty bad· take other coUrses duriog t' he regular 19," Jarrell said. "So I .started alter him. year." ., I'm not a very good swll!mer, but I An lncrcasln~ number of high school reached him first. Rl&ht alter that Keith students also are working on graduaj.lng a:ot to him. a semester. or mort early by taking ad-"Ile wu .sll11 conscious, spltUng out vantage ol aummer offerings. water," Jamil continued. "He said, The grants a.re made under Tlt1e D of the HlJilier EducaUon Acl of 1965, "College Ubrtry Ruources ·Procrmn1" Total granla aero.st the nation add up to• 125 million •P"'ad •"'°"8 1.241' collqea and universities lncludln&. 'Ha I n CalilomSa. l' • ' Another ruaon ls summer offerings not 'Take: me ishore'.'But we Couldn't. T~e given during the regular ldlool year. must have .been an undertow or tide NEW YORK (AP) -the stock market Ocean View's guitar elm b an e1ample. work~ng -aamst us. • was jdlted to ~ loll todaJ • a& Ncwporl·~esa }' 9fferil)8 -1£1'"""• -"~ t~ ~ oo ·M~ just;!!®<!_~ -~'1'1>1"111!'1\i1-llab\ •M human!Ues , lns\'i!utes I n "hfcli 1 !liii ,11111\, w1 . us. '!l)ey lrialiirli • wu 1'<flOl'lod ~JI down. (So<' persons outside tlte Khoo! district lecture llki a Cit.CVl1'' · • . • ·, · quotaUOns, "P•aes ~ZY~' •" '- .!<> ~14 , HunUQlloil ~ltfj!lf.r-' ~7'\'111>. li>1tfl' ·old \lo.nahelm l;roY• 'Wit.' 'l'!adlng rio roltly. llClivt neor ilio c)o. Im morlne' ~nd \lf<ld ~ .fllf lh1', nd' the · dl!lWl11ng lrbm nlxive th< 36. Th< Dow Jones lnduljri1l 1verqe 11 summer st~dcnt only. -1 • • (Sec OROWNING,'Page I}' t:30 p.m .. ,... off 1.911111111.11. ' 1 • , INSIDE TODAY · 'J'lhe 11eUow brick r.oad IOGI • pqth to loneUntu and de.rp0ir1 1 b~t bt/ore her ~ach sumtov. Jlid, Garland d«lartd •'"' ~ fifial4' '[ovnd happitica.r. l!Or stoi-11 ii told on Pa~ 4 todar. • ........ ti L*'-11 t......... I --!! (......... J1.)I .. C--. It ................. (........ II Of-.. C.-.. ,. 0... ....._ It 1,.,11 ,..., )I I °"*""' 11 ..... -.. ,, '""""' ,... • ..... 11• ............. u ............ ~ ... ....... .... ,....... tt ~ = = ': Mwf*I ..... """' .., z ~y 1'(1.0! • H Monda1, Junt 23, l96t Freeway Adoption Set Newport Route lnt.o Mesa Almost Official Formal desilllaUoo of lhe S<K&lled Red·.Blue NelWpOrt P'rtellV route Iooplni out throUlh Costa Mesa's west side is on- ly *'!!!~·away, according to the state· nll"w.,Y Commission. MemberS cil the paoel said Ibey win ol· ficie.JJy adopt the alternate route at their July 1~17 ~ in San Diego, at the wlndup ol. a late-running meeting Thurs- day In Fremo. News of the route adqption recom· mtOOed. by both Newport Beach and Costa Mesa clty olllclals and civic leaden eu-lier lhis year brought jubilant comment f!Ver the weekend. "I would say the commlssion has followed the Cit)' Council's reque!l ln two way1: 1otng along with the route wt voled !or .llnd Nlalnllli Ibo Plllllle Oiiit P'reft'11· 1Ugnrnent, u said Cciieta Mt.SI Mayor A!vln L. PinkJey. "We are very happy,'' be added. ''I am very pleased and I think It will be beneficial to have It formally adopted as soon Q possible," said Newport Beach Mayor Doreen Marshall. MN. Marshall said a telegram notl- fylng city officials of the inforynal Route SS adop_Uoo esplaina that any pubUc agen- cies wblch wish to may ask for another open hearing on the choice. Shi added that this seems un- neccessary and unlikely, since both cities had formally approved lhe imminent selection. which is the farthest west a.mODg four po&Sible routes. Sadism Club Convictwns Reversed by High Court WASHINGTON (AP) -The Supreme Court today !ununarily reversed the con- vict.ions on lewdness charges of two persons arrested by police in a raid on a New Jersey aadism club. The high court agreed, in a brief &-2 opinion, to review the coovicUoll! of the two defendants, and simultaneoiisly reversed UlOle convlctioDI, holding tha\ lhe search and oelloJro ~ follow· ed """ constituUoooll' Invalid. The unsigned opinion noted that Justiet.a Byron White and Hugo L. Black' dissented lrom the majority act.ion. The two defendant.s, Monique Von Cleel and James Albert Beard, bad been convicted for lewdtnu CJUenaee. M15s C1eef was sentenced to four months in jail and fined $1,000, Beard was fined $500 and give.n an 11-month prol>Ated sentence. Appealing. they claimed an un- constitutional search had been made of the Newark, N.J., club. 1be arrests were made by the Eutt county 1he.rUr1 office in the IS.room col- onial-type bcxne In wblcb Beard and MW PreJHlred Bandit Binds Victim In Newport .Heist A aunm.an who even 'bid: a spare roll of tape bandy -when lhe lint ooe used to bind biJ victim ran out -robbed a Newport Bead> hamburger 1tand of 12,3!0 early Sunday morning. Police said victim Pierre J . F. Bertolino, ot. Costa Mesa, manager of The Burger, .UOl W. Pacific Cout High\,ay, pGppect bil bound Jep apart to walk to a nearby bat at 1:30 a.m. to teek help after lhe holdup. He told police that the bandit came through a side door of the roadside restaurant at about mldniaht. He crept up to Bertolino, who was washing hi! hand! and face, then thn1st a snub-nosed. blue steel revolver in his side and ordered the victim toward the aafe. 'lbe robber took all the cash from the aafe, then added more than • from Uie victim's wallet to the loot. police uld. After loading the money lnto a paper ,.a, police said, lhe fidgety bandit ordertd Btrtclioo into a store room and made the victim tape hts legs toaether and wrap more around one wrist. That took up one roll of adhesive tape, officen said, and the gunman produr.ed another and taped the man's wrists together, then covered the vlcUm'• mouth with the rest. After that he 6-foot-2-inch bandit ran out and fled. A short time later Bertolino popped the tape loose from his legs and ran to the Bayside Inn with his hands bound and his mouth still covered, officers said. A bartender took off the blnding while a customer called poUce. D ~llY PtlOl ....-CAii fl\lk*41 .. ~ ~·Mtt N. W..4 .,....,..,.........,_ Jtc\, l . ~ nit,,,.....~ co-J ..__ 1\0111•• kt t\li1 .... nt-1 A. Mw•~kl11• -·-JJNrl W. l1ttt Will11111 111..f .. _.... ~ti ... -leto;tl «llllW ai., •tll• " .............. Ofl&. Jot ltlt ,.,.., Marr.., M't••u r.o .... no-•zwt _ ....... _. ..,., 2'11 ~ .. ...,. --c.-... t -..... .., ..,,_ IL.-~ m h!WI ,....,. - Von Cleef lived. A detective had an ar· rt1t warrant, but the appeal claimed the warrant was invalid. Jn the course of the raid, the appeal said, the officers seized 4,500 pieces of personal correspondence, two flllng cabinets and a file drawer containing about 2,000 names and addresses, a cigar box containing 200 applicatiot1!1 ror ., membership -in the ''Flair Club11 and more than 200 photographs. Miss Von Cleef and Beard claimed, through attorneys, that this sort of "general, exploratory search" is forbid- den by the federal Constitution. Besides, they questioned "whether an act of pun~ iShment, committ'ed between two con- senting adults, in private, can be made criminal." Tbe convictiom were affirmed last July by the appellate division of the Superior Court of New Jersey. The state supreme court rejected an appeal last September. The Supreme Court said Monday It had . 11lo hesitation in concluding that the ac- tion of the police here in combing a three- slory, 18-room house from lop to bottom and carting away several thousand papers, publications, and other items cannot under any view of the 4th Amend· ment be justified as 'incident to arrest' " It said that such mass seizure of evidence was beyond the sanction of any previous cues. • .Tustin Man W ¥!ks Away From Crash Of Small Plaµe . Ernest Pegau, S3, 13061 Wreath Place, Tustin, walked away rrom a plane crash on a San Diego County mountain pe.:ik Sunday, Pegau, along with pilot James K. Polk, 40, 4201 La Concetta, Yorba Unda and passenger Patrick J. Trudel, 57, Chino, escaped serious injury in the crash of a Cessna 1n. Pepu WI! admitted to Mercy Hospl!Al in San Diego after treatment of a broken wrist, and Polk required several stitches to cl06t a gash on his scalp. Trudel com- plained of bact p1i.na. The trio were heading toward Baja Callfomla for a fishing trip when the plane deve1oped engine trouble and pilot Polk crashed landed the plane. 5 Children See Mother Stabbed; Husband Arrested A bridegroom of two weeks haa been arrt.sted on suspicion or assault with in- tent to commit murder and his bride is In Oran.,1e CouJ:ity~M!<lical _Center Ip ~eriOUJ condition from numerow stab wouods. Jailed is Albe.rt David Clements: 49, or 11331 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove. . --Ftitkr allefe he -stabbed Thelma Ann Clements, 44, h~ bride of two weeks "'several Umes" with a butcher knife as a climax to an arguinent ln the family home. Pollet. said tht stabbings took place Jn the presence ol Mrs. Clement&' five 1111111 children by a previous marriage. Two of t h e children, ages 6 and 8, ran to the police station two blocks away and r<ported the stabbing, offlcers said. Saddleback JC Budget OK Due Saddleback Junior College District trustets tonight will be 11~ked to adopt a tentative budcet of n .1 million for nert school year, up lrom St.I million for lhla year. The incre&se. according to Busineu f\tanager Roy Barlttta, It due to an· ticipated increased enrollmmt ntxt ye-.r when aophomore student.I will be added. Enrollmmt is expected to ao up from 900 freshmen thls year to 1,600 lreJhmeD 1nd·IOpbom~ores l'ifllfytar. Tht proporUon 11 very >nelrly the same 11!> the budget increallt with the propostd per student co1t to go up 11\ahtly from ll,666 to 11,687, \ .\lllall "' lht lltli ll!lbwlY Com- mission II expected to close the question of jus:t where the 2.2·mlle stretch of freeway to be built in the mid·1970s will actually go. Commission Chajnnan Ernest J • Cristina said after the tentative adoption Thursday that the panel was actiq as advisl'C! by Harbor Area city officiall and the majority of private citizens. Some homeowners who will be rotted to relocate at state expense -Including land purchase co!l: and moving expenses -are naturally opposed to the ~·Blue route selection. A Newport Freeway alignment down existing Newport Boulevard was chosen in 1944, but changing area development led the state to reopen the question as re· quested by Newport Beach and Costa Mesa leaders. The new route I• also recommended by State IUghway Engineer John A. Legar- ra, although the State Director of Public Works is probably the most important tn.- dlvidual in terms of advising com- missioners. Under lhe tentative Red·Blue route, Newport Boulevard will remain a primary local traffic thuroughfare and the old downtown business area will have a chance for internal redevelopment Many merchants testified during prior public hearings at local and slate level that the !till-open question or where the freeway would lie made their own future plans uncertain. Primarily apartment and single family home developments lie in the proposed Newport Freeway path expected for adoption, while achool district property and Costa Meu Park will be spared. Cost of the Red-Blue route ls estimated at $tl.7 million for construct.ion and $13.1 million for purchue of right-of.way pro- perty, more than the old alignment, but less -$15 million -in terms of user service cost over the following 20-year period. The only alteration In the now-adopted Pacific Coast Fretway route posed by selection or the alternate Newport Freeway route will be location of an in- terchange for the two traffic arterits. Both Harbor Area cities have approved a route along the approximate west side or Superior Avenue for the C'Ol'IUnuaUon of lhe Newport Freeway. The 2.Z..mlle link scheduled for adoption by the State Highway Comm.ialion next month runs from a point at the Newport Boulevard and Bay Street intersection on to the Newport Beach city limlt. The freeway route down to that point has already been formally adopted and no change ts contemplated. From P .. e l SLAYER ••• be berserk, he wu completely out of his mind," commented deputy medical ex· aminer Dr. J. A. Diaz. The suspect !>Attired the wheelchair patient for about 30 second: and was quoled as scr<amlng by1terlcally lhal be himself wa1 sick of life. "Out of It. Out of it. I've 1ot to get out of this world," lnvallgaton quoted the Westminster High School craduate II screaming after he was confined to a padded cell in a straitjacket. One jailer became concerned after Akers' hysterical commotJon celled and checked on his prisoner, but It wu too late. The murder suspect wu already dead. · Authorities said Sunday he was definitely the victim of a drug oven:lose, but It wu lmpoa1ible to detennlne juat what type wu involved. No method has yet been deviled to chemically determine the presence of L.SD In the human body, but Pvt. Akers' symptoms somewhat matched those pr~ ducOO by the hullucinogenlc drug. • Two Texas acquaintances of the dead man told police he had been acting odd just before his sudden visit to the nursing home where Mrs. Hayden was spending her twilight years. William Barnhart, ta, and Richard \Valence, 17, said Pvt. Akers approached them and demanded they accompany him to Callfornla after riding over on a motor1.:ycle to visit The reslden~ is near the nW'lin& . home. "I guess I'll just have to kill one of you:" .. ~ .... ~~-..t~1e youn(~ldier as saylRJ. He their ran across the street like a crazed antmal -slamming straight into a brick wall -but got up and began run· nlng erratically again, this time to the nursin1 home. Authoritle1 llid Pvt. Akers had bttn assigned to the National Agency Check Center at Randolph AFB, a special in- telllaence detachnient base. Westminster police said today that Akers bad no record of brushes with the Jaw In his home city, while hia bereaved parents relwed to make any comment on the case. Onassises in Capri IS~E OF CAPRI, Italy CUP!) Arllt.olle Onassis and hil wife J1ckie ar· rived at Capri today aboard thtlr yacht Chrllllna. They ftnl immediately to the home or friend!, German-born Count Edward Blsmarct ~ hit American IOCl&lite wtf11 tbt former Mana. Wllllam.s. Brid.ge Expert Dies ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (UP!) RU!tell J, Baldwin, one of the naUon'• leading 1xpe_rt1 on contract bridge, died Saturday at the age of 70. --.. • ' -;) Vl'I TtlWMte Wolves BetDflre American singer Doria Rose, 24, in Italy to meet film pro- ducers and improve her opera singing, makes it clear she is to be admired only from a dis- tance. She would appear to have only one problem-sitting down. From Page l DROWNING. • • bluff. "These two guys were in the water holding somebody up," said Jeff Dorman. ''They were yelling for about five minutes. I thought they were just faking or something. When I saw they needed help, I ran down the cliff with my fins. "I got to the beach about three minutes later. Just after I got there, the first life- guard, with fin! and a float, got there. The lifeguard was real fast. He had tG climb over all the rocks to get there," Dorman said. 1'There were about 15 people standing around the edge, just watching," he ad- ded. The other boy, Rod Edwards, said the two ln the water were yelling for help for "about 10 minutes. Then the guy went un- der, and five minutes later the two came asbo!'e. Then It was five more minutes before the li feguards came." Laguna Lifeguard Lt. Eugene DePaulis said that once the guard1JVere notified, it took 41about one minute for them to reach the ed&e of the water, and anothU 30 se<:onds to a m1nute before they reached the SPot where he went under." It's about 200 yards from the water's ed1e to the qorthern-most of two ureruard towers on the beach, Ufeguards had to run around the rocky base of the cliff to reach the site. niere were three guards on the beach at lhe tlme -two In towers and another ''rover" checking for drinkers. The guards, all experienced, were Steve Knauer, Paul Brinkman, and Dan Henry. It wu not known this morning who wa.s the first guard on the scene. While the guards made an lnlUal search for the body, the Harbor Patrol rescue boat was dispatched from Newport. Later, Laguna Lifeguard Lt. Dean Westgaard and San Clemente CapL Phil Stubbs, in scuba e q u i p m e n t , recovered the body. The coroner's report said the initial autop1y showed drowning lo be the cause of death .. However, a to1icologist's report is pendin&. Coast Residents Return to Jobs With County Fair Five Orange Coast residents have returned to top ;obi in the Orange County Fair and ExposJUon , it was announced by fairgrounds general manager Al&ed "G, J.ii\kM!... - ------4 ~ 50 Plant. Grown Marijuana Farm·: Fbund ~iri Mesa I J Crand Havu..Clrcle waao't any grand hav~ for Emlllo s. Flores, who today hlco,I _.,lion le< alle1edly cU!Uvat- lnf a 1111111 marljUana farm In Coota M-. The 24-)'<>lf-<lld Newport Beach air- craft upholstery &hop worker was a,... noted Satlll'doY wlllfe allegedly !leelni lhe n.ld fll hla --wllen lie c1ro .. onto the deadend. llHeL Flores, ol 19D81 Baklr St., Santa Ana, wu collared by Patrolman William Bechtel aa he tried to climb a fence art.r Wtlng lhe aato and booked oo suspicion of marijuana cultivation. Police were called to the area of Paularino Avenue and Ludlneton Stree( Saturday afternoon by a discount store security guard who reported a 1W1plclous person in a nearby field. The man was crawling around and ap- peared to be watering plants with a plastic jug, said the reporting officer, who had watched him curt9l11ly ror about 20 minutes. OUlcer Bechtel said Flores ran when he approached and i~red repeated orders to halt, getting into his car and dri'ing away despite the fact his captor wu waving a revolver. After nabbing Flores as he tried to scale the rence surrounding a home, Officer Bechtel took him back to the scene, where 50 alleged marijuana plants about 10 inches tall were cont~ cated. Authorities said they found three seeds in Flores' car, t~ them as evidence under the presumption they are mati· Juana seeds, which they resemble. Footnote to V io"lence: Guns Kill 206 in Week By Tbe Aooclated Press Last week, 206 persons were killed by guns in the United States, a grim counterpoint to a description earlier this month of Americans as "a bloody minded people." From June 15 to June 22, there were 131 homicides, 59 suicides and lS ac- cidental gunshot deaths across the nation, actording to an Associated Press survey. Death came during family fights, lovers' quarrels, lavem disputes and crtmfnal acts. And as they died last week, a historian who coauthored a staff report to the Na- tional Commission on the Ca~s and Prevention of Violence, said he saw no end to such acts. "Continued violence is something we can look for -like it or not," said Dr. Hu~h Davis Graham of oJhns Hopkins University, who wrote the report with Ted Robert Gurr of Princeton, a pr~ Painting, Dance Le ss ons Offered Two programs -oil painting and acrylics for teens, and teen dance lessons -will be available June 30 for Westminster youth in tfie Westminster Community Services building. Registration for both classes may be completed at the recreation and parks department, B200 Westminster Ave . Young painters, ages 14-18, will meet from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Mondays, for si1 weeks . Coed dancers, agfs 12·15, will learn the waltz, tango, cha-cha, fox trot and inod dances, from 3:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m., Mon4 days and Wednesdays. The fee is $10 for painting and $4 for dancing. Opera Singer Slain SAN FRANCISCO (AP) "'7William H. Miles Jr., 39, a member of the San Fran- cisco Opera, was slain on lhe waterfront Sunday. Miles, who san1 under the name Wilhelm Von Nauman, was beaten about the head and shot once through the neck, pollce said. • fessor of Politics at University. The in.member commission was ap- Polnted lmt June by former President Johnson after the assassination ol Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. The report, released early in June, said : "Americans are a bloody minded people both in action and reaction." ''It would be astonishing to me jf American society were any different," said Dr. Graham. There is "a lot of input for friction" in· American society he said, because of ec.. onomic and social mobility, competition among racial groups and the "vigilante tradlUon" left from frontier days. A number of states and rederal author· lties have taken step1 to curb these deaths with gun control laws. The federal gun control Jaw, signed Oct. 22, 1968 by President Johnson -not as strict as gun control advocates would like -limits interstate sale of all firearms and ammunition by mail. Ex4 cept under certain circumstances. it also bans across the counter sales to nonresidents of a state. The sale of weapons to juveniles, the mentally ill, criminals and drug addlct5 also is prohibited. Californi a had the most gunshot death9 !ast week with 30, the survey showed. Of these 20 were suicides and HJ homicides, Illinois, wliich led in homicides with 12, was second in total deaths with 16. From. Page l ' VIETNAM .•. unclear whether' they want to harass of' conquer. There are an unknown number of South Vietnamese in the area plus about 450 mercenaries and about 200 American Green Berets. Until recently they had a small helipad in use just outside the gate to the camp. But the landing zone like everything else outside the wooden gate is now no man'1 land. The snipers have moved in close and they shoot at anything that moves above U1e deeply dug bunkers. In today 's fighting the mercenaries who receive $43 a month from the U.S. Army threw back two infantry attacks. They killed 34 North Vietnamese and suffered "light'' casualties in their own ranks, military spokesmen reported, .tolning the 21-st exposition to be he)d •• from July 15 to 20 ln Cotta Meaa are: From C'Ali. Meta: James Garvey, agricultural and community exhibits building supervUior, for hi• third year. From HID11astoa Beacb: Mrs. Dee Cox, home economics, for her second year. From Lagana HJlls: Carl Jednoralski, junior building supervisor , second year. From Seal Beacb: Robert L. Webb and Associa(es, advertising and publicity, and Gordon Wheatley, Jr., special events supervisor, 19th year. I Cleaners Cleaned In $1,977 Heut Seal Beach police toda,y are looking for suspeci.S Involved in a weUe.nd buralary which emptied a cleanina establbhment till or II,177 In CIJh and cbecka. Accordln.!! to SCI. Sam D'Amloo, lhe burtlars piled open the , .. , door or lhe Rossmore CleaDen, 1244 Loi Alamitos Blvd., between mldnlgbl and I a.m. sa1un!ay. Thl early momlna: heist rollowed an at. tempted burglary al Ule cleaners Friday, when Seal Beach poUce. apprehended a juvenlle as he was lr)'lng lo break the • loclt on the rear door. • Satad Plf.e Letrpet·s Chris Olsen, 8 (wearing shirt), and hls brother, Matt, 71 have a great tJme leaping !rem giant sand pll• builL up nea• .56th StreeL beach V Newport where. \J.S. Army Corps of Engineers Is building another in series of groins designed to halt beac:h erosion. Officials have warntd thaL playing near construction site can be dangerous and are asking beach visitors to be""are. . . , I . L I -~--~~-.-··--~·-----•~•~oo·~-----=-•~="==•-=-·-------------------------------------... --------~-----... ---"•-~--, Blackfiri 'Just Shows· Tail • . ' ... .. -<( ., ·'. Ketch Wins 3 Stra~glit FrQm Windward Passage B7 ALMON LOCKABEY ... JIMl!illl ... , Ken De l'lfuese, onwtr of the 73-foot ketch Blackfin, wasn't intimidated when he read the press notices touting Bob Johnson's 73-foot k e t c h Windward Pa.ssage , as the fastest single·hull c r ~ i s i n g yacht ever built . To prove his skepticism, De Meuse and his crew on Blacklin locked heads with Johnson and Wi nd ward Passage In the best tbree out of five California Cuq Series Friday and Saturday 'f\d,won' in three straight vlctor\es. Al a mailer of f'*t, De Meuse and Blackfin acted as if they had never hear~ tha t Wind.war~ Passap ha been firs t to finis,h and se new elapsed time records iO ive of her first seven starts In the Florida Southern Ocean Rae· ing Circuit -and the Miami lo Jamaica race. The aluminum speedster bea' the wood -hulled Win<lw¥d Passage by 16 minutea in Friday's first race, 18 minutes in the second race on Saturday and by two minutes in the final race. LIGHT WINDS But De Meuse was modest about ·the whole thing. He a)lowed that Blacklin was cer-taiilly~~aster going ·lo weather in the light winds, but wouldn't guaradtee a victory in such long downwind hauls as the .upcoming Honolulu race which .wllf.. be. the next time the two . goldp .. ters meet. ! ''But that doesn't mean we ' won't be in there tryinJ,'' cau. tloned De Meuse. John s on was al s b philosophical about Windward Passage's first loss. He sportingly admitted t h a t Blackfin certainly , seemed to be the faste r boat Un the light going over a closed course, but hinted thal it might be a dlf· rerent story when the "big dinghy" started surfing down those big seas in the Honolulu race. The 200-plus spectator fleet that swarmed over the waters didn't help either boat as they crowded clase to the course to \Vatch the sail handling aboard the big yachts. Windward Passage was probably hurt the worst by the bu uing spectator fleet as the wind went soft in /: BCYC's Stormy Wins Endeavor Class Honor Jac·Q·Lion Wins Race . At Chicago CHICAGO (AP) -Jac-Q· Lion, a Cal·25 yachl, w;is the overall winner Sunday in the Columbia Ya cht Club's 77th annual race rrom Chicago to Michigan City. Ind .. and back. 1be yacht. owned by George Sullivan and Bill Hackel. had an elapsed time of five hours, 42 minutes and 12 seeonds and a corrected time of 4 hours, 19 minutes and 44 seconds over the 37-mile run. Bob Eastman's Stormy from Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club was the winner Sunday of the Endeavor Class championship sailed in conjunction with Lido Isle Ya cht Club's June Regal· ta. 'Bravura' Beats 15 Bud Gardiner's Br a \' u r a beal 15 rivals to win the Cal·20 Invitational Regatta at King 1-larbor Yacht Club Sunday. Winner or the Lid~l4 Fleet 9 championship also h e I d al KHYC 'vas Carter Gage in \Vi· ki \Viki. Bill Matthews in Straight Arro\v won the Staff Commodore's Trophy for the first Lid~\4 skipper to finish. Results: (AL·20 (15) -(JI 8t1vur1, Bud G1rdi"er, KHVC ; (2) Ai. .... 11111 Maul. KHY(, 431 Cric~et. Jim SrllfP. IC MYC; (') H1I Fe!. Herb Morrlfo~. ltHYC; (jl Htne Pau. D•ve Heggie, KHYC. CAL·2tX Ill -Cl) Oolly. GPO<"• Ack...-mAtl, KHYC; (1) Nin• (, Mitton p,1!1~11. KMYC L100-1• 1111 -in w1-;.w,1<;, c~···• Gtg•: {1\ Cftrtln• Lo"' Jc'I ll•!<IW•"' Ol loo Gn~nd. Ptul Hub..Y; !'1 S.vrn c ·, Bruer '"°""'I !SI Sf-coo'ld Wll'ld, Otrlo Stnc,,.1. • ,. Runner-up in lhe Endeavor championship was Bill Lang· jahr's Aphrodite. South Shore Sailing Club, and John Ownes' Deuce, BCYC was third. Only t\\'O of nine yachts In lhe LIYC Catalina Island race had rinished Sunday night. The \\'inner was Gold ie Jpseph's Bonita. LIYC. P.1ossback. skip- pered by Don Moss. BCYC, \l'as second . Follo\\•ing are results of the stnall boat regatta sailed in· side the ha~·: LIDO·U·A U l -fl! Viv•. Gib M•,.11•11, ,1oavc; !)) L!ttlr lwittn. Cnad lwlc~ll, LIYC1 CJ) Ull~el, Al Perez. ave. LIOO·UI CIJI -!0 Julie II. Fri'<! 1-1. vvc; tn no "•me. Ptl Dunigan, Jr .• !IV(; (J) no n1-. John McCl~rlv, VYC . KITE ... !I() -(1) l.lltl• F114i!lve. letfl P•rker. ~IHYC; (11 o.,1rov••, Sue !11•nel0f\, NHYC1 CJ) cn101 11. !lob Ht•~~ll. LIVC. KITE • Oll -Ill Holld•v. M1'1"'e All&n, NHYC : 41) lhe 0• II , Otv!d W1ll•<e. L!VC 1 [J) T J, fillneo Wltntr, NHVC. SAI OT ( !1) -(!) Shoollv, CUllV Wl~v. 8YC ; (7) no n•m•. Opnnl1 Ourg1n, BCYC; 43) Amttlta. lurdltk fil~•· t lYC SAIOT I {t) -111 ltllna·A·Oln9. JOl\n Klln9!n1mlth. tlYC: (1) Blue Sh••~ T~n• Yltlloon. NHYC. S•llT C lll -(I) SllllOllY. C~lll• L•f1~n. LIYC: Ul lltd Tt>orne. Grt!I W••ll~n. NHY(. Ill no n•m,, l.ht Hln•lltw Cabrillo Fo11-1111 ••• rewltt al 11\e C•brlllo B•K~ Yach! Club ......... _. •Htll•. Tlw•e ""1"' 111 .n!rlH, oceAN llA(ING lt)-(1) HolldtY loo Too, ken Ctoan. C!IYC1 !21 Novi II, Jofln Jord~n. cave. < Big Sport•f.islae1• Several hundred persons witnessed the launching of Gerald Thompson's 59-foot fi berglass sport·fisher at Lido Shipyard Saturday. The luxurious cruiser· fisherman was designed by Dare Long of Newport Beach and built by ~illard Boat Works, Costa Mesa. Mrs. Kathy TQomps0t1 , the former Kathy Marlowe, named the yacht Pacific Clipper. Qllll'lfTl TIMS. OIM:llDSTIC CllECl <i MW>TtST ._IC '* Qt[Clt ADJUSTMEMT Iii * ROIOVf l DISMANTU * INSP'ICf ALL !"ARTS * DMGH0STIC RUORT ................................. _. ,. ............ & ........... " ........ .,,.... ...... . rRf[ TOWING ~ I DAY S£RVIC£ -[ASY TERMS 1 COSTA MESA 1934 Newport Blvd ............. 645.0900 "(llll9B Ntw Dile~ tr Lkt111• ill C•lff .• ,r1lldll .. ll!fti, Ul.(H4 ,.Hltl' (U) -!I) Pulfer, II.ad P•I· mer. CBV(; (J) Zoo IV, NIM'm SwU- 1er, CIVC: (ll Fly1w1v. Chuc-Ml,.. nlftll. C!IY(i fl) Htftlll, l""1 Wf'l1~. c ave . MULTUIULL AllS, (5)-(1) Swllcll 8ltde. Nell Ht ... ev. C!IYC; (2) H•PPI· ... II It, Lee GrltWolO. c ave. SMALL 10,loT A•I . (11)-(IJ Bit· ntcle. !lob Tavlor. CllY(; !1! Ma<llo, M•~t Jlmen•"· cave; CJ) P1ddlif'I M"'1- rlvn, Wrl'ld•ll H1rTrt, KHYC; (I) No ""IN Marvin Rubeolll•in, KHV(. SNIPE tlll -{1} ll<~leH. lee Sluve. CBYC: <2) Bird, F<•n Bold!. KHVC; !l) 011 Fu(IW!lm, ROii Fo•, A!IVCI Iii "'lghl Wll'ld, Ollnnls Hum- o>rirev. C!IYC; !S) 1!11tur1, Ar(h HI• man, CBVC OEAllY·lf (IQ) -!11 Se1 V1mo, !lob CODI<. CllYC: (1) Til'lllerbe!le. Oo"n!'l it H1rrlnt"ton. C!IVC i CJJ Wiid Tn ..... !II~ Otrnell, CBYC MEllCUll V !11-(1) M•llo Yellow. Aintln Lv1l9M, C!IYCJ !21 S1>tln"'rt, Ted Llnloy. AV(. C.CAT (I) -fl) W~11>l1ill, M1rlolte I. !lra61ey. CIVC; 121 8-11 IV, soeve 01111ew. cave. TOllNADO lll -Ill Fii<'« lG, 1109· ~· Je-t. cave; (2) Sokliowm, Br~ s1ew1r1. cave. CAL·1• C•! -tll Gln~r II. O•ve JOl\nson. CIYC: {2) Mt Jone. Peter Ebellnt', CIYC: !J! luc~y Sevl'f'I. ll1n. dy Smvlt.e, HMYC. CA L·M OSl -Pl Collttfl, Ed F"ow, CBYC: !2) N1ull·C•I, Hint Boehm, cave, !JI Ct>ffol!.1ir. Ed 51>ekell, !IYC; !I) Hall Circle, Jofln Nool~. cave. S·f.S !t) -Cl) Ou11t S!9llt. 111011 St!tln. cavci !2J Puml>ltl" Plr, Jell !lrtvch. LAVC1 ()) Cron1dlnl<1r, Ru1~ Or1we, PV5A. ~ SAFECC ,.INSURANCE -for-spe~ial­ GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNTS on your Famil y Auto Insurance Bob Paley 1nd Associates INSURANCE 474 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA 642-6500 FAIR F11f, f1lr, f•th11I. Tho11 tlir11 word1 1w111 up f1ctor1 in op1rotion o" lh• DAILY '!LOT od !to1i1I p191 1 vo1y '•v. ~ the second race, leaving a choppy ·sea for Windward Passage to crawl lhr,ough. : But by · that time lt .didn't matter too much. Blackfin.had already ,rolled 'up · •an : In- surmountable lead. REVERSE COURS& Windward Passage showed her best tum of speed in' the final race which was a reverse course of the previous race alld a downwind s t a r t . Windward Passage g o l the start for the first time in the series but bad slip~ a boat length behind Blackcln by lhe time tliey turned the first mark. On the next two weather legs W i n d w a r d Passa~e lost about f o p r minu tes, but as the ;':'ind freshe'ned to about 14 knots and the yachts started their downwind nin to the finish. \\'indward Passage grabbed a bone in her teeth and gained two minutes on her rival. It was small consoletion - the cup had already been won -but in a bonus race Sunday \Vindward Passage f i n a 1 "I y managed to lake out a victory over Blackfin in a 21 ·mile rea. ching race from Mar ina de! Rey to El Segundo and back. P.1EET AGAIN The tw.o yachts are schedul- ed to meet agfilfi before the Honolulu race start in the l"'°" race Aloha Series n e x t \1'eekend from Los Angeles Yacht Club. Both races will si mulate conditions skippers can expect in the first few hours of the Honolulu race. Satu rday's race will be from Point Fermin to thi? West end of Catalina Island and back . and Sunday's race will be trom Los Angeles Harbor to Marineland and return. . -· Mood11, .lont 23" 1969 • • CUP .WINNER -Ken De Meuse's 73-foot ketc h Blackfin crosses finish line all alone in three straight rac.es o wi.n California Yacht Club's California Cup in a match race series with Robert F . Johnson's 73-foot ketch Windward Pas- s age. Three Bahia Corinthian Yaeltls in Tra nspac Three yachts will carry the Bahia Corintllian Yacht Club burgee to ~lonolulu v.'hen the 2,225 mile Transpacific ra ce gets under way July 4. BCYC yachts entered in the classic are Jack Hooten's San- tana-37 Destiny n : Jack Linkletter's Cal-40 Esperance . and Al Schollennan's Cal..40 Anna Maria II. Destiny II wll carry an all ' ' BCYC crew. In addition to the owner -s kipper they are his two sons Robert and Jack Hooten, Dean Dur- gan, Dick Plavan and Myron Sheward. DAILY '!LOI'. IJ 23 Yachts St attered In Atlantic NEWPqRT, R.l. (AP) -A fleet ol 231yacht.s was rePorted widely scattered today 1n a 2, 756-mile trans-Atlantic raco to Cork, Ireland. The yachts left the slartinc pos~ at Brenton Reel Light Tower, off Newport, under ideal conditions Sunday. The neet scattered widely almost at the outset, but favored Ondine, a 73-foot ketch which won the Bermuda to Germany race la!l year, appeared to take the lead in Class A. The yachts carried the col· ors of seven nations -the United States, Canada, Arge~ tina, Italy, Firiland, Ireland and Holland. IE411""'' ""-' T...,. WU M f""'1 .. Ille Hlilletl " '"'"'' •• 11'.llrw'• k i.INI 11 Wllkll Wff • N.-.rt ... ,.... Y~llt Clufl t lllry 111 1118 f8Q,J Lee Booth Wins Series Lee Booth of Soulh Shore Sailing Club was the winner Sunday in the Newport Harbor Fleet 6 championship for the Santana 22 Class. The race series wa s sailed from Balboa Yacht Club. Second in the series was Jim Nugeflt of Balboa Yacht Club and third was Dave Turner, Seal Beach YC. Turner lied with Frank White of BYC on points but was awarded the trophy by virtue of having beaten White in two of three races. ) ' ~-. . ·-., .. , ..... , .. ' • . , . ' ..DAILY Pll.OT H .... ... LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL ~ar1cs LEGAL...,f,orros Y:-DI" Money's· Wort& •:;_:'"-""' ll .. l etOTKI U.R>tm c11T1P1clt:·~':'au111t1u ' hm A •A• f111':,d.J:Lt 1t lfil t>'l ~!1'\t .... NOTICIE II HOUY OIYlN !Ml the N•Tt(I .. TIUITll'I ..... PttTIT~w• ,,.,.. MAMI How to Pure e' ntiq·· ues ~ti.,",U< 1: j, l» '!.': ~l\\ :.'~ -----'""" " '°""" ., "'"""' -• . Tl -. a... Tl'lol ~"°"" """ "''"' ClflifY ,_,w "' ~ I / ..,,., Mv. ...., lwlf .,. ,._ ••• Ofl J\11¥ 'i 1Mt, •' n• A.M.. TITLE ,,.., w 11 ~11111 • tuk ff ""'"'"' rri. en ~ U..~ ~ 1 :.;.11; ... ._~., ""' Cit¥ "' C.ft "'"" O•IUIAHC ""° "'"'"' CON.f'Alft', .. ... .. incllvlfWI ti tQ.11 1-11 en <"(·1• -~ i" ~ ~ ,. -,.. • ,.... ., • .-"' ......, ttai ..,,,. -""'" ,~ "'*' ..... .....,.,, 111 .. cu ... ., wuf!Mu.tt•. L.:.':a•:;:',.c&/ ... * .... ,.,., r=~" ~:t!! ,M !ti · " ~ = \" .loJ... ... .,.. ~"-"' .. o.M tf """" .. , .. -c-no "' Of•~· C•IH-lt. y...., .... 'y ttodc I """ ..-or IA ~ ~ ~ ?tot.. winet • ._..,... •IK.tr\c: ,;11l 1toi.. ,.,. ....,.., -. 1"'1 lllK\lttf 1 ... 1 JOMM A. ntll""'1t "'"' ,....,. ., wtSTM•NSTl!ll "WI"'·-and Ma-• 0 r Jo!!'"'\'-!'! ii:~ ..,. :=nt 911._, ANot:11:$0H .,.. JAMI 1. o. •111011t.-YELLOW CA• u1e1 c1rv u.1 o" 81 SYLVIA PORTER showin&• ot items before the UMIUl .,, ..-. ............ "!:'!! im,'"!'~"'... ,. JS li,\J-+· ~ tiOTKI IS •u•tttllll: OtYEN 11191 If ION .......,.. .,.. wltt IM ~ WUTMINITl!ll .,,.. ""-' .,.i. 11'""' ., ·-• -"Pllg~-" funu'l"-r-New , .... , Hlell Mw --I -:,; ~ .. ,. _.., •"'""-,..,. .,_ .,11 -~"' 11, 1~ ~. IMI• • ..._ no. 1r1 ~., "" 1o1IOW'"" ....... w1111t auction. Examine each item •1.11.1 ...._,_ ..... •v•u IYjll" 1 ,..,, _ ,,, ....... ., ... _,,., w1111111 -u1 bllM ~f. -,.. • Oltlcl•• It~ Ill -Ill hlH •Ml •llu ol rnldf"'40 If '' No re.sponsible adviser will . Englo.nd. 'we; type loclude1 -A-llY W-1 •J °" "4" -'' ''" "''"',. ""' "'*1u 11 "' .. 11111 :.:~.tt..c.1=:: ~rlr to1~;.:;:!1 ;s.n.-11, na11 w1"1 ...... t1t which intere.sts you -in· uncomrortable but decorative~.~ t:,'I'~ ~ II:! ~ -it 11"' I~·,:;-1~ Wit ~~ ~It ='~ Jilitlc:t. IM tH .. lhlrl'le U19I ...V Ill ll!I AT PUel.K AVCTION TO HIGHl!Sl Str..i, WHlml,..lu, Ctll!Of"" ml:! guarantee lO double or triple eluding inslde drawers ol <1 k o -1..-• AlJI"' l!wt t "ij ff... ll + i a OI~ 11 Ull 41'°' ~ +11111 t~, If.._,.. lie-,., lfl "-Cltf' Of 11001• 1'0. CA.SW fNl'll>ll 11 tw.. ti Dlltcl '°""' t, lfff. f in towel baC ' l:l*'rl, tup-amwe?'I 't · 1 =-" .•, llft I. .J 4 41\.'i d ,:;·.ic C•1~ """""' "'...,kl! "'" ,,.. .._,., .... 1r1 '-"'1 _....,.,"" u-iito111111•1 11:11111r1M s.n • ......, your money or you a COO· furniture, it• hardware, etc. -boards chesl!S "°""':t!' I' "' 1111 •• p I§ ~ ?f'lll.,. Mtf 11 tubllc wctloll •t • llmt j11 "" ""*".,"" """' (Nl'kkill i.tl..,. ltAll! o, CALtll'OllNI" I ""I ' • Mlril 1 J I I ltv il'll "f rlt t ._.. : .. ""' c.-. ,. .._ -11te11. '••""' ., tt1t rm. wu•-•u11111111 couwrv 0 .. o11A~GE l n pie or years. But in my and ask a lot of quelrtiOns. ( 3 ) MJD.VJCl'ORlAN • ~tii.,· .-, " .:..: 1a =~I,: '·'° 11t , -.... · , -t"" r' • DATED: J\IM n. '"'· 111:11111 Oii IM ...,...._, ctf'MI' ., fllhlfl On MIY t, I Kt, i.lor1 mt .• ~ot•rv ., ... ,·.us -lumn. I ga"• you D-... _ anything OU buy f mllu d • 1•n70 Mmi'ri"t r,14 n~ +1~ ltY I .. 11. :I n I' .... ~ •. f . t.lf"ltt • ..,. .v..111 s~ta. Se<IM Al'lao C:.llflrnla. l'\llllk 111 .,,.. 1or ,.111 coun11 1...i ~,,,,, • -.v ~ ,..,. .. ,emuicr, Y U re ma e Jn """ 1 an ~'~If 140 Cl*=~ l:~ '* lt1~ , _"' • CMIE' OF ,0L1c1 111 r1t~t. tlh• 111d r"""'' -~.., '° Hoont11r -•·N 1e1111111n, s.111m•n enough examples of soaring is returnable only If it ha$ citten ugly, ornate category ~~~ '1'/l' . l" ~ _+ \~ ,'"""~:r.'"• -·", ..i' fJ• • , = •, .' "UllolllhlO Ortf\lt C..st 0.Jly l'lltl, lf'd MW tlt:lill W II llf>dlr llkl Dttd of u-ri 11 Mt i. M !llt Hrton w!IQ1t h · ted hlch f A ' 'l"Oll • "' 1' •' J-tl. 1Nt 11~ Tt1111 i...,... ~"" ,.~.,.. 111111t c11r ,..,,.. 11 1~111<.r111tc1 10 tl\t w1111i.. i... values to prove tat many been m1srepresen • w goes Jn and out o .. , ld111 " I •,•, _::'• ,.., .. 1111., 1 •• fo .n t -:.'~ of <1111 M•••· 111 ••1• ,_.,, ..,.. $•• .. ,,,_,, •l'ld •<know1t111t..i 10 mt "'" categories of antiques are II you are completely unin· fashion. It's now out cil fublOQ .,~'At."*';'" LEGAL NOTICE dlK[.~ :; T1•cl Mt.*'· hi !tie cllr tt ~r=i: .. ~n!':;:; u11 . surging upward al thla pace formed, hire I dependable and therefore inexptn1lve, but ~ ~ ,~. ,"" :, = ~ =1::: 11 !1 "r~" .: \t nl\ ~ + (! • ..,..,1,,. i:/:r,,::~~.C::1!..~ = ~;.: 10"'1c~ .. ~,y s~ .. !i!.. aud more. dealer or connoisseur for a fee the Statistical likelihood 11 lhat .:1::~~ ,·z: ff, ~ft ti~ \\ =l~ :r:~.~~Jl.·,.,. ,.,.:,: .. ~ ~., .. ~ + ... :: .. SUHlllOll COURT o' TM• Mtro1, I~ t1>t otllor • 1119 c-tr P•l11ClNI Offlw 111 I h 0 IA1TER h th d I IU · 11 + ~ .,.. STATI o. ca1.u•o11MtA l'Olt ,_., ., OJ""' countr, c1111or111t. °'•"'t countr around for the amateur wt N rt w e er you an va ues W r111e. :1 11 • ~. ,, _" :~~~ 1 ::: 4 ::t~ ~ ;:m = 1 "' ,. •' NOtlC• TO C•IOltOltl 161. MtH 11 •!'Id • fl( Mll«llt-.i Nll••Y l'ulltlc.C•llfo•nl• Are there any bargains still lo repre.senl you at an auction. It will come back into fuh!on : ~~ .. ra"~ 2 • ~":I ' -1 .... ~I i{'i,50 ll ~ ~ ~~-I TM• couNn OI' Ol:.t.NOI ~tit ... -wu1 111 """· ""' w1111ou1 Mw comm1111M E••"" only a few hundred dollars .to buy at au"tion or al retail, (4) Early American Oarra ... M 111 ·,.. 'I ~ ~ "' o• Sill~ • 11• n • ,.,... + '~ NI. A"'lfff tove,..111 •r ..,..,,1111w . .,._, Of" ....,,,...,, .._,u 10. i.n " . • -At H :1s 'I\ = " 111 111111 .J09 '° ,,...... "' ~ --l'o • • 1 •, 11, 11 M .. 111 T ".. M 0 s , 111vc1111 1111t. -""'""-°" ~ ANTON ou111MA11T. a111. invest ? If so. where are they? keep in mind that value but only if they have some Att~• ... . .. 14 •" 111 _..,..,... , • • • + •i ;: LONGNEcKEll:, Dect11M1. '11n'lllr•11C~•· i. ""' "" """'1~'"' .,1no '"'w"'"'1•1"' ...... "' J PUT THESE quesUons to depends on these key asNll'ts unique historic association. ~ii ":. \:.l ~ 111 .,. • .,. -,.,. •s 1·~ n. ao '"" """ -"" ,,., MOTICI IS HE1118Y G1ve:H Iv tM ci.11 Ill'" M Ille "°~ *und ...... i. Wf'll"""11w, C1MIOl'"lllll tUIJ r-~ 1 1,•!! f,"' l"' .. N = l'!i ~ll.M ,p Jl'o nv. 2t~ ='1111o ,. c,..1,.,, ., 1111 ,...,.,,. "'"'*' m'°'"' °"" • Tn,111, i•w"' ai.1 77..u. wHll 1,., ™' "wssa experts at New York's Parke-oC an anUque: Quality (how IS) Other Americana, such ~II ".• ij-~ !Z"' ,. -.... o1ul'1ct .459 IM :tNto 11 + .., 11'111 •H --n.v1111 c111""'1 .. 11iu1 tM .. ,..",,.,.,,, .. ,..,, ••"' .,. .. "°" ..... 1c1. 11u1111"""' er.,,., '°"'' 011"' "'"'· Be 11 . nd to good an example is it!); as early hand-carved ducll au11 ~"" '"' Ii 1, -o•Soell 11• 11 M1ti ,. 4 _.;., -..itftt .,, .._1,"' 11 "" """" ... ""'IM.11. 11 1111, Ulld..-""' "'"" o1 J""' 1., n. 31 •l'ld Jutr '· 1"' 11.ut rnet ga er1es a , my ... ...,,. t1t1"" 1 lffl~ 7f riv. ~l 111\bEll ~.• n ,.. ""' u 14 :.:·.,. •ltll t11t .....,,,., ~ II• ""vffta ••1• o..o of 'fruit, '-· cMtMS _. ••-astonishment, heard them in-authenUcity (ca'n the item's decoys, New England Un ~=liswi '·" 2tt'o ,,.. .. 1$11\t ·'° '' 1t111o Int la-~ ., lfMo cllot Of 1111 aw 111m1H ""'"' ., -•1 '"' Trvs!f!• .,.. ol "" lrvlls LEGAL NOTICE I ""ed') t -"·of th t '"'"-'1 AM AC .. i.t l' tilt. 11141 ='VI .... 1so1 pt.ft t U\4 u"' I + "' :. 10 .,.....,,, """'· wlltl IN '*-'" crt11" '' wkl o... ot trvi1. sist that bargains in antiques origin be proper Y ver'""I · ; v.·are, u en:w;i e pos ...,,.,'"" NMr_l!i -1_,. I• ~' t ~.:.. .. ::e'-...?J 1, ~ ;:~ Ml'o ='.,. • YMll:l'lff-. 1111111111t>Otrtl•_, 1111w ~w TIM lle:Mtlcll,., ...-\Itel°'" ., aAll:·ltll do exist. condition; uniqueness (is it War per.iod; late_ 19th Century ~., .. ,,...n..tt J ~k ...... , 54 •. ~ .. °""!".~1 .... M ,.,m ?f tl1'4 ?!1'1 -,:? Oflkft of JOHN .I.. MICHA.El. EM., Jl7 T'"'1• IW •Nllfl ol' ~., dfflUI! lft NOTICE TO ClllOITORS · d ted b ch ""' >H \l" -.o Ht Wl'i-.• ,.., ! --~ + ... E. R.Htf!t '''"'· s.iu, 11. 1,,....,_., '"' o&ilt•""'• "'"'" 111 •rt1>1 • sul'a1:1011 couat 0,. TNI! Many small investors, in rare?); age (is the piece a decorauve o Jecta su as A~1 .n.;g ~~ l,.11 1fl1, ,..,, .:..:·v. °""' ki",.i 14 ,1• lift+ i• CJllforflll. v.flldl 1, "" •llu of butl11t11 "'~"'" rxKr.rtd '"" *"""'""" 1111 11i. sTATI o' uL1 .. 011N1A "o• ra•t, are already get•~ng into and can the date be candelabras. fixtures, art pot-t.. 'i.1r~~ ·.• sm 11,' ,.. l"h -VI ..,...., ... ~ ~ ~ ••··· ol IM Uftdtrll• ..... In 111 1111111" .... lltldlrtl•nlCI 1 wrltltft Dtc:llrilloll Of TNI COUNTY 0' OllANGI " ., ] . Am 81~fr I 7llt <l IJ11i H"I\. -'°' -Mllll t n lffi 17V> l"t -'\ '•ln1 te 111e t1orei. • kl -.. 1' ~ ... 11 •lld °""',,...,. s.1e. 1"" ... in... ,.. A"'2m this field, says Parke.Bernet. \"erified?); era and area (is it tery and porce ams. Aml!lk N°"" 1 ' 7P.t 1st, t.~11-., °"T"KC' ·'° 41 e"' '"'" u'i -v. !• 1.J:',_ thl ltl IN~ll ~,,,!l_•notiu9'1>rtKl'l.,..tte1'f;tlollfouu.e ' "''' · DIT l d •~ OF COURSE th AMl!loKit 1~~ n '4'.lo 11\ fl -llto 011Elll1 l.10 ltt 32 JIYi 311'1-"' w ' 1no11 '' "' 11111 -,,,. WM1tn11fttd ,. 1111 "" ·~ 111 1111• OltA e H WAL ING, Today, a full 60 percent of the from a period an a coun .. , , ere are A.m c111 1:"' 1:n s1"' 50'll s1~ -""1Ee1111 pf' 2s ''°" •s~ ~ -'• •' I .... ot thlt l'IOflq. ..lllh' ... If ol>llt11\tN W llletfflltr Oii Ibo kl'IOwn II LEOll,A E, WALLING, lllO AC1n 11 I 1'5 11 ,.,~ 1t -,. -\II 011Edl1 pt S I ~ n 13\i. + V. •'• Otltd 1-•· 1tiff. M••cft , INf ihf, ;,.._..11"" c•V..0 ,_" L. E. WALLING, Dec••JH. items sold by Parke·Bernet go considered valuable by con· disadvantages to antiques as.,,., ,.,,, .~ ~ ~~~ ~~ 1lfils .:...," ...,,.:-=.~ SJ 14! 1 t; 1 ti;t ,1l~ =i~ :. "'"''"" V•n N•tt• ••Id non(,., ~.c~ _. Gii •~'"" 1o bi HOttcE •s HEllEll"Y GIVEN '0 tiw for under • ..,u., Here are the noisseurs!). an inve!tment. Among them: ~~111 ·~ ,, "'""• 1•\~ +"" 011F,.1a111 1 •1 '"' "" U!-14 ~";~n=1!!!'.Jc:!:.1 t,'~!jd ll~fl!'~ -.n, •••• ~' Gii MW ~'11:' --~~~ 111~'::' ci::.-°..:1~~~ basic rules~ Buy the best examples )'OU they are perishable, they may :t:::su; l.~ ,:i: ::~ ::" " =1 \'I~::~ l:" g n: ~ ~~ = ;z JOHN a.. MICHAIL. a1-. 011,.. J\1!'11 , • 1.., .. kl Olc:Mllnt ••• rtc111!re<1 to 1111 llwm, IF R~ be . an aflord. be costly to maintain properly ,.,.me"'"" 1.,s 131 71•4 11"\ ''" ~\ c.,.,. ,..,» "" ''" '"' '"' +tt4 .,,..,_ 11 w. Till• ,,.;11,1~ ,,.. wllft t11e 111C111..,,-\ftoll(J'llr,, 111 ,,... olllc• YOU A i:. a g1nner, c •A"' 01,1111 1 3 u~ ,.,., ,.\., -·~ conrw ,..,. im " ,, '"' _ V<t 317 •· •....i '""""· kl!lt 17• "'•1111 c°"',.."' °'""'<Ifft., •tit: Ytv• en!Ultd eoairt, 0' concentrate on a SnPl'ific HerC are five categories in lhe retail markup may be 100 Agwtv1 .111 .:i.1 11•• 11\~ 11•\ -"'ContA!rt. .St in Hit. lJPA 1m -V<t IR,......., C11ffw1L4 .... ... Miii Tru•'" lg ..... _, ""'""'· wllll ,,,. llKIHlf'I' ,---b-.. u;ol Ill ... ~ 1~ 1~•1 13VI 111>l ..... Cont c," 2 20 ,. fl\\ 611\\ -It· T•I: u1i1 '"''"' e, e"°"'' w ttei11ur •ouc11tr1, to "" uM1,11111ed 11 ,,,. Ltw category which interests you \Vhich experts at Parke-Bernet percent or more, they are su ArnEto>w L'' 111 :a:1•1o ,,,,,,, ,., ••• cont COH -• 101 1\6 11 JI" -• .., • .,......,"" A•m1n111,11r1• awiho.-1 .. d 11111111111 Ofll<•1 of ttlllbtri'°"· Howpr " 0 ••l•M, _ such as American silver or believe bargains sllll exist( ject to price fluctuations based !~ fx'!' ,1,,.i 11l '~~~ '~, .. ~~~ -~ ~r'c'. '~J:I fl ~~ ~ _:='it .P11bl!l!IK Orlnte (0111 D•llv Pllal, "~bHlllld Or•1191 Coul 01llr Pflal, 440 '''""'' D•l~t. NtwPOrl l!ltlcl'I. f h" d th l AFd~d llA' 11 14'·'' 14V,, 14'-'t +1 Cl (p 11182.JO 11 a \\ •1111 .... + '"' Ju,.1•.n.l0111dJ~1r1.n" ll04tJ11n11••.1> )0 lHf ,,1...,c1Hfot1111,wta1ch11111e,.11c1of111111neu Arrican carvings or English (I) LATE AMERICAN· 011 as ion an ey canno Ar. ... 1n1 .sa s1 11•• ~• '1'1l~-%c1 ~ 1.tt Q llZ H~ i-'~ -wlllll" tour l'llOllllll lftlt Ott 11'11 '""1''" Su"··rlbe to and c 011 e ct lurnt"ture -from the 1836-50 top prices. .. Hom• l.MI 10I '\~· 5' ~~ ... COl!fOll I 1' I -.. LEGAL N011CE LEGAL NOTfCE 111111,.. 10 111t1 1111•• °' .. 1c1 d•c..icn1, glass or French tapestries. Federal (or '' Em pi re ) necessarily be so d quick Y st ~~~;1,,"'.i;v 11 ""' 1ii; 1~ .-::'.'. c::rl ou ~· .Jt 21r 111 I _,. ' • ot •llt ulldtrsl•l'IN rn 111 Mlllera H t· • • ] I - ' '''' ••-''" "C ' ,,. ••• ' +"' NOtlCI: INVITIN• llDI 11011 of 11111 l'IOllct. U.:11.: A HWl'it Ill ? 4 11 111\'4 ~ -Vo COii! Sii 150 ~ -! ... " Colle9f: OIJtrl(t of °''"'' Cwn!r, lltrtln•lltr -.lttrtcl to ti t1'1t ''°"""'r," wm UNltlD CALIFORNIA IANll: ' -i . · · th t A/TOlft"" 1"1• '' itV. iJO.\ 111\ ••• °"''°' D1t1 SO I l:lf\t I +• Noui:e 11 h41r•ll\' t1V<!'rl tft11 '"' ao1n1 o1 Tfllsl"M1 o1 111t or-C0t•t JU11lor CIA.TED '""' 12. ""· literature and catalogs in your period Says one Parke Bernet But the key advantages of Al'll Ho11 n ,,, "-'tio ~4'1-,.,, + 11o ~-''' ·" ,,. v. 1 -" rtctt"" w to.. Ill.It no liter tft•n >.DI ,. M, tfw.ot"ld••· .,,, ''· ""· _., ~..... 11, v . o. N0¥11\dtr, Jr. field. Study and watch prices spokesman, "In this category, nvesting in anUques are a AmMFdv .flt 1~1 """ "'" ""' -v. no11 "'Jill 11• "' ~ \\ +'" ~·· 19 "* ,...,,,. o1 -'"'''"' c_,,, c-1,uc1111" P11.1m1>1ne-, Httlllle. v111111111t.1 EKKulot of 11" wu1 in your field by surveying the $100 is expensive and values -aside from the strong ""' ""'"'" 3u .,, ~ '" •.. ooptrh1 1M J.l " t1VI -1"" ~ -AMllCllN 11U'lo<ll~\Ulolo-"'9-Tttl1 11-.·!E \Ii-•'° , ... Alr Cil'ldltlorllflt. Eltctrlc1l C011!r1tl1 !'tr OltANGE COAST COLLEGE CA.Mo ol Tiit 1tiov. llll'ned dtet!ltf>I , h f bs . i · ""'N•IGll t •• ''"r J,1 ... :1<'4' + !Ao Coot U11" ,JO SJ !l,.~ '°" -Ill ,. PUS 8UILDtNG l'llOJECTS, °'""' C.....I~" Cl!llO•nll. The ....... lllctudn tllt •0•1:1tTSON, MOWll:ttl • •AlllANO dealers and by attendlrig auc· are very likely to rise if you re c ance 0 SU tantia Jn• Ami'""' -~ ,. "" lftt\ 11\lt -"' COllWOd I.IOI I ~ *"' J:R4o •••• ='·~ ~":::1::•· Mdllloft1 _, .rr .. 1tlotl• IO t>:lsUftll 1111110:11,,. •• •"" ..... 1-~~'"~:Ctt'Zw11rnll mo Uon.s. patient," creases in values -you can ::."~~. ·~ ;~ ·l;"u'! 1;1, l~'-t =l•\ s;;r.: ~ \~ ~ ~ :l" =·~ ' •• Slldl bkh 111111 ti. r.a1..,.. 1n 1t1t oHICe ot l"t o· .. ner. In ~ Mm1rt111,..1~ Tt1, ..,.Sfll If you buy at auction -and In pre.;830 early f i n e also develop a happy hobby of Arn 51110 .•o 11 ,...~ "'\ n•\ -~ c:w"" 1·'° t 1n'I ~ is-" • ~lllldlnf, tl'DI ll'Alrvlew "*· Coil• Mell. Ort"" CounlY, C1U10rnl1, Mid tl'11H Attw11tf1 Iv 1!•1ev1tP F d ] f "t ]] · d A ~-11 l .IO '1' ~"1 ''1~ 3"''o .:.:· ~.,.};'\':'iJ: 7 '!? t 7 t ~'41 ae _.,.. w "'1b11ci... , .... ......, 11 "" 1bo .... 1111eo '""e 111 "" '"rtr 11.-ri •~1111ec1 Ot•nv• co11r 0111y P11o1. you generally can save 25 per· American e era urni ure co ecUng an you can ""'SM" ,Jft 1~ ~ ~:'1 !:"' 4lo _,11 .12 n ·ff!o +\Co -11 °' lflt klm1n111r111e11 •111111in.. JllM "· n. JO •l'ld Julr '· '"' 1uw' cent or more by buying at too, lov.·er-priced pieces still decorate your home tern. ::s~;d ~n.1'11 1n1 >1>•• ,.,, ~ :+.n1 owi.. .st ' ' l!ll l§-• EA(l'I II.Id "'""' Ullforlll ..... -....... ti ... I\> ·~!• 1 .. vltt!ioft. """ •ltn$, 9H(I-AMS•d PU ,. :'II 11t:1•i ,~,, .. Ill' +1 cv~_lldCll .so ,.. °" -l\" •• 11u11ttns _, , .. """ lllcVll'lflltt. CM1P•11i... 1111 .,..11ne<11 c0111r1e1 0oc..,..."'' LEGAL NOTICE auction against rttall -be are available. porarily with the antiques you Arn s1u11 :.1 1i-1 ,.._ 70•'• ,.'\! _, CPC 11111 1.11 '' ~ -•1 c-...... •--... -----o '. nd ' 2 p "" C b , ' '•• '' ,. ''''I 71'\i \' Cr1111 L.ab 10 ~I~ (n\ at -'• -....,.,.. .___, • '" no· .. "' • '"" -to -11< 111~1on sure to atte previews or l ) re-lwo en tu r y uy. ..,, ... s,•,:•.,, ·".'",j, 6 in•~ '"'" 1,.,,, -CramoKn .~ 1s 11\' u•~ 1~ -l~f 11' Ille llill llllCti If Ille Ow,...., •11111 ol Wllll1m !lur~c~ ~ P•rtnero, Arcl'lllO!'Cli P·JINt """' T'T '·'" 11n '~'' ,1 J'l'I +·I'• CrouwHln 11> 1 )6.i\ 76-lla 260\ -1' t!JI .. l'lldt Orlvt, C9'1111 ct.ti Mer. C1llklrn1•. •"d m•v i,, Ol>lllnl!d ti tllf CE~Tlll'IC. ... ll OF COlll'OllATIO"' "'"' T<'bec ) l"1 ,,,, :r"''I •I CroWCol I.SH 36 Ufio J:l'lr l3t't t \"1 Ofllct of ""' Af"Cl\11«! .... -..11 .... 1100.00 for e•c~ ... ol •-r•I '""' ..... FOii tl:.INIACTIDN OF IUll,.ISi AmWWll1 .... M 'u•~ 11 .,. . .. , Crowe on,20 1 '° '° '° -1 ~· 1Plc:lrtulloftl. Tiii• *-11 will. ,.,.,,..,.., Q""" II !l\f lfO ... rt"lurned com11or1t UNDll •1CT1t1ous N ... ME ... WWSpf '·'' 1111 11'0 11''1 "'" .:..:·s~ Ctcrwn C• lS ~ ~\~ n _,,., : ; .,,.. }ft .... CONllt ..... wl!lllft fl.-. dlJJ •htr lllt bld tPtfl'no li-i£ UNOEllS IG NED COllPO"ATION I • Bi· •• , Gea1· ""' prtf 1.,1 ., .... U\~ l•\~ lfl{o. -·~ !~=:~~ r4: s~ :,., ~ tl ...... i~ " • L111of" INI Mlltrler. l!llNI ll'ld l'tr.,..m111ce 11-will bf rt<111if"td ot lht dOH ht•rily tf<IUy 11111 II 11 conduc""" J., :J I ~=-4·,'~ 1.ll r~ J~'lr ri ;;v. -:,; cr11 z "'':'° l280 •7'4 ,1. 61'4 "'.': .. • • c;OlltrlC:l'IN" llllcMd. t CorrHponfftlc1 k'-1 ll111 ln111 llcl!N -Am.ioti~.60 J...r Ul'o ,. 111-'o +·~(TS COl'P . .0 10 11''1 Ill' I~ -'9 : ' of lloKlfkllllM. t1tlfotnl1. llllftr 1111 l!cllllOlll firm ft...,,. ·-~ "" "1 .,.., .... • , EIC:h Md ... II M .... dt WI Oft Ir• "F1rm of P•~oos•I" *°ncl In ttcl'I HI it (flll l!llrcl'I Slrtt!, NtWllO•l lltlCI>, A..,f-1-.IO " "'''t ~>t 4,V. -2~ ,'~•'•"' '°.IS ~. !f,0 !!,~ m"" _ .. ·~· •'-• Et<h 11111 .to.II bl KQl!nltlllN b"I 1 <•rlllltd or c1Vlitr'1 tllKlt Pl~lblt to o>1 Notlll All\tl'lcl11 1n1!1t1111 01 S\'lltms u s E I M k :~~ f:C ·:':', 3:J ~~ ~·~ ~:VI +1~ ?~::~·1~ :l&, ': l~"-L~ ± ~• det al "'1flclN! 11111 I UUtllC:IOf'I' ""'°" COl't'IP""" tJ IU<!IY, II! •n l,,_nl l'IOI of ~rvevl"ll llld Mtl>Pl"lll North AMlltd l.«I U m i ~ """ -"1o ur!IH Wrl I 12 20i~ 1,.. ltt'I -1111 0...., Ir Mllllleklrv 1!1111 lloflll In llVCH" o>! 1"-OwMr. •a1<11!9d l>Y Tiit lj;jO. 11111' PtOCl'dUf6'1 Nortll Amtrlc•n S<lloQI yes m port ar et AMP<!• Cor• 111 ~ 3l'-'I ~ -li4 !Ul!ll0rllf .70 J ~ !fy, 32\li -1'"' '"'' t11111 lln H r C•n' llKl o1 !flt l>kl. lllt clltc~ "' bld bond '"'It be 111v ... A""fClen Scllool o! tt11crt1tiln1 Nor1h • • •mtel ..H lt 1"' i~•l 1~ + " "'' wr A ? ' l3 n n -\\ •1 • -·-llwl 1111 l>ldder wrn ••K11'9 11>• Con1r1e1 II II bt -••lltd to ftlm Am.,ic•n School ot Moltl M1nao•rnen1: A"''°"" l .!O s-<1 l0\4 J11'i Jt -~ u!ltf lot 1.1G n ,,,_ JI"' JI\\ -1 ,. ' .. ,. " .. . 111 OlllllOnt<ll"f wllft Ille Con'-"1<1 O.C.11m111l1 ""' will prov;de !I•• 1urf1Y bol'ld Of )nd Nor!'I> Aonirktn School CH Gun Al\CllMoc~ .to '' 41 JO 11 -•\ 1CIOJIS I .to 1 )S\,\ lJ lS + ~' "°"'' 11 W<lfltd 111er1!11 wlllllll five "•~• 1n1r "orollc1tlon 01 1111 fWlrd or l~t lltHlr, Ind 11\e! ttMI ,,.,.,. 01 ••!d '°'P. :::.i"t:'!!Sv1.~ ! ~ •• ~'"' f.v. = ~ Cv11r11!M 1.4 5' 501.l 4'14 to -'k W-•o"'• •"•o""s ltlddtr. Dflllon •nd lh prlnc!pal pl•ct o! but l· ] f ] Ae1clle(' )0 35 21U, 'l"I;, 2•'1o + \\ -D-A ' ntJi 11 •• ioirow.: Ily CARL CARSTENSEN port for continued high sa es. available Southern Cali orn a AP(:o011 1.hi ~· ,.,. 3~· .. ·"·~ _,. 01" 111., 1 20 ,, ov. 11\., 1~ _ •• Pu"ue~t ia !ht L•bor coc11 01 ntt s1111 or c11irornl•. *'"-"' c1111orn11 No 11 TM AM e 11 1 c .. N c 011,. Of 111t 011ry l'U11 Jt1t1 Platt said Maverick sales in· Ford dealers reported the ",,a~•,,,',"•".·· 11 :it.it ~~.-~--"D•.,. co 1.h '' 2•~ 2Ji• JJ:l"o -·~ 'Ollllflllt ... (Ollllructlo!I Tr .. , (111..CllJ, ll11lldlno tncl Conttruttloft t .. de• ltE$PONOENCE SCHOOL$, INC .• '401 ... '"' lfll 71t\ ,. ,.,,. -1 O•rt llld ..30b .. "'·~ u :l"' !'~ 'OloHICll of°'"-· C-ty, '"' llkl l!INrd ol Tt11st"f II•• IJCtrtlfnH "" Ifft• lll•tl! il•ff!, N•-.i-t IHdl, C1lll0t11l1 Ron Platt, imported vehicles dicate, however, that it could Cortina has sold extremely :~:~~.':~ : ~r.: m~ ~ = ~ g:~~. r.~ I~ ~tt ~"' ~ 1\, •••I ,,. .... 1111111 r•ttt or H• dl.,,, w-.ioi '°' ~•<~ cr111 or 1'111• or WllrkMtn nt"f'Ckd '7wo, ma:iager for Ford Division, put strong pressure on the sale well since January. Arc110·~ i .t.0 s '''~ 57 !' -\• g•vco "" 1s 110 100 100 100 1 11> *XIC:ll"' 1119 t1111••1eti wlllcl'I will be .... ,"I'd •ht •ucc•111u1 blOd•rt• '"" 1t1e"-' WITNESS 'ui 111"" lftl• 11111 d•w 0' believes 1969 will prove an in· of imports. Ford executives believe that :'ii'~''~~ ·~:1 ;~ 1Lrn 1~~? i~~ =l"" o~"tn:}A fn tl 1~0 ~7 l~ = ;i •rn1lllnt rife! .,. c1111111neo In 11k1 ..ec111c11.0~1 .COPti'd b't lltt llotrd, 111d Ju,.., 1':ci11rH AME lllC"'N t . bu I I "lt . . II Arvin Ind 1 11 )I\\ -31 11 -'' gPL JPID 7.4 1n 102\lt 1of '!ill +I~ ••• •• u11tc1 i..i.w, co•REJPONOENCE erestlng t not a spectacu ar Reports from Furd dealers sa es w1 improve nahona y Ar11P11Ds"' 1 ,, ,,., ,~, 7"1'"• ... 10 "'' co , .u n 1111 •i·~ . -i:i An1 cllullkt111ri "°' 11111<11111.o 1nc1 below litifll wu be 1111c1 11 111e current ''"-lS , .. , "'les y·•r for 1·mported cars th I th •69, · · .t..rme~ 1>U.1l ,,, 60V. ,. "''" +1 u, OeJl'wLt 1.oa lj " li\~ ' ·~ -• ~; ...... ,. ... , Mr ""' •Hllc•'>lor ,,_ 11111 <l1ur11c111on in e11tc1 w11t> IN 1111we H•~ G' 11•1;,.~ .,.. = · through June 3 showed that 2.3 now a e · s are arr1v1ng A1Md Oii '·'° t11 1:1 •n·~ .iv, -111r Di!t Mrllo 1.10 • "~\ '"' ,._ + 1 • ' "~'-,, .... C~l1. II .... r1tt1 HUN b<llow .,. not current OI" .... rtvllH S.Crt11•V·Trt11ur•r In viewing the market percent of lhe cars traded for at dealers and orders can be ~11t1::?.""" ,~ '~ ~~'" '~" ~Vo 8:~:t1'1nt'° m l!:t 1m ~:z =1., tw llllol" "'""*'" d11•l"9 lllt blddl"' lln"lt ar conltructlOll llmt. &U(l'I •evls. STAT!!: OF C.ILl"O~NtA ) OUUOOk On a recent Visit tO [.()s · f1"JJed And 0G 1 ?0 161 4"\ •1 '1 -'\to...,, Mi. llO 12 411)V, Jnli ~ -V ~ ""'" M ClllllldtflCI ••• ,, " Ille W low ll•ltol ,,,t,. """ N1U11, Wtlllrt. COVNT'I' o~ ORANGE I II P..1averick were imports. ' RldSD9 1.20>. , ?l•i 32 31'" -... Dt'flnYlllf ·a, 171 ""' 30'.lo .. + " ~. ~oc.11o11. ,_Ito\ "' 111ttr i..no1111 .,,.,1 "' i.. lddl111n ,, ,., ., ... _ 1;11H ON TMIS 11111 d•• "',.M, •.o •• '"'· Angeles, PlaU said, "One Along the same li"nes 1·m· w w w "'s..iTr•~ .IO 7? ,,., 14'\ 1•'to -tt Ontto"' 1 ~ 10 111111 ~ ~ -1~ ' "'" T T T Al~'YEI 1.311 71 l'\14 '5'.I 'q;, . .. Ol-nllGr \ 11 11 lt 11'6 llh + w--..llt. ..,.,..,ue11 111111 be .,,,•"'Yid 1~ <o"iormlh' w1111 h<•ion 1m.1 1nc1 lltfor• -· 1111 1111C11rsi.....,, • Mot•rv million import registrations porters maintain that the in· .,, El .u.11 '1111 11111 11111 _,~ 0.,.KO .,... 1 .o 60 .o -1 ".' 17,_,J •f ltll Ctll1fr11l1 l•lllr" Cade. •llOllc In'""'°' 11ld C.....,tt' Ind 11111. ]"k I ( th I DATES SCHEDULED ""' tvEI Ill• 110 u.\4 """ '-'"• ..•. oem; ..,-ill J st 51'1t SN -•. •' Owtrtlmt 11111n ii. .,,i. "' W1rtc "''°'"'"' 1" e•ceu cl 111e '"1111r .,,,.,., rn1c11,,. lhfl•tl11, dlltv comMl111ot1.., 1nd seem very 1 e Y or e ca en· terest in small cars generated An lllcl'I 1,11 lH1 111 104 lot\t -1 °' '°'"' .tt 11 ~ • • -'• ,. ~ .ltld 11 lllt r1lt for 1Wrtlrne 11 1~~ c"" i..vo•v...:1. 1101111 .. .,1 '"-JI ~ •II ,.....,,.,,. Pt•-...lly •-••., H•••lll G. dar year and this would FOR AUTO SHOWS A11 11c11 Ill.ls 1•1 SI\.\ 57 17 .. Oet dl1 1 . .-0 ,. '.m '"' t4\.\ - '' 1111111 ..... t1Ctttnl11d 1n ""' cof1orc11111 "'••lnlnt .,,ternent • ..,.11c,b1t ro tt>t 11~. k-ro """ i. be 1111 s.cr1t1rv-by I.he new ~merican entries All 111c11 " > 14 ,.. 111 1&:1V1 _,...,, oe1 Ea Ptt.50 , •1-.. tl\li f114 -:! ,· l>ll"tlcvllr U.11, Cllnllictlllfl I< IYH •I _rte.._ U>lplofrc! 0<1 11tf crolttd. lrtlJYrlf of Ill• ~l!IOll lll1t t•· SUrpaSS the 985,(IOO registered aS Well aS the supporting This year for the first time, ::1:.uc~·'1 n ~i f~\ IT.i ".':HI ~tl~·-~1°60 ~ !A~ ~·, .. ,1...,~1~~ •,,' 11 .,,_M M rn1111111o,., -tlle ConlrKtor to whom 1 to•ur1ct 11 1w•nlMI tori.a Ille wlthlll lnilrument II" tlthtH °' last year wh1"ch was a new d I ~ange County's 1970 lnterna o1.n11 Coto 311 , • ., s>~ ·"·i -'" 011111'!11t11 . .\6 :ll I?\' l ~ 1~ -1'~ • 1 1111 (M"°"'1on lhfltt!ft n•met1. •I'd advertising an sa es pro-v• -.,.,,,..., 11i.1 " 1 ~•1 1• 14•• -'' 01,m1n11 1.111 "° t'l\:o -U\i ., -'"' l'ld -• 1 lo\lllctlllrK~ llNl•r lllM. i. ... v r.ot iu1 t"•" u1c1 •-••I ,, .. Ktonowll!dofd ,. """ "", iutft '°'""'•''°" sales record." . , ill "'I tt"onal Auto S"·w w1·11 be '•',·,~,•. -,!!.• 1•1 17'\ 1•11 1~'• -•\ Dl•Sl'l•m 1.40 70 'I...,, '' u1.1. + '' VIili ... tlltt CH l't• diem Wl"1 Ill •II Wlr~mfft tmoOlo~c<I ti' 11\t' to<ecutioll O! tKICYltcl lhf ltmt. mObOfl Campaigns W no;: p IW -·· ,.., 1'S l•'lt 1~ Hlo:o + I\ Dl1S of Dl .31 n 1 l\ IP\ lM;. + \t •' •it Cllll<ICy'' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I h•vt The imports probably Will rather than hurt the imp(lr1 SC:heduJed prior to the Los:~ r .~'lt 1J~1 r .. 'i 2, l;~-,,_gj"' ... ".-... , ''' ?J;'4 7~ [M •. _, ••ICICLA lttl 1-Myrjy 'lite "'"""'to ... my f'llncl Ind 1fll•fd "'' of. t k l"ttl 0 JO t of A I A t Sh ..., '" ,. ,., ~ ., ($~ _..., l'-.i 1.,,,,io. 1e11 1"4on s menl-1 ltu t111n u.ao •tr nclll wit ""' •• , •"" Vt•• In Tt>IJ 8 ea I e ver percen market. nge es U o ow. Av.,.v Pd .?I 1 JI w~ ~' ... ·~ Glorttll .IO n ll~ .tt" . \\ ..... d•w .,.... .1111r1ttvmtn '"'· ur1111t111e 11111 111ove w,1111". the Iota! U.S. mark e I. Ford's one import, the This should prove to be most:~·~;" 1:: 'l? .~q~ 1J01" 1hJYt ~'~ glff1~~~ ~ J l~ i!1 ~11\ :~i::r..,;N:,:-Mlson .................................................... to co:Fic::,\,~~~L~. Even'"" Howe ve r, Platt was quick to Cortina, was down about 10 helpful for the county show -a-0gl:t: :::~ ; J1~ ~\l .. i.?=1~ • ! .. .. •--Not•f'I' l'u1>11c.c1111ornt1 add there are a num .. ·-of . II 1 1 . whi' h ;, qui'ck l ttm' g llebd< w 1.3' ios '"" '"\ ,~ ... , 111onco1 .u • 1••1oi 1•'4 1•14 .... '""" r ............................................................... ,11 ,1 1 1001 i.. ~· percentnahonay nsaes1n c... Y ge a111krOUT .•t .a'°"'°"''°'•-v. 1t1ti<111b .!O n:n ""'U~-141 f.'1111 1:NTllll · C:,n;.:•coun1': elements that could affect an May which Is said to be the reputation as being one of the ::uGg, 1,::0 11t14 1!~ 1.f:1.~'Ll.1;; lriS:..-~:10 f; 1:.,,., Il111 .!r ='•.t (Of"Hlller ......... '" ..... ····· •• ··-............ J t) Mr CWl'imlulol! Ex1!rt1 II . I better of lhe new,.., presen-1!111tG CHC4 iuo 60 !ft\ 60 .. •PtHtr .IO ll 411;4 4~ .. +'"' •~11 -r uw OPt••to• • .... .. •...• ,.Ol M•rcft XI. ••70 overa pie ure. result of various labor pro-.. aar11l'u111 ·'° 11 '1"' ''h 2' -11• •Min .to •1 '414 60\lo 'l" _, Mmwr1tM •.•••.. ·· ......... .• .• •. ~·· , .... •.n PuDll!lhld °''"" Cotit o.1iv Piiot, The two---month East Coast blems. tations each year. 11,',"',,",'... ' 41u, ., ,,,~ -1'r ~d 1.1:i. 2 11 ll I •...• Nllltr U''Mllmlf lCI .••. ... ..... . ... , .......•. 11 J-n. 23, .JO Ind July 7, 19•• 11~.,, and Gull eo-~ doc' ·strllres Th 0 sh nk -X:J6 '"' ''Vi ''" -" lltY ·'° 17 ""' lj »\\ •... • ftr•,....n .oc "' riour .... ,. th111 Iii.Mu c11ullt<41lcn IQ• r. In the Los Angeles area, e range County ow ll1fb0tt 1.u1 s1 1111o '' at _,.,., r 01~ i• 1sv. 1 I! -\lo •.' · ' ( ll1rd Cit !S SI Sl VI .it<\ 501\ -1 tr C1> ... 11 ""°' JI M -I IU...tvlUd, •• , ... -um1!1c ri.l ~r. LEGAL NOTICE delayed deliveries 0 more Cortina'! best markeling area, will run Oct. 8 lhrough Oct. 12 ll1•k I,.,;.. 11 1''\ nv. 16 -'II, 0-Chm l·'° 1"10 7°""' !f n11o + ,, :. f!:,~'L1!.~~:,oL:u,:,, l~1i.1~1v11 .............. , ..... j... than 100,000 un1ls al a crucial sales of the British import in· and will be held at the l.~1 1':.i" li ll'it ~~~ !!"' =1"' ~~~n: 1:!: lf ~ ~~ ~ = ~ c1:MrNT MASONS E11!!~:;~s1~h.~1~":1~~~i'1~ !:.L~llr!Hl Lime. Overseas labor problems creased 27 percent over a year Anaheim Convention Center as =~~11 ,.J J: 1~°"' 1}2\t 1ir" :t~ ~-=~ ~·Vr 11 t:it,.,. T' lJ =1:: c- 1 M•Mfl· 00 " 1 "' •nd 1"wtllnt "'''111"1 °"~r•11• ... ·•···•••······• 5·" 1rephens, De11rd1n1, No, U•'" also slowed deliveries. F.ord's it has the past two years l!ltlfl•L•b .'11 '' "I'll "'"~ u v. + l'I Ort'l'llliC• 111 56 )• """ 3"' -"* t-"1 ,..,..,, Jou•MYM•n · ·· ·• ·· .......... ~.n 111 •lrllie q1 '" txtcu11on 1u...a °" M•w ago. . . · . 111vut;c19 .50 1 1314 u~ ,,,,. _ ·~ D11111Pw 1 . .0 10 " 34'rtl u... -~' l'"or-em•11 '°' 1111 hlU• 1110vt Journtvm1n '"'· 1. '"'· b"f ""' su1t•IO<" court, c""n1., of new Maverick, designed to The dock strike delayed in· The Pan Pacific Auditorium ll•1r1,,., 1 '' :r.i,, Jt 3llolo -111o Ouftllrtd 1.10 111 """" " ""U t 1' 1:1.ICTlllCIANS LOI Angt~J, Sl1!t Df Cllllornli, llPOll • ·th th · ")] be th . f be Lo l!lt~l l'cb 1 7• 16'\ 3n'J :Ml'o + ''o Duplin C' II ~ 21 22 I'!\ c-••• "......,"' . . 1 ,4 111110M1n1 ... 1ere<1 1n ''"'' of Eu11i..111 compete WI e imports, troductlon of the 1969 Cortina WI e: Site o t s 11111 I'd• pt• 1 n•1o tt •• -""*' .... ,.,., 1-'0I 1.a nu4 1:111\\ J11 -•1 •-' bed d al h . A I h • th d t l'ltdl;,..tn ·-"' '' 4t>\ .,., nu. -7>t du'°"' "''·50 ' n '2~ 12\6 -•\ f•ern111 ••...•..•.. , .. .. .• .. .. .. .. ...• 1.1s "' 110w 5hl11ri 11 ll>do"""' reac e ers s owrooms 1n by several months, but even nge es sow ana e a es e.c101ck ~ !1 .a•" •J>• " _ v,dul'fwlt r'3.se , S.lh siv.. ,...., _"" Jou.....,.,..... WI"'""" ....... "' . .. '.. .. ... ········ ...... , OS ',"""°' 1"",,.•••lnH .. ,11'"" SltDl!tns •• Apr1'l. And other domestic 'th . l th 1~· od r are Oct 31 through No" 9 flMC!I Air .IS '' ,.~ ,,._ '"\ + \II~,',' ..... , • ... N '.~ ~~~ w. -. ~ ,,........, C1ilolt SPll(tr . . ··u ""''"*'' !Of, """"""' • nt1 ~llMI WI JUS e ;io;>O m es . •. . fletc:ll Crk .J m J71\ ,,,,,,, ,,,, .• ...vi i .. 11"' ,... .. t•i.r s.1~ ............... ::· ::· .. ·: .. :··, .:·:.:·::: ,·,. oi •r;!,l\;111, •c~11111y ~""' w111 tuotmtn i manufacturers will be shov;ing The chairman for both ::~~ :'° :J Ir" ir' ~~..., =:.? g:~~~:fL 117046 1Jo '"" iN.'..'..··~ ~~~1:. vn 1111 •• • ••••· · • •••• ·••· ••••• •• •. ,.. .... .............. 1"u E~~~ •:l~r"!,i~~~~~:r::: .. ~1:~~ their new small cars later thls sbehow 1 hs cbl.aimedt that these will ~,:ll ,14.:'i:~rc-t'," ~~ .~ ~J ~;.? ~,..., OYll• Am • _£.f~ts\\ 11\\ -- 0 01111tr . . s , """ '"' year. R } E e 1gges ever em' '1 ''Ao 14...,. .... " -"' I.ON WOl:ll:EI' ............ """···· ········ ··•· ··•··· 4 In,,,,"'-''' In tlle COl.>ntv of Or111tt, ea state • !!!!!.!,• .... 60,_•• '' 0 1\ "''-" ••VI -""Eulel'dl .1111 JO JD Jf\11 Ii" -... $tttt 01 c1morn11, dtWl'*I •• 1o1111ws: The positive factors un· ......... '" -17• *'• """" ..,.,,, -1•1o E1K1 C• .eo " tt\.'i ll\\ J\t _ ... ..._ D-111 1f"Drl Wortctr ·· .................. , ... ,.. . ..................... •.71 Lot 11 o1 Trld No. mJ, 11 rico.-dH ] h llenllll' 114.JD I U llo 1'1' ~ -111> E11t Air .SO flt 11\ti 11!'o t\li ...,. lil111>1orc1nt t...., won.,, ......... " ........ 110 1n l!IOOll 11", P•••• 31 1o 31 o1 derlying import sa es, whJc 11.,, .. t""'·so 111 :u J4 " . eutGI" 1.111 JO ,,,,.. 11\\ n -1,1o 5tt11C111111 Iron w1ottr 1.?J m11e,111n-• -·••· rKO<'d• .... .,.. run weU over the nali"onal S , S 11....,. UNI , • .., ""' '"\ + v. E111 v1u 1.• n '' Jji 21 -•• ·-,,~, .. ... ........ ··-... t 11-u~t In IN ''VI n ,., •... E1rtKoclllt I 2lS l:t'll \l n + \t ~ ... ~ .,.,. ••••• I.OJ Or11141t COUl!IY llKorc!tr. lf'd C-ty · s h emmar e lltrll;I'"-.m " 7' 1fli4 '1 \'r + ·~ E1tonV1 1.. !l "'° I )ol -~1 1=......,..11 .UC "' "°"' ....,, 1111n Mtf'lt1t c11u1flcellofl 111Ptrvl>H. -nown •• JOll c..,1on loH. C•t• average In 0 0 t er n l!ltrmtte Cor• J" ll'\ 1011o ur...., -·~ E•tert 1111.1t 1 J,. 24;. ~ _ ._ t.ATw111 ,,.. .• , •. c.111o,.,11 California, include the coun-i""" sn '·" ,.. 1"4 31'4 lt>o -""rD1K1 1ne1 2 "' •m •t'4 '"' + v. L•llllr . . • 5.ot Jll<lo~nt rtcordfd Oflfltf Ceullly -An Investment seminar on "~'4i::":. 1:l: ~ r~ ~~ r~ +· ... i~1,l:fJ. ·.7. n ~ !11' l.,,,. _!,. 'u"""oo•'•'•~• 1eu t111n it-. "" "°"' _,, "''" Jou•.,.,,....~ ,.1,. •9COnl•r Oft M••dl 11, 1..,, •llflk nGJ, try's present peri~ of In· ........ T 1 Aspects of Real ""'rtOli: 1.70 It ,. sr.o.. ~ + ... Ertt•dO• "'I n ID\ n4a 14 : ,, ""' 111 · nation which seems to make a 1 ue a ~ou L•i 1 • ''" ,..., '"' -"" Eckfl!'dOI w ,, """ 11'11 2' -'" ~~~ ::.;-;::.,:;. ~:"':=':;;, ""' •~c1r1c 1 .. 1~. 'ui "~"'~~'.cJu1:111 ~;=,:.~1.~ ,~~"!.~1~~·i.:. small car more appealing. Esta te Investments, Including 111:!\:r•1:.i4·~ ·~ 1~~ 1~ ,~~ =;1'1 ~~G'l!I': 1 ,f ~.., ~" fi~ - 1 IAI vll>rlllon m1chlMI Ind lllltll9r med11nlc1I -II ti lion!"' Clll•I MOllit. J'1 Wf'll ll!h$!., Syndications" has been set for llllbblt ll.+1 •• l~'' 1~\,\ l•l\ -'4 EIMu•k. Oto 1,, ' 5':'o ' + ~ • -not ttPtrllolY ,,.,,,,,_ ,.,,,, , ,,. cuv of coot• Mew, cou"lw o1 o,.,,... Higher gasoliae prices make 7 30 ~ sd t th Sad l"'.c'~,, '-.?':~ '" 41'' .oo ~·.., -""EIMll• tr\°'9 46 '" N 1~ • · "" ~ st11t ot c~urornlt. 1 w111 1111 11 P111>11c ( 1 · rt t : p.m . .111Ut ay a e • ,-.. ·" , ....... ( 3,'i ',f" ,'! ~,;"" -+ : Elee1 Anoe :it 11 1"41 1• + "•i ilw1111t ,,~,, •l'ld i"""' .. , , , , ....... • n1 •.x:u..., '° th1 Mt1l'l•11 blddu, tQr <••h 111 ue economy more impo an dleback Inn Santa Ana '"'"•""1,. • , ... ~ -·~ ,,,~ -•1 !It~ SH< '' 1 "" 11 1•1'1-,, COll(r•~ CllN!r-lnipervloui ..,e..,11r • .,.. •net 1o•m 01"' ·· .. , .•........ •.»li i.w1u1m-~01111eunue11s111u,1l!tl'H! to the customer, anc! the im· ' · •on11111.711 ~• 311~ Y."4 lnf4-...,E1VlnN1t 1110 Al 1'"' 11'-' ,.,._~, Cll Miii OJI ploell~t 11oor1r ············ (.llS •leM. tl!le Ind lnlfrt1t ol 111<1 l\ldom•"' The featured speaker for the 1•roWtr I 7S ,, '''\ 71 ,, -.... i1"•~NG I l$l 1rn 1''-' "" .... G•• •1141 011 ,1,111M wr1..,..•-11<1t ttllllt• •~d ••rm f'l•n .. .. ........ •.JSS "•~tor 1" '"' •IXlut de''"°"' P•~rtv, 0, ported car's large owner body Ill be J h M "'""."" ·~n i• •ui. 71\to ,,..., -'"' E"'' ~ '·'° •1 l2Va· JI .12 + .. !i11'1Cft1111tor !nou11m•nl -. . • 4.Sts Ml mu<~ tll••tOI •• m1w "' nKtu1rv io provides a strong base ol 1un. seminar w osep ayer, 11,,. l!d11 ioa '' ,,..~ '' 3.,, +I•,•~,, •"'•,.1 '' 4l'; !!~ !!"" + '' ~ndl>l11Mr (PO! ltnOtn 1 >>> ' t""ed bl' t t 11...,,,.. ll'IC " '1 '" "11\io -I"' m · 1 » ""'" """' -.,.. -""•• !non·--t••••• ··· ·• " ·· ·· ·· ... n111 11ld ••1cullo11. wl!h •cc.rulCI 111-cer ul pu IC accoun an 11r111111AIP .. ~o ,~ n11o 11•1 "" _,,,. EmefYAlr IO l!U .nv. " Atl'r -.,.. ·~ ' ""' ....................... .i os 1e•••t1nt1coi11. LEGAL NOTICE Ith J d II bert & C .. ,..,,M 2.-,, " •··-~.&.o;Emh1r11.:iot1 J1t 4l '°'"" -2 PIN u1111cu <roon-m.11111c1 ........ , .• ... .. , •.• 4.155 DA~d •t Coll• Mtll. c1morn11, J-w or an, e o.. 111111 Mr 1.,0 »" tro1 ~·• se 4 ti> EmPDltt 1.60 ,• tt,L 'i:i:'" '"" +-" WJOICIOw Clt1Mr . . • 14l 11, IMt. IAll:·Tnl hi h h Jf " · p d Plrl11Mv el t !I" ~·, Jt\'r """ +'IO Eml>Of'C .M "" ~ f-\\ WllC!lmtn . .. . ' .. , .. l,•IJ FRANCIS L. GLA5Ell. M1r1h•I NOllCI TO (ltliOtlOI' w c as 0 ices In asa ena lld'w'w M11fo I ,.. "'l't ·~ '""" ElldJohll ,\20 ' ~ .... -~ fOn!mlft JOc Hr l'lollr ""'' lhl ft h1,he•I cl•nltlcllloll 'UIHIYllH. Or.ngt C~wnlY 11A•bo• Munlcl••I $Ul'l:ttll0ttl COUll:t OF TNI: and Laguna Beach. Mayer is l'W'fH• ,, ,.. ' .... " .... .&. ...,, Erl!lllMlll .• 1«1, "' 2011 ",.._, .. • ' ••• y''. ••• •• .'' •••••. ,,,,,,,. ••• Akl'vrlUG 1.72 lft ,., .. 70•: ,. .. + ·~ t:nnl1l!lu1 ... "•• »l .. _-,• 1 '"' Court, JUC11c111 0111r1<1 ..... also a tall'. accounting Jn 11rown f'o 1~ 1 ..... 1•"1' ,,,,. -"EwtG11 '·'° u ' ,. c..,,. I .• .. j "9 II• l . M. Oovle, St•o11nr THE COUNT'!' 01' OllANOI: -ll•OWfl Co ,, • "'" ,, •• -·~Ell Inc: '·'° 11 IJ'l'I ,, 'II + '-' crou.. 1 ..... . ..... ,, .• •• .• .•.• .. •• ,_.,Mew M111, l'lllftlHt'1 ,..,..,,..., Ne. A42'M structor with UCLA. 11.., "'',. ' ,. i••i. "'' 1• -""Es11111ro ."IO ~ H" 11 '' -u' to-3 ......... , '"' .. •. s It H" £, Clt1•ml11, Suitt .. , Et!•le ,, ........ 8All:Ell (MAMtllEllLIN, =-·= ~:: ,,? :::'1 ::., ~:1 + :! e,~~h~ 1.J; ~ nv. ... . G-, .,,. ,. .. ,, ,, ,·,, l'~l1tr1111, C1Ml1rnl1 1k1 llA.'I' •. CHAMllEllLIH. 0Kt111d. ,'~ ,.,, J< r.• -r--,, ' .. • · 5' 30' nn. + 't .. . , ''' ·-0 , ••• t o.u, ..... •o•''' ,, "''''' .... ,, ,, ,~-........ . • ' --Ill"( .• 1 ... \ (.l\t ... -.... • G...., I •. , ... ,. 5 06 u 1•~ ••t111t ""' • .,.,. 11\ldl:I Co ,1111 .,. ••i. 1"'\ ll"li Euf'Ofl'ld ,7119 '4 t1\'i ~ ~ -1•• •' (. , ·· s:•· JuM 11. n. :111, "" lllOolt crldlt0<i of 1111 •bov• tt•med dtctdil"t Z d R •lldd <o of• 111111 ,..,, 7"''\ 7"''" .&. .... E"'"'" . .at. ,, '4\\ ..,.,., aVt-I•\ ,o. ,,_ 'it •• " ·· "" fllll •II Hr.-l\1vl"' tlllm1 19aln$1 Ille Q ys eports llwit<o I' 111.M •I ~'>\ J•~ ''' + ''· Eue<1f'11r1 SI 11"1" ~f'Ao 1•'9 \~ *'.......,,,.. Uc "' fWlu• ""'' !~ ... 1'11"'11 cl•n kuoon 'llPC•vlHU. LEGAL NOTICE ••ld d«.l'dlnl ''' •-lrld to Ille ,.....,, • ........,. 111 ... ~:; .;~:t ;!!t ;;-·, :--•• e..,"','~ •"•2J 4s 1~ 7\\ ,~ = \.'t •AINTl:ttlJ ...,,,.. 1111 1111:11urv -.dtfri, en,.., offlc• :::::,:;ro,.J·10 14 ,,.~; ,..~ ""'\ _ ·~ =1e1or.l 11 J Mtt ur. ~ .. ;.:·"' =~i,,r1w~~"'1t•:_"'11, .. SU NOTICE o• "fMI TIMI: 11,folO PL.A.Cl 0' ot Ille [lfrll ol Tiit *~· lnllllfd COll•t. or Record .. Sales 111111~ II•-~ ':4, ~:·· ~,, ;~·~ =..!'~ '•lrd!C '.~ ,,. 14~ llo 74•~ +11, s....dMM"t '' .. "" '' ~6t Nl'.Alt lNG 01' THI LOCAL A91NC'I' lo lrtltnl """'-• wolll 11\t llKtuerw :Ullkrl•ll Jlf11·;': '"' "" "'• , .... _•;._, F11rcl'I Hltltt 201 14~ IJ\6 11"-V, .• ·• S f4 •Oll:MATION C 0 MM 1111 0 N OP \'OllCltff"" lo Tiit 111'1dtr111ntc1 II Tiit Lsw II ... -'I lf\.., "WI ""'~ ,. F• ,,,,_ I 101 :lel,t 2' ff -·· s-1>1nttt• i., .. ;,,. .1.,., .. •" o••NGI! co u "T"'. CAL111ott1N•A. 0111a.. °' G"TeLv •l'ld GA TEL"• 104• Ii art f I e I d-ZodyJ, "" B-·-•· ••annn•r :::,~ ·: K1•4 1-.. ,., i"'t~ :;, ... "' """' !If ' i 22"' 11\'r n.'1 -'' JOlo"l'"fl"~ r•1 ••. ---· ., .•• , ., ....... " !.ff ....WM5" -A-l'llOl'OSIO ANNIX:AllON Plttle ft IOl!ldl,... '" Man.ti ,.rot •. S•n .__,, -11-HA....JJ.a . -D>s;. ··~UiW l.t'f 11 ,...\ '" ... -•• ll'•IUt.ff .• ,., 11\'i ,, ~ -v, , Journrrmin, $ltlf '"'1 "' !'.."'!• .. ·------···•n....,;:.:-:--5:tl to tMI: (OITA Ml:IA l'AttlK AMO "'1""1-Cllllofft!I, Wl'lldl h"" PllC• reported record sales 11nd !llrl11M"1Sf'I .IO I~ ... ~ ,, .. )1 -\lo ".~ ... ••• '•. ,", ',!-· '°•-~ ·--~ =~~a.:!: nu: ~~~.T~:o °'0!~:~\10: 0,.11: .... "1t0l :,!"'!!:~~i:-11!.~~.~;:i-eamifl&s -for ..the IS-week -R o-n--a·l•d Tweed at---C-~:~\....11 ;f11 -11 1;·· 1~ 1111' + ~ ·-' ' -..... • s.n ... ""' -· '"'' "*"'"" •lffr "'' 1'"' di •1 9 South Laguna has been (''"°' C• "° .., ,.., •• •·•1 -"••••1'Mt ·• u .... ''" .,." +l•• ..._r• ..._-... ~ ......... QrtJ,) Jov•nt•lftlft •elt lt!STI TNl:ltl:TO, WILL II: 1'1:1$1H· • period en ng "ay 2, 196 . r1t Fl~1111 ~ '""' M•\ ""~ -VI Flddl., •• ,., 11\, "" 21i• -J''I FOl'"~-..1..,. •bov• ••on JOll•,...,m•~ r111. 'fl!O 'Oii Nl:A.1111'10 pybliul..., of Tiit 'JOiiet. d f r11i..~'<I .7"1 !"1 JI!'., ,o;, 3'1\1\ _, ll'MMott 1.llO 4' lll• :»-. ... -'\ ' lJlllll~ l'\ffli,,. Jourt>tYMlll J fl NOltCI IS HEllEIY OIVEN .... , • Dtltd JUM '· lttf. Net lnccime of $154,362, ~n.s n a Ol e manager 0 ~·.o· ... " ,·_,·.~ .... ,.., ,.,,., ,.,, -1., ll'ldPIK/.>"' n !'"' ''"' ,,.. _ ·~ 1,1 Ill Pl 11 F • · · !'rd c. Cllembtrll" Inc f -I t B k f Am · • · .,. •1 lf'•1 ,.., ,.,.\ ' "11< ·'' ' i"" n~ 12'li + "' '1r ..,. ~ '"""1n .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . •.•.•..• '" 11no1v11M of N'fttkt11°" ~ •• 11et11 111"1 ,..,.111111,,'°' o1""' E,111, an rease o "'· percen an • o enca s r:ctnl'l•@w ·"' 111 .,~ •• , •11 .._ 1,Ftd••• • 1 •S ,, 211• t11'1 -'\ ' ~~.~r;:.~~.ft ... " .. " .... ·-.,.. '·" -;11'~1o':." ol L~l(.:,,..~~. ~~.::~ •• C,.°"',i WILLI .. : ~ :mL~rr:..CllU4tftl over the previous year. Eam· Huntington Harbour ~~~11r ... '~·!; ,J ~::: ~·.~ ~:: _,~ ~H~r~,"~JS 1~:0 ,!:! n:.: "~::.: "'""''' .. .. .... s.1.s c1111or1111, tH1111t1nt 1tM11 111d cam. '''''',.. ''''''· lngs per common sha-after branch 1·n Huntington Cd"•~ ,,,, ,.. 4 " 11 ,, .. ~,.,0~1r .•s 111 3S~ 11111 ~ -·• l'USll"lt T!NOl!ll .. ·• "'ltilO<I tPfl•Ovt Ille l'"OllOH'd '""'~llloll A--• .... '" t"-"llllltd I.le ,,~ 1t ?1\1 7"' -"ll'N Mii l11v I 11~• 11 1lo -Vt • l'1t111• r"""" 1 t" c 1 c111D 1o1 1~ " .......... ..ivlng effect to preferred divl· Beach. PreVl'ously he r~ .. c ,,,,.,, ,,., '' !,., -·~ "••ro c1 .11 71 7J nu; .,. -1 1 ••·•· •· •• •• •• •• $.41J dtl 1111 II "'" ,., 01" fl-1Mt ..... lei! •11 .. 1"9 ft i",•.+ruft I fO ' ,.,4 •••o '"' . F!brlbl"il 711 11» 31 27't -1\,\ 1:001'1:11' n•••tto" 10 '""' co11. Mn• P•rt •nd , .. M.ltlltl ,.,.... dend r""'uiremenls were 10 1,,8 , lendi'n• officer at ,..,1111o> AO 111 '"" '"'• ''" -"~l•ldttM \.fO ' 7t•i ,.~ v. _"' Jou....,.,,.,... ... .... . ... " ., .. .. .. 3 u lltC•fl!lolt Ol1trl(I o! 0••119~ COlllllY, lift ,rllKltCI, Clfllttr!l\a ~lN ~.. • l't t'.••o Cll.Ooi f 1111 ,... " .,, -•• ,lltr(ll , 1• )f\' ~ :.1111 FOl'"tM1n .• ,. .. " s.•, c1morn11. T~• llfl!l>Ot•• •ncomP111ts 111t ,,, 1,,11 ,..,,. cents fcir the qu1rter as com-the San Clemente Of· "•ro"l' '·'' 1,1 ,,,~ ·"'' ,.,, -'"· 'In ll'tdtr11n 1u u•o '' ,. :_:·,~ ll'O""'•n ······• hlllowl~• tt11t•1!1Y t1t1ulbed •t11 wllltll 1 h h r.1.-.lc~ 1.1, .., ,.,,~ ::t'I•• -'""rtllnt '·'° n $.I UI\ Sol +1•'• '' •• ·• • ··· •·· ······· '·'' 1, m~•• 111,11(.~1.1r1, dtK•!bect bv • 1,., 1 """"''1.., a. .... 1n1111"1111" pared wit 1 cents Int e prior ficc . r.1,.,.1.rc" ··• ,,... ,.,~ ,,,. ~.·1~ + "l'ite11,1 1_fl! 1n ,. ,, ,,... _ 1, tMlllt M(TAl WOlllC&ll "fl<tl~llon 11~ lilt Whft !hf (O'flrnlsilOll : 1'11bllil'I ... Or•ntt C .. 11 Dt11J Pl!Gt, ti ~·.;"',,;t, 1·.:o: • ,, ... '"• ""' -"l'ilNCw 11& 1.0 •S'l't ""' "~ -1\t JllHI Mflll W.Orlt~r '111 Sl id innt~IUOll COl\lltlt .. I P• Julll 16. l), JD 1fttl July,, !Nt IUHt ,,ear, r.ooo 'I 1-. ""'' ltt\ :::~ -~ FJ!NS!t Jn. t 11'' n•\ iE' -•t " •• ' .. '"''''''' ~ ,. ,,., ,... ... -L Fllct<bcl'I ,,, " ,,.. •• _,., . j 111 P•O•lm~ltl• ·~"·~•ti •lld II loclltd °" ...... "'Al.U • .,,\, ,. ~ •• -,',,' '1"''f."' ~.. ,. ,,.,. u": ~·· -•• 1'"(11'91'11<1-li)<. •llovt Jourrt'"''" ••It. !hf """lh11t11rly 11o11 of Npoort • • • • • • • • • • • • • f'•O,....lt• 'I "' '' ,.,, ~ I''--• lEAM$T••s "'""""'· •loft• lltt Wlll!lltrly tldJ °' ~r•ttrT.•,.!c,~ l,1 :~:~ :~\\ r.;: =1:: ,~: •. , ,a w.~ !l}" ;.~ =,'"' Forem1" lSc "''" ~· f'IOrr '~"" Me11tt1 c11nl!~111o11 11,1~rv1 .. 11. P1l•1•d11 lla-.d '"" 111d ~•&11trl1 ,,,. SEC A ppt•oves ,.,1 M ,,1., J 1,14 34 JI'" --. Fnn1 ""'',so 1uo tll'r !j" P,' -• Df1Vlfl"' d-lrllCls, ''" '"•~ o •<I•. 4 1)1 +or"' •ltf 11<1rt!tfrll> Htllon 111 t~t S111lt • _, I _ _, "•"11 Cl .Ill 1C'\ 1' ,. ~,,I'll f: Coltt 1U -1', \' 1-t-1.11 Orlwa,.._ t.f ,..,,,. t'lld.i. • •d• 1>~1 1,., 1111" t ,(It. , u "'n" (11Unl•1 Ctu' In IM r•1t Co•ll TAB h tt>e l1rfft,f ...,,, , ........... Mn'fM. ~.,._f', , 1)1 '"\ "-''\ ,,...... _"Flt Ou ~· "' 11h 1"' 7\1 ., •.• 0.W.rs II lfuO'llo lru<1<1. I YI• b~I 1~,._ tll"' 11 ,II .•..• ,.. .... , tJ Mt11 1•r1, I• C ~ C.•llfy• "•l•n llA4.~ l ,._,,, I"\ ~"' e11 .. _ •l: 1 '-Ill nil ~ "f""' orh·,,..."' du ..... 1ruc"" ,, •d• 1>11• "" t~•11 ,, •d, i ~1 Al "" """ of t"' 11t1r1,,. "°'l<M •• • M11tual Funcl :;;;;J.,M\,;:. ': ;;;~ ~·\ .;;•• ::;1~ :~r~.~· 'r,·" ': ~· fl" ~I\ =1 Dt'l!>'ll'I If 11'1f(.k1, 1n11 •••18111 <t11cll• le•i llltft , ll>ft• • u Mttln '"!d t>ou"4•1lt• m1Y Ill' l'l'OOdlf!ICI Mo•• do<ton, d•Rlitl•, 1tl•r111~t 1!Hf pr1f111io"tl ~..,HI,.. " ll ,_,., ,..,, ,... l.t '· i "" ~ -,,. 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Cilll>KlW 011"9: Jllllt 11, IHf. • to lhl!I pu IC. c..::.r .. ft M~• i · g' ,. ,,.~ :: ·~ -ll'ld ,. ... -mn tiff Wllflff•• hit Ml "°' 1 -""' 11 » OIYI IOI......,. the *"' ., -"-IV 01101111 O" TNI lOCAL AGINCY In-nU\•t Industr1"es Inc IS '""'°"""' 1 • •• 1N """ -••~ ~ el lltis. •Ol\MATJON COMMISSION 01' Oll:A.NOli: .._,. ' ' r-N'I' '°i! 1.... "" II' _... t"O ~~ C ,,. IH 13 1:0A1to o, r111usl1Es COCINn. C.1.llFC11tNta • • an employee benefit Clrm .. ._....,.., 11 '"'° ~' ,1 -=. '' X~ii c: Iii 1 1 ,.,, ,, I =1~ °''"" (.Mir JY'!llt Cliletot 0111rk1 ttl lCHAltO T. 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" .... ·-., ' !f DAILY PlLOT ifNe wport Offe rs 39 Cla sses ~.,-_____ __,_1 L MR.MUM fi l'o Cut Swimm ing Tr age dies .F==::::::::- • !J, By JANICE BERMAN ll Of"" O•llr f'lltl 11•11 ~~:, NewPort Beach. some ,000 residents have 38_l of waterfront to frolic L~ and surf 011, and stroll f i And drown in. 1• Against th at possibility, ewport Beach offers what be the most extensive am of swimming in· ction ln the state. · ~:'1'h~h ttle Parks, Beaches ~·hd Recreation Department itDd the Orange Coast YMCA, ~ewporters can learn to stay 'tve in the water and enjoy ir aquabatics w h e t h e r : ey're .three or 73 years old. ~;Sponsored by the . city of 1.-ewport Beach, the parks, ·Jlcaches and R.e c r e a t i o n :bepartment offers a total of 11: separate swimming classes !ihroughout the s u m tn e r ;tecreatioa program, whicb II begins June 30. The classes are open to any Newport Be!lch resident, 11nd others are admitted when there is room. They range fro1n "Mornn1ie and Me" lessons for chlldren age 2'h to 5 and their mothers. through all phases of the American Red Cross swim- ming program from beginners to senior lifesaving. Lessons take pin~ in the pools at Corona de! A1ar and Harbor High Schools. with bay swimming instruction at L;;s Arenas ant.! "N" Street Beach. Total ft'e for each course i~ $3.00, and all swimming in· struction is on a tv.·o·weck basis. Copi:.-s of the schedule are available at all Ne\vport Beach Public Libraries and at the Park!>, Beaches a n d Recreation Department. :!More Neg roes Oppose .. !Viet War, Poll Finds " :: NEW YORK (UPI)-Negro f'Pposition to the Vietnam war .~mi to the nation's draft laws 'has grown markedly in the :list three years, a Gallup Poll ~efo~~e:.:,e:~~aats ~ho;;: tent of those Negroes ques- \fone.<f said backs should op-pose the war, while only 35 Celt 'bat way in 1966. The draft l'aws were called unfair by 47 ~rcent of the Negroes polled, though only 25 percent h e l d this altitude three years ago. Negroes also ha ve grown in· ~reasingly disenchanted with k>caJ police and the federal kovemment, according to th!! Poll. Forty-six percent said local 'Ellee were harmful to Negro .ights, while one-third believed his to be true in 1966. Only " ' one-quarter now feel that the (ederal government is helpful lo Negroes, as opposed to 74 percent three years ago. A belief t ha t the pace of Negro progress is too slow was expressed by 59 percent -up 16 percent from three years ago -and only 22 per· cent are satisfied with pro- gress made. However, thre<> out or five Negroes polled believe they have made progress in the la st five yea rs both on the job and in better education for their children. One half say their housing situation has im- proved. About two.thirds of those polled Celt there would be more riots In the future, but less than one-third said riots were justified. Sears ! " . ll , , •, ·--~ .. !~ .. • ,, ;1 ~ c < :; Do-it-y ourse lf Boat Fails Pacific S a i lors ADAK. Alaska (U P[) -Two American~ \\'ere set ashore here Sunday by a Japanese ship following their unsuc- cessful attempl to sail across the Pacific ln a boat they built themselves . The pair. Peter C. Whitllesy, 24. \Vest Hartford. Conn ., and James C. Thom. 26. San Fran· cisco, were in good condition. The two had set out from Japan May 14 in their 32·(oot :Huge Cruiser Set lo An·ive SAN FRANCISCO (AP) The USS Ne wport News, world's largest heavy cruiser, is scheduled lo arrive here Friday afler completing her second tour off Vietnam . sl oop, the \Vindsong _ On June 4 their mast snapped and they rigged a sf'cond mast which held out until June 14 when it, too. went down and they were picked up by a Japanese whaler. They v.·ere 1.000 miles out of .Japa n when they finally scut. tied their sloop and gave up lied their sloop afld gave up lhe trip by sall. The two were transferred to three other JaPanese \vhalers a n d finally put aboard a Japanese Fisheries a n d Agricultural Agency sh i p v.·hich let them off at the na va l station here where Urey were awaiting transportation to San Francisco. Whittlesy and Thom, both former Navy men. \Vere released from the service in .Japan and had spe nt s ix months planning the trip and building their sloop. Regular $169.95 88 Auto 'Air Conditioners ~Todel 57 17 " • Faslt'r cool-dov.•n tin1e. for "rjght now" comfort • 14 igh C.I·'.~i. for gl'efller air cirC'ulation \ • Sleek, cle11n desi gn g\y\ing for a sn1art look • S1-1fetr Jl<ulde<l bezel. )'fount~ neRll.'· un<ler dAsh bo11.rd " • Expert. l !JB~l:tljvn_ .4i,vn"il1tllle __ .Alk About.Seara Conve~ien1 CredltJ>lans • l•tp..rt M••lt• <'1·1lad•• e Ho•d~d 1.L•l•J l1u1•llrd •• ' .. 11 •• 1. e M•b•lld tll ' wll••I ~rll•tl•" ptrkl•r llr•ktJ .All 4 Wheels Only 1111.a " • Ar• 1rltd llrPl.k• ahnro e R••••lar• •11 ' br•~• ......... e R•111rk ht•I 1111••1 h•t•l•l• : ~:::·:,;~::: :::''... 2 9 88* • r ..... •dJ••1•t•t Jot 1111 '' 11 .. 1 .. , e ltop•rl h•••• ll•o•o ' I • •~•d i.11 let •••Ii• r.lltbUllt I· ( •Chry•t.J' ))roducta ha\'lnc e whetl cylinder• 11nd e11.r .. "'\tl'.I dt.e bn.k•a •l!ghtly hlJh•r. Any ne<:•au.ry &ddl Lional part.II t.nd labor 11vllilAble. at !klan low, tow" price! All American and V-0lkswagcn Cars Ail!----------... ---... ------·------~---------------,·----------.. • ---........... .._ • ..,.,I ....... _,M l21 1'COWIMJ6J ..... A • ._.......,., -•IW ' =:::::;::., .. ,. =i:-100(,Qkll ~·~MC""'' --··••n.•Mt'l,'ftl...,, ..-..ai«AIXU111 -l'0.)."'4i1,,.~.,,,., I ~-NUrinf ,.,,., -..w.1100 ...,.. -.• ,.,111 .,_m.1sr NCA. MO-tJ21 ,._ ... ,.1t11 I .._ _ "-C. .. )S,I ~ ... 14211, a f-6111-"lte\NC1 5'2·111 I ~----~----------...... , ---------------------------"$illlWedler:Gu:• ........ •YwrMoMyloc\,. _,. __ ,_., ........ ~ ....... ,....,MOA.M.•t:IOP.M. • ---.. . . ~ 22 Coast Grads at Chap man 1'venty-two Orang" Coast residents are among 9 : Orange County graduates o! Chapman College. They are: From Costa ~1esa : Muriel Learned, 1447 Deauville Place, ma ster of arts; Willoughby Miller, 161 Yorktown Lane, master of arts, and Rita M. Van Horn . 1605 Corsica Place, bachelor of music. From Fountain Valley: John Jackson, 12256 E. Ca\endula Ave., master of arts; Shirley Strother. 10773 Et Centro Ave .• bachelor of arts: D a I e Swenson, 17156 Santa Lucia, and Janire White, 8 5 7 2 Talbert, bachelor of arts. From Huntington Beach: Ray Bryson, 975 Ka tella St., master of arts: James Gibson, 6801 Cumberson Drive ; Vicki Heller. 9292 Nantucket Drive, bachelor or arts; Robert Marston, 17139 Round hi 11 Drive, bachelor of arts; Henry Matias, 20151 Martha Lane ; Ruth Opperman, 17411 Keelson Lane. and Elsie Mathison. 350 "Y" Place. bachelor of arts. From 1''ewport 8 e a c h : \Valier Griesmeyer , 362 Even· ing Canyon. bachelor of arts : Clive Siegle, 2002 Baj a , bachelor o( arts: Virginia Slater. 200 Evening Star Lane. bachelor of arts, and James Utz, 1191,~ 37th St.. bachelor of Bad Dream? PoliCe'.Fi re Ori Hom e I TOOELE. UTAtl (UPI) EmbarrJSWI police officers directed all questions to Cap- tain Kenneth Daly, But Sun- day Daly was reported away Ull today. Saturday he was said to be "unavailable.'' Fri· day he was •~fishing." Clearly, the Tooele Police Dtpartment would like nothing better than lo quickly forget the incident at the Parsons' homC'. It began early Friday with two reports of a sniper firi'ng at moving automobiles in this town of 1~.000: A man was spolted carrying a rifle on the northeast side or town and of· fice rs converged on the area. Shots were trad ed with the suspect who apparently duck· ed into the entryway of the darkened Parson home to escape police . Police, convinced the gun- man was cornered but seem- ingly paying little attention to who might be at home, sur- rounded the house and in the best western traditio n of shoot • first • ask • queslions • later fired a shotgun blast through a bedroom window -ruining a night's sleep for Mr. an~ Mrs. Richard Parson and their two children. "I heard the confusion outside." Parson said. ''l first \VOke up \vhen they fired a shot into the cornice of the house. So I just stood up to see what the dtvll was going on. They saw me and Ured away.'* The shotgun pellets buri;t through Parson's bedrOOnl window, strewing glass over the bed and putting "a few holes in the wall." "The thing that stunned me," Parson continued. "was the wadding of the shotau.n shell. It hlt me in the forehead and lhe shoulder and my eye was bruised by something. 1 kind or spul) around and went down on my hands anc! knees . As soon as J got down there r knew I wasn't hurt." Parson said his w Ire, although nearly t e r r o r - stricken. scrambled out of bed and telephoned the police tell · ing them "somebody is trying to kill me!'' "Of course they were all around the house," said Parson, "and when they got word back from the station v.·e got things straightened out." Alter establishing that the sniper had eluded them and wasn't holed up in the Parson home , red.faced officers slam· mered their apologies and retreated into the early morn· ing gloom. ''They came down the nex t morning ," Parson said, "and we went over the whole work! together. I know it wasn't done maliciously. They were just trying to do their job, -1 guess." arls. R b'd B h '7' 0 .From Scol Beach ' Barbar"-·a I 0 cat--f-Iet1m Ripperdan-.--240 Harvard-tane, master of arts . From Westmins ter: Robert A. Buse. 5771 Abraham Ave., bachelor of arts; R. Louis 'Elliott , 8702 Bermuda, bachelor of arts ; Jessie Pell, 14601 Moran, bachelor of arts and James IWclarle, 13892 Busch St., master or arts. l\fedi-Cal Care May Cost So1n e SACRAMENTO IUPIJ - The Senate has voted to re· quire persons receiving care under Medi·Cal to pay up to 2a percent of the cost if 1i'ey have mor~ than $300 1n personal property. Kept Alive Artificially SAN DIEGO, Calif. (AP) - Last April I, a bright-eyed 2- y ea r-old Tommy Buchmann. was bitten and clawed by a bobcat as he played in the backyard of his rural home. A neighbor shot the cat. It pro- ved to be rabid. Tommy got 22 anlirabies shots. But nonetheless he laps· ed into a coma April 28 and now. kepl alive by a respiratory unit \vhich pumps air into his lungs, stares blankly into space in a hos pital. His doctor says: •·Every treatment known to medical science has been used, l;iut I'm afraid there's not much hope .• Tommy is a viclim of what Jn modern times has become a rare disease. His doctors say he's only the second to suffer from rabies in this country since 1966. The treatment. usually 1 s e r i es or 14 inoculations, doesn 't assure immunity. the doctors say. Success depend" on such factors as the site of the infection' and the type <1f infecting animal. Awards, Scholarships Given . At flarbor High's Banq.uet The frllll\Ving students were honored <it Newport 1-farlx>r High School's annual a\vard;; banquet: Service a\vards -top boy all four year~. Dave Ahvard: top girl all four years, Jessicn Jones: top senior boy, James Btauer; top senior girl , Chris Rebard; top (reshmen boys, Steve Schl•J1(' and D a v e Eastman: top freshman girl, Pam Pattison. American Chemical Society a\vard -Martin \\'alker. Bausch-Lomb Science a'~ard -Stephen Hammeras. Renssalaer ~1ath and Science a\vard J\1art ;n \Valker. Bullock ''i scholastic art awards -Linda Reinen1nn, Susie Staub, Clai re Christensen, Diane-Pettengill and Ann Strom. Costa Mesa A.rt League awards -Mark Mccullock and John Peterson. A1nerican Association o( Teachers or German awards -Dale Bowman, Betti Butler, Sue Jerram. Stuart Lewis, Roberta Magnusson, Sherie Reineman and M a r ga r r t Schwarz. Tuesday Club of Newport 1-larbor award -Helen Allen . Musi c Departm~nt scholarships -vocal, Cathy Cokas: instrumental~ Tony Evans. Lions Clilb speech cont~st winner -John Carlton. Lions Club scholarships - Jan Schwartz and Richard lfovfland. Veterans of Foreign \Vars essay contest \Vinne rs -rlrst place. Steve Schone : second. Nancy Gick: th ird. K~thy D11rg<1 n. Quill and Scrull awards Rlthard H o 11• 1 11 n d, Cin(ly Forbes. Paula Schocpe 11ud Lynn Rosener. Galleon a\vards ·-To111 Arnett, Tyra Hansen. ~lurily11 Peck, Roberta ~lagnusson, Lisa Laughli n, E a r I i n c Longerbone, Ann Sterling. Nancy Bergeson and Ma rian Franciscus. Homemaking aw!d -Pain l\1eserve. Giranfs Colleae or Bnauty scholarship-Jackie Schick. Key Club scholarship -Bill Christensen. Tar of the Year -Robert Curry. Girls Athletic A5SOClalion scholarship -M I e h e t I e Wllelchel. PTA scholarship awards - Kathy Crawford and Rober t Keigh. PTA arl awards -.!ohn Peterson, Dave Alward, Nan· cy Neth and Joan Palmer. Edith Haddock scholarship -Jan Schwarz. Zonta Girl of the Year - Jessica Jones. Soroptomisl Club of Nev.'?Ort Beach scholarship -Tracey Kahan. Senior Ebell Club o I Newport Beach award -Patti Payne. Junior Ebell Club of Newport Beach scholarship - Helen Al!en. ' Girls State representative - Ca rla Harryman. Boys State represe ntative - Randy Whitesides. California Exchange Club nr Newport Beach awards - .John Carlton l'lnd Jeanne Egasse. ~1ariners School a1vard - Jan Schwarz. American Field Service students -Sachie lkushi1na and Thord Ohlsson. Daugh ters of the Amerir<1 n Revolution good citizen DW<lrd -Laurie Fraser. r-.1asons Sea(aring Lodge No. 708 E. I. Moore awards - seniors, Randy Oliver and Cln· dy Pl ace: juniors . B i 11 J-lendershot and B a r b a r a Bailey; sophomores, Chris · Quinn and Renee L o n g : freshmen, Denny Cline and Chris Benson. Junior Chamber of Com· merce award -Richie Post. Rotary Club of Newport Beach scholarship -Jessica Jones. Newport Harbor Optim ist rlub scho larships -Nora S!crHng and Debbie Brown . California Snvings and Lonn L(•;1gue a1\·ard -Virginin C1rlca. Bank of An1erica :ich1l•1·('. Pll'nl a\\'/l.rd!i -liberal :J1·ts, Steve Hammeras; science and n1athem atics, Pete Stephens; fine arts, Sue H u r d ; mathen1atic s . Kathy Crawford : laboratory science, Randy Oliver; English, Connie Osborn: social studies, Cindy Place; lore i g n langu(l.ges. Jeanne Egasse; music, Steve \Vinsor; art, Lind11 Reineman: homemaking, Pam Meserve, and bu11lncss. Debbie Burke. Newport-Balboa Savings and Loan scholarship -Lew is WMghJ. Nnv•port-Balboa Savings and Loiin busine ss awards - outstanding senior, C h r I s LoGuercio; senior merchan- dising. Connie Pereira; senior clerical, Earline Longerbone; senior secretarial. Terri Hart: senior account{ng. Cur t Swidler; ju n i or shorthand, Patricia Walker: junior typ- ing. Sandy Tezak : junior bookkeeping. Craig Holloway; · sophomore typing. Terri Ab- bott, sophomore bookkeeping, Sue Jerram. Ken Orbach scholarship - Tom Butler. Lynne Hughes scholarship - ~lary Ann Gallis. California Sch o 1 a rs hip Association sealbearers !Jave Alward , Debbie Brown, Kathy Crawford, J ea n n e Egasse. Cindy Forbes, Mary A11n Gailis, Richard Howland, Karen Johnson , Tracey Kahan, Cindy Place, Connie Osborn, Jan Schwarz and Pete Stephens. Governors scholar -Connie Osborn. College scholarships and honors al entrance -Helen Allen. Azusa Pacific ; Stuart Aldrich. athletic, University o[ Colorado ; Julie B ro v1 r,, Chinese. U n i v e r s it y or Arizona: John Carlton. North American Rock well. UCLA.; Doug Dovey. ROTC, USC; Stephen Hammeras, N'lrth American Rockwell, alumni and ·re 1re-n1-s Sclfolarships, honors at entrance, UCLA; Eric Lindroth, v.•ater . polo, UCLA : Connie O.sbotn, E. Coke Hill scholarship, UC San Diego. California state scholarships -Dave Alward. Dave Berger, Carol Bowman . Dave Bradley, Bill Brock. Tom Butler, John Carlton. Richard De 1.1 t s ch 1 !lolly Hanes, Stephen Han1· mera i:, Paul .Ja cobson. Patli l'nyne. \Vendy Morris, Cindy Pince. \\'c ndy Ov.•en, Connie l)sborn. Jtob Peddycord. Jan Schwan·:. Ueth Pierce, Lucy Scmeniuk. Biii Sevitz and Greg Smith. National ~1eril letters or commendation o n v e Alward, Stephen Hammertis, Richard Howland. R a n d y O\lvcr, Cindy Place. Rob Schminke. Jan Schwt1rz llU4 Nora Sterling . National Merit finalists - John Carlton, Connie Osborn • Ci ndy forbes, Forbes anJ Pete Stephtns. Sa.lutalorian -S t e p h e q ll amineras. Valedictorian -Cohn J'r Osborn. ' I I I Y< - ' I ' I , I ' t I I I I I CU! cor Illa kill p tirr pr< cer de< trl; l ccr 1hc No: ~ c~ a I ten 1 "' '" cle the I a I mu for hi• J nlo ""' J bul ev1 J Ka p11 ' .... 5 .,,. ... hl1 f. .DI! ells s ... gol in I ,, -otu ... ,, ,., •nr I I ' • Valley .. N.Y • ' . vor. 62, NO. 149, 3 SECTIONS, 34 ,PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFO RNIA MONDAY, JU NE 23, 1969 . -TEN CEN1'S-. " ' ' GI Slays Invalid, 85 . Westminst er Youth Dies of Drugs in Jail Cell Entering New Era President Nixon, flanked by retiring Chief Justice Earl Wa,rren (left) and 'the U.S. Supreme Court's new chief.juStice, Wa'rren E. Burg.er, appears pleased after his precedent-settI.pg a$1dress to court dunng swearing in ceremonies today for new chief justice. Story on Page· 4. • Bookmaking Defendant In_ LA · · dered ·-~ ... ,, . A Superior Court trial o( thr~ men ae. cused of bookmaking was (brown into confusion today when the judge learned that one of the defendants was shot and killed Saturday hi,ght in Los Angeles. ·Ko deddon had been reached a press time on the future course of the preceedings but it appeared reasonably eertain that Judge Robert Rick1es will declare a mlstrial and set a new date for trial of the remaining defendants. Los Angeles police said today they are continuing their investigation of the shooting of Emmett Alan Canard, 4~, of North Hollywood. Police charge Canard 2nd Time Around May Be To ugher, High Court R ules WASHINGTON (UP I) -The Supreme Court ruled today that a convict who wins a new trial may be giVi!n a stiffer sen· tence the second time. The 6-2 decision upholds the far· reaching discretion of judges in imposing sentence but requires that they make clear lhe "constitutional legitimacy" of the increased sentence. At the same time, the court ruled that a person reconVicted at a second trial must be given credit on the new sentence for time already served in prison under bis original sentence. Justice Potter Stewart wrote the opi· nion with Justices WUliam .O. _Douglas Ind-Thurgood MarsbaU-concurring, JusUCe Byron R. White also concurred but stipulated he would have giveh judge·s even more dlscrt!t.ion in rtsentencing. Justices Hugo L. Black and John ).f. Harlan concurred in pari' and di!Sented in part. ·' -wis gunned down by Neldl Duncan, '3, o! HolJyWMd ,. tll1 aiuple argued in the parking lot of a downtown restaurant. Officers said Miss Duncan shot Canard three t'iz:nes in the chest and then shot herself between the eyes. Sb~ had earlier pleaded guilty in Orange County superior Court tO bookmaking charges and was to be sentinced Thursday. _ Canard bad stood· in t'OUrt here Friday wilh Valentine Sargis James, 51, of !As Angeles and Sylvester Blake, 39, of North Hollywood as the first week of their tri&I for felony bookmaking acliviUea con- cluded. James ·and Blake were in court today visibly shocked at the circumstances which eliminated their Co.defendant from the trial. Newsmen and the public were barred from the courtroom this morning while Judge Rickles conferred With prosecution and defense counsel and district at- torney's officials on the new develop- ment. Huntington Man To Head Alliance Wailer F. Yilwlg,Hunl~leach,'has been appointed pledge ~ c •mp a i g n manager for the National Alliance of Businesamen to find jobs in ,private businesses for the unemployed. 'Young, manager of empJQyment. at McDonnell·Douglaa Astronautics,_.,, on loan from the firm to work full time for NAB'a 'Orange County progrlm. The purpose of NAB ii to remove the unemployed and disadvantaged from the weUare rolls on a princple of b1ring !irst, then ·training and n:training. An Army lntelllaence corpsman from Westminster would btive been-arraign~ today In the blzarrtbug-and-klll~murder of an 15-year-old ~in her wheelchair Saturday, but authorities instead are pro- bing his jail cell death of a drug overdose. Pvt. Terry Akers, 20, of 6181 Shawnee Road, was found dead Saturday at 10 p.m. In his padded cell in San Antonio, Tex., the victim of a massive dose of South Viets ry to Brea Red Siege SAIGON (UPI) - A force o! 500 South Vietnamese troops struck out today from the besieged U.S. Spedal Forces camp at Ben Het to try to battle their way to Dak To, eigbl miles to the east, and open a supply route through the Communist-held mountains. The siege of Ben Het in the central highlands 285 mile,, north Of Saigon has been under way for 47 days. Today the CommunlJts i;helled the Green Beret . camp or the 20th consecutive day and launched two IJ'QUDd attacks which were beaten off. U.S. 85.Zs smothered the mounta1n ~a around Ben Het with a·milllon tons o! bombs tqlay and sbortly allerwl?da the relief force set out from the cetnp to · try to open the single lane paved rqed which -throogb lbe jljlllils lo· Dok Ta, illelf a p)9o(l1 ~~' P'.:li supplies for Be.tiat-.,olidi~ by U.S. Air l"Gpl Cl& Clrlbol.w I« Jlle de£end0rs, who .°"""" llfte hillo !hot malte up the, CMIP with. 700 women and children, their ~ who'lost 1evtn wounded in todly'1 si.:mngs. The. roads are boobytrapped and heavy gunfire by l,500 North Vietnamese in the sur· rounding hills prevent helicopter Ian· dings. · The relief forte has made contact with Communbt gr o u n d forces but the t:.1tent..pf fighting was oot yet known. The forct must fight ils way Pf.St mlnes and booby traps ond the lr<quent ambwhes that have baited other supply efforta. The camp .itaelf is located atop three small .hills wlth a valley in bet'ween. The de(enders have dua: deep into the muddy earth under the constant shelling .and pulled their tanks in tighter to the defense perimeter, stackiiig extra rounds near their cannon which fire back night and day. There are perhaps a doun U.S. Green Beret advis:ers on one or the hill! eight miles from the border of Cambodia and a U.S. artillery unit on another. The wome.n and children live in flimsy shacks on the edge of the defense perimeter. Communist casualties in fierce fighting in the area are placed Jn excess of 1,500 since May 6. The battles have cost South Vietnamese forces 168 dead and the Americana 40 dead. The pattern of Com· munist aUack was not clear. About 12,000 Communist troops moved into the ctntral h.ighla-..1s from Cambodia and Laos last month, but It remain! (See VIETNAM, P11e ZI Seal Beach City Chief Oka After Surgery --·-.. - Seal Beach City Manager Lee Risner Is li1 aatisfadoey conaitlon toddy at Long Beach Community Hospital a f t e r emergency appendix surgery Friday. Risner became W early Monday at his Seal Beach home/ Summer-Learnin' Is Easy Sc hool Gaining in Popularity Alon g CoWl t Summer ·school began todly In mO.t communlUea along the Orange Coast with enrollment tn some school d1strlcta .:.· high u h11! the regular yw -· Huntington Beoch Unloo ffiP SChool llllltk\ aQi a JWDR 00 otller tchool..c dllllrlctl by.llal:lfnt !Ml -k. Summer leSS10f\S will run from four to seven wee.b :wlth l stuttent.s aenerally going to 1ehool in tbe·momin& and home in the afternoon. In Newport.M"esa Unllied 1 c h o o l s -lm<al was 5,800 out o! 21,WI lt.udentl dUring the regular year, a sum- mer record for the dtsuict. Ji\ Wuna Beach, about 550 student. aw:a Up the first day. The regular year tnrollment Is about 2,900. Only 10 percent ... lillJll i:emedl•l -k: the -llaJI. danl or acctlerallll -.... · Ocun View, Elemeolary, hold!n1 .Jo finil oummer •esaiO!I · lo a number o! yean, enrolled $,800 out GI U,000 regular yeara atudintl..- Over half t11e JJ,ooo· -t• 1n Hun- Ungtoo ll<ach Hlgb SChool 1>iltricl were attending summer «hoDL About· one-.in four were taking mnectiaL wort~ , Whal eJ]>laina the lrowin& _popui~lly GI llWMler school!· .- "MOii i<idl ((0 lo , IUm-tchool btca""' they like. 11~· ,.id QlllM Fornes, director ol. JUmmcr achooi for Lquna Be~ch. • On !he high school level, Dr. Loron Moll o! l h e Huntington ll<1ch Hi(h • I District, thinks "the bi1 lbing is lo reduce thelr required courses 50 they can take other coorses during t' h e rt!gular year." An lncreaslnj: number ot. high school ltudentl alao an: working on gadualing a aemeattt or mort 'tarly by taking ad· vantage of summer olferlnga. Another reaon is aummer offerings not alven durlnl tbe regular 9Cbool year. Ocean View's gUltar claas is an ei:•mpit. Newport-Me.11 ll offering apace science and huiiWUUes lnstttutes in which pertOnS outlJdt the adlool district lectur1 lo 1ludents. HunlJniton Beach High of. fi::ra marine and field bl~loay for the summer student ODly. .- either LSD'or amphetamines, authorities said Sunday. Several days will be requlrtd to determine just what chemical compound apparently ·drove the young soldJer tern· porarily out of his mind, leading to the deaths of his victim· and himself. One lawman had to beat Pvt. Akers with' a blackjack to subdue hlm ·after the heating death of Mrs. Annie P. Hayden, a resident of th'e Broadway Lodge North nursing home. Bexar County tqedlcal 6'11llntr Dr. Rutien SantOI performed the Sunday autopsy tOO the young toldler and ruled out head injury 111 the cause,Qf dea\h. HiJ parenlJ, Ml':· and Mra. Neil, Akers, today refused· to -ment .. 1Jit double tragedy when contic1.ed bf new.men at the family home in _Westminster. w:a~~~!~~or ~e :~~v:u:a. ~x°!~~ for the theory of drUi·induced derange- ment, an idea supported. by · witDIUe& to Final A,etion:' the healing and ~kers' ;trlor behavior. "He acted like he was going to put his ' arms arOlmd the old woman to kiaa her, then he began beating her with his flsta," said San Antm}io Pdlice,S~ Mack drqL '10ne of the, nurses tr;ed to intercede, but he hit her and knocked her away:•,. Sgt. Grill e.1plained, saylng Mrs. J:layden's jaw was fr~ctured 1n three places during the savage 'attack. "He was quite active and ·appeared to (See SLAYER, Pa1e I> --'r'rus tees laKe-up. Teacher Salaries TrulleM GI UNI llunUngtoo Beach High School DilUld are expeeted to aet their 1969-70 teacher wage increase Tuesday night by o!ficially adoptinc a salary schedule. ·they will .meet at 7:30 p.m. in the' Founlsin Vllliey H11h School Cllleterta, 17111 Bulhard St., Fountain Valley', · AcUlln on the 11,m to $11,1411-~e of· (e;ed . lo the ~ Will "(ectl.-ly clirtall all netotiaUng 'acllvill'.· by the ~iohen who bad bean , askJni for a $'1;~14,000 "'*· · TllO -ttOcl oa1ary llcheduie hat been the l!lbject o! conoUlenble'-Con- In addition, tbe governlp1 board recently voted to dock the teachers for two days pay, for thelr alleged illeaal absences. · Allbough it la not indicated on the agenda, it is possible that representatives o! the District F.<lucators: Association, which has been spearheading lhe drive for bigber salaries, wW make a state· ment about the pay docking . to &he trustees. . ~ -~--· -~~:n~.b.1--~ Also sceduled lo he presented to lbe trustees Tuesday night ta a statemenl VOTERS . (Voice of Ibo Eleclorata llt8nliJ1ll ~) . I"""""' -Wile. actiOD ·1o table 1tut iiltl ~· • I-J!!Jlll! l~ and an .::::. coilrae {i,' lbe diatrict •. , by -¥111 -!Ill ... l>Jul bi>Y.. \lmentlilr fhi' ~ lo ' enpp Iii U,'luithoi' wort~ for the rst GI !ha ,1C!ioo1 year. ' A ""'81b!e tu '!Ven1de elecUon, perhaps combined with a bond Issue for additional IChool ftmdl, wlll' also Nceive COMJ4era.uon by lbe lioanl GI trustees. DAILY ,ILOT Staff,..... GRIM JOB 0,, LAGUNA Drowning at Two Rock Point Beachgoers See San ta Ana Bo y Dro wn at Lo.guna ''.' A 19·year~!q SantS Nia bQY ~rowned off Crescent Bay iii Laguna Beac~ Sun.o da}" as a crowd of 'beachgoers stood by and wa~b~,frogi the jwate~"•· edae~ The victim, RObett NEv1ton Gardner, of 1234 BOrchB.rd St.,· was ratietnl!llJJI· to swim tO Seal Rock lo -join two friends when he went Under about 100 yards offshore. His .body was recoyued· one hour and 20 minutes later. The Orange County Coroner's office repgrted the victim was weari~g jeans. Friends said he had work· ed all night, and hadn't aJept for many houn. "He was a real .8ood awimmer - a 8Urfer," said Eric Jarrell, 19, a friend of Gardner, Jartell of Anaheim, a,nd Keith Damion, 20, Gardner's roommate, were on Seal Rock watching Gardner swim over.· "When he Urst yelled for help, Keith was,in such a hurry to get to hlm, he fell o!! the rock and hurl h~ lee pretty bad· ly," Jarrell said. jfSo 1 started af\er him. I'm not a very good swimmer, but I reached him first. Riehl Iller that Keith sot to him. • . · "He wi:a still conscious. Spitting out water," ,Jarrell contlJ'.luef!S. "He .lli4, 'Take me ashore'. But we couldn't. There must have been an undertow or Ude working agaiost us, ~ " "And the people on shore just stood there and watched ut. They treated it likt a c~s." ' · T~o J~year old All•heim 'bor1 wlt- nesatd the drowntna from abOvt the (See DKO'WNING, Pa1e I) ' . r;radllll:te of Valley High . Given Jonk'lflan Award . F<iuntaln Valley High"School graduale Robin Yarborough baa been presented With the second•i.rinual Naomi Jonkmiln Career-Teacbihc SCholarsblp. The IS.year old student, a re~ent of 16685 Sequoia Sl., Foun\aln Valley, received 1(00 and • P.laque from the Fountain Valley t.ducaUon Association for h1s partlcipaUon In an elementary teaching. work experience proiram. ParticlPf\Oll •Rtnt nine weeka with elementary school teachers in at least two grade levels ln the Fountain Valley School District. The progr~, a cooperative effort of the Hunt1ngton Beach High School District end the Fountain Valley School District, iG Intended to •give the student realistic school and work experience as part of their high school educaUon. Approximately 25 h1ch achool students: participated in·lbe program lhia yur Ind received five units of high .Choofelective credit for their efforts. · The ec:holarship hu ~en provided for two years in a row and ill named in honor or retired Fountsin Valley SChool ll!strict Trustee NaonU Jonkman . Yarbcirough. indicated tbal he would use the award money to }\elp .with tui- tion at Cal,lfornla Baptist-College; River· aide, which he plam to enter this fall. CHECK THE ADS FOR FOURTH FETE Some DAU. Y Pll.OT readers are going to enjoy an exciting Fowrth of July fireworka show free. · Golden W·esl JC l! your name appurs in the ciassUied advertising columns of the DAILY PILOT this· week. )'OU will receive free· To Get $7,. o· 91"1 passes lo the July Fourth . Fireworks · 4 Show at Anaheim• Stadium. There is no obligation on your part. _.T.!Lra·r· y G"rants......,.....,,o!!Jhec~~-the.J>AILY' ·PILQT ciassmed raD aectioo each day.· U you find your namt, , · you are 11. winner. • Golden W<!l . cOllege , in . H!ffilinglon Beach wlU receive federal aranlJ of $5,000 and '2,097 'for purdlUe of' library ma!erlaia', ·Rep. Crai( Homer (R·Long Beach) .. armounced today. . , The $5;oo0 basic grant ln~t be mr.L- ched by non-federal· fU\Sdl, ~osmer l<!id. but the second arant does not requlre matching funds. AISQ receiving l1'$ntl are catlfomla Stale Collegt, Lon( Beach, a lolai o( $42,711, and Long Beach City Collea;e, $20,614. . ' •. The grants .are made .uoder Tille,U ·ti lbe Higher EduceUori Act o! 191;5, •ieonege ·Library Ruoorcts Progrnm." Total 1rants ICT'Oll lhe,~ add 'up to '25 • miiilon spread among' 1,14$ collegOIJ and univenllles .Including 141 . I n Calllomla, . Nf;W YORK (AP) -'l1le sloct martil WU jotted lo another loa today U con- tinued conc<m over UOt .-Y qaln was reported welghinc ll down. (See quolslionl, Pqa-U16). Trldlnt wu fakrly'..ctive near the clo- se. The Dow Jones tnaustrial averqt at I :30 p,m,. WU o!( t.111 a( "9Ji, ' '. . . T.he ·aun cooUnues to Sleep till noon, and Tuelday11 outlook calla fOr a continuation of the aame. Hazy sunshine will bring the mer· cury into the low 11!'1 allllli the coast. INSmE TODAY The 11elloat brick ·road wa1 « i · pQt~ Co l~line11 and de1palr, bi.t bef~L h.er death SuMay, Jru.lv Gorlimd declored sh< had fillollv .found hoppin<Ss. Her 1 story ii told ·on Paoe 4 todou. " • ""' " " " " • "' .. ll .. ·-" --.. " ~ ........ =~=' : ......... ,,.,, -... Si.d ~-,._,. ,........ '' -" =--J ,I I ,_ . . ., - 2 OAl\.V PILOT H M"1diy, J""' 23, l'N.t Freeway ~dOptiori S~t . . · N~port Ro~~ Int() M~a A·lnwst ~lfic~l, Wied t.i-..s'rtloilllill tl!O Pallli l!ollll .. 1111 .. -.ay· °""" Formal d'3ign1Uoa Of the &<><alled ll<d-Blue Newport Fr«wax route JoopJni out thtou,gb Cosb Mesa's west~ is on· 1y tJrio ~ •way, according lo the Stale Highway Commission. JProeewa7 .. alt.gnmtnf,"-a&ld OOltl 'Mesa mlsslOn II ezpected-tO c:loli the question Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley. ol just where the 2.J..mile stretch ol "We are very happy," he ~ed. freeway to be built ln the rnid--lflOs wlll Hf 101 vtry pleaied and I tfilnll: It will Members of the panel said they wtn (J- ficially adopt the alternate route at their J uly tl-17 meeting tn San Diego, at the windup ol a late-runnin& meeting Thurs- day in Fresno, be beneflclalto hove II formally_ adopted aotually go. as sOon a~ poe:sJble," said Newport Beach Commission Chairman Ernest J . Mayor ~een Marshall. crtstlna said after the tentative adoption Mrs. ManhaJI said a telegram noU.. Thursday that the panel wu •ctinl aa New1 of tbt route adoption recom- mended by both Newport Beach and Costa Mesa city oUlclall and civic leaders earlier this year·broogbt jubilant · comment over the weekend. !yin( clly ofliclals ol the Informal floute ail l!ed b Harbor Area city ollldail and 55 ad~·uplalns that any public agon-v Y .. cJta •hlch wish tq max .ask for another the majority ol private citiZenl. open hearing on tfie chob. Some hoineownert who will be forced She added that this seems u~ to relocate at state expente -Including neccessary and unlikely, since both cities iand purchase coat and moving eipenses had formally approved the imminent -are naturally opposed to the Red·Blue "1 would say the commission has followed the City Council'• r~uest in two ways: going a1oog with the route we selection, which is the farthest west route selection. among four possible routes. A Newport Freeway allgnment down existing Newport Boulevard was chneen in 1944, but changing area development Jed the state to reopen the question as re· quested by Newport Beach and Cosla Mesa leaders. Sadism Club· Convictions Reversed by High Court W ASIDNGTON (AP) -The Supreme Court today summarUy reversed the con- victions on lewdness charges of two persons arrested by police in a raid on a New Jersey sadism club. The high court agreed, in a brief 6-2 opinion, to review the convictions of the two defendants, and simultaneously n versed lhoee convictions, holding "thBt the search and !leizure procedW'e8 follow- ed wer< com!itutl...Uy Invalid. The . unsigned opinion noted that Justices Byron While and Hugo L. Black dissented from the majority action. The two defendants, Monique Von Cleel and Jamea Albert Beard, had been convided for lewdam .u ...... Mbs Cleef was sentenced to four inonth.s in jail and lined 11,000, Ikard was lined $500 and gtven an 18-month probated sentence. Appealing, they claimed an un· COlll\ltutlonal aearch had been made of the Newark, N.J., club. ~ arrests were made by the Elles county lheriff'a ofiice in the ,16-room col· ol1lal-type home In wblcb Ikard and M1aa PreJXJ:red Bandit Von Clee! lived. A detective had an ar· rest warrant, but the appeal claimed the warrant was.invalid. In the course of the raid, the appeal said , the officers seized 4,500 pieces of personal correspondence, two fWns cabinets and a file drawer containing about 2,000 names and addresses, a cigar -box conliinlna: 200 applicatloril for membership iD the "Flair Club" and men than 200 photographs. 1-1.iM Von Cleef and Beard claimed, through attorneys, that this sort of "general, exploratory search" ls forbid· den b)' the federal Constitution. ~ides, they qUt:SUoned "whether an act of pun· ishment, comm itted between twi> con· senting adults, in private, can be made criminal." • The convictions were affirmed last July by the appellate division of the Superior Court of New Jersey. 'I'he state supreme court rejected an appeal Jut September. The Supreme Cou rt Raid Monday It had "no hesitation in concluding that the ac- tion of the police here In combing a three- story, 16-room house from top to bottohi and carting away several thousand papera, publications, and other item• cannot under any view of the 4th Amend· ment be justified 11 'incldent to arre:1L' " B;n-1-y;,.tim u said that such mau .. 1zure of ., lUJ "-' evidence wu beyond tbt sanction of any · prevlOUJ cuea. In Newport , Heut . ,, A lllllJllln who•v<nftaOaoparo roll o{ Tustin Man Walks tape bandy -when !he llrlt ""' lll,Oll"6 . • · f .; • bind hlo vidlm r1n ool -roblled a A F Cr I..' Newport Beach bamhut1er 1tand of Way fOW ftSU 12.SIO aarly 5undly mornln(. . Police aaid vlcUm Pierre J. F. Of S JJ pJ BertDlino ol Costa Mesa, maJU1ger of The fila ~ ane Burger, "6o1 W. Pacific Cout Highway, ~ popped hll bound less apart to nlk to a Ernest Pegau, 53, 13081 Wf9atl'I Place, nearby bat at 1:30 a.m. to eeelc help after Tustin, walked away from a pl~e crash jh~e~P·police: that the bandit came on a s8.n Diego CountY mountain pe:i.k through a side door of the roadside Sunday. resllu-ll about mldnllhl Pepu, alonr with pilot Jam., K. Polk, He crept up to Bert.ofino, who was 40, '201 La COneetta, Yorba Linda and washing bis hands and face , then thnist a passenger Patrick J. Trudel, 57, Chino, snub-nosed, blue steel revolver 1n his side and ordered the victim toward the safe. esca,ped serious injury in the crash or a 1'1 robber too1c 111 the cash from the Ceuna 1n. aafe, then added more than $200 from the Pepu wu admitted to Mercy HoepllAl victim's wallet lo the loot, police said . In San Diego after treatment of 1 broken After loadine the money Into a piper ~" and p lk ired l tit.ch s ·-";J'lllce aaid. the n.i .. ety bandit .. ,..,., 0 requ seve:ra s e _., ... to cloee a guh on hill scalp. Tnidel com· orde Bertolino into a atort roam and plained of bact pains. made the victim tape hla lep toaether The trto were ht1dlrt1 toward Baja and wrap mort: around one wrbt. C1llfoml1 for a fishlns trtp when the That took up one roll of adhealvt tape. plane developed engine trouble and pllot offlcen aald, and the gunman produr.ed Poli cruhed landed the plane:. another and tl.ped the rnan11 wrists toe:ethe.r, then C!Overed the victim'• mouth with the rut. After that he 6-foot·2-inch bandit ran out and fled. A short time later Bertolino popped the tape loo&e from hil legs and ran lo the Bayside IM with h1I hands bound and his mouth mu covered, offlcen said. A bartender toot off the blncllna while a customer called police:. Dfd l Y PllOT 5 Chi1dren See Mother Stabbed; Husband Arrested A bridegroom of two weeks has been arreated on auipi clon of uaault with In- tent to commit murder and his bride is in Ora nge County Medical Center In serious condition from numerous stab wounds. Jailed is Albert David Clements, 49, of 11 331 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove. .... aut f\ladMlle CC*loAH't I.Mt N. W-4 __ .......,. .. ........., __ J•u ... """"' ............. ~.....,- n.-. ii: •• ,11 .... TMM11J... Mllt'.lllM #il-"'I ,. · -Police -allege -he stabbed Tbttrtra' A_M Clements, 44, his brlde.--of 'two· wee.a "several times" with a butcher knife as a cllma1. to an ariument 1n the family home. ,\JNtt w. ltt.• w1111 •• l.M ._.... .. ..,.,, .......... ••• cpo, ...... H•lcll• ..... .,._ JH ltli Stt-Mt M•!li.t M4rttit •.o ..... 7'0.. tJMI --......, .... ,,tlWt ............ ~ .-.-: • Wiit .., "'-' t..-MOlllD•.,.. ...... Police said the atabbingt took plact In the presence. al Mra. Clementi' five small children by a previous marriage. Two o[ t h e children, age.s I and 8, ran to the police station two blocks away and nported the sllbblnl, oUlcerl aaid. Saddlehack JC Budget OK Due ~ddlehack .. Junior College Oillrlot trw:tee:a tonlaht wtn bt asked t.o adopt a tentative: budget ol $2.8 million for nut 1ehool year, up from St.6 mllilon for thia year. The lncre•H, according lo Buaine&I Manager Roy Barlttta, la due to an· liclpated 1ncrtased enrollment next yeilr when sophomore student! wW be added. Enrollment Is etpteted t.o go up fro~ too frt5hmen UUs ye~r to I"® lruhmen and !Ophomorea net1·year. The proportion la vefy'neifly the Wi'ie as th e budget Increase with the proposed per student COit to 10 up 1111p1ty from SI ,e&1 .to .i11A7, The new route 11 also recommended by Stale Highway En1ineer John A. Legar- ra, aJtbougb the State Director of Public Works b prohahly the mOlt Important In- dividual in terms ol advWng com4 missioners. Under the tentative Red-Blue route, Newport Boulevard will remain a primary local traffic thoroughfare and the old downtown business area will have a chance for internal redevelopment. JI.Jany merchants testified during prior public hearings at local and state level that the sUU~pen question of where the freeway would lie made thelr own future plans uncertain. Primarily apartment and single family home development& lie in the proposed Newport 'F.reeway path expected for adoption, whlle IChool district properly and Costa Mesa Park will be spared. Cost of the Red-Blue route la estimated at $8.7 million for construction and Sl!.l mtWon for purchue of right<if·way ~ perty, more thin the old 1Ugnment, but less -$15 million -in terms of user service cost. over the following 20-year period. The only alter1Uon In the now-adopted Pacific Coast Freeway route poled by selection of the alternate Newport Freeway route will be locaUon of an in· terchange for the two traffic arteries. Both Harbor Area cltSel have 1pproved a route along the approlhnate wert aide of Superior Avenue for the conUnuation of the Newport Freeway. The 2.2-mlle link tcheduled for adoption by the State Hilbw1y Commlnlon not month MIS from a point at the Newport Boulevard and Bay Street lnlaroectlon on to the Newport lkacll city limit. The lnew1y rou1e down 10 that point hu already been lonnally adoplld ind no' dlanc• ii contemplated. From Page J SLAYER ••• be berserk, bt WAI completely out of hi• mlnd," commented deputy medJcal ex· a.miner Dr. J. A. Dias. The 1U1pect haltend the wheelclullr patient for about 30 tee0nd~ and was quoted 11 IC1elllllna hyllerlcally that he himaelf wu aid: of Ufe. "Ou! of n. Out ol ll !'Ve fol lo rel out of thla w«ld," lnv.U1aton quoted the W<llmlnlter ffip School sraduate 11 screamlll1 after he wu confined to a padded cell In a llrattjackel. Orte jailer becaml concerned after Aken' hysterical commotion ceued and cllecked on hil priloner, but II wu too late. 1be murder IUlpect wu alrudy dead. AuthoriUu 1ajd Sunday he wu delln!tely the vlcUm of a drug overd01e, but it wa1 lmpoaajble to detenn1n1 jult what type wu Involved. No method haa yet ~n ~vi.led to chemically dete:nnlne the presence nf LSD in the human body, bat Pvt. Akers' sym ptoms somewhat matched those pro- duced by the hulluclnogenic drug. Two Texas acquaintances of the dead man told police he bad been actin1 odd just befort hls sudden vl!l.t to the nursing home where Mrs. Hayden was spending her twilight year1. WiWam Barnhart. 11, and Rjchard Walence, 17, said PVt. Aken approached them and demanded they accompany hlm to CalllorrUa after riding over on a motorcycle to visit. The residence 11 near the nurllng home. "I l\IW I'll jlllt havt lo kill oae of you," they quoted the youna toldler u aayJni. -·· He then ran across the llreet like a crued animal -·slamming straight into a brick wall -but. got up and besan run4 nlng erratically again, this time to tho nursinj home. Authori.Uu 111d Pvt. Akera hnd bttn Ullined lo Ill< NaUonal Acency Check center at Randolph AFB, a 1peclal In· tdliaence detachment base. Westmlri11ter police said today that Aken had no record of brushes with thP. law In hls home city, while hls bereaved parents refuaed to make any comment on the case. Onassises in Capri ISLE OF CAPRI, Italy !UPI) - Aristotle Onan.ls and hls wife Jackie 1r4 rived at Capri today aboard lheir ylchl Christina. . They wtnt Immediately lo !he home of friends, German-born Count Edward Bllmirck and hil Americln llOC!allle wile, !he for-M,... Williams. Bridge Expert Dies 'ST. PETERSBURG, Flo. (IJl'Il Russell J. BaJd.,,,·ln, one or the natJOf''t leading t1pert1 on contract brld1e, died Saturday ll the aa• o1 70, Uf'IT ........ Wolves B-re American singer Doria Rose, 24, in Italy to meet film pro- ducers and improve her opera singing, makes it clear she is to be admired only from a dis~ lance. She wou1d appear to have only one problem-sitting down. From Pqe I DROWNING. • • bluff. "These two guys were in the water holding somebody up," said Jeff Dorman. "They were yelling for about five minutes. I thought they were just faking or something. When I saw they needed help, I ran down the cliff with my fins. "I got to the beach about three minutes later. Just after I got there, the first life- guard, with fins and a fioat, got there. The lifeguard was real fall He had to climb over all the rocks to get there," Dorman said. "There were about 15 people standing around the edge, just watching," he ad· ded. The other boy, Rod Edwards, aatd the two in the water were yelling for help for "about 10 minutes. Then the guy went un- der, and five mtnutea later the two Clme ashore. Then It was five more minutes before the ltfeiuard• c1me." \ . Laguna I,11,guard LL Eugene DePanUs aa.ld that once the guards were noWled, it took "about ... mi!IUI< roi: them lo reach the edge of the water, and another 30 seconds to a minute belon they reached the spot where he went under." Jt's about 200 yards from the w1ter'1 edge .to the northern-most of two llleJUard towers on the bea&. Ufeguards had to run around the rocky base of the clif( to nach the site. There were three guard• on the beach at the Ume -two in towers and another "rover" checking for drlnkera. The guards, all e1perlenctd, were Steve Knauer, Paul Brinkman, and Dan H~. It w11 not known this morning who was the flrat guard on the seen& While the auarda made an lniUal search for the body, the Harbor Patrol reacue boat was di1patched from Newport. Later, Laguna Lifeguard Lt. Dean Weata:aard and San Clemente Capt. Phil Stubbs, In ltt!ba e q u I p m en t , recovered the body. The coroner's report said the Initial autopsy showed drowning to be the cause nl. death. However, a tol.lcologlst's report iJ pendlnc. Coast Residents Return to Jobs With County Fair Five Orange Coast residents have returned to top jobs in the Orange Cnunty Faii and Exposition, it was 1nnounctd by fairgrounds general manager Allred G. Lutjeans. Joining the 21st exposition to be held from July 16 to JO in Costa Meaa are: From Cta&a Meaa: James Garvey, agricultural and community exh.ib.ita buildin& aupuvlaor, for his third year. From Hu!Jactoa Btacb: Mra. Dee Cox, home economics, for her aetOOd year. From Laguna Hills: Carl Jednoralskl, junior building supervisor, secood year. From SeaJ Be:acb: Robert L. Webb and Assoclaies, advert laing and publicity, and Gortlon Whutley. Jr., 11pecial events su puvisor, 19th year, Cleaners Cleaned Iii $1,977 Heist Seal Beach police today are looking for auspecta involved in 4 wettend bur&1ary which l!!mptied 1 cleaning establlshmt'Dt till Of 11,1'17 In cash and checks. According to Sil Sam D' Amico. the burgl1rs pried open the re•r door of the Rossmort Cleanen, 124.f Los Alamitos Blvd., between mldnl&ht and I a.m. Saturd1y. The early moml111 htlst fqllowed l/I a~ templed bu.rglaf'y at the cle1nen Frlday, when Seal Beach police apprehended a Juvenile as he was trying to break the loc.k on the rear door. ' 50 Pla•U Gt-owta Miarijuana Farm ' • • Found Ill Mesa • • Grand Ha ven Circle wasn't any rrand haven for Emilio S. P'Joret, who loday faces proeecutlon for allegedly cultlvat· mt ~ .... n marijuana lann In Colla M,.., Tbe 24-~d Newport Beacb air- craft' upbobtery abop worker w11 1r4 r.aed Saturday while allegedly lleelnc the field ol hlo eadoavor """' lie drove onlothe--L Flor,.,, of ~1181 Baker St., Sanll Ana, wu amueo Dy Patrolman WUUam Bechlel as !le tried to ~ a r.oc. after uitin& the auto and booked on sutpiclon o£ m:J:M culUv1tJon. Police ...... ' lo the ... a of Paularlno Avenue and Ludlniton Street Saturday afternoon ·by a discount atore security guard who reported a llWlplclous ~ In a nW!>y field . · 'l'ht man was crawling around and IP- ~rt'd tb be watering plants with a plutic Jug, said the re~ng officer, who had" watched him cunously for about IO ln!nuta. Qffice.r Bechtel said Flores ran when he •pproacbed and ~ """aled ont.n lo bat~ pttln.< inlo hia car and drivlag away despite the fact bis captor wu Wavlna.a revolver. After ~6blng Flores as he tried to IClle the fence surround.Ina a borne, Olflcer lkchlel took him 6ac!t to the scene, where ilO alleged marijuana plants about 10 Inches WJ -. eonr~­caled. Authorities said they found three seeds in Flores' car, taklnJ them u evidence under the presumption they are mari: Juana seeds, which they reaemble. Footnote ·to V wlence: Guns Kill 206 in Week By Tiie A-laled !'Hu Lui w .. k, Ille per'°"' ,.... killed by guns In !he United Slates, a . grim counterpoint to a descrtptlon-wller lhia month of Americ1n1 u "a bloody minded people:" • From June 15 to June ·n, there were 131 homicides, 59 suicides and 11 ac· cldental gunshot deatha acrou the naUon, according to an Associated Press survey. Death c1me during family fight:s, lovers' quarrels, tavern dlsputea and criminal acts. 1 And u they died last week, a historian who coauthored a staff report to the Na· tional Commission on the Causes and Prevention or Violence, said he saw no end to such acts. "Continued violence is something we can look for -like it or not," saJd Dr. Hugh Davis Graham of oJhrt! Hopkins University, who wrote the re Port with Ted Robert Gurr of Princeton, a pro- Painting, Dance Lessons Offered Two prognms -oil painting and acrylics for teens, and teen dance lessons -will be available June 30 for Westminster youth in the Westminster Community Services build iilg. • Regiatratioo for both clautt may be completed at the recreation and parka department, 8200 Westminster Ave. Young painters, ages 14-18, will meet from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Mondays, for six weeks. Coed dancers. ages 12-15, will learn the waltz, tango, cha-cha, fox trot and mod dance•, from.3:45 p.m. to 4:"5 p.m., Mon- days and Wednesday•. The fee is $10 for painting and •• for dancing. Opera Singer Slain SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -\Villiam H. Miles Jr., 39, a member of the San Fran· c!sco Opera, was slain on the waterfront Sunday. Miles, who sang under the name Wilhelm Von Nauman , wu beaten about the head and shQt onC1!. through the neck, police said. fellOI' of PolJUca at University. , The IO-member commlulon was ap- pointed Jast June by fonner President Johnson ifter the asaasainatlon of Sen. Roberl F. KeMedy, The report, released early in June, said : "Americans are a bloody minded people both in action and reaction." "lt would be astootshing to me If American society were any different,•• ~Id Dr. Graham. There is "a Jot of input for frictlon" In American society he aaJd, because of ec.. onomk and social mobility, competiUon among racial groupe and the "vigilante tradition" left from fronUer days. A number of states and federal author· lties have taken steps to curb these deaths w:lth gun control laws. The feeler~! gun control law, signed Ocl 22, 1968 by Pre1ident Johnson -not as strict as gun control advocates would like -limits interstate sale of all firearms and ammunition by mall. Ex- cept under certa1n circumstances, it also bans across the counter sales to nonresidents of a state. The sale of weapons to juveniles, the mentally ill, criminals and drug ~di also is prohibited. CaWornia had the most gunshot deaths last week with 30, the survey showed. Of these 20 were suicides and 10 homiddet. Illinois, which led in homicides with 12, was seconJI r total deaths with 16. From Page J VIETNAM .•• unclear whether they want to harass or conquer. There are an unknown number of Soulh Vietnamese in the are1 plus about 450 mercenaries and about 200 American Green Berets. Until recently they had a amall belipad In use just outside the gate to the camp. But the landing zone like everythlni elle outside the wooden aate· is now no man'• land . The snipers have moved in close and they shoot at anything that moves above the deeply dug bunkers. In today's fighting the mercenariel who receive $43 a month from the U.S. Army threw back two infantry attacks. They killed M North Vietnamese and suffered "light" casualties In their own ranks, military spokesmen reported, Sand Pile Leape1•• Chris Olsen, 8 (wearing shirt), and his bn>ther, Malt, 7, have a great Umo leaping lrom slant sand pile built up near 56t!i Street beach "i/ Newpon. 'Where U.S. "Army C6rps o! Engllfeers 11 buUilipg another In series of groln11 designed to halt beach erosion. Officials have warned · that pl aying near construction stte can be dangerous a nd are ask1ng beach visitors to beware, • \ I I ' I j 17 i I I j •• 17 .. --. . ~agQDa BeaeL TOday'• Pl•al ' 1"01.:. 62, NO. ·149, 3 SECTIONS, 34 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY,,JUNE 2J, .1969 TEN CENTS • • 0 ' ' rowns in Down the Mission Trail Capo to look At Budget Again SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -City Councilmen here will take their third look at the city'11 proposed $1.4: millicm budget tonight-at 7 o'clock in CJty Hall. The spending schedule is for the upcoming fiscal year beginning Jul;f l. The budget, which includes about $868,000 federal emergency funds for repair of storm~amaged streets and sewer facili1ies, is about $872,000 more than this fiscal year's budget. The schedule is based on a $1.20 tax rate per $100 assessed valuation -same tax rate as Uilil year. Estimated assessed valuation for the city is about $16 million, up $2 million from thJJ year. :e C:apo ftezoae Se t CAPISTRANO BEACH -Rezone ac-- tion of 26.5 acres in Cap~ano Beach to allow construction of more than 100 single family home.s has been ordered by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. Tht property involved ii bounded on the north by the San Diego Freeway, on the west by Via Sacraniento and on the east by Calle Velez. The Presley Oevtlopment Co. of Newport Beach plans to build 1in&le family homes on the property, which had been r.ooed for apartments. e Too Jll ueh Wa tering:> SAN CLEMENTE -The frequent earthstides along Pacific Coast Highway in th.is citr.may be the ffiiult of overwat· ering ol wns according to city water superintendent Gene Borawsld. Wet rocks and dirt lhat have fallen onto the highway in recent days have Jed Borawski to believe that Palisades bOmeowners are guilty of excessive lawn watering. The only other possibility. he said, would be the existence of an underground spring along the blufis just below Colony Cove. :e T rustees to Meet IRVINE -San Joaquin Elementary School District trustees will meet Tues- day at 7 pm. in the district head- quarters, 14736 S. W. Sand Canyon Ave., East Irvine, to discuss the 1969-70 schbol budget. The budget amounts to about $4.4 rnillion and includes the expenditure of about $600 for educating each of the district's 7 ,500 children. . . -~" Unidentified weekend sleeper gets in a few winks on rock overlook· ing Woods Coyt. '11-otllh summer started _offialally tpis weekend, snoozing yooth .laund welcome warmth In· tweed sportcoat. He re- mains unidentifi'ed because photographer didn't have heart to wake him. .Teacher in Controversy At Thurston to Leave Tom E. Warren, the young teacher who touched off a nap in Laguna Beach when he brought a black activist speaker to Thunton Junior High School, hu re5ign- ed to continue his own education. Warren, 29, whq was pricing fencing inateriala ~Ol'"hb Miuion Viejo home this morning, was not lmmedlately available to comment. His wile confinned that he ls leaving the district to work towards a doctorate degree in his major, political science.. She nki the family was eicited abo\lt her husband's acceptance into graduate school at the University of California at Santa Barbara. She said he loved teaching and would always be a teacher, probably eventually at the college level. School trustees are expected to accept his resignation routinely at a special meeting called Thursday night to con- sider the district budget and other mat· ters. A heated community controversy followed the M1fCh 4 talks of Negro Chapman College student James West before about 450 seventh and eighth CH ECK THE ADS graders at the Intermediate school. Warren's action in bringing the spoaker FOR FOURTJf FETE was both criticized and defended by In- So DAILY PILOT •·-g . divk:luals In the community In a nap that me reauu. are omg . 111<1-· Jette ·1· n . to local ·• Sllllra Classes St•rt to enjoy an e:a:citing Foorth ol July me ~ r·wn mg umes ' . fireworks show free. · newspapen. · EL olTORc;> -: Fintd dii.n. a lthree-palrt If your name appem. in the clasSifled tivt~ ~~st~~e~ ~,~dyenpeopt ar; series swmnmng an vtng essons or adverUslni:r columns of' the DAILY · · ' youngsters gel.! under way today at the PJLOT thri .-a Wnr · 1 free will tear !Jlis country up 1n the next IO Did Drug Overdose Kil_l Judy? LoNDON (UPI) -Scoiland Yard sourcts said today Jncomplete autopsy findings indicate Judy Garland may have died from an overdose ol drugs. (Earlier story, Page 4.). The 47-year--0ld singer was found dead Sunday in the bathroom of her London home, The London Evening News said a box of sleeping pills was found near her body. . . Scotland · Yard pathologists· conducted an autopsy today to'determlne the cause of death but an officlaJ. spokesman said the flndihgs would not be 'dbclosed unW a coroner's Inquest Is held Wednesday. Further detailed testa on several body organs were being carried out after the autopsy apparenUy lf,iled. lo pin down on visual examination why she died. The sources indicated the tW Included those performed when druga are suspect. One such test Is a complex blood analysis. Lag una Planners Consider Hike . ln:Biiiiness '.Fee ,·. A propooed ordinance revision · tl>at m11 hlkt llJe. r ... bll-pay In Ueu of P,.vli!fuf' •"lulled o/1-i!r«t parking will be before Laguna Beach piannen tonli!bt. . City Planner Al Autry oaid planning commi.ssM>ners will comlder a study draft ol modillc1tlons to the "certificate of parking" requirements. Proposed changes, the planner said, would call for the city to purchase and develop parking lots rather than Jeasmg them as is now done. He said it would also set up a formula to require busl~sses which do not pro- vide required parking space to pay a more realistic fee to the city in lieu of lost rpacea. 'I'he fees are to ald ·the city in providing parking wbkh the bustnessea have not furnished. Autry said the fee now is $1,000-per- parking-space not furnished. The planner esUmated that this is only one-fourth or one-4lfth of the actual cost td .provide 8. downtown parkihg space. He said the formula propo:ial would relate to fair market value o( the land. In other study session bwiness, the planning commission will : -Receive copies of the U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers Laguna Canyon flood plain report which Will likely be a prelude to future more stringent building re- quirement rte1'.lmmendations for the area in the general plan study now under way. -Consider modification and relocation or the Irvine Cove sign. Lake Forest Beach and Terut.is Club. aes to u1; .j~1y'ourourth'F~~orka years If there 1:8 ~a treat change." Classes given at different times are pa Thurston PrU>CJpa) Davld Lloyd after · di ·dee! b' Th fi t ' · S~ ~t Anaheim Stadium. There ls no the talk defended Warren. He sitld it.was -Consider a county use variance to permit cOntinued study of underground salt water intrusion from a mobile home laboratory . in Aliso Canyon 1that ii operated by Aerojet General.COrp. v1 y age groups. e rs leSSlOI\ ob~ahon on your part · · ends July 11. The second is from July 21 k the 'oAILY PILOT 1 ·rec1 mean.t to be ~vocahve to "stimulate to A a d ••-third · f A ti to c asst 1 the kids." He Said Ult talka were analyz-u~. an 1.1rc is .fOJD ug. ' w _ if<Clicm.eacb day. U yoa.,fmd-your-name,::--ed· lat.tr Wlth-studiilti "t0 pull IPiff tbi: ~pt. 5. <=lasses are-held weetdays;--y-Ou are II winner. . half lruths " Signup ls at the club. Lloyd s~id be ielt the talks were a 223 Partlelpate highly valuable educational device since dialogue with teachers on the 1Ubjtcl mauer wu provided alterwlJ'ds. s u,eJc M•rJceu NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market was jolted to anotbet' loss today as con-• Unued 1:1Jncem over tight moner again was reported \iretghing It down. (See quotations, Pall" M-16). .: DAILY l'ILOT~l'lllllt GR)M JOB OFF LAGUNA . . . ' Droini"9 •t Two Rqck PoiJit . 2nd: Ti me Around . May Be Tou~her~ Crowd Sees Trag~dy ·Off Crescent Bay A 19-year-old Santa Ana boy drowned oU Crucent Bay in Laguna Beach Sun- <tay as a crowd of beachgoers stood by and watched from the water's edge •. The victim, Robert Newton Gm:,dner, of 1234 Borchard St., was attempUng to swim to Seal Rock to join two friends when he went under about 100 yards offshore. Hil body wu recovered one hour and 20 minutes later. The Orange County Coroner's office reported the victim wu weari.11g jean!. 'Friends said he had work- ed all night, and !18-dn't slept for niany. . hours. "He was a real good swimmer -• surfer," said Eric Jarrell, 19, a friend of Gardner, Jarrell or Anaheim, and Reith Damion, 20, Gardner's roommate, were on Seal Rock watching Gardner swim over. "When be fint yelled for help, Keith was in such a hurry to .get to him, he fell off the rock and hurt his leg pretty bad- ly," Jarrell aaid •• "So I started after hJm.. l 'm not a very good swimmer, but 1 reached him first. Right after that Keith got to bim. ' "He was !till conscious, spitting out · water," Jarrell continued. "He said, 'Take me ashore'. But we couldn't.~ l]lil!) ljave l>een ap undertow or Ude ""klni agalnlt ai. ' . "And the people on shore ;uSt stood there, and w~tched us. They treated U like a circus." , :TWo· 15-yw old' AD~lin boys wit· neued the dn>wnlnf frOm above the bluff. "These two guys were in the water holdJng somebody up," said Jeff Dorman. ''They were yelling for about five minutes. I thought they were ju.st fatlng or som~thing. When I saw they needed help, I ran down the cllff with my fins. ''I got to the beach about thrte minutes tattt. Just after I got there, the first life- guard, with fins and a. float, got there. The Uleguard was rtal fast. He ~d to climb over all the rock! to get there," Dorman said. "There were about 15 people standing arount.I the edie, just watching," be ad· ded. The other boy, Rod Edwards, aald the two in the water were yelling for help for H • h C R le ''about 10 minutes. Then the guy went un-ig __ ., ()_Ul"_t . . U S der, and five minutes later the two came , .. ~ . ashore. Then it .was five more minutes WASHINdToN (U~I) ·L,_ ,The Supreme before the lifeguards came.'' Court ruJed·today that ·a convict-who wins Laguna Lifeguard Lt. Eugene DePaulis a new trtal may be given a sW!er sen-said that once the guards were notified, it, took "about one minute for them tO reach tence the second time. · tile edge of the water, and an<>Uler 30 The 6·2 decisJon uph9!ds the far-seconds to a minute before they reached reaching discretion of judges Jn imposing the spot where he went under." sentence but ~equires that they make It's about 200 yards from the water's clear the "constitutional legitimacy" of edge to the northern-most o( two lifeguard towers on the beach. Lifeguards the increased sentence. had to run aroond the rocky base of the At the same lime, the court ruled that cliff to reach the site. a person reconvlcted at a second trial. There were three guards on the beach must be given credit on the new sentence at the time -two In towers and another for time· already served in prison under "rover" checking for drlt1ke{'s. The his orl3lh~I sentence. · guards, all eiperlenced, were Steve ., Knauer, Paul Brinkman, and Dan Henry. Jusllce Potttr Stewart wrote the op!· It was not known th1i ~ who was nion with Justices William O. Douglu the first guard on the l!ICeDe. and Thurgood Marshall conourrlna: While the guards made an Initial Justii:e Byron R. White also con~d · search for the body, the !!arbor Patrol -.--I -. • 1... '· ...-, : • , • nsaie boat was spatchea rrom-but 61.ipufated ne would have given judge1 Newporl Later Laguna 1.Jfeguard Lt. even more discretion in resentenc.ing. (See DROWNING, Page tl Justices Hugo .L: .Blaclr:: and John M. Harlan coocurrt<I in part W diosen(ed in part. Coast CoastSurfersDominate Summer--Learnin' l's Easy. Doheny Beach Contest We•dller The sun cooUnuei to &Jeep till noon} and TUelday's ouUook calls for a continuation of the same. Hliy sunshine will brih& the mer· cury into the low ?O's along the coast . ' School Gaining • • i n Popularit y Alo ng Cod.st Glusy, tbrt<-tO four-fool .surf set !he , Jafert (15' ·fhrvulh 17) ..: Dave , SumnMir ochool l>qon today In most are taking remedial work; the rest •Ian· Dlstrl~t., think~. "t~ .:~11 , thi.;'\!.~ stage sunday for the World Surfing· · Tom,.m.,-Lacuna Btacb : Nllea Osborne, .communttia aklnl the OrtrJCe Coast with dard or 1ccelttated .Cour1e1. ~uce their reqUlred courses IO they can Auoclalioo'• (WSA) Dohen)' lluch·Sqrl· Loo Alltnltoo; Ken Pkach, Monterey enrollmettlln some ochool dlstrtcta u Ocean View Elementary, holding Its take other...,... durliir th'• ..._,1ar. 1 Coolest. Part. lugli u 1t011 the rqular year students. first llUJnJllU ,...Ion In a number of r ··•· n~ WSA diatrlct numbe; five contest, -··-(II u.,.ip Jf) -G"f Huno.,t;a Beach Union Hllh School years, enrolled 5,llGO ~ ol ll;Ollll "flllar 7ear."' · • ''' •~ ' 'l: . ' · with :m participants, wu -by ~. ~ -; MorlHlll&I•,-D1a1rtct fll a jump on other, -I tim otlldents. ·An ~In< 'OltQI~ ofiijii,~ltoor <>ranee Coasl ourrm hi the.' ,. .... San Juan~; f1oi1 Matlbews, d!*lcts l!J. iillr1lnl 1ut weetc. Ovor llaff the ·11.oao •Wd<nts· In Hun-: lltldeuts lllo ,we ·.rorkina IJI lf"11ailng. dlvl•loo~ · 1 • too ~el..: SUmmef"Mlilons will nm from lour to tlnrton Jka<!' llllh.School Dllllr1ct •.ere. a aemeoler or more ur& 'if ~i·ad-, The top three flnalbts in each dlvblon SeH -· DITllllto (15 through 31) oeven -u with ol!tdents generally ailendlng IUllJlll'( ochool. About one In vant11e iii aum·mer·orr~rinp. · Include: -Roy Crum.p, Se.al Beach: Raymond golng to IChool in the morning and home four wete tatlng remedial work. Another rtaaon is summer ofierlnp i1ot: ~ltnl i""'P (Ii" 11 and under) -Pattenon, Dana Point; and Del Cannon, in the aflemoon. r What ei<ptsins The llfOWlng popularity given during the reautar ichool y•ar. Kevin O'Sullivan, Laguna Beach ; Doug Dana Point. In Newport-Mesa UnUled 1cboo1 s of summer sdlool! Ocean V1"''1 auitar class 1s "1 el\l'b~ll. · Browne. Lailllla Beach; and Keith w, ... a'• DM1ioo (aU 11es) -Barbie enroDment .,., 5,lllO out ol le.GOO "Moat ldd• 10 lo 111\1111'Qecoel!9ol !iewpqrt.*81 ir.olrer1q,..,.__ __ .Knnch. San Diqo. Baron. Oceanotde : ~ Tannor; ..u'dtlTlnglber'(Ulii'y .. r, a lltuii'""" l>eco""' t!ieyllktlt;'• aald Quln~-F"aiilil, and bumanliles JMUtuta In wbl1h • eo,.• dl•Wlo (ll throogh JI) -O>ri• Sun .. t Beach; and Ilim Llfochlllts, mer record !or the dlltrlct. 41tec1or or .._ school for La~ Pt"°"' outs•the ltllOo1 dlltrtcl~ Carmichael, S.n Clemente; Jell Xen-Newport. In. Laauna llelcb,. about 5li0. llt\ldetlts Btlcb: J ' , lo otlldeotl.:Rllnllng10ii Bloch'i!iati of· n1rd, Newport Be1ch: and Craig Martin, THdem -Hal Sacks of Dena Point showtd up the 11r11 day. The regular jur On the hlg)( IChool le"l:.Dr· Lom!) fm mlfliit ..Id! lleld/blillc>it for tht, Laguna. with Pally Youns of Glendaie. enrollment II abouU,lllO. Only 10 ~ Moll of t b • Hulltlqlon peacb" Hlih oummer afuillnt only. . ' .I - INSIDE TOD.\ Y The ueUotD brick "'f'oad Wtll' 4 pc:tl~ to lOntJincu and dctptDt, bue be/ore her death. SuMQ, 1 Judv ·Gorland dectar.ld .th<. 1"ld I fiMllV fo1!iid ,.tafpJlil'!n.' Rir \ -v It tcii<i on• Poo• <loc!Ov.' '''"" " C•ll••I• • e_.i11141 t1·)J, ·-· 11 -11 Dellll HtflcH " ............. "' • ••i.NlllMlll 11 ·-,.n ~---· " .. .. _ ,._ 11 ........ ..... ,.""'"' ..... ,. _ _, ............. -----·--:::'\..... " 11 •• 11 .. 1).\1 ~1f " " • .. , I South Viet · 1 'f r~P~. <,:u~_ • ~ 1-1 ' Supply.Trail l!AIGON (UP!) -A force of 500 South -troops struck out today from the bellqed U.S. Special Forces camp al Ben lie! to try to battlt their way to Oak 'l'o. elabt mlles to the eaat, and open a 111111'11 raw lbrooll> u.. Cammunilt-lllld mqumlainl. Tba odep of Ben Hot ~ the central hlahlond1 • miles nor1h al Salfori bu been under way for 47 days. Today the Communists shelled the Green Beret tamp or the 20th consecuUve day and launched two iround attacks which were beaten off. U.S. B52s anothered !be IMUlltain peab around Ben Het with a milllon tons of bombs today and shortly afterwards the relief force set out from lbe camp to try to open the lingle lane paved rood which nms through the Jun11et to Oak To, lllell a blood;y batUqround In the past. All supplies for Ben Hel are airdropped by U.S. Air Force C7A Caribous for. the defenders, who oceupy thrto bWI that make up the camp with 700 women and childrtn, their dependents, who lost seven wounded in today's shelllngs. The roads are boobytrapped and heavy gunfire by J,&00 NCl'th VletnameH In lhe aur~ roundiq bWI pnvenl bellcopter Ian· dinp. The rollef force bu made conlact with Communlat gr 0 u n d forces but the . eztent of flchtlnt wu not yet flllown. The forte mlllt llgbt lts ,..., paat mtnea and booby traps and the frequent ambulbes tllat have halted other supply efforts. Tba camp ltaell ia located atop three small hllla w1tb a valley in bmreeo. The deleodllrl have dug deep into the muddy earlh .,_ the conatant shelling and pilled their tanka In Ughter to , the. defeue perimeter 1 ataekin& extra rounds ' near thelr caJIJIOll whlcb fin back af&b1 and day. Then! are perhaps a d,... U.S. G,..,, Beret advllen on one or the hills eight mUes from the border of Cambodia nd a U.S. artillery unit on another. nie women · and chlldnn Uve In ITimsy shacks on the ldll al the dt!-perimeter. DAILY PIL01' lltft ...... l'iew From the Top Otliclals of Laguna Community Players scale new helihts, physic· ally and financially, to accept $25,000 Irvine Foundation gift. Re- ceiving gllt atop new Laguna·Moultoo Play1louae from Mrs. Charles Wheeler of Irvine Foundation are (from !ell) William Harcum, play· en 1;reuurer; George Gade, playen vice preoident, and Laguna Vice Mayor Joseph O'Sullivan1 an ex officio member of players board. Wild Free-for-all Erupts At Laguna Country Club Cammuntst wualtlel In ftme filhtlnl In the area are placid In eueu ol l,500 sba May t. The batllee have COii South -forces 111 dud and the Amerlcam 40 dead. The pattern of Com·· munllt au.ck wu not clear. About lJ,DOO Comm.unlit troops 11\0Yed Five men, lncludlne three Lacunw. resisting arrest. riotlnC and failure lo Into tbe Clldral ~ rram Cambodia were arretted Sunday alter a sedate SUn-disperse from a riot scene; Balzer is ac- and Lp lul monlh, bu! It remalnl day evenln( galllerinl at Laguu Beach cused of usau!Ung a police officer and uncJnr wbetber they wanl to barus or Country Club erupted 10\0 a wild free for riotlnt; J...., la charged with ...,ult o! conquer. There are an unbown number ' all In whlch the minqa and a lberlff'a a poUee officer and rlot.lng; Tiffllly and of South Vllbwnele tn the area plus deputy took impromptu dlPI in the twim· Singer face charges of resisting arre.1t, aboot a mercenarlel aod about JOO , mini pool. • ..... ,rill1nl and fallun to disperse. Singer Is Amerkan Gnoen Bertla. · , , The not brol<e /It ~.l.if~!!t . .iso •~of lntarferonce. Saddlehack JC untll ..-lllly they had a 1111.111 hoUpad •oalllatlng o!Oc:Ora an 11111 llJl!!C tclliii't ' . Sberlll'• reporll lndTcala that tho riot tn UH just out.lidt tbe pte to the Camp. out detalll of the · ruciw:. TMY booUd broke out when Club manager Lucius But the land1nc sme lib eYerythtng elM five penona 08 viryl.ftl chAra• foUow.: Gates approached. a Bl"Ol:'P ~f pools!Je outUdl tbe wooden pte ii now no mu'• int a melee Jn ihSch most of·the joolalde celebrants and voiced objections to the land. The &nlpen have mo90d In cloae furniture jolnld tho manager pd the party they wer< staging. and they ltM>Ot at anythlnc that movea: deputy in the troubled waters. _ Gates finished up in the pool and 1t'as above tbl deeply dtq bunken. Held 1n Orana:e County jail are Mark Joined there a little later by Deputy E. J, In today'• filhtlnl the mercenariet who Carleton McManus 28 31503 Shrewsbury McDoweU, one of a (r<lup of sheriff's of· receive fCS a Dlootli from the U.S. AzlnY Drive, South ~na'; Frederick Carl flcers dispatched to the plush, wooded threw back ltftl 1nflntry attacks. They Balzer 2S 4°' Loma Terrace Lagunc1 retreat. kUled S4 North Vietnamese and suffered Beach; Rodger Carroll Jones, .;,, 1438 S. Officen claim that Jones and Balier ••li&bt" cuualUes in their own rant&, Coast Highway, Laguna Beach; Michael threw McDowel1 into the pool a~ that military ipOkesmeD reported. Tiffany, 26, of Santa Ana and. Loren Jones also tried to grab an officer• gun Michael Singer, 32, of San Francisco. and repeatedl)' struck deputy Glenn McMaou1 la: charsed with suspicion of Thomas Clary 1n Ute b1ci. Budget OK Due Saddltback Junior College lliltricl !nlli-tonight will be uked to adopt a tent.alive budget of '2.1 million ror nert IChool )'W', up from •1.& million for this )'<ar. Bookmaking Defendant In LA Trial Murdered The Incnue. according to Businw Manqtr Roy Barlettl, is due to an· Ucipated incru.sed enrollment nert year when sophomore students will bt added. Enrollment is expected lo go up from tOO freshmen tbia year to t,600 freshmen and 10phomores nut year. The proportion is very nearly the 1ame as the bud.get incrta.St with the proposed per llludent cost to go up llightly from fl,11116 to ft,117. uA11v ri1o r A Superior Court trial of three men ac· cused of bookmaking was thrown into confusion today when the judge learned that one of the defendants was shot and killed Saturday night ln Los Angeles. No decision had been reached a press time an the future course of the preceedings but it appeared reasonably certain that Judge Robert Rickles will decla re a mistrial and set a new date ror trial of lbe remaining defendants. Los Angeles police said today they are CQntinuing their investigation of the shooting of Emmett Alan Canard, 4..1, of oaAHO~ COU1 """~ COIVM'r North Hollywood. Police charge Canard was gunned down by Nelda Duncan, 28, of ••'-' N. W"' Hollywood as the couple argued in the ----.::n"'r:-:r:::----t-~~ng M_of ~ @WJJ.town res_!aurant _... -J1 C. ., Officers said Mi.s.s Duncan shot Canard Vici,,._..• ...... "'-' three tlmes in the chest and then shot n .... ••n'm herself between the ey~s. She had earlier 1•1w pleaded guilty in Orange County Superior n..-• A.. M.,,11-. Court to bookmaking charges and was to ..........,. ,.....,. be sentenced Thursday. lkli•N P. N1tl Canard bad stood In court here Friday ~= with Valentine Sargis James, 51, of L'>S ---212 F.ftd Aw1, U.1 .. M«-P.O. 111 6W.. t2UZ --a.119 -...: ... , .., """ -...-...:a,,,,, •• , ........... JltMt:ela ...,., • ..,....,.. Angeles and Sylvester.Blake, 39, of North Hollywood as the first week of their trial for reiony bookmaking activities con· eluded. From Pllfle 1 DROWNING. •• Dean Westgaard and San Clemente Capl. Phil Stubbs, in scuba e q u i p m e n t , reco\'~ed the body. The coroner's report said the Initial autopsy showed drownlng to be the cause of death. However, a to1lcol01lst's report ts pending. Bridge Expert Dies ST. PETERSBURG. Fla. (UPI) Rusaell J . Baldwin, one of the nation 's leadln1 esperts on contract bridge. died Saturday at the age of iO. James and Blake were 1n court today visibly shocked at the circumstances which eliminated their co-defendant from the trial. Newsmen and the public were barrtd from the courtroom this momlng while Judge Rickles conferred with prosecution and defense counsel and dlstrtet at- torney's officials on the new develop- ment. Laguna Officer On Motorcycle Hurt in Crash Laguna Beach Motor Officer Don Abshier was injured Sunday in a collision with an automobile In the 300 block of Crescent Bay Drive. Officer Abshier. 29, was taken to South Coast Community Hospital by Wind Ambulance. He was released following treatment for 1 sprained ankle and bruis- ed elbow. A spokesman for the California High way Patrol. said the pollctman col· lided bead-an wtth a car driven by Garman C. Jennings, 18, of 275 Fairview St., Laguna Beach. Patrol officer 8. A. Hand said the ac· cldent occurred as Jennings pulled Into the opposing traHic Jane to pau an auto- bus parked near the lntersectlon. The CUP estimated Jenninp' lpeed to be about 30 m.Ue1 per hour and the pollceman'1 apeed to be about 10 mett. Ablhi«' colfided with the J.,nld&I Ila· tlon waeon ea the motor otnce:r rounded a curve. The pollcemu w1D be off-duly for Mveral days to recover from the In· juries. PoUct QUef Harry Labrow said. Dlmoge to ·the bl1 pell« motoreycle WIS reported u alight. . No citation hu bttn issued by the llighway Patrol, however, tbe case ls atlll under lnvml(aUon, Oll1cer Hand uld. tate. Views ~ll~rbor • ' ~ • I ~ which woold ~ the Oranp · cOOnty Harbor District will be heard btf91"' • slate assembly COllU1llttee Thunday. Assemblyman John V. Brlflll (ft,. Fullerton) author of the legtalation, said the bill would transfer all responslbWties and assets or the di.strict directly to the' Orange County Board of SupenllOra. · A similar bW au~ by BricP last year was defeated 1n tbe Allembly Local Goveminent Comml\lee. • The bill's hearJnl closely follows the re<:1>mmendatlon ·of the Local Agency Formation Commi.!ision (LAFC) to the county Board of Superviws that the district be dissolved. The commission recommended that a countywide depart- ment of harbors, parks and beaches be created. At the !lino fl~ U.FC action, JoMU. lant Cowl(y Counstl Robert F. Nul&rian said supervbon had two ootlons. They oould reject the recemmondatlpn. or, U · !hey accepted the "ll"Dllltee's proposal, it woohHhen be submitted to ..i.n. N4ttmln a.aid tlhat since the district i,yas formed by popular vote in 1133 it must be dlsaolved by another aucb vote. Jack Galvin, legislative Qliatant to Briggs, explained,lllat the bW II designed to pttvent fight.I between beech cities and the county fNei lbe a!lf:tl of the district. At the time of the bill'• first hearing before the Local Government Committee, Assemblyman John Knox (D-IUcbmond), committee chairman, told supporters of the bill that local aclian was .necessary before the Legislature could abolish the dislricL Sadism Club Convictions Reversed by High Court . WAS!UNGTON (AP) -The Supreme Court today summarily reversed the coo- victio111 on lewdness charges of two persons arrested by police in a raid on a New Jersey sadism club. The high court agreed, in a brief 6-l opinion, to. review the convietlons of the two defendants, and simultant:OUJ!y reversed those convicUons, holding that lhe search and seizure procedures follow· ed were constitutionally invalid. The unsigned opinion noted that Justices Byron White and Hugo L. Black dissented from the majority action. The two defendants, Monique Von Cleef and James Albert Beard, had been convicted for lewdenss offenses. Miss Cleef was sentenced to four months in jail and fined ft,000, Beard was fined '50ll and given an 18-month ~ted sentence. Appealing. they claiiled an un- constitutional search had ·"been maile of the Newark, N.J., club. The UTtsts were made by the Essei: county 1herlff'1 office 1n the 16-room col· onlal·type home in which Beard and Miss Von Cleef lived. A detective had an ar- rest warrant, but the appeal claimed the warrant was invalid. In the course of the raid, the appeal said, the ~flcers seized 4,500 pieces of Tustin Man Walks Away From Crash Ernest Pegau, 5.1, 13061 Wreath Place, Tustin, walked away from a plane crash an a Sin Diego Caunty mountain peak Sunday. Pegau, along 'A'ith pilot Jatnes K. Polk, 40, 4201 La Concetta, Yorba Linda and passenger Patrick J. Trudel, 57, Chino, escaped serious injury 1n the crash of a Cessna 172. Pegau was admitted to Mercy Hospltlil In San Diego after treatment of a broken wrist, and Polk required several stitches to close a gash on his scalp. Trudel com- plained of baclc palm. The trio were beading toward Baja California for a fishing trip when the plane developed engine trouble and pilot Polk crashed landed the plane. personal correspondence, two f11ing cabinets and a file drawer containing about 2,000 names and addresses, a cigar box containing 200 applications for membership in the "Flair Club" and more than 200 photographs. Miss Von Cleef and Beard claimed, through attorneys, that this aort of "general, erploratory search" Is !orb~ den by the federal C.onstltutlon. Besides, they questioned "whether an act of pun-- ishment, rommltt'ed between two con- senting adull$, 1n private. can be m1de ,_, __ ,., crmWJ&I, The convictions were affinned lut July by the appellate division of the Superior Court of New Jersey. The state supreme court rejected an appeal last September. The Supreme Court, said Monday it bad "no hes itatlon in concluding that lhe ac- tion of the police here in combing a three- story, 1&-room houie from tof to bottam and carting away severa thousand papers, publications, and other items cannot under any view of the 4th Amend· ment be juttifled as 'incident to UTtst.' " It said that sucb mass seizure or evidence was beyond the aanctlon of any previous cases. Religious Garb ' " Stolen From Laguna Church Religious vestmen~ were stolen from St Francis By The Sea Chureh in a weekend burglary, Laguna Beach police said today. The religious garb was taken from the church, located at 460 Park Ave., some lime Saturday or Friday, police said. The theft was reported by a con· gregation member from Lakewood. No dollar eslimate of the loss is available. In another burglary, Charles John Holtst, 43, of 1737 Temple Hilb Drive, Laguna Beach reported the theft of Stoq in currency and change and '42 worth of tradinu stamp books. Police U . Frank $cbopen said ,everal cabinets in the 'Holtst home were ransacked by the thief. Twenty one stamp books were laken . Mission l'ie.jo Merry-Go-Round Knox said (Mt U the LAFC recom- maWed dlstoTuuOn and then the Board o! .Supenrilorl "jected the prop o s a I, a:saembly acUoR on the bill wu then possible.· " Consequently , had the LAFC rejectedi the dlsFolution proposal, ,tate action coold f\9t be taken, Galvi n said. When the same question c~ before the Board of Superviaors last Yf:41', tht board ~ected lllO propooal, with OlllY. SupervilQr David Baker in 1upport. Galvin aakl that be' again upects the board to reject the proposal. Although Briggs' bill contains no pro- viso for a vote of the people to dissolve the district, Galvin said Briggs would welcome such a vote. He predicted voten wouJd overwhelmlngly accept the pro- Jl0'8l. ll'olees Jletee1re American singer Doria Rose, 24, in Italy to meet film pro- ducers and improve her opera singing, makes it clear she is to be admired only from a dis. tance. She would appear to have only one problem-sitting down. · Prepared Bandit Binds Victim A gunman who even flatt a spare roll af tape bandy -when the first one used to bind his victim ran out -robbed • Newport Beach hamburger stand of $2,340 early Sunday morning. Police said victim Pierre J. F. Bertolino, of Costa Mesa, manager of The Burger, 4501 W. Pacific Coast Highway. popped bis bound legs apart to walk lo a nearby bat at 1:30 a.m. to seek help after the holdup. He told police lhat the bandit came through a side door of the roadside restaurant at about midnight. These four Mission •Viejo-High School coeds are contestants ln Mi ss Mission VJejo contest sponsored by area's Junior chamber ol commerce. Girls (from left) are Debi Harris, Elaina Robbs. Tnsh Thomas · and Sheri Bronleewe. Winner wW be chosen Jll\y . ' 4 al Mission Viejo's flrsl Community Day event. I ' l ' l ' t '• I J I • l I ' " , ' I w. to of SE bu ov R1 p .. T1 el! .. de a1 pc de I wi I>< re ., R1 au OU lo Ir' th wl fa m• th "' th •a bt Sg H; pl be m ar pa qt bi or W• "' pa • Al ch la· de de bu wl ch LS sy du ' m ju ho be ' \VI I Ch I I Qr. ( lni he Fl' 1 ht1 th• ) UPI C1•k,lltlt Fornaation Flying Flying through the water in a classical formation the Blue Angels might envy, penguins in the Nur- emberg, Ger., zoo swim toward a refueling station. The attendant filled 'em up -with fish. ' 'Hug, l(ill' Suspect Dies Westminster GI Found Dead of Drugs in Jail Cell An Army Intelligence corpsman from Westminster would have been arraigned today in the bizarre hug-and-kill murder of an ~year-old widow in her wheelchair Saturday, but authoritie11 Instead are pro- bing his jail cell death o( a drug overdose. Walence, 17, said Pvt. Akers approached them and demanded they accompany him to California after riding over on a motorcycle to visit. The residence ls near the nursing home. "I guess I 'll just have to kill one of you," they quoted lhe young soldier as saying. He then ran across the street like a crazed animal -slaqtming straight into a brick wall -but got up and began run· ning erratically ·again, this !Jme to the nursing home. Authorities &aid Pvt. Akers bad been assigned to the National Agency Check Center at Randolph AFB, a special in· telligence detachment base. Westminster police said today that Akers had no record of brushes with the law in his home city, while his bereaved parents refused to make any comment on the case. Pvt. Terry Akers, 20, of 111!1 Shawnee Road, was found dead Saturday at 10 p.m. in his padded cell in 'San Antonio, Tex., the victim of a massive dose of either LSD or amphetamines, aulhorities said Sunday. Several days will be required lD determine just what chemical compound apparently drove the young soldier tern· porarily out of his mind, leading to lhe deaths of bis victim and hbnself. Footnote to Violence: One. lawman had to beat Pvt. Akers with a blackjack to subdue him after the beating death of Mrs. Annie P ~Hayden, a resident of the-.Jlqladway Lodge North nursing home. cl Guns [(ill 206 in Week Baar County medical examiner Dr. Ruben Santos performed the Suoday autopsy on the young soldier and ruled out head injury as the cause of death. His parents, Mr. and Mr!. Neil Akers, today refused to comment vn the double tragedy when contacted by newsmen at the family home in Westminster. Authorities so far have no motive whatsoever for the &b"ange killing, uceyt for t.he theory of drug-induced derange-- rnent, an idea supported by witnesses to the beating and Akers' ;>rlor behavior. "He acted like he was going to put his arms around the old woman to kiss her. then he began beating her with his fists," said San Antonio Police Sgt. Mack Grill . "One of the nurses tried to Intercede, but he hit her and knocked her away," Sgt. Grill explained. saying f.f rs. Hayden's jaw was fractured in three places during the savage attack. "He was quite acti ve and appeared to be berserk, he was completely out of his mind," commented deputy medical ex· aminer Or. J. A. Diaz. The suspect battered the wheelchair patient for about 30 second:; and was quoted as screaming hysterically that be himseJf was sick of life. "Out of it. Out of it. I've got lo get out of this world ," investigators quoted the Westminster High School graduate as screaming after he was confined to a padded cell in a straitjacket. One jailer became concerned after Akers' hysterical commotion ceased and checked on his prisoner, but it was too late. The murder suspect was already dead . Authorities said Sunday he was definitely the victim of a drug overdose. but it was impossible to determine just \vhat type was involved. No method has yet been devised to chemically determine the presence or LSD in the human body, but Pvt Akers' symptoms somewhat matched those pro. ductd by the hullucinogenic drug. Two Texas acquaintances of the dead man told police he had been acting odd just before his sudden visit to the nursing home where Mr&. Hayden was spending By Tbe Aoocialed Press Last week, 206 persons were killed by gu ns in the United States, a grim counterpoint to a description earlier this month of Americans as "a bloody minded people." From June 15 to June 22, thtre were 131 Jiomicides, 59 suicides and 16 ac- cidental gunshot deaths across the nation, according to an AssoCiated Press survey. Death came during family figh ts, lovers' quarrels, tayem disputes and criminal acts. And as they died last week, a historian who coauthored a staff report to the Na- tional Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence, said tie saw no end to such acts. "Continued violence is something 'lll'e can look !or -like it or not," said Dr. Hugh Davis Graham ol Johns Hopkins University, who wrote the re1>0rt with Ted Robert Gurr of Princeton, a pro- fessor of Politics at University. 5 Children See Mother Stabbed; Husband An·ested A bridegroom of two weeks has been arrested on suspicion of a&sault with in- tent to commit murder and hls bride is in Orange County Medical Ce nter in serious condition from numerous stab woonds. Jailed is Albert David Clements. 49, of 11331 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove. Police allege he stabbed Thelma Ann Clements, 44, his bride of two weeks "several times" with a butcher knife as a climax to an argument in the family home. Police said the stabbings look piece In the presence of Mn .. Clemenls' live small chiklren by a previous marriage. Two of th e children, ages 6 and !, ran to the police &ta.lion tw1> blocU away and bu twillgllt years. . !llliani ~-art· 18, and Ric~ rtporled the stabbing, off~~ said. Countr, Weekend Traffic Crashes Claim 3 Lives ' fm.ce persons lost their llves In wefkend Orange County Lraffic accidents. 1l:le dead are :, Jla me 1 P. O'Brien, 22. Or 120U Woodlawn Avr. .• Tustin. do.aid M•tgomery, 16. of 11312 Otwth st... E1 Modeno. ; County Tnfflc Dtatlli Ttll IKI JM Norman W, Smltlli, 44, 311 N. Ollve St., Orange. O'B1 ien was killed early Sunday mom· Ing when his motorcycle overturned and he was run O"'N' by a c.r en the Newport Freeway 1t E. 11th Street Jn Santa Ana. The coroner's office aaid he suffered head lnjurtes. O'Brien was southbound on the freeway when the accident occurred. the California Highway patrol reported, and a following car driven by Josephine Williams, 73, of 762 Calle Aragon, Leisure World Laguna HUls, ran ovtr him. The accident ia under investigation. The Montgomery boy was killed Satur· day when a sta.UOO wagon carrying seven youths plunged of! Uve Oak Canyon Road, northwest or O'Neill Park and roll· ed down a !IO-root embankment. CHP In- vestigators Wd he was plnn9d in the driver's seat. The passmgtrs, 111 from Orange were not seriOU!ly lnjurM. Smith was killed Saturday when his car and one driven by John G. McGrath, 24, of Garden Grove, collided at the in-- teraecUon of Palm Avenue and Glassel! Strett in Orange. Pollet booked ~fcGr1th on 1wplclon of manslaughter after Smith died of hl1 ln· juries Saturday night 11t tbe Oran1e County f\{edical Center. The l~member commission was ap- pointed last June by former President J ohnson after the assassination of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. The report, released early In June, said : "American1 are a bloody minded' people both in ac tion and reaction." "I~ !"Puld, be astonishing trt pie if American '6ciety were any different, 4 said Dr. Graham. There is "a lot of input for friction" in American society he said, because of ec- onomJc and social mobility. competition among racial groups and the "vigJlante tradition" ltft from frontier days. A number of states and federal author- ities ha ve taken steps tG curb these deaths with gun control Jaws. The federal gun control Jaw, signed Oc t. 22, 1968 by President Johnson -not as strict as gun control advocates would like -limits interstate sale of all fi rearms and ammunition by mail. Ex- cept under certain circumstances. it also bans across the counter sales to nonresidents of a st.ate. The sale of weapons to juveniles, the mentally ill, criminals and drug addicts also is prohibited. California had the most gunshot deaths last week. with 30, the survey showed. Of these 20 were suicides and 10 homicides. Illinois, which Jed in homicides with 12, was second in total deaths with 16. Coast Residents Return to Jobs Witl1 County Fair Five Orange Coast resident_, have re~rned to top jobs in the Orange County Fa11anct~on, ·tt Was announced by fairground s general manager Alfred G. Lu tjeans. Joining the 21st eiposition to be held from July 15 to 20 in Costa Mesa are: From Costa M~sa: J ames Gar\·ey, agricultural and Community exhibits building supervisor, for hi s third year. From Huntington Beach: Mrs. Dee Cox, home economics, for her RCond year. From Lapna Rill1 : Carl Jednoralskl junior building &Upervi!IOI', &ec0nd year. ' ~rom Seal Beacb: &bert L. Webb and Associaies, adverUslng and publicity, and Gordon Wheatley, Jr., speciil ·events 111.1perviaor, Jttb year. Seal Beach Ci ty Chief Okay After Surgery Seal Beach City Manager tee Rlaner Is In satisfactory condition tod1y at Long Beach Coriimunl ly Hos plfal L i l t e r tmeraeney appcmdir surgery Friday. Rimer btcame ill early Monday at hls S~I Beach home. L Decision· Frees· "Countian Supreme Co urt n.ules No Right to Ransack Home WASHINGTON (AP) --The SuPl"me Court ruled tod17 lhlt pollce'do not have the rlght to ransack the home of an ar .. rested suapect without a aearcb warrant, overtumlng the conviction of1 an Oran.p County man. '' · Ted Steven Chlmel, a 'member of a Santa Ana coin club, whO Was serving five years to life in prison, was convicted or burglaries: of two coin shops tn 1965. Jn a 6-2 decision, the court held that police in arresting a person in hi s home on an arrest warrant but wilhout a 6earch warrant, are limited to searching the suspect and the tmmed1ate area for - weopoN or evld"""' wbl~ rr}lll>l be eUUy deatrOJed. • ~ Bui, Ald JUltlce Potier -·In Ille majorlly opinlon, there ii no JllOllficlllon "for routinely searchln& roama other than that In wblch an arrest O;i;icura-oi, for that matter, for 1tarthlna' tlf!:l>ulh-.II the desk draw~ or .other clolld1or con- cealed areu In that room it.ae\r: "Such searcMs, in the~absence of wO recoinlzed exceptions, may' be made only under the authority of a search Warrant. The 'adherence lo judicial proceslltS' mandated by the Foortb Am...-o1 re- quires no less." In February 1965 collectors' coins were VAN-RAALTE FOUNDATIONS EVENT stolen from Ille home of \lllo Pul&ll, a fellow Cl\lb ---ID Aupll, Ult Money Vlllll. .. ~ coin ohop, WU bur11orlzed of ......... mod.all. Clilmet had ralled adlldtnl lllllJiclon In convenaUonl wllh nelgbbon lllC! with Pul4U to justify -of ID arr•t WllTlllt by • Loe Aa&eln COunlY. magistrate. Police did not obtain 1 search nmnt. Instead, three offlcen waJted for Chimel to return home from his job, arrated him and searched Ille three-~ house, attic and garaae for me Rolen ooln.1. 'Jbe enUre 1earch toot between 4S minutes and an hour. c. Grea t buys for summer! Cool. com fortoble sho pers, all if1 white . foom or blue. A. Ly cra® Spondex pantygird le, s-m.1, reg. $7, 5.99. B. Softly rou nded bre. nylon t ricot cups witn Lycr•® spendex powernet beck, 8, C. reg. $4 , 2.99, D, reg. $5. 3.99 C. Brief ve rsion of style A, s-m-1, reg. $6. 4.99. D. Contour bra with some feat ure s os B, A. B, C, re g. $5. 3.99. Sorry. no mo il or telephone orders. Foundations, 19 ieJ3I lC>.A. I ANAHEIM 444 ~or!h Euclid • , . 535.1121 Mondey thru Saturctey 10 e.m, to 9:30 p.m. NEWPORT . 4 7 F•shion l1l•"d •.• 64.._ t 2 12 Mon. thru Fri., 10 1.m. io t :JO p.m. Set., 10 A.m. to 6 p.m. HUNTINGTON BEACH 7177-Ediog« Avo. , •• 192.UJ I Mondey thN S•turdey 10 •.m· to 9130 p.m. Yellow Bri~k Road End~ for Judy Miss Garland's Stormy Career Closes With London D~th · AclM llery Colhoun bas denied ·be ·11a4 Ulicll relation• with actnss "'llY Oroble and 78 other women. Calbotln's estranged wife, actress 1 ttta ,a.ton. had accused him of "adulUry after he filed suit for di- 'vorce in January charging her 'with adultery. In Santa Monica Su~ peri!>f Court, the 46-year-old ac- : tor'S attorney, William A. Spivak, '.told the court, "Calhoun barely "knows Miss Grable or any of these ·70 br so unidentified 'Jane Does' named as cc;respondents." • Chief Littli 51111"8 Bull -grend· son of the Indian chief responsible for Custer's Last Stand -appear .. ed in Indian garb before the Michi· gan Legislature in Lansing. His brief speech promoting tourism started in Sioux, then be switched to English: "Pardon me, do you ladies and gentlemen understand _the American languafe?" • .. I ~ John Hanson, 61, of 81.oomiftOton, (right) demonstrates to his 8-#f<Zr· ' old grtmdson Billy this kchniquc he used to punch a polar btar in tht' • 7ZO$t in order to save BiUv from its ·clutches. Billy, now recotiering from • tninoT in;uries, hod Clim.bed 0 Tt• straining fence and was being maultd · by the bear when grandpa come to the rescue. • Louisiana's House rectntly Td'Jl.ed a resolution prtdring the ~ !-quisiana lnkrcotlegidte Staf,e · Ugislature, a 1nock an>up Of student lawmakers, then kilU'd its laudatory remarks. The rtp. • resentotives, it turn.ed out, I found some bills approved by the youths and decided that wasn't the kind of legislation to t endorse. Among the bills: to t provide for sex education in schools, to liberalite Louisiana's Gbor tion laws, to rer>eal a state • narcotics law cm purchB.!e of modet glue, to repeal the statt!'S tt!gregation of facilities law, and ~ to provide for an open speaker .~ policy on coll.ege campuses. • Rudy Vallff. 67-year-old crooner- "Som.ttahcrt over the ni:tnbow, bl ... bird< fly. Btrdf flv 00tr tht rainbow. Wh11 then, oh wh11. can't 1?'" By WILLIAM r . WlUGRT LONDON (UPI} -Tbe yellow brick road led to t'orment and despair and lonellneu for Judy Gari.and. T h e beautiful colors of her rainbow faded with the years. She was found dead ln her bathroom Sunday. SCotland Yard ruled out foul play -the body was unmarked -and planned an autopsy later today, A yard spokesman said it could have been from natural causes. She was 47. Miss Garland in 1967 provided, in ef· feet, her own epitaph: "When you have lived the life I've Jiv. ed, when you have loved and suffered and been madly happy and desperately sad - weU, that's when you realize that you'll never be able to aet it all down • • • maybe you'd rather die first." '111e man with whom she said she bad finally found happiness, Mickey Deam. found Misa: Garland'1 body Sunday on the floor of tbtlr bathroom. "Thia is it. For tbt lint time In my Ille, J am rtally happy," she bad said on marrying Deans, her fifth huaband, three months ago. "Finally, finally, I am lov· ed." Investigators foWld no suicide note In the two-story home. They did not. rule out an accidental overdose of medication. A doctor who treated the slnger·actreas frequently in her bouts with drugs and alcohol, Philip Lebon, told a newsman she had cirrhosis of the Uver and "How she managed to live this long I just don't know." Miss Garland. Deans and Phillipe Roberge, a s~ business friend, had spent Saturday night at the De.ans home eating and watching television. Friends described the singer in good spirils. She was "cracking jokes and hJving a good time throughout the evening," one said. There were none of the signs of depression that so often marked her life. It was Miss Garland's portrayal of Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz," walking the yellow brick road and singing "Over the Rainbow," that made her famous at 17. Heyns 'Park' Compromise Rejected; Will He Stay? BERKELE'i (UPI) -B er k e I e y Chancellor Roger Heyns says he has given little thought about whether he will remain at hls post in the wake of the University of California regents' rejection of hi1 compromi6t plan on the explol5ive 1'people'1 park" issue. "I'll reflect on that later," Heyns told newsmeo. "I'm not suggesting that I'm pOled for Oight." The chancellor met Sunday wiLh a few cloee members cf his Berkeley 11taff to "try to filW't out what happens ne1t" in the controversy over the park. . Rumors that Heyns might accept a university presidency elsewhere started circulating when the chancellor stalked angrily out of the regents: Friday meeting in Berkeley. fie walked out after the regents voted 16-7 to build immediately a parking lot and playing field on university property which hippies and students took over for an instant park. Heyns called the decision "the most serious mistake we could make." He wanted to lease the land to the city cf . . Canadian Woman, 2 Hitchhikers Killed EUREKA (AP) -A Canadian woman and two bitcbhiters to whom 11he gave a ride were tilled Sunday night in a two-car colli!ioo IOUth of here on Highway 101 'at Rio Dell. They were kleoUfied as Audrey N. Stankiewici, 45, Ottawa, Conldo, and her passengers, Est.her C. Koon, 22, and William Myers, 24, both of Seatue. Berkeley for a "user-developed" park or leaw it v~nt under university contrcl. 1be 2.3 acre parcel in the Telegraph Avenue hippie enclave adjacent to the Berkeley campus was turned into an im· provised park last April. When the wtiversity erected a fence around the property May 15 to begin pre· paring it for the playing field, hippies and students marched to the site and violence broke out. Jn the upheaval that rollowed, Berkeley was a city under siege. The National Guard patrolled the slreet.s, hundreds were sprayed with tear gas. nearly 1,000 perscns were arrested, scores were injured and one person was fatally shot by a sheriff's deputy. Park supporters indicated over the weekend they would not accept the regents' decision on how to use the pro· perty unUl the start of construction for married students apartments within a year. "The decision was sort of expected,'' said Michael Delacour of the People ·s Park Corporation. "There will probably be demcnstrations. but not necessarily violent. Maybe by the first cf July things will begin to happen." 1be Berkeley City Council scheduled a meeting for tonight to discuss the park issue once again. After the regents meeting Friday, Gov .. Ronald Reagan, who attended the session as an ex.officio regent, was asked if he expected more trouble as a result of the decision. "Lthink there's going to be trouble in Berkeley at the first opportunity." Reagan said, "but not necessarily because of this. They are looking for ex· cuses and will seize on anything." Nl.ron Praises Warren SheJloyed In 31 movies I<> the ldulo· tion millions ot dlebard tana who overlooked her roughenin1 V1)ice and her tardiness to concerts ir'I later years. SomeUmea she didn't allow up at all. 111 mlssed the gentle maturing m08t girls have," Miss Garland would say. "1 wu born at the age of 12 on a Metro- Goldwyn-Mayer lot." She often blamed Hollywood for her problems, including puttinJ her on drugs and on a psychiatrist's couch at 18. "No wonder I waa strange," ahe onte said. "lmagine whipping out of bed, dashing over to the doctor'• office, lying down on a torn leather couch, telling my troubles to an old man • • • and then dashing to make movie love to Mickey nooney." •·They'd give us pep pills,'' she wrote. "Then they'd take us to the studiG hospilal and knock us cold with sleeping pills . , . after four hours they'd wake us up and give us the pep pilli; again." Those who knew her best cf all, her children, said they drew comfort from the happiness she had brought to millions of pecple. Midwest Lashed By Tornadoes , Violent Storms Tornadoes and violent' thunderstorms Jashed the Midwest late Sunday and early today, uprooting trees, knocking down power lines and damaging build· ings. At least nine persons died as a result of the heavy rains, flash floods, and strong winds. Twisters killed five persons and in· jured at least 30 Sunday nig~t in the J\.'Iissouri lead belt, about 65 miles wuth of St'. Louis, One man was killed when car was swept off the read. One tornado touched down four miles west of Potosi. ~'Io., traveled oortheast and hit one mile south of Old Mines in Washington County. A second twiste r hit just west of U.S. 67 at about' the same time. A flash flood washed away several houses in three areas of Macon County, Tenn., early today. The Hlghway Patrol said one four·room frame house con· tained "several people'' but officers didn't know if there were any fatalities. One man reportedly escaped and climb· cd a tree to safety, before the house was washed into the river and carried down· stream several miles to near the Ken· tucky state line. Authorities were trying to get heavier boats for rescue opetationa in the Hanes· town community along the Barren River, an area along Long Hungry Creek and the resort area in Red ·Boiling Springs. Hard winds leveled a hay barn. dam- aged a mobile home and the roof ol a restaurant. as well as downing power lines in Okemah, Okla. The roof of a cafe at Eufaula, Okla., was t.orn off by high winds and two mobile homes were destro~d. One man was injured Sunday when lightning that "came cut of a nice blue ~ky" hit his boat on Lake Keystcne in Oklahoma. actor, was pulled from the churn- ing wat.Fl"'of the Salt River in Ari· zooa but lost his swim trunks. Val· lee, wbo does not swim, was float· ing dO'Wn the river on an irmer tube when the accident occurred. Vallee's inner tube, tied ·to seven others, capsized when they floated into rapids. Car dealer Julien Peg- ler, who was riding one of the oth- er tubes, .swam after Vallee and brought him safely to sho re. The trunks were not found. Burger Takes Justice Post WASHINGTON IUPO -Wmen Earl Burger wu SWC1rn in as Chief Justice of the United States today in a Supreme Court ceremony at which President Nix- on paid high tribute to retiring Earl War· ren and his 16-year court of leadership. Warren , in bis last act as Chief Justice, administtrtd two oaths.of office to the 61- year.old Burger in a certmony in the Supreme Court room Just before the swe~ing·in, in a prece· dent-seting address tc the court, Nixon praised Warren for hls "dignity, example and fairness." Summer Living Not Easy Thunder, Tor1wdoes Greet. Season in Midwest Temperatures C.iiforala c ....... U,,. tlouOt ..., kiwi foe 11i. n~M ...... ,ty ~ llou'l IOClll' ..... T""°"y. H•rr "'""M~ '"""' mlf. mon!lfltt. Hl ... lodilr 70. y .............. ""-'tfll .... , ...... d ~ • .... " • to 70. lflle,.,. '-"'· PIH'Wtwt ,.. .... -69 to 11. W1!1r .............,.,,"""" S•n, /lloon, Tides MONOAY '"'"' 111r1t1 •• , ....... ,a:oo•·"'·'·' l"INt lew , • . 'll:M •.mo 1.J TU•IDltY ,!~ ~Ith S·t4 '·"'· '' flrtr ltw .• . .... IO:O t .ltl. 1.1 S.C:eo'll llifh • , . , , S!M "·"'· J,, '""°""'low ......... ,.,.,111• '·"'· o.r ..., "'* !•Q '·"'· IJm t:• • m. M-. llltM IJ;A 11.m, "'" l .. t O. tttw l"IPJI o. """' Jt J111v • J!ll1 u J-,, l ' V.S. SNmmar11 AlbvlluerQU~ ,,._, Al!•~lt Btli•rifl~ld 811m1rtk 8 1115'1 8111totl c~iuta (l"Cl"°"I! c1e ... 1alld "'"-D!1 Mol11n D-t!roll ~u~• J:ort Wtrlll ""''"° """' M-l11tu Mouston ICtllW1 Cltv L••V- Lw """'" Mla"'I Mll ... •uk«" Ml-..a!A Nrw 0.NM "'-venr -·-Otllltrwl ...... ,_ ·*'"" pP,iledrip/\t• .,,_,. ,.ttt.bl;•pfil '"'""' .llNif c•iv ..... 11\fft ·-S~reme"lll) S!. LC111lt l •ll-5•1! Lilt• Clf<t '-" 01"' !kl .. , ' 11'1( lt(o IM!t ltrti.r. k•tllt -~ Tl\s..,.,11 W111'11n"°"' M19'1 l .. JOr.c, " " " • " " " " " 3S .21 " ~• s• ,,, ,. 61 ••• 73 " li " ~ 1J '° 1 . .:-0 ,. " .l• " " ~ " " " 61 ., Al 1J •l ,, I) I• " " " " ·" IS n ,OJ u •• .•o 60 $l .» n 11 .,, 11 .10 ~ ~ '' !1 1J )t .Ol " ~ ~ " • •• lb 44 ... ., ... .JJ ,, &1 ,&j " . ., . .. -u " 1.n ., l? ~ .. ~ " Jt JS • ll ,, S1 ,01 ,. JS ,Df 101 " " " "lte has helped keep America on the path of continuity and change which is so esse ntial for our progress," the President said. ". • • this nation owes a debt of gratitude to the Chief Justice for his ex· ample.'' Nixon spoke about 10 minutes. terming Warren's tenure on the court as "years of greater change in America than any in our history. "Change without continuity can be anarchy, change with continuity can mean progress and continuity without chance can mean no progress," Nixon said. As he took on lhe duties first assigned to John Jay in 1789, Burger asSwned leadership of a court that has expanded its Jnfluence from 11: qulet third ann of the government in the early days of the republic to a force which has influenced almost every aspect of American life, partit'Ularly during Warren 's tenure. In assuming his ~t as head of the federal judiciary, the Minnesola·born Burger promised to '"bear true faith arfti allegiance" to the C<insUtution and to "administer justlce without respect to persons." He had taken the same oaths when he bcc•me a member of the tJ.S. Court of Appeals in the District o'f Colum· bia in 1956. ' Nixon aald Warren's example -''the example of dignjty, the example of in- tegrJty, the example or fairness -Ms helped to keep Amtrfca on the path cf continuity and change which 11 so es.sen- tial to our progress." Immediately fellowing the swearing In the President and Mrs. Nixon joined members cf the court. a rteeption In 1 members o! the court at a reception in a nation 'a 15th chief justice. Warren, apparenUy moved by the un- precedented appearance of t.he President before the court to PAY him tribute, aald Nixon's words were "mo&l generous and I grtatly appreciate it." NIX'Otl told the JusUcu that he was ap- pearing before thtm "not as President of the United States but as a men1btr of the bar.'' "'!be Ol)ly lhlnJ that reslly com!orta 111 -II tbou&ht that notbiq can d..U., our love or dllturb lbe legend that Ille created. To ua, that always wu and always wW be a belutlful thing." A lamUy ipOUarnan released lbe state- ment in New York on behalf of ber daughter, singer Lita Minelli, 2.1, and htr ctUldren by marriage to Sidney Loft, Joey Luft, 141 and Lorna Luft, lS. Miss Garland's marriqe to Luft, her third, lasted longest, 13 years. tt ended in divorce and a legal fJght for the children'• custody during wblch Luft said she had tried to commit llliclde 20 times. It waa the time• between her maniege that carried Miss Garland tG the depths or despair. She said she would sit by the hour beside the telephone, waiting for a call. But none came and her loneliness deepened. Occasionally there were vlctorious comeback concerts -in London at the Palladium in 1960, in New Ycrk's Carnegie Hall the same year, the Palace in New York in 1967, and London again last year. lt,,T,......,. END OF THE RAINBOW Judy Garl1nd Dlts 6 j !i•UM\lM! Rocl{y Hopeful 3 Nations Will Change Mind on Visit NE\'/ YORK (UPI) -Gov. Nelson Rockefeller ended the third leg cf his Latin American tour for President Nixon, hopeful that three nations that asked him to stay away would change their minds. "We remain available should Chile, Peru and Venezuela soon find it con· venient to schedule visits for the mission," lhe presidential envoy said on arrival here Sunday night. "The third trip was the turning pcint of lhc mission," Rockefeller said in a state- ment, "A pattern of consultation has now been eslabiished which is providing the points of view ... which the President was desirous of obtaining .•. " The New York governor visited Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay last week on the third leg, Beginning next Sunday, he will return to LaUn America for his fourth Moon Landing Chances Called Nearly 100% CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -The flight director says he would consider next month's Apollo 11 mission a succes11 i! Nei l A. Annstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin merely land on the moon and return \\'ithout stepping on its surface. Clifford E. Charlesworth 'said in a weekend interview in Houston he thinks the chances are "pretty close" to 100 per· cent the pilots will be able to achieve the landing while fellow astronaut Michael Collins orbits overhead. The three pilots took Sunday cU. but more grueling training was on their ag~n­ da today at the Cape Kennedy Moonport. Technicians at the oceanside launch pad hoped tc complete the tedious five- day spacecralt fueling operation tonight. The next and 18st major test facing Apollo 11 is a weeklong countdown rehearsal scheduled to begin Wednesday. Once that is completed, engineers will be able to start final preparations for the July 16 launch. "I don't think the chances of landing are 100 percent, but I think they're pretty close to that. I think we've got a pretty good chance of making it." Be's Dome Now · and final trip, to six nations . Chile and Venezuela asked Rockefeller to stay away because of threatened anti· American riots. Peru said his viait would be "inopportune" in View cf a warsenlng of U.S.-Peruvian relations. Violence in Montevideo, the Uruguayan capital, forced the U.S. group to forsake its planned visit there for Punta· Del Este, where Rockefeller met with Presl· dent Jorge Pacheco Areco. Rockefeller believes his trips have been a success in finding out what Nixon wants to know in formulating his Latin American policies. Never has he wavered in his task. Anti·American demonstrations during the tours have grown frcm frustrations caused partly by the high promises and inadequate results of the U .S.·backed Alliance for Progress. They also are the apparent work of Communists and others trying to wreck the relations between the United States and other nations or the western hemisphere, according to Rockefeller sources. "Those are the pfoblems," Rockefeller said. "What we nee.cl are solutiorui. Thi! problems have been known at a ·technical level in Washington for a long time. But only at the highest political level can these changes in policy be made.'' He said President Nixon was already making them. U.S. Viet Troops Home by July 9 . WASHINGTON (UPJ) -The Pentagon issued a draft call today for 29,500 men in August It also announced that the first 900 troops rteurning from Vietnam are scheduled to arrive in the United StateJ about July 9. The Pentagon said the first contingent of the 25,000 servicemen being called home by President Nixon are due ta leave Vietnam by plane about July 8 and to arrive at McChord Air Force Base, Wash., the following day. They will be the 3rd Battalion, 60lh Infantry Regiment of the 9th Infantry Division. The 900 will be taken to Ft. Lewis, near Tacoma. Wash., to be processed for either discharges er new assignments. Matthew Joseph Zimmerman. &.year-old boy who was found near 1 deeth in the San Bernardino Mountains, was at home today. He re- ceived toys .•nd best wbhes from officials ~t Sl S.madine's Hospital before leavmg after )!is five-day, from cntlcal to 1ati1lactory, 11111. I • I I I • • 4 j c a· le 'I Ii $! " " II " t; VI UI •• tic al .. 111 th 'Iii .. 7 N· fa 1" •• .. In er " II I! he " ... SI C• • s.: da qc Ei bu m' ab du •• .. yo Lo ' I dl1 en I<> )· &: sq J I I J I ILi .... ml "°' Or: di• , Inc ) Ke Bn Ku f c .. "" Llj ·-.. , . SaddleLaek ' VO~. '62, NO. '149, l SECTIONS, 34 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CM;IFORNIA .• 0 ' Down the Mission Trail Capo to Look At Budget Again SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -City Councilmen here will take their third look at the city's~ fl.4'millfon budget tonight at 7 o'clock: In City Hall. The spending scbedu1e ii for the upcomlng fiscal year beginning July I. The budget, which includes about $868,000 federal emergency funds for repair of storm-damaged streets and sewer facilities, is about $872,000 more than thi's fiscal year's budget. The schedule is based oo a $1.20 tax rate per $100 assessed valuation -same tax rate as this year. Estimated assessed va1uaUon for the city is about $16 million, up $2 million from this year. :e Capo Rezo11e Set CAPISTRANO BEACH -Rezone ac- tion of 26.5 acres in Capistrano Beach to allow construction of more than 100 Bingle family homes has been ordered by the. Oraoce County Board of Supervioors. Tbe prqperty involYed is ~lid on the, north by the San Diego Freeway, on . -iJie Wat by Vi& Sacramlsto aod on the east by Calle Velez. The Presley Development .Co. of Newport Beach plans to build single family homes on the property, which bad been wned for apartments. :e Too Jlluch Watering? SAN CLEMENT!. -The frequent earthslides along Pacific Coast Highway in this dtr,may be the result of overwat· ering of wns according to city water 1t1perintendent Gene Borawski. Wet rocks and dirt that have fallen onto the highway in recent days have Jed Dorawsll't to believe that Palisades tiOmeownfrs are gullty of excessive lawn watering. The only other possibility, he said, would be the existence of an underground spring along the bluffs just below Colony Cove. e Trustees to llleet IRVINE -San Joaquin Elementary School District trustees will meet Tues. day at 7 pm. in the district head· quarters, 14736 S. W. Sand Canyon Ave., Eist Irvine, to discuss the 1969-70 school budget. 'J'he budget amounts to about $4.4 million .1.nd includes the expenditure of abOut $600 for educating each of the disirtct'1 7,500 children. :• SU1im Classes Start EL TORO -First in a three-part series of swimming and diving lessons for yoangsters gei. under way today at the Lake Forest Beach and Tennis Club. ciasses, given at dWerent Umes, are dlvtded by 4• groupo. The first -eiidi Julyll. The oecond is from July 21 to Aug. I and the thin\ is from Aug. UI to Sep(. 5. Classes are held weekdays. Signup is al the club. 2-23 Partlelpate ' • • • ' .rown's 1n OAl\.Y PILOT Staff ........ IAJl~._,s,,_,e ., .... i.~~ ~11 r.~~~.; . ... ·~·1~.~:~.· ,UnideDtuied\,~ iae,tper gels In a'few wlnks •pn rock overlook· lhg Woods Cove. Though sumnfer started ·offidapy this weekend, moozillg ~9th found welcom~ warmth in hreed 1portcoat. He r•. mains umclentifled . because. photographer didn't have heart to wake him. . . Teacher -in :Controversy At ,Thurston to Leave ' ' . Tom E. Warren, the young teacher who touched off a flap in Laguna Beach when he brought a black: activist speaker to Thurston Junior H1gb School, has rtsi&n· ed to cont'ime bis-Own edlki.fion. · Warren, 29, who Wal pricing fenclilg materials for his Mission Viejo ho!'Tle this morillng, was not immediately .available' to eorrlment. · · His wife confirmed that he Is leaving the dJStrict to work towards a doctorate degree in his major, political science. She :said the family was n:clted abcM her CHECK THE ADS FOR FOURTH FETE Some DAll. Y PILOT re4ders are going to ~oy an ~ exciting. Fourth ol July fireworks show Cree. If your .name •ppears in the classified advertising colwnnt of the DAILY PILOT Ulla: week, you will receive free panel tO the July Follrth Fireworks Show at Anabe:m Stadium. Ttiere ia no obllP!loo on your part. Clie<t the DAILY PILOT clusilied secUon each day. U you-tind your name, ,you an a winner~ I husband's acceptance into graduate schocil a~ the University of California 1t Santa Barbara. She said he loved teaching and would always be a teacher, probably .eventuall:; at the college level. School trustees are expected to accept his resignation routinely at a special meeting called Thursday night to con· sider the district budget and other mat· ters. A heated community controversy followed the March 4 talb of "Negr:o Chapman College student James West before about 450 seventh and eighth graders at the lntennedlate 1chool. Warren's actJon ln brlngtng the speaker was both criliclied and defended by in- dividuals in the community In a flap lhat included letler·wrlUng fllDrles to local newspapers. · Amonc other things, the student a<:· tivist told Thurston students, ••My people will tear this country up in the next 10 yelll'I if Uaere i1 not a great change." Thurston Principal D8vld Lloyd after the talk defended Warren. He Slid it was meant to be provocative to "stimulate the kids. "-He said the talks were analy~· ed later with students "to'pull apart the half truths.•• Lloyd said he felt the talks were a highly valuable education1l device Ii~ dialogue with teachers on the w~!xt matter wu provided afterwards. Did Drug Overdose Ki~l Judy? LONDON (UPI) -ScoUand Yard sources said today lnComplete autopsy findings lndica~ Judy Garland may have died from an overdose of drugs. (Earlier story, Page 4.). The 47-year-old singer was found dead Sunday In the bathroom ol· her London home. The London Evening News said 1 box of sleeping pills was found near her body., . Scotland Y.anl pathologist. conducted an autopsy today to determine the cause of death but In official spokesman said the findings would not .be diaclosecl'untll 1 cor~er.·1 inquest is held Wednesday. Further detailed tests on several body organs wtre being carried out after the autopsy apparentJy filled to pin down on visual euminaUon why she died. The .....,,.. lndicaled the t•sta Included those performed when drii&s are suspect. One such test ls ·a complex blood ana1ysis. Laguna ~lanners Consider' Hike In"-n .... ~:..: ... ss , F...,, ,.,~' A .II'~.~.~~~ u:i · may Mee the. '"* lioaineooOI pay In Utu ol 'pmldlq requJrtd oll-ctreet parldn1 wlD be bdOre -Laiiiiia ~h p1arinen tonight.. • , Citf "Pfanner Al Autry uid planning ~ win consider a 1tudy draft Qf, modlflcationl · to the "certificate of pariling" r<qulmnenll. Propoeed et.anat.s. the planner said, would ,call .f~· the city to 'JF.C}iase and develop wklng loll rather than lwing them as Is noiv done. · He u~ lfWPlll.d allo set up a tOrmula to require businesses which do not pro. vide required ·parking space. to · pay a more realistic fee to the city In lieu of lost •Paces. The fees are to aid the city in provldlag rparklng which the businesses have qot !µ¢shed. . . Autry Aid the fee· now .. is •t,000.per· parkJng·apace. not furnished. The planner estimated that this ls only one-fourth or one-fltth Of the actua1 cost to provide a downtown petking 1pace. He said the !ormlila proposal would relate to fair market value of the land. In oth~ study session business, the planning commission will : -Receive copies of the U.S. Army Corps ·of Engineers Laguna Canyon flood plain report which wlll llktly be a prelude to f~ more. stringent buildir}g re· qulre?nent:r:ecommendaUons for tbe area In the eener1t plan stUdy now under way. -Consider modlfJcation and reloCatlon of the Itvtne Cdve algn. -Consider a county use variance to permit conliniled study of underground salt water intrusion from a mobile home laboratory iO ' ,.\Ii~ Canyon that is opera.led by Aerojet General Corp. . . Stock. lll•rhet1 . .. NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market . ' was jolted to another lou today u con- tinued concern over tight money again was reported weighing It down. (Ste quotaUona, Pages 24-.25). nail Y PtLDT 11"' ,... GRIM JOB' OFF'LAOtJNA • •"; ; i I , Drowning al Two RKk·Polht • ' • ; :: • I , ' . . • • ·1: • . 2nd Time · Around Mar Be Tougher, High Court Rules ' . ' ' ' . . . .. WASHINGTON !UPI) -The Supr<me Court ruled today that a cotlvict who wins a new trial may be given a stiffer sen· tence the second time. The 6-2 .d~o~ upholds the far· reaching.discretion of judges in imposing sentence but requires that they make clear· the "coi1!Ututional legitimacy" of the incieased Untence. At the s'ame time, the co'.urt ruled that a person reconvlcted : at a secon~ ·trial must be given credit on the new sentence for time already aerved in prison wider his original sentence. Justice Pot~r Stewart wrote the opl· nion With Justices William 0. Douglas . . and Thurgood Marsball concurrln1. ' Justice Byron Fl White also concurred but .tipulated he would havi giV~n Jiid&~ even mor~ discretion l11 resentenclng. Justices 'Huio L. Black and John M. H8rlan concurred In part· and dluented in part. . , ' ·CoastSurfersDominate S.ummer--Learnin' Is Easy Doheny Beach Contest School Gaining in : Popularity Along Coast . Gluoy, three-to lour-root ""' RI the stq"e SUnday for the World SUrfing Aalocl1tlon's (WSA) Doheny Beach Surf• 1lig Contest. The WSA district number rive coolest. \Qth 123 parUcipanll, Wll dominated bJ O!'O!ll!l Cout llllfen in the ..,,en di~. The top lhtet llnallsll In each division Include: . Mi>I -p (II" II and Under) - Kevin O'Sullivan, LJguna Beach; Doug Browne, Laguna Beach: and Keith Kwlch. San Diego. lltn' dlvltlto (1.l'througb 11) -Chris Cornilcbael, San Clemente; Jeff K0J1o nU11, N•wport Beach; and crali Martin, Lquna. 1-. (IJ lhnlqh 17)-.;i· bavt T!lmjltlns, l,quna Jleadl: Nila Olbome, Loi AU.niltoli Kea Pktch, MOl'lttrey p""'. . -·· -(II throu&b 14) -Grtg 3\tcker, Hllllllnpm Beoch;-ljll\ Slble, San luan Caplslnno: anctllod MaUhews, LOo 6ni<l... • 8u1« Moa'1 -(21 through 35) -Roy Cnonp~ Seal _, Jloy-.d Pattenon, Dana Point; and, D<l Cannon, J>ana Point. • w-·· lllvlaloo (all ., .. ) -Barbie Baroo, Octanside: Gtoral• Tanner, SUnoet Beach; and Ilona Li&chultz, Newport. Ta9*m -Hal Sicks or Dan1 Point wllh Patty YOW!i ol Glendale. ; , &tmmor ochool began toclty In mool commun!Ues along the Or1111e Cout with enrollment In aOme achool district.a 1s high 11 ball the regular year atudenll. Huntington Bach Union· HJgb School DlstrJct got a jump on other IChool dlstrtcll by llarlint i..t week. summer aenlona: will run from rour to seven week:1 with studaltl g~ally going to lchool In the momln1 and home }n !he a!t.ernoon. , In Newport.Mua Unliied ·~hop Is enrollment was 5,800 out iii '28,000 ~ents duriog·the refUllr year, I IUm- rner record for the·district. In Lagun1 Beach, about 550 stullentl 1how!d ·up the first day. The regular ye1r enrollment ii about 2,900. Only 10 puoOilt • i1 • are taking remedial w.ork; the rest 1tan· District, thinks 1 "the big · thing" 11 .. to dard or ·JCC.elerated courses. r~u&i lhetr r'ciulred cout~s io they ~an ~aft View ~lil.Q1e0~y, holding its take lother courses· ma11 .... (he rt ....... first summer aesslOft in • number o( ~ ...... yea.la, e.nrolled 5,500 out ot 13,000 regular year J'. ' . 1 . > 1 • • • yean atudenta. An ~ i~~.ljn! pum~ of. high ~I OYer •half &he 13,080 ,atudents In Hu.,._ ltudenll 1.bo are·worittng,on 8J'l!ii:lu8Ung Unston Beach'<HJCh~ DtstrlCt were a semester or more •erly by 11~ ad· attendln( llllll-ochool., About · ooe In valMago uf 1Umtner oflerinp. · four were tUtng ~ work. Another reuon 11 summer otferlnas not Wliit1 erp11lns ·the Srowinc popularity given during: the regulat school year. of llllmmtt school? · Octan View's a:Wllr ciu.:11 an11.ampie. "Most _kids go to Nntmu achoo! Ne~Mesa II ollerl111 ~ lclonce becallH they like I~" liiCl-Qulnn Fames, ~~~umanlUes lnlltltutes In which director or summer lchool for Laguna ~ outside the lchool district lectdre :ielicb. to studenll. HunUngton Bach High of. On the high ""hool level, Dr. Loren fer• marine and rleld blolOl1 IOI' ~ Moll·al lh·• H•ntlogtoo Beaclt Hlihlllmmer •tud<nt ooly. • • TEN CENTS ' ' Crowd Sees Tragedy ,Off Crescent.Bay A 19-year.Old Santa Ana boy drowned off Crescent Bay in Llguna Beach Sun- day as a crowd of bea.cbgqa"s 1~ by and watched fr<>m the water'• edge .. The victim, Robtµ't Newt.on Gardner 1 nf 1234 Borchard St., was a~~g to swim to Seal Rock to join two friends when be went under_ 1bout 100 yll'U offshore. His· body was recovered one hour and 2G minutes later. The Orange Cowtty Coroner's office reported the victim wu Wearl'lg jeans. Friends said he ~ work- ed 111 night, and hadn't slept for m1ny. hours. "He was a real good swimmer -a surfer," said Eric Jarrell, 19, a friend or Gardner, Jarrell of Anaheim, aod Keith Damion, 20, Gardner's roommate, wtte on Seal Rock watching Gardner swim over. "When he first yelled for help, Keith was in such a hurry to gel to Jilin, be fell off the rock and hurt his l~g pretty bad- ly,'' Jarrell said. "So I started after him. l 'm not a very good sw~er, bul l reached him first. Right after that Keltb got to him. . "He was sUll conscioUI, spitting out Water;'' Jarrell continued. "He said, 'Take mt ashore'. But we couldn'l There (nult hive been tlD' UDdedow Of', we ' Workln1 againlt us. · · ' ' · · "And the people on ibOie ju.t siood' Jher, ind wa~ us. They !rested It lll:e a cireu!." · Two 1&-year old Anaheim boy1 wlt· nessed ,the drowning from above the bluff. "These two guys were Jn the water bokilng 10mebody up,'' said JeH Dorman. "They were yelling for about ,five mJnutesi I thought they were just faking or-somethlng. When I saw Ibey needed help, I tan down the cllU with my-fina. · "I got to the beach about three mlnutel later. Just after I got there, the first We.- guard, with fins ind a Ooat, got 'there. The lifeguard was real fast. He had to" climb over all the rocb to get there, n Dorman aaid. "There were about 15 .people standing around lhe edge, just watching," he ad- ded. . The other boy,,Rod Edwards; said the two in the water were yelling for help for "about 10 minutes. Then the guy went un· der, and five minutes later the two came ashore. Then it was five more minutes te:Core the lifeguards came." Laguna Lifeguard Lt. Euge~e DePaulis said that once the guards w~re noUfied , it took "about one minute for them to ieach the edge of the water, and another 30 lieCOflds to a minute before they reached tbe spot where he went under." It's about 200 yards from the water'.s edge to the northern-most of two lifeguard towers on the beach. Lifeguards had to nm around the rocky base of the cliff to reach the site. There were three guards on the beach at the time -two in towers and another "rover" checking for drinkers. The guards, all experienced, were Steve Knauer, Pliul Brinkman, and Dan Henry. It was not known this morniDg who wu the first guard· Oft the scene. I j While the guards · made an Initial search-for the bodyr the..Jiarbor-Patro'~-1 rescue boat was ·dispatched from Newport. Latt!r, Laguna Lifeguard Lt. (S.. DROll'NING, Page ll Coast . Weadler The 1un continues to sleep Ull noon, and Tuesday's outlOok calls for a contlnuaUon or the same. Hazy Sunshine will brJng the mer· cury into the low 'ltl's along the coasL INSIDE TODAY Th• ueUOw brick rood was a path' to lpneUneu and dtapair, but be/ore her death Su1u:fa)I, Judy Garland declared she had /inaltu /otrnd happintss. Hir 1 olQ•U ii told on Pll(J• 4 todou. ....... <•tlftrilll , ...... ,_ .. , __ --" ........ , .. . .. ..., ... , ·-·-AM L...-n. ~. • 1J "'"'""' • ft . ...... ,. 2141 """"" ... ... It Or .... ~ 1• II 1¥1¥11 ,.,,.,. M '1 11 ledM ..... 1•1P . -.... II StM1 ~ "'21 ,._,, T•"""""' 11 14 TlttNtWt It ,,. w....... . " .............. I •• z D,lllY mor L South Viet - Troop~ Cu~ ' . tl • • Supply Trail SAIGON (UPI) -A lore< o! llOO South Vletnalnete troops struck out today from the hesl.,.cl U.S. Sp<dal Forc.s camp at Ben Bet to try to battle their way to Oak To, elgbt mi.lea to the east, and open a ouPPIJ niute tbrou&h tbe Communlat-beld mounlolm. 'l1io ~ of Ben Bel la. the ... 1ra1 hliJ>landl • milel north of Sllgon hu been under way for 4:7 days. Today the Communlsta abtlled the Green Beret camp er the 20th consecuUve day and launcbed two lf'OUDd attacks whicb were beaten oU. U.S. 1191 llllOlhered I he mountain pea:D around Ben Het with a million tons of bombs today and shortly afterwards the ftllef force tel out from the camp to try to ope. the llill&le lane paved ro1d wbk:b 1'Ulll through the jungles to 00 To, ll•lf a bloody battl..,..md In the paaL All aupplies for Ben Het are airdropped by U.S. Air Forte <:IA Caribous for the defenders, who occupy three hilll that mate up the camp with 100 women and children, their dependents, who lost seven wounded In today's lhellln&•· The roads are boObytrapped and lleavy gunfire by 1,500 North Vietnamese In the aur- l'Olllldlq hlill _prevent helicopter Ian· dinp. The rtllel foree hu made confacl wUh Conummilt 1 round forces but the esle!ll of flchUnl wu not yel known. The ,...., mllll fllhl Ill way paal mines and -, traps and the fr<quenl ambuabe1 tbat bave halted other 1Upply eUortl. The camp ttalf ii localed atop three small hil1a with a valley in between. 'lbe delmden bave dug deep Into the mllddy elrlb under the comlanl lhelllng and pulled their lanka In Ughler to the defenae perimeter, stacking extra rounds .,.., their cannon whlcb !!re back night and clay. 'lllere are perhapa a dOZ<n U.S. Green Beret ldviaen on one of the hllll el1ht mllel from the border of Cambodia arld·a U .s. utllltry unit on another. Tbe wom~n and chlJclren live In fllmay llhacks on the ecqe· ol the c1e1 .... perlmeler. Qwnmunlat cuualUea in fierce fighting In the area are placed In ....,. of l,llOO llince May I. The balUes bave COii South Vletnamae forces 1111 dead and the -~ dead. The pattern of Com· munllt attact wu not clear. About 12,000 Communist troops moved into the central hlghlqil from Cambodia and 1.-iut month, bul ii remaios unclear whether they want to harus or oooquer. There are an unknown number of South Vietnamese In the area pl11t about 4111 merc<narfes and about :iog, American Green Berets. Until recenlly they bad a amall hellpad In use just outalde the 11te to the Camp. But the 1uding zooe like everything else outside the woOden pte ls now no man's land. The anlpert: have moved in close and they shoot at anything that moves above the deeply dug bunkers. In today'a fighting the mercenaries who receive $43 a month from the U.S. Army threw back two infantry attack.I. They killed M North Vietnamese and suffered "light" casualties In their own ranks; mll1tary 9P0kesmen reported. Saddlehack JC Budget OK Due s.ddleback Junior College District trustees tonight will be asked to adopt a tentative budget of a.a mllllon for next BChoo1 year, up from $1.6 million for thiJ year. The lncrtase, aceording to Business Manaa:er Roy Barletta, is due to an- ticipated increased enrollment ne1t year when sophomore: students will be added. Enrollment ls expected to go up from 900 freshmen this year to 1,MIO fttshmen and aophomores nut year. The proportion is very nearly lhe same as the budget incrtue with the proposed per student cost t.o go up allghtly from $1 ,1166 to 11,117. • DAllY '1110 1 ~ ICO'.n PUalltnMO ct.IMPM'f LMtM..W-1 ---J.,k .. c.tt.., Qt ...... •0-.-11....., ,...,. •• 9Cff'Jil ..... l\•Mn A. M...,lita.t -·-• , ••• "' P. N&Q ._ ..... '" ..... ---JIZ hf..t Awe. Mam., AfU, ... P.O. 1 .. HI. t2UZ --c..-. .... , -.... ...,. """' ~ ._..1 nn w.1 .. ~ .. .....,. , ............. ! ... ...... • .... ,. ""°1 ......... _....,., .. .................... ..,,.._ .. ._ .... _.... ............. ...... • • , •• ct ... ~ ....... c.tll ---~---.... ~· .... lo i::o "'-::.. <:;: "''lo'\'t"L.''.:.:;,: ...... ='='·--.--.~ .. , ' '"'. """"" ca: 'Att .... MMm ~---c...a~ c:....rr ... .... --lbtl ...... ..... ...., • i:::;s I ..... ...... ,. .. .... .... ~-.....--· --::F·:--.......... ~ .. ..,.,,. a.:.: ' ., ,.., .... ......,., ...,, _ ....... -_.,,. ., ,. ----- .. -· ' DAILY PILOT ll•N , ..... View From the Top Officials of Laguna Community Players scale new hei~hu, physic· ally and financially, to accept $25,000 Irvine Foundation gilt. Re- ceivjng gift etop new Laguna-Moulton Playhouse from Mrs. Charles Whee!er of Irvine Foundatioo are (from left) William Harcum, play· ers treasurer: George Gade, players vice president,• and Laguna Vice Mayor Joseph O'Sullivan, en ex officio member of players board. Wild Free-for-all Erupts At Laguna Country Club Five men. tncluding three Lagunans, were arrested SurKlay after a sedate SUn- day evening gathering at Laguna Beach Country Club erupted Into a wild free for all in which the manager and a sheriff's deputy took impromptu dips ll).lbe twim· ming pool. • • , The riol brolu! out about S p.m. and io- vestlgatlng omcen ~ still trjtog tci tort oul delalls of the ruckus. They booked five persoos on varying charses .follow· J,ng a melee .in which most of the poolside furniture jOlned . the manager and the deputy in the troubled waters. Held in Orange County jail are Mark Carleton McManus, 28, 31503 Shrewsbury Drive, South Laguna ; Frederick Carl Balzer, 25, ·404 Lorn.I!! Terrace, Laguna Beach: Rodger Carroll Jones, 27, 1438 S. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach; Michael Tiffany, ~. of Santa Ana and Loren Michael Singer, 32, of San Francisco. McManus ia charged with suspicioo of resisting arrest, rioting and failure to disperse from a riot scene; Balzer ls ac· cused of aasaulting a police officer and riotlnc; Jones ls charged with auault of a police officer and rioting; Ttffany and Slnger face charges of resisting arrest, rioting and faUure to dlsperae. SinJ:er Js also accuaed of interference. · Sheriff'• reporta indicate that the riot broke out when dub manager Ludus Gates approaehed a group of pools!Je celebranlJI and voiced object.ions to the party they were staging. Gates finished up tn the pool and was joined there a little later by Deputy E. J. McDowell, one of a group of sheriff'• of- ficers dispatched to the plush, wooded retreat. Officen claim that Jones and Balzer threw McDowell into tbe pool and that Jones also tried to grab an officer's s:un and repeatedly struck deputy Glenn Thomas Clary in the back. Bool\:making Defendant In LA Trial M~dered A Superior Court trial of three m~n ac- cused of bookmaking was: thrown into confusion today when the judge learned that one of the defendants was shot and killed Saturday night in Los Angeles. No decision had been reached a press tirne on the future course of the preceedings but it appeared reasonably certain that Judge Robert Rickles will declare a mistrial and set a new date for trial of the remaining defendants. Los Ange les police said today they are continuing their investigation of the shooting of Emmett Alan Canard, 4.1, of North Hollywood . Police charge Canard was gunned down by Nelda Duncan, 23. of Hollywood as the couple argued in tbe parking lot or a downtown restauranl Officers said Miss Duncan shot Canard three t1mes in the chest and then shot herself between the eyes. She had earlier pleaded guilty in Orange County Superior Court to bookmaking charges and was to be sentenced Thursday . Canard had stood in court here Frirlay with Valentine Sargis James, 51, of L<is Angeles and Sylvester Blake, 39, of North Hollywood as the first week of their trl31 for felony bookmaking activities con- cluded. From Page 1 .., DROWNING ... Dean Westgaard and San Clemente Capt. Phil Stubbs. in scuba e q u i p m e n t , recovered the body . The coroner's report said the lniti•I autoP4)' showed drowning to be the cause of death. However, a to1lcologlst's report is pending. Bridge Expert Dies ST. PETERSBUltG. Fla. !UPI) - Russell J. Baldwin, one of the nation's ltadln~ t"lperU on contract bridge, died Saturday ;it lhe age or 70 • James and Blake were In court today visibly shocked at tht circumttance1 which eliminated lhetr co-delendanl from the trial. Newsmen and the public were barred from the courtroom this morning while Judge Rickles conferred with prosecuttnn and defense counsel and c1lsb1ct 11- tomey's officials on tbe new develop.. ment. Lag una Officer On Mot~rcrcle Hurt in Crash Laguna Beach Motor Officer Don Abshier was injured Sunday in a collision with an automobile in the 300 block o( Crescent Bay Drive . OffiCi!r Abshier, 29, was taken to South Coast Community Hoapllal by Wind Ambulance. He w11 releued following treatment for a sprained ank1e and bruis- ed elbow. A sixikesman ror the California Highway Patrol, said the policem•n col· Uded head-on with a car driven by Garman C. Jenn1n111 II, of 27S Fainlew St., Laguna Beach. Patrol o[flctr B. A. Hand said the 1c- cldent occurred u Jennlnp pulled Into the oppoglng traffic lane to·pus an auto- bus parked near the tnterteetion . The CHP estim1ted Jtfmlnga' opeed to be about 30 mUn: per hour and the policeman'• 1peed to be about 10 mph. Abshier co!Hded with the Jtanlnp ala· lion wagon u the motor offlcer rounded a curve. The poUceman will be off-duty for sever1l day• to recover from the ln- jurl.,, Police Cblel Harry Labrow aald . Damage lo the big police motorcycle wlls reported aa all&bL No citation ha• bttn luutd by tht Highway Patrol , however, the case 111Ull under lnvesUgaUon, Of:llett Hind 11Jd. State . View·s Harbor •• A.aembly Commit~ JOHea.r DiMolu~on Bid t itM~ whlch would ifl111tue the Or..,. County Harbor Diltrtcl win be beard be.for_e a •lale 118elpbly oommillee Thunday. · Asaemblyman ·John V. Briggs CR· Fullerton) author of the legislation, said the bill would transfer all responsJbiUU.. and assets of the district directly 1o tbe1 Orange County Board of SupervllOl"s. A 1imllar bill authcnd by Brli&> last year was deleated In lhe.Auembl:J'. Local Government Commtttee. 1he bill's hearina cloaely follow1 the ncommendatlon of the! LoCal A&ency Formation Commission (LAFC) to the county Board ol Supervisors that the district be di530Jved. The commission recommended that a countywide depart. ment of harbors, parks and beaches be crested. Al tho umt .i !lie LAFC 1ctlon, ...... Knoz llld that ll the LAFC recom- Llnl Count>' C<aime1 Rober! F. Nilllrl>i!I mend.a dlssolullon and then the Board of said _ .. _ ==d two lool. They • I oould re ·-~ tion, of, u · • Stiperviaon rejected the p r o Po 11 , 1hey ~·the comm ttee'a ~. ' luemb~ acUon on the bill was then II -would a...-be submitted to voters~ possible.· · Nuttman said that since the district Consequently, had the LAFC rejected was formed by 20~ vote 1n 1133 it the dissolution proposal, state acUon ;must be dissolved-b:y aDother heh vote. could not ~ taken, Galvin safd. Jack Galvin, }tgUilattve 111i4tant to When the same question caine before Briggs. esplslntcl lliat tho btll ii deslped the Board of SDpervlson last YW. the ·to prevent figh&I between beach cities board rtJected the propocal, with only. and the county over tbe auetl ot the SLg>erVisor David Baker ln ·support. district. Galvin aald that be again eapects the At the time of the bdl's · ftrst hearing boiM to reject the proposal. before the Local Government CommJttee, Although Briggs' bill contains no pro- A.!semblyman Johh Knox (0..EUchmond), vlso for 1 vote ol lhe people to dissolve committee chainnaii, told supporters of the district, Galvin said Briggs wouJd 1 the-bill Uuat local-action· wu nectaary welcome such a vote. He predicted voters before the Legillature could aboUsb the would overwhelmingly accept the pro- dlslrlcL ~- Sadism Club Convictions Reversed . by High Court ' ' WASIDNGTON (AP) -The Supreme Court Coday summarily reversed tbe con- victions on lewdness charges of two persons arrested by pol.ice in a raid on a New Jersey sadism club. The high court allf'ed, In a brief 6-Z opinion, to review the convictions of the two defendants.. and simultaneously reversed those convictions, holding that the search and seizure procedurel'follow· ed wen constitutionally inv~d. The unsigned opinion noted that Justices Byron White and Hugo L. Black dissented from the majority action. The two defendants, Monique Von Cleef and James Albert.-Beard, had been convicted for ,lewdenss .offenaes. Miss Cleel was sentenced to four month! in jail and lined $1,000, Beard was fined $500 and given an 18-mQnth probated sentence. Appealing, they c1alm~ an un- ci;>nsUtuUonal search had been made of the Newark, N.J., club. The arrests were made by the E§ez: county sheriff's office in the lkoom col- ontal-type home in which Beard and Miss Von Cleef lived. A detec:tlve had an ar· rest warr•nt, but the appeal claimed the warrant was invalid. In the course of the raid, the appeal said, the ofllct!:rs seized 4,500 pieces of Tustin Man Walks Away From Crash Ernest Pegau, 53, 13061 Wreath Place, TusUn, walked away from a plane crasn on a San Diego Counly mountain peak Sunday. Pegau, along with pilot James K. Polk, 40, 4201 La Concetta, Yorba Linda and passenger Patrick J. Trude~ 57, Chino. escaped serious injury in the crash of a Cessna 172. Pegau was admitted to Mercy Hospital In San Diego afler treatment of a broken wrist, and Polk required several stitches to close a gash on his sca:lp. Trudel Com· plained of bacll: pains. The trio were heading toward Baja California for a fishing trip when the plane developed engine trooble and pilot Polk crashed landed the plane. · personal comspondence, two filint cabinets and J file drawer containing about 2,000 names and addr~. a cigar box contalning 200 applications for membership in the 1'Flair Club" and men than 200 photographs. Miss Von Cleef and Beard claimed, through· attorneys, that -this llOlt of "general, exploratory search" ls forbid- den by the federal Constitution. Besides, they questioned "whether an act of pun- ishment, -committed between two con- senting adults, in private, can be made criminal." The convictions were affirmed last JuJy by the appellate diviaion of the Superior Court of New Jersey. The state supreme court rejected an appeal lut September. The Supreme· Court said Monday It bad "no hesitation 1n concluding that the ac-- tion of the police here in combing a three- SlofY, 16-room house from top to bottom and . carting away several thousahd papen, publications, and other items cannot undtr any view of the 4th Amend· ment be jultified as 'incident to arresL'" It said that such mass seizun: of evidence was beyond the sanction of any previous cases. Religious Garb Stolen From La guna Church Reli&ious vestments were stolen from St. Francis By The Sea Church in a weekend burglary, Laguna Beach police said today. The religious garb was taken from the church, located at 480 Park Ave., some time Saturday or Friday, police said. The theft was reported by a con- gregation member from Lakewood. No dollar estimate of the loss is available. In another burglary, Charles John Holt.st. 43, of 1'137 Temple Hills Drive, Laguna Beach reported. the theft of $100 in currency ~ change and $42 worth of trading stamp books. Police Lt. Frank Schopen said several cabinets in the Holt.st home were ransacked by the thief. Twenty one stamp books wert taken. M i ssion Viejo Merry-Go-Round Wolves Beware American singer Doria Rose, 24, in Italy. to meet film pro. ducers and improve her opera singing, makes it clear she is to be admired only from a dis· tance. She would appear to have only ooe problem-sitting down. Prepared Bandit Binds Victi m A gunman who even nact a spare roll (I( tape handy -when the first one used to bind his victim ran out -robbed a Newport Beach hamburger stand o.f $2,340 early Sunday morning. Police said victim Pierre J . F. Bertolino, or Costa Mesa, manager of The Burger, 4501 W. Pacific Coast Hlgh";•ay. popped his bound legs apart to walk Lo a nearby bat at 1 :30 a.m. to seek help after the holdup. He told police th at the bandit came through a side door of the roadside restaurant at about midnight. These four Mi1Slon Viejo High School coeds are contestants In Ml" Mission Viejo contest lJ>Onsored by area's ju.nlor chamber of commerce. Girls (from lelt) are Debi Harris, Elaina Hobbs, Trish Thomas " and Sheri Bronleewe. \Vinner will be chosen July 4 at Ml•ston Viejo's first Commun ity Day even~ , --------- • ' ' 1 1 I l I Ii ... Ne:wp~rt ·Darh•r· · EDITION voe. 62, NO. '149, l SECTIONS, 34 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA -' • • • • .~ I • MONDAY, JUNE 2·3, 19~' ( TedaY's Fl•al • N •. )'. Stoeks TEN CENTS Newport,. Me·s~ Officials Hail · FreeW-ay Plan Formal designation ol the so-ealled Red-Blue Newport Freeway route loop;· out through Costa Meu's west siJe is o - ly three weeks away, according to ~ State Highway Commission. . Members of the panel said they will 0£- flcially adopt the alternate route at their July 16-17 meeting in San Diego,. a.t the windup of a late-running meeting Thurs- day in Fresno. NeY{S of tbe route adoption recom- mended ~y both Newport Beacti and ' Costa Mesa· city olllcials1 .. nd civic leaders earlier this year brought jubilant comment over the weekend: "I would say 'the c9rruni5aion ha:, follow~ the·City.Council's r,f!q4,est in two ways: , going a19nc, with ,the route we voted for and ret.amlJic the P3cilic Coast Freewly allgnmeat,'' said ·eosta Mesa Mayor Alvin L. finkl~y. , "We are very happy,'! he ~~ded., "I am very plWed and l _lblnk.lt will ,be beneqclal to have II fcirin~llifdopled as soon as pcsaibie, .. said Newport Beach Mayor Doreen Mmhall. - Mrs. MarsblU said a tele&rUT\ noti- fying city officials ol tbe informal Route SS adoption uplalns that any public agen- cies which Wish1 to llll)' · .U: for another open hearl111 on the cbOice. She a~ .that lb1s seems un- neccessary and unli1t'1f, II.nee both c!Ues had ronnany approvod the lminlnent selection, which ls the f.artbelt west among four possible routes. · i Viets Hit Siege Soutn Troops Battle to Supply Line SAIGON (UPI) - A force or :IOO South Vietnamese troops·struck out \oday from the besieged U.S. Special Forces camp at Ben Het to try to battle their way to Dak To, eight mites to the east, and open a supply route through tbe COmnumitt-held mountains. The siege of Ben Het in the central highlands 285 miles north of Saigon has been under way for 47 days. Today the Commllnists shelled the Green Beret camp or the 20th consecutive day and launched two ground attacks which were beaten off. U.S. B52s smothered the mountain peaks atound Ben Het with a mlW.on tons of bombs today and shortly afte"rwards the relief force set out from the camp to try to QPen the single lane paved road which runs through lhe jungles to Dak To, itselt a bloody batUeground in the past. All supplies for Ben Het are airdropped by U.S. Air Force C7A Caribous for the Prer,ared Thief Tar,es Victim in Cafe HoWuP. A sunm•n who even nad • sp.re roll of tape handy -when the first one used to bind liia Victim ran "'4 -robbed a N._rt B<ach hambur«tl" •tll)d of '2.340 early Sunday mornlnf. '• Police said vlclbn Ptem J, F. Bertolino, of COsta Mesa, manager of The Burger, 4501 W. Pacllic Coast Highway, ' popped his bound legs apart to walk to a nearby bat at 1:30 a.m. to seek help after the holdup. He told police that the bandit came through a side door cf the roadside restaurant at abcut midnight. Fur Collars Stolen A pair of fox fur collars valued at $30 were stolen from a Costa Mesa womens' l!itore, the owner told police s3tui'day. Karen E. Stein said the collars were removed from sweaters on sale at The Second Time Around, 440 E. 17th SL, ac- cording to Officer Hal Holbrook. He ~ ,,, "' BlltoUnlt •ho wa,, washlni hll bandJ and face, then thn1st a sn.ub-ooled. blue ateet;revolver ti his tide llld on)e~ lbe Tlclhli to1r11llf lbe safe. 1'1ilt'.mbeirlWil"lll the wh 1rom 111e sate;' thetl ~ mori than '200 from lhe victim's wallei to the loot, poilce said. After loading the money into a paper sact, police said, the fidgety bandit ordered Bertolino into a store room and made the vicUm tape his legs together and wrap more iround one wrist. That took up one roll of adhesive tape, ofHcen said, and the gunman prod~ another and taped the nwi's wrists together, then covtred the victim's mouth with the rest. After that · he 6-foot..2-lnch bandit ran oot and ned. A short time later B<rtollno popped the tape loose from hia legs and ran to the Bayside IM with hia hands bound and his mouth still covered, officers said. A bartender took off the bindinl while a customer called police. · defende,rs, who occupy three hills. that make up the camp with 700 women and children, their dependents, who 1oat seven wounded in today's shelling&. The roads are boobytrapped and heavy gunfire by 1,500 North Vietnamese in the sur- rounding hills prevent hellcopter lan- dings. The relief forct has made contact with Communist g r o u D d forces but the extent o( fighting, WflS not yet known. The (S.. VIETNAM, Pa1e %) Street Funds Added in City ,~u~et Acti~n Newport Beach City Cooncilmen have kept thtir pnnlle to keep the tax rate 111" 1...9fc.Ud lldd funds ror ltreel and ._ ... u Ibey W<lliild "' • de- 1..Jled mminaton ol the city'i. ftcord $10.il-mliUop budget. Saturday's aeaalon multed In !30,000 more In budget shifts bringing to $49,585 the total taken out of several categories and put into the street and alley fund. The only substantial cut the councn made in the weekend morning session was elimination of a new bulldozer for lhe general services department. A rock bucket which would have gone on the new tractor also was eliminated. Tonight the council is expected to pan a resolution granting tentative approval to the record budget and giving a relatively firm commitment to keep the tax rate al a total ol $1.225 cents per $100 of asseued valuation. Earlier ptedictlons based on recom• mendatlons of City Manager Harvey Hurlburt showed a possible tax hike of 1lightly more than two cents on the rate. The, tax rate .for the con)lng fiscal year will be firmly set later in the year as soon as definite figures on assessed valuations become available. CHECK THE ADS FOR FOURTH FETE Some DAILY PILOT readers are going to enjoy an exciting Fourth of July fireworkl show free. If your name appears In the classified advertising . ·columns of the DAILY PlLOI' this week, you will receive free passes to the July Fourth Fi.reworks Show. at Anaheilil Stadium. There Is no oblipUon °" yourJ>art.-- Check the DAILY Ptu:rr classified .section each d1y. U you find your name, you are a winner. ~ -. Action by the State Highway Com- missiOn ~ts expected to close the question of just where the 2.2-mlle stretch of 1reeway to be built In the mld-1970s Wl'.ill actuaJly go. Commission ·chairman Ernest J . Cristina said after the tentaUve adoption Tbunday that the panel was acting as advi!ed by Harbor Area clty~officials and the majority of priVate cltliens. SQme homeowners who ·will be forced to reloCate at state erxose -including -. . ' ' land purc))ue CO!t 1nd movinr erpensqi -are naluralfy opposed to the Red-Blue route selection. A Newport freew1y . alignment down exlsting Newpofl Boulevard was chosen in 19«, but chllDjlng iilrea development led the state to reopen the question as re- quested by Newport Beach and Costa Mesi lf:1'ders. , . The new' route ls aisc recommended by State Hlghway E!iltneer John A. Legar· ra, although thie·State Director o( Public· ; Chris Hebard, 1·6, Named NewNewportBeachQueen A straight-A student with I 10-year the city when she served as hostesa for background in classical piano, straw· the Jaycee-sponsored fund-railing even\I berry blonde Christina Hebard, 16, reigns for the Susan Mazze kidney fund In· today as Miss Newport Beach. Newport j:leach. Ecst&tic, the. 16-year-old Newport "She.di~ a reaU.y gr~ job. We made a Harbor · High School senior~to-be, won wonderful cbolee," aald Jaycee president over a field described by judges Fridaf Burch Pickett.today. night at-the annual Commodores Ball as The Jayc.ees also .SJl'.l>nsored tht selec- "beaullful, highly talented and all worthy tion Of the queen. The ctiamber's 'com· of the arown ." modores Club arranged thi'baH. More than 400 persons packed the The runners up in the' contest were Boiboa Bay Club's ballroom for the an-Marly Moore, Bonnie Burke, twins Carol nual Newport Harbor Chamber of Com· and Nancy Neptune and Susie Staub. The mcrce ball, ·which raises fund s for twins entered as one contestant. several other annual chamber events in Miss Rebard, who will be a Harbor the Jlarbor Azea.. High varsity cheerleader next fall, is the Harry Babbitt served as master of daughter of Mr. and · Mrs. Aubrey ceremonies for the candidate interviews Rebard, Weatcliff residents. at the midway point of the evening. Chri$tina and her escort, Russ Johnson, Stoelc Jtlarkets both beaming, started the evening's dan- ·cing soon after the queen was selected. ---. -,..-.--------- The new Miss Newport perfotmed a · NEW YORK (AP) -The s~k ~ket· claMica.I piano selection (or her talent '!Bl, jolted to . another· ~ todil' '%s.c~ contribution to ttie .contest. She apmred__t1nu6d ~m :ov~--m~ey again: last on4he-program p3'!Kta'iitb songs, was reported weighing it d<nm. (See conversations and a modem dance quotations, Pages 24-25). number by the runners·up, Tr'4ding was fairly actJve hear the clo- On Sunday M~ Hebard recelv.ed the se.:11ie Dow Jones lndiatrial average at first lesson 'of what 'Jt '1 liie representina: 1:30 p'.m,.'wu off 9.95 at 861.ZI., I Summer-Learnin' Is. ·Easy School Gaining . iri Popularity ·Along 'Coa8t . ' ' ' ,. ' Sand Piie Leapers Chris Olsen a (wearing shirt),' and hlsbrother, Mall., 7, have a 1ieo1 lime leaping from giant sand p~ built ~P near 56th Street beach m Newport where U.S. Anny Corps of Engmeers Is bu.lldlng another 1n serief'bf groins designed lo ball beacb erosion. Olfictals bave warned that playing near construction silo can be dangerous and are asklnf beacb visitors lo beware. I" ... • Summer schOol began today ln most communities along the Orange Coast Jrith enrollment In IODle school di!trictl-a& lllgh u bOll the regular year studenll. Huntington Beacb Union HJclf' ~( Pialrict got • jutrlp .. ..ow IChOol 4liln1ti'.,, lllilthi( ·ial-wotll. i Summer teUkN will run from,_ to ....., ,,..kl with lludenls ~lly going lo IChool In lbe morning lind llOme ln the afternoon. • In Newport·Meu UnHled I ch. 0 I 1 enrollment w11 5,IOO out of 28,000 1tudenta durlna the rqular yur," a sum- mer reconl ror tho diltrlct. In Laguna Beach, about llO lludenls a~ up the flrtt d1y. The regulrar yeer enrollment b 1bolJI l,iOO. Only 10 pacenl ... . .. ....... '"------~·---~-------- are taking remedial work ; the rest stan· District, thlnks 1'lhe big lhin& ii' t,o, dard or acctlerated courses. re<tuc' t.htir re:qttlred ~.•> th:ey' c•n· Ocean View Ele!""\tary, holding Its lllce the (out ~..... h · _,,_J ./Int WQl!i,ef s.S.iml In a number ~r ~ r SU I~·· I ·i "\ ... ~, y.iri;.aiolled'l;fOO out ol 11000 t.gu!ar' year.' '• '~ _,1' ''. ~ ~ii. , , , : ' Art)ncreu1., ~bier ol, 1"111\ ,ochool' • <;Oi1Jr baH' tl!e 11,000 aiud<n\s In Hun. atudenls'lllo lr• ttklng "' ari<l¥il tfilitop B<acb High SchQol DIJlrlct were. , a 1tmeat<!r or nlott early by llkin1.ld·, attending summer achool. About, one tn vantage of sumrn~ aflerlnp. four ~ere taking remedial work. Anotller·reL'lon ii ~et ofCerinp not What.explains the rrowi{\& popularity a:tven durln1 tlle ft1Ul8r school year. of summer . achool? Ocean View's 1Uitar clau Ls an· a1mple. ' "Most kids go to summer achool Newport·~e&a 11 offtrlng !!plce aclence \ becau. .. (bey like It,•• aald Quinn Farnes, . and humanities lns\ltutei . \n which Olrector of swnnler scbool for Lal\IO•' r.l10lll oullldt lho'lchtol dlltrtct leeturt ' B<acb. o 1tud<nll. HunUnc\On llt11ch Hlth •of-°" lhe blkh ochool Jovel, Dr. Loren ren marine 'and fleld bioloiY for the Moll of the Huntington Beach Hl&h summer lludent only. . .. .... Works Is probably the most lmporluit i... dlvidual in t~nm • of ad'(ising ·com .. mlssloners. · •. Under the tentative Red·B~ route. Newport Boul-.yard will f'tTilaiD a primary local traffic tborou&bfan...and the old downtown busi~ area wiD ))Iv• a chance for internal redevelOP:"l~t. , Many mer~ants t.estified -dufinC jrJot public hearlna:s at local and ltl'te, ~vel thal lbe still-• question of ,~ tbe (S.. FREEWAY, Paie il • ' ' -' Judy Garland's Death Lin~d - To Drug Dosage WNOON (UPI) -Scotland Yard sources said today incomplete autol)sy findings indicate Judy Garland may have died from an overdose of drugs. (Earlier story, Page 4.). The 47·year-old singer was found dead Sunday in the bathroom· of her London ~ome. The London Evening News said a box of sleeping pills was found near her bod . ' . s~crtland Yard pathologist.!! cOnducted in'autopsy today to determine the ca'use of death but an official spokuman aid the findings would not be discloaed .unW.•' coroner's inquest Is held Wednesday. Further detailed. tests on several ~y organs were being carried. out after the autopsy apparently failed to pin down on visual examination why she died. The sources indicated the test.!! included those performed when drugs are suspect. One such test Is a complex blood analysis. €rash Kills Girl \ ' ' I RENVILLE, Minn. (UPI) -Laurie Lang,.ll,.Sac;ramento,.was Injured fatally_ Sunday night in a three-car crash on Highway 212 ~t RenviUe. · Cout Weather ,• ' ' . . The sun continues to sleep llU noon. and Tutlsday~s outlook calli for a contlhuaUon of 'the aame. Hazy mnShine wlll bring the1Jner. CW')' Into the low '10's aJons the coast. • INSmE TODA. Y The yt119'6 .bilck road • ..., a !'l'til kl lqnc!iMI! and. ~'P.flir, bil~ "~t-~,. ,doot'I. S•ncfav, Jkdy 'C.rlalld dcclartd •Iii. ~ f fnally /01<0d hoppln1u. Her 1to~ ii told on Page 4 todaw • ""'" .. -,. Cltlltr11ll • -" Claulhtl v.u == .. ._ .. " " , __ " ... ... -.. D ..... flllltlttt " --1>1f ........ 1 ""' • _,. ••a •111et111MM11t " --..... ·-"'n Tl~ " -1: -, A1111lllll4IWI -----.. ··-n • , • I ' 'flY I'll.bf H M°""11: '.1uni 2'· ltff ' . ---·· Boy Dies Off L8go,na • 1• ~ t I Growd W arches as Fr~nds Try.'.Resc1:M ~ , .. year<>ld Santa Ana boy drowned ..i,., 1e the. -........· • ••. l!IJ ·M -.. •· lotlia! I di <;roocent a.y In Laguna ~ach Sun-IU,..udtowenoethe~~ti.111Jlrdi .. '!!ttor the liod1; dia'lianor Patrol day II a crowd of beachgoers stood by had lo f1U1 around lbe· rocky base of the rtscue bo1t was dispatched !rom aad watdMd from the water'• edge. cliff to reach the site. N,ewport. Later, Laguna Lifeguard. LL I G.~ r There wero three guanla on the beach Ileen Wengaard and Sen Clemente Clipt Tba vk:tlm, Robert Newton ... uner, 0 at the ttme -two tn towers and another Phil Stubbs, in acuba e q u 1 Pm en t. 1ZM Borchard St.. wn atttmpUng lo "rover" checking for drinkera. 'Mie recovered the body. airtm to Seal Rock to join two friends guards, all experienced, were Steve 11le coroner'• report said the lnJUaJ 'Oben be went wider aboot IOO yant! Kn•uer, Paul Brinkman, and.Dan Henry. autopoy lhowtd drowning to be~ c:ause offllllx'e.., It Wu not known this morning !'ho was ci. dtt.th. However1 a toJ:lcologilt'1 report Illa body was recovered one hour and the fir,t guard oo the ocene. Ill l'Olldlni. 20 mlaut.el liter. The Orange County Oxuter'1 offlce reported the vicUm was wtati!1I jeam. Friends said he had work· ed. all night, and hadn't slept for many boun. "He was a rea1 good Nimmer -a surfer .. said F.ric Jarrell, 19, a friend of G•r, Jarrell ci. Anaheim, and Keith DanUon. 20, Gardner'• roommate, were oo Seal Rock watrhinl Gardn<r swim Bookmaking Defendant In LA Trial Murdered over. "Whoo be finl yelled !cir belp, Keith WU in lllch a huny to let to him, be fell di the rock and hurt hla leg pr<tty bad- ly," Jarrell aald. 0 So I started after htm. I'm not a very good 1Wlmmer, but I rea<bed him fJnl. Right after that Ketth got to b1m. ' "lie WU llfll coaacioul, tpjtiln& oul water," Jarfell conUnued. "He Aid, "Tate me uban'. But we couldn't. There mat have been aa wxlertow or tide -Jdn& qalnll UI. .. And the llOOl>le .. abore just llood !hare and witdiod us. Tbey trealed tt like . clraJI." ·Two a,.. old Anaheim boy& wf\. -the -'dmrnlnc from abova the bhlll • ..,._ twv pyl were In the water beldlq ..... ""*11 up," aold Jefl Donnan. "'llleJ ·_. ytJUni for abool, fin -I tlloulbl they were just faklna ct ~ Wbell I aaw they neecfoil. help, I nm down the cliff -my flu. "I IDI lo tho belch about --laW. Jull after I 1ot there, the tint Jll• lllard. with fllll and a floa~ lot ~ 'Ibo ll!apard wu real lot He had lo climb over all the rocb to set thert,u Dorman aald. ''There were about 15 people •tandln& around the edae, Just watchlq:," be ad- ded. ' Tbe olber boy, Rod Edwardl, aald the two tn the water were yelllq for belp for "ahout 10 mlnutel. Tben the IUl' went ,... . ci., and ftva lllinuW laUlr the twv camo Nbore. Tben tt wu five men mlnuleo blfort tbt Ufquardl came."- '-" Llfopanl LL ElipllO llePaulll aid that ..... the guarda""" -· tt took Nallout Oftt minute for them to nacb A SUpertor Coqrt biaJ or three men ae- Cllad ol boolanaldn& "" thrown Into coolusloii loday when the judge learoed that one of the defendants was shot and killed Saturday night In Loo Angelea. No de:d.llon hid been reached a prtu time on the future COUl'N of the P.......itnci but It appeared rouonably certain thel Judce Robert Rlclda wlll declare a mlltttal and set a new date for biaJ ol the remalnlq c!efendanta. . Loo All&eln pollce aald today they aro eont1mq their tnvtltipUoa of the ~ ol Emmett Alan Claard, cs, of llcrlb Hollywood .. POiice dwp Canard ril 11J111*1 iloi!!l b!' Nelda Duncan, II. ol Holl)olood ... Iba couple lrl\IOd In the PIRlnc lel-ol• dowalown rutaurant Olllcen aald Miu Dunc:an abot Canard --tn the chOll and then abot henell behr¥n the ey01. She had earlier plaaded sulllY In Orance County superior .From Page I FREEWAY •.• freeway would lie made thelr own future plana uncerllin. ' PrlmarUy apartment and single !amlly home developments lle in the propelled Newport Freeway path eipected for adoption, while ICbool dlltrict property and Colla MOii Park will be lplred. Court to bookmaking cbarles and wu to be sentenced Thursday. Canard had stood in court here Friday with Valentine Sargis James, 51, of 1.J>s Angeles and Sylvester Blake, 39, of North Hollywood u the first wett of their trial for fe!Ony bookmaking activities con- cluded. James and Blake wmi in court today vlalbly ahocked at the ctrcumrtanccs which ellmlnated their co-defendant from the trial. Newmie:n and the public were barred frun the courtroom lhll morning while Juctce Ricklea cooferred with proaeaiUnn and delente coumtl and district at~ tomey'1 ollldala .. the .... develop. menL Ruckus Erupts At C.ountry Club; Deputy 'Dunked' Five men, including three Lacunans, wen arrested Sunday after a aedate Sun4 day evening 1atberfnc at La11Una Beach Country Club erupted Into a wild free for all in whlcb the manqer and a sheriff's deputy took Impromptu dlpa In the swim· ming pool. the qa ol the water, and another IO -to a minute before they rtaebect tbt spat where ha went uncl~." ~ It'• about 11111 yardl from the water's COit ol the Jled.lllue poule la aallmaled al 18.7 mllllon for -and flU million for purdlue of rtahkl·WIJ Pl'> -· .... than the old alllnmenl, but leia. -ill million -·In lerma of - aervlce coil over the followint· Z.year Tbe riot broke oat about I p.m. and Jn. veallptlng olllom are 11111 trying to aort out details of the nic.lul. Tbey booked five persons on vlryinc chareea follow· in& a melee in which most of. the poolside ~'oniy alteraUon ln the.now.adopted fu~ Jdned the mana1er and the PaciUlc COut Freeway route poaed by dePlltJ'ln the troubled waten. selection of the altemato Newport • Held tn Oran(a County jail are Mark . ,....,,ay route "!!1: bt -., II\ ln-2._ .J T • A . .."I' lorchange for the tfO 1ra11i, arterln. ' IUJ, tme rOUna 'Both Harbor Area c!Ues hlove approved a route along lbe approslmW weal side M B T he or Superior Avtt1ue for the COJ1Unuailon ay e OUg r' of the Newport Ffuway. . The %.2--mlle lint scheduled fo# adoption , h C R le by the State Highway Commisilon next H ig ourt u s month runs from a point at the Newport WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Supreme Court ruled today that a convict who wins a new trial m11 be given a .Uffer Rn· ttnee the second time. Tbe 6-1 decision upholda the far4 reaching discretion of judges In imposing leDtence but requirts that they make clear the "COOJtituUonal legitimacy" of the incrused sentence. At the same time, the court ruled that a perton reconricted at a second b1al mmt be given credit on lbe new sentence for Ume alrtady served in prison under his or1glnal sentence. Justice Potter Stewart wrote the opi· nion with JusUces William O. Douglas and Tburgood Manhall concurring. Justice Byron R. White also concurred but stipulated he would have given judge! even more discretion In re.sentencing. JusUces Hugo L. Black and John M. Harlan concurred in part and dissented in port. DAllY Pll OT NAMM COU1 PUil 11MtMrt Cl»INili'f ••W N,Wffil ---_J1ck J. ~--__ '111111~ ........ ........ Boulevard and Bay Street intenectlon on to the Newport Beacll city limit The freeway route down to lhat point has already been formaJly adopted and no change ii COD&tmplated. Saddleback JC Budget OK Due Saddleba.ct Junior College District trurtees tonight will be uked. to adopt a tentaUve budcet of $2.a mllllon for nut school year, up from •1.s million for lhil year. The increase, according to Business ~tanager Roy Barletta, is due to an. ticipated increased enrollment nut year when sophomore student& will be added. Enrollment is expected to go up from 900 freshmen this year to 1,800 freshmen and sophomores next year. The proportion i1 very nearly the same as the budget increase with the proposed per student CO$t to go up sligbUy from ll,116 to 11,687. Bridge Expert Dies ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (UPI) Rusaell J. Baldwin, one of the nation's leading experts on contract bridge, died Saturday at the age of 70. (:arleloa M~us, II, 11503 Sllrowsbury ' Drive, Sodth Laguna ; Frederick Carl Balzer, 25, 40f Loma Terrace, Laguna Beacb; Rod1er Carroll Jones, 21, J431 s. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach; Michael Tiffany, 26, of Santa Ana and Loren Michael Singer, 32, cf San Francisco. McManua is charged with 111aplcton of resl!Ung arrest, rioting and failure to disperse from a riot scene; Balzer is ac- cused of assaulting a police officer and riotine; Jones ii chargfd wltb assault of • police offictr and rioUng; Tiffany and Singer face charges of resisting arrest, rioting and failure to disperse. Singer is also acaued of interference. Sherill's reporta indicate that the riot broke out when ciub manager Lucius Gates approached a group of poolsiJe celebrant& and voiced objections to the party they were staging. Gates finished up in the pool and was joined there a liWe later by Deputy E. J. McDowell, one of a group or aheriff'a of. ficers dispatched to the plush, wooded retreat. Officers claim that Jone.s and Balzer threw McDowell into the pool and that Jones also tried to grab an officer's gun and repeatedly struck deputy Glenn Thoma Clary in the back. Onassises in Capr i ISLE OF CAPRI, Italy (UP!) Aristotle Onasais and his wife Jackie ar- rived at Capri today aboard their yacht Christina. Tbey went Immediately to the home of friends, German-born Count Edward Bismarck and his American socialite wife, the former Mooa Wllllams. Wollles Beware American singer Doria Rose. 24, in Italy to meet film pr<>- ducers and improve her opera singing, makes it clear. she is to be admired only from a dis4 tance. She wou,ld appear to have only one problem-sitting down. F rom Page I VIETNAM •.. force must fight lts way put mines and booby trips and the frequent ambushes that have halted other supply efforts. The camp it.sell is located atop three small hills with a valley in beiween. The defenders have dug deep into the muddy earth under the const8J)t shelling and pulled their tanks in tighter to the defense perlmeler, stacking extra rounds near their cannon which fire back night and day. There are perhaps a dozen U.S. Green Beret advisers on one of the hills eight miles from the border of Cambodia and a U.S. art.illery unit on another. The women and children live in flin)ly lhacb on the edge of t1ie defense perlmeter. Communist casualties in fierce fighting In the area are placed in exceu of 1,500 sloce May I. 1be batUes hive coat South Vietnanaese forcts l&a de.ad and the Americans 40 dead. The pattern of Com- munl!t attack was not clear. About 12,000 Communist troop! moved Into Ill• <entral,blghlanda from.Clmbeilia .;;;;'··Li'o! last month, bu! It· "!Jl8ffil uncle1r whether they want ~ harUs or con~Uer. There are an unknown niimber of South Vietnamese In the area plus about" 450 mercenaries and about 200 ,Amertcan Green Berela. Until recently they had a small belipad in use just outside the gate to the cam p. .But the landing zone like everything else outaide the wooden gate 11 now no man~s land. The srupen have moved ln close and they shoot at anything that moves above the deeply dug bunker1. In today's flghUng the m~nariu who ~ive $43 a month from the U.S. Army thrtw back two Infantry attacks. They killed 34 North Vietnamese and suffered "light" casualties In their own ranks, military spokesmen reported. Laguna Officer ·Hurt in Crash Laguna Beach Motor Officer Don .Absh!er wu injured Sunday in a collision with an automobile in the 300 block of Crescent Bay Drive. Officer Abshier, 29, was taken to South Coast Community Hospital by Wind Ambulanct. He was released followlng treatment for a sprained ankle and bruls- ed elbow. A spokesman for the California Highway Pairol, said the policeman col· llded head-on with a car driven by Garman C. Jennings, 11, of 275 Fairview SL, Laguna Beacll. Patrol officer B. A. Hand said the ac-- cident occurred as Jennings p.1.lled into the opposing traffic lane to pass an auto- ~· parked near the ln1ersec\i9n. . t~ ..... 11:...,11 .... n. ... A w,,.,i.r., ~ll•Her , J.,.,., F. c.111., --State View ·s Harbor ClfJ ....... ...._ __ 1211 WMt l •lk 1 a..1,,.,,,, Mi111itt ~P.O,t..1 111,,t2UJ. --c.e. -...: .. w.t.., ...... L_._.,,m,_,,,_ I' •11a...,!••.._ A ssembly Committee to Hear Dissolution Bid Legislation which would dissolve the Orange County Harbor Dlstrid will be heard before a state assembly committee Thursday. Assemblyman John V. Briggs (R· Fullerton) author of the legi1laUon, uld · tht bill would transfer all reaponslbJlitits and assets of the dlJtrlct dlrecUy to the Orange County Boanl ol Supervt..,... A slm.Uar bill a..ulhored by lUig.1 last year wu defeated ln the Auembl)' Local Government Committee. Tbe bin'a h<arln1 croo.ly 1ou.,.. the recommendation of the Local A&ency FomiaUon CommlM!on (LAFC) to the county Boanl of Supervt1or1 thal the district be dissolved. The commiaJon recommended that a countywlde depart· ment of harbcn, parks and beachea be created. At the time ol the LAFC action, Auis· tant County Counsel Robert F. Nuttman said supervisors had two options. They could reject the recemmondatJon. or. if they accepted the committee's preJ)OIAI, it would U>tn be submitted to voters. Nuttmen said that since the dfstrlct ••• formed by popular vote In IN3 it must be dissolved by another lllCh vote. Jack Galvin, legialative uslltant to Briggs, explained that the hill ls designed to prevent fights between beacb c!U01 and the COIDlty aver the useta of the district. At the time of the bill'• flnt hearing be!ore the Local Government Commlllff, Aasemblyman John Knox (0.Rlchmood l, committee chalnnan, told supporters of the bill lbat loc1J acUon wu neceuary before the Leglalaturt could abollab the district. .Kno1 said that if the · LAFC recanr mended dissolution and then the Board of Supervitor1 rejected the pr o p o 1 a I , fssembly acUon on the bill waa then possible. Consequently, had the LAFC rejected the diSt10lutlon propo.sal, 1tate action could not be taken, Galvin uld. When the same question came before the Board of Suptrviaon last year, the board rejected the proposal, with only Suptr\'faor David Baker ln wpport. Galvln 111d that be again eipecla the board to reject the propoaal. AlthoUjjh Briggs' bUI coatainl no pro. vlso for a vote of the people to diUolve lhe district, Galvin 11ald Brigs would welcome such a vote. He prfJdlcted voterl would overwhe.lm.lngly accept the pro- posal. ._ .. -..... -..... = -..... --1" .... ' ....... ___ • More of a Meow " ·co·unty -Panther ·· .. t Meet Draws 50 ' A SUnday. rally that.had beto hailed In prt·mteUng pubUclty as a 1 • c: I a w sharpening" ror Orance County's Black · Pal)tbfr1, turned ®t lq be as menaoJni. 0¢ tuH ol potential violence as a purring la!!J>y cd1. .. Fewer than SO persons were on hand Sunday in Santa Ana's Prentice Pai-k to bear P:anther spokesmen allege before an apparentlj" unentbuMUtlc aitditnce that Daniel Michael J,.ynem was innocent of lb~ kill!ng of Santa Ana police ofHcer Nelson Sassctr.' Declaring that Lynem had been fram- ed, Panther spokesman Joan Kelly urged picnlcklng Panthers to wort towards "community control of the Santa Ana pig department" -the colorful Panther descripUOQ of the city's police force. Miss Kelly, as!iatapt communJcaUons director of the millatant Negro organiza. lion, accused police of Ignoring evidence that Lynem, 27, was ''no where near the scene of the shooµng of the rookie of the year" l~t June 4. She claimed that Lynem , who goes on trla1 July 2 in Superior Court. "was Jn a n o t .h e r residence at the Ume.'' Jn a speech that was liberally studded with obscenities, Miss Kelly predided thi reJea,e of Lynem and 'told her .audience that the accused Panther would be ti~ of murder cbargd. H~ should then, Mils Kelly urged the ealberlng, be wtlcomecb as the group's leader in--Or- ange County. A frequent "target or Miss Kelly was Santa Ana Police Chief Edward Allen who was d'escribed as a "typical facist.s'' and the "leader of the reactionary forces that art seeking to e1ecute Mike (Lynem) without any semblance of a fair triaJ." Also played at the meeting was a speech recorded by Eldridge Cleav~. a "l!lack Panther who has now found refuger in Cuba. Cleaver, no less adverse" to the use of colorful and descriptive lat1.guage, urged the organitation to coritinue Its . fight for the overthrow of white supremacy and fa scism. Newsmen were warned Sunday by Panther leaders j.hat they had "better stay in the background and keep quiet." One reporter Wa"S thieatened \l.'ith violence if he attempted to use his camera. Sadism Club Convictions Reversed by High Court WASHINGTON (AP) -Tbe Supreme Court today summarily reversed the con- victions on lewdness charges or two persons arrested by police In a raid on a New Jersey sadism club. The high court agreed , In a brief 6-2 opinion, to review the convictions of the two defendants, and simultaneously reversed those convictions, holding that the search and seizure procedures follow- ed were con.rtitulionally invalid . The unsigned opinion noted that JustiCi!s Byron White and Hugo L. Black dissented from the majority action. The two defendants, Monique Von Cleef and James Albert Beard, had been convicted for lewdenss offenses. Miss Cleef was sentenced to four months in jail and fined ll,000, Beard was fined $500 and given an 18-monlh probated sentence. Appealing; they, claimed an un- canstitut.ional search bad been made of the Newark, N.J., club: .-· , The arrests were made by . the -Esie~ county sherUf's o£fic~ lii the 16-room col· onlal-type home In which Beard and Miss Von Cleef lived. A detective had an ar- rest warrant, but the appeal claimed the warrant was lnvaUd. In the course of the raid, the appeal said, the officers seized 4,500 pieces of personal correspondence, two filing cabinets and a flle drawer containing about 2,000 namea and addresses, ~-cigar bo1 containing 200 applications for membership in the "Flair Club" and more than 200 photographs. Miss Von Cleef and Beard claimed, througb attorneys, lhai this sort of "general, ei:ploratory search'' is forbid· den by t.he federal Con.s:Utution. Besides, they questioned "whether an act of pun- ishment, committed. "between two con- senting adults, in private, can be made ERtering New Era crimlnal." The convictions were affirmed Jut July by the appellate cllv:ision of the Superior Court of New Jersey. The state supreme court rejected. an appea1 last September. The Supreme Court said Monday It had "no hesitation in concluding that the ac- tion of the police here in combing a thrff-o story, IS.room house from top to bottom and carting away several thousand papers, publications, and other Jterns cannot under any view of the 4th Amend- ment be justified as 'incident to arrest.'" lt said that such mass seizure of evidence was beyond the laDction of any previous cases. Tustin Man Wallis l\~~Y. Fr om Crash: Of Small Plane Ernest Pegau, 5.1, 13061 Wreath Place, Tustin, walked away from a plane "crash . en a San Diego County mountain pellk Sunday. Pegau, along with pilot James K. Pol'k, 40, 4201 La Concetta, Yorba Linda and passenger Patrick J. Trudel, 57, Chino, escaped serious injury in the crash nf a Cessna 172. Pegau was admitted to Mercy HospltAI In San Diego after treabnent of a broken wrist,. and Polk required seve ral stitche.s to cloSe a gash on his scalp. Trudel com- plained or bac'i: pains. The trio were heading toward Baja California for a fishing trip when the plane developed engine trouble and pilot Polk crashed landed the plane. President Nixon, fianked by retiring Chlel Justice Earl Warren (left) and the U.S. Supreme Court's new chit! jusUce, Warren E. Burger, appears pleased after his precedenl·settlng address lo court du.ring swearing In ceremonies today !or new chief justice. Story on Page 4. 17 ' . 17 ' . .. • • C..ta. Hesa . . ' • ..,., .. .,.,. ..... N.Y. St.Hk• . ' • • • YOl:. 62, NO. '14?, 3 SECTIONS, 34 l>A&ES ORANGE CO UNTY, l:AllliOR.NIA - JEN CENTS 'I, Newport, Mesa Officials Hail . F·reeway P.J~ Fonnal deslsnaUon of the a&<:alled Red-Blue Newport Frttway route looping out thrOugb Costa Mesa's west alJe ls on- ly Uitte weekl •away, a~ding ~to tbe State Highway Commission. Members of tbe PIM1 said they will of. ficially adopt the alternate .route at their July 16-17 meeting in San Diego, at the windup of a lite-running meeting niurs.. day in Fresno. N ew1 of .the route ado.Plion _ recom· mended by bolh Newport . Beai:b and DAILY PILOT Stiff ..... GRIM JOB OPF LAGUNA Orow'ning at Two Rock Point Beachgoers See Sa1ita Ana Boy Dro wn at Laguna A 19·year-old Santa Ana boy drowned Oil CmcenLBay,ln Laguna Beach Sun- day as a crowd of beachgoen stood by and watched from the water'• ed1e. c .. is Mesa city ofllclals and civic leaden earlier lhll year bl:ou&bt jubilant comment over thl~wetkend. "l ·would 11.y the COD)lnia&ion baa followed tba-City,CounciJ'a request in two ways: coin& alanc with ~ route we voted !or and nlainin( the ~tclllc Coast Freeway alignment," Uid Cotta Mesa Mayor Alvin L. Pjnkley. "We are very happy," he added. "I am very pleased and I think it will he beneficlal to ~ve.k formally adopted as aoon ~ poulble~" ,.\d Newport Beach Mayor Doreen Manllall. Mn. Manbail said a telegram notl· lying city ofllclals ol the informal Roule 55 adoptioo eip1'ins tbal any publlc qen- cies which wish to JM1 uk (or another open heari~ oo the r.hojce. She added ~t t1iis seems un- neccmsary-and unUtely, since botb cities had fonnally appruved the Imminent selection, )'hich ii the fll"thmt west among four possible routes. Action by the Stsle lllghway ·Com· minion is ezpected 'to close tbe question ol just where the 1.2-mlle stretch of freeway to be built in the ·m.Jd-1970s will actually go. • Comrillsslon O\alrman Ernest J • Cristina said after the tentative adoption Thursday that the pane.lrwas actµtg u . advised by Harbor AleJ. city officials and lhe moJorfl1 ol private cltlRns. Some homeowners-who1 will be forctd to relocate at state HpeMe -includlna: Viets Hit Siege South Troops Battle to Supply Line SAIGON (UPI) - A for<e of ·500 Soulh Vietnamese troops struck. out today from the besieged U.S. Special Forces camp at Ben ffet to try·to battle their way to Dak To, eigbt miles lo the ea.st, and open a supply lllUle lhroull> the·Commlllliat-held mowitains. The siep or lien .ffet ,(n the central highlands 285 miles north of Saigon bu been under way for •1 days. Today the Communilts shelled the Green Beret camp or the 20th , C0111eCUtlve day and launched two ground attacks which were beaten off. U.S. BS2s smothered t h e mountain peaks around Ben Het with a million tons of bombs today and shortly afterwards the relief force set out from the camp to try lO open the single ·lane paved road which ruhs through the jungles to Dale To, itself a bloody batileground in the past. All' suppliet for Ben Het are airdropped by U.S. Air For<e CIA Cariboua for tho 'Glad It's Not Here' Pop ·Eestival Violence . . . ;'fgp:g 4elliS M_esa S.tnnd . • • • '4 V~lence al Iha N._t '9 p0p feallval In Ille San P"mWld6 ValkJ toc101 -noW by t-. moot vocal public critic of the 11168 version, which bn>ulhl 100,000 penons to Costa Mesa. Mayor Alvin L. Plnkley'1 statement strongly "hinted ' that rioting by gat~ crashers at DevonAhlre Do w n s st.rengthens tuture •rguments against 3taging -any event like it in tht Harbor Arel. "The mayor is ertremely pleated that it wasri't In Costa Mesa," he said follow· Jng news rtporls of problema encountered by police at the Loi Angeles County event. Other obsevets ol the city pollt1cal scene suggested the Incidents which left scores of persons injured and under ar• rest would toughen any local con-- sideration of such _productions. · The Newport '69 fiesta fealuring top rock and soul music arUsts was staged by the same grot!P whose !11aiden ve.nture into the field resulted In the' Orange • County Fairgrounds debacle last August. Councilmen just three weeks ago con· sidered allowing Community Concert! Inc. of Newport Beach to stage a major pop'music fativat during August at the local faclllly. Du.cton ol the 32nd Dlatrlcl Agricultural Aaaociallon'1 Orange County Fair-Bolld had alrudy voted approval for the two-dar show, which promoter NEW YORK (AP) -The atock market Willialll 11. t.i;.n tailored lo oaKly Ill l!ilt~ -. ., • · Tappan withdrow hll r.quesl d1irln1 a lengthy city council bearing, ralher than risk being turned down for the firat time since he has been ltagins musical pro- ductions. He saJd he did not want such a denial on his. ~rd and the musicale bas since been shifted to showgrounds in Santi., Barbara. 2nd Time Around May Be Tougher , Hi gh Co urt Rules W ASlllNGTON (UPI) -Tht Supreme Court ruled today that a convict who wins a new trial may be given a stiffer sen· tence the second time. The 6-2 decision upholds the far· reaching discretion of judges in imposing sentence but requires that they make clear the "constitutional legitimacy" oC the increased sentence, At the same Ume, lhe court ruled that a per1011 reconvicted at a second trtal must be given credit on the new sentence for time already served in prilon under his original sentence. JulUce Potter Stewart wrote the opi· nlon with Juatlces Wllliam O. Douglas and Thurgood Marahlll concurring. defenders, who occupy thrte bills that make up the camp with TOO women ud children, tMir dependents,· who bt teven wounded in today 's ~. Tbe roed~ are boobytiaPP"d and l>Uvy 'llinfire'bt 1,IOO North vretnamae 1n Ille .,... roundlnc hlUa prevenl · bellcilpter W>- dinis. The relief force bu mide COft1act wttb Communist g.r o u.ti d forces but the •Itenl of fighting wu oot y.t l<iiowo: 'Ille fllee VIETNAM, hp ·11 · Did · Overdose l • • • Of Drugs Kill J . d G 'I ' d? u_ y ,. ar ~, .• -~!~1 ~ . . aal4''~ ·~ ' = Wic~vq Qi\t.od J; ~ died ilUfil' ""~·~ .. ,._ • .P111 t)1 • (:;, .... , ..•. '· .• ·~~ . , I 1"be 47·,....ld •lnl" waa lomid dead. Sunday · In, tloe I~ :ol her· I;on;lon home.·Tll&•Londoft ·Evenfnl.N"" Aid.a box of sleepina pilla was found neat ber body. Scotland Yard palhologlsts ....iuctOd an autopsy today to determinf: tM ·cau1e of death · but · mi: olflclal spoke&mlll uid the finding• woold not be "d.l.sclotld WlUl a coroner'1 lnqueat la held Wecme.ja1. · Further detatled test! on 1evetil body organs were being can"ied o<rt' l&r the autopty 1pparenUy failed to pin' down on visual examination why the ' died. The source1 lndlcsled the tests included thOse performed when drugs are suspect, One such test ii a complea blond analysis. ' Tustin Man Walks Awa y From Crash Of Small Plane Emes~ Pegau, 5.1, 13061 Wreath Place, Tustin, walked away from a plane crash on a San Diego County mountain penk Sunday. Pegau, along with pilot James K. Polk, 40, 42lll La Concetta, Yorba Linda. and passenger Patrick J, Trudel, S7, Chino, escaped seriOUJ injury in the crash of a Cessna 172. land purchue cost and moving ~ -are naturally opposed to the Reil-Blue route aelection. A NeWpart Fret'fa)'~ alignment down exlstinc Newport BouJeYard wu chosen in !Hf, but dlanJlng area development led the state to reopen the quest.ion as ~ qu~ by Newport, Belob and Costa M.., lead'!'-, .The ..... -ii allo.rec:ommtnded l>y State lllghway EnglMer · Joliri A. Lei•r' ra, alJhouih the Stale ·Dlrector of Public Enieri · : · · Nilv .Era · · · : " ~"""" ... ,_;, .. ' ..,, : . . ' ·: . . . . . . . . . President Nlxon,•.flanked ,by reUring:Chief ·Justice Earl Warren ·.(left) ahd the 1U.S .. Supreme1 Court's new .chief justice, Warren E. Burger, appears ·pleased afte• his precedent-setting address to court dbring &Wearing in cer!moni1s. today -for new chief justice. Story on Page 4. ' . . ' .. •M,9vie House Main Feature . ' . . . .. At ·PI~g: Com~ssion . A zone appllcaUon permJt for a 500-seai movie house top& the Costa Mesa Plan- ning Commlaalon agenda· tonight, but ac· lion ii ex~ lo be delayed pending further iitudy. , their reaction "to the 'mOvie b:Nae pro. .posal, aa· well. as · a suryey of· oUter lheater.s owned by lhe chain. . The agenda for ' Uie council session 'shows mosUy roUUne items. Tbe panel's regular · m~lng opens at 7,30 p.m. In City Councllcbimbers, while CHECK THE . ADS the couni:ll convene! at the !lame time for an adjourned meeUng ln 'the nearby co~~ '·:;·.;--:.· m .. t obvious matters re-FOR FO URTH F~TE quiring further talks before the Morco Some DAU. y PILOT readers are going Jnvestmenl Co. application to · build. a to enjoy an ·exciijng toarth cl 1 J'uly theater at 1$85 Harbor Blvd .. comes up fireworks show free., for hearfng la parking facllltiea. The intended site ol the theater ts near If your name appears in tbe classified the buay Harbor and Newport boulevards advertisilll columns of the DAILY inter!eCtk>n and the flnn requut.a 00 on--PILOT thil;week, you wm receive ~ site Parkirig ·raclliUes be. required.. · , Ps:!".,1 atlO, ,!h~~,t!~ J~~:= Slaff employes recommend holding tJie , , . , -'~ The victim, Robert Newton Gardner, of 1234 Borchard Sl, was attempting to iwim to Seal Rock to jolli two friends when he went undtr about 100 yards ofisbore. His body was recovered one !KKfr and lO minutes later. The Orange County COnlllef'• cilllce roport<d the vlcllm waa wWbl jeonl. Friends Uld he had work- ed all nlcbl, and hadn~ slept for man1 bow'I. ' was )olted to another Joss today as con- tinued concern over tight money aoln -· roport<d wefg!iing k down. (~ ~lionl, p-11-1$). Trading will fairly actlve near the eJo. ee. Tbe Dow Jones i:ndustriaJ averaae at 1:30 p.m .• WU oil I.Ill at Ill.II. JuaUce Byron R. While also c:oocumd but lllpulated he would hive given Judies ettnJnore dllO'etion in rea:entencin1. .Jllsllea Hugo L. Black and John M. Pegau was admitted to Mucy HOlpiW In San" Diego after tieatment of a ·broken wrist, and Polk required several stitches to close a gash on hb scalp, Truda! -- plainectol.lloctj>aina., ' Tht trio were beOdtas toward llal• California fOI' 1 filNnl trlp ~D lhe plane developed engine lrouble and pllot Polk crashed landed ~plane. appllcition for their July 1 itudy se!IS:i.on ,obligation ~ YO?J' ~ ~. , 1 and a confer~ with Morco Investment Check the DAILY P~ cla•lfied Co. necuti,"8, wlth,acUop July 14 at the section each day. U you finit your nude, -·1-i .. ...._ _ _.._ are a winner,· . ' ~'"'9~~ _...,., .. ~,\-· -you -·~ -Otbor.· t_,nendatlonl,. Include • a · • ' llW'Vey of downtown bullnessmen for "He was a real good nlmmer - a smfer,"' said Eric Jarrell, 19, a•ftlend of · Gardner, Jarrell of Anaheim, and Keith Damion, 20, Gardner'1 roommate, were ot1 Seal Rock watching Gardner swim • over. "Wben he first yelled for help, Keith was in such a hurry lO get to him, he fell off the rock and hurt bJJ lq pretty bad· lYi'' Jarrell said. 11So I staded after him. J'm not a very 1ood swimmer. but I reached him finl Right after lhal Kellh 101 to him. "He was still conscious, spitting out water," Jarrell conUnued. "He Aki. 'Take me uhcre'. But we couldn't. 1bere mllll have been an wxlertow or Ude worldn& qaillll ua. "Aad lhe people on lho<e jUll llood ~ onci walched us. Thty trealed k like • clrcus." Two !&-year old Anaheim boyl wit. ......S lhe drownlq from above lhe bluff. '"The• two IU)'I were In the wattt holdinc solll<body Ufl," aald JeftDorman. '"The.y wen yeillng for about five minutes. J thought they wtrt jUlt faktnc « aomethlni. When I saw they needed (Seo DROWNING, 1'l(e I) ,, Harlan concurred in part and dJaen.ted in part. Summer-Learnin' Is Easy Piine Crashes In ,Miami Stree t MIAMI (UPl)-The. Federal Aviation Admlnistraation !FM) NI~ a Domini· can Airl.lnts DC;4 cargo plane with lhrff School Gaining in Popularity Alon g Coast ·=!'liO:':ri".k~g~;.'~~ .. ~1':1- summtr IChool '-an today In most are taking remedial wor•·, the real sta.. rn~~~ thl • .,,._ bl thing la ,._ ' ing al Mliml'• lnt.maUonal Airport. · -e " Mori\;'-• n.s I.lie I • 11'e ;FM 11ld .thf faur 'engine prop communltlea along the Oranp Coast wllh dard or acc.leraled counea. reduce their r.qulred couraes so they can plane crashed In a buol..., dlstrlct of ~~ ~ ~ •• ~.=·as n:":::m~"r -~~~ :::i:. l~ take other ""'""' during t be rtplar , the nonheastalde or ~.airport. Although ...,, ··•-•-,,_ ~· l""·" · . ~ were · no ~nned, l'<J'Ol'IS of lluDtiolten 8-h Union Jillb School year1, enrolled l,500 out of 11,000 rtaWar An '-··•·• number of """ acllOOI · dfatll, alhnllable ambullnCa·ln Miami Dillrtd got a Jinn!> on other 1Cboo1 )eara lludenta. ·~ -.. _ . ....,. • · ,,_ med lo io. to lhe :.C-. -by a1a1foc !eat -.IL Over ball tho 11,000 lludenll In HUn-. atudenla allo are workin1 on .,-in1 The FM· aahf Ibo ~ wu maidJ)g S"PMIC -wUI run !tom lout.Id UflClon Beacb Hieb School Dlstricl were a aemeater or _men <ar1Y .l>f takln1 ad· an -.,ency landlng wt>On one o1 Its ,.... -Wllh -....,ally •-nc aummer ICbool. AtiOuf -In •antaa~ <If -ollerlnp. lour' •"llMI quit and · &nQtller "'Ple ..... to a:bool Ill tba maniing and home four W<n takfnc ttmedlsl work. Another ruaon Is awn111tr ollarl ... not bunt Into n...... · ' In tho _,_,, li'bol nplalna tba' srowlnc popularit1 givan dq lhe -1ar a:bool r-. · · ' In Newport.M• Unified I c b. 011 or ........ a:bool! °"'!• Vlew'11ullar clw la an mmplt. . enrollment wu l,IDll out o1 21.000 "Moat kida go 1n sum-ICboot Newpof!·M-1s ol.ferlng IPICO ~ Crash Kills Girt ::::.m""'l::J:J?:i':t.t.l"'•aaum-=~~=-r::r.:.~ ·~u:~tbo~~~ -Ri!MLLE, Minn. (UPi) -Lauri• Jn Lq(ma .Beacli, Jl>ouf' 114 atlldenll Bea<b. -~ ~ • to lll!'f'l'IL ~ 9eoch lll8b ol· LanJ, II. 8ocr11D111to,,11io lnjll'e.UataUy '"""' up lhe flrll 1t11. The "'Jlllsr 1ear On U.O hlCll !!chool leyel, Dr. Loren Im mart•• ml ~eld ~. !or tba • !!\ift\1'1. m.111 In • Jhr_,, ctaah• oo enn>llment la about 1,900. Only 10 percent Moll of I he Huntington B.,.ch High summer student only. Hlghway·112 at Renville. . I ' ' Weafller The ~un continun ~ to 1leep till hoon, and Tueaday's · ouUoot calla. ror •a continuaUon or the . same. Hazy sunghine will bring the mer- cury inlo lhe low 70'1 along tho coast. INSIQE TODAY • The 11tUot0 brick. road "°' o J)C.th. to !°"'Un.cu and derpair, bwt b•ftw• ker tUtUA SU11dav. · Judy Gorland d«clarcd 1114 Md ,finallv found happlM11. H.r 1tor11 ir told OK Pogc 4-&odow. .... IJ......... .. ~ I...... It ~~ 17.JI ....... ....,. .... _,_., It , ~,C..-, II tls•wSJ4 11 ,,,._ ...... M o.1111 flMtlrrtrl It .... .... 1t-l1 ....... ,... . .... " .. -tJ:~.: =-~ ........ H 1t ·~ " :.:::·. ' .; L.._. II • • I DA!lV .PILOT c ' ::\ State Views · Harbor . -A•mbly Committ.ee to &a,r .D~lution· Bid Leaiallilon which woukl dissolve the Om1lf County Harbor District will be beard before a state assembly committee Tltm'oday; ADemblyman John V. Briggs (R- Fbllerttn) aulhor of lhe legislation, said the biD would transfer all responsibilitiu aud _.. ol the dlatrict directly to the Clnnit COirnty Board of Supervisors. A ~ bill auOiored by liriggs last year was defeated in the Assembly Local GOvmment Committee. to -llPll ~ lliicli iliit 1ntf the ...,.1y 0\'11' tho uioll tif tho district. At lhe Ume or 1he bill's. fin\ heiring before the Local Government Committee, Assemblyman John Knox (O.Rlchmond l, committee chaiff!lln, told supporters of the bill that local action was necf:911ry bef<lf'e, tbe Legislature ~uld &boll.lb the diltricl l\nOS uid tbat il Ille LAFC reci>m- mended dissolution and then the Board of Supervisors rejected the p r o p o s a I , assembly action on the bill wu then pc>5iible. Ill~ ~Jti~ "= could not be taken, Galvin said. When the same question came be!ore the Board of Supervisors lasl year, the board rejected the proposal, with only Supervisor David Baker in support. Galvin said that he liain ezpects the boanl to reject Ille proposal. Although Briggs' bW contalna no pro. viso for a vote oC lbe people £o dlssOlve the district, Galvin said Briggs would welcome such a vote. He predicted voters would overwhelmingly accept the pro- posal. .. '11-bill's hearing clo&ely follows the recominemauon af the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFC) to the caunty Boord ol Supervisors that Ille dlltricl be dissolved. The commlasion 1ecmhneuded that a countywide de:pll't- -ol lwl>on, parks and beaches be cruled. Heseian Ordered to Jail Al the time ol the LAFC action, A!ri•· tad. Ccunty Caumel\Jlobert F. Nuttman aald aipenilo!I haQ 1wu-op11ons. They could reject t!ie recemmondation, or, if they accepted the committee's proposal, It would then be submitted to voters. For Year Old Vengeance Nutlmu II.id thlt since the district .. woi formed by -1lf vote In 1933 II -lie dlalolved by another such-· Joel: Gilvin, teclllaUve uslJtant to Brlat, uplaln<d that Ille bill ls designed DROWNING. • • Nearly one ~.ar after a vengeance raid . at the ~ of a former bozer matched unequally with a Hessian motorcycle club member, the fourth ccnvidad participant bu been ordered to jail. Philip C. "Filthy Phil'" Cerasco, 21, of 19402 Jerrilyn Lane, HunUngton Beach, must aerve sh: months in Orange County Jail and pay a $1,250 fine or else do an additional 100 days' time. Ceruco wu convicted earlier thla year of IDlult andJ>lttery alld filed 1n appeal help, l ron clown Ille cllll wtlll 1111 fins. whleb wu -,.jected, can· "l f!l to Iha belch abc'1t three minutes cdlnc· hll ·llaJ. fl eUCutton on Judge lllor. Jllll lllter I IOI Ibero, the lint ur.. Cllvln P. Sdunldt'1 lelllence. _.i; wllh fins llld 1 lloal, IOI Ibero; Ha wu ~last Tburaday. Tbe llfecuard wu .real fut. He had to Three other Hrallana were convicted dimb owr all the rocb to 1et then,.. (or tbe ll'flle POI assault on former -aald. Golden <lkma bozlng champ Robert "Tbn were 1boat 15 people standin& ... (llalar> JO, In I ftll-planned visit to hi! around Ille ..... )1111 Wltcblng •• ht "".· ....... al 1111 PlacenUa Ave., last A'll""· ded. ' ' A number ol others were arreatefi for quest"""na In connection with the 2S-man '11le o1ber boJ. Jlnd Edwanll, .said the fony Jed by Frank W. "Wild Mouse" ~In the water Were 1ellln& for,~ for Rundle, 24, now servir11ODJto10 years in lboat 10 minutes. 1ben the guy ....al..,. pri-ftr waull wllll Intent to conurut dtr, and five m1nutea later the two came mwder ubore. Then 1t wu five more minuter RuodJ°e: a former mental paUent before tho Ufqunla came." > . llleiedfy' Jangled w!lll Glader In a ba; Laguna Ul_.i Lt. Ell&W DePlulll brawl tho -k before the Aug. 30 attack said thal-tbo guards ..... -. It . toot·---f0<themtoracb ~ .. ~=.n.-~~ Fullerton Girl tbo ......... bl wen! under." .:-:-:::..=,:-~ Out of Hospital llflpird"""" ... tho budL Llf_..ta =~::m":"'.:8roctJbaaeo1111e Aher Car Crash ,,,,.. ..... -guards ... the belch ' ' ' II tbo - -two In towen and another A Fullerton girl was releued from "tonr" d>ackmc for driiiten. .Tb~ \lloq Memorial Jloepllal tod,,j ~r ..-_ 111 ezperleoced, were ~-treatment for ~ suffered s.wnta,. KnaQer, Paul Br1nbnan, Md Dan Henry. when she was thrown from a car in a lt was not known this morning who was rear-end colliliob at a Costa Mesa. in· the first guard on the scene. tenecUon. ~ While the guards made an initial Rebecca A. MarCon , • 16, of 2519 search for the body, the Harbor Patrol Coronado Drive, suffered lacial lacera· rescue boat was displtched from lions and a fractured band in the accident Newpcrt. !Alter, Laguna Ufeguard LL which also injured two other girls. Dun Westgaard and San Clemente Capt. Pamela A. True!dell, 16, of 1812 w. Hill Phil Stubbl, in scuba equipment, Ave ., and ChrlsUna L. Fidrtner, 18, of 301 ncovered the body. N. Concord Ave., both Fullerton ad· The ~roner's report said the initial dresses, were treated and released after autopsy showed drowning to be the cause the 9 a.m. collision. • cl. dea~. However, a toxicologist's report Police said they were aD riding 1n a car is pending. driven by Vtrl.lee T. Thomp!On, 15, of 807 Cleaners Cleaned In $1,977 Heist Seal Beach police today are looking for suspects involved in a weekend burglary which emptied a cleaning establishment till of $1,977 in cash and checks. According to Sgt. Sam D' Amico, the burglars pried open the rear door of the Rossmore Cleanert1, 1244 Los Alamitos Blvd., between midnight and 8 a.m. Soturdoy. The early morning heist followed an at· tempted burglary 1t the cleaners Friday, when Seal Beach police apprehended a juvenile as he was trying to break the DAllY PILOT ~· CQl..\t PUI\ lltUMO COUAWI l•Mft N. Wn4 -.. - W. Baker Ave., Fullerton, when the brakes failed as the southbound auto ap- proached lndu.strlal Way on Newport Boulevard. Motorist Vernon L. SWinney, 30. of 20041A Cypress Ave., Santa Ana HeJghts, escaped injury when the Thompson auto struck his as he waited for the red .traffic light to d\ange. A Santa Ana man escaped with minor Injuries early Sunday, when a car driven by his roommate collided with another on a Costi Mesa curve and overturned. Joe D. Wilson, 27, of 2049 S. Oak st., was treated at Orange Courity Metllcal Center for an arm injury and shattered glass was removed from his eye. Police said he was riding with Barney C. GuUerrez, 19, on Bristol Street just north of Newport Boulevud at 2:10 a.m .. when the GuUerrez car collided with another Gutierrex was attempting to pass. The other motorist, Charles D. Harris, 27, of 20372 S. Birch St., Santa Ana, escaped injury whe:n the Gutterrez car clipped the rear corner of his auto. and was convicted of shooting the victim in the face . Covering his eyes in terror, Glazier caused the slug to ricochet from a knuckle bone, but he was al!O belten and slashed with motorcycle challis as his family watched helplessly. Telephone wires to the apartment unit had been cut prior lo the Hessians' mass entry, preventing anyone from calling police to 1et help. From Pqe l VIETNAM ... loroe IDUll lilbl ill woy put mines and booliy trapo and the frequent ambu'11es that have halted other supply efforts. The camp ijseJf is located atop three small hills with a valley in between. The defenders have dug deep jnto the muddy earth under the constant shelling and pulled their tanks in tighter to the defense perimeter, stacking extra rounds near their cannon which fire back night and day. There are perhaps a dot.en U.S. Green Beret advllen on one of the hil!J eight miles from the border of C&mbodia and a U.S. artillery unit on another. The women and children live In flimly sh.aw on Ille edge of the deferwe perimeter. Communist casualties in fierce fighting Jn tbe area are placed in ezcess of I 500 since May S. The batUes have cost &uth Vietnamese forces 168 dead and the ~merfcans 40 dead. The pattern of Com- munlJt attack was not clear. About 12,000 Communist troops moved Into lhe central highlands from Cambodia and Laos last month, but it remains unclear whether they want to harass or conquer. There are an unknown number of South Vietnamese in the area plus a)>out 450 mercenaries and about 200 American Green Berets. UnW reooitly they had a small helipad in use just out.aide the gat.e to the camp. But the landing zone like everything else outsJde the wooden gate is now no man's land. The snipers have moved in close and they shoot at anything that moves above the deeply dug bunkers. In today 's fJghUng the mercenaries who receive $'3 a month from the U.S. Army threw back two infantry attacks. They killed 34 North Vietnamese and suffered "light" casualties in their own rank s, military spokesmen reported. Huntington Man To Head Alliance \Valter F. Young, Huntington Beach, has been appointed pledge ca m·p a i g n manager for the NaUonal Alliance of Businessmen to find jobs in private businesses for the unemployed. Young, manager of employment at McDonnell·Douglas Astronautics, is on loan from the firm to work full time for NAB's Orange County program. The purpose of NAB is to remove the unemployed and disadvantaged from the welfare roUs on a princple of hiring first, then training and retraining. T!itm•t Ktinil f.•* TiitM•• A. Mw,M111 INNtllll' EcllW for Beauty c..--lJO Wt1l l1y lilr11I M•Ui~t Miil•tu: P.O. lo• 1160, t2•2• --......... "'"''" nu wn1 ....... litvle...,. u-9'«:~, m '-" ,_,. Mllllll .... IMdl;. jtt\ ..... Mi.ss Newport's a Scholar, Too A straight·A student ·with a IO-year background in classical piano, straw· berry blonde Christina Rebard, 16, reigM today as Miss Newport Beach . Ecstatic, the 16·year-old Newport Harbor HJgh School senior-to-be, won over a field described by judaes Friday night at the annuai Commodotta Ball as "beauUluJ, highly talented and all worthy of the Cl1lWD." 1.tore than 400 persons packed the Balboa Bay Club's ballroom for the an- nual Newport Harbor Chamber o( Com· merce ball. which raises funds for sevual other annual chambtt event! in the Harbor Area. llarry Babbitt served 1s m:ister or ceremonies ror the candidele tntt:rvlewr at the mldway point ot the evenLnc. . Christlna and her escort, Rula Johneon. both btaming, 'ltarted the· ewn:tnr• dlir clna: soon afttr the queen w11 aelected. The new Miss Newport performed a ... classical piano selection for her talent conLrlbUtion to the contest. She. appeared last on th.e program packed with songs, conversations and a modem dance number by the ruMers-up. On Sunday MW Rebard received lh• first lesson of what it's like representing the city when she served u h06tess for the Jaycewponsored fund-raising eventa for the Susan Muse kidney fund tn Newport Beac:h. "She did • really great job. We made a wonderful cbolce," said Jaycee president Bun:h Pickett today.. The Jayceu also sponsored the stlec- llon of Ille queen. The chamber's Cam· mOOort1 Club arranttd the ball. The runnen up fn the contat were Marty Moore, Boonie Burke, twins Cl1<1l and Nancy N1ptune and SW:le SU.uh. The hrin1 entered u one ·contestant. Mtos Rebanl, wbo will -be a Harbor !Ufb ~ifolly cheer1eailer nexl rtU, 15 Ille daughter cf Mr. •nd Mr1. Aubrty Rebard, W'"1<llff nsldenls. • -I_,. • ·-• -• -• - -~ • • -• _, "'----_r T --, -• -• Wolves Beware American singer DOria Rose. 24, in Italy to meet film pro-- ducers and improve her opera singing, makes it clear she is to be admired only from a dis- tance. She would appear to have only one problem-sitting down. From Page 1 FREEWAY ••. freeway would lie made their own future plans uncertain. Primarily apartment and single family home developments lie in the proposed Newport Freeway path expected for adoption, while school district property and Costa Mesa Park will be spared. Cost of the Red·B:lue route is estimated at $8.7 million for construction and $13.1 million for purchase of right-of-way pro- perty, more than the old alignment, but less -$15 million -in terms of user service cost over the following 20-year period. The only alteration in the now-adopted Pacific Coast Freeway route posed by selection of the alternate Newpor1 Freeway route will be location of an in- terchange for the two traffic arteries. Both Harbor Area citle1 have approved a route along the approximate west side or Superior Avenue for the conlinuaUon of the Newport Freeway. The 2.2-mile link scheduled for adoption by the State Higb•a11 CCl1un1uion next moo th runs lrom a point· at the .Newport Boulevard and Bay Street intersection on lo the Newport Beach city limit. The freeway route down to that point has already been formally adopted and no change is contemplated. Saddlehack JC Budget OK Due Saddleback Junior College District trusttfs tonight will be asked to adopt a tentative budget of $2.8 million for next school year, up Crom $1.6 million for this year. The Increase. according lo Business Manager Roy Barleua. is due to an- ticipated Increased enrollment nut year when sophomore students will be added. Enrollment is expected to go up from 900 freshmen this year to 1,600 freshmen and sophomore,, ne:rt year. The proportion is very nearly the same as: the budget increase with the proposed per student cost to go LIP slightly from $1,866 lo $1 ,687. t :·Marijtiaria :Farm ' • • ~ound :Ill Mesa Grand ·Havtn Circle wun'tLltlY,ll'llHI The man was crawling around and ap- havtn tor Emlllo S.' Floret, who today peartd to be wate:rtng plants with ~ ~aces pro&ea1l\l)CI for aUegedly cultivat· plastic jug, said lhe re~rllng officer. 1ng ~ . small DWiJ~ farm in Cotta !!.,ho bad watched him cuooualy fOl' about • w_,~ . · · "'.mlautaa. , 'l1>e 2f.yoor-<>14 ?(ewport Beach air-· Qlflcer Bechtel said Ft...ea ~'1' when cn{t upbolstery abOp worker WU ..,,... ~ a~ and ignored repeated rested $aturday Wb)fe iJlegedlJ _flee]ng · orders to halt, getting into his car ·and the field of his e~vor when bi drove driving awl)# despite the fact bis captor. onto the deadend street. was waving a revolver. Ft...esilol 190&1 8t_ker St., Santa /lna, .Alter oab.billg.Flores as he tried to was co ared by ... ~atrolman Wlllllm scale the fence surrounding a home, Btthtel. u he' tried to cllmb a fence · Offlcu Bechtel took him 6ack to thl: afte:r exiting· the auto and booked on sCene, where 50 all~ged marijuana suspicion of m~ana cultivatJon. plant! abcut JO inches tall were conii&- Police were fo the arta ot cated. Paularino Avenue' and 'Ludington Street Autborlties said they found three aeeds Saturday aftal"DOOD. by a discount store In Flores' car, ~ them as evidence s•curily guard wbo reported 1 susplclous under tbe presumpttoo Ibey are mu\! person in a nearby Dtld. juana seeds, which they resemble. • Prepared Thwf Tapes Victim in Cafe Holdup A gunman who even nad a spare roll o( tape handy -when the first one used to bind his vicUm ran out -robbed a Newport Bead!. hamburger stand of 11,340 early SUnday morning. Police said victim Pierre J . F. Bertolino, of Costa Mesa, manager of The Burger, 4501 W. Pacific Coast High\vay, popped his bound legs apart to walk to a nearby bat at 1:30 a.m. to seek help after the holdup. He told police that the bandit came through a side door af the roadside He crept up to Bertolino, who was washing his hands and face , then thn1st a snub-nosed, blue steel revolver in Ji.is side and ordered the victim toward the safe. The robber took all the cash from the safe, then added more than $200 from \he victim's wallet to the loot, ~ce sald. After loading the money Into a paper sack, police said, Ille fidie\l' bandit ordered Bertolino into a at.ore room and mode the victim tape hll lep togelller and wrap more ·around one wrist. That took up ooe roll of adbeslve tape, officers said, alld Ille gunman produced. another and taped the man's wrilts- tOgether, then covered the victim's mouth with the rest. After lllat 11< 6-foot·2-lnch bandit ran' oul and fled. ' A short lime later Bertolino popped the tape loose from his legs and ran to the Bayside IM with his hands bound and hit. mouth sUll covered, officers said. A bartender took off the binding whlle a customer called police. Bookmaking ;Defendant In LA Trial Mnrdered A Superior tAurt trial of three me11 ac· cused of bookmaking was thrown lnta confusi~ todaY when the judge learned that one of the defendants was shot and killed Saturday night In Los Angeles. No decision had been reached 1 prtss time on the future course of the preceedings but it .appeared reasonably certain lhat Judge Robert Rickles will declare a mistrial ind set a new date for trial of the remaining defendanls. Los Angeles police said today they are continuing their investigation of the shooting of Emmett Alan Canard, 4~, oi North Hollywood. Police charae Canard was gunned down by Nelda Duncan, 23, or Hollywood as the couple argued in the parking lot of a downtown restaurant. Office.rs said Miss Duncan shot Canard three t'imes in the ehest and then shot herseU between the eyes. She had earlier pleaded guilty in Or8llle County Superwr B1·idge Expe1·t Dies ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (UPI) Russell J. Baldwin, one of the nation's leading ezperla on contract bridge, died Saturday al the age of 70. Court to bookmaking charges aqd was to be sen!enced 1bursday, Canard had stoOd in court here Frtrtai with Valentine Sargis James, 51, of lM Angeles and Sylvester Blake, 39, of North Hollywood as the first week of their trial for felony bookmaking acUvilies con- cluded. James and Blake were in court todaJ: visibly shocked at the clrcumstancet which eliminated their oo-defeodant frqm the trial. Newsmen and lhe public were bamd from the courtroom this morning while Judge Rickles conferred with prosecution and defense coon.sel and district at,. torney's officials on the new develop- ment. Fur Collars Stolen A pair of fox fur collars valued at $30 \\'ere stolen from a Costa Mesa womens' store, the owner told police Saturday. Karen E. Stein said the collars were removed from sweaters on sale at 'Iile Second Time Around, 440 E. 17th St., ac-· cording to Officer Hal Holbrook. • - - -U.n;y "1t'or1tlft ..._ CljRIS REBAJ!D, MISS NEWPORT BEACH, OITS CROWN AOJUSTIO AFTER WINNING TITLE Escort Ru11 Johnson, 1961 Tltll1t llonnl1 McDonald Ltnd A Hind Dvrlns ComrnoclOl'i'a a.11 1 ' • I i I I 1 I I ( ( I I I I t t ' I \ ' ' ) l J I c 11 c [ • l • • 0 • !1 ti s d • c c b v • Formation Flying Flying through the water in a clas~ica~ formation the Blue Angels mlgbt envy, penguins in the Nur- emberg, Ger., zoo swim toward a refueling statioo. The attendant lilied 'em up -wilb fish. Seal Beach CofC Open House Sets Milirory Displays 'Hoats' Chamber Group Plans First Meet Thursday Several military displays, including a Navy ship, will be open to the public July 4, as the Seal Beach Chamber of Com· meree begins its open house week. • The ship, as yet umpecifled, win be open for p.iblic tours Crom 10 a.m. to f p.m. at the Anaheim Landing of the Seal Beach Naval Weapom station. Aboard ship visitors will be able to talk to the er~ about their duties and the operation of the vessel. In addition to the ship open house, the Weapons Station has arranged for public showings of ·the SUBROC, ASROC and TALOS missiles and a display by the United Slates Marine Corps. Los Alamitos Air Station has scheduled flight activity In the "air corridor" '!d· joining Seal Beach and will h av e Jet aircraft on dally display during the open house week, July I through July 6 at the &&moor Center. Jill Shelton, Miss Seal Beach 1969, will reign over the week's activities, which will include a Main Street sidewalk fashion show at 11 a.m. July f. Patriotic and flag displays will be featured throughout the city by Boy Scoot Troop 3, local residents and merchants~ Hunti.ngton Beach 10Hoat1," a Oiamber ol Commerce commJttee aimed at building • better Chamber lhroogh Im· proved membership activities, meets at noon Tlwrsday at the Seaclilf Country Club fo< the lint time. ac. "Bud" Matheny, past president cf the Chamber of Commerce and manager ol Mootgamery ·ward, will serve as chairman of the new group. Others on the committee are Jerry Bame, a local attorney; Ray Beem. landownerj Don Byrnes, HunUnaton Harboor -Carp.; Pete Di Fa bl o, postmaster; Dr. Mu: Forney, high school district superintendent; Pete Horton, McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Corp.; Ralph C. Kiser, Southern Cali!ornla Edi- ,.. Co. Robert L. Merriman, Security Pacific National Bank : Bill Reed, DAILY PILOT; Jerry Shea, HunUngton BeaCh Co.; Roger D. Slates, president or Hun- tington Beach-Fountain Valley Board of Rea.It.on; Darrell Ward, Sm I l h 1 • Mortuary; Tom Welch, Country Day School, and Art Wolfe, Sea Aira Mobile Estala Also serving will be chamber President C.E. "Bill" Woods; the manager of the County Weekend Traffic Crashes Claim 3 Lives Three persons lO!t their lives In weekend Orange County traffic accidents. The dead are : J a m e 1 P. O'Brien, 22, of 12082 \Voodlawn Ave., Tustin. Donald Moritgomery, 16, of 11322 Church St., El Modeno. Norman W. Smlib, 44, 311 N. Olive St., Orange. O'Bt ien was killed early Sunday morn- ing when his motorcycle overturn~ and he wu run over by a car on the Newpor1 Freeway at E. 17th Street in Santa Ana. 1969 99 County Traffic Death Toll !Ml 100 The coroner's office said he suffered head injuries. O'Brien was southbound on the freeway when the accident Occurred, the California Highway patrol reported, and a following ear driven by Josephine Williams 73 of 762 Calle Aragon, Leisure World ~gu~a Hills, ran over him. The accident is under investigation. The Montgomery boy wu kiD.ed Satur· day when a station wagon carrying seven )'OUthl plunged oil Live Oak Canyon 'Astronautics Radio Club Set For Competition Members of the McDonnell Douglas 'Astronautics Co. Radio Club ln Hun- tington Beach will compete with many other amateur radio groups this weekend in 1 demonstraUon of preparedness and capebilily lo provide reliable eom- munk:alions undel' emergency conditions. The event, known as "Field Day." is spomored by the American Radio Relay League, a society of radio amateurs with membenhip throughout the world. Participating amateurs will take their <q11lpment to the field, Install It and operate from emergency power sources without using commercial power nWns fOT I 2f hour period. The local group, which ls affiliated with the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service, a. part of lhe Orange County clvl1 deleose organlzailon and a d.,lgnated secondary c:ommunlcaUons center fCI' lhe county, will set up its communle1tion cent.er and operate on several frequency bands 1vallable to amateurs In te Palos Verdes Peninsula area. Road, northwest of O'Neill Park and roll· ed down a 90-foot embankment. CHP In- vestigators said he wa.s pinned tn the drinr'a seat. The passengers, all from Orange were l'IOt seriously injured. Smith was killed Saturday when his car and one driven by John G. McGnlh, 24, of Garden Grove, collided at tht in- tersection ol. Palm Avenue and Glassell Street in Orange. Police booked McGrath on suspicion of manslaughter after Smith died of hit in· juries Saturday night at the Oran1e County Medical Center. Valley Senior Attends State Boys Convention A 17·year .. ld FOUDtain Valley lllgh School senior is representing hil 1ebool mates this week in ~to as one or more · than 7&0 delegates to the 11169 California Boys Stale Convention. Joe Sahli, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sahli, lllM Palmetto St.1 Fountain Valley, left Saturday with a croup of 20 delegates from Orang~ C.OUUty to attend the American Legion sponi"nd event. Joe was chosen by the American Legion as Fountain Valley's represen- tative because of biJ scbolutie average (3.0 in three yea.rs) and hJa all-around participation in ICbool actlvlil ... Science studies at Cal State Long Beach, are in Joe's futun, following blgb 1c1>oo1 craduat1oo 1n tr10. Valley's CofC PW.ns Newslett.er Fountain Valley'• Chamber cf Com· merce hu initiated 1 newsletter for distribuUon to the city's busJneu oper•· tloos to keep an open line of oom- munication among local merchlnll. In the Ont JeUer Chamber Pra1de!lt Charles Dixon Jr., ootllned """"' of the groop'a past acten)plilhmenll and future goals. Jtema: listed included the lnstall1Uon banquet held two .-ha 110, .....,..1 cf member&hip in Orqe C o u n t y • •· Chamber of Commerce, fonnaUon of a women's dlvl!lon, and sponlOl"ll\Jp of the Miu Fountain Valley Pa1W1L "More members ii our 1oal," 11td DiJ'· on, looking to the future. ------------ chamber (the chamber eurunlly la wtlhout am.._): Mn. Helen Slewart, pttaldent ol the Women's Division: and Mn. a..,, Casey, Mn .. Dorllne sa .. r and Mrs. Carole Wall from the Women's Division of the Chamber. Mayor Jack Green and COunci1mm Al Coen, Ted Bartlet~ J=r M-y. Henry S. Kaufman, George McCracken •nd Donald 0 . Shlpley have been appointed u honorary members of the committee. • Matheny said the commtUee will wekome new businesses to the city, serve as a greeting organlzaUon for Ult chamber, assist in hosting Important penona when so directed by the preald<nt or executive committee Ind attend ·ctty and business functions as chamber representatives. The group wU1 wear navy blue jackets wllh a chamber emblem. 5 Chi1dren See Mother Stabbed; Husbruid Arr~ted A bridegroom ol two -kl bu be1n arrl!lttd on llUIPlcloo cf u.ull wlUI In- tent to commit murder and bis bridt 11 in Orange County Medical center ln.aorlcllll condlUon from numerooa stab -. Jailed la Albert Oevid Clements, 41, of 11331 Garden Grove Blvd., Gardtn Grove. Police allege he stabbed Thelma Arm Clements, 44, his bride of two ween "several times" with a butcher tnU'e u a climax to an argument in the family homo. . . Poll .. said the stabbings took plact In the presence of Mri. Clements' five small cblldnn by a previous marriage. Two of t h e children, ages 6 and a, ran to the police station two blocb away and reported the stabbing, officers old. Only 48,000 Brave Weather To Visit Beach Cool weather and eooler water t!pt the crowds down over the weekend at Him- Ungton Beach city beach. Only 41,000 oomew\iat d~ppolnled sunwonhipers trekked to the 16cal beacb Saturday and Sunday where they were met by overcut 1k.les and 12-de,ree water. · Mu Bowman, aailtiol dlreclor of the city'• ~ban; and bdchel departwtnt, laid nonnaJ crowds far the pnt·-ftld of summer ( tt wu offidal Saturday) have been about llO,OOI In the peit with warm weather. A men 71 telCUel ~ h • n dl e d by lllelUlfds,-Nld "Briman.-And"""1Y five yotfhgsters · wa.odered •W6y from their parents and r<qulred cpeclal a13lslan« in retuming. · Though It ,.., the lint olllclal weekend of summer around the Country, It Wu IC• tually the """"1d -kftld of beach operation for the 11o1,.,....i1 who opened their work tealOll lUDe ·l!. Planners Study. Industrial Land Industrial land Ule ID Fountain Vaijey win come under c1-Inspection cf plln- nlng eomrnlasi«lm durln1 · a opeclil metUnl at 7:IO p.m., Wedbesday in coun- cil dlmnhen. . Pi-a wUI be JTrinrin( tbe laDd 1* element GI the _.i plan u 'll perWna to a,.; city'• lndulll1al area. They will aJio "'°'Ider a 111e variance nquealed by Saleoo inlurance Group for • trailer 111empor...,. -·nd tralnlq factlltJ wnt ol Broolchunl Simi, about aoo ftet IOUth ol Warner Avenue. Only two It.ma will be d'-oed during tbe 1p«lal pleqnlna m«Uni. , . ......,, ;lw 21, 1969 ; s De~ision Frees .. Countian ' Supreme Court Rule& No Right to Ramack Home WASlllNGTON (AP) -The SUpremo Coar! ruled toda)' that pollce 'do not have· the rilhl to ransack the borne of an ar- rested IUlpect w1lhout • search wmant, avertumln& 'the convlctJon of an Oranae County min. , Ted Steven Chlmel, a member of a Santa Ana c:oln club, who wu aervlng !Iva ye.vi to life In prllon,i.;' convicted ol bur1larlea o! two eoln . In 1115. In a g.3 decblon, the eouri held that police In arrettlng a penoO ID his bome on an arrest wan-ant tiui. 1"1tboat a search "arran~ are lbnlted to searclllng the ""PO<;t.and the Immediate ..... for :..ira~\dence· whl~ l1lllhl be But, aid Juatlce Potter lilenr1 In the majority oplnlon, there IJ no juatlllcatlon "for ,..tlnely aearchlllf rooma other. than that In Which ID ltrilt oecurl r or, for that J!l"Uer, for oearchln& lhTOllib all the dell: drawers or other cto.d or c:On· cealed areu Jn that room ttlelf • "Suclf aearcbea; In the abaeoce of ...U ~ esceptlona, may be mado oaly under· tbe authority of a seartb warruL 'lbe 'adherence to judicial JrOCllW' mandated by the Four1h Ameudment re- qulrtl no lea ... In February ll&S collecton' colns were ·. ---YAN RAALTE .- FOUNDATIONS EVENT •Wm -lbt -., Wo 1'11111, • f.U.. elal> ..... la Aapal, .. Mmey Vault, aa On.. oalls abop, -buralarlaod of -..a _., .. dilmel bacl nlaed -:r•"'ld•oq, In --wllb """""'"" wtllj PulaU to juoUly -·-of ..... warrant • by a LDI Anplte C....,. ...... Pollco did not obtain•-w111ut. inl1eld, -qlllcera -fflr Qllmtl to return boJDe from bll Job, 111 1t1t hlm and -tlie " tilt- -. attic and -lot llit - colnl. The enlin -... --• -and .. """'· < Gre•I buys for summar ! Cool', comforl•ble sh•pers, •II in while, fo•m or blue. A. Lycr•® Spandex p•ntygirdle, S·m·I, reg. $7, 5.99. 8. Softly rounded bra , nylon lricol cups with Lycr•® spandex powernet bod, 8, C. reg. $4, 2.99, D, reg. $5, 3.99 C. Brief version of sty)e A, S•m·I, reg. $6, '4.99. D. Contour bra with so me feolures os B, A, 8, C, reg. $5, 3.99. • Sorry, no moil or telephone orders. Fou ndotio ns, 19 1J3I tc __ l..A. I >WA.Y AN>,HEIM 444 Norih EU.lid.:. IJJ.1121 Monday thN Seturday 10 o.m. to t :JO p.m. NEWPQRT , 47.Fothfo• hlond ••• 644·1212 Mon. thru Ftt., 10 e.m. to 9:10 p.m. S1t.1 10 e.m. to 6 p:m. HUNTl!i6JON IE.t.CI:! 7777 Edl•9or Avo •• , • ttz.JU I Monday ft.rv Sotu..Uy I 0 a.m. to t :JO p.m. • ,, • I 1 I ~t ~ .................. 1 Acb-Rwy C•I"°"" bas denied ;i.. --·UHot relaUona with actress ..,,,. Grable and 78 other women. Calhowl'1 estranged wife, actress Lite -· bad accuaed him of )ldultery alter he filed suit for di· _ .. vorce in January charging her ~·with adultery. In Santa Monica Su· ,perior Court, the ~year-old ac- tor's attorney, William A. Spivak, .told the court, "Calhoon barely ·knows Miss Grable or any of these .10 or so unidentified 'Jane Does' named as e<>-respondents." • Chlo! Little s;ttlnt Bull -grand· ____ ... __ --.~~-___ , ___ ' \ ·Yellow Bri~k Road · Ends_. for Judy Miss Garhind's Stormy Career Closes With.Londo,., Death "S.....,r..rc over th• nllhbow, "This ii It. For the lint time in my Sbe ployed In M moviea to the lldula· '''Ille only [, _ thll reaJIY ..,._,. bl,..blnll flv. Ille, I am reelly happy," she had Aid"" Uoo ol millions of dielwd l1n1 who now 11 ~thll nolhfnl ean Csoatr., Bl>'d1 fiv oo<r thi rainbow, marrying Deans , ber filth huabend, thtte overlool<ed ber roughening volco and ber our love or dlaturb the •~ thll llbe Whv !hell, oh wHvtJ"''I 11• mo~lhs •10. "Finally, nn&ily, I 1m lov· tardinels lo conce;ta In later yesn. created. To "'· that .;;,".f.N..., and By W1LLLU1 r . WRIGHT ed. Sometimes she dldn t show up at .U. alwaya will be beaullluJ tbbis .. LONDON (uPI) Tno yeb bri<k Invutlgaton found no Ol¥clde note in "I missed the geeUe maturing 11\00t A lamlly .:......-'tho ltote- tood led lo ~ and dospolr •nd the twe>etory home.1110)' did nol rule out g~ls havt," Mias Gorland wooJd 11y. "f meot In• New York on behall of ber l...U-for . Judy Garland. T b, an accldenW ovent.ce of medlcatlof!, wu bcm at lbe II,~ of 12 on a Metro. daugllter, linger Liza Minelli, 2S, and ber beautlful colon other ralnbow faded with A doctor who treated the •ln&"'..actrus Go1dwyn-Mfl.yer Jot. children by marriage · to Sidney Luft, the y111'11. Siie wu found dead In ber lrequtnl!Y in. her bouts wllh drugs and She often blamed Hollywood for her Joey Lui~ 11 and Lorna Luft 11 . balhrooal Sunday aloohol, Philip Lebon, told a newsman problems, including puttins ber on drugs las G ~· . ' Sc!nliand Yon! nued ou1 foul play-the ahe had dn!locll of the liver and "How and oo a poychlatrlst'1couch11111. M ar 1 marriage to Lui~ her bodf was unmarked -and planned an she managed to live thlJ long I just doo't "No wonder I waa strange," she once :rw· ~ ~.;!l~lt :,iecr 0: autopsy later today. A yard spokesman know." satd. "Imagine whippinC out of bed, c~:=i'a cum:y durllig which Luft Aid said It could have been from natural Miu Garland, Deans and Phillipe dashing over to the dodor't office, lying she bad tried to commit suicide 20 tbnes. causes. She wu 4.7. Roberge, a show business friend , had down on a tom lealher couch, telling my Jt the times betw her Min Garlaod in 1967 provided, in er-spent Saturday night at the Deans home troubles to an old man ••• and then that was .ed Mia eari::3 to ~ f~ ber own epitaph: ' eating and watching televislon. Fritndli dashing to make movie love to Mickey, ~ e.-.. "Wbao you have lived the life I've liv· described the slnger in good spirits. Rooney." of de!lW!'. -She said she would ~H by the ed,whuyoubavelovedandsufferedand She was "cracking jokes and having a "They'd give us pep pills," she wrote. hour beside the telephone, waiting ~or a beenmadlybappylllddesperatelysad-good time throughout the evening," one 1'Thcn they'd take us to the studio ca ll.~ none came and her looeliness well, that'• when you realize that you'll said. Tbert were none or the signs of hospital and knock us cold with sleeping deepen'?. oeYC' be able to Rt it all down • , • depression that so often marked her life. pills •. , after four hours they'd wake us Occasionally there were victorious maybe you'd ntlm die first" It was Miss Garland's portrayal of up and give us the pep pills again." comeback concerti -in London at the The man with wbom she said she had Dorothy in '"The Wizard of Oz," walking Those wbo knew her best or all, her Palladium in 1960, in New York's soo of the Indian chief mponslble for c...ter's Last Stand -appear• ed in Indian garb before the Mlchi· gan Leglalature in Lansing. Hi• brief speech promoting tourism ,started in Sioux, then he switched to EngU.h: "Pan!on me, do you lad!H and genUemen understand the American Ianguaae?" END OF THE RAINBOW Judy Garland Di11 .......................................... .,.,.,o;c:=.m~~· ....,,."""'.,,., .... ,.....,.,.,,..,,,,..,~ .. ~:oc..,.."""" ... ,.,..all:!,,,,.,llC!!.,,.....,,.,,._,.""""~ .... finally found bapplneas, Mickey Deans, the yellow brick road and singing "Over children, said they drew comfort_ f'.IJm ~rnegie Hall the same year, the Palace found ·Mia Garland.'1 body Sunday on the the kainbow," that made her famous at the happiness she had brought lo millions in New York in 1967, and London again fioor of tbeir bathroom. 17. or people. last year. • • ' • John H""'°"' 61, of Bloomlll¢oft, fright} d.....,mzu, to hil 811..,. okl grandson Billy thil ttchnfque ht U&f!d f.o punch a polar beM in t~ nose in order to save Billy from 1fl clutchu. Billy, noto rec()t)ering from min.or in;uries, had climbf!d a re- maining fmce and tDCS bdng maultd by tht' lnor when grandpa came to ._the TtSCtu', • LouirioM'• Rous• tf!entlr killed a r esolution prolting IM- Loui.riana lntercollegi4Ui State Ltgislaturt, a mock group , of 1tudent lawmakus, then kUled its laudatory remarb. The ref> nsentatives, it turned out, found some bills opproved by the youth.t and decided that wasn't the kind of legislation to endot!e. Among the bills: to providt' for se:.i; education in schools, to liberalize Louisiono'1 abortion laws, to repeal a state narcotics low un purchase of model gltu, to Tepeol th.e state's segregation of jaciliti.ts law, ond to provide for an open speaker policy on college carnpu.se1. • Rudy v.11 .. , 67-year-old crooner- Heyns 'Park' Compromise Rejected; Will He Stay? BERKELEY (UPI) -Berkeley Cbaocellor Roger Heyna uys be bu elven little thought about whether he wUl remain at hi!: post in the wake fl the University of California regents' rejection of hil comprom]Je plan on the oploelve '1people'1 park" issue. "I'll reflect on that later," Heyns told newanen. "I'm not suggesllng that I'm pooed for flight." The chancellor met Sunday wtiji a few cm members of hia Berkeley ataff to "11'7 lo llcure out what happens nm" in U. controversy over the park. Rumon that Heyns might accept a university presidency elsewhere started circulatine when the chancellor stalked angrily out ol the rqents Friday meeting in Berkeley. He walked out after the regents voted 11>7 lo bulld Immediately a parking lot and plaY.foc field on university property which hippies and students took over for an iutant park. Heyns called the declaion "the most serious ~ we could make." He wanted to lease the land to tbe city of Canadian Woman, 2 Hitchhikers ·Killed EUREKA (AP) -A Clnadlan woman and two bit.chhll:a to whom she gave a ride were killed Sunday night In a two-car collision sopth of bete on Iiighway 101 at Rio Dell They were ldentilied u Audrey N. Stonldewla, G, Ottawa, Canodo, and ber passt111en, Either C. Kooo, D, and WWWn Mym, 34, both of Seallle. Berkeley for a "user~veloped" park or lave tt vacant under university control. ~ J.S acre pareel in the Telegraph Avenue bJpple enclave adjacent to the Berkeley campu1 was turned inlo an im- provlled park Jul April. When the unlvtn.ity erected a fence around the property May 15 to begin pre- paring tt for the playing field, hippies and studentl marched to the site and violence broke ouL ln the upheaval that followed, Berkeley was a city under siege. 1be NaUonal Guard patrolled the street., hundreds were sprayed with tear gu, nearly 1,000 persons were arrested, scores were injured and one person was fatally shot by a sheriff's deputy. Park supporters indicated over the weekend they would not accept the regents' decllion on how to nse the pro- perty unW tbe start or construction for married stude.nts apartments within a year. 0 The decision was sort of expected ,'' said Michael Drelacoor of the People's ·Park Corporation. "'lbere will probably be demonstratians. but not necessarily vloleol Maybe by the first of July lhings w!ll begin to happen." 'Ille Berkeley City Cooncil ocheduled a meeting for tonight to discuss the park Issue once again. After the regents meeting Friday, Gov. Ronald Reagan, who attended the session as an ex-officio regent, was asked if he erpeded more trouble as a result of the decision. "I think there'• going to be trouble in Berkeley at lhe first opportunity/'· Reagan said, "but not necessarily because of this. They are looking for ex- cuses and will seize oo anything." N~on Praise• Warren Midwest Laslied By Tornadoe s, Violent Storms Tornadoes and vlolem thunderstorms lashed the Mktftst late Sunday and early today, uprooting trees, knocking down power lines and damaging build· ings. At least nine penona died as a result of the heavy rains, nash floods, and strong winds • ~ kiUed five persons and in- jured at least 80 Sunday night in the Mislourl lead belt, about SS miles IOllth of St. Louis. One man waa killed when car was swept off the road. One tornado touched down foor miles west of Potosl1 Mo., traveled northeast and hit one mile south of Old Mines in Washington County. A second twister hit jusl west of U.S. 67 at about the same time. , · A flash flood· washed .,..J,way several houses in three areas of Macon County, Tenn., early today. The Highway Patrol said one four-room frame house con- tained "several people" bu t officers didn't know if there were any fatalities. One man reportedly escaped and climb- ed a tree to safety, before the house was washed Uno the river and carried down- stream several milea to near the Ken- tucky ltote line. Authorities were trying to get heavier boats for rescue operations in the Hanes- town community aloog the Barren River, an aree along Long Hungry Creek and the nsort area in Red Boiling Spring>. Hard winds Jeveled a hay barn, dam- aged a mobile home and the roof o( a reltallJ'IDl, u well as downing petwer lines .in Okemah, Okla. 1be roof of a cafe at Eufaula, Okla., was torn oU by high winds and two mobile homes were dftlroyed. One man was injured Sunday when lightning that "came out or a nice blue s)ty" hit his boat on Lake Keystone in OkiAhoma. actor, was pulled from the churn- ing waters of the Salt River in Ari· zooa but lost his swim trunks. Val· lee, who does not swim, was ~oat· ing down the river on an inner tube when the accident . occurred. Vallee's inner tube, tied to seven others, capsized when they floated ' into rapids. Csr dealer Jullan P..- lar, who was riding one of the oth· er tubes, swam after Vallee and brought him safely to shore. The trunb were not found. Burger Takes Justice Post WASHINCl'l'ON (UPI) -WUTeD Earl Burger wu sworn In as Chief Just.iCf: of the United Slates today in a Suprf!me Court ceremony at which President Nix- on paid high tribute to retiring Earl War- ren and hfJ 16-year court of leadership. Warren, in Ilia: last act as Chief Jw:lice, administered two oaths or office to the 61· year-old Burger in a cemnony in the Supreme Court room. Just before the swearing-in, in a prece- dent.eting address to the court, Nixon praised Warren for his "dignity, example and fairness." Summer Living Not Easy .. Thunder, Tornadoes Greet Seaso1i in Midwest '.l'etitperat11re• Coutal l ow elcuei 9"0I loul ,_ 111'11 PlltM •1'1111 ••If ,..."',.. llolln IOdtY 11'111 TUH6t\I, H•ry ""f'lll'llnt '""' "'kt-nwn"'-Hllft ,_., 1t. y"""*"'' ..,,_,,.., ... , • "'.'. lf'Ol'll t llltll " M to '9. IMMll ,_. -•!WI r1,_ .... • II 11. ....,. ,.,,_,1y,.. " .,...,__ Su, M-TWu -· "'"" -................. •·"'-4.1 ''"" "" ... _ .. ll:Sol """ 1.s lVtlDAY '""' 1111111 .............. 112~ '"'· ).1 PW toW ............... lt;4 '""' t.1 ...... ttllll " .•......•.• Ji• .Jl'I .... fKd low .............. lt:a 1.11'1. '·' .... .... 1:4 ··"'· .... •:• • .11'1. ~ • .._ 11:4 ,,m. .. _. L.91.. ..... '" .... J-1' J111>' • Jllfli' ,, Jlll'lt 2' AllluilU9r•ue ·-... ,,..,,. Btic-li.ld B~rO: ..... ·~-(Pile Ht (!ncl"~" '""""' .,,_ Dt• Molllft ...... ·-Forf Wwtll ·~M HtM~ HClllOlulu ....... 1( ...... (llY L•• ""'" LM A""'411 -Mii ...... M-• _ ... _ _ ... ---....... --,..._. -· ,.._ =~-_, ... ·-"'°*'*"' t~" $tit Liit• Clfw ... -&I~ "'-*' ""'9 .. ,.,. ... ... -OM ,_, W•ltll1111et1 Mltfl lew l"l'lc. " • .. • " " " " • " ·" " " " • " " ... " .. .~ " .. ... " • " .. ••• .. • .~ .. " " " .. " .. " .. " " " " " ·" " " n " .. n ·" • .. •• .. ll ·" .. .. .. . .. .. .. " " " .. • • • " .. .. '" • .. .. ... .. .. ,n " " ... " " " " " .. .. .. ,,,, .. R" • .. .. " .. " • • " " "' " " ... "' " " " "He baa helped keep America on the path of conUnulty ind change which is so essential for our progress," the President said. ". • • this nation owes a debt of gratitude to the Chief JusUce for bis ex· ample." Nimn spoke about 10 minutes, terming Warren's tenure on the court u "years of greater change in America than any in our history. "Change without continuity can be _anarchy, change wilh continuity can mean progress and continuity without chance can mean no progress," Nixon said. As he took on the duties first assigned to John Jay in 1789, Burger assumed leadership of a court that his expanded tta ~ mxn a quiet third atm of the government in the early days of the republic to a force which has inlluenced aJmost every aspect of American life, particujarly during Warren's tenure. In assuining his post as head of the federal judiciary, the Minnesota-born Burger promJsed to ''bear true faith and allegiance" to the Constitution and to "administer justice wilhout respect to persons." He had taken the same oaths when ht became a member of the U.S . Court ol Appeah in the Dlslrld of Colum· bla in 1956. Nixon 54id Warren's u:ample -''the example of dignity, the e1ample of tn.. tea:rity, the example Qf faimw -has helped to keep America on the path of continuity Ind change wblch ls ao essen- tial to our progress." Immediately following the swearing in the President and Mrs. Nixon joined members of the court a napUon ln a rnemben of the CX1Urt at a reception tn a natloo 's 11th chief jllltke, Warren, apparently movtd by the un. precedented 1ppearance of the Prealdent bcfor< the court .. pay him tribute uJd NlnJn'1 words wtrt ''most generoui and r gr<atly •wed•te It.• Nl"oo told the jusUcea that he wu ap- pearing before them "not u PrWdent or the United SL&tu but 11 a m'!nber of the bar," Rocky Hopeful 3 Nations Will Change Mind on Visit NEW YORK (UPI) -Gov. Nelson Rockerener ended the third leg of bis Latin American tour £or President Nixon, hopeful that three nations that asked him to stay away would change their minds. "We remain available should Chile, Peru and Venezuela soon find It con- venient to schedule visits for the miss.loo,;• the presidential envoy said on arrival here Sunday night. "The third trip was the turning point of the missian," Rockefetrer said in a state- ment. "A pattern of consultation bas now been established which is providing the points of view •.• whicll the President was desirous ol obtaining ••• " The New York governor visited Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay last week on the third leg. Beginning next Sunday, he will return to La.Un America for his fourth Moon Landing Chances Called Nearly 100% CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -The flight director says he would con1lder next month's Apollo 11 mission a success if Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin merely land on the moon and return wiUiout stepping on its surface. Clifford E. Charlesworth said in a weekend interview in Houston he thinks the chances are "pretty close" to 100 per- cent the pilots will be able to achieve the landing while fellow astronaut Michael Collins orbits overhead. The three pilots took Sunday off, but more grueling training was on their ag~n· da today at the Cape Kennedy Moonport. Technicians at the oceanside launch pad hoped to complete the tedious five. day spacecraft fueling operation tonight. The next and last major test facing Apollo 11 is a weeklong countdown rehearsal scheduled to begin Wednesday. Once that is cdmpleted, engineers will be able to start final preparations for the July 16 launch. "I don't think the chances of landing are 100 percent, but I think ·they're pretty close to that. I think we 've got a pretty good chance of making it." B~• Home Now and final trip, to six nati.oM. Chile and Venezuela asked Roc:Rleller to stay away because of threatened anti· American riots. Peru said his visit would be "inopportune" in view of a wonening of U.S.·Peruvlan relations. Violence in Mootevideo, the Uruguayan capital, forced the U.S. group to forsake its planned visit there for Punta Del Este, where Rockefeller met with Preai· dent Jorge Pacheco Areco. Rockefeller believes his trips have been a success in finding out what Nixon want. to know in formulating his Latin American policies. Never has he wavered in his task. Anti-American demonstrations during the tours have grown from frustrations caused partly by the high promises and inadequate results: of tile U.S.-backed Alliance for Progress . They also are the apparent work of Commwtists and others trying to wreck the relations between the 1,Jnited States and other nations of the ftltem hemfsphere, according to Rockefetrer sources. 4'Those are the problems," Rockefeller said. "What we need are solutionr.. Tbt problems have been known at a technic.al level in Washington for a long time. But only at the highest political level can these changes in policy be made." He said President Ni.Jon was already making them. U.S. Viet Troops Home by July 9 , WASJiJNGTON {UPI) -The Pentagon wued a draft call today for 29,500 men in August. Jt also announced that the first 900 troops rteurning from Vietnam are scheduled to arrive in the United States about July 9. , The Pentagon said the first contingent of the 25,000 servicemen being called home by President Nixon are due to leave Vietnam by plane aboul July 8 and to arrive at McChord Air Force Base, Wash., the following day. They will be the 3rd Battalion, 60th Infantry Regiment of the 9th Infantry Division. The 000 will be taken to Ft. Lewis, near Tacoma, Wash., to be processed for either discharges or new assignment.&. ri.latthew Joseph Zimmerman, fr.year-old boy who was found near death in the San Bernardino Mountains, waa at home today. He re- ceived toys and best wishes from officials al St. Bernadine's Hospital before leaving alter his live:.Iay, from critical lo satisfactory, st17. T - • ' DAILY l'llOT § House Weighs Taxes GoMwater Call,s ' 'Confession' Was Hoax, Man Admits NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - Police say a man who "confessed') killing two girl.! and a man has admitted it was a hoax. Israel, Egypt Strike In Punitive Raids Ernest Paul Sims, 26, de- tained at the metropolitan jaH on a charge of misusing credit eardsj signed a confession Sunday admitting the slaying of two Mi chigan teenagers and an Oklahoma City taxi driver. Lt. Kenneth Reasonover said Sims changed his story after further questioning and a visit with members of his family. Sims was quoted b y Reasonover as saying the con- fession was a "fabrication'' and that he changed his mind when hi.s siters told him they wanted to move f r o m Nashville because of the publicity he had brou ght them. Reasonover had said earlier he doubted that Sims had kill· t:d the girls, two of the six slain in the Ann· Arbor, Mich., area over the past two years. QUEENIE By United Press International Both Israeli and EgypUan commando forces s t r u c k across the cease-fire lines to- d11y in punitive raids that took the Middle East fighting into a ne\V phase -limited ground war instead of the usual artillery duels. The new phase began early Sunday when Israeli com- mandos penetrated six miles south of Suez City at the southern end of the Suez canal and blew up an Egyptian naval radar station tO. blind Egyptian defenses against any fu ture Israeli air strikes. Today Israeli commandos fought their way a mile into Jordan in another punitive raid and attacked a Jordanian By Phil lnterlandi "I alway& get confused. Which bum do they want to kill and which one ell> they want to throw out?" Pompidou Picks Aides Morris Plan's S5.QOO Invest· · menl Cartiflcatu aim 5.5" Interest yearly-no lengthy holding period required. • Certificates purchased through July 15 eam at the full rate from July 1. 1n1ere1t is paid by check at the end ot each calendar quarter. • Since lta founding in 1918, Morria Plan haa promptty met every requnt for wUhdrawaL Aas1t1 exceed $100 mllllon. OR1 l!.UIN 1.21% INTDUT PIR YUll ON PASSBOOK lllRlfT ACCOUNTa ol arry amoun~ with lntereol computed montllly and ctadllad 8"d compounded quarterly. Flmdt placed by July 15 earn from July 1. Morris Plan Newport Beech-3700 Newport Boufev1rd -61.l..3700 STANOAAO OP THI WOPILD • For Viet Vic«!~Y DOmocrallc Society -on campuees actOl8 the. mm- try "ellller -Communlll orientatloa and bocl:around or O>mmuntlt · trl.lnlnc.1 • Goldwaler Aid, "I don't quite agree" with President Nbon'a suuestlon or replaclna the miiftary drafl with a 1otlery system. He aald he would rather eee • proC!llionll army, and added, "most of our mea are enllsteel now." The mlllWy>lndullrlal com- plex wblch bal come In for to much crlllclsm '""""' his fellow congressmen ls part ol what ls keeping America IO powertul and preventing a third world war, Goldwater Goldwater &aid. "Thank GM we have them. I wish we bad more ot them," the ~ added. * * * Pentagon Working on Withdrawal You're invited to a Command Perfonnance Drive in the 1969 Cadillac or a 1968, 1967, 1966, 1965 ..• Accept our invitation and you will en joy a unique motoring experience. The l 969 Cadlllac represent• the high- est 1chleveme11t in Cadillac hlatol'J. Yet. everyCadlllaei regardless of year, reOecta a traditional aura of elegance and distinction recogl!fztd wherev.r a E:adlllac appeara. lnterlor11 too, ?::if vary In design, but never tn luxury and quality of appoint· mentJ and trlm .•. tn rlchne1• of fabrics and leathm ... and In dtdl<tt•d an.ntlon to uncompromising aafUman1blp. U a Cadillac is new to rour experience, you11 be agre .. bly 1urpri1ed at the 1uperb riding comfort and at the 1tabllltJ and polH.only-Cadillac11 lon1 wheelbue, wide stance and balanced weight can provide. Th e power a1sl1t1 offered with every Cadillac provide ellorll"' drlvtns .. d han- dling. And rou11 discover a responstftneu and ql!llJ that might w•ll cam the 111'1 of far 1maller and lighter carL AfteryourCommand Performance Dmt In a Cadillac, ht prepartd to mal:e tlit moct ple .. 1n1 dlscovety-<if al~ ownenhlp of tho world'• finest motor car costs far leu than 7ou might ever have imagined. "'TOUl AlJTHOlJZm CADIJJ.AC OUUl'S AmACTIVI RUCTIOK Of NIW AND PUVIOUSLT OMf~ CADD.LAa190AY. • .. ! I I a ----......~~.a-·-;,.-.·-----·------. • .. I DJ\D.Y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE I Same Old 'Problems Orange County's air travel pressures are focusing In a new area, as Anaheim struggles with a proposal lo build a metroport adjacent to the baseball stadium. But, U tile arena is new, the ~roblems are the sanie old nasties that have been troubling Orange Coast resi· dents, with the growth of jet traffic at Orange County Airport: Notse, pollution, safety. Probably with an eye on what has happened at the county airport, Anaheim resident. are worried that they may create a menster.' Air passenger demand for 11>0 Anaheim metroport is projected to grow from a calculaU!d 366,000 in 1967 to '2.4 million tn 1980 -just 10 years from now. It is becoming increasingly clear that the only hope of keeping Orange County Airport noise and pollution Jevels within any reasonQble bounds is to freeze that facility to its present scope and capacity. This means no further expenditure of funds for additional loading gates Dor more support facilities other than safety items. Jt means authoriZing no new airlines there, and it means keeping restrictions on operating hours. . 'The largest air facility In. Orange County -El Toro Marine Air Statioo -bas insisted it cannot share its l'Wlways with any commercial jets, even on a tern· porary basis, during the next 10 years. ... Yet, if El Toro builds up to the training mission its spokesmen insist is their assignment, the present noise and pollution from El Toro will double. tr.tnendous intre;L,e In d-·..l. for air service, car10 as well as pessenger, will ~e that El Toro be used for some part o! Uie conu:niite? and cargo service - along with Orangb County,1 the proposed Anaheim metroporl and several more such facilities scattered around the t'Ounty. So it would appear that Orange County will have to lace the reality of doing without a major air 'ter- minal, even for so--called reglonal airlines, and plan its air future on the short haul commuter service. • And, as the commuter aircraft and their companlon cargo shuttle aircraft bulld up to the S(JO.pessenger load capacity, with the ~er plants , necessary to lift and move that weight, even tbe1metroport C?Oncept doesn't offer a lot of r~ssurance for solving the noise and pollution problems. A Bad Bill--Kill It A bill before the state Senate would have the state determine in the future the minimum salary of law en- forcement officers, with the basic pay starting at $10,200 per year. • Because city councils and county supervisors must keep employe benefits approximately equal, the state would in effect be mandating salaries for all city and county employes. • .. Knowledgeable authorities, including some at El Toro, have predicted, however, that the noise and safe- ty problems with increasing urbanization make it un· likel:y that El Toro can maintain.its program for much more than another 10 years. Government c:o~ts would increase immediately more than $200 million a year, local control of police forces would be removed, and a spiral would be set off on all government salaries, plus pension and other benefit programs. 'The bill would be "overkill" in re- flection of law and order concern. SB 1414 is a bad bill by any measurement. It should be killed. Something Old, Something New, •. At that time, there is strong likelihood that tho Tlae11 Represent Frustration, But Have ••• .No Plausible Alternative Wear a Pair of Thick Pornography WASHINGTON - A small group of senators at the criUc:al age when the 40s mezge lnla the :;os baa decided to accept tbe challenge of Pnsldent Nixon's speech at the Air Force Academy. Nlmn asserted at Colorado Springs the validity of continued Amert.can leadenhip ln the world 1n somewhat the same tenns al it Wal understood during and after World War n and u it has been ex· erciJed in Greece, Korea, Lebanon. the - Dominican Republic, and Vietnam. '!be senatorial group, ll it is saying anythlnc, is assertlnll that these ·u..., o1 ~ p>licy ol 25 years' standing are no looger' valid. We must drasUc.ally change our priorities. our airM' and our coooept< and ocale down misguided lune· tJom: of·world Jmdenhip in favor of new domestic ftlfare programs. TmB ALL FALU Into ·familiar cliches: We can't police the world, there can be no pax Americana. We are ruled by a milltary·industrial complex. We must pull back from our bases abroad, admit we have lost the Vietnam War, forget about our treaty commltments made during the age of pact-o-manJa, and in general comport ourselves in the world Clo a much reduced scale. The senators involved, or course, reject In horror Identification with Nixon's new tsolatlonist.s or unilateral disarmers. They even spare the miliiary-1.ndustrial complex its lumps. But they advocate the pull-back just the same. As one Clf them said: "Nixon has thrown down the gauoUet and we have picked it up." What ls most interesting about thiJ group Is tbat they are freshman senators trying to find themselves in the new world of Waahington. They bdlevt that they are the apostles of a new revet.Uoa '""T -• ·r t. ru~hard Wit.Wu, ~. defenses must be strong. They raise ; questions about the nuclear arms race, convenienUy blinking the fact that Russia is rapidly getting ahead of us in nuclear strength. They bitterly complain of the --· .......... _ -"' fantastic "over·runs",in estimates on lhe arising from the sentiments of tbe cost of new weapons systems without giv- people of their home states. ing any consideration to findings that the USSR is in vesting two to three times Earmuffs AT FIRST READING lhla sounds Im· more in strategic military forces than the pressive. A Democrat, Harold Hughes of United States. And Russia is doing that The only way a fellow can get any wort Iowa; a conventional Republican, William with a gross national product that runs done in the average U.S. business office B. Saxbe of Ohio; a liberal Democrat, about hall the gross national product or between now and Labor Day is to show Alan Cranston, of California; a new Ken-the United States. They demand peace in ur on the job wearing a pair of thict lucky Republican, Marlow W. Cooke. Vietnam without the faint.est semblance eannuffs. They are joined by four. liberal-minded or .! practical way to bring that condition For It is summer vacation time again. congressmen, one Republican and three .. ;JnlQ being without unilateral and total · 'The ttJt 1 eeb ..tt .._Joy Jl)end · -Oe~ocraf:s. Tai:~n altogether surely it , ~hdrawal, now which, .fleaven forbid, • ·fiis 'vacatk:: dCJt~T~ ... ~lhe ~ woUld sotind as if the new members of they all oppose · Congress bad heard the voice of the peo-• output much. What 11:1nds It ~ to a pie in a national administration grown THE SENATORS AND their colleague9 complete standsUll 1~ the fact each tone-deaf to popular cries of anguish. from lhe other house tiave called a co'n-m~ber of the staff upon his· return bas Th 1 tak th lr I ·i.., ference on the "plaMing of new to liuttonhole every other empldye and the e o'::r a~:saye~s, e J. p a~~I~~;;; priorities," with Arthur Larson, director 'rel~te the weird ~d wonderful el.· Fulbright, AJbert Gore , c e 0 r g e or the World Rule of Law Center at Duke per1e~ces that befell him .. McGovern and Eugene McCarthy _ all University, as chairman. Arthur Larson Unlike the Ancient Mariner, who stop- forswearing the new isolationism and all was the author or a now forgotten doc· ped ~nl~ one . of three, your returned persistently calling for a pull·back trine called "new Republicanism" as an vacahorust ins.1sls upon stopping three of. whether in Vietnam, Spain or Okinawa. adviser to President Eisenhower. Ike lik-three. And ~s story falls somewhere Everywhere, in fact, except Israel.. ed the idea of a new GOP but never could bet.ween a fairy tale .by ~ brothers It would be singularly unobservant to get it off the ground, probably because Grunm and an outlandish fib by Barro contend that what the new apostles and the new Republicanism wasn't hardly any Munchausen. the old soothsayers are doing and saying different than the old progressive has no significance. They certainly do Republicanism. represent the nationwide frustration over Perhaps it will be the same with the the Vietnam War, the anxiety over its movement for new priorities. When the cost diverting national resources Crom new senators get all their new priorities pressing domestic problems, and the in order for hunger programs ahead of yearning for some new and easier way to the ABP.t they may come to about the live in security in a dangerous world. same conclusion as President Nixon : ''Let us not then, pose a false choi~ BUT NONE OF THEM bas ever put between meeting our responsibilities forWard a plausible alternaUve. They op-abroad and meeting the needs of our peo- pose the ABM in the same breath that pie at home. We shall meet both or wt they patriotically caution that our shall meet neither." IF YOU TAKE orf your own eannulfs, you'll probably get a headache listening to the following familiar types of vaca- tionists in your office: The Sports Bug-"I played on 15 dif- ferent golf courses In 10 days in five dif· ferent states and almost made six holes in on~." he begins. 1ben he pulls out the IS cards as proof and goes over the games with you, hole by bole. Is · Anti-sexual T saw my first pornographic film the other night. It came about this way: a reader, who objects to my libertarian views on censorship, sent me the film to show me how disgusting and reprehensi- ble they can be. He was apparently hop- ing it would help me take a harder line against pornography. Quite t.t;e contrary. 1 am now more copvi.nced than ever that such trash has absolutely no appeal in any normally ·~· Ulized adult, l!ld ls In fact )lnllocmdly 8nti-sexual in ita ~ Tllll IS NOT MY impreuJon alone. I ran the film. for four m1ddle-aged mar- ried couples -a business execuUve, an arehiteCt, a 'piychiatrist, and a journalist. together. with their wives. They were uniformly bored with the gross clinical details that robbed sex of whatever charm and ei:citement it privately posse:;ses. t asked the peychiatrist to whom !Uch films would appeal. "Only to people with perversions and feliches," he said. "They're not even made for people ln the normal range, but only for thole who already have severe personality distor· lions, and those for whom fantasy is more important than reality." "BUT SHOULDN'T we try to keep such films out of the bands of people like that?" I asked. "Not necessarily," be said. "It's pro- bably better for them to be watching films than trying to act out their fan- tasies. It gives them a kind of relief and ('f'' "''"'"J;"-"·•· -~ f Si@ey J. Harris j keeps them off the streets and out of the parks. Most of these people, you ml•st remember, have low sexual potentials, not high -this is why normal ap- proaches and relations can't satisfy them." "Some people argue/' J said, "'that such -films 'inflame' the abnonnal and lead ·them to go out and commit sel'.\181 assaults." "NONSENSE," he said. uni.ere has never been the slightest medical or legal evidence that reading or looking at pornography leads to overt acts. It mere- ly bores normal people, and satiates ab- normal ones. Actually, by repressing such material, we run the risk or making it more desirable -what attracts people to pornography is society's repressive at- titude toward it more than the material it.sell." . I have long felt this to be the case, even before I ever saw a pornographic film; and now I am more sure than ever that our rigorous attempts at censorship are more responsible for the flood of pornography in this country than the smut-peddlers could ever have generated by themselves. U this trash could be sold freely on every newsstand, the peddlers would be out or business in a month. All Borrowers Heavily Hit The Oddball-He takes pri~ hr going on unusual vacations. Last year ~ work- ed as a deckhand on a freighter. This year he spent the whole tlfne in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. Hi.s opening line: "After 1 tell you what's on display on the third Ooor, I 'll telJ you a couple of surprising things I saw on the· IE!COnd floor." Relogging a Few Titles Recapltulatloa: J like the llne In Publishers' Weekly that complains or the recent overdose of ''warbooks, whorebooks and borebooks" the trade has promoted with the Intensity usually reserved for the laWJChing of 1 new deodorant. It hasn't been all that, of course, and with irummer just over our shoulders, I'd like to Jotl:, or relog a few titles I have enjoyed in recent months. Two of the classic antagonists ln hear· lngs on Capitol Hill are William 1-tcChesney Martin Jr., the COMervative chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, and Rep. Wright Patman (~Texas), Populist cbaJrmao of the House Banking and Currency Committee. For ye.an the Fed bas locurred the wrath of Palman whenever it lightened Cl'edil Another confrootatiGD is in the making. Patman now wants to "get to the bot· lorn al: tba..ttaliQAI -behind thiJ latest in- crease (in the bank prime lending rate) and to detennine what can be done to prevent further increases and to roll back the high level of interest rat.el." The cost of money registered an ei:plosive in- crease on June 9. Big banks raised their prime rates -the rates they charge on loans to their best corporate customers -to 81A percent, from 7~ percent. The U.S. Treasury had to pay almoot 7 per- cent on Its weekly sale of slt·month bills. THE EFFECT ON money circles wu ---- Monday, June 23, 1969 TM tdltorlal page of th< Dally Pilot uckl to in/om and rtim- ulace reader• b~ prt>ltnlino thil ~· oplnlonr o1ld com-...marr Oii topicr Of lnl<rut on4 t;lgnijican«, by pt'ot>fding o f.,_ for 1114 upnulon of OW" reotkn' opln.toni, an4 b~ ,,,.....,.,., t/14 dloent .;..,. pol..U ~I ln/ol"llltd ob"""" on4 IJlOU""'" cm topic• of !ht daJI, Robert N. Weed, Publisher , r -;r - ' Editorial i Research I ) dramatic. Stocks sagged on a wide range. An issue of high-grade utility bonds of· fering a record return of 8 percent wu only 35 percent sold-at the end or the day. The banks' decision on that second Monday in June and its subsequent ef. fects were only part of the broad upward trend in money costs that has persisted through the last half of this decade. All borrowers, government.. corporate, or in· dlvldual, have been heavily hit. More than a year ago, Eliot Janeway, tbe New York: consulting economist, wrote : "Before we get through, you're going to see a discount rate of 6 percent, corporate bonds at 8 percent, and mortgage moniy at 9 percent" The dis.- count rate Is the Fed's basic lending rate. The level went to 6 percent 18.!lt April 3, highest 1in~-1hr T percent of 1S11 . Janeway now spelkr or the arrival of "credit panic coDd.i.Uoos." A RISE IN THE di6COUtlt rate has lhe effect ol p(lohing up alt other Interest rates. In connection with other Federal Reserve tight credit policies and the burgeoning demand for money the bank prime rate has been lifted thtte Ume1 rinct last Dcctmber. M an antl-ln- flatlonary weapon, high interest ratts are increasingly suspect. Jn his new revised "The Aff!Uenl Society."' John Kenneth Galbraith states: "No other course or ae. tJon ln «Onomics has ev!r riv11led monetary poUcy in its capacity to survive rruture. ·~ A panel of New 'Vorli: St.ite Banken AooclaUon M!mbtts on June 11 in- ______ _._ dicated that another raise in the prime rate may be in the making. Rates on funds from some sources are weU above the current 81h percen.t prime rate. ' THE STATJS11C1AN-Would you like to know how many miles a day he got out of his car? Or how many steps there are in the Washington monument? Or bow WHENEVER THE cost of borrowing many feet deep the Grand Canyon is' Or money goes up, the man in tb.e street ls how wide it is across? Whether you want hit in all his credit needs, direcUy or in-to know or not, he insists that you learn. directly. Especially hurt are prospective The Cheapskate -He tries to impress "A Walk ""-•"" Britain," for ez:am-home-buyers. George Ro=nney, Secretary you with a big fat yarn about the slender '':'""ii" of Housing and Urban Development, on beautiful young he.iress he almost got 1?,I~, Is an exhilaratln( rtcord of an llOO-June.JLsaid~'We.have found.that-a.one...-engaged.to.lo Bermuda. Actuallf.t. to save . tJTUhe-le:.~ay fhilce-tbrougband alratng, ~~1!'1d• Int Inc In th lnte t le h t his '·le-. --u-q---·101-0 P on ....._,, po rease e res ra causes money, e spen wuu vaca on Sn· "dro di" of the West Highlands a 7 percent ~o l~ percent increase in the tin~ Jn a public part nea~ his home Corn~eall ~ the tip of Scotland, by a~ cost of housing. h?.dlng •piece of bright aluminum under English botanist-eccentric, John Hlllaby, MarUn will not be the only Patman hi s cb1n to help him get 8 q.ulck ~· who found the going tougher than he hlid target in the Banking Committee hear-The Pilgrim Grandpa-This old-timer bargained for. The season's outdoor boot, ings beginning Thursday. The chairman vlJlt~ all six of his widely scattered sons on a par with Colin Fletcher's accounts of wants to call Secretary of the Treasury and daughters and came back with a his audacious hikes (Houghton). David M. Kennedy, • new but well-ap-wallet stuffed with pictures of his 12 predated adversary, and officials of grandchildren. - Bankers Trust Company of New York, which set off the new prime rate raises. Blit Patman's favorite foe Is Bill Martin, whom he once accused of having cost American consumers "'200 billion 1n ercess interest charges." Dear Gloomy Gus: 1 hope l'relldent Nil<lo doesn't get too carried away with thlJ surfboard stuff. A Preaident with rurf nobl on knees and feet won't do much for our country's image. -T. N. "'" ...,_,,.. ,..,.... ,.....,,. .,...._, ... l'IK-llY 1tt1M M fflt ""°"'lllW• l..r ....... ,...,. ... ._, ..... O.llr ''""· THE NARROW ESCAPER-Something Is always almost happening to him, but somehow It never quite does. His car almost ran off a clilf, a grizzly bear almost mauled him, he almost left his wife behind In a fllllng station washroom, h• ~t dled o1 food piisorunc. 11e almost drowned • ln a lake where the very nut day he almost caught a filh. The Big Time Oper1tor-"l talttd this resort. operator down from a $51).a-day rate to $25, won '150 ln a poker game the S«Ond night and became palsy•alsy with a millionaire who w•nts me to come with hls firm for twice the money l'm get.ting hm!:," He br111. ln the next breath he trlH to borrow two bucks from you to go to lunch. The 8cm-He la the onl,y one who ls mum aboot v.caUon. ~ reuon: He has been too buay to take one. He hu be<n secretly working out plans to "Ph•ce: hall I.he office staff with efficient new machlnet-machines that don't require vacations and. therefore can't wute mare Um• later by tatkln& about them. "THE snIDIO" Is a 1traight-faced, in- telligent. funny and 1ppalllng account of how movies are put together at Twentlet.h Century·Fox these days. It la by a young writer, John Gregory Dunne, who wa.s allowed to watch it all for most of a year. Hls Lllllan Roa-like reportage on life and grotesquerles lnskte thlJ drt•m f1ctory must have put Fa esecuUvea, and cer- talnly publlcllta, back oo their mllk dkla (Farrar). •• Amerlc:a tbe Raped," by Ow journalist Gene Marine. ii lwdly 900lhinll llUllllllU reading, but it ta · on lmporlont lJHle\llh look at the people wh> build dams, f,..,.aya, .. ....,., j<tporta, nu ,,.,, and di& away the beachet ol Amerlca In the name or ugrowtb," ''p:ogrea,'' "Boosterism" or whltevtr, too often <reatln& eoolollcal dlulte;-, aerthetlc chaos and pollution ol ~u kinds rrom ata tolhilllnfl oea. .Rocomniended (Simon •nd SChu...,). "ERNEST HEMMINGWAY, A Life Stoey," by C.rk>I Bok•, ii the whole Im- probable J&ga, Oak Park, Ill., to the aulclde to ldlbo. A vosUy detailed •ork, ~ too much to, yet detacbtd ____ .,,__,,.. enqugh to show that the old Man could be an arrogant pain-in-the-neck and manic- depressive as well as the author of "The Snows Of Kilimanjaro" (Scribner"s). ''The Shepherd of the Ocean" is 111; spirited new look at that Elizabethans' Elizabethan, Sir Walter Raleigh, of ;n P«Jpi< •. ln...w.hi.<lt.Jbe_enlb\!Si8"1L•l lh• authors, J . 11: Adamson and H. F. Folland, becomes infectious. As a witness Aid at the choppirlg block In 1618: "We have not such another head in England" (Gambit, Inc.) MY CHOICE FOR lhe novel of tho season Is Kurt Vonnegut Jr. 's cockeyed yet beautifully controlled, often disturb- ing "Slaughterhouse-Five, or T h o Child~en's Crusade." Skirting the borders of SCJence-flctlon, this is a personal, if oblique, recollection of the Allied fire- bombing of Dresden toward the end of &he second World War which the author survived as a prisoner of war. An odd psychological exercise which Fram KaO.a might ha ve understood. WIWamH- ---811 Geol'ffe --~ Deor a.org., I like this second guy bec•use he looks like the flrst guy whom l really like. Now, when J see this first guy I find 1 like him becaute he looks like the second JUY whom I Uke because he looks like the first guy. Is there anythifll wrong with this? CONFUSED Dear Confused: Yta, and you will have to choose -pick Ille °"" which looltl most alike. - bo OI b; ~ .. II d d p u c 0 b " c " t; h • " b ~ ti c 0 y ~ B ' • a fl h ti s l' 0 a n I' u f, p h d ~ y " .. f• 0 t· n 0 tl • l y b y d n 'I u l ' Baseball ·Players Find Best Steaks By L. M. BOYD cigar srnolrers ""' Clint . Eastwood, Peter B-ml ANYBODY in ,.arch of the Femoodo Lama, I'm told. .. best steak houses should find • ~UJmlS of the out where the professional nation's divorced men remar· baseball players eat They ry wilhin five yurs ..•• OUR . NAME GAME MAN reports have a knack .ror tracking there is an Emery stone in down such establishments .•. • Fresno, Calif. . • .NO BIRD HABITUAL b u l t e r m i I k has a sense of smell, claims drinkers are said.to develop a one ornithologist. Can that be characteristic odor about their right? persons not alt.oeether unlike tha t of a colicky baby in a OLD BEN -'lbat old Ben crib .••• THE l'ELLOW at the Franklin was quite a fellow. counter nearby some time He even set down simple proof ' back said to the waitress. that white clothes are cooler • "Remember, I'll have those than dark clothes. One winter pork chops lean." And she he wt two strips of clotl! - replied Wrly, "Which way?" one white, tile other black - out on the soow. Naturally, the snow under the black cloth melted far more quickly, and he promptly published bis find. ings to make the point. Tm.ES -A feminine cuslomer says her family likes to pick out their preferred titles. Of songs and books. She invites me to suggest some of same. Gladly. Among the bet~ ter song titles, still think "Stardust" is pretty hard to beat. Although there i s something to be said also for that · ditty called "I'm a Cranky Old Yank in a Clanky Old Tani: en the Streets of Yokohama with my HonoluJu h1ama Doin' Those Beat-o, B e a t • o , Flat-on-My-Seat-o Hirohito Blues." For a fine and fancy fiction title, how about "Of Time and the Rive r?" As to the nonfiction books, best title of all time, 1 think, is "Gods, Graves· and Scholars." Nifty ring to that. THE FIRST -It was just 104 years ago that the article of feminine attire now known as the falsie was r i r s t marketed in the United States. \Vas called the bosom pad then. This data comes from a fellow who says he has made a pastime of studying t h e history of the brassiere in- dustry. Some hobby, what ? Might consider that, mister, if you're gett.ing tir!?<f of your stamp collection. CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q. • "I'm a 16-year-old girl. My folks still spank me. Usually on the bare bottom. Abou t twice a month. Is this normal?" A. Who am I to tell other people how to bring up their youngsters? But i t sounds a little much all right. Little late, too. By now, once a year on your birthday should be just about right. But not in your birthday suit. NOW TH AT SHE is long departed, it can do no hann to mention the poet S a r a Teasdale habitually wore long underwear. . • • OTHER LEADING MEN known ta be ....,;., ~ NAME GAME -0 You11 flnd most girls c a 11 e d Bernice," says our Name Game man, "have a pretty keen taJent for sizing up new acquaintances." · · Your questions and com- ments are welcomed and , wiU be used whereve1' poi· . sible in "Checking · Up." Address mai l to L. Af. Boyd, in care of the DAILY PILOT, Box 1875, Ntwport Beach, Calif., 92663. Diver Finds Old Galleon VERO BEACH, Fla. (UPI) -A treasure diver has discovered an l!k:ieot Spanish galleon lying nearly intact in 15 feet of water off the Florida coast. And becallSe the ·ns.lbot ship is nearlt "ln&cl, marine biologist Carl cia .... sale!' It wou1 d be one of the most " valuable archeolGgical finds in Florida's history. Clausen said the ship was believed to be the Capitmla, the nagship of the Galeone3 fleet that sank· in 1715 en route from Bogota. Colombia, to Spain. The sunken vessel ' was discovered by a diver workinj: for Treasure Salvors Inc. It was found in the Atlantic Ocean less than 300 yards from the second fairway ct ·a golf course. , Clausen said the Capitana w.as loaded with tobacco, hides, dyes and some gold and silver when it sank. ~ Organicore instant protein creme conditioner and body builder 1.5 0 l.aMalW orianiCONpenllCIMfttWWI 12.50 Notvral highll1htl111 •.,our npert ,....,;,,. 14.88 Sham--and Ht (Aloft., T-. ood WocL ooly)-$J We .,edaliza In the CDJ9 of ,--.. wfp. USI YOUR PINNIY CllAHI c:AID..., NO APPOINTMINT NICISSAlT ,ULLllU'ON 0r•"'91tlr (4tlltf' 2nd llllOr, 111..,., HUNTIHOTOff llAC:N H1,111llnl!Olt C..ltf' hid 11oor. 1tU1n NIW"°'T l lACN ,..,.. h'-1 1ncl lklor. U.UlJ ' or t ··Cotton terry .lined .boat shoe 3.88 Terry cl oth lined boat shoe made of injection moulded rubber. In rmy and loden men's sizes 6"2 lo 12 D, boy's sizes 21'2 to 6 D, and youth's siies 10 lo 2 D. Lace to toe oxfords •.. 3.99 These lace to 1oe basketball oxfords have buff molded suC!ion. cup design outsoles and are avail- able In bladi or white, men'.s, boy'1 or youth's sizes. ' ; •• " " " " " " " .. .. ,, '• ' ·. Child'• cap toe i Girl's oxford Fadoddonim Canvas shoes for a happy sumrner! Your choice 2.99 Children'.s cop toe design army duck oxfords feature air cooled cotton army duck uppen and -...ct balance arch. In rmy or red. Girl's snub toe oxford with a cuahton arch en available in white, black or red. For -men -have lllUb toe cotton duck oxfords in white, black or red. Also faded blue or jeans blue denim snub toe oxfords. UKE ·IT ••• CHAIGE ITI • I ' ,, • • . • , ' '• . • ' ' ' • ~ • .• • ' ' ' f OAll.Y I'll.OT Mond.,, J..,. 2', 196'1 180 Injured 'Rock' Festival Marked by Clasl1 NORTHRIDGE . cam. (AP! -About 100 persons were in· jured as police and young peo· ple clashed in scattered in· cidents as officers tried to prevent thousands of fans from •shing the gates at a rock festival. Police called a tactical alert Sunday at the "Newport '69" fesliva1 and arrested about 100 persons on marijuana. dangerous drug , assault and drunkenness charges. As many as 50,800 person~ from several western states attended each day or the three-day event at this Los Angeles suburb on the first weekend oC summer vacation for many youths. Seventeen officers w e r e among those injured. Man Kills 2, Tlien Self At the height of the trouble Sunday, about %00 Los Angeles policemen patroled outside the first of two chain-link fences for youths climbing over to avoid the $7 admission fee to hear the big-name ~II: bands. A force oi about 100 private guards were inside the fence. Officers ..... Pth<d with rocks, bottles and atlcts. Unruh Asks Reagan Aid On Oil Bills SACRAMENTO !UPI) - Assembly Democratic leader J ess Unruh thinks a few kind words from Republican Gov. Ronald Reagan would be the key to getting his oil disaster legislation through the Senate. Unruh said Sunday he had wrilteq the governor asking his help in the upper house for lhe two Assembly-passed bills. ' .~ Of Tiit 01ll't' Pli.t Iliff Good Luck Kiss New Miss California, Miss Linda Lee Hall, 21, (right) gets a good luck kiss from runner-up Miss Suzanne \.Vensch, 20, of Sacramento. Miss Hall of Los Angeles \Vho will now compete in the Miss Uni- verse Beauty Pageant was selected from among 42 fi nalists competing for the title. She is 5 feet 11 inches tall and measures 36-24-35. OCEANSIDE (AP) -A security officer at a retire- ment community was in critical condition today after he was wounded and a retired Marine colonel killed by a house painter who late r killed himself, police said. One bill i'mposing strict liability to oil companies fo r -------------------- Col. George N. Carroll. 61, died at Camp Pendleton Hospital. Police said he was shot in the head by Fred B. Gibson, 25, of Escondido, James L. Doc.kens, 35, of Oceana, was wounded in the chest, right check and head. He was under treatment at Oceanside Cammunity Hospi· ta!. Detectives said the shootings at · Oceana Sunday came after a man followed a young woman from Oceanside to Vista, then kidnaped and raped her, He shot Dock ens and Carroll while switching cars, officers said. damage resulting from drilling disastera faces a tough tellt Tuesday in the S e n a t e G o v e r nment.al Efficiency Committee. The other bill by the Inglewood Democrat bans oil and gas drilling in state waters in the Santa Barbara Chan nel. It was approved by the Senate Natural Resou rces Committee but now must be heard by the Senate Finance Committee. ••without support. from yqu, the success of either of these bills in committee is ex· tremely doubUul," U n r u h wrote Reagan. "I am con- fident that a statement by you in support of these bills ~·ill ensure approval bf' both these committees so that final ac· lion can be taken on the Senate floor." Cal State Camp-in Enters Seco 1icl Day LOS ANGELES (UPI ) - A sanctioned si1-day "camp-in" by about 150 students and adults entered Its second day at the Cal State Los Angeles campus loday in support of in· creased educational op- portunilies· for M e x i c a n - Americans. The demonstration, organJz. ('d by the United Mexican- American Students chapter at Cal State. began Sunday after a three-mile march to the school. According to Arturo San- doval, the group's v l c e: chnirman, Ule goal of the: camp-in is to demonstrate support in the Melican-Amfr- ican communlty for C a I State's ed uca tional op- portunities program. However, Sandoval said that because of slate budget cuts for fiscal 1970, funds originally allocated for the program were lqst. "Now it's up to the people to pressure Gov. Reagan lo restore the funds," Sandvoa l acldrd. State Budget Racing Time Deadline SACRAMENTO (AP) - Ricing a deadline, llepubllcanl and Democrats joined today in calling for speedy Senate passage or a stripped-down version ot Gov. Reagan'• record $t1 bllllon-plus slate buda:et. a rtoord for the nation's most bud 1 e t . sereenlnc Senate populous state. Finance Commlttee, urged Senate approval would stnd Jolm G. Schmitz al Tuslln, an outspoken conservative crlUo of state spending. the budget down theiblll to the nonpartisan support "IO lbe A>sembty, and a lllr\ oo·the atalo WI IO ahead. negoUatlons needed to put "I'm not interested ln the HAL AlllSC:H•• rln HEARING AIDS together a al venloo f o r partlaan aspect of thil,'' he The approprlatlont bill for the fiscal year beginnlni Ju1y · 1 -totalllna $8,198,431,922 - was set ror a key Senate vote. Re1gan to tip. sai'd. C•1to111 A11r11I Ampllflc11tt .. f ii NO IALSSMSJI 1 ure to •sree by midnight "Republican members of the J40t f. COAST HWY. June 30, the end of the current r· . hi I c-• ,... - fiscal year, woJl]d leave the ~'.'.m~an'..c~e~c'_om~m~1tt~ee~ba_c:ked:._'l~m~~'"'i!!!!A!'!"'!!t"'"!!'!'!''-1111!1!"!'!' !!!!! state without funds to pay its,. with one exception -Sen. Some $27 million lower lhan the Republican governor re- quested, lht measure wM still bills. M¥ttt1INIM!lt Sen. Randolph Collier ( 0.. Yrtka), chairman of the * * * * * * Reagan Asks Federal Tax Sharing Plan SACRAMENTO (UPI) -mittee has accepted some of Gov. Ronald Rugan L! asking Reagan's ta1 reform ideu in congressional support for a the omnibus bill it is wriUng, part of his tax refonn pro-it rejected his 1 percent gram the Assembly has shun.. "educational opportunities" ned. lax. The governor S u n d a y Reagan said if his education dlsclo3ed he has written all 40 tax were passed and the members of the state's con· federal government pennltted gressional delegation asking the tax credllt ~ would be them to help pau a fedeial-no net lncreue in a taxpayer's state "ta:r aharing" plan. The only medlcatfon that -Gets to a Major Cause of Hemorrhoids Now! Most complete 3-way relief! Thls im portant d1v1lopm1 nt in hemorrhoid treatment comes to you alter live years of scientific and cllnlcal ttstinJ, Not only does Counternold• work by lessenina: oa fn fast, 1!)$1 by coating, soothinc,' and protectin1 Injured tiswe ••• but unlik1 every oth er hemorrhoid product Counter®id also works 1 third way. Thanks to an exclusive formula with DSS10 nt onli Counternoid eels to 1 major eause of hemor· rhold$; Painful hard constipation.' Without in"itltin1 lautivt effect.· Here's how: In hoSpitll X-ray tests dGCtors Mve de monstrated that th• remarklblt Counltmoid formu- la lion with DSS10 pen1tr1t1s llf minll!es to tht top of the· rtcbl area to soften the stooJ 1rMI use the bowel movement . It is this unique action tllal dots1 so much to makt natural healinl · possible. So, if you live with the piin and fe1r of recut1ing minor hemorrhoid troubles, a:et temporary 1eliel witA medically.tested Counternoid. Actually. used as directed, Cour1> ltrnoid offers the most compltl• 3-way relief you un a:et without • prescription or witho!Jt surpry. In stainless er ell!\ or SUWoSitorin. ,,. At all drue counters. ""rn4<-" H.n-.... LIR-..... What the governor wants ts bilke said bcXh Democrats and to allow Californjans to credit Republicana endorsed. t a 1 against their federal lncmne sharing but no p r a ct 1 c a I tu 1 percent to offaet a 1 per-method bad been suaested. cent added It.a~ income tu.-~~~~~~""-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ he propoMS to raise school funds. · But while the Assembly Reve nue and Tuation Com· Bo y, 14, Shot Dead as Burglar LOS ANGELES (AP) - A 14-ye:ar-old box whose mother is servlng a jail aenlc:lce for child neglect has been fatally wounded by sheri!f'a depuUea · respondJng to a burglary alarm at a closed market. The: youth was ldenUfied u Lorenzo Baker, who died about 90 minutes after he: wu shot in the head by Deputy C. A. Sto11•e:ll. investigators said. ome. We bring samples! Free estimate! Free consultation! No obligation! Call collect (714\ 523-6511 -------- ·--·-- FULLERTON VENTURA TORRANCE NO. HOLLYWOOD LONG BEACH SAVE 20~'to 35~ on custom drapery fabrics ' ; f • l l i ; ; i • • ; ; • '· An exciting collection of Fashion Manor fabrics reduced this week only! ... -·- Your windows can make your home all you want it lo be ..• or dull and drab. With our beautiful Fashion Manor ope" weaves, slub weaves, sheen, prints, jacquards, and more, we can help you achieve just the right window treatment to make your windows the focal point of your home. Expert custom workmanship ... at our regular low prices. LIKE IT ... CHARGE ITI • • -' j • j •I .. l t . .. • I I I I I r I I • ( I I I I I t r ' f ' c l r -~·--~-----·~~~~~~~~··~~~~ .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... ~-:-.::-""'7'111 f " ---- Did President Overreact? Nixo,;_'s Withdrawal 'Ho-pe' i· ay Haunt Him I WASlllNGTON (UPI) -the of ,.,.. hopes Hanoi and the let Cona. moUvatlon, wbldl Included a l'!eildeal Nlmn's publicly ... when~ ul<ecl to com-CllHord's Um le Involves sharp penooa1 atUicl< 00 the p~ "boj>e" to withdraw ment oo a propoal by former setU.ng a deadllbe @Id, pulling tonner defense secni~y all Amorjcon ground .,..bat Del...., Secretary Clark M. out without regard to Wlltlher · • forteS frcrri. Vielnlm belcn CUl!ord calling for wilbdrawal Soulh Vietnam Is capable by There was no "al - • the end al nest year may of 100,000 troopc from Vietnam !he end of 1970 of boldlng ils to -!hat tjlO l'laidellt i retum to haunt blm -bolh ai and all remaining ground own against the Conununbls. had abandoned Im c:aatloui ~ home and abroad. combat forces by the end of Clifford's plan would strip and well orchestrated plan for , Ttle history of the Vietnam next yt.ar. Vietaam of lhe 2·53,000 disengaaement. However, it ' coofllct h a s demonstrated Nixon already had em-American ground c o m b a t remains to be .een what will "hopes" exp-bf toe" barilecl Oil • plan for camully troops but leave the .. , to "'P-...ult from his performance American ollidab ultlmateb\ pba9ed wtlhdrawal al U.S. port the Saigon government, Thursday night. become Interpreted at forces teyed to the reallt)' of U.S. logisUc fol'Ce3 and air . G!!AmTI ..,,.... by Lury ' ... ""'. , -. .. pJedgN," with disastrous developments In Paris and on support. consequences oo the domestic the batUefleld, with the lniUal It is unlikely that American pollUcal froal. 25,000 coming out during the military corrunand<rs would Tbe President's statement next sir weeks and a decision be willing to leave U.S. supply alto may be mialn1'rpret<d by In AUIUJt on a d.41 t I o n a I units and air base.o to be the Communistl to support withdrawals. defended only by South Viet· Newport MD __ ... _ ... _-_-_ .. _ their argument that American 'n'le President's carefully namese combat forces. Appointed to State Group Pair Initiated -.,,M<U,IM D.llLY mft f L~ird Vr s ed to Probe Navy WASHINGTON (Ai')-Rep. In~ Soulh China ... under '"The Secretary of llll ... . c:iU.nCe 0. Loq, 0-Md., bas I calai ....... --oust>t to take putlcular palm . "'"'9(ed to ~Vin R. 4h'd. tlonl ai·. pallllilo 1ool ol 74 to mW ..... dial~ fmlffii: .i.i--.tary, !hat be In-liv•. ' nillltary tactic of mUlnl • · v..tlpte the Nary Wllh a '"lbll ftll1indl me of ooe ol faw junior olllcen "'"-" view toward shakinl up Its the sla)llllck movleo of the b not punued In ~-~ high command. ,,_ Stoo(<o." Loq u1d. pllon of J::.' .......... At a subcmnmittee meet-.. lf it weren't 10 trqSc. tllia Lorll coacl ' In( of the H-Appropria· ICOllario could be .mltled, Uons Conunlttee at which ·1..ow CGmecl)' on the HIP 511TCHERY Km! Laird appeared as a witness, Seu. 1 Long cited ''four most recent "If U. Navy Clll't bold ~ bungles of the Nary !hat we Sedler .-, ~--know about." ~ dltlcms 1-will k perform In -The seizure ~f North K~ 1 l"fJal ~Mu. war'f" 1 -· rea of the JnteJugence ship -• _..... Pueblo. aald. -The . .-ng down by Laird W a I ...........itla ....................... _ .................. ... ____ ... ......... lfll .... , .,.. SI.It .. ...... The KNIT WIT public opinion is gradually formulated plan ls two-The President's news con· forcing the United States pronged. It call! for mutual ference statement of "hope" toward a unilateral pullout withdrawals by U.S. and North failed to square with the reali· without any significant con-Vietnamese forces but pro-ty of lhe situaUon as seen by cessions by Hanoi and the Viet vides an alternative method of his top advisers. Dani el S. Johnson, 2 O 9 North Korea« a Navy recon-about the pouV>Uity of an bt- Wellesley Lane, Costa Mesa, nalssance: aircraft despite the v.Uptioa, but did upress and Ltt W. Mallory, 26.1 forewarning« tlfe: Pueblo in· coocem, accordini to a re- ~ »·•·rt E Rak I r Ocean View Drive, Newport cident. leue from t .-.. •s office. N~rtB'.:aeh, has tie!: 1~ Beach. have been initiated to -The sinking at a Callfor· "We've i;.,,16 been aware ,,,.,.._ 141.Jtli Cong. If the Communists disengagement if Hanoi and They have been talking believe this, the likelihood or the Viet Cong refuse to accept. privately about the possibility any progress at the Paris The alternative is to bring of a maximum withdrawal peace talks is remote. American combat forces out this year of 70,000 of the pointed to the 1970 State Of. the CaWomia Lambda chapter nia dock of a Navy nuclear that mudl d. tDe Navy equ:tp.. ficers' Conference Committee of Phi Beta Kappa at the Slbmarine--at I cost ol P5 ment is old and obsolete," SOUTH COAST PLAZA ol lhe Ameri'cao Academy or University of CaWornia , Santa million-before it could even the Maryland Democrat add-L•wer Mell Ac, .. , m,..· General Practice. Barbara. be COlllDl.bsioned. ed. "I'm asking the DeftDllt w .. lwri'• Many diplomatic observers as rapidly as the South Viet-540,000 U.S. servicemen in were surprised that NixDn, namese. under an accelerated Vietnam and have flatly who had previously dealt with program of training and__.declined to speculate on how the Vietnam issue w i l h equipment, are able to take many migl)t come out next restraint and skill, took this over operations now being year because of the multitude way of answering pressure performed by U.S. troops. of uncertainties involved in the from his critics for a faster The President's plan calls diplomatic· military formula withdrawal and a definite for disengagement under a being applied as a guideline. He will be one of five They were selected foe the -The slicing in two of the Department to inquire wbeth· lriitel •• th 5,11 o;.,. Frwy. members of Lhe committee, society on the basis o£ high Navy destroyer USS 1'nmt E. er this milht abo be true ol COSTA MDiA. ~a~~~~~m~i~c~ach~ie~vem~e~nt:·~~~E~vans~~d~u~r~l~n!g~m~aneu~v~ers~~lhe~~top~comm~~and~.:._~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!' and is responsible for planning.~ tbe annual naUonal meeUng for officers of state chapters of the AAGP. deadline. process which, although it For that reason, Nixon is 'I11eir surprise was all lhe may not insure victory for the generally considered to have greater because they saw no S a i go n re g i in e , w J 11 overreacted to Clifford's sug- need for Ntxon to lnduJge in neverth~ess deny victory to gest.lon on a basis of political AAGP is the only U.S. medical organization which requires its members to con· Unue their medical education tn retain membership. • The old porch swing was never like t ·his • • • o.ur 'California' . YOU CAN .HAVE A SWINGING SUMMER - EVE N IF YOU'RE A STAY-AT-HOME! ONLY 69.98 Pay as llfffe as SS per month Our 'California' swing seats 3 swingers ... is built for hard wear with a solid wrought iron frame, foam filled cushions that are button tufted, covered in sturdy, wipe clean vinyl. ' NO MONEY DOWN ••• USE PENNEY'S TIME PAYMENT PLAN CANOGA PARK • FULLERTON • HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD • MONTCLAIR • NEWPORT BEACH • VENTURA • ----..-..-&..------- . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • at El Rancho: the supermarket where the price is right! FIVE FLAVORS "UCKERY LEMON r AT OUR SNACK BAR! ''KISSIN' COUSINS!" "STICKY ICKY!" REG. SIZE "ORAH6Y TAH6Y!" &WIT SIZE So refreshing ... a fountain treat ... different and delishtful .•• at oar snack ban. • • • • •• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • Heinz Ketchup ........................ 2r Fig Newtons ..... -..................... rr The 8Jo'w one ... big 20 ounce bottle. N abi<eo'o ..• l!MI with milk! ... 16 oo. pkf. Pizza Rolls .............................. 59' MJB Rice Mixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'tr- J eno's .... pe rky .treat, good anytime! 6 oz. pk1. So euy to serve .•. and taaty l Reg" 39c. MJB Tea Bags ........................ 49¢ Stroganoff Sauce .......... 2 .w Serve it hot and hearty ... or iced ! 48 ct. A mix ... from Schillinp .•. do it euilr I Serve something different this week! Stroganoff Beef ....... ~ ........... $1 49 • Strips of U.S.D.A. choice that will Ji~e up to their promise of flavor and teoderneasl Eye._of-the .. Round ,..,. .. -~· ...... ~ . . . $1 49~ Juicy ! Tender! Her~·a a rout that oUers spectacular aatilfaction at the dinner table! London BrOtl ...................... •1.291~. Hearty flavor to "''in approval ! Super fresh! Cantaloupe tai1e size Ripe and sweet. , . fill halve.!! with creamy Royal Host Ice Cream I 5 I Pritt1 in. t//cct MOK., TMU., Wtd., June t3, .t.+, 16. No ltllu to~ •• Chipped Beef ....................... _, fr Se"e it erwned , •• m-m·m, iood ! ~ lb. Super t43tg ! Leo's SBced Mflts Wafu thin 11i ... of 3 sood.., ... sood ao many wqe •'•ref. 89c • I I 1 I 11 UllY PIU)T MondJy, Junf 2', 1'61 Pt-of Vr9 e11 R e cogni1ion • .. Cubans Fea r U.S. 'Tig er'· ly THOMAS FORTUNE Of ... C»llY ,llel ll•H most ol whom had vi.sited Cuba. I don.._ Incapacitate themselves for the nert six weeks. .IRVINE -In Cuba the peo- plt!,share a fear of a tiger call- ed .. the United States. Fidel Cistro tells them the tiger hu one paw stuck in Vietnam and , one paw trapped in the ghetto 'at 1>orne. The tiger wants to pounce and •then lhe paw Is pulled frtt of Vietnam it is Png lo come down on Cuba. Weaver, a Huntln.iton Beach resident, never has been to Cuba, but that didn't ca.Use hiril to be sparing in his criticism of those who had. .. Many of our SO<!alled ex- perts are not trained politital scientist.s," he told t h e students. He said some want to believe that the revolution that began 10 years ago when Castro came to power has pro- duced a classless society. "This clearly 11 a sacrtllct of economic logic lo 50ClaJIJa. lion." As to whether the economy is now straightened out by putUng emphasis agaln on .sugar, Weaver said he doesn't know which observora to trust. ''My sense tells me that the Cuban economy in t h e agricultural sector probably Qi on the upswing," he said. To rob 'Castro of his tiger l~ge it would be in the United States' own best in- terest to recognize Cuba. But our government is m o s t urilittly to do so. He said it is h 0is opinion the Cuhan revolution, like all olhers, has swapped one elite for another.. "Clearly there are people who have Fidel's ear and more influence," he said. \\'eaver saJd he doubts some of the things he heard from the lecturers about literacy in Cuba. He submitted that a high level of functional literacy is relaUvely easy to achieve, but unless persons are given material to read they quickly slide back. ,1b1i is \he opinlon of Jerry Weaver, Cal Stale Long Beach ~ s cientist who cOerdinated a spring Ex· , tension course at UC Irvine on ··Cuba. Castro and Com- munism." 'CUBANS FEAR TIGER' Political Scienti5t Waaver Weaver confessed that he doesn't kno\v just how much su pport amo ng the mass of He also questioned whether Cubans are being educated to be inquiring or merely trained in political socilization. ~weaver dismisses t h e argiunenl!: for continued non· recognition of Cuba: lt's a communist regime - ''So is the Soviet Union. We -wouldn.i be marrying it." It's an illegal government - "We recognii.ed new governments in Brazil, Argen• !ill& and· Guatem ala within a few hours following coup d'etal.s." Cuba is an outlaw govern· ment exportin'g revolution - "Jordan. Syria, Lebanon, Jraq and Israel all export revo\u. tion. "Cuba is right in the middle of our historical sphere of in· nuence. Ifs just 90 miles from home.'' Weaver argues that you can't influence people you don't deal with ani:I can't rel2'1.e if you don't com· DEATll NOT I CES RENTZ St>lrley J•~ Re11!1. D11e ot dt•!n, J-lf. '"""lved tlY cl•llOhltr. Mrs. G-L. ICI..,, ot S... L~I ,..,..., Rd!le<'I M. Allan. kl\ l!NrlrlOl "Wotrwir, Reibert M. i111i.n. Jr .. ol c~ "·-oet M.,, Pr1v1tt tuner1I M'f\I• IC~ Ifft• Mid 1! EplKOPll Churd! ol our 51v1or, .S•" Glb•ltl, wl!~ Aev. Geof9e w. C11mml1191 artkl1!1119. I"' 1•r-.il, Sin c;,t>ri.1 Ce-"ry. L!Ll.Y lfO<l .. d Mllll''.te Ll!!y Allt ,,, or lllol s.,...r Orlvt, Cci.!1 Mn1. 01!e 9' o-. June n. Survlvtcl by w\tt, A..-E. Lill¥; _,,, Lff"•rd M. Jr. of -&Mell, .rid Jt""" T. LRIY; MlrlnHo11; slsttt, WI. J", t . Moli n. s1m-. c111f.; 1' llt'1llddli10-- S -11...-....ictlilOrtn. ll.os1rv. toni4M, I PM, 1.i11 CM~. 11•1 $11H•l0<, C~· 11 ""'""· R-.~ MIU. llH!JOiY, IO A,Y,, Our Lldy ot Ml, Clrtne-1 Cl!Mllt Churell. ~ ~.ui. 11111 Morl11- 1ry, Coror1a Otl Mir, Dlf'Kfort. VAN HORN Adel.I~ Etlabe'lfl V•<1 Horii. Ale IS. of >101 ~ Ori~ COlfl MDI. Ot!t cf _,,., J,,.. :n . .Survived bY lGf'1, llobet1 1.. van Horn1 sl•ltts, Gl1dv• .S<.hluntl, Hew Molco; Etllel P-'1. Sen Jo111 Ind L11111" Fi.II, W1$CO'l'Jill; •our tr..ndl;fll-. St<'vkt• 1nd l"lolr· ~I wilt b. ~Id !<1 Mew, Arl1011&. R11tr MO<'l\Olrv. lS:lG E. CD11l HitllWIV, COMl<ll del Mir. Forw1rdl"9 O!rt<ll>l'I· DAVIDSON Tl!om1• E'. 01vl0oor1. Ao' !J, ol 'l'O.ct Vl1l1 C.ion, N-1 llMdl. Cite of dull\, J""" 11. Strvlcea pend!"' 11 81111 Motlu1ry, Coron• del NI.,. GARDNER "otifr1 N, ~. ~ 11tncll119 11 &1111 Morl111ry, Corona def /Mt. CURNUTl'E fUr1m A. Curn<11lt. MM Tr16ewi1'CIJ Circle, l-l u<1lo••1t1on ltlCll. Survived bv tll..... >onS, !.cllmldl, JI'""' IC, •lld Slm<>tl Cu,...,,lt: two OIU9'11tu, Slllr· ll'v 11.....:e -Zr!.,;1 srew••t. ~··· Ices. Wtcllneldoiv. I PM, Petit F1mlly Colonl•I Funt1'1t H~. REllKOP lr1ndl Jo APlll<Oll, 11107 P1ou1 l•n<e, Hu"l""IOll lt1<.h. S11rviv&d bv p1r· -~11. "•"""""' L. •nd Ctiervr R ... kOPI !llr~ 1l11'!!r,, l,...., Lill 11'111 W-YI oro-•tnts, Mt>. W1ncl1 01llon, M r. 1!1v l'•llkoc: and M ... Lucllle lrv111. ~rvkti. TutW1v, l PM, Prrt F1m• 11y Cotonl•1 f u,,,..,.11 Homt, WASKO Yv-D. W111<0. )111 ll111ti1rl Oriv•. Kunli<191011 Rt l Cll. !.urvlYtcl by Mn- bind, E<tward J, WtskOI '°"' Gfo'ryt 1>1N!nh. Gt-• ..., N1nc:r Wey1n. S.rYlcts Wfft fllid locl1y, MOl>d1y. l l>M, P°" F•mllv Colonltl Funer1I Homt . ARBUCKLE & WELSH West.cliff Mortuary (%7 E. 17th Sl, Coi"ta ?\fesa 6'&-4113 BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona de! ?\far OR 3-1451 Costa ?\lesa ?\1.1 6-Wfi BELL BROADWAY ?\tORTUARY 110 B~adw,ai, Costa ?\1esa LI l-J433 DILDAY BROTJ:(ERS Huntington V•lley Atorluary 17111 Beacb: Blvd . Hwti.ngton Betch lfl-7711 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery e Mortu•'l' CMpd • P.clf1c View Drh·t Newport Bed. Cailloraia -PEElt FAMILY COLONIAL nJNEllAL -'lltl Btbo A ... Westmluter m-m' municate. He noted. however, he has no illusions ·about the U.S. government's willingness to recognize Cuba. It would take a remolding of American opi· nion and recognition our pro- paganda has been stereotyped, he said. "If you just sprang this on the American people the drum fire from the right ·would be ove™•helming. And well it should be. I'd like to see gradual evolutionary change, not the people simply follow· ing a president." Weaver commented o n recognition after summing up impressions of Cuba developed in lectures succeeding weeks by eight guest speakers and a cou ple of gradua te students, DEATH NOT ICES McPHERSON J1m1i F. Mt;Pl!enon, 1411 Emer11a 81y, lat11.1111 8ffCll, O.lt af dNth, June :12. Survived bY Wiit, Helt<t, pf "'" "-1 '""' J•me• o. Mr.Pnerlon. IC•M41• City, Missouri; Muthtt•·ln· l•w. Mtrv MtPhtnofl, K1"'-" CllY I •n<:I two gr1flddllldrt<1. ~rvlces will ~ held T\lt'$0iy, 3 PM, Pa<l!IC Vitw Cl'>IHl, with Or. 0.1111 Tut"fr oil~ cl1Un1. 1nlermtn!, PKlfic View Me· morl1I Pa111;. Dlf'Kftcl by P.ci!lc Vlrw MOrlUl r>'. FUNDERBURK O..~ M lll1m Fundtrtlurt . A91' 51. of '611 Flol.MOtl' Of'IYt, HU .. ttl'!llOO'O 9etdl. D•i. ol oe.tt., J une 20. ~rvlYN b• wlft, Fr.nee.; dlull'I'"°• Lois a .... w~r. S.11 Dlt9o; son, ~rv Funclf<'· burt<. 1""1 : ''51tf', LN>ll1 P\lrt<ey, Oli:I• tiom1; •our gr..ldct!Udr...,, Al•n 1"" C••Y l~er; Eric ind M1rullll'I!: Ful'!Cltrwr'il:. St,...,)«s, ~y. ~y, 10 AM, sman. Ctill>tl. '"'~'· Goocl' Shtt>twrd Cemeler"f. OI"""" by Smllll1 Mortu1ry. ,._ SHERWIN ' "'••ti E!!llbll'ltl ~ift. Dile of dt11h, June 1'. RH~! Of 20ll 5"~ St1• l int. Hunllnv!O<I l tldl. Survt'led bY husi....d. J1tk $htnl'illl IO'IS, 0.vkl •"" Jofln; ~•er, Cirtlyn Morlooi: Plf!fti,, CMh1!fn G. 11'1d M•I E. H1n,1er: 1r..,.,oor1. Scott Martin MM· !O"· SerYic:«, T~ndfy, I PM, Olld1v Bro•. Ch-I. lnlermllnl, ForMI l1wn Cv1>re..1. Olre<tttl br Dlld.1y Ir~. Morlu•rv. ,d.71'1. CHAPMAN Mrs. Liu•• A, Ch..,man. AM 711, ol 71U Alh1mbr1 Dr .. HunlinlllOll INocll. 0 111 of dea11'1, June 11. ~rv"'9d b• cl-"!~. Mn.. Nelcine Mr.IC'-•n<:I Mn.. Wllma Loewe: four or1nddl11drtft tncl one 11'"1'9-.ndd'llld. Pr1Y11t ~· IC'Q. T\ltSdly, l:lO PM, Wtsl'trll111"'1 Memorial Pint Mor1Ul<Y ll'ld c- f!tfY. F1mlly WllOfllS '"'°"' wtsl'll!lll lo ........ me-mori1I CO'llrlbullOM. otN•t tonlrlbule !O 1l'le MtMorl1I Fund af lht Community Me!f>Odist CJ\urdl, "6! Hool! Aw.. Hunli"9IO!I BHch. We.tmlfttlt!r Mtmolitl Ptt~ Mortwir~. Dir«IOl"!o. PO LENTZ Dr llld>lrd Ml'" f>olftttt. A1t U , <11 16tll l oltro l~. H11nnl'llJtori Hirt.our Dllf of dtt11'1, J""" 21. !.urvivtd bY ,.;.,,, 81rt11ni LYn<:I Polt<t!ll ''""" '""'' J-ITMn Mii°", Chrl'1"'*"'r ll:ldMrd ...,.. Oou9LI• A(lhur POll"'l1. 80 af rt>t hott>t: motfltr, EIMI M. P~ IMllT, pf O."v111e. c.morn11: four brort>trs. P!<'ry P .. d Slr1taoa1 Llo'l'd M .• pf PIKO, W11hl119ton; WIJIOrd E. ind R1vmonc1 J. Polt<l!L both "' Ful· 1 .. r1on; 11"'"· E11~11'1 Cron, DI Din· ville. Servi,n, T1Jt$1ky, 2 PM, WI· ~tv Cl'>lotl, F1lrMWfl Me-morl1I P1rti, with II.PY. 0ontl0 H. G...,, PhD. or11cl1!11>11. Or. Polt<llI praciltttl O..nl- hlTY in lln1htlm lo• !hp l>fl!il 1' vet•!. Famll• 1ygwe11J tho1t wi>llil'lll to ""'k" ,....,.,or111 contrlb\11iooi1, PlelH contrlti. ult lo Ille Child•en• Ho.1>i1•1 1>1 Dr· 1n11e Coo.>Mv. Wif'lbigler Ftmlty Mort.,. trY, Dll'Klvri. Cuban people Castro has. "l feel just a little licky when 1 hear people predict if Fidel held an election tomor· row he would get 95 percent of the vote," he said. "Or that he "'OU!d lose." He said, "You simply cannot find out the degree of support level on the basis of three weeks spent in Havana. I don't care how good your Spanish is... . He suggested people don't just open up and tell their true feelings to outsiders that easi· ly. Weaver said he believes there is a very large regime support mechanism. H e pointed to what he called "an almost unlimited su pply of guns." "Fidel travels w i I ho u t escort," he noted. "Our own Pfesident can't eve n land in a marine base without body- bodyguar&S." He said there \I/ere 11 at· tempts made on Hitler 's life during his regime. "This Is a prima facie ca se for Castro's popularity," he sa id. "And we better believe it. not listen lo the pro· fessional patriots .. (as he calls Cuban refugees). Weaver said the key to understanding Cuba is grasp- ing the concept of Castro's "new man." He said the Castro regime has been at work IO years creating a new vaJue system. basing society on s o e i a I respon'si bil ity without monetary incentives a brotherhoOO bond. "In the large main we have a sodtal responsibility," he said, "but it extends mostly t.o friends and family , the 'we' in the great mass of 'Lhey.' Fidel's social consciousness transcends this so there is no 'they,' only ·we.''' He said the idea is that the 'basis of society is no longer exploitation of lhe individual. Working more and gain.inc ' more for doing It is said to be exploitive because it is felt it is done at the expense ot 50._ meone else. "They believe the re are only so many goods, so many tangible values. That's thr jump lh at offends us," Weaver said. He said he thinks one reason why the Castro regime made the classical blunder of re- jecting its agrarian an- tecedents and trying to in· dustrialize is that Castro's ad· visors prima rily don 't care abou t economics. They were willing sacrifice economics politics, he said. Io f" "Part of creating the 'new LEGAL NOTICE man' was lo break down the 11or1ct: 011 SALE 0 ,, 11. EAL 11110. distaste for physical labor ," 1>1:1t'I' AT 1>11v.t.TE s.t.r.E he said . "When leachers and Ne, Sit SU '--IH THE ~UPERIOI COUl'T 01" THE OA:aurocrats art taken out to STllTE 01' CllL!FOllNIA l'Olt labor in the fields their pro-T Ht. COUKT'I' 01' 1.05 llNGl:LE' IR ttw ""''™"' ""' e,111e ot GEltTIE duclivity is virtually nil. ~e •8Te.i,r:,.~Tt'. .::~N~n~·o!:1':i~T,, Thf'y 're damn lucky if they Weaver disputed claims of no prejudice in CUba .. He al· lowed that no doubt the social gulI ha! narrowed, but said he can't believe that it has disap- peared. "The Cuban official regime policy works against overt racial prejudice'," he sa id. "From everything l've read and beard the black man is favored, "But it ls a Cliche that you can't legislate morality. I'm somewhat amazed that so many of my 'c ollea gues recognize that in the United States and not in Cuba." Turning to whether Cuba is trying to export revolution to other Lalin ·American coun- tries, Weaver had this to say: "The b e s t intelligence anyone has is that financing from Cuba for insurgency elsewhere is virtually nil. What has been done is to herald a nd trum pet a new Latin American community with Cuba as the model." He said Che Guevara in the eyes of Latins is a heroic figure. "I would submit to you that he is the most popular person south or the Rio Grande. He is the symbol for every oppressed group from Berkeley to Columbia to Colombia.'' Weaver said that when 'Che was killed he achieved instant martyrdom and "there is nothing Latins klve more. His writings and image are going to bedevil us for a decade." he predicted. Weaver said tod ay because of population · pressure the Latin Americcin farmer is worse off, eats less and has a shorter life expectancy than he had in 1950. He said not one Latin American country "including our model, Mexico, can point to more than a two percent economic growth rate. It is the old refrain of the rich get richer and the poor get 'poorer." , He said the Allian~ for Progress the U.S . .started 10 years ago, is, for all practical purposes, dead . He said the aim of the Alliance was to work with the non-communist left to follow the model of Mexico, an economy that sup- posedly had made it. He said the United States sold ou t and discredited the socialist left when President Johnson came into office and the United States began work- ing through political dic- tatorships. "Our mode1 of Mexico is in· creasing its a rb itrary authoritarianism and bccom· ing more disreputable every day," he said. "Almost by default the Cuban model is becoming in· creasingly operable for Lalin America. The U.S. has sewn the seeds for more Cuba·type 1>0tential revolutions.'' Nl>tk t Is ht'eby 11vt<1 lhltl ll'lt I/JI. OPrsltl<wd will ,i.elt ti Prlv•"' ,..,It, IO the .t• **** ........ ***** ..... ********** *** ****'*****"***"'-fl~ht1t •nd belt b-r. ~ublKI 10 ('Or» t:: • ~ir;,•':: :d ~~ "'s.ir:~~1"c:,u;~, i::.: YOUR PROBLEM •. -: nee "' PARKER. MtLL llCEN ,t:: • l, "' ltOHLMEIEI', CLARK I. O'HARA, Ill· t:: '4' 1or"ev• 11 Law. 111111 !i<>u•ti 011w ,1,~•. • You w1nt to sell some item "' los A1'19tltS !'CCU. Countv of Los • h I d b • A<>11rlt1, s111e or C1titor<111, an '"" • t at you no onger nee ut • •l9M, rme 1nd 1"1t•t~1 01 wic1 dece•-• someone else c:an use for • fl !M II~ ol clNth &,..., t ll lhP rlfhl, 11111' l . •nd !""''"' lhlt IM t \llle of .. Id NOT OVER $50 • dt'Cft~ hit I C<llll rt'd by Ol>l!<llk)n ot lltw ... or orherwl1e. o!Mt llltn or i.. a«1ll11!11 to : 1~11 ol ••Id dfc'•1ttl, 11 lllt llmf pf ? ? ? ? ? ? dNlh, '" 11\d to 111 '"' cert1111 l'til .,,.,. • • E;[l:.1~·~~~:·''? •. 1i~:izi,"'c1~~~~:: £ vou·R A·Nsw· ER .: ~ T111 wnt -·11111 (WV.I ol Ille 'OU!!\ • ~ .,....,,.If (S'!ol ol l!'lt nor"'«sl one· + a 11111•1.,. (t.1E•41 ot ""' norfllwn• ,,.,. • You call THE DAILY PILOT, a5k for ll~~ri.r t"IWlo) OI Sfod'ioll 71, Totm..,11> 1r j South, 11. ... ,. ,, Well. S.8 ,8.' M • c1.,,1fitd Advertising, and place . I .. '""'" of wit c•lll 111 l1wl'11I _., of 1r • •~• U"ltetr .St1"1 "" con1Trmt!iO'I pl wit • _.. "' To11 P~r U'll! ot R..-nl bicl to bt • <r' ?> • ~-'"' ... ••· • -PILOT • 111<11 or or .. ,., II! bf In wrllln• 11'1d will •• • llt rtctl~e.s 11 "'' •IOrl'~;ci mnc• 11 •n• .., ( • """ 11.,, '""first •11bti1:~•1G11 ~tot 1nd • •·•t••'"' V PENNY • ""'~ft llllr or Hit. • Jt D.r"'1 IM1 7C'r> dtY pf j....,. 111$1, ... • I !!ff~:;~t•1·~ £ PINCHER i 'AllCt!•. MILLllll:IM, lli:OHl.Nllll•. t' • CLA•ll: I. O'Mllll.A t' it •ttw...n 11 '-"' • CLASSIFIED AO it ... i...tni °"" 1'"'1 • • Li's ........... C.""""'1 .,, « : '':':::"'...,"' ~'!:::. 0.,. ""'· t AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RA TE • =~MORTU~rus .... ,.;~:;BUFFS '~i 3 Li NES 2 TIMES 2 DOLLARS ~ Su. Oemalte fn.tl• 1 Alll'loft Loc••b•v ;1 th • only .., ANO YOUR CRE DIT IS GOOD I : SMl'IWS ~IORTUARY 6Z'l Mali St. n .. u.,.__ LE MAI "''·"•• ,.,,;., """ .,,.;., ; D ·1 A L N 0 W D I R E C T ! .~ Oft •"Y ftlWt,•p•r ;" 0•1n9• • It c;.,1111'(. Hit 1wtlMtiv1 ~, ... ,,.9, .: 6 4 2 • S 6 1 B • ef bo1lln9 '"d 'l'•~hti"9 "•"'• • 'ILOT. I• 11 • el1lly ft1lu•t of•~• DAIL'!' ; fT•ll ftM Hortfl Co•lttf $40·1220) s· !------------~ C------------'1+4••••••·ff.f.t••t ... t•••••ttt•tt , ...................... .. Frigidaire 15.9 cu. ft. Frost-PrC)of Side-by-Side Frost·Proof! You'll never dtfrosl 1galn. No apace lost to frost. Slde-llJ·Slde eonv1al1neel lnoludin( • 19">. sill nrticll trtezer1 Ytl· Jrs only 32"' wide. Rip-Quick Ice Ejector. Flip \ht lewr. cubes zip into the handy ser•er qu 1ckl1, easily. SHOP & SAVE at ~AVIS · BROWN Frigidaire Upright Freezer Slores Up To 406 lbs of Food • I 1.6 cu, ft, 1i11. All tl.1 1p1c1 vou , w1nt. e Juic1 c•n liold11 on 'oor m1k•1 uflfl!I c1n1 •11y to fh1d, , e •door 1h1lv•1 k••p •fro11f1 ,ood1 11 ""$;1,i;7 8 8 8 SPECIAL OFFER I fllP·OUICk lea EJacror Kii ONLY s915 Wllen you buy a frl&id1i11 f1ast.P11af l tlriftratori Just flip the hMdle ind you have le. cubes Instantly, us· ily, Offer Includes two special 20.cube lea Ejector trays, •S well as handY 80-cube Hmr! HURRY! LIMITED OfFERI MutT1adlr -.... w ... ='C --·--•tor •tD•..U DoorStanp! -""t-~ """" """ ..,. 28 ''t ..... ..... detp.... lll'(e .... L 398 88 DAVIS· BROWN SINCE 1947 fri11id1ire frost • Proof Refrigerator w"l'ct"a".!':.~r'c • Ne fUI, 110 •pill.• e 14.4 c111. ft. will. J.56 cu. ft., I 2f lb', .11. ftOtllf, e lwh1 hyclretor1 for Fruit• l V.iist1bls1 .... s·2·9·1. 8.8 2·Speed Jel Action W'1Sller at a Budget Price Budget-Priced DrJer has 2 DrJiog Cycles Jet ~Washer with 1cooornical Smell lood Settinr Melciiog llfyer wltll 21IO'if.ion r.m:s Selector • 2 Speeds. Regular p!or Delicate setting for the lleti- bUity a lamlly washer iieeds .. • Deep Aclion Agi!;,tor tor new deep c:leanilig. • 2 Jtl~'11'31 llins.es. • Jft·simple Mtdianism, • Flowlll( Reat """ for 11$1 to 135 minutes ptus 1 lo- Heat mie for fiufhn&, • No·sloop Dacron lint scree11. It's ri&ht oo tbe doof. • ~ hus Can. Proper temperattn plus 196-ofqc!e cool«lwll ketp !he pms. in Our~ Press item. • """ loot -s.... water and detefgtllt b loads of faS.tfllR.osoll sin. • Aul01111tic Sod C1CIL Few heavily soiled items, cfi1per1. • Deep lctioll Acltator • • 2 Jet-Anr Rilrsu. •Leis J'O'I' co1'tlof dt,ac !Ire.at to . suit f ... ic. • Durltlle Press Cn. """*" temperaturt p'°5 c:oof.dowol md efld.of.qcie signal U1f1S the press in Dorable Press ilems . I No-stoop lild: SCfl& BOTH FOR ONLY s298 88 BOTH FOR ONLY -Frigidaire Built • In Style Under • Counter DISHWASHER , .. , witli pew•rful SuPtr·Su"J• W11hi11t Actio11 th1t rs1lly c1n cut tll• 11'1Utt1rd, hiked h•1ns •~d th• frisd •tii. too! LOOK AT THiii OUTSTANDING rUTURIS •. , e R1d11ct1 ~."d rifl1int • , , • h•tcl ... orki119 w11h •.W ri111• c,!, dot• lt, e Spo!l.Aw•~ ri1111 llfi1pt 11t1•. -·-,.._ F~ £1edri.dun O't9n rMp ••• It • rodc-IJollomprice • All !hit r--. of......_ .. is. wMdl...,. tr.."' •. • c1.__..,...,. tie.ls, -• ,......._ ... ta nib ..,.....,. .._.at· ..... -"'"" " ..... 22811 411 East SEVENTEENTH ST. Costa Mesa-646-1 684 Delly f • 9, S•t. 9. 6 • II 1 ' • • • • -. DAil V I'll.OT \ For The Record Play ls Work to Students WANT INTEREST· ON YOlJR BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT! . Jtfarriage Licenses ·-· U. l'tltl!.·llllE'NElll, If.I",.. J., H.. of M S. LINt, FuH•l"IOll tlllll AM J,. ,._ ol 1 .. F'°"lt I-Vt., (Otlt ,,_, \'AN ltll'Elt-MtLLEllt, P1"r K., p, ol 2"' lrYln. Aw., N-t IMCll 11111 1'11Tk!.t L., "· 111 Ml I . 1"11 St., C•lt Mftt, HOFl"NElll-Wfllt, O.trt!~ IC,, U. vi 1'1 I!. Ulfl St .. 'Ca11 ~... ~ Donl\I w .. , ... ol no VII Otvltlo. • ,,...._, ll11cll. Wl!!IGHTIMN·Hl!ATON, Cr1l9 A., M, ' of ttJ Pr11111tet 11\d JIHlr. 21, fJ/ :10tY1 ""'' ,,.~,., Wiii ol N..-t ...... l"IC..:EIUNG • ROBfilllTSOH. T~ D., U. e!'d J9fll!I .L~. It, both of 15621 Tow1r Une. "°"' ol HurHl1111< • 100'! le.ell. 411FF INGTON·NllCK,lSON, LDl'tll O .. 20, ol l'*°' WHlml1Ml1r, CM""ll Gf'V\11 11111 Neno< L., 11, of UCI02 \ • Hunler Line, ~tlmlnl!tr, OMAS-LANOAIDGE, M.rk A.. 70, al 7tld2 Sun!11M, Hunt!1111ton Be.ch •nd 5111ron L., 21, or 12061 Jennifer Line, G1r~ Grow. ~JECK-GADE, Mttl!>fw C., 51, of ll'tl• LI LllNO, FOl/fltl lll V1Uey , .... C1rol F., lS, of !loU Fell~•. S." ·t_ Ole90. ~lllETTVMAN • CHAPPELL. KenMtn R .. 27, ll'ld C•rolvn II: .• Jl, bom of 2!1S N....-t lllvd., COit• M.u. \.INOSAY.HILL, 11:.,...ld L., ·J,, of 160n Sol>r lllfdele s1.. Hunli"'9ton llNdi •"" LlP'Mfl L •• lf, of 1755 c-...oc>, A ... "-lm, 11EAO.HUTCHISOH, John L.. U , 1r.d Ed,.., :M, bo"t1I of 1«15"" S. El Ci- mino 11:111, Soln Cif.mef\I•. HERLEY-EHCLAK, Jorin L .. 10, of t'm Mlrtlll Ann Orin , Los Al•· mil... Ind Con111t: J., If, of 5191 ~rctll.o Ave., Cl'P~U. WHtTE·HE$TANO, Srtven L., lf, ol us Montr v1111, Cotti Me,1 •nd Judl!h C, U, of loot W. fll$/IOP, 5111!1 ....... ICLIMA·YOUNGS, MIUl~I A., J•, of 315 E. 811~. 111.tio. 111<1 8111"" J., 11, of US E. 11"' St., CDlll ~. llUll:GESS.COll:TEZ, Rll'lldo, 26, o1 '-"' H-ro Ave., Los Al1mltos 11\d M1rllnd• V .. 21, ol 5111 Mi!etitll Ave., Rlvtr11dt. DUNM·8AKER, John C., 5', Of P.O. 80• '''• 8ro<*l1ndvll... MO. 1P'Mf Ellllbeltl H., ll. of Jll! Vii Puu1e, Lt!IU"' Hllli.. Birtlas HOAG Ml!MOR.IAL HOSPITAL """' ' Mr. l'Mf Mn . A. O.niet M1eletl1n, 2'!' C"-s!nut Ave .. Cost• Mts.i. a lrt Mr. IP'Mf Mr1. Cl'llrl~ Mou11tlord, 111 Ge...-.1 N.oA, Hunll11<1lall llt•j"· a!rl Mr. Ind Mrs. Jtrrv l'tlla..,s, ll ~Jnd. . Ho~S.1eh. air! Mr. md r&. D11n Wlllelord. 119 No. A lat Anllelt J. !XIV M ni rs. L«9ll Felts, 19111 :r.f L.aM, H11nt1Mtlltl 8t•dl, Your child's plwtograph can win a spectacular s2,soo.oo SHOPPING SPREE IN OUR STORE! . • ' ' ' And thal's jUiil one of lhe hundreds of valuable prizes and gifts totalling ~ •2s,ooo.oo in the 351h National Children's PHOTOGRAPH CONTEST! YOU CAii WIN ONE OF TIIESE NATIONAL PRIZES: First Prize .•• •a,soo.oo Shopping Sp= Second Prize • , •1,500.00 Shopping Spr« 11urd Prize : •• 11,000.00 Sluipping Sp,.. Fourlh Prize • • . •500.00 Shopping Spr« 50 Fifth Prues, ea. •100.00 Shopping Spms OR DfllE: OF MUNDltlDS OF U. I. IAYHlll IOHDS AS HOJIOAAa.I MUITIOff NIZU I Have youraelf a Shopping Spree ••• ye1,.a paid· up charge account that Jet. you buy whatever you ~·ant! lt'a a 1n1p to enter and eny·to win. Let u.s photograph your child and we'll enter a duplicate in the Cont• at no estra charge. Complete de- tails and rules in our Photograph Studio now. Big balloon will be given to every contclt&nL M.ICIS: w.tahttn, ..... c.tf,._W ............. Special pricet oa mOll 1ius ind phato(t1pb linilhe&. For uaniple : CON'RST 7 4•& OM &.10 Corooet S"ICIALI portrailJ ud •ia: ...uet..n. . • "TTKAT'I MHI n• Y1 0'1 ntl llllULU NICll) ~FlOADVVA.Y HUNTINCOTON IUCH 892-JlJI, ExT. 283 Divorces JUDOMIHTS While, Latett1 C1ral 111 Ktnntlh LH (annul/Miii) 8 1hln1, Doy L. YI Glofi.. llltvlnl Cl"""l-"ll Klr!Gn, Deloris •• J-T. (1111111\--•I D'Al"C'f', Blrblr1 De1~n. YS Anthofrf Nlcllot11 (•nnulJTl'lnt) Crtf91'11on, DIYld ._Ml\'tr " v_ ..... Robin {1nnulml'nt), BllCllltcM, L1-..a IUJ n l"hJllls Ann (l lfllllllmlnU. • occ Lab Technicians Win A,vards Twenty-four Orange Coast laboratory technicians and dental assistants have been presented Certificates o f Achievement from Orange Coast College. They art: From Costa ft.fesa: .Tohn Adamson, Karen Foster, Cla rk Green, Marilee Hag an , Lawrence Hooker, R'o be rt Le.wry, Joan Mc Alpine, Don- na Robinson, Nancy Stein, Patti Suddendor! and Susan Wassennan. From Corona de.I ~tar : Mary Jgnoffo. From Fountain V a 11 e y : Carol Pappas. From Ru.nlingtoa Beacb: J anice Edwards and Lcre~ta Green. From Newport Beach: June Hill, Meredith Murphy, Robin Murset and June Wright. From Su Juan Capistrano: Loretta Kramer. From Westminster: Tom Short and Joni Warren. Add andwhi "It's getting to tbe nJtty gritty of it all," said (l)uyle Silver, 20, a Golden West CoUege student who is getting ready to put c l assroom knowledge to work in local parks and playgrounds this summer. She is one of 2t> students enrolled in a two-year college program in recreation leadership intended to place professional people In the park systems to conduct arts and crafts classes. sports, field trips and workshops . Cheryle, who lives in Foun- tain Valley, will be ser\'in~ he r summer intern.ship at &Isa Chica Park. One of her classmates Linda Louzao, also 2<>, and a sophomore from }·'ountaln Valley wUI be at Anthony School. Under the tutelage of faculty adviser James Curran the students have been studying in 11 new courses, including in- lroduction to the profession of recreation, playground leadership, social recreation for special groups and ad- ministrative organization and structure of recreation agen- cies. Not all ol their knowledge comes from poring over books and \vriting lengthy term papers. Recently one class got practical experience by plan- ning and organizing the annual field day for 600 youngsters at St. John the Baptis t Church parochial school Jn Costa A1'esa. Not only did the student leaders have to schedull' more lhAn a dozen evtnts, bu t they had to learn what activities were best for certain age groups from first through seventh grade. Next year Golden \Vest College will graduate its first contingent h> complete U1e 1wo-year program. YOU CAN'T GIT IT BUT W1TR PACIFJC'S SWiTCB 'H SAVE ACCOUNT Yoa e1n da 1lmm u """ fly klepilig 1 llt i.. money i1 your r:hlckilg wt llld 1 lot 111011 in yaar PICiftc 5" Plllbook Acco1nt mid awitdiag llOlllY hick 111d forth • llflln IS ·YGll Illa. Beeaaae evel'J dollar earns every daf It I• la 7oar Paolftc Account~ even for IU•t one .. ,.. &" ..... ., .......... Al:callll _,.. ....... .., .. 1/4" .. dltiollll 11 dnl-y11r hau ••Ill 111 a111111 n-. Sni111 11 yo1r 1"1111 11,11rt1r'1 tnd ttm from thl 1st 1f HJ •HO wliH ntCliVld ., Ot tlltlr. ; -·- ide, r disc brakes lls to this Chevelle. Subtract $69.00 from last year's price. You've"heard-thatlgeneraIIrule:lTofset more you pay more. Let's break it. Take this '69 Malibu Sport Coupe. With head ~restraint& Add Po'!er1lide automatic transmiaeio~_J>O~er diec brakee and whii. wall tires. (Wheel coven, too\....!hich haven't chan{e<l in~) Then t.otaL Wll81l you com· pan! 1t with lut ywo Malibu, eqwpped the ume way, Wo pricod $69.00• i... - The reason? \Vc 've made head reetraints standard. And, while the whitewalls went up 1lirhtly, we've cut the price on Powerglide an~ our advanced-deeign ~wer dilc brakee, auhltantially. Alt01ether, Jt'a more Chevelle forte.money. Nice. So's thia. A atandard 200-hp VS engine. Aatro Ventilation and full door-glass atyling. A new anti-theft locking device on the st.eer- in& column helpo keep your car yours. A computer·1elected tu1pen1lon -riv• you-a ride eo amooth it leaves bumPI where ~ belong. On the road. And it'• all on Chevelle. Price<! $69.00 leu. You aee. You don't have to pay-more to Jet more. And your Chevrolet dealer'1 prov• 1ng iL rig ht now, Putting you first, kteps us ftrsL •Sa..! 011 ""'nur..:..i.ute<"'• ou1,..ud ~l&ll .......... toclmiirlt w..I 611ei. lU &Dd IUIJ1'11\.M duJ., M1' lllll" Pftl'&RLioodlNp. Pacesetter Values. ----... I I f ' I • I JI IWl.Y "LOT ,. , .. ' • • •, . • • •• • • ' Mondly, :J.oe 2', lM .. • • . " . I ' . ' I . , I . " . . ·\ J • .•. ' .. • • • " . ' ·i.~ . : ' "• . . • ' . . / • - . . .. ' • •• \ . AIR FtlOU ·Y ANNOUNCES DllS · All_passengers on our new . Super DC-9's get more knee room than on any other airline in the . United States. • They get that extra room be- cause we ordered each of our new · jets with 15 less seats. So each pa~­ senger gets a lot more leg room.. . · Plus these new planes have. 5 seats across instead of 6. So there's plenty . · · · of elbow room , too. (And the ext-ra . space doesn 't cost any extra.) · · To help you remember all this, · we call our new planes Spaceships. Mention that to your Travel Agent when you make your next ticket . reservation. Our Spaceship may not get you ... to the moon, but it's the most com- fortable way to get around in the west " -------__ _: ____ "'--'"'""'"'---~ ~---- -~--~-------------·-~~~·---- 13 Del5uta .nte ·s Formally p rre sent~d ' .. .J. ' ·~·~·io ,t69'·DEllVTANTES -Wear-' . ..-"ing traditiOnaI white gowns for their -fomi.al presentation to society ··as. Empire Debutantes '!!>0059!"<1 by Harbor Key of the Chlld.!Guidance Center of Oranie County are (top row, left to' right) the Misses Mari· lyn Kathleen Peck, K a re n Lynn Bailey, Sue Anne Men· doia. La Royce Jay Allen, Lisa Marie Laughlin and S u s a n Margatet Hart; (middle row, left to right) the Misses Karen Lynne euterbaugh, .N411cY•liu• Berge90n, Marta M~~ller~·CIJot"" iner, Mary Christine White ~ Christine Joeleen Mart 11n; (front row, le!t lo right) Miss Kerry Lee Hill and·M~• P'ula .. .. Louise Spragut. " , · ~; . · RECEIVING LINE -Mrs. Stewart Peter· sen, ball chairman and Mrs. John O'Hara Smith, president of Harbor Key Child Guid· ance Center of Orange County and ~er bus· -· - , I ' I ..... ,. ,_ Ja,. IHf I , ... UI I ... ~ -· ·' / ' . band (left to 'right) ·greet guests In the Jamboree Room. Thirteen young women were honored during the special night when they made their bows to soci,llty. __ ' ' .. ' . . ' . ' . . . , ..... " DA.11. y r n.oT '""' rt~ ·~......._ · .... "' ,., Pink-edged .Memories"~r1~~ · ·· Linger After Ball An evening painted in pale pink hues touched with reds and darker' pinks never will be forgotten by 13 young women, their escorts, parents and friends. Placed in their treasure chest of important moments was .the eve- ning of the Empire Dl!butante Ball of tbe Harbor Key of the Child Guid-- ance Center, set in the .elegantly decorated Jamboree Room of the N~w-- porter Inn. . . As guests entered the inn last Friday evening, larJe potted ·junipers · adorned with pink baby's breath and gardenias indicated. that ·a splen· dorous setting inside awaited ballgoers and the debutantes. ' . Seated at a white Victorian table in ~he foye.r, Mrs. Allan T. Helms received invitations in a setting of greenery,-fr~sh ·pfnk bialeas and white doves. , , ' '. ' 1 • Ballgoers were· g~eted , by Mrs .. Evan-Searle. Prichard, hostess, and her assis'tartts. the Mmes. VaR'R. Parker, .John S. Kerr. Homer Eliton Howard and John P. Wright as they entered the ·party setting.· RED VELVET BACKGROUND Prominent" in the storybook setting of the Jamboree Room was the pr:ese·ntaµon stage, swagged with red velvet and centered with a huge pink ·fan,· tuft~ .and '.swagged. A large floral ' display of pinJc and red gladioli and ·CbfYeanth~Iilwns accented the fan , and three white wrought iron bird cages, adorped ~w.itb· greenery and gardenias, housed live doves. l'.:'onn~lly· opeu'ing the ceremonies for the evening, 0 . W. Richard, _the host, welcon;ied guests and elaborat~ on the purpose of the b·aJJ, which benefitS. ,thei Child Guidance' Center. filchard then presented Mrs. John Robert S~arling, supervising president of the ball. • Intioduc:.ed· l)y Mrs. Sparling were Mrs. Stewart Petersen, ball chair· rpan,· an~ Mrs. JQlin 0'.Hara Smith, newly elected president of Harbor Key. Mrs. Smith .welcott>ed Judge Logan Moore. president of the board of Child Guidance Center, .. and Dr. Daniel G. Aldrich Jr., chanceUor of UCJ , who was master of ceremonies. DEBUTANTES APPEAR ' The highlight Of the evening came when ChanceUor Aldrich intro- duced tht debutantes and commented on each girl's interesrs a~d plans. As -the·debutantes were introduced, they stepped with their fathers through I. doubLe white wrought iron arbor, ~overed with greenery and g&rdeniaa.-nte: white carpeted ai~le lot the grand ·Pr'Qme~ade cwas softly ·' llgbled with 1wlilte candelabra hPklln~pink .ta~rs,.iind piilj r:lbtion joined the, ".rought,:Jroq ,h,olders to fotm-a border l9r the,debutantef' •gowns. 1 T Cai;ryipg nos~gays 'bf miniature··pillk r0·s~ ·centered witJl ·gatdenias, •,the debulanlfs bowed as thet .were 'introd~l!d'. · . . Le,di}\g 111,e·.processlonal •w¥s Miss La R&ce J~y Allen, daughter of Mr: and ·Mrs. R.oy· Jellerson •Allen, who wps pres·ented by herfatber. Sbe wh &carted by Joe KeyJor,Klncaid .Jr. · · · ·: , Oiiier ~ebutantes' were Miss Keren L~nn Balley; daughter ol Mrs. BerlOJ> Elton Eison aiid' tlie !ale· r.1r. George Ne!Son 'Bailey, presented by Dr. Elion aDd escorted by•Mattin James -AdB!!]Sj ·Mias Nan<y ·Sue Berge- spn ,.dau4hter of Mr. and Mrs. Garth Stewart' Bergeson; 'p'resehfed tiy· her father ar¥f ekorted by Sc<itt-llryani Cba!ii.h, ·and'MiJ• !Marta l\lueilet Chol· iper, daull!ite,r of Mr-. and Mrs. MurrarChot~;1Pttll~l.ed by he,r bl'Other, Kenneth Cbotiner, and escorted by Richard William Hattu.. . . , , , THIRTEEN BOWS MADE· . · , . , . , ' Also presented were Miss Susan Margaret Hart, ... daughter o! Mr. and Mrs . Forrest Edwin Hart, presehted by her £either arid esCorteCI' 6y Jeffrey Dale Baker: Miss Kerry Lee Hill, daughter of Mrs. Edwin Lee Barkley and Ricnard Mar:lon Hill, presented by Barkley, escorted by Gregory Glen Ogilvie: Lisa h-farie LaughUn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Arno Laughlin, presented by her lather, escorted by David Robe rt (See DlllUTANTES BOW, Pa·ge IS)- ' ' ' . I • I r ' I I i I .. ~ ' , ........... ~ .... Jf ll;'JlV PILOT ' M...Soy, Jilllt 23, 196! Business !rip Is a Pleasurable One Too Up, up and away to the Bay Area. Wednesday, June 25, will be Mrs. ,Wayne J. Subcasky (left), president of the Newport Harbor Spastic League, and Mrs. Ruth Hill, provisional chairman. They will be joined Horoscope by Mrs. Ruth Johnson on the trip to Hillsboro, where they will be guests of members of Pals for Palsy and exchange fUnd-raising ideas. Sagittarius: Watch Crowds TUESDAY JUNE 24 By SYDNEY OMARR Starstreamer A m em b e r of the t w e I ft h graduating class this year at Trans World Airlines Train- ing Center in Kansas City, Mo., was Cheryl Stevens, daughter of Mrs. Betty Waterman of Newport Beach. Af- ter her six \veeks of classroom and in flight training, Miss Stevens will be serving on board T\VA's Star- strearn domestic flight! from Kansas City. SPECIAL HINT' Tool&bl moon eaten Scorpio; take apedal ptte111tionl a1abttt flrt. Don't drone w J t. b et1arett.e In bud. In camplll1, be 1are daat sparks are ouL Be wary anMllld olwp ID• 1tramenu. ARIES (March 21·Aprll 19)' You deal with public, Efforts are evaluated. People come to you. Your opinion is sought. Express yourself ln careful manner. Key is to be kind, diplomatic. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Light touch favored. Not wise to push or force issues. You 1et~.advice from many Jldes. ·J(emember promioeo, . obli- gations to associates. Be true to your own pririciples-. · GEMINI (May 21.June 20) :· Break through red tape. Your creative resources should be utilized. One who is timid ex- presses doubt. Be considerate but don't back down-you are on rit1ht track. CANCER (June 21..July 22): Your kind of day. You find ways of saVing nloney. Your ideas click: Solid 9ffer is made which could enhance security. Make some changes, but dan't veer too far f.rom Qbjective. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)' Tonight you settle basic issue. Stick: to familiar ground. Be with family, i1 practical. Financial benefits •ccrue. If diplomatic '. and patient, you. score defmite gain. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22): You are released from obliga- tion. This lightens fmancial load. Don't be deceived by promises. Realize that some are overly optimisUc, A relative may sing the blues-this passes. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cl. 221: Pay attention to financial, other responsibilities, Y o u have assumed certain com- mitments. Now you are called upon to fulfill them. Positive gain is Indicated. SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov, 21): Tonight · your lunar cycle moves up. People respond to you in stro11g, · definite mar\'" ner. You cannot do things halfway. It Is all the way - or nothing. SAGmARIUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21): You gel chance to formulate plans. Belni alone tonfgh( works to your beoe!it. .. A duplicate bridge group which will begin ln July is being established under the co- sponsorship or the city and the Fountain Valley Woman's Club. '111e program will be open to all are.a residents who know how to play bridge. No previous duplicate bridge e.t· perience is required. No'W in the process of fonn· lng are classes for lessons dlrected by the ~creation department. The brjdge group will meet regularly on Saturday evening in the city's .new community center. HERE'S TO A HAPPY MARRIAGE The silver wedding cup: an old custom making a comebaclc. Exclusively ours in fine silverplate. St 5. Pnc. ~udel engraving of couple's first nemes end wedding date. Wedding sets from left $450. $695. $250. $750. $195. SLAVICK'S Jt¥reMr1 Sinc;t 1117 I I FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -644-1310 Yeur Cfll,.e Aet-1 Wtk.,.,. -a111~Am ... 1t1rf, Mllltf Cfttrt'• '"· 0,.. M.....,., FriHy •11tll 9:10 ''"'• Mesa Wedding June Lake Selected As Honeymoon Spot - Gowned In a Door lenath run lace and saUn dress, Jocelyne Bonnand e:rchqed wedding pledges and rlngl with Q, Ray Arey In Central Bible Church lo CQlJta Mesa. OfOciating duri1111 the all· emoon nuptials was the Rev. Henry E. Jones. Parents of the newlyweds are the Ernest Bonnands and Don Areys, aU ol Costa Mesa. The bride selected a lull elboW length veil caught to a lace pt!t.11 headpiece trimmed In pearls and sequins. She ca,... )'led a ~ading bouquet of white and yellow roses. Miss Annie Boonand, the bride's sister, was maid or honor in a nile green gown or nylon dotted swiss over taf- feta. Sbe carried y e 11 o w daisies and baby's breath. Dressed in identical gowns of maize yellow were M I s s Danielle Bonnand, another sister, and Mrs. Robert Arey, the bridegroom's sister-in-law. Miss Penney Arey, niece ol the benedi~ WU drused in a loog green frock and carried a white basket ol IDl&ll da1lleJ and baby's breath for her role as flower girl. Asked to stand as best man WU Richard Dee Atty, the brother of the bridelr<>om. Ushering were Charles Nash and Robert Arey. George Boonand, her brother, 'WU ring ~er. . Following a buffet recepUoo for 100 gunta In the Eben Club the newlyweds deparind ror a h6neymoon trip to June Lake. They will make their first home in Costa Mesa. Assisting at the recepUon were Miss Virllnia Rapp at the cuest book and Mrs. William Arey at the cake. 1be new Mrs. Arey is 1 graduate of Costa Mesa Hlgn School and Orange Coast College. Her hu sband also Is an alumnus of OCC. Tri-teens' Officers Preside at Barbecue MRS. D. RAY AREY Former Jocelyne Bonn•nd HEW ••• "HOH-IMMERSION" BR.ff PERY C~1~~t!l0t!G o/o OFF REGUl:AR PRICES CASH & CARRY 50°/o off REGULAR PRICES ' ' • ' - I DAil Y Pn.qT. JI_ . S.oviet Riles D:iffere.nt Coup!~ Exchange Vows During. Home Ceremony M06COW (UPI) -The braces athlmn. 'No staipec!' 'iwne, IOdal poellloli, "wber< bride ...an white, carries a class wtndowl, no muled employed, and the da~and \ bouquet, the "'"pie •xchanl• organ musk:. hour Ibey wlah lo W<!d. Tbt · Marllle Luree Belshe and Brian Rlchley Henh ei· -... changed their ftdd!ng VOWI during a ceremony conducted by Judge Cecilla Baker in the Huntington Beacb home of the b_rlde 'i parents, Mr. and Mn. William G. Belshe. ...,.plion Io 11 o ! •. d .. the ..-., rlnp, and tben'1 a A ......i room, with about cerUflcate, ctven by a 1)1 ce,.mooy, and "\"I Lee -ptlon aftenrard al whlcb ·u much wannth u a ·-·"'-· . ·Belahe,. the 'bride'• brolhtr, the couple -each.other. houae, Ii llii jittli!lfW 'the al""' hall, coll! one IO But a weddlq In Ruula b&f a1moot IOlli ~ -plloo. ~ or about '1.l!O. No oreslded al the iruest book. IIUle .-..blance olherwtoe 10 The ,..1 celebraUOn comes medlCal c er I If I c at 1 o a la The\ couple wtll make their the tndlllonal nddJni )D the leter, sometimes three days ol necaaary. home In Golele while !heY -world. The cer<mony ~~oland drinking! at.,~ clrt1!,,. U: ci:~~ :~ conlillue their educailon. The Is nol ln ~. clwrcli oi a home, '"""" ~n o.r -~ , Imowt the pilr 11 &boul tO w..i bride wtll be a oenlor al. the but In a Weddlq palace .W' ot relailYOL . ,..,_ """'"• ri' . ...._,.;.. Sprays of whlte chry5'n· themupu:, yellow and white daisies and yellow &ladloli adorned the stairway and firep~a~ manUe for the dou· ble ring rites. University of CaUfornla, Santa a tellllry office. ·A( a weddini Had., !lie · tirfde ·a n d' -•-.• •-·.. RI ·-i- Barbara where abe is ma-palace (and there are tWo in brldeQroom. not. .already ac-~d~eco~ra~la~lhe~~-~~~d~.,~·:.· ~~~::========~ joring In history. MOB<OW, mare like off~ quit.a rlnp, Ibey ·couJd rJ&hl , . . . •. • . , . , . • ,,,. bridegroom, ... o1 Mr. than pa1aceJ1 one room ·1s oe1 at 11>e pa1ace en1ran<e.. . The Grea. .t Ora·nge . Coast's and Mrs. Ness Hersh ol aside f9f'.the ,ceremony,·con-Tomarry,a'ooupleprueots Hayward, la a graduate of dueled by a woman. No ~ for ldentlfleation, N 1 I> I Escortea by her father, the '>ride selected a long fitted town of white embossed lace eaturinj" a semltrain. She vore a short white veil and :arried white camaUom with yellow baby's breath. UCSB, now compleURI his minster, for communlam em-l1u. ·1n· a cerillleale detalllng · 0. · r:a per PhD. .~~~~~~~~~~°"'",~~~~~~~~-'"~~~~~~~~"'-~~~~~~--'~~~~ . -·, )if './}; MRS. BRIAN RICHLEY HERSH Given in Marriage · From Page 13 • • • Debut antes Bow Best; h1iss Christine J oelcen Martin, daughter of Mr. and 1'1rs. Carl Laurence Martin, presented by her father, es-- corted by Gary Dale Harrell, and Miss Sue Anne Mendota, daughter of Mr. ahd Mfs. Le- roy John Mendoza, presented by her father, escorted by AJ. Jan Edward Gage. More debutantes were Miss J\.tarilyn ·Kathleen P e c k , daughter qf Dr. and Mrs. George Arthur P ec k, presented by her father, escorted by Stephen Lawrence Sharkey; Miss Karen Lynne Puterbaugh, daughter of , Mr. and Mrs. Herbert JoJ:mson Puterbaugh, presented by her fat her, escorted by William Christopher Rafael: Paula Louise Sprague, daughter of Mrs. Sparling and Lawrence Edwin Sprague, presented by Sparling, escorted by Th~mas Joseph Rafae·I, and MiSll Mary Christine W h I t e t daughter of Mr.. and· Mrs. Walter Harris White, presented Oy her father, escorted by R-Oger Lee Ken- ney. Her maid of honor, Ellen Tiger, and bridesmaid Noreen Lowry were ldentical.J,y gown- ed in yellow A-line street length gowns designed with long sleeves-~ They carried white pompon daisies ·futened with yellow ribbons. Richard A. Kroeger served as be.st man. and ushering was Paul William Belshe. A home HB Auxiliary Twice a moolh the Ladies' Auxiliary lo Huntlnlion Beach Veterans of Foreign Wan, Post '1368 meet at I p.m. The first Friday of the moolh Ibey gather in the Odd Fellows Hall for a business meeting and the third Friday •Ibey toelaU.. In' various locatiO(IS. F'urthV in· fonnaUon may. be received by telephoning Mn. L e Roy Hermann at 5.15-3S80 • BE FREE OF F ACfAL. HAIR FOREVER ••• LET US SHOW YOU HOW EASY IT JS TO REMOVE DCCESS HAIR WITH'. MODERN ELECTROLYSIS, MEDICAU..Y APPROVED.•• SAFE, FAST, GEN'TLE. CALL 644-2800 TO CONSULT WITH OUR LICENSED TECHNJCIAH1 IN O:UR BEAUTY SH.OHS, ROBINSON'S ?kippv•lttl Beauty Salons .. ·,;>.' • . , . i ,.. . I'.;;• I" ! . . ' . • .. ' , "''"' .... --;; ,f ~ si .... " ON OUR NEW "CAROUSEC' CUT .•. . topped with your .CUSTOM·CREATED COLOR I ,Thanks to ingenious·Roux ., 011r new push-button dispenser lets us create a literal l<a1ei.d'oscoP. of hair colol'l!-.SO we achi~ve precisely the shade y.ou ' ' wanl And then keep it unchanged, retouch after CREME HAIR tlNT 'retouch I The perfect finish to our style artistry in creating a softer )ooking, younger looking you. COMPLETE Nowport Stach, C11if. Cotti Most, C1llf. Cost• Meta, Calif. DIO Herllor IM, llU HIWllOl'I I MI. M.rt:lt ..... ~ ,,_ '75-Kll Artui1, Calif. "'IJ l'fGMtlr Mlr'lttl ltllitl tlntw --· n1 E. 17ttl SlrMI ~lr Cllll!w ·--k-Mwt ,...UI --_ Or1ngt, C11lf, Fountain V1llty, Callf. lmt M1gnat11 S1nt1 An1, Callf. Mc.fl•'" • i'9nde" "•It'll C..lfr • 15'~ w. Ol•CHMll Vll;llll' Ctftltr l'Mne ~d VIiia,. (111\lff ·--""!!:!! ~OI With 'Sh-511 And Sot Costa -· Callf, 1111 w. ""' """' Plk..n. 6 tt111 .......... Fountain V1lloy, ~Ill. flll7 t:llll'lfll' tt lllCI .. 'V•lltY ~ -·- " ' ' '. ... , / l l .l ANNUAL VANITY FAIR SALE Fobulous buys fro~ one . of your ··fovorite ~eikers. Shown : A. ~oisley power. pentygirdle, m~;imum hip control, white, beige; or block, s·m-1, reg. $15, 12.50; • e.' Vonto,stic bro , lace cups, flexiwire froriie, white, beige , or block, B, C, reg. $6, 4.96;· 0, ·reg. $7, 5.95; C. T opermote brief1 white, beige, ice, dow~,+n~, !'m-1, reg. $7, 4.95; D. Julio! bro, gentle contour. cups, white, " beige, bleck, susol ion, B, C, reg . $6, 4.95; nol eveiloble in s~nsotion, reg. $7, 5.95. · Sorry, no · mo il or telepho'ne · orderi. Foundotions, J 9: ' . . ' '' ' • A~HElhl 444 North Euclld •.• US-1121 Mond1y thru Saturday 10 a.m. to 9i10 p.m. NEWPORT 47 FHhlon lll1na ••. 644·1212 Mon. thru Fri., 16 1.m. to 9:19 p.rn. . S1t.1 10 1.m. t1 6 p.m. ... HUNTINGTON MEACH · 7777 Edin9tr Avt, . , .192·lll I Monday thru S1turd1y ID a.m. to 9:)0 p.m. • • . . I t I I • I l I ., J& DAll.V ,._.or Mqodq, Juot 2', 191>9 ·cC>sta Mesa Methodist 1:::;:::;::============= Melt Chip Off Old Gl~cier lllWI AllR l.UClllRI: M1 frlald w~e .. l - -arauinl f(I< MYeral ;.on-. oubjlcl,~ you -ed lo .,_ co1llU -aly. We have -lo llt)'OG be tbe Judct. ' Women Plan .Luncheon Galer'\ meellng or !he lead a tour ol the Hl<kory Women'• f'cl<ly of Olt1ltlan Fartn11 plant followln& lun- S e r v l c ~ , Flrst United cbeon. for which thole a\.- Metbodlal Church of Colla teodini are asked to brln& 01Jening nigl1t at \'\/eight Watcl1ers. Mir wife -.. '"fricid .. ICCOO!lt ol me. l uy frlC!dlll' ID _,., II cauMd 'ial by tbe h•iibol\d, bu;;cthe girl'• -· I milbl ldd In that my ; wlfo 11 very much like her old y. May ANN LANDERS [il Mesa, hu been rescheduled to their apeclalUes in main Wednesday, June 25. ao-d14hts, salads or deuerts and cofding to Mrs. P b 111 l p their own table ~rvlce. f!Olll a woman -~usband spanked their Soytar-old IOD whenever he cried beU111e be believed l.ellJ'S were a s.lgn 9f unmanllnela. MacKerWe, president. All circles will meet as Members plan to galber at usual 4furifl( June, and the 10 a.m. in Tbompaoo Hall paper project under the dlrec- when the program will feature tion qi Mr1. Clyde Johnson DEAR ANN LANDERS : My husband cootinued study of the New wlll conUnue on Tuesday1. Dl.\R SEllGEANT: Y-clloloe ol ..,_ 1111 a .... I def) -"'!'• $Ir. 'l1IWt ror wrl~& a polpul alid Im· prt11ive letter. in CORONA DEL. MAR ~oke lhe llrsfblg s141p towotdt losing weight oriel k'41Mno ii olffOf' :good. Come 10 the on., d!M. YOU eof lhfee heolf1 ~tso dov oftdtheft, $0m9.ond YoU ••• ' ~ verdlcl! -REJECTED IN I had !he prMiese of oervlng with a Green Beret. He was about ~. over sll: feet tall, handsome, ruged and he bad made dozens of parachute jumps. l saw him perform many acts ol bravery which he coooidered part of hb Job, Thll man was generous and tender beyond descrlp- Uon. He did favors for strangers that most people wouldn't have done for a close friend. I l I < . -t ! , •!.o t,. 1;· i. it· ~ • •._, .. ,. ',• •' , • DEAll llE: I'm, .. joqe ... I doo't .... --· 1 ..... oiUJM• had aome dirty plctu= laltooed oo his Pro b 11 arm.s durlna: a drunken spree when he Jr,~ Ethel Robson will ~ YOU KNOW :and only Weight . wti'eht. • '0on·1 lfl°iu. lhfschonc.e. teeiU#ofiool IJ.O) WHloJ.,dwt S2.00 ""'"'· ... l .... COIAlt wD wlter aie.... lbla m1De. Berl'• ,.... ..,.er: . served ln the Merchant Marilie several program chairman 8 n d = ~0·re~~ 'ro as:ms: 0~n~~~ ~:~~h~~nN~~~~ cU::1~ YOUR CHILD 1 Wotch81'1•. Many thousands of peosH :lhrcwghout tlMI United 1Slotos ond in 01"-r port& ol the world succes$1unv fonow our sensible waighl contr9' program. - -,_. -11 a di, oil tbe old sladW It II more Illa Ukely 11111 bu -IApt lier to fear , llale ud feel pSKJ ablat 1ex. Bat -• warm, 1ovtna, tuder, matia't, eomtderate buband. eaa ..u away tbe lcldel and ludo 1111- lo be a mr-. bed..-. ln .. -ol • Frncll pllllGaapller: "l'llen .. • lrl&W ........ o.17 d....,, Ia- wearing a short-sleeved sport shirt. Members of Mary Circle will WI LL LEARN Recently be brought home a magazine that carried this ad : "Tattoo removing in ._ ..... _ ...... During the eleven months we served together I saw him cry at least fiva· times. I never thought less of him becauae or It. I admired and respected him more than anyone I have ever known. The fact that be was capable of tean showed he was a warm hearted human who responded to other humans. That Green Beret wW always serve as ~y model of what a real man ought to be. -SGT J.V.J, your own home. No needles. A do-It· D Cl b TO SWIM AT yourself kit ror $11. Satlaracllon an~e U guaranteed or your money back." Th r t third nc1 fifth No pllli. Nostorwtion .,.. ...... ~ CLA$S OPENINGS NOW I ---· He wants to send away for It but I · e Jrs ' 8 BLUE BUOY Fridays or each m o n t h think it's a racket. ls it? Please answer. members of Lace 'n Leather THIS WEDNISDAY, 9:30 a.m. or 1:00 p.m. -MONTGOMERY, ALA. Square Dance Club meet at 8 U.S. Wll TH DEAR MONT: It's 'Probably• racket. p.m. in tbe Recreation Center,....--...._......._ Clip the ad ud 1eod It to the Better HunUngton Beach. Further ln-5-ttl AM. t911111 Bus!Qess Bllfeau, And send Tatloo Boy fomµ.tion may be obtained by 548 1 BM •f fh• Corr111n.i11itv Congr•t•lion•I Church 611 Hollo+rop• Coff Coo1f Hw'vl CAU UlollOS ht ,.,.._ llfenMtfM DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm 1 Rrp&nt home on leave and now am readlni the Landen column which my family baa cut. out and aaved for me. I Just lbb minute came ...,,.. the letter to a dermalologilt wbo caa do &be jobl ca1lJng Mrs. Juan Dillon at • properly.1~~~~~~~~..:..-=536-80~~1~3,~~~~~~_!_:==:;::============:::!~==================================;· <ASK FOR FREE BROCHURE By-Laws Top Club Agenda Several by·law changes, in· eluding the club name and meeting date, top the agenda of the next meeUng for San Clemente Bualoess a n d Professional Worpan's Club. The githerlng, to include a ootluc:k dlMer, will lake place In the San Clemeote ho1ne of Mrs. L. E. Frailey, president, at "7:» p.m. tomonow. Other Items on the agenda include the approvaJ of 1959-70 pro,rams · and the an- .......,,,.m of committee ap- polnloitnta. Membenhlp In the group is open to any women employed In the Caplatrano Bay area. THE N·E·W I LQQK malAe~ Summer Cruise North for HAIRSTYLING Selling to !be "Lend of tM Midnight Sun" aboard ttie SS Monterey is Mrs. Ruth O'Donnell·Davil o! Newport Beach. Ports of call during the 14-day ~wnmer cntl1e will include Seattle, Vancouver, Victoria and the AWtan towns of Juneau, Skagway and Sitka. Fairway Beckons Delegates from Mesa Verde Women's Golf Club wW travel to Tanana on Wednesday, June 25, to attend the annual meeting 0£ the Women's Southern California G o I f Association. Chambers Combine Two speaker1 wilt addrus • joint meeting of the Women's Division of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Com- merce ar.d the Women'• Com· mlllee of tho Colla ·Mesa Chamber of Commerce Wedne!day, June 25. Problem> the Mlnorily Face In Orange Ccunly has been by the area's TOP STYLISTS! SPECIAL I CASCADES $14.95 YIYIANI WOODAID COSMITICS MANICUID .... PIDJCUIU Those planning to join othen at the El Caballero Country Club are the Mmes. William Entrikin, J o h n Adams, Gerry McPeek and William Dawson. chosen for his topic by Everett m JJJJ Winters of Philco-Ford C!orp., . a{{ie ~ and Current Problema In COm· WfG & BEAUTY munication will be the sub-SALON ject or Vaughn Redding of 548-34-46 Cadillac Controls. h I b The ooon luncheon will take 250.D last 17tli ,.,... Yac t C U / S place in the Irvine c.iast HILL&REN SQUARE Allernat.es are the Mmes. Dean 01"" aod Fred Smith. Sa i Is Billow J~~~~~~~~-C1~u~b~anc1~u~·c1t~e~u~•~ill~~~c~os~t~•~M~w.~~~I A movie "Rendezvous tn the Reel" will head the program for Newport Harbor Yacht Club members on Thursday, June 26, when their dinner meeting will feature a south of the border flavor in the menu Make Ur-Own Tostado. Also on a busy June calen- dar for the group will be a l!le- miannual trophy presentation dinner Saturday, June 28 at 8 p.m., with the cocktail hour to begin at 6. Trophy winners for the first half of the 1969 racing l!W!On will be honored. At it dinner meeting earlier this month movies of the 1968 IT'S A FACT! If you spent 30 seconds looking at each of QUr shag samples, it would take you over 9 hours to see them all- so come ea rly and brin g your lunch. DON'S CARPET SHOP 426 SO. MAIN (2 Bllu. No. of Bultock'1) ORANGE City of San Francisco Trophy [ HOUU: f•l !lO DAILT CLOSID SUNDAY aeries were viewed. .,,!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!'I YOUNGLAND At 2300 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa -545· 1440, will be CLOSED MONDAY and TUESDAY, JUNE 23 • 24 to pNpare for the hottest sale of the year. Will re·open • WUNESDAY, JUNE 25111 at 10 a.m. SHARP wtien ._.,Item In the store wUI be reduced to the lowest price ever , • , lllClllY Items at below our cost. DON'T MISS THIS MONEY SAVING EVENT! ----------·~-- .. , ' ,, Buy Now ••• ·During Sears Big June Sears ., Atk Aboat Sean Convl!lnient Credit Plaaal Phone Sean for Cn•to!D Servicea .,.. YOU SAVE ' Sears Everyday Low Regular Prices •Terrific savings on 7 of our best •elling drapery fabriea •We have 101 decoralon to help you in your planning • Over 600 trained experts lo do yourcu•tom tailoring work • Over 3800 fabrica and colon to select from in our decor· ator shop, perCect for custom draperie11, re·uphohtery, bedspreads and olipcoven ' SAVE Now at These Low, Low Prices $4 "Hera", Novelty Weave, in 13 eolon. _____ 12 yd. U "Leda", Texllll'11d Weave in 9 colo 82 yd. S3 "Bewi1ebed", Textured Weave, in 18 colon 2.25 yd. S3 "Wild Rice", Novelty Weave, in 25 colon 2.25 yd. f' "Marquiae",Jacquard Weave, in 27 colon SS yd. $3.50 "Duche11", Medallion, in 47 colon 2.75 yd. $3.SO"Princi .. ", Textured Weave, in 55 colon 2 .75 yd. Labor Extra ~-------------------------------------------------, -...-TAM400,Ul.4.S)O aMQH!l.Gl).3911 --~ .. J.0121 ..:oWIMHJ ~l'f~"4«>11 .,.Mlft'POJ.a.61, .... JDI 1 ~,_NMM, ~a.-.. 1004.a""''' a""tMC•ao»CU211 ~10J.llU.Mi\Ml•1.WU1J1 &.1HtAllr:JMa,IX4-..,.11 'Mflf0ftrt,.1f'll I I ClllWt(llll ..... ,, N! ""'' Metl~ ltO ..-41 CIWIOC '31-1100 _,, -D 74»'1 IOUtll Cll)ASI f'L,UA ,WO.Wl I CO'IMll. ""'°"'' ~a. l:ll2f ~-14211, ft. S.f211 Is I 1D9NQ $41.JJll '-~----.-----------------ears ---------------------" "htlaladionG"ara.nletd orYourMon1yBatk." , --.-.-.. st..,6....,.........,. ..._. ScrtvrMr 'NOAM. .. ,. .. P.M. ......................................................................... _. ________________________ _...,_...,_...,.,.-~~~~~~~~-~~-~--- Church Wee/d ing Scene .-Honeymoon in Mexico For David C. Beckers \ Making their home In Santa Ana alter a wedding trip to Mexico are Mr. and Mrs. David Charles Becker, who were married in Holy Family Catholic Church of Orange. ' Sbe is the rormer Janine Marla Stratton. The Rev. Daniel Hopeus performed the afternoon nup- tials for the daughter or Mr. and Mn. David W. Stratton of Newport Beach. The bridegroom is the soo of Mn. James Colvin of Orange and John Becl<er of Santa Ana. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wort a full length gown of white silk organza over silk peau de soie, appliqued with lace flowers. A coronet of white silk Dowers and pink baby roses held her veil of illusion and she carried a bouquet of pink baby roses, stephanotis and baby's breath. &;,.,;,!:<;;, Miss Nancy Stratton was her si!tel''s maid of honor and MW Susie KJnsell served as bridesmaid. They wore gowns of plni: voile striped with tiny whlte flowers and belted with floor length whitt organdy sashes. Wreaths ot pink roses formed their headpieces and they carried white bas'keta fill- MRS. MARTIN J. IALDO C•ndlolit Woddl"ll West Point Gues ts ed with pinkc a rn atlon s , stephanolis and baby's breath. • • Evening Rites .' ' The bridegroom's brother, Brad Becktr, was best man. Ushers included Ron Schade and Mile Welt, all of Orange. Attend~ the poolside reception tn the Saddle~ck Inn, Santa Ana were ap- pros.imately 150 psts. MRS. DAVID CHARLES BECKER Afternoon Ceremony Tbe bride was graduated from Corona del ·Mar High School and Orange Coast College. Her husband Is an Orange High School graduate now attending California State College at Long Beach. San Francisco Cathedral Setting for Ceremonies Ens. Larry Norton Amling, son of Mr. and Mn. Raymond O. Amllng of Corona de! Mar, claimed Linda Diane Fay as his •bride during nupUals in Grace CathedraJ, San Fran- cisco. The Rev. Richard A. Busch of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Tustin, directed the exchange of vows and rings. The bride, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Floyd C. Fay Ill o( Santa Ana, was given in mar~ rlage by her father. She wore a ruffled chanUUy lace gown with short train, and the lace was repeated in her headpiece which caught her illusion veil. Forming her bouquet were stephanotis and lilies of the vaJley. Pale green floor length gowns, matching headpieces and bouquets of mixed pastel blossoms were selected for Laurie Kathleen Fay, the bride's sister and maid of honor and Anne Louise Aml- lng, the bridegroom's sister and bridesmaid. AUending his brother as best man was Steven Emes't Am.ling, and ushering guest.s to their seats was Don&ld Andrew Fay, the bride's brother. Another b r o t b e r 1 David Fay was the ring bearer. A dinner for Immediate family members and close friends followed in Ernie's, MRS. LARRY N. AMLING Honeymoon in Mexico San FranciSCti. Afterward the newlyweds left on a honey- moon trip to Mexico and the East Ccast. The bride is a graduate of Tustin High School and the University ofC a 1 i fo rn i a, Berkeley and Is a member of Gamma Phl Beta. Her husband was educated in Melrose Park, Ill. and Is an alumnus of UCB. He received his Navy commission as a member of ROTC. Read For Pair Candles lined the aisle and pi nk and white flowers decorated Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church when Julie Ann Strech became the bride of Mratin J. Zaldo, bolh of Newport Beach. The daughter of Mr . and Mrs. Kenneth Strech of San Bernardino was escorted on her father's ann. Her new husband is the son of Mrs. Edna· Zaldo of Tustin and the late Lt. Col. William Zaldo. The bride wore a full length white gown with long sleeves appliqued with hand em- broidered lace and 1 e e d pearls. Similar a p p 11 q u e s decorated the cathedral train, and her double cathedral veil was caught by a petal head- piece of lace and seed pearls. She carried a nosegay of white marguerites and b a b y ' s breath. Maid of honor Pamela Stewart and bridesmaid Coo· nie Engelkifli wore full length gowns featuring bodices of white lace and pale pink cor· ded skirts acctnted at the waistline w 1 t h pale olive satin band!. They wore pink picture hats and carried nosegays of pink marguerltes to carry out the traditional theme. Maj. William T. Zaldo Ill. the bridegroom's brother . served as best man . Ushers Included the brkle'i brothers, Raymond, Robert and James Strech, along with Maj. Carl' Seiple, Maj. Paul Vallely and James Hardiman. Soloist Donald Sauter was accompanied at the organ by his wife. Appro1.imately 200 guests attended a luncheon and received traditional almond favors in the Stuft Shirt after the rites, where the pink and white theme was carried out in table decorations. Miss Elana Engelking assisted with the iueat book and Miss Diane A.spllan wiui the gifts. The bride, presently a teacher in Fountain Valley, is a graduate of San Jose Stale College. She also atlended University of California, Riverside and Irvine, and af· filiated with Delta Zeta sorori· ty. The bridegroom was graduated from the United States Mllitary Academy at West Point. Special guests at the wed- ding included two of bl! We$l Point classmates, Maj . Fran· cis Egan and Maj. Robert Rosenkranz. Also present was his aunt, Miss Ethel Seely from Brooklyn. After a wedding trip to the Bahamas, the new Mr. and Mrs. Zaldo will be at home in Newport Beach. Wedding Vows Made By Costa Mesa Couple Making their home in Costa Mesa after exchanging wed· ding vows and rings dur ing an afternoon ceremony in Newport Harbor L u l h e r a n Church are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Church. The bride, t.he former Kristi Larson, Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Larson and the bridegroom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Church, all of Costa Mesa. of organza flowers and seed pearls. and she carried a cascade or gardenias and stephanotis. Standing with the bride were Mn. James Goff, matron of honor, and the Mlsses Barbara and Pamela Larson, sisters of the bride, all gowned In yellow peau de sole trimmed wiUl wl)ite daisies. In their colonial bouquets were yellow and white daiales. The duUes ol best man were Altern oon Rites Arlene Green : Wed " To William Hossfeld Candles wen ll&hled in St. John's Lutheran c~ u r ch • Orange, by MW KaUiy Edkins and Miss Laurie .Edkins for the late afternoon rites uniting in marriage Arlene Marie Green and William T • Hossfeld. Oceupying places of honor for the ceremony were Mrs. Irma Green of Santa Ana, motber of lhe bride, and Mrs. Milton Houfeld of South La.gwia , mother or t b e bridegroom. Escorted to the altar on the arm of her uncle, Wally Edkins of Orange, the bride wtire her sister's ~ding gown of ivory pure silk satin trimmed at the. round neckline and on the long sleeves with alencon laee. The fitted bodice flowed into a princess line skirt with appliques o f matching lace, and a bouffant chapel train fell from the waist. Her tiered veil of ivory French illusion was caught to a chignon band ol alencon lace, and her bridal bouquet was a cascade of stepbanotis and white butterOy roses. centered with a whJte catUeya orchid. Mrs. Robert Howard was ~ matron ot honor and Miss San· dra Green seMd as maid or honor. In the bridal entourage were Mrs. Donald Taylor, 1'1iss Lynda Edkins and Mrs. Elden Bainbridge. They wore n1 a t c h i n g floor length gowns of aqua zerak designed in an empire fashion with bateau necklines and their bouquets wue nUniatures of the bridal bouquet featuring li- ly of the nile and baby yellow roses, centered with ivory phalaenops.is orchids. Flower &Ir! was K y I e Elizabeth Kenney and soloist was Lorri Kemp. Serving as best man was Robert Hossfeld and ushers were Roy Mendoza, Darrell Korn, Howard and Al Smotkin. Arrangements of w h i t e "_ ..... ,..... MRS. WILLIAM T. HOSSFELD Hom• in Tustin gladioli, yellow carnations and aqua gypsophilia decorated Abram's Town and Country for Ute reception, where the newlywed,, greeted 350 guests. Assisting with host~s duties were the Mmes. Al DeLucio. Fred Baker and Eleanor Nicolson. Following a honeymoon trip to northern California, the couple will establish their first home in Tustin. The new Mrs. Hossfeld Is a graduate ilf Orange High School and Orange Coast College, where she was pres- ident of Associated Women Students, and is a member and past oUicer of Orange Empire Chapter, N a ti o n a I SecretarieS Assoclalion. Her husb and, a graduate of Laguna Beach High School and OCC, attended th e University of Ari?.Ona. St. Ju/ion 's Ca tholic Chu rch Fu I lerton Rites Scene . ' • ; I:. I I • ' '1 r ~ •• • I , • • Kathleen Sidney Twombly, daughter of Mr . and Mrs. Phillip Sidney Twombly of Fullerton and Balboa Island, exchanged wedding vows with Keith McKellogg in S t • Julian's Calhollc Ch u r c b, .Fullerton. Baskets of yellow and white flowers flanked the altar. where the Rev. John Siebert officialed, and ribbons and flowers decoraled the pews as the bride came down the ai.sle on her father's arm. She wore a full length gown of white pique and Irish con. vent lace with daisies ap- pliqued on the skirt which swepl back into a chapel train • Daisies and tiny pastel flowers caught her elbow length veil or illusion, and she carried a bou- quet or white daJsies and pastel summer flowers held with white ribbons. Carrying white baskets of yellow daisies and wearing full length yellow gowns were the bridal attendants. They in- cluded maid of bon'or Lee Janson and bridesmaids Tri.sh and Sheila Twombly, sisters of the bride. Pat McKellogg, the bridegroom's sister, and the Mmes. William Ensign and Steven Seekatz. The bridegroom, son of 1ifr. and Mrs . Robert D. McKellogg cf Fullerton, asked Philip Messer to be his best man. Ushering were M i ch a e I Twombly, brother of the bride, Blll McKellogg, his brother. Bill Cu nningham , Ensign and Seekatz. Susan Lewis Becomes Mrs. David Willauer La s Vegas Setting For Rites For the riles, whlch wttt read by the Rev. George Busdiecker, the bride selected an organza and lace over saUn gown trimmed with seed pearls and sequins. Her chapel veil was caught to a headpiece performed by George Jenkins, MRS. KE ITH McKELLOGG ind guests were ushered to Other family members in the bridal party were Misses Carol and Marilyn McKellogg, flower girls, and M a r k McKellogg. ring bearer. Dan Twombly and Dick McKeUogg served as altar boys. At home in Newport Beach following a wedding trip to San Francisco are Mr. and Mrs. David Nixon WUlauer. The former Susan Linda Lewis, dauabter of M;. and Mrs. Hal S. Lew~ of Newport Beach, was married in a dou- ble ring ceremony perfonned by the Rev. Dr. Cbarle1 H. Dle.renfield in St. Andrews Prubytulan Church. The bridegroom ts the aon of Mr. and Mn. Phillp 8. Wlllauer ol Memphis. Cmytng a bouquel ol but· terfly orchids. the bride wort a noor leftglb empire gown of silk organza 11ppUqued with lace which extended into a chapel train. Her elbow h!nglb veU of Wuslon was caught by a beaded crown. Matron of honor M r s • Richard Ingold and bridesmaids Mn. W 11 l l a m Petrie and Miu Nellie Payne ·an wON! full length empire gowns of yello" linen with while lace trim and yt.llow headpieces held by frl!!sh daisies. Be.st man wa1 Peltle1 and ushers included Ingold and Scott Lewis, bn>lh<r of the bride. · ' The bride wu graduated from Newport Harbor IU&h Scbool ·and Or•111e Cou1 Collece. Her new hulblnd l'tetlvtd a 8S degree from Mlchlpn State Unlvcrtlty, wheie he was afflU1ted with Sigma Nu fraternity. Kathrine E 1 a I n e Garrison became the bride or Steven Alan Tjemagel during nuptials in Las Vegas. Parents of the newlyweds are Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gar- rison and Mr. and Mn. Oliver Tjemagel, all of Colla Mesa. - li!n. Duane Stont, mtu of the bride, clrcutated the gue1t· book during the rec<ptlon In ' the garden of Ferndale Wed- ding Chapel, Santa Ana. 'nle new Mn. Tjemagel ii a graduate or Estanoia High School and her husband at- tended Orange Cout Colle.:e. CumnUy ht Is ouvtng with the Army. The newt y wed o honey· MRI, RICHA RD CHURCH mooned in Laguna Buch. L•• v.,., Honeymoon their places by Don Larson, _______ s_1_n;:,9l_•_R_i_n;:,9_R_1_1a_• ______ _ brother Ot UJe bride, and Mike Bressart. Tbe church reception hall was the selling when the newlyweds received t h e l r guests. Followlug the rectp. lion they departed for a honeymoon trip to Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon. S~I guests were Mrs. Lillian Church of Cost.a Mesa and Mrs. Ethel Lowell cf Houston. grandmothers of the bridegroom ; Mr. and M:rs. James Lowell, Miami, aunt and uncle or the brldeiroom; Alfred Peterson, CenterVUle. S. D., grandfathtr of the bride, and David and Mike Larson or Mlaml Springs, brother and nephew ol Ille bride. Both the bride a n d bridegroom were graduated from Newport Harbor Hiih School · and attended Orang~ Coast College. Al Fres.co Luncheon Bri.de-elect Honored 1'trs. Dorothy Wells was guest of honor at a personal bridal shower hosted by Mrs. Chet Eugene St.an in her Hun- tingtoo Harbour home. Mrs. Wells wUl exchange wedding vows with Robert E. Anderson during a home ceremopy taktng place \n "Newport Beach S • tu r d a y , June 28. Champape coc:ktails were served poolalde followed by a buff•t tuochion on the upper deck. A pink and 1voc:ado col· or scheme was accented by fresh noral centerpieces of dalllea and sweetheart roees. Newporl Beach BUests at· .. te.ndln& Included the Mmes. Harry Eckerman, Lawrence Lee, Virginia Nub, Sidney Sanders, Pat Spellman Hostler, Tom Kelly , Ginny Fufh!:lman, Barbara King and Jay •Gould. Also altending were the Mmes. Helen Wllll1rns, Mar- jorie Stamper, '-Julie Clark, Thomas Callaway, Lewis Bascli, Josie Owens. Richard Dink.1111, Percy Haythorne. Murray Chotl ner, Don Vorweft, PeMy Naale and • Zelda Goodall. Out~·town auest.s w e r e Mrs. Allee Collell English; Mrs. Flo A. Butterbaugh and Mn . Billy Wells. • -- Durlna: a garden reception in the home of the bride's partnl!, approx.imately 300 guests watched the young cou- ple cut the first slice of a five. tiered · ·wedding cake served under a white canopy. Suzi McKe\logg and Mrs. Ron Daubert took charge or the guest book and Vlrginla McKellou assisted with gifts. A graduate cf Sunny Hills High School in Fullerton, the bride attended California State College at Fullerton and now Is enrolled at San Die.go State Cotle1e. where she plans to graduate next spring. Her new husband ls • graduate or Se.rvlte lUgh School in Anaheim and CSCF. He will attend the Univtrtlty ol San Ditao Law School 1n the fall. • The newlyweds wUI make their home ln San Diego following • ~oneymoon ln Coronado. - I . • • .,.;;.-... -.. ..•. - J •. eAll.l PllOT • ~Jlrando Out of S-yle· ~;~Met1wd 'Pioneer Victim of Bad Films •• . . . • r 1ly VBRNON soorr • llOUJYWOOD !UPI) -The .ir.M Anfeles thealer marquee ~: ~·Klllina of Slslor ae" t" and &1Ni&ht of the FollowlJtg ~y" :jh was a remarkable sign of ~ t.imts. "Sister George" is ~Pu ei:ploltation film wlth an ~·· rating pulling in the ·~rious because of an explicit • • i an love scene. • ..... ..,. .. companion feature, ~ ollowing Day," is 1 regret. le comment.ary on the ~g of a man who is con-~red by other actors to bt ~ finest performer Jn the .. Wbrld and a movie star of ~l stature. Yet his picture is playing se- cond billing to a lllm which is virtually bereft of stars on any stature. The great, Academy award· winning star Is Marlon Bran· do. And the juxtapositjon of t name and movie with that "Sisler George" reveals t rkedly what is happening in • otion pictures. ; AJ a young firebrand , Bran- ' do Illuminated the screen In "A Streetcar Named Desirt," "On the Waterfront," "'The Men" and other memorable pictures. METHOD ACTING But it was the force of h.is personality and what passed at the tlme for "realistic ac· ting," or method acting, that made his contemporaries ap- pear as U they w e r e .hangovers rrom the silent era. Brando's mumbling. ~huf­ fling, sc rat ching and "natural" attitude on tile Crossword Puzzle screen created a sensation . Jt also gave birth to an anny or imitators: Paul Newman, Tony F'Tanciosa, Ben Gazzara, &d Steiger and a dozen others. The imitators soon found their own styles a9d went on to various degrees of success or failure on their own. Brando was something t>lse. A me lancholy man, at odds with the press, Brando is deeply inunersed in t h e world 's economic and social Injustices. He is beset by inner personal struggles. To most persons in Hollywood he is an enigma -a puule ·no one is much interested in solving anymore . STAR CROSSED Marlori ls a man sensitive to criticism and invasion of his prlvale life. He appears lo be star crossed when it comt"S to choosing properties suitable to his unique and considerable talents. _ In recent years he has been haunted by. films that have been critically lashed and diSappoiriting at the ·box of· flee: DAILY l'ILOT Sl•ll l'Pllte Tell Me More Cast membert for the flnt weekend~ Thunclayt thn>ugh of1 two summer producUona at Sunday1, beginning July 10 at the t.aauna Playhouse, Peter the playhouse, 319 Ocean Ave., Sliaffi!r'll ''Blac'k COmedy, '' Laguna ~. have been announced 'by'\===========11 playhouse .. general manager ~••111 ~ ••111 • ""n: Jram Nofziger. Playing the leading roles of j Brindley and Carol will •be · Joan Wulffson , a recent award Sl1:.YI: 1 winner at the ruverslde one. ......-OUllN I EDWARDS act play 'toumal'l•nl, aod Joel IT .~ "' IC. . C I N E M A Tl'opper, who has appeared'ln ~ 11 ............ THEATRE •earer.ot in the Park" and 'n• 11 I I I I ~ '"'""" PRESENTATION "The Star Spangled Girl" on LJWJ _ --I THU.Tin the Laguna stage. PLUS Com~eting ·the cast are Sally Brown, Les lngledue, -.. • Chuck Col·ga n , Jacqueline PER'm11REB---.............. -----·-· l--IDUSI ll~ Ii Church and Pat Birkett. Ian Brown is directing the show, his nm· assignment at the playhouse. "Black Comedy," whl'ch'li~:~~~~~~~~,11 takes place 'during a power failure , is precede<! by "White It Liars," a ~rt pin· done . in 1\?f[tiil ':1DIOM totaJ darknll3s. The pair ,will il_ 1.::.1.!J~I. :I l:>e pre~ec.f for t h r' e e 1tlWl'ORT ttACH • OA.a.usb The Big Broadw1y Musical Show STAltTS WEDNESDAY -.j ' Let . .,.~ :rourselt , 1lll glow. ..'1 " ACRO.S5 5• TltMIS pla~er 59 -1cco111pH "Reflections in a Golden Eye," ''A Countess From Hong K " "Appaloosa," ''The Ch<. .. , ' ''The Fugitive Kind," "Morituri," "Bedtime story" and "The. u g 1 y Peter Jason seems fascinated at Tonl Douglass' American ." palm reading prowess as Carole Arnone kibitzes in NOW PLAYING ; Prepare 62 Ring out : for ex111s D5 Notrd -"S \telfl of Finnish footwear tr:1ct sta1 'Htls111an or fifi Where the Lady B~n!I Gangrs is Trophy D8 Subway '4 5. A111erlcan feature : caplt1I 2 word s 15 Rivet" of 70 Srssemrr's Europe In terrs I 16 Officer 71 "Thf' Bi99est 17 lll erchandise llnle City" sold lndlvld-72 Rank's ually: 2 words partner 19 Having 73 Twll 18 1954 colltcllvt ag1etmtnt: been done 74 So be ft! frequently 75 Ice vehicle before 20 Taste, e.g. 21 Dandelion or thi stle 23 C•t:1lns' conce1n 24 Make brtowed 2D Bibllc1t boat builder 28 Abound Jl Chews on vigorously : Oi1I . 35 l'l·I WtlPOll: 2 WOldS 40 St ol profit 4111 ever 42 Kind of tat 44 lnftl'red conclusio11 45 Domestic appliance 47 N1p: 2 words .(9 "It's tr1.1t!" Sl SH ol excilt1Dtnl 52 Well arranged DOWN Abbr. ZZ Profession· al man's l In lht nicknaine neighborhood 25 Schism 2 Come lo 27 Exclamation maturity ol triumph 3 Correct 29 Patronage 4 Kind of abode 30 Collegt 5 Calendar subjects: abbreviation Informal 6 Part of a 32 Female sh ip ilnim1I 7 Noun suffi x 33 farm B Coinlikt animals piec e 3~ Parking 9 Mornings: meltr Abbr. feature 10 "Someone 35 Very stylistr: To -··-MeH: Slang 2 words 3fi Preposition 11 Partly open 37 Statue 12 Function 38 The upcoming pttformed years by someone 39 Drink 13 Worked wlth .() Where the pencil and River Shan· paper non flows .................. . . ' ' •• . • • .. • ' • . . • • . . • . • • . . . • • . • . . . • • • . • . . . • • . . . . • • .. • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • " MONDAY THRU fRIOAY NITES ~· ()~ §T4f31: U.J.4. S1arrini ... on the Tomorrowtand Sla ge Pll BOONE JHE OSMOND BROlllEBS ShOW$ ii 8 ond 10 PM ln""'"11•ecb ... PAm ,IG( • l'EGGY UE BOUIE GfllTrl • ROGER Wlll!AMS THE DCIODI£ TOWll Pll'ERS . . . . . . . . . . . But not since his firsl pie-this scene from "The Threepenny Opera," opening lure can anyone recall a Friday al South Coast Repertory in Costa Mesa. A1arlon Brando film playing in -----------''---'----------1 6/ZJ /69 .(Ii Compass point <18 Extend In a general direction 50 Sathroom fitlure 53 Numeric1l prefix 55 Dots WOik on a go lf course 5fi Way through a fore st 57 M. Zola 58 Vexed 59 Clenched hand 60 --Miium: Stfort Ult ... 61 Plan 63 Word of Interjectio n fi4 Group ol I hockey plii.ytfS fi7 lii.Vtm produtl 69 Man's nicknam e the second spot to another movie. Brando. as much as any star, has fallen victim to the era of sex and nudity in film s. Jt is difficult ," if not im· possible. for a performer - no matter how gifted -to compete with the new formula gap attitudes (kids v s . parents), nudity, perversion and a smashing of age-old American icons. While customers stay away from Brando pictures by the millions, they al'e lining up lo see "I Am Curious (Yellow )," a Swedish import that is almost clinical in its explicit sex scenes. JJOFF~1AN HERO Dustin Hoffman. short, big· nosed and with the look of a loser about him is the ne\v anti-hero . He fighls the dragon establishment. Marlon Brando, despite his liberal politics, his sincere at. tempts to help minority groups, is of a generation which makes him a member of the establishment per Sf', much as the thought might horrify him . It would be a g ro ss miscalculation to conclude that Brando's career is near- ing an end , or even lo hint that he lacks admirers. Almost every actor one en· counters will name Marlon Brando as one of the two or three best actors living today. They add that he's had a bad run of luck with his pictures. One well-written screenplay with a role for his mystical style of perfonnlng could turn it all around. But he will be competing in :i different market than he was two decades ago. The public has seen him do his thing. His style is no longer avant garde. Whatever his next endeavor , Brondo must make it on his lalenl alone. Fortunately, he ha!' enormous stores of that. and is not forced to rely on the strength or his name. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY NITES • 11(!)1• 1•(!)llltltl Starrinr .•. on the Tomorrowtand Terrace 11 RIBHTEOUtBROlllEBS ·shows al 9 and Ii PM NOJ! Wecl ... llY IND THE AMERICANS _. EVE~Y SUNDAY '1 · ·coUNTRY MUSIC JUBILEE ionife st111inc ••. on the Tomorrowland Stace ROY CLARK • 11 l3.UllS ms .. Shows ii S, 7 and 9 PM NtJI Suod1y ••• HQ,llER i ![THRO ,. I How C.an Y ou Forget A Carrie Snodgress? Vanessa Redgrave "THE LOVES OF ISADORA" ALSO HOLLYWOOD (U Pl )-Gone arc the days of Hock. Tab, Rip, Lance, L·ana and Rita. Enter the era of Englebert Humperdinck, Arlene Golonka. Horst Buckholtz, J o a n n a Shimkus, Gayle • Hunnicull, Michael Sarrazin, Rom y Schneider and -hold your breath -Carire Snodgress. Carrie had the opportunity to changer her monicker to the likes of Gloria Glamor, but refuse d. She would stand or fall on Snodgress. In the beginning it looked like a bad fall indeed. "When I came out here from Chicago to see an agent -Jack Fields -he refused to handle my career unless I changed my name," titiss Snodgress said . ''So J went to another agent. "I wanted to keep my name because no matter where any member of our fam ily goes people remember the name. ll's magic. •low could you forget it ?" Asked why it was ~nodgress rather than the more con· ventional Snodgrass, Ca rrie was cager to explain . "My great grandfather was a B_,ptist . minister in Oklahoma," she said. "and he wanted to be different. So he changed the 'A' to an 'E' in the last half of our name. \Ve also think he drank a lot." Carrie is starring in her first movie, "Rabbit, Run,·• at Coniic in Role HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Oldlin1e stage and scree n comic Benny Rubin came out of retirement for a sma ll role in Universal's "Airport.'' Kreitsek. aaB .. •• Cla.U.cmtuh Al'blePair AC""-C-,_ c:;;i -~a....-~ lw. Sllow Storts ':45 CHti11on S11Mkir fr-2 p.111. llUIUJllU·IJWlflWIDI -·AND - ~=laam-iu.-AmTDMI o;:;::;::::.-:.· lldllk• ALSO \ ...... _. ' GEORGt ~EAN PEPPARD SEBERG Walttor 1,._ ~~~ "THE GNOME MOBILE" ! p1:NUuwm :ii'.'B CONTINUOUS DAILY FIOM 2 P.M. . ................. . • THROUGHOUT TH E PARK ; • BEYUIAmim! featurinf ... The Fir.hous• Fiwt + 2 • Tl11 l11jo Klllf' TtddJ l11ck111r I his land• Tha Yi11111.Cal1111 The Youn1 T1hitl1ns • Thr llut 1.,... Strinp Th• Sou11d Castle • ~dv111t:lr1l111d Stttl l1nd Ind Tl:t Gtldtn Ho111shot Rmt tteompanied by the Olsneyl1nd 81nd. The P11rly hlHI, 1"1~1 Juter Bind 1nd Ille Oehl Rlmb1tfS. Fll!ISY 11 ll Ill Sl1nin1 Tinker Belt and l llrfltltnt fire°"""r\s di~tit¥ery 11ite at 9 '·'"· OitMVl.nd ii °'*'......, dlY- Sundlv • Thundly, 8 1.m. • Midnitt fridtv arid S.turd1y, 8 1.m. • 1 o.m. . . • . . • . • • . . • . • . • . • • • • • . • . • . • • • I o o o o • 0 • • • "0" •f tM best plct•ret 1'1'• .,... 11 years." -It•• 11.ffll, Wtrntn's W••r D•llr ~e J Killin · ot~ifter tieeorge" ~-. Beryl Reid ® Susannah York Coral Browne A ... ~ A owt or A MDVII ~· . .. COl.llMDIA PleT\>1111:1 PllSIS,.'nl llBllCllT I llllU' PICK /11111r ~ CA.RL P'ORBMAN'S ( MIClllll'I · .. ~JllL~ u.::E:E' ~~ !!!ii•~ nwr• ~ o • Ol!ACH Bl.VO. AT ILi.i• • ' HI.INTI NG TON GIACH • ... 7._ Now frofll P11ilip lotfi airthw of "Port11oy'5 Comploi11t" 'A VERY FUNNY, IMMENSELY APPEAllNG MOVll N THE W!!STM1NSTER CE"NTEI Vanessa Redgrave 'The Loves of Isadora' Al•o Jiff Si.iter 111 ''Th• Illustrated Man" STARTS WEONESOAY MotiHn Doily fro111 I 11.111 • wa.oi Disneg ·---- ..--- I I MONOhY JUNE 2J .... • 1111 ·~ -(C) (IO) ""' "'"""· ··-·-(CJ (30) • "'" -.... (C) (90) Gn Autry, Doti lllckl11, Pel Mt· Comlcl(. Pit H1rrlnrton Ind M•· l1n1 Vw PlallCk 111est. • "' 0-. -(C) ""' 'frMun el Liii C11JH" (U'ltll· tiltt) '52 -Wiftianl Powtfl. Jllllt ........ II I "" (C) (ill) • , ,_.., (60) ·-(C) (30) • ....... ~ (C) (JO) '1ht Children of the W..t. • Wltfl Ille hel' of ~ tllS •M tdou, ~-Ill '"" tll111111h ll'ltfll ad· vtntur• rzt ttll Wiid WI.Sf. 111' J..w Difl"' , ... {30) G IPLM """ (C) (60) ,,,. ...... -(C) (60) m v.,.,. " ....... ,, .. SN (C) (60) m , ....... -(C) t30> "11 our Uatlonal s,atlftl In hril1" AmoW sttinbtrc. Mltor ti t111 Ywna: Anllrfel111 for Ff'Mdom IMauiM "New Guml." d*"'- thl CtlfTlflt: ldUClfionll ctislS. lllCllD-ct> '30> m-" <t> c60> 1:00. cu bHlq "... (C) (30) Waltlr CRM!tt. G Wlllll'I Mt LIM? (C) (30) Wally Brun« 11MI At11111: Francis welcome fuat ,.lllli5ts Soup7 Slits, Mert· dith Madl1l and Alen Aldi. GI,_... (C) (30) Host Allen Luddllt 'Rlcomt1 IUnts JUMI loU· ~lO. f•ilJ .... (CJ (30) -UtKlt Bill lbs • finaadlt ertsb thd COll!d .,._ up tht luily, lhl cllildrin takt tMlfPiicr ldlon to 11n1 moner. (R} 1iJ -(CJ (30) Tod ..... mu~-.... <IO) Ill •-·-(30) hut tlld A:m Martin. (II) lO:t08.fll (j) ......... ~(IO) U (J) ....... , M .. (2 tit} "'Por· Slilri Llwis, stu Gillll111 IQlllt. trlifTt llltk." L1n1 Turner st111. am Jll• (C) (60) •,_.•~·w••• a ~~m~~<CJ~ lf1 (30) ''On 8t1111 V11111." Alan Hat1H1 Wood-;-ht ~ Drtw Watts dllcu•s th1 conc1pt !hit Pul10ft auest. the WMI ti clur·cllt dtllnlt1ntss _ Dllla' (C) (60) rtrlects • lloltil1, shtrp 1tlit11d1 -• tow1rd llf1.' 11 Fi111 LI• (C) (60) "'Nici B <II r1111tr Aff•W (C) (30) ~... Paul CM¥1n ..,.,. thl tllMll " hil bOot, "Pollct m c.w. w.w ce> (30> Pwlf: Ab-. kw Me. '°" Cltf." OJ"-..._ (C) (30) Yflllit111 f .. lldllJlllMl1M1-ilt CU-.. with Johll H..... 111 offdll ti the I~ Cotfir. tl'ltt ti Nice AaodatioM. m-(IO) LiOD ..... ,_.,_(C) (10) 'Al 1 s.. It .. am Co!IJy n1r· ntu films th1t utllllllt the mllld 12:30 m ... Cltr °' a cl'llld. Coupled with Mr. Colby'1 m Adil• Tllllh• ''Dawll Mi9ollrl 1nsl1ht ind hurnot, ucll tllrn 1 W. .. · 111bsequ1nt discussion by chllclrtn rJ. f1om all p1rts ol t111 countcy will '"'" 1111 dllld's world for viewtrs to lh1r1 ind 1nfor. lZ:45 G MftW: "'f'lllflfl tor 1 Dtatll &1 z.n1 1111 (30) ...... (myttt~) '63 -Rldltrd m tlml (C) (30) [1111, VMca Ulldrora. ....... -(C) (60) II c..koa , ea,.._ (30) ~,.a ca Cll-• L"' <CJ (30) Guut How11d Rffl pllJI St1nltY Llvlnpt~ • ~ h11ntll' hlrtd fl uJtur1 • "pr1MllM," r1r1 wild arilrnal that eacaptd front Ult too. (~ TUESDAY DAYTIME MOVIES t•• ~ Cr11I Ylctw NlfMlr (i!illlbl) '3&-A111n ~ Mlf'J M1rtln. 11 "UllrwMt'" {m11slc11) '4l- Nil1011 Eddy, JMllMttl MKDlmlW. liJ-1'1" (-•). ~1111 Mlll'IL John Sutton. t"'° D-1 ,,..., (C) IJ C..111nltJ l lfllit!R hi~ ~ ·-(C) 1:15. lllt'fit: ... ... ttra111'f'"' (adw•tllfl) '49 -Joh1 C1rtleW, )lnnlfer Jena em) '57 -Y1r1 • .._ Anthfl'IJ ....... woL--= ·~-'-=-~ "Mtplfbll ...... 11 .... (dr11M1) '56-Jttk Clratll. Z:OCI • .,,.. " ....... , ...... Cd) '55-.MIMI Creft. JI• ,,." .. _ .. _ .... irc1lf"' ("""917) • .,_ Htlfll l11i- ll\lflft, Mlcbll SI"""" ., ... -..... -( ........ 1tllllfll) 'SI -flowN I M...U.. M.th1 MJtt. e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Qu1lity Printing i nd Depend1ble Se;.ice for mor• thin • quert1t of • century. 1111 WDT IAUIGA an.. MIWJ!or'I' llActf -'4J-4l11 PEANUTS JUDGE l'ARKER HE N.EVER PIP Ut:E ME! '-LL HE WA.N'T'EO WAS FOi: ME TO 1iW:E Tll05E ~ P\o!ONE ~;: . ' IS' ; TUMILEWEEDS TillS MONTH THE CCIJETED BLACK FEATHER GOES TO THE TRIBAi. OON'lRAC1lJll! OUR WHOL&IY.E CHUM OfGREAr APLQ\\B, WHO 8UILDS WIGWAMS AD NAUSEAM! ... ARIWLOUS liOPMIR I NAME INOIAN OF THE MONTH! . f.-YOO l<llO\'l- -rH.AT1S WHAT I "l\1!!' WHOl.6" ~l>H.As- .. • · ·ly Charlff M. Schum ~·s KINOCFU6LY,M "TllAT CIWt l!f HflREI> .• By Harold Le Doux JUPGE PARKER? VOU POMi KNOW lr\E •• eur T'YE SEEN lr.U.KH46 50M.E l'MOME C'-llS TO YOU t.NP 'flOtlll: WIFE •• IAO PHOME CALLS! I -.I HOPE IT HASN·r CALISEP ~y TIOIBLE &ETWEEN YOCI ••• By Tom K. Ryan TI!Ali; lllGHT!_ ~EEPS KH>S AND VISITOOS Fru:JM TllACKING DIITT IN ON YER ClEl\N fl.OOPS! MU"l'T; YollR 5H1Rl";l AANGING OUT! ITS SUPPQSEDTO,STUPID.' GET WITH MISS PEACH ITS THE CASUAL LOOK! IT.1 EVERYBODY . WEARS 'EM OUT "1'HESE DAYS ! .... ~·; . .. . .. •>-• • -~ ·: . -~· ::. ·.:· --... , '" OM, ""I.A"' ~Ou SILL~ &l~Df-1 JV5T WA>JT T06ff WMATIS ON AT THI; MOV1~5 f 'lDNl.0ll'f. \ • • I HATB JIAVINt/ ANYONE /lMO OVH.MV r 6'/0IJ/.IJER.. DAii. V "UT .. ' . CHILDREN'S THEATER -Bill Cosby, above,., • hosts children from across the nation, ranging in age from 6 to 12 years, tooighl at B p.m. on Channel 4. These youngsters. who have made brief films capturing life as they see it, discuss Ute films wlth: Cosby on 11As I See Jt.'' An insight into the world of children is guaranteed. · 1, TELEVISION VIEWS Death Valley, Via Vassar By RICK DU BROW HOLL YWOl:lD (UPI) -Most of tbe recent at· tent.ion given to television's "Death Valley Days'~ · has centered on its successive hosts -Ronald Rea· gen, tile late Robert Taylor and , now Dale Robert· · son. But the syndicated series ls a gold mine of broadcasting lore and colorful Western stories. Perhaps the most amazing single fact about the show is that it soon will mark its 40t h year -re-- peat, 40th year -on the air, first in radio, then television. No other broadcast Western, not even 11Gunsmoke," comes close. I DOUBT, though, that anything or anyone con- nected. with "Death Valley Days'1 has been as color .. ful as the lady who created it -Ruth Woodman, a petite, New York-born graduate of Vassar and descendant of Massachusetts Gov. John Winthrop. I have neve.r met a more charming or unforgettable lady. I remember a talk we had just a decade ago. Mrs. Woodman. story editor and chief writer for the shaw from its early days. bore such a striking resemblance to Ethel Barrymore and was so soph- isticated with her wit and cllpped New England accent, that it seemed incredible to· connect her with the Wild West stories sbe told of herself and the show. IT WAS ALMOST impossible to believe she had gambled with prospectors, "packed in" on horse~ -. back and visited rough saloons in her search for material. But she had, indeed, done all these things and more. And she told how she had got into this unlik ely career: n· "I WAS a copy writer for an advertising agency j. In New York. The sales of one of our clients had . been going down, so we suggested tbe;r get a P"°'" ~, gram on this new medium, radio. The client'11 · product came from the desert, so we suj?geste'.d : .. that the program should have something to do with ~ that area . I was assigned to write it, and the client · liked the audition. -';.. ''THEN MY BOSS told me , 'Oh , there's one :'.· little hitch. The client wants you to go out there ttt .. 1 the desert. He doesn't want anyone sitting back iri New York \vriting it off the top of his imagination.'· Well , yo u can imagine the fun that everyone in the _ office had at my expense. Here I was going to this f• hot, dirty place. When I wa s on the train west, I · l kept getting telegrams from friends ask}ng me if ... f I had forgot my umbrelJa or my rubbers. ' ".-: The show was created in 1930, and Mrs. Wood-. ~ i man recalled the highlJght of her first trip west :· ..,l "My boss thought that maybe I needed a chaperone,"·· so my guide was a man named Wash Cahill, a rai!-•. road superintendent. My mot.her had come along \ too, and she was a very proper New England lady.,· ''WELL , WE WERE riding along in a car one day when along ca me a car from the opposite direc- tion. \Vh en it got close enough. everyone recognized it as the car of Death Valley Scottie. He was a real character. A machine ~\ID wa s mounted on the front of the car. He \Yore his usual red tie and white 10. ~allon hat. He came over .to us with a bottle of whiskey, looked at ·my' mother and said , 1Well. mother. you're the olaest. You have the first hoist.' Dennis the Menace Oo ~ ' ·- 1 II e.tll. y PltOT + Mansfield Unworried . M:l .6 l\ffl'.k~r 7 Beµ:jnd .. iJI D~ ~verie.s . I . ' • I. . • .. . I • .., '. ·'. . •• ' By 'Doves' • WASHINGTON (AP) -A unlta in Vlelrlam. Bui a -k lo H&R. Further ne(Odoliou ,..... to be deU*red '.Jn Jlley have oven:ome """" ot ~ wl>Jdl .-1...i· a aao, il wu reporl<cl Iba! most reduced Iba GM fi&ure by je.s February 111ee. The targel fw their production proble1111 and ...-, hlcl>1>rioed con-men of the 211111 COmbal million and tbe H&R one by March was t,000 ; April was expect lo be on sdledule by tracl lo llllllllfldW'e Mii Enllnoer Baltallon ...,. not 11%5,000. 1,000; M;q1 &,llllO,. June 10,000. Ujo end o1 July.'' fillet !qr !lie~ 1ilr bu armed wilh Miiie, when they , Bolh firqll were 1o· 11Upflly By Nove.mber 1119, bothiinns AtpOUomall forlWI. when fallen ~. , it.I · delivery b e a t off rep,eated ·enemy 240,080 riOes each over the are scheduled to have reached asked bow the firm ..., doirc 11<bedule. . allaclls on lheir .remole.bue. two-year period.''111e •Army peak, produtllon of IS,000 a on Iba .-act, aald ooiy-thal WASllJNCTON (AP) -EC· -by liberal Democrats lo ~ the1r own Senrite bloc un-- ~Sen. Edwml M. Ken- •""9''1 banner don't pose a UVUI to the regular leOdenhip machinery, a,c-cordlnc lo ~.ior1ty Leader Mike Mansfield. I '!be Army lul·iitar juolllitd ' Becai11e tbe,ballalloo ILlistod . •1114 Iba hll!J>Oo..prioe 1o G!' month, · there had bern· "nonnal start· ,award of tbe ®Gtrtt to Har· as a suppor(iunlt, lb men car4 was a•'.reault d "h~ :i' ~hen asked about ll&R's up . problems • •.• nothing rl~ 4t R1chard.on Inc. by ried older ai' d he.aVier Ml4 and retooling cOsts. _ . · e 11veries1 an Ai-my 1 unusual." uymg •tbe ,flrm wu , bettFr rlfl~&. •Maremont Corp. ot , s kesrnan , conceded t~ey The.ArfnyuldU>eproblems qua~fted to. ,·meet . an 'I!be contacts whh HU ..nd ·Maine, and Cadillac Gage-of "art sPghtly ~bipd:'' B,ut.. he included bolt breakage which accelel"lted· delivery. ~le G~ were th~ subject of con,. ·Warttn, Mtch., also had added dellv1eriet or MISS from was solved through Improved Maraa&ld 11y1 the move by the liberals is .. no different than what bas been going on for years." • .,J ·~ ol lheir efforts," be said. "But the Democratic Policy Committee will be the detenn1ning factor for the party in the Senate -it will be the real power base oC our party in the Senate." There is clear evidence that Kennedy, the a ssis tant Democratic I e a d e r and regarded a front runner for the party's 1973 presidential nomination, was embarrassed by published reports of a re· cent session of liberals he ca ll· ed at the urging or Sen. Harold E. Hukhes (D-lowa.) Kennedy is understood lo have assured Mansfield no al· tempt would be made to undercut his leadership. For his part, Hughe5 reported regretfully in a separate interview he does not expect the group of a dozen or more liberals to accept his recommendation that they issue periodic public policy statements from time to time. "I think We ought to make such statementJ," he said. "But the majority opinion in our first meeting seemed to be against it." Instead, Hughes said he hopes the liberals can improve communications between each other so they can pre:;e nt a solid front on issues. He disclaimed any Intent to challenge Mansfield's party 1eadership or to go around the Policy Committee. "J don't think there's a Democrat who isn't for Mike 100 percent," Hu ghes said. "There Is no challenge to his leadersh.ip." Mansfield noted that liberals are well represented on the policy committee. At least nine of them. In· eluding Kennedy, Hughes and Sen. Edmund S. Muskie of Maine, the 1968 viee presiden· tial nominee, are on the com· mittee. He said that as fa r as he is concerned, the committee will make no policy pro- nouncements on what should be nonparti san issues. He cited the Safeguard missile defense system as one of these. While the liberals try to rally their strength to oppose ronservative Democrat's, the latter apparenlly plan no countermove. Mostly they just vote with con se rva t i ve Republicans when the issue seems to lend itseU to such a coorse. Vagrancy Statute Ruled Void Capitol tor '$ale? Well , it looks like "it but no matter what this sign suggests this piece of well located Sacramento r~al estate is definitely not for sale. The sign, which mysteriously appeared last week on the Capitol's west lawn, was quickly removed by state officials. University Extenswn Offers More Lectures Public lectures presented by · '!:"'~ """~~ ~ .. St~~" 1111a. 101, uc1 University of California Ex-\W~ -M1k•,..•-rk1n1 -•• 'Tht ew ••I · T1Mo M•xlc:l!t> tension Irvine reswne Oils ,,,...... ~"' 11ion.1 ~ ' 51v.· I , tu,..., . of week lc1 me• '" s 1~11 11i. ' ol-A Ill. 7: . , Following are the lectures ~·1ei.•Jri· !1tv ~ · 11'"s. and fees from Tuesday on: ·-1' ""AM.Tl ' 54 4 on Coast Exchange Club Set · A chapter of the NaUonal · Exchange Club has been fann- ed at the Irvine lndustrW • Complex. The motto of the club b ''Unity for Service," and its aims are to build American citizenship, advance American ldeals and strengthen the American way of lite. Sponsored by the Exchange Club of Newport H~, the new cbap(U'Jias elected JU: of~ ficers, wbo are business and professional men from the Complex. They ate George Munger, . president; William McCJung, vice president; Bern a rd Whitney, secretary and Lloyd M. Lee, treuurer. Elected to the first Board.of Directors were Eugene Spain, Jim Malle?t; Wal~r Ottmer, Ed Leach, Alfred Gordon and John McNamara. G D Four From Area et egrees In Largest Class Four Orange Coast residents are among 391 June graduates Four Orange Coast area of Occidental College. student.I were among t h e They are: members of lhe I a r g est From Corona del ?o.lar: graduaUng class in the history Barbara H. Smith, 229 Orchid of the Universk.y of Santa Ave ., bachelor of arts. Clara. From Costa 1\.iesa: Charles A t.olal of 1,043 degrees were ?It. Landers Jr., 2384 Colgate conferred on June 14. Drive, bachelor of arts, and Local graduates named: Margaret Miller, 945 Junipero Dean A. Starr, Balboa MIAMI (AP) -A three. Drive, bachelor of arts. Island; Martha M. Robers, judge federal court panel has From Newport Be a ch: Costa Mesa : Brian J . Rice, ruled that Florida's 62-year-Christine Godwin, 2143 Yista Fountairi Valley, and Michael old vagrancy statute is uncon-Enlrada, bache lor of arts. A. Bu~. Newport Beach. stituli onal. 1.---------------------•I Matthew Lazarus, 23, a wan. derer arrested six times for I vagrancy in Miami, challeng. ed lhe law·s constitutionality with the aid of Legal Services I Program, a federally funded agency to assist indigents. Judge David Dyer of the U.S. Sth Circuit Court of Ap. peals and District Court Judges C. Clyde Alkins and I Ted Cabot based their ruling on the law's "vagueness and overbroadness." "In many respects the statute renecls lhe historic I verbiage of vagrancy laws which date back 620 years," said the judges, adding it also "punishes conduct of an in· dlvidual which in no way Im· pinges on the rights or in· terests of others." The panel noted the law defines men who Jive off lh!!ir wives' earnings as vagrants. I Many law students do that, the Judge! said. Jn all, the UI07 Jaw lisU 21 I See by Today's Want Ads .::bdl-~~~ e Be • joiner! Enjoy beinz •• a member ol tbe NeWPOrt Beach Tennis Qub. Offer-- in& a famlly membership. • Pick a wtnner! Take home the choice Lassie or Lad- die Collie pups, AKC, tri- color or white, 4 wedta old. e Be kind lo kittens! T'rff-- 1ny cok>r, an,,y sire, any 11.i;e, male or female, all ..... varieUes of vagrants, in· I;,,""-""""""""!!!!~~~~!!!!!!---,.----~ eluding "all 1ble·bodied male IA-DYfJtTISfMENT per.>m over the age of 18 years who are without means ti arpport and remain in jlfleness, •• Pill Pushing Team Arrested Now Possible To Shrink Painful Hemorrhoids And PrompUy Stop The Itc:hinf, Relieve Pain In Moot Cua. Nn Tort. N.Y. (SpedaJ): Sd· of the lanutH ll1morrbold1 eace hu focnd. a medlcat.ioQ ioolc place. MONTEBELLO, C 1 11 f . with the ablltt11 ln most UM:• TM l8CJ'd la Prtp&n.Uoa ire. (UPI)_ Two men. delcribed -to promptly atop ttehlnr. 'l'htt•'• no otll•r formula by 'polioe u one of the biggest ~~C:d:udactuall11hrinlc likt ltl Prtp•ra\loa R alto teams o1 p111 peddlera In r.u 1'1 •oc:ton Jll'Oftd that ~;::;::t=t:i::~ Soutbem cattfonU. were ar· Jn UN Utft' cue, 1rhil1 rnt!J' Ia elntmeat er ••»P••ltorr rested durinl narcol1cs raidl nllm»&' pain, actual reduction torm. WlldaoldaJ' ,qlll. • • than otMr compsniet .ready to ll'ffi'lonal lnvesUgations last 1otJgbt, Ml6 .contracts. Both • three I proCttlctrs ari rufthlng m· an ufacturing techniques; supply~ rap Id -f Ir Ing,. sprtha after The Auoclated firml later told ,con,ress•they ahead of e~Latloos at this failure. of a subcontractor to ll"tweiaht rlfles at a Jower Press disclosed tlie Anny,, had estima1ed they could aup-stage. deliver production equipment pnce. ~ planned to pay the two firms ply the ume number of Through Febroary Army on time and a 5tat:ewide According to the contract, far more: than it bad bl:tn. weaJ)ODI for about '311 tQilllon, records lhow, H&R delivered carpenters strike w h I ch the Worcater, Maa., firm payl.ng Colt's Inc .. of Hartford, ~ Anny told all four finn!l .it 1.209 riOe!I. But in f\:larch, in-deJ~ved imlallatioo of iOme wu to. have delivered 19,GOI Corm., for the rirtes. In ad-did not want prices included m s t e a d of delivenng 4,000 eqUJpment. ri(Jtl: by May .31.. But Pen· diUoo, two othef eom~ their propol&ls. riflea, HU delivered 1,521.• --"-'---...,...--,..---.-, --- tagon officials said actual aald they were prepared to Untll the Army picked two Instead ot 6,000 in April, the deli,.ries lola1ed 12,JlO. o.ipply the rifles for less .new suppiien,,l:oW• had been !inn delivered 3,189. II was Doa't Ne•l.ectSlt'i•t'1 ~r contract~', General money. the .sole ,~ ol. the 2,0IXI short of the May Wget rALSE TE H ~oton'. HydramatlC DJVlslon. But the . Arfnr countered Ml&. It ~ a new con-with a delivery of 6,000 rifles. rft . ·' 1 11 dellvf.ring weapons ahead of thlt ill choice wu no( baaed tract last Jail , .b;k:reasinc its ''11le Army spo~esman said Po t•M ~" .,,., 111o or wobtl'-schedufe. Aa of May 31, GM upon price. It said It chose producUon.to ~weapons a "H&R has stated to us thal WOOi 'J'Cl'I 1111:. ••'· ..,,. • ......,, had delivered 29,878 Ml&s. Its H&R and Gl\I because it was month by June'30.~A comP,any ~ =' ::;,.,,;:::.Y9d.F:.S'11!~r:iMlleik': schedule requirement at that confident they could •meet an spokesma• sa'td' rthe: ~ .is . . une t-.ecldJ ~ ~ aprlnli;.. o" point also ,as 19,0QO. acceltra\ed Product ton ahead of that ICbedDle~ 1 G/oqmy Gus is· · :U~ly ~':,~·Gr:' ~~.1·.:i~~ . 1ehedUle. _ · ..... r-"«:J r ., • · , ·· ·' tewritV el'lll ldOed um11rt. No-""'"" COMBAT UNITS Celling rices on the con· D~" .. ~; ,.. . , • . ~~7.,orl01':.'~i•,;. =•u;:.. ".:~11'!: Tbe Pentagon say• Ml&s Ile tracts ~ginally were $515 • Under .fb.t .iffift .m;i~ 1 ·y ovr Kinda Guy rqvlerlt. Gtt F"'TEETH II ... llrl/9 tn the hands Of all U.S.,¢oinba.t m!lllon to GM and $41' mlllkm CQntraotl;> ~i .~· • • • • .~ ""'ntirs. All .SIZES .ONE PRICE!~:­ SAVE UP m '37 P.ER SEJ ON 4·PLY NYLON CORD TIRES, ., • BFG's biggest-selling 4-ply tire! • BFG Custom Long Milers! • "Big Edge" long mileage tread! • Easy terms with BFG "Choice-Charge" 3·1N·ONE SPECIAL! Includes: FRONT WHEEL BALANCING FRONT END ALIGNMENT BRAKE INSPECTION & ADJUSTMENT TOISION IA.I ADJUSTMINT & PA.ITS l!XTllA SIZES OFFERED•· 7.35·1' l55-1' 7.75"15 7.75-1 4 lSS.15' J lz5·15 ' 1.25-14 7.35-15 ls5.1s .. ~ .. Mlrll--... ti $2.U • SUI pw .... .,.,.._ Whitlllllls ·s3 "'°" per tirL 9S MOST 'AMlllCAN ••• ,POJl!l•N CA.IS BRAKE RELINE 40,000 MILE GUAUNTEE • EXPERT WORKMANSHIP • QUALln IEPUCEMENT Plln • SPEQAL LOW PIK'ls Gua.-c-..nt et ... • NO MONEY DOWN FOR IOST CARS COSTA MESA WEST.MINSTER •• L. J. LITTLE'S Big . 0 Tire I . JONES TIRE SERVICE • 2049 HARBOR BLVD. !At Bayl . 7352 WESTMINSttR AVE. • . . PHONE 540-4343 or 646-4421 PHONE 893-5572 DAILY8am·6pm • Sat. 111 5 pm DAILY& am· 7pm • ~t. TllSpm OUR OWN BUDGET PLAN • MASTER CHARGE • BARKAMERICAR't> . . . See Mitt Rediel At• prNe11fllle Suncley M••I•, n. Owtceth, N.Y.P.D., Tiie WM,,e1dty Mo•i•, To111 Jon ... Jvdd, Thi Mo4 $qu14, end The Swi119ttt 011 AIC·fY thit Sprl11t -·--------------.,.--,-------,--·---~--------------------------~·----·-·---.. -·-------.. -................ -...... ~-----·-·-~--,...., ........ ~·· ..-~, ......... -....-,. - • ~ Monday, Jli111 2', 1969 DAILY PILOT 21 uarr y; :-F.raz lC r . . Predict· -Quick' E:rid to Fight NEW YORK (AP) -Ffltk: llro~orlll 0t1Y•Xl\'clecl'lo ex~ eorly )oolaht -fOltllc Joe trui.r rtW lill ·•lx· •tata piece of the world heavYwdaht Hile l8liMI optlmlstlc:·Jeny Quan}'' at Mocllloon Sqlg1• ~· . ' · Both are on fflCOi4 u ~ a quJclc linllh oli 111e4 11Wouncltr · I which will be telecast on c ci.rcWt coast·to- c:out. .\iiaheim ConvenUon ~tu wlll bandit coverage W Orance County with llCl'ten bO!lll!ttaes begiMJng at 7. fruier, wlnnu ot all 23 or h1s pro flf.lill inclualng lll by knoc~outs. la an I.I· I fa!orile to repel the chl,llenge of lbe laiHirlni, 14-year-<>ld blood bomber LA Risk s ~ague Lead At ,_ Atlanta ATLANTA (AP).~·IJnlt<~ raiJ><d.«11 second gam·e apillll ~ cooled off \·h e_ recl h o t \.06 AngelOS Dodgen aa ~1 Jl'•pmd to,protect their newly 'woa Hall-game lead O'(er the AUanta Braves. In tonight'I' game with the.Brave., the J)odgus send their wµiningest pitcher, DOn Sutton, 10.S, aeainst George S~, ~ )_ The Braves 1plit a twinbill Sunday with the San Franciaco Giants in Atlanta and trail LA J>y only one 1ame in the Ion col- ·umn. Los Angeles manager Walt Alston had Dodger Slate June n . ~ 11 At111111.1 •·"'·· l(FI l"'l :1-,., °""'91'1 •I All.,,lt, ,.m .. kFI .. J,_ 73, Di:lcl9era •I A!Mlnlt, 5 '-"'·• KFI CW nothing to quibble about Sunday after bis pitchers made Cincinnati'• ball loOk anemic for the third lttaigtlt game. Going into the weekend-aeries, the Rtdl Jed the National League in batting. "I'll settle for that," the veteran pilot said after the Dodgers downed the Reds 5.(1 In the flnt g a m e of a achedu1ed dqubleheader. The victory gave the Dodgers a 1weep from hard-hitting Cincinnati, a six-game \vinning skein a n d first place in th e Western Divi.son by hall a,ga,me. Bill Singer. suffering from· flu ,. tamed the Reds on five hits. Claude Osteen scat· tered si.1 hits as the ~ woo M Saturday evening and the Reds mana1ed only seven hits in losin1 ·44 Frid•Y'nlcbL The Dodgei::s, since Q~eaddltion or ... Manny Mota, who had 1 ten'(.,.. hitU.. - ebuk after coming from Montreal and the '!Mpiralional MIU?)' Wiiia, ore - considend definite contender1 for a play· off berth. The return of big right-hallder Don Drysdale, who was out for seven weeks witll a sore pitchi(lg arm and of outfleldtr Willie Davls, who'recovtred more quickly than expected_ from a brokep jaw1_ bave taken the pressare off some ot ·the Dodger youngsters. ,!AST OAM'I LOS AHQILIS CINCINNATI lllrlrt>I ••rllrM WlHa.11 4IJIROH,cf Jiit Mot1, If J 1 t t Sll"'9rt, If ' t I W.OtYls. er • 1 I J Toi. ... rr J • I ~~:;t, "ct ~ : : : r~. -;i. : :·: "•rlc.r, 1111 ' I J t ltnch, c 4 t I ...,_li.r, c S t ' 1 Htl.,,._ a J I I L.rt!M'w, Jb· 4 t I I A.JKtuon, 11 I I I SlrlJIWI, a • • I 0 (Mrwy, " I • 1 Sll!llll', p • I t 0 Clllrllnttt, I' o o I GrqH, II• . I 0 I , A111l. pl! I t · I Mllloney. p 1 • 1 Wlillfltkl, 1111 0 •• Tall!I 35 J IG S TOlllS JO I J Lff Angot~ lOJ ooa 001 -5 ClnclnNll . · ooa .000 tol -o OP -Lot Allgtlu 2. LOI -L• Angotl" II, ClnclN'ltl! '· :18 -W. °""''• ~•rk•. Htll<tr, WUb, M110nty. )8 -woi.. Hit-f'•tkef' fl). I -MMI. I F -W. Otvl1. Soccer Fans Storm Field At Coliseum Special To TM Dally Pilot LOS ANGE~ -Jfai.e f&m 1w1rmcd onto the Coliiewn turf when offlci•ls nullified What Would hive bteen the.ga..~ tying goal in ·the llnal 30 seconds of Sun- day'& intemaUonal !IOC:ttr battle between Eintracht Braunscbweig of Germlio' .and, Unlveraldad of MezJco. 'lbe estimated 500 Mexican sym· pathizers were lnOamed when an oCfaide call era!ecl the tally IDd left the Gmnlno with a 3-2 triumph. A throng of 1.114 had witnessed I h e spectacle. Referee George Mortje, who called the offside penalty which cut out Ger•rdo s a n c h e z: ' goal, and linesmen Torot Kibriljian and Antonio Marqua hid 'to leave the field" under police protectkln. Douglass' 14-under-par Wins -Kemper -ClwunrrE. N.C. (UPI) -Dale DcGgl111 wu born in Oklahoma and rais- ed'in Colorado; but the way he plays golf in Nortli Carolina, they should make him an·,bqborary Tir Hetl. Douclass. so lean he cast a shadow Uke1a p1acement pin, has -won •only two toUmaments 1n • decade of followini the · pr 0 t~. &th. in 1 tw't>-month s 'p 'a~, wef'.e bere·-tn North Carolina. '1'1le 3$.year-old Douglass, who got' his first victory in the Aialea open 1L WJlm· ington ~ck In. April, shot a closing round 5 Wider par 17 Sunday to win the 1150,000 Kemper Open by a whoppini four 1trokea. ~ , Since the Azalea Satellite played the same week u the Tournament of Clam· pion&, this wu the first time Douglass bad beaten the name goUen. No one was mett surprised · than Douglass about his· tolal score of 14· under1>1r 271. . Fruler baa 110 other way of nptlng. lie comes right Iller 111 _..,. lo a straight Uno, blutlng away wllb bolb handJ to bead, body1and armsi'at. better than lOG poncbel a roud rate. Wide open to • c:umter ponch, Fruler hu been most wlbenble in. lhe ~early rounda. Oscar Benavpia had him down twice In the oecolid ~nd of lbojr flnl fight In '""' and Mexico'• Maoqel -stagerecl him Will\ 1 right to the jaw in ·the first roond ol Fruler'• flnl lllle defenae 1 yur q:o. • "He's opeli and I plan to nail him,'' said Quarry. 11J know I can punch faster than he can. And I think I can·take a punch better than ~ can." NolU. baa been 1toppecl '° far, But 1lttb botb llWna -t 1 crowd of u,.lmia of 15,000 Is eapected to pay man lbaQ $500,0<Mt · at prices ranginc -llt tollOO. With tbe lllCillary rectlpta. Including cloted ctmdt te1evislon, thrown in, Fruler can urn from $Sl50,000 to '5®,qJG IDd Quarry ftom 12SG,OOO to $350,000. A princety sum even In U-Inflationary days for a couple ot younpters who have been flghting pro about four years each. . It will be the fourth title defense within 1 year for Frazier, now recognized u W'Ol'kl champion in ArgenUna and Mexico as well u New York, Pennsylvani1, Illinois, Maine, M1111Chuaetts and Texas. ,. " TAlE Of ·TltPf ' Sports In Brief · · Pennel Vaults 17-1014; Prince Out V ntil 1970 SACRAMENTO -John Pennel stopped in the middle of signing an autogr1:ph. The lanky pole vaulter glared at the beam suspended in the night air 1bove him. "Now l want that 18-foot record," .iie muttered. Minutes before, PeMel had gotten something else he'd been after. "I just wanted that record back -it's been two years," he shouted above the commotion after aoaring 17·101/, to •mash · the world record by 1 y, inches. • LOS ANGELES -Majestic Princt, the 3-year-old horse who won two of'lhe three coveted Triple Crown races this year, probably won't race again until 1970, his trainer aaid Sunday. Johnny Longden told newamen the hone's front ankles are-tender and in- named, and will require treatment. ''Nothing serious," he said, "but enough to lleep him out of action quite awhile -maybe the Santa Anita meeting." Lonaden said the horse will undergo "firing," lnaerting pina in the anklea. • MILWAUKEE, Wis. -Coach Larry Costello wla on the losing side Sunday night, but didn't mind it vety much. ''Of courllie, you alway• hate to k>se," the Milwaulte Bucks' coach said. "But, UtiJ one WU different.'' Costello coached the Green team, which loll 12S-lll to lhe Lew Alclodor·led White team in the Bucka' National Baaketball Association team's lnttasquad game before 10,482 fau. It marked the professional debut of the 7·1 former UCLA three-time A I I· American. ! Alclndor tallied 21 poinla In the first pe. rlod and f!Mhed the game with 35. He received 1 one-minute standing ovation when introduced before the game. • · LANGHORNE, Pa. -Bobby Unser ,tOok the lead from Marlo Andretti ()ft the 88th lap Sunday arid went on to score a conylnclng victory in the Langbome 150· mile USAC race for Jndlanapolia cars .. Unser, w:ho averaged 112.424 miles per hour, fell short of tbe record 113.183 set by Ar.JreW two years ago. Unaer drove a rear engine turbo Offenhauser .. The race, halted after 27 laps last Sun- day because of rain, resumed with Unser in front, Andrettl second and Gordon Johncock ~bird. · • • HANOVER, N.H. -Dartmouth's Memorial Field has been renamed in honoi-of Robert. A. "Red '' Rolfe, who stamd fof the lndlam from lint lo 1931 before &olng on to the New York Yinkffs and playing for six American League ahampionahip-tWllJ. f '. • ST-LOuis --A Connectlcul state senator tol~ 'the • St. Louis GIObe· Dtmoct1t1SUridiy he'would probe ·the ad· ~·of·b&lkelbtll st,u Jo Jo While In- to 1 Marine' O:irp11 Reterve unit In his state at • a -tfrne when "c0nnecucut rtsklenls are rejected because there are supposedly i:K> openings." · . The paper's Monday edition said Replibllcan' Sen. John Lupton wwld in· vesUg1V! w h a.t appeared lo be "very preferenUal treatment'' accorded to White, whole J:iome draft board is ill St. Louil. ' ' Jimmy Ellil of Louisville la recoinlud u champion by the Workl' Bollng - AssoclaUon while Cusius Clay stfll 11 hailed u klng of them all in IOO'le parts of lhe'world. Frailer, lb& 1964 Olympic. heavyweigbL king, won parUal tjUe recocnlUOn by stopping big Buster .Math.IS tn the 11th . round at Madison Square Garden, March 4, 1961. . ln his lhret tlUe defenses, be stopped Ramos in two rounds at the Garden June 24 : hammered out a lop-sided 15-round deci!lon over Bonavena at Philadelphia on Dec. 10, and belted out Davy Zyglewk:z In an American heavyweight .... , Laguna Man Pilots Two Ski Winn ers ' LAKE HAVASU CITY, Ariz. (AP) - The man whose boat pulled both open winners in the NaUonal Water Ski Chlim· pionships saYs he believes Tim Guckes Ls ready to take over from Chuck Stearns as the fastest man on a water ski • The 22.year-old Gardena skier did it Sunday in defeating Steams. 3 O , BellOower for the men's title. "I think Tim will be taking Chuck pret· ty regularly pow," said Dick Willi ams, Laguna Beach, at the end of the 25·mile race at up to 80 miles an hour. Steams, who has been clocked at 122 miles an hour, led Guckes for three of the 2*·mile laps, but fell behind on the fourth and dropped out of contenUon when he waS dunked oo the sixth. Williams, a former Los Angeles fireman, alao waa at the controls as Lin· da Martin.I, 17, Upland, upset favored Sally Younger, Hacienda Heights, for the wO"men's tJtle, Casey Hai'ker of Westminster was in contention in . the e a r I y goh,g of the women'• open until ahe fell. "It was just one too many Martini, namely J:Jnda," · saJd the blonde Miss Younger. The winner's father, Chuck, a high ' . school math teacher, won the race for men over 36 jult before she out.sped the f I e I'd over the ZO.mlle· raCe. All the Martinis -father, mother and four daughters -are water skiers. A team captained by Guckes won the men's relay race over one ·headed 'by Stearns ln the final event of the two-day, ski opeedo trials. The penalty tnded •. ~ .111 Univenidad which was losing, S.t, with four minutes to play. Elias MuDOl IOOf'td on a fO..yard kick at the 86tl1 minute and Marlo Velanle acorecl IO aecocicia .... , when hia shot bounced Into lbe goal liter hly;nc the crossbar. Littl~ Mo's 'Funeral Set Tuesday Lothar Ulsus, vOl<d player •of tbe game, sccnd Elolrlcht Bt'oun!<lnr<Ic'• tirat coal at the Mtb mlNde '""" to yards and Michael Pol)'Wka modi II U on 1 free kick s~ minutes tater. Eric Mau ecorecl the ~ goal It the· '11th minute on ·• _., Iller a pasrfrom GucL~ . , Hont wo1t0r.l 111o CenDon ..,.na,whe held Britain'• Worlcl Qip dwaplaol to 1· """"'"' tie Int -t. rqlslered IJ oaves wlllle rronctaco C..lttJM of Unlvenidad had tlf)ll. DALLAS-.(i\I') • -Manotm CclllnoU1 8rinl!tr.'t\1''-.C-'l'!'8i> of\!\< - world ltt the early llGOs who micht.haft betome the 1re1tut woman playel' In history u • riding ~ hadn't en<W heir, cmer, wtU be bu11ed -TllHU1· "lJttle Mo" ttitd S.turdly after a lbree-yw flgbt wilb ._, · Flmml"'""""' __ ... ,,,,.._ day In Dlllu wlll1 loter_ment In • nearl>y c.,net.ry. n.. ~foot-I, 130-pound tennis «inamo '100 the Wimbledon and U.S. UUes lb,.. units before "1e had ,.ached the qe of ll), - . In 1153, she wen an unpttetndented -Or•ttd Slam, taklaa the U.S.;Wlmbledott French ind AustrlUan champtoaships .• Then come the ICCldeftl. • '1\ldlna her fawrite bone, Coklnel Mer· ryboy 1t home ID San Dielo In 1954, a ce- m<tlt truck 1ppraached. '!be hortt bolted llld •iommed Into the-tide of the tniclr. Little Mo's rtaht le_a. wu smuhed. She never played compttltive tennis ac•tn. A year la.ter she Jm,rrled buslntssman Norman Brinker. They had two glrlJ - Ctttdy, II, and Brenda, 10 IDd'movecl lo Dtllu llx yean qo. · In Dallas, ohe p1..,,ec1 her rnelllet loto helplrifl Texaa yjMllh llla«>v•r t<Mlo. She hardly evtr soa>nekuesaed her&elf on try!ni to nlW a comeback. "If f·cu't pI.y tbe way I Uteil to." the aalcl, ''Ihm Is no need lo playlnt at Ill.'' Mn. Brlnktt woi 1£11ve Iii ' the Mlumn 'Connolly Brtnlier Foundllioa for the 1dvanctmeft& of, tenftls achievement •1110111 Jl!ll\or TUN• pleyen'. She •!so .,.. • tlnleA worker in the Junior Wrtgh1inan Cup pr08ftm. Al tbe Jle&k of her ..,...., Mo WU known for her meUc:ulous, relent.leas. almoit cllnlcaI apProOch. '!'lie shapely; ltlnl;y halrecf bloncle~_flffmed to lake hor opponen~ apart bit oy ,bl\. · Her rampage. from 1151·19" put her IOll(llcle tbe other women -ireali of the f.:; -ljel<o Will• Mood)', Suzanne B~tn.i.i ~ii.~~~~· M!rlA L1101 Mo unciorw nt IUl'lery 111..,. Um· •• for cancer bellnnlng In 11111. ~ l11t O!><r&Uon was Juno l ,t Baylor Hospl11l where 1he died. ui1e ncord of 1:3! at Houston on April )2_ I Quarry has won Ove straight slnce he lost 1 l~rounder to Ellis for the WBA U· Ue-at Oa~land, on April 27, 1168. '"II Was a atlnker -the wont flahl of m,y ·career," said Quarry ol his IOll 1o Ellia. It turned out that be had foupt with three chipped bones in bia back and had to be placed Jn a cast. He earned the shot at Frazier by ham· mering out an impreaaive victory In 12 rqunds over Mathis at the Gardtn thrtt roontlla ago. "Frazier will win and I think be will knock Quarry out," said Mathis, the vie· Um of botb. Laver Get s Wimbledon No. I Seed LONDON (AP) -Nicola Pietranpll, a · 35-year~d Italian tennis veteran, went smiling to the opening of the Wimbledon Tennis ChampionshJps today to face Rod Laver o( Corona del Mar, the i:eigning champion who Is rated by the bookies as U1e odds-on favorite for the title. "Who do I play in the next round?" joked Pietrangell. 1 A first·round draw against Laver gave the popular Ilallan the honor or leading off the big open tournament on the center court, where around 15,000 fana were ex~ peeled to cheer him on as the underdog. Pleirangeli has been an idol of. the \Vimbledon crowds since 1954, although he has never come near to winning the crown. Traditionally, the defending champion plays the first match oI the tw~week event on Lhe center court. Laver remained an overwhelming favorite despite two defeats ln lesa im~ portant open tournaments in the last 10 . days. Cliff Drysdale of South Afr ica downed Lave:-in the West of England Cham- pionships al Brlstol, and then John Newcombe of Australia beat him at LoD- don's Queens Club. But Doth tournaments are light·hcarted before Wimbledon, and matchea are d~ ided over the best of 3 sets, As every player on the circuit knows, mastering tile Australian left-hander over live sets at Wimbledon is a different matter, Arthur Ashe and Clark Gartbner, the U.S. Davis Cup stars and the top Amerlcan contenders for the Wlmbledm title, both faced tough first·rouncl matches today. Ashe, of ruchmond, Va., who has been ~truggling to find his form while touring Europe in the I a s t two months, had to play Marty Rl essen of Evanston, Ill. Graebner, of New York, who has one of !he biggest services in the buaine.sa,, needed lo get past. Australia's Ray Ruf· fcls, an old Davis Cup foe. The women are acheduled lo go into IC· lion Tuesday with Mrs. Margaret Court of Australia rated an even favorite an4 defending champion Mrs. Billie Jean King of Long Beach, second choice. Angel s Tackle Twin s; Voss Bags 3 Hits California opens a four-game sertu with high-flying Minnesota. tonight. hop. Ing Twins Manager Billy Martin has no rookie pitching prospects up his sleeve. The Angels ran into a couple of preCocious rookies In dividing a four· game set with Chicago . Billy Wynne J)itehed a shutout for h11 Ange l Slate ~d straight complete-game victorJ Sunday as the White Sox won 1.0 . Paul Edmondsoo.two-hlt the An£ela 1-l Friday night tn his first big Jeague 1p. pearance. Wynne was on the ropes briefly in the first Inning, when he walked leadoff bat,.. ter Sandy Alomar and gave .up C!OnseCJJ• live singles to Newport Beach's BIU Voss and Jim· Fregasl. • Alomar hest.itated 'momentarily roun- ding aecond on Voss' line slngle to right, and a strong relay from Bill Melton to Aparico te> Ward cut h1m down ilt 'thlrd. Wynne settled down to retire the side In; order after Fregosl 'a single. Voss bad , three hits to hike his average to .m . The Angels ~nd George. BnnM:t, U, to the ll)ouncl tonight against tbe Twins, who named Dick Wood.son, 4~. The callfomla Angels announced Sun. day the signing of Richan! Young, II, 1 pitcher from SIJ'eamwood, Ill. lie will reporl to the Anc•ls' Idaho Falls fann club In the Pioneer Roolie L<que. CMICA~ CALl,OUIA • lo!.•11 ... _ C1lli.rn1t "'''"' .. ,,,.. ~ t 1 0 ~lfll'l'r, tb I I I 0 ·40l lHl<:l!a.flh 11tl ,,,, ... _,..,,. .... 'O l tVou,rl ~••• ,,,,,,..... .. '110 .I I f I ~tlcfMfdT, If 4 I I f , ••• It .... ",,,,, ) 0 I t A.Rllffftutr, .. ' I I t .1111 ............ i. Jiii A«t,oil, ~ J • ' • ' lkOi.nillll. If I I I •: L..JOl'IMOft,. ill! I I • • WllMtM. ll I I t » I I 1 T.t•i. J:J t 1 t 7 ., ........ ..... --· • ' I I I' ' l ·I ' ___ __,__ -~ -. . -.. --~------~ • ' . U DAll.Y I'll.Of CIF Tramples City In Spikef est, CE1UU'IOS -The laoa· awaited showdown between CIP Soulhenl Sedlon and Los A.,.i.. cily track and field athletes came into focus Saturdaf evening at Cerritos Collep and u expected. the Southern Section dominated tbe meet -relying on im- posing depth in the field eventa to cruah the city team. Final tum score was ~ in favor or the CIF $ in the first running of the Southern California Invitational track and fieJd meet The ctty failed to garner a point lo the four field events and the 50Uthern section added insult to injury with sweeps in the 2-mlle and 180 low hurdles. The top bWed ~fair was to be the 2-mlle w,here state champion Ruben ~ppins of Excelsior (SSJ du<i)ed hls re- cent conqueror in the Golden West meet, Freddie Rit- Cherson of Salesian (SS). Ritcherson bad posted an 1:55.J while Qappins' best in the state was an 8:57.0. 1be big effort did not materialize as Ritcbcrson, in- stead of jumping out tu his usual 15 to ZS..yard lead. held a slim margin through the first 6 ~ laps. Chappins' expected k I c k with a half lap to 10 gave him the nod in 9:05.1. Ritcherson In Legimi Pla11 Midway Records Only Area Win Midway City's American Legion team wu the only Orange Coast area winner in Sunday's summer baseball ac· ti on. The Midway nine post~ a 3- 2 decision over Anaheim Reude in 10 innings when Ed· die Bane scored from third on a wild pitch. Other area Legion activity saw Lee Fisher's Newport team drop a 3-0 nod to visiting La Habra, Corona del Mar dropping a 3-1 joust to Fullerton and Santiago belting San Clemente, &-2, in IO in- ningl!. Newport'• record stands at 5-5 with its Sunday defeat. Santiago's Don Kol.9lad not Baseball Standings NATIONAi: LEAGUE Eat Dhilllm Woa Lon Pct. GB u 25 .rm - 36 28 .543 41,li: 36 32 .529 6\2 Chlcago New York Pittsburgh St. Louis ?hiladeJohia Montreal 32 25 .478 10 26 37 .413 14 18 4G .281 22 12 West Division Los Angeles 39 26 .600 - ~tlanta 39 27 .591 ¥.: S. Francixo 36 30 .545 3~2 CincinnU,i 32 29 .525 5 Housion 35 36 .493 7 San Diego 26 46 .361 161,2 s~•-"' St. Lou!J S, New Ycirt< J Plthb.lr9ti I. Pfll ......... 11 t L°' "'-In f. ClrclnnttL I HOUiton '· Sin Olfto I S•n FrtnclKO 7, Alllnta 1 Mllftlro•I J, Ollcato 2 l<INir°I •-lh N-Yort 5-1 , SI. Lou!J 1·1 Pil1Mlut9ll •?, 1'1'111..,....,..,11 6-) Lm ~IU S. Clncln,.,.11 O, 2fMI O.me "'" HllU'l!;>I\ 7. $afl 0W9cl II San Frtll(IKO J.J, .t.1i.nl1 ,., CftlC•llO J-4, Mol!!.._11 .. J, ?nd lllTW I lnn1119.., ll1rllneu Tolllr"t 01mn Pl!llbu<9h !Moow .._, er llvnnin~ I·•) •I Cl'llallO Otelltmtn 11).11 sr. Louil {Gk.1111 >-SI 11 Mon!rt1I ISIC>nl'm1n ).t ), "191•1 only pitched his team to a win over San Clemente but he belted two home runs as well Sunday. San Clemente lost a IO.inning, 7-5 decis.ion to Son. Lo of La Habra Saturday. San Clemente is oow 1·7 and Corona del ~tar is winless with an 0.7. Midway City's victory hik~ its record to 4-5. Midway set itself up for the winning run by scoring in the fourth inning to tie things at 2-2. Phil McCartney and Curt Dedrick poked back·t~back triples to account for the run. COl OMA DIL MA• UJ '"'"'*°· lb D.5"VOtr1_ c; Orll'l'l11, " -... 8•rtM. ,. Flt'ldt!', ts Ml"'". Hlnetl'I', rf ,,.,...,.,cf Tottl1 J.a • M lll s ' ' • S I I I J • 1 • 5 I I I 1 I 1 I i I 1 I ' ' . . ' . . . ' I I I 4) 2 J J ~~1---""'lel'filln OOlll .. •i-:1 ' • Cot'mwo ctel Mir OOlll lilCll t1....i S I NIWf'OaT If) ••• ' . • • ' . ' . • • ' . Trw-If Mellnofl'. lb ~Ir.lb L•ll'Y, .. S,,.,,.,._ <I, II .... " " .. , ' . ' . • • • • ' . • • Martt", c \11lltrt , "b "°'""'· ~ Pvlt. cf So-tlltr, ~ TDll lt ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . " . • • • • • • • • • • ' . -n•~tlm Rru111 en ·-'bt<'n . I& E1>11tll, el' Lltt.•m•n. rt ChlH, lbo7b 5.,.ff...,., t T•vlor. rl Mc.l.lllllln, lb Oeh<'l1, :tt; Pllfdll , lb llrl1Mt"llf!", k.rl UH , p T,_,•:. I Ttllh AlllH•ll • 0 1 0 ' 1 • 0 • 0 1 0 i • 0 0 •• l 0 J 0 I o 2 1 •• ' . , . I 0 I 0 , 0 • 0 , • 1 0 0 ••• :u t J • Mif'a1 Cltr UI Ru11el!. lb W, McC••IMv, d """· " Smith, Ir P. McC1~. o OIClr!d:, :lb Clt!ndt nl nt, 11 M ii"!, c Mt•liMZ. lb 8aM, lb 0"1!91e, ,, ..... ff lll . ' . • • • • • • . ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ., • t . ' . ' .. ' ' ' ' ' . V1n Evlty, ti o o o Tot•h U l 1 kt'9 .., '""'"" l An.i,.im lleW.: coo 100 001 O-J 1 I Ml4w1r Cit? 100 IDCI CICIO 1-.J 1 J 85-33 faltered to third. Best race of the night came In Ute mile where Decker Underwood of South Torrance (SS) wllhatood a last lap llul' ry by Mike Butler of Re!eda (City ) to win by a yard. Winning field event marks were poor by recent 1tan- dards. Reynaldo Brown of Compton (SS) was named field athlete of the meet with his 6-10 effort in the high jump. Best mart of the night was the city's 440 relay effort of 41.2, ooe-tenth of • second off the national standard. Orange County pointmakera were few and far between. Mike Sampoon of La Habra was leCODd in the pole vault (14-0) and Dale Gordon of El Modena , a last-minute entry, was third in the shot put with a 57-1% put. Reseda's (City) Ricco Sanchez, a double winner in the 440 and 880 ( 48.6 and 1:51.4 ) was named track athlete of the meet. U0 "'lolly -I, l• An91~1 (Wt lth, GIU1atd, Hoidefl, ""'"') ,1,2. NCI -I, a..ncha (Cl 1;51,, ,, L1n11ton CUI l :Sl.I I. Moor1 !SI ) l:W . ~I .vi -I. EP.eU ISS) 60>10 1, ltUfl-CUI 57·10\':t J. ~ ISSI ,,,, .... 100 -I. Wtldl (Cl t.1 2 . .._1rv1r IC I t .1 J, •eo1n-CSll t.I. Hit/I /urn• -1. llrO'W!I IS.SI •10 J. llrlC!lrr CSSJ M J. lltldll'J' (SS) M . '°" Ylull -1. Gtlr (5$1 IH 1. """-"" !ISJ IH J. Dew' iS5J u .... no HH -I. l k>I IC! U.I 1. Law (551 IU 1 Don11d"""' {SSJ U ,1. LOftt I,_ -1. Hut (SSJ 21"'\lo 2. LJWW ISSI DJIU. l. J1tktcn !551 23-i. J>Nllll -1. C11aPPl"I !SS) t :05.I J. Smtld IUI 1:01.4 1. lll~'"°" tSSI , ..... 4<11 -l. Slnct11z !Cl "·' 2. Taitt lSSl 11.J l . lufot'd (SS) n.J. no -I. Simi ('SI ,1.1 J. •o111- 1ss1 21.6 1 ""'"v !Cl 21.1. llO LH -.I. Slocklon ISSI 11.1 t. LDW ($5) 19,l l . DoNlldton (SI) lf.1. Ml ~ -I. Uriclt""""*' 1551 4:1,,J J. llulltt' IC ) ':11.l l . Sdltdtr IC> ':U.1. Ml19 tlttilr -1. Soulllet'n Section (Toth, Lav•, U1111on, Slmt) 1:15.l. OCmRace To Harris Frank Harris ol. Anaheim, driving "Bradford's Motor Rebuilding Special" out of Garden Gr0ve, logged 1.09 and 1•.16 mph lltaliltlcs I o higblJcbt Salunlay n I lh I's drlC radPg -al Orange Cqunty Jnternatlonal Raceway. Harris altered copped title the with fuel l he pe.rfonnance, defeating Sush· Matsubara of Los Anageles. Another contender w a 11 Willie Borsch of Los Angeles, who logged a 7. 70 time. A 16-car gas supercharged open has been set up for OCIR Saturday night. Twenty.fi ve cars have signed up for the event, the largest turnout ever in that divfs.ion for any race anywhere, according to OCIR boss Mike Jones. The event will lnelude the controversial eowettes 0 f ?ltike Mitchell of San Fran· cl1eo and John Lombardo of Van Nuys. Injected funny cars will pr~ vide the second ha Ir of the evening's ra cing i n tournament-scyle competition. Cutting tlae Corners ~untington ~ea~h motorcycle racer Rick Woods uses his foot to steady his bike on a ha~m tum at Orange County Fairgrounds track. Woods , who has beaten Australian champ Ces Platt two straight weeks heads this Friday night's racing card. ' Glenn Bids To Hold Elim Lead JOE FRAZIER vs. JERRY QUARRY Wort' t/\ampl9n Clllllt~r ALL SEATS RESERVED' $7.50 ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER 1'lcl 1t• 011 5•11: A"1h1irn Conv1ntion C1~t1r 11111 Office, .Alf Muh11I A91"ci11, Unit1d C.tlifo1"i1 link; Ot-1n9e Ce•11ty 1n4 W1llich't M111 ic City. AUT(@)CENTER Dale Glenn, the only man to lead the 9th annual West Coast Atatch Game Eliminations at Kona Lanes in Costa Mesa for two straight weeb will be out to protect his precarious perch tonight when the event moves into its fifth week. PLAN AHEAD! Get ready for summer travel The West Los Angeles bowler is just 32 pins ahead of runnerup Roland Alexander. another West LA tegler, but he enjoys a more comfort.ble margin over the remainder of the ~man field. 'lbinl-plaoo Jerry Hacker of El Moote Is II pins hock and Glenn has more thin 11!11 pim on the rest of the field. Tonight's action gets undtr way at 8 p.m. (( Highest area bowlers In the field are Dick Braasch of Fountain VaUey and Fred' Rlc- cilli of Westminster, w1'o are lied for 13th place. ~ .::::::: No other area competitor Is ~::inrrr-,rJ.11:=:===!.-------..... in the top 30 and only seven men are currently in the top .-. :;:: @) 60. .... J11 The huge field will be cut In I half after the seventh week of action. Orlrlff COlll 1t1ndlll'H: ll. Old lltllldl, ~CM.11111ln Vi ii.,. J.H9 1l. FrH R~Ull. Walmln1ftr J3't Jl, LartY Kellr. Walm1mllft' a,14J «. L. SCl'Mllnlalder. CO.ti Mna 511. Cl'l'Oe l..Khtr, 0•1\1 P1Ln1 ),1111 J.I. Fred 8-1, Co&lt Mfl.I ),OJI 61. RoY Wlllon. COllt Mitt 10S1 11. llud lOM!, HU111fnolon t.Kl'I l,!01 1•. Jin. Flllltiurn, Fou"t11n v1111., 1.005 3 DAYS ONLY! J)) M. Nk-Sli91ilo, Cotll ,..,... 2,NI N. Jim Ewlftp, C01t1 MtN 2,IJ.I 100. Wtllr N•!1on. Hunll""1on llK!I lOS. lllll FHrlnt, Ll9Wll lltldt 2,tat IOI. Gt111 """'· WHtmr"''-' l,li02 1D7. JtrtY B~"'"' Wnlmlru.te~ 111. lllll Lide!, H~m1ne1on •tad! 2..&St ns. Al Hunt, ce111 MBt LIJI (MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY) Premium Lube Special LOI Anvelel (Sullon 10-Sl 1! A!11nt1 I'!-.._1 l. ftiolll San Fr111eli.co (J>urv 1·S) 1t Houtlon (Wllffrl Ml, "lioM Saft Di"o (Ron 1·61 •I Ci114:lnM'1 (~ •·J), "Ith! Says NCAA 440 Champ 8.88 Cl!llr '""" 1chedul•ll Tu ... IW"l Ol lMt ,lllbwt!I '' C"lc1pg SI. lou!J 1t Mol'llr1111 ""lladliol\11 •I Nt"W Yo•k, 1, ""I· MM Call It a Helluva Run (MOST CARS) LOI ... ...,'" t i ... t\11rt1, "l""'t Sin Oleto ti Cl114:lnn111, n1tM 5111 F<11nctxo 11 Houl'lon, nlth! KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - Curtis ~tills shouldn't have a.ny trou ~le winning recognj.. AMERICAN LEAGUE t1on ror his world record in the East Division 4-l·yard dash, because the BaJtimore Booton lle!roit NfM' York Wlllhllll!ton Cleveland Won Lost Pct. GB lanky sophomore i! a 50 19 .725 -journ alism student at Texas 39 U .liOO 9 A&!>.1. ~ : ·: ~:\W . lf nobody else writes about 34 36 :486 IS~ •1 hlf'!l. the fled gling !pOrts 24 40 .375 23'h: \I.Tit.er c~n type out a few Yt'est DIYlalon Oakland 35 28 .556 - Minneso<a 36 29 .SSI - Seattle 30 35 .462 6 Chicago 28 35 .444 7 Kansas Ctty 28 40 .394 lO'h Oallfomla %Z 41 .:M9 13 · s1rwwn •-ttt &oflotl ...,_ Ntw Yortt Ho hi Nine 11 IMll!ft ~ :t Cltwlol...t l Ct lll..nl9 .fr Ch~ I $.ettt .. J, l(l ftNI C:IJr 0 Dttrwfl •• WMllll'll'fllol J Ml-.olt 16, 0.•11...t 6, 11 lnnlntl S...,y'I ._, .. Nf'* YOttt J, &ollllfl J, It ln"'"'1 CleWt.,.. M. lt~r• , .. ClllcMI '· c.1'"'111-' stories himself. , And the 20 -year-old speedstt'r already kno\VS how to tell it like it is. "I'd call it a helluva run '1 Atllls said when he was ask~ to tell ho\\' he \vould have writ~ ten a story about ttis race in the finals of ·the NCAA Track and F i e I d Championships Saturday. That's just what it was. Milli "'as not expected to challenge Olympic champion Let E\'ans of San Jose State or Larry J ames of Villanova -the fa vorites -for the title. l .. tltt I. ic..,,.... CltY I w~ ,.,, o.ir.11 '4. --• IMl!la ,.... OMi.M 74. .llllWwM!t M hil .. me 2'nf The Aggie youngster admitted later he "'·as hoping only for '"""'· ., --MiDs was timed In 44.7 beaUng the wtwkl mark of 44 s let in 1'56 by Tommie Smilb ol San Jose State. WhUe Mills burst into the hi&<lm• with a blue of f.lory one of. college track's 11 ·thn; lllndou<a bowed out I n -dapalr. Jlm Ryun, Kansas veteran who holds the world mlla ""'°"' ol 3:11.1 and the .,.rid l60 mark ol l :lU, didn't win the mile or finish the three- mile in his flnal college race. Sophomore Afarty Liquori of \'illanova beat Ryun for the first time by about 10 yards in the mile, winning in 3:57.7, and the Kansas ace dropped out of the three-mile on the lourth lap. "111 never try another mile an~ three-mile double." Ryun said later. He offered no ex· cuses for his loS8 in the mile, pointing out that "Liquori had it -and that last 100 yards for me was ruqeti." San Jose State, powered by tireless John Carlos, took the Utle with 48 points. Kansas was sec.ond with 45. Carlos won the 100 ln 9.t, the 2%0 in 20.2 and anchored San Jose State's wJnning 440 relly team. Other top perfc:nnances In the finals included UCLA's 3:03.4 in the mile relay: a pole vault of ~7-7\1 by Olympic champion Bob Seagren of Southern Cal ; an a> in l :U .t by defending champion Byron Dyce of NYU; a d1scut throw of 200-8 by John van Reenen of Waahingtoo . S'81e. also 1 repeater, and a 7-11,i high jump by Dick Fosburj 'Of Oregon State, winner a ytar a10. Base ball's Top Ten ' Ull•KAN l•AOUt l1M'il I" tlS 11 bets. ,. .. .,...c ....... Cl.-.!'" Mlft Jj 211 4 l"."ebiMon Ill 07 t• $) ,tlro:ulll B>i 61 tU 4 R,5'1111~ Bsn !1 1u JS lllllr l11I 61 ~ SJ Cl1w o.-6) "' 2$ Hltlll Sf1 S.. IU 2' l~r 111 •t m 41 Whl!t HY ti Jell 311 1'.Kow1rd WM 10 Ml " -·- ..... " .... .. "" '' .ns " ..21t n .lU " .. , lS .2tt " ... ..... " .... ll. Jed.Mii. Oe~lllf. "' ,...,,_ .. ,, 1.-i. 221 ff, Mtiw11rd, W111'1~ n 1 Ylfll'Ufl'ltld, IOtllll, If/ ,_,.,.,., N1w YOl'tl, 111 KH~, M~, 17, •1H11 a.tM1111 Kii.,,_, MIMtN11, IJI ~ti. l1U111'1erf, J.11 •.J~Mll, 0.111111, Ill Ylttrl'Ml ... 1, llosltl'I. ~l ll.Kow1,., W•l111ttn. ff. ~ ........ ·--Mc.Niii'/. 1 1111,,.,.. IM, 1.00.r L• lldl, Ottreh, "'' ·'"' L,..11, 1•"41. J..1, .1»1 Lllldblff, 0.~lllllf, J.1, .WI ,,lmrt, Ot1tlrnw• t-1. .... • 5 qts. Pr•mium oil (H.D. 10/30) • 1 n•w oil filt.r and n•w oil br•ather cap • Exp•rt chassis lubricotlon Steel Baslet Carrier You can take it with youl lncrecue your -'• carrying capaclty with this steel basket carrier. 38" x 36" w/3" IUdlon cups attaches quickly, easily. 8.88 BUENA PARK ("'~:ic:'C•) HUNTINGTON BEAGH CANOGA PARK MONTCLAIR CHULA VISTA NEWPORT BEACH FULLERTON VENTURA ~~--.=-~~ ~ -----------------~·e.c~~~~~-''---==='"--~-''-'--'--------"-==~-"'-----...a ..... -----.-----~ • • • -~' r • • ~-• • --..-··-... Blac·kfin ·Just Shows Tail .. .. Ketcli W ins 3 Straig ht From . Windward Passage By ALMON LOCKABEY ••tlllt a.iter Ken De Muese, onwer ot the 7l-(oot ketch Black!in, wasn't · Intimidated when he read the press notices touting Bob Johnson'• 73-foot ketch Windward Passage as the fastest single-hull c r u i s i n g yacht ever buill. To prove h1J skepticism, De Meuse and hls Crew on Blackfin locked heads with Johnson and Wind ward Passqe 1n the best three out of five California Cup Series Friday and Sa turday and won in three straight victorie~ As a matter of fact, De Meuse and Blackfln acted as ii they bad never heard that Windward Passage had been first to ' finish and set new el~ time records in' five o( her first seven starts In the Florida Southern Ocean Rac- ing Circuit and the Miami to Jamaica race. The aluminum speedster beat the wood -hulled Windward Passage by 16 1ninutes in Friday's first race, 18 minutes in the second race on Saturday and by two minutes in the final race. LIGHT WINDS But De Meuse was modest about the whole thing. He allowed that Blackfin was cer- tainly faster going to weather iri the light winds, but wouldn't guarantee a victory in such long downwind hauls as the upcoming Honolulu race which will be the next time the two goldplaters meet. ''But that, doe 911'1 mean we won'l be in there trying," cau- tioned De Meuse. J o,hn so n wa s also philosoptiical about Windward Passage's fim loss. He sportingly admitted t h a t Blacklln certainly seemed to be the f,aster boat 1n the light going over a closed course, but hinted that it migllt be a dif. ferent slory when the "big dinghy" started surfing down those big seas in the Honolulu race. The 200-plus spectator fleet that swarmed over the waters didn't help either boat as they crowded clase to the coorse to \vatch the sail handling aboard the big yachts. Windward Passage was probably hurt the worst by the buzzing specta tor fleet as the wind went soft in .... the second race, leaving a 1 choppy sea for Windward Passage to crawl through. But by· that Utne it Gidn't · matter too· much. Blackfin. had ' alrtady ·rolled up an ·1'ln· : surmountable lead. -· REVERSE COURSE Windward Passage showed \ her best tum of speed in the , final race which was a reverse course of' the p~vious, race and' a downwind s t a r t , Windward ,Passq~ .& o t the start for th e first time ln the series but had slipped a boat length, behind Blackfln by the time they turned the first mark. On the next two \\'Cather legs W I n d w a r d Passage IQSt about lour mlnutes, but 1 a~ the wind freshened to about 14 knots • l BCYC's Stormy Wins Endeavor Class Honor and the yachts started their d6wnwind run · to the fiitish, Windward Passage grabbed a bone in her teeth and gained two minutes on her rival. It was small consolation - the cup had already been won -but in a bonus race Sunday , ' ' Bob Eastman 's Stonny from Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club was the winner Sunday of the Endeavor Class championship sailed in conjunction with Lido Isle Yacht Club's June Regal- !•. 'Bravttra' Beats 15 Bud Gardiner's B r a v u r a beat 15 rivals to win lhe Cal-20 Invitational Regatta al King J~arbor Yacht Club Sunda y. Windward Pa~age f i n a 11 y Runner-up in the Endeavor managed to lake out a victory championship wa s Bill Lang -over Blacltfin in a 21·mile rea· jahr's Aphrodite, South Shore ching race from Marina del Sailing Club. and John Ownes' Rey to El Segundo and back. Deuce, BCYC was thi rd. MEET AGAIN Only two of nine yachts In The two yachts are schedul-, , . the LIYC Catalina Island race ed to meet again before the CUP WINNER -Ken De Meuse's 7S:.foot ketch· Blackfin crosses finish line had finished Sunday night. The Honolulu race start in the t"''°'" all ~one in three straight races to win California Yacht Club's CaJifornia Cup winner was Goldie Jpseph's race Aloha Series next in a match race series with Robert F. Jobnsoo's 73-foot ketch Windward Pas· Bonita. LIYC. Mossback. skip-"''eekend . from Los Atlgeles pered by Don Moss, BCYC, Yacht Club. . , _s_accg_e_. ----------------------------- \\'as second. Both races will silTiulate Fol lowing are resulls of the conditions skippers can expect small boat regatta sailed in· in the first few hours o( the side the bay: 11 I 1 s d · LIOO-U·A ttl _ Ill v iv.. Gib · ono u u ra ce. alur ay ! race Three Ba hia Corinthia n Yaehts in T ransp ac M• .. ruill, A11Yt : u1 un1P t ... nc11. will be from Point Ferm.Jn to Three yachts will carry the classic are Jack Hooten's San- Ch•d T ... ic1wn. t •Yci llJ U1>ut, Al the West end of "atalina Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club tana -37 Destiny II ; Jack Ptrt l. flYC. Y L100-u1 flJI -fll Jui"' u, Froeoi Island and back. a~ Sund.ay 's burgee to Honolulu when lhe Linkletter's Cal-40 Esperance, T-1. YYC; 4'1 llO 11..-rlt, Pl! ·11 be f 2 ~· ·1 T '(' d' Al ·~-11 ' c I •• ounlt1•n, Jr., 11vc, fJ> 1'111 nim1, JoM race WI rom Los Angeles ..,.., m1 e ranspac1 .IC race an ""''"' ennan s a ..,., Mcc1.,tv. v vc. Harbor to Marineland and gets under way July 4. Anna Maria JI. KITE A no -(\l little F119tllo••· BC BCYC c r e w. In addition lo the owner· ski pp e r they are his two sons Robert and Jack Hooten, Dean Dur· gan. Dick Plavan and Myron Sheward. OA!LV '1tOT' U . 23 ·Yachts Scattered In Atlantic NEWPOitT, R.f, (AP) - A fieet of 2.1 yachtJ was reported widely scattered today 1n • · 2, 756-mlle trans-Atlantic race to Cork, Ireland. The yachts left the starttn·g post at Brenton Reef Ught Tower, off Ne'i'port, under ideal conditions SUnday. \ The fleet sCattered widely . almost at t~e outset, but \ favored Ondlne, a 73-foot ~etch which won the Bermuda to Germany raCe last year, appeared to take the lead in Class A. The yachts carried the col· ors of seven nations -' the United States, Canada, Argen- tina , Italy, Finland, lreiand and Holland. IE•Uw'1 ...,_, n.1 Wll 11ot ,W.,. ti 1111 -llMtl ti Jiii• I . ICllrlt"1 KllllH II wMdl wn 1 Nn11rt 149111W Vat~! Clvfl 111try ill 1111 r9Ce.I Lee Booth Wins Series Lee Booth of South Shore Sailing Club was the winner Sunday in the Newport Harbor Fleet 6 championship for ~ Santana 22 Class. The race series was sailed from Balboa Yacht Club. · Second in the series was Jim Nugent ol Balboa Yacht Club and third was Dave Turner, Seal Beach YC. Turner tied .with Frank Whi.te o( BYC on points but was awarded U-e trophy by virtue of having beaten White in two of three races. Jac·Q-Lion Wins Race At Chicag o Winner Of the Udo--14 Fleet 9 championship also h e I d at KHYC "''as Carter Gage in Wi- ki \Viki. Bill Matthews in Straight Arro1v won the Staff Com1nodore's Trophy for the first Udo-14 skipper lo fin ish. Results: T~rri P1r1cu. NHYC; (?I oe1t•ow1•. return. YC yachts entered In lhe Destiny II wll carry an all Sllfl llfrMIOfl, NHYC! {l) Ch11>1 It, ----------------'------------'----..:._----~--------------------- CHICAGO (AP) -Jac-Q· Lion. a Cal -25 yacht , was the ove rall winner Sunday in the Columbia Yacht Club's 77t h annual race from Chicago to Michigan City, Ind., and back. CAL·2f (15\ -(!) llt1vut1. llud G1ralner. KHYC: (1) Al1n1. 11111 M•ul, Kl1YC1 (JI (dcl<el, Jim 5111•11, ICHYC; lO Hll Fe!. HP<b MoHll<tn, IC HYt, I!) H•n• P1u. 0•~ Hflllllt. l(HYt. The yacht, owned by George Sull ivan and Bill Hackel , had an elapsed time of five hours. 42 minutes arid 12 seconds and a corrected time of 4 hours, 19 minutes and 44 seconds over the 37 -mile run. CAL·JtK 0 1 -Ill Dolt~, (ipo"'~ Ackerman, i(HYC; (l) Nonf C. M~'11n p,,11~11 . l(HYC LIDO·l4 (ll\ -Ill W l~l.\Yi~!. C~•ltr G111t : !21 C1rtif:S• l.ovt, Ja.n B11aw1n1 Ill Too G••""· P tur HulMlr. 4•! lreVt<I . c ·1 Brue! c-; (St S«-Willlt, 01rllt S1ncllu.. • '>' ;~9 ' ' '· 1 • t "\ ,. l .!1 ~ I I ¥··~ ' j : ·r ·,. ' " ' , J i#f< • I '., ' , ' ....... ell.Ml' P'hltl• Big Sport-fisher Several hundred persons witnessed the launching of Gerald Thompson's 59-foot fiberglass sport·fisher at Lido Shipyard Saturday. The luxurious cruiser· fisherman WtJ.$ designed by Dare Long of Newport Beach and built by Willard Boat Work s, Costa Mesa. Mrs. 'Kathy Thompson, the fonner Kathy Marlo\\•e, named the yacht Pacific Clipper. llJIPl!TE TIMS.~ Cll!C( +llOM>mT ,15 * CH ECK ADJUsntan' * MMOYt: • DtSMANT\.E * INSl'£CT ALL ,ARTS * OtAGNOSTIC REPORT , · . ......., .......................... _ ... ,.......... . ..... ... ·--FR[£ TQ.,',1N{, 1 DllY SfRVICl -[A<.,'f' TfRMS' COSTA MESA 1934 Newoort Blvd. ". ........ , .. 645.0900 ff Ctll._ HI• 0,.,. ... Lk9!11M Ill C1llt. e P'fllldll'll lflfl, U1·4U4 &ob H11kell, LIYC. KITE • CUI -{1) Hoi\d1y. M1•llee Allin, HHYC; C7) Tiit Ox II , Ot vld W•llace. LIYt; (JI TJ, Rh'l9'0 W•11 ..... NHYC. SAIOT ( /1) -{1) Shoo!IY. CtllW wi..u, llYt; 17! no Mme, o..,nli Our111n, llCYC; (l) Amerlct. llurcllck 1!4y, LIYC. SAIOT I l'l -(11 Klln11· .. ·0 lnw, Jolln IOlngln1ml!ll, LIYC: (11 lllue 51•"•~. TMy W1r!Wt'I, NHYC. SAllT C Ul -(1\ SN>O!ly, C•lh~ l~"Otl' LIYC ; !11 lltd Tl•cirne, Gr~ W•1'Slln. NHY(; I)) no n1mt , Li11 Htns111.,., Ca brillo FO!lowlnt1 ••t results di Ille C1b•Jllo 6tad> Y1d1! Club summer rn1ttt . T ...... e -fl' 111 l'f\trlel. OCliAN ltACIN!;. (6)-{I) Hali<llY Toe, Kt'I Crotn, CBYC:; 17) NO•t II, JOl'ln Jorde•, C:IY(. PHltl' (UJ -II) Put!H.· ltllll P1I· mtt, CBYC:; fl! loo fV, Norm Swlt- <tr, CBYC! (l) l"ly•.,.1¥, Oluct M1,.. nlng, C:llYC1 (~) Heron, Tom Wltflll, CI YC. MUL TIHULL All &. (Sl-IU Swltcll 61tdo, Nf'll H•.W~, CllYC; (1), H•Pll~ no~• t1, l~ Gr11wold. CllYC. SMALL IOAT Alli. fill-Ill Bl•· n1cll:', !lob l•Yk>r. C:llYC; Cl! Mlctlo, Mlkt Jl-1. CllYC:1 (]J P1clOll~ Mfd. f(Yn. Wencl•ll H1rt•r. KHYC: (•I No .... ~. M1.-.ln lh,1~1ttin, KHYC. SNIP'E (Ill -(1) Tl"'I•••· Loe S!uvo. CllYC: (7) lllrd. Fr1n lloldt. KHY Cr fl) 011 Fucllelm, llon Fo•, ABYC1 l•l Nltht Wlrwl, ~n~ Hum· llhrtY. CllYC: (J) llllil\Jrl , Arcll HI• m1•. CllY(. GEAltY-11 (10! -Ill S..• V1m1, Boo C-. CBYCJ (2) Tlnktrttetil', Otnni1 H•tTl""t"". CllYC:: (J) Wiid l~ln<!. fl lll 01rne!I. CBYC. MElt(UltY (1)-(IJ Mollo Yello.,., Au$tin L'fllo~r. (llY(; 111 $1tllnter1, Te.:! Llnle1. AYC. (·CAT (I) -(1) W~l111t1h, Mlr!ott<! & BrMtlev, CI YC; !JI fleowull IV, Steve 01111ew. cave. TORNADO (6) -111 Forn 10, Ito.- er Jll!'M!ft, CllYC1 Ul Sak!!Ourrl, llrua: Stew1r1. CIYC. CAL-2• O l -fll Gl"9tr II, 01•e Jotln.on, CflYt: U! M• Jotle, Peter Ebftlnt1, CIYC:: !J) L!Kl<v $evfft, lt•n-clv SmW'l'lle, HHY(. CAL·1' P SI -Ill Colll!en. Ed Fo•, CllYC; (1} N1u!LC•I, H1r11 loet!m, CBYCi !11 Cl'lerolc~. Ed SM!rt!I, BY(: (J) Hiii (lrtll, Jotln NOO!eboom· CBYC. s+I (fl -Ill Dutt1 519111, lto11 S~ln, CllYC1 12\ Pu""*.ln Pit', Je-11 Br1udl, LAY(1 Ill (rlll'lldl'*tr. ltusll OrlWt!, PVSA. ~ SAFECC INllUAANCE fo r special GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNTS on your Family Auto Insurance Bob Paley and A110clate1 INSURANCE 474 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA 642-6500 FAIR F11t, r11r. f1ctu1I, lhe1e tfir1e worth turn u, f1clor1 in ep1r1tio11 en th• DAILY P1l0l 1.:lltori1I ll'•t• •wi ry 41y. ' . " . ' • I ' I ! • J '· ; ~ , • llo\llY PllOT s LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ,.,,, M•·11W Your Money's Worth l.IUl. lllOTK• ...... ,,,. ceaTt•KAT• .. \u111•••• Naftel 1$ H•allY Gl'l•fll tMt tt>t ..,.K. OP TIUIT'lrt IA\.• •tCTITIOUI PIAM MAMa l!llllMtla , .... ti ._.. ........ ,,... " -. .. Tht VllMfllef!M .... Mr• Cfl'!lty '9i't'f ....... !-" ._., b'f Nit •tilu 0. Jlil1'~1 ltfl, tl 111• A.M., f"t.I lllat 1M 11 CllfllfudfM I tplc1b llutlftl1t DtM""-' ,,, W. CIY II' 'C... Mtt1 INlUIU.NC AND TIU'tt (0Ml"Afll'f', If M ti\ M¥111111 1t 14MI a11dl ttr 1 ...-.. ._. t11 _..lllllltfY 00) ...,.., 1 -fl'WM uit*T INI ._,......,, In ... ctty If W.tmlMttr, 4'n• ~ to 0t..i ti Tnllll lllltlM ..... ~ If 0.-..t. C1l1'9rrll1, 111111tr 111t How w Purchase Antiques wil ... t, kl¥\o •ilctflc clrlll. """' rw ......, .. , ... 1'.BCVM '"' JOHN .... fktltltul '""' lll"'I " Wlt:ITMINITl:I 1lllle ANOIAIOt4 ft JANI I . D. ANOll-YflLOW CAa .,,_. CITY CAa OI" NOTlCI ~ t~~THl!I 01\fEJil Wiil If SOfll 111119111111111 .. wlfit .... ,.._.... WllTMINITll lfld 11191 111d film II .. _. . Mill .,._ Ml -~ 11, tto. .. =*'"*Ne. na. 111 ~ ,,, ""' -.11"''"' --· wtooM ......... "' ,._ .....,,., -.!flllfl -1n Mfllf 4'41, .... nl. '11 . lltclf'fl Ill -Ill fllll 11111111 1111« .. ntld9ncl II 11 -~ ... "" ~ ., .. c...... ......... .. JIJJWwl. ......it: ~ """"'"' tllil l'llbliClfllll ti Ot ..... ~. c.t ........ Wlt.L llll Kio._... kl""*" lJUI WIHllnwlte tllfkt. Wll '""~Woll-· ill"-AT 1'1/klC AUCTtQM 1'0 NIGHllT Slfwf, W11Mllrlll'9r. Clllt•Hllll f2'U ...... , tf .._.. 1111 -• Ill h CltY ff alDOlilll POI: (MM 1 ........ It tllM fl 0.l'M ~1 f, !Mt. C.t. Mii.a. 111 wNctl -,... "'-"" .... atll i.wM ......, Iii ... \HllllM S..,_I IC11t!trlfll S.1"'"'-" ..... • .... .. .... le twCtlM •I I llMI 111 tM ....... Iii lfll ... (Mfti.. llM! -STAT~ Ofl (ALIFOll:NIA J ... M .. 1111 •-i,Mqll,. tr~ Iii tM TW "'-'-'"'..,_ COUNTY OF 0111.ANOf I H DATl'.DJ ..... t1. ,_, \ loulW 111 W. ......... ..,_ ti .. II Oii lrMy f, IHI, lllfor1 me, I Notll'Y , Ill. I . NltfM _.,,, iru"Mliit .......... &-. AM, Ctllftnlle. ~ Ill eM fl>r Nki C""1111 1NI Slit., (Mllfl Ofl ~KE 1M rlftlt, Me .... """""" OlllW'I' .... ,.,.,...,.,.. _,,_ 1Ctlfltrl111 ltlllom111 ~1191J... °'"'* CIW O•lr 1"1111, -..... 1W 111: vMll' Mlf DMt If ~ " me to M ''" -.. ......, ~ n. ,.., 11,... T "' -. ...-f'f't altlltfld II! 1"' cltV '*"'9 1t tlllilcr!llH to fhl wlttllil i... ----------.... --lot c.111 ....... Ill 1111111 C-ly 1111111 Sllll 1tn11Mf1t, INI 1tkllewlldtlM II l'llt flllit LEGAL NOTICE ~ •: tfll •..altH "" -· UI at1 Tnd Ho._,., lllttll c!ll1 fl Wlllllu fflY ........ 1111111 ... 1. C..." JMM, _. If 0.-111" ., '°''IClAL. llALI •AA•l1N C~. H"" -........... Ill.... llft't L, Htts Me11(1 TO CllllOITOlllS lA "9ft lf _. • ., MllaU-Hlllr'I' l"UClllc.C..lllOt'"i. IUl"CI ... COIHIT CW TKl ,._., lfi tlM lffta If W.. ~tr l"rlrw.5"1 Offlol Ill ITATll .. CAUHrll.uA Pel r_., ti Otltlt9 c-tJ, Clllfpnlll. °'''* C-ty TMa couttTT 01" 00.•ff S.11111 Ills 'f'I• 1111 fl'IM, Wt W1'hwt M¥ C-lsl:tn £••1111 .... A..Qttt CIVlllllll w _,.,...,, -Ir _,1111111, Allf'll 11, 1t7t IE t I 1I1 • f MA A T HA M 0 I S '"""" tllll, ..-.IM. tr .,._ A•TOM DUMKAllT, Aftr, lOfl!Gfollt:~l!I. °""'""" ~--.. H1' .... l"llnfllllN ... ,,. .............. ...... MOTQ' IS HJlf.lY 'GIYIEN h 1111 CINI -If IN ..... ..ewM ~ Mlllll W11litl"'ull; t.lllfwW tM&I '""',... ........... NIMlll HI: ...... , o...11 "' TNll. tMl(I: a.in.a. Wiii! ft. Tllr ......... ~ '" ......... ....., .... dtlrnl ••itl"'' the ... ,,_ ... , ..... "' Mid ,... ,,....w. l"lllllllfMlll °''"" C..t 01ltF 1"1111, 1.W lllec.liJllflf .,. tto'!Ulnd to 1111 "-• 11111, M'llM<ft, " Mr, \IOICllr t111 ..._ .. J-W. t:a. 3t lnlll Jui'f 1, Ifft 114't Wlllil ,,.. _.,.., ll!IUdlen. "' It'll ofllct l lkl D9lf " T""''· ~ "*'"' 11111111 .. o1 "" c"'9t "' 1111 '°'" ...,1111M1 _,,..., .,. -· et "" nove... 1111111 °' t111 ttlll'll LEGAL NOO'ICE to _, ""'11, wltrl !hi ntaMI,., ctHIW lt'I .. 11111 Dlllll ti Trv1I, 1-------------1 YIUdllr .. to tlll u'ICIH""'*' It t1M ~ TJll be!Wtlcllry IHlllll' .. Id D* Cit Ul·Ul1 Offkw " JOHN A. MICHAEL. .... '" T''"'·"',......., I k'MCfl ... *'11111 In MOTICI TO c•101ro•J • • • ' !hi _....,._ MCI.I,... tll1rt•1, • ...,.. ll'Wlt, Slllto IT, 1111...,,._, ~ ...,KV ... lllll •nw,_ to fM IUl".lllOR COUllT 011 TM• C.n..,...1, '#l'lldl h ... .._of lrols!MH ~,.._ • wrtl1ltfl O.C:i.,.ne.. .. ITATI IW CA'-ll'OINIA l'OA .. fM .,....,..,.,... Ill 1H 111 ...... 1 -· 04fw" 11111 Dtmtnd .... S.ls 111111 wt1ttlfr TKI COUNTY 01' OAAMOI '•'"'"' .. Wll nlllt ., ""' dlclllltfol, ' Ma. A-U;m """*' '-~ tlttt IM nl'll Miki·::.~:."' .. ~ ;!':""~~ev; h11t. '11 lEOlllA EDITM WALLING, '"" 91' 11111 Mlkf. stlidV llN ._ ....... 1111111 ltlilNltlow tfl .... "-• t.lf:DIU I'. WALllHO, lllO 0.ltlll J-'-!Ht, """rdl '-1Nt lhl .,,....,.,..,,... ~ IMWll .. l. !. WALLING. O.C..111111, "•!ti'-Vtfl N11t1 ..W llltl'lc:I., ~ 1111111 .. llod'loll" 1111 HOTICI II HE•EIY Gl'IEN i. t1M Mllllllldrltrl• fll IM Eat1h1 ,.--.. .. llclll ....,. "" 41,. _, 1111111 Ulllll,..,.. fll 11'19 ....... NIMll dtclOlnl ol fM lbl¥1 ""'*' llllaotlnl Oll'klll tlil:Klnhl 11111 •II --~ clllmt -11111 Ille JOMN A. MICMAIL. IK. OllW J-f ,' 1Mt ltM ~ ire rMUJrM to 1111 ttllm. .. ....._. .. .....,. T1t11 1111ur1nce 111111 wll!I 1111 _...,., ¥Wd'll..., Ill Ills olfla SJr I ............ , ..... !', Trutl Cf!¥M'I' ol 1111 Clill'll of 11\t ltlcr¥I eritltltlf a11rt, w .......... (t........ .... 11 Nlf Tr111M II -I """"' Wltll Ille MCIUI,., 'Tl!: (llU ,,..,,., •1 '~·· w. Htltlltf vwchlrs, to 1111 llftdlrsl1nld If , ... LIW """'"'"' fW ..... lf'llrl• AUl!wii'IMlll .,.,.~ OHl(n wl "•"-• HIWiet I. 0 1rlllld, "ubllllled Orlnte CH$1 D1111 1"1111. "utill ....... O••"'• C-1 D•lt, l"llat 411....__~!'lllW °'.... .._.... ··~11. ''"'M=-:'"'·""O:';;»;,;;•"':T'"''i"i'o· ;'"':;;,..-"""'"""'"'~''M"'""· ... ~»;:,~'"'=-===..--'"","'"'I CeQ ......... Wllldl .. "" •lie• °' ""'"'-" ' If lht llllllilrsltnM Ill Ill IMltefl Hr· ---~LEG-'-~AL=-"N~OTl=C~E;;;....,...,==""LE"-'G"AL=.~N:.:.:cm.:.:;CE:= ___ 1 "'" ...... IN "''" " ••Id c1een1111. wtlllllr kw monlhl ~ 1111 flrtl Mlluo-NOTIC• INYITl•e 1101 l'loft If ltll• lllfk1, NIJkl h ~ l lvetr Ille! 11\t kltlll 9f Ttv1IH1 of Ille ar._ CMfll Junlw OATICI JuM \2, 1Ht, c11 .... Dl1trkl eif °'"'" Clvrlly, M .. IMllW .. 1w ......... IN ''°OIJllllll",'" wlll UNITED (o\LIFClltNIA •AHi( r..,.._ Ult II.. 11ut 111 llllt' "-J:ao l".N.. TI1un11..,, Jutr 17, l'Nt, -111111 •1c1t •1 \I, 0. NIYltlllllr, Jr. ,, Ille ._ ... of _,...,lid G.rlt••I COlllfrvdltft, l"lumlllllt, ........... v•11111,.. hecutot • "" WI" •NI Alt Clondl!lonlnt, E~ Canlr1e11 ,., OIAHGE COAST COt.l.lGf CAM-If, IM aOlft "'"*' dl<ldeftl "U5 I UILDING '°tlil:OJEC'TI, Of"_. CO\lflty, C1rlfor,.l1. Tfll -' ..._ 11'11 IN•ITIOM, MOW$IA I. •A•LANO '*"11.....ctlon l'I bulldl,_ Mdlttor.. lllCI •lltr•lltns Ill tlllltlfls llul"""'"-lllll y~ Olt C...w Crtwe 1111 •tt. in............ Ill-' ._ ... ~ ""* S4ldl blllls 111111 tit NCllvtd In 1111 olllct of ""' Owtltt', Ill IN A«r!lnltl11tlOll T1I: ....... •lllldtftl, 2111 l'tlnl,_ AOll:I, Clfl• Mt11, 011,,.t C_IY, CIUfllntll, anlll lhlll ,,,..,_ fW ._.,.,. lie .._. Miii JlllllllclY """ •lfud tr illt 1110v1 1t1IH tlml 111 11'11 llNrd tlil:llDJ'll l'ubllllltlll °'""' Co.11 D1U1 l"llol, •I the Admll'llsl'tll'llll 1111111111111. J-''-22. :it Miii J111)' 1, \flt 114.Mt EICh bid ,..,,...,.-!Onn 11111 lie rttPOll\1¥1! lo !Ms 1"vlllllon, 1111 Plln .. IHCI· lic1tlorll 11111 tll tltlef' docUrrlltlN com11rltl111 lllt Pertinent C1P11lr1ct documim11. LEGAL NOTICE Cwln Df 1111 Celllr.ct ~ '" now on Hit 1nd -to 1>11bUc 111-1111n, I--------'--'"----I 1., Ille MN offl(ft el' .... OWMr, llld of Wllll1m l l11rock I. 1"1rtnlr1, ArCllllKI.. l"·llMJ 1.f.fl llttlde Dl'1¥t, Co,_ dll M1r, Cllllornl1, llld ''"Y ti.. obl1IMCI 11 Ille C•llTIJllCATE OP COll"OIATION omc. tf ,... Ard'lltect "" "-"'"' 1100.00 lor tldl St t tf -·· '''"' Ind POI TIANSACTION OP aus1N•1s -nkl"""-Thi• *'-" Wiii bl relllMtd onho II "'" ut• ... rflll•~ c-.. .. ,.. UNOfll PICTITIOllS •AM• 1111111 .. 9llMI mtllllltloll wlttllfl ""'...,.1 1n1r Ille bid _,.1.,., THE UNOEllSIGNEO CORPORATION Lllllt 1111111 MllWMll ...... 1111111 '••lorm111<1 ·-Wiii be r ... vlrtd of "" don hlrtby tertlf'f "''' II It COllCllJ(llr>o:r CM!r1ellt Hilcllol, • Corr•~ SdlOOI a"'lnl" IKlltd llEICfl bid llllll be ""'* 1111 on !!It "Firm tf Prt111Gt1I" blVIMI 111 eldl HI II .UOI l lrdl Sine!, NtW11Drl ltld'I, By SYLVIA PORTER showings o! Items be!ore tile ,... .. Mr* auctJoo. Examine each item No responsible adviser will which interest.I you -in· guarantee to double or trtple eluding inside drawers ol your money for you in a COU· fu.mltW't, i hardware, etc. - pie of years. But 1n my and ask a lot of qutstlons. prtViOUI column, I cave you Remetl\ber, ~ you buy enough enmpl~ of soarin' . µ; ,returnablt1 only lf it has valuta to prove that manj: been misrepresented. . categories of anUquea are Jf you are completely urun· surging upward at lhla pace formed, hire a dependable and more. dealer or connoisseur for a fee Are lhue any bargains aUll to represent you at an auction. around for the amateur with NO MATJ'ER whether you only a few hundred dollars to buy at auction or at rel.a.ii, lnvestT U so, where are they? keep in mind that value I Ptrr THESE questions to depends on these key aspects experts at New York's Parke--0( an antique: Quality (how Bernet galleries and, to my good an example is it?); astonishment, heard lhem in· authenticity (can the Item's sist that bargaJn.s in antiques origin be properly verified?); do exist. condition; uniqueness (is it Many small investors, In rare?); age (is the piece dated fact, are already getUng into and can the date b e this field, says Parke-Bernet. verified!); era and area (is it Today, a full 60 percent of lhe lr9fll a period and a country items sold by Parke-Bernet go considered valuable by coo-- ror under $250. Here are the nolueurs?). basic rules : Buy the best examples you IF YOU ARE • beginner, can afford. concentrate on a apeclric Here are rive categories in category which Interests you which experts at Parke-Bernet -such as American silver or believe bargains still exist( African carvings or En1llsh (1) LATE AMERICAN - glass or French tapestries. Federal (or '' Em pi re'' ) Subscribe to and c o 11 e c t furniture -from the 1830-50 literature and cataJop in your period. Says one Parke-Bernet IJeld. Study and watch prices spokesman, "In this category, in your field by surveyinc the $11)(1 is expensive and values dealers and by attend1ng a~-are very likely to rise if you're Lions. paUent." Jf you buy at aucUon -and Jn pre-1830 early f In e you generally can save 2S per-American Federal furniture cent or more by buying at loo, lower-priced pieces still auction against retail -be are avallable. sure to attend previews or (2) Pre-lt8h Century lti High Gear "WUllam and 1-fary•>-o r ''Pil&rim" furniture from New England. ThJs Iype Includes uncomfortable but decorative ·;towel back" cbalrs, cup- boards, chests • ( 3 ) MID-YICl'ORIAN furniture made In lMl-'10, 1.n often ugly, ornate category which goes In a.nd out of fashion. It's now out of faabfon and therefore inexpensive, but the statistical likelihood ii that it will come back into fashion and values will rtse. ( 4) Early American flap - but only il they have IOme unique historic assoclaUon. (5) Other Americana, such as early hand-carved duck decoys, New England tin ware, utensils of the post-Civil War period; late 19th Century decorative objects such as candelabras, fiJtures, art pot· tery and porcelains. OF COURSE, there are disadvantages to antiques as an investment. Among them: they are perishable, they may be costly lo maintain properly, the retail markup may be 100 percent or more, they are sub- ject to price fluctuations based on fashion and they cannot necessarily be sold quickly at top prices. But the key advantages of 1 investing in anUque1 are that -aside from the strong I chance of substantial in· creaatJ In values -you can also devel.Dp a happy hobby of collecting and you c a n decorate your home tern· porarily with lhe antiques you buy. If ~ C.ltfot11l1, unotr 1111 tlcllJ~ lll'm "'""' llEICll lroilll 11'14111 W ~111td br 1 ct rllfi.<I 1r c11hitr'r cM<k 11111btt II 111 Horii! .......,.iCl11 '"'"""M fll Srtl'""' 'hi OWMf', tw wtlll1Cf9ry aid hlld In liver fll thl Owner. ••ICUt9cl by 11111 bJ&. llld 1"'9Clelvrtu Nortll Ni>trlct11 khool ...,. II """""" 1111111 • 111111..:19,., llni't';' Cen\Pln1 ll ,.,,...,, In '" .,,_, "°' ot SllrttYll'll ITld Ml•Plnl: ""'"" .... lfllll 1'lfl Piii' ~I Mt%J If W.. bid. TM died! or bid bo!v:I """ bl l lwll AIMl'cll11 khool tf •1et .. llon1 N11r1t1 •• I .... ,...... 11191 ""' bldlflr' Wiil •• ..: ..... ll'lt COlll•IC! II II ... _,,...., .. 111111 .. _,kin S<.1-1 " Moll! M~r· m Clf!IDnrllfY •llh Ille Conlr•ct Dec,,....nh 11\d wlll '""Ide 1111 tul'llY llollll or •NI Nltlll "'""•kin sc11oi11 11 G~ btnd1 •• IPldllld ffltl'91" wlllllfl 11¥1 d111 l!!er no rlllc1Uon 01 ll'le IW1'111 tf tilt lt11Hlr, ind thet I,,. 1\1-of u ld carp.. U.S. Eyes Import Market -W••• ,.~,, .. ,. IHOdtr. ~rttlon Ind rts p.rlnclPll pl•c• ol Olli!.. • nn1 It 11 lollaW1 · '°"'..,_ to !hi LHlr Codi 01 Ille Sll!t al C1Uflrn!1, $1ullllfl1 C1Hlwfll1 N 0 It T H A .M IE tJt t CA N c 01· hllllli111 _, c-trvdiM TrMll C111nc:ll1, lutldllll Ind COllllrvctllll Trtdtl ltllEll"ONClllEHCE l.CMOOLS, INC., .UOI C-41 If Dr ... ~. ,... Mid 8"rcl ol Trull•1 lle1 1K1rr.tne111 Ille ""' aJrdl Sir•!• N'-1 •lofdl. C1trJw11l1 w" .,.....111119 ...,. 11 Pl!' •'-'" """"• lo• '''" <••ti ,, IT.,. of ""'11<;""'" _.., ""'°' .. llllQlll 11111 aintrlCh wl'lldr will bf 1Wlrdf11 "" '\ICCUllUI bldllllrs1 •NI """' J WIT~::s 111 tltlld !Ills 11111 dlY ol :::w~~~~ CMltlnld Iii llltl lllKillc1Jilllt '"PIH bJ' !hi lotrcl, l'fllll !lrlf, NcillTH AMERICAN '°"" ~t~ JIOf anllcl11tld 111c1 llelow t111M 11\all lie 11111111 ti 1111 curflllt ~~f."1~01i.HCE w-r1ttt .., tM -llclbll l<l<lt n cl1ulllcltltn 111 lffllct Wll!I ttwr '"'"" Hlr"Old G .~ 11 .... T .... '-'011. II ... 1 rllH llllM below ,,.. Ml CV'""' ., IA rrvlud S1¢r1Mry'.Tl'Nl111'1t W ....... _ .. llllll'lnl tM lllddll'll 11..,. ff CMllMICTllll time, tudl r""i. STATE OF CALll'OltNIA I '-•• M _...,.. I Pl.fl 11 fhl Mlow ll1Nd rllll. Aw, l\tellll, ...... lf1re, COUNTY OF CltANGIE ) H •Ktlllll. .-.ttM ., ltlllr lllMl1!1 111•11 lie In Mcl!llon .. 1111 Mlow lllffd OH THtS \Ith cllY of J-. A.O., 1Ht, .................. l'ltlal alltll lie ..... lo,H 111 conlllrml,.,, With SIC!""' 1m.1 ...... blfo.f• ""· IM UP!dltll91Md, I Not•,.., 1m1 " "" eanllf'ftll Lllllf' tot.. l"ullllc 111 111111 for .. Id c-11 111c1 st1i.. ~ lfll.ll M fflf for ... ,. Hrlorl'I'>.,. 111 •~un ol lhl r"ui.r ....,., ,...klllll tllert111, du.., COl'lllnlHIDllld 1..0 ._. Mill tt -.. f'llt IW _,,,.,,. or 1111 cr1r1 l11W1!~M. Holkl•n 1111!1 M 1111 IWfWll, Jlll'IDNlly •PJ)lll'llS Hlr"lllll G, .......... fNiia Alllil In !flt colllcll'<I INrtll11l111 11rttl'Mnt lllP!klblo 10 fl'lt ........ k-II Int to Ill ftlt hc,.tl,Y. ...,....., Cffft, tl .. lllttlltll ..,. "" ot work111eft tm•lotld on 1111 ,,.,ICI, Tl'B~.,, et lht CDl'W•lllll llltl P · It illltJ 1111 "*"-""" "'""' Ille CDftlrlCMr to -.., 1 coritrlCt 11 IWll'lllf IClllOd I Wlttllll IMl""'*'I _. MfleH el lfllll -Ill ~ vllllff lllm, f9 ••¥ not IHI ll'lln llkl 11 ...... 11 .... :,.~non ~Ill II"""'' 1111111 v.1111 .. Ntll .. W 111111111 Wiiii II 1U ..,.,kmtn -lo¥"" In 11\t l~liWlltft el Uecvtild "'9 .::....~ lf!el IWll '*""'""' 11111 Cllltrtcl. IN WITNESS WHltlil:EOP', I ...... aa.au..t.'rllt: .....,., .... IW-11 Mt m1 llW Ind lffl•llll 111~ If. ~ 1......., Mu 111111 S nitnl-n1t lfH thi n i 1.00 "' ltclll 1111 flt d1¥ 111111 1Mr 1" tftla Qy ...... .....,,....,min •tie, Cltttfl'911 llflt l bowl WrllMft, lrlclti.r.r • ...... M-.11 ............................................... , .... l.'1 IOP'l'ICIAL SEAL) NfCICT .... I MllWll'lll H, Ev111H11 :...~ •• i ................................................................... ,, E~~~=,~llwt1I• c ........ , ..................... "' ...... .. . ............. S.tJ My T1111.:::~ I[ 11'91 TIMI ....... , MW -rti.r , . . . . . . .. . . . , .. , , , . ,., ,., , l .tJ Mlr'Cfl 10, 1'70 U Mlllwri.M .......................... .,,.,, ·• •• ·· ... . ........... •.ll l"utlllllhtd' Ofll'ltl C.0.1t Dtlly l"llot, Nlllw l•llfl'Mttkl ........................... , t.11,·';-:;:_c'•:..:"':.!":..:'"':::.c':'~·~':·~·:N:f_:•~·G: ... ::1 F""""" #c tNr 111\ft _,. tll1ft 11191\ell (l111ltlc1!11n 1 · • _,,,,Md, ••net _.,..,,,1c 1111,.,, LEGAL NOTICE CA•l"IT ' LlttOL•UM 1.AYll ~~=· .. i '=s' Solt Tiie llYlr ......... • ......... J,q •OTICI OP MAAltlAL'I IALI: C-t Ml-. Olllltll elld t-....... -··~1-_,,., (llUllelll lll'Pl\tllt, l"i.lntltf VI. Allred ••n ~ .. ., ...... ·-.... · · .... · · ..... · ·• J,U l'"111na, Olfiondlnt, Mo. &Joi ,. c......,1 ,.__ Jour11e1m111 • .. .. ................... s.a 111111ut of"" mttwt""' llMIMI Oil .v..1 •-&Or. "' '*" .....,, ..lolilrllf"I"''" r111. &, 1Ht, i.r the s-rior C""l'I, c_,r... oJ lt.•CTAICIAIU Lot -"'"In, Sllhl 11 C1lllorRI•, -1 0-1t f-" , . ...... . .-IM l\ldtlMnf eritwM 111 ••-ti Ell11blll! F-............... , ...................... ,.,,., .. 7t5 lf'llhllll (l!IW Sllelrl'I •• lucltl'llllll Jlu,....,m1n Wl.-11 , .... .. ... .... .. .. . ... . ... .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .• .. .. . ...... iis crH!tor 111d 1t•l11t1 AH red lt.ohlftl 11 l="1t11r1111 Cllllt S•llctr .............................. ,. .............. 1'tJ 111119111111! ftt»ot, lllowlt'Q 1 1111 lwlll!IA Cllllt S.lktlr ... ................... .......... .• ... .. • ............ ilt ol lt.Ql.50 1Cl!i1!1)' du. Oil 11ld luc1tm111t C ... lfled WIMltf' , . . . . . .. ,, ' Oii fflt d1t1 ol Ille IUUl llCI oJ 1111! 11!• eLAllll ..................................... , .......... .,,., 7.t.1 tcOJl)lrl, I lllYf lfYlM v'°" •II rhl rl111t, GI i. tlllt •nd lt1lt<t1I ol llld lucltmeril debtor ltlit~N r wo'aii:iil · '" " .. "" '" ·"" · ..... , ... "'" · ..... ' ... · S.•, !n Ill• •r-rl1 I" 1111 County l1f Or1ne1, Dmlmtt1l•I ..... WOI-•• Sl1!1 al C1IHom11, dflulbed •• lollow1 : It: .... • .. • ••• • ·........ ... '·'' Loi 17 ol Tr1cl No. :J»J, 11 r1a1rcltct tlnfol~lne ltDft Wor~tr , . ...... ... ............. •.10 lft Boak ""· l"ige1 JI to 31 ol Slf'llC!Utll lfOll W.rlllr ..... .,................. . . .... , , , •.1J mTact lllMOUI m1p1, TKOrct1 of Ille FeMt Erector , . .. . . . , , · · · ..... 6.0J Dr111t1 Covnl"( AllCGf'dlr, i nd_,_, F""""" « ••• 1'111/r mart lflln Mttltll <ll HIJ!Cl!lon l!,opf t¥itf'd. -"°"'" 11 lOl2 C111ort ltOICI, Cotti UTK•t. M111, C1ll~f11l1 L.tl!tr · · • -· ·•· · · -· · • 3.DI Judf-r'!J rec:ordotd Or111tt CDlmly FOl'll'ft1" Ml 1t1> Ill.If! 10'!. .,., !>tvr m1r1 "''" Journt1m1n "'' lt11C:Drd1r 111'1 Mtrdr u , !Ht, 9oo11 noi. uao•••• · ''" "'· Llll91'9rt. 1tn.,1I Ir Uo11Slruc1lo11 , ,,.,) NOTICE IS liEllEIV GIVEN ttlt1 on OH!'tflonr -lf•lllt" ol ....wmlll( •nd tllc1•1c toiit, l'rkllr. Juty U, lfff, 11 1:00 a'cloc-•.M. wlllrlt..., m1dllM1 1M 1lmll1r mtoctr1nlc1I !IOI• 1t ll'flnl of C111r1 Moult, 5'1Wnt11111 St., 11tt Hllrtl11)' d11tlllld ,,.,,111 •... , ,, , , •JU Cll'I ol COlll t.Utl, COl/1\11 o1 Clr111•1, A»/1111 r1k1r 1N1 tl'llllr ... . . , .. im Stll1 DI C1~r1111, I wm Mii 1t pybll<: Collcrtfol Cur1r-lmoe,...lov1 "'""'br11>1 •lld form ellt r · •US 1ut!lon Iv ftle lllt/1111 blctdtr, for C•IJ'I In G•• .... 011 •IHllM l•tlortr .................... ·,IJ llWllll mOlllr ol 1 ... Vnltecl s11111. •II !tit G111nd 0 11 PI01ll11t w•1poer-pat ltN!rt ind torm.rNln. •·•·················· ·,,, rl111t, llllt •NI lnltrtll ol 11lcl llldtm111J Selldbl ltr ( nit I ....... ~ .............. '· Cltblor '" 11\t 1bovt CIH<rll!ld P•-rh, 1• S1tldbl::ltr 1::1 ,;:::, · "' ·--····· ·· ··· · ····· .... ··-···"·' •.!IS to mucll llltrtof 11 m1r t>t ntc"""' 10 P'I ) """""'""" ............... •.ns llll1h wld tXKUtlClfl Wiii! ICctued ,,.. "9 llYtr (l'IClfl·mtlellk) """""""' ... , ......... ,,,, .... , .• , •.. , •ill"'''''"'<-•> ' ~h>I ctun..tr 1 ...... 111111111c) ' · v• . By CARL CARSTENSEN Of 1111 Olllly """ .,... • Ron Platt, imported vehicles manager for Ford Division, believes 1969 will prove an jn- teresting but not a spectacular sales year for imported cars. In viewing the market outlook on a recent visit to Los Angeles, Platt sakl, "One million import relistrations seem very likely for the calen· dar year and thl1 would ...,,... the 115,000 ,.l!lstered laat year which wu • new aales record.'' The imports probably will take a litUe over 10 percent of the total U.S. market. However, Platt was quick to •dd there are a number of elemenll that couJd affect an overall picture, The two-month East Coast and Gulf Cout dock 1trlte• delayed deliveries of more than 100,000 units at a cruci•I lime. Overseas labor problems also slowed deliveriu. Ford's new Maverick, designed to compete with the lmpcrts, reached dealers showrooms in April. And other domesUc manufacturers will be showing their new small caN later this year. The positive factors un- derlying import sales, which run well over the national average In Southern California, include the coun· try's present period of in- flation which seems to make a small car more appealing. Higher gasollne prices make fuel economy more important to the customer, and the Im· ported car's large owner body provides a strong balle of suir LEGAL NOTICE Wllldllw C1t111er ....... ' '"' ........ " .......... •.JU Otltd t t Cot!t ,.,...., C11lfor11l1, June W ' ,.._ft .......... .,.,. ... · · I.Id IJ, 1ff,. IAA•l"I 1 '"'ft"'1 " " .. ·· .. " • • .. • ...... •· J ... J Flt•NCIS L GlASE• M1 rlll1t NOTICI TO Cll:IDl'TOAI l'trt'fl'llll :IOc "' l'lour rnort 11\in llhlllll c:l11111\c1tlon woe,...ltecl, D•tllllt C~ty Mir~ MunlclNI IUl"lltlOI COUIT Oii TK• Ol"IAATIH-9 IJlfOINlltlil:S Ceurr, Judlcli l Dli!rk l STATI: 01' CALIPOtlil:NIA l'OA G,_ I •" Ir L. H. Oo'tll, kllllttnl TKI COUMTT OP' OUNOI G,_ J ,., ..... " ., " .. .. .. ., .. , . ., .. .. , , f2 M11 N1r1, l"ltl1tlff'1 AltlrM1 N .. A .. 1'M o,_ l ......... ,.. ........ .... ... ........ ... .. .. s 16 UU I . C"'•m1R, klll 61$ E1t1t1 of -.AY IAICElt CHAMIEltLIN, G._ ' ......... ......... ........ '" .1'11 l'Y"""°"' C1lflnl1 Ml ltAY I . CHAMIE-.LIN, Dlct1HCI. G-J ..................... " .. .. •• .... . i .. Pub!IMed 0·•-C011! D1l.., ~!lot, NOTICE rs HEltlE8Y OtYl:lt "' "'- G .... ' .. , .. .. .. .. J,5' J""" ,., Jl, :io. 1Mt lUMt crwctltor• ol 1111 11111 ... Mmld dtctdtM F1r...,1n 3Sc H • hlur mo" 1111n ~•fllt•I cliHlHc:l!len i upe,....lif11, 11111 111 .,,_ 111¥1111 <l1lm1 lll!Ml rhl l"AtNTllS LEGAL NOTICE $t ld lllcldtllt ••• '"'"!"'' i. ni. """"' -.etultr b•uoll lllftltr wllll 1111 lll(llll!'T •euchln, In lhe Ol!lcl •rv111 1wl111 llltt J.U NOTIC• 01' Tltl TIMI AHO "LAC• 0 , oJ 11'11 tit,_ of 11\1 11111¥1 enll!lld caurt. or $e ... bl11!tr ..... -··· " .... "• '.. tt•AltlNG OP Tltlt: t.OCAL Ael"CY lo •r111nt them, wll!I , ... 111<11wr¥ Sllllllbl•1l1r 1w1n1 lllM , J.14 l'OAMllTION C 0 MM I I I I O N Oii voudl1t1, to IM unclt,.1111111 II 1111 l.1w .IOU,....J'ffll.1L_ll111 ~ -·---· '· '. '' --~· ~ OIANlll ( o.u H . .'f ... Y . CA.LlllO.NIA Olt,_lot•_: l~~TEL,i ·;: ftc~A~~L'I', ~" Jour....,m1n, ~rlY 1•il'l!I tll~o .... """ :... ' Wffl" A l'AOl"OSIO ANM•XAT!Otrii I" 11111 ii ftt, I "ti, Ill Pll"I TA•Ol!S "1.,. •···· ,,,,,., S.t• TO TMI: COSTA M•IA l'AAIC ANO Fr11111;IKO, C1Hltwl'll1. Wlllcll 11 1111 •ltu AICAIATION DllTllCT OF O•AMO• of__bl.lll"'IH ol rhl.Uncll"ltntd lll _1ll m'1· ~l\HTINnF lnlll lllUra . , ~ . .......... ........... S.'9 COUlltT'(, ANO 01.!ICTIO!lll 01 PIO-tin ter11tlll111 to lllt 1tt11t ol atld Otce. ~IJ ,,__10\. l llovt '""'' JIU1ntvtr11~ •1N1, TISTI TM•llTO, WILi. al ,.Allllllo dlonl, wtll!lt1 lour 1r1C111tll1 llftt fM llrsl FOl'll'Mn-IK •bovt tfOll Jw rntYlftln • .,,, T•o POI: tt•AA:I... MllCtllOn ., ..... llOllCI. ~:::::: :i:.:~:: F:".::"~·'" .... :· " .. ... .. , S.6J NOTICE II HllEAEIY GIVEN ltlll 1 Dllld FJ= c'-~~blrlln l"lAITltlitlltl ....... '" " ' ' " " "· " S.M AHOllo"'" ot Aollllclflon Illa llHn fllH Adllllnl.i111"Dr of -!1!111 Pl F wltlr It'll le(M Alll'ICI' Flr..,..llon C-.. of t11i1 lllew llllMll dlotdlnl •I'~~.•,;.,,,•-,,,.",·,·":.:.::::::::.·.· .. ·: .... :· .. " .. ... .. ......... •.t2 mlHIOll ot lht C-ly of Ori,,.., Sltle DI WILUAM ~. •ATILY, IM, ~ ........ U4J C1lltlrnll, ,_t!M ffll l 1111111 c-911Tlt.T Mllll •.t.Tlt.Y, Pl T mlatioll '""Oft flw .-td •1111t•tllon A-...... .::i;~ •• ffleler ....................... 1,, .. .. ... 3,•7S 1111119MIM 11 COUlllry CIVIi Horii! /VI-tMt PllllflM allllht llll!lllon to Ille COlll Mn1 l"1rll Ind , .. MIWll:of lin.t -'Wr111Ym1~ .• .................... .. .•. .. ..• .. •• •• . J.62 AIC,..+lon Dltlflcl ., 0111.,. Cou1111. ""'P1"dKI. c ...... flln Su• F1r1111111 ., ... .,_.,, ... •. .. ... . ... ,,, , , .................... 5,1, C1lllorn11, Tllo_,, entomii11w1 !tit Ttl• 14111 ,.,.,,. 1'1r1111111 .... ,.. .. .. ''' follewllll •Mr•llV dllalblcl •••• wllli:.11 • ,.. ... , ••"' ..... ,MITAL WOA1t••1 .......... .............. ' l• ...... t p1rtkullr1T itncrlbtd Dr I 11111 ""'"'"' R I 5llftl Mlttl Wlflltr .. dt1erl•llon 111 1111 wJtti ll'lt C11nmlulon· Mllllhed °'"'" C111! C1!ho l"Uat, He1H"' 11111111., ..... . ............. ," ... 'U 51111 •-••ll1t11 c-1111 oJ A. JllN 1', 21. » •M Ju.., 7, ,... 11'4 .. t port for continued high sales. Platt aald Maverick sales in· dicate, however, that it could put 1trong pressure on the sale of imports. Reporlll from Ford dealers through June 3 showed that %.1 percent of the cars traded for Maverick were imports. ' Along the same lines inJ.. porters maintain that the in- terest in small cars generated by the new American entries as well u the supporUng advertising and sales pro- motion campai&ns will help rather than hurt the import market. Ford's one import, the Cortina, wu down about 10 percent nationally in sales in May which is said to be lhe result of various labor pro- b!~ In the Los Angeles area, Cortina'• best markeUng area, sale• of the BrlUsh import in- creased 27 percent over a year ago. The dock strike delayed in- troduction of the 1969 Cortina by several month.!, but even with jwt the 1988 models Real Estate Seminar Set An Investment seminar on "The Tax Allpects of Real Estate Investments, Inchxlln1 Syndications" has been set for 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the Sad· dleback Inn, Santa Ana. The featured speaker for the seminar will be Joseph Mayer, certified public accountant with Jordan, Hebert &: Co., which hu offices In Pasadena and Laguna Beach. Mayer is also a tax accounting in- structor with UCLA. Zodys Reports Record Sales available Southern California Ford dealers reported the Cortina has sold extremely well since January . Ford executives believe that sales will improve nationally now that the '69's are arriv1ng at dealers and orders can be filled. ¥ ¥ ¥ DATES SCHEDULED FOR AUTO SHOWS This year for the first Ume, Orange County',s 1970 Interna- tional Auto Show will bel scheduled prior to the Los Angeles Auto Show. This shouJd prove to be most helpful for the county show which is quickly gelling a reputation as being one of the better of the new car presen- tations each year. The Orange Coun ty show will run Oct. 8 through Oct. 12 and will be held at the Anaheim Convention Center as it has lhe past two years. The Pan Pacific Auditorium will be the site or the Los ' Angeles show and the dates 1 are Oct. 31 through Nov. 9. The chairman for both shows claimed that these will be the biggest ever. -Ha r"l.!J •l-<1-Zodys; Inc.,-Ba11k-/lfa11ager reported record sales and eamlii&s ror the 13-week R o n a 1 d Tweedy of period endinJ; May 2, 1969. South Laguna has been Net income of $154,362, was n a m e d manager of an incrtase of %7.9 percent Bank o{ America 's over the previous year. Earn-Huntington 4 Harbour i"s per common share af.ter branch in Huntington 11vin, effect to preferred d1v1. Beach. ,Previously he den:d requirements were JO was lending officer at cents for the quarter as com· the San Clemente of· pared with 7 cents in the prior !ice. y .. r. _.:.· ---------11 ,. __ ,"' 1blv1 Joum11~t11•n ,11,, """'"'"·"" "' ., ... , " " 6U ''O~ln•11fol.., 1111 Kiit l!'lcl lf IKlltd 111 T9AMITlltl "" toullle11M1¥ 1lft of ""-'' ,,-..... A¥•nue ....... -MV!tllrly 1klt of .,_ -. Piii' "°"'' "'°'' 1ntft ~lt/l1'1 cl111ltlc111t11 "'""''VII 01111111" -. .. 11 •nd ,..., .,_,,_, 1111o D,._.. _, ""'"" lrud1:1, lft• lll•n • Yell. . , I) lol111 , ... lllirftlttl'r Nr'f1on OJI ftle St"ll ••••••••••••• SEC Approves l\'lutual Fund °'""" el ......,,. lflldl.1. 1 1d1 bvt !ell 111,n f ¥d1 , u "'"' Celll'tl,.., (hlb 'tl't Ille flJI Cas!I Drtwn ~ ·-lru(l<a. I Yd• .... , llH "'"' n tel•' ............... ~.n Mtll •rt•. Cir....,. _, 11111111'111 trvcll1. U ••1. bvl lfll "'"" II ¥di. S 01 Al ftle IWN °' ,... lll1t1"" "'lkH D""'" .. fnldl• Ntl'I N 11Mol C-<11¥ ltlt """ • 10n1 ......... ' ··u lllr•I" 1•1d "°"""''"' """ lie lnMllltd ~ ti frvOI. lftll Ntllllll CllKll1 "'"'-I ..,cl It ~. .: .. ti\' ftle llildl!Jill of ol'IW• "''lflirY lfl .... on-. el tr.IOI. ,.. ... H•lffd CllM;lty ~ 10 l l'ld 1J ,__, """"' ¥1cll'lll1"1111,.......1. DrlWn ti f~br; '"'°"' llllffr l 1• .. 1 , ""~ ........... ;,:: N0f1Cl 11 P'Utlil:THllt Gl\'llEN, tt..1 °"""'" ., Tr-11 .... 1. l•udJ l Ylh. or '""'' • . ~·,, Miki C-IHIOll 1111 llatd Wfdl'ltscl.., 11\t WIMt Ind; •rMr, Ufllltf 2JOO 111. . '· tlll lllr1 of Jllfl', lMt •I tllt l'lour If 2•0I WIW ~ ........... tJOO .. 1 .• , -Ill. . ............... :·::o'clock •.M. ol 1111111 -Of ., -·,I l!wdllil ~ ..,"""""'· L•T11Urnot1w tullt 1/llll 11mlli r '"• twJllmtftl l.i!J llkl '"'"'" CM Ill 1111,,i In Allln'I JO:! '" Tl\.I tsnwa ....... Ille°''"'' c~ A 1111111 !11111,.1 1111 ~•" .....,. lullllllftl. Sii Nori!! sw-• 11""', S.11· F-o*'~'ij'r..,;j "ii.11 "~"c11~ 1D0..f'..tt.f ' ...... " J.JS 11 AM, C1llf1t11ll, 11lht11-.-•llCI ...... ....... • folr 1111 llffrlrll ffl ............ 1 """'""' ,., .. ..,,., ............. " .. . . . .... .. .... .. ... ..... .. . ... ::i~ '!.:'~':..-::. :=-~= 11°'TI. ~,...... fM ""''""If r•ltot1i.,. 1rw tllll .. Mio tr" ....,.. -~ ,'!.,--:C:.,':'°'""" "'*'"" '"'' .. "'• I, ... ,,, .,.,_,It ... lit ... , Ml ..... ,,... ltWIM. ""-Ctl'\:'rtdlll' Tlttli? J-II .... ~ • ...,,.,. Mt ..., "' • •r1111 of • .,..,., 11tt1M1"' "" ...,. ., ....,..... 1'1' o;.01tJt M T"I LOCAL •o•~Y ff -., l'OltMATICN COMMIUIQN Of" OIANGIE IOAltO 01" TIUITl:ll COUl'fTY, CALtFOINI" Ori"" C:..ot J..,1111' Cllltft Clhtrlcl tlil:ICKAltO T, TUINlll: "' °'"'" ~ t alCVl!W Olflctt, CMl1 Mell, Clltfoml1 t..UI ~ ..-_.11111 C""" ......, ....,._ r:. w11,.,, ~ m111111t of °''""' '-"'· c1n. , 1«n11rr ... ,., mt T"'11"' '°'"'' 0,.. l •i .J.. .. P.M. .lut't ''· lfff •utlllffltcl Ori"" CNfl °*'" 1"111!, ... ,......., orw.u CMllf .,.... ,....., ,,.. n. .. ,... 1 ,.,.., J-"· •• ltff 112•"'9 • Incentive Industries, Inc., Newport Beach, announced lta sister corporation, Incentive rnvcstment.s, Inc., has com· pleted regitltraUon with lhe Securities and Exchange Com- mission permitting the or· rerlng ol mutu11I fund shares to the public. Incentive lncluslrlt.s. Joe. is an employe bfnefll firm Spetlallzlng In & r o up ir>- .surance, pe.nslon, profit shar- ing plans, ind taz f1vorff employe and executive com· pensatlon arrancements. . . THE NEEDLE • \ IS MIGHTIER THAN THE PEN i4nd the ma" toho I kno1DJ j1Ul ~ to tum the phnue to get the mo1t out of th• barb ts DAILY PILOT "''"''"" Isl S~M~ II.,,.;,. Ht ~ b ... call<d .... mode"' • dav He nrr Mencken. lf you'Tc rcadv for hU wt of the add adjective o-nd thought -provoking pf'OJll! to give flOU the needle ..• if you want to find something to think obout in wMt V01I read •.. f/ tl()U hove a Jtmll! of humor, you b e l o n g with readers who delight fn teUing others what •s¢ said .. tn 011e of the nation's mo.tt · quoted columm. Some Sample Bar/Js Recently Thrown By Sydney Harris: "One of the highest paid fobs In America con1l1tt of 1t1ndlnt up in front of a mic. rophone, Mparatlng the good records from the bad ones -and pl1ylnv the bad OMS." t•It's sad but true that while alcoholics are the best argument for abstinence, so many ahstainers are equally effective ar· eument for a little drink now and then." "Mn! of tho 10<1Iled 'lncompallbJllty' Jn m1rrla .. 1prln91 from the fact that to moat men, MX 11 an act; while to all women, It Is an emotion. And this dlfhr. onc1 In 11tltud1 un bo bridged only by love." t•The aole dilference between a 'dedlc• ted crusader' and a 'nosy reformer' con- sists in our agreement or disagreement with bis objectives." ''The moat explosive combfn1tlon In the world contlstt of sincerity aclded to fgnor1nc1.'' uWhenever I am the recipient of an ex- cessively hearty handshake, I suspect Mr. Muscles Is trying to sell something. hide something, or prove 1omethin1.11 Check The Editorial Page For This Signalule ' ' ·-. ~' ., ' . ' ~· -' " Help You Find Latest Quotables Created By 'The Needler' For His Col- A Regular Feature of It'll The umn, the DAILY PILOT Your Hometown Dolly Nowlpapar -------------------------------..... --...... -----~·---·---·-·---·----· I I ' y· . Get Set for the Flag-Wavingest DaJ of them ~11~ •• Fly a New F ag -· On the Fourth Independence Day (July 4th) and Labor Day (Sept. 1) are corning soon. Be ready to celebrate tvith flying colors tvith a De- luxe N e'W Flag Kit. Order yours today. Supplies are limited. Help Yourself Help The Boys~ Clubs -· • Fly a new flag at yaur home or office during this patriotic season. Here's an offer that lets you save money and help your Boys' Club, too. Participating in this public service offer are the Boys' Club of the Harbor Area, Boys' CI u b of Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach Boys' Club. Here 's how you can help them and help yourself. Just order this beautiful deluxe flag kit, at a fraction of its retail value, and get as a bonus a California state flag -all deliver- ed to your door by Boys' Club representatives or mailed directly to your home in time for holiday use. Order Now At Any of Four Boys' Club Headquarters HARBOR AREA !CENTRAL IRANCHI 594 Center Strut Costa Mesa, Calif. Phone 548-9387 HARBOR AREA IUl'l'ER IA.YI 2131 T11stl11 Avenue Costa Mesa, Calif. Phone 642-8372 HUNTINGTON IEACH IOYS' CLUI 31 9 Yorktown Huntln9ton ltach, Calif. ~h ... 53'-'415 LAGUNA BEACH BOYS' CLUB 175 North Coast Hl9hway Lo911na leach, Calif. Phon11 494 -2535 Use mail order coupon below and send it directly to club headquarters nearest you. Your f1a9 kit and bonus state f1a9 will be delivere d or mailed directly to your home or office. Or you can pick them up in person at the Boys' C lub headqUarters in your area. Pic:,k Up Your Own Flag Kit and Get This Free Gift 50.STAR "UNITED STATES FLAG 395 °"'""' ,,,. Soc-' ... s .... "" Moot..,,.,~ mCll-'nc btadt· 11 .. tcftW'f. ...... i.., IL M ..... ....... c:iwtoa. Holiday Bonu.: High Quality 12 by I 8-inch California State F~ ,.----------------. I I I I Just c.lip out th is m•il order coupon •nd fill it out. Send, •lon9 with check or money order, to the Boys' Club he•dqu•rfers ne erest you. M•ke checks p•yeble to "Boys' Club." Please send me .................. American ftq kits at $3 .tS per kit. I und~rstand I will receive en a holiday bonus a California 1tate flot with each kit. I Neme ......................................................................................................... . I Street Address ............................................................................................. . I City ....................................... -················-······-·········Zip .......................... . I I I I I I I I . I Phone ................................................ Enc.losed is .................................. -·-·········-· II Th is speci•I holidey offer is • public service ol the DAILY PILOT •nd th e Boys' I Clubs of the H•rbor Are•, Huntin9ton Be•ch •nd L•9une le•ch . I -. L..---------------· ITHIS IS ~CTUAL DICAL SIZll Free Decal While they lest, -ihe Boy,' Clubs olfer you this speci•I, free gift •.. • d•cel of the American Fl19 llke those you see everywhere on cer windshields, home ind offlce windows, or even on the femlly boat. Visit the Boy1' Club r.eerest you !phone for hours of operetionl . l uy e fle9 ~it; get the decel free . Supply of dtcels ls limit•d. Hurry. • • I , I I ' I I I , I I . \ I 1 IL ......... ·····~······· .... ... . . . . ........ . . -' I • o ff D.lllY PILOT M"'d'1. Juno 23. 1969 ,) ;Newpo1't ·.offer s 39 Cla ss es ~..., ... ________ 1 22 Coast Grads at Dad Dream~ Police Fire On Honie I 'f . MR.MUM l i To-Cut Swirtiming.T1'agedies F==::::::- ' ~ I : By JANICE BER~1A.N bei;:lns June 3(1, Regi stration no\\' al places the schedule . Is underway designated. :n \ Chap1nan TOOELE, UTAH (UPI) - Embarrassed police officers directed all questions lo Cap- tain Kenneth Daly. But Sun· day Daly was reported away till today. Saturday he was said to be "unavailable."' Ft'i- d~y he was "fishing." what the devil was going on. 'Illey saw me and fired away." The shotgun pellets burst through Parson's bedroom v.'indow, strewing glass over the bed and putting ··a fe w holes in the wall." I I I l I l ! ' l l ' ' i ' ~ 1 1 : ~ OI Ille O.MY l'tlill ll11f : i.. tn Newport Beach , some : 1'110,000 residents have 38.l The cl.:i.isses are open lo any Newport Beach rtsidenl, and others are admitted when ~Ues or waterfront to frolic , ~· sail and surf on, and stroll there is roon1. / ong. They range from "Mo1nmie , And drown In. and r-.1e·• lessons for children Agairui1 that possibility, age 21".i to 5 and their mothers, wport Beach offers what through all phases o( the , y be the most extensive American Red Cross swint· • gram of sv.·imming in· ming program from beginners I ruction in the state. 10 senior lifesaving. Through the Parks, Beaches Lessons take place in the Jtind Recreation Department pools at Corona de! Mar and 'and the Orange Coast YMCA. Harbor High Schools, with bay ~ewporters c1n learn to slay swimming instruction at L<:s -~live in the water and enjoy Arenas am! "N" Street Beach. ~Ir aquabaUcs w he I her Total fl·e for each course t'i ~they're three or 73 years old. $3.00, and all swimming in· " Sponsored by the city of stn1ction is on a two-wel'k \'Newport Beach, the p<1rks, basi s. •Be.aches and1 Rec re a t i o 11 Copi2.> of the schedule are '!.Department offers a total or available at all New).lort ~.39 separate swimn1ing classes Beach Public Libraries and at ;throughout the s u m m e r the Parks, Beache~. a n d '·recreation program, which Re<:reation Department. ' ' • !'More Negroes Oppose i.Viet War , Poll Finds ' .. '. NEW YORK (UPI) -Negro 1opposition to the Vietnam war _Jand to the nation's draft Jaws 1has grown markedly in the l.la,st three years, a Gallup Poll ;dooe for Newsweek has shown. : The poll shows that 56 per· :cent or those Negroes ques· ~tioned said backs should op- .i1W>se the war, while only 35 felt 'that way in 1966. The draft ,!Jaw11 were called unfair by 47 Jpcrcent of the Negroes polled, , though only 25 percent h e I d •this attitude three years ago. J Negroes also have grown in· 1creasingly disenchanted with ,local police · and the federal •government, according to the ~poTI. ~ Forty-six percent said local ;police were harmful to Negro '•r ights, while one-thi rd believed '.this to be true in 1966. Only one-quarter now reel that the fede ral government is helpful to Negroes, as opposed to 74 percent lhree years ago. A belier that the pace or Negro progress is too slow was expressed by 59 percent -up 16 percent from three years ago -and only 22 per· cent are satisried with pro- gress made. liowever, three out or fi ve Neg roes polled believe they have made progress in the last five years both on the job and in better education for their children. One half say their housing situation has im· proved. About two-thirds or those polled felt the re would be more riots in the future , but less than one-third said riots were justified. For more information, con· tact the P8rks. Beaches and Recreation Department at 673- 3110. Al U1e Orange Coast YP.ICA , 2300 University D r i v e , Newport Beach, swimming lessons are conducted in the two new heated, Olympic size pools. . For the children, there are I five divisions: Tiny Tots. ages li three lo six, with four in a Ji class: P..1innow {beginner), ~~:~j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l seven years and up v.·ith six _in ~~ ....Q '11' • . ~ < -~ ":t a class: Fish ( low in· ~ ~ -_,. __.,.-' ,~, lern1ediate), eight in a class: and the Flying Fish and Shark. (advanced), eight in a class. Certified instructors. in· eluding Cathy Ferguson Cullum. Gold Medalist of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, give in· dividual attention to each swimmer. Clas~s begin every two weeks throughout the sum- mer, with each session of- fering ten half-hour lessons. The next session begins June 30, with future sessions begin- ning .l uty 14, July 28, AugusL l I and Au gust 25. All swimming classes are open to both members and non-members. For older, more proficient sv.·immers, the aquatic pro- gram offers a competitive swim team . lifesaving, scuba diving, synchroni1.ed swin1- ming, diving . recrea tional swimming, adult swin1 in· struction, and private and semi-private lessons. For more information, call 642-9990. Even families who alre:.irly know how lo swim should be reminded of basic' safety rules for their home swimming pools, says the Swimming Pool Association or Southern California. Do-it-yourself Boat Fails Pacific 'Sailors ADAK. Alaska IUPI) -Two Arnericans were set ashore here Sunday by a Japanese ship following their unsuc- c:essful attempt lo sail across the Pacific in a boat lhC'y built themselves. The pair. Peter C. Whittlesy. 24, West HarUord. Conn., and James C. Thom . 26, San Fran· cisco. wert in good condition. The two had set out from Japan P.1ay 14 in thei r 32-foot H ugc Crui se r Set l o Arrive SAN FRANCISCO (AP) The USS Newpor t News, world's la rgest heavy cruiser, I! scheduled to arrive here Friday after completing her second tour off Vietnam. ~loop, the \Vindsong. On June 4 their mast snapped and they rigged a second mast which held oul until June 14 when it, loo. went down and they were picked up by a Japanese whaler. They were l ,000 miles out of Japan when they finally scut· tied tbeir sloop and gave up lied their s!oop and gave up the trip by sail. The two were transferred to three other Japanese whalers a n d finally put aboard a Japanese Fisheries and Agricultural Agency sh i p which let them off at the naval ~tatiun here where they were awaiting transportation to San Francisco. WhilUesy and Thom, both former Navy men. were released from the service in Japan and had spent s i x months planning the trip and building thei r sloop. ;~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ' I I ' " ' Sears Auto Ai1· Conditioners Regular $169.95 88 :hlodel 57 J 7 •• • • Faster cool-dO\\'n t ime for "right no•"" comfort ' • Jl igh C.J.-.:-01. for greater Rir circulation • Sleek, clean design styling !or a smart look • Safet ~· pndded hezel. ~rount~ nentlr under cl:ishl>oard • l·:xperl l11st:1 llativn A\·ail:tlJle 1\sk About Sears Ct>n,·enient Credit P lan.!J • l.••l'Mt M••l,.r Crll•ll•r ' • l••IH'•I ••<I AllJ11I ••rlll•s 11r1kt1 AU 4 Wheels Only • ""···· •.•••• , l••••ll•• ........... ,. • tl•'•ll• •IL t •ll«I r)l!•d••• • Ar• r rl•tl llr•.li1 1loH1 • K'•••h •• oil t llr•kt dr•m• • N•p1•~ h11\ wlor•I .... ,1 .. ,. • l•1~j ........... . : ~::·:,:~::: :::'·... 2 9 88* 11•14 • ,.,.~ ~tlj11t"''"' ,.,, ll lr ., u .. 1n 1 • M1'"ll tr •I f1r-llr1k1 r•ll•bllll)' •CJiry1l•r produ<:IA h .. Yin~ 6 Y.htel ryltndtr1 and c11.r1 \\i lh ditc brakt1 l!lfghtl~ hlgtier. Any neceM&ry additif/nal part.. 11.nd l•h<>r •\•R.llllble al 8Mr1 low, low prl«I AU American and Volkswagen C•rs ,,---~~--------------------------------------------, I W.._14,:o~-._ a.._Ot,.,,,I IOIGllOMIMJ71 ,.;a'#l&.Ciu • __,, .. .-..a-.1 _,.._,., ..-::iM-' -oi .1-10G4 a k 11 •-•JDll:I Nf W1'l -• ,.aMS."" N'l•1,"' ....ii ~to«An: •-471• -"° , .... ,, ft-4 ,,,. I , ..,.. .. ._.,._.,.,_.,. == c1¥NOt.JN1 -w -:noo iwo~-n 7~1 to..wlli)j.J1 1UitA..._,, -. ... ,.,,,, I '~ "'4111 ~ OI a.n11 ,.._MJ l..uT1, a...,,,,.._ ttwNa ,5.iJ.ISl l _______________________ 'iD'P" _____________________ , "Sudlhsdl1nOM1011f11dorYowMOMJht\" .,...,___ ... ,,.....~...,._..........,NOAJA. •ti-•P."'- • "' ' Twenty-two Orange Coast residents are among 9 '.: Orange County graduates of Chapman College. They are: From Costa Mtsa: Muriel Learned, 1447 Deauville Place, master or 1rts; Willoughby Miller. 161 Yorktown Lane, master of arts, and Rita P.1. Van Horn, 1605 Corsica Place, bachelor of music. From i='ountaln Valley : John Jackson, 12256 E. Calendula Ave .. master of arts; Shirley Strother. 10773 El Centro Ave., bachelor of arts; D a I e Swenson, 17156 Santa Lucia. and Janice While, 8 5 7 2 Ta lbert , bachelor of arts. From HunUngton Beach: Ray 'Bryson, 975 Katella St., master of artJ: James Gibson, 6801 Cumberson Drive ; Vicki Heller, 9'292 Nantucket Drive, bachelor of arts; Robert Marston, 17139 Ro u n db it I Drive, bachelar of arts ; Henry Matia.!I, 20151 Martha Lane; Rutb Opperman, 17411 Keelson Lane, and Elsie Math.i90n, 350 "Y" Place, bachelor of arts. From Newport B e 1 c It : Walter Griesmeyer. 362 Even· ing Canyon, bachelor of arts : -Clive S!egle, 2002 B a j a , bachelor or arts; Virginia Slater. 200 Evening Star Lane, bachelor of arts, and James Utz, Il911 37th St., bachelor of arts. From Seal Beach: Barbara Ripperdan, 240 Harvard Lane, master of arts. From Westminster: Robert A. Buse, 5771 Abraham Ave., bachelor of arts; R. Louis Elliot!. 8702 Bermuda, bachelor of arls; Jessie Pell, 14601 Moran, bachelor of arts and James Rodarte, 13392 Busch St., master of arts. Medi-Cal Care May Cos t Some SACRAMENTO (UPI) - The Senate has voted to re· quire persons receiving care under Medi.Cal to pay up tc. 23 percent of the cost if 1Pcy have more tha n $300 in personal property. Clearly, the Tooele Police Department would like nothing better than to quickly forget the incident at the Parsons' home. It began early Friday with two reports of a sl\ipi:r firing al moving automobiles in this town o( 14,000. A man was spotted carryJng a rifle on the northeast side of town and o(· fictrs converged on the area. Shots were traded with the suspect who apparently duck- ed into the entryway of the darkened Parson home lo escape police. Police, convinced the gun· man was cornered but seem· ingly paying Uttle atteotion to who might be at home, sur- rounded the house and in the best 91·estern tradition of shoot • first • ask • questions -later fired a shotgun blast through a bedroom window -ruining a night's sleep for Mr. and Mrs . Riehard Parson and their two children. "I heard the confusion outside." Parson said. "I first woke up when they fired a shot into the cornice of the house. So I just stood up to see "The th ing that stunned me,""Parson continued, "wa11 the wadding of the shotgun shell. II hit me in the forehead and the shoulder and my eye was bruised bY something. I kind of spun around and went down on my hands anc! knees. As soon as I got down there 1 knew I v.·asn't hurt." Parson said his w If e, although nearly t e r r o r • stricken, scrambled out of bed and telephoned the police tell- ing them "somebody is trying to kill me!" "0( course they were all around the house," s a i d Parson, "and when they got word back from the station we got things straightened out." Aft.er establishing that the snipe r had eluded them and wasn 't holed up in the Parson h9me, red.faced officers stam· mered their apologies and retreated ipto the early morn· in~ gloom. 'They came down the next morning," Parson said, "and we went over the whole work! together. I know ii wasn't done maliciously. They were just trying to do their job, I guess." Rabid Bobcat Victin1 l\.ept ·Alive Artificially SAN DIEGO, Calif. (AP) - · Last April I, a bright-eyed 2· ye a r-old Tommy Buchmann, was biuen and clawed by a bobcat as he played in the backyard of his rural home. A neighbor shot the cat. It pro- ved to be rabid. Tommy got 22 antirabies shots. But nonetheless he laps. ed inlo a coma April 28 and nO\V, kept alive by a respiratory unit which pumps air Into hi~ lungs, stares blankly into space in a hospital. His doctor says: "Every trealment known to medical science has been used, but I'm afraid there's not much hope." Tommy is a victim of v.·hat in modern times has become a rare disease. His doctors say he's only the second lo .suffer from rabies in this country since 1966. The trea1ment. usually a s er i e s o[ 14 inoculat ions. doesn't . assure immunity, the doc lo rs say. Success depend~ on such factors as the si te of the infection and the type or infecting animal. Awards, Scholarships Given At Harbor High's Banquet The fcHo\ving stud ents were honored al Newport Harbor High School's annual award:i banquet: Service 3\\·ards -top boy all four years, Dave Ahvard ; top girl all four years. Jessic:i Jones: top senior boy, James Blauer; top senior girl, Chris Rebard ; top freshmen boys, Steve S(:h{•11e and D a v c Easlman : top freshman girl, Pam Pattison . American Chemical Society award -Martin \Valker. Bausch-i.omb Science a\vard -Stephen Hammeras. Renssa!aer Math :i n d Science award -f.1arl ln \Valker. Bullock·s scholastic a rt awards -Linda Reineman. Sus ie Staub, C la ire Christensen. Diane Pettengill and Ann Strom . Costa Mesa Art League a\\•ards -Mark. f.lcCullock and John Peterson. American Assoc iation of Teachers o( German <iwards -Dale Bowman, Bel ti Butler, Sue Jetram. Stuart Lewis, Roberta Magnusson, Sherie Reineman and M a r ga r e t Schwarz. Tuesday Club of Ne\vport llarbor av.·ard -lielen Allen. Mu s ic Department i::chola rships -vocal, Cathy Cokas: instrumental, Tony E\•ans, Lions Clu b speech contest winner -John Carlton. Lions Club scholarships - Jan Schwartz and Richard Ji ow land. Veterans of Foreign \Vars essay contest winners -first ph1ce. Steve Schone: second, Nancy Gick: third.1-Kathy Du rgan . Quill and Scroll a"•arcls Richard H o w I a n d. Chui ,\· Forbes. Paula Schocpe :11111 Lynn Rosener. Galleon a\\'tirds -Tn111 Arnett. Tyra Hansen. f\lanl yu Peck , Roberta P.1agnussoo, Lisa Laughlin. E a r I i n e Longerbone. A n n Sterling, Nancy Bergeson and Marian Franciscus. Homemaking award -Pain f.1eserve. Cirards College of Btauty scholarship-Jackie Schick.. Key Club scholarship -Bill Christensen. Tar of the Year -Robert Curry. Gir\5 Alhletlc Association schol•rshlr -MI c h e I I e \Vhelchel. ' PTA scholarship awards -- Kathy Crawford and Robert Keigh. PTA art awards -.John Peterson, Dave Alward. Nan· cy Neth and Joan Palmer. Edith Haddock scholarship -Jan Schwarz. Zonta Girl of the Year - J essica Jones. Soroptomist Club of New;:iort Beach schola rship -Tracey Kahan. Senior Ebel! Club of Newport Beach award -Patli Payne. Junior Ebell Club or Newport Beach scholarship - Helen Allen. Girls Slate representative - Carla ~larryman. Boys State representative - Randy Whitesides. California Exchange Club of Newport Beach a\vard s - John Carlton and Jeanne Egasse. Mariners School award - Jan Sch\\'arz. American Field S e r v I c e students -Sachie lkushitna and Thord Oh lsson . Daughters of the Arnerir;in Revolution good citizen av.·Ard -Laurie Fraser. Masons Seafaring Lodge No. 708 E. I. Moore awards - sc:niors, Randy Oliver and Cin- dy Place: juniors. B i l J I lcndershot and B a r b a r a Bailey; sophomores. Chris Quinn and Renee L o n g : freshmen . Denny Cline and Chris Benson. Junior Chamber of Com· merce award -Richie Post. Rotary Club of Newport Beach scholarship -Jessica Jones. Newport Harbo~ Optimist Club scholarships x-Nora Sterling and Debbi Hrown . California Savings and Loiin l .1•:1gue award -Virginia l 1rica. Hank of America achi£'\'e· 1ncnt award~ -llbcral ::i1·1s, Sieve Hammeras; sclenct 2nd 1nathematics, Pete Slephens : One arts, Sue H u r d ; mathematic s, Kathy Crav.•ford ; laboratory science, Randy Oliver; Elllllsh, Connie Osborn; social studies, Cindy Place; foreign languages. Jeanne Egasse; music, Steve \Vlnsor; art, Unda Reineman ; homem•king, P811l t.1eserve, 01nd bustness. Debbie Burke. Newport-Balboa Savings and Loan scholarship -Lewis \Vrlght. Newport·Btllboil SAvinf(s And l..uan business a~·ard~ outstanding senior, Ch r Is LoGuercio; senior merchan- dising. Connie Pereira; senior clerical. Earline Longerbone; senior secretarial. Terri Hart; senior accounting. Cur t Sv.•idler; j u n i o r shorthand, Patricia Walk.er : junior typ- ing, Sandy Tezak : junior bookkeeping, Craig Holloway; sophomore typing, Terri Ab· boll, sophomore bookkeeping, Sue Jerram. Ken Orbach scholarship - Ton1 Butler. Lynne Hughes schola rship - ~iary Ann Callis. Califomia Sch o 1 a r s h i p Association sealbearers Dave Alward. Debbie Brown, Kath y Crawford. Jeann e Egasse. Cindy Forbes, Mary Ann Gailis. Richard Ho\vland, Karen .Johnson , Trac c y Kahan, Cindy Pla ce. Conn ie Osborn , Jan Schwa rz and Pete Stephens. Go\·ernors scholar -Connie Osborn. College scholarships and honors at entrance -Helen Allen. Azu~a Pacific; Stuart Aldrich . athletic. University o( Colorado: .Julie B r o \'J r,, Chinese, Un i v er s i I y nf Arizona : John Carlton. North American Rockwell . UCLA ; Duug . Oovey. ROTC, USC ; Stephen Ham1neras, N:>rth America n Rock1veH, alun111i :n1d reg e n I s sc holarships, honors at entrance. UCLA; Eric Lindroth. water pclo, UCLA: Connie Osborn. l E. Coke Hill scholarship, UC Saft Diego. California stale scholarships -Dave Alward. Dave Berger, Carol Bowman, Dave Bradle y, BUI Brock, Tom Buller, John Carlton. Richard De ut sc h , !lolly Hanes. Stephen Jl ;1n1· 1neras, Paul J;icobson, Pa11i Pay ne, \\'endy Morris. Cindy !'Ir.er. \\"endy Owen. Connie Osborn. Hl'.lb Pcddycord , Jan Schwa1·z. Beth Pierce. Lut:v Semeniuk. Bill Sevi tz an(! Greg Smith . National f.1erit letterli oC commendation D n v e Alward , Stephen Hammcras, Richard llowland. R and v Oliver, Cindy Place. Rob Schminke . Jan Schw arz aud Nora Sterling. Nationtr1l f.1erit finallsts - John CarllOn, Connie Osbom. Cindy F'or~. Forbes nnJ Pete Stephens. Satutatorlan -SI r p h c Q llnrnn'lcrns. V11ledictorlan · -Conn 1 t Osborn. .. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SAL E HOUS ES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE ••• . HOUSES FOR SALE ', ft--r•I lDGOGono rol 1000 Gonor1I 1000 Go-rol lDGO --------Go I 1000 ----------------I 1-~~~----~~--------Gonorol 1000 ·-------Gonorol 1000 nor• Mo,. Vtrde 1110 N1:!P"rt 9-h 12llO MAn I ·~------EASTSIDE Party Pool House UNB ELIEVABLE ! NO WAITING LA BORDE." Rea. tor $20,to FULL PRICE Sh•k• Roof Charm 1''antutic homt! with gorg~ ~ Down FHA. No cloilng BY OWNER ... BR. Newly For the balh Saturday nlcbt • $950 DOWN SP&clous l bedroom 2 bath OUI pool and patio are& for cosls buys a 3 bedroom, 1% dee lnslde & out. New crpt&-or any morni-with a t*l!i To ANYONE 1 · bath honie. Look at these We f1r in fam nn. 0J118, .. ,. home with dining room plus the 11ummert n1c parties. extras! \Vasher, dryer, re-frp1 bllnl 1140 t t for each bdrm. 'MM!re are«.: DELUXE DUPLEX ~!fy~~or be':!~; ~le :inet!r~a!ctam~ 7: ~v!"~~eLJ;I. ~=~~ 548·2313 ; 646·7171 ~f:~~~~~e~ .= ~~st. ~only:· m1 ~Ulto ·ea~~n;.!"-·-'1 TWO BEDROOMS EACH UNIT. Dining County and CARPETED & place. Dream kitchen has dowl ovel'olooklng entertain-F l:~.ER-UPPER ~ and speakttl. Cmtom blend with fresh paint far room , forced air heat and built-in electric DRAPES!! I 135 loot lot tor built-Ins and pantry. Roomy mPnt area. King-me master Charmlrw Newport Heights drapes throuahout. PI us ASSUME 5~~ ntA 3 BR 2 extra charm. Widow will kitchen. All new carpets, cor;npletely redecor-those kids and plentY of tree shaded patio ior sum-1utte i"1cluded dre1.1ill& room % block from Olff Drive. 3 thick, like new carpeting, ba, blt·ln, lam rm, trade down • $5600 handle.. led in and GARD~ & PATIO ~· mer fun, $26,950. and bath with a "Roman" Bedrooms, family room + ALL THIS FOR o NL y ct-t 11 / d r PI, Imm a c • H•I Pinch in & AsSOClll" a out. Divided single garages, well 1why wait to buy when pay· tub. Beauutul locaUon. SlS,900, FUU. PRICE. Gt Beautiful palio home. owe 3900 E. Coast Hwy. 6'ia4182 landscaped front yard, separate rear yards. nlcnts Are LIKE RENT for Room for boat or trailer In den, $25.900· • $600 Doivn. First come, first 2nd TD-submit down. T REE StlA.PEO TOP VALUE AT $27,500, with financing lhis culie, near schools and over-size yard. A rr.u11t see! NEWPORT sci,·r . llURRY! ! Ml>-4265 available. shoppina:! Bring up your $34,SOO-GI NO OOWN. Sul>-WE SELL A HOME BY OWNER BEACH HOME NO FINANCE CHARGES OWNER WILL CARRY !ST TRUST DEED for qualified buyer. lfiOO sq. ft. completely carpeted and draped home. Large living room, three bedrooms, den, dining room, l* bath. Built-in kitchen with breakfast area, large cov ered patio with outside sink a nd built-in b a r-b-que, double garage, fenc- ed rear yard , bea utifully la ndscaped, sprink- lers. BEAT THE HIGH INTEREST RATES AND LOAN COSTS ·-Call for appointment. FOUR BEDROOMS -POOL North Side, INDOOR · OUTDOOR FAMILY HOME. $6,000 improvements in aluminum patio and SWIMMING POOL added. Large living room, d en, dining area and two baths. Close t o schools, transpor tation a nd shopp ing. A REAL BUY AT .................. $27,750! FHA-VA TERMS SIX YEAR NEW, completely redecorated. F OUR BEDROOM, family room, 1% bath home with fireplace, forced air beat and built-in kitchen. Completely carpeted and draped. Lar ge over-sized double garage with washing facilities. 15'x20' patio, fenced yard -spririklers. Only minutes Crom major shop- ping a nd schools. A BARGAIN AT ONLY .................................... $27,950. GARAGE & WORKSHOP Large double garage, toolshed, 24'x25' work- 1bop stressed for second story. Covered and enclosed patio -boat storage area from pav- e d alley. Three Bedroom, two bath home with EXTRA SPACIOUS MASTER BEDROOM and private bath. Well kept property in NEW- P ORT HEIGHTS area. Full price ONLY $32,500 -CALL FOR APPOINTMENT SALESMEN· SALESWOMEN NEEDED 211Llll' .... 646-0555 220 IL S--St. Ill 17 .. St. $1iopp1"9 C1r.J COSTA .MHA you'll like our friendly service Evenings Coll 545.9723 or 646-1050 GeMr el 1000 Generel '';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;= ·-~~~~ 1000 I• OUTSTANDING MESA VERDE BUY 4 Wp: bdrms, opened beanxd family room &. kitchen. Built-in refrlg- erator &. freeter, intcr- rom. Beautilu1 land- acapina: embracing lovely pool. Outstand· Ing location close to Me111. Verde golf course. J ust $42.500 tor this beauty. Lido Is.le value featuring 4 bdrm11 .. 2 baths, lge . liv. nn. w/frplc. Lots of quality pluses such as red tile rool, copper plumbing, new dish· washer, etc.; At $65,000 and with his location you needn't look turthcr. REDCJOIPEI REALTY 2025 W. Balboa. Blvd., N .B. c.11 Anytime 657-6000 Where Else? children u they should be! mlt yoUr smalll!:l" home on COTTAGE EVERY 31 MINUTES Luxurious shag carpefin&', DON'T MISS THIS ONE!!! our guarantee We plan. Neat small hrne. Lots of CUSTOM REPUBLIC HOME Exposed beam cellings • Ohyes,-VETS-NOOOWN WE SELLA HOME closet space. one bedroot Walker & Lee ON BEST V!E\V WT OFF-Fireplace, 3 Bedrooms,.., PAYMENT~!! EVERY 31 MINUTES plus den -hugc lot with pa· ERED. 4 BR. 2 BA, SING· Bo.th&. $32,500. 642-34CI i WE SELL A HOME w lk & L tio -Ul,000. • 7682 Edinger LE STORY DES I G N, Choice PARK UDO J>ooW4C EVERY 31 MINUTES a er ee NO DOWN G.I. 8'2-1455 or 540-5140 PHONE 5-19-'14<. Coodo. 2 BR 2 ba. 128."10 - Walker & Lee 2 Bdrm • 2 bath on R·2 lot. liiiiiiiiMOp<&"&Eii"'Oi'ii·iiiii& BY Owner. 4 BR., 1800 sq. rt. $6000 dn. Agt. 64S--0732 2790 HarboT' Blvd. at Adams 545-9491 Open 'tll 9 PM RIGHT BUY BY RIGHT bwner just boua:ht this home one week qo. His company transfer forces sale of thl.s terrific 4 bdrm family h<>me, Giant rear yard for boat, trailer, camper all at once. $28,500 Newport ,, Vidorl1 646-1111 2'M3 WestcliU Dr. Ju11t vacated, cleaned. 2 ===='====='I "for A Wise Buy·• ~7711 Open E\.~s. Room for another unit. Can Blk11. Adams Schoo I, Newport Hei9hh 1210 4 •--'rm & Fam .. P""""''" FHA with low, Barrett Realty ~ libcary. SALE $32,500 or (olesworlhy & Co. ...., 1ow •owo. 1:JS.ooo. 1,.,. szm Mo. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Co11·-· Park ASS.UME I 837-9497 or 83&-291'1 OPEN DAILY ~ ~ ~-· ~r ~---178,00 Mo. Total 5'1• LOAN ~ OWNER. 3 en 2 bath, Tut•fu!Jy dtt0mt<d ,,...r SOLD YO':JR HOME?' CUI de sac lot with Jots of 4 bedroom Mesa del Mar 5¥•-I• LOANI carpets/drapes, fri>lc, elec· home in n.icert lftiden8al Need somethmg lar1er. fNit trees This house hu beauty. Huge family roon1 \Vhatanopportunity! You not trlc blt·lns. S25,800. 1598 &rP.a. Tbil lovely 3 Bdrm lt1ake this MUST SEE! 4 4 larv ~nn 2 queen slz. with raised fireplace, ser-only lilel a fabWous, almOlit 1,;M:;;yrtl:;;';,:""°"~=·=,.......=====-home 1s Immaculate I: bas ~taster sir.e bedrooms wlth ed baths Forttd air heat. vice porch. fenced yard. maxlmwn loan but a magnl-huh crpt'g, drps. trg kltdt- vanJty nook. 3 ~tbs. Huae all built in kitchen. Anyone New outside paint. $.11,500. ficent, dlatlnctive 4 bdrm 3% College P&rk 1115 en w/ bltna A: can be JIU!" family~ room with wall .to can a3Swne existing 51~% e bath Baycrnt home. IJving chased w/ a k1W down 1111· wall Urtplace. Form~ dm-loan no qualifying, Hurry! COUNTRY room .. family room over-cowr..t PARK ment •t $29,500. 612-2799 ,, ing room. Electric built lnl. • ESTATE looks the sparkling pool. Un-'1' New Carpets I. Drape s beatable for $75,900. DUPLEX 4 yn old. 3 BR throughout. Assume 1 0 w in the city, 20x30 Li•r. Rm. BIG lOAN each. Built-ins, erpts, ~- FHA 5% % loan and $3,000 Lot 125 :t. 300 -S car g<1ragc. 1605 \VestcllH Dr, NB 642_5200 $32,500 Owner. 6 4 6-2 S l O. will halXile. GI no money Elec. kitchen • l[dv•ood Prlnclpalt only. down. ORANGE COUNTY'S noon:. 20 x 40 swi.Jn poa1 • CHINESE ELMS Open til Sold 1-5 Daily WE SELL A HOME LARGEST $79.500. Tremendous opportunity to EVERY 31 MINUTES 29l E. 17th St. 646-4494 • and Lombardy Poplars frame &11ume 7.2% loan · $182 mo. 16'x•S' thls lge 3 BR home, with Pl.Y• all. 3 Big bedrooms 2 Walker & Lee uDo 4 BR. PLAYROOM firepta .... • hmlwood 11oc ... balhl. 1onna1 ·""""· h••" LI 4 Bedt"OOms, 3~ baths on sc· Low$22di::,n ~ent A buy paneled family entertain- 7682 Edinger PIER & S P duded pt'ivate drivr. Sep. al FORTIN REALTOR ment center. Something you 8424456 or 540-5140 4 BR., 3~~ baths. Near new playyard • Family paradise ' find In most expensive hom· Newport Shores 1220 FOR SALE by Owner '.3 Bedroom, patio, garqe. Communit)' pool &: playground, 2 blka from ocean. Newport Shm'e.s. "2 Lugonia, NB 642-.3286 al _ _. ,...,,,_ 1701-A West.clW Drive es 2568 Carnegie Ave .. Col-Open Eves. Spanish on 2 lots. W I= • $54,500. Iv.,., down. N•wpo-Beach "' -•!!!!,;;;;;;;;;;.....,~..., .. 1iiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil patio wfl&e. pool. Slip for •• <.>U"""""' let;e Park, C.~t. Only $27,500 50' boe.t. Custom qualll.Y Experienced RE Better hurry, !here's a dead· l\tLUXE DUPlfX • h b ••-·· t $149 500 Salosmon line on thi s loan.· CaU now~ e OCEAN VIEW e 9 mos. old Lusk 3 BR, 2" BA home. Crpta, bltm. den, dinlnr rm, l frpla. Ne...t)t lndscpd. By owner. 644-0tll \VATERFRONT By Owner.- S42, 750. 4 BR. 2% Ba.U.. P.teny e'):tras. 428 62nd St., NB * 642--3869 in; 10 n macna ,:;;;C',~;"""' . EXCEL. aJMMISS!O>I 645-0303 TWO BEDROOMS EACH ....... 646•7171 + 546·2313 657 \V, 19th St., C.M. UNIT. DI-room. '°""' VIA UDO NORD R!~. ""'730 ""''· S<3-<1720 air heat and built-in elee-Custom Dreem Home tric kitchen. All new car· The epitome of elepnce St . -$19,600 Full Price • KtUllfDY pea. compleltly redecorat-a:racio~ family living In thl! Coldwell, lanker & Co. Onl,Y one block to CaU101ic '"" ed in and out. Divided sin-beauWul Lido Isle 5 bed-SSO Newpart CMiter Dr. Church, U1is 2 bedroom --------- gle garages, "-ell la.ndsca~ room, 4~~ bath.custom q~-Newport S.ech, C•lif. sweetie. Has lovely carpeta ed front yard, separate rear lty home by Higson. BeautI· UM700 644-2'30 and drapeli, new painl and yards. TOP v ALUE AT $27,· fully decorated with luxur-lovely tront landsca.ping. No WANT A 6o/. LOAN? 500. with Unancing avail-~us carpeting &: draperies; -$20 950-:-FULLPRICE-. back yard maintenance! Cul 3 BR hoine. lai'ge lot able. pier & slip. $225.tXXl. Call for • 1 de uc street' Atlachctl Jta-Total payment!! S1 31/n10. App't 4 Bedrooms, 2 ull btHhs. · -Askinr $Zl.950 . Plush carpets & d rap cs .rare! This charming home DAVIDSON Realty (71•1 642-8235 throughout. Double Gal'ale .. needs only 10•;,, down!!! :-.46-j•IOO Eves. 546-8169 901 Dawr Drive, Suille 120 CUl-<le-sac 1treei. \Valle to DON'T MISS IT!!! . 5\1, " G I """°"·GI no cu1t .....ie.i. WE SELL A HOME •~•· .• Ner ·Beach $100 Deposit rdundable or E.VERY 31 MINUTES S119 J\tonth pays all. R-2 lol; take over 51,4%, F1iA loan w lk & L 2 Br. home. $20,000. 211Lll* Assume 511l 0/o wilh payment. of $124"" a er ee P,,amld Ex'haogo"' .. ~,.,, Call ,.,..,. 4 · hdrm 2 Bath mooth. · OWNER • 511 % 3 ,.._ _E::,v<,.'-o""'~P:....,-,,;,·==f-' -IN ualify. ~ WE SELL A HOME 2190 Harbor Blvd. at Adam& Twnhae. H.B. $10T /mo BIG & DIRTY .?,.• ... ""' t ta! .. , ....... , EVERY 31 MINUTES 54~9491 • p.1.t.I. bit·;"' RJO, "'· ~ 1ng wan, o , paymen & Open 'Ill 9 PM · hid. f 'l °'7 i~ 5 edrm. + Pool including taxes&. .lruiurance w lk L ws ry, rec. ac1. O'\I -""' LOOK 1111:1\I 1111\0\ . . Newport leach 1200 University.Perk 123?' I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;; I 3 BE CROOMS & DE~ HOLMWOOD DR. with rovered patio, firep~. HOME laundry roorn, double a.J· Cozy &-cheerful 2 bclnns.. lachC!d garage and lots '"°" dlnin, nn., frplc. Garage on can be yours for only $32, .. alll'.'y. Large fenced y&rd. , •. Join u.s for lots of ID· Now vacant. Asking $25.oo.' mer fun. Summer rec:re.t· ~Ci)~ tio~rogram.~ ror.c~ 7~ ~.: ...... r:iied'.""mmmg.h1·1.~ Near Npt. Pott Ok. 646-2414 I View Lot REALTY i 18068 Culver Dr., Irvine j OPEN 9 AM-8 PM ~ $30,000-~~ ~~ic~' Located in Col· a 7!~\nger ee '1'fi+'_1.sp Costa Me1e .1 100 This 2000 flq 1t Bar Harbor 842-4455 or S40-5140 home needs 110me paint &t Open Eves. Spanish Style wlth ncw 4 bedroom 3 ba!h Eestbluff 12@ rofbo1v g~. But what a + room /or tennis oourl, --------- bargain. Owner says sell • B/8 HOW'S YER OLE Formf'r model home ocetJ. pool, boars &t trailer. FHA or VA temu available. ORANGE COUNTY'S ATRIUM? Plllkrod 7 monodthsL •3•tbdrmlll looks, Della Real E5ta1e &l&-4414 Bi~~~F~~I LARGEST LOOKING? r a m e Call today. .. ... 11 find It for you•. l bath.'!, lqe family room BAYFRONT MOBILE Must sell View end unit "C · -3 E 17th St ~L .... ,... ""' New listingt Beautifu HOME ptao w/1950 ... ft.~ BR'• e £., • • _._" WSTING'. 4 bd · 1 & kitchen eall .. areL Fin--. rm. 1.mg e story Re· 2 Br ba l'L ha, BA' d1 .. 1,_ Upgre4. 4 BEDROOMS we'U sell It for you! public Horne with gar· ished &. carpeted garage. · ca na, n frplc, eel 'im:~~1;\;1.,'ean MJi. Sl'OP in' and aee us! Twenty den atrium entrancf'. Super clean & new 1ooklng. avail boat allp, adlt section. WIUte 6~ or 675-S'IU ORANGE COUNTY'S No Down YA ,, • .., ,.-.l'ience In New-All 1 t k't h h. Custom wall paper. <;arpets Comm!Jnlty clubhoUBC, pool. ~ .. -e ec 1 c en, ig & drapes Full price $28 950 game area, etc. \Viii trade evc11. Owncr/agt. I LARGEST This Is a quality home with port Harbor area qualify us ram. 1111., lop -lclscpe, · ' · ,up or down lor furn 0, ""~ e NEW B. LUFFS e cement driveway & shake 10 ~crve you successfully: low price $35,500. A.'l!lume low int.ereet FHA ... ,. 193 E. 17th St. ~-94-tool. Only 3 ~ars old. Sell· Bay & Beach loan • $215/mo pays every-furn Laguna Leisure World 2 Br. 2 Ba split level. M~ ~ ---· er wilJ pay aU buyer's cloti-lhing. CALL 540.1151 I.Jeri· or hillside Orange Co. custom fcaturcs, all elec. Bri9ht & ChHrful ing oost!'i & v.·iU give you Ree lty,.lnc. Inge Real Estatl' (open eves) llome. 54&-~733~1==~~ etc. Lo\v~st maint. &t lcue:. \lo•lll be this lovely large J\1esa $100 to move 91!.I Dover Dr .. NB ~ulte 126 UN BEL I EVEABLE Ex-hold. J\IUST SEU. • BY Verde Colonial home in a $44-9521 or , 540-6631 645-~ Eves. 54&-ti966 -Golden Opportuni;:y-] BDRM •• $20,950 ecutivc 4 BR horn!'.' in O\YNER. Call Dick Dyer J&i.. COATS ~WA~C! • RliAL TORS can you live in a restful 2 BR home for less than rent 1' You can if you purchase this 4 unit + home estate in Eastsidc C.OSta Mesa. week or so when complete J K N• h 1 G.J. no down. FHA mini· Ba)'Clftt. fantastic reduc-5J3.4458 ext 401 or 673-Sm. ~t~ra~~~~ ~in~mi • • IC 0 S In~!~!~ !~~nM!"!!'kc ~:' :O~~;n ~.~r:~ ~~ 81~:~~~~~ill :~ !';;~~ ~m~~'. ~ke:::. 1a family room. Anthony pool· owr this 1ow lntel'l!lst GI !lleeper. Deep Pile carpet~ 2nd TD-submit down. Near 1 -"-·"'°=~°'=··.,,......,""'"'.;,50:....,.~-!.;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I farm style kitchen -etc, Va-Reeltor loan with only $1.000 down waU t wall throughout. SU· shopping. Costa J\tesa-Npt. OWNER'S NEW 4 BR. CUSTOM BUILT Spac. 2 Br., den • library; lrpl., 2 Ba., + 11ep. house for income. Corner loc., 2 R-2 Iota. Owner will finance: $69,000. -~s4 .. 1..,4141- t0poti -.. , cant about 6126, Open to 1iiiiiiiiiiiiii0iiiiiiiii&iiiiil h R al rn ~'' Jl bo Vic ff 3 ba' 1• payment. Just put on t c per-brick patio oft family e ty .... ...._, 642·22'21 ar r w ome, s, <1ffcrs! MUST SELL market • 5hould go thi& room. llua:c !Al! Many more I -,-s"T°'o"'R'"Y,::..:4-5.:,':::c.bd::.,::, • .::3:::.ba-th !Iv rm. dln rm, fam rm, 1860 Newport Blvd._ CM Rltr. 646-3928 Eve. 54o.oos8 $46·~0 , week. St>e today. extras for till! price of home \Vonderfu l care, many bai', Jr. kit, 2 frplcs, \V/w (narcinerrlttllMt) 5 .... ~rmab, 1 3 11\lbbatlh Bayiv'"'1u5l WE SELL A HOME $24.950. HURRY! ex t r a 5 , L 0 v 1ng1 y crptg drps, yard &: many lmmed. Possession Lachenmyer LLEGE REALTY r1<1rue u y van e · EVERY 31 MINUTES WE SELL A HOME landsc,.pec1. Too large tor roxtra.s: 6.9 1 in an c in g. ISOO Acllinslltwrt.'.,CM. Moving East. Make otter & L EVE Ru 31 MINUTES 6<4-4044 Oran1e Coast P roperty 332 Marvuerlte 67J.-8550 3 BR 2 baths ,fire.place, C"ar- peta, dnpe1, built-ins, dou- ble 1usge. $23.1SO. Wells-Mc:Cardle, Rltr1. 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. WESTCLIFF AREA- HlGSON CONSTRUCTION CO. $26,400 548-1129 anytime 4 bedroom. 2 batr..s. Luxury .built-in kitchen, new refri&:· erator. Room for pool. 540-1720 J\1edalllon Home Builders DIAL d.lftCt 6C2-5673, Olarge )'OtU' ad, then sit back and Ulten to the phone-rill(! TARBELL 2955 H•rbor Gontrol 1000 Gonorol S@\\~}A-J&£~s· . Soloe •Sim pl< Scmmb!•d'WMd Pwzl< for• chuok!t IFYCAN I IHITOS I "::'.:1 ::1::::::r:::::1:::.~ •• A .. ~~~'°'!! .... has -ILAXHEE I •.. , • I I I' ,. I G "-"'" '" d>tdlo """'"' hr """" lo tho ~--• )'OU dnWop ll"Ofll ftp No. 3 below. e PJt~~~s~~!~~s UTTERS IN r I' I' I' I' r I 0 u~~"c;";:l'.t"~~E iimu I I I I I . I I 1000 SCRAM·LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIRCATION 8100 • A Id & Fr d W I k , us, just right for you! Make I ~~==-~..,,.~--mo eu a er ee w lk & L orr". ""· & wknd. 30.1 E. BLUFFS -3 BR. 3 BA 3'8E.17thSt.,C>! . . a er ee 22nd w/Bayvl•w oo wld< Realton 646-'TlaS 2043 Westchft Dr. l =R=E=P-u=B-Ll-C~H-o_m_c_.-8-moo-greenbelt.Steps to poo I . Walk to The S.•ch l-;====m:====~::::==~1:646-:';;Tl~l~liiiiiiiiiiii~Op<=o::_:E~v~"~· 1 7682 Edln1er Id 2 L'u1t. additions. Ste a I ba I' 8424455 or 540-5140 o . atory, 4 BR, 3 BA, S44 5IXI Owne. 644-4265 3 BR. den, 2 th borne. BEACH HOME BACK BAY Open Eves. fam rm., retreat. rm. 3 car ' · r You <1wn the land. Vacant, l,....,...,.;.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; I gorage. Mesa Verde Car IMMACULATE DUPLEX :l-3 quick occupancy. $0,SIXI 1 2-Sty, 3 Bdrms. 2 Baths 1 n .... 1· l + 4 !•~ BR Corne '· t d LEIGIITON LINDEN RL-', CHECK THIS , " .__..e JV ng room -&e &o.t/T II p k" lot; .$43,500. By Owner. . r. cwse o Li o ,,-i:, FURNISHED • : :: :::·sl5.000! bdrm1, 2~1 baths,'fam. rm. MESA ;:L 1~ARar ~~r ~54=&-<,,,:.•:c"==~· ~----center. $4.9,500 • owner wiU 642-TI41 or 673-0372 CAYWOOD REALTY Vac~nt &: ~dy ~rbocc~~n-home. Neat 4 & family room MESA VERDE corner lot. 3 flnanct . Principals only. SHORECLIFF 3 BR. 2 BA. 6306 w Coast }fwy NB · cy. l'ar. ys u · or possession B/l /'69. $29,IJO, lg. BDRM, 1'4 Ba, familY l --=~!1754=~==~=~ Quiet tree lined area by ' " · · lease option. H. Full Id • drpd 2 MOBILE HOME l'",000 sea. Fee simple. Acceas to 541-1290 JEAN SMITH, 1 10 ,., down or submit. rm. y er .,. . !-'> fireplaces, awerH patio. Baytront on Peninsula beaches. Under $50,000. By R It 546·51110 .,....,o G'bral'· CM. 675--3808 6'1fN22S owner. * ~I No Down GI ea or (MlfcinelNttaeaM) ""'"' I wr, I =,,.....;;:..=::o•c..:;::..::=,,,.:·'=-646-3255 LLEGE REALTY S2G.!m Owner. 546-2626 BY Owtler-usume 5'~~. LGE. hilltop lot. Penn. vie :l!'"""'ll:::;:i"i'~~j"""'' I ~~:;mi:~itlilii:;";;"':""':·Cll: I * BY OWNERrPOOL. 3 F.utbhitt Lusk 3 br, 'l ba, <1f ocean a: bills .. 4 bdrm + family room. $183 BR •-d x ' -LR. tam rm $42,500 644-0309 Realtor 6'T3-2010 per mo pay11 all or FHA or Nursery School ' crp~. t'PL ·-• 1 p;.~=·.;.;~;.·,.;.;;,.;:=.=o.::...~.;.;=;;;,.:==;...~ .. "· ti I 5 led $22 450 Low malnt yrd. $00,500. ~n .. o °"" · POTENTIAL 3 BR 2 bath room 1 * 6'6-2895 * . $21 ,950 home, ~r lot, 13Cbl:180' Can't ~t the prlcC bn this RAND RL TY. 64>2340 all ten~. cat Uor details. large family home, Ooee to NEWPORT HGTS. Bania.,..... •hoppl .. """ """"· Yo" $19 500 -a -if OWN the Ian<{. Auume low BY O\VNER • Low intere1t 51'-6 ~~'i-C 1tg tnnaterrable loans. All 3 BDRM's, l-E side, 2 W side. 548-1009 • 6<2-6060 lntc,...l looo wilh ooly·ll,200 Loveb area. Spaclo~ bed· ANFRONT total c • • h and $153 per 2500' 9 rm home + apt I room•, Wood burn'"" litt· OCE , · h · !pl pool 138 700 -Santa •-· mont pays pnnc: c and in· · . · """· ........ place. Copper plum bins. 2 3 BR home on e)Ccellcnt lert":ll, CR_ll NOW!! Ave. 646-2544, ~ car !.,..arqe. Mature trees. beach! SSC,950 WE SELL A HOME BY Owncr: 4 bdr. enlarged 540.lisv • OiOrfl'Willlam son E"ERY 31 MINU TARBELL 295S Horbo' REALTOR •· TES Freedom "°""· C..rnu tot W I k & L Movl"", 6'6-9778 ,.,,, EXECUTIVES "3-<J50 Ev ... S73-J56< a er ee movhl&" to Nt!wport 81'.'ach. --2m w I JIU D New tvan Wells' quality NEW HOMES .,.. cs c r, view home ln Dover Shorn. Ea.stslde CO.la ~1esa, From G16-Till Open Eves. Le 4 bdnn1 3 ba fam nn. $28,500. On\y 2 lcit! 3 BR. l DUPLEXES See models open d.a.Uy at OPEN DAILY On adjolnlng tee lot&. 2 BR. 100 Cab.xJ Drtve. &t&-1550 %W8 Santa Ant Ave. OUTDOOR PARADISE (8'l. 23nl " Santa I~) <L apL Nr. OctAO " bay. Total price $1Ga,(O). $23,JOO "2-3960 EV<t. 64Ulll6 Bolboo RHI E1toto Co. Beat the heat In I~ l•l"I' Vacant J BR/Fa m Rm 700 E. Ba.Jboa Bl.Yd., Balboa C"OVered patio • Cascading ..... • 673-4\40 • wattrfall '= BBQ, 3 bla btd· Nr. We.stcllff Shop. ~nter ~~~"'\!!I!!!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!• I rooms, flreplaee. :t'Ull din-l% ba, newly palnttd Inlet-DREAM LOCATION • Ing room. Sprinklers. 54().1720 tor & exterlor, 11 bdrms. fttove In oond. Spacious 3 BR. 1_T_A_R_l _E_L_L_29_S5_H_o_r_bor_ ~~~~df1)t~~~~rs;,f; 2 BA:. WeslCIUt 1hop'1 area . CHARGE )'UUl' want ad now. • EZ ttnnL Owner.·$30.950. 548-9500 nnd It with a WMt Id! P.W.C. 54&-M40 DAILY PIU1J' WANT~! ,Mon dtl Mo r 11 OS MAKEMORE~M D<lluxe. 11potleu 4 It den. Bob 0180n Rltr. M8-65MI Met• Verdi 1110 ASSUME !1% loan on PulchritudJnow 4 Bedroom home net?' tchools A Solf coune. Elllelent ktteben, fomll)< room. lrplc, 2 covtitd pat.lor, sprl.ilkJu 1yatem, 5 fnrit tnf5 admla1 \ovt'J,Y landACRptng. Priced to .w.11 at $271500 by owner. S«J.3642 ' Small classified ads cJoa bi sJfung job. Try onel Piion• 642-5678 • • • . . • \ I I l ! I \ I 1 ! I I I I ' "' : .--i ;',• .: '~..: ... ~ .. ·.·:~~::::•::: ' . .. .. . , _, .-'I I " •• • . . . . . ' . -. ~ ·~ .. • ' DAIL T PILOT MOlld11, -""' 2J, 198'1 lllliimllllii----------------.. , HOUSES FOR SAl.E HOUSES l'OR SAi,I HOUSIS l'Olt SALi RENTALS RENTALS lllNTAU. • f I' 11 The Kind Of Woman Who Gets What She Wants ••• Because I'm Jhe Kind Of Woman Who's Smart Enough Jo Use DAILYi PILOT Classified '.Advertising Ber.eve me1 there's nothing •round our home anymore that isn't being used -because the minute I d iscover something is no longer needed, I soil ii, while ii still has maximum value, through an inexpensive DAILY PILOT Clossifiod Ad. That woy, instead of • clutter of things we don't use, I hove the extra cash that lots mo hove the newer things .... the "extra" things my whole family enjoys. Here's wh•t I mean. The c .. ~ I got for the good clot~es 1n<I lrys the c~ildren hod outgrown bought me tho ilocor1lor lomp I'd been wanting. lb musical instrument no one played paid for • big put of our portable stereo unit. The power tools redecorated our daughter's room, And1 just for the fun of ii, the good choir that just didn't moloh anything onymore took my husbond Md me out for o fabulous. d inner at the fanciest restaurant in town. Go throug~ your home. Mako e fist of oD the worthwhile tltin91 you find that oron't being used. (You'll be surprised it the number you tum up the first time.) Then, dial 642-~71 •ny limo between 8 a.m. end 5 p.m. end give your t.st to • friendly, experienced Ad Writer. Thet's el there is to it. It's inerpensive tool It can corl you as little 11 PENNIES A DA YI w.a. now tltot you know my secret -isn't it limo you got lfrrled toword bettor, easier, hippier fiving with DAILY PILOT 0.uified Ads? Ster! being the kind of WOITllll who gels Whit she wants tod1y! Cal1Now642-5678 ' Coron• rlel Mer 1250 ~RDTO FIND But worth the ettortl Bnlad- moor Hort'lel, 4 Bdrm., 2% b&thl, $65,to). OPEN DAILY 1-5 2700 WA VECREST Delancy Real E1t1te :?828 E. Coaat Jlwy, CdM 67>-3)70 OCEAN VIEW Choice C.Orona HlJIUan<U 3 BR. 2 Ba. You own the land! A buy al $44,ro'.I. CORBIN-MARTIN Realtors 3036 E. Cout llwy., CdP.1 • 675-1662 • DUPLEX, nr. ocean. 2 BR. 2 BA + l BR. & ha. t.ge. lot. privacy. Rllr 671-:mD Hunllrigton . -h 1400Hunll'llf0n lloech 1400 MODERN LIVING New &omes, ready lo move In, ~ mile ltom beach. First payment up lo 60 day• alter move in. ' T1rm1 VA/~HA. from $:12,900 The Beach (on Brookhurst 1 mlle South of Adams I 962. 1353 Hunll"lllon Beach 1400 Logun1 S..ch 1705 Ho-Fumllhed ~pit. Furnished AP!!= Unfuml- SW.w1•r lent1lt 2910 Coot• -4100 C--SIOO LIDO lilt --L-5 Bjl-.. 4 $30.QO wk. up ha. hom<'. ploT • 1119, July e• Da1, -'!l""lh. A .t.ua. $Z500 Ptr Mo. • Studlo • BM!h. Aptl. • BROKER m.183(1 e Inc.I UW. A Phone smr. CHOJCE N. Lqwia klc. 2 e Maid Suvict. TV avail. BR frpl a:ar walk bch/ • New Caf.e lt Bar to~n. Mo' or wk 497-1056 eve 2376 Newport Blvd. 548-Sm be11. NICE I BR Dplx. Quiel Sep AENTALS by 1araae1. Adult, OVt'r 30. HoUMS Untvrnl1heif No pets. 548-l02'1 LGE furn bach apt. $125, 1 ·Ge=-.. -.-.,:-----,3000--1 ~~July lat 53J866 Mr. FREE RENTAL BOOK Newport Be h 4200 We have another beautiful J IC HARBOR GREENS BACl!ELOR IJNFlJIUI, from $110 ALOO AVAILABLE 1.2i:3BDRM. ilea ted Poot,, Oilld Care Center, Adj. to Sbopplna -· No pet& llllowed 2700 Peb!noD Way, 1t Har- bor I: Adams, Costa Mesa 54&<!370 Bedroom, 2 Bath horru! for SINGLE y.~ Adu.Its Lwr;. ~ * EXCLUSIVE * lease at $179 per month, All ury garden apts with coun.. TRADE YOUR HOMs: Beaut. property, new of-electric Medallion home. try club almollphere and CONSTRUCTION Regardless of how much ferlng! R-2 Lndscpd. lot Available JUly lat. complete pnv· """· SOUTII equ.ity . you have, on this w I k 9_ L ~ Lido l1le 1351 s~pe:r sh8;?,..:wo-stlocyd,' witth :m 1:~~: to~cd Dr~.R~ a er fZ ee ~y Nc;wpoUB rt~h~ at -;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; J windine s ........ ase ea mg o • 4 Muter Sized Bedrooms. w/lpl., din. mi., lge. kitch. 7682 Edln&er (Tit} 645--0550 JUST COMPLETING CASH BUYERS I BaJcoity overlooking formal Bricked patio. Few steps to ~or 540-5140 BACH. apt. Ocean view; n\tT Harbor Heights Four 5~'7o LOANS! dinlfll room with thick shag Diver's Cove. $140,(0) -Open Eves. area; priv.; gar. 1 ad.It. $US ~~ ~e~e~n- Sharn 2 Br. & tam. $55,000 carpeting. Stunning fire-Ternu possible. See this! FOR lease -El Toro, 2 sto"" Util pd, M8-re04 " -• 'IA"~'" < ROPP •.r 3117-A Cinnamon Ave. ($23.700 Loan) place, or try $5,000 Down auu " ~ · 4 BR, 2 bath, w/ bltn l...ARGE 1 BEDROO'I •~ 000 •nt.-•n I t t CI 2ll Ocean Ave. 494-1021 ,_, -"-" Costa Mt1e Chann 4 BR. I: den. -· uuu:: OVt'r ww n eres "'""'""'""'""'""'!''""'""'"I .... twn::n. trplc, cov patio, $150 month. yearly ($29.600 Loan) loan. Asking $35.SOO Submil. fenced yard. 2 car gar. ** ~ * * (1 block west of Harbor Blvd LIDO REAL TY INC. WE SELL A HOME 3'h ACRES Avail July 15 at $240 mo.I========= 2 blocks south ol the 3400 Via Lido 673-88.10 EVERY 31 MINUTES Undeveloped land. City of 837-2103 aft 5. Corona del Mar 4250 SaPh:!0~0)i» 1 "''ls~1~N'!G~L'=E!"l':1N~K~1~N:l!o:""" Walker & Lee ~::a~:w~~d ~~ NEAR BEArn 4 BR 2 ba. coZY" 2 BR 1-1 Grou00i""""'""'""'""'""'"""""'""1 into 13 lots. Price $40,000; w_lw cpts, tncd ~· lg floor. Nr. she;;~. Furn. SPACIOUS, CLEAN 3 Bn Spacious 3 Bel. 2 Ba. 69' Cor-7682 Edinger dtn/klt combo .. lg 1 liv rm $175. Adults onl no ts studio. Nu w/w cpts, drpg, ner tot + separate 1 or 2 842-4455 or 540-SliO 29% On. A re-al al.eeper. w/lrplc. Bet 2 shop cntrs, Hal Pinchin :· A:: 0 e . elec bHns, 21ii4 ba. Qulet Bd. apt. -2700 sq. ft. Pvt. Open Eves. MISSION RLTY. 494-0731 $235 mo. be. 968-4541 aft 6 675-4392 area. Nr Fwys. Adults.-no g~~'C:. ~Ei~·:~U)' ~L~l~S~T'""'y_ou_r_p-ro_po_rty-o--=::=::=::=::::=::=::=::=::=~ J $160. 2 BR. 11,i b a . . ---pets. 549-a4.12 eves &: wnds 3355 Via ·Lido 673-9300 with confidence 90°/o LOAN townhowle. ~ec, new shag Balboa 4300 LG 2 BR 111.i b a t b s. carpets. Child 0 .K. Bkr. cpts/drps, Sharp! Qoge to LOTS OF ROOM SELL with profes-with 71,i'/o interest on thla 534-6980 l & 2 BDRM apt.s. $165 & OCC &: So. Coast P!ua. Custom quality 3 Br .. on 51' sional slclll beautiful 3 BR, 180' ocean LOVELY 3 BR, 2 BA, xlnt $200 yearly. Anita, Jones l'~/mo. Call M<-. Gm-· I 3 Ca THR UGH view home. Call now for de-"f" ..... street to street ot. r 0 cond. Many extra•. $275 per Realty. 613-6210 835-4422 Bier. g • -South P•tlo· YOUR 'tails. A steal at $43.500. ~_,,"-~~=--~-I gara e. 1.45e, • mo. Fnccl yard. Nr Harbor --= nr. clubhouse&: tennis cts. REAL TOR MEMBER j !P!E!R!R!O!N~~!64~2·!1!n!l~I High. 646-ll89 lido Isle 4351 IMMAC. 2 BR, cyll/drps, '"" ~ Call r pp't -';i~-i;;i-:ii'i::;-;;:=== I~-:::::::::::=::::--::::--blt-ios, beamed c e i 1 l n r. WALKER Rlfy.a67S.5200 Huntlngfon Beach/ n~. 3 BR older fixer upper. WATERFRONT APT. Quit'!. Adults. No pets.$1.15 Fountain Valley San Juan Stove, refrlg, fenced yard. SUMMER RENTAL & $140. 1974 Wallace. LIDO l BR & den. At. Multiple Capistrano 1720 Bkr. 534-69IKI ~ NEW 2 bdr apt. East-side tractive. Owner will carry Llstlrvi Service I========= b . large loan, 71ii;% $47,500. ... ESTATE SALE C Mesai 31 ... . crpts. drps, uilt-ins, dsh- phil Sullivan. "48-<761 Q SUNSET osta 00 Huntington Beach 4400 .... ·asher. Encl. gar, priv. Casitas Capistra.nb 2 bdr 2 -r 642-6257 $58,500. 4 BR. 3 baths, 2 BEACH ba. A/C drps & crpts. Phone 2 BR Self-contalned unit. 2 BR Furn ap t \V/frplc, pa io. story, bit-in kitchen & color REAL TY estate, administrator eves: $135. Manager at 2278A, bltns, 1% blk to ocean. Mesa Verde 5110 TV. Asswneable 51ii;% loan. 16897 Coast Highway 493-1911 days: 714-252{1 Placentia I\ v e., CM. Newly dee & crptd, also 2 -.;.;;:.;;._;..cc_ __ ..;:..'-" * 673-n76 64&-5637 ~r call ( 1 14) BR split level crpts, drps, 2 BR, \V/\V crpt'g, drapes. Sunset Beach Duplexes For Sile 1975 49&-3812 bltns. Cpls preferred. 7'l2 Al: bltns. Near shopping Huntington Beach 1400 (213) 431..4021 J BR. plus den, frpl., bltns, 3rd St., HB. 536-&21 early center. S135 mo. Adultl on- OLD HOUSEBLUES?? f'IUPLEX $.55,lkXI 6%% In-dishwasher; cpts., drps, am. Jy. 642-2389 FROM THE PAGES OF A DECORATOR MAGAZINE terest. 514 Fernleal, CdM. $200 Mo. 295 Del ltlar * l BR at beach. Adults °""========! Last year, at this time, dur-S. of hwy. 6T.Hi044 Brok~. fi4&-7S84 only, Lease. Newport Beach 5200 ing our Record Week. we RENTALS &Old 15-l homes. \Ve're going SMALL l BR. OOt •• util 21915lh St., HB GROUND floor duplex fami- to top that record during the Houses Furnish.cl furn. Elderly cpl or middle NEW $3XI up. 1-2-3 Br, ht? ly preferred. 3 BR, '2 BA, last "·eek in JUJJ(', Call us aged lady. S175 mo. Call alt & sauna ~Is, rec rm. Heil near beach. S250 mo. YeArly now, so yOl'r home can be Rentals to Shire 200S 5 p.m. wkd~ 642-3216. &: Algoqu1n. Mgr 84&-3137 leasc. Gar, patio, crpls, oneottheluckyones. GAL. 3:1, share 2 BR, 2 ha 3 BR home 1% baths, 2 car drps, 5009 River A ve. Thal's y,•here you'd e:<· WE SELL A HOME apt with same. Pri pat, garage, covered pat Io, Garden Grove 4610 546-6264 pect to find this outstand· EVERY 31 MINUTES JX>Ol, niceyl furn. H B $200/mo. Agt. 546-4141 SINGLE Young Adults Lux· 'N~~E~A~R-~W~E~s=r~C~L~l F=FI ing special home decoral· Walker & Lee 968-3193 3 Br, 2 Ba, epts, drps, bltns, ury garden apts with coun-delighUul, lgc. 2 Br. garden ed by one of Am.-rica's HAVE 5 BR 3 balh house, $'l60. Includes gardener. try club atmosphere and apt. Couple pref.; rorry, no loremost designers, Ham-"•" r::<>•• ilton-Howe. This brand 76.S2 Edinget furn. Want mature man to ~ complete privacy. SOUTH pets, no chUdren. $160 Mo. new 3 bedroom, lorn\er 8-U-4455 or 5'fil.5140 share $165/mo includ. util. VERY nice 2 bedroom, fenc· BAY CLUB APTS. 13100 Hal Pinchin & Assoc 6/;>-092 l'l'KICk!l home is really Open Eves. 549-2623 or tH6-lo.lS ed yard, available J une 25. CHAPMAN Ave., Garden GOLD Medallion, 2 BR 2 ba, "fumed on" with decora-GIGANTIC l child ok. 54S-0701 Grove (714) 636-3030 cpts, drps, patio. $165 & $175 tor design extras like ex-SHORE CREST HOME Costa Mesa 2100 Lse. 4132 Hilaria. Way Ph. · s 1 h t ,. I• Ntwport •·och 3200 Logune Beach 4705 2131981-7039. pensive pan s 3 BR 2 stories & outstanding SINGLE House. Reasonable. ue -~~=--~=--: fioors. exclusive wood w/w lhru ouL You can take ?ifiddle-aged or older lady. DUPLEX a,.ctil/July 1. 3 br, lOO CLIF'F DRIVE DELUXE upper, 2 BR, new- wall treatment and pan-over ll ·67'-GI Joan with a 379 Hamilton 2 ba, bltns, Incl. dshwshr. &: Two bedroom furnished ly dee, ~~· .. ~S. yrly. ellng, built.in bookcases, low down payment -I: we I========= frpl. 1 block from beach. All Dcluxc Features 675-0753 or ~· wall paper with a wallop. will help you wi1h the down Mesa Verde 2110 673-1758 or (213) 242-9378 Walktng Distance to Beach ======='" 5 = 2 = 5 = 0 1 carpets, draperies. ltL'sh payment if you are short of ;-;=-;;oo-::::=-;:--.::-= I $225 _ Yearly lease Corona del Mer landscaping, sprinltlen, funds. Walk to the ocean or NEW 5 BR home, adjacent to 3 BR., E-Z walk to beach l =:.:=-4!94-~2~44~9~==~;:liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiil and air conditioning. An-stay home in a beautUully Mesa Verde Country Club. Cpts, drps, bltrui. S250 Mo. other added plus: you landscaped back yard. Avail now \vilh lease to Sept Yrly lsc. Rltr. 54S-1290 Sl'UDIO apt y,•/gar suitabl~ ... ; can walk to the beach. Rex L. Hodges, Rlty. 5, 1969. $500 mo. Call --fo1 artist's studio, Souih (Sb Near evecything in New-847•2525 633-9393 ext 188 or wknds Newport Heights 3210 l..&gUna. 4'J9-23.14 fl,. 11rt• port • Balboa -Lido. Ex-213: 45&-2362 I -. --- cellent financing avail-*CREAM PUFF* 3 BR fam nn 2\'a ba, vu, ''' ... I #4L:i. bl d MS. ;-1y 2200 LeaS<', ref, avail July 1. Apts. Unfurnished ON TEN ACRES a e an a SWll "'.. Assume this 5% 'ia FHA loan. Newport Beach 833--0104 1 & 2 BR. Fum & Unfum low price of just $34,990! SISO mo PITI, 4 BR, 2 BA, =========IGenerial 5000 Frplcs I prlv. pa.Hoa/Pools. Won't last long -m~ DOVER Shores b a y f r o n t ----------T ,_ Con 1 ,,_ . and njoy th tam rm F.P., F.A dr•P"• ho 6 BR • ba I Newport Shorn 3220 enn... . tnt Baal pul· 1n now e e sum· ·1 B ilt . ·· ; me, , .. , arge • RENT • m.r .(the h<ach. 968-1997 new crp s. u ·In range Gt t' 70' . I d k June -~--------Ung gret'!'I. oven; dish'M'. Outdoor Bar-pa 10• pnva e oc · \VTRFRNT 3 bl'. 2 lia cus 3 Rooms Furniture 900 Se>a Lane, CdM 644-26ll •!!B!!"'~-~~~~~~!!!!'i B-Que on cov patio. C.or. lot & J uJy, $2500 mo. Beg. hm. Pool, ten. club. $325 lse. (MacArthur nr. Coast Hwy) I •--1 l N'-ly I ..... Sept., yrly lse, UCKXI mo. Op • ,, ..., """ 62nd St $20 • $25 & UP 5 BEDROOM w ~ .. " ~' "~-213' 780-5013 °' 213 ' n ~,~, ~ ' ·NB scaped; Orange trees. S26,950 Month-TC»~tonth Rentals SO OF H\VY, 3 BR, cp~ REST HOME By Owner. 842-1656 785-63.lJ B .. •.< __ k Bey 3240 WIDE SELECTION drps, gar, nr mkt & bch. I~--":"'":"'~ ... ,..,..,... OCEANFRONT Older 4 Br, Appliances & TV's avail. $250 Jsc. Adults, no pets. Present owner has property RARE GEMi Le: Yd, Yrly, $300 mo. 2 Bdr unfrn. duplex No Security Dcposit 675-0845 rented <1ut a.!l a rest home 67' -'bl du!'-HF c Fu · "-I ~-~~~~----! ' ' Villa Pacific Condominium, ............,,. teSPof'ISI e a ..,,, R m1ture '""'nta s 2 BR 2 8'\ Swedish '-le with an annual ncome 0 • l sto"" 3 BR model, clO"" LOVELY 3 BR. -anlront $145/mo 642-9139 517 \V 19th CM 548-3481 · ' .. .., · you \von't believe it. but its •3 ~ horn•, •v•il. fo• ,,".:'y' & A""·,"'======== · • lmn1ac & cute. 2 yrs old. to pool, Jots of extras. As-, u _ 1 3250 1568 W. Lncln. Anhm 774·2800 S220 mo. 57;1-5720 S9600 per year or S800 per swne existing 6%% FHA REALTOR. 675-1642 Corona del Mar mo. The price -$28,SOO - loan balanee $23,150 • $237 ---------1 Wow! monthly pays aU • Balboa Island 2355 2 BR liouse, excellent cond. VEN DOME Balboa 5300 ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 644-4494 Beautiful Tri·P~ Just off Beach Boulevard cloSf! to shopping. Let the tenants make your pa.y- ments. Income Is $365 mo. Elecll'ic Built ins, carpelli throughout. Sonic furniture. Priced 10 sell at $35.500. Submit Your tenns to WE SELL A HOME EVERY 3! MINUTES Walker & Lee 7682 Edinger 842-445.1 or 540-5140 Open Eves. NEAR BEACH Only $25,950/5V4•4 loan Lovely 3 bdnn 2 ba, newly painted. Also VA no do"r'I or FHA low down, HAFFDAL REALTY 8740 Warner, F.V. 842-4405 RANCHO LA CUsrA. Tile TOOf. Open beam ceilings. 3 BR, 2 BA, formal din., tam, rm. many extru. \Valk to beach. By Owner $31,900. Asllume low fllA 6% 'Al !J6Z.0029 4 BR, 3 BA. tge kitch, fam. rm w/fpl, fully dtp'd &r. cpt'rl, den, llv rm, dbl gar, pallo, shade garden. Make otter to owntr. Call 847-3819 afternoon or eve. OWNER'S vacant 3 BR 2 balh. 5% ~ FHA loan. $12lfmo. l.lllCr.l Isthmus (nt Adams&: lot•gnolla). ~ BY OWNER - 4 Bedroom. 3 t.lh. llreplaoe. n e a r IChoole.. Call 968-S7S3 for aP90lntmen1. PrinclPttll only. CONOO~ON1Uflt 3 on. cp(I. drpJ, rtfri;erator, bH in'a. $17.CMXI. 8.»-2ll4 Pri $29 500 Married couples & no "' ' . h"ld ••= * ~ 3~1 IMMACULATE APTS•. GRAOOUS adult I l v I n g . PacUic Shores Realty l BR, Yrly or wntr Maturc,:'='="'="~·=-=m='·=="'~""'=~:i ADULT & FAMILY Spac. 2 BR, 2 BA, walk·in ~ or 847-8S86 person. 213 I 671-33TI or IH , closets. Bay & ocean view, 673-5777 wknds., unttngton Beach 3400 SECTIONS AV ~fl.ABLE pool &. boat slips. 673-3003 JUST LISTED Close to shopp1n9. Perk -"""'--"~~=:c.:.c:..:=:... • •·nto Ano Heights 2630 2 BR, nr park, some appl, *Spacious 3 Br's 2 Ba l & 2 BDRM apts. $165 & BR Ml'adow home $30,500. ~ w/w, drps, No pets. For * 2 Bedrooms ' $200 yerly. Anita, Jones Very sharp, clean, well cared J BDRM furn h~ with cor-appt., aft 6. 213: ~7882 * Swint Pool, Put/green Realty. 673-6210 lor h o m e. Has many many, many extras. Priced ral. All util paid. Sl45. Call 3 BDRM, 1% ba, 2 ml Iron1 * Frpl, Indiv/lndry rac'ls \VRY below market. Must i="'~&-034==7=. ====== beach. $210 monlh on yearly 1845 Anaheim AVe. Balboa lsl1nd 5355 set'! lease. SJG-7144 OOSTA MESA &l2-2824 NE\V 2 BR apt. Elec sclf Summer Rentals 2910 F 1 V II 3 • clean'g ovrn, d sh w h r , lfmJTilllll_13fllM HBAARYBFORRONIST. ount1 n a ey 410 3 :r.B2E~i~J'!~~~~ ~2&1 :~hcrold""c 'and· f1J.~c~-'crpLt<t, i.m T"!!im11r' 4 BR &: den. w/w crptg & 2 Br. l Ba. unfum ... , $215 .... .,... n r ............. , .1 • ==~==--~==~ 14 Bdrm. & maid's; pier & ceramic tile thru..out, 23XI 3 Br 2 Ba.. den furn •. $350 tie. ~N Isl. Boat ~king POOL TIME IS HERE •l.ip. Avail. July & Aug. sq. ft. $775 per mo. 968-2550 1 Br. 1 Ba unt~rn $200 J>rl\' · 0 pcts, no c ildren. · · '··' Refs req. $350 mo. 673-3.128 Heated & filtered Anthony $2500 Per month CONDO. 3 Br. Deluxe crpts 3 Br. l Ba. furn ...... $2751==='======'1 hapoo.1; Super stw'p 3 bdrms. Dover Shores Bayfront I: drps. Dshwht. Pool. BURR WHITE _Huntington Bei ch 5400 ,,,.WOQd floors, freshly s Bclnns., pier slip, avail. 968-4968, ii no ll11S 646-0474 REAL~R painted inside & out. Best s2 000 • ·• u area. GI or FtLA tcnn11. Auguj~·vln'.. Terr•c• Laguni Beach 3705 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. Exciting Livinq ~ buy at $26.000. 1 -::°:":=--:-----:".:-'.C--1:675463-0;;,~c_,~_::_":::~.:=::·::-:E::•=es. Jn new apls, l bedroom, 2 MUTUAL REALTY Panoran1ie view over ent re .. , ... , 4 Bd I UNIQUE Laguna Htdeawas, SUO Bachl'lor apt, clOS(' fo bedroom • 2 bath. •... ~ "' Jetty. rms., poo. T _.. _ _, __ .. ._ h G I il $ u-1418 Anytime Avail. July &: August. Sl500 erra .. ·.:u g11.1uens, scree''""' ...... ac . arage, "' "" ava . 140 to $195 2 BR, l \~ BA Condominium. Per month. roon1, fully crptc1. Exquisite now. Bkr. 5.'!4-6980 S can•,on vie\v, $19' 8 0 0 , ...,,,,,_ 2 BR •lud~. wimming pool, gym, sauna, Lrg pool, low maintenance. CALL: JOHN MACNAB ''-' ••"" .... w/w, recreation room. Only 36 units. Cal'. O\\"ner REALTY CO. 642-8235 494-635l builtwins, child O.K .Bkr. ~neral Electric Appliancts. lot appt. 536-3268 or 4 BR on the water, sandy Laguna Niguel 3707 ~ Adults only, 536-3096 eves 'Mr. Smilh beach. Newly carpeted, Lam I" ht A ts drapes k fumis1"". 1300 4 BR 2 "'· vi•w home. Cosio M... 5100 p 19 er p • Huntln..+on 16102 Springdale St, Har~ur 1405 wkly-July & A ugust . Pa_ceM!tter area. S300 mo+ AVAILABLE JULY lST Phone 59'1-5421 673-7449 util. 673--9&41 or 495-4485 * nlO 2 BEDROOM 2 BATIJ.. 105' ON water. 60' dock, 2800' WATERFRNT, plC!r, &: Dt BEAlIT. View EXCL 3br 2 * 2 BR with carport FURNISHED It custom design 3 BR. 4 steps 10 ocean. 2 or 3 BR. ba, bltns dshwr. crp/drps. * Water pald UNFURNISHED baths. $105 p,f. $15 ~f down. $125 per wk k up. 4010 fp. UXI 836/5750 542-l215 * Near schOol'I Cpts. drape$, buUtins, beat (213) 430-2542 Rivt!r Ave, NB. 673-8229 2192 Placentia Ave, Apt D location, l blk 10 5 Pointl CLEAN Balboa Beach Units,, Duplexes Unfvm. 3975 636-4120 i;llOppln;t eh'. from $130. Fountain Valley 1410 Sleeps 2 to 10: for summer DUPLEX untm. avall July 1 BR; Duplex, g&ri., elderly 'nOl Ellis, apt. o. 642.-2835, NEW, By OY.'flCr, 3 BR, 21,t reaervauons call m,9945 I. 3 bdr 2 ba built-In& incl. pref d. No dc)p, close tol'°"84U103""'=--~--- Bath, W/W carpets, draJll!'S, 315 E. &lboa mv .. Balboa dshwshr. fireplaCt'. 1 block lhOp'g, MB-2720 NE\I/ SlfJO up, 1·2-J BR. Heal· blnck fence. Mariy ~tom SUMMER rental or leue. 2 trom beach. 673-1753 1 BR, utll pd, clec bllni!, ed &: Sllu.n& pools. rec nn. features. $3l,500. Eudld It BR ocean front, frpl, deck. .(.:..,. 1 ALS refrig, no children or pets. Heil k Aiaonquln. ~!gr. Talbert, nr frwy. ~79 wt Beach. 492-8861. Aph. Fumlshed &16-6222 be.torr 4. 1 ,s"<G-J~l"-37~---~-I DE.LUXE 1 BR nr heh. tll'I 3 BR Deluxe, adults, no pets. NEW modern i or l BR. Lapun1 Beach 1705 center, $95 wk. 1464 Glen-General 4000 MCJ..0154. 548-3481 or Mt cpts, drps, avaU July 1. neyre, Apt. 9, Lac B 6-699'J 5J6..Z'19 UNUSUAL. Ww, cuat. qu.sll. ==~~--~--.., HOLIDAY PLAZA =='~~~~---1 ty 3 Br. 2 bl. home on a.Po BALOOA -Inexpensive cot-DELUXE, gpacio\11' l·Bdrm. LARGE llro sq fl 3 BR. BEAlM' 3 bdr, 2 ba, a'ilCI, rprox. 'ii Acre. $' 8, o 0 0 fa.its. Weddy rates July, F'\lrn apt. $ll5, Plus UIU. W/W cpll, drps. Avail Aug. drp~, frplc, 2 patios. llC!W 8n>kcr Aurust. Sept.543-JlSS Jll'aled pool. Ample pM1cln£ 2. 549-J8f.6 re.Ing. 8(2-5705. ~I 494·1161 Rt'll. BEAOI at door. Newly furn No children-No pets BEAlIT in 2 BR, I~ ht 3 UDRM, 2 bath. private SUPERBI btch apt,starliiw at SSO per 196.'l Pomona, C.)f, 1tudk>, pool, adults, $155. patio, heated pool. Ocean "'icw. 2 Br. furn. =w~•~·~-=· ~""-"'_H_,.__,B<>,,_ . .,._,..., Sl~i. 2 BR, l's bt itodlo. 2310 Sanln Ana. 645-2933 1r !J6Z...899.1 1r homir. 10•,~ Down or cuh to PfUVATE n>c>m with bath. Elect kl!, "'IV.'. e o o I . NO mallcr whllt It la. YoU LRG 2 BR. all rxtru. pool l~n dlACOUnt. f'rlndpa111 wp from main hou.M:. 1/10 A\'" 11ab1 e now, Bkr. can ge1J tt Wlth a DAILY $139 mo. StT-159.f. aft I pm only. Call owner 342.-4606 to 91~. 673-5849 ~ PILOT WANT AD!! 642-5678 wkdays. .4. # H Cl N ' ' • fl h ,, " --· R R ' ' l H· l l ' R < s D l < ( l B = R H " n I 4 E = ! • l F ( ' '' RENTALS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE '?--~--~---i--mi--.. M...tay, June 2', 1%9 DAILY 'ILOT 29' Gonoral G..,.,. 1 I* * * * * * SEllVICI DIRECTORY JOBS & IMPLOY ... -", JuaS & EMPLOY-•NT JOBS & EMPLOY MM ' 1--------l".'R.--:-E.-W- 1 n_t_ed ___ 6_2_40_R..:.. ::E;;:.W:::.:•::.nt---~--6-2-.-.1 t. Cement, Concroto 6600 Job W1nlld, L1dy 7020 Hein w ...... Mon 720< Hllp W1nlod, Mon 7200 AptL Unfurnllhld Huntington Botch 5400 -- CllEZ ORO APARTt-.tENTS 8234 AUanta • MACHINISTS I New 1-2 Bedrooms • Pay 6 electric only ~ or 536-2727 Pool·Wubers-Dryen Q Private Garqes 2 BDRM, J lew:I Co~ domlnium.. Wu.her/dryer, encl patio, &11 rtt facilities. !lTh Aduth OOS-.1394 $$ MORE C.ASH $$ For Y CM.Ir Hom• Equity Absolutely no cost ...... to you the SELLER! 12 years of paying MORE CASH for Oran&• County Property. -- ANTIOIY'S 646-1948 U'T/HO'l1':L ,......,,..,, .. The! Beet.. cO.ts no more! Ex:p l>ulinea, so c I a I , Ex.,...._. >Wntenanco l=-==·=--====I Lathe Senior Mwt be experienced on turret lathe, have own tools l'"d_ do own setups. Drill Press Operators ~ ,.,,., ...._ Call tho Rost ••• Thon c1ll tho BEST ~ Whlddy1 Wint! Whlddy1 Got! 8-1 Lmlscaplna Oomoltlc H1lp Graduate Hotilculturllt 7035 Must be experienced on all typos of drllls, have own toots and do setup s. Minimum three yrs. experlcocc. Ii BEVERLY JACKSON REALTY 147-6033 .54S-1245 S1nt1 An•,_ __ .::5::62::0 HIDDEN VILLAGE GARDEN APTS. $155 Month pu.s uW.; 2 Br. I '!!!!'!!'!l!!!!!!!'!!'!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!I furn. or unfu.rn. Air-cond., REAL ESTATE BUSINESS ano forced air beat, heated pool, Giniril FINANCIAL rec. area, priv. patio. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR ·NATURAL IORN SWAPP~RS 5po<l1I R1to S LI--S tlmoo-5 budct ltUllS -AO MUIT INClUOe l-WllM .,.. fllw to tfadt., ~ rw _, h tNA 1-'l'OUll ~ tllCllOr ....,..,. ......, Anl• ti MrtnS.IMo ' '4f01HINO 'Oil SALi -fll.&Ofl OH\.YI AU.EN BROS. Ceora:e Allen Byland Agency GARDtNCRS srtJDENTS Employer Pays Fee WOlidng -tbN ....... lQC.B E. 16th, SA 5'7.- Exp. Lie. Rea. 64&-43).1 Ctlnete llv&-ins. Oleerful e MOW • EDGE *· WEED. Permanent. Erperlenced . Prof. lawn matnt by capable Far Eut A&eDCY 6G8703 COUege studenta. Rea1! Tool Grinder Minimum five yrs. In close tolerance grind- ing of hlgh·speed and carbide tools. Ii Ii QUIET LIVING 546-1525 Industrial Rental 6090 Bus. Opporklnlt1es 6300 HELP!! Reliable lawn servke, l """' <q. In 50040 lW lot mow, "'*"· trim. • * H O t I PHONE 642-567.t To Place Your Tr1der'1 P1radlM Ad Kalina Brot.h!n ~1234 Help Wanted, Men 7200 450 SQ. FT. BLDG. National Co. needs a fax Shelter Needed: trade E. 17th St., Costa. Mesa distributor for candy and S25.IXX> land equity in raJ>o w/gd "'"'od ""'· "''" to * 531-1«>4 * One pera Or J Carden Grove Civic Cntr It I 7AL"'"'s""c'"an1e-,,-..... ~.,s-,-,-.-,-.-,, J. C. Penney Co. : 1-1s. wtal val. $20.500. Trd Lawn maintenance, garden-~uhlon Island Must have minimum of t'vo yrs. experience J ror units or ! 547.Mm Bkr. ing & clean up. 646-3629 ewport Beach on Sunnen Hone. : Elec. power. snacks in Costa Mesa or idly apprec. area for units Ready for tenant b p or beach prop. Owner Box $60 ~tonth. 546-5040 near Y acras. e r 1 o n Beath Apts. New • Deluxe (714) 5-16 (7141 536-1487 ~elected n1u.sl be able t•) 576 Tustin 544-3666 eves. lndust bldg In M·l, 01 devote 2 to 10 ho"-~ Will 17 h ... ..-~· trade lo units Cl hse-3 Retirt'd-Oon't need tax &hel· CLEAN-UP Speclallst! Mov· We Have I ;~; ~":::~';:~j~i;.'. ':;.,.,,.~·~l •••· An Opening For A CADILLAC CONTROLS l:J t St. 3500 sq. ft. week ]days or cv.,) to · "'"1133 Ev tti·plexes Grdn Grve) for 711 Ocean A venue (3 blks W. of H. B. Pier) .....,.. e. 642·1479 make \~ry high ear~. :abin in Crestllne-Armwbd ~EW industria.1 bldg, 2500 sq. You may keep your rpc9ent area. $13,91)) gross per yr, t. 9c per ft 1639 Monrovia, posit.ion. No S(!lling. $15!\tl 535,IXXl eq, Owner. 962-5381 CM. ~0017 ca.sh required (secured). F'or Jmmimiate interview in Almost 1000 ac., $250 M val. prexes. $960. mo, ....... ,, prime DI I I f E C 11 C loc. no vac. 54.o.roit JAPANESE gardener CompJ * COOK * v son o X· e o orp. ii ~B"A~Y=F=a=o~NT"-&_.,docl<=.--3~8-,.· 1 ~· es~~ependahle, Recent, succeuful experience 1166 wtllttl ... 1.. .... Co•t• MtH 3 ba, val $89,SOO. FOR T.D. 's -.,..,--,-~-,---·I In all phases ol.'the food In. 646-2491 (consider Ise/opt) or trade Johnlon'• Gardening dustry ii required. Competa. 'I for f '!'' No. 2 Balboa Cov· Finest equip., expert care. tlve wage1 and outstanding An tqu•I opporiun!lv 1mplov1r ! ei. Owner 6'/>iin Planting, clean-ups. 91)2..2035 beneHta includlna: profitj~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!'i:i~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!I lots 6100 your area send name, ad· ~ ml lrom dntwn LA 5 I.;;;;;;;=====;;;; I dress and phone number to: ml.ll. from twy on paved 'rct. REAL ESTATE Gener ii ;,.,.<::-.'-&i"'di:•~ar.°'o..=g-on~Rl~,.-,-1 Yamauchi Garden Servk:e sharln&:. Help Wanted. Min 7200 Help W1nted, Men 7200 , &. hwy. frontage. 100 Ac, " .Free Landscape Consulthl&: Rent1ls W1nted 5990 ROtrrE DEPARTMENT :itwn Beawnont &: Oak Glen, 1--------'-'-' M·l PO Box 58 frd for !! 547~69 Bkr. RESPONSIBLE Woman desires to share home or 2.38 ACRES Pomona. Qilifornia !ll.769 4 BR 2 Bath HB Sl7,500. rent room with kit. prlv. Prime Costa Meaa LDCation furnished or unIWT111hed, up. Val. $350 acre. Tndl • 613-11• • TEOlNICIAN l ~~~1~1;,nt local refs. Long term ground lease ACTIVE PARTNER double garage, patio, renc:· ,,....,.. ~·• $61Xl Per Month ed. Trade for equal val. 'T for improved property. EXPERT Japanete main. Mr. Forney Bkr 540.3862 tenanee H.B., F.V. art&, 2 BR, doll house k/hdwd. Call Mack, 84.2-8442 APPLY IN PERSON 10AMto9PM Monday thru Friday ' I Cal.I Jim "'-bb For wholesale processing & 673-4215 HOME like room or share, ...,.. dist. plant. Est. U yrs In Re I i n e d g e n t I e m a n .. Anaheim. Growth $95,00'.l San Diego, 3 BR. 2 ha. noors, on shaded R.--2 lot, JapeMM G1rdMr PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND ITT JABSCO TEST ! TECHNICIAN 1Jj FOR duplex or units. Exper, compl yard service! FORTIN, REALTOR Free est, 543--7958, 546-0724 110l·A Westclilf, NB 642-5CXXI * Expert JapenlH Have Newport Heights R..2 FINEST WORK 646-0384 Pensioner. Have ca r , RV plus. pt an n e d eXpansion month to month 1-enled $175 541-0188 could almost double $27,500 Equity $6,COO. Want local RESPONSIBLE young work-present profit, Need hard· area, duplex or triple:rc. Equal opportwtit.y employer * * ing lady desires furnished. l working partner w/ $35,!XX> Madge Davis RJtr 642-7000 or 2 bedroom apt. in N.8. to REAL TORS cash; buys% interest lsecur-Large house + income + SlOO mo. 642-0022 ed. no debts), wtio can help room to build, on goJI 673°4400 admi,, & se..vlco good ao-T · Lot $17,500 clear prime area WANT duplex, triplex Corona. del Mar area MATCHAM RLTY 646-4837 Hauling e730J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!'I DESIRE to lease Republic or """!~~~~~'""'""'" J cnts. Books open. Phone an course. rade for free & Pacesetter Home in Estan-6 pm only. 1213) 500·ls6o. dear land or submit cla Hi boundaries 1-Z.3 yrs. Mesa Verde Fairway Madge Davis RJ!r 642-700'.l HAVE 2 Bedroom tra.Uer OR 3-812.0 4-6 lot, Oear. e LANDLORDS e 642-47l5 FREE RENTAL SERVlCE Broker 534-6982 Ranch" 6150 Will trade, Aug. Beaut home 10 x 50, $3500 clct.r FRIGIDAIRE ir. Burlingame w/J BR. 3 WANT jeep, travel trail. JET ACTION BA, den, pla. rm, Spect er, lvcal income property. b vi ' ~fA TCHAM RL TY 646-4837 Frigidaire 18 min, cycle Is ay ew, or accom. on the fastest In the Industry. Bat Isl, Newpot•t, CdM. Will trade 1961 VW GENERAL HAULING & CLEANUP S12 per load, 962..fi846 HAULING, clean-ups, lots, garages, etc. Lrg· truck, handyman, anytime. Call BOB 66-2256 ITT JABSCO TOOL & DIE MAKER MILL & DRILL OPERATOR Good benenta a.Utt \\'Orking conditions EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 1485 DALE WAY cosrA MESA, CALIF. 92G26 (TI4 1 545-82:il E.""<pcrienced In logic cir- cuitry production on test. CONTACT BILL FLORY COLLINS RADIO CO. ' 1: ' " ' " : I 11 BACHELOR apt. Moderi.tc price. Prefer wkly. John. P.O. Box 2333, NB Northern California Rancho 35 Acres of excellent Cali· fDmia ranch Jarxl n ea r Chowchlll.a. 11a.a cotton allot- ment, home, "'1Cst house, all utilities, large yard, beaut.i· ful shade trees and school bus to the door. Full price, 30 Frigidairea do the work Xlnt ref's. (415) 362·1212 Sed1n for Bus or Van. YARD/gar, clnup. Remove of 40, 30 min. washers. FIOO 1-'w;;.k..:-=::.· .:':.:'J0.5:.::'c:OO:___ * 548-3821 * trees, Ivy. dirt, tractor back Requires only oommercl- al tool building for small pwnp manufacturer. Age no barrier, Good benefit• and workin& cond1tlons. Apply to personnel. dept. FILTAIRE 3324 \V. WARNER l; SANTA ANA :i Rooms for Rent S99S HUGE Room w I kit c hen priv, palio, women only. Use of house. 646-8137 Income Property 6000 $35,000, with SlS,000 down. Good terms. For more infor- INDUS. Bldg. 10070 occpd. mation please call Glen Nprt. B<:h. 10% net return. Thompson. $190,000. Phil Sul l i van Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. 548--6761 1818 W. Chapman Ave. FOR SALE BY OWNER Orange, Calif. 4 units. 2 • 2 BR, 1 BA & 541-2621 EV'(!s·wfflds 538-6727 2-38R, 11,, ...BA. 543-6155 Acre1ge 6200 Busineu Property 6050 La9una Beach XLNT Business property for 7 ACRES W /PERMIT sale by owner in N.B. Zoned TO KEEP HORSES C-1. 646-5161 Adjacent subdivision one !~==========I mile E. of hwy, ulil avail. 142.000. % Cash, baJ 1st trust deed. Write o~ contact: • PRI~[E Retail Location • George R. Kress, Box 914, 17X40, Xlnt fool & auto traf. Laguna Beach or phone fie. 1m llarbor, c M .'cc,..C:..:"'=· -----~-,-- Business Rental 6060 64~ Take over pymnts . .W Acres Jo'OR LEASE store 23x42. m down. $29 mo. Near out .how easy it is lo own 1\ OOe, grading. 962-8745 a paying laundry. * * * * * B & G Hauling Service Garden Grove, Santa Ana, I !'!!~!!')~!'~~!!!!~~~~'!!!!~!!!'!!!~ Reasonable. ~·1403 NOW HIRING ,\n Equal Opportunity i·, Empla>•er ,, Tustin, Orange, Anaheim ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS Houseclun.ln9 6735 CARPETS, Windows, firs, etc. Re• or Comc'I. Xlnl work Reas! Refs. 548-4.lll Contracts l' Large international <:OL"J>Or&· Administrator ii Coin·O·Matic and NOTICES ind NOTICES EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Uon expanding In Orange to Sl,1.000. Fee negotiable. In· J: Equipment, Inc. 2334~ W. Valencia Fullerton TI4 ; 525-7833 6320 EMPLOYER County. Many openings now dusl.rial En11:ineering degree .. available in all departments. required with experience ln j PLEASE return boxer, name 1485 DALE WAY No experience nettssary, cost estiniating, pricing, pro-,· of Ginger. Dog is ill. LEARN TO SWIM IN YOUR Jinitorial 6790 OOSI'A MESA, CALIF. 92626 posal estimntlon & prepara •• , ;:;Loo.•:of _____ _:640=1 Announcements 6410 REWARD with m questions OWN POOL! REAS., RED ln4) 545-8251 ALSO tion. T~·o 10 three years ex· ! 1st & 100 loans for qulck asked. Contact Mr. & Mrs. CROSS CERT. MRS. BEE \VAu..8, Windows, floon, per in commercial & indus- cash. Borrow on your pro-Norman Miller, BI u e 5'1f>...1498 carpets. Commercial & SUMMER WORK FOR trial fielrls. Also fP(! Jobs. i1 Money to Loin perty eq without disturbing = No. 4, Laguna. * THE COIN OIEST * l"!sidentlal. Daily, weekly Custodian-Groundsman TEACHERS & PREMIER I yaur low .interest lst TDs. Rare coins, sets, mall aue. and/or Mo. 897-7350 P e r f 0 rm Custodial and STUDENTS Personnel Agency j Alao buyers fDr 2nd TDs. KIDS lost their pet A med-tlon, etc, 741 S. Cout. La.-grounds maintenance duties. 445 E. 171h, CJ\1 6~&-0531 StU.tler Mortgage Co. Inc. ium sized hlack dog (La.bra-guna lkh. 494-5585. P1perh1nglng Knowledge of methods and For Interview call J\Ionday * DRIVERS * 1• Serving Harbor Area 20 yrs. dor-C.ocker), male, with cur-G & H OFFSET Printing Paintint 6850 materials required, SaJary and Tuesday. Ask for Mr. , S36 E. 17U. St. ly-halred ears, answers to (discount on order 200 lover) range $496 • $616. c.ontact James. No Exper'1 e 'I 64l-21TI 54~ name Deacon, • --m· ~--ia PAINTING Int 1' Ext Lowest Peraonnet offi,.,. Hunt'•hg· 774-7251 enc ..,.,.,, ......,,. 171 1-I Riverside, NB 642-09'10 Fully •• N I ANNOUNCl::MENTS Mesa area. Call 548-6449. I"====~~;.;:= contracted prices. ins. ton Beach Union High School ecessary! • ind NOTICES TIE TACK (pair wings! "'' SERVICE DIRECTORY Satisfaction par. Free est. District before noon, June MOTOR HOME J\1ust have clean Cali!omla diamonds, ? Mountaln Rel & B a.... J im Weeks 673-1166 26. Telephone (TI4) 536-9331. driving 1-ecord. Apply ' Found (Fr" Ads) 6400 catalina, Lag Bch, Reward i .. ,alttinv 6550 e INT • EXT, ANY SIZE SALES, Iood indU&try. Call YELLOW CAB CO. ' APRICOT poodlt'-pup, 00 F'am treasure. 497-I Z:tl 3 SISTER sitter .ervlce • • • JOB. Xlnt work, refs, tree on retail It wholtsale accts. • BUILDERS 186 E. 161b St. " lag11. Vic TcWinkle Park, TOY Boston Terrier, lost tn never worry about • est. JIM 642-4669. Car + $6500, Call Bud Snell, Costa l\Iesa ~ CM. Call to identify. Vic or Goldenwest I: Bolsa, babysitter again-1 call to EXTtlnt. pnq. Aver rm. $20 54().6055 • ASSEMBLERS SALES: Bldg. Materials. CaII-" lJ s.«;iO 1-IB. Reward for return. 494-6.1'16 does the job. AaeJ + gOOd paint. neat WOTk COASTAL AGENCY ing on "·holesale & retail ' YOUNG male puppy, part 892-4166 17, J.5, 14. Joe refs. Roy, 347-1358 A membt'r of Immediate openlng1 for men accrs. Co. car. Local tt::!rr, ' Gennan Shepl1erd, we 11 :>REY Tiger-st.riped, bob-taiJ. LICENSED care, 1 child 2 PAINTING, Papering 16 yrs Snelling & Snelling Inc. with ex~rience l11 plumb-<':rtps, bonus, $9Cm, Call Bud , R. E. W1nted~;_ __ 6:;2:.4::0 trained, houscbrkn Brown & ed cal. female. w/blue col-yrs, or over, my home, in Harbor area. Lie &: bond· 2790 Harbor Bl, Col!ta Mesa tng, electrical, walls, cabin. Sne11, 540-60~,j ,: CASH • white. Vic Ne".,...,rt ,_, __ .... Jar. Tiie Bl"''· . .., •• •c"" Midway City, $15 wk. ed. Refs: furn. 612-2356 MANAGEMENT eta and nntsh • or we will COASTAL AGENCY • QUICK-need 3 or 4 .,... ..,,....,.... ........., ........-J.JIU """7'13 TRAINE . 673-8455 REWARD OJ.,,. ~ ES train you. Must have some A n1embc.r or Also oflitt space. 33l E. Lake & City, 894-4743 17th St. CM. 645-24 50 , 54S-5500 Br, G.I. or fllA house near ;;,,;,;,~==----·Ii""',;.:,=,=-.,.-.,-=~ I WEEKLY Babysitting, pref. Plastering, Repa1r 6880 Yourti:, mature male, Jookina hand tools. See Rick, 2135 Snelling & Snelling Inc. I LAGUNA BEACH here. 49!}-1948 FOUND 6/3/69 young pup... GREY & white female CAT, baby or up lo 5yrs. H.B. in fDr good future. Must be Canyon Drive, CostA 1t1esa 279o Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa I Office Rent1I 6070 A ir Conditioned BUSINESS and py, med. size, near El ~~,f~ vlcBa!Ruby &: No. my home.~ • PATCH PLASTERING. able to meet and deal with 642-97S8 • Wareho 0 • y d ON FORES"J' AVENUE FINANCIAL Cnmlno & Bushard FV. Blk ......,. .. vnt. Isle. fi73..8687 All, types. Free estimate. people. No el.p. nee:. we us • ar Desk spaces available In \vllh wht. mrkgs, on chest REWARD WILL babysit my home, Call 540-'825 train. Apply in person 18S85'l !!!!S!'A~L~E!!S-'"T"'""'RA'"t"'"NE!!E'!!!!!! Superint1ndent to $900 offi but ding Bus. Opportunities 6300 .:!62-3248 1-'1 Small dog: blond and fenced yard, HB area. Main St (5 ints Sho Ing Xlnt oppty! Assured future: newest ·ce I at S42-84;JS Pl bl 6890 ·• po PP $125 wk + bonus. Xlnt oppty w/ st11 bfr corp. Top Bene. prime location tn downtown HARDWARE BOSl'ON bull mixed, female, white, red hameS!I, name ;...u;..m_;..n.:gc... __ ._....::.:c:..: Center), H.B. to join young, fast growing f_its, conslr bkgmd. Call Kay, Laguna Be1ch.. Air cond> ap11rox. 11~ yrs. VI c . 11 er man; REW ARD WILL babysit your home by PLUMBING REPAIR Artist-Commercial co. Call Kay, 546-5410 :>16·5410 tiMed. c:nrpeted, beauWul STORE 1-~airvie1v Rd. & \Vilson. 842-7ro8 the 11·eek, you f u r n i I h No job too small To $135 Wk. Position lmmedi· JASON BEST JASON BEST paneled partitioning. Two H litay JO. 548-6059 eves only PLEASE Rein. a pr i c 0 t transportation, 64~2-~14"'-07--1 e &fl.3128 e ately avail with major co. Emvloyment Agency Employment Agency entrances: Frontage OD unti1tgton Beach FOUND lrg black dog, vie poodle. dog Is Ill. vie:. 13th WANTED, ba.Oysittir!i: my Ca.I) Kay, 54&-5410. 2120 So, Main, Sanla Ana 2120 So. Mnin, Santa Ana Forest Ave., reat leads to 10.400 sq. rt. Busy shopping 64Ar:'-~730im Ave ., Costa ~fesa. ~~~~~ant Lonely Widow home. w/lake lntanta up to Pool Service 6910 JASON BESI' ARCHITECT designer /. Manai;!cme nt Trainee Muncipal parking lots. $50 center. Good will has been 1 "7~'-=~~---~--~ I =~=:-='--------2 yean. 158 Magnolia, C.M. Employment Agency draftsman experierK:ed in PART TIME EVES. per month for space. Desk built over 4>1 years. Fin. ] LARGE tortoise. Vic. 23rd BLONDE male afghan CHILD care S days week, my e ti;t M~. Free! Exper, lie, 212o So. Main, Santa Ana type V construction. Small and chairs ivailable for $5. avail. & Tuslir. Ave. 6/19. 548-8569 hound . Vic Vic toria Bch. home. Mature woman. rcllahle. Tony Taylor Pool SALES: Office Machines. offi ce In C.Orona dcl Mar, $3.50 per hr.~ !~~ss a::le ~~O~ BRASHEAR REALTY afler 5:00 Reward. 4 9 4-7 3 00 or 646-1932 Service. 968-48l8 Nat'! oo. To call on business Kermit Dorus & Associates, All tillti a.Jd 847·8531 E:ve. 968-1178 Sl\IALL black male poodle <194-5235 od finns. To $900), Call Bud 1=A71A:,._:675-::_:1~1&::1 ____ _ tel~ne. ea P except StmLET or share je~"l'lry '"ir:. Harbor & G \ s 1 e r . =e1~cv=c"'L=E-l~n-. -".,.-.,-.-.-n 1 Brick, M1sonry, etc. R~~ el, Re1Nir, 6940 Snell, 540-&lSS PLUMBING \Var eh t u se DAILY pn..ar store. Ba.I . Isl. Suitable· 5'16-298:1 Ni!wport Free way 6560 1t IF you need remodeline, COASTAL AGENCY wholesale" c:o. needs full 222 FO"~.-A.V"""'E giltll, repairs, etc. 54!;.7231 OUN Wed-18th. Reward! 642.-969J _______ _....;.. painting ., ,.pairs, Call A member of time cxp'd \Varehousc man. ~i u.,u F D: one oppo~um and BUILD R"'-lOdel Repair LAGUNA BEACH am. lJVE • -· • Dick, 6'2-1791 Sm>lling & Snelling Inc. 546-7700 one rnbbi l 5~8-413b O Green Ladies \Vallct Brick,. blockjo, be o 1 n c r cut e, 2790 Harbor Bl, C.Osta MeS& '"""~"'-~------ tSl-9168 WANTED: oU-sa.le liquor Vic Bri.~tol & Paularino crpn ry no 00 sma 2 FUU. time exp'd service BEAUTIFUL Private ollicc licen.'IC, Orange County. BUSINESS and Church. Reward. 673-7356 Lie Conh-. 002.694s Sewing 6960 P .R./S•l•s, st•rt $550 station help. No phone calls: with bath, some ocean view, l===Cal=I=' =64=2-Sl="===-_:F;:l::;N::A~NCIAL CAT; Black long-hr. lost in LTC'D f.1asonary contractor. e Dreamaklng • Alterations Xlnt oppty w/ dynamic O.C. RICHFIELD a1 19th & in the Glendale Fed. Sav· .•. ------University Park. Reward. Free e11t ., no job 100 small Custom Designs ~~.· .'!f,.' 10allowa.nce, cau Newport Blvd. CM. ings Bldg Corona de! Mar Bus. OppOrtunitles 6300 Bus. Opportunities 6300 Call 833-nt6 644 .:var """" YOUNG MAN $75/mo. CaJi Eve I y n • • -044' *..._.....* JASON BEST Halbakken 6 7'".>-544 4 0 r SMALL blk:/wh fem cal, 4 . ,j Er!Jployment Aaency For Men's Oothlng Store . S45-3l6S wh pa\\'11, yellow collar, C•rpenterlng 6590 TltE,· Cer1mlc 697• 2120 So. Main, Santa Ana Apply 1912 Harbor Blvd , Ct.I 3345 NEWPORT BLVD. CARP£·NTRY * Verne, The Tiie Man * DRILL PRF.SS..OPERATOR SEM ·RETIRED ean 547.77s2 J\lr. Bond e FRY COOK e Graveyard shift. 2 yrs exp: lfeavy breakfast, Good sal· ary for good emplyees. 13 or over. PlcaSe apply ln person. CO'ITAGE COFFEE SJ-IOP 562 \V. 19th St., Cl\f SALES I f.tGMT TRAINEE. catt on a selcc:t cllentele. Full train'g. ~60. Call Bud Snell 5-10-6055 CoASTAL AGENCY N U T S Balboa Isl, Jun 6. 494--831':' I Offices sultabJe for C:Om· Person•I• 6405 MINOR REPAIRS. No Job Cust. v.wk. Install &: repairs. set up and operate 11maJJ Sober • Responslblo merclal, Medical, Dental. T()(I Small. Cabinet in gar-No job too small. Plaster BurgMuters and Delta. SIGN PAINTER Air-cond., crpts. elevator OVER JQOO/, MARK UP LICENSED ages &: other cabinets. patch. Leaking s hower Small cl08e-tolerance In-492-3544 San Clemente: A member of 35c PER SQ .FT. Spiritual Readings, advice 545--8175, 1t no answer leave: repair. 847-1957/84&-03)6 trtrument parb. DISC IN· NEEDED: One Mechanic. Snelling & Snelling Inc. 5-11-5032 OR 675-2464 on all malten, 312 N. msg al 646-2372. H. O. · STRUMENTS 7"101 S. Holl. Salary&: comm. Exp'd, 279(1 llarbor Bl, Costa P.tega NE\V deluxe olflce spaces Reliabl e p eople now being selected in Camino Real, San aemente Anderaon Tree S.nlce 6910 day, Santa Ana. 54!J..0345 Own tools. 1900 Newport MAT u RE man with ~ to l2tli sq ft at Santa this aren to s:r\·ice routes of new coin 492-91.36. or 400.9.507 MASTER carpenter, $4 per TREES pruned topped & SERV. srA. SALESMAN. Blvd., Costa Mega. mechanlca1 nbility, Small Ana Fwy le: Crown Valley operated HOT NUT dispensers in 1ocal 10 AM • 10 PM hour. Remodellng-RepaJn. removed. 26 'yn ex P . Full time, swing shift, Musi TRAINEE manager 4 Apply growing mfg. plant. 5 day turnoff. 831·1400, 499--4198. bars, bowling alleys etc. You can get in SPEClAL $2 READING 64~09 or 536-3900 PaullDn Tree s e r v 1 ct be neat in appearance and Royal English Fish &. Ch.lps, wk. PH.: 642-4365 for 1.n. RENT Ofc.. ample prkg, on the ground Coor in this high profit Attractive Expert cARPEl'ITRY • repairs • ~1234 :-ndwr!Ung. Apply 2 n 9 o1-=488=E=. =17=1h=S=t.=, ='CM=. ==,,L,;:",;rvlo;;w:. ==·====:I bully toe. 2340 Nwpt Blvd, business either spare time or full time. YOUNG WOW.AN Cabinets & Remodel. Quall-ewport Blvd ., C.M. 1· CM $75. ~2544. 54&-8333 No selling involved as all accounts are dancer will leach you an ty work. S4z.s.t64 or 645--0US Upholstery 6990 REFRIGERATION mechah-Help W1ntec:I, Men 7200 Help W 1nted, Men 7200 SMALL omCE, Pacific established by company experts. This latest 11teps. Call ArdtD. REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS ~" Uhol le. Exp, in automotive inata· :··· ••• ...... e •••• •••••••: "---H•-N rt is not a uget rich quick" scheme but an 213: 5914538 1·10 PM CABlNE:l"S i -. 1 job """"1.n.vSKI'S Ollt, · lation & 11trv. nee. Commer-._......t '6"WIY' ewpo ' "'V s zt Euro(lll&n Cratamanahip c'-1 •xp. d•••-•. Call Mon, MANUFACTURING Beach, $39 month. &4&-9681 opportunity to become established with REDUCE safe & fast with 25 yn. expcr. 548--67J3 "' .. ll"'-' i ""eight year old company that sets you Go!lcse tabloi. • E-Va~ QUALITY Re...., -Altera-188\00 ;' lint 64 " 1454 "'"'136> i .fRQPUCTION coi: ~t. OfflS:2130 ~hais~ b~s:~=:~~~~er T~ii:'"~u~i~~:,•P~~: ~p~~ "~• \~~.~:,: ~~~~:~ ~,'Y hour JOBS & ';:~L~Y~:~T Y:::~~i~~ TRAl'N' E-ES • Commerciil 60l5 quires a minimum cash Investment of REPAIR. Partitions. Small Job W1nf9d, Men 7000 2167 Harbor mvd., c.M. : $1095 for stock & supplies. \VIOOWER desperate tor Re.model, etc. Nile or day, NEWPORT BEACH cook-bskpr. Ideal sit. for Reaa! Call KEN 541).4679 PllYSICS. rnkftlclrculta, thin M;ECHANIC Wanted, 0.. A NO EXrEl.tENCf. NECESS.'Jl.Y., 21 to 15 YEARS. Ideally located for future d~ YOU CAN MAKE UP TO woman w/child who nerds -========== rllms. opt.kl, Nl)OtU. math, Llccnaed pref. Apply tn HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE. IF YOU HAVE THE AP· velopment; 94 .>'t. on New· place to Iv. Lott of tndcp. c t c ,... 6600 lab helper, etc. summer ~ Meu. Tow Service & flTUDE, WE Will TllAIN YOU. PERMANENT EM· port BJvd, Cloee to hay A $150 MONTHLY SPARE TIME & time. 493--4611 f.ft & emen ' one joU. Recent D.S. In Ph.Yt~· Car&itl, 648 Baker, CM PLOYMENT, EXCELLENT OPPORTUN ITY FOR AD· o<ean. $95,000. OwMr may OVER $3000 MONTHLY FULL TIME MARRIAGE .r. FAM I LY e CONCREl'E fin, patloo Ali< 22. !!<>" 911. ~TOOL Miker'.....-. fn alum VANClMENr. trade. 64G-C PROBLEMS can be: 901m1. etc. Concrete I: b1k top u.w· &ach. "4M393 toolina fot vacuum lonnlfll. INTERVIEWS MON. lHRll FRI. PROPERTIES WEST Our-unique bonus plan enables you to Call otvfrsltled CouNtion Ina. Reas. Don, 6'U514 Located near 60'5 rrwy 1: j IO'lS Bayside, NB m-4130 triple your Initial route without further m.23oo hrt. 10.S. • CONCRETE wort ell Job W•nted, L<ldy 1020 AkmdrL 811)..240l SPS Western I OFFICES fOR RENT investment. RIDE Wanted occ co Corona typeL Pool de:dlll It. CUJtom. EXPERIENCED nur»eom· YOUNG MAN tor small" i , Modem, gpacloo1, profession-del Mar, evt!1. Will mu-. Call MIJ.1324 panlon. Coolt diets Exctl· buatncas. $2.00 P'1' ' al on monthly bal'ls. Av•ll For Interview write to Products Otstrl-Call 675-4235 aft T pm. e cusmM PATIOS• Jent refs.' Ext 103, 4iM-ss41 hr. 56-168$ 2701 So. Harbor Santa Ana • 3/1/69. Contact Mr. Llipp. butlng Co., PO Box 1976, Costa ft1esa, AL(X)HOUCS MOeyrnous concrntc 11Wlni It: remoYal Experienced HCRtal')' Newport Itta. Call betWHn L:! ' · DowntY S • L Auoc:. Mt.. (include phone number). Phar.e Sfl.7217 °" write to __ 8:c"c:,1:;•,;Ll;;;;~;;;;*,.M2-;.;.;;;1D::;10;__ mature jud.grnent 9 am -2 pm 637-3070 QUAL O,POll.TUNITY tMPLOYER I olon Vlojo. A.11-491.1 .... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .... !!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!! .... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!! P 0 Bax 1223 O>da M CllAltCE m ~ -A = · · aa. .,.,,.,_ DAILY-PILOT WANT ADS! '••••••• •••••••-·•••'T ', ' • • • I ., I . I • .......... ,...,, ............ ~., ...... 1~ : •• ~.·.• .......... ·~······· .l:" Summer Rentals? These are some pretty exclusive cliff dwellings. They're in Mesa Verde National Park, Colo., and they're estima- ted to be 700 years old, not exactly in the same class as I the charming bungalows a II a Ion g the Orange Coast • you'll find advertised daily in c I ass if i e d ads of the DAILY PILOT. But, you know something? We'd be al- "lost willing to bet you could rent these Indian relics • . . . . . . . . . . • • • •• t. • • • • ••• -.. • . . ..a-·-·-.. ..._. .. 1 if a They Could Be for the summer if they overlooked the fabulous beaches of the Orange Coast •.. AND, if you placed your ad where people are looking. This is no cliff hanger. "Buy- ing" or "selling," the market is in the DAILY PILOT. Dial 642-5678 and we'll drop you our direct rope ladder to the Classified Advertising Department where a courte- ous specialist will help you with your "smoke signal." j 1 JO ~ Ho' - p " " I< R c E La Ho ........... ~~~--.-.~-~.~ .. --:-.~~ ................... ,.. ............................................... ~.-..................... ~ ............ ~.'."".~~~~~7,~,.-:--~~-~.;.:.·,-~~~------~---0 , ,. -~ •• _..,, •I I I ,, J, •• , ,, •'-" ' ' . .. . ~· . '• . MOlldq, Junt 23, 1969 ~ JOIJA-iMl'l.OYMENT JOIS a EMPLOYMENT JOU a IMPLOYMINT JQIS.a IMPLOYMINT JOIS a IMPLOYMINT JOIS a IMPLOYMINT JOIS a EMPLOYm.No •vlo a aMP.yy.,.NT JO~ a~ Holp W•nted, Men 7200 Halp Wanted, Men 7200 Hal, Wanted, Men 7100 Halp .~~~led, Men 7200 Halp Wanted, Men 7200 H•lp W1nt1d Halp Wanhcl Halp Wanhcl Holp Wantad wo-n 7400 wo-n 7400 w-7400 Machinists' I : PRODUCTION TECHNICIAN . Small, precla:lon switch componcnta. Sttup, oper- ate varict,y ot ma.chlne11 lncludinz tum-t ht.the, vertical mill, Short run, small s It o p, Excellent \vorklng condition:ri, 50 hour \Vet"k, STACO INC. Previous RF and mlcro- \\/ave componi?nl experl· cnce including tuning and jesting lumped constant Rf filters. 1139 Baker St. Cost• Mes• 549-3041 C1ll Per5onntl Dept. (7 141 494-9401 Equa oppor1unity employl'r . TELONIC COOK 01ys & Nights APPLY IN PF'.f1i(l\1 MON THRU THURS BET\VEEN 3-j P.~I. .ENGINHRING CO. Laguna Beac:h SNACK SHOP Equal opportunity employer BOYS 10 -14 Carrier Routes Open 3444 E. Coast Highway Corona del. Mer '" Laguna Beach, So. La.tuna \VOOD Patk!rn Maker exper. Located near 605 trwy & . Aid~. 861)..240:;. DAILY PILOT 642-43"11 Help W•nted. Men 7200Help W•ntH, Men 7200 ' • CALCOMP IS COMPUTER GRAPHICS C•IComp i1 lh1 world'1 l••d•r i" Comout•t Gr1oli· ic Sy1t1m1. A1 tli1 u11 of com put1r1 continu11 to 9row, 10 do11 th1 m1 rk•t for 9r1pliic di1pl1v d1· Yic11 , , . 1"d 11 C1!Comp i1 t!11 m1ior d1v1lop1r of tlii1 v1r11lil1 1qui pm1nt, w1 h1•1 1njoy1d I ph1noment l <Jrowth, As •n 1x1mpl1, our 11111 vol- 11m1 1!11 incr1111d 400 'I. 1inc1 196S ,1nd ""' h1v1 Oncr111ed our R' & 0 bud91t pro po rtion1t1lv lo m11t th1 ch1ll1n91 of n1w produch ind 1pplic •· tion1. Thi1 11m1 Ollhl1ndin9 pro9r111 h11 bet n tt • ll1ct1d in 1dv1ncem1nt opportunilit1. 1f you w1nt lo bt com1 1 m1mb1r of thi1 winni119 l11m, with 1 truly dyn1m+c i nd u"iq111 colftp1ny, join C1l- Comp tod1y! Ouhl1n4,Vt9-c1r11r opportullf'i11 lli li I S: Field Service Maft!:KJer Will b1 r11po"1 ibl1 for pl1n~lruj, or91ni1in9, 11!d dir1cti"9 t l1r91 n1lionwid• field lt rvict 0191nir· 1lion in 111 l1c1h of p1r1onn1I m1n1g1rn t fll, bud · 91+ control ind 11rvic 1 l•chniq1111. R1quir11 I BSEE i nd 1 min;mum of thrtt Y••n of r1c1nt 111c- ce11ful n-11n 1q1m1nl 1xp1ri1nc1 with 11v1r1I y11tt 11rvic1 1•p1ri1nc1 on 2nd ind lrd 91n1r1lion di9i· !11 compulr11, Systems Desi9n En9ineers To p1rform 1y1t1m1 d11i9n of inftrf1c t t q11ipm1nl to 1d1pt C1IComp plottin9 tquipment to lh t n1w 9•ntr•tion of compuf1r1. M111f h1v1 ••Pttitnct in di9it1I lo9ic ind cir,uit d11i9n of computtr 1y1· l•m• and 1/0 equipm1nl. R1quirtl BS o• MS in EE. CRT Desi9n En9ineers To pe rfo rm 1y.t1m d11i9n 1nd d1velopment of X-Y defl1clion 1mpfifi1<1 {,,.19n1ticl fo1 c1thod1 - r1v !ub1 di1pl1y. Rtq uirts BS or MS in EE •nd 2 Vl•U I exp1rienc1 in •n•lo'g f11d ·h1 ck 1mpl ifi1t d1- 1i9n tfld d1v1loprn1nl. Sr. Mechanical En9ineers BS or MS in ME wilh S y11r1 or mer• ••p1ri1nc 1 in m•ch1ni1m1, dt1i9n 1n•ly1i1 of p1ripher1I com- pul1r tquipmenl, i.1. m19n1lic ltpt +•1n1porh. prinl•rs, plolttri, 1lc. Pro9rammer Analyst Minimum two y11ri on lhird 9111•r1tio n compuler1 pro9r1mmin9 in FORTRAN 111d m1chin1 or 111""· bly l1n91119e. Systems Analyst Mu1t be exp1ri1nc1d with 01, Pr1f••t!IC1 te tho1e f1mili1r with G:E' 400 1erie1. * * ENGINEERING Woman· 7400 1--------j,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 J. c . ,Ptnney Co. .~~a11hlon J~and Newport Beacll J'IEEOS MENS CLOTHING SALESMEN ~'ull tinlt employment, t-.xc.llent lnctntlve plan and outstanding benefits. A chance to participate In W11 company'' expon- i;lon program. APPLY IN PERSON 10 A.lot. to 9~30 P.?.1 . ?t1onday lhru Saturday J. C. PENNEY CO. 24 Fashion Island An equal opportunity employer PROJl!CT DESIGN ENGINEl!RING Requires experleni:e In dOSfgn of hydraulic servo systems and components,. such as ac· tuators, servo v~ves or solenojd valves. Desires strong capability in servo system dynamic analysis and /or Ouid $ystem stress analysis. CADILLAC CONTROLS , Dlv_isl<ln of Ex·Collo Corp. 18'6 WHITTllR AV!., COSTA Mii.A 646-2491 An equal opportuntfy employer Holp Wanted, Man 7200 Help Wanted, Mon 7200 OCA • J. C. :'>onney Co. Fuhion Island Newport Beach NEEDS PART TIME SALESLADIES • Housewives & Mothers Cln you ·~ a tew hoUrs each day and add 1G the family Income at the 1am• time! s~~ules eonvtnle.nt for you, mornlnr:s. a.ner-noon.. evenings or oomblna. lions of all. Work ln a fun sto~ under the finest of conditions and top rupervl• sion, APPLY IN PERSON PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND * SECRE- TARY Sbortband 80 wpm, type 5;0. on e*tric. Entlneer· Ing experience, eecrtt clearance desired. *PART TIME CLERICAL Eight hour day "On Call", Sf!crflta.ries, sten· o's, typists and clerks, for vacation and peak work load relief. ATIENTION . . . HARBOR AREA •EMPLOYERS Our firm Is moving Its c e n I r a I office to Fresno on June 27th. Unfortunately for us some of our best employees cannot make the move for personal reasons. We would like lo see each find enother good job In the area .. If you are lnlerested, call me for detail.s. You can interview in my office, or we will give time off for them to visit you. Each gal is highly recommended, and they have been with us from one to nine years. 1 Top Personal StCret•ry 3 Efficient General Cleric1I Gals 4 Speedy Univac Key Punchers 1 Payroll end Key Punch Gal 1 Part-Tim• Clerical I Key Punch (Tops) BE MY GUEST- I..ara:e national company ~· ................... ..,..,.* expandlna: to On.nae County Jr Accountant "' $150 Fee J)Ut. Sport& or recrea. tional background. Also fet jobs. Independent Personnel 1 n6 Ora.na:e Ave.. Suite C 10 A?if to 5 PM ?.fonday lhru Friday Mason Wallace President • Partex Corp. 2000 Placentia, Costa Mesa 646-4451 *CLERK For the reproduct)On de· partment. Swing shift. Trainee acceptablt:. COLLINS RADIO CO. 19700 Jamboree Raed Newport Beach EqU.U oppo1tunity employer MATURE -SERVICE COM· PLETED, Exp'd in factory production, H.S. or College \voodshop and gen. chemis- try desirable. Job discrip. tion: •Batch mixing of plastics e Filling l handling molcb • Stripping parts • Weighing components for mixing e lnspeeUng & evaluating finished part& e Assisting in solving proble11is e Assisting in "'oocl depl. KINGSLEY MFG.CO. !Phone for appointment) S4J.6116 JANITOR r-.tust be ab!e to work third shift, 10:30 PM to 7 AM. Must be ablr. to fto general plant and office cleaning. ' .. Cadillac Controls Division of Ex·Cello Col'p. 1866 Whittier Ave. Cost• Me•• 646-2491 An equal opportunity employer Licensed Real Estate Sales- man needed for inunediate employment. New unit now selling. Will train. Four Seasons Homes Huntington Beach 968-4500 Billing Clork $541 Some accounting exp. 2 yrs. college. Excellent benefits. call Dan. Merchants Person· nel Agency. 2043 Westcliff Dr .. N.B. 645-2710 REAL Estate Salesmen why not sell & be trained in the hottest area . Hunllngton Beach. Call Phil McNamee 962-44T,1. Village Real Estate ENTERTAINER. 0 r g an, Piano Guitar'!' Alter 6 pm Scottie's 436 E. 17th C.M. PART TIME HELP WANTED WORI\ EVES 6:30 TO 10:30 Pi\1. \\'E NEED 25 ll1EN TO Sl'ART WORK IMMEO. IATELY. NO EXPERI· ENCE NECESSARY AS \VE TRAJN YOU. TOP STARTING PAY .\LSO SUMMER WORK FOR TEACHERS I. STUOENTS Play all day, work 4 hourfl in the evening. For inter- view call Monday and Tues- day. Ask for Mr. James nc.11s1 Production Control EXPEDITOR r-.1ust have over thtte yrs. recent experience in ma· chine shop expediting. Cadillac Controls Division of Ex-Cello Corp. 186' Whlttlar Ava. Costa Mesa • 646-2491 An equal opportunity employer Escrow Mgr $12,000 Fee paid. Xlnt oppty to join big dynamic N,B, co. 5 yrs exp, Also fee jobs. Call l{ay, :>4S.54.l0. JASON BEST' Employment Agency 2120 So. r-.fa.in, Santa Ana LATHE OPERATOR, Top man only. Set up and operate Chucker or Second operation lathe. Small ctose- tolerance in1trument part!. DISC lNS"l'RUMENTS 2701 S. J.loliday, Santa Ana. 549--0345 Stare Mgr. Trainff $500. Ex~llent future for right man, call Loraine, Mer· chants Personnel Agency, 2043 \Vestcliff Dr.. N.B. 645-2770 Project Engineer $700 Mech ability, know dratting, 2 yrs. coll~. call Dan. Merchants Personnel Aren- cy. 2403 WestcliU Drive, N.B. 645-2770 EXP pastry cook & Exp fry cook, part time. 494-4898 Benton's Colfee Shop 13.l S, Coast Hwy, LB A COMBINATION Restaurant h e I p e r & dishwasher. Day shift. Top wages. Rancho San J oaquin Golf Cou~. 18021 Culvu Rd. nr UCI. Irvine, See Wayne. 83~U2 C.llf. 642-0026, ~0919 BUS Boy and Kit. Helper The Blue Beet 673·9904 Help Wanted Women 7400 Shirp ~!s * Mature 18 to 40 - Car Wash Cashiers Car Wash liostesses Auto Rental Clerks Top u.larles, growth com· pany. multi Jocalicns. Metro· California Business Enterprl1es 2950 Harbor Blvd. Coit.a Mesa 54'"8191 e BOOKKEEPER All student po.sillons filled. Equal opportunity employer • • BANKING Position lmmecU•tely •valleble for •n NCR 450 proof oper•tor, •t our Newport Center Branch. Experienced p r1ferred. PLEASE APPLY ~ Newport Centt>r Dr. NC\\'pol't Brach SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK Position open to men and women Equal opportunity employer e EXPERIENCED e NEW ACCOUNTS CLERK UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK Experienced, 1Nrt time 4667 MacArthur Blvd. • FOOD Newport "'"h 541>4'24 *TELETYPE OPERATOR Two yea.ra experience in private lint, al5o kMwl· edge of multlpal board PBX. 10 am to 6:30 pm shi.11. * PBX OPERATOR l.lulllpal board experi· entt. Typing required, 1:30 pm to.10 pm shift. *KEY- PUNCH OPERATORS One y e a r experlen~. 4:30 pm to 1 am 1hilt open. Holp. W1nt1d Women 7400 Mill EXEC AGENCY A.sat to Corp Sec Tres • , $600 Sceretary/Lqhl •..••••• $600 Sect:y to Pres •••.•••• to $5.'iO Seci-elary ...••.••• , to $525 Gent Otc/Bkkpr • , •.• , to $500 Stat Clerks (2) ...... to $500 Secty/Real Estate .... ;500 Secretary •••••••••••• $500up Seci)'/Purchasl"I'. ••.••• $500 Bookkeeper ••• , • • • • • • • • $473 Girl Friday ............. $476 General OUiCI'.! ...... $>150up Secretary ••••••••••.•.. $450 Gen Ofc/ Architect • , • • $433 Keypunch • .. . • . • . • • IG $400 NCR Oper/Collectns • to $400 Billing O erk ••.••..• to SJ80 Dental Asst/P.T, •••. S2.50hr Gcnl Ofc/P.T.-GG • , $2.25hr 410 W. Omst Highway Newport Beach 646-3939 ADVERTISING Secretary/ CHECKER *STATISTICAL B kk 11.~.~r,m •. ~~~~!s~:;.~;~in· * SENIOR RH!!lbla e!~~.~.1 Part or lulJ tin1e 10 \\"Omen ~~~f~~ ~~i:~~~s. 1~11: ACCOUNTING position f?r ;harp, tekea net>ded immed. for child Iege math or acctg desir-charge t11rl. Must hive cll!'c, aides or companions. able. 11,1 fee pd by empl, ~rt CLERK excellent skills Incl. Age 21·65 by app. J.R. Plerc:e A.i;soc shorth1nd; handle lite Sitting Pretty Agency Agency 1885 Ne1vport. CM. bkkpg; billing. Under r-.tembtr of \Ve Sit Better. ti42-6720 30 c II B b (714} --A·-unt• n:ovable ,,per. • a ar ar•. Inc. SUbsidiary o; Gerber C I $575 '""" ......, . Prod Co •327 onsu tant ta • icnce, accurate typist on 642-3910. . . 64..,. 4 Dept. bead !or financial & IBM el~ctrlc. Accounting Secty. $500 • $550 ~rtate planning, good typ. background desirable. A top beach area co, la look· ing + figure appitude, some ing for an attractive gal with coUeae required, will train l;?ood sec, skills, great pc> right person, ~~ fee pd., call tenUaJ and the co. will re-Loraine, ltterchants Person· lmburse the fee. call ~ nel Agency, 2043 Westclitt ralne, Merchanta Personnel Drive .. N.B. 645-2770 ~·~~'ti;.~:. w .. tolitt Dr., ~H.,.l"'C"K=o"R"'Y"'"'F"'A~R~M=s Bank Steno lo $sso off•rs part Lim•. ,njoyable work: evenings. If you are a EXPERIENCED e NOTE TELLER e PART TIME TELLER UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 2Zl Ocean Ave .. Lag'Wla Bcb. . 49+6546 Holp Wanhcl Women 7400 HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH KEYPUNCH OPERATOR With a minimum of on• year's experience on IBM equipment. HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH 500 Superior Avenue Newport Be•ch, C•llf. Equ•I opportunity employer -M It F EXPERIENCED e ESCROW e SECRETARY UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3141 E. CoHI Hwy Coron• del Mar 673-9240 Equial opportunity employer e e EXPERIENCED -TELLER- UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 309 Main, Hunt. Sch. 536-8811 Equal opportunity em'ployer e SECTY /RECPI' Experienced. Beach area. 5 ofiice1 to &erve you~ Allen-Warren housewife and want ·to make· extra money, come Jn and see me at, JiI CKORY 1''ARMS, So. Coast Plaza, Costa Me~. (Lower Malll *JUNIOR ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK ----------1Xlnt oppty for girl w/ ex· ceptl personality. Heavy typing, lite bkkpg. Advance to Exec Secty w/iTI 1 year. Tei $500. Call Mr. Richards, 54l>S055 Personnel Agencies 230 \V. Warner, SA 549-3096 WANTED babysitter for in- fant wkday morns, my home University Park ar· ea. Lite hskpg. 833-0431 aft. er 12. GIRL Wanted, S.:crelarial Receptionist. Pref. l"l!(!ent HS grad. Jnterviews 8 am to 10 am, CRJITERS INC .• S--J9A \V. 17th St., CM AITENTION! H o u sewl.ves-Students. Ex· citing PT/FT emplmnt op- ptnty. 645--1439 -SHARP GAL-- Looking for a pennanenl position "'Ith the grooviesi boutique in Orana:e County. Must be experienced in hi· fa s hi on dresses & sport!iwear. If you qualify, call for appt: THE LOOK, 644-2400 Lile typing. r-.tust be ex· perienced in accounts payable. COLLINS RADIO CO. A11t/S1cty $400 Beaut Irvine area co. xtnt growth position. Friendly atmOsphere. Call E d e e, 546-5410 JASON BEST Employment Agency Zl20 So, f.Iain ,,Santa Ana COASTAL AGENCY A member of Snelling & Snelling Inc, 2790 lfarbor Bl, Costa Mesa Ganoral Offica $450 RECEPTIONIST Good typlst, no calculator. Cortlless switchboard, lilt! General oUice duties, Com· typing, pleasant personality. DENTAL as.~i1tant I fleCre· tary Laguna Hills • Leisure 19700 J•mboree Road pany will reimburse t~e Experience helpful but not W Id I Newport Beach fee, Call Loraine, Merchants nee, will train. Good co. or area. A I phases mas· Penonnel Aaency, 2043 benef.its. located near Or- terecl. $475-$500 sla.rt. Re· ill rl N s ... c 2710 c sume, P.O. Box 10915, Santa Equal opportunity employer Westcl D ve, .. U"l.r ange ounly Airport. Con- Ana 9'2711. Replies strictly <Also fee jobsl tact Ml'l!I Llunsbery. 540.5550 ·Holp Wanted, Mon 7200Holp Wanted, Mon 7200 MASSEUSE Must be Ucensed Apply in person ~ Main St., 15 Point Shopping center) H.B. cco::'n:':f'::ld:;:'":;:'='•:::l.:::-.,--c::--[oiiiiii'""""'""""'""'""'"""i Receptionist to $400 Mon.Fri before 4 pm. ,., Xlnt Irvine area co. Pretty TWO Mature women to SNACK Bar Girl over 18 ap. offices, interesting duties. 11.ssist me in my business, YOUTH WANTS JOBS ply in person to Horst T · ,'(I J Call &bble, 546-5410 with opportunity for ad- Chlesi, Newport Har b or _ -JASON BEST vancement lo !hose who Yacht Club, 720 W. Bay .J: -', Employment Agency qualify. For appt. call Avenue between 11 am &: 1 ~ 2120 So. Main, Santa·Ana 642-8560 or 962-5466 bet. 2-4 pm except Monday. lit 1tEll'IDl1tl • ,,,JoflJWI -',>:".' B'BYSITl'ER Mon lhru PM MATURE ''°" c, .. ,.., 0r, • "''"',.,,. _... " • I ====-~---~ Person lo help At<1H1 t•orrt o ... ~,, c ..... , ,.,.,... Fri. My home Mesa Verde EXPER'D teenagl! g Ir I live-in hou~keeper I n Pho11t J46-1ll r r-area. $45-8012. Call after 7 wanted, 2 day, wk fDr S mo Trainin9 Instructor ITedinicall To t111;h thtotV t nd op1r•lio11 of di9if1I compul1r ind ,iitipli1r1I 1q.iipment lo fi1ld 1ttYic1 ind fie· torv p1rsonn1!. E•p1ri1nc1 on comm1rc i1I cem pu· !1r 1f!d/o• IBM ~typuncli m1chin1 p•1f1rr1d. If you'•• • v•11n9 ptraon willi n9 to work or 111 edult lo1kin9 for • willin9 worktr, th111 fivt Or11191 Co11t 1r11 11on-p1ofit youth •mploymt nt c1nl1rs c:111 ~1 lp 'you. YOUNG PEOPLE: FOUNTAIN VALLEY YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE FULL Time workinli:'. molhcr needs daytime babyslUcr for 6 & 7 yr olds. Newport Hghts area. Aft 6, 548-7628 HOUSEWIFE Wanted 9 to 0 Tue s , \V ed , Thurs, ?o.Unimum . Clerk and oUice work. Ph. 642.8Qa7 mornings. Call ~7792 late p.m. or all doy Sat & Sun. old child care, 673-5964 PM Saturda.y or ltrst of the e FRY C°liOOmK:iel~i~=="'·'='====;.!..=;;=:;:=;=:=:.-[ week Graveyard shift. 2 yrs exp. Help W1nted Help Wanted Computer Servi~e En9ineers To m1inl1in i nd r1p1ir di9i11! comp11t1r end •o· t1tin9 m1mo•v 1quipm1nt el c111lom1r !oc1tio111. Op1nin91 in Los A1191l11, Si n Fr1nci1co, Chic190, N1w Yor~. W11hin9ton, O.C. ind 11 corporeie h11dqu1titt1 in. A11eh•;m. R1q uire1 minimum two v11r1 +tchnice1 1chool ff 1inin9 or coll191 level EE coui.•1 t nd two yteri exptri1nc• in 1olid ll1t1 circuitry, Gi9it1I lo9ic, rot•lin9 '"1mori11 111d +•ou· bit 1hoolinq commtrci•I compult r equipmtnl, Pr1f1r1nc1 lo epplic1nh wi th comm•rci1f 1y1lem1 1xpe1itnc1, S1ltcl1d c1nd•d1lt1 wil l r1c1 iv1 lund1- on h1ini119 ti full p1v in A111htim, Cel+forl!il. Electrical & Mechanical Draftsmen R1quirt1 po1t h;9h 1choof tr•ininq ind rt cenl 1r· per;1nc1 in !lit pr1p1r1+;on of d1t1il d11win9 for 1l1clto·m1ch111it•I eq ~ipm•nl, M111! be f1mi!i1r witli f1b ric8lion •nd prod11clion leehnlqut1 end ~now Mil Spe~1. E•p1 ri1n~14 in ~r1wi119 ttht m•• litt_ end PCB l1youl. JOIN CALCOMP - SOON TO BE IN ALL NEW FACILITIES CALL, WRITE OR VISIT EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 305 N. MULLER, ANAHEIM 63S-6S01 Sig" u' wflh 1111 ctt111t "' )1<.lr •••• ... .. t1r 10-'"'•~11n11141. HARBOR AREA YOUTH EMPLOY· MENT SERVICE !Spon1or1d by Junior Ebtll Club ind A11 i1- t1nc1 ltl')U• of N1w· po rt lt•ch.I Offict1 in Ctnlr1I l r•nch, l•y1' Club of !ht H•rbor Ar11 594 C111t1r Slrt1t-Co1· It M1t1. Op•lt f •.tn. to I p.m, Mond1y thr•u9h frl- d1.,, Jwnt 16 thr•u9tt A119. 15. T•ltphont ; 642· 0414. I Spon1or1d by S111th Co•1I Junior Wom•n'1 Club.) Off!c• In Nur11'1 Offict,' fau•t1J11 V•ll•y Hi9h School, 11116 l u· thi rd St .• foun+•in Vil· l1y, Optn ID •.m.·2 p,lfl. Mond1 y lhrou9h F•!d1y. Pho nt 962-244f. HUNTINGTON BliiACH YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE <s,.,,,,,,d liv Elli1 Av•· nue l1plht Church .I Of. r fite1 11 I I 21 EIH1 /It~•-• Hun+;119l on l11oh. 0''" 9 t.m,.5 p.m, Mtnd1y through fritl1y. fl'htn• 147.6067. BEAUTICIAN, full time; no clientcle required; new graduates l\'elco111e. Call Mllllager: 548-9919 ORTHODONTIC Assist/Sec. Costa r.tesa, atf!a. Ex per,· or Coll. pref. but not nee. C&II or leave mess. 64~7325 GENERAL Ofiitt, type 4S Neat ,& Pel'30nable, Plush OUIC<!, excellent benerus Call Miss &ma.rd 833·27So BEAUTY OPERATOR NEEDED! Apply in person. Call for appt. 54Xl20'J WAITRESS. OVER 21 t'ull or part time !'J.4~9863 • 1\IA10S • Motel \\'Ol'k. HUNTINGTON 1021 Ba)'liide Dr. Newport Beach BEACH UNION BABYSITl'ER • for 3 pre. HIGH SCHOOL school boy•. Aftemoons, DISTRICT JOI Mon.-Frl. 644-2966 after 6 REFERRAL P"'· SERVICE HAJllDRESSEll NHd<d SOUTH COAST B&lboa 1'10J>d won. J OB PLACE· !Su11•r.,li•d by "'"''t 615-4232 or 6'7S-3701 '°4•rti11, dlre1ttr •f wt rk ' ©®©e@@® M&NT SERVICE "'"'"" ''"'"'" COLL EGE Glrl-Motilor" I Spa111or1d b.,-S•uth Hu11'111f••11 lt••h Uni•ll lllde. Pref )'OU drive k Or•n~t Co1111tv YMCA.l H!jh Sthool O!ttrfct.I 11wtm. Rets. 536-1248 CALIFORNIA Ofr.,., •t ''' f•re1t Of Jc11 •t lf02 • 17th LlCENSE:D Shampoo girl, .f.v1, . ltt1o1n1 l1•ch, Shttt • H •II Ii n f I•" I needld t bu I COMPUTER PRODUCTS, INC. • Qp,n t •. m,·noon ind •••'"· Opt11 I •.m,·•~lo asa · or I)' Mon, I :00 • 4 p.m. M1nd1'f'1, p.m. Mt11G1v throu9h ,,;. Wt"d. thm Sat. 613-3820 An 1q11tl opporlul!ity omploytr ,;,,,, 1'60 fu••d•yt, Thu1td•yt 1,,d tl 1y •II 1u1t1111er. Pht111 I SJ'T"J'ER FOR 7 yr old. )'OW' "''I' er f1m•l1 "''" 1p,.lw I "'!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!11!~:.... f,ld1y1. Phon• 4f4.JJJJ. Sl6-9l)I. home 1·5:30 p.m .. Mon thn1 = I l!!""'""'""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'""""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!'""" >ii .. CdM ""''· 613-3125 S E W 1 N G M A C H I NE Heavy breakfast, Good sal· Women 7400 Women 7400 Operators, exp'd on power ary for a:ood emplyees. 181,;.··:-:::=::================.1 mach 's, women'1; or over, Please apply in sportswear. Top pay for person. qua1 iflcd sewen. 675-2530 COTTAGE COFFEE SHOP PHONE SOLICITOR 562 W. 19th St., CM Evllnlng_ work. No_ sellin~. Bookkeeper to $475 Apply in person lBa8S Matn Fee paid. Also fee jobs. St., <5 . Potnts Shopping INDEPENDENT Center) H.B. . PERSONNEL ELF.cTRONIC Assemblers, Jn& Orange Ave, Suite C print.d circuit bot.rd. Ex· Costa Meaa perlenccd, Will consider G42.oo26 or 545-0079 Trainee•. 1555 Placentia. Newport Beach MS-lSSl SHOE SALES m a nag e r ;;;:;-;;,.-,.;-,;-;;-'-;-,,--.'"'°I trainee. America's largest SALES W 0 MAN. Ex· ret1llers of women's shoes. pcrlenced In ladies reatly to LtEDS Shoe Sto~. So. "'enr. Apply Mon fhru Fri eo811t Plaza. Contact r,.Jr. from, 10 • 4, APROPOS No. Phelps .27, ~own &: Country, Orang: SALESWOMAN. ExPtlricncc SP EC I AL !\.1 ACll IN E In ladies l"f!llidy to wear. operator Over 25. Apply Mon thru Fri SPorl.Rwear. Top pay. lD-4, APROPOS No. 21, 642-2666 Town & Country, Ora~ WOlltAN With general fac-DREAM Job -Keep )'Olli' im· tory & a.utmbly. Specialty portant job aa wile A Molden 712 Yorktown, JIB. mother 6 earn a wkly \VAITRESS wanted OVt'.l' 21 paycMck, 544-38M, 638-3497 Steer 'n Stein, 587• Edlnrer. MATURE man-ted ,rlrl need- H.B. Apply In per11an. ed to work aorvice supply ENTERTAINER •• Organ, store. MUAt be 21 or owr. PUino, Guitar? After 6 pm. 540-9313 Scottle'a, 436 E. l?th, C.M. ''•"•""'s"'E"'CRET==AR=Y"-. u-"tu10<--,.,.1 .. ·ll • MATOS • Hotel/Mott! tlon expe:rlera, Sm a 11. Experience. $1.l'S hour. private school. Ca.II 673-8610 -.=,,,-C"ol7l ,_,6.,.l"94,....,,..10=,....-I LADY C.Ompan lOn, vtry liitht Dental Rectpf, & Bkkpr. hskpng. 2 days per wk. Exp. or rolleiie, 2)-45. 11ttady, ad. pa,)'. Irvine arta. 546-m &13-.242l af~r 9 atn --------· ASSEMILERS ELECTRONIC ASSIMBLIRS V•ri•11 01t1 M1 e.hi11t1 , loc•ttd In • n1w 1lr coMlititn•• plant 1t th1 lrvlne !Ml11•tri1I C''"'ltt of Or•nt• Caunly nt•r tht •lrp•rt, h11 1ovor •I i11"1rnitdi1ta optni1191 for 1l1ctronlc •11t11"1bltr1. l•t 1hift C7:l0 A.M, to 4100 r.M,f •nd '.ilild 1hlft 4ili P.M. to 121<JS A.M.I avall1blt. Wt would pr•f•r you lo ltf!ow 1111 c.olo' codt 1n~ CO!fl• pon•n+t. Goocf 1i•rtln9 rtlt tnd t tetU111t com p1 ny b1111fih lfl• duding If 4'1y• v•c•li•n G11rlnt tht 111 Y••r of tm• ploy1J11nt, Jloclc purch111 pro9r•m •nd • h0 Ud1y vact• ti•n f•1turin9 ti"I• p1id lo• time off f,.m Chrl1im•• D•Y lo lht Mondty foll ow1119 Ntw Y11r'1. If you •re 9•lng to work 01 1r• now workin9, why ntf l11v11t!1 1tt lht opporlun!ti11 11 V.O.M, 1 9oed pl•C• ft .....,1r.. • Interviews Dtily from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Ask for Linda Clerk Varian Dita Machines A ¥AllAN SUHIDIAIY 2722 Michelson Drive (San Diego freeway to Jamboroo off-romp, I blcrcl So. to Michalson Drive.) . .: • ' I ------~-----------.__..__ ... 7400 COASTAL AGENCY A MEMBER OF SNflllMG & SllUUIG, INC. World's largest professional •mployment servlc·tl Harbor at Adams Costa Mesa 540-6055 Secretary for sales office. General of. fice, good typing on Exec, much telephone. s/h lite. To ~. Call Sally Hart Tellel" NC\\' ac<:outHs, thorough & personable varied duties + so1ne bank knolwedi:!!. To S400. Call Sally Hart Secretary Girl With pleasant personali- ly & good s~lling. variety, typing & s/h for N B. Engineer. To $450. Call Sally Hart. Secty/Legal Superior skills foi-suf1!rtor office. !\take a chan;c up! Benclils. Start $52J. Call Sally Hart. Seniol" Clel"k Front office \\'Ot'k, kna<'k \\ilh figurrs. good math. Na- tional co. orlers real plus! S500. Call Sally Jlart. General Office Handle n10ney, lilc bkkp::. \Veil kno1vn flnn olft'rs good co. beneli1s. $300. CaU Sally Hart. Secretary Front ofrice girl \\'i1h :;:ood skilhi, will find reel op- pol"lunil}'. Local L'O. To $300. Call Sally Harl. Secretal"y IBM Exe<.'\Jlive c."<p & stable work background for sales C1Uice. Alc11. lypc. ~. Call Ann Willian1s. Help Wontocl Holp Wanted Womon 1400 7400 Women c= ___ _ *ESCROW OFFICER Position available ror ptf'o 110n&We tndlvldual whh loan proceNlflC experience. Knowledge of new accounts and related S Ii L duties preferred. Typ< SO wpn'I. Excellent worklna condt· tlons and fringe benetits. PleaMJ call Mr. Lew~ for appointIMnl, 642..C711. Glendale federal Savinas 1833 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa, Callf. An Equal Opportunity Employer Diversified duties. Type 50 wptn on electric. Call Personnel Dept. 11141 494-9401 TEL ON IC ENGINEERING CO •. Laguna Beach Equal opportunity employtr Bench Assemblers Of sma.!l precision electro mechanical devices. Expcr· ience prefen"ed in small pal'ts assembly, Trainees considered, Apply at STACO, INC. 1139 Baker St. Costa Mesa 549-3041 * CLERK * SALES ORDER Experienced in aales order processinr, malnl.a.in order log and ~ords. TYPe 60 wpm on ('1~tric. Call Person.nel Dept. (7141 494-9401 TEL ON IC • ENGINEERING CO. Lagun• Beach F,qual opoprtunlty employer FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT • ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY $543. to $652. • PERSONNEL TECHNICIAN $537. to $646. • REQUlREMENTS Typing 60 wpm, shorthand 90 \vpm. Fringe benefits: 12 days paid vacaUon ))('r yr and 12 days paid sick lea vc per yr, major med i- cal insurance policy. FOR INFORMATION Call Miss Zachmeyer, 842-6651 Ex!. 2'25, between 2 & 5 pm. ee NEEDED Two Office Girls Must be 21 and able to drive APPLY 186 East 16th St. Costa Mesa HOUSEKEEPER & babysit· ler for motht'rlcss home. one child. 646-3033 aft. 4 pm. Jobs-Men. Wom. 7500 Secretary Stnall office'. Al ca~ phone, accurate lyping some shorthand. Start $125. Call Ann W11liam11. Equal Opportunity Employer ~ newpOrt , 00 Receptionist for personnel 1 Advel"tising Agency lo ~'e have openillg for atlraC· ~.agency llve. young girl as recep. Secty to Pl"esident Hl"avy book k,. e 111 n:: {''t- pcriencc, light shorthand. type ~ 11'11m. To $j2;i, Call Ann \\'Lllian1s. Teller Plush ~,.,. bank \Vi!h fuhtrc oppty for gal WJth yood personality. Start S1U. Call Ann Willian1s. Bookkeeper F'ull Charge accts pa,yahl!'!, general ledger. Top bl.'ncfits, br.11ch area. to $550. Call Ann \\ illiams. Medical As5istant Par! <ir full lin1r. l\tlO\V i\J:~thra~ & mrdical. Lovely offif'e. To St::.3. Call Ann \\'ill18ms. Secl"etary Executive !Bi°l'l 60 wpm or beller. Busy office, op- P'"'"";ty to adv'""· $.bl. Call Ann \Villiams. Teller tionist. Must type 70 wpm TECHNICAL and like lo meet interesting POSITIONS people. Starting salary $375 f\1'any p1-ofesslonal & lech- '"ilh excellent benefits in-nical positions available. eluding profit sharing, \Viii Call M. Baughman, 642·3870. be located in heart of Fash· 833 Dover Urive ior Island. Newport Beach PREMIER • NEW FAl..:ILlTY * Personnel Agency CONTINENTAL MANOR 445 E. 17th, CM 646-0531 LAGUNA BEACH Fishing Rod Wrappers Permanent and Immediate Experienced. Top pay. employment; Housekeepers, Browning Mfg. Co. kitchen helpers, relief cook, 1919 Placentia, C.M. 548-llTI janitor (mainl), social and SALES & LIGHT Otfice v.-ork recreation director, PBX in fashionable Lido jewelry operator {nights). Company store. Jewelry experience benefits. Pat \V a d l ow, necessary. (:all for ap.1 _:77~4-'630;_::_=·~'1'4-'=9''-758",---­ pointment. Pern1anent posi-HAIRSTYLIST full or part lion. 673-9334 time. Some following prefd. GAL FRIDAY Busy shop, Xlnl l oc. Liie typing, filing. phones. Contessa 1-~~~shlons Good oppty & future~ Cdi\t Call afler u, 67S.TI9t RELIEF COOK NEED lady to babysit my Park Lido home \'icinity Beach &: Convalescent Center Slater, J-1.8. 8 4 7 -14 9 8 GU-8044 betv.-een 6 PM & 9 Prd only. ~BooKkee~. P t· t m, EXPERIENCED Single Nee· Penn. Exper. Pay/H, TMll' tlll'! Operators. Apply: 825 R, P &:L, Bill. ~ et('. Ne\v hMnk. rnendly outi;oing \V. 18th St., Costa Mesa. 642-9890 NB r..t'rsonality \l'ill1ng to Jo any J --;;;,-~._;;;,; __ ~_.,;;_~_;_c;:;:;;;;;,,,,,;~:;;~;====== assigned job. S400. Call Atu1 V.'ill1an1s. Secty/Legal Good background ui ~e!1C'ral law in Cahr. \1•11! i:ct you a top spot in 11.B. IOI'. Llocs to $600. Call Gloria Kay Exec Secty to V.P . Skilled \V I 1ilnstnu:tion background for g r o ~· 1 11 g Ne\\'PQrt Ri-11ch <"Ompany. Goes to ;:-i:.o. Call Gloria Kay. Secretary Legal backgrounll. ~tarts Aug 1st, allractivc. very in- telligent & skilled. \\'\11 1;;0 lo $600. Call Gloria Kay S.cretal"y to 3 architects In C.t-1. Han· die all office variety. S/11 not neccS51lry for alert iffl. To $5JJ. Call Gloria K11Y Clerk/Typi1t v.·J &Orne bookkf!\'11111,i;:. mur!i tell'phone It front orfit'f' ~II· pcarancc. Greal var I c I y. Goe& to SjTJ, Ctill Glo1"1a Kay. __ • .AIJv Artist. tor lnduslriaJ art firm. Gat.G drawing & line v.'Ork:. ~ eye. f'l~ible hn. $4 per hour. C.ll Gloria Kay. Adv Exec S1cty SkiJled cirl able to handle full oU. duties tor amall agm:y, \Vlll eo to $500. c..Jl Clorla Kay. SICl"lf•ry Good ~~I 1 ckgroonri. Tnp i;yplna Ir S/h. d>clapt~-c. Oflict w/much v ar I{, t y . Righi Jirl to $525. Call Glrui" )'(.,., Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500 ACCOUNTING ADMINISTRATIVE OPENINGS With Atlantic Research ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SUPERVISOR w;n 1up•rvi•e ell •tli .. iti11 co11c••11•d with· the Ac· co1mh P•vebl 1 1ec1;.,,, i11dudi119 th• 1ccumol •tio11 end ••cardi119 <>I li1bility, d•ily b1 I'"'''· work lo•d repo1h, C1•h flew ind iour111I entries. Will 1110 be re1pontibl• for "Ji119 tcheduf11, "oucher in puh to EDP, ind will perform periodic 1udit of 111 PO commitm111h lo dt1ure p•oper peym111t of 111 .. oic11, Oe9111 i11 eccou11tin9 111d 11 l11ll two ye1•1 1 ppli• t 1bl1 1ccountin9 e~p1d111ce r1quir 1d. SR. COST ACCOUNTAt:IT Pe tlorm conlr1cl coll 1111!y1l1 end pr1p1r1 tp1cl1I job coil r1pct11. ;111i•I in pt1p1r1lio11 of month ly op• er1!in9 li6l1m111h, m1i1111in coil r1cord1 on COii• 1lr~eti o" ;., pro9r•U iob1 for <•1'il•1is1tio" ypdll tompl,lio11 •lid P••P••e ov1th11d 111;1lytit for 1111 111 d"t rhe•d t•le "•9oli1llont with 'JO"l fllfll t lll 1udl0 lofl, Will •l10 do 1p1ci1I •n1l y1•1 •I r1<111ir1d bv m111t9 em111I. 019t•• i11 Accout1lin9 111d ,,,.,,,1 ~•1t1 1•ptrltnc1 ti coil •Ccou11!•11I with k11owl1d111 ol 90"''""''"' co11h1ch. Please send l"esume Including salary history to LEE KELLEY (114) 546-IOlO 3333 Har bol" Blvd., Costa Meu, Calif, Missile Systems Division ·--------------- newport . personnai agency 83.1 DOVER. D1UVE NEWPORT BEAO:i 6<2-3870 You are cordially ~nvlttd to visit our offices or m1k1 tel• phone Inquiries r• garding our employ. ment opportunities. 5,. D1s l9n Engl", EPF' BSEE, • to 6 years loa:lc design. Computer Pl"ogramm1rs. EPF Pi.1 achlnelangua£'e background, mini com· puter expcr. lndust .. lal Engr, EPF BSIE, prefer 2-5 years ex· per come! or industrial cost pricing background. Design Engineel" (Mechanical) EPF Degn!'e not mandatory, abllily to machine tool, design . supervisory draftsman. Accountant, EPF Degree or equiv elC1)eri· ence, financiaJ statements, P.A. e:xper preferred. lntll"nl l Auditor, EPF BS degree, 1-3 years auditing experience. 35% travel required. Sales Ml"ktg Engr EPF BSEE or equiv., market surveys & direct ter- ritorial sales. Designer , EPF Must understand piping design, know buil!:ling codes. Mechanit'!a1, archi- tectural, or civil back· ground. Engineel"ing Aide, EPF Civil engineering cxpcr, drafting fink or linen1. field work. Sales Trainee, EPF Q-4 years exper. Prefer college degree. Salary + bonus + car. Management Tl"ainff, EPF High school g r aduate service obligation C1'.lm- pleted, must have sharp, neat appearanct. Sec,.etary, 1/2 CRF Sh so+, type 75+ on 1er-.1 Exec:, Co1npany prefer.; ,.lcctronic, marketing or eingirtccring background, Secretary, EPF !Anaheim area) An all American girl n I'! e d e d here. \Viii work for area manager & account ex- ecutive, Type 65+, sh oo+. Construction S1cty, EPF Good telephone technique + above average s/h & typing skills. Kncl\v\edgc or purchasing helpfuL. Secretel"y, CRF An excellent opportunity for a young \\'Oman v.·ith background. Sh & typing + some hostess v.·ork tor socia1 !unctions. Secl"etal"y, CRF Attractive. young lady needed lo v:ork with an executive secretary in one ol our best firms. Should be statistically oriented, type 70 +, Sh accurate "' +. Sales Ordel" CJe,.ks 121, APF ,\ 1nir1imu1n I year 'Xfl in sales, order desk or related field. Prefer small to medium ~ize co. exp + accurate lyping. Job in· eludes heavy telephone work + followup. Acctg Clerk, APF l\Unimun1 2 years A/P cxpcl". \Viii do somr typ. ing or letters. Acct9 Clerk Tl"ainee CRF V.'111 train a ·young lady \vlth good figure aptitude. Must type <IS + & have a good appearance. Gf,.I fl"iday EPF Work for Sales Engineer \vith busy phones. !\lust have good typing to com· pose 01vn correspondence. Hours 8:30 lo 4:30 + fan· lasllc con1pany beneri1s! F IC Bkkpr EPF Throui;:h f'OU(;h draft of linancial statenitnlll for CPA F /C Bkkpr EPF f"ull charge thru trl11l balance. 10me weekt'nd v.'Ol"k. 1'v."O cipenillg"S tn same c:ompiny -l, N.B .. '. Lagul\ll. Typist APF r.1u!lt like to type. If you have Purchue dept exp it can mean rno~ SSS. 9 DAYS LEFT!! • MERCHANDISI POR SALE AND TRADE • • . . MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDISE FOii SALE A!ID TRADE SALE AND TRADI FurnJtu,. IOOOFurnlture 8000 M11C9ll•""u' *AUCTION* U YOl.I wUI .tell or btor Teari114J Down Buildin9 to Make Roon( For Our New -Store SPANISH ** MEDITERRANEAN PUBLIC NOTICE DECO RA TOR GETS CANCEUA TION OF 18 LUXURY APARTMENTS Sp1nish & Mediterr1n11n Furniture All BRAND NEW &Jve Windy a tr.· Auctions FriClay 7:30 p.m. Windy's Auction Bern Behind Toey·1 Bide. Mat'L ~ Newpoprl, CM~ $75,000 CLEARANCE • Wood game sets fro1n $169.95 • gua r. m_jltresses $19.95 • Spanish dinette set $IJJ.95 • 3 pc. Spanish bedroom sets $99.95 • Spanish table lamps $12.95. t-.c. Mt•ll!ll't.,.,._ l.W-Stlll Ill ~ •OW t111M .. ~A~j ,t>r.::1 ·c · · · · ·..i1'i ;ott ·w·1111 ;.,..di1n.' ·1. tr~ ,t°!ea1• --;:.:~"""i~-t ... Mit.ts• .......... Vli H·I 1""1tiio111i1111 ,, .. ... . . . ..................... 111·. HAND TOOLS • Socket set• • Clrculat ·saws • Drill rnolors • c.ar polishers & sanders United Rent All Remainder of tluge stock at terrific savings! No down -term' t o mMt your budget - bank fine; Mester Charge, Bank of America. tlkl 0.-1!1\d 1 I .. 1!\111 COff9. T1bl• ········•""")loW 1•· 111 Dl<;Ofl1or T•~ LIJIWI fllfi, ..... tJI ............. •OW IJ'• SN11lllll H-11'111 .Sw*' UfllM Ill• Mt,t SJ ,........... ' A decorator dream house on· di splay 3 room s of gorgeous Spanish furnitu re (was reg . $1295.00 no \V. 191h St., Costa Mesa 645-0160 or Store Charge. • ·ns Tropical ~'lsh • OPENS Thurs, June 26. SALE on tanks. fish, ac- cessories. 9080 Edilli"r, FV. 84:1-15.111 • This S•le For Stock on Hand Only • SACRIFICE • • . • • • $398 HO MC*IY OM. lll QUlllEO -WI! CAllllY OUll OYl'H ACCTS. mm FU.RNITURE \VEDOING GClwn, full lrlkirt. long slvs & train, like ne1v, u 8. As.lo veil and hoop slip, 646-1007 11.rt 5 wk d ys , anytime wknds. *FREE* 1844 Newport Blvd. H.%'.. 11..i.1 Joas a EMPLOYMENT M~!~~Ai;.o~s~.&°oRE Costa Mesa only Job.-Mwn , Wom. 7500 10" Wiglt-t for hostesslnr • \Vig party. For info call 646-0139. ASSEMBLERS E\ecll'O -rnechanlc:aJ as· scmbly of mlcrowavr. components. One year previous experience, Call Personnel Dept. (7141 494-9401 TEL ON IC ENGINEERING CO. Laguna Be1ch Equal opporrunlty employer • • J. C. Penney Co. Fashion Island Newport Beach NEEDS FURNITURE SALESMEN Full ti1ne employmen t. ex<'Cllent incentive plat1 and outslandini; benefits. I\ chance to partieipale in thi~ company'& rxpan- slon program. APPLY JN PERSON JO AM lo 9::l() Pf\l Monday thru Saturday J. C. PENNEY CO. 24 Fashion Island An equal opportunity employer • • SALES: all ages. home furn. & prod, sell discount. no compel, n1ay work from homr, your hours. We train. no cxpcr. nee. Need sales personnel full or pl·tm. l\1r Swanson 968-5929 BEAUTICIANS BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Rent space in Huntington Beach Salon. Reasonable. 847-9164 aft 4:30 PM. Schools·lnstruction 7600 DRIVING LESSONS AS IOIV as Ss".75 f)('l' WC('k IV/ pay lat plan. F1·cr holn<' pickuri. Securily Driving School, l-526·223..l e DRIVING LESSONS ,.,irst lesson [re('~ \Volll('n X., leenagl'l"l! our spt c lalty! a.ASTRO 83&-0r.n Educalional Vacatian 5!h graders . , • Sr Citizens Chilcoat JO lesson lyping Sehl. Trial Lesson. li3 Del llfar C.111'. 548-2859 MONTESSORI & Pre-School children accepted y e a r round. Ages 2~~ lo 10. Call; 646-3706, 541·5697 SOtITH Coast Sa!lin!-: Lt-arn 'to sail on 26' ~,toop. 64j..113.1 sch I. """ SPANISfl • priVa!e tulorini;: & or chu;ses. Your hon1e or n1lnc . 519·1151 or ;iJS-51:Mi MERCHAND ISE FOR SALE AND TRADE Furniture 1000 l·Pi<'CC Krochlcr Jl('C1\on1I. gd . lramc. nttd1 uphol.slr,ry $45. Pair of Dani11h mod. lamps w/s[lk shades SlO. 4 an'R l"Ug5 Jxj $8. 711 Geneva. 118. FurnlfUl"I 8000 !vel'J Night 'Tll 9-Wed., Sat. & Sun. 'Iii 6 REDECORATING'! Gel a :'!!!l'!~!!!! free estimate on Viny l a nd SPANISH Returned from l' Linoleum. Lie. Co n t. lttodel Homes oo sale at Antiques 8110 Musicel Inst. 8125 ~7272 less than wholesale! Group --'--. ------1----------DIAMOND pierced earring!\. l'ocl"de• bea"til"' 9 G, , KING Louis XIV, 9 pc din p rt ti I "-·t I'"' w Guitars e Amps • Crums e ., av.· e~. '-""' ........ quilted sofa & love seat. roo'!l set. Xlnt concl. 50 NEW AND USED sell Sl50 cash. 67~lll 3 Spani$1 oak decorator Years old. Prv pr I y. 8.12--0261 12 MAJOR BRANDS DWtOND cocktail ring. ap-tl".bles, rwag or table la.m..e,J"='========== ..., Also l\tany lmpot·ts At praised $775, sacrWce $300. v.•all placque, king, qoeen, BIG DISCOUNTS 673-3600 ., full '"' bedroom ..,;,, FREE TO YOU 1~======== I complete lncl box' springs, EVERYTHING U\ MUSIC mattreu. linens "-boudoir FREE Adorable kittens' Beach Music Center Misc. Wanted lamps, Spanish oak 6 pc black & black Ir \Vhitc. 6 dining set priced elsewhere wks old. t.tusl find good at approx. $ll9S.OO ALL homes. 1989 Anahcini St., FOR ONLY $399. S20 down, Apl. B. CM. 1610 Daily 12 noon till 9. Sat. 9-5 17404 Beach Blvd. {Hwy. 39) 11,,, mi so. San Diego Fwy. Hunl ini;:ton Beach 8<17-8531i WE PAY MORE $4.99 per :-.-eek ' out or =r~R~E~E~K=;~11-,.-,-.~,~b1~.,~,-.~, stale credit OK. W 111 blaek/while, 2 Ing hrd grey. CASH separate ,for qUlck sale. 20th 2921 Carole SI, N . B. P ianos & Organs 1130 <'.entury f'umiti.tre, 9 '! 7 2 (Eastbluffl 644..{)688 6123 I -----.~----For furniture. appliances. Carden Grove BI v d .• ----------GULBRANSEN ccilored TV, stereos llld an· Carden Grove OaUy lB.9 LOVEABLE Calico Cat & 3 liques. Sat ll).6, Sun 12-5 Com~ black/white kittens. 6 wks ORGANS Dav or nil!'ht in or call cn4i 530-S240 \vnd & trnd 6 7 5-1o 6 s4 WURLITZER 636-3620 OVER.STOCKED CdM l'n PIANOS & ORGANS ~10VING Need special home Pianos & Organs Rented MUST SELL! for attive feinale mixed iel· EVERYTHING IN MUSIC $WE BUY$ tcr. 10 mos. all black. Beach Music Center $ FURNITU RE $ APPLIANCES Nc1v 9 pc COl'ne r arrang. 64l-TIO!i 6/24 choice of rlrs. $149.50, Jlead-1 "-,C,'='=--~~~­boards: Kings $15. Queens, 9 MONTH old female Parl $12.50. Full $111.50 Twins toy c;ollie needs good ho1ne Factory SaJes & Service S3.95. New 7' round' Bed,.,., prefe11·ably with children. Daily 12 noon 'lil 9, Sat 9.5 legs, velvet gold. hdbd &: ='='"-~'563-~--~~~-174().1 Beach Blvd .. (1-hvy 39) 8prcad. best ollr. Beds, BOX springs and mattrt'ss. l~ii mi. So. San Diego Fwy. C•lot TV'1-,l1110'1-St1r••'J I l'l1c1 or Hout• Full CASH IN 30 MINUTES • 541 -4531 • nc1>.•: King S99.50, Queens OverstuHed chair. 427 E. lluntington Beach 847.s.536 WANTED-Bed~. Tr u n d I e-' $89.50, Full $49.50, Tv.·ins Bay, Balboa Bel. 10 a1n &: 4 JUNE SALE'.'.! riser. duplex-corner group!! $39.50. fully guaran. Span-pm. 6/24 or convt. sofa. Good cond. lsh Jong-boy Sleeper-sofa, SUPER cu!e kiltens.1 \Vks. Factory authorized clearance only. 548-1829 hand::aiv~ "·ood. best orr-old. 2 calico, 2 orange lnb-or. overage, return! I:. de~os \V ANTED: Used 3 spd or 10· c1·. K1"g-S1ze spread n2.99, by v.·eancd & hsbrkn Pianos I:. Organs. Prac~1ce sp<l bicycle, aloo used teMill T\vlns $6.95. SIESTA SLEEP "'A: ~c"" 6123· pianos, new walnut sp1nel ra ts. 673-066.j SHOP 1927 Jiarbor Blvd, .c~~--:.::~=" _____ __::.:: I pianos, new & used Grands :.=cq:o::"":=:...::::_==:_---1 Cosla fo.1esa. 643-?760 daily 2 BEAUT irUL champagne & demo Baldwin Organs WANTED : Twin stroller in· 10·9 Sal lo.°G. kittens mal('s, ! wks, also 1 really & tIUly on money g..xid condition. Call 837-9682 ligf'r sLriJ>('d. \\'('ancd ,t, savlng SALE!! Get in on anytime LIVING 1'"' ~cc 1 10 "a I, trained. Call ~>45-1878 ''23 the big deals al: 1 'P~E=T~S~•~nd-~L~l~V~E~S~T~O~C~K~ couc:h<>s. chairs etc. Shcnvn .c::::c-c:.::-=:::_~:_:=__:;.:: I WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO ·...;:cc;;..:;:;,::_:::.;.;:.:..:.;:.:;;;_ I bt\\·n 1·3. t.1on I:_ Tues. 160 NEED food . shelter for \V. \\'!Ison, CM, St' c abandoned skinny yello\V l8l9 Neivport. C.M. &12.8484 Dogs 812J inanai;cr. tnarL"< & nialtcse &: wht kit· J-1Aft1'10ND • Stcinwa)' : Ya· ALASKAN Malamutes, (sled ~. 1 ten 541)-6183 until 4 pm niaha • new &: used pianos do 1 AKC be u•·i ..., .. a ily king bed. quilted, · · · or all inakes. Best buys in J:o ~ups • • . au ... , Co1nplc1c, unused S98; ,~·orth l\1UST line! 5 good hon1es for So Call! . hi h . coloring, great family dogs. od .k. 8 k .. rig eic. ,_.di J . t S250. After 5 or \vknds molhcr a 1t1ens. ,.,. s. SCl-IMlDT MUSIC CO., u ie_n y, ov1ng. easy 847--0406 o I d . H o u s e b r o k c n . 1907 N M . train. Perfect show dogs, 3 ood . 836--4493 612·1 Sao'; Aoain, good for b r eed j n I , r1ns. g quality ... a used furn , NEEDS home • Himalayan 1-~=--=.:;c~c,.:'=~-Registered purebred, $12J priv. owner 540-6129 Siamese seal pl. male -18 1969 WURLITZER up. 492-3573 =""==~~;;,=~=! mo. Daddy kicking hin1 ou1. CONCERT ORGAN IA'~h~T~Co~ll7;,-,-,.-,~,-w-,.,--o71d'I Office Equipment 8011 835--0574. 6/24 32 Note pedals. ~sa than J Tri's & white. M/F See &: PRE1TY amber & while " mo~tlu: old. Paid $499'5 -Select No\v for greatest r ICTAPHONE 1ranscriber mo. old girl k i 11 y. Askmg $3250 .• See at: choice. Very reas. prices. used one mo. New S465 sacr. 835-0574 6124 Gould Music Company Call bef. 7 am, alt 1 pm. for S200 El I adding . 2045 No. Main, SA 5'17-0681 546-9203 . ec . .,A., l FREE FREE FREE 3 KIT· =:_c.~,,-,~---~-1 mach. S25 eves; <>"IU""95 6 TEN S , TRA I NED. Pl AN 0 And Bench TRAINED Dobcnnan, sho\v days: 642-8095 5'16-SlS5 6124 Gulbransen. \Valnut linish bit<'h gentle but iUardY: Addressograph -Elliott like new. 2528 Littleton Pl, mannered housr d 0 g . with supplies, service ADORABLE Persian kittens, C.l\I. J\.1onthly p Y m nt I OK. 774-5200 7 11·ks. old. weaned and -PIANO WANTED ~1746 or 83.>-7026 hsebl'kn. 968-1907 6/24 Store Equipment 8012 lt1ALE Kitten fl"C<' to good' homr. 646-7997. Very af. l\1ARKET equip; deli case, fcclionalc. 6/2"1 veg-e-(.-cnle~ many n1ore 7 ADORABLE . 1213) 877·1035 Pvt Party SILK'i Terrier female pupit.. \VANTED AKC reg. Sired by intern't SPINETS & GRANDS champ. Good w/chldrn. No 63& 3620 shedding, odorless. Call ll ) 893--7903 misc items reduced to ~~ . · P u P P ' e s • . c II 4"'1036 possibly c 0 ck -a -p 0 0 . Television 1205 • POODLE PUPPIES . price. a .,.,.... · 536-7631 6/23' ~;_.:c.;.;;,o;.;... ___ .,.:...c.;01 i· Beautiful. pure-bred minla- Hous1hold Goods 8020 F0.1ALE 8 \vks old Cocka· ANTIQUE \vhite. Packard !ures. $25. • 842·641! · e rr I d Bell Color TV, bcaul largel-=='"'°~=~""c,_-poo puppies. u . co ore . GERMAN SHEPHERD ''AGER Re' ' b 3 J 5350 cabinet, xlnt ccind. $300. r.· n. com . adorab e 675-eves. 673-8687 Pups. AKC Rcg'd. Black &, yrs old._ coppertonc. Xcl. FREE 10 good home -pu~ Ian , 6 \\'eek. 545-4682 corld. $6;Xl. Allt.O odds & pies, 3 male, 6 wks., 1nixcd S 1· Good 8500 GER!\1AN She p h er d 7 rnrls, d1'f'sscr. bookcases. brccd. ~l'l&-3953 _P~g_ . .;;.;c=;1c__:.:,:.; chai1•s. Call 54S...Ql64 eves & n1on1hs male AKC all .shotl'i. ivknds FREI'.: kiltens lo goo ti SUR FBOARD SALE Sacrifice $35. :i46-1081 -==========I homes. s;~o . 7'6 ·::!wle~6-i;;;;00ur PUG Puppies, AKC rei: .• 5 Garage SAit 8022. 1 ~~==~'3&-"7274~"-~~-'tpirr • 0 rs. wks old. Cal Joyce 540-1301 I CC-;-<'-CC:.."-----:i PRETTY kinens looking M iscellaneous 8600 or SJ9...5136 TifE GARAGE for happy home Please call Yelrkshire Terricr, female, Used Appliances I. furniture. 673-1071 ' 35 Ji'T VAN. All aluminum. 8 mo's old, AKC. Sho\\ Bilrgains ~ Dresser var.itics, dble & sngl bc'<ls, B~ the prourt owncl" of 11 'i Ideal ror s!oragc or quality. 646-8128 SJO gas & .. lN! slo\'cs. !'!'(rig Siamese k1Ucn, 5 11do~bJC' 6 ~'Or'kshop. $ 3 5 0. Call BLACK male poodle pupp;r:i;, ~20 & $30. lj,5(1 A Su(>C'rior. v.•ks. old, free. 5.10-81:)8 6/23 5'J&-37~ I min, & l toy. 12 wks old Ci\'t. &16-9188 CUTE Kittens. \>.~luied &. LAD IES Whit!'! gold dia-AKC. Call 54:>--0003 ':>4 DODGE. Pickup, ·;,a housebroken, 548-4615 6123 rnond I< upphire ring. POODLE pups. b 1 a ck Yalu!'! Sll25-sa.crilico close ml•o'ol"re AKC 175. Plymouth • furn .. mO\\'crs. POODLE l mo. old, shots " estate S4i5. 644-294-1 aft 6 •~1 .. 230 motors, & 111any other 546-1823 6/23 Pill ,,. itf'n1s. sun Only • 2027 4 DARLING \vhite kittens. 2 Ornngc. C.l\J. lt1anx. 962-0021 AppliancH 1100 BRO\VN Studio Couch. You :.:.<'°"c:.:.;;:;;;c_ __ ...:;_-"' pick up. 548-0807 6/23 SCRAMLETS ANSWERS MALE Gray & \vhite Persian cat. 5<16-6207 6/24 HALF-Siamese Kittens, G v:t'f'ks old. 67~1016 Eulo,i::y -J.'11nr,y -Hoisl -Sewing Machines 8120 E.xhal" -ANCLF~'i A typi('al pl1tyboy: so lone 191N SINGER \\'Ith 7,ig-ZOJ:' & IL' a 11•on1an has ('Uf\'C':< he \\·1dnut con.'<(llf'. 1'.lakrs hul· ha:i; AN GL~;s ton hol~s. design!'\ <'I<'., s;-,,z:; GA~' &: Sal. P.ange likl' nciu n10. (;r $36.00 c11sh. ~l26-6616 4-burn, lg. 01't'n. ~·/bl'Oi\. ,, • 1 I 1 1125 StOO. 1l>o11. ri~hwhr. s:,o music• ns . t'VC!I: • 646-9516 d. y1 : 0 RIG IN AL p rototyp &12-4!0$ Fender Jagutir G u i I a r LADY Kenmore auto '''/amp S95. \Viii lake: tni.ns wAshcr, coppertoll(". late cRr in trade. 513 Hllmllton, model, i.:lnt cond. m. Ci'll. 347-8115 fu6·W--l-G_D_ru_m-,.-, -,~.;-lh-1 NE;\V 11i11hwaslK-r &. elcc Cildjan CrA11h Cymblll only, l'angt, !'itlll in cartom. lttake $170 or best offer. Call off~'r. 9G2-'lj6,'j, ~12 5-19-lll·i. ~----~---~ Rl:.rRIGERATOR • Stan-DRU1'.1!":, Set Lutlwh:.: 1)('ad dard. bmnzc. \Viii sell $-HI or \\'ith CL'(les I. C)'tubaJs. bt'!11t nlfc1·. 614-ll.)1 S32.: ol97-16'1:J Pl.ACE your wt.nl ad v.·hcre DRUi'lf SET L1kl'! nr1v they ll'e Jook1ns: -DAILY gcrland COMPLETE, PILOT clll!sUied 642·;£7!! Clr make oUrr 644-(11:16 Slln- 1100 ltIIN. Schnauzers. AKC N'E\VPORT Beach Tennis 6 h. \Vee-ks, male~. Club Family Members ip. $j(} lo S90. 838-4074 $780. (SJOO below cost\. You =""~c..,,=~o.:..::;,;,:c_~1 pay trans. ftt. 8.13.-1469 AJJORABLE F"c1na!r. 'fny Poodle Black. 11·hite spot 011 OODGE '57. xlnt trans. all che!lt. AKC S.30. 893 ·3.~ifii P\VJ', R/H. $150. t.tusic ' center, hi-II. TV. radio. PO~,ERTAN Pup~. 01 sired, Sl7.i. LI 8-8207 Al\C reg, Benu1. fl'n1alcs. wn1r have shol!1. 642-7204 Quality king bed. quilted, Co111plctc, u1111~ S98: "'Ur•h rRANSPUR'! AT10N s1·i0. Aft«'r 5 or 1vknds, B-t & y ht ~~ 847--0400 oa S IC S 7Y\N M" RIKF. S:.'5. $kl'l!('s s~, &-NEEDS ENGINE :'.O fl. g1 1 S6 & S.~. Bunk f'ramcs SPor!li~twr, 10 ft. rtra11. Sl:i. RC>t':ker S6. 54.9-2100 co 111 p lrtcy f\l:J.)1l:lalJ.llC'd . ti10VING: \\I s h r I D r y r . Tl'Mljl'lm slcrn. o p e n cha irs, Tables. Din. ~t. CCl('kpil, trunk cabin. full 11.v.'fl equip, n1isc. 642-1085 pllt'y, fully rquipptd f:)I' .::.::::~:=;;:;,::~::,.:c;,;.:;=-1 r i 11 hi n C· Radi(). lclepho~ RUP.11\1AGE SALE tn'.nsducer. Sec at Moorina J une 26. 77, 28 9:30 • S:JO No. A99. "C" S!~t. Newp\ 861 \Y. 19th C.M. ~h. or call (7141 ~ CARPET all sty!es and C?I· 111 1• tnboard flbt>rgla5 Cabin ors. Frrc es11n1a1e. Lie. CnliS('r. Gel t,,ncl, Stfp •va.il. Cont. m-1262 Very seaWOt1hy. S 19 7 S 8' CUSTOi'lf ~ u r f b o a r d 6T.".-!i361 pcrlf'rt ror1<til1ori : l y~arold l'c~·,~c~~c~--,-01----,--, 9::11 84--&l!Jl · ,, "' (' 1'l't' wor ~ 1 ' :<:hart> l'~fl. on prtv. sail RIDERS \\'01.n tcd \'le,: \Vfln~r l-lawKl l July-Aug r,,~30 I:. Brkh1w~t to 6Hi * Spring. 11. TRI.HUI I Bay Boil! U.. l.Rnw 7 Ai'lf ~f97 21J 7 S. Lyon: S.A. \Vhill'l EtephanlS? ,j4~' Tl ., Ila - ' I •• 160 Tl ., do '" > Cal ,. t I· ' ~ 24' er ., .. " 3 "' Se - 0 1 3 21' .. Fl k # h< "' .. Pl n c ~ s; Gr ~ 4! SL s • • 26 II • 6 r ex ' ; 6 • ' " ., • .. • Ll E 0 13 •• " SI l '" = 22 $ ( " ( ' ' Ll ( SJ 14 f SI ' l 1' t I ! '. ]£ ' l • ' i ' • ' I • I • • ' !• .• I ' ' I = a J. J e = e = Monday, Ju11t 23, 196, , DAILY PIU!l' TRANSPaRTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION I TRANSPORTATION TRANSPO~TION TRANSPORTAT)ON 'R A!"SPORTA!IO~ TRANSf'.ORJ!'.'~ . . ;. 8oolt & Yach!t 9000 Mobile-· 9200 Trucks 9500 Imported Au'111 -Imported Autoo -Imported ~to• ffOI A-#Mled 9700 Utod Car1 9900 .;'3 §,a; : "80 BERTRAM '6S CASA-LOMA mobUe '62 CHEV pl<kup, ""'·'t ENGUSH FORD MGB VOLKSWA,GEN WE PAY . , • . C·HEYIOLET -I OLDSMO~ ~ Excep,tional Savings home, Double 8 x 40, c.Verbaul enc & tnuu, aood CASH 1969 MODELS Pe1U1$Ylvanlo Executor. d.Werential. llret, 44 ton '69 VW'1 • •• CX>M~Y EQUIPPED ~~ :t -~ bt!d. ~·mWlt be tow. ORANGE COUNTY'S ~.!u.-~6:eets.M;r: IMMEDIATE DFJ4\1J:Rt_ ' -__ 1~;~1!/~~~: :-, ._ ~ S.hla Mor* Sport>man !umlab<d. Open lloule at "'away. -· 499-1Z78 VOLUME ENGLISH $14!0 ....... 5.lf>.$40 "'""" Bonk Flnanclre .,. ...s..,. a trucb f1111 1 Xlntl eoad. ll!lA lltl3-W9 • BRAND NEW -· J. IJ. Rlcbanho• Co. No. 34 Lido V"'·~. 100 Lido t967 DODGE Ven. big 6. FORD DEALER ll and alter /. $213 DOWN -~-· •fl 6 pm ' ' CUTWS 1601 Bayside Dr., NB 673-0850 _... I R Xln __ .. $44 03 * 38 eall US for • ~UQ" ... te. • t69 Park Dr., NB. Mon Ii Tuts. /H, auto. t ~iu. SALES -SERVICE · moe: &ROTH QIEVROl£T Ul6C aJEV J.mr&*1L SS. 327 , · TIRED of SHOPPING June 23rd I< 21th after 5 f1725.968-2040or'40-4006 '69MODEJ.S OPEL :'if:ll!nal"""=~ ' ..,-.NJpwr,x.11 ~.-SSPTS.CPL BECAUSE OF p.m.• No children. 1967 FORD F 100 'I'Nck, 6 Immeftlate delivery mi wai=ra~. 2 f:;.11 ~ at cond .$l295. 847..o5'1S • • e Being turned down! e No GREENLEAF PARK eyl. 3 spd stick, 21),000 ml. LARGE SELECTION '66 OPEL Wagon, 27,000 ml. .ul -!Un M&noae '59 CHEV. SIL W., iOCld Dll.\11C.I, belts fn:mt A: rear. down ,_...t! e Out o! In clear cloao coo! ea.ta Xlnt rood. JOOJ. 962--6'135 Theodort Exceptlonal caod. """' IOU T & M MOTORS l82ll Bead> 81"1. caod. ,PIO 642-9118 after I ~~dub, IUll1 fl<1m> ., .iata oredlt! M-. New .,· spaoe adult * SHELLS * ROBINS FORD by wknd. 963-11•7 81111 Garden Crovo Blvd. Bunttnaton Beach belon> 9 ~-..~· Call us for immediate action park, Modds & Sales oUlce Slightl,y damaged/cheap. 1960 Opel Sta Wa.a:. Very 53'-m:,~ ~:DA~ IQ 9-3!31 pm or am $1tf ON. $65 Mo. * 893-5038 * loca6tPro •t Park. Open• AM f!39.l!OO c .. 1a :0:. .. -Blv:...00,, cl°"!!'.~ ta>eCMlrode. iz;o. '68 vw WE PAY WH ~ °'7n1m.;:i ;! S2J99 24' LONESTAR Cabin to M. PANEL ,,_ TON Sl5 n&JW,iton, · xlnt cond •"" 846-lGi cruiser & trailer, 91) hp ACCENT MOBILE ,62 cffEV Excellent oond!Lion Inside A · ..,.,... ' Evu.rude, galley & head, HOME SALES FERRARI RENAULT out, hooey =am oxl, pl..,, FOR YOUR CAR DRArrED m.,t .,u 'ST bait tanlal. $200' or trade. l'lSO Wbittier Ave. $675· M9-07B8 -Bob black interior. $1Z Caah Chev. 2-dr floor' abltt, ed. !S45-Ml6 eo.ta Me,. 71<: 642-1350 Ctmpors 9520 FERRARI '61 RENAULT, good tires. de1', dlr, or b'ade. take low CONNEU mech. cood. $2'>0 96>-'1864 22' GLAS.5PAR LIDO Park, Lovely b'ailer & Newport lmporta Ltd. Qr. :: ..!:~· l'\ltlS good $125. ~~ VHI IM. can CHEVROLET I 3 yrs. !am/fishing, loaded, <abaoa 2 bdr, S.y view, CAMPER -· County'• only autbo~ -·~ = llarl>or Blvd. COMET pert., sacrllice! Can tinanoe ADULTS. patio S 8, 9 5 0 . lzed dealer. 'Gl VW, reblt. ena: .• trans., * 842-3548 * 673-3429 & 6'll-3524 s.1 ... R•nl•I• SALES·SERVlCE·PARTS SUBARU clutcl>; Mil; xlnt cond. O>ota Mooa 546-1200 """OOMET C)clone, 300, 4 HIGH Q u A LIT y XI.NT AuthoriJled Dealer 3100 W, Coast Hwy. Ask !or Jett after 2 PM spd, ~ust llell. ae.t S•llboots 9010 ~:"'·. ~ .. ~. ~~·t Eldorado. Four Wind• w.~;'°" ~1764 Subaru of Calif. --Auto LHolng 9810 .,·.,"""=·======I 1:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;:::;, ....,., lmm.:u poss • ............_. Scotsman • Barracuda Authorized MG Dealer ( '67 SEDAN, black, AM/FM. Y" LEASE ytt DODGE ALBERG as '59 UNIVERSAL lOxSO. ,. C.bover Low.. -lnc.--Retail D v. Vent window .. coco mat~ 1969 Cad Cpe de Ville pm partly furn. &lcel cond. $199 FIAT $1297 POE Fi~lng available. $1450. wind, 6-way st & dr iocks, 5 Watts sails Adult park. $3900. 646-'12'16 Model # GOO Opt -•Ip $30. Freight $1.J.50 Caa 673--C373 eves. Wt str wb1, air coni!, sort. Hot & Cold ahower Theodo ~ .. -radi°"plisail-etc. 10X50 2 Bdrm in qUiet adult re '58 FIAT Convertible new Handling $49, T)el. $1390.50 1964 VW. Xlnt cond. ray glass, AM/FM, w/1/w. SlS,888 park. Crpta, drps. Musi ROBINS FORD engine, ti.res, paint. $500. + Tax and License New paint. RfH. $950. IM $165 mo. o PACIFIC YACHT SALESe sell! 548-8680 2060 Harbor Blvd. WiU consider offer. 642--&380 lOOO W. Coast lriway, N.B. Days 675-5272 SOUTH COAST '66 Dodge Polar• Conv., dlr, fact air. pwr win. dows, loaded! $75 Cash dela or take fore"lgn car in trade. Pymnts $39.86 mo. LB YNW 386. Call Ken, 494-9773 or PIUlb l'U A:Llc. Paytnenta -tu and Ucenae and ftnaftCt eblrlff on '8 months. APimwed eradtt. Strfa1 No. 3SlTT9Zll- 635L University Oldsmobile 3446 Via Oporto, Newport Costa Mesa 642-0010 st!HXOO * 540-2733 '6.5 V\V Bus, '68 Sundial CAR LEASING 213: 597·5:i68 714: 673-1570 Motorcyclff 9300 GLAS TOYOTA Inter. re-built eng, $1900. 300 w. Cst Hwy, NB 645-2182 CAMPER, ~~ cab !'l\'<!1, 67,>..1865 & 673-9904 ~. l======:I • TRAIL BIKE • t.utane, refrig, stov~, sips 3-1967 GLAS 1700 CC. DOHC. ,69 vw BUS FIRSI' TIME! '64 Dodge Van Camper PONTIAC FLlPPER 8 ft Bikini blue & while, fbrgl.s, xlnt coad. #134. Fact inltal rub rail. bolsting rings, oarlock tit- ting!. $325 or beat offer. 1968 Honda, low mileage, 5. flSO, 2600~ Newport Bl, Very clean. Muat sell see! TOYOTA EXCEU.ENT COND. Lease a New''69 for 6 Months 962-8939 $1295 auto., trail aear. $300. CM · Must sell thia week. cm) 644-296& after 6 pm. le return with no obligation. '67 LEMANS 637~ HE 2-1841 eves. ar 642-3623 $ . Call Mr. Malcolm Reid for Bucket aeats, lactof7 air, '68 TRIUMPH Bonneville. TRUCK & camper nsoo. '.64 SAVE $ Full Detailt Now '63 DART, 6 cylinder con-pwr ateertna, nu tire .. xlnt tow mileage, pa1nt a ~:!i!.~· AN1~ !:; :~c~ KARMANN GHIA Executive car Sale VOLVO 642-0010 verttble. New tires. Good condltton Inside a: out. dlr, PENGUIN, measured & chrome. Private part7. Blvd C.M HurryWhlleTheyLastl FordAul.borlZed condition. Privt. party $175 Caab ot !oreicn tar. 842-3872 ·• • '~ KARMANN Ghia, lo1v ml, VOLVO LeA•1 .. ~ 3""'tem 962-3916 Take low pymntl, LB TKR registered. North s a i 1 ; ej L -~ ,. ~ .. ,,.. /tr! H·~•·· ... ~ * ·~ HONDA* * PAM-TOPS* new radial tires & \\'heels. eM tam• Theodore '63 DODGE Dart GT. RIH 59.5, uw Ken. 4M-i'm or comp. w r. a.o,,,..,, ...,,.,.,.. J,;JQ;I ... t··• ...... Sat •~ ~ nd "·-... ~· $4!0 65 CC low mileaae $225 ~ '= ~~. "«nm· New paint. Ask1"g $llOO. NEW 164 ROBINS FORD •-"' •~·· 1651). l61!XI ~ Owner 21.3: 378-56!ll cash. 847 9985 aft 6 tats. $149 up. Buy factory Priv party. 646-9841 & Spruce, fV. 83!l-1743 s"A~CRIFl==CE-~ ... -G~TO~-HT= --=~-,..---=-I -pm direct. 1010 So. Harbor' SA. IMPORTS 2060 Harbor Blvd. '60 DODGE ta. cl ~ n an' .. ~ -·-' S• $200 N K' ·~ 0 ~-Troll ft<~ NEW 1800 Co•ta Me• ••• -o a wag, ean, .,.,,, e g, pwr "" ioa au·, 1vt. an •w rte ~ H NDA ~o. -· 59 CHEV P.U. 6 eyl w/ MERCEDES BENZ ~· p s tire s.150 AM/FM vlbruo · teroo Gtten, full cov. Used less auto. Call at.tor 6 pm Hlw•• Crul•er _.__,, rOYOTA·YOLYO NOW ON DISPLAY -auto. , , new I . or rue • 6C-993fi lo -,....,.. 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9.103 11 . U·-• Cors _....... offer. 540--0383 tape, airlltt shocks. auto than 6 hrs. Pvt pty. (n4) w rm. camper, Good con d , L • -77\AI trans &. many other xtru. 459<i68. 1'611 BSA 650 .,._, 543<i911 BILL MAXEY fQlt 1LDi4 1953 CHEVY, 6 cyt, 3 •pd "' FORD Mist gold w/matcl>inC W> SLOOP 24' • cabin, atar rig, Brand new J an '69. 1100 mi. 1968 9' f Winda cab-over shift. beat offer over $250. dau top. Xlnt c:ond. Must Soagull 5 hp, dlngl\Y, & Be.t ofior ..,._ Camper. Sleepo •. "'°" ~ ITlnlVJOITIAJ IMPORTS Abo l96l T·Blro. """'"t 66 FORD Fml&ne GTA. .,11 AakinK $1595. 64&;!1lltl mooring.$2300.633-389 0 '61 BSA.441 make oiler. 5411-2443. • a.I ~ -fOYOTA·YOLYO paint job $500. 540-1634 or RIHFactoryAir,noorauto 19611 PONTIAC GTO 3 apd, =evea~·====--occc--I $545. 5&-1746 Showroom Condition! 18881 BEACH BLVD. 1966 Harbor, C.M, 646-9303 see at 1064 C.Oncord St., shift, radlaJ tires., Blue book auto, Pis, eordova top, 26' ENDEAVOR fblgs. 650cc Triumph Bonneville WANTED: Shell camper Hunt. Beach 847-1555 ,59 VOLVO C.M. $19~. must sell $1775. stereo tape. Can tinanee. sloop, gd cond. Shock built. 1960 re-built eng, & new tor 8' bed truck. Prefer 3 ml N, or Coast Hwy. on Bch S32S. 646-6721 Contact 531·7474 or rn..ml9 494-7168 ., Moo,;ng avail ; 3 S 0 0 • clutcl>. Nice. 4Jl!>.2957 Pullman. Good oond. 545-5245 1968 TOYOTA 64~2STll BUICK 1958 FORD, xlnt med> cond. '62 Pontiac Bonneville $565. I' '· 646-4370 ""'--300 SE Mercedes Benz Sedan Will take trade $ISO. 515 fact. air, loaded. Xl.Dt colld. ~ HONDA 90• bored to 1"""'~• C R I 9522 '66, Leather int, elec. surr H d C '68 B I k S ' I .. HOURLY RENTALS cut for dirt. Xlnt cond. amper ant• 1 ar top oupe Antlqu•, Clinics 9615 u c pec11 Hamilton, CM. -""'-="=•----~~. ~ * Rhodes 19" * Phone 847"512 Pvt. pty. * EXPLORER * ;t-_ Jmmao~nd. $4200. $1695.00 5"'an, V~. auto, "''· fad. '68 LTD eou...,. Squire '65 GTO, aurn, pl" 45,000 Fun Zone ljoat Co. Balboa '67 TRIUMPH brand new or !Jc. No. WIF5Tll 894.J320 Dir Sharp 1930 Foro m , pwr "'· Right from Loodro m, powor •taerlng & ml, all """""' xlnt cond. COLUMBIA JS, bbttglass engine lotl of chrome. 'i50 8y 'week or month. Lwrurl· '68 J50.S (Big 4 Dr. Sedan) Standard C.oupe $400 Leisure World. Sl.25 cash brakes etc, 5t6-41ti6 Make ofler. 499-2527 sloop, trlr., 14 extras. $1,050. cc. ~3 ous. Sleeps 6. Sell contain-Afr..cond, elec windows , TOYOTA Piv prty, 4M-Sa'n de!. or take foreign car. Call 1960 FORD Station Wagon. ..,. 642-5214; 642-7181 ed Limfted number Call AM-FM. $5,300. 54~:i.J.44 Ken, 494-9Tl3 or 545-0634. LIDO 14 No. 2661 w/trlr. '64 YAMAHA 250 today. • private party. HEADQUARTERS Autos Wanted 9700 '65 RIVIERA, all equip., $375 or *O~ * Ex"'Uent rond;t;on. 2 yrs 1115. LEISURE RENTALS 1953 MERCEDES Be"' 300, ELMORE CONFIDENTIALLY v.cy clean. Nd• body -·l========'I . · new. $1339. 545-3985 Eves 645-2'148 dirt {TI4.) 642-6611, (TI4.l 837-3800 Classic. $1000 or best oiler. $2100/bcst. 642-8584 LINCOLN 13, METCALF with 2 sails, SALE! Honda 50 SUper, 549--0038 We Pay More For bike, gd. cond. $100. Call Dune Buggies 9525 15300 Beach Blvd. Wstmnstr Foreign Or Sports Can •.. new mast & boom. Poor after 5 536-6020 MGB Phone 894-3322 PAID FOR OR NOT trailer. $150. 646-6771 ,67 HONDA 305 Scrambler, '69 BUGGY, stereo rad. B J SPORTSCAR '64 COUPE de Ville, full CADILLAC 1967 Uncoln, clean, 28.000 miles. Loaded, air, etc. Must sell taat. $3595 673-5180 SABOT XCL cond, new sails Xlnt cond. 331 Kit bamett flower top, seat, curtairu. MG TRIUMPH • • power, air. Mech. Xlnt ;175. clutch $495. 546-8346 Chrm. whl.s, alt 5. 646-1310 Sale!!, Service, Partl CENTER $13)(). * 540-7828 536-6162 or 644-0603 '68 DUNE buggy. Fiberglass Immediate OOvery. '69 TRIUMPH GT 6+, 2833 Harbor Blvd. LIDO 14 -Tnilert, Utility 9450 • meta.I flake body. $1250. AD Modela Brltiab racing cm. stereo Costa Mesa 54M491 N hand trlr 673-6732 Call 54&-4001 tape, 5 mos new. $2800 '. MUSTANG '62 Coupe DeVille 700 Marl&old, C d M. THE ONE! 1967 Mustang ==-=""==°'=67J.-0885==== I 2 + 2 deluxe w/ power Ir: auto. one owner w/ only RAMBLER PRE-OWNED IDG SELECTION '61 THRU '68'• ALL MODELS FROM $295. • • • • BRAND NEW '69 $1998 .., · TRADE b1I utll!ty for small · Privata party, 64«1l24 Will Buy p c . 9020 "°"" tnner. OK Im w.... lmeertod Autoo 9600 '60 :rRlUMPH MK-3 Spitfire ;~2:-ower ru1sen pony. 54.5-7873 convertible. $19Xl. Call Mn. Your Vollmwqen or Ponche 22' SUPER Sp<"t Fi•hennan ALFA ROMEO llalkin, ~ & pay top dollars, Paid Im CA MARO around 17,001 ml Must aac. for immed. aale. Pvt. Pty. 847-8144 642-4023 1,. "Deep V" 289 Interceptor Trucks 9500 or not. Call Ralph $3600. 3?'8 Lak_e Ave, NB. ,60 EL CAMINO, 283 auh>, ALFA Romeo 1005 Sprlnt ll100 W. Cout Hwy., N.8. VOLKSWAGEN rn-0900 '68 CAMARO 3 8Pd std, R/H, PS, yellow w/blk int., Hear ======== '61 RAMBLER American. 2 dr, ' ' '· OR 3-2659 or 545-0663 Rn<. $225 cash. 645-1294 alt G.T. 1600 cc DHOC. 4 wheel 642-9405 540-1764 l =~==~.,,.-.,,-.,,c"b"'· disc brakes, radio, elec Autbotlzed MG Dealer WE PAY TOP 25' KOHLER Kraft a in 3:30 Pllt '64 VW, new 1600 eng., guar., DOLLAR Cruiser. Chrysler eng. XCL antenna. Wbt w/ black lnt. DAILY PILOT WANT ADS new int., stereo. XLNT f ood 1 wed attach, mmt aell. Private party. _, CHEVROLET NASH '55 NASH 2 DR HT. Auto, air, good cond. $100. 847-5830 T-BIRD cond. $2975 or off. Call MOTOR HOMES 9215 644-1351 Dial 6«2-5618 for RESULTS cond. 673-5634 ~ ~ c;:: George,~· ; 540-7832 ALFA Romeo GTV, Red Theodo~ Robins Ford 1950 OIEV, original wt1969 ; : LIKE NEW, all fib. glass 1961. C.Ompletely ch er r:t lmperted Autos 96001mported Autot 9600 2000 Harbo mvd Chev eng A Ooor !lhift. Very * 540-7828 * 1961 T-Bird convertible, xlnt mecb cond, needa top. Will take trade $275. 5 1 S Hamilton, CM. ' d thru-Out. New clutch, r · C.C. 19'-Galley, h e a , Micbelins. $2800 8TI-S210, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I C.M. 642-0010 clean. Will take trade $125. OLDSMOBILE : . "l/\r!r. $3200, ~54~ 837-32.54 • TEMPTED BY • IMPORTS WANTED ~s,.Ll...,Ham=;il,.to~n,,, C~M~~--OLDS '65 442 CUtlau: 2 dr HELP, leaving count r Y ! ~~=·,~= AusnN :ll-fl01'Y1IOll i llAll?: BILL~~ar• ·=CH.:/~~~~~;;:£;.;~:~.:~;::=:: fbrgls over ply":d, .sm whl SUMMER car: Yellow •1111VJl!J e • 18881 Beach Blvd THE .QUI~ YOU~ _64_2-337_~•---===I or.e owner, $525 firm. trlr. xlnt cond, many xtras, Austin Healy 1000. Lido eng, ··-""""'-""'--=-= _ __ • H. Beach. Pb. 847..& 11IE QUICKER ·YOU SELL Ola.I 642$18 for RESULTS 673-1715 962-l>t69 helore 000" HEADQUARTERS ~ ;;::.~v" top. '59 • !600. •. SEE DEAN LEWIS TODAY! •. lmporttd Autos 9600importtd Autoo 96001moor1tc1 Autoo 9600•moort..t Autoo 9600 SKI boat, J ohnson 35; trlr., .,..,..Ml;).> remote controls; C.Ompletely FOR refin., fiberglaa11 over wood. Make offer. 642-5495 MOTORHOMES BMW • '69 TOYOTA FROM '1790. --------· '60 BM\V. Good Condition. 34 • miles per gallon! $250 -or • best offer. • e llG SAYINGS • 15' SKI Boat. Elcc. Slart 35 hp motor. Rc-li.scd, w/trlr. $450. 493-4677 aft 6. ; : ·~ i·~,'"'. ~m=eo~ARD=~Ch"""',,~, -c~,"""att classic, 49 mod. wHh trailer. $525 complete. 673-6061 ~ Eves & WeekendA • • EXECUTIVE CAR SALE NOWt : '69 TOYOTA HARDTOP ··-······ $2089 '69 VOLVO SEDAN, A-c --$2'75 DATSUN • 41/2°/o BANK FINANCING { ,. Boat Maintenance 9033 ' ' ' ' I - . ' ~ . ... ' i . I • • ' ! t • i ·'·' I I i ' . . ' ' , • JACK'S Electronic Service Electrical repair, remod, ll<!w installation. 543-8329 'Boat Slip Mooring 9036 "WANTED" Side tie or slip for 24' power boa I. Call644-00J2 Boat-Yacht Charters 9039 O" DISPLAY Tll[ All •EW DODGE "EXPLORER" Stlf.c11rttl11t• wlttl t ll' t•fl• 111111111, hi ut• .1111 .... .,, klttMn, .. ..,. tllllt. ALL lllt&. t i •OOT. n •oot, n roor. 1 'l'lAllt ''""'•C- 1111 ,,. """"ovr• ClllDIT. 16555 BEACH Bl VO HUNTINGTON BlACH I , <•J l~h'• BLUEWATER CHARTERS U Drive Sail or Power Skip local spoft" fishln& Harb:lr ci:utses 24 hrs 646-9000 DAILY Pam WANT ADS! ·~ " For Da1l,y PUot Want Ads Dla:I 642-5678 for RESULTS . . • OH Al'PAOVAL NEW TOYOTA MK II NOW ON DISPLAY DEAN LEWIS BILL MAXEY TOYOTA NEEDS YOUR TRADE-IN! II Y-Aro Now DrMnt A CLIAN IMPORT CAR e A CLEAN COM· PACT CAR e /I, CLEAN DOMISTIC CAR SEE US TODAY! Many, Mony New '69 ToyolOs to ch-"°"' * Colen * Medel1 * lody Styl .. * Air Cond. BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 11811 BEACH BLVD., Huntington 8Hch 847·8555 I mJ. Mrtll .r Peclftc C...t HWJ:'" oft INch l lv4. I ..&..---~-~--~-L.--"'--~-~-- CHICK IYERSON HAS THE BEST VOLKSWAGEN BUY IN TOWN rM A CAI THAT WON'T •IYI YOU ANYTHING TO WOIRY AIOUT. WI MAlll IUll OP THAT. WI •IYI IT THI YW 16-POINT SAFn'Y AND PIRfOIMANCI TIST. IT HAI TO PASS. 10 WI etYI IT OUI 100-t-•UARANnl THAT Wl'LL RIPLACI ALL MA.JOI MICHANICAL PAm foOI 10 DAYS OR 1000 MILES, WHICHIYIR COMH FIRST. ISNT THAT WHAT A •,::~Al NIW CAl.OWNll NllOS7 A IUI> THAT WON'T DRIYI YOU NUT$, /:. "66 YW CAMPIR Pop-top, 1plit 1eat with side tent. Low mileage, Fully cqWppcd. SKD400. $2399 '61 VW IUli FulJ factory equipped. Uc. No. XEW50'1 I $1699 '68 JEEP WAGONEER 4 wheel drive, one owner, low mileage, absolutely like new. V-8, automatic trans· mlsslon, power al:ttrlng, power brakes, factory air, warran hubs. heavy duty rubber, overload aprlngs . ''Thia unit eold originally for approximately, $5816." !Jc. No. VLF4!57 $3799 59UARI IACKS One ltM -Ont 1tM One tt67-TWe ltW1 , '67 DUNE BUGGY Road .l Raney equipped. Hardtop wiU1 aide curtainJ • Uc. No. UVR487 $1995 '59 GHIA Uc. No. FWW139 $399 549-3031 Ext.67 &68 /)').Costa Mesa ~ ~~~~~~~~/~~~~~~,.;! • ' lf ...... \---....:;; • .. ,. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . Soviets OK Diners Club DA'1 ~ives History ·St~nts Medals EIShty~wo ....,,. medalt OOJ:µ!;GE PARK SCHOOL: Paul MC Govrah. -.. NE~ ;ORK (UPI) htY<beena~ardedlllUlgradt \Vllllam Cral3, Karen ~IOlp •Ml"..1A -VERDE-SCHOOt: lludents in Colla Mesa and and Derek Werner. Gail Anthony, Tammy· Carey Tourists may now use their Newport Beach far excelleocc co, R 0 N A d e 1 M A R and Elaine Hertzog. Qiners' Club crtdit cards in 1n American Hldtory. SCHOOL M B. •-.. in • ' ,, : lll'l' "" • MONTE VIBTA SCHOOL: Ule Sovlet vnion, it was an· The awards were given by. Steve Me~nxer, Laura rucca ;ounced Tuesday. the Daughters · of t b 1 and Andrea Wells. · Julia Laren and Thomas Oleg "-kin, director ol American Revolution at 28 Flinn. ..,. ochoob. HARBOR VIEW SCHOOL: NEWPORT ELEMENTARY 'ntourlst, the ·u . S · S . R. 's Award winner• are: , Heather Bums, Carln.Coutler, SCHOOL: Kristin Hoganson, tourist'informaUon office, saJd Tammy Feldman, We nd y Jennifer Moran, Mark Pick- the step was taken to promote ADAMS SCHOOL: "Er I c Gambill and Camille Tale. ing, Lori Scboettler and Phillip ·tourism a~ ••better un-Mapson, Marianne 'nay~ HARPER SCHOOL: Stacey Tupy. 'erstandiJlg." Davtd Slgler. Bodenhoe!er, Stacey Kirkpat· NEWPORT II EIGHTS ·"We also need American BAY VIEW SC JI 0 <iL : rick and Chris Shulda. SCHOOL: Bob Bemus, John 'ollars," he admitted. James Hester and Tlmolhy KD..J;Y~ROOKE SCHOOL: Martindale, Jim Palmer atKI Tourists will now be able to Thompson. ~ky Bell, Jan~ Marron, Judy Rush. BEAR STREET SCHOOL: Mark Tomila and Donald PAULARINO S·C HOOL : ·se their credit car1h for Christy Monroe and Keith Worley. · \troflot, ~ Soviet airline, Whit' Greg Francis, Hugo Ricardo SONORA SCHOOL: Jodi KW1lnell. Debbie !Wnpstud. Jim· Root and '.Marl111 Woodard. VICTORIA SCHOOL: Diana Bergford and Sandra Hell. WHITTIER SCHOOL: Kevin CW"l'an, Lori Dltrl and Sibtlna Underwood. WIL'iON SCHOOL : Chris Himmelheber, Lisa O r l i • , Rebecca \Veller and Suaa Williams. I CARDEN HALL: Brad llurl- lngham and Mari McAdam&. PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN SCHOOL -Greg Pree.be!. Jtmks at bars and otber ex· mg. LINDBERGH S C HO O L : and Marlin Stidham. OCC LEADERS -Orange Coast College. students (left i<> right)• Cin<lY. Sc~af-penditures, Lyskln said. CA: L IFORNIA SCUOOL' ~jichael ' Arrigo, Karen Lay POMON! scuooi., Jen- m8ch, of Fountain Valley; Martin Swanson, of Huntington B~ctch.: Keith Sol~ On hotel ace<1mmodatlons Kirk Miller, 'Phomu PecOiaro and•Nancy Minear. nifer Beeman and Pa u I ST. JOACHIM SCHOOL' Nancy •Smith (8th grade stu- dent). mon, of Costa Mesa, and Jeannette Boggs, of Newport Be,ach, ho 1 d JJ:laques, , and re~ar meals, however, anCd'CNVY• 0 llJIN• YSCaHm 00 aga.L:. Donna, MA~ERS SCHOOL: Ellyn Gilmer. the)' z:eceived at Honors Night ceremonies for two years lead~rship U\ t"'.o . tile Soviet Union still wants • Beamish, Janine Benner, PREmlJO SCHOOL: ~1ary ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST: Michele Clarke (8th) and Steven Pond (8th). different fields. 1 paid in advance. Lance and Heckle Levaueur. Philip Doyle, Linda Kuhn and Royston and Belinda Smith. 1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'--~~~~~~~-'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OCC Thanks Students For College Service . More than 140 Orange Coast College. students were feted r~'ent.ly at Honors Night for Jea(Jership and service lo the college during ~ careers. Approxir(lately 450 s.tudents, parents and guests attended the ceremonies in the Student Center. Four students ~re singled oul for plaques pres.entecl for two years of leadership in more than one are& of achoo! activities. Receiving plaques were Jeannette Boggs of Newport Beach, for work on the Log and Barnacle, the school annual and newspaper; Cindy Scharmach of Fountain Valley, sonit leader and stu- denl government ; Keith Solomon of Costa Mesa, stu- den~ gove rn me nt and Ve\frans' Club; and Matin Swanson ot Huntington Beach, defense attorney and chief justice ln Student Judicial Board. Costa Mesa students Judi Geyer, Larry Ka ban, Jeanne Sturdevant and Debra Toner received the Onyx award for two years of leadership in a specific field. Cal State Long Beach Graduates 58 Mesan~ Fifty-eight Costa M e s a Qu inlan, 2948 Andras St. residents are among 4,600 others receiving degrees June graduates from from CSCCJ;\ include: Caesar California State College, Long E: Romero; 1596 S a n Beach. Bernardino; ·Edward They are: Patricia and Suchomel, 332 Cabrillo; Duane Arthur Adair, 3024 Clubhouse WUllams, 1396 Shannon Lane ; Drive; Susan M. Banks, 337 E. James Gannon, 2849 Europa 18th St.; Gary Beydler, 132 Drive ; Franklin Bixler, 968 Cecil Place; Harry Blust, 152 'Presidio Drive; Dianne S. CabriHo; Roske! Bregozro, 2M Espana, 1 7 8 2 Westminster Sherwood St.; Joseph Ave; Douglas Graham, 132 W. Garuselle, 340 E. 16th St; ·Wilson St., and Loren Lesley M. Clark, 2917-A ~ten· Hufstetler, 2929 Royal Palm doia Drive : Ruth Cummings, Drive. 113 Yorktown Lane, and Gary ' Mort grads are: Joseph G. Devriei, 2188 Maple. Kolina, 318 B r oadway ; others lnclude: Robert \V. Richard A. Levering, 2247 D.mbar 2212 Miner; Darcie State Ave; James Newkirk, ~ France.' 2700 Peterson; Bonnie 3089 ~folokai Place; Hal ~· Gallup 279-B Mesa Drive; Paulsen, 3270 Washington; Allan Hovde, 932 W. 18th St.; Joan Smith, Box 1212; William Mary Jenks, 931 Tanana: Engel, 2036 Goldeneye Place; Diane Kendall 2356 Colgate; Pierre Saget, 284~ Europa Darlene Lundgren, 3105 Lin· Drive ; Yvonne SUver, 1811 colo \Vay; Donna Madden, Pitcairn Drive, and Gary 1993 Chu r·c h St.; Richard Arneal, 1024.2 Tanforan Drive. McDowell, 354·B East 16lh St., and Darryl Metz, 2 1 0 0 Peterson Way, 498 . Others a r e : Georgeanne Morris, 410 Lenwood Drive; Jerry Nikola, 2320 Come II : Jeffery Nimeshein, 2 2 O 3 Miner ; Roger Parker, 1218 Dorset Lane: Lawrence San· for d 2356 Cornell Drive; Drew L. ~k. 2950 Baker St : Louis Stringham, 471Magnol1 a ; Holtls Veneman, 1741 Tustin Ave; Michael R. warner, 316 E.1 19tl> St., and Jo an Welbourn. . More spring gradua~ are: PatrJcia W r 1 g h t , 2332 Fordham Drive ; Ruth Zltnik. 270 Albert Place ; Jack ArrnJtrong, 376 16th Place; Eugene Barlow, Sltl Gibraltar Ave ; Jack Boyde, 3 ,4 ,1 Bordeaux Lane: Jamel oen- dinger, 289 E. 22nd St; Mlchael Fiorentino, · ·2 2 S 9 Republic Ave: John Foe141. 281 .V.Ulanova Rd ; RI ch a rd iHanchett. 811 St., C I air·; Richard Holling1head, 11 1 Na 111 u Road, and Walter Huntington Girl . . !l{im Diplo~a . Coast Girls Win Awards From DAR ·Twenty-three girls from Orange Coast junior bigh schools have received awards as outstandin'g "Girl Homemakers" from the 1 Da_ugbters', of the Amerl:ciii. Revolution. 'l1le:y are: From Abraham Lincoln Junior High. Corona del Mar: Karen .Jera:er~ coqking, and Becka Rekhtnan. se•ing. · . From Ch~rles Te · Wipkle Junior High, C.OSta Mesa : Nancy Ryan. flnt tn cooking ; Ka.ren Johnson., sectfld; l~lsa Qui.rm, first : in ·!)«!Wing .. and Barbara ~~ni ·second. From Heinz Kaiser Junior High, Costa Mesa : Melanie Mizelle, first In cookina:· Tina Hostetler, .second: , A fl r I 1 Liversay, first In sewing, and Debbie B<ndlln, second. From Evehu Rea Junior Hlih, cOsta M..&: Elioor Sha\fer, l1tst In C<JIJkl\18; Am BarraclouiJI, ·aecond; Ka"!' FarQ&, fll'lt in oewlrll,· and Wlnda Colllloo, .....0. From l{onC. Enolp Junior HIP , Newp<rt B<Od\: Jan Carney, llrr! ill ~:'Misty • . ' .. ·- ALLSTATE Pauenger Tire Guarantee . T"-'d Li(e Gaaranlef' Tro:ad '\\'ear-Out G1ur1nleed Api'nol• All (111· Gu1r1n!1>e . uru ol 1he tire re111l1ing from f':oo~ant~ed A•dn1U Treod no111uJ roW huar<l1 or de(rc<1 ~·c.,...,u,_ i• llllltti•I or workrnan1hir. t'nr 11.,,. Lent• TM number Pw How l.0111: for 1he li(e ol Qt monilu ar.rdficd. the ~..J ~ Th.t !!e"" Viii bti: 111 "' ••th•I Sei n ''ill °"' 11.epoit <h•llF for t~ 1i~. fTJ!lKe II, noil f'l'llC'.Nm a llO ~h.o~. ht thl<lJl\I 1he C:Ulr<:'lll n'l"lar. <-of f~l11tt. in nch~ (ot 1cll•011 prke pl11t fMrrJ b- 11M! 1ir<:", ttpl1tt i1 thaflin& u1oe Tu leu the fol lowitW 11- 0lllr tM proporrion ol t 11rr<:"n1 lowanc:r; rqul.,. 1oelli"1 price fl~ 1'\p1h, G•""•lc!.d Allo,.•nc• err.I br.1M: Ta:s di.al ~me1111 • • 12 m 2" IO'lli .1rnol .-d. 27 to l' 2~ Ask About Selll'!1 Convenient Credit Pinn• !\lond1y ind Tue1d•y OnJy, June 23 andU Sears 36 .. Mo:rith Guarantee Su~rtred Fiber Glass B"lted Tires Regular Trade-In Prjce '24.95 6.50xl3 Tnhelt,. Blackwall· · Plu•' l.56 F.E.T. · And Old Tire • Two 1' .. iber Glass Belts for better traction ' •Two nylon cord plies give added strength • Wide broad shoulders for greater oafety Rf'111l•r SA.Lr. SIZE T..-de-111 Tnide-lo Pritt: SAYE Prieto F.E.T. TUBELESS BLACKWALLS 6.50xl3 24.95 6.24 18,71 1.56 6.95x 14 25.95 6.49 19.46 1.83 7.35x 14 27.95 6.99 20.96 1.87 7.75x14 ~.95 . 7.49 22.46 1.95 8.25xl4' 32.95 8.24 24.71 2.18 8.55xl4 35.95 8.99 26.96 2.46 5.60•15 23.95 5.99 17.96 1.52 7.75xl5 29.95 7.49 22.46 1.99 TUBELESS WHITEWALLS 6.50xl3 27.95 6.99 20.96 1.56 6.95x14 28.95 7.24 21.7 1 1.83 7.35xl4 30.95 7.74 23.21 1.87 7.75xl4 32.95 8.24 24.71 1.95 8.25x14 35.95 8.99 26.96 2.18 8.55xl4 38.95 9.74 29.21 2.46 5.60x15 26.95 6.74 20.21 1.52 7.75x15 32.95 8.24 24.71 1.99 8.25x15 35.95 8.99 26.96 2.20 8.55x15 38.95 10.00 28.95 2.43 ~i ~ .. ~:'.ly .~ ,-------------------------------------------------• UNA PAK TA 1·4"00, 521 ·'.530 fl *>HTt GI 3·3911 lONO llACH HE 5-01 21 . 'ICO WE 9-,262 SANTA ff SPllNGS 94'-8011 Ul'\AHCI HJ..1921 ' ~uym ... -. ~ F-Mailde Davia J11111i>r Hlch, Cotta Mesa : Sharon Knoy, fint in cooklns: Sue Saunden, lfCOnd ; Joanne Oswald, first In sewing, and Kotlly Haubrick, accond. f •• • · ~ fM!rl40-0661 Glekolil m . .s.100'.4, o 4·4611 0t'M'IC'' SOTO J.N 8·521 1 POMON1. ~o 2.1145, MA P-S1 61, YU 6·6751 SANTA Mo~ Vt "·6711 vA1.uv PO 3·846; 9a4.2220 I I COMnON NE 6-2511, NE 2.~. 0 1 1to1.nwooo HO 9-594 1 • otAHG! 637-2100 S4HTA »« Kl 7.3371 souTH COAST Pl.AZA 540.3333 VWIONT n 9•191'1 COVINA fM.0611 IHQl(WOQD Ol 8·2521 P.u.+.Dt:MA MU 1-311 1, El 5.42 ! I TOttANa 542-1511 , ______________________ _ -Se ars I "Satisfaction Guaranteed orYourMonoyBack" . . _____________________ , Shoe• Nl9hh Monday lh•ou9h Salurddy 9'30 A.M. 10 9,30 P.M. '