HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-28 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa" -... ,...,. ...... , • -. ~ . -'., . • . . • ' .. • • • ···:.~ft~' ';"t i 1 e • ... • • • . .I I ! I '' • ... , . • +J ~. --~ .... ;';·t •• : ,~, ••• . Fu1Ded .. r r.-.iah .Mr«rdere88 ~ '"'I I' ' .. l II .• · .. t· !" · '" I \.: • 1 t • , • . , ~ , ~ .:~inn ~~tlJ, .. '1:~ Held .. . ~ " * * * ., ' l , . . •• , ; ' • • . • "l ... ~ J. ... l. . ._,_ \, """ 1.1-f ·f R ", . . 'i .. , . • . -· - * ' .. , . ·Z.. .. ' . ., . T 1' ' ' ' ' •• ' ' ' * .A. I . ;A, ).{I' ' }.( • ' ' .. • ( 11 '. • • ' ' " . ... SA11'UJI)~ Y, JIJl'!E 2J, 111969 · ~ wL.a;:.,_.,.., ~ srtj10t11s..• P411s · I • 1 1 ' • , , " I *'. * _\ I ' ~ '~. '' • "&tet Gamp Shelled Without Letup '1>' • • Heavy Hits Clidnt~ .. i!A"ht ...... . ' ,. .. y">' "~· ,. ~ .. . ,, . ., . U~S. Losses ' sAiooN ' llPll -··Norlh Vi-m..e gui>nln ~ the u. s. Grffn "11<- ret ·carap at·~ Het w:hh rocket, m°""" tar ii! .rtiuery roundl In their heav- iest ~blrdmel)I of \!>" ou!posi since ~ ... begab $3 bys ..... allie<l ~..w~. TbO ,if<llm!l-lbe<llodr. lheiling Fridar cauHd l!Jbt -Illes -the pm-• -~~ ' ~ • ....._ D~ JllO IOOI L~Cl~G -~-....::11, ~ .. ia, • American otWleeynieo and 4IO SOolb Vietn:amue ' mercenana:. No ·.one-was tllle<l. 1-'lni the .Incoming barrages, the V S• -·_..i theif llqwitlen .&! '~Wid ,_ . t \he Nonh . vte!Oal nine _troopo 1n lhe bills around. the oui. post a_ miles northeast or Saigon. U. s! warp~ and Jtellcopter gunships tore, Into the C<!mmunlst gun positioils. I The ~ent brought tO more than Uli:O the nw::qber of shells fifed int.9 the ~ sipce about 2,~ North Vi~ troops surrounded it May 6 and began the siege. Reports earlier in the week said 34 allied troops, 13 of them Americam, had .dJed at Ben Het. Commanders at the scene said the camp_was in ,no danger ot being overrun hut tlie Vlet'CoQgt'1 llberation.radiO satd• today "our encirclement has beeh tight· ened around this camp." It said more than 1,800 allied troops had been killed at Ben Het. Lifeguards Find Surfer's Bod y Off Huntingto n The .body of an ~ly morning surfer, _.,;tty.a drowning victim, was found Ptidlr mornina &y HIDllircJnn Beach IC11UardS near the bfidf.11 along Pacific Coul Highway. Idenliflcalioo of the victim is still pend· . ' ., . A Ball:., •. M~~---.·. t •• ' .,;. !-'' •,-: :~ ! f, ... <.! 0 ............ L '·i't, . DAtl.Y ,II.OT St9ff ...... For many :girl~. the beDch is where one 'sits dn \tbit s&nd soaking up -u-shinA "'1fie ~veiding anything ~r-e, ~t~enuo.us than batting an felash1or two a( an occ~S'tonal passerby. Not so·for'Yvonne DeLano, 9 (lefl),;Jqd ·Ju4y Wedereil, 18.,'b<ith ·'of·Coota Mesa. They enjoy ~ing wh'ere the volle)iball a~tion 1s. . .. • • ' . \. . ' . Ing outcome <l. a tbotOUgh auto~, ac-c:'-,la · w •· .1\1 · D la cop~ toaa1U: :'~~:.:~11~ J, ye r· : ~lfl§.: '1 11.eut : ) 'e' y . body "*11 10:1$ a.m., near the entrance , •. lo Standard Oil co. ~ aJonc:the . • \ . \ • .. . • ' beach. lie had apparentlj bOen turfing codrided. ldlla,111'r.derltk 's'.~i.¥ ti.\.1' '~ •_: eoriv)cllons .. w e.r~ ""' thole ea,rly ,Jn ·the 11IOl'lllni: said oolice.. Wiili l)l\lr!llW 'dehll~ OI, tw~ ·· -~·"ftiey.M.ve argued . that The coroner's olfict ea1ir' deatli was pha>«of U..-liiaflli81 oenl:!lio> .~ 1-1 , ~jllade aware of the· l>f drowning and there apjieare<l to· be San Qojenlin'• !Je'l!I! lloir, more lljiil•t•o-' ~·. . , bJ whldl they <oWd io signs' of foul plq or Jnc\l••tion of years .qo. . meUllfe plM In ?Pital crlma. lllldde. . SUpertor Coutt JUcftie Samu1l .llreinll • ll ii allo belog argued that some Jliron •1 Time· J>f' dealh was !ixe<l at 9:311 a.m. granl<!I a clelOt IO 11UI Ju. ll"of trial · In the Saterfield ·trial. were lmpn>perly .. the CO\'Oller. action oaalnst 1111 -Ana carpenttl'. .-........ of their atalemenll that • M .Ytt,, Wll'llOMd upeeil ti. lhe , ~1~JPP""'U•i&dellh paialty. <Toe Lon:" Relea•od CalifOl'lilO SUinme COul't rulln• that led. '.....,.,_, "\;!::;., cooyic10lt of-'lht " ~ , ~, ••• lo 8Nolllolll~·~·flkl~ in~elaol~ . l1Wwlie,llld ·bar rlEW \'ORK (UPI) -l"olmer hea vy-~ to -pr a,tp1 defenneot dauibter lit tbOlr Santa Ana l>Ome. He wilgbt champion Joe Louis wu reiea>td of lhe ~court ldloo. '~u OD pirolt 11 the Um!I !rom· a llie from Beekman Downtown Hoopital late ._ ... 11 -ti_,, eoil.-· oenl4nc9 Jmpoood !Gr a m1rdot be ..,.. ~Idly,..,. day after a phyakal Cllllfpoe. ~who -.~ ~-~1111 JI!- • I --·~'-----.--~=-....... --"--"--~------ . ' .. ~ . • • ' • . . , ... _, ' I I ! • I • l • l ' t I OAllY PILOT s ·~ .... Olllr ,... ..., "mkltnt _,,.. Pempltlou and a II out 6,000 ouier anonymous Frwnchmen were asked to wte to- day in a very selective referendum -whether to limit access to mo- torists who do not live on lie St. Louis. Pompidou has an apart~ ment on the Seine island in the heart of Paris. an idyllic tourist resort. Its residents complain it is attracting too much traffic. night· clubs, expensive restaurants and load nigbt people . • Pint-sirtd Uniud stewardtu Sandy Mc/lwin fl • f IJ pttl on autograph from Denis• Lona. 13-ytar·old ba$ktt- bc1lt star IT o m ' lVhitttn. lowa. Dt· ni•e, 5 ft. 11 i-~h· es tal(. was drafted by the Son Fran• dsco Warriors, th t first girl to bt drafkd into tht National Baiktt· ba.U UGQl.lt. T~fl' \Varriors wmtt to set 11p a women's ltagKe /~Wring ~ Nils Long. • In June 1876, Gen. Geo'll• Cutter and his men were wiped oul 'Ibis year, they were rained out The an- nual ,.......,,tment of the Battie of the Little Big Hom held near Har- din has been postponed from this week to July 4, 5 and 6 because nearly four inches of rain has fal· Jen in the Hardin area. The Weath- ed Bureau wasn't promising much of a let up but the Crow Indians have scheduled sun dances up un- til July. 4. • Patricia Jeffries, 23, convicted of disturbing the peace and other charges in connecti9n with a lov~ in, was given a stroitf hint, on what to expect when 1he appears for · sentencing in Los Angeles. Munlci· pol Court Jud'" Irwin J. Nol>ron said: !11 would advise you to brinff a toothbrush ••• you will need it.' • ~"""'"""-~~""""""' ... """'=ii A tJOung man WCl$ given time: off from the fi reUnes in British Columbia after a forest f°anger said he posed a hazard to fire and fire fighters. The ,-anger dug into hit own pocMt for $2 so the youth, with shoulder· length hair, could get a haircut The ,-anger. who prefeN'ed not to be identified, told the youth hi$ h.air could easily catch fire, or on the other hand other fire fighters might 111istake him for 1· a woman. Either event could lead to "disaster," he said. .~ • People 'vondered why the area • around an old, abandoned coal mine sou th of Wenatchee. \Vash., remained free of snow last winter. They found out. The mine dump has been afire fo r a year. A grass and timber fire which swept over the area and burned several thou- sand acres last JuJy 4 apparently ignited the dump. DAIL\ PI LOI ......................... ---· .... ---~ COo\S1 PVILIStOMO <0¥HJN le'-t N, W ... -~-...... J•'-lt .. C.11., "-,...,,.,., .... '"-'• ......., Th•-• tc""il ·-n·-· A. M...,t.1'11 ,,........,,. •• 1111' • ~-------------- Orange Freeway:, BoekyiRoad Ahead · By RANDY SEEL YE Of ... Olly ..... ,..,. LOS ANGELES -Stole highway .... _. .......... utolllion fll Ibo ar,. _., .,.. Ibo Santo Ana River lo Ule ... all Uley ba ... few ... lo·•-· Hurdla Uke. IW/, lhe Or•llP CounlY Ml!llcal Center II) 0!"'1Ce, lh• \"lllowick GoU Coon< In Santa Ana, lhe M- Vede Country Club in Costa Mesa and 1 Pih' of Oflllll Ceu!lt1 ... .,. piant4 Oii lhe Huptlnatoa 11Mcl>N1wport ·!leach ilonltr. AU perch upon t1ie bub of !!le Santa Ana Rlwr &Ione wllh llVtral lhousand resld"111 ol'the seven cltlea -Orani<. San~ . ~ Garden Grove. Fountain Valley, O:istl Mesa, HunUngtorr Beach and Newport Be•ch -that lie alone the proposed Orange Freeway (Route 57} e1· tension. Slate hiittway encinetn ut do1'11 here Frl,day wlih local _....touva In Ibo first of what doubtless wUI be many 1tudy sessions on the proposed extension, Which would, take Routt 57 from Ila in· tureclion whb the Santa Ana Freew1,y ...,. Anaheim Stadium down lbe S.nta Ana Rlvtr to Ule future Patlllc Cout Freewl)' (Route 1). Discussion centtrtd on a study corridor about 11 miles Jong and about a mile wide. George Wotfctd, deputy englnffr or District 7, Divlsloo of Hi,ghway1, aald in· formatlon ·mut bl ptblrid froo\· the cities and sc!hool dlltrlda. "A trdllc analy,is must be madt belore 1 route can be adopted," he said. TM ..,m.s 1treJHd lhat It 11 up to ·Chopper Chatter Navy Talks Termed 'Fruitful' B7 JC!llN V ALTERZA Of .. D91b ""' Stiff ' Newport Beach city ald<s will schedule another metting with U.S. Navy officials to try to end errant helicopters violatlng flij:hl pattern rul~ aod cruising too low and too close to Newport'.s shoreline. Assistant City Manager Jim Deehaioe said Friday that the first meelinc Wednesday with brass at the Marioe helicopter facility in Santa Ana was "very fruitlul." He said a meeting with the com· manden ol the Los Alamitos Naval Air Station will take place early next week. It was a Los Alamitos chopper that flew O\'er I beach are June 15 and K· cidentally drnpped an 18-pouod care• bat- ch onto the sands at 19th Street "It is obricau that some or the helicopters have violated the flight pat· tern rules when they Dy over the beach," Deehline aaid. He said that the military orders pilots to fly DO closer than ooe mile away from ''resort Ccmmumues" tnd no lower than J,000 1 .. l • 1i1be commanders of the faclllty bave promised to try their best to end the violating flights," he said. The craft fly on tralnin& misiions on paths deslined to take the craft over ter- rain often found in Vietnam, be said. "The helicopters are not supposed to be over the beach at all," he added. "but some of these pilot.1 are YOUDI. and they're hwnan : maybe they fly low OTtt the beach to get • look at the girla." DeChalne said that repc)rto of a planned citizen's spottlnC brigade lo record Ute helicopter rupt violations "was only a thought. We don't think we'll adVise that sort of thing at all. "That exercise would only get· out or hand and turn into a petition Md postcard writing campaign," he said. 1be batch incidtnt accented a months- long assault by Newport 11 .. ch nlld.nt.. on the low.flying, noisy aircraft. Pistols, Firebombs V sed In Buerws Aires Rioting BUENOS AffiES (UPI) -Students firing pistols and shouting anti-American slogans battled police and firebombed American businesses in the Argentine capital and two intttior cities Friday ni&hl; prllt4lllq ~v~it Sunday ol Gov. Nelsm A. Rockefeller of Ntw York. One student, Emilio Jauregui, 28, w1s k.illed and a policeman was wounded by Rapist of Two Coast Girls Gets Three-year Term A San Dimas man convicted of forcible rape following his molestation of tv;o Huntington Beach girls must serve three years in state prison. Superior Court Judge James F. Judge set that term for Ronald Elwin White, 26, and ruled that the former airline maintenance man must serve it in con· junction with a similar sentence pending in Los Angeles County. That piece of coordinalion could put \Vhite in jail for at leal!it the next sU: years. White was arrested In Hunl.ington Beach a year ago after he picked up t111·0 girls, 18 and 16. on the beach and foreed them at knifepoint to get into their car. He then ordered them to dri ve around town while he molested them in turn, raping one of them. liis Los Angeles County charges stem from an almost identical incident at Hermosa Beach. Hospital r e p o r t s describe White as a "danger to the health and safety of others." pistol firt in Buenos Aires, police report· ed. Students demonstrating in the capital shouted "Rockefeller out, Rockefeller out!'' and retreated behlnd boof1res they had blli!!' Jo Jbe stmls wliln..JOli<t &p-proacll Wftii !Oar gas. Pollci'Ald .. ..,.a1 shots Wtre fired from the student aroup. one of them hitting Patrolman Auguatln Jelavi in the chest. Jn La Plata, 31 miles IOUfb of Buenos Aires, students burned an effigy of - feller and a U.S. f11g lo protest ibe fact'· finding mission oC President Nizoo's emissary to Latin America. Violent Weather Heads Eastward. By Ualt<d Pms llllenatkloal The violent weather lbat ripped the central portion of the nation lbe put two days shifted eastward Friday to tbe Ohio Valley and Middle AilanUc states. A severe tbun:lerstorm watch wu is- sued for northeut Ohio. northwest Penn- sylvania, a small porUon of northern \Vest Virginia and most of west and cen- tral New York. \\'inds in excess of .:I miles an hour Y•ere reported near Cleveland, and one inch of rain fell west of Mansfield, ObJo. A power company in lower Mlcbi(an ·re- ported downed wires and considerable \1·ind damage in Detroit. A bolt of lightning during a heavy thunderstorm struck the Weather Bureau radar and burned out the unit at Buf- falo . N.Y .. while Toledo, Ohio, had winds or up to ~ miles an hour accompanied by 1.31 lncbe! ol rain durinl an hour period. From Pase l SHOOTING AT COURT ••• mother. before being taken In front ol the judge. Unable to get his call through, authorities said, Needs was being escorted out of the marshal's office back to the door of the holding ttll, a mert 10 or IZ feet, when he made his movie-. He made the wrong one. Turning right toward the open parking lot area and downtown Costa Mesa, in- \·estigators said, Needs broke into a run despite tMff shouted commands by Deputy Winslow to halt. One shot rang out and the fugitive Oop- ped ooto !be asphalt. NO BLAME "Don't bl1me yourself," be replied when the deputy &aid he was sorry about the extent to which hb duty bad led. Several polict cars were dispatched to the scene at 561 W. lath st., after the fr>. itial escape alarm and Of.le driven by Cosio Mesa Police Set. Jim Gttm wu rimmed broad!ide by another vthicle. No one was inJuttd and damqe ,,.., modtl"ate. Preliminary bearlntl for Jbe wounded escapee'• 1lleaeif .cc:omplke in the Loi Ancelet and Or•lt{!• counu.. ttfdDd check lortVJ op<Talioo WN H·l!Cbedaled for o..i Tbunday. John P. Roeers, 31, of Baldwin Park. is f held at Orange County Jail in lieu of SS,000 ball, pending further dispo<ition ol the case. The former Covina Sears' ston cmploye is acrused of stealina: the book of refund che<:ks which individually began turning up in the El Monte and Buena Park area, Needs was arrested June II In lbt Costa P.tesa stort when & cuhier to whom he allegedly gave one of the ltolll!ll slips rorged for $121 recopUed tbe lll!lriaJ number and nolitied security officers. Guards Robert Gow, 47, 1od William Humphrty, St, said Needs mused to II<> company them for questJooin& al first. '° they took him by the anns, after which he said be woul~ go voluntarily. Walking belwetn them bowewr, he allegodly whipped out a .3Z caliber automatic pistol -thrutenlng to kUI them -at wtUcb timt Humphrey 1'11>- bed him lrom bd>lnd, plnnifll Ilk ums lo a bear hug. Other store personnel atld CUltcmen helptd di>atm the stnir&Hnc ....,..i ... he wu turned over to CoRa Mea pellce: for booklnt and lurlhor qoest;u•c -lhe lorguy rill(. ftoten WU 1rrattd I.Dir a ad authorities .., Uley bdl<v• a tlllnl mm is inVOJt"td. Ule communities to -• to !be Division of Highw1ys if lbey art dl8ntllfled wllh Ula area uncl<r conoldcralloo for Route 57. A hearing will be held toward the end of 1970. • 1 ' After this lime tt will take frtm Sis moothl to two yem for a final route to be adopted," Wofforil said, After the mte ot the Oranse Fmway is adopted It COllld take anywhere from five to 15 )ears'° build Jt. he ldckd. several qutsUons aroee at the meeting about U.. ne«IS!ty ol nteodlng Ule route • beyond Ule Su Dlqo Jl'?tew1y to the coast. ' ' l "Tnlllc •ludlu win dtlermlile II the extension of 'i.:fht freewty will be necessary," Wofford replied. OUt<r state hllltway &Ida noted U..t W~WWWWWW&f·•Fff*MW ·Space Monkey 'Bonny' Set For Big Night CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) - A I~ pound pigtail monkey named Bonny is to rocket Into orbit tonight to start the long- es( space Oigbt i!ver •taken by a living creature. -•• Scientists hope the "astromook'' will he.Ip set guidelines for future manned missions in space .iauom and plaM-tary voyages that could. lut months or years. Bonny, a 3-year-old male froril the jungles or Thailand, is to ride into space atop a Delta rocket at 8:10 p.m. PDT. He is to ori:lit tor 30 dQ1., strapped in a couch in his nying bioJoglcal laboratory. His anns will be free to push buttons in two btbavioraJ tests designed to deter· mine if bis memory capacity deteriorates after Jong exposure to the space enviro- ment, primarily In welghllessness. He will receive food pellets as a reward for good performaoce. . Delicate instrument. implanted in the brain, heart and other vital body area.. will radio data continuously to earth. Extensive pos(.(Jlght study will be made after the primate capsule parachutes back to earth at completion or the mis· sion. In another Cape Kennedy area, the countdown rehearsal continued for the Apallo 11 moon landing flight. The seven- day lest ill to end nut Thursday with as- tronauts Ntll A. Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. and Michael ColflnJ climbing into their spaceship atcp lbe Saturn 5 rocket lo< a mock bi.stott. A .succeWul teat would clear the way lor1he plaimed JUiy fl liltoll. 'Ibe three aUonlutl worked in space-s~ tralnfn ~ P'rl4aY an;l Ulen l1ew ·--•for spec!allzi!d training today. the stlte Leal!Iature has said the ro~te of the Oranp Fneway should extend ftom tilt adopted route of Ule Paclllc Coast Freew1y (Route 1) to the· 'Toothill Freeway (Route 210) In l.os Angeles Cowity. ' Other questioN Wire falled because lhr,. m1jor lr-&j's wlll lunnel Into Ule Ptlcillc Cout Freeway wlthiri lour !Diles of each othtt if thtrOrlngc! Frff'.way is conUnuecf.to the coast. . Plans for tbe Huntington Beach Freeway (Route 39) and the Newport Freeway (Route 5$) have already been adopted, linl:l"I Ulein to the coatt route. Costa M.,. City Councibnan William St. Clair presented an arawnent lo favor of extending ihe Orange Freeway to the coast. "If the Orange ~way ill only tJ• tended to tbe San Otego Freeway, tb- beacb traffic wUI be forced to uae the Newport Freeway,'' be aaid. "Then we must either extend the Routt 57 freeway or add more lanes to the Newport Freeway," St. Clair added. 11.J can't visualize the new frffway stopplftC on the, San Diego Freeway." New,Drt, Beach Traffic E n Ii n e e r Robert Jafle then asked Wofford if t.M state Division of llighways is malting My allowances for future rapid trwlt . systems in Its freeway planning. "Our job is to provide freeways for aut01," Wofford answered. "But we an setting: aside 54 to 60 feet on eyery ~ freeway f6r either futµre rapid lrlllllt systems or extra freeway lanes." "Rapid transit in this area is ten to 15 years behind the times •. " he &dded. Vnrest Not Factor UCI MediM School EY.es Sli~ of State Bond Issue UC Irvine Medical School, one of the lasers in a bond Issue defeat last November, apparently is going lo get a chance to sldeste9 voter reaction to cam- t pu3 diasent.. A· J>!Oposed $2441 million bont\,)ssue ror health facilities on UC 'campusel is loom- ing for statewide vote sometime next year. The PJOposltion sailed through the Assembly 66 to O and is nOw before state Senate committed. · Breaking health program needs apart' from the general bw1ding needs or University of California campu~ makes good political sense to legislators. As Dean or UCl's College of Medicine Warren L. Bostick put it : "Little or none Man Confesses Killing 3 Girls SALEM, Ore. (UPI) - A 30-ye.ar-old Salem electrician pleaded guilty. Friday to three first degree murder charges in the slayings cf three young women. "I did it," said Jerome Henry ·Brudos as he admited the murders or Karen Sprinkler, 19, of Salem; Jan Susan Whit- ney, 23, cf McMinnville, and Linda Salee, 22, of Beaverton. Marion , Couoty Circuit Coun'. Judge Val 0. Sloper then ~ter>ced Brudos to three · consecutive life terms in the Ore· gon Stat~· f<nl9tentj,.f!.. Brudoi also WIS lfukedio a fourth mur- der of an unidentified victim, bdieved to be Linda Slawson, 19, ol Aloha. of the stUdent unrest has been identified with pro{ess1onal schools." He said $54 million of the $2U mUllon statewide total would be earm1r~ fC three bugdings at UCI -a baaic ~ building, ·a clinical sciences buildipg ·and a university hospital. "This is a minimal survival Cluster for a viable medical school," he said. Planners of the health facilities bond issue say the state's $246 million would be . supplemented by $120 million in federal : monies. In UCl's case, the U.S. govern-· ment would contribute $.11 million toward ·· the total $85 million cost of the thru.: builtllngs. . The bond issue also would provide for · new medical school facilities at UC San : Diego._and UC Davis campuleS Ind ti• : par)fi~ ol ~UC San .Francisco mtdical, : dental, pharmacy and nurslng K'hools, : UCLA medical school, UC ·D • Y i 1 : veterinary school. and UC Berktley : public health and optometry schools. BosUck pointed out that the state of : California presently must impori 70 per· ' ceot of ilS doctors, and Medicare is haV· ing the impact of increasing the demand for persons trained in health fields. As for the UCI Medical School, he ex· plained the move from Los Angeles will be completed this summer and th1l first and second year students will be taught en campus in surge facilities (so named because tbey will surge into them and then out into permanent facilities:). Thir~ ~ fourJI' year,medical er· ' for a year 'new ilready have if Orange County Medical Center, 13 milu from campus. ~ M E\Jenin3s Under the Stars Hear a swnmer series of nine "Popi' concerts under the direction of Mr. Henry Brandon, free to the public, on the Mall at FASHION ISLAND each Monday evening at 9:00 p.m., lime 30 through August 25, Thirty-five talented 1nusicians from Orange County, will present a delightful selection of "Pops" numbers during the nine-week il!Jonday night schedules, each one a different progran1. You are invited to bring folding stools or cushions in case of overfl.ow seating capacities. Sponsored by Tbe Irvine Company and Fashion Island Merchants Association in ·cooperation with the Recording Industries Trust Fund: 59 FINI! STORIS Md SERVICES ;JSo FASHIONJ ,;4'SLAND ,HIJWl'OBT 'OBXT_,a . . . . I • .... .. ~ "1- -'--"·• -~..-'...•~. --.... • ·-. -· ~.c.a. -........... ~· ...... .. . . • Weekend · ' . ' . .. .... ,,._ ' . ;v.ot. 62, NO. 154, 4 SECTIONS, 68 ,PAGES . . " , ... ·SATURDAY, JUNE 21. 1969 TEN CENTS ... . ' ... ~ . . • ·-~ . ' . • , ' .. ' o .. ! .L • ' Coast Pair Bring ·· Cit)r 's Heart . to Baja Poor • ' ' I ' I • ' t • • , T" -'· By JOHN VALTERZA Of t1r1t D.J1r 'lilt Sllff John ·and Genevieve We.isblat are off today !roin their Newport Beach home i. the poor schools ot Baja California,• awed by the help they received from Newport residents who donated m.ater.lah for:rf:amlng-starved Mexican children. The cwplf1 wh<l have returned· to resume their volunteer work in the poorest areas oI La Paz, received pencils, paper, desk!, and even offers from physi· ciaoo to do what7they could (or health con4lllcm In the ta Paz tiorrlos. Boat Found, ' . Un,der Tow; Crew Safe AD band! on board the Valkyrie -a San·. Francisco sailboat reporled sink· \n& aouth ol the ChaMel blands -are safe ind being towed to Santa Barbara today by tht U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Cape Hatteras. Eight crewmen, sailing from San Fran- c.isco to Los Angeles ~ ready themselves for the Trans Pacific Yacht Race, were r~ in good conditiOQ by the Coast GUard, .after sending emergency radio 1lina1s when their vessel developed problems Friday ri'iorning . First radio reports received from the Vilk)rle' Friday indicated they were fill· ~g fa9,t · wipi water and would need ~mps to stay afloat. · ·Bul when a Coasl Guard helicopter found the boat Friday night, 50 miles southwe!t of Point Concept.ion, the Val- l<yrle'a <,......aid·-·-not be qec'esiary. ·All eig1)t crewmen ate from the Sall P'rancllCO area . .n,.,. ...,..,racued by Jinlta frorq the lllh Coast Guard District to· Long B:each, which took over U1e 5earcb about noon Friday. . Previoualy ships from the Coast Guard's northern unJt, the 12th Dbtrict, were conducting Uie spreading sea bunt. First radio broadcuts for help from the vaikyrJ~ were monitored about 7:40 a.m., f)'idoy In Monterey. Tbe"Valkyrte wu equipped with a llfe-!>oat for qnlf ab< lndjvtduals, but had IMej-for the.enlln! crew, said 1nJ. tial rej>arj.. Flans were also available for iil&ht'iise. The abl'll]Jtly halttd voyage ~an July Z, In San Francisco. It ends sometime today in Santa Barbara, just barely on ·, good note. Before Jeavtn& on tbe ·trip, Welsbtat said "the.l'eS]Xlnle w.u overwhelming." "Not ooly did lbe people ol Newport Beach collecl UllOd !Chool and art •UJ>-' . . . plies. Some ol lbem went dlttclly to lhe &tore·and bought.crayons, llWi balls and !bing• they ~ht lhe children woold like," be 'sild. · An ~nta;, scltool le'.acbs haa or. fered to have 00' sli:th' gtaden: Utl1 fall act as a "sister class'' to student.s of La Paz, exclJ,~lq1 letters. The A?Jlertcan stud_ents' Sp&l)ish ~Id benefl~ Wel•blat said, and· !lie cblldien 'ln • Mexico 'would appraciate lbe....,tad wllb the-NelfPOl'I students · · ' · ! -._ .. • · • rne most' re1'ardll>g expepeoce we had, the hours we will rem~ber:~ fondly, was m .. ting-the people .wtlo,fol Involved. "Driving around the Harbor Area, from Balbol. ·to Cort.a ·Mesa lto Corona ~ 11111'.• we atoPPed'off at-..a!UtrdwellirJll- modest houses. In fact the greatest ·con- cern and.kindness _came from what iR.ln France ¢alr1th@i. little Pe9P1e' I ; .\~th, 8 big heart.," he related1. ... He also cited a businessman 1'ho'pve • l!O bill lhal hi said lil! llad saved fora . . . '· .. ... .. .~~t;. • . .. .. ¥'.....,...., .... -.;'~~~.Vollq : . For-~iiJrls, o•llddt ls where ooe,sit..on ib.-lana soaklng ,up sumhihe"ir~~;Jlv~r apything moie ltrmqOl!S'lha!l,:.b~l.t!iiJ"p eyelash or 11!0 ilt· alt otc81!onal paJnrby. Not so f~'Y\fGMO De~, 19 (left), aod Judy Woclere!t, 18,'both of'Ccsta Mesa.-They enjoy being where .tlie :voll~yball acti6n is. rainy· day. An 11·yal! .. ld widow alio of. fmdaolnefuOOs. The c:oople'a project was a llllllbroom lhat l'<W from what WU planned to be a brief IWft)' trip to study tbe ..-alloll:ot Mexitan -'l'bo Wellblatl 11 !Int wantal to """" to the •states to apply the ·..-. al their .....,,_ to teochlni dbadvlllltl(ed Me x IC ID.• Atnerlcat younpters. · Jnatead, they s~ed for ...,.ha, · Much of What wu donated In tbl Harbor· Arta ID!dt,stay behind until !Im\ transportaUon arrangementa ~ lnade " for the boJn of pape:r. pencils, crayons and 'boob. . Welsblat zald lhat most of 1he articles wtl! find their way down to tbe Up of the peninsnla cm yachta ~ prtvate'planes durtna tbe -· . "We bad severol oller1 from people wbo'ptan tripo then thla "I""""'· 'Ibey said they • -111 mato room oo their boils and planes for • 1'>x or two." The cunpalp for "llt.r1als Is Iv from over here.· Scoutinc or1anliatlom and other youth groups are ltllJ collecting ·rJearnfng materlab. Donatlom " ..,, tlnd are still iretco11•0, In care of ihe Wtlililala' frWoda on Balboa Peninsula, Mr .. /aad ~ p. B. Whltelleod. ~ E., ~ Fr'oot, m-4781. ' . • Tbe Wetablats Ibo lhanl«d Iba ll&ILY. PILOT .IJ)d Ila ~ !l)o auponded to the fealurt story ap~-~ ID c!tJnor the problems of eWc;atlnl' the -'" <l poor children In the DuTlo ol La Ladrlllera In La Pu. 'l'bo. couple bu exhauatl'i tJida: qwn blldgel -1o help the younpten. 'lllelr tr_..uoo to Mexico abo ·..,... as tbelr -a well-used .mlcrobul camper; Tot Cheats Death Crushed by Car, Clings to Life ay ·TBRRv covnu °' .. ~ .......... llealb ' mliaed :. 16-JllOOll>.old Costa M-sit!' by lnchel · Friday afternoon when she 'wu. run emir by a car in tbe. drl\'ftay ol her home 4 at 5'10 Travene Drive. Ropld actJon by PoJice and a surgJcal team at Costa Mesa Memorial H08pitaJ atrengthened the thread of ure held by little Carol Susanne WUliama, who is listed In c:rlliW condition today wJlh I cruehed abdomen, ruptured left lung. several fractured ribs and various olher injuries. Police tald Carol wu ttuahed at 4,30 p.m. Friday, by a car driven by MrJ. Marion Role Bleser, 34, of.J'ioa Emer· aid Lane, Huntington Beach, • hiend ol ~baby's mother. n. Ure rolled over Ille blbJ't abd~ men, said police. "A forr lncha higher and ahe would have dled. instantly," commented .one officer. A pollce unlt rushed lhe child to Costa Mesa Memorial where doctors brought her to turgery In less than an hour, termed "record breaking time" by po- Uctmen on the sctne~ Carol's mother, Mn. Dokhs•!!.'Wll· Hams; told pollce Ifie lhought ·th sit! waa lnaide while Mn. Bleaer ·WU blct- ing out of the driveway. Police aald Mn. Willlama 6rat lhougllt the: car was rolling over a doll la. the gutter, when she heord the child'• . . acrwn. ",\t (Int we dldn~ lhlnk the little girl had a chance to live," aaid an tn~~ gating officet; "It's rtally' 1 miracle." Carol Is listed In cr!Ucil condllklo by hospital officlala, IRrt rupondlni well foliOWln( tapid.alldonflnaJ ......,.. . . Famed Trunk Murderess . . . I Com1 Break ........ ;Oal~·-·~._.i ·ftnm 'Bttih ~11Uld::fi~M R•JLif~Womm · · .. , , .. -~ · · · .. ~-'°". ', lµRTINEZ, calJL (AP) -W1iiDfe '1 ART8l1R R. VINSEL Ruth Judd, coovtct.d " double munJer · or ,.. Or.sir '*' ...,. In a 1ensatlonal trial in 1933 and mJ.u. ·er1p~ied by a bullet-lmaahed blp.and Ina •Ince abe escaped-from an Arizona 1UIU~1 the expected piiu! tenn from mental hosJ)ltal In JIG, has been cap. which he ran, a m«e fO !ee\.Frlday •. .a tured in a aµburban vWage east of San felony 1uspect shot by a lawman outaide Franclaco where she wu w~kinl u 1 a ec.ta Mesa courtroom today awaits domestic. new c$arlu. Jtmlll w. Needs. :19, ol Asu&a, was ~berlir'a Ll Robert Sane aald the ""' listed In ,.tlala<torf' cond!Um ~ 1n man coovtcted or murderlog het two the Jail won! ol Orange County Medleal belt prl fri<ncla In Phoenix In 113l, and Center, with • ,19 caliber bullet wound in shlpplnf tbelr rcmalna to Loi AogeJa bla.fradured left hip. "1teadlully denles zbe is Winnie Ruth He 1114f • ftllinr-prtaoner accused In • Judd." stolen "lepartmont store ' refund check But s t ·-·-d~-Of!Falioa ,were awaltln& · preJlmlnuy .1111. a crew-cu ... _ID ~~ hWln ',Jo:llarl>or :Judli:lal Illotrict Cowt live, said/be .tC!eotllled ber tllroull>-fln. Frtd,Y~'!hen·N~ mad.e,a' brut. gerprints; old photos and a scar on her Orange CCunty Deputy M 1 r s h a 1 left indeJ finger. Lifeg uards Find Surfer's Bod y Off Huntington Edward Wlnlknr -a 2:0-year career He conceded that the woman wJlo w.as -------------------"----""-_..'<:>Marina who 1 never had ·to shoot ·a man working a1 a cook' and housekeeper" Un.. The body of an early morning surfer, apparently a drowning victim, was found Friday morning by Huntington Beach ~ near the bluf!s along Pacific pint J!lghway. Identification of the victim is &WI pend· Ing outcome of • thorough autopcy, ac· cording to the county coroner's offict. Police said llfeguards retrieved the body about 10 :15 a.m .• near tbe entrance to Standard Oil Co. property alOl1( the bead!. He had ,apparently been aurfillg ihert early In the morning, said police. 1be eoroner's office said death was bf drowning and there appeaNld tp be no signs of roul play or indication of suicide. Slayer Wins New Dela y Convicted killer Frederick Saterfield won a further delay Friday of the penalty phase o! the D)UTder trial f.hat sent him to San Quentin's Death Row more than two years ago. SUperior Court Judge Samuel DrelJen granted a delay.to neit Jan. 19 of trial action against the Smrta Ana carpenter. As ~el unreoolftd aopects " the CaH!omja Supreme Coar\ rit~ that ltd to lbe Saterfield de&tori were said tiy prosecutors to have prunptell defermenl of the new. cOurt acUon. Salerfield is. one of sorrie 30 convicted klllen..:wbo h•ve sucoessfully ' appea1ed that their · convicUons w e r e un- conslltuUonal. They have argued that jlll'Ol"I were not made aware of the specific standards by-which they could measure guilt in capital crimes. It is also being argued that aome jurora in lbe Saterfield trial were improperly eXCWJed becawie of tbe1r datemenll that they were i>ppooed.to lhide8th penalty. Saterfield, 5~ was "!ll)'lcied ol the murders of bis commoa law wHe and her daught« in their santa Ana home. He was on ~le at. ~ time from a life serittnee fmposed for a murder he com-mltted' In lllO. OCC Stadiuna Show 4th to Close With a Bang The Ulh Annual Fourth of July Flnworb •bow at Orange Coast Collece'i Le8ard Sla.tlum In Coota Meu wlll f,.tiire a jjlde variety ol prHbow enJertalnmMt planned. Perfonnancts by Uwi G Jeng arr y Highlandtn, the Orange County Sing out ...,,,up, JI Harbor area gymneste and the . YMCA Indian Guld!o are scbeduled, .:,,, the protram lllartlng at '1:30 p.m. ls aponeored by the Y'•Mens Club of ~ Coast YMCA. It will be bfgllll1hted by the protechpic1 display put fl I!)' \lif Calilomla Flnworb Dilplay ,i:ompony of Rialto. The Meaa NaUon or the Y·lndlan i;uldeawlll put on• ltmlor .. i)'!l\plc. pr!Or to lbe oUlclal Ojionh1i ol the ahow. They .. I bt!ore -dropped the suspect , in his der the name of Marian Lane "look• tracts after Needs refused three com· about 10 years younger" than Winnie mands to halt. Ruth Judd'• 64: years. Already facing an array of charges The woman, who says she's 54, is stemming from his June 18 arrest during plump and matronly compar«;d with the a gun-wleldinl fracas at Sears, Roebuck wasted woman who walked away from & Co., ·3333 s. Bristol st., Cotta Mesa, Arizona State Hospital seven years ago Needs may have another booking charge. in her seventh escape. Orange County sherUf's investigators She was picked up at 2 p.m. Friday "ll al · tin ports fro Deputy "" &ang and Sgt. Joe ·Walsh at the Dan-were iu ev ua I re m ;file home of Dr. John Biemer, a aeir Marshal Winslow and oQ)er witnessea before decldins wbelher to" charge Needs eral practitioner vacaUoning with bis wu:e In Europe. with felony escape. Sana aald "em'ythini abe haa lndJ. 111 don't know 111 the facts, but there catel she la Marian Lane," but that "in- see1M to be sufficient evidence at tbia formation from both inside and outside'' point to supp:irt that thought," said Sgt. Callfomla, u well u b1I own finger· Ben Olandaboure Friday, afternoon. .print check, led him to believe Marian "I'm IOrT)', I knew I was goint to the Lahe la Wlnnle Ruth Judd. 'jolnt' and I had to do It.," one witness He booked her u a fUaJUvt from an quoted the suspect u saying 'f!ben r>epu. Arizona mental Instltutioo and uld Ari- ty Winslow stood beside him afterward in zona would extradite her. lhe court partina lot. Charged originally wllh assault with a deadly w.upoo, suaplcion cf armed rob- bery, burglary w1111e mned wllh a gun, burglary and for1ery., Needf had j~ talked wllh bla ...,..appolnied atlorney. He was adv lied aboUt· his 11llem1tive! under the vclou.s ctrcumstancts and then Uked to mUe a phone can to· hls (See 81100'l1NG.,Pap 2) ,P The one-time "Uger woman" 1ave up quietly, Sang said. He brou,tit her in ror booking dreued neatly in a dark dre11 with a wide white collar. She amlJed broadly at new1 cameramen. It was almost 38 yean ago .that Mr&. J~dd was arrested In 1'91 Anaelea •her:!. she SOl:lght to claim two trunks. ,\utholiUe1 who·had spotted ~lood drlppl1111 from ona . m,ade her open them. lnaid~ were the f'tl'Dalrui of ""'1" Ann Lerio, an X-ray techn1¢an, and Hedvl( Samuelson, a lldloollQcher, , bcilll of • Phoenix. . t. Mrs. Judd wu ~ ol 1 l]'lurdtr aad "'1teJ\Oed , to. be hapc,d ID 1"3, bul ' . • ' ' Santa Ana Sergeant · Killed in Vletn~ · ' . .. .. . .' UPI.,...... MURDERESS C:APTURl.D Winn ie Ruth 'Jud<l '. -• . -n. hours before her execuUoa the won a '.sanity hearing. · She WU j1Jdiod -.and committed lo-a lllate hospital where sbe '9Caped a total of six ,tltnel ..., the years but aJ. wiys was rtcaptured qulclr.ly. On lhe .,,..,,lh lry, In ~ IJ!r bolo pita! 'clolhl1111 wa1 flNnd on a biJlldlnil nearby. and no .further claes rver .,,.,.. announced that polnied to when Wkm!e RUlh 'Judd. !lad gone. ' • " Oraage Weadaer 6nce we gel by tho, 1ioomio "'""runt, h'Jl .be ·maCtly•cieat !Or Sunday wllll little temperab&re • change •Joni lhe Or8J11e Coast. . INStDE TOD-'Y l"or Ill• /inl· tlm• ill ,0"'11Q< · Coimly lllltorv~ttoc~er• toCllMd oul of thtir cl•ur001!U thra.,.., • , Jun h.,. wcu th•v fmd I• !MW d"""MI Is ll!ldlyud on PO/I< 3 ~. ~ ,..,,_; .It er. ; --" --. -.. -" -. ........ M -..... =...-~ .......... .. ....... """ ,,.... ,,, I j I • z '..DAILY "'1.0T s PrMldont Georve• Pompldou and a b o u t 5,000 other anonymous Frenchmen were asked to vote to-- day in a very selective referendum -whether to limit access to mo- torists who do not live on Ile St. Louis. Pompidou has an apart· ment on the Seine island in the beart of Paris, an idyllic tourist resort. Its residents complain it i9 attracting too much traffic, night· , clubs, expensive restaurants and loud night people • Pint-sized United T~twordt$$ Sandy Jlt"flooln (t e I tJ pet-& an autograph from Denise Long, ~8-year·old basket· ~ baU stat from ~ Wliiiten, Iowa. De- ttile, 5 ft. 11 inch- t.s tail. wa& drafud by th.e San Fron· cisco Warriors, the jir&t girl to be ' drafted into tt!e Nati-On.al Bcuket.. boll League. The \Varriors want to set up o 100TMn'1 reaoue featuring Miu Long. • 1n June 1876, Gen. George Custer and his men were wiped out. This year, they were rained out. The an- nual re-:enactment of the Battle of the LiWe Big Horn held near Har· din bas been postponed from this week to Julr 4, 5 and 6 because nearly four inches of rain has fal· Jen in the Hanlin area. The Weath· ed Bureau \Vasn't promising much of a let up but the Crow lndians have scheduled sun dances up un- til July 4. • P•trici• J eff ries, 23, convicted of disturbing the peace and other charJU.'in'connection.wMh a love. in, was given a strong hint on what to expect when she appears for sentencing in Los Angeles. ft1.l!"icl· P•I Court Judge lrwln J, N•br0n said: "I would advise you to hrinK a toothbrush ••• you will need it. • , I A young man waJ oioen time q off from the firtliMI tn Briti.th i Columbia after a fore1t ranger sald he po1ed a hazard to fire and firt fighters. The ranger dug int.o ht.I own pocket for $2 10 the uouth., with shoulde,.. ~ngth hair, could get a haircut. The ran.atr, who preferred not , to be identified, told the youth , his hair could easU11 catch fire, , or on the othe r hand other fire fighters might miltake him for ·\ a woman. Either event could f-' ltad to "disa.tter," he 1aid. • People wondered why the area around an old, abandoned coal mine south of Wenat.,:hee, Wash., remained free of snow last winter. They found out. The mine dump h as been afire for a year. A grass and timber fire which swept over the area and burned several thou- sand acres last July 4 apparently ignited the dump I ( DAIL' PI LOI .._,.., ..... H ........... --.... _-..... CAUPlllNIA OIUH.CI CO.Ul P\llLISNING C:OMNJff ll•lt .... H. W••• ---J•c• It. C111ley YIC:9 ,,...,. -C....tlol ,,.,.,..., Th• ... ktnil .... 1'Mwl1t A. M.,,~I~• Mtlltlllnei~lltt - I, Orange Freeway: Rocky Road Ahead ' 8)' llANDY liiaY& '............. .. Lea AllGW!S -· -~ ....................... 1' "" •Orafiie Jl'ioew1y Clown tlte tllnta. AftO ruver to the sea admit they havt: a few hurdles to overcome. Hurdles like, say, the Orange County Medical Center in Orange, the Wlllowk.11: Golf Course in Santa Ana, the Mesa VErde Country Club in Costa Mesa and a pair or Ora.awe County sewaae pla.nls on the Huntington Beach-Newport Beach border. All perch upori tht-banks ol' the Santa Ana River along with several thousand residents of the seven cities -Orange, Santa Ana, Garden Grove, Fountain Valley, Com Mesa; Huntiniton Beach and Newjlorl Bulb :-that Ife along tlte proposed °'""'' Freew11 (Route 17) ex· ,. -vu;::.~ ... Fridar .. llto lint· 111 • ' 9111 ... llllllY study sessions on the: proposed extension, which would take Route 57 from Its ln· tersection With the Santa Ana Freeway near Anaheim Stadium down the Santa Ana .Rlver to the future Pacific Coa.st Freeway (Route J). Discussion centered on a study corridor about Jl miles Jong ~d about 1 mile wide. George Wefford, deputy engineer ol District 7, Dlvi.aion of Highways, said In· formation must be gathered from the cities and school districts. "A traffic ~ysls mwit~ be made before .. route can be adopted," he said. · The engineers stressed that it Is up to Chorper Chatter Navy Talks. Ternie~ 'Fruitful' By JORN VALTERZA Cit .. OlllW' .. ,. a.fr Newport Beach city aides will schedule anothet'meeting with U.S. Navy officials lo try to end errant helicopters violattna: flight pattern roles and cruising too low and toq close to Newport's shoreline_. AsslNDt City Manager Jim DeCbalne said Friday that the first meeting Wednesday with brass at the Marine helicopter facility Jn, Santa Ana was "very fruitful." He .said a meeUng witb the com- mandera at the Los Alamitos Naval. Air Station will take plice early next week. It was a Los Alamitos chopper that new over a beach are June JS and ac- cidentally dropped llll IS.pound carso hat· ch ontc;> the sands at 19th Street "It ls obvious that some of the helico~n bave violated the flight ~t.­ tem rules when they Oy over tho'betcb," DeCJialne said. He said that the military orders pilots to fly no closer than one mJle away from "miort communities" and no lower than 1,000 feet. • "The commanders of the facility have promised to try their best to end the violating fl ights," he said.~. The craft fly on tralning missions on paths designed to take lhe craft over ter- rain ofien found 1n VJetnam, he said. "The hellCQJ>ters are not .supposed to be over the beaclt at llll," he added, "but some of these pilots are young, and they're human; maybe they fly low over the beach to get a look at the girls." DeChaine said that "'f>Or!a of • planned citizen's spotting brigade to record the helicopter flight vlolattons "was only a thought. We don't think we'll ldviae that sort of thing at all. "That exercl5e would only get out of hand and tum into a peUUon ~ postcard writing campaip," he M)d. 'Ibe h&tch. incldent accented a monthl- long assault by Newport Beach resideatl On the low.nying, noisy aircraft. Pistols, Firebombs Used In Buenos Aires Rioting BUENOS AIRES (UPI) -Studenu firing pistols and shouting l!lti-American slogans battled police and firebombed American bu.s~ Jn the .$zgeotlne capital and two inferior Cities Friday night, protesting the visit Sunday of Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York. Ottw stbdent, Elnillo Ja~rtcul, 28, was Jellied and a policeman Was wounded by Rapist of Two Coa st Girls Ge ts Three-year Term A San Dimas man convicted of forcible rape following his molestation of two Huntington Beach girls must serve three years in state prison. Superior Court Judge James F. Judge set that term for Ronald Elwin White, 26, and ruled that the former airline maintenance man must serve it in con· junction with a similar sentence pending in Los Angeles County. That piece of coordination could put White In jail for at least the next six years. Whlte was arrested in Huntington Beach a year ago after he picked up two girls, 18 and 16, on the beaclt and forced them at knifepolnt lo get into their car. He then ordered them to drive around town wltile he molested them in turn, raping one of tltem. His Los Angeles County charges stem from an almost identical incident at Hermosa Beach. liospital r e p o r t s describe White as a "danger to U1e health and safely af others." pistol fire ln Buenos Aires, police rtport- ed. Students demonatr1iing in the capital shouted ''Rocbltll-:rt.9Ul, Rockefeller out!" and retrMted Del'lind bonfires they had built in the streets when police 1p-proactr .. -1u. Pollcf;~ •ma! shots ~u'M from the itMinr croup. one ol them hitting Patrolman Augustin Jelavl Jn the chest. ' In La Plata, 32 miles south of ButnO! Aires, students burned an effigy of ltocte. feller and a U.S. flag to protest the faci- flnding mission of Pre!ident Nl:ron's emW~ry to LaUn America. Violent Weather Heads Eastward Jfy Ualttd Pre11 lat.eniatloul The violent weather that ripped Ille central port!~ of the nation the past hvo dtlys shifted ~astward Friday to the Ohio Valley and' Middle Atlantic states. A severe thunderstorm watch was is· sued for northeast Ohio, ·oortbwest Penn· sylvania, a small portlon of DOrthern \Vest Virginia and· m~ of west and cen· tral New York. \\finds in exC1?ss of 80 miles an hour were reported near Cleveland, and one inch of rain fell west of Mansfield, Ohio. A po'A·er company in lower Michigan re- ported downed wires and et>nsiderable wind damage in Detroit. A bolt of lightning during a heavy thunderstorm struck the Weatlter Bureau radar and burned out the unit at Buf. falo, N.Y .. while Toledo, Ohio, had \vinds of up to 53 miles an hour accompanied by 1.31 inches of rain during an hour oeriod. Frotn P ag e 1 SHOOTI NG AT COURT • • • mother, before being taken in front of the judge. Uha'ble lo get his call tltrough, autltorltles said, Needs was being escorted out of the marshal's office back to the door of the holding cell, a mere 10 or 12 feet. when he made his move . He made the wrong one. Turning right toward the open parking lot area and downtown Costa ~fesa, in· \'estigators said, Needs broke Into a run despite three shouted commands by Deputy Winslow to hall. One shot rang out and the fugitive flop- ~ onto the asphalt: NO BLAME ''Don't tlame yourself." he rr:plled when the deputy said he was sorry about the e.rtent to whkh his duty had led. Severi! police cars were: dispatched to !he scene at 567 W. 18th St., after the in- itial eac:ape alarm 1nd one driven by Cosla Mesa Police Sgt. Jim Grttn WU rammed broadslde by another vehkle. ~ No one. was injured and d•maae w11 moderate. Prtllmlnary b~1rln1 for the wounded ciscapee'1 alleged 1ccpmplke In the Los Aagtle1 and orance counues refund check forgery ope:r•tlon was rt·1Chedultd for ntxt ThW'Bday. John P. Ro£ers, 31, of Beldwln Park, ls heir! at Orange County Jail in lieu of $S,OOO bail, pending further disposition of the case. The former Covina Sears' store einployc is accused of stealing the boo]( o( refund checks which Individually be1an turning up in the El tttonte and Buena Park area. Needs was arrested June 18 In the Costa Me11a store when a ca.shier to whom he allegedly gave one of the stolen slips forged for $121 recognized the serial number and notified security officers. Guards Robert Go,w, 47, and William Humphrey, 51, said Needs refused to ac· company them for quesUonlng at ftrat, 10 th ey took him by the arms, after wblcb he said he would go voluntarily. Wallting between thtm hoWevtr, ht all•gedly whipped out a .:D caltltor aulomatlc pistol :... thrtaten1n1 to ttU them -1t which thne Humphny crab- bed him from beblnd, plnntnc bll anna lo • bear hU(!. Otlitr store personnel and customer• hel""1 diHrm the strugglloi .....,..,i and he was tw-ned over to Colt& M.,. police for booitn1 and' further quaUonlnl about lha forgery rlna. -Rocm was •rr~sttd later an d authorllie. t&)' they belltlr'e a third m1n Is involved, \ ' lbe-IU!!I '--·lo, IM,lllvi.iae .. " flttlnrll'l If tlleJ ... ~ -tM area under consideraUon 11¥' .Route 11. . A hearing will be held toward the end of 1970. "Alte.r this time it will take from iii' months to two yean for a filial route to be adopted," Wofford said. After the route of the Orange Freeway is adopted it could lal(e anywhere from five to 15 )ears to build it, he added . Several questions arose at the meeUng about lbe-neces.slty of extending the route beyond the San Diego Freeway to the coast. ''Traffic studies will dettrmine l! the exte:naiou of the freeway wlll be neceaury,'' Woff«d replied. Other atate: highway aides noted that Space Monke y 'Bonny' Set For Big Night CAPE KENNEDY. Fla. (AP) - A 14· pound pigtail monkey named Bonny ls to rocket into orbit tonight to start the long# est spaee fli&ht ever taken by a living creature. Scientists hope the "astromonk" will help set guidelines for future manned mluions in space stations and planetary voyages that could last months or years. Bonny, a 3-year-old male from the jungles ol Thailand, is to ride into space atop a Delta rocket at 1:10 p.m. PDT. He is to orbit for 30 days, .trapped In a couch Jn bll nying blolOl!cal laboratory. His arms will be free to push buUon.t In two behavioral tests designed to deter· mine if bis memory capacity deteriorates after Ionr erpolUJ'e to the SJlace envlro- ment, primarily lo weightlesaness. He will receive. food pellets as a reward for good performance. De-Jicate imlruments Implanted in the brain, he.art and other vital body areas will radio data continuously to earth. E:rtensive post'-Otgbt study will be made afttr the primate ca~ule parachutes back to earth at completion of the mis· sion. In another Cape KeMedy area, the countdown rehearsal continued for the Apollo 11 moon landing flight. The seven· day test is lb end nelt Thursday witlt as- tronauts Nell A. Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. and Michael Collins climbing into their ipactS.hlp atop the Saturn 5 rocket fOf' a mock blastoff. A sueceuful test would clear the way for lbe planned Uuly !.I liftoff. , The three ast'ronauls worked in space- ship trainers here FJ:ldly and then flew els'l!'whert·for specialized f:ra1n1n1 today. ti14 llllte Latlllatllt'a,bol _.Id U!o routo o~ Ille Oral>i• PrM11 thould Wtod from the adopted route of the Pacl!lc COut Freeway (Route I) to the 'Foothill Freeway (Route 210} in Los Angeles County. Other question.!I were raiaed because three major freeways will funnel illle the Pacific Coast Freeway within four mlll!s of each other if the Orange Freeway is continued to the coast. ' Plans for the Huntington Beach Freeway (Route 38) and th& NewPort Freeway (Route ~) have already been adcptM, linking them to the coast route. Costa Mesa City Councilman William St. Clair presented an argument in favor of extending the Orange Freeway to the coast. "If the Orange Freeway Is only ex· r tended to tlte San DltCo ,,...111. 111t bea<h tralfic will Ito lnld 1" ulo tlta I Newport Ffffway," he said . '·Then we muat either c:rtend the Route I 57 freeway or add more lane! to tb• l Newport Freeway," St. Clair added. "I can't vllualize the new freeway atopPinf on the San Diego Freeway." Newport Beach Traff1C E n g I n e e r Robert Jaffe then asked Wofford If the state Division of Highways is m•klna any allowances for future rapld transit systems in tb freeway plannin&. "Our job ts to provldt freeways for autos," Wofford answered. "But we are setting aside 5' to 60 feet on every ntw rreeway for either future rapid transit systems or e.xll'a freeway lanes," "Rapid transit in this area is ten to 15 years be.hind tile Umes," he added. lfnrest Not Factor UCI Medical School E):es Slice of State Bond Issue UC Irvine Medical School, one of the losers in a bond issue defeat last Noveml;er, apparently is going to get a chance to sidestep voter reaction to cam· pus dissent. A proposed $246 million bond issue for health facilities on UC campuses is loom· ing for statewide vote sometime next year. The proposition sailed through the Assembly 66 to O and is now before st.ate Senate committees. Breaking health program needs apart from the general building needs of University of California campuses makes good political sense to legi3lators. As Dean of UCI's College of Medicine Warren L. Bostic]( put It: "Uttle or none Man Confesses Killing 3 Gir ls of the student unrest has been identified \Vitlt profeuional schools.'' He said $54 million of the $246 million~, statewide tot.al would be earmark.Id (or •• three buildings at ucr -a basic st1i!Dcts : building, a clinical sciences buildJnt ..m,.; a univeraity hospital. A: "This Is a.minimal survival cluster for ! a viable medical scltool," Ile said. . Planners of the ltealtlt facilities bond 4 Issue say the state's $24& million would be·~ supplemented by $120 million In federal'(. monies. In UCl's case, the U.S. govern-: menL would contribute $31 million toward : the tot.al $85 million cost of the three · buildings. ' • The bond issue also would provide for ~ new medical school facilities at UC San. ~ Diego and UC Davis campuses aod ex-; pansions of UC San Francil'iCO medic'1,:• dental, ~armacy and nursing &ehools, i UCLA ffledical school, UC 0 a v i • • veleri.Pary school, and UC Berkfley l public health and optometry schoo!J:-• Bostick pointed out that the 1tate of : SALEti.f, Ore. {UPI) _ A JO.year·old California presehtly must import 70 per-; Salem electrician pleaded guilty Friday cent of its doctors, and MedicUe is bav~ : to three first degree murder charges in ing the impact of increasing · the demand • the slayings of three yoong women. for persons trained In health fiekis. "I did it.'0 said Jerome Henry Brudos As for the UC! Medical School, he ex· • as he admited the murders of Karen plained the move from W Angeles will Sprinkler. 19. of Salen1; Jan Susan Whit-be completed this summer and that first ney. 23, of McM innville, and Linda Salee, and second year .students will be taught 22. of Beaverton. on campus in surge facilities (so named Marion CQunty Circuit Court Judge because tltey will surge into them and Val. p. Slope:r then sentenced Brudos to then out into permanent facilities). three consecuth•e life lef1ns in the Ore· gon State Peninlentlary. Third and fourth year medical students Brudos aJ,so was llnked,j:q: JI fOW'lh mur· for a yeat' now a!rfldy bave betn .at ,.,. der of an .unklentUied victim. believed to Orange CouJity MedlCal Center, i3 miles ·~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....~be~L~ind~a~Sl~.a~ws~o~n~,1~9~.~of~A~~~ooh~a~.~~~_!:.u~om~c~am~pu~•~·~~~~.,-~~~ 1· I ' " ,,-ti '' ummer .t:ops oncerts Monday &nintJs Under the Stars Hea r a summer series of n ine "Pops" concerts under the direction of l11r. Henry Brandon, fr ee to the public, on the il l all al FASH!0.1\T I SLAND each 111011day <'Vening at 9:00 p.m., June 30 through August 25. ThirlJ'·fivc talen ted 11111siria11s from Orange County, will p~esenl a delightful selection of "Pops" numbers during the 1une,wcek /Ifonday night schedules, each one a different program. You are invited to bring folding stools or cushions in case of overflow seating capacities. Sponsored by The Irvine Company and Fashion Island /I1erchants Association in cooperation with the Recording l ndustrics Trust Fund: · 51 flNE 'STO!I_!! •ncl S!RVli:Es FASHl 'ONj ISLA.ND HJ;JWl'OR'l' OllHTIJR Ptdfl< Colot...., _-'-w __ ;,.-, mlOullt •"'Y· I .. ·I •. .. ~ •• • ------------------~--------~----• -------,.... OAILV PJLOt. I ---. - 1?e:ach:erls f. .·Pay Baftle: _How Did They Fare? I By .1110111AS FO!ITUNI:: Of tllt 0.111 Pllifl It•" For the lira! time In Oraogo Cowrty history tttcber1 walked out on clamooms of studcnls UU. year. To allow thOlr determlnaUqq to wiJl hi1her ~leJ .-e tq:clieis In 'llur> tlngton Beach ·mg11 School and ...,. 1n Newport,M.,. Unified sc1lo9I djltricts toolC leave tlf their pupib. In Capbtrano Unified teachers threatened to walk out. Tu'e~1y nicht the lut of these school distriC'.a, Huntington Beech llli!h, adopted 1'..(eet the People Its •alary SCfle for ~It yqq:.,So now ll'p time lo .llf8 liow the t..cbm rand. For the -port, they'll nceive a pay lntreMe for nut year that wiU put them •li&htlr abHd of the coat of Uvlng IA< cnue due to lnllatlon. The averaae !ffcher oalary lnc\'easc In Newport,M"° wUl be U petctnl lo H1111tlnaliln Beacb ii will bl\ eilhl perctQt, and In ~ ... 7.t ptr<tlllt 'lllOle an Jual the .... ...,. Any one ~ will -1ve pay thaJ can be sevetil ~· points moro Pl' Im I , Pioneer Lagunan Recalls • l Yesteryear's ~~g Floods By JACK CHAPPEU. 01 rll9 O.llr l'IM Sllff If you think this winter's rains cm.1'<J havoc ii) Lq:una Beaeb. ~ll. in Qie words of At Jolson, "You ain't heard nothin' ye t!" J45t uk IAiUDa BeaG}l pioneer Merle .. . ,. DAILY PILOT Sflff Pilel9 HE REMEMBERS BIG FLOODS L~gun1 Plon .. r Ramsey Stan Scheduled For Newport's Tallest To~ers The Newport Center site, of SeabOard Finance ~pany's international head- quarters ts )>e.ing prepared for con- structlcm whlcb :wW lllarl witllln tbe neit few weeb', Irvint Compiny of0cl'11 'Sl1d today. -: -~ · • \ Bulldozen aild earthmoven are ltvtl• Ing the <found for the l'&.slory tower, the_ taJlest In .Ne~rt Bea~. at the hillt.Op commerclal-fuiance· complex. Seaboard's main offioes ·will be moved from downtown Lo!: Angele! when the building is ~OOmpte\ed, In eerly Jfll. It will be the .first interneUonal head· quarters of ·i. majnr' firm t.o be located Jn Newport Center. • The Irvine COmpany is the developer of the tower, owned by the Balboa Insurance CO., a Seaboard Insurance subsidy. More than 3;50 officers and other employes of Ult finapce firm will work j.n Seaboard's offices, with space available for 650 other workers In the tower. The investment building finn of Ket- chum, Peck and Tooley are the con- sulting developers for the high-rise, and C. L. Peck is contratcor.' Designers are Welton, Becket and As.sociates, and COldwell Banker and Ce. are leasing agents. 'I'he Seaboard finn , now owned by the Avco Corp. of New York, was founded 42 years ago in an , old frame house tn downtown Los Angeles and is today the world 's third-largest consum.er finance company. lt has more than 1,000 branch offices: Jn 46 states, eight provi.nces of Canada and in AIJ.ltralia. • Ramsey and he'll tell you about &0me "reel" floods. Ram~t.:.at, first came to the IAguna area in ltm. HJs memories ofiltbe 1'7·year period include foUr major oods -in !"07, 1916, 1938 Ind 1941 . Ramsey said many people .believe the floods this year were the tarsut because they caused the· most damage. "This la nothing compared to the 1916 flood. What magnUJed the damage this year In Silvtrado Canyon was the homes that were washed away, home! that were not there in litl;" he said. Ramsey s:iid that many of the homes hit by noocta this year were built on the ltl6 flood plain. Ramsey noles that d\lrlng the 1916 flood, the Santa Ana River tn nUd-8anta Ana at 17th Street was: a mile wide. "It was ])ONlble to row a boat rrom Santa Ana to Newport Beach," he said. "In 1901, I ·witnessed a great lake covering &be low lands between the meou of Huntinilon Beacb and Costa Meu. Tb1a remained for a period of about one.rpontb before rectding." It could happen again says Ramsey. "We are reading of the U.S. Engineers ptedicting • a one hundred-year Oood," Ramsey said. Statistically, major floods occur In that order of frequency. Ramsey pulled) from a book he is writing on Orange County hiatory some historical notes about a 1883 fiood and the Santa Ana River. "Only the railroads bad trestles, but they were swept-away like fence., in· cluding many miles of track on the level ground. "What was the fonner duert land was an inland Sta. PeOple were remoVed from lhelr ranches by row boats. UnUI June, the rive: waa still one third or a mile wide. The rains had ceUed, but the melting of the 1now brought the river back lo flood stage. "Never had thert been sucQ a flood 11ln. ce 1JIS1.f2 when it rained from December U to April 9. The rain waa measured not by lnchu, but by feet." . "1 ltnow what the engineers are talking about," Ramsey Slid. "Tbey (Lagunal\I Here now) haven't aeen a real fiood heft_•• ••As for the flooding of Laguna Beach, tbe lfttle dty has it'• own dtffialltiu. •linwe are very few cities in Orange COunty having the WM, lituaUon as to lloodr; one .of lying vulner•ble lo beavy ralne ....uh wry lllUe oontrol '"The main target or a fiood is the buainen &f4ion with no way for a bypass of a heavy ftow, sboald the covered por· lion Col tbe J.aawi• Clnyon stDnn dreln) again plut up. • "In the event the wattr fall• to enter tl)e covered viaduct, there will be no I othor flow but throup the bUJlntss set· ~lion," Ramaey aald. ·\ The 'ttsieat is that debris washed dawn tbi canyon will clog the storm drain.flood conlrol channel forcing waler into tht city's itreeta, he s&id. "Wherl the land aoov. the llig Berut is populated, and that along Niiild Road (El Toro Road) bas homes, driveways, and 1tre.ts, there will be water with no other run-off but down the canyon and through the busine!s Mcllon ol Town." Ram~y pointed oqt thal alo11g the length t1f Laguna Canyon, 24 other ci.· n1001 drl1n into the LalUJla Canyon. 0 :rbtre is reason to heed the engineer'& prtdlcilan of the one h<indred year flood. We are due fer ll The ltl9 Oood pi'ovet tbe ur,..t need lw a better flood -rol ~= 1n Lquna Canyon." n.m.ey con- than \he 1verq .. ~ependlrtl on wbert he falls on the aalaey ... 1e. The COit of living tncreu. for the ad1ool yw Just completed bu been U p<rctnl But teachers WQQ 't be paid tbelr Wlrl" unUI nelt year, and ominously the OOll of living lncrwe In more .._,t montha hu been .tx percent or bettor. How much in bard dollan does ttach- lng pay u a career? -A beginning teecber frWI out of 1 flv~yeat colloie program will be paid f7,MI lo start nelt year In Newpol'I- Me!a. A beginnlng teacher tbJs )'tar would bav~ mllde '7 ,t!O. In Huntington Bal'cb the atartlnl scale wes 1-U<d from '7,380 lo '7,!90. In C.plJtrano fn>rn f'/,400 lo f'/,650. Sircb ··-probably will be &boot 23 yeara old, '11n41e arid live In an apart• ment. The teachtr likely will find lbe wary com1~1e. -A teacher beginning his fourth year on the job this faA wlU be In line for tenlln! and I pay of fl.Ill In Newport· . Meta,' up from '8,1$9 paid a teacher in bl• follrlh year this yaar, In Huntington Beach tbe fourth yesr scale for a tenured teacher wu lncreaaed from 18,770 lo 19,U4. IA Capiltrano from 19,375 lo 18,125. Cbances are such a lsecher will be 2S yeara old, marrled, may have a ehUd ind be buying a home. U that Is lbe cue, his salary won't at.retch nearly a.a far u Ule first Year teacher's. -Altu .tx years on the job the te.cher, U be bu gone lo college oum- men, mlght ~ave earned a muter• . ' dean. and bt fetllllC • eaJa?y of !11,4111 In Newpon.M..., ... '-over the 19,791 paid for the same clulilJcatlao this year. Pey for th!> MVtnth yur ltechlf rib 1 muten In H1111tulgloll U..cb will Jn. creut from ftO,Jlf io ftl,00. lo Captslnrlo it wW 1ncreue from f!0,471 lo fl0,71:'-sua. • teachtt ml&bl be Ill y!an Old and bave two children. ...Starting hla llth year and with more collt1• couraes -p!eted for • tolll ol IO credit> beyond bis B.A. d•aree Jho . i..ther will mal" f13,IOO In Newporl-M.,., compared lo fll,928 this yaer. In Huntington Beach the oaJary Wiil be up from ,IJ,9111 lo fll,t40, and In C.piltrlllO from $12,550 to ftJ,IOO. Thet teacber mJght be 34 yean • old, saving to send his children lo coll•1e. and at the end of the llne for pay ralaa. The teacber on the lop of the salary 1e1lea has no more yearly at.ep ralMI for esperlence lo look al>ead lo mepl tobn raitea about . every five years in Hun. tlngton Beach and C.p!Jlrano. Taking that into consideration, hla averqt! silary lncreaae for next year is about U percent In Newport-Mesa; four petce11\ In Hilntlngton Beach; only U percent in Caplstrao. since last year's oost of living index. wbich may be low for next year. waa 5.4 percent It app;ean that even with the ra!Jes tb.se most esperlenced teachm mlibi ·have less buying power !ban before. About one-third of l••cbers ftnd themselves ln thla boat in Newport-Mesa; about one·fourth in HunUngton Beach; QQ}y elgbl ptr<t111I In Cap!Jlrano where achool growth has been more reeent. The rest of tbe teachers with lera .,,. perlence and still N!Cf:IVing pay eredU for an ·additional years experience, on the other band, wUI receive an average rlile of 10 percent In Newport·M.,.; U pet· -In Hllntlngton Beach; u percent In C.piltrai1o. '\ The 12th yur cetlln& Is one ......, wiry , , many who start In teaclllng, partleularly men, don 't make a full career ol il Some brancll over Into admlnlstretlon and become usistant prlnclpal1. Olhen wark lnlo other occupationa by ltortlnl wltll a "· OFFICERS WEARING FLAK VESTS AND GAS MASKS COVER TEAR-GASSED ANAHEIM GUNMAN July 4, 1961, Photo Brlnvs State, Netlonel Honor1 to DAILY PILOT Photographer moonlight job. · Many do stay In i..cblng, but by and large· they are dlssaUafied with the pay. Pilot Cameraman's Shot Wins National Contest A dramaUc shot of a bandit fluabed from a car by tear cu today WM DAlLY PILOT photographer Richard Koehler the NaUonal Newspaper AasoclaUon'r 1969 Best News Picture award. News of the coveted prize was an- nounced at the 84th Annual NNA Better Ne·A";ro.per Contest Convention awards luncheon In Atlaiiuc City, N.J., Involving 2,IOO entriu. Honorable mention awards also went to Koehltt for beit sports picture and to DAILY PILOT Sporta Editor Glenn W)llte, In tbe combined best •ports feature ltoey .and column category. The top national award won by Koehler -who began dibbllng with a camera a.s a aeventh-arader -bu also woo ftrst place in the Orange County Pren Club and Callfomla Newspaper Publishers' As:tociaUon, plus honorable menilon in recent Asaoclated PreSI and caIUornla Preas Photographers' Aslociation judg· ing. "!l's a IJl'Ut surprise lo be picked fl'OJll amonj entries by tllO other newspapers," said the 28-ytar-old cameraman, a 1161 Newport Harbor High Scbool graduate and former OCC joumallsm stuclent. A 2:46 a.m. telephone call one year Ago next Friday aent Koehler on the trail of bis first national award when be was assigned to roll on a confrontation in Anaheim between lawmen and a bar· ricaded ,unman. '"!'ho halrtut part of II WIS plcldng the right time lo snap and tbe right Um• to duck," he erplainl!d, 1aying he arrived at the seine five nUnutes belore tear gas flUlhed tbe anped bandit •. During his OCC eronllmtnt, Koehler was Nwport Beacb lJfocuard Depart· ment dlapatcl>er and alao a freelance llhototfrapher, wlmtll( lbe UM Calllornla llewsjlaper Publlsben' Aaaoclstlon lop news pMto award. DAILY PILOT ltMt ...... PRIZE-WINNING PHOTOG DAILY PILOT's Koehler He pbolographed a b a d I y burl fisherman bein1 rescued by helicopter after the victim was wubed from the ~ewport jetty by crushing winter waves on a gray, windy day. Koehlcr 's NNA honorable mention tward was for a shot of Ciot!:la Mesa High School pole vault star Kevin Mannix hurUlng to the ground after hls flhergless pole •hattmd In mld-llight. He has won numeroua Orange County Press Club awarda:, including seven first placu. All-California Show Readied Usually teachen, ucept tbe y°""' women headed for marriage and raiainc a family, take a job of some kind during tbe oummer and pick up aoolher ll,IOO lo $2,000. But othen, 10UrCeS couldn't estimate bow many, lpe,nd swnmen tak· ir:g college courses that C06t them bun· , , dreda of dollars so they can advance on the pay scale. A L H II It often is Pointed out that teachers t, . a. gun, ,. a . a. besides working a short year a1'o Ire 1191 echeduled 1o •k a fUll·•IPWlour d!IJ. The All.ca!Uomia Art ExhlbR featurlnfl TtoCJiera CCIUl11e< .that with IO llud«\ls . · In the cleslroom tbelr job demands ~·t lllO work& Judpchs "ouisllndlnlf" by art ~-authorlU,. will be eri di-I•,; at ~. lntenalty ~ tbat tbiy put meny ldllOen : "r -., w1 houn into preparation for clusel. • Laguna Beach Art Association Gallery, Teachers note that their occupatiQD JS' Yin Clfff Drive, Laguna Beach, from JUI¥ one ot tbe few thlt now require more • 11 througb Aug. 24. than four yean of collel' tralnlng. Some 'n'le program is now in Its 15th year u • others are the profenlon1, medicine, law a statewide pure:hase, ptbe competitiOD t and archJt.ecture. Teacbtn think they for professional arti!ta. The show is/ro-de1erve to be paid like profellionall. duced by the Art Association an Is With the recent walkot.11' came a new spon.90red by the Laguna Beach Festival public awarenea tba& teachC'I are of Arts. dluaUlfled with their lol The exhibit c.olncldea with the Festival How dia8alls1Jed? of Arts, thta y,.r running from July 11 Many of them enough thet they'd walk through Aug. 24. Festival trams w1D take out a day or two to make tbie.ir point. But visitors from the feat.Iva! to the. pUery not many so desperate they'd quit tbi1r ezhlbll. job. Because It Is an Important npreeen-Moot of those who haven't already, !aUon of the growth and c:hangti In """' wlll be retumlng signed contrec:t5 California art, a gWded prorrim has for next year. i been OJ'lllllud by tbe Ari A.uoelaUon," said spokesman Sally Reeves. Each day, trained volunteers will cop. duct visitors throu1h the show explaining its 1lgniflcance in the world of art, she said. The three top W(!rks aceepted are purchue awards lolalling fl,200 and become part of the FesUval of Arts '8,000. Musicians Sought Teen-age and adult mualctana are being mgbt to augment ~ Newport Beacli Parb and Recreation Department '1 aum- mer band Protram to Insure the group's succesa in a Ca~a concert later this summer. Rehearsals take place each Wednesday at 7 p.m. In Corona d<I Mar Htgb School 's music room, number 412. llebearsals wlll end with the CullJll trip and concert tn mld-Augua~ Penorur Interested 1n Joll11ilg tbe group can enroll on rehearsal nights. Harry Corea Is the band's coodudor. Laguna Artists Ready Exhibits Con1truction began today on Art-A-P'alr . • • et, a second year art show 6'pOnlOred by ~1 the Laguna Beech Fine Arts Assoclatlocl, ·; 1be Art-A·Fair was known last year·u the Splloter Fmlv•I. after It 11>llotend away from the Sawdust Festival. 'Jldll . year's location wW be at last yw._ lltl, · .·, 34'1 N. Coast l!Jgttway. : • Artists will Piil up approJlm•lely lO .· booths over the wetkend, wll.b IOIDe , • artists abarlng booths. ' ''Exhlbltort: and their Spo!JleS will , •' wield a different kind ol brush over the j weekend," 1aJd a show spokesman, •· "p•lnt1nf ever)'thlng In slgllt with the red : and yellow ahowitheme colors." ~ The Afl.A·Falr wW opeq July 11 and J' run thrut(h Aug. 14. EJhlblls will !>t open on w-from 10 a.m. lo mid-j Qllbl. and on wm.leys from noon Ulllll , 10 p.m. j T.l.t.. .L-.U... • •de t~L-t t f ThismeanstheMarinerspeopleandthelrproven .1.£15 WtW'1l5 lllSl ltU coun s. professionallsminmattersofflnance.ltmeans · Mariners people-to-people Interest In your • security ••• and Mariners wise Investment of your money in the progr1$$ of our community. Join your neighbors and open a Mariners savlnp aecount, tooay. Remember: Federally-insured savings with tl)e nation's highest rate of interest, from day in to day out. Aleo free Travelers Cheques and free safe deposit boxes, (with minimum $5,(ioo account) • • ' II I " • I~ • .. . • Pu-I pit ~ "·th Cr••·•· '.".W liold 'wmblp -II ' 11' a.in. swwloy wllll llr. Vbl- •. <ent Gel1-~ ·•Are You on the Right Tract?" The . ' dlurch, whtdl -· O I· Pacific View Chapel In Cc!ro<>a de! -· pnwldu. cblld cote . ¥1<ll lhe ...-vice. "Lo\tl!: the Cohesion" will be the° """"" t4pte .. t and 10:30 a.m. worship services 1t <Jntnt Blble Qon:ll, 23rd tod \ Orance A\re®e. Costa Mesa. The talk wllfbe deliver<d by' Ptsl<>r Hl!ll!'Y E. Jones. At lhe -tVening service; 7 o'clock, the Rev. E. L. , Fredericks, general dlnctor of Jntematiooal Missions. Inc., will speak. ' · --Mee ling at Harper Elemen- tary School, 425 E. 18th ·St., Costa Mesa, llMbor Cluiltiall Cllllrd'1 congregation galhers at 9:45 a.m. for church school and 10:45 am. communion and worship. Dr. D. W. McElroy will : preach "Do You Have a Chip ~ on Y (IUI' Shoulder. Or a Hand?" • and Pew Nunery ca,. ta provldtd for at 8:30 p.ra. lor u..s. months. all oervl<el. . M I cl""'"'"" commllllloo wUI be ,oblerved al SI. Aadretr'• Pre1b1terl11 ctnirclr, eoo SI. Andrews Road, N.Wpcrt ·Beacb, this .Sunday. Dr. Charles .H Dierenfleld will preach a coinmunion medila· tJon entitled "The Value ot Broken Things'" a.t the 11 9:30 and 11 a.m. se"lces. Motion picture and television star Don Murray will be 111\9118 Ill< -la! JUeala at Orange Coimly's Wllllenal Y-Rall)' slated Monday, 7:30 p.m. a I Melodyland Tlu!aln!, Anaheim. ""lllln'!:~Clludl ol !ft Muler, "'l"' Pactflc View Drive, c....na del Mar, will of. !er hours o! wonhlp ti 8:1> Ind 11 a.rn.·Su.nda.J.·D.r. Wm. II. EUer • .,1u deliver the m,....• ''The Bleaaing o! lilo Lord" h>w on Numbers I : 21 • 27. .,... •. .., The Suilday chureh ochool program will change for the summer' beginning with the first Sunday in JuJy. Grolij) visual educational material will replace the regular class MISlonS. .. •. f J ~ t • I ..,. ',' .Aids Biaf rans ' t I • • ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY "~=====~~~~~~========~~:;==, =====:r-===============:===i'F=========~=========I . LOOKING FOR MEANING & RELEVANCE? Toy . FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH IA.LC.I Fi1lniew Rd. At Fair Dr., Cost• Mesa 9 AM.-Church School 10 A.M.-Worshlp o.... l•l•hh\ ......... ""' .,..,. rrtm. _. .._, c...Rlll 14M611 HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH tZJD .. ._ St . .t hlrrilw, C.... W.. ; 1.,. c..le WI-. P..tof Sunday School 9:'5 a.m. Morning Worshlp 11:00 a.m. BapU5t Training Union e p.m. Eve.niDg service 7 p.m. _ Wedne&day Bible Study & Prayer ........... 7:00 p.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES llANCHIS OP THI MOTMl• CHU•CH THI FlffT CHU•CH OP CHllST, ICllHTllT IN IOSTON, MASSACHUSIT1S "Christian Science" Subject o! Lesson -June 29 FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 1 450 HAMILTON, COSTA MESA I • Suntil•y School ••••••• ':45 Tr•inln9 WU;n~~ .••••••••• 67:oo0 Evonin9 onn1p • , •· •••• , :0 ' Mornint Worthip ••• , 11 :00 Wod. Evonint So,...ic• • ,, , 7:00 ...... 642.,111 "•""" .,...,. .... .,. .... UNIVERSITY l:AnlST .CHURCH FIRST IAPTIST CHURCH ........ Volley (Amw•U• U.-ti1ll 17415 M••H•. F. Y. ln. DaH H.wk11, Ml1htw Morn int Wor1hip 1:30 I 11 :00 S11ndoy School • ,, ,, ••' 9:)'0 : Youth Mo1tin9 , , ,,, ., , , 6:00 ·; Proy1r Sorvico ••.• , • , ••• 6:10 , Evonin9 S1rvico , •••••• , 7:00 ll...-r A'tOlllltll ti 11 l.,.,K .. 842-2428 CHUR~H OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE ot/ NUlplrt ••di M"'*°" CIM'dl l'I Unllld C1111'C11 fl:911t• t.ci.t .. LOI ......... SUNOA.Y SERVICE ••• 11 AM Mlnltt1r . , , • All>tfl eurlle. 11..s.c.I'. O'llll",ITM CMA,EL Orerog1 Coasl YMCA. lXIO Unlvrttlfy Dr. GO AHEAD! SLEEP IN SUNDAY MORNING! n-etNll4 tltt 2:10 A...,__ s.ntc.. CALVARY CHAPEL ............... NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH IN! Cllfl Df'tft. ""'""' ..... T" ..,., fl .. CIHlltlln ~ 5"11111 11'11 TIOClll!lt. OM ~119 ..,._. Mliltlc. ColYert <.,..... II •• l• .. .,.11•0111 ,,._ ... C1Nnt1 ..._. .,.. , .. , _, ""' ,_ "'""° .. --.ai, °"" £mphuirinf The Pli.n of God I The Person of Ovist I lbe Power of the Hofy Splrll Sun1hy School 9 AM J.\ornfnl Wonhip 9 and 1o:JD AM tvtnlnB s.!ivic.e 7 Pl.\ Thuocl.,-lllble Skldy and Prayer 7 PM N11tsery durlns :iervJru A full Youth Program Cm. of Orange and 23rd. SL Cost• Meu P.IStol' H, L Jonts; IFCA Mbr. COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL -. II u-~ o1 611 HELIOTROPE 1' RELIGIOUS SCIENCE I W--U•De A.M. I 410 10th St., Huntin9to11 lo1ch 1 C•vc• Sc•11I 10:00 A.M. Adult I Youth S1rvico1-MIU lltl<tty St1111i. O.t.L Phon e 516·2120 Or. l'NW. $. """"'''• Mll!ltltr I' 642-4783 646-9512 H •00 A.M. 673-4000 r""'7i~~--... ;~~~~--:~;=""'~"'"1l~;;~l~l~Nm~~PA~Tl.~M~l~N~IS~n~l~~i~~~~;;;;;~~~il Jl.a,./,or C/iridtian Church Seventh·Day Adventist Churches THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welcom• You. ST. JAMIS, J20t VS. IJ'e. ....,_, .._. l:OOAM-Hoty'ltlchrilt 10:00 AM -Holy ltci..mt Of Mn .. ,..,.,.r 0114 Core • 10:00 AM x \l/ l.ctw, the ln. Jo•• P. A.&Hy <II; Aao., 111e 1 .... D...i4 c,... Phone: 675-0210 -ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS Pacific Vie\v Dr. at Marguerite, Corona del ?.!ar Sundays: 8:00, 9:30 -Child Care at 9:30 Holy Days as announced All 1.-Wiiie•• R.ctor, Tite In. Johft lopn Do.It-"9ne 644-o46J ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. Sundays 7:30 & 9:30 Church School -9:30 I Thursdays: 6:30 & 10 a.m.; Holy Days as announced 111 Vlc•r, TIM lh. Jo•11 W. D9MI ... -....... 541 .. JZI i!I EPISCOPAL I ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH l!ftb St, ol ctltHI Lt11t -.11111 111' .r Plvo '""'' Hullllnllllfl INcll, Ctliffmll '111. """· ,,,_ c. aier. P•I• Sund1y S.i'vlcu I :• A.M. H11Y C----,:. A.M. Jloll\llY Stnllt I C!IW'dl 1:00 '·""' .,,. .. _, ' ' kllMI 7:• P.M. lfpllc11>1I U:tt 4.M. Mel'lllooo W'""'° Youi:tS CIMr~..-"""°" Cl,. ............. HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W. Wilson, Costa MoH Y. L HllTWICK, Pn,_r 141-4704 CAIL GINTIY Mll1lstw ........ " . SUNDAY SERVICES t :41 A.M. _,...,.. SchMI ci .... t ... n ... 10:50 A.M.-''n.. ProfflfM ef tfle FetMr" S1rmo11 by 1'1Jtor 6:0l P.M.-Yfftlt s.Mu 7:00 P.M. -I". w..,_ Ired ... Mi•tion•1v t• Al•••• COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ' 1, I Of NIWPOIT IUCH-IDilc.,...J • -- C.n..... l ..... N&tMI "..,., a ...... ,., ~ 421 L llrti It,. C.... .._ -271 .1....-. 5""' ...,...,. 11 ~ -KilldWNrtlll -• ........., -C• Qn 'i==~==========================~i I --·~-- : ; I Church School -9:45 A.M. John Sh1w1110~0. Podor s..ft ~ a.,tbt ~ \Vonbip _ 10:45 A.M.m Phon1: 541.65t6 22711 C.... ¥...., r.tw.y N...., C.. ,,..,.._ lt6iMt\ ScltMI , • •• ti JO AM A. E. •1w1on:, Pt1+.r I • Phone: 675-3985 ........ wona.1p •• 11 101 AM Pt.onot 4•2•1•1•. , • ...... .......... •~•AM I . l=::::::::;Mlnlster:=::::·:D:r:.:D:.:w:.:M::cE!ni;;:y::::i::..::::::::J.lf;::::""'=""';::::-;::::;::::·=""";::::=·='~=·="';::::M==~·-='='=W=·=""===··=·=~=·H==A=Y=='ll 11 ~· MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH fMl•tMrl Spo41 ,..,J)i1pl11J 1t ti!. UNIVERSITY PAllK SCHOOL l•lllMr~"""" l1t U111vmff'f , .... IPt 11111 A.M. IP. H. Nl•rt11.t.flllo P•1l•' IJ)•l211 I FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH "41 T.._. A•. ft...., & M.,...n.J, POUNTAI" YAWT UN/Fill> SEAVICE • S11ndt'f Set.Ml t !lO-W0lSl-t1f • I01JO Wortltl, & y..,111 ._,_ .. a.JD,,., Nvn•rv Jlro¥1do4 ·•t •II Hrflttl A Ct111111w.ltt CllWtll -Vlt*A An Alw•n Wilkt!M ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY CllJRCH ( no11..iJertmol11•tlo11tl) C_,.. M .. Wo1M1'1 cto~ -W• 11tti St.• Alf 1• C:-M- SUNDAY SERVICE ......... 11 A.M. ...... ,. .W. """""'..,.. ''WHt Ill Cw.le• ••7", Cltwd OfflM:r 1•1 ·-, ... St • ._M_ I M ........ r ..... ~ ........... ., ... "'·---. .., ............. ...... Newport Harbor Lutheran Church ' ' 25CI CUlf Dr. .LI H293 ................... ,...., ........... , ...... .... -... ... "~ lif"l1ce . . . . . •:»t:• ...... SIMay SO.I .... , . f:U.11:411.M. .,.,..._. """'-.... 111•n111 Nursery care available. at all services WELCOME Lutheran Church of the Master 2900 Pacific View Or. CORONA DEL MAR DR. WILLIAM R. ELLER Phone OR 3-5022 1:45 A.M.-F1m!ly WWI, 9:41 A.M-SuMay C:liurQ School 11100 4.M.-Ft.tin wen.111, --- CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH MJssourl Synod 760 VlctOl:'lli St., Cillta M9A Lotha:r v. Tornaw1 Patter ·541 S4M Won;lll, 5-IC.tl 1:11 a 11 A.M. ,....,. kllt4il1 t:• ...... • , A"111 llllllo Ctlu: t:M A.Mo CHllmAN IUMINTAIY SCHOOL 141-llW PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH M.•t YoNo Drlvo & lo~or Stroot, Co1t1 Mo1t, Ctlif. AlllDJlllW C. AHDl!JISOH, P- MDrrll111 iiyWlhlf:. ''°" t :• • 11:• $undly Scllod: l:ot. t :30t. n1• Prince ·of '••co bthor•" Scllool -Mitt E1th.,. Ol1c.11 Prl11cipil Offico Phollor 649.0521 School Phono1• 14t-0562 Coif• Mo,• FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHUR~H ltth·St I H1rbor llvd. Wor1hip· I Church School t :lO' I ' 11 AM 5-41-7727 C.1t1 M•t• Norih MESA VERDE METHODIST CHUReff MoH',Vor"o l Ill},, St. 54,.211, Wonhip l Church School ':00 I I 0:10 AM " H11nti119to11 lotc!i . FIRST UNITEO M.ETHODIST CHURCH 2721 17th St ..... SJ6.J5J7 Sorvlut -':JD A 11 '·"'· N11r1ory thrv 2n41 9rode • 11 Clu1rch Se:hool -9:10 1.m. Attend the church of your choice on Sunday lrvin.-E•Jt l luff UNIVERSITY METHODIST CHURCH 111.r2j1 11422 Culv1r ko1cl 1t Uni ... ortify Ori•• Wonhip & Church Schoof t :JO A.M. lo9un1 lo•cfr LAGUNA HACH METHODIST CHURCH 2 I 632 Wetloy Dr In So. lt9u111 Worthip 10 AM Church Scllool I 0 AM 49,-JOll Nowpert leech CHRIST CHURCH IY THE SEA 1400 W. hlbo• 11,..d, 673-3105 Wo11hip I Ch11rch Scheol ' I IO:JO A.M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ Churcll Pr•:!,e;an 20111 .......... ,.... .W..J ' ..... ........ o.~--s.~ W..,,1 f~JO AM CW'llll ...... t 1h41 4.M, OMce l0111 ........ St11 ...... ffMt41 s,. Mcutr Prtlbyterlan Clillrdt i:.r... ......... -. ~ ...... c..... ..... .-.......... ..... ' ................ , .... -. .. . -.... ,,... --------------. ---~---·--~ ----·-·-----. --·-------· ---,.--------------·--·-------·-----·.-~-- Pulpit ~~d Pew ' ... • ' • • + \Coutra.d ,,_ Plip O -~SundllJ 't Flnt·Ualled ' e>111lmlnlo• ..in· be·ollerod --11Clliu'dl,1121 s. .... at 10 a.m. Sunday servlcel at tffll'.lth St., Huntington Beach. Coroaa del M a r CollUllnlt)' Hll sermon, ·to be delivered at c.qnptiGual Cboru, 6tl 9,:111 and u a.m. ierVices la Heliotrope Ave. The Rev. entitJedl~w" • :,llllip G. Murray will p~a~ Tbe Rtv. Sbair rit begin 1 ~e C!Jebratlon bf . )..de. new ministry C First United ?ild. care and s \f~ m e t Methodist Cfuutb otGleDdora chµrch .sch001 are also .Held ~t The new min~ wW be ~ 10 a.m. Rev Edward Pinv· Part two in a series or . ~' sermons entitled "5even Rules Finl ~· · for a Happy Chris'tian Home't. 1102 W~ifster :"urc:b will be delivered b1 the Rev, Westminl -'dl ~ e ·' Bruce Cusblog Sunday at First Rest.lea ~"lli&!::;01 'The Christian Churcli of l..Jguna This full'.'-'Jf-t~' p.m. Beach Legion StrteL · · -.oc· .film has The' mOnibly meo'• ptayer recently bee ~leased to area brealitast will celebrate its churches in 'f;junctlon wltb . the Soulhe<n allfom\a Bllly firs\ onoiversary July 7• Graham ,.,,,, ....... to be b Id First Cllrtltlu Ch ..... '191! Se --:;:--e, A t Laguna Church Services at The LlUle Church by the~ are being conducted by new minister, the Rev. Ray F. Cur· tis, who is serving as associate pastor with the Rev. Frank !. Dowell founder of the chun:h. The Rev. Curtis is assisted. in his work by his wife Virginia Dr. Ernest Good, director of \Vbo provides music for church services aiid teache~ the Orange Cowity Com-Sunday school classes. m1111.lty Clulrcl will speak Sun·---'-''-______ ::::.:. __________ _ Vict.oria St. ~ Meu will ptember at 'fo n ab e i m s obwve I~eptndeOOe Day Anufel Stadiuni. Nl1TtefY care this Sunday ~ilh the Rev. w be provided. James E. Piercy, spe"'°g at 8·:30 and .10:40 a.m. qn ''The American Heritage." The Sunday School which meets at 9:30 a.m. will have promotion exercises this week. At 6 p.m. Sunday, the teenage section of ttie church's Vacation Bible School will begin Vacation Blble School Jor boys and girls ag~ 3 through the eighth grade will be held at the church from 9 a.m. to·noon daily. During the Vesper Hoor 7 p .m. the sermon Will be a dialog on ''The Chuich in tlie .,,-Twentielh Century." Morning prayer and recita- lion of the Litany "91ill be observed at the family service at SL John the D ivine Episcopal Church, 2043 Orange St., ·costa Mesa. Communion will be Ci!lebrated at the 7:30 a.m. service. Classes from nur6ery _-through third grade are held during family service " for the summer months; day on "Love Is a Many Splendored 1bing." Dr. Good is also an e.zecutive secretary of t ~ e Psycboendocrine Research Foundation a n d director of 'the SchoOI of Truth. t'hurch of Newport Harbor, 3262 Broad St., Newport Beach for Sunday, 10 a.m. Sunday School is held at Uie same time with baby.silting service provided. Richard Kut'rasch, student ,minister from The First Congregational Church o f Anaheim, will be guest speaker. The Rev. Norman L. Brow_n is attending t h e meetings of the National A~~ation of Conregational CbriSttan Churches at Grand Rapids, Michigan. "The Law of · Wholeness" will be preached SJwday, 9 and First BapUst Cburcb 301 ll a.Jn. by Dr. Henry Gerhard Magnolia Costa Mesa ' will ~at Church of ftt:Hgfou.1 Scieace celebrate' the 20th Antiiv~sary 01 Laguna Beac'h, 2 0 0 I 2 or its incorporation and, the 20 Lagu~a ~anyoo Road. years ol 1eadersbip under its A picnic lunch on the church present pastor, Dr. p. G. pa ti~ will foUow the later Neumann this Sunday. ~rv1ce. Preparations are in rfu Dur in July 'and August swing for the expected 1000 'unior urch and high school persons attending the celebra· group will not meet, although tion which will begin at 9:45 nurury care at the 9 a.m. a.m. Free transportation will service wil continue. be. provided by ·the church's eight b_uses and a fleet of cars by Calling 543-1733. Highlights of the day will jn. clude free gift packs and a trans-conUneiltal pb6ne call to Betty f'leumann. the pastor's. daughter. a mis&ionary to Nigeria, ·Africa. - Picnicing will be the order of .the.day for Wamer Avenue BapUsl Church, W a r n e r Avenue at Gothard Street, Huntinston Beach, today, The annual Sunday School Picnic lo be held at Lalte Park will begin at noon and end at 5 p.m. Those attending should bring lunches. Dessert will be pr-0vided by the Sunday.scbQot Sunday wil be Promotion Day at the church with first Using the the.me: "'Let Us Be l\ealistic About Prayer,''" the Rev. James Kirk will speak at 19 a.m. for SL Mark Ptttbyterlan Church. 2 I 0 0 Mar Vista, Newport ..Beach. A reception honoring Ron Morse, who recenUy ·.resigned as director of mu.sJc, will, be held following the service. Dr. Oswald:J .-Smith will be guest speaker at Central Bap- tist Cbntth of Huntington Beach, 7661 Warner Ave., Sun~ day, 11 a.m. worship service. Dr. Smith was the founder of the great Peoples Church o( Toronto, Canada, and bas traveled and preached in '10 countr.ies. SUnday school is held at 9:45 a.m. with classes {or all ages. Combined Sunday church school sessions are at 10:30 a.m. too. Three year olds through third graders meet in the education building for the classes. Older c h i I d r e n w0?1hip with their parents. "A Sennon About Solomon" will be beard at the It a.m. Sunday service of Fountain VaUey Presbyterian Cburcb, 942(1 Talbert. At the 7:30 ·p.m. family hour Mrs. Pearl Scherer will speak. A short sermon by the Rev . Stanley P. Allen will also be given. A men's dormitory at a col· Jege.-in Chile which was destroyed by a disastrous earthquake will be rebuilt soon as a result of funds given by members. of the Newport Harbor Seventh-Day Adventist Cburcb, 271 Avocado St, Co.Sta Mesa. Since the earthquake, says LeRoy Marsteller. of Costa Mesa, sabbath school director, students at the school have had to Jive in temporary quarters. Funds given at services in the local church, ad~d to those being con- tributed by more than 3,000 other Adventist congregations, will help build a n e w dormjtory for the school-the Chile Seventh-day Advenlist College located at Qtlllan in south Chile. Feast of SL Peter and St. Paul will be celebrated with commuTiion at both the 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. services al St. !\.1Jcbiel's and All Angel's Episcopal Churtb. The sennon to be ·given by the Rev, John Rogers Davis will be "Whom Do Men Say That I am." 'The new stained glass, Christ win· dow will be dedicated during the 9:30 a.m. service. The win- dow will be dedicated. to Barbara Boynton. The church is located, at 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona de! Mar.. • grade thfough adult classes I meeting ~t 9':..S a.m. for a pro- f gram and awarding o f l certificat-es. The Rev. David B. Wood will speak at the 11 a.m. serv.ice .. Choir ~hearsa~ and Youth Training Union ai'e held at 6 ''Hand Made" will be the p.m. followed by the evening sennon delivered by the Rev, worship service at,7 p.m. Bruce A. Kurrie at the Teenagers are invited to Presbyterian Church of the participate in the Youth Night Covenant, 2850 Fairview Road, Nursery care is provided. Bloomfield Avenue In Los Alamitos. The services will be conducted by Rabbi Bernard B. Goldsmith. In place of bis usual sermon be will conduct an "Ask the Rabbi" session. Worship services will be conducted at CbrUt Lutheran Churcb, 760 Victoria, Costa Mesa, Sunday at 8: l:t and II a .m. In Pastor Lothar Tornow's absence the Rev. Oswald A. Waeck, stewardship executive secretary, Southern California District, Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod will preach "()qr Partnership With God" at both services. During the Sunday . sch,gol hour, 9:30 a.m .• there will be a special worship service in the church sanctuary and the Rev. 0. A. Waeck will offer a short sermoneUe on "Jonah, Our Example in Missions." BIAFRA ... (CO'Otinued from Page •1 the runway In front of his plane and he didn't have enough fuel to attempt another landing and then return to Sao Tome." Other planes had close in· cidents on landings and take· offs from the rugged landing (Strip in Ull. No planet or crew members were lost while Counter was there, however. One incident, in particular. oo;urred on the trip that Counter will remembtr forever. . "Just when we were ready to leave Biafra for our head- quarters, I was making sure that aU of the natives were out of the plane. "Then J spotted a man scraping up spillage from the food sacks with his hands. It made me realize how im- port.ant our mission was and how ·desperate the Biafrans ~ere. "We were not just delivering food to Biafra -we were keeping many individuals alive with every load of food we were able to deliver."· New Pastor Set '! Program to be hekf during the Costa Mesa, Sunday, 9:30 a.m. The Rev. Roger C . summer every Tue.sday, 6 Church school also will be at The Rev. Roger H. Fluebner, } Betsworth will preach •'The P .M. at the clwrch. _ 9: 30 a.m. The primary and recently appointed pastor c.f New Covenant" at 9 and 10 :30 ju!lior department will attend family ministry at Costa Mesa • a .m. services for Community Summer schedule at Rea ur· the worship service this Sun-Fir.st United Methodist i Unitta Methodist Cfturcl:I, 6662 rttU<m Lutheran. Church, 9812 day. Church, will preach at both Heil Ave., Huntington Beach. Hamilton, Huntington Beach, services on Sunday morning Church -school and nursery includes morning worship with T e m p I e Beth David of on ''Two Equals One." Dr. I care are alsc> provided during communion at 10:30 am. The Orange County will conduct its Huebner has· been transferred I these hours. congregational life emphasis regular Sabbath e v·e n Ing to Costa Mesa from Hawaii t This week baptism will be directed by Edmund R. Foehl services on Friday, 8:15 p.m. where he· has been pastor of : adlninisteret! to infants and of Lutheran Laymen's Move-at the Community Congrega· the Methodist Church i n , young children. ment also continues. tional Church, Katella and Kailua for two years. A welcome party for new ___________ _,_ __ __:::::;::_.:.::::.:::::....::.::::::::....;::::._....:::::=..:::..::.:..:.:::.:... __ seventh graders is . planned Sunday 7 p.Jfl. by the junior high Methodist group. The Rabbis ' Must Serve Military S.turday, June 28, 196~ CAil V PILOT I( Jargon: Re.ligious • Vice : .C~ureh lnsiJ.ers' Langua ge M~aniftgless .to M~lJ.Y By hOUlll CASSEUI go on ""' ••• -bly <llpect Cllr\lllan equally meonln.M , .. 'pjloillo People who aha.re a common Amon.a the wont addicts of leaden to take great palm to of evrry naifQn. every jargon, unfortunately, are phrue their message in a way languagt, everY culture and interest treque:p.Uy tall into the mlnlsters, theoJogt.ans. a n d that everybody c a n oo-every subsequent 1&11! ol habit of talking to each other laymen who atte1l!pt to speak . derstand. history, tn 1trgon -a sort of insiders' to ~world in \be.name of the Instead, they persist tn us-- lanluage wl\lch is meaningless church. Ing recmWte . ~OBY T R g CO~Q.BT to tilt uninitiated. SINCE THEIR" av 0 wed , them but·•lrlllllly l"!li!lll!li&I· church has an urpnfneed• lo Sports fall! do it ; astronauts purpose ts to spread the good hie to ~e withOu( a :nli· emu1a1' J.esu.s• l!IM'Pll of do It;. theatrical peop~ do It; neW\I ol the gospel to all llous bacqtound. pllln ~· ~ :"'tC: soldiersdoit-thellst·could maakind, one might _;Take.fotixamPl~.the.word ~~= ~~: -tu~arly Teens Tune In . salvation; .11 II ~Uy repelled _ turned oa. q thfl' ~~)1'' evangelical would put It -bul _........_ Proleilinll. lhlf .. BritlBh . ~·-~, S.pt!S lell!ler : Ge 0 r 1 • jargon that ,.,.. ~ to Beasley-Murray o b s er v; d lhem. . , • recently, "II ralsea a biank in '111• Gospel hao not "*·Ill the min<I> or most people power to mov~ 1he·-ol omatde the church " men -· when tt-·if..~·com-To Hep ~eligion Tht same is true~ be said, of munlcated to then\:--in tbe words auch as ''redtmption" same kind ot -vtvtd, everyday and "reeoncWaUon," wblch language that Jesm:.usid. 11\is ChrlstlanS are ·wont to use in is demonstrated b)' _, l h • trying to describe the gilt phenomenal SUCCfSS· of the which Cod makes available to American Bible S o c I et y ' a By GEORGE W. CORNELL NEW YORK (AP) -The hall is blg and mostly dark, except for the ga r ish~ oscillating patterns of colored lig~t flas)ling,, on the wide screens at either side and behind the throbbing clamor of the band, Across the broad. dim in· terioc, slreaked with racing, phosphonscent beams, about 1,000 young people sit ln Utile groups at white-topped tables, absorbed in the electric rock solll'l.ds and the shimmering psychedelic glow. THEN THE loud music stops, and a lean, thick·haired guitar player, in bright blue shirt and white pants, with a red kerchief at his neck, steps to the mlcfOl!hone and tells how a relationship with Christ got him off dope. "Tl's a f antastJc tx· perience," he said. "Jesus gives you a way. He sticks with a man. He's for you, and cnce you tune in with him, you just keep wanting to know and love Him better." BM1, THUMP and stnrtn· ming strings. Again, the amplified rock reverberations Mesa Youth Heading for Church Meet A young Cost.a Mesa ft'sldent leaves · July 2 to attend the ·Adventist World You t b Cong r ess in Zurich, Switzerland. Jane Manire, 3125 Jefferson Ave., will attend the religious conclave which opens July 22 . Miss Manire will be one o( l,000 yoong Seventh· day Adventists from California, ·Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and Hawaii. More than 12,000 young people will attend the world-wide conference. Youths from eastern Euro- pean countries ·will visit the conference, and plans will be made tor youthful Christian witnessing in the "United Na· tions'' atmoophere of the world meeUng. Miss •Manire will return to, this country. after via1ting several European nations and touring historical and cultural sites there. Baptismal Changed nooc1 the room: the flowing chromatic lights trace pban· tom designs on the panels, and a shapely girl in a miniskirt steps up to sing a ballad. Each nigbt after Graham"s service ln Madison Square Garden, where he is. devoting special attention to young -pen- pie, swanns of them migrate a block up the street to keep the meed jumping until mid·. night. translation of the NeW Test.I· men through the life, death ment into idiomaUc modem and resw-rection of Jesus English. Christ. Since its. appearll\CO 21A D R , BEASLt\7.MURJtAY yeats ·ago, the ''To·d'ay'1 pointe1:f<iUi 'tbat Jesus himseli Engll.sb·verslon" 1i8I ~· almost.ne~er.Ulell such words. by far tlte lte!Hellinl book in "He had a far 1impler and Uie history ol the world, with more appealing word for what sales totallng_about 16 million He was offer.Ing to men. He copies to date. called it life." "It's a culture shock to most Thl?re are many o t her religious people." says the churchy words which loom BUSINESS AND Rev. John Guest, the wide· \arge in traditional Christian PROFESSIONAL belted,. wavy.haired Y o u n g usage but which .rarely if ever British Angl\can priest who appear in .the Rtbllcal r:ecord GU JD E runs the program,. and who of . Christ's own teaching.,.,._..,._..._...,..,. __ ,.J looks and dresses like a swing· Among them are "grace,"1 • .•· er himself. "sacrament;'~ "conversion," e MATIR~SES "RELIGION is generally '• e van g e 1 Ism' ' an di.------"----'-. -...-.. .. ded as someth1n.,. that ••penitence." MATIRESSH ·---~ -~ t not to th h BOATS· BOMD· -•n__. belongs Only in a staid, musty 11u;) s say at t e •----, environment, but what we're Ideas signified by .such 1"ords ~~=·cl.. saying here is that it fits into are absent rrom Christ's . 1161 ff..,..,t .,.,. the. llOCIJlar world," he said. teaching. On the contrary. But U"'-..., 8-130" "lt's a new scene." He ·was too good a com-_..,., • In between the rock and foik municator to rely on abstract!'-•._._.._ _____ _. music, and the brief, simple nouns. Instead, He told stories e UPHOLSTERY • affinnations Qf faith from the whlCh made His po.lnts vtvidtylP..--------..;. nlicrophones, the table groups clear to everyone. ~ hum with conversation, much It is a remarkable lliing that · Mesa Upholsliry Uberty 8-4781 USO NIWP.OIT it.YD. of It about religion. the simpte little anecdotes "'It's fun," said Rosu1a Jesus used to convey profound Niemezyk, 20, Brooklyn, a tr\lths abo11t. i:na~. and God to ~retty blonde Catholic who tt).e people-or Palestine 2,000 came here two years ago from ;y~e~a~rs~ago~~ha~ve;,~pro~ved~~to~· ~be~~~~~~~~~~~ Germany a'nd still has a pi·lr quant accent. "In here, we don 't do anything wrong. The church should be more like this." A City College student, Ken- neth Eden, 20, Queens, N.Y., said the atmosphere seemed "a little too far out, Ult hard rOck and. · drums a q. d everything. But it probably at- lrBcts a 'lot 1>f peapl!":"'~~ , '41T18 . GETl'JNG through to this generation," said JeSse Erwin, 16, Slaten Island, N.Y. "It's amazing to hear men like thOie b<!nd members Lalk about Christ." Jackie Keveson, 17, Bron"', N.Y., clad in slacks and with beads dangling over her re'd blouse, described herself as part of the Greenwich Village scene, and sald, "Not all hip- pie types are unenlightened about Christ. But the church has flunked out," she added. The '"coffee ~ o u s e ap- proach" marks the first Ume that Graham, in his 20 yean: of rallies around the world, has included such a modern generation device as a11 ad· junct to his crusades. "It's getting back to the Biblical principle of going where the people are," &aid the handsome, groovy Father Guest, of London. "That's what Jesus did. lie met people on their own ground. accepting what they are, talking their talk." Now Q .pe-h EVENINGS and 'SUNDAYS UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP SALONS VATICAN CITY (UPI) FORREST LAYMAN o f 70 Fashion Island, Newport Center, 6#215"( 95 Town le Couniry, Orange, s.4 1-61>41 Pope Paul VI announced this Atlanta, Ga, a team memberl';:;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~ week a change in the Roman who oversees tbe operaUonrr Catholic rite of infant baptism, and who looks the part, with putting mo re emphasis on the his bright shirts, wide ties and responsibilities of parents. long hair, a.aid the whole ap. godparents and others who at4 preach is "low key sell." FREE tend the baptism. Young seminarians· are scat;. The Vatican said the new lered unobtrusively al the ) senior gcoup will hold a beacta i-party Sunday, leaving the i church parking lot at noon. !' New freshmen are invited. ' FALLSBURG, N.Y. (AP) -the service of the tr member Rabbinical Council form ls "better adapted to the tables to help clear up que.s- The Rabbinical Council Qf clergymen,·• said Rabbi Zev contrasted wUh a plan ap-real condition of the children," tions or, if the COJM!.natlon In· America,' the naUon's largest Segal of Newark, N.J ., in the proved in Houston, Tex., last Referrln~ to the parents, the dicates, go into faiµt a litile bOdy of Orthodox Jtabtiis, nil· resolution at the Council 's an· week by the 'Reform rabbis.to Vatican said: deeper than-the .''mike" com· ICE CHEST AT YOUR A&W DRIVE IN 1 The Rev. G. Russell Shaw f will co!lduct hiS farewell ' ed this week that newly or· nual meeting. stop .c ·o m Pe 11 i n g their "It Is· they, in fact, who menls. But there"s· no heavy dained m6nbers must• serve seminary graduates to put in present the children for hap-theology, or evangelical ex- " Men who are being drafted two years as chaplains. tism, and on their faith and hortations. as mUi~ chaplains when · t 11Jta· · " 'd \led m o m ry service, sa1 Loss of membership in the guarant" the sacrament Is ad· "Kids have bagged Chr1··. ca or .ace 1065 of mem-Rabb. Se I th ·1 · ' ~ bership in the council. d t 1,. ga 1 t e ~udnci hpres•· Rabbinical Council would cut a ministered that opens the door tianity beceuse it Drdinarily en , are no as11.e w ether man off from the main body of into the Church and Christian comes In a remote, antiquated Avoiding any st.and on the they are for or against the his fellow rabbis, making it life. system," Father Guest said. Vietnam war, the Council war in Vietnam. They are en· difficult for him to obtain a Jn the· past. tile priest who "lf we can shew lhem it's unanimously <.dopted a resolu· titled to spiritual guidance and pulpit in any of the administered the b apt ls m relevant in a place like this, lion that 9-i_reclly opposed a assistance during the Ir synagogues seriing more than .spoke to the children through then they'll know it's relevant 1968 decisioq by Its Yeshiva serviei!. one milliori Qrthodoz Jews. the .parents. to them." University seminary to change "At present, there are 51 I---:::----------~'----------=:-::.=:;.... _____ _ to entirely voluntary chaplain Jewish chaplains on t b e service. ~ m1lit.ary Chaplain Corps roster "Whether rabbis approve or of more than 2,000 -a drop disapptove our counlty's from '6 18.!f. year. Four are military imol'tement. in Viet· Conservative, 23 are Orthodos nam, there's no relation to the and 24 are Reform rabbis. fact that )'OUJll Jews require ne action by the 1,0I»- I ANNUAL SUMMER SALE Fall WITH A MINIMUM PURCHASE Of' $4.00 - THIS HIAYY DUTY . STYROl'OAM ICI CHUT IS 11" LONCO l( U " WIDE X 13" DllP. The Rev. Thomas W. Overton will preach from Corinthians at the renewaJ of wedding ''ows -service slated .at, First Christian Church o f Huntington Beach, Sunday, 7 p.m. ,_ ;;;::;;, ,;;:;;.._,.;;:;;-~;:-;-t ~-c.-'-1 ·,own lfemoriol Jlork Tk Sblllb1-d'1 Most Bu.liful Mt11tOrials ~ft· • cou -. ...... ca.sat ~ITREF.S .. ~ ... ~~oRLD .. ..._~ .... -~ ELLEN CARTER LADIES HABERDASH ER 226 MArtINE AVENU!, BALBOA TSLAl(D, CALIFORNIA• 615.2870 , , ~-------~'-- W1tl! Alty ~ ,_.'. Y'°· MtlJ ... Y lea C1Mot lot 61 - Go on a ·p1cn1c AlW l!yto. Pick up eoma dollcloua hambuigert, tandlf F1tnch friao and AlWa 11moua root bffr In tho handy tako·out gol\on -. - you order a picnic lunch front yavr "AlW-... island of rt· a£ililr· freohman~" the only thlng you • ..::i-· hlv• io' bring olonfi la your · appodta. ' ., . .......,..,,.,._. ' . Wa At. ........... et ZIH ~ lh<l, C-M-. ' j I . I ( I ' • • • .. • " • • I ' • •• •' ... . ~ . , • • ' H SPEED CRASH WD'H NO FATAI,l'rIES .•. • • • • • TIDS TIME ' ' . ~ • ' • • • • • 'WARREN'S COURT~ The Silver-haired Former California Governor Has Stepped Down, But Historic Rulings Remain lly CIWU.o'M'I MOUl.'ION WASHlllGTON -Earl Warreo b 11ont -the """-Court Iller "'''" -• pOrlod " ~ lbal both ..a-and lll'Olomldll' alfeclod the ~" IOdal cUntt In Amer!CI. RiP1 up In the end of Ill flu! 1erm June JI, &bl .. Warren Court" rap true to Ha ~ •..oo aclMat in IAWinC 1be rtibll ct Ibo N-. Ibo -end lbe Polrr. JI -a mueh crUlctltd courl, portk\IWl)I for 111 detlllons on ...-In aeboola, tM; uont IUD,°"' vtltl'fdOctrine for $1a lqllla-, Ilic! how the laWI of Ibo 1111'1 lllall ... """"*· And in the -portlcQlarty, for niJlnp lbal molulloOlaed Iba 1',al approodi to the rodal problem. THE EllA. ended Monday when Warrtn !:. ~· President Nlii;otl's cholct aa Wuren 1 sucetM, swore to "Id• ~t.er justice wlthoul respect to persoru1.'" lul while the dturt under Bur&er ml)' 1IOI brtll u much lepl lfOlllld u ii did In the Wan<n yun, etpeti>Jly In tho erimlnal field, the ~k ii DOI eMUy lornedbock. 'J1>i w...,.. courl rfliderod Ofll ol Ill moat cllmacUc decl1ion& at Its next-to-· JUI .......... ruUng that th< Houst ol ~lallwc Ylol•led the ConsUtuUon -JI ucJuded R<p. Adam Clayton Powell (0.N.Y.), the N-mlniller· poUl!clan, from Ibo 90lh COngrela. Wamn . ~ that decillon, wblch .overruled ..,. !kor(er lwlded d..,. u an appeall ccqt ·Judie for Ibo llilfl1ct of COlumbll 11111 which ralaed louih ques. ll6ol alloul Ponll's llOlllorJty and back oaluy. W.uutlN, the sll\'tt>halred former 1ovemor of Callloml1, marlced Iba end of hJJ Judicial c.-by 1dmlnlattrlng the oath to llurpr liter Prutdllll Nixon, In a cour1 appearance 1111pre<od11111d In modttn ,..,...,., euloibld the rellrinc chief Juatlce. Warr111 acknowJedcod In nply that thtre waa IOlne basic dlA,greement among cowt members, but eald In· dependeol-mlnded lndMduals CWIOI be elpleted alwaya to •cree ••on the mOlf. important lhlnl• In life." Over the years the court bu been crillelztd for Qecidlng lmportaol lnua by 5 to 4 votes. A look at IOfM to ot the 1u1 tenn'• teac!ina c... lhow oo1y a hanolful lledeled liy thal marlin. N1ivoea woo a number o1 lmpotlcl ,_ ___ ..,. .... '" .... f'nllekC!O-----. Normandy Revisited By HERll CAtN AMSTEIU>AM -Beck in the United States, World War II see.ma almost u ·dlRut in time 11 the Punic Watt, bul hm, aumuoded by oo meey poople who 11110 remember vividly the suffering and the eventual triumph, it stem1 like only yesterday. And so for the ftt!t time in a long time, Memorial Day had re&J meanini for us American newsmen who traveled the long road back to the Normandy beachoo for the 25th annlvemry of IH>•y. LED IY author Cornelius Ryan, we trooped lo the heart of ArDltenlam to place a wreath on Ille rnon...,nl dedicated lo the Dutch undUfrollod -in the opl· nfon of llllllJ ol the correspondents limo, the moll henllc under1VOUJ14 movement in Europe. Jn thll tiny, flat country, with only small forests aod no real terrain, there was literally no place to bide. Of the 71,0llll llulchmen wbo ...,. actlvtly anti-Nut, aboul 21,000 were ldli.d by Ibo Gtnnull or died In con· centratlon camps. Ir you were catJ.lht wlth ao much (or little) u a copy of the anderlfOUnd llOWlpaper In your pocket. you were lhol on Iba lpOI and your body left In public view for 41 houn. Srnan wonder that Germans an still treated wlth a dllllncl cooloell here. At lho neerby vma .. or Opijntn, lflltl Amerlcao airmen are burled, tllld the _, of thelt doaths II I ltpnd hert. On Ju)y 311, IH!, their derllqod Elgbth ·Air For« 11-17 •u lrYiM to make It back to Eallaod alitr beq hll by flak Oii a blaWni'' mtnkm tD Kas1el 1 Otrmany. wu l!I OpUnen fanner, H...irtck de Kock, who, facina certain duth If causht by the o.nn.... brought a drink of water to an •lrman who had plumm•lld through th• root ol Ill adjldnl larmbouae. RecaDs de Kock: "H• bad alruck hll bead on a beam .. h< fell lhrou&h the root. I 11ve hlm a drink of water, he gave me a few cigarettes to thank me, and thllt be died." What a typical and uUorly hurlbruklng ,.._, the dytna American ftllllng Into 1111 pocket for thoot cigarettea. , • THE EIGHT Americana burled al Optjntn in a cemetery cared for by th• townspeople: Dooll>s v, Blackwood, A m t r I c o Cll:nficbt, °'°'i• R. Krueger, Danl<l V. Ohman, Milte A. Perrotta, Herman D. Poling, Harold R. SparkJ and Robert U. Duuan. Over their graves, Harold !lowland, the U.S. Conaul O.neraJ In AmaterWn recalled Poot Archibald MacLdalt's -about the .-.u11, ''To ste the earth u It truly la , small and blue and beautlfUl in that ttema:I aUence where it floats, Is to &et OW'8e.lves 11 rt~ an the earth logelher, broU!tl'll on thal brlihl loveUneu in I.be eternaJ cold - brothers who now tnow they are truly brothers." Added Howland : "Th<ee young men lylnt: he.re are rtdtra: on this tarth topthor with u~ 1110 today. Their h<roilm, 11111 tllat of Olhen like them, made It pop:lble for our three utronouta to Otep Into opace, OVEll OPUNEN, Ille crippled to travol to the moon. n-<ll!hl pi.,. ...., llllacbd by German 10'll>& -...,. out of Ill*', ioo. flllMn. Two of Ibo crew of It and. flooled bock to w1!1, but died -tho ........ and ... uncler dUf....i -·'an<! -.... pondiulad OUL Aa 1111)' IO they lie here ... " ..... ....... to -· Ibo °"" 'Ille hooor ruanl•' rlllel 1'1111 out man u1~1era ~ .,... the 1one17 1ra .... American lbia ... --... -1111)' and Dutcll Jtll wlllatltd put. ldl Illa_._ and Ille olber two t!chool children placed hoalOmade dild llmUr -· • . , ""'"1lll on the .,,........_ Amitar lllo -.., Illa........ ,AJlll W. all wept. . \ vlctorle1 In the fields of education, recre.aUon, · employment, housing an<! voting durma the 1-term. Th< court reinlta.ted a Negro-White teacher ratio for Monl&omuy County, Ala.. public acbooll, making the proportion a~ prozjm&tely the same for each school 11 tor the enUre l)'Stem. This declAlon tn- dlreclly aUecta all -schools. Negroes were ordered admitted to a recrtatJon area near Little Rock, Ark., desptll lht owner's attempt to deslinate JI a club and keep them out by char&tng a memberlhlp fee. The opinion did nol rule out all racial di&crin'linaUoo by private clubs but made exclusivity more dlfficult. IN THE FIELD of employment, Nqroea who charged racial dlacrlmJna- Uon bl pay and promoUons were allowed to sue in federal courts without first ex- hausting grlev1J1ce procedurtl laid down in collective bar1aln1ng contracts. Voten: of Akron, Ohio, who repealed the city'• 11161 fair houlllng leglsll.tlon, were rebuffed. The amendment they ad· ded to the clcy clw1<r Jlnlvlded that no further .......... of thll kind could be enacted wtthoul a maJori1Y volt In the pneraJ election. But the' court Rid no IUCb -lal l'ibJaUve hurdle may be placed In Ibo wsy of open hollllng measures. THE JU8TICES aaved for the Jut day of the term three of their mMt important decJIJons 9n crlmlnal law. They ruled that the COaatltuUon'1 JUUlnlee qainsl double jeopardy is blndlfli: on the states, and that warranlltu aurch of a man'& house Incidental to hJs arrest may not include the whole houae but only his immadlate 1unouodlnis. The court allO held that when a man Is tried a second Ume, after a convtcUon bu been reYW'led, the Juda• muat pul lils ream on the record u he lmpoees a sur. fer untence the sec.and ttme around. Thim nde wlll UIUl'9 a defendant he la not belng punlsbed for llavlng aucceaaM!y exerciled hJJ rlibl of appeal, lhe court said. Earlier In the term, the court found Its Mlratxla rules for poliCi! queslioning of 1uspecta apply when an individual Is de· talned in his own home. The rules bar UM of a confession if a suspect has not bten told of his rl&hl to be silent and to havt!: an attorney. Warnlne qainst mus meats: "for ln- vesUgaUon" when there are no specific 11uiqieel8, the court ruled Uiat police must get a warrant before they arrest someone just to 1et his fingerprints. Otherwise the prints cannot be used at a trial. NEW RULES en U!CI of evidence ob- tained by Wegal government eavesdrop- ping were lald down. ll a Jud&e finds "bugging" Wegal, evidence so obtained must be turned over to the defendant U eilher hJs premises or hls CODversatlcms were invaded. . They key provision of the ftd.eral anti· marljuana Jaw was knocked down because it made mere possession of marijuana sufficient for a preswnpUon that the po5it5SOt knew it was illegally imported. The court labeled the provision "arbitrary" but noted that Congres.s could correct the situation at any time. The Justice Department ii preparing ap- propriale lepll.tion. Lawsuit. on behalf of the poor con- Unued to reach ~ 1 bJgh court 1n ln- ctta!lng numbers. The justices struck. down the ~-year restdency requirement for reOOpt of welfare benefits and ruled that w.a,es can't be garnisheed by debt conectotl without a hearing. Thl8 decision wiped out Wlscons.in's wage garnishment law and cast a cloud over timllar :statutes ln 15 other states. REAPPORTIONMENT of v o H 01 districts came in for another look. In cott. gressional rediltrlcling cue.a: from New York and Misaourl, the eourt re-int· ptwlzed that dlslrlcta must be u equal In population aa pollible. The justices also cited the "one man, one vote" principle In invalidating an Illinois election Jaw aett1ng out re. i:o~dae!' 1!~ ~1e~Jr:1=· nion llld the law cUacrl.m1nltes qaimt resldenta of pap.lloua counties in favor of rural stcUons. On another voting matter, the court ruled in a New York case that states~· not restrict the right to vote in school district affairs t0 1•primarily interested" persons such u parenta and property ownen. Nor CID alatts restrict voUns on municipal utility revenue bond issues to "property taxpayers," the court ruled in a separate cue from Houma, La. Next term the jU5tlce1 will consider residency requirements for vouna in general elections, a ltind of followup illUe to the wailing period for welfare benefits. United Pres1 1nternationa! I .,[J) ' "" '\ b ~ * • ,, I 06'~ , ' • • ---- ''Cigarette? Don't you k1'0W •noolclnv ... M ho..-to your heallhf" ,, ... .,,,,; Dl9d , • Killer Cra~hes Dummies Die to Save Rlkll Lives By RICHARD E. MEYER Bodle1 nlled through th< air, ll'tnl and legs flallfng. Bueball caps flew. Heads matt.red wlndoWI and neckJ anapped. It happened when a blue sedan slam· med Into the 61.de of a parked ICbool bus at 60 miles per hour, nearly knoCklng it ovtt. U the occupant.a of both vehicles were people tmtead of manniklris, they would ,have been hurt bad,ly aod some perhaps kllled. AN IN8T ANT after the colllslon - ataged to try to find ways to make bus travel aafer for children-the bua rock· ed far over. II waa the lllllh cruh atqed by the Unlveralty of California at Los Allples In the Interest of 1afer cars, busts and trucks. This one, which mangled more. than 30 dummJes at a UCLA Institute of Tranaportatlon and Traffic Engineering test track on Termlnal Island in Los Angeles Harbor, was to determine how to design school buses without seat belt!. It won't be easy. The bu&, new and shiny except for the front end, which wu demolished lul week when enginttrs hurtled it beadon into a dump truck, cont.&lned different types of stall alW:hed to the body In d~· terent wayi. "WE WERE ABLE to see •h<ther the bua at1ll retained lndlvlduals," aaJd Denryn Severy, a UCLA l'9l!an:h engineer runn1n& the aperlment. l(oo! of · them didn't All but a few of the dummies. tumbled into the aisle, smubed into each other. bounced otf the Jnside wall• of the bus and 1Ud under seats ln a tangle of arms and legs. They were in s i z e s representing children aged 3, 6 and 13 and included 1eme adult-sized dummles, s I n c e researchers consider high school students physically adult. FOUR ADULT·sized dummlt1 In th< late-model sedan BUmed to fare even wone. The drivtt was pinned under a mangled 11teerina: wheel. Hi1 bead was nearly severed. Like the other dummies, he bad etnsiUve electronic aear Wired into his head and chest to measure acttleratioo, impact and potential injury. Eleven h i gh-speed cameras photographed the impact inside I.he bus for slow-motion playback later. Four similar cameras recorded what happened lnslde the car, OTHER CAMERAS and gear provided Information on the aultablllty of seatback height and strength, seat anchorage, ufety glw and structure integrity. Detailed flndinp wlll be reported to the federal government men In about • monlh. The project gets financial help from the Department of Transportation and Public Health Service. lt tw provided recommtndaUOM for de&lgn chana:ea ln buses, cars and trucks, tncludi.og more emergency e :1 l t 1 • breakaway ornamentation and rulea for puaenger behavior. Tht A.ssoclaUd Press On Pigeons and Things Nole& In the news this week ·brou&ht lheae allca ol llfe to the Amttlean and "1>?'1dwlde acene: CHICAGO -Th< wayward baaeb<ill ·which unerringly seek& out a fraaile Wln· dmr ii one of childhood '• traditional traumaa. But whtn the window ii the pn>perly of the local police 1Wlon, the crisis ii magnified. That's exactly what happened to Edward Harnen, 11. But the 1~r, flghtin& the natural reaction 6f genera- tions of baseball players, walked tnto the station and confessed. He was asked to return 9n his 12th birthday to set the staUon c;ommander. Edward did a>me back and offered to pay for the sllattered wlndcw. Commander John Fabey1 however, said that as a birthday present and a reward for hil honesty, Edward cculd forget about the broken window. In fad, Flhey 1aid, he will give the lad a tiew ball and bat. "Jbat's a good kid,'' Fahey said, fiod· tng him "like a bmth of fresh a1r to bur a boy 111, 'I did ll'" • NEW YORK -It will ho rouih &oing lot the boyi down at McSorley'a Old Al• Houae U a couple of detennlned 1lril have their way. The famoUJ pub on tbe East Side. where banied executives hoist a tankard ~ porter wlthout bein1 Inhibited by the pres<nee of female,, Is facing a 11111 demanding that women have the right to quaff a alelo wtlb tho boys. • RIVERSIDE -Sarah Allbeck and Lin- • da McRee are house sltten. Last summer lhe two college girls tended houses for vacationing owner• simply for food and a bed. Thil oummer they're Cllar&fl>I 111 to II~ a week, so they can buy lfOC'ries. Sarah, 11, and Linda, 21, II)' they'll care for any size house, along wlth any pets -bul no children. • • CHULA VISTA-;-U you wero ndtllll" Ing a tomato, wtiat shape would' you seak? Here In thla San D1e10 111burb thr'h trJlng to dnalop .... thal ""'' liloe • ...i ..... They call thtm bolorna or AUUgt tomatoes. Growtn are 1e111J11 cqumer reaction tn the fteah tomato marl.et to see it \bere't a demand. e I SPACE cl!lNTER. Houlton Th< space llencf has taken &0me. of Ure "t" out of men'1 flf'll attempt lo land on the moon. Apollo JI Is tar1•ttd lo land ne11 mooth at a point on the moon that was named "Mare TranqulllitaUs" by 17th century mappers of the moon. "Tranqulllltatls" trans I ate 1 lnto English alJo, but can be spelled two ways: A "tranquility " -wtth two la -or "tranquility" -with one I. NASA's mappers of the moon settled on the shorter spelling, and the space agtn· cy's official maps will label the area .. Sea of Tranquility." • ·PARIS -Hilchhikers In Europe don't need a thumb any more, just a fingtr to dial a ride. Roger Albert, a Frenchman, has or1anized a hitchhikers' exchange called PROVOYA. It substitutes the telephone and a $2-membership fe e for hours of thumbing beside a road. Now, if you want to go somewhere, you pay the fee, dial P·R-0-V-O-Y·A and tell the man who answers where you want to go. He has a list of drivers seeking corn· pany, navigators, codrtvers or sbnply someone to share fuel C05t!:. He gives you another phone number, you C&ll the driver and you're on your way. • VENJCE. Italy -Oul.lide, in SI. ?tfark 's Square. the pigeons soared and swooped over the broad piazza and nut· ttred down lo eat grain from the. bands of dellghted tourists. lmide the Doge's Palace, the ~who rovun thi.1 city of fadinl 1lory bung tblir bea!U in defeat. Venice had decided to wage war 11aJnal Us pipms. And lh< plg10111 _.. Tbe city fathers conaldered rif!K1 acbem• they could think o1 to reduce the pigeon populaUon -blrlh control pilla, bird traps, an anU·pigeon food prepar> tion, mass deportation and even a pipon egg hunt. Now then ii noilllng to do, autl>or!Uea oald lhls week. Tiiey Ila'"' ""' out of ideaa and "' llvln& op the wbole -jecL .. - ---W. Seturday, J1111t 28, 11119 Tbe Camm .. 1 Page o! lb• Dau, PUot aem to Worm and sUmulate nadera by pmenUng a varl~ty of com-mentary on topia of inter- ut and aJgniticance from Informed obaervers a n d apakesmen. IMm N. W .... , Ptdlllalltr ~""'"~*~""'"""'""''a"'"''"" .. ..,., ••• ,~ ......... ...,.,.~,.""'.,.""" ... ~~ ... z""":""'1:.-a:•s•s'"2£a1"'52ac1ZZ2~2""";•0-= .. •a.c,...ac•e ......... ~~--~~~~~~~~~··,.-~-,,.-~~~··~~~-------:-·----~ .. MR.MUM Ann Landers ' DAILY 10°10 SUN. 10·7 Micro Miniskirt Maddens Mom SUMMER SANDAL STYLES! s""""" 011111 Sandal chal1:"e your sun1mcr in a vinyl shoe. Our fresh !Stepper comes in t sclt!Cti on of colors. For bliss and comfort treat DEAR ANN LANDERS: If anyone can help me you yourself now. lf the 'andal fit• 1vear It~ 5-9. can. Please try. Reg ., 28 Our daughter is 18, pretty. and a nice girl , but you • -· \Voul dn 't kno\v it by looki ng at her. Tessa 'gets herself up like a tramp. I don't mean hippie clothes, but more like a streetwalker, you might say. Tessa piles on the make-'----'---------1 up, not one row of false eyelashes but t\vo. Her •bould be for~ to particlp.1tc father says she looks 3.s In a sport U -lau Iott in· if she fs wearing brushes tere1t In IL Te nl•ll ibe boy on her eyelids. And thiS by sellln& 1111 c would be un· is nol enough. She paints jutt. l sanest th1t 1 third lower lashes on her face!. pirty (cle u. frieadly . . . lawyer or r) U1te1 to '.J'hc 5~1~ are skin tight and 1 both father andi on and act as m1cro-m~n1 . The hose . are an Impartial ju 1e. · psychedhc $ades of purple, . J97 pink and orange -or dead \ CONFIDENT AL TO IM- whit.e, Y:hich is w.orsc. Her ·POSED ON BY A DISTANT sh~ are clumpy an~ unrlat· RELATIVE : If this day and termg. They look like gun-age there is no such thing as a boat.s, with bows yet. "distant" relative. They can I've o(fered to shop with all be on your doorsl.ep within SEA~~LESS ~~ESH NYLONS Tessa and buy anyth;ng she hours. Make li'plai"' The next m m sees that is decent a11d half-time they show up, tell them Sunday 2 4 4 \\'&Y conventional . She isn't in- you c annot accommodate Onlg f lff terested. She has been gettirtg them but you'!~ be glad to help O '-' an allowance and selecting her them get a room in a nearby Reg. own clothes since she was 16. hotel or motel~ 9 Pr•. 76e R and insists on continuing to do • So Whal Can I say' Whal can TM ..,.,,,. ,...,.., .. 1r.,,, ,...,.i. M' t S to Ci S' 9 II · • • · m ... .,. '• Mtl..,_,. p.n., .. , fell• !Mr· IS ooe, un ne, nnamon. 1zes • . 1 do'? -OUT OF TOU~ ..._ .. 119' MfW9 II; "'9 ••"'4. ''""' L!tnl19d Out11!lly, HoH Said To O.tler• 2 Prs. Pkg. DE •• OUT y lw Allll ~ .. ......, ... ~ ru• : OU CU e:i· w11e1 ,. 1-.cT." 141111 ,,..,.. ,.......,, prt:P your opinion -and you ,., """ ......,., II! CM9 • lllh Nws· d .,.,_, tMIRi.t Jt (tills 111 eel• t!'HI have. Beyon that there is lit-• 1..,1, "''"Hf. MIHllllreQW '".,.. tie yoa can or should do. So '°":.;. L•....,1 ... , .. -'•• ,. Mlp .,..., bite you r tongue, clench your w1111 -n•i.s. s.M ""'" ,. ,,.,. fist!, and aay nolbin•. Thete 111 c•r• «""' DA tLY ,.ILOT, 1111:•1111 a . • Mtf.IHrt1Mf, tit'""' t11¥f)tff. are the extern1I trappln11 •f thole wbo feel the need to do their thing. Time is your best ally. mom. Before you know '-It, Te11a will be wrin&in1 her hands over the way HER clalcbter looks . DEAR ANN LANDERS' I am a mother who is writing about a father-son hassle that promises to get worse. 297 Valley Youths Tops In Fitness We have three teena!ers, a Physical stamina , 1trength ._ __ _ g;rl and lwo boys_ a I gOOd aod a1itity earned 297 children MITCHELL "JOO" REEL kids. They have. never bet!n in in the Fountain v,ney School trouble and we are proud of Dlstr~ct t .he Presidenti~l SutadaJI Only! 13 99 lhem. 'Jbe 17-year-old boy is Physical Fitness ~1vard this Garcia'• reel features pu.sh- having a serious problem with year. . button spool release, 11n1ooth his father. Ty has always been 'Tests in seven events were drag, cycle gear train and J. a good baseball player and his adn1inistercd to 5th through spot gear lubrication. Salr'. Dad has loved basking in his 8th grade studen~s thl:i spring Reg •. 16.86 reflected glory. This year Ty and included s1tups, shuttle has decided he doesn't want to run . standing broad jump, SG- play ball. His Dad hit the roof. yard dash , softball throw, 800- He tries everything. including yard run, pull-ups for boys and bribery, but the boy says he flexed-ann hang for girls. has lost Interest. Jn order to qualify the As punishment for Ty's students had to score: at or "stubbornness" his father hqs aboVe the 85th percent ile In all threatened to sell the boy's seven events. The basi a,'for th car. Ty paid for the car qualifications are nm rm s himself but it's in his father's established In 1964 by the name. J think it would be cruel President's Co u n c i I on to do this and l'VC said so. My Physica l FitneJs and the husband insists Ty doesn't Amerlct1n As!oCiatlon (or want to play ball anymore · Health, Phyalcal EO..icaUon because he'd rather r u n and Recreation. around with hoodlums and Each winner wiU receive a chue girls. J don't believe this certlOcate signed by the ~~~~~~ ls \rlle. President of the United' States, . What s h o u Id be :ipecial c61'1JTllulaUon1'and an done?-TROUBLE BREWING award emblem lo be worn Oil MATCHED LUGGAGE ;;;;;;;i;;DE;;;;A;;;;Ro;TR;;;;O;;;;UII;;;;L;;;;E;;;;' ;;;;N;;;;o ;;;;bo;;;;y ;;;;;;;;" a;;;;w;;;;ea;;;;ter;;;;o;;;;r ;;;;ja;;;;;cket;;;;.;;;;;;;;~I SET Of J SIZES 8.97 I See By Today's Want Ads: .,~, • •T'J . ··•· e& • e LINi e DAYI 3 pc. luggage set includes vanity • weekender and pull- man. All pieces have vinyl covered , tapered veneer frames, plastic handles. Assorted colors. 9· VOLT K MART TRANS. BA TlERY lteg. 21c Tre5h. power-PllCktd 9·\'0lt b&ttecy for your tranalstor ln•trumenta. Shop Kmart tor aavlnp on evt"rythln£:. Jus t 'Char;e Jt.' ·'· I ' " SPECIAL! TAILORED, TRIMMED HALF SLIPS 100 S11nda11 Otslfl Reg. 1.47 Specially priced hal! slips in 100% nylon. 100% nylon satin, 65% Polyester/35% cotton. Choose tailored or lace, embroidery trimmed styles. White , colors. S-M·L- X-XX-XXX. Lightweight Folding Patio Furniture CHAIR Reg. 2,76 Ea. CHAISE Our Reg. 5.76 S ustd«11 Ostlfl CHAIR Is 5x4x4 web, has polished aluminum frame that make! chair light to carry, easy to fold . CHAISE is 6xl5 web, 72° long. The chair has green/white web- bing. chaise has green webbing. ''Ch1rgti It" at K mart. LIMITEO QUANTITY, NONE WLD TO OEALElll.S ' "NO PEST" KILLS Fl YING INSECTS Sund•11 0•111 f37 Res. 1;71 Conve:nl&nt, au per· •tnclent Insecticide •trip; for tndoor ·use. KHll flln &nd ·all othtt n11na lmect.5. Jutt Charet it. Satu""1, Jvna :ZS, l '69 DAILY JllUT 7 COSTA MESA qNJ. Y r ' ' . • QUANTITIES LAST S!tstday Ostly Ref. 13.84 HEN'S CASW SHIRTS ti 180% POL Y£Sllll KlllT Reg. 2.a7 Short-sleeved, 3-button plac- ket shirt in the newnt color1. S.M-L-XL. ~~r:· .~~r.~~ 11c BUOY RADIO ANY· WHERE wmt Tll : : . ,, JADE TRANSISTOR :> Sundcu °"'" --. Reg. 4.:U I I -l JADE tramlstor pocket fadi)1 has 3 J.F .. nine-voJt.batt.m]l\1 earphone, cue. Black/tur. quolse. Char1e lt. · Llm!ttd QWl'ltlfV, ~-191f' Te .• '1 Mell IHI , •1: HANDY T AILE TOP GRILL ' ' susu1a11 on111 Ha.ndlest ot sriJll. ~t tt on pic- nlc table' whUe coof,Ufn , later tripod lea• toldl ao · · nu in trunk of car. Avoca o. Res. 1.87 10- OT. "GULF Lin'.' : CHARCOAL STARtlR : • "Surt: start .. charcoal ...,.i clean and odOf'-frff, Ir.91 th. neat, Quick and aq ""7 to start YoUr . barbecue ftre. Jud C!Wte i. ' --..;,,;: ' ,LUIO QT. --- ... ·--'. ............ • ... :"" . .. -...... ~-----.· ., • • II llAILV llajT • NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE • ..,.,••,------"-----'"-•••·-.,, .... L .. •• · , i ,fl 1~ ,NY ~Cli~. e ' . ang_ 120' Most Active • I .. • --• I "'1111111""""'""'"'""" _____ ,,,,"""-----.... -.... -----.-------""'.""-----------------;----------- •• • ·-. ·-;' ,. " __ .:;._ - -.- Tltrl't' • ....... " -· WEEK'S 1;ANI>--'YEAR'S • • Stt~1 Junt 28, 1969 HIGH, LOW~ CLOSE \ i • -...o.-~· I ,. DAll.Y PR.OT -S.turd11, J""' 28, 1969 ....., ............ .,...,,.......,..,. -.. Butorle Reclv•I i:. ' I 'Oklahoma' Rehorn !in NY , By JACK GAVER NEW YORK (UPI) -Tho muaJcal aM bucoUc charms of "Oldahoma!" are once again available here In a revival of this historic ahow preaented Monday nlaht at the New York State Theater by the Music Theater of Lincoln Center. It could scarcely be Dillards On Bill at Melody land The Dillards have been ad· ded to the July 1-13 music- satire show that Anaheim's KEZY Radio Is presenting at Melodyland. Headlined by the Associa· Lion, the show's special added attraction will be the original San FranciJco company of the:· satirical re vue, '"I'he Com· mittee." anythlng less than a 1iraW1te AmUe, th e 1lrl who "Caln'l revoh.1ti91lized the muslcal production because COn'IPolU Say No." theater, with the proper HELD OVll I Richard Hodgen, who i>alred Tbe.D, there are opera star respect and dedication , and c-tf•"' Deity ,,_ 1 , ... with the late Oscar Ham· Spiro\ ~alas as villain Jud FrH Ad•ir• mentein to write the ahotr 311 Fry, Ted Benlades as the com· the dancers 1re superb. "FINIAN'S RAINIOWH yean ago, ls the bosa man of lcal peddler, Lee Roy Reams Jahn Kennedy's direction, ''u• this annual musical revival as the dancing: WllL Parker, the scenlr)t and· llghtln&: by ''HANNIBAL BROOKS" project at the State. William Griffis as Andrew Paul C. McGuire and the cos-Mich••' J, ,,11,,11 For example, lo Dl8ke sun Ca~ and John Ger:stad as tumes by Miles White arelii~i~~iiiii that the wonderful ~ore 1ets Cord Elain. hlgb-clas,, contributions to the proper treatment ~ the Gemze De I a p p e has revival. orchestra, tbe man with the rec.ruled the original Agnes The production EDWARDS baton In the pit is the aame 0. Mill• choreography, which through Sept. •. C I N I M A Jay Blackton who cave the.I====================== original downbeat at the N"' J!lll~~!"'I" THEATRE i:Sk premlore back In Marcb, "OUT o~ THIS WORLD" l.W. ... .-"'-Co.. PHMll~'H::'a"TAftON There are ·other good people here. Bruce Yarnell, bie-voic· ed, handsome and no stranger lo Broadway, has the role of Curly, the C1lWboy who has some trouble winning a girl and the problem of whal lo do with his lile as the farmers begin to shunt out the ran- chers in Oklahoma territory just after th• turn ol the cen-. ANAHEIM CONVENTIO tury. He is excellent. 1_.:::AOl;:ut:ts=$~l.1J.o::·:.a:JNIOl==IS=$l:-=·=·~~=~~~~~=~ll Lee Beery, a petite brunette · · · :, HOW ENDS TUISDAY TO THE VICTORS - Winners present to r.·ck up their Victor awards at the Leguna Playhouse Thursday were (from elt) Doug Rowe, director of the fa- vorite pt•y : John Ferzacca, best actor;' Susie Scott , best supporting actress, and Geoffrey Riker, best supporting actor. Tickets for the one-week-on• Jy engagement are available at the. Melodyland box office. by mail and at all agencies. with a sweet face and a fine voice, iJ a welcome newcomer to the New York bic·time theater in the role of the courted girl. April Shawhan, a minx who has picked up some wonderful notices In a few bad plays around here, makes her musical debut in New York a telling one in the role of Ado Victor Awards 'Dylan' Sweeps at Laguna By TOM TITUS or ,.. °''" ,., ... ,,_,. Vktor niJht WU "Dylan,. nitfll 11 the Laguna Playbouse 'l'tanday u the season's final procluctiorr walked off with Bowl Offers Pops Fete On Monday The San Francisco Sym- phony Orchestra will present a special pre-season ' ' P o p s ' ' concert with Arthur Fiedler conduct.in&, al 8:30 Monday in tne "Holljwood Bowl. George Shearing, soloist, will not ooJy play his popular jazz numbers, but will also be heard with the orchestra jn the Moiart Concerto No. 23 in A Major. The program will present for the first time here, the sensational new group which combines I.he baroque with Rock-the New York Rock and Ron Ensemble. They will be heard in "11le Brandenburg" -their version of Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 -· as well as some or their hard Rock et>mpositions. .... 51'9'ft Mc9- Feyo O.•••J ,, "THE THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR " CONTINUOUS 1HOW DAILY FIOM I P.M. ~I TIMES ---w ... "-6:11 .... tl-44 ~·-tiff Otdy w. 0...,.... ,, ·~ ALL llATI 11.U four of the theater's seven awards. The same production earried a Victor for Betsy Paul as best minor supporting a.clres5 for the role of the American aunt. Mistress of ceremonies for the awards presentations wu Marthella Randall. Playhouse STAR" The biographical drama , directed by Doug Rowe, cap- tured the favor of playhouse members who selected it as the best play of the season, while three of its: c a s t members were honored for their acting performances. John Fcrzacca, the new artistic director of t h e L a guna-Moulton Playhouse who played the title role in ''Dylan," won the Victor as best actor of the year. It was the first onstage appearance for Fen.ace.a, who direelerl five previous Laguna Produc- tions. general manager I rm a ll•~;i;i;i;i;i~~§;~~~~;~;i;i;i;i;i~ll Nofziger presented several awards or appreciation, in-.\f:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:=1~~i::::===::i=:::i:::i~~~\ --eluding the annual director's PACIFIC ~~f;~ ro~,e~ck~~age o~r;i~~ ~§If I i :. I #;d Trudgeon. Provid ing entertainment for A $II.AT MUSICAL COMIDY the awards night program was OPENS FRIDAY a scene from "The White "THE THREE PENNY OPERA" Liars," which will b e l'f presented with ''BI a c k BERTOL T BRECHT Comed y" as the f Ir s tli~========"=~~===~"~·~·~-~~,.~-~-E'~"'~~I Also honored from the "Dylan" cast were Geoffrey Riker as best supporting actor far his role as Dylan's American friend, and Doyle McKinney, best minor sup- porting actor, for his part as a Washlngtoo aristocrat. Sally Hayton, who portrayed the blind girl terrorized by hoodlums in "Wait Until Dark," was chosen best ac- tress of the season. She is fn Europe and was unable to ac- cept her award. The Victor for best sup- porting actress went to Susie Scott as the housekeeper in "Philadelphia, Here I Come." playhouse summer pToduction, opening July IO. The Victor awards were the last to be presented In the old playhouse. Beginning n ex t season , production wi!J shill to the n ew Laguna-Moulton Playhouse at 606 Broadway. Fritz Featured HOLLYWOOD (UPI ) - Broadway stage personality Friti Weaver will be featured in a role wjth Ingrid Bergman and Anthony Quinn in "A Walk in the Spring Rain." HOW SHOWING Sidn•J Polti•r In "FOR LOVE OF IVY" ALSO PLAYING IS THE llG COMEDY FEATURE TllE TWO llMTS OFCOWDY, SM Yllll mw TII cwr•n•?Ct ..... ,. • lllCP•)lml .. '.aDWTllAN k\Ml!!"'JO>Cllla&i .. --~~ FD"""'~SOUTH COAST PLAZA~ s.o 1111p r.-., .. '"""' . 546-2711 NOW SHOWING CONTINUOUS FROM 12:30 P.M. BOX OFFICE OPENS AT NOON ·---------·--- Al10 Playln9 BALBOA 673-4048 OPfN 6;41 7lt r. lalkl .... -. PirnlnlMlla M.-Olf &IACN -M tl>o • ....,...., M I•"-'-ll"" lol• -01. >-'>SI frc:I-'" 1......, Stlewl .. Mll-S..tftenl C.llfonile Jack Lemmon ... C~therine Deneuve C~••M ••y..--fl•lff 1.•ll'l•rll "'""'' I.er '• ......... k ,. .. ,., "THE APRll FOOU" WH11,1y1 : ,,41 -f :U Ctftltn-Ml. "'' SwM11y '"''" 11• '·"'· A'ml1'*'1 •Wfl. 1111t SllNltY< ..... th U.tf CMNA!! 1k klwni9' ""'"-' A111n1 n.• ClllN...., Uc -. -- GEORGE JEAN PEPPARD SEBERG -..., NOW PLAYING WEST COAST PREMIERE RUN GIAKTIOF•A•MOVll -... ,l .. iiliiZ Diiii ·p111 I! DlllP '; C.UU:PCMMAHS' ,. MlllD'll'l_llLI ii ~.;...:...~a- •ATR ___ m.... ......... .MH SttJIEOl't!O:tl SCUHO .J. -~I s.c.-,..._ ., '"" n..r. Jwlt• V1•111'1 A-..11tvr1 "THI SOUTNRN STAI" • Gil.AT WAI CU.SllC JOHN WAYNE "THE LONt:jE.ST DA I" Tny C1rthl -HMry .... "THE BOSTON-STRANGLER" J.,_... M"'-'-'r T...-., N~•t JACK L•MMON CATHIQllN• D8N•VV• 'THE APRIL FOOLS• plus co-hit • STEVE McQUEEN "THE THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR" "April Foob" shown 8:30 • 12:15 • "CrGWft Affair"' 11);30 Cornp!.t. Jhow en "1t• 111 10-.30 P.M.. HARBOR BLVD. DRIVE-IN HA1t•Olll 8LVD. aETllltllN SAN DllCIO A"D QAltDl" 'caltO'n FJIUWAJI PREMIERE SHOWING!---• GllOOl."f PKIC • OMAI: SH.Utf • J\AJl NIWll.U: "NACKENNA'S GOLD" plus co-hit "THE SOUTHERN STAR" .. ,.__ •• GoW"' si..w.. 1:30•12:JO•"'s..tli.t.~11.00 c~.i... .... a.....11,00 HI-WAY 39 DRIVE-IN·~~ .... ~~· -' -PREMIERE DtHVE·IN SllOW1NGSl- WALT .,.....,.. "THE LOVE BUG"11CHNICOIOI .i .. ~,.._'"GIT''• A._. J..iypirtuN ill ... I "LOVE IUG".tl:30112,,,.....•-orJ".i JG:lOP.M. C...,i.t.....,•klM• 10.30 P.M. .-t• •• pOUNTAtN VN.Jrt DIJVl.IN U. HAl•A DIM It ...--· ----· ---·-.............. ~.::.:·~·~ ..... THAT ~llT LOY.AILI IUG D••• J .... -llMMy K9U.W IN WALT DllHIY'S . . -"THE LOVE BUG" PLUS "GIT" ............. ._...... ........ IXCLUSIYI INliAGIMINT ., J•k~-ht9r~ ''THE APRIL FOOLS" Sm. Met---,..,. D-...,. ''THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR" •ICOMMIHDID •oa ADULn .. ........... ~············· • IXCLUSIYI IN•A•IMINT o-r lWtf -,,... ....... • I • I "C:.,~ I" J•-. S.....-0... Mtll'141t "BANDOLIRO" .............. ~·········· ... ... ,, •.• hf..,... \fJ l.~~lV .~ ... -· . s11s ·-c=.::.o::..-.. Fisttvl Df Dollars• ,11 "For A Few CARLOAD Doll•n More" FAST DRAW 0 1Mt •l •Li"' Ad1 dr1w fll• 1"1!11! rti11"•~1• i11 !ht "''''· C1ll •42·1•71 '"' lfll th•"' t9•l~1t Y•U• •w~ ,f,ck, Al Pel" 111 "I t.OVC YOU, 10 i1lltrs Al.ICE •· TOIUAI" nus JULES YllNn ''THI SOUTMDN STA .. DCLUSIYI PllMllll ING-AG-I MINT 'A YlftY AJNNT, lllMINSILT APPWll M1Y1. -~~C-/or.H.f.r- -PLUS-""""°,. '1i· ,_ ..... s '" "IARIPOOT N THI PAIK' lllMOJll!'CllJt __ I ft->a•••P_., __ _..., I llTWll• llollOC• •ll<M • IM -'"'' CONTINUOUS DAILY lAT-10 A.M. SUN-12 P.M. MON I TUil FROM 1 P.M, YOU'LL LOVE HERBIE tM Incredible little c•rl . . -. . .,.-.:..• .. . .., .. .. !1turd1y, Junt 18, 1969 OAILY Pll.OT JJ B••llera A"pplauds Trend . . · 'IJ4rtoons Siee.ring Clear -of Violence Four Footed Fra~as ' 600 Movie Animals' Forming Uni.on • '°11'\'DNON~ 1 HOU.YWOOD <UPI) -The ' 1nU·vlo-drive, tnoludlq lbe edict from the FCC, hu affeeteil lelevillon cartoons lo a creoter degree ~ II has 1 prinle-tlm• borae operas. •PY lbrllltrs ind cOpl and robben. The larg..t, most l\lCCtl!slul ~ of animanted shows for tdren. llaM•·Bllrbera, wlU ect 'the 1rend away from le... lhll IOU. . mldenl Joe Barbera, aa · anunoted man hlmltU w11h a lketn sense of hwnor, ii more than ptwod to go atone wilb straight htgJ'lor which after all. is bia bllg to begin with. "The return to -edy Is ~rfect for us," he iaid, prep1ring four new !hows for the coming vldto Huon. "ll'• what we do best. °For a while the •James Bond' and 'Man from u. N. C. L. !!:.' 1ype showa were lbe moot popular thlor around. Nobody wanl.s tboai lll)'lllOA. We followed lbe trend lhtl &dull viewm aet. Aller all. )'OWllSters stay up Io n • enough to w alch lbe prime· time shows, too." Hanna-Barbera's l 18 t. 7 O production includes newcomers "Scqoby D o o • Where Art You!", "Dick Dutardly and Muttley in Their Flyl!lg Macbines," '"!'he Cattanooga Cats'' .and "Peril!: o! Penelope Pits~.'' They are scheduled for 'Uie kidcjy prtme l1Ne hours - Saturday mOm~ "You have to mike a dist1nct1oo in vlolence,'' Barbera Aid. • 1 Comedy slapstick iao't violence. lt'a hblOrlcal• bufloooery gotas alt lbe way be<t to Puneb ond Judy. A pie In th• lace 1111'1 vt.i.111. "Then apiu. we were railed on the advventures ot Tartan and Tom Swift -and with adventure you encounter a certajn amount of violence. "Lib any one else providing allows for television. we have been producing shows the vtewen want. Now they're aaking for less violence, and I don't think you'll find any violence this season. "Animated comedy shows run ioto trouble when the car· toon animals like on reallllic human qualltlea -and atart carrying wtapona. You limply can't e ndo" cartoon characters with a reall!Uc human imll&t," Hanna.Barbera, however, won widmJre.ld adult au· dieDCeJ with it.a runaway hits "T!J< Fllnl.stoQ!a" and "The Jetaans." Amua:ing and lovable animal beings. And that is one of the characters r e m a 1 n the backbone ol the animated car· principal differences between toon shows, 81 evldenctd ,by sJapsUck comedy and violence. the preponderance of "The other Is having an quadrupeds in Ha n n a • animal -say, a dog -chas- Barbera's new shows. , ing a cat only to step on a You can run a steam roller laun ch pad and find himself in over a cat and flatten him," space. That's all right. But Barbera said, "and he jumps you can't have lhe cat whip right up without a sctatch. wt a revolver and shoot the "But we've learned you doc. That's vlolence. \Vhat 's can't do that with human ::.;.ire, it isn't tunny." ' HOLLYWOOD (AP) '' -"Professional anlmaia are nomed -la belnl lomod' "1 About ~ ol entertalnmenl'1 not lrealed with Ille napect ownen of II mwk llllllal most winnlnc performen are lbe1 -rve," ho aald. "Then compouncla near Holtywvod. growling mad, a apoilaman are many -baoed Oil They "1 n t 'illlldaNllld would have Us believe. They antm&1 movie ltan and .~ ,,, feel lbey'v• lived a doi'• 11!• aholild pl Ibo lllM ftll. lllarlee; ~ ....,. -lllo In movies ond on televliloe1 u human m.,.ie ttan." 1 bis own. lhlltr .....W 1111 So Las~e, Genlle' Beo Ille Fi>r lnitanCt. H.U.. aald, an own role for Ille' "llfl '1\111!'" Ben, Clarence the Croll Eyed elepllanl made a commerdliJk l1l1mola In -•: """' Lkxl anct friendl are fotmln& 1 for. $200 -~ti A bumiD ";'Ilona, chln1e. _.IDCI .. ..,....,., union·.· •. sort ol. 'co.I.tar gels r..\ cbfcu every Hechlrf"!'Jll-•dil'llr-' They Wlll\I belier pay, llm~lbe COlllli\eTclal IUhOI"'. In I cage; ........ -. .... residuals tor reruns, acrsen NoC' ~ '!hi~ aald Helltr, for st>e<Jal stiiriii ~ • INI ud credits, a pension plan arid an-· oomf t mOWk-. and teltvfilon up. He aal~ f~ adl Ub nual awards -llki Ole com~ tuir,..,houaf ~fl ~ Clarence. can ~lid '1.-0 Oscan. \ " mere ·--to-jlerfWm. • day. ' Their. spokesman, It a I p h 11""8 wf.1 •tt;dap ,.are agw Owners and tralMn tdml~ Heller. sort of a Doctor Dolll· any John -Dot •°"""'I a Pei lhe1 -not lbe anlDlala· - tie of labor unions and owner Jeopard c&r1walklido1 ~ ·would.bank extra. Ill.,..' But or the Africa USA .movie and ~rk the Uiml). OD UM they .t promlae their union animal <Xlmpound, expllined set .•• n•s bot Ilia for the IC-memberl -from 1uect. and the beastly situation 1t 1 bews ion." 1n1kn to Uont •nd lhMp - conferepce. '?'he union , -u yet un· wW UVt hlib on the hot. - MONDAY. O NLY! SAVE 1/3 TO 1/2 OFF e • • NEWPORT ONLY! never before advertised by Buffums' at these low prices . . . all reduced from regular stock, no special purchases • • • quantities and sizes lmited • • • no mail, phone, c.o.d. orders DRESS SHOP YOUNG CALIFORNIA SHOP INFANTS SHOP t~J'jl, -4 q, -;. w' ~ ). SPECIAi: OCCASSION DRESSES ... .---J·U-N .. 10""R_A_N_D--PE .. T""'iT-E -D'!'RE .. S~SE""s--Coe! and bonnet set for toddlers . Permanont·press Kodel® pofy.,ter end cotton, in hand -smocked MEN 'S CARDIGAN SWEATERS 6.99 13. 99 and 23. 99 Rat. 30.00 • 60.00. Cockt1il and e~e,.fivo \ dresses in chiffons, l.ces, k nits, and bro-- ctilos: spring p11tefs end bfeclc, in sitos 8° I 8. DRESS SHOP long form1ls in faces, chiffons, and blends in. wide •11ortment of s pr i n 9 and summer ptstels, 1iies 8. lo; reg. 40.00 • o0.00 "' "" --·--·--·· 27.99 SPORTSWEAR BOUTllj)UE ASSORTED FASHION SAVINGS 40°/o OFF Daytime dresses and costumes in Y ourig de· signor Joob. Choole from famoua 111eker stylos including Mr. Mort, Claret, end Don Sophisticate, in cotton• and blonds, rog. 46.00-80.00 .... ·---··--·-.. "--· .. ·--.. 28.00-48.00 After.five and special occ;tssion dr11SMs in rtyon crepes and c o t t o n organ1es1 1'99• 30.00 • 51>.00 "" ·-""-""""·-·-···-"·"" 18.00 • 34.00 AHortod pants in cotton and blenda; stripes, prints and solids, reg. 13 .00.17.00 -·-··-·-··- • '"--· .. ·--''"""'" .... ··-·-"""•••""•• .... 9 .()().1 1.00 ~ ' . 81ousH in shirt-maker stylings; choose from •· cottons, creme·puff rtyon crepes, anci calf •ones, reg. 9.00 .11.00 __ 1>.00 ;·11 .00 ACCESSORY SHOP SEPARATES 3.99 • 10.99 .Reg. 8.00· I a.oo. Choose from tops, p1nts, jeckets, all from l1m0111 makers. Mechine wHhabJo end dryable: essorted cofo,.., sina. MewPOllT e #1 FASHION ISLAND • 12. 99. 17.99 Reg. Select from • wide 011ort0 mint cf dresses in great fabrics, including Dacron® polyesters, voiles, and re'yon blends with the look of linen. Mony other fabrics in severtl styles, including some costumes. Blouses in crepes, Arnef jerseys, Deoron polyester ·~d cotton blends, in 011omd pestols and dark colors~ Choose from many styles, including sihies1 and body-shirts, si'°s 5/o-15/lo, regular 11.00. 20.00 " ''" ''" '"'-"'"""-•"_ 5.99-8.99 Good selection of rayon drosses with • linen +e,. lure, in pestel colors, sizes 5-13, rog. 20.00" ... ".14.99 Groet selection of woof end synthetic blend knits in several colo,..; sizes 5°13, ro9. 14.00-+4.00 """"' ....... _ _ ... _. __ "----···-·-···-····-..... -..................... 7.99°25.99 LINGERIE DEPARTMENT Deytime and sloepwHr lingerie in assorted styles and colors .. . """""'· '""'""'"""""" .... '"""" I /3°1 /2 OFF Auorted robes end loungeweu in several styles and colors "•""·-.. ·--·····""'""'""'"'"""""""""'"""""""'""""""'""'"""--.... I /3 OFF. FOUNDATIONS Ofl.th•shoukler or strepleu bra slip of Crope11t Nylon tricot; lace. trim 11 cup-edge and hem. White with Ecru Jece, reg. 15.00 -·"""'"'""""'"'""'"""''""'"•"""""" 7.!0 light control penty girdles in short or 1veroge leg stylings. Groel self .. diustin9 future to lit any thigh siIO, reg. 6.00 and 7.00 """----·--·-- HANDBAGS ASSORTED HANDBAGS 3.97. 19.97 Reg. 7.00-35.00. Choose from an assortment of styles, including tailored, dutches, d1Ssic topJitndl1s1 swtggers, envelopes, and shouf• dor-bogs. Sei..+ from cotton, selon, pfatlic, feather. potent, straw, and tapestry in colors bltck, brown, tan, red , green, orange,. pi"k, yellow, assorted blues, and color combina: tions. COSMETICS Ceramic lipstick caddies in blue or pink flowers, reg. 1.00 -"··-... -..................... " ...... ·-··-·--·-··--·-·· .. -.SO Personefited initialed so1p; thrff bors lo 1 box, in 9okl or green, reg. 2.00 ........................ "·-"· .. -····---1.00 Angel figurine on rich velvet pad, reg.·2.00 _ 1.00 NEWPORT CENTER e 6U2200 I 1 '. 1tyling, reg. 17.00 ............ """-.. "···""'"""'"'"""""'""""""""" 8.49 GIRL'S SHOP Girls' better dresses and costumes in linens, knits, cottons, and'voiles, reg . 12.00-28.00 _"""""-1/3 OFF T •pored capris in discont inued style• ....... I /3 OFF SmaH group of blouses and lops, -some one of a kind, in solids and prints. Easy-care fabrics, re9. 5.00-7.00 ...... -....... ·-... ""-· ............... 1/3 OFF. LlnLE SHAVER SHOP UTILE SHA VER PAJAMAS 1.49 Reg . 4.00. long.sleeve, long-leg styling of easy-care 65 °lo Dacron polyester end 35 °lo cotton blend. Permanent-press in sizes 4-6X. STORE FOR BOYS BOYS' PAJAMAS 1.99 Reg. 5.00. Beeuliluf blond of 65 '/. Dacron® polyester and 35 "/. cotton. Assorted colors in long·sfoove, long-leg style, sizes 8-1 o. PERMANENT-PRESS SPORT SHIRTS 1.99 Reg. 3.50°4.50. Short.sleeve styling in 1 wide assortment of colors and peltorns. AJJ by fop-makers in sizes 8-18. STORE .FOR MEN . M,Qj'S. SPORT. SHIRTS .,.- 2. 99 Reg. o.00.12.00. GrHI selection of sport shirtt in completely washable fabrics. Many Perrn1°press in 11v.er1l styf11, solids, patterns. Sizes S-M·l·XL Reg . 17.00. limited selection of 100 '/. Or· Ion® ecryr.c swoeters with duroble knit cuff and waistband. AJJ in fink stitch styling. Sizes S-M·L MEN 'S NYLON WIND SHIRTS 2.99 Reg. 8.00. Perfect for aU active wHr, light. weight for added comfort. Choose fr0m · severil colors in si11s S-M-L-XL Short-sleeved dreu shirts in perman•nt·preu '01c.- ron® polyester and cotton oxford-cloth. Choo. from assorted 1olid colors in button-down styr.ng. Severe! sizes lo select from , all from our regular stock, reg o.00 " " .. ···-······· ... "'"" ..... 2.79·2/5.00 long-sleeved dress shirts of beautiful S.1 lsfoo4 cot· ton. Choose from assorted stripes, checks, inCI • small group of whites, reg . I 7.9S· f9'.oo __ :...:._ ..... 8.99 VARSITY SHOP TURTLE-NECK KNITS 2.99 Rog. o.00. Great selection of stripes and solids, in 100°/. cotton. Several siies to choose from. • Cardigan sweaters from our regultr stock in woof, mohair, and alpaca. Sizes S-M0 l 0Xl, reg. 25.00 • 30.00 ........... -... """"'"•-"""•"•"'-"""""""········-.. "-···-····-... -...... 12.99 GIFTS AND CHINA ARTIFLCIAL FOLIAGE AND FLOWERS 1/2 OFF Great 1nortmenl of artificial flowers end fcilie9• in bright summer end fan cof0rs• Mostly single .+ems, in plastics and other meteriels _._ ............... ""•"""""-""--·-I /2 OFF. ~stic floor plents, some 6 feet in lt.ight. Perfect for enlry0holl, den, or polio - soring _ .... -·--"·-··-···---........ -................ -I /2 OFF e MOMDAY,.THURSDAY, FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 9130 • OTitER DAYS 10:00 TILL 5:10 I . • J " J z DAILY i'ILOT Sllu<d.or. ·""' 21, 1969 I ' : • I OAILY PILOT Stiff ll'hlll WINN ING AGAIN -Laguna Beach's Bill Toomey, shown here win· ning the 12()..meter high hurdlt:!s in last year's AAU decathlon cham· pionships at UCLA, is on his way to a fifth straight title in Bakers- field. The Olympic Champion has 4,217 points with today's five events remaining. He has a near-insunnountable lead over another Orange Countian, Rick Sloan of Anaheim. Sports in Brief Allen: 'I'll Never Pla y for Philadelphia Again' PHILADELPHIA -Richie Allen ad- mits he was JOO percent'wrong in walk- ing1out on ·tM Philadelphia Phillies, but has r eiterated his previous statement: He'll never play for the club again. Allen appeared Thursday on a radio program (WHAT) for a personal ·friend, disc jockey Sonny Sobson. He apologized during an interview to manager · Bob Skinner, his teammates and the r_eal fins of Philadelphia . He insisted. however, thal he v.'ill not play for the Phillies agaln. Allen failed to show up for a double- header against the New York Met.s at Shea Stadium Tuesday, and was sus- pended indefinitely without pay by Skin- nl'r. \Vhile A.Hen was widening lhe breach between himself and the Phillies. his bus- ines.'I agent, Clem Capozzoli. sought Lo convince the slugging first baseman he should return lo the club and lake his n1edieine. Capouoli said he and Allen were go- ing to take an automobile ride Thurs· day night to talk things out. The agent Raid they might drive Lo a horse ranch near ~tonmoulh, N.J., and it could take a few days before any dCcision is reached. ·· 1 hope to get th rough lo him and get hirn back to \he ball club," said Capo1- zoh of the $80,000 a year sta r. "He can't win in lhis situation. He has more to lose than anybody else."' • England after undergoing hip surgery, said "the session was amicable, in fact, a real pieasure. "We got the business out of the way in a hurry," said Halas. "Gale is pleased and so am I.'' • NE\Y YORK -Joe Louis, the former heavyweight. boxin~ champion, Was re- poned in good condition and resting com· fortabiy in a hospital Friday. Lou.is was stricken and entered the hos· pita! Thursday moming. A hospital spakesman said he had suffered a ··minor callapse." No details of his ailm ent were disclosed. • LOS ANGELES -Plans for an attempt to travel 300 mlles per hour in the speed boat H1,1stler ~·ere announced Friday. Johnny Beaudoin, 54, the man behind the scenes in the last successful record runs. said he will take the throttl e this lime on or around Aug. 20 at Lake Isabel- le in California's Kern County. • SAN DIEGO -Johnny Podres' come- back a\lempt as a major league pitcher came lo an end Friday ~·hen the San Diego Padres placed the \'etc ran left- hander on the voluntary retired list. Peter Bavasi. director of the expan· sion team 's minor league operations, said Podres. 36, \\'ill become tbe organ· ization·s minor league pitching instruc· tor and do some scouting. ' . .. .BAKERSFIELD (AP) , Olympic cha.mt; BW Toomey built up a abe- able at lbt ba.Uwa, mark of the 5tst National A.AU Decathlon Champion- sbiPI at BakenfieJd Memorlal SLadium Fridily night. ne »year-old school teacher; Jtotn Lagll'na Beacb,tassed:>4Jl7 points in lhe first ntre e ·f.ii; li~ing him a near: insurmountable ad over n.innerup Rick SJs>an, anottier U.S. Olyinplan who had 3,749. \ Toomey 1a trying for his fillb consec.- uti~e AAU title, ._string which be,slart- ed in Ba'kersf1eld in 1965. His point total also gives him a good ch4nce to go over the a,ooo mark for the eighth time I.his. year. The two top fJ.nl.aben ' tn this meet, which ends todly, qualify for the U.S.- Russlan track end fitJd n;aeet in Los An- -~I~ in two wee~. ' Sloan, sevenlh,ln lb< Ol)'IJlplcs :.1 Mexico City fut year, scored heavily fn the bljh jump wjtb a teap of 6 feet, 8 318 Inches to grab. the Jead In a tig~t race lor :the runn<Mip 'ip<il.• SUlf' In co~t&iiJliii. lot We No. 2. pas;. tioo are Robtrt Hutchins , Lamoni, Iowa, 3,697~ John. 'warkentin, Fresno, Calif., 3.637; Steve Goegh, Seattle, 3-,6.16~3nd NAIA champion Jeff Bennett of Okla- homa Christian, 3,818. Toomey had the : best performance among 23 competitors in three events: J0.6 ·seconds lG the .JOO miters, 23-ll;i • Amazing Gonzalez Leading Yan~. \V_imb_l .e~on Sweep WIMBLEDON, England (AP) -Inde- structible old Pancho· Gonzalez won h1s third straight match ~iday and led a cordon of t".clve ··~ sf,x men and ~ii woq1en, .b\Jo .Dtr .fourth .round or the All-~I~ • T11r11i.5 Champion-- ships. ' Taking the cburt fOl"the fourth-straight day, the graying, 41.-year--Old · pro from Los Angeles swept pa.St Ron Edlefsen of Berkeley, Calif, M, 6-3, 6-3, becoming one of the half-dozen U.S. men's survi- vors in the round oI 16. · The question was: Hqw much looger can the aging warrior last? Joining hlm in the fOutth round were six AU!tralians, including defendin g champicn Rod Later; flVe feRow Y.inks, Spain 's Andres Cimeno, Cliff Qrysdale or South Africa. Tom Okter of The Neth- erlands and BObby Wilson ot Btlta1n. The All\ericans, beside& Gonialez, in- cluded ·Pancho's long-time prytege. Den- nis Ralston of Bakersfield, 'Calif. and the four members o( the successf~ U.s: Davis Cup team, ·Arthur Ashe,, Jr., Clark Graebner, Stan Sm1tli and &bby Lutz. Ashe, the highest American seed, and Lulz, who conquered the fourth-seeded Ken Rosewall , ad•anced Thursday, the olhers Friday. The AustraUa ns matched the Ameri- cans .man-for-man with La~~, Tony Roche, .John Newcombe, Roy Erner.son, Fred Stolle and John Alexander, the Jail a scintillating youngster who won 'l be 18 unUI July 4. Laver had Jillie trouble with Jan Leschly of Denmark in a battle of left~ handers, wirming 6-3; 6-3, 6-3. Billie Jeu: King, seeking her fourth straight Wimbledon wom~·s title, and Coody's Scorcl1ing 64 Top s Cleveland Field CLEVELAiVD. Ohio (AP) -Charles Coody. a big, ·ran.gy Texan. (ired a•six- unde r-par 64 Friday and pulled away from the field in the se<.'Ofld round of the JI 10,000 Cle veland Open Golf Tournament. Coody, 31, a non-wiMer since t96f but one of the hotest golfers on the tour in re- cent weeks, had a 3&-hole lotal of 131, nine under par o'1 the 6,661-yard Aurora Country Club cou rse, and owned a com- manding four·strok e lead over Bruce Crampton and John Schlee. Crampton and Schlee each had a 66 far a 135 but were no match for Coody's course record-matching effort. Jim Colbert fashioned 3 67 in the gusty winds that whipped the tight, .rolling course and was alone in fourth place at 136.' He "'as trailed by Tommy Aaron ·and a long.shot, George Hixson, tied at 138. Aaron had a second-round 67 and Hiµon, u•ho made it into the tournament as a re- Srcond·rovnd «0<•~ F•H:ll'f I~ !"-Cltvtl....:I Opton Go" To11m-...enl: Ch1t!t• CODd'f Jo,,.,,, Stlllff Btuct C•·amalon Jlm ColM•I Tomm'f Al•Oft Gfl'9• Hl~M Fr11\k Bta•d Gtrdntr Olc-lnsen H1.olll Htnnlng Bert Y•ncf'f Bob Chlrltt CMch! Rodrigue: J. c. GoG•!t l1uri. H1mmtr Bob Murphy JKll NlckllUI Otvf Morr Bobby Cole MK Mcl'1'de" Bob Erlc~!IOn Dout ~1n~1s Frl'd M1'1! Geor1e Archer BGI> McC1lll>ter OIV!' ll111n Jlck;t Cuoll Terrv Diii Co•dOI' JDr't• 9 111Y M•,,.·ell JettY M~H lllc~trd t.\.lr!l11t1 l erl Grtt"• Dive il<Kklon """'Id P1lmer ~owl1 Jolonsen iloJ B•lllln1 lff!J J1t;11;lln ' ,,., ..... 111 .......... ," ff46-!15 ff·67-13' 11·61-t:!S 61-7'1)-tlf 6f·Jl)-'Jf •t·lll-1:1'> •9·70-13'9 19.11)-13'9 r.1·11-UO ll·ff-1411 16'11)-UO n-4t-T40 7(1.11-UI 7).61-141 n -•t-141 , .. ,_!41 IJ.6&-1'* ''·n -10 10-11 -1•1 1<41-141 l).ff-l•l r."10-10 ro.n-147 11·10-147 61-Jl-U1 11·7!-Hl IG·ll-ltl U·l-!OJ 70-7J-UJ 7'-41-Ul 70-ll-Ul 7•U-14 •t-74-14] lt-14-lll n.n -14 placement for a. l"'e withdrawal, had 1 70. Tied at 139 are Harold Henning of South Africa, Bert Yancey. Frank Beard and , veteran Gardner Dickinson, all ol whom had secol'ld-rountt 70s. Tw o of the game's great names', Arnold Palmer and Jack· Nicklaus, Lashioaed · mlld ra llies after, 'mieerable star~. but were still well back. Nicklaus had a 68 for a 141 while Palm· er birdied his last three holes for a 69 and 1~3. Orville' Moody, the U.S. Open champion who shared the lirsl-round lead, blew to a whopping 78 and just made the cut ,for the final two rounds al'.145. Lee Trevino had a 74, alao for 145. Nancy Richey, the liUle back coUrt kilJ. er from San',~.ngelo, TH., paced the ad- vance of sis U.S. women into the fourth round. Mrs. Kine, who se~ to find inspira- tion here, found ber old-time form in crushing Mai'ianna Brummer ot South Africa IH>, 6-4. Miss Richey cut down Peaches Bartkowicz of Hamtramck, f\iich., 6-4, 81. Other winners were Rosemary Casali of San Francisco, who beat Julie An- thony of Santa Monica, Calif., 6-1, 6-3, Julie Heldman of New York, winner over Denise Carter of Los A1tos, Calif., 6-Z. &-3 ; Kristy Pigeon of Danville, Calif., who beat Lea PerlcoH ol Italy 4~. 6-1, &-2J and Margaret MJchel ol Pacific Pql.i- sades. Calif., victor oVer Anita Van & venter of South Africa 6-4 , 6-2. • ATLANTA -Eugene ··~tercury" f\·1or- ri R. powerful Paul Gipson and Bill "Earthquake" Enyart -overshadowed as running backs by 0 .. I. Sin1pson last fall -gel their shot a1 glory tonight. F errara's Home1· Boosts Simpson. Heisn1an Trophy \Vinner fron1 Sou!hern California, is skipping the ninlh annual Coaches All·America Game because he has nol signed a pr o co11- tract. so lhe trio of hard-running Foot· ball players will be spotlighted . • M EX1CO CITY -Curlis Cokes. the Padres Ove1· Dod gers, 5-0 SAN DIEGO ~AP) -Home runs by Al Ferrara and .John Sipin supported Joe Niekro's six-hit pitching Friday night as thr San Diego Padres snapped an J J.game losing streak with a 5-0 \'ic- tory over the Los Angeles Dodgers. Sip!n hit a bases-empty homer to start a l'il'O-run fifth for the Padres. It ~·as hi s second of the year. Brown and Fefrara drew walks \vith llvo out before Ed Spiezjo doubled in the last run. GOLD MED AL WINNER ..;.. Golden West College wrestler Kelstiji Nerio shows ofl the two gold medals lo GWC athletic director Fred Owens after Nerio \von the awards at Mexico City recently. Nerio \VOn Greco-Roman and freestyle titles in the 136Y.i:Mpound class at the Mexican National Championships. ~ • GLENN WHITE Sports Editor Ang els Spli t Doubleheader With Seattle · ANAHElM -Garry RoggenburJ.:. making his first appearance for Seattle, picked up his first major league victory since 1966 with relief help from Bob Locker as the Pilots beat California 5-2 Friday and gained a split of their t"·i· niM;ht doubleheade r. Jay Joh nstone's bases-loaded pinch single broke a Lie in lhe open.er and lift· ed the Angels to a 5-3 triumph. Roggenburk. a tall left-hanc;ler acqu ir· ed from Boston earlier in the· week, yielded a run when leadolf man Sandy Alomar doubled and Aurelio Rodriguc:i: si ngled. ·But he setUed down afler that and pitched hitless ball until the sixth, when he allowed two 1nore bits illJ Locker relieved him. The Pilots struck for two runs in the ffl'st. on Mike Hegan 's triple, Wayne Comer's sac rifice fly , singles by Don Mincher and Merritt Ranew and a throw- ing error by Rodriguez. They added t"·o more in tbe third on a walk to Min· cher, Ranew's sing)e, a squeeze bunt by John Kennedy and Ray Oyler's sin- gle. Reliever Eddie Fisher picked up his first v~ctory of the season in the opener. checking the, Pilots on one hit over the final five innings. J6hnst6ne drilled his tie-breaking sin· gle in the fourth fol1owing singles by J im Spencer and Rodriguez and a walk to Joe Azcue. RicX Reichardt gaYe the Angels a 2-0 lead in the first with a 425-foot hom er and they made· it 3-0. in the lhird. But lhe Pilots bounced right back to tie it with three in the fourth. A single by Tommy Davis and Jim Pagliaroni's double set. things up and the runs scored on an infield out, a wild pitch and Oyler's seventh home run. SEATTLE Ill r 11 tlrl lio'\llt Ylf 5 1 3 1 Het01n rl ' l 2 o c o,,,...(f 31 t1 Mlncllrr lb ' l I O Kt""'t<iJJt>•0 11 OonaldSOl'I 2D s a o o OVl•r '.ss • t I I fl.0"9~btilP3010 Loc~e•P 2000 CAlll'Olli.ilA tb 'r II •I A!cHNr 2b ~ I l 0 1'.Rodr11tl :)b A I I 1 Frt-l•s •1 21 RtlKl\l•lll II l 0 I I Morro~ rl l O l o Hic~llb 10 10 IPtncer lb 4 a o o Vou,1 OOD Rod'llttl < 1 0 0 0 Wa1l'lt-•n P O O 0 II lkl•tOftp 10 0 0 I.lent • Pl\ I II o • Prldd•o 00 0 11 Jo~ntlont Ph 1 o O I) Total ll J 11 l Wlll'ltlm P 0 O O O Seattle l'IY.I (IOI) Ol~S C1lllornl• LOO 000 QOl-1 E-A. fl.od rhliri.1. Borbon OP-Seallle 4. lOB-Se•t1lt U. C11lllorn11 S. ?ll-Alom1r. l"rfi<K!, Hovlev, JB-Hfllln. S-l(fflnf'dv, Ht91~. SF-Comer. II' H It E!ll SI 50 Roe1enbrll. (W, 1·1) 5 UJ ' 1 t 2 l loc;lr.tr 3113' I 0 0 ? W••l'lbu•n (l, o.n 1 llJ ' ' l I II Bortoon l 2/J • 0 O l l P riddy lJll l l Wll"°'lm ,1 0 0 0 0 I S.v-1..odcer, HllP-bv W1shb11rn DJi.r, by f109 . p~burlt llCK!Grrs. WP--loc:~e'r, P•ld<h. 1 -2:,2. A-- t ,S!I. BA~ON WRESTLER SEEKS U.S. TITLE WORLAND, Wyo. -Fountain Valley High wrestler Glenn Anderson shoots for Orange County's second national cham- pionship today at the national junior cl~ wrestling championships here. Anderson, a 132-pounder who ha" beaten Slate champions in his class from New Jersey .and Illinois, meets a Northern Californian late today . Garden Grove High's Steve Clark, a 191-pounder, wona U.S. cr'own Thursday representing the Orange Coast YMCA. Chris Sones (114) of Fou ntain Valley anc! .leff Jackson {heavyv,,eight) of Rollinf: Hills -both representing the Orange Coast YMCA -ha ve placed second, forrlU!r welterweight champion from Dallu, predk:ls he will Vo'i n back the tJUe by a knockout Sunday night but . Jose Napoles of t.ttxico is hlghly favor- ed to retain the crotrn he captured in • April Ferrara, a fonner Dodger, clouted • LOI AN•lln 111 r Ill IN Wlllt iU Me11 I( Motllt• a ,...,. 011•0 .. ' ' ' ' ' . ' 1 I 2 I Sll'\~ 1b •• ' ' • • ' . ' ' • • GWC Ace Wins Ill Mexico Napoles stopped Cokes in wha t ""as called a 13th round knockout April 111 in Los Angeles when Cokes· comennen asked the referee to slop the fight be- tween the J3th and 14th rounds. Coke~. ba ttered around lhe eyes and nose. ~·a, tfaJUng badly on all thrtt cards. • CHTCAGO -Halfback Gale Sayers of I.be Chicqo Bear• has signed a n1ulti· 1e1:r contract. George Halas, owner of lbe N•tional Football League club. re· vulod Friday. Hilu, Vt'hO remrtJy refurned fro1n Dodger Slate June 11. Ooitlff•"' "ft D\Ho. 1 u I"'·· ICFI IW.Ol J-7t, ClioOtt<"t 11 Sift Oleta, u ,sl o"', Kf'I Ju,,. :i:;, o..._, n """'""""· ''" "'", l(Ft !"°°! JUIJ l Oodit<I"' In Havs!Ofl J·J I 1 I'!. KF I 1640) J..tw J Doc!M"'"' .._...,, 1 u o n" 1tr1 CMll! three·run. first-inning homer off Don Sulton. 11-6, ~·ho "''BS cuffed for five ru ns In 5 21.1 innings. Niekro, 3-$, gained his first \•lctory since Prtay 31 as San Diego beat the Dodger& ror only the sccood li1ne In nine meeting,. A ._ .. alk to Walt liriniak and a sifllle by Ollie Btown 11et up Ferrari's seventh homer of the year. w. 01~1• d ·~ rl Pttl!..-111 Hill..-< l., ... ,, lb M1-. Jtl ....... Ml!lhlMn a Ct•Mo"' If TOMI • I f I Krlllltk t • • • 0 o. '"'"" l'f •lfOF,,.,...tl !f 4 I I t Mllrrt11 If J t o t S.ltrle lb JtltSl1lllll> J • 0 0 Glt!Gfl cf J f I I I>!!~ H t fllJ,Nlllt111• • 0 •• , ' • • • • • • • • • • ' ' • • ' . • • • • I I I 0 ,, I •• Tot.I Jll ' 1 l "' .. __. .. "' ....... DP--5~n 01190 l lOB-ln ..... tiff' S. Sen Dl!fll 1. t l -$11!•tl1. Hll-"tn••• in , Sl•t11 121. ••- G11tDt1. s11noj,\ fl, 11.1t Mll1.k•l1111 Mollltl J, NlelltO tW. i..1) l-ttla. A-II.II&. " " ').J • l 14. ' . • • fl lfl •• so S S J I O I 1 I : : t ? Golde n West College's Katsuji Nirio bagged two gold medals last weekend In Lhe ~1e.xlcsn Nallonal WrtsUing Cham· piombips al ~feitico City. ft. two-time Eastern Confere.hce cham- pion. Nerio captured Grtto-Romao and free-style tltles Qver 10 opponents wrest!· Ing at 136\IJ. For Ntrio, who has won numerous high .school and collegiate honors. It was hts first national tiUe. ntt two medals made up some for tht: athlete's disappointment Jn lhe California junior college championships. Ntrlo won the sate quarter finals but surrered a knee injury and in lhe semi-finals he had to default after going undefeated in tbe 1969 season. As a Golden West freshman Nerio ~·ent unbeaten in tl'le 1.10-pound division, won the Eastern Conference, placed first in the state sectionals and ftrth In· lht Slate. He sat oul last year because ol injury but returned this l•st season lo again take the EC. Nerio traveled to MeJ.ico City as part or an invitational Southern Ca1Uomta team coached by Bob Combs, Covina. and Al Wilker, Saa Diego. More thin fOO wrestlers competed. Al Yt1estmln11ter High Nerio won the Sunset League two consecutive yem al 137, and placed first and third In a pair of CIF appcaranct1. Born in Japan, 'he Is physic1l ectuc«tlon major who practlcts judo In hi$ spare time and win~ to be a wrMtllng eo1ch. He plans lo enroll I.his fall 1t ca t· Poly, San Luia Obispo. I .................. -..... ··-···· I - I s Your Engines! "'Ho.ulgate i .r1'·'. I • \ There ha1~~&,."'1~.deal of hand Awrlnging among road .ra,Clqg enthu~ts oVfrtthe future of amateurism ~n the sport. ~ Js to report:ihat amateur racing is still alive ~ well in the uyued.States. ' A w~~I;!. ~v ~ateur drivers from all over l~ country met11t Elkhilrtt.ui-,'Wla., fOr a racing weekend, and before they left-~or home~. tot,l.~ 90,000 spectators bought tickets ta wateb them compete. · 'Jbe occasion WIS the Road America June Sprint classic, which hu'J. hbtoty, ~t goes back before the advent ol the pro- fessional sports car racing movement. Elkhart was a good race, but for ICQ!lhies. ' · AmPrica ls the Sports Car Club of Ameri~ w · uiitil three 'Jbe principal sanctioning agency fQ~roed r ing Jn North years ago tolerated professionalism as a .( s:aietiite to its basic program. providing eompeUUon for amateur enthusiast!. ' Pro racfrc became hnportan~ and grew fast. SCCA had to start a prO division to administer it. Many of its 15,000 members looked on the new emphasis on race-for-pay ·ptciples as the downfall ol amateurism. ' ' ' • " Nol 90, 8.i ~Cent history. his Proved. Today ere are 5.000 registered drivers In SCCA, more than in any other racing organization In the world . Most of lhcm are amateurs, and most of them &•t-all the !etlOn ltifY.'\\'.anL .. · Spectator draws like the Elkhart Sprints an rare, however, because amateur racing Is so complicated that only a few poten· tial fans are attracted to it. It must be said that SOCA has made a Jot of progress in recent years lmplifying it! maze of ear classes and regulations, thus making it possible for the casual fan to undersland amateur racing better tt?an he used to.' SCCA tries to provide equal competition for as many different cars and drivers as possible. It lists 21 different car classes in four major groups, and It segregates drivers by ~bllity so that they can race for ev.erything from local trophies to national titles. Largest or the (our groups oC car classes is for production cars -the types of sports ears usually found on the streets and that ~re built on a production line. They include every marque from Shelby GT SOOs, Ferraris and Stingrays through Porsche 91 ls, Triumphs, Alfa Romeos and Datsun! to. the tiny' Sprites aod MG Midgets. • Other racing groups are divided by engine size. They are the sedans, or pony cars, the open-wheel fonnula cars and the. sports racing cars 'thal used to be called modif!eds. For about the same amount of money a boating enthusiast might spend on •a big-engine power boat, skis and periodic weekend camping at the Jake, an amateur driver miJbt pftpare a 11mall production sports car. earn a competition lici!nse and go racing !our or five times a year. 11e would have to join SCCA and h~ local SCCA region, follow • simple set or rules for preparing his car and undergo an ex· cellent training program that is essential to the issuing of a racing license. ' From regional racing lhe driver ls entitled to step up into na· tionaJ class competition after he has demonstrated he ls a com- petent race driver. And from national amateur-ranks he ls also entitled to slep up Into professional driving. SCCA 's amateur program produced this year's rookie or the yeai-at Indianapolis -not to mention Dan Gurney. who was se- 0eond in the 500. So it's not a bad route to a professi911al career. Prolessionalism notwithstal')ding, road r"aci_ftg """slilr lib its gre~ttsl appeal among hobbyists who.like to go tfoPby ·hunting in their sports ears on a weekend. It'• Yarbrough f.or Yarborough Some of the nailo•al auto racing commentator. have noU"d that Cale .Yarborough ba1 been replaced ta Fd Motor Com· pan)''I pren rtlu11e1 by Lee Roy Yarbrough as the·natlon '1 14bot· test stock ear driver." There probably Is no connection, but last time they JMt on a super speedway Cale Put Lee Roy l.nto the wall and 1'ent on to win the race. R11mfle11 or any coMectlon 1'itk company attitudes tow~rd two of Its leading dri'r·er1, 1'hat this incident did prove 11 tht NASCAR atoct car· racln1 Is 1UU tbe rougltnt, toqhest 1port there 11. ·~ AU the tap driven will deuy lhat they are ndJ;r prHsure from tbe factories to produce victories "or else," bttt tbe~ Is no den1lD1 that presSllte ui1ll. Cale oace told me that lte had no illast.a.a about ~i1 earrtnt Popul~ty u a Graud Natloaal stock car driver, ud he pat it this way: "Tbere'1 alway1 1DOtber driver wlto will go lt percent harder Into a eontU or go just a1 hard into the corner for lt percent leu.•• Tbe lacldent that Involved the lW9 unrelated NASCAR1.1tan with similar aames happened oa the last lap of t~e Michigan SOI. "[was down In .iie·gro0ve 1"ffn we went Into the tint tum." Cale 11id. "Lff Roy wa1 golog ldgb. r think ~ must UVf:. ldt some loose stuff and got 1ldeway1, and we came tocetber. 1 was out of abape aarl pretty lacky to 1ttld on and finish tbaflalt lap." .. Both Wert driving ~ercury1. The victory waa Cale's flf'I& Oii a super 1~way this year after lte dominated flte btc tracb ia 1961. Drivers Tolrl to Sta1t Dome Sam Posey and s-·ede Savage, two very competent young drivers, were advised by USAC not to bother going to tndianapolia: Speedway this year. They were told lhey needed more exptrience arid: would not be permitted to take rookie tests. · Posey was struck dumb . After three ye¥"S. of ~:An(.racing he fell entitled to a crack al Indy, but he held -his'°""°'~ went on racing where he was welcome. S •• Since May 1 Posey has won two major racte. the Laguna SeCa Continental GP and the Lime Rocle Tram-A!Dericaq. The,• pther day he finished eighth at Le Mans in a raUltr DOl'HlOlnpeUUve Ferrari. It looks as if he ii going to have a Pi teaf, : . The future Is bleak for Savage, whose ride \Iii GumtJ Elite Can-Am car has been postponed. possibly cancelled. Unless he a:ets a lucky break, he has vet)' litUe to l6ok fon!ard to this year. • D,IJLY PILOT II lritons, A~~·aotp >Ward's Lq~es, 6-5; "*""""--"' .. -..:....:~ .. ' " f Viejo Beaten ....... M~ ....... -~~ Rustlers· ~aten, 7-1 y Golden Wesl Cotlqe ... Uf>'\ J$ rallied ili the laal bmlq lies ,,; Ron Rich-""' Fourth quarter heroics In lWf aepa.r:ate games accounted !0< Miulon Vlojo and Son Clemente High SCbool loases In tbe..TusUn RecreaUon Summer basketball league 'ftiunday night at Foothill High. · Mater Del, with a »point eipl_oslon In the final frame, LEAGUE STANDINGS • ,1 ' . ' ' ' . ' . ,. .. . Tho next tkilt yoti wetch tbt ·P•~. ·play golf, eithtr on 1V or in person, notice how they hit ttiW iron shots. lnv•riabty 1tit'irrclubhud strikes tht'btll fir•~· and t111n cuts•l"'°'tlit lurf:.·Tht· dlwt mii'k 'is ~,.he~ of th• bal1'1·or~a1 Position.. 'Strik!nc lht.baft'first in tlM man--. in th• 'lll"'ltiiioft' htlps·(Mlfboctcspln ot1 the bOIL {Veftictf lrrOWs ln.'~t drlWinP lndlcMli ~ bilM 's orlgin•I f)Ollt""1.) ·T1111:tul)hhd -dQwrrif•l'd Into tht blll: the.'blilf·ntlls up lht ~bf ace, tohlnc on back· •pin'0,1nd ;\·fil\aAJ jumps off Ille 1 ... IS tht cluJ>. h90d Conlin ... doWilward 16l<>the:turt.' . · 1 ' . , .1 ' , . ; • ' s lhe baC1<1pin 1111bles the·ball to ~Y at the height turned San Clemente away, 83-. expected fr~ the club you h-aV. ustd. It 1lso helps 5", and SanUaio e d 1 , d the ball tO fly stralch~ lnstlad ol 1plnnin1 to tht Ml I VI · '"I side-. • !. . 95 on. eJD, -... · 1 ! Ahlr.,s utch tht btU firlf on iron shots-espe. up1;,.i .U:-.; = 1:'~~":.~: clel~ tife.sh\frltr ;r:• Which you pl.,Y.t bit far. de!eaUnc winless Tustin, 5M9. ther in 'iOUf ltl 1" ' • • 1.\•*"'--~ ...... Mater Del received -dooble-.._ ............ _..,. ______________ ~ figure scoring from four starters with Ralph ·Chandos •-ii' ··-----------------leading the way with 30 points on It field go.hi and eight·frft throws. He had help from ·Bob Walker's 23-point output and the scoring of Werner Raes (15) and Dave Kiley (13). Los Alamitos Entries San Clemen te led by two al the quarter and was down by only one at the hall before the,..,._, .. ______ ..,..,_ .... .,._ .... .,. ••• Monarchs turned the garpe around Jn the second half with a running style. Dan :P.litebell led the San Clemente attack with 25 counters and Sal Lombardi ad- ded 13. Mission Viejo had a 45-38 lead after three quarters against Santiago but couldn't hold of! a lasl quarter rally. The winners outscored Vie- jo, 20-6, in lhe )ast eight minutes and capped it with a shot with two seconds to go for the winning margin. Scoring lead~r for Mission Viejo was Rudy Holmes. The Viejo guard hit for 24 points on seven field goals and 10 free throws. Action resumes Tuesday night. . Mater Dei will be going for il! fourth straight . In the . opener with Mission Viejo at ,-., 11.,,,,.y, )llM .. ,........., Nltllrt ,...,. & ..... '""",.. 714' .. .M. .. I.ff tlA(ll. »t Yt rd'l. I YMr .id's Ind uit I" Grtde A MllWl. .. ~rM 1161)(1. Cttcfl DtQ 11 Llittllm) J a.r 111'1' llltldll,.J """""'' J 1111 ,, .... , Otdt ltl1 Clr<w 0.-.. Ill Adt!r) 1J1r 011111!11I 1.v.erri.1 D1ndy IJtr R-I tl ._,..} Ol/JIY ltlct; •1r Cl .. _) ••no Onltrt tC1nto11 Trudtlt It-!Slr11111l -·- '" "' "' "' "' "' "' •• "' "' (1111~1e'1 V1nlly II ""'I 1\l 811'1/tn llf (5.ll!dlel) 1\J Fl1t111 H05tt15 IMl!Wdt) Hl . (llitld ln ~ ft li.tllml 11~ Sat:OHO aA~ y1rdi. 1 vet• olch 1nO ~ I" GrlOe A Mlnllt, .. wrr.t 11600. Oh Mv 01r!1"11 (llpheml Goode'1 Twit !Smlttll F""'fy Htw1t ((1rd011I Unc .. Edt1r (SfrluHJ M1rl!M..Moon (ICtnh) M.1'11:" ~ OOWll Ttc11$y le1r Too IH1rll Wtr Cllervb COrrr<tn Old $111/x !Morrlll AIOtnk. Action n W11tanl AM 111<11~ SU11R Poo Rode! U It atonlrl) fl O."llln It W•l-1 """' Reoiuesl t .. _l lrlltl· kl {t llt llnkJI. "' '" "' '" Ill · "' "' "' "' '" '" 117 I '" ·111 6:15. THltlO •ACI, a v1/'lt$.•l ·,.., 11d1 San C~menle mttts Tustin and "" ll'l Gree. M Minus. ""'"' .,,, .. in the second lilt at 7:.30 and tt.Mtum' a.r tM 11G1n111 Santi•u•o and Foothill will c-i. AMJn fMO!TilJ ~ ( l'ftltf' •• '°"""") Clash 1n the &:45 nJgbtcaP., Mr. ""' l1r'IClrdclul '-. _ Ln•. "•rr SAN CLaMl"MT• INJ \ Mlkllfll G11110en s. Lomblrdl M•-0 . Lombiirdl McC"lin Tol1k e ... ,.T TP lllf,5 J O ' IO 5 3 • u I l I l O 1 ' I 1 o e • Baseball MATI• Dll (t)I ... " " (~111dos " • • " W1Jktr • ' I " ~·•lfSf • Standings McM1111m ln ' • • ' "''' • • • " IClllY • I ' " IC•rn~r • • ' • Tol1 ls " " " ., '-'• ., OllWllrt S.n (...,,,...,,. " " " n -5' Mltw Dtl 10 If U ll-13 MllSIOH VtllJG f!ll • •• " " ...... ' " • .. ~ref! 1 • ' • 1Cr1U ' ' ' • w ... ' • ' " (111'11 ' ' • ' Mo-• ' • ' """« ' • • ' Tot1l1 " " " • IAHTIAOO IUI • •• " " 0111 ' • • • c1 .. o111 ' ' • • "'""'"" ' • ' • D1nlt" • • ' " "'"~ • • ' • lf~llti"I • ' ' " S~tl11!1 , ' , ' IJ•r-er ' ' • • Tott ls " • " " ~erican Leape East 'W L Pel. Baltimore S3 20 .726 Bos\on , •• 43 26 .6!)6 31' 30 .S59 Oil -35 39 . 473 . New Y.o!k . 35 ;lO" .467 · Cleveland 27 4S .386 . \feat-•. Oakland . 38 2t ; .!e? Minoesota 38 31 .507 Seattle 32 38 .457 Chicago 30 38 .441 Kansas Cl(y 21 42 .400 Callfornia 24 45 .•41 ' • I • • "' IU . "' "' llJ . GB Sc.rt ·~ Otl•"trt ) 1111) MjU""1 Vltkl 13 1f' If 'f "-JI S11itl190 111, U 20 - J Undl l*t A aod<el Gtt Jett1 (I Adair) Dlcktv Du. Tlr,. 1Srn!ltll 01\eHKl'IK ID ltl!lcf) tl"'' tl-1 ll-lflrlJ AIM IM1•1t llroed AIHtl It Adaltl Cid 0'9dft 1IL1'1Mm) Frrile Flft U W•I"") Mr, Sime Oli!'M I fl Wi t.I) '" "' "' '" "' "' "' ,. •• ,-OUtlTN llA(ll. 150 .,..ro1. l ye1r itl••-Clllmlrttl. l'ltrv 1111111. Cl1lmln9 prli:t UDOI. 1 ~ Miii 1Slr•uH1 811>1 ••• ll'lt. fllt hnkf) CIW Cl'lll lob t Tift~ Tfturldedblfd fMtflud1J Jetn,.. Sundl'I' (Wt tlaft) tott1ton !Morrltl • l" .. 1ufft Strep iC•rdoz1I s.ef!ld ...,. (I 1m11111 I OAlfldil llel• !AO.In Su~ It.DC~'"! (H•r!l AKI l!llttelt Little Ev..,.tt1 !1 Smllll) "' "' "' "' "' '" "' ,. "' "' '" ,. '" ,. "' • um. t4'C .. ;;-;; •• :. _, lldl •'Id ,..,, .. A,Jr~~ ,.,,.. llM. S11ft1WH1'"• SI .... (W1i.1 117 Wondot'• 11tod<d c~n1 111 1'fllclt1 [Sm!tlll· 111 C"t,....r ' ft (Sl9HJ 120 lldy McCoy Ill <atn11t1' 117 Ol/tt.r "•r hr (tl ••'*•I 11' Cl1btltf" lltd lltlrt f,._tclJ lU J•v .tltllllt (Wrllrtll • 111 ••YIHTM Uc1. • v1rd1. J ve1r aldl ., .... Ill' In Or .. AA l"kll ... UrM 1211!10. S!tfl Ind 0. llllllltfft) Go. Al ~ (Sm11t1 1 Trul't't 1..:r fA!tOCllCI) lltNfl l(ln.k-(IC1!1l1l LI tl .. 'I tll<ktl ,(Wll"°'1) Wl'lfttl1 llt.0.1 IM'llrrlll DI""" --~ 011!1 ((1rdblll """"""*"t i CH (f'Olln!J k¥tfl ~ f.ldllrl tlocb! lnl1111 IW•htnl • '" "' ,. •• '" '" >U "' ,, ,. NINTH Ill.Cl". llt!Hll Sr. Cou•-lt70 nrd1. 3 -Wlr 011111 int .,.. c111m- lrie. ..U{M l:IOIO. flunm'1 W1rrlor U llt fl•nk1) Glrlle't tloc:klf !llllCMr) WMtlcY 0oo (WlllO!'I) wrni. "'°" , (H c.-."1 Sir W1r IJ1m l tllclllrdt). Tony"1 SM<Wbtll'l.Adlfr l l"•-1'11<11 OlblrV (L llll\tm) ~:: Wiiii tM,tlt)"!IOkh\ Alll •Utl~lt Kl"' fl Ttfl !Hirt) .. i.11 N#dlo (I • ltnl!I) •• "' ,. "' .. I" "' ,. ended by ·Cal SW. <1-to gllli u.a, • . • liOb Munll' aawd, tho Falcdll 8-h), M, hi Me\1'08-&1111 Golden •\fest,. lnl under ; (loin aallo~. Leiaut play Frilla!' '!lshl at the name ~lllO\ . . 1'/· Lo!tl ,pllch<r Din Mc. La Palma ,lladj_UD! • .:::., . ._ cona,l fallet~IQ -. the c;l(tl1,t eel only one hit In 1 lat.er ~;•rwara'1 fint U. '"'lJof .tflie:,1,ab. UD:wsb the ~Inning•, Pirates ...,., .e.t1ff1·~1" "tile bttvta"" . "co0tl4 a· itn&le 11.Y' Fali:Go ;elltl pll<:h· 1-Beach'Cltf~'Jiu, , cl@!!'"l bf~· 'l!J\!Or erloe,Bltllt·tnthelilltd- in a llve-liinliut;Cili11Ut. The . Mike Pli}ltie{1oil·Mjl>. • jtn. _ The tf'~ bl'OU,dlt .pme "f.J .f -' open In the third innblg when they loaded the bues on two 3 Events' o'n :~a' 'p• I•, ,• :~~~ r."'~tnb~~~to~ -..1.l•i CTalg Klmbtr drove in two ' • • •' ' ' \ .. , 'f I ·~·pa.Ir of neldeJ"'ll' choices At O'?ffi Toniglit · · ;tt"" .:·:.'rt; ~a~i: \:4 · ! .. , . .. $ ,. lland ol a line< by Fakoo lint -· · · ~ ... • ; . · : · llaeMnan Tom ComeU uved I , • 1 I 1 I , • atlOlher tally. There'll be something for lri !I; .m~,.. ~pi~ !/I·~ ·. Wudl!W pl'l"ed Fllcon plt- everyooe ovtr the weekend at chlnenJe \o atfbtber1 roekes cbers as they gave up six Orange · County ln.temational for. Sunday's show. Drive~ of watb and a wild pitch. RaCeway, where three ' · , · Tbe. 49'ers cashed In two of ae;:w-ate eventa bave been Javelins,. AMX s. Scr~mblef:_s thoee walks In the final frame. ld;»eduled by track a:eneral and Ramblea will~ to'hana Wtth men on first and second manager Mike Jones. for .the l :30 stadinl lime.. ilfter' bases on balls, thlrd Gas supereharged and In~ Oates oPeft for "bolt\ evel)ll blM!lnan Jim Carter launched jected funny ears race under al 9 a,m. S~y. Tonigbt's a totvering fly ball to center the lights , this evening and compet.itian beglna at I. that Aanded just short of the Sunday's program gets under Joiles announced today that ~..toot mark. way with dune buggies and Joi\n ,MµUt1an or Gariien . Tbe. Joss left the Falcons jeeps on "OCIR'• off-road race Grove, hu· been awarded the wlt.h a 2-4 ·mark. They meet course. 1969 M~e Soi:.okin Memorial Wl!fd's Pirates Sunday at 4 The third event is a drag Awarded, P"'9'D!ed aMua.lly p.m. It Orange Coast College. racing program w h e re to the mOlt '. out.standing top 'l\ie' Falcon game completes a American Motori entranb '«ill fuel dragster driver, as dOUbleheader for the Pirates lake on all comers. seleded·by fellow drivers. who mttt the Anaheim Hust· Jones 11ys the 28 gas The av.:ard ia named for the ten. in a I p.m. coolest. supercharged entrant! r o r driver who was killed twG In the Plrale game, pitcher tonight is the largest such years ago during an OClR Steve Pinter drove in four fielc:f in the history of drag race. His widow, Robyn, will nins ln pacing the attack. The racing, Those cars will eom· preMnl the trophy to Sam Pirates led through moe:t of pete for spots . in the lkar Mulligan, the driver's father, the game, but a two-run rally elimination peld. at the Nlt.rometbane Oiam· by the Jets In the last frame Jones says only• a year age> pktnshlps July 5. Mulligan is gave them lbe victory. drag rac1n« · Pronlo\en bad on a racina tour ot eastern The 1068 left the Pirates with difficulty in , f~ enough drag alrips. a seUon re<:ord of l-S-1. 4a11. superchJrteri 1to fill out' Don Prudhomme received *'Ill en an eia:bt-dr field.. the award lut ;ear in the in· •• ., ' " Amerlca.D A_toton car clubs naucurat pruentation. r::'.'T~· d ! : ; : Will Beam Television Dodger-Padre Contests l(l!Nlfr, •• 4 I 1 t (1rter. 3b 1 I 1 J 11oc11eu, r:: t • • 1 Alll~.11 3 I I 1 Cif0!'9f, ,_. • • • 0 kllotetttr, rl J I I 0 M<C1rt~v. P I o I O Doll HadfloH, pl\ I t I 0 Telllt 2~ , t 1 "ALCOHS HI •• , fl ~ MoU,C I I I l'lrie, rf t • 0 The Dodgers will be on r=1 c= ~" ~ ~-~ :~~~.;. ao , J ; : television twice this WHkend tt"'i-" " 1111 w11111. Mtifr•v. d J 1 1 ilh Chan I . •"-a" 1:~ '·"'· (ll)CL -IASEIALL -Cemell, I~ l t ·w ne 11 CMTYU\I \,ln;;U' =.,1n ti San 01-l"ldrts, vi.. Teea, ti , • • • • • • ' • I games from San Diego. fS'-·sf!i~ ... ~·tt mlkttldl" Sin OuMii, ?ti 1 c Today's encounter starts at 10 '·'"· cu1F -1oxt:o -(.1.tno Wcdf. ~ • • ft II ...... l\e d9 Ml-Ice.I l!Hl~t. I 1 I 7:40 p.m. while &mday'1 day SUNDAY ~ • 1 • af~~ ~a~!!: p.m. f U:lJ (·'"· tll)CT -DOOGEtl ·~ "' l~ ! tile .. :.~'!:the ~":':t;.. &~E .. ~'.1.;':Y,~"~0~. ~-::::·.:·;~~· .. ~~~r Baltimore feature . Ktartirilr: at e"~ \ ,L -~·AS~~ -• ·-I I ' ' 11 a.m. on Channel 4~'; n ,.. s• 1;;in1 'f, 't.ft . · 1 • Track fans will mne in to .. 1 "·'"· 1t>ct -HFl ACTION -M • Thi ~y UP" tl<.trnlntJ Ille "'"' e the AAU meet rrc.n Miami at M'r" ,. ... ~·1~ COid! ,..,.. o''"'· XJCaD 1:30 p.m. on Channel Z. "1'ir..111;..Jtjtt"-. r111.1.c~ NiEET -• It's eipeeted ·that the ABC J~~ ~re\. ':J~A'l,11:; . Wide World'cf Sportl prcigr11t1 !i.=.-D.£f'J~:{!f1~,.Z'ri"J'11t11 f~ Co b Saturday will show film• of "",~;1·,., .... enc~ -GOLF -V.I. w oys the Jerry Quarry.Joe Fraiier Worn''' '" • 10..... Jim M~kJV, •. •ud mer. YrQfl. Htlion llnktlOI 11 fight. kln'k,HJll1 CC, "•n&-11, Fii., fer The Coach't All·Amerlca 11i:·~·'"·'i'f:'·-TD11tos _ 1,.,'"'.,. At Rodeo football game from Atlanta Is tof~:io"•·"'· ?~'!CL _ 10x1NO _ on toni"ht over CbaMel 7 .. t Cn1m.i.i Jatt N•POi.t: "'· (ur111 &'' Colen, IS-rw.ul'!lh for O'llrloll -..11.,......lllM 5:30 p.m. ~~ "t!~,.~,::r..,,.uv1lf:o:"O:: The menu : c.-ub1 111. P1111111no Nino Juftl, o.~ lll!'IW.111\11. And I 11\lrd ~l'lllltlder'. TODAY ~r!.,Jf~mo_:n 1i.:. .~, co~=-n 1.111, (l)(l -aAIEIALL Pfftt •k:o C . !Ell Et~ I Dttroll 11 l11tlmort. (1,>rt Gowd1I 1 11.m. 11 JCT -S"Otl i AWAtlDS Tony kt;Dtk '"*tilde II . M-1• -'"'l'lclll"" twlf'lll fo 1 dolt11 '"° Stldlum. llttlndlldl: M. LAull II llftltl'li.t~1 llnklfflw m-.Wldl .. ~~c~~~!'"w.~1mr,i'tJ.•ndY1 Kpufu 5'f:':. .~. lh~y_"r6AT lltACE -N_u:.:..m.JUC.~ltltf~,.-; ~'" ·-i=i:: tt;e ~ ltM Mlltlulll'I trotn Mleml . , ~ """· nl1"CT"~5'o'&r\"'JW -4-1.m. tn'r -JAt ALI.I -,.,... Tl-tm.i"v1-<l!PJ, Wiit! T1m ~IOM. 1Ulftl'I ,.rO!'l!llll ,.1llci.. • llJI'.', {1)CT -WIOI! '#Ott.LO -Fllrn. ,... l!'w Oli•rtY·,r1.11« .flthl t nd •jM llMlt llntls. :lilt 11.l'll. OJCl -l'OOTIALL -(otcha' All-Al'l'lti"l'I 011nt ltll"' Alltriti. ""'n Slllt't J .. "•ll1'nt1.. Ifft COl(ll el Ille Y11r. Wiii pllot "" 11:•"f ,._, llto691rt 11 1111 lltlm ~r Ille Wq!. ""''"° bf.tol ltOClf:'l'J 15-1• '" fiot Or-&owl Nn Vt~ t DI V. J 11,m. (:M)F -.. TIOl -ILudll ",Trr.',fr1f"!.Jcg·· uMENT.AlltV - "Greil ~ '" 111tbttl," Mrrlled llY I U1 Wtllft. 7:U JO.m. f11)CT -OOOGEtl DUGOUT -'tr11ntf', 11111 IJ uhlcr. itllclltr Doll lllrton. •nil Mannv Motl, Monarchs Capture 4~2 Verdict SAN DIEGO -The lop eharros of the RepubUc of Mtlfco will compete tn a series of charrudas (rodeos), at the new eharros ring in Villas Playu, 10Uth of the Bull Ring by the Sea in Ti· juana, today, SW>day and July u . Spomored by the Mme.an National Charro F..._tlon and San Diego's year·long 200th anniversary celebration, the charreadas will begin each day at 3 p.m. Performing in lhe tradl· lion al, manner of ·centuries ago, the present cham>1 of Mexico are world reknown for their graceful and 1kllled horsemanship. C har rerla, Mexican Tar Poloists In 17.0 Victory Race Results Maler Del Wgh's baseball team got back in the win col· umn Thursday evening at San- ta Aoa ,}{jgh School with a 4-2 decWon over Saddieback. The victory gives t 1h e Monarchs a M Jeegue mart in the Santa Ana s u m m e r baseball elrcult. horsemanship, was brought to Mexico by the Spanish con. queror Bernand Cortes In 1519 and had become a Important part in the life of rural Mu· leo, originally pracUctd In the countryside for agricultural and cattle.raising purposes. Newport Hartior H i g h School'• water pofo conUngent opened the Colla M e a a Recreation Department sum· mer lueue at Estanela Hiah with a ruoundlng 17-0 wastng of Bolsa Grande Wednesday . night. And Estancia wa1 · vic- torious, taldna'an 11~1 Vetdid. from La Quinta. ·- other Orange COast ma tearria fell, however, with Garden Grove nipping Costa M .... 4-3, and Troy dumplna Fountain Valley, M.. NaUDI Leape Kut If L Pel. Cbica10 .S 2' .at New Yort 31 31 .551 PIUaburgh 37 38 .507 st Loub 35 37 .Ill Philadelph)a 2t 39 .421 M..-J 20 41 .:lllO Wett GB &>.; I \\ 11\\ IS 21\\ Tom Lihnert and Jay Hasler led tile &lonarebt In the bltUng department with two bits apiece and the winners outhit Saddleback, H Matft; Del ~oke 1 1·1 tie with two talllel In tile aeco<>d and added an lmurance run in the third to put it away. !Wier had t triple to aid the ~IU8t, ICOl'i.ng once and knocking in one RBI. Gary Slmpaon wu the win. nlng pitcher. Horsemen display 1 k 11 1 • cou rage and gracefulness and to the charro, the borae comes rirst. ,I I .I Wilson Cagers Keep Pace Los Angelea: 41 29 .~ Atlanla 41 30 .5n Cincinnati 37 30 .552 Houston 3t M .520 S. Francbco 37 35 .511 Son Diego 37 41 .155 •,; 2\\ 4>,; 5 17 The Monarchs take the field 11 Memorial Park Tue!day night <1 :45) neit qalnsl Foothill The hones or the charro must mea1Ure at lwt a meter and a ball In height; have a broad, muecular, well proportioned cheat ; the head Is small, the mane and tail full. The legs of lbe horse must be strong and well pro. porlioned; tho shin booel Ind pastem should be short and the hoofs bard and dark In col· or. \Vearing their colorful cb1r· reada ootllls, the Q\arroa will • demonstrate horltbrelJtlnc, : llddletnlf """ honu, laooolnc • n>nnhl( lllllmlil and CllUo. ;:1;::::;:::::::;:::;:::;:::;:::;::::::; Wll>on Ford kept pa.-In tho Coat.a Meta .Recreation Otpartment open baaketball league Thunday night with 1n •71 win over McDonaldl 19111. t And, Wlgmort Ageoey even- ed It• reconl to t-t with a sa-10 wln ove.r 8111 Blln"Y Pontiac. Wilson '• second win of the week pots it in a tie wl1h •oody·a Wharf for the leaCJe kad with 1 U mirk. Leadfni tile -1n1 alt0<:k for Wibon •u Tom Witt (261 and Brian Ambrozlcb (It). 'Gene Zebot •net S le• e Jaooblon combined far 15 points to lead Wiitrton to lb roul o1 BUHlarry l>O..tlac. Z<bot tallied 21 a • d Jaeob9on 22. WIUOflllll'OftO I•• i eNr-Ttt 1141)1 ' , 1 u I I 4 ) 1 1 J 1) 1 J I If I I J I I I I t I t I I » II !t k Mc00"'4'-•• '"' ,,., l lltltr H•rdt~• Hlllll11tr ·~"'" a .. I t >>lf , ' ' ' ' • J n J • ' • t I t J l~•ll H•lftlmt IQW't: at " " " Wiiton •I, M(Oon11d1 )f. Wl•MOaa MINCY fttl .,.,;.,,, ldWl11w111ii1111 • • 1 It I I 1 7 11 , ,, 1 • ' tt • • 0 '' ' 2 I ll I I I I ,. "' ,, ft llLL IAlaT l"OHTIAC 1"1 -.... "" Cltrlt~ ::r,iurt ..... ""' ....... Tall hi • " '"' 'f1I • • J " J 1 ' , • • 5 • 1 ) • 17 ! ~ : ': . . ' ,• I 1 > I l I I )llMJI Htlltlft'll IOlttl: Wllft'lff'I 45. '°"'* n. I ._ .. , J. Mol!tf'MI J a.~ ..... ,• . "'-s. ATllnll • s. I.ti ............ '-s. ,-rvd.c. I lltll t. I. t'r.ow.llCo I f"1Mll • ,-ou•TH aACI. ,.. l'W"-, .,..r ttdt •NI ... Otlrnlflt, .... tM $1to0. c ... Otcll 1 ..... 1 Mt ,,... '·"' 0•11..il 'l•M'I' (ICilftll) ... l.!t • ... _ llt..:ltlft f~lrt) , •• TlrM-22 •/IO, AllO ••~"-W•-, lMlll .to 1. ..... ~ '°'" ''"" °''*'"• ,.. w • .a.. ' • 1 ' • • ' • • ' • • • • • • ' ' tor MITVAL fUN• noouca W111tt4 •• M•lltt1t fir Mf•ti• : li•h-' 1fflc1 ht N•w,.tt •••ch. ' rt.111•1 M7-ll)I « f1WU7 ----------·------------------------------'---------------' Real E~tate Question• and Comment By Rultor Renden MoC•rdle What •rt Interest rates gOing to do? I' w•s going to buy • home l•1t ye•r, thtn int•rtst r•lts went up so I ch1ngtd' my mind. _ Now thty er• even hi9h1rl Even FHA is •ight f•r· cent. SMms hi9h. Why dots it havt to be IO expen_J1ve? I don't want to buy a new horne Mwt P•Y tight perc9'\t, then six months or a year fro"' now find th·at if I wtllMt I could heve saved mOnty by getting • loan at six or seven percent. Even •evtn ind on..t11lf per· cent would look good. Do you think thtrt i1 a chance that inftrest r1 tts will come down~ L. V. Coron d1I Mir I doubt that interest rates will be lower for a Jong time. Jn fact_ they could possibly be higher soon. There is talk in Washington of raising the FHA and Vl\ interest rates another half per cent. Under .our present circumstances. th is increase sounds possible and could happen at any time. There simply is a shortage -a serious under sup- ply -of credit do!Jars. Our banks and Savings & Lo".lns a re not being independent. they are, however, being very selective and considering carefully both the prop- erty and the purchaser. If that "''as a credit crunch we had in 1966, then \\'hat we are about to experience is a "double-crunch." No. I don't look !or money to b¢ cheaper or easier to obtain for quite some time. We recently purchastd • home here In the Mission Viejo area. A great hom1, but the intertst we have to pay· it eight and one-.quarter percent. This makes us fHI pretty awful. In one qf your columns years a90, you gave an illus- tration of how the interest we peld was grNtly rtcfuctd because interest on a home is dMuctiblt from Income taxes. Would you please give that illustration again or at least say something that will make us a little happier paying all this interest? M. H. Mission Vie jo The fact that interest is deductible from your tax~ able income does help to take the sting out of today's higher inl.erest rates. Figuring you are married and fil ing a joint return, the actual net interest rate you pay after allowing your tax deductions, depends on your income. If your taxable income is. $ 8,000 to !12,000: 8.25 percent is 6.25 net. $12,000 to $16,000 : 8.25 equals S.98 percent after considering the IRS. $16,000 to $20,000 : 8.2S equals 5.71 percent. $20,000 to $24,000 : 8.2S equals 5.35 percent. $24,000 lo $28,000: 8.2S equals 4.98 percent. If your taxable income is between $44,000 and $52.000; 8.25 percent interest costs you only 3. 71 percent. And if you are in the $76.000 to $88,000 bracket, 2.99 percent is your actual net cost or a 8.25 percent loan. So. interest being a deductible item is a most im- portant faCtor because after all, it is the NET dollar we earn or spend that is really important. EDITOR'S NOTE: Randall Ft Mccardle f11 an investment analyst. president of the Reat Estaters, a college Lecturer. a director of tlie California Association of Rtal Estate Teachers, author of "Real Estate in CaUfortlia." Send your questioru and cornmen t.s to Ra11da/l R. /t1cCardte, clo tl1e Daily Pilot, Bo:t 1560, Costa fltesa 92626. Architects Appointed For 'City' Develop111ent The firm or Killingsworth, Brady & Associates of Long Beach has been named con· sulting architect for "The Ci- ty," a $200 million urban con1 · plex now under developme nt here. Killingsworth , Brady i,vill he responsible for g e n e r a I architectural continuit y , coordinating the eiforts or the several firms that are design· ing buildings in "The City.'' Charles E. Cobb. presidenl of The City ~fanagemcnl Corp., also emphasized that Killingsworth, Brady w i I 1 "make certain thal the general intent or the master plan as executed by Minoru Yamasaki, is carried out. Yamasa ki, a Detro! L architect. prepared the basic design ct1ncept for "The City." a concept "''hich involves an integrated community 11 f bu&iness. financial. retail and resident ial buildings on a 200 acre site. Edward A. Killingsworth will head his firn,.s pro· fesslonal team assigne<I to work with "The City ," KHJ- lngsworth, recipient or many 1wards for design excellence, 11 the C:Um!nt president or the Clltlomia Council American Institute of Architects and 1 past pre.sldent of the SQutht•m Calltornia Chapter of AJA. I-le also ia supervising archilect for Cl.llforni.a State College at Lonf ·Btach. 1be Urlt phase ot "The Chy*' ls now under l.'01"!· st.radian and Is due for con1· pJdfon ID February, 11170. Conce.fvtd. as • · bustnea and commercJ1J center for all of Orange CGwllf, "1'1• Clly" is 1 joint development o I ~ubsidiaries or Ka Iser Aluminum & Chemical Corp. and Great Lakes Carbon Corp. along with Holiday Inns of America. Inc. Currently, three archHec· lliral firm s have buildings under construction in the cor:i- p!ex. Naramore, Bain, Brady and Johanson of set t 11 c designed the 18-story office building wt;lch will be the largest office structure in Orange County. Burke, Kober. Nicolais and Archuleta of Los Angeles designed the Finan- cia l Plaza and two retail mall buildings. Maxwell Starkman & Associates of Los Angel~s designed the huge J, C. Pen· ney department store. In addition the firm or Thoma s & Richardson is de9igning the apartment coin· pl ex: Bob Clark is landscape arc h i te ct for theentlre tlevelopment: Howard r 1'ho1npson is designing the mall and parking areas and Jack Bevash is land planning consultant. It is anticipated th111 as the development progresses into s~bsequent phases -including still more co mmercial buildings as w e 11 as apartments-add i I ion a I architectural firms will be in- vol\'ed, "We felt it essential that there be careft1l coordination of all design aspects of 'The City' lo assure that the con· eept of :i new kind of metro-poUtan complex -one Of the 111.rgt&t In the world - be fullilled," Cobb uplalnc<i. "We are pleased that the Kill· ingsworth, Brady orrardzalion ~·Ill aid us in fulrllling the Yamasaki plan." ' !tfo,.tgage R~~-.. i!•~r•!B Lumher 1 Pr.ice' Drop ~Off s~t 'WO-l('l.1111,.'f t'lltTlllll~o 'O LEO AL LEGAL NOTICE By DON BA'MLE NEW YORK (AP) -Buyers of new homes can expect little price rellel despite a drop In lumber prices: of 30 lo fiO pereent. A-1ortgage intettst rates, now ranging up to nine per- cent, and insurance and taxes are soaring high enough to offset any cuts in lumber prices -no matter how great. a sl)Okesman for lhe Na- llonal A.uociatlon, ol Home Builders said Wednesday. Advance Mortgage Corp. or Detroit, in its semiannual survey, said the house buyer now, compared With a year ago, can expect a 1 ¥.r perce11t rise in his interest rate and a S pereent hike In taxes and In· llave now forced ae.veral smaU suranct. West Coast mllls toahut down. ,\ comtruct.lon company ex--Otbera •re closlng lor vac1- ecuUve estimates that a house tJOOJ this summer Instead of that cost $20,000 Jast year alagctrlng vacations to keep would cost $24,000 now. operatlng. Lumber products repreoent Lumber Industry uperta In about 20 percieot of the cott of Portlond, Ore., predict a a house, excluding land, ac· steady market for the re- cording to the Bureau of mainder of the year wllh only Labor Stal151le&. a slight rise expected. ,Even with the .decline Jn BuJ Ernest J. HodifS, presi- l.umber ~lfl a ·buyer p~ ~t of the A.IQerlcan •Forest bably ·wotild pay mo,. fo: the -NUtule, predlcto Utat "ii tlle house now bee~ "rising ~ start' 1ltuatlofi im· money rates have tnore than .Proves, I thinlr we wlU see (r!Rht · tMfw., ,la wood off"' money homebuilders .;;!1 "\'~~ , ,1 " • save thl'QU&h pr~Jept lwmber1 .,.. ..... uci,.r·~· . price de-erea~e•,'·'; the .An<i;~naod~,~money homebuilden . .,~{aijoq said,: ,market eues, ~bOl)'ie.~ers Slumping I~ .prloes , 1Ull moy find reUet . , ·fl•· "',..... Vitr.,. 01' '1tC fll (TI 1ou1........ ' IT&fl OI' ll"OINIA •oil Ti. llfldtr1I• do' (ilitlltv lt'Wf t r1 rMI COVJllTY 01' OIUM•l tOllfuetif'lt I bu•I-el 00 C.•'lllll••• llllt. A.+1111 N•l¥POl't lfftll. Ctlllor111e. lll'llflr fM 114-lattl• ti DOROTHY W, U.UI, r>Kt• l!lloui II"" ,.,.,..,. ol HI· IE l. IJCI, MAll;ICETING •l>d M ••fd llrm Ii ,_ HOTICe 1$ Mf-l!:tY GtvlM lo !ti• ~ " 11\f f'llllfNll!t "''°"'' Wiit~• c.rtdll-ot lhf 1bt\lt 11tfl'led d~nt ,...,., .. 111 lull fnd ol~ ol •11 ... nct •t• 11111 Ill""°"' fle~lnt ('-1"'' -11\st lht 1$ flll'°"'I: "Id ~I Ml ""l,ll<tid IO ftlt 1'*'1, fP.111 lf.J.l luttih!tn, lhl ltMflOk•• d I h ~•-wttlo tM IM«U4!rv ~. lft Ille 9fllU C~1, ~1i., e , or a ou~1g recovery ttt""' c11rtt.,"" .oov1 .,.1111" U11rt. 1r V111Ct111 r. Ho111Uiti.. 1u L• ''''' atm~t lnevu.ably wiU send I• H'*' ttwm. WHPI I~• "...,.., ltl\1111 l!INdl. Cltll, _,_,._ 19 .._ 1111C11•$lllM!O 1t tne ltw DtltO Jl!llt 70, lM Jumber-coau boom1n&: agaln. offiC9 of WALLACE, lll:OWN \ANO II. T. Hornc .. tlt The roller ~ ride ~J ~~i."'.,,.c:r;.o:-~:::'~~= JTATf OFEJL·== ) lumbtr prices IS apparent m "'""" llAllW"'""' If! •II mlflft't'Wlllfl· COUNTY OF OJIAHGE . ) " U1e averaoe COSl or Douglas fir ~ fo IM "''''• 01 .. 111 Ote:.t<Wrf, wllhlfl On '° Ju.,., Ifft, bt:ior1 ""• • Ntltrv " Four months titer !ht fir\! p1jDllt1tlon ot l'11bNc lfl Mid lo.r ,,1e1 "'"• M•Mnlll" today-$109 to $111J: 1,000 1~11 no11ct "'lll>ff'eci Ec1w1" J. """''"" ~ v1~'"' ' r . H!:l•-111 ~"°"'" '9 ""' 10 IM ,,... bo&rd feet~mpar t.o $'13 to D•ltll )\/fl' to. 1"' Pfo.....,S wtioM "''"" ••• MKrlMCI M $15 last Jan. 't. ~~r ~ ")';;!1~ii1 o1 1111 wnr11n 1 .. ,1.,,,,.,.,,t 11111 ec•nowllfttd D. I 'bu'· ted rl tht 1tio.,.. "•""'" <acedtnt ll>ev lllKUlto tne Mm1, l8 n wfS expec p Ce WALU.C! ••OWN ANO CllAIN (Olllcl1I ~11) dro la I ' le f be . • ' Fred Iii $(oll pg s wm r, say um r tu Dtw•r or1w1, ,1011,.., i>11D11c: . c111ton111 people but bad weather C\ll N....-on l.-cPI. ciwftrnl• Pr1nc1,..1 omce In • Ttol 1'10 """'"-°"'"" Couruw production at the mills and SO .,,,.,....,, fW E""'"' Mv Cornfl'llulOft E~•ira '" '"" •-t "'•I•• The · ,Publltlltd Or"'" toftt 01Uv PllOI, Aug t. 1,,1 u1e priw ..,,.. ''°"''6· .1n-J11111 21. 21 tr.Cl July!. 1:, 116' 11....., Pulllllhed o;_1 c611,, O•llr ,.111i1. flatlon spiral then set in with Junt n 1~d Jul~ j, 11, 1t, lHJ 1tt1·•• people buying in anticipation LEGAL NOTICE of higher prices. ' ·1~~-.. -.-.~.~1.-.·:.-.-.-.-.-.-.-T.-.--1---L~E=G=AL,-~N70T=1=c=E:---When prices finally started STAJI! o .. CAl.IFO•HIA •Oil . THI COUNTY OF DllANOE ,. down in March, su pplier.s tried '"· """" tA:?.k to dutnp their inventory but OllOE• TO SHOW CAUSlf OH A"· CEltTIFICATI! 01" 1Ul!Nll5l • . Pt.tCATIOH OF CHANOI! OF NAME F1cr1r10U$ l'lllM NAM!! there was nobody . to dump It h• ltlt m1111r OI 1t11 A1>11llc•llon ct The \lndtrlltll<'d ..,., ,,.,,In' ctr111v on for homebuilders were llOHALO LEE K)nLI! for d'l•nte 01 1h11 ht 11 c0ftctucr1,,. • ,1 ... 11ne <Ol'I• ddl" 'lh h Ir "'""· 1r1ctf111t1 bu1lne11 ti 1141 Wlllo• A~.,.u·. New Apartments sa eel WI t e own pro-WHEREAS. A~\.O \.EE KlnLE fl•• C!ly of Otu19e, Coullly ol 0•.n••· SI-'• blelns ofhioh money rates filH hf• Pfotllloll WllPI ""' <~'11 of tM or C1t11Grn11, undfr the 11c1111cus 11rm o · C6urT ftr itermlll1Dfl to d'l1n1t M' na.1.,. "'''" or dtl lVl\lflOft whkll ~ not 1how These high rates already •rem llDl'lld L" Kitt~ 10 ll:ONALO I.EE lht tru' n8me or n1mtt o• "'' Ptrl<l"I h led I ,_ sk'd-SNEE01 lftlernftd If! 111d b""'IM$1, li>wll: GLEN· ave accoun or llle I Now, lhlrtP\)tf, !I 1$ Mft~ or\ttrtd 0,1..LE PIPELINE COMPANV 11\d lhtl ding Of private DeW•home 1 ... 1 Iii ,_,_ ll'ltf<Hled Jn Mid" 1N1tttr tlld llrn"I IS comoowct of !l>t lcllllWlno • ta , I 1lcrti,1IC1 "'JOlllllY tPPetr •t das>lrlmtnl P<'oon WOO.• n.mt INI 1aarns 11 11 s rts tn May to an annua Na. 3, .. ia SllPl,lcr court 11 the 1oi1cw;, rate of f 5 million compared Courthou5t ln lht cftw ol S1n!~1_An1, GI~ e. C•uai. 1ei1 W11tow "~'nut, · , • County al Or111ff, t!Jle Of Calltor.,.., on Orinte, C:ill!Qrl\!t 976'8 with nearly 1.9 m1IU00 in Jan· rne a1 a1v Q/ A11tu1t l'Ht, •t rM hOlll' of W1rNess ..,.,. hll'ld 1111• 11111 d1r ~· B th I. I '1J e'c:IOCI! AM., of 11ICI aa• ind l!len J n lNt Area Unique in The angular roof Jines of A-tariner Square Apartments, now rising in Newport Beach, introduce a housing complex unique in Orange County. In addition to the distinctive de- sig», the project marks the de· but of the Irvine Company M owner·bulider of multi·family rental units. Mariner Square is adjacent to Westcliff Flaza where lhe Company developed its first shopping area. \Villiam R. Watt, manager of the Irvjne Company's newly formed department Of housing construction, is in charge of constructing this $1,800,000 project. He was previously responsible for the Irvine Com. pany's $20 million construction at Fashion Island, Newport Center. ln addition to the present Mariner S q u a r e Apartments, he hu two I,~ unit projects underway at University Park and at Promontory Point. The roof llnes and vaulted ceilings at Mariner Square Apartments are part of the plan by Architects Fisher-Fri· edman and Associates. of San Francisco, to provide OCCU· pants with a sense of spacious- ness. Shingle roofs and weath· ered cedar siding (usually restricted to upper-income private homes) )lave been us- ed for the two-story multi- family housing to c o n v e y warmth and friendliness as W1?ll as quality construction. The sense of privacy and in· dlvidual home atmosphere is achieved through garden type apartments and individual en· tries. Special sound insulation included in the construction in- sures seclusJon and quiet. Each apartment has a private address with its own street number. Outdoor privacy is assured by utilizing patio fen- cing or balcony rails. The architects have pro- vided generous floor space per unit and made certain that each apartment has a balcony or a patio with either green belt or southern exposure. Green belts, see n from Horoscope many living room windows, have been designed by Sasaki, ,Walker & Associates, with m o u n d s , meandering wa,Illwap; Juth Plo!ltingl and specimen size nattve trees. The U4 .unHs In tflia: newest S.7 acre adult community have an average fldor space of about 1,150 square feet. Units vary in size and style from one-bedroom one-bath t o three-bedroom t w o -b a t h apartments and two-bedroo1n townhouses. All have well-de- fined Ule entryways so that the occupant does not step di· rectly into the living room. Second-floor apartments and townhouses have vaulted ceil· ings and clerestory windows. The townhouses also have an exceptional outdoor living ma with a pass-throua:h kitchen "'·indow. 111e townhoose unit is proving lo be an ideal transi- tion from private home to apartment. It embodies the quiet. privacy, and space aS.!IOCiated with a single-falnlly dwelling, coupled with the at- tractive landscaping and other no-care features of a well- planned multi-family complex. Among the amenities are un- derground utilities, television service, swimming pool, wblrl- pool, gas-fired outdoor barbe- cues, Balanced Power ldtch· ens, and a large recreation hall with fireplace, card room, and fully-equipped ldtcben. Each unit has a dishwasher. double sink. disposal, and separate dining area. All !iv· ing rooms have 10-foot-wide sliding glass doors to the patio or balcony. Bedrooms have m o r e than usual storage space. Apartments are fully carpeted and draped. Occupancy at M a r I n t-r Sqt1are Apartments is ex- pected lo begin in late July. at a rental range of $175 -$250 monthly. Earle Truax is in charge of marketing and management for the project. The on site office Is located adjacent to the recreaUon facilities for the units at 1244 Irvine Avenue, Newport Beach. Walker, Lee Sets Ne'\v Sale Mark Walker and Lee Inc., Orange County real estate finn has just completed a r e c o r d breaking week that h a s garnered 353 lisUngs i n prepar8*ion for their second Annual ltesale Homes Record Week June 23 to 29. The finn is attempting to break their last years record of 154 homes sold in one week. The gross sales for last year's record week reached a total of J 1h: mitlion dollars. This year's tight mosey mar. ket may prove a mere spect- re in the background if the firm's Resale Division's 1969 vast inroads into last year's record is used as an indicat.ion of today's current trend. As of the first day of Record Week the firm has tallied 47 sales towards their goal of 155 homes sold in one week. Ac· cording lo the firm's Resale division head, Wm. H • McCabe, sales are expected to climb well over the an- ticipated 155 homes. The tremendous response and returns on the current Record Week Homes Sales is attributed to the two-prong promotional campaign that in- cludes not only advertising with the use o! newspaper and radio but use of a "special sales-oriented pe rsonal moti· vation'' program designed by Walker and Lee. IJll?)'. 0 JgufeS are ar 11\efl fo tllOW CIUM, If 11\'f I t WhY U e, Gltn £ Ca~8<M below the IO-year goal of 2.6 ,,111 tPPllc1tlcfl or dl~n•~ 01 "'"'e •'1Duld STATE o; c:Al1~0RNIA I mill, rts II t · not IHt fflllled. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 11 100 Sta annua y, se m 11 11 t11r1her orckrcd 11111 1 Cllli'• ol thi1 0 IPll Uth diw cl Ju"' Ao lHt. ••· H ' Act f 1968 ~dt• I<.> lhow c111w m1y be PublltP>e!t In ". • • • " u.n:: OUSJ.ng 0 • tt>e Oi!l\I Pllol 1 ,,_W>Ptper cf ·-rol btlort mt. !ht Unders ntd, I N trr One offlclal at Georaia-cil'wtattOl'I. PU!liliMd. 11'1 the cllY cf Costa Publ!c In ,,..., ror .. ld Cou111Y 111<1 s111e. · . " ~o. t!Nntw o1 Orillft. '''"' o1 res1cttn1 IP\ereln dul'f comm11t1011tll Ir.Cl Pacific Corp., a major sup-<•tlforftlt for fO\lr iucc,stlwt wttks n•wl 1~rn, Ptnon1t1v •PP,1rtd O~n ~. ' f be d f ood ' 1•-h · Cltbda known to mt ll:t be 1111 pt<Mn pher o lum r an p yw , prectdl"" "'-d1t1 ,.., !Gr ,,. ''""" ...mos.. nems Is •ublcrlbe<I IC 1111 w11111" described the sharp prict !IMl:o".:;'Eo: Ttili 161il; d•Y of June 1,.,, lnsrru'""''· '"ct 1ct .... wledDtc1 IC me !Nit · f f be I ood · 111 vmond ThomJtSQn lie '11cu!ed l/>t same. SW10j 0 Utn f-p yw ln J!.08 ol tht Superior Courl WITNESS mv !>11\d tnd c1T1cl1I 1e1t. the last 18 months as "rather JOMN c. GllTHl!RO, .llt. (SEAL) tragic'' and blamed West ::i~:".:",:;", ~°:iTi:!• .;:1~: ~~:":r~ ~~b~~e• Coast wholesale speC1.alators SaJ w .. 1 1t1~ st!'lll s11r~ of c1111ornl1 lh I Cfffl ....... (1111-•I• Jl'21 Prl"CIH! Office for pushing e sw ng. T•lll''-' 17u1 '42·lU4 o"fl"• cwnry b thr b "'II"" M~ COMml11l1111 l!u11et "The c\im we went oug At~':i';:Pl!d' Or•n~t"'co•d 0,,1,, ,.,101 Mlrch 21, n10 was lhe mosl unorthodox UW1n Jlfflt 11 Ind Julys. 12, 19. 1'69 111!"69 COHEN. OSTIR • MILLAll:O -e "4 W"I Tt"llt Slrttl I've S1?en in 15 years inl----L-E_G_AL __ N_O_T_l_C_E---1~1n11 An1. c1111or"11 n1t1 b · " ·d e rese r .. , 1114, su-1 ... 1 uSJness, sa1 a r P n· Pub!liMd or•ntl! cc.a11 c111v ,.11o1 tative of the Evans Products IH TNI! MUNICIJt'AL COUlff 01' June 11. ll •nd Ju11 5, "· ltH 11'"'9 Co., anothe:r lumber supplier. ollA.7~:.cf~~N~T:,~llOll Lumber prices began their COUNTY 0 1' ORANOI • I f build ' STATI! 01" CALIFORN IA LEGAL NOTtCE upw~rd sp ra, say mg u1 w. 11111 st., c"'' MHt. c11. people ~e to these causes : an CASI s~~~~~~ lNIS Cl!llrll'ICA;;":: •UllNIIS lncreas111g shortage beeawe of (hntr•I) FICTITIOUS HANll ·,,... e·po~s ma'mly to D•H CUNHA, dcl"e bvtlMU II DAN'S Tiit U!'ldtflltned clo Ct•llly IM'Y t•e r "'6 ,. ~lo ! AUTOMOTIVE SER.VICI!. "!tlntlff Vo. toncl\ICll"" 1 1111,!nns 1! 1H3 Htrbcr Japan· restrictive ! e de r a I GEORGE s11111LEY. o.i,11<11n1 Bou1ew1ro, C1>1h Mna, c11~m11. tuu. l'ci ' It' "-her on TtfE Pl!OPLE 01' THE STArE OF ulldtr lh• llCll!lous firm "•mt of po I es on cu Ulg w.LU • CALIFOR.NIA, OEALER PARrlCIP.t.TION PLAH 111(1 aov.emment lands· the nslng To the 1bov. nemed Oflend..il: that salct llrm 11 comPOStd o1 tht lttllow• O · .' You 1r1 dl•«lt<I to Ille w!lh the cltrk In; P•r!Oftt, WhOff' lllmft lfl f\111 1rld demand for the higher grades o1 1t1is court , •rl!l1n 1111101"11 In ,,.en ot tt11c1.~ce ,,. •• 1oi1cW1: Of plywood for panelinn and •-se Pl) lllt cornPl1Tnt b<OIJ<lhl Hl!n1! lloberl J. W!9mor1, l019 Ftrtih••!PI • e. •OU 111 the 11H:twt 1ntllllld 1(llon w!lh'n l1111, Cost1 MtJ•, C1tuorn!1 other uses lll more expensive TEN da Ys •fltr the s•rvltt on vo11 ct "'11 M1c11~e1 T. M1r1ric. 601 Wern11111on h wmmc115 !f 11:rvt<I w!lllln tilt 1bovo' ll111d, Or1noe. C:1llfornl1 t 160 omes. nlmtct c0un!v. or '"nhln THlllrY' dlYI Ot!td Jun• 16, !Ht , If terved e111.,..,,tt1. Ro«n J. Witmc • You are fl<>llfled 1111! unlHI you to tile Mtch~•I 1. N~1rlno • -111.., rtM>On1lv1 0~1dl1111, sera ct•! ... $TATE OF CAl.tFOll A N R I tiff WIU ltke IUOOrneM lo• any money or COUNrY OF Oii.ANGE ) ,, ew ea ty damagrs dem•llded In lh• con"IOflfnl '' On June 16, 1,6,, b'!tore Tl"t. • Nolarv ir!ilnt upon aintract. or will 111111¥ to !Pie Public In ~nd for 1110 S11 1e, Pf•tcnlll~ cOU"rl lo" In¥ e!lltr rtli.tf 11tm1M1ed In lht M>lltlrtd Robr-rl J. Wl11mor1 and Mldlae l comolllnl T. M1rh1c known lo me lo be !111 periol\t YIN ,,,.~ '""k the ldvl~ ol In tltornev wholf' n1mn ••e 1ublcrlbtd IC lht w!th!11 Of fl. ce Open °" any -·~· (on"'i:ted wlTh the ccm· lnJtr\ .. nent tnd •<::kllCl•ltdlled lllW Ill• Plelnl or tllls iummciru. SU<;ll •llomty ecU!ed th1 s&mt. should be .:cn1ullfd wltllln tPlt t:me 11mn fOrll<l•I ~.n . 'I I II" JOM:Ph £. Cllvos •ltltd lfl llrl1 1..-.. tor I 1111 t wr n Nolirv Public . C1llloml• IM•rl<lll'IO lo 1M com~l1tnr. Prln<lPtl Oflk• ln Oaled M1v 2(1, lfft. Or•noe Cou""' !SEAL! Mv commission lnlres M. HAMLIN Ju~• 11 1'10 In Irvine Clerk cf ttoe tbcY,...lltllltd Court. Publilhtd o;tnff CO&Jt 01llY ,.,Jet, The Inrlhe Company has By Jo-n ''"""'' June" tlld Julys. U,'lJ, !HJ Int~ OtOUIY Cler~ selected Red Hill Realty to RO•ERT H. HUCKEN,.AHLE1t · th U · 'I p k AttorM'f If L1w LEGAL NOTICE service e n1vers1 Y ar 1soo Ad•"'• Av ... u• area Edward A. Nahiga:n cost• Mnl. c.1111rnl• T- .' • 1 T•I: 1714) M•HJI ._.,. preStdent or the realty firm, A"o•fllY !w Platnt!lf SU,.f!UOR COURr 0" TMI! has announced Published Ora ..... C~•' Oallw PllO!, STATI! o .. CALIFORN IA •Oil b ' h ff' JUt'lt 1'• 11. 21 tnd July 5, \9D 1l:M-'' THI! COUNTY D• OllANGll The new ranc o ice was '"•· A-uut Opened this monlh al 18-· LEGAL NO'l'!CE NOTICI! 01' MEARING 01' ,..TITION ~l ___ ::::::.:_c_CC"7-:C:-:::::::--l"OR •11tOflAATI! O• WILi. ANO l'e" Cul ... , Dr•'ve, Irvt'ne .. M-. Lei· LE"l!RS 0" AOMINISTltArlON w1r111; • '" $U,.ERl01l COURT OF THE TNE•WILL ANNEXllD Raisor has been appoir}ted to STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR E,t~!e o! JACK w Al LA t_ E I f Nahl THI! COUNTY 011' ORANOE JOHNSTONE. alsa kl\OWll 11 JACK manage the aci ity, gan CASE. NUMll!ll O.H'" JOHNSTONE, O•c•a'", Said SUMMONS HOTICI!: IS HEltl!BV GIVEN Thel ROV . . . . DENNI\ c. FER.ftlNGTON, Pl1inldl \IJ, Al.LEN SAARI !'>a• lllfll herein • PtlltlOft Red. Hill Realty, With ma.Jn LAURA P. FERRINGTON, O~!ndanl. OF !or probete ol wit! and ID!' J11Ulfltt f1' If. · lh Lo LI d PiiOPLE OJ\; THE STAT E Ld~rt 01 Admlnll!•at!on wtni.thl-wlll an· 0 ices lll e ma n a CALJ~OlllO)I. Ji':the •tlave '""""' °'"'"' Id to !he ottl!!o"'" re!trence '1t Building at 520 East Fourth d.lnl : . :_.eh~ch 11 mtdt lor furttltr perncul1rs. 111<1' ~.u, h b YllU lrt! htrebw dftl(!td to Ille I ..... ,. ,~., ~· lln"lt Ind pl&OI "' hH rln• IM Street, I ~un, as een serv-"" Pletdlrlo;r In re-M ID lh~ compta!nl 11me "'' beWI ~I for July 11, ,,.,, ., ing Santa Ana Orange and o• the atH:tve ... med 111.1n1111 wUPI !ht t,30 1.m .. In lh' .:currroom ~' 0101•t-, ' clerk ol lfle 1bcvt tnl!lltd (GU•I In lh' menl No 3 of said Cflurt, 11 7W Wtd Tustin !or the past ten years. mt111e11 •ellon brout~' 1111nst you 1" •aid Elthlh s""'· In 1h1 crtv o1 St"'' An .. The company has developed a murt. w11h1n TEN d1y1 •ff•• "'' ""'~~· C•lllorn11. , on ycu of 11111 summcru., 11 •t~ w11 " 01fH1· Junt )&, 1J6P re.putation as one of the ll'I<! abo..e n1mfd counr •. o• wl!hln THIR· W. E. ST JONN. Coun!v Cltrk I t d t I I TV dlYS II served llstwl>o!rt. Kl!NNl!TH M. YOUNG arges an mos success u vcu are Mrebv not111.c1 ""'' Ull~s~ v~u "°' w11ih1,. 1....,r..,1rd, SP!!• 10. real estate limls in the area. '° ,, .. • wr1tte11 reS110n1rw ,1e1111,.,., u id ~~.,,.,..,Mm<. C•llffl'1'11-t<>111 Pll!nl!ft will ltke tud•,,.,..,, for ""' THt UU) CR i.u11 lit 1·1t4' monev er Clam•ttl dtmtndtd In tht t°';;j Junt U, lO •!Id Ju1Y ~. l'H9 TU+'' pla!nt ts arlllng upen ccntr1ct. or "" ePPlV to Jiit ccurl fgr any cl!ltr rtlltrl-------------dtmlf\deCI 1n IM complaint LEGAL NOTICE Gemini: Accent on the Mysterious You m1y lftk lM-lilwlce o! 1n 1Uor11tY, -------------on 111y ma~r conntc"d •Ith tl'lf co,... 1• olilfll er Ill~ ,ummcins. $uch atlorntY T-4J2H •h-•ld ... ttlllllllltd wlTtllll the tlmP !!ml! NOTICE TO Cl!l!OIT015 --<Ill lt!en SU,.EIUOR; COUIT OF TN• Jiited Ill lhfJ 1ummons fo• Ill. wr STATE 0, CALl,ORN•A .. Oil Dl,1dl"g to "'' Olll'IPltlnl, rHE COUNTY Ofl' ottANOI (~EAL! Ht. Jt.fJUt W. E, ST JOHN, C1trl( Elllle of JOHN T. $W,1..NWIC:K, SUNDAY JUNE 29th By SIDNEY Ol\lARR FULL MOON I N CAPRICORN makes this a favorablt day for fishing. Besl recreation falls in science and mus.ic areas. ARIES (March 2l·A·pril 19): Full moon pcsllion today coin· cides \rith your ambitions. Review course of action. Find out what it is you wifih, to ac· complish. Be specific. Say yes to reque5t from neighbor. TAURUS (April 20-May 20 )· Good lunar aspect today coin- cides with your chance lo spread 1houghts ideas, policies. Express ambitions. \Vork in <:onjuncLion with Aries individual. GE~flNl (May 21-June 20): AcC'ent on the mysterious. !\leans what was hidden comes Into open. You find ou\ reasons why. What you do about lt Is up to you. Be po5ilive. Express confidence. CANCER (June 2l~uly 22): Full moon highlights rublic relations. Be aware o how others react to your statements. actions. Show I.hat you have ideas of your own. But also be 111n attentive listener. LEO (July 23·Aug. Ill: Maintain moderate pace. Be carcrul with diet. A v o I d overindulgence. You get hunch which could pay dividends. Have contidence that you tre IY WIUI•,,, P • .lonu Otct11td. l:le1111t'f Cltrk NOTICE IS HEll:EflY Gf\IEN lo l!lt on right track. Heed advice of dividual who aided you In past IF TODAY ts Y 0 UR JONN c. SAL Ye•. l•~· crtd11C,. 01 lht •tll?Ye n1mtc1 a..:Ntnt . *' Weltllff Orin lh•I tll oe"°"1 htw11'tl (lllm1 1g1ln1! ""' spiritu al counselor. Accept responsibility. BIRTHDAY you appreciate"'-"' •••ch, C1Nf. '™' $11d a'''°'"' -re rtoulrtd to 11i. "'"'m· good food and WOU}d find COOk-e,'1" ... ""',m"'• ,.i;:lff •ITh llie "'ctn~rY ~udltr•, I" !ht trf1~• \'IRGO (A 23 S I 22) PJSC~ (F b I'M h ~) hobb J d ' "" 1 o llY Plkll el lhl clerk ol 1M tl>cw• mtl!lf<f court, or ug. · ep . : ~ e . r arc w : ing a fine y. Domest ca · Publhhed Or1111e Cet• 1., • 113w 10 ornen• them, with •~e ntcnterY Pie.sure l·nd1·caled lh-ugh A · I •est e of i·ustment or change or residen-JUl!l! 1'· 21• '' '""' Jutr s. ""-"'·· '" II>• ullderotQl!eCI "' c111 •u pprec1a e 0 u r OTICE PARKER , se:EL y & w1LLt•M~. 111 , young persons. Make this a friendshin. Motives of oUltrs ce is due. LEGAJ, N North ""~;~ srrf,1. s,~1• An1 , cai.1orn111 d · h I' I k "Y m~i which 11. lti• QllC, Of bualnei. Of th" ay w en recrea ion a es tend to be con.!ltructive. To llnd wt who'• ,111kv JO< vou ,.. HOTtCI! 011 lll!SALS OI" , . .,.,.,;.111nec1 1n 111 m•tt'" H11•1~1n11 '' precedence over serious mat-R I' th' d pond e·· •nd Ion, or6e• ldntv Om•tt'S RaAL Jt'llDl'l!ltTY !!•• ntet~ nl .,ld d~c.a.nt. wl!tiln •~u· ers. e axa ion rom rou 1ne nil 1 H 1 h ~ .. l_,lf!CI 111r1 111 '"L so ~tr~ H•. A"'°'" tkt l R I I, f 1. ea IZe J~ an res ac• .i.t, "St<:rtl H'IS for Mfn Ind AT ,.RIYATI! SALE rnonthl if!tf !ti~ flral PoJD!lc1t11n of IM! is necessary for well beinc. cofldesnpgryob, leme P one w 0 con-~1Lo"t!r'ao~ trfd:." '!c~t'i:""tr~ ST,. su.er1or co.,urt ..... °' .!.."' s11~"011~11::~!~ "°01111:1 June,,, 196, • !Ion. t'CtW Yor~. H • aou ,,,.. "" ,_ ..,. "''""· NANCY K DOUGLASS l;~~;i;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;<;;;;;;;.;~;;:;;;;~~~;;ff;;;;;;;il°' lht ll'lltte 61 VIVIAN fl. ll!HMAN. l~t EKt<:ulrl~ of !ht Wiii LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): I;"***"******* tAtt•t *• *******•***•* * tA A AAAl\*i VIVIAN Ll!HMAN, Ok1!11ed Not1'r' \~ 01 '"• """"~ f11m•d dtctdtnt . YOUR PROBLEM el prlualt ule. Oii or 1111r. Y NI Hl!'llt M•ln Sl...t emphasms your environment. -. •. -JUiy. 1"61t 11 11ie Ollie. ,,, r~MAs,~ 111111 A"•• c1n1trni. f':l7'1 Ft1ll mooo position today •. I Mrtbit ,1.,,.~ lfl•f th• undll .. 1•"111.,,•., "of "~"'"' s111Y & wmi.mt Som. details have multiplied • Jl!fl'l'l!"1 Jr,""°""" ~--".,:..Los T11• 010 l41•t • of! H-tulu A"'-· Mon!,_,.......,.. "" A"'""n I# l!a-.:!11,I• Today dig in and clear away• You want to Hll 10.,,_ It em AnMlff, S111e "'c1ntorn11. 10 rri• "'"'°"t Pub11111N Or1n1r c .. ,, 01ilY •1111. deb-· You'll feel ~Iler and • •net btst !tldcl•r. •rid Wbtect to c0111lrr111,· Junto 11 ana Jv1v s, 12. it, 1m t'»-4' • '5• ~ that you no 1onsa-r nffd but uon bit 11id suPll'lor COUf1, •It th• r1,ii , altract more favorable con· 1 ,,,.. 1111t 1tld Jl'llwftt of Hid Otcwlfd" ttoef------------1om1one • .. ctn UH "'' 11,.,. o1 dtlth ind 111 '"" ,ight. "'11 •fld LEGAL NOTICE dltions. NOT O y ER $ SO inter•lf fflil 11>e rllltt 61 sa1cl ftce•ifd i--~=-=:--:::--::::=--11• 1cwfrwd b'I' -•!kill ol ltW or c!h· iU .. 1:1111011 COURT OJt' THI! SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21): 1rwtw, ollllr ttren or ln 1C10lll011 to th11 SJATI: OF <ALIFORIOA '0111. Y be b k d 7 ? 7 ? 7 ? Mid atc~•Md, 11 tilt' ltl'Tll of ltllllh, In end r111: COUNT'!' 0, OltAHOI ou may em ar e on , , • 10 111 111t certiln 11: .. 1 ,~rtw1ltu1ttd 1" c .. , Hu1nw o-un• short journey. A relative 111t cou"IY o1 °'"''' s11~ o1 c111forn11, 1UMMONs m.k.. r •• "'D8ble requesl, YOUR ANSWER•. "rtl(llle•IY dtKrlbtd •• 11e1io... ~11, ••MELA OEN11E OE sANTos. "'•'~ ,,.. Ltlttf>ol• "''" '" Ind to Lei '· tilt Vl O.t.H1£L 0£ SANTOS. D•f.,..,1M• R pond ac-rdingly Favors a1oc:-' OI Traci 111 ere.tied bv tt111 PEOPLE 0"' ·n1£ sr.t.lE o, e& "" • It ~erfiln lea~ btlwttfl Rote• OrYounv CALIFORNIA to !ht ~l)Ovf ntmtd granted today are Ukely lo be You call THE DAILY PILOT, ask for * '"d 001111~ 11. AYJn, Jr. Lruor• ""' o~e<1c1•n1 · rtpaid. _. ~o tnvnlm""t Co. l.t1'"' dtlf!d You •r• h••~bv dl•tcl•d to Hit • w•lt. Cl111lfled Advertising,. ind pl1ct I • Fibr1.11rv 1, 1m 1nd amendn\tnt lo len o!tJNtlnt in re ... •cM~t '' "" ""'"'~ _. ''"" ct~!f!d APl'll 11. im loet•!ltt• •llfl compl1Tnl o1 lht ~be.,. ~•mtd P111flt!ll SAGITrARtUS (Nov. 22· I 111 bulkllnes lftd 1mpr0w1me1111 on llld w111r 1tia ~"rk Ill 11\t •bl•• '"'111td cou" n -II) Slud .. PILOT lot Ill If\~ tl:lo.,.. e11lftlN ~<''°"' ~~I '-""'"· : Y ways, m ns ;.11 •• "' "''" rteonHtl 111 aoett 1J. ,..111111 Y"" 111 ~•It! <ou•1. w'thl" TEN of adding to Income. You can oallft J '"a ' 01 mHt 1,, 1h1 o111ce 111 111•• 1ner 111e ...ervrtt ori vou 011hl1 •"""" h toda "·h tht CIN"l'I' lltterftr of s.\hl county, ""QI\!., JI nr'Vf'd w1rei1n '"' t bowe 111m.., make pure ase y W1w.: PENNY • Als• deterlbed •• """ralY !Ml tit~ county, Of wl!~ln THIRrY di\'\ II ....... d beauU!les home surroundings. • J10111 ttt•i. 111 •nd 1o Lot i.. 1n alcKk' o1 111ow11tr1. * Tutc:t m ,, "' ,,,.. i"l{.(ltded 111 fll!Oll Yau art More~ notlflfd thtt ~nteis 'tllt Family harmony Ja restored. • ,,,, '"" s Ind • ol MIPS In ""' elfk• IO 1111 • wrllll" ra-slw •l•o<tl11. ••Id Mo"'Y quesUcn ia amicably PINCHER • '°'""' eountw ll9COl'd•r of .. w '""""""· •111111111will11~• hicttm~t for ,,,., mo""' '"" • ""'1fl «rmmOtilY k..wn It M Ct ... I f1' •1men, dlm11'1C1td I" IM Wt•lfl"' settled. i 1,,.., N•"'"'1 ,.,,1\, C•ttfOrllla. -•11111 •• 1r111"' -COl'!lrtcl, or w!lt Ttr""' Of .. It ctsPI rn i.wtul m6new or tPlllw ID 11\t ceurl 101 •nw Glhlr renlf r.PRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. CLA SSIFIE D AD the v"n" s111n °"' COf!ll""1llll'ft ol ult. Mm1ncNd In "'" werl11'° c-111"1. ""' ~ ""' ( .. Pl Ind \lleltfl:C"' tyldeft(fd .,.,. You IM? Mf-'"' .tdY\(f ... tn •ltomrl' J9): You are &tvtn a chance to riert S«\rr«1 bit MenMte ... Tn,1~1 ~on •nf m•!ltr r.o11nt<.11d w!I~ l!lt -I I I I AT OUR SPECIAL Low RATE on '"" ~OlltrTY io 10ta. Ttn Dt•Cl!ll fll •l11nt er t~1t 1umn"ID!l1. Sox~ t!llN\I" sh ne at spec I occas on. ·-' bid ID bf ~llrd wl!h Illa. tho~lll bl tallWOta wl!hln "'"' tin.. !lmrt Don'l fall victim to false lkb.,. olllft ID be m wr111ne al'ICI wm 1t11t• In 1t1111u-111 "'tltlrtt • Wl'ltltn S h 3 2, 2 •• be rt(tl¥ff 0 lht lfeft'l•ld Offl(1: II lftW ll~tdll>t to ll'lf ~Do"nl111111, modesty. IY w at you mean '""' •ff., t11o1 nrt.t Pllbl~11on "''HI' 11111 n.1.a M.trdl 1t, 1t .. mean Whal you say. L I N E S T I MI S D 0 L l A R S • ...,,,. df1t a1 1111, 1'l•L1 Dlltd JU!ll ~· 1Ht YI I' ,, J0HH, Welcome new contacta, op. AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I Gr•"' r. L,~,..." r1<1r• ., 1,1, ,...,, 11>t J-r. 1.1on .. porl""'lies. ,. m '" "" ..... D I A L N 0 W D I R E C T ! t:-~'~!:t '••te1111. ~':~ i'V:osT AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. THOllAAS" ,,,,,.,, Jtl .. •nv. • ""'" Mii• ''""''-. • 8 mt ._.... ... ,.... '"''' •u. c1111t,..i. 11): Some ln!onnaUon Is btst 6 4 2 • 6 6 7 """'""° <•....,. ""' T•~· 010 .,., ..... , kept seertt. Many tend to 'hit ,,.,, 1.,.,.,., •tt•"""• "" ''•llltttf mil.interpret Be dJscreet. ITllll frM "-" C...., 14f.1220> --: J:'~~ :':.1'Ju~0:.'*1fff"'11v ,~':'; J;,.llto~1':. J~~Tu.'~,,l•llY 1:~ Keep promise mad1 lo in· .. ,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,, ....... .._ •' ~ f Weekend Bonus:. Family Weekly Every Saturday DEATH NOTICES CAVE lt..c.t S. C1v1. JOI Ii. E.Stew1ter. Ntw- DGl'l "9Ch Diii ~ lltllh, June u, Mwnbtr 11 ~ H1rboir l!xche~t• Clutu Hay1, 1(1nw.1, F .. AM Loll,_ N1 ns. $1.orVl11M by wife, ee111r1c. a. Ct11u tM °""" ltMCt s . Jr., SK•• mwrte.11111 Wlnlam Ctn, Hemtti 111r.e 1l11fr1, Mn. lo Jl:tt l(.ough, WIO!llt. 1(1n11u J1"' C.111, Gretl<ty, Color-; "'"'· M,,.,,.., •Mlllt, Nt-rt, Ntw H•mnhtn. Slrvlc:H , Tl""41Y, I PM, lltltr ClllMI, 2511 E. Co.111 Hl~hw1y, Cor-dtl Mir, wllll Dr. W.HD Horn. 1d1y of the Feuncltrs Cllurch .i lttll· •leu1 klen«, Loi Allft111, oltklt tlnt. l•llr MOl"tuln', Dlr.ctor1. SLOPER Frtnk Aullill SloP«. l lt St~lrw, 1111· too. 111111'1 • .,." of o:i.1111. Jl/M 21. Sur11IM by wlfl, Florwnct, ti "'- llamtl Mft. Dofttld I( S!wff, lltllot tsi.n111 dtlJllllW, Mclirlorv A61m1, N-· -1 ltldl1 1l1ter, '4r•n~ S. Dltfll, COl'OIMI eel /!Mr i •Ml tour trlndcfll~ drtn. Stnila• w1+1 .. tltld ,,,_,.,,.., 1 PM, ,.Nl'1c v1ew -c11tNI. Wlftl Mnenk ~t1t1r111t Lldtt effkltllnt. tnte-r-.il, P1d tk Yltw Memorl.i ,.irk.. Olrtcttd ~Y P'1tl'1c View Mort~ry. GRAY "*' 0 Gr1v. P111et11 IWIY J""" 2S In Ltont hldt. Sil'llltfl l'll!(llnt 1! W!llCJIH Clla"I Morlu'"', '"· ... ARBUCKLE • WELSH We1tcllff Mortuary ID E. 1-n. St., Costa Meta -BALTZ MORTUARlE!I Coroaa del Mar OR 2-NSCI Cotta Men ~u 1-UZ.f BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broedway, COit.a l\1eta u 1<1413 Dn.DA Y BROTllERS Bulb .... Vllley Monuty 17111 Bead! Blvd. u .. u.,...Btac~ SC.7771 PACIFIC VIEW MEMOlllAL PARK Cemo""' e Morllllry CUptl 3* PtdOc Vltw Drtve No..,.n Bae,, Cllllorala -PEElt FAMILY COLONlAL FUNERAL HOME 7111 Beh1 Ave. West-- SHEFFER MORTUARY Lo--•1111. S..Qomato -..1. . SMJTR'I MORTUAllY 117 Mola lk. ffHUqtoolleO LE Miit NESTLl'S Chocolate Bars Kit& Size Bars "Micrin" / OIAL ANTISEPTIC CARTllDGIS w/F•MHI Nam• I/lilts 3.99 DICOIATID 60" Wadinf Paol CIWCOAL B,riquets, "CLIFFCMAI" 21 ~ •• 1.5 M'"'' B T k • ••n· oxer run s Cottoft s111> •1tk i11S!M sue· poit. draw str1"I· A.ss'! sohd colors. S·lll·L M••·s Trunks 1.98 Satiffiy, Ju• 28, 1969 Assortff ~tf~'. illd CQ!-&r~ i~ cn11do. M•n's aiid l Mies· s11es. fir. DAil. Y PU.OT Jli SCOTT Toilet Tissue Zll Paper Napkins "T11JIC TtH" ::03;33c SCMIC~ Razor Blades DH~I• U11 Slal1f111 Stoel '·"88c lt'• "C ts" oe QUILTIO 12 1/~' Table BBQ Assoried Msi1~s i~ plllds afld solid CGIOrS. S-lll·l fOUNNG '°'"' HAii\' Sun1tasses Sand Chair COTIOM SIUAllS -· Vie pt/feel cosrMtic ac· w.sory •.• apply or ren'IWe BBC wl.eiip, klt~s. fr~. tH's .. Ot1l-11t1• ••• d1stinc· ti~e oval styled case. lull liJUre !~ct. swc,~ alaim ill!J1cator. Mt~ue 'frh1te. f 7190 3.59 Walking Shorts "Ptrmlnent Press~ of ~oration fdac· ion, llCllyesl!r. cello~). Mie~1r,e washab!~ 1~ Ivy in4 Conbnen1il !!.fyles. Choose lrom tok>rfal plaid> '{, aM Jlllw solid colors !or summer.· Me•'t Zl tt 3t .. ,. ""''· 4.49 .. LIQUID -111 ele1ant Pitt • !'0111' be1Uty routine ••• le1ve~ IOI! •ith I special f~oine reslllles~. 1.114 •r. Si11 1.UI ''·$lit 93c 1.69 ..... ,,. Booties C~se from r;otton terry and de:~im ~lrl~ 98C wit~ ribbo1 lie. Gift bo1!4 with urll. Crib Pillow Oacro•. po!~ester !1berlin •ilh colorflll 1 79 pnnttd ny!on cover. Solt, l1a~r10US, 1 IOYS' • GllLS' Jeans "No·iion" !.011 reluse wilt! 1~ 1 49 iround elas!•C waist. frl)lll! poc~ll. Ass't tolors m Z IO 6X. 1 I • HT -IOASnD Peanuts MCOUTID Tea Pits • Stretch Suits Do.itile ~•it "ylo" i" ~JSDlled slylts Wttl '1ot" color~. 2-J 1.69 I, • COOL-RAY POLAROID' Sunglasses Ot!ly COil-RAY PO~O S..· 11Jss.ei; Im re- rirM\ib!e POLA- ROIO · ieam fkat :.10, reflect!d Al.tie. rs *'-· ~\flt~ DI TV. "Country Set" 60 ~·:&~ "C11111J S1t" kid is 1his s• I« IMll &W011181.811ck or lwr.-1r111i Grtell L~. -. A ll'8St per~I sert el 6erodof111t .•• welcomr: ,.-o· tectio~ Mf')'liry. 1.5' 3 fl. Sir1 l 1 29 T•isSlloes NEWPORT IEACH ., • • ...: lo I.I.A. -...., __ ..... ...... wltl-1112t llVINI IN WUTCLIPP PLAZA -AM, ... r HUNTINGTON l!ACH =~== HUNTINGTON llACH ,::O~u':tr -:~1.69 fwtlll.Har- wldi tlle excllsi'M " n Im that filtlrs .t 77'1. " .. SIM'S hannft>I R!'SI POU.IOID Colorpack 11 Camera lite li1st llashcltbe cam- eri by POIJJIOID. T~es color · ~ blvJ; 1114 Y1h1t~ Ptctures.. "Sno-Bal" 27.88 . TOILIT IOWl QIAlll L~id tflat SMitizes, deodol'· 2 i?er anc1 re1110V1S mt Md ltlrl 7c w.Mtr S!11•s IFOlll llotrl. 11 tt. Sb lift~ -- 'MILENA IUllllSTllll Minute Lashes l i"9sl·kr'*1J·lllM! yw'w ewJ •--. Eac• boJ: C01111S *"ete win• lflflieltor. "Nawor 6.00 ;::. 5.00 llAUTirtl MAll-SllAMPOO.iM "Breck" Hair Color •111-Lftbten1 •R• '4'it hlens your •air lleols ii Ill)'· '"""°"· 2 oo· '''Y·lf• lit Asttrttd -• ll I ! I t : • lloodl1. """' '°· 1969 ' :' l I'. ' ' TAiiEltlVB BRAND NEW 1969: VAUANT 2 DOOR SEDl l N-0. VlZ 1A9E U9922 :.JRlE 5 DAY · •· · .·J,RIAL · • EXCH·A~GE '66 RAMBLER ' AlabuAW !90 2 Dr. lllrdtop V-8, automatic,. factory 1ir, pow· er stHr, rtdio, heater. SIR 103. " •1495 '68 ·POllTIAC colon .. J SW w.,. V.S, aulo. trans., R&H, factory 1ir, P.S., P.B .. W-S-W. (VfR1611 531 9 5 '63 DODGE Dort W- ! s ~ ... . ' ' .,. . ' ' ' r ~ ti ,,... : '68 ·V.W. . '68 MERCURY. Radio l Heater -.i ~.,, •. -c- f \ly f t ._ ..... VGZ189 'V:a,aulo.tfln>.P.S..P.B .. ~· u ,. ory equ1...,.·· ' · .w.s.w. Low'Jow miles.('/l!L 026) •1695 . $2 595 '66 CHEVROLET '66 PLYMOUTH cmKt v:S, automatic,_ factory air, pow- Fury 111 4 Dr. H.T. 1r steer., power brakes, power V-8, auto. trans., RLH, factO!'Y windows.. radio, healer, vinyl air, P.S .. P:B., WcS.W. (SMC059) top. SBN 712. $1 495 51795 '63 MERCURY '69 DODGE Comtt SUPP Ill Hi Performa1c• V-8, auto.1 Auloma1ic, radio & hea ter. (PMP R.&H. P.S--1' SfeJeo t•p•. 8 ,000 mile1. 'fYNW20l l 588). $795 $2895 '66 PLYMOUT.H '64 PLYMOUTH Stlrion Waton , Fury Ill 4 Dr. $4n. V-8, automatic, power steering, V-8, automatic, radio & healer. Radio &. htater. Full'( faclory power brakes, radio & healer.. equipped. (TWG 644). (TAT 652). (OOT 971). 5895 5695 51295 t ' • ' . ..... 169 BElVEIERE 4 DOOl.:SllAll $IRV1cr DIPAU S.Plc::i • ' ' '· .· . . ------------------·-~-~-------------------------~---~·~..--.~·-----·---·--o-rr---~-...., ... ~S • - .J-· ( . j ' •; BlANl>i NEW 1969 . · ' F·O:R;D . ·LTD l ,,.\.... ,, ~ ' ' .• . . };.Yid ·THUNDERBIRD HARDTOP .i.• . '!i.1, AuTOMATIC, .FACTORY AIR, RADIO. HEATER. FULL POWER. • '67 TOYOT~ CROWN -' " " ' ' ' '' I • ' . . . ' ' I . . . · BRAND NEW 1969 . · RANGER :·CAMPIR SP~CIAL! ' , I ' ' IN $'1'0CK •• : READY FOR IMMEDIA7E ',DELlVERY! All The "Hard·To-Get" Models. lncluding:·C re·w Cab· 4 ·Whffl Drive Ranger • Custam :Cci!J • Standard Cab· • lro .. coi •· Chilteau Waga"', And l'lenty Of Camper Specials. -· · ' -. 1··~ .............. l':ll"llPIWS'"·~ ....... ~.~~· .. 1 I . -. ' . en. Woodl1e Campen -Amerka•a tpl9tftfl wolu1 111 qwllfy COMpet'I.· FNnt · shoh to tho""'"''· . . . • KOMp Kl1t1 Caftlpen -wltll the llfl'tlme wwrantf ... Tomorrow'I CGMP91'.' Toclcsy.'' The safest camper Oii the road. ' . ' I I G"" Top C..pon -Al stHI .... cW to 6'-6". . . - ! COMl'ARE OUR PACKAGE !'RICE! .. ' . . l We feature Ifie IOT at the LOWEST ,!'RICE!· , . - . ................................................ i••·················· ' . ' -' . . .. ' -. ' '69' MUSTAN M•ch'. I ' liaSthack . 4-SPEED, RADIO AND HEATER, POWER 'S'TEERIN$. 421 COBRA.JET ENGINE 4 Coor S1den. Air ·conditioning, automatic fran1· · ·· ~~ . . 51;2·95 . .m;.,;on, ••d;$1''609 5 " '6'1 FALCON . '65 FAIRLANE 500 .. ' I SPORT COUPE · · POLYGLAS WIDE'34"95T. Lk No. XTF ~18 '67 ¥0LYO .. ' • • • ! . '~;. OLDS~Ol,ILE :V.ist•' Cf1J iser 9. p1~1~~9•r stati~n w~9cin! VJ8 •ll+Ol,tr.,1.;radt9,& h1at. . ' v:,, autonfafic frans~ssiOtt. ·. po W·• r : stftl'i~, •radio, heater,' h~~•t seats. kFl.llS ' ' :.:•1.19 ... " . Future Coup•,• 6 ·cylinder, aufome'tic,. power .steering, radio, heater, l9w milt· 1 age. TIP 496 'u couoa1t.'x · . . -·: . '65 )lpSTANG ' ~'r -1 • , ' r_ i HaNltop, V·•, ·•ut°"?.+~, ,J,~for:y,.. a .. , _li1~d~.,:V-l;:e~~etrc,.tNio, h••t- ,poftr .1ff~r;nf.i·redjo1 t Hfif .. PGF 2· l ', · 19t...polf•r sf••rin g. 'Lie. Nor RFY 970. . ' • •2195 ' 9:12.95 • ... ~ ... 166 MUSTANG,. HARDTOP v.a, autom,etic, radio end heater, ·power steering, air conditioning. l ic •• No. RPF 061. . 4~door, automatic, radio and ~eattr. $15 95 : .. ;..-,, .P .S .. P..8., f act,ory·iir-c:on<l.1tionin9, ·, ·lu(~,1J.•. ··~~-L>F.' No:'5AA 531 ·~22.0 .. s . . . . ' I ··- JI DAil Y I'll OT Hello onco 'llain, boi• and \ N girl&., and welcome lo anotbtr \ ~ r--~ Saturday morning In Uncle Len's Corner. our vacation art contest really attracted a lot .of en· tries tbls week, and 1t wa~ hard indeed to finally pick out a '"'inner. There were many youngsters going to the beach ar the mountains or to a ranch . One was going to Hawaii, and still another Wl!'l taking a trip to Europe. BUT UNCLE LEN finally settled on the youngster who ju~t ws.nted to take it easy and enjoy himself, and tl!at's the typical summer vacation. Next week, boys 100 girls. " we'll be c e It brat in g ,--------------------------------,! Independence Day, and that's what our art contest wil be all about. Just remember to gel your drawings in real .early next week because of the holiday. Uncle Len hopes all you youngsters have a happy fourth of July, but he also hopes you are very careful with Jireworks. II you live in a city where fireworks are allowed, don't set them off unless you havt an adult along * PRIZE WINNER * This week's contest winner is John Curran, 10, 276 Joann St., Costa Mesa Any child under 12 can enter Uncle Len's Art Contest. Here's all you do: (1) Draw picture on piece of plain, white paper 51h inches wide and 4 inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace picture. It must be your own work. (3) Put your name, age and address on back of drawing. Mail it to Uncle Len's Art Contest, Box 1560, DAILY PILOT, Costa Mesa. Winner will receive Kennedy halJ dollar. towakhyoo. L..---~---~---~-~~---~----~~----'I • MY M~HER I have a mOlher; she is like no other ; We always 'get to bed on time; Boy, it's hard,. cause we've got nine : But she's busy every day And we don't even have time to say Come on, let's play, Because we art: so busy too With import.ant things we have to do: We really have a shipshape house, We 're really cleaner than a mouse. THE BJllDS AND THE BEES I wonder why I can't fly in the great blue •ky Like lhe birds in the trea And the buzzing yellow bees; The birds and bees can fly Very. very very high : A bee is yellow And quite a nice fellow; The birds have a nice song Like a bell's ding dong HONORABLE mention win· ners in this week's art contest are : Allison Young, 5. Fountain FRIENDSHIP 1 have many friends, all so dear to me; l've known them awhile, and love 1 see: They help me with my work and teach me ne\v games, \Ve talt wjth each other, but we're not the same · We have 'diHerent ideas, and some very &ood, We Icy lo do our very best and everythlnf we should; My friends are all very nice and most very smart. I have Jove for them all in my heart. A IC""""'' fl•ff •nar _, te M1rl1..a Annt WNd1r11, 111) Dr•-• ,t.w1., Cfffa Me••· ter ~ wlnnl119 ..,,..., In lht "~" ''"' _... t.nlnt. M .. I Ylllt -m •t """ 19 Untie Ltn. ... lMt,. Chia "'"" (atll9rRle, Crossword Ptizzle ACROSS 1 lndloo pllll'!l 5 "Nonsense!" ' Beveraoe 14 ThotoLl!lh· fare 15 Painful fttlin11 l' Lovt, in Ro•a 17 Pieces of 1t 1I estate 18 Featurt'd •eas of San Frantisco & Vancouver 2G Actor Leon -·· 21 Wist to 22 Old World sonob!rd ·23 Took into the comp~J 25 Amtrlc 111 lhrush 27 TV interftrtntt 2, Monk 30 lluch used fH!ncl l 3• Roosted 31t Result of an industr l.11 proctss """ 3' Madt Ctflatn invtsllttnls; ] WOl'dS 42 One puttino on lht feed bag C Fortifl· cation 44 Geologicll time division 45 Weigh t allowance 4' !Ian's nlcknlllle 47 Handles clumsily 4' Ability to do 51 In accord with the , .. 54 Mcintosh Red s SB Noticed 60 Mrs. C.oppet· field t.l Pild pt1formtr : 2words 6) Womt n, in genera! b4 FIO!l'I thtn till no• 65 Isl and west of Britain fl& Enthralled lt7 lloth OB Diln lsh -speech sot.fld &9 TJtrttspot DOIN fl Color 7 Camel: 4 words 8 Bi1d 'l Language 10 King of Judah 11 Garment 12 Sta eaqlt ll lll usic al symbol l'l 0th!<: Latin 24 Natural gill Zfl Rn ls e lhOl"l)UQh· brtds 28 Lum p l A Sup<•111t JO Weight of . Ind ia Being . 31 Gtls oul Z til othfr·in· of sight: l1w ol Ruth 2 words l ·-Co11111trce 3Z Addict of Co111111lsslon something 4 Dl111inish )) Greek letter 5 Noted 34 Barracuda composer 35 Wlngllke 6128/bfj 37 Spre:iid around 38 Eri' or Wt II ind 40 But 41 Su1vey 41.i ••• Hashana 48 Of \ht great· esl breadth ~' "··-· Ibbetson" 50 Rtlalionshi p of t•o numbers 52 Ont of thr Horat 53 Full al llavcr 54 Recess 55 Vtry fussy person Sb Ping -·· 57 Fabric 59 Travel bl Man's nlckna111t Valley; Ann Ishihara, 9, Costa Mesa: Mary Gustafson, 11, Huntington Beach : R o b by GaJbraith, 5. H u nt i n g t o n Beach ; Richard Paulson, 11, Corona de! lYtar: Vanessa Halloran, JO, Costa Mesa; Marl Quigley, 11, Costa Mesa; Shari Platt, 71k, Costa Mesa ; Craig Thomas, 5, Irvine; Lynn Thomas, Irvine; Brook s i e Shumway, 10, Newport Beach, and Billy Rooney, 11, no city given. ·-----Caro/; Corner _____ , RIDDLES AND JOKES * Dear Carol: Which is fa ster, heat or cold? PRIZE WINNER ·p1o:> 'f2,.:t u.,, euoAuy '4l'•H :J•MSU\f -l•rl V,....11111M1111ll. 211'1 S..•tlde L•11e, Hunlln"'" lffdl Dear Carol: If the red house was on the right and the blue house on the left, where is the \vhite house? ·uo16u11.1••M u1 :.r•MIU\f -1r11111.i. ''"'""'''· 11 • ....,.,.. •••<fl Dear Carol ; \Vhat did tbe mayonnaise say to the refrigerator? ·1Su111a.i:p w,1 '.roop •'I• ••01:> :.reMIWf -Me;ry 9et11 Oustal-., II, H•ll1t19" IMdt Dear Carol: \Vhat goes up but .doesn't come do\vn? ··IS• JnOA ,:JeMIV\t -TerTY P'~I._ H1111linslwl l•acll S.114 ye1t '!Mllt•q t. A* AHy, c/o Or•• CoGtt D•hr Pilot, h a 15,0, C•ts Mhll, C.rlf. -'nd' 1!!<>d1 • ,O-volu-$111 of t~g Wel'ld ... t E11eyc11Hfla to Debro ~:~~~~ re~ ~iurlo!>c/own Pel"'• 1,.. Where do outer space radio ~·aves come from? A vast assortment of radio waves come at us from all directions . They come from near and far across the endless oceans or outer space. They are broadcast from ~eething cosmic regions. Their pulsing waves start fro1n tenters of violent activ ity on a grand scale - stupendous ac· tivities involving particles ol matter and cosmic forces. In th e past 30 years or so. \\'e have enlarged our pictu re of lhe uni verse by more th an 100 times. For this '""e can thank those radio waves that constantly bombard the earth from outer space. We can also thank a young man namd Karl Jansky. who proved that ~·e can trip them and translate their cosmic signals. tn the early 19305. Jansky set about solving certain crack Ii n g static that was interfering "'ith the overseas com· munications or the B e 11 Telephone Ll'.!mpany. ln a New Jersey potato Cield, he used br<iss pipes to build a large radio antenna. He attached the wheels and motor from an an· cient automobile to make !he weird scaffolding r o t a I e around once every 20 minutes. Jan.sky traced the trouble to storms in the earth's at- mosphere and designed some new gadgets to solve the original problem. But his private curiosity was provoked by a faint radio hiss corning from far beyond the earth'& stormy atmosphere. Rad.lo waves travel in st ra ight beams. ln a year or so. Jansky traced lhe &OUN:t of that botheraome hiss to 1 rtl· Ion beyond Sl&altarlu.s. This point was known to be the crowded center of Ol.lf teemtnc Galaxy, Janak.y'a radio allntls we~ crossing eome 2f liiht years of outer space to reach the earlh. Figured in earth miles, this is 156 plus 15 zeros. That brassy antenna in the Potato patch was the wo rld's first workable radio telescope. Since then. improved models have been built in many coun4 tries. And radio astronomers are busy translating their signals from outer space. We know that radio energy is generated by jogging atomic particl es. We also know that ·stupendous cosmic force s must start the se vibrating radio waves. From such a source of violent activity. radio beams stream out in all directions across lhe universe. Radio and light are forms of electromagnetic energy and their pulsing wave lengths travel at 186,000 miles per se· cond, Radio astronomers a r e sC'anning the skies for mort and more of these cosmic broadcasting centers. \Vhen traced to its origin, a cosmic radio source is sure lo be a center of seething activity. The nuclear Powerhouse of every star broadcasts radio waves. One powerful source Is in the seething gases around a star that exploded and became a nova ages ago. Radio telescopes also gather signals from remote gafaxies far, far beyond the Milley Way. Radio beams from outer space arrlve .In a wide range of wave lengths. Each wave length reveals something about its place ol origin, somewhat as the light spec. trum reveals a lot about the nature of a star. Aatr.onomers can translate these radio wave lengths into charts and photopphs, Nowadays. a star haa two slightly. dfCferent Dhotographs for identllicaUon. lu: telescope picture reveal1 pa.rt of ILi charae1,r, Its radio plC'lUrt reveals other ecUvWea ping on In Ila M«Jitna nuclear rurnJce. ------~--~---~~~~~--------------·--· - JUDGE PARKER I WONPE~ WHY LUCIE TOltJ °"'e wor TO PROP !Y UNTIL SEVEN nus MORNING? I'M SURE 9-IE WASN'T JUST WORllBJ A&OUT &ffi1N6 A tOUPLE HOURS SLEEP! MC)ON MULLINS TUMBLEWEEDS IU TELL YA WHATHt: 1>11>! THI$ BEAN llRAINEP 11®8 PAANI'. OUR LAST Pl'.OP' QFWATEP.!! MUTI AND JEFF GORDO ' . ,, ly Charles M. ScW. -By Harold Le DalDI JUST -'S I THOil6HT. llfERE'S A. U6MT ON IN HER .t.PAIT~E:NT! t CAN SEE 1T UNDER Ila,......, THE POOR~ By Ferd Johnson so, SINCE YoU GOT 1JMe, L.ET'S ses JF7HS.RS'S .• A-__ ,, MOVIE YOU K/\VEN'T WATCHEP Yf'T .•• , i.; ......... ,_ ',,4 .. "~· By Al Smith WEU.,Tt-IATS TJ.1E L.AST TIME I'LL VISIT ~AT PLACE By Gus Arriola ,.,. j I I ., ·' .... ·--------·---:---~--;:-------------......... ~---.__ ......... --ii!_ i':"'=":"--'===-:-=-HOUl'7;:;1:::;1;.:f...:Olt=SA=Ll=-.:.HOl::::::U,::Sl=:l:_:f;::Olt:::,!IA:?-::Ll~·-·-l..;HOU=;..;;1.:;;ll;..;..POR=:::IA:::.&.::l:._HOUt=='::.S .:.fOlt=:::IA:::.&.::l:._J HO!JS'5~!.9.lt S:\,.L;;::l;.,_'-'HOU=l;:::l:;.S.;..POll=.:;;IA.:;;,:;:I~ HOUl==l ::.l .:.fOlt:::'=IA::::L;;l:._..:.HOl=Jl;:;l:::;l;.:l';..:O:::lt;.:SA=L:::l _I J;G~-~-~-~ro~liiiiiiiiiiiil~llOiiii~O~o~noo~·~o~liiiliiiiiiiiiilOOliiiii~°'iiiii...,~o~liiiiiiiiiiiiiii1'°'~1~0.~.,.~r~o;l;:;;~:::~lOOO::~Gl::ne:r:ol::::::::::l~000~-1~G~t~nt~ro~liiiiiiiiiii.iil~OOl~0.5~-~ro~liiiiiiiiii'~l~ .. ii 2""rol . l .. Ooftlrol 1000 I' THE REAL ES"rA:x &RS ,..,.,,, -... .,111 HUGE 2 STORY NEED .A BIG HOME? RANCHO LA cumA hO!llll at Brookhurst "' AUanta in Huntington Beach ·opened· UNIT m on January 24th -••Id oul by March ·20th. On June !st the )a.t home In UNIT IV was sold. DO you 91t the fNllng you h11d better hurry??? UNIT V IS NOW OPEN Priced from $25,995 lo $34,200. Salea office open dally 10 lo 7. Phone 9611-2929 or 9611-1338. --------------------------- WESTCUFF PREm "'-E Beautif\llly appointed. home In new '"' area of ROLLING HILLS. Big wide AT A PRICE lots & UNDERGROUND U T IL I· High beam ceilings give this a spacious ap-TIES! The inside bas 4 bdnns, din- pearance. There's 2 flreplacts, cmy family ing room & HUGE RUMPUS ROOM, room, Z deluxe bathl. Interior completely as well as lovely w /w carpets & dra- repainted. All.in a garden setting, with ma· pes. Over 2300 sq ft. Fantasllc land· ture shrubs and ~· JUJt $31.~. scaring, lots of stone work, shaktt A mNTION IUYlllS WITH CASH roo enhances lbo exterior. It's a11 A11um• 5~% LHn yours for . , ....... , , ....... $34,450 In beautiful Harbor Highlonda. Spotless and PACESETTER REDUCE"'-~' sparkling it stands proudly among !Jowers -and trees. 4 big bedrooms, $ baths _ Fast Unusual value in a 4 bdrm + added possession -$55,000. family room, single floor home. Used brick fireplace & front trim. Great RUSTIC IEAUTY landscaping with covered patio. Bost In Dtlightfvl N.wport Holgllfl Mesa Verde value at ........ $37,650 Fantutic decor throughout ,wllbd ots of red brick. Covered ~tlo .,.;th1 bWJt.ln B.B.Q. Sparkling clean inside and ou~ '33,500 - with 10% ~own. • · C-OATS & WAUACE R!ALT-ORS • 1491 BAKER STREET 54Ml41 COSTA MESA, CALIF. -. ------------- ' SI!: 2700 WAVECREST, CdM OPI N SAT. & SUN. l • 5 4 Lari• bdnna., plus family room w/, wet bar. Loads of cupboardo & closet space. Tranaferrtd owner says, "sell!" $~5,500. 0£ lANCV REAL ESTAl E 2828 E. Coast Hwy I CorollCI del Mar 673-3770 ---·---------- 1000 3 GARAGES SEE THESE! Gener1f 1000 General 1000 Gener ii 1000 ASSUME 51/4 °/o G.1.-tOAN Tired of waiting for interest rates to come down? Thia one is lower than a credit un· ion. Immaculate 3 bedroom and family room \Yith built.ins and dishwasher. $26,500 and owner wHl carry 2nd trust deed. See it while opportunity knocks. General 1000 Gener1I 1000 Oite tamll)I' hQme, on h111e Pt:nln1ula Pt . -Attr. 3 Br. home on 50 U. lot. Newt)' painted. Looka great! $42,500 BAY FRONT Featuring one of a kind In this beautilul area. on Lido Island, A spacious family home or eully reconverted lo a d}'Plex, w I t h minor chan,e~ · 4 spacious bed· rooms.'i;hath~ 2 fuIJ kitch· ens. 2 Uvingrooms, v I e w 11par1tling water. and the pa· rade of beautiful boats each day. Be the first to see this new exclusive 11 s t l n g. Sl 24,SOO. Appointment ONLY !!! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUJ'ES Walker & Lee 21»3 \Vestcli!f Dr. 646-n11 Open Evea. BUll.DBl'S. REPO $980 DOWN and ifs youn. Almost anyone can qualify. Im· mediate po!lll!!S1ian. Ex· cellent ~a.. f eatures such as: open beamm · ceUlrtr, w/w carpeting, fireplact, completely built-In kitchen. ruu. PRICE ONLY $24.500. BE QUICK! lfiJla.. co: Tl ~ WALLACI REAL TORI -546-4141- (()pen e-1-i General 1000 General 1000 Coldwell, Banker OFFERS : IRVINE TERRACE '#2 E»c11ing 4 BR. home. Classic architecture. Swimming pool. Spectacular view of jetty, ocean. bay. OUr exclusive •........ $189,500 li'frs . Raulston PRIVATE PIER & 60' DOCK Beautiful Contemporary home with 7 BR .. 51!.J baths, including maid's quarters; on 90' waterfront lot. Lge. fam. rm., wet bar, all electric kitchen. All custom built ..... ................................ $139,500 Chuck Place BOAT OWNEP.S You must see this beautiful custom 3 BR. 3 Ba. home on 60' Main Channel water· front lot· Pvt. pier. 50' dock. Lge. fam. rm., 20x50' sundeck. Only ........ $110,000 Chuck Place REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE DUPLEX: SUP & PIER $77,500 OPEN SUNDAY 3409 FINLEY Attractive 2-story 3 bedrooms 2 bath borne w/1 bedroom apartment. This won't last. I Block to N. B. Blvd. Mary Lou Marion IVAN WELLS 4 BR. $63, 750 Courtyard entry. Baycrest fine st. Family rm., dining rm. opens to charming patio. 3 Baths. Room for pool. 3 Car garage. Mary Lou Marion BA YSHORE DlllVE Just listed; sparkling home in areas most sought after location. Private beaches - close to boat docks -3 Bdrm., 3 Ba. Gar· den room ......................... $58,950 A-Irs. Harvey THE "IN" PLACE • The BLUFFS Popular Trina Plan. 3 BR's, lrg. dl o. area & kitchen. Top bay vl1w. Home in excel· lent condition. Immediate occupancy ..... ............................... $53,900 .. ~frs. Rals ton FANTASTIC BAY & OCIAN VIEW From most of the rooms tn this 4 BR. '2 Ba. home ; a real sit-dolvn vie~" Large fam. rm.. dining & powder rm. Owner anxious leaving area .............. $53,500 \Valter Haase 3 BR. -POOL -WESTCLIFF Reduced $4,000 -Now just $44,750. Thi• lmmac. 3 BR .• fam. rm., on comer Jot w /fenced play yard. Owner moving & anx-· ious . Joe Clarkson COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 550 NEWPORT C!NTl!R DR., NEWPORT BEACH 13U700 VIEW Harbor View Hiiis HIGH IN MESA VERDI You C•n Altym9 E>cl ttlng f.i'. VA Loan 1800 aq. ft. family home, 3 bedrooms, 2 fire- places, s!P.Arate laundry roo m. Pro-land· scaped, funy sprinklered. New look lnslde and out. JUST LISTED one ol the lew "Lusk" resales. This beautJ.. ful 9 month new home oUers fonnal llvinf I: dining rooro, informal family room, kltch- •• • b...idut nook. ' .._ COWGE ,ARK CUL DE SAC mu with minored wardrobe $4,000 Down and A11ume 4~% LMn In master bedroom. 2 3 bed & d • b.1.th.s. Lavishly cazpettd room en or " bdrms. New carpets throua:hout. Fa.huloui view In LR, denGand ball. Large )'.ftrd with cover· or oce•n a: mountains. c.u ed patio. real home for kids & critters. 1~1f!.1EDIATELY for appoint· '27,9SO. menttoaee. 646 7171 • • Open Sunday • 54i·2313 Open House wE NEED SALESMEN ! 1518 Anthiua Way SUNDAY 1.5 Beautitul 3500 aq ft VIEW home in Dover Sham fDr sale or luse optiol"I. Excel- lent ttnns. OPEN \-p;·1·n.t. REAL ryESTATERS 1o ,;.;o.;.ne-"r..:;•.;.I ___ ....;l.;.000:; General 1000 287 Nassau Road Open House SAT/SUN 1·5 DISTINCTIVE NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 BEDRM Need occupancy now? Local· * Dining rm. and ilttplacoe, A doll house on comer R-2 lot • alley access. complet~ ly redecorated, new roof, bath, bit klk!hen, wall/wall •ha& carpet. Assume $164.00 mo. Hurry on tbis one. ed In lo"'ly Coll'le Parl< 1 807 luttonshell area, 3 bdnn.s. 1 ~ baths, tamUy room. Cose to achooll IAYCREST ii ahOpplng. Sit/Sun 1-5 J R AN SMITH Outstand!nr 5 bdrm home ~ • with fw-mal dming """"· Realtor large family room, spa.cio111 muter suite. * :=::11733 Cancllestlck BAYCRl!ST Sot/Sun 1·5 ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST OPEN SUN. 1·5 1511 HIGHLAND DR. WESTCLIFF llONOLULU BOUND owner A.YI "SEU." • Attractive 4 bdrm. fa.m. rm. 2~' bl.Iha, 16,a] liv. rm. bJt-ln'a, cpt. & dnpes, hot then1.py POOL. Jacuz:zl, fountain • B E ST BUY In area, REDUCED S5,0CO to $~9.500 • fUBMIT: 5 BdrTn 3!.J bath home built by Ivan \VeUs. Owner mov· in8: EuL Must sell. * CHAS. ARNOLD JERRY FREUD 3!8 E. 17th St., C.M. .... ,,., 293 E. 17th St., 646-4494 THIS DUPLEX MAKES YOUR TAXES LOOK SMALL Corona del Mar, 2-2 UR. 11tud\o &pt1. on 40· lot, 3 blks. to Ocean Blvd. on dta.d· end, ttte lined at.reel. As- 11umablt 6% Ioart. ()pen sun. , ... ~~ .... ~-"""""' 1 1-~: 3(l.30f lrl11. MW DEL MAR CHES/l~R~~:." !STATE BAYSHDRES Quallty built • Clase to pri- vate beach. A most charTn· 4 bedrooms 2 baths LIDO AREA APT. lnghome with 3bdnn•.lam. Asldnn S31 950 rm. din. area, 2 baths, w/w 'II O ' Bay view, own-your-own. J..c. 1-Br .. bltn!I, cust. tum. Pool, bal slips, S.34.500. May lease yearly, $350 Alo. cpt &. drape1, ~erv. porch, 3 DAVIDS N Re1lty patioll, 3 car aarqe. >. 5'16-5460 Eves. 545-4941 ?ilUSf SEE • $67,500. NO matter what Jt ill, )'OU "C" THOMAS, REALTOR Four Bedroom • $19,500 Move into thit larg e family home toda.y! I Close to shoP- plng, achools and churche1. Thi• one W'On'I last. $153 per month Includes !axe• and Insurance. ONLY $700 TOTAL ca11h requirttl. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 11 MINUTES Walker & Lee 20t3 Wtatclirf Dr. 6*-7TU ()pen Ewa. TWO REAL ESTATE A11ocl1te1 Needed Wl11 rent d'sk space or put on excellent commission ba.s- 1• NEWPORT BEACH RI AL TY XlT NEWPORT BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH '7S.1M2 ~ 6°/o GI $S,IOO DOWN C BR, 2 BA, bullt·ln elet kitchen. II· tamlly rm. wltta frpl. Sunken llvina room, btam c.rn,... 2 car rar. 2lt yn old. Move riaht in. HAllRY A. BOGGS Reali> 962°"31 TOWN HOUSE Hununaton Bay, 3 bdr, J\' bath, carl!f'ree. Pool, dub. •hop otnttt. $11,SOO. owner. - can lt'U ll With a DAILY PILOT WANT AO!! &IW8'78 Walker Realty 675-2676 SOCK IT TO 'EM! Exclllllve St. Hubert Woods Builders CU!ltom for the executiVe with a growing family. Separate formal dining room and I a r g e family fun room with brick fireplace and rich walnut paneling. The efficient kitchen is u modem u to- morrow ~lth large eating area plus adjoin- ing service room. 4 king sized bedrooms and 3 baths plus separate guest house w!f.h private bath and built-in wet bar. Large 3 car garage. Many more c u at o m details throu~out. May we show you thla unusual home . AJking $72,500. Flexible tenru avaU· able. 3 l•dl'fflll + Ft1111fly SefMirate Guest Suite Vacant and ready. Newport Height area. Quiet cul-de-sac. Shake roof charm. 2 used brick fireplaces. Work 1aver kitchen with all .buUt..lns. Pool aize yard. Sparklin.g con- dition. Only ......................... $33, 7® • 'l'Olt A WISI • IUY COWWORTHY & CO. 642-7777 ........ , .• ,,a-. .......... A a..t ..... C--7, e41 ,., ...... . Open Sundoy COR-OllA Dll MAR 56 x l9C lot ioned for mON units, Great home for the do-It youneU workshop man. Located on nice 11.reet. clOR 927 OORONAOO DRIVE Comer Serra Way ir ?ill'.'sa Del li1a.r homes. 4 good siz- ed lxlnna & tam rm. Only 10% dOwn. Near 50 • acre park .l recreation a re a, Room tor boat, traUer etc. Steps to beach 4 BR 3 ha.th to aboppl"I' and tchoola. For home In the 200 block. A1k-the I o w price of $1),900. Ing $46,000. can for appoint· You'd better .et it today. ment. WE SILL A HOME Ocean .l Bay -Ch&nninC 3 Br. J Ba. home. [«e. patio for f\l.n l 1un. S49,500 2 Duple11n -On a.djolntns k>tJ:. 2 BR. each unit. °"'1eJ" wants pa.cltq:e aalel $52.500 Ea. 1860 N•wport Blvd., CM EVERY 11 MINUTJ!S ~Cl·SllO ---EGEREALTY rula~he;~,m; ··~~.~~ Drlee 6'6-m'J. Open Eve!!. Balboa ll•al Eat•te Co. JOSEPHINE WEBB, Realtor 700 E. Balboa Blvd .• Bil* -• tiillir,Cll QIARGE m -------- Oen.ral 10000eneral Open Houses THIS WEEKEND • .., ......... AM,..,wMi 'PllMll ...... • '" .............. Alf ta. ............... ~ .. .............. .,....., '"'911 lty ........ .... ....,. I• .....,., DAILY PILOT WANT ADI. ,..,._ ...... , .,.. .. ~ fer Ml• 9' te reat .. .,,.. .. net .... """ ..................... ,,...,.. (2 BodroomJ tt20 Balboa Coves. Newport Beach 675-6000 (Sal & Sun 1-5) (2 Bedroom & Fomily or Don) l15 Via Orvielo (Lido Isle) NB (Sun 1·5) (Newport Helllhta) NB 873-8830 262 Tustin, 646-7171 (Sat & Sun 1-6) (3 Bod rocims) 214 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 64&-81111 (Sat/Sun & Mon 1-5) 19561 Roderick Lane, Hun\ln£lon Blach 1168-1928 (Sat & Sun l·S) 242 Joann Streel (College Park) CM 540-7755 (Plea•e call for appt.) 2032 Miramar, (BaJbo? Penn ) NB 675-6000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 155 Monte Visla I Easlside) CM 642-177\ (Sat & Sun 1·5) *281 E. Wilson, Costa Mesa 84&-2895 (Sat & Sun) 2131 Visla Laredo (The Bluffs) NB '675-5930 (Sat & Sun 1·5) *4621 Fairfield (Cameo Shores) CdM 675-3331 (Sun l·S) 3100 Sumatra Place (Mesa Verde) CM 540-1720 (Sun 1.0) 2828 Drake, Coolo Mesa 54&-2313 (Sun 1·5) (3 Bedroom & Fo mily or Den) 230 Virginia Place (Easlslde) CM 646-8811 (Sat. & Sun. 1•5) 1010 Oak Street, Costa Mesa 642-6937 (Open Dally) *1224 NolUngham Road (Weslcllff) NB 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 3233 New York Avenue (Mesa Verde) CM 545-4265 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2812 Redland• (Back Bay) CM 548-54eO Eves: 642-4951 (Sat & Sun 1-1) 200 Via Genoa (Lido Isle) NB 673-8830 (Sun 1-6) 287 Nassau Road (Colle11e P ark) CM 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1-6) 217 Via Eboli (Lido Isle) NB 673-8830 (Sun 1·5) 1147 Glenoagle, Costa Mesa 540-1720 (Sun. 1-5) *1126 Goldenrod, Corona de! Mar 673-2222 (Sun 1·5) 520 De Anza, Corona de! Mar 642-714lle'IS-0372 (Sun 1-5) W Woodland Place (N r Westcllif) CM 642-1679 (Sat & Sun JU) 2807 Ocoen Blvd., Corona del Mar .87J.3000/MMl66 Eves. (Sun 1•5) 22llO Columbia Drtve, Costa Meaa 642-1614 (Sat 3-5 Sun 1-5) 3218 low,a (Mesa Venle) CM 540-1720 (Sun 1·5) l132 Goldenrod, Corona del Mar . , 67M130 (Sun 1-6) 2313 Lehigh, Costa Mtsa - 5411-2313 (Sat"' Sun 1-6) 2915 Ellesmere, Costa Moaa 5411-2313 (Sun 1·5) 2033 Paloma, Newport Beech 646-7171 (Sal & Sun 1-1) •• Dial 112.em 1or RESUI:rs I • m<I40 • 1000 (4 Bedrooms) l148 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sal & Sun.) 1534 Antigu a Way (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1018 Nottingham Road, Newport Beach 642-8285 (Sat. & Sun.) 4008 Marcus (Newport Island) NB 875--0!63 (Sat & Sun !IHI) *2148 Vista Laredo (The BluUs) NB 675-5764 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 4501 Hampden, Corona del Mar 673-2222 (Sat & Sun 1·5) (4 Bedroom & Fomily or Don) *1706 Sanliago (Baycrest) NB (Sal & Sun 1-5) 115 Milford (Cameo Shores) CdM 671>6996 (Sat & Sun 1:1-5) *1801 Sandalwood, Newport Beach 64U235 (Sunday) 1338 Santiago Drive (Westcllff) NB 642-8235 (Open Daily) *1347 Hampshire Cin:le1 Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sal) 118 Via Xanthe (Lido Isle) NB 873-8830 (Sun 1-5) 1518 Antigua Way (Dover Shores) NB 646-3255 (Sun. 1·5) 2314 Irvine (Back Bay) NB 540-1720 (Dally 1-5) 1430 Gal1Uy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 646-1650 m aily) 2841 Boa Vista !Mesa Verde) CM 5411-5990 (S un 1-5) 3067 Trinity DrlVe, Costa Mesa 642-1771 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *1332 Santiago Drive (Weslcliff) NB 646-7755 (Sun 1-5) 2622 Vbla Drive (Bayshores) NB 642-1771 (Sun 1-5) 2479 Fairway Drive, Costa Mesa 646-2819 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 363 Vista Baya, Newport Beach 675-4130 (Sun 1-5) 212 Windward Lane (Baycrest) NB 548-8112 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 979 Denver Drive, Costa Mesa 540-1720 (Sun 1·5) 2138 Braemar Way, Newport Beach 675-4130 (Sun 1-5) 3000 Broad St. (Newport Heights) NB 646-7171 (Sat & Sun l.S) 311D !lennuda Dr. (Mesa Verde) CM 5411-5900 (Sal 1-5) *1930 C.ommodore, Newport Beach 845--0303 (Sun 1-5) 3036 Java Road (Mesa Verde) CM 548-stDO (Sun 1·5) 200Z Lomnoa Dr. (Mesa Verde) CM M6-5HO (Sal & Sun 1-5) (5 Bedroom) 2060 Pharalope (M11a Verde) CM MD-0664 (Sat le Sun 10.e) (5 Bedroom & Family or Don) 2038 Calvert Ave. (M11a Verde) CM ~/637·3930 (Sun !.S) 961 Paularino, Costa Mesa - MHSS8 (Daily am-pm) CONDOMINIUMS POR SALE (3 Bed rooms) 140 L"'lngloo Lane (Monticello) CM 642-1771 (Sal & Sun 1·5) DUPLEX FOil SALE **MOt Flnloy1 -~~wport Beach 8&8-0700; 644-_, (Sunday) 302-304 Iris, eor.>na del Mar 678-2'03 (Sun 1-5) APT.+ INCOME **320 Via Lido Nord (Lido !ale) NB · · d1S.030616'7WUS !Sat & Sun l.S) ..... ** W'•-"'>11 .... • . .. ,.,. .......... ... ------~~~~-~:.....-''- ' .. " -· .. ' I I 11 !1 '! :1 ' " • .. '• g 't .. ' ~.M21.1M . ' ' FUN FOR THE· FAM/I. Y!· · . In th,• DAILY PILOT CLAlllJllD ADS . • -. 1\-1 .._ •='= j.-._· c..:.--:u:u..:w .-.=.-::: e:·-; :.~-.... i"r~ ~ ~ • ........... • "·· .. .., c as• .... ... ' .. . . .. ..,... 2 ...... nan Ai1m1111•••• -M -for yw .. pk11 - • <11 _, •••-'_, DAl.Y PILOT -., • HOUSES FOR W.ll HOUSES FOR SALE H(!UHS fOtt SALi I • N3d0 It You Can Read This You Are Sl1nding On Your Head AND IF YOU SEE THESE'H~ES YOU'LL FLIP: . 3119 BERMUDA DRIVE ........................... '. .......... $27,~So A clean 4 bdrm, 2 balh borne on a huge, 1/3 acre lol in Mesa Verde. This is in top condition; features all built-ins &1tbere's plenty of room for the kids to play. Owner purchased new home, anxious to sell. Open today 1..5. Seo Fr•nk C•udell • • 2002 LEMNOS DRIVE .. i' ..................................... $41,900 Beautiful 2 story 4 bdrni family home in a lovely neighborhood. De- lighUul patio &: backyard.arrangement, perfect home for entertaining (the kitchen's clirpeted!) Assumable 61'>% loan. Open Sat & Sun 1..5. SN Neel McCrHry 3036 JAVA ROAD ............................................ 166,'50 Rambling single stQ/'Y 0n the golf course. 4 large bedrooms, giant family room & formal dining \tjth a view. Immaculate through_out ! Assumable 6%% loan. \)pen Sunday 1·5. SN Bill Monnlnt· 'muNet6t:-RtaC~ 2150 MBA YllDI DI. e COSTA MD,l e PHONIJ46-lfft 10000.-ol 1000 General !================== General 1000 MA TI LA BORDE. Realtor CHEAPIE -CLOSE IN ONLY $11,950. Don't let the price fool you. This two bed.room • elegantly carpeted. over wood floors has been remodeled reCenUy and ~\¥°~ ~HE~~~\~~~~~~~JJ~tK~H:~ ette ai'ea and s e p a r a t e service porch. Live in comfort and shop only two blocks away at-E. 17th Street Shopping Center. R·2 LOT· ADD ANOTHER UNIT LATER. DISCRIMINATING BUYER See this lovely custom finished home located near the BLUE PACIFIC. Four bedroom, din1ng room, breaklast room, three baths, with I a r g e secluded, cornfortatol:e family rumpus room with fireplace overlooking patio. No words can describe the quality work in this home from the ef'egant living room to the attractive electric built-in kit- chen. Nothing was spared in ~g this a most attractive home. Large three car gar- age. Beautifully landscaped, including plant- ers, fountain and block wall fenced-in rear . yard. Best location in LUSK HOMES CORO. NA'DEL MAR -Nothing to do but move in . Priced to sell al $64,500 -A BARGAIN FOR ANYONE WHO KNOWS QUALITY. Shown by appointment only! GI or FHA SALE ONLY $20,509 FULL PRICE (No Down to GI's) Close-in location, three bedrooms with HARDWOOD FLOORS and separate dining room. Enclosed garage, wide 76 foot lot, easy access to rear yard. Let us work out the deails for you. FINANCING RELIEF OWNER WILL CARRY lST TRUST DEED. Custom built. carpeted and draped spacious two bedroom home in EASTSIDE COSTA MESA. Copper plumbing thru out stove reCriger~tor, clothes washer , and powe; mower Jncluded. Large corner lot with alley, double garage. boat storage area, patio, fruit trees and grape arbor. Vacant -immediate possession. Only $25,950. CALL T 0 DA VII DELUXE DUPLEX TWO BEDROOMS EACH UNIT. Dining room, fo rced aJ.t heat and built-in electric kitchen. All new carpets, completely redecor- ated in and out. Divided single garages, well landscaped front yard, separate rear yards. TOP VAL U E AT $27,500, with financing available. EASTSIDE Shike Roof Charm S,.Cious 3 btodmom 2 bath ~ with dining mom plus )mp pantiled lamfly toom with wet bar and cozy f1rT-- place. Dream k1tchl-n ha11 built-Ins and panl.r')', Roomy 1-Madtd patk> for sum· mrr run . '25,rm. 231 Vlrglnl• Pl, CM (Open S•l/Sun 1·51 Newport •t Vlctorl1 646-1111 Anytime ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 6%-«94 la YOW' A4 in <NI' cluli0ed1 ! Someolll!I will be looJdna for ........ ..._ HAl PINCHIN And .Aasociates 3900 E. Coa.st Hwy. 675-4392.Anytlme OPEN HOUSE FOR ORANGE COUNTY VACANT LOT OWNERS SAT & SUN. JUNE 28th & 29th, 10 to 4 PM ~ the Juxury home ..-e can build on your lot for only tu.50 a sq rt featurlrc: shake roof, vaultl!d beamed ceilings, genuine lath &: plas· ter masonry &: wood frontJ, ce~l'nlc tile, nylon deep- shag carpeting. 234 S. FELDNER RD. ORANGE 2 blks S. or Chapman Ave. It I blk W. ol Main St. STANCO BUILDERS, INC. Garden Grove -537..(B80 BALANCED POWER 1-IOMES TREMENDOUS FAMILY HOME Situated on·% of an acre; 4 large bedrooms, 5,000 sq . .It. of. brick, tile & w<iod; all down· stairs rooms paneled, living room, dining room, den & beamed ceiling game room with huge fireplace. Beautiful Anthony pool. $90,000. Cail for·appointment. DOVER SHORES Owner lvill trade down. Aristocratic 2-5lory view home on choice corner. 4200 sq. ft.; 4 or possible 5 b e d r o o m s, 4 lf.i baths; pie· turesque terrace with summer house or ga· zebo. 2 Fireplaces; h u g e master bedroo_n1 suite. 3 car garage. Planned for entertain· ing. $92,500. Open Sat. & Sun., 1534 Antigua Way. DOVER SHORES Magnificent custom built home; 3 bedrooms, 31h baths, family room; exquisite wall cov-- erings; Jarge terrace with oversize pool, wet bar. $159,500. Call for appointment. ASSUME EXISTING LOAN AT 7112°/o Beautiful, ne\v Westclif( 4 bedroom, 3 bath home. Huge family room with fireplace & walk·in bar; formal dining room. glamour kitchen with breakfast are a. Near Dover Shores. Asking $82,500. Open daily, 1338 Santiago Dr:ive. john macnab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Dr., Suite 120 642-8235 Try onel ..... e642·5678 llOUSIS l'Oll°SALI , . HOUSES FOlt SALi HO\,ISES Fblt SALi -·· 1000 -·· 1000 -------. ,.. QPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1·5 P.M 2I07 O..on BIYll. IT IS WRl"{TEN JN , THE $Y:lRS . . ' IMMED POSS. (At Foot of Dahlia Strttt) CORONA DEL MAR Unobl~~ view • ot· all boet:s enlmtw Or fe&Vi.ng the lfarbor from this de)jgbttUI Tri.level honlt. En~ftainlzw is-a PW&5U1'!1ln :~moat elegant Jiving room wllh adjoining Patio-Deck, ~ are 3 large view ~rooms and convertible den. unit.v 110' of frontage on Ocean Blvd. Fee land Cyoo own ill Price: $98,SOO. 645.0303 I Ol:l 'i I 111,11\ " ' . . . BALBOA PENINSULA . 4 bdrm &: Jar I e rumpll.li 2 Story 3 bdnn., Lanai, Fl"plc. roorn. Corner lot near May Partly furnished. Vacant - C.o. A: Sean. Vacant A: ready ready to move into! <>wner ffft' new owner. LOW, LOW will finance at 85~ w Ith DOWN. $8 (Q) down Does $45 000 Open Daily 1-5 IO~nd good tO you? Stop' by 3067 Trinity, CM & see for yourseli\ llElll)MI ' HELP ME!!! ARE 'YOU A LlllR.-.? • YOUR LOVE OF BEAUTY Wll.L BE AROUSED BY TIIE 1.!NUSUAL . SETl'ING OF THIS OCEAN VIEW KOME ON THE CANYON IN COR· ONA DEL' 14'Al\-OWNER HAW All BOUND • • . CANT IMAGINE WKY! 2 B/!l PL US .GUEST ROOM .•. 2 BA rns· ... YOU OWN TIIE LAND! IF YOU ARE A SAGITTARIUS? YOU ARE PRACTICAL AND BUSI· NF.SS MINDED. A DUPLEX SOlITH OF TllE HIGHWAY SHOUl;IJ f<P· ' PEAL TO YOU .•• 2 B/RS EACH ••• $44,500. . ,,_RI.ES? . , YOU ARE CONSIDERATE A ND 'LIKE 'TO PLEASE OTHERS. WHY NOT MAKE YOUR ENTIRE FAM· !LY HAPPY? BUY THEM TlllS VIEW HOME OVERLOOKING THE BAY ... TliE OCEAN ... CATA· UNA .• 3 Bi lls PLUS FAM. RM. AND ASKING ONLY $47,500. MOON CHILD' YOU L 0 VE FUN AND ENTER· TAINING. THE 40x20 POOL AND -HUGE AGGR.EGA'P'E· P.ATID:I LENDS ITSELF TO THE GRAND · . MANNER OR INFORMAL PAR· TIES. '!'HE BEAUTIFUL 3 B/R .HOME AND FAMlLY ROOM WILL DELIGHT YOU. I OPEN HOUSE Sunday, June 29th, 1969 1 • 5 P./tl. 1126 GOLDENROD Corona 0.1 Mar ADVICE TO TAURUS, GEMINI, CANCE!!. LEO, VIRGO, SCORPIO, CAPRICORN, AQUARIUS, PISCES ; IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THE FINEST SELECTION OF HOMES, DO IT THE EASY WAY ••• LET US HELP YOU! DON V. FRANKUM Realtor J haye 4 bdrm.s, ·apacious master bdnn, 3 baths, den &: lovel,y beamed ceiling liv- ing room. My owners are ready to move into their new Open Hse Until Soldl liO.iiiiineiii;ro~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~IOOO~~Ge~ne~r~•li;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~JOOO~I home. Plea2 be my new 184T TAHITI DRIVE "9Wner &. enjoy all the bene-Lo 1 la .. v -" f l f 1 1 ·1y ve y aqe .,,ei;a t'n1e l s o a pr va e communt , Colonia1 hofne • 5 big bdnns beach le rec. area. I can be & pool, Complete redecoral· seen: ing in progress. Immediate Sund•y 1-5 2622 Vlst• Drive~ NB possession "'Ith E·Z terms. AskillCJ $55,000 ~ S4'·S8!0 (MS clMrM hltrtl OUEGE REALTY ""'-·-,tit .. PERRON ~ .... ........--.~-,~. * 642-1771 Anytime* Four Bednns. 2 NEW DUP~EXES . del Mar • So. ot Rwy. Most attr ., 2 &: 3 Bdrmt. each. unit. BU-in R&O, dish- washer, Open beanied ceil· ings. Fireplaces. • Call Owner 644-0266 • New Aru $132.00 Mo. This one'1 got what it takes: NEAR WESTa..IFF built·in., big bedroom~ 2 3 Large Bedrooms, 2 Baths. tiled balhs, famil¥ room. 'e11:· Living_ nn &: family rm both cellent k>cation ta~ over drapenes, bltns. Cui-de-sac. VA loan. THE ONLY WAY Immaculate! $32.b>. By TO BUY. owner. 642-1679 aft 12 noon. White Elephants? HOME ON THE RANGE 1/4 ACRE ·Looking for something w i th some "LAND"? Here it is! ~ acre ideal for the family who needs room for any type of recreational v e h i c 1 e • Great access to all yards, Custom built with 4 bdrms, w/w carpets throughout, Roman tqb & shower, service porch. NO DOWN VA OR FHA or Conventional. Terms avail- able. Hurry! Hurry! Only .... $30,050. COATS & WALLACE RWTORS · ,~,, 1491 BAKER STRtET 546-4141 COSTA MESA. CALIF. Gener1I IOOOGeneral 1000General 1000 1111:1 I I I !i i 111 \ NEW HOMES Eutslde Coat.a Meu $28,950. Only 1 lell! S BR. OPEN DAILY 2343 Santa Ana Aw. (Bel. 23rd a: Sant&. t .. bel) 6'12~ ~ 64Wl06 TitE SUN NEVF.R SETS o. C11u\Iltd's acdol'I par.11r. For an Id to ten •round .. dock. call - OAT'CIR CORFU tOMSIN 1'1111 ICUTCOL I Ballroom satno: . I r I I I He: This floor I• so slip-_______ pery one can hardly keep IFYNDOL I°" yotir feet. t' I I' I She: Oh, did you really · L mean it? lthcught It was l, ' -'"19, IA I M A N I j 0 c...,1.,. ~. <h«kie .,.....i · • 1 I' 1 1 r 1 ,.. ~~::..-,..::.::. ~"1 b::!. .... "" ....................... r r 1· r r r ·r 1· r r 1 111111,11111 SCRAM·Lm .ANSWE~.IN DIME.A...UNE S•t11rdQ', J111t1 28. l961J . HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOii HOUSES FOii SALi HOUSl!S FOR SALi HOUSES FOA SALi HOUSES l'OR SALE HOUSES FO~ S F. 8 S,.LE i'l·-t::",:a;-1 ..:...:i:.:.:..;;;:;:;;1:-:oboco.:;_::.nar:.=;oi;,;.;,;;,.i::;:~~;-f-:is..,;:· _i=:,.F,;:;1:,,;.,_::.:;..::::.;;fo:'!~ro:io.o::;c;;:,o:,:;a:.;1,,::.::.::.;:::::::=:-1000:".':' 1.:.;..........._==..,;..;... ... ;;_..i,•~'"-'""'" ""1...,...,--_ ownar!..,_--..,.., .-...,-...h·· ~ • ...,,~,ioo~1 ' J;;.~ai ' ' . '" 10000.,.;al 1oil0o.nara1 . l ' l~-1, ,. ,, ,.);,.' ~-:~*8 •t .,, . '-pre!lf!U OPEN HOUSE -II you are looking for that special lamily-<>rleoted home in Bay· ~est with 4 bdrms, den, formal 3ining ·.-~ .,. lalnily taoar-..: ~hlld'i!lft' jioOt.-• Vt.It . . --171N SANTIAGO Sat/Sun I/om 1-S. Udo Ille lliryti ont ... • HOME .. & INCOME 80 ft. or finest beach-ideal location. 6 units ""-wly;runtsbtd;.IO.,rofeisiooally '"""'°'-"t•~ thru..out. Sell ·cSr· tent slimmer rentals. Im· rrieCiiate possession. E x c e 11 en t financing available. OWNER will carr,y. ~ , • ~~ ~t I • ; .. .. . •• Ol'IN SUNDAY 12 • 4 Pll\_ ~ .. \ 2021 Viii• C•ud•I In Th• lllu(fs. Newport a..ch CO!'P!'raUon owned home, taken In on'lrade, mllli now be liquidated. Bluffs big "A"·plan, bu some bay view,,E>~lhiDI jn~l~ded, )VIII '" 'be sold a1i:ow 'Orlgtnil selllnf prict1 •-.~U· ' offers to be considered. Corporation officer wlll be on the property Sunday. 494-S330 PAUL WRITE tAliNAJIAN ~ ... ' •· r . ~· Paut·. White ~-~arnahan Realty Co. 546'·5440 1000 WESTCLIFF CORNER -Adllli 'OCcu· pied. A particular. home for particular J"'Ople. ~ ·bdrms, dining room & family room -plus pool! Heavy shake roof & used. brick., Low · maintenanc~ yard. AU appliances included with home ... OPEi'( HOUSE SAT & SUN ·1·5 OUR 24th YEAR Broker. l !!!!~~~Q'F~~~~ll ' ........ ,...,..., , -•• V.rdo 111b' N•wport B•.Ch 12W I I r ' ; \ ! . - ;120 Via Lida Nord 1224 Nottingham Rd., Open S•t/Sun 1-5 E •ts l Wknds '7:1-4305 e WkD•Y• 'i'S.3'l43 S LG BR; 1~~ ba. @nclOS@d ttar yard, block wa"n, l&I!: LE4SE OPTION ,:ietto.· min. yan:. can. OPEN 1-5 ... ~;"~~~~~~~ 2112 Windw1rd Len• TERRIFIC VIEW -An elegant home! Do not miss seein~ this beautifully dec- orated adult occupied home in exclusive Dov~r Shores. 4 bdrms, dining room, family room & large center island kit· chen. Separate maid's quarters. Over· ~ized dcuble garage -off street park· Ing. . .. ----~--------·· cant Owner/aienl. 549-2185 ·Only $4,000 mov~ )'OU .into 3126·Bart>ados Pl. · thas Charm.iag, near new, 4 , · · .. ' BA., 3~ BA. lvan Wells Genar•I 1000 Genar•I ..• iooo 1------~----· • OPEN SA.TIS~ 1.6.' -hon11!:. Din nn. gaml!: nn. By oW1'1t!T' 3233. New , Yotk Immaculate! Hedge aga.iM C A M E 0 S H 0 R ES A'" BeauL S -BR • both. '"""'°"" S69 750 Own/agl. 4621 Fairfield, CdM ~ A..ume "'"' rn• 54S-811i" ' · JUST LISTEO -Look at the pluses that make for a great family home : * 4 bdrms * family room * J5x35' play r~m * large yard * fruit orchard * qu1~t location * Eastside Costa Mesa. Open Sund•y l • 5 OWNER. 3 BR 2 bath, JUST LISTED I 3 Bedrooms. S baths: Ocean View. carpc~/drapcs, trplc, etee-Oceanfront lot, East of N@iv· Pool. URGENT SALE. "82,500. Irie ble-ins. $25.800. 1598 port Pier. Good rental area: • &,1.yrtlewood1 M54446 $38.000 • T@nns. Other good Wm. Winton, Realtor s BDR, 3 ha. Republic homl!: lots avail., all near ocean or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,000. be11.utltul cond. by owner. bay . 229 Mlrlne, 81lbo1 l1l1nd 549-0684. biO Pb&la.rope HAZEL JONES. Associate 675-3331 Open 'tll 9 Every.'. Night . Louis W. Briggs, Realtor FIRST TIME OFFERED -Lovely 3 . bdrm famil"y room home bi the ,Bluffs. LJght & airy end unit ·overlooking wide gre~n belt ·with-lush Pine trees. Ti·ul y choice location. '!!~~~~~~fc~·~1~,·~~P;·~"'~;-:;·;1R115 m".ai" m.m' = . BY OWNER: Fully crptd 3 v· . L t 1000 cost• ,... I 1100 ~fnc! ~k~i:· ~;l~e:. · llW 0 OFFICE OPEN Sit, l Sun" PETE BARRETT REALTY 1605 We1tcllff Or., N.8. 642-5200 TAKE OVER 5%% GI LOAN 8 UNITS c TWIN 4 PLEXES COSTA MESA Thi~ "HIGH BAJ.... I.ARGE 2 bdrm unlurn. units Good carpi!:!, Buil t ins, hanl. ll'OC>d cabinets, 8 garages and gtnerous pt"iva!e patios: ln- con1i;> $10!Xl per n10. Pricl!J) al $88,500 Owners will take a l't'asonoblr·dow1., .can be sold as 4 or 8 units. CAMEO SHORES Robert L~e Lovely ov&.l 18x38 htd POOL ••• ,,.~ 511...: l•l 1vith neW t bedroom 3 bath 2854 E• Coast Hwy • """•·· "'-'" '' ,.. " · $2'J,900, $5,000 dn. Call for + room· for tennis court, Corona del Mir appl. !">48-9j78 eves or pool, boats & lrailer. 11·kn¢i, Delta Real Eslatc 6~&~·114 \·ou llJ'l' the 11•inrK'r of 2 tlckclf to the OPEN-HOUSE Sal &-Sun BY O\VNER 2511 Duke Plai"!'('. C~I Olarm lng ocean front home FIREWQRKS A Beauty by Owner 3 Br, 2 on R-4 lot. 3 bed rms ..f Ba. ExcpU I n d s c p i n g . ¥Cwing rm. Ideal locaUoo, .SPECTACULAR Assumi 6% GI loan $27,!lro. nr schools, encklsed patio, A~~.ielM 546-9866 shai" crptg throughout. Lg OWNER sv.,, FHA. 3 BR. 2 kitchen \11/blt-lns. $67.<XXI. STADIUM 613-6990 on J~ -tth BA, large famUy room. Cov· 1-~==~==-~co:- PleaSc call 642-5678, ext. 329 patio. $21,500. 311 Nusau OWNER'S NEW t BR: 54().2496. 0.....,n hou~ Sun U-5 Harbor View Homt!, 3 ba's, belwttn 9and 1 pm to .elaim r-f your tickets. (North County Jh· nn, din rm, am rm, toll-free number is 540-1220) N~port ~e•ch 1200 bar. lg. kil. 2 fcplCll,. w/w crptg drps, yard & many e BY OWNERe 'FRESH AS A DAISY' <"xtras: 6.9 Jinan c ina:. 2400 sq. fl. of l<"isw-e living in And Ready For You MS-8281 =!!I:~[ prestige area; near schools, 3 B<lnns., 21,1 ba. In1med. e DUPLEX $31,500 e shonpiPg & l'.ree1vay. 5 ......,..,.,, 2131 V•'•l• ' • ·-"o ,. ,.....,.... • ' ...... l;;;U • Income ..,..enUal $4.."00. 1 Blk. BIG FIVE BDR?tf. 3 bath, fireplace, A bc11t buy -537.950. to-••'•' boy. :inJ \V. Bal· , •otal •loco·ic, ""' "'""'' BOYD REAL TY -" Patio, •If th•'• 10, ·~.soo. boa Blvd., N.B. 642-1772 .,.,.., 3629 E. Cor1fit lll11•ay, CdM /bk ANCE" GI lo11.n l~ n1on- ey in the bank for lhe buyrr looking for a' !lhorp 3 bdrm homc-. On- ly 5 n1!nutes to OCEAN. Boat !ltor.q:e, outs1rlo shower (or thosr return- ing from the BEAC!I. Pool siz.ed lot + many extras. 10%' dOlvn 1vill handle. FULL PRlCE $28.500. EA&Tsn>E COsta f.fega. 5 'Vlll recarpel living roon1 . 675-5930 <-'-"-'"=-'~· =~=.,-,cc-c- ALSQ AVAILABLE ~: ~ ba: l,~~~ai:U: ~re infonnation call ;_;;;-;;_:;_;:;:;_:;_;:;:;_:;_;:;:;_:;_;:;:;_:;_;;,I L~:~R~ :~ 2 ~~~ 16 units, 24 unil!i. 60 units filtered pool with automatic FOR SALE 4 BEDROOMS ! owner. $29,800. ti'/1% loaJ1. WALKER AND LEE pool sweep & ~tomallc cltr IN NEWPORT BEACH Open Sat &. ~· 54~179 f.ffi. LEVIi'JE rinator. Relax & @njoy thls By Owner FOR $3'l,5001 evf'B & wknds. lncome Investment Dept. modern way to livr. COATS 56-MSt Jmmac. 2 sto"" home ...,;th MU~ SELL ~ Owner trans-BA YFRONT Cl..ASSJC CON- • $47,500 pool 3 BR, d:n , Ea.stridgl!: fcrred. BluUs top sell ina: K-TEMPORARY 3 BR home W ·L"LAc.. SELL or TRADE Est. Plan. Xlnt use of 1660 Sq. Ft. with pier and slip. $139.500. ~ • H R h N•wport 646-5533 Private @ntry, walled patio, \VALLACE L. NEFF, RJtr. REALTORS · Qf$8 80C f .... lc .. brldst. arf:a in kitcb· 673-151Kl -~544'6>-44141-el >'OR SALE BY OWNER ;; Sto-•o pool, ~ '''""' "°"=~==::;-=o; 5~ %. 3 BR, fun, din, Ji-' .,... 3 BDRM Waterfront, No. 62, topett· Evenlnp) 2te~ed1 y~~ home. garage. Victorl1 Ba, SH A R ~, home ·w/ vic1111 from upper b<inns. Balboa Cove!!. S 6 D. D 0 0. -OCEAN VIEW. Lge Jot-low EASTIL:UFP Wouta tradt-for acreage or SAVE, $•1,300. Bujldcr·s l\1odcl HPruc Sal~. Onct" In a lifcthnc savinp on !hose oul!itaodini;: 0 c ea n w 0 0 d l'R)rr\ce, .TheJil!: Wliquely. pta~ ned bon1es fl!:allrrc "outdoor living indoors... Feet the ocean breezes in roo111 after room as lllld\ng glass QOOl'll op<"n to patios, gilt"den,c; & outdoor-living ·roo1n.'I. Live on the u·holl!: lot. Lux- uriously appointed. Totally land~ped. Thei;e 3 to 5 Br homes Htt the holill!: buy of !hi!: day. Prices from $36,950 to $44,9j(). FHA-VA & Conv. financing. Localed o n fl lagnolia jnst oorlh or Atlanta in Hun Ii ng Ion Beach. Phone : I 7 l 4 ) 54G-.~I ~t 5?551" MORNING SUN • • TWINKLING LIGHTS Want 646-tll 1 laxes. $24,!KXI. 1010 Oak St. REALTY 1tpts. 548-'1771 3 BR 2 bath_ hoJUi on an ex. CM 54" -. nyf''m• . . ..-.,;,.,, ,..._,, I the Blull I ~1 J\1 E DIATE posscS&IOn. tra la"'e lot . Can add caAh: " .._.. us or 0 r 8 Lo I 2 BR 2 •-apt -• ·• 1,,,.,.~""""!"''""'""'""" J EASTSIDE By Olvner. 2:i3 cl · 1· ti ve Y .,.. · ... ...._ 1860 Ne11110tt lJ.1Vd., CM r R • -B ex us1ve L!I ng!I. Terms . S 2 8. 7 5 O. Agt. Rltr. 616-3928 . Ev.e, .64+lG55 1 Q0/0 Down • rot;e ..... ne. 3 R. 1~1 ba. 2414 Vista Del Oro Sharp & clean! Nice fenced NEWPORT BEACH 646--0732 lachenmyer $34 950 Y''d. room foe hoal & 644-1133 644-2626 Eves l ~Mo.;O"'B"'IL°'E"'H"'OM"E°'l'°l9".ooo" · Sharpest hom: In back bay trailer. Try $2250 d n. -===-Baylront on P@ninsula area Owners have moved -646-2896 lor appt. LIKE to live on 1t ,;mall GTh-3808, 67'~3226 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOl tmmCdiatc Possession · 3 2479 Fairway Drive Island? For sale by 01vner \VALK to Beach. 2-story A· OCEANFRONT HOME bedroom & Family room. Eastsidc 4 BR, 2 BA. Cov . due to divorce.. Charming· tramt-3 bdr 2 ba corocr. Beautiful coverl'\f patio -in· p a t I o , g h a I( e r o o f , nt<:! house on N I!: w po r 1 $30,900. 642-3547 tcrcom thruou: • Pool size dishwasher. frplc. crpts. Island, 7 roolTll'! 2 bath!!. Has 1 BR. 3 Summer Mo. Open for Inspection SAT & SUN yard. drps. 5% S~ Gl $186 PITJ. been COmRletely remodell!:d $29,900. e 646-2819 ~ modern kllchen w/ blt·ins. I ===="""==21="==7:':: :oTHEREAL \~ ESTATERS .REPUBLIC Home. 8 mos Lots of !torage. USl!:d brick H · ht 1210 4 Bedroom, 3 bath. dining , old. 2 story, 4 BR, 3 BA, l1:pl c & dining room wall. IN;;;;•w;;;;;po;;;•':;;;;";'g;;;;;';;;;:;;;.11 room, fam. rm. 2 fireplal"!'('Jl, f 3 Balh1"oom1 ~ w/sunken ~tn kitchen, we! bar, laun. 546·2313 • 646·71n ~sa :.:de OJr ~I; ~~: tub. Largl!: sundl!:ck w/vicw. HOLMWOOD DR. " . ' ·. ' ' . dry room, food center, int.er·J;;;;iiii ... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~"": By Owner. 5464415 Nc\1•ly painted out s id P . Cozy &, cheerful 2 bdrms .• co_m. ca~!cd, tiled entry. ONE BR Collage w/gar &i 7"~=~-=-----Across street lron1 Bay on 2 dining rn1 .. frplc. Garage on Dee11 lo! '" lop arc:a • ne."l:t zo~ for busines..1. Slt500 ASSUME . loao-Qk. poss. 5 ,;ic'es 1: 3 blocks from oc-eu.n. alley for boat or trailer park. to Long 81!:al'P, ~Iar1na. T\'.10 BR home & 4e1., largl!: bdr, 3 ba , crpts. dti>~. S.12,500 buys this 4 bdrm Ing. f ine Bl"i'.'11. $2.'i,{XX) 100 ~:can Ave. Seal Bl>i:ir h lul. Garag(' I-workshop. la ntlsr fenced, rent \Vhile in honlC. 4008 l\1arcus. NB SS-l.500. Ex<--ellenl terms It-'.? zoned. 513,800 ~~;a 961 Pa u I a r in o, &7;;..-0363 12131 4~7.fitil7 t THREE BR homl!: J l's baths, WEST CLI FF I i:::::::::::.::=:~~;;:::::~1 near shopping. $20.750 BV O\VNER: E-side 3 Br, 2 OMINIUM 1Distinctiv•Adci'r.lsl Wells·McCardl•, Rltrs. Ba. crpts, drps, elec kit.-ash COND KINGS PL . Bl d c ~1 cal> .. trg fncd yrd & patio. 2 story In Ne'\Vport's fine1t I ~ 1he11e bc.aut.lful nl'1v rvan Lovely custom 3 bchm 1vith 1810 Newport v ·· · · 'Valk 10 all schls, S25500. res. area. Near shopping. , · \V@llil' Jlome1 ,facing th&•Bay cheery 1ireplace &.. ~ivc a~S-7729 anytime 54,_,,...,~ 417 Lovely pallo, 2 bdnns, huge Charming home in prcstii::e location. 2 bdrn1s., Irplc. HW noors. Large yard & covered patio. A bargain at S26,500. ST. ANDREWS RO. I ' !Ji DoVt-r Shores. 5 ne1v mod· patio for en!@rtaining. """"' or sa7~ ---1 closets 21~ baths, fireplace, els to choose (ron1. 4 & 5 Located on exclufitve·Park 53149/o LOAN VACANT encl. 2·car garagr, pool, cle- bd"rms, 3 baths, 3 ·cal' gar· Street in area: or cu-s-tom 5 BEDRM + DEN $19,9.)(1, 6% FHA. $135. Huge gant clubhouae, Sauna. Own ages. Formal dining room, homes & cloSe to all schools. Loan may bt> as.~un1ed 1vlth yard, patio. 3 Br, 2 Ba. ·1..and. Assume loan. $195 eating area in Kitchens. All 2 available starting al payn1ents less than rent. J 656 Su11. * 642-3184 incl. ta.""<es. Owner Bkr. with oulltanding vi@ws. With $32,500 FHA or VA term~. baths. Elcetrfc bulll·ln kit· * BY OWNER·POOL. 3 i)R, A REAL BUY! $29,500 or 1i·ithout pooh1; F\lrnlllh~ · Pacifjc Shores 8"'alty • c.hen. F'amily m1., rull dining crp!.~. drps, X-Lrg LR. Loiv 1055 Dover Drive model open daily at 1.00 536-8894 Eves. 536-3240 rn1 .• BBQ • flrepil. 0 '·hard maJnt yrd. S30,1.-10 Open House Sat·Sun 1-6 Ga1a.xy DriVC'. '"''""~'"~.;'"~"'E¥C$'. ,._,-,,..,.;,! of trees. 5'0-IT..!O tr &16-2895 *" Call &t&-1948 . Roy J. W°"rd Co. Eut _i,!,S t~~iValk to TARBELL 2955 H<:ll'bor BY OWNER -Low ih!eres! )\'" REDUCED * rBaycresl OUlccJ xhools. 3 ~. BR'~ 2 ba. 1510 W. Ocean Front 5%"'h% ltg tra.n&ferroble THE BLUFFS 1.(30 Galaxy 646-1550 family . .ni?m. niu.' price Open S.t/Sun 1-5 loans. All 3 BDRM'11. Z.E 3 BR &r i BA . qorner lot, P31<XXI· QUALITY TRIPLEX $82,5001 iiide, 2 \V .side. !)48.105.'I wie~ A:·.i;paclOus feeling. BEAUTY SALON CORBl~MARTIN May Twl• F" Lido 2500' 9 nn b•m• + apl • cu.<Om ...,,..,:drJ>s. '°"'' .., Re•ltors BALBOA BAY PROP. flOOL $38.700. ZXT'" Santa Ana @xtrai. Handy PoOJ. Ownu Including all l!:()ulpmtl'lt. 900 :iJ36•E. c.oilfit:_Mwy.; Cd~t 67)..7420 Ave. ~25M. 548--8333 644-0771 sq ft bldg. on ~150· profe&-• ii\1662 e _ 2300 '"· BalboA Blvd. NB BY Owner: 4 bdr. enl&rged $41,500 value • Now $39,500 !lionally zol"lt'd ~ot nl!:lt Bc_tb· ~SUME 51/4~ s '±¥ ~om t.nnc, Corntt ·k>t. 200 Steps To Beach l!:I Towen & Vista .,.'l'PJJ•n& • LQAN ~ Nursery School · !\loving, ~eves. Beautiful 3 ~m 2 bath Center. S6.lOO dOll'n iYill. h'lt.n. "€\Kest l BR.~~rrte·on qulC!I POTENTIAL. 3 BR 2 bath "s~!l~LN~.~3~.-,~-~.~,1'1~.'~d7in-nn-, homl!:. deep 1hai: c&f"Pl!:l & dlt-. • Cl I d RI .stmt. HdWd ; tln., 1hadc home. C'Orncr lot. t30x~' encl patio. lush cptg, bit-ins, e%pom:I beam ceDinp ~ Ernie n• "" ' t~: ~cs. R-2 lot. • All fenced. Cal Hor details. frpl. lmmac $27,500. M2·1614 throoghouf, J landscaped PR· ; ~:,.018 1 or 6IG-0¥ .• 1''0RTL\', REALTOR • llos, flrepla1..'e, all bulll·in N D "' GI 1101·A \Yestc!Uf Drivp lliatt.IR aralfy: Me11 Verde 1110 kitchen, do0uble 1aragl!:. 0 0 n NPwpo11 8P1H;h 612·5(XX) 61:;!.f;i.i60 $.12,500. 642·34!»1 ··~ t • ----5 BR, 2 1ton~ 2100 !IQ. rt. ' Profe!lsionally landscaped. Large J bdrm home with family rm .. f!"Plc, K\V noors, cpts. & drapes. S28.000 0 111 ... :::LT Y Near Npt. Pos! O!c. 6J6-241~ DUPLEX 4 yrs old. 2 BR c11.ch. Built-ins, crpts, drps. $32,500 Owner. 6 4 6-2 51 0 . Principal! only. . Newport' Shores 1220 FOR ' SALE" by Owner 3 Bedroom, patio, garage. <'ommun lty pool Ii playground, 2 blks from ocean, Newport Shorl!:s. 242 Lrgonia, NB &12-3286 Wost cliff 1230 I bdrm 4-fUill)' room $183 PALOS VERDE 4 BE ORM -$12,500 flf cs e. Verde Pacetcller. per mo p11y11·8A.or F'l 0IA or 'P~l.NSU~ CONDO PATIO + BBQ Close to heh, ~ m.1 to a:oll Con\'enlion1tl. Siok> or lsc ophon. Lr; 3 BR. 2 puJ1h1un baths. Secluded CO\ll'.'lie. Has a11 @Xlru! Fal>- $21 950 3 BA. panld den. Xtra hi: 1iear llvhtg 1oom 1vUh fh-r-ulo~ J1dscp'i w/ .back folm- RAND RL jy, 645-23'0 ma.<ircr BR. 2 patios. X~ plact. Family room. ExCt'I· lain. Cloet to all 8chls, col- I T.Al LOR ~OE • , , Of" A Lovely quiet Westclin For Yob!. Watedront _ 1a1)1.f)i·, i St. In Marillf!r Elerw. & Npt. beach, slip for boat. 3 Bdnn. HI 01.sL Fee simple. heavy 2 Balh, rurn. or unfum. Aha.ke roof. panelled liv rm. $62,000 din rm. @lect. blt•ins, 3 BR 1. ''ANGEL CAKE" B"rl!:ad It Buttl!:t Units Triplex J.3 ml. from So. Coast flata- Financing LI euyt ~"500 BOYD REAl:TY 3629 E. O>ast Jthv~. CilM 679-$9>0 BEACH DUPLEX :l BachelOI" Units :\1nt locallon! 129.950 ~ Georg• Wllll1mson 11 -'"'" R!lAL TOR D•~ Evca.. 67J.1S64 I P.IAKE A MEMO to ptbu up toYB )OU no longer l"ll!:f!d, .a them for euh wl lb I n.ut.Y PU.(ll' w /.)IT j.J)Sf I __ storage. Pool, c I \I b h s c , Itnt 1oce.tlon. M0-1720 Jege, frw)'s. 540-0556 chlld·s play yrd. la9fi0. TARBELL 2955 H1rbor OPEN HOUSE Sun 1·5 Owner. (2131 BU-7398 2!J38 C;aJvert Aw . "BAYCREST',-Cost• -1100 • S IEQRM f POOL 1.;;;-•:;:::~:;M ;:,;• :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;, Exchaiv, .... ' . Family GOVERNMENT room. 3 bAth.s. Qual1[ll buUt· J [~~~~~~~:_-'"'-"°"""" COPhJUr pool, POltECLOSURE Jr. ~!Ale Ji~ grounda, Big 2 story boooa room ..\sstna; 514 kJlln on 5.j0.1720 Costa Mt•. $1250 down. hill Pulchritud.ln0us 4 Bedroom TARBELL 2955 Harbor pdce 128.9Ml. Near new, home ntar 8c:hool1 I eolJ fre5hly redecorall!:d, lownl "t'olJne, Eltlclt.nt kllchtn. GI lntettit rale to •II buy· le.mlly fC!OITI· frplc, 2 IT'S Buch house timl!:, Btt· 1.:111 .e.lechon ~r! See 11ll' DAILY PllDT' Clutitil!:d 1CCllon NOW! en. Vacant ~c toda,y. CALl. COVt"red paUo!J, sprinkler 540-1151 }feritAae Rt'.al F.a-•nttm. S fruit trttt amid.tit tett to~n t\.vesl lovcl)' landACaptnc. ~ DAIU' PrLOT Ollff;...A.f~~~ .............. ~ ... LINE.5. You ca.n use them PL.ACE )'OUr wi.nt ad Whl!:n! for j113f peMles a day. Ola.I Uw:y art 1ook1J11 -DAILY 7l ~ Pllhl' clttaitfecl &42-567! to xii ti $2$.5«1 bY OWner. -THE QtnCKER YOll CALL. THE QtnCKER Y011 SEU. R. C. CR.Em., Realty Ba, clf/a.l'I cpta/drps, 2 335.S Via Lido ns.&300 patios, dof nin. $42.500 by 4-PLEX uo: T,O OCEAN . Summ~r • lriooi"nc ' po\eatlal "HJ". Partially fut1ltshcd. $.59.~ · TERJ.1S CANON REAL TY • 675-3$11 • BA YCREST • by 0'VNEn 3 Bdrm. 2 Ba..s. Din. area. Back yd. May u1ume loan at~% 118.950. Call 64z.4710 642-4710 DAILY .PILOT OJME.A· LtNES. You ca.n use U)IJn. lot Jwt pennies a d11,1. 01al """"' ~c w.1590 < - OWNR.:'2 hdhna <+ den. •lge kit a 119-no, io\."tly garden w/llttlt mamt. Ut:5CXI. Call evet .l wkfrxb ~ untW.rllty-Perk 1237 CHOICE •• Grttnbelt ioeadon, adRjacent to tennlfl. rourt. 4 Bdrms .. 21,i bath.."!. $33.!lro Rod Hiii RHlly IB068 Culver Dr., Irvine OPEN 9 AM-3 PM 33.l-0820 For Dt.1.1.v Pilot Want Ml Dial se561I I« RESULTS •. • • • • •. ·····•.'•••a a•••••••• a• I WE'RE SORRY ••• IF YOU ARE MOVING to any other area in the county -but if you ere, call us ond we'll refer you {at NO COST ) to the leading real estate fir<Q in that city! ... and of course we 'll be happy to li1t your home and g et it SOLD fast! P,S.: Sellers! This "EXTRA " service brings meny out. of-state buyers referred to u1 by Real Estate firms all over the nelion CALL 546-5440. "The. Home of Complete Real Estate Service" • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• RICHLY APPOINTED FIVE IEDROOM · MANSION Luxurious family room In BA YCREST has design that will please a 11 mcmbera, lluge kitchen with modl!:m built • Ins + .dish'!Na&bl!:r, reset lighting, quality curved formlca top. Uxr Sl'l'Vic.-e porch. 13xl6' formal din- ing room . Separate d<"n off kitchen, s liding dooni OpC'n OU! lo p11.rkllk@ y1u·d and lovely heRled Tahi- tian pool. 3 tmths -:.i ll carpeled. hugt-n1n stcr bedroom 1vlth own/priva1e bath, 24 foot living room wilh lush wall to wall carpel.fJ. A mu1t .sec at S73,400 • Good tem11 - Vacant 546-5440 PRICE REDUCED $2500 as owners nttd to sell Ibis ktra:e 4 BR horn@ + extra unr!ni:\hf:d bonus room. 2 bathll. Ne"•ly painted lnrrrtor & ex· l<"rior. Farm s tyle kit· clll'n. bll-ins. Spacious l iving roo m with firrplace. apt!! & d1·apes. Urge c:ovcred patio. Now only $28,<lj(). VA or fHA fcrms. 5'1&-5440 PRICE SLASHED $1000 This Kool pool hon1e in 1'1cM. V@n:le is a must see -brand new ~old 11•/11• carpels. J good sizr bedrooms. 1~ baths. stall sho11·cr. Ne"·ly paintf'(I in· tcrior. All electric built In kil. Dish11·ashcr. Lovely heat e d pool 11•\lh 11utomatic SWN'/)('r. No1v only $27,500. f'..7. terms 546-5440 QUAINT- CHARMING \Vith a de1inile persm1ali· ly. This older J BR ...i.. family room ho1ne is dir. fcrcnt. Choice Nc11'J)Ort Beach loca lion n e a r Harbor High. Spotless condition thruout. 1''an- taslic 18 x 20 sunken family room wi!h rock 1vall + hcar1h. Spacious livlng romn loo, 11"ith "'/1v carpels • quality drapes. Separate dining room with beam ceiling. Bright kitchen. Park like yard 11~rh covered patio. Priced right at $32,9((1 10'::. dO\\'tl. 5-16-5440 NEAR WESTCLIFF CENTER -NEWPORT Beautiful 3 BR home "'ith hanhvood fioors. \Valk to school & 11ho11pi11~. :! baths, !:ipa.cious I i Y i n g ruo111, fireplat..'t'. Fenced rea·r yard \vilh lovel y covc1'Cd patio. Ui11·est priced hon1e in Harbor Hii;:hla nds -only $28,500. Call !or lihowing. ~5440 S·H·H A SLEEPER Nrod 4 bedroom + hugr ran1ily room ? This 2&10 .~q. fl. home in l\lrsa Verde-must be sold at oncC'. Net'd!t some 11"ork done. 3 baths. C'Xtra h::r. kitchen \A.'ith all e){'('tric bit-in OYt'n & rangC'. Dbl i:;aragf', rl,..clric d oor opcnl'r. 50-rt aluminum <'OV<'rNI p11til). P ricr S39,500. Assume $31.400 C'Xlsting Joan. 546-5440 REAL REASONAILr REALLY Vacant large 3 BR wttll family room -near the Ne11·port Harbor }f I 1 h ScMol. Lovely r u s t I e n1oder11 -all n e w I y ~~:1 sr1 ~:~ Sp11r "' 11•ltb doublr f1rl'plaa!. Ell-in kJtchcn. AU electri<". \V /w cpts &, draf)('s. Priced at o n I y $31.950. EZ terms 5'16-6440 ASSUME $27,9 00 6°/o G.I. LOAN Jl>o in1C'rcst change • no loan C01Ll11 -just take ov@r and mOVf' in lod11y. 1r1 vacant. Only 2 yrs old. 2 SIOI)' .. 1 BR hornc. Mas outstanding f:.11nily room, lrpk·. builr-in ""el Mr, g111'dt•n kilchcn. Up grnd· ed formica sink to11 ·!- breakfast bur. $C'parule rlining room.· 20 loot Jiv, roon1, quahty v.·/11• cplll &. drape~. 32 x 1;, heated pool with automa t i c .i;wC'Cper. brick decking. Call for sho1Ving 54G-5440 Sl/l 0/o LOAN ASSUMABLE No chang<" Jn lntert'lit ralc. Sharp 3 Bdrm ca.st· side horn<". All bdnna. hav~ w11.lk·ln closets - 1 ~ .. l:aths, stall shower. Rrii::ht kitchen. bit-In rani:r & 01·en -1-dish· 11·ashrr. \V!'lt l11ndscaped. Vacant. Price $29.900 - Hurry. 546--5440 I CONDOMINIUMS I EASY DOES ITI Care frer living in !his ~ y r. you11g. 3 en. & lan1ily room bc11.11ty. 11 ){. 20 foo1 liv room. firplc.. 1Y/w cpls I.: drapes. Oulslan. ding kit, all elcctrir bl1-in oven & range. 1% ba!hs. fl.tall sho11·rr. Nice COvt!rcd patio. Asking $32,$0. EZ tern1s ~O IONITA MODEL \6,j() Sq. foot, 2 BR & den fn Nc11'por1 Bluffs. f\tany oul.~tanding fca1Ul1?$ 10 n1akr living ,,·or!liwhUc. 1Jxl8' livi ng room, bri1·k firp lc. ~! Piso lilr in rn- lrance, din. room .• kit &r palio. l baths. Exira drc11Sm.i; rooin. P r i r c. S4 2,SOO , Make of· fer ~ 4 IEOROOM 2 STORY lllaintrnance frtt. Lovely 1·lub hous e + pool. Custom drapes w/w cplS. Elrctric prage d o o r , Quiel localion In adult section': Built· In kit. A: di1hwa1her, Ideal location near lhopptnc. On ly $2 3,500. can ...... ........, IOP•n Houses ••• Sun. 12:30 to 51301'. 611 KINGS PLACE TI1ill excellent 3 bcdroo1n + 18 x 20' souU1crn fami- ly room i& a rinc buy at $32,900. Choice Newport Beach location -near Hubor Hl&h & Wt'tltcliU Cl!:nter spacious Uving room ll'ith corner fireplace. Carpd. A drap- ts. See this (or sure Sun- day. 546-5440 ••••••••• 2111 WINDWARD LANE IAYCREST-NEWl'ORT s. Bdrm~ .. 3 b&lhS. VR· cnnt O~r 2950 living &ptet. Tahitian heated 1)001, .-rk · like yard. huge master bedroom, prlva.te be.th, to rm A I dlnlng room, lush w /w carpets. Prier 173,400. 1Ai blk. c::ll.lit Irving .. 1 blk. south Lcmvard. 546·5440 10102 SUNTAN CIR. HUNTINGTON IEACH Vacant 3 Br ·I-,heated pool "'ilh a11·ecper. ln Shorecre1t tract Assume large 6~1'> er loan al 00 cosl. Brick &: cem@nt decking. w/w c p I 1 , drapes. 2 )'l!:ars young. Creal valllf' at $36,950. Brookhursl to Cliff Eut follow slam;. 546--M» ••••••••••••••••••• PAUL· WHITE· CARNAHAN Realtg Co. 1093 BAKER SftEET, COSTA MESA .. I t I • .. s.titay, ..... 28. 1969 U fOR SALi HOUSH POii SALi' UNTAU '· ltlNTAU ' • ' • ' IMtlaotbluff lUILWo 11'9 USI llNTALS Hot••,.,......,_. Heu111 Unfu....w.f -Ullf1A1 ...... 1100 L..-. .... -1191 9a:M ~; ~" c..ta -.• •• GREAT LOCATION IN IASTILUFF UDO ISU OP£N HOUSE TOUR SUNDAY 1 TO 5 F.Ot\IM.L EXECU'l'Ml f 2 BR. eoupMt.cue. Wat a BSAW!J'UI> i."::'-' Br. un. 'bell" :S bt. o Y ' r 1 o o k I n I t:ltct pd, NO • ~ • peti. :: .,:."'MSJ aft 5 :2!5 per Padllc !<........ Harbot. 231A OJota,,. ;!Cfl!a.. U . · · • ' SUnllerr I• nn. din. rm, m.19. . # Ltipl!O Mlpol nf1 180' View of Catalina, Back Boy & Moun· ta1111. A c r o as from Part. 2600 sq. II. 4 .,, BORMS, study, big yard. BY OWNER 4 LoYely Homes-4 Top Velun 2 Bdrm., IMllly, 2 belhs ........ $51,'50 ·Ill VIA ORVIETO ... ~~-!&n,,.,,paiJt.;;:~ --. pool. ~ ..... 11500 'I ..... , ~· -•> 1271 ~; 3 Ir. 2 II<., mo •. hljl I ..... .., -· t1Jw lior ~ ..,...,._ Din. mi,, Wt·lllo. ,..., rm. 11$-2111 *'ts. cu_, :Ge*"-.... !:Dcl.• .. tlo. .... .,,_....,_ ,. nt 4705 LC. , Bit, b" t It· t II •• •_ SHOWN IY AJIP'OINTMENT ONLY ~ ldrmt., Conv. den, 2 blths •....• $59,SOO 217 VIA EBOLI c .... Mir 2250 ! 8DJIM. , ..... Le. Fam. Alt ,-~~!!'!!! llltoCll opll/drpo, 111 ... Sharp. oron• Rm. Pool A mamt. ..,.. cpt., mur, vi... ll;XCL Kr 2 Ill Cl."" 111UVI ao.e ID i;.. eou1 Plou ·• .. 644.0571 3 BR. 2 ... J'rpl. -drpo. l ....... BoUt·""-lrpl4, ............... --· Two -......... occ. il'O/me. cau -Avail. July 19th. No pell or sprnld. '$31»/mo. 64~21U fp. ~ 1361511)G 542-1215 All I>ilde 1'tat1Q'ff aft. 4 PM. Bkr. " .. 4 ldrmt., den, 21h blithe ••...... $69,000 111 VIA XANTHE cblld ..... , 1l. PD M•.sBDlliil.'~lit 'if.tamnni. Ill\ .... , ...... -·· W~'Dlttwttollaa<:b Cl.EAN·QUJF;T AJUl:A ' 3 ldrms. & den, femlly, din., 3 ba ... $99,500 200 VIA GENOA Broktr m-1112 ' e*: lt\t, i car 1ar, w/w Pacntltti' arff, U51),'ft'IO + $225 -Yeuty ..._. 3 Oft ltQdio, new wJ• epts. carpell, Colln~ Cub aret llW. 11J...854l or 49,S...4485 4M-M49 drps, ~ be, •lewi blttnl. Nr l1lbot 2300 $315, kue. ·&f&..JTU DELUXE 2 BR. t paUoe:. r..-,.. adu1t. pttf'd ~ e PENINSULA .e 2 BR in COl.U't, cpf4 dfP't DuplexM Unfum. 2975 fabl.tlold view, just atepe to twt I: wktridl. ' TREMENDOUS OCEAN-CHANNEL VIEW Just oif Ocean Blvd. 3 Bedrooms,:l baths. Secluded patio. . . . . ..... $62,500 LIDO REALTY INC. 3400 Via Lido, Newport Beach 673°1130 Comfortable 1 Bedroom. J stove. One lnfut OK. M DUPLEX '1.JJ*n. avd Jul}' beach. ~111 wk. or. mo. UPPER l BR, refric, elec bath rumlahed ho u ae , peta. Rffa. $135. 545-1.0TS l . 3 bdr 2 bl buill-11'11 Ind. .-.;;.;.=.;.,;;°';.."4-""--'119=--blt·inl, cloled. I a ra 1 • · YEARLY ltaK, $200 mo. STORAGE Ganp b' rent. dshwlbr. ~. 1 Yock "c:1'41 AL' .. ~~ ~...: .. ~ :'17! OPEN \\1etkend. 1903 E. Alley acct&I, Npt Hetahta. 1 _,llOm:;::::,;be:;:•:;:<ll-o::..;'1l-:.::..:;:11l&~--Aptt. Unfvrnllhld ~ .... -.~ " ' CUSTOM BUil T Huntington Beach 1400 L1guftl INch 1705 Balboo Blvd, Balboa. 213, llt. 54M680 alt. 5. .U.TISTIC > Br ..-.., end. ""'""'"· ""421< 162-6561 3-- 0 3 • • w/• -...... · 0-al 5000 SHARP lar1e 2 BR apt. Spaclow 2 B<lnn., den , lrplc., 2 bath PLUS &Ip. house for income ; on 2 R-2 lots. Owner ~ will fin ance. POOL TIME --pollo, --. No ,..._ •-/ -bit • Ina. Quiet sm. 3 BR, 2~ Ba. trplc, bit.Ins. PGOI A rec ana, Up. $150 ~8'2 • -~ THIS wuher, d,,,.r. """' d-bl "'' Back &,. 1281 mo. u~ IALS • RENT bid(, AdultJ only. $145/mo. OLDE •"· ovaU I/I>. Bk r . &<UJMS •~ P-laW a 11-Pwnilvf'I SIM97I alt ''30 °' wkndJ. I I ' ORANGE COAST PROl'ERTY Just listed 4 BR 3 bath l!X· ecuth·e bOme. 2SQJ ,q n. $47,950. 534-<380 RANCH aJyle, 3 BR. 2 BA. ..,.... $20-$25 Ir UP' I BR. ,ru pd. '"" bllm, HOUSE L -h 2105 ""· ""'· ""'· bltlN,..,. o.-.1 o4000 -~-lh 1«"'"11 ;;',~~or.,•~,':_; ~32 Morguerlte, CdM 673-1550 BELONGS TO A BYGONE :.:•!!!:":.:"°::..;:=:=.;_.....:= yd. Nr Har Hi $230. 64&-1lJ9. HOLIDAY PLAtA WIDE SELttl'ION 4. ERA. Located In the heart-QUAim' 1 BR. Mcluded, .... _ v ....1... DELuxt. IPJC*-l·Bdrm. AHti&W • 'IV'• avail. .......... ._ .. _..:.....:., bid>. 1 • 2 lal\d ot l....quM't Rivifra view, _ 1.,, -t. -pie ,.,...,, e..--3110 ...__ ... " No Slcuirl ... -t "u .... • • 11.111\U""ll U,_ Sl""t"' ... ,. r• ~-I--------i: um apt, •u.J, PM Utll. v · -BR. Mna dti MJ Apb:. 998 C.ou .. ~. ,...,. eo.a on only. $1.SO/mo. 49'-lt<M Heated -...1 Ampl• pork1... 8"\C J'umltun Refttlls I I :-~!!!~~~!!!!~~~!!"'~~!!!!!""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'.j Fonner modf'l 4 BR 4 bath 1 1• entertatnment home . 2..00 IQ ··•.· .. stbluff 1242 I Corona del~r 1250 ft. 1<1,950. DUPLEX, nr. oCea.n, 2 BR. His &: he!'!i muter bedroom. ·-·~ _,,M, • 1heJt.-• 3 BR ' •• -·-~-....,... -~ •• ~. ·~· -· ' ·-·-El• Camino Or.. ~ .•. ,,___. ........... "" l1:U 2 BOR l~~ ti.. Adult&. cloae • on, .. ,.,., ... avy •·-Nq ~n-No pets ;;u. w. -""'" ~ .. by hiah brick walla, in patio lhl'\I out bltnt + dtJnvr ·-.. lSA w. T ....i .. Anhm Ti'f.2800 ....... '-=='1~· ,..,.-==-= th -•• _._ to be a c h. 64f.UJ7 &: •. • J.:P!JiJ Pomona. C.M. ........... ~ d prden 1tttlr11 at ....,oJ'\.111 C91-l46S. llM/rno hup cov Pttio w/gtone g. ~.,,;:::.::,;=;::..::;:;,;__ 2 SOR. 2 ba, crptl, tp1, a SCENIC VIEW or THE ==========I 8-Qat. $250 ind &atdentr. BAYFRONT W/ priv. beach. VEN DOME bu.ilt·inl Sl.0/tno. Harbor· OCEAN 4 CATALINA IS-Summer Rent1l1 2910 MO-Ut.5 '13$/wi: • .,,._l/,_,. ' Ba~r ~· ~ JHE Bluffs 2 BA. + I BR • ba. La,.e 1 BR I balh. 2600 "' ft. I,. ve,,, ,J, • .,, 3 BR ''' lot, privacy. Rllr. 673-2010 $46,400. ... LGJ::. hilltop lot. Penn. view of ocean & hil\i;. 3 BR 2 baths. Nttdii v.'Ork LANDS. 67l-1913 bath popular BLUFFS Realtor G73-20l0 (plentY.). Little. SlS,000. homf'. Chvner haa spent THE ANTIQUATED l BO. HARBOR ISLAND Newport -h Ritt. FLOOR PLAN, It rem· 3200 $130. 1 BR nicely tam. All 534-<380 IMMACULATE APTS1 ADULT & FAMILY -Verde 5110 ... over $2000 on interior ,1 decoration & irnprove- ments in lhe la st year. Don't mls11 thl11 chance I tor "LEISURE LIVIN" I C at It'' bf'st. $33.950. "~ l.:OATS I'' .WA~ACE · REALTORS 10-546 4141- 1... (Open Evenings) '" I. SALE or lease option, Bhdf.ri, •1! 4 bdr, Cplan, $39,500. Open Sat·Sun, 1-5, 2146 Vista Lamto. 67>57S4 o w n e r - ~ apnl. BLUFFS -3 br, ·3 ba, w/ BIJ.'·View, wide crtenbelt. 'l ·Stepa to pool. Cui. addtn3, • Save! $44,500. Q\vnr 644-t265 3 BEDROOM, 2 full bath. 914 :, Citrua Pl. ()pf'n house, j 6129/69. 12.S p.m. 6M·2l7S inlsctnt or anothtt time 1: IAYFRONT pta.ce. l\1aulve llv. nn. in 4 Bdrm. &: mald'1: pier £ I / I "GREAT HAU. DESIGN," sllJ. AvalJ. July l A\11. TOWNHOUSES HAS COVED CEILINGS I $2500 Per month. $30 00 .....L HEAVY WOOD BEAMS. Dover Shorn 8tylront ADULTS ONLYI 3 b • d • , WR• llJI WHERE SOFT SUNLIGHT ;; Bdnm pi~r slip avail. rooms, 2~· baths. Splitltvd e Day, watk. JDOGUI. IS FILTERED TliROUGH A\ll"U5f. ii,ooo. C.rpetl, drapes I. built·inl. • Studio. Bach. Apta. lido Isle 1351 !!!!!"!'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!!!!!! TRANSPARENT SKY· Irvine Terr1ce 3 cat lara&e· Taett pool. •Ind Utlll 6 Phone •rv. OIARl\UNG Duplex on db! Call ror additlonaJ inform&· corner lo!. S. of Hwy. t. All •-. , .,·mm'-Ov.·ner. s;i.8,500. 673-4169 ronls '"''' I\ -• CAP.tro SHORF.s • Ocean-J)OO 111 • ___ ..,,.._ fro~~~~~~ ~n·t75-6~ '21'1Mtll' - Coot• -4100 SECI'JONS AVAil..ABLE ci... i. ~.Parle * Spacious 3 Br's. 2 Ba •2-. • Swim P-'01. Put/rreen • Frpl, lndtv/lndry fac'ls 1145 An.helm Ave. COSTA l\1ESA 642-mt -------LIST your property LIGHT. GRANDIOS, LOG Panoramic view over entire $265/mon~LSO e Mll1 Suvlce. TV avail. TIRED OF with confidence BURNING FIREPLACE, bay & jetty. 4 Bdmui., !'001. TSO e Ntw Cafe.\ Bar e BEAOI ~ YEIJU.Y e OLDER HOMES? SELL with proft,. tramed by rouati hewn tim-Avail. July &: AUl\llt. SlSOO A2Db&ULtlll ~m,utYl!2l~s, 2376 Newport Blvd. MB-9755 S Br. :t Ba. untilm •••• S2'5 hen: k mantle. FORMAL Pf'r mnth. d ·.._"I' .... ;,~~ ....... ,.i= ts, MODERN attractive 2 BR "'B,, I,.._. unlurn •••• rot111: Se<? lhis 6 yr. old family home • I kill ra-s ., .,.... ... ,,,. c ar " oa ..,. ... 2 BR, w/w crpt'a, dra~. All bltna. Near thOpplna: <:enttt. $135 mo. Adult& OD- ly. 6"2-2389 BEACH APARTMENTS w/ol bdrrns .. conv. den & din-11ona I DINING Rla1. HAS BIG CALL: JOHN P.1ACNAB r-, · wt.,, cptc, walk to 1ttn1, 1 3 Br. 2 Ba. df:J\ turn •• $350 Ing room. Call !or 11.pp't, THYROOUURGH BAY \VINOOWS OVER-REALTY CO. &U-3235 &ai:alage. S2251m::~.:.-h thild OK. no petJ. SJ,;.t.51'.1. 1 Br. 1:.Ba. untqrn •••• $200 •'J.ri n,..~ :r ~ .. W.lker Riiy 67'5200 LOOKING THE B.ALOONY C .,_I Ma y ~ M8-58S1 or ua.-u-. 3 Br. J Ba. furn: •••••• ""5 .... & • ~ REALTOR MEMBER w10CEA1< v1Ew. orona .,. r RO.lty, Inc. 2'60 Maol• .. ~. -IURR WHITE~· F .. turln& prlvai. cl•-"'" BAYFRONT llome ·\-in-Huntl-on Beach/ Remodeled kitchen, (lptlll to IAYFRONT 901 Dovt.r Dr., NB Slllte m c . heated pool. uunu. prtvat.f: come, fine~t beach loc, .... olde fashioned drud&ery Ii: lMMA · 2 BR. new cpt/drps REALTQR gate w/2ol hr aecurlty iuard· Ne·wly turni&hed. Sale or Fount1ln Valley sewing room that overlooks: Stcond lairf'1t lot on Bay, 5 ~2000 Evta. ~ bit-Ins. Quiel. Adu.Ill. No 2901 Newpon Blvd., N.B. ?dedlterntlf'an adult Jlvin&. summer rental!'!. Xlnt fine Multiple the patio lerrace. TH JS BR, family room, C bathl. ptb:. '"°· 1974 Wallace or ~ 642-2253 Eves. 2 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS O\\'otr w/ carry. 67!>-J243. Listing S.rvlc• UNIQ UE, OLDE HOUSE Dock with snowbird, Sabot THE Bluth: Mf:dlterrat11an call ~alt 7 Pla1 lt1'WI, 2 Ba ...... ,f:X, .... R/O, P'ROM $250. & surfboard, VoUey ball Villa. Dellthtful view ot the !3: on1 A--. if ,.._ .. ..,. · •-INCLUDES 673--03ro 8 HAS BEEN OOMPLETELY court on Iara, und btach. Bay from all roomt which U.. Bach. t, ... _ cp , family ~lco~. Avail 7/15. IMMACULATE 2 BR ~ 1 TED WAY RESTORED. 1Ias new floor RA• near So. Couf Plan. OCC "''-. ,,... ........ wan.wan SHAG cu,>ettnr. . , upc Eve"' room In houte loob open onto"" lund!N!k. Pool. "" Incl _.,_ --,;;;..;-"=="''=~-~-I GE bit '· with-~--+ G I REAL TY coverinJ1, carpeUnr , decor-. ., $lu.J/mo ... w ... , ....... :·:: ... ,, 1...u,. ... ~-uest Rm. 2 Ba., b tns. out on Bay I. jetty en~. ~ue l level 2 BR, 2 BA, Call ••• -alt • .. ,_ $165. 2 BR, l'>t Ba, Ocean to • d'·hw·-~ · I Lido atina:, etc. U you have been •••1 21 el B ~•::r ... .GAO· a r oc: .., _ ... , new cpl & pa.1n1, x nt 314 Fifth StrHt 1 k' 1 old ho 11 car park:ln1. S2500 per ......., or ev 4 R. 3 BA. tornt, pr!. twwleck, w/w, HUNTINGTON localion. $5,000 down . oo 111& or an er me month. July• Aucwit. Cour· $500 month. 4'1'-1537 t:1t 1 BR, clean, attract., w/w, R/O, ritrig. Bkr. 534..691) Owner. 61;>-5023 or ~770'J Huntington Be1ch '''/characttr, consider thi1 tesy to broken:. phone 1 ,0Ml<l831:;,.:::,:_~----la. cupbrds, clOlt~ $11{1 4 BDR. 3 ba. fam, rm. PACIFIC Coron1 d1I Mar 1250 536-2579 P.,tSO FULL PRICE OR 3-7865 or ?.tr 2-2ln. FOR LEASE large 4 bdrm, ~'~·Child ok. 2531 Nptt ntTtatton ma v.·/ pool 7ll OCEAN AVENUE , Huntlntton .!!_ach 1400 --~P~OO=L~P"'A"D"I.---Term• 0_ to ofhr 4 DR on the water. sandy famUy room. '325/mo . Jean -==-------$240/mo. 845-2315 (3 blkJ w. of H.B. Pieri' ;n , .. Jfr. (ti EXECUTIVES S~.ooo Total Cash needed to MISSION-REAL TY tie.ch. Newb c a rpeted , Smith Realtor M&-32SS ~~~~. ~t·Pl:,1ci Cn4) 536-a16. 536-1487 · "'11d.b""' assume ~~ -;(, VA Joan for 985 So. Co&st HI'.,-., r.&Jzuna rlri'lp!I le furrrlthtd. $300 2 BR. w/w, cpts, frplc, drps, .o,{ ,__ ~C~ot~t~aiiM~IO~lii;~iii~5~1~00~ 1~~""""'""!"!'!9~""!! '1 ·" A nENTION this 4 bedroom home 'vith Phone 17141 4~ •7,1 wkly-July &: Au au• t • refrl.aetator, ranre SlM, adll, no peta _.,. _,-, NEAR ocean. dplx. )ll'b, 3 ~ P.Tost beautiful home In Hunt· ll' Bluehaven Pool. Lots ol ""' " 6'13-7ol49 Adulll, no pet1. 642-44(1 673-7629 BR 2 ba, priv pat bltns, j:: .-\0' #_,toot/ JI_,(, -HARBOR LIGHTS From thia beaur. 3 Br. home, ., featuring family rm. &: far. ' t mat dining room. S8tMIO I IS.l·Cl ,, -IBOP!RTTES ?.'EST 01') J75.,1n 1021 &yside Drive NtW'POri Buch, Calif. 92e6:? • .1'l LOVE SALE inglon Beach. l8x36' custom dt'cking ,vilh Patio. Carpets. UNIQUE Laguna Hideaway, CHARMING 1 Bdrm. apt. GORGEOUS new l " 2 Br. HARBOR OK/w cpl, drpl. No pell, pool in park.likt yard. 1.arg. Drapes &: Built ins. Priced Terraced aarclens, IO'ftned aleepe c, Excel. Peninsula Uni~ty P1rk 3237 Activity rm, pool, -Muna. fmily only. $275 mo · e.st lot in area. Homf' built at $24,900 1'\111 Price. Pay-room, fully c:rptd. Exquisil! Joe. July 5 • Aui. 2. $300. 2000 Parsons. 642-IS'fO GREENS 642-9485 around uqW,ite atrium, ments of $168 lnclude1 all. canyon view. S 19, B 0 D. Family only. 673.2123 3 BR tam rm 2~ t., vu, STUDIOS nto. 1 Bit. $12J.2 ""BR.'="",ni:..,..~,,~.,-,.,...~~ .. -...,.,...-.1 beamed ceillnp, lots ol eX· Otheni lo choost' from. 494-6351 1 5.:U,.:MM:;:,!,ER,,:C"hM.;..:.::..;;;:N=---1~ Lease, ref, avail July 1. Slffpine rm S6Q. ~people \'ialk to beach. $UO Yearly. lru inclucline ~tion WE SELL A HOME VIEW HOME w/llve 1n ~a I~ 81:1.=8JJ.<Jl==°'=°'=213=:""':=sa== ..!P;;.";;.'·c.:2135::::.:tlde:::;;.•.::Apl.!.:;..I::.._ BACHELOR. UNnJJlN, Wlaihd t.. F.(1151 act.64~ Quie.t eut.de.sac. Owner tak· EVERY 31 MINUTES Furnislvd 1 BR, bltns, 1 ~~ 9R/&undf:ck. S200 wk or S550 Eut lluff 32•2 LARGE 1 BR. dltllwaaher, froni '$110 1 Ii: 2 BR. apt&. furn I: un- ins::: loss,,t $46.ooo.· Walker & Lee BA. Owner w/ help Ii~. mo. July, S650 mo. Aua.1;;:.;;;.;..;;:.;;;""----.:;;..: bll-ll'll, siz. Mii'. 74:;..9 A.LS) AVAILABLE furn. ~ to $JXI )'Tty. MUTUAL RE'AL TY Principe.ls only. 842-4606. 675-ro63 LOVELY 3 bdr 2 ti., tae James. 642-3017 or 646-2271 1r-'2 • I BDRM. Anita. JonM ruty. 673-QlO 842·1411 anytime 7681 Edinger 2 BDR •pt sleepa 6, steps to ff:~ patio &: yard, \deal HH"4 Poolt, Oilld CU. l BEDRM., ct'l>t. drpl, built-*CREAM PUFF* 842-44,;5 or ~140 La9un1 Nl9uel 1707 OCf'an $100/111·k ln J uly. children. All elec bit ins. N...,.... IMclt 4200 Cater, Adj. to Sboppinl -lnl, patio. Adultt only, no tt Open Eve11. -• by $150/wk in Sf!pt. lU 18th St. $305 mo incl rardentt. Avail NIW Sl'•NISH No pets allowed pttl. $140 mo. )Tly. '73-9257 As."lwne lh ts s1N. ,~ P'HA loan. 1-----'------1 FOR s ... e owner, lmmf:d NB July 2nd. 644-1657 ""' 2'1'00 Pttenon Way, at Har. _ s150 mo PITT. 4 BR, 2 BA, SLASHED occupancy. 3 Br. 2 Ba hse.N :c:E:.WPO--RT_B<_h-.-2-bd-r.-1-ba-l's=P~A°"c=m~u"s~B~hill"•....,4~8drm~ VILLAGE A'TS. bor I: Adams. Cotta ?deaa fam rm. F.P .. F.A .. drapes, THE. PRICE AGAINI (t Br 12x21). Golf course Condo Bl'•• _1 be 1 il 2 BDRM. ,Fum or ~ MS--0370 nf:\V crpts. Bullt·ln range &: vie w, extra lge lot. 24{112 $1~/y,·k. adulta or family l • .. ..... ., c, a1:1t 11 l••llllll!!!!!l!lllllllll!I!• d. h OU d Ba Gigantic J BR home riow jll!I E 1 A So ~ _ block to beach. can from ~ crpts &: drps. Juat 1tep1 tum. Atr-cond, dlhwhn. If! oven: 1s \\T. t oor r· stac a vt.. · ,.,.euna. 2 h i.d -..J.. -.:. dean's ovens, patio, break· N.EW SPANISH B·Q•"· on cov patio. Cor. lot S34,'FJO. GI loan for you lo 4!15-."i99S 9 pm. 673-3253 from ea .,.._... -. k A I -======== mo 64'2111 fut ban, private tUnd«b. VILL•~1 Al'TS. w/ Doat gate. Nicely land· la e over. nx ou!l ow ner .. WATERFRNT, pier, l Ot1..::::::.· .;.:.;-:,;::;:;...____ ~~ d 0 t $26 ~ ,viii listen to your tenns & I 1730 FOR Uast 0 aa1e ••··"· c Jra stonp ck>eeb:. Heatld l la 2 BDR.\I, Furn or tut-~<:apc : l'&llie recs. ,.,,,., 2 Dan• Po nt steps to octan. 2 or 3 BR. r · "".,..... pool saunu bu b-quf:i tum Afr.coDd dshwhrs u By O\l"Tl!r, 842·1656 give !n1med. poss. on the $125 per wk &: up. 4010 BR. dlrlln& room . im· ' ' · ' · • • st slory Shorecrelt Home. DANA POINT River A"·e. NB. 673-a22!1 maculatt end un.lt. Vacant. Sound proof wallt. walk ln clean'r ovena, patio. break· LOST IN SPACE I R•x L. Hod191, Rlty • SCIO mo. 175-6764 or rJ3.S060 cloleta. covered carport. rut ban, private tundecits, 347.2525 Only 2 Left! OCEANFRONT, So. ~n1. M"ra. Whltt aatnl-4wnr. Adults, no peta. Irr 1ton.ae clot!ts. Heated 2'.?00 sq ft or elegant llvinJ: > , __ .1 ··•Jo Beaut. furn. 2 Br. Avail. Ju·i========== THE CALI.FORNiAN pool, aaunu, buo-1).ques. in th;, ,,.,1o ... GLEN ""'" Gold n Opportun1'ty Brand -~ .. ., "~ i • s. L ~~ M p•--·~2121 ·-·-· i -·· __ ,. ·-v.ilh 18x30' den, desired I duplf'MI with 2 bedrooma l~y·~~"'~·!.· ~c_:·~·~~:!.__0·. l;;C;,o-;_:,;.:;';,_::'"":l':"Ma;:;:.r_..;nso= """'9 .,_ ;;w.IV.IJQ proo w..u, ..,..,. "' built.ins, intercom & much & bonus room1. LIVE ON 1 Aat. ol99-223S; $3401 SINGLE Younc Adult• l,.qx. clolletl, cowrt'd carport. Back Bey 5240 XL.NT loc., beaut. view; 2 BR. 2 8.a., b'pl., epta, blt· ins. beam ct:Uinp, htd. pool. Adultt, no p e I I • References. $173. 548-4845 last Bluff 5242 NEW dlx Townhouae, 2 Sr. ~~ Ba $300. 3 Br. 2 81 $3&0. 4 Br, 3 Bl $495. T52 Am!p \Vay, N.B. '7W033 more. Excellent 6% loan & Assume th\1 6~ GI loa n · SIDE. RENJ' TH!: ontER CLEAN Balboa Beach Unlt1. WVELY 2 ~R. crpts, drpg, UtJ' aarcttn apt• with coun-Adulta, no p&ta. nb $29 900 only ~down. 3 Bdnn, 2 SIDE! Excellent .financlnr. Steepa 2 to 10: for aummer ran&:f', rttrif A frplc. $216 try club atmoapbttt and 'J1{!: CALlFORNJAN Corona del Mir 5250 0 Pacillc Soores Realty bath, bltng, Jaret lot. 1 yr Priced RJiht: Brokera' co-rt.wn•atlons call 67l-994.5 rno on leue. 1 cblld Ok. no complete Privacy. sot.rm ==";..:.:het""'";.:.S4"6:,;2:;72;:.7:...._, :iiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iii l\lania&e nttf:ssilates selling 8~7-8586 Eves/ 962-8701 old. A ateal at $26.950. operalion Invited. Coa1t 315 E. Balboa Blvd .• lalboa dOp. Avail AUJ. U. BAY CLUB AP'I'S. Jrvlnt at ESIDE Unf 1 Br. apt. I this "LOVE '' of a holl!e .•. !!!!!'!"~"'l:"'l:'!'!~""'"" HARBOUR REAL TY lliway to Alcazar then 1 LIDO Iile Baytront. s ~. 4 DE"~E 2 OrBt. 2 BA. th• 16th Newport a.ach. (llpatainl newly painted. •: , ~ Nl!'l'.'ly trptd & d"COL'/ll ll'd, 2 ' BR £: &U!!St sul!c, Spanish I • home on "LOVE"l.Y Poppy Avf'., S. of Hlway. Neat yard '\ , w/dh·1ne old &\IOCado tree ... PLUS oranges, li&fi, k ilow· e:r.1. 3 Car parking, 45' lol. I l LOVELY llf'labbors .. Pcrfl'c l "home" or 1'!!1\remcnt villa. \ ' 0 11·llt'r, v.·eckends or evf's, 673-7751 or Ageonr John l\1c· .l~Nj'b![!ii~l"i!ii'"'i!!!!Jo''j'ipp~t!.!!!fl!!! I' i Open Sunday I to 5 520 De Anza COUNTR·Y ATMOSPHERE 1 ne1r the ocean. Df:sicned for l family "·ith children, Utis l I' BR .:.: den home i& a "rnus! see " At SG.:,00, Built on ! i&ll:f: lot . you 01\·n lhc Janet. 1 LElGIITON 1.INDt.:N RLT\' ! 6i2.TI41 or 6iJ.o.rr.z I VIEW Two 1djo1nlne view R·l lots, nr. Ocean Blvd. L&tte: trtt1: older house can bf: summer I. ttnted. CHESHIRE REAL J:::STATE • 67:).2:ioJ • : BY OWNER · 3 bdr., 'l tmlh, I 2 fireplaC'! hou&e "'/harbor • vic1v a l China Co\'e. DJIJ, •' P.Mli", PAllO • $65.000. .._2691. If no ans. call -e OCEAN VIE\V e t mos. old Lusk 3 BR, 21,~ ~ 8.4 home. Crp~. b.11.ns, den dlnilW rm, 2 !rplcs. NewlY lndlcpd, By owner. 64C-04U I 3BR.28A. I i ·-t tree lined art:• by lllf' • -. FM lltople. Acttd lo 2 buchf'a. Under SSO.IXK>. By owner. • 67".N681 a BR. 2 b&thl. larae ltvina ·room, elect. k I t c h e n • wondfrful view. $5S.OCXI. lOCQ Sea Lant, Cdr-.1. &·14-4m • TOP VALUE IN CD~! I Cltan ' en .... ~ R·2 I'll ~ ol Hlw11.y. Vae1nt I pt,900 Set 009 &eonla D.ULY PILOT WANT ADS! VACANT • S.17-3595 • block north. ba. home, pltr &: illp, July he"t"~1 ~~·-· o··'lf (nfl M>Om AdWll only. $ll5. 549-1*39 ,..~rt• • A c ··•· J · MODELS OPEN •.Aue.·-~ 'lo. s 0 eve,,." .. ,.' a IM ' FUR 'bdr I I BR Dup'-~1 t. .,. 2 SR, J 1; B o .. uvm n1um. .,. UJW .-.,..-" t $250 mo I N .. •P~ enc . 1'1· 111. "t' C', Cl'P • ' Lr& pool, lo1v n1alnlenance. WEEKENDS lo.6 __ _;B::R.::O::KE=R.:...•::•.:.>8!Jtl=:....-no pe 5' eue. on the water. tdie .Up tor nice location. $140. 499--36&7 Out of town 01llner. 3 BR, 1'4 Only _ unit•. Col.· ownor ===.,...~----Avail AUi 1. Call 673-1494 U alt ' O" ~ ·--ha 11i/drp bll · 10 "" RENTALS CHOICE N. La&;una 10{', 2 for appt. gmall boat, 33 Market =:;;':;,'~pm~·c-:,_,~..,.,~ " • ~· ~ cp s, ·~ns. cor fo1 appl. ~3268 or HouNI Furn Isl.--' BR trpl aar wallt bch/ 1 .:;:.,,.:;:;;,,.,~==~-Ave, NB. 673-llOM • i..utGE 2 bdr Duplex, Adults 1 a 2 Bit. Film I: UnfUm lot. FHA or VA fin. or cash 53&-3006 eves r.tr. Sn1ilh nwu , • ' •CAMEO SHORES• 67s--0253 owner..qent , A~• ...,.. p '" CM .._,Cl I -v. pa8ot/Poo11. to :iJJ ~0 ioan. RUJ.h! tov.·n. i'fJo or 111·k 491·1~ eve 3 BR + conv den, 3 BA , ..,.,y, .won aCJUC1 , • "'•ro _..,, BRASHEAR REAL TY Huntington Gtner1I 2000 best. Ocean View. Avail for ihort f"URN Duplex, 1 • 3 8r, '·~ ;:.513;:-::;,:-,,.-:=,..-,-,.,""" Ttnnlt. Contnt1 Bldlt. put· 8~7.s=.31 Evett ~·1178 Hirbour 1405 5 BCRr.f, 3 ha. tastefully NE\tVPrl bl. k8ch .. .,cle1~, 3 BR ltrm. Jona term flt lff opt. blk trom ocean. Summer J BR O\lplex. Water paid. 1 :Cs!:~. O!M &M-W Wow I I 5,;,.,, LOAN I I I I di ap s. to y • ocean. Sl7l mo. Box 4001, NB. Rental. PROlptet ""3917 t:1t child 01\. $150. No petl. Nr. tMocA~~--. ~-.t -·) 'I• 1• c ec., if: am. rm. orm n, July I. Aua. SUO to $135. 1.;:.9;;""4;::,,,....-..,.--,,.,..,-.,,-J.,,\ W24i prk I. achl. MS..(1959 i-ww-'"' ....... ''"T Bright, Oieery 4 Bdnn home. DECORATOR'S 2 BR, 7 ba. elec kl!, Ip pa tio, 2 c gar., \Vttkly. 5C6-91M Hard\1·ood~ firs, bltns. xlnt Townhou&e w/boat sllp. Coll!ltl')' Club area. $500 mo. =""""""'-'--~'""'~· 12 BR HOUlt. txetlltnt cond. AVAi~ July )Jt. 1 BR.,~ BEAUT Ip 2 BR. l~ ba so or HWY. 3 BR. cpta, ar('a, S135 mo pay& all. A Pool, tennis $38.~ Rltr. _,,.="'=·=540-==m.,3==== PRIVATE room with bath. Afarrled toupJts A-no blpdk. ~o .;71l\·JL~14~o. \l at\ld~, pool, a6ult1. $15.\. drpt1, pr, nr mkt 6 bch. buy a~ $23.000, Submit on 6.,,_2010 ~ Mp frtim mt.In boust. 1JW children. $250 mo. '* 67S-3291 · r It. 2310 Santa Ana. ~ $250 I~. Adulll, no peta. r"rn1~. --------~ Rentals to Sh•r• 1005 ~t~o~9/~3.;:"73-M49~~!_,.--,~~I~~~~~=~~::; ~:wpo:tRGE 1"1-ez~~t1M_ ID:OAILzYic:PILOT,:==;;w;;ANT:,,;,,;;ADS:;l~"4-425=='=======I -----. - HARBOUR REAL TY 105' ON water. 60' dock, 2SOO' BAYEMNT-Ntwl,y lllrnl&h· '!unH\'f'!ft ...... J400 ~ 1<u- e Ml~i • cu&tom dt~ign 3 ett. c ~lATURE v.llll\ln ahare ~ ed 1 BR. Ftntit bfac:b *· IJG home, Mautltul eon-$1.SO month. yee.ri7 ELEVATED 4 Br. bowie , ~l~.4~~~· SIS f,f down. ~bUfie1~!/ In~ 175-324.1, ~ 41tlon. tn,ip cowrtd patkl, *'* m.«11 *'* OPf'n sta.lrcase: cpU, ~., t---------67s-M58 UDO ISLE ~ P'lnht 2 ii\! 2 boat or trailer 1tarqt, • WINTEft RENTALS • bltns: W:e. square lot, cul FOR sale or lf:IM 4 BR. 3 Bath. Nl~ly turntthtd. <:0mpl1Nl1 bqllt.tn, ' U . WINif1lED L. FOSS, All· de sac strtt:t. Psvf:d boat BA. w/lem rm. 2900 sq n. WORKING ctrl to •hare new ~ or mnot $2S5 I mo. lnuntdtatti ,.. • &0-m • yArd "'·ith gate, cindf'r block 1 ,='1;3=' =192-:=l;o;:;;·=====-3 bdr furn. home. Fntn Val .... , -.A _ J--•,. _,_ -· Bkr. s..flCl 1 BR. J Summer Me-. r •· t J attl. 54.l~lll until 5, afttr QftMUW ,..,..,.,_ ""' ~':hcs'.'r~.~5'o5~~es; Fount•in V•lley 1410 7, 963--37!2 l&l*L Wttldy nlal Juty, liJNV. 1oc. Clttn 2 bdrm. -==='=!41-=2U2==== 968-2442 Will 11hare apt -.·/youn& Auauat. Sept.SC1-a151 hrdwd nrt.,.C\ll"ta!nl ttftoul, 5143 Per Mo. Total TRl·LEVEL worklnr airl. 23TM Elden BEACI at door. NtwV· "'"1 ranp. Let tnc4 ~.lit A $22,50016.,, LOAN STRATf'ORD home In tip.top Ave., Apt A. C.O.ta fl,fua blcb apt 1tarttnr at $50 per ~t !J:..t water pd. $125 mo. lL\SE. Lovtl)' t Mr a dtn 11 11\ape. 4 bdr, 3 ba. SUnken wk. 536.-2519 Hta: Bcb. --or 2 belt. Walk to btach. &3 "8 •'1"2 Pbarl"h .on this lovtly ram. nn. ronnal ciin. 2 frpll. Cost• Meal 2100 BALBOA 2 BR, 1Jpt i. on 11. J BR 'J'ow'nheQN, ndtc, new ~ulta. $115/mo 61J..fl01 I in ,·eiy desire· Lanclscapin&, cpL'I, drps, all parlc:'R, 100' to heh. SlSO/wk crpts, drpa. .f'tfrtc, wlbr. -· able RN'll. Included. Owne-r Commulin& 2 BR hous~. tumlshed. ln<l ,u1 o~21roo d'""•r. $1f0 mo. lit I: Jut $35. FURN ti.ch •Pt· HAFFDAL REALTY 0 , ... "'' '" Privacy, bustnni' man, lff to L.A. Assume e."llstina low Adults, no pet&. SU mo. 1 BR. 3 b& ... n .., L'~ 1,1,. mo. 847-TI'fl ~ 87ol0 Warner, F.V. B-t!-4400 FHA. ro r appl : f213) 548.-2134 ,... ...., BR tn appttc., no pttl. 76J ...,~,. Avail Aua. 3 U\ru Lt.bar TOWNHOUSE 1 ' bltlns, 8ACHEL6• lit Ooof, ...,l. O\Vl\'ER'S vacant l BR 2 ·<.>00 1ttr. CUtrtg ht. O\\'~r. Day. Ideal loc. ST).2990. Jt/0, retrta, fJOOl l ttanlJt aulet, nr 'd.c,pplnr tJ.2.$, .. .M, bath. 5lt ,...~ rnA . loan. NE\V, By owner. 3 BR. 2'.t Newport ... ch 2200 ftlNTTlS watt-r pd. $110. f73..1715 trlcl utll . ...._.. $120/mo · $22.950. Open lo Bath, \\'/w carpela, drapes, ""' i=======-= o!len. 19802 Isthmus (nr. blt)('k fence. ltliny custom O\\'NCR will lease hoo.iry Houtn Uftfurnl"'9cll 4 BD'R. hOme WI 2 bl, blt·lfl C o·ndom l um home. S22S Flnt I: 1Mt w/ $50 Adam~ .t ~I a I: o o 111 l fealures. $l1 .!i00. Euclid 6 EutblutJ atM, OVfflooldl'll l'l...neril 3000 dtpoelt, 5)6..13*2 5J&..m8 Talbert, nr trwy. 912-6479 Bac:k Bay 2 Btdr dt .,.. WAlUFJlONT Art OPEN HOUSE. 4 BDJt1tt J.~ bath ~ FOR I ue £1 ~ 2 tot)' LOVELY C lldr. -t" .fa.Mlly, 3 6aJboa J.alt. lull OG1J !M61 Neolanl Dr .• JtB. Sat & L1oun1 llMch 1705 -'· .t.vall.Wt now $IM mo~ c M, 2 -bath, :,,, 1 bJtn ~ ~ ~' ml tlwf. i'UI. wk. call rTi.-. Sun. SlSOO down to 6"47e l.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;. Rf:ffluca requ.lnd. httthtn, trple, ttlV pat)O, · •• 1...:;.;;;.;;a;;;.;,,_:= __ ;;;:_\.ii== r!JA loon. rno mo poys 90°/o LOAN 117-00 mJl2J loOC.O )'Ud. 2 '" 111· Founlllft Yalloy 3411 .............. -. 4400 e.ve.rything., 968-2947 ~. DOVER Shcnl b I.>' 1 r 0 n 1 AvaU July 15 at $240 mo. · ·· _ · II I RARE: VUJ . .A PAClFlC with 71 ~o;t. Interest ,°" ,,_ BR. 137-2103 aft 5 C:ONDO S Ir Dthait -• Qvltt I --eYf 'II beootllul 3 BR. 111 o<<"n borne, ' 4 b<. tarp ' . . '' ~ J •• ••·• -~ ~-•-4 hr. 3 bl. 21's car tar. c/d. patio, 7'11' priwta dock. June 31n. 2 BA. 1\1 Ba . ~ ~. Pool. Pn. tw..,.ta .. ...,,. rn""• .. ,.. rrc llT'flaa. Aum 6~ nlA \'"'.'w hOme. Call now for ff. ,, "' .o.oJ. ~. uo pool utU tad. No Jllla. 96J..1MO !RIIS. A Sl!!lll at S4.1.~. ' July, moo mo. Bq. TownhOuH. W/W, P'tio, btl· • .. ~ ~· no' cblldi.n. '•1101mo. tma PERRON '42 1771 ~pt., >Tb' lat, nooo mo. Ina. thUctrtn OK. Bkr. ..._ __ ,, .__ u.M• BY OWNER' 3 Bil ,..,, . ,.,, 7!MOl.1 or 21 3 ' -W-lnaler 2'11 1..:~=:;:":.:;::--""~;;.;~;;.;..;;·-;;;;;.-785-U33 -• 1 Br lt ... lndgq,d , ~Uo le tountAln. UNUStlAJ.. \1flW, CU!I. quail· s.no. NfW s Br. 2 81 Cond. 3 BR " den. erptl, 4rpe. SJJO Ad lb: Jl!IU Utl!i ~-1928 100 Rtldtrl~k Ln., ty J Br. 2 ba . home on a~ DEL\JXE 2 8ii 2 ht, pool, v.•/1v. stove, r•frla, dlll.,,·f'r. bltna. rtffil . · " ' "" • • !£.B. fll'tl-"· 12 Acrt. $ 4 S, O 0 0 7/15 to 9/15. $250 wk Ot ll dilhv.'11.sher. avail. n fl w . waaher/drytr. 8eft Wlottt. 81·• Apt N•. T. COUPLE \\lith 3 Chlld~n 8rokl'r by month). Aat. ~ Bier. ~ ~prtnlder1, troii lcat lndltJld& NEW SQ6 u •. J ... w Ir. "M want M bdr home. Cash 10 6T:,&9t ·~·71£1 Ru. ., ... ~ RIO / • NU bt -..... ~ I: MUM '601t. rte ftl'I. tWI DIAL dirtct -~1•, C\"1t St90. 4 BR. 2 Ba, • w w, • • -n111. """""' 6 Altequln. Mar -.WT •Xls!lrta niA. Call~ DAILY ,..!LOT \VANT ADS YoUl' ad, then Pt t.clf Ind trplc, chUdrtn, pelt O.K. *""491) « wkd1li alt I, Whit• ~pll.anU.? RFUN'O RES\JLTSt lilttn_ to the pbont ..U.1 Avail T/lS. mer. ~ tlT... Wl'att ilef!Mlftll• c.,.... ••Mar 4250 lalliOO lola"f ~--SIOOCoote 1MN $100 CONSTRUCTION JUST CDMPllTIN~ HARIOR HBGllTS :.J-our LUXUJlllOUS 2 & 3 IEDROOM APTS, llAm HBGHTS • Spacious cablnei. • Gattm A Sattlera au buUt-1n1 • Balanud power Uvina • E:nclOled p&rklnr ecaip.11'4"PH :.J-our 3117-A C""'"""" An., Coal• Mo•• (1 block ••t ot Harbor alYd. , 2 'oJoe9sa touU-of thl S&n Diqe f'rttwaJ) ----- Sltu"'1, .Juftl 21, I tl! DAI\ Y nuT ~ •••• IST•Tt -•111!111111111•'91!1lfl•ll"'l~-"'l~ml!!!!Y~ I IUSINltS a!lll .u!llOUNCllMINT -JIWVICI 11iMI@ ~,\Wu,..._. !~c; .t . , .ral t _ m.. ...,. •tNTALI . ·• • RIAL IST.\TI -• ,...... ,. , .. ,.i * ·,. •.~* ·* * , '* PINAHCIAL . !'if NOTIC, ... c••u Ctrw .... ,. ........ I• ... .i 1 "c.-a 4t1 Mir, JUO b!i!llt .WuiM sHo Offl .. ~Ill. .070 lvo. O,,.rtvnhl .. "" l'o•-lt MM l<lD!I;' lflll)'~ fifft ,, ·~"::° ,,.., Jll;I;!~ WANTED b)' '°"pie: i'« 2 'LAIMIMA alACff' ENCO , LICINllD DW..)'laal. I Lm. lo 4 P.-DL ..ni.t ~'Hi'* ' Dt1P1XX1aR,1rp1.G""'"" ""-·••Aur.1oL . ,,~,.... • 11.~·~on. ,.........,_.., .. ,,.,. 1nc1. _.._ 1ra••· • J 11r-1<r.~..._un1.sn; GOod1 ..i·~m.•os • °" ... -~.YniUE km"iiNa.ca.. ""'&.&iimalhn:mN. t1c1<etJ, • ·-11G. 11._,, 11.,.1,, -!W.~ ........ ~ b<:C •CUdilnt'ii'<ii\"~ l>oil' ·-,,ionaw .. ... w ll io<a!td ""'"' .... ca..1 .. "-'!, Sen a .. ,, •• !> 114.-1111 ····~~';;';;;a;~=;; S BR, J BA, Sw«tisb b'Jlfc. h1thttttd ln lMnc ~ ~ -iflcti' ~ 11 ·don available tq a.a ataa. 492·9"1. er 496-9iWl & * If' you ,.... a e •I ... 1 .Jlnmac A -cu!8· :a )ft .W. ~ tami1f. t4Mla. ~ ..O.e. If H-J JI : No Jiwe~ ~ in SPECllOAAlllL .: ~~~ING Carpet L1ylnl.,.1r .......... .., ?!,'~~ .. w1m-!'all j S220 mo. viri>TJO l-BJt.. ~ mu, toOc1 .=-~ ....._. Alt Oift8. t:ualinH, motor oU., tires .... ~ ~ 14 -ni ..,, .... """' l · 'A!llot · · · · · ~1~i:u: lo ,.._,~~ ~'';;!,~ "'~ ~":,'°o!;: Att;~~~·w:' f~R'~~. · ~,;,1~, fj~1.: 4-~ :· 'tf41 EftN l BR 2. Bl ... e ' ' '; 2 M:th: . • ......... , ~ ~• ~· For lnlorm<•l~ :°1 danett "'1l'lla<h you tll ~IOl SI0-00 * Veme, "'8 ~ · • -...._ fir IUt ~, · '"' -nir. ..... nar ~ • '""uelr: Mahlllk (Tl la\t!ft IUiPI. CID Antell , .....::::= CUit. work. Jftltall A !Ilk· .. 11-1,. """" to..... . . .. ............. ,_ ... ~· Wtt\t• Wh14>1Y• Gii? da,• cn<1 53>*1 .... ... ~ --l·U PM lltclfl .. I -No Jib too ....u. '"°"·Y...V1'M.m-1111DJ.IDY.,;,..,,lal*•f!l, illt.~tor~l?lol> t iA-~LASilPICATION.feilt ... "'""'· iiliiiiii>..,. eo1t 11'1,.~ ~ -lh• .er •·r"-I I 5••1 pf.Iv ~ t ntar ~ llrlll _... ......., ~ a ,1115 UNJQilE dl!tribuUnc co, eat tor fl!" Set at prqe Ale, ELECT!\tc'J.A.Kr'M jeb, too rtpaJr. 8'1-Jm ~..,.. • • .. w .. i c.L 111-1111-. -....,. _.._ • 1 NATU IOltN SWAP , ''" i,, •n, will floe. J>.o. Sanud<y, 2212 Rcdl&nd o o... ...111. tror promJt ,.,.,.. • 1 t.Ai.Gi BAYVIEW I Br a 6EN'l'ttlifH 1beAch, iiOO( -·-•D $11. ' 1 ' , '1 .Spocltl ltN· Box l!X CM. 56M2ll N.B. (off 2Srd 81. b<tw,.n coll~ TtM la~ ;tlOI -. llt ha."""""· Avlll ,.llllla, --.• · ••trwe . .All ddoe. P&I' _.,. 5 LIMt -5 11-..-S -· BEER no• • Pl2u. w.nc In Santa An&•"·•""'""' .... • •i •· L '*" ts -"'I ~=::~. ~ , ~ ..... , -,1.A.:u' ••"'•O MUST 1Nnuo11 ~, v;.:;.:.!" •-Whl ..-Otrcfenlftl .... TJtEl:S lftned ~Jt. ~ ... ti, ~ Pl . -.,.. mo. -.&0 DAILY PQDr" ~ ,.. ~ " ....._ ,......... .J:: ftflt "' '"" ......... er .... .._ w tiuivnt, COUNS!:UN'G. rtm&Ved. 2I ')ft • i P . mp. QR: 3--'TW LARGE. Private. entrlhOL e JOltDl' A~ ._•oua ~~: ,-:r:...,\11 _ 1~117..,fT:"'tf'fl'l/lt. CM. S.e tor clsti. ~ Atay"ave your mam•V! er IUTllNIV'S l'aulaon Tl'ff s • r v t c:, Worldng men only. ~ LAGuNA 1SA01 ltHONE 642-5671 DOG Groorrtinz shOp for family. Ca.II 673-3JO. ""'"""' --~ l1llott llltnd 5355 •·•·-?·.'" , · . -· ... _ n.-. dw H 10 s -·-~""" ,,., . -_.....,. T• Pl1c• Yeur Tr1Hr's P1r1cliu M We ........ -..;r Broa ay t: rs am· pni.J 'IM~.~8~0~.,.,.~-,;~.,-~.~ .. ..-,~- Elec: blt-ina, v.•ash&r/dryer, emp1ored ·man. ~-1":' ~ tc:Vl2DO IQ ft'a.t &nla R.ttlrod-d.on't need tu ahcl· l'n.de 1939 Buick, or \VANTED: otf-Ml:t liquor tor aey debt& 6ther lha.n IT\)' The Best. costs no morel merclal. * 5U-llU _ l>!i.ux£ New ::i BR apt, NICi ~room JGr .ttliable NEW Otliixl if.Oct Q«tet NeV(POl"l Blvd,, CM. &tMS1t I WIU. not be reapenaible 646• 1 f4t maintenance. Rei. A: ~- trple. cpta, drp&. OD Grand wetk. C.ta )!NL -Ana FW1 ~ Crown Valley ttr. Want hse ftte '-clr for 1961 Renault Carav~ for lictnse, Orallp County. °"''"· Jtonald JOltph Morad Ex~r:lenced }.faintenanc--i:="'""====='I=: · Cana.I, Uttle Bal Is.I. Boat ; turnan. ISW.«ICI. dMl.11. $1.9 M or $38 M eq in tri. Qlevy Panel. Call: 142-3139 6126/89 8LM!itt l...andJeapint _\11f.._holot __ ery~----&cktnr priv. No pets or Mkc. ........ · lU:NT &c •amp.I&.·· prier pJexes. $960. ffi<\ p o o J , S4(M) val11e GradU&te HorticulturiJt _ 'Chtldrtn. R~ req. ~ mo J'uLLY e~ prs:ce far buiy,Joo. 2uo NwPt · Blvd'. prime ~-no vac. _ ~t "2-5769 Meney te LNn 6320 AnMUnffrMnts 6'10 ALLEN .aaos. C!YKOSKI'S Oist. U~ }'fly m...3S2B si.r•-ftfi per! mo'.i · C&U CM ·fr.;. &t&-<2544, Sd.-3333 Tax Shelter Needed: trade Rented bouee, ~140 ft..l I·--------I GARDENERS STUDENTS ~p C'rat~ ... ~ • · · ' S25 cm land equily in ~ lot. Nr. Garden Grove C vic i.1 le: 2nd i.,. tor qu.lck Cemmtrc 11 workinc w-.y thru coUeae. 100~~ lin! '42-1~ Huntlntton 1 .. ch 5400 SD--2921. * k . f't. OH!: ldtt:apptft. aret. fW. unit! <;enter. SXl,9'.JO. Trade $9,500 tub. Bonow en )'CIUI' pro. HMtffHI ll 1 E."f). Llc. fteu. 146-4203 1131 Nft'llOrt Bl:, C.M, . 6000 COBrA..lltsA 2130 ... _ ....... .....,., ........._ __ .. _ .. '""'"forunitaorff O'lllner/ ,..._,_ "i"-·td•·-bh•• lO very attractive we ·tn n. J'b"'ES•· G•·•'nl nc W ..•• ld.~lm"f ·-ij!s 2 BDRMS 2 BATH I•-~"'""' , . , ~1 ':''.'.'lin"~·,", ;..::'""",,.·,.--~v ~··, '" " "~ -~ ed 1hls for •--,.b, con-~~ ~ • • .. •• £...a _......,.,.. Broker 541-6469.. l'Out tow lntere!t ht TOs. ._."i • nd -·•·t . • • CfMftmltrdtl : · 60 \'entionl, Wet evenlJ, spec. JK"rvi<.-c a ,...,.,, enance. ~ TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. 2~~ b&. 2 BR. doU home w/hdwtl. Aleo buyen fot 2nd TDt. ltl promotions, elc. AlN clean U,. WELDING, Portable ettiPo: $150/Mo. tlEATED POOL liSfSIDE 1 DtJPllX "".IDEA'-" LOCATION Beaut, IPPt'a. Prh•. patio, · ftaon, an lhadM· R.-' lo!, SAttler Mortft.gt Co. Inc. ''The W•stw•y Girls'' • ~12 • mcnt. Spedalll:ln& In '@• lncd, cpl/drt>s, I<ids OK Ft.II! sp&n stucco alort build· pool; nr. ht.y, Val. $32.500, FOR duplex'or unlta. Srrving Harbor Area 20 yrs. 54().6U;J • NOW • EDGr: * WEED. cavaUnc ~ s l• y 0 Deia..Vare Shlalo Apta. OQl of ton . .__ tan. iAL ~UO; sood condition. for T.D., car, CJfllJ>tr or '!"!' FOR.TIN, REALTOR S3t E. 17u. st. Pt ANO LISSONS PM_ lawn m&lnt by C&Jtl.ble Mtlny'k SSM1'12 sun anti iUt 6t2·2'2tl anytime · 536--1816 LY." ~"'1J.3 Jdmt heating, ~ drains, 2 rest HAVE: CoM Minuet Orcan. ANNOUNt1MINT.S0 &11nn1rc 1tudent1 "rd. KaUna Brothen 646-1234 .J(ilil a IMP'~OYMI 2'20 Dela~. H.B. •"SELL ·IMKIDIATE· -u~Ft-. Oellfi, neon lij'htJ, 0Wner~646-fi654 1101-A WertcllU, NBiC-SOOO su.nn .-5'5-(IGll Oolltp 1tudents. lteas! 4:30 Wfflc~. t • 2 eEDl\OOM 3 BA't11, homt, DINIWG ROOM, r:ooms.. Lot .taX150 .to &1111. ~11•1~ .~~~; orf&inal price $KOCI. WANT: an~ NOTICIS ~~~,-1~~~.~~llr Reliable l&wn M1'\tk:e, · · , . ;.:.;: :ruruaSHEO A tirepla~ CU'1)tta etc. Parkin&: lO ears. NtwpOl'f .,..... ,......., •• r '6' car (rood mnd.), Hobie ...,.... _....., _.... .i• W ntM Melt UNJ'URNISH!'.O PLUS it~ income Blvd. at Santa laabtt· Br:. hse CM, $15.7SO val. u.llboat or·!T &?~ fwMI (Fr .. AlhJ 64001-°"G"a'""u"o"FFSET==c:Prlnfln(==o--mow, edp, trim. 1 ' i;; · · · ...... "" ·unit. · G • o d· lbtio.n. JOHN u•cNAI Want comrn1 or indu t. 7,~T.;i;;;;-f;i-'~;;;-,;;: II;.;.;.;_;,._.:.;..:_.;__;_ (dl1COW1t on order 200 A: over) * Sll·l«M * TECHN1CIAN, Draftsm ~-an.MS, builUJlll, I "" ~ p ;0 ~1 ......, '''"7 28' Falrll~ F'. B. Ford Se-••• ~ . A(lcl.tiort: i blk. to S l'olnl.9; f.IA KE ul'FEIL ''"~' REALTY CO. c''°=--'-'-'·.c".c...~..,.--dan. l27 CUnadt.r. \Vant 6 SMALL bown dof, ilqnolia 117 H Rlvenlde, NB~ ._.1&5 OR! Someexpt:1rler1 ee . ahopplng etc. from $130. loarl can be ·~-642-1235 or ~ Lotwi.Ettte b~ Yellow l&q. sleeper F .e. CN!ser, Delsel & Adana, O\\'JlCr please J ;;=i='i=""=='===""== R.ellable IA.wn Malnttna.nce Ambitious . Mike ~! . TIOl El lis, apl O. Mi-2'35. pa)'Tllents $lJJ 'pe1' .M \V tires valves It int. prtlerred. cuh dill~rence. idtntifyp~· Call 962--0729 after ~·IJ'!!!rr Let1 6411 Gardenlnr and Clean-up MAN , 2:i Boat J.Wnt •· Us.&303 mopth incltacJe taxes· 1..:...1 . ..........:11 lentil 6otO 'Vlld Jooiu°. pcrlormance " 1n<1 &7""8 4:30 .. 1 ~-Al/S G""""'"°'1""'S ervic e . exp, •·k for ~tiU 536--lM2 ··-·-... --••~ ~-m -~~~--..,.-,.,=~I or-._.,., • .,,""ABl:EF Plot ............. ._ ft" . ORO APARTllEN'TS ""· .-. "'"'.QnU-.1 o/30 mP&". Want Jeep. ca.rey :;:" APRICOT poodle-pup, no ""'»-1\ADw:. Lawn maintenance, tarifen· bet\vn. ~ PM. •· • • _..., A""'ta', . ALL OFFERS}!~·,: ~U.EJt..~t mfl. etc., 'alt, P/U. or '! M6-S.117 Small ho~ n nch 2 BBR ', tqs. Vic TeWinldr Park, :z:17, Harbor Me m 6 r I a I In: I: clean up. 646-3629 y I =.:: ~~ • ~ • COATS , 14ooo sq. ~t. Blda. docli: of. ba, pr. fnl,.-u. \Vant l R Call . lib Cemetery. Gtnerous Ois-1--=-~~=;.-.,,,.,,,---BO 1 needs tummtr . New 1·2 J¥&ooms ·Pay .... r" •-• fices e~c .. on 11,i 1elJCed North Tuslin Lot, Sl l.500. bl.th on lq e lot Can add CM, lo iden '. count. Write P .O. 8a.'C 637, Cut I.: Edie La\\-n Call Tim 1411--220(, . electne' only -., r •-~ nd ~~ 5 Free &: clear. mos! e.'Ccl. cuh. 1880 Ne1'.'j)Ori 8 1. CM U 8-ai70 Joghua Tree, Cali(. 92252 Mainlenance, Lice~ .~,. .. •ca ·~ (I • -•'I.CUil .... ,. re•• ...... ,"'°2310 •• • Ir -'i"U:..10'l'7 cir i:.u.m . ft' .__ •a ft <-> .... ~.. ,..,_ M"e&.. fah.11 ...... view. Tr. for Rl tr 646-3928 eve 644-1655 ?.IALE black do(, cocker --lnoJ" ... Jtlt WentM, LI ,_.., ~i.iw~l)eyeo 8 . . atALtolf ;;:2654.' .x:u1\"v•~ .~~-. iii~°'.'PJ!);-n; w/spef)dt.ble. L&rre hoUse + Income + mix. Vic. Santa Ana Ave. l: SERVICI DlltlCTOIY Jild'S Gardenillr I: lawn Private Ga.raps Jt64141_.. UNDU coriltructkln 2l,OIJO _bkr_. sn ____ . ----room to build, on rolf Santa Isabel, 01. &G--Or;i& lt...,....lni 6JSO malntelW'ICf:. RtJ. le: C.Om· SWEDISH woman ~ ~"'"Y ·~--~ 1 ! (...._ I •I_. oil , -I -·-. Ttade lo• --•. BIKE, "·'•!ah. •~. Blk _.,_,,_al.*'""•••• I: exp!Tt colorist, 10 ~· , • .:,wi... ~~. flflC, _ ...,... ·~4'? • ... ft. ?.f-1 blA .. w/ Cl. 11111n u~ '250,..-,··IJ m """'""' ... ..,., .. .n.-..1 _.,.._ •DWI-.:• _......._. •-Sb A •-~ I -/--. -.... "'t"' r~ .. ..~ bmll M·"ne v.·-.. <-'-'-, ..... , • ·COLLEGE Student need! • ;:;r:;;auUP s,.· -'-1'-! ··-·-per. UT t ve -(1n Br.. w / w a -~· .._ , 12»-5000 sq. ft, wtitL lOc tram dntwn LA. S min. c ar _. ... or au · u-1 00•• .:x:.1 .,.. full time 1 ... ball)'lit ~..-~. __. .. N.Y. Mtlls pos. Jn Na. a,dultl or chUd alO ~ °! ! '!7 u£its Met sq. tt. Cornpltte about July from fwy,411 "'-Vt!!d rd. btwn Madre Davis Rltfl, 612-7000 Misty, HB. &17..al.09 tl~ job. ~ni'a:'tta) Ne.; ~· edlhic, odd J e' •. 3'Jl..1'30 Radondo Bth. fUS. ' fflCIUinl pt .. . _,, b1COme EXcellent 1S. Ewt &lf-Olb, da,1 Beaument I: Oak Glen, Trd \Vanl frtt A-clear va.earit BLUE-Polnt Slameae, male, \Villl>n and Harbor in C.M. Muon&ble. 54&-4955 lroninf, &lttN.tlOfli] ' ~ .,...,, mo · · • MG-5033 tor inc.. prop! 5t7-&IS9 8kr. land anywhere U.S.A. Have fully lr.O"'ll, Wtstminltflr Trans. needed. Ask fnr JAP4NESE prdeer Compl tree pick up and~ 2 '. BQ.ftM, . 1 I~ --~ ,._ten till. sss.«io . . rl>R Ren~ or Lwe; lot ", O.Br-.-..... "'"-,.'-.i.i.-'-.-frplc--, -1 ·-~ local lmproved. u~a. 89M663 Becky. ~un ...... tx;er. ~. • ~ • don\il'll11rn.: w_urra/_,.,,,, (·•-·,-E'shlt 4-;itx l20Xl~O, complettb' I~ Ba, view. Glendale hotne. ?<.fa.dae Davi& Realtor JtABBlT vlhile 'N'.Ith tan he eat. 6"'"'318 • •··• P1tl0. all rte flcWUU. .,.. .. -. Ii tor itorap ?d l zo~ F ,_ 642-7000 · i.i .. .:... __ ,_ ..._ WILL BABYSIT. My horM. . LlC. Prac. ( .. ) A '"" Near 17th Stritt. 3 .• ::i BR. cu · • • $37,500. Sl0.700 eqty, or W" mar .... ,. ... Vic. Du111w11 ul"., Nice Plt.1 JOOm A-fmoed ill JohnltJl''a GU'dtnina private home or ....... ~~ ":a'B·MuUs.918--DM 1 ba & l..J Bit 2 bath ·wl.th tna. $™Month. 541.QO& cal duplex, bome, ?!T 'Wiii t;'1d1 1M1 VW 497-1601 Lqu.na Bch. ytrt'I. Only lunch fumlsbed. t"tlle.st equip.,~ care. ~ shiftl. ~ l NEW Sl50 up: 1·1-3 91l. »Ht-fireplace. All Ul]lt& have' Nfw lfl!f~trb.I bid( .. iOO. sq. P..Iytrs 673-61""6 s.d1n fer 8u1 er v.n. BlCYCLE. Vic. Santa Ana t: Near We1tcl1U lhopplfll Plantin,, clean-up11. 962.203.$ LA Ii I post ecJ Ii sawia pools,, ftc rm. ltullt a ins, <:pts I drps, ft.. 9c ptr b. 1639 M~ GISSON J..es Paul model; * 5-18--3821 * Santa lsabe:I , :M. MS-Or.19 area. Call 548-453& Yamtuehi Gardt-n Seivict in °i.;~"i:':c.: Ji t y ~n. & .AllOft<l\lin. Mlf. patios, JU8.1es. ~.500· Of. 6P.,..9lll7 nevi Savq-e 30!!, lever ac· Op for t'nitiC, Uc ATTOwhead CRANOMOTIIER will 1ive Yree! Landseape Consultlftf 4'1·1032 • 846-l»7 • . JNDUST Bdl& in t-.t-1. 744 W. tlon: 13' aluminum canoe. Chalet $14,500, funl'd, 2 al)' Lost 6401 loving C11re for 2 schl-age • 6'73-1J6G • NEW' '!'nOdim 1 or 2 B~ $H,te0 'rrlpltx ,$_?40 11lh St., O f. 3000 1q ft, $31i TRAD£ r.or boat, motor-, or mod, utll'a. \Valk to atream, ---------1 chldm , lite hseYAlrk I: EXPEftT Jap&ne~ main-Jelt Wentetl cpts, d""'", avail July l . f.lonth near Ha.rbor Center. mo. 64~1133. Ev~ 6(2..147' ? ! 4"'"' -", evos A: 1vknds. I·"· c·•·· Glen Vin. I-""-RE\VArtD S50 for return of LI t A 1 1 H.B F v ·~ '-ii======== -Q.l.L IU\C cu..... •;JIN Id n 'n• 1 t I cook'g. ve n. . l't s. tef\UIC.fl " • ' area. Min & Wemen S,16.Z'Jt 2 BR 1 ba, blt·mt. 2 pvt,Jl.·1· ---------bal 6%%, 65 mo'•· 53Mll1S 80 O\.\'er n .... OS II 893-12'2.l Call 1atack.142.-M.f2 =~--:-"t·. J tlm, l 1ar. eaq., quickly on Letc 6100-* * * • * Charle! Bistru R.P.staurant SEMI-R1:J'lRED cpl, Sant. AM . 5620 this! • ' • ~ • . Will trade: 4 cernetacy kits. J>rofeuional blda:. li'lO Pia· '\I~. nite 6/25. No ques CillLD cart. ) ~s \\'k, J•,.MH O•rtlntr apta. to manft'. G.od · , lob-Olaon Rltr; 1 ... ~ONE ct the la1t and mOlt Harbor 11.ert, Cost.a }.1eaa . cenlla. CM. Many \llleS. &3ked. !">4&--6.110 ' c:cp'd mother, Ir&: feN.-ed Exper, oontpl ya.rd aervioe! 60--o:m HIDDIN VILLAGE NIED::iiitP beau~I ttt-&imple 1otJ re. for aail boat.~ valQe moo.oo 164,500 val., S24,~ equi ty. LOST June 24, iold It: dia· yant, All equip. R. e I 1 · ~"'.:'~'~'~''':,· !SU.~'1951~,;.....,,~~·-\:====:=:=:=="":~ GARDEN AltTS. WITH PAYMl:Nts!-Then ma In 1 n r in ~ ~™ ~~.;' :~~naklered mond brattlet. Vk:. ~tay =""'=""'~·=-:;,,-.-c:c= * 1.,.rt .Ja,.MM Dlntlltlc He&at USS Month PUs utlJ.; 2 Br. buy Uris -~ex I: hlve z 'SHORES for Ale ori Anti· liorse Lov~rs! 3 eR. honie. C.0. s . Cout Plaza, Lasuna TEEN-AGE .rirl des i re l='''IN,;;ESr;;;:;.:W:;O;R;K;,81M3M:z:::: Georle -J\D'n. ot unturn. ~,:,. Other r.:.-aH.o.1 carry IN qua. Oa~. 541~ . .,,,.. 5 Br, l Ba, Newport Bch, Bch, Oranae. Lib. rew'd. bahyalttinr any hours . forced a.tr hut, belted pool. 'load. 3 ~its a: i-2 Bit. Ll\iGE k-2 lot. 9Cl» sq ft Jam, corral. .-..in1 •ren• hua;e yard w/pool, Price Mar. n<1: 4§-1551 Reliable A: upetlent.'t!!d. Hlullne t7SO ~-";?mEP"-lllh, ~a '!:-' ~-IU't!!l, prlv. patio. . Ulllts: Gocid ~ • .:A rNI' Ca,P build, 4 units, ~ tack room etc. 11.4 acre. SJU;iO, Trade Sll,ro:I eqty BOY Whd' touba tic claimf!d 50-6151 .llN-0 • ._ -·· ~ 1 • ,· • •· QUllT LtvtNO, ' baPln •t SM.Olli\ ) iecated in Hunt In 1 ton· = ~br!i~1:i:: lor amaller home or inc mans ":a tch at y. c •. WEEKLY Babyiittin&', JU'ff. OE NI UL HAULING Chinese bvo-tna. 0 '4 . Lt""nl ::SIS 57111 , ...... ~ ~2 'LEV~: SE~!. · .. ,-. r~1 ~/I "~"m".i."°Dob<mWl"', • .,.,.,-w"~'",-:,"11" .•. ts"o~ut. =.::ha:::~: =i~02~lsN= t~e~~~: !>::~:e~~~· H.B. in $12 pe~l;~,IANU~1Ui F:=~-=-~ ~ """ '-M'• •tandlnr pets, watch dots; Sent. valUf EXP 15 yr old wants I~ HAULING, clean.ups, Iota, Hel W ttfllL -.. 2 BR.., unturn., wtpeol. '=2 ntw o'~d dbl .canie for l\W, aportq equip., List it here -In Oranie PLEAS'E: WATOl for rmall babyslttlna job, aummer OJ'IPI, etc. Lrr truck, .. ' 1 Ocean view, nr. beadi. nso 7X GRiiiS •tressed fol' apts. 8Y Owner brick'work 11o1.per hanfinr CounQ"• luxest read trad· metal maiic coins 1.: tricks mos. 213: 448-42'70 hl,rldyman, anytimt:. can e e llPIDrr Mo. 52*-7201 ext. l 5 2 ; 1· Units with a aood rental "9,lnl qsh,. tf3..30M or T 494-&12o 'f:--Inc post -&l"'I make• deal. l rttls of homt movie BOB ~2258 '98--2803 eve. . 1 rteord. Ocean aldt'of allboa &.'iAN· -Canyon Vitw Lot fllma. No qUfl1tioM asked. lrfck, MllMnry, etc. H'i'iA';U,fL.;1-;,N:-iG'"°, -:,-:.-;;-:nc;t7f ::-:n I llUL ISTATl lll•d. Nr. <hurcbu, °""'" s. u.,na S&cr. 110,500. 11. .. * * * * * ll<ward. 6's.!031 t.161 ""'"""''"ine· y.,. name ii, Gene I • -'-1 beM.hes.· ~· ilwett• cash. Owner 313/3M-0155 BICYCLE, Pavillion area, BUILD, Remodel, Repair wt do It! 642-3.198. '' m•nt. ~na:-~,OOO. 0 .ftlAL ISTATI l'INANCIAL Tandem, SchwinJl, blue w/ Brlck, block, concrete, YARD/1ar. clnap. Jt.emove lltnt•lt WiflfM 5'90 IUU WHITE ltonchts 615 Otntrtl IUSINUS •nt <hnn tndn, no q" • •., .,,,airy, no lob too omall. 1H<1, '''"dirt. traclor bock •' . REALTOR -----· OO 673-4304 Lie Contr. 9iUAj:J hoe. rradh'I. 9C-81'5 NEE!i'i.i'i:'i''!°'UGuST ,~~.;<>wpor< ~',!!;;.N.!.:. THOROUGHlltED It. I. Wtntld 6240 lus. o,,.r1unltlt1 A UlST 2 brown !•m. S """'Id I & G HtullM Strvlte ,.,..'ftNV 111•.......,. ... v.,.. NCH dachshund pups. vk. at 16th luslntn Semu 6162 Reasonable. Mz.-1403 Sut•m Collet• ........ ,"' 12 NEW tJNITS ntar octan HORSE 1tA PARTNlllSHIP • '"""'· Reward <1HIO'll.::O;.;_;::.:;;.:._~;.;..;__:'."" I-=-====""':=,.;; ~a~,:.ru:;;.. = Hntgn Ec-h.' SUri deck&, lfO a~• of -~~~ SERVICE BUSINESS or 841-5006 SAMPLE lnj!Ctlon mald\ftC, Heuttc:INnlnt 6715 · patio.,, 4 frplc. em Calit'. land with "'""-le PLANS EXPANSION T\VO Black MalP. Labrador Dt~. toolins A: pro. )Mt. dtslte houmc Dear -ny RE"--•n•-, bo·M•-, l>Ntdlna-$$ MOR£ WH $$ •. bl . •• 12 •·· . , 1 duetion on gmpJe baals. UCiso willbelecated 1 r..n.n l'U.i1:i ........ ..,........ ~ta ish~ovtr yn,,......_. Retrie\•enonel5 mood, -.,,_110 "·ip·-··''"~" . · · · me 536-145.9 Ew. 536-7158 A·l~'UO lacWties. T)!il .ii: a heim. Now rro~slnr over son 2 mo. Reward. coii z-•"':--.: '"' .1-y ,,_..._ in the art& •P'Pl'W' 2 )Tl. · workinr hone .ra.ncb with an -S93,00'.1 with s27.500 yrty prof-&n-54;,o Terry, eve1. N~ t to 3 8edroom un-3--2 BR. ; 2 au. ~ ln'. .estimated replacement COit · 1''<1r Your Home Equity . ==-'""'=i="'hl=:-:;boo::- turnilhff &ptl, du,plex!B or Inc. $405. ·"· lat -:aell. aet-: _. ,.-...... •·cW""• ot ..... Absolutely -no CGSt , • . .~:... . . _.., .... part S ~=n.7m...,.=,--,-m-o!"o~P"•-.,~ian JOB ahop mac ne • 1 adp. H"" Prihc. .. Rt •• S.U.ODO .... ·"~..... ... 1• -the Seller eo:u ambll !OU! WOn<u05 • can handle bUI)' It: over 0 hcN31!:•. ~ rarwe·-to tle.ment. .......,.,-., .~proximately Sl,250,000. Full to~ · 1 ner who can Invest $35.000 cat. approx. 5 )TS. old, vie. work. Wood, meW. le ptu. l1Mi fltr iftodl, tnlebt ~ 54.;.c'm2 Eves. price wtthOut Uve at.ock 12 yet.fl. of Nini' mott: cash c.uh for, ~ii ownership (fully Centry Club • Jamaica. fie work. Jent Ent. :WS.2152 ~ more it uWltle1 ~ DUS. iiJAc .. lOOf. ·-~· Jl,ro:l,000. I: euy terms" for -Orance County property. aecured). Qualified Pft'l(ln CM. 540-0140 r.-1d~.!leH .... 6 '0 .. n l !:..~.: Nprt, Bch. 10" naf For more lnfonnitio.11 . call can the RHI ' . . wW draw equal Alary +LO c~s=r'"'1.-m-,,.-.--,.;ciamo=" .. ,.-,-. ... F'.""'c'. 8ool.l.AARLR• serv . o."7~ un Ill n ~ $190,lnl. Phil Su lll•a& G"nn'l'hompoon. ' Thenca.lltheBest .n th ~Ill G-· .. " --'"ea-"ar,vlc Dilmond · .._-u., .. ,. 8 PM to I hi "' o tr ....,ne 9, n1w u1 ,,... ,_, uu.u Fl'ff pickup " dellveey. ltttt . ea~ R 541-6761 : ' · lckhtff I Aanc., lrte.' plan could double preMnt SL, Laguna Beach. R.ewlll'd. ,_ "'-~· MT-12M ""1n•lion •r . writ•. FOR SAIE BY OWNili ' . ma w. CblpmaJI .... BEYERL y JA<KSOH """"" • '"'"~ wflhln L! 4'4-7932 or .... _ -'-Ile=~=·:::~=·=="'=:':::: Eupne GraJlf'~, ·. C • • e 4 .,,1 •• 2 • 2 •• 1 •• & Or•""• C&IU. mnn tfu. Great onnnrtunlty, TU coll. tri I -••-Wattt.m Rellfrve Un i v "'· °"~ .,,,.., .,.~ ,....., MfNIA RE 1e, co • C•r,.nftrlnt -"' 4'll16 1;...• 2-3B1t 1% BA so.8t!J5 541-2621 Evu-wlmds 5IMn1 BlllJY books open. Plea11e phone or, g mo!, lost June 24 vie ?it,\INTENANCE • residfn. liaJ i: commercial. 1vindow1 our 1peclalt)'. Xlnt work. l't!!tll! Reb. 8C2-9446 CARPETS, Wlndov.is, firs, etc. Res or Comc'L Xlnt tWrk R.eu! Jtd.s. 5U-4lll .... 1., 6755 IRONING done my home. WU! coulder bacht!lor'1 wu1Un1 "ironinc. $1.25 Hr. 5'1>-22'1 Cleveland, Ohio. ifl ' • · DA •nv eve after 6 pm. l'INTllY n f' v e Io JI m e n t Bi6lOI)' . .I."'-"'" -Y Brookhunt &. Adams, l-lB. CAR , Crnter.l lush• ... ltnfff -v, Acrei.,. · 6200 l4J-60J3 er 54~1245 (21J) 5'2-1560 R.eward. 962-5116 MlNOR REPAIJtS. No Job .;;l"';;;;:""'°;;;";;;'c:c'----'-7-70 UCI Sl'ORES for lnH vu1.,.1:;;;;;;~~;;;.;;;~;;;;; AFrILIATE SM Beige poodle, male, blk TOC'I Small. Cabinet In Pl" •STUDll-lTS" FACULTY. ShoJ>Pinl Center, oor of E1 1' c·"'U.NTltY. · CANDY SUP,LY ears. I.Mt Wt Tue•. vtc qes I: other cabinets. ..... fa ced ar•lrl ,\'Ith a haul• Carnine» .t: Mendoza, C.1tl. V ltOUTE ., Birch .&; Ellis, r .v . Reward. Sf.5.1175, tf no answer leave -· PROPERTY · UI 1 1 ed ..... :::., .. ~ ....... at $46-2372. II. O. inr 11hortqe, "1e are ukina Suitable ' Food -to Go •. TV, CASH QUICK-need J or 4 1No se: na n\'<I v 1 ............ >Ml •• ._ the C6!1UfMlitv to list any varief?', hobby . ahop, etc. 2&.8S acrei ·or beautllul so. Bt, G.L or nlA. Muse near Excrllent inc:omt tor flnV ADULT Altered ma I e, ,•"n"..,.."""'"-=-====;;o available rentals. 1ummer · h L1q\IOl' .store for~·_ · Cfal H. Land dotted wtth hure ,_•~"'=·~'II-=™',_.·~---,, houn \.\ttkly work (f>l.)'1 or Mh/hrd IOlld blue cat. REPAiRS. ALTERATIONS or ytar round, with Ula haul-Al Wqiw_r 211191l~10 'trees k mtado\\'11. LeVel tn PRIVATE Party wants small evtninp). Refilltnr le col. \V .. ide CM. Rew! 5'1-8517 CABINETS. Any stz.e job Si.~ ftl.Onlha experitm:e i expedltor in ell~"""~I manufacturhlf, feDtw • and cocnilnal• with uc:tton C911b'ol. ~ and -.. ~·· items. J MASTER , SPKIALTlfS co .. I 1641 Mtn,....lt Avt!ll Cnt• Mtu 6n-24l7 An equal opportunity 1 f •mploy<r ·1 in& olli~. ~ c a 1 l lalL...!"'1 ·1 .... L~a1 rollina property ,,. adilctrtl •eruce '" N.E. San Dieio ll!Ctina ~from coin op-CAT-B~ adult male, yellow 25 )Tl. aper. 5'l-f113 &U-6111 for a Ullirc fortn. 8V8 ~-to the Ort~&• HW\·. Mobile countr. 'M8-lOl6 er1ted diipenlflh in Cotta collar, wht lpot ldt tmt Jq: REPliR, PartlUonl, Srnall M!OIA.Nle Wa.ntld, Ow 2 FEMALE ho 1 pltal ~;:me~w~tJ. ~r park undtr ·· ithuc-<1~u"'S.ir'-'ii"l"s""s.-.-,..""'--~!"e:. 1~1~.~.:~ EutbluU area.~ Remodel, etc. NJt. er day, J111lterltl 67t0 Lleen.ect prer. AR'IY employees with to rent in or · · • tion nearby. Fu 11 price "INAHCIAL ~ brand candy I: BROWN a: wl!t male doc. Rflu! Call KEN 5tl>-479 Ba,y .l ~ath ae.run, StrY penon Meaa Tow S8rYlee ... 0 1 by ,J1lly l or -=-1u • p~ Retail Locatkin •. $ll),o:xl \\i lh tttms. Fer 1---------anaclca) $1'50 CUh reqW. doxy body' a: tmier face. CARPENTRY • repafn • ~ta, windows, floon, etc Garaat.141 Blktt, or possible. 1 or 2 ar. turn hm 1TX40, Xlnt b:lt A &Ute tnf. Mther lnformation, ·ccmtact •us. °"'1ertunlti.t .. @do. For pel'90lll.i Interview Nr. Ellil 6: Ward. 9IM217 C&blnetJ • Remodel. Quall· Rea ' Come1. ~1401 1--..;;X;;P;;;D;;.•a:ruiisiaiiV"T I er apt. SS5 1o $130 Jltt mo. fie. • 1811 Harbor, CM G)tnn 'nxlmpaon in Costa ?ifeu area, send ty Y..'Gril:. 6'.2-14&1 • 645-0415 ==========' J Over 11. Mu st accept 3 '1wnd male ~ 1-clcheff & A111e,, lrte. name. addrtu I phone num· ,.,_nllt '40J QUALITY a.pain • Allert· ,,,.rht"fl"t SURF .1: SIRLOIN eats. Cail ~aft 5 ,.m. LEASE • 5&d60 coem1»61'd&J · . Uta!_~ Ave. "" IUDQ>h her to Multi-State Inc., 90Tj Uona .. New contt by hour '•lntlftl 4111 5930 Pac. c.t. Hwy., N. ADULT Q:iuple 119 cbil, bldf, heart· .ol-,,dowqtuw11 .,.-.... , F.. Imperial HW)I., Downey, * Al " or Contract 6t6--3"2 lTY pets. l,.ido I~ bnme IO!d, C.M. sa..3tll Gt 1 !M-321o Sfi.Wl Evt•wknds 54UT11 IENT·A·CAll CaJil. 90'.!tl one r MASTER c~ni.r ... per NEAT: Exp. Paillter, no Ne~~!ea. g~I betw need n ntal tor I mo. (July LOWER floor, wood pUi'r ; L . le ..... • hOUr Remodelinf-&pain. drlnk1ng. Collt&e 1tudcnt. 9 am _2 pm l31..:t010 13)· whUe bl;dJ. an LI~ 1200'. Ideal for dancltw. art . -'9~ 1 .... , · · M•ier PAltTNER YIS IT'S YOUI! 642.icot or 538-3900 Low prices! Steve 548-45'~ Isle. Must hi.11t encl. p.r. 0 «:hool. studio. S4Ml&7 1 A.CRIS W/ftllMIT n--.. .. , Coun.., Expanillon PA IN Ext Lowe AUTO s a I e 1 man, "" Ii'~"'· . · . ,. O'A-ner-1tla"•-'"" Partnen 33 ••••old company no1v ,._x. C -·nt Ctncrttt ·-con'-cted --, ~""·In• -_, •o KE8P HORtaS ., ... ,. " FAULT INT G Int&:: 11 per. only. Call tor appt, • 1 ""' · AdJ t bdMllofl n ._ .. ,. J '-For reoorded me...,~ tti.t ..... , -.. --. .,..,..,_, • .. -....., • S.a.<MIO L.AJJY EXEcU7tvE It aittet Offict lttttil •70 acen au 0 • wanted pa.ndln1. Open.Ins of new di· S..Usfaetlon 1111.r. Free tat. ~eslrfl ·3 BR hou11t or apt · · t ·.mUe E.1 ~1 hW. utU avail. \Vlll train -ambitioull . dedl-vlakm cnatea uneqv.alrd op.o will ctwlle )'OW' Ute c&ll e CONCRETE fin, pa_Uot Jim Weeki fra..1186 CABJNl.'T r.f AKER ~ w/ privacy, y.n~ Xeul)' ~UTIFUL Ptivate oUiet $42,COO. ,. ~ll. tlal l at lnll~ ca~ men 1: ~·omen who pcrtunlty tor O\VNER.-Mi\N· ORANGE CO. S4t-68117 etc. Conctttf "bllc top llW• MOLDER. Boat lrU,. Pladt. rtntaL Corona·N~ kh with bl.ttl, S011M ocean vtew. dffd. \Vnte or contact. seek a .. h .. 1i--. A: want to AGER. COMPANY WILL 24 hour meordinr j .. • Jteu Don 642-&nf ' QUALtr'Y WOll.K. 25 y~rs 8601 Edlaon, tlunt. eds. ~ t ·~ 01~• Ftd c. G --R KrP.11 Bax 91t ...,_._ e COU"LIS e ''6• ' ' ~.rlfin«. Genntn skill. ,._ -i• atta. m -2100, ext lu-.a n ""' nouaie· · ,,...,. to • .,. · · • · inllt!!lt (flnanctally a, perton. FJNANCE UP TO $1.i.o:xl. e SINGrLIS e \_..C:ONPCooJ~-. ,.,k to•ll 8Q..W2 81 -GN p day"' ",••LAI. YO LOCAL bvafntllman z lnls Bide. Cdrona dtl Ma.r. l.t;una Beat;b or J!IOne ally) In a clYnamlc r:rowth No experlerice neectts&ry. ..,....,.. QC\;il.:i! 11111'11 Med 3, j BR S'lS/mo. CaD E " I'! I )' n UM1Z6. buallw:u, People 'Nflo wi_nt WllllnpeaA to leu71 a mullt. Tired of &n, Mail ' HI Cost ~ 54-mf cus m. i;r = i:i:;t. A :"at~:.:::' MAN. Expu. onJ,y. M.llO ~wpt lllfs attt.. cau Hal~n ~ 0 r Take over Pf'"'lla. JD Aeftl to become lnvol!fld u own-ht year tnoome 1bo\ll0 t:c· computer clubs: JOIN Tll£ 1 i curroM PATIOS• toe rtU. Roy, W·Uil to 1tart H fta....._ ~ nes. . 5CS-3l-~ ±:: ,., &m-n. S29 mo. N-. ~MJOl'klns ,.,.tDen: WW ,be c::eed pS,(IQ). tt ,_. an FUN1 THE 1N atOWD -1IMa nrnovtl C.~ ""R ..... _._. ;.AQ l•{tijiQi, ILVJJ. Lake I: Cit)'. UM78 'Acf. ~.ti with Nlu)r, 69 •Vallable .. edit.., and DTY:-OF J.M.P. Mtet.othen cancn" a Lie.:;,' pAJih'iNQ ~ t• J11 t l me DrUc:a '~ ~· -·-· nioaltW ~-Corv· car6.26~et~~st· have $15,000cuh,callm/ wtthYOURlntmrtsatour State Uc. IO-lOlD 1nliuiior0--.uc4Mad-· chllcf: _,,.., ••• '15N1TS merdal, Me41lcaJ.. Dlitar lacli'"it•, It. I, .,.. tntnt ,....,. tint Nr. '31'"14 ext. t. W..ld,y ))U'de9 or tlltct • CONau:TE won. bond· et. Ritr fom. --~c· ~ .. T~'"':5 &. 1 mu. f\lrn or wWm. M5-0l13 Atr-eond crpfl. elnata' ·' • · ' •1....rn lndlvld•••11 .. A (QALS 9d • Uc. Omcnts •wizll. ""'"• -·'""· .~ alt s. ...... ·:,.._ W\ ...... • ,,.,. .... l'•t'l1m1t Frank V. 8l&nchinl AUTOMOTIVE .. bra~ e • "fl< .,._, ifii~i'i··iiT-00oot<iiik-:'~ W·-~-. ••·-1 ..., In •ff~~0.~.;: :,.. • ~·•·-·· • !~., ':.... don't llMl!lo ..,.., 11.....,•nt, ..._ Join l'REE) CaU Lu> 1-& Pl>lllloo Ctm<nl lMM3IO "•lftrlftf. !!!!:!'' MIO -· -N ••c..w ,...-O>M-w.w n .. ,~-'""''" ..... ••111 J V• Aopandibrowntt'a home. p.m. G 9l20. CiMEN't "'wk. ~ · Appl)' f1ylnc Buder. [.hlbhdt . .tl JJlt. J_&\. * Oriid &ulTES * . \fl1Tt ~~rt)' ,)16o do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l j Ho me or Ge 11u I11• JUDE Wanlfd oa: to CGnN )IOU need. call ~1 t. • PA'IQI ~~ ,.""'!Wi!i111-Gmiii:rl;Mp;"":":iif~j Famll7t• plt. ( 21 }) ~ Opts. drpe, ~ "•nl. for Appt. 'CA.NOY SuPPIY. rau1e, pu1 s u 1 pens I o n lnlt&UaUo dtl 1'1ar, tves. WW pq. f'rM t!!ll Llc'd I: bonOtd. ~ ~ Ftei ~ltimate. ·• M • A 41&-'4.511 A air<Ond; mth'lttninoe :5"""4l O. ,!!·al~~ or flllJ time. d*Y'ltvea. Grtat pottnlial Jor 1pMd Ca.II 61>-423.i I.ft 1 pm. PAIJ'IOS. WALKS DR.IVE-· ~ Enaillh Filll iiiSPONsii!Lt ·~ &111 -· MEDICAL 8!\fet 1 · · " 11<6U • ....n..t "'°"'' o.m ..... OWn<r •Ui ...,,, PORTRA ITS• 641 U.I WAYS. hot "1lm•te. "•mlllnt ..,. °"" .. E. l1t• It, C destret apt. In.• N~ or 1\d. 11112 ltM:t. 19W-&USlUJ' ~Cit ill c6ln o~r. DlQtn.wn tn tlnandna. ~000 down rt-.... arcoal, ~•tu oolot. OU • J. ft.A'V CONST. &f2....4JID Costa. Meaa lo 1100 mo. HB. •sfM town. 1bt 0411.Y Prt..OT Costa M"' A: vtc. No tell· quirtd """'' g4)..(I022 ~ Upptr iiJI N. Bch. Qa.laiftfd tecflon. Save lnC. SI& ~ C$lh req. SPl\ING I N V 'F. ST ME N 9)' J. Tt. tdacMlllan ~NING to JIWVfl! YoU'D e LAllflLOil6i i · """' -2 ,. , m '· ~11•,-•-. 1""' Sand ....... ...,..., £ CORP. c .. AOS,~,.~~csmt .. ~..... ::,:1~, ~:,ti: rRE!i. RENTAL st:JtVICS north tlfj, near hay m. . ....... . phtno to: Ftoute Otpl., P. 2829 Harbor Blvd., .ru. nu ~ WTI• W9tl¥ .. ~~ 11.164111 Sc~•--Diii iWi1J !or iiMfS 0 . Bex 3146. Anohelm 92llXI $411-!1111 P.O. Box 1223 CIQ Mm. Ado, Chtolt lltem now. Pt.Ul\!BING REP Allt N•~too ....U ·-· I 1 :....J Minimum five' yrs."ln close toteranee gfind· ing -o! high-spe~d afld .earbide ,tool s, f . · CADILLAC CONTROLS · ' ' . . , ' ~ivi1ion of Ex·Cello Corp. 1 t•4 w;ii1tri., >i"" Cnt~ M~ ~2491 APPLY fN PERSON' ·l\.fON THRU 1'HURS BETWEEN 39· P.M. SNACK SHOP 3444 E. Cutt H19h~•Y (orona .d.J Mer- DUNCAN Man,gl!ml!J,lt T..,ntfnH! P~~T... 'l;l.~~;f:V~S. " "' hnml!dial:e opcnin~s for $. ; ·:;?~~t:hr. Htitt Wil'lfM, ·Mtn 7200 Help W.ttftt~1 Mtt~ ?20:0 TIR~ or. bf!:inf _retired! · , STOCK . rtobM • ~~~";: ··: .. ~.~ .. ~·.,~ Pension not qwtl! enough? If --. ~ , .s~v .. STA.: A'M'NDNT~ 'EXP_E~NCED Sel'vlcc 1 ;m,arebet..el!nfl5'&'iO,iC.. tt:£CEIVING .CLERK· ~~~;' .. Flfl 11n1c. A1rp:irt Texaco .. i;~hon ~ltendant, Apply. la live, 'enjoy ll!!sUtt;'Pl~as<int · ~-I • . • : ;o. -• ·~ ~.1\llJI:·~ work. ~ Mike .. 4678 Campus Dr/ J)l!r$n. 2096 Barbor Bl_yd.,, day ·"Work. & ,vouJd ·like to R~1~ mu:nm~ 'IX months ca» .pe.y, ·ate.dl' Work and ~· ' · Cl\.f 64:6-5558 · · earn' the maximql'!l .allowed . expene~ in . electronic an f benetil:l!I. HIX S 0 N 1 · · • · • bf.Social Security rej[till-· par:ts., Exctllent, work:irJg ?wJARINE, .(See C.harles. Hi.Ip W•ntect. Men 7200:Help Wanfed •. -Men 72~. ,tiops; apply Sun ~ W~ =:~ and _employe~ . PhiUtps) ~Production PL e\'CS alt 7 pm, Paulo 'Drive' . 54$.iU I i CN~·~8~· C'i:7'w'="C:.oa.;- CALCOMP IS COMPUTER .. GRAPHICS,. . '•• ·~·i,. C1IComp 11 lh1 world't 111d1r in Co1t1p11l11 &11,Sh- ic Sy1l1rn1. Ar th1 1111 Of "-ompul1" conlji11111 h• 111row, to dot• th1 rn4Vk1i for 9r1phic: ·ditP'i•v <ii •· viCt f • , , i nd 11 C1IC·omp i1 lh1 m•ior. d1v1lop1r of lhi1 v1r11+if1 1q11ip1t11nl, w1 h•~• 1niov1d • p~1nom•n•I 11rowth .. A1 ·.,. •••mpl•. 011r 1•l•1 rol· 11mt ,hf1 i11c1••1•d 400 '1. 1,inc• t9.65 ·''!d ... , h•v• inc•••••d our R l D b,udg•t propo1tio111t1ly to m•ti th• cll1l1•119• of 111w prod~ct1 t•d tpplic•·, tiont. ti!;, t•m• ou+.1!111din9 pro9r1n• 1!·11 .b-.111 ~­ fl1ct.d in 1dw1nc1m•nl opp1rl1111iti••~ <If yoil :•••nt > 'lo bt CO"'I 11 m1mbtr of thi1 win"ilHJ -l11m, will! • lr11ly dvn11nic .. nJ . uniq~• comp1ny. join <:11- ,Comp tod,1y'! Oubt1)14i.ni c1r•11' .~P1?~rfunitf'11 .••• ,, 11: . '" ' . . . . . . ..... •.· Field Sel')'ice Manager •Will b• r11po111ibl1 f'or ph111,.fn9. · or.ij'liniri,,., '"' ; dir1clin9 • lt•t• lltfi~nwi~•' fit ld ,111•\c1 119.111i1· 1tio11 in 111 f1c1b of p•uollft•I 1n1111911119nl, bu~-. t•I co.11+,ol .ind 1••·~'• ·t1chniqliti. R:~qu\rt1 ·1 IS£E 1114 1 °fl)i n i,;.,u~I thr11 y11r1 of r1c1nt~l ~f­ c11fful_ ('l•n191m•nl 1J1p1ri1nc1 w!tll 11~1r 1I v-.•ri 11••ico 1•p.,.i11"C.t 01,.-Jnd tnd )rd 911"•r1t;o11 4'i9 i· 111 comput.11. · ,.Syst~ms Desii;in . Engineers To p1iform 1ytt1m1 4.iig.rt ol int•rf1Cf. 1q11ipm1nl lo 1d1pt C1IComp plottin9 1quipm!'nl lo +lie n•w • 9ener1ti o11 of com pul•t1. Mu1t h1i1' ''P••i•"Ce [~ di9il1I logic ind cir cuit de1i9n of compi.ler, 1y1· ' t1m1 ind 1/0 equipm•nt. Req'1ti1•1 IS er MS in EE. CRT Design Engineers To perferm 1y1!1111 d•1i9n end d1velopme11t . ,r ; X-'1' d1flection 1mplifi•ri. ('"•gneticl for cethode, ••v tube ditpl1y. lf1quit .. IS or MS in EE 111d 2 ye1r1 e•p1ri1nc1 in 1n1lo9 f··d·b1ck •mplifier "•· 1i9n ind dtvelopment: , Sr. Mechanical Engineers IS er MS in ME wiih S ye1r1 er more e•p1ri111c1 in m1ch1ni1m1. d11ig'n 1n1ly1i1 of periph1r.:I co,.,. pullr equipm1nt, i.1. m19n11ic I•~ ir1n1porh, print1rs, p!ott1ri, 1tc. • Programmer Analysr Minimum two y11" on th;rd 91n1r1tie11 co~pul1rl I pro9r1mmi119 in fORTRAN ind "''chine or 111111'1- bly 111191119•. Systems Analyst Mu1t b1 ••P••itnC'i'd wil~ 01, Pref1r1nc1 lo• tho.11 f 1mili1r with G.E, ~00 11 ri 1t cemp~ttrs. Training 'Instructor !Technical). To le1ch tloreory 111d .op1r1lion ef di9it1I comput1r ind. p1riph1r1I 1q1tipme11t •to f;eld 11rYlct i nd fie· lorY p1no11ne!. E•per}11lc1 pr1l1rr1d. -· · Computer Service Engineers ~ 1 To m1inl1in i nd re,1lr d!9it1I co,..put1r i nd ro.- l1tin9 m1mory 1quipm1nt 11 cu1lomtr lot,1tipn!, Op1ni1191 in l ci1 An91l11, s~11 Fr1nci1co. Cliic190. N1w Ycir!, W11h in9!on, O.C. ind •I co1per1l1 he1dq1111l1t1 in An1h1im. R1qvir;1 minitllUm · t.!:o : y11r1 l1chnic1I 1cheol lr1inin9 or coll•t• 1,.:,1 EE COUtlll llld lwo y11r1 e•p1ri1nc1 in 1olid 1111,t 'circuitry, ·di9it1I log le, rol1tin9 ,.,,.....,,;,, ind hou· bl e 1!\.ootin9 • comm11ci1I comp<.1!1r 1qi.ipfi..nt, Pref1r111ci lo 1pplic1nh with com,..1•c;11 1vliem1 1•p1fi1nc1. S1lect1d c111did1l11 w!!I r1c1iv1 ll~d1· on tr1111in9 11 fi.11 p1y i11 An1h1im, C1!iferni1, Electro • Mechanical Draftsman R1~11ir11 pot! hi9h 1chool lr•inin9 ind l•t •nl ••· p11i1nc1 in th. pr1p1r•lion of d1l1<! ~lr1w;11• for eJ1c.tro-m•ch1nic1I 1q11ipm1nt. M.,11 Dt f1fl\ili1• witli f1bric1t:on i nd p1oduclion l1chniq111.1 ,111d '"'"" Mil Sp1c1. t:.11p••+1nc1d in ~r 1wl119 '1ch1..,1.' ' tic1 incl l'CI l1voul. • R & D Technician $ewer·1f l'eelt .••Pe•i1nc1 in c1lilior1t:on ~f di9i11I •elmet.'"· otcllfo1cop•1, pow1t 1G1pplie1, co1111tin e11d •the• me1111ri"9 i"tl1u,,,tnh. Ce"w1rs1nl with• •p.retio11 of 1t1ftd1rd 110 prec,.i...,11: prf1'1t,., 1ol 1oc0Mierv 1tenderd1.. • , .. , '.-·. JOIN CALCOMP-· · SooN TO BE IN All NEW FACILITIES CAL):, WRITE 01\, )t'ISIT 1. •EMPLOYMENT QfFICE ' 305 .N., MUlliR. toNAHEIM-6S~4'0l ~©@©$@®®' ' I. • l!OMPUT~".l>~o"ti\"~; .11\'.C. A" ""'J .,.,orttn.i.,., e111,ploy!; M/F .... , • r.f,, -•4•- l n Theater, -ask foY · ' Proclct. Worlc•r $407 ' manager. No' phorie ' ca1h; 2165 , Fafrv.iew Ro•d fl/S arnd· Prel manied. Ex· pletl~. . . " Cost• ~•11 cellcnt potentilJ. can Dan, EXECUtlVE Equ~ Qpportun1ty Employtr ltfe'rchant.a Personnel Agen· SALES CAREER WE ARE LOOKING ".'i.,~WestcliU Drlv•, N.B. Startinc ·salary gluti · com-FOR_ MEN WH_O ARE l:=..-=,---;c;-;-;== m ission, First.year earnings ~~K.1-NG AHEAD SERV. STA •• SALE.SMAN. •1 qr-$12.~ -plus. p,:i!IE!iblc 2 ~t.us~~!~ .. Y?U ft! a car_e:r Full Ihm; swing 1hitt. l\.fust year t.raining: progl'jlm, b;' i~ ii:isurance. ~~opportunity bL neat in 'appearance and centUey, old .nationlil cpm; to.l~arll U~ 'bus1ne~s I:. earn ha1xhyritinr. Ap~y 2 5 9 0 , · pany. ·Business .or ~!'.lies ~ mo.~Y. ~.n a.~ thm. Nl!wport Blvd., C.11. ... 00Ckgro11nd hclpfal .. ~o tryl-ba)ts,, !>i'fo~e lea~ )'o\11" , -:-- ' vcl' Mailagemenr opportttn-pr.,e~nt Job. Become a full Women !tie's· Equal oPP'. eliiptr. .' ij~ ~ent .;when. quallfll!d. Help W•ntM 7400, ftorialCI A: ··smith'. · With 'a. ·euaranteed income I--.,., ------ 817·7900 . . "'' l!'Q•lh. Gr'oup. ee · NEEDED ·I-~..-===;;·,..--,-• · Fa~cners .1,ns. '* DRIVERS * Ed. L••I . · sto.1Q4 N. o Experit11ice 0rang, eoon1,y w."' . Ywo Office Girls Pontiac Dealership .. l\Iust ~ 25 and, able to drwe , Necessary! NO'\v has openings tor 2 young · , l\Iust hiVe clean califomla agresslve &.stable auto.. APPLY driving record. Apply mobih• sall!~men. Di rec t 186 'EaSt 16th St. YELLOW CAB CO. 'sales experience preferred . Costa 1\11!88. 186 E. 16lh st. But not ncce5sary, \VI! will -sHARP GAL- C~ta l\Ieta. !rain right men. Our top Looking for a permanent men ~ar·o in'~Cess of S"..!5.000 po11ition · \vit h · lhe groovil!sl The Rigger # ·16 FASl~ION-ISLAND NE\VPoRT BEAC1f NEEDS A FU~l TIME DISHWASHER · man. only. Set up .and opera1e Chuckcr er St!oond · o~lion lathe. Small clo8e· ·w1i?nlnce Instrument part:s. DISf,'..' INSTRUMEl"/TS 2701 · S. H~liday, . Santa Ana. ~:.. e TRAINEES· e •FIBERGLASS . .REPAIR · SCHOCK BOATS 673-2050· a yeal'. . boutiq\11! .in Orange County. Apply in.,peri;on , lo !\lust bl! experienced in hi· General Sales litanager . r a 1 h\0 n d ·r e 11 e 1 t Bob Longpre PpnHac sporti1'\\'to:lr. I! YoU qualify, 13600 Beach Blvd. Wstmnstr call for •ppt: ntE LOOR, EX'PEllENCE:D *'COOK * Apply in Person REUBEN E. LEE ..... ~ GffikFrida.y ' t y p e , in. terc11ing & varied 'work. Recju~ ~·.~\•:l~e . o I , 11hthnd.' ·fi<ld iy,ping , purchas{ng exper. deslrable. Wlliing let< JI!~ Ir: C1"0W Wf company~ P-t e a 1 ant 5ur- roundinp.. A.e P J y iJa ruverside A'V_~: NB 1_ 15i E',. CoHI Hwy. Newpof'.t .B••ch COUNSELORS, II 11 m , at- tractive, mature womesi for --====~--I figure saJ~ V~C4,.,d1W!:s; MEC.HAN'IC TIO cxpcr. ~ss. we , ftln. Journtyman mccha!'lic,-l!X· ·.eau ltti53 Gest, for •flpt. pcnencc Foreign or Doml!S-CAi\IEO ·.FIGURE SALON tic. One 9f I~ oldest For-61~1 ~ign car ,service departmentsJ .::.~W~O::!',.,M"'E°"N'°". &"G"1'"RC.-l.-S · · FIBERO~A$$ .. ~ in Oral)ge Co.~F}tlt tall!&: Pleasa'.ii\ t~l!Phone 'work rABRIC•TC)R warranty work $9.00 per . . . -r. ..,., . tU:. 'P&Y 'based•on 50/50')'c. from ·our 0U1cl!1 •• no exp. Expert at Gell-cooling Jargl! ur, ·.· . nee Full or part timl!. $2 to ..,.,.... ... ._.familiarw· /.·hand .Excellent \vorkmg conch· 15 .:...r hr. Apply.6-12 or 2-6 i-•"' !Ions Must havl! own hand r-... Joy.up. P~rma""hl ~·salaried. • pm 230 \V Warnl!r Sw"' .. ., 10018'. call ~idpcy, 49+97U Ol' · 21· 7 ' S A ' ' • in cha.rte o~ til-od~clion. 54~4. ~~·c::·c;,· !::'"0::::->"'°::::= 7'~7~~1';";.c.· ;';>.,--,...i..:::'-::t--"~on;ltrU<ttan--Jpart or..iJl1,·'time 10 women YOUNG . ti.IEN, ,i;tlling' • to Construction needed inufifd. tor child learn tride: Merchj!.ndlsillg, Admln. Auto $11.000 care, aides ..or companions. stock clerk, le8.ding to Fee paid, Major Beach area Agl! 21·65 purchasing:·· l\.1ilit!lfy' him· co. Xlnl futu~. benl!fits. Sitting Pr•tty· A .. ncy mitments compll!ted. Call Comer CO'l'lstr &I •yrs. Also J'\fember ot·we Sit Be:ttl:r, ~m.:.9373 -. i l!c jobg, send r@Sill1ll! or call lnc. Subsidi"_, oi Gerber ·.Ka.j', 546-Sf.10, :JASON BEST -~ SACESMAN/r.Iecha111e .. 'F\ilf Employment Agency. '2120t-.,--"""'_,-·~°'-· ~'-"'.327-.'=.- tin1e, "A" smoi license. So; Main: S.A. ·-' Accou1ntint Clk. $415 Knp\v brake~. .No major .::::..;.=.,,~~-~~--I Know general 1.~counli11g, 2 '";CU'k. ?.lust be top Fi1lllf Coordinator yean exp. can Lora:inc, Mer- sa!CSffian,. neat.,~ Jin1, To $13,roo· lee paJd, l.l!adinc chants Penonnel Arency, ·2500 Ne~rt. C.M .:: Beach area Co. Xlnt oppty. 2043 WCstciilf Drive, N.B. SERVICE STATION Comet constr. Also fee jobs. ~mo Send resume or · call Kay,1 ,;~;;,;"'. -:;~:;;;;;;:;;;= employee \Vilh eKperience, 546-S4 IO. JASON .8 EST MEDicyt. ~NSCR~ , \Vantcd for run 1ime day Employment Agency, 2120 Jn an expanding med1ca1 : shifr. Apply: 604 S. Coast So P.1ain S.A: records departmenl ~· H\\j ., LAJ:'. Bch, ~hevron · ce.Llent aal1u:y k . benefits. Sta . · .-F18ERGLAS e Inquire hrsonM:l Dl!pt. 80YS10 '.. e REPAIRMAN. HOA G MEMORIAL Cdrrlcr Routes Open Experienced, mature. : 1,;H~OSP;i',;~IT="'AL"", ~NB,,,..._.-;:::;::--;-: tor permanent, aood .pll)'; ·EXPERIENCED help in 'Lag:una Beach, So. Laa:una benelitS. SCHOCK BOATS oYeTlock, bllnd stitch. I. ,DAILY linnt . .rn.2(511' * . Ne\\<l>Ort ,. single ntt&e. 5 'daysfwk. 1 -+....:.~"2-4~'~"'~ ..... --· J •!!!!!!!!~~~!'!')~""""i 'day llhilt. ·hrly, pe.y. 1621 Staw•rd/Hendyman . DR~IAN ,Alabama; HuntinftOpBetch. . 'l\1a"Re-~t.h Cl\\'." tl'!ns~ta-1Buildlna dept. '-site ~an-REAL Et,tate Salesmen •Wbl' tion. · Apply at ·Dan, Thi! . niO£ exper. Smdent OK µ not sen &; -be trained in the . Beachcomber, 3001 E. Coast knowledgeable. Sa1acy operi. hottest area • Huntm,ton lh\'Y, 'Cd~f. . Call for a pp 0 i n.t m l!"JI t • .&aeh. Call Phil ·McN~ . EXP pastry cook k · · 546-Gru 962-44n Villagl! Real E!tate Exp fry cook. pa1't DON'T.JUST WISH for SOJnl!. BOOKKEEPER, pl time. rime. m@98 tbi'ni lo 'Jurnish your h.ome .l\.fust be ·lamiliar with billin& Benton's Celfee Shop ... Jind rrtat buys in to-· pl'OC('dllres on peg brd. l)'S- 1J3 S. C•ast ""'Y. LB : day's Cl~Wed Ads. tem. 2 yrs. exp req'd. 494-0760 H•ip 0 W1nt9d, Men 7200 Heip W1nted, Men 720o .ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER , ....... • ......... _; • ·• • • • • • t AIR, . A/P, Salary_ Com· t · · , t n1e1111urall! w/ ablhty. Ap-+ ¥ANU~'AC.TURING · . 1 ply at 200 ~ C.M. + · P.ROPIJCTION · SEc/lleopt. Atfraotl"" chi i . lRAJNEfS . · ;~~~;:-~: • ! t TACO T_,, nlli'rtJ, ov. 21. * ~o EX,ERIENcr· NEC-&.ssAAY.. .• ?i. lO :l& YE.AAS:-• .Some.expprd'd."ApptyAM. 1 HUii':i SC>-iOOL GAAf)UAll. IF YOU HA\li-THE A'· i S9'T W. 19th St. ~,};J. TITUOE, , Wl. VllLL TRAIN · YOIJ. f'ElMAN,NT iM· EXPER.. Part. '4ne waitreU. l'LO'f'MENT, EXCE\LE~T . OP'°KTU'NITY FOl AD+' r)i 'Hi H B. • 'lANCEME~T. . .• -. ~"~ru;:"u ~o 5 p~, + INTERVl~WS MON. THRU FRI. i * WAITRESS, oxp'd, ov. 21, : Sps W F'l.Ynt; mm.ER. 61Wl7T. . . ,estern f °'"'"" M,: Zimm" t GENERAL Hcusekel!per. t S dayt. Swedl11h, £nalbh or + 270L So. H•rbor, S•nl1 An• c.rmon. "9<-6170 : · • ' + PIT 11lebC:h.to run private of· ! AN EQU,t,L 0''°lfUNITY EN,LOY&l -! flee u Gal'Friday for Stock ;., • •-•• u : ........... ;. ....... • •. • •.• ~ 11\'leSlor. 546-73!1 1\vo years esperience In prlVa.te Ufte, aJli knowl- cdre. of multW;al board :~ .. 10 am lo 6:30 ,pm * PBX .. .OP~RA tOR... CLAlll,.•D OOU~'l\IJ'f<I,.,.~·~ •V!llfW" • . ' • ':...~. t' . • .. ' .,. •• I • 1,;. • ,A-•-. r . . f d , . ,MultiP>I '-<l'•"e-~ .. D•!ly ·:Pilot> Cl•sai ie . .~.~fuin& ~ .. -.. . j . ·-··~·· •• " . >. ' I 1:30:.pm.lO'~Opm.''llbUt.:. r .. -1 • ' , ' · '· ·· C:LASSIFIED INDEX . •' *·'t·t'.a',· ....... ~ ... ~" ... ~OUSIS·F~~-~E .. ••~•o~t 1ti~~1 . m1 :·1,~tcAL . ; .. ftA , HHI••• , -Hl ,WN&.T INOllll 'm' 1•U11'MINT IUTAU CMT.t.'°'MuA , lMt WUTCLIL" O!li Pl:NCIN• • R.IAN MU... 011$. ~· t• ~=~~·::.~" ·~· = :=•~111••1.-11: l flt. MISAt ""itDI ~ .. '111 I.UT ILU'I' , tttl '1111110TU"I IU.TQll•• T Cil.LIH l'AlllK 1111 (.oliONA' OIL MAI 4Uf. &·RIPrMllllltll Assis ANT NiW1"91\' 111.C:N 1H• IAUOA · · ' 4M,. 1.utDINlfll '. ' · . , N•W,...1' Nlltfitfl 1'11 • .., 'llLANDI . •JMi CllNll:AL. lll'IH:IS ==-~ .... -: . ., · ;~: LIOO.IJ&.a , 4,ltl llillAO IN ... DIKIND Lite typin,, h\'o yl!ars tl!<:hnical library expert. ence. dl!sirablr-. iA'fCIUU ln:I :t~~~:LCN :: :~·:,. TNVMI MYIHOIH tt» NO• rn .. r.:Jlt:I , 12V l'OUNTAlllill OVA"""W • "411 IUN $ l'ITCL •• '"' llAL llACN 4lH NllALTM. ~1.Ull ' , ''lit · LONI llACH 4~ MA\ILIHI ;, '; '' MA IOlt ':l!,~LANW ltu 0111.t.lfll CO~T't \( • 46'f "OUllCt:IANI~ 'u,'v'~ ..... , ' '-'IK . ~= OAIDIN ff:OYI °" " , 4'11 llfTllUOlt 011$ftATtflll ~. 14CK 'IUV Ult WllTM!NSJll 1 ' 4111 1•COMI TAX . · ' "* , SENIOR · "'"''''•• ,.., •1ow.1v·c1TY • qu 11toN,'~t. 111; . 1 .,i * ., 1,4HTA ~~ . •· 4fi2t ONINI • • ' ' . lllVINI TlllllllACI UU IAMTA A ~14.rtt 4U4! INM.ILATIN• • ' CoaoNA.OIL MA• USf Tutflflt'' 1! · ,·7 r"':'\ 4fff· tNSUllANCI, .. 4 ' ACCOUN' Tl. NG J.U.&QA, ....... VLA :· COASTN.i ' • I. 41•, IMV91TtfATIN•. ~ '"• ••AC.N •AY 111 U8UNA .• ACM ' .,,_ JAHITOal,\L . ' . ' • l~Y 'tst.ANDI ' 1• UGUNA NIOUIL 4711 'llWtlRT '••'A .... ' 1r.· ..... , .~ LIDo Ut.91 • 1111 SAM CL.aM9fM ~ ... !.!1;! LAMOKA,JNJ !!J! CLER'K' :~c::.~.~::~IM:N ~= 0 ............... "'\ , j ! ' .,. LOQl'IMITtt . \ . &; · , ltllNTlftitf9N MMllWI MM Tll:IPL.9)(.;.~ lftl. MAIONttV, .•• Cll' .... lfOUNTAIN VALL.9'f' '''" CONOOMttniM' ~.. -MOVIN• • nou•• - ACCOUlltll-payable ei:per. lenee, accurate typist on IBM electric. Aceountin1 baekground dMirable. *JUNIOR ACCOUNTS PAYABLE· CLERK I •u.L llAc.N • -14:11 •ll!NTA-I.. . ·t l'Al'WTIM•.'1-•••111• I: f"'9111T IUC:M ,"5 l''llO ... 't. '. -'AINT1". ·I'-• '= ... o•• .no0 •••. .a..-ODrurnished ' '"'t01 · 1 · .· -· • • ' · ,..... l'MOTOO"-~f'HT LOl'l•··a.a· M lill •IMl•At. ltM PLAJJlll ..... f'lldl. ...... I . U.KllWOCNt · 1511 ~A MISA · ; I~ l"LV""'I ..... , ., . I ~ , . oa.vt•l l:O.UtfTY ..... Ml$A VINll ' l lJt PIT HOOMIN8 ' t OVT Oii COUHT'f l 61f Nl'll(l'Oq .._.,..It• ·1 12'f f'OOL. llll:VICI -.,-tt OU1'10,.ITATI 1* NIWl'OllT-;:jllOMTS . 5'11 l'OWI A SWll,tHe MU STANTOM -.1,n NIW""D ... T,IH .. 11 lt11 l'IJMI' Slll:VIC5 ... 'NISTMllllSTI• 11lt WIS~U,.P ' ft31 IMPIMtl :tJ l <!' • 'e MIDWAY CITY l•lt UNIVlll:llTY llAll:IC tW llADIO, .... in. l fC. ~ ..... S4'1TA.A1fA 1t:H U.Clt IAV fltl ll1MODILIN8 & 11, •t'I~ S~MTA ~-H8Tl. I~ IAIT kU~ '• ~ JIQ lllM001Lllf9, ~WfffN. I ' ~ ... ,. .. ,.. -' 16" COltONA OiL ""'" s1s• scmer. ........ ~ fUITIN lift .ao\LllM · t lN $(WINO · HOltTN . TUSTllll . 1'45 at.V ISLANn llJf llWINO MAC!ffNf 11:1rAllS II I (NANlliM UM LIDO~nL•'-·-~ nsl Ol'!Tl(•TjlillCS. s.wwt. -,, • 'IL¥11tlDe Cl.HYON llff tfUHTINGTON 1•-11' If ... 1'AILU1"lf . _ _ _ ~I lfAVASU LAKI 1HI POUHTAIN VALLIY 141f TlllMtT~CONl•t;• e ~ UitnfA""ff)t.'U .1,,..<M a"l.104• l~MO , , , IJU TILi!.' C-IC' , .,,. LAGUMA.'•ICM ·-SIAL llA · 14ff TILL 'L ...... :~ ..... '_.,~. '-".G9Nlli ~·U•L .,.. , .... ••A • .. ssiji tlrl s1.1tV•~· • ' ~ ·.~!-ICJ'"""'cA'•'•-•••" '," .. ' ClttANSI COUNTY Ji.. TILIYISIM , ·~ ..... • _.. Witt •· V 8A•b1•·..,,. · 16,lt Ul"NOLSTlltY · • CAl'lfTMN«"•UCN 1,m WISTMtNnMt •. AH· Wlt:DIHe ' ·~ ' .. ' •""" 'Hl11tT.·. , , ,, nt• MtOWAY 'C1n.:' ''" JQIS & .......... LOV·MEN Litl! typin&.· l\fust be .ex· pe_r~ in ~ccoun~ p:zya 'bll!' . ... !f<AtL~~01'1,: •-~ , 1' S•HTA 'AMA .,... : N,. 1c'!'r: · " = INJ.,. lfSf s.-,,.t.:AJfA-Nll/ltrfS SUI ID• 'w.l.HnD. Miii ' N ·01110· ' • '"" Tll.-rfN ' Stll JOI WANTIO. WkiM . . ~:.,n;~~:,i,:.~.. ·:: ~t1i"i-~ •• tw:J. .:. :::C' ~:..~~·: .... !~ •.I'.· ·~,· ... I . ~ 1 •• c;MM .. \NtvM . THI u.ouu· NIOUWL . ..,., llJIOMll1'1C MIL.. ;;i ' OtrH.Pll'l"O .. IAL9' tt11 Ulf•~I .,_ S11t AOINCIU.."-·'.<.. • • .18" •• • A'A•tlll.Nts Hit IALI 1ftt SAN iVAW~iifiAN8 !7H tRIL' WAHTlllt, ~ • 1 · J: RINT~LS. ~-~~ · • . ,,,. •••11Cl9••·..._ ·•·, ·) · ,. .r.:?l..,·.Furnishecl , REM.~·esrAt:E, :i~:•w:=~ ·' ''"' L " • "" .. General ,. · ·Mlrt!11c11 ,,.. • ··'"""" ·• ltl!NT ''Te IMA•• MIMi J•Ul"Ll!li .il $!". KMOOU a· INITllUCTION , .. COIT.tr...... ' ' 11M COJl.,..,.NIUM! • · • , 1'51 IOI .l'll••A•Afti* · = CO'LllNS , ' < ·RADIO. CO~ l'J'llA•"" M•a .,,_ •n'DJ,I WMJT'flt Slit TMIATlllCAL ' , , l.\1i1Kv1101 .1.111 aQOM1·,011ttHT . "" MERCHANDISI ,01.'r, 1t700Jamborff Roall ~7J'::.•.,'°::c.. ;;: =:J:~~~:-_.. cou•TS !:,'f SALE iANJ>1T~Dll ;:.~~...-. ... •ch HllW'OftT' ......... "'' ou1'S1<.toM11 • ! '"' 'U•Nn'Ulll -' .. •IW•O•T ·•NO•U .me Ml=· .NTALS ' . "" OPPICI PUJ!:Pltw•• ·u· , l~YINOllES I • '. 11'S IM ,..,lllfY t• OPlflCI ,.,U:WMJMT. M,1, Equal opportuJ.i.t)' employ~r DO;Yn st1oa1s tm '"'"'' 1·;iit6P•in:Y "" 110-1 11:01•"4~' .•·1 CLl'I!: ..... ,, J -f1tAILlil,:N1tltl' ·t•U Ct.Pl, llQTAUUllT t11• ~lfTl' '"ltK ~ •uit,..SI ltfi'fT~L ,.., ... ld'lltfl>MIHT ' •Is Nil ' • . ' . !131 OllPl(I' Iii HJ At: lt11 MoflRMOLD . OOC#DS IW IACk'l'IY 2'"' lNDUIYll:IAI.. 'Pll:O,llTT' ... cuuea IALI. Jet! FOUNIAIN:VALLEV • ..,,. .• ,U •. P .,. ••• ;lltl C~lltCIAL . , ... PUIUUTUltl AWflON •. SCHOOL ' DISTRICT .. • .......... ''rliUlACI '"' .. Dtl'ITllAL lllHTAL '"" .,,Lii.Ne.ii -CUOMA·DIL MA• 2* 1.0'fl , , ' •1• u,ITMWll · . · 1 '1lt * IA ... ~ . 2* iAN::NU , 1151 •tWIN8 M.ACl'l'INl,S. . l'IU ADMINISTRATIVE iAT ISUNDJ ,,,. cmus·.-.llOYll . ms MUSICAL 1'4J.TlU,,_.., .,. ' , ., t.IM tit.I . . !UT ACltlHI tnt "IANOS·A Oll .. NJ ' l?Jf Y ........... nUM• 1:w· Ulll JUINOltl •m llADIO ' -SECRETAR llUMTn.tOTON lllClt 1• llUOtl1"'1lOl"llllT'I' •· 'rlLIY'll..... • IJI!. POUftTAIM YAUIY 1411 OM•Ull·CO. PllGl'lltTY t2" ·~54'1 & ITl:ll'.t. tlft $543, fO $652. SU.L eUCM ' tqt OUT o, ITATI ·f'llO,. MN oTAl"8• •IK.OllDllt· · -* . LON .. ••ACM ff MOUJf'1'Atlll • ennT ''" cAMl•AI • :••Ull"MINT UjN Ota .... COUNTY t M IUIOl'ffltoft UNO "1! lfOllY' SY''Llll ... PERS'O.N, NEL ~AHTA,.•ANA 16M •••L ISTATI llltVl(I '"·' .,...,, ........... , ' :"" IVllT l"ITla Ult LI fXCHANel '"" llNOCULAllS. ttcli,11 . TECHNICIAN MtoMY CJTY t.it a a_, WAlfflO ,,.. MISCILU.NIOllS ; ' ' .............. ,. . 1'us1NESS .-• ........... . $5,7 t • aLU. C:OA,TAL' · , fJM 11U · MACNIMlaY, ai._ "" • ' • ....-. 0.0UllA 'llACH ' ,,. FINANCIAL t.UMlllt ' . . ' mt / * : UOUNA· HIGUIL tm IUSIN9SI 8"P01tTUNITlll '* ITl11a.•• .. REQUml."~n;N'J',S SAN .Cl.IMINTI ml IUSINISI WANTIO 6llS JUll..DtNe MAtfllALS .. ••"'"'( "" JUAN CAPIS,Tflt.K• t1lt l'VUTMIKT OfMmnlllM '1\t SWA~I , -, , ~ 'l)>piur?&Oi-'wpro, lhoi'lblU'ld c1.,.1sT••No •••t" 1131 1NVl'ITM••' wlNT10 • PETS nd LIVESTOC": 90 Wpm. ' F rfna:c beftefifs; DANA POINT ''* MONaY TO LO'fl 'm I i~ lllVllUIOI, COUNT• ,._ 'lalOMAL LOllMI UH f!l:TI.· ~NIU~ .I 12 days paid .~cation ~r VACATION llHTAU 'Mt JIWIU.Y LOANS ,. CATI ' • yr and 12 ·du.J paid SlCk OCINMMtNKIJlt <!Mt COLLATallAL 1,,0ANI ms Dtfl .. }l!ave ""r yr major medl· OUPL•••• PUltN. ~· """ ISTllTI ...,... .,. K~llSll ' . . .. -. • . . ntfl'•LS . MOl'T9HllS. :f'rd .,.,.., ·~e Ll~OC:lr - "" ""uran"" '"°'"'" .... Unf\lmidi1Jli -"' "''""• " "" CAtlFORNIA LIVING!~» FOR INFORMATION i°hauL · -~Ntt()UN'CEMENTS , llUll9'111' . · Call ~fus Zachml!yer, 842-66al COSTA MuA :ri• 1g NOTICES !Wl:';r,IN• fef>U ttt. Ext. 2~ between ~ •· 5 pm. MllA OIL MA .. ' . llU •ouwo ,;.,..-Aft) '4.• :~~1J'Gs • "" ~===="°'"~~-MIU. v11to..• '11' LOST' • ''" ..,,.U.TfOHS ft FOUNTAIN VALLEY colt..t•il ""It" 1111 ...-1tsoNAlt ,._ T'DA'NS.PO. RT'TION' ' OOl DISTR'ICT Nliw1'0lit1" 11Actt mt '"" "''t ,.. ,... ; ' SCH NJW,OJtT NITS. ftll AMNGUN~IM 1411 iiOATS' &' TA;;NTI . ""' * N"POlitT lt!OlllS, ftit ~::,.LS 'WI IAILSO..TI • tilt '"1 DUPLICATINI!... •AVINOlllS J9I ,AIO OJITIJAIT d1J HWI• CflUltlllS .. , I \ilP"' NYllfl llfO&h #II ,UMllAL·IN•k'f01S 14H SPllO-Skl lqA)'S • 1 MACHINE UNN"•1t1m '"1c :m7 caao·CJfl '"AN1tt ..,, '°"'" MA1NT!MAkC• WIJTCLI'' . 3tJt ,LOlllST1. ''" •oAT nAtLlltS ·='" ! lllVl•8 Im IN MIMOllilAM "'11 IOAT LAUltCttAI• I OPERATOR ~It ao\Y ,... ots '" ,.....,..,.. ••u''·' MU l $457 t'o $541, , IJ•t 81,U,, l l'I ~::m:~~-""" "1t ~T SLIP'1 1,tl)OJtlHe ... , t•vtN•· ., ... ACI. . .IHI Clll'f#.TOjltf!S !.Ii •O:-.T .fllt,V1Ctl' ,.., ., I cotlONA'NL ~· mt MUM>alAL. P'Alll(S · 6 1 •OAT ll::INtALl ~ ·· * MUM ' ' l$lt AUeTIOMI' IOll!T .C"AltTI~· I • <I Testini IJld typlne 40 ..,,m. '"" JJUM01 ·WI A•IAT10K 11••1'9 ow. ''•"•NI:'°""· ,,.. I Genefa) &•iu ftl! c1 IUlUWl""'A"· IALI~ llUMD dJ A1Rr1'11AN1f'e111'Mnf1H , · .... IOAT tTO•A88 .,· •' . -• J' •·--·_..,.._ Ll.D01ll ... , , • lal· tflM'li"-·-. "!JS '°"' M8Vnte $ * ' N""'"' ""' -AllTO T-..,N1,.,•y•TIO# ... 1on1 WANT•• REQUIJ\~tENTS :.::=: =~':c,. = ~.'A:°I'f..t\e·ittt• = :~::!'f1.:.0..1 , ••. .~~ T:ir:p~m~ ~~ie •::~~ iil':t-~,:~ = f~~~~·DJliCTOR! ~~·~, .,.. : I 12 days 'paid vacation per L.Olll• •PC" lftt Ai . INt'ntt'tte• .,. lllCTltlt Ultp • ' YI' and 12 days paid sick OJMta ~r· ,.. All'Pt;INolt'• •• ,,. •• '" ...... ~·· MllO ...... -I · · tAfln'A'· AIU Mlt Af'l'JtAISlff .. MOTGllCYCLll leave per yr Tilajot' med1· Wlh'MtNtrlJi ! UPMALT, Oh .,,. ~tCOOTlltS .·, caJ lnsurance 'pot\cy '-UlfWA'f'ICfTT ""'9 a1,a111 . we a11to Sl'!l¥1Cfl • P.t.ITt ," 1 FOR INFORMATION ,_.,, e.111e "' .... " . ~"'°• "" w.. T•• 1u. '"' . AllTO TOOLS • 1eu1•. c·OhT•i"-ntl IAIYS01'1H8 • tJ.&11 ~.a.11t.. Tll"tl\. call l\.llgs Za~hm~y'er.,842-66al u•UNA-llACH 17111 IOA1 MAIHTIN,.HCe '"S' ntAILllltll ti,., t. .. ..,.., ""'; lvel!n IAN ,(LtMif'Wfl 17\1 aus111ns SllYICll IUt JfS,.S ' •• Ex = •·t 2. S pm. 1.A8UMA•NIOUal "'1 elllCK. ~y, tM. '"' -flUC•I \ J W R bl C'APl\Tfl:ANO , ' .,,, e0"'81ll 617' CAt.llf',llS • • 0 nson ~PllTIUM•llAl':lt --Uftltl... 4'X CAMHI . llNTAU .I; · 1 ..... ·,..NT -n· ... ··~··"· t$• D""' •vtor•• H11 optnl"I or: u..~· .UM •• ltf•NTJa. u,. 11i11l'IO•l•• .•• , .. 0R"E" Al.S'"'""1 •· ~ =-~·i·~ .. , ue.'.., ~~-~~~:.:... .. ~, * COSMETIC * ~· , ... ll:ACI (Alt. IOn• ·-· PW111111M , ,...,,., .... ,., ·-''""''""'" I ' ' " ' ' " l .,...,.\. -~A 11,All:,..-Aln'OI WAUQ OMEll ""' --•••un " SAWW V.O• -._ l , ... ...,,_ JL•A.,... ~ , e ' ' M ....... T,.•,llll(ff • '-4llt ....,,. .. IUYtCI . till \Ifft°'!, ..,~, •• .£-j 'l , • .; ~ .. --(Experienn preferred .• ~a ~ .. ~...=-be~· '.HAVE YOU .. LOOKED 'FOR f ·~·: ":~.so~ Dµ'r.. :: :· .'t 'HE t.mlbD'EN DqLLARS ·r j~: Fuhion l1lond · · • • · , ? . , Newpo~ ... Cl> " '·If.( YOUR. HOME .j.Ala-1Y '. .. :,: Equlll QPportunHy. empkiyt:r .I:) • ' "; 1 I .. --· · j;1· \VhUe clephant.:1! Dim.e+llfl4: ~ Ill , ,, ... • -----'"~--'-' ---· ---------~-------·-----· --·---~~--..__..... ....... _ .. __ _ ::L_ ____ _ I ' ' ·--~-... .--.,....-.~_,,.,...,..,,,,_,... __ .,. . .,..,,.,..,....,.,,....,,.--...,.,,..,.,, ,'~ . •. c ,, <1." .•. "'-"'"1'"""'· ... "'""·'~,....,.,,,., .... n~•~r;""i-:'·~-.... --7-... ~-.... -·-,': ;·: -.-.·-. , I . .. I • • 1 . C' .. I .,..,.,. • ••i· ,.~ • ' .. . 11 • • . -. . 1 ., ·:aei Set for the ll•g-Waliirigest • Day L.-'. of them All~~.FIYa ·'rf•W Flag Delp Yourself Help I ~ ~· 1· t • \.i I I, '· 't 1 On the • Fourth The ln~pendt!nce n ·ay ( J~ly 4tlt) and Cubor Day (Sept. 'I ' 1) are corning soon. Be • ,.. . · · · r'eady to · celebrate with· I flying colors with a De· luxe New Flag Kit, Order yours toddy. Supplies are limited. • ! . .. Boys~ . . ,, Fly a new flag at your home or office during this patriotic season . Here's an offer that lets you save money and help your Boys ' Club, too . Participating in th is public service offer are the Boys' Club of the Harbor Area, .Boys' CI u b of · " Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach Boys' Club. Here's how you can help them and help yourself. lust order this beautiful deluxe flag kit, at a fraction of its retail value, and get as a bonus a California state flag -all deliver- ed to your door by Boys' Club representatives or mailed directly to your home in time for holiday use. Order Now At Any of Four Boys' Cl.ub Headquarters HARBOR AREA !CENTRAL IRANCHI 594 CHttr Strfff Costa Mesa, Calif. l'l'lont 5'48·'187 HAUOA ARIA IU"U IAYI 2131 Tusths A•nue Costa MtM, Calif. ,h ... '42-8J72 HUNTIN~TON llACH IOYS' CLUI 119 Yorktew1t Huotl11tH 1-h. C:.111. 'hone S3'094U LAGUNA llACH IOYS' CLUI 175 -c-1 Hl1hw1y Lot ... lieoh, Con!. 'ho•• 494°2535 Use mail order coupon below and send it directly to club headqu1rters n11r1st you. Your fla9 kit ind bonus st1t1 fla9 will be de livered or mailed directly to your home or office. Or you can pick them up in person at the Boys' Club hetdquartars 1n your are a. Pick Up Your Own Fta9 Kit and Get This Ff'ee Gift ~---------------. I I I I Jult clip out thi1 m•il ord•r coupon end fill it out. Senti, along with check or money order, to th• Boys' Club ha•dquarter1 nearest you. ~•k• checks payable to "Boys' Club." l"IH1a 1aftcl me ................. Amerlu.ft f'-9 kits et SJ.ts p•r kit. I uncltntft I will rKt1wt 01 • ho+l*f ltonu1 o Collfond• 1tett flot with eech kit. SO.STAR UNmD STAJIS fl.AG I N•m •·······················-······················•······-···············: ................................. . I Street Addres1 ...........................................•.... :·-···-················-·-················ I C ify ........................................................•......•............ Zip ..........................•• I I I I I ·I I 39s !THIS IS ACTUAL DICAL sml c-,... '"' 5oo '°'"""' .,. s root n. Moot ttatT. Ml,.rd. Mat.II -•tU. ..... C md Ktcwt, •• all bli • ""1 cardltalfd .. , ..... c.Jir1al. Free Decal I Pho,. ............................................... E"'10"0 1' $ .................................................... 1 Wh ll• •h•y , •••• i h• Boys' c1Jb •• 11 •• you thit •p .. i•I, 1 ... 9;ft I I ... • d•c•I of the Americen Flag like th••• you ••• l 't'ltywhtr• _,., B H' h Q J' 2 1 Th i• 1peci1I holid1y off tr It • public tervic e of the DAILY 'ILOT and th t loy1' on cir wind1hi1ld1, homt end office whu,ows , or '"'" on the Hotia•y onui: '9 UI ity I Cl b I a h ' I • 8 h I f•mily b••I. Vi1lt th• •• .,.. Cluh r.11r11t you I ph•n• for hours of u t o th1 Harbor Ar11 , Huntin 9fon etc 1n11 '-419""' t ac . ' ,' l ., . by 18-inch Californi1 State Fl19 op1r.1ti1n). luy • 1fl•9 \it : gt+ th• decal fr••· Suppty of d1c1l1 '------------------------------L.---~---~--~---~---~---~--~---~---~---~--~--------~--------.. ' _______ ._''_'_'~-lt-•d_._H_u...., __ . ___ ._~· ___ . ____ '""T.._ __________ ,...,...,.......,,I . .... . ~ -' -.. ---· -r----.... ir ' ...... ~ ..... :. .-..... ·····-·-· • -~.&.-- ' '. _____ _,,___, LEGAL l!OTICE • . f tU1>1•1:: COUlllT OJ' THI \ tT.tiT• ~LINIQIA , .. 1 TMI COUN Y Gt' OU ... I : ........ ;~ PIT~ .. J'O• ... o.. .., ,.+•fl\ ; ~ Llnl•& AM. , t'.Ul•t9 of lf1 "' YHI;~ °'ii" '-"· ·~.. j t NOTICE 1$ MtltlEtY ' lYIM 'f?let t .,.._ ;ow. ••flWl'I ...... t!lle ......, • ( .,.n11or1 tor •roMte tf wm ,,.., ftir 1ttv911a o1 ltti.r. T•t11'1'\tt\1'1'Y M ht!- ., t1e111r, r~-to Wl'lltfl .. ,,.. tlw : f\l"""rrirtl<ui.r-. tnof .,,_, 1111 JlfM .,_. ' •i.ot ,......._ .... -"'* ....... " fer JUll' 11, 1,.., •I f ;Jt 1,m., Ill ... • "our!,_ tor 0 .. 111 .... 111 Mt, 1 f'I c•I~ 1 CCll.lrt. -' l"Ot WMI IEJ9fl"" '""'/ '" "t! Cttr fA S..U. ""-• C11lfwn1.. ' , ..,; , -0•"\,~!J,.· \Ml, . . • ·-:~. JOl:ff"~ Ctillfltv <.•rti. • , . ....., .. ,,.... . .. """ ... __ ... j,...., . ,.,... ........ ~··h•• .-r, ,. 1 C"lt ""'t.ic::.._., NII T•h cn•1 1 r ubllf.Md °''"'' CMll 01!h• 1>1111, ; June •· 3t. Jv!' '( lm.H ' , . ! LEGAL NOTICE • MOTICI TO CllOITOllS . su••~ COUltT o• TM• ! STATI CAl.:1,0ltNIA POI • ~ T<r .. OU.Ntl • • .... MatiU ' -. • E"tlt(t' eir. • CO!Ut ·I.I~ • Mlllll. l 0 r.t.. • . • m 1ci 15· H!lt ... Y Gt'ffMd:.::: t ~n'dlhlrl of;,.., •llilMI ,,,,,,.. • fl,11 111 Pl•~• l'lrllt'lf ci.1-11•11111 !flt 1 11!6 8@<edtt1I ''' r..Wll'itl '° tilt ltltM, • wlll'I IM "~'"''"' ~'· lft !l'le el'f1q ! of ttll cltrk of '"" llMMI ttilltlld eovrt • ., to ••tMflt 11\tm, wllll "" _,...,., j \llll!dltrl. lo "" ""''"''"" " ,.,,, ..... " (lff!c111 ti Fll:ANKLIH ANO Fll:A.NKl.IN, • 107 Eal 1111'1 $1ritl, C•I• Mohl. Gil~ ! fOl'flMI, Wl'lldl It IM •141(• of busl-cf t~ urlde,.ltntd 111 111 tl\ll1flrt -111nlnt • "' "" tflele if Mld dl(td ... I, wl!lllf'I FOi.it ; "'°""" 11ftr ttlt ""' 11111111c1llon ol 11\11 I M!ICI. O.ltlll J-11, "" . Grtlchet1 Mll~r I Llllfll Vll'llt1l1 Mlli.r .l.dm!"l1tr1ton cf 11'11 ntti. ' cf ""' •bow "'"'" ftc.-..t • PltAMKl.IN ANO ,.Al•O(LIN • ''' •• 11111 ''"'' ! t;qt9 ,,.....,, C•llf. f2'17 T•h (nt1 t•mt : """""' .. , &•1111ttr~ t f'ublllil'Nd Ore,,.. eo.11 Ol!ly •11t1 • June 11. 21 tlld Jiii' 5, 12. 1Ht 11'S4• • LEGAL NOTICE ' I ··-l Clll:Tll'ICATI OP l lJIOlltl l ' l>ICTITIOUS MAMI 1 Tt-. ·i.lfldt'llwtlid W. cert~ lt'lt'f 1r. condud\1111 • Ml""" ii SU W. 1ttl'I 1 Slrttf, COit. ~. Celllort1l1, uMl@r I~ tldltlalls firm Mmt I/If \IAL·U CllltUG lllf tilt! 11kl firm 11 comllOCff of ""' lol!Ow> • 1,., •eno111, ~ "'"''' 111 tv!I .,.. i l'l«it ol ~1~~(1 ... ,, fe!low1 : 1.0l'rel C. MtOOMYllll, 't 0 I • Grt..-,mt .OOW R.d., Le.-:t 811'11, C1Hf. • Lester A. Hemml:1t1~. !13!1 W. WllltW • St., ~-J, Lant lilCh, Ct l!f, • D1TM Mlt'I/ J, ntt I lt1!1r A. Hift'lml11tn11 l.Of'rl!M McClorlovtll 'STATI!! 01' CAL11'011:Hl.I., 't l 0$ .1.HGl!LI& COUNTY: Oii June &. 1r;, blfor• ,.,., e 1'ht1rv ! f>ubllc 111 1NI 11ld Sit...,, -•nallllf'f l •H<itred lnltr .I.. Hill'llTllf!IMft ind I.DI'• '""rG. MCO-uth kno..., fll 1M !O tit 't~ Pff-• wtioi1 "'""' ,,. svblc•lbff 'te ..,. wlfhln ''"'"'"''"' 11'4 l'deflOWltcl• l H ""'" 1x1Q1tl4 lti. ume, • COIHc!l l $t1I) . Wtll rl' lit, E4W1m • Hot1ry Pvbllc • Ct llfor"I' I Pr!hCIPtl Offlc1 I" LOI A"'tln C:"-"'fV : CommlHlofl ix.ira I · ....... u •• 11rr l'vbll111ed Or.,111 C~11I 011ry l>lltf, J\ll'lt ti, 2' t nd Jut, $, 0 , INt 11'1.et . ' • LEGAL NOTICE ' ' y ... m '-t\IPllJO!l CO~ll:T Oil TMI! : STATl'OI' CAL l'OINIA"l'Ott 1 TMI COUNTT 01' OU.llOI 1 Ht. A..mtl HOTICI Of' MIAll:IHO 01' l'IT!TION '011: "ROSATI 011' WILL ANO flOtt I Ll!TTIJU O, AOHllNtlTIAT10M i WITM·TME·WILL ANNIXIO I E1l1ft I/If JOAN $TIWAllT : JOMN!>TON!, t ll!O ·-• J0.1.N I 1!11.EEN JOMNSTONE Otttttt<!. f NOTICE II HER.EBY GIVEN Tiit! ll:O'r' \.l.l.~11!'.H I.I.Alli 1'111 fllN ,..,.111 I ttlllltll . for l'FONN tJf wUI '"' fer IHUltlCI fll l L1n1r1 I/If Adml11l1lrt llcll> wl!,,.~wlll ,,.._ MXN to !ht lfflllleMT, r1lllrMU to wt'lldl , 11 "''" tor tu'"""' ,..r11cv11r1, end thtt I tilt lltni 11"1d 1l•ct ot .,.,,1,,. thi .. ,,.,,. ""' t>tt11 Hl.,,,. Ju!V It, Ifft, 11t:XI1.rn., ''" lf'll court,_,, I/If 0.-r-..it Ho. 3 ol i etlf court, 11 700 Wn1 !:191>11'1 "'"''' 111 t1M Cltv rJI 111111 Ant, C1Ulllmlt. ; -C11tN: Jvnt 'M. !Ht. W. I!. $T JOMN, C°""l\I Clt rk l ti:INN.TM M. YOU ... ~WM Wllil'llrt I,.,._, l llllM 1'1· t O ......... Nllll, Cellftnlll,,.,lt t Ttilt 1111) Cl~ll !·1Mt AtlwM'f fw " I Publllll!md Or1t111 Cati! Dill• Pllet, , Jufll ti, 30 end Jut, 5, ltl4 , .... • ' LEGAL NOTICE • 8.ll·Tm ' ClltTll'ICATI 0' IUUNl!SI • il'ICTITIOUS 'lltM MAMI ' . ..... , Tht 9'1derall ftt0 lloe1 l'ltr~llY c~rtllY , tht l .... Iii eoflducll,,. t M1111tt......,1 ~anculll"I bvllt1U! t i t n !ndlvlllut! ti , 4$00 C1N11t Drive, N1W110rt 111ch. ;c:1llhlml1, U11ff• Tiit llCllll-!!rm 11111'11 ~ SOVTHlllt H MANAGEMENT CO. 1nd t! 111d fllT!I It coml>Otfd cf !ht ffllle.,.... '.Int ""°"' wl'lolot "'"" '" lull •lld ,i.e. 11\of r11ldtnc1 I• 11 11>tlow$. tl>-wlt: • W. W. Stu1rt, 720il V1111 Mottt . • N•wP11!1 8ttcl!, C11llortll1 926'6 • DI~_, Junt 2', 1Ht \ W. W. Stu1rt ~TATE 0 ' CALIFOlllNlA I ~ OUNfY OF OllANGI! ) U ~On Ju11& ''· tHt. bllor'9 1nt. t Nottrv ubllt 111 efld for 11lcl Ctunlv ,,.. Sllf'I, (;'IOlllll' 11>pe1rld w. w. $t111rt tflOWll me 111 bl lf\t l't•lor! Wl'IOJfl flt ,,.,. It ).u~crlbtll fe the wtlt\ln t"1trurn9flf, tlld FdcflOWltd•tCI Ill .... 1~1 ht ••tcu!H !ht '"''· Wllntu mv h1rld t nd ~ct r 0fllcl1J tftl) Clltrln It. Wldltl • Nolt rv "vb!k • C1llfor1111 • Pr!11cl1111 Olflte 1" l Or1n1e Cou111V Mv Comm111!&n I•-'™ CIK. tt, 01'1 J "ub!l1Mtd Ot1n11 C011I OtllY ,.Itel. :Ju111 71 11111 July s. 11, It, Ifft ll:iwt l LEGAL NOTICE !c:I f>·IM'1 Ull·IHl lltTlll'ICATI O' CIJSCONTtNUAN(I 1 011' I.ISi AN0/011: AIANOOMM•NT Oii' ,ICTITIOUS NAMI TMr VNDll'ISIGNIO ftM ~r.w ~trtltv 1111!, tffldlvl Jt". 1. 1 !It ~1111111 to 4e bull-.,,,.., tl'lt fl(llllOIH """ 1111911 of Thi Or111tt Vtlfrlnt" i°'1tlt1I 1t 7001 W. CM"'"'" Avt., 1119t, C1!11fr11!1. which 11\/'cl-• W.I f'91t•IY COITIHild I/If tl'lt 'ftlliw""· ,._, """-M"'I In flll! illd •llct '11 ..fls1Geft(t It 11 fotll6WI, fl.WI!: • Dr. il'rH H. Mtl1r111.,., fOt .1.11vi.w 3 l>ltct, Litunt IHcl'I, Clllf. 'ti'' ~trftlk.otlf lor l!l"llClftrt Of, 11-t ,, Ill• tlle"I tltlltltv'I -, .,,. llf· "'fldlvl! el llVtllletllflll ffl:flllf, 1r1 .,. flit 't l'hi tifflti o1 11'11 Ctufll'V Clttk _, ...... (-"f, ~ "" • ...., .. ,_ ., IKllDll 2U. rJI ll'lt Cl~U C~. . ~ITNESS mv l'llNI lfilt ""' ...... 'If, IHI, f Or. l'rtd H. Mtl1l111tr l>\ll!ollll'll>d Ol'lfltl CtHI C11IJy l>IJll, 'f UM J, U, !1, 21, lfft lotMf , LEGAL NOTICE I IAlt·lm su•tlltOtt COUll:T ., i~· I f.I.Tl Oii CAUPOAHIA. ~ ' THI COUNTT OP ffAlftl ..... ..,.. OTICI 011' Hr•ll'tt OM •ITITION l'Oll rltotAT 01> WILL AHO •o• llfTlll TllfAMfN'Pl\lY • 1 l111i. flf MA.TtLOl.l 00.Tl;fT MAllA ......... r::'""· . ' ~ HOT!t 15 HElltllY OIYIN Tl'ltl J , ~. ~bltltr-"'' fllttl ~hll • """"" "' ""'" "' wrn ""' 1tt Jr::.• If ltto T"l11Mt1t1rr .. '"' ; ~ Wll!dl !c llVd4I ltt fll• =tu,.,. 'If 11111 "" """ lltld •S.ce 'tA" i1ftf l -Ill• eit111 Ill fer Jv" 11. lfff, • 1.1111 •• Ill lllf ~tfntll'I .. r= tfftl. Mt. J ti ulf r,r· tt 111 I""" l!rHI, I~ 1111 Cl ff W"lt Allt• l"'-r"lf, Olftltl """* , •. 1"' 'Ill. I , IT JCHN, C~Clitrt.. I a ITOIUC:I ..... I H, ll'Mfttt, IN fl• =· ..... Cl'""""'• f ('Ml•t• """--............ Jllublltflttl a•-C.Mll J\1111 :rt, :ii 1rMI JlllV J, IM• ••llY ,ll!lf. ttlloft i Today's News Daily Pilot Way •, • t ,, . !f * ··4 ~ . ,• 2 - 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D ' 6 4 2 - 5 6 7 8 • ' 'I ! ' . • I,, . ,r ~ m What She Wants ·-~ .. _ ..... ~. ••• Because I'm The Kind Of Woman Who's Smart Enough To Use DAILY PILOT Classified Advertising Befiev• me, there's "othing •round our home •"ymore lhot isn't being u11d -bec1u11 the minute I discover something is no longer nttded, I 110 it, while it .till h .. maximum volue, through en lnHp1nsiv1 DAILY PILOT Classified Ad. Thot wey, instud of 1 clutter of things we don't u .. , I hove the txlr• c•sh thot lets mt hove the ntwer things , •• the "txlro" things my whole fomily enjoys. Her111 whit I m11n. The c01h I got for the 9ood cloth .. end try1 th1 children h~d OtJt!lrown 'bought Jn• th1 decorator lamp I'd b11n wtnllnfJ. The muai .. I lnllrum1nt no ont ploytcl p<1id for • b'9 fMrl of our portoble sltreo unit. Tli1 power tools recl-•tod our d1u9ht1r'1 room. And, (Ult for tho fun of It, ti,. 900d oJ..ir iliot (Ult didn't motch •nythin9 •nymor1 . took .my hui!Ntnd Md me OtJt for t fobulou1 dlnrier •• th.t f1nci1st mtouront in town. 60 through your homo. Mok1 • nst of 10 the worthwhile lhin91 you find !hot oren't bting usecl. (You'D be surpristd 11 fM' mnrilwtr yotl turll up tho first time.) Then, di1I 642·&611 •ny limt between 8 o.m. •nd 5 p.m. end 9iv9"'your 1111 lo 1, frlondly, experienced Ad Writer. Tliol'1 •• there it to'it. It's in1•ptn1lv1 tool It ... cost you .. ntti. -"'PENNIES ~ DAYI W1I; now tli1t you know my _ .. -isn't lt tlmo yeu pl tt•rtod toword blfltr, HSl1r, happlor ttvlng with DAILY .PILOT 0.11tr..d Adt7 Stort kin9 tho kind ' of w-who 9.+1 wlwit the wonts todayl Cal1Now642-5678 ·-- I MlltCHANOlll l'OR IALI AND TIADI ,.... ....... I llOO FREE TO YOU FltEE TO YOU I • N~ colrimlrciol rir"'I -MY b-¥"1 I ....i 1 If priv•t1 bwi-111'1 rnEE -k I H • n • • pd l\omf':' Mom ta a 111'1 tho11 cokimM. . blade. .• ,bltt* a white. g German .$bllpher.d. Call &ft. ""'91~, S liMch, Lido Park N1wport ,11Hch You are the wtMer ot ,_ .... .., wko 614. -!Ind 1*! s p,r. -.. 111 , • • I . I I =-B.::. Alllbtlm $1.. CW100 Kll!On. -1 wko. ,2. i'. fJ!<;l-f, l1'f!' ~ DOG .... UlllW. curly "" """' Id-"°""'· ec. ....,.. "'" llMf i... pncod r -., Tmllr. 1~ ,.._ ed. 91!&-00 111 no price over SZS. I hu 'ollOIL W-.tul wUll PREE to pd -• mtil cblldun. Fomalo . '*' '"!>\,. kltton. 411 mo. 3 DIME A LIN .J FIRIWORKS SPICTACULAR at the ANAHEIM . STADIUM ' ' . 9!\ July '°' ' Pkue call 6f:3..S71, •>rt. 329 beh\•een 9 and 1 pm to clatm YoUt tickett. CNorth Count)' toll·frte number ta $40.1220) FAMILY TREASURE HOUSE 528 El Camino Real (formerly D St) Jama Town Shop. Center. Tut. Stlllna: new I UJtd ofigtaab of famous de1 i 1ner1 , Ll.dlt1, &iris. chlldrena ·~ Pll'tl. Sap, ahcles, A: a.n- liques on conalanment, 83>--0212 -· 1/IO l3M41S ~ 1/IO · • • • I FREE Kl,_, tdanble 1q l'ltS OM LIVIS'l'OCk tels ore accepted ~ 1\1,,.,a, ...,., 2~ 1111< and Coif .ll20 PL1blishod •• ~ ~:.. M':i. wi:i =· • ' • · l ..Vice .to Ollr ~front ~-NB . ce121 s::~~5:~ end; th. DAIL\".-iPILO~ 3 SMAIL pupplff, 2 malt, l 120. au.1331 ,...,... fM n9ht to lomal•, Uke Uttlt chtldren. • 5mit their p<1bG .. t~ :..-: ~rm . = ~ ll2J lo one d.y Helt-"· FIREWOOD 1 ,,.. b ALASKAN Malamulff, <.... DIME-A·LINE ed. .,. ..,.., See T:i Poet ;iN "°" !"'l"l• AJIC. beautltul strictly wft with COPY! Knox Sl, C.M. 5 to 1 ~ a:ttat lam.il1 dop, Rett.dln u. orpc1 to . NI eve•. · 1/30 ~~~ lovine1 ~ .. _e&Q'..,._!O l'Ol't promptJ7 to tht ... ..,.. ~1~tc .uuw ........, OAIL1' · PILOT cte ........ 7 MO'S old Oerman &ood for bretdSns . o.putaunt _.,. 't1ol1Urtl Shep~ mala. Xlnt Mlh "'sUter.d ..,.brtcl, 1125 ~th-Dllileo4.i.o __, cblldrtn, Med appreeiatlvt up. fn...3STJ 'lltlobs: .. __ home. sn..xn ens ·MUS'r mow • need MW AKC mlniatutt Dachlhuod. ADDING Madl1nt $1). box '61 CORVAN camper ~ hOtnt fOt cat, 8 mos.. on. year old • $50. prUic; fU.U a ...... 14' runabout. alul otWoo.t; !tma.lt. TI&er A fovaNe . AKC minlatw. Poodle, I :::'':-:-;::'_;;c~;.:::..::;;._,I ftl ob, trlr ~.Cha.In UnJi; ~ 6/a ttvtD A:% Yflll'I okl • $10. TRtrMPET.1 C!& 11 aad blCt 5' hiah. aprox g/J' • '4 StAMESE. adorable , Both IPOdf, all ihbta. rnoutbpjece i·2s. Trum- postJ ~· I mo er1b SS. btwUchtna black klttell. 7 Call Sat. only: 60-1351 pet~ve ·r·y pod ooo- Strol!et $5. Table lamp ~· , wk 1 , .. box tr al ft e d , dldon-aold . llcqijer S 2 I . Fu.II &ize mattrtas & bOx ' ..._ 6128 DA C HSHUND, miniature, Cue ~ and m1111c IPl1nP SlO. 54M966 , 3 ADORAiLE blk/bm JIOO:o lone hair. Bl A 'Tan, liar tor tame '15. Com AA'M'ERIES 6 volt $6.. 12 dJe mixett pupa s wka. old mlie. Sir. brf!d m Enc. comet $25.. Cue and wit' $8 S quarta of oil • set 'l( ~ e d Io o d ho fti. e ~ dame champ lint. AKC: 6 mouthptl!'Qt fbr $10. l'rencb of •park plugs Mth batt"Y . ~ 7/1 Wb Jll5. 213, 1!<H™ cW!n<t Gmw!llla wood putthaft. AllCU'I, Will pay FAntER left hm mother AFGHAN 'pupe.. 10 wkl: $25. ~ and mou~ $1.tO for old car batteries. cat on v.'dtlrt i caru»t GIR.l.S. cream, loveable tor~aame $Ul. Me tal c1arine VOit &tterin, W Harbor arlatocrob, ,..._ b r 1 n . and cue. excellent SJ). Blvd CM &4M890 support bables. Cllddley kit· , ., , tens, s wkl old. 568-1591 7/1 $97.50. Jordana. &1$-24.1'.l Trom~~ very rOOlf SZ. 56 ~EVY 4-dr, v 8. ' ADORABLE pet nta, SILVER male mini poodle. ~e and, ~thpieca tor Ovt~ve, $150; 3 * • p belae. Ir blk/wbt. C.p ond 10 wkJ · old, ch amp ns. ~ Enahsh ~r bike $35: food included, eo aood home . , bacirarnd, re.,, shot. $75. NAVY Po r l a bl e p s Laminated wood akia I: 8f2.39'J9 6128 Di-0412 rtnttator. new $25. MoD::lf poJee $20. 331 B Broadway RED tor same OI. BtauH..,n .. C. Msa. after 4 Pm THREE nice lookinl male AI ALE puppit1, AKC made c:an')'inc tnmlc °";ttb '1959 CJ\AFTSMAN 22" •eU ki~ns. 8 weeb, white lone ~ ~~~~ ~ complete set oJ new rtbullt proptlled ~tary I a\\ n !:5 ~~to iood ~ 962-'507 parta fOt ,lllJl"le, aim 50 Jtlt mower k/ catcher, u'8d 2' ' of heavy du~ extemlan mos only. New $170. Sac ONE-WHEEL utility traller, FEMALE Dusett. red, cord Md otber 1,. .. .....,.. $60. 6ff.-0938 needa minor repair A papen, 1 yr., $50. $25, mUtt 1ee to awrtdllil JG_ARRARD re.cord player &: liotnle. Comer co u c ll . 96W05! thil outdoonmllll dret:m. ohanpr $50. Fisher amp. & 842-MM 8/30 FEMALE Weimaraner 1~ 536-85tJ. apeaktrs sso. Other Items. NEED fOOd, shelter tor )TS old $38. CLOTHE===s"'And....,.,..boo-.,~1~~~~·1 8415-3551 abandoned lkinny yellow 64J.m.O after 5 p.m. .............. Double canopy bed tn.m. M INl-tn.iler, maxiltonae, manx & ma.ltue A wht kil· WElMARANER pupa AKC. iio. Wondfr borle $5. Tabll sleeps SJ. $50. m Zenith, ten. 5f0-6183 unW 4 p.m. champ. sired, ahow quality. and tour cbaJn '25. Bar S.A. 1 block trom Palilade1 7 LITn.E pupplet 5 wkl old, 5f5-0878 stool.I $2. c.o.co potty cUir Rd. 5f6-3527 f:rtt to aood hornet. M/F SH=EL=n~E-,_(_M_hlll ___ Co~lllt~) $1..$0. H1ahcbair $4. OJd. .... TYPEWRITER & ltand $lD. 646--2173, 54MU6 6130 male AKC, &hot.I. $ 5 0 c a r t $I . Iron $ 2 . Oak chair $5. Coffee table CHOICE of two bt&utlea: 545-:i07l 1 yr. old. Refrlpn.tor $:!. ...._ $2. 1'3 Broadway, C.M. lona:·hl.ired cat or ah·h.air JAPANESE Spaniel, malt 8 17679 Sin Vlctnte, Fountain 645-(1181 evet, &f6..4S79 kitten. ~:1674 S/30 Mo. champ Ii.red S75. to Valley (VW. Mon t • r • 1 APT Frie. $30, Flat •tall ND gd. home for lovable rilbt family. 873-3524 Tri.ct) 11howtr $10, toUet $4, 1aun-IT'f'Y & white kitten, 7 wkll. MINIATURE poodle pupple1. TRAINING Whetla $1.SI. dry tub $4, lavatory $3, 3312 542--0309 8/1 Fr1aky 1: attecttonate. $15 * LeW)'t vacuum cleaner m Market. N.B. 67S--0253 BLK I Y:ht female ea.t, 1\i .f99..3a>• •Pl:ce savitlc cont.alntr $3). MAPLE din table, xtra )TS. old, Very aHectionlte, =pu~G~Pup~-,,..,.-,,-AK=c~,..-.~. 5 I chair rtplacement Mtl. leaves I: pad. 2 decorator lo aood home 646-0338 6/28 wka old. Cal Joyce 540--1301 never used, in orilhW chain, cu1. made. New 11.X· KITI'ENS. Mixed bq. Kaw ar 539-5136 packapt $1.50 Heh.. Scbick aphone. ~ had healthy &: aecure •tart. Prectoul c.ock-a·Poot eleeb'lc lhlver $f. Won:ter NEWPORT Beach Tennla 646-2388 6/28 Black, M ,l F $20. borte fl.50. Youtb cbait Cl b F il M ~ hi .... 1 .. •• $3.50. Collator (wrtl«rf.) u am Y emUl:!n p. 2 FREE kitten> to lovlna "" $780. ($300 below C'Oltl. Yau home, white with blk A~ AIREDALE pup., A.KC, $10. 2 nt.ugahydt: side arm J>&Y trans. tee ~14ti9 itrlpet. 642-3MJ 6/28 cha.mpkln aired, 8 wkL chail'li brown $25. l boy's Quality kin& bed, quilted, UNUSUAL -•·---• ki"-n1 546-lfOl Stingray bib $17.SO. ktt Co pl te 1lDU9ed tao WOl't1I ......,........ ...., belt• :15 each. 1 blrdcqe m e • ..... : w lth aray eyea. ST.Bt.mard,M,tynAKC and1t&nd".Infant'1'•-, $~. After 5 or wkndl, .. ~., ,, • ..,. 61-~ -..,. 847--0406 ~-=""'=~---';:;~ pert, bretd. $300. dayt: $1. Man'• Sctnr1nn bU. $1.S. =~~--~---1ADORABLE Black mole SU-.117ol, evea: 5"6-3642 Broil quick oven rottaerte C3 SQ. ft., Bel&e nylon puppy, ~ poodle, 6 wkl old. sr.so. ' f'ord bub C&Jll Sl · ~t. Xnlt co~ .. $2/aq. Free to ad. hm .. 137.t2161 7/1 :WSH Set~ puppplet, pet" 'each. Small ber •ink p. 1 Yrd .. approx 5 rm1. AllO I ~ Lu .._ . ____ .. show quallb' A.KC 56..&ff9 New· -~ u.s $14. frnl Draperies. 5f4..102T r iw:.c. m . ....,.. IUH:"Q, YtlU • • pick up. M111t t Ike all. AKC Poodle puppy. Show T.V. stand on wbeU $1. 8'xl0' PORTABLE g I a a 1 boll!t. S49 you haul. 00-5200 ~vea: MM5&l Auto Air conditioner Searo. $50. can M0-9889 548-6665 'Ill hlm or Jove him. He'• really 962--3152 ==~=--,,-=-• ~-Standard Poodle pupple&. aoraeow Only SUS. 642-5802 MOVING MUJt tell portable Frisky &: affect Jon ate 2 YR Great Dane, male, T.V. nredl work $10. a 847-315.1 6/30 tlwn, AKC make offer. apeaktr HI Ft $25. ftt'Ol'dl ol CUTE kittena, 2 monlhl •837-8594• $25. Near new Bnmrwtck 2 "SCHWINN Bretze" bicycles, practically $0 eaen. 546-MC. old. To 1ood homt&, had FREE kltttna. 545-1447 6128 bowlin&' bill plua btt SW. · ~'. ""°"· M:l-'17811 711 TRANSPORTATION :: = $2~~\ ~ 3 FAT, heal""' klttena wean--·------•y Lampo J2, Hand la- ed A house broken. Bolts & Yachts 9000 wttb catcher $9. crt• G.E. tDp retrlreraor $60. 1 sofa JM. 615-3148. LARGE DRAfTING TABLE I: atool, aacrlflce S 4 5 . - 5'M61.5 711 ATl'ENTION YACHTSMEN dreuer $2. New wet ~t t.op FREE: to re1pon1lble boy or wm crew power or KU • M lhort 11"ve $15. v.noaa atrl. Very nice pet male rat HAwall, Austral.la. South tables · $3-$5. 2" x I' with ca&•· Call ~ 7/1 Seu, Caribbean, or 7?? Call redwood ltakn enoqh tor Kl1TEN, !emaJe. 3 mo'1 old. 'Anl!y BroW1'l. Rn. 64S-8N2 «>' tenet $10, ttrtfttld ~ Siamese mothtr, tatherf. au.. 642-0010 per t>aw, couch m.a.kn into Mloc:. W1nltld 1610 -8/30 FAlRLINER 25', ...... 4. bed 115. Matchlftl VERY att ....... t a·-rocker $10. Baby b&tlltub 11 ·---------e ....... n1. e, OU>J'• Perl. cond. S/S radio, ll'f)' deluxe 11.' Medlwn .-aray kitten needl a home. marine eng. 643-1883 ._. WE PAY MORE ~ 8/28 BUSJ!:ST marketplace IZI coat $S. Flnplace ICretn $2. 1 PLAYFUL or&nae lab by town. The DAILY PILOT :3.!b, ~: Broo~= CASH kitten will d e I t v er . QuaUled ltC'tlon. Savt Adam• behind Sa\'-On 54~353) 6/30 ~111, tlme i effort. Loot BOY'S 26,, Schwinn llU. $12. For furnfture. appliances, colorod TV, attrtOJ Ind an- tiques. 3 BEAUTIFUL kittens, 8 ....,., wka. old Sfamt•/Pmlan. Set roU clubi with baa SU. s.5--7360 6/3'.I 10 drawer cheat $17. Poster D&Y OJ' ~t 6J6.M20 $WE BUY$ $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES c.i., TV'1-Pfe11a'a-Sfff9•'• I Pitt• er H•• '1>11 CASH IN 10 MINUTIS • 541-4531 • WANTED: Twin ~ In 1ood condition. cau m .9812 -WANTED OLD TOY T!l.UNS MAllE BEFORE u..$. PhOne MJ-o3A2 Mochlntry, .... 87UO FREE; 5 pupple1, Poalble Poodle Ir Scbnauier 548-8910 8/21 l1iEE .. """ home -pup. pWJ, S male, I 'Nb., mbled lntd.548-3855 FREE kitten& to I o o d -~ YOU WW not beP@vt h• k I t t e n • , Extraordinary HelllJ 57 varietla~ f75..59S3 MOVING. Mu.t ctw male Oum. Shep. to • aOOd ...... MS-35lO ""' PRECIOUS Potty tralntd J111.11Y cats 7· wa. old, _,, 8131 TIGEfktrlptd male kittu. t wk1. old. Swett t: lonble. 546-1.&31. Meta Verde 6121 STIAM IOILER 2 Y.ALE 1c1t1tn1, 10 ""' o14, · lnduttrlal Stwn Bollor, PU-l ..,. • l bold. To pd homo .. , 10 h,p. Good -only. tSl5-4M2 8131 eondltton. Worldna Jn'tllUrt SOP'A I: matchlne cJWr. can cl 100 poundo. ~ -841--0llU ' 8131 ~·~RMILL h~ \~~'" ld"'no, i 1r utndl•r. n&O. 3x4 ----... 5tt ~.o.ii jo...,,..a,.r, $2:1). c.. .. <~ -•W!"' WW--· ...... hltotl Plot • 5"'1, f!J.ID:I """" 5 1111 ITI W.17th I L, C.M, i'fitE T-U, Will IGld. CJ 11•1 --time, Btr· -· -em attt MlecUon tver! Set the FREE litmber le fbtwood. DAILY PILOT Qua!lled 320 E. 13th St .. CM. 7/1 ,,.&o NOWI WHlft baby nb. Ma1to IT'S lllocb -tlml. Bia· ldorablo peb. 139-1543 ~ tut llJr1l:UOn ._wrl Ste tM FREE du• r -b b I t·• , DAILY PILOT 0...-l'IS-2415 T/2 tlC'tion NOW! D&Jlf Sift It I Wlf, pt - -"" It wttll • ll<ll1 PUot nnt Ad i 80.sm NOW'Si THI TIMI POI 9UICK CASH THROUGH A DAit,Y PILOT WANT AD •. l !. a!rlgle bed $1S. SprUic &ltd ........ 15 ... h,- 220 VOLT ... --$25. Gi.rl'a tboe llr:aeM 11 pair, I.I" -u -· UT-"38, 17137 SU1tA llll>tl, r.v. SUPER 8 edl"" $U. End tabla: $ol eadl. Coftee tlbll 15. beaded -· , •. Dreuer $25. Cbut o f drowen $20. Nllht -13-15.Hol\Ywoodbld-· pl1te $20. Wooden room IWll (4 eM!n) ta. -"*l',$4. Coblliol ... M-1-lclo 15,.11225 ..... Lent -ne.rnt croa atreeta. Beech and Orurpwocd. b. b l n'. Vanot'• re1ttunnt o tt Beach. l ' -,. ___ ..,.. ·• DAJ\.Y PILOT - FOUi CONVINIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU -· • -·" &., -... H.,.., How You Can Use t O• FaoaoWI Dime • A • Unts e lllWl'OllT llACH 2211 ......... ............ ____ , .... .. -.. -4 -""'"" e111-e COSTA MISA JIO Wd .., • th Cll ~·clll .. elewM. . . e HUNlllMTOH lllACH -Jff --e LA6UNA lllACH --m -A- e ----IMprloe4wltfiHll .. _ $JS, C...~J .............. ..., ..... . MOSAIC eot1H. ti Me m CftOSS '°" $11). $n; ahells 7.c nt.IGIDAJRE' wuhtt just 2 SECI'JON wrousht Iron ' ~ ~ lqfPOb ~ "" Extrdle BATVIUlAT 10 .... 5 pnt: A'ITdrnotf ~rat.On ~ BOY'S 26'' blke, ~ con- Decxn.ttft aptio rocks 50c • • $4. C • m ef'& $21. cMtt.uJed S25. 8' ml.a bed le"~ 12 ft leria:tM wllb pta ,$12 i&dl-OW trllnkstSU -~ $10. Deep double 1.a.... •'Mril cbQ' $10, 4'ntsll room ollj tUhi:ined bath tub 1'lth dtdon $25. 3.-epttd,, hand '1 Potted auco.aknt plants ~Titer $7.SO.. Jll E. Sil. matd'ling chair and ol-$15. 2 bl.throom aiob witb l$u. ~ lit Poo! dry .UW $5. ~ cannent 'dlfllr $4. ll'W'f:lry 5e41, Oki claw feel 125. Leatbc.r 10f.a btalc& Shoe aka.tu aizt 4 50c .. $1. Ceci~ plants lOc • Wilton,. o.ta Mna toman rnaketi into beid $25, fauce1a 1 With pu!lman, eic· clea.lllna: eqlllpment S l 5 • bl.& $1.50. Batteries, like allverw~ ~.00 Mana $25. <JWtan .chain1 $12.50. $6. 962-Ml.2 flOc. New lad.lei Z.plece KELVlNATOR ttb'ilenlor dffop ~r $3. IOftllf.r J1. ctlle~ c»nditlon $10 and $15 ~ablne! TV $25. Leather new, 12 voU, $5.95. 54G-.9900 leather 50lf bag excellent Rattan tabtes SS. $10. rocket ===""'""''""'""-;;-=I Ytlllw Janben . knit dress; $25. ~2 kitchen clock $1, hair ctlp-each. ~wood tree sawed chair $:5. Slelgttbells SI.!. . cond $10, e()d table ss, TV 13. Kitchtn cabinets $W, RE FR 1-0 i: R. AT 0 R $20 ab! lfi JlO. Ladies size 12 3-per set SL50 window 5~1 i"I bloetrs (15) $20. electrlc Pal¥> tablo and bencbea $JD. 1V . rad.io-piwlno&npb. cart Q..'lli, General EJectrkl with alnk •• $15. Chrome 1et Apartment •lie ru atove piece pink cotton knit outfit 2~ HP Tecomsett Sl5. 4 hp $1, • $2.50, car canier $1, beater, Lu-re ru.50, card Lad.in Klrnbuly suits and Wesbna;houle, walnut ~ touter $1.So, Sanbeam wai. no. RCA COlllOle TY no. $20. Double bed S l S . ' ( ' I· I SlD. LadiH me. 12 . wool Clinton SlO. 549--0869 boic ol rad~ tubt1 all kinda table $1. electric alfl&ie dresMI p .. SU:. Cape Cod 80~· SZi. ~.1910 after ~ hon 12. Old faahloned needs . 1wttcti.. Paint apny Vacuunt cleane~ $5.. Bar ht lee coat $4. Ladies me U ROUND 54,. tabl 1 4 lOc each, pink satin quilted burner and touter $3. 2 firesidt chair $10. Mar!Me 12· SO p.m. radio $12.SO, tranai!ltor radio compreuolt $25. B e J t stools 31$7. Oanlllh modern blowies 50c. M&-4915 Captain's cha.ine $ri ~n twin beds P r.e ~ d' Sl~ 11teel plan~ Jor rock top cha.lralde table $8. Old MAPLE hutch $25. 642-~ $1.50, pole lamp $2.50, sander, ni«l1 repair JlO. da,y bed JiP-.Card table $1. OfROME high !'Mir SS. bed $25. Gold king ·spread Bookcase SS. 375 E. 19th Sl c~en $3, h1&h stool, were -bottles S1 -$25. Waring mUk PLAYFUL pet mJce, onl,y camera $3.50, plutic hone Dinette-set $15. Formica Silverware and dishes 1~. Window WI $15. Pool pump sz,. 3 thn:lw pillows $l2. Costa Mesa 642-9326 chairs $.1 each. Compact shaker $8. UJ ~ Harbor collection ~ to $1., 50 step.end table $5. FomtlCJ. Bookl 5c-50e. Ottlce awiwl $2). Hot Point washer m. &u-1627 PARTS for 'SC, •551 '56 Ford st~ ~~lne .is. small Rd, NB 5'8-7.fin lOc. Please ~ cqe. yards of ca.rpetina: $1 yard, coJtec taiMe SS. 1 2 l chair $5. 2622 Sanfa Ana ltiilborne AOtYtlline cutting Truck $S bed $5 table S5 radio S1. JllCfl\c Joe cooler DUCKS abbl 546-&3!5 books 10c to $5. Toys, Amethyst, cc r ri er of Ave., C.].f. Last house on he.ad $10. j62 ~tb S.t Costa EXCELL~ NT u 1 e d dttuer 'ss 200 ' 22nc1·-st'. $,a, vacuwn cleaner, Sl, 2 • r I& Sl each. FOUR new 4-ply Goodyear game1 a.nd qlmlff: 5c to 50c, Amelby:it ud Park. Balboa drive (Please J>41k In Mellll. 543-'1862 carpctin1, light and dark Orance at 22nd Cleta M CU&tom made twio maple 61S-244S tires fot" V\V. Mounted on ladies clothe1We12, 14 and Ia:land. at:rtttl Sat!Sun 9-5. •~~-~---~~-I colors, l0x12. l2xl2. 9x20, eaa.. lrame beds $12.50 each. 3 2-PIECE turquoise aectiona! 1967 rims, S20 each. 20291 16 fsome Lilly Diamond, l===~~~=~-,-­ VW opening rear ~·lndo\vs lOcfsquare foot. 284 Kr.:>x DINETIE l&ble with leaf· aritiquc chain S5 each. $:00. Double mattress S.fi. Ba.yvie'v Ave. Santa Ana, l.antJ) 25<: to ~. (iris PICNIC table $27.50. LaS I· I 1965-69 Sl&.SO. Front bumper St. Co.sta lo.fesa. :).7 eve!).. and 4 chain S1S. Marlin beautiful chaise loun&e, wine Lampg $2. Occasional chair Calil. ~3 dI"esses s~ 7, 8 &: lD. 25c to mower m. Chain. Sl • $2 · complete $12.SO. !)4.>.5134 ifllL lishina: rod US. f.tartin 90 color $:15. Saturday • Sunda)i $2. Mono a.lbums Zic. 6:D:I Sl.00, Ladie1 golf bag w\lh Lampa ,Sl • s25. Chest $2J.. AVIARY $211. Walk-in type REGULATOR, 2 hose, U.S. reel $25, 54S--OUl8 655 Dam:ll SI. C.osta Meaa, \V. Oceanlront, NB. 548-87lO ELECTRIC dryer $2.), ex-matc;hing head covers $5, c:athiq $~ · .:.x· ~ wtth strong v.·hed.5 Shingle diW:n: $25. ~ for MG. MOVIE projtttor display Wl:ll ol Harbor on Wil.90n to ce.llent condlllon. Baby car picturet1 Sc to S5. Mens l'iporl P ayer • oaster · · pitch l'OOf for birds, dogs, Magnelte '58, $25 or com· type with automatic shut<iU ~~er. turn right. SO U. i& PROVINCCAL drop leaf d.in-bed $5. Bike training wheels coats size. 42 and 4-1 .Reg. $3 53&-SSIS call? 531~ plete. 644--0913 $25. Home movie projector, ~ll. 5th Muse on Jett ~'!~~ S25J6''xfil. ,;..·~nent $2. Paddle board $15. Dou-each, Mens light weight sultt'ZENlTH==~~,-,.-.-TV=-m.~-~R~CA- 1"'"'"'°""=,.,-..-.,-,=,,,-IUl HP El . like ~ n... .. 11.... side , ...... , v1.-1a1 hie bed headboard, and tv.'O 11iu 42 ftl $3. Felt square 21" TV S15. Both v.wk (OOd. J SLAT bench $4 I Mnging ect?ic motor $10. new ..,..., ... oa.,r.,...t • • ........ nightatandi $10. Unicycle '~ "-_ _.,., ••• b~ 1 SS. Chihuah T . 2) watt Ouoresce.nt liahl&. view-er $.fi.$13. Po r t ab I e NEIGHBORHOOD 58.l!: an-• ni;.w mttal foldlllg cots $5. -. "': each,_., ..... c... u~ cage 31V'.11 ~ii SS rach. 2 TBY· ":Psw 5.1l-6508 ua-emer compit'te .$2.50 ea c b. sc:retn. new $12, carryina: tiques, beaded punes $2411, 5 gallon pa can $6. 647~ with Oo......en S4, Attache ~ 4'1 Military tran.sc:el!-·en S- m · . ~ cue $6. ~ roda and cake stand fl', purple vue O»e,nan 3000 • 5000 BTU OLD Singer sewing machine ~ $3, Oock nu:lio ST.SO,. ll rnetrn, like new $25 PORTABLE ice box S3. USED bird $1-' Book bracket• 15· fl. king, can be $4, tin plate $4, bedside Hea~r $15. Co2 AutOmatic $25. Hundreds of records Hie glass ware 5c ~ lOc, .lamp each. 548--3072 TY pew r l t e T It allda Stoudl Oise C&I'!~ 8inta u' shoru!ned $6.. Deluxe aampla table $15. Maple table S25. BB gas rifle $15. Co2 fl. Gas -range $25. shade.II, matching pair $2 KENNEDY tool chrat with Underwood, clean $23 . ·675-244• ues · and canylng case vinyl inaple chain $8. old maple repeater BB 1u rifle ss. Refrigerator $25. Safa $5.. each, Saturd;cy only 2282 drawen Sil. ~l0l1 i 548-7165 CA :> L.-coftttd mahoganyJ>l)IWOOd. rocker $25, guitar $18.50, 36vw"x36~' metal car rack, fits l\fattress $8. Glassware an-~ ~taofl '~Ast., I ~===~-=~~ I· HIDE-A-BED. newly covettd T play.peg!: w .. nd new, new $8-fl2. M2""1B35 Victorian magazine rack $5. Portable >A1)0d bar liques $1 -$5. Framed pie-uo:tween ..,.., .ru>a ve .. BICYCLES S5 · $25, liizes sz;. 2 modern steel deliks 3~• feet tall. carpeted and POODLE-TERRIER-7 kl $l5, Oriental hooked Ng S5. 642-5366 tures 50c _ $20. Silverware and Tustin, 10 Lm. to, 5 16"·26" including 3-speed, $9.50 each. Table saw $20. 2 ~tmn made, 11Must8-i;ell, old beautltu1 SS rachwe;;39 9x12 ui. 320 E. 19th St. 36 .. WESTERN Holly gas $5 • $25. T .. V table $S. Card p.m. ' lawn glider $5. \Va,gon h e_:'ldboan:l-l)'pe bookcases going ovt"rse~ _ O. 54 9!I04 r.Ma:e Dr. ' Santa ·An a Co.st& Mesa stove $20. Finplace SC?'ffn table S2. Magazines Sc. GOOD used ptt cart and· $2.50. Electric iron 51. Elec- $6.50 each. t almost new SCH\VJNN. 2.6' bike. 3-lpeed, Heights, olf Mega Drive. and andiroms SlO. ?.{)" stool Ladies and men'1 clothes leather baa Jor $15. Acmunt Irle he_ater $3. 54CJ...2847 canister aet $2.75. 546-8693 S18. l..a't'n mo"'-er S 5 . DIVING tanks. 38 cubic ft SCRAM-LETS l'i lh back $3. Doub I e lOc • 50c. Kitchen table S1. Dad'• Day Gift ot. ~ones ·1'1APLE table $25 .. Dt;sk $23. KING size: mattress $?S. 54~ w:itb K valve and harness porcda.in kitchen sink S&. Mangle $20. 642-3398. 1999 ~1455 Tea c::art $10. Clul~ s iJe:sk 80lC spring $25. Frame $10. USED brick· large quanlity $25. Two so· cubic ft. with ANSWERS Twin bed frame SJ. Rosemary Place, comer ol AM FM car l'adlo to lit VW $8. Penna.press shirts smi Headboard t.a. Built-In ice-Sc each. You haul. 67.)-2445 manifold and harness $25 Bathroom aink $5. Croquet 20th Street $25, s-aker for same $10 10.16 St . S2 .• EleclrlcaJ " ' ; i ~ f--"-r -•amper 0 I G I -~ 8 set $3. l ruride doors, win-""' "UP olo·!ri· t f ,... flttiQ11 50c • $<:1. 546-358lt ....,,. u• ~ . ".' .. ftf V N : A n t q u e e'""""· mm camera and Tragic -Frolic -Inmost -dows and I I "'"' .. ... c co e e 540-9779 1'1e,. del Mar Costa ft1eu. , • $25. Room d1\llder S15. m;•-llany """'' I'" B-B underw-aler case •--...,.w;_ a U m ri u m maker-new unit $3. 5 fold • "· ........ ~, .._,._,_ ....___ .-wi """"" ~ """ ........ ~.. Oceul.t -Fondly -Anemia 5C1Tl:ns various . $2 "b ~-~ 12" KEN&10RE ~ .__I ~ un;aar;r ....,. guns $5. tf hp drill $1& Bike $25 each. m.4759 _ACCIDENTAL · 5izes u re~ screen $4. Rural range, a....,.. ANTIQUES And junk, .1928 ;: Desk chair J6. Cosco 5tool s7. Old and new books lOc . PLYWOOD $4 BalJrt>om scene: each. Custom na.tural "'OOd mail boic SL Porch light $1.. condition. la~ ove.n $25. Packard trunk $5. Victor : $&.. Double S l mm on 1 $2. Encyclopedju $25. File 1umber J.5..$3, ~1 ~~ He: Thi& Door is 80 slip-~~~set. Balboa Bed pan $1. Pool filter \4 white meta.I utuit:y wall vtctrola, a.lbums collectors : : Be~tyrest bed $25 .. 8402 $3. llammock $4. Stark $10. can: .1906, N. English SL pel1' one can hardly keep on hp. Motor $10. Trailer hitch cabinet $12, 646-fi09f re~ complete $25. l\.1ake : i F'rielland Dr. Huntington Book case $7. Swivel chair Santa Ana 836-4l.fi9 Your feet. BARBECUE wilh rotluuie $3. Lantern yard smt new HYMALA.YN and Seal Point excellent bar: oak schOol I.: Beach. Saturday only 9-6 S20. Scuba gear to Sl5.' Old . She: Oh, did you. really $.5. Baby walker $2. Potty $3. Eltttrlc mlrneoeraph Siamese kittens, l weeks, des.k, slant top $25. Pie· 1: TENT 6d BSA Baker, com-accordion $4. Show saua-rs 2 SINGLE bad!I, $2.50-$5, 2 mean ii! r thought it was chair SOc. Car teal Sl. Co!ico $25. Bonaire car cooler SlS. box trained, no shots or tutts. frames. glassware , plete $25. 540-3459 and sled S2 each. Skis $l5. double bed1 $10 and $20, 1 ACCIDENTAL. high chair S3. Stroller $3. Maple bunk or twin beds papers $25. 83!)...(1574 lOc to SS. Old trunk $2. t CH 1 HU AH U July 4.0. 3001 Royce Lane, Duncan and Fyfe table $25, Man'1 1ttache case S3. with maltreli.Ses S20. each. Remingtoo type w r i 1 er I• A • teacup, Co t M 5 Duncan and Fyfe chairs 200 CHILD RENS books in-White crib -"'•. ~ e a r 1 Bed spreads plaid bunk or LAWN mower $4, prden i.~ IS J t bl I ' female, >A'bite. 4 monlh..'I, s a esa $JO. 1 • foot na •-do -Ia ~ \Vor~ . ug_ a e amp • • ~ ..., ug, ... y .,.., eluding Dr. Suess classics ~ilvertone Stl"re6 l' e cord twin S2 each. Jenny Lind tools $5, Westinghouse elec-nd had S B t I I , p11ttbred. $25. 545-1682 0 SF. LOS C 0 PE S l 0 · $25, 2 dre!lse~ $3 each. l()e.Sl. Adult books and player and AM!FM radio bed frame $5. 8'xl2' cotton Irie oven $10, dining room a s e "· 0 e I• BOOKS, complete library of Craftsman air compressor SAturdav and SUnday 1().5 paperbacks !Oc-$1. Chlldrens $25. 673-18U , NB hooked rur with 3 1natching chai~ S5 each. Servel ashtr~ys $2. 2 ch a 1r 1 ' '• ft'ligK>us and psycholOi,Y $2.5. M!l-0869 2981 Redv.·ood Ave. 546--1859. records. Folk'>'·ays label 50c-lhro1v rugs $Zi. l\taple dine!· refrigerator $20, mahogany co-.vhide woftn seats S2 i i -MAPLE " bed& complete $25 each. Silver J piece coUee , ' books ~ic · Sl. Complete sci Rf-'.~IODl::L sale: 8 foot LARGE hobby borv $10. $1.50, girls 16" Sean bicycle each. Convert !o bunk. le fable Nevamar top no. 50 cabinel $5, 800 open and set Sl5. Electric irons. ni ix- : ~ of Pulpit Comml"nlary $25. sliding tb:lr S25. 16"'xli" very nice 20" bike JlS. Y•ith training wheels, ex· LampsS2·$20.Crib$lO. 220 piece set of English China closed signs. 546-9234 er, fry pan. all work ;ilk: to •, 54~72 aluminum window SI 0, 548-4623 ioellenl condition $l0, 16" Agalo, BI ll' PM S25. Fostoria Crystal Navar-MAPLE •' Beige 10 fl. x 84 .. drnpe . MWTBY tricycle wllh Mattel ...., re paUern $1-$5. Jee skates Early American $2. Wicker chaise lounge $4. :t ~~pl ~~:!.~is":1°~~ with rod $lO. 46 .• Y.'OOden OLDER ref1'tgeralor, 1rnall Varoom motor, like ne'v SS. LAGUNA Beach. 3 niatching size 2 $2. Shoe roller skates bedstead, double s I z e, l\.ietal plant .11tands SOc. 1 ~ bumeT with grill stove SlO lihade S7. Twin mattress and ct"Oll!I lop. freezer. Great far Fire engine pedal ca:r $5, leather top end and cofteo! $2. Brownle thenno!I and wagon wheel head and oxen Aluminum camp dishes set ·; and $15. 1 chest of drawers box $2 each. Coffee table patio $25. 548-4213 Tammy dolls and outfits tables, nice Sl7 each . bar $2. I>Hk lamp $4. yoke end $25, maple comb $1. Bolt ireen drapery \ $6. Camper tables $4 and $5. and end table SJ each. CEDAR wardrobe S25. 796 15c-75c, Tonka trucks $1-S2, OverstuUed c h a I r $5. Ladies hats some new back chair $8, 642-866! yardage $2. M e d i c i n e ,t Lamp $2. 540-()lS;j ShaJlmar Dr. Apt. J, Costa Sifo wooden pun!" $1. Jantzen aqua capri set. 50c-S3. Tap shoes !lize 5 $1. STEEL wall pool 12'x3' cabinet with mirror $2. '), Worir bench 6 feet long ~. S2 BT kl '\ Cadillac tires and wheels S4 ft1EN 'S and ladies cycle l\.lesa i'vlen·s and women's clothing never worn, size 12 SlO. Size Bathroom light Sl Old-old $10.50. Retrigeralor S 2 5. Carving 1et, ntw · a · tt each. Paint 7Sc/pl\on. J.. helmets 20 each. 9xl2 lent "!WIN p.1altres!I $20. Box 25c-.$1. \111men's blouses 34-10 and 12 clothing, :ZSC lo $3. s1vivel desk chair $20. Anti-AutomaUc washer $ 2 5, ed. rugs $1. Drl"sses 1ize1i 7-9 1 t wheel go.a.rt Sl5. 1052 $25. Pup tent SIO. Coll S3. springs fmatchingl $20. By 36, 25c, Ch 11 d ten 's Silver plate itemli $1 • S.i que picture frame Sll. Crab Dryer S25 all \l.1lrking. good 50c. Speed w r i l in \ Pa.llsades Rd. Santa Ana Ne!ll camping pots $2. van Vorsl. 540-0466 Hal1owten costumes 2Sc. Hanging fireplace !ICreen $3, trap new $1. 2 beili[e Kitchen lable lvith leaf and good 51k:. SpeedwTiting lr Heig4l& Kerosel'le camp siove n LADIES clot•-, • '°, ~--si, toys, puzzle!I and games Sc-ironx too. Paperbacks lOc. naugahyde reclinging chairs 5 chairl! $25. Cooch make& Sl. Apple ~ttem di~he1 50c • r AJI $2 50 Ch l 1 '"' o-u """ 52. H.amillon..Beach hand Bamboo gla.o;!le!I lOc each. $10 and $25. Salad masltr into bed $25. P.,atch.ing chair each, Golde slide projector t LADIES and men'11 3-speed e ' · a se ounges refrigerator fold) S l 0 mixer, 3-spced $5. 2 Sar only l0-6 pm. 29651Ai $<1. Boy'.11 boots s.iz.e 20 $1. SlO. Patio chairs $1.50 ea~h. $25. Scrttn Sl5, 491 E. 16th SdtwiM bikes $20 each. 21·· ~\· G~~l :bll$3 $~ff~~iS General Electrir T.V. $5'. Hollyivood broilers $3 eaCh, Terry Rd, behind Arch Boy's shoP.11 size 2~0 $1. 2 Patio chaise lounges $3.50' Place. Costa r.tesa. near P acb.nl-BeU combinalion ' go c · . lfll Recliner chair $10, antique Everhot electric roaster Beach Ve! }fospilal & Electric b I an k et con-each. 2 old milk cans S;j \VestcllJI Plaz.a. 541Hi392 lV. Radio. hi·ti S25. needs p~per $2. Covered.·~~ lamp labll" SJ, metal desk oven $3, General food lilic-Laguna Pool Service trols-new SI each. Electric each. Camel back lJ'\lnk $23. Saturday incl S11nda.y minor ft'pair, pictlln! tube $5.. Large bar~ 30 ;:;. n. JUgh chair 13. crib $3, ing machine U Saturday AQUAR!Uft1S $10. Bird cage corn popper SJ. Sunbeam Corner hutch $24.50. ~ iood. beautiful wood Jeep can Sl. 42 lb. bow and car teal S3. potty chair SI. and Sunday 10-6, 2824 Carob $4. Banjo $7. Chest o! coffee master $4.50. ll'x17• dra\ver cheat $22. Baby crib LOVE Sea( $10. Record cabinet Rolo-broil $20, like =Pr\~ aITO~ ~ Can opener sl, bedspreads SL Newport Beach. drawers s4. Fle..,-y racer $8. beige carpet $25. fad for $9.50. Stroller $3.TJ. Bab{ 1P.:_'?:•$•15~·~~o~,:i,", ml~~: new. 6 fl car luggage car-. · · S2-$3, rookie jars 50c, Jlrls Girl's bike $10. lleadboarrls same-$20. lO'xll ' brown and jumper S2. Old typewriter '"'"' rier $10. 3026 KUlybrooke Republic, C.osta Mesa c Io the s 6 • 14 25c ~ St. TIRES ~·900-15 Goodrich-$5. Post card mimeo $4. white t\lo>eed carpel \\'ilh $5. Calculator Sil. need!!" Gold_ harp \l(llll planter $1..56 COPY l\lachine, works '>'·eU $26. incJudin( 5Upplie&. 2312 Newoprt N.B. 673-1393 l BEU.YBOARDS and knee boardii 3·3·· -4·10·· SU - $25. 499-4153 South Laguna KENMORE floor polisher/ scrubber with attachment!, lop condltlon $25. Tropical """ Otar; 7" long $7.,., 548-3163 AUD JON Tape recorder. $10. 12'' RCA TV portable SlS. 2-16". Ad TV portable SIS. Di1hm&sler $22. 18" lawnmo'>'-er good SS. Ken- more lank vaet1um $10. 2 Fire screens $6-$10. 2 RCA clock rddios $6-$8. 45 RCA record player $8.. 10 Electric alarm clocks $2-$5. 2 Sunbeam 1-lair dryen $8. 3910~~ Channel Pl.; N.B. 673-1603 - GE Modem pink 11.oYe, 4 grids, large ~n. Excellent condition $25. 6'7S-696& 2 MANUAL standard size typewriters $25 each. 4 dn\\u chest $5. \Valnut table $2. Bkmde table $2. Bar-bells $8. A.djw;table dress fonn Sl 2. Drapes lOC :< 45" $2. Bowling ball $2. Bed lrame $3. 2 °'Harl!'- riuin'· pictures S2 pair. Old bathroom sink Sl.50. Pole lamp Sl.50. 7' couch rieeds recovering SlO. 2 bed· pilloWs $1 each. Blueflower ar- ra1_1gemf'Jll ·St. Glasses and diihes: lOc to $1. M,ns' l!lhirtli 25c. Womens clothes Seto $4. Sboe1 and purse11' ~ lo $2. 536-135< DOUBLE Bed $15. 2 Sil.Ck stools $2. Hammock • $7. Grey plastic and fabric oventu!Led chair $5. 30 x 54 wooden breakfast table, 2 benches Sl2. 36 x 7l glass louve.mf·door $3, 11" T.V. Jl2, End table St. 536-3691 SKIS Sno\V $8. Clothesllhe steel polPs; $3 pair. Baby walker n .50. E I e c tr i c manglt good shape $8. Typewrit~ needs ribbtift $8. 1\,allCJiane-y lamp I ab I e Sl.50. !\1etal folding chair S1 .25. 5 lb. sledge rx. 129 Lake St., Apt. C.. H.B. "'6-0403 ' I Ln. Costa Mesa, 545-2835 PORCELAIN Sink 21 x 32. Ceramics 25c-$1. tl81 O&m!ll W.S.S. Silvertown. 5 0 0 0 Record player $5. Radkw; $3. rubber pad Sl5. Delik lile $3. repair. Boat or camper seat 8' Dinghy $25. Pad d l 1! MIMEOGRAPH machine, \l.·ith chrome .faucet $12.. St. C.M. OU W~ and miles on tires. $15 each. Scout uniforms SL Racer 2 chrome chai~ S4 ftach . with storage drawtrs $16.50. boardli $~25. F o Id in I A B D. k "'"" 675--0696 Monrovia 646-S6Zi' chair 12. Bulletin board $1. "' INCH TV $10 -• · · 1c #J, Rock tumbler · · can and tracks ss. 315 Dia· Screen door Sl. 5 wall Dresser \\'ith mim>r $24.75. -'• 1 • • • ~i=us with motor $25. Oldsmobile EXCELLENT Retrigerator NEW Spanish galleon wall CHINA l 5c, vlassware t5c, mond, BJ shelves with standard and Ladie1 shoes SO c f p a i r , Ironing caddy $L50. Neiv tubes. 1507 Alabama, H.B. ' 11 I ~ '$ ': 1. ,, 1. ,. '2 1. ., ; .. ~~ ·: '• I' I~ • ,. • ·' :1 • ·I '• 'I !i 'I I " • • " ' • '. " " '. ,I '. I .. '. :~ " •l . " ·= . . , • if I• ,1 • ( ·1! rocket 330 motor S 15 . $25. Radia11l slide screen, 50 plaques. ceramic, brown kottl•• ~--$2, "'~ ., ••, brackets 2-8' 'x 3 6", men·s ~hoes $1fpair. 1 pair picture tn.nie $2. Bar top 548-3072 x 50, $6.25, small S3. New and gold S8 each. 962.296<1 patio tai:; and be--;hes"$5, EARLY-American wov·e n 3-10"x36" all $25. 6 sheer boots $2/pair. Hub caps 'iSc »· 613-~ MATCHING oofltt and tier patio lllJltern set $2.25. Slat MAHOGANY boxes with lids. dresses SJ.-$6. 646-1301 ~ec'e~~ .:: {~: panel bur~lns ~··x81" 75c eac:h. Ho 11 y wood WL c~1KE=.-,,N~ow-,-~K~•~""'="~t-.~.T~wo= tables. $2.58 eaeh. Car bench $4. 75. A 1 so r t e d idea.I for ~torage or boats.. BED DIV AN, S4!eUona.I sofas, nd ·~ ••• •164 each. 3 pair god care cur-trameli, $150 Heh. Hel!ld· nmer" crib mallttss $8. 4 cooler S2. Sturdy Montetf!y w a 11 ha b I e nigs from 22x19xll, $12 each. Grindlng good quallty, l'let'd recover· a Ollt ........ .....,..... eves lain!! 30"x32" $1 each. 2 pair hoards S3 each. Clock radio sided crib bumper.~ St. chair SS. Good Salem maple BullOC'ks $2-$7. Vinyl closet, whetl~. new. l-G"xl", 1• Ing, $5 each piece. 224 3 SPEED girl's bike $2S. Priscilla criss cross cur-$6.50. 512 Y.'~st Chapman, Zenith 17" portable with modem divan $25. Double new $4.75. Cal Dak laundry 6 .. x~". Sl each. &16-lB24 Tulane Rd. 54.)-2429 Washer $25. 2 double bed.s tains 54" Ion& $6. Dutch Orange cart S20. 842-8638 hotplate $.5. New heavy cart Sl.25. Assorted curtains $25 and Sl5. Headboards, curtains beige 2 pa I rs b . plastic drapl"ries, 50c • 75c llkirt/blouse hangars . J5c: SOAP bo:t derby-good con-\VHITE naugahyde sofa $25, dressers SlO. 642-6402. 2229 12il .. x34"-2 pair 68"x31" SACRIFICE, oil paintings Y h.'E.~:'>IORE A u t om a t 1 c pair. Young man's -0vermat each. Set metal auro eating dibon, nicely uphol.atered. studio couch $25. desk $12, Rutgers, Costa l\fesa valance 120"x9" all for $7. '>''ell-known Harbar 11rtist \\'a.Sher. very good shape SS. ft1ediwn sporteo111 $3.50. tn.y1 50c each. floral $20. 866 Capitol Sl C.OSl& night stands S6 pair, teak NONAROl FM tuner and Srolch eooler SJ, 2 chenille $25. 546-3634. 1169 Dorset ~. fender" skirts !or '61 Suit S5. Large size track bo\l.~s. vases 2 5 c -S 1 . Mesa. 548-5377 coUee table $8. Hair cur}er Hannan-Cardon ampliler rugs 3'x5' $4. 4':<6' $4.50. Lane, Costa l\fesa. f'ord, ne.\\'. S;). pair, JT" and football shoes, Sl . Aquarium 75c. Pair ol lamp DANISH .i.·alnut couch and set $12. bowling ball $6, $!5. Wood case for speakers, Young man'li l!IUit siie 18 $4. NE\V crutches p. New general electric television $7.~. \\leaver .22 scopes, $.5 shades 50c. Shower et1rtain chair $25. Four unfinlshed hammock $12, ·chest wlth components, records s 5• f.'1an's while hush pupPles General Electric electric portable, works good $15, and $7.50. Electric foolball srxi drapes $2. Books, table legs, 21" Jong $2, ni.lnor Sl2, 5 Danish chainl 646-924S size 10\~N $2.50. 2 burner coffee pot 13.50. 545-5134 c":c:.'-'-=lli~-~~~-~=~ gamt $2.50. New T 0 P records 25c-Sl. 646-7394. single, maple book ca 1 e $6 each, 11hoeskate1 $11, Coleman LP stove with 4 A 0 0 RAB LE p u PP 1 es \V0:\1EN 'S Clothefi 1ize 1~12 Scholar & Finance games. ELECTRIC Guitar $ 2 S' headboard $5. Rattan cheat, clothes SOc-$2. Saturday and RIVIERA s Ire p. couch. cans fuel S12. Sleepinc bar Au sin.Han Sheep/Poodle 75c-S3, Je"'-elry l D c. S 2' 10c • SI. Dozens of \\'eekly amplifitr $25 acccaliOriefi low style $10, twelve drawer Sunday, 9042 Aloha. Hun-Loveseat size, needs re-$4. ApartrMnl 5ize !llOw $5. 2528 Littleton Place, vase5. bowls, s1eak plate5, Reader & Hardy Boys $25. all new', cost $175. cheat, painted white $10. tington Bea.ch, 9S-filfi6 upholstering Sl5. Wil!lOn golf $1S. Rotobrall Rotifiserie $8. Costa Mesa Sl. bowlinr ball, camera $2, chlld~n·11 .books &: collego Eooagement • w 4! d d Ing 646-4021 RABBITS: Brffdera $5 pair, ~!~b:_13 complete ~t $25.. 2 clown pictures 13"x29" 20562 E'""'t Ln . .... -' St 50 h Christmu: 2 GREEN couches. m telll'1I, .... -lexts. ZS<: • S1.SO. 2382 tn.<;emhle. 21 gems, silver 2 NE\V dunebuggy sand tire1 spotted white, black eyi?S. · ea c · ......M f hoist · S5 LARGE Decorative (Tape clusters $ll. Dog house, plyv.iood and redwood con· struction $15. Ammo 30: 06 and .270 $3. per box. 38 1pee wad cutters $3.50 per box, O!ter model A2 animal clip- per!> almost. new $25. 1hree blades S5. Large brass color bird cage for small pan'Ot $10. 847-1320 . 17921 Altamirano Ln .. H.B. Zenith, l block from niounts, rings $25 each. case t\ ply 1W5 $20 each, boy!I Young doe!I $2. Babie1 Jl. NEW playpen $15. 2 new decorations X-$2. Sears a""" or l"l"-UP ertnf Pa.li!!ades, Santa Ana $'25. Instroclor'a shoe. roller 20" Renegade bike $15, girll ~2445 heavy duty camping cot!l S5 heavy duty trailer hitch for each, or both for SS. ., each. l 111'0man's bike in boats new $5 8 o a I 646-6202 GOODIES -End t11bles SlO, skales. sill' 9 with case S15. v-speed 26" bike S~. "-h.p. CRIB $15. ~1attress SlO. ($27 . ,:.:,""'""~=~~=~~ tripJe bunkli each $20. dinet-J\len's '>''hile \\wl sa.Hn-lin-engine \\i1h clutch. $2.i, ne\\') S45-34Sl &rod condiHon $15. 1 man'li windshield $5. x; PoUndll PORTABLE 1V $25. Electric le chairs S5. Lile Nature ed dress jacket, 46. never electric edger $10, hand bike in good condition $1j. lead $3. Small tools 25c-$3. 3 blank-rt $3. Electric lihaver books s2. Stangl trult por. 11,orn, cost $65. $25. 6-0 lawn mower $5. &by awlm WESTINGHOUSE Stereo $2.'i. Infant scats included with Citizens ban auto antenna $3. Ceramic flower pots $Z. lel1' S20, Child Boston 5 worrlli!lh reel-new-never pooJ seat S2, 4 tleclric raz. Large fish tank $W. 962-4533 bikes. l infant backpack $10. Sl-$5. C.B. auto mount new Linens, jewelry and clothes rocker $4, Sauna facial SlO. uStd S:z.l. Bron~ ua Intake ors S2 e11.ch. 23311 Ruli;era GIRL'S dressing table. 3-way MZ-9152 C.M. n. Code key and oscllator 5c -$1. 15" tire and '>''heel copper and colonial nlcnaci; "al\"I" and fittings S;). New Dr. C.l\t . m'irror, needs refinishing ROCKING chair $12. $3. 2 tire extinguishers 5lk: $5. Electric heater $3. 11 $5 chro e R•n-·-n 4 .,...d $15. Hard rock maple Joung• Sa It I -~ .. Other each. G. E. iron $1.50. Bathroom sea.le SL Large · • tape reoorder $10, m ""'--'-_.... 1'" • •· 1 s TWO girls college bound mson e u'""'"5"' .,.. Alternator Sfi, Dlshes -50c beige lined drapes palr 52" . $10. !'ilainll"ss !lteel sinks for tll!ed nion~y. ~!ling un!qu; chair. lc:>ose CUlihions $25. MI pieces $2. Utility table $3. 10me antique Sc:--$3. Pots lamp shades. like new • 55" $10. New Canadian small !railer or camper $j hA.ndmade mobiles S2-$lO. 6-2032 Books ?5c:. Barbecue $2.75. and pans lOc-$2. Vues $1. 211E.16th Place. speed likatt>S size 6 $15. t>ach. 5 gallon '.l/16 5tcel picture!'i and painH1\i" $!· 16" TRICYCLE $6. lligh Tays 50c • Sl. R.attan chairs' lOc-$2. Purse!I 25c-$3. Toys AKC repte.red Dadlabund. 6 Clolht!'i lilzes 6 through 12 butane lank. \l.i\h val\'e S15, candles 25c-U. lland-chji.ir SlO. Jump chair .$6. $3.50. PlcniC' table $3.50. 5c-$3.. Shoes 5 0 c-S 3 • monlh!I, only S14.50 . lOc • SJ. 210 Fern, Newport S7.50. 1625 Ne\\•port Blvd .. decoraltd tln.o;. boxes, under Walker Sl. Divan. good for Portablt tape ~rder $5. Ladies-MeMJ &nd chlldrens Housebroken. ~s-5134 Shor-es sflace 37, please par k 13 ood loth. ~-$5 uphol"*eri""' $22. MS-2412. Tool.a 50c • SI. Dishes $1 ,.,.,..,,.,.!NGHOUSE a·--otlc • t ·• d 'I 1 • g c ing. ~-· "1 .. ,. clotl'le1 5c-$2. Tablecloths """"' u ..... , DESIGNER clothe~: Rudi ou ~1 '· on d !1 l u r b Interesting animal col· 1376 Garl\nglord St. C.l\.t. 55.5-B Victoria. 645-2177 ~. SaturdRY and Sun-washer $15. Deluxe child's Gemreich, Ben Zuckerman, managi!r. lecHon ind other toys and ANTIQUE cups $10 e1r.ch. MAKE-UP nilrmr, Duorea-day Jul'lt 28-29. lOAM to 1 car seat $8. Vale't chair SS. J unior Sophisticate and ~HNI Bikt '>'itllout motor games for children 10c-$l. candlewlc:k. bedspreads $2 cent light. 11.ntiitue. while, PM each day, 2o121 Potty chair $2. Matemlty more S'25 each, size 3. $20. f ireplaC't' Ii: rate s Sah.ll'day and Sunday 9-7. and U. Unique c~ jar $5. 17.. stand. Ne1v Irom l Bayview Ave .. Santa Ana suit new $35. now $!. 1863 MB-5379 50c...$1.50. Tricycle Sl.:io. 2253 CorneU Drivt.' Costa Beautiful t.fl!ISOl.lrl Ro o t Ma&nin $22.50. Wee.kends or Height!!. ~3 Sa.mar Drive, Costa :P.1esa BATHlNf:JTE $2.50. AM·F~I Scat car $3 .. Girl',; Stin(1'ay ~1esa. lamp b&selli $12 each. Dodge •fler 5, 673-8481 r11dlo Sl9. Oak desk ral. hike-'12·50· Pellet rifle fhke LABRAOOR-SPRJNGER 6 and Toyola tires S2 each. TAPPINJ undalli new $2.50. Harold D•I• Electric heater St. Walnut neiv) Slf. Lantern T.-x:. 1vee.k1 old. S.i each. 19369 lnlricate !1\Rg~ coach lamJ) Deck shoes $1. Assorted 1170 Boa Vista Circle chun:h pew S25. Theater Leather '001 pouch !JOc. Lange Dr Santa An• SlQ. Portable type~Titer Jike medium, and high heels, Coat• Mes• chair Sl5. 6'-6" lkb and l.a\1.-n .cha ise St.. Bo~ of rug Hl"ighls ofl.Meu DriVt? ncw-,S25. Double bed Daven-l'le\I.' ankle high 1ki boots 50c: mah!nals ::.OC. Comic books ' ' .... Ra' polo S20. Anlicrue «tool SlO. 4Jc. Oetie-rt water bag 3.ic. DOUBLE aize bed, complete port-Riviera IYJ>f. -.,.. • $3. Siz1 4-5~~. Willie St.ace 12"x96" walnut panel.II $1 R.econl player (ai; isl JSt. $20, wrought iron desk and ed on df'sk $2. High cha.In Jackel $5. 646-7394 You are the winoer of 2 tickets lo tbe. H~.d ~ ;:it $.~~5.1 -~~ marbl' lop end table $25. l marble top coffee table $23. Desk $5. Telephoae 8tand $4. 1 upholstered maple cha.IT $20. 2528 l.JtUelon Place, Colla Mesa BOY'S Stine;ray bike $17.~ Auslrlan knapsack S l • Stapler for furniture $2.50. Rubber trunk for boat $3. \Vllik. tldewall tire 1.75x14 dttp trnd $6. B I u e naugahychi $1 per yard. t,;" vari11.ble ~ drill new $14. Pedal car Sl.50. 2 Danish modern l)ar stools $10 each. ~turdai only. &i&-5610 SKI Boat ~. Cornrols s.;. 8' Iringh)' sz;. Ladies bike Sil .,,..... each. 3.x7 table top $6. Crib Toilet seat 3.)c. To>A'!:I nl"k phone stand S7. hand mo'>'-er $1 .. Other chain $l and $2. WET suit for divln1 or 1w1· .JU. New Holiday 8 mm IOc. Floor sweeper $1. $2, leather brief CA.$t Sl. raney mailbo:il: $2. 590 ln~:. site 12, boy'a. Uke. new movk: camen. f"(). Fllei $6. Record holders &. J i&saw Girl1 1l10e 1kate1 S1 / pair, Gractland Orlve, Laauna $1.0. Wl"l&ht bell w Ith Por1abie crib $10, Small puzzlf's l~25e. '&y•s 20 .. &!au lop phone table Sl. Beach. Saturday and Jun.. ~lgbts ~ 644-ol3fO deak M. Oa.k chair $6. Roek-bicycle S2. 1V ante:nna 50c. size 9 mens indoor shoe day. 11·7 pm only BIKE in very aood tonctlUon. FIREWORKS SPE.CTACULAR at lhe ANAHEIM STADIUM ol1 JutY 4ih TOILET Comple\e S l 2 • BathroOm baa1ns t2} $5-Sl. 30" M.imR' with modnn 2-'liO FORD a u tom a t I c !Mdiclne cabinet $8. Ranee transmillior-. $25 each. exhPlt fan JT. Sett li&n $3. '46-9fllS RardWatt 5c-;5. 'TV tubes bir'cbalr SS. Globe n. Small ,,._ .. _ lOc. c I •• r' I t • ska.le• $..). (•r oil filter $1 . !.fONDA y Gnly, m (1 v. ll g . •~----Book •··If IS ...........,. Girl'a, 24" Schwlnn-a.-r -1111~ • lighters OOt. Toy11 •nd Couef\ $7. double size bed Sewlni cabinet m. 'Sid . Car bed P. Rott of cork S6-games 10c-15c. 21'" TV frame and sprl11g: S 5 , clothc1 $10. Antlqur.-11 · $10 • Hollywood $l9. 644-l.340 'T'ennlt radcet $3. ~ VW tit?• !works) is, Roller akatel ll. 4'"3'xl' deep PIYY.'OOd car $25. Sewing machine U). NYWN rug, used • mp con-n nC'h. A&Urw machine P.ecords Q-50 Sl. Uoncl top ct11T\er with filled top Woman'1 clothinr size l0-13 ditlon, approximately 90 J15. 30M ~ Lri. Coat& train tr.'1lh tnck and $25. 540--J759 $10. Unlcyclt $12. R.ldtng yards. $1.25 per Y •rd· ......, .. M"• transtonnu $4. we 11 ... r AtlRROR :rx.J'S'., n panels boot& S12. Wheel chair $25. 644-2951 CUB SooUt unUom1. like 11ber 111w $3. Girl's 20" $25. old u n d e r w 0 0 d 411 Seville, Bill boa &~w""'1~0GAN==v~.-,~,-•• ~.-,~,,-.-I~.,,-, new, ~~ l\'cblore bikr (11.ff i~l SS. l~" wheel typewriter, J'pl carriage T\VO tt~(rl 6 fool tn.J'l'lf&ktl scraps and blocks, alllO ac:c:ewartel .. ,Bul;lnett~ CO\-en S~. P.tisc. elothes $8. Girls Schw\nn Stlngra,Y, :altl'I, all hord11·ani and pl)'WOOd, lOc .: $2. Oal\y un- wtth alrtrt "· 14 dra\\el' -. \I F:o1d v ,\mf'rlean lamp nttd8 tubf.s $20. 646-6248 post~, J.."IV<I ... -ondlllon SJ:l UJ told. 6f&..23T7, 8&I S. 11th PleMe call 642-S671. t."tt. 329 betwttn 9 and 1 pm to claJro your 1lclce11. !North County toll-free: n11mb.r is 540-13201 BELL YBOARD $15. Snare drnm 11od llJinc1, f'<t.:rl'll,..nt no. Spo.nl:i.h ~itnr 51.JO. m:i U...~11111.. J\y,•.. Colla Mea.~ ehNt 115. •• l60I I '11~1! $5. 3017 Babb C.ft1 .. POWER. lawn lllO\\U, 1'tt1 (Arl\. \\1111 ck'hver. 5C5-74fi1 SL C.M. ' SUflF80AJUJ. S 3 ~ • ~.-2. typl" S25, 1:1" bllce Sl.$. BUNNtE.41: aSQ'ltd 1ize1 and BUNNIES aMOtted aitu and RENAULT he & t er $4. ..... DESK and chAtr S%>. 64S-7t.z0 54&-0063 l"Oln1., !l(lc 543.£.007 colon Mic. 5fi3.rol1 ~1033 -~ . ' EXTRA slit roll,..wa,y beid, tOc rach. Some tools Sc-$3. ex.tra blavy matltt&I U). l Window• $3 ~•ch. 2627 Sa:nta occuioMJ cba.ir SS.~ Ana. Ave., C.l\t Last bOullll! TV $25. ~ fub $10. 111-n In drive Sat/SUn 9 -S $25. Doc 'home $20. Amp i Please park ln &treet1 meter S.fi. 211 Eu1 wu.on, 2 l\.tAHOGANY rocken s10 Costa ~1eu each. Towel lft!ls $1.50. Kini MINlBIKE without enclne, site SJ>lftd $2. Olshcs has, chain and whtel•. 2 &:-$3. 1111.nglng b&i>l;.cli; X>c brt\cn., $25, Bric:P 3 HP vi.ch. Oay pot:. 1 .1 , •• ntfds Qrburetar $ 1 5 • ChrllltJn.U d e co 1· ¥ 1 1 u n 604lJ21 , 1'lC-$1. To'>'·cls 2$. l.J111fl ..:R.;;OY;,.A..:L;:;,,Sl-andanl...,.:.~type~-wrl-=-ter $1. Sat/Sun 10-1 P.\f. ~ $12. M&-1033 •·t " St., Baltia. Pf'nln~ 11la BOY'S 3 speed bicycle tire!I fiat SlO. 4 BaITel back rat- tan chairs, I ~cliner, 1 ot· toman $20. AM-FM 3 spttd record pla,yer etrtliOle $10. Mo\vers S3 each. Older typewriter $10. Room air conditioner S15. U p r I g h t vacuum cleaner SID. C.Onso!e se\.\·ing ni 1 chi ne Sl5. Upholstered chain; S3-~. Large oval braided rui;: 520. lj13 Orange C.M. 642-5666 BOOKCASE' $7. 1\-faple chair SlO. ftlapte table $12. Stereo stand $2. Card tabla $1. Rug $5. Bedspread $4. CUr!ains Sl.50. Ulility table S 2 • Lantern $2. Camera $2. DL~hes 10c. Pan!I 15c. Book5 3t25e. ~ Redlands Ave .. N.B. 646-lO!n 20 Ga magnum ammo S2.15 each box. 22 C,aJ Stevens lever action antique serial No. 65 $2.i. 10 Ga Ithaca double antique S20. 32 Cal. \Vinehester model 1813 Sil. Stock for same $75. 642-0030 FORMICA Pullman 5'6" long lop $25. Cabinet S15. China bowl $15. Moen faucet SIS . Work bench 3• wide 1'6" long with 4 dra .... ·en on each aide $20. Patio stack chain $3 each. 201 30th St.. N.B. 2 WALNUT bar stoob; $10 ea.ch., good oonrlition. Sabot !rs.Iler SIO. 637-7":>29 FOLDING Bed Sl :i SingieT ~wing machlnc porbb\e S12. Ne\V bathroom !link S20. Double bed completr. $2j. Ourtains rl 11 r. r o n anrl fibergla.11. tie\\' $2-$10. 12 Shutte~ 26 :ic 8" $2 each. 673-5399 or 675-Sl83 BABY Bed or pl11.)'Pl'f! "'ith mesh 1idcs,' 2 matlreue,. Jjlt~ pad, s~ts blankeb and hooks. all In exceJleqt condition m. Cosco pottf cbatr S3. Padded baby liner for stroller like new q. Metal hamper \l.·ilh drawer St. Nt'\I' hl'llK:lcd rug'I u. P.l\Ch. Chlld1'9nll and ladleis clothe~ lOC 10 Sl. Compl~' Brownle wUit Sl. Pod!; t book novels 25c e • c • ,,._,.02 V. \Y. radio $~. -00 You haw • tnlltt or c:ampn-T \'ou nttd Vapor Cool Engine Cooltr. uiitfl one ~a.'IDn 123. 847-MOt I ... ·--- " ---~~~~~~~---------------------------------~----.... -:-~ .. • · ~ -' ... ·., : • . ... .. ;Sat:.::;:lll'll::!l'>;;JIA::;no;•;28~1;,;M~·;...,;;;·..,..,..-.,..,....,...,,gii&;;.i.Yii1iio/l'•I TRANSl';OllTATION TRANSPOlTATION !_RANSPOllTATION •TRANSPORTATION T~SPOR!~TION T .. ANSPDllTA"'.1~" TllANSl'OlTATIOH TICANSPOltmlON & YIChlt -S.11/IJ11 .. , 9010 .,.,. ..... .., ; • : '~ ~ ~ • . • ' •sa C::!!f'!'* j},' -:-. • • COl11NA UIOd 'Cars 9900 llllpot'IOd -· ' eoAT • "GIN · ·r 'P•": •.. 9400 • · ·~ °''~ r~ * MICJ • ,AUllG -35 'tt-•lllJi! ir=i·C'Jt i~ ~ ;u;;;a:,._~;J ' ''-· fP.19 ·" · '°"t...., =~ l lir•ll,1WA.to.. t60ll LOTUS MG ,...,.. •.WaUs ..U. a ·.ofV.;;.l<'fl. 831·2; Jto.'.°1 °"!">' 1\0iiJi~hJ'''l· ~=~~W.J-;.... Nlinan.!:ood~5""1*u 19661'GMa;:;lnaGT,4'Pd * '62 •L01V8 l!llll'•'. 'S2•MCA JµRKJl IHIM•lmr " uoi ·•~~'r ~~S!:!h d ~.-~~ -·~. ~ . hum ...a.;...,. .. r' "1\o'IPER. I> ..,, !'!"'' ,dlr, .._., °"" owner. ~"''""" •••· Saa..... -~ I j ~Dia.I ~;n-et~-. A: .;._ .......... r '2~ .~:.~~~ •; . ~ 17,cm ~One~ ):~, ~fris, ~. ~~~ .._TRVQ.\f ~m.~· trader'• •d.'* 5*-53ST ;' M.G.' •Jdlit. ~~ * Flnlah Ca'""'"' •PACIFIC Y.\CHT s.w:se ; ~ ' l SO'Jl!li' ' · t ·"· SW:lt. :,.o.,.;,1"' ·' ~ • · 113' : · _, • i ~TSUN MEICEDES I~ w/...t ""'rl~ .,..i -i i~=c~t"P9nt•rs I 2i~~~~~m ~~Mmllf, HM . tr•n9r,'TniWI. 9425 , \'~.-. , ~ C:imP.r'i e..t;f. i,m ·~nATS~ MS--1758.att.4P.!!'-, • ! '*,ao.1 Assambfy Man ° .! •$10:000 '6S ·AWo 21': TWrn 'bicli. 0 ~ * EXPLOltU *-~~ C: ~P:.....~ OPIB. ,; · I ~ SIWuNO> \ .1 <'IOR wbeeli. Xlnt i::oM.. 52,400. ...._ Slee,. l CL..•• _ _._._ heater, Wl1' tifta. io.Mdl '64 OPEL \)'•-.. 31 -ml COMP~,BEN'fl!'ITS 1 • • .'•' • 1-t ' . m:n~t• bath,~'l'ande.m ~ "' By "''eek Gr ~lh. t.uuri-•• ..,• """" , I ntEE. JN.SURAN. CE ' •· --·'"--•-4 pm. . ' ::;'·Lim!""' ~ •. "."l'-00· 32QI ¥llu. undo< fact°"' --· •-• 'Sl'OCK'OPTTON ""'aalfuio "'1oos · $35,000 .~·~ ... ~= . . ~. .,... •~~ .• • wUT&nty, Bal lo,\lOC.11'1'7>. new painL ll1S-C•ll thll weeilend!L 65 TERRY l8'iii Rlt CO~ ft today.,.. Take $75 taah-. Or old~r ' .-~1'52-'-. ~------I ·JBISEI *2toc~bom* tafne\t.~.SJf~tlesL ?a., LEISURE RENTALS car.·LBD OS:~C&U SW '660PELWaaon,2'f.,OOO,mi. • -Ill . HOUSE! . 642--74'3. Extn.. . '\ n11 642"'611. lmi 831"""' "45-0634. -1 c...t. M...-MAR• . 1966 SHASTA 11', self-cott-5#,3(131 Drt. '66 or "1 MEYER'S MaM, ·bea.utlluJ ORANGE COUNTY'S '59 MERCEDES ' 190 SL by wknd. 9fil.171T • ' SAJO~T· · 1 Come .1~ loda,y and see lux-· tatned, many-extra. $1950. 1J70 HARBOR BLVD. Condilion. ftigls top., many NO. 1 COUPE. 8 EA u T 1 Fu L '67 OPEL Rallye ~tt xtl. N•pl•• ...... u..;.8ai.;.L i;:..i......k ury bvil'll at down to earth 8JO..l293 I COSTA MESA "'tru, $2395. M0-36G DATSUN DEAL(~ ONE -0 w ·N ER CAR. ~-WW fina.~ Doll ~ ·~----.....,..""':. prices: Especially now dur-. . CONDmON Heto 3-6 ~ -hull #~. ~•l.e ""' ing our cle.,.... .ai. on True~ 9500 952' 5 DOT DATSUN SHOWROOM • . . • ready to race. Al.so ha, 1969 all db:pl.\y ~hey're -, CAMPER • Oun. Bugglet 18835 Beach 81\ld. $1800 PV. P!rY. 613-7037 CORP. Flacher, O.tl.·Mesa (!)@BJ' ail'pGrt) '4M'40 cr.;:um=. ... 0::.. ~ . .,..;..,i to "" tiiunodialely. Truck Speciqls s.i.I . Ranta la DBodUN~. ~ H'!"'. ~~: Hunttnotoo ll<ach .... Me ......... 1IO f'OISC111: ~ ~tt ..Parka available in .U areu -Authorized DaJer ... ""'" ~;i ._,_ 842-1781 or ~ Good m~ cond. .63 J>O"D6"UE ~ 118QD S. DAVID L. FRASER 42' Alde:n CUttei ." • · · ~ ' S.y ij•rltor L-• Eld _,_ F ..... _.. from $249. La Pu Dune =--='=225=.c:C.i=i-1.:."c,~,:.99!;:.'.,;;;;;; I s-,.··'1..,... pain'•.••• .. tnt ,,....; IN~RNATIONAL • 14',. i::ac-. Mobile ·Hom• S•t.s '61 Rancmiro onwu • our. "JaOS . 81.iggy Supermarket, 3623 , llit. .": ...,.. ., ._ ..... , .. ing sloop. · ?jG. ·•296 pod , 1~ Baker St. Lie. No. EGZ2'l0 Scotsman -·&r:ncuda EN GUSH F011.D ' ~67 23!l SDN Loarled, 22.000 wltls. Radb. ImmaC. Mufi top ·sba.pe!·; .•••.••.. $17.500 40' Owe121 C:Utter, cua:IGm rig- ging &: sails. owner must atn bOW! A&kina: Gnly ••• $17.500 32' Tolly (67) Gnl,y S6 hn!, hGt/ rold, radio, OF, FIB alps 6. CQnfj. 2 54'.\s of u.111, sp~ ~block East of Harbor Blvd. $595 i' Cabowr l..Qw.As ~p~a;;e~kd:· ~~ miles, ~.192'1""11 6, ·~ &ppnte.. Best otter. naker, trailer incl. S4m 614 · on Bater ~ Sun ORANG! COUNTY'S Irlspect and OHet. ' Call: Chuck Avery 3424 Via Oporto, N~ix>rt 6"13-5252 • * · 494-3916 Eves. EGG HARBOR * San Oii:a:o • Michael 'Pl. NB.548-flO Costa Mesa • (714) S«>-9470 '65 Datsun Pickup Model # &D '6::1 BUGGY, stereo rad. VOLUME ENGLISH 14' HQBIE CAT .$11XO Uc. No. NMWtsl Theodor• FOR'D DEALER $1097 flower top, seat, curtalm. call 10-5 64>;&1$ "" QREE·NlEAf ROBINS FORD Chnn. whl•. alt ~ &16-1310 SALES . SERVICE Anytime. 1213>.-f39..7i6T 2000 Harbor Blvd. '6'9 MODE~ '61 Datsun Pickup '65 vw Engine, lllnt oond. 8' 'SAJl.mj; · lrram. new, P.ARK Ll N' V\"'' i=i Costa M~ ~10 ot'Kll Co I 1 Immediate delivery Complet~ ~/safL .. $150. , , ' c. 0 • ., • ""~ ........, ~ e e LARGE' SELEcnON •646-1)183• • , • $1527· Theodore 12, T!Kl.C.t, trall<f', ·-· Ip cleu, cle'\!), cool eo.1a '68 DODGE d ito m 1963 VIV-PORSCHE whtth, ROBINS FO'RD $400/oflf?r. · , , ~esa,' l.llew ·92 s;p&ce Ad\lll L SpGl'Wnan Van· Fl th t I y . tPef!ial tires. Profty built. p k NO o lnt:t Wagon. Camper eiiulil' in-Mint cond. 642-7898 2060 Hatbor Blvd ~ * Phone)..645-12JB * ¥~ ~ PEN! ,Mobile UlllG clud. 'air. 'Sa"" $1500 • F/P Costa Mesa · &iumo 3;c; • • .;i.;. 2 2 , Home Dilplt.y MGdela A: MG MG Sales, servtee. Parts lalmediate DeUvery. All Modlb J1rtupot t 3trni1orts 1965' 'PORSCHE c· C.OUpe, while,~am/tm rad i o , chromc,~w'hte111, · $3500 . 871-3440 4 .S15-5205 aftet • p.m. '58 PORSCff.E speedater. \If/ '61 eng:. gd. stiane: Many.q:. lnu. 822 w. Balboa Bl~ No. 7, N.8. $1.7®',.. .. '2 P61 EQ:.Hbrs Displayed New TrQjan Gla&s' Raiden Trojan Dir-Used Specials 2MO Shelter Island Dr. 714-223-7065 I8 *t T-BIRD, 1965, ~m1us, 120. M e re- cn.iiBer, J/O, power lilt, doo- battery A: gas tanks, boil tank, pump, full canvas, full equip., NEW OUT DRIVE $2650. 613-3512 " Tahi.tl JC•t1!1' $. , 00 Sales nftlce·located at Park. $3600. 644--0471 lmportM Autos t600 ~~~!!!!!!!'."!!~~~ ;;.~:~~~::; 9 AMO~~" 6 PM 1966 Harbor,'~~,.._= r=Je1!:;i.~J&clm r~!:nu;'1a~~:.,: :"! ___ F __ E_R_RA_RI_..,__ ~::1:::~ ---.,...---- .Seaworthy 20'' Day Saller, ll'nUT. MOB. llf '66 DATSUN 'h. TONI $250 new tln:a, auto. tfans. FERRARlt ' · '59 SPRITE. Good runiru. '68 Pot'IChe 9U Tars& Burgundy w/blk int. $5395. 837~ SPRITE S&JfJ Ol' best oUer .. 642-26%J M\.DI I Just reworked engine. Xlnl :, aft. 4:30 P · m • ~~· ~S:~ U InOI. N~_.:_mporu t.td. °"" l'HE QUICKER YOU CAI.J.,. cond. ~ Call before 6 pm. SABOT "·"t · °'''' °'" • condltlon, Local car, "4 gM, · anae ....,....1;y'1 aal7 aathor-11tE QUICKER YOU SELL 546-6419 -· ' · Ul\&ft SAIH dir S15 caah <lei& Tal<Z,,r;. * PAM-TOPS • lud .,"''" \.=:;;;;,,:;;==:;;::=:=..;.=::==:=====::\ ~~ ""· dolly. $32S. Call nvrn; W py;..la $38.86 mo. slF869 • All '""' •h<U.. Sales • """ ALFA ROMEO SALES·SERVlacPAJrrS lmoo.rted. Autoa 96001mported Autoa - BERTRAM Exc-.ptioft.il S•vinss 20' ~ Ul69 MODELS COMP1¥l"ELY EQUIPPED Bahia Mar * Sportsman J. H. Richardson Co. 1~1 Baysfde Dr.,'NB 613--0850 8' ROW boe.t $9(), Surfboard 9' 6" $20. N~u new. 646-li81 14' SKJ bo'at, mere llm, lri:; . whl trlr. $1200, 645-0114 Sallboata 9010 -------HARD JO PLEASE! Arc yriu tired of 1ooking at overpriced, used. abused, ne- glected boats? Call Ken 494-9773 or 545-0034 tals. $149 up. Buy factory -3100 \V. Coast HW)'. LATE Model snowbird ill 1750 Whittier Ave 'b2 CHEVY ., ton truck. direct.1010 Sci. Harbor. SA. ALFA Romeo. GT!i, Red 642.~wpGrt Bea~o.1764 good cond. wl b'ailer Near-C t ...._ ~ 196'1, CGmpletely c h erry 'ly new sail. 675--0150 OS G ~sa· Looks rough runs good. '65 VW camrer, XLNT oond. lhru-00:1. New c I u t ch, Authe>rizcd MG Dealer 71.4·. 642-135' 0 ms. '5.1 ""lck hardtop Cnpy, '"' """· wtr, rbit ..... '62 ''"'rl 2-1'2 Special. Good engine ol tires ~1675. 962-6354 Michelin!. ~. 8'1!-5210, Exoellent ail tt11pects, Pow•r CruiHn -· 9020 $l25 842-1181. 9141 Poinset-CAMPf;R. Shell 831-3254 646-4SOl * m 2916 BARGAlN! 25• si.Jtic. 2 in· OPE~ SAT. & SUN. 12-3 pm. tia, Fountain Valley. Shortbe<l. $125 ALF A Romeo }96.S Sprint board Volvos. Ruaefl & 35X8 li.fay(lo"'-er, furnh!ihed 1961 DODGE Van, blc 6, £162-'_149 G.T. 1600 cc DHOC. 4 wl)eel economical. beaut Swedish 7 TcJTaCe. Lido· MobUe Ml. auto. Xlnl cond. disc brakes, radio, elec workmanship in top cond. Park:. Best Gffer. . $l725. 963-2040 or 544H006 antenna. Wht w/ black int. Now'S THE 644-1351 · '67 FIAT ~ sPori co"-l''ully eq11ip for lishln&:. Lots WOO Park, Loftly trailer & * SHELLS * . -r00a.1 1 1 .. 646-3794 '-·--2 bd .... le ALF ~=•"'"'Ro'°'"..,,."s""'"'"=•"'v"'~=I Xlflt cond. Brit, raclna· G GI' ew f' ca~,. r. ~ v w, Slightly damaged/cheap. meo P,-e........, green. Tan lrrterlot. Oirome 21 ti' cabin c:ruisu, 100 hp ADULTS, patio $ 8' 9 5 0 . 839.18'.XI FOR '58, , very Kood cOM. $195. wheels. At! 6. &tl-1W9 Chris Cralt inboard eng. 67)..3429 il 673-3524 TI ME 642-1'°'! Bait tank, head. A·l cond. NEW 24-wide 2 bdr &: den 2 1h TON FGrd PU. '6S 6 cyl. '68 ·Fial 850 2 Dr sedan Oean, sleeps 2, fUll covers. balb crptd. draped. Make $425 er beat oiler 642-5200, ""'-SnN HEALEY 5•7oo ml. Sll50 $1995. 673-9562 effer. Ternui. HwiL by the eves: ~ QUICK CASH • * 496-l605 ** 6 SLEEPER. 25' Trojan Sed-Sea NG. 12'1 536-7686 '64 GMC Handi-Van $!Dl 691 '61 AUSIIN wagon, !lick ---------, an, Cream Puff. ISO W, RT. LOTS . FOR QUR NE\V Darrell Sl., C.M. 646-Ql.tg UG A shift. rood cond. 35 MPG, . GLAS Swim step, davits $8150. MOBILE HO~. OCEAN· ---------THRO H' ~ rebuilt trans. $150. 213-076-0713 FRONT ADULT PARK. JHP5 9510 Arter 12 Noon, Swnday, June 1967 GLAS l700 cc,' bciHC. 25' KOHLER Kraft Cabin 53G-8.)00 29· 673-493.3 Very clean. P.t u I t see! Cruiser, Otrysler en g .'1'30".-r=.--;;Tntll="er-.&c-,-,.-.,-.""'t I * 1967 BRONCO * DAILY PILOT 1960 AUSTIN·He&ley ml. Must seU this week. (213) XLNT cond. $2975 ·or GUer. trailer park in Nt?wport \Vagon Hardtop, red&. white. Very cle-ar1 . $000. 56-ISO:I. HE 2--1841 eves. or 60-21523 cau ~'l832 . Beach. Full bath. $2,500. 4 \\•heel drive w I kx:king aft. 6 P:tit· . 1 1---------- BERTRAM 'Bahat Mar 20' Owner (213) 700-2'105 hubs, radio, healer, Nar FIAT JAGUAR · CORTIRA TEMPTtD -IY arn~aa SEE DE.(N LEWIS TODAY! '69 TOJOTA ..... $illll . e llG SAYlHGS e EXECUTIVE CAR SAll, NOY.ii '69 TOYOTA HAltllTOP .................... $2Dlt '69 VOi YO SIDAH, -tic ............. $2975 NIW TOYOTA MARK II NOW ON DllP,LA Y WE HUD YOUI TUDl.ui fOl OUI LARGE USID CU DEPT. DEAN LEWIS You mU!ll see the KAI NUJ. An Islander 32 in the mcst spotless, Oawless condition of .any boat yaU have ever sttn. Gleaming chrome llt- Ines. and rich varnished teak trim accentuate · I h e aparkfing white fibefglas fi"11, Her sno1v while dils -and co!Grlul spinnaker make you proud to be the captain. Loaded with extr.ui. Roller Reefing, Genoa, Spinnaker, Opt is a i 1, (speedGmeler). Wind OirecliGnJndicator and Tachometer. Her cabin · in- terior wood is rich mahog- any with a furnltlll'e finish. Hilkr range and oven, plus electric cooking. Plush car· pets, Stereo, Ship tG Shere radio, dlre<:tlon finder, and depth indicatGr. UnlversaJ Atomic 4 economical engine with only 185 houri. A to- tal'o! 9'2 extl'M! $5600. includeir many ac-'Ilr LAKEWOOD. Frig. even-i;eat. $l88S. 879-6088 cessGJ'ies. 644-255'1 stove, w/heater & cooler, 'S8 Jeep, mlltry, Chevy pow-"°========! sleeps 4. Like new :Sl275 er, loaded. Show le a:o. Must WANT AD 642-5678 °''"" co. Toyo,..Vom ~ 544).1467 • ~= 1967 JAGUAR 4..2 E Coupe, 1966 MARIOI aouuvw, COSTA MBA '67 CORTINA, kiw mi'L Xlnt AMIFM, atl!l'CO, d Ir. 1i.. ... -. .............. . Spe1d-:Skl Boati 9030 takes 642-DB see. S2195. 6~. cond. $1100. .Pvt pt y . BeauU!uI rondition! TCL.924 Recreat'n Vehiclff 9515'j-::=======~~";;U5;;;';.';..1~64US:=;;:;,18~at:;t:,:G:::.!.:l3195~.~·:;•~94-~!50.l~;::::==d'=======~3==:;;::=;:===::;:rl 4 Wh ... I ·Drive Imported Autn HOolmo....,.. ~: -•moortad AUtoo 960o h.ioorl.d Au'tot 9'00hnporlad Avloa ~ KE 0 ER • '"NCE· 22. 2 BR, 2 BA moible home. 14. TA V ~ . · $pace near ocean. Century Lapstrake 1nbrd. •4!$-2398• day cruiser. Hauled in '68. . Xlnt cond. SIS rad., bail 10-48. 2 BDR rum, awning, tank sink oompUs. Sleeps shed, adlt pk. Ne pets, 2060 2 aboaro.' 188 hp fireball Newport BJ CM grey eng. Bank v.·ill handle. 1'.tOBlLE Home 10x50. 2 ~9872 porches, expandable llvnn, 20' CHRIS Cl-aft mahoi. %"bdr. Call 6112-4824 planked, 431 ' cu in., lD hrs TRAILER & Cabana w/ since $2500 rebuild b ~ space. 642--0132. 2912 W. authorized CC dealer. Be!l Coast Hwy, NB. Sp 16 Gffer OveT nsoo. '42-5468 HIGH Q UALITY XLNT SPECIALS '6' International Custom CamJNr Air coodltionin&. Pcwer steer· ing,..4-speed, V-8 engine. Lol! of 1oodie1. Uc. No. J\iust Sell Now! CAL 24 for CHARTER cnnd. 6 clslll Cooler Sp rent '66 JHp 15' HY OROSWlFT. 80 hp S3S Jnuned pos.s. 64.2-4664 Evlnrude, few bn. Tilt tJ-Er. Wa90neer Xtras, Sharp si38J. ~1B50 Mini 8ik• 9275 Big six, stick 11hift, poWtt A one · o\\'T!er boat that has had the finest of care. lf you are lwlni tG' plea11e. see tbe KAI NUI. (MeaM "Great Sea" in Hawaiian). Bring your wile and family. (Evt'n your mother in Jaw will ap- pro\i!!). Priced for lmmedl· ate Ale, $16.950. &nk tenns avallable. Consider T.D. as part pay, Owner, Wesley N. Taylor, Res (TI4l 6'1So795'l: 14' 1967 GLAS.SPAR. 65 T-.-00--m-1.,-._'"b-lko-,-.,.,-. -r-,n~-1 steering, Ready for work or 1'.ferc. IGI! of gear. Bkr. ning time. SUD. 540-3803 µ.It. i~N~~c!. NG. SVE 368 Muat ~~~r oHer. 64>ll!l3 qr 4:30 p.m. weekdays. 16' GIASPAR . AVALON -75 HP -trailer, Coast Mo="'°;..'.;.cy:.;c.;.lea;;;... ___ !!.;;.3..:.;00 Guard equipped. 642-U'8 '68 TRIUMPH Bonneville, 14' SKI boat &: trailer, licens-low mileage, paint .t ed. as is $85. 40 hp 0.B.-$65. chrome. Private p a r t y • 67J...5900 8'2-3872 '.67 Toyota Land Cruiser llardtop, radio, balloon tlrt'!I, Save hundreds en this one. Llc. NG, TYY 988. Must SeU N<iw? Bw:. 1213) 879-0!00. See any. time Sat or sun. HYDROPLANE '9 ft. klni:, 1 '64 YAPotAHA 250 Wood consL $S5. 54g..a;ao ~2578 ""'' LD11t4 IL wide, w/lighb •·"al. $115. --· I a-!. '61 HONDA' 315 .Scrambler IHPORTS UDO 14 No. 7756, Ml race tMrln• Equip. . 9035 XLNT cond. 646-8778 Aft A gear.' Nu sails, best cond. BENDIX MR-4. , 32 , mlle !:.1'! 111 E. 2'hi SL No. 6 OYOTA-VOLVO ~~~l750. -new Sl2SO. radar ln new cond. Ideal fGri:,~,,..·'===_,-...,..-1966 Harbor, C.M. ~ large pleasure craft or com-'67 TRIUMPH, ~brand new TH:s: SUN NEVER SETS oo SlJPER deal! 'Gi' CaJ Cat merclal vHAel: $3600 radar engine. lots of chrome. 150 CIBSl'.lfted'• act1on power. w/lrlr, new finish &. paint. !Gt' $1900 + $200' lnstallation. cc. 646--4213 Far an ad • to aell eiound '69 tags. J125. fu:m. GU-79ll Call Mon. 548-2635 1-°"3'0"'°'BSA='"".",."hu=il1'°e"nst""ne-the clock, dial '42-5618. or213: 434--3063 u UI Good--• '-=o=o=o='°"========-'68 OrRYSLER ~ b.p. elec. .........,. <.vuu., I LEARN to sail. If you buy start w/remote a: manua11=~~642-'°"'"9152"'"o,' "C°'.M;,·~~ IMOp;rT~OrR9.H~OM~iE;;!S;:j!~92;;1iS my. deluxe 12' tibtr&l&as controls. Battery.,·sp.om:eter 1965 YAMAHA YRDS 3, 250 11 sailboat. I \\'ill ' teach you & tank, used just 3 hrs., cc. run1 good, less than howl $398. GU-&197 wne u new. eomplete 14.500 ml 54&-5761 RAWSON 30, like new. Hin£· $.195_,$49--0530.., 1933 INDlAN· Super Qi~ ed mast, cusfom galley l ItlBOAltD A: cutoo.nt parta engine, complete w/3 a~ i~er, electronks, + Xtras. Ir a~ rtUOD1.b!t. trans $150. 516-1'115 673-6698 5'9--05lt 650ce ·Triumph Bonneville CAL 28 fully eqpd'i Spin-' J$1;iO bbllt & •-SIS d RDF t •--t •·rvl.. 9037 .. re-eng. new 1\11u:r, Ill ., , MU! --clutC'.h. Nice. 499-2957 sell, will con~idcr all reu. otters. Call 846-3111 · SKJPPER Available f o r '68 HONDA !IO Scrambler. cruiJe or ntlintenance. Xtras lot dirt. RUM xlnt. 10 rr. Lapstrake, all -fbtl<J . ~ eest·oflft'. 644-0M4 Comp! w/ sa.ils. Like new. l=========='l;;r-;;;;;;;;;;;;x;;o;;r;;:::,-:::;-Must sen $375. 548-7448 '65 TRIUMPff 500, new eng., .;.;;c.:,;:.:.c.;.:,.'"="'=----1 IMf. ._ •dtt 1T pipe a, Bate& .etfUip, Xlnt CGronadG z· Sloop. Ch1rNP'I 903'9 cond. $800. S4G-3283 No. 281 $9XK), * 6~ * BLUEWATER atAR'i'Ens SUSUZI<I l2J. 1966 mcdcl HOURLY RENTAl.3 U Drive Sail CJio-f'olrre?' $200. S3U Market Ave .. NS. :HllDQUAITUI FOA MOTOftHOMU • • • . ,, ' " .11 DEMO CLEARANCE! WHILE THEY LAST • • • • • • • • • ' 4 Dr Sedans-2 Dr Sedans-Pickups-Roadsters-Station Wagons MANY TO CHOOSE FROM SAVE •• SAVE ··.SAVE •• SAVE ._. '&5. Mustang $2095 '63 C~evrolet ,$795 . $795 FINE STOCK OF .VOLlSWAGENS •· .,,. eu.EeK THESE VA1U.ES! ' . * Rhodes 19'• * Skippered lccal sport fichinl ,,......,,,"'"~=~~---1 I F\ln Zof1e BoAt 9;1. &Jhoa Harbor mtlset U bn 1964-HONDA. Clean, Nns -..... $%i0. • UDO 14 No. :zm. pod cond. CAL 1' fGt CHARTER *' 64i:.t?l9' * F\111 nc'r par, o:rvn. )'1'd ~-dolly Inc. SlD'.l. 541-nu $25 01,Y -$150 Wttk '67 SUZUKI x... Scramblu. ' l"=ii:iif-~~'iiiiii~' l-~=..;·~_.,~~~·!·..,.-j txctilent cond. $350. 6U P-c.AT RACE READY -~· cnn.· 31' tpnp p( 'Ne'NfJOl't.Heiehts : I ~ tTntrula Cruller. De1!7 BRGSI'.ONE 'GS ilO fWl tace' , LEHMAN , 12 Sailboat. AU I. ractrc tqUlp, COWl'lo trl. ' , 642.-6497 GftooVYI • i ..:::..:.::;.L°"'100~~14C-_'-- tw hand trtr. 6'B..f132 CORONADO 25. lwly eqpd, racil'llt A. cru1111'4f, custom lnL -·""'· 891-COIA 22' Sloop, O.B. Head, I litft. Dae, lllJll. '$m. eYa. ·m.T388 _.;;°':......-=""'=-·-·615-____ • -I 1125. • '116 y.;.,.... llOO: -5i&-125S • - Boat Stor... 904I -------~=eo"•"'T°"sro::;.._RA_G_E __ Molo ............ Sall or powtt up to Z'. f'enc-'68 HONDA Moped. $90. Like ed yard. Newport Bayfron1. New. 494--8322 MorrthlJ' ratta lnchkte •• , Utt er Holst DON'T JUSI' WISl:llor aome. Launchtna: Ullnc to rumlllh YoUl' homt Call ~·, , , , • tlnd lf"!•t bQ)'a In to- 8.Jt.22t1 cl01'i buil!lod Aclt. ' __ _::;..:..;...,, __ , l Ill '4"'M'· Jiil Ill tn. DOllE "DPl.ORU" .... _,, ......... ................... ~ ............. At.L 11111. II fMT. Jt '"'· ti foot, 1 TlAlll FIJIAllC. 1111 ~ ....... ~·· Cllllf, VO~KSW~G.~N . CAMPER -~~~~~~~ .......... , ................ 5895 '65 .Y.W ,~~0' 5895 'r64yw ··· .. ,;. ·$795 18835 BEACH .· BLVD e . HUNTINGTON . 8EACH t42~7781 • .SA0-0442 : ' ----~ ,. .~ ____ ....:,,. ' ) I l • • ~PILOT lTATION s.ban of cant. lnc.-ftetall Div. $12'7 POE Opt equip !30. ,,.,.ht SH.SO H""'1i,. $49. "'1. SU90.SO + Tu and LlceNle U100 W. Cout Wway, N.B. -· * 54<J.m3 SUNIEAM TOYOTA HEADQUARTERS ELMORE WIN! 9IOO FREE USE OF A DELUXE CAMPER FOR ONE WEEK DIAGNOSTIC CHICKS FREE, .......... --.. -0:..r't coridltllln In ~ Oilfforfllli'• 11rtl "°"' 01..-tlc e.itw. °"" 130 11tdTQoilC !'mtl ,.,_, SlfWtY, Nllt llltlly anill ,.,....._., • OrM "'" watlo!i wll'lwt _,.,, Ten Checks Te• Of"'9 ,,.., NetM .. t9 My! J• ••• 11 _, ,.. ....... ,.,... ....... ....., .....,. ,, .... '" ........... ,,..., ...... 0.-Jt ,.._,. .. , ' • THIODOU IOllNt. IL SINCE 19JI ... tHIODOU IOllNS-.IL Ywr ........,_. ,.tnM .. •M confldenc• In our tlNl•r- •til, h•• m.de • ~ t• be ,.,~ of Or•"I• County •IMI It'• ph1Mw1I t'rewth. Thank• hi eur c.Ufttlw frl•M• fer • woMorfvl 41 r•rL THIODOltl ROllNS , 11':. WE'VE PULLID THE STOPS FOR JUNE! ': • SUPlil SAYIN4iS WHIRMl YOU TURN , •• VALUAIU PRIZES FOl THE 4il0WN·UPS , , • KUN STUFI' FOl THI KIDS •• , ITS OUl 114i4ilST, SAVIN'IST llRTHDAY PAlTY IN ALMOST HALF A CINTUlY Of DOINw IUSINUS IN THI HAUOR ARIA! COME IN • • . HELP US CILDRA n1 FORD BUY GOOD .SUCTION ••• IMMIDIATE DEUVERYI OR RENT ECONOMICAL RAm ly DAY, WEEK, MONTH. Super Savings on $1,500,000 of New '69 Fords! ANNIVERSARY SAVINGS on Mustangs -Ilg Ferds -Torinos -Thunderbirds -Ford Trucks! Ch.eek Our Prices .For June hfonYou luyl ORANGE COlllTY'S Oltl Y AUTHORIZED DEALER I Large Inventory of New '69'.s For Immediate Delivery. Three only-New 1968's Now Slashed For Immediate Clnronce! RENT YOUR VACATION HOME ON WHEELS llASONAILI RA ns RESUYI EARLY 1'67 CHEVROLET IMPALA HARDTOP '1795 ,..Dr. v.a. 8UtOtY11tlc, P.S .. •lr. lt&H. (UKU117) 1963 FORD FAIRLANE s595 .... Door S~an. V-1, 1ute., R&H. (OKN2N) 1'66 IUICK LE SAIRE 2·DR. HARDTOP s 1495 Full pow•r. factory air. (RPMUO) 1 tH FORD CUSTOM $ 9 v.a factery •Ir., R&H. P.s .. ,,,, (YCUlff) I 1. 5 1963 PONTIAC CiRAND PRIX ll&H, P.S .. P.I ., 1lr condltlonlftt. (JJ\1920) 19'7 PONTIAC TEMPEST HARDTOP Cu1tem. Aut•., l'.S., lll&H. (TR.Josi) '795 DRIVE A NEW 1969 ENGLISH FORD! ENGLAND'S NO. 1 SELLER, AMERICA'S NO. 1 IMPORT BUYI CUSTOMS * GT'• * STATION WAGONS. L1r9• S.lectlon of Autom1tlc1 ind Four Spffd1. LAST CALL: NEW '68's! Limittd number at· Final Cle1r1nce Prices! lWE YOUR CAR FOR 6 MONTHS tl't ow llSw, "Glf~lrlttid" .,,_, 4M ,,........., _, bMtl 1n~1t11n; Ii~• II Ill r.tr '-1111 llllloryl c.n Mr • ..,_lallm lllld fOr lllUlla. Llmllea time Ollly. FOlD AUTHOllZID UASINw SYSnM 12' TRAIW NOlTHWUT COACH 11..,. f. 'illly -.,,1,,.., Like new. (5412) 1964 FORD CUSTOM 4-D-SIDAN V-1, air AM.. 1vte., •&H. Le Mii• ... (YWS42') '1295 '995 1964 PONTIAC RMl'IST CUSTOM WA•. '995 V.a, fact, !Ir, •"'hR&H, l:p. nc:k. l'NAM6} 1964 DOOM DAU 170 2·Door '695 lqul,,..,, 6 ~IMI.,, (PIYIOfl 1960 INRlNATIONAL PICKUP s595 IKtr1 dNn. (1112111) 1965 PLYMOUTH SPOU FURY HARDTOP s795 2-0oor. OrMn with black lnffr., v.a, aut .. , P.S. CYXS41!1 I 1 a.-. .. t ,.-. M•ii·ffl e S.f , •• "'" .. 6 P·"'" Sn It•·"'· t. I•~""' PARTS lo S!RVICE HOURS 1 •·"'· '" t p.111. M•r. e 1 •·"'· .. I p.111. l••.,fr1 PARTS ONLY I •·"'· te ' tt.M. S•t • • .. - GROTH CHEVROLET STOCK REDUCTION It.., ''°"' Ovr Ill ln'fffthry of Men Than 200 Lat• Modal "OK" UMll C.r1. All Mak .. & M ... ala. 'H TllUMPH Spllflro hadst• '1299 4 cyl., 4 1pcl., Rl:H. Excellent cond. Inside & out. A sports convertible you will love to drive. Lie. No. TBB 987. '64 MALllU S.S. Coope $1299 Auto., R'1I, P.S. Compare any· where at this price and you '"Ill own it. Uc. No. pCG 759 . '64 IMPALA S.S. C..pe '1299 V-8, auto. P .S. O.K. in every way. Absolute mcney back iuarantee If not completely aat ilfled.. U c. No. OSY 980. 'H THUNDHllRD 2·Dr. H.T. $1699 V-8, auto. RAH. P.5., full power. Original black lacqurr flniah. Real nice. Uc. No. TES S:S7. '66 CHEVY Impala Sport S-'1699 V-8, auto., R&Jf, P.S., fad . air cond. O.K. In every way. Absolute money back guar. jf not completely satWJed. Uc. SYK 2o:i '69 TOYOTA Coupe $2099 Auto., R&lt. CUrttnt m odt-1 69. 11 la a shame to cell It used. Savi!! hundreds. Ue. No. TUK 487. 'H MUSTANG S,... C..pe '2799 V-8, auto., R&li, P.S., P.8., factory air condJUonlna:, vlnyl top, tin\.td 11ua. Wht" With black vnyl rool A black vinyl Interior. Loaded with xtras. Money back auara.ntee lt not satJsfted. Stock No. P116. .. ·n co•mn HaN!op ~ '3599 v.8, •uto.. RltHl P.S .. P.a . P•wtnd., factory air conaltlcnlng, Vinyl tcp, tinted rtus. Ext-ell•nt condition. Rt&lly nlee lnslc\e A out. You will rHllf lmpre11 your fritnds when you drlw this ontt. Uc. No. VVT 270, GROTH CHEVROLET 11111 8"ch llvd.-4!unt. lo.ch !Hwy. 39) S45 NU Open 1 Ooyo "TH ' P .M.-7- . .. ----- CADILLAC FORD 1967 LINCOLN, clean, 28,000 miles. Loaded, air, etc. Must sell fast. 673-5180 '62 LINCOLN, sllwr..grt:y, a real bi!!alrty! Make oUtr. a.lier 6 pm. 66-0673 MERCURY MUSTANG Imported Autos 9600 lmporttcf Autos 9600 MOVING TO Los Angeles MUST SELL 22 vw· s By July ht NO MONEY DOWN 0 .A.C. IEST BUYS IN TOWN Once in a Lifetime luys! 111 '"' $599 11 1 '"' $-1099 c .... llYN74J, C'lt. IYllHIJ 111 '"' $699 Ill "" $1099 I Dr. (.IZUt46, 2 Dr. tSLW41tJ Ill "" $799 111 "" $"'1=i-=t-~9 2 h teN•Ptl I Dr. (UK"'ll ;:<JO::I 7,lfc.:; .. ;=.:..._,$899i-.;:;;"' UI ""-$1499 J Dr. (llCfMl J Of. XOW41J Ill l Kl $-999 "fiT1 ilt-=-=-$.;,.1~6~99~ JP,, tl.IX141l I Dr. ITATI14J BONA FIDE MOTORS .2116 HARIOR BLVD. Coda Mesa, 646· 1113 Open Noon to 9 pm Weekdays Sal & Sun 10 to 6 pm ' I TllANIPOllTATIOH tllANSl'OllTAtlCIN TllANSl'OllTATION · Satunlly, Mt 21. I... QQ.T -IJ' I TllANSl'OllTATION TllANll'OltTATION TltANSl'OllTATfOff TUNIPOllTATRlN TIAWfl'IRNi _ --c... tallo• c.r. - v -C.n HOO-Can 9100 • CADILLAC NINETEEN SIXTY -NINE 1961 CHRYSUR 9 passenger Town &: Country wa&on. Maize yellow with •addle vtnyl trim. run power. air conditlonin&, luzpge rack, tilt steerin& wheel, low mileaa:e. (VTP97J) 1967 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille. Phantom blue with blue leather interior. Full J>O'A'er equipment plu~ factory air conditioninr . One owner. fUJJ.357) 1967 CADILLAC Cvt. De Ville. Sandlewood wilh match· Ing leather ln~rlor. Full power plus f&etory air condltlontnc, tllt·leleacoplc steering wheel, Stereo A~f·FM radio. ~ miles. fXSP692) 1965 CADILLAC Fleetwood Brougham. Black with silver bro. cade Interior. Full pou·cr plus factory air con· dltioning. All options. <RTI'056) 1964 RIVIERA Pmvdcr bl ue with matchin& vinyl bucket seats. Full power and factory air condition· Ina, many extru. {HGT856> 1966 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille. Grecian a:old with matching cloth and leather inttrior. run power, factory air. tilt and telescopic wheel, Voa:ue tires. (SBC984l ON DISPLAY AND READY FOR DELIVERY TODAY! SALE s4222 SAVE SALE $3888 PRICE SALE $3666 SAVE SALE $2333 PRICE SALE $1555 PRICE SALE $2999 PRICE 1969 COUPE DE VILLE Full power and faotoey a1r conditionin1, AM·F~f ra,!iJo. power door locks, power trunk opener, AU ~eather Interior and padded top. Low miles. (J9104235J OVER 80 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM • • • SALE PRICE 1961 IL DORADO Full powv, factory air. tut·telescopk wheel1 A?lf·F?-.1 radio, power door locka, dllc brakn, paded top. (BTP094) 1967 CADILLAC Sedan DeVllle. Nonnlndy blue "'1th black vinyl roof and blue cloth and l&&thtT lnttrlor. Full power, factory air, tilt-=c wheel, power door locks, AM·Ffl.f. ( ) 1968 CADILLAC Sedan DeV\lle. Emba.Ry 11lvtr with black ~added top and black cloth A leather lntV!or. ull P<J"•er, racto~ air, AM-rAt radio. ery low mUes. CB82269 ) 1963 IL DORADO BIARRIT'l. Fro&t red "'1th white leather in· terlor. Bucket 1eatl, full power and factory air condltlonlnc. CNYF903) 1967 EL DORADO Leather· tnteriol', padded to~, full power. fac- tory atr, tilt-telescopic w ttl, power door lockl. stereo Alt1·f'M, every factery option. <WXN646) 1963 CADILLAC Coupe. VB. automatic transmlaton. ndlo and heater, po ..... ·er 1teerln1 and brakta. '4ct«:Y 'air condltlonin&. Whitt with blut clotb tnt.111..-. CPEP341) ' SALE s5999 PlllCE SALE s3777 PRICI SALE s4999 PRICI SALi $888 PlllCI SALE $4666 PRICI SALi $~.18 -----------SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN--------__...___ OLDSMOBILE • • BRAND NEW '69 CUTLASS SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, JULY I , "69 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY ,, Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area OLDSMOBILE '64 CUTLA.$.5. auto, power stteri.ng, fact . air. Good cond. $1000. 642-4387 or .. .._ NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 9900 PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH '69 Plymouth RoAdnJnner, co~r w/matching vinyl '62 Plymouth Valiant top. NeAr new c o n d . 2 dr, gas 1111ver 6 cyJ, clean Rtuonably priced. 644--0256 &: dependable Blue book $555 Don J. Carlton 361 E. 15th St. Costa M11a Sale ••.. $349. . '67 PLYMOUTH $1100 No down OAC $23.56 mo. You are the w1nner of 2 Ucketa to the '61 OLDS. Body I: Interior in * 645.1755 * F..aS SPTS. CPE. 1 o o d con d . Need• --------CITY MOTORS Deluxe belt. front I: zur, trammluk>n $100. C a 11 1HE QUICKER YOU CAU.. 1950 Newport Blvd., Ot 19&1 PONTIAC GTO 3 1pd, auto, P /s, cordova top, 11t'!reo tape. Can finance. Contact 531-7474 or 673-5629 '62 PONTIAC Star Chief, 4-dr hdlp. pwr. atrng Ir. windows. Lo mllet. Make o f f r . 495-5159 or 495--5337 ~IREWORKS SPECTACULAR paddod duh, tuJly m"°"'l'~"'""°'===="l~~~~r·;nIE~~Q~Ul~a<El\;:=:Y~O~U:SE:::IJ;,::;;;:;;;::543-~9~12'1r====--equlpped. $l9'DN. UJMo. STAR GA'ZEK11 .. $2399 ~~W!_;:.:...:::..:::., CI.A Y J. PO•WoN---,---:::::-:-'--i PIUs Tax & Lie, Payments Include tu and Uctnse and' f1nance charre• on 48 nwnths. APPt"O"ed ~II. SeriaJ No. 331779%11. 6331. University Oldsmobile 2t$O Harbor Costa Mtll 540- 'M C\Tl'LASS V-&. auto, llO\''tr 1lctr\n1. b U C k • I ll!!atl. ~I cond. $995. 54$.8177 ;ft AiltP M .,.._ Ooilr Admtr GWtl• H ~ ,w.~·2 1 Y J.ccordi11g lo lh• Slor1. Y • ,.,.,19 s d lf.~-42 To clevelop mes1ogie for un O'/, ~74./'S rllCXI 't'O'dt ccrre:spondlng to ni..rnbt'r· of 'fG' Zodioc. birtn sign. 1 0...-, JI 1Jpwl5 'I y,_ 2 0..'t J2 In '' !Mnrllt J °"" "Wilhout 63 "'1.~-.c LM 3' htd bl Ura.....i s ~ J' ..,...., ~ 1"'"""" ''±>H 'Yltwl )t YIM 66 In µ 7~ J71..otk 670r IAilk 38K-.p 61W'llh ~-11 ~ ·~ J9Tla 69,._.. ' ' lOC.0.. 40Ur.tn 700o C«.Jl 11~ 41Yw 71 2-4.: 1 '"C-A:ZW111 nt""""" I :!Omn't ~~ ~!t..-CAlllCOIM lSV.U 45Mi:M 7ST...., OlC.Z2. ""'-' ,,.._ ''°""°""""' 1'~· JNJ.1• "1.~ r \7()W .C7f>td« 77~ 21-3')..JM7 I \IW• 41c.cr..olidcft 71~ 19Mllooy '9 Y""' 79To · 20 ,..,. ~ Mualc.'• '°wee llOf Sit-l lV-2J22~ SlTo llY........if ....., SJ ~ IJ V- 14'.U ~,.._.. MhH » Olllf "c-.....1 ., Oldlr 1'~ 56.. NOf '65 CATALINA hrdtop, Ven- tura trim, auto. PIS, RAH, Landau top. I-owner. lo all lmmac. $1295. KI S-2965 NEEDS A LITTLE WORK 1963 Grand Prix coupe, dlr. LOADED. f'FRS19 $350. 49'1-750.1 '6.9 f'tREBtRD. 350 eng., vinyl top, pow/S. wide ovals. 8500 ml. Must 11tll best oUer. pvt pty. MG-78t9 RA MILER ,, "" ANAHEIM STADIUM on July ·Uh Pleaae call 642-5618, ext. 329 between 9 and 1 pm lo claim your tickets, (North C.Ounly loll-free number Is 540.t.Z!OI RARE. clus.lc '58 T·Btrd RUNS GOOD s.cruiee $295. mu• '67 2 OR ITT, ttd, air, auto. FP. AM/F'M, lo ml. lJloe new, $2450. M&--1568 '511 T·BIRD comp ltt•lr restored. MaM o t f e r . -PllE-OWN!:D BIG SELECTION 'Sl 'l1:IRU '68'• ALL MODELS FROM$295. • • • • BRAND NEW '69 lll!JI ' CLASSIC '51 T-BIRD OODo vertlbk. SlOOJ or best otter, pv. pty. 6Tha91 VALIANT Late '65 4-dr. VaJ lanl Ont owner' AIC, l'(fk), 1395 -'66 Old• Convtttlble with power. AM/FM radio • 9Sl-31tl ... SOCK rr 19 'EMI 27 ,,,.., 57 ()o 17 °"'""""" i:=::. ll~ =~ ;io..,. 60111 '°~ ®°""' ®•"-f)N~U>I 642-6023 DIAL direct 6G-6618, Charle )'Our ad, I.hen alt bl.ck and ..lllten to the phone rlna:! ~~!~.~IT___! ry!:....-D-=all-=--y _Pil_ot ......__.Cla.....;.;.__,s_ifed_Ads--"''t:. . ·-· ' '· ' • -- • ... ..... . .. f · 1 : I I i .I ~ i.' 1 : ; VOLUME . '"/'. IMMEDIATE JEL!Y;ERY •: ; i i ' ! :: " ·I , • i " 'f' ·.~. ' ! ·~"J:'',, e I .J ' .,l 11 . . . DISCOU.NJ$, .SAVINGS AND siLKTION ·· ~-1 . 1"969 DOillE: COROllTS 1969 DART SWl"IERS . \ ; ' '·IWi•"" ii~ COUPES' •• BRAND NEW 2·DOOA HARDTOPS ORANGE. 00 .. NTY'S LARGEST ·rRU• •• •• f; f. · · s6i _ .... $2; .... ,..,,2" .. U>a·~ ... ·a· · · '66 _ .. ~ "$2 .. ···-1, ..... 8 ........ a & YAN 8ElDQU~tE11$ I ·; .1.; •3 ,o oo, o._o;. Tot1l Down Pym,t. .. Total Down Pymt. BRAND NEW 1969 DODGE .-1 -·' i $69 · '. ;oTAl Pll~ + ,r, • LI~ $66 TOTAL PRICE + TAX .. LIC. TRADUMAN "YAN :· l lCI ~. v ...... Ille he•VY dvty w_..ion, IPldlj AIU un rar, fn;lnl Jell *-·-Molor Ho. 1"10H514. .. , • trnmedf119 DeUvto:. • Totol Mthly. Pymt. IMMIDIATI DIUVUY l";IYllL inct . tu ••lie.~• lllL{clW,_ ell • ..-,. ,. •-· _.. UWlllJ. • 1969 DOUl'E -''Westerp :::,:,. OF INVENTORY . \ ' 600 NIW & USID CAU" .. TO .CHOOll ~~f,t\ T otol Mthly. Pym I. IMMIDIA T! DfUVIRY 1f>rmll. l~~tn: i lie.. & llr\. dl•rOlfl on•.._. on-·~ crec1n. THE LARGEST SALE . '· ·f EVER HELD IN HAND NEW ·2.0001 HARDTOP COOi! FullY f'qU].,..., "'d""""" Vll!TI roe'. -.,.... f\111 ...... lliia, , .. ~trol mirror. -1:1 en-.. wM9!. ~ lllL wMI c.vw.1. 11c.. L fOfl~:.~.!mf. $228 8 196~ DODGE ""R"•ET ~~".:~~.:~p~.:,;-;.:r-r:::i·;,,,. I' • IRAND NEW'STATION WAGONS $98. $ 88 • 1 =~l~wim~·~. ;2·si8 ::~,. ~:::. 1· 1 : • • • • • • • • • • • • • •· • • • • •• ORANGE COUNTY ' ' ' ''''s' P.o7wn8Pym1. . $2888 ''''' P'lce • 1 TOTAL PRICE + T.t.X .. LIC. • Total Mthly. Py_ml, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. +Tix., Lie. • $69 TOTAL ~RICI + TAX • LIC. Tofoi Mlbly. l'y\ftf.. . l!!MIDIA1f DfUVi!Y I : . Oll ,.lll 1969 CARS !NEW & USED! Pm1a. !ml. Ta.L & Fiii. dig1. 1111 .. moa. I I a D • ~owd ii.Ink crtdlr. • 48 MONT HS BANK FINANCING AVAILABl..f ON ~::~~VlD ·1 .-~~~--~~~ .. 11FORITOU9UY&'~•~~~~~~~-, Unil CAR ANYWllllll Sh-the 11-l•r my ·•~• .'!•ir !'~ If~. can -tch .ltl lfl!ll•fm c-• 1 ... HAUOR DODel, tie-of the GOi» IT#t G"AUNTll • BoL S wicl; Owner~ll llauaer 100% UNCONDITIONAL· IUIQNTEE • < LOOK FOil TllE · GOLD HAit IN THE '.WINDSHIELD ' ' • • • • For fOur protection 100%· UnComfitlinal'Gu1r1nfH-l-Thl1Star1t1ftt l•1writlftg thlt Ml~bor: W~' ..,,,... tMJ ttM car 1.00.% 191Jri1t mtchanlul d1ftcl1 for 100 days tr 4'1.000 nlil11 '!~Id!, ,.,., e«r1t1' Int i fttr purdluo. This lndu<I" tl1 mtcltoii!Uf jiorti; 'iliC!rlul' o4Ulitriliil;·.,tttry, spt'4I001tfor, roilo, heoter "' au con. This-"' cmn 111,.~ all4 l~bor lnt!n. b\i19'! ~.~,.. _1l1solml1 '"'to pu. , •• • • • • • • • VOLKSWAGEN CENTER '66 YW VARIANT f ullv lldort eQ\llowd. ITI0741l 5 $1088 • ;x.t~ .. $36 w:J. $36 M~!~~, . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • : '66 VOLKSWAGEN • K1'fd. r1ctlo. he11 ... (TIW11ll : $688 •• '0 '" $23 '0'" $23 ,.,~, •RI .. OOWN MNTH Y. + fu i Lie. PAY MT. PAY r . ··~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • • •• '62 Y.W. SUNROOF ltfdlci. hllllf', b\1Qt1 11111. 11PM 779) . :· ~588 . '~'i\ ... :~19, ~.:.. $l9. "l~~: . , . . •.. ' •· -~~~~~~~~~~---~ -• '64 VOLKSWAGEN . . ' =~·ssBB • • SlitM. ltlodlo. HHlll' OTH 7M ' ' . ~~~---~~~~~~~~~ : '60 YOLKIWAGIN P.U. '67 FORD -CUSTOM SIDAll '64 .PlTMOUTH GTX H.T • V"-A11!1. Tr1n1., ,._ S!•rinO. '-"'!f'll TOP OOR "641 Gold Sl•r '66 PONTIAC UMANS 2·D.R. H.T • '6S FORD CNTRY; SQ. STA. WGN • 1\l'k $33 JS,\:; $33 M:V'tb . +fax i:uc. . 'IYMT. ..A~Mt. '66 CH~ILLI SUPIR SPTS • JN v.a. rfdlo.,ttHlitr. {$UH HI) . ... , $33 "'"' $33 '"" RI Ii DOWN MIOIT I. Y. + fu i Lie. PAY MT. ,.A~MT . '66 FORD FALCON STA. WGN • V·t •Ulo. 1r1111 .• P.5 .• ltl.H. flEZC 2251. '\111 $29 is.1:; $29 • .i~t~. + ~ll l'.Lk. JXYMT. l'AYMT. '65 MUSTANG H.T • '65 CHIV. BIL AIR STA. WGN. V·I, •ui.. tr1n1., P.S .• 11.&H. INNA 111) • '66 DODGI DART ·O.T. H.T. Aui.. TrtM .. it.ii. • HMltt: .. &.cut. ~" tcTu 1ai $688 '\]'k $23 JS,\:L $23 M:v.\,b . + f,11 i UC:. J'XT~f. l'AYMt. • : $488 '66 DODGI DART ' ''4 DODGI DART 270 A1111t1. ''"''"radio a. 11e111r, PGWtr s""9'ln1 1sze 1511 • • • • •· • •• •'' •' • :' . • •1 I : . • ..... $4&1r'"'~··~~-,s-.r-..... l" '':"""" $608 00 +•fl~l\~ 1~ m . 16 Mf~!i~:' . " ' " . -. ' AU PA'fl.\ENTS, 9N USED CAAS INclUD! T~''.llCEHSE ~~D FIN.!>N(E, ~H~~G,E,S O!l 31\ ~fll"oN ·N:PRO - ' . . , • '68 DO~I CKARGIR . ' I sij 88 ....... ··:.;,:~· ·~:4'; ·::,~' $7'· 4· ... :;TP., 1· . +TU i Lk. .,. ,. n::.r. · l"AfAf • '68 CHIV. IMPALA· 2·DR. H.T. . v ... .,w~llc •tr•na .. --,,,erlt11 w1w. l\ITM UH. Gold i!tr. • s168. 8 '···~~ $§1 '"'°~ $57 -~~1'~. I + T•11'} 1.lc. nYMT. ";AY'tlT • '66 POllD ~:Y-. IQ •. STA. WON. I 10 PIH., \14, A! fltl, 1lr, P.S., P.8 .. fl&H, vlnvl In!. ISJO 623!. Gola St ... $1688 '~~T1k s57 'il:il $s· ·7 •1•~1. + {u l'.•1.;e. • • ~AYMT. ~ ... vMt • • • • ·------· -· ---•• • Family weekly ~. JUNE 29, 1969 DAILY PILOT ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA EFFICIENCY EXPERT'S TIPS: FOOD & FUN: HERO CHAPLAIN TELLS: How to Do More Housework Great Ideas for a What Our Gls in Vietnam In Less Time 4th of July Picnic Want Us to Understand Ask Them Yourself POR DR. M.UU£ HINRICHS, American Melli.cal A.sJOCiaLion F Ito eoiJae fl rite wor4 Medieare,-Mr•. Paye Selby, Quln.cy, IU. e The term Medicare was first apJ>lied to the Military Dependent& Medical Care program in 1956. Con"Versatfonally, thill became Dependents Medj~ tnd then 6nally Medicare. With the amendment of the Social Security Act in 1965, a new program called "Health Insurance for the A1ed" was initiated. This is etill &be official and legal title of the program. When it became law, Medicare wu used for oon•enience. The name of the earlier mnitary program has been changed t-O CHAMPUS (Civilian Health and Medi· cal Progr1m of the Uniformed Services). FOR JAMES /. ROFLEl', loM, Pl.a. Director, U.S. St>CTt'I Serviu .4r~ Jolln •"" CuoUne KeaMdy alUl ullder Se- cnt &nke protedloa'I -.4lkrt I. Clrta, M ,,,.. e The Jaw provides that Secret Servi~ protection be afforded lo minor children of a former President until each child reaches 16, unlesa it is declined. POR RALPH ROVK, Manager, Ne'KI York Yanket's I """ eftMe elo.eaf fO ltil• U,., a f•lr IHaU o"' o/ 1 Yfutbe S"""-"'1--B.F., .4"4Rtk Cily, N.J. e Mickey Mantle came close twice, each time the ball bitting the upper-ded~ fa. cade in right 6eld. FOR J.4CQVES COVSTEA.V, ;',:-;, u:::u .U your .en oa your •laip Calypeo Jo lf1itl. alae ~U.1• you ffi.a.coffr 011yoar11oya1u? -J. ruu.,,.., Pu-..o Beoelt, C.li/. e The 6ndinp a.re ~nt to the Institute Oceanographique located in Monaco, where 'scientists a11d ar<"beologists eum- ine them for value and eigni6eance. l am ite director. FOR NORM.4 ZIMMER o/ the "Lawrence II' ~lk ShoMI .. 11 ~ tmnlrobe yo• rue on duJ "La"'renttJ F ellc SAOfll" your o•n1-Ja11 JorienuJa, R•eirae, Fi.a. • Some are mine, but most of the t\Jne the clothel' are furnished by the ehow's wardrobe department. POR R. H. COLEMAN, Pruide.nt, Reminf""' Arms Co. .,.,., e.ir1t'• , .... f)e '*' .... U..IU '""' ..., ..,. Te/-lo• lo preHal ,...,,_,,_ S. MeCuyre, Cla•rloue llerllor, Fi.. e Aa would be the cue with any other mechanical coating, Tcfton would have lo be tot.ally free of pinhole leah to be completely effectiwi. So far, such imper· vious coatings have been bard to achieve. FOR F .4LTER CRONKITE, CBS Newa I/ you laad l.o claoo.e • af'~nd career, wlaa& WJO..U ii bet-B. M. R•rria, If" f!oU, CaUf. e Law, with an active interet1t in politics. YOR JVDGE ROY ROPHEINZ, Prt'sid~1u, 1/01111.0n Spor1a Auoci4tion Flutl .,.. IM lolol cod of t1e~1FM1u r1ae ecNt o/ •plu!ep per )'ffr1-1Ce11ia Hind., MUU.iul, TeJt .. e Total cost wu 145,350.000. Annual operating expense is about S3 million. POR TIN.4 COLE o/ .. My ThTee Son.s" .4re 11.e alaree k6k• U. ilae al&o• aeeaoUy 1rlple,., or are llw>y ,,.., rAne be-. 6iu eol&o r~•6k one •JI04Mr1-Kndwtrbte.D•· M01tl, Pep~reU, ••••· e They are triplets: Guy, Gunnar, and Garth Swant10n, born Feb. 21, 1968, to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Swanson of Re- ~ •. Calif. POR D.4YID KENNEDY, SttreNIJ' of dte fttas1'1 R0t0 ia MON .aaey pal lato cU-caLrlloa u tN popultil.ioft ~-•P­ K enaelh F iecla••1111, P"'""'a~ IU. e The Bureau of Engraving and Print· iog, WaelUngton. D.C., 8Upplies the vari· ous Federal Resene Banks and branches which, in tum. supply it to commercial banks within their respective districts. When a commercial bank requires more rurrency, it requieition11 new supplies from the Federal Resene Bank. When a commercial bank hu either damaged or 11urplug currency, it returns it to the Federal Reserve Bank, where it is either retired or llupplied to some other com· mereial bank. Thus. the amount in circu· lation can be expanded tlr contracted. dt'pending on public needs. ,,_, ...... ,_ ...-• , ...... , v-............. eea.... ... _ .. - .. ·-, ........ ,._..... ,._.. ,_ ......... ~ ........ ~-.1117 -• .... ..... .. Aa n... Y....W, t'-U, w.-.,., 6'1 ............ A-.. ,._ Y..ts. N.Y. • HOU. Ye .._. ..._ ....... sh= .... ti wm w ..W f• .... w -'- WHAT J:E WORLD! Cheas, Anyone? Cheu is a notional spectator sport in Ruuio and the lol- kan countries, equivalent to America'• baseball. These Budapest chess part- nen-ond their k~ot ao In· ~ig l.Atague sport tense they hod to resort to the swim- ming pool to cool off. Do Iron Curtain countries realize that thb ftoating, waterproof chess set-like ao many good things in life-comes from that bastion of Western capitalkm, Amer· lea? It wos mode in Racine, Wis., to be exact. At a cost of one dollar per aet, it's cheaper than a baseball game and even slower moving. li9 Smallness Whatever happened to the "small businessman"? He grew up Into a big busfnessman, according to surveys. For example, the American Petroleum Industry soys a gasollne- station operator groued $76,000 an· nually in 1950; now he grosses $115,· 000. There are 219,000 stationt, and the industry is busy recruiting more dealen. Shell OU looked at its train· ees recently and found among them fonner city mayors. police and fire chiefl. college professors, biologitts, pro football ployen-and even a sfodt. broker or two. lest Friends ''The regeneration of friendships or the formotlon of new ones con bring more foy to marriage/' aays Dr. Herbert Otto in hit book, "MMe Joy in Your Morrioge." Some friendships, however, can be harmful to o couple's happineu. They may have been fruitful in earlier days, but, because people change, hove only a negative aspect now. Yet couples 01e unwilling to cut the old tia-of1en for fear of offending their marriage part· ner. ''The maior function of friendship ii to fosier mutual growth and the unfolding of each penon's penonal· ity," says Doctor Otto. If a friendship no longer does so, the married couple should face marital fads-they need new friends. Unbraced for Adventure Joni Gardner, Cincinnati mother of four, believes that any day can be a special occasion and mentions many in her new ~k, "let's Celebrate." For in- Jani Gordner stance, "Celebrate your kkts' coming out of teeth braces with a picnic lunch full of chewy munchoblft peanut-but· ter sandwiches, fried chicken legs, and corn on the cob. For dessert, fill a bag with caramel cubes, peanut chews, and a well-wrapped opple-on-o-stkk.'' Check your dentist, too. No aespect Comedian Rodney Dangerffe1d complains, "I don't get any respect, especiolty from my le.ids (Melanie Beth, 4', Irion Scott, 8). • I om not their favorite on tv. MeJanle prefen 'I Love Lucy.' Brian digs Jadcie Gleason-ewn though I write some of his material. Tl-.e oth. day Brian came home and asked me when I was going to be on tv next. r was so ho.ppy he'd got some good sense-until he uplolned, 'My teacher wonts to know.' " Family WeeJc.ryr,. .. ,......., ....,.. Jtuu J9, 1HI LIONA8 I . DAVIDOW t>r.u-c You•• Invited to ul 10Uf questions°' COMments lboelt llf'/ lfflclt Of ~ U'8l ...,..,.. In Fll9rity Weffly. Your letter will recehe • pro...pt .._,, Write to Smtce f.dltor, F9ity Wlttty, 641 lt1iftPNI AMIM, ""'Ycri, N. Y. 10022 . Elunlly~/ ltlM 61, 1HI What Our Gls in Vietnam Are BJ Outplain (Capt) ANGELO UfKKY u told to Kevin V. Brown FatlMr Atl!lr.io Uuq, • ....-o/ CM..._ ~ onWf' o/ B<nMa CctloUc ,,,WU botOt& a JI......., S..11nt. of CM Jlod Bolf ,.,..... ttw .U • csptm U. tM UMW S,.,_ Anaw, .. CM~ An.we...,,.. -lUtorw to IN ........., tu C~ Jledal of Bour, CAW ..tiola'1 laiglat .-rel /or ,.,,_., ia C1etiota. Jl'Gtlwr LiUJcr, t0M a oft. u ,.._ ~ GeooWe,..W eM U-00,. a.to COMbGt ...... .,., rited /or f>Nwrr itt VW... wU. •...a ift/..tyy I~..., ..&aW ~ca N&rtl Viri-,..,....c ktt.alioL TAo.gl ~ ltifu#Jlf, F.utfl'I' Uufct OOlltitlwollr f'dwud to tu lHlt- u.~ to .....t4 tM toOtalded or adaitailter tu lut nu. Co ,.. tlriaf. Al'°" nCld tAil, u a.• rnt. baa to VutMa, '-"""' .ol- atured ag.U. to be toitl tlc rong A~ u ed..W.. to~ SOD TIME after I returned home from my first tour in Vietnam I was wat.ching a news telecast of a helicopter operation there. Tbe h reporter had PM aloq OD the miaaioa. an attack on a Viet Coa1 position. Bia tlm lhowed the t!riq of the rocbta and the aploslou of the 1hella when u..,. hit. and toward the end be commented. ""Some of these pilota kill for pay, eome of them for pleuure. .. " I aat there appalled. 8nally con- vinced of wbat I had ahn.:p 1u. pected. There ia more than distance eeparatU.. the ~htiaa man 1n Viet. nam from the people back home. n... II a considerable PP ha UD- dentandiq both him and hi• mo- tivee. And if news storiee about 1ouq Americana at home and oa campua are u anf alr and one-aided u IOIDe of thOM that come out of Vietnam. then there ia a pp in u- dentand:inr u.em here. too. I believe I ca.a tell JOU what the JOGDI' America.a ill Vietnam ia ~ lib. I spent a ~ and Mlf witll him. I stood In tbe -.me chow li.nel with him. I walbd the ume traill Into combat with him. I •w him wMD be WU nland. aad I l&W hlm ... he ... ancler tM mollt ........ au.. Q7 luunu 'belq can 1der, wha he la under mortal a\taek ud M.-are d:Jiq aroud IUm. I beH4"e I bow tile 7WQ Ameri- cu GI w8ll __,. to M7 u.t ,_ • ,...,,, ........ IWM •• , ... can be quite proad of him. I can't blame tbe newsmea for the oM-aided Yiew J'OCl oft:a ret of om )'ouq people.. lie.It of the report.en are boned mm doiq u boa4at job, but. u one adm.Jtt.d. "Father, we're ill the mu-bi....,_ bullinm1 Tbe acepticm mat. a better story than the ru1e.• Se. • ¥1et111., then are more .toriea report.I of Americana ft.riq into rillqee (where Viet ~ are lmoWD to be hidiq) and more J)M> tun. taken of W'OWD and children fteeiq from burniq kild.inp. No one sbow8 tll.e aame Americana aharins their food and cJothfnl with the ref....-. And.. at home, I'm MIN there are more .tori• of campaa riots and draft.ard barnen u.a there are of JOODS ~quietly P- U.. about their atodi• or wi.1llnsl1 eaterin.s the eer~iee. Yet I ca.a blame the r-.der and viewer for not undentand.iq tbia. for not~ that &D7 ltof'J haa to be unuaoal or it woaldn't pt printed.. I can blame JOG further for aot dia- tiquialliq, eftD in the .tori• JOO do eee. between the tact. in the ltc>f'J and tbe opinion impo.ed on tho9e facta b1 the reporter. Delpite that tv reporter'• comment, I nner knew any American 6shtiq .... who killed for either pay or ple&nre. b fact. I doubt if Ulen'• u Amerieu in Vietnam who wanta to kill for U1 raaon ucept surriftl. Ilia OWD or that of othen. What. tt.-..n. ii the American a.tit- iq man~ lib? There are at leut four of thmn. The erst i• tbe profeuional 80lclier, the man wbo bu IDMe the llll1ltary life hi.I career. Be la a man of peat intea'ritY who belinea deeplJ in Ilia oou..ntry and hia uniform and ia proud tit.at America ia alwaya the one natiOD 1n the world which will rulh to U.. def enee of the weak. tf I ..W awn up this man'• at- titude in one wonl. It woald be frus- tration. He'• a prof euionat. he knows Ilia job. and be'• convinced we could have won the war Iona' aco--&Dd eould atm win it today, quickly-if be were aDowed to 8aht to win. lmte.d, he 11 workiq under a -no.win" policy, restr'ieted in the type of operation.a he ca.a employ. re- stricted in the areu be can ftsbt ha. and .. , into battle like • ftshter with one arm tied behind him and told to do the belJt he can. It'• wone Oil tbme wbo are on their 8eCOncl or third toun. The war baa SoM on eo loq, and they 1ee no cbaqe. There ia no win in 1Isht. and men a.re still cbins· IArp araa are r.oned otf, eyen in Soatb Vietnam. where no combat~ tinty ta allowed.. Thia ii 1arse1Y for taumanltarian .-.ona, to prevent ci- vilian caaualtiea. Obviously, the Viet C.C.S. wbo fta'ht by no humanitarian rules, know about them and u1e them .. sanctuaries. Tbe profeaional'• frutration wu beat awnmed up b7 one commander who came beck from a akinniah where cucaaltiee were hllh. Bia shirt waa soaked throqh with nNat. and, u be 1&t 1-Gk apiD1t tbe tru.ak of a tree, be Aid bitter~ to no one ill particular, UW'e eoulcl take thoee PJS if they'd tom oa looee." The aecond type ii the ideali8t. Not a profesalonal soldier, hell jut u convinced that OCll' cauae ii juat, that we're there to stop commwlian and pre.eerve freedom for the people of Sooth Vietnam. and he'• proud to do what hi• country aab him to. I remember one in particalar who became very opaet when be beard of the bombins bait. Be felt it would prolon• the war ettn more and u.,.et b.ia plana. Be bad developed a real feeling for the Vietn•mtwe people and waa concerned about the condi- tions of poverty under which JDaD7 of them lived and what the rance- of war bad clone to them. .,I'd llay here and bht for them even if we pulled out," he told me. Tbe third rroup i• at the oppolite end of the ecale from the idealiat. I pea you could call him tbe ~ bier. He loves h1a country and appre- ciates ita beneftta, but be'1 not con- vinced of the validity of our tnvolft- ment In Vietnam. )(.any of this type. in fact, are there only becaue they'd ro to jail if the7 retued. TheTd rather take their chances there than autrer through lite here with a di&- honorable dlacbarp. The traredY of thia P'OUP ii that they're the ID09t vocal of all They Pal,._ Litdw .._ • ...,. at Ft. 8"'91, N. C., kfor. n,..... to v-.. .... Really Like The first chaplain to win the Medal af Honor in Vietnam soys Americans have much to be proud of this Fourth of July7" especially of our young men servii:ag bravely expreu their Sfipee out loud, and thia can afrect aome of the 1 .. lmowl- edpble of their companions. One of the more eophiatkated would lead leqthy diacualona durina the Julia, apoundiq the theme that the onl1 reuon we were in Vietnam wu to keep the tlCODOJllJ' piq back home. You CAD imacine the e«ect thia might have on some of the unedocated am-. them. The queetion I wu moat often • uked uauallf occurred after a battle when IOmeoDe lost a friend. "What did be die for?" Jly uaual answer wu a variation of the Biblical theme, .. Greater love than ttiia bath no man, that he lay doW'D hia life for another." Without taking sida in the Vietnam controveny, I tried to ex- plain, "He died tryiq to create frwr dom for another people." I'd often set blank etaree. It'• a bard arpment to document in a con- diet of protracted warfare, in which prorreea is alow and the end never immediately in 1isht. By far, the lar,_t croup of aD- l'd peu about 90 percent-.re what I would call the typical GI. Thia la the a.erap American youth. the kid next door or the boy down the block. Thia i• t.be next gen- eration. And, hued on Ill)' aperi- ence W'itb him in Vietnam, I have DO quahm about the future. In the moet eom'Plex of all wan, he ia the least complicated element ID it. Be la quick to llDJle, eaa'•r to laurh. unfailinsb' friendl1, and •err open about hia lite and hil plana. When I'd sit down and abare chow or coffee W'itb him. wbJch I did u often u I could, hi• favorite topia-- in just about tbia order-were hi• in a seemingly endless war A 1'illfloe •Aotffr .,.. hilt ,,_ Gle. &'irl friend or bi.a W'ife or hia family, then what be planned to do when be rot back to the Statee complete b.ia education or ret a job. There wu hardly any thourht about the over- all philoaophy of the U.S. ptttq in or out of Vietnam. Be lmew be bad a year-loq tour to aene, and be pared hi.a Ille ac- cordinrly. It wu eomethinr to look f onrard to, ao that no matter bow bad a .tituation pt be knew there waa a day ahead when be could pt out of it. It rot to be eometbiq of a run- ninr joke. An:r time a man rot .. in country," u we caDed it, he eould always tell to the cla;r when be WU roinr to pt out. I often Uled thia to strike up a conversation with 10me of them. "How man:r clays left 1" One of them didn't nen atop to think, but 1napped back, "Five montba, two weeb, three days." Then he laurhed and looked at hia watch. "And HVen boon." In eoo1laDt., his motlvee are not freedom or democracy or anythins that noble. lt'a sheer survival I wit- nessed that. On one occuion, I aaw three men blown up in front of me. My ftnt thourht was, tbia may be Ill)' time to p . By lnatfnct. I picked up a run dropped b1 one of tbe fall- en men intendiq to defend lll7Mlf with it. But, after a few momenta. I put it down apln, tbintiq-lf Pm piq to die, thia ii DO wa.r for a prieat to p. So I went back to minla- teriq to the W'OUDded and. clTins. They tell me I carried 20 W'OGnded men from the battleftekl to an ene- uation area that day, aDd I know I rave the Jut rttea to near)J SO. 8o they called me a hero. and I atoocl In tbe White Houae while the Preaident of tbe United State. buq the Medal of Honor around my neck. But, even u I stood there, I eould remember tboee fnr moment. in Vietnam when I didn't feel ""1 he- roic, when my ft.nt tbou•bta wen of my own death, and my lmpul.M wu to UH a weapon to prevent it. Thia ia my major point. I bad mc>- tlvation; a hwnanltarian eomml~ ment. I bad 10methin• to lmpln me to OT'eftOme JllJ' ordinary mortal in- atineta that cried out for auniftl. And I am ·~ that the ordi- nary GI in Vietnam doee not ban u much motivation to impire blm.. The conf u1ion 1urroundina thia stranp war, and the endleu arsumenta for and ._.a.inat it, have dimi.nlabed hi• motivation or di1torted It IN> that he doesn't recosruae the .... ht or W'l'OQ of it. So bia motivation la penonal, and he thin.b mainly ot uv1q bU. own bide or that of a buddy--.nd of solnr home. .... ,.., behold tbia J'OWlS Ameri- can. He aervea anyway, and bl aervea honorably, and he aenea branly. Thll 18 what I admire moet about blm, that be can act ao well with 10 little to inapire him. I am convinced that If thia eame yo~ American'• family, bome, or hia own country were under attack. you would see a hlsblJ spirited bbt- ins man. Thia buic truth wu con- firmed for me by a man I lmow who fought in combat tn World War II. "Father," he told me, "I CAD re- member what is wu like In the U.S. before Pearl Harbor. The war bad been pins on in Europe for more than two years then, and I couldn't care leu about it. But if I bad been to.reed to So to Europe and ftrbt an:r- .. ,, I'd baft felt the .... ,,.,, tM kida do t.oclay. "ButafterPearlHarbor,leoaW hardJ7 wait to .. In. ,,.... • trapd;r of tbia war. TheM kida don't haft a Pearl Barbor to inapire thml." So, u w. approech another Poartb ot lul:r, aad onee more nuw oar patriotilm in Ameriea. dall't wriDS JOUr hancla and uk me wba~a to t. come of tbia coantry bl tM Mada of the nut pneratioa. I WU It will be u l&fe with them u It hu ner b.a with U7 .-.ration, ........... better tbaa with .... It :rou need lmpintion yOGnelf, u a priest I nn o«er :roa the three c:ardiDal 'flrtuea. Keep faith in OQI' American JOUt1L The sreat ~b' ot tbmn ba" demoutrated their faith in u• and in our country in a war and cm a battlqround that would t.t the pa- tience of lob. Have hope that, W'itb God'a help, men o1 reuon can ftnd a wa.r to re- lieve them GI their dilemma, W• burden tbq never eauMd but accept- ed W'itb unbelievable patience. P'inallJ'. abow charity toward all men. eapeclallT the lea fortunate and the mlQ'uJded few who ..U nform throqh law1-nbelllon ud no. lenee. I belleft n RiD haft a 1oDs ....., to l'O toward ~ .... man Mnlitirit.J toward aderlq ,_. pie npt hen bl oar owa laacl. God bl .. tbe ~ refonmr, aueh .. Martha Lather IUDs. wlw> r1*1 bl.I nputatiGD ..a..._, Ute to cut llrbt on oar faalta ud to In- spire ue to Mlk oat tlM blaat, U.t reaidee la..,_, hamaa bebas. • ,...,.,,....,.,,,...,,,. . lMILl "'-ANH By IMJU PLANES (AS TOLD TO 'AUL STAQ) Here b how l catch more fish than I ever cauaht in my lire before ... More fish than I ever dreamed of -and BIGGER fish 1han I ever suspected possible. Here is how you can catch bass. pike. perch, bream, trout. salmon, crappie, pickerel, walleyes and many, many ocher kind$ of frnh water aame and pan fish plus m1ny salt water fish ... the same w~ I do. Since 1 invented my fishina lure. I ntch so ma.ny fish, such BIG fish. and catch them so FAST, people plher to watch me. I've b«n fol - lowed FOUR TIMES in ONE d1y by 1 fish warden to find out if my methods ire lcsll. Bui my entire Kerct is mv fishin.s lure th1t's GUAR- ANTEED to CATCH FISH -or it costs you nochina. Yn. GUARANTEED to c1tch fish even whnl other lurn or even live b1it f1ils or no cost. My lure works in l1kn. ponds. streams.. salt w11er, Slves you ti~. work, money ind disap- pointmenl. is ideal for amateurs. expert~. trolle~. CL\te~. shore fi~henMll. My lure catches ti.\h diffcrcnll)' hom anylbin• you've ner seen before in fresh and Hit water. Even veteran U. S. fishlna auides have been surprised 111 its a\tonishina c1tche~. And the French government itlltlf has certified my lure by 1ccual patent as UNIQUE. An Underwater Discovery I am 1 Frenchman. 1 5C:Xncr teacher. a skin diver o.nd I havt fished all my life. For year' I bevt studied fish underwater -WHILE FISHER- MEN ABOVE WATER wen: tryina to c:atch , My Secret Is My French, Patented Lure That Works In Lakes, Ponds, Streams, Salt Waters, Saves You Time, Work, Money and Disappointment Perfed kw A.......,..s, lxperts, Trollers, Coasten, Shore fish..,....., AH Kinds of ~ W.._ OallM tUM1 P9R fish P9us Sett W.._ flshl e c.tch" Mere Flttl e catcltft AIMOlt AH Kinds of Filfl e S.... YM M-., .,. Otltef ,._p, Bait ~ .... LMIU • Sa¥ft YMI Wortl of C.teltinl Minnows e catclMS tM Fillt tut Wen't Bite CHI w--. aup, l'tup, SPMfta. Cmned a.it, Flin, Cut llait er SplMenl them. What I discovered c:hansed every idea I ever had abouc fis.hina a.nd fish lures. Lu,.s Can Fri&ht.n Flab Away I watched UNDERWATER exactly how fish re~ acted to every lure, live bait, every fishina ma- neuver and trick used to c:atd> 1hern. 1 watched fish approach evm the best performina lurea, seem ABOUT TO STRIKE -then suddenly TURN AWAY. Somcthina about e\ICO the bes& pcrformin~ lures wu obviously often KEEPING THEM FROM CATCHING fish. As for lhe averqie lure, mo511Y they seemed actually to BORE the fish -as thouab they looked to lhe 6sh as they looked to me UNDERWATER - shiny. painted bll1 of metal, plastic and wood. I saw live bait after it was ~~ tum white and die before my eyes -and saw fish often approach. prepare to strike -THEN TURN AWAY. Minnows Irresistible Then l .aw the 11me fish 1pproach .aual live swimmina minnows and without caution or sus- picion STRIXE RAVENOUSLY. I saw 1bc same mil that rcjcded the lures qain and apin attac:k without caution LIVE SWIMMING MINNOWS. In fact, thcs.c little minnows seemed to DRAW many fish from a dl~•nce -even before beina seen. Why Lures Ofttn Fail My talks •llb fish scientists and my own stud~ oonvinocd mt it was the swimmina modc>n of minnows. particularly the swi5bin1 tail thll at- tracted many fish . c:onduded th1t no lure J had ever used had SUFFICIENTLY duplicated the livina minnow and its motion. How. 1 asked myKlf. could a fish lure be cre- ated that would ltlraC'l fnh just as the actual liv· ins s'Wimmin.s mlnoows did -and that once at- trllCtcd would set the same ravenous STRIKE¥ U~ minnows -WITHOUT the hesitation. susp-c:ion and FEAR arouicd by lhe lures I sawt used" My Mlft·Madt ""Minnow" Alter 19 ycan of study and testlna. I have finalb crcaicd such a man-made "min4ow," ao lilte a liv-ini. 1wlmmin1 minnow in shape, form, texture and motion that fish ravenously STRIKE -with- out caution -and 1 catch more fish, biacr fish -faster than ever before in my life. Bcc:ause my man-made ~fish" looks, daru, wiuln. even "feds" like a minnow ... bass, pick- cri( pike, pc.rc:h, trout and many other kind$ of fresh and salt water fish attack voraciously - without 5USptcion or fear -even when they're not bitin1 for another fisherman on the like. Astonlshin1 Catches Reported I call my lure VlVIF. Once I perfected VIVIF I started sellinJ them to other ftshcrmcn. Soon news of astonishina cau:hes c:amc in-flrs1 France -rhcn Crom other countries. Yes, from all over come reports of a.mazing catches -of fish bitin' where other lures failed -of the surcncu, the samplic:ity, the etfec:tlvcneu o r this VJVIF lure. And wh11 docs this mean to you? Simply this. Now YOU c:an set more out of tlshina than ever before. Now YOU can catch more fish. biger fish than ever in your life. It is GUARANTEED -or you PIY nor one penny. It means now no Ion.an need you come back with an empty creel from a Ions cb.Y's fishina. lt mc1ns no lon~r need you spend hours or work •na worms and cuchinJ minnows or other b11t. It means you can save·the end~ expense of con- tinually buyina expensive s pinners, dies. plup, bait ind lures. It means you can often c:atch tbc fi~ that arc not bitU;is on worm.~ buss. pluss. spoons. canned bait, files. cu1 bait or spinners or no cost. It means you c:an troll. cast. o r shore fish with my lure with equal succna. It mean• you c1n ao out after and come back with luae mouth bass. small mouth bass. pike, pickerel, perch. bream. trout. walleyes, salmon, red tuna. st riped bus. blue fish. weak fish and do it time and 1pin -or your money will be refunded at 1ny time. V1V1F is carc:hins fish in 25 counrries for deliahtcd fishermen. 3,000,000 VTVIF's hive bttn arabbcd up. Already reports from U.S. fi~rmcn HY VJVIF is the 1rc1tt$t lure they have ever u"d. I prcdiC'l vrvlF will be chc world'll fastest ~lllnll fish lure. But test the maa.ic power of VIVIF yourself without riskina 1 penny. SUPPLIES are LIMITED To pt ,_ V1VIP -· -u A .. da1 Trial Coa- poa. U.S. n.,.ue. '" ltiD .._. ... Onln ...,. to be 'i!.1..-11 ..,..,.! r-VJVIP i.. tJMe •~ you iwd I '"•· Ualy If ,_ act et -c.,. wr s-ar-ts to ID ,_ onltt lmaM'CUetC"t,. Livina action! Attracts by its Vlbr1tlnc tall. World's most llf911ke lure In water. Fish c:an•t raisl When thev cr-b lure it "feels" lifelike -doesn't wam them to spit it out ~fore hoOt< 1iftkt In. Fishermen Say . . . ''TM lit day eaulht 25'" Musky and 4 nice Nortnems. Vivi,-surprised my 1Ulde." L.K., Clllca.o. Ill. "With Vlvlt I c:auatit plenty of Bass." S.F., Pltt1bur•h· Pe. "VMf tocMt rainbows up to 4 lbs .... in hard nshed wttera." F.E.D~ Pocatello, ld•ho --..-"ll[lifl"Cneu;,;;ah;ut, larant fish taken from take r sbly.'' E.M .• Vancouver, Wash. "AmHlntl C1uatlt 6 Bass, Ulen 4 North· ems 24• to 31•-tn 1 day." R.C., Wau-..an. 111. "Trolllnf. Vlvlf I l1n«Md 15 Yellowt1lls and 2 9oruto-out of 19 sblrts." C.C.S.. E.nclnlta, C.llf. C.uatit 31 lb. Pike. 40 lb. Salmon 30 lb. Rock Sturpon, limits of Walleye, i:lictc-9"91. Malle with Perch. Striped Bass, 91ue Fish, WMk Fish. AMAZING TRIAL OFFER It took -It ,._.. of Uni wori< d"elopi.a&. iM-......ua.. aJWI pe.fecti•& VTVIF to 1tdlieve my laal nnlt. Bot )'Oii <'H tf:A tff maJk po-of VIVIF ,o.neU witt.o.t ritki"'I • P"•l'· V1VIF tllka tht- l•dt oat of kWa&. lets ,,_ han mOfT f.., out nf ~ •• -beea•M yOtt cetctl 190tt IJh. All yo. do It .... u ll•C' -"sit trill!_.,_ bdow. W1tn yoo ndin rou VIVJF, iue it uywhtte rou like ... to ""°"" IU faJOtutic cat<'hinl powen. Uee lt to cateh be11, troat, pttdt, pickerel, pilre, waUey" ...• ..,,, apon Of' paa lllh )'Ott lllce to catch. ht VlVIF to "f:lrf Int. If 7ou d-'t •l"'C! It i• tht' 11.Dftt hue yoa'n tttt uffd •.. if it doetn't c•tch mon .. ,. aftd bl.stt l1h1 700 uvt' vlC'd It "'tirely frtt. It woe'I COJt rov a peenr. Read amadns tri.1 ,....,. bt'low. O.er 3,000,000 A"'aal•& VIVIF's Alttadr Sold 'llmNiit-t ThC' WOfld. BC' 'J1w Finl In Your ArH T 11 Own Oltf'. © C.D, 1• .-MAIL AMAZING 6 MONTH TllAl couroN TODAY --, I SPORTSMAN'S LURES, Dept. 121t I I 1710 L IAMll c.....t. Hlateah. na. JJou I I I IC()4tpt yaur GUARANTEE that VIVlf'S will c.tcll fer ''" mor• fish. b.._., ffsh and fish wtlen they ire not bltlna for othe~en with live I lMllf-or that otherwise I c:an retum VIVIFS within 6 monttts for full refund. I lend ~t M rl~ of lhr'M dltt.r.nt VIVIF lures In wot1d's most I life Ilk• texture and fish tested color combinations-with M11ic Motion I Vibr9tlnt tall._.11 for $3.98 ($4.65 value!) I 0 PAYMENT ENCLOSED ($3.te c:ash check Of M.0.) Ship me set of I I VIVlf'S ~Id. I uve all C.O.O. char.... I I 0 $1 0£ll'OSIT ENCLOSED. Ship C.0.0. I'll si-Y postman $2.98 plus I C.O.O. c:Mraias. s.m. Money~ Guarantee. I NAM I j AOORESS -----I I CITY -------STATE _ZIP __ ---I '---------------------~ • : . - FAMILY WEEICLY COOICBOOIC FOURTH OF JULY PICNIC MELANIE DE PROFf Food Editor • For tJu. Fovth of Jaly eeJehradoa, .-.s yoor pfim.le laaapen wlala plemy of eo11n11ie-.ee loocb and cbinb al011g with meat for pi1l.lq lllld pre-prepued •..- ta.Wea.. Claooee your plade .ate early la l1'e day ... e•JoJ the sre-t oatdoon. Picnic Pointers Chnalcal coolants, portable coolen, in· sulated tote t.p, ncuua jap and bot· tl• aaaure the safe arrival of perishable f ooda at the picuic site. Paper "dispoeables" such as plates, bot and cold cups, napkins, and towels are valuable helpers, eliminating much of the clean-up job. Packaged cracken, potato and cona chlpe. and aa.ack tklblta come in a wide variety of flavors. Tuck several pack.ares into the picnic hamper. Salad and sandwich peens and crt.p veg- etable relishes are at their beat wrapped or bagged in •olsture-vapor-proof •a· terlal or stored in plutlc baas or con· ta1ners and thoroughly chilled before packing in a tote bag. Take along pidla and olives. too. Canned baked beau and canned apacllettl are two favorite convenience foods euy to heat at the picnic site. Pack a can opener and a skillet. Pre-ilweetened soft~ .Um and la· Tored tea in packet& can quickly satisfy thirsty picnickers. Put plenty of packets ot favorite ftavon in the buket. Keep chilled cans and bottles of noacar-.ted frutt drlnb, carbonated bnerape. and Gatorade icy cold until servinar time. C...UCial C81kiee in t.p and bow are delicioua dessert quickies. Include everyone's favorite. Quantities of ...m.allows for toaatinar over the emberlna coals at the day's end complete the picnic annd ftnale. Glaud Lamb Cbope J "' llNdt l'"R"" ~ Rple••Jake l teM .... Yeptabie .,... ... UMe YzteupoMalt % teupooa ~P.-r ~ teas..-.,.. .. ••t•es 8 1 .. b eta.,. (ri .. .loia, or •..W.). Hl 1 i9. IMck I. Mix preserves, lemon juice, bouquet sauce, and a blend of salt.. pepper, and the l'J'OUnd nutmer. 2. Put into a container and pack in ham- per with a loq-handled or small brush and a heat-ruiatant dish. G'4ud Lamb CltOJU grilled cit t1'. ~ ftt•, baked l>MM /ua:ted Ofl.-tltc-rpot, 4"" chilled tvatMntel01& tJ«Jlu it a piC?lic de lue . 3. Have grill bot before ready to cook chops. Put chops and glaze onto grill. 4. Grill chops 3 to 4 in. from coals about 5 min. Turn, salt to taste, and brush with glaze. Grill second s ide about 6 min., turn, salt to taste, and glaze. Turn and brush frequently with glaze until meat is of desired doneness. To test doneness, slit chops near the bone and note color of the meat. 5. Serve the heated sauce with the arrilled chops and vegetable packet. 8 cltop1 Vegetables in Foil Packet Measure onto center of an 18-in. square of Ma'Y'f-4aty aJ .. ••um feil 2 cupa raw carrot sl~ 2 cupe diaroually cut celery stlce&, 2 cupa creea pepper plec:el, l;4 cup saJad oU. 2 teaspoons alt, 'rt. teupoon black pepper, and 1 teaspoon dill weed. Seal tightly (bring comers together and squeeze gently). Set packet on the srill and cook 86 min. or until vegetablea are tender. Turn eda·es of foil back and serve vegetables directly from the packet. s •enn•o• Salad at the Site Bring forth plastic bap or containers of chllled P"HM, other crbp Te,etablee. and fresh whole tHUatoes. Slice tomatoea when ready to se"e and accompany with the trreens and crisp veptables. Favorite bottled salad dN98hlp and shaken of Acceat. eeasoned aal~and pepper are nec- eaury go-alonra. Do THIS Before You Read The Bible lleadiD8 Holy Saiptun, of coane, can be an inspiring and comforting pnctic::e. Bot co tp the mcllt out ol your Bible ~ JOU need • did groundwatk ol lcnowlcdge that die Scriprures do not 1"e&1. For u the New Te11an11mt says: "In the9e epistles dtien: U'C ~in thi0&5 difflCUk co undamnd" (2 Peru 3: 16). The truth ol this is manifested by the faa dw equally iorelligeat people often d.taw conflktjng coodosioos from the same pas- ~ ol Hot,. Scriptutt. Aod by the funbu fact that ICholan ol au faiths are coorinually search- ing the sacrul tats to reveal and refioe their meaninp. If you would Im a better underscaoding and dttper ap- pceciatioo oE the Scriprora, write for a free copy of our new podtet- sizc pe.mphlet entitled: 'lnm> ductioo to Bil>Jc Radio&" Its purpose is not m interpret wh.t the Bible says. but ro cxp1a.io bow what it says is to be uoda:scoocl Whether you a.re a devcxed Bible srudeot ... or just a casual reader . . . this p&mpblet will give you hu tO be a siinp.le book IO that people of all letth of intdli· ~ can uodcncand ir. But if this wett true, all Bible radas would uodentaod the Scriprurcs in enctly the same way ... which they don't. The fact ii, of coune, God did ooc intend that all our knowledge of Him should come from oor own roding a.od U:tterprttarioo of the Scriprures. ln His covenant w itb the people of Israel, God commissioned che prophets ro imtruct the wthful in His word. Christ Vested the WIX tespoosi- bility io His diJciples and His church with the coming of the New Testament. "Ioaoductioo ro B~ble !lead· iog" gives you a solid grou.od- work for uodentaodin& why the Bible is God's book ... how it ~ inro bcin& ... what boob it contains ... and the~ prin· ciplcs which should be applied in interpreting it. It abo offcn IMlpla of IOlne good, modem English traaslatioos co help you in yow sdcctioo of a penooal Bible . the bWc priociplcs for under-For your free copr of dtls in. standing not only what the Scrip-tercWiO& pe.mpblet. write roday. rures say, but wbac they mean. Ask for Pamphlc< FM-22. No It might be ugued dw the obligat.ioo ... oobody will c:a11 oo Bible ... being God's Word . . . you. -----FREE-Mail Coupon TocJayl -----, ,,_ -" -h. ,..,.,.,_ .,.,,,,_,, .. ,~,_ ,. .,.,. ........ Nlln'9--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add1ra:L-~~--~~~~~~~-------~ City State Zlu.P--- KRIGHU OF COLUIRBUS RELIGIOUS INFORMATION BUREAU ~ 347J SOUTH QR.AND, ST. LOUIS, MO._ tll 11 • _____________________________ J 71w t Gt FALll TllTH ays 0 e ICLUTCH ................... Out of Debt! =~-= ==..x:.=.= .._,_ __ _. ...... ~ -~s ..... A...61 ---•-mer.• -----• • .--~ V•H H -11 M wffll ........ Kl..a If )IOU',. In..,_ llncf want to pt out. ..._..,. ......_. ._. ef • • .... .,.. 71 ~._. (~ pert.ctll .................. u ,.. ..... ) W91S to.it. •·HOW TO HAV pt .._., liiaw Kl•~1 .._._ w MOR£ MONEY TO IPEMD'' "-9 104' ~ • ••Illa ..... -... • lot whllt they .,.. It ...,.,. )'O'I tum ...... _. -wm-" ,_ • ,..._ trW ..... Into c:nfi. Red\IQt IMll pe,_ta. a.I 11 I. Y. 4 ,,_.. ctwdl:J::" If )'O'I',. In INld _....,_), .. ,,_ ••. I ..... lndeflnf~ ..... '"OTO CUDnS row ,ourwff OU1 ol dlllt. s.w )'OU 90Md. end Mudt Morel Ow. • ...,.., ..................... ......., .... ............................... ......... J:•"·-.... onfJ 14.95 to "~EY. Box 606, F. O. Roo....n Sta.· NewY~N.Y. 10022 ,... 2' ,._~as, ChoM ~ . ,.... • ~ 51 ,_,., ..._ ........ . ,... '°' ,..... f. 0.. ...... bereet'. ''°· , . • I Enjoy Soft Lights, Sweet MUsic ... 6 hours of relaxin .... ------.-- with 119 of your avorite songs -FREE FOR 10 DAYS! Now, for IM fint time, 1111 exc!usive 4-traclc cauette c0Uec1io11 with all your favonte IOOCI proarammed to bring you and your family the kind of easy liltenina you like bead Imagine ... 119 best-loved song hita-nearly 6 boun of the world's mOlt beautiful muac-io one great 4-track collection. SOFT LIGHTS, SWBBT MUSIC brinp you all the music you love best ... all the mt:lodiea that truly linger on-a complete library of muaical memories to create hours of pleuu.te for you! . . Thi• Columbia 4-track Caaette CoUec:tion baa mUSJC for every mood ... every time of day. Select a cassette in the momiog and enjoy your coffee break-or your outing to the beach-even moR, with aucb quiet favor- ites u ''The Ncameuof You;• .. Girl of My Dreama;' '"Oooe in a While;• and more. Play a different program at din- ner; you'll tum meals into occasions. ~op in anothe~ cas- sette after dinner for boun of dancing to aucb bits aa "They Say It'• Wonderful;' "I'm Geuin& Sentimental Over You;' "Mam'1elle:· and doz.em of otben. Browse through your oollectioo for the pcrf ect background that lcu you read .•. chat. .. or ail and dream. Tbint bow easy your next party will be with lix full boon of i;nuaic-it'a practically planned for you! And .You can enJOY any or all of the cauettes on your next ouuog ... to make the out- of .doon u pleuant and reJaxins as an afternoon at home. With SOFT LIGHTS, SWEET MUSIC in your 4-track caaette lib~. your choice of music is almost endless, and always ript at band! DOUBLE LENGTH-DOUBLE VALUE For your eue and convenience in listening, the IO ain&le stereo tape ca11ettea that mate up SOFT LIGHTS, SWEET MUSIC bave been combined into S twin-pacts. Each of t.bete twin packs plays well over 60 minutes of mUlic ••. equal to two 12" long-playina recorda, or two reautar 4-tract Clllettal AUDITION THE COUECTION FOR 10 DAYS-FREEi We think SOFT LIGIITS, SWEET MUSIC is t0 exciting, 10 extraordinary a 4-traclc cusette collection that we in- vite you to liaten to it io the comfort of your home for 10 days. If after 10 days, SOFT LIGHTS, SWEET MUSIC doesn't meet-even aurpass-yoor expectatiom, just re- turn it at our expenae and that will end the matter. On the other band, if you decide to keep SOFT LIGHTS, SWEET MUSIC, it ii youn for only $24.49 plus a small shipping and handling charge. You would expect to pay over $70.00 for this much music if y~ bought it in a store. But to introduce you to Colombia Oasaette Collectiooa, we'll save you over $45.00, and if you wish, you may pay for SOFT LIGHTS, SWEET MUSIC in 3 convenient monthly installments. As a special FREE bonus just for auditioning SOFT LIGHTS, SWEET MUSIC, we'U include AS TIME GOES BY, a 4-track. cauette with 10 more of your alJ. time favorites. If a yoon to keep always, whether or not you decide to make SOFT LIGHTS, SWEET MUSIC a permanent part of your caaette collection. NO CLUB TO JOIN •.. NOTHING ELSE TO BUY! Take advantqe of th.is generous ofter today! Listen for yourself ... see how much more pleasant dining. enter- taining, daily household chorea can be .•. see bow much more relaxing outings can be when you have a pleasant background of music-your favorite music-playing automatically. Tu get your free 4-track CUlette ••. and audition SOFT LIGHTS, SWEET MUSIC for 10 days !Re, just fill out and mail the coupon at right. Remember, you're under no obligation to buy. You•ve got nothing to lose ... and a world of beautiful music to pin. So act today! COLUMBIA MUSICAL TREASURIES TERRE HAUTE. INDIANA 47808 6 hours of beautiful music ••• programmed and performed to match your every mood! ru Never Smile Apin-Soft Lilbta and Sweet Mmic-Sta.ir- way IO the Stan-Heart and Soal-Liebestraum-lu tbe Chapel in the Mooalisbt-My Blue Heaven-Tb.at Old Feel- iq-Uqer Awhile-Heartaches-rm in the Mood for Love -Tu Each Hil Own -lled llOICI fOC' a Blue Lady-I Doll't Want Tu Walt Watbout You-Clair de Lune-You ~YI Hurt the One You Love and 101 f'ltMe1 SEND NO MONEY-MAIL COUPON TODAY! ~· _, · · · · · · · ·-'iii9ii· ·······iii.iii······· w ·n · · · · · · · ·· · AMi. ........................................................... , •••••• ' .................................. ._. .................................. . I Do,_._.• 0 0' t 11 Ya n NO (ii I ........................... POI ........ llllMIJ L---------------------•••ou•._. • .,.. .. ._._ ,,.., We groa Thoee bi Thoeeell Deaipe< By deeo1 That ree The boo! All doth And nod A room And'tota Q "HonE of cooki formed I When a arrival c prided b it would wrote h'. most del Two · plained : had bee that sh "Who E sending When. care lea. a. good ~ Awo1 sbopanc chicken day had The n swered, so contE ing to '1li View fnftl the Top et the Stain · Ve poaa at POMY plaotoe lhowiq · ·\ '\ llaoee bedrooma keyed to teen-a1e powi.ng, l'hoee elaarp aad groovy eaa~ >eaiped by dreamy 'riaioaaria, ly deeoraton, eo aabowing, !'hat reeorda all are neatly racked, rhe boob aad mapdaea are ttaeked, UI dotlaa obed!eady hung lnd aothiDg'• ever dropped or ftuq. l l'OOlll one eould elaow witla pride-- lnd totally a.noeeapied. -Betcy lar.r QUIPS AND QUOTES "Honey, I'm aending you a box ,f cookies," a soldier's wile in- formed him in a letter to Vietnam. When a week pa.aaed without the arrival of the box, the soldier, who prided himself on hia tact, figured it would reach him any day, so he wrote his wife: "Those were the most delicious cookies I ever ate." Two weeks later the wife ex- plained in a letter that the cookiea had been burned in baking and that she bad never sent them. "Who else,,, she demanded, "ia sending you cookies?" -Da.fltiel Revello W/ln. women pl.a11 ca.rd&, tlle11 care lu1 cibout 4 good h4t&d th4tt a good ea.r/td. -Joie.• Slwtwell A woman walked into a butcher 8hop and said to the butcher, "That chiclren I bought from you yester- day bad no wishbone." The man behind the counter an- swered, "Madam, our chickens are :so contented that they have noth- ing to wish for." -Dorothea Kettt W lt.illtle tuh.ik 11ou work, ciftd 11ou'U ma~ a. MrtJOM wreck out of tt1ervbod11 elu in. tM of/ice. -Da.n.Bnnett A father loat bis temper and, shouting at his teen-age daughter, angrily demanded to know why she had called her girl friend and then had not spoken a word for half an hour. ••she told me to hold the phone,'' was the teener'a explanation. "She's having dinner." -A . T. Quigg ....... tefTnlth Evalaatia.g her, be tlaoqht, So brilliant • • • eo profo_and • • • A eonvenadon never eoald Be daU wlth her aroand. Sh4! read him like a book. Sbe ..uted and eboee her worde diecreedy. "'Do tell me more about yoaneU." S.e even uJd It 1weetly. ---Uoyti Stolte -------------------------------------------------------------------------.-----..---~------------~~~~~~· # Stomach upset's had It, by gum! Just chew it away- with Chooz, chewing aium antacid. Relief in a twinkle for stomach upset, gas, heartburn due to acid indigestion. Big plus: Chooz gum is not only a superb antacid •.. it's also delightfully refreshing in Its own right Right! Chooz. e only chewing gum a ntacid. Now ••• • pl•stlc cream ln11Mflon Revolutionizes Denture Wearing The bir differen('e between natural teeth and deontw. ia in ~formonc•. Natural teeth are held eoUdly in place by livi"I connective U-. Without connective U-, even the mo.t es- penaive deontu.res roay slip and rocL Gwns olten pt raw and m. Con· atant rubbiD{ m.y ca~ aeriow bone damap. Ea Un, can be alow, pei.nf ul. You epeak 1-d•rly. You da~ not laUfh '°" ,.., ol deoturee droppinc. "''*' ch•miau how thv•lopca -ar-tilidol conntttiw m•mbntru-FJxo. DtSHT. It ccanecta den tu.. with 1WD1t and mouth eurfa<»& It ia incredibly .-.ctive for boUi upJHfW and "'-•,... FIXODIDIT'• elutic membrane ab-eort. the shock ol biti.oi and . COMPUTER MATE IS NOT A DATING OA'E WI successfully find pertriers for m1trl- mony or com1>1tlbl• friendship . .... U.U-.-ofC..... Alt 1119 over twlty ... •bsolu:t=· llderitlel. WI use only pi.In en . .,. Pl--ite lot frile brochure •nd questlonneife (llw •>. Fe< mature oeoole Metlkll emotionally competlble lifetime l'l'letft. W. are one of the oldest •nd Jl'obebly' th9 most ~ul. Ow atPntlc "femlly" h9s 'Nf'1 -tms In .-y ..... ......... --.. ~'"··-· ....... COMPUTER MATE ........... I Ill 1 c.st 42 St .. ,.._ b'k, N.Y. 10017 ""-..... ., ... ,_. wefts fw *'""'· Tiit * ... ,.._. lllf ,......... ..-in. Tiit "-_. "'7 -~ fir rtll• 111111\J lllf f_.,, w.tlJ, •· H JW• _, .. ..... .............. .ii.st Wfltr. Stnkt ~ '-"' .... ,. 641 lallllll• ._, .... v--. 11.Y. 10022. -helpe protect rums from bru.i•inw and irritation. You eat fHt.r-bite harder. without pain-enjoy you.r food more. Eat hard-lio-clMw fooda-11.._b, fruitll-Pff'W!ll "denture mal· nutrition," a problem ol older ~e. Frxoo&NT helpe you speak Mm«. futer, mon dearly. When denture. alip you hold them in place with ~ue and d)eff mUlld• that ache. FIXODSJ«T ~j)ll prevent stnin. The lpeciaJ penri.1-poiot d~ ll)Ota FIXOD&NT wilh ~ -no ooziac over. Often laa1a 'roUnd·the· clodt. It even r.U.ta hot drinb. Den- t..... that 6t are MMntiaJ to hMlth. See }'OUf dtfttiat rerularly. Oet ... rial FrXODSXT at all dn,w c.-ounten. Avoid Probate Costs! Y• f anly's Clothes! FALSE TEETH ~ .... C.Ctfl&! natloose• Neecl Not E•barras1 AN EXPERT 11EIJS How to Make Housework Easier By JOSEPH R QUICK CAN THE HOUSEWIFE apply mod- em business techniques to her daily chores to get more done in less time? Baaed on my experience as senior vice president of Wofac Company, management consultants, Moorestown. N.J .. I offer the fo1lowing tips to every housewife who has had to decide which to do first-the break- fast dishes or the beds. Have a morning timetable. House- hold mornings are uauaJly hectic, with ev- eryone rushing around while mother tries to keep peace and provide a substantial breakfast. Beuuse of last-minute sleepers, bathroom and breakfast-table traffic fre- <1uently j&Dl.8 up. Stagger the getting-up time, the slow- poke starting first; avoid morning clothea emergencies by training youngsters to Jay them out the night before. Get more help from your chll ..... Youngsters potentially are a source of help, but moet mothers complain that they need so much urging that "I'd rather do it myself.'' Try the incentive system. If it worka in industry, it will work at home. Decide on a fair allowance, and have it understood !or what chores it is being paid. Then offer a weekly bonus for doing the work witlumt prodding. ~ Plan a wth ahead. Try the funda- mental business technique of planning. The firal of every month, with a calendar, map out major chores or projects you want to accomplish--a vacation trip, a ~hild go- ing to camp, redecorating a room, giving a big party. Assign a specific time allot- ment to each . As businessmen do, check yourself at the end of the month. If the planned proj- ects were not completed. figure out what went wrong and make a more realistic schedule next time. Start cm efRcient file system. Do you make an extensive search for a receipted bill or the vacuum~leaner mAintenance manual! Every home should have an al- phabetized accordion ftle. making impor- tant records readily available. Cancelled checks, which serve as receipts and should be kept for at least s~ years. can be stored in a lee acceseible place. Paste magazine recipes that you wish to keep on cards and keep them alphabetized in a file box in the kitchen. frtcenti.vea may n1alu ehildren go<Jd. helvera. Schect.ae your leisure time. Realia.ti- cally calculate the time a bridge game, say, wiU take, to avoid rushing home to start dinner. With family outings. be initially generous with drivng time. then add more to cover the inevitable delays and aide ex- cursions which often occur. To get the moet out of public recreation- al facilities-neighborhood bowling alley or town pool-checlc with atte11dants. then plan to go when they are lea.st crowded. Persuade your husband to take part of his vaeation in single days, so excursions can be made on uncrowded weekdays. Do you and your wife often stay at a party longer than intended, then get a late. tired start for the next day's activities? Agreement on departure time beforehand will avoid this, and the next morning will start easier and happier. How to do your chore. faster. One of P~rkinaon's Laws say that a given job will expand to take an the time allotted to it. Production managers have learned how to get around this phenomenon. You can profit by their technique. Think of your working day u divided 15-or SO-minute segments. If you decide to do the breakfast dishes bet~en 8 and 8 :15 and the beds between 8 :15 and 9, the jobs will get done in the a llotted time. Oth- erwise it is eaay to wander, without finish- ing any one job. Why not try some of these proved tech- niques that help your husband to accom- plish more in le88 time on his job? • . " ~ .. ,.,.,- Can you redesip these eight ftrecraekera into three squarea without putting one over anoth- er? (See Auwer B02:) Hlde·a-Na .... Hidden in thia sen- tence are the two word.a that we affectionately call our Government in Waahington when we speak of it aa a whit&- haired man in a high hat and striped pants: Af. ter they bad run clear across the 6eld to a amaU pond, the girls amused themselves by wading out to pick the water lil- ies that had just opened. (Su Au10er 8 0%) • •-Wllat 8, Ataa Dctridoto la thia a chiclde Starting to hatch, \. '- '-- i - Or a girl in a sack race Winning a match 1 Minus One To a five-letter word for what you do mentaJly when a doctor ia ready to give you a shot, take away the ftrat letter and get what you probably do in a game at a Fourth ot J uly picnic. (See AU10er Bo%) Plus One To a four-letter word for a curved architectur- al entrance to a park, add a ftrat letter and get a word for what war vet- eran a and school bands do in a Fourth of July parade. (Su Aa10er 80%) 'Wllllctl ef 1'1lw Stan I• -Old 81•~1 a .......... CTil : •)Dlld U1(3~.il ·mwg ai;>un :a••N·•·apf ff ·1 'ON : ,.n1s •131'1.M ·aav.1-aaw.1a: :auo &nUJMJ ·qa.1wm-qa.1v :auo Rfd Homemade desserts should taste homemade.Butnottakeforevertomake. Eagle Brand's special blertd of fresh whole milkand purecanesugar. the tangy lemony goodness-of Realemon plus a crust of Kelloa's Com Flake Crumbs make this summer dessert hard to beat. LemonF..-n 'IJ cup Kelloa's Com Flake Crumbs v .. cup butter or margarine, melted 2 tablespoons sugar l VJ cups (15 oz. can) Borden Eagle Brand9 Sweetened Condensed Milk II> cup Realemon Reconstituted Lemon Juice 2 eggs, separated 3 tablespoons sugar 1. Combine Com Flake Crumbs, the 2 tablespoons sugar and butter in Ice cube tray; mix well. Reserve 2 tablespoons of Crumbs mixture for topping. With back of tablespoon press remainder evenly and firmly In bottom of ice cube tray. Chill. 2. In medium-sized mixing bowl, combine Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk and Realemon lemon juice; stir until thickened. Add egg yolks; mix well. 3. Beat egg whites until foamy. Gradually beat in the 3 tablespoons sugar and continue beating until egg whites are stiff, but not dry; gently fold into Condensed Milk mixture. Spread evenly over Crumbs crust; sprinkle with res.:!rved Crumbs mixture. 4. Place on bottom of the freezer compartment of refrigerator, taking care to allow air circulation around the tray to assure freezing. Freeze 6 to 8 hours or until firm. Cut into pie wedges '· or bars to serve. Yield: 8 servings. Note: if frozen very hard, set pan on hot, wet towel for a few minutes before cutting. ~--------------------------Borden lnc.1 Dept. FW69 P.O. Box 45 Jerle)' City, New Jertey 07303 I I I I I I I Plusesendmeecopyof"M.,k:Recle>H" with dozens of deUclous easy desserts. ' ' I .,.,. .. , I : ........ I ' """. ,,.,, , .. : Be sure to lnchlde your zip code 1 to ICJMd dellVery, --------------------------J .............................. ._._ ............... ._ ......................................... .._ ....... __________________ ~~~~~--~~~~~~~~-~~--~~- .... UIDBI IOOYS IBP f&T DIY You r..ct them outdoon prdeftlflc, • ...,.,. ,..,., hanclns dattMa. '"" doon inopplnc. leunderins. wuifttt Soft. pu,. IJJtu, p.,..nteed w.W- IHQOf, wallhabte. Squirt with hoM. mud 911dn offt Ulht Md coot to -r. Women'• llzes. __ ..,........,"'···· e ___ ._......, .. llfllSI -..-.. ........ ,o . Amuina Ouldl.Qean -n llM maak:I Attacks oR driocMnp that accumurete on concme to mer tM beauty of your home. L.t It wort! fM half 1n hour. then simply fluatt aw1y with your pr· den hoM. UH for prap floors, -ll· sfloQ. patloa. r. ct.aneat drtveway enr. Oevalosieod for Industrial use. H1ndy ~·sire 8 oz. IM4 -°'111c11.a.. $1 .... suo FAST llAIH 1IAOM llAOR Kids team .. , tM rtlVttlpt6caUon tables Ut> to 9 11 9 Just .,.,..... buttoM. N ... est lat· ... ~ com.,.,ta,.tyoe aid ls ttie fndnatlna war. to comblne ttie at\ldy of ~c mathernetlcs wlttl fun of a numbers pme. H-muc:ft Is 7 )I 61 Pvsfl clowfl the button -.._.,, the --.r. 421 ptutlc:. 7111" -.. Easy and fun wet _to flMcht 1Ml-T............. . $%.II Now. e IU~ steel dfpper ,,_..... It easy and .. ,. to ~ Iner-toe nalls at home. ~rwd 1-.ilda under ttie nail. p,.... tM pli.Nllle handl" and ttla nail Is di.._. SeMl-tlve pain Is IOftAI UH al90 for ACUlar toe nait dlcicMns. flnnt su,.tul _..., Maps sherp adlH-a1.,.,..-Is ••· ion..- How ~· to ....... ,.. ... at latltt 6Clll -....,.._, T .. " ... ~. $2.11 ... IOTTll CAllB.AllA Cut coats ~ cutt"'9 mMI ......... )'OUr hair lft MCOflds at home. office. Trims. "'8tMS hair llM your barber, but wttMut cost! UM lllle comt>. Keep In Nth.-, u~ In . purM. ...,.. ........ lll•lk 4• ........ holder tMla combfns t.ttt. ..,. .... with ..... ...,.. ,_ lllede ............ 15 .,. ...... 1121-Helr~ .................... .. __ .......................... . KllsW.eds t..tln SUM MERI WllNUUll IS A LONG AIMI lllGllT BIOi WCI GA Adds!• lnstem -" hair.• Mash~ r hie! baa~ ttie pa It's th4 '511 - Pl Simply tion, " u1a I wittl ... andb.-FCH'l'M =~ coaate with ( ored c butter ·-· UM fc n. .. anfo)I I 7111--' fllGllJ OWL SCAIES Off -;.. _.. •• ..., ....... nu. ...... tftNe dl1Mftliol'811 ... ........ ..,.... dottMlfine llffd.praaf ...... off ...., ffult ....... .... ....... ,. ... You'" ... your ....... ftourilfl. NolM· ..... hemMU. a.t .. loob couN ""'' l.lf94Ue "''" plastic ... ........ men8dlWY '""" lllnndl. roof, or --. ~-"9t. 4179 -,,...._ OM ........................... ll fllVlllT PR DWGE = ..:-.-: :: .:::: ~ ............ c.t d~ .. ~ ...... ........................... ... =-.::=: = =:.: ::.i..-.:r. "'-' ....... .,.......... 1 •. -:r-.~.~~ ............... .. WZ-a....rllilSIA•llSI ............. ll Greenland Studios, Mia.mi, Florida. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -ON ALL ITEMS EllOllC.U WOllS. GAll8I Adel ... _ lndtes to"°"" ..... , stYI• instantly! SimotY dr..,. hair or f.et -ptntlc H.fr..... Fits rWtt into heir. st1~ In 111-wiltl a bo6by pin. Mnh-pattem olMtk: Is t.atherwetcflt. 2" hlstl; S'" acroN. Added FK9 Ind be1uty for flowlnc t.n.. ftitrt.ct for the poput1r bou"ent 11111..t So 1asy, It's the~· of~ '"1 -............. ,_. V$LU .. POP-Mr llASSOCll lnft8te to UM where, whell ~ went IMtMtt comfottl TM "In" h•..odl ror den, ~.!. donn, TV viewl,.._ flctre· he8lly VlnJ"I wffl ftdd lft ldufff Adult tr1ffic: _.,,,In ec:tull colon. 11• CllM. Here's a hHIOdl to pl .... the molt rnod ...-. of pop.art fun<fvnctionel clfbl ONat for you.,..Ws room n -'" 1151-~tt...o ............. 11.a IMBED ANYTHING IN PLASTIC FOREVER-$2H Slmply place lnvlta· tlon, l"OMllud or cor· :8.e ..!!.!.!~ end~ any°""· Forms a eaHct pl..ttc lf!Mllope. Alto maMs key chains, ......... coasters. Complete wtttl ckar ancf c:d· ored crystals, pan. butt.rftl ... crvMad --and stafftsh to UM fw daiCOf lltklf-. Ttte ..... f9mlly ... enjor this fvn .utt ,.. fttli9IW9« Kit R.19 POP All IA• SIGNSI l"ut • , .... --=r..:. J:'J.!::" wttft ~~~of cnt ._c =~ =.::~~-~g .,__._, T ....................... ~ nu -Deer c...111is .... .. ....... •• nu--.. ....................... 1.11 •u-are~;:,;t:r ·· .... .. 1000 PllSCIML ums M SI Your -n•-end 9dd,....,, or 1ny .-.. llnea, bNutlfvlly print.cl ~ quel· tty .-.-ct ...... bdl lW'. W" In MCI fonft. ~ In NUSlillle plHtic: ba. .,_.. ...... .,_,. de-. neet. F« -·· cMa-. lloob, .,.._, f'9DOrtS. du-of o4hv wee. ...._. ·print t-i:ll·-~ ~~.~: .................. $1 D--.--.... ~ .............. $2 China Flp,... Dance tD Dr. Zllfnp n.. .. Endwltt,. c:Nldllaod -a~ -~ .... d.-c ....,. ... el ... pidure. Unique mulic ... ,... ........ with Old Woftd ~ ..... Mnd ........ eir1 .......... with .............. el ...... cifdl .. a carCMnet. Set the mood for a romentk: ewn1,. or lilt the ~ tnlndle off to 91umbet1end wHfl lta duwm. Treetured fft fdr newt)wldt or 111wer ~ towra. Handcrafted. r NP wltl\ 4 _.,... _.,. I011aattsao..M,..._ .............................................................. ...... r • -ORDER BY MAIL NOW FROM : GREENlANd Srudios __ , I I I I I I I I I I 1281 Greenland Bid&-, Miami, Fla. 33147 QUAN. ITDI# NAMEOf ITDI PlllQ =z & H ... -Md 35' for l9t llwfl • ffK 9adl adcNtioNlf Item. Enc:loMd Is cMdl « M.O. for-TOTA&. • Florida Cu&tOf'Mf'S Add 4,,. Salft Tu. I NAME~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- I I I I I I I I I I • AIJGllDI I I I CITY STATE_ ,. I L O 2s. endOMd f« • full Y9•r's subscription to your cataloa. .I ------------------- •' '• .. Accept Big FREE Copy of World's Most Beautiful Treat younelf, your family and you frtenda to the moet glorio6a. ~oat popular, only full-color, full 1lr.e magutne about cats and kit· tenar CATPANCY 11 ftlled with stunningly beautiful Full-Color and Black and WhJte Photographs, Prtnta and Drawings on rtch luxuyY texture Insert papen that are perfect for framing! CATFAllCY ii W..! bcilil& .._ 19 Elr'lll! CATPANCY 11 ftlled with warm, exciting, lively Cat Storfee. Ttpe on Cat Cue, Health and how to give your cat a Iona aod happy life. It will tell you How to Buy JClttena. Train, Show and Breed Cate. You wlll alao read the latest about Top Show Cats ae well ae Back Alley Cata and houaehold pets. CATFANCY will tell you all about the treat· meot and prevention of all cat ailments. It pictures and tells all about the origin and development of the elegant and exotic call euch aa the Long Hair Siamese Arf1tocrat1, Blue Tabby JCittens, White. Blue and Chlnchllla Peralans; Ruddy and Deep Red Aby91fnlan1, Hlmalayana. Burmese, Top Show Brown Tabbies, Blue Cttam• and the Rare and Unu111al Korat from Northern Thailand. CATPANCY la down-to-earthl It tells you what to feed your cat: lhe dangere of meat-only or ftsh·only diets: what to do about cat• that have problems when they drink milk and about feeding doll foodt, or baby foods, to cats and what to do about cat malnutrition. You will learn what you should feed pregnant cats; what are the best overall diets fo r cata. CATPANCY t. eclentlftc, It tells you all about medication, ane1thetlc1, tranquilizen and surseey as well H facts you should know about veterinariana. CATPANCY travels you 'round the wol'ld and ln hiatory. It tell1 of cata that orientals feel "waive" on the borderline between the natural and the aupematural" of cats In CbJnese Art and art through the a1e1. in paintings and ceramlu, ln Ancient Bopt and In Persian Art . • , ............. Clls. CATPANCY print• Cat Poetey, Fable., stories of Caj PenonaUUes that ride high on owner'• aboulders, keep a pet lllouse. and make trJenda with almoat any anlmal alive. In CATPANCY you11 find al- most everything about cats -the beautiful phenomenon of odd-eyed cata, bow coat color mutations can chanse a cat'• paycholou. and amuln1 bow-to-do-it cat project• llke how to build your kitten hia own "Jn1ide-Out Houte." CA TP ANCY fight• for the cauae of cats a1aloat anyth.tna that endangers cata -for tood legialatioo to protect cata from accldent1, atarvaUon and aclentiftc tortme. Bveey lnue con- taine helpful utlclea on care, feeding and health. Approved. 1upport· eel and highly recommended by all leadJng authoritln. ~ Iii. 111 liM 1sw Fiii-Y• ~ Lw-lnl E•1"b1 t. c.r The world's largest seUJng magulne about cats and ldttena. Six mapiftcent ee pase l1111es pel' yeu, &Jled with deUgbtful new feature utlclea about every breed of cat and kitten. And, It's all yours -one bla crammed f11ue FREB -then luue alter laaue chock-full of stun- ning cat ut, pboto1, drawtnp. atortu, facta, tlpa -a continuing cat·lovel"1 tnume houae, all youral Mall Blg-Savlnp FRBB·Gift·Coupon Nowl 0 CAff AICY \9111 Ill ltlout GeMtic.I -how to line Bried. 11\br'Md Ind ~la Clta. ,-------~-------------------· I I I I 8PSCIAL l'llD Gin OPl'D EXTRA Bit Colorful 75( Issue FREE with Every Subscription PLUS Bit Cash Savln1s CATMllOYllAUDll. 19't.f$, Jw.tmltlt ..... , .. ,. Enclosed cheek or m.o. for $ _____ er O alll -later. To roa YOU• OWN oa ••n SUllSCMPYICNI 0 l YHr Ottly $3.50 (R ... $4.50, You Sew •l) • rJ 2 Yrs. Only $6 ($ave 13) 0 3 Yrs. Only $8 (Sew $5.50) Addreu ---------------------------------~ City ___________ State __________ Ip --- Slsn alft card frem! -----------------------r--------FOll-.ln aueaclttPTIOft ------- ' O 1 Y•r Oftfy $3.50 (...._ $4.SO. You Saw $1) I O 2 Yrs. Onty S6 <Sew $3) 0 3 Yrs .. Only $1 (Sew $5.50) I Te I I ~ ----------------------1 I City ..... Zip --- 1 9"'t elft unt frem: --------------------- Now Boats You Can Tote Atop Your Car The trunk or roof of your auto can hold these lightweight boats- some of which can be inflated from the dashboard cigarette lighter THE BIG NEWS in small boats is "car-t.oppers," low-eost, lightweight family-size boats that can be carried atop your ~r or in a station wagon. The new inflatables can even be hidden away in the trunk. Car-toppers don't even need a boat trailer and can be launc.bed any time. Powered by one 6' the new mini-outboard mot.on (11h to about 8 hp), they are fast. Some will pull water skien, if fitted with 20 to 35 more horsepower.· Moat car-tops boats, complete with mini-motor, coat leas than $600. An aU-f\ber-glaas 12-foot one with a 4.8 hp outboard coata $827. Another, an inflatable rubberized-canvu boat that's big enough for a family of eight, coats leas th.an '100. Another $100 buys a S.6-hp mini-motor. Here'a a .,lck look at what's new in truly portable boata: lnftatablea. You can inftate these in le11 than ftve-minute.9, thank.a to manual or electric air pumps, aome powered from yoW' car'a cigarette Urhter. Tough fabrics (including nylon imprea'Jlated with abruion-re- aiatant synthetic rubber), buiJ~in flotation, and multiple air cells make inftatablea safe even on rough water. A 11urfboard? No, a. f oldittg boot! It u1~ioh1 65 f'OltMI, OGtTiU /Otlr. By JAMES JOSEPH A von'a 12-foot iuftatable Reda hank -<:omplete with two inflatable aeata, a manual inflator, built-in car locks, and sized for mini-motors up to 6 hp -weigb3 52 pounds and stows in a duffel bag. Pushed by a 3-hp out- board (weight: 28 pound&), it'll car- ry four in comfort, up to seven with some crowding. The price: around $500 for boat and motor. Udoh-proclvcea two inftatables, both vulcanized into a single piece without glued parts. The P--3 accom- modates 6-or 10-hp motors for speeds up to 22 mph. The P-4 ($689.95) handles a 20..hp motor for speeds of 28 mph, enoui'h for water skiing. Zodiac's 10-foot "Cadet" ('372) weighs 64 pounds (including ftoor- boarda and an inti.a table keel l and can pack a 10-hp motor; speeds up to 60 mph. It'll pack on your car's roof- top luggage rack. An economy inflatable is Seara. Roe~uck'a 12-foot, aix-pa81e1lger rub- berized canvas boat ($69.88), which comes with three adjustable aeata, a wooden mount !or an outboard motor up to S1h hp. and an air pump. De- flated and stu«ed into a duffel bag, this 52-pound packace can be carried atop a car or in the trunk. Fold Boats. Folding boats-from dinghies to folding sloops-go just u easily atop your car u luggage. "Stowboat"-made of polyproply- ene plutic-folda into the aiu of a surfboard. Stowboat'a 9-foot. four- paasenger model weigh.a 56 pounds, can be powered with a mini-motor or rigged as a sailboat, and coeta up- ward of $149 (without aailing rig). Standard car-toppn. Thanks to lightweight rnateriAla, boats up to 16 feet or so can be racked Atop your car. Station-wagon r oofs can usually carry boats weighing as much as 250 pounds. While 100-pound roof loads were once about the limit for most standard cars, marine-type roof racks-which distribute the load- raiae even that limit. Handy "boat loaders" mAke roof- top loading eaAier and convert your car's roof to a boat trailer. Goodhue Enterprises' roof-attached. crank-up "1-Man Boat Loader"' (a boat hoist and car-top carrier in one) can be adjusted to flt any car. A somewhat lea aotomated "awin1 loader" that ftta on the rear bumper, clamps to the boat's stern and leta you "awing" the boat atop the car is marketed by local marine suppliers for about $20. To uae i~ your car must be equipped with a standard bumper hitch. Additionally-as for moat car- topped boats-you'll need a root- mounted boat rack to cradle the huU once you've rot it atop. The better Thill ror-tup boot f t>at unll a 8f't:· tl1rmigl1 botton1 for marine 11itt('ing. boat racks ($21>-$40 ) clamp to a car's rain gutters. Ti&-downa, front and rear, are also a must to prevent road wind from lifting and unaa.tinc the boat. A handy tie-down (Goodhue Enter- prises' HD-10, $2.95) consists of 10 feet of nylon rope with books at both endfl and a slide bar that lets you taut the tie-down once It's in place. For their length, aluminum boats are lightel't. Wood or plywood is somewhat heavier and fiber glass heavier yet. But fiber glass is str ong- er and euieAt to maintain. Super-lightweight is Appleby"s 16- foot Cu atom Car Top. a f our-sut all- aluminum craft ($177.60 with ex- truded aluminum gunwales) that's sized for outboard motors up to 10 _._.... _____________________________ ~~~~--~ hp and weighs just 105 1>0uuda. Another family lightweight is CreaUinerA 14-foot Commodore, a handsome aluminum craft that'll pack a motor up to S5 hp, weighs 226 ~ pounds, and costs ftbout $385. Next, there's the transparent Glaaa- hopper-9. Its glasalike hull (made from 1,4-incb thick se&-tbroqh cel- luloee acetate that•a transparent as a window pane 1 gives you total visibil- ity bt:1U0th the boat. Gla18hopper, which weigh.a 125 pounds, is powered by a 10-hp motor that roea 21 mph. Price: $349. If lt's apeecl you want in a car- toppable, conaider the Hydro-Cycle's 9-foot Barracuda with a 35-hp motor. _.. Capable of speeds to 30-mph and more, this fiber-trlaaa boat can pull two. even three skien, yet weighs just 216 pounds. For aailiq butt•, there's AMF Al- co1·t's trim, car-toppable 14-foot ftber- rlua Flyingt\ab, with built-in ftota- tion, a ftexible fiber-rlaaa mast, and sail area enough (120 eq. ft.J to make her go in light breezes. Flying-.., f\1h weighs a little over 200 pounds. The Lidair Samoa i• an inflatable canoe thnt convt-rb to a sailboat ($264.961 . It's 10 feet, 8 inch~ long and carries two adult.a. For tbe serious angler. Seara, Roe- buck offers Gamefilher 12---ft 12-foot fiber-glass car-topper with a built-in insulated ice or beverage-well, two built-in rod holden for trolling, and molded-in rod grooves and "ture keepers" to keep things f\ahable and shipshape. The boat l$209 in some .• Sears catalog specials I weighs 112 pounds. Car-topping your boat is all for fun--and convenience. • More o.tofls on tntatab'" For MOf"• "4/onuaffott °" tM katl ahN •• ~ otW., ra""'1ag /tTlft UIJI oe...-to 1110 ....... u . .,,.U. • to BootUt_g, P.O.lJo~ I, St.. Ja,,..,'Nnt York. l J 110. Futilw Wuklv, Ju•• 111, Jiii •• # •• .... ----...-~ NEWt FROM MUTUAL OF OMAHAf Now you can have really big benefits to meet two of the greatest threats facing your family ••• Accident and Cancer! HOW THIS NEW MUTUAL Of OIAHA PLAN PROTECTS INDIVIDUALS. AND FAMILIES BETTER Extra Cash OVER AND ABOVE any payments you receive from any other coverage. Covers you both JN and our of the hospital. l . Pays ln a4'4.ltion to any benefits you receive from any other coverage-even MediCAR. . . Z. No waitlq period. You are covered for injuries received or cancer that manifeats itself after the policy dale. 3. Ne 41edactlbles. Paya 100% of actual accident expemea UP to $1,000.00 per accident. ,, 4. PQa ca.acer beoeflta lmmediatel1 when carcinoma, sarcoma. leukemia. lymphoma or a malignant tumor is confirmed by a qualified pathologist's written report. I 5. Covers you at work aod at pla1, around the clock. and around the world. S. Pa11 $Z,50t.Ot for accidental loss of life. 7. p.,._ $'1,5M.M Common Carrier Acci- dental Death Benefit. Covers you while riding as a passenger on a licensed pas- senger airplane, train or bus. These bendhl increase by 10"' for each year • you keep your policy to a mamnum of SlS,000.00. EXTRA CASH FOR ACCIDENTS! w;s300.00 A MONTH FOR THE BREADWINNER s2,500.00 FOR ACCIDENTAL LOSS OF LIFE EXTRA CASH FOR MEDICAL EXPENSES! ¥~~.DOD.OD PER ACCIDENT FOR HOSPITAL-DOCTOR-NURSING CARE FOR EACH MEMBER OF THE FAMfL Y EXTRA CASH FOR CANCER! s2 500 00 THE MOMENT cANcER ~6 ' • rs DIAGNOSED 8. Yom..Uq pays either Hddeat in-Mutual of Omaha's new Accident/ supplies an income of up to $300.00 a eeme or death beM.flta, whichever is larger, il injuries result in loss of life Cancer plan pinpoints the extra protec-month for as long as six months when within 90 days after the date of the tion needed by your family. Celebrating accidental injury keeps you from accident. its 60th anniversary, Mutual of Omaha working. WOJJ't avoid chectups, and your fears of cancer can be minimized because so many cancer casu can be cured! You get the following l~um cash payments for each of these forms of can- cer: $2.500.00 for leukemia; $1 .000.00 for internal cancer; $250.00 for each lip cancer, up to a maximum of $500.00; $6S.OO for each skin cancer, up to a maximum of $650.00. You use your tax-free benefiu a.r you see fit, for hospital bills, surgery, cobalt treatments, for doctor bills, for medi- cines, or for any other purposes you choose. Yes, by concentrating on the most wanted forms of protection, Mutual of Omaha's Accident/Cancer gives you unprecedented value ... so much for so little. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? 9. Lifetime renewal parantee. Only has put all its years of experience behind PAYS BENEFITS FOR CANCER AS you can cancel .. • • • ......... .., ............ ;_# .. ~ .. -----··-----FAMILY WEEIClY OROEllCAIO FREE 28-PAGE BOOK your premium --..---· -·-; 1 1'1L "L. • less changed I al' ~ <1., ~ 1 o~ 'vr l,. •c' · • 7'• ~~~it ~ ~ ~, O E~H~N::-E: T~ ~S~R= A~ M~l-~R:"!r0=Y~6' ~ ~ "~ 6' ~ .. .,, .. .,, .., .. .., ~ .,,, .. .,,, .. .,,, .. 6' ~ .6' 1Dember of the r.------------------------------- cootinues until NEW FROM MUTUAL Of OMAHA I Mutual of Omaha Dept. 1262 internal caDcef THE TWO MOST-WANTED HEALTH /NSUR-I FREE! Omaha, Nebraska 68131 your cbUdren, ANCE COVERAGES IN ONE LOW-COST PACK· I 0 Please rush free facts about new acci: the )>ftmiUm r., AGEi NOW YOU CAN MEET THE TWO GREAT-I bl . the pol.icy will I EST THREATS THAT FACE YOUR FAMILY-dent and cancer benefits availa e m my age rate. ACCIDENTS & CANCER. I state, together with free book. It. fte few exces I O Also ru sh free information about fine, suicide, war on CANCER COVERAGE ~~ s2,SOO.OO PLUS FREE modem low-cost life insurance plans avail· provided or pa AS SOON AS DIAGNOSED able to my family from United of Omaha. =:'::;;: ACCIDENT PROTECTION 128-PAGE ?' aiooalsportsae1 -UP TO $300.00 A MONTH BOOK,--~~ Nami· IV'l'Y.Ation ore"' ACCIDENT INCOME r--., Atltln·1~---------- A"ldent inco11 -UP TO$ J ,000.00 PER ACCIDENT beoe1lta reduce FOR HOSPITAL·DOCTOR·NURSING CARE -$2,500.00 FOR ACCIDENT AL Mul LOSS OF LJFE COVERS YOU BOTH IN AND nfr\m. OUT OF THE HOSPITAll 7U L •• -- "Secrets of Good Health and Money M anagement" ..:. ...... SlllHT ANll NO llR II I .ll CitY----------- Srat•·------/lr Coc/e __ _ IF l -.of R IR, HAVI PAlll ~ r 'llC.N ltfllr ou11 lad simple, eaay ways to stret~h -1th insurance dollars. become a smart ( manager, and t.icl financial worry out · life. You11 have 121 pages ~ practical ways to build your flna~ r and your health power, too. How :hildbood diseaaea! How you can eat d loee weight! Nine ways to reduce ten· lutuaJ of Omaha will abo fumiab me .out the wide range of health lnsutance bu for young and old. and tbc ft.ne plans to meet your life insuraDce needs ailable from its affiliated c:ompany, of Omaha. Moil cord or coupo11 now! s101t' _____________ L1rcoJ.-____ _ Ufe Insurance Affiliate: Unitfd of OnYM Ua'9n 10 Bob Conaldl,,., Saturdays and Sun<Mya, on NBC'• "Monitor.'' 1'C ;h ~ 0 tp >; a •u lt i- • U st ;,f IU IO :h rt at :d al :0 at It-- IC :.e le la ,. vi COSTA MESA NIWPOIT llACH LAaUNA llAGH HUNTIN&TON llACH flOUNTAIN YALUY SADDLllACI till HOlDER IT'S THE LAW: Jn Cl1lmi.?o there is a lnw that pmhihit11 u ..:ul fro.n wenl'ing hcl' hul clown uwr ()fl<' eye. Thal s:>unds likB It came from the fashions of Ill<' micl-lhir· ties. In Sun t..'rn1wi11t'tJ th.•y c·un loc·k you up fur swcarlni.: nl un· othc1· motol'isl. In Evall3ton. 1111- nols ii IN illegal lo c·hull~c dut hc11 In your cur '""" lhc• c·urlalns d1-aw11 ..• except 111 CUS<t or nrc. SPEAKING 01" FlRF.: On~ or lh~ "hollcsl" muchinc11 to hil the automotive st-enc ls 1''01tl's new hot one, the Mustang model, Muc'.1 I. 1'hl11 high pc1·rormancc- oricntccl cal' Is 1tvaiJablc with Ii 3:ti horscpowor 428 Cobra Jct Rum AiJ' (•nglnc. The Much 1 fcatu1'l'S GT handling susp.'?nslon, racing type expose~! hood lo::king pins, c'Olor-kcyed dual racing mirrors, simulated teakwood gralnc.'<.I ln.'ltrumenl and do:>r pan- els.~ I l.!rc al Wiison Ford we have scvcrul or these Qutstand- log Mach J's to c11oosc from. Your Jn'Cscnt car wlJI no doubt cover the down rmymcnt. And from the tlay you (it•sl Ink.! t!K- whccl or u Mach I . you'll never s<'lllc for anything lcss. AN AVERAGE AUTOMOBILE engine use.:: about 9.COC gallons or ah' ror c•vcry gallon or gasolin~. T'1is wilt give you some idea why il Is M lnwol'luul lo have your nit· c!euncr serviced regu- larly ror top pcrfo1·ma11ce. ll~r' al 1ia:-il Bench Blvd. that is just one of lhe many ilems thal is expertly checked and st'rvlccd during u 1outinc lubrication and oil chang.! in our l>'Cl'Vk'C dep:u l- ment. Any car is a.; g.:>:>::i as the lrcotmcnt and sc1vicc ii re· t'Cives. We think we hnvc Oil<.' or the Cin~·:t service facilit il'S lo be Councl anywhcre. After JU.SI one visit we think you'll ugr"CC. Fro~\ our service d('partmcnt manager down through .!ach and cvcryor~ or his staff, their sole. purpose Is to serve you ... lhc customer. DICK WILSON'S WILSON F'ORD SALES 18255 BEACH BLVD., HUNTIN5TOtl BEACH ............................................................. MEET ~· First of the 70'1 at 1960 Prices HAND NIW 1t6t THUNDERBIRD MAND NIW 1 Ht FAIRLANE 888 IT'$ A LITTLE GA$ -llM-ld. Pf'lced to rivet IN lmporls, "'"" 'J'CMI • 1w11er, ,.,.... ~cllul ett'. ~nv l*IPI• -·• put •n .. ,,.. cent Into M•v.,.ldl beHVM It's ell ltlerc. A bttlc MeWt'ick Is mor• then • bes le cer. $" Down $122. 5 36 m69. Plus Tu & License on epprov•d benlt credit ' Plu1 Tu & Lic:en•• on •pproved b•nlt credit $2288 '"Down $70.95 36 mo. lllC ..... all .....,K._..,. .......,.. ••11-,t ........ alt ....._ .... ..,.._.,, IMldl· ............ --· ........ • .... """' ...... c.,..., ,.._.. ..... <41 ¥1 .. w• _. 2iiilij~~~--iiiiillliiiii0ialls.-.--------------I $99 Down $64.45 36 mo. llAND NIW 1 t6t TORINO G. T. s2saa $10.65 »mo. $99 Down Plu1 Tu & Ucense on •pproved b•nlt credit ' • v .. ......, """"" etyte ......_ ,....,.....,. ._... wi. n et Ur-. Ntllf-1._.I ._. ~ ..... e.Y. ....... ,.,..... •Ir ...._ & ..,,...._, Nd!.._ ._ •Ml ~y ......... All ¥filtyt '""" ..,-~ ......... i.n..-.. ................ , ........ llAND NIW 1t6t s22sa $99 Down 70.95 36 mo.. RANCHERO Pick• . Plu1 Tu I licenH on •pproved benlt credit OW.----. , ... ,..,. ,..ew, ltuttr, Md!._, .._, ~y eM UM _,__ ......._ ""* fay/._ llWrtf, ,...... ~ ...._ ...inw, 1J1n111t .._,.... .-...., ca,.. •lllrt in.. ~ tr.,_ •teer •It ..... 51988 IRAND NEW CORTINA $99 Down $62.20 36 mo. Plus Tu & Lic:tnH on appto11•d be nit credit .. DELUXE SEDAN. 97,, C.1.0. 67 H.P. t119lnt, fully 1ynchron11td ~ l~ transmission, d~c bt'ekts. vinyl bucket 'e'''· fully carPtltd, .,eoflOw Ytt'lllM!tlol> heiller &. defroster, Interior & e111trlor decor group&, w/a/w tires. padded desll &. vlson, eltctr:c wlnc:•hleld wlpen &. wesllen. 2' monltls/2A.OOO mlle werrenty. JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD 842-6611 HUNTINGTON BEACH SALO DIPf. ' ...... to 10. , ... 1 Days HIYICI OPIN THJ. ttir1I M., I •·•· to 5 P·"'· ... , ......... to', .•. 592-5511 1 i 1: 1: 7: 8: 9: 11 2 9 9 9 9 v= TV !PORT! HllJHlllJHT! SUNDAY, JUNE 29 1:00 6 a Cl) NFL Action (C) "The Way Up." Program examines the role played by coach Bud Grant in the Minnesota Vikings success. m Dod&ers BasetNlll (C) L.A. Dodgers vs. San Diego Padres from San Diego Stadium. 1:30 6 tltJ Cl) National MU Track and Field Championships (C) Live from Miami, Florida. 0 @ (])Q) U.S. Women's Open Golf (C) From Scenic Hills Coun1Jt Club, Pensacola, Fla . 7:00 m I f ell£ I Sportsmen's Wortd Awards (C) From Sands Hotel, Las Vegas, Nev. Art llnkletter acts as Master of Ceremonies for this third annual event honoring great athletes of yester· year with Victors, gold statuettes, for exemplary personal conduct. THURSDAY, JULY 3 8:30 0 Boxing (C) Rodolfo Gonzales vs. Jerry Graci 1n lO·round lightweight bout. SATURDAY, JULY 5 9:30 AM 0 9 (6) Wimbledon.. Open Tennis Championships (C) The game's oldeSt and most prestigious tournament is televised via satellite from England. The men's singles finals of this year's Wimbledon play is open to pros and amateurs alike. Rod Laver of Australia is defending champion. 11:00 AM 0 IU Major League BasetNill (C) Teams to be an· nounced."' 2:00 O ti)@ Wimbledon Open Tennis Championships (C) The women's singles finals and the title match in men's doubles. Billie Jean King of Alhambra, Calif. tries for her fourth con· .secutive Wimbledon crown. Aussias John Newcombe and Tony Roche took the men's doubles title in '68 and will defend. Among the Americans who are competing today (in addition to Mrs. King) are Arthur Ashe, Clark Graebner and Cliff Richey. 6 9 c:J) Buick Open Goff Tournament (C) Tom Weiskopf d ,.. fends his championship in the $1 25,000 Buick Open teleca from the par·72, 7001·yard Warwick Hills Golf and Country Club course in Grand Blanc, Michigan. Movies ol tile Week SUNDAY, JUNE 29 9:00 O ()1) @ "Mickey One.'' Warren Beatty, Franchot Tone, Hurd Hatfield, Alexandra Stewart and Teddy Hart star in the 1965 drama about a nightclub performer who tries to run away and hide after becoming heavily in debt to the mob. MONDAY, JUNE 30 9:00 O @@"Banning." Robert Wagner, James Farentino, Jill St. John and Anjanette Comer star in the 1967 drama about an underhanded golf pro who destroys lives and uses people to get ahead in his game. WED~ESDAY, JULY 2 9:00 O @ (]) "Clnderfella." Jerry Lewis, Ed Wynn, Judith Ander· son, Anna Maria Alberghetti star in a comedy spoof of the fairy tale that features a wicked stepmother, a beautiful prln· cess and two wicked stepbrothers. Jerry also benefits from the Fairy Godfathl!r. THURSDAY, JULY 3 9:00 6 Qj 00 "Boys' Night Out." Kim Novak, James Garner, Tony Randall Howard Dutt and Howard Morris star in a comedy about ~arried men who rent an apartment for their hijlnks, and who find that the blonde they hired to clean up the place is very adept at fending ott their advances. FRIDAY. JULY 4 9:00 6 Qj Ci) "Marco, the Maanlflcent.'' Horst Buccholz and An· thony QUinn star In a 1966 tale of the adventures of Marco Polo. SATURDAY, JULY 5 9:00 O @ @ "Sorry, Wron1 Number." Barbara Stanwyck and Burt Lancaster star in the suspense-filled tale about a woman who hears her own murder being plotted over the telephone. Compramat1cs 1s always making 1t happen. Matching people most compatible with each other. And Compramatics can make it happen for you! Compramat ics 1s a highly dignified service which takes extremt care 10 confidentially find you the people with whom you are most likely to enjoy a lasting and meaningful relationship. To find your special someone, call or write Compramatics today for a private interview and a complimentary profile analysis. Coll ur writ1• now /or o personal, private interview 01 nu cost or obligatio n. Compramatics Suite 61 7, North Tower Union Ban\ Square Orange, Calif. 92668 714-54 7-56'44 21 3-860-278-4 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. ---------------I I I NAM"-------------I • ________ SEX--AGE_ I I STREET I I CITY _______ STATE. ______ , I ZIP CODE _____ TELEPHONE. _____ I I I I 0 WIDOWED 0 DIVORCED 0 SINGLE I --------------- BOATING IS EVEN MORE FUN AND SAFE ... WHEN YOU BUILD AND USE HEATHKIT MARINE ELECTRONICS Choose Heathkif Marine Electronics '79·'5 kit Ml· 11 A Heathkit Al SoHd·State Depth Sounder A.,.f.f •tr.• eMlt•rreu••".......,•"t•r--ce1t of uuuti"• •41row11114 • tko Ml-I IA ·· .. ,.,.,·· ai.e•I '•'"'' witl. SY. eecv• •Y Oft •If te•tlift91. H ~rob•1 4ow• to 100' 01111 ... ,4 t.otto'"'· I 00' •• ••~ ..,1144, IMtto"'• ..• •••• ''"" 1c~ooh of 1;,~ ldt Ml-21 A Heathkit "Mariner" 3-land Radio l)JNCrioft Finder Sold-State Fuel Vapor Det•~tor Yow, 6.ott •nvre1u o •t•iftet 01,lo1ioA t"4 r.,,. •• nt. Mettf' tftcf1 11uf•~'•"t•'•"'• •• ,r .. i•o", ''"' ,,.,"' ............... f_,.._ .. Ht ~ttHAt. l villf •Ml i•1h U ;• i• ; .... ) '-••"· FREE NEW All Solid-Stete Techometer ... For Any loet Con i,. connec19d 10 1ny sp11k ·•vo-01>91no w1lh any kind of 1gn11ton 1y11om Comes w11tl 1plo h·1>•ool CIH ()( ""•lhoUI C.'9 f()< ponol moun11ng. S.nd for Ovr Hup Cet•lot It'• Fr .. to You fH the Atklng.. HEITHKIT «i ELECTRc·:1c CENTER ~ I e=~ "''*"""+ fe f .. ch Hootlt•it Elocl•o•ic Cuto• •••• Ho1loo• 11•4, lo loll A•o. •HI OA loll a fow tho•I loloch to >JO f otl 1.11 01 ta•• Suto A .. F< .. woy to Ha•bo• II•'., H11loo1 11"4, h laH, • f•w •~•'• Mo•h .,,, t••• re ,.,,, SALES & PARTS HEATHKIT 776-9420 330 EAST IALL, ANAHEIM SERVICE 776-9423 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WE.EK, JUNE 28, 1969 ' I SATURDAY critical look at Jerzy Kosin1kl'1 sec· ond novel "Steps." Host St.anley Kauffmann Interviews the author and discusses a wide variety of critical reaction lo the wor1c with JUNE 28 a panel of literary reYiewera. f VfNING 9:30 tJ ~ Ci) Petticoat Junttion (C) 0 Oral Roberts (C) (60) 0 I btCiM I "The SUtnt World" 1:008 The 111 Ntn (C) (60) (C) (90) This film by Jacques-Yves • @ @ m Huntler-Brfn.Sey (C) Cousteau and Louis Malle won an (30) Academy Award as "Best Ooeu-0 Porter Waeoner (C) (30) ment.ary Feature" and the Cannes fJ loss City (C) (60) Sam Riddle Alm Festival's top award, ''The hosts. Golden Plume." It Is the story of m The lrmders (C) (60) the underseas research ship Calypso 6:301 News Conference (C) (30) and its crew. Using such devices as Melody Ranch (C) (60) aqualungs. underwater scooters and I Love Lucy (30) underwater flood lamps, the Calyp. : P11yinr the Guitar (30) (R) so's cameramen lilmed such scenes • Entertainment Specials (C) (60) as the breathless beauty of the sea and its fish; a sunken cargo ship; 7:00 tJ Qj ({) CBS Newt (C) (30) the taming of a giant Grouper fish; Roger Mudd. the savage attack of sharks on the 0 KNBC survey (C) (30) "Credit carcass of a baby whale:.the slaugh· Rating." Bob Wright hosts. ter of sharks by the calypso's crew; fJ Death Valley Dars-(C) (30) and other exciting undersea adven· "The Oldest Law." Jim Davis stars lures. as a bitter rancher who destroys ,,.. News (C) (30) a Texas cowtown economically to ..., avenge the killln& of his son. m The Stoneman FamllJ (C) (30) m Future (C) &) Girl From UNCLE (C) (60) m Wondtn of the World (C) (30) 10:00 i) ~ Ci) Mannix (C) (60) "Honolulu Holiday." Hal, Halla and David Linker ellplore Honolulu and fJ Feature 160) Waikiki, ride a catamaran and film m Ernest Tubb (C) (JO) the pulsating dances of Hawaii. EE NET Playhouse (90) "A Soni EE Blac~ Journal (C) (60) (R) of Summer." (R) €!) Eiitometro (30) €!) Box de Mexico (90) 7:15 m Doc11ers Duaout (C) Bill Welsh. 10:15 m Dodprs Scoreboard (C) Vin 7:30 IJ Qj (J) Jacllit Gleason (C) (60) Scully, Jerry Doggett The Great One welcomes Max By-10:30 0 Movie: "Rocktt Ship X·M" 1raves, George Gobel, Frank Gor· (sti·fl) '51 -Lloyd Bridges, Osa shin end Gwen Verdon. (R) Mas.sen. 0 Q3 00 g:) Adam·l 2 ·(C) (30) m News (C) (30) 0 Movie: (C) "RJlnbo'! Island" m SWin&in' Gospel (C) (60) (comedy) '«-Barry Sullivan, Dor· othy Lamour, Eddie Bracken. al Hollywood and the stirs (30) fJ Miiiion $ Movie: (C) "Two Rode 11:001J 0 ~ N~ (C) Toeether'' (western) '61 _ James fJ Movie:, Hold Th1t Co-Ed" stewart, Richard Widmark. (COf!l~Y) 38 -John Barrymore, m World of Women (C) (30) "Call· Mariorie Weaver. fornia's Ambasudor." Sharon Ter· m John Lennon Show (C) rill, Miss C81ifomia for 1§68, takes 11:15 tJ Fabulous 52 Movie: "The Tar- viewers on a tour of places she nished An&els" (drama) '58-Rock vislted durin1 her reign. Hudson. Robert Stack. Dorothy Ma· €!) Los Caudillos (30) lone. 7:40 m Dod&ers Warm·up (C) Vin Scul· 0 m News (C) ly, Jerry Oogaetl 0 Saturday Nlaht Movie: .. Sewn Titiewts" (mystery) '60-Rod Stel· 1:00 0 @ @ g:) ;et Smart (C) (30) ge<, Edward G. Robill30n, Joan m Dodi'fS Baseball (C) (21,4 hr) Collins. The Dodgers meet the San Diego m Maurice Woodruff (C) Padres. Vin Scully and Jerry Dor· gett call the play-by-play. 11:30 m The Emprus (C) m The Amerlun West (C) (30) 11:45 0 m Toni&flt Show (C) Et) NET Festival (60) ''The World 0 Movie: "Dishonored lldJ" of Bossa Nova." (R) (mystery) '47-Hedy Lamarr, Dennis O'Keefe. €1.) Noelle de Estreno (2 hr) m Movie: "Pusare Home" (dra- 1:30 IJ ~Ci) My Three Sons (C) (30) ma) '56 -Anthony Steel, Diane 0 Ci) @ m The Ghost and Mrs. Cilento. Muir (C) (30) 12;30 fJ Movie: (C) "M1rco Polo" (ad- 0 @ @ al The Lawrtnt» Wei. venture) '62-Rory Calhoun, Yoko Show (C) (60) ''Get Happy" sets Tani. the m~d fOf an hour of muslcal m Men in Crisis potpourri. (R) m Buck Owens (C) (30) 1:00 0 Movie: (C) ''Pete Kelly's Blues" (drama) '55 -Jack Webb, Pem 9:001) 9 ~Ho11n's Heroes (C) (30) Lee. 0 Q) m NBC Saturd1J m All-Nlpt Sllow: "Lavender Hill Movie: ( ) ''Farenheft 451" (dra· Mob " ''The Bl& Lift" and "SWonl ma) '67 -Osbr Werner, Julie of the Empire." Christie. m 1111 Andtrson (C) (30) 1:15 0 News (C) EE Critiqut (C) (60) A repeat of a O AcMntum of the SenprlJ (C) • 1 DAYTIME PROQRAMS MONDAY thru FRIDAY Brown. June Lockhart end Petet '1) ComlllOdltJ/Stock 1..-t Fonda. The show is pre.empted on 1:30 fJ 9 · Ci) TIN Culdt111 Upt (C) Tuesday. This show begins its 18th televl· 6·00 B Summer Selllnttt' (C) "Black m Trvth or ConMqUtncn (C) slon!ear on Monday of this week. . Heritage-A History of Afro-Amerl· m Public Service Film• I 00 m Another World (C) cans." @@SunnJ TodaJ (C) ltller Knows Best 6:30 I Summer School 10:30 ! ~ Cl) Didi Van o,ke @ CU a> Let' a Make e DNI • Education Exchanp (C) · @(!) m Holl1"00d Squem ( ) Monty Hall hosts. Tiie Perceptive Parent ( ) Host Peter Marshall welcomes 0) Joan Rtvm Sflow (C) Eduution1I Film1 panelists Wally Cox. Shani Wallis, fl) The Pierre Show Techniul Comer Paul Lynde, Kaye Ballard, Jan Mur· 2:00 U Cit Cl) Secret storm (C) 7:00 I) CBS News (C) Joseph Bentl. ray, Gypsy Rose Lee. Charley 0 ~@ m You Don't SaJ (C) 0 @ @ m The Today Show (C) Weaver, Abby Dalton and Greg . HosfTom Kennedy welcomes guests H Do h t Morris. Jo Anne Worley and Allan Sues. ugh wns os s. I The Real McCo... C 0.1 A ..... 1• D Love Thlt Bob; oo. n1 rounu From the Inside Out (C) tit World (Cl Wed. only. PRINCE CHARLES INVESTITURE Roy Rocers 0 (Ii) (1) a> lite NtwfJWtcl Game On TuesdlJ, July 1, 111 networks 11:00 I)~ 00 love of Ute (C) ~ Bob Eubanks hosts. wlll talTJ tht ancient c•tmonJ 0 @ (!) m Jeopardy (C) Art m MO¥ie: See Daytime Movies. ind sunoundinc festivities from Fl11mlng hosts. 2:30 IJ Q (j) The £Ate• of Ni&flt (C) Caern1rvon, Wiles, where Prince fJ Tb Gallopinc Gourmet (C) 0 00 m The Match Came Charles will sweer to become Graham Kerr. (C) ost Gene Rayburn welcomes "llegt 1111n of life 1nd limb end 0 Debbie Orelle Dancerdze (C) i sts Sue Lyon and Robert Morse. earth'J worship," just u Edward m Sheriff John (C) leave It to Beaver 11 did on February 7, 1301, when m Romper Room (C) (i7J@ a> D1tlna: G1me (C) he WIS made tht first Prince of 11 :25 I) Qj 00 CBS News (C) Doutlas Jim Lange hosts. Wales. Telecasts btfin at 7 AM, Edwards. 2:45 O News (C) Ted Meyers. 1nd ABC carries Ult airemony at 11:30 e ~ 00 Search for Tomorrow (C) 3:00 I The Llnllletter Show (C) 9:3o AM. 0 ei)@ m EJe Guess (C) Bill · P.D.Q. (C) Dennis James hosts. Cullen. Hiehw•J Patrol R Exercise With Gloria (C) fJ The Anniversa,, Game (C) Al . @ CV m General Hospltll (C) Dj Mr. Wishbone (C) Hamel hosts. O Movie: See Daytime Movies. 7:30 0 ~::ci:::n~7B 2n~enm':.~~1t. Roy Elwell and Bob al F:~n:::n Ca~s:c); Zoor1m1 (C) m The Fllntstollts (C) m World Adventure (C) Mon.; Monday. 8:00 I) Q9j (j) Captain Kana:aroo (C) Trlftl (C) Tues., Thurs,; The BNU fi3 ~Matin": Don Rodewald. With Bob Keeshan. James Thine (C) Wed. Host James ~ Dialing for Dollars Movie 0 Abbott-& Costello Cartoons (C) Locke Interviews fashion designers m ttinff: Don Wiison. m MlptJ Mouat (C) and manufacturers. 3:30 I) Lud!J Pair (C) Geoff Edwards 0) Rodtt Robin Hood (C) . l1:45 0 Corrls GUJ (C) Wed. hosts. 8:15@ (1) Vldto Dicest (C) I Mille Douelu (C) One Step Beyond 8:25 0 Co"ununity Bulletin Board (C) @ (3) t:!) One Life To Live (C) Thursday only. m MJ Fa'Vorite Martian (C) 8:30 0 Ghost Towtta/Your Money's 12:00 I) Boutique (C) m Hobo Kelly (C) Worth (C) Thursday only. D Q) @ m PREMIERE You're 4:00 I Sea Hunt I Astronaut Cartoons (C) Putting Mt On (C) Bill Leyden hosts Girl Talk (Cl Bup BunnJ (C) a new game show in which three @ @ a> Dark Shadows (C) Gumby (C) . teams compete against each other Jonathan Frid stars. (]) Rod!J and His Fntnds (C) to euess which of four famous m The Flintstones (C) 8:55 0 Community Bulletin Board (C) people one person ls pretending to 4:301 Movie: See Daytime Movies. 9:00 B The Lucy Show (C) be. Permanent panelists are Peggy Divoru Court (C) 0 ~ @ m It T1lles Two (C) Cass, Bl.II Cullen an~ Larry ~lyden. News (C) Biii Bonds. Vin Scully hosts. 0 Movie: See .Daytime Movies. News (C) George Putnam. 0 Movie: See DaJtime Movies. fJ @ (]) Bewitched m Bozo's Bic Top Show (C) Roger Carroll hosts for Johnny m 0) News (C) . @ (]) Mike Dougl11 (C) Grant who is entertaining the troops Ei) Office of the !>resident ~ (j) ShakfJ's f>iue Party (C) in Vietnam. ®' (j) The Llnkletter Show (C) m Town Talk (C) fJ Movie: See Daytime Moviei. 12:15 m Stretch ind Sew (C) Wed. a) Bewitched feature, Tuesday on!Y· . 12:30 I)~ (j) As the World Turns (C) 5:00 0 KNBC Newurvlca (C) 0 Movie: See Daytime Movies. 0 ~ (6) m D1JS of Dur Llvta g Newt (C) Tom Reddin. m @ CIJ J1ck la Linne (C) (C) Macdonald Carey stars. 0 The Groovy Show (C) m Underct.c (C) 0 @@ That Girl (C) Marlo m Tht Adda"'a familJ Qj (j) AndJ Griffith (C) Thoma~ stars. ~ fT'I Tho Sh (C) 9:30 I)~ Ci) Btv•ly Hillbillies (C) m Movie: See Daytime Movies '4lill ~ Jimmy maaon ow ,,.. ,... '6' '7:' Concentration (C) Ben Hunter hosts. 9 (j) The luc1 Show (C) "" l4SI \.!!.J ~ Ila (C) Al m Rifleman m Dennis the Menace m Di11in1 ~r Do rs an (D That Girl 0) Gumby (C) Sloane hosts. ~ (;i') HaJdtn's Happtftlnf (C) Ei) T1dtnit1I Comer 5:30 fJ@@ a> ABC News (C) Frank \!.!I ~ M 5 1 Reynolds. .. 10:00 IJ AndJ Griffith 1:00 IJ ~Ci) Love Is a "'' Pen-0 Twfllpt lone D Qt (j) m PersonalitJ (C) LU· dorecl Tlliaa: (C) ID -"-nls C) Art J ry Blyden welcomes guests Garr, 0 ID@&D1lte Docton (C) • ., -< •mes. Moore, Lynn Reda:me and TotJe James Pritchett stars. . 0) 8' Gllll1an's llland (C) Fields who discuss the Inner per-O @@ Orta• Houn (C) Mike @ 00 This D•J 1969 (C) sonalities of Alan Kine. James Darow hosts. ~ ()) NeWMJ9 (C) M 0 HNI N (, MORE BOYS & GIRLS NEEDED FOR NEW YV COMMERCIALS Thh h the latHt word from the m•ior •g•nh and produce" in Hollywood. T elevi1ion commerci•l1 .,. bi9 bu~:neu. It is • bu1in•n th•t employ~ • larq1 number of children e11d pay1 th1m ler91 1tl· ariH . But where did the11 klch coM• froM, and how did th1y 9et there? Well, would you b1lieve thay"ta found in such far out jplacu u Fullerton. Santa Ana, or th1 outer reqions of Lon9 Be•cl1 l or Pomona? Som• of thue youn9- 1ter1 m•y l'v1 ri9ht newt door I But who find1 these talented boys lend qlrls to fill th• prod11ction nt1d11 The studios end agents don't hav• time, 10 u e result. there is • ler9e d1mend, and to fill this demand, a P11blic Ref•, tions Company c•lled TAKE I PRODUCTIONS, INC. hu t11rnad ih 1ner9ies and r••o11rces to fill· in9 this nt1d. TAKE I POOUC· TIONS t11•kes profeulonal contach in Hollywood for newcomerJ. SINDY ENNEN Local school girl's e-arnings reach $10,000 in TV ccm- mercials a few months after b e i n g signed by Take l ~oductions. IF YOU ARE BETWEEN THE AGES Of l AND 19 . AND WOULD LIKE A CHANCE TO DO COMMER· CIALS AND T.V. Call 547-6251 N•w Take 1 P'rodudion1, Inc. ORANGE CO. OFFICE. Page 5 DLD -FABBIDIBD FDUITB Karen Valentine, a new face to be seen on ABC's Room 222, which debuts this fall, pops out of a mail box to wish all television viewers a "Happy Fourth of July." Karen holds "July Fourth," an outdoor scene painted by Grandma Moses in 1951 at the age of 91. The 6c U.S. postage stamp, issued May 1, is part of • the American Folklore series. The stamp portrays a tum-of-the-Century Fourth of July aeen~ The first investiture of a Prince of W alea aince 1911 (when the Duke of Windaor WU inveated) ain _on NBC in an expanded edi- tion of The Today Show, beginning at 7 AM Tuesday. · From Caernarvon Caatle in Northern Wales the formidable pageantry of the in- vestiture of Prince Cbarlea aa Prince of Wales by Queen Elizabeth Il ia presented on "Today," which will carry via satellite the color coverage o( the British Broadcaatina Corporation. "Today's" Barbara Walters and London- bued correspondent Ray Scherer are the American reporters for Today Show viewen. Emlyn Williama, the noted Welsh actor, and Richard Baker are the reporten for BBC. Caernarvon Caatle, built by Edward I in ( t c r r f s h ft t 'r I: ~ 0 the 18th century, waa the birthplace of Ed- ward n, the tlrat Prince of WaJea~ The col-1 orful ceremony will include proceaaiona, . I n brasa bands, trumpeters, and masaed choirs singing in W elah. c I ~ i~ N h p 1 c re c ht w (~ br m tic Pl M Le Ar Cc th er Cc in "T ci< ha Ju an ca rel. an Ch l ,. u li- )f m n- of >D te .. n- 1 e ... ld In l- ·1-.. "' Actress-comedienne Alice Ghostley has been set to por· tray a babysitter and maid on ABC·TV's Bewitched se· ries, starring Elizabeth Mont· gomery as Samantha Steph· ens, the lovely witch who is married to a mortal. She will play the recurring role of Es· meralda, a shy witch who fades whenever a stranger speaks to her. Miss Ghostley has completed one episode for the 1969· 70 season. In the episode, "Samantha's Yoo· Hoo Maid," Esmeralda is brought in to help Samantha, who is going to have a sec- ond child. • • • Flip Wilson has signed a new contract with NBC for a comedy·variety special to be colorcast during the 1969-70 season. The young comedian is also under contract with NBC to make a pilot for a half-hour series for possible presentation in NBC-TV's 1970-71 season. • • • Lee Weaver and Sid Mc- Coy have been signed for recurring roles on "The Bill Cosby Show," a new half· hour comedy-drama which will make its debut on NBC (Sundays 8:30 PM). Weaver will play Cosby's brother, Brian Kincaid, a member of the city Sanita· tion Department or, as he puts it, ••garbage man.'' Sid McCoy will be seen as Mr. Langford, principal of a Los Angeles high school where Cosby, as Chet Kincaid, is the physical education teach- er. lee Weaver appeared as Cosby's next-door neighbor in the Noah's Ark sketch of "The Second Bill Cosby Spe- cial" on NBC-TV recently. He has played featured roles on Julia, Mannix, The Outcasts and I Spy. He appears in a cameo role in the as yet un · released film "The lost Man." Sid McCoy, for many years an outstanding disk jockey in Chicago, where he headed "The Real McCoy" late-night show, has been in Ca lifornia for three years. In that time, he has played roles in The FBI , Dragnet, Wild, Wild, West, The Name of the Game and many other TV series. In addition, he has appeared in the films "The One with the Fuzz.'' "Colossus," "The lost Man" and "Medium Cool." • • • Joe Pyne, the master of the verbal barb, has not only made a successful return to the active television scene- but has been renewed on long-term contract with Met· romedia Television . Originating in the Holly- wood color studios of KTTV, Pyne's discussion· interview series presently is being syn- dicated to some 150 markets throughout the United States and Canada. • • • KNXT is the winner of four top awards in the 17th an- nual news competition of the California Associated Press Television and Radio Associ- ation. No awards were given to any other Los Angeles television station. Channel 2's "The Big News" captured the Certifi- cate of Excellence as the "best regularly scheduled news program" -for the fourth consecutive year. "Black On Black," a 90· minute study by KNXT of life in South-Central Los Ange- les, earned the Certificate of Excellence in CAPTRA's doc- umentary category. In the Television Spot News category, KNXT won a Cer- tificate of Merit for its cov- erage of the "Sespe Creek Rescue," a dramatic account of a flood rescue in the mountains involving the lone survivor of a group of camp- ers. KNXT's coverage of the Inglewood Handicap, broad· cast on the "Hollywood Park Feature Race'' series, was singled out for a special award in the Sports category. : . Allen Rich , , (Allen Rich bas been on woatlon.. Riis column resumes next week. This is the last in a series of guest columns.) By LLOYD HA YNES (Editor's Note: Lloyd Haynes stars in 20th Century-Faz Televisioo's "Room 222," a new, haU-hour comedy~rama debut- ing in September on ABC.TV.) First of all, le seems in order to eiplain what "Room 222" ls, since there frequently are puzzled loob an the faces ot people I meet when I tell them the name of our series. "Room 222" ls a room in a high school; me high school Is in a large city and the student body is made up of whites, blacks, Orieneals and Latin-Americans. The character I play, Pete Dixon, Is a teacher who presides over this classroom and its students. The other regulars In the series, Demse Nicholas, Michael Con· standne and Karen Valentine, portray a coonselor, the school principal and a student-teacher, respectJvely. And there are the students, played by a wonderful group of young actors and actresses who seem to possess all ot the youthful vitality of today•s genera- tion. It's through the students that the major ~eme of "Room 222" is ex- pressed: That k!ds from all backgrounds and origins can live together. Gene Reynolds, the producer of "Room 222," perilaps said It best wtlen LLOYD HAYNES he said, "We hope we are produclng an honest series, tilled with drama and humor. We have a good chance, providing we recall our orisfnaJ idea: To refer to life, not tbeattt." All Of us In the cast. I tb.lnk. follow tb1s admonition fully. I bave bad opportunity to observe, at some lenstb. teacben tn cl.usrooms tn schools throughout tbe Los Anaeles areL Tbe ceachera know I'm an actor and that Pm observtng tbem with an eye toward understanding their problems and the tecbnlques they use In educating the lclds ot today. I've enjoyed auditing these claas sessions In many different schools and I've learned from each ol them. Also, the writers of episodes of "Room 222'' have been en- couraged to visit schools, especially Los Angeles High School where we film our show. The staff at L.A. High bas been most cooperative. Not only do they put up with 8!1 entire film company of about 70 people at least once a week but they welcome au or us involved ln the creative development of the series, ready to answer writers' questions or pass along Ideas. In our effort to bring an enterta.lnJna series to the televtsloa screen, we hope to enlighten our viewen to some eztent u well. We hope to say that love and commUnlcatloa nlst between people, regardless of anything else. We bope to demonstrate that ''integration" works -and on a level that ls real, human and genuloe. "Room 222," then, is more than just a classroom in a high school. It is .a series of stories about people living today, students and teachers, administrators and parents -in a word, about us. Some of dle stories touch on problems close to all of us. Others deitl with problems and situations which, while very reat, have been experienced by comparatively '" people. I have high hopes fcxr "Room 222." All of. the people connected with the 9erles have WOT'ked harder than I imagined possible to breathe Jife Into it. Hours and hours al research, sampling and revaluatlng have gone into eNery script. Olaracterizatlons have been thoughtfully enaJyzed and a fine balance of humor and drama has always been sooght. Beginning ln September, I hope viewers will drop tn at "Room 222" each Wednesday nigflt on Channa 7. ,.,. 7 'r SUNDAY JUNE 29 '.' () p • ; I '• (I KaUlry• blll!Nn (Q Generel Secretary of the World nil flrn (C) Council of Churches, and author THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. JUNE 28, 1969 o U1J mm u.s. w ........ , o,.. Qolf (C)trom Scenic Hills Country Cl ub. Pensacole, Fla. Fln1I round action is covered by Jim McKay. Bud Palmer and byron Nelson. Mri. Susie Maxwell Bemlnr. the 1968 Open champion, is on hind to de· fend her title. .. ~ levh1I (C) Philip Scha'119r, Editor-in-Chief of IOHX (C) Shetd and Wini Inc., discusslna • 11M AnlMr (C) racism . t :OO Calf• nir .. (C) l @CI>&> Kina Kon1 (C) Illy f1VOttta s.r .. n (C) Faith for Today (C) 0., of DilCOWtfJ (C) (j) FNture CMll•pt 11:00 ~ Hiid Start (C) "Kit· All stations reserve the right to chan&e program- ming without advance no- tice. _.,Mak (C) tens." W A. A. Alltft I Thlt Is Ult Lilt (C) ~ryn Kulllmn (C) Ho .. buye.r't Ciulde (C) THI and Jerry (C) @CI) Q) Bullwinkle (C). a3 uev1 Cita Mowie: "Youn& 111d Wild ' (dra· m God 111d M111 In tM 20t11 C.11· ma) '58-Gene Evins. Scott Mar- 6:15 6:30 6:55 7:00 7:30 7:45 8:00 Tht Christoplltr1 t111y lowt. Tht Blbtt AnlWIB m AcJleultural Repor1 (C) I Qurch in tllt Homt (C) Cilvt U1 Tiiis D11 (C) 9:30 1J Mltlic., M•sk, Mnic (C) A bar· ~ Firlt l1ptist Qul'dl Tom 111d Jtrry (C) bershop quartet Is featured. WrtStli111 (C) Sund•J funnlts (C) R [cono11lcs for All Aat• (C) • 11pns (C) Aquan11n (C) Movie: "lalt" (mystery) '50-11:30 Tt ll It Ullt It Wu (C) "Rell· Mormon Tabtrn1elt Choir (C) Diana N~ler, John Bentley. gion." Part II. Program deals with D11111 and Qolllth (C) ~ m Dudlty Do-Rl&flt (C) the style of ''old-time reli1ion" and T1lt Christoph•• (C) 11 Roberts (C) talks 1bout Its origin, its meaning, !(J) L1111p Unto MJ Ftet (C) Aqu1111an (C) and Its vlt1I importlnce .in the dif· ffit Clulstophtrs (C) . MlllCI 1 Mano Ranchtro ficult lives of black me n. tdral of Tomorrow (C) • This 11 th• Uft (C) IJ Milestonu of Min (C) Day of Dlscovtry ~C) 10:00 Ttd1y'1 Rtllllon (C) . @ (]JQ) Discovery (C) "The Wondtra111 (C) · lcultufe lJsA (C) Backyard People and the Big Top Alltr1 R1Ylv1I Hour (C) (}) Q) Uaus (C) Crew." Tha circus world---4ts · glam-CI> DIYIJ 111d Qollath (C) • owlt: "As Youn& At You fNr' orous public image and life behind (jJ QOd Is lfte AnlWtr (C) (drama) '62 -Monty Wooley, Jean the scenes-is uamined in today's 8:30 ~ Up 1nd . livt (C) Third of Peters. program. (R) a th ree-part series explorinr the I Oral Rota.ta (C) 0 Mowit : (C) "Tiie Bt1r'' (comedy) challenges facina modern man in ~ F1itlt fw Ttday (C) '63-Renato Rascel, Francis Blanche. the lest third of this century. Dr. Tift MIU Mttti•& (C) m Accent on Action (C) Samuel Btlkin, president of YeshiYa lllutt CoflllDft University and an outst1ndln1 1d-• Wines to Advtfttufe (C) /\IT f HNOON YOC1te of Orthodox Jewry, is inter-10:30 Steps te Ltaraiq (C) viewed. • @ @ m NIC Jtlieioa St-12:00 II The Sunflower Ctltbntion C:0.- 1,rofilt Ml (C) "Racism: Prime Obmcle P1nJ (C) The folk music of youni Rebels With a C.use (C) to World Community." A Wor1d Christendom as 1 method of aim- Movie: "Dmll'" (drama) '57-Council of Churches program fu· munlcations is explored. Chandler, Joanne Dru. turing Or. Eu1ene Carson Blake, · Read Ript! (C) SECARD SALE GIANT SWIMMING P,OOL Ya HP flLm-SUllfACI Ski MAINTINANCI ICfT aonoM DUIN AND CHEMIW DtSPIHSH 18 FT.• POOL 9 LINER IEPUCEMENT CEITll ALL SIZES llAHl-SUDfS-ClllMICMS-r ACUllM sns 100•/. PINANCIN0--36 MONTHS TO PAY 5 locations To Serve ,Yau. 9 Yea rs' Experience 323 S. Main, Orange 532-1992 YES, WE HAVE OVALS TOOi OPEN 10:30 TO 7:30-7 DAYS Pep 8 II Mondo (C) EalentlallJ Sts ~ This 11 the Life (C) Triple Feature f11ture • t tn Su C... • PTofllu of PToerea (C) Ar111td Forces Hiplipts (C) 12:15 Dodftfl Duput (C) Bill Welsh. 12:30 ~ (j) Face tht Nation (C) ngressman Gerald R. Ford (R .. Mich.). minority leader of the House of Representati ves, guests. I Cllaracttrs In the Arts (C) Qene AAltrJ PTeu Confartna (C) Sin Fran· cisco's mayor Jowph Alioto 1uests. I Wonltip of the West (C) CI> Stories of Sllcceu (C) QU.st for AdY .. blrt (C) hwpt (C) 12:40 Dodprs Wana-up (C) Jerry Oouett Vin Scully. 1:00 II ~ (j) Nfl Action (C) "The Way Up." A fast-paced. hard·hittinr success story about the Minnesota Vikings, this show eumines the role played by coach Bud Grant in his team's 1coomplishments over a two-year period. 0 m MHI the PTesa (C) 0 Mowie: "Sinnlf"s HolidlJ" (mys· i!e~) '47 -George Raft. Ann Hard- ~~ ~.:lrtctlons (C) Doda•rs Ba11blll (C) L.A. vs. San Diego Padres from San Diego Stadium. I RevlY1I Am (C) 1:30 Qt()) lbtlonal MU Tredl and ltld Cfll11pionslllps (C) The Na· tional MU Men's Championships 1re presented from Miami, Florida. 0 Youtll ind ttlt Pollet (C) I Voice of C.lv1ry (C) U.S. Navy Film (C) 2:00 Station to Statioft (C) Reller Dtrbf (C) Ci) Movie*Round I Duelo dthsionn feature (C) 2:30 Oft Campu1 (C) "Teachers as Performers as Artists." The Pacific Art Trio (Alice Chapiro. piano; Is- rael Baker, violin; Ed&ar lustgarten, cello) are professional musicians and teachers at Scripps Coller• in , Claremont. They play three move· ments of "Trio for Piano, Violin and Cello," Opus 87 by Brahms. O Million $ Movie: "WH Geordie" (comedy) '56-8111 Travers, Alastair Sim. m Holldly (C) 3:00 i) Rtplftolr9 Worbhop (C) "Cor· ridor." The emotion-charged three. character drama w11tten by Harry Harris, television critic ror the Philadelphia Inquirer. features Dr. Paul Hosteler, a Temple University theatre arts Instructor; actress Louise Hott; and Louis Lippa, a stage director 0 Movie: (C) "Youn1 Beu" (dra- ma) '53 -Jean Simmons. Stewart Granger. IJ Mowit: "ltllt SUrr's D1u&ftttt"' (westam) '48-Rod Cameron, Ruth Roman. 0 @ (I) (f) lsaues Ind AIAtrl (C) Howard K. Smith. I Homestud (C) (]) Public Service McKetvlf & the Colonel 3:15 Dod&trs Scoreboard (C) 3:30 6 lnlidtr/Outsidtr (C) Repara· lions to black people, as drafted by the Student Non-Violent Co- ordinating Committee, is today's subject. 0 Movie: (C) "Inferno" (drama) '53-Robert Ryan, Rhonda Flemin&. Bif Aft.let Darin& Vtnturu (C) m U.S. Navy Fil• (C) : UD Review (R) • Tht Rat Pa1rol (C) ladles Day (C) 4:00 Viewpoint (C) Man from UNCU (C) Thtatre I rn Laramie Ci) Fact tilt Nltioft (C) · Ventlna Sobrt loa Hljos • Ensian O'T oo1e · American PTobl9s (C) 4:30 Newsmallers (C) • Ntw1 (C) : Misttro11rs' Nelpborttood Ci) Polh 'aradt (C) • Musica , Palabras • feature · Scope (C) 5:00 News (C) Clete Roberts. · ml Conrrmional Report (C) 4:551 Wonderful World ol Sport (C) Of. But.r's AdYtnturu (C) Mni1: (C) "Sonr Witi.out End" drama) '60-Dlrk Bo1arde, Cl pu- clne. 0 Sllippy (C) "The Wuatah Pro- cession." Mark and Sonny Ham- mond become celebrated jewel de- tectives. m MtrY Griffin (C) 169 • try Ind 1y, ra. 68 le· as fie IS· !II, ins in . 1e- lin •" air >r· ~e­ rry he 7r. ity !$$ a '8· ut ,,.. 1th lfl ·a· ed ~­ r's •) If.. I'' ~- II) Tlllt NIW Sound (C) @ m 5"tn Arb Tlltabt: "The View t nim Pompey's Head." I Cospet of Qrilt (i) I Dream of Jeannie (C) Wliat's New? (C) Toros Run for Your Uft (C) 5:30 I IJlc!S I A West Side Story ( ) Expansion and achievements of the University of Caliromia at Los Ange:as since lb inception fifty yurs aro are examined. 0 $pNk Up (C) Bill Leyden. 11 h&U hrMt (C) A patriotic musical salute in anticipation of Independence Day. I Cld&tt (C) Tblrd Man 6 Meet the Press ~ SEASON Youn& Musictl Artists: Edward Auer, an intema· tionally acclaimed young pianist, presents an all-Chopin recital. The series, desianed to acquaint a large audience with young performing artists, is partially being produced by a grant from the Martha Baird Rockefeller Fund. 9 [i) Amateur Hour (C) m The Dakotas EVENING 6:00 1J ti!) @ The 21st Century (C) (30) "Stranger Than Science Fie· tion." A comparison of yesterday's science fiction with today's science fact, exploring what science fiction today predicts for our world in the 21st century. ( R) 0 IT'S ACADEMIC-Ante· * lope Valley; Centennial (Compton) & Lynwood Highs compete. I It's Academic (C) (30) Secret ~nt (60) I shc1C Weird Dances of the World (C) (60) The linkers study the meanina. cultllre and origin of the world of dance. fl) Willi1m Tell (30) EE) faces of Business (C) (30) Da· vid Rockefeller, president of the Chase Manhattan Bank, discusses the involvement of his family, his stewardship of the bank, and the bank's relationship t:> urban prob· I ems. • @ 00 Con1ression1I Report (C) (30) (ii) Man f rom UNCLE (C) (60) 6:30 1J Ralph Story (C) (30) D ~ 00 m franll MtGee (C) (30) D Steve Allen Sflow (C) (90) The Dillards, Rip Taylor and Howard Storm guest. ! lnsi(ht (C) (30) Marquee 22 (60) The French Chef (30) Julia Child directs "Operation Chicken." ~ 00 Skippy (C) (30) 7:00 IJ®l 00 lassie (C) (30) A chance to live is provided a mother mallard and her ducklings when lassie discovers that their lives are in danger deep within Oregon's '!,!lsterious rain forest. (R) U @ 00 m HIKk Finn (C) (30) "The Ancient Valley.'' The young· ster~ descend by balloon Into a valley inhabited by prehistoric men. (R) 0 @ CI) (ii) l and of the Giants (C) (60) "Seven little Indians." Steve. Mark, Dan and Betty race through animal cages to reach zoo headquarters when their companions are held t.1Ptive by Inspector K.o· hick. (R) O ntlcix\ Uni? (C) {30) m Sportsmet1'S World Awards (C) ( ) Master of CeremO· nies Art llnkletter presents honors to g1eat athletes of yesteryear with Victors, gold statuettes, for exem· plary personal conduct. Special en· tertainment is provided by sinaer Della Reese, comic Rip Taylor, and singer Frankie Randall II) Passport to Tmtl (C) (30) "Ecuador." Hal Sawyer visits Quito, Guayaquil, and Zaracay. EE) Speculation (60) '1he Business of Crime." (R) el Prism• 5 (C) (30) 7:30 IJ t8 Ci) Gentle Ben (C) (30) Despite warning from his lather, Mark sets out with Ben to locate the legendary lost Laaoon some· where deep in the Everglades.. (R) 0 Ii) 00 m Walt Disney (C) (60) "Escapade in Florence." Con· clusion. In Italy, American art slu· dents Tommy Carpenter and Annette Alliotto and her cousin Bruno are threatened with death unless they reveal the whereabouts of a valu· able painting. Tommy Kirk. Annette Funicello and Nino Castelnuovo are featured. (R) O Million $ Movie: .,Five Golden Hours" (comedy) '61-Emie Kovacs, Cyd Charisse. ID Challenalna Sea (C) (30) '1he Duel." Highlights of race between Howard Weiler and Bill Tedford from New Orleans to Chicago on the Mississippi River. fl) Ii& Pldure (30) SERENADER-Ann-Margret sings a song for guest Danny Thomas during a portion of The A nn-Margrl'I Special re- peat colorcast on NBC, Sunday at JO PM. m Los Caudillos (30) 8:00 B Q9} 00 Ed Sulliv1n (C) (60) Faron Young guest. EE Minion Foru• Gina Tollobrigida. Don Rickles, Jerry 0 @@) m Bon111D (C) (60) EE David Sussklnd (C) (2 hr) Vale and The Chambers Brothers "Queen High." little Joe and Candy "Beauty and Brains-Women Who've guest. CR) win an ore-procusing m111 in a Made It." Five t.1reer women dis· -ROLLER GAME~L· 1 (C) poker game and attempt to break cuss life at the top, the statua of ~ ..,-ive. the monopoly of their opposition. women in our business society and * T·BIROS vs. NEW YORK (R) the working relationships between e Roller G1mea (C) (2 hr) T-Birds 0 @ CV a> ABC Sunday Movie: men and women at the pinnacle of vs. N.Y. Bombers. "Midley Ont"-(drama) '65-Warren the corporate pyramid. 0 @(])(ii) Tbe FBI (C) (60) Beatty, Franchot Tone, Hurd Hat· • Grin Teatro (60) "The Nightmare." An embeuler, es· field, Alei1andra Stewart, Teddy 10:30 World Tomorrow (C) (30) caping to Canada via a hoodlum Hart. Kamatari Fujiwara.-Mickey Joe Pyne (C) (2 hr) underground ral:road, discovers that One, a nightclub performer, tries Kadi!!!' Kuhl1111n (C) (30) his driver, Virgil Phipps, ls more to run away and hide after be· 11:00 Du m """ (C) interested in the stolen money than coming heavily in debt. (R) Cathedral of Tomorrow (C) in his safe delivery. (R) Homestead/News (C) Western Star The1trt II) Wanderlust (C) (30) "Return to Peter Gunn (30) Wild Adventure 1C) Ball." Bill Burrud take us to one • Domlnaos Htrdtz (30) (I)@ C6HB 00 News (C) of the scenic islands of Indonesia. 9:30 • News (C) (30) 11:15 Movie: •'If H1pptntd in Brook· fl) The Fisher FamllJ (30) Public Service (C) (30) lyn" (comedy) '47-Frank Sinatra, EE) Sounds of Summer (C) (2 hr} Mr. l Mrs. North (30) Jimmy Durante. "Memphis Birthday Blues Festival.'' • la Bruj1 M1ldita (30) 11:20 fJ News (C) Steve Allen hosts a selection of 10:00 Q!l 00 Mission: Impossible (C) U:30 IJ Movie: "Mutiny on tht Bounty'' highlights from one of the liveliest (60) The former dictator (Albert (classic) '35-Clark Gable, Charles and most important of the annual Paulsen) of a Caribbean island is Laughton. blues festivals. Performing in Mam· made to have hallucinatory visions O 'LOHMAN AND BARKLEY' phis, Tennessee are Booker T. in which he sees his ominous des· MIDSUMM Washington, Nathan Beauregard, tiny: it's all part of an Ingenious * A ER'S The Insect Trust. Albert Collins, plot designed by the Impossible NIGHTMARE John Fahey and others. Missions Force. (R~ 8 lohm1n & 81rtlley (C) 6!) C1rrousel Mexicano (60) 0 @ 00 m IS ic1Ati Ann· I l!ic1IL) How To Stop S11ok· 8:30 0 @ (6) m The Mothers·ln·la Mariret Show (C) (60) A music in& () Part V of Dr. Donald Fred· (C) (30) "The Not·SO·Grand Opera." and comedy special starring Ann· rickson's clinic. Eve and Kaye run into an embar· Margret with guests Bob Hope, Jack m The Empress (C) rassing situation wh en they mistake Benny and Danny Thomas. Carol @ 00 lnalfht (C) an opera star (Marni Nixon) for an Burnett makes a brief appearance 11:45 m Movie: "Twili&ht WoNt n" (dra· amateur. (~) . . , on the program. (R) ma) '53-Rena Ray, Lois Maxwell. m Movie: 'The lite Georp Apley' 8 m News (C) (30) lZ·OO -Public Service (drama-comedy) '47 -Ronald Col· • ltt Mt Talk To ••• (C) (60) • ~ . man. Peggy Cummins. Keith Walker is host of this new 12:30 m Mtn In Crisis I The Sports Set (C) (30) proaram that features Hve telephone 1:001J Movie: "E.lcapadt in J1p1n" The World Tomorrow (30) conversations between viewers and (a dventure) '67--Cameron Mltehell, 9:00 ~Ci) Hee·H•w (C) (60) prominent personalities of the day. Teresa Wright. George Jones. Tammy Wynette and II) Labor Report (C) (30) 0 News (C) MONDAY JUNE 30 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for youf convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES a) Ntwa (C) (60) Don Travis. ':30 0 llNIC N .... M<• (C) (60) m v.,.,, to the lotto• of the S.1~) (60) 9 6 HuntltJ·lrinklty (C) (30) fll) win Circle Hudllnts (C) (30) "Alcoholism-A National Problem." Dr. James Smith. M.D.. chief of staff at the Schadel HMpital In Seattle, discusses his hospit1l's ex· elusive treatment of alcoholics. ~ (j) m News (C) (30) g) Noticlero 34 (C) (60) 7:00 R CBS Evenine News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. INCANDESCENT! "~n£1!1\~ ·~ ~ A Show to light your fire With ORI.A RHSI SANDY IARON and TOI' GUEST STAH 10 PM, WEEKNITES COLOR~ fJ Whit's MJ Une? (C) (30) Wally Bruner and Arlene Francis welcome guest panelists Gene Rayburn, Dr. Joyce Brothers and Jack Cassidy. 9:00 r.a ''Too Lite for Tears" (drama) m Password (C) (30) Chris Noel ~ and Roger Smith guest. KHJ·TV~ '49-Lizabeth Scott, Dan Duryea. tij (6) Mond., Movit (C) (2 hr) 0 "M1 and Pa Kettle" (comedy) fll) usttrn Wisdom and Modtrn '49-Marjorie Main. Percy Kilbride. life (30) "Law and Order." Alan --------------------------0 "Young Mr. Lincoln" (drama) Watts presents a contrast ol Chi· stars. Chief Justice Earl Warren. The pro- '39-Henry Fonda. Alice Brady. nese and Western views of the tD Innovations (30) ''Innovations gram Is a biographical look at 12:00 IJ "Ain't No Time for Glory" (ad·1 order of nature. the former based In Traffic Safety." Or, Richard Warren's political life, followed by venture) '57-Barry Sullivan. Gene on visual patterns and the latter Brenneman talks with representa· a review of the Court's decisions Barry. on verbal law. tives from the University of Cali· on desegregation, reapportionment 12:30 m (C) ','Oe3th PaJs in Dollars" (jV, (j) family Affair (C) (30) fomia Institute of Transpartation and criminal procedure. ~drama) 66 -Stephe_n Forsyth~; I g;, Cesar's Wor1d (C) (30) and Traffic Engineering. They dis-Qi) (j) The Aintstones (C) (30) 'The Womt~ of Prtcatrn . Island m Dream House (C) (30) cuss new safety devices developed EE COmieos 1 C1nciones (30) 2:00 ~v.~~~et'~7(m~~~~)B~~·7-Mary 7:30 B, Qj Ci) Gu.~smollt (C) (60) by the institute, and view films of 9:30 B famiJy Affair (C) (30) The twins Brain. Henry Wilcoxln. 7he Intruder. Deputy Festus H,ag-the Driving Simulator testing ac· are capt~ated by Albertine (Alycia 3:00 0 "Conspiracy 01 Hearts" (dra· gin and wounded prisoner Rile tual driving and crash conditions. Gardner). a shy little girl who tells ma) '60-Ulli Palmer. Sylvia Syms. I Sharp (Charles Aidman) find refug m Duelo de Pasiones (30) fascinating stories about her lather 4:30 f) (C) "Man in the Saddle" (west· al a ranch that tu_rns OU~ to be 8:00 D m Laugh-In (C) (60) Guest and beats French at chess. (R) ern) '5l _ Randolph Scott. Joan the home of the wile (Gari Kobe) fTIP Wi•son runs the gamut from I News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. Leslie and son (Eric Shea) Sharp left be· Michelangelo to a hip weather fore· 12 O'Clodt High (60) · hind eight years earlrer when he caster. from old man to young McHale's Navy (30) EVENING 6:00 f) The Bi& News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. ' R m Huntley·Brin~leJ (C) (30) steve Allen Show (C) (90) Dion. Senta Berger, Professor Julrus Sumner Miller and Mort Sahl guest O Six O'Clodt Movie: (C) ''Starlet An1el" (adventure) '52-Rock Hud· son. Yvonne De Carlo I Love Lucy (60) B1tm1n (C) (30) 11 SpJ (C) (60) 3 Mtrv Griffin (C) (90) ~ars New? (30) "Mr. Fixit." an rntroduction to the use of cam· eras: "Sport Studio.·• a timid boy gains self-confidence through ski· ing; "Adventures in Moving," the impartance of balance is pointed out by divers and gymnasts. Ol Jwentud Dlvino Tesoro (30) hi• 10 went to prrson for a $25.000 rob· woman (R) m Revis11 Musie1I (30) bery (R) D Zane Grey 130) 10:00 B ~ @ Jimmie Rodgers (C) 0 m I Dream of Jeannie (C) (30) m Hazel (C) (30) (60) George Carlin guests Also on "The Case ol My Vanishing Mas· fli) World Press (C) (60) the bill is Kaye Stevens. ter." Part I of two parts. When m Hit Parade (C) (60) IJ m News (C) (60) Tony's double replaces him at 8:30 f) Q9, (ii Here's Lucy (C) (30) fJ (jj) CI) al Didi Cavett (C) (60) home. the double is surprised by for Craig's 16th birthday. Lucy ac· Woody Allen guests. Jeannie and frnds himself about companies him to the Motor Vehi-I Della! (C) (60) to marry her (R) cle Bureau to take his dnvrng tes1. • Mariana (30) 1J Jld Bennr (30) (R) 10:30 Ntws (C) Bill Johns. fJ al The Aveneers (C) (60) "The 1J Golden vo,age (C) (30) '"Serene : Aring Line (C) (60) "'Black Re· Lrving Dead." Steed and Emma Sweden " bellion on Campus." William F. track down a ghost wanted lor 0 (f7l [3] (fl The Guns of Will Buckley's guests are John Coyne Jr .. murder. (R) Sonnet! {C) (JO) "Trail's End." Two U_C Berke!ey: John Felder, Univer· D Million $ Movie: "Doctor at people claim an interest in James s1ty of Wisconsin; and David Swe- Large" (comedy) '57-Dirk Bogar· Sonnett-one seeks revenge, the dan. Brandeis. de, Muriel Pavlow other seeks his love. (R) I fallute Comon (30) m Truth or Consequences (C) (30) I Merv Griffin (C) (90) 11:00 0 0 m m m News (C) A contestant rs placed on Sunset Run ror Your Life (C) (60) Alfred Hitdlcodl Boulevard and told to practice the 9:00 Mayberry RFD (C) (30) Veteran • M~vie: (C) ."Whirlpo:>I" Cmrs· hula lor a chance to wrn some actor Wiii Geer plays a sea captain tery) 59 -Juliette Greco, Marius prizes. who courts Aunt Bee on a Carib· Goring. IE) Perry M1son (60) bean cruise. Part I of two parts. (R) m Allen Ludden's Gallery (C) Andy @ (J) Spotligllt (C) (60) Bill Dana D Q3 (6) g;, NBC MondaJ Movie: Griffith. Jeannine Burnier, Glen Ash (C) "Banning" (drama) '67-Rob· and The Randy Sparks Collection ert Wagner, James Farentino, Jill guest St John Anjanette Comer. A pro· @ Movie: "State Dep1rtment Flle fessionai' golfer, who has assumed 649" (drama) '49-William Lundi· the alras of Mike Banning to cover gan. up an unsavory incident in a past i ~Ill (6) ~ 00 News (C) tournament. becomes assistant golf 11:30 · ~ ~ Toni£!1t Sho~1 (C) pro at an exclusive country club. ov1~: Romantic • ~ge (ro: underhandedly displacing the man mance) 59 -Hugh W1lhams, Mai who was in line for the job. (R) Zetterling. -THE BARON · 1 0 @ (3) al Joey Bishop (C) -. IS a over 11:35 B Movie: ''Our Yerr Own" (dra· * AND a fighter! Watch! ma) 'SO.-Fartey Granger. Ann Blyth. 1J The Baron (C) (60) 12:30 m Nilled City fJ @ @ al The Outcuts (C) m Action Theatre; ''The Sun Sets (60) "The Man From Bennington." at Dawn." Earl Corey suspects a respected 12:50 D Movie: ''Two Guns and a schoolteacher of being a former Badfe" (western) '54-Wayne Mor· Union Army officer who killed 12 ris. civilian hostages. (R) 1:001 Speaking Freely {C) tD NET Journ1I (C) (90) "The War· Community Bulr.tin Board (C) ren Years." A documentary marking News (C) the end of a judiciary epoch-the 1:20 Movie: "first Man Into Sptct" impact and influence of retiring (sci·fi) '59-Marshall Thompson. The Bobby Sherman Philosophy "Be natural" is Bobby Sherman's philosophy. Bobby plays the character of Jeremy Bolt. the youngest of three brothers living in Seattle around the turn of the century. on Here Come the Brides, beginr.ing its second season on ABC this fall. Bobby believes "it is the easiest and best thing in the world to be yourself. Don't be a phony." Pan magazines recognize his tremendous appeal to the younger generation and hail Bobby Sherman as "the grooviest guy on TV." Joan Blondell, who co-stars on the show as Lottie, describes Bobby as "the most natural actor I've ever seen." Bobby feels "the ability to be natural is essential for success in any field." "Love is the single most important thing in the world today," Bobby continued. "It has been a motivating force in my life. If I love what I am doing. as is the case with Here Come The Brides, I feel that I can do a much better job of acting. This feeling of love holds true for anything--singing, recording, play- ing a musical instrument (he plays 10 instruments), playing pool or shooting photographs (two of his hobbies)." On the set, there is no harder worker than Bobby. He is de·•;_ cated to his work, yet he does not lose any of the essential quality of being natural. "My first acting job in which I felt any confi- dence in my ability as an actor was on Here Come The Brides," Bobby stated. "I had done a few television shows before, but I did not have any confidence in my acting ability because I had too much to learn." Observing Bobby at work on the set. it is easy to see he bas learned his lessons extremely well and, in the process, bas devel- oped a tremendous rapport with the cast and crew of the show. Further evidence of Bobby's ability is that his name was placed on the nomination ballot for the Emmy awards this yea r-his first year as a regular actor on a television show. Bobby was fiattered and honored by the ballot. but be felt he really did not deserve it. Bobby is very interested in music, especially singing. He has just released a new record, "Little Woman," and hopes to sing more on the show next season. Bobby attributes his success to "timing, hard work and some talent," in addition to the support of his fans and bis ability to be natural. His future goals include direction and production. He has already produced records for other musical groups using his own studios, which be built himself at bis parents' home in the San Fernando Valley, for the recording sessions. For the present time, however, Bobby is totally involved with I bis acting career and the future of Herc Come the Brides. 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS $1.00 .... ., ... May be used on envelopes as return address 1abels. Also very handy es identification labels for marking personal items such es books, records, photos, etc. Labels stick on glass and may be used for marking home canned food . items. An labels are printed with stylish V09ue type on fine quality whit~ gummed paper and pecked in reusable magic seal top container. -.-, r----------- 1 All 11 t'-11 CH,..., cllp eu r..-il wfft. $1.00 t.: -- Pilet ,,;., ..... \Abel 01 •• , la 1171, I N.,,,,.,. hech, Cellf. t26'3· I I I I I I ....................................... ~ ....•........... ....................................................... ···················~····················--·············· h ••• t. ... YMr zi, CHe I I I I I I I I ----' , __ _ L PILOT PRINTING ------------FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDEA OF LAIELS WE WILL INCLUDE ... SET OF PACKA&E MAILINe LAIEl..S. ,. ................. --' ,... 11 TUESDAY JULY 1 For mornln1 i nd 1fternoon ll1tin1s. plelH '" DAY. TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, ire the day's movies. All st•· tlona reserve the rl1ht to china• proeramminc with- out 1dv1nce notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO 8 "l.-. Ttw11" (mu.slCAil) '46 ....::.sld F'ltld, Kay Ktnd1ll. D "1llt w...1 Anll et u.. ln" (comedy) '63-feter Sellers. Bt« n1f'11 Jtff rlts. U:OO n..... Sii... (dram•) '35-liirt>art St1nw,tk. Robert You111. 12:•• .,.,, lhlhMI" (comedy) '51 Jack C1r111n. "l1lrtt .,_ ...,_.. (~tfY) '51-llo~ B~ l:tO ID ......,., Clqt" (draN) • JOl\n C.l'ltft. ~ Tllbot 3:to D ..., .. ..._, " Mt" <comectr> 'lT-&ri>lrt Sb~ Edpr Bu· ~"'"' ~ • ...,,... ... (mystety) 'SS- CTlllW hctts. Briln Ktlttl. . . " ,. ' l 18' HunUtr·lrl•kltf (C) (30 stlft Allen Sltow (C) .(90) Lou oltz, H•I Frazier, Betty Wilker, C. C. Ruku auest. D Sia O'aock Movie: ''lltt th GiWtr (adventure) '54-Humphrey Bo11rt, Jennifer Jones. I love lllCY (60) ..... (C) (30) 11 Spy (C) (60) m """ srtf'fift <C> <90> iMt's New? (30) In "Livi111 World," Muri Dtvsina lllVl$tl&1tes tht world of the 1nthropoids; In "The Qultt Min," Bem1rd Brau performs pantomime; ind "NI· tlonll Parks" fe1tures tht Grand Tetons. ., JIN'llltud DfviM y..,.. (30) Q) Ntn (C) (60) Don Tram 1:30 D MIC N••olct <C> (60) mv.,... ......... , .. SIN ~ (60) ~ ...... .,..,., (C) (30) m • .. sw.1111 <C> (30> "Tr1nsfonn1tion." A loolt 1t the U · tensive WOftin1 rnodtls needed to build 1 power station with 1 nttf· fall u 1 source or tMf'D. loca· tion of tht tx~mtnts Is AlvUr- lebr. sw.den. 9 Cll m""" <C> <30> 9J flitiClln ,.. (C) (60) 1:tO II CIS blMlc .... (C) (30) WaltW CroMite. I """' .., a..-.. (C) (30) r a4 (C) (30) ~-=lea! (C) (30) ..... ..... (30) "The Mind's f.1e." Ru:mtl Conncw com- pns tht anc:itftt &net ICUlplD(s view of NII wfttl COlltlftlporarJ lrt· i.st's sudl as Picmo Ind H-.y Come on in! STERUNG CROn (Th• N•w Owner I WR.COMES YOU lO HIS CHEVRON STATION MAIN AND llACH .. YD. HUNnM•lOM II.ACM Me dMutic • o.ty -6 CLJft. to 11 P·"'· ,.._ Pld: Up ...t D•••' -147-4500 .... u THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JUNE 28, 1969 Moore. Fllmtd al the Bo$ton Mu· U SlloWUM 5 (C) (60) Hl1hll1hts seum of Fine Arts. of the Miss Wool Pa1eanl Art I Ci) Tlle 8oocl lillys (C) (30) Llnkletter, Buddy Gre<:o and Joan IUeds In tlte Sun (C) (30) Fontaine are featured. • Dru• HOtlM (C) (30) EE NET Fe61I (60) "Car1os Cha- J:JO -Qt Ci) l aaar (C) (60) Johnny vez." A portrait or the Muicln ._ composer and conductor filmed on and Scott btume involved in a location in Mexico and on Chavez's train robbery when their only hope · I I or h1ltina I friend's (Harold Gould) recent Amencan tour. lnterm na ed eviction lits In obtainina 1 set of ' with musical seaments In commen· tary by Chavez on Mexlc1n muslc1I l1nd-cl1im papers beina tflnsported devefopment over the put 50 years. ~trlin._(R) l:r.l PandofHll (30) @oo m.-,,.. <C> <60> ~ he Slv11• Curtain." A battle to 9:30 11 9 Ci) Dofls Dar (C) (30) Doris the duth is sta1ed. with Captain returns to New York for • ftw days, Kirk and Mr. Spoc.k representing as • favor to her tx·boss (Lindi &oOd. aplnst the most evil rep-Watkins). to help complete 1 ma1· ... ti.--f h......... (R) azine article. (R) rt-sen~~ (30)''' D @@Q)NYPO (C) (30) "Day @Cl) EE) Med 5-ud (C) (60) mpper." Victoria Stone, a 24·ytlr· t Prlat of Terror." Clpt Greer old student from Wilmin(lon, Del., Is tht taraet or an unknown IS$1il· is fou nd dead in Central Pert (R) ant in 1 cat·and·mouse 1ame with I News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. ct.1th. (R) Burke's l.lw (60) fJ Mlllltft $ Mtwlt: .,..,,_.,.. (mys· Chucllo Avtlllnet (C) (30) ttfY) '62-Midlatl Crala. Franeoiae 10:00 B UXT Reports (C) (30) "Speed Prewst. . .. The Deadly Dru a." Clete Roberts I Trd ., C1u 11111111Ca (C) (30) reports on the abuse of ampheta- fllnr M--' (60) mines. which h11 led users to in· n. Fl'IMtl a.et (30) (R) sanity and even death. former uters 0-. • ,...._ (30) at Camarillo State Hospital i nd L--001 z... 5f'ty (30) Californi1 ~ehlbi!itation Cent.er at .._ (C) (30) Corona a1e intefviewed. (R) • A C..wem~ Wltal ~qrill lief&-I~ ~~~60l....a (C) (60) ... (60) Cecil Smittl, drama • Dtffl' (C) (60) cntic or the Los ~tel~ n~s. : use Music Festini (60) William ~nducts 1n uchwve 1ntvvi Schaefer conducts the Uniwenity of with stqt •nd scrMn Ktress In· Southern Cllifomla Wind Orchestn . and ~man. m Marilu (30) fl) ...... I ~ (60) 10:30 R a Ci) cas ..... s,ecw (C) ~ a a Ci)_... ..... (C) (60) (JO) The investiture ot the Prince Vinc:ient ~ Boris Kar1off and of Wales is telecast via satellite ~Spa~ Wilson IUUl In from Caernarvon, Wiles. the main comedy ~td'.'• I ratbef. m News (C) (30) 8111 Johns. '°" '91m of Nd Jdefttists <K:'r1off il) Falla C«&lOll (30) :,., "'(~~ °t:r :,~~ 11:00 IJ a 0 mm m ..... (CY Plflrntfttal robot after they find him 0 A1t'9C1 Hltdlc:ed APPi"I i8 their blm laborltoty on fJ Mowit: "Re ~ ,....,. Qem's farm. <R) (sci·fi) '63-Meria Per'ldly, Robert D @ (i) fl' .lllli. (C) (30) "De-Cunnin1ham. ~ l>o.i' NnJs Haw De· m Allen luddta'I c.lerJ (C) 111"$. Of. ~ •.eel nurse ~arby Guests are William Shltnw, Kim try to iutdl Juha with an en&•neer Weston, Stoey MitcheUI and the <lkMI • .....,I). CR> featured Randy Sparb ~lection. D Sil* Macl'MZin I.aw Half The Word Portrait is ol Paul New· ~ ~ Abt1J DlltDa and Ray rn1n by Warne Warp. 11 ltt ~ ~ It , ... I 1llilf (C) Q) Mo¥1t: "'fe.-la I ..... (drl· (60) "'Q:ass Riddk" Alexander Mun· If!•) '51 -Ralph Meekef. Vrveca • -.st ..... daJ'iatlt rubbefy ol Lindfors. 1 bllll sa!t MC:lcmd in rtass with· (fi') CI> 0 00 tB C1J -(C) ll dear VIN ol passersby on a fij} ltMpa Nlws ea.a ... _. Sired. <lt> 11:30 0 Q:1 CiHl:H_,. saw (C) !a lien~&~ R~ Din-0 ~twie: ~-ti T~ (hot· ~ a.ic ba1 IOtin. sil\ltf ror) 41-Michael R-. a-o,-. -aw r"" O'Mem O @@m.a.., ..._ <t> * --. Of Olmi~ Shedd auest. ll:lS R l!Mit; ..... 1h 1 r (watem) ...... hs Uh (C) (60) ·~ Sterlini. Gloria Grahame. ,. a u :t.: • Fftt r....., <t> iz:JO m ...., a., a 1lr) ~ ·~ . shown ttt.lr m Adite 1'Mtn: 1 reasurt of first taol 1t the ~ of t1>n· the Ruby Hills." tH• M WJ Soritt sptCea'lft, Can;i· 12:50 f) lltwie! "9twbWJ-(mys&efy) 1111S Qllt'ln dass.e$ at St. Pauls ·u _Tom Conway Honor Bliek· ~ Sdioal -... • d ass or 13 • rwU 111 tilelf .. rty teens 1n1 1t mu. wut • t:Mir ~I courw in 1:00 0 0 "'-(C) ... Mid ~. ThtJ learn e c...-., .......... (C) lit ..... ~ M•I· mF ..... t1tel-...o.ttC) ~ ~ EJllli$ll 9"CI their own l:.ZO.,. llltirie; .,. ,, wt llr _ c:.m., n. Amtrian penal $}$· .:1r _.. ... wil bt 1Cnlbnind in 1 report (rnysttl}) '56-Teny Moore, Robert ..... ~ ~ alftdi· S..tty. .... • Uboll 's llrisofts. ... 1:30 m AIHlilM saw:: "l\e Scarf ... cilllJ """" tt. pri9DMn' point o1 ·llmatt a.. at r ... -." _, 1M ... I swamp o1 ttie Lost 1to11st1n.. .. ls rt n I· n '" 's id ,. ti s. is s, .. (· r/ r· .. :) d :s I- I· 'S d 1t n " I. ) e • .. 1 ) n ! L YOUR HOME SERVICE GUIDE REPAIR · REMODELe REDECORATE e ADD A IOOM e APAITMINTS & UNITS e CUSTOM HOMES e KITCHIN IXPllTS e TWO STOIY SPICIALISTS ROOM ADDITIONS ,, .. us v ... s V•c•tion wltt> Ever) Estimate! 3 C.lys, 2 Nili!h~ Hacienda -Thunderbird Trans. & Mt'als Not Iner. E~pert Planning -Free Est. E.-L·I( CONSTRUCTION 11431 Westminster Blvd. Garden Grove 1-638-983X 115 Years f:x~rience} llAINIOW TV No Service Charge! Expert Work Color . Black It White 01 Stereos t62-SlU a nytime HART TV -15 Years in Area - Servicing All Brands! Your DuMonl. Curtis Mathes Dealer for the Harbor area. 1921 ADAMS ....... ,...,,_.., Huntfn1ton ... ch H2:.JJl4 SAYE MONIY & TIMPll HONEST I RELIABLE REPAIR SERVICE BACKED IY JI YEARS EXPUIENCE MADISON ILICTIONICS 17U Wftts.I..,._ ""4. W"t.i•tw-H7-70tt TY -IADIO -STlllO SllYICI CALU -H . CORY TV 2276 Cellete c .... M ... -'46·-4114 F.... L.yot1t & Dftlt• 20 y"" •• ,.,i..c. Call now -OIMf' W"kdays Set. & Su. A,,h. A•ell. I• .... effice ., y .. , ..... J4JI I. c .. t Hl-w-r CMeM 41ef Iii• llPAIH -ALTIHTIONS AND CAllNm Any 1iae job 2 5 yeers e•perience v.'or~ 9uerenteed c.n IOI HllSIY S41-'7U THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOU · CALL 642-5671, ext. 325 CARPET & FURNITURE CLEANING For 1 Day Service and Quality Wvrk . . . CALL STERLING FOR BRIGHTNESS! 6424nt SPARKLf. JANITORIAL Windows Out Specialt}' ffl.-26tt CEMENT WORK -ALL KINDS- Frec Estimate 25 Years Experience * 636·0374 * IUT IN CONClnl W ellt1, Pool declta, floon, petios. Concrete Sew Cutfo19 //my tire job, R .. 1011eble! Liu 111eci Sltrvi119 Herbor Are• '42·1114 -CALL DON um mg Re r Drain Clean ng -Free Estimates - SPllDY PLUMllNO 24 Hrs. Ii Weekend Work 546-2387 or 540-7217 9UALITT PAINTIN• FREE ESTIMATES INTEIUOR -EXTERIO!t ANY SIZE JOI CALL ANYTIME 141-0t6'2 ., . PAINT NOW I COMMUCIAL l RES1DENTIAt 21 YEARS EXPERIENCE A11er•t• E.terlor Stueco I Tri~. ) beciroo"' -$250 Cel Jee -14l·t021 THIS SPACI RISIRVIO FOR YOU CALL 642-5671, ext. 32$ Rt1i4e11tiel & Colftlfterci•t Kltchen1, leth1, Store fidurH Free E1tilftett1 :-Stete Ll¢. ~ ...... 141-)1J1 ......... 646-)117 HAUi.iMO PAINTING, HOUll. CLIAMtNCI ODD JOal You Ne"'• It ... We D• ltl 642...nM e .. IST MONTH ... t EXPERIENCED LICENSED -REllAILE TONY TAYLOI POOL IHYICI t6Ml11 Over 20 Years Expt'riencc Satis!acliou & Workmanship Guaran le<'<l. tSt W. 17th, c .. ta Mna 541-ltsl CIYKOSKl'S Custom Upholstery & Repair Eurouean Craftsmans~10 100% Flnanciniz--COntinuou& Do-It-Yourself Uphul. Classes Largest Selection of Fabrics llSl Newport 11 .• Cone M.a. 642-1454 WILLlt'MS UPHOLSTIRt SIRVICI Cleanin~ & Repalrinl( Your Furniture Cao Be New Agajn! 642-1164 CAR PIT ING Use Remnants for Extra Rooms and SA VE 50% ! J. J. KNICKIRIOCKIR (Town A Country) H.B. 18582 J4each Blvd., 962-3351 CARPETS -VINYLS -TILES Latest Styles and Colors Commercial & Residential Expert Installation ILANKINSHIP 'LOORS 642-1403 -540-7262 PIANO TUNIN• AND UPAll IXPERT -HASQNAILE ALlllT AAUDI 67Mff7 ., 64l-44H HMemN•YON MACH .,.. MaYICI ORNAMENtAL PIUNIN5 SPlAYIN$ OLIVl THE SPECIALISTSI EXPEIT -UASONAILll "'"'"' Cut ...... • W_. Experienced Quall ty Work at Reduced Prices I C•ll M M6-1U4 WEDNESDAY JULY 2 F0t morning and ~fternoon listmgs. ~ see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, f0t your c.omenience. are the day. s mories. All sf.a... lions r-esene the right to dYnge programming with- out ac:tYance notice. DAfflME MOVIES HIO "Tllt...., _,Mm ...- cc~ 'I~ CAbisn Jr.-.,.,., 0 ~ ...... ...sc:a:' Sl-Jcna ~ v~~ 0 ,..... -J4a Slr.r (dn ~) '7~ff't 01Wn Jcb"'t Pi 12:91 O .,,, • ...,., .....-r~ ~ ~ OJ.tt't M~ ~ 12:.JO Ill "'Tllry Ill* IM a Cr-.#' -~I "19-G.ir" iett_ • ._ ... c..r. Pass-•~> 'SS.-Sa::G BtKt l:tl., -searilr ~ ·~J "SI -lt.-, '~ OorccJ ~ l:9 riJ Ct) ,_., • T1lils Tees'" '~I S2-)U~ Crlla Vyru lc'1 4:.JI 8 -.01 d¥ ......,.. OXMI '6-Prree .,~ ()'1Un ~ . : •, ... CALIFORNIA PRO~ONAL BndJd H.anic). •1'o pb)'S C~) Pruitt m ABC"s H~ C omc 1M Bricks. set m Sank of ~ I 7°'-. tale< pndt rn lbc fX1 ~t her macttm.I gnndfa- ther. John ~ihlroos. r.an no~\ SCHOOL ·S.....~ •0.,-'~0- • ~ftwx ISeniat • for Willmem al All A.-. '"* ·a .. ~ow.I Clillic 0..-Ton.~ (714) 645-%922 ..... 14 from •'Cdrn and shipped '" Se.anlc.. ~ht •ortcd an tum- bt-r amps and on the fins ra#- m;aJ built thrn. • • • lME DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, JUNE 28. 1969 1".ll 11 Tmz;m ('C) (fiD') *-'1t-Tiit m11n event futurn R111t1 foot· llllC • racm 1 ,_. _.. lrca ban s1ar RoJ!r Brown. ttaeo.. • .._, J 'as depb.aAt 0 Cit ~ W UC Wt•ul411 Tan. ~ ames Mewit: (&;} "CW..,. (cwdy) Haan ~ _, be entaed 60-Jtrry L!Wis. Ed Wynn. Judith bf tcadilr's sai Pfttt .-: re-AndefSCin. Anna Mana Nber~L f1aa to Nifw i..:s fi:!wr ns a A spoof on Ult fairy tale. c.ompltte cr...ai ltr) ••th a wicked s1eprnothef, buut1 a » "i: m ~ lirzjllim (() tul PflncesS and "'° ~ C4JOI "'11lil "" 1us. All aiinf tho lry to llSUn in on Jar(s drhm ~ bas:8 C-.S mn--... af hidden fortune. (R) ens 911 l"MM Ills w fro::a tel-m .... ill ....... (t) (60) ., a.e Yer lh m srtvia , c.n.• c60) 8 ,_..._, X> 11 = T7 T (!)Rue C••• th ,..30 e ....,. Cr,_ Aaa (t) (30) ~ (C) c60') 1lie lq am.·· Ohwr Ocu&Jas 1nsisu tU1 Lisa _. 1ttff"'7 9cQ n-q:s Cle touin~ should lurn such do-lf·,ounetf a,,. Ulf1!'I ti: ~':IO!laa that chores as replaanc a fiPt bulb and how to hamnwr a ~. so she !le ~ U::q Pr.an •t aicaced. immediately makes ptas to do just c rm • ~ u e hcpe-that. (R) ~7/::. ff()~ rbe mm ~o-0 News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. 0 ... s --= ..,. P'rii6t " m lllfk's Llw (60} St. ..._.. lcoc::iedy S2-C1n Dai· 10:00 1J ~ H..ai f"iwe-0 (60) Mc· ie, Joa 1!r. Garrett invatieates the duth of a 81 rne • C • • • •n (C) (30) young prize-fighter (.ltrry Svmrners) m ,.,.., .._ t6D) who has been b11btd to "'f11" a ti) ."9a a.. Ceeb (JO) 'Otlnese bout and finds that thf YldJm's ~ Jqa Oleo res tnt lather (franJt Kova ) and gif1fnend seud d rood dur ctucUn (.lean Halt) wtlere 111VOMd 1n ~ tnm a _.,.. ta.I U1'111 tllis tvenu that set up the llllfdJ. (R) n a ~ 5'lt • ~es two B ~ 'i: e;, Th Oahi4u (t) mere OweSI zc:is "The Land of the foa . · Susan Oh· l" ,-lest 11 IW) I 12 r) wer is guest 1n the dta~ af ~It El) ..... .-.....S flO) fornia buch society and IA attempt &:ti I z... en, (JO) lo save a playboy from manslluctlter 1t1z11 (Q lO) char ge.s. ( R) 0 m News CC) C60> s,td w f Jal ~ To II Ddb! r (60) u.it -Hc:sa IRnd P<Drtt mm .. , ~· ~ Soaces In-s,ec.labon (60) . M11r111e ~mrnczn Style Ke1UI loob at 1' La ~t ~ mzmage 1n modtrn soc~r, Guests OSb •e sz:.-... ~ Uo«IP are Marge Champ10n Id/tu and O::itrlf'Kll. 1 ~ JcJI -:irc•'"'i dancH Judy Mar11n. a rtcently .cm rN"tJolts:' in mamed TV prOduction ISSIStlnt. ~ , ...... lflllic:alts 3G and Jzmu Kavanaugh. auttlof of l:lO 11 1'1 ~ C.,S (C) 301 Rufus A Modern P11est Looks al HIS 0vt lflll 8ef1 to • ~ tu, cu -~ dated Church .. • 'Clt..::le ~ al iwaaM5 !Ude al Marilna (30) --. -. t1J atint 190rt' lO:lO &) News (C) (30) Btll Jotva.. 11:1 Oler bltttt (R) 0) falaste ConlM (30) 0 • .,. .. ~ (t) (30) 10:45 n m News CC) = Vudc.s a:id St~ Allen .. n ~Weekend MM ltgiew (C) 0 ft T CD~ lillc F_.,, (C) 11:0010 m ~News CC) JC The q Scsten.. bac~ by Alfred HitdK:od :1'f t~ f ct'tt AQnl Show • Mme: "Dilli9'fl(" (dRN) '35 en n Ult .r.ber Ric. 4.awrence TittllfY, Anne Jdfnes. Alya s ... ---luft frtm his m Aben lllddtn's ~ (t) Cele-u s A1wf po.si • .._ Jersey DG$ bnty guests are Barry Neboft. Tam· ~ 1 • my Wynettt, Sammy Sbolt Md the I .,. Crillia (C) <90) futurtd Back Porch Ma,orrty. Word ._ .. ,_ l.h (C) (60) Portraits Faye Dunaway by Oolothy EB ._. 1uC (C) (30) lh•Slf Manners: and Tom Smothers by "•~ • Uc' Btowi:unc author· Rtehard _Warren Lewis. ::, "lCSt Robe11 Cromie &) Mowit: "LAs Ytin 5'1•• uu,. 1CGWt -* ~ o1 her '-· (mystery) ·ss -Dennis <Tltttft. ;sat k:OQltr of "" Bnflsh poel Colttn Gray es.... 130) cv ~~~~,... (() HI I) ltwrtr 'WM ' (C) (30) ~ ll:lO 8 !.l~:.r ~ (~ aaw sbt fftG ton'J abcxrt tilt edy) '61-Ptltr Stllm.. Id d~ rc.ai:a ': Jane Hatha-0 (ft (j' al Joey IU., (() Qts e &n:ap orces .lettlro to ll:35 I) Mwie: "1llt CMd .._ ...,. ~ npedJllC uw tD rrill.Slf. (comedy) 'SO-Jack ~rson. Jun Wallace. D KRAFT MUSIC HALL 12:25 0 Mowie: "Th Di u••ditl" * Don Ho. Bill Dana, (mystery) '57-Paul Burke. Alli.IOn Carol Lawrence Hayes_ a D T ~ ll1lft ... HI.I (C) lZ:lO m Nl'ked CitJ (60') 1hr Or. Ho fourt11 of Jutr m .~" lNatrt: "Circle of Din· SoecAl. -H;aw,.. sar Don ter Ho !S 11os1 " c.a u.n.a_ Bill 1:001 fJ News (C) Dua _. lat. W •• a mu-C.••nity lallltia ~ (C') sal-flndy .-~ Ill Kwaii. f,.. tlllt lldidt o.t (t) II• • : ~ <60> Diel u ne i:a 8 llMit: ..,_~.. <western> ......... lt8d al tile ICtioa.. '49-Rod C.mt.n>n, ~ttiy Downs. I I I 1 l I 1 9 12 12 69 •t· ., ,, 11h ti. te II· n ftl 0) l) Ila :ff .lb M st t a S) a 's Id 1n I) => I I >I !r e It IJ ., ly ,. ,, I· 5 ,. e d J y .. !. .. THURSDAY JULY 3 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for -your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O "Nicholas Nlellelby" (classic) '47-Sir Cedric Hardwlcke, Jill Bal· com. O "Beware of Children" (comedy· drama) '61-Leslie Phillips, Geral· dine McEwan. , O "Operation Bikini" (adventure) '63-Tab Hunter, Frankie Avalon. lZ:OO O "A Queen la Crowned" (docu· menlary) '55 -The coronation of Queen Elizabeth II is narraled by Sir Laurence Olivier. 1Z:30 m "front P11e Story'' (drama) '53-Jack Hawkins, Eva Bartok. 2:00 (D "Seven Guns to MtSI" (west· em) '58 -Lola Albright. Charles Quinlivan. 3:00 O (C) "Riki Vfrtllout a C1useH (drama) '55-James Dean, Natalie Wood. 4:30 iJ (C) "Glor(' (comedy} '56- Wa:ter Brennan, Margaret O'Brien. EVENING 6:00 iJ The Bi& News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 8 m HunUeJ·Brlnkley (C) (30) steve Allen Show (C) (90) Louis Nye, Joyce Jameson, Al Jarreau, W1lllam Wolf and Ray Hasting.s guest. O Si1 O'Clock Movie: (C) ''The Oreion Trail'' (adventure) '51- Fred MacMurray, William Bishop. 11 Spy (C) (60) I Love Lucy (60) Batman (C) (30) (3) Merv lirlffin (C) (90) Wii at' s New? (30) "living World," a film about insects: "Quiet Man," a film about the art of mime; an' "National Parks." a film on wild butfalo preserves are shown. m Jwentud Divino Tesoro (30) al News (C) (60) Don Travis. 6:30 0 KNBC Ntwaenice (C) (60) (D Yo111e to tllt Bottom of the Su ~) (60) ~ 00 HunUtJ·Brinkley (C) (30) EE) The lnvestlplDrs (C) (30) "The La5er." Alan Scott lnvesti1ates the death ray-medical tool-communlca· tions device. He also demonstrates three-dlmensional photography with a laser hologram. ~ Ci) m NIWS (C) (30) ~ Notlciero 34 (C) (60) 7:00 iJ CBS Evtnln& News (C) (30) Walter Cronk:te. I Wh1r1 MJ Une? (C) (30) P1uword {C) (30) @ Hl&fl and Wild (C) (30) PlaJin& Ule Guitar (30) "Tone Production, Vibrato and Dynamics." Instructor Frederick Noad explains and demonstrates ¥tays of introduc· ing variety into a piece. A prac· 7:30 e * tlce study is Introduced so that stu· dents can work on their own mull· cal veriions. I CI> Mdtalt's NllYJ (30) True Adventurt (C) (30) Drt1111 Houw (C) (30) '62 -Kim Nowak, JalMI G1111«, "The Memphis Blrthci.y Blues Ft> Tonr R.andall, Howard Duff, Howard tival." (R) Morri$. A quartet of executivt$ who llkJO f.D ..... (C) (30) 8111 Johns. , .. se •n .,,.rtment •or their sM· 11 :00 I o m m m ... (C) naniaans find the blonde that they Affi.dHliillcodl hire to keep the place dean Is 'ltfY • Color11111 Mftlt: (C) "From deft at dlscoura&in1 ltlelr advances. Hell to Tun" (wfltern) '58-Don K I K Pr ts <fil Murray, Diane Varsl. a an esen 0 cm(}) G) Toai Jon11 (C) (60) m Alt.n Luddttl's lialltty (C) Carol ANIMAL WORLD Hostrom Jones welcomes auests Burnett. Charles Nelson Reilly, John Trapper of the Amazon Joey Heatherton, Peter Sellers, Mary Gary and Bill & Quinn auest iJ Qt) (j) Animal World (C) (30) Hopkin, Richard Pryor and The Ii) Movie: "Nifht frei&trt" (mys. The Amaxon jun1le-a place so Moody Blues. (R) tery) '55-Forrest Tucker, Barbara remote and forbidding that it Is @I) Prtt1itrtl (C) (2 hr) Britton. sometimes called the world's last 9:30 O America, tM Beautiful (C) (30) <ill (]) tD@ News (C) frontier-is examined for its pro· A musical special featurin& the 11:10119 Ci) Newt (C) fusion of wildlife. Glendale Symphony CKche$1ra under 11:30 0 @ CIJ m Tonlllrt S1M1w (C) 0 @ @ m 01nlel Boone (C) the direction of Carmen Dragon. II Mowlt· ''The Nipt Has [1a'r (60) "Copperhead lny." A swindler I Newt (C) (30) (mystery):__ Joyce Howard James (Vincent Price) attempts to add Bur•I'• Law (60) ' Israel Boone to his adopted family @ m Dnpet (C} (30) "Ad· Mason. of thieves. Oena Verdueo and J, nistratlve \"IQe -DR·29." Friday 0 @ (})®Joey Bishop (C) Pat O'Malley also auest. (R) uncovers a "bad cop" who ls in· lht5 II Movie: (~) "Strptnt of tM Niie" O Jadl Benny (30) vo. lved In a bookmaking operation. (adventure) 53--Rhond• Flemln1, 0 @(])al The FIJln& N11n (C) (R) Raymond aurr. (30) "A Star Is Reborn," Sabrina EE) WaatilnP,n In Rwlew (C) {30) 11:30 m Naked CttJ l ewis, a movie star, mistakes ~er 10:00 O @@m Dun Martin (C) Ii) ~~~Ion Theatre: "Marry Me rescue by airborne Sls~er Bertrille Dean sinp and cuts up with guests Aaain. for a miracle an~ . decides to be· Eddie Albert. Linda Bennett. Dom 12!45 c:J Colorau Movie: (C) "Hany come a nun. Patricia Barry guests. Deluise and Georgie Kaye. (R) liiadl and tbt TI&.lf'' (adventure) (R) . • .. Im ..... (C) (60) '58 -Stewart Granier, Barbara O M1lhon $ Movie: Four 0npe-Ci1) (])&) Suntftler Focus 1969 Rush rite Men" (adventure) '60 -Aldo ( ) (60) "It Can .Be Done." This l :OO 0 Feature: "Dingaka," starring Ju· Ray, Heather Sears. program Is the fu-st $how In a ilet Prowse m Truth or .COnsequenc.u (C) (30) series, a subdivision of the Sum· -Commu~itJ Bulletin Board {C) Contestants are asked to look at a mer Focus 1969 series, entitled - series or groyp photos of children "Time tor Americans." Tonlaht, ABC 0 News (C) and pick out those whom they be· News Correspondent Mal Goode m From ta. lnlidt Out (C) lieve 1rew up to become famous. focuses on Atlanta, Georal•. for a 1:30 e Movie: "Go for Brok•" (com· I Perry Muon (60) profile of changing racial attitudH edy) '51-Van Johnson. Theatre Beat (30) m a Southern urban community. m All-Nl&trt Sllow: "Johnny Belin· Duelo de Paslone:s (30) O Della! (C) (60) da," "Giant of Evil Island" an« 8:00 iJ ®) (j) The Prison« (C) (60) f1l) Sounds of SUMMf (C) (2 hr) "No Time To Kill.'' The Pri50ner uncovers a plot to -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::==============.., brainwash his fellow captives, then 1 Ines to smash it by unveiling the identity of a mysterious general. (R) O Z1ne Grl!l_ (30) 0 @@ W Th1t liirl (C) (30) "The £ye ol the BehOlder." Ann and Don get into an ar1ument over the merits of an abstract sculpture he sent her as a gift. (R) m Hazel (C) (30) EE) NET Playhouse (90) "A Man on Her Back." Peter Luke's oomedy Is about a love affair between an earnest young musician and his hopelessly soft-hearted girlfriend. Norman Rodway stars as John: ~ary ls played by Valerie Gearon: Train for an exciting, rewarding career as a • MEDICAL ASSISTANT e DENTAL ASSISTANT Collin, a ne'er-do-well who disrupts lhe relationship, is played by Barrie Ingham. New, Exclusive Classroom , Home Study Courses! @I) Feliciano! (30) 8:30 D @ 00 m tron$ide <C> c60> "In Search of an Artist." Chief Ironside searches for a talented artist accused of murder, convinced his "death" is a phony. Broderick Cr11wford guests. IR) Career Academy graduates enjoy good·paying, rewarding positions (full and part-time) in these prestige fields . ~ You can train to become a Medical Assistant or Dental Assistant. UnlQue, nationally-recognized coUTses are supervised by physicians and dentists in a beautiful, modern laboratorv school ... located right here in LA 0 loxiftC (C) (90) One Niehaus and Mickey Davies are ringside for a lightweight bout between Rudolfo Netionwlde Pl~mtnt Atli1t.1noe At No E1ttra Cost Gonzales and Jerry Graci. Tuition ANlnance 0 @Cl) al Bewitched (C) (30) Avelleble. "Samantha's Super Maid." Sam A~ited Membef- hires a maid at her mother-in-law's National AllOClltlon Of ins1sten~. then she and Darrin Trade end Technlc:al have trouble ridding themstlves of Schoola ... and the their unwanted ctomestic treasure. Nl1ioNI Home Study Nellie Burt guests. (R) Council I Merv Griffin (C) (90) Run for Your Lit• (C) (60) r.lusica y Es1rtllts (C) (30) 9:00 ~Cl) CBS Tllurtday Movit: "Boys' Ni&ht Out" (comedy) R1turn Coupon ... or CALL 464-9291 I ~CAREER ACADEMY I 7080 Hollywood Blvd. Oept. 653 'f Loi AngelH, Cellfornl1 90028 I Ple1ae send my free book ,"Spotllaht On Vou''. I 1 =-=-~~~~~~~---t rtss 1 ...-~~~~~--=~---t Page 15 I BE CAME FOB THE SUMMEB ... AID STAYED 15 YEARS! ·1 hiio. SaturJ5y. July 5, Law- n·nce Welk and his Champagne Mu!lll' Makers observe their 15th ;1nnivcr,ary on ABC-TV. Welk h." come a long way since he lelf hi' father's North Dakota farm al the age of 21 "to pur- 'ur a career in music." II wa!I ac1ually July 2. 1955 when Wdk and his mw.ical fam- ily made their network debu1 as :i summer replacement show. Their growth in popularity with each succeeding season has rrovcc.J the wisdom of that move, not only for the Champagne Mu!lic Makers and the American Broadca ting Company but for their legions of friends across the land. Welk, a firm believer that ev- ery m an shapes his own destiny thro ugh setting a goal and work- ing toward it, says that after set- ting uut to make his way as a mu!lician. his first big break came in 1927. when, wi1h his small hand o f those days, he was given the opportunity to entertain o n rndio station WNAX in Yank- Ion, S.D .. the only station that \'nuld be heard over a five state area. There they built a large .ind loyal following. Next Welk joined George T . Kelley and hi!> troupe of enter- tainer~ whci toureu the middle ~est not only playing for dances in small inland towns and ham- lch , hut presenting plays in little •heater'> a nd lodge halls along the way. From Kelley, Welk admits he learned showmanship and much about Lhe business end of 'how business. He also came to 1ccognizc that he was a bad ac- ror. He was so bad, the Maest ro 1 ccalls, that the only role he c1,uld play well wai that of :1 1kad man who was found under .1 cot! His next step forward was bc- 1 rig invi1ed to play on the Don I .cc C<last-to-coast radio network while fnlfilling an cngagcmcnl at 1hc William Penn Hotel in Pitts- tlurgh. Penn. This provided Welk and his band their fir:.t na tion- wide 'howca. ... e. On a personal level. settling in Chicago for lheir nine years at lhc Trianon and Aragon Ball- rooms provided the first oppor- tunity for Welk and the men of h1~ hand to establish homes and lead normal family lives after all those years on the road. During that period another milestone occurred. Eddie Weis- Paee 16 Welk chats with Rrand.ron David Fredricks while Mrs. Lawrence (Fern) J4! dk and their soil Larry look on. feldt. a Milwaukee theat~­ e r, came backstage at the ball- room and introduced himself to Welk. "I'd like to have you play my theater.'' said Weisfeldt. "but until now l didn't know who Lawrence Welk was. Don't you ever stand up in front of the audience and 'sell yourself?" Until then Welk had hired an emcee for his show while he held forth as accordionist. Welk admitted to Weisfeldt he talked to his audience only when forced to do so. and it was then Weisfeldt made his offer. "Start talking, and I'll book you into the Riverside Theater in Milwau- kee for $3.500 a week." For that kind of money Welk says he forced himself to begin acting as his own master -of-ceremonies, talking to his audience. The next turning point was Welk's decision to accept a six- week engagemen1 at Charl ie Lick's Aragon Ballroom in Ocean Park. Calif.. in : 951. That en- gagement led to a ~ix-month stand. and then to ten years at the popular beach shore ball- room. During that time television be· came firmly entrenched in Amer- ican homes and after a brief pe- riod on one of Southern Califor- nia's local stations. Welk and the Champagne Music Makers made their move to ABC. Along with his strong belief in hard work and concentration o n your goal. Welk attributes much of his success to recogniz- ing how important it is to please the people. "Any time you dis- please them, it backfires," Welk said. "This is one important les· son I've learned during 45 years in the music bu'iiness.'' About thirty members strong in July. 1955, the Welk musical family now lists forty-two mem- bers o n its roster of instrumen- talists. Two ·inger; who were a part of the group on 1hal first telecast are still among the Champagne M11!>ic Makers. and many talented young entertain- ers who joined their numbers :-.im.:e 1hat firsl network show have come to be looked upon as old friend' by a decade and a half of American'\. On The Lawrence Welk Show to air this Saturday. two young people join the ranks of regular members of the Champagne Music Makers : brown-haired. hazel-eyed Raina English. a sing- er who began her career in her home state of Texas and has en- tertained in supper clubs all over the U.S.. as well as in Puerto Rico and the Orient. and Clay H art, country-wes tern singer- guitarist who hails originally from Rhode Island aod until now has called Florida his home. Raina was "found" while singing at The Horn, a supper club in Santa Monica. Mr. Welk heard Clay in C harleston, W. Va .. while the Maestro was touring on behalf of the America n Can- cer Crusade this spring. The 15th anniversary color- cast significantly opens with the band playing the number which opened their first ABC-TV show. "Say It With Music," and adding to the nostalgia of the event, ac- cordionist Myron Floren· play~ ''Tica Tico," his solo o n that network television debut. An added highlight of the show is the Fourth of July finale. with the singers and band swinging out on "Your Land and My Land.'' Most of the people who attain a regular berth with the Cham- pagne Music Makers remain for years. Among the musicians who were with Welk on that first net- work television show in J 955 are not only concert master and accordionist. Myron Floren. but Barney Liddell and Norman Bailey in the brass section, Orie Amodeo, reeds, La rry Hooper. piano and bass singer, Buddy Merrill. guitar, Bob Lido, violin and vocals, Johnny Klein. drum . Dic k Dale. saxophone and vo- cals, Jim Roberts, tenor soloist. and Curt Ramsey. vocalist, ar- ranger. librarian. and former trumpet player. Through the years Welk has introduced many talented young people to his nationwide audi- ence. entertainers who have con-1 tinued into fruitful careers. Within recent months two ex- amples of this willingness to give o pportunity to worthy youngster~ have been 15-year-old Davit! Joy. a brilliant trumpet player from New Goshen. Ind., who L has since come to make hi~ home in California, and the 12· year-old Mexican-American sing- er. George Morales. from l ong Beach , Calif. For both of thcs~ lads the Maestro predicts brighl l futures. l Welk admits that in his early days o n television several news· paper and magazine reviews con- ceded his Champagne Music Makers little chance of surviv- ing more than that summer re· placement period. Now as the show's 15th year on ABC-TV begins. a quip given wide cur- rency is that "Nobody likes Welk -bu1 the public.'' inging tub in heard Va., Juring 1 Can- color- th the which show. 1dding it, ac- play~ I that . An ow is . with inging :I My attain :ham- in for s who •t net- 1955 :r and n, but )rman , Orie :>Oper. 3uddy violi n rums. d vo- oloist. .t, ar- ormcr lk has young audi- ! con- 10 ex - :> give gsters David JI ayer who e his 1e 12- ' sing- Long these bright early news- s con- ~usic urviv- ~r re- s the C-TY cur- Wellc FRIDAY JULY 4 MORNING 6:00 0 Summer Semester (C) 6:30 I Su!11mer School · Educ.lion Elchanie (Cl Tiie P«ceptive Parent Educational F"dm 7:001 CBS News (C) Joseph Benti. · Q)@ m The Today Show (C) Elerdse With Gloria (C) Mr. Wishbone (C) 7:30 The Ed Nelson Show (C) • Colorama Movie: (C) "Stopover Tokyo" (drama) '57-Robert Wag· ner, Joan Collins. The Flintstones (C) 8:00 9 Ci) Captain Kan11roo (C) Mfpty Mouse (C) Rocket Robin Hood (C) 8:15 CV Video Di&est (C) 8:30 Bup Bunny (C) &umby (C) (3) Rocky and His Friends (C) 8:55 eGmmunity Bulletin Board <C) 9:00 The Lucy Show (C) a) (6) m It Takes Two (C) Movie: "Man From Wyomini'' (western) 'JG-Gary Cooper, June Collyer. 0 Movie: (C) ''Mr. M1100'1 Story· book'' (cartoon) -Featuring the volee of Jim Backus. m @ (I) Jack LI Linne (C) «E) Movi.: "Tiie Fu&ftive Kind" (drama) '6G-Marlon Brando, Anna Magnani. Ci') (j) Ann &utcher Show (C) 9:15 fJ Color1111 Movie: (C) "The l(eo.. tudllan" (adventure) '55 -Burt Lancaster. Diana Lynn. 9:30 0 ~ (jJ Beverly Hillbillies (C) 0 @ @ m Concentration (C) m Movie: ''Tbe Bl& Sky" (western) '42-Kirk Douglas, Dewey Martin. 1 (I) Hayden's Happenln& (C) 10:00 Andy Griffith . I 00 m Personality (C) I ::::;eTodry (C) 10:30 (I) Dick V1n DP• @ m Hollywood Squares (C) 0 Movie: "I'm From Missouri" (comedy) '3~Bob Burns. fl) Dattn for Plannin& I Modem Forest 11 :00 O ~ ~· Love of Lift (C) 0 @ m Jeopardy (C) I Tiit 1ll09lnf Gounntt (C) Debbie Drak.e Dancerdze <C) Romper ROOlll (C) Ont Hundred WlnntrS/Drinkhll and DriYin1 11:25 ;~ CIS News (C) 11:30 Seardl for Tomonow (C) · 6 m Eye Guess (C) Anniversary 61me (C) Tempo (C) Sheriff John (C) World Adventure (C) 1968 Buick Optn lolf Af Tf RNOON 12:00 IJ lo~ue (C) 0 Q)@ m You'~ l'uttlnt Mt On (C) 0 Movlt: "Devfl and th Deep" (drama) '32-Cary Grant. Tallulah Bankhead. 0 @ (I) lewitclted ma>Nen (C) ~ (j) Tht Unk.ltttlt sa.o. (C) 12:301 Qj (I) As the World Ttn1 (C) · @ @ m Days of OW L.1wa ( ) 0 @ CV That Girt (C) m MovW. "Trio" (drama) '51- Jean Simmons. «E) Dillin& for Dollars (C) 1:00 0 Qfj ~Love Is a Many Spleft. dored Thing~) 11 ~3 Dr~ar:' ~c1C) 1:30 Tbe Guiding Uatrt (C) 6 m Another Wotld (C) Father Knows Best @(I)1G) Ltfs M1kt a Dul ( ) 2:00 ® 00 Secret Storm (C) I Joan Rivers Show (C) ~ @ m You Don't Say (C) Love That Bob o cm rn m Newtywed &1n1e <C> m Movie: "Jl&Ulf" (adventure) 'SS-Barton Macl ane, Sabu. 2:15 m Movie: "Youn& and D1n1erous'" (drama) '57-tonnie Stevens, 2:30 ~ (j) The Lige of Nipt (C) @ @ m The Matih GalH (C) Leave It to BNvtr cm CV al Dat1n1 s ... (C) 2:45 irns CC) 3:00 The Unkletter Show (C) P.O.Q. (C) ~w1y Patrol rn m Gener11 Hospital <C> • rama Movit: (C) ,,Mlmr Roberts" (comedy) ·s~enry Fon- da, James Cagney. Zoorama (C) @ Matinee 00 Dialinf for Dollm Movie • Matinee: Don Wilson. 3:30 LudlJ Pair (C) Mike Douitu (C) Ont Step Blyond @(I)G)One Lift To U.. (C) My Favorite Martian Hobo Kelly (C) 4:00 Sta Hunt Girt T alll (C) (f7J (I) .&) Dirk Slladowa (C) file Fllntstionea (C) 4:30 Movlt: {C) "Advtfttura of Sl&- bld" ( cartoo;,) '60. DiMCt eo.rt (C) News (C) Bill Bonds. News (C) George Putnem. Bozo's lit Top Sllow <C> y ~ Mlb Doqla (C) S..u,'s Pilla Party (C) • own Talk (C) That 6h1 (C) 5:00 · KNBC NewstMc:e (C) Newa (C) Tom Reddin. Pfolilt1 (C) Larry King lntef· views Bob Hope and Sammy Davis Jr. I TM Addams Fa•ilJ @ Jiauay Tbouson S-. (C) ({) Tbt Lucy Show (C) • Riflemn lllat Girl 5:30 @ (3) G) ABC News (C) i Cards <C) Glllipn'• lsl1nd (C) This o., 1969 (C) Newseye (C) rvrNINC 6:00 0 Tbt Ii& News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m HuoUIJ'Brinlllty (C) (30) 0 Sttvt Allen Sltow (C) (90) Y'ICtor Bor1e. Len Mink and Cliff Arquette guest. •1tl)intinued) Bob Hope and Sammy Davis Jr. Back-to-Back Guests on Independence Day 'Profiles' Veteran comedian Bob Hope and Mr. Versatility, Sammy Davis Jr., are, as performers. worlds apart; but they appear as back-to- back guests on a unique personality probe, Profiles, airing as an have the same kind of success in Vietnam that they did in Korea." Sammy Davis Jr. offers a rather striking contrast., in the second part of Profiles, as be speaks almost entirely about the racial and social unrest in America during recent years. He becomes quite animated in discussing the prejudice which he had to overcome in his early career and in discussing the unsatisfactory rate of civil rights progr~ in America. He asks rhetorically-is the Amer- ican Negro always to be Pre- tender to the throne of De- mocracy? But be expresses the hope that a meeting of minds will avert the looming spectre of civil revolution in this country. The Independence Day Pro- files provides KHJ viewers Independence Day Special, Friday at S PM, on KHJ. Channel 9. Both parts of th~ program are bosted by Larry King. Jn the program's first part, Bob Hope allows the conver- sation to roam over his long and successful life in entertain- ment, from the 1932 days of his first association with · Bing Crosby, to his more recent. widely publicized benefit tours of Anned Forces bases. He describes the way his written material has gravitated toward topical humor in recent years. in the same way that he ha.'1 become increasingly involved publicly with current affairs. In this connection. he acknowl- edges the "war-hawk" label which has been pinned on him in recent years, and he ex- presses the hope that "they with an opportunity to share in some relevant and enlightening in .. sights into the thoughts of two of' the world's great entertainers, on the serious problems confronting American society. It is an especially appropriate program for a special holiday. r , FRIDAY (Continued) NEW C• AREERS O Sil O'C&oct Mowlt: "The Out· I I l1ws Is COlltlnl" (westem·comedy) '65-The Three Stoo1es. FOR PEOPLE 0 Sbowtlnte (C) (60) Comic Don KnOtts hosts this International va- l riety hour with iuests such as Julie WHO LIKE PEOPLEI I ~:;dt~~n~r~!~~n,:.r·J!~bQ~i~:~ • and Has flamenco Dancers. The London Line Oancer1, The Mike I Let Lewis train you as a I ~:~::· o~;'::~: and the Jae~ HOTEL/MOTll MANAGER I ~:Jf ~~\fJol'°> .. u,,,, I . I World" looks at insect births: e Or your ChOICe Of 55 "Quiet Man" shows how to achit<Ve other exciting J. obs r!iythm ln ,Pa~t?m•me: and "Na· I (h t . I d. I Ilona! Parks' v1s1ts the Grand Can-OS ess, soc1a I · yon. re Ct Or e Xe CU ti Ve al Juventud Divino Tesoro (~0) ' al News (C) (60) Don Travis. I housekeeper, apart· I 6:30 0KNBC Newservlce (C) (60) ment manager, etc.) (D Yoya1e to the Bottom of the Sea . th bo . h (C) (60) I~ .e 0'!1tng OS· ~@ Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) I p1tal1ty business! EI!)Americana <C> (30) "Thomas . . . I Jefferson." A survey of Jefferson's • JObs waiting all over I ccntribullons to America. _The L!· continental u s Ha· brary of Congress. We1t Point Mlh· • • • tary Academy and our money sys-1 waii I tem will be hi11hlighted. ~ (jJ m News (C) (30) • good pay; some jobs al NotJciero 3' (C) (60) I include apartment 7:00i)C8$ £venin& News (C) I Waller Cronkite. • age no barrier, men, I Whirs My line? (C> (30) Password (C) (30) women and couples CiJ Cineo11 showcase (C) (90) I ed d I Sons and Dauchtars (30) "Mir-ne e acle." This program covers the de· velopment of the human body from • no preViOUS experi· birth to adulthood. A poetic ap- 1 ence requ1'red proach softens the frank "facts of I life" material, Music Is by Charlie I t h t Byrd, sculpture by Fingal Rosen-• earn a ome or a . qulst and paintings by Florence tend classes in Los ~1or. nge es m American West (C) (30) I A I I Q9) (jJ rt!1yberry RFD (C) (30) • free book tells how al Drum Houw (C) (JO) 7:30 I) ~ (j) The Wild, Wild West (C) easy it is to learn, I (60) A band of terrorists. clad as I I I how Lewis Schools' 16th-century conquistadorel, con· vinces residents of New Mexico 53 years of experi· border towns that they are livina e n c e ' p I a c e m e n t I members of Cortez' army, unlit ''' James West arrives on the scene. assistance at no ad-<R> d. t . I t 0 m Hlfh Cluparr1I (C) (60) I 1003 COS can "For What We Are About To Re· help you get started I ceive ... John Cannon quarrels with • in a J. ob that' S like a nei&hbor and Indians, and inter· i ts Thanksgiving plans. (R) vacation with pay! J1c1t Bef!!!Y (30) I I (il) (]) (f) left Make I Deal ( ) (30) Monty Hall hosts. Phone (213) 749-1438 O Million $Movie: <C> "The Rac-ers•· (drama) '55 -Kirk Douglas, I ~r send a postcard giv· Bella oarvi. mg your name age I m Truth or Consequences (C) (30) ' ' Boys and girls compete for a sum· phone and address to: mer vacation in the mountains. The audience is asked Lo applaud for the girls alter the first round of ttie contest no matter what tht boys do, in order lo see the young- sters' reactions to the situation. m Perry Mason (60) I fJwls Hotel/llotel Scllools I 7080 Hollywood Blvd. I Suite l -1933 I Los Angeles, California 90028 L .. EI!) The City Watchers (C) (60) Art Seidenbaum and Charles Champlin. al Duelo de P1slones (30) 1:00 0 Zane Gr., (30) 0 (il) (]) a) John Davidson (C) THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEI(, JUNE 28, 1969 (60) Lynn Kellogg, David Steinberg Quinn, Omar Sharif, ElSI Martinelli, iuest. Rich Little, in his weekly Story of Marco Polo. (R) tribute to a showbuslness personal!· O '1Qtlof Attar Dari! (C) (60) ty, honors Alan Jay Lerner and Tommy Smothers, Louis Nye, An. Frederick Loewe and sings, a la geline Buller, The Buddy Miles EJC- Gene Kelly, "Throuah the Heather press and John Stewart & Buffy on the Hill" and, as Robert Goulet, Ford _{Uest. "If Ever I Should Leave You," O {11) (3) ED Judd for U.. 0. m Hilt! (C) (30) tense (Cf (60) "ROnaway." Judd .:9.\ lucecita (C) (30) defends a young hippie who Is Uil accused of taking revenae on her B:30 B a (j) Gomlf 'Yi• (C) (30) father after he ordered her to de- Sergeant Carter wangles an ap-stroy her horse Jacqueline Scott, pearance on the "Win a Date" tele· James Roderick. Susan Anspach, vision show, and Gomer goes with Frank Maxwell and JeH Pomeranz him as last-minute entry. (R) auesl (R) 0 @ 00 m Name of ttle Game al Comentarios J Celebridadts (C) (C) (90) "The Inquiry." A U.S. (30) Senator accuses publisher Glenn 9:30 I News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. Howard of having stolen govern-lluike's Law (60) ment money to start his publishing : Adventure (30) "The Hunting empire. Barry Sullivan. Fritz Weaver, of the Truffle." Tracking one of the Jack Kelly and Gia Scala guest. world's greatest delicacies with one 0 Across the Seven Seas (C) (30) of the world's greatest truffle-m Merv Griffin (C) (90) Television hunting hounds in the vill11e of personality David Frost. comedy Alba in Italy. writer Selma Diamond, slnaer Mary al C.nstefacion General ,.,., (30) Hopkin, singer Gilbe_rt Price. .the 10:00 0 ~Ci) m The S..int (C) (60) comedy t~am of Lewis and Christy "Simon and Delilah," A film star a~d RuSSJa.n newsman Henry Baro· is kidnaped and The Saint must v1ch guest. decide whether or not it is a pub· I ACCUSE-&nator Creston Co~ tin.~ '-u«C star Barry SulUvan) ac· CURll publishu Glenn Howard, be- fott a ~nafe commltttt, of steal· IDJ a forfuM bl U. S. Army funds while SttYlng with lhe o~ In ltal,y dun.QI Wor1d War II, la "'The Inquiry .. oa NBC '• The Name of lbe Came Friday al 1:30 PM. OJ Run for Y04K life (C) (60) m Wars of Ult Roses (60) ''The Fearful King." York and Warwick take London where Henry IV dis- inherits his son. promising the suc- cession to Yort. Queen Margaret and the Lancasters are victorious at Wakefield, where York is slain. al Noebes Tapm11 (30) 9:00 11 9 00 CBS frld1y Movie: (C) "M1rco, the M1enificent" (adven- ture) '66-Horst Buccholz, Anthony II city stunt. ( R) I m News (C) (60) G1J CV m Dick Cnett (C) (60) Della! (C) (60) RlD Review (60) "Medical Technology, 1970.'' Or. Albert Hibbs and two physicians from UCLA con· sider the current alliance between medicine and engineering that Is bringing forward many new healing de11ices. al Mariani (30) 10:30 ID News (C) (30) Bill Johns. m fallaste Corazon (30) 11:0010 0 ma> News (C) Alfred Hitobcocll • Movie: "Cri111e Weve" (drama) '54-Sterllng Hayden, Gene Nelson. m Allen ludden's Gall"f (C) Clint Walker, Georgia Kaye, Helen O'Con· nell guest. m Movie: {C) '-Capt.lin o1 the Clouds" (adventure) '42 -James Cagney. Dennis Morgan. Ci1J (}) (jj 00 la (jJ ..... (C) 11:30 8 @ 00 m Tonl(ht Show (C) Movie: "Mohawtl" (western) '56 -Scott Brady, NeYille Brand. l @(V1G) Joey Blsllop (C) (j) Friday Show Noticiero 3' (C) 11:35 I) Movie: "They Met In lo111bly" (mystery) '41-Clark Gable, Rosalind Russell. 12:30 O Movie: "Jigsaw" (mystery) '61 -Jack Warner, Ronald lewis. m Naked City ID Action Theatre: "Cour1geous Mr. Penn." 1:00 0 Movie Four: "Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter," starring John Gupton. 0 Country Musk (C) 0 News (C) m from the Inside Out (C) 1:20 I) Movie: "Scandal Slteet'' (mys· tery) '52-8roderick Crawford. Don na R~. 1:30 m All-Nl(ht Show: ''The Man Be- tween," "Planet of Blood" and "Target. Sea of China," 2:00 O Community Bulletin lolrd (C) 1969 1elll. (60) An· Ex· :utty 0.. ludd 1 Is her de- :ott. ach, ranz (C) ting the one ffle· or :30) :60) star IUSl 1ub· 60) ical bbs :On· een Is ling na) :on. lint on· the nes ~) '56 rf' ind '61 "'r. leS f,'' YS· >n· [C) @!) Estvdlo de Pedro Ylrfll 9:30 8 ~ ~ W9dlr Rim (C) l THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JUNE 28. 1969 Roy Eldridge Quintet. l\FTfRNOON . @ 6 m "1mbltdon Optn I Tennis hlmplonlhlps (C) Jim 12:00 I a Cl) Slllu1n. (C) SATURDAY JULY 5 Simpson comments on the most Movie:, "Atsh and tht Spur'' i:xcitlng of all tennis tournaments (western) 56-:John Agar. MOHN ING from Wimbledon. England. All the I Teatro flm11i1r great names in tennis are sched· 12:30 ~ 00 Jon11y Quest (C) uled to take part in the tourna· @ CV m H1pp~in1 (C) Paul ment this year, and tl\e coveted Revere and Mark Lindsay co-host. 7:lS 8 Give Us This Diy (C) title is the most sought-after hono1 m Evans-~onk Report (C~. 7:30 IJ Summer Semester (C) amo.!!{ the players of this sport. m Blue .~1bbon Tht1trt: A Bullet 0 @ @ m Storybook Squrtt 0 U1J (]) tiE) fantutic Voyaee (C) for Joey. . IC Peter Marshall hosts. m AM The1tre: "Goliath at the 1:001 9 ~ ~oby D1dc (C) Campus Dlfest Conquest of Damascus" and "An . Movie: Come flll the Cup" C.mpus Profile Inspector Calls." • ~rama) '51 -James Cagney. Phyl· Miking the Most of M1turity @I) LIS Estttllu y Usted ~ T~ax!er. "T t E rlh"• ( . fl) 7:45 m Sacred Heart (C) 10:00 8 QJ (I) The Archie Show (C) ·ss ~~i~har:'g~ennrng, Vi~~ia 8:00 S ([)Go-Go Gophtra (C) 0 @ (I) al Journey to the Cen· Grey. @ (6) m Super Sia (C) ter of t~e E.lrth (~) ,. m Movie: "The B1dlelor and tht Country Music (C) {;J Movie:, (C) 'The Okl1homan Bobbysoxer" (comedy) •47 _ Cary fi3 @ tiE) C.sper (C) (western) 56 -Joel McCre.a, Bar· Grant, Myrna Loy. Abbott l Costello C1rtoons (C) bara Hale. . I Armed Forces Hi&hlights (C) Tiles of Wells farfo,, Ell Pattern for llvrnf 1:30 9 Ci) The lone Ringer (C) .. S~urday !heatre: The Third @I) l• Dud• • Q.!!.est for Adventure (C) V1s1to\. and I Cover the Under· 10:301J ~ (j) B1tm1n /Superm1n (C) 2:00 a (j) Buick Open Golf Tour· world. • 0 Movie: "Sword of Monte Cristo" n1ment (C) The $125,000 Buick 8:30 8 fi9l (j) Bugs BunnYJ Rold Run-(adventure) 'SI -George Montgom· Open is telecast from Warwick Hills ner Hour (C) efj, Paula Corday. Golf and Country Club Grand Blanc I @ Ci) m Cool McCool (C) @ (3) tiE) fantastic Four (C) Michigan. ' ' @CV tiE) Gulliver (C) The lTble Answers 0 Wimbledon Open Tennis Chim· . Movie: ''The Golden Muk" (ad· 11:00 0 Q)@ m Major Lt1(Ue Base· pionships (C) (cont'd) Jim Simpson ventur.e) '54 -Van Heflin, Wanda blll ~) Teams to be announced. comments. Hend~IX. . 0 (ll) CV m Geor1e of the Jun· D Movie: "International Lldy' m Cisco Kid gle (C) (suspense) '41-Basil Rathbone, II· @I) Escueli KMEX (C) m Awud Theatre: "Hellgate." Iona Massey. 9:00 B @ r.Il m The Flintstones (_C) 11 ·30 8 Qi)([) The Herwloids (C) m c:oronet The1tre: "Highway Drag· Movie: "Black Beauty" (cla.ss1c) · . net.' '46-Mona Freeman Richard Oen· 0 @ (I) m American Bandstand I See the USA (C) ning. ' (C) Dick Clark hosts. 2:30 • Battle Cry I @ (3) tiE) Spiderm1n (C) {;J Movie: "Santa Fe Trail" (ad· · Rainbow Theatre (C) Jack Li Linne (C) venture) '40 -Errol Flynn, Olivia 3:00 Dial 'M' for Music (C) Father Saaebrush Theatre deHavilland. Norman J. O'Connor welcomes the Linkletter Hosts Sportsmen's World Awards An Linkletter serves as host for the KTIV colorcast of the third a.Q,nual City of Hope Sportsmen's World Awa rds Ban- quet in Las Vegas. Originating from the main showroom of the Sands Hotel, the 90-minute nationally syndicated color presentation will see golden "Victor" statuettes bestowed upon 12 sports greats. Although the gala affair takes place Sat- urday, June 28, it will be videotaped for airing at 7 PM, Sunday, June 29 on Chan- nel 11. and repeated in its entirety at 6:30 PM, Saturday July 12. (Previously slated National League tele- vised baseball action, Los Angeles Dodgers vs. the San Diego Padres from San Diego Stadium precluded the ~ibility of airing the Awards Banquet live.) To be honored for demonstrating a dedi- cation to the principles espoused by the sponsoring Sportsmen's Club of the City of Hope--exemplary conduct in ftis per- sonal aod professional life-"Victor" win- ners are selected by a national committee of more than J 00 prominent sportswriters and sportscasters ~~ the nation. In addition to master of ceremonies I..iftt~ letter, one of the nation's top entertainment personalities, telecast co-producers Hal Parets and Bill Walker have signed Metro- media Radio KLAC sports director and KTI'V weekend sportscaster ·Chuck Bene- dict as announcer. In addition to celebrities serving as "Vic- tor" presenters. there11 be singer Della Reese, comic Rip Taylor and singer Frankie Randal] as entertainers. "Victor'' honors will be bestowed upon such outstanding athletes as Rocky Mar- ciano. boxing; Ted Lindsay, ice hockey; Uoyd Mangrum, golf; Dr. Sammy Lee, aquatics; Cornelius Warmerdam, tra'ck and field; Bob Feller, baseball; Paul Endacott. basketball; C. K. Yang. international hon- ors; Sammy Baugh, football; Donald Budge, tennis; and Peter De Paolo, auto racing, plus an Athlete o( the Year award for Lew Alcindor. Joining Della as presenterg will be such luminaries as Dean Jones. Clint Walker, Oary Conwa y. Jesse Owens, Sid Caesar, Lori Saunders, Cameron MircbeU, Ruta Lee. and Mike Connors. Sponsored by the Sportsmen's Club, a leading auxiliary of the City of Hope, pro- ceeda from the Cormal Sportsmen's World Awards Banquet go to the. free. non-se¢- tarian pilot medical center in Duarte. 0 Movlt: ''The Blue Vtil" (dr1ma) ·Sf-Jane Wyman, Charles Laugh· ton. O Movie: "Flyinf Tifel'1" (adven· ture) '42-John Wayne, John Car· roll. IChlller Junntud Dlvino TtMl'O Ban1n1 Splits (C) Rainbow Theltre (C) 3:30 Movie: (C) "J1ck McClll. Du · per1do" (western) '53 -George Montgomery. Angela Stevens. Color Tht1tre (C) "Smoky." · Quest for Adventure (C) 4:00 J1i Alai • W1gon Tr1in (C) • Silver Winrs (C) · See tht USA (C) 4:30 Outer Limits • Bronco · R1inbow Thntre (C) 5:00 8 All ·American Colltft Show H· nils (C) Jack Albertson, Dina Merrill and Glenn Ford are judges. I Close-Up (C) Scene '70 (C) · @CI) tiE) ABC's Wide World of Sports (C) Zoorama (C) : Innovations (R) • futbol·Soccer 5:30 Ralph Story (C) (30) (R) KNBC NewseNice (C) Twilietrt l.ont Man From UNCLE (C) The New Sound (C) • : PREMIERE A New Looi! 1t ESP: "The Evanesoence of ESP." First in a special series on Ex1rasensory Perception taped at UCLA's recent lwo·day seminar. m Agriculture U~ (C) Now at ATLANTIC MUSIC only • • • SAVE $83.00 (LIMITED Tl~) NEW 80 WATT SOLID STATE s. EREO $149~15 1UNIHO MUE" ~:c,.sn1:.0 NEWEST 80 WA TI SOLID STA TE STEREO ... .. ' ,, . . .. MAIN EXTRA BAL NCE BASS SPEAKER SWITCH POWER LOUDNESS TR BLE HE HONES JACK •·~MIKADO AM/FM AMP'LIFIEll SICflON TOTAL MUSIC POWER I OHM HARMONIC DISTORTION fl•IQUINCY RESPONSE alONAL TO NOISE RATIO DAMl"INO P'ACTOR INl"UT SENSITIVITY CERAMIC MAG. AUX. l"IAK POWEil OUTPUT FM TUNH SICTION SINSITIVITY SIONAL TO NOISE RADIO HLICTIVITY HARMONIC DISTORTION IMAOI llliJICTION CAl"TUlll RATIO nlRIO SEPARATION flRIQUliNCY llANOI 40 WATTS •lS.OOO CYCLES .. DI ' JOt MV 1 MY S"" MY to WATTS 4 UV MAX. " DI MIN. t1C KHZ 2% MAX. 45 01 MIN. 10 01 MAX. 25 DI MIN. M MHZ TO 1• MHZ W•lnut use included -Reg $1)9.50 SUEC OA COMPONENT SYSTEM! e GARRARD e ELECTRO. VOICE Dlamoltd 1tvlu1 for ll 1 /l L.r .-Sapphlre 1tylu1 fnr 71 R.P'.M. New 1969 model of tfllit f011tou1 automatic tvrwt.ie wltti deluae woh1ut ud ebo•w bow. PRICES ST ART AS LOW AS '6950 REG. $44.50 e LANCER 12" co•orlol 50· 14,000 c .r.s. •P•••rs i• h•d- rubbed oiled wal1111t cab· I Hts! REG. $59.00