HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-02 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesal i • I . . • • .. .. ' '.,,..Coon-:!· · ~OOls · . . ·LY l!a:j,::T-eae~5 1tli. IOU Chiis: •• -· -• • , " • J • • f J '."-"-M .. -!' ·· · esa·s I ~ • --_.spita-l--Seelt$.--" , , POOd on C e~--~--r '°"· --- • .. County Medical Center ~pa·ns1on • 1)'1•~' 1W n <I (J • .... • •• ·.i. , . ' ' .. :,. J ;,'11,i.'. .: .. i&l:l • .. » ..... ~~ '.-r>'.:('J; 't ~ ·~ ..... ,. WE,lilNESDA y AFTERNOON:. JUL y. 2, _19~y I . V01,.1a, MCl,1111/4 S~IOMS •• ,,.,, .. , ' ' .. ' .. ~ .... ... • --L--. .. •• .,." N~ ,. .. ' •' • - • • l ' ' t -·'-,,.,..-~uiierriSQ.~_ To Latinch · • -·-----'~· ""'-..j. -. f q,rap~g}c;_Aitemlnnt . Faith ' ., . . . Moder.riizdtion , , . ,/Face Charges of Murder By JACK ltROBACK' • ~ . . ; ' , ' Of,... a.II, l"llM ,,... , , A para"l>feitC cOUegialt r.r:Ont Roh-Neiibb!lrs· 1)urd ' his .screams} .'1!d , Tbe Board of Suj>ervisors /l'uei:day. moor and, ai1s at'tenclint are fOfmaur calle<f !pr help, but t>e w_u · atrtidy voted 3 to I to CtJt back es~lon plans charged·t~;r lo the. peath of an 1under-badly seared when fnmen-r..escuejf1-blrD lot Orange County Medic Center and cover nJf<»tlC! agent who gambled on from the inft!mo. , ~ ~ad· launch studies to ing main sec-fiery suicKlt instead Ot murder and losl. Investigators said Beck had betli lo- tions of county hospi up to modern Already accused in connect.Ion with a valved in a We oC ~ kilos of tJ'i4lio Standards. 1.000.pourid marljuana deil centered in ·juana, aPJ>9tenlly implicaring-Grtta.;. 1 Los Angeles, in wtUcb the vJdim played the disfbled 90J'I of a retired Naval .of. Supervisor Robert · Ballin of Sant.a a major informant's .role, the pair bave ficer·now working as a dental prQ:fe:.uor Ana was the lonefi:ounty lawmaker o~ been turned over t:o Orange County in San Mateo. • :: posed to the ~ion-He .wanted ta_ sell the authorities. . . • :: 'COUnty hospital to 'UC Irvine. Raymond Graves Jr., 24, a Wheelchair ~· The dean of'UCl's medical college Dr. patient who lived at 11l3l Mar_ijla Ann G;•}, 8, Struck " \Varren Bost!clc,.·h owe v er, supported Drive, scene of the June 7 fire ln whlch .u. :: master pl;mnilifl: for U\e Orange County Br~ Beck, 30, of Hollywood,' Was .: Medical Centtr. . . ;. -· fatally burned, IS' in the Orange County B r -.. I . d ;. .. Battirir~·m0ra0n to sell the whole counly Medical Genter pri~n ward. . y \...a.t:_ ... , ,ll, J lll, , ~e . :: , Awaiting -l){~uflon In quarters only ,• hospital setup to UC! died fo r lack o! a a faW feet• n-orn~where· Beck succumbed 4· , • -.... ', •• 1econd, to second Cegree bui-ns -over 35 per:ceat . A~.t 3-year-old Huntington ~ach glrf Pr0lopgcd debate before lhe l'ounly of ·hla. ·b<>dy ,JUne 2J, --Grives faces a __ da~ng across ,Balboa Island a ~·rfi?t bQerd, was yet another long haggle in an variety 0£, charges.. _ . /\venUe bridie suffered, a brok~ coll~ ~for; to delermine the future ol the A .wa rnwt lis4 them as murder. kid-bone Tuesday l'ligbt· when she was bit tif COl.Jlfty hospital complex. nap, roObery .. and arson; the second of-a car: ~· .. : · Board approval of cuUing back the fense handle4 'by Los Angeles authqritlel! Dana Katblee,.., Melrose,.., 21172 Rk:l; humber or bed spaces to be added in the until .fleck:s dµrb Shifted ju:risdkUon .elf mood Cir~ wn ttruck at 7:50 p.m. bX _. future an<I lo concentrate on moderniza-the case to Orange Cou~y. . . ··car drixcn IQ: ,Lldy_q E. ~Orrison, 71;'.'Gl lion of present fac ilities came after a Al~ named In a murder walTant 1s 218 Heliotrope Ave., Corona del Mar. Bi report from Hospital Administrator the Conner Cal State. Long Beach psy-was' nOrthbiouhd, 'driving off the iliap.d SACRAMENTO (UP ~) The Robert White. chology :i;tudent's. coinpanioo .and attfnd..-When~ 'girl.4'ted inlo triUic.. • l •~· Orange County school finance ex ..... ..t• be a tight squee.ze on the total education -White told board members, "The acute an\[RoY-A: 'IllUl'.J!'an,.14, ~or 403l How-• POlice 'said M~"'was·Dot ~-~ -including admlnistrators from Or';;;g~ -budget for the coming fiscal year. Legislature's two top Republicaiis today. unlt (Building_ No. I) needs exteniive ard <St1, Les r,(1am1tos. . 1be girl was !"$0rted in good coodttiJft Coast dlatricts -today ar(; 'fearful or said the stale was "plun into ils modernization to be wiable. • Graves Ind Thurman, aloog WJth four in Hoag Memorii1 Hospital today "Some;. districts might ha ve enough · other defendant.a,.-~had •otlglnalJ1 been · '-real money problems if the California budgetlesa fmancjal cri · y Assembly ''It couldn't be licensed today charged .. ~"'"· abduction of.Beck~- Le · I d I 1 ~-· bud et carr~~ve funds from the cUJTent fiscal wuu i.ui; ""™" g1s alure e. ays oo rvug Jn g Democratic leader Jes· Unl'Uh's intense 'GROSSLY rNEmCIENT' his Los Angeles apartment ·•tter appn: adoption. Y.ear urvive during July and Augyst, animuOn lo become· "It couldn't be licensed today in its iently ·dl!pcoverlng his I.me rm, . .. Some forecastlbey migl:U..eYen.beJarc. or _m_ighl._ borrow te!Jlporarlly Jrom Assembly Spea '-Robert Monagan·ac-~ pretent coodiUon: It i.---gtcm\)'-inefficient,-__..I.wo_of..Jhe,. fo.ur ... J..8.lllA..~~thistophec._l-,.._-~..c....-1" cd to pay teachers In promissory notes constru:C-Uon bonds, or -they might be fit . t ., b 1 h tNlre 111 no air contti tioning in patient ~nd .Gordon Brown rem.a~ 111 ·~y like scrip as 'f&S:· done during the· deep forced to ask ·the Board or Sui>crti&on ' cused Unruh o y1ng o o la n c eap ~~la, and inadequ~tl e.Jevatofs" White . ~· ~ Angeles, <:tiarg<.,'d with ~c1pal- Depress.1oo years of the 1930s. ror pcrmissioTI to borrow money trOm the pugo~~=~:ii his "campaign f o r continued. ' mg in the gun~tnt lQdnap which ended Reaction to the state budgd-dcadlock bank and 1 Le 1 ., No..+nn "M t 11 1 .r: • lraglcally, Cln local schools was discussed• by the . s ~y n res., .,..,.. ex-''I am . eatlY. conccrped . about the any_ areas_ are to a y nauequate -Lo& Angeles P(llW!e Detective Sgt Glen !Klhool people · Tuesdl'll)' during ?"_hastily pl~,ined. . . . . damage }.e's doing to the Legislature's th e. labor~t~rles, X-ray faci~ities, oul-Baclunan·to.ld newsmen 41~r 'Bf<:K was We'll sUll ' k~p' rolatlv~y cool T i he fU f · Two districts -Capistrano •Un,lfied image ' the Tracy Republican added at a paUent clinic, emergency room, ma.J!>r rescued from the, blazing garage Jime. called press conference n' t o ces o a~ Los,Alamit~ E'._lemenlary a~e. P!an-joillt , 's.coab:rfi!nce.wijh.SeJ14~.P~~j._ surgical •.4!'.'ea~ labor_ an~ d~Yf!J)' j7 ,nd his alleged abductOri, atr~sled,.: •On· the OOA$f.-,Th~sday, w.i. ;merJ County Schools Superintendent Ro~rt rung·• on tior~Lng" rro..n bank1 inght·. de ro nril-.HOWatd .Wfi.Y ... <tt.'.€J:e1e.r). rD0p1s.". . that the informant had expected to die. ~~I~~ ~ 8770~f;h~ ~a; Pelcrson. • now, he ~ded. ; ; e have seen the placement ot White :Was challenged by Battin who He had been handcuffed ti a wai·er , \Valter Adrian. budget director fot the Pe~rson added, ~nty '1'r~asure.r .6rsonal ambitfon ahiad 01-11\e wellan! oC qu$tloned· ?· '251),tOO ·lterri jn the 9ro-plbe in the _gatage of . Graves•. home morning fbg: lifts. • . Newport·Mesa Unllled School District, ,Ivan ciwanger teUs mt 1t 1s·very diffJcult , _ {t;. peoplt .. Way tharged., 1 ~ it&9-70 bud&C.t for "schcmaUc while the .paraplegk: and. his attendant INSmE· TADA y was one of the rhuinclal experts on hand. "if floUmpo§ible 1a get loans 'at u~ to:y& " ·P' ttr t~ legisla · , 1 .J>Ja~s." . s~nt 'a day __ at_ Los Afam~tos"ftacetrack. a,v Peterion's right hand . man, Ernest . ~t"°(lhe 1eia1 limit). The -bank r a . ll~S were groping ~ Wbite 1said It WAll ·8 ''rough est ~ate of He had ' g~ reu211 to believe He Tht "fmposlible ~ dreGni." Lt Norjoo:. asststani supennteoderlt for rDr,tit-turn tts dow.n" ? a~vil'lg. ~lutidn.1 .to the states cos"· of p'-•n•in.ii-~~-~. on· of would be murdettd, B,1chman eJ. b buafnea arid administration In the counf;y · . • / deepenmg f1nanc1al ctlSllJ as the new ·~ ~·--..... nwua~ pfil~ · ecomfng a -teaUtv for a·BffdlA. acbooll office, outlined Uie pr6bJems. ,.. / .$PECJ'Efl OF'SdlP fiscal ·Year tieked on · still without a BuJidin~I . The ~Y is to·be,.~ ln Beck:, . 1ra..i tbe ·r · octing -to0rk.ihop ha Luou.,_e 1be>county1schoolJ superintend butliel.. the· conUngenc)' fu!ldi to be usecrif your ns-.'°' possibt tty that · befp • Beoc/i. ~ltd .. lA Moncf&o. .. Ste •aLIJ'iD ALLEY' • ed the specter .of' the use bf " "This 1s just tl:actly lhe same as if lhe board dcClde,, to i:o ahead Wltb. a· new 'would come · too late b~ = tiri --~0 Ente~taiflnl111~ .Poge as. "'-'A ... of our dlslricls are lookii\g down was done d11rin"' the depress' banks.closed,'.' said ,CaJnar Wein, berger, buUdio~ • ' !'Oml1ede """""'a1 pend!. :1 1'hlc up and • • ~\ 11-.~ --'Cl ,... • ..rn....:: I -~ "'·:Id· t"'" I.ID I wall1: me garaee, . ...,.... ,. ... w .......... '1 111 &llnd Alley, .. he eiplalned. ,.,., don'i 30s. · ~ Gov. Ronald Reagan's flnance dfrectOr., "'ia would· a new uw mg cos , ., <•lllWfll• 11 Mtttt-. -:.i-':l'" know when the Legislature ii going to act "If we can't b6rrow money we t.1on~gan reparted the·cawam1a You~ q~k!d Battin. • .. · · '· 1:::"' '":' ·= .,..-,..: " how much they will get when it does might have 1o do !hallo P'! our teachers Authority had only five days• food lefl lirl · Whlteirepiled, "US l<i 30 mil]ioo. The ·U.S. Plan. C Shot Down , ""_, • ·--· .. Id.. ' and they .woul~ have to scount It. It's 11.t reform schools. The'Vftavllle prison ·•Wd.>' ls to-determblf on lDOCkrniJ&Uon or 1:::C.,..,_ ll ·::::-;;::-;-,,.,: "If the' &late docs oot eome up with llKe JOUs ~nd during t .J.930s wa!I. dlt-had only 15 dAY•' RooAs rentatnlnc., · replaceqtenL The~cost could be, financed TOKYO • (UPI) -North Vtetnam:~11e E•fw't• Pttt ' ,.,....., • NI • ·' .. , Fairview Dependi.Mf.on Cr~dit for Food Purchases .. Devotipn to duly is not legal tender, bu{ Impact · of refusal of Ass~ m b_I y lal Hygienc~for tt)e latest pfficial word on thU, along "'1th blind faith in legishrtors' Democrats to approve GoV. Ronald the !ina'llcial crisis. . ·u -nd r -~:tJ .. Reagan'.s $6.37. bil)ion.Oscal budeel was . '"There is no money lo pay our bills," resporwbi ty a . re iance·~,..i;r-t:Ul ro.~ t>eiiTg~ f~lt ·at f'airvieW-Stale·'Hosp1tal 1n he said alter the talk with headqtµtrters, !pea l merchants 1s a~ thaj:,tleld the Slate Costa Mesa., where spokesmeii ,were ·•not only bills, but salaries as well." .or catilornia's strick~~~rgj'._.toc~Ylst ..,fitintly. optimlsiic. . ~ ' ~~~nus was ~Qe_-c~ l,hrougtlout_ the most today. --· :· _-·-.·--+ -·-t"WC ""are'Cin a credit situation. but so populous~late in the naUon, from the Stumbling iptO lhe second day of opera-far people are acting in good faith ," said California llighway Patrol to janilorlal lion wi~t a 1969-70 fiscal budget. So:perintendeot and Medical Director Dr. service in the Capitol Building, and from various state agencies began making Anthony Toto. ' Imperial County to Trinity County. emergency plans to meet needs as The sprawling hospital-school complex Perishable foods such as milk , eggs, ~dlocked lawmakers wrangled . houses 2,300 retarded children -some In meat al)d other commOdlties purcha~ .State Director of Finance Caspar Wein-esttemely delicate health -and ban· every day or two were being bought o-n berger said California's 33 prisoos and 14 dicapped· adu!Lt. credit bul slate officials said the ar· mental institutions begun , buy.in g After conferring with hospital ad-·rangoment raises grave legal questions, , perishable rooct on credit as th~ financial mii:ii.stralor P)tilip .White, Dr. Toto : • ""We anticipate lhat merchants will go crisis deepened. telepbOned the Slate Department of Men-(See CRISIS, Page %) , .. • • ' .. ·-. .l -tr * ,, ... * * * ... .. :14-* ·* School Finance Experts • , Fearful of Budget Delay . " I U111·1th Ambition l Rapped by GOP '. . ' A's Crisis cause' \ .. echool appropriatkms for . July and counted as much u 25 t." Neither had pow~ to pUr.chaae4more~ -ou:t bf operatfnc Jncome ov'er a 40-year armed fortes 1shot down an wunanhed , :=:""""" :::. :C."-= ~~- August. mosl· dislrlc1' will have 10 bor-Adrian ,aakl the )I -Meaa distrlel piles_ 1be Pl'ljJlChl,,. .Tu J10an1 ~I • pert¢. State and. federal gants .or• abo U.S, reconnal"!ll\CO plalJO oyer .Ha,. To,y .1 • ~.::'...,?.;1'*1. -i:,.: ~ ' •;,;. . t-- rG'.'f ~~~>:, ~o . o~r'te~ and ll)ls ttl9M1. C9U)d "sUrvive durl July~ A~st by d~wn .IJs tqD)P)lter 9J)et8J~~y,.,uru. \! , possl~,i! , ~ "i.1 · • -i.Prbvl~~Mlltlttftsl ·Of' Jfluiol ·"1\resday, '--•• .......,. 11 ~ t mt~.,mt everr• ,.va1Mtiht,~~ott1 • dfpPln¥;'ihto our el P"lmate<fl"l't • 'M'&riiiga'M·t;CC'Jsecf·tnuiJKbi" '!.Y ing tb ·· BitlTn persisted and brought up the the country's news agency ft:ported. It ,._...,. ' ....... .._. • ~g::u~ p! !hat It !®~~Uk~~ willr ~ ~ Jliillloill. llu ~;:"",. , ;~·lf"~~;:!;1,S'ti;.•~~i!' ,1.)ov~:._ ~ P'~~~;~£g'f~'PW,li)l1iclt I ~~J~_!':[" the IJ,,3tltllb Affierltan ~· ~-~"';;""";;";""==="=""";;-;;.:;-=::ll';;;: .. Z;;t"'~ . " -- -, . • '~-..... :;..;.... .. ·..;. .. .:..~"···· ' ...... -- ! , 1'" ' • • ~V PtioT s Wfdntsd,y, July 2, 1969 Rogers Says .Lull C~~ld ~pee~ Troop P~lout I ~-' WASHINGTON (Wll) -Secrtiary of _ Bogm told an..., ionl~e 1h•I he Stll.e Wllliam P ... Rogers said todal the confe]Ttd thia :;tno.IUill& _wJth. Defenlit Soulb "letnam'a pmld•nl, Nguyon '-Van The ...,..tery 1ndlcalcd tllat If th& ad· waY-wl th< Sovl•t Unloo and ~ But fie added lbat since ouch negoUatlooa teu,-ldway lalaod' tbat ..,.. mlnillral!oi..,.. to tne:CoOCJualoo 11111-..prepareiLla tart lbe..,..J>tCoUatlo "go toJJ><Jicaq.ol -1!Y ol V!e\Tnlled f;-:-it-.....,..._NI_ 'SOiiili V-bu......-..Y..Mebld' ll.1tilllt.aliiiol~ Ill <"lt-•-~~~~~~J,._ ~--·&t..·llP!t~~t&!!·~iirii4_~,~· ,;JiiA aod Ill dlru'E:lell'.1111~--summer ot 21:oOo Am can GI'a. ra Ot'.111fU c ·the.it a review H! IAid'bhowever, lbe u led States till proached carefully. -decllnlnl and !bat ll the t"nd In Communlst·lnltialcd action. sirovect' slgnUicant, it could spttd up ''We hope it has '°'Pt }Jgntficance," he withdrawals of U.S. ln>opo. • said. "We bc\P" It is a ruponse lo Pl'QI• At a newt confettnct, however, Rogen: dent Nirqn &od Presidenl ndeu'a con- awtloned..tbat for the. lime being U .~. Of• ft_rioce ~aJ MJd_way." fldaJs would "hive to wait anU iee." It wu during the NiJon meeting with Roa&r. recalled .NiJoo'a three cri ~ U.S. mlDtary' activities -includtni not,y.et ieceive(I a respons_e from Moscow--Rogers i:xpr~ the conviction for~ U.S. tr0op 1'1Uidra aUoo <if raster-trOop pullouts -on--uiii U.S. Ph>POiat tO start the talks on • ~there was a mutullity or interest betw Vl<tnaln. -• drop In mWtary •• i>uld. be warraot~. • mutual lilllltatiool <>I strategic wupom -Onlted Stoles . and Ille RIJS!l""" · . -·-at the Perls peace talks, '8nd Rogers also told "porters tllat the between July 31 and-Aug. 13. · 1lowlng the arm> race. creasing' ability ,or the-SOUtti Vie nited StateS-'"is mt dfaggJng ll$ feet" R.otth· said there-al't! ind.icaUonl the ''Jn this hope-we ·are looking forward -· anntd forces to take over the flgbUng. . , getting · strategic arms talks under Russians are still interested in suclt talks. the begiming of tl1eSe lalks:," he said. +---11----""--Fro111.-e.•1• J --------~--- • ' BUDGET.·; ent -the separatiQJ> of powers -by blaclcmall ... Unruh has demanded commtt.ments from Reagan on an e.dtacatlon bill and ta.1 nfonn before freeing Democrats to vote . .., a budget. • . The fiscal dilemma -s t a t e government's ' wrirst since the depression -carried vast political implicalions for neit year's expected gubernatorial race between:Reagan and Unruh . .. 1 think It's useless to speculate on Reds in Cambodia· Blasted . ,,_ ·• t SA106N -(uPJ) -y.s. pl~s and bodia we do our besL tu knock out the allied dive bombers and the big Bl lrlflllr3!.<-~!l.O!llr .Ytakt.<~!"o" #Id S!l,..Gtllrae, -• .v " . . • ~,.,~,~ namese gun ~itions in nelftral c~~,___,~ef"O("'Ambler;pa:, llie ~"U.S. Id'-. ,_.~$J~ge appea over,. MUIWUJ bodi d .. ~ .... th c nis · Vl!ler at the Special Forces tiase. spokesmen in Saigon sald no rocket, a '"'u'6 . e ommu 1 rnege 0~ the "We used.artillery and tac air (tactical mortar or artillery rounds had hit th'e Ben He~ Special Forces camp, military air strikes) to knock out guns in Cam-fortress Tuesday or in the first 16 hours spokesmen said WdaY· bOdia," he -$aid. ~We. declare a tactical of today, which would have been tbe.,S7tb · Ben.-Het,.-14--t.he-centraJ-higttla:ntts 2St emeTtency--wbin fired upo'n." · annatbQ8y5 of 50iiil5irdment. i-.--;.---1that;1*-Unruh-repUed--wben-asked-if-hc- feared the legislative debacle had bann- miles north -of Saigon and only a few Miller and · his Sooth Vietnamese • U.S. military ~rces said -14 miles from the Laos ·anll Cambodian counterpart, Col. Nguyeli: Ba Uen,.said at Anu~ricara out of the 200 defending: the borders, was under siege for S6 day~ until J~ll Cornplunl.rt artillery posiUons outpast had died in the daily shelling and .. ' ' I 1 .. " 1 I ' , . t • ed him politically. "I don't think any of us an: am.art enough' to figure that oot." Reagan was saJd to be holding 11flrm" ID his position, believing he had Uorull · poUUcally in I boL Both houses adjourned Tuesday wi~out taking action on a budget. The Senate Monday night passed a full-year's budget and rejected an assembly Democrat- spoosored mini-budget good for only a month. a 3,500-man relief c;olumn drove through were Gestroyed during the siege. Llen 40 had been wouoded. bosses among the to the outpost Tuesday. said the gun slte.s deslroyed included 450 s0uth Vietnamese soldiers and their Today tbP. Qrst supply convoy to reach •·some in Cambodia, some in South Viet-families were reported h•eavier. ' ~ Het in six daya rDovecf_into the Green nard." ,.. · The convoy that brought rresti water, Beret camp unopposed from DU: To, U.S. Special Forces advisers at the food and ammunition into the camp ar- elgbt mlln to the east, while B52s· car-highlands caJr!P said ttie Comrflunist-~ rtved from DalrTo on tttriway 512, the ried out five strikes against what was Jell troops apparently were headed for route a 3,500-man South Vietnamese task of the Communists in the area. ncarbr, Cambodia to regroup and resup-force had cleared in four days of unop- · .. Every time they shell us .from Cam· ply !rom the pounding they ·took from posed marching that ended Monday. Fron• Page l Whlle the state wu'Stranded without a budget, it had . virtually-no authority-to spend money. Reagan pleaded with the state's 186,000 employes to wort "voluntarily" possibly _ without pay. The governor promlsed to de. ~everything in my_po_w_er_'._'_t.o rnake_ qe_ etnployes-are "justly compensated." MEDICAL •.. bave beard will-coet-"30 million." "How about selling the medical center to UCl?" asked the supervisor. Brass Gets Lift NATO Generals Flag Do ·wn GI Employes had m.Js:ed emotions. "'It's more of a joke than anytlllng else among the einployes," said Eldon Petersen, a Capitol window washer. "TbesO guys (lelislaia<s) take oil on Tbunday i'ltty week and iheo they can't even pus a budget.,. . .. We've gOt a job to do and we're going to do it regan.fle!a: of pa_y," declared - Anclrtw Lolli, • former Army general who nOw is state general service, dir~ tor. -*-*-"* ·'.. p,..... Pqe I CRISIS..u ·~ "rm not sure they would buy it, if they know what I do," White repH>e<I. "The c. --•• 4 county would still have a responsibility for care of the indigent sick. That costs $6 to $7 million a year." SUPPORTS PLAN ·0r. Bostick of UCI joined the fray at thiJ point. "[ fully l!IUpport .the OCMC master plan of modificaUOO: We. expect to continue our affiliation with lhe medical center into the indefinite future." Or. Bostick added, "We hope to double the size of our entering physician cl~ss, BRUSSELS (UPI) -Hitchhikers ar'& common on Belgian roads but Spee -4 Joseph P. Holmes did a double-take when three men ·nagged him down last week. They were all four-star generals. One was the retiring supreme allied commander in Europe, Lyman L. Lem- nitz:er. 'I'be others were Air Force Gen. Horace M. Wade, the ~hief of staff of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe (SHAPE), and Lemnitzer's depu~ ty , British Army Gen. Sir Robert M. Bray. They were on their way to an im~ portant NATO meeting in Brussels v.:hen • fog forced their helicopter to land at the side Gi--.o91road •. liolmes, <if Orlando, Fla., ,was the first motorist to appear and the high-ranking· hitchhikers flagged ltim down. The generals piled into his small sedan and he took them to SHAPE head- quarters at Casteaux. Holmes asked ltjs passengers for a note to giVe his superiors at the NATO dispensary to which he is attached: The generals did better. They posed with Holme! for a photograph. The story was reported today in the armed forces ni?wspaper Stars and Stripes. . now 60, and subsequenUy our output or p ll Sh 'E €han ' along with our employes -al( ccmlng to ''Be Prepared," ts Darlene Roth's motto. And Darlene, 16, a visitor· :ru~ :::rs~es~:r:: :;a;:mputh: •. 0 . ows ven--· -cer---work on good will -in caring for our 2,300 paUents," _U)e Fairview Stale to the Orange C.oast from Walnut, caiif., lives up to the motto by bospilal to function properly. · , --·- HOeplta~ director said today. . spraying on suntan lotion Quring beach outing. Now that old sol has "The university hospital will train "Maey kids here are on &peeiat -and -Ieft June Gloom behind, she'll need it. students for the firsL tw.o years and it For Senate Ol{ay of ABM critical -diets ·in which tbe primary must be on tbe campus. There are many nutriment is milk," Or. Toto added, .. and ,we believe the merchants will go aJong in h l E s relations to other ~ls, such as <'1fing..loLihem oD..lbe..assu!D!Ucm 11>.ey ....._D"'O t -lsrae · gyp t a· y engineering and physico. WASHINGTON (UPI) -j'or th< n..,t jslingl!li!Julemen missile sjles against in· may .or may not get paid for what they-Il U ' "In the ~and fourth years sludenls time since it became an Issue, President coming attacks by other missiles. provi~ in the interim." .. • are separated Into mnaller-groups and Nixon's request for an antimissile system In the House, the Armed Services Com- .. tf n~. we'll dig into our own • '{ · • ' · their main am of •ork will be OCMC. If stands an even chance of winning Senate mittee has approved ABl-.f deployment by pocbts,'' he ~luded: r· he .. DoiV:~ .. -d A-· . ~ f~ . it was not there we would have to go approval, a new UPI poll showed today. a 10-7 vote and approval by the enUre ~-~.:~~-·-a°?;? __ 0~eduL. &jc~!...~: 01,!1nder : y -ft A , lrCfU ·f·, ._; Somewhere else -to Los Angeles. The latest canvass of the Senate's too House was considered certain. ~~ wu. "'6'"' --·-l.,£t:; Dr. Boslick explained that the universi-members showed those for and those A-M bJy Speaker Robert T .. Monagan .. · . ty campu! holpital would train students A UPI Senate poll taken June.6 on the sakt tbe food 11uppUea are· sharply limited . , in "exotic diseases, brain tumors, cardiac against the idea split 48 to 48· Four ABM showed 49 opposed and 47 in favor. at several. '\ :!; problems, care and research," while lhe senators are firmly undecided. The change to the current 48-48 standing He-said the California Youth Authority By THE ASSOCIATED P~ ... an -da~ioua move that led to the. firing medical center offers e1:perience in in-This marks the first Ume in several came after a veteran Democrat.from the had only a five-dfty -supply of food on Israel claimed ·its .jets shot down four Of E t's air force chief, Gen. Mustapha fectious diseases, and accident cases in polls that proponents of the Safeguard southwest moved to "leaning toWard band for refonn school inmates. EgypUan MIGs in a dogfight over the el Hennaw; and Gen. Hassan Kamel, the' emergency room. "If we could not antiballistic missile (ABM) system show-favoring" deployment from a previously The !tockpile ol edibles at the Gulf of suei' today. Egypt did not confirm responsible for Egypt'• air defense. build a campus hospital OCMC would ed strength equal to that of tbeir op-uncommitte<I position. minimum security Cali!ornia Medical the losses but claimed two Israeli Their dismissal was announced in Cairo have to be doubled in site to meet our ponenta. The first UPI poll of the Senate In addition, a ranking Republican Facility at Vacaville Is at 8 15-day level, June 13. Egypt't new air chief, Gen. Ali needs." on the subject, taken in early March, senator from New England moved from be said at 8 Sacramento news con-Mirage-a were shot down. .Baghdad!, lost 'tbree MIGs by Israeli 5howed 46 opposed, 20 in favor and Z5 the "leaning against" category to un- fe:rence. Cairo radio quoted a military com-count within days OJ.i:assuming bb: new of· STICKS · TO GUNS undecided. decided. "When that's over, they can't buy munlque as saying two Israeli plane fice. · , Battin stuck to his guns. "We are raced Thus the ABM supporters have picked As part of the ground rules of the poll, any more food unless the administrators fonnations entered Egyptian air space In The air cl8'h tolJW.s}.raeli co.nunando with two plans, a UCI hospital and im-up 28 votes in four months, compared no names are used and the senators who accept personal UabiUty," lhe Republican the Aii1 el Suk Neb areti, were interce-P,ted raids on three·Egyptiih posltiona tn the provement of the medical center. They wjth only two for those against a missile participate are guaranteed anonymity in leader explained. by MIGs and two·Jsta-eli jets were Shot Gulf of Sm:~ Tuesday-night and an.Arab could cost $30 million each and should be deThfense5 syste~. h c9'hange !or their frank ex ressions of guerrilla auack on an Israeli army posi-combined in one. e enale is sc eduled to beglfi deb'ate Vlews. down in the ensuing fight. 'lion in Jordan's ocetIPttd we.i Bank. HJ move that the board oiler to sell the next week of a military spending bill The four who listed themselve! 83 Honorable Discharge SAN DIEGO (UP!) -Lt. E<lwant R. r.turphy Jr., the execuUve officer of the USS PuebJo who resigned his commission after reading the findings of a court ol in- quiry, has received an honor ab I e discharge from the Navy. DAI Li PI LOT ..l•c.• l.. c .. 1., -"~~.r,ll.ftllf-. ....., Tia..&• l••~I ··- The Israeli army said its planes en-A spokesman in Tel Aviv slid the Arab OCMC tq UCI after a reasonable period which contains. $794 million for the undecided include three Republicans and countered the MIGs while on patrol, raiders were driven off by hraeli fire and ask the Stat.e Leg i 11 lat u re to Safeguard. As modified by Nixon, the a Democrat. They are so firmly un- i th So 1 bull and there were 00 casualties. determine the need for a second system would Include missile sites in committed that it is impossible to eveo pursued lhein, and four 0. e vet-t In a brief communique on the Suez hospital." North Dakota and Montana for deploy· gain an indicalion of wh.ich ~·ay their planes were seen falling in Egyptian ter· raid, the Israeli army said its com-}!Is motion died for lack of a second. ment of missiles which could protect ex-votes might go. rltory. mandos killed 13 Egyptian soldiers, took l=========================='========~~=======~ The JsraeUs now ch\im to have shot one pri9Mler and· returned safely to base. down 25 Egyi:tian warplanes since the A map released by the anny showed the June 1967 war. They clalrrted they shot target area near Ras lssaran, about 100 down two MIGs on June 28 and another miles south of Port Suez. one two days before. A communique from Cairo said only The Isr'l!ls also confirm« that some three Egyptian cOll!tguardsmen were of their jels new over Cairo Wt June 17, .killed. four were wounded and one was From Page J missing. The Egyptians said 30 Israeli com- mandos attacked under covering fire from hellcopters and a pool of bl~ was fOllnd after the baWe "denoUng a fierce struggle bad taken place." , -SCHOOLS ••• money after August." He warned, •:Our voten paa.sed aod we -have--sold-t&:t-ntltHan---m.CoostriicUon bonds and we are now haviq: Ult County Counsel draw a resolution giving our board authority to borrow from these ll was the second lsraelJ commando ~ ~- raid reporte1tb)' the lsraell ~yin three ~ ~ • days. On Si!lly~t the arm~,rt;"ed"-lll-----· · fAL) ~~~ • .: dest:!y:n;i;:~~J'~ -~·· ; ?'/J .J7::, bonds. . "lf the supervisors approve, we will still have adverse effects if the slate does not pau a budget soon. If we borrow from the construction bonds we will lose interest on the bonds which we are now getting and will have to raise our tax rate." Adrtan gaid the N"ewport-Mesa district dJd not expect an increase in state funds over tho current rear -about '5.8 miUfon, 21 percent o the total reveoue Of the district ol flU million. · Other districts represented had similar, yet dive"" problems. t'!l'lon power line from the'Aawan Dam •• Z.,c;//"ftJUtbv to Cairo. Egypc. ·denied aD knowl~e or the raid. Villa Park Dam Grant Approved A grant oI $266,062 has been ~ade for the development of ,Regi~ Part at VUla Park . Dam by the, )nteridr Department's Bureau of OutdoOr Reena~ tlnn. COogre"11liln James B. Utt (ft. TuoUo) announced. · . ' ' ' .. for Mother. or Grandmother From 1 to 9 GENUINE Birthstcioes gracefully set in 14 Kt white or yellow 101d .•. The special remembrance from every member of the family. ' · {'lian Mo,.., U10Cl1le superlnlen<leol for busineSI of the Garden Grove Unified tmtrict: "We will have to borrow money alitr Au(USI, 'about f3 or f3 mlllfon. II'• jll5t doft'[ ha\le the reserves. "The governor bauropoaed only • fl os m1111on'1!1cilue tu ·the 11a1e· emcM!on budgtt. ·Thal would 1lve us only about m per ttudeol Ind our cosll are laoG per atudtnL The 1r491 ~as made to the Pl°8'J.le Counly Department ol Hlllbon ·ind Beaches and wUJ go iplo·lha Cow!lf M- cumulatlve CapttaJ OUUay fund tO o:tv.er · tl_le ptrrchaae· of t:U actt.I of laild for Uie pork localde near Irvine Park. ~1 Congrtsnnan·Utt Hid the tedual fun. ding WU tustJtulcd to lld the develop. nienl of ·recreational facilities in hJah population areas. CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARQ MASTER' CHARGE J. C: .JJu'Ji/?/iri116 'J11wef11r llU NEWPORT B~ D., COSTA MESA ' · \· --- / I From $2'.00 wl,. efte ttnUhte StOftt. AddltiOHl tM•I•• stones $5.00 •- Dlamooda $11.00. 23 YEARS :C -sAJll~ LOCATION PHONE 548.J40 I ---·-· I • • .. • . - '" ~-'.lluntin -ton.Beam'-- Toda)"s Final 1-NA'.-Stoeks - VOL 62, NO ISZ, 4 SECTIONS, 60 PAGES ORAN~E COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1969 TEN CENTS . Paraplegic ·l ace s Count ' Of Murde1~ , Jr,, .. paraplegic collegian from Ross-m·oor and his attendant are fonnally chai:ged today In the death o( an under· cover narcotics agent who gambled on fief)' suicide instead of murder and lost. Already accused ~n conneetion with a 1,000.pound marijuana deal centered in Los Angeles, in which the victim played a _major informant's role. the pair ha\'e b~n turned over to Orange County authorities. . , Raymond Graves Jr., 24, a wheelchair patient Who lived at 12331 Martha Ann Drive, scene of UJC June 7 fire in which Bruce Beck. 30, • of Hollywood, .,.,.as falally burned, ls In the Orange County Medical Center prison ward. Awaiting prosecution in quarters only a few feet from v.·here Beck succumbed to second degree burns over 3S percent of his body June 21, Gravesla-cts a variely of charges. . A warrant 11.sls them as murder, kid· nap. robbery and arson, the second ·of· ~-rense handled by Los Ange.Jes authorities until Beck's death shifted Jurisdiction of the case to Orange Coonty. - Also named in a murder warran~ is the fonner Cal State, LoOg Beach psy· chology iitudent 's companion and attend· ant, Roy A. Thurman, 24, of 4033 HO'o'I'· ard St., Los Alamitos. Graves and Thurman, along with four other defendants, had originally been charged with the abduction or Beck from his Los Angeles apartment after appar. ently discovering bis true role. . Two of the four, James Christopher and Gordon Brown remain in custody in Los Angeles. charged with particlpal· ing jn the gunpoint kidnap which ended trjr\cal!)i. -IAsl\ngeles P6llce llelectivesgt. Glen Bachman told newsmen after Beck was rescued from the blazing g~age June 1· and his alleied abdllclors arrested, that the informant had expec;ted to die. He had been handcuffed to a "''ater pipe in the garage of Oravei.' home while the paraplegic and his attendant spent a day at Los Alamitos ticetr~ Ballplaging Pal~ Ready for Huntington Beach's 1969 Recreation Departmenl baseball season are (standing from left) Bob Malloy, 10; Bob Delima, 9; Darin Marsh , 10; John Green, 8, and (kneeling from left) 'Fracey Prouse, 7, and Bill Burrows, 10: Diamond action gets under way most after· noons on fields at schools th1'9Ughout tJ,untington Beach. Scl;iool Finance Exper~ ·~He had good reason to believe'-be Would-be murdered,'' Bachman et- plalned. . F fl fB d t Beck risked the poss ibility that help . 1 ear u Q u ge would come 100 late by seiling fire_lo_ -Delay some newspapers. which flared up and -.igrtl~ed walls or the garage. • N~ighbors heard his screams a11d Orange County school finance expcrL, ''If the state does not come up with called for he!~, b~t he was alrea.dy -includitlg administrators from Orange school appropriation& for July and bad ly sear~d w en firemen rescued him Coast districts -today are fearful or August, most districts will have to bor· from the inferno. real money problems if the California lnvest.igators said Beck ~d been i~· Legislature delays too long in budget row money to operate a~ this money yolved 1n a sale ~r ~ k~los of man· adoption. might not even be available," Norton 1uana. apparently 1mphcaung Graves--. · ed , the disabled son o{ a retired Naval of· ..., Some forec ast they might e:-en be fore· continu · ficer now working as 1 dental professor ed Jo p~y teachers in pron;ussory notes "On top of that, it looks like there will in San l\fateo. like scrip as was done during the deep be a tight squeeze oo the total education Depression years of the 1930s. . budge t for the coming fiscal year. Reaction to the state budget deadlock "Some districts might have enough on local schools was discussed by the carry'(lver funds from the current fiscal school people . 'fuesday during :> hastily year to survive during July and August , called pr~ confe rence in the offices of or they might borrow temporarily frOfT\ County Schools Superintendent Robe.rl construction bonds, 'or they might be Peterson. f"reed to ask the BOard of Supervisor• Walter ·Adrian. budget director for the for permission to borrow money from the Ne,vport-Mesa Unified School Dis trict, banks and pay interest," Norton oi.. was one of the rinancial experts on hand. pla ined. Peterson's right hand man. Ernest ''Two districts -Capistrano Unified Norton, assistant superintendent for and Los Alamitos Elementary are plan· business and administration in the county ning on borrowing from banks right schools office, outlined the problems. now," he added. "~fost of our districts are looking down Peterson added, ."Cou.nty Treasurer a blind alley," he explained. "They don't Ivan Swanger teUs me it is very difficult, know when the Legislature is going' to act if not impossible, to get loans at up to 6 1 • how much they will get "''hon it docs percent (the legal limit). The banks act (See SCHOOLS, Pace Z) ~ ·County Awar_ds Co11tract To Operate Aquatic Park A firm specializing In the development of marinas Tuesday was awarded tne contract to operate the Sunset Aquatic Region.iii Park by the Orange Cou nty Board of Supervisors. Although the minimum $25,000 bid by Goodrich, Kest and Grau of Los Angell!, was the· only one of three Offer~ 'Which was aettplable, Harbor Mal).atcr Ken - neth Sampson recommended-approval. ·~ flnn has devel~ two marinas in Loi Angeles Cou§Marina de! Rey at a..c®:L<(_IL_mlll and is now OJ)Crat- ing one of -tfiCnt;,111= m n uld. "They are uperle~ an ve capable.'' The aqu14UC park « or 37 acres of land ,~Waler and the coUnty 'has 1penl P~liceman Inj ured In Hunting_ton Cba8c < •• lluntington Beach Poltce officer Gary S•rl ·Qlleetl c. Kuncl, 28, suffered racial injuries.and Airline stewardess Linda Ben-~~:°~!c:r~ ~:. ~ad~~e:td'f!':a'; son, 22, hi q.ueen of 1969 Hunt· Ing two burglary suspects across an open ingl!>j,1,Jl.l'~~ S~ging_~~am.,:__-1ieJ<Lnw..Beach Boul~•ard_and.Atjanta plonsn19-S scncdu1cu !or TepL. Street. • ·20 and' 21. Linda, who will .ride &oth ' sUflpcct.s, who were on foot. in C"ity's annual Fourth of July escaped. Police reports did not lndlc11te par$le, is Uve;-time winner in •·flat tht pair Wi18 IUl!petlcd or buri;larli<. aurflpg champtonshlps. ~-r _$750,000 devel~piiig ll in the past few years. Facililles to be operaled by the rirm in- _clllde the marina, boat launChing ramps 'built by the county, a yet to be con- structed boat repair yard (minimum cost $150,000) and a camping park (minimum, $.100,0001. A...proposal from tunset Park Marina Inc. was rejected because a $5,000 re- quited deposit did not accompany the bid. A serond bid from lhe HlfnUngton Harbour Corp. was ruled Invalid because thr proposal, made last May 19 was sub- ject to approral or the corporation's board of dlredors at a later date. Under the agreemtnt to be signed with Goodrich, Kest and Grau, annual rental percentages Win include 2.$ percent of the gross for the boat• launching ramp, dry boat storage and parking fees : 2S percent of boat berthing .fees (20 percent until completed); 15 wcenl ol the rentals for overnight tamping. ~ Also. 35 percent of fabor and 11ervict charges at the !hlp!a chandlery; J per· cent Of the reslalll'ant l'eteipbli I percent .of.the sale pri<t.J>Lbo>ll,:_an<U.porcent .,( ;ill other income. 1'lie igretment Is ror 10 ytafs and sub- jC(t to revlew In 1979 and every fi ve years thereafter for any possitle • ad· justmcnu. ' 1 • OOPBI-ames Unruh ' Dem'! Hit as Budg ~ Crisis Worsens S~CRAM~NTO (UPI) . The Frustrated legislatiors were eropfiig for Le.g1slature s two top Republica~s tod~y a face·saving solution to the state's said tbf! state was plunged 1nt6 its deepening financial crisis as 1Jie new budgetlesa financial ~isis by Assembly fiscal year Ucked oo stiU wlttiout a Dem~.ratlc leader Jess Unruh's intense budget. ·ambition to become governor. _ "T!iis Is just exactly the aame as if the Assembly Speaker Ro~, Mon.agan ac· banks closed," aaid caspar Weinberger, cused Unruh of t~ing to obtain cheap · Gov. Ronald Reagan's nrtance director. publicity" in his "Campaign l o r Monagan reported the Callfoi-nla Youth governor." _Authority had only Jive days' food left in "I am greatly concerned about the it'SrefonU sclW>Ols. :rtie Vacaville Prison damage he 's doing lo the Legislature's had only 15 days' goads remaining. ~~age," the Tracy Repu~lican added ~t ~ Neither had power to~ j)ii?chase more sup-. Joint news conference with Senate Pres1· plies.; The Franchise Tax Board .shut dent Pro Tern Howard Way (R-EJ:eter). down its computer operations. -"We have seen the placement 'of · Ptfot1agan attused Unruh of-·trying 1 to • personal ambillon ahead of the welfare ol "cireumvent the whole process of govern- Uk _people," Way charged. ment -the separation ol powers -by To Validate Or Not-? Recall Still in Doubt · To validate or not to validate was the question before ,Superior Court Judie Claude M. Owens today-on three recall petitions submitted to the city of foun- tain Valley by recall leadtr Eugene VanDask. Aprll 17 Owens issued a ~ourt order forcing the city to complete varlj!ation of the peUUons after city attorney Edwin Mar.Un had ruled Uiem illegal on the basis q{ imprQper circulation procf:dures. blackmail." Unruh has demanded cmnmltment1 from Reagan on an education bill and. tax reform before free.In& pemoc1at1 to vote on a budget. The liscal dilemma s t a 1·e· government's worst si~ the depression -carried vast political implications for nut year's expected gubematoria1 race between Reagan and Unrub. · "I think it's useless to speculate on lbat," Unruh replied when asked lf ,he feared the Jegislallve debacle had harm· etl hin politically. "I don't. think IJlY of us are smart enough lo figure lhat out." • Reagan was said to .be holding "flrm" in his posit.ion, believing be had Unruh politically in a box. Beach Takes Water District A long, ·-biller ight b e t w e e. n homeowfiers in the Southeast part or Huntington Beach and the Talbert Water District ended quietly Tuesday when the city officially took over operation of the tiny irrigation water district. • The battle began in 1967 when two tiomeowners. Joe Boyle and Wii'ren Hall, challenged the r\gb.t of the dl!trtct to tax owners of sibgle family homes to raise Tad&y Mar!IA·W••l 11> ,eourt to defend hll pos!Hon. -/ ~ -• A~• Paul.( Augustine Jr. iM . RGbert' Sissons are representing su~ p<>rters of the move to recall Mayor Robert. Scbwerdl,feger, Vice M a y o r Donald Fregeau aod Coun¢1n)an Joseph Courrqes; , • ?QPDey t.o operate a water dlstrlct serYlnl less lhan a dot.en Lanners. Crux of the mat~r is the readability of repU~a made by the ~ councilmen to recall charge.I of Impropriety In oftlce. Martin originally ruled, and still holds, that legal notices in 1 newspaper are not readable because of their small print. Recall supporters had photographically copied the Councilmen's Jegal replies in a paper and submitted them with the r!:call petitions. By law both sides or the Issue must be presenled -the charges and replies to those charges -before a voler may sign a recall petition. Altoraeys for the recall claitn there is legal precedence to shtiw that the recall procedure was followed correctly by us- ing copies of legal notices. · Augustine pointed out that the legal notices in a paper are just that (legal ). Ir the court upholds lhe recall sup- porters, the city cOuncil_ will be asked Ju •. ly 15 to set up a recall election. for some time In the middle of Septetnber. If the judge rules in Martin's favor, the recall will be halted, a1 least temporarily. * * * Valley -Council Won't Appeal Larwin Decision ; DAILY ~tL0T l tlfl l'iwf.lo WINS GALLIENNE AWA~D ' .Huntin9ton Mayor Gr11n I iIOME Coliilcil's c Gallienne PriZe Goes to :\\fayor · Mayor Jack Green has been selected as the 1969 winner o{ the annuaJ HOME CounciJ ·"Bill Gallienne Award," which is given to a Huntington Beach man Who has made a s.ignifcant contribution to the community during the past year. - HOME Council President Cris C. Cris said the winner will be honored at a 7:30 a.m. breakfast atthe Sheraton Beach Inn Friday and will ride in the Fourth of July Parade later In the day in the HOME Cooncll "Bill Calllenne Award" car. ~!ayor Green is in his fourth year as a councilman and has been particularly ac - tive in the past year in obtaining a new civic ·center and in providing op- portunities for youth, Ciis said. Eve:ntu.illly ~ toOi: their battle to the ciiY~counCii after failing to wln 8""..ats on the govemlnc board of the district which levies a .tax on land value only. Aller f,rotraded negtouauons which· once had the dty asking that the district be dissolved, the city agreed to take over the illittict. supply city water to the few remainJng f~ and to levy a tax for bond retirement orily, not for operation or the district. 'M1e diilrict Will conlin ue to exist on paper until the bonds sold years aao to build· pipetines have ·been retired. 1lte ~ lasl bond is expected lo be retired in Februaey 1977. $200 Gift Sends Maureen to Ohio Maureen Meade -the · 14-year~ld speedster from Huntington Beach -left Tuesday for the AAU Women 's National championship lrack meet July 2 through 5 in Dayton, Ohio. Last week Maureen was seeking help to pay her expenses to the meet so she could compete with her three Long Beach Comets teammates on the women's mile relay team. A mystery donor helped Maureen make the trip, giving her the $200 she needed for air rare. Maureen's parents. Mr, and Mn. Robert Meade, weren't sure which day she would run, but said t.he track meet Is scheduled to be televised. · BeatJe in <..:ar Crash The award Is In memory of William "Sill". Galllenne, manager of the Chamber of Commerce for .30 years before his · death. KnoWn as "El Generalissimo, .. Gaillenne wu nsponsi· Fountain Valley City Oiundlmen de--ble for the success of ihany celebraUons GOC.SPlE, Scotland (UPI) -Be.atle cided Tuesday night not to appeal the alonglheOrangeCoasttncluding'\he:July John Lenon eut bis chin, his Wife Yoko · Orange Cro2h superior Qourt decision 4 parade, the 40 Miles of Otristmas gashed her forehead and her daughter which stop consuuction of the con-Smiles decotaUon contest and the city Kyoko, 5. suffered • $\fl lip in an trove~lal rwin Tract. · fireworks show. automobile accident. near Golsple Tuu- "Money wa~ -~he, facior that brought "Mayor Green has been a strong force day. All were hMpitalize~. A spokesman about our decis~sald...May.o.r....Robttt-for the betterment-oHhts eommunit)t r fthore the.c:Jr •• ~~~-did ~-lmo_w how -Schwerdtfeger, after Tues<liy's-regular beginning In the Golden We at '"'-.. uu1;\,I council session, • Homeowners Association where he serv· Meeting ln ea:ecutive session at 7.p.m., ed as a committeeman and president. councilmen discussed posiible court Later he was active in the HOME Coun-action and financial !actors. The W Angeles legal firm of Burke, ell," Cris said. Williams and Sot'en!tOn has been re.pre· He added that Mayqr Green •was in· sentlng the majority !action of Mayor volvcd In passage of lhe pre3e0t .city Schwerdtfeger, Vice Mayor~Donald Fre-charter and has been in lhe forefront of gea~and Coundlman Joseplt.coumges, youth acUvlUes with emphasis on'plri1 in their legal battle to continue the and recreaUon for youth and senior prOIJOlled 500-home, smaJJ.Jot Larwin cJUzens partlcululy. , development. Pall wtnntr1 of the award include Tuesday's decision, which followe4 Robert· E. Dingwall, WffiJant SUsman·and ~rescmtaUon of a te,ooo bUI for iattof" former M•tor Donald o. Shlplej. The ney's fees, means any further court IC· WI.Mera all ftr'i adjudged to be working lion must no,ir be pursued by the i.arwln for the belterment of the city With the Co;,!1°';iyor l\MOUnctd the dec\sion ume devotion shown ~Callienne, Cris and said, ''I still feel the Linrin devel~ said. · , opmcnt ls a good ~. but;tf. it now a Mayor · Greto ls lo, receive a plaque matter of ecooonilc corlllderaUon." Fr1d.ay mominC and hll n&m't is lo-. be Councilmen Edward J111t-anc1 Jolin engraved "' lht perpetual trophy which ll1rper bad ap))Oled tht majority faction will 6e on perm•nent display at the Hun- Orange Coast Weather We'll. still keep celat.ivt1y cool oo Uie coast Thursday, with mer· eury ln the low ?O'a, while Inland areu bake at 87 alter the usual morning fog lilts. INSW E TODAY The "intJ)08aiblc dream" is b~coming a rtaHtv for d Bri&iah aeti11g-workshop m L 4 O te-'11 a Btoch Q1lUd. "to A-fancho." Ste Enttrtainment, Pcoc 25. in <ow1 ai..,. with rocall leader Eugene UnJl!On Beach Public Library. VanDast whO flied the 11.dt that stopped ~. ~ ,1b,,e:,,La=rwin-""'--'Trl=CI:;·...,=---_,=..,_ l o .. tMlilf Sl· .. sa-rc · ~t --;-'' lJ.S. Plane Shot Down ~-:::.· .. , :: •. o.....-ia. u --........,..._,! NEW YORK (UPI) -Traders applied the brakes 1od~ the ;narktt's lone •kid. (S.e quot111on;\ Pqet 18-19). The 1etlon w111 0011 overdue-. The markt.t had been declinlna since around mid-May, with only infrec»tent ~auses 1lnce that ttme. TOKYO (UPI) -North Vietnam.,. •-'"' · a.oTl.ed torces shot down an. unmanned _ :;a:• · r:: U.S. i'econna~nCe-plaM over lfa ¥iy--~ M Provtnce southwest of Jlanol Tuesday. AM ~ n • the coUnlry'1 new1 agency reported. It ::i=,. ' 11a'lcs th~ plane was Ult ,,mh Amcrlean Lk-,, aircraft downed. \ · ' •----'-;.;-_. ____ __. , .... !+ 1 >· ·,-le: ( l I ~· I I - • \ j ---~ ----::-::-:::-==--==---=====-:---:-::~~===-:z;='""""'=s:s"""" ' DAILY PILOT H "'AllllllG'ION /VP!) -&ecretary o! 'ltolt William II-~st1d_jodly Ille level of hostilities in Soulh Vietnam has ·-been cteellning and that it the trend proved significant. it could speed up willldrawals o! U.S. troops. At a news conference, however, Rogers cautioned tt\at ror the tim~ bei~g u.~. of· -naa:IS would "have to watt-anc.i see.' Ben ilet Siege • • !!oCen tol4 • _. <Ollf"""" .Uiai he eonlemd '* m,,.... ,.iQi.,, Dot.-~rei,t1 MIMJI lt'rLalrd~-Jli! Ml lrr COmmunlol-iJIJUalod' action. --• ·- "We hope it has some significance," he said. "We hope It is a·rea:ponse to fre!i. den~ NQ:on arid Pres.i(lent Thieu's con· ference at Midway." lt wa!-d~-lhc-Nixon"'l11eeting--wllh . • ·---~-'- 1 - , Sqdtll V-'1 pnildell~ Nl10"D x,.n The -•W'y 1Jldtc1!ia tJlil tt bie ad· TliloU. on llldwa1 llllnd -that ~ mlnlllratton •"11' lo ~~oluslgo 11\al -•vll•dr11 .. t lldi 'the -~· lull lo Communist offensive ....., ~ t.G£a. ·~ opeiailona._wu significant, then a r.ev ieW . . ' sthree er1tcN of U.S. military activllies -' iocluding fOr speeding U.S. troop withdrawals -from consideration of faster troop pullouts - Vle*nam_. a drop Jn military hosWltl~, wouJd be warranted . progr~ at UJe PW,s peace talks,_ a!N _fn. Rogers alsG told reporters that the creaau:ig flbUity of the S<>uth Y_ietn_amese United Stales "is not dragging its feet" ~-1orces-to t.ake-oV« the f11hUng-. on 1etting a:trategic arms talks under --' • • . -• way •wtl!I "Ille. SOYlet •Union an4 It prtJ!lffil IP llllrl • Jl1e ne1ollallonl whenever Moscow gives Ute word . He said.:~eVer, the United State. haS not yet received a reSpo'nse from Mo8cow on the U.S. proposal to start the ta\~ on mutual limitations of strategic weapons between July 31 and Aug. 13. Rogers' said there are indications the RU:ssians are sUU interested ln such talks. " .. .. . " Reds in Cainbodia.Blasted . ' _,,.-_.,. .' SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. planes and bodla we do our ~t tu knock out the artillery destroyed some North Viet· guiis that shell us," said Col. George A. namese gun positions in neu.tral Cam· Miller of Ambler, Pa., the Senior U.S. ad· viser a~ the Special Forces tiase. · bodia during the Communist siege.of the "We used artillery and tac alr (tactical Ben }{et Special' Forces camp, military air strikes} to knock out guns in Carn: spokesmen aald today. · bodla," he stld. "We declare a tactical Ben Het, in tfie central highlands 2a> emergency when fired upon." miles north of Saigon and only a few Mil~r ~ _bi,s.... South Vietnamese miles from the Laos and Cambodian · counterpart, Col. Nguyen Ba Lien, said at borders. was under siege lor 56 days unUI !Wt 12 -Communist art_Ulery ~t~ a 3,500-man relief colwnn drove through were destroyed during the. siege. Lien to the outpost Tuesday. said the gun sites destroyed included Today tM first supply .convoy \o reach "some in Cambodia, some in South Viet.. Ben Itel in slx days moved into the Green nam." Beret camp unopposed from Dak To, U.S. Special Fore.es advisers · at lhe eight miles lo, the east, while BS2.s ,car· highlands camp said the Communist ried out five strikes against what was left lroops apparenUy were headed for -of the COriimiiiifsf!iii the area·. 1 .nearbY Carilbodla to regroup and r~ "Every time they shell ua from _Cam-ply from the pounding lhcy look from allied dive bombers· and the big BS2 stratofortai . ·The ·&i,,eg~ appeared over. Milit.ary ~ea in .. S~igop 54li4 .. no rocket, mortar or artillery rwnds had b.lt the fortress Tuesday or in the first 16 houn of'today. which would have been the 57th and 58th day• i>.! bombardment. - U .s. mlliLary sources said 1 4 Americans out of the 200 defending the out~ h]l!l Qled ln the dally shefli!l&__-nd 40 had been wounded. tosses alnOilg ~ 450 South Vietnamese soldiers and their famiUes were.reported heavier. The convpy that brought fresh water, food and8mmuniti!)l1-tnto the tamp ar• rived from Oak To Otl Highway 512, the route a 3,50()..man South VIetnamese ~k force had cleared in four days of unop- posed marching that ended. Monday. Jiily Fourth_ No::_Holiilay · --, oi tl"iintington f'!iic-e - -y Ol!Btain Valley To Enter County - Comput~r Sy~tem It's a tong Story ,- "No vaca.tion! on the Fo\ITUI of .fuly. for police personnel." · That's the word from capt..· Harold Mays of Ute Huntington Beach Police Department, who sayi all available ,pOlice officers. 141 to be exact, will be on duty tc> provide a safe conclusion of the city's annual parade and Independence Day Celebration. - "It'& foing't'o be a long, long day," he added-- . Extra policemen will be assigned to control the parade, crow~. disent~ngle tra!Uc co~e.suon ~~ patro~~e beaches. The parade, which ts expected to dtaw some 200,~ spectators, bu never been ... Girl; !J, S,tr!!ck ' . . By car, Injured Ari 8-year-old _Huntin&ton Beach girl darting across Balboa Island's Marine Avenue bridge suffered a broken collar bone Tuesday night when she wu hit by a car. . . · P.•n&-Kathleen Melrose, 2ll12 Rich·. riilidd"Cltcle" . .,., struck at 7~ p.m-by a c8.'t.driv~n by Ltofd E. Morrison, 71, af 'fi~ Heliotrope Ave., Corona:delld'ar. Re .ya• northlloond, drivin!I olf;:\he iolan~ ~ the:glri d4ried 1nlO lrafne. . Police said Mbrrison was not 'cited . Th.e girl Was reported in good concUtiog in Hoag Memorial HospitaJ today. Westminster ~- Sets Teen Dance Westminster teens can dance to the sounds of the "Lovin' Bunch" from 8 p.m. to miOnight, Saturday, ln the com· munity center, 8200 Westminster Ave. Admission ls $1 for members or the Westminster Teen Club, sponsors of the dance, and $1;50 for non-members. Tbere will be no dance at Marina High School Fridy' night, but there will be a teen daiice at Huntington Beach High School Saturday night wilh admission set at $1. ' DAllY PllOT --r;~~!ti!Tr~- J,ck JI;. <:utl1l Vkt ..... \Orftt -Gt<W•• w ..... , Tk11t1•• k11•il f.tllklf Tho'"'' A. Murplli~• -~ ldllO< .AJIM1J w. r.1,, Wllfi1111 •••" ._i... -·-16A~llu~ l!f!ltr Cll• l~W H1 ...... a..li0Hr.i '°' stt. Stt••• M•lliltf Mtlt••t: P.O. 1 .. 1to1,26"1 ° .oew ....... -.. ........, Mid\. 2:211 ............ ........ c.11 Maii1 m W..I tn l"-t .~ •••• c:lll .. , ___ .,._.. NL .. f'lt.Of,-"" w4idl Iii~ ir. ...... ,....., l .....,. alhl uc#fr ..,,,. '"" ·-=:.:-w:~c.: ~= .2'"".:.~ c::...:.'1..1:: : . t\...""'Q~ ..... .:::.:' .... "'l:I -... -"=".,..· ... marr,e<( by riots or either large ~le troutiles during Its ncent history and Mays tloes nQt expect any this'Year. Just· to be 8111'• though. the police department will "keep an eye on· thii:igs" with two 'P,Olice helicopters which wlD be deplifye<HllroughOut'UiO~day 1D1Ul a·a.m. July-$,~--T • --- Helicopter ·&Ul'Veillance was Urst tried out a f,ear ago when police officlals and city_coUnc~en respon!i.ed to an aircraft com-pany suggestion lhat they might use the ~hoppers to patrol the city. "I '1\ess J.OU mighl call this our lir•t anhl~eraaf1,""iak1 MIJ1.f1 t ' t. \~ The pclice department'took del.ivery of its first yehicleJn ~ber and bought another ;one approximately one month ago. BOth have been ln nei:rly constant use receJtUy. ~-~ -• -eaP!filii Mays also_. warned~ -Uiarliis men have been instruCted to arrest all violators .. who toss lirecracket's into crowds and to cite 'those posaes11ing dangerou11 fireworks such as cherry bombs, ?.f.SO's, roman candles and pyrolechnic devices. having a side fuse. Computer cooperation between cities -may soon~become a reality U eight other Orange County cities take the same ac· lion Fountain Valley initiated Tuesday night. •• Councilmen unanimously adopted a resolution allowing the city to enter the Organization for ' Computer Pfannlng (OCf) which will make a free !tudy on the pGSsibility of several' cities sharing r computer operation. Councilman E(hyard Just was named delegate to OCP whUe Howard Stepbens, city finance director, was selected as alternate delqate. · ·· --·other ~ities expected to take similar acUon inCJude Anabeim, Brea, Buena Park. Cypress, Placentia, Tu s ti n • Westminster and Yorba Linda. Costa Mesa. and Garden Grove have recently expressed an interest in the program. About three months ago Stephens told city councilmen that it was just not II - . h' . n· h. '\ economically possible 'for a mtal\city to , ~n,Qra ,.e '-!'.1sc , arge \ prJorlmui run ·3 cornpul<r to 1'•~<111.d- sAl'l DIEGO .'(UP!) -LL Edwald R. , ty paper work. .- Murphy J~., the. ex~cutive o~r of the ~ Ai .thal Ume he su_sgestei:I the~ coniifder ,USS Pueblo who resigned bis comlllf>s\on "" --· . -. - -c . · -, (lfter reading the finWngs of a -court of ii'!· ~ ~1bl11t)' ot seve~a1 count)'. cities quiry, ·has received an honor, bl e JOl~g together lo lea~ and operate a discharge from the Navy. cOmpu_ter. "' ~== I •r.·~-t'1i'""-1'lllj . a .,.. ..,.., • ..,...,. • DAIU' ,ILOT Sl11f , ... ,. Award for longest ears in recent Huntington Beach playground pet parade went to this sorrowful Bassett bound whose nose apparenUy was bent ou~ of shape about suffering the indignity of being reminded about bis big ears. His owner, ~ensitive to pooch's feelings, whisked, hound away before city recreation offictals could determine name of dog or owner. Board Votes Cut in Funds For County M~dical Cen,~er The Boai'd of S'upervisors ~ Tuesday voted 3 to l tO cut back expansion plans for Orange County Medical Center and instead launch studies to bring main sec- tions of county hospital up to modern standards. Supervisor Robert W. Battin of Santa Ana wSs the lone county lawmaker o~­ posed to the acUqn. l-Ie wanted to sell the county hospital to UC Irvine. The dean of UCl's medical c811ege Dr. Warren Bostick, howe ver, supported master planning for th'e Orange County Medical Center. Battin's motion lo sell the whole county hospital setup tp UCI died for lack of a se.cond. Prolooged debate before the cOunly ~rd_was yet another long haggle in an effori to determinJ: the future of the county hospital C<>mplex. Board approval of cutting back the number of bed spaces to be added in the future and to concentrate on moderniza· tion of present facilities came after a report from Hospital Administralor Robert White. White told board members. "The acute unit (Building No. t) needs extensi\'c moderniz:ation to be usable. "It couldn't be licensed loday in its pfesent condition. It is grossly inefficient, th!re is no air conditioning in patient areas and inadequafe elevators," White continued. "t-.1~ny areas are totally lnadequa!e - the laboratories, X-ray faci:ities, out· patient clinic, emergern:y room, major surgical areas, labor and delivery rooms." White was challenged by Battin who questiOned -{I $250.000 item in the pro· posed 1969-70 budget for "schematic plans." White said it was a "rough estimate of costs of planning . for 'ITiodernizatlon of Building I. The money is to be placed in the contingency fund to be used if your board decides to go ahead wit.h a new building. ··what would a new building cost?'" queried Battin. White replied. "$15 to 30 mill ion. The study is to delermine on modernization or replacement. The cost could be financed out of operating income over a 40.year period. State and federal grants are also possible." Ballin persisted and brought up the proposed UCI campus hospital "which I have heard will cost $30 million." ''llo\v about selling the medical center to UCI ?" asked the supervisor. "I'm not sure they would buy it. if th ey know whal I do," White replied. "The county would still have a responsibility for care of the indigent sick. That costs $6 to $7 million a year." '• • ' I E/rmz4Meaa! for Mother or Grandmother From 1 to 9 GENUINE Birthstones gracefully set in 14 Kt. white or yellow·gold • :-•. The specie! remembrance from every member of tht family • • • • • • Bul"lle addad 111111~lllCIJ ~ "Co lo the belrl'ol MCurfty ol lhi-Un!W Stales ahd Ila. alllee," they iiavo to De 11;p. preached careful!)'.. Rogers expressed the con~ctlon that th~ was a mutuality of interest between the United Slates and the Russians in siowing the arins race. "In this hope we are looking forward to the begi(ll\fng of tbese talks," he "'id. • Fro!_!• : i:-1e ·1 1 :t S.CHOO~, ._ ~ ~ mlgbt tum us down.'" The oounty·.chools superintendent rais· ed tpe spectei; of• the ,ustt· of "scrip 1' was done durlnlf~.the depression in tbe -. . 30s. • J; . "If we can't borrow the m<1ncy\'fwc might have to do that to pay our teacn,r:s an'd they ·would have lo dlscount it.~·lfl like .JC>Us ~nd during the 1930s was ~ counted as much as 25 percent." . ~ Adrian said the Newport·Mesa district CQuld "survive during July and August by dipping into our reserves (estimated at $2.7 million). But we may have to borrow money after August." .He warned, "Our voters passed and we have sold $6.9 million in constructton bonds and we are now having the County Counsel draw· a resolution g!Ving our bOard autho rity to borrow from these bonds. "U tbe-supervisors approve, we will still have adverSe effects if the state does not pass a budget soon. 1£ we borrow from the construction bonds we will lose interest <1n tbe bonds which we are now getti.ng and will have to raise our lax rate." -Adrian said the Newport-Mesa-district dki 11ot expect an·LrJcrease in state hmds- over the current year -about $5.8 million, 21 percent of the total revenue of, the district of $14 .5 million. Other districts represented had similar, yet diverse problems. Alton Morse, associate superinlel)dent for business of the Garden Grove Uriified District: "We will have to borrow money after August, about $2 or $3 million. We just don't have the reserves. · "The governor has proposed only a $1~ rr.illion increase in the state education budget. That would give us only about $563 per student and our costs are $800 per studenL "The slatc.'s two legislative bodies have propose<! bills increasing th e education budget by $200 million but even with that amount we would get $2 million less than we need in Garden Grove." Dr. Charles Miller. assist ai;t superintendent for business, Santa Aili Unified District: "We will be able to e:cts:t until. ~t-October l payr.oll.-11 we dOn~t gel some state money by then we Will have to bo'rrow from the bariks, if poSsi· hie." Facing similar problems is the Tustin Elementary School Oistr1ct, explatned assistant superintendent Archie Currie:· .. Norton explained that the coUnfy schools office has •·34 budgets to figlrre, 18 of them for elementary districts ind coverinc the education of 425,000 studerits on an average daily attendance basis." . Bridge Lessons ;; Set in Valley Lessons for beginning bridge pla}'ers wilt start at 7:4ii p.m., Thursday, in the Fountain Valley community center, 10200 Slater' ,Aye. - Duplicate bridge players will start their classes in the community center at 7 p.m., Saturday. Both classes, new to the parks ·and recreation program this year.· will be under the guidance of Mr.s. Helen Creed, certified bridge teacher and a qlrector of the American Contract Bridge League. , Registration can be made at the city hall.cashier·~ office during daily, work· ing hours. . • ' ' ' ' l ' ' ' -. • • • -... From $1'.0D wltlo oet ttul•• &tOlltfi -. ..__, .... ...... $s.oo- 01 .. ..,., $1Z.DO . : ~ "'.. :! ,, l l I r '-c...oi--· . --i-------+~--..::.:.. ·=:.t...."':'J:t;; ___ She's__ '.fqn9'flble, ~ ....... CJI ~lil .... --- CONVENIENT TERMS BANKAMERICARO MASTER CHARGE J. C. J.Jump~rit16 ' }ewclu --Zl YEA)~ • -SJ.Mi, ti:Op.ii'1 ·, N_ ;: • ... ::·;::Q~· , ..... , ~ -"Be Prepart.<l;'-'-la -Bec:lene-Roth'nnottcr. And Darlene, 16, ·8 visitor :_,c.:.,.-.. ,~ . .iif~=.~.:, to the Orange ·Coast from Walnut, Calif., lives up 'to the motto by flllllltff .,.,..,....., u..-'""'.....-. spraying on ~un\an lotion during beach outing. Now that old sol has ~left June Gloom behind, she'll need it \ • iazi NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA • :I"· ·" •' I \. I · I I I .I 1 I -,,- AJrm1n 'Raymond B. Lon11 • ton ol ~rs. Arlene B. Long, ~ ~1~1~ Pepita _Drive, l...~~Ofl Vl~jo, bas l>etn aSS1gDe(I to Keesler AFB, Miss. to r tralnh'lf::IS a p "e r s o n ·n 9 I speciahst. , - Alrm111 Jolut P. P~. s0n of lttr~ and Mn. ~ lt1. -Payne 9f llJ8'/l Canio,O. 4l1ne., HunUngton Jl<ach,, h"J' been assien'lf · to K.e.Jfr. °AfB , Miss. for training in i-;cOtn- munications e J e'c t·r o D I c s systems. ·: · . . The alm1an ls a graduate of MiOlkan High 'School,; Long Beacf!. 100. .. -.-~ ·- Naval A viaUon Reserve Of. fleer Candidate Peter M. J.ana. son or Mr; and MQ:, Gerald G-. Lance ~ of--219 GWVa.St., Huntington Beach, has reported to the Naval AviaUon Sdl!qj1a C.f!lllllO<I ti .the Navat·"Alr s1al-rOn:, Pensacola, Fla. as an Aviatiota Reserve Officer. Candidate. Mnnau-Lc. K•ll"!J'l .F.~pi,, son OT'lllr. an& Mrs. ~:fijj]G } of 1~ ';:. qtestnut?"-Sot ~) wertmi~tei:. tii .,· membeh M the A4.6th . Comb!l _ ~e~r! G\'<lllp that has earned the' Ali Fore< Ou~ing U n i t Award. i.'. 'L,!,J .. · ·-·11 ·.The airJJla'l1~11'a gr3duate..of -:: \Yestmfiiste r High SChoQI. ' , • ~- S1L Jolu1 D. tlbeU,~~ Mr. and Mrs. Charles~~~ ·, ... ,. of 13631 Richardson:__• W1j, ~ ! I t Westminstert is a rpember of · the 456th Coml:iat Support Group lhat has earned the U.S. Air Force 'OutsMmdj.n.e Unit Award. · Sgt. Isbell is a Slrategic Air C o m m a n d admfrllstralive s()C<"ialist at BeaJe AfB, Calif. He ' is a iraduate o f Westminster High sChool and attended Orange Coast College before entering the service. Airman Jo~n J. Scbaedel, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Schaedel of 17311 Canna Circle Drive, Huntington Beach, has been assigned to Cban4le AFB, Ill., for training in the aircraft e q u i p m e n l main- tenance fi eld. The airman 11 a graduale of . · Huntiogton BeAch Hi&h School, '!68 _:_ . . . . ·Sgt. Charles R. Hun,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle A. Hurst of 8'51 Lomay, Westminster, Is O(l duty at UbOn Royal Thai AFB, Tba.111nd. }The M!rgeal\t ill a jet engine ritcchanlc . .. 'Aliman Appren. Gordon R . . Nurr1y, son of P.1r. and.Mn. a. R. Murray of 2.123 c.m.n Drl~. Costa Mesa. is a_t- t.Cnding the t>aaic course l\l lhe Aviation Boat.1wain'·s Mate School, Naval Technical ~atning Center, Lakehurst. N.J .. ·• ., • 6.50.l J, 7.QO-ti, . ,,, . .,-, 'It.=:;. te 1.t4 .felk/11 •tnh• ' • . f.1"; ...._~ ' _.:_: ~hii1w1Jl1 n.oD~llfo~·· ••~11• 1 ~. • .. r, ~.... ,. COMPLETE & EXPERT llRAIE,OYERHAUL ' l ' ~ COMPACT CARS - ' c-:e • I , --·-• -.. , I ' •• . ··~ ............... I ~ • \"' • -.>~· ..o ... a -· •' • • .. '+I • . · •' I .t . I J'I • • • r I I • I ' _._. __ _ a [ mllgo) company TIMI eutslat'ldlftg ICClpllnc• OI O\lf MODEM 4400 D1t1 S.lt and our contl~uln; d1v1lopmenl ol n1w cl1la communlcatloPr equipn'llM olt.ta ,.. oppor1u11lt111 tor qualified lnctividu1l1 lo sht,. in .wr 11p1n1ion. 11 yOl.I can help us m1int11n·cu1 tachnical leadtral'llp, or P P.,nd our cus1om111 1upport, w1'tt1 r11d110 11111. about imp1ovl119 )'OUr c1rt1r In data c01T1munlc1tion1 now/ sai.. Opportunhy" for •~ptrltil'l:9d lnd~ld1,11! with 5· 10 y11rs In sa!11 ol compvtar /commun!Ga~R)n ptrlpMr11 1q11ipment. M•rketlng Reprenntatlwp To M rttl)Ontlb11 for all phu1s of cu1tomer 11!11, 11Mce an<1 t.c:hn1C1I ll1i1on. ~pPlicatlOllO E"!llnffr To lill'Mtlllll c.-tomer auppol'I M111l'i1l lor applyll'lt. ln1t1lhnt •"° Mtvlc:ing computer /communlc11lon p.rlpheral 1q11I~. Wiii con\licl 1;ut1om,r1 dltt:elly. Senior E"ll-' QHortunlfy fo1 H Nor i.v11 <:muff DMl;11 Entll'llt r with 11peri11"1CC Jn corn,ut1r/c0111lflunlc1tlol'I perlpl\arat 1qulpm1M. Ellcltonle E"91-r OpPOrtunhy 1or • r.oent t "Oll'lftrlno 1ir1du11t 10 Join ttie ttadlnO ledlnlcal team In data comm11nkallOnL • ContKI ICC- lnttN!e'n In Mi.ml or oltler cllitl c~n bt •rr•nQed. ltMM eolltcl: "· M. PkHUOh (3051611 -1220, tnltrMGINl.eomntuNe.ttlona Corporalfon llillil• · 7l20 ~ 38t11 Avtnw, Mltml, Aorid1 331•7. ----- l l \ -. -· -- • DAil Y 'PILCJ' it Wednesday's Closing Prices.·-Comple~ . . 'York Stock Exchange List . ' - ' l • • • ----------------- ...,_ • ·-., .. ' . , .. ~ . --• ' -~. -... . ·-.. • • r '' I -.• I I I I I • • I J ' , . . -----.. -·. ---· --· .. •• -·--- . . , ' . - I !,"" ··+·.(·."" ·' ··J -:-w ;4 ~ ! ~ .. : • .... f ~ • • • • . . . . . . .. ,, . . . ' '· ' ., ........ 'I.fl_• ...,. • • .,J ,,...... r _"'I"'....,. __ ,...., ·- .. --' ., •. • I' .I ''1 '\" ' ! I •' ./• • • : • ' .j; • ' ~ ' . 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' , ..,. __ _ .;..::!I". • •, • ' • l t. : '" L. ' \.. ..... ,;; .o' :> ': • t • I • • ' • : _:~.u.,~ ~--t., .._ ·-.~l· · : .: :,.. L:.~.' ... "':'" . . t-:~. .. . ,,:>;.-•-----.--. I '' . -_,. . ~ • ' • L . •• • ',. . . . ~ : . .. . . . ' . ' _\.-.... ~· . ' . . ~ . ' . t ~ ..... < ! ---_.. -• ~ .1, .• ~·i'-• ' t' . ;.~; ~~~ ~Syst~~-is an a?vanctd total System ~·~;~lemerits a family of new computers ~~~~f ~ •;JA 'ff~ &!t • . ~ ~gn!!Q ,or, lelecomputation service, a wide \1 'i i1•l;J1~ •. /·-· 1.', _ I ~~ff'~~t~•it~l!vi~~ line switching exchanges, · ini~Wl~'~l(toand :radio transmission systems, mod!lllls ...._ .. '· · .. ~· , ~ . g{~stems. ·line. terminating aiid signalling .vi1b;~v1 ... " . ·'tat control and power systems and the ~·~rt and maintenance sy$tems. . · · °'.'. ::(:qg.e~~: ~th the required software, these elements ~:~~~esJ in accor9ance with a new concept which ~i~: g11<>graphically distributed c6'puter, switching ilfd·4at1;b~ centers, local area centers and user stations fo:.~re U.ll~gle unified network .... ': jhe;ii~Qr:kjlrovic;Ies not only .computer power at.each ~st~l)nbul also pennits intercommunication between •eh;~tion a4d all other stations. Such intercommlli\ica-. ' -. . ... . tiOIJ.~'~:i,n~e {ortn ·of simple station-to-stati.on mes- ~~· i( a!:5o~,can be in the form of inputs and outputs fu.r'.:COIB!>l,~·cyrected~action program systems, These Jel•t!';#·~· \Jser stations and perform automatically a t0'.r81 ·.~n having ~ PERT-like logical organization.- ·Pr~ioD:Jiu }>eep made for interconnection. with exist· mg coin.Pt#i's 1md program 5ystems to minimize the cost . and ef~.(~t~quited during transition from existing eomll'l~t iy_,pes. · · . 1',le c~~'° is applicable to the needs of .every k.ind- 800: i!i~;Q~~~ation-:-commercial, finll!lcial, transpor- t;:alion. -~. engineeri!lg ;md research, It is 'organ- iud ~for' shued ·use and avoids constraint on system -...:,.~.~!-:-~ -';--: .:.·~ -:------~ -;--. . - &~""-· . .(·:, . 'I • ,,.. '.~. ' ''1 • '( .• . ,. ! . ~-. • ...... . . ' ~ ' ' . Collins' C;_System is the resnlt ~f several yeats of fntim- , • • t .. -• :::'!! ·-• sive planning; equip!iJen~ and softwa't.e developll)~nt, manufacturing proce~ .development, ~e5ting,_ cbecli:out, .. analysis \ffid ill!P.fpy~ine9t of perfy~Jll!ID~ a~_Gcill~' ~acil~ ties and iri initial tiser installations. Much time,' money · and effort have been spent in accomplishingtheSi.things. reducing51.1ch expenditures}?y the user •. ,· ·. : ,, :-.:; ;· · Collins' aim is not .merely to add to ~e -rapi~y-mount· ing output of computers. Sometimes a riew caiiipu'ter sys- tem simply represents a more·compl,e1('Way t~. spend more money fo accomplish less truli~ SerVice. · . The urge6t need we have endeayored' to meet is to define the underlying-needs-of .modem ihdustry arid to supply basic, less costly; reliable'solutions fo/ them. , This effort does not Stop at Collins when ftll 'pr0du$ are delivered and paid for. We feel our job iS col!wiually to improve system perfonnance thereafter and to consi'der the users' requirement for useful se"rvice as if it. 'were our own. COMMUNICATION /COMPUTATION/CONTROL .---~ COLLINS 'W " . . .. CO~~[NS /f,.J;>A!;'.IJAS,TEXAS • CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA • NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF.ORN IA .• JORONT-0, ON1ARIO : • '·; ' ' \ . • • I . ·BallikJk • 11ei/\Jl •7f'rinkfurt ~ Ku.ala lumpur • los Angeles • London • Melbourne • Mexico City • New York ; Pali$ •.Rome• washlnaton • WeWt1*tori ' . . ' ' ' ·,. .'·' . -··;. :. ' . ~ 't •-.1 - . I I ; : •I ' .,.• ~:-·>-' .n . "~"'· ' • • • l I ~ '. ' ..... . ·~ .. ·'' . l .i..~,.:. •. w ,· ~ '.-f -'} 'l.J ' ' • ...,.. __ _ .. ' ! ' • '. . ,; . ' ' _, •' -----... ' ' -·----...__ • ' ~ .... ' -• -1--__ , __ ( ' • ' ' I ' I I r '. -. VOL 62, NO.. 151, ~ SECTlONS, 60-l~E7E • ~ WWt'!ESD,M, JUl y 2, ,,,, .. Tlfll CENTS ·- • :eafaplegic Face~ ·collllt- ' Gt)B ~BiamesUnruh • ·---,-·--- Of Murder .l!emo Hit as Budget Crisis ~ orsens A piµ'aple~c collegian from • ~­ moor and his auendant are fonJl!lllY _ charged today in the death ol an uhder- coYer. narcotics agent who cambled on fi ery sµicidt' instead ol murder and Josi. Already accused ~n connection with a 1,0QO..pound marJjuana deal centered in Los AngeJes, in which the victim played a maJOr" jnfOhnant's role, the pair have been p.rned over to Orange County autl)otities. . Raymond Graves Jr., 24, a wheelchair patient who lived al IZ331 Martha Ann Drive. scene of the June 7 lire in which Bruce Beck, 30, of Hollywood, wu fatally bUl'oed, is in the Orange County Medical Center priS()n ward. Awaiting prosecution in quarters only a few feet from where Beck succumbed to second. degree burns over 35 percent of ·his .body June 21, Grav~ faces a variety of charges. A warrant tlst!! them as murder, kid· nap, robbery and a~n. the second of- fense. handled by Los Angele.s authorities until Beck"'s death shifle<I jurisdiction of the case to Orarii:e .County. - A!Ao named in a murder warrant is tile ronne'f Cal ·State, Long-Beach psy- chology 11tudent's companion and attend· ant, Roy A. Thurman, 24, of 4033 How- ard St.. Los Alamitos. Graves and 'fhurtrian, along with,. four other defendanll!, had orig inally bee charged Wfh the abduction or ~ck from his Los Angeles apartment after appar;' cntly discovering his true role. / Ballplayinfl Pals • S;\ '1'0 !UPI) -T h e Le two top Republica.ris today 111id tbe .state was plunged into its bucqeOeQ financial crisis by Assembly Democratic-leader Jess Unruh's intense ambition to become aovernor. Asaernbly Speaker Robert Monagan 1c- cused UnNh ol trying to "obtain cheap pub1irtty" in hls "campaijn f o r gontnor.'' "I am greatly concerned about· Lhe damaae •he's doing to the Legislature's -·tmaffe,'' the Tracy Republican-added at 11 joirit neWs conference with Senate Presi- dent Pro Tern Jioward Way fR·Exeter). ·'we have seen the placement of personal atnbition ahead ot the wellare o! th• people." Wi~ charged. To Validate • Or Not? Recall Still in Doubt To vali~te or not to validate was the quesUon ·before Supi;~l~ Court-Judge Claude M. Owens todli.r'on three recall petitions submitted to the city of Foun· lain Valley ~y recall leader Eugene VanDask . Frustrated lqjslatlors were groping for a face-saving soluUon to the state's deepening financial crlsil_ as th~__n~ fiscal year ticked on · still without a budget. "This ia just cxaolly the same as if the banks closed," said Caipar Weinberger, Gov:-Ronald Reagan's finance director. Monagan reported tM California Youth Authority had only rtve days' food le.fl in Its rcform•tchOOls .• The Vacaville pri!lon had only 15 days' goods remaining. Neither had po'!er to purch!ij!e mtire SU)>" plies. The Franchtse Tax Board shut down I~ computer operallons. Monaga_p accused Unruh .of trying to- "cirfumvtnt thi whole process of (ovefn-- ment -the separation ot powers -by blackmail." Unruh tlas demanded commltmenta from · Rea&an o_n an echx:!l:tion bill a~ reform before treeing Democrats to vote oo a budget The fiscal dilemma 1 t a t e government 's worst since the depression -carried vast political implicaUoos ror: next year's expected gubernatorial race between Reagan and Unruh. "I think It's useless to speculat& on that," Unruh replied when asked If he teared the legislative debacle had harm- ed hf~.1 politically. "l·don't think any of. us are smart enough tc figure that out." Reagan was said to be hold.ing-.. fitm" in his position, belleving he. }Jad Unruh pollUt:ally in a box. Beach Takes Over Talbert . Water District A Jong, bitter ~ight b e t w e e n home0"'1!US ii> the Southeast part 0£ liuntington Beach and the Talbert Water District ended quietly Tue9day when the c.ily .orflcially took over ope:rallon -of the Two of the four, James Christopher and Gordon Brown remain in custody in Los Angeles, charged witjl 'J)articipal- ing in· the gunpoint kldl)JP which ended Ready for Huntington Beach's 1969 Recreation Deparlf!lent ba seb~l season are (standing from left) Bob MaUoy, 10; Bob Delima, 9i Dar1_n ~'larsh, 10 ; John Green, 8, and (kneeling from left) Tracey Prouse, 7, and Bill Burrows, 10. Diamond action gets under way most after- noons on fi~id s at schools throughout Hi.intington Beach. Aprli 17 Owens issued a court order farting the city to complete validation of the peUtlons after city attorney Edwin Martin had ruled them illegal on the basis of impropu circulaUon procedures. · tiny Irrigation water district. tragically. • Los Angeles Pollet Detective Sgt. Glen Bachman t9ld -ilewsmen after Beck was i:.escued ,..~rom the blazing gara;ge June 7 an.d:tns aUegcd abductors arrested, thaflhe informant had-expected to-die. He had been handcuffed to a water pipe in tbe garage of Graves' home whlle Ufe parap1e·g1c and his attendant sptilf a day at Los Alamitos Racetrack. ·•He had good reason to believe ~ l''OUld be murdered," Bachman ex- plained. • ' Beck risked Ahe poS3ibilily that help would coineXoo Jate by1 Rtting fire t{t· 1.omc pewspapers, which flared up and ignited walls of the garag~. Ntighbors heard his •acreams and cailed for help, but he wCl3 already badly seared when firemen rescued him irom the inferno. JnvesUgators said Beck had been in· vol v'c<f in a sale of 500 kilos or mari- juana, apparootfy implicating Graves-- the disabled son of a retired Naval of· fleer now working a.s a dental professor in San Mateo. Sch_ool Finance Experts_ F e.ar.(f:l!fll :of .Budg~t Delqy. O~nge Courity school finance •xperts "lf'1.he 6tate does not come up with -intluding admin istrators rrom Orange school appropriations for July and Coasl districts -today are fearful of August, most itlstrlcts will havt to bor· real money problems If the California row money to operate and thfs money Legislatllre delays too k>ng in budget adoption. _ might nol even be available," Norton Some' forecast they might even be fore· continued. I'd to pay teachers in promissory notes "On top of tha t, it looks like there will like scrip as was done during the deep he a tight squee?,e on the total· educaLion Depression years of the 1930s. budget for the coming fiscal year. Reaction to the state budget deadlock "Some districts might have enough on local schools was discussed by the carry-over funds from the current fiscal school people Tuesday during " hastily year to survive during July and August, called press con!ertncc in the offices or or they might borrow temporarily from CoUnty Schools Superintendent Robert construction boods, or they might be Peterson: r .. ~ctd to ask the Board of Supervi3on Walter Adrian, budget director for the for permWion to borrow money from the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, banks and pay interest,'' Norton ex- was ooe of the [inancfal experts on hand . , plained. Peterson's right hand man, Ernest "Two districts -Capistrano Unified Norton, assistant superintendent lor and Los Alamitos Elementary are plan- business and admin istration in the coonty ning on borrowing f.rom banks right schools ofUc~ outlined the problems. now," he added. • "Most of our .districts are looking down Peterson added, "County Treasurer 8 blind alley," be explained. "They don't Ivan Swanger t,eJ.ls me it is very difficull, know when the Legislature is going to act If not' impossible, to get Joans at up to 6 i • how much they will gel when it does pcrceot (the legal limit). The bank5 act. ' (Set SCHOOLS, Pace Z) i . ·. _C.ounty Award s Contract ~ s .. rl Qtleen Airllhe stewardess Linda Ben· son, 22, is quf!;eo or 1969 Hunt- ington Beach Surfing Cham- plonshlps scheduled lo( Sept. 2D and 21. Linda , who will ride In ci ty's annuaJ Fourth or July parade, is Nvc-time winner in surfing championships. To O.perate Aquatic Parl{ A Hrm tpeeializing In thM!e velopment $750,000 developing JI in the past few J of marin8' Tuesday was awarded the . years. contract lo operate the Swiset Aquatic Facilities to be opera led by the Jinn in· RegioriaJ Park by the Orange County Board of Superv isors. elude the marina, boat launching ramps Allhougti the minimum 05,000 bid by built by tbt. county, a yet to be coo- Goodrlch, Kest and Grau of Los Angeles, structed boat r.epair yard (minimum C<lst -w3:.-the·'Only one of -tltree offered whicb $150,000) and a.camping pa.rk (·minimum, was acce)>tab\e, Harbor Manager Ken-$300.000). neth Sam'p90n recommended approval. A proposal from Sunset Pa11k Marina "The firm has developed two marinas In Los Angele.s County's Marina de! Rey In~. was re~ect.ed because a $5,000 ~e- at a c1;15t or~ mHllon and is now operat-quired deposit dtd not accompany the bid. Ing one of them," Sampson said . "They .. ~ seco.nd bid from t~e . 1.luntington are e:irperlenced and very capable." -Harbour Corp. w;i!I ruled 1nvahd because The aqu•tlc park consists of 37 acres of the proposal;, made last May 19 was sul>- land ancfwaki and the county has spent joct to approval -or I he corpbrallon·s boar~ oI directors al a later date. Policeman Injured In HunJjIJglon Chase Huntington 'Beach police orn~er Gary c. Kund, 28, suUe1·ed racial Injuries and his pellet unit was damaged Tuesday ~ when he crashed lnL& a ditch while cha!;.. ing two bljrglary 1Uspects ac,rou an opm field near Beaeb BotJeva.rd and Atlanta St reel Both suspectl, who were oft foot, c.o;caped. PoUee reports clid not indicate what the palr wa.s auspected of burglarlz. Ing. • • ,- Under I.he agr.?emcnt to be signed with GoodM<:h, Kest and Grau, ·annual rental perttntageS wtll inctude '25 percent of the gr045 for tile boat ·launch.Ing ramp, dry boat;storage and parking fees ; 25 percent of 1boat berthing !ea (20 percent until coliipleted): J5 percent of the rent.a ls for -overrlight camping. · Also, 35 percent of libor and service charges at ~ ship's chancUery; 3 pt/~ cent ofit\e restaurnt,.eeeipU: 1 per~nt 9f the saJe price of boat.s, arid s percent ol all other income. The agretment is for 10 years and sub- ject to fevie'fJ in um and every fi ve years lherealter lor any possible ad- Ju..tmcnts. - Today Martln went to court to defend his position. Attorneys Paul Augustine Jr, and Robert SaS&>nS are representing sup. poi'tert of the move to recall ~or Robert sChwefdtfeger. Vice. Mayor Donald Fregeau. and Couricilman ·JOMpb Courreges. , _ 1 , Cru• ol tlic -u.r.'loithe reldlbil~y o1 .... ~Ii! tlic-~00 !! . ri:Oill~1-.uu •. ,._ · Martin or\&lnally . 'Ind swi.'bi) c1s: that le1a1 notla1t-in A Mi'~ are· not readible because of their small pr.int. Recall supporters had "'°J,alraohlcaUy copied .the cOuncilinen'~~i'ePf~!s In 3 paper and submltted tNemiWith-the recall ~tltlons. By law both sides of the issue must be presented -the charges and repll~ lo those charges -before a voter may sign a recall pe'llion. Attorneys for the recall claim there i!f legal precedence to sh<'ow that the recall procedure was followed om'tctly by us- ing copies of legal noUces. Augustine pointed out that the legal notice3 In a paper are just that (legal). U the court upholds· \he recaJI sup.. porters, the city council will be asked Ju- ly IS tD ~t.up_ a recall election, for some time !n the middle of September. If the judge rules in Martin..,s fiver, the recall will be halted, at least temporarily. * tr * Valley COuncil Won't Appeal Larwin Decision '' .I.LY 1"1\Arf blf' ·;). .... ,.~ .. ~~!! ~wi:,:r ·._ ··~~:;;r,,""".M«v"'··-"'!· . . I-JOME Council's . . Gallierine Prize Goes to Mayor .. Mayor Jack Green has been aelected as the 1969 winner of the aMual HOME Council "Bill Gallienne Awe.rd," which i.s given to a Hu:nUngton Beach man who has made a signllcant contribution to the community durina: the past year. HOME Council President Cris C. Cris said the winner will be honored at a 7:30 a.m. bre4klast at the Sheraton Beach Inn Frklay and will ride in the Fourth of July Parade later in the day in the HOME COuncil "Bill f;a!Uenne Award" car. t•ayor Green Is In hJ.s fourth year as a cOuncilman and has been parllcu.latly ac- UVe in the past year in obtainl.nl a new civic center and In providfn& op- portunities for youth. Cris Sllid, ·The award Is In memory or William "Bill" Gallienne, manager or lh·e Chamber of Commerce for 30 yea.rs before hill death. Known as "El Generalisslmoi'' Galllennc was responsi- Foontain Valley City Councilmen de-ble for the success of manycefeliraliOns cided Tuesday night not to .appeaL lht along tho Orange Coast including the.July Orange CouE.il Superior Court dec:llk>n 4 parade, the 40 Miles of Christmas which stop construction of the con-Smiles decoration contest and the city troverSia! ·n Trad. • fireworks show." "Money was the factor that brought "M G h ~. tr f aboUt oor decWon," .said ~ Robert ayor reen as ui;;o;n a s ong orr.e Schwerdtfeger, after Tueiaiy'I rqular tor lbe betterment of this community, beginning in the Golden W e s J council tenion. : Homeowners Al8ociallon where he aer.v-Meetlnc in b.ecutive session at 7 p.m.. ed .as a committee.man and. pruldenL coonctlmen • discu.!sed p::ISS!'ble court Lat.er he was active tn ltle HOME Coun· action and-(i.nanc:ial factors. The Loi Angele.s legal firm ·of Burke, cil," Cris said. Wllllanu IDd "SorensciO bas been rtpre-He adtled that Mayor Green w~s in- sentlng the ma.lorit)'. faction of Mayor volved In passage of the present city ~Vice-Mayor~9o!_l&ld Fre-· --chtrttr and· hM-been-in-the-(or-eff.OD'· geau and C'ow:ldlman Joseph Courreges, youth aCtivitie.s with emphasis on parks in their lePl battle to .contllJue ~e . ind recreation for youth and senior proposed !ilO-home, small-lot Larwm citlzens•particularly, . · developme,nt. . Past wlimen of the award Include Tue.sd1y·1 decision, wh1pb followed Robe.rt E. Dingwall, 'William Susman and presentation or a '61000 bill for attor· fonnc.-Mayor Donald D 'Shipley The ney '1 fees mu.ns any further court ac-. · · • . lion must \Ow be pgrsued by the Larwin wmner1 all were adjudged to be working Co' alone ~ ~ for~t~ betterment of the city with 1the . The mlycr aMounced the decision l8!"e1 devotion shown by GaWenne, Cris and said, "J still feel the Lanrin dcvel-Wei, , opment Is a good ooe, but it Is now a ,Mayor Green i• to receive •. plaque matter of eeonomic conslderatlon." FM.day morning · and hla rmpe ts 'tq be Councilmen Edward Just and John engraved on ~ perpj!kllll . trophy-which llarper had oppGled tht majority faction will be--on perm1nen& display-at .the HUn- in coon •lonl wllh r.Wl 1 .. d<r Eugene llngton Beach Public Library. VanDuk who flied the OUi~lhll •toPPed the Lanrln !?!<!.- NEW YORK (CPI) -Traders applied lht brakea today lo tbe market's long 1kld. (See quotallonl, Pq.,.IJ.JJ). The 1ctlon was long o.verdue. TJ;te mart«t bid been declltllng since around mld·I\tay, With only infrequent pauses 1intt that time. f • ' U.S. Plane Shot Down TOKYO !UPI) -North ·v- anned lortu shot down an unmanned U.S. reconna~ plane over Ha !J'ay P1"9Ylnce aouthwnt of Ha~I Tutsday, the country's news agency. rt"pokcd. It aald the plane'"' the ~,300th.Amerlcan alrcrall-doWlled. · • • · ' The battle began in 1967 when t"p homeowners, Joe Boyte and Warnn Ha11, challenged the right of the district to tax owners of single family homes to raise money to operate a water district serving Jess .lhan..a do:.e.n lar:mers. ' • Eventually they tqok tht!lr battle to lht city council alt~r failing to win seats on lhe governing board of the district which levies a tu on ·tand·Value-only. After protracted negotiations which once had the city asking tha~ lht di!lrlct be dislolved, tho city agreed to take~ the disir!ct. suilP!J tity wa1<r-to tliO few remaining tarmen and to leicy a tax for ~~ retiremeiit only, oot for operation of· lbe dlalrJct. The district wUI continue lo exi!t on paper unUI the bonds IOld year.s qo to bud(f pJpeffl}(!a have been· retired. The J.,i bond is . e:ipected lo be retired in February. 1977. $200 Gift Sends Maureen to Ohio Maureen -MeBde -the 14-year.:old speedsler from HunUngton Beach -left Tuesday for the AAlJ Womtn's National championshJp track meet July 2 throop • 5 in Dayton, Ohio. Last week Maureen was seekiag help to _ pay her expenses to the meet so she could compete with her three Lona Beach Comets teammates on the women's mile relay team. A mystery dooor helped Maureen make the trip, giving her the $ZOO she nee4ed (or air fare. Maureen's parenls, ?i-tr. and tw1rs. Robert Meade , weren't sure whlch day she wtiuld run. but said the track meet is scheduled to be televised. Beatie in (;ar Crash · GOLSPIE, Scotland (UPI) -Beitle John Lenon cut his chin, his wife Yoko gashed her forehead and her daughter Kyoko, S, suffered a cut lip .in art automobile accident oear Golsple Tues- day. All were hospitalized. A. rpokesman for the Beatles .said he did DQt know how the accident occurred. Orange Coast Weather \Ve'll still keep ~elatively cool on the coast Thursday, with mer· cury in the low 70's, while Inland areas bake at 87 after the usual morning fog lifts. INSIDJ;: TODAY 'Nie "im{X'ssiblt dream" Is becoming a realit11 for a Britilh acting wor.luhop in I.. a ((, u " c Beach oaJltd "La Mancha.' Set E1'ttrtainment, Pcge 25, .. ,,..... .. 14n'k• 11 -" MHi..-U.!1 ............. t• N..._..""" .. Or-.. c.w ,. a.cltil ...... • .. ,,.,.. fl·ll Of........ ' ...... ,..,... lto1•, ........ ..! -... .. ....,. . ' .......... a.N. Wwtil...... ... • I I •• ~~.Reds in· might um us·oown:" :-- Die county schools superintendent rais· ed the specter, of µte use, of "scrip as was dooc dllilhs ·the 4tllftlilon In the 30s. • ' I ' SAIGON iU~l) -u .s. plane. and ~ery destroyed some North Viet· namese gun positions 'in neutral Cam- bodia du.rina the Communist 1lege o{ the 11tQ Het Speolal For«• camp, m,ilil"l' ;pokeSmen eald today-. · 1 Ben Het, in the centra1 highlands 2'IO mUes north of Saigon and only a few mUes rrom the Laos and. Cambodtan borders, wu under 1Jege for 58 days until a J,W().man ·rellef column drove through to the outpost Tuesday. · Today lht" f11'5l supply convoy t.o rea<;h Ben Hel in siI tleys_moved into the Green BereL camp unopposed from Oak To, eight miles to tbe eaat.· while ~· car· rled out five strike. against what wu lelt ot the Communi!ts in the ,.rea. • • -''EVe'r)' t1mf" they lhtll"'us from Cam· "If we can'l borrow "'lhe: money we mi&,ht h~v.e to do that to pay our teachers alid the$•would 'have to dlscoonUI. 11'1 lik' IOtit qd during the. 19308 wu dil- coonted.a much as H pilrcenl" A~ sild' the Ne\!)lOrl·Meae district cOU!d "aurvlve durlnJ .July and Au'°'t by dipplng into our resend (esumated •t $%.T million). But we may have to borrow mciney after AuguSt:•• • He warned, "Our voters passed and we ~· ba'te sold $8.9 million in oon11truction bonds and we are now he.vlng the County Cilunsel draw 8 re.!lolutlon giving our 'i>Oird authority to· borrow from lheae bonds. July Four,t~ ~o Holiday Fountain Valley 1'o Enter County for H unting.._t_o_n_P___,_~_lic_e __ Co_m~p~. u_te.,--r -,CSy~_s_te_m_.'.:.:1t:...:'•:.....::•:....:IAmfl::::-::::·-~· .:..:::· S~tor~. !LB "If the supervbors approve, we will st111 have advene effects if the slate does not pa!! a budget soon. Jf we borrow from the construction bonds we will Jose interest on the bonds whlch we are now g!'Ulng and will have Lo raise our tax rate." . _Adrian said the Newport-Mesa district did not expect an increase· in state funds over the current year -abbut ~.8 million, 21 pe«ient of the total revenue of "No vacations on the Fourth of JUiy for police personnel." That's the word from capt. Harold Mays of the Huntington Beach Police Department:who says all available pollCfl offlcir11, 141 to bt exact, wlll be on duty ti" provide aufe conclualon of. the city's annual parade and Indepe:nd~ bay Celebration. "lt'a goin& to be a Iona:, Iona: day," he at1ded. ,. Exlra poUcemen will be assigned to t<iotrol 'the parade, crowds, disentangle tratfic congeaUon and patrol the beaches. The parade, which la expected to draw 'ome-ioo,ooo·-1pecta\ors, bu never been Girl, 8, Struck -. '3y·Car, Injure~ An &-year-old Huiitinglon Beach ifrl darling across Balboa Island's Marine Avenue brJd&e l!lufftred a broken ~Uar booe Tu"'day night when •he "'.•• hit by •·•r. , ...;.;---c;18lia Kalllll!li M~ .an!J Jlitll. iiieild Cl1'tle, \./iii stnu:k.at 7:llO ~.m. by a eai:rdriven by Cloyd E:--Morrlsun;-71;-of ttljl{eliotro~ Ave ., Corona del .Mar. He WU -northbcNnd, driving, oU tbe illaz:id -the g1ri dartO<I Inti> traffic. Pollce said Morrison was not c1ted. ~ Kiri was reported in good Ctindition In Hoa& MemorW HOlpitaJ today. Westminster r Sets Teen Dance Westminsler teena can dan~ to the sounds ot th~ "Lovin' Bunch" frnm a p.m. to midnight, Saturday, In the com· •ty cenler, 8200 Westminster Ave. • Admisskm la $1 for membtrs of the Westn\insttr Teen Club, spon!M>rs of the danc!e, and $1.S!) for non-members. TbeU will be no dance at Marina High School 1fidY night, ~ut there will be 1 teen dahce at ltuntington Btach High School Saturday nigbl with admission set at IL _. . OAll Y Pll OT l•ktt N. W.M ,.,...,..,. .,,. ~-, J•c~ I . CV!'kt. • Vitt ""9'*"9 ~ Gefttr\/ "'-.._ttl n-., k.,.,u ··~ Tlte111•' A-M•rphi11• --.. .... ~ Atbert W. ltltl W'Ulie111 le-4 ,..._k. ""°"""'IN •uat fdlllr City ltn• ·--H•141 .... ,, ...... .,.._ s•t lttri"Stte.t" M•lH .. .,Ullr"u ;,o. k• 790. •tMI ..... -N~ .....,., 11\1 wtll .................. Qtt-'¥Ill • *'"' .. ., ltl'ltl ...,.,.. aewi1 m ,_, .,,.,..,. ml/ftd by riots or ·Other Iar1• ICile tri>ubles d1ll'inl itl receal · biatory and Mays dOes not upect 1ny thll year. - Computer coo~tion ~ween cltlts may soon bttorne a ttallty H eight other Orange CounQ! clUea take ~ qme ac- Uon FounWD-11.tn.)!-lntllatod Tueoll;' •fih!C Jusl to be llW'I · lllouth. the police department will "bep an-eyeron thlnp" with two police btllcoptm .. hlcb will be deployed-throughout the di)" untU l t .m. Councllme:n unanlmOUlly adopted 1 Award for longest ears In recent Huntlngton Beach playground pet pe,rade went to this sorrowful BaS8ett bound whoee D06e apparently wao bent out of obape about sllfferina the indignity of being reminded about bls big ears. His owrier, sensitive to pooclt's feeling;, .whisked hound-aW&y-befora city-recrealion olliclall-<lOU!d.determln0-11ame--0 dog or owner. .,,. illltmt0r nu·munon:- Otber districts represented had similar, yet diverse problem!!. Alton Morse, associate superintendent for busineu of the Garden Gl'O'le.Unlf.led Diatrlct;.. "We WW have to borrow money ~ter Augu!l, about $2 or .U million. We JUSt dop't have the reserves. July a. • -resolution· aUnwing_ the cJty to enter the H.ellcopt.er 1urvelllll!Ce Wat f!iit ttled -Ot'1ani1&U9fl for Computer Planning out 1 year ago when police otflbllll iand (.QCf:LJ¥hlcb .ww makt a fret study on ell)' ~on mponded ·10 4P•.aircraft IJ1t possl)>lllt)' of 1tveral_ cltlH oharln& a COlttp,ih)' augettlon that Uiey i'oJibt" uae Board Votes Cut in Funds "Tb<governor has proposed only a $105 n'.Ullon increase In the slate education budget. That would give us only about $563 per student and our Ctists are '$800 per student. the choppers to patrbt the cit)'. computer operation. '!I aueea you tnlght call Ulla our first Cowicilmao Edward Just was named annlyenaey," ~Mays. delegate to OCP while.Howard S.tephtns, -Tiit pollt•·depadmenl.tooll-deli~-... ~-io· · 1-~ ita:nm v:ehlcle in Deoember and bOuaht c_.~ unance uu-r,-rwa1-,e ~IOU-a11 another: one 1ppr01bnately 001 month &Jternate dtlegate. ' ·EorCounty-Medicalt:en:ter c "The state's two lqislalive bodies have proposed bills Increasing lhe education budget by $100 .inllllbn but.even with that an\ount we would 1et ft mllllon less than · we need lri Garatn Grove-:--· - Dr. Charles Miller, assistant superintendent for bw!iness, Santa Ana Unified District: "We will be able lo exist · unt1r our October 1 PJyroll. If we don't get some state money by .then we will have to borrow from the banks, il po11si· · ago. Both have been in nearly cOnatant other cltlU expected to tale similar ""ca~eolntiyM. th h acuon Include Anaheim, Brea, Buena The Board of Supervisors Tuesday ~ ay1 allo warned at ls k Cyp Pl . ti T t 1 voted 3 to 1 to cut back expansioa plans men have been inlltiucted to arreSt all Par • reas, acen 8• " a n ' for Orange County Medical Center and viofatOrs who tosa firecrackers into ~es~ter and Yorba Linda. Coeta crowds a~d · M Cite thoee pouuilng Me1a and Q_•~!l_qtove-h1ve--recenUy-inl~ launch studiel to brln& main sec· dangerou1 flrtworkl IUCh as cherry expreued an tnterllt tn the program. · ti011s of county hotlflltal up to modem _ bombs, M.OO's, roman ·candles and -standards. pyrotechnic devices having' a side fuse . About thrte monlhl 1IO Stephens told Supervisor Robert W. Battin of Santa , • • t city councilmen that it w11 just not Ana wu, the lone county 1aw'maker op- H-~ -~ 1.:..,. D' -1r ~...+ • ec<110llllaily pogsible'Iot l'miall'clty to poMd to ihe·action. Ht wanted Ii> se lj the · ,Qne.-aoie .I&e!iarge · J111· loriiiirnlJi 'i com~1~ hatidle"tl-county h"pltai to.uc Irvine. SAN DlEGO (UPI> -Lt. :Edward R. ty ~per work. • t__:__-Tilt dean of UCPs medical college_ Dr. Murt>1!1 Jr., DI< eHc)lllve omcer il t11i . At.tha't'tJm < ~ "'""' C=>~ USS PU:ebto whO resigned hisOfuUni!sion . ene Slllln~ea-~y~ Warren BosUck, however, !Upported after reading the-findings of a court of.in· µie pOulbllitj of aeverat '~ cltlea muter plannin& for the Orange County quiry, 'ho received an · h on.or ab I 1 Jolnini together to ·tease and ff*•tl.. a Medical Center: discharge 'fl"OnJ, tbt Navy. . computer. • Battin'• motion to 11ell the whole county -" hoepltll aetup to UCI died for, tack of a second. Prolohged debate · before the county bolrd wu yet another long hasgie In an effort to detennlne the future of the cOunty bOlpltal complex. Board approval or cuttln.g back -"'e number ol bed 1pacts to be added in the future and to concentrate <1n modemlia- tlon of preient filcilltles came after a J'9P9I'\ from Hospital Administrator Robert Whit•. White told board members. "The acute unit (Building No. I) needs e1tensl\'e modemiutton to be usabJe. "It couldn't be llcensed today In Its present condition. It is grossly lnelllcient, there i11 no air conditioning in patient areas and inadequate elevators, '1 While continued. -, "M11ny areas are tol'lllly inadequate - the laboratorie11 X-~ fa<:ilili~ut­ paUent clinic, emergency room, majgr surgical ·areas, labor and delite;y rooms." · \Vhlt8 was challenged by -9».tlln who· questioned a '250,000 item in the pro- -PQ6ed ·l91&-70 ·budget for 1'achemailc plans." · WblJ~ iJaidJt w:as a "r.ough__eaulnate er costs of planning for modernizaUon of Building 1. 1'ht money Is to be placed in the contingency fund to be u1ed lf yoar board declde11 to go ahtad with a new building. "What would a new building coat?"' queried Batun. 1 ble." Facing slmllar problems is the Tu1tln Elementary SchoOI Dlltrict, explained assistant supe~lntendetlt Archie currte. Norton · explained that the eowrty schools ofnce· lla11 "34 budgets to 'figure, 11.or them for elementary dlltttcts and .CQverini; th!? education of 425,00«»·students on a!J average__!!!i!f attendance basis." Bri~ge Lessons · Set in Valley White replied. "$15 tt> :w> million. The stud)' is to determine on modernlntion or Wsons for beginning bridge plafer:; replaCtment. Tile cost coiild be financed wW·.atart at 7;45 p.m., Thursday, tn the out of operating_ income over a 40-year Fountain Valley community center, 1oaoo period. State and federal grant.II are also Slater Ave. posslble t" Duplicate bridge pl1,yers wlll 11tart their Battin per11l11ted and brought up the clasae1 In the Ctimmunlty center at 7 proposed UCl campus hospital "Which I p.m., Saturday. have heard will c:oi!t $30 mUllon." Both classe1, new lo the· parks and "How 'about selling the med!Cal ctnter retnatlon program this. year will be to UCI?" uked the rupervtsor. ~er the iu1dance ot M'ts. Hel~n Cteed · "J'm not sUrt they would buy tt, lf they eruned brllfae teacher and a 'director of know what l do," White replied. "The · tht American Contract Bridge Le&l\Je. county would sUU have a rt1pon11lbillty Rqlatratlon can be made at the city for care of the lndl1ent 11lek. That costs hall cashier'• office dUring dally work- $6 lo $7 million a year.'' in& houri. ' ~ ' -I ' r Y~Mtad 'Siie's Ta,.nable . ' . ' ''Be Pre.Pared," ts Darien& Rolb 's motto. And Darlene, 19, a visitor to the Orange Coast from Willnut, Calif., lives up to the motlo by spraY1n1 on suntan ioUon durihg beach ouUng. Now that bid soi bas left June Oioom beblnd, •he'll need I~ · - l \ ( for Mother or Grandmother From 1 to 9 GENUINE Birthstones arecofully set In 14 Kt. white or yelloW eold ••• The special re meqibr1nc1 fro m every member of tht f1mil}' • CONVENIENT TERMS BANKAMERICARO MASTER CHARiie I Ill NEWPO~T tL VD., COSTA MESA • • • I \I ...... $lf.OO wttll _,.. ... _ AMl1nllt .... ·-$9.00...,.. Di•1 ... 1 $12.00:. 23 YEARS SAME LOCATION PHONE 441-l~O I l ( I . ' I I ' \ I I ( ! ' • • \ ' • \ ) \ I ) • --· , . Laguna • Bea eh . ' • '· Toda;r''-' Final N.Y_. ~toeks_ v.o.r.:. 62, "NO_..,J 57,..5..SEt:TIO~s. 68 .JIAGES • ORANGE .COUNTY, CALIFORNI A ' ' WEDNESDAY, J.UL Y 2, I 969 TEN CENTS .. J?ropo8gd Laguna Budget · Calls for · Tax Hike • Laguna Beach.city councilmen have ln their 'hands today a 1969-70 city budget that·~alls for an 18~-cent tax rate ln- crease. -easily the largest in ritahy •~ year ... Couilc:Umen tonight are expected to set a datt sometime next week for discussion of me-proposed budget. $120 in· t.ues. an Increase or about $11.50. This would be the lhi{d straight year of city tax rate tncre3se after four yean of essentially holding the line, Wheaton said. "I wOuld imagine It is the: bigge.sl single tncrease· in a long , long time, If the ciry ever has had one appro1chir11 it," he said. compared to just under $3 million this year. • The fiscal year began Tuesday, July I. but tile city council-Sll111ia.~ eeway on adopting the new bJKigel. No deadline is set by law. "We actually are using I.he new budget now, but there will be no purchases or new people hired ," Wheaton said. uon people who 1pend about one-third Of U1e clty'1 budgeted money. .. There are' a number of s~iftc-reasons why the r6ConUnencfed 'tbudget increase for this yeir is ¥>' large, including an underlyine Oiie that it reflects an Inflated economy, Wheaton said. Some of lhe speclflcs: retirement program would cost about -An addiUonaJ poliCe ofllcer aod on• $211,000 more. more policewoman have .. been rccom- -1\n expanded recreation program nded f I 5'000 Jn I · with a full-time recreation dlrtctor will me at a cost o 1 , . ia aries, cost $28,000 more than this year. because of increasing arrests. -L o n g · t e r m ~xpenditures recom--Removal of municipal court to mended by an engineering firm toward Laguna Niguel, expected in November. i.. • ..$3tching up a rundown city 'sewage going to run up "'lice time spent in court disposal system would cost MJ,000 this and necessitate purchase of a van to first year. , transport prisoner~. ' • • I • AS Sl!Uested by Cify Manager J~es D. Wheaton, the property tax rate would climb"frOm $1.74 lhls year to almost Sl .93"" pr.11;100 o( assessed valuation. The ta1 rate increase for i~st year was -ei;ht cent.s. The year before It wa.s seven He said he was set back si~ weeks in getting the. budget to city counciln1en because heavy rains ind subsequent clean-up tied up public ~orks and recrea- -A 4..6 percent salaq lncrea~ ef- fective Sept. 1 for 11UJnicipal emp\oyes will cost aboiJt $55,000. -Because emplo)'es would' receive more the city sharo ot the employment -A $22,000 increase in expenditure .an----This-will--be-Ute-lir.it year-both-prin-----t! equipment ~ rteea"ea-rl · mmo • cipal and interest are due on two new fire cents. • Thf ·owner or a $25,000 home would pay Total propOsed budget i.$ $3.4 million, ... ' • tate u • Dowta the M •• ISSIOD Trail Let's Share Prez S~s Super visor SAN CLE~1ENTE -See Uiat dateline? \\'ell, Orange County S u p e r v i s o r s William Hirstein -Who Jives up In Oi'aAge -isn't very enchanted with it. fn a .letter to county newspapers Tues- day, Hirstein suggested it would be nice if. -naUonil news reports out of San oreineiite's Summer \Vhite House were da1eltied "Orange County." ~l San Clemente Mayor Dr. WaJ~ Uwer and Chamber of Commerce tx- ecutlve Director Gil Essell areri'l too worried. They said they trust. preS! judg· ment. After all, who knows what county Johnson City is in? Hyannis eort"? -Camp David'? e T1•111fees to Conllene JRVINE -Trustees of the San Joaquin Elementary School District will meet tonight at 7 in the Irvine School multi· ptlrpOSe room , 14736 S. W. Sand Canyon Road. Ea.St Irvine. . Among items for trustee consideration au.the naming of two schools now under coostriiction Jn Lake Forest a n d Capistrano Highlands and a report on prtmary reading tests given to fir st, se· conP and third grade students. •: ,lremorks (ause? SAN JUAN CAP IS1'RANO -A fire which did .an estimated $1 ,000 damage M0nday to the two-story home of Mrs. FiShC.es Smith, 31327 Don Juan St., is believed to ha ve been ignited by fireworks. An Orange County fire spokesman lo- da)' said the blaze, controlled within JO minutes. probably was caused by chUdren playing with "smoke bomb" flrewoi'kl!:. Wind apparently carried one of the bombs onto the wooden shingle roof or the home, he said. S toek ltJarl<ets NEW YORK (UPI) -Traders applied the brakci today to the market's long 1kid. (See quotation!, Pages 18-1!). Grcand-Jury To _G.et Land_ Sale 'Rules' The Board of Supervisors Tuesday sug,. gested that the Orange County Grand Jury needs more lnfofriiatlon on how the board handles "the sa·le. purchase, tracte, lease, abandonment or gift" of county property . Supervisors instructed county Rea! Property Services Director Stanley Krause to supPIY the jury memben with copies of liis department's "general policies on disP953i' of county proper1y ." The Grand J\iry two weeks ago adoRt.ed a resolutioo lt the supelfVisors urcing tHat "flithrt i.nd traoj!actlon& al Ute cOunty, .. ~r l:l\lyinl or selling or trading •• ~ only take place all.er holding a·Public hearing." Last Friday, Grand Jury Foremen WiOiam · Martin or Laguna Beac~. dispatched an additional letter adding "abandonment, ~ase or gift." While the Grand Jury's report made no specific references, veteran obse.rvJ!I"! suUested the jurors might have been thinking of the recent abandonment of Salt Creek Road. a potential public beach access between South Laguna and Dana Point. Krause started to read the "general policy" to the board but was inlerTUpled with the suggestion th.at copies be sent to the jurON. "This is -the best way out," iald Board Chairman William Hirstein. "Let them read what we do now aod then decide on their stand." Krause said the Grand Jury resolution offered "more questions than answers:· But he added that advertising for public hearings on all county land transactions would cost an estimated $100,000 a year. ''I asstime the Grand Jury didn't mean to have the tax'payers spend that much more money," Krause questioned . Jn its resolution, the jury referred to "a growing deslre on the part of the public to have a say in the disposition and/or use of land." Attorney William Wilcoxen of Laguna Beach is currently fighting t h e supervisors' abandonment of Salt Creek • Roa~-. He charges that the Salt Creek Road· abandonment to the Laguna Niguel Corp. was done without proper public .hearings. Wilcoxen ~ Laguna Niguel represen-, (Su GRAND JURY, Page%) ~oy~ Accused of _ Setti~g r op of World Brush Fire Two small boys have been accu~ af The JX>lice officers stated In their setting a fire by pouring g~e on th! report -of the Incident that durint: an in· w~ in a brusb co~ered area ·at Top of-'-vestlgatlon .of an unl"f:lated matter, they the World Tuesday night as two Laruna -- . . ... __ I inclolhesmen watched. • .. ..saw the children go into the area. DCt!C,j P 1 "(W I ll ed lh b" nd ' The (,Ire caused no damage as it burnt<! e) o ow e su Jects a prior otlt Ift I yard-wide rocky area adjace:nt to to their ~ing overtaken. lhey pouted d'1' bru5h near Alta Laguna Boulevard gasoline onto . tM ground and lit same. and just north ol Park Avenue. WbUe pour1ng additional gasoline on the The boys, 10 and I years old, were fin, the container caught fire and they ci:~ by officer! Norman Babcock and tb'6pped lt," the rtport states. NeU liurcell who, according to police F0Uowln1 the conference this morning i'tpori., observed !he children walk Into with Ille plmlts-and children, Chief the brushy area carr.ying a two-cation MaM said the youngsters told 'llilri they pJaMie ;asollne container. • started the fire 1'ju1t to see what would ' 'No charges wiU be pressed against the happen." Chlklren. 11le7 were taken home to their "lf that had been a metal can (tnslead ~ll· Both chlld.·en 1nd partn'ts met or plasticl and the fire had 1olten in lhe t}\ia morning with tire official.! ·tor a cao. it would hive blown aky hi1l\,1' Chief diacus1jon . · Minn said. Aocordlng to rlre Chief Homer Mann, Chief Mann said that If the fire had ' tji..lf>..)'ear-ofd_lfW' ha~e_aeUwO_j)Jllcr Cl\lihLih<_T<lltDL'llltWOtJP brush,a ma· LliUoa fires la11t year. jor fire could.have resulted, -·-·- equipment Is reeomme.n<.led. sub-stations,. an increase of $130,000. •-. ~rIStS .ee , ens Jesse Unr!lll To ~lame, Says GOP SACRAMENTO !UPI) T h 1 Legislature's two top Republicans today said the slate waa plunged inttl its budgetless financial crisis by Assembly Democratic leader Jesse Unruh's intense ambition to become governor. -!,:,'<::'--Assembly ·Spea~er Robert/Monagan ac- • -DAILV PILOT l llH PMNo PUSHIN' AND HAUL IN', HUFFf N' AN/h(UFFIN~ SADD\EBACK COLLEGE PULLS UP STAKES , Over Hill and Dal•, Temporary Campu,• Bulldings-M~~ to Permari•i:tt Site cused Unruh of trying to "oblain , cheap publicity" in hls "campaign for governor." ··.; -"1 am crelllij 'l'ncuned ibt/'jt lh• damage llt.'s doln& lo \he Lestalalur<'1 image," the Tracy Republican added at a joint news conference with Senate Prtsi· .-dent Pro Tern Howard. Wa'i (R-~eter). "We• have seen the placement of personal amtiluon -ahead of the welfare of ~ peop".V-:lf«r <li1r1ed-Frilsfrated ltgi!:JaUors were groping ror a face•savinf · solµtlon lo the state's deepening finanC:ial crisis as the new (iscal year ticked on $tl11 wllhout a budget "This ls just exactly the same as if the ' banks closed," sald Caspar Welnbf;rgcr, , - Veteran Trust~e raylQr New Scl1ool Board Chief Buildings, Staff Gov. Ronald .Reagan's finance director. Monagan reported the California Youth Authority had only five days' food left in its refonn schools. The Vacaville prison had only · IS days' 1oods remaining: Neither had power to purchase more mip- plies. The Franchise Tax· Board shut down it.a computer operations. On Move Again At SaMleback Monagan accused Unruh of trylng to "circumvent the whole process of-govem- ~ddleback JW\ior CoUege ls moving t ment -the separation of powers -by Laguna Be(lch bUsinessman. Larry Taylor. is the new Laguna Beach Unified School Board presidenL lie was elected by his colleagues Tu'esday night. Teylof ha:: ~n ·on the board for eight years, serving ' from 1959 to 1964 and again ,from 1967 to· th~ present ti~e, lie has been president of the board once before and has been board clerk for the last year. At the same meeting, board members Mrs. Jane Boyd and rG--elected board members William Wilcoxen and Or.' Norman Browne were sworn in for new four-year terms. Wilcoxen was elected the board cWiik, a position he has held once befwe. He also has served as board president. During previous tenure on the . board. Larry Taylor also served as presidcnl of the Orange County sChool Boards ¥sociation. In additi on to presiding over the school board the president will lead the board of directors for the Thurston Foundation and the Laguna Ed'Ut at!Ofi FOUnd3tion. In other action Tuesday the board : -Discussed in executi~e s e s s I o n teacher salary negotiations. A meeting next week ls planned to discuss with teachers the latest salary request.~. -Approved work-study agreements with Chapman College student teachers and with UC Irvine student teachers for the summer and regular school year IOOi- 70. Ill Le aders Jailed In Argentine Strike BUENOS AIRES (AP) -Preoidenl Juan Catlot Ongania's military govtrn- ment jaHecl 11 t poliUcal and labor leaden: dur)ng a l+l!our, general .trike Tile!day called to protest goverhment po~cles and the visit of Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, police reported today. • Thi attll<e; called by the 400,000.mem· her ant11overnment rac\\on of the Gen- eral Confederation of t..ab9r (CGT), end· ed al mldnl~!.altu halting many lndu•· td1l oper•l.i.oN.Jlawtver; It' Was less el· fectlve lllfll a simllar sloppage ill May. D1Ut. Y .. !LOT Slllff l"lltte LEADS SCHOOL BOARD Laguna Unifi.c:l's Taylor -. IRS to Examine MDs' Ret1rrns agam. , • _ blackmail." · Furnish\ngs and' ]brary books have Unruh has demanded commitments ~ paclled off ·~ .Dj(tving van this week · from Reagan on an education bill and tai: to a warehouse for summer storage. And reform before freeing Democrats to vote year-.arouod pef'SPllnel ·art taking up new on a· budget. 1 quarters Monday al Crown Valley . The fiscal dilemma .1 tat• Elementary School in Laguna Niguel. government'.1 worst since. the depression The buildings .will be rppv.ed too. south -carried vast political lmplicaLions for down the San Diego Freeway one turnoff' next year's expected gubernatorial race to ·the new permanent campus site. The between Reagan and Unruh. buildings are poi-table.· . "I t.tiink It's useleS! to speculate on So is the college administrative !ltaff. that," Unruh replied when asked if ht Missiol\ Viejo High School was its first feared lhe legislative debacle had harm- home. Then it was a former model home. ed lili:1•Polltically. "l don't think any ol For a year· the-staff was well housed on us are-smart enough le figure lbat out..'..' the interim campus. Now it's to Crown Reagan wu said to be holding "firth'' Valley School, 'ond before school ~pens in In his posit.ion, believing he had Unruh Septe{llber the final move . to the politically in a box. permanent campus sile.t ~ -... ..Both bodki aOjourned Tutsday withou~ Therf Supt. Fred Brenfer and staff can 1aklni actioo ~ a ·budget The Senate finaTiy settle down oo 200 acres that f/,onday night paMed-a full-year's budget really will be home. ind rejected an uaembly Democrat· .1ponsored -mtnl-budget good for only I Water Budget OK'd in Laguna ·-~ - The Laguna Beach County Waler Board Tuesday ·night passed a preliminary budget ror the new fiscal year which, would allow for a five-cent decrease in the currenl ta1 rate. _ The proposed decrease, from SS.Cents to 50-cents per $100 assessed property valuatlon,iik a result of the rise In assess· ed vaJuatl~, according to · William Moorhead. Ooartl secretary. Final audit ls e1pected to be completed month . While the state 'Was stranded withollt -a- (See BUDGET. Pa1e %) Coast Weather We'll still keep relatively cool on the coast Thursday, with mer· cury In the low 70'1, whlle Inland areas. bake at rt after the usual morning fog lifts. Wi\SffiNGTON (UPI) -The tn;temal by July 15, when the board may pass the Re\·enue Selv.ice said today income tax I final budget. Tne budiel will then have to INSIDE TODAY returns or about 10,000 dQ.czlors who drew be approved by the county audltor,-tben more than $25,000 a 'Year lrom govern-passed on to the county Board of ment medicue and medk:aid programs SUpervllOl'8. wi11 undergo a specl,al audit. If tlnat approval Is given, the new tu 'rt\& , J.BS~----~Lstant depu com-rate would 10 Into effect for the current . mtlikllWt'; ~rn H.-SmU.~ -told the fiscal -ar. ~ n1111fej!'Colliinillet Iha! an Initial ,. u~s. Plane 'shot.Down ~taminaUe WqdJ~ 'be mide of Che 1167 retuml' ot 'docifOra, dentists and other medical praclll!o!ie~!.who rl'Celyl!I more than ~.000 a Year from !he two federal TOKYO CVel) .-North ~loamcoe health funds. /',t-;_ ~ armed rorca ~ down an unmanned For subsequent yw1, he tc.sUlH;d, lhe v.s. m:onnalsaance plane ove~ Ha Tay audit will be "panded'lo tllose'palcf,more Pn>vln<e IOUlhwest of Jtanoi Tuesday, than ~.000. This gro1,1p hal been the coontr)"1 news agency reported, It eslimaled a~ obou\ 10,f»l membeti!)Llbe said lh••P)Jno was tbe 3,~ American meilical and dentil~ -~ downed. _ • • . • 'M-"tmpouiblt dream1' is becoming a realitV for a Briti1h atting workshop ht L a g v n 4 Beach callfd "La Natacha.• Si• Enttrt4'runsnt. P~t 25. ~ ----- ' '-1 • ' ~-----.;....._..Jo, .. L ~LY PU.OT==. -~ ... , . ;.;:,. ·t":ll-CoUld :Speed .~r.oop . RulloUJ Rogers _Sa s . . . w~----Ait(wn .... -17 o1 l!lato Wllltam I'. llogm said !Oday the lenl ol bosUllUU In 'soulb Vietnam has 1---<l>ee!l .-tlnlng .and..!bat H the trend proved · algnlficans. It aiuld speed up wltllilrawall of U.S. troops. • At a new a conference, however, Rogers caulloaed lha\ for the time ·being U.S. of· ficiala would "have to wait ~ see.'' . ·nana Marine School Moves Step Nearer , County and echool official! signed the arUcles ol incorporation for the creAUon d-a.-MarlM-Studiea lnaliluie at Dana Point Hltbor Tuuday. 1'1le fatmat1on oI the non-pront cor- por..aUon to seek grants arid donations for the institute is a preliminary step to establishment or the facility . According to Capistrano Unified School District superintendent Charles F. Ken- ney, the inltttute Will be for all county scl>OOJ children and college studenta. II is hoped it will offer a continued course qf ocean acience subjects from kindergarten through a master's degree. The laboratory might include facilities for e x p er i m e n t s, a closed-circuit television linked up with tidal pool areas and technic81 coorses in bpat bulldlng, marine engines and speclallred in· slruments. Kenney said. ' The institute-ls lo be 1ocaled on three acres within the Dana Point Harbor breakwaters. It will be near lhe marine life refu1e recently set aside by stale legislators. capistrano school district has received $28,000 in grants for the planni11g or the institute, the ruperintendenl added. $1,099 in Cash Goods Stolen -Jn I.aguna Beach Four t.aauna Beach burgl•rles In· volvlng $1,099 worth of property and cash wen reported Tuesday to llle LagWla Beo<h polict department. Two of tht thefts involved the burflary from autotnobUes parked at the Sur and Sand Towen parkl1l4J~t. 1r.ss s: Coast ' 11Atin told··-~ '11•1 ho Cooilern4 lhll mcntM "wUll l)llllllt s.....wy llalfln 11. 1'llnt """* 111 lllll Ill Communls~lnllla!Od action. "We hope it bas" some significance," he said. "We hope It ll a mponse to Prell· dent Nixon and Pre&ldenL Thleu.,'1 con· ference at Midway." It was during the Nixon mea,Ung with At the Beadt1 lllsbway. · _ . Dol1 LW!<1 3111 La .fQlla4ed thal I '4lG '"1 ot IO l "~~· . worth or =~~!:ii~~~~~ lid had been forcod open. New· R•rklng ~et"°' al Lasuna's El.Pueo beachll'Ollt parklnl lot are rem for action. alone wllh others butaJled ll!ldor new-meter system. ~eter feeding is now-de.IJnltely out. Meter parking now coau 10 cents an hour. lt used to be five cents an hour. J • A $100 portable tdev~n set '!'~s take'! from -tho car of Mlchiel-Xa~ 15, JM, V .. /!I. li:JJley .WU pJrl#!I Iii! P.11111& bjleni-'Ll·1'.r111k"ldil>.eii UJd. . • J~ii-;Jt; Wle<z6rtk, iii Ledroit Board Votes Cut in Funds Iii'. -i:Bilcb r<ported llie the!\ or iii -ll<lln·thelr reaidence believed IO ban been llUn wliil6 _ lhe iouple wai uteep. · · •1 Ttte theA of i11• lrom tbe car <>f Jamel 'Arthur Bratrud, 12, of 531 Rivtriide Drive, Newport Beach. occurred as the vehicle. was parked in the 1100 block of Oivlo~ Drive, Laauna Beaoh. Bratrud ·F or£ounty Medical Center was on the beach. ' ""°'" Pa9e ·1 ' GRAND JURY •• taUvu have been amone: several ln- dJvlduala Involved In the mounting con- troversy who have testified before the Grand Jut)'. Tl>e jut)' ·atso dlspalched II! "public heartna" reaoluUon to county leai1lators in s..cr·ID'lento and asked them to 61c:onsldtr enactment of lealslaUon that will tnlW't tbil publlc hearfna& be made ~1«7 for all future_ land tr'nsac· [H\l!'y Plt{l( DRAHI~ CCIAn PUklltOHC) C.~~MT lt•Mrt N. 'Wtff Pl'iifrfW IN ~t J•c• a. Ottlty 'ik:t Pre.lclMt and Gtlllt'll -... .. , Th-.,_KN-11 ·-ThMff A.. Mt,p$1Tl'lt --Jld·" '· Hell ·--... ----· 221 .,.,..t Awe. M•fthft ""'"" •.O; h• 6M. tt61! --a...M: m ht Ur S'l'tff .._.._..:m1-.1 .. ._...._.,. , ..... -.-: • 1111 •lfkl :OM""" ..,, .. . =~ --. "!I!!!!'.!!!! ... . ~_.:ir . .=:i.:: ""' .......;·--=: c:..t The BO&rd of Supervllora Tuer.day voted 3 to l to cut back expansion plans for Orange County "Medical Oenter and . . ' ~nstead launch studies, lo .br.ing main set• lions of county hospital up lo modern atandards. Supervisor Robert W. B1tUn of S&nta Ana was the ldne county lawmaker op. posed to the action. He wanted to sell lhe county hoapiLal ta UC..h:.'{lne. The,dean of UCl't medical college Dr. \Varren Bostick, however, !Upported master planning for the Oranae County Medical Center. · Bat.Uq't motion to &ell the whole county hospital setup to UCl died for lack of a second. Prolonged debate before-the county board was yet another lon1 haggle ln an tffort to dtt.ermlnt the future , Gt the county h011pltal complex. Board approval of cuttlng back the number of bed spaces to be added in .the fu.ture and to aincenlrate on modemiu· tion Of preaent facilities came aft.er a repo rt from Hospital Admlnlstrator Robert Wh.ite. White told board members, "The acute unJt (Bulldlng. No. ll n~ eiteoai\'L. modernliatlon to ~ usable. "lt couldn't be llctnaed today tn itf present condlUon. lt ll lf'OSlly lnelUclent, there 11 no air condlUonlng In paUeht area• and Inadequate tlevatort,•• White conlinu.ed. "Many areas are totally lnadequ.ate - the laboratories, X·tt.Y fact:ft111, out- p1ilent clinic, emer1ency room. major surgical areas, labor and dellvtry rooms." \l;'hlte was challenged by 8altln who Major· Fire Losses Decline in America . I:.:'~ BOSTOlf (UPI) -Loom from major , .... ·• •. ~ • fires in the United Sta tea declined by : · $fs' 1 •ll•• •••i• ~-m<n Ulln 20 percem. tn 1•, the Na .. r • ,.. • n ..,.. ~· tlonal Fire ProtecUon Asaocittlon said t~ • ~ ... Cit ... -5 li•.t~ DAmace from an f1ffl •as -::::1r,,. -.,.. tsUmttaf 1t U.lt blIUon~ . ,:&1..•,;a.!S"W . Total property damai• from major questioned a $250,000 Item in the pro- posed 1969-70 budget for "schematic plans." Wl)lte 11.id lt wu a "rou=tatlmate cf cotlA of Plirl!llna'-!Or -il!lllon or But1din1 f<The-lnoney-.tr to · ii1'ced In the-__.-lmid to be-Ulld H your beard dtcldta to 10 ahtld with a new butldln1. 1'Whlt would a ne.w buildlna COil?'" qu•rled BaWn. While replled, "Ill lo 30 mllllon. The study 11 to determine on modernlu.Uon or replactment. The coat could be financed out of cperl.tlng Income over a 40-yur period. Stale and federal aranll are alao poutble;' Ba!Un peralJted and brought up the propoaed UCt campu.1 holpltal 0 wh1ch I have heard will COit PO mllllon." ..rtow aboUt aelltnc the medlcal center to UCI!" uked the oupervlaor. • "I'm not aurt they would buy It, lt they know what I do," While repjled. "The county -would atlll have a reipoulblllty for ctre of the Jndl1ent sick. That casts $8 to '7 mllllon a year." Laguna's First -ScTWof Bus Now . . . Up for Gr.abs Good old school bus A·t ls beirli put on the block. 'nit oldest bus In the Laguna Beach Unlned Sd1ool DI~ the tlM ·Jl'o!'d II). passenger bus will be aold IO ihe hljheal bidder district trustees have ruled. The bUS, Whtie In aentrolly good COn· dllion mtchaJ\ICBlly, I• b<ln1 deall ool of the Laguna Beach tl'anlpotlallon pool be<auee of llJ llmlled ,..liq c&pattty and because tt haa the wronc ktnd 0( brake•. for hilly Lqun~ . !In<* purdi ... by tbe dbtrlct In 18!11 from the Sao Cltmeirto Stlae· Line. !ho bus hu been barred lrom.Lquna'a bills be<llllt ti hu h>draullc -llriba. AU .the resl ol lhe dlltrlc\ l>udel "*" ilt bitb. with opeclal e.,._ ~~ Con91Jt!lon Id -air. btUh)c ::'1.::~ ;.., .. """"" ...,. flre1. lhose causing at least $250,000 In t-.--..c.~11-'·~-!'!!! ........ :~-.it::;••,t; _ _J~slructlon_.~1s estlmated_a.t.. ..... S314 -.,. -· mil! O!I, •pproxtmately ll0,000 Iua Ulao In 1967, the associalion reported. would cost about u much 11 the · · llopea to "II A·I !or. Tbe bus hu about ~.cm mll~s recorded. Sale. of lhe. bua will bt adverUitd IOOll. Offloials hope to ..U it lot abotil l?OO lo !000. . - . . - Thll _..., "liidteatoi!JMt K tho ad· mlllliNltoo cii!it to !he L'lioclmloo that tho -luII b: COmin.-oflenslve OpiHlliii wu atgnlftcan~ lhlll • r<vlew ol U.S. mllit«_ry actlvJUes -includinc co111tderaUon 'lat !Pier troop pulloutl -. would be wairaritid. --- Rotor• alao told reportm that ·olh• United State.s "ls not dragging its-feet" oa setting strateah: mm la1b under ' , . - W11 w1'11 1111 -~ Ullll~ lloll Jte IMiii thll llnca auc s Jlf!l!"rtil-to '""' 1ht . ~-iiiO'iiiert of aecurhy t whenev• 'MOecow stva the • Stafea and tta_IWes," they have to be ap- Ho ...S:bawever, lhe I.Wied 51-hu proached talllllllly. ' · not yet rectlved 1 reapoue. from Moscow Rogers upressed the conY1cUoh . that on the U.S, propout to atart Ille lall!a on • .u..n ... ai1 .. -m•tualitf or lnlUell~ mutuaHtml~tloo• ot"ltJ'iill'cl~~ th< Uftltetl" SuiU ahd 1he RU>Siana In between, Ju.ly 11-W-#tug....ill". -.----..i.wtr1-~1rms.-raee. · Rog_ers aald tbere are indica~IOM the "In \WS hope we are looking forward to R..,siina are still lnlertl\Odurtueh·talks. lhe beglnolng ol lheSe talks," he •aid- ·- Faith Doesn'-t Pay ills Fairview Depending· on Credit for Food Purf hases' _ Devoti~ lo duly 11 r."1 legal lender, but tha~ alO!li wllb blind faith in leglJ!ators' respomJblUty and. reliance on CffdJt from local morcbaoll ii all that held lhe S~te Qtc.Iilarnla'.utrlclen -!"tosether today. Stumbling Into tbe IOCoftd clay ol opera- Uon Wllhoul a t•711 fllcaJ budgOl, various state agencies began making emer1ency pl~ to meet needs as deadlocked lawmakers wrangled. State Dlrtctor of Finance Caspar Wein· berger said Callfomia's.33 prisons.._and I' mentaJ insUtutlona: began b u '1 i n I perishable food on credit as !he financial crtais d .. penod. Imp1,et of refusal .of At 1 e m b J y Democ!•ata to approve · Gov : RQnald lleaian'a 11.37 bllllon meal budeet i!as being !tit al.Fairview Stale l!Oojlltal In Costa Mesa. where spokesmen ~ -falJilJy<optilniJ!ic. -: • . "We are on a credit ·sltuatton. but so far people art acllnl·in IOOd fa1th," llald Superintendent and Medici) Director Dr. Anthony TolO. . The spraWling hospita1-school complex · houses 1,300 ~ded --some In · extremely delicate btaltb. -and ban· dlcapped fdults ' Alter cooferrin1 with hospital aCl-mlntstrator Phlltp Whflt,-D<-Toto lelephooed !bi Stall llepartmeol of Men- ' 'ta! Hy1iene for the late&t official word on the financial crWs. 1'Ttiere is no money to pay our bills." he 111.d after the talk wlth headquartus, -'inot-o"'y.bllll1 tMlt u.larie11 as well.!.'. 11l1s WI! the case throu1hout 'the ~ost -populous state· ln lhe nation, from the &ilifornla Highway Patrol to Janitorial ~rvice 1n lhe CapitoJ Building, and from lMperial County to Trinity County.· Per'llbable foods such as milk, eggs, meat and other commodities purcl'...td every day or Jwo were being bo~ on , credit but ate le officials said tfiO ar· fl[\g~en~ raises if&ve legal quesli?ns. 'SUI e, Sane' Fireworks *' * * f'ro110 Page -1 BUDGET .•. , ·okay Outside of Laguna budget, It had virtual!Y no auttxi~f1~_ spend money. Rfagan pleaded with the state's'l86,000 r:'l!i.;,orka i;,beled '"liffhtd iW•'Ue allowed In ll!OI\ ol U>, 60ulh County ar<a ouulde of LqUu Beach. But flrecraclten and ether stron1er el"- pl01lvea are dtllnitely llle1a1 The Orange County Shertrf'• office Wltlll-that &nyODI caqht poumlng, dllcharatn1. tranaportlna or etlllnf auch flr<woru--1peiid tllelr Fourth of July In jall. And lf that. weon ll a mlnor. lhe child'• parenll are ""' beld nable for the crime, u -lleWled-rn' ieaiOn'i of the· 1~te·a Kutil! and-.alety coa.:-- The llle&al 'flrecrackett, often bniuiht up from -lhe border at TIJuana.J11-clude such tteins u 1'chlrrf borDbl, .. 11M6," "bohl• rockell," and the popular lloman C&ndle. Tl>e 11Daller Inch ind a hall rtrecrachll are j\111 u Ulepl. For uch llcllon violated, a penon can be punished w1tl1 a mutmum H11lence ~r 11 monlhl' In COW1ty Jail and a fine or tt,11119, And U a· -vtolalee two ac- Saddlehack JC • Trustee Officer Decision Due New officers of the Board of Trustees or Saddle.back College will be selected al , special meeting lonl1ht. Trust.eea wilt meet at Crown Valley Elemmt.ary School, 2lil9i Crown Valley Parkway, temporary adminiStration of- fices of the college. In addition to electln& new board. .of· flcers, the 1ove!'flina body is scheduled to act on propoaed district policies. Tru1tees wlll conduct their public meetings arcrown Valley School through Aqust, meeUna at 7:4S p.m. every se- cond and fourth Monday. Serving as president of the board dur· Ing the 1981 rtscal year have been Michael T. Colllna of Laguna Hilla. Patrick J, Backus of DJna .Point la vkle- president, and Alyn M. Brannon cf Tustin is clerk. Other members or the flve-man board are Hans W. Voael of Tustln and Louis T.Zlti\lk or tquna BeaCh. employee to work "voluntarily" pi:>&llibly Uons, he then can rective twlJ:e lhe without pay. The govern"r promised~ do punishment -two )'tlta and A,000, ac-"everything in my power" to make sure cording tc county authcritle.s. · employes are "Juslly compensated." The minimum penaJty for a violator, ir Employea haP mlied emotions. ;:-:~:: the-case ts handled in court, is either 12 -months in the coUJlt)t jail or a saoo fine. ,, "Jrs more of a joke than anythih{l: ~ According to Oranae County Deputy among the employes." said Eldon Sherin Richard Schwartz, if me 'violator Petersen, a Capitol window washer. is a minor, lhe case can be handled out or "These guys (legislatora ) take off ·ic court, in juvenile hall. He then may be Thursday everf week And then they:i&i ·t released to hill or her parents. b d • • All fireworks preatntly beln& sold Jn even pass a u get." • the uniitrnrnnratfld are.at of aouth Orange "We've got a job to do and we 're going ···....... to do It regardless of pay," d~lared Coui:tty by lk:enaP.d deilflrs have been ap-Andre~ Lolli, a former Army general proved by the state Eire Marshal. wh:i now ls state general suvlces· dtrec-But even tholle can bring the law, If the[ tor. . .-.- noise draws any aimplainb o diaturbanct prior to July 4. Low Surf, 11.Sun Bring Out Ci·owds . -' With low,~ to-three-loot"'lurf lappln1 the beaches rrom Laguna Beach to San Clemente, the highest weekday crowda.o! the young 1ummer are IUMinf them- selves alonS tht strand. . • ,Laguna Beach Ufei\lll'dl Aport crowds ol 10 to 11,000 on t116 beachea bolh Mon- day and Tutlday. The low wt and ttm- porary lick of jellyfish have mlde for a quiet week, suard• reported. The lar1tst Monday c r o· w d Iii San Clemente hlatory "u tecor$d when 11 ,500 beach&oers basked along bolb the city and county beaches Monday. An even 1ar1er crowd of 11,GIXI romped ln Utt surf and sand Tueldey. The low, glassy surf is expected· to con· tlnue throu&b today. South Viet Marine Burns Self, Dies SAIGON (UPI) -A South Vlelnemese Marine died ln a Saigon hoap1La1 Tuesday shortly after he aet hlm11U afire in a street downtown. Author:ltles uld the vie· Um, Vo Van Be, 40, apparenUy carried out the aell·lmmolaUon for J1!raonal ........ COunty Pleads . For Budget Ok~:r For Welfare Cash "Please pa is your budget," w.n .Lhe. · Orange County Board or SupervisQI'-{' ·, pJiea to!Jay to the State J..egialature,: ~ they worried over approzlmately. J9ilk>& welfare recipients v I 1 might not. jd; "much needed" checks this month .. Immediately affected are 8,300 familles. in the Aid lo Dependent Chi!W .pro: gram1 who have about iooo.oat ·comlng by July Hi In mld·monLh checks. ~ .• A much larger group will be affected if the eDd-0f·the,month wellare check& are not received from the state. . WllUam Erickson, assistant director of the County Welfare Department;-· did about $2.& mlllion It due by Aug. I. • · . : The1t funds go to the 1,300 dependent children, 9,000 old !lge 11ecurlty cases~ 3,700 totally d\111bltd ptrsorui Ind :3&0 blind persons. · · • Honorable Discharge : SAN DIEGO (UPI) -J,t. Edward 1\. Murphy Jr .. the executive officer "Of the USS Pueblo who resigned his commfDloo after reading the findings of a court bf iTr-. qyify, hu re.cerm _tn h 0 n 0 r:C.fl:k diacharge from the N&\I)'. · · .. . : • $ . • k ~ -~ .. . B'~Meaa! for Mother or Gl'lndmother From I to 9 GENUINE Birthslon" 1racl!ullJ Ill la 14 Kt. whlla ot ytllow aotd •• , Tlll apeclll remaqibranca from .. ry ~of Iha llmlly. ' 'CONV!NllWT TlRM5 \ IANKAMEAICAAD __ MAST!lt.CHAA$ J. ·c. A1t;~~ll· J;w.it,r - 1 tH-NlWPOAl ltVD.-COsTA-li!U:I. -· -- " \ l I l 1 i. I /'. ·, " -------.· • • She's Tannable ·---.---·-. "Be Prepared," is Darlene Roth's motto. And Darlene, 16, a visitor · to the Orange Coast from Walnut, Calif., lives up to th'e motto by ... spraying on suntan lotion during beach outing. Now that old sol bas )e(t June Gloom behind, she'll need it. ·. f,lanes , A rtillery Blast . . ~,. - Red Guns in Cambodia : "&,\JGON <UPI) -U.S. planes and afti\lefy dest(Oyed some North V1et- namese gun positions in neutral cam. bM.18 during the Communist siege ot lhe Ben Het Special Forces camp, roilitacy spokesrr.en said today. Ben ijel, in the =Ira! bigblands, 280 miles noftn of Sitigon and on1y ai ftw mills. -from the Laos and Cambodian b<tders, was under s.iege for 55 days ~il ' .u a ~man relief column drove wr fa !he outpost Tuesday. ''.J'oday t}l.. first supply convoy to reach Ben Het in six d&Y!! !!!-Oved into tJi\Gtjlep Beief camp unopposed from Oak To, eight ~mues lo the east, while BSZs Car- ried Ottt five strikes against what was left af.the Communists in the area. stratororts. 'Jbe siege appeared over. Military spokesinen · 1n Saigon sa.\d no rocket. mortar or artlllery rounds ba"d hit the fortress Tuesday or in the ritst 16 hours of today, which would have been the 57~ and 58tb days of bombanhnent. . U.S. military sources said 1 4 Americans out of the 200 defending the o~tpos~ blid di<i! 1!J .tb! daily. she~d ~ haitllleen·wOurictM.•LOs.es atrion:g'the 450 South Viet.naJpese soldiers and their fllmillts were reported· heaVier. The o:wwoy that brought fresh water, food and ammonition into the camp ar· rived from Oak To on Hi~way 512, the route a 3,500-man South Vietnamese task force had cleared in four days of Unop- posed marehing that ended Monday. -- IVodnt,Qy, Juli 2, 1969 · L DAILY PILOT jj Cou i;t t y S ~hools F-acJ.ng Crtsis'. · . • _Ieac_hers Mary t:et IO fls If State Keeps -DelaJing Budgat---i ' . Orange County ICbQ!>I tloance experts mlght not even be available," Norlol'I ...: h)cluding 1dnllnl.ifilon !tom Orange conUou«I. • Cout <!)obi<:jl -today It'< fear!µJ ol "On lop ol '!lat, IL,looks ljke~ will real money probiemJ if the California ··be a tlght squeeze on the total education Legislature delays too long ID budget bud8"1 for the coming Baca! year. adopUOn. ... "Some 'dllltrlcts might have erw.ugh Sortie for~[lst lht:Y might even be fore-carry-over fund! •from' U1e CIU1'ent fika.1 ed ID pay tea~ In promissory not" yeaf ID survive during Jufy and August; like scrip as w11 done during the deep or they riUght ·borrow tem~arily from COo.!lnlction booda, oc t!>ey might ~ Depresai<ol ~<t the.l930s. f"'<ed' 10 a the BOaro -OrSupervbors ~ Reaction /JO Jbe..atate budget deadlock for perml!sion to borrow mooey from the· on local schools Wiu discualed by the banD and pay interest,',' Norton ex. school1people 'l'uesday during 11 hasWy plained. caJled ~ conferenct in the offices of "Two districta -Capistrano Unified County SCbools Superintendent Robert and Los Alamitos Elementary. are plan--Peterson.~ '\ ~ ning on botrowidg from banks rlght • now " he added. Walter Adrian, budget director for the P~lerson .. added, ••County Treasurer Newport-Mesa Unified School District, .. was one of UJe financial eipert.s 00 hand. ~van Sw:mger te}b me It Is very-dilflcult, Peterson's ri&ht hand man, Emest 1 if D9l tm~hle! to ~t ~ at up to 6 Norton , assiStant su:peri.nteridtnL--1ac.... ~t (the ~gal~, limit). The banks business and administration in the QOunty · li'l.lgtit~s-pcwn. ~ schools office, ouUined the problems. The county scl\Qols _superintendent. rais- "Most of our districts are looking down ed the s~ ·ot. tl1e ,Use of "scrip as a blind alley." he explained. "They don 't was d~ during the' depreWon in the know when the Legislature is gOing to act 30s. , 1 • how m~h they will get when it does · "If we" ~'t borrow the money we act. might have tp do &hat to.pay our teachers "If the state does not come up with · ·_,. • and th'1 WOl!ld hue to -I~ It's , , ,lll<o IOUs aild dutlni the ll30a waa dJs. coon~ u m~ u ZS ~n:ent.''· .. Adrian said the Newport.Mesa district could ".surviVe durinl Ju1y and August by dipping into our .reserves~ (estimated at $2.7-tnl!Uon). 'But we may have to borrow nioney alter August.'* He warned, "Our voters passed and we have ao4d $6.9 million in cons&rudion bonds ·and we are now llaving the County Counsel draw 1 rtsoluti,qn giving our board au~rity to borrow f'm these bonds. "If the supervlsots apprOve, ·we will sUll have adverse effects if the slate does nOt .Pass a budget Soon. U we borrow from the COMtrucUon bonds we will lose interest on the hoods which we are now · getting and will have to raise our tax rate." ~ ' Ail"iian ;aiathe-Newport'Mesa dlStrlct did not expect an ~ease in state funds over the current. fear -about $5.8 milllon1, 21 per~t Or the total revenue of the district of $14.S mill\on. Other distrid.$ represei;ited bad similar, yet diverse probtems; • school appropriations for July and August, JtlOSl districts will have lo bor· row money to operate and this money Pal-~plegic and Attendant Both Cleave r, Wife in Cuba, Panthers Sa y /' • Charged in Fiery D.~ath A paraJ51egic collegian· from Ross. charged with· the abduction of. Beck from moor and bb attendant are formally h_is Los Angeles apartmept after appar- charged ~ ln"tbe death of an under· ently discovering his true role. cover. narcot1e1 agent who gambled on-. ·Two of-the·-foor;-Jamer Chi'lstopher fiery suicide instead of murder and lost. and Gordon Brown remain in custody Already accused m connection with a · in Los Angeles, charged wi\h pirtlclpat- 1,000-pound marijuana deal centered In · ing In the gunpoint kidnap which ended Ali:,. Mone, _. .... ~ for i..n-al the Gudm Gron \Jnllled Dlatrtct: "We will -to bormr -oltu Aua-t, .-e "'SJ.mllllml, We jus{ don't b:I\'& the f'lltt'Vtl. I ''1lle pYir110r lw111.,_t aaJy. •1115 ~ .Jr.illlon ~ in Ille lltate educatlan • • bodget. n..1 ·would sive us oo!y aW , · ,j $563 per student and wr cosU art $IOO per st.udent. "The statt's two le~vt bodiet ba~ propose<! bUlS IDC!USing llie iil'!C'IUOii budget by $lll1Q milllon )lut even with Ulal ainount we woWd· I~ $2 million leu than we need in Garden Grove." Dr. Charles Miller, as~ l 1 tan t supertntendent for busloess, Saoll, Ana Unified District: "We 11lll be a~le ID exbi until our October 1 payroll. U we doo't get some stale rpooey bt,.:t' ,.. wlll !lave to borrow frtm the , lf poat. ble." Facing similar problems is the Tustin Elfllleotary Sdiool Dlstri<;!._ ~ assistant superinteiiTelit Aicrue ~-=----;- Norton aplaloed that the comrty sdlools olfi"' bas "M budgets ID llgun!. 18 ol them for elementary dbtrictl and coverinr the educailoo of 425,000 lbJdents on an average dally atte'ndance bub." "We have their preliminary buil&efs which must be in our.office by July 1 and final budgels must be adopted by AIJIUll a .. ,, 10, depeoding upoo tbe me al Ille district. ''As things stand now au 34 will have to be revised. We alway1 h8d a cert&lat.y of state fund! by July t in the past, now we just don't know,'' Norton added. ''We hav8 two big problems - a. lbortqt: el money In July·August and the unc:erlainty as to how much we CID. ~ Jn ~ future." Borman, Fa~y Arrive .in Moscow OAKLAND (UPI)-The wife of fugi· t ive black militant Eldridge Cleaver has joined hilli.. in Ha.VIJlla. the Black Panther party said today. Los Angeles, in which the victim played _ tragically~ a major infonnant's role, the pair have Los Angeles Police Dete<:tive Sgt, Glen -.kt.· _ beea-turned-ever·· ,.,..._Orange County--Bachman-told 11ewsn1err atter-Bect'"'was --M<R.IOJW (ltP/-4.Alt."°TtiliMl_cill-.ir -4 A message from Cleaver, the pany·s minister of information and author of the best-selling "Soul on Ice," was printed in "The Bladt Panther," the militant organization's newspaper. He said bis wife, Kathleen, who is expecting their nrst child in August, has joined him "somewhere in the · third world .•• The_ u....s.._ $j'ate~~Jjment h&.$_ reported Cleaver ls in CUba. Mrs. aeaver, alJo a Black Panther leader, remlined _at the couple's San_ Fhlncisto home last faTI when Cleaver fled to avoid incarceration as a parole violator. His parole, granted after he; served Dine years ol a 13-year sentence for assault, was revoked following an April 6, 19681 shootout between Panthers and Oailana police. Cleaver's message in the Panther newspaper was smuggled_ out ol Havana as a <ape r.c:ording. tht.. party said. II was Ule first statement by the author· orator re1eased' by the . Panthers since he disa~ althou~ the "under· ground' newspaper, Berketey Barb, fast week printed a lengthy political st.a'tement. authorities. rescued from the blazing prage June arrived In Moscow iOdtay, beoDm1nt the Raymond Graves Jr., 21,a whee.lchair 7 and bis alleged abductors arrested, ftrat ArnerlcaD utronaut to 'rillt tbl ~tlent who lived at 12331 Mar:tN Ann that the informant had expected to ,die. Soviet Union. He wu liYeD a 1JIJ'lll !]rive, scene of the Juoe 7 fire m which . He had ~n handcuffed to a wat"er welcome at Sberemet.yevo ~ Alrpod b1 Bruce Beck, 30, of Hollywood, was pipe 1n the garage of Graves' hOme Soviet comnooautl. The wwmerdal fatally burned, is ln the Orange CountJ-· while the paraplegic and his attendant 01.gbt carryin& Borman and b1s tam.Uy Medk.al Center prison war-0. spent-a d'/ at Loe Alamitos Racetrack. was dellyed almost ti bOUrl b) eliPe Awaiting prosecution in quarters only "He ha good reason •to believe .he trouble. a few feet from where Beck succumbed would be murdered," Bachman ex-"It took us almolt u :f to get fn:m to second degree burns over 35 percent lal.Ded. __ New: .or.k.Jo...Mo&cow kli(l .. to .. ttt- oi bis body June-i~faves factS a -Bee~ risked the possibility that help from the earth to the ·p:aoon," B«man V¥~ges. ..wouJd._£Qme_too...1ate by-SettiQa fire to joked. --. Aw arrant lilts them as murder, kid-~me newspapers, which Oared" up and Borman.-~.ol the Hnt Dl8!'"- nap, robbery and ~. the second of. ignited walla of the garage. ned spacecraft t"o ortht the moon, will fense handled by Uii"'Allgeles authorit.les . Nelgbl;ton• heard hts-Screams and make a 11\Qe-day visit here. He Wd he untlt .Beck:s death shifled-jwisdl.ction ·of called--for"""'6e.lp,-but lle-wU a1re·a~y hoped~ WoUld Increase a~ be- lhe case io·orange County. · badly seared when firemen rescued· him tween Soviet and American 1pece Also, named In a murder warrant Is from .tbe ·ird'.emo. · ezperts. ll'le former Cal State, Long Beach psy· · ln•estig~rs said Beck had been in-• Borman was acCompanied by his-wife. chology ~udent"'t companion and attend-volved in a sale of 500 kilol 6f mari· Susan, and two S0111 'FrederiCk, 17, and ant, Roy A. Thurman, 24, of ·4033 How-juana, ,apparently implicating Gnves-Edwin, 15. The ramdy was met by·Ger· ard St., Los Alamitos. . t~e disi'hled SOD of a retired Naval of· man Tl,toy, ~ ~al) in IJ)l:Ce and Grav~ and Thurman, al~n.g with four f1cer now Workinr IS a dental proleasor So~ .~utl.~ r~v other defend_flnt..1 had origmally been ln San Mateoi and Geori1 ~-· ..:.. ' ' . NOW AT ATLANTIC MUSIC • "Every time they shell us from Cam- bodia we do our best ti.. knock out the guns that shell us," said Col. George A. Miller ot Ambler, Pa., lhe senior U.S. ad- viier at the Special Forces base. ·"We used artillery and tac air (tactical air strikes) to knock out guns in Cam- bodia," he sald.·"'We declare a tactical emergency when fired upon." · Miller and his South Vietnamese counterpart, Col. Nguyen Ba Lien, said at least 12 Communist artillery positions were -deslroyed during the siege. Lien said the gun sites destroyed Included "some in Cambodia, some in South Viet- nam ." B~ach Girl, 20, Succumbs To Nov. 18 Crash Injury SAVE '179'4 ON THIS "BEST BUY" SYSTEM! U.S. Special Forces adviser;!i at the higl)lanch camp said the Communist trdops . apparently were headed for nearby Cambodia to regroup and resup- ply from the pounding they took from allied dive bombers and the big 852 ·-·- / , ' --- Linda Jean Wade, 20, of 912 England St., Huntington Beach, died Tuesday in a Santa Ana convalescent hospital of head JIU 101 ' County Traffic Dtath Tell !HI H3 hlJuries suffered ln a tz<affic accident Nov. 18, ·1968 at Main Street and Red Hill Road near the Orange County Airport. The accid ent also claimed the Jives or Alona Hall, 4, who died lhe following day and her mother, Mrs. Lillian Hall, 20, of 909 England St., who died at the scene. A second daughter Katherine Hall, 2, was seriously injured but recoveud. Mrs. Hall was driver of the car which collided with one driven by Ronald E. Ustick, 46, of Tustin. He was seriously in.- jured but also recovered. • I •SHERWOOD S-8800a -----· ,.,.,..i...r~--" •·• .. l>hd OW;oll ! 1-\tl -~ ... ••d ...... ,,., .. , ~· 11o,..1.,,1 hol"'""t' ('"" !.lo(C) ........ .s. ....... 19 i-1 "' ,,,. ~ ..._...,.... _,,.. 11Uo••"41.-•-, .. s'"" s"~w. ~~ s .. -........... Stn~" 1 .. -111 ... . f .. lttlll<fl•-""'" TuCC) -~-. Ml''"" ~ , .. ....... ___ - 1r ... , .. ~·-h•-'" •EMPIRE 999VE . . • ACOUSTJC·RESEARCH AR4-x's ,.~_ ........ Reg. Prk• $399 . .501 COMPLETE SELECTION OF SONY TAPE RECORDERS I I .. II PRICES START ~ AS LO!!,_ f<S ' . '6950 ...,, ,...,_' (:. :) --. • r • • I l ' I ' I I ~ I " r I I ! • • • ~ 1 ---------~"""' ,.....--~~ ..... ~~·-·~-~ • • Wed.M'dl'/, Ju~ 2, 1969 __ =z::±· 'Dress Rehearsal' .. _ ... Apollo Thwarted - ·/ . ~· ..... . -. 'By .L~aky Va~ve · CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) - A lealsy fuel valve today Interrupted a countdown rthe-arsal for the Apollo 11 tc-• .., t11t o.1w Plltf lfMfl man-on-the·moon ~unchin&. ' Brl.tish Postni•ster General John The trouble de loped Just one hour AdmlnlstraUon sltd the valve was located on the 2()0.foot level of the roc:ket ' liervice tower· and waS part of a 4yateih that replenlshea llquld hydrogen to the • third stage. ~ and 50 minutes be!ore·t,be test was lo end Sto'!'houn tried to 4eliv!'~ the mail •vith the simulated Jgn}Uon of Uie Saturn -with mixed results. Accompany·· s rocket. Until tbeo the lengtbr 'leil had ing ~ostm•n Willi• McBride a~d proceeded for 51 days wUhoot a hitch. carrying a 25 pound bag of mall, Launch officials called a halt in the Stonehmise managed to dr~p a pile-count and sent a four-man team of of letters in the street, d~l1ver o~e troubleshooters to the pad to check the letter to the wrong .address, and m valve . · · _NASA bad JI<>' lmm<;diale, oalmal& on the length ol the bold. An official noted ' the purpo.,e of the eountdown rehearsal was. to pinpoint and:elimlnate such pro- blems before the final coont is started. 'T!Jrouih uiTnigbt, the launch crew pumped toos of supercold liquid hydrogen to6sing a parcel to a sorting bln, The National Aerooauttcs ~ Space missed by yards. "Let me tell you, and liqufd ozygen into tbe' cav~ tann ol ll1' Saturn 5 rocket while expen. monllored llY'lems In the mooo mllSlon '• two sp~hlpS. it is not as simple as it looks." be ff *. ff said. • ' Crew Will Leave These are the command ship and the lunar module, the spidery vehicle which. ls to tran!port two ineti W.·the surface of ~moon po ~1Jl~: · Police in East Horndon, Eng· -· 1and s a i d armed b a n di t s Me sag M · forced ~ight restaurant employes . s e on oon : into the wln.e cellar ~d then ~at WASHINGTON-CUPI) -The Apollo ii .. '.taunCI\ c0ctf011;p"~nle'i-for a mock lgnitJdn' ot the r'atum 5 at mfd·rnorning to con~ILJ,de a countdown test that began last down to awwt the arrival ~ A~stsf· astronauta will leave a metal plaque ant Men•e•r Alan Gadson wt~ a behind wheo .they depart. fi'Qm the moon $2,400 in a cashbox. They waited Jaler Lhis mofl.lh. Here is ltf ~"eSsage: and waited, more than 30 minuteS-'';Here meB1-froM Uie-plariet:'Eerth•first after the restaurant's opening time, set too~ upon the ·moon. July 1989· AD Friday'. · ,. · 'Once the lifto"ff simulation has been achieved, the fueJ!: wilt be drained from the 36-story-tall rocket and the couni set and ftn8Ily went away, empty hanq· We p.m•·in ~<:e:f~ atfinankind. ed and cursing. Gadson showed up Neh .A. Arw.stroni. ~backto the atx-llout'-mart. . • It will.be reStartl!d. TbUJ'llday, and Jhe three astronauts will en~ the command ship to participate in the final hours jlll!il as they will on launch day. •• · b Edwin A. tJdrtn ·· half an hour later, saym~ e over· Michael Collins slept, then his automobile broke Richard Nixo~ , President, United down and fmaUy he had to take ,a States of America;, bus to work. The National Aeronautics arid Space e Admlnislratton said the Whit.e HOl.llle SuccessfuJ compleOon of these tests Will clear the way for the start of the real countdown July 10, witli tbe actual liftoff set for 9:32 a.m. EDT-July 18. If Brian. Hershet1 of Chadd.a Ford-, Pa., Medi help keeping his bc:Uaru:e on thtl nril. he ha.r plenty of it. With. school out and plenty of time to do things bo113 like best,· these five 11ou.ngattr1, led by Brian, Plat/ follow the lecdtr on a seldom u.sed track. • A litlle printing error gave away millions of free chances for cash prizes in-Britaln,s state lottery, but officials said they could correct it well before the Aug_usl draw. The letter co p " printed instead o! the letter "N" in the serial numbers of 1,090 premium boiids made the $12 bonds each worth l ,!1119,995 chances instead of the usual five. • British. bobbies fioured the after theater crowd was get ting 1 a little out of hand .when some .• of its members began taking off their clothes in the street. The open-air strip began after a per- formance of "Paradile Now" n play about f ree love, at Lon- don's Chalk Thf!ater. f ~ ' --= ... ~.----·- Newport, R.l., Beech Director Gerry Nevins when asked i! resi- dents can help themselves to the billions of clams which have clul· tered the resort beach replied rap- idly: "We're giving clams away gladly.'' passed on and edited the inscription and • it considers the choice ol wor~ lo be those of the President Etched I'll lop wUI be tw'6 cirtles symbolizing· tha twu ~.With a dOlmone,~y Cape Kennedy, where the mis!km began. In preparation (or' Thy.rsd.ay's teJt. astronaqts Neil A .. Armstrarig, lildwfn .E. _Aldrin .ir._@_d M:kha:el 'Collins today planned geveraJ. JiOUrs practice in -the command ship trainer. ' -M£(}lellan, College f;;hief-. ' . ' . ' ' . ' ' Clnsh on Stitdent :·Revolt . . -. ' , 'W:A~GTON CUP.I) -The Sen11te's between deeend!n or campus autonomy; cbiel uiv~~r of campus rlot.s ha! ac-_who_ contend ~1e authorities~ might· c1,15ed a uruvers1ty president ol apply in~ a spark more violence by calling police t<douj)le 1tandard,._ dnder--w h 1 c h-afilf----crifiCS wno: say students haVe n~ lawb~eak~ stjlde~ts 1are immune from right to be treated as a special breed. . cr!JnjnaJ llws i\lplied to everyone else: In the House·~ the • "Where do You draw lhe line'" Sen ol I'"'-~·1"':":'ay, ano r aspect -· • • •re-campus ~)em reached a dl-. John L. McClellan (D-Ark.)1 thundered•' max. A band ot '~rats 00 the HouKe Stanf.ord University Presklent Kenne~ S. EducaUoo CornmJttet managed to kill ri~r; "~ef.~t~ ·~ out thm bill. tp ~ oft ~al ,aid from ,oonege! -~re going lo homtl. It?">-· wtuch did' not-'jWe"1be goverrun t · ' 1 ·'Oh of course no~:·. Pitze.r replied. dications they bad plans Lo han'(fl!"cS.: ~t\~~ are c~teg~es ot things )Yhlch pus unresL , · ) a].e-ti*hnicaUy VKlliliom of the faw that ~ . ~ ~lier dealt', wlth .by ,ci\:opu~r · P<Ed•th G.'lfn (O.Ore,J , backer of l(l,tthorit\es... . ·• e measure, aaftl n wu a mild step in- The exchanie (lurlng· a setiate hearing tended to act ~s a bu!ferl ~aln~t po13ible highlighted a sharp...d I s a Ir e e m e n t . repressive anlicampus legislation "41htch ; might come up from the House floor. , . . , ~ But liberal :-Democrats -Viewed the P...:.,,,,ne".'. Re-lease mea•ure in the """ 11gh1 •s ••h•• .1. .aau .a.~ "repressive" BUQesUons and banned ;--f together to kill iL Members of the com· Urged hj, ~, ··e· d mlttoe · d)fagreed , -ng 11>emse1v .. whether the-doo? would now be open for , J • • lll~sjrincent 11!.emN al.Jegiolalion to Official in Paris ••!llr•htudeol.<Oiolence. -PARIS (UPI) -An allied ollicial ot the Vietnam talks today urged the Com· munists to open separate negotiations on the release or prisoners, . including American pilots from jails In North Viet- nam. (Related story, Page 5). "11\ls could be one of the keys to break the tltadlock," said the South Vietnamese del egation official,-who asked nol to be ide ntified. The talks go into their 24th session Thursday. "This is a humanitarian problem which should be treated separately from other problemii related lo the war," he said . "We think one shoold not join the ques· lion of prisoners o! war with any other problem." 650 MAY DIE OYER HOLIDAY CHICAGO .(UPf) -The National.Safe- ty Council says 550 to 650 penons may die on the nation's hightvays during the July 4 holiday weekend, 50 to 150 more than would die normally, The cou~cll estimate for the holiday, which begi.~ 6. p.m. local time .Thursd ay and ends midnight Sunday, indicates traf· fie deaths will approach or exceed the 1966 record or 577 persons killed during a three-day fourth. Tornado Strikes Florida ' Wisconsin Deel.ares Emergency in Flooding Celllontl• Temperat11re1 Coutal "'1ollly •U"""t' •II•• HrlV mor11I~• IM oNI low t ..... a. Ll"'I Vfrll blt Wlf'da lft 1111111 .... ~-llollta bf. tefl"l!'ll llUl!lwwsl Ill _, ... 15 """"· HI ... todrr l't. Y~1 ~·"'"" P•10lelil frOl'I I !WI d 62 to I 11111> d H. I,._ ..... ..._.."' .. , ..... -· ~ '-"' W1t.r '-•lurt .... , '5 det'"•· SNtt, ltfoelt. Tldea Wl.NllD,lY 111rat 1<11w11 ,, .......... 11:oe-•.i "'"' ............... , ·~ "·"'· ,.. ~...... • .... MiM1.M ... I -. fMVUDAY ' l"lnl ._ ........... ~. 7rM 1.111. t ,t l'ltal """ .............. 1:5'11,..,,..,, $trMld loW '"""""" '* "·""'· J.t hclll'ld flltll , " •.•..•. U1"4 11.tl'I· I .I B1k1nileld I 1mn.,,;k ..... la"" C~ko­ C:lriclfH'llllf ,_ .. ..... "" --"""'' EuAq l"t>r! Wortll ·~ ... ...... Hanotutu HOllllCll'I k111u• (jty L.a VH ff V .S. Strmnaary Loa •llfl~ Prttl•ll1llOll ctrllllllff H ftv lodey M!1ml M llwlukf'I! ._.., 11'11 -!Mulwn Alloftlle COllll M! ...... JIOlls 1rw ltM Ill tllo -Mldwell, wlWf"9 H.-OrlMN ••~...,...,.,. .trMrnt ... ,. • courst"' "'-von -~"111nkl. ' NorTl'I ~ti. A ,..,,... ttnoc:I! ~ Tarno1, I'll.. Olkllnd 1ru lilt Tlit•v. 0.~1111 llW Orn.M '*'--S.---4 -... tvllftll c:loulll P11e ltotlll• ..... 1lsllr.cl ..,,.... .... Y1' flNnNr-Pllllldit""'ll II-No .,_.I,,.... l'fNl't Wll P~lf ..--!Yid el I ior.... lft I woodtd Pllftbollf! "" el MlNnl c-,11. p~ Cllillrr>blo, .._,. ~ _, dluwcl lrf 1.6 lt.-ld ~ ........ ,.. .. ~ WlrtiMMrfen"' 911 bd' '""' """ .. ii\llWll. -""'-Tllu,,.., ....... ,_.,,.. 11:11111 ~110 trtll'l'I 11-.. II Ml""'4fOlll, CCH'llPlkt-SI. Ltuls 1111 111 11-lloll 111 11\'1 _Mkl ... al. WI• S.1"'-• Uflllll otnc1t1r. T......., OKll"" I Self l.Jt. C""' 1t1i. of -M!'lq' 111 n.,. ~"" t.111 Oit9o fllt ly ~lllwt 11111 ""' ti llllllolt. Sift l'ftl'ICIKO ·-· Ml-r1 lllll 1(111u• l lto """' $1111111 81rbttt 1!1Kllll. S.,1"~ 8't ~onlr111, Ille North 1nd 1!1sl ~,... tlmfllntd an the _cool 1)de, WlllL l !I"'-T.Mmllil font. ,. ... l"'Kon:ll"9 41 dtOr... WltJll"OtO!I • Hl ... L_P....,. ,. ,. .Ol " . tJ ,, ·" IOl 1(1 9' Sl " ~ . .. " .. . " 71 SS " St ~ " .21 11 .!J *> 5-1 .Ot " " 10! ,, .. . II 7'I .Gl t4 11 II 6" l.'1 110 ll " u '' n 1!6 il II JJ ~ .I) . " .. " " " ~ ~ . .. 101 )I M H '" .. 11 JI II » r :: : • • " " ., " .a .. . . .. ,, ,. .. " " .. ll .!1 .OI I I " 100 1.J n ., .; --~--... -. ;:.,.•_-....;,,.....;. • --, . - - WILL PAY YOU . ' FOR ·EVERY • YOU SAVE GUAUllRED GROWTH -ACCOUllT • ' . - ' Anaheim Savings guarante•• a 5.2.5 •/. onmial Interest role, compounded daily. You'll earn $30 far .... ery $1 00 yov save in aur Guaranteed Growth Account if account i• rriointciined far 5 yeors and intereff ciccumulcites. GuorcinJeed Growth Accaunt1 ore opened with any amount of $1,000 or more. High earning• cir• abo available on 1horter t.rm occount1 of 3 ar 4 years. Ask for details -on 1pecial withdrowal requirement•. 5.250/o .5 .• 380/o GUAUllTUD llCOMI ACCOUNT IONUS ACCOUNT Anaheim Savino• Guaranteed Income Account earns o guaranteed .5.25 •/. annual :ate, com· pounded dolly. Eornln9s will be paid to you every quarter for the period you designote-- 3, 4 Or 5 yeors, Deposit any amount of $1,000 or more. Alk for details on spec:iol withdrowol requirements. • On lorlllt AccOO~h Vfe; pay f:he .5 •1; current, onnuci'l role quorterly plU1 y, -/. annuol bonu1 If held three yeors or longer. Accounts opened for $1,000 or more. 5°1o PlSSIOOK ACCOUNT You earn .5.13-/. annual yield when oll &0vings and interut remoin o year if the ,5•/. current onnuol rot. it mointoin.d and compaunded doily , for o year. Interest 11 poid for exod day-ln to exact doy-out. And, fund1 received by the 10th of any lt'IOnlh eom from the 1st when they remciin on deposit until the end of the quorter. • At Whelm S1vlngs you Nm tht high11t Interest In the nation; tncl trt ln1urecl up to $15,000 by the Ftdu1I $1vlng1 tncl lotn lntur1nc1 Corporttlon • • JOIN US SEE AMATEUR RADIO OPERATORS CONTACT PEOPLE THROUGHOUT THE WQRLD STATION K~$V:U/6 The Anaheim Amoteur Rad io Oub will ba operating llv. , , • froJft our main office lobby. Jol4 us for o cup of coffee or punch ond tclk to peoplo"Oround the world • DAILY OPERATING SCHEDUUS July lit.-10th 11 ~.m ·to 4 p.m. , . • ANAHE·IM SAVINGS AND-LOAN 'ASSOCIATION • •• SINCJ; 1$$1 ·u 11 1.~~ •. ,., .c..-.\, Q •. ~ •• . . .. .. ......, 111 w.-lJrlceti. Jwt,. 1 •11 M11ft Sttwt 1770 Souttl a,. IM. Allllielm, C.Ufomla Hvntln&totl IMC.Pt. C1l11'. • .... C•l"*'°lti I'll 2-1'31 LL W5tl JI>.. 9.4171 PRU CONVDUINT l'MKING AT~ THAU '-OCAT.IONI • " • .. Prisoner 'Th~eat' tucli~..--1 · _ .... 'T ._ WASHINGTON (UP!) - S(ate t>tpa,tment olliclals say they are worried about SoUlh Vletnanlesc • Commu- nist broadc3st thre8tening "appropriate punishment" for {~ Jllegw.:_massacre ol Viet Coilg l>risOOers held, by the Salgon rovernment. 11le implication or tl).e.guu r_llJo..)u:oadeasLwas~Ulat-U~ or ~th Vietnamese prison ers held by lhe Communists might be harmed or mis- treated. , OfUclals wef"e studyina carefully the text of tbe broadcast, disseminated Mon- day in South Vietnam in ibe Vietnamese language. State Depanment spok~· man Robert J.1tfcC1oskey told l.ll"ITt~ DISTAFF DRIVER DROVE TOO FAR? · a news briefing Tuesday, "We are very much concemed about the welfare of our pris- oners and would ·regret any mistreatment or our prison· ers." The broadcast said 100 Viet Cong guerrillas held by South Vietnam in the Tay. Ninh Pr<r vincial capital were blown up, presumably by explosive, in a ''mean and savage, vindictive act." Dolly Deleon, 6, Eyes lmpoundid Minlbike ·Pleads lnian~y Girl, 6, . r Has Court Date DENVER !UPI) -If a winsome smile isn't enough lo convince a C1>Ul1 of her in- nocence, Dolly De Leon may plead innocent -by reason or infancy. Do.lly_j:i_ a 6-yeai'--0ld_ ~ho made the mistake of riding a motorized minibike in the alley behind her home. A police officer saw her, .im- pounded the bike and handed Dolly. a ticket for driVilJg "with no valid Co lorado flp-erator's · or chauffeur's license." The young miss goes into county court Thursday along with' her defense attorney, Milnor H. Senior. ''I think there arc probably some constitutional questioris here, and I have to ~discuss them with my client, my client being a 6-year--0ld, and abide by · her decisions," Senior ex- plained. Senior said because of his client's understanding of the revised statutes of thC state of Colorad:>, "I expect h6 to enter a·p1.ea ol. not guilty, Mt probably not guilty by reason oI infancy at the time of the alleged crime." And Senior intends tn make sure there is no ~neration gap problem on th9fy. "She will ask for a trial by a jury of her -peers/' Senior Wd~nd-I-would expec&~ some 6-year~lds to be on lhal jury, too." _'.fhe tieketirig incident oc· cured June 18 when Denver patrolman -Robert G. Jthl150n- spatted Dolly · riding in the alley. The child's mother, Mrs. Dorothy Chavez, said they thought it would be all right because the alley "is very quiet and has almost no traffic in it." Then along came Officer Johnson. He· ticketed the youngster and called a tow truck to take the minibike away. "!"respect the law and think a lot of the police for keeping the city clean with all the crime there ili," Mrs. Chavez said. "But it seemed a warn- ing would have been suf£icient. Our power mowe~metimes goes faster lh'an the bike does." .. • Countryside Hails Charles i11 Wales The broadcast said: ''We warn the U.S. puppets that all their vile retaliations against and massacre of our incarcer- ated patriotic:-compatriots cannot avoid appropriate pun- . ishment. The blood of thous- ands.of our incircerated com· pa1riols who have been killed by the U.S. puppets screams for revenge.' The State Department m.ain-talns th~ Viet Cor\g charges_ are inaccurate. Officials said that at Tay Ninh as a result or enemy action one prisoner had been killed and 66 wound. ed when a projectile landed in a prtso~rcarnp. Skttll Ci·ush Links Death Of 2 Gi.t·ls BETHANY, Conn. (UPI) A 14-year-old girl whose body was found near here Monday died of a fractured skull ..:... just like a 10.year~ld girl found 30 miles away two weeks ago. Stat<? police said there was evidence that the girl found dead.in Bethany had been sex- ually molested, althougH tQe body was so badly decom· poseCI it was impossible to say £or sure. -The BeLhany victim has -been ident!Hed...as~Dawn-Caver who had been missing since Memorial Day. Her body, ringed by a circle CAERN~YON, w a 1 es acknowledgment or the cheers. of stones In a makeshift grave. was found by a young girl {AP} -Cheering yachtsmen The prince ~ad s a id he looking for her horse. and spec\.ators ashore gr~ted want~ to meet a~ many T h e field Is about a mile Prince Charles today at the Welsh people as possible dur· from the Caves' Bethany vacatio.c resort of Llandudno ing his tour. At Llandudno home and a half mile from a as the new Prince of Wales town hall; he signed the state police barracks. began a {our-day "meet the visitbl"S' book and talked with ,-* An autopsy performed Tues· people" .tour of his restive local officials. day at Yale·NeW Haven principalHJ. While he was ashore, his. Hospital sho1,11ed that tl1e girl The 20-year-old h<!ir to the sister, Princess Anne. and died of a fractured skull. British throne had a cozy din-other guests on the BriLannia · The case bears a startling ner party with fri<?nds, in· disembarked from the Britan· rcse1nblance to that of 10- ctuding some much talked nia and left for London by year-old Mary Mount of New about girls, before leaving special train. Canaan, Coon., whose body Holyhead aboard the royal Charles was to visit Den· was found June 17 just <Jff a yacht Britannia. fie was bigh, Caernarvon, Merioneth, seldom-traveled road near reported in a relaxed !'Rood Montgomery and Cardigan Wilton, Conn. She has been with the personal ordeal of his Shires today before returning missing for sever.al weeks. investiture. its bomb scares, lo spend the night aboard the An autopsy showed that the deaths and royal pageantry Britannia of£ Newquay on the . ?\1ount girl also died o! a frac- behind him . west coast of Wales. lured skull. '"It's as if a huge weight had -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:-I been lifted r r 0 m his shoulders," said an aide. Small sailboats and yachts clustered around lbe Brilannia ~·hen it arrived at Llandudno, <Jn Wales' nortn coast. after the overnight trip from Holyhead, on the Isle of Anglesey. But security \Vas heavy, and Navy frogmen searched the t.landudno pier for bdmbs throughout the night. Charles landed just after 9 1.m. wea ring a dark brown slJ.!t.:. ~ t~e_r_oy~I barg~-~ved_ lowliif the pier I ne waveCI Jn Girl Wins' Corvair Suit • ATLANTA (UPI) A . federal court jury has award· cd a µ.year-old woman $'25,IXXI in damages in her suit against General Motors, the manufacturer of the nOw discontinued C h e v r o I e t LM Angeles &San Jose! &erf 00 minutes! CorVair automobile. 11--------------------...JI Prtttntfng HM grestfft night tchedul• on ••rth between ' 7 •m 1nd 1:30 pm. Both w•ysl MOr1 onweekendtl The award came Tuesday after an ll~y trial in which .Miss Jone Jenkins had claimed &he was parfllyied fronf her arms down ln an automobile Why worry about a rntN•lion when PSA haa over 1100 nlghts a week? Such an easy-to-rem.mber achecfult you can ~rry ii wreck seven )'!Sri ago. around in your"head. Why remember lowest l1rn? Or au Jets1 Or Attorneys for M~ Jenkins great servlca to Sin Fr&nclfco, O.klancl, San Diego, af'ld had malntalned lhe wrt!Ck Sacramenlo? Or lhal kids under 12 Uy PSA (with !heir near Swainsboro, Ga., that pau1nts) lor hall !are? STiii wanl a restMllion? Just permanetitl,Y Injured her was · rememt.ier your I ravel a(lenl or"wtialaftsnaml' airlines. causPd by the fault;.-design or the Corvalr In whlch she was.1 J~=====;;Ps.\=;;"'=""';;;;""'=•;;111.======:=!!!.J rldinl· L. I' .,, • • • . -- • .. • • I DAILY I'll.OT li r--.-I lLJA. .i. >Wl). Y' ~RE-FOURlH OF JULY • • A. BONDED JERSEY FRAMED SKIMMERS 11.99 Stunning summ'er peisleys in a vibren+ choice of green. orenge or blec.k on white. Both eesy-on, back zip step-ins of acetate jersey bonded to ecetete tricot. A. Kabuki sleeve, sizes I 0· 18 , 141/2-22'/i. B. Sleeveless, ,;zes 12·20 • Meil end telephone orders invited . Budget Dr.asses. 27 ' ANAHEIM -·-< -SPECIALS • 1.,.,~ ~. • ' . ' ... .· • I .. ' -- • .. • r • .. ' -· . ----- -- , -- . ' 444 N. EucBd 535·1121 NEWPORT ,... 47 Ft1hion l1ltnd 644.ql2 • HUNTINGTON BEACH 7777 Edin9er,.Ave. 192·3131 Mon. thru Set. 10 •.m. fo 9:30 p.m., J Mon. thw Fri. I 0 •·m· to 9:30 P·"'· Set. I 0 •.m. to 6 p.m:--__ ..._.. -_ _M,on.-ihru-Set'-~-~""°"'"'~ I 0 •·m· lo 9:30 ,.m. I I I I " t I ' 1 • I· 'IDJ\RY PILOT EDITORIAL P~GE I Crying for Attention - ' Lacuna Beach planners are launchinf a study In an area t)tat crrel far attention -off.street parking. The planning com1nisslon initially is taking a look at the possibility of revj~jng the present "certificate o( parking" requiren1er!s. • .. , · This is the currrnt arrangement by winch a busi· ness that does not provide required off.street parklne furnishes Instead $1 ,000· per space for the -city-to pro. ) vide parking. • There are at least two things \vrong with fhe pre~ ent t'lrrangement. The city planning staff st.ates tbat t?e $1,000 figure is unrealistic in ter.1ns of cosl.s; it lakts four or five times thal an1ount these days to provide a parking space. I' Also. unfortunately. these fund s have in the pa5t been t1sed to lease land rather th an purcha-e land for parking. Although it provides parking for .the present, il also uses up the funds \vith no permanent solution. The proposed ordinance aims at setting up an equitable formula by \vhich a business could provide funds for .off.street parking at fair market value. The parking provided \vould be. within a reasonable prox· imity to the business. There are many nonconforming business situations in Laguria; situations \\1here parking h~s rtol been }tro- vidcd in years-past. Some t.vpe of equitabl~ reform: ts ''ell past due. Business surfers "'hen parking' l! shy and in Lagun~ it ls certainly inadequate. Planners also wilt be taking a look at the pos~lbUlty of parking di stricts for the bu siness community. Under this arrangement. benefiting landowners form a district 'vith tbe a~reement of more th~50· percent • .of the o~·~· ership involved. The costs of p ding parkmg are paid for by the district's property o ers. Pllriners wlll doubtless find i! I.hey pursue these areas of study That they encounter some controversy. It will be costly righting aggravated long-standing park· ing problems. , But r\ih'ted they should be. The studies are certain· ly juatilied and needed . · • • Ba-_cl M°" for La guna? It may be that Laguna needs lo re-assess its goals in the industrial field. • Louis Zitnlk, chairman of I.he Chamber of Com· merce lndu~trlal Relations Committee, reported Jast \Veek that land costs and limited availability of ade· c.1uate property make Laguna generally unattractive to indu5try. ,. Althoush Industry brJ>adens the tax base handily, some communJUea -su~_.11 Palm Spring& where tour· ism 11 king -a re @ ~it cba17 of it. Industry and tour- igm can provide a bad ~ in \he confines of ·a small cit.y. In recent•year!, Laguna Beach has rezoned Laguna Canyon property for indust rial and ll'ght industrial use. Some industries such as Teto·nics, have located in the canyon. Other small firms may be interested. ror their own· reasons -such as market proximity ...... in locating there. But for any sizable operations, it's likely they will seek the planned industrial j>ark-type haven where in· dustry's'need.s are looked to. Jn Laguna the best bet for a healthy tax 'base still seems to be tourism and eeneral commerce. IL l Protests Reader!s Cornttient in Gloomfl Gus -Pornography Bills Are 'Insulting-Our . Intel-ligence-'- To the ·Editor ~ Oh, come on! You1rt insulting: our in- telligence, Qy prinUng and dignl 1 lYir!S 5UCh stupid comments a.s T.A.R. s In Gloomy Gus (June 14). _ ''Now that we have higher institutions of learning "-(I atways t.hought-Ole-ex-:-- presslon ~·as ''institutions or higher Je11ming.") -, "on the <?range Co~st v.·e're reaching new lo~·s 1n our social star.dards.'' mAT"t.1AKIS about as much sense 11s gaylng, "Since we have had freeways in Orange County, we have had more automobile accidents here." or •·since Disneyland was built in Oran ge County, more young people are sfuoking pot.'' Tbe staftments might be true, but there iS no correlation of cause and eHect as they would seem to imply. .. . • • ' .l .... ' Leilers from reidir.t are welcome. Norm4llu wnt.tr.t .should·conueu their messagUtrr300 tlJOrdr o-r1t1s. Tht r;ght to cundense litters to flt space or eliminate !ibtl is reserved. AU ltf.. l.t'!rr mu,t iJ&CLU<k lignature and mail· ing address, but '114TrltS JMU be wi.tlt- lt'ctd on requt.tt If 1ufficitnt reasoll is apparent. aclive chapter ln Sent a Ana . This otganizallon, of which I am a mernber,.ls "'orkin3 hard t.o open avenues of com· n1unication and better human relalloM. 125,000 i3 thi!! price too on heT life . -Editor , ' 'Please Re1ur11 Gh19er' To lh" Editor: How do they say il in "newspaper lansu.age" 7 "WHY," · · w HERE,'' "WHO"? I. Why would they take my friend's dog -the dog that Ibey had loved, feQ, and cared for from 1968 to t96tl, nearly 12 -)'e11n? .2: Where. would they take lier? Would they take her to a nice place to llve, where she would be loved and cared ·for as lhty have done down throu~h the years? · Preposterous Possibly Prohibition taught the people a lesson about the practical role or government in everyday l!fe. It didn't work, as you remember, and it was at- tended by, and followed by. a train of abuses and a dislocation of law from which we still suffer. But the lesson, if one surv ived, is con· tined lo a narrow base : rt pertain& to the availability and use of beverage alcohol. --------. ------ ;'Darlr!l-ed righrwingerl' Sex Education -. And ,Congress- WASHINGTON Some members of the House and Senate are being fervently urged to act. but it looks as if Co11$ress will steer carefully clear of the burgeon· ing public mntroversy over.sex.education in schools. The door is open for action. Rep. Henry C. Schadeberg, R·Wis., has introduced a bill on the subject. The bill would forbid federal assistance for teaching, teacher training 'tlr research in public school pro· grams of sex education. 1r 1teu-Gol dsmi,th I , ~rom kindergarteo through high school. That is whei:_e the critiCism comes in, and some of it is oot fro1n the John Birch Society or its supporters. "THESE PEOPLE are sinking their own ship," says Dr. Gerald Sandson or the National Institute of r..1enlal Health; y,·ho. f~els that .mlsdir~cted SIECUS pro- mot.1ons -are ahenating parents and pro-. voktng local and ~late legislation which could batnper useful school programs. Anyway. we've had Chapman College and junior colleges here since before J.Hl---1\'ocld-W-ar-Il-Or-docin 'Uhe-writer:. con· Eider them "higher institutions of learn· If we tre going to S!g:c:ee<I, we riiu.st ha ve the_supJ)Ort of the. !fhite community as well Ii the black. It11e11·.care a~l. p!ca:;e give us your encouragement. MRS. DAVID PERLMAN 3. "WHO" -I repeat, "WHO" -would . do..auch a thina,? A reward haa been of· fer.ed "with no queations aaked," so, it must not have been that motive. P EOPbE WlmOVT children may under1tand. othen may nol, b u t , everyone.ha so much love to give. Some have children and grandchildren-my frlenda had their bl& brown Boxer. Her name Is Ginger. If YOU read this. and .YOU, the ruder happen to hav'e her , or know who does, pleue please bring her back to her grief-tlricken o'tfners. Prohibition was sim ple in purpose , to abolish the alcohol traffic in the United States. The VQlslead A~l. pursuant to the Eighteenth Amendment, for b ade possession of alcoholic beverages, which was usually treated as a misdemeanor. Sale and transportation were felonies. Senalors ~od congressmen are well aware or lhe noisy controv ersy. Mail is quite heavy in oome congressional of· fice s. and a couple of \\10.shington's bedroom suburbs, where congressmen raise their own children, arc already in- volved in sex education battles. There has been SQmc talk of public hearings on Schadeberg's bill . For lhc present. however, it Seems unlikely that Congress will provide a national forum for the violent protes ts which are being loudly presssed in many localities across the nation . Sandson has two objections to the pro- grams fostered by SlECUS. He is concerned that the teachers vd10 "'ind up using the volatile materials pro· moted by SIECUS will not be pro- fessionally or psycbologlcally suited to that difficult le.aching chore. II . -· ing'!" MRS. J. P-AYNES Good Sa111nrltcua To the Editor : .,.,....... I would like to comment on your reparl t'lf an item of interest. entitled . "Good Smnaritan. Negro Saves Stranger.'' ·tJune 27, 1969, p. 8). Pirsl, let me say thal I believe that the tlory deserved first page cove rage. \Vhen a member of the black race conimits n wrong. it more oflcn than not is reported for all lo see at first glance. Second, I am a young 133) house .... ·He (while) and l pray that I'll live lo sec the day when it will be unnecessary to call atlention. to one 's race under ariy circumstances. THJJlO, if there are others who fee! as J do. 1 would like to make ii known thal the National Association for the Advance· ment of Colored Pe<lple (NAACP) has an Tl1e Randall Stary To ~the Edifor: i The Randa.Us thank you for printing our story. Your photographers and rl'porters have been very nice to us. r-.1any contributions contained clippings of the DAILY PILOT slories. \Ve are grateful ti.> you for all your help. COLLEEN RANl)ALL and Family Due to a hereditary tende11cy, hlrs. Ran.dolt lost 011e kidni!!y through ma- lignant tumors and the second orgo 1i has now bel!!n attacked. Until Sile co11 receive a kidney transplant toithi1' the nezt year, she ri!!qUires periodi· co tly i11creasing bLood-Cleansing tr11at- 1ncr1ts through chemical dial11sfs. Frieud.~ have established a trust fu·OO c/o U.S. Nntl<nial Bank. J84S Ntwport Blvd ., Costn Mt!!so. /1~ bare !l!!rms, If you won't, please be good to her . treat her kindly, won't you'! But. I will never understand the "WHY" or lhe "WHO," and that is U:le reason !or my letter. A PERSON'S DOG never leava him even If be is poor and cannot feed bim be will •tick by his side. If It is eOld, tie will snuggle close to him and lick his hand:1r he crles, the dog's big eyes will loot aad and ask "why" is he: crying. "A m•n's best frie nd is hi$ dog''. I will always uy this. Please bring Ginger back . 1r you don't want to take her back~ her owners, bring her to me -l will ta e her back to them. Please. I beg you ! MARGARET P. HODG TllE LAW PROVED to be ~nen· forccable. or billions of possessions FOR ONE THING. congressional yearly, 192Q.J933. not one culprit in ten leaders" are suspicious of the right wing thousand wa s caught. Not one in a origins of much of the mail y,·hich demands an end to sex education courses. thousand of those guilty of sale and They are convinced tha t such organiia· traosportation was caught . A good tlons 'as the John Birch Society and the majority of the people favored Prohibi· Christian Crusade have inspired many of lion at the outset , but the minority was so the protests. large as to be unmanageable, and the In thst regard , House and Senate majority melk?d away in two or three cducalion experts, who have guided federal education programs through years of messy failure . racial and religious mazes, are not anx· But ~·e have not applied the les.1;on In ious lo involve them in a sex education ol~.er field s. We continue to support the battle wilh right wing overtonea. They delusion of enforceability in . for instance, are quite willinl: to leave that lo the local prostitlA'.lor. and narcotics. agencies .which run the public schools. Particularly in the matter of a mild F' in a 11 y, knowleagable lawmakers. narcolic like marijuana, the collapse of aware that many school systems have law has been total. The diuy elders who long conducted a sort or sex education in sip martinis. fro'A'n on the young who the guise of "health" and "hygiene.'' smoke marijuana. The young say to hell believe the question is not whether to Sandson also argues against the use of such materials throughout the I' pubti c school years. Since the time or Sigmund ' Freud. he says, it has been "pretty well accepted'' that children tend lo sublimate their sexual drives and interests from the lime that they become deeply involved'"in !Choo! activities until the bodily changes of adolescence begin to appear. OR. CALDERONE reject! the "laten· cy" concept, says Sitndson. and the forCf'· feeding of emotionall)' charged material promoted by SJECUS fail s to take it into consideration. .. Similar views i.a\·e been expressed by New York City child psychologist Rhoda I.. Lorand . She is the author of a book, "Love, Sex and the Teen·Ager," which has been well received by child guidance experts. Goal of a -Mature Critic with marijuana enforce1nent, and smok.I'!; have a sex education program but what it fits their juvenile idea of growing up, kind of program to have. anci deliverance from the con~ ." _. . fro\\·ning elders. Such prohibitions 1i)e SIECUS -Many of tfle complaints ........,. Prohibition itself, have a common reacbing congressional offices are aimed Friends here say Dr. Lorand 's book was warmly praised by Dr. Calderone when it first appeared , as a rontributinn • : to the child retiring cause. Since Dr. : ; l..orand bla:iled SIECUS, they say. hor ~ book has been ignored J:lY lhe organiz.a . tion in lts promotional effort~. 'Tbou&bll at Larc:e i The aim of a· young critic Is lo prove how superior he is to th~ autlj1•r whose book he is reviewing : but the goal of a mature critic is to bring the work int11 6harper focus for the audience . so that both good and bad poinll stand out more clearly than even the author himsell <:00ld discern. " • • • Masculine vanity is so great that the on1y flaw in being a grandfather. ""h\ch most men enjoy. is the uneasy realization I hat one is married to a grandnwther, l • • • Some. women go through Ille in such a · ----- Wednesday , July 2. 1969 The editorial paae of the Daily Pilot 1e:e:ks co inform and stim- ulate reodt.r• bu prestrtiina t1W 11eW1paper11 opln.imu and com- JMnta'71 on topia of fntnt1t ...i liVfllfl<o1IU, br ,,,-ovidhlo • f..-f01' U.. GJ)l'tuioft of our rtodcrs' opini(ttls, and by ~senting th~ di"1'1e .11ttw-• pOhtti of lnformCd oble:-rwrr and1po/«1111<no•wfJla~lllt dafl• 1lobert N.-woea;-1'Ubliilier-- • ( -.. -!"-..-..- Sidne.y· J. ·Harris ,. 'have a leg•to stand on. much less to run on. denominator: only the unlucky are at the lndcpendenl, non-government Sex caught Information and Education Council of the WITH Sli\tlLAR tunnel vision. SIEClJS United States, a clearing house which, continues to insist lhal all criticism of it~ • • • NOW IN CALIFORNIA y,·c see the under the acronym SIECUS. has become rflorts is wllolly attributable to the right A husband c1n never undersland his pursuit of the same dreary and fuU le ob-a full fledged villain of the ullra·righl. wing. Other nat ional groups which hAve wife unless he loves her -and if he loves jective regarding pornography, ~ailed, The group is headed by Dr. Mary S. endorsed th' concept of sex education her, he doesn't have to understand her. or ob.scenity, if you prefer. Here the Calderone, a long.time birth-control have taken the same narrow view. • • • delusion is even more mimHess. You can crusader. A recent Gallup !XIII indicates th1l lhl" stale of chronio complaint that if in lhe next Hfe the doors of heaven ,.,.ere nung open lo them, Lhcy. WOijld immediately demand to see the managtr. The apostles of "free enterprise" are • measure the alcobollc contenl of a liquid, · SIECUS. a non-pr:qf_il organjz.ation, d~.-...Pub~.-g.enerally, -supports sex-educalton - .JiiJhly_v_ocal about tht.ir..right.s-to.make as -and all·wi!I believe the gauge. B11rnotWO ·• iiot ~control prowams but seeks lo pro-Courses in the schools. Thl' poll of adulL_, much 'profit as possible -whJch is 111 people read the ~·ildly diversified mote local sex education campaigns showed lhat support for such courses Is • • • ~1any a man imagines that experience has given h1m wisdom when it has only taught him resignation: what he calls •·accepting the inevita ble" is in many cases merely truckling to the traditional. • • • I'm fond or the n1ilitants' definition of a "l!beral" as "someone who believes that Sacco 'vu innocent, but Vanzelti was probably guilty.'' • • • ~loctern ads depic11ng . a bank a!I "friendly" are prctenlloUs bores ; all depositors asli is that a bank be solvent, not joU)'. • • • \Vhcn a kid does the wrong homework by mist.a.Jee and thlnts It'! "wasted," then you k""" 1111 ocbool lwn'I taulht bim what lhe learning proce.o ls all about. • • • ·Politics , makes bldftllows of couples,. who w o u I d have separated long • ago if tile election returns had gont the other ~·ay . • . -·--The old saying that "rumor h11 wings'' must be I.rue, because most of them doa •t right with me -but strangely silent obscenity gauge ahke. throug;1 speeches. publications 11nd films. up to 71 percent. about their obligation lo pay for the en· The California Legislature. with two The programs which ~t ~.o 1 I .e.r. s, . Th~ poll can be rea~ .. however, as In· vlronmental corruption that is the grow-bills prelend6 lo read the gauge for us sometimes under the hcsd1ng Sens1hvlly d1callng that the pubhc 1s very alert to ing side-effect .of th:lr pr.oducti vity · The~e blllS: arc preposterous in their sut: ..J Training" or "Family Life Education,'' the content of sucll courses. For example, There 's something splendid about 11 woman who. when adv!~ by the bank that she is overdrawn, simply "''riles oul a check to cover it. _ · Dear Gl oom y Gus: Several l.quDa Ntiu•I molherl were turned away as lnellglble after waltlns hours to alg:n up for Laguna ~h ,wimmlng les&On~ for their ch.lldren. Why can·1 Capt· st rano schools provide U>tm ? -L. F. nilt ketllr. rtnKft ,_,,....-~ .,. -••taf'li'+' flo9M ltf tM --Ht, '"""' -... _,,. .. Cllltoftty .... 0.ll• ,, .... 1er·gun effect One makes unlawful sale are designed lo eliminate sexual rea rs only SS pcrce~t of. thf" adu\Ls poller! to minors of matter appealing to 1 among young people. and promote 1 favor~d d1scuss1on , ~n sue~ courses, or "morbid interest in nudity ... " Alas, tots normal healthy stxualUy. the birth con1r:o1 sub1ect which Is dear 10 of three have a morbid interest in nudity. Courses fostered b~ SlECUS usually In· Dr . Calderone.s heart. and some never lose it Another bill v!"ve .the force·f~1ng of v~ry explicit By Robert S. Alle11 forbids dislribution of material having b1olog1caJ and· soc1ologlcal information and John A. Gold1 mlth "pl}lrient appeal." In any achool yard kids absorb all the theoretical knowledge of sex contained in h a r d ~ c o r e pornography. A bill would forbid material "going beyond the cuslt'lmary limill o( candor.'' What, pray, is "customary"? r.IANY SCTENTTSTS, soclologfal! and judiea find no sqund evidtnce that por· -•plly iDclt.i "' UlllOC!al sexual behavior. Some even Insist It dlmlnlshts ulliOcial $CXUJil behavior I n v o I v l n g another -perlon. But many leJi.t11tors, p.·essed by deluded cona:tltuents, think their authority lo adopl a h1w Includes authority'~' 1dop1 1 d<luslon. They will --di1COYer~r error. 11nd we will di~ the inevitable, lhet only the unlucky wlll be caugbL Deir George : rm a hopeful novelist and have finished ' ll books bul.-they seem rather ~ort.. The longest is thrte pages. Can it be that, as a writer. I ha ven 't suffered er>ouah? HOPEFUL 0<1r Hopeful: POMlbly,t But, .., one of )'OUT rttdert, I know I have. (Rush your pn>bltms to George ror speedy pn>KrastlnaUon.) I Dear George: l am president of a cam;JUS movement which has been rioting all· seml!!ster, demanding more YO\ct in lhe tdminislreUon , o( COi· lege kurriculumm. We 1ust won tbe riot and the: dean says we ctn ha_ye _ mt'lre voice In college kurrlcuJumm. My problem Is this. What does kur· rieulUJnm mean! YOUNG REBEL °'ar. Young RebeJ: If l !old you, )'1lll'd ju!ll--.tart rloti'n& again . .I 1 1 • I I \ . ) ; . I Searcliliig For Joh . Overse as?· By JQYCB 'LAIN M1U-Uln •-rib t ~ MltCUl'Y -nir.ie. courtu1 ot tht •.-itl TY-II« Ca.. lo JQtll Gfr .. ~, Jttt.l'Arl, S.D.1 "Hlll'w ebooll o-...,...., u.-,? Tiit ld41t •mt fremendovaty ti· t••cttw f o • ·-111-«nowlltlll' ~hooUl\tl Wl!ll P•1."' A. -Moet readen who In- quire. about jobs a b r o a d already know about the ad- vantages: new p 1 a c e.S/new faces, pNim!urn •ages and pouible tu benefits permu- tina overseas workers to bol.sler their booty-baga within a few years. So the essential question usually is: "Hotr can I fUld a good job in a foreign couo- try?" TRY AM'ERICAN. In general, stick with U . S . employers (they 'pay better) and conduct your job search through (l) private co panies, nonprofit organizations and 1overnment agencies that operate overseas (2) private employmer '. agencies or state. emploY.ment service offices (·3) claSsificd ads in the larger newspfpers and-trade publica· lions (4) professional societies and trade 3fSOCiations which aperate placement services for lh~ir members. CHANGING SCENES, 21 Is usually the YC>Wl&est age ship- ped out, except the Peace Cqrps which aettpts 11-ytar- olds. There is often no upper age limit in· government jobs; in private industry it varies with the employer. You're uking ror it if you fail to investigate the specific country before agreeing to -even if premium wacea: are pajd, they may not be ade- quate if living conditions are WO expensive, not to mention the possibility of a Robinson Crusoe existence. If yay can't talk with anyone who has ac- tually been to the proposed country,· write the country's consulate for information, in· eluding taxes imposed on foreian woi:kers. FOREIGN FL~VO R SKJLLS. What kinds of oc cupalloM are ii'! demand? A surpr:islngly wide r a n I e , though many are tecbnlcal, administrative, educational or clerical t)ipes, You 'll prolllbly have lo sign an agreement lo stay a minimum length of time, usually-two ytars. To obtain a job with private in-. dustry or a nonprofit organiza- tion, ·your be!t bet is to choose one with extensive overseas operations. After you're hired, .. you can work your way up to i n t ernational 'assignments. Career government employeJ usulllly get first crack at the best overseas jobs, b u t qualified newcomers have a chance too. For a li$t o f ovtrseu job-examination an- nouncemnt.s, write the U.S. Civil S e r v i c e Commission, Washington, O.C. 2Qfl5. WHERE TO GO FROM H~RE. The be s t new paperback job-guide I've seen is "How To Get The Job You Want Overseas," by Arthur Liebe.rs. It includes addresses of private and government agency employe.rs, and is available only from the publisher, Pilot Books, 347 Filth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016, at $3.00 per copy. For a list of 4200 firms operating overseas c h e c k your library for the '"Dlrec- , tory of AmericAn Finni Operating in Foreign COl.Ul'- trits," b,.-Juvenal L. Angel, World Trade AcaMmy Press, di11tribut'ed by Simop Schuster, Inc. Also ask for ''SEIBT Directory of American Trade Directory," Germany'' and '· A-n g Io · J\meric.., Ttade IDrectory," publl1hed by the American -Chamt.e. -o~-commtrtr1n London, From the U.S. D<partment of Commerce, Buruu ol _International C o m m e r c e , Washington, D.C. 20230, you can ask for a lisl of companie.a by country. Each country'1 list c..,11 11.00. PIUCE CORPS SPl!ClAL. Stnlor ciliuns art accepted by the Peace Corps. For a frtt pamphlet • ' 0 I d e r Volunleera In the Pe ace. Corpa," 1end me a postcard ln care of. this newspaper. SO LONG. If you do land 1 job in some exotic place, don 't fotttt to order an ••• ,.r..om. home subocrlpUon to this ..,..paper to lietp up on 1111 news. And atltd me. • ~tcml! W1dntsdoy, Ju~ 2. 1969 ' L DAI~ Y Pl!.O.T .IZ 120 Fami~ies Learning Agriculture in University Food Plot Plan . ' . . One hundred and twenty the Unlvuslty'a: Collece or 1Jnlvtnlty ot Ca I I Jorn I ak ~tural -Sciences and is families .,. leamiJ!g first coordlnJi.IN ~Y Jk. fl.J., hand abOUt-a1rtculture:-Tttey-DoQt , chairman at-t h e have. atined up to grow food division of biological control on 20 by ~foot plots of for the University , T he Unlve.ralty land adjacent to • gardem are. designed to llve tbelt llvlng quarters in the. married students and their UC..oned Alban,y ... vw.age1 }amlltes I~ Albany Village a near Betkele.y. · · chance 10 grow their own the prGject w~ proposed' by vegetables-an~ to give these mostly urban students some upertence In food p<odudlna. The. land bu been plowed and prepared by--trrre Univenily's stall. It wUI be. up to the student and his family to plant, culUvate and harvest his own patch. The Unlvenlty staff will see tha• the gardenl\ are irrlgeted, along with the altjolnfng research plo~. The Unlven\ty't cultivation crtw wlll be avlllable to advJs1,.Ute studenll _ OD p\antlng and culture· otthelr vegetables.- -AJricultural E.Ktension and A&f'cullural E:1perhnent Sta· lion cirtWars on vegetable gardening wtn be m a d t available, A sheltered bulletin boar,d will, be er_!Cled to p_f9· vlde. Information on ~ most suitable for plantln& lhe land Is allowed to lie they' learn "how dllftrent beat plantlnf dl!M, ond thf> if. !allow !or 1 .. .....,, bllt lresblY picket peal taste, aoo • rlB•Unn IChedule.' Unlvenl_Jjl olticlall _oald II~ how' doJ!g!o_tlnl II 11:..to..ut "-- The lifiGl'ias Weri m8de-liifily would be. sUJtitll8 far a IUft•warmed tomalo right off avaUable through the UC season's use by s tu d e n 1 the vine. These experiences geneUcs dt~nt, which gardeners. H a r-.v e s t i n g', are often new lo young people usea severaJ acres of the tract l'lowever, will have to be eom· who have grown up In cities or each year for research. Plan· pleted by October, when it will suburban tracts./"Howeve.r,'' ting is moved a.nnually to pre-be. lime for the laU plowlng. he. added, ''studenb need to be vent conceotr•tlon of root. Doutt is wre. the students ;iware that crop productiqn is disl!ases in the soil. Usually will want . to continue, alter not a simple procedure.." · LIQUIQ "P II" re SllAMPOO Y•• "•rtrt ricll" sN•llH ••• ltnt1 11111 sett uf rUiuL '-''-66c ~ l tr. Sitt ~ ' lfn! btr1 111t 11f fl•ffJl Utz. 4 f $) lip 0 • Cracker Jacks "Coppertone" 6 ''OIL" ~:~1.98 Lo!iOll UI 1 39 .. ll. Silt • \°i~°" 97c . i Shade · "OT" 1LorioN 309 Ui 125 3.•5 21L i IL Slu •-_Silt ~• • • 24" PORTABLE BAR-B-QUE .. CLIFFCW" -for "come'11 ~Gr flavor. iahs.BBc ) REYNOlDS · Aluminum Fciil Oru·tt9fll11f lluilllt strtt(tl. ll'l!!FT.2:49c .. ,~ . uu. ·3: 39c Silt I . . ' 12'$) 1~ IL 0 lllJtl ! FOlOIN& • JOHNSON l JQHHSON Soff ~os•rnc Puffs Nit Sterllt ••• Chm frHI 111 tri•I• sfzt " ZN rtpl• size. I \ .. POLAROID Color Film rm 1u.75 s,.,, ... Pac• ot 25 m&o~ting post r.ards te>r your pidures FREE with the pt1t· 11 64 cQ of J rolls of 111111 ... 111 fir • "Off" INSECT REPWAHT SPIAY-Gives up lo~ bo1rs of proleclio11 a11i1LSI mosqtJi\oes ••• f!!ISts PffS!litalion -woa·t slai11. SY.r 1z. "Yard Guard" OUTUOOR FOCGER Rids bltkyail !><ihO OI 79~ picnic m ot amioJing 1 · 69 ""'"--OJJ'YS " lo 20 fteL 111'; ll. ' • "DA1sr Tumblers ••• """ Nse ,,,,. ~ c wil 0>W desigo 4 99 tllllS. I IL J1lu I 1 111111£1' -Ma1• s11ape 1s l""d " ---" •1111.'Si.11 "Beefeater" -COUl.·RAY il?"&li00 " WISIUI . POLAROID" Chaise Lounge ·~rc;;~.--1~1 .. 1,, 16 ,.,.,,.,, .em, 7 99 ~lu1dy, ~ positioll adjlJSl· abl~ frame. Cokn ia mhd • -Ch . ·m ""'" FOLOlllC 3ff •ac1,1lc1" -& •trlieal webs 3 99 l hor_for __ 11111 arntftrt. Brialrt fflfTIL • FDL01" Rocker - "'Ac1111c1" -6 •i!rtical •rbs. 6 59 8 horiloll)'al webs, tubular lu1111 witlt !Jal jfl!R:Sls. • Bench& Tablecover _... .... fOSTll GUNT BAHEl'S OYEN FIESll Cookies CH1s1 f11e S ltlicitla r1rietln. .... ,. 39c 11 hL .... "' Sunglasses Wittl "" aclniYe rm ...Jilter l~ ••• choost liom 1 95 . assorted styles for mi ll!d ~ ll'Olllell. '"" ,... • fl h-COSMETJCS "TIAIOllll"" CANDLE Jim Beam Sunglasses "Sunlit" ~isblre - STRAIGHT WAS1].fl· l!3Yts1~imwofailor'1Jovervouf . Cifl"011ell1 mi11iatur? lites: with wttite-p11Stic rret CC'l- ering. fragrance ~elps discogra2e inset! pests. As>MedcoJO> 1eu110111 11,99 ~~:I~~\':=~ hL 4./00 . ~ ' WNIW'f l2 Sil. POLAROID ltl'IStS ltllt stop ::============== i Tanqueray =~lv: ....... "S1111lif' A Little Celar DISTllUD lllCIJSH WAS 14.11 La roit camp!etiOll sllill tllroutbl ..., . G1111 s, .. ;,, a~ 12 99 "Supper Club" 1 75 5 99 Clloose flMI •!tel or "Medi-Qoik" NO.STING FIRll·~D SPUI Help~ In pfeYe!lt lnftctirtlr. ,. 88 ~e.,.. pail il'ld ittll •.. promotes C 'ulin£, Rt&o 1.19 J IL ~ ~ Sm"irnaff 10 "" • ~ r,:~.;,":4:.:::. "Sunlit';z·;onshi:es 11 8& PROOF RUAU • br11w1 wit-&tie~ Sbiay, &1llllllflf)' soft tawny 2 25 YOD~. Flflll 4.89 COOL·RAY POLAROI:·... 1 98 Em .:~s,u~n.~1i1·t·: l Ii k ::.=.N=P=21=,, ====::: "Borzai" 1wo1n• 111tus• "Supper Club" . . ons c s • • hr VODKA 6 49 • (!.,~ 1i,,s1 .. ,, 1 50 ::1J~OO:,"" lie ,... ~ 11.5 Pf. SI} • r·u· F ·rnw·•·rr E'-~ tic• • fQ is well as on Ille 100xe snc ~ Ancient Aze I ~~~! "Baby SCOTT" I r~G~~le ·strength" ~~ij~~ ·c:.,~ac \JU. ;;: ioulloii''HT 5 39 Pmless" DIAPERS ~ ,., M•n , ... u1u1 N•ll• 51k • OispGs.abl! diipers wi!b Jlt!ps keep tht:m from ---------~ thictnru ch bfeak' plitti 1-'t·i·POl" J1Cb1 Sizt 3 99 ::;;:.., . .,,. Re:"' .:; i•• .:.:•a:,;.;~;, 3 00 Bro1· 1er· Pans ~ Edel Rec Mii ; · -. -..., 1ac1. , • .ulllly 4 99 ,6,,,,.z 11u2.,31 ''C 1., • I ,, .._.,~_.mron ... . . IUllT • . . 9c . 9 i fi a !''~1!,ces . :?-= .%;~~431: . "BlllW....,._,, n.. I P-''.. ~ fom s.p..r,.t!f u~ "'::::::::::::::::: uv~;;:"~ai"' &il.00 r:.=E.r~'59c ·~$:,:1~25 r !MUI -r--·"-"".,~-...... ,,... "Anti-Itch" ·"RAIO" --w111r1·cmn IUC llWt • "111111 tfftetil'I ildool'S Ind Olldools ••• ~.-·:~ 1.29 5.98 DIUG STOllS tf!N II I.II. 11 I ; JI. lllll 411. , , S.llollJ I I-Wo rm It 0,tl (11• t U( II 1 l .M. CIElll Meaiclled fumiut1 g~ re- lief ·tram It.chill( Md oai• -~-~==149 111.. fllk • "Ping-Pong" s11 -tlilllllflilii'filil """"· 2']-~et wili Wirfs llld J Niis , ill bolo • "Badminton" 1£1 4 ,,., • ..i ;, """ ""'"' 'wi 3 59 ,.,tit. [Vlf)lfl1nc bid~ !or tu,.. • /.. ... Lawn Dart 1£1 • • Send your suae~tlon.! for future colUJlln top~ to Joyce 1.Aln. Cartt:r Corhlr, clo DAJ· LY PILOT. Sorry. no moll ........ Clll be glvea. ~ ruder w!IOM letter Is tlie basis of a-Trture 1c:olumn wtll - "huc1t" -S1i. bowf. tm " $j!OIM, l crvtl3 •itll stoppers, salt I pepper. I 49 llalSl!r e l/1ir, ""' Tltll. NEWPORT BEACH tnt ll'Ylllt. 111 Wnltl/fl' 'lul HUNTINGTON BEACH •-•• wa~-- HUNT,iNGTON BEACH w/t OW I 2 Rin1~ .. .' 4 98 piece tl'llfll _.,.ts tt. .,.n IN bJ to toss the • •• ~~J;:m~~~·~~·-~~~~~~~~~.;,._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....:.~~~~....:~~~~- ' " - • • I . ' 11 '1 I I -... -... ------·---.. . , .... .. =-----· ........ -~---:-• I •----. . ' •• • •f • D DAILY PILOT !Tag Boat Operators? N!IYCSets . . Jul 4th -. y LEGAL NOTICE ~ooderis Wrong Regatta ' ' 0 l ' ,j !I I• I I I' I . . ' • Now I've heard everything. 1""llJ!llim,.....,,...;;;::t:i::i:m=•zsa;m_c......,"'5:. Radio siatlOJ>.KABC 11ouem.- that -..1ocr:')oo ~ t.o hari a U~e to be n\artied, y.ou ghoUld 'have. ... • ~· 1.0 operate a boal "'" · · ~ Ibe. stat!O)l said-"°4..lllL "editorial." And the :station was so proud of" it 'Uie mana;gement sent out copies to the hik-stained pr e s s , boasting th a t the editorial prompted State Sen. George Danielson (0-LouisianaJ to in ' ". Weleqme Altoarfl Sailin' A i'nJ t Marryin' lly ALMON LOCKABEY troduce...Lresolullon c..alling for m•••••••••n••••••""'""""'-heartngs· to probe the need for boat operator licensing. by the "cowboy" who buzzes laws, go out and demonsirate Before examining the KABC around in ~ ·bays. your skill to an examiner. Just editorial, let's take a Thank God they are few and think of all those ex4 paragraph and remind Sen. far ~tween a.nd they don't amioei's-one for every type Danielson that these hearings last tong in UUs recreation . and size of sailboat in ex· have been held befofC-\manY They usually go back to istence. Remember the~"re of then1-and that straight.-motorcycle riding or drag rac· not H~e cars. And once you get thinking people from the ef· ing. t.bat license in r.ou r hot litue ficient enfon:ement agency,. "In the interest of satefJ, .. hand-for a fee~~f course, you the U.S. Coast Guard on doWn KABC feels it mikes sense to can go out and lell the world the lir.c have shot the proposal license boat operators." y'o u. are a licensed ~oat down. ao; not feasible, unen· ''Ljcensing has noltilng to do operator, then proceed to force.able, too expensive to ad· with safety. Jt is nothing more. drown yourself or bang up ministrate, etc. eel infintum. than a leglslative and someone else's property. 'Expert testimony will pro-bureaucratic dodge ·to raise : But that's all right, btcause bab\y make these proposed revenue-<>ver and above ta14 YPl!'ve got a license. bearings just as ludicrous. es, of which boat owners pay "Licensing would not inhibit But now-hear this: "Under plenty. Anyone }Vho can boat sales. Balher, licenses our laws, some thing as wann memorize a few rules can would entoUrage-aa:les as it and personal as cruising the pass a License test. . 'This demonstrates that there is a. ~ Seas 9f matrimony requires .a . doesn't mean he will always gafety standard to protect license. Virtually all maMer obey the rules once out on the all-so mQre people • c a n ()f activi1Y is in oome way waler. S a me goes for t b e participate." ·regulated and licensed by high.ways, doesn 't it? government-the p r i m a r y ''Cclnsidering the danger WHO CARES? goals being saf~ly and fair potenlial, and with the moun· , 'Who Urhell ever said a boat play for the individual as well ting popularity of boating as dealer cared a whit f,flbout as society." leisure . time increases.. boat safety. We've bttn l1a-n g !\IA YHE:\1 operator License Jaws· are enough convincing them to ·-.......... -4 ,-:-t • ;-·--. -~-"''~· -n;,:~." ~uild safe boats, Yt'lth cap,aci· uvuT i:n eanur1a11~~ "~ . ty plates and such Licensing KABC ~ver ~e_ep ~~don lbe ___ !._like ~at w2rc!.:J>olenti~I." _ii.. ~opl)OM.!d by · th.e boat divorce rat~. Or tfte nun\l>lr seems fG me every moi,i.e we owner-not the delaef. - of stabbings, shootings a~d m_ake ~ days is fraught And last1y : · general mayhem engaged 1n with potential danger. Walking "KABC by husband and wife? 'I used across the stree• in 8 . urges an opera.tor to be a µ<11ice reporter.) Mar· crosswalk, slipping on stairs, license. pro~ram for ~ting riage liCimSes have never tripping over the garden hose, much 1~ke licenses for dnv~rs smoothed the seas o '-slipping in the bathtub. of vehicJ~ on land. If you matrimony. But it sure has The closest call I ever had need a license for such. a netted the state CQffers a lot of was in a hotel shower Turned ~rson~l ~dv~ure as gom~ mone~. the-wrong tap and .was hit rou~ ~ • -oppy ~as "But absent from the Jicens· .. .ith ·aid· 1 In marnage, KABC be I 1 eves . . . .... sc mgwaer my)'· -pd'~! ing category Is lhe matter of frantic effort to get ihe glass 1cens1ng ~ appro auc o r opera1:<>rs~f boats. In the state sttower door open the ·glass :~ch ~ socbo ial ~oyage as opera· or Cabforn1a you do not need a shcillered. Should 1 have a ion o ats. license to sail a boat or skip-license to t.•ke a showet' Now isn't lhat sweet? per a twin-screw power boat ." Maybe it would be s1mpter arn1 Lefs-look at some f&ets. And for good-. reason: 1l1e cheaper to eliminate the glass Many boat 3ccidents are law '(>rovKies that operator slidin~ doors caused by explosion and fire . lic~nses are ~ed only for "At Los Angeles County 's Carelessness while fueling-or s~ppers operat~ng vessels for newest pleasure craft basin:_ maybe an unexpected f&nd hire. And hasn l anyone ever Marina del Rey-there are undetected 1eak under way. told the genUe(Ylen at KABQ aOOut 4,500 boats, with a slip Even more pe<>ple are killed in I landlubbers, no doubt) that a.:~ ca:pacity for 6,000." the home by careless handling twin screw vessel Is much' ~ of inflammables-kitchen simpler to opef ate than one EVERYONE OBEYS stoves, cleaning f I u i d s , / \\'ilh a single prop-and much So?· ~t week 1 steered a careless smoking, etc. Let's go ,) safer. Sailboats MYe a top large twm-screw power boat in out and license every speect-of-perha]J'S fiYe or sil( amt· out-of-Marina del Rey at housewife who lights-a klt<::hen miles an hour. The kids OC· the ·allowed five knots. There stove or cleans a dress with casionaUy Oip their sailing w~re little boats, big boats, solvent or leaves a cigarette dinghie,r-intentionally or ac· sailboats all around . Everyone laying in the wrong place. cidentally. It's part of the fun was obeying the )aw. It was Slatistics tell us that most to see how quickly you can th e most orderly scene. No boating accidents are caused right them and go on sailing. sv•eat. no swearing, no ac-by overloading, leading to \Vhat kind of license would cidenls. Nobody had a .license../ cap~zing or s w a m p i n g • one give that would qualify a I think there would have been> Nothing much happens unless person to operate a small room for all 4,~ boats on all someone panics and tries to sai lboat, large sailboat, out-that water acreage -and swim ashore from the capsiz. board • ~ghy, o u t b o a r d maybe the projected 6,000. ed boat. &:> they drown. Sci do runabdut. ski boat, inboard There are same 7 ,000 boats si wmmers who venture out cruiser-single or twin screw! in Newport Harbor-a much over their depth or get caught Or wollld one have to have a smaller area than Marina de! in a r l p cWTent. Shall we separate license for each craft Rey. During summer license everyone who goes for he steP.ped aboard? They're weekends the bay is literally a dip in the ocean just because all vastly different in hand!· blanketed· with boats of a11 lifeguards pull them in by the ing. · kinds. Scimehow they all get dozen every day in the sum- .. A driver's license however, safe ly in and out with a m~r? ls required to operate vehicles -minimum of cussing -aild \\'hich cruise r re e w ;,i. y s , without a license. Olg h ways and sUrface "Such a licensing program streets. Why not licensing for should include the b ()at craft which cruise on the operator having al least a \!>'al.er." ba si c knowledge or DIFFERENT They never fail. mates, to get around to the trite old automobile' vs boat pitch - two things tha! a r~ as dir- .ferent as-n)gllt and day (as Jong as we are bC!'fng trite), Automobiles travel at 60-70 miles an hour and u p , • $eparated (maybe) by a white seamanship to protect himself and his passengers-and we are told such basics can be learned in about foor hours." Someone told you wrong. BAD WEATHER Unexpected weather causes many capsizings and swamp- ings. If the United States Weather Bureau can't forecast the weather why go to the ex4 pense and bother to license a boat operator because he might get caught out in fog or high ?'inds which kick a cop that niay swaiDfh1S boat. _You can't license the wind and s~as. But hell, we~ve just got to ·license something o r somebodY. Think of the money it would'.bririg in. Never mind the ex"pense of administration and policing. line every few feet. There are mathematical slalistics that tell how Jong it takes to stop a car in an emergency at various spee<U. The ordinary µ<1wer boat used for pleasure 1----~ewtll-6lop-almqst-immediately when .the power is cut. lt's something ab<>ut the resist- ance of water. _ The United States.,, Power Squadro!llts basic c;ourse is 14 ·\\'eeks al two hours once a : "''eek. The Coast Guard Aux· iliary coorse in smaJI boat l1andling runs about the same. These classes, conducted throughout the country at least twice a year, are packed · to · capacity.• Similar classes are scheduled regularly by the Red Cross, Boy Scouts. Sea Scotrtrand various-boat--and- yacht clubs. PREREQUISITES No matter h o w skillful a boatman or how many licenses you bave in your pocket it's not golng to prevent lbe' ~l!!m~~ !a~ng_col)t~_J>nce m awhile. 1rhe resuflliig ac· cident may be more or less serious. And, of course, the fastest boats u s ed forplea· sure - rac ing boats ex· cepted-rarely will go over 30 mi1cs an hour at top speed. Heavily, ballasted sailboats which rattly attain speeds of JO knots will cootinue to fore. reach for c:onsiderable distance cffter power ·Ls cut or wilh salts luffing-at a decreasl!!g speed. U tb'y hit something-say a dock or another1>oat. there is usually a te2i0Ulll:ting crunch with litUe or DO dan!aa:e. Nothing that an insurand (.'9mll30f can 't take care of. So wbere is Ibo similarity USPS doesn't stop wtth the basics. They take ·th e i r members right on through ad- vanced seamanship and other safety prequisite~mpara­ ble to a Jour·year college ed· calion. The lessons are bolh theory and practice. "A's it is now, safety and seamanship are learned on a voluntary hit or miss bub or even by ~osis. It is the opi· nioil of KABC~that such ran· dom safety tactics .,. in· , sufficient." True, boating education Is ' on a voluntary basis-but it certainly isn't hit and mis&. M for the osmoeis bit, ·true again. Every time one gets out on the water h~ learns something """ about the r<><tlon o! his boat 1under vary j n a: oon· Wtions. T b e sea is one ol the best teachers known. Snow skiers get maimed and killed every yeat, Why hasn't anybody come up with a pro- posal to licen.se them? Are sky divers licensed? · · Ten people died aboard the Goodwill. But they would not have l i v e d har there been licensed perwnnel 13board. Maybe thtrt was. It iS known that at least three on board, including the skipper, were competent navigators. They had cruised that course dozens ol times. On a wind)', blustery night soi:neone didn't realize the current that was settlng them off track. It happens to the best or licensed skippers a n d navigators. Tn I a c t , the Sacramento, lhe g o o d ship that .gave the. reef tts name, wa s loaded wlt.b licens- ed personnel. Airplant pilob ;ire licensed. Newport llarbor· Yac~t .ctub wtll host an classes> of s&il- boat.s July .~ \n 'the &nm:ia1 · ln~cpende~ D~l . Regatia: Racing will be Qn bolh outside and 1"slde courScs. The regatta will count E~I~~~ toward season points foi the.-ll,.,..,.,,.;,-1:""'"'+ Dic kson Trophy for the PaOfic Handicap Racing •Fleet and. toward the Corkett ·Trophy .tar the Midget 'Ocean RaCfug Fleet. .u' CIQSes and starting / order Jot Utt races inside tbe bay· are Lehman--12, Li ti,.g - J 4 A , ~ Lldo-J4B, Lido.r4· 3f ... Ktte. 1.;,,..,,1, Snowbird, Sabot A,· Sabot B,, Sabot e, Flipper. ....... Cl•TtrteATIE °' •UtlNI• rlCTITIOUl N~ The • Ul'lden'9ned do c.rHfy ~ ••e candudll!P • 111.rM-•I 4111 H.m1111'!1' Sir.et. Cott• ~. Ce!ttornl•, uncttr ""- rlctillous firm ,.,...,_ of KC Mobl!t ~· btlllW!t & R9Nlr and tmt Mld ·rlrm It ~ of u.. .followlns """"''' •l'!Os• -In ftlll 1ml plKti of rtskt9nce •ta u follO•s: C•sCY c.• St•~ld. '°' Hun1~. Cost• Meu, Ce11forn11. Frink L. Slllll'ield, 2121 ,.edere!, '°''' Mese, c .. lfllm11. Oeltd J-tt..\HI'. Outside• claises are Ocean Racing, PHRF, MORF, Star, Rhodes-3.1, PC, Soling, Luders- IS, Thistle, lntemation81-lf, Finn, Snipe and Rhodes-19. 'Inside classes -will start off Newport ·Harbor Yacht Club at three-minute intervals. Two races will; be.' sililed Friday and Saturday and one race on Sunday, starting at I p.m. each day. FRONT;RUNNERS -Bob Johnson's 73-foot ketch Wind.,ard•Pass~ge, (left). Labaina Yacht Club, and Ken De Meuse's 73-foot ketch Blackfln are expected I~ lead the 72-boal Transpac yacht race to the finish at Diamood Head. Both yachts are out for fir~t~finish honors. The two yachts met two· weeks ago in th.e California ~ se~es of closed course races and Blackfin was the winner with three straight victories. Fr1n~ L. Stt"lleld C. c, St111lleld Slit. of C1ll10rnl1, Or.,19t County: On Juni n, IHI', before mi, 1 ~•rv P11b1(, Jn Ind tor uh! St1t1, H•K>ftfll'f 1_-rtd f'rt1* LY'M Sl1nfi.kl 11"1111 c. e. Stentlet!L" l!flO'll'll lot -·to bt tl'Mr ,..,_. 1"hoH n•~ 1r1 111bKTI-fo ttoe wH!lln lfllftlH'Mnl-Ind. Kk/loWledtitd lhe't IX.• ~•-.:i trte wme. (OFFICIAL 5ULI Nl11el W. S1llt't Hol•rl' Pllblk.C1Ufornll Prlnchl1! Ottke Ill Orlfdl9 Cal.ml't Outside classes will start oU the Balboa Pier with two races icheduled Friday and Saturday andi0ne Sunday. all starting at l p.m. ,72 Yachts to Sail Frida¥ ~ CommlUlorl i'*plrlS oet(lber t. 1tn ,.vbllW'ltoO Orl"91 ~ Ol11'f ,-11o1. Jt1.,. JS IJ!d JUI\! 1, t , I,. 1Mt ~ 1112 .... LEGAL, NOTICE 8 Coast In 25th Transpac Race' ·-CfltTll11CATI or SUSIN•SS rlCTITI OUS ".t.Ma ~ "'-Ul'lll•"llfned do ('trll!y fllel" II" cond11Clh'lg e .~lftff• II Gf lllvl~ AYtlllf"I tolnrpwf ltedl, C•llfor11l•. Uncleol' tM lktltlolni fl"" l'llllN '11 M "l.,lJM .. ING · TARNOWSKE ANO SONS 1"4 .,. Yacht~_ ~t- For Race By ALMON LOCKABEY D1111r l!llet ....-,; .. ...,. ' Seventy-two yachts, divided Into four classes, wilt' set sail Friday noon in the 25th an· Eight yachts will carry niversary sailing of t~ e burgees of Orange Coasf yacht Transpacific L<>s Angeles to clubs when the 2 5 t h Honolulu yacht race. Transpacific yacht race gets The final revised list was under way from Los Angeles Issued ·Tuesday ' by the Ftlda-Y, -Tansp-acific-Yaellt c 111 b-. Newport Harbor Yacht.Club Sl'.J'!>~SOr_of ~e 2,225-mile ocean has the most entries with John sailing classic. llall's Concerto, Tom Cork-Bob Johnson 's 73-foot ketch etrs Salacia, Stan Williams' Windward Passagc_J r om Iotermez.zo and Ernest Lahaina Yacht Club heads the Wilson's Westerly. Class A tist and is the highest Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club rated boat in the fleet. \flth a will have two· yachts in the rating of 81.52 feet, Windward race -Jack LlnkleUer's Pa~ge carries a time Esperance and John Hooten's altoWance of 1 day, 14 hours, Destiny ii. 51 minutes and 26 seconds. James Seales' Loco Viente Windward PaMage ·has to will be the lone entrant fr om cive away six boors; 17 Balboa Yacht Club. minutes and 52 seconds to her Huntington Harbour Yacht nearest rival for first to finish, Club also will have one entry, Ken De Meuse's 73-foot ketch Plelades, s k I p p e r e d by Blackftn from San Francisco. · Richard Smyth. There are 14 yachts listed in Class A, 21 in Class B, 20 in Class C and 17 in Class D. USC Star Wins Honor Tim Hogan, ace USC sailing .skipper from Newport Beach has been awarded the EVerett B. Morris Memorial Trophy citing him as the outstanding intercollegiate skipper in the United St.ates for 1969. The trophy is presented by the U.S. Naval Academy Sail· ing Squadr~_each year. Hogan was awarded the coveted trophy at the con· clusion of th e North America n Intercollegiate championships in Seattle last wee~. Lowest rated boat 1n the Ueet is Hetaera, a 36-foot sloop owned by 'Joseph De Meter of Richmond. She car· ries a time allowance of 5:20:24 :26, which means she can come in four days behind Windward Passage and still beat tbe Class A speedster. Following is a breakdown of the fleet by classes and time allowance: CL.SS A Windward Passage, Robert F. Johnson, Portland YC; 1:14 :51 :26 Blackfin. Ken DeMeuse, St. Francis YC, 1:21 :09.18 Novia de! Mar, John * * * Two Foreign Yachts ' Seek Trans,pac Prize , ' ' -5ome_ of .Jhe__yachl$-Jn--the ___.SCQtch Mist, owned by Robert upcoming Transpacific yacht -O'Brien, and Nimble, owned race starting Friday at noon by William Nickerson, both will have traveled longer come from Portland, Ore. distances to get to the starting Majority of the entries 44 line tha~ they will rover in the come from S 0 u 1 b ; r ~ 2.~mile race. C l'f . One of '11e entries, Chita 11r, a I orn1a, . and the 11 ext O\.Vn~ by J$._e_~ µchidit a_nd_Y.__ lar~est grou.p comes f!om t!!_e MWa flies the nag of Japan. --san Franclseo uay-111ea. The other foreign entry is Mir , The 19 ya ch ls from the Bay owned by Ge<>rge O'Brien of Area are.: Quasar, Arthur T. Vancouver, British Co'IUmbia. Biehl, Diablo;.Aventura,.L. H. Mir, however. has been in Price. Red w·o o d City; Southern California waters L'Allegro, Roderic B. Park, since coming oouth l a s t Orinda : Ano Nuevo, Rolfe C. November for the Mazatlan Crocker, San Rafael ; Rowena. race. Donald B. Dalziel, Berkeley; Five yachts will fly burgees Montgomery Street, James M. of Hawaiian yacht clubs .. but Denning, San Rafael ; Hetaera, all are new boats built in Joseph R. DeMet.er, San Fran- <rosta Mesa and will be using cisco; Espirit, George W. the race to take them to their Phillips, Qakland; Marionette, home ports. The Hawaiian en· W. Lindlow and M. Shenson, tries are Anuenu·e, owned by San Rafael : Amorita •. Henry John Milligan. Hon o l u I u ; B. Grandin Jr., Ross. Americana. owned by John G. 'Others are BJ1cldiO: Ken Moore, Honolulu; Hawaiiana, De.MUese, Hayward ; Ranger, owned by Jay 'R. Moore, Warren C. 1'. Wong, Stocltton ; Kaneohe. Oahu; Roughneck 11, Xanthij,pe, Alan B. Simpkins, owned by Nathaniel . see... Los Altos; Valkyr\e I!, Reed llonolulu , and Curioso, owned · A: Christensen, C8'101cbael. by l!ayden Brown, Honolulu. Still more Crom_ San F.ran- From the AUanlic side of cisco are Blanquita, Robert E. the continent is Mystic, owned Amo.,, Oakland: Numse Jf, by Marvyn Carton, New Y()rk . Maurice C. Smith, Kentfield : A Great Lakes vessel also will Fines.se I[, W. G. Andrew, • ~ · S n· y C 11111 ulcf ltrm ts coml'CMd tlf ,,.. torio-.,..rtpps, an 1ego , Argonaut, Mort Andron, St. 1..., iw ......... wh<lll 1111mn 111 11111 .,. 2:0:%:56;24 -t'; -earbara YC 4 ·19·51 ~1& p111i:n o! ~ STt-•rttonew.~---. ' • ' ' RfCHARO TARMOWSl(f', 4' Purswt, Ron McAnnan, San Curioso, C. Hayden Brown 11:1vef5ld• Aven1>1, NtwPOrt e ... 11. francisco Ye, 2:03:51:1& Waikiki YC04:19:S9:03 ' R=~~ ~:~~~ m Q!Jeen. Mab, Rober:Lfringle ~ .. Quasar...Arthur T. Biehl, St. Plhld R':i:~'T~. Califonua YC, 2:·08:09:23 FYC, 4:20:37:15 Tllelma.T..._ke Mir, Gew-ge O'Brien, Royal Valerie, Robert C. Oldham, t~"!: t!!,'1;,ni. Vancouver YC, 2: 11:08:30 · Hcinolulu YC, 4:20:41 :20 °" Ju.-11. 1~, "''°~-""' , Net•"Y An J'oh E Milli-• l'VDllc 111 end ftlr said s111e, P!trlOMl!y Kamalii, E. L. Doheny, ~enue, n · gan, •PON~ 11:1~ T•'"""""• eN/ TMlme LAYC 2·15·52 ·56 WalkikiYC,4·:21 :14.:26 Tet-.ii•k-11"'-tetatti..si.._,• ' • • · whct1 fltl'l'ln 1r1t subKrlbH fl:! -wit~ Baruna J o h n Mcintyre CUSS D rn 1115"lllflenl •Nf lldfllOW!tdt" fflt't' .. ._ ' I • 't11l-.:illleM-. LBYC, 2:20 :56:16 Destiny ti, John P. Hoolen, toFF1c1.a.L sEALI _ Whirl'wind II, Mich a et BCYC, 4:%2 :50 :45 ~O:.~v"~111Jorm• Lewis, Pacific Mariners YC Pericus, J. H. Wyman, P•lndp'll• Offk• In ' LAYC • · 22 · 50 · 45 Of'•..,. Collflty 3:06:24 :46 • ~· · · My Comml••lon £Jtplr-. Rascal, Bill Wilson, Santa Barbara Ye, 3:09 :31: 17 Chiriqui, Jacob Wood, eYC. 3:11 :30 :42 Cclncetlo, John Hall, NHYC, 3:13 :21 :35 Intrepid II, Barry Berkus, Hov. ,4, 1m LBYC 4·23 ·24 ·52 "~11"-d Or•~ eo.11 0.111 l'llel' •. ' · · J-11, U •nd Jv!y 1. t. Ifft 1161..W Mahla, Sandy Greenberg, - CYC, 5:00:05 :tl LEGAL NOTICE Maestro, Don Armstrong, su,.1•10• COUltT Of' THI St. Barbara YC, 5:03 :17:23 $TAT« OI" CALtro•wtA l"ott Scotch Mist, Rbberl O'Brien, THI COUNTY OP OllANOI '"· ,...,.., Dare, Walter Beck, LAYC, Rose City YC, 5:08:11:0$ w0Tit1 or N1A•1NO oF l'ITtTIOH M . Milton B S 'th ,.0111 'l'Ro1•TE o~ w11L AND Po• 3:17 :51 :10 am1e. • m1 ' LITT_llitl TISTAMINTAlllY CYC,, 5:06:22:26 .. ~'.',..". ol Le11r1 Anni C,..Pl'l'Mllt Sumatra, Albert Martin, --=-LA~c 3 20 23 35 Nepenthe, Albert A 11 e D. NOTICE IS HElllEIV GIVEN Tiier ' ' ; ; : DDVC 5·()6 ·5Q ·S9 Neid ,... M, Md<I,,,_ 111$ tu.cl l'ltftln a C"o• B 'IV • • • • Plllllon for ..,,,._N ol will •nd for ~ --Pleiades -Richard Smyth !uu~_of Ldlus Tell1mlllllry 11:1 "''" Jubilation, Harry Steward, Huntingto~ Harbour y C: ~':;r =: .. -.~, ::..~::" .~ We.'1tward CC, 3:23:20:61 5•07.15.27 PIK•.• t1ter1.,. t111 sern1,... llwfl MT Myst'·c M•~ C a r t 0 n · · · . "" JI/,,. ''· iMt, .t '~• .~ ..... "' .... ' ~ • J.. • Quest, Thomaa Lav I n e ' courtr-.. el l)pp•rfmtnt No. l if ••'-Knickerbocker YC, 3:23:38 :16 eve 5·08·t7·At! Cl;ll.lrt, "1tlO Wnl EIOhlt! Sired, lft - S la · T C k t I • · ' ·,..,. Ci'!v of Sin!• ,.,.., C1lltorn11. r-a eta, om 0 r e • •Esprit, George Phi I Ji p s tl•1'1l J""' ''· lHt NHYC, 4:02 :09:3$ A ti YC 5 08 54 06 w. E. ST JOHH . eoan , : : : Caut11'r'C1t1-k ~1ta III , Yoshimasa Niway, Ano Nuevo Rolfe C THOMA& c. 1uNO Nippon ORC, 4:04 :29 :23 Crocker, Marin°YC.11 5:<M!:56:20 ::,:~~c:"C:llflnl11 Da Kine, Harry Guest. L'Allegro. Roderl: B. Park, l~',.':1:::....,. Bayview YC, 4:05 :20 :56 Richmond YC 5 10 •A e• Pubtllhld Or• CO.II .. 1,, -.. · ' "' Nimble, William Nickerson_ Roughneck ' II:, :'N~fuaniel Juty 1• J, 1. l";" l;s, ... p~7~:~gyiif,4:0~~~ Ream. Sceva, Waikiki YC, 5:10:o1:09 LWAL NC7rICE San Diego YC, 4:07:47:24 Aventura, L. H. Price Jr., Cl'1tT1,.1cATI °' •us1111•11 Richmond Ye, 5:18 :10:'43 1"1CT1Tt0u1 HI.Ml Intermezzo, Stao Williams, y 1 , · 1 1 R d -T,_ u ... c1en1gnec1 do ~1,.. .., ere~ NHYC 4 07 55 .,A a .yr1e , ee dt1C11"" • butt.,.u 11 o;,,.,,. c ...... : : :.n Christensen. Corinthian YC C1Htornl1, """"° f!le 11cri1io..., 11""" ~';;:.; Marionette, Lendlow & 5•16.35.03 •.,,CUSTOM QUALITY LA& 1nc1 ""' """' S-h' so St FYC 4 06 54 23 . · · 11'"' 1• COl!li>OSed ,,, ""' ntttvwlN "™""' in n. · • : : : Hetaera Joseph DeMeter whose ""''" In 11111 9'1111 •ik'ft ·ff . Ya Turko, George Antarr, .. . • • •n1<::1tne1 are•• 1o11owr.: . PMYC • 08 ls 13 Riciim<>nd YC, 5:20 :24:35 R•• A. 1nc1 Jolln c. JK!uotl, "" , : : : Boise Wew, Cos!• MtM, C-11"'1111. Amorita, Henry Grandin, LEGAL NOTICE · .Oiflo! June :111, 1tM. Rat An" Jld<Jon SFYC, 4:08 : 15:42 JoM c. J1asan Loco Viente JI James Cl!llTl,.ICATll! 0,. IUSINl'Sl Sh1' of c111"'"'r1, Ora-(Ol)ntJ'• , . ,.KTITIOUS f'lllM ,.AMII On June JO. lHf btlore""' 1'N°'1:"' Seales, Balboa YC, 4:ot:28 :12 Tite UNOERSIGNED ~ lwr1by •llbll( In Ind ..... • .... S!"e,' "'-'"' Yellowbird Frank Drudi"'ll' ~ .... "'''"'toe" concl1.Jtt!,. • '""'·fllfl. -'" It•• A. .,. ,,., C ·JldllOft , "11• ...,., et 1611M Getty trr •• Cltv <II kr\owft ~ me '9 bll 1't11 119'-"""°" St FYC 4·08·23·23 • · letun• NltilMI, Countv of Orl"llt, S1er. of ,,.mn ere wbw'lbfd 1'i !Iii within 11'1< Ro. ' ·Do· 1·d D lziel St C11uom11, 11roc1tr !hi tlctltlolll flf'ITI """"' smin.er.t •llll ~""* lhtr axeeuM wena. na a • . ,,, KELLY MANUFACTUlllNG COM-""' wrne. FYe 4·08·52·40 PANY, And thlt Mid"'"' Ill c:om-..:i cf (OFF ICIAL SEAL) • . • . . th.-1o11ow1.,. MrtoN. Wl'lost MIM$ ...., Mirr JC. MtlltY Moccasin, C. T. McElroy, lddtlS-art •s to1-., to-w11: N1111.,, P11blk<e11tom11 LBYC •·08 ·59·2t .G-lit, Kelty, 1'1 Hlfh ltd., 1'1lm Prh1cl1>1C Office ill • , . . . $Pr1,. •• c111r. 4 or.,,.1'ClwlfY Cygnus Ernie Chipman WITNESS mt hlncl this 2)1ti •• of MJ COll'llTllSllo!I. 'E11:P1r111 -' ' JV111, '"'· Nov. , .. ,.,., LBYC, 4:09 :49:02 O."'·tt. ri:~•rr ,-ut.11sl'led °" ...... c.-,o.11i f'IW Simoorl Joho Noble Sfnta TAT!: C!F CALIFORNIA • Julr l, ,, ,,, 23. """ ,m.ff • • COUNTY 0t= lllYElit5tOE 1---:· c::-::-,-,.--------Barbara YC, 4:10:02:23 ·ON THis 21t11 "''et J111111 A.O .. 1Nt. ·~.NOTICE Ranger Warren c T Wong befo,.. "" G. H. M!ktwll • Not1.,, Pllb11c '--:::::::=7·=~-:-:==--' -. • In end ""'wfd COl!!!fy Md st.ii, mkflno I Cl•Ttf'IC.l1'1 Of' •tntNlll Stockton YC, 4:10:04:15 ~'111 1 dul'I Clltllmlu'°""" ind •-n. PKTITtous NA.Ml Xanthippe, Alan Simpkins., 1:'':1: ;.-.:;"'"'::: !;.!:"~!,.-:;: The 11nc11ril9~ • cer11,.,. "" 11 '*""' S l Cru Ye •·to· .nA ·t5 wi.cr"*I to"" within IMlrllrMl!t IM ductlnt • bl.7llfll9f "tt s." .. ....,,. an a z • · ,..,.,., m-11c11M to"" ltllt"" Geeurtd the ce1111:111111, """* w. t1ct1ti..•1""" "•"-Blanquita, Robert Amos, .. -. ct ocw ENTERPJ11ses •lld Nt w111 0 kl d Ye • Q 35 IH -'WtTN,eSt WMElll:EOF I heve Orm I• ~ ol "'41 fel'-11'19 ...._ a an , ~: 1 :07: htl'tllllhl ·Mt "'' hind tlld .ffirl!'d ..,, o1-wt-. name Jn tlHI 1'1\111 P~ of ,..ld9rQ W t I E _ ... -th11-' rk;MI II I t fellowl· . . · ' es er y, m=~ , nllllon, ur1wiu":' 11:'; 1:;:. :f,,.~ 1n 1111• 011111 c: w.11111&.i, '"°' E•lf lllftille NHYC, 4:10:10:55 (OFFICJ.-,L SEAL) Strtel, Senta Ane. C111twnl1, ., C' UO C G. H. MlldltR Oiled JllM ,JO, lfff. - --~-.~ ---Nohrrl'vblle-Ct11f0rfl11 ---~-Ollne-:C'..-Wellsatld'--Celebrity. Richard Catlin COl.lnlf"' 1111twn101 £11i. of c.111om1 .. ,o ... ,,,.. c-.....: Ye ' Nl\I °"""""''°" IEx.plrw Ol'I June "· '*· 'befll"-·rnr, • Not..., Monterey , 4:16:09:10 59"'""" ,, 1m •llblk: 1n •nd tor wio st11<e, ~ Ana Mar t a II Al l'utoHffttd Oi'IMI eo.r o.uv "llet ._,..., 011ne c. we1111<e-.:1 1o11w1o to bM" Schoellerman, King Harbor JutY t. '· 1'·"' "" t:HCMf =~"".':::";:=:_"""!,-.:.:,•~IWl'lllto YC,•4:16:12 :51 .-tEGMt NcYrlCE =•c~t. e;~"" .. ,,,., . Tangent, Sam Ho 111 n d , .,.,....,. E. 01v1s CabrJlo Beach YC, 4: 16: 18:25 ~'::',~•::J:: :~-:="0~':":,c• ~i!e'Y.,..j~•1:or~1• Fines.se II w G Andrew • P1c:T1Tt0111 NAM• er-c_,,,. t>alo Alto vC, l '.l6: 56:fl . ' tti!.~'t!EJ~"'-~~f:. ~'C:'llMe:': T;.. ~.':1on 'l!)I~ Hawaiian a, Jay R. Moore, ~':!*E ~~ '~~ 11:."",;; J:1J~1S:-:., ;-;;:, C.0.9' 0.11~ ,;-::. Kaneohe YC, 4:17:13:11 Mero.,...1~. COl'Olll w1 Mllr. c.11trotn11,,1---· -'--'-'---''--C:..i.. Tilt o· The Kilt, D. Bruce :~ ""=. ::.. :-:: ~. :: *' LEGAL NO'rte& 'dam LAYC "t7 ·~ ·ti ..i.e. o1 retldtnu .,.. 'n .. ,.,..._ "'""'' · ..,, n • . • •. ........ EUGENE J. NOlll:VILL (GI".' c1•T11'11CAT• 01" ..... 111111 Americana, John G. Moore, N-fllt 11• ''"' eer..1 *' ,,.,.,, ~IC"T1T1011s ....,_, W.l.kJ"I' Vt;' A •J7·~"·~• C1ttfl)rn11. ,.,,. vndtr'l""'4d 6oee cttftl'r' 111 If COii> a. '"'• ~. .u ,;10 '"' C•l'flnCIN tor lre.l'Mdloll ti1 Mlrtftt due11119 I l!btllltP 11 ms 'I~ t.IOo. Typee, LRellyn Bi x b 1 ..,...,. t111t ..,.. flcllttws Mme..1"" .,. N~ ~Kl!~ c11tfl!lr~1t • ..,.. "" t1co LAYC ' 17•SQ 23 'lldaY'!I fll P!Alilkatlon Wlll'fOf, _,.en fllf lltloul firm -fll t>JllMf MAI"-• : · : In ·tfle efflu '111 "" COtltlt>< C"'IC 01 TENANCE .. llEPAIR allll 111et •Ill lltut Mdnt .. omery Street, Jameo ~ ~. urmr ..,. ....,i.;'°"' 11 Cl>mlllMll of ,,. ""...,,..,,, -• .. "'6 ~ .,.._ o1 "" C.flternl1 eMt c-. w11oM -"' NII ..,.. ,.)ea "' ,...~ l>enl'(l.ng, JUc:hmond Y C , bl• "''' t1111 ....., ,,, -"-1M. 1a ., follcwt:' • "t8·!3·t)t) · f:llMl!lt,J. ~ '-" E*-'Ofl, "* vi. '-"*' 'I . ' ' ITATI Of' CAl..l~Olit!'llA. 1 $S. N-1 leecl\. ~ellfomi.. . Esperance, Jack Linkletter COUl'fT'f' Of! Ollt•NGE 1 011W Julf 1. ,,.,, BCYC •·11·11··.,·· ' -°" J-17• , ... """' flY, tht -'-"-~ •• • . ..n dlrilt,,..• • "°""' "ublk: In lt!if for .,111 ·stilt of c.ntor..i.. 0r111111 c.v.tv: Ahsante, t.ou C o m y n 1 s1e1e, ~"" ,,...."" Eu<ol!HE J. °"' Juf'f 1. ""· tiote"' ,,,., • NOllll"I> CBYC •· ta····oa • MORVElt..1 ~ "' "" to bt "" "'10!\ .. ubllc ... ,..., '.Of' __ .. IO_ ,, .... ~ 1 -.. ·-• _., ...... """""'1li ~ft"'-wllhfri '"'Ired l"tl ~~ :11:' 11:1 l'Plt ... Viv~nt, Mort Ha s Jt e 11, =..""'":: =., K.tMwlfcltW ...., "-ax. ~ :;: -:= ~-:,.-::= Alamitos Bay YC, 4:ll:lt:U· --wtTHi:11 ~' '-nd n oft1U11 ... l eCllt4 tit ••*-'1MI .,. ...,.,._ . Dakar, W. B. GOodlt. Del IOfll'tc~~'itLJ,_ co'"'':~~'t~'Utt Rey YC 4•11·56·01 Not1,.., P1t1111r:.C111torft11 ""°""' Pllblk.C111torn11 ' ' ' ' l'rlllt'l .. I Ofllu In P,IMIMI 0tntot 9" ' • j ~ween au&.o8 atid: boats? An operat.cw'1 ·Uttntt n e v e r prov~ ~ single tccideot by tbiiCaitlqt driver. There are mort. people killed and maim· ed on U.. atnets llld hill'll'•l" i.n one day than there are tn ---boats dmilig"11"Y811r:.-- To get an operator's llcense r SUPJlQSt+ one w-o·U J1' 16 through the DMV fonnallly of -tneJ:OOriLln& a set of rule$ and They still crash. Why? Isn't tlmMIUle llt'erue 1 cart'"ltt! They te:U us it would be in boallng. mnke lhe race -Da Kine, Belveclert; Pursuit, Ron nwnM1 -:rry=G'.un , 1e~mnm;=s1115a:uur, ~ Octroll. Celebrity, Richard M. CaUin, Val-0-Van, Lawton Van . or-,_,., or1,.,.. °""""' Styb, ~ 4:1t:W:2J_,_ ~';;,,.~·l--~,....,;-~;,,,.,;o,..,.,.~_-..,._ ___ ~.-1--l Num~ It, Maury s~ St. N!!l"'9d 0..n.r '"'' 0.11r f'tllt, fllllll\'Md oran.-, .... o,11w PJ*f, A boll operator'• u...,.. would Dtil prel'Otlt 111 •octd5 I I Gelting closer to home, Carmel FYC. 4: 19:$3:07 J\111 '· '· It. n, '"" .,,...,. JU!'f Ji •• \'-... ~ : .. ,,.,., , • ..... ~..,.. •. Sadd YOI;, 62, NO. 157, '5 SECTIONS, 68 P~GES . ORANGE 1:0UNTY, CALIFORNIA • I WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1969 TEN CENlS _ .. < - PrQposed _Laguna_Budgeu:::ails for Tax Hike --~ Laguna Beact) city coooeUmen have ln their hands today a 196~70 city budget that calls for 'an 1811.r<-ent tax rate lu-aese -easily the largest in many a ytar. -Qifficilmen tonight are expected to set 1 '1ate someUme ne.xt week for discussion of fne proPosed budget. tJ. suggested by City Man·ager James D.. Wheaton, the property tax rate would cUJnblrom $1.7t this year to almost $1.93 pe.t .$100·of assessed valuation. ':'!'he owner o! a 525,000 home would pay ,., 5120 In taxu, an increase ol a~ul $11.?0.' This 'would be the Ullrd straight year of city tax rate increase alter four yean or essentially holding lht line. Wheaton said. "I would liTiaglne It is the biggest single increase in a long, long time, if the .. city .1ver has had one approaching it," he said. The t.a.1 rate lncrtase for last year \Va.!! ei ght ctnb. The year befort It was seven cents. Total proposed bud.gel is $3.t million, tate •' Dow1a. ilae Tht's' Share Prez ~ys Supervisor SAN CLEMENTE -See that dateline'!' Well, Orange County S u per visors .... -·William Hirstein -who lives-up in Orange-Isn't very-enchanted .,;ilh it1 ... ln 1 teller to county.news~s Tuu-· day, llirstein sugge¢ed it ~Id be nice ~ lfl,natiOnjtl news reports out of San "<fiimente's Summer White House .-ere da:iel incd "Or·ange Count}," ·..,jJut San Clemente 'Mayor Dr. Wade Q.Wet and Chamber of Commerce EJ. ecut.ive Director Gil Essell aren 't too worried. TI1ey sald they trust press judg· -ment. .\ft.er aJI. who knows. what-coUnty Johnson City is in'!' Hyannis Port? Camp David? • Trustees to Convene IRVINE. -Trustees of the Sao Joaquin Elementary School District will mett tOnij:ht at 7 in the Irvine School multi· PllrJ>OSe room, 14736 S. \V. Sand canyon R~ East ·Irvine. Among items for trustee <.'Onsldcration Jfe the naming of t¥lo schools now under construction in Lake Forest a n d Capistrano Highlands and a report on primary reading tests given to first, se· cqrid and third grade students. · e: F ireteorlu · Cuuse? SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -A lire "'hlch did an estimated 11,000 damage ~fonday to the two-story home of Mrs. Fr8nces Smith, lll27 Don Jual'I St., is believed to have been Ignited by fireworks. , An Orange County fire spokesman to- day said the blaze, controlled within 10 minutes. probably. was caused by children playing with "sm<>ke bomb'' firework s. Wind apparently carried one of the bombs onto the wooden shingle roof of the home, he satd. • NEW YORK (UPI) -Trader& applied lht brakes today lo the market's long akid. (See qtlotati~n.s, Pages 18-19). Grand Jury- To Get Land • Sale 'Rules' I The Board of Supervisors Tuesday sug- ge..~ed that the Orange Courity Grand Jljr)' needs more information on how the board handles "the sale, purchase, trade, lease. aban<klnment or gift" of courtty property. Supervisors instructed county Real Property Services DJrtctor Stanley KraUH kl tupply the jury memberi 1"ith copi.S ~f -·bis department's "general policies on disposal of county property." 'Mte Gtand,.lµry two 1"eeks ago adopted a resolu~jon Ho the supervisors urging thal "fVPJ.re land transactions ol lhe county. whetfler buflng or selling or trpdlng, should only tak.e place after holding a publiC bearing." Last Frldiy, Graod Jury Foreman William Martin of Laguna Beach, dis~~ched an additioiial letter adding "ibandonlnent, l ease-orlil't." While the Grand Jury's report made no specific ttferences, veteran observers 1n·ggested the jurors might have been thinking of the recent abandonment of Salt Creek Rqad, a potential public beach ~ access betw-een"South Laguna and Dana Point. Krause started to read the "general policy" to the OOard but was Interrupted with the !Uggtstiorrthat copies be scnt to the jurors. "This is the best way out." said Board Chairman William llirstein. "Let them read what we do now and then decide on their stand." Krause said the Grand Jury resolution oCfered "more questions than answers." But be added that advertising for public hearings on all county land transactions would cost an estimated $100,000 a year. "I assume the Grand Jury didn't mean to have the tax payers spend that much more money," Krause questioned. In its resolution, the jury referred to "a growing desire on the part of the public to have a say in the disposition and/or use of land." Attorney William \Vilcoxen of Laguna Beach is currently lighling t h e superviso'rs' abandonment of Salt Creek Road. He cherges that the Salt Creek Road abandonment t.o tbe Laguna Niguel Corp. was done wilhat.1t proper public hearings. .. \Vilcoxen and Laguna Niguel reuresen- (See GRAND JURY, Pase %) Boys Accused of Setting ----· --- Top of World Brush. Fire , Two small boys havi; been aCCU9ed or The pallce officer• stated !n their Jeµing a fire by pouridg gmline Oll the re)X.111 of the incident that durina: an io-i ground In a brush covered area at Top of vestlgaUon of an unrelated matter, thty the World Tuesday night 3J two Lagun11 saw the children go into the area. Beach plalnclothcSmen watched. The fire caused no damage as It burned "(We) followed the subjects and prior OOL in a yard-wide rocky area adjacent to to their being overtaken, they poured dr;y -Orush near Alla Laguna Boulevard gasoline onto the ground and lit same. ..and Jut1 north of Park Avenue, \Vhlle pouring additional gasoline on the _ 1'M! boys, 10 and I yea rs old, were fl.re, the container caught fire and they caught by 0Uicer1 Norman Babcock and dropped k," the report states. Neil Puree.II who, accordlna to police Fo11owtor the. conference this morning rcporta, observed lhe children wait into wltb ~ parents and children, Chier ih& bruahy arta carrying a lwo-galloo Mann said lhe youngsters tqld him they plastic gasoline container. started1lhe lire '1just to !let what would No charges "Ill be .Pressed agalnst the happen." • children. Tbq were taktn..bome lo their "If U\akhad beta a melll can (inalff41 ""'1'Ll· Both di!_~ and parenl.l met or plastic) and Ille llN!iiilloft<n In Ille trUs morning with lire oCflcia\11 for a can, It Would have blown 1ky blah," Chief discuuion. ~fann &aKI, • ~Accordlnfl lo fire Chief liomcr Mann, Chief MiM sa.ld lhat If the fire had tbe 10-yur-old may have Jet l\\'O other caught the Top of the World bru&h, a ma- 1-1-J.d!illllLliccs...WU.taur~. --~·-----<i"'"''-ullr.,,_e could.ban rem11ted ' compared ~llSt"' under;, $3 million lhl! year. The fiscal year began Tuesday. July I. but lhe city council still has lei!way on adopting lhe oew budget. No dead.line is set by law. "We actually are using the riew budget now, but there will be no purchases or n'!w people hired," Wheaton said . He said he was set back six weeks in getting lhe budget to city councilmen because huvy rains ind subsequent clean-up lied up public worts and recrea· 11011 people wbo apend aj>out one-third ot U1e city 's ~dgeted money. There art a number of specific reasons why the @:Oll'lmended budget increase for this year-is so large, including ao underJying one that It re.Deets an inflated ecooomy, Wheaton sald. Some of the s~fks: -A 4.6 perttnf salary increase .. ef- fective Sept. I for municipal e.mployes will cost about tM,opo. -Because e.mploye.s would receive more the city ~e of the employment • ' • • . - retirement program would cost about w '20,000 more. _ -An expanded recreation proa:ram with a fuU ·time recrtation direct.or will l'Olll SZl,000 more than lhis year. -L o n g • t e r m expenditures recom· mended by an engineering nrm toward patching up a rundown city sewage disposal system would cost $42,000 lhls first year. -A $22,000 increase in ~iture on equijl:ment is ~ed It mmo equi pmco\ is r"ecommended. -An additional police officer and one mote policewoman have beeo recom· mended at 1 cost of SIS,000 In aalarles, because or increasing arrests. -Removal of municipal court to Laguna Niguel. expected in November, ill going to run up police Lime aeent in cowt and necessitate purchase of a van to ttansport pril!Oners. -This wilt be lhe first year both prin- cipal and interest are due on two new fire sub-station!, an increase of $130,000. et __ flSIS ee ens PUSHIN' AND HAULIN', HUFFIN' AND PUFFIN' SAD.DLEBACK COLLEGE PULLS UP STAKES · Over Hill encl Dale, Tampor•r.y C•mpu• ,~lldln91 Mov!C' to Perm•nent Site Jes se Unruh Say~ GOP SACRAMENTO (UPI) The Le&islature'11 two top Republicans today said the state was plunged into ita -budge.Ue.s.s financial crisis by Assembly Democratic leader Jesse Unruh's inteMe am bi lion to become governor . Assembly Speaker RoberJ Monagan ac- cused Unruh of trying lo "obtain cheap publicity" ii) his ''campaign Io r governor." . "l am grtat.ly concerned about the damase ho'a dobir;-!<r.lhe· be~'l~ image," lhe Traey Republican added at-a joint news conferenee---witb Se.na~e Presi· dent-"10 Tern Howard Way· (R·Emer). "We have ~n the placemcnl of perJQMI az;tWitioD ah.eai:I of the welfare of tl>e ~." w., cbar1ed. . Fruit.rated legjllaliots were groping for a raee.savmc . a>Iution to the &tale's d~penlng tinaoclal Crisis as lhe oew (iscal year ticked on still without a budget. -f'Thl! ls j_U§t euc0)0he same.as. if_the banKs ciosed," sakJ G:aspar Weinberg~r. ·Vete1·an Trustee Tay.lor, Buildin,gs, Staff On Move Again At SQddwback Gov. Ronald Reagan's finance director. Monagan reported the Calllotnia Youth Authority had only five days' food left in its reform schools. The Vacaville priaon' had only IS days' goods remaining. . New School Board Chief · Neither had power to purchase more sup- plies. The Franchise Tas: . Board shut do,vn ill computer operatiollll. Mon~gan accused U').ruh of trying to "circwnvent the whole ptof'CS! of 1ovem· Laguna Beach businessman, Larry Taylor. is the new Laguna Be.acb Unified School Board president. He was elected by hls collCagues Tuesday nighl. ' Taylor ha bef.n on the board for eight yea rs. Serving trom 1959 lo 1.964 and again rrom 1967 to the present time. Ile has been president of the board once before and has been board clerk for the last year. At the same meeting, board members Mrs. Jane Boyd and '!!-elected board members \Villiam \Vilcoxen and Dr. Norman Browne were sworn in for new lour-year terms. \Vilco1en was elected the.board clerk,~ prsitlon he has held once "before. He also has served as board president. During previ~s tenure on Lhe board, Lai'r'y Ta YIOr a·1so served a·s president or !he Orange County School Boards Association . • ln addition to presiding over the school board1hr. presidenl will lead the board of 1tlrectors for the Thurston Foundallon and the Laguna .Education Foundation. ln_Dlher action Tuesday the board : -Discussed in executive s e s s i o n tea cher salary negotiations. A -neeting next week is planned to discuss wiUt teache rs the latest salary requests. -Approved work-study agreements with Chapman College student teachers and with UC Irvine student teachers for lhe summer and regular school -year 1969· 70. 111 Leade1·s .Ja il ed 111 Ar gentine Strike BUENOS AIRF.S (AP) -President Juan Carlos OniJanla 's military, govem- menl Jaile(f":\11 po8tieaJ ind labcir leader• during a U.hour general strike Tuesday called tc protest government Policies and the vllit of Gov • .Nelaon A. RockereUer1 j>Oll"' rejlljftEd r.day. - ' UAILT 'ILOT Stiff l'M .. i;Elll:IS SCHOOL BOARD -- Laguna Unlfled~s T•ylor IRS to Examine -- MDs' 1let1irn s WASHINGTON (UP.I) -The lntehlal Revenue Service said today income tax returns o{ about J0,000 doctors· who drew more than $25,000 a year from govern- ment medicare_.1_od_.1medlcaid· programs -will llhdergo a apecal · 1uclll. 1 1be I~'a uabtant de$lrtY corrr m.Wkiner, ·WJlliam H. SnUlh.i told the Seni" finance Comnllli.e that an inWal e.ainlnation WOUld,be .mlll!< of the 19117 Saddleba.ck Junior College ls moving ment -the separation of powers -by again. blackmail." Fumish1ngs and library books have • Unruh has demanded commitments been 1>4cke4 ofJ b)! m9vir)& van this week from Reagan on an educatitin bill and tax to a· waretfouse for summer Storage. And reform before freeing Democrats to vote year•around pe,..oMel 11e laking up new on a budget quarters . Monday. at Crpwn Valley The fiscal dilemma s t a t e Elementary School In l..4guna Niguel. . government'a worst since the '"ifepre5J1ion The buildings will 'be moved too, aouth -can-led vast political iroplicationl for down the S'an Diego FrceWay one turnoff next year's expected gubernatorial race to the new pennanent campus site. The between Reagan and Unruh. buildings are portable. "I think it's useless to speculate on So is the college admlr:ilstrative ~taff. that," Unruh replied when asked if he ~1ission Viejo High School was its first fea red the legislative debacle had harm~ hdme-. Then it was a former model home. ed hi:.1 politically. "l don't think any o! For a year the staff was well housed on us are smart enough tc figure that out." tOe interim campus, Now irs to Crown Reagan was said to be holding "firm" '/alley School, and before school opens in in his ·position ... believtng he had Unruh September the linal move to the politically in a box. I permanent campus site. Both houses adjourned Tuesday without ·There Supt. Fred Bremer and staf{ can --taking action on a budget. The Senate finallY sCttle down on 2tlO acres that Monday nia:ht· passed a fulj·year's budget really will be home. and rej~ an as.semb y Democrat· sponsored mini-budget &~ for only a Water Budget OK'd h1 Laguna .. month. · While the state was stranded withOut a ISee BUDGET, Pace ZI Oraui:e Coa•t The Lagu~a Beach ~ul!!y W"ater ~rd __ _ Tuesday night passed a preliminary budget for the new fisca l year which would aJlow for a five~nt decrease in the current lax rate. ·" The proposed decrease, from SS-Cent& lo SQ.cents per $l00 assessed property valuation, is a result o( tbe rise in auess- ed valuation, icct>rding to wuuam ~foorhead, board secretary. Final audit is expected tO be completed by JJJly 15, when the board may pass-the-'. final budget. The budget. will then ~ave, lo l ht approved by the: county aadltor. then passed on to Ute county Board of Su~yiaors. • • · J( lirlal approval ls· 1iven. lhe hew ta1 [a~e Would go Into . eff~t for tlle current fiscal ' •ar. . ! ,-.. Weatller We'll 1Lill keep relalivcly coot on the coast Thursday, with mer- cury in the low 70's, while Inland afeu bake it JI l1tcr lhe usual morning foe lifts.- INSIDE TODAY The "~possible dream'' is bl!'comlng a reati'ty for a Br.itUh 1 acting Wo/ksh'Op in L a g "n • Btoch called "La Mancha." Stt E.;ntfi:rtafnmt nt, Page 25. "'"""' ol doclora, donllals •1111 olller ins: •DJ e· QL~• Do m6\11<fll· practltlot1<"s .. ho,ucelvtd. moro. ,Y • • E , aq., W IUM -Wll then.llf,OOO • yeJt;ll'OlllJltLb<•.1-11 -~to t ...1~-~ heal~-._...:. , • J trtfteCf fttrctl ·!hot. d(IWD I D ~ For subiequent yun, he let,tillc<f, lllo u.io _,,aiwnce plane over Ha ToY •udll lt'l!! be ~x~[9 uio.·~ mer• 1'rolltifce ""'lhweot ' of Hanoi ,.._.,, than #$.~. . s &fO\l.P ~·• been the counlry's news qeney repor1ed. It u I The strik~ "'lied by the 400,000.mem· ber antlgevernment faction of the Gen- eral Oinfedtta\Jon of Labot CCGT), end· ed al mldnlJht alter halting many Indus- trial operat1ont. However, it was lcu ef· rccllv• 1b10 a s.imUa.c..&toppaaeJD.J4aY cstlmatM'al a 10.000 member• o! the .. 1d the »Ill!< .•II Ille l,300lh ~nc.. medical •ad aeo1a1 pr lin:r~nMl-:::::===:;::=--:::::.:::'~;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;:;:;;;;;:;;~;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:=±==1 '· • y_ "( • I ""'"------.---------------- • DAI\. Y 'll.OT L -----"---.-,-,,\- w .... u.,, July 2, 1969 ---------·---· --- , . ' Rogers · .Says Lull Could Speed Troo . \ . WMflJNGTON IUPO -S..retll)' of llOfor• tDl4 a newa Coiiftrooet thol ht ... w Im • P ....... llltl 1oda1 the coofemd tblo manllll willi llllaa ff:='-;-'.,.. ... ,,._ .. ---.... -~ NtMn II. ID'l..W-tlle 11111 -declloliig and that If the trend In ~·lllltlllld adloll. .... VWtiW.•1 pr'9lmt; N-Vu ,,,. oecretll)' Indicated Iha! u Ibo •d· nllii. le ..._, laluil-IUI in-milllllralloo-tolllt--tlil& • I II • la -11 llUl*oal *'IL_ll!e. cumnl b!ll In CQmlllimMl'.tfltafln • ...., 11 W ~ Git. aperaUoos wu significant, theD a rev iew llllllt llrell WN•11no erUerla ct U.8. miUtal')! actMUa -Including ror speedtng ti.ii, troop wtthclrawall tr.m consldtrotloi1 ct Idler troop· pullouts - I .,..m algnlrtcant. R could speod up "Wo hop& I~ ha11omt l!Jftlftcance, ' he wttbdranta of u.s, troops . said. 11We hope It ll a response to Prtsl· AtaMWJCOOference,however, Rogers dent Ni.Ion~ Pm:idtnl Thieu'& con· Vietnam -a drop In military hosllllties, would be warranted. alUtlaned that for the Ume being U.i:l, ol· ference at Midway." 6clals woald -'"btw"to"wait nti :seeo» It was during the Nixon meeUna wllh l'fogr<SS at the Parts peaai tall<J, aod in-Rogero ·alao told ~· that th< creasing ability of lbe South Vletnamen United Statb 1'ls not dragging ils feet" _ nana Marine _ School Moves Step Nearer -County 1nd school olticlab gJgned the articles ol incorporaUon for the creation of a Marine Studies lnsUtute at Dana Point Harbor TUesdoy. The formation.' of the non·proflt cor· por:aUon tO seek gr•its and donaUons for the institute is a preliminary' step to estiibllshment of the facili ty. According to Capistrano Unified School District superintendent Charles F. Ken- ney, the institute will be for all county school children and collegt sludenta. It ~ hoped ft will offer a continued course of ocean 11elence subjects fnm k.lnder1arten through I ~·a degree. The laboratory might include facllitiea for e x p e r i m e n t s, a closed<lrcuit television linked up ,with tidal pool areas and technical courses in boat building', marine engines and specialized h>- at,rumentl,. Kenney sa1d. 'Ille INtllute b to be localA!d on three acres within the Daiia Point • Harbor brtakwa\ers. It will be near the marine life refuge recenUy set uJdt by state Jegialaton. Capistrano school di1lrict hu received $28,IXXI in grants for the planning of the irulUtute, lhe superintendent added. s1,099 in Cash Goods Stolen In Lagqna Beacli FCKU' Lagima· Beach burglarlu In· volvtn& $1,099 worth of property and c11h were reported Tuesday to the Laguna Beach po!ke departmenl 'X!IO ol.Jl!dhefla involved lbe burglary frcm automoblle1 parked al the Surf and Sand T....., jiarldn1 lot, 1155 S. Coast llllhwaY· Don Leaey, 29. La Jolla reported that a $414 Mt ol 1<>U clubl, $l09 worth of ~ Ind a llO Pl10IO Olbum woi Wien 1.-the trunk ct hlo "¥· l'tllce llld the Ud bad -forced open. . A f100 portable television 1et was taken from tbe car of Michael Kalashlan, 25, Laa· Vecu. Entry WU gained by prying -•I window M,l"~SW'P\'ILlald. ""'J"~~ ~~lo'1 Ledrou. si.,: · i :liali!ti reported the thett or · • · r..mtMtr-. believed 1o h""' bftt. l:Den whUe the 4ouple Wa.s a.a}eep. • ,,. ~ ~theft of$11f frQm the cu of James· ~v.. ~;s!~~r:,ra~~ veblcle w11 parted in the 1100 block of Gaviota Drive,, Laguna Beach. Bratrud waa on the beach. From Page l GRAND JURY •. tatiftl have been among u:veral in· divkl.u*1a involved in the mounling con· troveny who have testified before the Grand Jury. The jury also dis patched ils "public hearing" ruolution to county legi\l,ators in Sacramento and uked them to "'con1k1er, enactment of legislation that will ensure that public hearlnp be made mandatory for all future land lransac-Uon&." . LiAilY 1'1tor Olt~ CQ.Ul Pull ~If$ (OM""N'f Jl•Mrt N. We14 ,.,.. .................. , J••lr a. cm.., Vklt ""'-"' -°""' .. Muucr n, •• , Kff•il .... Tli•••• A. t.1.,,1.1~1 -~q11r_ AkJier4 P. H1U . ..__ ("' """ i---22t fortll A••· M1Wlt1t M.bt1111 P.O. a.. Ht. t26ll --c.ill ... , )M: Wiit ..., llflt'f .....,,. ... '::*J.~"'r' ..... -r.i::.--1'9 armed forces to take. over tbe (Jghllng: on getUng strategic arms talks under At the Ready New perking meters at Laguna's El Paaeo beacbfront perking lot are ready for action, along ~ith others installed under pew meter symm. Meter feeding is now definitely out Meter parking now costs 10 cents an hour. lt used to be five cents an11bour. Board Votes Cut-in Funds For Corinty-Medical Center The Board or Supervisors Tuesday voted 3 to l to cut back expansion plans for Orange County Medical Center and instead launch studie'B to bring main &e<:• lions or coun~y hospital up to modern standards. Supervi50 r Robert W. ·Battin of Santa Ana was the Jone county lawmaker op. pcl¥d to the Bctlon. He wanted to sell the county hospit.al to UC rrvine. The dean or UCI's medical college Dr. Warren Bostick. however, supported master planning for the Orange county Medical Center. Battin's molioli to sell the whole county bo.spital setup to UCI died for lack of a second. Prolonged debate before the county boar.d was yet anolber long haggle in •n effort to determine the future of the county holpi~I complex. Soard approval of cult.in&· back the 'number of bed spaces to be added in the future and to concentrate on modernlia· lion of present facilities came after a report from Haspllal Administrator Robert White. , White told board members, "The acute unit (Building 'No. 1) needs extensive. modemizaUon to be usable . '1t couldn't be licensed today in Its prettnl-condiL!Gn. lt~ili"1tt19Sly.fneffieitnt, thtre ii no air conditioning in p1tient areas and Jnadequate elevators," White continued. "Many areas are totally inadequate - the laboratories, X·ray facl :ltles, out~ pal.ienl clinic, emergency room, major surgical areas, labor p~ delivery -rooms." \\"bite wu challenged by Battin who questioned a $250,000 item in the pro- posed 1969-'10 bud&et for "schematic plans." White said It was a "rough estimate of coils of plannina for modll'nlialion of BuUding 1. The inoney la to be placed In the contlngeney...fwid to ba '*Md II your board decides to' 10 ahead wttb a new b~~'::l would a new building coal?'" queried Battin. White replied. ''$1S to ~ mlUion. The study b to determine on modemiuUon or replacement, The cost could be financed out of operating income over a 4().year period. State and federal grants are also possible." Ballin persisted and •brought up the proposed UCI campus hospital "which l . have heard will COit $30 million." "flow about selling the medicaJ center to UCI?" asked the supervisor. "I'm not sure they would buy it, if they know what I do," White replied. "The cOunty would 1U1l have 1 responsibility for care of the indigent sick. That costs $6 to f1 million a year." Laguna's First School Bus Now Up for Grabs Good old school bus A·l Is being put on the block. The oldest bus in the Laguna Beach Unified School District. the l~I Ford 3Q. passenger bus wiU be sold to the hlibe5t bidder dlltrict trustee.Ii have ruled. The ~s. while In generally good con· diUon mechanically , ill be.Ing dealt out of the Laguna Beach tran1port1tlon pool Maj· or }<'ire Losses because of Ila limited seating caplclty • • and because it has the wrona kind of braku for hilly Laguna. Decline in America Since purchase by the districl 1n 1165 frvm the San Clemente Sta~ Llnes. the BOSTON" (UP!) -i.o.s.. lrom maiotl bus hil been barrtd from Lag11111'1 bll~ flre1 in the United States dcclllied by beCa""' It bla l\Ydraullc brak ... AU the more than 20 perconl in 11168, the Na-n<t of the<llstriCI 00-1\lva air braiDll tlonal Fire Protec:lloo As"ICl•Uon said I<> with 1peclal -braklnc 1)11"ms. ... Faitlt·:;-Doe~1 Pay. Bills . - Fairview Depending on Credit for Food Purchases DevoUon to duty 11 r.nt legall ender, but Iha~ along with blind faith in legislators' responsibility and reliance on credit from local merchantl la al.Ii that held lhe State o! Callforn!a'a 1trlcten"ec:on0my to1ether today. . Stumbling Into the seeood day of opera· Uon without a · 1161-10 fiscal budget, varlOU1 atate qencles began maklni emergency plans to meet needs as deadlocked lawma"rs wrangled. ·State Director of Finance Caspar Wein· berger aa.id Callfomia's 33 prisons and t• mer.it~ lnsUtuUons began b u y i n g · perishable food on credU as tbe financial criais. deepened. lmPJct of refusal of As 1 em b I y . ~Hygiene far the lat.est ollicJal wotd.On De,mocrata to approve Gov. Ronald· the financial crisis ftuaan'1 1• .31 blllioa Li-al budtet was · .. f • .., ... ·~ Is no money to pay our~.· being felt at Fi.lrview state Holpital in Ile nid after the talk with headqu~s. Colli Mesa, where spokumen were; I faintly bptimistic. ''.DGt only bills, but salaries ~eu .. 1 "We are on a credit situalion, but so IJ'his wu the cue throughout the most rar people are acting in good f1iUl," gjd PQPU!ous state in the naUoo, from the Superintendent and Medical Director Or., Calucrnia.,.Highway Patrol to janitorial An~pr~°,!"U,,g hoopltal«h<iol comp!"' ""'~In the Capitol Building. anli from houses 2,300 retarded children _ some in lMper~I Couri.ty to Trinity County. • extremely deliclle health -and ban·-. Perishable. foods such as milk, eggs. dicapped i.dults. ~ meat i{)d other commodities purchaud After conferring with hospital ad-every ~ ~r two were being bought qo _ ministrator Philip White, Dr. Toto credit bUt slate ofHcials said the' Jr· telephoned the State Departm.tnt of Mm-rengemtnt rauaes arave legal questions.1 \ *\ * 'Safe,. Sane' Fireworks Fro11a Page l \ BUDGET ... · . . , Okay Outside of Laguna budget, it had virtually no authority ""'to Flrework1 labeled "safe and sane" ,;e •allowed ln most of the South County area ootolde or Laguna Beach. But firecracter1 and other stronger eJ:· plosi1es are d~nJtely Ulqal. 1be Orange County Sherifr1 office warns that anyone caught , poeseMlng, dlacltarglng, tranaporttng or telling such flre-:orb m.ay apeod lb<lr Fourth or July in Jail. • And H that penoo b a minor, the chlkl's parents are a.IJo beld liable foi the' crime, u detailed in aections of Lhe 1tate's Health and Safety Code. 1be illegal fireCracken, often brought up from across the border at '!'!juan11 in· elude rucll iterna u 0~ bombs,'' "M..aoa," "&otUe rockets," and the popular Roman Candi<. The amaller incl> aOO a hall firecraeker1J.re. juat aa illepl. For each teCtJon violated, a person can 1'i punlshed with 'mulmum lellten<:e of 12 months in county jail and a fine of ,1,000. And lf a penoo violates two &ee· Saddlehack JC Trustee Officer Decision D11e New officers or tht Board of Tnislets of 5addleback College will be selected at a •pedal meeting tooight. Trustees will meet at Crown Valley Elementary School, 29211 Crown Valley . Parkway, temporary administration of· fices of the college. In addition Ip electing new board ol· ficers, the. governing body is scheduled to aot on proposed district 'policies. Trustees will conduct their public meetings at Crown Valley School through August, meeUni at 7:45 p.m. every se· cond and fourth Monday. Serving as president of the board dur· lng the 1968 fiscal year have been Michael T. Collini of Laguna Hill&. Patrick J. Backus of Dana Point Is vice,. president, and Alyn M. BraMon of Tustin is clerk. Other members of the five-man board are Hans W. Voge.I of TusUn and Loois J. Zllnlk of Laguna Beach. -spend m~ey. . '". · • Reagan pleaded with the state's 148,oOO employes to wor.k "voluntarily " possibly lions, he then can receive twice the without pay, The governor promised to do punishment -two years and $2,000, ac-"eVirytfiing in my "power" lo-make liiro cord.Ing ~county authori~-:-·---:---r:mployes-arc-.. JU,stly compensated."~' The nu~um ~ty ror •violator, if Employes had mixed emotions. .. Lbe case .14 _bandled m co~ :~~1~er ti .. , . .· months In the county jail or a $500 fine. It, s roore of a joke than anything .e.J!c A~ording to Oranae ~unty ·Deputy • among the em~loyes, ''. .said • Elkl:cqi - Sheriff Richard SChwart1, if the ·vtolator PeterseA, a Cap11,pt window washeti is a mJ!'W'! the~ can be ha.ndle<f wt of "These guys {le.g!Slators) take off 011 court, in 1uv~nlle hall. He then may be .Thursday every week and lhen they cal\'&. releas~ to h15 or her parents. eVf:n pass 8 budiet." ~ "i, All ~U"ework.6 presently being so}d 1n "We've gbt a job to do and v;e're g'Ornt the uruncorporated areu of south O(ange to do it regardlt."ls or pay," declare« County by licel)SP.d dea1ers have been ap-Andrew LolU, a former Army general proved by &he state Fire Marshal. _ wh1 now is state general services dir -But even those can bring the law, if the t.ar 84?' noi~ draws any~ conipllinti-o r-· .. disturbance prior to July 4. . . Low Surf, Sun Bring Out Crowds . ~· With low, ooe· l<>lhr.,.rqoi our! lapping· the beaches from Lagun• Beocb .io S.. Clemente, the hlgbest weekday crowdJ or the young summer are sunoiric them· selves along the strand. Laguna Beach lifeguards report crowds - of io to 15,000 on the belches both Mon- day and Tuesday. The low aurf and ttm. porary lack of jellyfish have made for a quiet week, guards reported. The largest Mooday c r o w d in San Clemente history wu recorded when 11,500 beacbgoer1 baskf.d ajong both &he city and county beaches MOnc:lay. An even larger crowd of 12,600 romped in the surf and sand Tuesday. The low, glassy surf is expected to con· linue through today. South Viet Marine Burns Self, Dies SAIGON CUPl) -A South Vietname&e Marine died in a Saigon hospital Tuesday shortly after he set himself afire in a street downtown . Authorities 11ald tht vie· Um, Vo Van Be. 40, apparenUy carried out the seU·immolation for personal reasons. Comity Pleads For Budget Olmy For Welfare Cash .• . . "Please p&Sli your budget,·• . wa9 , ·ibfi·. Orange County Board of Supervi~' plea today to the State Legislature,~~~. they _worried over approximately 19.&!JI)"· welfare. recipients "'/ 1· might not 'gf:t "much needed" checks this month. . ~. · Ii:nmediat~ly affected are 6,300 familitS in the Aid t.o Dependent Children pre:- gram, who ·have about $500,000 com(ng . bY. July 15 in lnid·monlh checks. . . A much larger group will be affected. if . the end-of·the-month welfare checb ar.e not received from the state. . · • William Erjckson, aSllis!Jnt director o[ A the County Welfare .Department, iaid about $.2.5 million is due by Aug. 1. -... These funds go tn the 6.300 dependel'lf chlldren, 9,000 old age security e<U5<li. . 3,700 totally disabled persons and aoo . blind persons. .. Honorable Discharg~-:. SAN DIEGO (UPI) -U . Edwanl .(\, Murphy Jr., the executive officer of-the USS Pueblo who reslgn<'d hi s commissioO after reading the findings of a court of 1n:.i quiry, has received an ho nor a b-te . discharge from the Navy. \ . ' " •• :· ' .. c:fai#tinr &«Ut! for Mother or Grandmother From I lo 9 GENUINE Birthotones a111c1fully set in 14 Kt. white or yellow &Old ••• Tho apoclal remeizibranct from "''Y mernbor of tho family, • ·-, .. r .. m "2'·00 w11}. one 1n11i11e 1t.,~ Addl!loool•'"•ll!I ...... n .oo",.;- oi...a $12.~; •• 1liy. Damafo rr.m • all itm wn Com., 11on ~ mr air ~ 1JJWm · esumatid •~'2.18 blllloil. • woold -1boll1 u much a• lhO cHllrld CONVENIENT • Total property darill!le from major hopet to seU A·I !or. The bu> b1~ about TERMS : • : ... 2l -YEARS SA Mc L<..<.:A 11011 fire<. thqoe-uus ln1 at least P!0.000 In tl.llllil mllea recorded. llANKAMEll.ICAAD • destruction, was estimated ot 1114 Sale or the bus wlll h< advertised soon. MASTER CHAR6E I 123 NEWPORT ILVD., COSTA MESA , PHON~ i"0-3401 ' ~ {: : I .\ mill\<tn, approximately b0.000 leu thin Olrlolnls hope lo seU It for about 1700 to • •• ~~-=~::::::::::::~:""::==~:--'in~l~tl!,JlluolO<iallon.r·tPO<ii.f..:::::...::::::.::._....ii:L::::..::::':::.:.::;::_.::.::::....::::::::..:=.::..!!~~""""""'"""'~~ ......................... ~--:-----:-"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'~--~~==~·~·~·~·-11 r , . • • • Ill ,( •• st ,. ,1 n '· d 0 ,. .. IO y lo ., 7 ~· ,. s •' 1t . . · • t · f . •- [ . i ' t .. ~- • • 1 ; • I • r-.. • 1 I • '-.. • --·:- Y,OL. ~2. ~. ·157, s SECTIONS, 68 PAGEf_ . - .-•· . • . • • • • u • Rogers Say~· ·Lull Could Aid Pullout . WASHINGTON (UPI) -Secretary of Slate William P. Rog en said today the level of hostilities in South Vietnam llas been declining and that tr the trend proved significant, Jt could speed up withdrawals or U.S. troops. At a news Conte re~. howe~r, Rogers cautioned that for the time being U.S. of· • -ficlals would •1i8Ye i; waft aDl.i see." Roeers told a news conference that he conferred this morning with Delense Secrtlary Met-rin-R:-Laird about lhe lull in Commun~t-iniliated action. THE LADY IS PRESIDENT School Burd'1 Mrs. Bergeson Mrs. Berge son Heads H ar.bor Area Trustees "We hope it has some significance," he said. "We hope it is a r~ponse to Presi· _ .dent Nixon and President-Thieu's con- ferenCfl 1t Midway." , . Mis. Marlan.C. Ber~eS9ft, 1 memHr:or the Newport-Mesa Un1fl'4r'Scb®l District board since 1965, TUesday· became lts president by unanimou.s vote. Mrs. Bergeson, the mother of four, suc- ceeds James \V. "Bill" Peyton in lhe boluJl•s ll>p pool. Mfs. Bergeson, 1721 Tradewinds Line, Newport Beach, is the wife of Garth S. Bergeson, marketing systems manaaer for the McDohnell·Douglas Corp. She is a graduale of Brigham Young UnlYersity and completed-graduate 5ludles at UCLA. The riew president serv- .,, eel as a teacher for the Santa Monica Unified School District before-moving to Newport Beach II years ago. • She served as a member of the old Newport elemenlary school board before becoming a Newport-Mesa U n I r i e d trustee. Physicia n Pulls Son .From Pool, Revives Him A Newport Beach physician saved his J-year-old son from drowning here Tues- day afternoon . .after a neighbor girl found the toddler at the bottom of the family swimming pool. Firemen said Or . Jack Hagadorn of 807 Ald ebaran Circle in Dover Shores, dove into the pool and re vived his son, Brett William, with mouth-lo-mouth resuscita· lion. Brett was discov.e.red submerged in the pool by-Jill Hammett, 'ii, a ntfghbor. Firemen said Brett was breathing when they arrived to administer oiygen. The boy was admitted for 24-hour observauon-aMtoag"""Memoriat-Hospita I, v.·here aides said he was "doing just fine.'" It was during the Nixon meeting with South Vietnam's president, Nguyen Van Thieu, on Midway Island that' an- nouncement was made of wilhdrawaJ this summer of 25,000 American Gls. Rogers recalled l'fixon'a Uutt -criteria for speeding U.S. troop withdrawals from Vietnam -a drop ~ military bosUlilies, progress •t 1be Par:il ..,e.-cc talk•. •M in· creaawc ability of p;e ~Ul Vletnap!e5e armed forces to take over the Dlhling. The secretary Indicated that If the ad- minil;lrafion came lo the conclusion lh1lt the current Juli ir Communist· o(fensi Ye operaUons was signlricant, lheo a revlew of U.S. mJlltary :ictlvltles -Including conslderaUtn of falter troop pullouts - would be warranted . 1, • Rogers also told reporters that the United St.ates "is not dragging its f~t" On getting strategic arms talks under way wilh....the soviet Unioo aruL is prepared to start the negotiations whenevtt Moscow gives the word . He said, however, the United Stales bas not yet received a rCllpolllle from Moscow on the U.S. proposal to start the talks on mutual limitations of strategic weapons between July 31 and Aug. 13. RoJers s•id there are indications the RU:1s1ans are sUll Interested in such talks. But he added that since such negotiations "go to the heart of security of the United !Set ROGERS, Page Z) W hoa! Anaheim Counc il Rejects Jockeys' R equest Famed jocktys Willie Shoemaker and \Villie Harrnalz found it more difficult to pass the Anaheim City Council quarter pole Tuesday night than winning horse ;aces. . The council voted 4 to t to deny the jockeys' request for a five-year con- ditlon•l use pennit to build a 156-space. $250,<MtO mobile motel !or overnight -campers and trailers on ·a-l(kicre site at Ball Road and Walnut Street in the Disneyland area::· Nearby residents protested the permit sar.IJ!& they feared agde4_ traffic con- gution and a "transient atmosphere'' rrom a camper·lr1iler park. :. ORANGE COUNTY, CALiFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JU!.Y; 2, ·1949 TEN CENTS ~· ---~ . . . -• .t" • I I---· ~r1s1s~ ee ens • ·J ess e Unruh .T~ Blame,_ Says GOP ' SACRAMENTO . (UPI! Th c Leglslature;s two top RepublicaDa today said the state was plunged. into Its budgetless rtnancial crisis by A59embly Detnocratic leader Jesse Unruh 's intense ambition to become aovernor. Assembly Speaker ,Robert MonagJln ac- cused Unruh of trying lo "obtain che1p publicity" in hia "campaign Io r governor ." ~~'l-am great1y~bout-the damage he's doing to I.be Legislature's image,~ the Tracy RepubUcan added at a c School l>fli ______ _ ...,ty IC .... View Crisis. See P•te 3 DAILY PtlOT lttff ,..... • joint newa conference witb_ Senate Presf· dent Pro Tem Howard Wa,y ·(R-Ei:etef'). "We have seen the placement of penonal ambiUon ahead of lhe we1[1re of ' ~ peOple," Way charged. Frustrated legislaUors wert gropin1 for a face-saving solutioo to the state's deepening financial Crisis as the new f18Cal yur ticked on still without t budge!. . . Packing 'Em In at Beaches .. An, estimated &Q,000 surf an4 1uo f~ .. bii :Niwp0rt 'eekdJJ Cl!l\liclioOa .at ~r1· 1n lltC~ mern- "Thia ls just exactly the same as If the banD closed," said ~ Wdnberpr, Gov. Ronald Reagan's finance director. . ~eachei 'l'uesday. ·aeoonlin~ fo ·municip/u lif.. oiy. llotl lll!9CCY ~\!Otii...dilwll.~ilolllhml- RU•rds, 'Mio said the crowd was one a( the ·Jargest Califo ns from their lnl_and homes \6 \he ae,. · M-reported \I» Calli~ Y.Uth o!!ll!ll<lty..hlil ,.ey n •.• ~oodle!L Ill re!orm schools. The Vocav!Ue ~ had .tmly .ti days' ~ ,....,.,.. Ntithtr hid -It piir<hluo i'nGn ~ t ,New Site Sought For New port's Main Post Office \Vilhin lhe next few weeks, a site selec- tion team from the U.S. Post office's regional office will be making a search for a spot for a new Main Post Office for . Newport Beach. Present headquarters, in I e a s e d buildings at 191 Riverside Ave.,,occupied In 1956. are "bursting at the walls," says Postmaster H. Payne Tha~er. Plans for the new facility, based on a projection for area post office needs !!_ and 24 years from now. will increase • noor space from the present 9,000 square feet lo 68,786 square feel, Thayer said. The new main post office will be built on a lease-back program, and probably will not be completed for at least two years, Thayer estimated. In the "meantime. the main po.st orfice of Newport Beach will continue to apcrate "until the freeway takes us out,'' said Thayer. "I had visions of the bulldozers coming in one side or the building and us being pushed oul the other." he joked, obviously relieved at plans for the new post office. Stock ltla rkets _ NEW rYOR* (UPI) -Tr~dCrs ippliec:I Iha -brikea today to the market's long _skid. (See quotalions, Pag;s 18-19). The action was long overdue. The mar~et had ~n declining sin<;c arouDd mid-May, with o'nly lnfteqtu!'nt pauses since thal time. ••• Trustees In Over Heads · pUes. The l'ranchist 'l'ai !loud lhut down Its cosnputer operations. Monagan acc:uaed Unruh or trylnf to ..circ\unven_t the whole process of govern· ment -the separation of powers -by For Harbor Pool Filter? blackmail." -___..,, Unruh 'has demanded ,commi\plents from Reagan on an educalion blJt and ta1 reform before {reein1 Democrats to vote -on a bUdJ . Newport·Afesa school trustees 1\le!day wrestled with the na1ging, expen.sfve problems of ,filtering Newport Harbor High School's aging swimmJng pool, but could reach no decision. The board unanimously voted to post- pone action on a stiff bid by a Santa Barbara firm for rebJJlldlng the rusting filter system located in the basement of llle high school'' athletic department. • At issue was whether the board should accept the $32,374 bid by the Brom8c Construction Corp. of Santa Barbara, or reject all the bids $Ubmit- ted. Only two offers to fix the system had been receivedoby the June ft dead· line. The bids exceeded preliminary esti- mates by district personnel by about $10,000. Trustees agreed lhat the cost for re· building the sand-gravel filter system was costly, but '.also conceded that if nothing is done, the pool will not be able to operate much longer. Roy Andersen, distr ict administrativ1 U.S. P lane Shot Down !l'OKYO CU.ell -North Vtetnamcse anht'd forces· shot down an unmanned U.S. reconnaissance plane ~over Ha Tiy ProYince, ,JOUthwest of Hanoi 'fues~y. the counlry's news agency rfipOrted. -It said the plane was the 3,300th American aircraft downed. assistant for .school faclltt.ies, aald lhat unless 1omething· ts · done soon. the rem1ln1ng filter tanks: will give ~t .tnd tbe· pool will l>e worthless, 'fo drain the pool would result in rapid deterioration and upheaval from ground wattr pru-~ sure, he said. · - Board members asked for more in/or· matlon on plans to build a new pool at the school and alternative solutions for fil tering or the old pool's water. The matter will come up aeain for board 1ction July 17 • In other action Tuesday trusleel approved the application for $115,846 in federal funds to continue a program of reading and math ind!vldual instruction to children at least one year behind Jn grade placement. The program is in operation in eighC dislrict school.s. · • The .faacal dilemma -1l1 t e government.'.s worst since the depression -carried vast political implicaUona for next ye&J\11 expected gubertlatorlal ract between Reagan aod Unr¢i. . - "I thfnk it's useless to speculate on that," Unruh repUed when asked if be reared the legislalive debaCle~bad harm- ed hi:.1 politically. "I don't think any o! us are smart enough tc figure -that out." Reagan was sald to be ho1dlng "firm" In hi! position ,· believing he had Unruh politically in a box. Both houses adjourned Tuesday without taking acUon on a budget. The Senate Monday night passed a full-year 's budget and rejected an assembly Democrat· sponsored mini-budget good for only a month While the stale was stranded without a budget, it had virtually no authority to (See BUDGET, Page 2) P _inch Being Felt Fairv iew flospikl.l" R uns on· Faitli D<!'{otlan lo duty la r."t legal tender 1 bUt California--:Highny-:flatrol to janitorial Uµ!, •ong with blinli faith fn lgisla«irs' service in the Capito~ Building, and from responsibility and reliance on credit from 11'lperial County to Trinity COunty. local merchantt..i.i all that held the State Perishable-foods such as milk, egp, o! Californhf's stricken economy together meat alld other commoditie! ·purchased today· every day or two were being bought on Stumbling,into the second day of opera· credit but state orficlals said the ar· . . - .-.- J tior.. without 'a 1969-70 fiscal bud~et, rangement raises grave legal questil)ll:i. var1ous -stat.e._agcncles began fll•k~ng-"WI!" ·anUclpall'"UialTnei'CliiiiTSWill'cR~•~--·--t emergency plans to meet needs as along with our employes -all coming to Orange M-edica-1 Center Delayed --. -- ' We ather , We'll still keep relatively cool on the coast Thursday, wtth mer· cury in the low 19'~. while tnland areas bake at ..11 aner the usual morning fog Uft.s. INSIDE TOD-'Y Tltt . "impouible dream.'' U becoming a Ttolity for a Britilla acting work.ihop in La. flu n c Beach catted "La Mancha.» See Enterlainmtni-, Page 25. deadlocked lawmaker• wrangled. work on good will _ in caring for our Slate Director of Finance Cs.spar Wein-2.300 pa lien ls," the Fairview State berger ~id Califomla's 33 prloons and 14 Hospital director said today. mcrylal lnstit.Utions ~gan. b ~ Y J ~ g "Many k.ids here are on special -and Supervisors Sla sh Funds to Modernize Hos pital pe_mhableloodoncredit·•!U..hna11C1al critical -diets in which Ille pMmary crisis deepened. nutriment is milk." Dr. Toto added, "and The Board. 1of Supervisors Tuesday future and to concentr1le on mOOemiza-Building 1. The money ls to be placed in U:::~!ts of tor~~~0:; i!v~ e R,!~I~ :aer~I~:: ~;~~~~l~=~~i~onl~~; voted 3 lo l tlt cut back expansion plaM Uon or present facilities came after a the contingency fllnd to be used il your Reasan'.s $6.37 bilUQn f1scaf budg~t ·w~s may or may not get paid for ·whit they for Orange County MedicaJ Center and report from J{ospital Administrator boa.rd decides to. 80 ahead with a new being felt at ~~irvieW' Sie'te ~osp1tal in provide in the interim." • instead launch studies to bring main sec--Robert White . b "Id' Cosla M!!Aa. where r;pokesmen wue " • ·;1 d' . UonS' of county hospital up to modern White told board members, "Tbc acute ui ing. f8intly op~lslic. Ir n~ry, we I 11 into our own atandards. . unit (Building No. 1) needs extensive "What would a new building. cost?'" "We are on a credit situation but '° pocll:eLs, he concluded. SupervlJor Robert W. Battin of Santa modernizaUon to be usable. quetied BaUin.-far people ari:-acttnt~in IOCid ranh" 11.ld The situation seemed simliar at other Ana wu Che lone county lawmaker op-"It couldn't be lice~ today ln Its White repli~ "$15 to 30 fl}illlon. The Superintendent ahd M'edfc•I Dtrecior Dr. institutions throughout California and J>O$Cd to the action. lie wanted lo sell the present condition. tt 111 grossly inefficient, study ill to det.crmlne on mbdemlzatloll or Anthony Toto. ·· Assembly Speaker. Robert T. ·Monagan county bospltal to UC Irvine. there ·is !l!L!iLC<>il<!l.UQnilli lo patl<gt <eptw:eroenL'Ihe..cO.LcoUl•Lb< financed_ Tbe-•prawJlo1t•Jl!l«pltal~I complir said lhe food supplies •r< liiarply llml!M The dean~ot--UCl's medical cone:gt Dr. areas ind inadequate elevaton.'' White • 0\11 of operattnrtncome over a 40-year hOuXs 2,300Rtlrded chlldrtn-10111e1n -at""MVttal. Warren Bost1dc. however, supported conUnued. perlocl. State and ttderal.gran(s are also ellremely delicate bealih -and ban-He said the CalUomla Youth Authority ~ ~ ::11:. MtVkt ;: mast.er plannins for the Orange County "Many areas are totally inadequate -possible.... · dk:'apped ailults. had . only a fi\'e-011 supply of fotld on cfeffll!M ''1-= ,~-?: MecllCil ~ter~ ' the laboratories, X-ray fac};ltles, out· Bettin ~tlstecl .and brought up the Alier conferring ,with boa'pital Id· band [or rtfonn school lnm@tes l"'t-•l-'!'-"".!'"~'!!.c,,,...-!' ,.....,.., """ ..., Batiln's''motionJosejlthewbolccounty paUent _cljnic, emergency room, ~m!Jer. proposed Ua campus .bosphal "Which I mlnlstrator Ptµli p '\\'bite, Or.·· To~ N stoctplle of edibles at Ute :,.. ttktt ,~.. i!t't!t' ~ n:,.lL-1-....,t""lal .. aetup tG. UCL.died for tack ol a s.urak:a,, _ua~1_ la~ and delivery have heard will coat $30 mWkin." t.elephooed ·the State Dtpartm~n1 of\.Men--. minbnWT. security CaWomla Medlcal l!t11t.N1 ,,,. • '-" ~" second. rooms. --'How about telling the med!c1I cen\tr tal Hygiene for ·the lltel\ · flcill ~on Facility 1t Vacaville ii at 1 1Ma7 ~. - ==._.,.. :t?°: ~';',.~ 1.,1J Prolonged debate.. before the county 'W'hite was _chall~nged by Battin who . to UCI?" asked the aupervlsor, the fliiaMlal crilit> ~ .he ukl 1t, a Sacramtflto 0 Dt1t1 ceo. r.::::.'"'........._:--:::--1 .. ~ board--.WU-JtLanol.btt.Jo.Dl)laggle in an que.sUoned ,a .$250;0oo item hrthe pc'.\'l "l'mnot.sure\beywouJdl:>LIYft,Ulhey ·~~-~' ti}Mif it,'' f~ .,,.,. UM.., Ji .....,. • effort to determine the ruture of the ~ 19&9-70 bud1et for "achematic ~11,.0'1"· ~\,J .do," ~Ile reP.1~. 1~ • he ntd -\he.Ji: wUltb . , 'Whtn that'• over, lhe.Y: can't buy Mo1-• w-......, co/inl)l..Jlolplt.akom , pl1111f:_'::::::;:;:;;-::-:::::::;;:::':"~:=;::::::::=;=~11!1'!1"~-..~ould1lilH1~1e1pm~lbiliti !~:1','w _ _:u ll'ielunll, o...-r...,..nl .. r-tl!<l"~IJ\lll{lto,!C:::::'.E::=1 L~ " -Botrd-1pprev1l &f-t:uttins-back---the--~Wh1tt-said-tt-w1,---r'"rougtrcstim1te"l1 r~ Cltl OMtfetmif~k. ·nrat C03ts • ""CW ~tlKMI ~pl pctni&ruibllfty,0 lhe-Republlcan number of bed apacu to be tdded in lb• costs of plannina for modemi!ation of (SM MEDIC.\Lt Ptp.-S) p0pulot11 atale~ IA the naffoa, lcom tM leMter upJaiDed. -..- . --....... ~· .. • •I • __ .., • ..o.-. .. • ·-:I llAI\. f l'tl]I . II Grand Jury . . • ~~-Get-Eand _ • • • t • I -'--' Sale ·'Rules' ' . -The Board of Supervisor& Tuesday sug· ll!f\td lhal the Orange County Grand Jury needs more lnfonnation on how the boerd handles J'the 151ie, wrchase, trade, •lease, abtnaonment of gtft" of cm.1rr., ~perty. SUpervloorl 'll!Sltuel.. «>Wily Real Property Servlcts Director -Stanley Krause to supply the jury members with copies cl bis department's "general poUch~s on dlsposS,l Of county property." The Grand Jury two 'reeks ago adopted a resolution to the supervisors urging that "future land ttansacUons of the CO\llllY. whether buying -or &elling or tradi'11, 5llotdd . only t.aJ.a place alter bokfin& I public hurina:. "1 Last Friday, Grand Jury Foreman Wllllam Martin or Laauna Beach, ·dJspa!ched an adWtional letter addiflg ••abandonment. Jeue. or iift." While the Grand Jury's report made no speclfle references, veteran observers s1~ggested the jurors might have been thinking ol the recent abandonment. of Salt Creek Road, a polential public beach access between Soulb Laguna .and Dana Point. · Krause started to read the "general polity" to the board but was inltrrupted with the suggestion that copies be sent to the jurors. ''This is the best way out ," said Board Chairman William Hirstein. ''Let them read whst ft do now and then decide on their stand." Krauae said the Grand Jury resolution • olfered "more quesUoos than answers," But he added that advertllllng lot public hearlniJ OILilLCO!lnly land tranpctioiu wouJd COit an esthnated tl00,000 a year. "I' assume t.be Grand JU1'7. didn't mean to have the tupaym:_1pt.nd_ that much mM m:oney,'' Krause guestioned. In !ta resolution, the jury referred to "a growlnf'Qislre-OU the part of the public to have a say in the dlaposltion and/or use of land." Atlomey William Wllco-.:en of Laguna · Beach la -currently lighting t h e saperViaon' abandonment of S.alt Creek ROO<I. He charges that the' Salt Creek Road abandonment to the Laguna Niguel Corp. was dooe wit.bout proper PlibUc hearings. Wilooien and Laguna. Niguel represen- t&11Yes have been among severaJ, in· d.Jviduala: tnvolv~ in the. mounting con- trover11 who have testified before the Gnnd Jury. . . The iUl'1 ·al.!o dilpatched its "public he.arina" resohltion tO county legislators in Sacramento and asked them to .. consider enactment of tea:islation that will ensure that publi~ hear!r)gi be made mlndalol')' lot all Mure. Jlnd tramac- UocJa. '• From Pa11e 1 BUDGET ... &ptqd money. Rial!an pita~,. wltn tho atatf• IM,000 • ~ lo 'work ''voluntai)ly" pciOaibly .~]>ilY, "l1>e agvernor ptomiaed.to f> ~ ln Di)' power" .to make mre em~-. ore "Juallfcom-••lal.". · o ,,_,,; •·• -•~• r·.,.-. ~,,-,. ..... IWMM emotions. -, "11 'I more 61 a ~ than lll)'tbinl •lze among the ""'ployes," aald Eldon Pettraen, a Capitol window wuber. '"Ibe6e BUY• (legislators) take off on Thursday every week and then lhey can't even pass a bud&et." "We've got a job to do and we're going to do It regardless of p;ay," dec1artd Andrew Lolli, a forme\ Army · general wh' now is state genera'\servlces direc- tor. South Viet Marine Burns Self, Dies · SAIGQN ·(UPI) -A Soulh Vietnamese Marine died-in a Saigon hospital Tuesday Mortlf ..... after be set himself afire in a street downtown. AulhoriUes said the vic- tir'nt Vo. Van Be, .a, apparenUy carried out the aelf-lmmolaUon for personal " ......... . - • DAllY PllOT " at:AHOI Q)f.n ~Ii 11111 ... <Clll.l>AllY l•i-t N. Wee4 ............. 1"llMllMr Jecli I . C.ulty -~.htfllltr!UM_o-ttl Milllflt-- Th1111t' ICt"'il ·-Tt!trR••· .... t.(11plil111• -·-. Jt••"'• ,, C.lll•t ·--Cltr lhltw ---1211 w ..... ,~. '"~'"' W.ifl .. ,....II P.O. I .. 1171, tt••t, --<441• ~~ "'"' ..... """' L_, : m IJlirfttA~ Mwilli t lw Mlli*I M llfl ....... ·-N..o, .................. ,,. • ---...,. ot.i ... ............... ,........ ...... . ...,l.-...... ~ ..... : .... ~ "'""' ----.............. 0.-°""' .......... . 5j' "t.:::: -.. ''" -. ~'--··,,::-... - . '""' ,j4Mltt -~"'" !!!!!!' ... ---= ~ ·-~!!!!!!!.!!! ................ .... -: ·--·---._._....._.. \ _ _.._.,. __ ·=-.... -.----rt ........ -. XliR·'' •• ------~· . •· .....-ir1 4 _... ....... .......,, ---- FIELD LAB-Oakland Raider center Dave F.i'Om111texplaln1 proper grip for centering football to Douglas Garn of Corona de! Mar and otller boys in experimental summer school program" at Ll:lcoln. Scbool. · t Girl Crushed -by Auw Now Off C.ritical _L_~t · A Uny tot who cheated death with the aid or swiftmoving poll~ and surgeons:_ five days ago his been taken off th.e critical list at Costa Mesa Memorial H08pltal. County Pleads . , For Budget Okay For Welfa1·e Cash Carol S. William$, lf·111onlh·old daughtet of Mrs. ·Dolores-E. Wllllllllll, 570 Traverse Drive, Costa Mesa, had chmg to a thin tllread ol .file line<, being run over by 11 car last Friday. She is now listed In fair condiUon. • Virtually reconstructing the lttUe girl's ' cruahed and tom abdominal ·•tlon, 'doeo ton et the hospital tOQk up ~ race begun when a police cat drove iri with the child. A frierid of. the Williams family, Mrs. Marion R. Bieser, 34, of 17092 Emerald Lane. HuntJni1on Qeach, thought Carol was in the Muse as she backed out of the driveway over the tot. . . Mrs. Williams thought morqentarlly the "Please pass your budget.'' was the car was running over a doll untU she Orange _Cowiq BOard ol SUs>ervb<r•' heinl her ~r &eream and llW11· plea today to the S~te -Lectalituri, as ---.noniil litlp. -· • they worried oYet approlimat.ely 19,IOO welfare reciplenla v.·t.o might not get "much needed" cheeks this month, Immedt_ately aff~t!d are IJ,300 d1milies ~,.~ ~ ~.~"1#.~~~ by July IS !ft mkl,mont~ clll!Cks. A much larger group will be affected if the end-of-the-month weUare checks are not received from the stale. William Erickson, assistant dirtctor oE the County Welfare Department, uld about $2.5 l"llillion is due by ~4&~ 1.~, . .'I'll~ lunl!4.1•. UI ti\• 6,300 d'l"nd•nl dilldre!I. :e:Ol!O 01<1'"•1e '9'curlly cue.. 3,700 totally dluli!Od perlOlis ~nd alll I blind per;ons. ~ I .• · ' .. . Irvine Goller Mrs. Foote Dies; Services Monday Memorial servicel for Vida Blanche Foote, prominent .0Uer and resident of Newport Beach for 15 years who died f\tonday. will be held al 1: 30 p.m. Mon~ day, at Sl. Michael's Episcopal Church in Corona del Mar. Mrs. Foote. 617 Vista Bonita . died at Hoag Memorial Hos pital after an illness of several weeks, She was 67. A. member of Irvine Cout Country Club and former club champion, 11he was also a registered nurse. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. C. FrederiCk Haggerty o! Pasadena and two grandsons. 'Ille family suggest that thole who wish may make a .. memorial cootribuUQn to the American Cancer Society, Orange County Chapter. Cash, Cameras -Stolen--From-Car Pebble Beach Realtor Rlchard Catlin lost $1,300 In cash and cameras to thle~s who pried open the lock of his Cadillac • then pushed the tnink rele11e button in the glove compartment, the victim told police Tuesday. Catlin, 58, discovered the theft Tues- day. Officers said it look place during the night in lhe parking lot of the Jamaica ln1t in Cormia del Mar •. C..Wn said two Euro pea n -m ad e cameras ind a stack of '20 billa were taken from a leathei bq in the trunk. Massachusetts Solons • bo8e6ameto Inmates From PflfJe 1 MEDioAL .... $6 to $7 million a year.'' D~. Bo ·ck of UCi joined the fray at this · • "I. fully support the OCMC ma r-plan of modification . We e1peet to continue oqr affiliation with the medical center into the indeiinite Mure.'' . . nr. 'Bostick" ~dd .. ·, :•we hop.,'~.~ble : ihe Jile of our e~t!rin& ~ cian:, -eo,. and sullsequently .Pl!l:.o!ll!>!il ol tra\ned doc:tor1. W$ ·. m~ hav,. _-the medical cenlel' reDU"ce. .and a· campus hospital "'!unction projierly. . "The univeraity _hospital will train stuctenta for the first two years and it muat be on the: campus. There are many relationl to other ac:boQts, such as engine'.ering aod physics. ' ''In the. third and fourth years students are separated into smaller grOups and their main area or work will be OCMC. If it was not there we would have to go somewhere else -to Los Angeles. Or. Bostick expl~ioed that the universi- ty campus hospital would train students in ''exotic diseases. brain' tumors, cardiac problems, care and research," while the medical center offers ei:perience in in- fectious diseases, and accident cases in the emergency room. "If we could not build a campus hospita l OCMC would have to be doubled in size to meet our Deeds." Battin stuck to .llis guns. "We art faced with two plans, a UCI hospital and im- provement of the medM:aJ center. They coold cost $30 million each and should be combined in one. -"I move that the board offei' to sell the OCMC to UCI after a -reasonable period and ask the State Legl1lature to determine the need for a second hospital." His-molion-<Hed-fot'-lack-of -a·secon<h With Battin dissentina:. the board voted to approve wrute's two-pronged proposal: -Halted proposed expan1ion ollnedicat center beds as proposed in , the "1966 general plan (841 in the 1970s, l,115 In the 1980s). Substitute 634 beds (the current number for 1,970 and 850 instead of 1155 for 1935). -AUthorlied the county administrative ofUcer and the hospital administrator to begin studies now on the actite care unit (.Building 1) needs to detennine which Ls besti ~modernization or replacement. Major .Fire LOsses Decline in America . • BOSTON (UPD -LOHes ltoro 'Ul<jor BOSTON CUPO-lt was lour d1yi lel<r !Im In the United Stat.S declined by but Mwadiusell~, ltabllatort Tueadey than ~ ' · released the IC<lre of' tlielr loltball pme ._ -percent '" 11161, the Na· 1 wltb ·inmates at I.ht Co n c o r d Uonal Fire· Ptottction Auocia1ion uJd to- Rolonpalllf)'' Prtso0en II, Lfllsllatori I. day, Damage from 111 Orea wu Stlte llep. John McGlennon Joked that esUmeted at IJ.18· billion. . ht wOltJd a)templ lo arron1e the Ir•~ Toll) properly damqe frol!!_ m•Jor of wme of 1he better pl1y1n1 tnm1te1 lO firet, those causing at least $150,00tl In ollierJnsUtiitl<>m litmH rnm11Cb:Rlan· ;Jl!S!!UC!lllf4:::11'1Cest1Jn11ec1-:ic11n ned in Septtmber. ''The next aame will mllllon , approx1mife.fy 190.000lHsthln be ours for Jure," ht said. in IN71 the associaUon reported. LahOratory· for ie ·11-~in'g'· CdM Sc11'!--oLQfkrs E.~ri~ntii.l Summer ~!._·_ . -. • Tbo o11Joc1 ol lloo -.......... ... '1'111....U 111mloer ocbool ~ .t , , lly IWlllYllE!JLYBc _.,,,lo Mn. EU a.-ft, ·-.i,e, la ·~·-the Y"'llllllm to .. lect LlntOht 1~~':;~&'h:J la Co c_harge "-tM~clau, "i,...tQ crea~'u ac--str ·<;ourses ~ot Ule five-wfek program. . . ron1 tive in~¥ tor Jearnif'1. 11 _ • ' 1i(enty. ~luses are. -0rfered on ~n ~el~~~r!n e.-.:pe:rimentll llUDUner The shd~ to elglllh gra~en tak'. ng e tnformet l:iaal.~ eaCh day from a 1.m. to 1Z Jt 1 l · · clau can 11~ to the speake.ra~ u th.er, ~ ,.,.. • • • oomro.:n't:' t~:ig!~~gr'!1ch:,j ~·1~~ J.o .-or can ,take patt u otbk• _a~, , .. 1 , Tu~·~ during the break pefiod ~ itUdents 'ovr s]>ec:f 1 lnst t' d iv· Jes • .._:.._ --..., ;.6..·w..J0.:15 a.m., three profeaalOnal entertal~~ 4:;Uvllie: me 10:n an _ 1 They can also. plaf _chess, practice tyit~..,. .l(Qotball players gave the boys instruction · _The Mt.called "Leami~a LabQr lo ,1 ,_ ng or ·meet with tu&h school students ""'on."'1be athletlc I1eld. h Id · · . 0 a cy ~ -IUVlng_.._ , -oiUledlock 1J1 tl\o....s.n..F.<~ e 00 ;n the multi-purpose rool'f\ at the C_. C. ~hearer ott& Ct'llt~Mesa Coun-'<tffe~ Qeolbnattat.ct1 kicldn_s: itechniques, : stu~~tab ~ tss ~e~~r the ty 'Ya~ Pl}tract, cave. Tuelday'.J .wbJltitDa.ve ~of the Oaldand Raider! gram at Uncoln There ii pro-presental!"q, He dJtcussed How w1ter' IS iscuued lbe Uitebacker'i; job and Tom &>·stem ed tbe cbss carries ~0c:ij~ln& lpumilmaped~ into ... ~ home .. He~so shOwed reernan o~ lhe.l\aiders 1evt Instruction • Of tbe,utlmdo River Aqueduct. .. tl'._prospective centers. . . . Newport Gives · ~· · Strong Backing To·OiJ Measure Looking with appf'thensloli toward the day wh'en offatiore oil drilling m.Jght ar ... rive In Newport Beach, the City Council has given Ill strong slipport to a bill by CaUJomia Sen. Atan J:ran.ston. , - The bill would eod drilling under federal oil leases in the Sant& Barbara Channel. Newport Beach is also Iendina its sup- port to state legi.slatlon, now on its way to the fihaoce committee;'1bat would ban all future oil drilling on state-owned Udelancla jn the Santa "8d>ara channel. Newport l\layor Dpreen 1'!mhaJJ, .In a leUer I!> slate 8el). Raridolph ~er declared., 11It ii ob¥ioos.-&hat unless the State <I California. enacta Jegjllation to preclude oil a ... 1-ent"' lhO stat. tide IDd IUhmerpd lands Jn the Santa Barbara Chanoel tbe!'e b no chana that the federal government will halt future oil developm"ent on the adjacent lands u:n- dU its juri.sdiction." · 26-year Newport Resident Dies Clarence IL Elsworth, .ao .• of 890 W. 15\h St., a 28-y~ resident of Newport Beach, died Monday at a convalescent home after a ltngthy illness. · Services for the retired electrical engineer.:wµJ be held al 10 a.m. Thursday •I Westollll Mortuary Chapel, . • Survivors include: his wHe, ~; a son, Robert of Wasblngton; three daughters, Virginia Herbert of Newport Beach , Murjet Saunders of Artesia and G~tn Mayfie~ of Cathedral City ; nine ar1f od~'1l ldren.. and foqr gre~t IJJ'andclilklren. Intennent will be at Rose Hills Memorial Park, Whittier. • From Pqe 1 ROGERS ... Statea and its allle1," they have to be ap- proached carelully. Rogers· ei:preued the oonviction that there wp a mutuality of interest between thi lJnited States aDd the Russians in slowina the arms race. "Jn this hope we ate looking forward to the begi.nJlinl of these talb/' he said. . Nixons Fly 'to Florida W ASHTNGTON (UPI) -President Nilon and the First Lady flew to Flori!Ja at about 9 a.m. PDT today to spend Independence Day weekend. at their Key Biscayne home. They will be joined later in the week by their dauihter, Julie Eisenhower, and her husband David. The Nixons' o 1 d e r daughter, Tricia,· al~o planned to arrive back from her trip to Britai n to join the family for Julie's 21st birthday on Satur- day. r lta the Switn at the Y Shawn Combs 3, displays confidence in instructor Bob Dilley during :swim Class at Ora11ge Coast YMC.fi,. Registration is now being con-. ducted for two-week instJUction period beginning July 14. Adults are • . 'velcome, too. For G(>mplete information about summer swiin pro--· gram, contact Y office$, 2300 University Drive, Newport Beach. ,, ·-... Harb~r Schools to Rejoin : Federal Lunch Program Newport-Mesa elementary schools nut fall will be back on the federal school lun- ch program after a year of offering their own school cafeteria (are .• j Trustees voted this week on the recom- mendation of Food Ser.vices Director Eve Cremers to re joln the federal subsidy program . Elementary schools the past school year offered a basic nutritional plate with some a-la-carte options. f\.1 rs. Cremers said it didn't work out for two rr:asons -children tended to spend their money on sweets and desserts and serving Jines wcie com· plicatcil, making for confusion. "These children are too young to have a selection. We feel we need to guide them in diet," she said. The federal lunch costs 35 cents per elementary child, including milk. This past year the ac:hool district offered a 3G- • cenl plate with milk, five cen~. one or the ntr~ . • The year before the schools went off the program there wa s a .scarcity of ~· mod.ity foods, turkey, chic ken and ground beef, J.trs. Cremers said.· They are more aviiilable now and with · food prices going up the federal Iunch ·b niore ec-0nomicaUy attractive, she iiaid. Last year was the first that the school distriet's cafetefia operation showed a profit. put back into e q u i p m e o·l purchases. Mrs. Cremers said ttJe schools going it their o\vn and consequently being very close with money made for a more ef- ficient operation . The chief of cafe terias said she heard from Sacramento just today that the price of milk for school children next year will remain five cetllfi, despitt a planned increase .in the public price of milk. Y~&eaa! • • for Mother or Grandmother ' From I to 9 GENUINE Birthstones 1racefully set In 14 Kl wh ite or yellow IQld ••• The special remembrance from every member of the family • \ • Ft'om $29.00 jlltli "' lllMlili ""9- Addlil-9..W.1 ltelft $5.00 ---Di-· $12.00. .. 21 YEARS SAM t LOCA tJON .548.J40 I • • I 1, I ! 11 -. • I I , I I 11 L I I II • • • •• W-1. July 2. 19" .DAILY i'!1'r ' Prisoner 'Threat' -8.fudied -_,_ -.I t-OA ·1 -·t-~-AY ·· · PRE-roURTH OF ~ULY- . I I I I • • l ~ N l t ..----.. _ • 'l!ASHINGTON -(UPI) - , slll. Department olllcla!J "~ ____ , • .,. ' ' ' t .. ' I tlley 1ro worried about a South Vietnamese Commu- nist broadcast threatening ••appropQfW punishment'' for 1Jle allege<t massacre of Viet ... 'Cong· prisoners held by the Sal on governmenL ;;;,.04-._,~.lmplicatioo-o(.(-o-+-------rilla lft'oaiJcast was tbat lJ.S. or South VietnameSe prison- ers held by the Communists might be harmed or mis-trealed. Olnciils weir e studying carefully the tut ol Ute broadcast; disseminated Mon- day ln South Vietnam in lhe Vietnamese language. Ul"l'T....-. DISTAFF DRIVER DROVE TOO FARt Dolly DeLeon, Ii, Ey11 lmpoundH Minibike Statt Depanment spokes- man Robert J. Mc:Closkey told • aews brte!ing Tuesday, "We are very much concerned about the welfare of our pris· onera and would regret any --.!mistreatment of our prison-ers."· \,. Pleads Infaney Girl, 6, Has Court Date DENVER (UPI) -It a alleged crime.".- winsome smile isn't enough to And Senior irllends to make convince' a court or her in-sure there is no genuation nocence, D!Jlly De Leon may gap problem on the jury. plead innocent -by reason o( "She will ask for-a trial by a infancy. il!_I)' of her ·peers." j Senfor Dolly is l 6'-year~Jd Who said; "i.nd -J' •WOUld •expect made the mistake-of riding a " Ids to be th t to lzed . 'b'k .. th some v-yeaNI bn a mo r m1ru 1 e in e jury too"' , alleI . behitld er__ hoTTJ_e. ~-Th.:. .,~eti g· 1..-..... t -police of ricer saw h~r. im-.. n _.,,,.IUen OC· pounded the bike and handed cured June ,IJ wh'l:n J?enyer- Dolly a ticket (or · driving patrolman Robez:t .G. #hnson "with no valid c 0 I 0 rad 0 spotted Po11y ,r1d1ng ~n the operator's or chauffeur's· alley. The child s moth~, Mrs. license." Doroth)'._ Chavez, said . t.hey The yOung miss goes into thought it would ·be alt right county court Thursday along ~ause the alley "lit very wilh her defense attorney, ~u1.el,~nd has almost nd'traff1c Milnor H. Senior. in it. "I thtnk there are probably Then aloog came OfUcer some constitutional questions Johnson. He ticketed the h"'ere, and I ha~e to discuss youngster and called_ a tow them with my client, my client truck to take lhe minibike being a 6-year-old, and abide aw.ay. by her declsions," Senior CJ:· ~'l respect the law iind think plained. • . a lol of the police ror keeping Senior said becau5e of his the city clean with all the clier:it's understanding of the crime there is," Mrs. Chavez revised statUtes of the state or said. "But it seemed a wam· Colorado, "I expect her to ing would have been sufficient. enter a plea of not guilty, and Our ~wer mower sometimes probablJ ,not guil\y by r-goes faster thap IJle bike oC infancy at the time of the does." ' · Country.s.ide Hails Charles i11 Wales CAERNARVON, \Va I es acknowledgment or the cheers. (AP) -Cheering yachtsmen The prince had s a id he and 1pectators ashore greeted wanted to meel as many Prince Charles today al the \Velsh people as possible dur· vacation resort of Llandudno · iqg bis tour. At Llandudno as the new Prince of Wales town hall. be signed 'Ole began a four-dar "meet the visitors book and talked with people" tour o his restive local officials. principality. While he was ashore, his 'J'h:t 20·year-old heir to the sister, Princess Mne, and British throne had a cozy din-olher guests on the BritaMia ner party \\'ilh friends, in-disembarked ~the Brilan· eluding some muc'h talked nia and left for London by about girls, before leaving speclal train. Holyhe.ad aboard the royal Charles was to visit Den-yach~ Britannia. He was bigh, Caernarvon, Merioneth, reported In a relaxed mood Montgomery and Cardigan with the personal ordeal of his Shire's today before returning investiture, it.s bomb scares. to spend the night aboard the deaths and royal pageantry Britannia off Newquay on the behind him. west coast of Wales. ''Jl's as il a huge weight had - been urted f r 0 m his 1houlders," said an aide. Small sailboats and yachts clustered around the Britannia when it arrived at Llandudoo, on Walesr-north coast, ifief - the overnight trip fr G.m Holyhead, .on.. the Isle of Anglesey. But security was heavy, and Navy frogmen searched the Llandudno pier for bombs throughout the night. Charli:s landed just afler 9 ·l .m. wearing a dark b!"01tn ruit • .As-lhe ro)'al barge mo toward the .Pier, he waved in Gil'l Wii1s Corvair Suit The broadcast said 100 Viet Cong guerrillas held by South Vietnam in the Tay Ninh Prt> vintlal capital were blown up,, presumably by explosive. in a "mean and savage, vindictive act." The hl"baacasr said: "We warn the U.S. puppets that all tpelr vile retaliations against and massacre o! our incarcer- ated patriotic compatriots cannot avoid appropriate pun· ishment. The blood o{ thQus- ands of our incarcerated com· patriots who ha.ve been killed by tbe U.S. puppets screams foi: revenge.' 'I'tle Stale Department main-t~ins the Viet~eong charges are inaccurate. Of{ici.al& said that at Tay Ninh as a result of enedty action one prisoner had been killed and 60 wound- ed when a projectile landed in a prisoner camp. Skull €rush Links Death Of 2 Girls ·BETHANY, CoM. (UPI) - A It.year-old girl wtloie body was found nea,r here Monda1 died of a fractured skuU - just like a 10-year~ld girl found JO miles away · two weeks ago. • State police said there wa s eviqenc:t. tha~. the ~irl · found dead Jn i:i:ethany had been se1· ually molested, although the body was so badly decom· posed lt was impossible to saY • for sure. 1'fie Bethany Victim has been Identified as Dawn Cave , who had¥ been missing since Memorial Day. Her body, ringed by a circle or stones in a makeshift grave. was found by a young girl looking for her horse. · T h e field Is about a mile from lhe .......,,caves' Bethany ..... home and a'fla1£ mile from a · te pol.ice barracks. An autoµsy performed Tues- ,day at Yale-New Haven Hospital showed that the girl died of a fractured skull. The case bears a startling resemblance to that of IG- year~ld Mary Mount or New Canaan, Coon,, wh0$e body was round June 17 just oU a seldom-traveled road near Wilton, Conn. She has been missing for several weeks. An autopsy showed that the Mount girl also died of a frac- tured skull. ====- ATLANTA (UPI) -A federal court 1uf'y has award- ed a %).year-old w o m a n S-W,000 in damages in her suit again!' Ge..,..I Motors, the manufactu~r of the now discontinued C h e v r o I e t Corvair automobile. Los Angeles &·San Jose! berr.90 minutes!- The' award came Tuesday afte11 an 11.<fay trial In which' '.fiss Tone Jenkin., had claimed she wu paralyzed from be"r arms down in an automobile *~k seven ytars ago. Aftomey11 for MiM Jenkins llad maintained the wreck near Swainsboro, Ga., that permanMtly injured her WJ!S caused by lhe faulty design of Presenting the er••l .. I fl ight achldule on 11flh bltwHn -711ft end 1:30 pm. Both w1pl Mora on we1k1ndtl \ ' A. BONDED JERSEY FRAMED SKIMMERS 11.99 Stu nning summer paisleys in a vibrent .choice of green, orange or blac.k on whi te. Both easy-on, back zip steP,-in s of acetate jersey bonded to a cetate tricot. A. Kabuki sleeve, sizes I 0-18, I ~'h"-22'/i. B. Sleeveless , sizes 12-20. Mail and telephone orders invited. Budget Dresses, 27 . . ANAHEI M ~« N. Euclid 515-1 121 --1---~lhm•JJCOU.ai.Lln..l!b~._.ob~•~w~8'~~!1=~~ rldlftc, ' Mo·n. thru Sat. ---1-0 11m. to 9:-0 p.m. • I ·S REGIALS , • •' ' . . . -' -~--· . -~ ·- " ) ---~ r· -. • • I '. I i I r I l • ·- I ' -• . . ,_ • \ • .• _·o....J)rai>ge Count.Y'• Local Ag~cy Formation Commls· sion, a body pclitic which passes judgment on proposed dly annexaliQns, has_ now ~om""e up wif:b a truce line,_ caJcUlated to end future municipal boundary strife be· tween Newport Bea~h and Costa Me~a. . Th'e principJ!.I area in q!,]estion is a long, thin crook· ---ed'fp)eC. ol r·eal est.Ce sffetcfiiog lrom_.a-po1ijtl!ffr Orange County Airport ocean,vard to about 20th Street. · This sector has taken on numerous names over t~e years. some unprintable, others like The County Corrl· dor and The Gaza Strip. · .. Hard feelings between the sister cities over terri· tory probably first began to develop in 1955 "'.hep New· port Beach successfully initiated an annexalton which circled all territory su rrounding Upper Newport Bay, thus sealing off the city or Costa Mesa from any future access 16 the sea via the bay. · Over the years. then, each city took a nibble at the Un-annexed territory, often to the tune of con.5iderable political jockeying and even a crossfire of vituperative comment at times. Today, th e territory left over -that which stilJ re- mains unannexed county land ~ is pretty much a cross-hatched mixture of uses ranging from excluslve- home developm ents to bucolic neighborhoods reminis- cent of the Harbor Area or yesteryear. In the latest annexation flurry, Costa Mtsa-fUtd ~ one proposed annexation and New port Beach two others with some measure of crossing-over of Jines. In the end, .• tl)e_ county's LAFC recommended that a tuturTbo1:1n~ dary 'between the two cities tJ'e established along Tustin Avenue. Thus Newport would stick to the easterly side of Tustin Avenue and Costa Mesa to the westerly side. Eventually, then , as the LAFC envisions it, 311 of Uie cerridor will be absorbed by one city or the other. ' • It ls a 'nlce, Udy truce Jipe. It w<lllld seem to oiler the equity ol a reasonable and established future city tor: property owners in the .corri4or. .And, if· ·the ofd corridor can now be disassociated from the real or implied campaigns for industrial land tit'one or the other of tM cit1es.~e new Harbor Area truce line might even woik. ---.. • ; OCJC District Bailed Out ' It's go)ni to hurt those who own commercial prop- erty but it's good news for homeowners. Wqrd from County As~es-sor Andrew Hinshaw is that he ))as boosted valuations on commercial prop- erty, particularly in Newport Beach and some in Costa Mesa. '{'he action has important impact on local school finanein&. As it is , the combjned school tax rate for Newpo(f·Mua Unlfio4 and Oran,e'Cqast Junior College will problbly go up ®cents, but except lor the increase in assessed valuation, it Could have gone up more. Prior to bearing fropi Hinshaw, juniot college tru s- tees· were f~ced with a minqs budget' for · next School year ..:.. one tb:at was nine cents out ·or b11lance. NEw,~with a ttroader·th~n·antiCJP.f.tt.d base to mult i-ply ttte tax rate.Dy, lhe revenue dene1t is removed. The exact tax rates won't be known until after July 15 when. final as~ess.ed valuatton figures .are announced. In years pa~t. the assessed valuat ion has been somewhat higher than cities and school di stricts esti· m11ted. School districts and cities llSU•lly \V ilt estimate on the low side i:ather tllan on th e high side . • In times when tax reform is still only a political P1:0mis e, homeowners will welcome any breaks. . ' (Nl Protests Re4ider'• £onamentTn ·Gwoniy Gus . . . Pornography Bills Are . 'lnsulting·Our Intelligence' To the Editor: Oh. come on! You're insulUng our in·· telUgence, by prtnUng and dignifying ~£11 stupid comments aS T.A.R~'s In Glooicy G~ (J'!j'e f4). • "Now that we have higher institutions cl learning "-(I always thought the ex·· pression was "institutions or higher learning.") -"on the Orange Coast v.·e're r~ng new lo\\'S in our social star.dards." -TB6.T MAKES about as much sense as . saying, "Sin.ce we have had freeways \r. Oretlle County, we have bad mote automobile accident! here," or "Since Disneyland was built in Orange County. more young people are smoking pol." The statements might be true , but there is no correlation of cause and effect as they would seem to imply. Anyway , we've had Chapman Col.lege arid junior colleges here since before World War ll. Or d~n't the writer.con· sider them "higher institutions of learn· in,;?" MRS. J.P. AYNES Good Sanaarlton ! o the Editor : I would like to comment on your report of an item of-·inte.rest. entitled, "Good Samaritan, Negro Saves Stranger." <June i:i, 1969, p. 8). First, let me say that I believe that the story deserved first page coverage. When a member of the black race comm its a wrong, it more often than not is reported-" for all to see at first glance. Second, I am a young (33) housewife (white) and l pray that I'll live to see the day '~•hen it will be: unnecessary to call attention to one's race under any circumstances. TIDRD. U there are others who feel as I do, I would like to make it known that the Nationa) Association for the Advance· ment of Colored People (NAACP) has an active chapter in Santa Ana. This organization, of which I a}TI a member, is Workintf' hard to @en avenues -of· ~n1- munication and betler human relations. U we are going tO succeed, we must have the support of the white coqimunity as wtll as the black. If you care at all. pleace cive us your-encouragement. MRS. DAVID PERLMA N Only Ralf Informed To the -Editor. The other daY 1· received in the mail four letlert from lbe Newp()rt·Mesa JJnUied School Ol.sttiCt, all ldentlcal. ad· dressed to lhe parents of my lout children. One letter ,really would h11ve betn sufficient 8nd less expensive. The letters were by tar the most detailed and com preher.sive I ha\'e rteeived since J ----- Wednesday. July 2, 1969 Th< <ditoriol pag• of the Dail~ Pilot sttkl to in.form and .sti»i.-1 ulat« readers bu presenting thi& n1wfpo.Pt"r'• opinfotts ond com· Men.to.rw ori topic• of Interest olOd tlpl[i....,.•, bv prootcUng • '°""" for th• '""'""°" of 011r rtodtrs' opinions. aud by Letter• from readers ar.e welcome. Normally writers 1hould conveu thtir messages in 300 words or lets. The riglit to c0'71dtn.se letter" to fit space or .tUwjM~J!bf! is.rt•erv"'d._::.4U let- ter! mu.st-Cncl~ sionaturt and ~il· ing o:ddrns, but namts m.o.t1 be with- ~ttld on rtqJCt'3t ii 3u/ficit11t reo.&on u •Ppol(t"t.'t was asked to ·aupport schoollitmd:r. '· I am pleased to know the board bas Jects to beBln.) Why not allow the itudenll to finiab-thls project? The city of Berkeley has been watering the plants. I'm told, and certainly a park ls needed in thit area. I SAW AT LEAST 30 young boys in a university fountain (clothes and all hav· irlg a wonderfu l time ) a goOd example of the need. God knows, we need to provide more parks lo keep the -children off the Street and we also must alloW our young i)eople to experience the joy of doing something for th e community. MRS. MARJORIE MORRISSETIE The Randoll Story good intentions and that we parents and To the Editor : taxpayers are paying our te~chen such The Raodalls thank you for printing our good 1&larles. Jwt thlnk,_ ifttr 1B 11earJ'. • story. Your pliotographers and reporters (six YW'I of college, two dtereet1 aM 1 -bavt,been very nice to us. years on the Job) a teac~ ell) ·m~ MIR3( contributions contained clippings 113,800. I . ol lhe DAILY PILOT stories. AS A. PARENT and ta.Pa ' • ,i ,reatiy 1 We are ara)eful to you for all youf\help. appreciate the effort of the tupetb)· COLLEEN RANDALL lendent and board prealdent to .t~ hie + ' • and Family informed. However, I feel only hilf in-•Due: to a hered.iW.ry. tendency. J.1rs. formed. Jam looking forward ro the nett R4ndall loit one kidney through. ma· neWsletler-completely disclclsing all ad· Ugnant t~mors and t}ie second orga1i ministratlve leVeJ salaries, plirticula.rl1 has now been attacked. Until she ca1& those at the central office level. I am receive a kidtte y transplant 1oith'in sure no explanation of the intent to pay the 11e:xt year, she requires periodi- good salaries at this level will be cally increasing btood·cleaming treat. necessary. ments throitgh chf'mical dialysis. Some addiUoni.I Items that could be: ex-Friends have established a trust fund c/o U.S. National Ba11k, 1845 Ne:wJX)rt plained are: traver allowances (meals Blvd .. Costa Mesa . In bare tenns, and transportation expense accounts), $25,000 i" the price tag on Mr lif~. the cost of newly established positions. -Editor and monies saved by the elimination of positions since unification. BRYANT GRANITE . 'People's P11rk' To the Editor : Lasl week while in Berkeley , I hap- pened -10 walk past the student's ''People's Park." It made me sad to see the high fence around the children's playground equipment. It also caused me to remember an occaslol\ when I was you"i o( our Sunday School class clearing a simi lar unused lot for softball games. I . remember \lJe marv~lous feeling we had or doing something for the younger kids. IT SEEMS TO me the sludents, who worked to e&tablish this park, are being denled doing som"Wling constructive. So "'hat if there is going to be built un\versi!Y b~ldt~_gs _on tti_e lol in_ a .y~a_!'. and a tialf? [You and I know il takr~ more time than predicted for these pn1 A 'No No' 'Piel< pockets' To the Editor : "Easy Taxes ... " As if the so-called city-county·slate· federal "fathers" aren't ingenious enough to think up adequate gouges on the tax· payers. now comes the Newport Beach city manage r's urging that the pqlitical pickpockets delve still further with "an easily·administered" utilily tax, to the tune of approximately $8 per capita J?tr yea r for the privilege of paying for services such as gas, water, electricity. telephones •. , all amply inflated. Tn1e, this is one tal' area that has been ove rlooked in the scrutin izing search for lhe few dollars still unlevied upon. But don 'l these public servants e v e r M:rulinize for some ' ' e a s i I y -a d· n1inistered" econo mics in their profligate administrations? ANO FROM THE ne"'·s sto ry it is in· 1eresting to note that this new proposed ta:s; bite is "not e:s.:pected to reduce pro- :'!!rly taxts"! ""' Oh, c'mon, please. Do our public ser· ant characters believe tha t even the ·tupld, faceless taxpayers are so utterly 'umb as to expect them to create a t11x ·eduction in any category, at any level , 1-on1 any source, at any time? . C. S. YARNELL Dea1· Gloomy Gus: Preposterous Possibly Prohibition t~µght the ~pie a lesson about the practical role of government in everyday life, It didn't work, as you remember, and it was at- tended by, and followed by, a train of abuses and a dislocation of lsw from which we still suf fer. But the lesson, if one survived, is con· fined tp a a arrow Pase: It pertain6 to the availability and use of beverage alcohol. -Prohibition was simple in purpose, to abolish the alcOhoI traffic in the United States. The Volstead Act, pursuant to the Eighteenth Amendment, to r bad e possession of alcoholic beverages, which was usually treated as a misdemeanor. Sale and transportation were fe lonies. THE LA\V PROVED to be unen+ forccable. Of billions of possessions yearly .• 19'20-1933, not one culprit in.. ten 'thousand was caught Not one in a thousand of those gullly of sale and transportation \\'as caught. A good majority of the people favored Prohibi· tlon at the outset, but the minority was so large as to be unmanageable, and the majority melte.d away in two or three years of messy failure . But we have not applied the lesson in ott,er fields. \Ve continue to support the delusion of enforceability in, for instsnce , proslitutior. and narcotics. Particularly in the matter of a 1nild narco•.ic like marijuana. the collapse of law has been total. The di zzy elders who sip martinis, frown on the young who smoke marijuana. The young say to hell with marijuana enforcement, and smok,e ; it fits their juvenile idea of growina 1,1p, and deli verance fro1n the control of frowning elders. Such prohibitions like Prohibition · ilSelf. have a common denominator: only the unlucky are caugh t. NOW IN CALl~'ORNIA \1·e i&e the pursuit of the same dreary and futi le o~ jective regarding pornography, so-called. or obscenity, If you prefer. Here the delusion is even more n1ind\ess. You can -measure-the-alC(lhotic content or a llejUld, and all \\·ill believe the gauge. But no two people read the wildly diversUied obscenity gauge alike. The California Leglslatur<:. with two bills. pretends to read the gauge for us. These bills are preposterous in their scat· ter·gun effect. One makes unlawful late to ·minors of matter appealing to a "morbid interest in nudity ... " Alas, tots of three have a morbid ifiterest in nud ity. and some never lose it. Another bill forbids distribution of material having "prurient appeal.'' In any school yard kids absorb all the theoretical knowltdge of sex contained in hard ·core pornography, A bill would forbid material •·going beyond the customary llmitJ or candor." 'Vhat , pray. is "customary"? ·p unttttng the d.ftttrat vfew- 1--+-I· poWl-of lnformtd ®""''" and 1pa1<<"""' °" toplci of u .. .tfGJI. l11e, Minn., Mes5enger : " ... accordii to the U.S. Post Office, it's a 'No. No' fo the newspapers to mention or advertiS<· In any way a raffle. bingo or any other type of lottery -even lhough it's a fund raising event· for a nonproOt organization or for a good cause. In fact-a newspaper that fails to comply with this rullna: can lose its maillna pennit! I'm sure th1t I don't ne«' t.o mention that 1 have a hard lime understanding the Post Office's reasoning in this matter, slnce 1 am or the belief that most editors are quite qualified to use sound judgment in determining "'hether a ra rne is for a pod cause or not -and whether the public will bt hurt by 1dverth1ina the same .... Such fund raising drive.o; bap. pl'n evuy day-and lhiJ doesn't seem to concern Uncle too much -but to let anyone. know that they 're happening is the 'No, No.' SO -now you knnw why suctt events !Important to a small com· munl1y1 do not recet-ve any publicity in lilt p~pcr. '' The Newport Beach tnrtlc engl· netr is becoming so a b r a s I v e there's danger be may erase him· self. -H. T. R. '"" ... ,.,,,. """'""' '"...... """'" ,... ""llUlrl" fMU ti Ille ntWl,tftt. Sfllf r.IANV SCIENTISTS, sociologists and judces find no ' aound evide:nct that por· nography incites to unsocl•I seiual behavior. Some even insist It diminishes unsocial sexual behavior I n v o I v I n a another person. But many legl•lators. p1·essed by deluded constituents, think their authority to adopt a Jaw Jncludes aulhorlty to adopt a delusion. They will discovtr thetr error. and we wlll dJscovu the-inevitable, that only the unlucky will Robert N. Weed, Publisher ¥1111' 11t _._ ff Olltlll• Olft. Dtfh' ,lltl. ht caught.• ,.,. 1 I -f ' ' ,'Damned right winger/' I Sex Education And Congress WASHINGTON -Some members ol the House and Senate are being fervently urged to act, but it looks as if Congress will steer carefully clear of the burgeon- ing public controversy oVer Sex education in schools. The door is open for action. Rep. Henry C. Schadeberg, R·Wis., has introduced_ a bill on the subject. The bill would forbid federal assistance for teaching, teacher training or research in ptl'blic school pro- grams of sex education . ' Senators and congressmen are "'·ell aware of the noisy controversy. Mail is quite hea"'.l'.. in :iOme congressional of- fices, and a couple ·of Wo.shington 's bedroom suburbs, where congressmen raise .their own children. are already in· volvecl in sex education battles. There has been some ta!!< of public hearings on Schadeberg's-bill. For the present, however, it see1ns unlikely that Congress will provide a national forum for the violent protests which are being loudly presss'ed in many localities across lhe nation. FOR ONE THING, 'congressional lenders ar c suspicious of the right win g origins of much of the mail \vhich demands an end to sex education courses. They are convinced that such organiza- tions as the John Birch Society and the Christian Crusade have inspired many of thP protests. In that regard. House and Senate education e"perts, who have guided fcdersl education programs through racial and religious mazes, are not an:it• ious to involve them in a sex education battle \\'ith right wing overtones. They are quite willi ng lo leave that to the local agencies which run the public-sch-Ools. Fin a 11 y, knowl!!<Igll.ble lawlJlakers, aware that many school syste1ns have long conducted a sort of sex education in the guise of "health" and "hygiene.'' believe the QUt!stion is not whether to have a sex education program but what/ kind of program to have. ' SIECUS -Many of tbe complaints reachlng congressional offices are aimed at the Independent, non.go\te rnment Sex Information.and Education Council of the United States, a ·clearing house which, under the acronym SIECUS, has becomo a full rlcdged villain of the ultra-right. The group is headed by Dr'.' Mary S. Calderone, a long-time birth.control crusader. SIECUS. a non·profit organization, does not control prOJtrams. put seeks to pro- mote local sex: education campaigns lhrouga speeches, publications and films. The programs which it f o 1 t e r s , sometime5 under the heading "Sensitivity Training" or "Family Life Education." arc designed to eliminate sexual fears among young people and promote a normal healthy sexuality. . Courses fostered by SlEOUS tJ.sually In· voh•e the force·fetding of very explicit biological and sociological ln!ormaUon Dear George : I'm a hopeful novelfsti and have finis hed 11 books but U!ey eem rather short The longest ts three J)ages . Can It be that. as a writer, J haven't suffered enou&}I? HOPEFUL Dear Hopeful : Po.ulbly. But, 11 one of your rt!aders, I know !'"have. mush your probltmt to Georre for tpeedy pro5Crastlnation.) 1 from kindergarten through high school. That is where the critici!:1m comes in, and some of it is not from ·the John Birch. Society or its supporters. "THESE PEOPLE are sinking their own ship," says Dr. Gerald Sendson or the National In stitute of Mental Health, who £eels that misdirected SIECUS pr°" 1nolions are alienating parents and pr°" voking local and slate legislation which could hamper ·useful school programs. Sandson has two objections to th_e pro- gn~ms foslered by SIECUS._ He is coneemed that the teachers 'vho wind up using the volatile materials pro- n1oted by SIECUS wilt not be flro· fessionally or psychologically suited to that difficult teaching chore. Sandson also argues againsl the use of such n1aterlali; throughout the public school year:s. Since the time of Sigmund F'reud, he says, it has been "pretty well accepied" that children lend to sublimate their 1lexual drives and interests from the time )hat they become deeply involved Jn school activities until the bodily changes of adolescence begin to appear. DR. CALDERONE rejects the "lat.en· cy " concept, says Sandson, arid the force· feed ing of emotionally charged material promoted by SIECUS (ails to take it into consideration. Similar views i.ave been expressed by New York City child psychlllogisl Rhoda L. Lorand. She is !ht> author of a book • "Love. Sex and the Teen-Ager.'' which has been well received by child guidance experts. Friends here say Dr. Lorand's book was warmly praised by Dr. Calderone w.hen It first appeared, as a contribution ' to tile child rearing cause. Since Dr. Lorand plasted SlE<;:US, they say, her book ·has been ign-Ored by the organlza· tion in its promotional efforts. Wl11f Sl7111LAR tunnel vision. SIECUS continues to insis t that all criticism of its efforts is wholly attributable lo the right wing. Other national groups which have endorsed the concept of sex education have taken lhe same narrow view. A recent G'allup poll indicates thal the public, generally, suppor ts sex education c.ourses in the schools. The poll of adult~ showed that support for such courses is up to 71 percent. The poll can be: read. however, as In• dlcaling that the public is very alert tD thf' content of such courses. For example. only 55 percent of the adults polled favored dlscuMion. in such courses, of the birth control subject which is dear •o Or . Calderone's heart. Dear George : By Robert S. Allen 11nd John A. Goldsmith I am prttld~nt of a ctm::ius movement which ha& been rioting all semester. demanding more voice in the administration of col- lege kurricuJumm. We just won !he riot and the d~an SftYI we can have more voice Jn colltge ku1'Ticulumm. ~1y problem is this. What doea kur· rjcufumm oi.ean? YOUNG R,EBEL Dcstr Youns Reb~I : If I told youc~ Jnst-st•rt rlotJng sgain . ' ' I' 11 . I I I I ' I I ! ii • .. . , ' -t:;osifl-Mesa • - 76 PAG~ weQ/'llespAy, ·JUL y 2, 1969 ' -. -. -... . ~ . N.Y. Stocks TEN CENTS . . r---··· Mesa Hospital .Feel~ng Pinch. in Bitdget Delay 0.1.U,.Y l"IL.OT Sltfl l"IMM Cookielift Currency • .. Cookiflift campaign organizer Mrs. Darrilyn Oliver and Costa Mesa City Councilman \Vilt Jordan examine token of thanks from grateful GI who received goodies iiwn Harbor Area in Apnl drive. Faced with criticism .over free use of civic center space for parking, Mrs. Oliver offered $1 token rent. t.1ayof Alvin L. Pinkley -with so.n-in·la\v on 'Vietnam tour -refused fee. Plaque with original check and South Vi9tnarnese 100 _piaster note o.£ similar face value was pre.sent® at recent council meeting. . Ma;rian Berg_gs.on Elected Barb.or Board Pre_sjge]lt ~ . .". ~ '• . ~ . ,,, ' ., •• ~1rs. t-.1arian c. Bergeson, a rncoobcr.9( r ~ t lhEi Newport·Mesa Unified School Dislrk1 t ·' bo~rd since 1005, Tuesday became its pitigtdent by unanimous vote. • Mra. Bergeson. the mother of four, suc- ceeds James \V, "Blll" Peyton in the bbard's top posL !\1rs. Bergeson, 1721 Tradewinds Lane, t:>Jewport Beach, is the_ wife t;if Carth ~· Rergeson. marketing systems manager for the !\1cDonncll-Douglas Corp. She is a graduate or Brigham Young University and completed graduate . stu-aie¥ at UCLA . The new president serv-. ('j as a· leiichcr for the Sa$1 ~onica • Unified School District before l'rioving to Newport Bca~h 11 years ago. She served as a n1ember of the old Newport elementary school boiird before becoming a Newport-Mesa Uni fie d trust.ct. • 'stock lllarkets NEW YORK t UPJ) -Traders applied the bNkes today to the market's long skid. (See Quotations: Pag~s 18-19). 'The action was long overdue. The n1arket /\ad been declin ing since around .. ntid-t.Jay. with only infrequent pauses since that time. THE LADY IS PRESIDENT School Board'• Mrs. Berveson PoliCe Seeking Youth l·n Mesa Rape ,Attempt Supplied with a good description or the suspect, Costa Mesa police t.odaY-con· tint1ell investigation Into the. abduction and,fatlempted rape of a bikinl<Clad a:irl hitch~hiker Monday. • 'ftle victim and.her sister. aged 14 and police the attacker was blond , bluHyed1 about five feet. four jnches tall, weighed abo'Ut 140 pounds and drove a reddish orange car. Devotion to duty Is r."t legal tender, bu! that, along with blind faith in legislators' responsibility and reliance on credit from Jar.al merchants is all that held the State o' Ca)ilorn)a.'s stricken economy together today. Stumbling into the second day of opera· tior . w\lhout a 1969-70 fiscal budget, various state agencies began making emergency plans to meet needs as deadlocked lawmakers wrangled. . State Director of Finance Caspar W'ein· • Rogers: iull May Increase U.S. Pullout WASHINGTON IUPI) -Secr<tary or State William P. Rogers said today the level of hostililies ir, South Vietnam has been declining and that if the trend ·proved significant. it coatd speed up withdrawals of U.S. lt®ps. Al a news conference, however, Rogers .cautioned that for lhe time being U.S. of· ficials would "have to wait a~ see." ~ogers told a news confere~_that he conferred this morning with Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird about lhe lull in Communist-initiated action. "We hope it has some silnifican<:e," he said. "We bope: it I~ a respon!-0-10 Presi.: dent Nilon and President 11litu's con-f~rence at Midway." ~ · fl was during lhe Nixon meeUng with South .Vietnam's presidetn1·MIU)'pi ·v111 Thieu, on Midway Island that an- noun~ment was mt.de of "itbdrawal thi!J "!"'filer of 25,000 Amttlcan Gls. Rogers recalled Nixon's three criteria .f~lpeeding -U~&-1:roopwltbdrawals from Vietnam -a drop in military .hostilities, progress al the Paris peace talks, and in· creasing ability of the South Vietnamese armed forces to take over the ftghUng. The secretary indicated that if the ad· ministration came lo the conclusion that the current lull ir. Communist offensive ~ operations was significant, then a review of U.S .. military activities -i_ncludii:ig consideration of faster troop pullouts - would be warranted. • Rogers also told reporters that the United States "is not dragging its feet" on · getLing strategic arms talks under way with the 'Sovlet Union and is prepared to start the negotiations whenever Moscow gives the word. · He said, however, the United States hu not yet received a response from Moscow on the U.S. proposal to start the talks on n1utual limitations of strategic weapons between July 31 and Aug. 13. Ro~ers said there ate indicationt the Russians are still interested in sach talk.s. But he added that since such negotiation! "go to the heart of security of the United ISee ROGERS, Page. %) 8315 in Loot Taken Front Car in Me8a A haul of 20 tapes, a sterect player and four hubcaps valued at S315 were stolen from an Anaheim man 's car in Costa Mesa, the vicUm lold pollce Tuesday. Robtrt J. Cook, of 1220 N. Citron Lane, told Officer Chttck Hoffard the car was parked at 1550 Superior Ave., when someone forced open a windwing and stripped the caps. berger aald C:&lifonrla'a 33 prisonJ and 14 mertaJ insUlutlons began b u y I n g perishable lood "' credit u the flnan<lal eris!; deepened. Impact o[ refusal or A s s fl ni b I y Democrats to approve Gov. Ronald R.e.aian1.MJ1 bllllon fiscal .budg~w.as being re1t at Fairview State HO!pllal in Cost.a Mesa, where spokesmen were faintly optimistic. "We are on a credit sltuaUon, ~t so !ir'people ate actJng l.n cood faith~" said Superintendent aJ1d Medical Director Dr. Anthony Tow. . 'The sprawUnc hospital«hool comp.lei: housei J,300 retan!ed chUdre.n -some in extreme!; delicate ·health ~ and han- dicapped adult.s -After conferrlnc-with hospital ad· ministrator Philip While, Dr. Toto telephoned the State Department of.Men· ta! Hyg:,..ne for the latest official word <lh lhe financial crisis. "There is no mOney t<l pay our bills, 11 he said after the talk with headquarters, "not only bills, bot saliries as welt" This was the cast thr9l1gboul the· m05t papulou.s state in the nation, from th• California Highway Patrol to janitorial service in the Capitol Building, and from lrlperlal County to Trinilf County. • Perishable foods . such as milk, egg!. meal and Other commodities purchased C\'<!f'Y day or two 11t'ere being bought on credit but slate offichi.ls said the ar- ISee CRJSIS, Pare %) Un·ruh Blamed for Crisis .... . . , GOP Le~rs Cha ,rge Politics in " . SACRAMENTO (UPI) The th< people," Way ch>r&cd. Leg1slature·s~two top Republieins tocfiY -Fnl:Stri:led lqJslatiOn were &TP.ping for aid the state was plunged Into it.s a· faee·aaving solution to tlii "state's bud&eUes! finucial crisis by Aastmbly deepening financial crisis as the new DemocraUc teader Jesse Unruh's·tntenlie fiK&l • .Year Ucked on sWL-wUhoul a budgel ambit.ion to become governor· "Thls Is just ex. aetly the same as If. the Assembly Speaker Robert Monqan ac- cused Qnruh of trying to "obtain cheap County School Offlclal1 publicity"-in his "campajp r or . View Crl1i1: Sae Paga· 3 governor." .J ~---~·--·-----=-~-"! am greatly cone~ about the banks closed," .said CUpar Weinberger, damage he's doing to the Leglslatuie:'• Gov. Ronald Reapn~a finance director. image," the Tracy, Republican added at a Monagan repOried the California Youth joint news conrerence wilb Senate ·PreSi· Authority had only five da,ys' rood left in dent Pro Tem Howard Way (R·Exeter). its reform schools. The Vaca.ville prlson .. Wt-have.-'!tii-~-:P~crit ot had only li.---days' goods rem1fning. pUsonlll ariibition_ahNct of~ welftre of Neither bad power to purchase mor! 11.1p- • Girl {:;r~~~y Arµto . . . Now Off -€1ritiCa·t List .. A Uny lot who cheated death with the aJd or swiftm.Ovin& police and sur1eons five days ago tlas been taken off the crilical llst at Costa Mffl Memorial Hospital. Carol S. Williams, J t · 1'n o n th -o I d daughter of Mrs. Dolorea £, Wlfiilml'I, 570 Traverse Drive, C.Osta Mesa, had clung to a thin thread of Ure aince beina: run. over by a car lut Fridly. She is now listed lo fair condition. Virtually recomtnlcUng the lltilt &lrl's ' . ; cruthed and tom abdominal 1«Uon, doc- tors at t,he llolp)taJ -moC up the race begun when a poUcti car-drove In wlth tht child. A friend ol lbe Williams Camlly, Mrs. J\1ariori R. Bieser, 34, of 17092 Emerald Lane, HuniJoltoo Beach,. thought Carol was in the house as she backed out of the driveway over the tot. Mn. Wiiiiams thclugbt momentarily the car wea nmnlna Over a~ doll until she heai'd her daughttr scream and sum· moned help. Trustees In Over Heads . . . ' For-Harbor Pool Filter? Newport.Mesa school trustees Tuesday wrestled with the nagging, ei:pensive problems of filtering Newport Harbor High School's aging swimming pool, bu~ could. reach no decisk>n. The board unanimously voted to post- pone action on a stiff bid by a Santa Barbara firm for rebuilding the rusting filter system located in the bastment of the high school 's athletic department. At Issue was whether the board should accept the · $32,37.4 bid by the Bromac Const.rucUon Corp:-()( Santa Barbara, or reject all the bids 1ubmlt- ted. Only two oflert to fll the 1y1tem had been received b)' the JuM: a. dead· line. The blda excuded preliminary esti- mates by district personntl by about lt0,000. Trustees aifff'd that the cost for re· building tilt sand-gravel filter system was coatly, but ilso conceded that if nothing is done, the pool will not bt. able to operate much longer. Roy Andersen, district administrative as.sist'ant for scllool facilities, sald that unless something is done soon, the remaining fllter tank! wlli give out and the pool will be worthless. To drain the poOI would r&ult In rapid deterioration and upheaval from gT°'"1nd water pres- ~ sure, ht said. _ · . Board members asked fOI" more lnfor-matloi'I on plans tQ: build a new pool at the school and afternatlve aolutlons for filtering of the old pool's water. The matter will come up aaaJn f.or board action Jul1 17. • Budget Delay plies. The Franchise Tu Board lhut . -down its computerOpiratlon!. - - Monagan accused Unruh of trying to "circumvent the whole proress Of gev'"1· -ment -·the separanooor powers -by blackmail." """ Unruh has demanded commitments from Reagan on an educatron bill and ta1 reform before freeing Democrats to vote on. a budget. • The fiscal dilemma ' t a t e goveti:irrient's worst since the depression -carried vast political implications for next year's expected gubernatorial race betwef.11 Re.apn .. aod Unr'uh.. "l think It's useless to. speculate on (See BUDGET, Pa(e %) Coa,ify Plead~ For Budget O~ay For Welf11.re,Cas4 ''Please pass your budget," wu the Orange County ·Bolrd of Supervisors' plea-tOday to the scile Legislature, a.s· they worried over approximately 19,SOO welfare recipients ¥.l o might not gel "much needed" cheeks this month. Immediately affected are 6,300 families in the Aid to Dependent Children p~ gram. who hive about $500,000 comlrtl by July 15 in mid-ffionth checks .. A much larger group will be affected If tht end~f.the-i:nonth wellare checks are not received Crom the state. William Erickson, assistant director of the County WeUare Department. uid about $2.5 million Is due by Aug. 1. The~ hinds go tn the 6,300 dependent child1'1!n, 9,000 old age security cases, 3,700 totally disabled persons and 360 blind persons. Fullerton Man Killed in War Spec. 5 Jose M. de la Torre, 25, SM ot Mr. and Mrs. David Esqueda, 354 East Elm Ave., Fullerton, has died in Vietnam action, the U.S. Defense Department an· noµnc¢ Tuesday. De la Torre was killed when his helicopter was shot down over hostile ler· ritory on. June 18. He was a member of the %S2nd Assault Helicopter Company. A graduate of Fullerton Union HJgh School In '1985, de la Torre enter·td the service in 1966 and W.llS serving his third tour of duty in Vietnam when he was kill- ed. · 15, told authotilies they were picked up In Newport Beach -by a young spam-en-- driver 1vho grabbed the ,younge r gir1 violently as they drove through Costa '.tilcsa. Medical Center -·Delayed- In other action Tuesday tnistees approved the application for tl15.a.te In federal funds to Continue a program <lf reading and math indivldual lnslrµctlon to children at least Qne .t.~ Jkhlnd_..in anrn-ii11eemeril. ' Suspect Denies Deal With DAV Orange Cou& ., ~ of the. girls jumped out of the c3r ~t'that point, on Harbor Boulcvcrrd near Gisler Avenue, and the other victim was drf\Pen to the Orange <;oast College ~m· pus. " Supervisors Slash. Funds to Modernize Hospirol She said the allacker tried to puJl otf her bikini. bul she fought back aod Y.as dragged out o! the car and thrown tq the ground before escaping. • I "lbe. girls., both Anaheim residea{.s, told The Board of Supervisors Tuesday future and to concenLrate on modemiza· voted 3 to I to cut back expansion plans lion of present fa ci lities came after 1 for Orange County Medlcal Center; and report from Hospital Administrator Instead l11unch studies to"'bring main sec-Robert White. lions of county hospital up to moc\el'n Ylhite told board members, ".The acute standards. ' .. 4 unit (Building No. I l needs extensive Supcrv'3of. J\oberl W. Battin o~nta modemizaUon to be usable. ' / An11 wa.i the. tone county )awm :-Op--"It couldn't be llceMed today in Its Hancock lnsuritn:cc posed to \he \ctk>n. He wanted to \he pr .. ent condition. lt ;, grouly inefrlclen~ . I county !Jospital to.UC Irvine. ,'It' .\ lh!re is no air conditionin1 ln patient Agents On Strike · The detn'of UCl's medical colleg< Dr. areas and Inadequate elevators," White \Y.:i.rren 'Bostlck,· ho w,tJ·v er, supported continued. . BiQSTON (U~I -About 7,«JO ill!-ma1~er .Pl~ing for the Orange County "Many areas are totally lnadtque.tc - !Ur&nce agents rits!l lhe country are on tited.ic1o.I CenLer. the laboratories, X.ray taclJtlet, out- alrikf. aga~ns the John Hancock Life Bat~io 's motion to sell the whole county patJe.nt clinic, emergency room, major Jnsllrance ., with little prospect o( an ,\lospilal setup t.o UCI died for lack of a surgicil areas, labor 1ncr-delivery wly &tt ent. SttOOd. • rooms." _ A ••ma 1or rolenJOll debote":bifoi e the oeoa1r11 Whlt.-fiai cl"llen&td l>y Ballin who comp;dly,.,ld the agenu stn.tck Tue9clay board was yet another long haggle In an questioned • •·* item In the pro- nqoo" al some 400. offices. including . effort to determine the future of tbt posed 1969-70 buda:et for "achtmaUc -~ulrlually """1 majo<...ll.S...-C011nta-ll00flital...mp1e"' ---"nllanr' cJl.y, foUowin&.1.hc cxpiratiOn of Utclr con· Board approval of cutUnl back the White 1akl it was a "roulh est.imate ol troct. . number of bed • ces lo be added In Ult com or plannln& for modetuilaUon 'fll •• Build.in& 1. The money ls lo be plaeed ln Santa Ana attorney David Cadwell. the contingency fllnd to be used II your charged with embeuling $34,ooq in board decides to go ahead with a. new Disabled American Veteran's· funds, wss -under&oing croes e1amJnaUon in hil'I bulldin(. · Supetli>t Coorl ltitl loday. "What would a new buildinc cost?"' t:adwc111 38, TulSday denied th•t be queried Bal.tin. · forced former DAV Post Adjuta~t Whit< nip~, "fllll lo so mill' .,.,_ Edward G1Uonl ·lo sip an tlfldllllt In study b lo ~ .. modunl~ ~ which Gafford stld It WU DOI lnlt that replacement. The cost coukt be rlnanctd DAV national officials waiUed <:.dwell out ot oper1tir\I income oVer a 40-yW' ousted as attorney for the Sant.a An• period. Stal< 'nc\ fe<leral cr1oll art .,,. chapt,r. r · porsiblt." · The trill of the lawyei-11 In IQ! third Battin peraiated and broulfit up tilt w,.k llefore 'superior -coon Jildge propoaed 'OCI umpua bolpltal "which l Wiiiiam Speir• end • jury of nine men havt beard will ('()It NO m.U&n~"· and tbfee women. "How about Hlllng the midlcel cenllr Th,O'J·'°""'"tlo" clivpd ~I the bqln- lo UCI!" uked the supervllOt. nlng the trill that Cldwell .. ,,...i to -m ilor'iiire ~ wOIM -·11, U tllq 'dlm\lsl ·11t1 mtll1on atai><hl' llilt .,11nst kilo n I 1 . -JI Uw-lomw °""~ coonty would sWI btve 1 r!'ponalblll mlke out 1 depooUI011 In conne<tlon wllh for caro or the lndiJtnl olct. That costs 'tho 1Jwyer'1 Ill mllllol1 libel 11111.,11n11 ,Clloo MEDICAL, l'qe I) --.•1.iWJpapel'. • - / .< ' . . ~· Weather We'll still keep relaUve]y cool on the coast Thursday, with m.er· cury In the low 101s, wtUle inland areas"" bake at 87 after the usual momini: fog lifts. INSIDE TODAY The "'impo'i1iblt dream" b ~becoming a rf'Glitr for o ·Briti.sh. .acting workshop m L o o u ft a Beach called "la Mancha,,. See · Entertainment, Page 75. • 'I .I I I. I t -·---·-----: =• a,. • • .J< -. -. ,• --, ~ DAILY PJLOT C ! . tLahoratory-ior-~~~Q.rnini ~ Grand Jury oGetLand C~M Sc!iool !Jff ers E_xper.imenmI .. &immer Cla4 .. a.. __ :.. • Th. obJOci "' Ult new ,...,..,, Jib ,,.~ -ICbool pr....-i •t • Sale 'Rules' . . Tiit SO.rd of Stlf>ervlw• ~esday sug. lflted tltat the O,anA:e 'Comity Gr1t!d lury.needa: more informaUon on how the board ba~ts "the ule. purChUt, ~ade, lease , ablndoranent or gift" of cOU"tv Jl'Opel'ly, Supe(vilors tnsll'llCtod county ·~ !'r-'1 Sarvtoea Director Stanley KraWIC tfl supply the jury mem~rs with Cilpies of his department's "general poliejes on disposal or county property." The Grand Jury twQ. weeks ago adopted a resolution Ur the supervi~ urginc that "future land lrtnuctlolll of Uit county, whetJier buyb;ig or sellinc or tradinJ:, should only ta.J.e place after boldlnc • public he.vin&.'' Lu\ Frldll)', Grand Jury Foremon William Marlin ol Wawia lleoch, diapolchect. an additional letter oddinl "1babdonment, Sease or Sift." While the Grand Jury'a report made no speclfic ttferenct1, vet.ran oblervm lt:QOltiil the jurora mlilit hove been th1nklnl of the recent ab111donment or .~t Creek Roa~. a potential public beach acceu between South Lltuna ind Dana Point. Krause start'ed to read the ugeneral policy" to the board but was interrupted with the auggestion that copies be sent let . th~-=·~-best way out," said Soard Chairman Wiiliam Hirstein. "Let ·them read what we do now and then decide OJI their stand." . -. ,ll!LD LAI -Oakland Raldtir confer Dave P'reman 'explalns proper grip for centering football to Douglas Garn of Corona del Mar and other boys in experlmental aummer J1chool proiram al Uncoln School. · Both Israel, Egy pt'. Say They Downed A ircraft • •ti~ ,,.:;l!lJ;;\11' COl'dlnf to 'Mtt. !JU ~ loacbi,._lj\ Ll8o@._ ~· lht 7!'WJPlll'I lo Mlfcl . • Unooln Intermediate School In Corona charge of U1e clatrs, "it to create ~&I> six· equl'9U for the live.week Pl:Olf&m. dtJ Mir hu an experllnenlal ~mmer Uve Interest for learnlni.*' .. 1'w~-elcht c}eue" are ofterec( on (an school program. The sbth to eighth graders talt n11lhe • .. -tntonnal basil each day from' ,.m. to 12 cltss can listen to the speakers -if t~ey DQOl.1 lt featur~ 111e1t ~kff~ from the .. want to -or can taki ........ ih 0th.., JC.:: ·. '~,~.:...:"'~y •.i~•c 1•' breAk """'""'tram community ·tutoring by hi"" 11chool 1· ·u ,...... ·w .. , • 'IUR\iG •llf'N"'' ln:I .,.,...,.. students rJ:ovies-.:lat • &.! • . -'.....~vi .!1· _ __ -• ~1!'45 to · JO:-J~ j_!!JL, three prof~n!oilal entertai~ent°i~U~es · ~CftOn'"'an!I l Thiy ca1f:ili0 P Y ess'7P(aetlce ·~ fOOU>illPJayers a:ave the boys.Jnstructlon The IO ailed .. Le.a.rrifu1· .Laiio<&tory" . ng or meef with high school studeJiil . on the alble~lc field . h I In ~ . . " .. rvtn1 U lutort, • • l!folr°....,_k. of Ult San J'r&J>CifcO e J the multi-purJ>Ole rOOfll &t th.o c. c. Sehe&fe! ol the Colla Mua oGuo. • 19on ~ .... klc ticJullqljd. · ,.hoot &11!1 Ls I claas t&k~ of the ty Woter D~lrlct, , pvt Tll-7'' , ''plllle Dovt Op• ol lht ::land' Raldors ' :'!~w:r'/!!1~ =is no 1,:" P<etenlollon. lit dllcuaed bow wolai. Ji dilclmod the 1Jncblcker'1 job end '!'om iystem and the clW carries no c!nt g lif"Pod into Ult. homo. Ht lllO -1 ............ Of Ult Raldel'I 11ve Instruction · lllf cl the Cotondo Rlvtr ~, !" piw,.aJve centera. Rocky Hears Haitian Plea Fol' U.S. Funds PORT All PRINCE <UPij -Buoyed by the wannest reception of tVt Latin Amerlcen tour, Gov. Nelson A. Rockef!511er today U1tened to • plea for more U.5. aid for Haiti, the hemisphere's poorest nation. The New York governor, 08 the fourth and final ~ of his fact.finding tour for President NTXon. was meeting with Hal· tian goverrunent and business leaders before nying this afternoon t.o the Dominican Republic, the eastern two- lhlfds of this mountainous island. Krause Wd tbo Grand Jury re&ol6Uon offered "more qulltions than 1nawtr1:" But he added that advertlslnc for public heartn11 on an county land transaeUons Wl)ll)d """ u uthl!a!ed_.AllOllJ.'f@•· "J auume the Grind Jury aufiii·mean - to lilt•• the 1&1payen 1poltd 'Ulat much • mQl'e nwney," KraUM QuesUoned • ........._ , By TH! AMOCIAT!D P1II!8S el Hennaw; and Gtri . H"'an K1111el. srael claimed ilil jell lh9f,. ®"!IL lotQ'._ reopanlib!IJgr £cypt'1 air deltnlL Egyptian MIGs. in a dogfight ovtr the Their di1mllsal w11 1nnounced Jn Cairo Althol.igh Rockefeller had bot 22 houl'S here, his visit wis reg&rded as extremely important by HalUan government or. ficial.$. U.S. aid to Haiti has been sharply reduced from $1J million in 1962 when Preaident Francois O!Jvalier refused to accepi.u .s. supervision-of his prbi:rt1m1» SJnce then the United States has glven Haiti .about $1.5 mllllon a year to tight malaria and aid In food relief. Haltfan offlcilla were hcpeful the Rockefeller visit would mark the beglnnjng 9f a new relat.loi:ahip with the United Stale!, in- cluding stepped up aid. In fta: resolution, the jur)'"N(trrtd to·'·lt erowlnl des!"' on Jhe part of Jhe publlc to have a aar In the dl!ROtition a.nd/or use rJ. Janet.' ' Attomey William Wilcoxen of Leguna. Beach is currently fJJ:htl.ng th e aupervison' abandonment of Salt Creek !load. He chore., th't the S.lt Creek Road abandonment to the Laguna Niguel Corp. was dope without proper public bearings. Wllcaeo AACI ~ NlJ!!tl represen· tativts have been -1mOn1 · ieveral in- dividuals Involved in the mounting con- troversy who have. testified befori the Grand Jury. · The Jury also dispatched its 0 public he&rln1" resolution to county Jegislaton- 111 Saaameolo and uUd thom to 0 con1ider enactment of legislation lhat wtlJ ensurt that public bearings be made =~tory !ot ~ f\ltlU'e ~d tranuc· Kids Play Cops; Motorist Mad .. · For once -J. raN occwnnce. Costa .ilea,& pollce •greed -a molortst JiUU"1 · -yer by tbt old familiar red jpotUpt and 1'\n!Uii~n Tll...ill)' night' had .• r)ibl to'be . lot. .. ., . "Dill 8. Klint ol 1095 El Camino flMV•, almoect for·Uit 11op 11 lllndolph uid St.' Clair Avenuea, only to hive a carload of Joerlnc youthl toOm aroond hi&, cor and drive aw'ay. .. tnv..Ugatora obtained 1 good descrip- tion of the ampect e1r. who1e ~nli "" &UillY o1 violotint Ca,Ulornia 'Valltcle. Code prohibltiolll •llillll ouch civJIJ4n car equipment. 5 Earthquakes Hit ROME CAP) -Five tremors split walls and caused panic today at the start (If the summer vacation season in an ire of touriat re,orll acro1s the usually earthquake-free zone just north of Rome. Gnat.el~ dlmace to bulldin1s was ~t the ancient seaport of Clvltavecchia. 36 rniles up tht · TY?rhfhiln coa1t 1rom Rome . 1'bere a five-atory 1partment building bad to be evacuated.. ~ .. (6Uf "'" llHIH COW'Aln l1\itrt N. '# ... ., .,....., ...... w..r Jeck k. c.,1.., " ............ 0--......... . 11!•"''' X•"ll ••* Tli11111• >.. Mur,.Tft1 ....._..11111"'° ,,_ __ JJO Wttt lty ltr..t M1lllRf A4tl•"u r.0.1 .. 11to, tJ&t• ·--....... """1 ...... ~ ........... 11" .......... I ... .. Gull ol 6au lodty. EcYpt did not conflnn June i3. I!liYJ>t'• oew air chlel, Gen. Ali the Joua but claimed two Israeli Ba~dl, IQst three MJG1 by Jsraeli Miragea were: ahot down. count wlthlili' daya of usuming h11 new of-fice. · -Cairo radio quoted a rnilitary comr The air clash follows Israeli comm111do munlq~ as ny~ln_I two Ifl'Hll pla11e • r4ids,~-thr~ ~ey~n poaltions in the fonnaUon1 entered Egyptian air apace In Gulf Of Sues ~ay nl&ht and an Arab ~ Aln el Suk Neh area, wen intercepted cuerrllla attack on an J.!l'aell army poair by MJGa and two Jsrttli jell wwe ahot Uonj n Jordan'4 occuried West Bank. ~ ~kesll\I'• I• Te ~vi• "1d lh< Arab down In the tn1Uln1 flsht. raiden were drtven oft bI Israeli J ire ·'I"be. llraelt irmy uid Ill pl1J1e1 en· and· therewmf'no CuualUes. countered the MJGs while· on palrol, In a brief communique on the Suez pursued them, and four of the Sovlet-buil\ raid, Jhe l&raeli army ·iaid jts com· planes were -falllnC In E~'";"." ter· mand~ ~lied 13 Egyptian soldier•. look a-. " • w•...-• Olll prliollo'Jllld retunied llfily lo bu<. :r ....... ,, ---kmap-releas&d by-the army lhowect the The Israelis now claim to havt shot target area near Ras Issa.ran. about 100 down 15 EgypUan warplanls 'since I.be miles &OUt.lt of Port Suez. June 1987 w~ Tiiiy clli~ 111e7 ihot . A cammlllliqu~ fl'om Ca~o uid only • ' • 1 tllree Egyptian et>utgu.trd6men were down two MJ.<;f on 1J~ 2l1and another -,tilled'/' four Wer~ wounded and one was Ollt two•Uy1 before. missing . nie Israelis1alao C6nfirme4 that some The E&YPtians said 30 Israeli com· ol the.Ir Jet& Oew over Cairo Wt June 17 mandoe -attacked under cove.ring fire an audlcioul mov. that led to the flrlni from ht:Jlcopter• and • ?..:'!!.) ot blood was of Em>t'a air force chief Gen. M~tapha fQ\.tnd after the battle ' denot1n1 a fierce • : • •truute had taken place.'' It was the second Israeli commtndD 1 ,...;;._. p-· l , r~!~ repor\ejl_ ~· t.h~.Lsraeli ar~y in three • •• ·-..,...e · "doy~ 'llll S'l)ll~ay ruatir tbe.amil <~d "BUD ).ET r -~n· of l!ll ynft. pen<tr•te4 deep Into i ~ ~ • • • i EUPl·and d~ • &o'kflawatt .hlsh· , 2.-1.. • • ·, ttftiI& pa*er Hne ft:om Jbe Alwan 'D•m '• Ota~•· U!lfulr repllld wl"!l 111t'td u lie • lo catro, ~m>l denlect •Jt ltnotole,die of · feared the l.,t•laUve debacle hid hum· the rild. ed hL'1 polltlcally. "I don1' thin~ any al 11! are smart enough tc figure that out. .. Reagan wu said to be holdin1 "firm'' in his poailioq, b<lievinl he hid Ulll\lll politicalty in I boX. Fron• Page J MEDI CA L ... Both houses adjourned Tuesday without taking acUOO on a budgel 'Jbe Senate $6 1 17 .1,, • Monday night pa.sstd~a flill-yllr's budgll _ o rm .1.1on .a ye1U'. aniJ rojectod an .IOl<!DbJY DtniocrJ~ pr. llo$lic~ of .UCI Jolne<i tht fray at sponsored milil·budeet cood tor only a • thll poinl "()ally -,uJiport Ille OCMC morith. master plan of modificatiDn. We expect While the state ~·aa 6trandcd without a bu.diet. it had virtually no authority to tG continue our affiliation 'Vilh the spend money, medical cent~ Into the indefinite future.·• Reaaan pleaded with Uie 1tate'1186,000 Dr. BosUck added, "We hope to double employe1 to work "voluntarlly" poulbly the site of our enterini phy1iclan class, without pay. The iOverl}(\r promised to do -now 60, and 1ubHquently our output of "ev.erythini In my power'' to make iure trained doeton. We J11ust have the employe1 are "Justly compenaated." Employes had mixed emotiona. medical center resource and a campus "li'1 more of a Joke than anything elae hoapit.al to function properly. amon1 the employu." llld Eldon "The univ1nlty hospital will tr1in Pe:teraen, a Capitol wlndaw wuhtr. tud ta f n ... 'fl l t' nd · "These gi1ys (legislator1) tak1 off on I en or "'"' rs wo yaar'i a it Thurlday every week and Ulen they can't muat be on the campus. There are many evtn pa11 a l>Waet.11 • relatiom ta other acboola. aucb as '1We'\ta 1ot 1 job to do and we're 1otng enPteerlns Ind pby1lc1. to do it reprdla1 of pay," dteltrtd • "In the third and fourth years students Andrew Lolli, • former Army 1eneral are .separated into smaller croopa and who now ii iLlte 11nerat MrVlcu dlr.C... their main area of work will be OCMC. If tor. It was not there we woU\d hav1 to 10 From Page I CR ISIS ... rangement ralae.s ll'av~ lt1al quuU!Wl1. "We anticipate that merchan~ will 10 alot11 wll.b our emrloyu -all comlna to work on 1ood wU -ln certnc for our 2,300 ;alJent.s.'' 1.he rairvlew State . ffoapltal director laid lodar . "M1ey kJd1 -. art oa 1peclal -and crillcol -·dltta Jn wblch !he primary nutriment II milk," Dr. Toto ldded, 11and we belleve the merchant& will 10 alon& in carlnc for them on Ult ...,mptioo Ibey -..-mar nol let paid fw what thty proVldl In tht illtarim.'' . . Pr•"' P ... l ·ROGERS . ! . somewhere elie -to Lo.s An1e.Jea. Dr. Bostick explained that the unlversl· ly campus hospital would train students _ .~n. "exolic__di~ea_scs. brain twnors. catdi.ac- problem~, care and reseerchJ" whil1 tha medical center o!ferS e.xper eno.1rf. In. rectiOUI dJsea.ws, Ind tccidtn\ ctses in the emergency room. \'If we could not build a campus hospital OCMC would have ID be doubled in SiU to meet our needs." ... Battin stuck to his gul'ls. "We are faced with two plans, a UCI holpllal and im- provement of the medical center. They could COl!ll $30 million each and shoukl be -combined in· one. "I move that Lhe bc>ard Dffer to aell the OCMC lo 11CI '"" • realOMbl.o period and ask the State Le 1I1-l 1 tu r.1 to determine ~ """"-lor a ...,,..d borpllll.'' .,.- . II~ mollon dled for lock ol 1 OfCOltd. With BotUn dlatmllne. ttie boird voted to approve Wllite's -~ proj>oaal , -H•lted propMed expanalon ol medl<at center beds as. piopoood iq Ibo Jiil& 1enaral It!tn ('41liithe1970s. t,111 lnlhe Thousands of Oag.wavlng Haltian1-r cheered Rockefeller on his arrival Tues- day. Duvalier, anxious to dlspel 'rumors he was graveJy ill, welcomed the U.S. en- VO)' at. the presldenUaJ pal3ce. - Rockefetler was obviously -pleased and surprised with the 'warm reception, a marked contrast to the anU-American demonstratior11 ind acts of terrorism he saw in many of the . l~ countries he prevJoosty ·~led. Handicraft Class Signups Open Re&illratlon Is 1till open tor a Coata Mesa Recrt1Uon Department creative handlcrafll cla11 Offered seven mote week1. Scheduled Tuesday• fram 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the CommunJty Recreati on Center, SI Fair Drive, the 112 rlgi1tral1Gn fee paya for m01t materlalt needed in sculpting, JeWelry and other projects. · Slfllllps are be.ln1 taken at Room 305 of tht Co1ta Mua Civic Center, accord.Ing ID recreaUon aide TanJ Popovit.s. Ma jor Fire LQsses Decline in America BOSTON (UPI ) -Lo11es fram major flrt1 In the United States declined by more than 20 percent in 1958, the Na- tional Fire Protection AW>Clation !'aid tcr day. Damage from all hre1 wa.s ut\mated at fl, 18 billion. Tntal property dama!e from maj or fires. thDge causing at east $250,000 in destruction, was estimated at $314 million,' approximately m,ooo less than in 1917, the association repl)rted. ' OAIL Y l'li..OT fl•ff .. ..,. Ira tlie Swi11i at the Y " Shown Combo, 30di1plays confidence In Instructor Bob Dllny during swi m claes at Orange Coast YMCA. ~glstratlon 11-no~fnl-_;o­ ducted for two-week instruction period beginning July 14. Adults are 'velcome, too. For complete informati9n. about sum.me r swim pro- gram, contact "J office!r 2300 University Drive, Newport Beach. ., Harbor Schools to Rejoi.il Fed eral Lunch Program · · Newport-~1esa elementary achaols next tall will be back on the federal acbool tUn- ch protram after a year of offer\nc their own achool cafeteria 'fart. Trustees voted thla week on the recom· mendatlon ci Food Servlcea Director E\'e Cremen to rejoin tht federal subsidy protram. Elementary 1ehooll the past achoo! year offered 1 basic nutritional plate with 1ome a-la-carte option•. Mr1. Cremer1 1ald It didn 't work out for two rl.110n1 -children tended to spend lhelr money on 1wttl.a and de1sert1 and aervlng line• were com- plicated, making for confusion . "These children are too young to have · a selection. \Ve. feel we need to auide them in diet,., she said. The federa l lunch costs 35 cents per elementary chlld, including milk. This past year the school di1trlct offered a 3Q.. cent plate with milk, five cents, on! cf the extras. The year before the 1chaols went oa the program there wu a 5C1rclty of..cam- modity food1, turkey, chicken and gro:und bee(, Mra. Cremen said . They are more available now and with food pr las going up the federal lunch· ls more economically allractive, she ·.said. Last r.ear was the first that the school district • cafeteria operaUon shovted a profit, put back intD e q u i p m e n t purchases. • - Mrs. Cremer1 sard the schools galna: It !heir own and consequently being very close with money made for a more ef. liclent operation. The chief ot cafeterias so ld she ht1td from Sacramento just today that t~ price of milk for school children n~t year will remain five cents , despite. a planned increase in the public price Df mUk. • • ,. • r • G/~&jeaa! ·' for MOfher or Grandmother from I to 9 GENUINE Birthstones 1rac1fully &et In 14 -Kt. wh ite or yellow gold ••• The 1pecial rem1mbr1nc11 from 1very member of the f1m ily. • - f,.., $2?.00 ,~t~ ••t .... fH~e. A<ltlflla..r ,..ol11 ston• $5.00 .....____ Di-$12:00. ' • · s11t<1 and Ila olffet." they ha•• lo bt ap-11181). ·subolltuto ISi bldl (lhe currtnt preached ..,.IUlly, number for J,'19 11d l&o !nJlead' of Jiii.i CONVENIENT 2! YEA~S S..-Mo LOCATION · Roeen npnMd !he con~loft. tbal for 11111~, • TER !hero wu a mllllllltty ol llllertal batw... -Au !zed. tilt county Jl<fmlnlllnPvo • • M~ ' ~:::;t11e:,~11hll~"1~8l~ll~<1~and~lhe~~llllll~l~1111~ln~..j•~.m~cer 'the hotpltal 1dmlnlltrilor '°-1-1----~'"i.oN.sKAMUICAaD ~ 1lo•l1111111arm111te ' lil1ln"lllnfl~'<1t1'llllll lll«Qf/\,11&...,---n1n2,..1-.,iqoc£WPO•r 1tvo .. CO~M!f!i;:--="!', "-ilf!iffiiFs'sfisl::.1~4iOo'fr'1-,._~~I "ln thl1 hop1 wi are.klokl'W forward to (tMJdJnc I) needs to determln1 whJch Js J .. C.. J./ump/u.i11d 'J~wef.,. Ille i>egtnninf of these talkl, bl aild. i>e81, modernlllllDn or <1pl1ccn<nt. • • l _. ~ J$j •• ll 1;--• ' L I of rith 1·~ I. I001 I a o t •rd 1"1 <><.• :. a •f • . , . ' ~-.July 1. 196, DAllY PILOT -Prisoner ·-~~eat' Z I 1J . , ar l< >Al ->W-A-Y ' """' . PRE-FOURTH OF JUl Y -. Studied • WASHINGTON ' (U PI) - State ~em olli<:iats .., they are worried about a Soulh Vietnamese Commu· nist broadcast th~lenlng 1'1pproprlale.punlshment" fot tlie alleged massacre of Viet Coog prleoners held by lbe satgon government. ' --s-P!CIALS U'I T ........ DISTAFF DRIVER DROVE TOO FAR?. Dolly Doloon, 6; Eyos lmpaunclod Mlnlblko • Pleads Infan~y . Gir~ 6, Has Court .Date • DENVER (UPI) -If a winsome smile isn't enough to convince a court of her in· 'noctnee, Dolly De Leon may plead innocent -by reason of infancy. Dolly is a 5-year-oW;l who made tJie mistake of riding a motoriied minibike in the alleged crime." And Senior intends to make sure there '1s no generation .gap probleln on the jury. "Sbe 'Will asklor a trial by a jury ~ her· _peers.., Senior saicf.. '].and [ would expect some 6-'year~lds to be on that j_nrv, too_.''~ •. --... _ ..... ditey= t;ct;-:;~ 1-~r home . 'A· .-L!....: ·--- police officer saw her. im-The ticketing incident OC· 'Ibe Implication of tile guer. rllla broadcast was that U.S. or SOOth V!_etnamese ,,_,prtson· en held by the Communisti might be harmed or mis· ~ treated. Qflicials w e re studying caret:ully the text of the broadcast, dls.seminated Mon- day fn Sotilh Vietnam in the Vietnamese language. State Depanroent spokes-man Robert J. McCloskey told a news briefing Tuesday, "We are very much concerned about the ·welfare of our pris· onus and. wbuld regret any mlstreatment of our prison-ers " • The broadcast said 100 Yiet Cong guerrillas held by South Vjetpam 1n the Tay Ninh Pro. v1nclal capital were blown up, presumably by exp losive, in a "mean and savage, vindictive act." / The broa"dcasr said: ''We .. warn the U.S. pup~.lhat all lhf'ir vile i1elaliat1ons against and massacre of our incarcer. aled patriotic · compatriots ~annot avoid apr,ropriate pun· ishment The b ood of thous- ands of our incarcerated com· patriots who have been killed by tbe U.S. puppets screams for revenge.'' · The State Department main- tain! ~the Viet Cong charges are inaccu rate. Officials said that at Tay Ninh as a result of enemy ~-prisoner had been killed and 00 wound- d., lh b'k nd h d....i cured Jww 18 when Denver poun l;\I e 1 e 3 an ~ patrolman Robert G: Johnson6 Dolly a Ucket-fqr driving ed when a projectile landed in a prisoner camp. .... "with no valid Co Io rad o spoUed Dolly riding: in the ope rator's or chauffeur's alley. The child's molher, Mrs. license." Dorothy Chavez, said they The ·young miss goes into th ought it_ w6uld be all right cou nty court Thursday along because the alley "is very with her defense attorney, quiet and has almo:st no traffic ·Milnor H. Senior. in it." "l ·think there ate Jl'l'Obably t. Then aloag c~me Officer some constituUonal quesUons Johnson. He Ucketed the here, and t have to discuss youngster and called a tow them with my client, my cllent truck to take the minibike being a 6-ye.ar-old, and abide away. by her decis1oll5," Senior ex· -"I respect the law and think plained. ' a lot of the police for keeping Sentor ·said D&!ause of his th-e City clean with all the clie nt's understanding of the crime there is," ~frs. Chav.ez revised statutes of the state of said. "But it seemed a warn- Colorado , "I expect her to ing would have been surficicnt. enter a plea or not guilty, and Our power mower sometimes _ probabl:r--not guilty· by l'N!lll!~ gtes faster . thau the bike of infancy at the time of the does. 11 Countryside Hails Charles in Wales CAERNARVON, W a 1 es (AP) -Cheering yachtsmen ahd spectators ashore greeted Prince Charles today at the vacation resort of Llandudno as the new Prince of Wales began a four!day "meet l he people" tour of his restive princlpalit;. The· 2().year-old heir \o the British throne had a cozj din· ner party with friends, in- cluding some mu_ch talked about girls, before leaving Holyhead aboard the royal yacht Brltal}Jlia. He was reported in a relaxed mood with the personaf ordeal of his Investiture, Its bomb scares. deaths and royal pageantry behind him. acknowleagment of the cheers. The-prince had s aid he wanted to meet as many Welsh people as possible dur· ing his tour. At Llaodudno town hall . he signed the visitors book and talked with local officials. While he was ashore, his sister, Princess Anne. and other guests on the Britannia disembarked from tht Britan- nia and left for London by special trai n. Charles was to visit Oen· high, Caernarvon, ~ferklneth, Montgomery and Cardigan Shires today before returning to spend the night aboa rd the Britannia off Newquay on the west Coast of Wales. Skull Crush Lhiks Death ' - Of 2 Girls BETHANY, Conn. (UPI) - A 14·year-old girl whOse body was found near here Monday , died of a fractured skU11 -, just lik"e a 10-year-old ·girl found 30 miles away two weeks ago. State police said there was evidence lhat the girl found dead in Bethany had been sex- ually molested, aithough the body was so badly decom· posed iL was impossible to say for sure. The Bethany victim has been identifies! as Dawn Cave, who had been missing since i Memorial Day .. Her body, ringed by a circle of stones in a makeshift gravf!, was found by a young girl looki ng for her horse. The fi eld is about a mile from the Caves' Bethany home and a half mile from a slate police barracks. An autopsy performed Tues- day at Yale-New Ha v en H.ospital showed that the girl di ed of a fractured skull. The case bears a startling resemblance to that of 10. year-old Mary Mount of New Canaan, Conn., whose body was found June 17 just off a se ldom·lraveled road near Wilton, Conn. She has been missing for several weeks. An autopsy showed that the Mount girl also died or a frac- tured skull. "It's as if a huge weight had Ir ;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; been lifted f r o m his shoulde;s," said an aide. ·Small sailboats and yachts clustered around the Britannia when it arrived at tlkndudno, - on Wales' north coast, arter the overnight trip f r o m Holyhead, on the Isle of Anglesey . But security was heavy, and Navy frogmen searched the Llandudno pier for bombs throughout the night Charles landed t ust alter 9 1.m. wearing a dark brown 8uit. As the royal_barge_Jfl~ed _ toward the pier, he waved in Gi~·l Wins -Corvair Suit An.ANTA (UPI) -A federal court jury has ·awar ed a 23-year-old w o m a n $425~ in damages. In her S)lil agairiM Otne.ral Motors, lhe manufacturer of the now discontinued C h e v r o I e t Corwir automobile. L..~&SanJose! --£Wrf90 minutes! The award came Tuf:!lday Pr ... ntlng the grttln t flight tcheduJe on earth bttwffn after an ll~ay trial In which 7 •m and 8:30 pm. Both ways! More on weekandsl JSisa tone Jenkins had claimed I J--------------------11 lhenras p.ral)'Ud. from her Wh atJll!l down io_ an automobile Y worry •boul a rnervallon when PSA ha1 011er 1100 IHghts . a W99tl? Such an easy·I0'1'emember aci'ltdUI• you c'an c1rry It v.nck seven yurs aeo. net · h o Wh AltomeYI for Miss Jenkins arou '" )'OUr ea · Y remembet low111l l1f81? Or 1111 Jeti? Of great service 10 Sin Fn1ncl1CO, Oakland, Sat! Diego, 'I'<""~? fH bad maint·ained the wreck Sacramento? Or 11\at kida undft 12 fly PSA (wiln their ...,. • f • •' 1 A. BONDED JERSEY FRAMED SKIMMERS 11.9 9 ------ nt ck ip Stunning summer p1!1isleys in 1!l vibr1!1 choice of green, orange or bla on white. Both easy·on, back z step-ins of ace!ate iersey bonded to acetate tricot. A. Kabuki sleeve, sizes IO· I 8, I 4'/i-22'/i. 8. Sleeveless, sizes 12·20. Moil and telephone orders invited. Budget Dresses, 27 - • • ~ ·~ .. .. •'· ' • • --·--- ' • & . ' . - • -. . .... ( .......... 1-.,~~~~-.:..:.--~~.-­• c near SwalnsboNI, Ga.. that ' pi rents) forh.l!l t1re? Still want a ,.......,1non? Ju it -... pennane~tly Injured her was rememb9r yourtr1vel igent orwh1t1ft1n1~ alrHnu.:-<,;i;::S. ANAH E'IM NEWPORT caustd b1 the foully d!>sign ol -~. ->•• ~~~g~§~i--~44::4~N~. :Ev~<~lld ·S"l!'l·:!_8 ~12C!_l ~----,.;;·u..,~~L.J·'··' 6,.._1_ HUNTINGTON IEACH -llit=Gi>rvo!P--ln wfil<IF61'ecw111r.~~~~~~~~~-""'~~ '~ er • "~·• --,UJl-------J.7-R-"Edin9orl\to.--m'l!~ rldlfll. · on. """ .;io'i • on. t hru Fri. I 0 1.m. to 9:30 p.nh 1 Mon; thru Sit. • , 10 a.m, to 9:30 p.m. 5 t 10 t 6 • · 1.m. o p.m, 1.0 a:rth to 9:10 ,.m. ' I ' ; , • I • ' II , G • 1 '· • ' • t· 1. I - .. I I - • --.. • i I ~A.D,Y PJLO.T EDITORIA.L PA.GE I, • End t~ Hard Feelings? Onm&e Co1111ty'• Local Acency Forni~tton Commig.. •Ion. a body polillc which passes Judgment on proposed city aMexations. has no\v come up with a lruce line calculated to end future municipal boundary striie be-- 1-twcen Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. The principa l area in question i& a long, lhln croo_k· Gd piece or real estate ~stretch ing fro1n a _point near Orange County Airport ocean\vard to aboUt 20th Street. This sector has taken on numerous names over the years, some unprintable, others like The County Corri· dor and The Gaza Strip. · liard feelings between the sister cities over terri· tory probably 'firsl begcin to develop In 1955 when New· pert Beach successfully initiated an aMexatlon which circled all territory surrounding Upper Newport Bay, thus sealin g off the city of Costa Mesa Crom any future access to the sea via the bay. Over ttie years, th en. each city took a nibble al the un-annexed territory, often to the lune of considerable political jockeying and even a cros1fire of vituperative comment at tim es . - Today. the territory left over -that which still re- mains unannexed county land -is r,retty muc~ a cross-hatched mixture of uses rana:lng rom exclu11ve home developments to bucolic nel5hborboods reminis. cent of the lfarbor Area of yesteryear. Jn th e latest annexation flurry, Costa Mesa fUtd one proposed annexation and Ne,vport ~each two others With some measure of crossing-over ot 1tn·es:-lfr..U1t end. the county's LAFC recommended that a'1uture boun· da ry between the two ci ties be established aJong Tustin Avenue. Thus Ne,vport \vould stick to the easterly side of Tustin Avenue an.d Costa J\'Jesa to the we&terly side. Evenlually. then. as the LAFC enyisions it, all of the corridor will be absorbed by one city or the other. It II a nice. Udy truce line. It would seem to otter tho equily o! a rea•onabJe and established future city (or properly owners in -the corridor. _And, l{ the old torrldor.....can now be-di-&a5'ociated !TQJn. the ;~al ·or implied campaigns for indu>lriol land by one or the other of~~ cities, the new Harbor Area truce. line mlgbt even wOrk. OCJC District Bailed Out It's golng to bu.rt those who own commercial prop--erty but it's &ood news for homeowners. Woid ftom County Assessor Andrew Hinshaw is that he ·has ~~ed valuations on commercial prop. erty, particularly 10 Newport Beach arfd some in Costa Mesa. .. ~ Th~ action has important impact on Joe.al school financing. As it is, the combined school tax rate for N~wport:Mesa U,nified and'. Orange Coast Junjor College ~ill probably go up 50 ceqts., but except for the increase 1n assessed vatuatlon, it coUld have gone up more. Prior-to bearinJ. from Hinshaw, junior college trus- tees 'vere faced with a miilus budget for next school year -one ihat was nine cents Qu't of balance. Now: wit}\ a broader·than~&nticipaled base to multi- ply the tax ra~ by, the revenue deficit· is removed . The exact tax rates \von't be..tnown until after July .15 when final asse~sed valuation figµrea are announced. In years past, 'the assessed v:Sluation has been sof11ewhat higher than citres and school districts esli~ mate,d. School districts and cities usually 'vill estirnate on the low s!de ralher than on the high. side. In times \vhen ta". reform is stiD only a political promise, homeowners will welcome any breaks. Protests Reader'• Cottament in Glomny Gus J • (C) 1 '1.nsulting Our ~ntelligen.ce' P-ornography B-ills ... Are P.re posteroits -I To the Editor : Oh, corne on! You 're lnS\Uting our In-_ 1 tetllgenc<, by printina and dlgnlfylnc JUCh stupid comment.I aa T.A.R.'s in I I GIOomy Gus (June 24). "Now that we have higher institution• of Ieamlng "-(t a1Way1 thought-the--tt· prtsslon was "institutions of hliher learning,") -"on the Orange Coast we're reaching new lows in our social st.ar.dards." THAT MAKES aboul a5 mucll sense as &a.Yin&. "Since we have had freeways In Otange County. we have bad more aatomobile _accidents here," or "Since Disntyland_was buiU lo Orange Qwnfy, mart young people . are smoking pol." The statements might be true, but there is no correlation of cause and effect as they would stem to imply. . Anywiy, we've had Chapman Collea:e and junior colleges here since before WOrld War II. Or doesn't ~e v.·riter con· sider them "higber instilutiOIJS of learn· ing?" MRS. J. P. AYNES Good~Sanaarltan To tile Editor : I would like to comment on your report of an Item of intere.sl, entitled. "Good Samaritan. Ntgro Savu Stranger." (June 27. 1969, p. 8). First, Jet me say that I believe lhat tile story deserved first page coverage. W~n a member of the black race com mit! a wrong, It more olten than not is reported for all to see at fir.st glance. Second, I am a young (33) house\vire (white) and I pray that I'll live to see the day when it will be unnecessary lo call attention to one's ra ce under any circumstance11. TlURD, if there are others \\'ho feel as 1 do , I would like to make il known that the National ASM>Cialion for the Advance- ment of Colored Peopl e (NAACP) has an active chaplcr in Santa Ana. This - organization. of which I p.m a membef , is .. 'Ol'klng hard to open avenues of coin· mttnication and better human relations. tf we are gaing to succeed, we musl have the support of the white community u .. 'tll aa the black. If you care al all, pJea:;e give us your er1£9Uragement. MRS. PAVID PERLMAN Oftlll B•lt Informe d To the Editor: -·The othez~day-l....receivecLJn tbLmaiJ· four letters from -the Newport-fl.1esa UnUied School Diitrict, ·all identical, ad- drn:sed to the parenta of my four children . One letter really would have been sufficient and less eiptnslve. The ~Uers were by rar the most detailed and cornpr'eher.sive .1 have recefved since J --·--Wednesday, July 2. 1969 Th• edttori4l page of t1it Daily Pilot 1tek1 to btform and 1Um· ulaU rtadcrt by pre1tnihtg th.J' Ktw~pe:r'1 opfnfon.J and com- 1n«n.t.crv mt topic1 of inttre1t all4 algnl,_.,, bv providing • ,_.. fft1' 1/11 l"J',.WR of • .,. rradm" op1n1o111, and · bu prufftlltt9 U.. dlwru 111<11> Pol.U of -blfOfffltd ob,.,,,.,,· 4M IJIOUmcn °" lopic6 Of lilt dav. lttter1 from rtadtrs 0Te wel.comt. orfnaUU-Writ~• i1foU?d con'Dlg thtlr messagr.1 in 300 wordl ·or ks1. The right to condeme klC.r.1 to fit spa.ct or tlimiiia'tt libel &.s rtaerved. AU let- ters must incl!Ult dgnaturt ond mail· ing G.ddre11_. b*t nmner mov: be wi!h- hetd on 'fotquest if .ruffiCient reo,on is apparent. was asked to· eupport scho&l bond11. I am pleased to know the board has good intenUona and that we parenta and taxpaye[s art paying our teachers IUCh good 11l1ries. Juli thlnk,-after t• years (six yean 9(" collea:e. lW9JiesiJ:es, and l2 years on the jqb} a tea«tier can make 113.800. -• AS A PARENT and tn~~r I gre1t\i- appredate the effort of ' t.12 · aupe.rtft. tendent and board president to keep me informed. Howe ver, .I feel only half in- formed. I am 1ookin& forward to the next new5 leUer completely disclo&ing all ad· ministratlve level salaries, particulatly those at lhe central office level. I am sure no e:rplanation of the intent lo pay good salaries at this level will be necessary. Some additional items that could be ex. plained are : travel allowances (meals and transportation expense accounts ), U1e cost of newly established positions. and monies saved by the elimination of positions slnce unification. BRYA'NT GRANITE •People'• Pork'" To the Editor: Last week while in Berkeley, I h1~ pened t.o wal k past fhe student's "People's Park.'' Il made m@ sad to see the high fence around lhc children's ptaygrounCI equipment. It also caused m~ to remember an occasion when I was young of r-ur Sunday School class clearing a similar U'Tl'l.ised lot for softball games. I remember the marvelous. feeling we had of doing something for the yoanger kids. IT SEEMS TO me the students, who worked to establish lhis park, are· be ing denied doing someUUn11 constructive. So v.•hal if !here is going to be buill university buildings on the lot in a year and a half? (You and I know it takes more time than predicted for these ~ A 'No No' ' Isle, ~1inn., ~1es1en1er : " ... according to the U.S. Post Office. it's a ·No, No' for the newspapers to mention or adverlise in any way a raffle, bingo or any other type cJ lottery -eve.n though ll's a fund raising event !or a nonprofll organiiation or for a good cause. In facL-a news.p1per lh1t fail.t to oomply with Otis ruling can ject.s to begin.) Why not allow the students to finlah this project? . The city of Berkeley has been watering ·the plants, I'm told, and certainly a park is neec1ee in that area. . 1 SAW AT ~T_30 young_boys· in a university fountain (cloth~ and all hav- ing a wonderful time) a good example of the need. God kn ows, we need to provide more parks to .keep the children off the strttt 3nd 'f!C also must allow our young people lo eiperience the joy of doing somethina: for the corilrilunily. MRS. MARJORIE MORRISSETTE The Randall Story To lbe Editor: The Randalls thank You for prinUn1 our !tory. Your photographer& and r~porters -have bUn very nice to us. .Many contribuUons contained clippings of the DAILY PlLOT stories. We are grateful to you for all your help.' COLLEEN RANDALL .r and Family Dut to a hereditary tendency. Mr:>. Randall lost 011e kidne11 through mn.· lignant t uniors a1td tht s11:cond orga11 luu now been attacked. Until ahe ca11 receive a kidne11 'ramplant within tht ntzt year, she require' perfodi· cally increasing blaod-cl4!al'&ling treat- ments through chemical .dtat11m. Friends have tsta.blished a trua& fU?l.d clo U.S . NatWnal Bank, 1845 Newport Blvd., Costa J\fe110. In bart te""3, $25,000 is the price tog on her lift. -Edilor Too ~lue/1 Trouble~ To the Editor : In answer to reprimand (Mailbox, June 25) of original letter tMailbox, June 201 on Estancla High School band. No one wishes In discredit the Estancia Hig h School band or the excellent ap- pearancet; it has made elsewhere but assuming the commitments and problems that hold for one band must also. hold for others, one cannot deny lhe appearance of many other school bands of Southern California in the Fish Fry parade. It was never my intent to queslion t~ plau<J.ils of the Eslancia High School band. only their absence from the Fish Fry parade. The question v.·as and still i1·: Perhaps it was too much trouble ? The answer obviOusry 'is -it was too much troubl~. much to the disappointment of the girls on the drill team. the parcnls and lrieuds o( Estancia High School. MRS. 'VILLIA~1 NEEDHA 1\l lose ita mailing peon.it'. I'm sure that I .. Dear Gloomy Gus: dGn't need to mentloo th at I have a hard time understanding lhe Post Office's reasoning in this matter. since t am of Ifie belle! that most tdltors are quJ te quaWied to use &OUnd judirnenl in determining whether a ratne is for a Sood C811SC or not -and w~ther lhe "'Jlllb\lc Will be hurl by ad~ertlslna the same .... Such fund raising drive& hap- pen every day'_: and thif; doesn't lffm to concern Unck too much -but to let Speedtni vehicles on Princeton Drive, where. the limit should be 25 m.p.h. and not ifG.50, art en· danft!rlng the lives of children and anlmala. A pup hit recenUy by ~ apetding truck coold have been m,y child . Costa Mesa poUct should conlro! th.ii. any~e k~ !hat they're hapJ!nln.1 Is -M. E. lht No, No. So -now you kriO'i! why ,~,. """'"' ,.,_. '"''"rt' "'"" IMlll Possibly Prohibition taught the people a, lesson about the praclical role of government in everyday life. It didn't work, as you remember. and It was at,. t.ended by. and fo llowed by. a train of abuses and a dislocalioo of law from v.•hich we slill suffer. But the lesson, ii one 1urvived. is C.'<lfl'- fined to a narrow base: 1t pertains to the availability and use of beverage alcohol. Prohibition was simple In purpose, to abolish the alcohol traffic in the Unlted States. The Volstead Act, pursuant to the Eighteenth Amendment. f o r b a d e possession of alcoholic beverages, which \4"as usually treated as a misdemeanor. Sale and transportation v.·cre felonies. TllE LAW PROVED to be unen· forceable. or billions of possessions yearly, 1920-1933, oot one Culprit in t.e.n- thOusand was caug ht. Not one in 1 thousand of those iUilty of sale and transpor tation was caught. A cood 1T1ajorily or the people favored Prohibi- tion al the out.set. but the minority was so large as to be' unmanage1blc, and the n1ajority melted away in two or three years of messy failure . Bul we have not applied the leSS<ln In alt.er fields. \Ve continue to supJKlrl the delusion of enforceability in, for instance, prostitut.ior. and narcotics. · Particularly in tile matter of a mild narco•.ic like marijuana. the collapse of law has been'lotal. The dizzy elders v.·ho sip martinis. frown on the young who smoke marijuana. The young say to bell \\'ith marijuana enforcement, and smok.e; il fits their juvenile idea or growin11 up , ano deliverance from the control of frowning elders. Such prohibitions like Prohibition itself. have a common denominator: only the unlucky are ca\)ght. -- NO\V IN CALfFORNIA we see the pursuit of the same dreary and futlle o~ jective regarding· pornography, so.called, or obscenity, if you prefer. Here the delusion is even more mindless. You can measure the alcoholic content of a liquid , and a ll will believe the gauge. But M \WO p:ople re.ad the wildly diversified obscenity gauge alike. The California Legislature. with lvn> hills. prclends to read the gauge for us. These bills are preposterous in their seal· tcr-gun effect. One makes unlawhil sale to minors of matter appealing to a "morbid interest in nudity , .. ·· Alas, tots of three have a morbid interest in nu~ty, an d some never lose it. Another bill forbids distrlbut.ion of maleria.J havtng "prurient appeal." Jn any school yard kids abS<lrb all the theorellcal knowledge of sex ronLalned in htid·ccre pornography. A bill would forbid material "going beyond the cus tomary limits of candor.'' What, pray, Is "customary"! T\1ANV SCIENTISTS, sociologists and judges find no sound evidence lhlt por- nography ir>cltes ro . W\50dal 1t1ual behavior. Some even ln1lsl It dimlnllhes unaocial 'sexual behavior l n v o I v f n I another person. But many legi&lators, p.'W<d by d•luded corulitu .. ta, lhlnk their authority to adopt a law lncJUde.1 authority to adopt a delusion. They will such evenl1 (important to a amall ~· ~ ..... ~.,.~ .J'llHt " "" M'lllW'"'": ""' 1-"i"'-f--J--RGbert-N.-WMd,,~·l!ulbliiitil=+~munity) do-nut~-any-pobbdry-rn-_,.., •• •••• •• • .._.........-omr-"""'. I rJllelrc<l'l'« JM_w•Jlrilldllcnv l--tll~e"!lne"vttable, lhat only the unlucky will be caught. tht paper." r I I \_ ' . ' \ •- ~OVER"ffiROW 1'\tE u.s ... r .. • 'Damn.ed right winger/' Sex Education WASHINGTON -Some members of the House and Senate are being ferven tly urged to act, but it looks as if Congress ·will steer carefully clear of the burgeon· ing public controvers}' over sex educatioil in schools. The door is open for aciion. Rep. Henry C. SclµMjeberg, R-Wis., has introduced a bill on tile subject. -The bill woo1d forb id federal assistance . fof teaching, teacher training or research in public school prQ:- • from kindergarten through ~i~h school. That is where tile criticism comes in, and some of it is not rrol1) the John Birch Society or its supporters. grams of sex education . "THESE PEOPLE arc &inking their Senators and congressmen are well OYl'll ship," says Dr. Gerald Sandson ol aware of the noisy contr<iverl':y . Mail is 01e National Institute of Mental Health, quite heavy in -SCJme congressional of-v.•ho_ feel s tha1 .mi.sdlrectf!d SIECUS prG- fices arfd a couple ol Woshington 's motions are alienating parents and pro-bedr~m suburbs, where congressmen voking local and state legislation whic h raise their own children, ~rf..!k~~dY.J.n~ _ _c.:~_:i~~ .. ~.~~~1:1S'~~ --:~~~.!.J~'1l.B!~.s.:. volved in se:r educalion battles. Sandson has two ob1ecllons to tile pro- There has been some talk of public grams fO!tered by SJECUS. hearings on Schadeberg's bill. For the He Is conce rned that the teachers who present, however, il seems unlikely that wind up usi(lg the volatile materials pro- .{ ' ' Congress will provide a national forum . moted by SlECUS will not be pr G- lor the violent protests which are being fessionally or psycllologically suiled ,to · loudly presssed in many localities across that dif ficult leaching chore. • the nation. Sandson also argues againsl the use of FOR ONE THING , congressional feaders are suspicious of the right wing origins or much of the mail which dt.mands an end to sex education courses. They are convioced that such organlza· tions as the John Birch Society and the Christian Crusade have inspired many of the proteslS. Jn thal regard. House and Senate education experts, who have guided federal education program!'" througll racial and reli11ious mazes. are not an1- ious to involve them in a sex educalion tiaftle with right wing overtones. They are quite willing to leave that to the local agencies which run the public scllools. F in a 11 y, knowleGgable lawmakers, aware that many school systems have long conducted a sort of sex education in the guise of "health" and "hygiene." believe the question is not whether to have a sex-education program but what 1 kjnd of program to have. ~ ' SJECUS -Many of the complaints reaching congressional offices are aimed at the independent, oon-government Se1 Information and Education Council of the United States, a clearing house which, under the acronym SIECUS, has become a full fledged villain of lhe ultra·right. The group is headed by Dr. Mary s. Calderone. a long·llme birth·control crusader. SJ ECUS, a non·profit organization, does not cootrol prop,rams but seeks to pro:- lllClle local sex education campaigns lllrougT1 speeches. publications aod films. The programs Yl'hich It r o s t e r s , sometimes under the heading "Se-nstlivily Training" or "Family Life Education ," are designed to eliminate sexu41I fears amoog young people ana promote • normal healthy sexuality. Courses rostered by SIECUS usually ln· volvc the force.feeding of very e•pllcit biological and socioloclcal lnrcrmatlon • Otar George : I'm a hopeful novelist and have finished 11 books but they attm rather short . The lon&ut is thrtt pa11e.s. Can it be that, as a writer, I haven't suffered enou&h! HOPEFtn, Dear Hopeful : Ponibly. But, as one of your ttaders, 1 know 1 have. .such materials throuehout the public school years. Since the time of Sigmund Freud, he says. it has been "pretty well accepted" that-cllildren tend to sublima te l'their sexual drives and interests from the tl1ne that they become deep'? involved Jn scllool activities until the bfdily changes of adolescence begin to appta'r. DR. CALDERONE rejects the "laten. cy" concept, says Sandson. and the force· feeding of emotionall}' charged material promoted by SIECUS fails to take it into consideration. Similar views i.ave been expressed by New York City child psychologist Rhoda L. Lorand. She is the author of a book, ''Love, Se1 and tile Teen·Ager." which has been well received by child guidance experts. ' Friend~ here say Dr. Loraod's book was warmly praised by Dr. Calderone when it first appeared, as a contribution lo the child rearing cause. Since Dr. Lorand blasted SIECUS. they say, her book has been ignored by the or11anita· tion In its promotional efforlS. WITH SIAtlLAR tUnnel vision. SIEC{Js continues to insist thal all criticism of its efrorU is wholly attributable to the right wing. Other national groups whicli hllV!! endorsed the concept of sex education have taken the same na rrow view. A recent Gi llup poll indicates that the public, generally, sup~r~ se!_e<!\.l~.1tio11. ~:i.lff Uie S(hools. -'tile poll of adUlts sho~~at ·support for such courses is up to 71 percent. The poll can be read, however , as in· dicating that the publ ic is very alert to thr content Or such courses. For example. only ~ percent of the adults polled favored discussion. in such courses. or the birth control subject which is dear •o Dr. C11derone's heart ' Dy Robert S. A1ltn and John A. Gokhmftb Dear Gcor1e: I am pre&idtnt of 1 cam;>Ua movenient which has been rioting an semester, demandlna: more • voice ,in the adm inlstratlon ol col- lege ~niculumm. We just won lhe riot abd the dean ·says we t:an have more voice in college kun1cu?umm. - My ptoblem is this. What does kur- riall6mm mean? ' YOUNG RE,JlEL l i '• I '. O.•/ You1111 Rebel : ~ (Ru11lt-><GULPtoblms.Je:Geor111---11'-'-told ''"' yooi'd--just-start-+--r-1-1-i: for sptt<Jy _proacrt&tlnatJon .) riottng spin. .. ,, ·1 r I J Ii p I ' \ -----. ' Learn of ~Fv Budget oou6' FOLANE, 10, ROCKETS DOWN SLIDE IN PARK In Huntington Beach, Sm•ll P•rk1 Do Big Job Do~ng Big -Joh ---··· Little _Parks Wo rk in Huntin gton " Little parks are doing-a big job .i!} llun· tington Beach. .. One o! the best e1amples is Wardlow Park, 2.1 acres of green grass spread · over one ct1mer of MagDQlia and Pioneer ~ Streets. · Sprouting rrom \hat green felt base are metal monsters built to tease and delighl the young children of the neighborbood. • Daily, from 20 to 30 youngsters, mostly pre-teens, climb the tubqJ.ar ship, slide Homosexual Grotinds For Firing Pr.ohlh ited WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. tourt· cf Appeals. ruJed 2-1 Tuesday that federal civil service workera may not be fired solely on grounds Utat'they are homoaex· -uals.-··-~ · ·---- The court decided that homosexuality 'ustifies dismissal only iI It demonstrably affects ihe cinploye's job perfonnance or the efficiency of bis·department. down a Tocket-atyle con.strl.IClion; spin on a small merry·g~round or fly as high as their young legs can kick them on the swing set. Wardlow is one of five neighborhouC-- parks lhj! ci ty has deveJope4 wit! playground equipment ai an appr!!imale coat _or $6,000 each. ether neighborhood parks where !'1e children can be let loose for a day of fun include: ..__ Schroeder Park, 2.i acres Oft the comer of Cornell and LaSalle streets. · . Irby Park, 3.1 acres on the corner o( · Diane and Sylvia Streets. Perry' Park, 2.~ acres adjacent to Per- ry School. on Deauville Street. . And Lake Park, 4 acre,, at Main and 11th .Slreels. _AJso developed in similar fashion is the clfy's Communhy facility.._ ~urd)' Park, T'iCi'es afOie-C<Jriiel-01 Goldeilwtst aM Nonna streets. Another neighborhood park, LeBard, adjacent to LeBard &hool is scheduled to start...deVelopment this summer. . Beach Girl, 20, Suc:cumhs T9 _No v. 13 Crash I~jury Linda Jean Wade, 20, of 912 England St., Huntington Beach, died Tuesday in a Santa Ana convalescent hospital of head 19'9 10t County Traffic Deatb Toll 1968 t03 Jnjtlries suffered In a traffic accident Nov. 18, 1968 at Main Street and Red Hill Road near the~ange County Airport. ' ·' -· • ~ The accident also claimed the lives of Alona Hall, 4, wbo died the follqwing day and her mother, Mrs. Lillian Han, 20, of 909 England St., who died at the scene. , A second daughter Katherine Hall, 2, was seriously injured but recovered. Mrs. Hall was driver of the car which collided with one driven by Ronald E. Ustick, 46, o£ Tustin. }Je was seriously in- jured but also recovered. , ,, ' ... Jim Neal, · Fountain Valley•a city n\anacer, I& • bit ~ wh<tl be talb •boy! Ilia ~.·trip to Vienna. AuStrta, where· be repr~ted' the city belore delegates'trom IO natliw. "Lwaa ~oua when 1 rnt spoke, but I think m'/ aj>eech went Oftr well," ls about all he can say aft.er virtually "tell· ing the ~Id" about · FounJain Valley's 10.y.ar-bul!gel program. Neal spoke at the annual convention of the International Union or Lo e a 1 AuthorlUea where 1,500 d!legates from EO naliool gathered to bear various recipes for financial responsibility. NeaJ was asked to explain a unique plan b.ich may guarantee its citizens no raise ln proRtrty taxes foe ten Yf41'1· ".&fter I ouillned our plan: for long- range budgeting," comments N e a l , '·delegates from 20 nations asked me for copies." Neal was in Vienna June JS.21. But his memories of VleMa are a little vague. "I was so worried about my speecb,"-he says, "lhat I really didn't see many of the local sights." Comments from other U.S. delegates lndicated Neal's speech was one of the best given among tbe people who run the cities of the world. . · Fountain Valley's man ln 'Austria was quite impressed by Vienna's city hall, site of the conYention, "It's a four-square block -building, unbelievably big. 0 n e time they fed 1,200 people in one meeting." Europe has a dillerent form of city government, also noted by Neal. "Most cities there have a full-time, paid mayor, who has a large staff under him," says Neal. "There are not .too many city managers ln Eu1'9pe." . ~ But Fountain Valley's city manager is back an the job now, "and with a few oew ideas to apply locally." The city's tab for world.represtniation was ,l,200, mostly for air fare to and from Vienna. Sea World Visit Set for Boys _ay HUlltington Boys 7 to 17 will leave the Huntlngton Beach RecreaUon Center at 8 a.m. July 11 to attend an outing at San Diego's Su W«ld. ' • Youngslen: living In north Huntington Beach will be picked up at the same time on the Marina High School campus. Pricu for the da'!Jong ,,_t are' $2.50 for kids Wider IJ and fHl for ~ !rom 131<>>7 yeon iii age. · Fees must be· paMI at. the Recreation Center'· 17th and Orange Streets ·by Thursday. r Children aUmdtng the event are re- quested to take a}oog enough money to purchase a lunch . .. Blimp Columbia:· Being Grounded AKRON, Ohio (AP) -The Columbia, one of the airships In the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. 's small blimp fleet, Ls being grounded for good. The l~foot Columbia flew its last flight Monday after }ogging 300,000 miles and carrying an estimated 50,000 passengers since it joined the fleet in 1963. Goodyear officials say the Columbia will be kept for spare parts for her Miaml;based sister ship, The Mayflower. Woftltsdo)', July 2. 1969 , S DAILY PILOl jf Mental ·Hu·spi~I- . ' Bid. R e jected .. nltnd the. separ~tloo r..om ~ : Controversy o~ construcllon of a 1!12- bj<j .... 1a1 ~I Jn lluntll)g!Qn Jjeacb, waa )omporarlly. quieted ~·night as planning c&runluldiiers' turned ~own a use penn!t by a t to. S vote. ,., u.tel 11 insulflc:lenl" • "I'm all ror It" added Henry °'"'' another· _.,1sa10.er, tiUrri!iyfle llJI& m.· sdtulion should be in· another plsce in • .,. Hunlingtori Beach." ,_ Robert Rlgby-,,property manager of the II*" o Corpora Goo 'whl<b ""'Alit the ~t, aald be would appeal the decision willa iho.lluntlogtoo)!eacb City Council. ·'!'lot lloopllal,. 4 long·lenll faolllty, ""' to.hav~ beell loeated .at·tbe south side of Hol!And .flrl,e &Jl!l ·eaat •f<om the .,.,_ A Similar" hmpital $~ up cort· · • 1roveray In the City tr .w~~ reCently and was lurnef down by tbe pt.nnlng commission, TIJa city-council lat.er decided to overrule that deciiloo, Nil Y Pit.OT s• ,_. NERVOUS IN AUSTRIA F.ount•ln V•lloy'a NNI terline of Beach 'BOulevard. . ConSidtrable MSJdent objection was leveled at ~ hospital two weeks ago at a planning commlsslon bearing when It was alleged that the minimal security measures wou..ld not prevebt the insane from escaping into neighborin&· housing developments. • 1 • Y h Tl " Tile cocnmldlon'• declslOo to deny the out ieater use ·pennit-Tueaday night .... based on an lnadeqlll~' bUfCer f.Or)e between the H , .i _ T propooed raclllty anc: nearby buBiI!esses oms ryou . ..,_~~--· ' "I tblnk ihe facility is line," ·1ald eom.. For 'Succeed' · Singers and dancea from all Orange C\>tl•IY ciUes are Jnyltecl \o audition for the Huntl.ngton. Beach Youth Tbealer pro- duction of "How, to Succeed in· Business ·WltbOut Reali¥ Try)Ill" tl>nlght and T!ni/fday. ' Tryouts will be l>tld In the Huntington Beach High School auditorium from 12,311 -m.isslqoer ,Mar~ 'Porter. "but· in my Chamber · Names P.air to Head Member Drive p.n. tG f p.m. both days. . Robert Merriman and Howard C. All roles are for non-equity performers "Btid" Maµ,eny have been selected by up" through coll'I• age aJid will be cul the Hwitingtoo Beach Chamber of Com· from the aud1tions. •Additional in· me1'ce Hofrir COmmtttee~ to lead a formaUon is available by calling (Z13) membership drive in the near future. 436-0910. . Matheny, who is chairman of the newly Singers are requested to . bril'la:· their fcxmed.>Jfoetl, also ~ppolnted a mem- own music with them. . benblP Pl)>oP'!CI d<Velopiooit commltt<e Four perfor~ of the Broadway hit-.Jed bY.> Je~ .and 1ncludln1, Jerry will be presented in the Huntington Beach She.a, Du~ f'orney and Pele.DiFablo. High School auditoriwn ~ August On:..iiie speciil event.a commltt.ee are 21 -• -Cbalnnan · Ri1ph Kiser, Peter-Horton , ' _._ _... Ropr Slates andlBllJ Reed.-x t • Members of the Hoata are-to be garbed Onix GWC Pool Open On lndepenlt~nce Day All publlc awlnunln1 poola In Hun- tington 'Beach, ei:cept the pool at Golden West College, will be clold Ft'iday for Fotlrth of July celebr•\ION· Pools closing are Huntington Beach · Hlgb' School, Marina Hl&h School and the city .pool a{ Palm A.venue ~lnd.17th Street. Only the swimmin& pool at Golden West College wW ~ opeq, lroyn I to 4:30 p.m. 1n navy blue coals and a special chamber emblem and will be charged with ~­provement . or the chamber thouJlr Inc creased membership ,acUvities a n d booting of importaol penoD$ vlaltln( the city. Minuteman Launched VANDENBE~. AFB (UPI) ' :.. A Minuteman J lCBM was'launcbed down i.he Air Force~s .Wistem tell ringe early today. The IJr Force said the i a.m. launch wu handled~. a Strategic Air Command ml.is\!~ co . ctew from the 39ith Strategic Ml&slle uadron bore .. • ' ' • _ _;,:_.J_.;,_._.._~·t-->~.:..., ...... ---~_.._~~-·i ' 1 # . ' however. • . ·• ln oiber action, lhe commlss100 ap-.. proved a tenlaUve tract· m~p· arid-&<>ne ' cluulge to allow development of a huge • industrial-and commercial compleJ-neer. ~ Bolsa Avenue and Si)tlngdale Street. The 3S2 acre parcel has been )lrought · before the commission by developers ~ John D. Lusk' and Son on numerous oo-· caslons, bi.at not until Tuesday night Was • it possible to work out the fine zoning ..-: details. ~ Ocean View Sells Bonds .. .. Of $1.3 Million , Ocean View School District has an· ,. nou~ ils lnleotioq. In ,.U bonds tota~ : ·1ng 11,:.JO,llOO to the Bank of America to .· help wllb the constructlOo of the ..,. Vista View School. • Accordhig to 0151. Supt. Dr. Cbreoce Hall-the bond aale·will·allow the~ to apply f0< Mote Aid dllrlng the -· -~7f;tr1,;, :i the p~t tlmt, ~ • remaining 'bala.nce1>f. fl,SSS,000 from the" 13 million borm electloo held in Fe~~ Dedlictlon of tbO ll,300,000 for th< .... View · project, will leave a '535i000 balaoce for futui'e bood salea. 4..da y Gruriion .._ Run Continues · Slippery and elUsiVe grunion continue a lour-Oay ..,.. on Qrange Coast beaches the nest three nights, but. the sport is strictly for nigbtowls. Tonight'• run starts at 11 :54 p.m: and continues until 1 :54. a.m. Thursday. and Friday runs are even later. Thursday the small fish will begin their spawning runs at 12:54. a.m. and last until 2:54 a.JQ. The Fourth of July runs are scheduled from 1:5' to 3;54 a.m. • . . - SAVE '17'9" ON .. THIS '.'BEST BUY" SYSTEM! •••• $yo<h,..Lot. owlo.,,tlic .... roloblo•&h•fl'JH, •• ,,.,l•I• wit+. w•l~ol "'"••· i.. • .., .... 1,~1 p·~l•••;O~•I p!olt.r, cow~t••-lt.olo•ctcl •~• pr•cioi•• c..IU1rotecl I•~• "''"· Reg. Pric• $1 l S.<l!Sl •SHERWOOD S-8800a •EMPIRE 999VE Sl'l.C.,K:•llOtU ........... ,_..__ • -Olll.r t "''' '»: .-:.=;.:.::.. 11·• flATlllU .,_ ---..... ~ws......,. s.r;:,."~:::::.: fll....__ ..... flOlll.,_ ...... ,.... .... k ·--·-... '""' '" ... • ACOUSTIC-~ESEARCH AR4-x'.s F • ..,...,. AcM•t;c S..1p~1loit All-4• e,-.elett. ;,. '-••ulrlwl s .. .c1;.• OrlM W.th~t k.l!,lietr _,.,..,. ..... •••IJI•-• tl>i• h•ly ,._1n1;..,.i FM'--•*"'''• ... R•t· Prlt9 $119.70! I I PRICES START ~ AS ' LOW AS . '6950 c.--~ • 11 /J • - • ·1 • • •I /' I I - . I I I I I. 'I I • -~1 .I • I • I ' ---:-~ . ' J!J.O ------4 DAll.Y PILOT-. ' /. ~D~• Rellecrial' • ·Jt-puHo T~warted . . . By Lea ky Valve - . . ·- . . ' . ' ~ CAPE KENN!!D'(, Pit. CAP) -A leaky fuel Vilve today' ·~pttd·Fa CQUnldown t'<boarui lo~ )he Apollo 11 rnan~·lhe·moon launching:. · The trouble developed ~rt _ o"' hour • and 50 minutes before the tea wu to e.Dd • with the •lmulated llJlll!qlj Of the Sjlum .. " ' ., AdmlnlltraUon 'l&Jd the 'valve Wu · .. loHlecl1il 1he 2111/-fo<)l level ol 1he rocl.et -tower and WU paI't of O'IYS!em that replenllhel Uquld hydrogen to the British F?o1tma1ter General John 'StoMhous• tried lO deliver the mall -with mixed results. Accompany· ing Postman Willie McBride and carrying a 25 ('Ound bag of mail, StonehoUse managed to drop a pile o( letters in the street. deliver one 1etter to the wrong address, and in tossing a ·parcel to a sorting bln, missed bf yards. "Let me tell you, it is not 's simple as it looks," he said. • Police!· in ·East Horndon, Eng .. land s a i d armed b a n 4 t t !' forced eight r.fsteurant erpployes into the wine cellar and then sat down to await the arrival of Assist· •nt Manager Alan Gadson with a ·sz,400 in a .cashbox. ThtlY waited and waited, more than 30 minutes after the restaurant's opening time, a nd finally went away, empty hand· ed and cursing. Gadson showed ·up ·half an hour later, saying he over· slept, then his automobile broke down and finally he had to take a bus to work. • 5 rocket. Unlil then the lenatJiy ltJi hid proCeeded' for 51 dayB wlil¥>ut a hllch. Launch officials called, a' halt in the count and sent a .fwr-man team of troublilhootera to the pad to chect the val ve. The NationaJ Aeronautics and Space * * * Crew Will Le.ave Mes$!Jge on Moon · ~" WASHINGTON CUP!) -'Ille Apollo 11 astronaull -·Will leave ·a·.metal plaque behind when ,they depart•fium "tile moon later thla ,mbhtb. Here ta tta tne.uage: "Here nwl'fromJha planet~ set foot uPoQ.the moon. July'l969 AD .• We came bi peace for aU mankind. Npil A. Annstroog Edwin.A. AJdrin Michael Colliru. ruchard Nixon, President, United Slates of America" third llllge. ' • NA$A hod ,,. J.avnedJote. OIUu\lte "' 1he lenlth of the bold. An ollldll ·nolod the ~ cit the COWlldowb rebeanal WU 19· plnpolnt and ellmlnato l!ICll pro, blems before 1he OnlJ count la lllrtod. Thnlu&h the "1lbt. the llw>ch ..... puin(!Od iolll ol aupercotd llquld b1<1ropn and UquJd oxygen into the cavemo111· tanks of the SatUm s· rocket while experts monttllM systems ln the moon mlsslon's two spaCesbJptr . ~ ' These ""' lhl>"~ llh!p and 1he }uiwlr l'nodule-;:t§e-sprdery vehJcle whfch is to tr~rt two men to the surface of the moon on Juty 20, . Launch coOtrollen aimed for a mock JgniUon ol the Salum 5 at (Jlld-morning to conclude a countdown teat that beaan lur Friday. ., · Once lhe ; lfftOlf 1lmulatlon has been p:chieved, the fuels Will be.drained from ~~~~~=~:,' tfie count iet )t wllj be r-Th"""8y and 1hO three astronauts will epter the: coi:nm&Dd ship to~dpate In 1he flDaJ. boUrs just' u Ibey will on launch Goy . Successful complctiab 'of the&e' tw. wWtlear the way f~ start of ·tbe rul . countdown Julyc!D, .wtill llje. ~al'UftM!' set for l :t2 a.m. Et>T Jdlj JI. • The National Aeronautics and Space AdministraUon said the White House passed on and edited the lnscrlpUon and it considers the· choice of words to be' those of the President. Etched oil .top. wlll be .iwo circles symboUZing the two ~"" wllh a dot In one to sijnlly ---~~· w~re ~ ~oo be&an. In prepafatlori ftr Thuriday•a test, astronauts Neil A:•-Ar?Mtrong, Edwtn 'E. Aldrin Jr. and' Mlchael Collina today planned: several haurs practice ln the· command ship 'trainer. -. \. ~cCle·~n, Colleg,e. Chref . -. . . · _(;Jash on Student~evolt · r · If Brian Herslu!y of Chadds FoTd, Pa., neeru· help kttping hi& balance on this rail.-li e has plenty of tt. With school out and pttnt11 of ti me to do t.hing1 bo11s like best. these ftve 11ouno1teT.s, Led bJI Brian, play foll-Ow the leadeT on a 1eldom w:ed tnJCk. • A tittle printing error gave away millions of free chances for cash prizes in Britain's state lottery, but officials said -they could C<lrrcct it well before the-August draw .. The letter "P'' printed instead of the letter "N" in the serial numbers of 1,000 premium bonds made the $12 bonds each worth 1,999,995 chances instead of the usual five. rl"""-.,...,;•-..,..,.=ir:i .. Britiah bobbje• figured the after t.healer crowd was getting ri a Litt{e out of hqnd when 3011\e of its members began taking of f l their clothes in the· street. Tile ~· ope7~-air strip began afteT a pe r.· I ~ • forntanu of "Paradise Now " 11 N µlay about free love. at l..on-- do11's Chalk Theater. 1.. ..... -""""'" Ne\\1port, R.I.. Beech Director Gerry Nevins when asked if resi- dents can help themselves lo the billioru of clams which have clut- tered the resort beach replied rap· idly: "\Ve 're giving clams a'vay gladly." ,j ·-., "WASHINGTON CUP!) _:The Senate's belween de!CQ!lers of campUI autonomy, chief idvestigator of campus riots bu ac-who cont~~e authorities "might CllSOd a dniven!ty prestdent ol applytng a •park more-vkihCe by calling pallce "'double standard'! undtr w ht ch and critiCI wbo_aay students have n~ lawbreaking ltudents are immune fri>m · right to be truled ·a1 b criminal laws applied to everyone else. .. r .fl! a !peel (ted. "Wbete do y~ ·drfw -the line?" Sen. Jn the H,o~ ~sday, another uptct Jobb I,.. McClellan (0-Atft.),.thunden!it at of the campcq '!lem reached a cli· max. A band d · ocrata on the House S\aolord Unlvorslty l?resli181t.Kennelh S. EducaUon r~. manar~ to ~n • ~r. "111ey lcommJt m~ .out 'there ~ ..._. "' ""a· -.·""'"re -1n11o ·-~ '.li?" . blhlU-chto 'l:ut-0l1Jilderal aid from collqea .Tv-0" U&ll\US W' dJd nor .,d.,e the govemm•~ Jn. "Oh .of count · liol," '11zer z:eplled. .,.. ~ .. '"11~~~! ~~cirtes ~ ~ l'= :':::.lhey ~di pllll1J lo hand!< cam- :;: 'bru;t"""dull . ~·~'W· .:Up.II . Rep. Edllh 6""" ~[)-Ore.), bae\er oe allt.hOtitits." , _ ~-~ _ •• the measure, ~ it was 1 mild step If;. ,n-.:e~ ~ ..._~ate hearing te!Jded to act II.• buffer a~alnst possi ble b~el a lbai'p d la f I r e• in en t represmie .antlcainl!Qll legislatlon which _"t,_ .• l ·....:._~ •• · .m1ght~meup~UleHousefloor. , , _ , , ·, .. ~ .., ..... ~ •• _But libera1M Democrats Viewed the P. • •}t ·1· ·' ·~--.=In ~-·-llghl as olher · risoner . e P.AliP. , .. ••"' ~11ona and banned U ed~ r . :Ai~ '~r~~= ~~n:..': rg ny 00' ., lrlieiber 1he 'door~ .... be open for . "'°'" otrlngenl aU...pta at leglalaiton to Official . in Paris. OOOirol student 'Vklie!"'"· . PARIS (UPI) -An allled 'officlal at the Vle~m talks .loday urgtd the eom.. munists to open separate negotiations on the release of prisoners, lncluding Anlerica.n pilots from jails in North Viel· nam. {Related story, Pal' 5). ""nl111 could be one Of the ~s to brtak tbe deadlock," said the South Vietnamese delegaµon official, who asked not to be icfentilled. The talts 10 into their 24th session Thtirsday . "This is a humanitarian problem which should be treated 5eparately from other problems related' to the war," he said. "We think one l}lould not join the ques- tion of prisoners o( war with any olher problem." 650 MA Y DIE OVER HOLIDA Y CHICAGO (UPI) -The Natloaal Safe- ty Councll says 5SO to l5CI penona may die on the nation's highways durtnc the July 4 hoUday weekend, 50 to 150 mort than would die normally. i:tie ~ell estimate for the holiday, which begins 6 p.m. local time 11lursday and ends midnight Sunday, indicates traf. fie death! wUI approach or exceed the 1966 record of 577 persons kllled durini a three--Oay fourth. Tornado Strikes Florida . ,, ' . - • in \ -- Flooding f empe r•tNra .. Mltll Ltw l'rt>e. A lbu<iuer-" H .OS ---" n "' a .. • " • " .. " " .. • '" " u ~ " '" " .. .. " .. " ,, .. • '" •• '" ,, " .. • .. • • .. .. • • n " " •• " n • • " ~ .. .. " " " ~ " ~ " " ~ n " .. " .. n " .. " " " ~ ~ .. •• " • .. .. • " .. • " .. A .. " .. " .. ... ·" ... ... 1.47 "" .., "' •• - - I ' • • • . . • l . WILL ·PAYJ YOU, • r . ,; $ S;t t'·. . )~ .... -.. ·'"" ' ~ FOR ·EVERY YOU SAVE GUlUlltllD GROWTH ICCOUIT ' ' •• .... • Anaheim' Savings guoront••• a .5.2.SY. onnuol intere1t Nte, compoundff doily. You'll eorll $30 for every $100 yov JCV• in our Guaral'ltncf Growth Account If account 11 maintained for .5 yeor1 and lnltrelt aecumulo1t1. Guaranteed Growth Accounts ore opened with any amount of $1 ,000 or tnore. High eorninQs a.r• 0!10 avanoble on shorter t•Nl'I occountt of 3 or 4 yeor1. A1k for deteib ' On special withdrowol requiremenh . 5.250/o • • GUAU11111D lllCOMI ACCOUNT .. AnoheiM Savin91 Guaronfnd Income Account eorn1 o guorant..d 5,25 '/. annual ·ate, com· pounded doily. !amlngt wfll be paid to you every quort•r for •fhe perk>d you de1 ignate- J, 4 or 5 yeon. Deposit any amount of $1 ,000 or more. Ask for detoi11 on speclol withdrawal requirements. S°lo ' . IONUS lCCOUlfT • On B?nus Accountt ._. pay the 5 •f.· current annual rate quarterly plus % •/. onnuol bol'lvt If held three yeor1 or longer. Accounh opentcl for $1,000 or more, PIS51001 ACCOUNT .. You earn 5.1 J-/. annual yleld wh1n all saving• and lnler11t .ffmain a year ff the .5 Y. current e nn ual rote is ma intained and compounded doily for o year. Interest h paid for ••ad day.In to ••act doy•ouf. And, f\tnds receiv.d by the 10th of any month eam from the 1.t when they r•i:noin on depo1lt until the end of the quorter. At An.ht1M S1vings you ••m the highest i1tterut ln flit Mtion; ind 1r1 Insured Up h •. SlS,000 ~ th1 Federal S1Yin91 ind loan lnlur1M1 CorJMW•tion. JOIN US SEE AMATEUR RADIO OPERATORS (ONTACT PEOPLE . THROUGHOUT THE WORLD STATION K6SYU/6 .. ' tlle-Afteheim Amciteur Jtodio ·Oub wiU b• Oiterolfng Uve ·-• fl"Dl'ILOUT main office lob~y. Joil\ us for a cup' of "COffee or plJnth and talk to PffPle;-cround the world. Juiy11it · 10th '1 a.m; to 4 p.m • - ANAHEIM SAVINGS •• ·11 11 1-'' • ,, . ~~.,.~ 11,"'P . lllNC& J9Jl A l')I O ·LOAN ASSOCIATION 11 ,,, • I . . •• , .. - • / • Prisoner 'Threat' St1,1died 'l\'A!IHINGTO!I (UPI) - 'Siatt llep&rtmont olllclallgy they are ":9"1ed about a liolltb VleUiameae Conunu· nbt broadcast threatenl1111 ''IJ>Pn>Ptla~ punishment" for ·t~~lleged· massacre of ·v~t COni' prboo)ers h<ld by• Lile Saljon g<>Yernrpeo). l'he lmpllcatron Of the. (Utr: rma bro8deast was that U.S. • or Sout..h Vletnamese ~n­ "' held by th•, Colhn\uo!Sts -mlgtil be hamiod or mi> treated. . ' . Officials w e re stu<tylng carefulJy the text ot the broadcUI, disseminated Mon. clay in Sooth Vietnam in the ~ ... ~, .. ,... Stile Department .spot& man Robert J. McCiostey told a news brlefi(lg Tuesday, "We are very much concerned U,. T ........ Dl$TAFF DRIVER DROVE TOO FAR? Dolly DeLI0(1, 64. Eyes Impounded Minibike Pleads Inian~y Girl, 6, Has Court Date DENVER (UPI) -If a "'·insome smile isn't enough to ainvince a court or her in· nocence, Dolly De Leon may plead innocent -by reason or infancy. aJieged Crime." And Senior intends to make sure there is no generation gap problem on the jury. "She will 'ast foi a trial by a jury or · her petnlt" Senior said, "and I would expect some 6-year-olds to be on that jury, too.·" t the welfare ol our prts.. «>n:en and would regret any mistreatment of our prison- ers." The broadca.st said 100 Viet Cong guerrillas held by South Vietnam in the Tay' Ninh Pre>- vincial capital were blown up, presuJtlably by explosive, in a "mean and savage, vindictive act.'' ·The broadCast said: "We warn the U.S. puppets that all their vile retaliations against and massacre ol our Incarcer- ated patriotic compatriots cannot avoid appropriate pud- ishment. The blood of thous· ands of our incarcerated com- patriots who have been killed by the U.S. puppets .creams for revenge.' Dolly is a 6-year-old who made the mi.slake of riding a motorized minibike in the alley behind her home._ A police officer sa\v her, im- pounded the bike and handed Dolly a ticket for driving "with no valid Colorado operator's or chauffeur's license." The young miss gOes into county court Thursday along with her defense attorney, Milnor H. Senior. The:!.tickeUng incident OC· cured June 18 when Denver patrolman ·Robert G. Johnson spotted Dolly riding ;in the alley. ~child's mo~, Mrs. ~ Dorothy Chavez, said they thought it would be all right bcc<tuse the alley ''is very quiet an~ bas almost no traffic The State Department main· ta ih.'I lhe Vlet Cong charges are inaccurate. Officials said that at Tay Ninh as a result of' eneray action one prisooer haabeen killed and 60 wound- ed when a projectile landed in a prisoner camp. Skull Crush Linh-Death Of 2 Girls "I thlnk there arc probably some constitutional questions here, and I have lo discuss them with my client. my client being a 6-year-old, and abide by her decisions," Senior ex- plained. Senior said because of his client's understanding of the rnised statute& or the.at.ate of Colorado-, ''.I expect her lo enter a plea of not guilty, and probably not guilty by reason ol infancy al Lhe lime. of lhe in it" Then along came Officer John'son. •Ie ticketed the youngster and caUed a tow truck to t.ake the minibike away. "I-respect the law and think a lot qf the police for keeping tbe city clean with all the crime there is," Mrs. Chavez said. "But it seemed a warn- ing would have been sufficient. Our power inower &0melimes goes faster than lhe bike does." Cou1'try~ide flails Charles -iii ·w ates ( CAERNARVON. · W a I e's 8cknowle<1gment of the cheers. (AP) -:--Cheering yachtsmen The prince had sai d he and spectators 3shore greeted wanted to meet as many Prince Charles today at the Welsh people as possible dur- vacation reSt>rt of Llandudno ing his tour. At Llandudno as the new Prince of Wales town hall. tie signed t~ began a four-day "meet the visitors book and talked with people" tour of his restive local officials. principallt/. While he was ashore, his The 20-year-old heir to the sister, Princess Anne, and British thron~ had a cozy din-other guests on the Britannia ner party ~·Ith friends, in-disembarked from the Britan- cluding. some much talked nia and left for London by about girls, before leaving special train. Holyhead aboard the royal Charles was to visit Oen- yacht Britannia. He wa s high, Caernarvon, MerioneUt, reported in a relaxed mood Montgomery and Cardigan with the personal ordeal of hjs Shires. today before returning investiture. its bomb scares, to spend the Jrlghl aboard the deaths. and royal pageantry Britannia oU-•Newquay on the behind hkn. west coast of Wales. "It's as U a huge weight had - been lifted f r o m his shoulders," said an aide. Small sailboats and yachts clustered around the Britannia when it arrived at Llandudno, on Wales' nor1h coast, after the overnight trip from Holyhead, on the Isle of 'Arlgle)ey. But security was heavy, and Navy frogmen searched the Ltandudno pier for bombs t~l'l(lughoUt the night. · Charles landed just aftlJr 9 a.m. wearing a dark brown iruil As the royaJ barge moVed toward the pier, he waved in Gii'l Wins- Corvair Suit BETl{ANY, Conn. (UPI)··- A 14-year-old girl whose body -t was .found near here Monday · ~- died of a fractured skull ..:... ~ just like a 10..year-ok! girl found .30 miles aw•y two Wt:'fkS ago. r State police said there was ..., evidence that the girl found dead in Bethany had been sex- ually mol<sted. although the • body was so badly decom· posed it was impossible to say for sure. The Bethany victim 1tas been identified as Dawn Cave, who had been mhiing s~ce­ Meinorial Day. Her body, ringed by a circle of stones in a makeshift grave, was found by a young iitl looking for her horse. T h e field is about a mile from the Cave.s' Bethany home and a hall mile from a stste police barrack!. An autoJ>6Y performed Tu!.1· day at Yale-New Haven HMpital showed that the girl died of a fractured skull. The case bears a siartllng resemblance to that of IQ.. year-old Mary Mount of New Canaan. Conn., whose body was found June 17 jwt off a seldom-traveled road n e a r Wilton, •Conn. She has been missing for several weeks. An-autopsy showed that the Mount girl also died of a frac· lured skull. ATLANTA (UPI ) -A federal court jury has award· ed a 23-year-old w o m a n $425,000 in damagCl!I In her suit agah]st General Motors, the manufaeturer ol the now Los~&ScinJose! diSCOOU.m.ied C h e v r o I e t Corvair automobile. ~ Every 90 minutes! Presenting ~ grealnt Dlght ac:f"19duM on earth betw.en 7 •m and 1:30 pm. Both weyal Mote on week~I 'lbe award came \Tuesday after an 11-dtiy trial in which '-tiss Ione Jenldnt had claimed she. was paralyzed from her arms down in an automobile Why worry abOYt • reservaUon when PSA has over 1100 nights a week? &Ith an ea1y-io.....membef .chedule )'Ou c.n carry it ~k seven ·yean ago. around in you1 head. Why remember k>west l1res? Or 1U jell? Or Atlomeya for Miss Jenkins g11a1 seivice to San Francixo, Oaki.nd, San Oiego~ood lunl maintained the wreck Sacramento? Or lf\at kids under 12 lly PSA (with their ..,. near Swainsboro, Ga .. thllt pa1et1tl) ror hAlf tart? Stilt wanl a reun1atlon? Jusl ....... pennanehtly Injured her WI! 1emember your travel agen l or wtialiitsname altllne1. caused by ttle faulty ~lgn o{ _... . the Corvair In which she -was 1 ~::=;::=;::=;:=:==r=""::§"'~-~-=~·~111.~-~:3=:===~! riding. · 1....: ' ,, ---------------- • -- I • DAILY"*"' ., ' • f " I tc_>AI • A. BON.OED 'JERSEY FRAMED SKIMMERS 11.99 Stunning summer paisleys in a vibrant choice of green, orange or black on whTte. 'BOth eosy-on ~-OoCk-zip step-ins of acetate jersey bonded to acetate tricot. A .. Kabuki sleev"e, sizes 10-18, 141fi.221fi. B. Sleeveless, siz~s 12 ,20. Moil and telephone orders invi*-ed . _ Budget Dre'50S, 27 I • ANAH~IM NEWPORT • • ~ ' .. >W..AY PRE-FOURTH ·Of JULY SPEG·I· ' • . ,• :. . . , . . . . .. . . • • . ' -• ..,._,,. .. ':' ,_,,.__,__ _______ _;.. ___ _ 444 N. Euclid 515-1121 47 Fe1hion l1l1·nd 644-1212 HUNTIN6J11' IEACK 1771 Edin9or >... lt2-lU I Mon. thru Sat. I 0 •.m, to 9:30 p.m. Mon. thru Fri. 10 a.m. to 9:10 p.m. Sat. I 0 e.m. to 6 p.m, Mort. thru ).:.'l. 10 o".m, I! t:lO ~. -· I • • • , I~ ' ' ' r j :I I ~ ~~ • 1 . ' 2 ' " I I j t • l r ' l 1 • • • • I I I I • i j 'J -. ~ ' -' • i . ' ~ t ~°.PILOT _EQITOIUAL P,\GE I ' T_ouch of Yesteryear • Al" H1111Un1ton Beach bas zoomed Into prominence as ar.iia• County'£ largest city in area and fa.steal· i11>wlng In population, II ha! maintained one happy touch with the p85t. ll Comes in the fonn of the annual Fourth of July . · Parade, wbich gelo, under way at JI .o'~lock . Friday morning in its 65th .ninning. This year, 2,625 persons wijl participate -led by '13 bands, colored by, 2~4"<- oratTVe floats , smartened by 9 marching units and drtll teams and il mountea equestrian units. ' •. · I'• Without a doubt one of California's finest parades, the Huntington Beach affair \vill draw about 200,000 ,,.persons. . Also a 'part of the Huntington Beach ~rad.i~onal of· fertng to the nation's birthday, th e evemng fireworks display near the pier once more will provide an appro- priate patriotic touch to close the city's proud salute. Huntington Beach Jaycees, \vho organize this cele- bration under city sponsorship, appear to have another winner this year. If you and your family hadn't made plans to join in lhe fun, by all means do so. ment comes from property o'vners of the lndustrlal land along the· Senta Ana River. They claim they can't sell their property !•industry, ' And theirs is a problem the city must consider. At lhe same time, the city must consider the coo- sequenc4iji. or conv.erting industrial land · into the faster· selling residential land. That area is needed to balance tile i;:ity lax base, as shpwn in all reports submitted-Lo thi!'clty. · • · • · • . . -. 1\vo tactics· must be decided on by councilmen, and as soon as possible. l .) How best to publicize Fountain Valley's ·indu;- trial land and get it developed. 2.) Interim use for the land \vhile it is being sold or publici2ed. As to marketing -the term used by Lampman and Associates -the city could take a lesson from Hunt- ington Beach. That neighboring city hired a special man, Bill Bach, with the Chamber of Commerce, with one m8ndate: enticing industry to the area. __. 'Industrial Land Problems Perhaps Fountain Valley could allow a staff mem- ber to devote at least part of his time to direct sales work on the industriaJ land.· Brochures and direct ad· vertising can .also givJ! industry the word that Fountain Valley is not just a bedroom community. Does Fountain Valley really need 700 acres Of liJht industrial land to support the city's tax:-'nttds? If 'so. how ~an property owners use their land profitably whUe waiting to sell it on a slow industrial market? - A report submitted l;lst week to the planning coqi· mission by Lampman and Associates and Urbanomics Research Associates strongly recommends ijlat the city keep its industrial zoning for whateve r period· of tiine Is required. ln fact , all reports irf41Ca~e that _indu~trial development is nearly a must td provide a city with a strange tax base. The second problem·, interim land uses. is more difficult. Currently such uses as-fanning. StabUng of horses, and chicken ranches, are employed. Propertv owners, however, claim the. taxes µiey pay generallY exceed the profits-made on the land. ' • That claim might be investigated by the city as well as further uses which could reap greater rewards for the area~ land ow.ner.s. The only real pressure opposing industrial -develop- Howevei, one item is sure,· the city cannot a!Jo'v temporary pressure·from property o.wners , or perhaps objecting residents, to sway it from its Jong-range C?Urse of light· it:idus1rial development. Industry pro-- vi.des necessary tax rndney for a balanced co,mmunity. s -' Protesu llecWer's Co1n11ient in Gloo1ny Gus ,. THAT MAKES about as much sense as sayin&, .. Since we have had freeways in Orqe County, we ha\·e had more automobile.,..accidenta here," or "Since DlJneyland was built in Orange County. mere young people are !'!Imo king pot." Tbt atate1JM!.{lts might be true, but there is no eorret.Uon of cause and effect as thty would tetm t.o imply. Anyway, we've had Chapf!lan College and junior coUeaes here sutce before World War 11, Or doesn't the writer con- 1\det them "hl&her institutions of leam- tna?" MRS. J, P. AYNES Gootl Samarlla11 To the FAltor: I would like to comment on your report of an item of jnterest, entitled, "Good Samaritan, Negro Saves Stranger." (June 2'1, t969, p. 8). Firat, let me say that l believe that the story deserved first page coverage. When a member oJ' the black race commils a wron1, it more often than not is reported for ell to see at first glance. Second, J am a young (33) housewife (whitt) and I pray that I'll live to see the day when it will be unnecessary to call · attention to one's race under any circUrn3t.ances. THIRD, if the.re are others who (eel as Goal of noughts at Laree: .,, Tbe aim of a youne critic is to prove hofr 1upeHor he ii to the author. whose book he is rtriewinr, but Ult goal of 1 mature criUc is· to bring the work into· «harper focus for the audience, so ·that both good and bl6 points stand out more cltarly thU.. even the 1t1thor himself could discern. • • • Ma.sculint vanity is so great lhal the only flaw in ~in& .a arandf•thtr, which most men enJOf," ti ~ une1iY rtalliatlon · that one ii married to a-podmotller. ... -•-1--• Some women l'O through life in iUCh • ttate of Chton\c complalnt that If In the nm Ult the doon of hteveo wer. flunc -~-- Wednesday , July 2. 1969 Tise tditorial page o/ the Daily PUot $teks to inform and stini,- ldote 1"eackr1 b!I prt1tn&inQ tllis ntu11J>CJPCr'I apinioni and com.- mt~ on t.opfa: of interest """ tlplfioan«, br JWO!liding • ,.,_ tor, lllo niwt-of out ,<odm' opmtom, and by pr~ the diverse view· pofatl of fnformtd ob1ervers oncl IJ>Ok'""'" on topil:I of lho ""'· Robert N. Weed, PabU.her La.st week while in Berkeley, I hap- pened to walk past the sludenrs "People's Park." It made me sad to sec lhe high fence around the children's t do, J would like to make It known tti.•t playground equipment. Il alao ca"1Sfd me the N1Uonal As&oc.laUon (or the Advance-lo remember an hccasion when I was ment of Colored .People (NAACP) bila an young o( oUr Sunday School class clearing active chapter ln Santa Ana. Thls a similar unused iot for softball game's. I organWltlon, o( wltlch 1 am a member, is remember the marvelous feeling we had working hard to open avenu-of CO~· of dqlJg edmething for the younger kids. municaUon and belltt human rtlallono.~· 1, • If we are lai:nC to s:ucceed, "''~ , tr SEEMS fO me the students. who have the support of the wJtl.te Ci:m'1' . worked Ui esta.blliih this park. are being as wtll as the black. Jf you . Car-_ el ·, cttmed dolngJQIDe.thing constructive. So please gi\le us your encouraa:emeJ>l---.. -:-wl)at if there iJ1 going to be buill MRS. DAVID PIRJJ4AN utUver11Jty buildings on the lot in a year ,. . and a hal!? (You and I know it takes ,,. "' more time than predicttd for these pro-The Ratadall Storu -jects to begin.) Why not allow the To the Editor: The Randalla thank you for printing our story. Your photographers and reporters have been very nice to us. Many contribuUons contained clippings of the DAILY PILOT stories. \Ve are grateful to you for all your help. COLLEEN RANDALL and Family Due to a hereditary te1tdency. fl.frs. RaridaU lost one kidnty through ma- lignant t-umors and the second orga11 hos now betn attacked. Until site can receive a kidney tramplant within student,s to finish this project? The city of Berkeley has betn watering the plants, I'm told. and certainly a park 11 needed in that area. I SAW AT LEAST 30 young boys in a university fountain (clothes and all hav- ing a wonderful time) a good example of the need. God knows, we need lo provide more parks to keep the children oft the streel and we also "'ust allow our young ~pie to experience lhc joy of doing something for the community. MRS. MARJORIE MORRISSETTE a Mature Critic open to them , they would immediately demand to see the manager. • • • Many a man imagines that ex-perienoe has given him wisdom when it has only taught him resignation: what he cal\s •·accepting the inevitable" is in many cases merely truckling to the traditional. . -. . I'm fond of the militants' definition' of a "liberal" as "someone who believes that Sacco was innocent, but Vanzetti was probably guilty." • • • fl.todern ads depicting a bank as "friendly" are pretentious .bores: all depositors ask is that a bank be solvent, nol jolly . • • • \Vhen a kid does the wrong homework by misLake and thinks it's "wasted," then you know his school hasn't taught htm \~hat the learning process is all about. • • • Politics makes bedfellows of couple$ who w o u I d have separated long a.go if lhe election returns bad 10ne the oilier way. • • • The old sa)rlng lhat .. rumor has wings" 1nust ht true. because most of them don't have a leg to stand on, much less to run on. • • • A husband can ntver un<lt>r.· . hill \1·ile unle~s he lo\•es her -and if he love1 I her, he docsn'l have to understand her, • • • The apo~Ues of "free enterprise" are highly vocal about their right.s lo niake as rnuch profit as possible -which is till right \\'ith me -but strangely 's ilent .abol1l their obligation lo pay for the en· viroRmenta\ corruption that is the gro\Y· ing side-effect of their productivity. • • • To appreciate the enduring µower of myth, recall that Uic only two \•:idely- known apples in the world are lhe one that Eve never gave to Adam and the one Wllllsm· Tell n·evcr sMt off his son's head. • • • There's ti0n1c1hing splendid alloul a woman who, when advi~ed by lhe bank that she is overdra~·n, simply writes out a check to cover it. Dea1· GJoomy Gus: \Vho says that the more money, the bttter the teachtr? Since when did money change a person's basic personality. ~ptitude and slncer., liking for children? -L. M. D, ,,..,. ... ,.,.~ ... ~ ··-·~· "-" "' --•111 11\Mt tf "" M!W"-'· iflt4 ,..., "' -1119 ffl OIM!nY Giit. 01llr ftlltl. -·-~---------- Pornography -·" ---Bills Are Possibly Prohibitjon taught the people ~ lesson aboul the Practical rofe of government in everyday life. It didn't . work, as you reme.mber, and It was at- lended by, and follo~ed . by. a train· of~ abuses and a dislocation of law from which we still suffer. ' But the lesson, if one survived, is con- .. fined lo a narrow base: It pertains to the availability and use of beverage alc0hoJ. Prohibition was simple in purpose, to abolish .the alcohol traffic in the United Stntcs. The \'olstead Act, pursuant to lhe Eighteenth Amendme.nl, forbade po~session of alcoholic beverages, which was usually treated as a misdemeanor. Sale and transportation were lt!klnW.S. THE LAW PROVED to-be unen- rorceablc. Of billions of posgessions yearly, 1920-1933, not one culprit Jn ten thousand was ~aught. Not one in a thousand or those guilty of sale and transportation was caught. A good wajority of the people favored Pr_ohibl- tlon al the outset. bul the minority was so large as to be unn1anagcable, and the ~ n1ajority melted away in two or three years of messy failure. But we have not applied lhe lesson in other fields. \Ve continue to support tht delusion of enforceability in, for instance, prostit~1.ion and narcotics. Particularly in the matter of a mild i1arcotic like marijuana. the collapse of Jaw has been total. The dizzy elders who :;ip martinis, fi'own on the young who smoke marijuana. The young say lo helt \vith marijuana enforcement, and smo}\,e; it fits their juv'?"ile idea of growing up, and deliverance from the control of l'rowning elders. Such prohibitions like Prohibition itself. have a common denominator : only the unlucky are caught NOW "IN CALIFORN IA "'C :see lhe purs11il of the same dreary and futile otr jccli\'e regarding pornography, SCH:alled, or ohseenity, if you prefer. Here the delusion is even more mindless. You can 1neas11re the alcoholic content of a li(fuld. and nll will believe the gauge. But no tivo people read the ~·ildly diversified obsccoity gauge .alike. The Calitbrffia LegiSHiturc, wit~ two hills, pretends to read the gauge for us, These bills are preposterous in their scat- tcr·gun effect. One makes unlawful sale !o n1inors of matter appealing to a .. morbid interest in nudity ... ., Alas, tots of three have a morbid interest in nudity, and some never lose it Anot!)er .bill forbids distribution of material having .. prurient appeal." In any school yard kids absorb all the theorelieal knowledge of sex contained in hard-core pornography. A bill would forbid material "going beyond the customary limits of ca.ndor ." What. pray , is "customary"? ~IAN\' SCIENTISTS. sociologists and judges find no sound evidence tttal por· nography incites to unsocial sexual behavior. Some even Insist it diminishes unsocial se~ual behavior Inv o I v in g another person. But many legislators, pressed by deluded constituents, Ullnk Oleir authority to adopt a law includes authority to adopt a delusion. They will discover their error, and we will dbcover U1c inevi!able, Lhat only the unlucky will ~ caught. .. - 'I ' ~dl'14t:i14- , 'Damned rigl),t winger!' Sex Education ·-----' - Ana Congress •· WASHINGTON -Some members of the House and Senate are being fervently urged to act, but il looks as if Congress will steer carefully clear of the burgei'.ln- ing public controversy over-sex education in schools. ·ttie dooi is oPen for actioii. Rep. Henry c. Schadebcrg, R-Wis., has. introduced a bill on the subject. 'l'he bill would forbid federal assistance for teaching, h:acher training -0r research in public school pro- grams of sex education. Senators and congressn1en are well aware o[ the noisy controversy. Mail is quite heavy in SQme congressional of- fices, and a couple of Washington's bedroom suburbs, where congressmen raise thelr own children , are already in- volved in sex education battles. There. has . been some talk of public hearings oo Schadeberg's -bill . For the present. however, it seems unlikely .that Congress will provide a national forum for the. ~iolent protests which are being loudly presssed in many localities across the nation. F6R ONE THING. congressional leaders are suspicious of the right wl~g origins of much of the mail 'vhich demands an end to sex education courses. They are convinced that such organiza- tioiis as the John Birch Society and the Christian Crusade have inspired many oi the proles'5. In that regard. House and Se~ate education experl.S, v.•ho have guided fed eral education programs through racial and religious mazes, are not anx- ious to involve them in a ssx education battle with right wing overtones. They are quite willing to leave th~t to the local agencies which run the public schools. F i n a 11 y, knO\\'lee!gable la1vmakers. aware that many school· sys tems. ha~e long conducted a sort of sex education in the guise of "health" aod "hygiene." believe the que.11tion is not whether to have a sex education program but what kind of program to have . SIECUS -fl.1any of the cornpl~ots reaching congressional•offices are aimed at the independent, non-government Sex Information and Education Council of the Un1tcd StateS. a clearing house which. under the acronym SIECUS, has become a full Oedged villain or the ullra-right. The group is headed by Dr. Mary S. Calde.rooe, a long~lime birth-control crusader . SIECUS, a oon·profit organization. does not conlrol programs but seeks to pro- mote local sex education campaigns throug;1 speeches. publications ahd films. Th-e ·programs whictr it -1 o s: te r·s, somelimes under the. heading "Sensitivity Training" or "Family Life Education,"' arc designed lo eliminate sexual fears among young people aod promote a normal healtlcy sexuality. 1 Courses fostered by SlECUS usually in· vo!ve the force-feeding of very expUcit biological and sociological information from 1kindergarten through high school. Thal is where the criticism comes in, and some of it is nol fron1 the John Birch Society or its supporters. "THESE PEOPLE are sinking their own shiir,'' says Dr. Gerald Sandson 0£ thr National lnslitute of !\tental Health, \vho feels thAt misdirected SlECUS pro- 1notions are alienating parents and pro-- voking local and ' state legislation which i.:ould hamper useful school programs. •Sand.son bas two objections to the pro- grams fostered by SlECUS. He ls concerned that the teachers who wind up using the volatile materials pro- moted by SlECUS will not be pro· fessionally or psychologically suited lo that difficult teaching chore. Sandson also argues;,against the use of such materials throughout the public school years. Since the .time of Sigmund Fre~d, he says, it has been '"pretty well accepted" that children tend to sublima'.te their selCual drives and interesls from the .,. time that they become de~ly involved in school activities until the bodily changes of a"aolescence begin to appear. DR. CALDERONE rejei.:ls the "laten· cy" concept, says Sandson, and th~ force· reeding of emotionall)' charged material promoted by SIECUS fails to take it into consideration. Similar views I.ave been expressed by New York City child psychologist Rhoda L. Lorand. She is the author of a book, "Love, Sex and the Teen-Ager,0 which has been well rCi:eived by child guidance experts. f'riends here say Dr. \..orand's book was warmly praised by Dr. Calderone when it first appeared, as a contribution to the child rearing caus.e. Since Dr. Lorand blasted , SIECUS. they sa~, her book has been ignored by the organiza· tion in its promotional efforts. WIJH SltlfLLAff tunnel vision, SlECUS continues to insist th at all criticism of it~ efforts is wholly attributable to the right wing. Other national groups which have endoi-sed the con~pt of sex education have taken the same narrow view. A recent Gallup poll indicates that U1e public, generally, supports sex education courses in the schools. The poll of adults showed that support for such courses is up to 71 perce"!!:_ -ffieji011 can be read. however, as in- dicating that the public is very alert to lite content of such courses. For example, only 55 percent of the adults po\t(!d favored discussion. in such courses, of the.birth control subject "'hich is dear 10 Dr, Calderone 's heart. By Robert· S. Allen · i nd John A. Goldamtlh .---------B11 Ge,.rge ---------, Dear George: - I'm a hopeful novelist and have finished 11 books but they seem rather short. The longest is three pages. Can ii be that, as a wi;iler, l haven't suffered enough? HOPEFUL Dear Jlopeful : Possibly. But, a:i one of your readers, I know 1 have. (Ru:1h your problems to George (or speedy pro.!icraslin~n.) Dear George : I am president of a campus movemenl which has bee.n rioUng all semester, demanding more voice .in the adminlslralion or col· lege kurr1culumm. We just won the riot and the dean says we can have mort voice in college kurriculumm. My problem is this. \Yhat does kur- rlculumm mean? YOUNG REBEL Otar Young Rebel ; If 1 told yoo, you'd just start riotin1 again. • • . • 1> G T ;1 I< •,ti c ir b• b. T l< h c n ... •I tt rt rr c Y• u h• st fc 1: q• B ti al p 0, ., v ll fc a a, tr p fi ti E ~ II c. c • p ti b 5 g r· li L r r s l ' c c Empty Tea Bags ' . Bring a Mess.~g~ • ~ . ~ .........._ 7'~-ii~~~~;:~., Memben o! Concrm ,...Ive boxea d DAILY 'ILOT Z • . . Out•of-Court Settlements •• • ' . ~ Super l)lper 1\111,WIJ pt ln~ved In a eri>alq crub with two cm. Smllh, °" ll1al cor owner, sued. ·Jiist before trial, Ibo l'llJroaij lldl1ed wllb him ror-•100,flif.-.. Jonu, the aecond car.owner, Ulo sued.. • c-Ont rainy day lhe City Bank's mar• Ille jury bear aucb evidence WOll!d' keep owner• In lanulu from ~g lhelt promlae1 w~ public poUcy wantl PIQPle lo toke prudal ~ without tho coutt> penau.tnc ll1em. beans. Memben ol Ille ll!AIOacil...U. General Court r.ctlve 8,,pty tu beP· These .•re .. llOI glll8 from 1raWul· coo- 6Ututen'-', but pro!tits aSainlt b1'h ...,.. 'Tllll ~ ,.,. '"" ... . Al the trial be wanted to tell !be Jury about '11)1 r~·· aelll-.1 'with '· Smtih, lhui lhowi,,. !bat II ba(ln effacl, ble rtepo . bectme allppery, an.d lolr•· l!llnltted 111111, • • Jollnson 1Upped._falf, ind)IW'I .ber .. lf. THE RULE WOULD ha much Iha tame for !be landlord who flxa 1 ltop rl&bl afwr YOll fall, or pull 1 Ugjn In a cl.ark J>aU alter IClllei>odJ IOI bflrl IHll1-federal and stole tueJ. . The "Beans fof Coogrta" project wu ·Jhe brallichild o! Mn. O.Ora• Cook,· d Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, who was spurred into ac:Uon alter Cons,reaa voted ltaelf a hefty pay raise. 1be Mwachusetta: te• · bag mall-fu sUra memories of the BoltDn Tea Party -the ..,.1 effective tu I'!"" test In American lifltory. Taxeii: and taipayer resenhnent ~ high aJI over. A sign on the door of one of California 'Gov. Ronald Req:an's ~ reads ' "!( Palrjck H!"fY though( tax· .atlon wlthO\lt repreaentaUon was bad, he &hould see it with represeotatlon." ' .. . '· the 10 per<enl ln!>om• -and OQ ll>o ,.lated !JIU• of federal lnqome tu morrn. Rdonn -not ooctaartly mean feduction ol tu r~ '!'be ldN II lo l'f>!llslrlbule !be tu -"""" 'lir· ly: F .uiumfa, OR Ille hnprellllon llf ftlmeu, b esaenUal in a,tu syatem that relies on collec:Uon without coercion, The so-calleii '~toplfers' revel•" -~hich thus far bu not advanced beyond !be grilmbllng slap -•lema-In latie· part FEW CALIFOl\NIA!'iS wOllld smile ii fl'om JrOWlni awarenua of m.,qu1u .. in this message. Reagan, a believer In taX , tbe federaJ income tu atruptute: rellef, was forced to accept an $856 The extent of this awartnth wu mllUon t:aJ-increase -tbe biggest 1n '-'--fhown in a survey of Wisconsin resldcttts California history -in his first fiscal conducted last winter by Sen. William year. in office. Ironically but inevit~bly, Proxmire (0). Respondents to the Prox- the 1_ncreased tax b~de~ fell especially mire poll favored reduction of the oil h~avily 01 Reagan s lll!ddle-class C?"" · ,depletion allowance by 9, to 1, and they shtuencr. ln l~, s.la.te 1nc~me tat bills .oppo1ed iocreases in federal spending by for families and md1v1duals m ~ $8,000. 24 to t, increases in mllit.ary spending lly $20,000 brackets doubled, tr 1 p 1 e d • 9 to 1, and extensloll of f.he sunu beyoftd quadrupled, or worse. July 1, '19&9, by 2 to 1. The reaction was predictable. The fate of tbe surtu·-and of ta1 Billboards on Callfomia highways nouttd reform may well be·declded this 'fear tn · the cry: "Gov. Reagan says 'Tues tbe Senate. That ~ber voted to con-- should hurt.' Oucll!!!" tinue withholding rates at the present In lhlB sullen almosph.,., Congresa is level ollly after M~ority Leader Mlle• preparing lo toke acUoa on eiteasfoo of Manalfeld (0-Moet.) made II clear that Ill nllllill .. .... ....., '"' Illar!' lhe Democratfc leadenhlp .would iollst on lhe ll)ollllilMI of "lllNDlnCIW tu ttlerm" In any lqlallUOn lo ultDd Ille IW'IU. -.. WHAT CON81Tl'U1'IS '1rneanlngful" reform! Uni~ AutoJPObile Workers Pruldml Walter P. Reuther hu IQI· guted, amoni otber lhlnp, Iha! lhe prMml !800 aernptlon for Ille tupayer ind each of hla dependooto lie C011ve11od to a tu credit lo be subtracted from lu paymanta. Under the exlalinl system, Reuthel' polnll out, total exemptions ol $2,400 for a· family of four in the lowest · tax bracket are worth $336 (14 percent of $2,400), while the same exemptions for a four-person family in the top bracket are worth ll,680 (70 percent of 12.400). 1be tu Cfedit system already ls in ef- fect in Callforilia and at least live other states. It has proved a nasty surprise to h .. da of large families In Ille Golden State. 11le Los Angeles 'fimes cited the caae of a $2.8,000.a-year engineer, the father of seven, who paid $332 tn state in- come tu in 1967 undei the exemption ayaten> and iau In 1168 under the "more equitable" credit sy&tem. N~on Yields Ground .. ;,,. court f)lled that !be lll'Y could not Soon afterward&. "1e ailed. Meantln>l, llev tlllf teotlmo!11 alnce 1be llw favon· ... the bank loQk up lhe ~bit steps and out.«-11lllemenll. • Allyooe who put down no .. akld Ufe. At the trial, she makea a ..wa-it 1~ not have ii wanled Ibo jury to bear what lhe bank held over:llll -·ln""1~ lrlal. No bad c1one tnowfug that marble wu ooa would dare to -• a aettlemeol U • !be court could 11o14.11 ,against blm. dangerous. In ell~ •be aeld, tbe bank ~HE. SAME POLICY, lavll'lng oukf· court settlementa. applied In a limll~ Your choice of 3 bad admitted negligence by its actlon i Alain. for l'tAIOllll ol publlc poUcy, Ibo 00\lfl ruled out such evidence. For to lei - llul there are limes w\!en . .,,.mou. ,,(,. cldedla Jll8f tend lo balJ> prolr• 111!11 tn ·- damage 11111. The tact, for -. Iba! olhera bad slipped on !be llalrt IJ!ll' land to aliow a defect there Whli:b llrJ liDdlord sbOllld have known about anil ropalrtd. Nol<' Califomla la1D11ert offrT lhlt coiumn 10 11ou malt know oboWt our lawa. • 1, ll ,, ' l I I I I II • '· Conservative Power Shows cool plants in i'1A inch hanging baskets . -·--~!1 W AliHINGTON -The war ps on and on. There ls no ~fire, no coalition, no 8UStained withdrawa1. This is not the Vietnam war but the war in the Republic111n Party. It has been raging now for nearly 30 years ·with intermittent abatement ooly to Oare up again and again. The latest skirmish in the 30-year-war In the GOP revolves around -the ·~ pclntment of a third of fourth echelon of- ficial to head health and eclenUflc ac- tivities of the Department of Health, Educai.fOn and Wellare. Dr. John Knowles has -been dumped·f<>r thil job by · HEW Sec. Robert Finch who originally chose Knowles becau11e his vlewt on • called socialized medicine offend con- servative doctrine of the GOP u ex- pressed by Sen. Everett M. Dirksen. The American Medical AJ3oclatlon baa thus won again, Finch has swallowed it.s bitter dose and the Republican Party is spLit down the middli over the pro. gresslve-conservattve Wue which has rent it asunder since tht nonUnaUon ol. a liberal candidate for President, Wendell L. Willkie, neaijy three decades ago. AS HAS BEEN SO often the case In 'the past, bad political judgment pennltted the appointment to grow into a flaming lssue only serving to prove that unity in , .. the GOP la u much or more a myth than in the shaUered Democratic party .• President Nixon was supposed to bridge the gap between the old-liners whose real love Ls Barry Goldwater and the new-thinking progressives who have elements could create a conservative ap- position flt , more effective thaQ the George Wallace reaction of 1981 and 1n that way asaure that Nilon would be a one-term President. Jn any case Nilqn Ls in the COlll'le of giving w~y to the conserviUve' ltiii on Knowles, on deferring Southern com- pliance with school dea:ecregatlon orden. Oil the renew>! of lbe Votlng1!igbl8 Act of 1965. cbme to the U.S. Senate along with . THE GOLDWATER-Thurmond aide of Goldwater and believe they beUer the RepubLican Party has taten the repnaent a Republican consensus. ascendancy on l.bese domestic ialuel con- But Nb:on I.a going the other way unaer trary--to the.-eonviclions of-Se:ere(ary lhe prwure of the new pollUcal alf&l>-Finch, lq heralded as lhe domlnut meat . whlCh includes strongly con-personality in the Nixon Admlnlstrl.Uon. aervaUve elements in the South who can Flntfl.'1 defeat on Kn!Jwles could bu&en claim credit for b1a nomination and elec-· b1a realgnaUoo, ,although he dan1'1 lhla, Uon. There is also evidence that Prest-or at lea.at flnn up bis resolve to tuft for dent Nixon has: become wary of tbe the Senate in California next year inltead poUUcal potenllal represented by two . of lu1ll1llng b1a !our.year commllm'l!l lo 'undercurrents in American political -the Nlron AdnilniStration. It would do tt!nd!. Finch no harm Jn California to We.beezt.. ONE POTENTIAL Is Iha! hi3 poUcy In Vietnam wlll create a senae of surrender and defeat which will evoke a political reaction. The..,ptller patenUal can bt seen in the law-and-order vote ln the lA>I An,elea, New York and Mlnnupoll• city electioos. Together, it ts possible that these oo Knowles' side in this controversy. The kind· of Republicanism repreaented by Governor Rockefeller, Mayor Lindtay; Senator Javil.!, various Senaton sucb as Huafl Scott Of Pennsylvania, Ed Broo~e of Muaach111etts, Mark Hatfield of Oregon, and to 1 lesser degree Finch and George Romney does not reach 118 full flower in Ibo Nixon Administration. 1.77 Hanging bcnhts planted wtth your chol .. of -' junipers, Ivy or lbaaa. At this price you con have several for patios end porches. Fuchsias in 4" pol ---- Fv<hsi11 in 1 gafton -talnor 88c' Golden arlionlhdn 1 gallon cant•i-· 69c . • _ Scott's turf builder· and ·· b~nus for pretty green la'!Vfts ill summer long ••• • YOUR CHOICI • •· -I ' ~ . { _ _, I " :.7' .:1 -.7 =-,. • ;, .. j, . "' " ,. .... ' ' -~'$.--tiJ . '~ t·Q ·-~'r .. :1 ~ ,; ""' • l ..... "~ ~\ ,., "" ,/ ... ! . I .~ ,, I ,r ' l ' • • " I ., "" . I'm Dieting! I'm Dieting! turf buOder 9 8 S or bonus .... 4ladi Scott's Turi' Bvllcler Is a final oft purpcm :" lertOizer; can be used Oii WWI or dry foliage any _,.., needs no watering 1., alto -be used for aeedlng. 10,000 S<t-·h. -.ige. Scott's Bonus for Dlthondra feecla wlille cantralllng weeds. 2,!500 sq. It. «>••rage. • •I ... ' . '·"" Do you need to go on a dlet? About one out or every three adull.s you meet seems to be either on a diet plan· ni ng to go on a diet, or fighting con· sclenre pangs because he started a diet but hasn 't been able to 11Uck to it. To be on a diet fS an "in " thing. People who are of normal weight are un- comfortable because they make un- comfortable tbooe around them who .aren 't of normal weight. So they, too, Jo on a diet just to be 1n style. Dieting has become something of a prestige symbol; tht JSU!picion arises that 1f you don't have to go OI'\ a diet you're being cheated out of YOID' fair abare o! the nation's excess: faL Birr WORIE THAN lhe actual per...al hW!ler -Iha! mull from dleUng la the boredom Iha! talldq about it inflicts on others. No one wbo pa ma diet ever seems able to keep It a Jea"tt.: He must shout it from the root lope. Your choice of Ortha lsotox ;\'.!; , . .. :;.!> "" • ::.! r . • ·1 1 ,, When Humor Turns Blue ~ . ' . As a result anyone who menUoDI his diet 1tarts more immediate )11\lml than a 17·1Jmlng baseball gama, .• polWclan defending lbe federal hlghwlf pn>gram, or two recent mothen pabllcly diJcul&lng their labor pains. For a beaatlflll lawn this simmer use our Orfflo lawn and garden products 4.98 sw.;ay .or chlordane spray for e lmlnatlng pests .... 1.98 ' I I By L. M ' JYD THAT NOTION no bank will cash checks· signed In pencil Ls erroneoub'. Some won't. Most wlll • . • IT'S CUSTOMARY to addreu a professional aUctioneer as · "C o I on e I" . . • MAGAZlNES sent to the waiting room of a father-and-son team of physicians ln Roanoke, Va ., are labeled "Doctors Hurt • -ana ltUft~":-:-;-.of· ASKEirWRJCR. grows raster-your hair or nalls . yoor hair .•• WHAT THE NAME GAME man has lo say about fellows called Qale is merely that they're dedicated money-makers and persistent lovers. BLUE HUMOR -Why is it some co- medians aeem to get aw1iy with blue hu- mor while others can't? When· Dean Mar. tin goes oil-color. It's nothing but glib nonsense. But when Dick Martin ts: sug. gestlve, it irrilates. When Phll 1 Harrll cracb wise, it's u1u1Dy worth a grin. But when Tom Smothera aUudes, the notion arises to wash b.11 mouth out with 99.44. When Pete BarbuUI Sneaks in a bot one. lt'S never really offenllive.. But when Milton Berle trie1 a aour lint, It's em- barras&ing. When Groucho Marx ion blue, it's plain and fancy funnr. But when Bc b Hope usts dingy stuff, blame his recenl writer• and aay he't Ured. J1ck Benny, of course • .never lels anything llke that slip by. Neither does Jimmy Durante.. Nor does. that h 11 a r i o u 1 . h~orist Everett Dirksen. . ·' So the queotlon artae., Is It ....U1 ne.ct.188J')' for you to go on a diet? Hen are a few ways to tell You probably don't have lo go Ma diet 1m'M• WHEN YOU 11£ your W.. In the INSOMNIA -"U yoll think brld&e morning, you notice that !be dUtance lo players find H difficult lo get lo 1leep, your feet appem lo have lncreuad. you ought lo check GUI car lllem>en,• y eml atarl •• m.. ...u. wrltes'the"WUW"d....,...llUell:-"Clr·11111"" · .~ en ea. --o· you..=- men lie awake all ntgbt. either cbortUng ny. over their salet or muttering about the When you get a medical examinatlon, customers who cot away. It's just aw-the doctor has trouble feeltn& your Uvt!'J'. lul." You make a cbect of lhe calorlel you are consuming, and dllcover that you are apl.lling more of them on your necktie at lunch than your tom-op daughter eal8 all day. No matter how few people are standing wilb you Oft I blll you lllJ1 fetl I bit crowded. Orth~ liquid plant loOd, a ""'"Pim and balancocl fortlllzer. Ortho. lawn gr-for gr-lawns. Both In I gallon lizes. our 50' Super Flex garden ho .. %" diamoltr hooe relnfarcod 6 99 Ortho isoloX and chlordane apray pi....tdo last and lasting conlrol of IOil and lawn 1...m. A""llablo In 8 ., .. • - ·Q:t ""' ,~ ,..;. .. \'f ,,~ "r'· " . ' • • Cl/STOMEI\ SERVICE1 Q. "Let'a see you come up with the name of the college football team lhlt played the 1..-gelll number of consecutive pmes wit.bout a defeat?" A. Euy. The Unlvenfty of Washington. Between 1907 and 1917, the U. of w. turns won or tied their SS games. They ICOfed a total ct 1,N> poln18; allowing onJy 123 points lo be scored again&t them . • • Q. . 11HOW OPl'EN 00 the lion tamers 1n circuses ,.ally 1et l<)lled by Ille c1181" A. Under- .tand II have died of such ~ since Ille turo d lhe cenlllry. · wtth ..,.,... strong nylon cord. • 3 ca. ft. wheelbarrow and lcnn WllEN YOU RACE lo ll>o rlfrtceralor &L# 75' c.-.. ___ ....... •---9 99 cart . ! to grab a -·dlrlnl a telmafon com· " ' ~,....,.._ .-~ -- ' ' merclll you come back to Iha Ml car· %•, 50' nyl.., vinyl garden hose _ 4 .44 Your choice f1f 3W. It. • ! ryinl two cans Inst.ad of -Triple tvbo sprinkler 2,99 wheelbarrow or lawn earl 6.88 I To dttermioe whether you need a freAb Waft mount hoM ,.., 7,99 li>r the lame~ prim. . lhlnt, you llllclc,your -GUI cne at • 13 '9 1 1 time becaU!e II 18 loQ mucll lr«lble lo Hand apny with 1plke • • 99 4 cu. ft. whMINrrow ----• bend over lllid look .11 lhem. Pl&tel noale 1.29 4\i cu: ft. WhMlborrow 22. '9 ' ( • ' 1 · ' ' I 1 Your questions and camm"ti o.re IDl!<om<d imd tofll be tln4 .. ,.. ....... possible in "Checking Up." Addr1n mail to L.M. Boyd. in care of tM DAILY .PILOT, B°"' 187S, Newport Beach, Calif. 92661 • ,... JOO alt -In ... ...,, chair. ,.,. , ~ I llp; u JOQ.111 lo lll'U(.,. up from f~ I L you "'"'1· MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH · Rather than clfmb one Dlght of lllafn In I • ..-..... .__.;;.;;~.:..::..::...::..::_ ______ _:~_::~::.· .:=.:::===:::======~~· >"·1-~ a r:d!way-ttrmlnal you watt a bloct to '• , : 4 ride up' In an escalator. --.d . - • \ • , • '· ,. J. I • -.. . ' • • I Ull'V PILOT etr,gen Netwo.rk ' • 'f.ravel Agencies • I ST.ates Abortions 'POR'IUND, Ort. (AP) - When ,,amen in Oregon want an abortion, ~Y may check with trlftl agencies be1ore wuryln& a)>oul • doctor. And by . ~ ahnos\ ""'line <~ .• 'fJrOCedure, they c;:an be nown off to Japl.n With 1lf medical enangementa: made ln · ad- Vacationers -lteminde(l • • ·1 -........,..-·--·---.--..--·-~-------·--·1··· -~-* Of camp n-~1> Saleiy· The California -Me d t c a 1 ed"or treated w\th purification Association r e m t n d 1 vaca--ptJJs-before nie:---- lioners to keep several safety -Be imm unlzed ·for tetanus hints in _mind, before leaving before the trip, A booster shot on camping trips. is needed every fi ve years iI -Carry a snake bite kit. the n!gular series of three Poisonous snakes are found in shots baa been completed. every part of the country b_ut will att.ack only if touched or dlstur?e<t. -Check all swim ming sites for water depth, bidden logs . and rocks before diving. l{ caught in ii. strong current_ while swim m ing, cut dlagooally across the cun-ent and head for shore. -Air out sleeping bags I.bat were deaned at the end of last geason. Solvents used in clean- ing are sometimes dangerous. Treat all drinking water taken from lakes or streams -before using. ll should be boil- FREE ICE CHEST AT . Podiatrists Install Leaders 'l'be Orange County PodiatrY Association has installed its executive council for the corp· ing fiscal year. New ofncers are : D r . Roderick · Farley, president, Buena Park; Dr. Martin Serbln, vice-p r esident, Fullerton, and Dr ._,Allan Stark, secretary-treasurer, Orange. YOUR · A&W DRIVE ' IN FREE WITH A MINIMUM PURCHASE OF $4.00 - THIS HEAVY DUTY STYROFOAM ICE CHEST IS lt" LONG X 13" WIDE X 13" DEEP. With Any Smaller Purch•M ••• You Mly Buy Ice Chest for 65 cents. • ,. ~ •f 2155 H•rbor Blvd:, c .. 1. ,,..,. \ L • • ... . ~. ' • I Special Buy! . We've l>agged a great assortment of summer bags. value priced! · · 3.33 \ • SF lanning Gun.-1.'JLrn-in • . . •• . ' v. I t, L • --. Pedestru Auto Vl.ct.lms ' • • If ~oq,_\.Dri~k, Do11't Walk • I . LEAV.E THE DISHES IN THE SINK!t • -• • •• Girl's cute cotf9ntQP$ •• .. and iamaicas ' Your ·Choice. _1.22 OutRt hor 1cr tho ""7"'*' .ma. "- play doot.s ... bm:gain pricedl Cotton knit _....~-taps in assorted stripes and iOlids to f9Clm with co!foo tamaicas in ai.arted solids. and prinh . Sins 5-12.~ ' - . • Cool, strappy sandals to wear with all your · ·summer fashions now! You and baby wiU "love our basic baby carrier~ •• g1'89t buy! 2.88 Yo.11 fond styles and colon to go wtth all your prtttie.t 1urnmer outfits In thiJ mar-"'°"' aalltctioo of ........ oOndalal 3AV Men's Penn Prest ® U- Grad style walking thort·special now! 2.99 . 0-. fnxn ool<k and plo;ds of -../ polymter. JU$1 machine-" and MToblt dry. No•an1no. i;.,.·, r1m. • jtli 30 13 µp, ma 31 "'" ~ llS md 24 to} 55 ck !Xt nt, ... ... -- 1 .. ,r-1 .ftushersHaveNoTime·Se ·se ·-r "· Tliey N~er Catch Up;· Bttt Maj D~,{Ailm~nts ~ By retor Sle~ MD were always ruslJlog to catch a bu..a~= art .0 "lie was born l\'lU1 a Ume-up,. AJwa.ya behind schedule. out of· tune 11'__.Un\e, lhat" clock In hia. he!ld." So I've · RiWwig through !heir bacon tbe~oeod a II> sel heard some o-u"r s t a"'b d I n g and qgs, rushing through tlldf tlm , • jockeys and olher aUtletos !ralflc; f,>lblng home to dlJ> • ~-I .. ---· • described who inow how to OCf. , • (.:a!J ;~:-.)" pace themse.~ves. 1 Y'U uwaUy late for\fOrk. TUE ~fAJOR.lTY 'of the$t .. FOl\ MJll.r . T'Toub~ ~lti- Cooversely 1 have known Even way ~£ lrt JC:hool my people developed p h y 11 i c ;a I •--Youn& I tnr ductr 'h many paUenls who suUered parenta !,lsed, to.get note.I !rom .. ailmebts •. Mr, JoDe11 ijad his not. lk~ UsualbJ lt ls a from ,ul\D<c;tssaq tenslQl\5 .1be toaclJer.!'kin& ~jO &el , teostoo and dally beadaches .. slinpto ~re lo< an eye 111ttParofNT . ~. Co. _ slmply)1•cause Ibey had no . lne to idiOOl .oo til))O;, I've Othen had. uken..!\!l>erle1> spedallsl. to opoii Ille duct. ~nse .,iJf thne. · n1ey .... were lllways been a daWdlu.. I'm .t aioo· « burl attacti. . 'with pr'Qbel until they are ~=~:~~_J~te and ~g to always behind Ume. : • l .bave btlP'td many of these dilated anct imiobstructed. MY FIRST WIFE divorc,d ,-.JllltiOftls by lnstttuting a FOR MJ1. }i Pil~ ar<. not li:OR EXAMPLE, cons.i~r _a me because 11 always kept her &imple·dallyp~~· J. ask-the ooJ,y ~;a,, for rectal 1:..-~"'" man wh~ called imselt "the wlllllng.' Sbe said she couldn't eel 'tbefl'I to set t,helr •larms dl9oomfort Jt's' ~Ible that !al~ -W. Jon~s.'' He com-depeDd upon me to be :inyw~n!·fn:m one-half to obe the ipasmf I pain you set are plained of dally headaches, anywme, anytlme. hour ihtad. (I have found that due to n ~al fiSsure. These was always tense and nervou~ Whenever we had to go out people who start the day in are often qllite p 1 t n f u I · because.. he' was always laLe of town, we were ~~ays run-"arrears to· time" often are e,specially during and , Jm:. fo~, appoin~~nts. ,, , n1ng after the train as tl was the ones who. f:rY p.11 day to medJatetj 1~ after • b ow e I I gu~, he said, It 1 pulllog out ol the station: or catch up. Beghinlng the <by movenicot\ som~ kind. or nuttiness. t keep were told our plane had 'jusa, "ahead" in ,time gavt theru ~sugg lhet : rather than p~U.tng things of~ to the last lefl. I didn't blame ·ber for the beadstart they needed.) gueS.s at e...cause you see a • l • l t! • t he Ith ek •Y ol L minute. Believe it or not, 1 leaving me. lt's getting to the Our'~ Mr. .Jones . Jot his · t, wbO will un· "1.·. M • , was late for my own w~diMg. polnt ! carl't·stand myself." headaches by uslni th i s doul>tedly ... do a proctoscoplc ~ I was late· for""'appo1ntments I have known maQ.y simple gbnmi~k. Ulcer and (wblcb~dlrectexaminaUori i....:;;_: _____ ...,. _____ ~£:::::!:'.J "'hen I went job-hunting. And otherwise aormal ~le like h1gb tilood pressure patients o( the I r bowel w1Ut8 long • l lost my Jobs simply because the "late Mr: Joiies" who lmpro~,;_ Of 'Cl:M.lnie, )t .ls . not· ligbled ~ . _ _ . _· _ ~-~ Patio furniture for outdC>or fun ~·'.{in sun· and shade - I t 19.99 . r '" ........ «e.; fn~ers~ns1.chai1e lounge . __.:;; ... -~·Stretch out and re~ .. -.eni~.the tl--COlllfort lhot· only on innerspring chi:rila con gift. This one's pmfy, too .•• covered in cfttr'bcfMt print vinyl.on "88 grcud. _ '• Plant a white stee1 umbrella tal>i,J~ ,..,;:~1 - -This one is a big 42' .. in diameterforgnxbaoutdoor livi ng on your potio0orin.yovryard. ·12~99 .. •' • Attractive umb~lla for shade on the tubject ••• It's the btg 7' siz.e in a col~ printon awfw..ground a nd.will "'oily ~i~hten up youq•dl , .16.99 , ' .,, ' .. · • • II. • Button ruffed <!IOi,. lolmge ·pac1, p;.t-.. - ground, • 5.88 ' LI~& IT ... CHAR_OE !Tl Save now.on our boy's .Penn Prest® polyester/ cotton sport shirts! ,. ••• 2/$3 ' :t,;rw•s the time to toke~ se..,.ol of thMe easy core apart Shirts In a wlct. ciU"ortment of ne¥er iron platds. 6-1 8. .. ',, ~-• ' \ . - -Great price on bby's . Penn Prest• cottbn and nylon blend jeans now l~an . , '7°;t/f I Stwdy w-..,. J4.. .... noy« nooc1 IRring c.a.< ~1 ti-dO<ibr. i.-i ln,bluo:.j.1~ ..... fl.1~ Sim. • \ • • I A .. .,i 0 Beach towels for lazy summer da.ys at low, low special prices! 1.66 ' Summlr's tw. •.. M.Wf's up ••• time 10 sloc:k up on plonfy ofboadr Jolnk ... :u• x 6T, b<'9htly colarod, lonagino- 1Nety·daolgnod, ' . -- Swi1n$uits in aH-thebest styles! Gl'Ol!P A .L Yao'llfiool 1 and2 ___ ,iyr.., from the --_--lnhif-to -., ...... bra-.1.i~-- &lyio&.A• Jadcolors.dHt5'15,S.1B. GIOllp-11 Colorlul-..1-,iyr.. in. 1 and 2 ~ ........ fl:-.... •to........i, .. -lad ........... 5-15, 1.11. • i. Special bµy on men's short sleeve knit blend sport, shirts! 21'5 ,...,,. ............... ,.coup1e of- ~1-shim, modt fUrlfo or high v-. grear colon, s..\l.WCL, I ·--· ---• • · o.irL v1iitl.ot I 'Sick &t' Weapon t ' ' In Ma rij ua11a War • MEXICO CITY (UPO be broughl Into ptoy In Ille The U.S. and ft1 ex I can future . governments are preparing an "One of U1cm ts a substancfl unpleasant surprise for inari· thal can ,be sprayed on 'marl· juana smokers -.. "liclt pot." Juana trom helicopters. The It Is pai:t ol Jhe .JClenUfic ma\eup o/ lhe substance Is escalatloo .. ol ihe ••marijuana sUll claaalfied. JJut. It ma.kes wii-,'' fought by drug smug-. tile marljuana so ·rou\.tutJng alers and law enforcement ·of· that it is unsmokeabt,. Al l ficl&ils of bolh nations. understand it, just a J>\IU or Some oI the new weapons in two produces uncontr.slllable th~. war were unveiled · at a vorniUng,_ lhat not eveb, the quiet~met:tll\g Ur Mellco City mott dedicated smoker could last week between law eit-Ignore.'.' forcerrient and nareollcs of... What about locating the · flcials. of both net.Ona. plantations, usua lly hlddes) Jn The t>.man U.S. delegation re.mole canyons aod thick was headed by Richard G. jungle? Klefitdienst, deputy aUorney OFFERED USE ge~ral, and included John E. Ingersol, director ol t h e Justice Department's bureau of narcotlci, Joseph Jenkins. director of lnvesUgaUons of the bureau of cwtorns, and of· ficials from lhe State and Defense depa.rtmenta. HEADS WAR "The United Stales has Of· fered the-use of sophlslic~ted aerial apparatus that can detect marijuana from ,JCOUt aircraft thousands .of feet in the air. Ten airplanes eq_'Jlp- ped with these detectors could blanket a large arCa Ind . reveal tbe location ol the ne1rt, '.' be said .. "The same apparatus mlJC}1t also be used at border entry pojnts in lhe United States, to detect marijuana being smug· gled acrOSl!I ia autos." The ~te1ican ct~legation was led by Assista,nt Attorney General navid F r a n c o Rodriguez, wli> heads Mex- ico's war on the clandestin~ marijuana·growlng . fields that are the chief source of mari· juana for smokers In 1he United States. The marijuana growers., are · also getting· more sclenUflc, 'aceording to speakers at the 1'hey talked for three aays. meeting. They are Uling Much of the contents of the fertilizers to grow blq:er talks "are being kept con-· plants in less tlwe, and fidential ," said one law. eo-hydraulic presses-converted forct:men t ofricii1 who took oommerclal auto jact5 -·to part la them, but he diaclosed compress the planls bito to UPI the following: Ughter bundles whlch take up "Some of us were awestruck a quarter of th! space. n8eded at-t_f]e ~phi.!llc.ated-scle·nunc •rot ota:rm100ed-lialfl'JpaCiii1 devices and methods that may bricks." -· • • •' ' NOVI DU RING . (RIGIDAI~ WliK ... ' - Side-by-Side Convenience' anil It's 100°/o Fro~l-Proon · · I Flngert~P-hand)' ,Jood st.or:) ·age. E~tythln; I• 1o::a:~d rlghl,llP t'ront, I Fro•t·Pfoof 'rntan• Just that. No 1T1U1Y1defro1Ung •.• ever. • Smootfl·gllde nylon rolltrs mak• Cleaning behind, bito • . ··ntalil easy .. SPECIAL FEATURE! " YOUCAllADDUAUTOlllllC· o'1IONAl ICE IWll llOll DI IAIUI; '"'"" ·~ICll rll pmtnl let MNIOt ' , ln filt, NlriQlriilclf J ,,.... ........ ~ ...... · DAVIS •'BROWM UTU ->; IJ!J I. J 7J!r ,.T., COSTA MESA tor'"'S•I" lnfonncrtlon Call 646· 1614 D1hr t·r.Sit. t~ tNTIWff I DOIM.un.m SnttnllJ • i • ' • I I I I. , , I I 1 i • r,_ I L l j I I J .1 J I • • I• UllY ftl.OT Wtdnt'411, ""''I, 1'69 l f I • India~ Take · Negro's .Place ~WASumG1XlN !AP) -An •P& ledlu cltlel .. a.•klng ~ for JllOlltY owed bis att..,. lr\be, nld Tu"daY lhe nd_Lmu has replaced the bli0& mu -.. lhe oppressed pauper -the have not -of American ooc:lety. wllhoul cOmpensaUon aild that sowa get too old and hf.Ivy ror the government should ~ the while man, th1:1y are killed each ot the 1,300 tribe to' rnBke bacon for the lndJan•. members ,1,900. \-"When we complain too · He lamented the plight of much, the g o v e r n m e n t the poor red man in an in-threatens us with tenninJUon . t.erview following the hearina. Thal la. they'll take U1 out ot ''The ·Negro has gone ri&:ht put us· -he'll soon bave the white man shining hb shoes," complained Roy Mcintyre. known as Chief YeUow Streak in the Snow. "The red man conUnues to live on beans and so~ belly-bacon. 116oce they said the black The Indians Cl&lml Com-the reservation ·anc1 make us mission granted the Umalillas fend for ourselves. Termlna- a '2. 45 mi.Ilion judgment in lion is I dreaded• W9ftl amq 1968 but the money is heJd ur. lncUan1. · by red !ape. Congress doesn I "l\'o llke lo cu11e lhe BIA have to hand over the funds (BureaU or lndlan AffaJra) but until It detennlnes how U ll lo we · dpi't want to cvt ~OOH be used. jhe U m a l 11 la s front government help. We themselves are undecided. st!U • hfve WQOCfen I~. ..... men wert the dirtiest and the red men the meacest ett.,1tures alive. Now _it's just the oPposite -the Indians are lhe dirUtst and lhe black men the meanest." ''That's our trouble," the They just Wlnt to stand &It In chief said. hJndlans are very front of their house and look clannish. Even people in one at the WeJP!er. tribe can't agree. Each tribe "You don't aee any lean, speak! a different tongue. athJeUc lnd1ans any more. We "We have three different In-all have big stomachs. That's dlan tongues in Oregon -rrom eating the .glue, the Umatilla, Walla Walla and powdered pot.aloes and starch Cayuse. Indians ln t h e they giye us al Uie com. Everglades don't live like us. mlssarie$. • l Mcintyre, 72, and four other rnembers or his UmaWla tribe in Pendleton, Ore., came to W.ashlngton 10 try to speed up payment of $2.45 milliqn owed the UmatUJas from land con- fiscated by the government in 1871. We don't live like lhe Navajos "But looking around us here in Arlr.ona. in Washington, things don't "How can we ever get look all that bad. The Indians tagelher -like the black men used to have long hair and go -and light for our just barefooted. Now it's the white With their youthful attorney. rights?" man with long hair and bare , fl.tark McClanahan of Portland, Ore., they presented their cue jO""I" Holl!e sub- committee on Indian affairs headed by Rep. James h . Haley, (0-Fla.). \Vhile h is gray-haired, feet. The Indian is a crew-cut bespectacled squaw nodded -a hungry crew:cut." assent, the chief, a oneUmel----'--------1 Chief Yellow Streak con- tended before the committee that land and fishing rights in the Columbia R,iver had been taken from the Umatillas farmer who now says he's reUred and lives on a govern- ment handout, spoke bitterly of the Indian's problems. "I get $31.60 a month." he said. "Onee the Indian didn't know what a pot of beans was. Now he lives on beans. When Tell Your Kids To Read Uncle Len's Column .. Ai~s~!!~'11 - • PENNEYs IS HAVING A FILM FESTIVAL! KODAK FllM WITH PROCESSING . - .. reduced thru Saturday! • CaptvN rtery moment with film from Penneys. And remember, ' . proc"'lltig is .Included!· •. Kaclacolor CX0127-12 prlnll llllf. 1.99, NOW 3.29 K""-lor CX0621>-12 pi1nll R~· 3.99, NOW 3.29 Kodacolor CX0126/1:z.-;nstamatlo-3.29 12 prinll R.g. 4.09, NOW Kodocolar CX0126/2Hn1t1m11ic-5.29 20 slides Reg. 6.29, NOW ·Kacl1thr-KX0126-in1t1m1tio-2.89 20 slide& log. 3.19, NOW Kod1<hrqme 2 K013S-2.89 20 exposures Rog. 3.19, NOW Kaclachro-KA045,_ mm 3.19 Ind-fllm lteg. 3A9, NOW Kod1chrome 1(045,_ lllM 3.19 Doylight fllm Rog. 3 .49, NOW Kodok KA0464 Supor • 3.59 urtrldge ftlm R ... 3.99, NOW CANOGA PARK LAKEWOOD FULLERTON MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA HUl'ITINGTON BEACH • \ .. .. . -·-- ' . - •• · .. AU1i ~CENTER 'IQUllM'. •. IHCllASIS MllUGI • 11'1.YPOlTtsTU COIO GIVU Gt.E.lm mlMGTH • wioa TUAD run __:_MOtl_~UIMl ON fMI IOAO FOi SllOHOll Gil, -·-- ' ' WHITE TUBELESS SIZE REG. plu1 led. tox and old tire FED. TAX 700..13 ............... 28.95 ••.••.•..•••.•• 1.86 C-78-14 C69s•l4l •••• 28.95 ............... 1.90 NOW $29 plus fed. lox ond old tire WHITE TUAELESS SIZE REG. FED. TAX E-78-141735•14) •••• 30.95 .•••••••••••••• 2.18 f.7S.14C~S~14l •••• .32.95 •••• , , ••••••••• 2,36 f.78-15 (775• IS) ••• , 32.95 ••••••••••••••2.50 plus fed. tax ond old tire $32 WHITE TUBELESS NOW SIZE REG. FED. TAX G-7S.14(12Sa14) •••• 34.95 .............. 2.44 H-78-14(1!5•14) •••• 36.95 ••.•••••••• : •• 2.68 J.78-14(115•14) •••• 38.95 .•••••••.••••• 2.86 G-78-1511151125•15) 34.95 .............. 2.68 H-7S.15Cl4511SS•l5) 36.95 •••••••••••••• 2.77 ·900-15 •••••••••••••• 38.95 ................ 2.71 ' I Guar1nt11 111ln1t tre•~ we1r11ut If your.tit11 wurs out durin1 the first tialf of the guarantee period. return it with your 1uarantft certilk:ale illnd Pennet~ woll r1111lace your 111'1! wi!t1 a Tlew tire, ch1rfinc )'Otl 50'1. less thari lhl' current sell mg pf!C.e including Federal E~clse Ix; 11 your lire wears out during the second hll!. ~ou pay 25'1i. leu than th• curr1nt selling price includini: Federal Excose Tax. Guarantee ar1inst fa ilure • If we ~,P.la<:e !he lore du11ng t he free.replacement nenod l he1e is flO char&e; 11 "e teplatl! Ille l!;e after the l1ee·1epl1ccmtnt pe)1od. you pay !">Cl~. or 25~• less than lh1 current $Elling price of lhe loft 1nclud1ne: Feder1I Excl!ioe T11t. Commercial Use • 40 MONTHS GUARANTEE .WITH 20 MONTHS FREE REPLAC.MENT This g'9i1>nltt ~void where pas5f'n1er tires are uM.'d on trucks, U!.td !or busine~. or driven over 30.000 moles in o~e ~ear. HERE'S HOW OUR GUARANTEE AGA INST FAILURE WORKS: £ntore gu1r1nlee Pl!riod ......................... _ .......................... -...... 40 month' free repiaceml!l\l pcriod ........ -... ·-···-·-·-·-·--··-· ........... ___ .. l-20 months 50°AO ofl period ................................................ -.................... 2 1·30 months Slip·on heod rest in black, blue, red or bone. 6.99 25% otl period .•. ·-·····················-·····--_ ................... -•.. 31-40 month~ EL TIGRE I MAG WHEELS 14" x 6" & 14" x 7" si1ts 15" x 6" & 15" x 7" sl1es 69.50,AiR 74.50,AiR Pay as little as $5 per month, Pay as little as $5 per month. Price indudes: center hubs and lug nuts, 1 pc. cast aluminum wheel and rim. f its di~c brakes on all cars. • Don't miss this 9reot buy on our trailer · nilrror :-- our great trailer mi rror features a non permanent fender-hood mount. 8.49· Giant wire cushion in char· coal, red, blue or green. 2.69 BUENA PARK (0'~~1r.~~f!':") CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA • ,, ,, -< " .· •• • . • - > • ·'Pad~· Opposed • •• Insurance PeriU Peoples' Project ToQ • • BERK1l..EY 'AP) -'nle many or whom parUcipated In insurance. coverage and $l fate of the "People's Pad.'' a demonstr1lions in May oYer a million U.bllity c over a-& e former Navy housing project "People's Pack," had an· before the lease could ht! slgn- thal would be converted Into a nounced lhe1 would ie&u the ed. summer youth hostel, re&ted (Doner Savo Island Navy ~.po n aor ~, who call today In the haods of its houling. proj~ 4fqr It f1>r themselves Lile T e I c 11 r a p h enemies, three mon•i..--to Cllre for an uwi Avenue Summer Program, ad· Trustees of the Berkeley tipccted fntlux Of' youths from milted they didn 'l ha .,. e Unllled School District. which throughout the nation. 'el)OUQh money for such ill· owns the project, voled Tues-At one neighborhood council -surance. day night to refer 1 progress protest mettln,.., a speallcr ,..._ rt t '""-o. tb R.. &_ ut:Splte the conlrovP.rsy, a repo o To' ,,.,u . "to"rkcley declared: "To • haYe white, f d N2igtlborh00d Cou11cil, a large-middle-class people from the ew, ozen • youths ! l 111 GRAFFlTI bytury· Firing _Won't Stop SF State's Hare .: SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -me1 not to him. We will have and J prorn.lsed T Would." back to the nght rln1 after 'rhe Urine of Or. N11than Hare the bl~k studiu-pr,ogram -llayakuwa obserye<I that selling hls Ph.D. lie' WU by Or.'S. tJlayakawa ~t ~~ ... or Ule._ best in lhe coon· Jlaro •·helped hlmself to his persuaded to give the In-. a oew focus loday lo the sim· Said Hayalutw11:: "We c'an pay'' while: uol wod1ntl durins tellectual 1ife one more try at llll!:ring dissent 1t San Fr1n-. put together a pr 0 g r ·a m the str1kr H was on Ule basis San Franetsco State by a clsco State Colleg'e. ~!Jhout h.im. He is not the only of hl!i refusal 10 work di.Iring former .pres.ideht of the col· llart, a controverstal • 34· man who knows about black lhc strike that 1he wu fired., lege. 1 ·, year.old black scbola!i reach· studlesh We have already hired lluyu ka1va said. He leaves July 15 for the ed the tnd ot hia contrac~ olher people." llurc said all Negro scholars · June 30 and il was not renew-Hare's salary ended June 30. ha Ye been "warned not to tuke Pan-Afrlcan Cultural FesliYcal ed. He said he is st.a,ying .anr-He said he can do without ll. my place.'' lie !laid if he is · In Africa and 1ay1 he will 11.·ay to head lhe colleges Jn fact, he scorned the $!'2.300 cYicted lro1n his oUice at the recruil~African1 to teach In hil black studies PfQSrlm. a year he waft paid as being ~ollegc he will still ~ running deiiirtmenl. llayakawa, a controversial much le" lhun.he ~·as offered nny black studies. .program 1-layakawa :r u 1 s day re- . 62-year-old, Orienta! )1eQ1Wlli· at other colleges. He is that the college lias. • quested the Stafe 1>eparlment '· ly Ntgro orgaq~tlon which outBide come to live free in 1 pertlstod In cleaning the r.1np-opR~ha Uled ldF ea. black community a I r e a d y .~lrs~u::i~ ~::;nt.hhu~~0j:~ ------.,.-----1c r osttr, superin-overc;rowded ts a hard pill to tendent of schools, told the· 1!WaUow." had pitched ii). lo allack the c.ist now acting Pfes,i~en~ of stayin&, he said , because •·the The stocky , buslij"ohaired to spread the word In Africa the college, said llare ts out. black students and the black Ne gro, who picked cotr.on in that Hare has no 'ut.hority to "C:~re-Oeis ::Wtr~. ch~:!;a~!._co_m_m_u_ru_«y:_u_rg:.ed __ m_e_1_o_s_ta_:y __ o_kla_h_oma __ as __ •_chi_.ld_:_· _w_en_t_rure_· _1a_cu1_1y:_fo_r_th_•_co_ll_ea __ •.,·_ board that if the council Fast.er and the school board grln\C. doesn't Wllllt Ule hostel, "I had said before the district Many of those ln the certainly will recommend meeting that "People's Pad" Telegraph AYenue Summer again.st it." spoll!Ors would . have t 0 Program are Berkeley·"11tred Sponsors ~ lhe project, purchase at ltMt $50,000 !ire people." student.! aod olhers who live near the University Joint Budget Hikes Total $140 Million - SACRAMENTO (AP\ -The foraotten issue in California's budget crisis is the state's un- passed budget itself:. The spendi ng plan agreed upon MQnday evening by a Senate-Assembly conference commit t ee· totals $6,365,m,310. an increase of more than $140 1nillion over the version sent to the legislature by Gov. Reagan on Feb. 1. Later ii was rejected by the Assembly in a continuing deadlock over school· spending and ta:1 reform. But there were other ·signifi· cant changes, many of \vhich almost certainly will be ex- amined closely by the Repub· lica ns artd Reagan if a n d \Vhen he signs this •version of the budget. He has power lo cut or eliminate any budget item but cannot add to it. lt adds. for instance. more than $6 million to the budgets of the Uniiterslty of California, the state colleges and junior colleges for educational op- portunity programs to aid the disadvantaged. • of California. • Resideilts of U1e seven hvo- story buildings that maJte up lhe project have been eY!clet.I because lhe school district plans lo demolish the buildings i e:ventually and build a school on the property. i luuuuuity Bill Nears f assage SACRAME!'l1'0 !UPI) -An Asse.mbly·p~d bill granting immunity from prosecution '° ~1afia or other underworld in· formant.s has moYed a siep closer to passage in the Senate. ~ s,id. Both Hart and Haya\~wa ·said the strife-torn 17,000%tu- dent colleRe will have ra bla~ studies program next Ian - orie of the key laaues In last winter's violent s I Ude n t • faculty dtr:ike, ~ The question is who wiU run n and who will staff it? • "Hayakawa has the aulhori· ty, and I haYe the power,." said Hare. "The people wno .ere in black studies .relate to SE CARD POOLS 11 Yeors Exptrience S loc1tion• SAVE NOW The conference commillee, three senators and .three Assemblymen, boosted new state aid to loca l schools from the $105 million R e a g a n '"'anted to $Hf& million. The size of that item was a crucial \Issue in lhe budget deadlock. There is an addition al $500,000 for preschool prir grams compared with the $16.19 billion Senate-passed budget: anolhex. U37,l50 for a welfare work program ; a boost of nearly S3 million in ~1edi-Cal : $500,000 for im-= plementalion of data pro- cessing and legislative prin- ting studies and proposals. • G d S The budge l negotiators, 14'x28'··3' to 8' ~eep 14 x 28-IN GROUND . . Inside Vlater Lin• Me•surement. lricf\ides ooot turf•« skirri- mer, cenler dr11n, l1l1tr, 20-mil vmyl liner. bull rose coping,- (omp li11ey instilled in ground. ltss main1en1nct, less chtm•· cal 1, less ht~!int. Needs•no costly acid b•Hn or upketp. Op- $1595°0 LUlr ays meeting privately more than . four days, also added $250,000 'N G "l , to pi'ovide a .. minimum" State Ot U£ ty Fair in t9'IO. ,, The only negotiator who T J _ didrt't sign the conference O Sutyin11 <~mmfltee report was ~ Assemblyman Robert W . TORRANCE (AP)_ A Pep-Crown ID-Alameda), vice chairman of the Assembly perdine College.security guard Ways and Means Committee. pleaded innocent to a manslau_ghter charge f i I e d He told a reporter, "It's a good budget." but he declioed after he allegedly shot and to sign it out of respect for the killed a young_ boy on campus lower hou!t D e m o c r a t i c last March. ,..... caucus position on 5Chool . l1on•I 30 mil lifet ime gu•ranlrt. li11h1, bootrd, llide. detkin11, l1ddtr, hr1ter. 011!r $1 S9S LAZY ·L SHAPE Only $150.00 more WEDGE SHAPE $00.00 mor~ . • • I All~ SIZES AVAJW: SECAR.D POOL 2 Ft. Above Ground liNLY$1369 2:1 3 to I ft. Dt ep 1m1 Kil 11 Abov1 · Slightry highier in iomt orcot 323 5. MAIN ST. O~ANGE ·• 532-1992 HOURS: 10·9, 7 Days Superior Court JUtige James finance and tax refon'n. F. Healy Jr, denied defense•,-----------------------~-----~~-------------! motions Tuesday to dismiss the charge against William Charles Lane, 60. Trial was &et foi Sept. 2. \Vltneases at a cOroner's in- quest last April said Larry Donnell Kimmbns, 15: was shot after Lane stopped him for questoining as the youth w'as leaving the campus. 'nle Washington High School ~tudent had come . to Pe~ pcrdine with some friends to pl~y basketball but found the gym clo.5ed. Lane. on JeaYe of absence from his job, is free on $6,~ bond. G1·and Jury Bid Fails LOS ANGELES !UPI) -A challenge to the constitution- ality ol jury selection In Los Angeles County was denied Tuesday in the trial of three men accused of slaying two members of the Black Pan- thers at UCLA last January. Superior Court Jud~e Mal- colm M. Lucas dented the challenge without comment and set further pre-trial mo- tions for Wednesday . The challenge ~y at· lorneys for GC<lrge· "Ah Sul- tani" Stiner, 22: hts brother, Larry "Sakia" Stiner, 21 : and Donald "Stodi " Hawkins, 20, all alleged membel"1 of the black nationalist group US. Each of the three is charg· ed with conspiracy and two counts of murder in the shoot- ing deaths Jan. 17 of John_ J. J1uggi.flS. 231 and Alprenuce. Carter, 26. Ilill Wiu s OK SACRAMENTO (UPI) -A bill prohibiting drug addicts, former mental patients, e1· This is no accident But you're our wltneu, 1nyw1y-to 1 piece-ful dem- cn11r1tlon ol hOW-'qulckly and e11Uy Maverick ·c1n be 11k•n 1part 1nd put together~ We dealgned M1v1rick that way tor 1 good r1aton. When you're p1ytng by the hour for nrvlc1 or repalra, 1pe1d is 1mport1nt. And 11 tlm11 Ilk• this, nothing c1n beat • 1lmpl1 machine. "' ~ Mott new cars are rTl()re and more compticaled. And more ex- pensive to care lor. Maverick'.s so timple to service, you can doltyoursell-ilyoureally mean ltaboul being lndependenl. ~o.i;.won'LftelJJke_1.n.s>rptta.o~•jlb.er~ O.vr Owner 's Manual ah0wa you how to handle all the rouline service. You can tune and tlme your engine, change plugs and points. ad just the idle, the headla~ps, lhe handbrake&, do nearly 40 dil· ferent service operations. And If you crease a lender or crack a grllle, you can almosl smile. Maverick's rronl lenders bolt on and grilles are replaceable in minules . And where Ume means money, fast means savings. Stop in once every 36.ooO milet lo"r a lube job. Oil changes are 6.000 miles apart . (The leading import SUg· gests oil changes twice as often and lube jobs every 6,000 miles.) While sliU being simple, Maverick Is big enough lo take lhe whole fam ily-without slreamlng luggage from the rool. l!'s small enough to park easHy, and go light on gas. A 105- hp Six give~ you real p~ss!ng .W"¥!1.!· .(Y..9J! gel .52 more horsiPower than the leading impcrt oilers.} And the wider stance gives you 1 smoolher ride, better h1ndl lng and roadability. It's no accident tha1 Maverick is lhe ho!test selling new car fO come along in five years. We designed 11 thal way. See it at yQur Ford Dealer's. ... ' • ,.i .... SINCE 1919 WHITE FRONT •. felons or ailens lrpm <1wning fireiarms was approved by the Senate Judiciary C-Ommittec. Tuesday. FORD • 'M1111i1t1etvrel"1 -...ilff r111I ,,1c1 1., ... t••. ~· .... 119! lllc:htfe' wllll• et4t '"tl llf11, 112.M : '-11• ,..,.,1llelt dlt111, II •r1 lr•ftfH•l•I ... ~11, ""' •-!l.ulta ... USED CAR SHOPPERS: Ford Dealers -@ Used Cara are the beat you can get I .. . -- LOTS Of t•M 1tAa1C.1•1 . - • • •• ltff I ' AT OUR CONVENIENT lOCATIONS IN lOS ANGElES (JffflRSON), EAST lOS ANGEllS, VAllEY WEST (CANOGA PARK), VAll£Y UST (PACOIMA 1, TORRANCE, ANAHEIM , COVINA, SAN BERNARDINO, ONTARIO, COSTA MESA AND DOWNEY • ! j :. --4!- I .- ' • I r . I I · I DAILY PILOT I Wtdntsdol)', Jul~ 2, lllf>IJ • .. 1Hu Only Vice : Golf VICTORIA, 8.C. iAPJ -tJI he slil'll"<! orr a rubher1llal -Arthur 'l'hompson, who soon tee and l.njurtd l'lls back In will be 100, hu been playing Fetiruary, This kept bJm out l'Olf for Mi) years. •ie played of action°lor a short li1J1e. ~rou.r la.hole round,, a week un-He shoots" between 98 and 100. U.S. Wises· • 7~ all-time favorites in one assortment! Big Californ ia Candle, Grant Aalnb.ow Foun- t a In , Sparklers , Screemers, plus dozeos more. Fun and excite merit fo r the.,._ whole f aml~y. ' °' 1111 Dllllr ,.,.., 11111 Beer Is ~ beverage of one In every tWb drink.en, ttppllng tendencies of Americans are geWng healthier and Ia.year· olds should be able to buy alcOOol leg&lly, aceording to a $1.1 million U..S.. biudy. .. ' Other assortments from $2.50 to $39.95- FIACWOflKS MAYBI! LECALLV SOlD, POSSfSSEO OR - DISCtW\CED ONt.V WITHlr. CITIES 'WHERE SALE IS AUTHOAIZEO. Sold by Charitable Oraaniz.atlons at Bl3cic Panther Stands ~ . f,h -" - \ their i .:9: ·, \!'Wedding \I i ·\, \ \J, MAGNIFICENT -SOUND ... brings you both the look . s139so and sound of excellence, only Stereo Phonograph System- precision Automatic Player/ Ampli- fier (wi1h dust cover) provides greater undistbrted mu5ic power output; banishes discernible record and Diamond Stylus w ear. Now- your records can last 1 lifetime I Four eictended -range speakers-two in each matching enclosure. Com- plete Audio Control functions plus many more extra-value features. Mod!ll2.50l i$ j~st one .Q_!_ sew al beautifully encased Magnavox stereo systems with lasting solid- state reliability. No costly installa- tion; just connect to each other and play. So compact, any wou ld be ideal for use on tables, shelves, or bookcases . Wh y not fill your home with beautiful music 1 KERM RIMA MAGNAVOX MAGNAVOX HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTiR FACTORY DIRECT DEALER 2666 Harbor Blvd. 6855 Westminster 1~116 So. Brookhurst 12891 Chapman Costa Me5CI, Callf. Westminster, Calif. G~en Grove, Car.f. G11rd1111 Grove, Calif. EXPERT FACTORY SERVICE , 546-1691 894-2350 530-4360 636-1250 I" ,. ' ..... {I I ·<i!· :1 I ' I ' . r. - I • • .. RICHFIELD 0 AllanlicRichliek:ICompany • L---------......-....,... ---- '· • .1 YOUR PROBLEM: You w•nt t• atll tome Item th•t you no longer nMcl but • someone ti• an v.-fGr NOT O.VER $50 ? ? 7 ? ? ? YOUR~ ANSWER: - You ~II THE DAILY PILDT, ••k lo• Cliislflo4 Adv•rtlslng, •nd pl•ce • ~-...PILOT • ' PENNY tilNCHER (tl(SSlflED JID AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE - 3 '-INES 2 TIME~ 2 DOLLARS AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I DIAL NOW DIRECT! 6 4 r:s-6 7 ,8 .CT• me N.m c..tr 140.1UOI • • " . ,. ... ._• r»\ • ' • ·}' .. "'' --·"*""-... '~· ¥ ... • • ),.._ ;~; . fF"'-.. • 4·; " .... .,..,,.\,,. "' ·~ ;I t' .j,i <t '~ ...-f<'!'>t~·.. • ,,,~T..,.:..:..,...--- • . 1' ... • ,. • ' ~ . ''. ,/ ! ! • • ! • • ) . • ' • • • • ' • • • • ' I . I I I ~ ~ • ! ! i I I ! f " I ' l ; ' ' • I ' ' ~ ~ .. j • .. • ' • • . • r '. -- r· ' ' I . , ~ For .. • . • .. t • the· Rec.ord - . . I Cdast's Vital Statistics . . , I ---· -, .M•rrl~ge 3 Uceft•e• ,. ; • .aUM• NI '· ICHM~N&~l., U,,f/4 < t ,.,. w. ., .,......,_ M L , It, '(,., .. ~, AMtltl!R. • W!~G~::W"Ar ~ I I J,. ti, , IQ.ill, ' ·~~' ~~1::.i ~. ' • • , I I . , r. of \1" I 11t0\1~.~ll:-. ~ 111.;i.,-!., ~. • !*°' t .ua .. · 111e1 .. '"" ' .,..~ 1• ' Of 41t W. llf1v. c ~ • ,. G, fholnlt '" 11, of hi f,tt ~ti MeH •nd ::f~ , Tul1r1 A\'11., ' .... ·ftA K~J'tNSON, J-5. JI, 11 ' S. 1 ena ll!d J 1111 > lP.31 , 'oi' 1~.1 li.t"IM AYI., '11-c~Jr;"~~'1 '""'" '' "" • -' lfUW A.;t'-1r~'':J" ~~ • ~~~'!" ~::ilM '11'.' • "ri -,H 8 .. s.s_ i Old • ., ·~ • Uf up l. ...... bol !2'",..._. ' R ~EVER&, Gordofl H,, It, of 301 ~· K1'9Jll. Alltlle11'11 1~ ClwlrllN .. 11, of nt Jlll'lll St., 11111 Mtst. &~K-M4nl/rl~Y Cf:k L. 11. • di ~ir.c:rr~. ~~':f~.~.~~ • M<GI l!l:.R~ V~H. rl f -42. Y.i£! :~tr .... r;of ~3~1'1: ~ re , l1 n \111 . . ~l"-'l''::J'· '"'i\"•· ll. .--~i "Mt.,;:. ~·~ ~ C K:::bJ!la:Clt' ~~ ~· ol '412 " ( .,.. I ' 11, of l h I"' bcilfl pf Ul\llMlon 'f.f.1:,~~·:;..":(J" F><.r..:.':. ' I I ' ' ' I I I i ' I f f I ... • ' ' ' ,. ' l ' ' ' 1 ' I l ' • I I ' ~ ~ •, I ' < i .. ' • • • • • • . . ""' . • • • liewport . • f l FASHION ISLAND ' /(, I • ft HMO Q ti, M 1.,, ."""" .... 411m0•. ~U"!•LD-GRl!I!,., Wllll-T., lt, ol Midi C-1 Hllfl'#IY, 1W.111J l.HWll .,,. Arlfr11 "" n, " 1m1 l.a.M Drlw. laftll Moi. LA "'9'1T~llYMHi1, ,,.,.,._. .. , tl. of Dt Mlrci.au... cw-lltl NM """ ~...., l ,, 20. elf .,. MH!toll A.,.., C•" MIN. ~ '°"VICKl!R-TWEEO, kablr1 K .. 2), of 1311 W• llav Ind ll1IM L. D, of 110\~ lltl St •• lloltl of ""-' llHQ'I •. k!RTe~~9MtNG, Oon11 J,, lf, M '''" Ill~ st.. w111m111.,t1r 1nd K1ren L., l), of <4<IOt W. K1fll, S.1111 .... lEWolN-WION. Gl•"I" R .. 711. Ind l.I,.. G• L, 11, DOTI! II;( 2SOI Oukl Platt, Cell!• M'fY. llolR O-Z1N5leR, J1me1 "'" 25, of ... Mlnlorl Ori~., Al>I. l, Cott• Mhll 11\G Et!uberh ..... 711, of 41S2 M•"• SI,, L-llNCll, LAZAR-COURTNl!'I'. Erwin, l!I. ol '2l H1mll!OI!, Cot" Me~ •nct Judi"' A., 25, of Ml "'-"'-L1111, fOl'r•IKI, 8ECKSMITH-TA!AOWELL. J 1me1 E., SI, f/I/ .i15 kfl>n ADii!, 1..,..111e •!Id L~dl• A .. 21. of 21\t Vlclorl• Ori~•· S111I• M l. $TEWA.RT-PACK, Ooutll1 R., H. Df J1SS1 f'l"I A,..,, s.a.o111 L .. Ufll Ind Lll'd• C .. 21, ~ l«M N. liMllll Ave., S.1111 A111., 8UCK-HOEY, J-W .. "I, of 7G31 Mtln SI., W11trnlnsllr 1...a L•V.,..... B .. ls. of l42r W. S..11 II.Old, ""'· a. ""'"'lin. FORSYTHE--.SHEPHARO, John H,, lit of 1°' M .. Nllll SI;. Sovlll P.n.a- •nd Jtan E .. 2$, of 1002 G•l'fi!Ofl OtlV11, Er Toro . R!CHARO-UWVElt, ltl' A~ 11, of lot• Mllnrov!t -ltll'f M~ M, of 109' MoolroYlt, boll! at COl11 fh!lol. BUNCH-TOlllA.5, Jtflrl!V E .. It, of OCJ E. SYctmDl"f", A111htlm •nd 1111.1111 I . JI, o• 114.U H1rtl.O..•• R0td. LOI Al1mUo1. FEl!THAM-McGOWEN, Ft .... lck A., ti, of })I ltcllona, 1111 Cllmelllt 1tnd Caret 1, .. tt,. of 26.m Alluin" Drl'tt. MIHlein \111]0, l y . I l~LL-aL&OJOI. ~ !.... .. ~ 1'°' H. FIOWtr st'f Unlf •111 111 Judlltl It .. 11, o1 111 W, 11111 SI .• "'" Mtw. 1 T ~UNf 11 GOIUAL'ES-COO.,lf~ viCto, T •• It, of 1Mn HQM St , o.t'lfwl Gl'Oft eftll C11rt11l111e ll .• 1L ~ "'° SNU Clr<:W. Wl'l""ll\lltr l(fNOAU.:.:>4LME$, frtorl'flllll I'., '17, Of 131 Glel\Mttn OrfV1, LI H1br1 11111 $¥1'111 £ .• 27. OI lftH 8,..,.111',I Sf., MU!'lllnoton IH<:ll. Ct.ll'FORO-OltGAN, O•v1cl G. 17, tlf ltOl T-ic» ... tW. CD<Ol'tl del M., •Ml MH.,l1 U,. ol U47i ...... r111n L-, HlHllintlon Biid\, INMAN-«AY(.Al,,_0, Alll' L .. 7tl, ol' 21• H•ttl Drtve •I'll 11•11• c .• ~'· ol 50' Ma<ol."'<"lle, blil~-111' CorOM <111 Mir. McCUROV-MILLER. Ge<>"9t R., )f, of '542 P••f• Clr~le. H11,,llMIOn ,8eac11 Mid Mtrl1~ne. lt, of ?1511 o. Soto. Cin.11 MHll. WIUGHT-BARRANGER. L1rr¥ J., ''· of 11"1 R-Drive, $lint1 ""' 11\d K1ll'ln'n L •• 1', ol f \'2 1<11'1\Jk.ol Drl¥1, H11nn...,1on l•1C11. WISTIUl.NO-!MARP. SI~ M .. !5, o1 S'3t w, Wlftori, Ap1. n, cont Mn• ttld ~r1111 l.., D, o1 1061 HUI Pl.&, "\Kon, G1. JOHNSON-HOYT, J•mes A , It, af A, A. S, Sl'lel!wvlM~. l•""-Md Mlenol ,t.., IL of :JOit, FeOff<tl, C•lf.M9M GUl.LEN-GAAl.ANO, Jt1ry l.,.1t, llf lffll Potter Clt'ci., Hllfllf'ltlan BNCll' Ind P•mea. c .• l,, of 16)11 Jim SI •• Wfl~. ltl!EO-Cillll'IELLO. MkN1t W .. D, af lf4f2 o.lden-.1 SL ...cl ~tieMI ""''--T:.i 2t. of 61tt °""'°' DrJV11, bGtll 111' Hunti.,.ton INCl'I. KO$ER-MAYEl,. Rlctlla J,, tf, ol llX? olm91'lllD Drfw •nil _,.,.. t; .. 11, of '911 Tillflmook. bo!lt of Wfflml"51er. EIDEN-BOAEN, 01c1r M., n. ol 1!111Sl Pot! Circle. Hun!lng'°" Be8dl •n<I H1t¥ M.,52. al 12°' N. VM N~1. ' S.nll AM. O.BOYl\IT!)N-Ofl:R, Cur111 S., 57, of tlt'? Ptdtlc: Or'", Incl MelodT 0., 'f, of 1n•.1"1clf_k:~OrlYt. borh of car--<ftl Mil•, . Divorees 'tNAL o•c•1•s 5-be,,.. MM'!' Lu YI Rldltrd M. $1....,,, l!IJtlblfll A,. Vt Gefl Jd 4. .. • Tkt ...... Jol\lln'f' !•rl Vl 81"11da Lovh.1 81lnbrl0tt, Jloldllll Kl'f!UI YI Bar'°" 0. 5Pl,,_ll, It-Mltlt "1"t .,lo/Vt T1lomls llr-t, Tlltlmt M. YI fMrnPI M. K\IUl'llMl!I. Joy l .... 11 .. "l"t $tntn J, AV1!r90lludo, E¥•rl1ll "l"t Vloltl AridrlWl. Mtr.iie C. YI Mld\tel J, _Mlllll, Jr.I Frlllk W. Vl ,.ll'flllt H. L)lkt, Mur'-¥1 Frid ~ Ellol,.. C. n Robert I. TllorPI, Sl1Yk1 Vl Clllrie. L, ~•lletl«, LIMI Allll n OarNIO Edw1rd Miiier, w11111m 01vld"' ''"' Jl\1111 lllllHDr<ll, Jeri ~.tullne YI Keith Fr1M11" MllWl>911e, Mlr11rel V. Vl Alu:l-DDl,od,.., Jo Ann Vl Tllomlt R. Moll<O. Kalfll_, A. YI Aobf:r1 P. """''""· Cllllllil G1v11 YI Jolin E•l-\lldll, J• .t.nll $MMtr ¥1 Tcwry ' Mltllilll K•'""'' L\l"l"ndl \I, VI Dominic TftoltllA (. " DIVOltCIS •ILIP ~ N~ V .... Wll"-A. ,_. O'-M CMM ,,. -.nw O.lfMr CWV.11, Miry ANI ,,. ThwM!o W••rtfl C ..... , PllT'ltllo .I.-W ~ M-Slnllllo Cllt• 4. ,,.,_~ C. c...,.r. t.Mf• L" ""U-I'. Wtioillllwy, ~ ... oi-w""" '""*-· Mlrlinl'lll J .... \ll!lce!lf '· ~•rt{ .. , M1i'911'f WI ..... nlf W, I c_... llllldlotl ... MldlMI o.vw 0-.., Cllttltnt WJ TfTI l 11 Plr..:.Sfll!I, l.lndl ltl Yt tlllrln Gll"I' S\lfr\btr1, K1111trlne Altnt \It Ml.rY111 0.M Wlllltm.1, JI.OR M1rt1 ... Gitorlt EIYle C•m*U, L.urt 81lle v1 Joe "-. Ml1lulflu111. Lll!d• Su. vs. Mlclleel \1111 l!V11tJOn, Chrlflina YI Joll11 (. /rltwded. Jr., Lll!d• s. YI Ct<ol c. ltult. Jou O. "'' Ctlll'ltn G . w11-.. PhvlUt 0.tn YI llloblrt Mkhnl Mc(llMl(j, a.1r "· YI M•'l'•nn J, M!Mldr, E<lllll\ EYllYll Vl Wl '/111 ,_,., Doolin, l.llld• Lfl "' Ml(lll~I JI""' Edffe9mb, Cflt!1toptier '· YI l'1!r\cll •I. • McAd11m, ,81rblt1 l . n ltMllG T. AOl,.tOf, Mll1\e J. YI Jollll Miiton ~. /rltoml L. VI Jeri LH 8rldle¥1 Ill, ~tll. E. YI ~ ""'"'''' Rea, SU1111 L VI $llGl\ltl W. S!IVf'lll'h M&ry F. YI ~f<ldu I' . lltrfld'llCS, C1rol Vl Johll A. ~. Wllfotd SM1rl YI Mi ry Alkt u F1yDI~ L•ur• RICllllOll ~· Rldlatd '" Hemll'ltt, Jama Ltwl1 v1 °"''...,. Vef'OlllU .....,.._, COA DIWl'll \'I J1rnn 0. IHT•ltLOCUTOlllY D•Cltl:I!$ Rleltt, Aldlard Otln YS Lois Eltl..e• G"""""""', C1rt11 8roott n ll uc!Olpfl. IA W•rMr, l'llrlclt J--"' L1111r Allred Norr!t, P1lrld1 Jll VI Oon.lloil 0Nn N!-r!Mll'll, OOfl.ll'f LYM YS 61w (>&y, Jr .. Thllml T. Vl Jolln 8ttrr EdWWdt. OOr1t Elalnt "' Clwlt._ li!ltn ,,_.,. MWll"f"lll A. Y11 Llly<ll W, Lew. c-1 l!ill&eblrll ... "°"'" Chtrftt Hltllll', Ollon.,. Ml•lorle "' J1~~ E•i't • i .__ -·.:. .. \ . • ... ·.-1 -. --·---·-----... -·-· First in Southern California .•• Addc~da's wopl knit dresa plus pant look. Sportivctogeiher. The d.,,.. •• lone ••• perfect for every ~on. Coat dreli bi!', !i. :;.f removable dlck_ey aild cuffil. Front pleat dfOlllJ - 1 llo·Wbrn l"itll or wi\hout the Edwardian ohirt. Both -, • • with.~t"1!\ ,!o\ll/lrd '""1'i· Fi:o!'I our Addeud& collectido;'ai•·8 lo .u, from·2~.oo lo 44.00 Suncharm Sport8wear,.1 , " • NEWPORT CENTER • 644-2200 • Mon., Thurs., Fri.10:00 till 9:30 • 20.00 • -'L < 0 a>.00 I • Diller days 10:00 ttll 5:311 r • I Wedn<sdq, July 2, 196? 40 STORES TO I SERVE YOU .. • I DAILY PILOT ' ' • .. • • • • " ' r • . • • • ·,. r ' ... ·~ ' . HOT SPECIALS FOR . JULY "OLIDA YS -i .. VALUABLE COUPON . ' . SEWING MACHINE TUNE0 UP SPICIA~ s41s . !INGER ·StWING CENTER- LADIES OR GEN]} -woKhft eo ... ,1 ... iy Cle-.d f, 0 JM4 ' .... St.to •A11t1nHlk1 ·-(1 • ...Ut1 llltfllly H1"'tr KIRK JEWltE1lS ,:" .., .. l '--• I COLOR' AN ~~:Ai~i'~CIAL JN TALUi , 1i: ' .......... J4rfl----!..:- WITH COYPO~ .24. 95 frff Aa,... CMdi•I' TIPTON'S FRE·E- FAMOU~ MAKE o4rsS ,-Hl•T Sl.00 ¥al. )"ITff ANY SIJ.00 ·~·c~s~ KINGS FOR MEN VALUABLE CO UPON 'ffd r SUMMER ~ DRESSES A_.,. 51111-Dmt Szt N •Ml' L"'" W.Cti• te Ch9M ""' All Fo.!Hs M~hlrm WINDSOR SHOPS This Co11p01i Worth $2.00 · 011~ Any Purchase! At St.II Up MEN dl WOMEN l ltAND NAMlS AT DISCOUNT SAY ·ON SHOES VALUABI_[ COUPON The Febul°"' l!EltM ES Port1 ble SWl11 Mad• Pr9cl1len Typewrlten S•ICIALS FIOM 49'S COW6E oma SUPPLY -' • •• 1- \ - •• • • . I .. ! I I • ' II I " • ,, I. I I I ,, ' I ft I I r \ I I ,, . - I ~ DAILY l'ILOl wtl-. ""17 2, 1%9 • ... ~~~~~~~__,i~~~-"'--'--'-~ - Youths Get ·~gAbuse Coilnselors Behavior of Air High jackers One Research Key to Solving· Prob"/e ffl. WAsHll!O'J'ON (AP) -A F-al . Avh t i ~n 'Ttle Panel report.I~ bas !!Ir cities, iC hu diacoveOed recOrde>. The panel •aatdu;li. inc .. technique• not Y<l .'IT• .... 11«ild -lb• f-· report ..,. Admll)l_atratloll tuk !orc•, developed a bija~IC'.er lhal "all of:lie-dev!Oea Wire device bas beep -bi&}li1 Jleveloped," uid Di'. H. L. be""*'1 pndlle to l<len!U, _.,.,,_inlhllll!nt created'lal!Febru'!'Yto1ludy bebavloralpro0le1>ai<d ·6nthtf mucb more 1ftClae ~we -lellaltjve Jo -· and Relp d, de!Rl!f le,deral all' ~jilrel•·-lhul- for w• i. detect would-be charocterlallca of bijacken delaJlal ·study of-t b e had been·led .to believe by.the . 1 u rpi/alncly difcrlmlnatory -tllo bead'lll tlfe. tuk lni the Peld ol ..,peci, \o . alrcrilll hljacWI. abd'to-evaluato van-....... ,personality o! eveey lUlown claln\I of llldr developers." toward metal not in Ibo force. row t [)neli>pn\ellll lead· o!IJclall ~ devl<ea, iald It sky pirate, • 'lltu. lat, Ibo ~,bat-> calegwy ol -. Ho clicllned to ditcUls "~ °"' }lOl'Ctn -:-• 1o feel -for 'tbe fin! tlmo -11as ·aarruw«1""lht n e e d to It added that, during field been narrowed to .a ilaY)ct "We have learned I' sreat delalla Of cbaraeterlstlca that onWI ln<lloo Of the lolaf that the pniblcm can be IOIY. ..,_ puaengera to less than testln(, of .weapons,.polUng that has iwo aluminum pole deal aboUt. the av a 11 a b le ideniily ~. • · paaoenrn oo a pven· llJgbt," ed. ooe '.p<rcenl. dovic<(l 1.1 alrptrts in fiv~ ma. ''"·"""" ~ to 1 ll'•pb tecbnlquoo and we are wort, Ollldall-wbo o ~·,er v e IJ1 ...,, -. • • . . • -~ ... • . ' .. ' .~ SANTA ROSA (AP) -Since its OJ)ening six months ago, Sl youngsters have appealed for - help to the Scnoma County Drug Abuse Ad vtsor.y Council, • •• a v o I u n tar y organiJ.ation • , • whOse staff includes former narcotics users. '-max1 "'Ibe fact that those kids walked in and asked for help is great ind . ft think the council is doing a terrific job," was tbe reaction of Paul Stefani, a member of tht sheriffs special s er v i c e s division. -. Before the a>Uneil was forme4. be recalled, 1ucb youngsters "had nowhere to go, except. maybe to· jail." Richard Hankins, 23, former newsman-who coordinates the cooncil, sees it this wai : "The council's greatest advanlqf: ·ii that the kids can conie in and know that they . won't get busted, arrested or ~~ in establ.1.sbment red tape." "We ·-and here J want to say that bundttds of -people are invol•ed -are not eo&. necteil -with -the-'eslabliall: ment.,' which kids , misttust and resent," he added. ·~But our consultants inchlde the, poll"' dej>artmtnt, u.e district attorney, health I ~ . 1 ricers, . the Sonoma Ccpity sherifrs -office, p r oba\t1 0 1n pharmaceuUcal . ~~" he continued. . "We provide direct ind rapid help in many areu...tf~a -- kid needs a psychiatrist, We sernf"~iiiiD to ~one _: free. Likewise ·medical and · social aemcts. And nobody Pio the thkd degree at the hUrry-up. ancHroit.routine:Help Is tbeie whtn needed, Jike now," be said. . ~ - -Fonned1A>-combal a rising drug use rate among acbool stadents, the CIXlllcil is en- tirely supportod by 1Mblic subscription, much of it in small'bills. Hankins ...,. that in 'the first four moaU. of this • ·.' • _, .---- The Guara•tteed Growth · Plan. ' Depollt·$1.000 or more. Wiien all your money and Interest remlllnllour·.-•4!•1d&.:ZS% annual rate, compounded dafly, ~~iaJ•arow: . 30%1~5years 23% in4 years 17%.in 3 years • \ · The· Guaranteed • Income Plan. · -----= ~-I :--• . Open an account ol $1,000 of more for 36 t1ftlO nlQlllhs. We'll • Qlll'Milll you S:5.25% annual nde, compou~ dally, wllh Ille k1lel8et paid CUI to you eech qmrter. . . - In case of hardship oren191'gef1CY, you maywllhdrawlhe necn sary funds at the end of any quaner and get fuD ~rest to Qlll C;;t-:;---year,-$10,000 came-Ut-- "Jt's amazing how many . people came through with dalB. • ---~- I I I • I t I• . . . I~ +- bread," he declared. :.. The council board includes a physician, Dr. Everett L. Salmon: an insurance and in· vestment executive, G a i I Rathbun ; a pastor. the Rev. David R. Swope ; a civic leader and school trustee, Mrs. Dora Eldredge: an at- torney, John D. Fitzgerald; and a high school principal, Sisttr Marian Lorang. Today's Final Stocks Today • mo RA.CU DAILY T;M.. Thru Slit. Finl ,.,._w.-m,.1:46 Satw"d9'1•~ 1 :16 -ORDER YOUR RES£RYED SEATS NOW THFIOUQH COllPllTICKET ' llltr••••Pn. ........ • Cf/MtllY llwd.. ,.,.... -~. -. ... • . • The B01'US Plan •The Basic Plan • Here's a 3-year account that lets your savings earn 11' % more each year than paaabook accounts do. They now earn at a 5% annual rate. So Bonus Plan accounts, currently earn 5.25% a year when the bonus iscredited at the end of the 3-¥ear period. Invest any amount, In multlpllis Of $1',000, Interest can be transferred quarterly to a passbook account and, when held for a year and compounded daRy, will earn 5.13%. . . The!cmost flexible plan. You can llMIIt 8111lllnCUlt of money and Wlllldraw It whenewryou wish. II y0iJ leave aD}Ollr money and.Interest In your account for a year at oiir currant 5% annual rate with lnteraat compounded dally, you'll l'-"'8 .. 8l1IUI yield " of 5.13%. You earn Interest from the dayyau «!ePD6lt your money 'Ill the day Yo11 withdraw IL And the money-you deposit by the 1oth Of arry1uo1dh eama interest from the 1at, wtlen lt._lns until quarter's end. For all details on these 4 maximum interest plans, come in and see us now. -' California Federal ad l.olD A!"'" 4tdt • 11 Olices • A-'9 O'llel' $1..S -- NATION'S LARGEST FEDERAL ANAHEIM OFFICE: 600 N. EUCUD AVE.• 7764222 COSTA MESA OFFICE:2700 HARBOR BLVD.• 54e4300 ORANGE OFFICE: 3810 W. CHAPMAN AVE.• ~ Hsad Offlee: 5670 Wl19111ro BMl., l os ... igoles ___ .._....,.,,LS,OOO unda'pmiUnoflbeFodenlSl'rinpALculil •wCetpo;llbt,a .. nwre1 .. ...,ef ....... _., I I. I ' - ' I ... ' • .. l I l . . . . .... -... • • Count y Weigh• Re:one Wednnd11, J\I~ 2, 1969 t DAILY "LDT -' 5 I ~t~ood Looki~g to Future . • . ' For .The Record ··-------'ME ETI NGS IJ ·IAg\ lllOB4C& ot ... -Dtlf' ,.;.. MM t.'twooo -\'lie rwn 91 lclh!J -~'J ~uni! -~iJlOI ~"'·-AQ·1W.uencan am es, will ,be settled sometime in the- lulurt but it is. 1otnr to take time, says the coupt,y Plannlllg Co . iiw. :fm' ~ next 10 days commissioners will set t h e 'tinle and plact for public heartnp in both Elllfllsh and Spanish . to determine the oulr come of cunent rezoning studies. Atwood, an area of 109 families (108 of Mexican- Americau descent) co v e r s about a square mile alone Orangethorpe Avenue, between Richfield Road and Van Buren Street, just souijl of the Yorba Linda city limits. The residents say they want most Of the area rezoned t.o ruidenUal uee with 80fne commen:lal Zoning w I s 1wkcbed to light btduslrlal in llM, follow .in& a $19,500 ....--study and numerous public h_eari!lp. . ResldOnllal bulklllllf ~nnits are not allowed \lndu the cur~ rent ZOniM. When the J 9114 bearlnp Well held, mo&l of ihe residents were unaware ot lb< ch._ conlemplal<d. When the first request for residential bulldin(:t." a S ·denied, about a year , the oonfrontaUon started. t 20 residents appeitiid before the Coonty Board of .5upervlsors and eventually an order was issued for· the CUl'Tent planning study. Spearheading the program is t,he newly fonned Atwood Community Cowlcll J n c . assliting the council Is Dr. RUMell Beaton, 1 professor of economics at Simon Fraser UniverlitJ m Vancouver, B.C .. arod T!lird Dlotrlc! 5uporvlaor Wlllla\n J. Phillipa. AtWaod bu I lllllllber of oil welll'-101n tbt atta sooth ol OrlinlletbroPe anol 30 norlh " the tJio!ougbfare. A plaMlnl: department study report& thal ••many ot tl)e ojt companiea have lndkal<d a willlngn<!ss lo cooporale 'l!ben plana !Of rtdeveloprriQt Ut. farther alone." Studies It <loll'! the report saya, "shOw a desire on the part of the residents to Im- prove their 11~ conditions and remain iii Atwood . Present ·iorunc ' does n o t permit this·redeVelopment." FederaJ government asaistance~for r e b u i l d I n 1 . bomes and l'ldinc Improved sewers, wateo Uoes, streeta, • parl: and community ~let depend on cvunty recocnlt1on of Atwood u "a realdent1'! .~' ........ ":~":~· .. ~;;:.~,n.:~""' Y>llJlty ~an ~:}Javid Micliel Nam~d Arroo11tr1111lt ~l'Nlttfl. v IJJ • • M1rln1, J(MJ ,~kle Or,lh. NtwfiOt't s I A 1 · • :.:::·::..:~ ,oli,.,,., •·-entenceo .! N. ew Ana·L -i·n.. Chi.el TfrflP~. u111 s1rn1 11111 st. Ane"r•w• ·JW " P!!ip, NfwPOrl 8tac11, 7 P,m. Wttltiln1!e'r E•C1181\te Cl\lb, Hl'PMltly F , -SI ' , Inf!", 1"°"1 llta(h llvd., W11lmln1er, , • ()r· a ym~ I' .. "·""· ~ ' ·,·ANAHEIM -David B. H11ntln•IOl1 l111cll Mawnlt. L~ . .. ~ .I MMOnk Hell, 10S UQ Street,'>"-:~ ~ ~Miehe~ oej:!Uty.Chief .of police c!':2'°"~1c:';,'~30 "::.'e, 1u w."" 1rt11 SANTA ANA:-An 1 Anaheim f Ot FrMno bu been ~amed k;~~-~~:at.!:i'n"on, Hun1i,,.1on ma~ wbO strang ed b J1 s Anaheim 's new chief of police. :~fhMIT~tr~;;:1eH~n?i~~1c1a::1 ·~~.~Ud. ':htnb.d~~lubecltak h"'l11 ~kt takes the post being .. ~." \y1i.:1tsmavam 1 to es b Chll Mk A A.T. Gi.nnt c11111w., Sons., ttal'I' 1" ~ vacated y e ar . ~ Nritrlc:•, Odd F•ttrn H1N, 247' O~'n We has been sentenced to Stephenson who will retire ""t N~ l lvd., COit.-MeN. I •·m. 5 · s(a•• · af f Drt<>tf c""ni., Siii clllb, Elk• c~b. one to 1 years m ~ prison. August 1 ter 41 ye'ilrs o ~::v11 Olortio. H-1 ll•ldl. •:» Su~or Court Judge James service. Co••1 ''"-'"· YMC.A, nw' Vn!Yti'Sit'J' F Judge set that term for Ptflcbe.1 40 is a native of Ori.,., NewPOrt a,1dl. 7:30 P.m. • • ' Reca~,..,. tn< •• H.....it,......,, 1111e11 Hltll Hubertus Man.nus Brugeman Long Beach and served as an kl'loot. "°°"" llJ. HllJ M1111 $1.. • • Ann 'rho . I try Hunflnehll'I 11eie11. e •.m. " d •· dir t d that lb y a1 rne Jn an man · ...., an I&" ec e '-rrom-JMfi to 194!. He hold!Uie THUJllOAY survivor of a tragic love.rs' rank ol Lieutenant com-H~•blr·li1n Ta1tme1-• ClllO. Oritta c1111eri., "'',,... 1111n11, NewPOrt quarrel spend most of that mander ln the U.S. Coast lr~=;/O:,-,i.;.1111 Club.Pl COIN Mt... lime in Vacaville 1'1edical Guard ni:iserve. community.' A q-e, circulated In the llq b7 ~ plannln~ atalt lban ti po~ of the realdnte tam $51000 1 year or more ancl • Jen:ent are bomeowneh:. The 11111 bu mede the following _....nc1auons: 1. Set 11ear11:1 dalA!s In the even!ng ·tn \he· community for the re2.0ofn& of the deV<looed portion to S,800-square.foot rutdeoti1Uots, but only when Improved sewer ancf, water service ls MIUl"td, not pecessarily L~talled. 2. Direct the staff to con- tinue the study to rezone. the 1.71 acret ol uncle..-land to the eut of the aettled area . to. residential uSe wtth 1,000, square-foot lots. S. Continue land use studies of the area north o f Oran1ethorpe through a p0oal· bte lederrJ lfanl lot Plannlni· 'Santa A\na's . I Cit y Hall Given ·Oka)'. . ' SAN'PA ANA -Tlwr .... mum!)'• propooec1 ..,;. 13.1 mUUon .c!tf hall bas Ui!e lfeto lllbt 1nim the Sama Ana. Oraqe County Civic Center <:._ Commiaslon which bu agrttd · to finance ODnl\tUctlon. Undu tenns of. the _. ment which will ao before the city council July 7, the city will pay '328,M annual rental -f" 2>-year1-tfP'ty off tbe~con-- structlon boD<l'i under a joiot powers kale-back a1reement. The pact calla for seven per. cent interest, one percent ,• • • , I • Morris Plan's $5,000 lnvlsl· menrcm11rcat1s earn-5.5% Interest yearly -no lengthy holding period required. ~ • Certilicates purchased.through JUty 15 earn at the full rate frqm July 1. lntecest is paid b'J Cf\tl)Ck 't:the end of eachiCai~ar quarter. • , ' I • " • Since its foundlng Jn"1918, Morris Plan has prOmptfy mtt ~er)l ,reci9t'Jt~for Wilhdr.aw~I. . AB\eta exceed $100 mlllipn. . ~--. OR: l!AllN 1.21% INTlll•I' PIR YIA!t ON PAUIOOK TllRIFT ACCOUNTS of any amount. wllh int9rest COllJPUled monthly and credited and.cOfTipounded quarterly~ Funds placed by Juty•1_S earn from July 1. Morris Plan " • • • Newport B11ch.-' 3700 Newport Boulevor~-'673 -3700 ... . ' Other ~orrice1 throughout California • ' '. • • ' • • • more than the city's J>l'O»osed•i''~------,--------------------c---­, rate, approved by councilmtn Cor11 111..-"•'•u••nt. uu H1r11or Center -He began h1s police career l lYjl.1 COlll Mn.1. 7:30 •• ..,. . . • .A.... .._ &o.rCI "' Rq11o,., NtwPOrl H1roar. , • • b 10 Fresno m 1951, Swu ~1ng u a Cail• Mn.I, ••lbN air c1u11. 1n1 . Bru. ~. eman s. "·rm IS ascd patrolman and wor•'-• up ·to w. CN1! H!ellw11, NewP<1r1 9eldl, t I I -• '·"'· on bis jler,t.eJ1c1ng or vo untary i.<deputy chief by, JlU. He Is an w~s:~~~~~~1."~:Jm~~~fr;~= T•111~· m ~.n s 1 .. ~ ~. i ht~~. J:Ie w~ October 1968 gra~ate of the e;~:tt1'~ir1~1u:,~1orw."'~r:'~~~; ot:lf)~an1~~gff--with-; the-FBI.National-Acadtmy. ,. ft"ll'TS ANAHEIM POST NtWl'Orl ett(ll, noon murder Of Mrs. Rlitiy c. R~. Michel 1tlended Long Beach ~ M:;!:l'::1ftLl~~1'vr~luJ~7"~~':ci.,1•g 35 . h .. nahe. <>n<>..t ...... t City College, camed h l l!tllc• Chl1f Michel June 2. Current state law puts a celllng of six percent iri· 1.el:est on jolnl~ p o _w e...t •- authorltlea, but a bill now before the leglllature would noon · 10· .er P lDl ............. n ' bachelor's de--at F-.. oOJ· ,...,..._...,.-----'---k..,..1n11 Ctull ~ Cost• Nn.1·Nor1t1. Of/icerS found the body of ........ """"!' '·..: "'ti care1 "'"' 11r111ur1n1. 2us H1•11ot -~ State, a master's <legree 'at ~,. a1vd .. c..,11 ......... n:10 11:.m. the slrangled worpan lut Dec. ·USC. and later otudied law en-T d 1 f ' / Ne-I Htrbor K! ... nls Cl\ltt, Vfl\I 0 ay S fna ~''"'' 1041 a1r11de 0.1.,., N•wpori 30, sprawle4 o~ the aoOr of the forcement al San Jose State . BHt11, 1t:1t "·""· and F ono ~1t7 Col'··~ Nl!WHrf·INlnt llo"rv Club. 0111ler1 livipg room. Bnigeman, UTI· re 'o! ~r-.... 11e.1111•1nt. 7tl1 B•lskll 5'·· Cos•• conscious and bletding pro-He is married to Jacqueline ~,~.. 11 ,_, ~ ' 0re,....e c.,.,, c1<;1t•n c1u11, "-lk'•""'•· .bi!ely ·m)m his wrigt wounds, Parlee and they have one 1611 We1!tllft Orlve, Ne~ 9qdl. 1t:1J '·""· was found besiM; her. ·daughter, Lln, 10, Dl!<ltl1 1\'otiees FOOTE \lide •tel'Clw l'POM. •11 VllT1 •lll'llt•, Nl'W!l'Orf Btttll. Otte of clM ttl, June ''· SUN!vtd bv 611"9111tr. Mrl. C. Fl'«ltfltk Htt""""· l'Hlllfntl 1r1r!CI-..... MldlHI •rid .,....,, H-rf'lo. Mil.ft.NI ~ will i. i.ld MDll-- d!Y. Jutv 7, .l:ll f'M, SI. Ml(hallr1 Ellloc-1 Churdo, COrOM et! Mir. F1mllt IU9te1t1 ll\olit wi.111119 le ....,kt n..mOl'l1! contrlblllkn, P1"H c1111trlb- uT•' it ll't!i A,..,.,lc•" C1nctr loclety, Oret>M C°"~'Y Cll11llr. Olrec:led bf 1111z Mortu1,..,., 35711 E, to.st Hl1h- w1~, CorON <Ml ~'· ELSWORTH J ·Stock s -Today raise the celling. . Qty lt\pnk:y William Mock, who with a bond company represent.IUve and the county counsel's office wrote tbe leue, said the coriuniss1...e m1y .not be abllf to tell the 1 bonda: in the current m1rtet a\ ~e al:I percent rate. (Llr~ M. ETswortll. lfO "W, 1'rh st.. Newport 1 .. e11. Surr!\'fd bV 4'1urllllt1. V!,ylnl1 L H«btm. Mur· lel SIVrcltf'I, G~n Mertleld1 aon. Robert tE.._,..., "I'°" ,,.nddtlidr'o11 •nd hlur tl"ltl-11r1ndcfllld~. Se,..,.. I~. T1'uncltly. 10 AM, WOJ!clltl Chll11el Mor111.1rv, ~ HANSEN / ~ • Theteasonyou're not readingtbiSis because · . youalreaoykQowwehave ··moriijng,mid-day and eyening ARBUCKLE & ~H. · < ' Westcllff Mortuary . • 4%1 E. 11tb St.. Costa 1\.1.ea·a llMl!I .. • B~L TZ MORTUARIES Corona del l'llar OR 3-9450 Costa l\.lc1a AU 5-!"24 'SELL e:iADWAY MORTUARY JlO Broadway, Costa l'ttc1a . u 1-m.l on.oAv :aOTHEM Hu.atlngtoa Vllley Moriuar>' !1911 Beacll Blvd. Jlu.nUngton Btaclt ee-rrn • Al<CORMICK LAG\JJIA BEACH MORTUARY J21$'1Agu• Canyoo Road Laguna Be•~ 4".fflS • ·PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery e Morh11ry Cbapd J$OI Paclfic View Drive New,..n Beadi, Calllorala 114-%70! • PEEK l'A!ULY' COWNIAL FUNERAL HOME ?Ill 8ofp A¥e. Weolmllllter ~ • sm;:FFl'JR MORTUARY IAlliooa Bue~ IN-JAi Su Cl<melte m.tlll • SMfl'll'I MORTUARY • I 11'1 Ml11 8L llmilll&lw ~ . ' Lll'4W "'"" .... . .. ·jets goingtoPhoenix. • .. The reaaon you're not reading this is becall!e you already Jmow we have new Super I_>C.9'a with mor~ le&' room tor 'aJ!. p'asseng,ers t6 make your trip more comfortable. So instead ot reading any of thi8, just call your Travel Agent or Air West and. go. ..~_nz........• ......_ • lirtim aor._Bom::M!ll~OWD-•• . . ~.. . .. . --. ~·· ..... -.. .: r I \ ' I ~~J.b~SUMMER ENJ<iY-MENl-• ~ Outtloor Living is _o w11.y_oJ life in ,, Soiltliern , (o/il ' ' ENJOY IT NOW- CALL US TODA YJ ' The: NEW. LOOK , for '69 · ' ' ,-' .. ~~~v~~ AJ(NIH~s. VALANCES • CURTAINS Nothif'g decoro!e1 like convo1. h outiful ntw colors & new fobriC1. For. homes ... for busin es1 •• , for tr~iler1 .•. for campers! . IUllllFACTUUD • INSTAWO FREE ESTIMATES NO OIUOATION WE DESIGN WE MANUFACTURE WE INSTALL · ALUMINUM SCREENED . PATIOS Plann•d for large, smaft w mobt1e home1 ••• complet1ty l(M'9 proof. • SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING co. FACTORY $HOWROOM 2202 So. Main Santa Ana • 545-0491 S.. .. r~ -INDOOl· OUTOOOl . ........ "!Pt.r IRANCH OFFICE:ORANGE COUNTY AWNING CO Phone 197.4732 _:.Serving North Orango C-ty " ' . SEE THE STARS '' [!1,l L•t '"' 1t•r• 111lcl1 ye11. Srclnty Om•rr, o~t ef lh• worlcl'• lor111me,t 1e•tftlu .. ~. write• tile 4tUy hwttC•lH cel11tn11f-t•twr1.cl 111 t~• DAILY •ILOT. .. ' ~-- •• .. 1' I i: ' , • .. I I I ' I ' j . ' • • . " --' , 100°/o NYLON --=UMBRELLA JICKEJ by PocHlc Troll. ANOTHO 1n.1t tM 1• t t•lt•Y •' ..,,..,.... c.llfl. c • .-...t.1, w1tw """'"'· wltlt hlU.• hM• ~ tht •ll·w••"-~t-Hert1n•. f•ff'f' , ... ,..,._.. A ,...,..,, tf11 , .... ,,. .. i4 ,, ... $12, , see-;,,... ''Han,-Ten'' TEE SHIRTS -: f. 100~~ WXU.IOOS umJl;M: cttton.-M .,. thrlnliftf,M kMint<M Wrinlifn1. Sal-• HI fntm • MW •hlitmtnt ,,. tll·MW -tt,itft1 1rttl ~hf oltr1. SUH S.M-1.·J.l. $6 '$7-$8 . "H~ng-Ten" TRUNKS I IE THI Fl•ST ,, "h•111·fll,~ ,, Jh.t Al11ch 111 th••• ll1rtlln1 new •urftr trunlu, Atl color1-All 1tyl11...J.ll 111111 .so.·$7.sa -. Permanent-Press Fabri.c GOLF SL'ACKS / ., . WITH MATCHINi; BEL~ I . l 1 ALL NYLON JACKETS JUST THE THING-yo1lU wt"t M"f:t'tl ti t\i11e f111MUI·~ "" 1olf 1litkt 11 Hilt LOW ,rJw, Ptrnu1nenl·PrtU 11..U,. ..;witll full lhrlN.tti;ctnlrtl. COion 1f Clftlf)' Ttlitw, lift "1111, tllll AMc1drt 1rH11 cemp\1!1 with flllfc~n1 belt . Si111 30 ,, 42. 2 for s11 · I • UGlfTWf:t;n roots '°' OVTDOOltlMlll JUST, .. wAnl GIANT'S CAlllU A <OMPLl1l LINE Of Comp_lete Stock of. SURF RIDER RICH·MOQR FREEZE· DRIED FOODS CAST IRON COOKWARE · ,,.. s9ts DUlCH-OittH-· • Dtluxt lar11 1ii1 25"1145" limit., 1urf rider of .. t l 't)' rubMri114 t11:nv1sl "'3.88 .. GRANT'S RENTS EV·ERYTHING IN CAMP. ·GEAR! CAMP TOILET Compltt1 with fr1N, 111t, f114 • N11. ~ST '2"' •3.91 ' ' ~. . EGG CARRIER . Kt1'tf-tlUty ,C.e flf l l"tr .. "'' •••• fTtm llrffk· i .. I 98'·· CAMI TAILE UNCH sn lt1 Mtlll 1rt If Hot 4 •••111 , , • felH ''""""'" .. ltflttt. $29 .•••. , ICOOL-l'A,C , .......... ,.-........ . WATER CARRIER Si••k i ... ., ..i..1 .. ,, tm1ltt1 -I'"'" ... iu .11 .. t ..:: ...................... k J ....._., $1.29 llO. Sill : • 7t~ 2'/2 GAL ••• $1 .48 S GAL .•...• ·$1~8 ,G.l. FOLDING .CAMP_ SHOVEL · JTYLI FOLDING C,OT . RIG. $1.91 RIG. $4,88 ;, 98C ' $5.95 "CHlROE IT" at 8RllT'S SUR.PLUS 0-ANT'S CHAROl ACCOUNTS •J ' r • • WE WILL IE CLOSED . ,. __,JULY 4 .. 'l • • . ' "OASil" TINTS lO'xl' • ............... $19.ts 10'x13' .............. $129.95 10'x16' ........ ., .... t169.!5 "OLYMPIC" . 8'x6'6" .............. $59.15 ll'x10' .............. $99.95 "FAMILY TENT" lO'xl' ............... $64.95 5'x7' Pup Ttnt .......•. $19.95 -5'x7' Mounllin Te_nt .... $27.tS FAMOUS BRANDS AT B IG SAVINGS! 1,ANTERNS M,111.1 200-A for 11 t Wt lllltlf tCOll+ ) tJllictl ~111 ,., •• ,u. • 1arn1n1, Si,.1. 1ni11-. r ••• MODEL '220 ...... $12.95 MODEL •22a ...... $14.95 M,ODEL '731 .•.... $12.95 MODEL •195 ...... $17.95 1' [oleman ,., JUOI c .. p1o1. 1u1.1i.. rriwttlo· .,. .... ,,,. ... • .. n, ••· 111111•41 , • , •••••••••.. M .45 t -e.t. Mae -. , ,-. , • , , , , • , , ..... , COOUIS ·~;ur.. l•-111•-......•... s •.•. ,. ,_lyUM>, ll·lll'· ••.. , •••• $.11.tS 3.w,, Cto,_r •. , ....• , . $27.tS ~,_.I S2SJ •• , ..... , , , .$1~tJ ~ JJSJ •• ~ ..•..•••• $15.tJ ' CATALYTIC llUTlllS T111 rntst pr1<tic1I ......,.. ' ........ lltitfif~-­... 'flllMI v·,ol."'--:- ·3~ ~TU ..••... , ...••.• $1f.tJ :S~ .•TU • , • , , , , ••••• $21.tS :S t..S,000 ITU . ·~····,..~24,tS Ste 1.000 ltU •••• ~~•"'\•Ji7.tS ' . Grant'• lll!f, I~• Grea1eit S.ledlon A•d ~·uy your . $l1tpirtt lip ""'Ith tonfidmc1 al Gr1nt'1 , , , wl ha't 111 •f tflt f1n1ou1 Coleman l1g1 in 1ttck. Wt htvi ·im wheft you need 'tm. ::soo, 2.Jb. At1U1t1 .. , ..... , . $1,71 .V71 2, 4-lb. D1uon·ll I 76 .... $22.81' $11 95 ..., _.;;:. - ·Llrge 2·Bumer " ... $16.95 r~ret Bum er ...... $26. 95 All MODELS IN STOCKI "KLQNDIKl" GOOSE-DOWN Pr~fessional Camper SlEEPING BAGS ll1n:dili1'1 momm1 1tyl1 i;... 1r1 .. •f rl,..1top 1t1lo1t lini,. 1114 C9'ftr. fun 1it•·"•'' with an "''" 11,,.r. ··~622, l-lii. lnsulon .......... $1.2.81 'lt72S. 4-lb. D1tro11-i1 & 16 .• -•. -$24":°8T ·-·1511Y oooil DOWN 2·1\ ................. ' .......... . 1 1/1·•· •••..••.•••.••••.• , .... . l·I ... l•I· ..........••. , •. $74.9S :625, 3-lb. lnsulon , ......... $14.81 :620, 3.Jb. ln1ulon ..• -. ...... $27.81 #623, 3.Jb. Ditron-88 ... , .. '.$16.11 #171 , 5-lb. D1cron-ll' 76 .... $34.11 •735, •·lb. lnsuloo ........ .>$17.11 ' •991, 6.Jb. Docron·ll & 76 .... $39.H WHm GOOSI DOWN #610, 3.Jb, Dtcron-811 °"' .. , .. $19.11 ~ ~811 , S.Jb. D•troit.t& 1 .16 ..•. $49.18 ~611, 3-lb. OHron-81 & 76 .,, .$20.11 'itt82, 6-lb. Dtc;..,..g & 16. , , .$S4.81 I '/•·1"· •••· ·' '~' • ·' • • '· • ''''·'' ' • 2-llttl. ••••••••••••••••••• ,,.,,,. Select From 14 Coleman Bags from .$777 to •S4~'!~~·i··;~;'";'i .. i .. i .. i .. ii .. ii ... ii .. ii .. ii.,ii •. i .. = •' • ~·1 • : ; " • ; • • • • • . ~ . ... . ~· " " ' i' • , " ;--. ~., .. D,Al·L·' '•r~ , ~<Jnt~, '°ll~. lf('L '' . • T '' ::r:_ Jt · O.rang e ·t;oa$ ·. .e1f M·e~ 1iil~e~~ .·~,¢~· !lr9~itil::·i)J~-~ W~~Eld ; Two Oraoge Cbunty men are Donnell f!1 411'· jliver 'Ave. '(;uard'~ • .N;~odon. ~lova""1, . .J. of Mr, ancf Ml ~ and° Mi?. John'~;~ Iii Mn. ·\7~ MCNullJ ol •!'llA~ ,E;..._ a..en.,~;if I i c.f'.r,1 • e~~ ·f :~le, ·1erv!ng aJioard the USS Killy Newport .!lea.ch h~s ~·~ •.. Ulillio tl1lO olher Uu;ee..Ann·. Harry Gi<>/apni o1 !4,J·U 11~ T""j>le llll~ D.rive,"-Walla<"<" Ave., Costa ·Meiji,'. ·TraJ;Ulw.C-'Ueld ttaJiii>c Of ~ High Hawk oil Jbo· ...,t of Viii· lo Pe"-"'Col•,.h,;0 , for'.'.Su;i>: ·Od 'FWCes Acadenues, \he Monterey Lane, Hunllnlton C.gulla llUdl, Is '¥vbfg aradi!Oted ffonr baaic;traliling eacainR""nl' a(!J a ni Uf~n. ~~A!!!:~·.cace is nam. ~. 11[ • mer lndoc..-JUtil>D In NavaJ Coast Gu{ltd . Acadeq1y r~ &ac,b, is 1oervlnsc aboard.:-t&e aboard Yle alrCrllt carrier · at San Ditgo. _ At:'B, Cailt. '1 • f•• .. , '\' a ~--~-if P'~b1uc They are lkoltl Tetbn!t[ln Avlatioil '~ quires no Cong1'e5!\oilal ap-aircraft can;er USS 'HQr.net, USS /obi\ F; ~nnedy, • part Th'e seaman will ~pend nieY 'are c1~t! J1mes 8. ·u1g~Sc~Sjlcf'Y.it"1. ·tts.t a.c. Burle 1". Jeoea, son ol J . polntments l!nd has no prim&f)' ~ery &hip ro.r the of the u.s. Sltlh .r_1~t~ , several days with his famUy.. EYIM, son of Mrs. Elenor M. w~ .retelv~·lltl./l.K. degree Mr. iuld MrS,,'thOmas Jones or Micb¥1 E. ·AYeryt. son' of · geographic ,quotas.. _ Apollo ll m~fun, ~l.lled partlcipaUng in tbe. ex~ before reporting aboard a Eva.r-Of ·m in: Rocbeftef st,. fr~I Oral.lp ~ ,Colle1e. 318 Wa\nul S\., Newport Beach 11,ir. alkf Mrs. 'N. E. Averyt of~. Cadels .. ¥e, ~ose~ from an-July 11: · + r ., ,. ... ,. in the.Mediterranel!'r : · ... e. ,Navy sb,lp~. Costa 1'f~, and.Job"· Qtle.., 1955. • ·, .-. • r. .. and S....aa Aj>p,... Jobn W. .1(431 Fair>telr, Lane, HU..· ilual comp<tlttve tests. '· -'--· ' '. -• -' . U. ~-WW. llv•.4Ul!lll · BQUt ""'1. ~?.ltelidina ,!he Fletcbei of Ctma ~esa. t ttngt.on ·~ach, haa been ap-• c 0 m m I I I a•r)tmll i.e. . seahlffl:A;,,.a.· ~d c. ' Two Oran&e County men \re Marjan L"a D-' Hu'ntliiatQri U111Y,&iit)!_ '. ·.;ol: ~)lJ1ti-e r' D ' • pojpled IQ I~ U.S. CQ11S1 41r, CgalrolmH,Z.C. )'hlllp l!tchard N .. Skwan. son o( -.McNolty, IO, son or .i,ir, and partic)paling In the \l:S. AiT S.ath. , · · • • ~allfornJs,·· ·.:· ·" • . rttaJ.Ha"'1A .. M~,USAF, . .. .. J. 1 \. " .,1 t!' .: .. , • "~ .;·-... ~·,~ .; son-of ..... Mr. and·;vrr.s. li."t-J ,,.. ~ ..• ·!"~·· · .. , ... · ti ,_ -~ __ ~·- Mano of 2244 A. Slate. ·$.', . Cost.a Mesa, receivft(t the j(lr - Medal during careJJlOllies'lieid ''°' al Norfolk, Va. · '1. The major wu cited for · outa\anding airmanship and t.'OW'age as a navigator on sue~ cessful and i m 'P o r t an t m~sio~1te1 l;Mlwdlus COD· • _ . di lions over Vietnain. • . The major ii.la iraduate of \ John Marshall Higfi Schoo!, ., Los Angeles and the_Unlverst· , · ty of Southern California, · Sat, William M. Emenon ' Jr., 24, Son of Mra.-Nancy lfurwitz of 160 W. Wilson, Costa Mesa, voluntarily ex- tended hi! lour of duly In vfet. nam for an extra six tnoiltbs while serving with •Ole 4lh ln(~try DiYi.sion -.neal-if.leiku, Vieinam. ., , Sgt. Emerson ls a scout in Headquarter& Company, Jst B~ttallon pt·~ diY.lsioliis 69tb Annor. , · .- He holds .the"C.Cmbai '.Ihlan- tryman · B'dge-. · -1 His wife, .Diane; lives tJ,t Zl'J84 Federal Ave., Costa Mest,-:'and his lalher, in Mlissacbu~ .. ! AJrman Reymood-8 .-Long, - aoo of Mrs. Arlene B. Long, 91016 Pepita Drive, Mission Vi_!lo. has been assigned to Ketslef AFB, Miss. 1: f o,r . training as a ,per s oniJ1el 11pecialist. ~ · · Airman John F. Payne, son of.l\ir • .and Mrs, Richard M. Payne of 16871 Canyon Lane, HunUngton Beach, has been assigned to Keesler AFB, ~1lss. for training in com- munications electronics systems. The airman is a graduate of Millik<!_n High Schoot, Long Beach, 1968. , Naval Aviation Reserve Of· fleer Candidate · Peltr M . .Lance, son of Mt. and.. Mrs. Gerald G. Lance of 219 Geneva St.1 Huntington Beath, has reponed 'to 'the Naval Aviation SChOOl's CQmma~ •l the, Naval Air Statton, Pensacola, F,Ja. as<an A·v-iatiOn ,......., ~eserv~qtficet Candidate. . . • .. ·r .·• --· Airman t.C. ·tatsumi Fujita, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Fujita' or 14472 !Cbestnul st .: . Westmlnsler. ij I}. member of . . the 546th Combat Support ""· . ·· ~r.oyp_tbal_has earned tbe_Mfa. .,;:. • · ·· Foree Outstanding U lflil" '"" ·Award. · ·-:. . The ainn~n· ls a graduate tor ' \Vestminster f:Pgh 'School. . .. ;, c ,~ Sgt. Joba' D. ItbeR, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Z. Lsbeb of 13631 Richardson Way Westminster,. ls a member ~ the 456th Combat Support Group that has earned tKe U.S. Air Force Out.standing Unit Award. Sgt. Isbell Is a Strategic_Air · C o m m a n d administrative specialist at Beale AFB, Calif. He is a graduate o f \Vestminster High $00ool and attended Orange Coast College· ' before entering the service. Airman . John J. Scbaeilel, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Schaedel of 17311 Canna Circle Drive, Huntington Beach, has been assigned to 'Chanute AFB, 111., for training in the air~raft e q u i p m e n t main· tenance field. The atrman ig a graduate of Huntington Beach High School, -19611. Sgt. Ch1rles R. Uur1t, son of Jo.tr. end Mrs. Lyle A. Hurst or 8451 Lomay, Westrhinster, is on duty at Ubon Royal Thai .... AFB, Thailand. ---'"TheStrgeant Ls ·a-Jet engine mechanic. ' Airman Appren. Gordon R. f\1urray, .son of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Murtay of 2323 Cornell Drive, Costa Mesa, is at- tending the basic course at tbe Aviation Boals\\'ai n's Male School, Naval Techni c al 't'raining C.eoter, Lakehunt, N·.J. j Two Huntington Beach mea , have ~duated from ttie Naval Atr~,Reserve Tralnldl Urii~ M~hb, Tenn. '1>ey ~ AtrmU ~ppren. Robert & 0wtn1. l'lllfi of Mn. HulJJ ' Spillers al 909 Enaland St.. ·and Almu Apprn. RitMrd v. Fobilllj !OD or Mr. and ?tfrs. Rieti'attl ~J.. Fab\aD 91 1'19'11 ~·~ Cilc,.;'.,;;.,i; . . Spee.!:~ A. M~; a, , . oon of Mt. •"'! ~.' Ja.,..)i'.-Morr~ .,,. l-vaJencl•1 Coita Mesa, ~~~to " the 1st 1.<>g1s1;c.1 Command, Vietnam. -Naval Aviation Rtcerft Ol· ncer Candidate Mfcbael C. llOlllltD, IOn of Mrs. Jobn 8. ' - I , j • • • ~, ........ " . 6.S0.11 :r.oo-1• • Plui 1 7• to 1.•4 F1d1r1\ be.ii~ Tell. ~it1w1ll1 $1 .00 ""''' '''~. ' ·' • • I I •·, t• ;.01• f~d•r•I b~ti· ~ P11• • "'., '"h" I.I ·13.oon111or1 ••c. • · T111. Whll•W• I ' • ' .. ...... ,. 7.JI!";-., , .... ,. --7.71o1 .. 7.71o1t • ... a.tt-tc,..t .. 11~ie-;ll 'Plus 1.7• i• 1.,4 f1d •r•l bd•• Ti x. wi.aew1llt SJ.00 inor• •1•h· Plu• 1.,, .. 1.0t Feder~, hc.'!-1t, ~ r.11• Whitn•n .. s~oo 111or• ••c.~ ' . . ' Phi• l .lO ••. 1.JI f•ll•r•I bt~ ·l.m:ii~i.:li=iiiiilif.:'i;;<:i; r ... Wllil •w•Jl1 si.oo "'~'· ·-'. " . . · COMptEJE .& !XPERT BRllE ·OYERHAU~ ' . -COMPACT CARS·_'. F1lcon1, C.111th, ai.;.yitl'i .C:.rY~f,. ~·rfr· 27J.J • -J DAYl.'ONLY S2J88 . .. '· _, SJM!DAAD'·CARS .;. Dollt,•• .. FotllJ,~hwy• ·a P}y,,.ewtlu a11.i.tJ .... ,, J IAYS Olft.T· " $2788 I. ______ ._ ___ _ ' fl ' I " ~ ' I'•' ..!. -"· ' .. ·• ., ' • I . • \ ' ,. 'I I r ! t ' • • . . , . I • .. .. .. ·, • f \: .· • ' ' . . -4 Ll!:OAL NOTICE PAULEY EXPLOllATJQN INC., Pl!OGRAM •rA" ·-· ---S.'fOW' link• or ill la eo11poa below 1114 ~ ~:---., •• ' ·- Build · Your Future in Data Communications a [ mil~o] comp1~y The outlla!Mllf!O acc.epUnc1 ot our MODEM 'fOO Diii Sett and our contlnulno dweloplllent ol n1w d1t1 communlctUon 1qulpmenl 0111'11 new oppor1unltl11 for qu1llfi1d lncll~ldut.ls to Wr1 In our 1.11paplot1. If you 1;_1n h•lP 11.• 1Ml11t1in our ttchnkal ludt'11hlp, or ••Plnf our cu11orner 1upport, w1'r1 r11dY10 l1lt - 10oul Improving your c1r11r in d•ll cornmunlc1tlelfl1 now/ OJPOf1VnllJ lor 1~per11nc19d tl'ldtwldu91 wllll 5·10 "'"'In u lt' ol comp1,1t1r /comm1111lc1llon perlpher.11 ICllllPl'Mlll. Markellng Repr ... ntl"ilve To b1 rtl pontlblt for 111 phau1 ol cutlornar 1al11. lff\'k l Ind llChlllcll lllllOl'l. AppliCOlion1 !nglnHr To gent11(1 ou1lomM 1up11Gft m1 torl11 lor appl)'iflO, ln&tl.lllng ind HIYiclno compvttr /comMurtft11lon Ptrlph1111 lq!llPIMnL WHI Cont.IC! tUf\OIT'llf$ dlrectty. ' Senior Eng - ~11n11y tor M nlOf lt~I Cln:ult Onlgn EnglnHr wlttl •11P1r1lnc9 In compvltr /tomll'IUnlutlofl Jl'rlpl'llrll • ..,1,,_nt. Eloctronlc EnglnHr Opportunity 1o1 • 1'9C91!t tn11lnet1lno 11r1du1t• to join lf'lt IHdlftO \ee:hnlc1t l•am in d1tt cornmunlcatiOrlL Contoct ICC - ~ In Mitml Of otl'ttr Cllle,J Cl n IN .,,.,,..ct. ~ co11tct: J.M. Mc:Huo" !lO!J 611.1220 . • ....,......._. ~ Cofltorttion -7tf0 NW Mttl·Avenut:, Ml•mr.Fl0"'1Gt~33147, • . ' ... -·· ' I I . . ~ • • v • \ - Tuesd~y's· Closing Pri~ -· -·Complete New York Stoel~ . Exchailge List I I .l " j • OA!l\'"'1l0T > M M ll.-' 1 ~ -+V. Ii •• ii:: -· ~ '4 ,.,._,. .. ' ~I~ -e e: t ~ . ·~ ~ " ... "' ~ ~ ~ ! I ~1 ~- l I f • ' I .. • ,• · . . .. • •• ,. -•• • J~ • • . • 9 -.v ... n JI 1 , .r ·--.. _ ... -. ·- • ~-- . . . • ' T I ._ ' .. _ " ' • I. § • "' .. ~ . . ....... · ,,, tl. '"' ,-.. · ( .,,. .,, ... ., ' "~ .TI • • . ".. . • ..... . ~ . 1 • • •I ! • • • .. t. ,. . . . . ... •• • . . . . . ; l. : , :· .. ·. . : .· .. ,. . . ,. -.... ·, 1 : ~~ -. . . . . . . ' .. >. I ~· .•• ' . ·' • ' . .. •' • • • • t " • • • T -..; : r --. - • . . • I .... ,. .. ' • ~ . . , .. • .. ... -. Collins' new C-System · ' .. • ... . • • ' . • . ' • ~ ' . . . '· . -· _ .. . ---. " ' • * . . :. . . . '. ~ . . ' ts:.:P~. bein9 installed and placed i:n se,Vice ' - totli in .the United States and abroad. " . -.. - : · . . . Currently, m.o.re than fifty . C.oltin:s ~c·-ssoo computers are ·in. continu·ous . : . . ' . . . . . . . ; : · '. · -· --,. · ~ on 71.ine operation ·, in the first system · ·networks. .. • • ' • ' . • ' . , • . ' . -• . ' . . .... ~ ~ ... Collins' C-System is the result of se'l'eral years of inten· -' . . sive planning, equipment and sofi:ware development. . ' • : 'J'h~ Collins C.~tem is an advanced total system ~i. ~ .. n~ ,elemllJlls la family of new computers ~'® d~gneafor telecomputatjon service, a wide -----·-fiifg~Qi=iifput'Olltpttnlevicer,ltD~ slfitchin-g--exchanges, microwave, cable'aDd r~o transmission systems, modems a.Dd.multiplexipg ~tems, line terminating and signalling Units;. envire>nmental control and power systems and the manufacturing process development, .testing, clieckout. analysis and improvement of petforman-&i atCQWfiiciti:o--.:. ties and in initial tiser installations. Much tim~, money and effort have been spent in accomplishing.these thing$, reducing such expenditures by the user. ~ -- . -- required:support and maintenance systems. . ·· · '·toge~· with the required software, these elements are j>rganized in accordance with a new concept which penmts geographically distributed computer, switching and data bank centers, local area centers and user stations I .( -•' to-operate as. a single unified network. . · : Tlui·netWtirk provides not only computer power at each _IJ5er .station but alsf> permits intercommunieation between ea.Ch station and all other stations. Such intercommunica-, -ti!m :can .be .ip the form of simple station-to-station mes- ~ges .. It also can be iii the form of inputs and outputs _for:·c~mp~, directed-action program systems. These relate•to many user stations and perform automatically a tO,,tid #iction having a PERT-like logical organization. · ; ProYision has been made for interconnection with exist-: . ' . .' . . . mg C<!mpnters and program systems to minimize lhe cost and.e_ffort .required during transition from existing eo~types. . • :.';l11~ C-$ystem is applicable to th!) ·needs of every kind and Size .. of o~anization-commercial, financial, transpor- tatiOn,-industrial, engineering and research. Itjs organ- ized ~of shared. us~and avoids constraint on system · growthi ' _Collins' aim is not merely to add to the rapidly mount· _ "ing output of computers. Sometimes a new coinputei sy~ tern simply represents a more complex way to spend · more money to accomplish less truly useful service. The urgent need we have endeavored to meet is to define the underlying needs of modem industry and to supply basic, less costly, reliable solution5 for them. This effort does not stop at Collins when 4ts products are delivered and paid for. We feel our job is~continiµtlly to improve system performance thereafter and to consider the users' requirement for useful service as if it were our own. COMMUNICATION /COMPUTATION/CONTROL ~ " COLLINS 'W' • COL!,.INS I DALI.AS, TEXAS • CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA • NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA • TORONTO, ONTARIO ·B'anpOk • Beirut • frankfurt • Kuala Lumpur • Los Angeles • London • Melbourne • Mexico City• New York • Paris• Rome • Washinaton • Wtllinatan ' • ·i.-. • , • • ' • • '+- ' . ' . ; . ,. •" ~..._,. .. _ • .. ' , . . . ' . ' . -. ' ·. ~ I ., • .. . ' . '. ~ I .. ' • . . .. • • ,. , . I I I ' ' " ' • ~ -------~ ~---" ~ -·. --,-.-----~-------~-·~·....-. --:---• • " ' ... u... ~ • I w~. July z. 1969 DAILY PILOT On. Mota's · ' . .. • " l, .. - LOS ANGELES -BID Singer needed a com.rftented Dodger nii.nager Wi ller ''break to Manny Mot.a gave h1rµ. one MJtoa ot: Singer. "He got a couple topight Tutldty nliltl bul yw have 'to &Ive him credit for ·Slnpr, Iba bard-luck t1d ol Iba Loo pllehlngwellwb<nbo&ollntrouble." · Angela l>odgorl pitching Ital!, enjoyed a "I had lo teep ticking mysell men- brilliant monlb In June wllb a l.U ERA !ally;" Singer said. "I had good otuff bul for six sW1I. But be-coold compile only J 1Wl b a d lo slnlQ!e. 'lltOM guya .,.. two victories during lbal span because of ru.l pesky. 'Ibey keep comJna at you. 11 a dearth ol runs. Mota'• j:ame-wtnrilng blow w a 1 He wu up lo bla hips agaln Tuesda1~ ~~taled. Idle for lbrte daya becauae Ot an ilbow injury, Mota spent·ao extra 1Jod9er ~(Ge· ftve-mlnules In Iba batting cage before ~ Ill•~ ~·, !!;I 1be same btt11n11be ban 1o rtghi field. ~~~~ ~:uf::~! a ~~~i:~::."!.e,: Iba ootalde pitch I just wenl wllb ll I he dueled Houston's Denny Lemuter in a thought, at first it w a 1 going to fall in tense pitching batUe. Then, dame fortune because It was rt1ht down ·the Une but decided to smile upon the Dod&er when J saw him (Mi.Iler} racing for lt I -~rl8htlwuler. really gOI scared lblnklng'be was going lo -)t:-Wilh two out lo the borne half of the catch up with Jt." , ,.. seventh, Singer reached first on an urOr. "ovSTO" LO• aN1111•1-•1 by AJlro shortstop Marty "'artln~. 1111 , 11 ,.. 1b , .. ,.. Maury Wllll followed wtth a wilt' and !.'!'!!"'• 1~ -: ~-~-~ :1~l:'. -; ! ; ~ ~ ~n'-Mala, ~ ftGtnl ' ~tiOQ. !3 W'r;'"d t o o o R-11. cl • I O O •-!.1 ~.11::..:..11 ll "i'i_~acq -.i.t~a '~\,,J:iil«. rf •I JI Ko.cf!, l'f .f 1 1 I 1• '-'"1::Cill•~'"-w a ne VI~ IV, u . .,..I'd,, " , o o o w.o.vi.. d o o o a 1ktpped'·aw1y rrohfl'Norm: .1~--....... If ) • 1 • ··~-. lb • 0 1 1 t ho IMrtlML M • O t t Hati.r_. " J 0 1 0 • went for an lnald!Hhe-par me ~· · RICI•. a , , , 1 t.et111¥rt, ,. ' o 1 o Sinoer,lbul _ _, up wWI a •1 vie• LAmadw, ' J 1 • 1 s1r_., a J • o a ~'O "Y>i<f"' SJ"'°"'' p J I I 0 "tory, l)is:J.Clql "-the~· : Tot.II JI 1 1 l TOAlt JI • I • WIMBJ,EDON 5EMIFINALISTS -Corona del Mar's·ltod 'Liver (leit) . and Aifs~llai!' Tony Roche sh<>W their form ~· they more Into semi- finals play at Wimbledon. Laver meet! Arthur Asbe while Roche taJr.:s · on John Newcombe in the Thursday showdowns. ; Tbe..Dodgqti tr) Cor ~a' ll!riel twtq t:''.:o.:1n = \: := ~ tonight when they send·Dori SUtton, 11-t, . • -Rader, ~ Mlrtlnu. DP -LM agalnsl ~ nm-7 7 for H ........ _ Mft1• 1. LOii -Hol.911111 1, u. Miiiie t. ti uvu """""1• • t -. -Patttw, Kiiier,. ~ HR -MOf'llMI (f), . ~~t's about time be got a lucky break," ,...... ,,._ .Longti~~ ·Noi,winner .. Gets •' u ~ -·- Nod in-$126,~,oo , 9.p-en FLINT, Mich. (AP) -Bruce Crampton, who hasn't won In this country · &Ince 1965, ls one or the leading: favorites for the rich rtr!l prize in the $120,000 Buick Open Golf Tournament It may sound like a. paradox -a longtime nonwinner as the favorite -but Crampton'! remar~able record and the r1tber· u nu &-u e 1 circumstances &ur4 rounding this tournament support the argument. more lacking In top names and heavier In ::j;~o=!~~e':~· .,.y other Chief contenders, besides Crampton, In- clude leading money winner Gene Uttler, the defending champion Tom Weiskopf, Frank Beard, Dale Douglass, winner of two tournaments this year, and PGA Sports ita Brief ti.mpipn,hl'uy,a.~os. 'l'Pe' .D<yeti'-Otc rot, twice winner· of this e1ent, decltn dto.put himself among the favorites however. • "I'm not pulting well enough to be a favorile," he said, bul noted, "but for some reason I always seem to play well here." ·:.Qna:rry i~·Fight Foster;· . ~ . First there·1 the rece:nt record established by the transplant.ed Australian. He won over $100,000 la&t year and has better than $75,000 thi!I year. He's been second six limes since lad September and ·rlglit riow appears to-be ·~ ··-'! at lhe top of his game. ;'J.:ax . P.eople Cl1ase All'en Crampton was second to Charles COO::ly In last week's Cleveland Open, third in the Kemper the week" before that, sixlh in the U.S. Open the previous week. In fact, he's been in lhe top 10 nine times this )'ear. . "I've been pla ying pretty we 11 recently," he admitted after a practice round at ti!e 7,001-yard par 72 Warwjck llills Country Club course, site of the '.11- hote event that begins Thursday. "It should be just a matter of time before I'm able to break through." And, too, there's the tournament field. Most of the top names in the game rie bypassing Ole event. tdany are in England practicing for next week's British Open. These include P.1asten; ch amp lo n George Archer, U.S. Open champ Orvllle Mood:ti South African Gary Player, who will ti defending .his title ; Lee Trevino, Billy Casper, Bob Charles of ~.,.. Zealand and others. Jack. Nlcklal.ls is giving some t ':x· hibltions in Scandinavia, before com· petin~ in England. Arnold Palmer simply 1s taking Ume off. So is Coody. The result is that the field of 147 is KING MOIVS DOWN CASALS IN SEM IS • \V1?¥tBLEOON, England (AP) -Billie Jean King, bidding ror a record-tying fourth straight Wimbledon title, crushed R05emary Casals, 6-1, 6-0, in an •II· ' California semlfinal. The bouncy, defending champion from Long Beach was at th& top or Jler .game In eliminating her 20year-()ld friend 'and fellow pro from San Francisco. Mrs. King will ,meet Mrs. Ann Jones ol England for lhe title on Friday. '. .;;,.. ! . ' :.LOS .ANl,lE~!lS-:<l~l .ffli!'!ot°" Hal - Benson sald Tuesday he has oJf¥ed Ughi heavweight champion _pob :ii'oM_· $35;000 1 ~ torm~, .b~vyw~gfl\ .~halleJlJ:er Jerry Quarry in a ·10-roWld oont!Ue fight Sepl ~ri.i ~. ~ ··.~·.i. .·!. , J3en&on, .who ·Pt:OlllOW blmoothly card!: al-tbe 3,0M-seat Vitfe'y. Music Theattr lh Wood/and Hllll,' said ·he hu .. ~ed wllb Foster's· manager, 'M:ushky 58.llow, In · W08L Hullord ~" Ud Johnny Flores, co-marlager ~or ~arry: in 'i.08. Angele1. .. :Both managea~nd!<Ollejl lni.re.I In lbe fi ght, Bensoo .said. Ttrms for Quan:y have oot.i>e<n spelled.out pelldlna furlbet. negotiations with~ prlnolpals. ' 1 • • .• .,,, ·• • _. . ...~-. . '·"' ·. ~ ~~u.~r ·· · : · · · 'PHIMD"'1d'IUN. ""-'llte · 1ntemal Revenue. sa:vlce ft~·~ ·tucom~ tu lien of 12.1~.~y agalllll Rich Allen, Lhe be~~..,, pl lbe Phlladelphia Phillies: "1 • .':T · ' " • ATLANTA -Baseball Commissioner Bowle Kuhn said Tuesday he does: not think there will be any eJ]l8mion of \he major le~e.! in the next 10 years. And he irM!M1 Ulil.IM:W<itild ~'.°"""""' to the transfer of any of lhe current · franchises·lo olbtr clUes "unlea tb&e wilh an ioeldent Involving an El Cerrito, Calif., housewife on April 20. • NE\V YORK -Joe Pepitone has been lined by President~ Joe Cronin of the American League (or his part in a violenl argument with umpire Emmett Ashford, the New York Yankees said Tuesday night. Ashford said he had to eject Pep itone after the first baseman cursed him and grabbed his ai-m following a pitch th at Ashford called a strike. Pepitone says he asked for time out and Ashford refused to give it to him. But Ashford . sayS he was vdthin the rules ~a.use Cleveland pitcher Mike Paul was in ~ Sc! of starting his motion lo deliver the bal~ • llENLEY-ON·THAMES, England - Trinity College of llartford, Conn ., today chalked up the first victory for the United States in the Henley Royal Rowing ~gatt:a by winning its heat in the Ladies CballeDge Plate race for ~ights. • we~ very itronl reuons for °!;I~·-OAKLAND -The Oakland Oaks have "l do not anticlpali moch, "'~ Of~ 1*ilen another player away from the rlva1 franchises in the nett 10 yeari:, :,'.&tie com· National Basketball Association . misslo;er u1d at I news ~~here. . The OW of the American Basketball e ' ;; 1 Apoclation announced Tuesday the sign-~-• ... ' ·Ing of Don Griffin of Stanford, their f.10NTR.EAL -The Montria:I E:q>09 foUrth round choi& and the No. 4 pick of have placed Ron Fairly oli tbd 21-day the AUanta HaWks ol the NBA. -disabled-ltat-PstrJy-tnjured t\lae~nall~ --" - -·---'"' finger on hi! rtght hand aganlst Chicago • ctibs Mondiiy night. NEW HAVEN, Conn. -Dave Gavitt, e basketball coach at Dartmouth, ap· Mrs. Jo(l:f3 upset twc.-llme Wimbledon champion Mrs. Mar~aret Smith Court OAKLAND -Oakland Raiden' pau of Australia in todays semis, 10-12, 6-3, receiver Warren Wells-pleaded Innocent parenUy la In line for the head coachlrig PoSl at Providence College . The New l~aven Register repprted Tuesday that Gavitt, a former freshman coacb at PC, already· has accepted the 6-2. , . to rl!'·arg,ea 0;r _1:tt~ ~·~ com·; " ml -~~.ll!tnlo<~~~I. •Y· -------------We.ua, 2tl, y.ru Cfuarged h1 coonectJon job. I : I .J ,~-:Ji;..; ·: .. • ' . ~ . :· • -f ·: .. MEET MR. MOTA -l1'11hg ·last,ftw feet ;ol an inside:the-park home run for •. MaMy Mota of the Dodgers as he sude\o Into hdme plate While Hou""'1 catcher John Edwards ·awa/l! the throw.11ill·S41ger . ' Halos W~, 9-3 _);'... I ·="'.) < ••• :1-;.:.: _, U'I T ......... (J~¢j,, ~~· W111J (SO) an~ Bill RuHell (18) watch umPin l,'Willlanu and the alldlng Mola. MOia Ol .fb'iio' Oii lhe hit. I ~ . V oss' Average U!. .23·? . County Duo ., ' . -· . :Head Yank ' .... With Current llit Sp. 'ree .·S.pike Force . ·· -. LOS ANGELF.S (AP) -The Unlled ·'. . . .·1Strtea wW present, its best team ever ln Special to the DAILY PILOT .• fourth and flftb 1Mlng1 and S~'a, .~triangular track and field meet here KANSAS CITY _ Ex-Newport Harbor lwl>l'un doobl~ hlghiigbt>d a OVMlin ..0~ . JUiy II-It .agalllll lbe Sovie! Union eiid bunt in U1e Mvenlh that-iced.t.h t ;IJUt.-. JV.. BrlUsh Commonwealtlr, an officlal of High and Orange ·eoast ao1iege1 baseball come .. ~ · · ' ·· lhe event aald Tuesday. : •---~-.L- ace Bill Voss is beginning to make'. music ' Georgt Brunet who needed relief help. And included on that cootmt:1r.ni two with hls heretofore mute ,bat and to bJs from Eddie' Fl~r gained bJi rourtb Vic-Otance County decathlon It.In -Laguna empieyer<, th< Cali(ornil Anfel~ lt'a ·a lory l(Oin.11 •IJ, ddeiils; • -. . .•• ' :,eacb's Bill Toomey and Anaheim'• Rick happy ,lune. - , lnlield1lngles. by Sandy _.\1?mar .ai>d .'.!iT~ II ftve-llme naUonal champion Voss, playing the pinch-hit role most ol . "and 11111 Olympic gokl medall!I. Sloan Is lbe early par! of UU. sea"'" .an9 nursing A ... el . B,.... . -~ <liie IJ'Oal U.S. hope for Iba tm Olymplcl a dismal batting average qf .J!O, bas j:~ I~ :I -fll: -~~: ~:::; ~ II a "'lallve newcomer lo Iba .. en1. come up ,the ladder considerably tke past iil'f li:' tlT ; .•-:: t.•:•rwmer ~e. natlona.I chalnnan of the rnon!h and ~ curr~ntly .,.a~liru! ~t J ~ .. J~; :I. " 1 : f . T MU lrac!< and field committee, m.io clip . '.:"! ' • ~ :J • 1 t:: the oblervaUon o the. U.S. team, Tue~ nl.ht here he elcked up three ~i 1!'\':!! .. '' ttf. (JI l:tl ,~ '-~ ln tbe champlonabjpa Wt hlta in five tttps tol the plate 'ta up his ]111v I ~=:I r.:=· .· 19 .. ::::. . ~·ftdi:end in Miami. Fla., was qfflclally mar" (rom. .226 Lo lLs current seasonal Ju1v. 1 """11 •1 · i.nd 11~: :, '.P-"'fM ·;'1 ,; 11dentlfl.,~--•allb~··--1s--"" hljli?:; ~ ,... ==-;==•~ .,.•~:: .... the·~ .. , . l.CCUll ~-.,_......... T~ -.JighUy-buiil oullielder bad a ~ou-~~ ~oala~8!fii ',".1.'i'~ Jn~'; •~be named Wldnetday and Iba ilulllan hie two &Ingles' and drOve in a pair of · . erna I e e "''6 1quad eelected July 4.. run!: to ace the Halos over Kansas City's in the seventh and a W lead. V~.,, ·;,';The one-two finl8hen at Miami Royals, P9-3. r hQt!le .r.:,eb,:i ';'!1~ ~ ~ lj1lalflled for Iba U.S. Ltam, and .. lay Tom Murphy gets. the call for the ~ss befor~ Joe lzcue llngled to runnen augment the equad. Angel! tonight a ol lbe ii>-Randy Matson of Ibo HOUllon Strider• AJso Tuelldaf . Jim,. Spenceit 4rove. in ;:re Spencer wit~ lhe ~ run . ., .' , · •!! ltCond ln .the shot put but he ari- three.'ruTis wUh a afngle ·and a d&oblt. · g. · · ........ _ ... ftC*mced 'l'ueld¢tn Houston he wu pue 'Ille Angel! scored I " o rum In t b e Jo.. .A.. _,_ 11!1 up Iba meel lo atleod a lkeet · • '( · 1 • >< ,... 1· ><; 2 :.our.. ,..1auve 1o hi• flloct brohna• :-y CALIP'ORIUA llWfMI CITY career. Karl Salb of Kanas wtn replace Y arhorough Relives R '111 ' • P'M •, '• • "'• "· -kl ---J bo1•n .... former Texas R d Alomfr, 2b I 1 1 11 II'.,, a WllJ l~\I ~ C Or .. un JOIHll""'· cf , ••• K.tly. l'f • , , AltM star. e "~· 41111'1ni.IM.lf ,, l RtldWlrdl. JI J '! I I 11.0ltvw.' cf J t t ~ Cncbtf, SW. IUIMlll "1trr cw-.. &.ft v .. , l'f J t J I Ml'1"*' C ~ ! ~ ..... , T-lll•l'dOI~,:: ~llldtlllfl .... ..._.. • DAYTONA BEACH, F1a. !AP) -Q•'•"!!'l'f \l'fO ~when. And you're d~vlng blonde CaJe Yarboroup, the fastest all-~~ in the turns. tn the world on a closed clrcu1t ' 'The itoCty Tbnmomvtne, S.C., veteran codr&e; tl1ed to e•plaln what tt'1 like ·to of NASCAR's superspeedway1 once said go better than 190 miles an bour. anyone who could bold hla foot to the "It's almost unetplaloable," he began. floor could drive Daytona'1 2.5-mlle •·When you get to 185 the Cl-forces start clrcutt. workin1 oi1 you and every mlle an hou.r ''That's not true anymore," he said. bttt.er than thftt Is that much harder.'' ••Wbeil you come to that first lurn at 215 Going into the 31~e banks of miles an hotir it looks lllte you're coming pole poaiUon for Frtdi.y'a Medal of Honor Firecracker toO. LeonarC Wood credited the new 429- cublc Inch engine with lhe speed to wipe out the record 190.029 m.p.h. David Pearson set In a Ford last February. UsuaUy summer speeds are a . liU1e lower because Uie aSjihfilllrack ii!UCkf. • ann u he tried to qualify and he made one lap at 183.09Q m.p.h. on seven cylinders -good for ninth starting posl4 Uon. "t know I could have gone a\ the • record,11 sald • disappointed Lee Roy, ''but now we'll have to just go for race dl)j," .... :='~~b·: ~: ~ =~ 111 • • 1l·1'n:·~J~ ~°'t:'~ ~=: : c,. ; ~ ; ~ t::.i~ 11 t I · \.~ wm"'" en1 JMty, ,.nx HIO .. pl! 1 I I I ...... !lft 1 e 'LIW:1. ~I ...... ""'-'- •.FltMf, , 2 I I I O'Rli.y, • I I , c ~ Of'qe, , I I -rKY , teu. Glllt, .,,....,., Gtrl"t WldlWllle"", I t a Clim, 1111 • t I t S ~ .. ;.::•A. Mlolllrf, ... Clltl. ' ,._, "' -1 • • ~~· ~ '" ... ' Tehllt ll. t II f T9hll M t I UOft -11 ... llf. I n,.. .. -Cllh'O!'nll .. nl .. -f -• •le tlh nllo "' K1nH1 C!ty lit 010 • -I YM'!L~~· "I'.., <~New Ywt M ,1 I -Alemtr, l'e\', fflrNl!dtt, DP -Giit-o;;..~ :f~fk o '°'1'111 l. L09 -Glllfonlle ft IC•,... City f, IL _ ~· .,~ . .,._ ... 1llf, Mfkltnl ""'"' -Von. l!Vlll. l~._rr...w.._a...-_ IC.tl'f. ,,....., ~~ ..,,_ U-"' I -Mll'lln-. Jotmt'-!I• t. 11......._.-~ -• Plnltll~ ' ' ·=:~· .. hf.lflc..C-1 0. ~ IP It 4'; ... II SO t1Y 1 . It &rUMI rw.""' I , ' t t t Difm.... .. K C...t '""' Jtt ·"*""• Daytona lntemaUonal Speedway at 210 to into a w,aJJ." --,-216-m..p,h. pu"' 1 driver under twice. the .Ji~~Wood .brolhera,mecba~ force of gravity, he estimated. who own and service his 1961 Mercury, Dul Cale and h1a chief rival with the sound·allke name but no kinship, Lee -RO)' Yarbroughro( Celumblar S.C., turn- ed practice l¥P' rlgh< al Iii shorliy before quallfy1ilg began. DoMI" A1isoo of llu.eytown , Ala., took the front row atartJn.g rpot beside Cale in a Ford off a 117.'lOI speed.- Ford& AllO qulUfied lblrd and lourih- Pearson of SpartanbUrg, s.c .. at 186JNl9 and Richard Petty 0( Randleman, N.C., E.~llhtr ' 2 t 0 0 I ~~"~f .. :.rk Mu!'re, At!HM t1tte1 ..... Cell• tlcdJIMd _ • 1 L I 0 j ~~ _ ~ O'Rltcy IL.0.0 1/J t -r 1 H11h ~ 1,,,.,..,1. k. Ctltf, tlflitlra1 IDldt "Just tty carrying twice ~our weight," w e re overjoyed at the record 190.076 he Wd. "ll affect& your nee~ and arm• m.p.h. lap Yarborou&h used to earn the " " Yarbrou,ah'1 tn&lne brokt a rocker °"~ 1·2lt ' • , • ' ~· ., .. ~ ..... ' Wlt~tttf'llrn l/t t 1 I t ' .. r 1111':1 ftft, l11i.rn Pltnollf Nltm CllCo 1 1 I I t t ••IM'; ~-Y_ert, ... "~ • """ WI' -Cit-. 1'UN -140, ~ -t,sla. .J:,•tr,,~t&lrfll:Y' • 11'""1.f ..,.... l at 186.536. · • i ' I -. ---~ ' I l r I I I • • • l . I I I ~ • L I ~ • a a s c • n D.lltY Pll.OT - " • ·~-~ban's Gun Play .. Shakes GWC Pair Those veteran international track ~ field cam· plignen from Golden West College, Jim SeymO!lr and lJon Shields, have just returned from Mexico City with a unique tale of a crazy gun-wielding Cuban. To hear Seymour tell it, you are led to believe that the CUbanJ -who originated the sport of hijacking ai.l'- linen -have refined their mode of operation. to 8?>- .other key area of transportation -elevators. Seymour and Shields had just returned to the Casa de! Maestro Hotel in Mexico City Saturday after the _second ctay_of competition. at the city's fourth annual 1lntemational Track Meet. · ·About 25 Southern California junior college track stars were invited to compete and late Saturday Ri"V· . erside-CC pole vaulter Vic Diez •nd several other; wete rid!ng ~e elevator to the sixth floor. The door opened and there stood a Cuhen blocking th~ door. Fixing ·the Southlanders with a maniacal ;•tare, he slowly reached under his coat ~-pulled'4llt. a revolver, The athletes• eyes shot out on theii' stems .._and they turned soap-white. " • On~ o f lhem ·jX!~oo the close buttod iillll·th.-11oor · shut. Then the lobby button was punched: ·Downstairs, it was a stampede to get out of the elevator. Shouts of 0 Tbere's a Cuban up there with a gun!'' initiated a wild commotion and Seymour reports Diaz refused to rt de the elevator for an hour. · .. Later, the ai:-med Cuban explained the gun play.was "ooly a joke to frighten the Americans.'' 1 ,._. -~An~ d ..S> ..,.with_one._ eye _on ibe_ -C@_ps ~ other on the high jump bar, SbleldJ, who bu a best of S.11, •.>fumped ooly M'At at the meet. fo: a third place. Sey· mour clocked a 14.5 to win t4e highJlurdles. · · • • • • • • • • = ' • It was an eventful trip fu< the R1tstler·twolottle;- Last Friday ·night the two became lost after visiting the Pan Am "bulldlog when a cloudburst began. . . ICID o C: ' . • • ' ' ' ' . ' -"We wandered around In a real storm for about a ILE.R VI TORY -·H · . g\i>n aeji~ High basketheller Jim iH"rrell · hall hour before we decided to catch a bus," relates casta oft .with .a jlilnp lh~t··d~g .. ;I'uJ~~l!Y l!ighl's 64'61 Oiler vl~ over Stilelds. ----g~~~G~ve. ~a~1 _whO "SC0.!'!<1_·19 poUJt,s, sank two free throws with 15 "There were about 100 Mexicans on the bus and seConds IittlOlce the victory. Teammate at Harrell's right is Pat Priddy. ,we had no Idea where we were going. We finally got __ G_ard...; .. _en....,._G_ro_v_e..;p:...i•..:Y:...e_rs_a~r~:""Denn:....::::· ::ls:....:B::ain:::·::e.:and::;. . .:R:o:::n_V:.:an::::...B::I:::oe:::m::::_· ::..·· -+-.,,._-· ~- off someplac;e and came upon an off-<luty taxi driver ., ·· · .-who took w to the hotel ." -' • Hopefully, life in Seattle will .J>e somew!lat more settltng !or Seymour and Shields when they enroll at the Unlvenlty of Washington In ·5eptember, Eagles · Crush~ Costa Mesa --. .. ~ -. . * * * BASKETllALL DEP'I'.. -UCI fnsliman basketball -cciich--;Jorry 11ulbut·h 90Hh19..excltM,--hla-pros- poct from Bishop, Rod Smith. A S.11 guard who looks" 4ik• a weltenr•lfht Jorry Quarry, Smilh recomly - Behind ·Williams' 25 Points !'!assaol l'ullerton JC al~st1tor Chris Smllh In a plckvp Coit. Ilea ml .,,,.,...., ...... · · «>-In the CcJAo'llesa ~ * * * -·i-. .. ~ ~--SOCCER ~EPr.--jlo~g,ls jl(ICCer ,hl the Latin, Tlleldly · nlPt at &laocia ;;Amertcmrwunt?ies!·The-f!ondm'91-Air:~S11PPlied--• .....,..,..... -... :lllvo jet tnwports to fly its fans to Mexico City last ,jfrevlilln(,.ff. iweel<end for 'the grudge match between Honduras and hl ,oeher·pmeo,,lol•i.t.Dd '!El Selvador, which is pretty big. By the way, Salyaclor ~i::l! ~::i=lf ".:t :;won, 3-2. . . •• '·d1e,,.;..• ... ~ • s . ' * * * ...-. ..,-. . . ;.. , _ _ '.!'.be F.ylea' center_ Sttp ; FOOTBALL DEPT. -Tha San Di ... Cho..,,.rs' Williams controli«i all th< ac-~nve1Jon of UCI 11 at •hi1nd. An advance party of CMches tJon. in the first. half. ·Williama -:end trainers Teport to their summer tralnlttt """'9r• cafmld 11 polnb Jn q,e. !l~ 1.5unday.with about 30 rookies arriving July 12. Vmrans lwo ~ ,ud yirlually • ::s1iow up July 19. IWepl ~. OO'lfds cleaJI. fJ: g Tha Chorgors wlll be encamped at UC! ..,111 Aug. ~with 25 poinll.for : .. 30. t ; * * * Estancia 1«1 throughout 111e , gam<, with Williama pirt1iq : BOWLING DEPT.-That sensational 990 four-game the.~ .. allead to stay wllh ;block Foun~ Valley's Dick Braasch rolled at Kona tine buckeb In the fint two ' •Lanes' West Coast Match Game ~Uminations tourna. mm'l'lie· ~~ .. ~-cen•-..., , ment Monday night wasn't quite a record score for the ~-~ ~ f.njne-year"'°ld tournament. even more-devastaUngln-uie -period, cashin& In flie The record stands at 1,034, set by Don Hooper in fi"eid -·•· ·1965. He also hb.,the second higbest, 1,017. Al Chariton .c.J:M~Awaaabielo~ . has two 1,000.plus blocks and those are Ille ooly I 000 trol Willlllilll ~ efl«tiveiy :efforts in tourney history. · ' In the llC<IM hall hl double • • How They Stand AMERICAN LEAGUE Eul Dlvi1loo "' • Woa Lost Pct. GB Baltimore. 55 22 .714 - Bostoo 43 33 .!73 II roll .. .32 .556 1211 aslilngton 40 39 .506 16 New York '!rt 42 .488 19 Clevel>nd 29 46 .387 2$ Wat Division Oatland .. 31 .IQ - -42 33 .560-Seattle 35 39 .473 ai,; Cb1cago 31 ·a ·.us 10 - Kanoa> City 31 44 .413 II Ca:lifomia 29 47 .SS& 15 T......,..111-ltl ....., Yarti: 11. aa1tlmcn f Dlt'9ll 12. kdon ' WMllN!on ... 1, Cr..tleM 1·J Mlni.ot1 10, Olk.Ito J Otllfomlt t; KtlnNt Cit\' I S..ttfe 1. Dltl .. 1111 1 ' ,......... .. _ ,.,,.,...._ ta.w.11 IM) 'II Otc.M '"""' Soll at Ml!Wwllft, Iii.tit J.i.JI-(L-1 J.11 11 ff"" Yortr; I'""*""" IHI ...... (l..afldlt "'II 11 o.tralt IMo-LAl!I tW>. 111tht *-"' (Pi tt"' J.I) If 0.kleM -(OdMI INJ, 11ltllt ........ Iii-2-SI to! C"-..... CMco-itll JMI, ftlll'oct --~90ll..,,,ll (erwwt HJ 11 kMlsn -, ...... Wl, ..., and lrlpie teamlng'blm b ~t then Eagle IUahl Mike Ha~a caught ' firt1;. canning file buckets· ln:ilie lqt ~. ' Hays finlshed 1he game witll 14 points. 8c<IU .Nevllle wu hl~polnt man for t ~e M•np wUh 9. , The Ea~u· win leav .. th"I" sUU UOd fnr the league lelid wilh Buena Park, with Costa· MeSa a:nd Mater Del a game back, ln tbe Mater Del game, lHe Inside -. and heJihl ol Steff Fritz and John Gorman were too mQCb for the Hie~ less Lobos .. A lell point edge In the ,.. Oilers Play Mag~olia •. I .. I' • ·' ; : .· r ' . ' '' '·I .. . . -, • "'· Ji. . . .. I ' . • .. . ,, J#ly 4th Trout Plant -. SAN BERNARDINO -fir. niwbud Lab, Big Beer Lab, get a s~Jor the Flutth , --. "" "\' ~, .;- \I __ ...._, -- Deep creek . --· Gr<en Vllley Lake, G~ Lake, Jenks Lab, Lltllt Beu Creek, Jqtle Creek 1111!111 and Middle Forb. Sln4a ~ River, South For!C Santa Alla RIYer. -SAN DIEGO -DOine Liike, Saa ta Yaabel Creek, 5weetw1tier River. !!>mil-- • I ·- • I I (J .,. ' ... f l .. ' ' -.. '. · .. I , .. ..· ...•.. ,. ·' ·. . . . ., . . . . . 1 · . .:. · 1..: ; ·. . . . • ... I \ ., 1 "' , ... .. ;:_• . .. -;· .... . ' . .... .,. .. .. I .I· ... .. .· ' ., •• f ~. • • ' . . ''•. ·. : . .. ~ .. .. ' • .. ' ., . I I .. ,. ' . ' .. , I .. . • . . ·-· . t . , ... • -~· . '. •. ' . ' .. ' '.,.; . . ., . , . •• .,.~~ ... . . .• ., ' •.. ,, .. ' ' I' , \ 1; LOCAL · .. ~t:"'Jt.. .,.,..,.1!',!,.J•lt• _,... Hefy;vlly1 1M.+ wli1t'r t-'nt •11 !1t th1 •~1ffr Or1f!f9 Ce-1.,. ff1111 tM CIAILY PllOT. ] r I Wi!ST OP' I I ' \ ' eon CLUI Of.HA--·-. ,•>.i-'u1w:;,,. .,,._1111.1· -l_ _ ..... _,,! .. _11'11.._._ ... • JQT ICO ... Tl:Oc.f'"N ... JM ' ' ~ '· __ , .. ., .... ~ . . ' ~ ..... -' ' - DAll.Y, "1.0T i13 • DPlOllt POSt *' lltO" ... ---~.,..~~ • \1 ' • • -• I I I I ~ l I I I ! • .. ' .. - --:--:--,.-------------------~----....,-~ ~.~o;---c-=;:--c-=-~--------------------- • 14 DA!lY PILOT _. •1 ARTHUR R. VINSEL Bah~~amorePntiet:a-few ;...-•. , ..,: °' .... .., ,, ... 11atr lat.N.rrlvlng meri'ibera o1· the P1rently consldered i::qore of. Joan Baez: Nightinga~ . . Singing on T~rny Nest ----·- Jackie ~ashes Iii ~ . , . ( :On Pyrple-Pr~se · . ' ! ... • By VEltNONe Her -nd no~J, '(Tl)e . """'~;T.:';;-;;':f-!;;"''i°lt'f -HOLL"YWOQ • Lolie· Maclilne, '? ,DOI . been ' .;1» , -' . . ;, ~ • Chalic<r • n<f ••l'tW! "'ii' !iir,ln ~h>od-~fa; . . ",., • , ·""""""' wrott! """1e ... lalj,vely purple " g ln,oop In :.llie .. lin.t _ ~ tL<J.'. abd vJoi<ql PrOse which liM mon h\lbe$11a. 11\vai !Wld '" ··:·•' ~ c6me ·to , be. regarded 1t to Columbia. P!dri'ifi>r ltl> , ' '·c· k -1 • .;~,. ... ~. class.le ' • miUiori:·1 "' • I ' ._ .,,. · lm.!'~VH 1 ,, She aOozt will bring a baby aadlence with· bo(dogs and fenslve to CBS viewtn . than Into a world Whose future._Ue1 . pothanpcotheym· ~!J.~ •-n -~~ theft or patriotic violence. .,.., ... ,... • '~ ''The qutation Is not if, or under the :shadow of llAWIARIC -~ .,.,.. fOJ boW ioog, titit wbe:D." She m.,hroom clouds. ' One of the ~lif-ol the uplallled, "he goes aomtUme :A~ Jacqueline 6Uflnn . That spilyllqf "9~.12" hw ·. ..J' : .' ,(.' '#" -i"'T.U~s~the-l.eame sort of thing are"'Old~'Tf!lle ~ QIOft~l-, ~-~. -"':-; "'.J. ::i." ._~ ·an<f If a parla/-· In~ In th'!' lblntil" \',. ' 1 • .< .. ._-t1.thorlno ·~n'll"J • She will Rod her husband ~ez presenc~. twit in alter Independence D a Y - away to federal pria.on after conceit hall&-4s a sense or in-wietend. He'• anxioua to get the I.nde.Pendence Day, sptraUon of reverence tn the, atarted.Hehutbreeyeanof weekend for hls active :oya1ty majority of thQ,R who come to heavy oraaniling llO do."· to their antiwar beliefs hear, whethtr or not they like VIEWPOINT Like a nightingale on a nest her politics. · MU& Baez is one or the few ol lhoma, Joan Baez singa. Youn& Marinea In Ciba A "'J)erfonners who can '"suo- Marriq:e and impending dress uniform were noUceable ce.55fully weave pollUcal view motherhood seem lQ · have in the audJence, a'IonC·with the point into p r o I e s 1 i o n a I mellowed 'the sta,ge presence many 13-to 11-yeaMldl who artistry, 1 ·method requlrtng , of the wlfe of draft resister bring bouqueta 'tt btt 'con-3trong talent to aupporl il David Harris, but the ltn-' cetts, but &Ive, only naive lip Tiny Tim would have dlf· challeqed queen of American service to her idfala. flculty campalgnlng for the fo~ _musJc ~lso has grown • She--cr~tlcliett 'ti?~. CBS American Legion in com-• artistically. Tele'liai()fl Networt fer its parison. She aang before a near-"juvenile .. einaor1tilP "' Ole J, o in Inc the Baez capactty crowd at the 9,100. ill-fated Srftotbeni lJrOtbtrs pert or man c e In ao- aeat An a h..e i m Convention show, parti(fUlarly, in·acratch. companiment and on their own Center Saturday, jabbing at ing not 'the t •ct tli;i\ .her occasionally was the two- the E$~lilhment, ,1enUy jOk· bus)>and is ~lson-bl)u.nd for member Struggle Mounliln in~ with the Res.I.stance and three years ... but wb,y; . Resista11ce·Band. which had a bemg just the Joan ooe ex· Harris; formers tan ford desperate strusgle with atage peels. • University student body, prtsi· .ftlghl.-, "GenUe on My Mind,"' was dent refuses to submit to the One had to recall how the -· DAtLY P•LOT ,.., ""'* her first number and Mbs military draft, a crime: ap-phenomenal Bob . Dylan was nearly booed off the platform SrlOTLIGHT -Jo an when MW: Baez introduced Baez sings b e f o r e the newcomer in concert at . . ' FD-·•soUTH «;OA~T IA .. LAZA THllATftm . Ian Diop, ___ • 546-27!1 :!!~°i: a 1:C:r1boos~~ a :!uo: Ce~:~eim The Struggle Mountain, boys _________ _ Thij ~ not t<> suggest that rn-!usam .. gl~-a ·., •• ,, · -l. ' M. S • "-~ h U 1JU1R11 ' :'~.:...."'.'.. 1 r wltll · ~ IP· usaoo may uuu erae figure as ever !h~i. wrote · ' . . • . . 1i ..... :t ln the august compliny of the libot.lt is· pteased _ 91't'UniJly C~'lofff"--,._,., i..-. two -English nobles o'f · _ ;Viii, bit •ucc"' alt~ '' literature down thJvugb the aie boi~· treat her' ~~~'! ) · ~' .·. , ·~~ 11• "· li';1 ' ageJ. . . were wrJtlng a primer Of I.he ht • lo•~~J But she IS writing for the MRrQuJ,s de Sade. ,, v · • · : t same reason~ they did: prolll · "Peoiole say 11\Y ~·:an . ''THE APRIL' mti1rb and a watting horde of seiy,'' Jackie 88.ld on a trip to r ~· · f\IVU', readers. HollywoOd· rrom New York. .ft;, • • · -• ...... · • The principal d!'Jeerence is "But J start out to tell a story w ... ffys: 71o0 -c..tt'Mio• s.r.-' S•ltdey, 2r0e.,•- tbat Jacklthee has m thml~~ and familiarize r~den with ,Spoi;jtt M&'-.(• s.twdllf .McrtfAH ~ , ·· at it and re.are a OUSauu the characters. Then when sex · ·--~ fold more.readers enUcjpaO~g does come into the story it 5-~ ~~at.Mt ''T~lf;'J:HOMA_S. Cfi.Q~_N AF~:A.111" her writings tbllft the. • 11-means something ' to th ellR~5~~~~~-~~~~~:?~~~1 lustrious authors?' anUquity. readet: and prov 1 des ex· ' At least th~t s the way citemenL Jai::~e looka a~. •l. "Some aothors start right Conlinuout Dai;w :i ft.m..·· Her tome, Valley of the out with sex. and have·oo place · 1 • •1 • ":'" Dolls," sold 1,356,000 copie! In else to go." bard cover during a period o~ While • C h a u c e r was one year and four months-, It down r'I g ht pornographic, ~as Sold more than 10 .million Shakespeare stuck mote wi_t.h m paperback. _,. violen.£e, although he wasn't _ Of course, nellher Chaucer advtrs.e to a few sexual aber- nor Shakespeare had book rations ln his plays Jackie ts , clu~ 1 going for them, Or happj to bring· to' one's at- movte.s. tention. Ja~~ie sold "Valley of the "More-women than n;ien huy Dolls . to 20f.b Century·F:ox my books because more of and 1t. earned 1 $23 million them read fiction,'' she ex- domestlcally. plained. "But husbands get Curious ind want to re!d them .. TWO 811J ' FAMiL y PICTUUS .. . -· .. fllPMottt Mt-1111 POI: lllll'OtMAno, • • PREMIERE SHOJl!ING .• A modem~ay story of faith, courage, and intriaue! MGMli'eSfrdi•Geoie . . ,~ --:--;~;i~~:=~;:;;=;~~;;;;~~===--1 seemed &ood -and of coyrse _ -. • -~ ~ -evtryone-knows -or-0y1an•5 --NOW ff OWING ~~::~:~a?\)':.~~~;.~~~ Special on a bill with Baei,ha11 a ban. Aivards Set after ,IJiey see i.Pelr wives sit· ting up half the night to finish a few chapter~. CONTINUOUS FROM 12:30 P.M. ~lc;>X OFFICE OPENS AT NOON dlcap. Music, Dylan.style, wa1 pr.:- minent in Joan's repertoire Saturday in the Concert "I never use four·letler words for shock value -only wheo it is in charac~r. By Mesa Playh_ouse "Anyhow, today four-letter words are a part oI our ex- Gracey and Jack Murray, both plosive, Colorful lan~je and Pari"Visio1t 11111 Mtiroc:alor . [!] 9 Ind A ssoclates production, re-Two special awar~ will be Quiring ·the lOWtr voe-a I , .. register she has uaed in· mt.roduced at the third annual creaalngly. 1 Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse SOUND PROBLDIS . awards banquet, scheduled :or ~---· ,._ f" •·Jf of th . Aug.4 :J3 at the Costa M sa . ~"'g ~ 1rat ·~ 'l Counfril Clob. performance, sound problef!l• . AdA"" t the list of trophies seemed evident, making It dtf· 'l''l':" 0 1 to . ficult to hear Miu Baei' low-to bei given for the p acting key 8.-......... although Im-• achl~vFmcnt! of the 198U9 ,......, 1 · • se;tare the J,.lnda Baum provement co~ d be nohced Memb qi Award for outstan· after intermiu1on. ~ dlng=ntributions to the Not 80 improved was the at·. -, play and the Patrons tltude-of. the corpa of Co°:--J. .. Assoti Uon award-for-the venUon Center ushers, who ,. fa ~i"' pr.oductioo of lhe • refuted tbe working?. Y-, r-. ._._paying pte!I In lb!S · ""'!'"· . . ~ntry to the malo floor The memorial trophy co~- for .. Pennypacker... becoming ct1mmotlplaCe. Deep The heaviest competition is down, it's the way people talk in the best supporting. actress today -exei!pl for my mother c a t e g o r y where seven and her gf:ll&aUon." performers are in contention. It ii not.,.recorded how the Love ,8Ug,-F.ln'1fin_'4 RainboW .. They are Helene Ash ::tnd mothers of Sbak'espeare and Wlnn'f r Rascals ... Susie Scott. both for "Dream Chaucer reacted to their!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Girl"; Barbai-a Garlich for wor~ but Jackie's mother '"Irregular Verb." Valeree excuse! her daughter as being Jfow and Lois Wilson for "Pen.. too young lo know what she's n:(packer'' and Pat ,doing. Nccdennan and Jo an n e,l;::=========.11 \Volco1t. both for "Middle o! the Night." Four performers have been no1ninaled for the playhowe's lop honor, the Tbesplan Award, denoting out!tanding Cntl•H hlly-1 ,Ji. • for" pboto&raphs. merrlorates Mlss ~aum, win· Baez fans who obtained ner of !~st season s best ac· · -levtJ-.atl,_-ttiey tress-award~for-!'Claudla;!.-iWe 1V'iJilb}e. ti"o we v ~r whd-dled· kit• December. two ;jiidtid · tlit aru..t w It ir molltlts alter starring in BioWDle fldti cubel, turnifta·· ·~o"~m 9~1". at _ the. Civic the· event at moments into a Pla:Yliouse. achievement in a role of any ~omtO •l!d..lul!tt' size. They-are-Kathy t;add for --·-Phi• · - "Irregular Verb," Pa u I "Barefoot In the Perk" "DAZZLING! Once jl)u see if yc)U1fnever ,,;;;-~ -·Romoo&1uliet' quitilhe flay J,01ffilel.oeforef.'.;" -Un -"-• n-- "1• rT'I TUUDAr' .t 6:15 -_. 111JI "HAWAII" .t l:H ........ ....,.1, .. psychedelic light show. . Mef!ibers ~f th~ Palro~s The program was heavily Assoc1apon will v~ for ij\e1r _ _:.w.elghted '°---t11 sdrok>ns front favo~te show~ the}'_~~ from her newest Vanguard label of. the ~1ve contender;s -'-Drtam ferings "David's Album" and Girl," "The Irregular ,Verb To the t~o--LP set "Any' Day Lov~." "Gcneratiol)," ''The Now." Remarkable Mr. Pen- Botb are fine produetion.s, nypacker" and "Middlerof the but early.stxtiei Baez fans felt Night." a twinge of noetalcla for such Go m P e ti n g for the aeldOQl-IUDI favorlte.s a>1 playhotise's best &Cftor award ''Silkie," "Sliver Dager" artl wilt be David Goodal~ for "lr-othen. ! regplar Verb ,'' Bob, Enaman Tbla wu putlaDy: allevlat.ca for ·''Generation," Ron F111an Caldwell for uaeneration" and wt111 ,_ ........ Jeanne Correll and Tom 'l'itus,I'========== bpth for "Middle of the ~•w• WSI' "*''*'" ""n. Night." - Previous winner! will present j' tpe l!!GH_9 awat:ds fol.lowing,,.. .... ...,_.., .... ••--. the dinner. Reservations are1·- now 'being taken by the Cost!I Mesa Recrealion Department. Tickets Set For Musical . ' ?.!'~'1Cll!tD--_ , FRANco ZmmEw. ·· ,___ . .. ~-.ROMEO cS"jULIEf ' . ' . ' .. by such tradltlooal numbers for "PennypaCker" and Hap Ti ckets are now on sate for as "Kumbaya," and her final Graham for "Middle of the ::a.:,~f....JlwSil/UIM-..tll1111/a.lll/.•itdflia· ·· .. -"Amum5 ·arace" sung with Ni~ht." the nlusical comedy "Once r1Dm_/-_Nl/lllt11lf11117~l•.•-_Ii_ iurm iA,, :: ...... 0 --•..:""'on. om' m· ee-: for best actress Upon a Mattress," the SUm· ....:.:.l-.Ff~: But Baa'i:' ~;:rt la wortp are Audre). Snitzer for "Ir· mer production of the Rancho -11tm1.·U•J11-....iiiil/ffWijjmF11Uf "°·: ·.~·- It at $10 and the Anaheim regular Verb,'' Francy Walsh Community Players. • . _ _ f9.Y.ASSD1'111EllT uiht up YoUr 4th of JulY-- -1111-ifoir DOYii Family Auo,.._l 72 dlzzlln& d- -·......, old mori!os-Glant Trianlllt ~ Built-•Cone. Pkooto Petet-dozens morel P1cl<9d bf Red o.11, """1c:l'a Number 1 Siiier In safe and sane ffl'WOrb. ....... ._IZJ1tt$4U5~ IWDftl _ _, .... I •PnSWOfl<I: MAY eE t.UMLLY SOLO, rossr:sstD Olt DISctWWllD ONLY WtTHIN CITJ[S WffCJtl SAL[ rs AUTHOftlZtO. a.w tiJ dltrlt.lble or1•niz1tions •t Rod D•vll attndt .. show wu a uniform $1 per for "GeneraUon," Pal Harp Reservations for the show, Outtt1ndin_g FHtufette: ''Sl_(Y 'OVE~ HOLLANr;>d puson, a welcome trend if it for "Pennypacker" a D d which will open July 11, mayJ~=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;~~====s~=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;::;::::=;:=:;=:;;;;:;:s!::;::=i continuea. Theresa Smith !or "Middle o( ·· be obtained by calling Sue].,. -the Night." Farrell· at 837-1753 or Mikki • ·• · HAPPY The best supporting actor Pennington at 837·2222. award will be contested "f\.fattress," directed by amb~g Rick· GUnst ("Dream Tony Brandt, will be presented Giri"), Ed UtUe ("lfregular Friday and Saturday evenings Verb"), Marc Black we 11 through Aug. 2 at the ("GeneraUoa") and Pa u I Ollvewood School in El Toro. ~ -~~· . STEREO . SENSAT_ION!. Tiie colq~I sound of _ ~ orange C.u'ntr Mu~lt: .. ~ RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM· From Fashion-lsland,Newp0rt 6each • • -· [ RATED (RI NO ONI UNDO 16 UNUSS WtTH PAllNT ' , r • r . \ .. , .. • . ' ' . >' ''I -J...11 - '. ,, .. . - .. ., . J . ........ ,,.. . : . .. . ; ... 4th .Exc:luslve Wnk ' .. HOtlDAY MATINEliS'. • :PRI-~AT -'SU~._:, (: SECOND TOP .· 1 .. _ • FEATURE : . )ii.. • •. '--... r .. -\ • I ·' I ... - \ r , l . ' - • • \ I I · l I • • • • ' .. i - "'~­-. ,--- • I .- --- • I - :L • ' l.Algti,.._lotaclo11 Acting Workshop • -· , · ID)po~~i~Je Dream R~aii~ed at La . Man~:ha· .. · ~ . . , , .·~ . . to love six months ago. With her came Maren Kirk, a Pasadena girl who has known Kale on both &ides o[ the --~ 'Juli<i;' Best of New Pack : llyVERNdN St:ari HOLLYWOOD (UPI) bast fall some 20 shiny new television. series left the star:Ung gate in prime time , hours. Eight were canceled. One was -shul'lted off to another network. Only "Julia," starring . sing_er Diahann C<irroll, finish-form cf entertainment. cd the season among lhe top Moreover she proved hersell 10 shows ln the Nielsen to be an excellent actress, a ratings. hurdle many f e m l n i c e Such other name sla rs as voca lisls find insurmountable. Phyllis Diller, Bqbby Morse Diahann, however, dismisse and..D.Pl! ]li~~~ ~~ Lhe ~~l 1he thought without . a renewal. Diahann "I'm-not-a-comedienne, but sucoceded not as a singer but Hal has t.aughl me some an actress playing the pat\ of[[~tr~i;cks~,'.;' she~=ex~p~lai~';ncd~. ~:ii a nurse in a family situation show which r e c e i v e d M••._. o.11., lukewann critical praise. •• 1111• WhY' of all the new shows T'"'19"' "' •=• Cross\vord Puzzle . . ' ... 11V'' ' was the single big wiMer "· Julia"? Mlss Car roll ·miodestly gi\'es credit to the scripts and the production values provided by Hal Kanto~ · "It's lmpoasible not to get irivolved with the children in 1he story ." she· said the other day, beginning the n ew season'.1 work. "Their chann i s 1n- disput.ablc. Lillie M a r c Copage. who plays my son, Is so beUevable that I have r>eo- ple around the country wriiing me jn the t>elicf he really is my clltkl. "l have a daughler, Suzan· ne, who is 8 years old. and • she11t fl9l. sure how she !eels about ~l. When we . went Chri&tmas shoppinli I a s t winter. people on lJ!e street sJ.opped to ask me where my aon ''was." . •• . · OMAR SHARIF. ·11:HE!-·. JACK PAl.ANCE .!!!I •FE.~ .• • • • n.:~-. Co-Hit l"AUL-NIEWMAH • "HOMIRE"celor • SDllTllEal C!LIFDMll'S C!El?EST PTaDTECllllC P!CE!IT ANABEi• STADIUM ffQa6ft * ~ !'cafda ' 9!!,••11m MATS $4.ll0•3.ll0·2.llO i , --lit"* WM-' • • ...,. ...... ...,t A!Wflftll lf¥11JM. liMlnlM. l1C,:£r ~ W' w.-.ucn llOMO Giff• IUFJINI' • COWll'f'lC4CT .._ -,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I -''" -11.._TaL<l&l, UM14T IT ,,. -.T GR4,ND l-IOTEL m.nn· ,,,_..,,.,. .... ..,_..,.91..,..._.pie CU.tSIC OF CLASSICS Cl•rt G...._ 'ftM!I Left• ~ ··"Gone With th• Wind" .. I ~.,., .. 12:Jo. •:~o. 1:10 J1p1neM Movies Every Tue1d1y Night -~EU DIM·IN SllOWINGSl- W•U ......... l'THE LOVE IUG" 11CllNICOLCI ...... 21\d ,...... "GIT" •• -'-ily pktw• "' c:t1 .. 1 •lOVf tt.IG" .t ltll)a. 12 Mklflitht •"GIT" crt 1°'30 , ... ~Nw·'-"• lo.30 ,M. R>UNfAIN VAUl'f' D'lfvf.IPI -----LA HAllA DldVI .. --___ ... .._ ___ .... • • . . ......... ~M ••EAT FAM~ILT llUN D .. JOMS htWy HKkett I• Wett DllMY'• '7h• Love Bug" 1 f. rla ~·a'""" Jerry 'f• Dylie "An A"1"t°ln My Pocket" ' ~· ~---· ' ' . ------~-...,UC\Ulfft ..... MMINt- JMt t..... ' ...... L..whK4 "The April .Fools" : 11.,.. Met-..,. D .. , .. ,..,.'!'f.,. _.. •( "Tho ThomH Cl'fl'#n Affair' .............. ~~···~~·::.:: ..... ' ' ' . . • . JXCLUIJSjft IM•AelMINT .,.....,. ,_. 0.. _., "Mlckenn1'1 Gold'' ~ ...,... s~ or.-w.u. J ''The Southern Stir" .•..........• ~ ..... ft!l9. r!!EJ .............. THIY MUST Mt AU THI WAT UP TO Hill -----fWhi'! E.,lft Date" --"H••ven With A Gun" ~--"'" WednHdlY, J11IJ 2, 1969 'OAILV PILOT .-........ . COAST HWY. AT MA~'RTHUR BLVD. NEWPORT· BEACH ""644·0760 Oriin9e County Premiere Sho.win9 Oaeweekead .Major Smitll, Ueateaul Schaffer, and a fleaatlfll ldo11de aamed Mary · decide ~o wln,'World Wun. · ExclutiY• Premlet"e Engtgem•nt 4th Big WHkl Giila Holid Shows . -~-- -.ALL NOQH - Aiil.11.c..--. ~ .. .l"i- -· MA'l!INEES DAil Y . '" ' - S.cond Hllarl..,. g,.W ' '/ " • - .. .,...,...~-,~-.....,..,.....~-.,.,......~-,----r---------------...--~ -...--.--,.-----:-------.------------~----·· --·,------------, ' 2f DAILY PILOT DAILY 10 -10 SUN. 10-7 • \ . -"'\ -. .. 1<:""" ... -• t I . " . .... "' . l .. ' ' . ' • r I I . I . ' l .. ~ MERE, 'A'. LAST" 1: ! • J • ,· . ~ ; , . . . · POLAROID'S INCREDIB.lE .. iELECTRONIC CAMERA . . '· ' . . . . . . . ' . . -,. • • I) . ~-the-=-.ltimate l, THE ri .CAMERA ~ G1RL -~. WILL BE' IN I 1 OUR STORE ON f Saturday,· '.1' --· July 5th » 11 A.H. to S P.H. TO DEMONSTRATE TH~ " THRILLING NEW , -·' LINES OF FAMOUS . POLAROID -~ CA~ERAS f [, • ·-COLOR FILM SPECIAL! FREE • PICTURE ALBUM .. with each purchase . of 3 packs of POLAROID 108 COLOR FILM at $3.67 ! • • • GOOD! ; ' • POLAROID COLOR PAK aa '''l'llE 60 SECOND . COWH SEN~A'l'ION'' (l lmittd Supply) • • • ' • .. ·BETIER! MODEL 3 20 '''l'HE ECONOMY F OLDING P A K CAM EH~'' . --' ----- MODEL 360 . . . . .. ' . ~ .. 88 Complete w/flosh and charger More Flashbulbs Stops action at 1/1000t.h of cl second Built-in electronic Timer Auto Charger . ' Zeiss Ikon range and viewfinder ''the SUPER POLAROID'' ~.. . CHARGE IT! AT K-MART • • • BEST! _, '''l'lff;, Sff'988 ONE 'l:llA'l' · , . . BLE~PS''. \ ' ' ' --:" r.DE' E l'OU.•OID ult ·s1150 • •r wfJSI p1rc.Jlt1o9 ~....... V•lw --. <"'·· • 2200 HARBOR BL VD. Corner of Wilson cind Harbor COST A MESA --..._ _._..J----..J_y __ ~-----·-~------ I I I I I \ I I r I • 1 I • t I I I I •.• ,p-..... ..,.-.. ... " . . . -· . .. ' DAILY PILOT It ··120 Families Learning Agriculture. ip, University Food Plot Plan I ' 1 • ' ~ • S-eart~ ',For Job .. · ' . ' .. , Overseas? .,.'°~·UiN· • Tl\Y AMEl\ICAN. In . 1ltl)er1t, · 1Uck with U ; S . employen (they pay bettor) and conctuct your job 11arc:b . through (I) private pantes, nonprofit or1aolzaUona and aove!Dlll"nt ... -that operate ovel'KU (2) private employment qenclt1 or it.ate employment ,Nrvice offictl (I) c!Ullfled odl In tho 1arrer n_,... and trade publl<a· t1om ( f) pttfOUlaoal llOClell .. and trade ullOClaUOOI wblch operall placemtol .. rvicu ·1orthe1t·mmben. - - - CR.l!IOING 11CENEL it II 11-111 tho )'OlllllUI ... lblp. ped . GUI, tJctpl the Peact corpo which ectepll. ll-yoar- 0141. Thtre 11 olten no. upper a1e Umlt 1n aovarnm.ent jobi:; in private industry It varia with the ~mployer. · You're *'kin& for tt if you fail IO lnVtJll,latt the 1peclflc ' .,.;,,try bel0<e allffll!1 to So ...: eY,eD. u· pfemhujl wi1t1 are J>Old; they may {IOI Ill a<fo. quate il llvtn1 condlll<>al an too Upt~lve, not to mention , the pcioilblllty ol .. --Crusoe ulsttnce. If you can't talk wW1 anyone wM bu ac- tually bffJI to the ~poledj country, write the country'• consullle-lot fnlocmaUon; ... cludtn1 lull lmpo!Md on fotelp -'<on. FOl\EIGN FLAVOI\ SKIUS. What klndl ol cupatlonl lrt In demand? A 1urpc11ln1ly wide r a n & t , thGUP many art teclmlcal, admfnlitratlve, educaUonaJ or clerl<al lypet. Vou'U probably have to alp an agreement to atay a miillmum Jtacth of tlrne, u1111lly two yun. To , obtain a job with private In· duatry or a nonprofit or1aalza. tlon, your bell bet b to choolt one with extamlve oveneu opetatl"". After you're hlrid, you can wort ywr·way ~ to I a t ernatlonal ualpmeilll. Coroer Sovenuntat ·employ .. U1Ually pt !Int crack at the belt ovenau jollo, b • t quaillled newcomen have • clwlct too. roe a llat o I ...,_ jol>eunilnatlCll ... ilOunc<mnll, write the U.S. CIYll S • r y 1 c e Comml""ao, Wuhln"°"' D.C. !0411. WllEllE TO GO Fl\OM RER&. 1bt bt1t new ~k job-suJdt I've "'n is ''How To Git The Job You Want Ovenua," by Arthur Lteben. II lnclllda ad4rnm ol prlv1te and aovemmtnt agency e1111>lo1ar1, Cid II available only from t li • publiaher, Pllot Boob, 347 Fifth Ave., New Yori, N.Y. 1001!, It 13.00 per copy. J'or a lilt .ol GOO finnl operaUn1 OVtrNU c h • c )I: • your library far ·U.-••Dfreo- IOry GI AIDOrlcan Fltml Opmtlnc In Fiftfp Coun· =~.c~~= dl1trlb(fld bf SlnlOll -.~ .\Ito ult for "SEJB'l! , Dlttctor1 d Arnerlcoo. ~ DfrectGry," Germany" and • • A 11 1 Io America.a Trade ~" -bU---W-lli~-~-·-s=-ol COnwnert.'t in Londop. .,...,, the u .s. fleporimeul . the UilivtnllY'• Collep qi ~Ufbln el1ldeb\I -Unl9enlty'1 cutuv-cmr most suitable for pll~ Ille land II allowed IO U. they . team "how dlllonm Asrleultur'1 -lild II. . In food ~Uaa. will be available to Wvile the bell, ptantlq ~ta, and the· • follow for 1 .,._ tiul fralllY plclled ""° tult, and blfal-bJ Dr, I\. L. • · )pl ~ -plO!led 11~ -totc,J!ll!llN · Md _ __rigalloo ~ lJnlvenlty ofllctolnllcl U.... bow deti1l>tf\ll -11 tu di a lloull. chairman ol I b • ond\ -"' by t be culture ol'lbtlit_.,.~lail.:\. -Tiii land flu been made 1atnly would lie"illfttblt for a worfuOil toiMIO tllbl an dM1lon GI bloloslcal ""'llOI \Jiiliotilty'1 lllalf. II will 111 lili' . Agrk:llltural E>tioiill!!I. and available throulfl the UC seuon's .,. by • t u de n t the vine. Thete • expei!onca lot the Un!Vfully. ' T be to thO llludtnl ape! 1111 lamllf AIJlalllllral Exptrliiieiit ~, genetics deportment, which c:•ners. H 1rve1 I Ing, are oft.n new lo YOWll ~a ,..-are· dealp1cl'lo -live IO ~ cu!Uvl!O ll!d barvtll tlon clrculan on ve1tllble l"'I ...,...al acrt1 ol the tract ver, wl)l bave to be com-wbq bav• l(OWn up In cllla ot ilwTted -and u..Jr~hllOWl!paleb.·'l'bolhlfvmltr •lf1fenlnc, ..m ~I"~~-' eac1tyearl0rrileardl.Plan-])leledbyl)Ctober.•henltwlll ............ tracll, "Jlo!mr•," funltla In AllllnJ \itllti;,. a n,11 will tee tbal the IOl'.dOc!I available: A. ~Herld1 ... ,ting Is mW<!l annuall,r IO pre-be time for .the fall p~ )le addid, ... ~ .-S IO 111. cbenee .. """ their~ •. are lrripted, &lq !11th the ~ ... 10· Iii etectid· to ..... vent conc.ntralloo ol root • Doutt 11· IU(e thi nls ...... that Cl'O\) ~ II veplabiel-andldliftU.0 aiijoln!nc .-in:h ploll. The .vlde lnlcirrilallod .bn -<ropl dlseues In Uie .llilf. U1111lly '."1rifl want IO-· inar notnimple~.; -· , .. I , ' ' 4 I ' -. . . ' • . lllYllOllS Alumlaum Foil ' . ii Aiax'' Cl.LUISO . .. Wi,.. an lbfel raao ~u•f GIWTR "hot one" SHAVECREAM · ~L 77c ~ . -SlllJBSIN -UDEl'S aYDI FIESI · Soff .~Puff$ . ' .. -···-"'•111 ................. ·-31 $1 "'· a _; --- (ookies , ---1 COOL~R"V ·-11DUR1JID . ' Sunglasses JJ177" 9~98 .,. ... 6.98 ol Comnltrct, -"' lnt.ernadDnal C o m m • r c • , WlahlnglOn. D.C; :mlO, you ean uk foe a !lit GI _.ia I ' by country, i:ld> c:aunlrY'•·lill colts 11.00. • PEACS ClOltS IPl'JCIAL. -cll\IOftl -l<C<(Jled 111 tho ,...,. Colpi. ,... a f!ff pampblel " O Id er VOlunteen in t&e P e a c • Corpl. .. IOlld ... a pcJllCord Ill cw d "* ••iPIPll · flO LONG. If )'OU do land I job In -Ubllc plact. doa'l lorfl'I to ordtr an aw11.from. home ........ fptloa .. thlo -......... up ... tllt MWI. Aad. ' Mid ml I ~I - 9'lid )"'Ur .. na1\ono for lllturt colvmn toiib lo ,.,.. t.1n, Caraer Cotner, c/o DAI· - LV ' PILOT. Son'y, oo mall arwwtrs can be llvtn. An1 rtader -· -fl tho H ,,. Call _,..__ :-·-7 98 ::rr ··*' . · Fiii c.ii. · c" .. ?"""'" "!11'1" •11111 'Clll, .. 1 39 . llill .... ,_.,. a 111111111 .... ii'' 'WIZ"--· ....... Dill •···--~iilr. .. I 49 1,111111 • . *\ .. 11111. _ ... •""'!"!" ' J I ' ' . 1 _:. .,, ----=11rno~~ , l!Otlabla'1PtW1111r· ~~-·~~~---~:;-~~~~~·.~.~;-~~~~~---;.=~~~__:.----~....-:~~~~~~-=~.__;~ .. ...;:.~~-:-- • .. f I' [ ~ I I, l , .... f' I f' I I I " R ~LV Ptl.OI' w-.i-• .r.111.196t • • 1 Tag---Boat Operators? NHYCSets -~ . . Jul 4th . . . y Do Gooders Wrong Regatta ~~Y-Club ~l'ie.llmd~ , .. ~• ., •r ~·~·aiall.~cif.,~ • lJadlo, at.u.rn jll\BC belltvea , 1. . ,. ' • b<\111 July ,.. In tho-· that llQQi "°1 tiava to have A • ' I> •, 1 '. ,' r• '. • . • ' l~nclence ' D0y .... ~ 11-, lo'. ile ''rl\an1<!1. JOU ....... _._ -~·.... Racing will ...... bolli -should · blw ,a JJcense to -· -... _, .... ,..... ··• nd ·-~~ __,,_ __ operate a bolL · a ..,_ "~ 'Ille it.tlDD said' IO, bl In Sa;z;n' A ;n't 1be re1atta wm eouot ''edltori.ol." And thi ' 1{atlon " " .,· to,oard -.,pOinll !or Illa wu !!' proud of tt the s'l'ftl!>hy'lor the Piclllc ,,,......_ ·-out cpploa M. • , Jlodill Tlael and to. the ·--p rt.. . • arr'Vlrn, -Cortetl Tnlpto)' for bouiblC. I II.a I lhe. editorial • J -tht Mldg<I OCtu "-'"· prunotod Stai. Sen. c.orae -·-Dani•laoo 11}.Loulsiana) to lo-ly. ~ LOCICAllY · ~ troGlce 1 mokltlao calllng for -j;;;;;;jiiiii~--ii;;..,._..,;ioii-,;..;;,_ .CW... and ~ order ~~~ -. for "b•' ... "-" w•--· la .. ~ -~ ~~. !or tbe ncot ~ Iha 611 Q:GAL NOTIC! "'"" vt'""'-....,.,......16 ~ w-.: w.. 11111 n, So ~ ~ "'™'-.._..., -M 'l:;ebmtn..U,.Lt ifo-=-1-4: A ' "4lftt --eer:Of;!-.eiiDiiaio.c the KABC am.nid Ii crowded lijji: yourakW to a e•1UDlner, Jiii&-• c1aTn•te•T• °' •us1n11 mltorlllti. let's take 1. 'I'baU God they are few and thln.k1 al all . thole ex-~-~H Jr., °" n. ~:;: ~ .,. par,egrapb and remind Sen.. far between and they don~ amine~· fbr tvtry type .....,..., ..... .., .,,._ A. Sabot B. OiMueti. • Ml-.+ •11 """tltln DaMlton that these helrinp last kirig in this~ recreation. and size o( aallboat in U· SabOt C, J'Upper. :;:;.,..~ '::; ~~111~~...:: have be!fr1 held befor:e--many 'Ibey wually· go bact to istence. Remember they're l'lnf*'-.... 1.--i .• ..;. 1\.--r £1tl11W11t 1o ..... ,Ml"'-111\11 """' i. ~ de .-m.... "-"' jl'--............ ~ r-..... """~ ~ "' .... fol...._,..,_ .._ of tbelQ-.and tha""l sJral&hl· mllWrcy •• .....,. or ...... rac--not. UUii can~ And once yau get u---PBRF Mou• Star -n. 1'i fllll ~ •*-" ,..._ 8r• lhintl ... -pie from the ef. !Qg. · that license in .,,..,. ·hot UttJe ~. • • •¥ ~ ' • to11ows: • ' -_... J"-Rbodll n PC c..a.. .. '··"'---c..-, c. 11eftflf11 • .-i .-.,,.1-. ficient enforce~ agency, 11Jn the interest of safety, blD(i-.:fot a fee rof count. you.-po:+ 1 • ..._.,., l.ANll:llr C•t• M"8, carHon11e. the U.S. Coast Gu'1'd oe down KABC feela it makes sense 'io eaa go out and teU the world 1f, Thi.st!~ lntem1Uonal-lt, · ~~~; c!~==: 11n , ... , ... the Ht.e.have shot the prwosaJ liceDJe boat operators." y o u toare ath Ike~ o a1 t i Fi1'lh ~pt and Rbodee-lt. I'll_... '" , r , . • • • ; 0ttt11 ,~': ~-~e,1911 down Is !)Ill feaaible, unen-"Licensing bas nothing to do opera r, en P•~-o hillde clula will atlrt olf .....,,.RUNNo:RS -. Bqb, 'Jobnloa'1. n.i t ketch WIDdWanl l'a"8ge, l~) c. c. ""'"" fGreeabae',~ expensive to ad--. with safety. It is nothing mo!'! drown you:tHlf or bq up Ne~ Harbor Yacht Club at Labaina Yacht CJub, ahd -Ken De-Meuse'• 1J..foot ·ketch Blackfiit. are ftpetted st~ To~~;~,O: ~~:"°''""' Ei"'fal~~' ~ed u:J1lntum. ~-~a~atlci.gisd·!,~e'~~ . !..~.~ ~,~::;~ ~. t!ause ~ lolervhiie.I ___ ~· . two, ~lea.~ the 'l»oet _Tra;o1pac yacht race. to . tJli finilh at' Dt.Jnaad Head. 'fSoth. ".,·~~.·. ',~_:,. 1_~~' .. "1;.,!M~ ba·b~ k .~~ ~ ...... -.... w ·-... wtD ~ p••· yac;hti·art out for. ,fln.t.t...finls~ honors~'l'be~o ~c11u m•t 'Jwowo, ..,;;•~-· ag'oin •• • •• • -·-.. be·•·-·i·ust ., tndiM'nl111. ant1·•-1·"'-'-and , w.e.'....cuu.UKi.ua 8.aiH Oll.ed coune races and 1D1M'kRn wa. the wUmer ""'"""..,' .,.,. aeiu-liede., _, ,,.. ~ ma e UIQlll: p • ..,.......,... revenue-over and a.hove t,u. ·)'ou've rot a1leense;---ll'C ,,....y , .. r .. 116-1. ~ ~ of cl .,.. ~ ~ ~111-.,.. •ul:llcr•btd "'tM wi1111n .... &1'6"' :;."Ft;;;; es, tJ. which boat owners pay "~a: would not inhibit .-"'",..y .one race on with thr itrai t .~ 1..:: • -r-ecvtw"" -· But now bear uW': 1'UDder plenfy. AQyone who can boat sales. Rather, '•---·-SUnday, ...... 11 ..... at 1 p.in. ft· . v,cwnes. · 10F1"1c1.t.t. UALI OW' ! .... -·'""" as warm ~ -......., N1"1 w: a.urr . ..,.,,_ ... '6 memottze a few rules can would encour11tt Illes 11 it each day. "°""' f'Wl1c-C11ttwfti. ·and _._., as ···••·· !he ll test. ..,...,~ Pr1r>c1Pe1 Otnce 111 ...... _... ....~ pasa 1 cense '"" demonstrates that there ii a Oulllde cJuses will Aart off °''"" cOU11tr RU ol 1mtrimony requires • doesn't mean be will alway• tafely llaodlrd to protect ' ·12· y '.1_ s ·z F' ida' My ~-~ ~~~;!,~fu8!m~ =~~:1:e°:s~~~~: :.~pa~ people can ~~yant1P_ ... r~7·.~ano ~ • tj,c~its .. ~ ·az -~ y ,,.:.l.lbln~~~~ ... D91tti:;~ ..glilillir'ii!a licensed by blghwoys, doesn't it! . · · · LEGAL NOTICE government-the prim 1 r y "Consldering the dqu }mO CARE.1? . ltartlng· •t 1..J.m. · 1---'"·"-;.,,,~---- _goals being safely and ralllr POleollll, """ wtlh lbo.ID9UD--~ill hell .~er llh! I boat In 2· 5.· tlr' Tr'a .. ns~. -. -Jt-oce , .. ,, .... ~ ........ play-for-the-individual U "WC ting popularity-..._QI boating u deillCr-ca~ a whtrlboat ·---.1cr1110q1 llAM~ - as aociety." · leisun time ir>c:ttases boat urety. Wev_e been lon.c 8. Coast ~~lll=,_!: !,"'~ ~~ ~·m·.;r.~ · -rator ·license_ 1A~ •'-_enolJih: convindnl them to , .. ,J 1, c . , . • • ; , A-.N...,..lhKfl,.c..111wni...""""" n.iA r.iw, ..,,... ..--~ -hull.t .,.,,.., boats 1Jitb ... -..1-.<.1t: ~ ,,,. fkfiliMI l'Wfl'I -flf M l'!t.UMa. ~'e..!rhetee~~~is!:, th!. 17:'~at word "potential." lfP= ~-~..;..YaaJis-~et B1 ~ON ~'l . ; Sc:rt;._ ~ ~ Diep Y ... C, Argonaut, ~~ ~ st :~ :::::nE::t-'_..:.:..nS divorce: rate? Or the number Seems to me every move «e o·-r· -''"-.l.al...... , ..,,.. ,.. ...... _..:_. ;. %:02;S6:K-BuNra Yc..-t:lt:ll:ll •• ot "''""°' •r• u •i..,.,.: "'""_,,.,..,"11;:"'"...... · ltlCHAl.O TA"NOWSXI!• In ol stabbings,· shoo\blgs and maU;, U-dayl la fraught And WU,·-· F R. -Se"°ty.two 7achlr. divided Pumli4 Ron·McAMan, Son Oirl-C.Jlayden llrown, •-•"-· • ....., . .....,, teffera1 mayhem engaged In with potenUal danger. W~king "KABC ~es tor Or ~ 8Ce -Into tour.etaaes,· wat· 11et All ~~YC, -2:03.:&1:11 -W~ YC, 4-:-lt:H:03 ., 1ti~u:1 .... i!.:; ~= ~ .m Jl:>~:'!~~.)I ~ ~~~ili.t~li= on ';.Jn• lietMe-P"'CJ'IJU ~:r "l:m, ~ · ___ -y-Friday noon _i!L......~.1'Ul ,-• -~~]ft~. ~ Pilule _ Qumr,ktltur T; Blebl, St. ~i.:=;!1~:...,. riag r li ttipplng over tbe garden host: much like licenses for drlYers .JClght yachts •m earry nlverury aaJJlntr' fl. · t·h • Ca9f0mia YC, Z:Ol :l»:ZS FYC, 4:20:S7:1f . ni.im. r-~ s~~cens:e a::a, nev:f sllppinir in the bathtub of vehicles oa llnd. U you burgees of Oranp·Coaat:facht Tran1~9 Loi ~ea to Mir, ~ O'Brien, J\O)'al Valerie, R9ben ~-Oldbm, ~':: ~~:"" malrlmoayr ·Bui it sure has '111:";iosest call 1 'er h d need • llcena for 1Ucb • clubs when the -ttth Honolilluyac:btnce.. V•oeou,vtrYC,2:11:<1:18 ~~YCJ,olmf:JO:E41:~1nL.. ,:te"i:~~:''_.=T,.:;~~ the coll 1 . ~v a petsonal adventure u &oina TranlpKiftc yM:ht race reta 1be·flnal nvilad "llll wJ& KamaW. E. L. Doheny .ru ..... nue, .• -......an,_.....,..1tldl"'T8,.....-•~™1rM neUed state ers a ot or was 1n a hotel shower. Turned t1.-... 1. , ... _ .....__ ,... ol under way from· Loe An&eles bsutd Tuadiy .by t.-h • LAYC •·t1·".iu • Waikitl Ye, f :21 :14:30 . T__... ~ t. -M lll tt11.--e money. ~Wlllllg tap and hit .... ......,. WR: ""'""""~ y...1.1.. T· .. -" • •· . .,.,.-~ . "'*' _.. ,,.. wtiMrlbld ._ . ..,. .,... "Bu•-~ntfrom••·u-.__ wu ma.rriage KABCbelteVea ,_._y. .. .. ...,....le Y•chl Club, n.--..: Jo)ln .. Mclnt,,... a.Mi D • -"' .... trvlM!Jl.,_Mfl4lllWI.....,._.•• ·~ ·~ ·--JCaldlng wat.r. In my "-~-'~ N~ Harbor Yadll Cl b -cillhel,13kn•Jeocean ---. ,.~ Ing oategocy la the matter of fraaUc effort to ¢·the &1w "':~-,g a •pPl'OPrllte for •• ,..., u aanq lullc LBYC; 2:20:11:11 Deolln1 D, Jolm P. lloolen, ""'"'""',.l" operalon of bolts. In the state shower door open the glass ~; = !0111t u oPUa-t;::u'!'t most entries with John c ' ·Whirlwind ll, M I ch 1 e 1 BCYC, 4:21:11:45 ~ 10:!.~11iwn11 di California you do not need• shattered. Should I bave a I Coaceno., Ten. Cort. Bob J<imloa'a 'JS.foot ketch Lewis, Pacific Martner1 YC, Ped¢ul. J._ 1L W)'!l'\lll,. """'1pe1 ~c. ht UctMt10 sail .. boat or skJp-llceme to take a shower? N~ isn't thait sweet? ~t'1 Salad.a, SWI Wllllams' Wtnctwmf Puuge: from 3:06:it:• LAYC, 4:22 :50:'5 •. :-;~~ bfllre per a twin«rew power boat." May· be it would be atmpler and Lets look It IOIDe fa~. W~'ezzol w~~rly. Ernest Lahaina Yacht Club heads the u ...... ~1 Bill Willon o .... _ lntttpid JJ, Barry BerjruJ, Hw. t•, wn And w. """" The M••• boat --z.t...-1. .....,... go"' Clau A11it and b ti.-bl...._~ ~-.. • o>&0~ LBYO 4 . ...,,...... ~ orlfllll co.Ii O.llf "11111, un ........ reason. cheaper to diminate the glass -.., ..,...._ .. •re • un:: •• _.,. Biibera YC 3·ot·31•17 • . ..... -.... J-W. H •·Jiiiy l. '·"" '"' ... law-pmldes--tbal-opentor slldlng-doots. """"'11-by-uploolon and-1lre. llaltlaCorlntblan YachlClub rated boat la theJltel Wilh a • · · · • • Mallia, Sindy Gneollerg,.[-"-'c;:,;:.;:.,:.:::..;::.::.::::__:.:;.:; lictnse1.,. oeaded ooly for . "At~ Angelts. County's Carel.....,.wbllelueU.,..... WllfliOve twoyidila"-ht the-nw;rol'n:ure<t,'"Wll!aWard "atiriqul,.JacobWood,CYc, cve.-~,oo:o5':11----·-1,BGALNO'l'lq: sklpper1.operatlng veueh for newesl pleaSure craft ba:siD _ maybe an ~ ud nee -Jack 1Jnkletter1 'P111qe eurles a t Im e 3:U:•:U ' Maestro, Don Arrmtroog, 1v,•1t•ot:. CDUltT W'TII• hlr!. And' ham'l anyooe tver ... _ .... •·• u.y ••·-a-undetected leak under . w~. Esperance and John Hooten'• allowance ol l day, 14 houri, Concerto, John Hall, NHYC, SL Ba.rblra YC, 5:03 :17:21 STAT• cw CA1.1l'o•w1A l'OC JTUU., uo;.i .lK ~111:... ... Ev ,_ .... ~.ti-II. 11 mlnutta ad. a aecond&.. 3:11:21:35 "-'-h Ml~. n-•·rt o~~--. Tlllll'CO\l ... ttn.,.:., ...... told the gtnUemen at KABC about 4,500 boats, wilb a slip en more peoplE ar. kiDtd ...-v .x.VK: "' .JWU'C" °'.ie.u (landlubbers, no d«lbt) that a -... city for .. tw1" the home by carel•,baqDing Jamt1 Stales' Loco -Vitnte Wlndnrd Passage has to Dart Walter Beck LA.Ye Role City YC, 5:0l:11:05 'T1c• 011 "•"•''" OI'· •nmMr twin xmr YaMl 11 much _,... v_.,. of lnflammables-k It c be n "WW be tbt loot entrlDt from stve away ah: boun, 17 3:17:$1~1t ' • M'"aliJe, Milton B. Smith, L:.r:::•:::.:..:.:Ji~vu• '~ simpler to~ operate than ooe EVERYONE OBEYS . .11tovu, cleaninc flu Id 1 • Balboa Y¥ht Club. minu\el and U ltConda to her Sumatra AJbert MlrUQ, CYC, l :OS:ZZ:ZI ~ "' u.,,.. "-~ wtlh-a single prop-Jand much So? .Lui; week ( \teered a cartleta jmokt'W1 e&c. Let'l·IO H~ Harbcair Ytdlt nearest rival for first toflnllh. LA.YC :s·J0·23 ·3S Nepenthe,. A1bert A 11 en, ~!:.!."I" IS l"IE•t:ll" •IVllf 'Th8f sarer, SaU1M>a1.s have a lop large t"~w power boat in out and llceale e1' tr 1 Club Uo will have GM entry, Ken De M"ewe'1 7J..foot ketch . ' 'ci.ASa B DRYCr 5:0l:50:5t Mt1ii: ~ ~= !r :::' ~".: speed oL Ml'bapa five or six and qqt Ol Marina deJ Rey at hwsewife who llahll • kitchen Pli.tadil, .-t l pp ere d by Blactfln fnn San P'racisco J b' • ,. Plelades, IUcbard Smyth, :::.,ann "' Letttrl T .... _..,., "' hf!. mlle1 Ill' laOur. The kids oc· Uie IDoWed five knots. Thtre stove « dc!W a drea with JUcbard Smyth. There are 14 yachtl lilted in W~laardtlonCC, Ha3·~'M\~;nl ard. H~ Ha'.fbour Y C, flll'tlw1 • ==-~:=-~ ~ !; I "" lllp th I -·11'-' ''""'-boa'• bl boa'· I ~ I' .~ cl••'""• c1 .... 11 In Clasa B -... ...""~" • . ..... ~.!;! $:07:~27 ?..!'» ., hMrt ... .,. same IM• ..... '" cas ona....,, er aaw.ug We('t ""ie "'l• g -IO v"'""~ or. ea,q I .--.-. Cl c"'ant1 17 ht ~---'D-Mystic Marvyn c 1 r-lo n. ,,.,..._. -..L..._ L 1 -J111>r ''· 1,.. •t •:• 8.trl., .., I'll dinibles-lntenllonally or ac· sailboatl an around. Everyone laying ln the •rnna: pl1oe. au ... _ . Knl t ' ~., J JJUUU1t av n e , cevm-., gr ~""'*" No. i ,,, "'- cldentally. Il'a part of'tbe fun wu obeying the law. It was ..StllilUCI tell us that most USC Star LdWr.11 nted ·boat ln tbe s:i. erclllockTer YCC, s:zs~ai.'t't' CYCf 5:t»i:17:48 ~,,~ • .. :-: :.:..-... "' .... to see how quickly you can the most Orderly 1oeoe. Na_ boa~ acc.ldenll. are c.auaed f1ttt LI Hetaera 1 31'..!oot ·~ . ~ 0 r .. ' Esbrit, Geoqe :P h 1111 P • °''" "-v. 1"' ' riibt them and go oa sailing. sweat, QO swearing, no ao-. by merktading, letdlng to 11oop· owried by 1 Joetph De NHYC, 4.0:Z.09.3S ' . Aeollan YC, S:Ol:54:08 ~!tr 'l~" What kind ol license would cldents. NobQdY had .. uceme. capslllng or aw amp I a c. Wms H Meter o1·Ndunond. She.car: NF ~cv;23Nnray, _Air? f Nuevo, Rolfe C · ~c.;,..•::., one give th.at would qualify I ] think there would have been Noth1-rhuch hl-ns wftu -onor ri Um allow of' • . . . U'QChf Marin YC 5:08:51:20 N.._, ...... Ctllflnlll . .. 'It ,.,.-es • e ance 1 · "1fte Harry Guat, ~., • • TM• fnft ..,.,., peraon io operate a small room for all 4,500 boats Ga'all nneooe parllct aDd triel to S:20:2t:21, Whkh mew she a.rofw ycJ gro, Roderic B. Part,"""'-111ir ,....._. sailboat. large 1 ailboat, out· that water aa:eage -and awlm ashore from the e1pats.. Tim Hopn, ace USC 1ailinJt can come Jn rour days beblnd -N.linw. W'Jll: · N· kanoo. YC, &:1t:S4:51 J.;,~"'*', o,-. ~ Ot!IY ~·\ board dlna:hy. o u lb oar d maybe the prOjected 1,0». ed ~ 89 they drown. So do skipper fnm Newport .Bucfi Windward Puaage and ....wi Portland Ye 4 ~~34~. , RoucMect Jl. Nathmllel -' ~ ' '"' . 41 ruoabou4 ski boat, htboard There are..,.. 7,lllO boats slwmmen who veliture out has been ••arded the E .. rett beat the Class A 1l)ltllllaler. Starllng'ni, N~ Rum, ~va, Wattlld YC,5:10 :07:ot LEGAL · NOTICE cruiser-slnale or twin screw? in Newport Harbor-a much oyer their depth or get caught B. Moms Memorial Tropby FoUowm, ii 1 brtatdDwn of San Diego ye, 4~·47:.S( t.,1~en__~ L. H._Prlctt Jr., c11tTt11:KAT• ... 9us,,. .. Or would one have to.have a smaller area than Marina dtl In • rt p CWTeDt. Shall we cl.Una: bim ·aa &be out.stud'ng the neet by cluses and time Intenne.ar.-~ • woo.m.._ .nKUlllUllQ YC, 5:11:11:41 l'1CTfTt®1 w.w• separate license for each craft Rey. Durlng 1 um.mer Utinae everyone wbo goa far intercollegiate aklpper in the allowance : NHYC 4.07.55.;4 .. ~ · ·Va I tyr 1 e 11, Rte d ~ -:"~:''':.: ~ be stepped aboard? They'!'! weekends the bay is literally adlplntheoceanjustbecauee Unltedstatesforl98t. Marion·~· LendloW Ii 1Cltrl11~~ ~ Yc •• ~~~~~'1:.~t!~~ ail v1sUy dlffett11t in hand!· blanketed with boats of all llfecuarda pull thmt ln by the The trophy ts --.tedLlj, ClAS8 A 5 .. 1_ • .._ st. FYC 4 -5f .. · ·•·-· ffll i...COl'OIPOMlf 11111""' ,.....,.._. · kinds. Somehow •r.....y all &et d··-ev•~ day In t be··-· ••-U • N •·-Wind ard p u-•-rt lJJ.QOUli,. • :w : ;.,. Hetaera • J--"' T"\.. .. •tter ...._ '*"" 1r1 'N11 811111 •i.. ,,, mg. -~.. -J -WJC -. aval AcadelDJ' w l&Slge, lWU': Ya Turko., George Amarr '1>1_..._ _ _..• ........,., uo:.l'l • .i.tldtnQ! .,.. •• Jollclwt: , "A driver's license however, sa(eJy 1n and out with a mer? lng Squadron each year: J'. Jobnsoo_ Portland Ye, PMY.C ' nn:iwMJU YC, 1:20:24:31 1.n A. 111111 Jofln c! .»ckWI •. ,,., ta required to operate vehicles minimum of#cussi.n& -and BAD WEATHER Hogan wu awarded t ~ e 1:14:11:11 Amori~, ·a~ orJ.iin LEGAL NOTICE = '1:t f:'~~ <llllda. which cruise t re e w a y s , without a licelise. o:weted __,.,y at the Con-Blackfin, Ken DeMtuse, s• SP'YC 4 M I" .., · ' 111" """ '.us. h I h d f "Su-• 1 11--1 .... ..-.-Uneipeded weather cauaa cl .,, .. ..,... .. • :w : 11:-... · Jeiw!'C. J•ctLMn • g ways an sur ace u• m.~&111 .. '6 r•v0...... uskln the North American Fnncb: ye 1 ·2t·09 ti Loco Vlente II J4mes naT1111CAT• OP a1t11N•s &1819., Callfoml•. 0r1rit. COv!!tf: . ~-·-Why not 11-.. •inri f r should lncJo•· ••· b 0 1 • many capslzlngs and 1wamri.. .. _.._11-..i.a1e h ..i-..."1 • • · · • '1Ct1T10W1 "''"' NAME o.. J""" x. ,,.,, "*'-"" , '"''" .... ..,..Mt. .... .......... 0 ~ u111: ' lngs. lf the United Sb~ BMCJ'-"'•a• c unt'__..pa Novia ' del Mar, · J 0 b n Se•lel~BalbOa YC, 4:t1:•~12 Tl"ll; UH01a1iowm -. ,.,.,.. ..w11e If!. .,.. ,tor .., 1tm;.!",..,.,,., Wcraf8,_1,.~lch cruise on lhe operator having at Ieist a ;weather Blll'qu can't forecast in SeatUe last week. YeUowbird, IFrank DrUdJig, :;:;:,,""'~11ttt~eria.::.i.,cnn.0~ •• 111~m':; :=rw:., '!.: ~ :r'111t~": u:: b s s i.c It now I e d I e of be . "tr * fr SL FYC: f·Ol·23 ·23 L"""' N""-', ~,., ot Or•ntt.. s1819 ., llM* .,. ~IDM tt .fllt wtll!Jn .,.. seamamhipM protect. hltn#lf ~:e~ bo~r t ~~x~ Rowea'a,' ~ DallleJi.Sl ~1i;r:~l~:Tt,".:r"311D:' ~':% :w::~ l!ld •ct1noitw1tdiM llltV tMCUll!I DIFFERENT They never fail, mates, to get around to the trite old automobUe n boat pitch - t w 6 thlnP lhat a r e as dif· fe(ellt as night and day (as Jong 81 We If! being trite). Automobil es tr1vel at 80-70 miles an hour and u p , separated (maybe) by • white line every few feet. Thert are malhemaUc.al statlslic.s that tell how long it takes lO stop a car in an emergency at various speeds. 11le ordinary power boat URd for pleasure will stop a;lmolt immediately \li'hen ~power is cut. It's something about the resist- ance of water. And, 0( course, the fastest boats used for plea· s~ -racing boats , ex· cepted-rarely will 10 over SO miles an hour at lop speed. Heavily ballasi.d aallboall whiclt rarely '1"8111 ~ ol 10 -ilt1I -1 ... to ,,, .. reJ!t<!2Jeof con1t.derable d ..aer power is cut or with 11111 Wiling-at a ctecruslD( _.i. I{ 1hty btt ~I duct or -boo~ there Ii UIUllly a relOUrdnc crunch with lltUe or J:ID dlml;e. Nothing that an ir• llJCI caft1Plll1 cu 't take care fl. l So -ii the ~llarllJ ht----!An ..,...., ... lk:enle 1ever --I AitlClt i<cldol!l 11)' Iha ....... drlvtt. 'llt<R ... l1ICIR ~ -1iDd maim-ed .. 1111-and hlpway1 and bis pUoeogen-ond' we boat -rator bee ....... Two 'Forei·gn Yacht's. FYO f·08·53·40 ( ........... M ................ «ITTic••LSUU • ' are told ...... 11. •• 1-..... 11.-¥,..~ """' 1n:1 • · • · ..;.__ lfll tell••lnt --. .,.... "'rtltt 8M Mery rt HtmY "'' __,...., _... ll'C might get ca~ht out In fOf or Mocca.sln, C. T. McUJ"Vl, Mklf'"t'1 ... •r• •• to111ws, i.w11: .,_rr iow11C>G1m..."'• learned ln al:iobt foor boun." LBYC f ·ot·••·zt 1 ."8ne' ll. ic111>r, m Hlll'I t.d., '•*rn Prln<IHI Otrlcl 111 Someone 1o1d you wrong high winds w k:h kick a cop , . . .. :r. , s.ri.... c.111. °"'"" c_.., The U_,..... ~·-•--n-.'.: that m•u rwamp bis boat. Yoo s k T Cfiinus Ernie ChJ....... WITN!1s rnr lltllf thlt J1lfl .., • M' _c.nmr...,. lnlf'9 Wle\I ~-..-uwe1· •-J p • LBYC ' l'-• ""'-"JM. NoV. 2~. 1t7! Squadrm'a bule course ls 14 can't Hceme the, wiDcl and ee ranspac rize I 4:09:41:03 ' 0-It. ltrltt llvf.llllWiMI 0r .. 1.c.m .. ,~ ~..,, wee.la at two &un once a seu. But hell, we ve just p , . Simoon, John Noble, llnta ~!,~~.h~~:~~;-Ju1' t. t, u. n. J.Hf 1211..; ·--·"' .""-· ,._ ...... G"~ ADI·· to !let.Die something or Barbara YC, 4:10:02:Zl °":not 21111..,.,. fl/ Mrt_,A.c .. lfff, LEG"' NOTI. CE• ,..~ iuc ~ ,,_.,. .......,, n...... W C. T • llefWI,,. o. H. Mltdltl • H ... ,., l"llbl1t1 _ _,,,,;.,::.;"".:;,..::;:.:::;:. __ illary coune in small boat eomt........,. 1'lint of the monq Some of the yachb In the Scotch 'Miit, owned by .Robert .. -,.er, UT8'I • "-«11• • Mlf,..,. ,..w c...nt¥ • ..., .,,,., r.tldlflt•· . It ouJd b..i .... in N Ind upc:om•·· Tr••~clf'-ya-•t O'Brl-iiil and Nimb'·, _ ..... Stoc:ktoD YC 4•10•04 •15 "*"'~ .,.,. _..._. Md ...,, Cl,l.TI,.UT~-IUl!M&I& handling Nm ibcQl the aame. w •u• . ~·er m .. ,. -,... K; u1 .... re V'11'11a1 • · · · ,.,_nr ~,...a-ll. rt•llY "-Ptc:Tt''°"* flAMt ~--·'··-·d t d the •Tl'IMI .. o1. •dminlstration nee ...... u .... 11'..U ... at neon by W am Nic•troon, -.... Xanthippe. Alan c-.... ... ~ -•·i; • ,..,_ -.. .-.. 11 ... !!!:.. .............. ~ mttY, .. 11 -• ......,.. ....._ coa uc e -r.--..... ...,. ···~ • """"° Santa,,.,,,. YC 4.10'."'"0I . ..-.,. WllKr ... ~ .. """""' '"'~·.,. ....... N .. • ~ " ..,... AM. throughout the o::iuntr!' it and Po(Jcing. ' wUI bave traveled Joncft' come. Ina Portland, Ore. .... "" • · • ·.. .m--... " ""' ""' ,. .___ "" c.m.n.11. WMIW ,,,. ncmi-nrrn ,.,.,. 1 . ..:...a..... No mattu ho" ~ a 'diltancel to_. to the_._"".. M•....._ of ••-~.., ~.. Bl .. _..... Robert ,,_ --. . -DCW EHlt:1.P1t11es ..,,, tNt .. 11 ealJt tW'JCJ & yen' &J't ..,_._... · •"'~ __,,..... ...,-nz U~ ICLIU 1 'W"o 0 ~-vc ' Z--, I" WltJt•U WtfQllOF. f i'1tw ~ II ~ of h """' ... - to ~ slrilhar clasan ~~~~ ~pocketcensestt' ~than they wlll cover 1a·u., come from Sou lhern a . • 4:10:01:35 ........,. "'""' '*"" Wld ""• ''".,.. "'--"'1'111 '"'..._"" ,...._ ,,_ _,, • ...,. i.,,. •11.-3.__ 1iavtr UJ "OW' 1 milt r•ct. Westerly Ernest Wllan fltlll _, "" '8v Ml "" In lflll II .. lelklln: l" ..... ..,.~v .,., ""' " m ,...111-1. and ••-1 • • CllPtlfk8M tlt1f ..... ~ Dl1111 e, w,111tMc1, 1101 "' '""'"' Red cto8a Bo7 Scouts, Sea not going to pnvenl the One ol the entrles, Chila u~, ~qoa;, "~ n e I. NHY<::, 4:Jt:lt:M 101",ICIAl tlA\.'I """'· *" Anlt c.~ Scouts rnd~~-~ aDlj ~l~enll taking contnil once N°"i~.M~--K°""eo.flaUcbld1 o1'CJ~ .~=~!..nm .. the_ ~ ,._ · CLAIS C :.:r,M:=c.,...,.,... Drillll0~~·~':f..._. m awhile-----w... ...... ,.,. """" . -s~~~ ~ vrJebri..., .......... I".:.•-c:.,,,,, 111 1.'"""" •1i." c.""""8.·er.,.. OMMtt1 yacht dabl. • ·-·--. -~ ..,,, .nlU,IW\I .~. MY Cii'fihltilin...._ -on-JuM-• '"' ~ -Nottry , el.dent may be men • lea The other fen.Ip entry la Mlrw 1M tt·yacbta fnim the Bay Monterty YC, 4:il:tJ:lO ....,.,.._ ,, 1m Pubffc'. 1t1 111111 w 'Mllf 1t.11. :.......w PREREQ\11Sttr.S serious.. owned by Gecqe O'Brien el Area are: Quasar, Arthur T. • ... ~..2!.! rt a ll.:,~~ ~~~11 ~ c.nt hi" u".:t ::-; =;.:'= r::c~ USPS doesn't stop with the Snow skiers" maimed Ind Vancouver, Britlsh· Cofun)bla. Biehl, Dl•blo; Aventura, L. H. _._,...._ 1tinc ~ · ,. ,,,. wllfllll '"""""'"' .,.. ldl.-i. basics. 'mey take their kllledeveryyur.Wltfhun't Mlr. bowe•er,' bu been in Price, Redwood City~ YC,4:1t:l2:&1 LEGAL NOTICE :=ic'i':L~""M,,..., · manbe1' rllbt '~rthroqtf ad-anybody ctme ~ w1th a pro. Southem CallfornJ1 waten L'Alltlro,. ~ .B. Park, T=, Sim 11·0I11 ad , c•1t.TI•1CAft .,. 1t11COHTiNu.1.NCa ~ ~ ~ vaooed 1tarunibip uit other PoBal &o UctDM 1Aft;1.ky since comlnc.,. aouth 1 a.••t Ortndl; Ano Nuev~ Raµe C. Ca ~ YC, 4:1t:11:25 ., "l.••DIOfl Al4"o0f!IMIWT 11r111t~1 0tttq•1n aarety preqUlalte. compai'lfi· dlven Uctftled? . November for thet MuaUati Cnicktr, San Raf1el; Row~ F ~ . U, W. O. Andnw, '"'• UHO;':::J:':J = ~ <K-. CeuntY hie to a four~year collf.Ce ecf.. Ten people died •board the race. Don•ld B. Daltiel, Berkeley; Pali' "1te YC, t :lf:ll:J7 rri.t~"""' 1,,,. ,..__. •• ~~ ~-blll191 cation, The 1euonl are both Goodwlll. BOt tbfly would not Five y1chtl will fly but&ffl . Montgomel')' S~ James M.,. Jlaw~a. Jay· R. Moort, :r,."'° .. ~ "t:::;lr; ":,,. ot l'Vblkhtd 'Otinoe °"" °''"" "'"'· theory and practitt. hive 11 v e cl hat there been of Hawallan yacht cluba. but Denning, San Rafael; HetHra. ltarieabe YC, 4:17:13:11' Mlf...,.,,.., c-... Mar •.. c.~': """ i. '· 1" "· 1~ tt....., "Al il ii now, aaftty and lkxmed penanniel aboard. all 'are: new bolts built .In . JOMpb R. DtMetet', Su Fm-111tl'o• '!be KDt, D. ~=::.. .. -::: ... ::..~:ii ::: LEGAL 'NOTIC& seamanship are1 Me#Ded cm a Maybe there wu. lt h known COsta M., and wlil be us1nt eiaco; Esptr1t. George W. Mam, LAYC 4:17:21•11 .-ee er,,.llWIC'I '"'a...,....._ "'411 ··1--::===,.-:-;,-,.,==- vofuntuy tit or mlel bam. or that al least three oa board. the race to take them to their .~flips, Oakland; Mniooette. Americana.' Jobn o: Mocft, ... =~."';. .1..,,.. NOl:~t. ..:, G :.,:,~ ClllTJ~~':ur' ..=.:""" mm by ·oemosls. It ii the opi· includliw Olll lklpper, were home port.a. The Hawaiian en· · LlndJow. mi ~-Bbenlon, WaikW YC, 4:17:0 :51 ~= "' ,.....~ 11111 ....._ ~ ~=-~• ~ ~· "t.l: nion or KA.BC o.t _. re-competent m¥1n&Gri 'Ibey tries are Anuenue. owned by San Rafael, Amor:tta, 1lasry ~ Llewtllyn B 11b1 lllWlr ... ....,. fkttnM ""'"'· ........ N--9 •Md'I.. c.1""1118 • ..,.,,4,.1\i. fl& dom afet1' tactlict are a. hr.d cnalaa4 ui.,i eour. doanl. JOiin U1n1-.. H on o t a I u •• B. Crandla Jr. n... LAYC 4'1!·...... · ' ........ "' ,_.,,., .......,. .,. • fl• 11"°"' 11"" """' -' l""'-.,...._ ,..-......_...,., , • · , • .11111... Ill flll ·~ f/f 1119 C-" Olft 11111 T!llANCI. • llE,Ata• 91)11 .. ,,_..,.... suUlciem."' · of umea. O(Ai . ?. tllafter1 A1llel'bna. owned by John G. Olhen: are Blactftn. K e,_n MooteomerY Street, Jlmes 2!!:.'!! cw..tr, "'*'" .,. ~ • " ___. • .. ""°"""' 1 ........ True, boltln& educlUon ll D1&ht IOIMCIGe 'l rWiM:, Moon. Ronolulu; Kawlilw, DeMU-..Hayward i ftanctr, DeMing, Richmond YC, -.Hiit':-:,:".:,.~~~ ::'t1r;:::tt.t111H•s11e118I~ on a "hmtaf1 balb-but tt the cumnt thlt wu .. &me' __. bJ Jay R. Moore, We.mo C:-T. Wonf, Slookl.I; 4:l&:U:OO · . hA.tt ~ti,= I ., N;:_,. =.-c~ .. :=, v11 u.. certainly 1111~ bit and mla. Al them oll Ira&. !l"hoppoilo I# -, Oahu; lloullttttck n, Xantblppe, Alan B. Sln1l*illl, ~ Jack Llntlella',""""" °' ...... --~ for the~'*' tM apio. the bell of UC't'llHd ... OWDMl by Ntthanlel Sctv11 1-Aftol; Vlltyrie llw Reed !CYC, 4:11:1t:S4 .:'~a~r:="lft ':. =.::..,. .tL~~~or... cwntY: Evel')' time one l'b"oul • the a it d nl\llpton. la fa e t .... Honolulu, mt CUrioso, owned A. thriltenltn, Camdchlel. ~· Lou com 1 n1 11~.w--.-11utP1 '· °"" .wr. 1. 1,.., """' .,.., • ........ .. W1ter.he leu1ll lllmJddr11 theSacramento. the •••d bvtf.111dm-H•luht. suu-r-c.o-.......... rdvr\.1..11····· "I ll.. ........ -...... ~~r.:--......... ....... o1 J -v"'" •'"-j __ .:i,7 ~ .,,_,. """":r~"P· _., , ,..,.., .. t =" .. l lill'll'ttfi l.M 11-.-.. .. "" fol Mw about tllt rudllfll.-d 1dl ahlp th1t ,. the .ntf tta Dom UMi AtllnUc aide of clJco are B~wLI. Blbtrt g , , YJY~ Mort · B 1 1 ~ • f1 ~ -bfP 1 w 'ht • • ""' ,.._ .,......,.,. " w1ct11M boat-.nder-..ar7ln,r -tiame.wu ''wltlt 'U-lhecontlnentlaMyatlc,owned AmOll, Oakland: N~·n: AWliltMi8"y.YC;4'lt,1t111 '~"'"•&.~"'' ::,:,.-:.,::•:;-::.;,.""....,... clltlOlll. T h 1 Ml ls ..,. <f the eel· rn: lllllnitl. by Mll'\'l'l1 Cfrion. New York. Maurlct C. Smith, Kinl!leW; DIQ< W. B. Good1I, pe! ~ ""' · 1°"'1Cl::;:'~ best teachen known. A tplane plloll •rt Ucenaod. A Great Lita vwtl also wlll Fl-~ w. Q. ~· lley 'Vc,.1ill:ll:11 - -I:'"" , ~ .,.. . .:"""' ~ .. _..w•a!ittnH Th•1 '1t11 cruh. WllJ! lm'l mate.the race -DI Kine, lltlYeden; l'UrMJll. llon VIU).v~ Lawtoo Van ~. "'-""""' · ht -"'1 than ~ are la boall ...-. • Jtlr. ~--.-A boat--upo11l111'1 1lc<me -1d.noli]ll'I-m ac:ddeal 1111-ti would go lha\llUltlicenstacortall! owned by Harry Guest, MocAlman Sttuaallto· aiU S\Yh,C'l0:4•Jl·•·1t ~-M•·'---~ tmouahlhlDMVrorm.1u1m -Thq-1e1J u ti wwkt bl tn Oetrott;--CtletlrtU'. ~-Mf-~ -lfirfi.i·n;M.aUr,:laildl,lt •••• _.., °"" Dlftt '""' ,;._::.'!'.'!:.rftHt.Dtlft':'illlt, memodlltll • • o1 ru1ea and boallnll. Oettinl-doter io home, c.rmoL rvc, 4:U:N:• "" • " ,. "' -,_ ""' • ' •• "' -)...., " /- . ·----i ii l ' _,.... __ -• \ r r I I 1 1 . ...... -··--... • I' • . . / , ___ __,. .... ............. . • ' -' ltr' ;· ;--I • .. J .t .. .... .. .. .] , I .. _..,, , ..... •~Y'OUS .• ~ ... ,,, .... , c-~ ......... .,_, C.M. • • ,_.;,i -.l! .1 ..... -•1H•z ...... .._ .... a •~ ...... swf •••rrl•1 c:ww ...... ·: -• I • '1 e 17tM W~M St. et Telbtft>-i..y ... Otettr{!!.V. . -. e 1JIU lr.oU.nt St. ot Wfft11tlutw-W"tbr"" c..ter, •.CJ . .f. t!J7 Wett111l11ter .t GolH1 West, Wtitlllattir G. Res~· •· 661 c11 ..... An .... , .... ,.. o,... c. • .,, ,,_, G.t . • , e 111oo1i A .... 11~.-Hhtl ... leiKtl ....,,.., CMw, H.I . e Uot H .... ""11·--........ C:.-, C.M • t I .J1t61 Y~ley View et c~,.. ... -tftt9ar. Plu.. 1 .0. ~.. Hor~ll~tt~, Y•. t. lV-'i ~L · ~ ••o w.1...,......iMn1a. Nl•1wc..ter,1.A. . -. . ... .., . e 21 1!1 a..••11'4. .t Att.t., .... j _r ' . . ff-~ "' • ! • ' •. -~ ., . . ... , . . ' Co~~huiid · ~ .. -{" ·. ' . . - . ~ G.lllSllQI'(:.· !AO , sfcpop ' Impetuous Jnm fhe .host .t:lub 1 was'.'~v~ra:U·'Qnd CIUS O Wfft. ncr Sitlirday in 11a.Iboa Yacht ~ Club's :W.mj!! Hw\Uh~on (l<!· Around race. The race '11,. .\ho l911rth in BYO'-i~ 68 r Serles' 'or' seVr:n ~" ocean taces. 1 • " • ' F'lrst yacht to.f.inJ.sh was'1 1.b· · 1!::::::::!!!====~~=:::.a=:i unoUlclal entcy,_ Windward Passaee, 1kippiied by B(<b 1-• Johnson or -~aina ·Yacbl Clu1i Jt" wai:·Wl'ii~'f&id -· Pa.ssqe's _final . t.w1e-~p race __ _ before the: Sta'rt o( .lbe Honolulu raoa' next Friday. ·. WlndWard,., Pa&iage. fought ' . arr lJphiU ).>ilttle .Jo beat Jack • Bal!llO'i JZ-m<ter lle\uboy oi "foq r· l'(li.nlJl~ and iQ ~eonds.. 1'!e ,over.all h a n d i c a p resul13 : . ovt.tall-\1) iinp.tuoUs, Chuck Glasgq,w, BYCj l2) Volante 11, M!Ii.e llirsh, BYC ; (3) fil:e~t8l)(:I; Don Ayres Jr., NHYC. -.. I otAss· A.'..'.. ii> Serapis'f1, Bill; !lar~. BCYC~ . ( 1 } Jlre lude, J I'm Linderrn'an, B~: (3) Newsboy; • Baillie, eve. CLASS B -(I) Fb-ebrand : (21 Atari, JOhn Cazitr BYC , (3)r8ailderting. Morrle·Klrk & Bcli!'OOtei!YC &.BCYC.-__ CLASS-C--(1) lnlpetuous : (2T -Ho\l'lanr,, .Mcieabe < -, Johanson. Nt-r/£; (3j 1''alcon~ BQb;Stulth, ll"i'c:'"' -~ · ~ CLASS. ll'-[ll. Volanw··.11; _.; (2)' Arriba,· Smilr:y &: Thorne, · BYc; 1(3}' EdClweiss, · Dilvid' ',. Lang, -B YC. · · .-.. · ,. ~o~ ~ "i 'n1lli, aui'.voo · KlfinSraj~ .. NttYC,;. (2) >,loha II. · GIOl\o · Re"'1. SSSC; "(SJ Veloz, Ken ~oss, BYC; (4) Cece II, Bill Headden, BYC; 15) Ooldllocks, Eddi!?. Arnold, never : -New .Buihliug Set for Bank •. A new building ror the South Corona , dfl .Mar ..Bratzch a! .. Sealrity Pacific N a t i e n a · Bank -ts ·being -planncd -t.Q "ll.~'l' ihe -]_~m;.11..ou_r,7 • · _ quarters locatecf·at 3435 East Coast l\iib\\'aY:. ' ~e-br~cl:i -as_ purchased lat¥l n~.to· tb._,prese.nt leea. · tio91, P"; lh~· cftrler • oT . Ea$l Coast Highway IJla Narc1ssw . "1'oWever, no :ttd!itecturaL at construetion · con,trucl.ll have · been ln.aae· y~t:·~ ~d branch : mana.1~· J~hn 8'~lar~. Copper- tone . . .. -' ' . ... .. ~ ·.sun fan . :Lotion · A' tal'I tti.at'1 flchcr, more Yibfant! topper- t.one ~ont~n1 the most Cho-rGj.ilhlY, beach tf:'lll· ed 111n·9trffD -11 l!I\• rlch~d wlt.-h s~~lal. ,..Lit..,ii!t.. a«d .,. •• •· uonr:ri Chat tone the ·11t1n make il more roes-pon~i\>11 IO the.sun's tan· nlnit r8)'1. "Morei~n· able1"2-0unce tu~. .-... ~, .. ..,., . ti ,. Jhfll.TJll'l_ l!Y .• • _; :, '. ~ ·l· ! ' ii .-79~··-$t'~~•lut'! . . ' . •• .. . . Mia CO-smetlcS' · ··"11381 Calendar J. • • - Sports Waicli ~1~s~h1lilfil~• · · lioldl .. g ta,ltll lt't l•Ytff .. F ...... • •$1.MatteFlufior $ • with FIEE Cower , · l ' .. • :J~sh Fluff .f_ . '"' T ,,. •Eye~~· P'ifch\asiL • 79c Ma,canr-' · B9.ld, maKuline b5bk! ·ttipse{l ... • ~e dJal.,rubbcr-1 .: • : ood tropl"l strar. $ 6 g 4- J\{ndy. lable· tor · • :.r:fi!i~ib~a~~i s· .. ~&-. ·'94 • '"' u.d., w ... ,Jac Liner I 89t Lips.tick. ... 79c-l!ro-La " . NallEnam:t ~.:. _,.£,. _ ~· .:; '1". . . EXCEDll• ·· 1ott1 .. uit '$•03 Takl!f!----1.._' '' ~ a._: '1" LISTERINE MOUTILWASH 1.c.owe 7.3c--·. ~lif . . . • . luminlzed dla , Llghtweighl, 1tur-. dy alumi.num that sweep second, hand waterprOOr -fel:te(I to 59' dt'(lth.' " -•· folds eompactly ror1,,.tor~~e. . .... . ~ ~ .. ; !1" Rainbow , So•a Pl~~ws "•ew hoico-2 F $3 t'oi;:1. J$xl~" . 0 KJ1;101tfill. It . ' ' ~· ' ·: ·6-Ft. Plastic· • Sholf liner Fatnou .• make; 22.x6" orJ2x12". 86c. Lay nat. Col- or1. ' · .91'.~offta Fl•p ····~ Bright 1 sol: -~ id~ ... ,1n.e1y J1117c· print& ~ I · - . slile ·11 LailJlls~ Shifts i" ea. No-Ito Plnafere . ,.,, Value! _ . 2'' pk. ·Yal~•: Mon's Acrll•n · __ v .. ii_a,ltl,o_. IJ!'s-P00001,!~~~.·.'. 5:"•! Spiti.Shlrts . Its s .... 025 ... Textllred ¥Cr)'lic ··=~l~~d}~:, 77c ~h olhC?lts ~.JR .' kftHs. Pttm-'$)98 cadoOr Gqld. in ~ho1ce of pack:s •save anent J>N!ss. 1: .: • · ·•Res. Bur a 62'l' S·M-L. , Folding Metal · Brhlgo Chair · 4 i$11· 75.' A' .J'T metal. "'rold ' . ran,ze color. .. ' . 'I" Valve! 'J.flalt"Dlsner'.s lecol-d ~l.iims Julie A'JI· .. 1 • 'Ifft, ri't6M;... • · ~~~ •. "i.~7-9' .,. 1ln1l.ng WU!. · • Dl1ney'1 reatesll '12" Value! 1· -• ~octrl~ ·. . . ··•a1rS1tt•r · :Cu!.}: & ,· t• . '. dzr h••• '•' i.995 mOAStei .. , 12"' '1 roU~eat 1t • J · Sal~ ~f 11\eil's Swl111 Woar ,.. 1' ,. . "'" leodlng •-· '"'" Lotox $ -<lr 11.m.lbat-2t8 ed. , ~ ...... , . . ·.@.•.~. ·:• ,, ;.~ Voluesto $~ . A•-... , . •1•P.···~-"~ . Ji••liT.~. R o p ' '· , ,. ch1ln1, e,r-,, ........... 6--•in lhl• Redr . rium~~~ 11rou,p. . , - Men's Ccinwas . loat Shoes ' Neat with · their 1"-t heavy duty can•· ·me. "tas uppers, non- 1!1p compounded,88 outsoles, full cu-shion~ . insoles. . . Colors·. : , get ~·ours~ . -. . . ·Ja ta Vodka ' Fifth Gallon Llinlted timli 1pf!cl1ll A . chance roryou & your friel:ldS to hy lhls· top . quality vodka at' this unbe.' ~iievable low price. E~STMAN KODAK · lnstamatlc 124 Camera & Cas• s1 · I ·97 AU -Camera, color rtJin. flashcube, baUel'l, Jn- -strnttions plut c•Jt.12.. •l"arry It all ln. Save $7.ClO. . 49• ea. Sun Glo Snack Clilps . !C"',.,_,.,. ··"'• '=! }f •rdwood· -· ~ h•ndJ~1,,wlth < , 22 tam pered . •'' · steel, r ugged , SL77-Shonl.. ... $1.47 Reg; 49' Sturd.Y Garden Tools '.f roy,·els &: • cultivators. 28c Steel ,bla es . 67'-9V2-ln. Pla1 hit• · ':Bril l iant .r.1 uorcscent b'all s you can· 44c ,;pot from. afar. ·' 1450 Playtex ~i· c,ps Hl.-,atylo $366 1nu_g fi'~ting, new co.lers-. 5 Foot Poly Wading Poel Strnrig, H~hl· $488 weight. fun for tots, FoldJ; no moating. · '1"·36 Inch , ' .. ·swbwlearcl ... __ ... ... . . "Lifllo Sort-' $122 er." Sffe, ligbtwela'ht. ' . . .· '. ' . 98'. Deleer S.•ft .. 1•11~ . ·ri a wound ball with nu:· a.ed ·l~tber < 17~, '·ee l ha1 ' • .... u. ••i·-·$5ss ner h ead, llbd Is 2-pc. . nbergla1s. ' 79' PJastlc Tumblers 20'1 in 9-or.. or !S's in 58< ID-oz. 1ize. Colors. .. '1 00 Poly 12•Qt.lco Chest Pol.ysl~ne 1"· 1'·"· with n1ctal 61 C handles. B·l-QWa10.n with. ~h ... ~ls 8 . '""''•· '$999 grids. Burnt orange. · ''Wet ·look'J Picnic ••1• New mod co: ''"· Flb"•r· $249 glass ln1ulat. ed, vi .nyl lined. ·circus Dry RNstod Peanuts 120 .. , ... ,,c:.; v...... ' . 1,al,o!I Poly :Picnic ~ug $I At V•luel With PO"J" ~pout. • NcSite·makln to help you celebrate JuJy 4th. Safe, too1 ...... $1 .2t'Y•l••4 ~. Sinai• li011tti Stt~ .... 9k '' • $2.4' ~iihft~ I · Deu~I• Hoi1ter S.t .... .":$1.tl ~· Cowlooli~ ltjHtir Gtrit ... MICktl,hrtOI 1lliiohl', ·• IO 1 thet. -:.. -3 f3~:~.1 oo- luy :t, 1awe 41c 7Y.r·oz, packs. Plain Corn. Bar-B-Q. Taco, Cheese . Delicious for snack! or any lime of day. 69' ea. Aloha Charcoal leg. $3'' Women'• Imported Su_n Glasses Ill <rashlon 111!1_77 styles, col-~ ors. , $1.59 Value ·Coleman Fuel C1n Gollon 94c lMf " TWIN PACK 'Rainbow SuiJar Wafers 39c ' . -; ·1 1! ' J I f l 'I ;) " " ' ,, 1 " -" ,, ,, " ,. .. :1 ·' ; .., " ., ·" " • I '' '~ "> '0 ~· ,, •.;! .,, J. r:i ,, .,. " ... '·~:> '"' •. r,J <(/i ,., "' '" ,, ,, llf ., ' , .• f .. ... " •• . , "'• ,.,, " "' ·' .. ., n d I '• " " 10 '"' . ., . b> nl ,xf . • '" I . ' I, I . ,, • • ,. < < ' • .. • I ~V PILOT W-1. July 2. 1969 ' . MONTH! . . . . i~ 1969 COUGAR co.ur1 llr1nd """ w11h 1lr. ODnd~ med. ltm., 11 .. dl roof, .... ,....11s. 1111 _,, power dill; llrftts a. 1t"•lnv. d9(or 11r01,1p, 11nr •• 11111i. 11uan1., tic., Sl!r. • Slll 10 · SAVE WAS 4311,00 NOW 3111.00 J ' I I . . . ,. r, • . ", . ·-r . THIS IS 'OUR 'SECOND 'TRAI~ ~ .. toAO' .OF VALUES"· SAi-£ THIS : 'VEAR • .':<ANO THE -~TEST • 'MONTH • LONG SALE IN OUR HJSTORYI · l . • •I , fll--..----11!.l!f. -.. .. ' .:.. 1969 COUG-AR COUPl • , , at611d -wllh •It. tond~ bla11llful 691" AQIM.' INllUk wUll Whlle vinyl roof,, wlllt. will, ~ ~ i--- 1( bflkft a. lfwrlfl9, r-.ffl), dKOr 1ro11p, 1.,1 111111, remo.11 mltr« & 11u1rd1. ~tr. i Juttt SAV,E WAS -4273 .01 N~W 3721.00 5545~ fft COUGAR C' ... COUPI (.[Md fltW. M ... l ltnt INllnl, "led tl\lft, ....... .,. .,.,.... & llr•ktt. 1Miw-• u v ..... r•lo, ll.l«- vllr(1 roof, "'111M -th. Serlll 1: ~HI, FULL . s3~: ·PRICE 1;,77 · I . Ifft c91JGAR COVPI .. ' • -196'. COUGAR .• , ~UPI •1 ~·, .... lll'W !ft ...... l!-.ilii!,, .-..._-~ l:ttf' -.. :W•ll-. rfflo, tttotf ,..;., QltJM\ " llK.11 tl!!YI !Wf. Sol<. t ...., .,. ... ' . , .sAv.E s454· oo 'WAS J711.to • NOW JJJ6.00 -' -.. ::t ;..T""""' .... ~ . ~ • • • • • .. ' •,, l' .. --. . .. . '· " ' i ••• ; ' ~ '' JM ME~CUR:Y ' J Dl. MAIOJOP .,...,.... Wlllt l lr (=.IOfler, ,..,,, ~ ~· Wiii! '90 JV, (0wrl, '/Ital 1 !~1 ·fflmt. Hlkt llllff, ::-; ""'"''": 1titv.,,(ecll-., Uni.I l ien. St!;. .Plflt dO ' . -$~VE $ -.. ' I p W~,ilJl.f' ·771 ·','f · MOW l11l.Oit' ' -· ' ' ' '.•• . ''" . ' .-, , .. . . I ·~ ' lt'9 COUGA~ .. ' COU'f . ' .... ,,., -· air ~l!lonilod. llH IV YI, a11r11 Olll!.-wiort ~ IN'•k• .. •'-'· ,... cflCOI' -'T • -r °' utr''· ~· "sma:a · ·s~~E s59r. ' WAS.~4441.tO • NO"!f. J•s•:oo . ' -. - 1969 MONTEGO CONYllTllLJ._ 1969 MONTEG-0 MX SEDAN .. ' BRAND~NEW 1969 COUGAR . Air rflnd., -i•...-. & Walla. AM rlldlo, 11n1 111n. ~ arwn.. A 11 .. r •t_ 11111 prb. Set •• $2flff SAVE WAS 4174.lO NOW Jl10.J1 5564 09 l r1rod MW wlfll 1lr, l .. 1,11!floll M•f'OOll wllh vlftyl ..-......... •~••· & br•k•t. rlCllo,.,llnl llllt. ""'!"' ,,~ s.r. ' S2t16' SAVE WAS 4001.40 NOW JIOL40 5501 00 ..... ~eOiurn lime paJnt, select shift, power -steering, power br•kes, ~eluJCe co"•;•, / radio.,..bJ1£k~vJnyl roof, white walls tires. t • Stock No. 437 J, ,. ' • • ' ' " ~ " BRAND NEW 1969 MERCURY .. . • • ( SEDAN DI YILU Slriltint Arctic whllt with bl•ck inl•~lor end bl1clt l_1nd.111 roof. Fully l1111,1ry 1quipp1d, 11110. tr•n•., RIH, PS. ,.W, 6-w•., 1i 1t, fie· tor., 1ir cond., etc. ISMD 151 ) ~2995 1965 MUSTANG , COUPE lt•ullful Are.lie Whit e fini1h with •tlr1clive R.d b11ck•I 1e1b. Eq11ipp1d with •11lom 1tic ~•nimi11ion, t•dio, he•l•r, power ll1erin9, low rnile1. Orifi111I tlirou9h o11t •11d b••11li0 f11lly m•i11t1 i11•d. OTM <406. • I ,o ._ • o • •· ' y ' 2 Door Hardtop with air 'conditioner. POpular light aqua with 390 2V, wh11I covers, White wttl tir11, 1p1cial frim1, sele~t shJft, pow1r bra.kes , power steer- ing, radio •nd tinted4 91•••· Stock No. 2247. f , . . y ;I ' -;;. I• ES!' ••• l'O . UICE TO Un _ ZEBRA , . n1N A \ . , 1 I MODfl "500" WITH TNf GI lVI_llYI.-BIKE ' . . .. NAME ... -............... . U.~ -IRIGGS.!Tll.\IJON 3 ~P IN~I : • ' STUIJ ... -....................... . .. . .... _ ... ·····-· ~r City ' · ................ ""7········· · ........... -·:··:········-. .•..... ..,.-;,; .. --.. .,. __ • ····-·-·-................ _.__ ······-... ..t_··-···--·--·l._, . I' 'i ....................... , ...•• >1tol4t · --..... . , , . DU W/Ha TO Jf . .. . , ,. ·.-.... '!'_,,-.. .., ..... _· I 14" • • • 1119 211; • .'~1 OK.~A 1U1to;(";rs -•. r' ~ .,.,.,,INT ·4f ~Wr~.~ll(i; Ho ... :: . ' HO Olll!iA TION . .. ' I. $.J .752 "' JUSr 1110!'~ --' •. . . . IN THf •ox At JONNSON's PRICES ARE PLUS! LIC~SE AND TAX LANDA" lriti1h Gr•en finish with "''tchint int•rior i nd lil1ck l1nd•11 roof. Fully luxury 1q11ipp1d. A.11to"'•fic fr•1umi11ion, r1d;o, he1l•r. po.we• 1t1erlnt , pow•r br1ltet, 6-w•y •••I, f1c lory •ir, l ie. No. RTI 724 ' -1964 PONTIAC G.T.O. CONYElTllLE • 811 11\jfu/ cor1t·fl11i1h with whit1 liucltet tfll\ & 'Whit• top. 4 1p1ed h111s., •ow•r 1l1•ri119. rid;• I h•aler, etc. Un11111 1lly cle111. IJRJ 561 l. CONTINENIAL ' <DOOR 81111tlful Goid 8•it• Mi1I finhh with 11ddle l1•fher inf•rior •nd lil1ck l1n• d111 roof. Fuily l11x11rv •qw ipptd. Auto- "''lic tr1nuni11 ion, AM • FM r1dio, pow1r tl~•r•nt. pow•r brak•!• power window1, 6 : w1., tell, t ill tl•erint .. i. .. ,1, f•clory •ir, door locks, •I E1c11!1nl thro1,1gloo11~. Lie. No. UUY 000 $11-95-_ . _$3195 USED CAfl DEPT., 540·5635 -'· . . . :GAL ilo 4 DOOl HAIDTQP l,rm.11 d1 Blue mtt•Uic fi11i1h wi!h m•lchint i11lerior, l S2 CID •ti9ill•. Aulom•lic lr•n1· minion, radio, li••l•r, power 1t11rl11t. f•c· lory 1ir, etc. Ue. No. RTR 417. --1964 CHRYSLER NIWPQ:IT 4 DOOi llDAN w.1hiF1tlo11 llu• 1"•t•llic fi11l1h with m1tch. int i'ioterar, Auto111•tic h 1n1ll'li1J!Ofl, r•dio, h1•ler, p•wer 1te1ri119, pow•r br1k•1, f•c• lo(., •ir. Lie. No. M&F 615. it- CONTINENTAL 4.D,oor •t_!i~11. &old Mi1t fin ith with blo~d l11tfl•r i11t1rior. Aulorn..tie fr•n11nit1ion, ••· dio I h••i,r, pow1r Jltt•i111, pow1r lir•~es, pow•r willdow1, 6.w•y seal, f1cl6ry •ir. Lie. No. L6P 176 ' . 1964 FALCON .., ... ? door h1rdtop, 260 VI, Arctic While with firrqooite i11fffior, •11fom1lic lr•11tm i11i.,., r.dio 1rid h11t.r, pow1r 1l••rin9. A r••I • 9004 t r•d11tlio11 1p•clel. llN 131 • 5895 ~ & lPJ ~. m · 0 ~ ~ .lffi@M rffi::W a: ©-(Q}!ID@£ 00 •• ' • c 2626 HARaOR BOULEVARD, ~OSTA MESA • ... ·-~ . • ' }_ . . '· , " - ·----..... -~~ ,_,_,_._. _________ _ -·--... • ' , ' •, \ ! -, • I , ·1 ..... ~ -; • ' • . " . j ' " ' IJ. ' . ~ . ' ':. r . .. ' ' . \ ~ . . I >,:1 = • . ' 'l ,( 1 ' • 1 ' .. ' -,., ' • . ·-·-• ~· _r.........._, • . ' r .·~. ····'(.. · .. ~.,._ ( ....... Filld the·most Picturesqliti •pot aroup.d. i:,;.;k ~or secf&ion away, from the crowd, a nla'iie lP or out of tbe-sttn .. Con1ure up a meal that _ Js the V""f ....uce 'oE si111Plicity and close .to nature. : -. , There i;.,.t; betth .;boi~ for outdoor oookmg than a big. beau· . ,. ilifu1 fre.h fish, whetller ft ·WU-caught by the 1m:m of ihe.family-"!'f' purchased in a loc;il fish store. '.('.bc;il!lhiii the photograph is a strtpec;l ' ). " ,,, ~·.Ji~,'° fa,vople Of sportmeii oll'bo\h roasts. Inland, Jishermen ' 1 · may substitute thel.t own fresll'watet<bass-s,..11 .or large mouthed, I spotted or rock...,,. or ~wi~to .&11othd :fish altpgether, No pne·woul<l argue against trotltl " ' , • • A , •• • . ~ . ' · Jim.ne, give i~ your. s~ t?uch with_.• '!'arinade of savoryiierb~ Whether the)isb is · caught on the spd~i<i )IOU b~iiig it ~rorq omon and lemon, mello~·m a. com ~il-vmegar blend. Either· _ L' ,_ J1ate-the fish for about 3-h01lr6 or be persistent about btusbingihe fish with the marinade during die· coolclng. · / . / ---ro-icconlJi;mi Uielliili,grjjfliiiJl.ii2hfjuicy red\ aioes and - ·. in a pan £OOlc a roiJ:ture of green a~d y~Ilow squash. N ,,need for a . salad .. Iustead brmg along a container.of fresh \'Cg b.le·ll!~hes, .. - such as car.rots, wcumbers, ~ery and ~en pep •1icks, slices oE raw turnips and fresh mushrooms with a bowl of: efort dip. Th" relishes should take the edge off appetites that.are •ure to soar once I the aroma o1 the·llsh pezmeates the air. / To cjuench outdoor tbih-U, nothing bea:t& refreshing icqd. tea. I Male plenty of tea at home 11sing looSe' iea or teabags, instant tea , or.a fla~~ ¥ ~ ~.l'our tea. into,a generous size j~g, I'tck ice _;i -~ !&~~~~~",!'~btio',~ong,tall.clearplastio1 · · . l"ar d~-1li• · ~~,(~11Ji.:....1.na'i af~,;ic:· 0r1 ' ' L-1-' .. ...St. ~,..,, ~~ ~g < .\:·, w~----~-.;~~·~ ~~u·orch~ . .,,,·-: ·I 1· .... ··•.• "r';i • ~1 " .. ,"' • '........ .. ~ .. . .... ••)··· .. • ...... ~·;n·' .., .. , ..... ,. ... --· -··. "' ~·----.. .(~-., .... K' '~-,.A.•1oo ·-~11· .••• -•.•• ;L ~ ~ ~~---ic ........... -:t:i. t··111,·, • r,, . . ~ '4J ' t 1 -1 )'."* ··~.,, ... ,. 'l t •. , •. ,, ~~ • . \· • ' • .. 'i:I :;I • i~~ 1?~···' -_ ... ,...,... ... "'*w • t' • -.·Jllflk'~~ . '1'i \. .· .( -~ r #C'''. :ff!'_.··' . · ~ . , , t ..t;< .. , -· -~-Pretty~.flill,ti·fliJ:t~ ~zlt fe.a,tures <'i~ .~t( couU.be~~~g'kff , .cm a !tfecial fii(~~griU .(but could be ,a regular /1inged grill or foil), tomatoe$. (l.njt a m~e of : greer( Ond yellow sq1iash,·.Best. wit/\ fish or any barbeCfli are tall glasses of refr~hing iced. tea. -.t. . I . '"' ' 1"!,t:!ti' •.• ·.~ j ............ ·•;': . --~.., 1:. ; .".' ; I !?!" .. ' " .. ~-, .,l" ;; Fr~sli)'i1l~i:t tl>. l,lbte ' tJ . iff:7 .,. r· ./ · • 't .... .; / r11· ' Squash in SIP.llet J -• 1 ' j 1,~ :) .. .. . ;,~ ., .... ,f t-t l ' . 1•· • ,_ 'ljJreup UJdit corruyru p ' i "lableflfJOon gratecl orarf/t~ ,: ;J/J.lllJp orri_nge fulce <ind • ·• : ;. ff,,ho~:tloces . 1. qlJQ'rt-slited, cubed or\ ; 1/8itetur"'1n ginger small whole fresh fruit -. 'of.' •. : -~ ~t com syrup, orange juke, cloves and gu1ger In ' · 2 yeUow summer squash 2 11icdiu1n :zucchi1U · 2 lablesvooni 1nargari11e I 'small onion, sliced · 2 to1natoes, peeled and ~11t11p 2 tablet~ont cho'/lpetl · . green pepper --_ __,_ -----·-·1-.. l / 4. teaflfloon pepf1er .. , l' b~y leaf l / 2 leaspoor> crmhed basil I . ' .•{ . Picnic!>iP' -", I . 1 cup real mayonllllise ~ • r1lb'lupoott~ecl 112 Ct'f' dairy sour cream ,.. parjev ii• • . ~, ... 1/2. ct1f>erumbled1lf1que]or1-·-;salf-., f ... · ·· <) or Blue cheese ; ; Pepper ..l · Combine all ingredir.l(ti; Chill at )east 2 hours bCfore seiving. Makes l·l/2 cups. Serv& with vegetable dippers or aackerr. ·~ ~ 1-l/~quai'\' saueepan. Bring to boil Ov!ll' inOdium beat, tllcn ,~:~tes. Remove I_r.P,lll. ~~ T~ out ~loves; ad5' ~lclt margarine i11 skillet, Add onion; cook over low beat, l r .. •'•,_•t,..~ ' "''" ' • fl sprr!ng frequtntly.,yntil ligbt]f ~wned, AcJp. tomatoes SJ/d , ; ·. <· .. •'·I • ; •· . , , ·onlte ~ l'our over-fruit..r.!.11J;.;.fi!afu 4 servwgs. . .. . r. . . -~-.,!.I ._ ·I I • r ( ~ ~'; · ... ~·. l \_ ......... ,...., ' •.. ""',~i .. ,.,, . ,. ""?. l"' I , '~ ' . ' . :~· .Suw c.wki~, ~.' • 1-.," · .• _j : '! ~-.. ~ .•;'I,';', -t\:'.f,:· -•/.' • -4 Cllplil'!Hfll£ jtoufll", • . ~,.i ' ht 2·1tf tea.tj'JO.i'mbakb\g )Wwder ~-fi.•'•.tgrup . · -.;'' l teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanU/a · 1·1/~ cupsmargarine 2 eggs '. ' ' ) , ''.j. cupwgar 1/2 cup milk . " . '• sift·llour; baking powd~r and salt togetlier; set aside~B~d • . 'mirtmne and· sugar, Stir in com syrup a~d vanilla. ~fep-'d ~ efis, <?D• at a time. 'Add sifted dry ingredients alternately wilh'..mill:, blending until smooth.after each addition. Drop by leaspoanfuls onto greased balcing sheet. Balce 1n 3.50 ~ F. (\l'p<leratc) .ov~.,J5 ~ 20 minutes. Makes 1 . d~-<ooliief< .... ---------•• -~ .. ·--:··-.. ··~ .,... -.. ~--.--. -.,. ...... _ '· -! , ~ccn pepper. Coller akd. cool: W\linutes, Add J'"PW; hS¥, " " · _,'., (}ijJl""f." H'\i '.·sh . :_·i. ~ "" !ear, basil ~ S<j~·•sh: Cove7 and'l>immer until $qW..li i; ~· ' '· ~ - 1 :r ·t•;i<!\lr,;li !«20 minutes.-Makes.<l·~o 6 ~ings.• y.:. '. !·~~or~~~;...:::c lL~,~~~·chop~onion ~ teaspo0113 oreg~no 3 tablespoons grate cl . . 2 whole ripe tomatoes Da.sli pepper 1/4 etip fine dry bread ci umbs 2 tablespoon. melted ,' JJiu,11 salf . • '! , , , l· • t 'nfrgar!nf · ~Vash tomatoes~ temove stem-ends and ~t tomatoes. in haH crosswise. Combine bread crurnbs, salt and pepper. Dip cut surfaces. of tOO..:tocs in melted. margaride, then in Crumbs. Place in shallow pan or on broiler iack 4 inches from heal Broil Ulltii tomatues ill'• tender: Makes 4 servings. ~ . ', -~ •· ~., ~ I ~ . ',.... t" •-<f __.. _._ __ ... ~-. . .. , . . . • _ 2 leaspo~,~ .-~ ~ · :l.~.peel '. 1 te~~li(J.!il 1 J/J cuP,lemonjuice l,~;~ym.~ ~ · . ""·1 (4·1~·5. WICl.)whole l /<( ~~per ..: • . ft}l1.'dr.-I, hr.ad and 1 cup ,i;om'b'fl: • ., · 'back ftn ;.,,.,,oecl . i ' . .Mix gai:lic, oregan<>, salt; basil~ thxme and pepper. Stir in · .c6m oil,: onioh, lemon peel an<( juice. l'our half of mi.rinade in bottom cf larg•.baking dish. Lay fish in marinade, Spoon ~o'!le marinade into body eavity and pour remaining ovor :fish. Marinate al least 3 hours, turning_ and basting freq'!""tly. Remove ·Jisb from marinade. Slfain· and save liqui;d. l'lace onio~ and garlic ih cavity. Close fish with needle and stripg or skewers. ·J'Jace Jish in wire rack 'on grill about 3-mches from source of heat. Grill 30 to 40 minutes· on each .Ude or until Jish ~ ea,sily with forlc.11aste-oocasfunally. Mobs ,6 ·serv~. · -· ·4 •••<I l..' .....~ -~ -.,~ -ft- • ' ' -• ·-;;.::J -. (. • • ·--- • \ I ' ' l . ~· :/ 'j I I '• ·I I J I . r ---~--------------------------·-------· ----..:...- r 1 ' I I . DAILY PILOT Evening Vows Recited David · Merle . Courson • " MRS. DAVID MERLE COURSON Becomes New Bride Goleta f-lome :Pamela Asmund Recites At home in Goleta after a WCdding trip to Big Sur are ~!. and Mrs . Derutis H. ~reen. the former Pamela Mae Asmund who were mar- rred in El Camino Orthodox Presbyterian Church. 'The daughter of Oliver A. Asmund of Costa Mesa chose '\. floor length full-skirted gown of white silk which e:ic- tended into a chapel train. A cluster of .silk peta~ edged in ' ' I . Vows seed pearls held her chapel length veil and she carried a cascade QI. gardenias backed with fern. ~Her three sisters who pre- ed her down the aisle in· uded Mrs. Larry Dart of Costa Mesa, matron of honor, ~· Mrs. John D, Wilson of New- port Beach and Mrs. Welton B. Wbann of Palos Verdes· Estates. bridesmaids. Scattering rose petals from a white basket wu the bride's niece, MISS Laura Wil- son, woo. wore a blue and white doted swm dress. '!be other attendants were clad ln floor length gowns of baby blue dotted swiss, with head- piece bows o£ matching ma- teriaJ and short veils. They carried bouquelS of white dais- -ies with blue baby's breath. Richard F. Reichelderfer served as best man for the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert' Green o{ Eureka. Ushering were Wilson and Whann. The Rev. Dwigtlt H. Pound- stone officiated in the double rlng afternoon ceremony be- fore an altar flanked with candelabra and trimmed with baskets ol summer flowers . AWsting at lhe wedding -reception in the ch.urdl hall were Miss Ootiie Hayden from Long Bea~h and the Mmes. Owf!ll J_ Omum and Mary Ploeg.slra, both from 'Goleta. The ,bride, a graduale of Cosl&Mesa High School, now Columnist .Pays Tribute J.s a junior at the Unive.rslly -•1-Cal~omia.-Sanla.Bad>ara. -Whatis irlil<e"tlr1>e>n~ON\ri Landers-? Wh• Hef new husband received J I Led bel •~ his BA and MA deJl;rees from is her husband? Mrs. u es erer. ter ...... f"'." n • ucse and teaches there while as-the nationwide columnist, tells all today on her ! MRS. D. H. GREEN completing work for his PhD 30t.h wedding anniveJ.?ary. (The story follows • Big Sur Trip in English. below.) ' ' • Los -Altos Cerem9ny Honeymqon in Hawai.i Fol.lows Formal Rite . . . -Ann Landers Receives Golden Plate Award AM Landers, who~ down lo earth advice ha.s h e I p e d thousands oC troubled folk of all· ages, last week received a Golden Plate Award from the Ameri~D Academy of Achievement in Dallas. Acclaimed by United Press International as "One of the Bob Hope, Allen Drury, Gen .. Douglais MacArthur, and Dr. Joyce: Brothers. Jumpsuit A Favorite ten most influential women in • the U.S.," Mi .s s Landers F p . t " writes a column which " or ar 1es followed by millions in 711 _ .. newspapers throughout the The party jumpsuil is an all- warld. irrooe favorite. The Acadecny, 1 nonprofit A clingy knit one with wide- organizalion which annually Dared legs l.s accessorized honors e:iclraordlnary leaders with knowing flair, a.s Monet in the scienCes, professions. sees It. iodustry, arts and service to Suggested to acbie.vr: this eI- leUow man, is made up ()( , feet: a spectacular combo o' more than 500 prominent three ropes, c o n t r a 1 l i n g Mnericans lncl~®!g on ~_____polished links with bright discs -BMra or .Governors Dr. and flli&ree b au b res' Michael E. DeBahy, Dr. Oen-perpetually in mot.ion. ton Cooley, astronaut James Also: swtnglng shower ear- Lovell, and lawyer Louis rings, a brilliant star pin -at Nlzer. the waist, plus an e:iclravagant Pa.st honorees have inclbded miI of bangles at the wMsl. Surprise We~ding Trip I , ~ Capozzi-Cortes Rites .. ~ Read ·in-Mes~ -Church ' the newlyweds during a buffet luncheon in the Cost.a Meaa Golf and Country Cliib which followed the ceremony. 'I'ht yellow ' and white the.me was carried out in the decorations, which were fashioned <lf daisies anCt whiteo-doves. Special guests fQ( the wed- ding were Mr. and Mrs. David Klrr of Columbus, Ind., sister aud brother-in-law o( the bridegroom. . Following a hontymoon trip to a destination which was a surprise to the bride, Jha newlywed~ wtll establish their h<lme In Newport Beach. The new Mrs. CaP<l:Uf i.s • graduate of Cornella Connelly Academy and Orange Coast .College. Her hu.'lband, • graduate of Cannonsbe~ !{i&h School, eameGhTs "liicbe-iori" degree in history r r 0 m California State College at Long Beach and served with the U.S. Marine Corps in Viel· nam. 1. Mrs. Jules Lederer Travels Memory Lanx on ·Anniversary EAR READERS : This may be just a r day lo yoo, but it ls a 'very 1 1 diy in my life. Thirty years ago. o a aweU.erlnc Sunday afternoon in Sioux y, Iowa, Jules Lederer slipped a_plain» d band on my Unger and 1 became hi! .. fl<>oat.Y forbids me: deJCribing myself a student 1t Mornlnpide College. ,. Umiil'1111 I WU enrolled 1here. Julu had one yw at Northwesl'Un -School, that ta. He was a product of , budlame. energ-etlc .. Im, a 1Ute. a born opUmilt ~nd eager to -·~ .., the world. lie had • jood job and f prollll>lna lu!W'<-Ile abo wai broke. " ANN LANDERS ' 1 ·was an effervescent, (un-l<lving girl. hopelessly square, driven by a crusading spirit to AYe the world -sort of a Jewilh ,lol• qi At<. I also wu .engaged to marTJ a law tiludeht in Clllfornl8. Bul Jui:s, Pever .one to bl~dllcou.r:agccl...b)' small obstacles, uked me to marry him anyway. I aald yes and the wedding look -piace three MOnlhs later. I We were blessed the ronowlng year with a 'baby i::trl. lt1ergo. from then on, I saw more of the moving van than l saw a( J1,1Jes. When an opportunity for ad · vancement arose. he. look it. And it aiways 'S;_mt'd io be in another city. ·we moved fron1 Si<luX City to St Louls, from Sl. IAuis to New Orleans, from 'New ' Or"ans lo Milwaukee. Then came Work! War II and Jules servtd).n the Inlantry. Jn 1945 we moved from LiUle Roe.II: to Los Angeles, from Los Angeles to Eau Claire, Wis., and from'Elu Claire to Chicago. Time, that subtle thief al youth, often i.s cur...S by 1hoSe who long lo stop th< clock. or tum it back. but we want none of lhal Each yW' has been better than lhe last because we have grown together. A..,good marriage; it 1s sakl, is madt in heaven. 'Ibis' mi&ht '1e: true, but the maintenance . work mist be dope riJtit down hert. A auccesslµ:J marrtaae Q; i'lol a &lfl. it Is an achievement. No real mar· rlage can cxls1 without differences in opi- . '· nion aod· I.be-ensuing baUles. But battles can be healthy. They bring W marriage the vital principle. ~ equal partnerahip. If there is a .secret to maldt11 marriage work it i.s "Never go to titd mad." Our 30 years together have been tneu- ed wilh good beallh, 1ood fortune, 1ood friends, good limes and succes1. Jules says be could not bave made it wttbout me. I am no\ Sllfe he. is right But I could nol. have made ll without bbn, and of this I am certain. Ke taught me how to be al9f1~ without feeling IOIT)' for rqy~. He . taught· me never to back away tiom a challenge -that it l.s better ti> try and fail and then to try again. He laughl me how to use my Ume productively. His wotk habU.s are impeccable. I learned mine from him. Being Mrs. Jules Lederer has bec!n su perb training for Ann Landers. Thirty yurs with lhil unseUl.ah, "supportive, responsive man bas enabled me to Uve life u few people get the opportunity to live il Being AM Landers' husband could pose a terrible problem but Jule.a bu met th< cballenge wllh dignity and locredlble good humor. My husband Is my best friend, _and I am his. I conslder1 it a privilege to be the wife of thla beauUful guy who took on the world with a nlnth i:ade educaU~ and a bole ln his aock. • \ .... !II buffet M.,. which '. The te WIS a lions, ~ of . e wet> David sister ( the on trip was a· e, .1h11 fl their '· ii b • tmneliy Coast xi, • ~!!.~· from ~ge at :d with 1n Viet· :ly. His learned 15 been ' ThJrty portlv" to live unity to xi could bu met end Ible ny best ler1 it a ltlUUlUT I ninth IOCk. • l 1. I I I \ I ' Wtdnesdq, July 2, 196' DAil Y PILOT :J3 • Ancho .S Lifting Weclcling Announced • _ .• : For AreavOWs Couple Ex(:ha·nge ~ows t ' Wl:LL DONE, SKIPPER .... Mrs. Henry Rondeau (center) ol the NewporC Chapter of VOWS, WhiCh will be launched July 9, and· Mrs. Ralph J. Gray (right) salute Mrs. Theodore E. Rath Jr. of Dana Poin~Jnunder of Volunteer Or1aniz"ition Women's Services and first president of the group. A luncheon . ·gathering 1n Mrs. Rondeau's lfDnl'"lfWill ~augur3te the new Chapter. t_ Family Fun Juniors Ju y 4 Plan s Exp oae ~R-ewoTdtng- The Fourth of July ,,111 not A bicycl: parade will follow Schol a-rs · -be.du!Uhis year for members _th~ jlJ!!~g .!!_ I~ ~:..m. and and friends of Newport Sh~:t "."~! be given ror th"! PromoLlng the-eduC'ltional, • , most ongmal, most humorous moral and civic life of the ASSOCJatlon. and most patriotic decora· community are members of -Thanks to the efforts 'of lhc tions. • _ the.___Seai Beach J_u n.:lo...r women's social committee. a Sack races , water balloon Woman 's Club, who recently whole day tif aclivities has battles, swimming and diving p~ scholarships to two been planned, beginning with contests and voUeyball will graduating seniors f r om • coffee and donuts • and a round out the day's activities. Marina High School. decorated ~icycle contest and Co.<:hairmen of the event Ronald Osborne, aon ol Mn. ending with a chicken dianer . are Mrs. Allred Rino and Allee Os~ and John Jay, A carnival in the clubhouse Afrs. Richard Metzker, and SOil of Mr. and Mrs. James with a red, white and blue assiSting with plans are the Jay, aU ol Seal Beach, will at· theme y,•ill be filled with game Mmes. Nelson Praigg, ~ohn 1'od Golden West Co\lep and booths, arKi hot dogs, popcorn, Bassham, Jack Smith, Jack were presented with cotton candy, pickles and can· Kasp¥rek, Gene Schiavona, scbolarahi!>' by Jun l o·r s • dy bars will be sold throughOUl James Rogers, Don Beckley educaUon co-dlainnan Mrs. the c!miVal setting. and Fred Kalinka;----Mike-Kaapp during an-awards assembly. · Osborne was a ~enct ma- jor in high scbool and will con- tinue in that field. Pa.st ac- tivities include the science and chess club, •and he wu nominated for the Gold Shield award. ·Jay Will study vocal music in conege. His .music • h9Dor1 while attending Marina High locluded three yean wllh the coocert choir, and be WU a member -ol-Marinen:; -tbe Southern Caillomia V o c a 1 AMociatton honor choir, anc1 • the Orange County choir. New Queen Selects Her Theme Showu's of ~ams hu been selected as her installation theme by Kathy M o s e s • Westminster, honored queen ~of Huntington Beach Bethel 321, International Order of Job's Daughters. Serving with MiM Moses will be the Misses Sheri Palmer, senior princess; Vic- toria McCargar, junior princess; Laurie Clark, guide, and Jaclde Johnson, marshal. · Appointed officers are the Misses Donna M o s e I , treasurer;-Dm1se Willia rps, chaplain ; Darcie Nicbo1as, recorder; Sh~ley Mer<dllh, mllliclan; Gloria Sc b I u D d, librarian; Terry How I e't t, Brenda Waring, Joye Croabj, Nedra Holnma and Denise Pack. meuengen; La u r a Blonksllain, Inner illonf: Sao- Ready !or~.-a Dana PofAI. -cil lhe ~W-..tay,Jll!rt,IO dlarlly and.lint p..-tn In St. Bonaventu·re s · lhe Neliport Beocb·dlipw ol lll~ V01'8 vows, ·--fO< -to .. .::: Volunteer Or I a ll-1sa-t1 ta worthy -~~=~~~= Women's ·services. a t -itl , wtlb ¥r& ·Henry liaodeau will ' _,, """1 oa -her ' Dover lllloro& --" -llllllJ. to welcome aboord new ~ lie JUI IS y-. lhe ll1q JJlllL .a!LJil_,,.., el .IL~ _ball J!!"" mem~ -............. the motod --llot,• lcr Ol'flllllilloa,.iiNif~1 charlllla -u Dabble H1lls, Enclilo and Nori' ~· Tlallaa1; The Holl)'Wood. Dolorto ~ The Boy'I Mn. RAlodeau, a VOft put Varl&IJ CIJbljl,, '!be Ex· preaidenl, hu neenlf1 moved ·cepljollll ~·· Founda-to the Newport Beach 11U 7ttoo. • ll1q wllh lln. Raymond A ........ to Mn. H .... nu, . Fine of ear-Itel Mar end the Newpod -c:llapler. Mn. Harry Jiau d Hill> 1-to malNln lhe .bfcb Uncton HarhcM!r; allo put llandardl d Ille lftlll'P.~and presidents ol the aroup, and wel ...... the WJll'Ofl Of lhe Mn. Theodore E. Ralh d co,nmunlly. • Bridal Scene fleets . . . .. Varied Hosiety · Hues -.. wm be mvled this Tndltlonal brldel will find seuon r.iriheir dresled up blue ""-' poaty · •·I-I b l'I'. The ioot rinces from detocha~ whlto i--. . appropNte: . . • ·eheer white -plain or RlmanlU: brldet will io.. delicately docor•ted :... to pile the white potlemed poaty - ta.,O,try col.,I ol pints. bluet,· with their mul-lenglh ,..... gretnS and yellow•. and baby caps. • Contemporary brideo th1a Sophlstlcoted brldet wtiose year wlll wear sheer wtifte booque~ a:J¥1 gowns may have knee ""'ts wllh !he ehort touches ot col..-will require 1 bridal gowns, ind they. won' sllCht colar cut on lhe!r lep. be hippies. Or, loog pull with Emliroidered bowl or fllf#ee -ilroventut 'ttaokH>e-gre:st-cfeslCns on. the 1nmp • .;1n....tlhee"er.,...! with clocb, row1-o,. dainty white would be another cho1ee. dabfea or 111bde pattemt wllh their curv<d or lone solo& up the aide ol lhe leg. bemlln ... • lb an early afternoon -Wore the a... ~ Rafmaad !/~ Colleen -p.,..... recited hlr ..-.., vows with ·scOtt L a..R u e ..,..._ Mor110 Jn St. Bona-t Calhollc 9hurch, Huntlqtoii: Beach. • The bride, daullilterod ,,, ... and MncDanlel £. Powen of Huntington ~ e a c b , "~ • -towonf t1iO altar de<Qrated wllh white mt.: yellow dalslet by her father. • Her new hoaband ll_the 110D al ' Mr. and ·Mn. l\1chard Morpa 1 cl Garden Grove. ; A tradlllol1al gown ol flQO< ~ cbaatllly lace over saUn':- wu cbofOti'bY the-br:ldi-. The- bodlce featund a acalloped neckline and long sleeve1 of ~ Her shoulder Jen,th white tulle veil was caught by a crown of lace and teed p..,.11, and the carried • IJciii. . guet ol lttphanoUs and baby'• l>reath ~tered with a white orchid. Flower; girl J,ynette. n,lelen wu Clad in a c:tre.s of chan- tilly laee-over taffeta &iJnllar . · to lhe bride's, While other "' bridal attendants w ore emembles of sheer yellow chiffon over satin and carried yeUow and white daisy bou- quets. The bride's mother fasllloned their bouffant head· pi~ of tulle .. Mias Debbie Gregson of Vista WU maid o! honor, and brlclesmaidJ included-I It e Misses Salli Patten, Jane -KoVacs -Md Lorr-un;~ . _.,,....,., denbergi!r. Junior brldesmaldl were the Ml!ses L a u r i e Powers and Patricia Morgan.; sisters of the newlyweds. : MRS. SCOTT LA. RUE· MQRGAN June Bride The bridegroom's brothor;_ _ l'afMorgan and John Meler of Garden Grove served as but men. Wade Powers, t h e bride'.! cousin;-Was-r-l n g bearer, and Ulbers lncluded Vince and Dan Powen, thO ~ MRS. GEORGE KENT POLLER To Tr•vtl AbroaCI \ San Francisco-Vows Recited , in Afternoon At home In San Francisco full Ml~ sleeves, and iW\fle untU September, when they satin 1ta1o headpiece caUJht will travel on a fellowship" to her lhort illurion veU. She Cfl'· Africa and points around lhe -.Ped ·• bouquet of butterlly world, are Mr. and Mrs. orchids and lillel of the vau 1 • George Kenl FuJler who were TiMf bride's three married in St. John of God, were her honor atteudan Newman Center Cat ho Ii c wearing highnecked and Chureh, Sen Franct..co. s1eeyed dmHo wllh ) wbl , The bildii, Dlaoe Catherine bocik'ts and yellow·sldtQ Goggio, ts the daughter of Dr. eel wJ UJ-.llime green· cum- Allred G<(llo ol Berkeley and ~~--'!:'."' .. .!'·~~ Mn. PhJUll Gogglo o f ~-·~ -~­Newport Beach . The Goglo from Newport Beleb, bridegroom'• parents are Dr. bridesmaids, and Mn. Remlt and lln. George B. Fuller ol Bablnlton ol Oakland, mllnon ScoUlblull, Neb. of honor. All wore ·fellow bride's brothen ud Stev6 Maybell. . ·Peering Around For a weddtn1 reception In the Meadowlark CowU.ry Club, where more than 8 relatives and iuuts presented con· gratulations; Miss Diane Ep- 'HOOS'roN Will I>< hi>mt-ior -Mr.JlllU! .... ~ A. W!i&hi who e1ch~ wedding vows ln the chapel of St. Andrew 's Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Wright ls the former Mrs. Schmitl Primm ol Sao Marino and Newport Beach and her husband is chairman of the board of directors of Humble Oil & Reflnlng Company, Houston. The newlyw eds honey- mooned in the Rocky Moun· tain. following lhelr family .ceremony, including a stop· at Banff Srpllll'. · Jl!ST RE'l'VRNED from Japan are Mr. and Mrs. Ryland Weston of Cost.a Mesa. Weston, a member of Billy Vaughan'• orchestra, joined Jn a second anrrual concert tour which included T o k y o , Nagoya, Kyoto, Kobe and Osaka as well as many smaller cities. '!be Westons enjoyed-a tour day stopover ln Hawaii en route home. VACATJ·ONING In Pemacola Beach, F I a . , n«Dtly_wn:.Jtr. ancLMrs. person took charge of the Ron Trepas Bild 'cltildren-em--guest boot. Out-<>f-town iUOlts Included c!Y, ~-0f c:.sta the-l><lde'• grandpareoll.-.Mr· Mesa. The famlly 'visited and Mn. EIUJ Powm_ ~bi northwest Florida's Miracle Palmdale; the bridegrooms .Strip which offers swimming, grandparents, Mr. "and Mrs. skiing fis.bini and surflnc and Harry Morgan of Sa n ta • · Monie-., and bJJ grandmother, is the site of h I s to r I c Mrs. Margaret Blue of LoS . landmarks. Angelel. Friend,, and relatives RECENT UCJ sraduate Lar· ry Maland, son of Mr. and Mrs.· Herb E. Maland of Newport Beach , will chaperone a group o f American Field S e r v I c e foreign ei:change s tu d e n t traveling to New York City .. -also-were---present-f-r-o-m-· llllnols, New York and ' Nevada. ' 'I1te bride ls a graduate of Marina High School. He w~ graduated from Loara High School and has attended Fullerton Junior College. · The couple plan to make' their: home in Calta Mesa. · From New York Maland will fly to Rome and spend the summer touring Europe. LAGUNA Hius residents _Disaster Courted. registering in . lhe San la • Don't court disaster ~ BaJ:bara Biltmore recenUy 'Don't store gasoline or were . Mr. end Mn. A. R. kemen. fn glass jup or bolo Benedict and Mr. and Mrs. S. ties· use either gasolstne M. Engen. terOiene to start the bu SAN FRANCtSCO visitors of trash, leaves or ba slaying in the Clift Hotel pill: Ule gasoline as • c recently were Dr. Allred F. Gogglo, and Mn. Goglo with daughter Diane Fuller of Newpo<t Be.a<!!._ Uncle Len _J)ffe(s Prizes l ' Semi ··- ' • Mr. and Mrs . Roy 8 . Carden cCll'l!eaarey,OU!ergiiifif;clliO dy Crouch, senior custodian, and M811 Burm, junior cuzto... dlan. ' Belhel iUardlan II . Mn . rn ... -in-marrtogt -by her headpiec>el and carried boa. father, the bride wore a full quell ol Yellow dailies. length a:own of white saUn Pete r M an de I or with a chapel trath of lact. HUlsborough wu best m311. ·Her fitted lace bodice featured Usherlnc were E d w a rd .Annual .·shoe Sale- SdmeJder d 1"s Anples and Danny Bever of San Fran- clsco. MEN'S WOMEN'S SANDALS ·ii • --·· " ' Open House Rec~ption For 60th Anniversary Mildred Brown, and ulocia1e guardian is John Palmer. Miu Moses' father, Willl,ara.. Moeea, Is woclate auanttan ol Bethel 120, Hunt1nctoo Beach.. Canadian Trip For Newlyweds A weddlnS trip to Canada A weddh!i r<e<plioo In lhe CUii Hotel followed the .~ W:rnoon ceremony' w b e., r e clecoratlom carried out the theme of white with tlCCenta ol fellow. D•US SHOIS .. J1 .tS 19i0 12'0 5'° 8'° & 12" 18" •· Celcbraling the special oc- oaslon of their 60th wedding anniversary were Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Carden of Costa Mesa, who entertained at an open house for family and !Mends. Married in Forney, Tex., lhe Cardcns have been re11i- "" ' dents 'Of ' C.OSta Meli for 15 years. Five o( their seven childml are living, three of them also Cosl.I Afesans. They Include Bill Carden, l\1rs. Celestine Binnlon and Airs. Austin Thornton. Two other SOflll, Jroy Carden and John Carden, reside In Tesas. • or the senior Cardens' t t grantlchlldren aad 15 great· grandchildren, severaJ a1so reside In Costa Mesa. They a.re Roy Dalts:in, Gene Gr.ant and Mn. Carolyn Sca-.gtt. Mrs. Arlls KeJ~u. who Uves in Riverside, also attended the 60th. annivcrw:y .rectpUon.. • Overeaten Every Monday at I p.m. memben 1alher in Anderson School auditorium. Westminster;-for meeUnp of Overeaten Aoonymou1 . Gueits are welcome lo atteod. Rebekah Lodge Triple Unt Club ol Mesa Rebel<eh l.odge has me.Unp • the fourth, MOl)Cfay at I p.m, In vartOus loclUOM. M r t . Douglu Morgan at 548-1131 mer be called for lddlUooal -·. ------------- followed the ~er na Ll.CbemnJW, dau ot Mr. and Mn. WlllWn .. myer of lmperill Vllley and granddaullilter .ol Mr.and Mn. W. E. Lacbenmyer ol Corona Ciel Mar, and Nonnaa K<lleJ . The R<Y. Edwonf Eppt GI· ficlated for , the cettmony ID San Dlegu!eto Bible Cburth. The bride II a. gra<llato ol Ce11ln1 Union lll&b Scbool and attended Oranp C o a 1 t College. lier, new husband .~ tended Oklahoma ' t • t. Uatv.nlty and w!U'ttlumt hll ttudln after compldioa ol b1I • terVlct dutlea. ' The bride 11 a I'-ol the Unfvenlty ol CoJ11«n1a School ol nuntns fn San Fran- ctsal, where the wu alllllil\O<( with Sigma Theti Tau: lier ..... hwl>lnd ... ...-ted from the llDIY<nfty • o I eaurom1a. Berkeley where he wu e1eded to Pbl Beta Kap: pa. He ' '1i ··~ the UnlYmlty el C 1 I I lo r n la Medical SdloGI· In San Fr.,.. cllco. . • . ( . Fotjowfng 1 wedding trip to Str~wbmy Lab the couple will remain la Sta Fraoclsco unUllhelr~ I; CASUAL SHOU .. 17.00 - \ CHILDREN'S r & '°' S~OI llfl .. 11.0f ou.n fe It.ti YA LUY te zt.H ,LO•SHllM, DI LISO, JOHANSON • t9Jl.M WnAUTT, llSfUI· ....... Dllcsafhtal ..,._...: ...... .--Al W. LllMI HEMPHILL'S 15'° 12" • COSTA ·MESA 101 NEWPORT AVENUE' TELIPHONI: 54S.9744 . . . -----=. ------·----·····-·····----.... • •• ' . . ' • • / I l I ' I I r· ' ; • --- . ' • -----... ......... ,,. ... ~ • ---... -...... ......-.. ....-......... ~--..__ ..... ............----~,f.'"'""....,.-:c.,..-::-;--~=-.c·,--, ....... ----------.... ---... -~ 1 .... - • Horoscope B~ SYDNEY OMARR ARiEs (!;arell 2l·April J9 )o u . ·~1 ·Colonists , ·Marriage Date Se.t TI1e engagement -Of Cla udel- le Marie Grana an'd Glenn C. Graham of ~lanhaltan Beach ihas-'been announced by ~1r. and Mrs. Gedrge A. Grana of \\."cslminslcr, parents f}f the b ride-elecl. ~tiss Grana is a gradute of La Quinta High School and !he ~range Coast College dental 1t5:istants' program. . Missing Kits Needed ~Her fiance, son of Mr. and trs. Alvin C. Graham of The American Society , Is South Laguna, is a graduate of asking Orange Coat resident3 Jluntingto n Beach High School to re\urn their Crusade kits sO and University of Southern lhe 1969 Cancer Crusade ma)' California's S c h o o 1 of be brought to an early close. 1 Engineering and where he af-Mts. Francis Berg., Costa - filiated · h Theta Chi. Mesa city chairman. reminds Th coup lan lo be mar-those with kits still out to can tled l.-18 in h~,Wintcrsburg U1e...volunteer whose name ap. , C.ommunlfy ).1 t.OOdlst Church, pears on lh e kit or contact the • Parents Find L'eorning Aids Large Sizes lnf•Y July .4tll ,.,. et the '*""' pkAlc ., ..... . Ow· ....... Jlelp, 'G . ' •' Fantington · 'ch. ACS office, 838-1510. ~~=---=--===-w.11~ -- •; . ·-" - .- Terii frem Sl.00 I 8ot+em1 f1am $5.00 I See by Today's Want Ads · I '~i;;:JV""=~ e Blo1v your O\\'O horn .• ,a ' ·, .. tenor saxophone, in good conchtlon. $95. • Many happy 1vlnncrs of frtt tickeL~ to lht-f'ire. ' '"or k s :o;pectaciilar _on July •-. . . • Perfect c;:ondition for the tliUo,-.tran 1ablii, G",:.tl chairs, CUilhiotl& and cof- fee tabll!. ., I ' I . 1805 .. Newport Blvd. ' Costa 'Mesa ' "l/t w..11· ...... J ... t .. .s.-t" • ' •. > , Hovr11 9:30 to 5:30 Frldoy to 9:00 ' Ah•: JZ4 O~lr M•ft, ,.lltne11 • ISiml L!!J •• \' • •· Cust9ms Vary With Locale ~~Ne~· 'Plumag~ for · Bri.da·I 1'arty ---~ WEIGHI~, WATCHERS.· ~ Some talking, somt listenin g and • program tnat'fftli;b.-1111 FRIE IROCHU~-CALl 835-5505 ·sears ~--._· -___ . ---' First Time Ever At Sears! Alk About Sears Converueut Credit Plans ' F"or: Patio Ba11ement Garage Cars Firepl1ees Worluhopt C:rau Clipping1 llick.11 Up Gfag~ Too Clll-:Cf, 1111-.~L 01 T ."i 'I \ \111\c; Fl·.\ 11 HI-:~ •Powerful mnlor· e Holds.S.gallone or debrit • Clo1l1 fiht r proLcc ~ motor ' •Cyclonic cleaolnr; action • HiJ.;h in1p1tet Cycolac• hbu&ilig •Seamless and acid-refl:i&lant Phone to Reserve Yours Now! • 21h-in: dian1eter ho~e, 6-ft. lon1 · •No du~t hap. empties easily Satisfaction Guaranteed · ' ---. or Your Money Back SeaTS Shop Monday thra ~nrrd~7 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. IEAU, IODVCI: .4ND CO. ' 1., -~--' -~~ "'1'..,'_;•_,:_ ___ ,_ . ' . ll ~ . " • ! > d •• • II n •t J 1t .. s • • 1t .s y II e y • .. l lf g » g l · ~ g n » I I I .. .· ' ' • .... lZ PILOT-ADVERTISER Ylcdn!sdl't', July ~ 1~9 £_..__ccc-.-'-'CC..C=------· '---~...._,_,=~ ... ~ ·""' WedlltSdly, Jufy 2. 1969 DAILY PILOT :tj • Fish .. Di.s_h Grear for:-Cooking Wi·tn ·Cha rc oal • 1!' you ire like milHoru or 2 tablespoons lc:rnot1 Julte nudning lngredienls and sitl"I· sauce for b1srtng. Pla'ct fish Oakes easily when t&s~...wlU1 slen\!-tnd-pleece, drained n1ove nlJRt-fron1 shells, Re· b'eat:. F'tll shells with c r I b <liners "rho have lel, ~he ~,tablespoon Worcestershire n1er ror 5 minutes, sti rring oc.· in well-gre:i5ed, hinged wire a fork. Se,rves I. ... 2 tablespooos melted fa l move 8.ny earlllage and cu l mlxlure1 Spi:lnklc with pa pri· fucookoo1 t become a 1 ~ouUnc (sabluce .c1·ns~onul!Y· C?<>I. Cul1ftcaks ind-grltls. STU.FEED KING 2 ~~bol~n.vm. !lour meat into 'h·lnch piet.-es. Cook l(a., PJac;c stuffti:d crab legs on net on of summer lv1ng -1,; 14' espoon sugp.r o serving-size por ons an COok a.boot 4 inches from "' .... rvv.... mushrooms in fat for S min-a gr!\1, shel1 side ~own, about DON'T BE! Get hold or 2~~aspoons ~alt Place iii a single layer lh a CRAB LEGS i,; teaspoon salt yourself before it's too late, or ~teaspoon pepper shallow baking dish. moderately hilt coals for I 3 packaies {12 ounces each I 1 cup milk . utes. Blend in nour and salt 4-lncl\es trom moderately ho\ you may _ become an Thaw frozen steaks. C~ Pour sauce over fiih and lei minutes. Baste with. sauce. ~. -(NIM<-k~ 'f,...c1lJLll'~ cheese Add milk uaduaUY and eook co&l't - anonymous race in lhe cookout on(On. green' pepper apd garlic stand for 30 mil'\U~, turning Turn and eook. for 7 lo to tral:t.lm • Paprika . ·until tblck, stirriilg constant-l:felt fQr JO to 12 minutes • crowd. in ·rat unlll lender. Add re-QDCC. Remove fish , reserving minutes longer or until fish • J can 1 1 .pncesl mustiroom Thaw ff'01en "t'f'ab legs. Re-Jy, Add cheese ind crab meat ; Serv~ I. Tun• WMJdorf Salad Is a ...::;___::::_.:::::_====-=-==-~~.~ ... :ii.~===-==--=~-=-::::==--:..:::::-:.~;::==:=::..::::----:-==::::.=::....:=.;:.:-=-=;:.::-:=:..:_~_:;:~::;:;--;::::'"'--:--;:;;::;:::---::-­ brighl summer salad. lhat is ccooOl:nical, quick-to-fix, and derinilely exciling lo the taste buds. Diced apples, chopped celery, nullneaLs, lettuce and 1nayonnai.ie, topped with me::i- ty chunks of tuua are the in- gredient!! of imagination. Barbecued Ha libut Stt:uk.~ - have a tantalizing open·air flavor thar will set summer appetites on a rampage. Tender halibut steaks are marinated in a barbecue sauce that feiitures chopped onion, ~reen pepper. tomato sauce . garlic, lemon juice a n d Worcestershire sauce.. then basted 'n barbecued to palate- _J!leasing perfection over the coals. • Stuffe d King Crab Legs are smashingly gallant at an "ou1- of·lhe-ordinary" so rt of <.'OOkout. The precooked frozen 'king cr:ab legs can be purchas- ed at any local seafood s pecia l ty s tore or su~rmarkeL Here. l h e crabmeat is first removed fl'Oln tht·shells, cut into pieces and combined with cooked mWlhrooms, flour, milk, and grated cheese In 3 flavor-rich mi:a:ture that is heated then placed back in the shellS lo be grilled over the chareoal. TUNA WALDORF SALAD 2 caris · (61/.z or 7 ounces ""' each ) funa - 1 cup diced apples 12 cup chopped celery 11t cup chopped nutmeats ~"1 cup mayonnaise or saiad _dressing._ Lettuce Drain tuna. Break into large pieces. Combine a I I in- gredients except lettuce. Serve on lettuce . Serves 6. BARBECUED llALIBUT STEAKS 2 pounds halibut steaks ·or other fish steaks. fresh or frozen • t cup chopped onion l tablespoons chopped green pepper I clove garlic, finely chop- ped 2 tablespoons melted fat or oil I can (I ounces) tomato iiauce . Lucky Find 9054 SIHS · 8.16 Aren 't you glad your 'eye happened on lhis lively, young shape now? Front seaming create! a placket look, zips quickly up back. Send now! Printed Pattern 9054 : NEW lltisses' Sizes I, 10, 12, 14, 16. Siic 12 (bust 34 ) lakes 2\~ yards 45-jnch fabric . SIXTY-FIVE · CENTS • i n coins for each pattern .-add 15 cm~ for each pattern for first-elass mailing and speciill handling; otherwise lhlrd-elass delivery will take three weeks or more. Send to Marian Martin. the DAILY PILOT. 442 Pa1lcrn Dept., 232 West 111.h St., New York. N. Y. 10011. Print NAME. AD- DllEM with ZIP, SIZE """It--.. STYL~ NUMBFR. Spring.SQinmer P a l t e r n catalog. Free pattern coupon. 50 cents. INST ANT SEWING BOOK acw today. w.ear tomottow. SI. .·New INSTANT FASHION Book answer• all wha1-to-wear problems. Double wardrobe! Accessory, flpre Ups. fl .. FRYER BREASTS·fmh ~.,;,.-::: .. lb 63( . HA MS Hollmo: ~~~~,;,~:.::::::: .. ;-; .. ., ~.~9( FRYER WINGS '"'h o.,d,A ...... ,IP 24 ( HAM ' Sll CES Coo\"t"' ....... ; •• .,:.lb.111 ROU"P STEAK c'''"'"nc,, ...... rb. 98c GROUND ROUNf>r, .. 1;;'.'"''';' lb.89< ' . RUMP ROASTchoi"•~••o ....... lb.98( SLICED-8ACON H .. ••'"''''"·····'b.67c HAMS HollmooShoolP";;,, ....... : ..... lb55( BONELESS HAM ~:;~:.~1!1: ... 1>.12' F:R_Y:ER P AllT'S .. ''.. CUSE STEAK ckoi<0,l••'"'"' ...... lb.131 FRESH FROZEN TROUT ~!.~;; •. .79< . . ·• ... ·t·-· FRESH . -GRADE 'A' IN ~. < I .. CANNED KAM ·· HOFFM AN -AL L MEAT •NO WA STE• • ~· , Thighs Legs LiVers lb. I s I · LB . 11!--ov.At ~ ~TIN e . . _ .P_OT A TO . SA..LAP .;r .. 'l_ 2 ~i s 9< --wa·E~·1~r-.A MERICAN-. . -49( -_. SLICµl-MEATS~o;;;";.~··:~.',.; .. A-,L 1.... CHIPPED MEATs ~·~·;·;i;~ ...... 3 /1. . :n ;l\~-BRAND •...••...•• LB... PARTY DIPS Alb"""'5V"·"·"······3/1. 'Save lll;~bertson's IN~TANT C-OFFE h.boo l~········ LAWRY'S Ml X ~~~p:·J ... _. 1 112 o •••• B OW!ilE MIX ""''."""'" R W .. 1 .. v• l •~·<II, 21~1, ~ Ot SHES w .1 ~ ... Ho• o~Q '·~ ... , RELi Ot t1<l1"D·,'•9-. J2 01 •••••••••• MARSHMALLOWS , •• ,,., 1oo. KOTEX .,,,.,it .............. : .... BBQ SAUCE ..... 100,. ............ LARGE RED VINE RIPE POUND 011•• ... '"n ,11a 1" 1" 25• 231 69< 591 35< 331 29 ' 23! 41 ( 39! 43 < 38 l ·-.. . Save at AlbeFtson 's Save at Albertso n's OTWI ... Save at Albertson's on•-... 01111• .. Pl !(I Pll(I ,~1a . , .. a '''a '"" •· INSTANT TEA ,.._,o, ...........• 1 J3 1" COFFEE ,.;,,,~.,•.•· ............... 69 " 591 Tl SSUES c;i..11 .. n fouol 200• •••••••••••• 29 < 261 FOIL WRAP .,~ ...... ' Hfl>•y P.'11}RoM ••••••••• 53• 49! COFFEE ... lb•·"""' 211.. ,,~ •••••••••••••• 1 " 1 '' PEARS C0<k O' T~• Wol• 1 1.2 ,,,,,,,,.., 49 ' 39·1 SHORTENING "'""'"""·"'········ 75• 671 COFFEE J,lb .. 11on'131b.!1n,,,., •••••••••• 1 '' 1" NIB LETS CORN .,o, ..•........ : 25' 221 CHUNK TUNA , •••• ,, .•. ~. 31 • 301 MIXEQ NUTS ., ..• , .. .," o•.·: ..•••. 79< 691 GARLIC SPREAD ,,~,,,o .. 35' 331 • li9lt11o1 ... t I,:·. • •••• •., • 721 MUSTARQ ,,.,..h·,eo,i ................ 21< 191 LUNCH MEAT ,.; .. ,,, .... .,o ...... 45 ' 431 BREAKFAST ,_,.,,, .. -....... : 79' DETERGENT "'""' 'I, ..• . 59• 491 CHARCOAL """'""""·'"········· 99< 79l CAKE MIXES ,.,..,,,,,,. .......... 39' ·351 C•••'I. full Quo•• .......... JELLO A»o!l•d j,~,, fl<1-• 6 01. •• ••,,,,,,,, /43< 201 TOMATO JUICE "'"' "' ......... : 41 • 34~ HA NDI WRAP "''·" ........... 55 ' 491 • • WE WILL BE OPEN JULY 4th CHECK YOUR LOCA~ STO.RE for HOURS -· ALBERTSON'S ' ICE CRE4M GALLON ~ HAlf 59 f lAT sw1n·s FUDGESICLE 1:e~~~~ 25~ A STICK VAN de KAMP COD ~~T~K: 56~ 9 OZ. PKG. . NEW LOW PRICE PARTY TIMI Cocktails HAif PINl TH-I 89 ~ OAIOUIRl·MA.RGArf'IT A . " CH Ill & MAl\TINl·SCREWORtVER . ' , ENJOY ' Falstaff Beer .,..1,, ,1.,o .... · ...... 1°' VAN de KAMP HALIBUT SPRINGFIELD • LEMONADE SOllO· 77 All WHJTE ~ 80l. PKG, .. G.O' 10> PINK ,. l!I OZ . HOT DOG OR HAMBURGER • FRESH -LARGE SIZE-RE ADY SLICED ...................... . . . ·, . ;::t ;RICES· GOOD JUiy 2111 • July a ' EA. Huntin9ton -Bch -15511 So: EdwarCls Laguna Beacli ....;, 700 So. Coasf'Hwy."' Fountain Valley -16042 Ma9nolia Huntincj+on Beach ·':""" 8911 · Aclcimsi I • • • I ~ • ,.. -I • • ~ I • ·---~-----------~----------··-·----------__._ __ ~ ----------------·----------------------·--------- • I I • I • . ,, ' • _n OAl~V PILOT -oe/ectahle New Way With Old Breakfast Favorite • Honey ' Butter and Strawberri .es Perk 1Up Pan ~ak es . ! Pancakca were popular 111 • wqon.wheel days -and suu .... torrtel temper a I u re by AND HONEY BUTTER 3 lablt11poona: salad oil sifl together flour. remaining I srnooth as possible : disregard,, pancukes-4 serving'.'!. sprinkling a few drops DI ~Id I ptnt fresh lltra\vberrirs, J tableipoon graled lcn1on tablespoon sugar, baking any very !l:rnall lum~ • HONEY BUTI'ER p.nc.ktJ lll't' 11 spech1I JUY to .make when you have an electric griddle. \\'ater on the heated surface; sliced • rind powder and sail. Using 3 tabfespoons or bat~ 1:1 pound (I stick) buller if the water buzzes around ~ tablespoon:i llugur ltoncy Buller, Set> be'uw In a small bo'\\'I. beat egg f h · .... 2 table!pOOns honey .. btfore evaporating, tht grid· l 1 1 cups sifled lloor ~1hc strawberries with 1 )1ntll it begins lo thict:en and i! ter or ~ac. pancake, lad.le on· Cream • butter. Grapually die should be bot enough for 2\:i tCaspoolls bakini; 111,1~1ltr tablespoons of the sugnr an:f lcma11 color; add milk and oil lo hot lightly grea~ griddle~ bcRl in honey unti l the th9r- Ordinary g·rlddles userl on -toP. ot tbc range t;bould be heated slo\Yly . Test for the baking the pancakes. ~4 teaspoon &a.It let stand-at room temperature and beat to combine,_ Slowly bake until brown on botlo1n: oughly blended. Suve with LEMON PANCAKES I egg tor about 30 minutes. stir into .flour mixture with turn and brown olher sides. Leznon PBncakts and ,straw- "wtTH STRAWBERRIES 11/.i cup:; mllk Jn a medium mixing bowl lemon rind, mi:zing until as Makes about 16 rather thin hcrries. -=""""'-~~-'-~ -~~~~-"c..:..~~'TL-=::::.-=::.:-...:::::;;c...:;;;::...:c=::<-==-.:::...~c==-c~.cc.... • ..:::c::_;..;.;;__-"-."""~~~-+~-1 • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • ... • • • • • • .. ... .. • • .. .. ... •••• __. * *. ** ••••• •• • Chuck Roasr-''f':," -59~ Ground Chu~k 77~ .. « \IONS TAILE KING or APPLE VAllEY' : Young Hen Turkeys .. .. ,.,.......,...,r.....,m1."-m::: 1C 11 ll. AVG, LB. ··~*~·········································~~ '~,. .... ~ * '• .. .. .. • .. .. .. FOR YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING-~ONVENIENCE ALL ·$TORES WILL BE OPEl\l .FRIDAY, JU,LY 4th FROM 10 A.M •. TO q P.M • RIB OR SONEilSS FAMIL_Y .. ~ ... .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. ... .. .. .. ,.. j .. .. • .. .. • .. .. ~-~. • • .. U.S.D.A. CHOICE-LEAN, TENDER t;.Bone Steak __ _ -$_f39.~ lb. . • -..~;,,,J US DA. CHOICE $ 55 : A BARBECUE FAVORITE Porterh-ouse Holiday Specials lb • ' 0 "' "'" "" 0 69' Boqeless Round Slk. •.1i11 • • • 1-lB, PKG. CIKick Steak 'ltl' • 591 'op S1rlo1n lb. : ~~;~...:WE'RE BURSTING WITH BARGA INS t OR THE 4TH • MAYONNAISE QUA<! 45c CATSUP H-OLsor. 17c ~ VONS COFFEE ~",!!~,: '"· "" 55' TOPS 'N POP BEVERAGES ,,.,.. 1D~,':,f 89;: 591 : t Produce Picnic Spec ials ~·. WA--rERMEl.·o .. HOME PACK PLATES • ·-·. • • t' .. • :,. • r • .. .. .. .. • .. .. ~ .. .. :1' .. ... .. .. ... ~ ... .. ;. .. :• .. ... '• ' ... "" . .. "" ... .. .. .. .. .. .. • • .. • • • .. •• .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. 18·22 LB. AVG. WT. ~ ~\·~ ~~\.' Ba kery Coo kool Fa vorites BUNS HAMBURGER Ol HOT DOG • -LIQUOR FEATURES ' BOURBON OLD CO LONEL TYLER Straight Kentu.cky 4 YRS. OLD-86 PROOF " MEDIUM PITTED OLIVES ;:.~'""' ,~':: 36' MOREHOUSE MUST ARD ,.~,. ,,, 29' MORTON CREAM PIES "~'· 28' BARBEQUE SAUCE ~·;:~. BEACH BALLS BEACH TOWELS ASSORTED FLAVORS ' Jerseymaid Sherbet . ;1 GAl. .. .. .. • .. ... • • • .. • .. • .... .. • • .. .. .. .. • .. • • ' WITH SALLIE THE 111\lt: IS TO;'!IOHl~O\V 10 put In Ill<-big food IUP- ply fol" HI(< !''ourth of Jullfi \Ye thought It \\l\'.luld be ni~ lo· clo~ the f'ourth, 10 Y.'• c.-ould aU Cl'lebrate the birU..- dny or 'our wonderful United State.~ . The f'ourth Iii i;uch a Jubl- lallng day for the truly l1merican way of putt.Inc on a feed v.·c aU love so much. Families aa!her together • mom and dad, the grand· folks and the kids ... l::v- crybody tolC"S somethlnc : .• a watemwlon under !he ann . .. a platter of fried chic~ rn . . bii:-bowls ol potato sal;id 01· beam . . \Vhat hin, 11'hat food. cye11 spar- kles, laughs rift; and there is joy in everybody's heart . ffA\\',\.JI H~Rt; Wt~ . OOJ\(}; On !he rourth, the Tratu: Pac race will be under w1y. Galleys will be contentedly filled with rood sea faring foods under the guidance . or f''rank Spielberger and hit crew. Takes a heap of plan- ning lo fl'ed a crew for 71 days. The record &all to Ha· 1vaii is 9 ·days, most ol '™' baata..bope to roa.k,f!_ it in l2 10 14 days. but the Coast Guard requires them lo take •along enough food ror 'll . Once you'tt out lherr-0 • you make do "'1th what you'\•~ J:Ol-llbottrd 7 .• f'IO"'"f'Ulllling back for matches or a.~pirin. (OAl.J,f;V RAPI'Y TALK Ton1a1or11 arc packed in three stages of a;reennesl'i, so are melon:oi, peaches, plums and nectarines. Bread in our bakery i! baked in 11 special Way and double wrapped to stay fresh and beaulllut durifll the v. holc route. Be<:au!e refrigeration and freeu:r space is Hn1i1M •.. lhe more \~ight the I~ $~ . . Canned pcnsh- ables arc high on lhc popu. larity lists ... WouJd you Qe. lieve canned whole freM milk righl from lhfo C.'O""· half and half, v.·hipplng .1.:ream_a.nd e't'tn !KXlr cream . TH.f: 1,()()KJNCi IS A llAPPll:NlNG t:ven if you don't own 11. boat, flounde r a while In our canned 1nea1 section. You'll Bnd whOle boned chickens, ' pork roasts, 111.rkey roa~l.'f, and b e e f roasts. Bacon come.~ already fried in a can, so does Canadian bacon, and Salisbury s ! ca ks tn mushroom gravy, f.fore uuusualitle5 in cans ... Tuna salad and crean1- rd I una, saln1on steaks, even lortillas in 2 sizes. You 'll 5f!e canned !Magna, ravioli, spa· ghctU and meal bll.Ils ..• bean salad, also macaroni salad. and potalo salad. How .about jellied tomato salad cilill con qucso. and ctioco'. lafe or 1ice pudding ready f() open and rat, lemon and French Vanilla too. \Vant ai milk 5hakf' :" You can have it canned, Vegetables and fruits are PN"lty mwch e~ry . where unless you are 1ttk· ing zucchini and golden wa.'( beans or pitted bing cherrirl'I or cannonball, .'lpcciaJ super ool~sal ripe olives . ADD WA1'ER WATCH rr ~iltOW t'rceze-dried foods rale high on sea-farlll&" J ia:ts too . .. less wtighl. le~ room , .. 1he real outdoorsmen·1 Ooon, A bacon l:ia.r ii a real gem. e11rn al home on the range, lo grate in egr.~ . crumble lnlo vt!gctables. or sprinkle on cheese sand· wictK>s, F.nough bttf!leak ro scr\'e 2 weighs 2 ount"f'.'1 . soak fivr: mlnu~ in 1vater, add enclosed P1rkrt of sea90lting, cook 3 minute. . Even salad mL'<t:I con18 frC'ezr dried in a can wjfh a scpararc pucket of dtt111 ini . .. your pick o! ham , tunit, egg, chicken, 11r crabmf!at- Sl!afood . O:'<E STF.r FURTHER .. .. Galley Slavf dof-1 complete frC'r.211!-dfY mr.Ala in little eel· lo packr:b. Add water and shake or heat . . Aloqr with chicken 1tf'w yOO·u find a Roml.la r Cold Capsu les '"". '""' STAll( '"'""' CHIFFON STA~ M 8 bbl 8 ,.., .... ,, muhed ""''· Green Pea5 fllADOa i:~ 31f.~~· 2 1oe: 35« M r. v 9 ~•.oi. 8' ii.oz. 38!1 IOl!s, another of pea .oup, .. G p ., a rg a rine Olive Oil Stor Red Wine Vinegor 11.0L • • reen eas '°'11 t'.t.H 23' •-Ol. 171 .1. . k plus cracktra, hot chocolate • 12.cT, Pi:G. 99¢ 29 Pa o IC Sta-Crisp Crac ers 1-1.1 291 it and orange C-jel deuert, "' • REG. t.09 VOfl low rrk• . , ....... , , . . . . . Golden Corn Ou.M mu lit c.AH 3Sc :m. 22• son Slice ' Jl.OL,, 1.39, ..0L .... ~7c White Kin Deter ent GtAHr ' 69f. * The whole thilljt weia:hl I~ • • · Golden Kernel Corn 2141 J]f. 303 22• tHCL 1• OH 1 ib. 16-0L ... 95c i.oz. ..•. 29c 9 9 • ourx.-es. Somt' have cof1ee • * t • * • • tt • * • * • t tr* t ~* • * • * * * * * * • -t * * * * * * * * 1t * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * *·* * * • * * * * * • • * • • • • * • * • * * * * • * * * * * * • * * • • even, and cottqc chtt11:. f 011 Adam·s Ave., al Bfookhllrsl, Kunlingfon Beach 5922 Edinger Ave., at Springda.le; HunfinglOn Beach Ing f!Vf!rythlng. cwn carmM 17950. Magnolia; foun lain Velley j ..i~,~~·~;~!';",.:.:': ~401f Doheny Park Drive, Capislrano Beach . -. ' I l108~ . Beach Blvd ., Huntlnqlon Beach ,_''h•"'•"'"'•"'•"·-· ,I .. , ,....__.__, ...... . • • • • DAILY PllDT 37 -.( PHONE 673-6360 FOR HOME DELIVERY PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 3, 5 I I • WE WILL BE CLOSED ON JULY 4TH . . ' ~mf SANDWICH •ERFECT Buttermilk Bread 45c DE~ICIOUS '(;ITH CHICKEN • FOR JUL'l'3th BREAKFASJI _ Blueb,rry .Muffins--'-.J91. 2 YOU'LL LOVE OUR DATE-NUT POTATO ROLLS 6,.,31c DESSERT 'LOAF 89c . ' ' mna • -,:, 2 OOZEN I I ·1 • 9r91n ,_ Serenade For YoU., Pleasure LIDO M~1 1,KET CENTER ~ il~D ROSES ' : '1~98 • I I I by Bernice Fey NEWPORT BLVD'. A HE ENTRANCE TO unn l SLE ~~~ JUST IN TIME FOR A JULY ~th OUTING RED, RIPE, WHOLE ONLY ' Watermelon LB. 41h¢ • r GOO D WITH GRILLED MEATS -ZUCCHI I' SAUTEED IN OLIVE OIL WITH GARLIC, SALT •- & PEPPER, SPRINKLE WITH LEMON. Zucchini Squash La .. 19¢ GARDEN-FRESH, CRISP, TENP~R ROMAINE _ 2_EOR 25¢ FIRM , RED RIPE, CHERRY -IOMAIOES '~ASK~~ m~~Mn~~ EVERYBODY'S FAVORITE! MINUTE MAID Lemonade 6:.. 10 FDR $1 MINUTE MAID LEMONADE .... 2,..39c • SARA LEE CINNAMON ROLLS .... 59c KERN 'S SLl):ED STRAWBERRIES .... 4, .. $) ' MORTON HONEY BUNS. ••• 2, .. 49c . MORTON 20·•'-. Macaroni & C.~eese 3 ,../'1 READY FOR HAMBURGERS! ORE-10:1.' ' Crinkle Cut P9tatoes 11>. 39c BIRDSEYE PEAS BIRDSEYE CORN .... 6, .. $1 BIRDSEYE CHOPPED OR LEAF SPINACH ,;.,, 6r .. $1 BIRDSEYE ' PEAS qnd CARROTS ..... f -,., $1 ~~~,~~~~ ALL-TIME PICNIC STAR! . 1 ,'tF"' OS~AR MAYER AtL MEAT f ~LL BEEF WIENERS l -I~ ~ I 6911 ' RATH ALL MEAT or PURE BEEF SLICED BOLOGNA 12:" . 69¢ BOB 'S SALAD DRESSING ) I Bleu Cheese 1 ~ 69¢ KRAFT CRACKER BARREL, S~ARP Cheese Stick 1~.. 79¢ ' FOR HAM or TURKEY SANDy.'ICHES KRAFT NATURAL SLl~p I ·swiss Cheese · :6«-49¢ BITE SIZED SNACKS FLAVOR TREE 5-oz. . • f I I Sesame or Onion Sticks 2,..89c I . I ' ' • •I I " •• , I 2 • llVl I STIR-srirttLID . ~11 -- BE GLAD YOU "ARE AN AMERICAN! BE GLAD FOR-WHAT THIS COUNTRY ALLOWS YOU fO DO FOR YOURSELF -THE FR E E D 0 M AND OPPORTUNITY WE ENJOY. ~ CELEBRATE THE 4th WITH AN OLD. FASHIONflD PICNIC •. _, -~~· QUALITY IS ECONOMY! GOOD EAtff-IG & NO WASTE! BAR-M, PRIME EASTERN HAM, HICKORY SMOKED, BONELESS WE'LL BE HAPPY TO SLICE IT FOR YOU! liiii!§I~ ii • §it 'iljl FULLY COOKIDI ~W(.O~G}J ~PERFECT PICNIC FARE ~2 O< lj4 HAMS EASTERN GRAIN-FED PORK, THE BEST EA TING SPARE RIBS Brush with 1 tw .. t & sour gl11e 1 ZACKY FARMS , LOCAL CALIFO~NIA ~ ' I . ' • Fresh HEN TURKEYS Ro11t Ahead for Picnic Turkey Sandwiches ZACKY FARMS, FRESH CALIFORNIA • ,J, SPLIT BROILERS AL~ REA~i. TD BARBECUE ALL READY FOR THE cooKOUT! 2 LB. B6x HAMBURGER PATTIES 10 Per Sox Lean GROUND BEEF SS'LB l 019La. scrLB. FOR AN ELEGANT HOLIDAY DINNER-CHOOSE ONE OF THESE! LONG ISLAND DUCKLING .; ••••• 11 ................... ?8Cu. STUFFED CHICKEN BREAST wll• ,.,.., P•ni.y ........ 1.19 LL STUFFED CORNISH GAME HENS 111 "" '" it ...,. '•" ,_ 69c Lt. BEEF ROULADES Tl1MIM Tr'" ef bftt wltll 111CCl&lfft 4retli11t U.S.D.A. PRIME BE F, TOO! Baked Ham ,Sliced Turkey Potatoes Baked with Chei .. e Sauce & Green Chilies Tossed Salad with Cherry Tomato!• -Olives Pickles · A selection of Fresh Breads Watermelon • -- ....... '-!M~l! LINDSAY LARGE PITIED · RIPE ·OLIVES · 300 39¢ N.-.LLEY'S BEAN SALAD u v ••• 3 ..;$1 NALLEY'S Macaroni Salad .. •••• 3 ... '1 NALLEY'S POTATO SALAD - HEINZ HOT DOG or HAMBURGER RELISH 11 v.-oa. " KNUDSEN -l:A BON----SUTIER ...... 83c SUNSHINE . HI-HO CRACKERS .... _ 33c •• '---MUGGINS YOUNG--· ---· r ----- • Mocha Java Coffee ; ·LL 69c -C.-.L-FAME ASSC>ll;T!!H'U.VORS-- FRUIT DRINKS .... 4 , .. '1 · • ·3 FLAVORS ·Fiddle Faddle Snacks .. _ 3 ... '1 LAURA SCUDDERS PARTY MIX NUTS u .. 69c CAMPFIRE . MARSHMAl;LOWS' , "' 2.wr39'-. ' KING osc.-.R SARDINES 1¥• •• 3 , .. '.1 SPENCER, QUEEN OR.'M.-.NZANILLA • STUFFED '0l1VES . ' ~.Hi. -~c FRENCH'S 1.2-oz. ___ •• _ • ' ' ·' Pump Pack Mustard CLIFF-CHAR CHAR'COAL BRIQUETS --1 ~1b.. -~-9¢ FOR THE BARBECUE. REYNOLD'S 18"xl5' Heavy Duty Foil 59c .. · Vegetabl., can be sauteed in • sm•U amount of oil •nd rei1fn color, crispness & vitamins. Pin . & ring + recipe book. 4.00 2 SJ& Ff! 22 27 I 0 4ls1i0: SSL 0 ACFl 2 Uc' 12102 0 Lt s•z ilLCU 2 liUIEIDL LIUUVIU u'ioo •u JfJZOP ?f&F1P h an 22 2 i 727. J .,. SJJP'S ;., u niiia•,, q•• \dli IIJAS• ' Mi ti . ~;.j..;..~ MARKET HOME & ~I.FT SHOP " LIDO YACHT SHOP, -ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR FLOWER SHOP OPEN, DAILY 9-7, SUN. 9-6 OPEN DAILY 9-6 OPEN D.-.ILY 9-6, SUN. ID -! DAILY 9-51lO, s.-.r. 9-5 OPEN DAILY 9.6 • • CLEANERS .. DAILY l :J0-6, s.-.r. 1110.1 .. r ' ' • J • - ------------------------ -----·---------~-~~-----------------------•-t_ --- ' .~ : • -. t • • I ~· I • • I c 4 sqe;o:;s s •• es 0 • ••••• .. ••-- ' == a JC ---"-,....._ • . ALLMEA't~' WIENERS -IAl-M BUUC-IUY, • ·- THE LI. OR 5-LB. BOX. 53e I LB.· f~-. .. SLICED BACON-·,,-:- . PENNYWISE IRAN.Q :EAL SMOKEHOUSE FLAVOR c ( HILLS BROS. COFFEE • w ....... + + ~: . .$16~ le:-~-- HUNT'S BEANS .~'::tt~:, --2 J.<>g 37' HUNtS.iUDN~Y.BEANS • 2 J~3.9' HUNTS POTATOES NEW •• _ 2 ,1og 33' HUNTiS SPINACH ---.2 J.<>g 37' HUNn:i;AT$ile -··--------, '''' 2~ TOMAl'..0,f ASTE liu;r, ______ · ,;:°' 31~' HUN'tl.S:JOMATO JUICE ___ ,, o<31' MAYONNAISE ~'AFrs ... 1-....:.-.. 32 oz,59' -coa -N c ' . LARGE · . --.... ---• ' I ' • , .. • " . . ... _, • .. ' . l • , ~ UND--CHUCK EAK ·ROAST U.S.D.A. CHOICE 0!1 . ~TA TU lll05. llB'~ . , 8,c .. I '~IO~~. BONEWS ......... :.-...... LB. 9.9' . U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR S!i-TER aROS. Ct11!.IF,~ IEE!' -._ :•c ,1 LB. GROUNUANIJED ·BEEF · HAM FRESH • LEAN DRICIOUS GROUND HOURl Y PAJRICK.i:uDAHY CVOKED llONELESS READY TO EAT !!~!~.~:BROS.:~:1'9· ;.13!. 3~~ (!() .: . . j . re. ~ UIDAC>tQ:ICIOIS'f•Tll~S~IUP 89C U$0AOQCIOISTATllllOS.lllF 59· C ~~~ r.il· RUMP ROW ..... -......... LB. IOUND'BONE ROAST __ ,,LB ' • 11¥'1 MCGW.'s"11>1¥Lllllf -67c IONRJISl8f$HOU.•. • ft fie i\_, DINNER FRA•S .................. Le. ROU.ED RO~T -·-·-·t•~~ "'..'' ·MAHf(AnANfHSHOfUI 35c • IAST9NSM4 LL4lANl.MIATT . .&.ftc _U.'llR.SAUSAGE._ ... 10-0z.c "-_suu R•s~ ... -........... .t•U.."7 1WMI051CA.~ . . . ftC HOIMR'Scutlll IONB.US J ,. 39 • SLICD •.ACON . ..~"d-:' "J[: TAVERN HAMS ..... -....... te ~--~ OURIEST . , 29C PICKLES. REGUUIROR 22 -0Z. 1 KOSHER DILLS •. ___ ... _,, ___ JAR . OBERTISELECTPITTED ,, 39c VE C . TALL . RIPE OLI . ,.. T"~.-..... -. ........ , .... _ CAN ' FARMEl!_BOY.LARGEBAG . . 59c POT A TO CHIPS--.... ~: .. :~: .......... . CALYl!SOSCQf.rlES ______ ,oo .28' VIVA 10WELS-ASST.····---~·-···· ,8[~ 35' GORl~LA MILK ......... _.,,KOOF.59' MAROARl~E ~~::_:, ....... __ --·, " 29' EXTRA FANCY; . SWEET . TENDER ' EA. CHERRIES .HUNT'S-FORTHEBEST t -il-1 ':. '-' '.• (;369C ~ PORK &'BEANS .. ~ ................. H~~~ INSTANTCOff~E ~~,g~---"" '1'! BEEF.~AVIOLI ~~'Uf'.:. ____ '°" 79' LASAGNA ~~~""·OE(-----· •o oz. ·n, -SARDiNES~~.l'i . ···-·-·--"CAN 25' PEANUT BUT[ER ill'~...:... ... '~"'-91' . . . LARGE FANCY RIPE BING $ J<RAFT:flElDIPS .. si----·-•·" 49' S SPREAD ""'"' WH""· 57' . LB . . Nll'l"V.CHEESE ·-· ·-·----·--a-ot CHEESE ..... '"'""" 67' • INOl\llOUALLVWRAPP{0 .• -... 12·02!:• $ 29 ROKA ORESS_IN!l.•'-'fT ............... 0-0Z. 49' EXTRA FANCY THOMPSON SE£DlU ~ . . ITAL~l'f DllESSING '"'"-'·-~---8-o< 39' · GR·APES ....... , ......................... ia. _ "2·r;39· c 'GRE ·GODDESS KllAFTS-OZ. 45•-s o"'""' ............... LARGE FANCY RIPE HAS s ' a * ,, .· ?ooti 't'~( * ' AV~CADO .................. T '; •. ·oc ;r~ . · . sWEETVINlRIPE ~YDEWS LI P'iiiA ROlLS ' ~-~--~~t SCJ<" ""Mlt!!IS OR3Cl~::9~~ .... ~ .. :· ~TR-.;~· '"................. · · 1 O •-0" s 1 cucUMBERS ~ 6 · \ DI 'LEMOtl.ADE -...... ' CANS kCOLA ™··1···ANCiE JUICE . 4 LJ>~ 51. Aux -~~w., 3 51 11-oz. aonLu .... lfOl•l.00 6 oz .CtfARCOALSTARTER I 29c GULF LITE .................... _ ............ QUART CAN . . . PORK • BEEF • CHICKEN • MUSljROOM • SHRIMP . 89C DINNERS _ __ c~~~E~~~~gz ... ~--...... u .. ' FREEZE DRl~D SANKA ....... _aoz.1111 . SUGAR TWIN ... . .... '"'"39' lARGE 69< t PETITE PEAS :gg_i;;~~~~'. ..... 2 8-oz. 3~ r PEAS & CARROTS ~~f~ -·--.. ,., 23' R.. BEANS '"' o· , G EEN HON!Vcur .............. JOJ 19' . . FRENCH BEANS :~~f; ............... 2 ,., 35' . CORN OITSO'HDN!V ' 21' ;;..,;;;;=--· I CREAM OR WHOLE KERNEL M•----.. 303 0 $1 SALADS ... SLAW ts.oz.. s· 119 u . .....ac~c· a·. HAWAIIAN ~Ns K'. , pUN Rosu RED _..... 1rA.cit1si> "· 2nc -~ ). SC)t CRACKERS . .. ..... oox 7 -"_,.-~--' t,UM).TIOM•l·Ot.t'KG . · • ' 1 ~ ~}: -FlSHST,ICKS . _,.!4-0ZfKG MILADYHCOf U 4ftc~-~ I . ............. . M' p $189 \PLACl~ATS -.... .,,(,J"~ R~$.l .~RRI ~·~~;-·,);LO >KG. ~ .;.~. .~&. 79' 8EEFSTEW _____ ,,.29' IAG-0.P~ ... --·"\~I , ~4\1>"'" WIM 2f ,............... .oz 5gc CH1CKEN l'IOODl'1·--t az ~,~D ----·-' 39' aEEF.STROGAMOFf --•"'! ~ROMl 'COll:UI --·--' • I -./ • L'3' CH.OPPED OMIOMS __ ,,;o,21' ~~l~G ?AllS • >o' 49' ~ti ... •00'·""~ • 45c OMIOll RtMGS -'00Li CRIHKlE CUTS~ · -~ '~• 19"" ... """•'""' Sf _ ..... ~'°""8 49' MEATlkLLS ··-··-·-i•-01 MEXICAN DINNEH ·--" 9' -··•"•~"" 39' "°"'"'1• .. •0'l~ ... ·OS 4 £11CHILADAS ____ 10~[ ClllU BURllT ~ '"" .. AJAX .. llQUID KINC:SIZE 19( DEAL PACKAGE SALE PRICEs EFFECTIVE 7.fULL DAYS. THURS. lhru WEDS .. JULY 3rd-9th "· JAJO Wnt UllCfhl Awwt. ~"" '"''Weft 19th strttt, C..ta M .. · 1421rMints Avtnu•, 'Ntilttitr .SSU Wnt lnMwtf, Auh1ktl '* brt ct;lftns Avtl!Vi, Or1ntt 1111 cti1p1n11ft Annve, Glrdt" Greff 21t0 N1wport lri'l;;-tiill Mi•• 261crr4l1111,·Awnu1, Silltnl 2603 Wtft 17tfl Strut, Su11 A111 1111 laktr Slrett, C...t1 MtM ISU WtttmNuttr llv4 .. W11tfttin1t1r 6861 ldin11r AYf,. Huntinaton l11tfl • !!lfl O' MOIUY •lSWlnPlU 2AOL 2"" j:ANS /' " \ ~ -...-. ~-- MAXY/fll HOUSE 1.t1 69c CAN COFFEE WS.CAl'l.99 , I •stAllT llSTAllT YUIMI . JIWWIU- 1.oz. $106 10-oz. $1 Jt n. "'"" ". A I .. . . -. "-•• .... -. . . - IW\.V I'll.OT . Q l l • -1.laep 11thfyi . . · All S ... ways Wiii le ~1 --' OPEN · ' \ ' ' l I ' • ' ,. • . \ ) "JULY •THI ... • DuflU'lff :.ti s •IWlm :::,-5-IL ........ And •ully Cooked Cll Large-ramllySln Henn ~'6" _ IJ.1.1. CW. Qnlity W 1lii Taty 11111 llNly Colt ...., follJ Aloi f<f -.. T-lo ldal -Slut Sahtuf Gulrmleell It Pl ... YOll hlrytill1 ~ Y• ...., C11e1rW1J bflllde4! _ loullu Top Slrlol1 Steaks = .. •1 hllil.USjillcer st...-:-;..• ~ Hen Turkeys =:.-~--::i,~ ... 3t Fresh Turke~s ·=:r=t...~. 1l4t Comish :lalij~ H•s=· .:;,7t .Boneless Beef Roast!":lt ' Hormel Curetl R ... ::., .. •]" Sllced lacon Wllsoa hstfyaf Ham :-=. .. •1 49 =. :;i:: 591 Daldl Oven Hams:::::.... .. •1" Rath lacon GaOoSQceclSalaln1;:.~.:i::49' "'"""' '""781 BIO: Libel Pt&o "'I ·AU Meat Fraiau ~ :: sr ' loldNu991t ffili.111111 = .. ar ru Stilka ~ 1W "'"""' '""781 I $Cftall hid n:,. 7 fr.i. Cell filds"" .. II'· S•ri•P:*""' ;:;1,J' ...._ ___ __. LOW PRICES-TOO.' ,[ Coldbrook :· Margarine ___ ..... ..:= • llftllf. ... Mllllrm ' ' ' Granultltd Union ·suga · • --·1 ' ' _,.. 11 1 "' ....... ttw•J!!tf!! ,..~ ... ,.,a.w ...... . ' ' Ll'81B• ?":'=~ = 49-L..nellllllt ::i:::,:: 3 .I!. '1 .Llllfitdi,sl:'.."-~· SW, Liiia llllll'J:... ::1r er... C111111 =1:,"'· ::ar Each o< anr1 ........ 1r TiJnatoes r:.'t" ·sweetCOm6-4 Nectarines==-~2' Peaches= 4 .. '$l.· · . . ' I~ . Potatoes ........... -.5 --~· 1 .... ., • ' • •• ~ rt Be1cb • 24 Monarch Bay Plaza, So. lig11111 . . ' ' . . ' . . -. " zl Minion Viejo • Fairview ve. &-Wiison SI., Cosl1 Mew ' { . ------------·-------~·----------''------------·----------.. --.. -------'-·---'-'---'-- . ' i " • -..----~-_ .... _ ...... -lllll,.....Y .. 1'11.~0~T ........ ~-~--W~nndl1~ "'I' t !:r --.-----------~:Mr\---·-------~~----~--·----,----,r·,-\-· ------.--,--,-.-·---·-·~F-•-·-·...,·c----··-.~~-- -,,_ ' • I • • I l' " I ' • l- I I I ; I I I , • ' -light as Air , ' , · -• ... .. ------. ---~ ' . t,A<i.B.o.& ~ up bedl wiUt Ua:ht..as-- air spreads thol ,A!fJ fmh, crisp t\lnl WubJnj!I'. Instant pJ neapple squares--cn>d>et of -• IJabt .syqtbetJc. ti ~ mate spread. Pat. 7137: square U", ed&lng, directiooa, r \l fl h d spread. EJFTY CE~ (co.Ins) for each pattern -add 15 cents for eacq pattern for first. class ma!JJnl an spedal hancl- ling; otli.n.!ae lhlnl -clw delivery ;rill taJco three -U or more. Send to Alice BrOob the. DAILY ~n.ot, U 5 Needl""811 Dept., Bm ti3, Old CbOld Station," New York, N.Y. 10011. Print N-, Nwnber. Gian~ new IMI N-.it Ca&alog -over 200. dOllgns Jn choooe.-S fr., -palleriia-prinle<I --50 ceot.s now. - NEW! "i!l .l?ISTANT GIFl"S" -lablllodl -~ Joya, -detiOrii« acctilOil ... Make it todQ, &iY~ it .tomor-row! Ideal f<ir lll! _......,_ IO cen\s. "II JUiy Rlop" Jn tnl~ crocb~ .... y ...... hook. 50 cents. Book of U ~ Afpana. IO cents. r Bargain! Qldll Book 1 bu 16 beautiful pa~ llO.cents. M....,. Qifli Book l-1>1t- lerns for a. ... perb-quilts. 50 cenls. , Book 3. ''Qdtt for Toda7'1 Uvtng." 15 Patterna~50 ctDta. This Wafer Crisp Idea For Baking PORCH RB1'llE!IDlli Our latest venioa Of 1 dellcl~sly rweet c:l1!:p eookie. HONEY WAFERS \\ pound (1 stlCI<) l[utter . If.I cup 1Qi1r . 1 cup m.UcJ.llavored b<ney I large elB I cup leu J tahldpoons UNii!led resular flour, stir to aerate before masur-!ng • 'kt ea 1 po o .11 pumpkin-pie spict 1£ cup f1ae1J chopped blancbed- Cream bult<r, supr and hotiey; beat ln egg. SUr ln Dour, pumpkin-pie spice and almonds. Drop batlu br.._ level lable- spoom, several tiicbes apart, onto gnaaed and flour.cl cookie lheeb. Bake in a preheated 350-. degree oven. un'til brQwned tJ1 over or just around edges -l to 12 minutes. Let set ~'minute or so aoo then remove with '!fide spatula to wire raCb to cool Wl1h a pa.try brush, brush off any pan coa!Jni adhering t o cookies. Store, when cold, in UghUy covefed Un boi. Makes about 4 dozen. T6p Peach es With Bra n dy ~ Serve fttsh peaches with th~ unusual toppln&. BRANDY CR&Ul TOPPING I corUlner (I -) eom- mercial IDUI' cream 2 to 3 tablelpoom dark brown sugar 1 pe&ed down 2 to s tabl111J>00Di-eop1C' I to I aervtnp sliced parod fl'tlh peachts. .....iened If desu.d With 1 fort or •-whi!t. 'beat t.optbel-tbe 1 q u r crum, bl"OWD l\Clf Ind CQIMC: Qrto tU no sralhl..r "''"· ... be ..... -.1 ..... ~ and c:hlll ibt a ,.., hopn (or overnJcht). Top Individual portions <i pe;adJes with the IDW' cream mltture ... -oepora!<ly. Makn~ ·to l-..rvfng1. <fop.- Pini will be a pa1' tan color'1 t 11 ' -. • .. 1 Gl ~l [ 'L, "1 l~l~T r A• • _ ......... _ .ft\Xl'I DllCOUNf CMl&I. N ICC . . ~ , %lCCIJfC!~T'CA1C •. ~PERFORM · ~ FABRIQ".FilllSH • -' SALV~·-- DETERGE~T TABLm JUMBO Sil! PACKAGE 9' IHCLUOES 30c OFF .l~& SJ87 CHAllG( 12.19 • ·---------- • !·,I ... GIANT ~ZE PACKAGE FIB DETEllGEllT \, INCWDE~ 15e OFF soiK STOll[S """'"' 62' . • ' . ~. :,;.t.; ; ---' -· ' ~-·~ave·: you:z· -' . lh, GALLON • FAMU.Y PAK lllPllll IETA ICE CREA!11 ""VAWE·· 43 • r •. .. · Better Pr0iice ·at DJ$t/J~N~'~!lES 1591 ' ·i· \ ,. •• :sNous .. C LARGE ,- . SIZF ." • U. -·j-' ~-~ . ·- 4th. ·0£ JfiY , ----SPECW:~ !IED, WHITE, BLUE ' WMATIONS .. .1·~1 :.,~011NT S [YE r Ortr l·UI. CAN ' M.L GRINDS 7'z-" ~ 'TUI.IN Cliff EE 74< 2-U.'ClN Ail.GRJNOS l.n AAS rl!::: ~ctal!iro J.21 1·1 fl I. ~ldsc'i'Ror'ow. w:c.88~ COFflI-19e ':tt.a. CAN l,3'7 A.U JO.QI/NC<'"' . ff!US BRot Sf·lt • iNSTAllT 1.11 ' Rt0UW Olt tu:C. PtBX: ~~;~HlµS IROS. COFflI I I It 1-lt. CAii 1 2.05 . • •• if· I> ''1.. I ' rf • .I ; 71 ' l ·' • • • ~ t • I ' • l • I .. ·-· ,.,., •• I ,j " .... -, I ~· • . ' • ' • • I I I :n I I •I • • • " ' { ' ' I I • I f \ I I :1J. ' i • . ' A '" ... ' ' I ~" ' l 'I~~ I lJ A I • --~ ~·· -r.=~·~ JTI 99' 271 $f 41 • • ~ ' l'1or AlJ'HA SETA ·--""""' IU. Min Jn "' led --Olfn FAMILY PICNll; FAVORITE 'S P!IDE MEATS • • YOU'LL II PllOUD 10 IRYJ • Dtsr.OU .PR1c£n •QUALITY I ~TISFACTIOft·GUAANfTtttt _...,._··-----,J .S. ~EMT 11'Sl'Ecno COIJllADO BEEF ·~ ' . 7""' t In .REUSABLE P!A5TIC.t8UCKET FILLET ti FULLY COOK~D 9 'I PIECES (1r ·111in).G ' FRIED !t:ws , . CHICKEN . . ' ~ ' SOLE . • J 98:. : '' .. mTJFWR • flODl!' • FISH" l;f: PUFFS . ' 4 i s100 '1 ' ' ~ AlJ'HA BETA mmn 11111 • AfZ!I GROUND ' BIO ~~~..-In ·1£ADY 10 BAJ(£ • l'RE-StAsolJio. PUlil MIAT I.OAF Wiii ,£IA mmn 11111 am ;l.ii.YSTEAK . ' -. '' • ' ·~ 69!.. 'I'! """'"""°,.j')I 12 OUfllCE PACKAal GEJllllME,KOSIU SlLAll or . :KIOCKWUftST ""' s1· 1a l!iftt --· YOISOI £ LOW FAT :+:' .:. 'YOGURT Jr~l Jl~'llL ~'' t'l'lRY [IA' J .• •=:Ml'tlA 0 1ETi , I ES DltCOUllT l'llCt: - - 71,\ ~•µmt. FIAVONI~• Bf VAiet , - llMIETR CHIP~ DiPS . 33' 'YELYEITl. ;;,., LOA!' 98' CHWE · SPllPD 1.09 , ~ ' .,.. ' ' ,.- • ~--...'.niif u w. !7!' C a.ii.I, cAlrol'-' •·YALU! 1 ih I . . • ~ voa • rt .ff VAl.Ut "~f11ii11.i:EI '$J'' • .. '· , • ' . - • ------ '• • Saucey Tip Wakes Up Barbetl-'eS 11'1 """*""time again! And Iha& ....,,.. outdoor weekeilda when family •rvl frlendi plheo 'round Ille ~ &flll ,,.. everything from f!ankfurler• and bam· borgeta to spare ribs, clJlcken and lleab. . 11111, wliile lhe food ""Y vary, one thing Rldom does, .thir" barbecue aauce. ll<•arlably. n ii a r<ad)'-made. atofe.bouaht j>roducL And perbaJ>I thlJ lo why ,..ao lhe a:eason moves oo. Jbe eQ- thuaWin .for outdoor cookin( slowly wears tliln. Now, at long last, you can let your lm""'4Uoo rule and create your o w n barbecue sauce suited to your ram.Uy's taste )reference to that Uie summer unfolds in o n e palatable treat after another . The aecret lies lri using a good basic home-made barbecue sauce that you can adapt lo all IDOfls, and blllltlng olien whlle Ille meat IJ cooking 116 lhe full flavor can be absorbed. . Mere is the recipe for the ba!lc barbecue sauce:: r can (I 0W1ces) tomatct Sallee • 'ii: cup steak sauce ~ cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons vinegar Mix all lngredlento and lim· mer 5 minutes. Makes about 2 cups of sauce. Excellent on hamburgers, steaks a n d frankfurters. To barbecue chlcken : Omit the brown , suiat from the bulc recipe and add I llble- IJlOOOS of pioeappfe or apricot preserve1 for the ·rweetqer~ stir lnd heat and be llUl'O lo -· brush Ille chick"" frequenUY, with the .. ,.,. while they arw. . ~ ~----- _, __ C_a ~ Set :.... Elegant 1n silk, cNUaily smart and slimming 1n dQ\,lbl&o knil Dacron or cotton. Sew the seam-angled lunJc and alacks for at.Jtome partlea:, outdoor1. Print..i -Pattern 13 31.< Women's ·sizes 34, 38, 311!, 40, -J 41, 44, 48, ta. Size 311 (bust 311) eiisemble 3% yds. 45-lnc. fabric. . SIXTY-FIVE CllNTS In coins for eaCh pattern-add 15· cents · rOr each pattern for -first-olass malling and' ipeclal handling; otherwlso lhlrd-olass delivery will take three"weeks or more. Send to Marian Marlin, the DAILY PILOT, 442 Pattern Dept.. 132 Wm lath SI.. New York, ·N.Y • !DOU. Print NAME, AD- DRESS wllh ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. Spring.Summer P a t tern C.lalog. Free pattern coupon. SO cents. INSTANT SEWING BOOK 1ew today, weir tomorrow. 11. New INsTANT FASIUON Book answera all what-to.wear problems. Doable wardrobe! ~' flguro ti pa. 11 .. Dieters' Dri nk . Kills Hun ger Versallle unflaYored gelaUne can be used u a diet drink. ~ to allay "dJet hunger." A ball hour before meaJ!lme, pour ooe envelope unllavored gelaUne Into a small glass of dim milk, vegetable juice or bollillon. SUr brbkly and drlnt al GOCe •. "and )'OU will flnd•J'"'nell utbQed with a ·~ food lntoke at mea!Ume. • Ead> enulQPO .un!lavoi'<d aeJ•tlne bu only II calorlea. ,,...., I ! ' I - • I _J , I u f • . • • • ' • , • -DAil Y l'ILOT Wtd"""1, July 2, 1969 \Vhen calories are being counted on warm s~lr' days, whip up a low calorie cranberry snow pudding for a refreshing break. ~poon out I jar (12 ounces) low calorie jellied cranberry sauce and dice into sm8ll ptecea. Dissolve 2 enve1opes low calorie lemon gelatin as label directs but using only 3 cups water; Chill 1:10. ti! sllghUy thickened. Stir in ¥< tsp. ·ground .nutmeg. Beat 3 egg w¥tes until still and Cold into gelatin. Fold in chopped cranberry pieces. Pour miiture into 1!12.qt. oiled mcild. Cbl1l until lirm. Unmold 6n platter. BIG CATCH CAUGHT FOR COOKOUT ~ When Fish Bites, Barbecue . . . • Gets Cook Off Hook ' When ihe man who brlnga home the bacon shows' up in- stead. with a catch oi fish put him to work on preparing il in i m015l defigbUut W8Y -cook- ed iD a covered barbecue ket- Ue. 11lere's no special trick to cooking lisb in the great out or doors except to remember ' that a lai'ge, Whole fish should be roaat.ed lb: bldlrect heat with the IJriqueUes b•nked to each side of the kettle whiJe fillets and crustaceans can be Placed directly over the bot coals. ' · In preparing fish 'fillets, which tend to flake as-they are cooked, it is best to shape a shallow pan from aluminum foil for each fillet so that the finished product won't break up and be lost in the coals. When cooking, sprlnk.le a few moist hlckory chips onlo the hot briquettes to Impart a rich. smoky taste to the fillets. The rest Is simply knowing a few recipes for taste-tempting fish and seafood dishes tha l will turn the day'a catch 1i1to a I packqe dehydrated onlon atop each fillet and add a blt soup mix . 'O( plmlento to the center ol I cup water each rtna; Sprinkle on salt and 1." cup celery " pepper and a small amouri\ of 1h leasmn salt minced parsley. J ;:i tablespoolli cornstarch . Prepare briquettes f o.r 1 teaspoon lemon juice . dlrect coolting by spreadlnl ?\lake sure Ulat the, fiah 1s them one layer thick on the thoroughly cleaned then mix fire grill. Then place U1e foil mariftlfde' irtgredi.enta &ddlng pana containing the fillet on salt and pepper to pref.erenct. th,e cooking grlll. add a few Marinate whole -fish ln a deep molJt 'hickory chips ·to the dish for at least five hours. coals and put the kettle cover lurnlng periodically. in pla~ Allow about IS For ttie stuffing, melt the minutes for cooking or until butte r and add all lngredleats fish nakcs easily. exce pt croutons. Saute unUI When serving squeeie fresh vegetables are tender then ad(I lemod juice over each fillel the !=roulom and mix well l'Or a special llallan touch, Stuff the cavity of the fish and sprlnkle the fillets with grated close the opening with slrlng Pannesan cheese about live or skewer:s . . minutes before removing the To roast the fish, place It on fish from the fire and serve t~c upper grill of the covered wlt.h a dcy white wine. barbecue ketUe so that It Is LOBSTER TAILS above and beltten the bri· There are time's When t~e ii long-remembered treat. STUFFED TROVT quettes stacked to each slde barbeculnc occasion calls for on the fire ~II. Ba!te with an amount. or flair. At today's marinade and place the cover part.lei, lobsler tail offer, that en the barbecuer. Allow about special treat that delight.a and seven minutes per . pqund 11.1rprlses the guests. Smoke_ bas~ng regularly Wlth the cooking In a covertil barbecue marinade . kettle develops the d.isUncUw While the fish _ Is roasUn£. flavor or.' lobster to lta fullest. prepare the sauce by sirn· To prepare lol:>ater t.ana. mering the celery and 1111 In oelecl onto weighing aboul a the ~ed onion aoup and half.pound apiece and open the water until the celery is cook-undentde cutUng through to ed. Theo odd the lemon juice. the back ;...n. Crock the bactc When the &b ill ready, pour ahell to prevent acessive the sauce over Jt for strvfng curling during cooking. I :<-lo S-pouna UOO~ <1 .. ned , and r<ad,Y /or eookipg ! .> {. m1F11NG1 \!( cup tld.ter or margarine II cup chopped celery I\ cup 'cllopped onion I lll>l<spoom minced ponl07 2 CUpl d'OUton! 1> t..apoon .. u . -MAlllNADE' I cup drf vermooth 'I• cup lllad dll . I lwpGOll tungon Sall l pepper r SAUCE: ' • '1 and garni!i wtt.b I e mo n Place-Mr direct beat with wedges and mushroom capo. back shell 1lde down and ba>te F1Bll l"1LLEl'S with melted butter. Pul the Good slU fish ftlleta lhould cov<; on the keWe and allow be selected ao that tad! guest about » : mlnutea cootJng is served one. Prepare a lime, baatinl liberally wilh shallow attunlnum foil pan for butter perlodfcally. The shells each and coal. eACh ri11et will be bright red when dooe. thoroughtr wtlh melted butter &erve with melted butter, before placing lhem in the lemon l\'Cdges, sal( and pep. pans, Place a ring "-onipn per. ,/* =~~~~~~~~~' ,.\ . ' ~ '" ., ,..----1 FROZEN . FOOD 'DAYS -""; . co y,i••H GAME HENS ! • ' . .: • " .... -.-" -.. --!!RICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH .JULY Sth I . • . . ;· FRIT,0 ·co RN· _•.CHI'S R19. 53c ,I SIRJ.O'N T.IP ~ _::_ __ JUMB.O ROLl . CORO~ET .I TOWtLSl ~ J$ R ' AA LARGE -EGGS 1]'i $1 ' ' ·FRES!i MEATS or RUMP HORMEL ALL MEAT :RO ·AST WIE ·NERS 1 . . $ 19 R•CJ· ,i9c LB. 12-oz. Pkg. I ON THE PENINSULA-608 E. BALBPA AVE.--Pli0Nf673"8310 ~ . i . \ -· HOURS: 9. A.M. TO 8 P.M. · l I c ( . ., )., I 4 PllOT·ADVERTISER • form Toys .. • • • , ' • • ) ' ' . . ~ fxt~B...~ • : The}''re 'be,zaar:bist-s:eners, • great last-tn.lnute gjfts to delight toddlers. Summer's a perfOJ>t Umo lo ~~ them. .... ':. • • . . . ' • • • • -' f • • • • • . • • ' • • .. • • . . • ! • • • • • • • • • • t • -. , .. • • • • " 'I • " • • • ' • , • ' • I .. t • ,. • • • •• ~· • • • • • • ,. : • h " • • • .. i ~ • • • • • • •. • • • • • • • • ~ • .; • ' • • p ' • l:' . .\ ' Just: 2 pieces jilt.11'":.ears. for each cuddle toy! Use gay ' scraps. Pattern 7250: transfer for 4 toys, about 6 x 8" each. FIFTY CENTS. (coins) for each pattern -add 15 cents fOlt· each pattern for first-class mailing and special handling; ()therwise third..cla.s! delivery will take three weeks or more . Send lo Alice BroOks the DAI- LY pfLoT, 105 NeedJecraft .Dept .• Bor 1 163, Old GJielsea Station, New York, N.Y. 10011. Print Name, Addnss, Zip, Patcem Number.: Gianr,liew 1969 Needlecraft Catalog - over 200 designs to choose, 3 free patterns printfd inside. Send 50 cents now. NEW! "50 I N STANT Q:lFTS" -fabulous 1ashions, toys, decorator accessories . Make it today, give it tomor· roW! JdeaJ for all occasions. 50 cents. "ti Jllfy Rugs" to kn.it, crochet, weave, sew, hook. 50 cents. Book of 1% Priie Afghans. 50 cents.. -tarR:a1~ ! Quilt Book 1 bas 16 J4Utllul patt<rns. 50 cents. :Poultry • ---.:-------~. ·On Spjf Popular Polynesian Chicke!H)lNl-spit is made to order for a backyard impresario . Stuff broiler.fryers with a ginger-sparked rice nilxture, then make a "scene-atealln(' barbecue sauce with a can of condensed beef broth, pineap- ple, coconut and seasonings. Brush some of the sauce over the chickens as ihey cook · for a beautiful glossy. glue; serve the remaining sauce with the birds . Oxnplete a party menu with 1 tossed aalad, hot rolls, mer· iftg\ie shells filled with fresh peaches and vanilla ice cream and Iced coffee. CHICKEN-ON-A.SPIT "It cup chopped onion '1 c:up chopped veon pepi>er ~teupoon ginger 2 tablespoons butler or margarine 2 cups cooked rice % cups crushed pineapple Generous. dash monosodlu,..!11 glutamate 2 broiler chickens (21h to 3 pounds~lach) Salt and pepper Salad Oil . 1 can ~1011) ounce3) con- densed beef broth t tablespoon c;:om;q.rch" 2 tablespoons )!aked cooonut % t.aspoon crated lemon rind '4 tea!poon Worcestershire In .saucepan, cook onion, g,.., peppef ~ '4 teaspoon ~r in bUtter· until ..~tables ,,. tender; add rfcii, l'< o/> . pineapple and """'6s<lclium llu~te. ·S<asoo ~.With salt anil pepP.r; ltuff with rice mttture; sew closed or fasten with skewer!. Place chicken M spit; balance. and U. seoureiy. Brush with salad oil; lllill Ol'<r glowliJg <:U!s IJ' :oodn• or untn done. · • -lie, ;ii~· comtitne I 0 Up t'OmiCit'eh, coc,onut, lmon "riDd, WOtcestershire and remtlnl:ng pU-ple apd gingei:. Cook, stirring untll lhlclieiiea. Cook over Jow heal JO minulffi stir llOW and lht:n. l!Mte_chlcken with sauce Cor last JS minutes of cooklnc Ume • Serve whh remainina sauce. Miles I scrvlng3, L • ' WtdnesdaY, JufJ 2, 1969 • _, ---· -... --.,, ..... ---· .. • flt!SH U.S.O.A. a.Abt.,.. .. -HOtirsr . 4gc HEN TURKEYS ·-··""·~-·ff _ 10-ll LfS. AVG. I•. lUfltQUAUTY 3 •oz $1 LINK SAUSAIE " PKG.: . ii~i"S'.iiQui'.ili0iiA'si 59,~ i'i.",\Df LAMi'Cio'Ps~"'G 79,~ . • Wtdrttsday, J1.1f't 2. 196'f DA!l.Y PllOT 4JS iiiliiMicioPs0'""'""'""~ ··~ flfSHfltOflNU.S.D.A.INSP.GfNUINES,llNGSN.AU $119 LOIN'l.AMB<-HOPS " ... ... ,o. $119 C!lfl.fl(~ fROlfN SKH~LESS HALIBUT ' 1-0l.NG. 83C CflJl.ftE!H fltOlEN B•EADED SHRIMP . ,, .HOfFIMN, LUER OR f ARM~R JOHH , Sh11nk· Half ... -HAMS . . , ..49~ FULLY COOKED BONELESS HAMS • FARMER-JOHN •BARS • LUfR MINI - $149 lb. GINO'S , ' ' ) :'1"cz-K•LllVE·· •• ~·1· ES 4"1L~· I ... .,cc•"-'.OLSll• . . 59c; c IU FOAM CUPS -_;~ "" HOTDOGOIH~l:I 33c .CHltltl.MrrS 3 $1 GOLPEN:,llME BUNS :J',0i IAlllECUE·SAUCES '~?1: jji"ij'il P11NKS t . 4 ~~ $1 iCi'c"_p: CU~S . ~:~, 39c iiu00:HICKEN. __ ~·~._39_: JllADlll\USTAID . 't~L2!c Pi.IZAS. . 1 Sausage or Peppero~i 19·0Z. 7, 9 C• -··" f OOOG!ANTCOOKlfS 4 $1 OIGHID 29c ' SANDWKH CREMES ~~gt .PAPER NAJtKINS Q.'?;; ~ MAGIC CH ff 9-IHCH 1,o:.99c LA ROSA SPAllHETII ' :t~: 33c PAPER PLATES , 0""' -c24F $. 12.oz. CANS 6 PACK .aRIG.4.00014 SCOTCH WHISKY 12.oz. 69c CANS $4!! $3!,! ~-­; MAYOMAISE- QUART JAR 39'~ i ·l 4 9 t;p;\j f$j 4': I OL' VIRGINIA TENDER 'N JUl!::f FRANW<- ~ 39c 12-0Z •• PKG. , FRUH•l<IST . PORK &·BEANS . -· . . . 40-0Z. CAN -3:3 ·c VODKA C1i1;PEDMU TS 3 ~oz. $1 PICGS. NAllfY'S POTATO, Cbli llAW. /llYoCAtONI, GELATIN . . XLNT S'LADS .t3.,, rr QUA.If . 00\lllf 5,llNGS 6.Yl~OLD STIUJGHT $438 KElfTUCKY BOURBON . m• MAIOUfllTA • $399 GI • TEQUILA w~:· .... CUSTOM HOUSE WHITE OR GOLD IMPORTED RUM MAiiii"M1x $298 49~,. ' flfTH : . . I I .CtJfJf_.,-,ll!~~NDS MAXWELL HOUSE l-l8.W ...••... 69c 2·l8.CM ••••• ~.Jl.37 J.!lC.111 .•••.. 1~ MARGARINE : ALLSWf.TI ii! 25c ~Jii il<!ltz Tomato llekillo, 211-oz. btl. • • ............... .,_ ••• JSc Heinz Mild Slmt ~ckfls.1~ .......................... · ~ Heinz Kosher Dills, 3Z-1z. pr... ... • ..................• ~ •• : •.••• 5&: Chel Boya~ee LaS!gna, 40-ol. can, •••••••••••••• ; ..... , ... 83o ~f Boyardee Beel R".loli, 40.01. '°" .................. ., ... 79c • Cllel Boyanlee Spagllelti/Meat 8•111, 40-ol. can ............ -• l9c , ACCENT MSG:' 1.ot 41;.i1t ·33~; U9~ . -· . I.Chef BoYaldet Soa11lelti/Tomalo s,,,,., 40..z. can ............. ~le Chiffon Ba~moni !tSsue -Assl'd (i111I. 2c oil) ••••••• : 2-roll pak 27c I M.J.8. lea 8agt (incl. Ilk otn, pkg. of 48 .................... 59c Chick01 of Ifie Seo Cliunk Liglt Tun.o, 91;,~1. Can .............. 49c Pacific Cracker Honey Treat trallams. l·lb. pkg ................. 37c Sooshine 8ijCU~ Hydrox ~ ... l·I~ pkg .••••••••••••••••••• 53c FOOD .WRAP -. COFFEE-ALLGRIHDS HAffBt-WRAP . .YUBAN '210-1t:" 5·5c . , .. h! 73c • ,loll I' .-, •· • • ~ 1-8. CAN., ... .,~ ... SI.CS - PA:M'ILY - SIZE. - iiiis"ililw4il. ~~· 3~;: RUL°ii\iP~. ". ···~i~ 49c: ~MVTI MAIO c1i.cn .. raw, 2kJ 2 ~z 29· C , LIMONADE <AHS . lf,f,CHli.l~ORT_URKEflC!lt~N '4 .;ot:99c· MEA , PIES : .,, ... 'K!~1N,ltU:'°Oi'Ki£.N,fUR.kE~1~ --._!._ • MEAT PIE DINNERS 'i~'.· 49 . . • PRICI$ !fFICTIYE TMUIS. THRU SUH, . IUlY I, 4, I, I, 1111 • . ' -2300 Harbor Blvd. at WU.On St., ~arbor Slaopplng Center, Costa· Mesa •. . ' ·t ' I • \ I l -------------------------------~-I ·---~~----... --------·-----.. -------··---. -------- • I , I. I ~4 DAILY PILOT U.S.D.A. GU.DE A TOP &RAN DS HEN 'TURKEYS • 10· 14 lb. Awmg~ .LB.39( Mrydoy Price, lb. 43c • bolS!ftObdfkYOr Slab Bacon • ""· 65 • Gr.at For Mo!Mlfl•"9 Salt Pork ..... lb 55 • ' -. ' • Wedl!flday, Juty 2, i969 ~ ... ,11 Pr.millm ., Sliced Bacon "79' Sw,f1 Pr....,illrli Bro-Nn lo Strw Link Sausage lf: 79' ., ' . ' • ' . Minvtt Moid Frolt!I j ~imeade .... t~ 13' • Moid frtlM \ . !i ·~· . ,., ... 13 ' -01., t. WI ' ' . • llonqytt Froaen Fritd • Chick .1.lh. 'I" en ••• , • ""'· 11.IKll Whip frowi I : Topping ... ;,g,,43• . fwD fro1t11 • Waffles •••• 1i1:.' 41' FROZEN CHICKEN NOODLE, CHILI & BEAN1.MACARONI & BEEF,SPAGNml & MEAT . BALLS ,. SWANSON l DINNERS j '.' 33· c Ec:ich ' . VITA PAKT FROZEN ORANGE JUfCE •. a .. 28( Con ~ • 12-0:z., SSc: , lfrafl V1lv"lo. Ch . 2lb. eese •••••. P~i. 98< Beny (roci.er Bisqulc" • : • ·~:'so• Belly Crocktt ~~II ~uTltf'll'li!k Paniake iK ':."45' ,INCL ~cOff LA! l • g, • Btuy C1ockfl' Brownie Mi i';t;a· 55' B!lfdo S«tlo~~ Grapefniit • 'I!' 33' .. . • ' ' • ., . ' ' . • • • " .- . -... .. . • - FARMER JOHN OR LUER SHANK PORTION SMOKED • • HAM LB. ' ARMOUR STAR All MEAT HOT DOGS 8c<dtn 1~11y Wrap.,.d sriced PILLSBURY CHOCOLATE .t.'.menton • EVERFRESH FROZEN CUT ) CHIP __ CheeieJ.ootl'~B5~ ~Q_ll.N.._~UT BEJ.NS, f8!.~CH~ _ • __ ----- I Woodbuyr(Buy 3 llon, Gel •t~ Sartor le Toilet Soap ~!t 33' [a$y On Spffd Starch '1~~'64' Flei 5dwncnn'' Saft Maraarine .. \':~ 41 • Nucm sJr Ord. 5c Off Lo~n Margarine .. ~,'~ 33' .u-r 01'!(l 3t Off Lobel) M ' I.Lb 25' .. 111'9anne •. "' MARKET BASKET HAMBURGER OR HOT DOG BUNS Pkg . ·29c OfS Everydoy Price, 32c Mi)\1-NO [)e~11, No l!'l~fR Root Beer 6 ';.~'63' AMGN! lkn~fl lxtlulW. ¥.a·t.~l Cossack Vodka 16" W<~ Gold lobfl B (OU Qf\2 $)69 eer • • • • •I 2-0t. Con5 fvll Q~rtlll'lp0f1ei!Br'.godooll . Scotch ........ ,14•1 Cl!F CHAR et!ARCOAL Ch•ffon OP!tl. 2c Of! Lubtl) T 'I T' "011 25' 01 et issue ""· HILLCREST Mork~! !!01~el FRUIT Instant Coffee ';~:69' BRIQUETS COCKTAIL ' M~.8 ( ff l·lb 68' o ee ······'"" \6-0L 2-1( '·Lb .. ii.»: 3-lb,, s1 .n Mo!lltr'$ l 1·0t. Oatmtol «laffy Crtma Ca• · •. Everyday 17·0t. Fig 8arsor 11 :oz. ludltaisin Prlc• 23c 'Cl Cookies "'"" "'• 47' . ' 8orden' {! Cremara "' 47' •••• JGf ~:? 59_c Everyday Price, 89C MARKfT BASKET 9-Jnch BEANS1 ~ASOR MIXED ~OOKIES Kroft Colbol longhoni Cheese ....... lo. 89' VE ETA8LES _ , ,~ .. 89-~-Mc>vtMld ~or Gouda ?-Ot. VEGETABLES Cheese ..... • '"" 55' Bob'• 11111 ciws. 17( D • l<OL 75' PkgL ress1ng • • • Jor 9·0:z. Roqlle:f0t1, Uc Pkg., Everyday Price, 48c •ach· R~ Spud1 Hash 8r0Wfl . Potatoes 4 "''$) • • PkgL SUNRISE FRESH PRODUCE l:J. i::;.. ';}- r::;. You mu1t be Co~pletely 'otisfled with any Market 8a1ket produ~e 1;ou buy or your item will be replaced or you r money refunded. FLAVORFUL FREESTONE YELLOW MEAT PEACHES c ' ts. " ' ,. " U.S. NO, 1,WHITE ROSE ~ , POTATOES ' -----------;--... - e SANTA ANA-~~!.'.&!"'°' • e FOUNTAIN VALLEY-'!'~·=" • COST A ~.1ESA-~:~ H..hr. • NEWPORT BEACH-1,',0,·.~~t:: ::~~·t;::.~H~rlaHI • HUNTINGTON BEACK-'~!:~·:: .. 1 ~" I ,, \ .. t l ' • -, • -• • • ,, ~ i • • • " -• • • ~ • • • • • t ~ • • • •• • t • • ~ • .. l • • • • • • • • ~ t • • " • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " • l • _........._,.. . .._.._.. -__,,...-- • ' ' -~~ . . -• · , OPBI \ . i 9 am-7 pm , · FRIDAY, . JULY 41h Libby's Stuffed • ou11n~10.0LJ1r . 25 ft. x 18 Inch Roll -\ SPANISH -OLrvEs."la"'"'.-.' 1012 ·~-J .. Wf lshire , ; 1~,. •• 1,n · . -~·Reynold's Wrap; RELISH · e SWEET e HOT DOG · e HAMBURGER . l' • • -I -I ....... ..... ' :-1 -~ --.._ ~~ • llt I • I . .. ....... I a Heavy Duty Aluminum FOIL Reg. 6Sc 3 lb. can BLUE BONNET ' OakburnP.. . -. "· CHARCOAL BRIQUETS ~ . • -! _ ~ Libby's Select Pitted . RIP~ 'OLIVES Foremost -1/2 Gallon IMITATION Mil HOMOGENIZED K ~ . Frlsldn Chop111•d Sorcll111t CAT FOOD Fore11101t e FRIED CHICKEN 49" e SWISS STEAK I' e BEEF • TURKEY . '~ii· 59¢ _, . . ~ ,TALL ~$ ' \ MCP ' ORA~G_E J_~ICE BLEND 6 ~ .. CIM 6 ~ $l <'. CANS 3 ,, 1 · fUDGSl([E) Box of Six 4 ~ $1 TREESWE_ET LEMONADE: ~~~:1.·~ c~:;:. JO~ $1 35¢ ..----- ... .... 2i25 f REE SCHICK HEAllH & BEAUTY AID~ INSTAMATIC RAZOR wUh purch11.• of •Ill· 19¢ $l ln1t1m1hc Bi nd F11U 11J11•rt STYLE . " .... '""' .......... 5~$1 · HAIR SPRAY '~.~·· . 49¢ ,t"";~~ c.n 59P _CHOCOLATE DAIRY DRINK 91oy•I . Y AMI YOGURT. I . ' f ft ~I' ii'' Rellular J'c 1 tb. canon 37 ¢ ROYAL CREST , fleiach111011'1 • MARGARINE · 79¢ ASPIRIN 250 T1bl1I Jers SAVEii It ot..lflN•I MENT LUXURY LATH!R -· _ SHAVING CREAM l l-01 A1;01ol C1n Form11lo •o' • BATHROOM CLEANER . . ; ~ -· ., ' ·-_-- •. #. ~ ' ' . . r • ·'. "'OM SAWYER'· • POTATO CHIPS • Gordon's BUNS E Hamburcjer ' or Hot Dog · ... • MARGARl~E ~~~~~~90 4 FOR $1 \ 1101. bag Reg. 69c Packac;ie of 12 • FAU .. LTL $ SPRAY STARCH I 22 ••. rs 1" I • • U.S. No. 1 WHln ROSE POTATOES 10c~;~c49' SWEET RED ONIONS ·10~ SWEET JUICY PEACHES 2 ! 29' WATERMELON Red 'N' 4 Ri!N . . 1/2 ~ CUCUMBERS ~~:· 4: 15' \ . -. EASTERN GRAIN FED CENTER CUT RIB · PORK CHOPS I ' --____ :.._ ___ --------~ -- Bar-M Western St.vie BONELESS LEAN TAVERN HAMS Ae~osol C1n ~ )II FAULTLESS FABRIC FINISH ~.~:.:,1·c." ·55d ---.... -. ............ ......:fl"~ r1cansaAnU!il Bet8ep· BULK WIENERs49~ CONEYS 59~ -., BAR·M. WESTERN STYLE SLICED . BOLOGNA EASTERN GRAIN FED-FARMER STYLE Pork . Sp-arer·1bs ~ siicED BACON BAR·M WESTERN STYLE ---------BULK BACON l·lb Pock•u• 49~ 49~ . :_79~1 ,,, ' "'' . - • EASTERN GRAIN FED PORK CHOPS CENTER CUT LOIN . EASTERN GRAIN FED . PORK CHOPS LARGE LOIN • EASTERN GRAIN FED PORK J.OIN ·~ ROAST FRESH LEAN .GROUND BEEF " ' PRICES EFFECTIVE: Thurs., Fri., Sot. & Sunday .July 3,.4, 5, 6 Prlcet subject to stock on h1ind • 79~ llJ - 79~ WE 01\11- ILUE CHIP WE GIVE BLUf CHIP STAMPS 49 ¢ -STAMPS · • · cosra MESA . PlACElllA 19th and Placentia 710 W. Chap1111n-, " ' . . ' ------------~----..:.-.-.-.-. ..... 0-----------·----------· I . I .. i I r· • • .. • J " ( , > ' ' ' ... ~ , ... ~ .. ' --" -.... • ... -..... -· ... -... .,. - --... - ---....-... ----...,.. -----------------~--. -~~-..--....--..--'?" .... .......---..--.-....---...-....-,------. ~ -. . . .. . Wedntsd17, July 2, 1%1 -II <I PllOT·ADVEC.RT"'IS~ER~-- Eatin_g ·Is Bean .Farn·ily Proiec.f . • '1be Beans ~rL loohl!'c-l~~ from ate BeansJ111d 2 hips-light crea1n . ~ q1ps carnJshcd ~th minced ·cheese forward to a wetk itJ AustraUa Tuesday's fol]ow: , •,~.cup llcavy cre:un cluveK. Serve3 1: Coiok sll~'Cd oni~M ln tit1Uer NEW YOJUt -"We Ute while MlchtUe v..Wt.s.Corsica CAftOl..YN'S VlCllYSS01~£ 'Chopped chives TUESDAY'SFR£NCJI vCry slowly~ st!iring ,often.' Mtther the. llMh markets nor with her grandmother. Their 5 large potatoes, peeled, Cook potatoes. leeks and OD• ·oNloN SOUF Add salt and sugar, cook about tbos;e restauranb Utat play other children include 3·year-sliced paper-thin ion In butter over veiy low 4 large Y,eUow onions. peel. 15 minutes ; remo\le exc~ llk'I ~bj recoralngs." old Max 'Ind 17-monUt t11d 4 leek.I, white part only, flame until vegetables begin l o ed, cut In thin slices butter. Add broth;-seasOn -to · le in Susannah. lhin!y ebopped golden. Add chicken broth and 1/3 cup butter taste, cook :JO mioutes k>nger Actor Orson Bean. an I MClch ol lbe Beans' home l. medlvm·sited onion, peel· lemon juice, simmer slowly Sall tO t~ste . 1 (or \Ullil onions have turned a againat the dark·wood, initial· entertaining is done in ed. minced about l. hour. Put into blenller Pinch so.gar deep golden brown.) catvtd bar downstairs at Westhampton whe'e lhey have 113 cup butter-to-puree. --...trd ftillk ana-ugfir··rwn-1t1Y.=·-ou~c:mr J.liit. .be!~e-aetvi!JL, • ..,..atld_, •"Tutsday's," talked •. or his , a summer house. "Orson's 'J'wo l3o/4 ounce cans chicken cream; slowly bring to slr'O· broth (undiluted) cognac; correct seasonings. family's favorite resear.ch pro· great at the charcoal gr ill ," broth (undilu tlXI ) mer; retnove from tire: put Freshly ground pepper iQ -Spoon ihto 0Ve1u~roor soup ...... ject finding g 0 o rt his wife said. Orson cited 1 tablespoon fresh le1non lhrough blender once more. laste .~ , tureens. Float croutons topped restaurants. ~·we like to do a Carolyn 's chicken v 111 er o i juice Cool to room temperalurt. Few tablespoons Cognac, 011· "ith sliced Pi"ovolone (or certain amount l)f people--(chicken coated witb a rich Salt lo taste Stir in heavy cream~ Taste to tional Swiss) cheese. Run under \.\'atching, that is,. withou1 ~hite • sa.uce, .bre.a.d crumb~ Fr~1ly ground ~pnc_r t,p correct. eas.oniogs. Cover, ..6 ounds_toas,ted French br:oiler until cheese pulls and being frenetic," he said. ~nd egg yolk before deep (<it taste ·(or lenlon-pepper) · reirigera overnight. Serve bread , · browns. Serve at once. Serves BJ .JOHNA llLINN The Lower Ea 5 1• 5 id c frying) as outstanding. l n Cups milk very C-Old in chilled bouillon 6 s~ices Provolone {or Swiss) 6. · restaurant •"speakeasy" in --iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i~~iiiiji~iiiesiiiiiiijii;ii;i;iii;iii~~i;i;J~Mii~~~iii!ii--u1e twenties, now is a swing- ing duplex, catering on t lJ...e ground noor to·J;ingle11,~and in the dimly-lit cellar to couples, married or unatt3.ched. The Beans live nearby. The youthful , energy-charg· ed Bean had just ridden to the restaurant on his motor bike _ following a television .taping. •·we feel comfortable here," he said. "The owners had the good sense not· to change the restaurant t~ much from the way it was.'' The woad panel· Ing and photos date back to --prohibitiorrdays:-'f>rinkrare served in old coffee cµps on 'l'lffa,z:iy stained·glass· tables that Jlgbt_ up. "-mint d~ floor of white marble slabs is -.-- "We· eat out a 1<>t even ""'" "'' "'~""'" <•"'"'" '""" · BONDID · •• :LOOK FOR THE LUCKY "BOND " ON THE PACKAGE ... l~S YOUR an island in the red carpeting. "'" "" 0'""'""' '"''' ,, ,0,,. II 11 ~:;~t~:;~:~:;r~~g~~~ •. · -·CMIIP .fOOOS.>'. '~.· ALL LUCKY STORES '".::::.:' UNCONDITIONAL _GUARANTEE o~ fLAV~~.,,~~!!~ andthcngoonspurts~ldinin~ GERBER'SBABYFOOD :::.'T.\! ..... 10' OPEN CH.UCKROAST 4· t (UT-UP fRYE·RS out. It 's a kick. Suddenly, wr. GEllBER'S UNIOR rooo· . . decided here we are IMng in J :::'u •• 14' FRIDAY, JUlY 4TH . the greatest city in the world GERBER'f B,BY JUICE "N•~. 10', 1 o· . · ' ., . BONDED· fDR T!NDERNESf .... JL.IDE Clll . lb. . 39' vdth so ma.1y wonderful '/F ; restaurants. 0ur friends w:;~ BORDO GRAPEFRUIT ;~~u ...... 30' ·.;. :' ' AM TD · PM J'IJRKE" _H .. l.NO · . 3 3( ;~~r::C:.'t~~ •• ~~.~.~~'.'.~..... lb, all a:sking, 'Have you lrl= DOLE FRUIT COCKTAIL 25' ..: . JI I + ::·:¥~E:b:~·~;;i~~ ~::ap~;~i ~~=~:: 0~~~28~ ,~ ... ;~i·~:~~ .. ·_ GR~DE~ .... 0~~R~R~H .. q... _ lb. ';;,;;R'c>A;:-:~~::";k =:%~~fit ~m0~:'::':.1"lJ1~t DOLE PINEAPPlt='.'::.._,_,.: . .'.37c-c ~~·-':!::Oi;C::'.:f'.:59'-:-:-, .. :: .. , ·-:GI· , OUND' BEEF. · 5 5!' CHUCK STEAl( • ~~':,"/.". 58 tt. We don't like the ultra-chic HARVESJ-DA'tPIA~u.. ...... 37' "~"' .. '"=·-·~-·~'"' k\ ' . . """' ., . -• SIRLOIN STEAK $]19 places. Generally we wert! 47 CHUN lllNG "'HU.c•K ... Kt.w.• .. ••66' ~~·~..... · ~ ••·••• 1• disappointed in the 10 .mosl MOTI'S_APP..UJWQ ~i.u. .. ,, ..... ' _ . . ~:U..":°i.'• .................. m. •• --~~.(: FRESH;-llAtlAHllUCMYBONDEO, ... ~ .......... ' lb. :.:-:-;.:·7~,:::~d::if'· ... ·-\·;. touted re!i1aurants; they ·weren't all that wonderful. MEXICA \Ve've almost decided that 's a N FOOD:.:·:.:~" .. '~1~.·47< i>ign of lhe times," he said. BRIADID SHRIMP =.1:.'::~ .......... !... SJtt ; "I don't mind spending $10 FISHSTICllS nm.11n11 / 1 ' [i~~~~t~~i~~ . a N1° :::!i~~:~~:.:,:~-ir · · ~gD~~!t~!~~~TEI CUT as~, ~G1Ro~.~~.~~=~~i~.~;~t~ ; mind the limp salad. You can ha" I good time. It's beUer WE~!l'5.i..AAPJJUICE ~u~ .... 37 ' OH BOY SANDWICH ~~·:~ ......... 63' T e·oNE STEAK $139 RIB STEAK . 98. t,hii.n having _tto ketep searching PINEAPP. U JUla ::;,•~;-.. 28' H•S_H_ BRO-WNS -,M,·,.·' 22t ·-. . . ---• • • • • • • • • • I~ or your wa• er 0 ser>e Y"'" .. . _............... . • lb.. PO CHOPS 69 ;,i;~t those more .xpensi" ~~~=:.:~~ ~~;=::::::::~~ ~:: ~~~~~::~;;~~ BONELESS TAIL~ REMOVED-LUCKY BONDED ..... :....... 88 '*'"~~""'"''''''"';;:~;,,~,:::, , ~;, dc;ghU:I pl~~~st~0cat"ln\~;; DELMONnPIAS uuw.:. 22' BRIQU£m$ FUllYEOOKID CROSS RIB ROAST .'2~1~!~!• lb. FRESH FRYERS ~~~~e': :~~l~nO~~·an .-=--YECFAU~-m~-·--·-··"··-·-.. --t--. --~o:PoUNDIAG --H~ E z--C-UT_'P.U" IE S'TE'AK . lf:J29 ~-~·,~:-:.:~~: 37c Beail has definite criteria DELMOHTESPINACH 1wr.ua.-.... 21 ' ~~Ct HORMELCURllt -. \. • • •• llt. Wh•l•tody lb. ~~~c~ud~~~f ~ r~~fiu~~~· :~~ STEWED TOMATOES :ri.-rJ~~-·-··· 2-1' ~ C3' $1 'b~ PORTERHOUSE ST~AK 1•1;~~~D $1 ~~ ~~~:})~~~~~>:')~~~:=~~=~==~:;:::»:=:·:~=:::::::::::::,:,:,~==~='~x.+:4 food nlust be served as per CUT GREEN BEANS ;l~':~Ull .... ~ .... 24' ~.!~~~ic~l~!!f.!~.~-~~ ...... ···········-79' your order -without delay rOurLOW Everyday Price! and with a minimum of con· fusion. I don't like lo go tu ., LADY LEE those w e 11 . I i t Frenrh ICE CREAM restaurants thal look like a > · Howard Johnson 's. Th c ;: 'll GA LLON CA RTON French are serious eaters \\'ho ~o@.nt.to see wha! they haye .~n the plate. I like romanlic places and atmosphere." Orson 's pretty wife, CarolY.n, and their 9-year-old daughter. Michelle, atriv"1 to join the discussion. •·'\vhy we make such a•thing ·OUt o( food , I don't know," Carolyn said. "Neither Orsoii nor I grew up with outstanding cooks. My n1olher cooked TV dinners and Orson's mother made a practice of leaving one or more ingredients out of recipes." "I Joye noodles,'.' ~1ichclle \•olunteered. "She's the macaroni queen," Carolyn said. The Beans are c n thuslastie lravelers, in· dulging heavily in the local fare. "We ate our ;,vay thl'::iugh London. Orson hadn 't been there for eight ye a rs ;c'·' Carolyn said. ''I loved the bread in France," Michelle said. Orson and Garolyn like to figure out the ingredients in a restaurant dish and then duplicate it at home. Orson makes a great marinade !itch· cd from a Long Istand restaurant, Carolyn said . They've managed to duplicate some of the food~ from th eir travels, too. "We've had a lol of fun with fondue, the beef kind ," she said. They manage to stay in s;hape by occasional crash dieting. "We eat one ;neal a day, dinner, and then anything you v.'ant. In Ume your stomach shrlnks afl(f Ulere's still somelhing to look forward t.J, whereas It you go on a PORK & BEANS ~::l:"I:'. ............. 25' LIBBY'S CUT BEETS ""~ ............ ta• BEEF HASH =t.~~~~~.~~··············-···47' DENNISON CHIU ~.:::\... . 39' HORMEL TAMALE :~.~~ ............... 33' ·RIPE OLIVES ;:i,·::!'..~~.~~~~: ............. 38 ' KOSHER Dill HALVES :.:.-:: ......... 44' SWEQ RELISH ~·:~~~-' ...................... 27' CHB swm PICKLES :::: .......... 49' --our COW EvcryilayPrice!'. "FOR A REFRESHING SWITCH" LIPTON TEA BACjS "8 COUN T PKG. · FRUIT PIES IJl'lr.IMl-l-lllllJIN,llf· 29< rllot-Lfll..,._,,., ............. .. ' . FREfilCll FRIES ::';~:... ___ ... 45 ' HAWAIIAN PUNCH :::,~.--35' MACARONI & CHEESE :::r.~ ... 35' BMRAGES.· SPIRITS · CANADA DRY BEVERAGE (. ...... , ...... '""H••••<o•o•••<••••••O 9' ~m ~f~~ ..................... s29• llOUSEllOll. llPIS -NAPKINS :.~~~~~· .. ··-····--············ 10' LUCKY FACIAL DSSUE -· N< ..... 21' Our LOW Evcr.ydayPricc~ LUCKY DECO RA TED , PAPER TOWELS · NORTHERN TISSUE :::!' ... -..... _ 38' .. '"COUNT ROLL DRIFT DnERGENT . . ·--79' ... -.. a·· 9'!17 CJ. · " '" . " 44'11. Ni............... ~ BOLD D~ERGENT """' .......... 82 ' ' DASH DETERGENT ~co•• .......... -77' IVORY LIQUID ~:~ ....... -........ 83' . Our LOW Ever}dity Price! CHUNK UGHT MEAT CARNATION TUNA 6V1 OUNCE CAN HOUSEllOlt nEMS .' .. -. IVORY SNOW .................................. 79' TOP JOB CLEANER \:!~.~ .......... 66' FORMULA 409 IAllll-tl!A ... 69' ~ " lt.IL(.U."'""""'""""" SAFE.GU~ soap ::::'.. •.............. 20' GOODWIN AMMONIA ,_·~. 27' Enjoy all of.Mother Nature's fines t fru its ancl vegetables at Lucky's Low Evt ryclay Discount Prices. Compare the quality of tht season's berries that art arriving at Lucky. Yo u'll 1,.,, the SUM1111r fr••'"'••• and flo· ••r. FIRM AND GotDEN RIPE BANANAS Dttt<teblo 1 OC · Snock or Certallopper . lb. NORGOLD VARIETY - "~ ·L-PUDllCts FOREMOST ~umR ::.~\\':' ... _. 79' COTIAGE CHEESE ~:~ ................ 57' · . .;~.;,. ·11•El tTEMS SALAD MACARONI ::~~::.:~ ........ 73c C&H SUGAR ~~-~'.~ .......................... 59c OLflE Oil ~rit~ ................................... 47c · .,. CHIC-E-CAT FOOD ::-;;•.,. . .. 10' ALPO BEEF DOG FOOD :!"..".'l~ 29' Our LOW Evcr}day Price~ CHEESE FOOD KRAFT VELVEETA -l2·0UNCE LOAF 98° Our LO\V, l.:.vcr)day Price! PREMIUM QUALITY · GOLDEN CROWN BEER CASE Of 2.t -12-0Z. CANS •. (12..0UNCI "ICG. 47t) wi4Von de Komp:S111\I! A DE LE CT ABLE VARIETY OF GOODIES FOR THE 4TH ,,, MOSJ wen SlOIU) Ill. lll 111111 lllJ WllJ llllll IWP 111111 f"!:!$f!.1, LOW DISCOUNT PRICES ON HOUSEWARES E: BEAUTY AIDS eonuoF 24 DRISTAN TABLETS PAPER PLATE HOLDER A.,.,,,., Pk1lc & Peti1 Plitt S1,,"1:. -21:'·~)1. Kl~G SIZE BOTILE BROMO SELTZER • strict. diet, you can't stand the v.:hole routine. '\' ou get obsess· ed with " thoughts alxlut food and lhtnk aboul, ll all t h e Ume.'' Carolyn said. LUCKY GIN s3u "" '""" ""' htll• ..................... . . FINEST ALL PURPOSE U.S. ND,J RUSSET "· 48C POTATOES 10 ;" - • . . '" tHi1f ef 99 c ,..:,.,._;, :::'".!:-•• ~ • .-;::__'""II; 11elle•"'--'"" t •Htf et _,, .. o11... 85 c ~.,. .._ . ..., .. ,~ .. <U 11-clt ., ... , 01H' l•• l...-,4•1 Pritt . Otson will soon be seen in a ttarrlng role Jn the movie , '"fwtnky.'' '41 want Lo write. a booll," •he said, "nonfiction, • all@lll c:olleg• kid•, pOlfttcs, inoratlty and·what'1 happening In thla country t·octay." ll.11 wortJng title ls "Don't De Conltlffd by lhe F acta." ! ' ( I '. .. • I • • ' ' ' I ' --1-'-"-''1.c.' Jv-'-fy _;2,_1_;'6_f _______ DAll Y PILOT 4l • ,. -. . .~ d . ·:Bl"ink N\~y. ·Be ~-:iAV.oide Cl .f • By llOROl'llY WENClt . You 1l19 loe~ ll>lt 'it ~eaae Jecl One Ume 8) our boole, bom...,.wa "1tlablo1 Uh un<ltslrable <hlll&ea to flavor, buUJn1 ind mil ' orboilio& lmpr0vea keep!q,k 4u1 I l ty •Yllalal ·bdore I pve tt la •• ~ · You ''·Think ...... ~--lbe·Janl ~ t:'Jvlnfl 'G"'1dma-wl>1JanolUlodl<r . i:rte• 11tuJ. '!'be d!roctl"'I calorlndlolure. gelallnlzts the ltartJ\ Ind 1iM<!lllYl-tqporlarv1t ~- / Tbere'1110lbln1Hiloe1pius •• '®.ii=;~ the .Jb<se1D-oder.11mechlnlcll book 18YI to -b till . •• thereby elter1't11e coOldDi !hatnl\lbllie ·p<mnllnthe A .. letc..am. Ind. i!;omlll< _,, od d · · .,....._ problem.-come devic<s -&nibbed a dlibclotb ""l•lll!!es Iii 1101Uo1 wt,1tr r« ~ r. 111ue , a '"'areace _._ . ~ 1 ,.., ... _,..,.,......,.,link ~uippod lrilb· 1 """" allen , asJt spiln In the'dllpooer and z mlut.1. 11 llllo mp n.Uy ,.. -. ~·•ctorlstlc Yc>J find tho rice will be, dellroyed.· llbels'do •OCJl<ed to Include 1 to fool up• ""l>JIOllY = ~,which~ 1"l to aot I very brul..a bond,ln tl>e .... ~? . . . ' bet-, -••Ml rlee ""' grains,. vm oepara!Od '•Q. ""'· l:" :_ .:......._ !lit ol lnpedlenll becauoe 1 Tllla haPP<n<J! f9cl\' r • tl!l'll Uie •. ari!ld!il..-...nlsm proc .... ·It ceuld have been A. ll!ancblng ..,_ you ol ,......,. rioeT .,,,. caoven.d · •lt<r cook · and will n\io; • -., ·• :""' ~ theao yredllctf have • stan-., Jwt .i the ~t -. .p we'rO lo rel~ ~ ~: 'l"Ub aome wope u I hadn't f\lllh«l In and better q u a 11 t y frozen rl<e _. to ctll qalto 1 bit ''muoh up" 11 noadlly u mnm "" ,.. ,.. ~I· !o-d-.recipes. They aU· ;. ir)'inl~Can UP-betWien ·~~· "'~ tQ.' ~ the.~ t:wTle4 off ~ 1witch.-Remem-vegetables, altboll'gb you could Ul~d!=: la parboil· «~:,1~:·· atSo ;mpro\les p-edleelf 0. ke cr~'ud ~ mutt CODtai6 lht tame ln-d.lrmfr pd deSiert . i<fes 6 :'kW~ bf~turnlng ber, hi an,emergency, cum oH omit it and still have safe a milk cartetu? I.._~~ aid nMffmi..tn order to·be called F \ -. • .,. fiiem., 1 ~·~dJe. the electrlclly first. food. What the blanching does ed rice made lly a 1peclfic;. nutrlUve value 'lln<le Ule 11~ 11 --. .. _,._ Set aillk" 'l'l'i.:..-::...._., or .,,_ milk." ortunately one o( our Of -, Id Jsdestroythetnl)'mealnthe patented~~whlchthe mineralsandvltamlnsprestot ----... -~...... w.: guesll waa the handy do.I '°""'you W® n,ever QUESTIONS WE AJU; ASK< vegellblea. Without""""""" _Jl!!li ffl'" rJct.!1 ~ ~. l!t. the oulet' c:oat ~te_jo ""'lbt'• all. MJ ~ EC@ ore..,. ol th< llandard · " ty H ·~~ U !!<JI your hand .P!to;Jffi_ ~ _ ,,. ....,,..~,. ~,..,· ,... ,..,..._,, . . 1 ""•-, d .. ~.. .--...t-~~ r .. -•-=r..u for thOIO•"-· yourseu pe. e ~ us-pu diJposer-when tt'a grlndlng tO +;>..,• , • me enzymes contlnue to react wann or bo' 'filer, orl.llle(t. cen er Ol L11'tl ~~ ....... -~ -' ... ,_ • ......,. ~garden hose 1~1 put it retrie\le a nongrindtble ob-Q. --rm 1911, to rreae tome i,n, the frozen food and cause cteamed, and .dr1ediiibeloreiiiiiuieij-ijij. ~Piarbo!linci. iim11i'°iii--~-il1Pil...,.,,jlll11m'lfm~m~ts·. iiliiliiiiiiiiiii~ into the sink draJ.n .with a · · • ·• ~ towel wrapped, around it to pno\'Olll baekwaab, lJid tu1'11111the1'iler1Ull b\ISl. ln no Udfe at au the debris ;tad bee.fttcleaned OJJt or th~ gfl>es and \he water flow~ freely again. . ~ • The same thing i:An be done to clean out the draJn lrap outside Uie hquse .• This i.1 usually localejd' . below yo(lr garbage disposer. It's well to block your, s!nk 'Openings ·lh tM house so lb.at the water doesn't 'back up Into them ac- cidentally. PREVJ;:NTION . __ .. __ _:.;.Tll.;:e;i~ driljl problem..:.,~· ,~re+. usually. the ~It of food from your l•bage disposer becoming lodged io the pipes. To help ptevent this from hap- pening: .. NED ~1., BEVERAGE r:r10HN1 l I • l. Us~ plenty of cold water when you run your disposer - cold to k~p, the Uits hard so they are .ground up and car· ried away instead of being melted by warm w<iler and perhaps d~ited in the . pipes; and plenty of water to be sure the food wasle is car- ried oulof the house. Run the waler at full pressure (or as full as you can without splashing) while the dispooer is ruMing and for at least hall a minute after grinding stops lo clear the pipes. 2. Mix the types of foods to be ground up whenever possi-· hie. Some oooes of fruit pits mixed with fruit and \ICgelable peels will help scrub the pipes. It's best nol to grind stringy, fibrous waste such as «lery, corn husks and artichokes. J MAYFRESH llfG. OR LOW·CALORIE ASSOl(TED FLAVORS 12-0I. CANS s ~ . ~ ~ ··~ L~!~~.!PE i D I ' ~·~fi lot ·-1-.,,.-~JO!il\llml2il1i6i-;;;;._ ,. .w:~:=z SPRECKELS ~;~:;.~SUGAR ... ·a" 5-Ll.BAG.LfMrroNE . ' c . ' ..4~ 43< 3. Flush the pipeline oc- casionally to clear oul heavy weight it.ems. To di> this SimJr ly close the sink opening and fill the sink with water. Then, \vhile the disposer is running, remove_ the slopJ*f so the rush of water carries the 1round-up food oul of_ the pipeline. A sinkful of .wa9.11 sudsy water flushed thru Ole disposer while it's running is another way to clean it out. Drain. cleaning chero.icals should never be used in your garbage disposer. The cor- ARDEN BUITE~-~;~~~ --~· ···~·IJ! 79' . ARDEN COITAOE-CHEESE ~·~·~.49'-... , 25L rosive action of the drain t REAL.CREAM T.()RPI NG ,,oo• w~ .. 1oz. SSC ' . . cleaner might dam age the in-~ ~ ' L ierior or u., dispooer. · m~1a1r Froz~ Food. .-.. ·~.1.1;··;,::;;;i~~ill,~.'l!.~~ Disposers arc not de.signed , .,.. I ?.'•!It: ~~:,:1~. ~~;::~~~~g. ~~; : .... GREEN GIAN'I VEGETABLES YOUN.GTENDER BONELESS from\legetablepackages . • . Hen or Tom CHUCK aluminum foil, bobby pins. WITH BUTTER' to.oz. PKG. ' 2 I ,.,/. paper'Clipsandthelike. NllLnSCORN,PEAS ~ IUR"EV~ ROASI CORRECT PROCEDUJlE ~~6':.c:;,~~~~ii~·G~~~NVEG.. . --· ~. ~ --·-· · .• ~ . ..__..._ .. · -·~ - An obstruction, such as 'bne -·~ -·--arANS'.'fRENCffCUTBtANS---ea . ··-n'4btlQNTllCVTS . . . r~!1!:~:=~~::i1~~:;: .§l~P.,~JYl~Q.9J. ~IP __ . ""' 29( ~· o~~.-::~:.,~· I •. MA ~~~:A~~J1:o" ~?r.;~{:2i?~:~~ ~~P~~!L::~z;!?~~11s ~~~·l!: ~· a · ~· a~ The first t!ling to do in an, • . ' H SHORT RIBS .. ~·• "'" 4 I C case is to turn off the switch. • ~ OF BEEF ••tofol~.~.o.t.cHOICt maqf air Liquors t ..... "" ':'"'""""" .. ., r-"" lb. Star Cake In Lights . ' Be ready for the Fourth lhls year Jn a special' way': Grace the picnic table with a red, white and blUe Star Cake, guaranteed to add razzle- dazzle to an already spec- tacular holiday, .... ~~ Ill' BONILllS ·· · ·•t 39 BEER {: !!.!!~~.,HAMI lb. • •' GOLDENBREWPREMIUMsn• r.<• FRESH 6 gc s 2 . 79. B !!!J.! p=~.•!S '"'" •79' ... ;;t?' - . lb. SILVER PEAK BEER FROM COlORAOO PUil TOP $111!9 12-0Z. (AN : •... CASE Of 24 ,~ • ~ ~~~~}-~!!~.~-~:~~ .... --·-... 9SC ~!~~.~~~~[ ___ .__ ..... _ 1u."G. ]f ~1 ~~~[1~s~~u:_un1~---·· 98' ~~~EJ]tlJ!CES '"L "'> 8~ . }( ~,1.!,N,~~~0!~ -. • Sl39 ~f!!~.UJ,1!LllS .... St: .. _., ~ ,. IDEAL FOR BARIECUING CHUCK STlAK MA YFAfR BLUE RIBBON STEEl IEEF--U.S.D.A. CHOla The Star Cake is a colorful confection made from one angel food cake, one 9-inch square cake and a fluffy white or 7-minut.e frosting . Tint one- fourth of Uie frosting blue, one-fourth red ana the re- mainder lea\le white. ZAROFSKY VODKA OR :v~CKGIN ..... _ FIFTH sra ROYAL OCCASION RUM ~~~f~~ ~.'.'~ .. FIFTH 5339 WESTPORT WHISKEY l6'~~ .. ----.. FIFTH 5'!1 ·},J ~~~~N!l~~A:!l."G:-~._.: .. _ aac ~~~.0!~~~r·~-~~~·-·-... -. ~.98° )i ~~;\~!~, .... _: .... }~ ~.~~:Fl!M ·------r.98' ~~~~~~~1"!":~.~~:=~w::t.:~~~·'INjijjjli!if(!.19tt!ili'~ll!l'fi~~a'!llattl;l;'ii..i lb . The angel food cake, made ln any 10-inch tube pan, forms Lhe base 0£ the star. The star 1 is cut from the square cake. To pa(lefli the star, use 1 cardboard o r construcUon paper slar :totm. Place It atop the layer cake. With a very sharp knife, eut into the cake while ~following outline of the star. Then place the cake-star on top of the angel food cake. Now you're ready for Che patriotic Wm,ullngs. To fl'Qlt"\be cake, start with. the top W ihe star uslng the nod-tinted frosUng. Next frost or. the sid~.of lhe stair "1th the ·. ~I Ille« froslillj!. Flnbh by · the rest of the cake I w i. !~ting. Ali.r the cake has been :--tt comp1ete11 ft'Of:ited, pipe sides r+-with miniature Oags, reserv- log 'ooe tiny fllg'for the lop of .\lit Ital. Add a finishing tollch with red, white and blue slMped naJ!ldn•. BING . LARGE 3 ' gc· . SWEET CHERRIES _ .... _ .. __ .,., · cucu•1Rs ="--' """"10' -·· , • .. .c RID"OMONI ~~ . ·~· 10'. · .. I -------------------------- Wllf\JJ ~W-W " Von de Kamp'.s WEE~~N'l[ ;~~Ats." l~m..sl.,, ...,,. J.I I~ :;1'.'.'.''.'~ .. ,..,., $119 S•pt, Mllasts, 01taul,. Citttlatt ~ •r ,. .. 1t.lltkr .25• Cookits................ · . OrlllP~ -Coffn Clkes .. hi." 1.JU' , 'llHYJWW\ll'OOW ' ' ' I I • • • ' ., ' • HAWAIIAN LUAU TOPPED .WITH MAI TAI PIE • Sweete r Than Wirie P.•~' -ol Ibo. -ways to honbr' the Father of our Coualcy "l' 11111 F..,rth oll July lo in sip ud ..,.,e !ill favorite wine. · JNDEPENDENCB 1'11\,4. WBF;RRJ.ES ~boOl !';3 ciips !rub ttrawberrtes, r I n 1 e d • stemmed and lltoed In half Madeira 14u~ •(recipe be- low) Spoon Str8wberries J n to stemmed dessert &I~. At servi.qg Ume, paas aaUce io be -1z.dled Ov"fr strawberrieli. Ma,kes 6 .servln,lis. Madeira' sauce -S t 1 r !cJt!•thei in top part o1 double boiler II cup (1(< poond) melted butler, ~ firmly · pacUd tight """"' -· '\'< leaspoon ground ma.. and II teaspoon ~t. Add t beaten ~gg yoli:e.1 _. Luau a· -Lulu-for AdventuroiJs Cook -,Over boiling waler. stirring_ constantly, ·upµt mil- ture,"beoomes ligbt cotared aod blends and thickens, about 10 minutes. .Vef1 slowly, stir in 2 , lablespocim Madeira:. CO\lk and stir about s minutes longer. Remove froaiheat and se~ immediately or. aUow to t cool to room temperature, stining frequently. Ma t ·e s Bl2out 1 cup sauce. . . • INDEPENDENCE STRAWBERRIES FOR 1n6 FEAST · 1o~k lor the· blue wi~mill at selec~d snp~rmarkets . . . .. ..-.--'-··~--~ For an unusual and delicious warm-weather dinner party; take a cue from the Hawaiians and serve a meal with a Ll1au flair. · piece so the bone cavity can be stuffed. Break .up tice ~llb fork; mix in rulion and' pineapple. Stir sauce ingredi ents together, choosing one of the two sauces listed above. Add sauce to rice; ii using alter:riale sauce, use ~ cup of sauce with the rice and reserve the rest for basting tbe ham. lf.t cup tarragon vinegar 1 cup Japanese ·st~ soy . sauce .. :. 1 tcMpoon dry mustard , 2 teaspoons parsley 2 teas~ chervil Combme all ingredients and blend well. P.1akes z cups o( dressing. STIR-FRIED SWEET AND SOUR BEEF Ha~·ailan cooking is a rut adventut. in eating, since it embraces food of all the peoples who have m a d e Hawaii their home. Their tradillonal Hawaiian feast, the luau, ususally combines the food of the Orient with foods of the South Pactflc, mixing such dishes as fried rice and c!Jow mein with tl¥! exotic fruits and vegetable!: of the Islands. Pack rlct mixtureJlgbUy ln· 1 pound top round steak, lo cavity-of ham. Tie ham cut in lh1n strips with heavy string to prevent 1/3 cup bottled teriyaki rict stuUing from falling out sauce or soy sauce during baking. Place 'stuffed ~~ cup vinegar ~Jn loll-lined roasting pan I can (81h ounces) pineapple and bake in ptebeated 325 tidbits For a luau-inspired m6a1 degri?e F. oven for 15 minutes 2 tablespoons cooking oil that's easy and interesting, per pound, u n ti 1 hot • 1 clove garllc, crushed take advantage of the wide throughout..--\% teaspoon salt variety , 9r-calmed Chinese As ham bakes, baste it fre-2 tablespoons sherry, op- foo4s nQ.w. available in your quentl}" with add it 1 0 n a 1 ljonal market. You'll find they cut Hawaiian barbecue sauce or t divider-Pak can (2 pounds, preparation time and add an , with reserved porUon 01 . 11 ounCC1!) mu 5 h 'r 0 om e1otlc flavor. alternate sauce. Serve ·chow me1n Hula Ham With Fried Rice garnished with orange sl~ Stelk should ~ cut Into Stuffing makes a savory main all(t parsley sprigs. strips a~t . 113 mch thick. course dish serving 10 to 12 If preferred.., a canned ham Place 11.ri~. rn bowl and pour guests. Have the biJtcher may be heated and served sa~ce and y1negar over them. remove the ham bone: Fill the, with the fried rice mixture us-Sijr lo moist.en all the meat cavity with spicy fried rice ed as a side-dish rather than a well : ,Refrigerate meat in sparked wiijl bif3: o~ pineapple stuffing. Simply [allow the marinade 2 to 3 _Eg;urs. and ·· chopj5ed oruon and same ditections for preparing fl.e'!Kl~e steak from sauce ancf navored w\lh a Hawaiian the rice and heat in greased drain .on p~per towels. barbecue sauce. baking dish for about 30 . ?rain p1n~pple, reservl~g If you prefer to used a can-minutes as the ham _bakes. JUiee. Put pineapple jul~ 1n ned ham, the fried rice can Baste canned ham w1·th sau-saucepan and boil over direct be served as a side dish rath--..... he I er than a stuffing. The canned as It cooks, as previously at until vo ume is reduced in h~~.E~=fed ...!'J!!t_~y_~ jl.S_jt descfibed. baJf. . . coou, Ol!VeJoiiS . an excellent °"M8Jtes lO*~toJ.2 gener~ Put' COOking-ol.ttn-Jarge ·try. flavor, too. Either way, the servings. Ing. ~n ov~ high heat : add Cf\JShl!d ga rlic and salt. When ham looks pretty garnished CRUNCILY LUAU SALAD oif Is very hot, drop in pieces with orange slices a n d 1 head iceberg lettuce of marinated steak and fry parsley. 1 head bib lettuce about 5 minutes, stirring con· 1f you pre I er beef, substitute 2 cucumbers, unpeeled . and tinuously to make sure all Stir.fried Sweet and Sol.ll' Beef sliced ' meat browns evenly. Stir in as you r main course. The use 1 cup sliced .radishes sherry and pineapple juice. of a divider-pal can of 1 cup sliced carrots Rinse and drain divider-pak rmashroom chow mein and the bl f bot f lek "stir 1 ,. 01. k l cup sliced celery hearts or vegela es ro!TI tom can o 9u · ry mese coo .· stalks mushroom chOB mein; stir in-mg met h 0 d ~ake this 1L ,...n. .... l.n n....A ar ....... ,..,;,. .. ~ J o. ...steak.....mi%1.ure.-S1lr-.in_ 1emptlng-Istmtts-dish a 'Snap··--·~--~.,..--.... ........... · to prepare Or serve the beef or scallions divlder-pak sauc~ from top dish in dclitio' to th h t 2 cups halved c he r r y can of chow me1n and .heat 8 n . e am 0 tomatoes until bubbly. Serve im· mjkeJdm;r m~al ~to a really 2 cans {5 ounces each) mediately, over plain or fried 'PAen uau theas · . water chestnuts sliced rice, ii desired, Makes about 6 ccompany e :na1n course 1 3 l 'ch 1 servings · with an eye-appea1lng Crunchy can t -OUnces ow me n . Luau Salad with Soy Sauce ~oodles . • ICED TEA llAWAUAN Dressing. This co Io r f u I Wash _and break lettuce Into 2 cans (46 ounces each) fruit vegetable salad gets i t s sml all pieces. In 8 large bowl, juicy red Hawaiian pundi, unusual flavor and texture Pace all ~egetables and water regular or low calorie from Ute crisp water chestnuts chestnuts, to.ss well. Ju~t 10 tea bags and chow mein noodles among before serving, ~dd chow mein Lemon slices its ingredients. n~les and mix well.. Serve Heat punch unUI it reaches Fruit puncb is a key part of with Soy Sauce. Dressing_ .or a full boil. Remove from heat every luau. As your beverage, your own favorite dres:3ing. and place tea bags in punch : serve canned or frozen punch Makes about IO to 12 servmgs. steep 3 to 5 minutes. Remove made from fruits of the Soy Sauce Dresslng tea hags and pour punch Into a 11awaiian Islands such as 1h cup .olive oil pitcher full of ice cubes. (If paSsionfruit, apricots and gua_vas. Wind up your luau party with Mai-tai Pie: The Mai-Tai is a fa vorite island drink•made- with pineapple juice and rum . Your pie uses crushed pineap- ple and light f'\J.m or rum ex· tract and features crust made with sweetened chow mein noodles and coconut. If you have a porcif or patio, 5frve your luau dinner party there. It will lend a rel<1;1ed at· mosphere to the meal, and tradiUonally, Hawaiian luaus are casual and infonnaJ. Aloha! HULA HAM wtm FRIED RICE STUFFING 1 smoked whole ham (7 to 8 pounds, boned by but- cher . 1 can (13.5 ounces) meatless fried rice or fried rice with pork JO cup chopped onion J cup canned pineapple tid- bits, drained : Orange slices and parsley for garni.sb S..ce desired, additional c a n n e d punch. ~n be poured directly into Ice cube trays ~d--lrozen ·into pretty red a:bes; ice cubes made of pun91l have the advantag'e of not diluting the drink as they melt.) Add a few drops of lempn j~ alld some lemon slices and serve. Makes n~ut lO~tall cooler &lasses. MAI TA! PIE _Crust . 1 can ($ ounces) chow mein noodles' 1/3 cup melted butter .y, cup sugar 1 tablespoon• grated orange rind., " ' ~ cup, flaked coconut Filling 1 paclf8ge (l ounces) lemon pie fillin g 2 tablespoons ,,ugar 2 egg yolks, slightly beaten 1 cup fresh or frozen orange jujce l cup w..ater 11~ cup light rum• 1 cup-crushed pineapple, drained ""If ·preferred, I teaspoon rum flavoring and an exlra 1/J -cup-or.ange juice cen be substituted for light rum • mps . - .?, .. Topping 2 !?gg whites IA teaspoon cream of tartar 4 tablespoons sugar ·_'fi*Special Prices:. Thurs.-Sun., July .3-6 _ '.4 r;up flaked coconut - -c-rusb nOO<fr-e..-Sl!lbtlf: eo-.n. btne noodJcs with melted but- ter, sugar,. orange rind and coconut. Mix well. Press noo- dle mixture into a greased l~inch pie pan. Bake 1n hot preheated 425 degrees F. oven for 7 minutes or· un til lightly browned. R e m o v e . . . -cele~iate the Fabulous Fourth · from oven and cool. fu · d ' Combine pudding powder, K sugar and egg yolks in .sauce e amp s Q!n,_Add. <![[IIll.&< •. .illlc:<. JDd . ··---• • · · w"ilt.er gradua Jy until pudding and sugar are dissolved: · Cook over medium h c a t. slirring. until filling becomes very thick. Remove. from heal and stir in rum and crushed pineapple. Pour into cooled noodle crusL ' \Vhip egg whites wltll cfeam of tartar until sort peaks form. Beat in sugar gradually, being careful not to overbeat. Pile -meringue lightly on pie filling . Sprinkle coconut over mer· lngue. Brown in preheated moderate 375 degi:.ees F. oven for 7 minutes or until llghtly browned. Chill pie before serv- ing. Makes one ID-Inch pie. · • Style! M~lk Ch_ocolt;1te Layer:-Cake • . Von de Kemp's makes a special kind of tender coke to make any chocolate lover's fourth complelel l'NO mountainous layers of rich milk chocolate cake, fresh eggs, creamy milk chocolate filling and a cro'l\'n of thick milk cho~olote icing. ~I Two-layers $119 (Reg. $1.29) Cookies: S(lgar, Molasses, Oatmeal, Chocolate, Pe anut Butter Von de Kemp's mo~es o variety of cookies perfect for any Fourth of July picnic, Your fam ily's favor· ites are special th!s week at o special low price. Extra special any week because we make them with the freshest of everything. Crunchy and rtice and delicious olll Pkg. . . ' 25c (Reg. 33c) Apricot Pie 9 ......... ,.,,.,,,.:,, (Reg. 79c:)6C}< Orange Roll Coffee Cakes Scrt.imptiousl They're mode from a special dougil that's used just for our Orange Roll Coffee Cokes. The filling? Light and orangey a s only fresh ground otonQes make it. Pleasingly orange tori, too. The ici ng? fresh oranges, not1.trolly. Pkg. al 8 39c (45c Valu e) Bran Muffins Old-f,oshioned whole wheat bran and fresh hor\ey turned inlo o muffin! And that's not all. Von de Komp's makes them like no olher with pure ground oranges ond fresh ground raisins a nd butterm ilk, too. · • Pkg. of 6 33c (Reg. 39c) Chocolate Fudge Cake Wherever you go, toke along our deep dork Choc- olate Fudge Coke. It travels beautifully in its own toke·olong new square foil pan. One fluffy layer 1of fudge coke lo.'."ished with thick fudge. frosti~. Whal a great way lo top off o picnic! 1-layer 59c (Rec. 69c) V.. cup orange juice y, cup Hawalian barbecue lauce STEREO SENSATION! Chocola te Fudge Candy I 0-oz. (89t-Volue):,, y9c . Rocky Ro:d Ice Crea m Y.i:Gol . ...,.(Reg.$1 .29) Sl ,19 1 teaspoons hol muslard Al&muiie S•~­ " cup oranre Jul~ \l cup oll>purpose-"'1 sauce I <i-prllc, nwhed I &e•P lliOlll bot .murtard ~ i:::..--: lleht molaue1 Jtave .... tcher remove boDe tom him, !taring ham lD one r y The colorful soun~ of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM • ... From Fas hion Island , Newport Be ach .. ............... ---.... ........... --.-..------------. . . Pini ..•...• (Reg. ~9c:) 35c {Ice cream ovairobl• in tnO~ Von de Komp's atorei) Coke O'Mont h -Rocky Rood , .... 2.1oyer, •1.29 We bake Ill~ way you would. tt you had the Lime. A1Mmo11t ' .• ' • . • . . J04f PM~ Coest Hlth.....,. c-.. "91 M• ................... " 70I s. hciric c-t Hwy .. L.t•11t1 .... P.-try Morllet .,,,,. '1t70 lot«, Coste Mese · M8"et ...._. •••••• J1 0CI lalM1 lf'td., Newpett TMfriflMff • , , • , , , • , 2701 Horbtf ltd,. COlfe MeM M.W ... et •.,.,. Waf'diff Pl-. N_,_,, 11«11 Meyfofr ••••. •••••· 171 l . 17Hi Shftt, C•f11 w... ~ 11 l oiitk , , •• , •••• 2727 W, Newpert llnl .. "*wpttrt IMcll Tep Yeti • '..... •• • llS w. , ... Sm.t, e.... MIM II ...... • •• • • •• •• lattbf-'f c .. Nt. """•ft '-ell M.W l a!t.t • • • • • • 2f715 ""'"' ...... c.... ,.. M .............. 2727 .......... Cw.HI ... s. a.....,. ,,.,,,. •••• ' . • • • • • • • JIJ lreodwey, Lol•M .... ,. "''*'"" ....... -. 602 N. 1:1 c ... 1 •• l llQf, s.. CIHlellt. i . . .... -~ " . - t PILOT ·ADVERTISER L . DAILY PILOT I . TENDER AGED BARBECUE -SPECrALS . . CHUCK STEAK -! - c ~ ' ., JERSl!YMAIO-ALL VARIETIES . con AGE CHEESE ~ -yuaAN 6-~ACK CTN. 'FUDGESIOU,:S OR . . 25 .. c . POPSICLES . . . · · ~ llU llllliD ·t . ' ·. POT~To~: ;~ ~~=CHIP~S-• . ; ·' ·.~" ~PE-ACIJES ... !;: . 2 c . ' TIN LEi.iNADE3:25c ANACONDA-HEAVY DUTY IS ~IN. BY 25,FT. 49' ALUMINUM FOIL ..... . PiRKaBEANS 19c ORCHIDS-CLASSIC TONES 60-CT. PKG.1 OC PAPER. NAPKINS ....... •1t"s F.1.~f!~fi .l!'-,·uit Season at -Thrilti-,nart" ~ --~-- l,IQf/OR DEPT. f'EATVRES c LB. r. ' ' .. ~ .. 6'..:oz. . . . TINS •.. PRICES ~FFECTIVE 1HURS., TH~U SUN .. JULY ,l, 4, ~-6 .., .... '· ... ., ~ .: • • '7 ... :-' ... • , • • " " -. ·,. v: .. ·' ., " i: :, .. -;.: ! .. ·~ ··i ' ·" . •· ' " · . . ... . . . '. " ;'j<> .... • ·I· 2701 HARBOR BLV.D., COSTA ~ES~ e .. 1l922 BRO-OK.!ofUltST, GARJ>lN ·GRQYE • ~··. 1308 W. EDINGER~·SANTA ~NA ~. · _,. 58~ WARNER, HUNTINGTON IEA-C~ ·-· -~ll IL TORO, E~ · TORO -:-, · . -) '.. . ;,, -• ·----·-1 . . ' . • • • ~ --------~-....... ---------~ -.. I I .I f l • , \ ' • • • ' \ ' . .• . . t • , '. .... , .~) ~ 'libli1ak Cooldns otit? You11 Ion b41:1!<!:uiq.and ~~'.El Rancho'• ·tender,·eloeer trimllled.rib.1teab ! ~··m1· · £,;~d .; .. ~,"'., ~.;:;;.;rED Ul:UU ... ftUllll .......... 07• SIRLOIN " ~ hh·and IWI; ,·, ,.,.a.._~~I Perfect patties, •• three to a pound. , ' -. -. . . . Su)t,r._ 4t~ (}IY)cify/ Specials . .. • • -~----'-~-,J • ..__. ........... ·---· • -· ·~----·· -_...... __ _ • ' . . . ' ~ ,-.... '" ~ .. I ,. ....... .; . . ·v:i.. .'J. 1 .... .. ''·' • j • • . . . . . -• l .. • • ,, ' . , .. .. I • . ·~"'· "t '1 . -;;... .t''T .•• .., !.. il •. . . } '• ... .. I • ., .I . . • , ··r. " ,, " . . . ' \ -· .. ' ' . ' ·,, ' ' ' " . ..... '~ ,i-!t',.,~·;'"·'·~.. •"!: ' ~ •• ,~, ~1·~ w•'°'.• t\' ... · ... ·. . ;p/HJll!!!f/111'11 , . · Ca'D.foinia's finest 'golden fryen • • • . plulnp and tender and cbunq and meaty ••• expertly: ,split into · · baa\.b-coe ,i .. ~v .. ·! " . Pa-fed ~tatlng •.•• 'King •ize .I . IP1nk1 All meal ••• and an 4elicioUJ! Bar-M ••• juicy an~ ti!a~er ... · and' 10 flavorful becAuse they're made loeally •• ·• really frean.1 ' . . ' · . BAR·M ALL .MEAT!· ·' B .. -,'M . H' . ·'. ' . BONELESS. . $1. 49 '' I " . . . . · .. TAVERN smE . -... Bone!~.~~ give you more value~!' coo~:d·1:r,.~n:.:u::,i::. ;~~·~::~~on. lb Shelled ··Shrimp : ............. ~1~! N.-.~napPff= ............. ~.1~~ . J>teled ind clea11ed·; •• ready for flying ! 1 lb. bag. .'!Freah! • , • lciolt to El Rancho for finer IO&food. -. • •• ~ .•_, I.. ~ ft. • • • . I Super 4th PiY>duee;: &,.,,ains ~. I 11 · j \___: -·-----~---~-~~~~~-~------ ,. h . • ~ . . ' . . . ·· ·y O"w·N !' • TEST DRIVE~ -l , • ·· VACAllOi· 1PECIAtS! ' OVER 2 ACRES OF ROBINS-REUAll:E "l,ISED "C~RS -,, · . . '. ~ow AT SPECIAL SUMME~ DISCOU , r.· < • ,,( _f --A 1969-faBIRD-FOR-24 .iOliR$ ~~~-"""7·- •' . . • ;61,· YllOt . -$17 .. 95· '6l~AC $)' .. BEFORE YOU ' --1ov( · -. .. H.T. Impale ~-Dr. V-8, \ H.T. T•tftp•st Cu1tom. 1uto., P.S., •ir., R&H. , A~to.,~rs., R&H. ITRJ-IUKU167) ~ · _ . ~, •' , 0511 ,.. ~ CHECK OUR CLEARANCE $(1PER : . ' SAVINGS ;~;~,~~~-o •. Sed'". $ s· 95 . ~~:h~~l~,h ,1,.r. f : BIG ~RDS, i~Lu.to;, ~Rll'i>JQKN-~;~~%~~1~ippod. Li • . . -~~~lit:t5f- LeSoboe. Fun . powo•, Custom. v.s, FACTORY lOO NEW " ~ &: ._ • -• • '"'·!f you're thinking of buying· a"finirrderliird,'·,we invi'e .you ·to ',drive one of our '69's for 24'hours . See for-yourself the su-. -periorily of Ford's 'finest car then check' the fantastk dis-- . counts we will give you on your choice of· any 'model in our .big T~underbird inventory·. P:o~itive. prqof of the belt buy · in town! · · ·. ••• . . ,. . . •, -;~ 1Dttr:+ $'14951-'68 FORD . $1 ·1-95-FORD~!~CKS! FACTORY AIR. 2 · D•. . AIR, R&H , P.S., P.8. l'H.T'T_.,..1 ~RP~M._.sb_o_1 ~--'"'"'!~""!!!'---..'-Yc_.u .. ss_,0!'1 ___ ..,.."'.~~· · 9ji·~-1~69~S ·-'\r'fl~f124 · · ~-3· ···95· -'64 foRi>_-::_~L ,:::f •5 ------r 0 tfo-O:'E _-:- ANOTJIER &O ATL OA IITUST 'ARRIVED.! _England's_No.1~--lltr-. ~ A rlc~·s1'1. 1; lmi"irt ~I -----~ .,custo~~ago . · ) 4-Dr. SeClen. Full facforY · Custom· "'DI'. S•d. 't".8, E-ven Greater Sav· equipped. low mile19e, ' · • ' AIR iC 0 N O., auto., lngs on 26 low mile- Large Selection of AutolllCltics and ·i;our Speeds!- l\¥FX298 I . ,. R.~H I YWS42b I. Lo,. age 1969 Demos. ~~ ~~E~~~Auto., . ~~3~~~+: .;;;~;,;.;;~~n;;.1•~~~~; ..... ~u""~o-.. R-&-H.~' ~-~$~7=~9::::: ~)=----'~.--•.-.,. \ ~j l t -··~!!!!1·~'!'!!!'!!!"111!!!!'!"• -"II J . I ' ~~·sa~~cTORY AIR. • · Pj~v{,.·gi· Alil coNo. READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY .: ~ · -· ORANGE· COONTY!.S;ONlY .' 64. DODGE . o.;;'. 110 2· o •. Eq uip-• .-' • c d • ' -' • • -, lm~dlqt,,DtllYery.> .. te'Jlply-New . -""-d ... '_.•_vi_ .. -'P-BY_,_os_, ___ ;_. _·._, • .. '·-·-~ ... _· t~~."w:g.0~~.y .~:o.: . ' ': . . GOOD SEl:!CtlON E~~~'.i¢L I 1968's Nowi ~~ ··, . P ... RIH. IO RNS44 1 -.. . TO C_HOoSE .liROM DAY.-WEEK•MONTH • ..: . For lai111edlate ,C.l .. ~llC· l ;~h~~:~~~~i~·r 0 "" $15 9 5 STATION WAG~NS _,c::s:1:1~:o:u:1=a,:o:_:cAM:_::;:,:1R:.:D:,1s.!P:1.A:;y~· 1:,, :, =~~. ;:·:R:~:: .. c":~Y=o=· u=-1= .. F;,.,1 Sol0<Hon of Fo•d• '"~ Che,.ol•h. .. VAC·•TION '65 PLYMOUTH cou•1s"b~·;·~1THdA~0u26ig1ti~t:1~i·bs '•1 qomplet~ Ca.~per Packa,gesJt .. · .. HO*E. ON " $7 95 Exa'!!~·~~RD 9 PA$S~N~E~ ·: ·; F-100 e ·F-250 • F-350 CAMPER SPECIAL · WHEELS! Sport Fury 2 Or. H.T. Green w.ith ble ck inter. V8, 1uto., PS. I YXS462 l . '63 FALCON f uture 4-0 r. Sed. Auto- m1tic, r Act i o, hei fer. l\HG4001 . ; )$ • I COUNTRY SED~N ' . TRUCKS AND YOUR CHOICE You .. W~N y0u w'"t. ot<r $79. 5 V-8 en9 ;ne,.c,u;somet;, frens m;u.ion, oedio •nd ~ 33 CAMPE'R.S. IN ·_ STOCK. · whon '"want wltlMvt ""flit· h IORN54 ul•• « ,......atlona wfle!i: ,._¥' -·· . ~ --... ,.. .$1 0 9· 5. ~n~t!!~ln°:.'::":~:.:r;::s~~t.:~c~: ~a~:~:~ · ~~=.;::~~~1:;°! ' ava~le on tequnt. · . · us0vr IAlL°'f $IP fftlDAY,-,WLY .4!11·-::-OP~,.. 'SA TI,lltD~ Y & Sl,_IND~ ~ •. AS USUAL. -. rr . . . "'· • - -- • .. - '· ' " HAWAII HO -Carol Lawrence, above,· will 'be a guest on the first of aix Music Hall shows to be hosted -by Don · Ho. singing star of the islands. It Is staged at Dule's nightclub in the International 1'1ar- kel in Honolulu. Robin Wilsdn, ,Toby Allyn and Angel Pablo 8re regulars on the show. TELEVISION VIEWS Stars D9.n't .AI •Y• · 8htne , ... .. ... ..... . By RICK _DU BROW HOLLYWOOU (UPI)-;--Movie executive~ have learned the hard way that certain so-ealled big :. box office n2mes don 't draw filmgoers despite the fact . that they are "stars" and command huge salaries. , . I~-a~n -pi~1clt"r.:d1.~ as -'-'Bonnier: ;~...-Gly4e;-'1··­ "Rome6 and Juliet," o1Goodbye, Columbus" and .. lf" have helped' prove the point that you 4,on·t- need aUegedly surefire names to assure a hit. If . the story and framework are strong enough, and the. directing is topOOtch, stars are virtually un- necessary, which means budget problems are greatly eased, and the needed· gross income to re- coup an investment is-mt1ch less. And lhat, in turn, means more new talent can be encouraged. . . TELEVISION executives may well be learning the same lesson abOut the questionable vaJue of "stars'! in film series. I am not talking about var- iety sbOWJ, it sboUld· be made clear -for there is no douDt that this Is ""the arena of the star per- -fonner who si.ngs, dances or clowns ; the Red Skel- tons,----.1-ack -Glearons, Dean Martins. And I admit there are cer\ai.n feW stars, such as Lucille Ball, who' pull their weight in film serie's, just as in the riiovies there are Barba Steisand aqd Steve Mc- Queen. . ,.. For tfie most part, thoug1,, the story and struc-- ture· are the things 'in video series that tell a tale. Consider, for imtance,the-hug~-succ~f !..! Peyton Place," although people like Mia .Farrow had no names· or star power wheQ_.it began . -The original· 11star;•• remember\ ...was Oorot?y Malo~e. THE BIG VALLEY" had a nice rt.l.n as a West- ern, but though Barbara Stanwjick was the st.ar, and a1ways a good one, the show never got very high ratings .. On the other hand. Ken Berry, a med- ium-siz~ name in show l>usine~s, rpoved in to the "M~yberty R .F.D." se:ries, and it remained very strong in Popularity. It is inconceJvable to me, along these lines. to imagine lbat Gene Barry can draw an appreciable audience to "The Name of the G81Tie." But Brian Keith, Sebastian Cabot and a couple of ldds are doing fine in ''Family Affair." • ''THE MOD SQUAD," which held up in the rat· logs, bad three unknowns as the youthful le~ds. The Doris Day show had a big star, but has yet t~ pay real dividends In the ratings because of a mis- handled approach that is being altered, perhaps<:in r time. " There were no real stars in 11The Virginian" or 0 The Beverly Hillbillies" or "Bewitched" or • "star Trek" or "Get Smart" or. originally, in "Bonanza" or "Gomer Pyle'' or. say, the Dick Van Dyke Show. And yet they are onl y a handful of the shows that have gone on the air without star pro- tection. , OF COURSE there are stars such as Raymond Burr in "Ironside" and Robert \Vagner in "It Takes a Thief'' and Fess P arker in "Dan1e1 Boone." And there is a pl ace fyr -certain stars. But too many }>erformers wbo don't dra\v fl ies at the box offi ce are being allowed to ridi: 0!1 reputa~orls bu il t solely on exposure. while young talent is held back as a result. But maybe that's the name of the game. Dennis the· Menace \ UJCIE, OPEN UP! •• llll!OW Otl A IOIE IF \IO\l 'RE NOT Pli:ESSEP! . TUMBLEW~EDS -~ .. ' -.. ~ WIOOP'YA · M!'AN •sor<:m?!. . , . . ·. . '· . l I . . " .. ..• . .•-¥. -. .... • f• . . ..... ,. .... . ..... Ill •I• .. ~ .. I,.,,,-.. ' I " 4M.f;°M,..~ ., .. ~'""' .. By Gus Arriola CHTAINLV. CAMllM~ CIC . CHeWAR' / WlDN[SO AY JULY l ... '''° D llllN: ._ (C) !Oll . ·mv.,.., ... ,.. ..... ,, "' iii {Cl (60) u ill-· (C) 130) fZ) IUd: .. ~ .. (IOl. A.p1nel 111.:111111 ttlt "'"'"' " • fllm. .. -....... """" """"" """"----~ 1lloft. '1he Houtt T1 Un' 111" ft. t1lta how to l1M1sl:l11tt "11crlllll111- tlan In hollsl111 ttinru(h _ _.,.. experi-•nw ol mll!OrttJ' .,,,,,., l1111nJa at Cll ID -{Cl (10) .,_ .. {C) (Ol) • " 8'• 8 Z-h (IOI ...... ici ~.,,. T H II R ~ D A Y DAYTIME MOYl.ES . e JOB PRINTING · e PUBLICATIONS. -· e NEWSPAPERS Quellty Pri11tin9 ind D1p•Jld1bl• s,,..,i,• for more th,n 1 q~1rj,ti' OI • cltfttury. -- .... _. ....:- Ull WD'l IALIOA M.n.. NIWfOIT HACH -'4Mm • . ' ,, 'H( Go • ' ' " ' ,, ,, " . !«. On Th ... ""' \V • • • -I •'" c '[ c " p • • 3 I , EA! '" ear ,.,.. • * --c 4·bC "!" ... II; Yo ' ... ~ ON " TW ,, R- TH n Wt l! -"' .. It I • -·--~--~ ............... __ ....... ________ ~------....--..L-. • • HOUSE~ POlt SALE ·I HO!!s,!I 'Cl!!-~.·-" ~ES POR ~" SES l'Oll SALi 11ous11 "O!l SALi 9u l'Oll W.1 Gontr•I 1000 G-•1 . . jOOO O.-i i ,. IMO Oononl 1000 _.. ,1000 Cost• Mo<O, 11• Now,.., ...... 121111 ~ IW Mor 1250 ; 3 Bedroom TRAD E YPIJR HOME $21,900 • • . ' . ll1ttttt'.a '1IAMS llhiS -Gmt unit '!:~~~':'. ·.:·~~ UABX liti · REPOSSESSION OWHER ........ -.Je!ill> - Jim: perlect ·ft>r that JrHa.iv super t\\'o.story' wl\f''wirXI> BAYFROMT ::!:. =n~a":t·~~ fohn ltlCICnab i..rre21torylnOlltaM"'!i LIQUIDATl~G ::,. c;;::-bkt-:_...ae: iwith -p)enty or privacy. llJ 1ta.ircue Jeadliia to 4 'l home with .s bedroom.; 2 • SUbmlt $~ do~ FUf. THE ILUf I ~ weloome to~·a ....,. OCUr.t ' 'Shii<o •. ,,,., "a"<I """ hri<k M .... , 5""" 8od..om.. }3al· HOME balho In a ""1llc .... ..... m. MENDOUS ........... Vacant.. Nl1 t l'>omllDn lod-"""' view -... ~--~ locltod •• lot ''"" owrloolri~ !onnal din-""1rded .~ _..,,....,. ·~m -<aroe<<d. """ paint. Low in-P!l"'lar !100< plan,. Tab .,_.J'iiw, Mwt-.....,. ·_,...., <ul,de._,,0':::..i '"' room w1ul' illiCit'.i.a. ll>at '°""' In pd<:e from H..::'.:i baMmenuT,... . F.AMll. Y HOME """ lo all. Full pd<:e -choice. .,;, PoJni _.,.. - the Newport •lelghts area. carpetif1!:. stunr.ii'ig--11N· $25.fKIO to"1-'9.000. Cloee ' to ftfth "YOUt ~ *-"!ltuated on--1':'ol an IM:ft; • $28,959. ~ $40-~ ~ . · aia-t JS.mo~-.-.UV ,.La~ pool aizcd 'i a rd. plat-e, oi: try $5.009 Down Soqth c.oaat Plua, Ca~ ~ thfs cuatom home in krtt bedrooms, ~OOQ IQ', tt . t&ie Rftlif:ttate-(open iYtl) ll.AICE"'"'O~upjie:r bay• • poUeulod ~. ·t!rigflt cheety kltche~ w.i th and take over low Interest llCbool and Church,~ ard ~ ' top N~t Hellbb M-· cl brick, We a: woiod; all lnmt split ltwl -above, ftt.. • Hal Pirithift &-I~MC.: ~t-~ and Qlsh\\'hhu. 'GI kl&n, AlkitW JJS,500...SU~ cal elemental')'~ junior tnd cation th 1(65 ~ ft. downlt.airs rooms paneled, OPEN HOUSE Fri, Sat..:., lure marina· water 6 nfa:ht 8:900 p;,. out Hw;v ~ .~per clean throughout. 2 mil. • hl&h aihoor. PUrchue Wlth butnienl Needs a · ltlle -Uvtnc JVOm. ~ room, Sun l:.C. ~ by .._L lfiH llsht view· 3 Br. 2~ 81tht • .J'tieplacn, 2Wi baths. '33,750 WE $ELL A HOME low down 01; new mA loan., frnlwnln;c, but • ·~ at dfrt a beamed eellq aame Rm! Lane. FAfde ll' , • owr ST.OJ> In~. up-C~rt. A~ EVERY 31 MINUTES •• ........, ex'111'w low lo-W. !"""° cl "2~ room >0llb h.,.. -· Ownor. 3 BR., "1"% a.4' ·-oxtru' ba"1y "'od ..., lhe ...... o..(ped tor ·" W lk & L tr rest JlfA loan and $123 COi.UM PAU Beautltul Antbony p 0 c 1 Sllarp I. clean! Nice fenced by ~ OCCUPM! -a.bows la.may with chlldfdl,. um a a er ee per month..,. all. -. llAUT't $90.000-.call for al>P·t. . :14n1, rm!"rboat a lraller.'llk< a model. Marl<ot v.iue BR,,A-don ._. i. • "maoi , WE SELL,A H,OME Brand new carpet. pal.nt a: • • Try $2'J$0.dn. 6*-3896 . 151,500. see ,at sa;500. Bullt. • 1 ·1682 Edlncer 842-4455 or ~to Open Eva. . A11um1 5'12% $171.00 Mo. Toial EVERY II ,MINUT_Es. "''· -.'"' boat .. ' • (714) 642-1235 • 'REPUBLIC """"· a -MAKE orri:R: Prime d> ~~.~~El:"~ I W lk r l L . trailer. BuUt tns In kl~ 9dl ~·Dnvt, SUlt• uo Gld. '2 story, 4 BR. S BA, _. -.. ~.. ._11 ~ •••n~ ,. --a e ee en, 3 large bedrooml. Of-~ N Beach • tam nn 3 car ~~ .. ....,..., aretn...., •1111-~ .. ~ v•.r,w•.- -fe~ for the flt'1t Ume · Mesa V~e Cor lot; ~~: ated end unit-3 Br. 2~ I ,.iiiiiiiiiiii ... ;&i'""iiiiii;J ""' w .. tcllll or: In 8 ''""at m,ooo. ~ GI FHA SALE By Ownor 546-<4lS ...... ' pob, -,.,. HARO TO FIND Sf6.mt Open Eves. over 5% % FHA Jou. , ' 01' , . -pets, 'fallpaper, wet bat • But worth the ellortl I •iiiiiiiiii" ............... 1 • 'HJ ,,.,,.. Ql<l3 $20,!il!i JVLL PRICE BY OIVNm: £.<kl• 3 "'· ' llJO ........ Noarb)< pool, on -"'""" r ! 4 Bedrm. Colltt• P•rk No quallfing, anyone can a .. 1um~ e:it:i111ing low interest 5%% loan. With all built in •kitchen, double gara~. lore- ed air IM!al, block •a I I rence, iirick fireplace, cul de sac lrit with fruit trees galore, you can't ml&s. Call ~ ...... -- Nilw t lstl"f Qui~'!-~ f --ct,~ 4 Cl'IO Down to GI'1l O<a-in Ba. d"Jlta. dtps, eke ldt..ub CUI De Sac lltftt. Well be-4 B4:lnn1., 2% bathl $55.500 UlJ JOWi., SI'RF.E'I' ooa,. ~ 0be!Wf.;)'. ~t Jocet'-. UV'ft ~· t&b .• lrg ·fncd )'rd A: patio. low new com~ B!utt'1 O.Lency Rul Est•te -I NER CAL(FORNIA AVE. _ 37d6 toot . sunken lMna wlth ,HARDWOOD rtOC>RS \Valk '° all achla. $25500. unit price. :da.rkri value 2828 E. Cout Hwy, O:lM a lovely Jarxe 3 A fa.mJb' roOm , new carpets an8 and' 11eput.te •dtnlnc room. 6f2-J863 0!:.9'f-641T , $39.750. Flalble terms. ,..... mTl'tl , ' J ,..m Jn .,. popular Naa poln~ prof"'"""1 ,da"'° E-1....-. wide 1' f3Y OWNER -Low Jnle"'t EASTBLUFF ,1 BAY &'OC~Af:I VI E)'I vont. uq;hlando .,.._ ru>om ~'Biio,"""Y,"'!11"" ,,..,.... lbot 10~ .... a"""' 1o ,.... 514 .. 11% ks ""-""bl' REALTY · VIEW ~~;:.7i~-:: ~ for boat.· tr&U._'r pr cam~ ' , , • xar4.·L!l -~1'""91'k out the Joang. All 3 8: 2-E 1 Two ad,foln1,. vint~1'1ot1. -! Ral _,1_ ~ i a-Huanexiatinc5%9'mA f111D0'9 •n.ca :.detatliiir,JW. _ dde,2Wlide. _ Callua:iprotbtr.Blu.Ua nr.OceanBlvd.Laraetreea:: , e .. dt \.7"' ....... lotn. New c;&rpe~ hl!W-' .LQVI • • ExcluSlve ~· older ~ cart be summer '-~· aror~ ", ~ block fenoit}& A: extra abup;-He.ve .JIUEIJOM' 1o enjoy, 1110 .. ~~!,...~ DeEI Oro rented. ! Aald,.. $26;900. your~ fl.~Vw PE'ACE. .,c....-n.m.T B ACH OIESHIRE REAL ESTATE • i':oca.ted on desirable College ~~t:-:-e~·!!·500. i ~--T '~'·5110 ~"1r.·t:Kt~::: ~ ~l:~:rn!" 4~m '-'4-llU-644 0505 Eves. • Wo>-2503 • =Ris~~~~~ ORANGECoUNt v ·s ~· -~ ... c-.-... ioundtnc "t'hla pfoputy. Mme~schooh&:roU MODIRNDUPLE-X ~y=..::;= LARGEST llGE REALTY You'll LOVE the tareou .course. Efficient kitchen. NYr ocean & ba,r. fBr. ea. r@ady to see anyfime: c:aIJ 293 E. 17th St. '46-4494 A-.llttlrW.QL Dean p.rden kitchen Ir: Jamlly '°°'!'• trplc, 2 J40.tm. $3,000 Down: own-view •t China Cove. Olb. : now! ~ ~ 3 Bdrma Plus covered pa~. iptiM:ler er will . Bkr, 637..(1634 1an,ge, patio • .• OQO. $27,500 . • B H R II ~ . Colrlwed. 'Mir & Co. . SELi: Or. TRADE .. i:~a:Jl,~o,~· ~ . t.;':,~,m·;!.!::!.':'5, ~'::.: w,'•<lul,, .,. 615-3435 w.... i::i::· u .., .... <all \Vtts,no down, py"1nt ) arre ea y ' ff R h ·000 • ~ POOL I ' ' ndl . . · s:.~;:~'C'i r~'.' orse anc · !~nonl.&. ~ .)'OU ' -'' ,· ~2al $26,500 by ownu. OWNER'S NEW 4 BR. ':m. 2 ~ ~hij~ Ne:~~· . presents ~ 133-0700 ~2430 2 BR 1 bath horn~ 1~, ASSUMI 5¥4 .LOAN 811 home with nlln-0"'.NER· 3 BR 2 bath, ~ v: ~ia! ~ wondtrful view. ~.tm. 1«Dl feoctd )'ard. i: - . ' C bedroom M~sa del Mar ·= 'b:'t.1! ~~ carpets/drapes, frplc, elec-'bar, Jr. kit, 2 frplca, w/w Sea La.ne, CdM. 644-4229 Vl.c~!':i• -l00x300 FNf • ..JY..__ ~Lor fHA...l!~_l_,, -·-·Wa .. 'befluty. HUge f~!Y room Lol'<dl~tdeckllle. Beau-. trlc hie-Ins. S25.lll0. 1598 crptr dtps, yard • many DUPLEX, nr. oeeai;i. 2 BR. ""8111 BUILDING SITE for 8 to ONLY $20,950 FULL PRICE 3 BR 2 bath home en· ~th=~,·= tlli.a: COiialtlOn. Ju l'i -Myrtlewood. ~6 extru:--&I f t na n c t nr: 2"BA. + 1 BR A_ba.. ,~. , (anytime) HJ units tn County Back (No Down tD GI'I) ~in tra JaJ:p Jot,l"qafi ~ ew oatside paint. sai,SOO: .REDUCED ;ax:io, .4Jk· . * BY 1JWNER. * 54U28l lot, privacy. Rltr. li73-Zl10 today. • '"For· A Wise Buy" Colesworthy & Co. FANTASTIC '042-7TTT • CowGf PARK I I ....,. -Bay-area. 2 'lmall rental l~tlon. -ttne _,btdtoom:a: . 1860 N't-:!r't=-~-' _ _ _ ... ~ ina: ~.m _ .... Cus.to~ 4 Bd"E ~public 9-D.UP-LEX.JJ;l, . LGE. hilltop Jot Pmn. view • units at present With HARDWOOD •n.ooRS mtr. ~ ~~-1 FfPl·.,,.. · · Moine. $$,950. View Jot Income potential $4200 l Blk ~··a-llllls:----..... .. -----o--~ '. ••• and separatedinlDg .TOOm; La ,h', -.... _, CharmincNewport.Helgh~ ···COATS *549-2144* to~l£baY.31UW.BaJ: Realkr&n-J'.llO ' J't!-'1 . .lfi05Wemuuor.NB642-.1200 Encloo<d ·~!".°!<_,. C AftlnVtl'-JO~mm,o\l'or1 ... ~ . & seoR.Jba.Reouhlkhom• boa""'·· N.s. 14,.1212 --~-_ . foot lot, em aecffl tu~ . • ~Jt + ,._ sJ,·rx::' f l"OOlll • 1--WAI.LACI bt'auHftil cond. by owner: OWn/}jl{r, lalbM-P.,.lnsula 1300 21'2 ACRES yanl. c.t"' wad< out~ · -,.-• . • RiAlTOU ·-_Phal.,.po . S..,ruh •Plll • 1•"'1 homo. detail•'°' yoU. I QO'MS S ll!DROOMS $46 4141-. UPPER Ba1, Cul Do Sao: 3 e OPEN HOUSE e • ., Fairway Home Pool avocado ..,....ve O.K. , 4 EDR ~ · M-• -M'" ....__ 1 ,,:_, N-port •-•ch . 1200 Br .. tam. nn., din. nn .• 1SSO For Brokers 1: Clients , . . , . ··-. N '..... VA ~ --. ...,.... ,_._ "" -""·ft. $29,ooo. •·-·mo 511<' Th July ·~ '' ••12" , , Nllflfcu~ grounds sur· for horses. View of Newport, O -.,-own 2400 1q. ft. Sparkllnr cln.n, · Loan 0wne" &46'.'t'4sl un, ,,..., :....-: ,•round thli! 4 bdrm goll Catalina, s an Oemente. This 11 ,. qualley home with we elecbic kitchen. 3 Im:· ~crest 2!1io PAPER LANE 1305 E. BALBOA BLVD. , course · single gtory. S79,500. ~U or exchange tor cemenl dri~ 1 shake ury baths. Enclosed boat Open HM Until Soldl C>cttnfrollt, Beaut, 4 BR. 4 · Oriuna.tic view or the Newport Home. root Only 3 ,ynn cld. Sell· and traUn-apace. $31,960. __ 1341 TAHITI ORNE P~rfection IMMEDIATE-p:lMnlion. ba, Jftidence on 2 kits. course-Irom formal diil-iKn_ NDmll' er wilt pay aD btzYe:r'1 dos-Low1 latse Mna vmte POOi Season Lovely 2 BR 2 ba apt. Pool. 11Eft pm ing room, kitchf'n and 111:111 Ulf1l"a in&: costs & will ttve you ~ home • S bil' bdl'D'l!I S'llperbly kicatied tn the heart Terma · S ~I • T.!I 0 · Aat: nllU ~ U patio. T o p wodition R E A L T y $100 to move ·1: PQOI. Comple~ ~t-of hl&hly desirable Newport 646-0'?32 R E A L T y tl'lroughout. ,$66.950 wilh 2025 W Ba1hoa Bl..,,_,.~ 1l Evenings Call 646-ltM ~t52f"'. or 54CM631 ~ 111£ in progre11. Immediate Beach, r' m~d"I ,•lie bed-.U. BLUFFSVI • 3_ ... ~, 3 ba,belw/ 2025 W. BalOO. -Blvd ., N.B. asswxiJ.ble 6~-'*'-Joao. ... 11 A. -I 67~ ~ J K N 6 rs ---eu!qn with E-Z terms. rooms. onn... n na.. w Bay. ew. W!\:19. treen t. c.11 • -ytl-. 67• ~ 3036 Jaw Rd. ~· nyt mo -191h Near Irvine •· ' •. ··c 0 s PA-MUI •Ealnv ----.. ,1 ... In-a-tropical Rttlng .Sfapo-lo pool a. .. -'<11na.1-.,:==:-=="=-=-==1--UNBELIEVABL ~ .Kl\ l'IUR !KAUii ~ 141·51io a/00"<1 a hur• !amU,-room. Sav•I 144,500. OWtr!44-<l65 ' Lido lol• 1351 ~ NEWPORT HGTS -$24 500 . , 'I___ A •upub ,.tt1ng kr ....,,_ MOBILE HOME l!S,OJI -'------1 $19,500 . . ' RHllw • Sharpoot3bdnnuound. OUEGlR= ""', ... in&•. Pool o! qu'1· Baytroot on P<•""ula PRIME LOCATION Large. grounds • plenty ol The ct~;nnung little 3 BR NeWl,y decorated inter-. .-. ~ lty design .•. Only 10% down S75--380S, ~ 40, In 'loo Blk Nord &1 ·~1' .. :,"'\ ~,, .·r,,. ,:..._. J .~:>u \, •\• \\ iL \ 546-5990 Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I rlul 11 home 1n excellent location. N D GI ,_ doubl ... . You name the ttrms,. Won't , · • · ---TWo~-oN LOT· room "c pool.°'" -. ~ HARDWOOD FLOORS. Al-0 own .. N>, -.... ~ •• -AWN ER-~ ,lut at 156,000, Call'today. I BR. 3 Summer Mo. Sf!aclouo """"'~ 3 lldnra , . u,grocm • ~so~ ~ -1ey !!fl trance for gat'llg!'-l --, . Jovelj ~ Yar d. • V JI . 5'8-2152 plus w/OW!r 3,cm Ill· ft. EASI'SIDE. Newu--3 bdrmJ· place.-~lOO&-bedrooma. -eitii ·mncre:te mali 10r-m:-.4 bdrm-+---Wnoy.a:iom.-$113. _ ~ ~'~~.m:___ _. , ____ .'1. 5-0303 . · Pier I lllp tor 50' boat. I: older 2 bdrri1, d~tached 2 ~l'l'lO ~ational vril.lcle1. per mo _pays all or FHA. or . P.16VING .l ANXIOUS Ntwport .Heights -T2t0 ., $250,R.""'c, G·r~ ·--·~ ear glJ'llgf!! &: workshop_ Ex· TARBELL 2955 H•rbor Conventional. ,.,.,.. Adul.t occupkl 3 BR home. • ........ .., netUv tirlar recently palntOO. E'AW& V·E~,t; -Newport $21 ,'50 • -n SEE a: MAKE Ol'f"ER. DUPLEX 4 yrs old. 2 BR 3355 Via Lido 613-9300 , ·0n1y $29,950 pE)IJNst'JLA cONbo •I RAND RL TY. 64$-2340 , . & DAVIDSON RHlly •aclL S.Ul·lno, <rpto, drp11. TIRED OF 'b Sai•o•i..opUon.Lig'SBR. "Al)IGEL CAKE " . WAI.LACI 546-5460 · Evoo.64>-4901 $32,5000wnor.646 -1510. OLDER HOMES? " i 2 3 BA:, ... piinld den. Xtra lrX Vlctori• Bread a: Butter Unlta Trtplex 'IAL TOii WESTCLIFF AREA Principals only. See-thl16 yr. old family .home --j1!?•1~· m.,~ ~·· 2 pa"°" Xtra 646olll11 u ml, from So. Cout PWa. 546 041-· 4 BEORM. $26,400 SACRIFICE $21,500 Wost llfl l230 w/4 bdrm&, oonv. den AdJn. ·~· 1tOT?15;t. Pool, e I u'b h • e , (anytime) Financing ts ea&)'! 132.500 _eop. ... ~Rfff911 Park IJJce yard: Prnti&e k>-Quick pcnm;ion! PollUVely c tnc room. Call tor app't. ~ ·~ P: chlld',s 'Pl«)<. yrd. ~.950. BOYD REAL TY cation. 2 baths.' Lwtucy buDt· best bu1 Westclill. O.Olceat OWNR: 2 bdmll + de~. Jae Walker Rlty. 675--5200 * 642-17'1 Wlme * Owner. (213) 833-7398 ' 3629 E. Q>ut Hlway1 CdM VACANT In k!tchl-n. RoOi'1 for pool, area. Luxury living 2 story kit" llv nn, loveb' prden oiii~iiii .............. iiiiiil THIS IS IT I MESA VERDE-I 675-5930 . . . . boat l lniltt. 54<>1?l0 ad"""'u1•~!'.'.m, po1tlo, ':!°,!; w/1110• matnt 14i500. Call • LIDO BUYI 4 BEDRM : $22,500 $2),fSO T.C.RBELL 2'55 Herbor "'· ....... urne oan • .._ eve11 I wicendaM&-9280 Nett A clean 3 bdrm, 2 bath OUTSTANPIN~ f·bdnn ~tom built \\restcUH home with dellghUul pooj ·A p8uo. Architect designed &. liill t this one for hlrruclt 8~:'11~~c':' ~~ °!1~1';; Nothlng Like It ~ this dealt. STORAGE GARAGE ~~~ f:~"buut~ NEW HOMIS ~ incl taxei. Owner/Brok. Unlv1nfty Park . 1237 ~~.Soo immediate find BBQ. 2 bath&. 8ec1ud· able arta at th• low pricer. 1 • ins, FA' lieat, dlnlnc &rH. Eutlide C;Jlta MeM '46-1941 LIDO REAL TY INC. You'll lave It! _ ed rear living room. Family .;~,J~~in ~:°:1~Ven~ ·s· 21 MONTH ~~~:1"=:.n := : $28.960. Only 1 1ett1 200 Steps To Be•ch ASSUME 6Ya% 3400 via Udo 67'-3830 mom. Built-ins ... 54().1720 ,,..,.. '~" kneed yard, 1 yean new. · OPEN DA:D.Y Beautiful 3 bedroom 2 bath On this 3 bdrm. fonner mod.- TARBELL 2955 Harbor TA~BELL 2955 Harbor FA Riddle Rltr. 646-58S5 1860 N~rt Blvd., CM 2343 Santa Ana Ave. home. deep &ha& carpet" el. ho me. ~dect cond., u..-i-..-leech 1400 Rlli-MG.-39'i! EW ~6"-16:15 (Bet 23td A-Santa habel) eXpO&ed beam ceilings with many extra.-. Owner """'" ........ 388 E. 17th st: CM PENINSULA POINT SPl,ASH SPLASH Mornl"' s..,,., l . 'h ' , ~-Evu. 14Ul.08 tb"""hou~ 3 land.,...., pa-""• "'.i"..i"Hli'i".:"·lf HEC.UTIVES R"6ltoni 646-1156 Best buy in area. Attr. 3 Br. ,3 BR .& fam rm w/Anlhony Twlnkllnt Lighf1 • ac en·mye,r tloe:, fireplace all bullt·ln t• Y !-=========I home on 50 ft lot; Can't heated pool. Good loc. 14x Ivan Wells' new VIE''' homes c~ ... _.. 1100 kitchen, do u b1 e 1arqe, 18068 CUiver Dr,, !rvlne AMNTION Arnold & Freud I v==z----beet this at $42.500. 20' Uv rm, frplc, all new facing Bay In Dov.!r Shon!L _, ,... $32,500. 642-34<11 · · OPEN 9 AM-8 PM 833.£820 Moat beautiful home In Hunt. ONE BR Cottage w/gar &: B•lbo. Re•I Estate Co. w/w cpt5. blt-tn kit.ch. Only 5 models to choo9I: from. 4 BY OWNER 1_,...., Beach. l8x36' custom ~ r bu · 114 500 ONLY $11,000 · Coro-n•~•I u., 1250 -•-.io~ 01 sincss. • 100·E. Balboa Blvd ., Balboa $27,SQ:I • EZ tenns. ,,,.,,~ It. 5 txlrnu. ~open dafl, .CollecJe , P~rt . C'hannlns ocean front bomel;;;:;;:;•;,;;-;;;;;;;;;;;,j pool In park-Uke yatd. l.arw· TWO .BR -home & dei •• Jara:e e 673-4140 e P.W.C. M&-5440 al 14.10. c;.JQ;y Or. 6K-t550" Tot ltmUY livlnc with a on R-4 Jot. 3 bed rms +I• est Jot in area. Home built lot. Garage + workshop, 1 "'~""'""'""''!"'!""'""!!!!' DUPLEl( • Balboa lMand. 3 BR I family room. Owftrer P.001-1 bd.nn • .l den, kit Jewing rm. Ideal location, SEE around exquialtt ab'ium, R·2 zoned. SIS.BOO -Nurnry sChool--Three" years, good rental, BEACH ~DUPLEX ~ @~r c~ 1':t hJU-1na. a: frplc. See thla nr tchools enclosed patk> beamed ceUJrws, lots of eX· THREE BR homt l Iii baths, POTENTIAL .. ! BR 2. bath Want eash/in~n?llt in 4-6 2 Bachdor Unlll J"' .... · SMITH own )our own and UVe. shag crptg throughout i.i tru including n!frta:entlon near ~hopping. $20,f;:(I rrll!i .,.. __ ti 131 NV\ 5"n I!:\. kitchen \V/blt-ins 16'1000 3401 OCEAN BLVD. Qul•t cul~wac. Owner tak· W1ll1-McCardle, Rlt rs. home, corntt lot, 130x180' u • ...,. n area. •"""' Xlnt location! $21,950 t 9f~!. 613-'990 · ' · Beautitul homt! Betutttul ,. 1810 Newpt.rt Blvd .. C.M. all lenced. Cal lfor deta!Js. =ity. :~ c~I-~ G..,.ge Wllll•mSOfl REAL OR ~...... view; OPEN 1-5 eVery day 17A~U~~~AL TY ' 548-7129 onytim• llmta llt alty ""'· ""°'!•. -REALTOR ~ .-. ,. ''' 3 BDRM Waterfronl, N~ 62, tbni Su.....,. ' .. ~ .. ~" Balboa. Isl. Prlncipali"Giily. 673-4350 Evtt. ~15&1 tOO E. 17th sr., eo.ta Mea Nfat Npt. Post Ofc. ~4 Ealboa ~. f6 o • o O O • Don V. Fr•flklln Rltr. 142-1411 •nytlm\ ~ ts YOUR AD IN CLASSl·l '!~~~~ .... ~ ... '1!!!11'1!!! ...................... !!!!!!!!!!!'ili .. f!!!!o,;'!!!!!i!! ..... i!!!!!!!!!I Would tr8fde.Jor acreap or . 613-2222 PLACE YOIU' tn.Dt ad wbeft TIIE QtnCKER YOU CAU.. nED? Som(IODI will _be DAILY Ml.OT WANT ADS DAILY Pil.O'l' WANr ADS• J'at Dalli' Pilot Want Ads aptll. 5'&-Tm they uw kddfW -DAILY THEQIDc;KERYOUSELL looklrwfot"..11.Dial=....a;=:·:;riBRIN~·~G~RE.SUI;~=,:rsr·,,Dlal-::&C~--=="'rREmi'r.:iil:rs~.=Dlal':-~~: ... ~RESUL=~·=TS~iDAIL-::"~PILOl'~.~~W:Am-~i.ADSliiil~~SOCK~,~rr roi·i-!liiiiiliiPILOTiii~clu.utod- NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE '646-7711 2043 Watcllfl Or. 11 '1,:Y1no Opon 1 .... 1 ... IAT i'RoNr home or easily reconwrted to a duple>o., with minor char1es. 4 specious bedrocmll, heme or eMUY reconverted to a duplex, with minor charl!'I. 4 specious bed:rooml, a baUa:, 2 run kJtchem. 2 ltvinc•rooms. vil!w. aperkUrw 'NI.tel", and the parade of beautiful boab each day. Be tbe ftpt to lee UUs new exclUlllve ll&tfn&:. 1124,500. Appointment ONLY!! IATCHST-f46,000 Just placed on the market; this e~ptlonal ~e of ownn-ahip, hon\11 1hottld be lft'n tmrnedlatelJ. Private court yard entry, beautiful yards with room for a large pool, and accesa for boat'or trailer. Submlt )'OU1' 1maller ~ on OU?'"IU&l"'- antee sale plan. ONI 'ILOCK ro OCIAN \'ou, don't want to mill the VIEW property on land )'OU OWN. Walk ten ftet and )'OU-will be touching the sand on )'OUr way tli tfit aurf. 'nlree ~ 2 with • ftw. LMng ,fftDm OYttloob pa_l:lo area. Add 3 biatha, and you biv.:fOtmd. your dream beacU home. New excJUl.ive 113Ung. Total prl~ ~ ·N"OW ·IS TffE -tlME TO BUY ' j --·---• . cosTA M.EsA QFfleE , 54$-9491 Z7t0 HAR-ILYD. . · Opoo li•ll• ~ f ''"'' $11,400 POOL HOMll -NIAR THI llACHll ' WE _SOLD 179 Thll ddllhUully clean bortu~ with 1parJdln1·rectanaular POOI. ltEAR BOAT DOOR. •nd p.rk·llke front yant.ancf 1prlnkles; can be a1urnecf I.or only '158 per: month ~ total wtlh low down. AlL ELECI'RIC. ~modeled lcJtcben and BflllKJ'AST BAR HOMES IN ONE WEEK NC? ON~ E~ CAN MAKE TtfAT STATEMENT!! WHY? IECAUSE WI SAID WE WOULDll '- ' AND .NOOK!! Lovely carpet.a and dta~ -HURRY JI! - TAKI OVIR St/• •• L-ONLY $1JI PU MONJH . Included everythlnr. NO QUALlFYINGI 3 aptc·n·•pan bedroom and 2 baths. HARDWOOD FLOORS! Cult.om dr1(petl BeauUful USED BRICK nREPLACEI Gracloul yard 'With block wall fenclna:l Al low u ~ down or tr)' NO DOWN TO VETS w:ltb a total wke or a Jow. k>w 132. 7SO. ~ NOT ONI CINT DOWll If 'l'.OU~I A Vlll!IAN and quaUf7 for thJa luite 4 bedroom om,1toey, 2. t.th home. CARPETS 'J11RU- OUTI Completely renod"eled randh 1lzed• Id~ wi th ALL ELEC1'RlC BUU.T·INS , and DISHWASHER!! Warm woOd =fireplace tnll*doUI llvlf\i TOOml F..uy to take care for yard with double 6 bfoct wall kndq. J'abuloualY tarp 1 ENGLOS!!D PA'l'l<lfor .,...toummtt . Wo....n-RIJRRYD'YOUWANT IT! You won't be:Ueve thll at ONLY miliO, fn u excdlent area. OUl Lnnr•tlY H°"!I IN THI WIST I ' . t. not Utile! It bll8 4 ipadottt bedroomt with M~R. BEDROOM PRNACY! r>et_p pl.le carpeting ~ttna. itt mudve IJVING R~~_.1: dlnl.na· room. 7LOOR -c-ALL-UJ'"NOW-FO!t"'k-NEf-.A,PPPPIR:.ARAll.tllr---ll!ro~~CE!Lll'l!t:';~0 m~s·~~!.";,.,~~r~<i'"~=g: . ,. 'J'COORSI t.oca -On~wfiiiHils 1trifrl!f"lky'19drlQ1-ahtde "-'• tblt hM\Ct, · , 1hake roofed beauty aunounded by proud home °'"1e1'1 bout a NO QU.At.tn'· WE C~N _ bq_ IJ!_ ING JllA D!i" loan a\ f1'5 per monlb. New 1HA tmns on NO DOWN TO V£'l'.S. ~l --. . . -.:. .. . ' A''1 • A llCNl!U' QDY 31 MINUftS •' • ' .. ti • ~-----..___---~-----....1..--------·---~-----. ------_...._ ____.....__ -4------ I • • •• , • I • • I • t • I I • I 1 • • • • L~ • . i • ' • .. •, 14 DAl\.V l'ILOT LEGAL NOTICE ·-CllTlll'tc.t.TI M •UlllollSI f'1c;TIT10U$ NAMt TM """*'lfMCS dMs Qertlty lie 1, ~ dudllS • tllalona •• 11'1 ~o Aw .. Colli JMM, Oi!ltomlll, under lflt llt- 111ieu. flun lltl'M of tl. E. WALL AND ASSOCIATl!S •nd NI Mid tll'l'!I 11 a>f'I\• ~ of '""' follDwlng ~· ...._. ....... In hill •nd JMQ ol rnldlffK4 II •• followl ~ R tCHAllD £. WALL, t1'1 l.orrlllO Av•., Cal• M-. blltornl• O.l'ld J-u , 1tff lltk:Nof'll E. W•M 11 ... of C.llfor11le. on,.. c-.IY: Ool J-111 1Mt, bltlrl ..,., I Ho9'ry l"ullllc Ill lt'llf for Hid St.tt,. ~ti, 9"Ml'90 ltkNrlll E. Will, k-n fl! -Ill bot ltlll pe""" ........ ,,,.,,.. .. ll.C!Krlb9d to "-w1m111 INfT'vlneftl end ~ldglld fie •UIWi.I lhl ..me. IOFFICtAL :SEA.LI ~IC.H......., Hol&ry Putlllc<a111or""- P'r!ncip.1 Ol'tla t11 °'"'-(aunty M' C-ls1lon E•plrn Nov. '" 1m ~ltft«I cir..... Cl>MI O.lly PHO!, J-·11, tS Md Jul~ 2, t. "" 11'2:-6t LEGAL NOTICE CEltT"tCATI Of' •Ulllflll _____,....... l"JCTITIOUS NAMI! • • n.e VlldersltMll ON\ <•rtltV M 11 c,,... ductl"' • b111lnn1 •I Dt Mal'91.18'ltt!, C0<on• Cit! Mar, Celllornl•, un!Mr "'-fk- tltlDus !lrm n1nw al OAANGE COAST PROPERTY Ind #Ill w ld llrm ,, COl'l>-POM!d flf tM fallow!"' M,_, wlloH MIM .,, hlll •rMI •••c• of rtsld•OU II •• tolio:::mi1 Re'l'mond Mt'Clrdlt, 111 VII I{-, Lido 11i., N""llOfl 8MClt Q H!ofnl1. 1 Dlttd J111Y' 1, 1Mt. A.tNllll A. Mc:QrOll! $l1te ol' C111fonl1t, Ort"" COlll'lf\I: Oro Juhl 1, ,..,, Mfw• ,,..., • Nol•" "ubllc Ill I ncl ID!' Hi.I S!lte, 11erM>Mll¥ ·-~ lte!'d911 RtY........t Mc(:1rdli! -•• -lo bl Ille "''°" ..._ Mm4! '1 svbtc:rlbtd lo It.I wtllllll In- •"""'"'"' lllCI 8<knl>'ll'ltdtld hi uKUtl!ll .. _. (OFFICIAL $E,11LI ~ I{, Henrti Nolt'l' l'UDll<.Ct!lfornlt l'rlllc!NI Otfl(e fn Or-• C0t.tnlv MJ Cmninluioll El!l>lrn NO¥. '~· 1•n l'IJbllsl'ltli 0rtf'91' (OIJt 0-\IJ P llol, J11:J l. t. If. ri. 11161 l?U-4f LEGAL NOTICE ... JJ94J Clll:Tl,ICATE 01' I UJINESS ,ICT1Tt0U$ NAME TM u1•0eral1<>fCI ~ cerl11¥ "'~' •rt mnc111cr1no • !Mltlnen 11 llU Ne....,rl llYO .. Coo!I Mew, C1lllornlt. ur>G~r the lltllllwl llm'I Mml ol' SAL,llS.QUINN CO enO 1!111 wkl flrm 11 comPO•"" of lh~ followl111 ''"'°"'' -• "'""' In lull trod Pll<:tl ol rnld•nce nr~ •• lol\t!w" Hent1' 51111, 1tt11 llrool<hurJ!. Hu,.. 11"'°""" &etch, (1tll. Quintin H1u9, 1'22? F1of,.."nn E•I $.onto An1, Cttlf Oiied Jun. ,1, 116' Oulnlln E. HMJt H..,"' I ~l~• STAT!: OI' CAL1FOllNIA l COUHTY OF ORANGE l " °" Jllflll u , nH, ~on mt, 1 Nor~.., l'ub!lc fn •nd tor .,Id Sitto, .,.,.,,.,11\Y _,,_ O\oln!l11. E, Ht.,. & H""rv C.. 51\tS, It-lo "'' to be tl>e H<.OM *"">Mo ntmtl trr subtc:rltl9cl II) 11>e•w1lhln 1 ... tnt"""' •ncl .U-ll09ed ,,.,.... ~·· ocvtH "" Jtme. tSEALJ J<I Mn l•ndlt "'"'•.., ~11bllc • C111forn11 P1lnC101I Oflla In 0t ..... '°""'"' ·MW C11"1mlt1loil E•~rtl Marth 1. 1tll l"ubliftd Ortnt't C1>11I Ot•IJ Pokll, JuM M fncl JutJ 1. '· 16, 1'69 171'""' LEGAL NOTICE "FURN ON 1V Wta ••• ,, J•• t11"ed .. ..4i•l't .. ~"l11t .. lih14 th• "'"' -....,. $1hrrd1y bo th• pAILT •11.or. -. , .... .. .. .. "' .. 1o-.-..... ~ ••• -. ' •• ~ , . • • Wednf!doy, July 2. 1969 • PILOT·ADVl!RTISU FUN FOR THE ·FAM/l Y! . ' In the DAILY PILOT "CLASSIFll., .ADS H'"'' !!-It -.•• Clled< th CloultlM ,.. ...... daJ to '" If your -h pobl-lo o _... .._ It --le _,, cloMlfltlltloo. If It dots. col '42·5'11, ""l'-JH. --t A.M ..... 1 P.M. to ..... y-2, froe TlcUts. Au ,..,_ -be -fw yoo t. p1c11 -op at, "'Y. -1 ... DAILT PILOT offtu. FA IR J:'t1I, !tit, f•ttuel. Tl.011 thr•t word1 1utM ~P fer;lort ift op•r•lion oft th• DAILY PILOT •dilOfit l P•t• '"''l' d1y, .-. i ·6 ·4 2 -5 6 7 8 p I L ' 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 - 5 6 7 8 HOUSES FOR .SALE . HOUSES FOR· µLE Huntington Beach 1.-Hunll.,.i;;.~h 1400 ONLY 2 HOMES LEFT New homes, ready to move ih, 1h mile from beach. First payment up to 60 days after move In. Terms VA/FHA. From $22,990. CORAL SHOR.ES (on Garfield between Beach & Magnolia 962-1353 Huntiogli>n Beach 1400 POOL PADI $4,ooo Total Cash needed to a.ssume 5% % VA loan for lhia 4 bedroom home with 35' Bluchavtn Pool. Lot~ of decking with Patio. Carpets, Drapes &: Built lna. Priced at S24.900 Full Price. Pay. menta of $163 includes all. Others to choose from. WE SELL A HCME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & L-ee 76S2 Edin&:er 842-4455 a.: S;I0-5140 1705 16 NEW HOMES Portafin• L•guna Under construct.ion, 6 nrly. compl<!led. Additional l'lomes to tie built soon. Whitewater ocean view! So. on Coast Hwy. to 2900iittq--ue-Nyes- Pl. &: you're there! · PARADISE!! Newell Associates W N. c.oai;t .Hwy. 494-6.59-t RENTALS HouMt Furnished R•ntals to Sh•re 200S Summer Rtnt1,ls 2910 J. o . Brod..;, 208 Vista Palermo Newport 8-ech E. 0 . Ounc•n 3124 Trinity Ori .. • Costa Mese J . Aleaander 51· S.•ch, Lido Park Newport Beach G. Abney 21 125 Frnport Ave. Huntlrigton Be•ch A. M. Angelillo 1290~C Newport Ave. Tustin You are'1he winner ol .2 ticlu!ta to the FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR AN~~'EIM STAOIUM on July 4th I ____ Opo_,_o_EV<_c•_· ---I \VORKING girl to share ~ $4000 DOWN 3 bdr fw·n. home. Fntn Val. PleaSe call 642-56711, dt. 329 between 9 and l pm to claim your tickets. (North Count;y toll-free number ill 54()...1220) CDM Shills -SlSSOtwk for 3 bdr J'S ba. finest view of bay & ocean. Ava.ii. July, Aug. & Sepl 675-6024 HOUSES FOR SALE I HOUS~S FOR SALE Huntington Be•ch 1400 Huntington B•ach 1400 HOUSES FOR SALE Huntin9'ton Beach 1400 *CREAM l'UFF* Assume this 51.4%FHA loan . $150 mo PITI. 4 BR, 2 BA, fam nn. F.P., f\.A., drapes, new crptll. Built-in range & oven; di&bwr. Outdoor Bar· B-Que on rov p&tio. Cor. lot w/ boat gate. Nicely land· ~aped; Orange trees. $26,0CIO By Owner. 842-1656 STEAL THISI Immaculate 4 BR, 2 be.th, bltrui, dllhwhr, carpets " drape11. or\Jy $2000 dn to corttntcl. Full priee $21, 700 HARBOUR REAL TY . • 8-17-8595' • V1Ll..A PACIFIC TWNHSE 4 br 3 ba 2% car gar, c/d. $26.100. um. 6%. FHA. ,.._,.., S.HORECREST!-Transferred areal tract of home$ & this WWI th@ir model. 3 BR Span- LeaVlng area immediately lsh ~!1le, FIL\ JOiil JOr YoU Florida bound .. Must seU. to tnbhver. $214. pays all. Delta Real. Estate Rex .L, Hodges, Rlty 646-4414 &17-2525 --~52~4,.;2~0'-o"'o=w~k--1 t:LEVATED 4 Br. house. ASSUME 6o/. LOAN open staj,rcaae; cpts, drps, bitnS; Lge. square Jot, cul $206 Total per Month de. sa<; street. Paved boat Sacrifiee on this 3 BR 2 ba in yrutl 'wlth ga\e, cilldcr block part.like atmosphere. fence. Nr. stores. schools, HAFFDAL REALTY bl'achcs. $38,00'.l. owner 8'740 Warner. F.V. 842-44ffi !lGS-2412 co~_ With 3 cl)Udren '"'ant 3-4 heir home. Cal!h to existing FHA. Call 673-1715 BUSIEST ma.rkrlplace 1n ft.l>A'n. The DAll.Y Pn.oT Oassilied .section. Save Dutch-Haven BUSIE.ST marketplace in money, time &: effort Look now~~! Out of town owner. 4 BR 1'% ba.. 70' cor. lot, Walk to l!hops & ~hools. BRASHEAR REAL TY lli7-&i31 Evet. 963-ll78 DON'T JUSI' W".:iil for .wme.. thin&: to tumisb )'OUr ho~e ••. find great buys in to- day's Classiflcd Ads. towt1. The DAD..Y Pn.dr 1---------- 0usified section. Sa v e DIAL dirttt 642-5678; ~ money, time & clfort, Look your ad, the.B sit back and now!!! lill1en to the phone ring!. SPECIAL '"PERSON · TO· PERSOI(' WANT ADS Appear in Wffkend Edition Only (Delivered S1turdays) DIME·4·LINE ADS NOT ACCEPTED BY PHONE DIME-A-LINE 2 LINES •.••.....•...••. 2 DIMES 3 LINES ..••......•.•... 3 DIMES, Etc. * No Item-For Sale Over $25 * -CASH RATE -Enclo .... your dim.s, doll1r1, check or money order with your 1d. DIME-A-LINE WANT ADS -For your 1d to qu11ify the DIME-A-LINE r•t•, you MUST include price in ''For $11• ... Hs bee.UM Including pric.s lncruses ruults. -S!>fry• commercial f irms may not take •dv1nt1ge of this special ri te. -You may run •• many line1 as you wish. If the coupon does not give •mple space, print or type your ad on 1 piece of paper ind mall it, to- gether with payment In fult (Or bring it In). Count 20 letters ind 1p1ce1 to each lint and enclose 1 dim. for tech line. u .. one space for e1ch letter, punctuation mark or spice. No Abbreviations * • IMPORTANT NOTICE! BE SURE your 1ddres1 end/or phone number are included in 1dl GARAGE SALES, PATIO SALES, LAWN SALES, ETC., aro N 0 T AC· CEPTED et this special rate. ALL 1d1 of this type will bt ch1rg•d regular ratn end published In the proper clauific1tion. Rul Ettatt ads (hoUlff and lots, etc., for Nie, each1n91, or r1nt1ls), work w1nt1_d or help '!anted 1ds WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED at thl1 1pecl1I rat•. Deadline: 3 p.m. f rlday Hunti ngton Bt1ch office before 1:30 p.m. Friday • * No Item For Sale Over $25 * ., .. ...-.J~-4 • A4,sume $24,400 loan pay-area. 541-5131 wttil 5, after men~. S215 per month in. 7, 968-3782 eluding taxes. 4 BR. built· in rani::e A: oV'l'n, di.5hwsh- er. service porch. 1h&ki! roof, double garage, flre- platt, landscaping, rprtnk- lcrs. Just redecorated in- side & out. H1.1ntington Harbour 1405 DECORATOR'S 2 BR, 2 ba. Townhouse w/boat · slip. Pool, tennis $38,750 Rltr. 673-2010 Fount1in Valley 1410 TRl ·LEVEL ~RATFORD home. in tip-top Costa M.u 2100 DUPLEX, 2 Br. encl garage. \Vasher, $100 .. 6 to 9 pm or wkends 645-1062 \VATER.FRNT, pier, &; flt steps to ocean. 2 or 3 BR. $l2S per wk le up. 40RI ruver Ave. NB. 67J..8229 NewP.Ort a.•ch 2200 Duplex~ Fu_r":· 1975 . AUGUST or yearly rental, .OWNER -w~ 1C11'0 luxur;y.. Newport-Beach,~ Condom 1 um home delwce io;mart furnishinp. F..astbluff area. overlooking Flrej,l~. garage, Aft. 6 &ck Ba,y, 2 Bedroom, de:n.. PM S48-l394 _ ,. 2Y.:i beth. Decorator furnish· ===f·.,,.------ ed. Available row $6&1 mo. RENTALS 11 .• References required. Houses UnfurnlllMCI 547-1641 675.2221 DQVER Shores bay fro n I. home, 6 BR, 4 ba, large patio, 70' private dock. June & July. $2500 mo. Beg. Sept., yrly Ise, SUXKJ mo. 213: 780-501J or 2 1 3 : 185-<3.13 General 3000 .~~~--~-~ FREE RENTAL SERVICE Rent or llst a home free. Sl5CI month and up. TAR- BELL 540-1720 shape. 4 bdr. 3 ha. Sunken ON lhe water, pier. sandy fam. nn. Formal din. 2 lrpi1;, beach, lg. OO'A'ly furn. Cl"JJ!. 1 .. andscaping, epb:. d!l*; ·an included. Owner Commuting lirepl. SleePI 8-10 avail July to 'L.A. Assume existing low 4-SepL $250 wk Ju1y, $350 .f'HA. F' or appt: f213) I ~A~""::::,· ~67>-,::..~m~7~---- 76.1-T.l36 Mr. CUtright, mvncr. LOVEl. Y 3 · bdr ho m e , NE\'/, By owner, 3 BR. 2!~ \\'estclilf, Gardener, yr. TUSTIN New 2000 sq ft duplex. S Br, 3 Ba, 2 stury. S2.f5. 6J8.504 or 838-4232. $250. 4 BR, l~ Ba. gardener incl. RJO, trplc, w/w. Bia. 534-6980 Bath I I ... _ Jeaio;e. !'ell!. $350. 646--7645 ...... w C8l1>C s, ...... ~.1 ----'---'---'------ $150. 2 BR, repainted. lanai. l enced .Y9:. VlfW. Avail now. blt>ck fc.l"K't. f.tany custom OCEANFRONT Oldii' '4 l!r~. (c.atures. Sll,500. Euclid Ir. Lg Yd, Yriy $250 mo .... Bkr.~ 1 Talbert, nr frwy. 962.-6419 *6'73-8088• Cost1 Men 3100 Laguna Beach 1705 Coron• del Ma,. 2250 f .;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~11 lmmed. Possession LAGUNA BEACH 3 B~. -2 BATHS OCEAN VIEW Fpl., cpts, drps. Avail. July 3 BR 2 bath home. Sha& car· CUSTOM l!OME 1455 Ter-19th. No pefs or child under 13 •'><I: th • peting & new drape9. Oose race Way, LO\VER. Temple · """" men · to schools & shopping. $1$/ Hills. J BR, 2 BA,, dinette. CORBIN· MARTIN mo. Oiildren OK. Call Her· lge living rm, f.rplc. elec REALTOfts itage Real Estate 540-USI kitchen w/bllin range. dbl 3036 E. Cst. Hwy, CdM (open evesl. oven, dishwasht!r, plbg for ___ _:•1>-:::.:1=662::.. ___ l .,~'!"~!!!!~~"'"'!"!!"''l l \\·asher, elec wale.r htr. gar BEAUTIFUL old home fur AVAIL Aug 1, J Br., 2 Ba., dispasa.1 I. with thermo coo-rent moo! Aug. 4 Br, 2 Ba, Crpts, drpti, bltns. dawbr. IJ'o each rm, bC!amcd oeil-nr Bluff & Beach. 548-6767 htd pool & lawn Rt. prov. ingg t.hruout, w to w crpts, E-side loc. $300 mo be . drps, front,,ttar & side pa--Huntinaton Beach 2400 546-0584 hos. Con bfk, rel walls, :e fenC('. shnibs. lge round cor LOVELY -4 bdr. + family, 3 CH.AID.UNG small l BR lot 155·, dble gar. trunk. trtr ba, all bit-ins. '2 mi frwy. house, w I w cpl.l!, st~. storage rm & pla,,y rm. Rear S200. LJ!e. 962-0038 garage. Pvt. loL '125., 387 -~ So "--t H Tba =:;:=:======= Rocheste.r St. S48-fi6fK) y ....... s. . ....... s wy, - lia. Temple Hills Dr .. Ccr. Summer Rent111 2910 J BR 3 BA, wfw cpts, drps, ritos:Terrace \Vay. S42,700, bit-in&. Poolk rec area. Up- SlO.lXKI Cash. Bal on con-OCEANFRONT. So. Laguna. per Back Bay. $285 mo. trecl ol Sale to hold 25 yr Beaut furn. 2 St. Avail, Ju. 642-0645 loon of $25,000; int rate ly, Aug .. Sept. Sl200 Mo. ,3~B=R~7ho-m-,-,-onf.....,urn--. -d-,,bl 6~r/ii ; monthly payments ,.;.A~gl~·~'=,._:...::2238=:;_499-3103:::..:c:::__ garage. $110 Mo. 2188 Ca- un!il paid ln full, Write LAGUNA Cottage 11,; blka. nyon Dr. (714) 629-$47. Owner P.O. 8'"' 914. phone frmn bee.ch. Enc yd ocean 49-1-47'.!6 Laguna lka<"h. view. S100fwk. 494-Ss7J or 2 BR. 1 BA. gl8.Slll porch ; LAGUNA CANYON 2 BR ._<9<-390.1_c.c_______ adults no pets. S l S 0 . 646-0672. (213) 375-2342 house $11,500. Fenced yd. CLEAN Balboa Beach Units. Zoned industrial. 494-8170 Sleeps 2 to 10; for summer BUSIES'I' marketplace In town. The DAILY Pnm Cassl!:ied section. Save money, time A: effort. . .x.Ook now!!! NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAltY PILOT WANT AD 642-5§78 • reservations call 673-9945 315 E. Balboa Blvd., paiboe EASTSIDE til l!Old. Bedroom 2 tialh. U75 mo. * 548-1059 * 3 NB on the beach, mod. 3 Br, Newport Beach 3200 complty furn. July ~19th· [.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;[ Reu.. Mgr 6205 Seashore Dr. • CHARMING l B<lnn. apt. Mps 4-5. Excel. Peninsula loc. July 5 • Aug. 2. $.'llO. Family. 673-2123, fi73.CB49 LlDO Isle Baytront. 5 BR .. 4 b3. home, pier & slip, July &: Aug. $2500 Per Mo. BROh."ER 673"8830 LAGUNA 1 BR, lg living rm, deck. charming, Clo8e to ~ach "-town. Also 2 BR. 49-h"J873 or 494-3903 NE\VPT. lkh .. clean. 3 BR npta. l btk to bay Iii: ocean. July le Aug. SllO to $135. weekly. 646-'75t BEAOI at door. Newly turn be.ch apt !'!tarting al S50 per \\'k. 53&-2579 Htg Bch. Nl!'\'Jl0r1 Beach Oceanfront 3 BR. Avail. July ol AuguKt Newport "Beach Realty ~100 B/B TOWNHOUSE AOUL TS OHL YI Three bedrooms • 2 bathl. Face! pool. Three car car- port!'!. AY1lilable August 1st ~/Month. Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 901 Dover Dr .. NB SUile 126 MS-2000 Eve!'\. ~ BRAND new 3 BR. 2 BA, fm rm, din rm, all elec, wfw, , drps. Harbor View J-lomes. Owner will lse. ( 2 l 3 l 797-7487 East Bluff 3242 f"OR Lease or sale. Bluffs 4 BR. dining r o o m , im· maculale end unit. Vacant $410 rno. 675-5764 or 67J..OOiO Mn. Whi te agf.nt-ownr .. ~ 4 BR. 3 be furn hse Lido llle. Coron• del Mar 3250 Avail Aug. 3 thru Labor Day. Jde:aJ loc. 615-2990. e CAMEO SHORES e BALBOA -JnexpensiYe col· 3 BR + conv den, 3 BA, ~w .. l!lp· ~~ ~.-AVl!l JOr lli>tt Augu~t. s,:_1. 548-3158 term, long temi or lsc opt. DELUXE 2 BR 2 bn. pool.· S3'75 mo. Box--4001, NB;: ifl5 lo 9115. r.50 v.·k !less :9>164='°"---""°"~-7 1 by monlhl. Agt. G4b--073l 2 BR Jlouae. excellent cond . Mar.rt~ couples .t: no cbild.rtn. ~ mo. • 6'1'5-3291 OAD..Y PJL0T WANT ADS! • .................................................................................... '"'!!" ..... ---.. ..... ~"!"""~~~-:--:-~ .. -~---·-I r 7 PILOT-ADllOllSER Wodnftdu, Jolr 2, 1969 -... Jy~ 2, 1'69 DAJLY PILOT 1$ ••-----!"'llil••llllii• N ALS 1t1NrALs UNTALs RENTAL' I REAL ESTATE RIAL 1stn1 1•us1w1u"""' I DAIL y· PILOT Hou.,. u _nfurnlohod _Apts. ,urnlohld ~· Unfurnished ' ~ Unfurnlollod Gonorol Gonor•I P;..l;..NA_N_c_IAL ___ +-1 Hunllngten Booch 3-400 Cool• Mlii 4100 0.-11 5000 c ..... 4111 Mar ' 5250 MIS<!' R1111111 5999 1nt1uo'irI1I R1t1!1I '°9o ,lw. Qpputunltl11 6'oo CLASSIFIED INDEX BIG ~. bo"'HIUI -$30.00 wk. wp e BEo\01 • YEARLY e GARAGE TRAILEJl.bool w)(. etc., 'An!UATE cttiou. ""8• --· e o.,, --tb. I 8'. l 111. unlUno .... 1261 • •:f FOR 'l'.J'OllACE .ONlY. 14000 "' n. 8141, --.. -CANDY SUPPLY boat or tt&tlet lfOrqt,. S ~1o ... a...... 2 Br. l 9a.. W\IUrn • •• • i:tL5 ~ $15 month. ~ t1eet ttc. on ll4 ttpCtld ROUTI L ' F'er '•It ~enl(I anti h,.,.r Alllatant9 completely buUtJn. 4 BR : 1:; uU1, ~ta.trrv. l ~· 2 ~-den, tum •• l3SO Q., _•rf• ,_, acttt nr. fWd.landa twy. ~ <No Sdl!lll Invalvtdl $255 I mo. !mined tot. poo e Mild -· TV avall. 1 ~. 1 -untw.. • • • • llOO lncotM P!~ 6000 ell. It-Schwaru Bia. E!c« .... 1 !-'-toe 1ttW .es&kwl. "Bier. 54Ml(l e New Cai. A Bar l Br. 1 Ba. tum ••.••• $m ON TEN ACRES ~ 9 °'°ice !='l'Sde .. F}t~'L Ont ~ boUn WftKQ' .)ff'Ol'k (J)Qs or DIAL DIRECT 84!-S87a Hous·es PORI SALE ... ,.. ... , ... • ·,;r;·--..... • illll\. """" .. , • ... •i.L .m -m... --'URR WHITE · 1 " t BR. ...... • 1111tttni , BR, ..... ._ 2,.. • .... -· ..:->.--..i. ~" ""' , \ •, ~~i:::~~ii.~ao 1t .,..:::::: $2'JS Firit A Lut wi $50 DELUXE J bdr studio, -ts. REALTOR Frp1ci / pdv. pe.tiol/Pools: t bath. s:ilS.500 sq. fl. M·l bkf& w/otU:J. ~ ~ from1eo1~<! ' Gl:H•ui.. l ................... 1• INDUSTIW. •••t•&. .......... depoEt. 5M--llla ~... 2901 Newport Blvd N 8 T Mii ~-~·1 DW.+ • 2 BR Tri ....... w1---1. ]ZJO.aJOli ... ft. um• ... 1l>c e~""" ..... ~Ille.ti l'I _ .. ~°llfo .. l'~•·::::::::::::·:;l: "°" ....... \ . .,., ............ 11• I drps. pool. l child over 10 ., . • t • ~ -. .. pui. ~ •--" "'-Neta • JUr'f'OUndlri1 ang._ • MllA ••10• '1111 IUCMM ....... -... -........ ,.. )'l'I. or lntant call 64i&--049I ~ 642-22$.3 Evta. tltC at'Mlt, ' income $340. $32.000. lq. ft. Complf'te about Jul,y w ' I (Hand! J cou.t9• PAl•f ',';",".'."."."::.:.:;1111 c1Ta1t1 ••ova ............. •1n fount1ln V1lley 3410 ·att 6 pm $140. 2 BR f.pla. RIO. a s.. t..ant, O!M &H-Xll • '7 Unli. C2 lot. $680/mo 15. Eves &16-0681, days e "· too e. " 11tiw•o•T ••AcM ., ... _ ..... 1n1 ac11Ao1 .................... nit ..... _ M -·-·-~--H •--Xlnt, ~en••-• '"000. "6-0033 ~ l'lllmf;I brattd candy 4 • """'°'' •••••n '''' uut• •u1Noa1 .............. un GORGliXlUS-new 1 • 2 Br. re..... w/w av•" now I '~ ar ._..., 'N)') ut&. ..... --~-i....) m~ ~--• -·•· • .......... 111so11T •11tOl'tllTY ....... ~ .. ._ CO.MJ;!9. 3JJr. ·()duxe crpts . ' ' .~ · · ·~ "I E'' · · ~ ~· .......... •e>t .... . litJo.&. cov1s ........... 12u o11A11111-c:o ••G"'••TT~ amt "-........ ..,... I I Broker 5M-69IJO _.. F nal inteMew 1111wl'ClaT1tt0•1s ........... 1m ouTo;tTATIPllOf' ""'•• & ... ., .. UOY1whr • .roo AcUvlty np. poo, sauna. lBR.Du 1 at a: rr· BobOIMnR.ltr, 54~ Lots 6100 -· or peno IATC••ST ................... 1m MOUJllTAIN. oirs1aT ::::::::u11 90-4969, u no ans MS-OtT4 2000 Panons. ~ $1.m. 1 en. •love, re.trtr IP ex, OYf. re lg, . in Coeta 'Mesa area. amd :,:,t~':a01•=:1111 ·····"·•""'":;g w101v1110N LANO ......... •na w/w, avail now. Sm~ crpts. drpl. Flied pado &. 4-PLEXES--4% Loan ONE ot the Jut and most D&m~. &ddftta & ptmle nu.m-'""':''""·" ,.,,L. ••TAT• 11av1ea ..... uu """' -• pr. $140 mo.• &U-1470 ALL 3 c-• -:fl~g~ 111;11HLAHoi ':::::::.11::: ~~ U.cMANoa .............. •• Westmlnt* 3612 Newport Buch 4200 ~ -room unit1 beautllul fff-almple Jots re. bet to r.tulU.State Inc....,"' 11N1v•111rTT· •AtiK .. ~ ....... :1m ::!· '-· ~~"'i"ltt ... .__ ............. ~ . t1 $5"3,950 m a l n l n g lo OOVER £, Jtnperi&l Hwy,, Dowl)ey, 1tiv1N• ..................... 11J1 BUSINE::.S and 3 BR & den. O'pla, drpl, FURN Duplex, 1 & S Bi. Mi Cotta Mii.i $100 Hun ngton IHcfi 5400 No Vae. Tmillc~urn. o:in-SHORES for sale Oil Anti-Call!. !mt2 sAcK iAv, ..................... i• .-FINANCIAL dshwr: bluw ttrepl. rtrr!c blk rrOtn ocun. Summer --·~ .,..,..., k! t ., w-•• io awner 547--0997 1 ---~E~N~C~O---·t i!AST•LU" ·······•••·•••·•··1m 1u11N1u Oftl'OttTUMIT1u .• u. 't ' .. _.'.,_, ' -• -1 2 o.c.vROOM 2 BA'l11, wn n nna. .,qua ,~·,,c,~:..c· .c.;...;.;.;_== I 11tYINI Tl!tiRAce ............ 11-1s ••• •ns w NTfO washer dl')'er, opUUUM Soft Rental. P ....,,,. ... or _,.....,..,.."".,, a. • ......_ u., r-bf-• ~~· H'°'"LE OIL COtlONA OEL MA• ........... llM ••••'ST••··· • ..-...-····· .... ~?',,' -t-~-~.-•-'plcal LA .. ~. HARBOR .-un.n~. ............ ~ ....... 10 ocean .WMl'.I • Via» • 1A1.10A ••N1Nsuu. ......... i:• vi M.E .. .,.11~1Nt .. "'" "'• ;>., .......... .., uv ,,........... UNFURNISHED rmsr PJON'!:ER Rot 125 t5th St NB ca.U "R.D1NING m •~oN IA'I' ............... ,.ISM !:oN:YT ..... NT,0".('• D ..... , ~ lndacpd1 2 f\111 ba. ~mo, LARGE 1 BEDROOM . .......... i._pes, "'ilti ~-1 142-4421 61l' -· •-· U ......... _..2_ ...._ IAY ISLAND,, ................. uJt · ..... .. ...... -... --Wknds 892-lt50 or wa...1.-aft ... .-an. .,. ns, UL'l' ~"' 1.lllll we ~ ae ... _ ... . LIDO ULI ................ 1u1 •1:iotril1AL LOAMt ............ .m .. ....,. Sl!iO month, yearly .GREENS lobt.tion, J bl.k ta 5 Points GOOD BUY n-:11 EN\ exn lion available In c.o.ta Meaa. IALIOA tSL.lliD .......... lUS JliWELllY LO.lNS ............ 6»1 6 897.59()(, * ·~ -... , ....,,JON,/-. MUNTINGTo.t aucM ....... u• CO&.LATIRAL LO.lNI ......... ml! • *-,,,......._ "' ahopplng etc. from $130. mo income prop. l..BR l 'ii Acreage 6200 No investment required tn HUNTINGTON MAltlOUa ..... 14fit •EAL UTATI! LOAN• ........ I&* 1 BR dupl 1\.i bijq 17ll1 E1lll. apt. o. GG-2835, BA home' 2-2 BR un.l!s ,.·1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;..;1 ga.aollnet:, motor ·on.. tire• l'OUMTA1N VALL•T .......... 1411 :=w:.:liT~':" a..":.: Lagune Niguel 3707 ~ ex. ocean. BACHELOR UNJ'URN. 8U-&ll3 11 bat•-'·•' -·""r ~ SEAL aucM ................ 1ue ANNOUNCEMENTS -p.1. 1vk (month mlnl or fro $l l O small lot. ww deaJ. Wk. COUNTRY -•--~ iUNSl'T lll.t.CM ............... lUI $71'5 LW!:; 3 &. 2 Ba., Sl.25. yrl,y lat. sg..2152 m days 521.J8Tl I E~· .. wk. ie1. Humble pe,)'I all Utill· 0"0 " 0"" ............. .>m d NOTICES Din bit · la nn 2 BDRMS, • 2 BAftl PROPERTY ""· For lnlormatlon call LONGI IEA(t' ~ ................ lHI . In • nn., ·lnS, m. • NEWER 2 BR. yrly leue, ALSO AVAILABLE '" ends. 827-7694 • ;::::~um ·:::::::::::::~!: tg,uTMD '"~-~!.::::::::::: .. :: ~;;·Encl. patio. $200. Call ~'7045 until Jul,y l • 2 &: I BDRM. 12 NEW UNITS near ocean 26.68 acres of beautUul So. ~(~~ ~ OUT 01" COUNTY ............. :: :::~i:t.'il.. •• n .............. "": 26. 30 Yard& to ~cb. J:[eatlld Pool.t. Clllld Car. S15Q/Mo. HEATED POOL Hnlgn Bch. Sun dttb, Calif. Land dotted with huge .. ~. OUT 01' STATI ................ ,,. .... ,. ... 641 BEAUT. VJew EXCL 3br 2 Canter; ••• lo, -.......1--fncd, cpl/drps, Kkls OK wee uua. ITAMTOM ................ 1.1•11 l lltTN' ...................... t411 • WINTER· RENTALS • n...,. ~ Dela Studio A ts.. pa.UM, 4 trplc. trees Ii ~adow's. ·Level lo ~===-~~~--1 we'sTMINITl!ll ................ 1•11 l'UNEaALs ................ '4n ba, bltn.s dsh.,..T. c:rp/drpg. No petl allowed ware P TERRY REALTY rollin& P ............. Ii a.1i .. cent WANTED: ott....ie liqtmr MIOWAY CITY ................ ,1•1• PAID OllTUAll\I' ......... 641> f S300 836/5750 542-1215 WINIFRED L. FO$, ~. 2700 !'\!tenon W•v at~ 2620 Delaware, l:r.B. ...,.,...'J ......... lice n-..,,_ "--SANTA ANA ................ l•M FUHl.AL OlllECTOIS ....... MU p. • 642-3850 . -.... 642-2221 -·u-5J6..lh6 ~1459 Eve. 536-7658 to the Ortq:a lfwi. Mobile nstt, ............ .._......,.. UINTA ANA HOTS. ............ lut FLOltllTS .. ,. ...... .,t411 BY < B 2 .,_ vie bar 1: Adams. Colt.a Mesa a,..,..,. .. e '--mo -•k ---"·, -nstruc-C&ll: 642--8139 OltANGI. ................... 14U CAltD OF THANKS ............ uu owner r. DO, w l BR Xl t I ~-·-bay. . CHEZ INDUS. Bldg. 100% occpd. ... ..... Wl<H' .. u tUS11N ................ 1441 'IN Ml!MOlllAM' ............... 6411 home Pacegctter area n oc.vvocw 5*-0S70 ORO APARTMENTS Uon nearby. Full price -NOllTM TUJTtN ............... 1o1U crM.n111Y Lon-............. '411 1')1;11 • lit 613-9541 • beach. 494-94nor ~7876 _ ~I 8234 Atta.nJa Nprt, Sch. 10% net return. •i:nooo wllh terms. For Money to U.n 6320 ANAHEIM .......... lilt CEMfll!ltY CllV"' ......... 111t ....,.,,. mo u . . N 1 -~-~ $190,<ot. Phil s u l 11 van ........ SILVrllADO CAN'l'OM ......... lUI CEMETEltY Cll'l'l'TS ......... '41• ew ·2 QL.'1UIU?Il.I. Pay M8-676l further lnfonnallon, contact uouNA HILU ................ n• Cltl!MATOIUES ' ............. '42t D I U I 3975 Newpoit Hlfs. 4210 (OllSJRUrTIMI electrie'only Glenn Thornnson lsl I: 2nd k>ar1I Jor qulelt U.OUNA 1aACM .............. 015 MEMORIAL PAllK' ........... MJl up IX" n urn. ''""' """.......... -FOR SALE BY OWNER ..... cub. Borrow on your-pro. LAGUNA HIOUEL ............ nu 'UCT•ONs ............. t4• YEARLY lease 3 bdr 2 '-a 1 ..,,.,..,,..;r"' ot ~ .. ,.._, Eckhoff&' Assoc., Inc. SAN CLEMENT& • .. .. ..... 1711 .. VIATION Sl!llYIC• ............. DUPLEX Unfurn. avail July .. ,... ..._.~ ... _, • -Jun COMPlfTING PooJ..Wa.sber.DcyeD ,,, 4 units. 2 • 2 BR, 1 BA a: ,...__ A perry eq without dlsturb1n&: SAN JUAN CAl'llTllANO ..... ,Int TllAVEL ........... t4" ....... ti) ---.W'" mo -2-JBR. l" BA ........ OU:: JB18 w ....... pman vc. ..... •• Jaw interest lit TDa. CAl'ISTIANO IE.ASH ......... Hts AIR TRANSfOOltTAT/011 ........... 1. 3 bdr 2 be. butlt-lnl lnlc. 673-2455 Privatt Garages n '. ~"" Ora.Dae. call! ~--~ DAMA POINT .................. 17:11 ·tUTO TllANl .. OllTATION ..... '40 d&hWahJ' tittpJace l b1oc.k ., • H rn ~l E knd ~•" ,,_ Al.lo buyers for 2nd TDL CARLSIAO ..................... Utt EOAL NOT!Cl'S , ..... '4Jf . ' . ..._f"'I ., n.. NE'\\.' $150 \IP. l·-BR. eat· 8Uto'•-• Rlnlol 6D60 .,...,,. .... _ ve .. w I ;JO'llHll~• Sntt1e.r "'---ro.. IDc. ocu,N.,10• .................... UM GEIMAN • TUTOltlNG Mtl from beach. 613-1758 !-ean l or 4 -"" *· • H11rbor Helnhfs Four ed &. sauna ......... 15. l'f'C nn. • ... _ ........ _ ... ....,. , SAN 01100 .... .. ......... i 7n SERVICE DIRECTORY Adults, no pets, 2421 E. 16th • .,....... Serving-Hartior Arn. 21 yn. R1VE1tuot! couNTY ......... 1.. ARTISTIC 2 Br untum. encl Rental Manarer -Hell A A1ionquln. P.flr. SJ'ORES fO'l' leue vill.,. Lquna Be11ch 336 E. l~' st , MOUSES TO al!. MOVED 1-ACCOUNTING ......... '-lll ' St 64&-1801 ••-Chrt ilen •• ., "13l W/PERMIT '~ , CONDOMINIUM ... :::::·.1u1 ANswe111NG st1tv1c1 ..... '* patio, near at.ores. No peta. · · ·~ .,,,...... s 1en .,.__, Shopping Center, cor o1 El 7 ACRES sq..21n SCS-G61l oUPLt:Kt!S Foit SALE ....... 1'7J APPLIANCE IEPAtas. '"""' 6111 $150 6'75-2942 • •250 3117-A Clnn1mon Ave. NEW _ .... Arn 1 •• 2 BR, Camino &. ?.Ie....,.•a C..M. TO KEEP HORSES APAllTMl:NT1 1<0• sAL• ... u11 ASPHALT. otts ............... 'nt · Coron• dtl Mir ~ """"' -,......._ ANNOUNCt:MENTS RENTALS ~~t ~--:::,_ -,·.:,... lhc.·U:."' LAGUNA 2 BR. Ocean vitw, Co1t11 Me11 cplS, drps, avail July l. SUltable Food ta Go, TV, Adjacent subdivlliob one ind NOTICES Houau Furnished •A1vs1TT1Na ......... UM lg livi~ rm. 49f..5873 or 3 DR. newly fum. · dlx. apl (1 block west o1 }larbor Blvd SJ6..25'19 var~~. hobby shop, etc. mile E. of bwy util avail. ,... 10AT MAll"TENANce: ........ 6US 494-J903 Walk to beach i, a11ops. 2 blocka south or the See Liquor store for key. s.U,000. in Cash, ha! 1st trust Found (f ... Adil ••-••N••AL .. :........ 1R1cK. MA50NRT, eic. ...... a.. San Diero rreewa UNFURN. 2 Br. apt. S125 Al w 21J/98l-65lO -" RENTALJa~~ SHAii! ......... = •USINESS S.l.R'llCES ........ dtt { I I AL:!t Summer rentals until Sept. y) Month. 1 Oilld QK, no pets. agner deed, Write or contact: ~O:s'..AD1.1. MAa .. :::::::::::::21os ~::~~~N1J un ................ w• r::.A:..... Furnished 1st, then Jrue. Owner. Phone J.46..1034 Cps, drps. 846-llG3 Eves. , Laguna Office Geora:e R. Kresa. Box 914;-FOUND~ White poodle Mt:SA Vfl.Ol'.2111 CAllNn'"""klNO ................ ,.... 675-3428 or l~n4-98l--2502 La,guna Beai;h or pbooe ·w/ purple oolli.r. p 1 ea I e ~::1E1P:.it,.~M··::::::::::::~~ ~;~~~~TE.,it.!._~·········· .. ··'"'-~-I .6NVI. LG. 2 BR, bu ilt· I n s LARGE 2 Br.: l or 2 Bria:ht,attr,mod.hldt,cent. 4~726. -Identify. Vic:.1'7tb Sl C.M. NEWPORT Hon ............... 2111 ' ~.,t.._.............. v.nara '""""" B 1c--••oo cplS/d..,•, i~ •·. ••·-·. Children 'OK, pet OK; cpts, loc air cond ep otrance • J2lf CHILO CAI.I., ~·· ........ "II • ---..... n ""' ........... .1-' • I . e • Takr-over pymots'. U) Actel Tues. ~1311 -l'IEWl'OIT SNOltl .......... • CONTRACTOlS .............. s Close tD So. Coast Plaza • "'i's. ranie. 962-7S37 Lease 494-2466. ==~;,.----~~-· .a 1AYSKOllES ................ ms CAlll"ET CLEANING uu • I ""~~ nR .J.. _, no down. $25. mo. Ranch l'"'OUND Slamae cat. Ple9ae DOVEllt IHOlll!S ............... mJ C~Rl"l'.T LAYINCO a UPAlll "" 1ng e 1 ~ Sin"'tllenVlliY· OCC. $150/mO. Call 546-5079 2 I; 3 BDfU.t, 2 Bft, pvt patio, B-.IL-..-Isla d tile nr. huge l&ke. 89M743 · WliSTCLIFI' .............. = DIAPEll lES ................. "JI 'furn. uW. incl. $12Cl/mo, aft.,_4 PM. Bkr. ~ heated p 0 0 I, , --iu 1K11UVU n identify. Vie Harbpr & UNtVEASIT\I' PAii ........... OIMOLITIOM -·· .............. .w Tl..C.U'] • " ..... "'(I) .,.,. .. y st ftl I t Agt. Adams. 549--0058 or 5t6-12!H. • 1av1N1 ........................ 22• o~l'TINO s11.v1c1 .......... MtJ 6 • .,---• ....---1 -BEST value 2 8 R decorated. 962.-8994 ore or o ~. w w carpe 1. ·A!k tor. Barbara • eAsT_ e1.uF• .............. r,: E ECTR1u.1. . ............. Y . . .. .........::---:» r , 1 BR 1 nso. e1a. &U-9M5 _ UIVIHI TllltUC• ........... EQUJPMeNT llENTA\.S .,,,,.."50 oung }"--lll,lndc ••55 cp..., ... .,.., u ! b W a Sher Apt. beaut. dee., cp S, MIXED Collie 00r f -·•-COIOMA Ot:L MAii ........... ttto l'ENCINO ...................... 6Ut 81 ---pool n..· 1 Ad It N ,_ d __ , 1 b''" •--e ~RIME Retall l.ocnlion e Exchl""ll, R. E. "6230 , eu...c, BALBOA .................... 230t l'LOOltS ...... · ............ "'5 • . ~ .. 1e . u •• 0 pe.,,. rps, '""'· gar. .... UWIJ ••• ans to lady. Vic Of Tustin a: LIDO 1SLE ................... 1n1 l'UltNACE 1tr•.1.t1ts. "''· ..... u11 WINTER rent a I __ 3 -$115/mo. 2295 Pacific Ave. ocean. $125 mo. 536-2)70 17X40, Xlnt foot & auto tral· r &AY ISL.ANDS ......... , ••••... UM l'Ull:NITUllE llUTOAINGI --548-6878 fie. J..871 1-Iarbor, Cld. HAVE $16,000 equl~ .In 5 BR Palisades. M0-6293 or Ulll IALBOA ISLAND ............ -,.1llS a llEFINISNltrilG "" aedrooms. 2 baths. IUf'nl!lh-' 646--0054 Npt Bch home tD trade for e--5690 • ' ::~~ :i~F~ .. ::::::::::::::::::~:: g::~::tN~r1tv1ce:s· ........ = Adults ed. nrw .tal'PfL $260. UPPER 2 en. refrlg, elec ~An• 5620 , Income prop. Will assume. ro=UN=D=~G=-&,.._whl..,,,,.-~ .. ,,.1 IA(!( IAY ......... 2241 GRAOING OlSCINO ............. "-lerences :ll8 pear I bll Ins closed •• r •• e . LEASE • SOxl.00 commercial ···-bo·-cl-· va••nl V>e' w "" -"tb: 7 ~.,each''.,.,',· KUl'ITtNGTON IEACM ......... l4M • ........... '""' • ' -' . HIDDEN VILLAGE JWIU ... -=-.... "' "-""• t FOUNTAIN VALLI'!' .......... 201 OL.lfs ................ ,'4to Balboa Is l. Adult&.. no pets, ttduced GARDEN APTS bldg, heart of doWJJtown lot in Npt Heights to trade SEAL IEACN .. , ........... 1450 Glt!l'.N THUMI ............... OTIO c ?it 548--3401 or ~ vk. Mesa Del Mar. ~ ~~~=o'E~~~NTY ·:::::::::::::::= :~:L~W~Lu•s ·::::::::::::::·:;: Luxury single, l & 2 Huntl-to~ 8Mch 4400 ~nr~~ tor lite Sl55 Month PUs uw._; 2 Br. ' · ~ ~.1 ·=·H:'!el~: CHlLD'S Blke, vie. o1 21st -• 1nt HAULING ................. tJaf bedfoo apartments ••• furn or ullfum. Air-cone! LOWER floor, wood panJ'g, • st l -·~•-ou ••~ af'-5 SANTA ANA ' ............... HOUSECLUNING ..... , .... , •. ,72$ m • OCEAN BREEZE A t I -. .. UOO'. Ideal for @.nclng, art 67:l-2020 ~.......... .................. ...c ' WESTMtN!TEI ................ :~ INTlllOll OICO•ATINO ..... m1 furnished and unfur· Quiet & h1utlful . ~ ....... forced a1r heat, heated pool, -hoof, •tudlo. on -~c----:-~~..---,-.-~P~M~-=~~-~c---~·I MIDWAY CITY ........... INCOME TAX '141 3 BR, l~ BA, .,.,, •• -pto, -·-a, pn'v, poOo. -~·~,, Pro-rty Pr•bl1m1? SANTA ANA H'l:LGNTS ........ 2')0 · .......... · h d ' h I \ 1 BR Adull!I o"'u. Private pa. "' ... .. .,,.,,._ ... '" ... -T COASTAL ............. UIO IRON, O!'M-1•1. Elc.. ......... 7M DIS e 'Wit comp e e • ...., dl'p6 SliiO mo No pels QUIET LIVING SPACIOUS oHJ-o, ~·d • Ex hat .... 't WHITE Male Clf, flea collar LAOllNA IEACH .............. 1111 ::~~:..'l~ NG ................... •7H . d la d tio, pool, l.lti1. incl, No pets, -. • . . .... -.. chan,ge w you uun /bell.I, k ol 17th St. • ~ ~:;u,~~,:~~~=L ._._ .. ·::::::: 2'l1': ::~~~~~~'.ET1~·~::.~::::·:.iai ~tv:~~:~ c~u~aft: noCanncb!1:!,re.,n~1:;~ 17616 = 2 BR. w to w c:rpt, 546-1525 ~~:~:. ~: =t ~~~.you do ~nie A:e .. CM. 64&-:IDS · ~;1i~::N~A:~sz::".~_:::::::J: ~~:~f:~A~E•Aia. Eic:·:::::::= mosphere including · adults pref. $135 Coastal o. D. COLE -FOUND keys outalde n Cor- OUA HUNT ·-............. = L.AfrilOSCAJ'~ ............... .,"1. $750,000 w 0 r th of -~.l,Br at~ lSth mo. 2234 B P.acific.. Ave. 5700 Office lentil 6070 548-4841 !Uallor &l5-®0 ona.do. Balboa. Fri P.M. RIV£1tSIDE COUNTY ........ '..OCiw.,ITH ............... 41H recreational facilities $150 ......... ts. no ~· 543-fi066 D... -Owner \Mntify. ~ ~~~,:~~".::;!tts _::::::::·m: :"J~::"a ~~~C.".r.ow··:.·:::: .. ::: designed and operat-St., Apt No. 7• 1 BR, "Ill pd, elec bltns, ucactl Apts. LAGUNA BEACH R: E. W1nted 6240 ====='====~ _ coNooM1N1uM ............... mt l"AINTINO. ,.__. ........ "51 NEW $200 up. t~ er, htd Air Conditioned Lost 6401 ou•1.•KEs ""'•"-............ ttis l"AINTtNo, si.n. ............... .ws ed just for sin g le tttrig, no children ar pets. N e D I "-'-"'---------RENTALS l"ATIOS ·• ................. "61 l &. sauna poolt, ftC rm. Heil Nr shoppinc 646-Q22 befott ew • uxe ON FORESJ' AVENUE Houses Unfurnished ;~:.:'::1~"o~V,..~·11.:,.ir ·:.:: peop e. & Algoqu.in. Mgr M6-3l37 4. (714) 536-4616 Desk space• avll11able In LOST: Man'• Ham 11 ton GINElt.AL , .............. ~,,. ',',","•'•'~·., ................. .-..,,,. GARDEN GROVE BACH. apt., water &. gas FURN• ""'"-, •-·h, I & 2 (714) 5"1417 nev.·est oHlce build.Ins at $$ MORE CASH $$ watch. Vk. 30lh Street, cosTA M2SA ............... ""' beach $90 ""'""'" .,.., -prime location in downtown Newport Beach • Reward! Mt:SA Dl'.L. ~ ................. 1115 POOL s.1.11tvicE ··".:'_'!" ··''" !3100 ,....AT_ .... Ave paid 1 mile from · BR. Mesa del Afar Apts. 998 TI! Ocean Aven~ 1 ·-·"'a Bea•h, Air --•1. 546--7817 after 6 pm. -Ml.SA \1'11,DE ................ 1111 l"OWl!tt-IWlllPINO ........... ms ......_....... . per month. ~295'7_ ~· ~-·--~.. c' u' (3 blk .._.... " ""'""' COLLl!GI: , .... !( ............. sin =~· 51,~!C.~·-""~ ........... ffH (4-Blkl.-W~Santa..Ana_Fwy.) ......... ......U.WN ..... -ill . _s _w,,__qf.H._.B,__flerl _ t.loned,-earpeted,.-beautU\I! , NllW,ORT a•AcH ............ stot l"ING ... .. -............ ••st (7l<l 636-30l0 J-"URN. apt: Pool, • nrar 54&-0451. =;;========I -NEWl"OllT HOHTS ............. 1211 RADIO. RINtn. l:k. ........... no ; .... 1.. .th L entrances: Frontaac on • NEW .. OllT SHOlll .......... mo REMODELING & A;EPA11t "'° beach. oouple er .... ~ W1 2 alt Duplex· 1769 Turrtin 1gun1 Be1ch 5705 Fores! Ave rear lead.! to IAYSMORl/.S ................ J:W ltl:MODllLING, KITCHIEWS ..... HJ NEWPORT BEACH highest Qua!. 842-2335 • .. ..... __ , I .·:~·-I ISO OOVEll SHOllll.S ............... 2221 KISSOltl IHAl,IN .......... iH~ Ave. tlCl'Ol!ll! from park. USQ. 2 BR., unfutn., W/...,.....J. 1u"""'pa _....,,. otl. '#l!STCLIP'I' · ............. mo Sl!!WINO · .. · -· tt•i Irvine and 16th St. 540-1407 r-per month for 81)1lce. Deak UNIVEltSIT'I' .... Ilk ........... :tU7 SEWIN• MACHINI! 111!'.l"Aliti ,,., L•'"Uft• &t•ch 4705 mo. Ocean view, nr. beach. S160 ltVINE .. . ............. n:ll SEPTIC TANKJ. .,_,,, l:IC. .• ,u <n4l 64$-0550 • • ~-· M 528-Ull t 152 and chai?'ll available for $5. 1av1NI! Tl!IRACI' ............ 11u TAILORING ............. ,,. N rt 8 h 5200 °· ex· ; Business houni answttin&" , coitONA DEi. MAit ........... nM ~irRM10T1 CONTltOL .......... 6tn Furnl!ihed Models 100 CLIFF DRIVE twpo ••c 49S-2803 eves. 1 ·-" bl ~-110 IALIOA .................. »ti ILi!, ll'•mlc .......... -... tl14 0 n..n.. Two bedroom furnished 1erv Ce a ....... e WI-• SAY 1SLANDS ................. :i3M '11-"• U.•IMlm a-.... ........ ,,,s pen~ 1 I:. 2 BR. 1pt1. turn &: un-REAL ESTAT! All utilities pald except LIOO 1sLE .............. m1 T1t111 11:11v1ce .. . .... '"' Immediate Occupancy All Deluxe Features 65 _ yrl ~-I _, ho IALIOA ISLAND .............. Us.I TELSVIS!ON, .... in. Etc. '"'"' ft11ri ..... Dis to Be h furn. Sl to ~ y. -n•r• taep ne. , NEWPORT w11.sT .............. ius UPN01.sT1:1tY : . .., ...... '"' South Bay Club w ....... ,. tance ac Anita, J01111!9 Rlty. 6'l3--{;210 DAILY PILOT HUNTINGTON IEACN ....... >IOI WELDINCJ '"' SZ5 -Yearly leue R•nt•I w ~· 5-,~ ~~-KUNT1NOTON HARIOUll _ ... J.W JOBS & EMPLOYMENT 116.12"9 1 BEDRM. crpt, drpt, built· 1 In..-· "'"' ..., rvn..c..3I AVENUE Fo1J11TA1N vA1.1.1T .......... >111 Apartments .. ~ ... LAGUNA BEA.QI Sl!A\. lt:ACH ............... >4M ig: :!:~:g• ~ " ......... = ifll, patio, Adulll only, no A'ITENTIQN •n• n.,,,, OAltOEN GltO\l'I' .............. :M7J '00 w••·•o' -· ........ l\CL'4 I AL::t pe•-. 1140 mo_ yrly, ~ -, NEEDED BY AUGUST ~ -' LONG IE.ACM ............. Uot ~ ' ' ~ $'165. 2 BR 'If / w, childrel1 .., ,,.~u;i oltANGE couNT'I' ............. xot MIN a WOMrN ............... mt • Apts. Unfurnilhed Eutern College pro.Les.or & 4 PRIVATE 0Hice1 "all or SANTA ANA .................. w11 •'°•"••',",,", '!.~ .............. ,n,.n OK. Avail 'l/15. Broker •1c" Boy 5240 _, '" • tud part", a o -' ~.utllully WESTMINITl!ll ................ Mlt • ....... ......:~........... 534-6980 G I 5000 u "' ,. ..... ua.., I enta, tome """ '-""' Ml • • .......... AGENCIES w 1"' " w w ~ /or 8ll1al1 IW'JIJalll:U ~ .. .. For Your yome Equity Absolutely no cost • , • to you the Seller! 12 yean of paying mo1'! cash for Orana;e County property. call the Rest .•• Then call the Best BEVERLY JACKSON REALTY 147-6033 ... 545-a45 ~y .'-"" HliL• WANTIO,,..... .......... ntl tMrl , •• !am"'--and .. _,_,_.,_ North '--·na SANT ANA Kl'.tONTS ......... UJI • •-· ........ """' 1 BR, nicely tum All 2 BR Duplex, llv rm, crptz, hlgb •-Ion ~-- ' llot HELP ••NTWD, ""'-...... 14• ,...,... • • RENT • ""I desire '--... ;,_ .-.... way ...,...,t . """cellent CASH QtilCK --• 3 or 4 a>ASTA .............. JOI~ a •-..... n• utit pd. Avail now. Broker drp&. 1 mi to UCI, Sl30. Call .,.... ' ....,...,._... ·~ -.~ L.AOUNA ••ACM .............. S71S '''"''''• •·-1 w-···-""" ""• .,.,.,.., Uc I 10me will .._ •-•-..1 for Individual, realtors, In--Br GI or ~· •-··--·· LACOUNA NIGUEi,. ............. J7'1 l.CHOOU .. OOT11UCTION .... 7* .,.,.....,JOU 3 Rooms Fumltu,. 838-l!m g..10 pm. I . ;..:.. ' ""' IUU .. cu •ura.tx:e broker, seeretarla.I ... _,,· ' -,.;... 1ft~.6nA ,........., ...,.... SAN CLt:Ml!NTI: .............. ml JOI "''"''''o" "" n u"' area approx 2 yn. lll:: ;s;i-.....o CAPISTRANO ........... 2rn ·· .... $20 $25 & UP Need 1 to 3 Bedroom oUice, etc. Owner, 494-6577 BUSINESS Ind 'o'•'•'•",.",'.•, ". ~'" .. ::::::::::;:: TMHrRCHAN01sE-Fo' R"" Cost• M... 4100 • East Bluff 52"2 furnished apta, d·-lexes'u.,,.n. 1tM ·!.1onth-T~Month lWltah ...:+" "tu BEAUTIFUL Alr-a>nd of· FINANCIAL CONOOMllOUM .......... SALE AND TRADE LG "-·• uno" .,,,., -••. NEW dlx To--~·--. 2 Br, houRS. Prl~ rMi:t: Sl20 to fi M DUl'LEkliS UNf!uit N ......... ,.75 DO .. ,.. ., ~.. WIDE SELECTION ,.,.,.........., ces. agh sound proof 1---------- suMMlll lllNTALS .......... ms FUllNITUlf .......... '* near So Coast Plaza OCC App"·--a. TV's avail. 2\.!i Bao ssoo. 3 Br. 2 Ba SJSO, Sl.50 per month,...,mtght go wall1, aoousttc c e I l l n g'' RENlAl.. OFFICI l'UllNITUllE' ........ 11111 . • w:u~. • . ., _, " ulilo't~ --~ Ol'F1c1 e:ou•PMENT ......... 0011 $135/mo incl. everythin1. No Security Deposit 4 Br, 3 Ba $495. 752 Amigos .. ,...., · u ....., .... " elev, be.lcony. From $50. Ap s. Furnished sToRa E"OUll'MEMT .......... •n Call 54G-507'9 art c Bkr HFRC Furnltun Rental Way, N.8. 615-503.1 paid. Please contact: Medical auile $85. 488 E. OENliRAL "'. .................... CAl'E, •tSTAUflANT' ......... lllU . • ' • 847--664D Huntington Beach 17th St. at Irvine, ~ .. cosTA MEIA ................. '1°' ~~~.•,•,•0•,•0••0•0•00, .. -....... "..,"• BACHELOR Apt frplc 517 W, 19th, CM 541-3481 a!t•• 6 PM •. lea-,·. ~"' Miu. v11toE ................. 111 .......... ' • .,,,,,.,I" • --•-Anhm 'l'l4-~ Corona del Mir 5250 .... ... ... Owner. 6'1J..6574 NIWl'OltT 8BACH ............ noo GAltAGI! SAL• .......... lllH beam ceiling, pvt patio, J WU<> ,,; """""'· formation or write: R. HtlWPOltT He1aHTS .......... •111 ,•~,',",'•'••~,•,AUCTION .~ ...... aou. adlt no pets $95 lse 2 BLOCKS -BEACH, La-E"••ne G--. c ,,, ~·• NEWPORT BLVD. NIWl"OaT SHORSS ........... 42:rt " ............... ll ' ' ' N OME '" .... -. , ... ..,~, .,,,...,. Wl!STCLll'I" .......... _4211 'NTiauirs ........••... 1111 673-7629 VE D Gara~ apt. 2 BR+ den, Western Reserve Univ ., OUiees suitable for Com-Pay up lo S%. Let us show UNIVllllTI' •AIK .,JJ SEWING MACHINli .... .,.llltl==-=--~~--la! hOw U ,..,. ,__,. __ a BACK IA y ' ... :::::::::::041 "'USICAL INSTllUMfNT ...... tlH NICE. I BR duplx. Quiet, sep 1~ baths, newly decorated Cleveland, Ohio. 44106 (% mere • Medical, Dental. you yo ........ ...ue BANKS ... Buo, Opportunllloo 6300 Dlltribulonihip 640l Don Bull 1541 W11tmlnat1r St. Co1t1 Mt111 W. F. Colllor 1106 Goldenrod Corona clel Mir T.Breman IOI P11rl Balboa Island L1 Verne WM.•r 1115 E. Balboo Newport Booch Martha J. Dougl11 . l91 Wiison Costa Me.. Yau are the willnrr ol 2 tickets to the FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR at the ANAHEIM STADIUM on July tth ~~~1N'iU:~ """'" ·:::::::::::~:! :l~gs a~~~-~~~.::::::::;::::;: by garages. Adults, over 30. IMMACULATE APTS! soft water, laundry, .pnge. ~-P v e Io pm en t Biology Alr<OOC!., crpt!, elevator !:i'~e~ftm~~ ~S3~ ~-" 'llALIOA ................... ...,. fll.LEvii10N ................... ms No pet&. 548-1021 ADULT &. FAMILY 6'73-138'7 ....::nler.l 35c PER SQ Fl'. Please call 642-5678, O:l ~ •• y '' , .,0, 4151 "1.,,1 • STEitEo .............. 1211 ONS AV"" ""LE 'c-===-.,--:--~~ '" ~•• OR 6"" .,.,,. lour hourt of your time per ,._ 9 and 1 lo claim ._ ................. rAl'E llECOltOEltS ....... 11229 $65 .• 1100. l &. 2 Bdrm~. SECTI ~ so OF HWY, 3 BR, .,.. .. ,12 ADULTS need unlurn 1or2 ......._......,.,.. ,;,-.....,., ""'tween pm LtOO ISLI ............... •J!l CAMEllAI. IOUll'MINT ... Ult! ' . .... week/ Make UI prove It •• .,_, __ IALIOA tlLAND .......... •tu Hoiav sUP,.LLll.S .............. Very nice trailers. 133 E. Close to shopping, '11rk drps, 1ar. nr mkt &: heh. BR house in Cot1a Mesa or • OFFICE SUITES * 1J u in ~ )'Our t.K:Aels. (North County -MUNTTNGTON •t:ACH ......... "40f Sl"OltT1NO oooos s c M •••1¥• ·-~--3 B ' ' n-~ ··-Ad·" _,,_... by A we ! you are teres toll free nmnber ii 540-1220) FOUNTAIN YALLliY .......... '41t ........ ISM llith t, . . ~ .,., .. -r •• ._. ....,., -=:. wls, no peta. S\hjVWJUlllg area Ug $45-$75. Crpta, drpa, heating alter l'f!Vi.-riniP our ......... • • • 1EAL 1r.1.cN ................ .WM t tNOCULARS, scoPEs ........ we • 2 Bedrooms 644-4257 111. $115 to SllO mo. TI4: It air-cond; mn.lntenance _........ ...-e COUPLES e 1.0NO •t:AC N ............... 4s• 1sc:1.LLANl!ous ............. Miii STUDIO'S suo. 1 BR $120. ti ._1,....~ _11 • gram. )'OU m11¥ check any ... )llANOI! couNTY ................ MIK. WANTliO ............... Ml• Older .-.nle preferred 2135 '* Swim Pool, Pu crttn 2 BR. 2 BA, SwedW. lrplc. _.... .,..., ....,..ect, anytime ltt'Vioe. MEDICAL SultH or all of our more than 200 e SINGLES e ••••• '.'y. ..II MACKINlllY, l!tc. ............ ll'ltl · ...-v r • .... l:'-f Ind"•"~· fac"-II 1 PM oil 11612 Bl A ...... r ....... -<••••• -· A N 6 • ···" ,.,u .... ,. t11 ~-""'-.... ,..,1,, 2 yn old. a er . av 0 oach vd dl~b •-and-• ""---' ... _,, ..._. WlilTMINSTlll ................ "IU ...... , ................... Elden A~ .. pt o. . ' u111ua .. OE.... :--=c-:-=c::-,.-,-:;,,--,.,-,.,-,,1 . c ' au• Uw•a ,..,,.erencea. .L~Of~.~.llilU1111 ~•oWAY c1rt ................ .ui• ~l,~~:~Nt!o M..:TiEit:iAi·s·;:::::·ID: No'co 1 BR DUPLEX 1145 An•htim Ave. $220 mo. 61r>-57Z 2 OT 3.BR OOme. Rent-buy in HB. 540-5724 • Company -e1tabliJbed ao-romputer clubs: JOIN THE IANTA AMA ... _ .......... Of.it •W•l"S '"' cosrA MESA SG-2824 mind. Owner only, Write ,., u ........ counts Not \l'e""41-no sell. FUN! THE JN CROWD -tANTA AMA HllOM'fS ......... w. PETS d LIVESTOCK S9950 Adults 549-0SJl CHARGE )'OW' want ad now. ~· pper '""u' N. &h. ' '""'•• TUSTIN .• ...................... •n . . particulan promptly. Ken Artist studio, 2 r 0 0 m •• lng, can be handled by man DIV. OF I.M.P. Meet others coAsTAL ................ •71111 •En ,GENERAi. ................. Hanae JOO.A E Hamilton _ ...... u•-bay r11:. or woman For full de ... n.. with YOUR ,,. ""' t u.GUNA 1irACN .............. cm CATS ........................... tnt G.n•ral 5000 Generil 5000 Generll 5000 · • · , ..... u, ""• near "'"" · ......., e a our LAOUNA NIOUl'.L ............ OGJ ooas .......................... lt1'J CM. 64S--0'7'96 Schwon!:r 613-2654 eal1 collect weekdays to Mr. weekly parties or llclect s.AN CL•M•NTI ......... , .... 4111 HORSl!S ...................... ,IUf ==--~"" __ ,,,_ ___ Barton, (714)• fn..9100 or .... m ,.,,.,, .• ~ ....... (GALS OANA POINT .................. 47• 1.IV.l.STOClr ..... LADY µECUTIVE .. •ister NEW aeruxt office 1pace1 u... .. .... ......,,. ... l=~iNi~M··:::.:·::::::: .. :·::: CALIFORNIA LIVING S@\\JUlA !££!J's• destrt 2 BR hau.e or apt 32'.) to ID> sq It 11t Santa write llnclnd!nr your phone join FREE) Call la.ii 1·9 RENTALS NU11ts1111rs , ............ m• I _ w/ privacy, Wllum. y~ Ana Fwy A CnMTI Va.lley number) lo ROMAR.A, INC., p.m. 635-9320. Apt•,· Unfurnish.td NOi iat~;:~:~~~::::::~:::::= =~~-== Bch tumofL 831·1400, $-(198. ~?ir. ':ro~78• San Carlos, LICENSED , ~&"T~·~.u,· ... :::::.::::::::.5100 "T•RAcA~N""s'PORTA.TIDN ms Solue-11Simp1'ScmrabledWon:lPuziltforaC1wekla LOCAL buaine• ........ " 2 SUITE Of 2 ofllcea, MW HELP!! Sp~~!:~m~ Ml!SA vritoE .............. 1111 ,.., _.._., bldg. 01 C. airport area. NaUonal Co. ~-• Nt:Wl"OIT IRACl4 ,. ......... Stot IOATS' YACHTS ............ tM1 o·~ l.ttws of tfr. grown..,llOfll need 2, 3 BR rent or lease. 54().3943 ·~ C8n1ino fteal, 8an Clftnente ·~ ... NIWl'OltT Kl:IGNTS .......... Siii SAILIOAn .............. ,.,. four xraltlblBd ~"' H u 1"''-"'°"""=°"~'=--diatrlbutor for candy and 492-9136. OT' 496-9507 NIWPOIT SKORES ........... 3m l'OWl:ll (t!UIJ•RS ............ ..,. apt, Nwpt &bl area. ca 300 ~' Office ,_ l'IPa .. -Cou wl!STCLll'" ........... .JJM s1'1:1o-s1<1 ao.1.1' ........... ..,. Jow to form four slmpJ. \l'IOfdr, 548-4561 eves. • • anacu In .... ...,.. ncy OT 10 AM. 10 PM UNIVERSITY PAllK ........... 1u1 lo.t.T T•A1L1111s .......... ton I I • <>.'! OOSTA 646-2130 nearby areu. Person SPEClAL $2 READING ~!~~·:~u"" ·::::::::::::~:; :g:~ tl"J:t=~::'5 .::::;:::::: 0 HINT K 89 2.:~a. yearly. Ma~~n1; ·-!!elected mUllt tie able to I===--'="---'- coaoflfA DEL MAii ........... :: MAIUN• 1:ou1P. .. ...... tilt t I I I I'. -I . ~ 1 ; near water Commercl•I 6085 devoll! 2 fO 10 hours per G~I~f to T~-n e • r ·:~'?s't..Nol ................ 1151 :::: ~~':vr'r••N• ........ 91:11 • • • • • nw. furn 01' unfw'n, ~ ----------le> Id ) us n, share ...... ell:• ; ~~~JlL~SLAN~:::::::_:_:_:_:,:.:.-.·'.~: :~~ ~:::~~ ::::::::::::::::: .. ' • aft 5. SMALL Mf!dieaJ bldg for :e veS: ~ ~ i:::. J:.J:· ~ ~ HUNTINGTON ll!'ACH ......... l"40t PlSNINa 10ATt .................. IFA LU W I O •. ~ RESPONSIBLE workin1 rtrl leaBe. GI Jasmine, C.d.M. You m11¥ keep your pretent 9pm 1<ouNTAIN vALLl'I' ......... -:: aoAT MOVU•o ................ to41 • 1': desires •Pl in Newport or Vorel C.0. :667 E. ~t ltio N ll"lll $1650I-'-.,,--~-,,....-~-·1 t~~~ ~~~~ "'.:::::::::::::.-:g:~.":f:t.'o":.:·::::::: .. :.:· i I'., I I f ' IJ ) _ ~'!_Meat to $100 mo. l~H~wy=·-~;=·=m-:mo=='=== I ~· "-c':~). Attr•ctlvt !xpert I OlANO• (O~T.Y ............. ::: AfllCllAl"T ........ ,. ..... ti• • . • • • . r . ~ 6090 F·-, ___ ,,_,, 1n·-·-In YOUNG WOMAN 0A1101N o•... .............. 1<LY1N• LirtlONS ............. ,... .-... _ lndutfriaf lentil ... UllllfCW9, ..,c .. 1111w w1:1TM01o•,",~,• ............... :::: Mosoa"' -"oMu ............... mt • -_ e LANDLORDS e ...,.rr, atta lll!nd naine, ad· danctta•-.',wlll,,,._tea~ ~~ MIOW ............... MOT •s ............... f'JlJ ITO s HI I 1 --· ...,.. ......... lU"1:W • SANTA AN4 .................... IKYCLll ................ nu r-..L•.J.J I , ......... _.,_-J FREE REl'n'AL SER.VICE RENT M·l 600 8q. ft. dress and phone number to: :l SANTA""" Nl'.l•KTS ......... '4. ILICTRIC CAlt .............. TIJf • • mrot00en 10Uf•!B'mlrWQl'VS: Broker $.14-82 _, 2944 R d I h OlSI'RlBUTOR DM.slON 213: 591-453& l·lD PM TUSTIN .. . ............ "" MIN1a1•.1.s , .. ,, ............. -tiii I' I I j Mostmodtmglrf1defntfour.. , ... mo. . an op ' RIDEWantcdOCCtuCGl'ona tOAITAL ............. G: MOTOttc'l'CLO .............. ,.. WANTED by cou..t •• 1 or 2 C.M. PO Box !S8 LAO\INA 1eAcH .............. M.OTOll1COOT1:111 . .. .. ,.. ;::;:;;~;:;:~==~..., letter words, such 01 _ and .,_,, _ ,.,,i-__ _ ...._~-=. "•'''='· a.w del u_.. _ ewa. W"wiwuf--ucouNA IUOUl:L ..........•. "'1 AUTO IUVICll. •AltTS ,,, ,. • ... '--·• .. A .. ~·1·~---t""""'~""·""'~""~~=~-=== ~-!..' ..... !U!n-~111111 ~ • ' IAN CLIMl!NT• ....... fJll AUTO TOOU. EGUIP ....... t41t ~H·O u c Is r1-. -... ,._ --u:i· GOOa it1..-~ SHARE _,. ~ Mlg. ANTIQ'~ SHOP In~· ......... ~aft T pm. SAN IVAN CAl"llTll:AMO ..... rm UlAILI .. TllAYIL ........... tuf 1~ c.-.u• ua. .._ .._,. I ' DANA l'Clnn .........,,.,,,.. TSAILlttta.-~ ...,.....,.....,..:,:..u. ~ J r-""-.,. ~-~'--~ ,,..., J.e mo, 1WU1W1 oq. fL -• .. • • ..,._. 1 ...... -..... .... ..i.. PORTRA TS .. """4541 REAL ESTATE ........ C-=--' I' I ,. I ::::-•-.. ~-...... .-..... -~~ ~· -·-·-.... ~ • ... .................. ...,. flUN .,. 1'119' Rooms for Rtnt 5995 for Ute as9eflltily, $(2.1847 1 .... , ,.,...,.._ Profit It.ate-Oiatcoat. water color. 00 • .. ~ --J:~~:• .......... ,:::::::;::::: • ' ,_...,...lrmi..,No.3Wow. .. --·•"-.pvt---NEWlnd"-'"-'"~.-... ;:_nt .-viilb-tnl-ByJ, R. MarMUlari rllll't.•k, •le. ~ ............... CAMP:IA llRllTAU "21 I ~u"v...nD .,, ... .,,..., _..,..__ iloW I CONDOMINIUM ,. ............... OVNI •UIOIEI tru • nrtNT NUMBERED r r r r r r I' ,. I • ... l60 .... mo. 2135 ft. 9e pa' ft. 1139 Monrovia, -Call 6Q.6?:IO.bCwn 10 am ' ALCOHOUCS ~ RENTALS WANTl:D .............. IMl"Oll:TID AUTOI ............ Hit lfTTERS IN SQUAR($ """ C CM.-613-901'7 5 ...... Phom 5072J:T Cl' wrilt to aooMs 1<011: 1t1NT ......... ms s•ollT cA11' ........... H11 - -- ----• • • ~aen Avt. .M. Set Mar ..... PO .. _ ·-.......... ._.._ j , •OOM • '°"•o ,.,,. ANT1ou1L<-C\.Ass1cs ........... 11 · I I I I I .... 1 N a JNDINI' o.n .. t M.-l T umQUE dlllJ1bu."._ --.......... -MOTELS. 11tAtLE• couitf5 '"' It.Ac• caas. aoca ........... ,.. ! ~.n. '"a•'""• I I I I I ANO ' ''l' o. • .--:.l ~ n • M W. -.... oO, eat ' ' G-• GUElT l«>MES '"' •UTo 1Vir11n ............... '611 U' ROOM , __ male, '"-w ... ~. 1'7tfl SC::, 1..M, S500 aq ft, $325 3 )Tl!. Lo di\. ..W flnc. P.O. Stnaltlvlty r.u, Ml>C, RENTALS ,... AUTOS WAN'Tltl ....... ,,. •• ,.tM ow .,,,. llVI'"' 8'S.JJ33 Ev na ]12! _, U• ...... M6"6 6t5-25]l INCOM.I. f'ltOP•ll'T'I' ............ "'"' CAlll• .................. e 0 100 In l.a£Una., $85/mo, ~ mo. . e• &G-l .. " Box. -· ~ 130 or ........ ,.,..R .. Y ~· •• ,. , ...... ""'""""""" sc•1.u ·-"NSWEll IN CWSIFI ~n N 0 t T ~-· •M-... ·-·TS-~· ~-··-Dim AJLvp•-w·-·-flatl Ell PAft:l(5 Mt~i i)SID CAU ................... ~ lt.lllm-"loSI~ " a tu pm. • ....... ~·... n.:.o:,..;,u... "QJ,. e ..... -... t e..llne D ' ,... """"'' .,.., _, IUSINSll 1taNTAL ..... M4f !-------------------------------o It • • , -~~ ~~~~~-=---~ .... ~ ....... ':"','""'"" ................... ~ .... -...... _ .................................................... ~ ............. ~_,_ ............. ... ,, • ' • llU.Y .PUT Wtd-, July.2, 1969 ~ , • Wtdntsdoy, Jiiiy 2, 1969 ., PILOT·ADVERTISER 18 l'Fliiij"~11'jiiiiii,ill*!lll_lll!l_llii*jiiiiiii;;ii*~•~,.•flv.ll)'_!_~I RECTOl!Y JOBS & EMPLO'fMINT JOBS&. IMPLOYMINT JOBS & EMPLOYMEN1 JOBS&. EMPJ.0Vm~ ... ~T~JO~IS~&~~~Y!J.,~ •. -.. ~"1J~m!!!~:!&~l~~~'.~l!J~Y~~ ~ , * Ga~•int 66IO .iel. Wt ntwd, Mon 7000 Help W•-· Min 7200Holp Wonf911. Min ·noo Hol, W•n•od " Halp W•ntod • Holo WflMi l ' , 7400 1---------"-''' ---~ • W9m1n 740I Women 7400 Womtft ~ . AL'S C.,CW.c " I.a!'> PROF. -...... to * ~-· -11 -1;-;;;-;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.1 · • lihlB•..,..""'-~ "'!!!\ ~ iool ... · -C: . •00u.,.""' · . .-~ * • i&h°',..;l..,,tljL -,,,.,. ~ea1ory. '"" e · ~J'uhionhland·-ir.w~·~, .-. 'SIJRG"-EllTL• y-fD EOUNT~INVAllEY *-' F .t --t ,,.. .... 49Wl38 .. , ' • • "~ • ' SCHOOL-DISTRICT . "\ii;:~>,., . · Ra' full lime opening• for . ~ • • " -•I '~~ =EllTS Jolt w ....... : 'Lody 702ll . J.U't~OTIVE Sl!ltVIOl!.MIN • TYJl!sts -AD'MINISTRA TIYE ,......,. ,i\'lif ihrli Collop. ATTR.\Cl'IVE. "'"'°"' 11 Recen~ u porlence In lul>riealion, bralce ad· e S.Uetarles _ ,...:.:_SECltETAllY E><p. u.:,-. --)'tar 01a ,1'11 • ..,,,., 1u11 or justmtnt! anil w b eO! lial'8iiClng requtrOd. • 14'11kU.-n 5SQ.'to $652. - BUSINESS &:' RESIDEN· 9ftl't ttrne work, can &W't Corilpe.titiv9 sa1e.~·arran·e~ent, top flight r• .-.; -• TJAL GardonY,, A a..,,.., , lmme<llf,~, haa ~ w" worklllJI C<)nditt~• wilk newest and fln.,t e K ch' • uE '· J. 'f Pt•"'Y Co. Fa'sfilon f91.and Newilbrt Beac.h .-..1. NEEDS ,.,,,: ! l 1 j Whod!IYli Want? Whaddyo Got? ' --Sl'ECIAl ClASSIFICATlON 'OR-- -Etcp'd~.... . -transpottaOoo,~ ,,.,.= 2:/€~ :Y:-:: 0 ..,._ tng and cashier exp., wlll!ng °'J."'!:'me_n .. .,.ner"us ~ .Jll.,~atng nos-0-tors T"CHNICIAH • , __ , •··••· to 1 ro p1181Jzalti>n, emp•-·ee disCount and prolil ':'---:·_-. 1 "' Rd.iable Lawn ~ntenanct· ., ... -""""'"1 e.a • · h · ~r -.J ; • ' •••7,;to .,,,., nitw-and Oean..up._......... 833:-3>2T IU1)'tlme. 8• arl!lf· '' ·-W!l;k wtltn an_d _ s • _.. ~ _ FULL 'TIME I •""eASHtf~ ' for DW""money room ttecent1 1ucceS3l\s1 ~oce prefer'red, Competitive Wat:· es and .out.stand~ bl!Detil.6 .includi.nr prom sbarii'\i. , NATuRAL Bl:>RN SWAPPERS Reliable lawo &eMce COMPANION Or P·r •' 1" -Apply In person 10 Al>! to 9 PM: w'io'!. Yi\" w•np , REQUIRElllEN'lS , mow •..... lriJn. ' • ~~ .~~bl!;" Loo&~ . · Monday, lbru Saturday .f"NJ£R -"]'IM" ~ "!·""'"-•horlhand Spocl•I Ro .. , S Li.e.-5 11--5 IMlch • 531~«l4 • _... """""' ... ' _.. or 90 · wPIJI. Frihu benent&; " , ltU!,.ll -AD MUST IHa.UOE --1-YnlM ,,.. ""' .. ..... ~llOU ...... .., ... l'lk 1--,...,.""",,-'7"'--'' time. HOMEMAKERS PENNEY',$ FASHION ISLAND u-d••a pa;.i ...,.11on ~, ~ lf_Edge Lawn. MT..-Sl .., ........ # Equal OppOMunit)f Effipliijer , • ~-yt ~ u.,·,aay, -Ji.id. t""iik APP.LY iN PERSON - 10 A.M. to 5:00 P . .P.l. Monctay•thru Frld:t¥ ... .,CMJllt ......... .,,,,, • .-a.. .t-6 """ .. MY«titl"9. Maintenance,' Uoensed w ·~ * . * p SERVICE . ~ 548-4808/&CS-2310 aft 4 001.J;EGE Cirt w aw... · ~ '"' 1 \, ··-· ; :i \I. 1 '4 • , ' '• leave per )'r, ma:.rur medl· -o t --s-..NOTMING ·Pait $All! -fltAO!"S ONl Yr PHONE 642-5671 . ~ with beach c8.re ol ,eal ins~ PQ,l.iQ'. JIM'.s •• ~~.,,~ ~ := ~9· 'JulY'Aug. 6""2459 H I W ;:,... --·-Help. Won•·• ~n noo ~ t'. 1-t 111 St. . FOR )NFORMA'l'ION To Piece Your Trader'• ParadiM Ad inam~--· ••· DENT.\!. '.-1.:.t &faduate • P an.-. ,._ --Cost1•Mosa. C•llf. Coll Ml!ataclunem. 84'"65I J ( p1:1111(y (0 * • * • • \Vin trade: .f cemetery lots. Harbor Rfst. Com: Me1111 • Coi sail boat · value St.300.00 54>5784 Hone Lowin~ 1 BR borne. Jam, cornl, riding arena tacit rootn etc, l % a.ere .. $37,000 eq, Trade: for land, comm.. SUbmit 642-6487 Bkr. AKC ·Dobennan's males &- · 1 temales, B wks Did, out- ' standing pets, watch dogs: ; . for a-uns, •PDl'ti'C equip., 1 brick work, paptr hanging I Dr ! <tM-8321) : 1000 8.c., $25(1,000, 80 mi · 1 from dntwn LA, S J!lin. Op for .trade, Uc: Arrowhead merclaJ. * 54S-84ll needs ~. run or pu;t.-~ • -142 .. 7523 .F.;¥t. ~.between 2 It 5 pm. • ' '"" • • 'a.aJet n4,500, turn'd:2 sty JAPA;NESE. gardener C.Ompl tilne. 54&4T13 . BUILDING ESCRO\V Olficer. exper. Lo-• • mod util's. Walk to atream," eerv. Expet, --depaidahlr-., UC: Piae.nurses (J)' Avail. LABORER MAINTENANCE • lnterwi9wlng• -.....cal co l'.lflers a. lot to _the. 24 F4tJhion l•l•nd Wee'. cedar"Glen Vill. $7000 1.ree ·est. ~ . pr•'vale "--e or hospital. •$491 • $605 Per Month. .u.a.N I "--th F • rite girl .'l'& $650. ~Sally An ~u4opportunlty bal 6'Ai %. 6S mo·s. 538-4815 ........ ~ ,,,_.,,, · ru ''· llart, 54().6(5S. ~ employer Ptoi,......., bldg1 ll!70 Pia· H•uli"9 . 0730 Any ""11& -.CITY OF $4lC . $576 Por Monlh I•·"!· lo S p.m. COASTAL AGENCY • , • • cen~. CM. Mally uaea. GENERAi:. HAULING Domestic ~·Ip 7035 NEWPORT eEACH CITY OF Equal OPP9(tUnll.v emplOyer • Snell~ rs::~~ Inc. 'MW JI gOOd akilb~'& ~ $64,500 val., S24.500 equity, & CLEANUP Ceorgii Allen By~ ~ D-..i-! .... ,-:...~ -ral NEWPORT _BEACH &;ANKING 2---Harbor· Bi Costa Mesa Df dlctaphont. Plus~ ,offu:e Alt types of prop conl:lklered $12 lDad. 962.fMG Eh.'i loye Pa, F~l ;, ·-..._.....,._,,. u .. •-·-_J. '"" ., I w co To $450 Ci.U Owner/a.gt 494-94:n 1 ~...,.,,"~r=-~--~-P r ya .• ·W,OC And/oi building msJI). : • ~~· ~· Pl>sitiDn immedlattJY avalJ. Expe.rierlced Only . ·~ Han . .'540-60SS. • 5 Br 3 &. NC\vport Bch. HAULING/ clean-ups. lots, loo.B E. 16th, SA 541 •telll&Dee experi@nc:e comp~ .~ '':blol>lbt a-ener:aI able for an ExPERIENCED -• , GENCY hu,o' yanl w/pool, Price -~~-•"I;~".'! .. "';,~: Ch1nele u,,..w. ~ ¥'ot:~siad< A..IY 1"" ~ a¥/or,~ man,. TELLER' al our Calta M.,. G'EN"" • L OFFICE COASATm'A'L"'~' of ' .... IUJ'~" _,,,_,_ ........ Permanent. Expertenaid~' mecH8:tdf to ~I ou.1 ~nanCe~. comple-Branch. ,. r i;""' ·"" $39,950. Trade J18,0C!'.I eqty BOB~ F East & ... '..._. "-"4~tioWft I -..JM .... ,..___.. Bl•· lion .al Rth-cra<le,i\J:!:Ply Jm. 1 Prefer restaurant experience. Snelling & Snelling lTIC. fo.r smaller htnne. or inc ~=~-'~-~--ar n&~'"""-, _...,_'!"' oe, ,_ .,,.,.,rreo.• " " .... _.,_._;:-,l.._, n--:nnel Off. • • • """"' u--L-r Bl, ~ta _Mesa prop. Carl \Vood rucy YARD/gar, clriup. Remove 7200 _N~rBet.eh. .caiif. 92660, -~DX).~ Blvd Pir~8;~1y ,,-Appli a.tte1' Z p.m.~· • . ..:"c:::.:~..:~=w:=:.=..:-="-"-"- M4-411L5 ""''· Ivy, di<( tractor baok Holp, Wonted, #Mn '* 'DllYIRS * N,,:,,.~ Beadl, CaJU. 9266ii 196 E..t lltl\ SI.• FIVE CROWNS ne1;red-don'I -Jax ah•l· ~'°'~·~.,.~·""~·-·96Uf-~"-· -PRODUC'l'.ION No "---1.n· •• . MECHANIC °"!'-M... RESTAURANTS ter. \Vant hse tree & clr for B & G H•ullng .Service SUPERVISOR ~ ""' J rnecban • e e .EXPERIENCED 1. I, • ftym fwy on paved rd. blwn Beaumont &'Oak Gle"1 Trd for Inc. PtoP! 547-6469 Bkr. I '" 'I •r• 138 M -in 1r; 0 ·-·-··••,, •-1359 · N--•• I '"""'yman le, •x-SECURrTV. "•·CIFIC . '-" ~ ~.. • ,-..;"......,.._., ~ Ozite, the recogni7.ed lead· -•1"1'Y• perience Fortiln ar Domes.-t.• • t'~ 3801 E. Pacific Cout H,vy, -TELLER- I Rented house, 50xl40 R·3 tot. Nr. Ganleo Grove Civic Center, $20,500. Trade $9,!i(l(l eqty for unlbl or ! ? Owner Broker 547-6469. NORTII Tustin Lot, $18,500. l"iee I: clear, mos! excl. area, ta.b\tlous view. Tr. for Inc. property w/spendable. Bkr. 546-6469. Private. party will trade beautifuJ Baycresf p ·Do I bomt for smaller hDrnc or lot. Jt___Jj~ • Want lree-4.. clear vacant land anywhere U.S.A. Havr ~ _impro\lt<h _ Madge Davis Realtor • 6427000 Whal do you have to trade ? List ·it here -in Orange: Cnunl;y's ~t read trad- inc p;ist -aM make a deal. plexea. $960. mo. poo l, ========= er in Hi field. hu an op-P.1ust -ba'4 cltan Cllifornla ·tic. One· of the oldtst For-NATIONAL BANK Corona del Mar prime lOc. no vac, 5:40-6001 ,H'-'o'-'u"'soc"-"'l-'-.. "n"l"n"g--6"7..;;;35 portunlty for a young man driving rtcord. Apply elgn car service department.5 . New 1969 NDJi:e gas drye;. MAINTENANCE • re.siden. with some manufacturing fa· YELl:.OW CAB CO. in Oran&e Co. Flat rate & Equal opportunity employer NO PHONE CALLS (nwved to new all electrtc · tla.l &: oommen:ial, window§ cility. Call 6JS.4131 for de-186 E.'~16tb St. warranty work $9.00 per KEYPUNCH, plwi varioU1 GIRL-Fri.. lfl.00' ofc &: pbon. home) WUJ.. TRADE for our specialty. XInt worlt tails. fosta Mesa hour, pay based on 50/50%:. office duties. Ten1flc oppty e1. Good bkkpg le typing good condition electric dry. reu! Rell. 64l-9446 ' Excellent working condi-for advcml! $430. Call Sally helpful, To-$350. Call Sldly UNITED . CALIFORNIA BANK 6 i\Jonarl'h Ba_y Plaza South Laguna (fl4) 499-00-- er. 968-1669 CARPETS. Windows, firs. EVENING. INTER-DINING ROOM lions. ~ust have own hand Hart. ~-Hart, &40-0055. TOWNHOUSI: l Br. 21,S ba. etc. ~.!l or Comc'I. Xlnt Vli:'~~~DBE _CAPTAIN_ ~ cau Sidney 494•9771 or COASTAL~GE~CY COASTAL AGENCY STENO Ttnee, good typing Beaut. appt'd. Priv. patiD, ~wk Rea.st Refs. 548-Clll . •. _ · A member o( A member of & shtd ~·/ train right girl. pool; nr. bay. VaJ, $32,500, 0-N Apply ln person MANSo A9~:" .... ~~EndE: :Uing I: Sntll!ng' Inc. $nelling &: Snelling Inc. Go® advcmf. To $400. call- ! TD " ., I · · 6755 OZITE a>RPORATI me.,,.., COO.u.~ &: UVl.e • ~•;>V Harbor BJ, Costa Mesa 2790 Harbol' Bl, Costa Mesa Sally Hat1, 540-0055, or . ., car. camper or . . _ro_n_in~g~--o---151> E. wm· , ••• Rd. I ~--. Id'-•-t to Ow"" 646-"51 -.. Sluft Shirt -"'" 0~' m ~=•.'" Order O.sk Clk. $450 EYECUTJUI: COASTAL AGENCY '---'--'--'--~c--1 EXPERIENCED lroning ~ Anahefttl, California floor etc. TD $6400, call Bud Exp ble to hand! bone U ti A membtt of Small ho~ ranch 2 BR I ft.fr .. Also oomplete laundry Equal opportunity employer Restaurant She-II ~. ,-. · a e P s. Snelling & S..Ulng~ Inc. "-1-~ 1van1 3 BR 2 646-5057 ~-!ote-•ew "OASTAL. AGE·N· CY ToP oompany_ will pay \I ""· gar. ,...... service. Sl.15/hr. 548-7330 SALES. food industry. Call ..... • •• "!' ' A''--" be o( fee. Call Loraine, Metchants rc:tn:nARY • 2790 Harlx>~ Bl, Cost.a Mesa ---~~~ . -r . ~I cash. 1860 ·N~'port Bl, CM IRONING & aJteralions. on reta.U le wboleaale accts.1----..-.,.----~Sneiullt 4 ~·inc; Pcl"$0nncl · _Ateney. 200' J. W. Robinson - Rltr 646-39'18 e\le.644-l65$.. Free pi*~~~ ~el*IVt!l')'· ~ .,!~. ·Call B~ §nell. .. Trainee , :'?r91fifar&if-IU. 1»ifa M~sa" Wn4:lllL.Qri~.N.P. ~ ~nnanent---P«rt . tim&;:..ap. __ Ha· 1 open" i-rv-for: _ ~., ~-Sh" • Stock · -' · · ' · SALESWOMAN. Exporiemoe prox, 4 hOl/day. Dle!aPho"< " ·~ Lartte house + income '+ IRONING done my home, COA~TAL AGENCY 1pptnCJ • ·!l; • in ladles-ready lD wear. Ii ihthnd. Some ·work at room to -build, on goU Sl.25 per hr-.· Pick-up & A mernbtt or UCJht Delivery RE'FtU$E,(AEWMAN Over 25. Apply Moo thru Fri home. Prefer 40 yrs. or oiq. ro\U'Se'. -1°rade' !or free &: ileliver:-962-6371 ----Snelling &:-· sndllng Ifie. Jntefesti"i work~ nttd youni, t-$ftS,..-$636 P.er•Month 1(1..4. APROPOS N"D. 27, ·er-:-selid"~~u~ tD: 1'.0. an tor1a ica1 aptitude. . " ~ 11· .• •' . . · MEDICAL, FJorenoe NJgbt-~ * COSMHIC -* SAl£SWOMEll clear-bu1d or submlt.2 7000 ========= 71'90 Harbor Bl, Costa 1'<1esa ambitiowi man with mecM,n:; .,,;. -::,. JI. -0... -• Town &: C&mtry, ·0rnnge ~ M900, Daily Pilot;"- Madge Davia Ritt 64 • J I • I 6790 ' \I: -p • Will trade 1961 VW DISHWASHER Balano<-F1ow 885W.161h SL RT BO.CH TELLER engele_.,od w/B.11-brato Stdan for Bus or Van. ~:.,!'ts~~:O~~~i:., ~ _ &µ.-5700 Newport Beach .. l!f _.. !)( &: f-.. Experien~ 1400 up Fee .tr. bandages, help: To $450. (Experience preferred * 548-3821 * .....,R;11 & Comc7t:' 646:'i401 5 OY MGMT TRNEE, Restaurant.'· 'mo~ general paid, also f~ jobs. · Call Billie, 54().f,055, BU 8 • ?.lust bave some background la~r ~{or ~u~dlp& mall~ Independent Personnel COASTAL AGENCY * * . --tD work in Orang r .LA tcnanl:e"'e,q>enc~. comp e-. A be f Nill time position. Ex· C't'llcnt company bene- fits. ~ 'A * * * L'"d1c•pln1 -6110 Apply in Person o;unty. vac, med ~ ~ 00n-tlon .. ,?1':Suf g~. ~p-ply Im-1~ ~e·~~ c Snewngn:~ne~~ Inc: ! •· -ll~!!°'~'°!!-'!!!"\!!"'-"!!!"!!"!Jl"!!!'-!!!~!i!-~!!-!!~!!-!!!!~~!ll'l~!!!!~i!!!!!!!!!! DON'S La Serv: Sc i Uli, To $9600. Call Bud Snell, medllltely to Personnel Of!-. . . J19o J:lari>Q.r-Bl, CQsta ?io1esa ANNO"UNc:eMENTS I SERVICE QIRECTORY att ~ Co~ rr::~ REUBEN'S 540-6055. ice, l30(l Ne\vport ~ .. REAL Estate Salesmen Why I!!!!. N.Q'!'.ICES _ _ .,timato, "'"" r a 1 ••. . COASTAL AGENCY N'""°" 8'aeb, Cal,, 00660 cot ..U & be trained in th<, .... NEEDED APPLY PF.RSONNEL DEPT. Fashion Island Newport Beach ~-. ,..,...,,.·-6405 carpent•ri~ 65~ M 7...t739 COCO'S-~Sne111!::m~~;!-.-nt. Js~;_t~~!~Ex· 5 11 ~~~~~~ , Two Offic9~ Girls i CARPENTRY Paptrhan9lng 2790 Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa cellent potential. can Dan, , . Mu.sl be ·.25 and able to drive F.qu8.I opportunily empl-r .. ' I I * A~ " P1intlnf 6850 1555 W. Adams Th R• Mcrchtnta Personnel Agen-SECTY, legal bkgrnd. Start ~.r~ } ' on,., ~~o:rn~~t r;:;;. Costa Mesa e 1gger cy, 2403 Westclill Drive, N.B. Aug 1. Attrac, intelligent. APPLY Stcrtfary to $650 ages & o t be r cabinelll. ' · ' SALES: Office Machines. # l6 FASHION ISLAND Gloria Kay 540-6005 wu !!.oU..!I ... -.. u uu .,.,,.. I ,_ NEAT Exp Painter · no -~~~~-~~-I 645-2770 skilled .. Goes tD $600, Call ~o" .,, __ 1 JSlh SI. F•• =id, Top-. S-ng ~- YES IT'S YOUR 54>8175, U no a.ns\ver leave -~:~f°~~~ S:~~L Natl oo. To ~all on business NEWPORT BEACH Management -Trainee COASTAL AGENCY -Cost& .Me&ll.__ -~~or-Elec~~lc bkg: FAULT msg at 64§-2312. tu O. films. To $9000. Call Bud NEEDS A PART TIME EVES. A·meri:iber hi RECPI'. Sbine in busy front Mercti!~ne~ ' l'ar recorded mtssage that =· ALTERATIO. NS , ?0,So~listra!aclodc•~n~~~-~~.· ,'tt S~~· AGENCY . -FULL-TIME s3 50 ··,·-·· er.-h·r ;~~~~~~~ -~~~:i-1=~~~-~:n~-~5-= ~~cl:~· N.8. I ·will ....... your Ille '"" CABINErS. Aey ""' • ~ .. ·-"~ A mmber of DISHWASHER • • ACCOUNTING Olfi -~-$350. Cali Bill•<.·-.o56. 'j .ORANGE CO. S47-6667 ~ Jim, Weeks 673--1166 Snelling & Snelling Inc. SALESMAN/Meclwrlc. Full -'-rk. ~-te .. ~:,~ting •o.COMTALrAGENCY GF.NL Office, bkkpg exprr I __ !24~-~_!re<O~~rd'!'lng~_:_-. I~"'~"'~· ~-~~---=~~!='I iQiU. .. <iJ -'iY""woilKK:-i~s;;e.;; -H-~ Bl c M uo; "'II"'•.. ..... .. vw A ·-c & good typin& for bu I y , 1. -i~ , i>"' years .o•;,v .... .....,, , osta er.a time, "A'" smog lioeru;e, ,.._0 7__ nd .,_-~ h b kk <:l ·, ,inernu•:..-o I -COlQri!SELING CARPENTRY • repair! • experience. Gennan skill . l--~=='==.---1 K b '--S4 ·• 10. Mr. Bo mac,1.1.1_"'· &..1R; t p n g. &'ltllillc • Snelling Inc. area company, To 1500. Call j p.tay aave your marriage or Cabinets l . Remodel.. Quan-6U-ll22 EXECUTIVE now rakes. No maj(>t ARCHITECI'URAL Statistical typing. hrs: ~ $190 ·lla"llbor Bl, Costa Mesa Sally Hart, 540-6005. I family. Call ST:i--2300. ty work: &t2.8464 or 64>-0415 EXT/Int. pntg. Avet·rm. S20 St~L~A~1~R com· :~~an~at. ~ ~Ii;: DRAF7SMAN' 548-7040 _: t;X>~~ •. t~l m ,, at-COA~T!e~i!~=1NtY Rn 10 am-5 pm. C•-nl Con' ..... 6600 +' rOOd paint, neaf work. mls.~ion. First year earnings 2590 Newp:ll1, C.M. Building dept. & gite plan-GOOD IRONE~f .tractive; rpabJre ... womef\ 'for S lllng & <'--u· I ..... • ., , __ ""'· Roy, 847_1358 ning exper. Student OK il t need woman ror iMim. pas. ,,_,. ..... -.·'on. --~-· '"''"•", oe .,."' 1ng nc. Announcements 6410 ....., Df $12,000 plus possible 2 e FIBERGLAS e kno Jed ble Salary 14-" ._. v...-.-... "' 2790 Harbor Bl Costa Mesa CEMENT work. Anything PAINTING, Papering IS )'I'll year training program_ , by~ e REPAIR"•N e ~ .. .W1or'a'p"p o.l nlm·,0 ".'1n. 1·2 1days/~~-6,~.-.6~33 no exper.· nesa. tt.f.\'alri. .,..,~'"'ING . ' . al """ """-' " • var ou.s ou"'J' utieC Call .~ Gesl. for appl Ld:J'UJ 1nsuran~ co. 1n Commtrcial you need. Call 842-8157 for in Harbor area. Lie & bond-centtµY ol~ nation com· Experienced 546--6711 SECTY/Exec to VP -Skilled ~.; flGURE SALQN Fashion Island area needs Host•1ses free est. Lic'd & bonded. ed. Re'fs furn. 642-2356 ,pany. Busines! or-sales SCHOCK BOATS . BOAT CARPENTERS w/ construdtiOri .:bkgrnd. o1~ : • part-time typist wit b i t. I i I ! ! I 10 very attractive well·train-PATIOS, WALKS. DRJVE-!:i~roa::ci:~~ftul~~: 613-2050 * Newport Exp'd. ln high quality work. Growing N.B, co. Goes tG knoy,'ledge of shthnd. Con· ed. girls for banquets, con-WAYS. Free "estimate. Pl•sttrfng, Repair 6880 BOY~O 14 Gond """• •!eady work and l550. Call GI~-v ... , GENL Office. gri>ovy ~gir-.. tact l\lW Gladstone at itic11. Equal opp, emplr. ., 1 '" ....., .,,... •-.r ner·& sopbiltlca(ed exec:. Co ,,.A, VCDtions,.sa1es events, spec. J. RAY CONST. 642-4210 e PATCH PLASTERING. Ronild A. Smith Carrier RO\ltet Open all benefits. H I X SON 54()..6«)5. ~ where tbe action is, $450 • .,...,.1230 equal opportunity ia! promotions, etc. ·• CONCRETE Ora. patios All types. Free estimate. 827·7900 for MARINE, (See C b a r 1 es COASTAL AGENCY ill --•.m,op_lo_,_yc_'~-=~=~ ''Th• Westwey Girts" etc. Concrete & blk top saw-Cail S4Q..682.'l I ~~~~=====c l Laguna Beacli, So. Laiuna Phlllipg) 8:29 Production Pl. A member of CC6L~A~o£·NCY Accounting Clk. $425 540-6184 · i:...... Do °"" ~. ========= SALES I MGMT TRAINEE. DAILY PILOT N B ing .• .......,... n, V'*V<W.L Call on a select cllentelle. · · $500 2790snelling & S1ndling .Jnc. A member of Know general accounting, f PIANO LESSONS e CONCRETE work ell Plumbing 6890 full lrng. SS460 . .call Bud 642-4321 Store Manager Trn, Harobr B, Costa. Mesa Sndling & Snelling Inc. yehars expp. call Loraine, r.1er. Beginning students pref. ru.-s. Pool decb & cuatoQ.1. ---~-----Di&hv.-asher, ••rt u·-. Excellent future for right NtlRSES AID to -ti·-,·0 to 279o Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa c ants ersonnel Agency, ~ ...,.,.. PLUMBING REPAIR Snell 5'ID-6055. ,... "''" '"' 2043 \Y J' U.CJ. r. uslc Maj or Call 54.1324 No job too small COASTAL AGENCY Call after 2 Pr.I, the man, ca1l Dan Merchants take catt of semi invalid & e WOMEN & GIR,.,S 64'2""" estc iU Drive, N.B. Ce.II Bruce ~18 •CUSTOM PATIOS• • 642-3128 • A member of Villa Roma Restaurant, Personnel ~ncy a>43 Weat-lite housework. Q.11 ii.rter 6 PleaADt telephone-work ..,. '•v \VJ.LL buy old "'Orthless cxmcttte sawing & removal Snelling & Snelling inc. 445 N. NewpDrt Blvd. N.B. clitt Dr. N.B. &6-2770 pm. 67J.86n from our office, no . ~p. SECTY to Pres. SO wpm, slack certiliCatcs. 962-5647 State Llc.•SU.UnL Pool Service ~ 6910 2790 Harbor Bl, CDsta l\tesa * Mt 6-4929 * • Jani'for • SEC/Recpt. Attractive gili nee. Full Dr part urne. s2 ID &htd 100. COOd sound bkkpg nighis 7·lO * CONCRETE WDrk. bond· Orange County Largest EXPERfENCED seJVire sta-for col1Sl!lting· eng1neer"s of· SS per hr. Apply 6-Q or 2-6 ex!X'r. Adv, young slaU, pub· G &: 1-101'~FSIIT Printing ed iii lie. Concrete sawina. e 1s1 MD. Freel Exper, lie, Pontiac Dealership lion• ~:_"'18.nt. .l\fecbanl~ Pennanent, full timt lice. may consider pt-time, .p.m. 230 W. Warner, Suite ~nC:~r\~~ia~c~. {discount on.order 200 l over) Phillips Ct_~nl 548-6380 "liable! Tony Taylor Pool NDw tuu openings for 2 young know..,....". Special benefit.!;. Id and.er Motor Homes Inc. near airport. 540-3750 ~ 211. S.A. COASTAL AGENCY 177 H Riverside, NB M2-0920 ~======",,=,".I Seryice. 968-4818 a,kresslve & stab Le auti> CF"""°"1rv· CMSt;ation, JOO 0 2135 can~n Dr., C.M. SECTY/Legal, good bkgmd .GIRL Fri. swing out this . A member of I I ' I I I I ! Electrical -nWlbile salesmen. Direct 8 iew, 642-9751 in ,genl· Calil l~w. ~ts top --swnmer for a groovy, alert Card o f Thinks 6416 R .• •model, Repair, 6940 . Snelling & Snelling Inc. , . b sales expe:rience preferred. EXP'O. Serv. Lube l\lan and YOUNG MEN .11. 1 SPOlMn II.&. To-S&». can boss, Mid skills will get lst 2790 Harbor Bl, C..ta Mc•• ELF.CTR.lCIAN, no JO 100 But not necessary. We ,v111 Serv. Salesman. Penn:, full • \\'1 ing 0 Gloria l<aey, S40-6£65. bue. $350. CaJJ Billie, I ! I ' ' ' ' ' PLEASE accept Dur sincer-c, small. For prompt service * IF .you need ::~odelCalling, l'raln ~oht men. Our top time posltk>n, NO phone team trade: Merchandising, COASTAL AGENCY ·~o-6055. · MY TtIREE SONS & everlasting thanks fbr the call 545-4614 painting or re.,....", . ..,. 125 000 ;:;./ stock clerk, leading to ~ COASTA AGEN DAUGJfTER t6 to 10) °"' prompt action by the Costa Dick, 642-I797 n1en earn in excess of • case. RICHFIELD at Purchasing. Military com· _A member ot L CY • Mesa . Pbtice Dept, staff at 6665 a year. Ne'1-1X1rt'"Blvd., C.M. mitments completed. Call ~Duig & Snel1Jng Inc. A member of a woman to take charge ol Cost4 Mesa Me m Dr i a 11 :..F;,lt>O~"''-----·---TILE, Ctrimic 6974 Apply in pert;on 10 COOK·Iry. exper. yng. man &40-9373 · "'"I.I Jiarbor Bl, Cosla .Mesa Snelling l Snelling lnc:. home and help provide a Hoe:pita1 and DUr lriends )n C t VI yl Tile General Sales ·Manager who desires position w/ • TACO Tji>,,,, ltights, ov. 21. 2790 Rarbor Bl, Costa Mesa balanced environment Own ihe recent, near fra&edy of ~'!:ks .~ colors * Verne. The Tile Man * Bob Lang-pre Pontiac future. for inter. see Mr. Or11ft1man, Design $866 Some~ prel'd. Apply AM, Part. or full time 10 WDITI«'n nn, free wk ends. 540-1275 Dur aaughter Carol. ThW Free est. Lie. contr, Cusi,. work. Install&: repairs. 13600 Beach Blvd. Wstmnstr Schrerhold Mr. Steak; 2267 3 ,to~~%~ P:.1~ 597 W. ·19th St. C.M. . .needed .inuped. fot: child GIRL Fr;i, top job for gal w/ yoU. Mr. & ti-1rs. Don ~7262 MS-4478 N'o job 100 small. Plaster MANAGER TRAINEE: Cock-Fairview, CM 6424nl2 CJrCUlts ere n 1 * WAl'J'l\Eoo ••p'd ov 21 care, aides Or companions. good skills & likes ar1. patch. Leaking sh D we r · & food be i...-net Personnel Agency 2043 \Ves · ....,,, ~ · · · .._ .. & 21 Greal);P.QlJor future! $400. Williams. repair. 847_19.5T/846--0206 tail c"6'"u · MAN willing to learn lht fish cliU Drive N 8 645-2770 Fl.YING BU'l't.ER, 673-0977 ~ -65 Cnll &ill SERv'iC& DIRECTORY Gardenlnt 66IO Bondablc to be full Mgr. bus.iness in NeWPDft Beach. ' · · Contaci Air. Zimmer , ' Sitting Pretty Agencj· . ' Y I-fart S40-6005. ---'--=-----TrN •--,:co 6980 Ins, vac. $9600 to _W.000. Aa:c no problem. ·starts SECTY u..t.t. i)e GoOd Member of We Sit .Better, COASTAL AGENCY Babysittin9 6550 IMTUMIV. • 'S • ,..., .. Call Bud Snell 5'0-6056. $2.50 per hr. Must ~njoy H•lp Wanted ' ".''"'6 pt, Inc. SUbskllary o; Cerbtr A member o! MllMtl TREES pruned, lDpped &: COASTAL AGENCY enling seafoods 673--0100 Women 7400 ~td, -.!YPmg, ~ Rhone, Prod. Co. 642-J274 S~Uing &: SntUing Inc. A member Df · ' · · -diversified engr finn. Start 2790 Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa removed. 26 yrs exp, ~~All'-& ~-po ..... Inc. EXPO. BUSBOY ,OFFICE $495. C.aU G l ort·a. K13, SECTY let Your mind glow EXP'D W Paubon Tree s· e r vice ""''': LUii. """"' .... 6 Over 18 a. A Winner I 540-fi055 In Uris bright wot, phone AITRESS 646-1948 : ' t I I COLLECE Student needs Iii tull lime evening babysit· ting job, (5 nights! Near Wilson and Rarbor in C.M. ·· Trans. needed. A11k tor 8eclcy. 54S-1871 The Best, costs r.o more! 638-1234 2790 Harbor Bl. Cnsta Mesa SURF & SIRl.oIN Don't gamble on having CoA5tA.L. AGE.NCY & skills will lum ua all on. •. SURF & SIRLOIN ~ 'Lal'ldMaint~nanoe JIM 'S Gardening & lawn 59.10 Pac. ~t. iJwy,, N.B. extra nwney when you • ·A membtr·ol Call Billie 540-6055. 5930 Pac. C!lt. 1-lwy., N:B. t . p,cap na: maintenance. Res. &. com-EXPERIENCED EXP pastry COOk & need lL Ear-nit now on a. Snelling Ct Snelling Int. COASTAL AGENCY GEN Ole/Cashier, bldg mat. Gradu..to Horticulturist merelal. * "543-8411 Exp rcy cook, Jl&l1 good. paytna: tempoi.vy 2790 Harbor Bl., Costa. Mesa A member of bkgrnd, churming boar, I, I BABYSIT weektnds )'OW' OOme: malure "'-'Oman. """"" JAPANF.SE .G ar d e.n lna: * COOK * time. MU.A-job. o:··-1 lclo Snellingl:5nellingJrw:, pleasanl atnl05phere. St.art · and · -··--h I 6.w." ~ ""''' ~' exper a se 2790 1-larbor Bl,"--•· Mesa $425. Call GI or I a v ... , service mam~ ... ..,,.,. Up o ltery YTV Bentutfs Colfee Shop , • Xlnt opportunity! '-0!§-1:.u. fllll:_e •""8J Also cltan up. Apply in person -I33 S. Coast Hwy, LB WE NEED! 646-SQl. ..., , HEAVY TYPING 11: $Orne ~- BABYSIT my home, cxper e &t&-2512 e CZVKOSKI'S OJst Uphol. e Tvnilft genen.I office work. Small COASTAL AGENCY H • · ,,_ "-••-m·-h•'p REUBEN ( lf( \VANTEO: Gcl-O:ie.tet &. 1r Dental Re«pL • Blckpr 1ovinc care. Vic arbor, e MOW • EDCE * WEED. .t<UIVpean ......,,,, .... "' , e ~ret11rl1s "' · '1Wg .• ""tirm, perm. Pleasant A mcmbtr ol VI tor. CM 64•14u IOO!Xt fin! 642-1454 moulder-Boat Mfgr. !nil _,. Exp or co~ 2M5 ...,1...., S••Un A S·"I' I c ia. • .r · Prof. lawn maitlt by capable. Edi5Dn, Hunt. Bch. D•" ~ e Booltkffpers , ' ..... -.. · \Vo ..... ,. cond'a. Prtf. 25 or ·,,,,.;."'H' L m'~!ng nc. Wlll·do babysitting in my CoUea-e students. Reas! l8.ll Newport Bl .. C.M. ""I e K h Op • .,.__ ~ ... ...-oVer. Apply mo r 11 I n g s ••;ov ar..u. , UJsta MeA El Toro ·home. ~uonable Kalina Brothen _ 64&-1234 ·• 151 E . Co,ast Hwy. night call 5$.-95&3 typunc r s DAYTIME OlUd cal't deeded pie~ Golden's Magic "S"E-;.,;'i,;=:-2,.::::;::..:::::::.1 981 Weldln1 6995 Newport Beach EXPERIENCED Service • L .. 111 S~rel11ry .for 4 Yr old boy. OlM area· Wand, M6 w. l?th St. CM. CRETARY ~ ratn:. 83CM anytime. Johnsori's Gardening • station attendant. Apply in 6T.HS67 alter 5~ll 'Sil:cli · To P corporate executive • j ' . ...r: • Flneat equjp.., expeTl care. WELDING, -~ble-:equl~ MGMT TRAINEE. Restau· person, '2096 Harbor Blvd.. INTERVIE\V HOURS . . ' ta.Ha: to Newport .u needs experienced 9i-crctary. ,·, • lrf~~ Masonry, etc. Planting, clean-ups. 962-))35 men!. Specializing In f!X· II s. d col· CM~ 9:30 Mot TO 2:30 PM RECPT. ~lY. N.B. ft8.llor lit Mate lo sharp Captain, f\.ftat be free to tra·-' well 6560 r -s I e rant.. . ara • tome Solid .ooua poised attn.o. Anchored Orange County V1at ~-1-!::"";;;;;:'=:E'::::;"'-;::::.-t~UE....Spedallat! .Mov-:i' IJJl~$unaiir~-; ..Jaae-pref~.~ AUT0-5.al.e.!J?La.n~ ___::_€0MS--IN-roDA-V--1L~~$g,; ,..,.;, G1 .. ..i; , ~ Call Bfille 54o.6«i5. . groomed alld mAture. Call -.. sUn.o •. Rtmodd. Repair lng, f!d&if'\I, odd jobs . 4::t'l~kda$'1. ~to S7300.Call8udSnell per. only. cau fDrappt. . Kay,~. COASTAL i:CENCY'--~ AakforRutbAmt•. Bride. block. C·o nc: rct ~, Reasonable:. SG-6955 ™· 645-0UO I .. COA,STAL AGENCY A member of. PBX answ'g ser .• exp'd prcL ._.,.,,.job kloamaO. Yamauchi Ganie•...,.,,.,.. JOBS & !MPLOYMENl COASTAL AGENCY SIGN PAINTER• LAYOUT lltl s.... A giembir of SneUlng • Snolli"ll inc. VAl'ied '1\UI• steed,y ....._ Un Corllr. ·96U945 Free lAndllClpt O::mlultina A me1nber of MAN Ex Aft'" ... M L. n..:. 1::-fu...., A Snelling lllC -~•-->--Bl ~-M HB area. 536-8881 • f13.lltl6 • Job w.n... Men 7000 • Snelli Ir. Sne1llnc: l . per, U<>y • .,. • ...., ru ---. --................ • . .;·~·~~-;;;;:~~;·,,:~~~~~·;::·~ l 'iiimm'i,;;;;;.:;-;;;;-,; _.. ..... 6590 . ~ mJ ~ BJ. Costa :· to start. 2948 RanOOlph st.. fnle~ati ......... 1 Te"'""-"" 2790 Harbor Bl, Costa MeSl . MEDfCAL TRANSCRJBER '62 CJtEYY Jmpa)a 2 OR, 327 ._.. ~T· J~ mall). PAR-T·TlME booll~. . &a C.M. . 11~ .. ~·-.. CASHIER ~ tn an expandiJ!C medical AFB. tlee!ds WOJ'k $300. ,_ QU~-Al~n-.. ..,,.,._a .B .. T .V. ""'· c.~ W...-. payroll. 4l'irlY HELP WANTED TRA!NEE Mana&er . APoii , . ,,..,...,,..man. Expoc, ......., depuGii<ftt. -i;:.. JoM.64Wt08 -f iilool ... "New O>liit: lf>' bOW' caQ Mack, &rJ....8442 report •-PIL. 548--MG Boat C ltte Royal Englbh Fitb. Ir Anah01in 178' \V Uncoln Don Tho Beaihcomber clfllcm salary A bc~no.' WAfl'RESS. p/Ume dQs1 I .. ~ ~ . JapllMH O•rdntr MAN. 25 Soat MainL job, ' arpe n OUp .. 488 E. '17th St. CJ(, ~ta .Ana.. Ph • 540-0.125 380\. &. C.t Hwy, CdM 1 Inquire Penorlnel Dqlt, •¥.'kntls oU. ' --1-1 JrilAITD. ~· ,$4 pet" Exper, «1mpl yard ~~! exp. Aak for Mike $36.IM2 Boat Mechanics DELIVERY boy, Sal onl,)i. Coat• Me!ta ~ }lubor ~ Yo\ll'. want ad where ·H 0 AG MF; M 0 RI A L c.u alt s. 008·~ hoar. ~-RfPlln. Fret HI. 543-'IOOS, 546-0ntT bctwn. 6-3 PM. Apply Savannlh Enterprbes Mu.l know' atta. CraWford•t An Equ&.J Opportunity fheT ce1oekins -DAILY ROSPJTAL, NB". OAll."( PlLOT WANT ADS! ~T . ~or .5a!l:llfll , _ • OWICE .rri Dlll &G.o&: 1or RESULTS · m w. 1611l si.. CM Pbfnl)f.cy,.~ _ • , _ t;:nu>!Ol't• •. l'.l!o!>l..~~1 ~ • . SOCK l'I' TO 'EM! : BRINC.11ESULTS1 I • I ' I lf J • E XPERIENCE O e ESCROW e SECRETAAY ~.......--* ESCl\OW OFFIC~R l'-L AST 1-C-S loJ<oll9o Ml"dJ!ll Ope ... °' T1atncie1. OPtn:hwa on cravt-nrd lhllt. Apply M pm. Pl;)&!Uon -~ ,.,. "'-"' Oruie,;o..l PlulieS 3!.o -• Woln-. July 2, 1969 DAllY l'llf!' 47 MIRCHAHOISI POR MIRCHANDlSI "°* FR"E ro' vo' u . ~ihs ofMj UYESfiSCC: SALi AND TRADI 'SALi AND TltADI ~ • D_o!? 1125 fvmlturo IOOOFumltvro 1000 BLACK b ""''"ttUJ7-1 '"by ALASKAN Malamut '(~ed N M . :-..:..-o·~~ ~ l!!!ll!)~AI«;. ..... .., 2 T2ri! ~~ tn~i:~o!! liJJ;]![II[tTI[9 : ·2~ ~i!t~ tooablt indlvtchlal wi\b. loln W .)ltb. C.M ' UNITED-CALIFORNIA """"" ..... ,., •••••. j': "fDv'tooK. , B.t,NK -.. ot""" ""°""" . " ., and n:latf'Jd ~ • ·&; L dulles rd lbltt. · 2 yn ~· "141 I r :. H -.-red .,.._., 5() H ~·~ G\1_ oalaey " •-If W'f..... li:x:~ = ijd~OfJ!VU. C:~rona def Mar tlolil w · 'rriftk btnetita. pplyitn ,Pff'IOn, Make loom-.For Oa New Store lllCOUJOI' G£t1-.W!Cll•AT!OI( """"'"&h. «-U38 'l up. <»-ssn . ~PANISH ** MEDITERRANEAN OF 11 WXURY APARTMOOS ·.• ~!f ,:.,"' .. :-,~ IRISff. ,.........., bitch. 111 $ L.L • • • ..... l,....... C.,.. A ... yn. pel qua!. one Mlb l Rooms furniture · -pan-• woo-hnltun · ·~ .. ""'.,.. ... ·~--"°'~ ,,._ ' ... -.OV'E" ·. $10llo-11u11E ----·All-IRAND-NlW~ ~ -,.......... _,,, SbO• """'· odcpbla ~ :« It YALU • ~ ..._,. •• ,.._, . ' • !Ion. 4»'1' 64<4420. """' 673.'2• . Pleue call Mr. Lewia: for CO'ITAGE OOFFEE SUOP . . •PPGiDtmllnt, 642..ffil. · 562 .W, lJth St., cM "l _ ___ !{! l\il 1·1• ... '..,t·.~11 ......... » . -· black• blaCk .&: wh.jte. 6 Beautiful Golden A: Black for $388 • -~--~ ............... B ... FREE -klll•••· 491-lllll Equ11l opporhDtity employer • 1 ~· Jobo-Men, Wom. 7500 DON'T MISS T HISll . l:ttil,.~, '""'"-""""...:·::~:::::;:::'.. ;".'<_:olcl;~"'t.llnd"""' Labrador l'UPPI«-G* TELLER, lrl"tat gpot .for rile girl w/ ntw icc(s, Good co benl!-tltt. To S4CIO. C.U Sany JiJrt, MQ.«la5. • COASTAL AGENCY 'A membtr of Sne\Ulll I. Snellin& Inc. 2190 Hart>c:ir· Bl, Col!lla Mesa ADVERTJSlf!G. Secretary/ Bookkeeper Responsible,. top levtl poslt1on for sho1rp, t1k• charge girl. Must have excellent skfllt. incl. 1horth•nd; hondla Uta bkkpg; billin9. Undor 30. Call 8o1rbar1. (714) 642-3910. ~NO with good be.ale gkills tu train lor lq:ll sect)'. Real apply. Sart $425. Call Ann Willit'l.P¥ W!J..60;)5. ·COASTAL AGENCY A mem~r of. Snelling & Snelling Inc. !790 Harbor Bl, <:osta. l>lesa abiliti~s anlimiteo agency Quality POl.ilion.s fur Quallfted Applicants C88 E. 17\b St., Suite 224 Costa Mesa &a-1410 Glendale -Fede~ll ~~lngs ' 1131 NeWport llvd. Cost• MtM# Callf. l..EGAL Seely, sptci&l )l;>b .for specla.I girl. Trial law exp. Prtl. To S525. Call AM \Vllll&ms, 54G«li5 . COAST4L. )\GENCY A mem~r of St'lelllnit & S(>ellint:: Inc. 2790 Harbor Bl, Costa. 1'1esa e NOTE Tl!LLER e PART TIME. TELLER • UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK ''it, newport . 1 pel100llel 1111ency T&c;io,llCAL - POSl'TIONS 5 Pc Spani,sh bin Rm set, 8 ft. sofa & love ~ ~ ~"li ..... ii.NJ::::::.~~:· A""'Leii !-AnQheµo St., bre«S. $)) each. 5f0..65lt seat, 3 heavy Medlt. style l'.lllltchi\lg tables, A decorator dream house on display -3 1~, ·,!.;.,. .. ,, """"'TltAHSl'ORTATION S pe Spanish 'bedl'Oom set. ' -rooms of · gorgeous Spanish fumifure (was · 10 kltt..,. nd hom" or must hlto;. Y.aih _ 1000 OTHER EXAMPLE' PR'CES·. reg $1295 00 be ""' ~ .... Won't youJ=;;:;...:;;...:..;='--~-'I 1 • . ' help! 412'1·A HU.aria Way, 1965 LONE.WAR lT, ~. • S pc. Spani~h oak game sei., low as '1611.95 SACRIFICE •MO NB 1 ' 1o 1u btc • guar. mattresses or box springs, '19.95 • • • • • • ..,.,_ NEED food, ~ta ~ :ib~':;'; ~~ m • 5 pc. Spant~h dinette set $69.95. • 3 pc. c111101T T1111Ms Av.t.1utL1 c•ao1T c1..1Att10 ~•OLATILY •bandonl!d ak1miy yellM: arll. ~1921 aft$ wkd)'L Spanish bedroom sets $99.95 • Spanish table m m TU~ manx I: maltttie &: ...tit kit· 18' GLABPAR Set.la!r Sedan. Abey proteaklQa' " tech. 1 $12 9' tuRHI RE nQl pojttidna: av..ua.ble. amps . "'· • ten. H>-6183 unm • p.rii:. FUlty ttectric. 'IS' b.J . ~ Call M. Baugbnw.n, &U-3870. Remainder of Huge stock-at tert.Ul(! savings I ~ -LOVElABLE sable • white rude, et~ bait tank. lull tJN. 133 tmver Urive bank fine; Master Cho1rg•, Bo1nk of AmirJc.. ~ twin klttiens. Male&: female er, Amttic,n traUu. ~ Newpon Beaeh or. Stora Chll'lfO.. 1844 lewport Blvd <• 1 ....... Hu ....... N...i SUMMER Special! 15' ..... llOOKKEEPER-*-:This Solt For Stock on HanCl1)nly • .Ha ............ ) "°"" home· 968-2<1<1. 112 """"'· ''"'t. 11art 35bo F\111 ~1 l'Olt accountin& Cost M' I MlN Scbnauttr Pure bred motor. S215 alt 6. 54&-3635 background h<lpfuL I 8SI on Y · lema!e Salt A P.,,,..,. fri""' l4' SKI boat, m•n: !Olll, 1rJr Yee paid I ~'TO,-W .... lo ·•s. '11• . Alo1ftloplay.N-fenc-wbltrtr.1!3J0.645-<1114 AlaP Jtt poationa "'Y•TIJf"'• ~ t. . ' •ed,yd. ~· ' 712 '65 OWENS 25'. 90 hn, llke Nl8uef Pttsonnel Agency 6 KITi'ENS. ~rt Slamese, 5 new. Dys 494-8041, •evu 26<1\1 Getf;)t Road 1130 Mlsc•ll•""'ll • 8600 bla.ck:,.Jl be'ie· 'l wkl . To 494-0737 aak for Mr. GaiTll:)I 4guu. Ni&:uel Ind, Paril: ·IOOd ~meL 542--7"81. after S CLASSIC bay launch. lots of l3!.1<TI Mork Adoll * AUCTION * PM 113 teak. S<e al l21S E. JWbQo ~VON 12101 ltlancltr U you will Rb. Of blzy AKC Dobennan female. Gen:. Blvd. 673-63!5 . CALLING' A' I ' Huntln,.ton Beach give Wi""u a tr.• Uce:, iOO<l with children. TOI ""~='====::;;;;I Warit to be suecessru1 and Fumitvre -8000 PP 11ncas 1100 • A 00 ~ 1 SO resp:in. pty wllar&e tncd S.11~.ts · 9010 earn goad money in~ * s•L'E * Gar~ Blockburger uc • 111 : p.m. ·-~~only~.;-~~:,_;-:1~12~1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,1 time? Mbneyback.guaran-OVER -STOCKED " '""'"'Walnut Pl. Windy11 Au~ion .. 81m ;-....i;RABLE Kltte-· 1 all •--New Wasbe11 ·Dryers · Dl!h· ...,. ......,.,, ...... ALBERG ~s 222 Ocean Ave .• Laeuna Sch. I@@' ma .. g Avon cosrne-__ .. ,.. frl.g• Cotto .u.-,1 Behl.nd Tony's BJda:, Mat'L whtte. Black Calico. Greys & ~ ~ 494-654& tlca ea.sy'lo 5('11. F01· in-MUST s'EiL! \\'<aMJeCERT1FtEEirs. ,... 2015%Newpoprt,CM&l6.ai88 ~: LoYe Dop.. SJ&.4493. s Watta aa1ls OFFICEOertt,accuratetyp. ~~~ • ~i0-70il or Newt-• 9 "',·-~mer arrang. APPLIANCE Greg Burgin FREE30lBlueCblpStampe 712 Hot.O:ild&how!'r Ing, speed not essential, ~ t ..... ce ~'·'" O:::."· , ... , ...... s:fl· 333 Ea.st l?th St. 19943 Keswick w 1comp 1 et e busineaa YNG. pu,ppy needs good ~-etc. front ore: appearance, Start JOlN Hair I: Co . .:. thrtt far nK~ w ~~·-Q· 'suw",.s: Costa Mesa i:,j') m411 HuntinttOf' 8e•ch starter klL ltlcludes: 500 home.-Genn-Shep m1Xed. •PACIFIC-YA·=... .... - S.:Wl Call AM \Vllliams, out ha.lr styllstJ! Opening .... ~·n•0w 50.' ~ns · • ~ t' · • imprinted lettettleads, soo female. 6 mo. oJd. Blk .. ~48 Via .....::::•N•::;:;::: ~-Aug. lat in Balboa Island. ~ · ,,yifi5 $3.95. •NEED a new refrigt'rator. G.or,. P. Brown env, 500 Invoice., 500 w/intiat. maria:. 962-3248 T/4 m, 597 ........ TI.4. 6iri1u A member of Ce.ll Son, Mon, Tues, \Ved, e sets lduo rlserl w/ "'-asher, ~r. or l"Olor TV! 2130 La $:alle Ave. purchue orders, l,lm bus. OOLDSPOT oa...:-tor • · · · COASTAL •GENCY TI4: 675-1230 OI' on other Inner tpring mart. reg. $106, Now 3 your chance to sa\oe, Co•to Maio --~-'II "--lam •-%-• " $79 50 Roll bed cl · '1 ""''-• ~ ne n.tuun s p, pa aloft. Old but uable. INTERNATIONAL 14', rae- Snellin&: lcfa>t'll~ Inc. days, 213:.f4H967 now ~;-~p~~~~~ no~~::W ~ ~ Fred Bottom• lYPesellirl&'. ut:wtrl:. $29.!6 Pick np next ~'e'ekend:-309 tnc" sloop. Ne. 29S aood ~ Harbor Bl, Costa. Mesa SLEl:P For cub. W911ted: ,t.59.:.0. no~ $3t5Q.-.Full sz. or t Im e. p I a n . Check 2931 Brlstol Allen Printing-Jl9T..9467 33rd Sf. NB 7/3 cond. 2 sets cl &ail&. splD- SECRn lft'Y -Aleep talkeni for l ab slttpeNO~~.~now Hmderson•1 lcdll.)'. 1877 Cost• Mt1a BA'M'ERIES 6 ~t $6, J2 FREE' ID qua.I home. Lov. naktt, ~ lnd. $400 llt · . . sleep call 633-9393 ext 188 · -. -tt~ ""~Full • ' . cf sparl< pin.,. wtttr-a..--. Air · reaearcb. If )'OU talk In )'Our ~ ~~ t. K I n g JI arbor Blvd CM. M8--01$ • volt $8 5 quarU ol oU Ii aet AKC male Beqle, 5 mos. Michael Pl, NB 54lH77Q. T--Lnlcal Typl~ RAD betw. ID-3 fir furlhet Info. ..Mio t'!._~~,i~' , ~-· tully LADY Kenmore, coppertone, You are the winner of -.• ~'"''7 aid. abed trnd, t.. ov es VENTURE 21. Pulpit llJe SEQ't. -Exeo..lBM. 60 wpm _.., ··• ~ • o:i: . ~ lo ···" I& ~1 purchase. Alice.rs. Will pay cttlldnn. ~ 713 1' ........... I' ralll std. dac o'i bettfr, ~-.o~. oppty .. s.u..Es ltiahtlDE. fixt . ~ . "" 'rt&ds • au ..... .,.,.. te ,...._ • 2 Uckell lo tbe Sl.40 for old car batteries. -mes, .. ...._.,. ~ l1 m advance. SSOo. Call Ann IBM Execufivt;.3-l fii'ixP. &hov.TOOm : e)cperJen: cboSoe-..:.J.r eki,-J flO.sa: 1~1~1~nd, like new. Sl.25. FlREWOR"S Volt Batterleti, 2027. Harbor BEAtrrlFUL, VttYblrmkaU, ~.r+ ~~~ J~b. ... ups•~ WilllAms !i4!M3(65 Advanced KintUes 11W!. 'alao cpenln; tor a trainee. now_$12.9JtSU?:W SLEEP ..... ,_ J..J . v IDvd CM 64>0890 1oJ1C haired kittens, ac or ""'""'' uu:u•. • COASTAL AGt NCY 1231 Victoria. Sl, CM , ·-··-· plua commission. '~-~. J , rMJB1vd. CM NORGE AutlJ• washer, late SPECTACULAR .. light grey free_ to eood Eves n t: 545-4340 . .. • 640-'rlGS_. .,.......:t • CllEVRON Wik! w i k I home. 89:J..6IU 7/3 8'' FIBGLAS. Sabot, raclnc _..._A-Merrtber r~ ---... 547-6351 --~ ~J~') lfl.6 : --.model, .ilnt cobd-$75-_ _o.t tbL...-=.:_ Dollars Contest ..-Med perts __ _ .r.---liill -SneJJ.U!e &; ~llinc Inc. f.qual Opportunlf;)t Employtt , EXP' BEAUTY ,~~ • 841-BUS • ANAHEIM 3 .t: 4 on $2,!:IOO tJcket 1 part DAltLING kittena · 6 wks -old, rig. motor· reau;,, er, 2790-Harbor,..Bl. o.tf Mesa RECPT, c009 t;riliSL W ne OPERATOR to take • over . .I l:JS SACRIFICE! Like n ew STADIUM 1 on $1,000 ticket. Will 11PUt v.-eaned & h5ebrlcn. Free to Xl.Jll'T $ai best of rr · I YN -li Nunes. Aids lQc, '""" ,.,. . ._. To · lbllow\nl ' • ' ~ No..., ttlrli>rato' , o d oo Jo1y1!th pr1u monoy. write P.O. pd hQme. 54&'5919' 714 613-'298 .,, $42.$. Call Arin Willlam.s,.. Costa 'Mesa. 646-7522 A NS WEIS freezer $50. 842-2154 Pltue call 642-5678, ext 3?'J Box 284, Suttslde, calll. 3 AOORABLE kittens, box 17' O'Day Da)'llOlltr Larre progreulve ECF needs 54~. · · bttwttn 9 and 1 pm to claim 90743 trained. heal~, happy "-Demo $1750 -Uaed $WO U.Orientationprovidedby a CO'ST•L •~ENCY SLEEP fer cuh. Subjects PHILCO washer. prac. new your Ucketa. (North Coun•u 7 314' o•n .... med $500 full time, ill serv\ce, ed.uca· "A m"' ~~vr 01 needed for UCI alff'(I lab. K!Uiht ~rA\V® ,~ I;Jof!Jt -S&'i apt. stDw $20. R.etrlj:. toll·free number is 54Q.l2'20) LADIES \Vhlte £(il:d diamond truk,y. 646--8405 / '-'GJ •••••••• tor. Openings oil all shifts. Soelli ..... ~·s;:11,ft~ Inc·. studit• for this summer. Cous1n -'W~"'~ <DOK YJOrka \\"ell $15. 675-DT &: sapphire rin(. V a I FREE-Lumber Fun Zone Boat Co. Balboa 2 ...... 11~bor m. ::::_:!. l>tesa Call 633-9393ext181. F.orbldden lour ~-lttt~r FREE S1125-eacrillce cl<R esta" ~ )V~: Ui,ed S,!!'?!; ~~~~:! trfn:;1::::~ 1 .:;·~~:;.::=..:,;~-~=~c--c.;, 1auUTY Operator, tun or words;. .¥'.ost inod'"' girts Antiques 1110 1 month rental ot new piano. $475. 64-l-2944 aft 6 pm. 1/3 O>mpkte.' I~) ~,., care need apply at 1030 w. The li.ger ' part tlme. Contessa Hair d~tm four:~tte.i:,~. such MUST MAKE RC>O_M Choose from Jtawai. "4llet CONSIDERING qualll'!ed 6 WEEKS ckl-boultbroken ..;C;;all:;..,;<OIJe<t,:;,_;,~~~==cl Warner, S.A. $46.&i50 •b Fubions. 6'fS..3385. u . WASH and CXX).K. FOR NEW SlllPME.VI' i Davia, Stark, Hammond, man tcr purcbue of Irvine kllWl 1. )'OUQ& mcther tD 30' Tahiti K9'ch $2,200 # 16 FASHION ISla.lND-' fXPEtueNCED QtM.t..ln' _4Jri!J~Jrom my FURNITURE CLEARANCE ~I•,~ montl!J ptlnl· C&Lentry Qub memberzhlp. lov-1111.bllme. ~-111 SA.c...AS. !$.__@_l!o._~_. Malo, l:IOSI'ESS. exper. only. wdl croomed. Plush modem dinrm. btnefits. To $520. Call Ann Willial'J'IS, '54()..6({6, COASTAL AGENCY A member of 6neillnc & Snelim& Inc. 2790 Harbor Bl. Costa 1>1e51l NEWPORT ·BEACH Waitresses, cYn 21./Kitchen Palro Desert hOme; triple SALE mum.' ~114 HELP! 3 mo short hair W. Ccvina (213) 'l'9f>-0569 n e NEEDS AN -'-----...::.~ .. _ d llAM.MONO kl LO 17' -'--•-1 "••~-he lp, over ll '30-1600 ....,.._.., cou..........,e, ,..,a · ARIEL Quall"" kin& bod. -·"led, female calico & wht tten. A ......... ~. '"'" CO'"'\.A>O EXPERIENCED OOa.id. 'ktl'),g, qUl'<'n. '"''ln In CORONA DEL ~lAR Com.plebe, unllled s9i7' worth 54&-996:i 713 toclude• 'saUa, motor I. WAITRESS Sclioo• 1,_lnstructlon 7600 ... , sota, tablos, lam.--ANTIQUES 28M E. °""' Hwy 6"'930 -"er -1 6M-l"1 ••• E 17th St ,..... $250. Alter 5 or wkndl, LOVING creY •white kitten., .;:"=-;.;·,,:..;,,-'-~..,--,,,,-I misc. 642-3313 ~ · ·· ...... 1969 WURLITIE8 -1" -• •-... -" S4l~1 1 wk&. old, trained. 1!1hol1. 31' AUX Yawl, .. pc ......,._ 51¥NO:'..._;>te!!i@~t.._Mapt., ___ __.. ... _. . 1RON pa.Uo. pert cond. 42" KING Louis XN, 9 pc din CONCERT ORGAN FOTRON Elcdronlc camera 1162-6103 7/3 u11s, lJl joint ownudrlp, able, 11u .. for lge e1tab co. Be Prosperous! table, 4 arm I" ha i r s . rqom set. Xlnt cond. 50 32 Note pedals. Lesa than 3 need olll.y aim I: stxiot, d~ 3 KITI'ENS for Iree, -.., S30M dn. 544-0i2:J art 6 p.m. Beneltta ab:Jve ~~ .. To · cushions. coUCI" table. $85. Yeani aid. Prv Pr t Y. months old. Pak! $4995 • ..-J .. llN\ Call Ann W'dlUm 832--0261 nr nl&'ht. COit $300;1ell S150. ttaer 1: black. Ccntact OOL. zr Slcop, o.e. HeacJ,. See Belty Bruce at . ~. ' -. •, GOod lYPln& skUJ:. can 0~ ~ala Del Oro, NB. Asking S.t250. See al: 673-2128 968-C97 7/3 IJJe•, Dae . ..u.. $2960. evn. m ~ ,~••T•t. AGENCY 'nmny doors, Jhqufre abotlt Sewing· Machtnn 1120 !!!"Nido .. MM"ai',1,csCA°"!~7 .'!!1. GRDNHOUSE' ca. mes apart HALF .._,:ii .. pups, 3 femaie.,•::T>-.:,;;7388;:;;,====;;;--'--" -~ ""--~·n.11...,,_,, ANTIQUE white/gold hvln --"'-------I ~ '""""" ,,............ 1· • .c .1. -A membe of ...,.... IJUVI-"~ ''" • • · -===~~-.:.;,.._;,,:.:I in !leetkm&; 8x10: weU 1 wla: ·aid, to good home&. 14' HOBIE CAT S1fnJ la., XDC Sntllinl k Wna: t .., ~ NONA HOFFMAN, bed $20, box sPMngs/mal· 1969 SINGER with ziJ..zo.g &: HAMMOND· Stei nway ·Ya· made.• $l50/oiler. 646-2105 847...sJ.53 714 Call 10-6 IW).8335 or Ai: ency for Career Girlsi 2'190.Barbor m: Costa :~ Newport 1.1'1'.'SS 120. Detk $20. ·Bar top walnul COtllO~. Makes bul· maha • new & used pianos BA1"ER, IES ,& V, $4.95 a, U AD6RABI.E PllPP>' 6 wks. Anytime 1213) .us-7661 fl-0 W C.0.st Hwy· N B -School of Buslr.tets $20. 5'6-3341 ton holea, designs elc .. $5.25 of all makes. Beat buys in V $5."6 ex, par.~ mo. Pay male % poodle, Free. to gd, VIEl' Nam Sac r 11 i c •. By a .int .. ~ Custom.r S.i'v~ • l;;1 833 Dover Drive Quality king be<I, quilted, ino. or'$:16.00 cash. 5.26-6616 So. Calif. right here. $125-cld bait.~ home. 8'47~ 114 Seaworthy 20· Day S.Uer, ppo . Xln_t co, beaut.offices. lrfen<f., Ne>VJM>rt Beach 6(2.3871) Ccmplete, unimed $98; wort h SINGER Sewing machine SCHMIOT MUSlC CO.. . #.., - CLERK Typ. Ith ly collforkers. To $409, .ean """"' A1ter o °' wknds ..... 1 • ..,. .,.___ plclrup 1907 N. Main, 20" Trlmmer commercial CUTE -v and white kit-$85!t"or.belt olfer. --ist w 5 0 n,t it. Ed 546-5410<..' -I • ..... -· ., re .......... ., mo. r ·-= ' Santa Arlll lawn mOWir wUh 4 bane tens .• ;·lor &ood oomes. LATE Model Snowbird tn bkkpg. Much phone ;_~ fm,t . tt, Jo•on ;;.,, • DRIVING LESSONS MT--0400 &. delivery. Call 5.26-fiOlB . •l~L'\ ---:; ,_ N " ---.---'-=---HAMMOND Chord O · r.ower e,1&,nef\646-3629 847-7390 T/4 good cond. wl traiici-W'-ofc appear. Great vanety, to £m°ni~ t ,,,.,.:. As low as $5.75 per Wf(!k w/ MOVING • P.lust ~11 dining UPHOLSTERING MAchlnes. rgan._ 1 u.11 6'l5-0Ul9 '523. ~ Gloria Kay, n20'S!i.me:fatnS .. ~ pty" later plan. Free home &et with b-r e..ak-fr.on t , Pfaff 1~1: Singer 1UW)05. Xlnt 1~.t! S3SO. Call 8' €USTOM ~rb·oa r d 1 FL\lf'FY 'Kf':/ and whlte 1;::.'.;;""":;;:,,:r.::,·;-TF'---I 54Q..605.;. _ -• · • • • • plclrup. Securlf;)t Drlvirw: bedroom get &c naugahyde ·.v_ui sell cheap &45-0890 642-2482 morns. }etft!Cf COiialDOfl\ f)'tir Old · kiiten free to lovinC ·oome: LIDO t4 - COASTAL AGENCY ~-£¥=row q~r.' tt>p School. 1-526-zm. c;ouch 1i; chair. 646--7892 WANTED $50. m~ ~ 'lit New hand trtr. '73.m2 A member ot spot tor top &knlJ. Oppty MONTESSORI Teacher <lf· S' SOFA ncV't'r used, quilled Mu1ic1I Inst. 1125 SPINE"rs 6 GRANDS 2 YR membenblp~ Holiday WE'D like to live with you. 3 Snelling & Snell ing Inc. for unltd Mure.! To S650. firi· mus 1 e lnstniclion. floral, Scotch guarded $125.-636--362'.l Health Spa. make oUer. • d 0·r a b t e k It I e n•. Power CrulHr'I 9020 2790 Ha.rtior Bl, C.OSta Mesa caJJ Ann Wtlllatns_' ~. TENOR SAXOPHONE 615--7035 "~" '"59t T/4J'..:;::.::;_:;;.;.;;;.;.;... __ -;J COAST.At; AGENCY Beginning alt "''oodwincts. !\latching love seat $75. · . PIANO WANTED • _ ~ 21 FT cabin crutser. 100 tq; YOUNG Lady..oUict: tralnee, A member of ..advanced ftute I< cboe. S3'1-«l32 Good C:.nd~7:.. (213) 87'1·100.S Pvt Party 4 GOODYEAR41RES, lG-35-ONE 6 "" Old puppy left; Clris Craft tnboard q . part tin1e, neat appearing, 64~7 MUST sell hduseful 0 f ·• JS'• & J.0.£.JS\s, best ol· male, belge I whitt,' snail Bait tank, head. A·l cond: •harp, gQ9(t w/ -figureL ~~i: ~~a 1,.~·sa Ed'laca.tional Vacation 5th furnlturt 2869 l\tendoia. Dr ARMSTRONG P1ute Mod. 90. Televl1lon 8205 fer. &12.J&38 mixed btftd, 862-MS4 114 r.:lean, aleeps 2. fUlf covu;s. Type ~Some experience d6's Sr Cit~ CM ~ S?; hest $20 ., Cost $2.15, sell 1100. Xlnt TO .... _.. h<lme.. 2 nloe k>ok· $1995. 613-9562 desirable. l\1ust ha•ie car. NEED housckttpet fer ~t '10· iesson ~: PA~ · ... c:-;:....... .cond.. 547-1753 SILVERTONE conscle 23" Ml1c. W1nted 1610 lna~ I. wht, med. hair""' M~••--, n...• .. _.....fill' Could '\'Ork Into full lime. oo:ldet\t semi-invalid lady. Sehl. Trial Leuon. 173 Del . matching l •• ;,.'6 l'tlOm CLASSICAL Guitar w/aood Coler TV, black cab, perf / ~ "'J<UCU' •u.-. ~ 646-1.721 lite cooking: tias mln\. pro.. chaira. S30. for both. eMe S50 cond . ..sean warra.nty kl,ltel'l!t, Aft, 4. 642-5322 7 4 &hlnl/cruWnc XLNT. Hixson r.1etal Finiahing die, Salary open. Live out. ?i.far'C.M. 548-285!1 •?J&..696St •·LI 8-§279 * ttnewable in July. S27S. WE PAY MORE 2 ORANGE kittens to good <lWTW:i anxiouL Stl-1501 829 ·Production Pl, NB J-IQag Hospital atu, NB. 6 PIANO LESSONS DINETTE, Walnut formica 5 545--6131 CASH home-., 1 lon& halr, 1 short days. SECRETARY, BOme book· days· 8~3G-5:31l. 642·13&5 Beginning studenta pref. chairs $15. pair, living room f>iinot I Orgo1ns · 1130 BLACK 4 white·portablt 'tV, ' hair. 675--4265 7/3 38' Stephens Sedan CNlltr. keeplng back;round. Good TYP.lSf Tech 'PubJ,. Good U.C.J. Music Major, call chalrs $W. 6~7364 &cod condiUon .. $2S. l\L\LE cock-e.~poo. bJondt, beaut. cond. Reamy I typist, i;onte med I c: a t working cond &. abc),ye aver-Bruc:e, S46-44.'l!. UPRIGHT piano & wtng·back JUNE SALE!!! 64.5-0618 vecy playful w/chlldren, 4 Sate. ~ avet. knowledge prelem!d. Apply age b6ld'lta. Start $500. Call soum Coast Salling sch!. couch. &th'a:ood condHlon. Faclory authorized ctiarance ' · . mMths old. 645-2158 7/3 ln pereon AM 'Vllllams, ~. team t<l sa.U oo 26' Race 549--3631 After f PM a! cverap, rehtnu: & demos HI-Fl I SttNO 8210 For l'UrnllUl't, appliances, AKC Baue:t -Hound female Sp11d Ski loatt 90H I a-·na Beach Nun'"" Home COASTAL-A(.;ENCY • Sloop. ~1133 nt.-• Organa. n-ctiol! colored TV, stereot and an-tri cokftd Good ·--a •• pel pole . -· •• '~-n • ·-SO!JD Sta'· ~-•-··•· • ~ J••k Dono ••·-·, A meritber-of vio·~· u-··--holdGood1 8020 p"-n--•-·t sp'~t ~ ""•""•~. 4 ""'"""' ~..,...,.~.. 11" -.,.....,.,, WU'! nvv.. ....,..,.., .... ..-au•u u"" pd 4 a.ke udlo Da.v or nlqhl ~ '· ~ 559 Y.rawrH Or. Jl'DY LEE Jewels. $300 in SDellinc &: Snelllng Inc. AND PIANO LESSONS. planol new &: used Gnnds s ' Bpe r a sytlem ~20 5 BLACK kittens, ~ Cost• MeN fashion jew-elry loaned 10 2790 Harbor Bl. Costa Mesa 548-5893 SMAU. appliaJus. pictures. & dci'no Baldwin • Ora:ans ln walnut. console. Take SI to p>d' heme 6 our sty ll s ts ·35% DtNINGroomwal t rtss . UCI nchmajorwil lrames,bookl,fl:>ys.ladies really le~ cn ,.moi>cy oYcrsmall~ntsorpay • :~~ '113 M.1.hlen conuni&sion-we train! Part l>lust have experlence. Call l're tutor &: men'• clothing. See Satur· savinz SALE!! Gel ln Oil cash . ,balance <l! $13.68. $ WE BUY $ or full time: Call 833--0560 or for intttvll!w. 4 9 2 • 1112. hl&:h IC~~~=ta. day al garagt sale. 2282 the big de:ah at: . Credit Dept. 53,S.-1289 . 2 WHITE part Peralan Wt 22'9 Colorede Lani 646-0493 -Oman rtl'staurtnt, s an Redlands Dr. N.B. (oU 23rd WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO $ FURNITURE $ tena, I wkl: oJd. 5'5-6176 aft Cotti Metil C!ementt TIITORING St. bet.,,.wn Santa Ana Ii 1819 Newport, C.M. 642.-8484 Sp:ortfng Goocl1 1500 APPLIANCES 6 P,.m. 7/3 Lo Vo-aWFtn 77 yr old blind man \v&nl$ . In s ....... 1~'-or German Tuatin Avt .) ~ ... _, -... ., , ~· ~ ..... ~ ... • a ._ .... wi th ,,_ ~·o de•ni ..... WOlnan, _ , 3 a-o-;;;s,....., ELECTRONIC Plano, e ATTENTION ,......, 1"•-r••11•,._,,,,..,. ~'~ ~ .,-9111,Doc' lflc compeleqt woman to oc. .c-1\.1"" -~.. -· ............... AMPEX 1000 series rtcorder 1rtu H~t1 I Pl•c• .r H11n• F11ll hoop 646-MOS 713 •• ,,-culonally clean trlr, drive days v.'ttk, $2.25 hr. Own lie t 'Included $00, portable. plll.)'5 t . HUNTERS CASH IN JO ""INVTE5 ·ffufttw.ton leach sm. car or cook a meal. 4 traru preferable. R'.m. req. Ml!RCHA.ttDISE FOR m · apes · · Ideal tor beacb home, NPW gun shop in Costa Mesa, • 541 45_3 I • Free bnlken concrete. days, s hrs. day. pays $100 6r;i-4673 SALE AND TRADE Ml-0089 mountain cabin. boat or Newport Beach lln!a. The • 548-2112 1/t --5.'l6-{0;8 • GIRL Frf, handle front ell.· Furniture 8000 G 5 I 8022 teaching. Only $'195-tenm. nnesttnauna.&:allaCCfflelr-WANTED: B l aeksmlth 5 Wk. old cuddly klttms. i DINING ROOM WAITR&SS-~. Neat, attractive gal. · irage 1 e NEWPORT ORGANS 645-J530 Je1. Fcq:e ~blow b'J>e) &: anvil, v.,'ht, 3 ta~lel. &rr~'2525 7/t I ES: Day Ii ev•. ~ltts avail. Phones ti; bkkn. All ~ TWIN headboard, dresaer, ANTIQUE Furn "-e:la.u + DIAL ditect 642-5678, Dlarge The "EARL OF ARMS'" '11<l ullid tem~t · rnbcer. U160 FORD frame a n d App In person. 15070 Ed· aptitude for bully spot, ·S3'15. mimn', nlte stand, $85.. mlsc . 176St San Marino Cir, )'OUl' ad, 'then alt back and SUfle 10 2052 Ne"'POl't Blvd. 842-8493 challts !162-4587· -7/f ward&, Hunt. Bcb. Ask tor Call Ann Williams ~. Ltngttle chest $00. 613-8134 • FV. 96Ui852; 96U419 listen to !be phone rinal CM 646-7318 HoUtl 2 tll 9 pm WANr,J:D: Used .c,a me e r FEMALE Shel&-tntl , l ' yi Ralph or a..,,. . COASTAL llGENCY ... 11 ... l9ll8 El Camloo -YL•""' 111 o. '•"• 1'571 11,ft•lti\ Clrele Huntl"'ton leach A ~r of • 8000 Fumltu-IOOO ~ It -•L-. ' ol~ vtl')' I • ~i;icw· C.llLD Ca '• nee d ed mem...., ... rurn u • ., -p re f er• !lbtr .. 1111 Snell•-• ._ .. ,_ Inc • . ' · . • _ P!ITS an4 LIVI STOCK • y .... ,. ••-wlMcr ol .-,.kday1. CdM. ~--go 10 "~ ~ B~I ,,,.,:_• ,,. · KJR8Y 1 aft G -1 ~ ..... "'• .. ...,, 2790 Harbo ...wta ... vacuum c e ane r ,,... . ....,. --. . ~.ickebl'tDthe beach, will con si der · r ' · esa SPANISH w/aUach, pOllsher. xi.NT 6 3x6'1 JN the rough. Mltllt Doe 8-25 ,. mipon1ible te l!n a ge r . ·YOUNG WOMAN WllJ. , • cond and par. Pay <lrf be Jr Jonr. For fencing. ol:"n · . , ,FIREWORKS 675-J265 or 675-JlTI eves. TRAI?f. "°'°'9 JO, to-l . ~ ·, ballJM\f: ol ~.i'l or take 548--1759 eves. At.!"".,..ALE P'URPll!'J: AKC 1 a.It HOUSEKEEPEll. ,,,..., m \! '":'~Y'ii'.::: MED.TERRANEAN cmrpaymeo1&.a.dltO.pt., WANTED: Twin""'"" in ":'k 'Jit pcd\it«, 6 wks. SPEC~t~~u.., Partexpcr: Lido .... ~. call 9·n: Bvld. C.M. : • ~72.89 C>lOd crmditiori. c.n 831~ ~ .QJU ~ 4323, tt• . ANAHEIM Retun!ed from Model Homes -I' BEIGE oaur. Mita $40, 4 on)'tlme • STADIUM Hospital 1445 • • N B; AMBITIOUS. active Mlll:nln Wli•t en ·e•citJ"t scent I Your ho!J'I• car1 com• elive with pur 9l1mor.ou1 ma.pie bar stoi4 $25.~Ktt). w ANTE o OLD TOY ~tho' .. ~ 1'mc Terrier ' on JC!J1 ttb 64Wtlll . -Sor~ M!"'kt· f\IJl or. dM"ottt•r:-correlated p1c~a9el l ivi1Y9 room include11 luxurlou~ $ofo1 men port. disbwaaher $35, 1'JVJ.NS MAOE BEFORE ~..... •>q, ch. lfbc:k. pte caD 8tU6TI. ext. Q LilCE ti I>e«nbt, •D bomt p.rt time. ID&h ~ incl !..Ye Seat In qUHt.d flortl febrlc1. l S~tnllh Otk Tat.Ifs, 2 Ciistin· au.~ .. ·~ ·beige cbatr 1945. Pbom eu-ma2 ~S., •mt.rl ., be&IU:iy. bei:en tandl pm todalns I u mb:hinp,T OmmUt.*-we train. 5t6-l1'5 9uf1hff Cottquittador Ttble Limps. "Hal,enda'1 .ledroolru Spo1nl1h a, womu'~ !».thine 1Ult a Ucketa. (Ncl1b Claiantr onlJ'. f'llU « part tlme. DO ME S T 1 C hdJll one Tripi• Dr111er wtth Framed Mirror, ICil\Cj·liJt Headbo.trd, 2'_Commodts. 14 won onoe:-PO ~ Mechlnery etc.: 1700 ENGl.JSH ~ Spule1 :t'me nwnbtt ls &fO..m ) Jntnvk!ws Fri I: ~t 9 W l.. day/* Carom. de.I Mar, 5-Pc. W~~t Iron D;nette Set, SJMn i1h Oak Mlxegon 'top. Mu1t be 2 MATOiING Chllii'il 'Ideal , · P:IPP'6. feliltmid. .AKC :ll' CHRIS Qfft ~ -· "' l18!!JI u .. .f.W.. M Y.!@ ••<lot.I , •• 10 c0ma in tO<!oyl Mcod •l1owhara '°' "'"· offioo °' family STEAM BOILER j;Q; Call 5*-WO . ,,i • ....., 431 cu ID., '10 CREDIT & ACCOUNTS • MAIDS • ~ ., $HS DO """"-281 Knox Pl. C.M. 1-lria! steam Boo.,, Pv-Al<C 1'xldJe """""' 800w '"'°' 12:\00 rebu114 · \J 11tCllVAILl cl.Ellk · i:q.. ....... ILl5 llltr. ot • • \ !tir...ID.::h.t'-~ hlM or'IOvo. lilin. 1<e·u .. 11y """""""' <lC -· - oeedo<l tmmed. Sal • ....,_ ---CID.,,_,. • BRAND NEY{ S,ECll.L S<'lE s43ft"., c DIRECTOR •••lrs; condlllon, w-~"'"°" IOl.,.._o.'il'"1ArH:lllG'J .._.. • .a .. Exp'dooly.-ISOO ... •eot J&XP-&lllDiCED Btqs\1--"-C.. IN ,..,.h .. od ••p•rattly. Y . _..,.._ hd-01_100 -185() -POODL&,,...,.;"rnlnla-.11 , G~"ssPAlt l • ASSISTANT"~ die ·~un. Apg1:r. IZli t fl pet week, $20 def!vers. a ~d Jul te(Ylr; '*1\lttn. &!Jrrfpm1 .._ t-hjaJQt '-affecdolllle:. bollrd/bUlbaUd ·100 /' b AIR. 4/P, salary' C.om-W. 18th Sl.-CO. Ilea. 41' w •• P:Olll1W It, TV/Stereo; m.1•c< f!=m& X''; nirnriltr oommerelal SJ.Q. • f99.SQ Volwt. UM. Aalth1a 1$1a menaurate WI abUlt;. Ap-LICENSED .,,.,,,,... • !1111 CAlfl lllA ""'1• "*' • Cl!ARTE!t , full ,I.a m'IJ y !aim mow<:r wllh 4 hono D-\C1!9lllJNO "''" ""ii: l4M16f - Pi> •• llO -CM. mi>tantn<edc<l, """,,.,, ~ n-lllC Cl'f 11•11 •m...-N-Beach Kohler ........ -AKC • Wks. °"""'""''BOIITON';:.:;,;;;.;~WHA=u:=R.~"'ia"'1'"°'1 Foro.llyPllot'w.i.lAcls ~~ • .-' llllOlllV~ .,.,.,,,,,, tcnn1"-dub,lm84S:38!J3 THEQUICKliJIYou&d: JI ..... ~, .. I willl «rRP-......: '1llol __ ~ """"•rrTO 'E!ll IVllllot-hl °'"'"'°"" 'Mlll:_QU!Oam"f"l1"JPil; ~·"'-~' _,. jUf."m..tlJI _ I l • • '· t I I l ) " ' ~-----------------_..·---...... -· -. -.. blll.Y l'ILOT W-, July:!. 1969 Wtdnt1d•1, Ju~ 2, 1969 PllOT·ADVERTISER JO ;~~~~;!!~C"j!J~~PO_!T!iA~T'.!!IO~N~::i~TRA~NSPORTATJON TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION · TRANSPORTATION ~A_!!!PORTATloN TllNSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION 8ool·Yodtl Troller, Travel 942' Imported A-9600 Imported Autos ttOO lmportecl Aulot -Imported Autot 9600 Imported Aulo1 HOO Autoa Wonted ~00. Auto L1uln9 9110 0..-. '°" ~~..,;.~ DATSUN POllSCHE . VOWWA~EH . BLUEWATE!t O<Al!TERS ·&414157 '"DATSUN' . PORSCllE Modtl.356.B-1!111 '65 vw BUS VOLKSWAGEN LOYE BUG VOLVO VOLVO WE PAY •• ,. CASH LEASE· RENT ALL POPU~AR MAKES 'FORD U I>riYe Sall or Power '68 MALLARD ~ 19\i', Bia tedaJt 96 hp, OYttbtad, s. 1't IOld lnJ':; Mlatcon. , heater, wrw Um. I.Jc, ' Sldppend locel sport filhln&: alf conWned; hitch; like wn, automatic, dlr, radio, dJ~ Ma~~ cood No. NQC 758. lllri>or enilses 2' hn · new, 12.875. 64>-0145 heAlu . w/w tlm, loodedt ~I °""!'· $J 59' '68 VW .san, lovtngbl cared for. 96n:oof, R&tl, &bod Ur- "· $!200. fl'-!07• Best D11l1 Aro At tor Ut<d ""' • -Jud AUTHORIZED DEAN ·L·EWIS .6i0m Ciimom . \~~~1E": '&I VW StaUon wagon. 646-ac:m 3200 mllet, undf:r.taet war--1964 POiiSCiiE C ~. new ~ * nnest SelecUon. Power & Trucks 9500 ranty, Bal to fine. $18116. ..... ..1 .... 1 clu~ 4 wbl diiC &11. SklpJltt optkma.l. l-"'or Take $125 ~;:tell or old-""• .. -A ~,._n~tl ,.1 ~~~t~a;.iea~-. ~nc:e.r~.YHW146 -'Call. =·= '";~~ .. ~ ·. d Variant 1500 S. $900. sa..JJ.76 1968 ~bot. C.M. 646-9303 . • Get Our Compelltl~ Rates !5SU ~ m:tD>lii"W"""' ·~-= ':~ ' . w .i;t 1~F0° R. 'o F11hlnv 11ooi. .9040 KuSTOM MOTOns ORANGE couNTY'S ·si 1oio "S" :l:e. =•· ' ~OP $110 Or~ ' otter. * .... _.,i _ _, n-m KUllNS' f ~ ""Kl"~ """ """'°' Bl"". I 1961 VW W/&unroof • l600 ' ' , 845 Baker. CM ' W5915 · NO. 1 Xtra1 '66 9U Coupe "S" At-A. Fqll~ or tra.cle 38 Hig-Thia weeknd SAVE 18Xt on DAl'SUN DEALER cess, Xt"'f '68 ~U "~' W .. ~ tlahlng boat. 6 cyl grey ~Y •69 * T Travel-all, Coupe. Xtru, lo mL Must , "\ r6arine <Ile.el $-i500 or trade scrilll t». 313207H902.Slt \Ve DOT DATSUN Sell! Make Otftt. &t2-<l!l8 tor land w/cabln. < 21.1) have a complete selection of 18835 Beach Blvd. '63 PORSCHE Coupe 1600 S. • ~ Ext, 66 or 61 4(4-9014 tJvck1. IiWllin&Lon Beach Special paint, b1.k lnt. Cbrm ' .191o"lfARBOJt. BLVD, Aircraft 9100 $1000 Gtves you 1/3 Int. In dean. low-time Cessna lT.I at O.C. Alrpt. call 837-2'100 W\aia., s:J&...1728 ~L Vi!-DEAL! M2-i181 or 54().-0442 llhls. Radle. lmmac. Mutt COsrA MESA . -ECONOMY( RELIABD..ITY see to apprec. Best offer. '64 vw. lic"PGH 59'1 $8!5 '66 DATSUN Vi TON m Datsun Wagon, Show 615-0038 '68 green vw WQD112 $1589 usl ri"worked ~. Xlnt ·room cond. 28 P.IPG, 31,(8) l9liS PORSCHE C Coupe, Both in ter.rttJc cond! cond!Uon. Local car, 4 epd, actual ml. New car v.v-whire, am/tm rad l o, KUSl'OM MCYI'ORS dlr, $75 cash dela. Take JoW ranty. Take small trade. chrome wheels, $ l S O 0 . ~ Baker SL pymnts. $38.86 mo. ~ · Orie-owner, Sllll5. JOl'd&.a 871-3440 ·A ~ after 6 CM. 5IJ...5915 -••le u---· 9200 Call Ken 49'-8TT3 or 560034 673-2430 p.m. l;~=~C..C.-~-~----I·======== '64 VW Bus. Deluxe model SllgbUy damaiedfcbeap. ceptly nice camper, am ml. 84&-9518 m.0'126 ilfter 5:30 PM '66 .BOO"f, '58 'engine, $4.50 gd. traNJ. tu118 w e 11 • 6'7&-6141 da,ya 6$-35ll evee '66 vw suru-oot llOO ro Run1 sreat. New-paint job. $1015. ~ ' · •.'67 BUG'* 1500 Dtl..u.'U, all acciess. Sl.C'l5. 67s.-3524 ' 1959 VW Va.n, wndws $525 ot be11t otter. Abo '66 Sbe!by GT 350, Sac! 838=-9214 VOLVO * SHELLS * ooi DATSUN Pickup w/ox· SUBARU ...,...1. XLNT cord. JlZl5. 839-UOO $1!00. 548-ffi93 aft 3: 30. ---,=61-vw=---· '"" OOOCE Van, b;g ~ ENGLISH FO. RD Subaru of cant. -. VOLVO . BUYS Antl3u•, Clou)ca 9615 MODEL 'I' Ford, coupe body, feodeni &. aome parlll. nz. 784 •NewtO!! W19'. Costa Mesa. lil-2 weekdays A!lloo ill1nted • 9700 CONFIDENTIALLY ·We J>Q' More For F~lltn Or Sports Carn PAID FOR'OR. NOT B. ;J. SPORTSCAR CENTER 2833 ·Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 54M491 MOBILE HOME $10,00q -OR - $35,0QO RJH, '""'· Xln• "°""· lnc:.-Retail Div. .......,. '67 122 $l72S. _,.., .. -1.;;:;;;;;;;,;;;;;;. $l2'7 p(tE ... vw ll<Ju&\"bock x.. ExL".':..:,1~:~. wm Bur ~s Ton Ford PU, '58 6 cyt. ORANGE .COUNTY'S .&®Cl CQIXtltton.: c:1ean cn4> "a. ...... l' $425 or best oUtt. MZ-5200 VOLUME ENGLISH ~ :. ~~~~: 494:-],sij .., . 1 '67 144 • • YoUr Volkswa&en or Pnrache eves: 548-45&1 FORD nEAlER V\V • door. Uc. No. UVA333 Ir pay top doll&n. Paid tot '67 TOYOTA PICKUP SALES;SERVICE ; 10C()\v:~~m1:;"N.B.' ~6867S$83 A=~ng~ ~ or not. Call~. ,Ph i 4 3~·4~w;r*J975. '69 MODELS.' 645.0050 * 5'10-2733 $1650. R/H, tape deck. ''5 PllOO v•~ Come-ln today and see lux· Irnmedlite 4'1!llvuy ========lliivwWi•62iii,:<&<>Od;;;;;;;cond;;;;i:-;_ ..,;;;;;,-;;0utt.;er Sport Cbu0t: u~. 'No PBrn! WE PA"'f'TOP ury living at d,own .. to earth 9510 LARG.E SEI.:i:c;n:ON TOYOTA takes. New tires, recent Volw'i tlne11t DOLl,:AR prices-. Especially now dur-J.-ps: Theodor. " ;;~-;--;-:-;:--;;~;;II~-~~"'!:.· ~5.16-8338~~_.:,,· _ '63 PllOO for &odd, clean uaed can. ~ 0"' '1'""""' ..i. °" * 1967 BRONC.0 * ROBINS FORD Brt T MAXEY '60 vw cam!:, w/'67 '"'· Sport eou,.. Lk. No IZW48l an ~.!'~:_SeeRobGeorgl r' ~Y all dllplay modeb-they'ie · _.._, IA(L ~ . ~. _ _ .......d _ _. ........._ ._ ......,t. ~Looks lllo! new. •1~..: ns D•u. ~~ lo ••• 1 lmm~IA'·I•. Wagon Hardtop, red &: wwt!'. 2080 Harbor mvd. a-. u.t.., PQ. a """ """'" u._.__ BI··• 1"'''"" llCI ..... ... " I ............ ' I ..,..,. .caiih. 67S-.s982 #57 544 1 Door """"' n&l""'" vu, Parks available In all areu ~ wheel drive w wo;,......., Costa Mesa 642-0'JIO ITlnlVIQITIA ~"""' C.Pr.f 642.oolD Boy .Harbor hutfs, radK>, beater, reatl°!:~~~~~~~ IVI I ~ ,63 Voiks. good condition Lie .. No, FXP351. Lots of ·:.,...,,....RTSt w··~ ".' $1""" ...... "nco 1: ....,,, ...._. u eood1es .u>LrV ... """'-.. Mobile Hom. e Salt1 · oo.i. 0 '""""'°" 18181'8EACH JILVD · ..,,..., <It uc.< ouer . n-A.. ~ HOUSE! .• -=~_,_,....,,..,..,,,.,....-Costa Mrso 642-00J.!l WE PAY CASH ., LEASE ., FOR. YOUR CAR 1969 Cad ""' •• YIU. • ..,, • wiod, 6-way st l dr locks. •• c· o· NNELL -"'' '" wbl, "1' """'· •I" ray glus, AM/FM, w/slft. L.se SJ,.65 mo. CHE.VR()l.ET SOUTH COAST ; 2128 IIarlio. Blvd CAR LEASIN<' -°""=;;..c.M;..."';;._;;.MG-;;.1'00'--'-300 W. C&t Hwy, NB G&5-2ll2 "N'-•w....;C..;.o;..;r1 ____ 9_aoo_ Used Cars • • BRAND NEW '69 CUTLASS F.a5 SPTS. CPE. Deluxe belts front & rear, padded dash, fully tactoey equipped. '.' .mJ~ ' 'flus Tax & Lie. &rial No. 331 Tl9Zll6351 University . Oldsmobile BUICK '67 E.LECI'RA custqrn 2 Dl\ JIT. Pis, P/b, auto. >Jr. clec wndws, landau top,~~! int. AM/PM stereo, new. tlres, new shocka, xlnt $2850. 549-1969 'SS Buick. Runs perl. IMl dentll, new tires. SI.25 604 Cl ubhouse Ave. NB after 5 '65 RIVIERA. all equip .• very clean. Nd!! body Mi<, $2100/best. 642-8584 NOW'!o THE 1425 Baker St. '58 Jeep, mlltry, Q,evy pow-l ___ F_E_R_RA __ RI___ Hunt Beach 147-8555 .• 54&-6590 * DES.Ad NDealL• AErow·AllS TQ'p'6e, JJU)'ER ~block Eut of Rarbor Blvd. er, loaded. Show&. &o. Must FERRARI . J mtN:hr Coast Hwy. on Bc;b VW '65 Bug $1100 Bn.L MAXEY TOYOIA on Baker see. S'l195. 673-34<8. SWroot. R/B. Prv party Ul881 an.ch mvd. 2850 Harbor Costa Mesa Colta ?.lesa {n41 ~!M70 9520 N: ~r. cial>' '!·U: TOYOTA SJ6.S162 or 644-4lfn1 1968 Harbor, C.M. 64&.930.l R. Beach. Pb. M'T-as:fi 54~9640 T,!ME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH~ DAIL y· PILOT . WANT .AD GREENLEAF PARK C!!!!JI!" l"'1 dwu. in ~.,__clean, COO!. a.ta FAMILY FUN CAR: VW SALES-SERVICE-PARTS H£ADQ!J~ 9IOONew Cars ' Mesa. Nl!W 9'l apace adull Camper. German -built 3100 W. Cout Hwy. " ELMORE 9800 IJ)lri<. Modela I' Sales ofOce Westphalia, 1967. Vacation Newport Beach · loeat!d at Park. Open 9 AM without any motel I-little ~9:5 rlud MG ~!r™ 15300 Beach Blvd. \Vstmnstr. to 6 PM. ga.s costs. Great !IOund car I =;";:0:======= ACCENT MOBILE for Wife .I: .kids. Sleeps 4·5. FIAT · Phone $3l22 . HOME SALES Stereo deck with 4. speakers. [TIOIYIQITiAJ 1750 Whittier A~. Independent tent · with lug· --------'Cl Costa Mesa TI4: 642-1350 gage rack, llke new. Pop up '67 F!AT 850 •part coupe Best O.ali Are At DELUXE double wide, tm· top with screens. Jalousie Xlnt cond. BrU. racU!g ·• •· S 78 •DA" v.'indows with acreens. Full green. Tan interior. Chrome DEAN LEWIS _1Jl.__, PQ!SC~Nf!., p, 1 J.O'W wheels Aft 6 66-1049 -Monrovia Ave., C. M.; curtains. 1lOV outlet. Ofily . · · · eves/wkndl. 26,0CIO ml VW aerviced. HI 1966 Huboc CM. ..._~, eeoutifw "''"• •·out! u 'IAl\MANN G A · . ,_ 2T LAKEWOOD. si .. ,. '· you can find . new 0"" it'll --------1968 TOYOTA aimp tum. Uke new. low · 7 Gh( OOlit living $12'15. 642-2098 cost $4100. You can own this '6 a Hardtop Coupe LOTS '""" with our ,,.,. ::~1;,,i: ,:i~usso . COUPE. $1695.00 mobile homes, turn I un-I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 4 speed tran!mlsslon, radio, Lie. No. \VIFS?I 894-3320 Dlr tum. 536-2731 • 536-ll500. CA. MPER ...,,,,., '" """'"'°"1""· "LIKE NEW" 'BR. 'BA mo;bl• """'· 41· SolH • Rontols ·$2099 '63 TOYOTA Automatic, Ra· dlo. be.ocb seat. $1600. 83'1~181L apace near oeean. Authormd Deall!r ... 2398. ~ Mr5,~~~J."'e;.,,'. ;~T~.~~ ..... 7.. c~,· ~-·o~ Mini Bikts 9275 "1 '611 Toyota Corona. 2 dr !IT,' .. IJ(I, top comtltlon! ·Eves 642-7353 aft e TRll1MP.ll .GJJ~!A'! • .,, Wire whls, Coupe. $2450 or m&ke ofl'. f99.m9 VOLKSWAGEN HONDA Scrambler 90. Xlnt. I ,.!;pm:;:·~=~~-~­cond. MU!t see to believe. '68 DODG~ custom $225. 536-9641 aft 5 PM. Sportsman Van Fam 11 y •--blc \Vagon. Camper equip in-''7 SUZUKI X-6 """"'" r. dud. alr. Save $1500 . 'FIP Excellent cond. J359. 6U Kl11g1: Pl. Newport~ S36t')t 644--0477 '66 HONDA Scrambler 250 cc *'PAM'-TOPS '* · SM-~~~:---~ perfect~ $325. '65 Honda S t" steel &hells. Salee: .I: ren-' • OPP SUND 00, $150. 545-7978 . ~· Sl49 up. Buy l.actDI')' 67 %11 SON Loaded. 22,000 I ==~~==A~Y~- direct. 1010 So. Harbor, SA. mil ... nCM. '55 VW GD RUNNING COND '69 HONDA CB 160, 650 mi, 2 _...... \ $300. mos old. S45D helmet in-CA1.IPER • tits 8' bed Just 6'53927 aft s. d uded. 642--7041 the right height. $225. * ===-===== 1,~=,...;. ..... ;.;.c""'"'---- 495-5758 MG . '63 vw. perfect interior. Auto Services CAMPER. ~ cab over, Ne@ds trana. l'l!pair. S550 or & P•rts 9400 butane, refrlg, stove, slsp 3-MG beat offer. 96&-4383 FV t --------5. $600. 646-1234 Sales, Service, Parts '64 VW Gla!s fe~rs. mags. 3 SPOKE Wheel coven 14"' lD' Galax1e Camper lhl!!1 w/ lmm@dlate Dellvery, Custom paint job. $800 $1(). 1 Chevy Racing cam, boat rack~ 1S 'Valeo, 9~ hp All Modell * 673-93.52 IOllds & posl • locks. AU Johnson motor 548-aM '63 VW new clutch, gd. coDd. vccell!'nl. Be~t oUer. 4 6 .. x $740. 14" Chevy steel rims $12. Camper Rentel1 9522 540-6089 1142-1'62 ~.~~--~~~ * EXPLORER * :,;,: xwr~ ,_T_r_•l.cl•...;'';...T_,_._ •• _1 __ 9_4_2_5 k th Lu:ruri-~· PRICED ro SEU.' 1~ By wee or mon · . 3100 w. Coast Hwy., N.B. · '65 TERRY 1sn· aelf con-ous. Sleeps 6, Self contain-~ · 541).l764 vw tinted windws. ~bit taJned • .-. s p 0 I I e s L ed. LimJted number, Call Authcriled MG DeeJer motor, new_ trs .. MW upt!ol SO..'l4U. Ex~. today. Must see $U50 675-1197 1963 22'. Fully sc, spotless LEISURE RENTALS '62 M.G. Midget. black vw •51 ColfV. Needs aome int. All extru. $ 2 0 0 0. 714) 642-6611 (n4) 8.Tl-3809 wired lnl r/h, great cond. work.. Berl offer. Ideal for 6'12-.!0l'l , ' 549-1758, aft. 4 p.m. dune buggy. 675-2531! Dune Bugg1M 9525 MOTOR HOMES 921$ HEADQUARTERS ' FOR MOTORHOMES OPEL DUNE Bugy Shaw Sde.1-------- Bodles from $149. CbasSis '66 OPEL Wagon, 11,000 ml. '64 VW. Sunroot Radio. Rear windo'ws <lpen. s951J. * 5'6-1375 * lrom $249. La Pu Dune Exceptional o:>nd. Must sell rr·s A REVELATION the Buggy SUpermomt. 3623 by wlmd. 968-1797 ....,. -yoo find "' \V. Warner, SA. 54&-4045 CHARGE your want ad M;, Oass1fied Adi. Cleek them OPEN S.9 wkdys, t-6 Sat &. Find it with a want ad! now! SUn 1==========================- Imported A_utot ____ _ TAKE UP Pym.ta. on 1967 Oatsln 1tatlon WllOD ... 4. new tl~s. auto. trans. pymls. $64. 72, have 18 nm. Imported Autoa 9600!mport.d Autos 9600 TtMPTEI> IY a~arn~ remalnlng. • 549-ltll6 ~!""'-... 69 ' KA\VASAKI Sidewinder SEE DEAN LEWIS TODA YI '89 TOYOTA ...,.. $1190 Zil. $100. Call Da.n at 673-37'0 AUSTIN HEALEY COU.ECTOR 'S 'Ri A . H . 100-4 ()yff' dr. wires. lop, .,.... >a.NT, body ..... too ama.Jt tor me M ~nn 1960 AUSTIN-Healey 30XI. V~ry clean $900. ~ aft. g p.m. "iiOi:•oiOIF•:--.J·--:]JAlSU , ' • '61 DATSUN STATION WAGON LorMled, auto, ~l'hetd cam, c11t, cn.c bnlreJ .. sm cash oklt or talle Ind<. LB WBJ. lilt. Call Vic. 546<J634, e llG SAVlNGS e , EXECllTIVE CAR SAU NOWI 'ff TOYOTA tlllDYOI' ........ ---•••• $2089 '69 VOLVO SIDAll, lwt-ttc .•.•.• -•... $297S - NIW TOYOTA Mt.•K II NOW ON DISPLAY WI -YOUI TUJll.lll FOtt OUI WGI usm W JllPT. DEANLEWI ~ C.. Toyot•Voho INtJln. -7 • ...,., 1966 HlllOtl IOULIVAllD, COSTA MESA fl CHE( . TH US BEFORE YOU BUY • .;~IL Better Prices An~here ! $3695 . ' ' BRAND NEW '69 BUICK Fully equipped including VB, power sfffring. . . 43377'2112541' BRAND NEW 19,69 .SKYLARK ---,.,-,.. ,,_,, ~ · ~fory -air conditioned Custom coupe, .m utom.mtic tr.mnsmi11ion, f)'CWer steering; power br.mkes, tinted gl•11, r•dlo & he•l•r. 444-l79ZI099b4 , s2·a7 ·7· PULL .IMMEDtl\TE I . ·· PRICE DEUVER"i ~~-------~ BIG, BIG, BIG .! DEMONSTRATOR SALE -_ 25 TO CHOOSE FROl't\-ALL MARKED WAY DOWN! 169 WILDCAT '69 ELECTRA 169 SKYLARK . 169 RIV.ERA Cu1torn 4 dr. fl•rdtop. A11to. tr•n1, P"'' 1t11r, pwr .. r1k11, f•cforv •Jr, tinl1d 91•11. 464'4199CIOOl21. Cu1torn cp•, Auto. tr•n1,. AM/FM Cuilolll lt•rdtop. Auto. fr•ni., f•c- r1dio, ,,w r 1t.1r, pwr br1k ... 1, pwr I tonv 'liir, pwr ifee r, pwr br•k•1, wl~oW'I, f1ctorv 1ir, tintfd 91.11, tinl•d 91111. 444 J79ZI00401. C111lorn li•rdlop. F1clory 1ir, pwr 1!11r, pwt br1ke1, pwr windaw1, ...uto lt1n1, 1!1r..,o. 494179H92619. 414579H14J711i. MANY .MORE! MANY MORE! MANY MORE! MANY MORE! AT SAVINGS YOU MUST SEE TO BELiEVE!! Cu.tom 4 dr li1rdtop. full pow.,., f1ctory •it co llfl. FOY 071 $2995 $995 S1995 OUR OPEL PRICES START AT $1m $1995 S1495 '61 CADILLAC Seti . 01Vllle. F11l1 power f•cl. 1it. tHXS 7411 S795 CLOSfD JULY 4TH OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY " '67 CAMARO Spe~i ..,I, ·111to tr1n1, ,1• F•~lory, 1111r', condiflon·. cf 1 h 1 TRK 155 inq, 1ulo h 1n1. pow•r '0 ' ~·It. · t1 ... 1rin9, low 111il••9..,. $1495 S2295 '63 IUICK l 1 S1b11. F1ct •ir co". pow•r tt...,r I br1•••· IHYM 4111 $995 '69 ELECTRA Cu1!0111 H•rdiop (l) Both f11ll pow1r l f,,. · lorv •it. vwi.: 107 end YPT <146 SAVE$$ $ JAGUARS LARGE SELECTION NEW · USEO Complete Salt1 and Servi~ Dep1rtment • '.< ' "'· • '.f • \. ( • 1 , %1 "lOT-ADVOTISER Wed""411, Ju~ 2, 1969 TRANSJSOll'l'fAl'nol'll'!llRr-----. -:, ....... ~.o;,,,...,:,,=-:,;.;llA"=llsl'OltT ATION fltANSPORT A TION Wed""611, Ju~ 211'169 OAllV PflOT (I! ·--·--·-----·-----.. ---··· ""'-""-'-TRANSPORT~Oii rliANS!'_ORfATIOli_:!E'NSPORTATIOfil ~ Ntw Can 9800New C•ra tlOONew C.rt 9100 9800New c_.. 9100N•w Ctn 9800New Cirt 9800 - • "· (~ • • , I 1 4'' ·: ·~ ..... __ .. • CADILLAC NINETEEN · ·SIXTY-NINE . . • •· ). • 1968 CHRYSLER · 9 passenger Town &: Country wagon. ?.1alze yellow with saddle vinyl trim. Full power, air cond!Uoniftl', luggage· rack, tilt steerina whed, low mileage. ( VTP971 I _Jf67 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille. Phantom blue .... i tb blut le&tber interior. Full Power equipment plw factoey air condJUonine. One owner. (UJA357) 1968 CADILLAC Sedan DeVllli!, Jl'ull power and factory air Cbndltlonlnl. padded roor, won·der1 bar radio, loW mileage. (88279274) 1961 CADILLAC Fleetwood Brougham. Blaek with giJver brp- cadc interior. Full power pl~actory air con· <litionlni: All op1-ions. lR'IT056l 1964~RIV-llRA. · Po\vder blue ~·Ith matching vinyl bucket . seats. Full power and factor)' a.Ir condition- lng, many extras. cllGT856> 1966 CADILLAC Cour DtVille. GrJclan sold with matehina clot and leather Interior. Full power, f&Clory 11ir, Hit and telescopic wheel, Vorue 'tfru. (SBC9841 • ON DISPLAY AND READY FOR .DELIVERY TODAY! SALE s4222 • SAVE SALE $3888 PRICE SALE $4888 PRICE • SALE $2333 PRICE SALE '1·555 PRICE SALE ~$2777 • PRICE • 1969 COUPE DE VILLE -LOW MILEAGE 1gfc. DEMO Full poy,•cr and 6.ctory air conditioning, Al\1-FM radio, power door Jocks, power tvunk opener, All leather interior and pndded top. (J9104235) OVER 80 QUALITY .. AUTOMOBILES . . • SALE PRICE 1967 FIRlllRD Pontiac. Ember red with red custom interior. Radio, neat.er, white aide wall tlrH, Sprint package. CVHE799) -:-TO SELE~T FROM1--r--.'967 CADl"'tAC • ca!als hardtop sedan. r:un power and factory air condJUOfllnK1 tllt . and telescopic steering wheel, many othtr oPUohl. (W(jg(p9J 1963 EL DORADO BIARRITZ. Frolt red with white. leather ln~ tertor. Bucket aeata, full power and factory air condltionini. (NYJ'903) 1967 IL DORADO Leather Interior, padd@d top, full power, fa.c- tory alr, tllt-1,tlescoplc wheel, power door locks, stereo AM-nf, every fa.ctory option. . iWXN646) ~ 1963 CADILLAC -Coupe~ V8, automaUc traruimlaslon, radJo and hcatec, power steerlng and brakes, factory air conditlonln&'. White wJth blue cloth int.erior, (PEP341) • SALE $2222 PRICE SALE $4S-S-s- PRICE PRIC! -----------SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN----~-----"---- sALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUnDA Y, JUL y 8, 1968 l 8:30 -AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY .. · ·-·-. ---· ., Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange C9ast Harbor Area \' ·-: NA .BERS· 2600 Harbor B.lvd., Costa . Mesa .. '540-9100 u .. d ca;UICk 9900 u...i ~~OLET 990I! UMd ~~;'YSLER 9900 Used ~~RYAIR 9900 Used C•;ORD 9900 u .. d :~CURY 9900 u-;.~~~OUT;oo UMd :~"tmic '"°' ::-:~w: 1'63 BUICK La Sabre 2 DR. '64 CHEVY tmpola .v... '68 CHRYSLfR 1000 COHVAIR, R/H, auoo '66 Country Squire '64 MERCURY •ti 'PLVU!llml 'A ,_,,_ ; ·![~""~,fl.: Sedan, good condition. Very auto, dlr, Loaded, eni reblt, lraru!, needs work. Make of-Loaded. Factory air, Xl.NT CQ"ONY PARK 19 ll"l"'f'lll v.nl•A.. • ..,, ... · 5 · cheap. 546-2lM ::!1gn~in ~e. T~ T0wn & Country W agon fer. * 673-~ ;.~ m~!~· 0:~~:~~:: 9 passe:er wftfOn, full""' .-. , ,U~·Jll C ... UM .W• -·,""';_It Im- CADILLAC nnc prvt prty. ~ 156 call 9 PM'K'~··cr, vs. aulomatic, DODGE Horn?y be1&e cx1erlor. match-er with a ir. • · J ~ )iliili~ '' Ive li...~t .• 1~. IU~ , . li•ili' , Bill 494-9773 ~ radio r ·.·er steering, pow-ing Interior. New tires. $175 f1"9 1 .dli' "'~· ttf.J. =-~·~-; 9*1! IAU. • '63 SEDAN DeVUle, full pwr, 1967 JOO DELUXE 251) 6 .. cyl, .·~~_!>SraC::'t· IZmlmaculale. (CE-1968 OIARGER RT 440. dcls, Will hnc pri pty, LB * MJtillt ,._ -• . ) . hl4e U (~,~)· - iiir, leather, Jo~/M $1095. air, ¥1/.1/w, under' 20.000 ....u Yellow w/ blk vnyl lop. TAY 279. 494-9773 .-;;;--1!'("!! 1 ' er, w '"'~ •• ••.-,. CAii ""'"' ml, !0,000 ml warranty. $3495 Low ml. Pnv pdy. 63Hl5.5 :SS FORD Wagoo, v.s.. 0.-., '. uusTkNG SJJ I :. -$3295.. BI"' 548-6713 ORAFTED-t.1ust sell '6 4 auto, r/h. "' , i . , '6\ '• CHEVROLET CHEVY '!8 lmpola. 2 °'· ATLAS ::•:ae~~\:.i'i°::'&.1:' ., $150. ~ <13-1!1!1 '!! MUl!TA!i(i, blue, 6 eyt, "~ .. ATLAS • '. I TLAS . RolfT R/H ...... air. P/b, P/" LINCOLN ,,h, ''" p/b, ll,OQI m\lr§, ' " . . (>6 CHEV 32'1•ng.17,000 mL Pnv P"Y IRYSLER -PLYMOUTH .... cond. 11'50. ~9,24N ~¥fifll,m'JLTMQll11! CHRYSLER -PLTifOUT!I ~ . ,68 SI:. CAPRIC• 12700. S49-2623, 646-1008 ""HARBOR BLVD. FORD '62 LINC.°'"""""""· black '65 MUSTANG • ~· 289. :;.,~MESA •Li!1134 co:'!~·~ .. -~ eM'". ~ '63 CHEVY, 4 dr. dlr, 6 eyl )SJ'A MESA 546--1934 w/black Inter Clean $995 Excel rond. Low mllea,p. "''"' , , ~ ~ .._.- VB. automatic. factory air, xlnt cond. $75. CMb del· 0ptn Dally 'Ill 10 p.m._ '63 XL hardtoa dJ:. fact air new e n i 1 n ~. mechanic'• t+uQ. 5'34458 Eve 1 . ___£pen Dally ttl 10 P~ Open Dlll1 'tU 10 p.m. 1 . pow" "'""pow"....... ~~ ~· HAK 804 " '66 CHRYS'ER 300 ':::::'· ~:O"'.'o.!9,,, "'~"'.:!. '"· '42-383S MGM!i · · · 'U PLYMOUTH '68 Flreblrd ""f ' poWer windows, tadio, hca 'L tak~ 1';, pyrnnta. ATB 1798 1967 ~INCOLN, ~an. 28,000 ~ MUSflWG 8· eyl, sUdc: ' VI Qine, automatic tran> ~ .d:JI' .. er, vinyl top. SBN m '68 NOVA °"'vy II. XLNT Door Hardtop. vs; auto-call ~n 494-9773 mile". Loaded, air, etc. &hilt. White 2/ blk int. Xlnt Station W1oon m1•.lon, alt condlUonil!g, $1695 :~. ~~~r~u! nat~. radio, heater, power ,65 FORD Cortina sta ...,111, 4 1'-1ust aell fa.at. 673-5180 eond. &73--0'lll ~..a,, automatic, rad[o 6. hc~t-pcri.w p '*"'-• n.d!o, heat· '41-6023 h nng, power brakes. fa c-• . dlr extra clean rebll . r:r. (OOT 911,1 . er. 11PtclaJ tile. • l bockl. 1 _______ _ ""' All-AS '!;.,.,°i~1= '."""" ;: c~~:Uoning, vU..I :;:::ew~>i~· NGR MERCURY OLDSMOBILE ' .$895 Lie. No. $2597 . T-81RD CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH "' CHEVROIEI' $1995 '60 FORD GAi-. ,... ba4-'68 MERCURY '66 Olds 442· ATLAS Best Duis Are Al CLASSIC '51 T-BIRD .,,.,. 2929 HARBOR llLVO. 6 cyl. 3 1p, SUO tery, rlh. '69 We. nteda Ut· SPORT COUPE. DEAN LEWIS vertible. f\DOO ot but otter. ~A ll{E&\ M&-1.934 LI 8-Qfi ATLAS tle work. $7S. 6.184'.635 COUGAR 4 speed, po~-er 1teer1.ng, rl• amYSLER -PLYMOUTH pv. pt» ~l Open Daily 'Ul lO p.in. •sg1 EL CAMINO, 3 1peed, '62 FORD Galuie XL V8, automatic, radio. h.?ater, dlo, heater, Uc. No RR2S73 2929 HARBOR BLVU lil66 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 1965 T mRD Full Pl'J', .tr ''4 Chevy MallbU flberglal bed eowr, rdce atRYrt .ER. -PLYMOUTH ~. P /S, PfW, new factory air, J)Oft1'.1teerinc, $1497 t'OSTA MESA *'-J.93.f cood, Xlnt "cond. Pri ply. 2 Door •tardtoP. owned ~ condition. 540-861.6 • HAMOR BLVD. Urn, cood top, $ S 9 5 • power brt.ke' while wail.11 Be t O I Ar At Open Daily 'tU 10 p.m. '88 GRAND Prix lactory a. _Call=co=lllU=ll6=-. _,.,,,-._,.,..,.1 little 'ole lady ln l..&lttna .COS'J'A MESA ~1934 83CMJ5ll IQw, 1i ml'M. (WFI..026) 1 ea 9 I ec CV. 8000 ml, PIS. air .i96'f T-BlRD, ;yelklW, bladl; Beach. Llgho bl"' •xL, CHRYS. L£R °""'nan, ill 10 p.nt ""roan, nr,,....,, --$2595 ·. DEAN LEWIS ·119 PJ,mouU. Roadninne1-, "°""· ~ """"' ndlo .. Lancl-2 "'· loaded, "'' " . matchlnc ·bl.oe int .. all or-• : . conc1. $319 or be3t oiler· • -copper w/m..tclUrc vtnyl elec wlndowJ. Rally ll whla, cond. $.3100. Mf...1700 ext~ •. """ _ 1a:1na1 s-1~ cu1L4cls, wW . ._ 645.0730 AJlA 1966 Harbor, _C.M, 646-&303 top. Neai: new con d . Ute blue, drk blue Cordova ,., T Bl"D L d 1lnc priv pr\)', UiSH>Jir ~krfr ' ---Reuonably priced. &U-.o2S6 top. sen. &4~ vu • ·~ • an • a. Call Vi su.o63C nU xlnt oond. Priced ba1ow ,64 CONVERT Pwt -61 FORD Wag. Full Power 'Ga'UWS 442, f .-.1' e e lb , c · ' _,, .....,1.1...., • '"'"' ve. Mech. OK. New tirea rt?r;; wholesa1e plus 5 9'.. Will THF ~"" .. ~.....-~ •-CAT""''A hrd V "*" m,rm * -1S63 OIEV'i Bel Ali'. vciry• book -to 81!.U. v•<r.,..,... ry clean, must 1ellt $7Z ar Ms::d ... ~-CIIRYSLER ~ PLYlfOtn'H fl~ part.~ "I"''' ,,L.>Tr.n. ou:.aa-on -w IU.>ll, top, en-·~=~====~I clean Army wa.nta -me 1982 amYSl.ER Newpattq beat otter &37o418CI. . 29'29 HARBOR BLVD, ---z --------Clanlfltd'a action power. tura trim, auto, PIS. RAH. T-BtRD ,HARDTOP 19Sl ml1Bt ' tell. Recent moua! S300. Eng~ lt'IOd:-See 1.t ... THE QUICKER YOU ·CAL!., COSTA ME~A • !We-is3f ·1959 OLDS 88 • Fo:i an ad lo tell around Landau toR. l.oOWner, lo ml Black wltb rid p ....... ICIO.' 147---~ Balboe lei. Whl4e ,El-I THE QJJICKER YOU SEI;i. ()pen Dally 'Ill'~ p.m. SUS. . A(ler 5 p,., SjS.1291 tho cloclo, dial NU61t • lmmac. ~· Kl ... • -• • ' I I I •-:...A--a ' • • ' l , • • ' • • • • • • • • l • • • l < • • • • • ' . . -. -. -. • . • • • ·: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I .I I ' .. • .-. ~ • ) . . . . ' • • . / • I --.. I •• ... J ·' • , ) • -DAll.Y PILOT .,, Mt 2, 1'69 • ., . '~ " '.. ~ "· . • I • ,. ' - ' . ' • • ' :fXECDTJVE .~ SA.QRI .. ,~ .-~-- Brand ·New 1969 ~xeculiv e· 3 seat shltion wii9on. Mayfair Maize )"ilh 9ofd J oferior;tijr\,-o· hydramiltlc: '4• trilnsmi,siqn: push button radio,. de1u ~~ -~~~t l?:elt,s, power steering, power brakH: _t1 ~ted . 9},!i.~s; power brakas, tintedl_gl1u.s, po\l(er w1nc;l9~~· ~IR..CO.!'IDI: TIONJNG, fronf floo.r mab., w~lt.~ s!d• walls, pciw~r ·:.,. tail.i}ate window, ( 156~6?CI ~8J·.76l • , ("' , .. ..:•: ' , , ,i• ~ .. 'f,.•'4158 ·?I "~'\. •: {·~ I • . ' • • ' ~ I j •, ' • ~ ~,,I ;• ... ,' ' ' o• I' , 1 ' • < ' 1:~-1 , ' ),I j • • ' • ' . • ;i.l'; •. '~ . • ~· t~ '.''.'J~.~\ .. •:I ' I •J .~.,'.;)· r., ' ., ". ' ,. ,. -. -. . ·BONNEVILLE Brand ·i-(e·,.;. I 969 Bonneville coupe • Limelight green with green interior, .>cor-cfova top, I u r b o hydramatic: --fran•mission,-push button radio, re• . mote outside mirror, deluxe belts, custom "wheel discs, dual exhausts, power steering, power disc brakes, tinted glass, .AIR CONDITIONING, front f!o.or mets , white side wall fire s. ITT23"79Cl 22052 I I s4347 -, ' ' FIREBIRD . ' Brand New '69 Firebird 400 H.T. Goupr=. .. Warwii:-lf bhre -witli'"wfllle ....... cordova top & blue interior. J~r, , . bo hydrematic:, stereo radio, ·re· -....... ·-·-··-----··---···-· .. mote out• id e mirror, Rally II wh ee ls, console, powe,r steering, power disc brakes, tinted glass, A I R CONDITIONING. Window sti cker price $4713.83. . f22337LI 13039) s3997 • • .. , ' ' • • • 'GRAND PRIX1 ' ' ' • . ---.I ·• • Bra rid .New I 969 Grand Pti~. Champagne exterior with gold knit vi.nyl interior, turbo hydramatic trans• mission , push butto.n radio; remote outside mirr~r, custom wheel discs, pow e r steering, lpower diic • brakes, tinted ,glass, p~wer windows, .A:IR ·CONDI. · TIONING, front floor l'(lats, white -side wall tires, c:ordov·a top. '(276579P27191 I) .. • SAFARI Brand New '69 leMans Safari __ .. Wagon._ Cameo ... iv.or.y .. w.i.th .... ~-·- 99ld interior, 350 VB, turbo hydramatic, push button ra· dio, deluxe be1ts, power steer .. ing power brakes, t i n t e d .. windsh ield, power tail gate window, AIR CONDITION· ING , WSW, rida and hand. ling package. (239369ZI 20783) .. '3980. • ,,.. ··- ' ., • .. ,I CUSTOM S. WAG~ Brand New '69 Custom S Wegon. Antique gold with matching inter· ior, ~epor group, 150 VS, tur.bo _ hydreme'tk, push button radio, · power stee-ring, tint~d-windsltield, power· teil gate w i n d o w, dual hinge teil gate, w h it e ·side wall tire•. ( 235359Z I 25959) I . . ·-·-.·-·· .. ··--··· • .. .. . .. • CATALINA STATION WAGON . Brand Now '69 Ca t a Ii n a ' , W a g .o it Champagne with gold interior. Decor group, ~~==;;=::;;==... -~-- ' . turbo nydramatic, push but· ton radio, de!UJ;e belts, pow .. er steering, tinted windshield, AIR CONDITIONING, H.D. sprinqs and shocks, front floor mats, WSW. l252369C 131400) s4277 • (PRICES ARE, OF COURSE, PLUS LICENSE AND T AXJ -· . ' • • . .,.,_ .. --.. ' . . . '· ""'. -~· it . .. ' I . ,.. 1 •• ~· : .... .,~. --t· . "J ' ' . .--·... ....~ \ .,. -~i.t,-."'. -·· '.s., . ... ' [J] ROY.·· . CARVER PONTIAC 2925 H~RBOR BL'1D·/ COSTA .fttE.SA . ~ ' -·~ .. ,_ ~" . .. . . . . ~ .. : . . . . ' . . . ' • • J " ~ ' ,. • ' '· ' • • " ' ' l •• '• .. .. • ' • - ( • l --~-------------~---------------...... ------------~~~