HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-03 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa1; !l I I • 11 . ,,1 I :~ I' u ' " I 11 I 7 . . t J ,J • I • • J ' ·- .. I .. • ... __ "" . .• ''l .• l:..J---nar~u,,er if{Ja1p_s~:-=='--... --l- 1 l. ;·~. • I{ i THURSQ~ Y'·~~NOOhl, ·JULY~ 3,.!'it6 VOL. U. Ho.ii&• ~ICT.lotl,L M PAtll' . • -- 65th lndependenee Day ParadeReadiedinBeach ' . . , • • ' _ WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Senate' Armed Services Commitl<e IUlllO!lnced today cuts of more than $2 billion from President Nixon's $20 billion request for military funm, with .all money for off'emive chemical and germ warfar.e deJevopment elimlnated entirely . Committee Olairman John C. Stennis, For the 65th time this century, Hunt· Inn, 21111 Pacific Coast Highway. (D-Mlss.~1 told newsmen that more than t.riglon Beach ·will throw open !ts doors Tbe lndependanee Day celebration, will hall of me slash came from research to thousands of visitors Qltlndependence -conclude at 9 ~.m.. with a . flreworks and ' Clevelopmept itelllS. r he display al the l!unlinl\on s... ch pier. S<1L Thomas· J. Mcintyre, (D-N.H.), Day and present· them· with one oft said-'eiriier that tfie entLre $16 ·million most colorful spectacles on the Orange ff "(; ff as~ by Defense Secretary Melvlp R. Coast -the annual Fourth of July Laird fur research and development' of offemive chenllcal and biological weap- Parade. . : of th Seven F=reworks . ..... was knocked ouL Bob Redman, parade $urman e ~ Tlle-imimntee llllllOWlC<lllet. came Huntington Beach Jayc_ees, the sponsor-as Nixon pledged in a statement at Key ing agents of the event, expects approx-Shows to L;ght Biscayne, ·Fla., that the United States · •·I 200 ooo to v1·ew the parade _ " would. ~rate in international efforts una1oe Y • ' to seek 1'1f.eliable arniS control'' in ~ nearly twice the current popul<!tion of M chemical and biological weapons field. Huntington Beach. County on '4th' (Related story, Page 4). • Floats, equestrians, decorated auto-Nixon's spent a~~nt!y was in mobiles, drill and marching units as Or c 1 ill lod · b · response ~o an appeal by U. N. Secretary ange oun y w exp e Ln nlllant General u Thant Wedriesday for ouUaw· well as several bands will begin their and multicolored 'lights at dusk on Ing chemical biologtcal warfare. two-and-a·hali hoof trek through down-Independence Day as seven · major For rele8l'Ch and deveiopinent of all towii -Huntin~n Beach at 11 a.m. at pyroteChnic displays w i 11 be lauDChed. kinds, Laird uked fOr fa,2. billion. The 11th and Main streets. Shaws within view or coast residenls in-committee allowed $7.I billion. Stennis The route will take them down Main elude: said the cut of more than $1 billion rep- Street. over to Slh Street,. a 1>9rtion of COSTA MESA -OrMlge Coast College ~-ed a . reduction of approximately Walnut Avenue, back onto Main Street, LeBard ·Stadium, fireworks show com-12.7 percenL . a ~ion of Pecan Avenue and most of plete Ith ·-~-•--1 7 30 Among items cut out ot the Pentagon w en""' """""en 1 : ...p.m.,. est La e Street. · tickets $1.75_ · requ were authorizatiw for the .. -. • -. • -~ .. .. ' ' i • • -- • • , .. I ' U11 ,..-,. ... ) -· -=· . ' . -----.~.~-~· . -., --- • ,. . . Gen. Abrams . ' . Savslleasorr ... . ~ .,1.,1 .;.iq.i... '"!.c.v-. ~ l:Jnexplained· SAIGON· (UPI) -·A spokeaman for Gen. Crelghjon vi; Abrams•. U~: Copt- mand· •aid todaf.he had no explanation for the current batUefield lull which dropped U.S. lossea last week to thclr Jowest polnt'slitce _early May, ' Field reports listed 148 Vlet Cong or North Vietnam ... killed ' Wednesday In • small ~nd scattered skirmi!bes from the northern war zone to the Mekong Delta. Allied 1ossea were desp"i~ u lighL . The l!IP.Qkesman ack:n<iwledged what he called a "very ~ level of activity" since the 'middle .of . laif week and said "I am convinced there is a 1 lull just .from ' tha rebr~~ actJqns ~ you have seen iu the ~-.•beets-. .. "But I don't know the_ reason for it jl:t how tong_Jt will last. u """ • .. .Accnrding. to thJ, .-1<1y-cuuatt1 release, 241 Gfs were .kllll'(f and l,Mt _were wounded last week, the lightest losses since the week endlng May JO when !Bf Americana died and 1,.121 1111· fered Wbunds. • South Vie.tnamese bead quarter 1 reported 448 of its men slain and 804: wounded last week; .also a decrease whlle Comm!Olist deatha dropped ei6 from llie previous week lo 3 m subjeci to revision t1pward. · ' ' · · In past years the parade, second In NEWPORT DUNES _ C 0 m_p 1 et e Cheyenne ))ellcopter, ·a new surface-t~ size onlr to the Rose Parade, has drawn d. 1 9 ti k ts 11 air .missile, an early· warn~ aircraft, celebrities ·ranging Crom beauty queens isp ay, p.m., c e ' underseas long range missil~, and the HUNTINGTON BEACH -Fireworks RF ircraft to legislators. display launched from pier, 9 p.m. . 111 ,a tt. In addition, a 7S per· • F.RU~T!µ.TED ASS.EMBLYMflN I"!-BAfTLE;Of' STAre BUD9~j: 'SpHfcar(Mo/><191n~flff)f D1mqcr1t1c·C1ucua Ch1lrm1n %tnov1Ch Mindlu! of the threat of lnfiltratloll toward Saigon and DI Nang South Vie~ ' nam's two b~ Citlett the. command sent elghf'!'•vea of B5i liomben agatn.t their app1'<!3cbes late Wed11esdaf inll early 'to(ay~ . : ·. .,.. 'J ·T Two Othtr waves ol the • stratofo~ went after North Vietnamese troops i{i the centre' highland.ct, near the Green Beret camp at Ben ; Bet. o1NO attacks a~lnst th'at outpost w~· repor:ted tod•Y following th&. end o( ils.lhlay aiege. -. This year tht city will present Jackie . LAGUNA BEACH_ Private fireworkl cent ~~ was ma(je, In t!le request Benington "America's Junior Miss" who for an aVbonie wamlng control syatem. will be h06ted by Huntington Be a c Ii show at Emerald Bay -can be viewed· }J pi'evioualy repol1M, the conunittee Marsh$L from ,a distance, starts at.duak. ....,. approved money requested tor the Safe- Othet celebrllies include "Mi~s" ANAHEIM -Anabelm St ad i um guard antiballistle inli.11Ie (ABM:) sys- from s~veral nelgbborlng Orange County lire\ll.9rks show complete. with mo tern. Inclllded °Was•PfS.5 million for pro. cities, .,.members of the military and tertalnment, 9 p.m .• tld"els C .50 to $4.50. cbremeut (deJ>1oyment), f400.9 .fuUlion 'federal.-..J ~ leg;slalQrs. . , DISNEYJ,UID -Red, w)/ite }lld blue fur reoean:h , deVelopment and tasting Special miest-will be Mrs. 1\1\1 Baker fli'i!.wc'irkSdisptlt, 9 p.nr. · . . A.Dd $1% million for cooslntctlon l()f test ,,. · / LONG BBACJl-Displar, Jauncbed from facilities at' tKW-aJalein · lslaoll •in. .the Priest, California state treasurer and i--Acb ~ 1fi ~ ...-can ·be viewed rom Seal Beach ~ ac ac. • former treasurer of the United States. nM I · · Stennis also tald "certal IWYl.s Following the parade the celebrities "t' ... 8 ong Orange Coalt, 9 P:~· lating. to the development ~ cbem'1!!i will be hosted by HunUntgon Beach , and biological weapom were recom-SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. Reagan Mayor 4ack .. ~.•t .a:mayn;'•,ree<J>.' ~er· a+ .• ·-on·r D'''u' 'e mctllendedc. for deletlan." He gave no -"consld~ngc311~llnirbls -h to '&• lion al t~ .. !lu•ll(>glon · Sliera'?il Beaclt. .·~ c Slgut'@I. Joint Jeglllatlve .....,. Ii kaembly ' • ' • • I • . · . •· Sl<nl)IA gave these broad figures ol ' '* ' -:tf · *''" S . '• B' 1:, ' .. · the appropriations allowed In the huge Democrats . v~. lo; his .• 16.37 billlo~ • ". . . ' -. r· . . .. . ays ~~a·n Ilefbill-1 ~ent money bill: ,$f.737 ~.dp. t and end, a. state Otcal crisis •• an • • . , :~ ion or altcralt; 13.251 blllloil for Sinaole ,Pa~e.tits ' LENINGRAD, U.SS.R. (AP) -U.S. ~sllfti.s12~!.ill\: ':.J'~'c!i::i ~.!:~· demaOdlng 'more achooi l:f, . \ astronaut Frank: Borman latd today he it• veh1cles. aid· tharr Reagan want.a! tb give - Pl ; .: · 'p• 1 • ·; ~king on,a pro~ under which the Pr¥WI to ge.'btto~a.closed-dbcir ~UCU$ -anb:ibg lClllC United Stat" hopes lo launch a big space. tii -wlJelber 10 bolilt,lht 1peri!iln1 ' . · • • station a· few year1 from, now. . · 5 .. D · M · . prosram. Tile state, meanwhile, JllOVed Tbe oianc t<;ounir-Ch•ptor ~ Par·' . :'Hore,oee '!'lime lh'thll!;~ll'.llll ~11<'1. · ancers, an agers 1n1o ·111 ·third ·day · without •pending .. ,1s WiUW.tJ'~ .... ~1,rn.1~ ils,.n.,, ;;o~-u.s,,,~wwi)>e,a;~ , s· 'f r'"N..,._...,.,~·t'"• •llll!oritr.-i:·•. """. ·'~'~'· , .. nual p!cnlC at Newport Dunes on Inde-totieflier.'' he added. ~e 0 1 uut> .... 6 .. 8 "Oor'Jl"""ll! p)alllf· are to fl ~ad fa.ndenca Day ~ B6rman said the launching of the Space 1 • . • 'fitb the 1peecb but~lf the bUdget wa:s SIJ>gle pare;ts Crqm tho Orange Coast statloDclB.ll)lended lor lhe mld,7111. He.did , , LOS ~g~ (UPI),,,-'lvt.1fnmfll pal!!@!!,'"~ would have . to ~kl.er;• • Vea ire invfte(l to 'iU-eni!-u:sJlcnlc, not ~ve .f~ill QI! li:ar U..way_dancaa..abd..~papr~Clq-;-said-F.dwin-Meest--,. . , " c 9 8 a s.m. and. I un 1. 1n w ICD .nd Ruulans would Beer Blir have gone lo ~w1 to l(.op, what .eoutfve" 1ecret.aey~ -_ , atw lbe flrewor~ ~ . .-, ~-~ ~ :: · ;'. <!W~te io a~·\<Cether. 1. they . claim are u~li~l arrests · Democrats 1P'ere angry Over Rea1an'1 COlfce <rtW<X\al' • ad 111arsnmi;m ~ The ~~·~t ~-bis' remarb clur• !or aunlllaled nUde dinclng. declsloft 1o •peak to the Sena ta afld will "" 'ruriiiobOd 1>i the. chapW~' ;f }· i i.na "!f'l.'l\~'1leWs:c!qi!fereilc;t lh 'lits ·, :ii>8y am tend the dancing ls a fonn of "-"bli and. ooe leedlf .. 1c1 'he further lnloi'bWion .Had June . • ·1'>!•1 'in uftliilitad~"hfcli ht Is. vlaltjng.u ~"iiiOifern 11ance lllterpt'et&llO and Irle ex-v.W{dn't get· tbelr "'l'Jl(lrLll he 1iehl ion '5lfi'I,..,.-,..,.,,,,_,. ••-:-;," -;ivl ol. "rtilClr.bl · l!l'Unlolt··~ -,,.Olllo<il • "-••h with bls .p!IQS, . ' ... ~ rt~1~ ·I 1~• • .· ,• ' "'"' ., . _.,...., :>t::···s--. ..... .., .... ·~ ·\ .,.. . ; • ' .... ~:: < • Ii \,: ,, • ., •• 11 • rl • , . .. ReaganMayCancel:Speech. · H:B.em~ Supp~~ Budget Or.im"e ...... ... Ceut bemoaats .want Reagan to boost ·• r. present ~ "l>!"'·opr1atioo• of 11.3 Wea,._ ... _ , , billion b)l.oome !iil1nllllon.. Reagan of. A glorl..,..~ Is on the hart-t ~ lered 1!05 million, and pledged to put ion, ,weatherwlae,., with the ID<lnl' ~ ianguage In Irie budget , aDocaLurg au Ing Hau diperttn1 ear)y to Juve ~ ilurplu. mon!!Y., ., ID !ChOoiJ. llWUlY sklea and temperatures Jn I ,. Without 1lili ·~cit;,, of ii te .. t fl' o1 the the 70 .. !or cyaital celebranla. I 39 iltl'lqtl'llls, f\eplbllcan1 ~an·1 ,ge1 ·the ,'INSIDE '1'9,.-AY I tw .. thtrds inNPtlll' 9f 5l rOqu!rod for f ·l>\idget l>ofaage In jllo'IO-mamfier'!VlUse. An Onmo•·Cou~ty cllnfc.for • Rea1an's de<:~\on lo appear f>'OYoll~ u~tftional ehlldrtn lnof! be .tho bjlter re~ from .om. De,moa'ata. Id.It ,hopt for Til<l!IV _1!\flltollll ~~ .. ~4tfct -diftrinan ,.lnldtd.1/0ll,,,.tffl.. Miqt ~s· r ~ , It 1.0n0~1c11 o1: Ftetno, uld ,.,.. • · ' =~· w--"'·.~· •e, t. 5l ""''-lar bis ·-" -~ • _Y""'!'1 (......... I ~ ~ -~ t . ,lfJle:~~~· 1 " ~.. • \,.. ,, . c._.. ' f1. .... 1111t ,_ • " t' ~lMIMl...maa&Lv6-lti.te-1ovem.-....... c.•••••• ,. ·~: ... -.. .,. ment, O(l!r•tlona,(foond ,toward a cra"I -:=.;;: r 11 -,. ~-of a.lack ofush. .....,.. ,... • ,..... .... · f1:'9 ~-and +mentar boepitaJ official.a ~-""''1' :::; =',...... :: 1 1ald ....... " didn't have. ·~.to ...... · ...._... " ,....... 1 ..., "\""1 '"'""'I vu7 A• ~ lP ,._.. 4 m~ Of {ood, Tliey l!ked 11)ercltants ..,._ • --... (See BUDGET, P11e J) ,( ' ' .I . I 1 I J. • lr , I '• ' •l l l c I • ' ' • ' ' ' • ,: l • f ' -~- • ~ OAllY PllOT s -. I I . fa "JfllUien F acilit11 . Missio.n :Viejo PaJJ1her B~om ~ . . . . ~ Fi rewo rks · Fir1n Unhurt 'by Name . ' --. I.! . ~ite .of Ho~ita Black Panlhtr brand flreworU are just t1s rW. white and blue u ever thil Ji'ourtb of July, with buslneaa boominl -lhu evw bo1Gro ID 1he. llrm'1 -11~~.·:..,,, . _ llesplte AbaiW "' l!Ue, 1'1U...: inlu!ll!f lclloa fl'OllP bald !a,lll.,.gard by IODll, -ta,·m&1¥en or ,jhe py~ llfOd!fla \report no ad"""6 ell~ oa .. Cooitrucl!<>n of • 15 mllllan hospilal ~ai.l _hiedlcal technology e4ucat11Xlal faclliiy In lhe Afisslon Viejo area of· Southern orange County will begin ui about &> days, developers announced t~ day.. --~ The 2.11).bed foclllty will "" '1\llll •l the Sall Diego Freeway and crown Vllley Parkway by P.1is&ion Viejo Medical Com- pany. and l! expected to begin a<cepting pa!ients in aboot one year. Slralegically set in the heart of the rapidly devdoptq lndustrllkommercla· residential area, Mission Commwtity H~ltal will offer virtually all modern medical trealment: Mon than 60 local phyllc1ans are in- volved in the project and expansion plan! will draw more medk:al men into the operaUoa: as it continues, accord1ni lo developen. -- Located across Marguerite Parkway from the Sadl;lleblct Collett cl.mpus, Mis&ion Community Hospital ~ill lnC:lude tWo -elawooms and a lecture ball for medical l8chnology students. . • Audiovisual equipml!nt to be u_sed in the ·educational section include& a closed· Reds Thanked For Releasing Three Pilots PARIS !UP]) -U.S. Ambas!ador Henry Cabot Lodge today thanked-North Vietnamese ,negotiat'ors for Hanoi's an- nouncement thrtt capture<t American fllera would be-released -eoon -and ex- pmsed hope It w«1id lead to further and more geoual pr\IOner rtJwea. -Lodge .apoke today at tl>e 24th ...,ion of tl>e Vietnam peace oegotlallonl which heard bolli South VlelJICll>ese and North Vietnamese delegates a~ each other of esc.81aU.O, the war and ot refmlng to make meanin&ful concessiol'lL The cbal"(eS of an escaJatlon con- tradicted dispatches from Saigon and· U.S. Secretary of State William P. Regen' contention the Communists had reduced the level of fighting and of in- filtration into the aouth. 'Ibe problem of war prisonm is one of the lhomlest fa~ng the Paris Lalk!. Several hundred Americao ffien art held by Hanoi but IO f11 HIDOI bas never sup- plied even a list of the prisoners and has rarely permitted them to contact their families. "We have juat aeen press reports that ·-_.Nor.th Vietnam has announced the releue of thiee. American prisoners of war and that It will allow other American prison- ers of war to receive gifts from their families (to mart the July 4th Indepen- dence Day)," Lodge said. "lf thlJ. ls accurate, I erpress ap- _. preciati'ori en behalf of the .U.S. govern- ment. I hope that thls action will lead to further and more general prisoner releues by your side aDd ~ sucb. other humanitarian acta as a Uat of names of prlsonen, pennission for all prisoners to CU11espood with lbtlr families and re.. lease rt sict and wounded prisoners," H.,. saJd bis delegation was ready to discuss detailed arrangements, but 1n preliminary speeches todaf Col. Ha Van Lau, the deputy Hanoi negotiator, merely repealed cbUles South Vietnam and the United States were stepping up the war. South Vietnamese negotiator Pham Dang Lam accused the North Vietnamese and tht Viet Cong of keeping the level ()f fighting high. Solon's Sons Killed . SHELTER lSLAND. N. Y. (UP!) - Two teen·age sons of Rep. Hugh L. Carey, (0-N.Y.), and a -girl-companion w&e killed early today In an automo- bile accident here. DAI L' f•I LOI .......... ·-~-... --_,,., c..-• c.wroDtl& CIUNIJI O:Wl l'\la.sstnMO tOMMHl' loWrt. K. 'Wn i ---J•cli l. Cerltt Vkl ............ o-roi ..... tll .. •1 KotTR .... Tli•11•1 A. M•,.,flil4 -·-- • clrcult television l)'ltem to ljlm"~ 'iring atudenta rfghjlnto U,. OPo(ehnf.rpom for · training. ''The &Ile of Miss.Ion Community HoslliJal was selected becall!e it offered too e'xpim:slon and ~ or transportation." Aid Frank GeJtour spotesman for the developen. The ea>ly Callfornla·styled ,medical facility_ is central to major industrial pro- jects which wiU lnevitahl,y prodU<e job accident victims requiring swift cart. An "eatimat.d I.GOO employet w1D bl working In the area by the time it open1. Traffic mishap victims will also have easy access to the new hospital, which will feature a helioopt.er landlnir pad.to bring lnjured persons from future boll or aircraft accident scenes. ·1n1uauy P.lanned for 126 beds, Mission . Community ' HOSpital will include a larger·than-normal, 24-hour erllergency ' room, in.tensive care unit, laboretory, and radiological treatment center for cancer patlenls. UJ..: • , f. rudoal<PQll ol..dillllable,ftaoltoa. -......... ~ p-· litijlda la tllellarbor~~tilniod ... . • ill . IJibJI. "'-~ rtportl ' .1\111 wll6 woold booelll'lran iiilil; " Tlie~~~~. "1hicJ> martet.s •both 'Bllct Panlhti' and Red Devil Ureworu, In fact, reaJstered its largest pre-sale volume. "You mlgM as well change the name of situation seems rather split in terms or · mv old patrol in Boy Scou.ts." said Fred the predominantly Negro area markets • ~. vice-preajden1 ol uJu for I.be "How dare you ~ OW' name.?" organization. Brookins quoted a couple of caUtrs He added that a switch in Utle was con-purporting to represent the Negro rplli· templat.ed -when the~ Ne&ro mlltant tant group as saying in tbe past weet. groups first began· makina: news about Black Panther fireworks, however, three years ago, but was vetoed as a were being sold when the parents :of blow against American tradition. many Black Panther party members "We've had a couple of -.organb:atlons were only children. that didn't buy this year," he admiUed, On the other hand, sales have been ind of course the name can 'color' a reportedly. extraordinary at some Black person's thinking." Panther stands in black neighborhoods, a "But I can remember a couple of years ·non-industry stdry which com p a Dy ago when I was a Red Devil salesman spokrimen chOCl!e not to discuss. and we had some fundamen1alist churth Brookins s a i d Pyrotronic Corporation groups that refu.sed. to buy." . supplies the entire slate or California Bearina: in mi.Qd the young family• ()riented planned housing developments in lhe surrounding area, the· new faciHty will also feature a 12·bed obstretrlc.s · DAILY ,ILOT Stiff ,llalol He noted as one clarllicaUon that all with Black Panther and Red Devils pro-• ward. , "These are just highlights of the totally modern medical center that will emerge to 1erve the fastest-growing area of Or~Count)'.," Gelinas said J.00.ay. Researc,b shows development in the Missioo Viejo area will be even mOre rapid and dramatic than that along other free,oay sections of Orange-County in 1he put, Geitoa.. added. C:oof Ganae Craig Durck1 15, Anaheim, lunges for .sall~g plastic platter, while bis buddy, Cbucl! Blaney. 15, al~o <>!·Anaheim, walcltes action. Boys · wer.e ·anwng visllors to Newport beaches Wednesday as inland tem- Jle"<!lures lioarect-and fiailanden endeavored to get early otart-on Jong Independence Day holiday. telephone call.a to the Ly11wood plant are ducti, but the 1969 volu1ne is a cor- now greeted by : "Good EvenJn&, Black poration seeret. . Panther Fireworks." John McVay, 16, staffing the First "Of course some ol the ¥,iris forget abd Christian Church T()rchbcareM Club say just 'Black Panther,' 'atookina con-~land in' the 100 block of East 17th Street, tinued, expressing mild Interest when in· Costa Mesa, was quite satisfied Wed· formed . his secretary 'bad Indeed just nesday.. ~ done that very tbing. "We're doing a real good bus.iness, Ir the Caucasian customer doesn't mind . especially when people buy the nt set&,'' buying Black Panther pyrotechnics, the be explained. • Currently, South Coa.1-Communlty Hospital, the El Toro MCAS d~pensary ~d the cfutic at .Leisure World Laguna HilJs offer the only emergency care • Doinirigo Trigg er.Happ y Egypi, Israel Trade Fir~ As !l-t!~J .Visi~P~e~ -AcrossSuez for 1·2 IIonrs ~ facilities in the area. · A groop of IM! Angel., ,,tiy~clana f!•c@lly b<iitlLd<velopmenl-"l! another major hospital near San Cleriiente possibly to be named tn ·honor of ~ parenl! 'll~t l!lcbard M. NiJon. From PGfe',J BUDGET ••• and druggists lo supply patients and prisooers on "good faith'' that hey even-1ua1Jy will be__npaid, • "We haffclilldren who, If they.don 't have milk, don't live ••. lhat'1 all the food they take," said a IPOkesman for the State Departmenl of Meotal Hygiene. SANTO'DOMJNGO (UP!) -Heavy lir- lng brok, out in the· atreet.s of Santo_ Domingo today 8'1 a number of • casualUes were reported 1xrt GOv. Nelson Rockefeller of New York d~ove unhahned through the streets to the presidenUal palace for high level talk.!j. Police and embas.!)' soµrc;es said two persons were killed and five persons wounded in this tenae,_and triUCT·happy city in two separate iocidenll. Sporadic gunfire also ·was reported tn other placel and occastonal shots cwld be beard ~O'!IJlbe morning. 1be ,.. ~dent Came when two p61'~ -~ rej)Orler! WoUrid'ecf at • .............. ~ . . . Noble Street ln lhi~;..tof larJtoln lhe Duarte Bridge where leftist groups By THE ASSOCIATED P~ The Israeli cominunique said two.,.or Its vowed to bloc~ ~t:_tAUer !r.<>?t <;_r~ Egypt and Israel traded artillery and soldier! were wounded. The Egyptian should.he use tftUpath.Jo flE airport.:_ small arms fire for 12 hours Wednesday comm.unique did not mention casua!Ues. Dominican police sources said a sniper at several p\sces along the Suez Canal, Amid the intensified military activity spokesmen for their armie.s saJd. ~ two countries continued to exchange fired on a military patrol,. killing. an Air brickbats over ~ rece nt shakeup in the Focce corporal, and that the patrol fired top command of the Egypt ian air force. into the..buidiag. • · ~ Kennedy Clan Ready .lsraell mIJllFJ sources c 1 aimed lolormed sources iajd a ·w~m·an inside · . Wl!dne"1ay. th•! lsraeiC jets flew over. the building was .killed and three persons-S G R Cairo, possibly passing over President wounded. To h oot reen iver Gamel Abd<l Nassar's home, Ju.,. 17. Security forces arrested at least 50 They said this led to the firing June 23 of person.! inside the building where scat· VERNAL, Ulab (UPI) i-Tbe Kennedy -Gen. Mustapha el Hannaw, air fore& tered gunshols SOWJded for. some time clan arrived in this wild and rugged riv.er chief, and Gen. ·Hamm Kamel, .;air afterwards. country late Wednesday to begin-a four· defense commander. • The city o( Santo Domlogo bad bee!1.. day shoot of the tempestuous Green The semiofficial newspaper Al Abram Hospital and priaon SUperintellderil! continued to buy such perishables~ .ep:s and milk OD credit and nly OD »day SUP.Plies for st.aplet. State employes - almc.t to a man -headed the RepubUcan governor11 request to.,..ort for free. · tense and fearful for the Rockefeller River. . sCo~cyed the claim loljiay, saying it was the Plus .Independencta. U.S. Embassy 'visit, mindful ol the vjolence which bas The party, led by Sen. Edward Ken-part of an·attempt-by Israe li leaders tc> IQW'CeS said this. star:ted when.a.tire blew · plagued bis misricms to Latin America-u-nedy CD-Mass.), included his wife, Joan; regatn presUge 1ost by m 0 u n t Jn g A -problem developed I n the big - Employment Department. Officials warn. ed tb.at if the bwl.get wasn't signed by the end of .the mooth .. ~ployment and disability. lnaurance cheeks to aome 5.18 million Californlam mJght be. held up because of a~ lack of funds to operate distribution flCilities. out on a patrol car and jittery security an envoy of President Nixon. There alM the widow of the Tate Rebert Kennedy, casualties in the Suez Canal area and forces opened fire on another group of had been some resentment at the fact Ethel, and nine of bei' chUdren, and Mis. PWtinian guerilla attacks in Jerusalem.. army men., touching ofJ a firefight. 11>e U.S. troops were landed here in 1965. Patricia Lawford. --· and Tel Aviv. Dominican police versiori was that the ,.,.======================================== army men had been shot at by a $!11per Reuan'1 ,decision to :speak followed a day cl bitterness and Coofu.Mn, Never· before had a Callfornia governor gone before the IOlistature to uk for budgel pasuge this late to tl>e session. They usually present it early in the session and nit for lawmilkers to approve it. But every attempt to end tl>e fllcal criais failed. At midaftemoon Wednesday, Reagan and ~embl,y Democratic leaden agreed on a compromise. Reagan told them he wouJd add some $15 million in e1pected funds to ~l! budret. boostini school aid to $120 million. Repullllcao Ass em b I y Speaker Robert T. )6onagan ()( Tracy said another f6 milllon'""tolild be found . Bui '° majority of Assembly Democrats refilled ~ accept the plan and a RepUbllCan attempt to reconsider the 1'-londay rejection ol. the budget was defeattd. Caucus dWnnan Zenovlch said the Democrats were split into warring camps. Some demanded more school 'aid. Othen aupported the comprorb.lse.. "They haven't ottered WI anything," said Assemblyman Joe Gonsalveti (0-La Mirada). one ~ lhose holding out for more -money.- and fired back. - The seeond major incident came at the PQrt Workers' Union Pala~ on Vicente Chain Beating Of Pair Probed ' In Ne"Wport Beach Twrymmg men Wedneoday night \old NewpQrt-Beach police ~ aS11ilanl.s ·allegedly from the Uesslans motorcycle club beat them with cycJ.e chains &{Id belta as they walked from the Newport pier~ . Clyde F. Watts, 25, of. Garden Grove and Jeriy L. Young, 24, 312 32nd Sf., Newport Beach, told olflcers the three Hessians, repeat~ly said «we don't like . your kind" during the bea.Ung. The two . victims .. suffered bruise;, scrapes and cuts ln the .U:30 p.m .. li!.-ci\l'Oi· Th ·e-y S011gnt private midlcal treabnent, police said. Pollet quoted Young aa saying he once was a member of the Hell's Angels clW>. "A real. bloodletting," is how one · • 0emocrat c1eacribed the closed 11oor -Feter O'Toole Fmed meeting in which the compromil;e failed • . . ' to pass. "A mob scene," said another. -DUBLIN (UPI)--Actor Peter O'Toole Assembly DemocraUc Leader Jesse M. was fined $72 Wednesday for slugg ing a Unruh, who had been a spokesman 1n Ule bar owner after the man's dog bit, a hole fight Tuesday, flew to Los Atigelu in O'Toole's pants. The judge said the ac- Wednesday and ·was nii._ on hand for the tor's good character saved him from a final negoUaUOns. ) prison term. • •Lo-ve Bug~ Bites Disney Flick SnarlS Traffic The Love Bug has bitten Fountain "'Maybe the city should consider VaJley, making city councilmen both baJ>" measures to lmprove lhe traffic flow at py aod concerned about the clty1s current • Brookhurst Stteel and Talberl Avenue epidemic. during thealer time." The "Love _ Bug" ls the Walt Dbney He noted that lhree traffic officers movie of the same name and U ls cur· were DO( ~gh to handle the sltuaUon rtnUy drawing phenomenal crowds -Friday night as the tbe4ter dr<w capacity and Dbenomen•I traffic problems-to lhe crowd of 2,000 can. Founl.atn Valley Drive-in 'Jlltater at The theater bolds 1,778 cars .in a single Bl'Ookhurst Street and Talbert Avenue. night. Total attendance thus rar bu been Couod.lman Edward Just focu.aed city more than 11,400. said ltforgan. At alteOUon .QO the situation Thetday olght thY.ter .tUne, cars have even been backed with a few choice 'comtnenb about apen. Up for-ooe mile on the San Die'° ·cnng an·bolJr walilng foi'.araffk: to clear Free.way. # • up u peOple..eni.ered the ~at~. Councilman Just was one of t.bo5e Just said wrjly. "maybe W. oughC!OpatnliiTWl!<fbun'rl>eeo able to...ter the encou,rage the theater rrilnll§ement to theater. -· bring tn tn91'e family movtes.' "I'm sUll waiting lo see the Loft Bua;," OD a mon ltltotts note, Jiut added, Just ooncluded. fi, J. Q.arreff j 14 ·fh Semi-Annual Safe ALL HERITAGE UPHOLSTERED PIECES in y~vr ~1'toice ·of style or f•brlc mty be purchesed et • molt gen•rous saving' • , ; 15 Truly d'rare money-spving opportun ity Over 200 Sty! .. of Solas 0 Off' REGULAR PRICES -Chairs -Love Seal .. -Ottomans in your choice of any Heritage Decorator fabric. .. Yow Ja1JOri~ interior dfifgner will bf ham to alkt vcu ..• ALSO ••• SUBSTANTIAL SAYINGS ON MANY HERITAGE DINI NG ROOM, llDR001'! AND TAil.! GROUPS • , • HERI TAG E .. llvtn.g lradlUm in r .... 1ture --- • ,, . . ~ ~untµ.gton ·Bea~h . . EDi)I O N • ' It's Parade Time .. 2 00,000 to View Beach 4th Classic For the 6Sth tlme this century, Hllllt- lngton Such will throw <1pen its doors to thOUS8.llds of visitors on Independence Day and present them with one of the most colorful spectacles on the Orange Coast -the annual Fourth al. July Parade. Bob Redman, parade chairman of the HunUngton BeaBt Jaycees, the spollSOr- ing agents.of~ the event. upects approx- imately 200,000 to view the parade. nearly twioe the current population 'of Huntington Beach. Float.s, equestri.-ns, decorated auto- mobiles, drill and mal'Ching units u well ·u several bands ·will begin their two-and-a-ball bout U.t thlough down. iOYt'n Hun~ Beach at 11 a.m. at 11th and Matn streets. The Joute will take them down Main Street, over to 5Ut. Slreet, a portion. or Walnut Avenue, back onto Main street, a portion of Pecan Avenue And most of Lake SO'eet. In past years the parlde, """"d In size only to the Rose Parade, has drawn celebrities ranging from beauty queens to ·legislators. -· This year the city will present Jackie Beningt.on "America's Junior Miu" wbo will be booted by Huntilli!On B • a c h Marshal. · B_ug ~ ·Bites Disney Flick Sna rls Tr_af f ic The Love Bug has bitten Fountain "'Ma~ the city .~ld comider Valley, Jl,laking city couocilmen both hap-meuures ·to improve~tbe trafflC flow at py and conc:erned about the city's current Brookhµrst Street .and Talbert Avenue epidemic, _ during theater time." . The "Love Bug" is the Walt Disney He noted that three traffic ~ice!_! movie of-the ·aame-mme--and tt-1.! car· were not enough-to-band.le UlC ufuauon =Uy drawing pbenOmenaJ crowds -· Friday night as t1ie theater drew capocily and ~enaJ-traffic-probltmB-lo-lht-"""'d of.1,000~ -. Foiinlajn VaOey J>rive.in 'l'heatei; at 'l'ljo ~ale!' i!cl!41-l.7U -Ip• llillle Briiokhuiat Street~ Talbert A v.nue. nlghL Total atteodance -th!& far bas W<n Councilman Edward Just f~ city more than 11,iOO, aald ·Morgan, At Other ctlebriUes lnclude "Mi&sn" from aeveraJ neighJ>orin& Orange COwJti ciUes, members of the mWtary and federal arid state legislators. Speclaf guest wW be Mrs. Ivy Baker Priest. Calllornia llale · l1'ulur<r and former trusum of the. United States. Following the parade the celebrities will be host<d '1Y HunUn""°. Beach Mayor Jact Green at a mayor-ts reCep- tion at the Huntington Sheraton Beach Inn, 211•J1 Pacific Coast Highway. _ The Iridtpendance Day celebraUon, will -conclude· at t . p.rri:. wllh a fimrorka d~play al Ille Hun~ Beach-pler. • • Myst~ry Lllll. Drops Losses To Low Point SAIGoN (UPI) - A 1pou.;,,.. for ~ ~!On. W. Abr~' U.S. ~ mud ·lald today be had no apWl&tloli lot ilw-ctimnr blttJeOOr lull~ ·~~ 'U'I.'"'--' Jal .Jo. "",..._!i. . . ....... " '!"ll'l,.. -lowest. point sinoe early May. ~,. ' as.s , ' • . 'Tetiy'• P ln•I .. ... " . 1'.Y.-A ... -t TE.N CE.NT$ ' . -- Vote to End Cash Q-isis-· .Due 'today · SACRAMEN'i'O (AP) --bly nemocrat.s 'agreed tOday to vote for Gov. Ronald R<a&an'a le.37 bllllon bud&<! aild eOO a fiscal crbls that has left Cllilornia without alllhorizaUon lo spend iDoney lor three diys. Ttie aMOuOctment canie ~ an hour befor°e lhe ~ govaMr · .~ to. ·mike an· appeal fOr ~ of his .mm- dl!lg program before a Joint oeiiloo OI the A.SaeD)bly and Sena~. • , A&embly Democratic Leador J,... M. Unruh said, "We ••peel-to rive tbe 11 Democratic votel Jlee-ry to -the -budget-todar. )V• do ibll .. tbe. bail "' the goverilor'1 coocession." Unruh said agreement came after Cm:l:_. troller HOU31on·I. Floumby·r<porteiAliif"' •her '60 million to $65 mlWon in ""l'lus b<ldget fund.< bad -found lo add to the 11:3 billion ln stale school aid. Unruh said tbls would'add bet'ween 1115 niilHon and 1110 mlllioo to tbe ·-1 fund. R<agan originally ollered 1105 million in new tnol)ey. · . Before· the c:aucus a ·Reagan aide had said the governor mlgh~ · cancel bis _scheduJed-apecial •ppearance before a join! legiJl.stiye session lo pla4 for . . " , . ' .. • . passage. . . ' . --· -~·"l"Pl!=ATl!J-:llC?UTl-OF FOUR>Jt!,~ JIJlor~llA~· ,-· ---:;-,':;Pl'. ptt,lll)l')>14Diijfi l\l 10 .'ijili4, ". • ' ' '"·•·"'· St1rtlftl "AIM IN ~~·•lrffl'll~' r · """ IJje .,,.etl'b\IMI lbe llOdPI Wal ,. • . · . · • -· puse(I, we WouJd bave to ,..,...,..,. ,, ' # " '" • • : • • -• II.Ml Edwin' ,.... ni, . ..,..,, . .;_ ~'<in .the lltl!ijllon ~ nlgtlt , theater time, tail hovll eYIO Ileen bacbol )Viti! a few dlOlce _.... a6out apeo. up for -mlle oli• till Sin Diii• ding• an• hour Wll'llni far traffic to dear Frotway. . · . · up as people eatered the theater. -c.ounctJman Just •as one of . uqe ecajj ... iechtai:y! -ata...,. on@I -'"~an'• . clei:illail' iO ,pWIO ilie-sc;.1r and Asso!nblf. __ and... . . . Fl~ ~ ~,10 Viti eoni .ar =~~~i:, Full Details of ·Enttie's· nortbem -·...,. to the Me tong Della. . . . · JUS( said wryly, "maybe we ought to patrogs who h_,'t been able to enter die eocourage the theater mat11Rement to . lhea\er. bring in more {amllY movies. ;r ''I'm 'still waiUna to aee the Love Bug," , Ou a more 1erklus note, Just added, J~ concluded~ Defense Told of Evidence OnPanther,ButNoNrunes ;.E 'd . Blk .P 0•-v1 ence agawt a ac • anun;1 leader accused of murdering a Santa Ana policeman today is avaJlable to his defense atlorney1, Out names or eight witnesses afraid· of vengeance must be kept secret. A defeme motion to .allow discovery of evidence was granted Wednesday by Orange County Superior Court Judge. James F. Juda:e. at the preliminary hear- ing . Black Panthers and sympathizers packed the 75--seat courtroom to give moral support to Daniel P..1. Lynem, 22, charged along with two other militant blacks sUll· not in custody. The julft,e partially granted a motion by Deputy Public Defenper James R. Goff t1> gain access to materials the pr1r aecution hopes to use in building Its case against the Blaclt Panther luder. · But be also ruled that Assistant District Attorney Everett W. Dickey ., could withhold the name& of eight wit- nesses who are afraid for their own lives and those of their families. The eight persons whose identities will be kept itt!'et for the time being have allegedly been harassed already about their potential roles ln the nwtder case. Judge Judge ordered UJe prosecutor to give the names of 20 other wltneMeS in- volved lo Lynem 's public defender, however, along with evidence <:ollected. The eight mystery wll~esses who will te.!lti!y when Lyoem ta tried for lhe June 4 m u rd er of Patrolman NelMln A. ~, 241 must be idenUfied 41 houri before they appear in court. Depuly Pul!lic Defender Goff prot<sled withholding of the eight .11aritea Wed- nesday, but the prosecution put Santa Ana -Police Officer Dale Stener oli the stdd to lestify. Officer Sterur -beaten with his own nijhtstick duting a near-riot.Sunday night ih Santa Ana's predominanUY Negro area -said the eight have reported real fear for their safety since the killing. Lynem ts held without ball and two 1 other Black Pantbera, Arthut League, 20 and Odis N. Grimes, 21, both of Sanla Ana, are sought In a nationwide manhunt, after being indicted by the Orange Coun. ty. Grand Jury. Despite the presence. of Black Panth;er aupporlers, only one outburst marred the proce!dings at the hallway point and the Judge warned another would lead to clearing or the courtroom. Lynem, minister t:I. communlcatione: for the Sant.a Ana chapter of the militant black action group, bas pleaded lnDocent to lhe murder of Officer Sassctr. T.he de}llrlment's top root.le officer far 1961 was shot on a darkened street comer after radioing he'adqua.rtm that he was stopping· to question a couple of pedestrians. He died within lhe hour alter being found by a neighbor who heard the blul, but was never able"to mate-a Rat.eLJent about bl.s attackers. , ,, \ Allled -""' deocrlbed u 1IPL . ~:~~~=~;;.~ Fot. 4th Parade-Listed the mittdJe of list week and &lid 1"1 am . . . ~ convinced there Ls a lull just !nm the reported actlorul as you have seen. ta the briefinl sheets. . ''But I don't tnow the reuon for ·it1or how lonl it Ifill· lul." ' Accordlng to the w,.kly c....Uy . rtleue, Ml GIJ 'Wero killed and 1,117 wm wounded last -t. the II~ lnuel since the -k • todlnf ·~ io wllen IM Amenc.na died and J,m 11lf. fertdwounda,' • ·South Vietnamese he a d q u a•r t e ~ s rtported Ml of ·tts men alaln ajld '!I wounded .last. weet, also a decreue:, while Commlllllst d .. lba dropped 115 from the pnvlou wO,tt to 3,133, subject to revi&ion upward. Mindful · of Ille threat of lnllltration iO'f9'ard Saigon aDd Da Nang, South Viet- nam'• tWo biq:est clUer, tht command sent eight wavt111 of 852 bombers againJt their ap)ll'O&Chea laie Wednesday and early today. . Two other wavet of the at.qlofortl wmt a,fter North Vietnamese troops tn the centrP' highlands, near the Green Beret camp .at Beo Ket .. No attack.I" againat that outpost were reported ~ following the end or 11.s ilfilay liege .. '!'be blggqt i«Jund botUe Wednesday • !Our-llour ~ on tbe nor1hein coUt: coot the C9mmunlsts 15 dead and Am<:l'.lcml-imlto four dud and eight w~ war commtuUques uid. - ,...,idn't get tbelr support If he ftnt tbri'iJgh wllb his plans. • De:mocratl want' Rea&•n to boo.rt .preoent school aJIPl'Ol!riatlonl of IU bllllon by some l200 mnu.n. Reagan of· fered 1105 million, and pl<dged to pit language In the b<ldget .Uocatlng .n surpl~ mpn•y lo ltbools. • Wiu..rt the vot.a of a~ least 13 Cll the 39 Democnts, Republicans can't &et the two-thlrda majority of M required for budget pa.uage In the SO.member house. Reag"an'1 decision . to appear provoked b,itter reaction from .some De:macrl;b. Assembly Democratic caucus chairman ~rge N. Zenov'lch of Fresno, aaid l!eagan wooldn't get iii votet for hls budget if he spoke. Throughout the massive .state eovem- ment, operaUons ground toward a crawl because of a lack of cash. Prison and mental hospital o!Uclals said they didn't have money to buy medicine or food. They asked merchants and druggl!ts to supply patient.a .and prisoners on "good fallb" ~t hey even-- wally will 'be repaid. . "We have children who, if they ,dop't have milk, don't Uve ••• lhat'1 all the £ood they take," said a spokesman for the State Department of Mental Hygiene. Hospltal and prison superintendents continued to buy ~h ~~ab~ ~ eps and mUk on credit ana rely on 20-da.Y 1uppller for staples. state 'timpl9)'es - almost to · a man -Headed the Jlepubllcan governor'• requtat to work for free. A problem devoloped In the big Employment DepartmenL Olliclol.s warn- ed tliaf1fth0 budget wiJn't signed br'the· end of the month, . UDemployment and disabillly lmW'ance checks to aome 5.11 million Callfornians might be held up because1 of· a lack ot funda to Operate distribuUon laclllUes. Oru1e Ceut t • ' .• • I J .,,.it.V PllOT H • A~rQ:val ·of iveModels Tbe Lanrtn Co. h11 won city approval for completion of five model homes, now llalf-built, oo tts conlrov4!:raial JOO.acre Bite tn, Fountain Valley. ~ ~lannen W"!Jl<sdaY lllcJ>I ~d to lei LarWln Co. !Jnlsh Ill five modela and 111e them -for more \ban two ytar1 -n model."1qr the company'a "Encore•• series of homes. t..rwin representative John Tapking also told planners that hla company would soon submit reviseq plw for development ol lhal --Ill slle, stopped earlier by a court order and QOW the battleground for a recall moYemenl. Tapldng said new plans, conforming to nonnal dty standards,· would llOOCI be filed for the P.')'P'rty. Orlalnally, J.ar. win was-to build a planned-csev~ with 500 homes on loo acres. The model homes . will eventually become a part of whatever new develop- ment is .launched on the proputy,' said Tapkfllg. The homes won't be occilpied·untll a new tract Is approved by the city f6r the !,..arwin property · on the corner of Magnolia Street and-'Talbert Avenue. It appeared Tapkin&'• declaration of ln- tentloo to submit new plana means Lanrin Co. woUld not further appeal ~ Superior Court decialoo that otopped the <lriginal small IOl dtvelopmenl One citizen, Jack Schultz, oppoeed ap- pfoval of the model homes on the grounds that Lanrln Go. hod 1lied sub- terfuge to build them while tile CCIU!i bof,. tlewur~. " Re wu Me<I ..rt olOfdefliy CllfPlili' ning Coounmisslon Chairman James Diet wbo aald, "We will not fight the old Lanrin batUe all over a1ain. 'ntia decia:km will be made on the merlt.s of the five home alone. '1 .-~· -- From Pqe 1 ENTRIES ••• • Cooperation Due ' Says Borman LENINGRAD, U.S.S.R. (AP) -U.S. astronaut Frank Borman said today he is workln1 on a proeram ilncler whlch the United States hopea to launch a big space staUon a few years from now. "I foresee a time in that program when Soviet and U.S. spacemen .,~;JU be flying together," he added. Borman said the launching of the space station la intended for the mld-70s. He did not 1lve further del.a.il.s on It or the way in which Americans and Russians would operate in space log ether. DAILY PtlOT OIANOI COA.ll PUILllMI• CQlrUoAHl l•IMlf H. Wnl _ ... _ J ..... I . C.,iw Vb l'J'alllMI '!"' co...tl MMMa Th•111•• JC1evll .... Tlto1111• A. Mvr'M"• ~IEdl .... Al~ w. ..... Willl111t •••• • ...,.,. ........ ........ kttll Ell,.. CllJ 0 1Etl"'11 H1 ......... 0Mc. lot ltti Sfrfft Mt11:nf A4'11n: P.O. h1 790, •2441 --......... a.di. tt11 ..... , .. _ ... ""',. Qlllll IMllll -... , ..,. ...... ' \.IMlllll ~ ID ...... .,.... ' ·°""""' Pfl.OI .... ...,. ............. ..... ,._ ,..,.,...,...-:..:. -------.......... v.Mf, CIMI -., . ..,. ..... .._ .... :i.: ,.. Cc •e:: '= :-"':t'-cu::' .. , W.1 ........ ....... . ~ .,,,.._, c-..... ' r • • rn41 MMD1 • . DAILY PILDT St-'f l'Mlt Panther Booms ;-. -. . Fireworks Firl!LUnhurt by Name !IJacl< ':Fl*' braod flreyJlrl{l ar< Jut\ u rod, wlllte · aod •blot u -tbta 'Pour\h of July, Willi bul1-boomJna better than tver before in the Jinn's nearly ll).year hlstory. Despite ·aharlnf~•-llUe with a mWtpt action irOlll' held ID Jlkqll'd by aome elements, marketers of the pyrotechnic products report n.o adverse eUect on sales. • A random poll of charJtable organiia- tion11 ~g Black Panther elands in ·the HFhor Area Wednea!ay t..,,... up no reportl ol miJunderatalldlng about just who would benefit from-aalel." Tbe Lynwood·lwed Pyrotronlc Corp., which markets both Black Panther and Red Devil fireworks, in fact, registered its largest pre-sale volume. "You might a.swell change the name of my old patrol in..,.,_Scoutl," said Fred Brookins, vice president of sales !or the organization. He added that a switch In title was coo- teiDptated when the Negro militant groups first. began Jna.kinl new3 a.bout three years ago. but was vetoed as a blow against American traditlon. • situation seems rather split In terms of the predominanUy Negro area markets. " "How dare you use our name'!'' Brookins~ a couple of callers purporting present the Negro mill· tant grou ying in the past week; Poodle No Puddle Jumper workingf poodle, epparentiy was having second th011g1its about her background when playmate Laura Walker, 5. Huntington Beach, tried Wednes- day to coax her into surf near ·Newport Pier. -"We've bad a couple of orgaRizatlon.s ·that diwi't buy this year," he admitted, and or course the name can 'color' a Black Panther fireworks, however, were being acid when the pa.rent.. of many Black Panther party members were only children. On fJli!; other hand, sales have been reportedly extraordinary at some Black P.anther stands in black n~borhoods, a non-indumy story gvbicli c o m p a n y spokesmen choose fi9t to dJscusS. SlaJ)dard·sii:e poodles, by breeding and training, are bird dogs -retrievers who glory In splashing through water to pick up a duck downed by ..a.hunt· ing master. But Michefle, a miniature cousin of ~e ' person's lhihkW · "But I ca'n remfnber a couple of years age when I wS.-1 Red Devil !alesman and we had some fundamentalist church groups that retustd to buy." Broo1dns s a i d PyrotroniC\Corporation supplies ,the entire. state oC Calilomia with BJac.k Panther and Red DeVib. pro. ducts, but the 1969 volume iS" a .cor· poration secret. Domingo .Trigger Hf:lppy As Rocky Visits Palace Beach's Maureen Runs Mile Relay In Ohio Saturday ~ noted as one clarlficati.on that all telephone calls t.o the Lynwood plant are now greeted by :. "Good Evenlfli, Bla;:ll: Panther Fireworka." "Of cout!e some cf the girls forget and s~ just 'Black Panther,' " Qrooklns con· tinued, exp~ mild interest when in- formed his secretary had indeed just done that very thlni· Uthe Caucasian cu.stomer doesn't mind buying Black Panther pyroleclu!ICJ, the John McVay, 18, staffing the First Christian Church Torchbearer.s Club stand in the 100 block of East 17th Street, Ccsta Mesa, was quite satisfied Wed· nesday. "We're dctng a real good business, , especially when people buy the lit oell,", he ezplained. SANTO DOMINGO-(UP!) -HeayY (~. Ing broke out in the streets or Santo Domingo today and a number of casualties were reported but Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New York drove unharmed -through the,treets -10 !he-presldenttat palace for high level talks. PoUce and embassy sources said two persons . were killed and five persons wounded in this tense ·and trigger-happy· ci~y in two separate incidents. Sporadic gunfire also was reported in other places and oceasional shots could be heard throughout the morning. Tbe flnt mafor incident came when two persons were reported wounded at the Plaza lndependencia. U.S. Embassy 60Uf'CeS said this started when a Ure blew oul .Q!!...@ ~trot car and ji!~~~uritlL-­ forces opened fire on another group of """1 men; Wuclllng oft a !lrefllht. 1lle Dominican police venJon wu Ihat the army men had been shot at by a sniper and tired back .. The second major lncidenl came at the Port Workers' Union Palace on .Vicente Noble Street ID the new city, not far from the _ Duarte 'lSrld&e wbere leftist groups vowed to block Rockefel_le_r Crom crossing Single Par~nts Planning Picnic The Orange County Chapter vf Par· ents M~ou~ Partners will hold ils an• nual picnic at Newport Dunes en Inde- pendence Day. · Slngle parent! from the Orange Coasl area are invited to attend the picnic, which starts at . 9 a.m. fJld lasts until after the ilreworb &bow. Coffee, charcoal a n d marshmallbws will be furnished by the chapter. For further information contact June Peter- son, 545-1754. iboujd he ... that path to the airport. Domlnican police sources ukl a mipu fired on a mllltary palrol, kllllng an Air Force corporal, and that the patrol fired Into the buiding. . . ·-Informed sotll'Cel uid a-wmnan inside- the building was killed i&nd three pe~s wounded. . Security-forces arrested-at least 50 persona inside the bulldlng where scat- tered gunshots sounded far ·aome time. afterwards .• 'Ibe city of Santo Domingo had been tenJe and fearful !or the Rockefeller visit. mindful of the violence which has plagued his mi.asions to Lalin America as an envoy of President Ni.Ion. Valley Planners ' . Approve Another W alled?City Plan Hun!inl!too Beach track star Maure<n Meade. 14, will run in the mile relay • at the AAU Women's NatiOOai Cham-E f' I " I T d F" pi~i1!~~ ~ :i,i;11,:;,:i':~,k gyp.,, · srae ra e ire meet will be made and.replayed-Sl.lnday --- Jocally. --at 1:30 p.m., en ABC · (Channel 7) -·A Maureen is CQJTlpeling with the Long cross Beach. Comets dQ a mile relay team Suez for 12 Hours . that lioldo tl10-third beit mark ID· lhe naticn thla )'Ur. She l'i1ns the 44fJ in By mE ASSOCIATED PRESS about 60.78. The my}lery donor, reported yesterday Egypt and Israel traded artillery and to have Supplied Maureen with t.be '20IJ !mall arma fire ror 11 hours Wednesday air fare lhe Deeded to compete In at several places ilong the Suez Canal, Dayton, turned out to be the Long spokesmen for the& armies said. Beach Ccrnets, who will require rep1y- ment In the near Mure. Maureen'!-perent,;-Mr. -eDd Mrs. Robert Meade, '7702 Rhine Drive, aay they still, peed help to pay the 1oung ~ s expeMe!l. Maureen baa &eve.a brotbm and sisten. - Kennedy Oan Ready l'o Shoot Green~iver • The Israeli communique said two ot Its soldiers were wounded. The Egyptian CQmmunfque did not mention casualties. Amid the intensified military activity the two countries continued to ei:change brickbats over the recent shakeup 1n the Jgp e<>IP!IWld of lhe_Efll'lllill!Lair fore<. - Israeli militar/ sources c I a I m e. d Wednesday that I.sraell '.jets flew ever Cairo, __ ~i!?JY. passlng_ov~~sident Gama1 Abdel Nassar's home, June 17. They said this led to the firing Jtme 23 cf VERNAL .. Utah (UPI) ~The Kennedy Gen. Mu.staptla el HRMaw, air force clan 11nMattn tblafrild and r11q..{ l'\Y~ >duel,• aoo· t.n.I Hassan Kamel, ilr Pass Hall Way Mark · country lite Wednead•,Y to begin a (our· defense commander. day shoot of the tempe!lUOUJ .Green 'Ibe semiofficial newspaper AI Abram ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) ~ An RJver. scorned the claim today, saying it wu __A_n_oJ' be r_ ·~walled_ city" .developmeiit =~=tUJ'Et;_!r~ ~anprod mv;.iae~. abety :_~ The .P@I.ly, led by Sen. Edward Ke~ part,Q.f an attempt by Iaraeli leaden to similar to Villa.Monterey was approved ..,...... uu n~a.Y ,;,uu1.u nedy CD-l:t:ass.), includ'~ Jlls wffe;--Joa,n; regain prestige Jost by .mountJng \Vednesday night by Fountain vane·y Americans 11 reported pcilt the half-way the widow of the late Ro~t Ke!U}edy, ~Ues in the Suez Canal area p.nd Planning Commlsalonera. .,Wk on a journey across the Atlantic in Ethel, and nine or ber cblldren, and Mrs. Palesti,nia?! guerilla attacks in Jerusalem Application fOr a plann:ed development a J>epyrul boat. Patricia Lawford. and Tel Aviv. en property near Qrookburst Street and r-;==========::::::::::::::::::::::::===================::; Warner Avenue was submill«t by the John B. Clark Co., developers of the •;Ula JJ. J ~ Afonterey direcUy soutli of city hall. tf ' Only commiu~onet Caroll Mohr op-· ·r1 atM~ ..< posed the new development. He ,.Id lls ~ • "°' """ " average lot size of 15,fm square feet would,..make density too high. Mln1mum ~ A f~ ~ Jot size in lbe development is about. 15,120 h VUJa Pdonterey is typified by walb-, en-"' ' • --14t . . :0~~'!dlndivldll.il home, tocludlnJ emt• nnua . a e The new development will be built on ~!.n~~:Jb;'ci~k~ Monlerey, ALL HEBITAGE UPHOLSTERED PIECES 15 Truly a rare money-saving opportunity O•er 200 Sly!" or So!u 0 Off. aa•uu.a PRICIS -Chairs -Love Seats -ottomans in your choice of. any Heritage Decentor faboic. Your /OllOrlll lnllrlor dc1~ 10lll bf 110J>PV to Ollfrl yov. , • AUO • , • ~ISTANTIAl SAYINGS ON ~ANT HIRITAll DINING ROOM, llDJOOf.I AND TAILI GROUPS , , • HERITAGE a hnog tn.dlU. l.n W-'t.re DAIL't PILOT lltff ,,,.. H.J~GARREfT fURNl"fURE 'a!. ii. : ·.:::::.:: _ r-i~ l"-"":'::·~ ;gr;:::!, Coo.I Game . ::'I:::;.""'!" -~ = = C•aig Durck, 15, Anaheim, lun&es for .ailing plaslic plalltr, while '8.0asllO&l. 221 S HARBOR ILYO. ·1---·--,NTElllOl DISl&~N-ER_S_,0,.-W.., -• l'rt-..... --costA-MESA, CAtlF . :..:" --~• t.....n.,.. his buddy, Chuck Blaney, 15, also of Anaheim, watches action. Boy1 1--t---t-.--,,. .. ~~~:t;:.•:•:••~"=-~~-O:w~e~r~e,.!•!!'mong visi!9n_ l<Ltout.aLbeache1 Wrdne.ad.ay-as-1.DlancUtm-....,,. .••••. -.,..,. ~ pera ure1 soared and flatlanders endeavored to get &&rb' 1tart on long Independence Day holiday. · .. '4/>.0215 .....,276 • , > J . .. . ·-·-~··- I , I I • • • • • , ' • : i -+ ~ • 1 I -! . • ... • ' •• DAILY PILO! H 1, 1 • • • " ~ E " " ~ " " " " ) ll 1a :: ~ .. H• .. ::: "' "' Ho "' .1 m I ' HI 11 ~~ "' "' m it "' "' fil "' " m r1 111 " I~ I 1= I~ I~ ·1:: "' • •• •• l·~i "' 1:. I., "' 1·· · 11 1~: ••• 1 1~1 11:: '"' '"' ... :~· ,,. '" ••• '" ... '" ,,. I~ ... .. " " ... •• ,, OT '" " J• 11: J o " I Jo " J• J • " J< J< J• J< J• J• J< J< J< J< J< K ~ : K i K K K ~ K 1 I f : ! I • D.111. Y '21.0T Jf . New York 'Stoek Exchange ·List • ' I ' ' I I ' (, I .. ; . • j -· I I , I ' I ! ' • .. • . I . l _. -' --;-· • , • ' DAll.Y•PllOT Thom.,, Jw~ 3, 1969 ... --• ' ML MUM ~&· " • -.· I C/ • fJ fl ~ a~ I ~ . " " Hist9ry Forgetting . . . . 1st . Atlantic Flight . . WASHINGTON (UPI) -lf which, ln lbe Present state of airline passengers crossing the aeronauUca might drag -an AtlanUc today were asked who aeroplane to its fate." made the first non-stop flight Alcoci put it "more simply: across the ocean chances are "It was a terrible flight." most would reply: "Charles Five Umes the M1-'ear-old ~Lindberg.!' Brown inelled out over tbe They would be wrong. wing to chip away lee from , -·- ' /' .~ ............... ~aid for Advlce • .· \ .. 't ~ ·r..l. G ' • · ·-· ~ · -· .~ · G.1Y9my us is ,, ..... .. 'l ~ ·• ·-!'. ., "• ~. I ~ .... 1. I ·.Stude nts Help i r,,g .. to Plan Wtr:skingtoreCliJiege .. 'lQtfr .K\nda Gur . . . . · • '. '' . 1 . ' . '"'S BE FRIEND(y· OtWIA,'Wash. (AP) -·operating. Some of 'lhe a~-State." .San Francisco Slat~ Uvlsm at 'lhe''ilMvWty or ';<!1.:..~,"Wcl'lic;cann. u;!., • • Eve.rcretn State Co 11 .e 8 e mlnlstrators have had p~I· Coijege wu wracked-by California 'in 'lfe'rkelty, t~/""lbe studeilft~~· ~"!1« thi9 U '~ have ~ew neigh~ wanted to know What kind of oua ex~nce in getting a .~onths; 'of cam~ ~so~r part in pae fi~ ~tWl·of 'II\ .. ~P;eC:Uv~,,, ~~ -~~ _,r kJll;IW ot tpyone movtpa t<hool tla•allldent,;wotildUk•. new collegt off the ground. ~urlni the 1111lw.1 .a~demtc . (cacle!iilcplan~~~· '~;l!!"immjdi4ti.~"'" :: Z:,":;-~::"! il to be, when it gets some Evergreen was created, on year:· · ' · : .In a twa;d~.~ton,•three .1.~rtefice.11 •• ~",,,,. trtel)d,!Y wel(.'l'lme and be1p· 'slUdentat ·which· will be a COU"" paper, by qie state legjs18turo ' But student' lnvo~vement 11 male student1.·10tried ooUeg~; 1be stud:enta:a~. Paid1tiw.it .,...;._ l.o b<!come acqualn~ pie-of ye.are from now'. . in 1967. But it won't open Us Evugreen .was ·nQt designe4 adminislratQrs~ 1(1 i d1sn1w~ ·~Daes and}1S.kii A·two-daY .. ~.; .. ., So,lt. lfhUing students from doors until 1971. primarily to • avert . ~&udeot:. , issues r.angtna'""m~dei , -ron-:~ton 2Ja -~·ew-flO'Oundlnp.... other unlva..iu .. and colleges Its president, Dr. Charles J. rlolS, nor does Mc\)ann regard and acadomjc l@!Ji'O ·tq ~ ' ,.et ll&ll • day plU. ·~. ;· .sa:-i:coasl Visilor to ailvlse oo. evelythln& from li!oC&M ufd, "A tr u e ft u any gu,aranlee that they kind . ol to~I facllliles;·lhoi>ld • _ . . , • '· 49 .••• 79 the curriculum to campus academic Community whlcb won't happen. • . . . be. ins~~ in 'tileducatioDal •' • • . . ., ~ hoo!lnS.-~ . --tries hard to-be •. community,-Actual oludeilt·P.•rlicipation oorinlto~~ &l•f will:·be·ad-~ Today's· FI nd/ ~ ~ " -~. Tlie students serve on a studen1s. Included, will be in sjlaping.Evergr.een began in ded !or lurllfer diSCUJS!oo. . -Harb.Or Visilor · planning committee w h I c b much less likely lo erupt into Januarywben Robert Jencks, a "What ll)e men· briijg '1o the S k T d· also' includes admlnlstrators the kind of ~rig that .hap-graduate student who bad discusSioits' is ~tef' ~ding fOC S 0 ay '1 fron). school• a I re a d y ~ at San Fr a n c·J s c o been a leader in atudent ac-·about what has haPpened Lindy's heroic solo journey the e11g~. working onlL_in-_ -in Mayofi.9'l7 captUred the .c!ies away [~ane'i ---public imaginlition and his Ian-propellers as he battled 90- I ditlg at Le Bourget airfield -mile-an-hour )Yinds. outside Patil-was greeted by -An ·uhlttst pipe ~ an admiring throng~of 100,000. and the unmuffled T04f of me The first non-stop Oight over-engines ,<deafened both pilots, the~· Atlantic .actually . was who had '° pass notes to com-- made 8 years. earlier -50 municate. Their radio died, years ago June 14th -by two and ror seven b.ours they . _Brillshlliers,.JobnAk:ock and_Jougbt log. _ Arthur Brown. ';l'hey landed nose down in an Irish bog to the consternation of a crowd that tried to get them to land elsewhere. PLANE STALLED At one point jn a storm cloud, the plane stalled and plunged into a wing shaking dive. Alcock pulled it out ooly 11 HOURS LATER 60 feet over the ocean. The women took off ~from Wben they finally sighted St. John's, Newfoundland, and the coast QI Ireland at I a.m., 16 hours and 12 minutes later Alcock deckted to land. He their convert.ea World War I mistook the a r m • w a v I n g Vickers Vimy~bomber-Janded crowd below as welcomees in a Clifden, Ireland, bog. when~lliiJact they were stgnall- On the way , one of the flie'rs ing to keep the plane from Ian- had to crawl out on a Wing dln4. Alcock eased the twin· several Umes, to chip ice from engine plane down, bat when it the engine with a pe{lknife. At hit the gro.und the wqeell sank one point they Oe!! upside In ooze, ind, the pl~ tipped COLoas.snw.sms. IALORE Holiday Sale of Summer.Sandals 991- "-' Arm,. ltllfft\111 down 100 feet over th~ ocean. over on Us' noie in a~· I-'-~-~~Al-,,.u.gh.Jhty_iQ!LLllll;llllO There 111a1 a '~ ol '" prize and were knighted "by.....__qu~1·er;ana-arown o ..-. __ Saleof _ Ladies' $hilts -Reg.25' Clul,..., sm11 !'ntr •2.99 Value! Clamp-en-to Chair Umbrella •• .,. ... hi v1•1rw1n•11 jl I I B · J • K. G V th Alcock and said·. "We did r1ta n s 1ng eorge 1 ey I I f l b well, didn't WP~" were prompt y orgo ten y a .... fickle public. Six months after his m~ I Winston Churchill described ment or glory, John Alcock's the Ale«:k·Brown flight this luck ran out. He died when 1 way: "Think of the broad plane he was piloUni crashed ·A.llaritlc, that terrible waste of enroote to France. Brown f desolate . waters tOssing in returned to hjs . profession as l tumult, in r~peated a n d an engineer and died in lMI. almost ceaseless_ storms and The spot where they landed shrouded with an unbroken in the Irish bog today is mark-1 canopy of mist. ed by a simple cairn of sto~. % HUMAN BEINGS l I t ! I l , "Ac~ this Waste and through this obscurity were two human beings, hurling through the air, piercing cloud and darkness, finding their unerring way in spite of every difficulty to their e1act ob-I jectiVe over· those hundreds of miles • . , and at every mo- ment in this voyage liable to destruction from a drop of water in the carburetor or a spot of oil on their plugs, or a tiny grain in their feed pipe, ·or from any of the other hun- dred and <lne indirect causes . -SAfE ,. BABY BORN IN ELE VA TOR BI RMINGUAM , England (AP.!.,-Mrs. Liliben Patel gave Dirth to a ~ pound -, , ounce baby boy Monday while she was trapped in an elevator. But she got expert medical care. · The elevator was • ln a maternity hospital, and two nurses were trapped inside with her. FAMILY .ASSOflTMENT Uaht up your 4th o1 Jiily colotirotian with the Red DeYil fJmily AssortmenH 72.dNzlins diN>ll)'I includina: many old favorites-Giant'Trilnatt Whetl,,8ulll-eye Cone. Pk:colo Petes-dozens morel hcked by Red DwQ, America's Number 1 Seller In safe and une flAIWDf1tl. ....,.._, 11bNSUO•Mt'5ll .. a.llllllltw1•t1 y -........ ,STAI Sl'AHGllD SAlUTIWnH .1.. IVllY fAllllY .ASSOITMINT .. ' s3•1 1.,. •191·1mporitd w-'•SnGlanes .:o.it. '\" t.11'-_>_ , ' ... .Charcoal Ughter 19° -------------------------- $)99 ..... 67'Fl11ort•-• 9~" Play Balls 44c Air Cooled .a.to SNt C.shl!MI ="'9t ' c.oot, ~omrort• .tile. Elcrlleet Jot Hnllllltl' T&at> ti(IQ driti.Qi. Matdil11 •••••• 's~:49 Yaluil Poly Gallon Picnic Jug 99' . fJ .59 Yahlel C.lem11 Gallon Cainp Fuel ' .... 9· 4c ... Jiu.ms dffi!. 1fitlio•t toat, llllOb 6l clops- 94' • ---___ , • Fountai..._ .. . V~lley • • EDlJJON ·. TEf'I CEf'«S emos • Vote to ·ED.Cl It's Parade _T~im~~ ~e{__i1---;;;:-h+I?. [!,:~~----=-~ ·sh-cri~is,,___. -ltttil 200,000 to View .Beach 4 th Class ie-. For the 65th time this century, Hunt· .lnaton Beach will throw open Its <foors tG thousands ol~ visitors on Independence Day and present them with one of the most colorful spectacles on the Orange Coast -the annual Fourth of July Parade.· BOb Redman, parade chalrmau of 'the Huntington Beach Jaycees, the sponsor- i .illg..aaents..of the event, a~ approx· "'-lrri"ate1y~.ooo to view the parade. nearl,v twice the current population of ij_unl!!l$».Jki.ch.._ Floats, equestrians, decorated auto- mobiles, drill and marching unit.& as weU as 1evera1 'bands will begin their ' two.and-a-half hour trek Uµ'Ough do1vn- fown HunU~on Bptcb at 11 a.m. at 11th and Mam streeb, • The route wtll take them down Main Street, over· to 5th St.rut, a_ portion of Walnut Avenue, bac~ -onto ?gin ~treet, a il«tion of Pecan Avenue and most of Like Sireet. In past years tht parade.. second In size ool)' to the Rose Parade,1 hu drawn c.llebrltiq ranging from beauty queens to legislators. ....,... . Tltis year the city will ~nt Jackie Benington -"Al'iierica11·Junior MIA" who Will be bmled by Huniington ·5 e a c b Marshal. ' Other · ctlebritles include "Misses'' from several neia:hborlng Orange Q:nmty clUes, members or the rnUJtary and federil and· state: legislalors. Special gµ.,,t will be Mn. tvy Baker Pri..t, California stat.-trusunr and former treasurer of the1 United States, . Following the .parade Ut9. ctlebrities will be bootal by illlntint(on Buch Mayor Jact· Greet at a mayor'• recep- tion at the Huntington Sheraton Beacb loo, ZUUJ'adlic c...Llllghway. The lndependance Day celebration, will eonch\de. at t p.m. witll a fireworki display at the Huntington Beach pier. Bug" Bites Mystery-Lull Drops Losses To Lo,v Point Dis ney Fl ick Snarls Traffi c · The Love Bug has bitten Fountain VaJJey, malting city councilmen both hair py and concerned about the city's current epidemic. The "Love Bug" i!!I the Walt Disney movie of the same nam.e and it is cur- rently drawing pheOOmenal crowds - and phenomenal traffic problems-to the F_21.1n~. Valley Drive-in 'lbea1er at Brookhurst Street and Talbert Avenue. cOuncilman Edward Just focused cUY attention on tbe situation 'I\leSday Digtlt with a rew choice comnlenta aboul ~ dial an boor waiting for trafflc"li clti"r up as .peOple entered the lhuter. Jun ~ai~ w!yly~·m be we ought to encourage the theater m.,il§emenr-To bring in more family movies.' On a more serious note, Just added, "'Maybe the city · thould C<Jnsider measu1e1 to improve the traffic flow at Brookhur&t.Street and Talbert Avm.i~ during theater Ume ." SAIGON (Ufl) -A1 spokesman for He noted that three traffic officers Gen. Ctt!&hton w. Abrams' U.S. Com· were pol enough to. handle the sltuUl.on Friday nlgbl u the theater drew capacity mand aaid.tod.af be··hld no explanatton crowd of 2,000 cars. for ,the current batUefitld lull "w!dcl! The theater hol<is !,7'11 cara In a .aJncl< dropped U.S. Josaei.. -Jut-week lo Ulalt. night. Total attendance thus Jar hu been li>w..t "'1o< iJnce early May. more tliim ~· .. saJil ..Mo'rlan. •At . .,~_.....· 11.a.d_ l' Viel ""'". .. .:.;;:-tl><a!or lime; biwr'i,veilioiil backoa> •• ........ .,-.,. -· up !or_ ..,. e oo Iha Sao 1>18o• Na<Ul ietnG!oe JriDetf .WedDOldlJ• ill ""°"''f· mnalJ and ll'•!lend ~ lrvni the • Couocilman . J":'t wu one o1 ~ rioriJim. "" !l'fD' to' the Mekong D<IlL -who hiia t bee.a able lo enterJ!lL-AniecUol"" wwo ...._.bed·u ;,_ tlieilU . . ,....,. -~ "I'm ~tnl ,waiting to See the Love Bu,,'' · The spokelman acknowledged wbat· be Just concJuded. called a "very.tow leve~.of: 1ctJvlty" t ihce ·\ Defense Told of Evidence the mJtJdle of laat week and said "1 am convinced there la. a lull just from ~e reported actions as you have seen in the briefing sheets. OnPanther,ButNoNames Evidence agalnst a Black Panther leader accused of .murdering a Santa Ana policeman today ls available to his defense attorneys, but names of ejght \\'itnesses afraid of vengeance must be kept secret. A defense motion ut a.llow discovery of evidence Y:as granted Wednesday . by Orange County Superior Court 'Judge James F. Judge at tbe preliminary hear- ing. Black Panthers and sympathizers packed the ?>seat courtroom to give moral support to Daniel M. Lynem, 22, charged along with two other militant blacks still nOt in cu.stody. The judge partially granted a motion by Deputy Public Defender James R. Gol.t to gain access to materials the pro- secution hopes to use in building its case against the Black Panther leader. But ht! also ruled th!it AMislanl District Attorn.ey Everett W. Dickey could withhold the names cf eig'ht wit· nesses who are afraid for their own lives and those of their families. The eight persons whose identities will be kept secret for lhe Ume being have allegedly been ha'ras&ed a~dy about thflr pot.enlial roles in the murder case. Judge Judge ordered the prosecutor ,to give the names ol 20 other witnesses in- volved to Lynem's public defender,, however. along with evidence collected . • The eight mystery witnesse s who w1q. testify w~o Lynem Is tried fo~ the June • r. .. • ~ m u.\"r d e r of Patrolman ·Nelson A. Sasscer, 24, must be identified 43 boon before they appear in court. Deputy PUblic Defender Goff protested withholding of the tight name1 Wed- nesday, but the prosecution put Santi Aha .Poliet Offktr Dalt Steriu oti the stand to testuy. Officer Sterzer -beaten with his own nlgbtstick duruig a our-riot Sunday night in Santa Ana's predominantly Negro area -said the eight ha:ve reported reaJ fear for their safety since the killing. L)tnem .is held without ball and two other Black Panthers, Arthur League, 20 and Odis N. Grimes, 21, both of Santa Ana, are sought in a nationwide manhunt, alter being indicted by the Orange Cow.- ty~Grand Jury. Despite &he presence of Black: Panther supporters, only one outburst marred the proceedings al the hallway point ana the Judge wamed another would lead to clearing ol the courtroom. Lynem, minister of communications for the Santa Ana chapter of the militant black action group, baa pleaded innoceut to tbe murder of OHicu Sasscer. The dei.artment'a top rookie officer for 1968 was shot on a darkened street corner after ra~ headquarters that he was stoppjjjflO questloo 'a couple of pedestrians. He died within the hour after being found I!)' 1 nelg!Jbor who heard the blalll, but wu<never able to make a ltltement about his llllackeri · , "But I don 't know the reason ror it Or bow long it will last." According to the weekly casualty release, 241 Gii were killed and 1,847 were wt:Klllded last w~ the ligbtdt losses since the week ending May 10 wben 184 Amerlcw died anil !~ .W- ferecf Wounds. · · -South Vietnamese bead quarter• reported 44il of 1t,s 'llleo alain and IOI WOUDded Jut week, a16o a decrease, while ColDlllunrSt deat!U dropped 61$ fronr the preyjOw: week to 3,333, subject to revi!ton upward. Mindful of the threat of infiltration tow·atd Saigon and Da Nang, South Viet. nam's two biggest clUes, ~ Command sent eight waves of ~ bom~s against -their approaches late Wednesday and early today. Two other waves of the stratofort!!I went after North Vietname1e troopti in the centrP' hlgliJands, near the Green Beret: camp at ·Ben Het. No au.cu against that outpc>st were reported today . followlz)g the end of its 56-day siege. The biga:est ground batUe Wednelday, a four-hour clash on the oortbem coast, cost the Communists t5 dead and Amerlcin "!l/ll fow-dead and eiJbt wounded", war communique;, said. Stw.lc llf11rkeu ' - NEW YORK (AP) -The atock·market cloeed a winner again today·as It carried Ila rally throug!J the rOW1h and cloalng session d the weelt. (See quolaUons, Pages 14-15). The Ucbanits •lD be closed Friday rot the Fourth. of July. Trldint w11 fllr\y acUve near the crnse. • MA,. INEllCA'l'ES .JtOIJTE OF FOURTH:OF' Jl,.IL'Y PARAD!--_ 11 •• rn;.StertJftf-Tlmo,for Huntlnvtqn-l!xtr•••tonza " . .; I I" ~ ) ' ... . of Entries- For 4th Parade Listed He.re ls a ctmplete list of .entries schectliled 1o parliclpate In t h -Independence Day Parade In HW1ting1"n Beach o ' ' -' Due .Today SACRAM.l!lNTO CAP> _:· ~ Democrata agreed loday lo -!arGOv. ljooa1d Reagan'a 16.37 blillon ¥ret and end a fJSCal crlsb that hu left CalUornia Wlthout-autboriutlnn to Spend -for three days .. The announcement came juat u bout before · Uie RePublican governor-wu· to man an appeal for Puaac<. ol hie ·.....,. !1l!!u!:9gr_jj)IJ>elor1;0'Jo!nt -ot.ll>o- &aemb\y and se.ate. • Aloenibly Democr~Uc Leader Jeiae M. Unruh· laid, ''We'e.zpect -to lfve the tf Democratic votet necesiary to pul tbl! budget today. W.e do this on·tbe bUli of . tlie governor 's .conct.UJon. •.• Unruh 18id egreement ClllM! arter eon, li'oller HOll&lon I. "1oumoy reJ>Orted that another fell mllllon lo 165 mlll!!!!Lln :mrplas-bodget rw\a. hadliein lowld 1o add to !he' 11'.3 ·61111on In •lite sci>Oor aid.' Unruh 18id tble .wOU}d add between '11111 mJillon. end IUO millJon to . the od>ool fund. Reagan originally offered lt05 million in new money. . Before the caucus a Beqan alde bad said the governor mJgbt cancel ~ &eheduled speclal appear1nce befot1 a joint legialaUve -1on to plelllf !..-passage. -.'.'.Oii<. --.p1 ... 7 .... -~-~ wilh .~ •peech. but if ~ .... "~ paaed, we~ ... lo~ ... Ufd ,Jj!Wln-~-m. .Rqpa'a ... ecuUVe seaetary. " • Democra&.1 were AlllJ'Y Oftt ~·· ~11111';· to i ......... ' to tbti Stna&i and AssOml>ly ,,:;-·, ~·,·~~Jttkl~­thtoiliJi w'!!h hl:j;1.;~ Demoiratl wlllt Reapn lo boast present • schOOI approprtaµ.m of 11.3 blllton. by· some lalO million. Reqen of. fered 1105 mllllon, and pledged lo put language In the budget allocaUnc all BW'plus money to schools, Without the votes of ·et ltast 11 of the 39 Democrab, Republicans Cllli let the tw .. thfrds nliij<itlfy or. "M reciuJnd !or budget.pasuge In the IO-n>ember houae. Reagan 's decision to appear provoked bitter n.actioo from aome Democrats. As!em:bly Democratic C.UCUI cbaJnnan George N. Zenovlch oC Fruno, AJd Reepn wouldn't get ff \'Olea for 'hie budget ii he spoke. ' Tlu'oulhout the mwive ·ijate aovern- ment, operitlom croUDd toWard 1 crawl because of a lack of cub. Prison ind mebtal bospltal officials aald tbq didn 't have money to buy medicine oo; food, They uUd merci>an!I and druggilll lo supply paUenta and prboners on "good faith" that hey even.-wally will be repaid. 11We have cbildn:n wtio, if they d<m't have milk, don't live ..• that'• all the food they take." sakf a spokesman for the Stole Departmeat ol Mental Hygiene. H"Plial ' and prioon auperlnteridenta continued to buy such perishables as eggs and milk on credit. and rely .on. JO.day supplies for staples. State emptoyes - almost lo a man -he'aded the Republicao JVY)¢tnur'a requeat to work for free. A problem developed_ M the big EmPl<>Ymei>t Departmenl Offielall warn- ed thalH the budget wasn 't sljpied by tbe end of the in<llilh, unempl\>YIMlll and· dlsabllity lnkance cbecka IO eome 5.11 mlillon ,CallfQrnlan, mJBlit J>e beld up because of a lact of funds to operate cllstributlnn facllitf ... Co* l I I .· • ' ..... -. . J GAILY PILOT M Larwin Gets Approval of ~ Five Models ' _'J"be 'Larwin Co.. bu wm.dQLapproval for completion ol five model homes, now balf·bulll, on its controversial 100.acre i.ilt 1n Fountain Valley. Clti planners Wednesday nlpt agrti!d to le\ !.anrln €o. flnfab ·its· !he-models a.n4 UM them -for more tha.n two y~ - u models for the company's "Encore" i&trlts of homes. Larwin representative John Tapklng also told planners that hls company would JOOn .submit revised plans for d;.,~ of that conirovenial siie, stopped eifUer by a court orde!' and now lhe batUeground for a recaU movement. . . • ---"' ---------~·· Panther Booms . . . I • firewQrks Firm _ Un!iurt by Name ~ Black Panther brand llreworkf are jllll ~JOCI, whlle and bble u ever thll P'liilrlh ol July, •11!1 -boomlllg better ~ ever before In Lbe flrm.'1 nearly 40-yar hl!tory. Despite llharing a Utle with 1 ml!itaol action group beld lo ill-re&a.rd by !Ome elements, marketers of lbe pyrotechnk: products report QO adverse eUect oo .oales. A random poll of charltablt!! organlza- Uons manntng Black Panther st.ands in the Harbor Area Wednetday turned up DO ... porla <t· mlaundentandlng -· juat Who would benefit froro aai.s. The Lynwood-based fyrotronlc· Corp., ,which markela both Black Panther and Red De'vil firework!, In fact, registered Its Jara:est, pre-e.al.e volume. "YOU1"hight as well change the name of my o.ld. palrol in Boy Scoots," said Fred Brookllls, vice pruident ol sales for the organizaUon. situation seems rather split in tenns of the predominantly Negro area markets. · "How dare you use our narrie?'' Brookins quoted a couple of callers purporting to represent the Negro mill~ tant group as saying in the past week. Tapldng said new plans, con!onning to ncnnal ciiy standards, would soon be ...;,. __ med for Uio..P<OJl'l'll'-OrllinallJr torr;--~.,.,..ilii:o -Win ... ~biilld • planned deveiopment He added that a switch in title was con- ~mplated. when the Negro ;ni!ltant groupo fll>t begon maklni """ about three yura ago, but Wu vetoed as a blo• ~ Amlrlcan traditiOn. . Black Panther firework&, however. were being sold when the p~ts of many Black Panttier party members were only children. I l •• I • with 500 homes on 100 acres, p die N P••_. ..n _ J The model homes will eventually 00 0 .. --umper become a part of whatever new develop- ment 15 !auilched oh the property, aaid Standard-size J>O<!dles, by br~ediJ!g am trajping, Tapk!ni. are bird dogs -retrievers who glory in splashing The homes won't be occupied until a through water to pick up a duck dOwned by a hunt- new tract Is approved by the clty for the ing master. But Michelle, a miniatur-e cousin of the working poodle, appa'renUy was having second thougbts about her background when playmate Laura Walker, 5, Huntington Beach, tried WOOnes· day to coax her into surf near Newport Pier. "We'v~ had a ~ple of organizations that didn't buy thi.S year," he admitted, and ol course tbe name can 'color' a person's thinking." , "But I can remember a couple of years ago when J wu a Rtld Devil 1alesman and we had some fundamentalist church grQMPs ~t refused to buy." · On the other hand, sales havlt' been reportedly extr~ordinary at some ;Black P~ther itandl 1n-black neigbborboods, a nqo-'industry ft.ory whiCh c o 1(1 p a n y spokesmen chOose not to discuss .. ,, Brookins s a i d Pyrotronic Ccri>oration supplies the entire state of California with Black Panther and Red Devils pro· ducts, but the 1969 volwne is a cor- poration secret. ' \,arwin property on I.he corner of Magno.Ila Street and Talbert Avenue. It appeared Tapklnl:'• declaraUon of in- tention to submit new planl nieans Larwln Co. woold not further appeal the Superior COOrl decision that atopped the orli!iial 1mall tot devel-ent. One dliun, Jack Schull%, -~-"' •P- proval of the model homea on tlle ground& that Larwin QI. had Uled oub- terfuge to build them wbiletl!e c:ouit blt- Domingo ·Trigger Happy As Roc~y Visits Palace Beach's Maureen \' . . ' Runs Mil~ Relay In Ohio Sarurday Ke noted u one clarification that all telepbone calla to tile Lynwood plaot are . now ~ted by: "'Good Evenlng, Black Panther· Fireworks."' "Of courae a<me of the girls rorget and ' uy juat 'Black Panther,' " B.rookins con- tinued, e~ssing mlld interest when in-· formed his secretary had Indeed jW!t done that very thing. Uthe Caucasian.cu!tomU doesn't mind · buying Black Panther pyroteclmie!, the John' McVay, li, staffing the First <;,briBtian Church Torchbearers Club stand iii the 100 block of East 17th' Street, Costa Mesa1 was quite: saUsfied Wed- nesday. , "We 're · doing a real good bUJ.lneas,1. especially when people buy the 1%1 sela," be up~. · · , Ue WU raging. • He '"" ruled out of order by city PJan. nillg Conunmlsslon. Cl\lfrlll>n Junes Dick wbo aald, "We will not fight I.be old Larwln batUe all .over again. . 'l1tiJ decl&lon will be'made on the' merlta: of the five borne alone." ' From Pqe · l • ENTRIES. i • SANTO llQMlNGQ_(UP!J ~Reary fir- ing broke out in the &treets of Santo Domlngo today and a number or casualties were reported but Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New York drove unharmed lhr0u1h the~ strei!ts to the pre&ldential• palace for high level talks. PollCe and embassy sources said two persons were killed and five pb-.90ns wound_e_d in this te;nse •nd. trl.Qer·happy city in two separate Incidents. Sporadic gunfire also wu reported In ,...,.., '""" ..w Mi.> _,. df'lll ,....,. h I I I ho I y"" L.lnde «Mmllw o1 Commit'" , .. ,. ot er p aces and occas ona s ts cou d ~!!!~ ~· 'it:: he beard thr01Jj1h01Jl the morning. ~.~.~~ i$, ~ r.tt:, ,·~fi . ~ ..,.,,, The first ma1or incident came when ..... KJ•!Om two persona were reported ~ounded at I~ hNl'I lull, eo1"" ....... _,., IN• . tm'.T"•· the Plua lndependen.;ia. U.S. Embassy bl~~,j·~~~l\1:; 1t, IMl'tl'll"' u111t. sources said Olis.started when a Ure blew t~ ttr3~,~~1111m1e. c.irL out on a patrol car and jittery security l0tno111e W•'-· riw. • forces opened fire on another group of ~~!~ied.'1?;~ior.i~lldl ciw CNKW arm~ men, touching o~ a firelight Tiie ~-~ "'_111•_ ""*" . ..,.. · Dominican police versK1n waa that the ~;W~,. tMtw '"' Iii adttt. "'"""'"'_ .. army men Ma been sfiot ar r;y-a sniper ,,,; 0,..;... cai:=t:.~ 1 · an<f fired back. °"'* A. MCD1111tL-,....,, ,...,.,..., ""''WL The second major incklent came at the Pllllfllfl Ollnlt WMI', rlcHil', lltllt. menMI. ~~·~·.~c~ ~er-... Port .Workers' Union Palace on Vicente CIVIi Air ;. •• ,..,, 0raf181 ~ c.dtt Squldnlll Nob]~ Street in the DP city! not far from ti, ,.,.rdllrll 111111. · . the Duarte Bridge where efUst groups l~.C,~i.uy 111111. vowed to block Rockefeller from crossing ---~-~,,,."rthr:i.~1~1&~1111 •· caltf' wt"· --""'"~a.-ch P•-'-"'""' flolt. ~""11 rd, i''*' .,....... . .1~ , ""''' V11 ''"'''' rldlr. 1ncy M1111ln, .r ""'"'· ~iw i!i:!':li·i!~ 1l1w ~"" ~~~tt~;..., :fll(~'ii Iv. ~" ~"" :fib. f!MI, llllCY '"' "· • viii. lllOt ~1\1 tl'll Al110Cl1t10tl, .tPIC1t!tv "' . ~l;\T~i:·.".::lh '.;":t~, ftcM•ltd 111to. ~~IOll~"'T""unJ: ~ C11111. dlmr•t.cf •u!G. • Jl1111f Jrwlf}' .... Lot", aooc:l1ttv,." • M"""h11fwo--MoKh JI-Pr*_...-. d~lttd •llJ!:-Ctr.tlrttbw CNJ.-~. dltCOtlll'td 1111'o. lYA(Y of Orll'QI Ctunty, '°'"ITllllllWt!oN lrllltf. f.ooperation Due Says Borman • LENINGRAD, U.S.S.R. (AP) -U.$. astronaut Frank Borman said today he: is working on a program wxler which the United States hopes to launch a bi& space staUon a few years from now. "I foresee a time in lhat program when Sovlej: and U.S. spacemen will be flying together," he added. Borman said the launchlil'g of the space sta.tion ii Intended for the mld-705. He did not give further details on It or the way in which Americans and Ruuiana would operate in space together. OAllY PllOl ....... N. W"' ""' ....... 1"111111-J.,. K. C1i1rl.., Vb ............ ~ o-.i ...,._ n • .,.., IC1ntl ·-Tlt.N. A. M....i.111 *""'"• •• -Alitff W. l1tH Wllli1M l1M AMK!el1 ............ lhKi. E.,._ City llltar " ............. OlllCl9 Jff Ith ,....,,. M11lh11 .u.i .. n1 r.o. ••• 7to. tlwt --.. ......, '-"· mt w.1 ..... ..,.._.,. QN ,..,...,, »I .... , ..., *"'"' ..... ietd'I ID ....... ...... Single Parents Planning Picnic Tbe .Orange County Chapter of Par· ents Wlthoot Partners will hold its an- nual plcnic at Newport Dunes on lnde- pendence.Day. Single parenb from the Orange eoa,,t area are invited to attend the picnic. which starta at 9 -8.m. and last.s until after the fireworks show. Coffee, charcoal and marshmallo~s '"ill be furnished by the chapter. For further infonnailon cootact June Peter· son, S4S-1754. Cool Ga1ne . ohoul<!_ he use th!l J>lllh to ~ !lfporl. Dominican· po~ sources 1ald a ·sniper fU:ett on a military patrol, killing an !Jr Force corporal, and that the patrol fired into the bulding. · lnfonned aources·saJd a woman ini;lde the bulldlng was killed and three per.sons wounded. Security forces irreated at least $0 per~ ~ld~ _th~ blµlding where 11Cat~ tered gunibola soilnded for !Orne time aftttward!!I. ' The city of Santo Domingo had been tense and fearful for the Rockefeller visit, mindful Of the violence whl~h has plagued tJs missloni to La'tin Alnerica as an envoy of President Nilan. Valley Planners Approve Anotlier . W allt;d Ci.ty Plan Huntington. Beach track star Maureen Meade, J 4, will run in -the mile relay at the AAU Women's Nallooal.cham· p!OQ3bipo Saturday in Dayton, Obio. A television tape of the entire track meet will be·qlade. and replayed .Sunday at 1:30 p.m., on ABC (Channel 7) local I)'.. Maureen Is competing with me Long Beach Comets on a mue relay team that holds the thlrd l>est· mwk in the nation this yetr, She runs the «a in about ®'•. . The mys)Ery !lonor, reportedft'terday to have SJ!,ulied Maureen with the $200 air tare Jie needed to com~ in Dayton; turned out to he the ·Long Beach Comets, who will require repay- ment in the near future. Mauuerl'a Parents, Mr. and .Mn. Robert Meade, 7702 Rhine Drive, .., they still, need help to pay the young lracbter 1 e~. Maureen lw sevea brolben and aist<n. Egypt,' lsrae~ rrade_ Fh·e - Across Sliez for I~ Hours .. By THE AS5ocJATEll 'PRE8S . Egypt and Israel traded irtlllery and small arms fire lor"l% hours Wednesday at several p!aef;S along the Suez; Canal, spokesmen for thelr armies said. Kc:nnedy ~Ian Ready The Israeli communique said two or Jts ·soldiers were wounded. The Ei)'ptian communique did not mention casualties. Amid the intensified military activity the two countries continued to exchange brickbats over the recent shakeup in the top command of the Egyptian air force. . Israeli military sources c I a I m e d Wednesday that Israeli jets flew over To Shoo.t Green River Cairo, possibly passing over President . Gamal Ab;del Nassar's home, June 17. VERN" U L(UP-IJ _The v'n.nedy -'!'hey &aid this-led .to-the firlng-Jone ..-oii nu, fl1r na Gen. :Mustapha el Hailnaw, air force • p H If W M k clan arriv~ ii1 this wild and rugged river chief, and Gen . Hassan Kamel, air aSS 8 I ay ar coontry lak Wednelday to begin a four-defense commander. .c- day shoot of the tempestuous Grien The semiofficial newspaper Al Abram ST. PETERSBURG, Fla: (AP)· -An River. ~ scorned the· clalm today, .saying it wu Another ''walled city" development adventurer trying to provt a llnk between ~The party, led by Sen. Edward Ken-· part of an attempt by Israeli leaders t.o similar to Villa Monterey was approved ancient Egyptian• and modemdey SoUth nedy (D-Mass.), included his wife, Joan; regain prestige Jost by mount Ing Wednesday night by Fountain Valley Americansjs reported past the half-way the widow of the lste Robert Ke.nnedy, casualties in the Suez Canal area and PlaMing Commissloner1. mark on a journey acrou the Atlantic in Ethel, and nine of her children, and Mrs ... Palestinian guerilla attacks In Jerusalem Application for a planned development r-a~pe~pyrua==boa=t.=========P=a=lr:ic:la=La=w=ford=·==========•:n:d:T:el=A=';i:'·=======:; on property near nrookhurst Street and.. Warner Avenue was submitted by the • John B. Clark Co., developers of the •;rua Monterey dlreeUy 80Utb or city hall. Only commis!loner Caroll Mohr op. posed the new development. He aald Its average lot she of 8,IOO aquare feet would make density too hlgh. Minimum lot size in the d!velopment ls about 1,1%0 aquare feet. Villa Monterey is typified by walls, en. clrcUng each Individual home, including the front .yard. The new development will be built OJI the same. pattern as Villa Monterey, pl1Mers were told by Clark. • JI: J. garr.ell'o 14 ·th Semi-.Annuaf Safe ALL HERITAGE UPHOLSTERED PIECES in your. J:holce of style or f1bric· m•y he purch11ed 1t 1 mo1t 9enlll'1)u1 11ving1 • • , ... 15 T-rvly a rare money-saving opportunity .,. 0 Over 200 s1y1., of Solu -Chairs -Love Sea'ta -Ottomllll t~ your choice of any Hd1tlge Decorator fabric. ·• 1\LS' ••• SUBSTANTIAL SAYINGS ON "ANY HIRITAIH DINING ROOM, IEDIOOM AND TAILE GROUPS ••• HERITAGE ,& living tu.dJUcm bl ~Ulre )!our fovo'rf~ lnkrior dcripn IOill l>t llaPPll to will"°",,, Craig Durck, 15, Anaheim, )unges for sailing plastic platter, while his buddy, Chuck Blaney, 15, also of Anaheim, watches action. Boys \vere amon_g visitors to coastal beeches We4nesday as inland tem· peratures soared and flatianders endeavored to get earl¥ start on long ~dependence Day holiday. I • PROFES$10NAL • INTEllOl D£Si$NE!lS 2115 HARIOR BLVD. COSTA MESA, Cl\LIF. M~027' • M~0276 • ' i t I " I , • ---. ' ' ' J • • Laguna Beaeh· / . EDITl0!1/ . * / /. • •• VO!:. 62, NO. 15', <I SECTIONS, 36 PAGES . . ORANGE COUNTY, CACIFORNIA : JH!)RSOA Y, JULY l, ·.1969 TEN CEl<ltS Down the Mis.sion Trail Er Toro · ¥rPort Topic of Copncil . . • U.S. Puzzled " • Ry ·Myste~y • . Lull in War SAIGON (UPI) .\ •J>oketman lot" Gen. Creighton W. Abrtm!' u:s. Com- mand saJd today he had no iaptanalion for the current batUe!ield lull which • Illa -· ,-.. ' . Denis" Join ;t() As.sure -. ••• Passage ' By GEORGE SKELTON SACRAMENTO (UP!) -" The """"'· bly, ar~·er. four days ot blttr' dHdlock and polil)cal bloodletllng, pa....r ·a fii.3 bllllon ,budget today to Usuie an end to tht s~te.'s grav~t fiscal crisiJ sloce EL TORO -Technical aspects of using dropped -U.S. }QSSeS last week to their El Toro Marine Corps AJr SaUon as an IOwest ,point s1rice early May. ' " . . . . ARTIST'S RENDERING DEPICTS MISSION COMMUNJTY HOSP.ITAL PLANNED FOR SOUTH COUNTY Con1truction of lnltlal, 12'-bad PhtM Scheduled" to Start In Ai>out· 60 Days tpe deyression. , A&sembly Democrats, who bad drl· matically blod<ed tlie , budget .~ niibt .forclng_ sta1e..governtnem lrilo lbe new fl•car yeer wttbotil authority to Spend . ili!""Y, Joined . Reputilicans In i>usJilng the re<:<>r<I spendlOJ l!fOll'llD lo Interim reiional airport will be reviewed Field reports listed lU Vlel~Cong or . ' tor m,embm: Of-the S-a d d 1-e·b-a c k--North Vietnamese killed Wednesday Jn Coordinating Council at their next ~mall aod scattered skirmishes from the ' . meel!ng Ju,!Y 9. northern wu zone to the Mekong Delta. The oounclJ's airport committee. will Allied losses were described u light:· Hospital Slated for Viejo . report on the costs, physical operation· re-'.J'ht spoltesman acknowledged what he .qUlrement:i and other data, in comparing called a "very low level of activity" ~Ince the Senate. . '!!l<lr "acllon heeded. oil .Gov. lleoga11's plnmed penqpol •l' It 1..jolnl ,.._ aion of the ~lature. . ~the El -Toro air slation to· the Orange the mirtdle of las't week and ·said ''I.am County Airport · · 1be 7:30 p.m. meeting will be held at convinced . there is a lull just from Jhe $5 Million Construction-to Get~ Und_er .Way Soon · · ~~~·P'ed\cl< the _buc!i•' the "ROJal savings an?J Loan ASsociaUon -re~ed actions 11s--y<iu have seen tn the in ToroCenter, El Toro. br1ef1ng sheets. would Pl"! lhe u~ ho\lse wllh ease .. and go· to lleepn lor bis alpture . e Ro•d Cloaure Due IRVINE -The Valencia Avenue in- terSectiOn at Laguna Canyon Road will be closed for approximately r:il~ months itarting Ju)y 7. During that time, the Caltfomia State Highway Department advises, a VaJencia overpass will be built 'over the Laguna Canyon Road lntenectlOn. Va1encia ~i~l -rematirope.u--nol'th--lil tfieSan 'Diego FiffWjy.• . ' ... I . • Cape ce. GflelJ.....,......._ CAP1$111ANO mciilv.Nns -'A P'!rade, gamu, picnic. dinneis and a lire-dioplay wJ!l J!lghll~ a .lr!dl· tiooal Fourth of July celebraUon ""liere. The parade will ·begln a(Il a.m. at the tnter,ecUon of Pike an.d. M~ckenzie Streels. Garµes and races will. follow tbroogh 4:30 p.m., when a softball game is 11chedtiled. Preceding the 8 p.m. firtworks display will be a picnic supper. F~rther Jnfonnation may be obtained by calling Richard Warner, 830-0719, or Dick·Smith, 8.10--0796. e Picnic Ride Slated . · LAKE FOREST ~~ Children 6 to J2 ye.an; of age In the Lake Forest arts and crafts group will be taken by the Lake F oreSt tram to the Circle J Ranch in San-- ta Ana July It for a picnic trail ride. The tram will leave the Beach and Ten- nis Club at 11 :30 a.m. said Lee Plliooey, arts and crafts leader. Each child must bring his picnic !Unch. Registration will be accepted at the clubhouse untU Wednesday, July 9. Cost & 11.50. , e Fo·11rtl• Fieata Set LAKE F.OREST -Community-wide lestivitles to celebrate lhe Founh of July wiM get under wa,y at 8 a.m. for residents of the Saddleback Valley. The activiUes, Including bicycle caccs. games, arts and crafts display 8.Tld a beauty·contest: will be held at Lake For- est undt'ir · iponsorship of the ft fission Viejo Jaycees. e Candno Widenitcg Set ,SAN. CLEMENTE -C a m i n o Capistrano between Pacific C o a s t Highway and Via Breve at the city'11 north limit5 will be widened frctm 54 to 64 feet at a cost of about St 18,000. Work i11 slated to start soon on the 2,000 foot. long portion of the roedway. Widen· ing f'lecessltated one land exchange and condtmnauon of several lot reels. Ora••• ' Caut Weather A 1loriOOs Fourth ls on the hori· 1.on, wealherwise. with <Ctle morn- ,lng haze departing early to leave JUnny akies and temperatures in the 70'1 for coastal celebrants. INSmll n»DAY An. Ora.nae Countu c/Mlc for t :tttpttorm'l children may be tlie last hopt for manu m.tntally retardtd 110to1giM-1. Page 15. .. "But I don't know the reaJOn for it or how long u will last." • Construction of a $5 million hospital Misslon community Hospital wjU iriclude aircraft accident scenes. · 'lbe Assembly vote was ~19. The two &lasarooms and a lecture hall· lot · Initially planned for .128 bedl,. MWlon measure .._needed .M votes. Etahletn According lo the weekly casualty and 111edlcal technology educaUonal reJease, 241 Gls were killed J.nd l,&4? facility in the Misslon Viejo area of wve wounded last week, the ·lightest Southern Orange County will begin in medlcal1 techrology 11tudents. ' CWmunlty: Hospital will include a Democrats voted aye. ' . A~ eQuipment to be used in the larger-than-normal, 24-.bour emergenCy A3 thdr 1pri~ lor vQtlnJ oa. t"8 ·budc· losses since the week ending May 10 about 60 days, developers 81UlOWlced to- when 184 Americans died and 1,%25 !Uf· day· educatwu,, section include& a cJOled-room, tntensive cire unit, laboratory, and et, , Democtata; won ~a· Piedae ' Crom circuit television aystem to literally bring radiological treatment cente!: for cancer Rea!r.fl!.9.:f!0viae mote.AChOol aki ~ fered wounds. The 250--bed iac;ility will be built at the South Vietnamese head q u. a·r t er 1 San Diego Fr~"".ay. ~ Crown , Valley otudeota riabl into the operaUng room for peUenll. · ~~ oewllad e&l~ ~ ~ training. O.arlng In mind the young lamlly· towi!Y "" estimated-ar bet-llJO reported 446 or ·its men slain . and 8)4 Paz:kway by MiMion, Vse10 M~ll Com- w.ound¢-JW '..W.eek. ~ aJ,so a _deer.ease, .pa1!y .. _ ·~· is e:ipected to bcg!n accepUog ''The .lite of Mission Community Ql'Iented planned ttousin& development;s ln milljQh .;.;t' $200"'inillioh. , '~ ~ 4 - H"Jlltal wu~~Jle<auseJ1.qllu<d the "'""""41ntr-~-'1><, JI"'! ~y '""Ollr~l-clilldi'<li-1re "~ roopl ]or , ~on ~ -·or -.:!U. ~ feature ,• IJ.l*I ·olJl\?l!'icl AlaO!Dbfy ~•lie leodtr .2im Un-. ~ aid · ..-.,, _ _. • · , ftib ·d<!il'arid· duri"': ~oar' dllioriliJ '!Wa while Co!)uounbl deau,.. df<>pped ass petie!ti~ooeyear ... · · (t'4 · ~~'-"lid ·-' su J rapidly developing industrial-corriMerclal-1 ~-llio . . -... "=· b"ect lllnla&lcallJ • ..... thi hwt<lf• Ibo GI~ 1be 'unat of-JnmtntiQn -·Mil J1•1 ..CW.~ .. Cemmunltf t°"mfS,Jton and Da,Ning, Soulh mi,. Hospital wm ~er virtually all moderil l(IO~ loi'~_,,jj~! •'rhe.t are Just Hlabliabla1ol111o.~ ,.,.,,,.,.. -'~'!'f .....,..= • n,, elll11-' .,,..,,..,!lei! c.;.1•..-i1111 ·wtJl'.,..... Pliolile'lii'llie" . iriiilW - lacility II central lo major t,rut!i'iall""" . to aerv• lhf la~ area IL ~-Jlllibl, •., • · nam's two blagest tttief, ·the comm.Ind medical treatment, . ·serif eight waves ot BU bOrnben against More. than SO ~I physicians are m. f.beir-approacbe!I~ lite ... Wednesday 'and volved..m.the Pl'.OJed.anct exparudon._p1an1 _ jec'b which wm lnlvitably-predute .Job Oranp ,Cliuilf," otlinis aaidloday.· ·:x .. dlit, ·lbtM·~·-l llOoil ... ¥CC(dentvtctlm111qulQl>(swlltcart. Jleoeardl lhows developinenl. to Ille UU., goo(" OO<llllBtd ·GOP --W. An eailmato1Ll,OOO...,.ployea..w!IL,he--MUaion'-Vlejo· area~wlll-be-even---Crlii Bi.ldlt of Rlvmlde, ~iiwLaay. early today will draw more medical men -lhto. the Two othe'r 'waves of the alrato!orts operation as it conilouea, according to working ln the area by the Ume It opens. rapid aJlj! dramatic than that along other the1 De.moc.i:ats speak for the cblldren Traffic mbhap .v~c~ wiµ alst? ~ve freeway lediOJUJ of Orange County Jn tbc ~ ;,.ea1~ottu4·"· 1 _. 1. · . . went -after North Vietname1e troops, in developers. . ·the cen~4 bigb1and.s, near the Green Located · acrou Marguente Parkway . eaay '"'" to lhe new hospital, which pes~ GeUnu aaded, · )'.~elilbly, ~~. Bdhett "lom1an, wlll feature a helioopt.r·landing pad fo Currently, Soolh CoaSI Communli1 pt·~J!._~f.t!t<!: .(!ev>r'~cire~~ Beret camp at Ben Het. No attacks from the Sadd)eback .College campus, brln&1injured.per-llOlll from future boat or (See HOSPITAL, Pare J) gone ""uuao• sucu an exci""R w1..--e you were coocmied about lhe lni.nt ol against· that outpost were reported today following thi end oI its 56-day sleg,. . ' ' Laguna Hills Set Woman Jailed in HaSsle For 52-acre With SPCA Dog Cat.cher . Shopping Center A Rolling Hills woman today waa A major Sl-acre region~ shopping &ebeduled for arraignment on charges of the needed rabies papers. and ·.a doi license. Mrs. Walker sald they were back home. center featurinc• at Jtast two lar1e na· disturbing the peace following a balsle tional chain depa:rtmefil ·store. wtll:-be wilh the 4ogcatclle-T-oo Laguna's Agate The dog was placed in ·the truck and a built soon in the Laguna Hills area, it was Street Beach. • . ~minute hassle ensued. ' annoupced today. · Mrs. Aimee Walker, 44, st1d"5he would Mrs. Walker say1,1 "l was afraid to The facility at the soulh side of El Toro plead innocent and. reque,sl a)•""" trial. leave my dog with that man and 0 et my Road adjacent to the San Dieg<i Freeway -· ~ e will hold as many as 50 speclahy shops, The incident occurred Tuesday af. wallet." as well as the large stores. temoon when Officer· Owtght Leak of teak said he didn't stop the woman Sears, Roebuck & Company and the . Society for PrevenUon of 'Cruelty to from going to her home. He said she told , Br~way are the two department stores Anlmall (SPCA) iJlcked 'up.her pedigreed him , "I'm not going to take you into my scheduled to be included, according to boxer Cninka white MrS. Walker and her house," and he replied, "I don't want to Donald W. Blankman, manager of go into )'Ul.lr house ." Rossmoor· Corp. commercial properties. two children were on the beach. Mrs. Walker blocked the door to the No timetable for construction or any Mrs. Wlilker sald they: were sunning In truck. She claims Laguna police officer estimated cost Of the big shopping center front of their-summer ient.at houae. The Arthur DeLuca, who had been called to is available at thi.s Ume, Blaalcman sald dog was unleished, about 10 yarda away, the .ecene, took her arm. and said, "l'm today. and •he held lhe leash"·ln her hand. she biRRer lhan y<>u and r can brel\k It II I The mall-type center will include a , claims. have to." United General Theater buikling and a Leak had beeQ summoOed by Uleguard "So then J jumped up on the hOod and Reuben's and Coco'4 restaurant, le· Tracey Sizeinore, Wbclhad reported a dog sat here," she said. DeLuca lifted her oU cording to the Ro6smoor executive. loose ~ the beach. It may have been the hood. The corporation will construct the mall, another. dqg'. The police report says she was "spread using a basic architect'ural theme no& "She may have been s.lttlng on the out" over the hood of the true.It. divulged by Blankman, with indlvkl:ual , ~h. but her ~og ~as cha&lng one of the Mrs. Walker spent 45 minutes Jn jail in ten:fts designing their own shops. roving gUatd&, said SPCA Officer Leak. her bathing suit before MS bail was T ay's announcem~~ the~ laln11Alled1~ka cfid;•· Mrs. J'~ n"'"~·_.,(>Ol1med _ nvo Vifig lnalor ileveiopme:n, fri1ne Rt> a.!. • wu nm over ilflll sme a. She has been lold· she must buy a OrMge County area. • . man _ he ran by. She's-~·to obe-~~ad og llceri&e and produce rabies Builders and investors said today they dlence training and woy.ldn't ~w1 a soUI." papers within sil:'days or the dog will 'be will~ construction at the site of the Leak asked Mn. Walker for Iden-kllltd. ~ . $5 million MIS&ion Community Hospital Uficatlon and she showed a magatlne SO tbday Mrs. Wa\ker will drive home adjacent Jo Saddleback Junior College Jn with her-na,me and Rolling Hills addtess for the pipers. And 89l1lewhere on the 80 day1. ' on lhe.qiaillni sticker. ., beach may be an unleaabed + dog 'that Leak ~ that wun•t goOd enOu1h, that 1tarted· the whole pro~lem.· British C~inet OKs Spy Swap With Russ LONDON (API -The BrlUlh Cabinet has authorized some sort of •PY 1wap with the Soviet Unton after two monlhs of negotiilttons, Informants aald today. IJeWli were Mt· dilCIOiicf. b\lf 1b81n. formants said new British-Soviet t&lkl \rill be held Utis week on the Cabinet's decision. • Stack · M•rke" NEW YORK (AP) -Tha llock market clQl<d a wlnriet oiain !odaj ... 'ii carried , its rally through lhe fourth and closlllg session of lhe 11eet<. <S.:. quotaUoos, Pages IHI). • CHP Tells · City It Can't Patrol Coast Highway Tbe ~ty of Laguna Beach is goln1 to have to suffer through the pres! of aunt· ·mer traffic as belt It can with no -bell> from the California Hlg!:lway .Patrol, CoonCilmah'Richard Goldberg reporte,I Wednesday night on l't!SJKHlte to. a letter. sent to the Highway PatrOI request.in& assistance in moving summer traffic faster 'along Coast Highway,. The reply was that it Is not their pclicy to send patrolmen Into incorporated cities, he sa1d. "I'm sorry to say this avenue apoears to be closed to uS." . Councilman Charlton Boyd suggested it mlaht he helpful lo Install traffic lights on Broadway becaose trarnc is stalUns back into the canyon as· well Q on the highway. • / other council~en dld not lndjcate that they agreed, and Mayur Glenn E. Vedder had the last word. n "I doa't see any easy solution," hii sald. . , lhe.memhers·of Ibis hoose. Pmonally, I'm not conterriid abd!t llemocrata or ~Ucans. fJ;lt very much con(.'el'De(I atiOOf 'the attlwcW or lhl• house." -. ' . j -. • Dot.U•Y l't~OT' MlliW r- ,,,,, __ ,, .. ~ (:11~-,, ";. ~ \ ~-., ~~ • ·"1 t Laguna Beach Ll!a'eu"a~ FO\lrtb of July beauty coate .. , tanta. Debtite A~lt, 17 !hilt), &nd. Torri Rodgers,. Ii, looll;, 'forwllnf to 7'p.m. ®ln...ullon , at Main Beach ~;-tower J;>ebbie will repr.,_ ...,, , Oove, 'WtiUe ·Teri 'lllil ..P!W1t1I reeten~ ~ ~ : ., •• I I ' • , • I • • 1 ' ' ; • 2 DAD. Y PllOT L Beach John Di~puted, But Okayed . J..aguna Beach City C c u n c l l -ro t n Wednesday unanimously a p p r o v e d J>rt1lminary plans for a public rest room at Anita Street d<sptte chargel • bf -.iers that the faclllty ...Wd al- tract bi . . . ~ ordered Wllrfklng i!riwlrto on the rest room as the-next !tqe in Ill eventual con1trucUon. lt will be built acroa from the pump st.ati<>n. on tbt beach Walk from Anita Street. Wednesday's acUon came after at· torney John Kncwles argued that the rest room would attract hippies. .City "Councilman Roy H. Holm reacted to. Koowlel' as.sertion that hipp~ea would be the ones mast using the nsf rom. "J fail lo see the distinction. Whether they 8re a bum ct a millionaire they have the same bodily functioo," he said. '<IUR UVING ROOM' "It is the same bodily function , but m::ist do it apart from the living room. The beach is our living room," Knowles &bet back. • • ' ... _ _ii( t !.t"..t _ ...... --' --- . . Panther. Boon1~.1 t r --• Fireworks .Firm Unhur~ by Name 'Blick Panther brand firewor~ are jual .. ..... -Md ,..... .. .. '!' thla l'aurth or Jilly, with boll1r)en bOOmlnr · better tb&n> ever before ln the ti.tin's .Wly 40-year h!Jtory. Despite sharing • U!te with • mllltaiit action group lield In UJ.re&ard by oome elementa, marketers of the pyrotechnic picducls report no adverse effect en aa1 . , ... A random poll o f cbarltable orkan!:a· tioos manntnc Black Panther ltanda in .__Area· W'llna<fay turned up no reports ol mfaunderxtandlng about juat w&o would bemol!I from salea. · The Lynwoocl-baied Pyrotronlc Corp .• which markets .. both Black Panther and Red Devil firewcrka, .iii fact, registered its largest pre-sale volume. "" "You might as well change the name er my old patrol in Boy Scouts," said Fred Brookins, vice president cf aales fer tb«t organization. He added that a switcli in title .vaa corJ· templated when the Negro mllltant groupt first began making news about three years ago, but was vetoed 8' a blow against American tradlUon. ·0 we've had a couple ~of organizatiom that didn't byy this year,'' he admllted, and of course the name can 'color' a person's lhlnkln1." situation seems rather split in terms or the predomiru\fllly Negrc area markets. ;'Hew dare you use .. our name?" Brookins quoted a couple of • callers purporting to rep.resent the Negro mlli· tant group a!!F saying In the. put week. Black Panther fireworks, hcwever, were being sold wtlen the parents cf many Black Panther party ;ien1bers were only children. · On the ether hand, sales. have been reportedly extraordinary aj some Black P~ stand!i in black neighborhoods, a norrindllSlrY stcry wtllcfi c o m p a n y spokesmen chOose oot to discuss. Businessman William Leak answered Knowles. "I'd much prefer to have it dooe nelt to my living room t~ in my Ready tor Trophy Duh ; ,.. '(, . "But I can remember a couple or years ago when J was a Red Devll salesman and we had some tundamentallst church groupa: that refused to buy." Brookins s a i d fytotronic Corporation supplies the entire statE; cf caUforriia with Black Panther and Red Devils pro· ducts, but the 1969, vclwne is a car· pcration secret.••' \. · bathwater," he sald. .. "Mr. Mayor. Can J say, touctle," reapooded Knowles. • Knowles had asked en behalf ot more Youngsters entered In Bicycle Derby at Lake Forest's Fourth of July Community Day celebra· tion eye trophy; From left are Chris Wolters, Terry Griner, Angela Langaon, Cindy Craven. Con Lang· don and Miryann Craven. Ml1$lon Viejo Jaycee- •pons<>red celel)ration will Include arts and crafts display1 baking ind. dance contests, mini-midway, flreworxs and beauty pageant. He octed as one clarification that ail telephone calls to the Lynwood plant are now pttl<d by: "Good Evening, Black Panther Firewcrka." John McVay, 16, staffing the First Christian Church Tcrchbearers Club stand in the 100 block cl East· 17th Street, Casi.a Mesa, was quite satisfied Wed· nesday. than 30 prcperty owners "with a mlWon _ and a haU in assessed valuation" for a 1 year's wait follcwlng opening cf the Cm· cen~ Bay rest room, due tc be cpened lo a few days. "Now look, this is not a delaylPg ac· tion," he sald."Tbe time la.needed tc get. ""'' fJlcta.~.ALw!l,!1 the rem room draw• down there, and what it codts to kl!tp the graffill off the wa!ll." But ao!d Coonc11man Holm ' "It doe"1't take much in the wa, of facts lo know we Me In the &tone age in Providing these ~raCUiueflDf people."-· ~lAYOR COMMENTS Mayor Glenn E. Vedder said, "I live on · the beacbfrOnt -and --1 know the problems · and pressures. U i we.re in your posWon I think I WOUkl say 'Yes, put It over there 5<inewbere/. But as a cbuncilman J have tc vote fer this." The mayur erplained there are Chambef ol Collllll<r<il people !nleruted in attract.inc penons from Glendora, Pomona, ll;ldlo to town for lhe day. Councillnan J06epb A.. O'Sulll~an said he Is ol the oplntnn that beac~ F"ltrooms Laguna Co~cil to Study Trash Collection Coritraet • Laguna Bea.ch city councilmen Wednes· day night decided tc study lhe city's trash collection contract with an eye to throwing it cpen to competitive, bkl by other trash contractors. ---- Johii Lindley of Laguna Beach Disposal Service Inc. had requested three ye.ar «!newal cf his contract which aplres Sepl 30, Jtr/O. "We bave bad..the present contract for 10 years. If .. b lime to review and see what aervices can be offered al what price," said Councilman Joseph A. O'Sullivan. He said he had no complaints about the service, which to hi! knowledge "cee~ tajnl,y hq been satL!fac.ior.Y." But he · noted ~t tho . council baa l!>Other re· -ques~wbe-allowed to bid be!omt. Prospective contractor is Tom Trolls, owner. of.Solag DiJpoaal Company which aervlca South. Laguna, Dana Pclnt and ·Capistrano Beach. Cooncllmen voted unanlmouJly that Mayor Glenn E. Vedd<r lhoul~ appolot •- councll committee to lnveetl&ate the mvice the city is getting aod meet with Lindley and Trulls. I are needed to pnwide foe the 14,000 • rm<!Mt.l pl 1a1u~ ~Jfe.l!lld.P!'l>--k~t,l_-~ """~nl,>llJ:. '2'ny Ung o11 the -Bay' rest)oom • Ui.J ,ff, l r~ . ~crVw ye., coot the city 11.000 or 13,000 In Jn. "-·ec1bu•~-·-~-. • -• -~ . ·1 • I.Jal. UIJlllg '-VIH.zlo • "" • •· ' • p_ Knowlu~..,.dltitcll)')lalhai Iii'_-.f :-ad~· nfJ'··' l ~I· · • vuioo of hlpplea and thl:t He poukhl,'t ~ , •. • -.)f any r ..... to mil• thlnp more--· Parade Re ied 1 . -each venlent for them. · · " Doubl.e Taxation Qf Some_ Laguna Residents to ·End Owners of property In upper Arch Beach Heights and the new Portafina Laguna tract soon may be relieved er double taxatioo. "Of course some cf lhe girls fcrget and say just 'Black Panther,'" ~ooklns con· ilnued, erpressing mild interest when in- formed h1J seer.tar)' bad Indeed jlllt ·done that very thing. U tbe Caucaa.ian· customer doesn't mind buying Black P anlber pyrotechnic>, the -- "We're doing a real good business, especially when people buy the $2t s~t.s," be e.plained. Defense Told of Evidence OnPanther,ButNoNames . It ~s property cwners in the -area untnd'ltingly have been paying sewer service tar tc both South Laguna Evidence agaWt a Black Panther Goff to gain access to materials the pro. Sanitary ptstrl~ and the city o! Laguna leader accused al murdering • Santa Ana secution hopes to use in building its case Beach. policeman today . Is available 19 his against the Black Panther leader. In most CUfS because cf low assessed defense attorneys, but names cf tlght B~ be also ruled that Assistant al u f lhe lar el und witneues alrald of vengeance mwt be Distttct Attorney E:vereU W. Dickey v ua 00 c g Y evelcped pro-could withhold lbe names cf eight wit· perty the extra taxaUon bu amounted -to kept secret. ~ nesses who ~e afraid for their awn Jives cnly a few cents a year I said Laguna A defense motloh to allow discovery er and those of tbeir rambies. Dtrector cl Public-Worts Jo.sepb R. evidence was gi'anted Wednesd!y by The eight persons whose identities will Sweany. Qrange Cowity Superior Court Judge be. k_ept secret for the t.i.me being have N~verlbeless, o\tners baVe been paying Jamea F. Judge at the prtlimiuaey hear-allegedly been harassed already about a double tax. their potential fcles in the murder c,.,e. Laguna councilmen jherefore Wed-ing. ~ • • Judge Judge ordered Ult proSeciitOr to ne.sday night approved detachment cf the Black • ranther~ and 91mpathW!W give lhe names er 20 ether wilne!!eS in· 8.rea from the South Lagun'a Sanitary packed the ~seat courtroom to give valved to Lynem 's pilbllc defender, District They were told the Souttl moral support to Daniel M. Lynem, 22, however,alongwithevidencecollected. Laguna District also agreu to the charged alcng wllh two ,other militant Th_e ~lalY_ m.y_Hery witnesses _who wW detachment. bl tesfily wf!irt Lynem is tried fer the June ''Th1s ia oot the time to put a rest room In," he said. "Walt until we have a dif· ferent lnvasioo. Maybe it _tJill -bt .abort.. ba1rtd people next Ume:r . For the 6Sth time this century, Hun~ lngton Beach will throw o~ lta doon: io thousands of visitors ()11 Independence Day and present them witb one cf the most colorful spectacles on the Orange Left tc be dcne now is f8f the county acks atill not In custody. 4 murder cf Patrcbnan Nelson A. In P'ut years the parade, second in Local Agency Fcrmation Commissloo tc The judge partially granted a motion Swctr, 24, must be identified 48 hours ,1lze only to the Rote Parade. ha:s drawn make the detachment cfficiaL by Deputy Public Defender James R. before they ap~r In court. From PGfll! 1 HOSPITAL ... Hospital, the El Toro MCAS dispensary and the clinic at Leisure World Laguna Hil1J offer the only emergency care facWUes in the area. A group of Los Angeles physicians TfJl!tOUy began development of another major bospJlal near San Clemente, possibly to be named in honor of lhe parents ol Prealdent Richard M. Niion •.. Sit. grading baa already been dooe at that facility , while leveling will begin in about 60 days for the new Mission Com- munity Hospllal, according "'io current plans. The land is now occupied by temporar1 Saddleback Colle&e clusroom.s which must be moved betore actual site work can begin, Gelinas said today. Plans for the hospital Wf:re drawn up by the architectural firm of Rochlin and Baran A.I.A., and the medical ctnter will fe4ture decor in keeping with other developmenta lo the vicinity. ~ ~ ........ llMINe UIMMN'f • ...,. N. "'"' ,.,...,, ... ,,.. .... J1ck W. C.rlf'f \'lcll,,...,. ... -" .._ '""'•• ic:.,.u ·-,..._, A.-M.,,f1t11e -·-kl·•ffl P. N•ll ..__ '"' -'---212 Ftt .. t A., .. Mtllllt A.Ur.a; P.O .... 6'i. t2&1l --c-.-... , -...... .,.,.. .......... 1mt,._ ......... .....,. 4' RI l•tu ••lhll _aa __ . ........ .......,, .......... "_........ -...... ,._. _......... ........... .... .. _,... ........... _~ t 211 ; --. ........., a.cti. CM• ...,_,, ,......... tlldi ... ~"' ...... ------·-· JirWIJ!t" ,..... .. ., 1111· ......... .,..,. ........... ...,, .. Wtlll .. , ..... o.M... . . ,. ,, l • '"'' 4Nat4'6 air 1d n ...,., MMll1 °"""""" .... -~ ........ ~ ...... , .......... ..... ...... w ............... ... ... _ •. ..,... ...... ....,,_ ............... --., __ _.... ... ,_ ...... ~ _Qllill_ ... ~,, •• , .. "' _.. _Jl*!!f"'r'.., ..... _,., _, .,..,... -....,, ( ·ce1ebrilfb ranging from be&uty quetm 1--;:========:::============================:::, tc legislators. · JOoast -the annual Fourth cf July Parade. 1 Bob Redman, parade chairmu.of the Huntlngton~Beach Jaycees, lhe sponsor· ing agentSt o( the event, •pect.s approx· imately 200,000 to view the parade, nearly twice the current populattcn cf Huntington Beach. Floats, equestrians, decorated auto- mobiles, drill and marching units as well as several banda _Jri'lll begin their , t y,·o-and·a·balf Wour trei througtt down. town Hun~ Beach it 11 a.m. at lith and Main streets. The route will take them down Main Street, ever to 5th Street, a portion cf Walnut Avenue. back cnto Main Street, a portion of Pecan Avenue and most of Lake Street. }{ i This ytar the city will present Jackie Ben.ington "America's Junior Miss" who will be hooted by Huntington B e a c h ~!arshal. Other celebrities include "Misses" from several ne.igbborlng Orange Ccunty ciUes, members cf the military and !ederal and state legislators. Specia1 guest will be Mrs. Ivy Baker Priest, California state treasurer and fcrmer treuurer of the United Slates. Fellowing the parade the celebrities will be hasted by Huntintgan Beach Mayor Jack· Green at a maycr~s recep- tion at the HunUngton Sheraton Beach Jnn, 21112 Pacific Cout Highway. The Jndependance Day celebration, will conclude al 9 p.m. with a fireworks display at the Huntington Beach pier. MAP INDICATES ROUTE OF FOURTH OF JULY PARADE 11 •·m. it•rlin9 Time for Huntlnston Extro••---- - \ ' ' Ji: J. Qarr,eff ~ f 4·:t/vSemi-_A.nnuaf Safe ALL HERITAGE UPHOLSTERED PIECES in your :choic• of sfyl• Or f•btie' m1y 1'1 p_urc.h11~d •t • m"ost 9•n•rou1 1t:ving1 • • , 15 Truly a rare money-saving opportunity 0 Over 200 Styles of Sofu -Chairs -Love Seal& -ottomans 1n your choice of an:r Heritage De<orator fabric. ALSO • • • SUISTANTlAL SAVINGS ON MANY HlllTAGE DlNlNli IOOM. llDIOOM AND TAILE GROUPS ••• llff. UliULAl PllCIS .. • • HERITAGE Yoatr Jaoorit.t. lnttrior dcslgtur wlU bf Mm to'4Uitt ~ ~. , H.J.GARRETf 'fURNl"fURE . . PRORSSIONAI: 0,. -. -. I Ill .... INTU!OR DESIGNW ( 2111 HARIOR ILVD . COSTA MESA. CALIF. .. ~271 .. ~1 76 -.. " ...__--... -~------ • ----· -~~ '----' 1....:.....-• ' .__,_____. --~------------ • ., -I --- . : , " • • I , Sen. McGov ern's Talk .W ith Reds Questioned • W ASHJ:llGTON (AP) -Sen:c..qi S. McGovern'• oeiret mel!tb\i wilJl. top Coniriiioitot Oi!fotiat.n JW'"1'me ilhdeT attack lrom a fellow Democrat who ques· ttoned whf:lbet It ~ Jn !.!\<: na91111'• In· teres< ·~o.nieeti<llh'.i)io •i..io·tUpe of war.'t 1 -~ ' !~1-'-'· · Y. \ • s.!n. Hi"'7. fl'. lffrd' .r.. ill Vtrilnla nts- ed the Issue alter McOo.verh, 'lpng a critic ol U.S. eoUcy.ln _Yletnam: dl..:l.....i It< had met for 10 hours May ii 'In Paris with -'1'orth Vietne,mese and Viet Cong · repreaentatives. • ~Big -E' Returns - Answering questions about the pro- priety ol lbe meeting, McGovere ,.id he decided to go ahead with ~the meeUng after conferring wilh the State ~­ ment and chief U.S. pea~ oegotiator Henry ,Cabot 1"'1ge. · _ "J wouldn't be able to rest 1£ I Uliqught • anything I'd done had cost the life or a alogle American boy or prolonged the war."Jb.e.SOUth Dakota Democrat1_,aid ln ~ending his action. McGovmi 'toldof the secret meeting Wednesday in a senate speech, and be Friends and rflatives of crewmen wait on dock as aircraft carrier USS Enterprise arrives' Wedne·sday at Alameda Naval Air Station_. Nucleer-powered carrier is back in the San Francisco Bay Area for fourth tim·e following her latest deployment in Vietnam water~. Nixon Invitation Cancels Soviet ·visit to Romania MOSCOW (UPI} East European ..aources said today Soviet leaders llave. called off a planned visil this month to Romania to sign a friendship treaty because of the visit there next month of President Nixon. • The Soviets officially never have con- firmed Monday's announcement by the Romanians Of their schedv,Ied July 14 trip to Bucharest and remained silent on the reported canceUation. Cln BucharJt, informed Communist 500rces said no word of the canceUation had been received by Romanian officials and so far as they knew. the visit by Kremlin leaders was still on.) Soviet Party Chief Leonid I. BJezhnev and Premier Alexei N. Kosygin were to make the ceremonial trip to Bucharest to sign a 20-year extension of their friendship pact with Romania, which ex- pired Feb. 8, 1968. The Soviet leaders apparently did not count on the extent to which Romania's presidenr and party secretary, Nico Jae Ceaucescu, would go on an independent · path in inviting Nixon. It would be the first visit-in almor;t 25 ~-a U.S. president to a Communist country. The Soviets were not consulted or in- formed Jr. advance aOOut CeaucescU•s in- vitation to Nixon. according to reliable diplo1Jlatic sources. . Their displeasure was shown Im- mediately when they virtua1ly ignored the Nixon visit. Announcement of the trip was given 10 words without comment ln the of(Jcial Soviet press. There was an Immediate flurry of ac- tivity between Soviet.and Romanian par- ty leaders and the respective • am- bassadors to Moscow and Bucharest. Thtl time the SoviW, who quietly had accepted Romania's voting agaln!it Soviet resolutions at· the United Nations, Its refusal to break diplomatic relations with .Israel and its recognition ·of-West Germany, apparenUy b a Ike d at • Ceaucescu's new act of defiance. DAILY l'ILOT St.ff l'fltl9 Seeks Neio Crown. Donna Flory, 17, Fountain Vat= ley, will compete July 7 in Miss California-World contest in Downey. Donna reigned as Miss Mermaid over this year's Costa Mesa Newport. Harbor Lions Club Fish Fry. ' elaborated In a press brlefm, and 1 ~lea !ll' exchanges with fellow ltJl&!on during and ljler-bla·!orm11-tolk. He said he ·arranged tlle·~sajon to 1~t • betltr .understallj!log ol why ;he. w~ and the kill~ gbeS do. ni, 'stna~ emphasised be orily .,,~ q~llf ari! m~de cJear, 1o the "grelltllta'UVtf Of North Vietnam and the Viet Con& 'he w1,1 nOi speaklrig tn belutllDl ibe U.S. goveh>- mebt. • Bynt "said-tr-Lodge a p p r o Ve d~ine seNion,.he assumed otOO: aenatoni mJC!t* abo arrang!l' such meeUrigs. • 1 "Are' we going to attempt to .h4vl: fo- dlvldqal 'negotiatioN )Yith repMnt.iUves of-the e1ietny-ln Paris, "·Byrd asked~ 1The .Vlriinfa 'DemoCrai. ln · questlotllng whether· trUCh sessions .would serve the nation's 'bes( interesCs uid "we are sUU in a very difficult and .precarious posi-tion." · · McGovern s31d the meeting reinforced his ·views that •lbe United States must start 4 "systematic .withdfa)fal of all of oof troopi" and slop SUppol'\Jng the regime of SQuth Vietnam President Nguyen Van~1'tUeu. · McGovern's Paris meelinj drew praise from several other Democratic war critics who said they see no change between the policies or the Johnsoo and the Nixon administrations. "We have waited for some Indication of a substantial change in the policy that led wi into the merass," said Sen. Frank Church (0-ldaho). "I too have failed to detect this change." • Sen. J. W. Fulbright CD ·A r k.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, also agreed. Others who generally b a c k e d J.1<!1<>1'.llm's spe..:h indl!lieLlr,.hm Sens. fiarpld E. Hughes ()).Iowa), Alan Cranston ID-Calif), and Thomas F. Eagleton CD_:.Mo.). lntegr.ation Deadlines Out Under Nixon? WASlUNGTON (UPI) -The Nixon :td· ministration may ask the courts to stop setting deadlines for school integration. The change apparently will be part of the Jong-rumored revamping of -the go'/ernment's role in desegregating school ~istricts -a m o v e.....thet has already sparked controversy inside and outside the administrati(ln. A clue to the new policy was revealed WednesdaY. in New Orleans at the 5th circuit court or appeals. An attorney for the Justice Department, David Norman, asked the court to remove itself from the de tailed r,rocess of desegregation in cases aga nst 25 Mississippi schools. Iir effect, Norman ask ed the court to scrap any deadlines for desegregation. So\lrces kl Washington said the move reOected what was likely to be the most substantive change in the new policy, ex· peeled to be announced by the ad· ministration before the week's end. Under the policy currently being pOrsued, the government can move against school districts accused of dLscriminaUon thrbugh an involved court process. It can eventually order a cutoff or federal funds to districts which do not comply with desegregation guidelines. The changes being prepared by the ad- ministration envisklD the actual delails of integration, including the timetable, being worked l!Ut between the Joatl school districts and federal officials. '- It was also reported the emphasis on enforcement for de.segregation might be switched from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) -which has been handling. the federal funds 'cutoffs -to the J\utlce Department. Details o! the mechanle1 of the change were not yet available, nor was It known whether the threat ol. funds cutoffs would 1UJI be used. But sources said giving the Justice Department · more authority would let the adnllnlstratJon more quiet- ly reach that. stage where contempt cita· tlont, with . the accompanying threat of jail, can be ca1led tnto cOa&.i The argumen[ used by the government Jn the New Orleans case wu a deflnlte departur.e from past policy. Previously, the Justict Department hu .. ked tho court1 to 1et ipecific dates for integraUoo deadlines. Gls .\Vai'· With Caden~e ' • ! . ) War Qver for 814 Soldiers; Pr.eparing to Go Home DONG TAM, Vietnam (UPI) -lt was back to the rudimenta of basic training .today for lhe men of the ftrM American unit to be wiUldr•wn from Vietnam. The war is over for the 814 sotdier1 In the 3rd Batta1lon of the U.S. 9th Infantry Division'• 60th Brigade. They firUshed combat operations June 2.1 and· began preparing for the stateeide flight ne1t Tuesday that wjll make them the first of · 25,000 American troopS t(I be pulled out by the end of August. But Ibey are still Gia and today Ibey were marched to an unused helicopter • p.1d at this Mekong Delli baSe fOr t close ortler drill. , ''We're learning how to march lgaJn,,. aaki U. COi. Peter D. Pettrson of Ari-. lngton, Va., the battalion commander, 11 • blJ men r ight-fated and about·turned \ under the Vie~ese sun. "We 've forgiit!en hoW." l Small wonder. Since Dec. 14.. when Peterson to;ok over, the battalion has been operating in the delta and Is credited with killing 1,200 CommunJst troops. , Since June 23, however, ~e !laid, the men have been "eating good chow, watching movies, getting their medical , records and linancial records litralghteo-ect out and packing their old baggage." ' The. bal.Lllion now Is made up of 114 men. They ~ "shortJlrtfers," men who have almost completed their ooe·year tours in Vietnam. The "shorttimers'' were transrerred into the battalion from othtr units in the 9th Dlvl1lon. Only 1S8 ol the 114 men wen with the 3rd battalion when il auapendcd combat ·operatJons. Tuesday, they will be llfted In big "Chinook'' transport helicopttn to Saigon's Tan Son Nhut Air Bue about 4tl miles to the northeas:L Tbue they wil l board Cl41 transl)Ort jets for the acrou- the-Pacl!ic fiight to McChord Mr Force Base near Seattle, Wash. The Infantrymen will not take thtlr weapons~ pacU ·and helmet& ~ wUI travel In green jungle faUgues. Moot of the battalion la bitltted now tn the USS Merttr, a naval vesse.I that ii part ol the Mtkoog Delta riverine forot . . Peterson aakf aD. the retumtet have served at least 10 and a half monlhl in Vielnam. "In !al""' to the lndivlduol aoldl<r, the ones who have been here the longest will be the ones to go homt first," the battaltoo commander uld. .---_. --------- . - T)IWSdlY, /u~ J, 1969 L OAJl Y l'ILOT "' BEGINNING JULY 1·d -· TD·k -EN -. • • . . .. lo_ ... • ·PARKING IN LAGUNA BEACH LOOK FOR THIS EMBLEM •. • • • I ...COURTESY TOKENS ISSUED WITH MINlt-iUM PURCHASE AT THESE PARTICIPATING MERCMANTS. . --- AARON 'BROS. PICTURE l FRAME MART 19t S. COAST HWY, ADVENTURE TRAVEL SERVICE JJ2 POIUT A¥1NUI ALMA'S BEAUTY SHOP 244 S. COAST HWY. STUART AVIS MEN & BOY'S WEAR 211 fOUST A¥1~UI AXL INE 'S FINE SHOES 24$ fOlm A''NUI BEACH l BOULEVARD JZt S. COAST HWY. . THE BEACH SET JOI S. COAST HWT. BENSEN PLUMBING 129 THllD ITlllT BILL THOMAS CAMERAS ' 111 S. COAST HWY. BUSHARD'$ PHARMACY 244 fOl lST AYINUI TH~ CANDLE LIGHT SHOP IN I. COAST HWY. CANNON'S FOOTWEAR J'I S. COAST HWY. CHICKEN LITTLE'S EMPORIUM 4ff S. COAST HWY • . . CITY CLEANERS 111 OCIAN AnNUI COPY CA TS ILUEPRINTING · JlJ THllD STnn THE DEAUVILLE J7t S, cdAST HWY. ESCH8ACH'S FLOWER l GIFT SHOPPE 2Jt UOADWAT V/IL LIAM A. FARRAR, JEWELER. 114 S. COAST HWT. FASHIONS IN LEATllER -· ~MD S. COAST KWY. FASHIONS BY ROB IN Zi t IROADWAY FOREST MARKET 230 FOREST AYINUl THE FRAME STUDIO 205 OCUN AYINUI THE FRANCIS SHOP, WOMEN'S WEAR 21 S S. COAST HWY. GLENNEYRE FURNITURE, INC. J70 SUNNETRI STl lfT GDURMET P)INTRY 217 OCUN AYINUI GLAD RAGS 4SO S. COAST HWY. GORDON'S JfO CW.INNfTRI snm GWEN'S BEAUTY SHOP 240 tlACH STllfT HAY ES JEWELERS 246 FORUT AYIHUI HOLME S, LTD. 271 fOlm AYINUI THE JADE TREE J97 S. COAST HWf. JIM & JUDY SHOP 240 $, COAST HWY, KLASS RADIO·l APPLIANCES ' 241 FOREST AYINUI LAGUNA BEACH. FURNITURE 240 FORbT AftNUI LAGUNA BEACH HARDWARE 211 ~RUT AYENUI LAGUNA BEACH ~UMBER Jl4 K>lUT AYINUI LAGUNA TRANSIT 212 OCIAN' AYINUJ LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS l LOAN ASSN. JM OCUN AYINWI • • LAGU!IA LIQUORS Ml POUU AftNUI LAGUNA'MUSIC CO. 111 POIDT AYINUI THE LANDMARK JOO FOl~T AftNUI LAGUNA NEWS • PqST JD7. FOl~T AYINUI LES ·GAMINS 490 S. COAST Hw:f. LIVE WIRE CLEANERS 264 FORm AYINUI MARINE ROOM 114 OCIAN AYIN.UI MARRINER'! STATIC>JjERS JJS '61DT_.AnNU1 1 -McµLL.A . PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY 292 POWT AVIHUI . ., .MODE <Y,DAY 212 FOl"T AYINUI NUTVILLE, U.S.A. J7J'S .COAST HWT. f ;J.RK FOREST PHARMACY. 202 PAii AnNUI PEDEN'S FASHION MANO~ JS7 S, COAST KWT. THE ROUND TABLE 217 ROADWAY • SID'S SHOE SHOP JU FOIUT AYINll s'KANDIA SMQRGASIO~D :211 llOAIWAT SOUTH COAST MAGNAVOX J02 6LINNRU mllT WARREN · • IMPORTS INTIRIOIU 1911 I .COAtt KWT. IYASHIRoq~~S HEAL TH FOOD STORE 1 to NA.CH mm VIHITE HdUSE RESTAURANT 141 S. COAST HWT. WILSON'S OF LAGliitA ' lit I. COAST HWf. SPDNSORID IY DOWNTOWN IUSINDS ASSOCIATION AND · LAGUNA llACH CHAMUR OF COMMHCI . .. . ' ,, f .... I • , I • 1 I ' I I • ii~ ' ' •• ' • -~------,.. ------- . , ---------·-.. ---._ • r ~ .. ---..---..,..........-., . Reds· to · Fri e Capti.ves· ' Rel.ease Spurs I11ter·ewin Hanoi De-escalation Pop .Singer -Brian.Jones • • . . ' WASlllNO.TON (AP)• -North Viti· um~• decllJon to nleue three-more U.S. priaonen lpumd freab admioiltratlon Interest todoy Jn tindlng out whether Hanoi IAI bqlnnlng to d...,.4J.ate the war. . The dominant Jnilial rHcttOO here a"-well·tnfonned olflclall la one of skepticlllll IDd doubt: Hanoi baa freed !lqall -"""Pl of captured. ..film on prevlOU$ ,occasions -acta Wuhlngton authoriUet 61ve 1aJd were aimed at creating good will at no oott. enemy attacks in South Vietnam have· declln<d radically and that the level of in- flltrat1oo of Nnrth Vietnamese into U\t South bas allo dropped. Dies in Pool I tolAY!I cc-• ., ""' o.nr ,. • .,...., -Chicago· had one of Its rainiest • ;JWles ever, and love bloomed. ·county officials ~d 6,110 mar· ')iage licenses were passed out, 1he· ~lourtb-bigbest figure · ever. 'Ille fJugbest figure was 7,426 In lll47. • • The United States bas been P.r<•sini !or large-scale prboner exchanges. . But toda)''• announcement comes· on top of the report by Secttlary al State William P. Rogera Weclneaday thlt Rogera: said H these developments were found to have political 1icnificanct they could lnfluence President Nixon's next dedaion oifwhetber to,remove more U,S. 1r-.c Nixon announced June a that 25,000 iroops w o u 1 d be withdrawn by Aygust. • AuthOrlUes here suggested tlm4ng of North Vietnam's decis!OD to release more prisoners in connection with the July 4• celebration could be taken as evidence of desire to make a big play for U.S. public opinion at a mom~t which could prove ~ The baseball set ijl Eau Claire, Wis. is coming up with· doubles •. , '!be wile of Regis High SchOol , baseball coach Tony Fim..J!.ad ~·twins recently. Last -spring, the ''wile of Eau Claire Memorial base· : ball coach Dennis Bowman bad : twins. Just after the season ended, : Bowman's junior varsity coach, : Dick Tomowski, was presented ! twins by his wife. U.S. Pledged to :Work ·For Bio-war Control .~ ! • :1..cdu on the Moon, : Da.rleM RobetsGn, ~ models space cap-! sule and ensembU! ) which, according : ~ Trat1.1 Interna · : tio'nal Airways, is : the prototype lu.,. ; nar sur/au a~ i 4!'l of th.e futiire. : The cop11ile, ta T called tht Envir°"" ~mcntol Variance t Equalizer or Jwi ; plain E VE for ·.short. .• '. ,. The illusion of tlying in anllyush· In 14 Soviet passenger plane can be yours while you sip a soft drink in the tiny Yugoslav town .of ~egotin Na Vardarv. Instead of going for scrap, ooe old Ilyushin was bought by the townsfolk and turned into a restaurant. • Two tliirt..0.year-old boyl and their parents s p e n t a busy day scrubbing down the Walls of Crans- ton, R.!., stadihm, not neceuarlly out of a sense of civic duty.-The two families chooe the cleanup de- tail rather than have the boys face family court action for spraying the slaaium walls with palni. • Italian hippie 3 apparently have not heard of flower powtr. Tht11'rt using iron chains and br(.Lfs kntt.ckles in a war' with No- vara Italian soldiers. Police sal{ the hippies started the wof by beattng up jive military men. Aft.tr that, the soldiers went af· ter the hippies and put three in the hospital. • Most brides walk down the aisle. Mr1. Rob• rt R o c k • y rolied down it. HWe met on roller skates," said the new bride. "Skating is our favorite sport, so we decided to be married on skates." That's how forfonnerEdith Frebl•ex- plained her wedding in the middle of the Hecla Park Skating Rink in State College, Pa. • KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (UPI) -Presi· dent Nixon today pledged the United s ta t e s to international cooperation in seeking "reliable arms control" in chemical and biological warfare. The specter of chemical afl4 biological warlare arouses horror and rewlalon throulhout the world," Nixon said in a mesaage to the IS.nation disarmament U.S. Admits It ~Hi £'==L ...::J! ~ t uuu.uow.a In Bomb Raids SAIGON (UPJ) -For the first time, the United States said today It had bomb- ed IDd shelled Conununlst troops In Cam· , bodJa,. .in .w..,. ol the Green Beret camp at Ben HeL It followed · by one day tbe ~ nouncement'that Waahington and Phnom Penh were reestabllshlng diplomatic rel&· tions,. broken off by cambodia in 1965 bequoe of alleied U.S. raida Into .the neutral nation. PreViously1 the American command In Saigon has refused to acknowledge eyewltoeas reporta of U.S. air strlku or arW!ery barrages into Cambodia. Today, it made th)J lllll10UDC0Jtlenl: ". . • • on teveral ·occuio1111 enemy artillery positions flrll1!I at Ben Het ...,.,, localed ""°"the border In Cambodia ••• allied forces operaUng in '.the area Immediately · returned the fife with artillery IDd tactical air (strike&)." '11le . aniiouncement con!inned the -report -of-Cot. George A:. Miller,-the senior American adviler at Ben Het, who had diacloaed tho Cambodian raids WednOiday • Queen Tri~ia~ 'She Grins at ·MatrimonWl Comment LONDON (UPI) -Tricia Nixon said today Prince Charles wUl be a fine king of England and grinned at suggestions she might be his queen. "I think he's going to make an out.stan· ding king," President Nixon's elder daughter told a news conferen~ at the U:S. Embassy. "He's &ot considerable poise for his age." Miss Nixon, 23, laughed when a reporter asked about auggestivns she would be the ideal wife for the 20-year--0ld heir to the throne, whose investiture as Prince of Wales she watched Tuesday. "Well, let me just say that Prince Charles is my sister's age," she said. Her sister Julie is 20 -and married to David Eisenhower, grandson of Dwijht D. Eisenhower. Miss Nixon missed out on having tea at Buckingham Palace today because a fever and cold bedded htr royal host. Queen Elizabeth. She told newsmen she hoped the queen would recover quickly. Miss Nixon e:aid she will meet Oiarles' sister, Princess AMe, at a dinner dance ' tonight given Jn her honor by U.S. Ambassador and Mr.!i. Walter H. An- nenberg at Claridge'a Hotel. Also ex- pected to attend were many of Britain's bachelor princes and peers. Before returning home Friday evening. Miss Nixon ~will wind up her six-day stay in Britain by attending a Fourth of July diplomatic reception at the U. S , Embassy. It Looks Fair for Fourth • Northwest, MidU}eSt and Southeast Dunked by Storms C..,llomla · nt:YltW OFESSlwtlTHE"IUllAUFOltCASTTO J:IOA.M. EST , ........ \ ..•.. , ·:· Temperatures Alb!!•~ ·-"' AU•nt• 1111111'111911t l ilm•rdl: v:=:.:._ "'~" c111e1,.,..tt C'-"ti.lllf ..... °" Moll'ltt ... ~, ....... P:orl Worfll "''""' -Hw- Nltfl Lft '""'· " .. " . " " " .. 10 .. ,,, " . " " 11 M .ti " " 1S 51 .. .. " " " " " " , .. " " " " " .. " Coan.I V.S. Summarv 1(._. (tty lA• v"" L• ........ ,. .... M11..ul! .. Ml°"*"' fl . " 1n u " .. " " ,,_,,,, 111r 111,,,.,.11 l'rldw lflltwt tor i.,. """"' •NI """ mamln• "'· l.lftll v_.n.bM Witldl MVlll-1 to -.11 I to U ~. Hlflt fedty ftNr n. Y•ttn11'("1 '-•Iv'" r • 111 t if .ll'Ol'll " l'O ''· ·~l•l'ld ~ .. tu .. rt .... -· 41 10 ~. W•ltr ~ flif• WIJ •:I dQP'ffl, .... Lttl .. • '"'' •. .... J11t1 21 '"" ' J1111 n J111y 11 ' ,,..,,..,.,._,. _, .artl-ot ... H"""-1, t111 M~I _,,., 111, Souffl. ffrt flloMy, but fw I IN!ority d ffM f;'Ol.ll'lft'Y ftlf dtY ••1 1 ltlr trw:I pM.,. 1111 ~ to n.. P:oo;r!ll et July -.... A vlolti"I lllu~torm hit !ht. Fl,,,.. ldt ~Illes flt flt!m •nd OJb.. aOlltofl. ~I at T•mc>tt, i.1t W9d- ""4i'I' •11111 -"Vl"'fd Wl'tf"ll lll!lt ... •!'Ill 1tt1v!1¥ 4tmttld 1 lt!W hN111. l~ .,.,.on, .._,, lrffl9d tw lft. l11rl .... H•!I• Wll\ll 1"4 ~llf'lf'f b;lt ""°"' °""'""F. ..,.,, IJ1tl'fd1-l'ill o1 s'9rm 111 q!flot<' 1tc.1W o1 11'1t SOUffle.t1! •• -11 M fbt two ~r 111.reou1111! we•lll-t r ,..,_. Wlridt f/f 'u• It 611 m1111 111 llolH i.thHI •n .,..,. nor1fl " Wlfl. ltofl.5• ..... H,C, .......,. frlll....,.,,_, ''"'" lllf'Ollth tht ~rn Roe-"" 4u•111t lllt nf9flt, H"rf'f 111 11'Ch of rtr11 POurt<I' ..,,, 1111...W!I, Noori!,. •1111 ""'"°' lltoiflllt eceurm 1ftw IM """" 111 CJrt1I F•llt. --~ .... , .. ~ ,Jtflrt 0.-l•l'MI o .... , ... ·~ ... ll'hll•tlllll• --PlttllM;""' Portl•"" ll•.wl criy "" 11\!ff ... S1<r•-n10 5!. L..ul1 s.11 .... , I•!! L.tke Cit'!' """"' $tn Fr1ncl1<11 S•nt1 11 .... r• '''"" = WUl11t!011 11 ~ SI H " " n •t '' •s 11 -" " " " " ,, '' l!O If .. " It .51 M . .. tJ ll .. " tt " ~ n I.et • 4 ... " .. " " " " " " " .. .. lOt 1~ " n 38 Spanish Styled Town Hous~s Under Foreclosur·ll!!-e -Must Be Sacrificed! $1,981,000 Wortk of ProperlJ list Be Sohl ., Short Miles From the Beach NEAR NEW COUNTY GOLF COURSE NOW '20,495 to '25,600 SAVE '3,500 3-4 Bedrooms • Deluxe • Everything hrcluded Pools .• Private Park • Club House • Putting Green NOTICE! Bonafide liquidation ThOM 21 •luxe 2...f'.ory Spcrni1h ltytff froWft MvM• GN MW 111 h.-cJCIMlte. Each MVlt be Mltl prlOf' M the Auev•I uMlton clo.dlin.•. 11'1 you1 cho...,., .. lwy tit "amort lnveltor" pri4eo.-oduoNy P'Ve GI rnllCft 01 $3,500I They MUii ltli•aoltll .... Int thh botulflde lkiuldcstlot! .t thfflOncb ef clolo '"" •Miff -""9 nploc.Mortt CMtt. Po.-ci.u,.. cfoaiMefltt •nd orltl'* U.S. Ooftm-9 ""'- tMlnt -CIWllklW. ,., ""'' lntpectteft. hlveet.,. .,. lnYtted. Aft tNnMCtiorit 1ultloct to .,,.,..~ ., """· lrtnt ... ., c.rttfl.od choek. Tifft ,...._ '--" "'1 ,.._ ._..,. 'ntt. C......, •i-i-·-u..-....... Ideal Investment Location TheM Greon Volley town housu ore aituoNd in the~ of one of Oronge Co""ty's most ottrodive planned devel· opmenb -with design ond lond '* approved by U.S. Go't'em"*lt officialL lmoglnel Thft. low priC9I this luxury oll within walklng di1tance to neighborhood shopping. 21 acre private pork, along with 2 community pool1, two club housft. dlild,_,.'• play ONG oncf bf'ond "" elfftHtofy Khoof, Unbelievable Terms tf Y°" hcrv. bflefl lookirig for o new home, you kl'K'W thcrt prit.ff ore to0ring everyday, You have ...ad obcwt MW ond higher lnt•,..st rates -!wilding cost1 thot have In. crtased O¥W 20% in just a few short rnonthsl Her• Is 'f04K opportunity to inv•sl lhot will iwvw b9 ,. • ~.d'. T'-e ottrodiv• ond ll'ltortly designed town "°"* Wet11 built ond cornp19*1 before th• new high cocta, All utiliti" en In and poid for. Terms ore loMst onywh.,el 'Priced from $20,495 to $25,600 NO DOWN PAYMENn TO VETDANS ~ Tenns From $1,200 Down MONTHLY PAYMENTS LESS THAN RENT From $147 (Principal & lnte-) ALL THESE FEATURES heh buyer -r9g0tdl.,. of pric. -will enjoy the private, proffctecl pork, two large pools. adult ond family club hou1e, chi!d,..n'1 ploy area, plus •J:leriOI" moinleno"'9 (even 0 painting and murbishfng fund, «;omplete gorden ond lawn . ...ot) The 3"" bedroom home. indud• priYOI• f•nc.d yord, do&.t· bla -woocf oncl Hie '""'1, bu;~ in l<lkhan wtth ~ O'llllft, hood ond diahwcnMr, ft,..,,raoe, (liOme pion•) i.... potloo (..,.. ~la,.J, iv'""Y botho, lo.ad ,,;, hoot, p1 .. wall to woll -b ..ny buyenl • DOORS OPEN AT 10:00 ' We u,,,. you ht bi. ther. •rly. Doon open· Of 10:00. TaQ Son DJ-.. ,,_••r te *•"* Ave. .WT eff. ,...,. Slay .... .., Wo-""' poot l-'chu .. 1 to tfte -Volt., .....,.. _ -"---1'-t • • n .• ~< • . I 1--- 1 I -• • • . I , .. ' .' \ . \ ~PH WITHIHE"FCIT.UR"E" -NOwToffic~rs of KapJ" Rappa Garn-:--·'l'bey are (left to right) the Mmes. Kenneth c. Slough of Co rona · 'fua· Alumnae As!K>ciation ~Of Southern Orange County tear out.the del Mar1 president, and Richard Fr_anklin of Tustin and Norman t ·old calendar of activities and are ready to go on with the new. ~·· DOlb)l-of Laguna Beach, vice presidents. 0 .. ' ., , -Experiment in Music ·Anticipated \ " ( ' • . I .. • . ~ • • \ . ~,,...,, '"' a. 1,_ L "tt" 11 ~ .. • Koppo_,Scholorships • E·o~d ·s Pr.of rt . ' t • ~ ~ ... ---~Ki~AltimnatVA<r~l"~!ion 1w southerrrOrange County,:P~\ed a total o~ '1600 in scholarships to four high school grad- uates Jo -trnij~ their education in colleges. · , c~. wllo. wer~llo~ted with thfir motl)ers at a. recent annual stjlol-. -anhip lunchl!Q\I w~'ille •11issei Lauren '5berman , Debbie Mayer.-.SUsan Darst and DJt1111e 'Elliott. • Miss Sherman and Miss ·Mayer both are graduates of Tustin High School. The dilughter of. Mr. al)d M» .. George -R. Sherman will go to Uni· verslty of Southern California and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Mayer-plans an.educatiOn at UCLA. ' · The two other $400. a\fard recipients al so are future Trojans. Miss Darst, daught.;er. of Mr. and Mr, .. Robert A. Darst of Garden Grove, was .graduated from Senti{\go Hieb School. and Dianne Elliott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd· A. Elliott was a s\udent al Costa Mesa High School. · Funds foi; the scholarship were obtained through the association~s . benefit, A Night at Monte Carlo, last.May. Tlfey were awarded on th.e basis of scholarshiPi and <ichool actiVities. In addi~\o,n to fiOholar.ship presentations, lhe luncheon featured the installation of new officers including Mrs. Kenneth C. Slough, of C0rona · del Mar ,.preslj\"'11~ - M~s. Slough who aUiliated with Kappas V.'hile attending Texas Tech Colle~e, in Lu_~~k. served the alumnae group as treasurer and sec_ond and first vice ·.presiclent. . Asslstint.ner. wmoe vice pfesideiits, 'ihe')dmes. Niifni8n K. Dolby of ·Laguna Beadi, RichBTd Franklin of Tustin and Robert T. Nichols of Santa Ana . Mrs. Ronald Brown of Orange is assistant to the third vice president. Other!~ers are th"e Mmes. Clifford Ehrler, ·Villa Park and John Cronin,....New -Beach, recording and co rresponding ~ecretaries; M·icbael Slater, Mi~si Viejo, treasurer-:-Duane L. Hillyard, Anaheim. editor; Robert C. er. Huntinitton Beach, publicity, and Richard Ramella, Costa Mesa and Allen L. Goody, Newport Beach, board members. • : . ( . . 1 -· f \· I ' ' Pag~Wlf ~o~nct-Ftast\lew-Nore . "·-' ~ . Those who are ll)Ustcally ~ttentive Will appre- ciate a unique upett~ce int so.Und'·duriJ:lg.tbe Pag· eant of Masters' run in Irvine BOwl July'1J:to.Aug •. 24. Vic Schoen, musical dlrector and 'composer for the annual spectacle will blend the voice of a 24- year-old won:ian with the instruments. · '(Her voice "41 ·not.be an·1nstrument, but will blend in with alt-the inst.rumentis •. It1ha11 never .been done musically to my knowledge with this kind of orchestra,~· the tnu$ical leader said. He explained the success of his idea .rests heavily on electronics. "We hope her verce-, Wl)l sometimes be iii the foreground and sometime! in the backgtound. II it sounds the same· way through- out, it will not be a success." The singer is Miss Sally-Van .Alstyne, who ac- cording to Schoen.,_ bas been gifted with 11a. beautiful contralto voice.". ' Sally's one .solo will be "The Ltlrd's Prayer'' }vhich marks another first for th'e pageant. J • "Always before, a man has ~sung 'The Lord's P;ayer.' Don Williamson ·(pageant producer) was kind of shocked .when l told binl l had chosen a- 1---vi;irl," Schoen, a man always eager to try sorqetbing new, commented. . ·· · He._h.ad Deen in the market ·for a different way to present lhe m~ioal· program. "We. have bt8)t havihg large brass o~estraS~ause it's outdoof'Sr . w., decided to chang¢ to a basically string or~ tra this year witll. a, few percussions and wocx}- winds." For Sally, her appearance ls a good opportunity to display her talenl 0 Sbe has a b~autiful voice and a brilllan\ future ahead of.her," Schoen said of the meu.o-soprano and predicted, "l think during the ·six w~eeks she's going to b8 &inging someone impor· tanl might hear her," . . A secretary for Laguna Beach School of Art and Design, the Laguna" Beach singer is preparing for a .care~r. although she bas plenty of tim~, for •S she expl.$.ined, she is still quite young for opera singing. "They say your voice.doesn't fully mature unW you're about 35," she reported. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Van Alstyne of Leisure World goes to · Buena Park twice a week to meet for private lessons with Brese Westmore- land. Her father·was a jazz musician and they en· couraged her invol\rtment by beginning her voice trafning at the age of nine. Sally ·won the Anaheim Symphony Auditions and twice ~took: .. awards at the Musical Arts' Audi- tions. She~ attended Idyllwild Arts Foundation for sbt summers and went to Mount St. Mary's College on a musical scholarship. She also attended San Diego State C,ollege and participatj!d as an alto soloist for two years in its production of the "Messiah'.' and sang in several of its operas. In addition she appeared with the col- lege's Men's Glee Club and toured with its jazz · ens'emble~ · .. She has studied with William Eddy, Academy of the Wet!, Santa Barbar~; Cle•e Genzllnger, San Diego, and f,lary Val Ma:sh, San Diego. She coached with <;;wendolyn Koldofsky o(Los Angeles and· George Trovlllo ol San Diego. · •, . TRYING SOMETHING NEW • I • • t • . I y1c~s~ •"" ·J1ll_y_'{@l1 ~ • • 'l • .,. I , • -' ... . • • • Husba,fid WouJd··:·Reioice · ·If. =rher~ Were ·L~~~'.~9f-'-.. Elsie .to 'Lo~e ~ .. }' . . . -' ' ' . . • • .. • • • "} ! . , ---• --- DEAR.ANN: ,Whenl mon-Ied ·Elile·lh• friends, bolh·li9Ys ind. girl!. 1 can't Im· 11..,d 0ver !be mllerlll•ud·tell·hlm Ibo DBAR•PA: God ,,..Wed tbe very bai weljlled .18 pounds. She gah!ed·I~ pounds aglne him 'behig l!lterated· tn lhll lluff, 1111ff 11 IDt...i,llO cU di> whatever be lntlnlmeat for U.plai kids ta Hoe. It i. with~ baby (wo have lhreL children) , but ob-sly he .la because :the moiling ,....., ~ 11,l(l!e kee,. lkUJ -..,. 'callild a...llud,-...i, 1 ... !Illy nco.,; fKI llhe hasn't lost 1ny of it. Elsie ,loves envelopes are~~ '9 .hil)!o' !.h!!'h 11 . F.rtm J!'IOI::~~ .)lle•)ff lie •P' 0 eat and balea to 'exercise. Last 'tftek proof he sent ror lhe trash. · pean to be rilble ~ -~ and tbe junk • mt8d ,I~, • ~ • e a!ked me .for an &ckUtl~ ~ fyr a • • The boy's father died .\~o J~ars ago will oot ~·him'. {P .l.1'11._~od\'t -, • • · eek'ol mwalJ'I. She said ~ girls In and I feel hetp(esa. 'So lar f llave ·oaid \eep It IN-Brti!il ~ -bofid Too. many "'lllPles go lrom malrbn«\)I r card club, insist' maasages are a great nothing to him. I am waltinJ !or word wtda por-Mpa~ 'Wla Alf! MvettY wean to acrimany. Don't let your martiap no! ay lo loloe weigh\. . . • DEAR UN: I hte lo dtprtve Elite ff one., y.,terday I ran Into a large col· from yoo on how lo handle the situation. -a11-...r tt ....,.Ill 11.IOWly.) . . 'belore It 1•ts started. Send lor Ami • l' • 1 t Ute ma1111e1 beca1se Otey mtght help Jectlon of the filthiest pornography ever Please advlse rpe. · · •_. t · ~.. · Landers' booklet, "Marriage -What tO e~ d~s:e·:fw~•::: ~ongea~· Hr. relu. Bat tbe7 '!W '* mUe bet , usembled in oae .place. 1 There were 1 -UNSUJtB McmtEk ' ,DtAR ANN~ I~ tM~Dhl days -parents EIPfd." Send your requelt 'to ,Aiui ~g In stlh! and shun exercise. ~~ 11 llR lbe "b I tom aevcral.malazlnel, ~of live people DEAR M<mlEll: ·c..rn.t 1•• ,.. . uUd 'tO-paddle< (!ieir· 'iilis will\ hair Landen In care or-u.1n1ewspaper enc:Ioo; lnalsta that tJio elec:trical equlpme'!_I ,.._ .,.:.:. lo.sll ::_~i..i, ': (no' drawtnp)•and 1mrtbements fo< -Ille~ Md till lllm no l"'-""·R ,br)lshet. ?.iy ma~ one~ oil atr ol us big 50 ce.nts In coin and •·Iooc, -pod; them...Or<r'• 1bl!tytopummei·oa~,__._ ,.,. · hol DM1e \nlte) Ilk gll!ftll l~....,...xbted. It made ·_ ... ~Tell~,.. ... ~ and tt mUy k•ll' 111.lii line, lelt .. ddreiled-envolope. •flltil the,"_.. ·-:-' "'.'" , . , 1 · ' me lie!<. I diicovered lhll unspeakable tht lle'f .,.1111 tdl._i...i ..,_ • Today ti 11 lm~le lo find a wooden Ann Landen wW bl Cla4 19,holo )'Oil 1~,ov Ill' ij\f jo rilbt I wiB hand.over . ~00 r '°"' 11 once. • · • vuh in • IJlit bos under 011r 11-year-<>kl ' Crull delfped tir -rate' m!Wo. h,lll\bl:UP> tsrge 'l""&b to 111\ a.kkl wllh. •.illl your problems. ·Sen<tlhein' tli !iii ljC utno _.,: • , , · , : ' DEAit ANN ·LANiJtRS: 1 Iii!«! your ,..,. •• 'bed. They'boJ lo an IM>nor 11111dent, Doo~ .,.. .. -or·.-m11tory. Whll do you llifgit .. I! are ol tlie DAILY Pnm, enclaoln& 11 · -UNCONVINCED cool, 11111r1 bead to --me--lhrOO(Jh thll an erctllent alhleto ond bu many Jui lei lie -Y'O .,. .._..,.... ~ • '•· '"-STlllCT PA • Mltf-l<ldr.-, olomiMd ....iope. • : • ----------- . . 1 ' j '· .. • • ' ! • . ' • • ,,,,...i ..... · . ~ ~. , . Horoscope . .Virgo: Do Not Fo rce l~ssues FRIDAY JULY 4 By SYDNEY OMAJIR . llow and euy. ttt you-·could . be mate, mean anotbtr., Franknw: 11 GEMINI (May 11.June·ll)): partner. Be ':.fUve, a will· Y.001 ally today. llavelun.Butremembfryou lngllmfier.Don' b)'tof.,.. ••TODAY·~ YOUR taco eame JlUIODI dtlfinll .....,,.. · ~ - LUNAR POSITION FAVORABLE FOR FUJIUNG, PLANTING. Aeddeot rale 11 ~"' ... .. ..... , tnlfle. A-drtylq wllll -wlol II -perato. nil aJPlltl to au 11po,-11u1 ~ .1o PUCr.s ud VIROO. rquJar work daya. SWe ol UJIRA ' (Sept. ~J2): llillTllDAY you blve ..,,, humor ti l"'•t uaet today. You ilno not 1" a position to appeal lo-. -· YOW' Soc1a1 gathering ti favored. dJAcl, push" or Io r c e . ablllU" are •-1ated. You CANCEi\ (June 21.July :ti\: ~to mew well-llut an i laya1 lndlvld\ial. But you W""lllf ,._ •-OolJ Accent oo how you bandle 1JD. YOUI beol ooune II a·calllloul leod to ~ IOIDO ol those 6 4 I • J 4 4 4 portanl detalll. You may bt . one. Tiiis 1pp!la to bealth, loyaltlel. Learn to be ..,..'I!:::====:;;==== lmp_atleot. You may wanl to work IDd.)'ecruUon. " . c11acrlm1Da11ni-.~ -· , AlllE8 (Mardi ll·Aprll 11): skip e11entlal1 But the key II SCORPlj!'(l)ct. II-Not. JI): T• w ""-~ ~ '" Lef TV WEEK to be lhorouib. Tbtl wUI tab You 1et reoults, OlpOdally 1" u"~ ~ I elf. d 1 ltjpllne. Act ... dlalot wlth opposite .... Your ~ .. "*ocv .~rt " Turn You On Group, or1anizaUonal activity favored. Fine for get-together with U10Ci1tea:. Rewdon in- diated. , Some ot your aelf. doubta are erued. cordlntly. creailv. ursa are fulfilled. ~"t-H1;1rii."*"'ll£Ty .. LEO (July 23-AtJi. 22\: You You &aln lnlorm1Uon whlcl! ,...:=-------...:....--------- are involved in decl!.loo con-can be·tumed Into profit. Take cemlng romance. Meana bt advanta1e o1. fl. ' Don Porty . Ho ts third anniversary party, hat parade and installation of neW of1Jcers were : mb4ted when members of the Rancho L4dies• Club, Huntington Beach, gath- red in the clubhouse. Hat CO!Jtest winners included (seated, left to right) Mrs. usty Watson, ~unnJest, and Mrs. George Lake, prettiest, and planning activi- les for the corrung year wUI b• (left to right) Mrs. Dorolhy Van Marter, pre•i· .. ent, ~ Mrs. George K1rchofi, vice president and program chainnl!ll .. The •group will host the next meeting of the Golden ·stale Mobile Owners' League on :Sunday, July 6. · · President Awaited Newport Harbor ·Emblem lit will entertain the . -- Pup ils Liste n, Lea rn Frenc h PHILADELPHIA -An el· perimenta..I French class at· the Franklin Elementary School la so reall8Uc sandwiches at lunch ume-are served with Frend! bread. TAURUS (April 20-May 21)\: Frlendlhlpe are acoented; be with thooe wbo abate ln- ·tere.U. If recepUve-and a (OGd llllener-you g a I n valuable knowledp. Talco It ""percepUve. Look out for your SAGmABJus (r(ov. zt. own emoUonal wel!are. Keep Dec. 21): Concentrate on gum! up; respect your Oil]! ff<Urlly, complelton. L1llep to needl, _,, those w!UL " e 1 P-• r-1-e n c e VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept: :ti): rtgardlng property. Stick to J3e aware of cour1e being the 80Ud1. Forego the tbeor111. taken by one who meam much Means Df·pasl 1peculaUoa. Heed voice of eiperleoce. Father of Bride-elect CAPRICORN (Die. :IWan. 19): Journeys, rtunl-With • relaUves are.hJ.thliabted. You may be aomewbat-argumen- tollve. Key ti to ho)d lo yoor views In diplomalk manner~ New contact proves benel1cfat To Conduct Ceremony Candles we ... pa....i In Los Cerritos Hall on the campus oi C&Wornia State College at Lone · Beach to announce the encasement of Donni ua· Jooea to Greaory NdoDan. f" The daughter. of the Rev. end Mn. Henry0Eupne J..,.. of c.c.ta Meu ll P.lannlng an Aug. 16 wedding 1" . Colla AQUAlll\JS ·(Jan. 20-Feb. 11): Give attention to posseaslons. Unleu carefµl, you could lose something af value tn transit. Cycle ts generally favorable-remains hl&h. Wbat you need ti available. Don't throw good money after bad. PISCES (Feb. 19-Mardl ll)): Cycle )I aucb that you cash 1" by taking lnlltallve. Obtain lilnt !Tom-A Q tfAl!Ttf.~ - message. Be confident, direct. Don't state one tblng and · Mesa's Central Bible Qiurch, with her lather performing the ceremoay. Her flAnce ii the son ol •Danl,t Noonan of Medical Group Inglewood. A 11Urprlse party fOUowing Every ' second Tuesday of the anoounoement was hosted the month membera of Orange bl'. Tom Crenshaw, whQ will be Shores Medical Asslslanta' best -man at the wedding. Association assemble at 8 p.m. Among close friends attendlng was Miss Coral Little, who Location may be obtained by te president of California, rs. Hank Duua on Tuesday, ~ ul)' 8, at a dinner in the Elks ub .. Mil. Duus will be ac- About 75 puplll who eat lunch at the school listen to record! of F r e n c b con- veraadoo. while m u n c b l n 1 their sandwiches and sipping milk. will serve as maid of honor. DONNA JONES calling Mrs. Marjorie The bride-elect attend e d.-==:C;:::1;:::nd;:::l;:::H=P;:::as;:::1;:::od===="=um=be~r,:,;644-~'/Zl~J.~==~================;;;~. UCI and Orange Cout College11 panied by Mrs. Jean ardner, marshal, and the two icers will initiate five 'new embers into the Newport arbor club. and was graduated from CSCLB where she was on the dean's list. She was affiliated with Spurs and was a Little Sister ol Alpha Delle Phi. Her future husband attended El..Cam.i.no Colleg~ a9d receiv· c Beauty -e :stale 2 resideni Is a mtiir or cas--G a t o-s mblem CJub .m and her nhal ls a member of arynllle club 114. PF,ESlDENT VISITS •Mrs. Henk Duu1 Ellen Wholey, Franklin prin- cipal, organized the French- languqe cl.aq alter she notJc- ed how much the schoo l cbildrell enjoyed Jistening_ to semiclassical music while they ate. ed hb bachelors degree from r. CSCL8 where he was a ---. ~---~_,.,~_...,.,.._._. ........ -: ___ .,. _ __, At the beginning of eedl asaembly, the enUre ttudent body getl a !..-Ill French convemUon from Elizabeth Morgan, a counaeUng teacher. ; member of the tennis team t. and ple(lged Alpha Delta Phi. ' Both will be elementary f teachen with Orange School Dtstricl In the fall. \-~*'il' ... ~y><·1tt*1.'*""'Jl$ -.. , .,..P". t ''·i ; ., ,.., Also attending the . dinner 11 be .. ..,a1 past •tlte of· , Clll'ftD.t state officers and members of other area clubs. ~CTACULAR MID-SUMMER • ONE WIEK ONLY • SAVINGS FROM • 50% to • JULY 5th ..., . to JULY 12th 70% • AND MORE ON All OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FAMOUS IMPOR·JED and DOMESTIC ' • CHANDELIERS • HANGING LAM~S ' • WALL FIXTURES • SCOMCES . . • • FINE TABLE LAMPS • I FRfE 9.95 DIMMER WITH PURCliAsE Of ANY CHANDWER I .....__ ____ _____,; BAllKAMERICARD. ' lt'lht•//11 lt1 /( Special Courtesy to IJSE B ANK AMERl,CARD OHMASTEHCBARGE,OR ' OIJR CON¥ENJ'ENT L AYAWAY PLAN • fLECTRIC & LIGHTING 222 Victoria Street, Costa Mesa <Across from Greenhaven · Nursery) Builders & Interior Decorators 646-3737 I - ' - • .,.-JJ ... •>' ~f t % ;z:. •.'; }~'1~;, . $, ~;~ f ',.,,,. ~ •·1#1· j., ~ti;. i· ! ,, ...... , .•. . ... ~ ~· .. • if '\. ~ ~ ~·It~ .. < \"'<: ' • ?'< <' !'.; -"'"·'{"'" -.: WE CHANGE "BLEACH • \Ve ahape Your lightened halr into lovely curls. \Ve caress the curls with "Nice Chan&e" -no perozidt. Jn just 10 minutes your new blonde curls take on \\'hisper-sof[ color~tone that lasts through several shamp008. \Vi th no rub-off, no retouch problem: \Ve just renew µte color whenever you wiah I Nawport Baach, Calif. Jiii ......... '"""· Cotta Meta, Calli. 1V •· 111'1 11""' MIYf1lr C~Nr Mir~• ......... ..,.,.. p"°"' """" ·--()range, Calli. IA' W, Ole,oNn \'ICIW c.nt.<" ....... "'41• Fountain Vallay, Calif. lmtM...,.n. Vlllt9f! Ct!l!W '~·-· RO~X HAii COlOl lOn ON Nft • ,/ti ), ~~,_) ' , ;,~?'"· ti\, ' -·-· _:;-~. • PLUS SHAMPOO . $2 50 AN D SET (Mon. thru Thurt.) I lo~1 H•lr btt1 I • ' After 5 p.m:, $2.75 Friday, Salurday, Sunday .....• $3.00 c .. 1a Mota, Calif. 111 w. lfltl ...... P~ll. tflll -- j Fountlln Valloy, Calif. Wl1 IE_,.. •f IW.IM \/llltY ('MfW -Pl- -"' f' • ' ~ ' ' -·--. . ' ' , .. • • ' - - I ~ . Saddleha~k Ted•Y'•i.'IUI ---~--~-111-111 . . . EDITION YOC. 62, NO. 158, 4 SECTIONS, 3~ PAGES . • THURSDAY, JULY 3, ·1~69 " M •• ISSIOD Trail El Toro Airport -. . • Topic of Comicil · EL TORO -Technical aspects of using El Toro Marine Corps Air Sation as an Interim ~glona.l airport will be: reviewed for members -oC the S·a·d·d I e b a c·k Coordicating • Council at their next meeting July 9. The council's airport committee will report on the costs, physical o_peration re- quirements and other data, in comparing the El Toro air station !!) the Orange Coonty Airport. The 7:30 p.m. meetlng will be held at the Royal Savings and Loan AsSociaUon in Torocenter, El Toro. e ~afl Cloaqre Due IRVINE -The Valencia Avenue in· ~rsectloD at Laguna Canyon Road will be closed for approximately nine months otanll!g-July-7. - •• •• ' • ' tna ' • ---I •. ' • U.S. Puzzled ' SAIGON (UPI) - A 6pokcsman for Gen. Creighton W. Abrams' U.S. Com- mand said today he had no explanation tor lhe current batilefield lull which droP'i>ed U.S. l<me! last .week to their · lowest point since early May. Field reports listed JCS Viet Cong or North Vielnamese killed-Wednesday ln small and scattered skirmishes from the ARTIST 'S RENDERING DEPICTS MISSION COMMUNITY HOSPITAL PLANNEQ FOR SOUTll COUNTY· Con1trucllon of lnlll1I, 1~ Ph1H Schodulod to Siert In About 60 D1y1 . ' . , northenl war zone to the Mekong Delta. · AUied losses were described as light. the 5pokesman acknowledged what he called a "very low level of activity" ~ince the mirfdle of last week and said "l am convinced there l!I a luU just from the reported -actions lll-yuu·have-seen iTrtbe Hospital Slated for Viejo_ briefing sheet.s. $5 M~Uioii Construction to Get Under Way Soon "But 1 don 't know the reason for ·it or Construction of a $5 nillllon hospital how long it will la!lt." and medical technology educational According to the weekly casualty f cill release, 24.1 Gls were killed and l,MT a · ty in the Mission Viejo area of were wounded last week, the lightest Southern Oral'lie County will begin ln losses since the week ending May 10 ~t 60, dl!!ys, ,developers annOlDlctd to- when-Ul4 Americans died-and 1,225 ~{• ""' '"'"·bed f··'llty ·n be b 11 lh fered wounds. '''" _. , ':"""' • w1 _ .u t at. e .South Vietnamese head q u 8 rte r 8 San Diego Freeway aod Crown Valley Mission Community Hospital will include two classroQmS ind • lecture hall for mecllcal technol"Sl' sludenta. Audiovisual equipment to be \lied in the educaUonal section Includes a closed· Clrcult·televlsion system to literaUY btlng studen!i rtght into lbe operatini room for tralnlng. aircraft altcldent scenes. lnJUally planned for 126 beds, MW.Ion Commun1ty Hospital will include a farger·tl)an-normal, 24-hout.Jmergency room, intensive care un!t, laboratory, and ~~:~~cal treaUpent cent:r for cancer N.Y. SCMkj • TEN CEN1S ,, ., ' • ' t . . " - Dems .Jom:· .. ·: ' ,. ToAssnre· . .-· : . Passage By GEORGE SKELTON SACRAMENTO• (UPI) -Thi "-ii· bly, afie.r rour. d~ys of bitter 1dudlock and political bloodletlll)i, palied ,a fl.3 billion budget tl)day to.-assure an'. lod ' to the state's gravest fiscal cri.sli si.Dct the dep~ion. • , Assembly Democrats, who had dra- m•llcally 0blo&ed ' the ·budget ·Monday night forclng.'..&tate--goveminent-lntO'"'the- new fJScal yw wl~ au~orlty io •pend money. joined ReJ>Ublqns In pushing lhe record spending program.4<1 the Senate. Their action beai:!ed.oU GoV. Reagan's planned Penonal . appeal to~ a joint ltS9 sion of ·the legislature. Senate leader_! .P!.eif\~__j)ud1et would pass the upper house with eaae and go to Rqgan· for bis aig'nature.. The A.S!lembJy vote was 51-19. The m~re needed 1 $4 votes~ Eighteen Democrats voted aye.. . -. Id their prlC. for v«lnl on lbe budg- et, Democrats won a p)edae from Reagan to pro\ri,ile more sehoof ald tharr he originally Jifd ptopo6ed--T\111 toW. amoupt of r>eVf ediu:a~ . ~ '!~ • I During lhat time, the California Slate Hlgllway Department advises, a Valencia overpass will . be builf over the Laguna Canyon..Jlood-lhte..edloo~v~,..11 rtmaltl open POrth tq the San Diego ceported 446 of its men alaip Ind ·804. Partway' by·M"llliOOJViejo Medical Com:: W1lllllded last-we<k;-~c a ~~...and.is npected lo begin ai:cei>tinl. hiJe · ~ 'c!«thl d · ' pationt.I ut aboot one year . · · ~ the pmlilul m · t0 l,~.ii::b:t-' 81raleili&llJ 8"1. 11> ~ healt . el tho ''The site of Mission Community ll~~g,&_~beg\!'!!'.J\..<!_.lf<red :;r...,.~ expansion .llld ...... o f L •r..t likf l'j-IDk; 1 Bearing in mind the yourtg family· oriented planned housing developments in 'h<Jum>undill&-=a. \!>e....., ,faol!lly will a I "' .a ·cib<ke\il<;i louslj was estlina~ at · &,hr~ ,p · mlllloo 'and .1200:niUUon.u _;•c,N --'-'-'. ~-~J4111{11r"\----'IK-jll Asoeml>i1 Democr•UC leader'.!-v.: ruh a.!<lared duting noor·" deb'ai..' '"'' have b~ght 1 'to the ~~i:gtlon Of' tbl ~ tn the most · dramatic 'f83i1ilon Freew.lf.. J., ' . . ' ... ..C•pe. to Celeltrate ' . ' . . .. _ CA!'IBTR.\)10 ...:lllllfil.AltDS _ - A lfarade, games, picnic dinne,rs and a f1re'works display will hlghlight a tradi- li9<!>LF..,l!!> o!.JJ!IY i:olobtation ~"" The parade will .begin at 11 a.m. at the lntersec.tion of Pike and Mackenzie Streets.· Games and races will folloW lhrough 4:31 p.m., when a softball game j5 scheduled. Preceding the 8 p.m. fireworks display will be a plcnic supper. Fiirther infonnation may bi:. obtained by calling Richard Warner, 836-0Tl9, or Dick Smith, 83G-0796. e Picnic Ride ·s lated LAKE FOREST -Children 6 to 12 years o{ age in the Lake Forest arts and crafls group will be taken by the Lake Forest tram to the Circle J Ranch in San- ta Ana July 11 for1l picnic trail ride. The tram will leave the Beach and Ten- nis Club at 11 :30 a.m. said Lee Phinney, arts and crafts leader. ~ach child must bring his picnic lunch. Registration will be accepted at the clubhouse until Wednesday, July 9:C.Ost is $1.50. e FoNrth Fiesta Set LAKE FOREST -Commuhity-wide festivities to celebrate the Founh of Ju ly will get under way at 8 a.m. for resid ents of the Sa'ddleback Valley. The activities, including bicycle races. games, arts and crafts display and a beauty coolest. will be held at Lake For._ est under spOnsorship of the ~fission Viejo Jaycees. e· Camino Wldenlng Set to revision upward. -rapidly developing indUltrial~~ MJbdru' of the threat of Jnflltratlon reslden:U•I •area, J.fisaion ~ntty toward Silgon ~nd D• NiJ'! •. SOHlli \I~-Hooptt:il· wUI ~a.r 'Vtrlually all lilodern nam's two biggest clues, thf"cCjmmaiid medical tnfatnieoL . . sent eight waves ot B52 bombers against More thaa • ,1ocaJ physicians· are fn.. their approaches late We;dnesday and vo1ved Jn tJMi.project ~ apansf?n plans wty tcMiay. ~ will ~aw ~-~1C1l-rnen 1n~ Two other . Waves of the stratoforts operation as Jt continues, according to, went after ~orth Vietpame&e troops jn developen. . , -• the centrr' highlands, near the Green Located .across ~arguerlte Partway Beret camp at Ben Het. No attacks from the Saddlebick COilege campus, spot.ilDfn lor Che dev~lopen. · '~--. Th., ear1)t Califomla·ityled medical faclijty II ceritnl tO l!iajor ·lnclustrtal pro- ject .. •hich Jill lnol'lt:iilly produce job ~C<ldent victin1I r<qulring IWift catt. Ari esli,nated 9,000 e.mJ!loyes will be warktngin the~area by the time it opens. . Tnffic f$ha,11 yi~Ums will also have easy acuss to the new hotlpital, which will feature a hellcopter landing pad to bring injured persons frolll future boat or against tl}at outpost were reported today foUowing the end of Its 56-day siege. . ' Laguna Hills Set Woman .Jailed in Hassle For 52-acre ' -With SPCA Dog Catcher Shopping Center A Rolling Hills woman today was A major 52.acre regional shopping scheduled for arraignment on charges o( center reaturlng at least two large Jia-disturbing .the peace following a hassle tional chain department storu wlJl..be with lbe <19gc,tcb6 on Laguna's Agate built soon in the Laguna Hills area; It was Street Beach. announced today. ... Mrs. Almee W.ilker, 44, said sbe would The facility at the south side of Et'Toro pl~ad in'nocent and request a jury trial. Road adjacent to the San Diego Freeway will hold as many as so specialty shops, The incident ocr:urred Tuesday af. as well as the large stores. ternoon when O!f!cu Dwight Leak of :}ears. Roebuck & Company and the Society for Prevention of Cru~lty to Broadway are the two department stores Animals (SPCA) picked Up her pedigreed scheduled to be 'included, according to boxer Chlnka while M,rs .. Walker and ber Donald w. Blankrnan, manager or Rossmoor Corp. commercial propert.ics. two chlldren were on the beach. No timetable for coast.ruction or any . Mrs. Walker.said they were sunning in estimated cost of lhc big shop)'.llng center front of thelr !IUmmer rental hdu.se. The is available at this Ume, Blankman-.said dig was unleashed, ibout IO-yards awiy, she needed rabies papers and a dog license. Mrs. Walker said they were back hOme. • · The dog waii placed In the truck and a 20.minute hassle° ensued. Mrs. Walter says, "I was afraid to leave my dog with that man and get my wallet." Leak said he didn't stop the woman from going to her home. He sald she told him, "I'm nol going to take you into my house," and he replied, "l don't want to go into your house.'' "!!· ~ ' .,. r.t"'f'(., l 'Th ... are jusl hlB!illghts of the lotalJy · modei'n medical center that will emerce to serve £6e. fastest-growlne-=-afea of Orange~." Gd!nas said lod<y. Researcb lbows development in the Mls!ion Viejo area will be even mdre rapid and df;unaUc than that along other freeway ~ons of Orange. County in the j>ast, O.llnas added. · Cnlrently; SOuth Coast Community (llee·HOSPITAL, P1ge II CHP Tells , City It Can't Patrol Coast Highway · The eity of Laguna· Beach Is goinfl lo have to suffer µirOOgh the pre.M, of.. sum· mer ttafnc as best it can with no help from ttle California Highway Patrol. ·eoul!Cilinan Richard GOldben! reported Wednesday night on response to a letter sent to the Highway Patr.ol requestl'ng assistance In moving summer traffic faster along Coast Highway. The reply was that It Is not their palicy lo send patrolmen into incorporated cities, he said. "I'm sorry to say this avenue appears to be cloaed to us." pOldilif:thtir' Dlifht.tJ >' JI "J. da'i't thlrik_,-inyooe CIB• ltend on lh1-· 11oor.:·, eowurod '601' 1 loador ·w. Craig •Bl4dle of -llivelllde ·"and say the ·pemocrit1 ipeu: -far hie clillilttn of C.lilomia." ·-. . . . AsSe!llbly . S~oz: RObeit M,onagiin. (R·Ttai?g), aQded: "Never before have I gone through such an ex'erd&e where you were concerned about the intent of the members ol 00s house. Penonally, l'm not conCemed about Democrats or Republicans. I'm ,very much concemed about the attJt1.1de al this bOuse." today. -and ahe llefd, .the lea.sh In her hand, the 1 sAN CLEMENTE -C a m i n o The mall-type center Will hlclude a claims.· • Capistrano between Pacific C o a s t United Crl!ncral Theater building and a Leak had'been summoned by .Lifegu4fd Mrs. Walker blocked the door to the truck. Sl1e claims Laguna police officer Jrthur DeLuca, who had been called to {he scene, took· her arm and Said,"l'm bigger than Y04 and I can br:ea.k It if 1 have to." ; "So then I jumped up on the hood and &at here," she said. DeLuca lifted her off the hood. Councilman Oiarlton Boyd suggea:ted it might be. helpful to lll!t:ill traUic lights • on Broadway because traffic-is stalling ba~k lnto the canyon aa ·well u . on the highway.' Other ~ncllmen· did not lDdicale that Highway and Via Breve at the city 's Reuben's and Coco 's ttstaurant, aC-Tracey Sizemore, wbo bad reparted a dog north limits will be widened from ~ to 64 cording to the ~moor executive. kJole OD the beach. It may have been hthey agreed, and Mayor Glenn E. Vedder ad the last ,word. feet at a cost of about $118,000. The etirporaUon will construct the mall, another dog. Work is slated to start soon on the 2,000 ~ ~ing a basic archilect:'u~I theme not "She may have been 1ltUrig on the The police report says she was "spread out" over the hood of the lruck. "I don!t see any easy solution," be said. foot long portion qf the roadway. Widen· d1"'.Ulged by Blankman, with individual r beach, bul her dog was chasing on~ of the ing neces1itated one land exchange and t~nants designln,g their own sboPI: roving guards,'' said SPCA Officer Lelk. Mn. Walker spent 45 minutes ln jail In her bathing suit before $65 bail was CoJJins Elected To Head Board Of Saddleb~ck condemnation of several lot parcels. Today,'s announcement wu the second "All Chlnka did,'' Mn. Walker ex· lnvo!Vlng ma:Jor develojiinentln ihe soU!h , plalned"1t;-'"w>s-nmo•&" Wsmelra JlO't!d· - Oruge Coast Weatller A glorious Fourth is on the hori· 7.on, Weathe.nrise, with the morn- ing haze departing early to leave !lunny' !lkies arid temperitores ln the 70'!1 .fot coastal celebranta. INSIDE TODAY An Orange County clinic for ex1eptional children may be the !Oft hope /OT mant1 ml!fltal/y retarded 11oungsters. Pat1f 15. llrfM II "-..... ' ........ '""k• ., -. httlt Nttlcft 11 -" UIM1I'·"-• .... ····"· •• Jt.tc l'l:!Md ... u -. .l• l.eMln 11 Mii... ' Orange County area. man as be ran""by. She's been •to obe- Builde.rs arid investors said today they dience \raining and WOt!Jdn't hurt a 80tll." will begin constru¢ion at thfl 1ite of the Leak a.sked Mrs.· Walker for .iden· $5 millio.n Mission Community ttoapital tlflcatlon and sbe' lhoWed a magazine adj,oent to Saddleback Junior College in with her name ~ RollJnc Hills address 60 days. on the m~llng atlcker~ 1 Leak aal<ftbat wun't good enough, that -.. She has been to)d she must buy 1 Cigunad og license and produce rabies papers within sii days or the dog will be killed. So, tod•y Mrs. Walkt!r will drive home for the papers:--And .,meWhere on the beach1 may be an unleaabed .dog thal •tarted the-whole problem. British Cabinet OKs . Spy Swap With Russ Michael T.'Co)Uns of·Laguna lllJla waa rHJected WedResday night to a .....id C4tontdQwit io 4th ~:~~r::::s~:::ebl; , , of the,'Youngi!t colle e..bi>ard~ents hai:i:u:r:1~P~;;;.n;::r~1·~wc.!":~ 7 Shows BlaSt Off i1t County! : · ;~o11~~~:?.u.11'Pa.·. -Brtr111n~k. w!th the Sotlet Union after two monthB ol ~.,.. ....,.....~lit ... :.~'\ negotiations, Informants said today. · ' nen, of TUWh, remalltl cll!tk. • ~ • Details were not .disclOled, l>ut the In-Orange Coi.lntJ Will explodt ID brilli,nt ~ lauoched from pler t p.~ , ~ fr"091 :t.pn1 ~Louis J, . °""" '""°' *!' _.,... formanta Hid new Brttllh&vl6 t:ilb and mulllco!O!<d llghll at cJ...k ,... !1G~A BEACH -Prlv.te 'rlr!iotb l ~Wk. !aa .~\"(· ~ represen-• • .-111beheld11111 we<!<, on tti< cabinet'• Independ""'· Day u seven moloi' I ;:l' 1~. aid 8 · J ~vi •;fr., 1auv~~·tho.~~oo.School Llf'9~rtl.,cC~f I • deo,ioioa-I ., _1,. , !9~dl•p!ays wlll be.la~lltd. ·• ~· .AY-n .. "' 1 ·~· ' . r°'}". •· ; L -'·n ,,,. • ,, '" d ' k ' ' .. ' -" • '' ~·~1!1fn:vte.-ol.i:o1yf reoidentajn. ... •' ....-atarlil-a d .. k.;-~ . 1· 't1te lier of the' board,"'"' agu~--· ........ ,uar ' . ' .' • ' • • I ' ' Claile. • ~ Ali~ Anaheim s I• cl I u m . :-.~t v . 1Tualln, Wll boan1 pwident Follrlh of July bea~y COCllti&< Stock Marketa• · .conA MESA-Or&1111• c...t c.1 · r~"' O.q t11ow i "*"P!ete . with ...,..-'I."' trin•~, . -t tiints ..Debbie Au\l, 19 .l~)• L<Bard SladJum. Ortworb show • ~ t p.m?, Ucliots #.l!ilito -· W nelcllJ nlcht "Ill t&e· fir11 time •n<I Terri Rodgers, a;-Jopk; l!EW YO{U( (AP) -The atock market ple)f : with onterlalnmen~ 7:IO p. • • -: Relf, wW ond bW . ~ met at'Crowlt' VollO)I School In fonrard lo 7 p.m. comp6Ulio11 cl~ 1 winner qain1adll1 ii k oarrled tic.keli ft.71. · , " n._rl<a-d!IJ>~mi,. '. • • • ~ NIC!Jtl.·lt wlY l'flJl&)n tholr teni-al Main Buch pant tow<lr. ill rally through lh< fourlb and cl01lni NllWl'ORT DONF.a -Com pie f LO!ICffJA . . )1 ' '-lllii~,1 ·;::1=.,.... I Oebb(e will -.epr-l Sllaw'1 seMion of lh< w~k. !I# quolalionl, dlsplay, I .p.m., tlcketaJ!. _ _:.:,. , ·~~~~ . · • • · ·b~r ·~ • lie. 11)0"9, While T.erl will npresen!,j Pages If.II). HUNTINGTON BEA..., -Flre"'"JI'. lllitl~ • -~·~" ·: ., ~· . ~ ~~Bay. -- -:;... ... ..1 • ...-•• ~ J;t· ' "'~' , ~., . ' 'l' .. ,, ' ---~ . !:...--.. t:------- •• I .j s II 11 I j .. ' • J DAll.Y fMT L ;Beach, Jo~ Disputed, ' llut Olc~yed Lal\lllO !leaclt City C o u n c 11 m • • Wedneaday· unanimou&ty. 1 p p rove ii prellmlnaty pl.ans {or a public rest room at Anita Streol despite charpl by -...n that the facillty "'""' al-lracl blpplts. ' • --coo.clfniiil ordered wor!Wi1 £ailiiis on tbe mt--room as the nut lllal< In Ila .. -.i construction. It w! be lRl!lt across frun the pump llatioo on the bellch walk from Anita Street. ~ Wednesday's action came alter at- torney John Knowles argued that the rut room would attracfl.hlpples. City Councilman Roy H. Holm reacted to Knowles' assertlml' that hippies W<luld be the onea most uling Ute rest rom ... "I fail to see the dlstlnctlon. Whether they are a bum or a millionaire they bave the wnt bodily (unction," he sak1. 'OUR U VING ROOM' "It Is the same bodily funcUon, but JMSt do II apart from the living room. The beach ls our living room, "10l0Wles 6hot back. Businessman William Leak answertd Knowles. "I'd much prt.fer to have it done ne~t to my Uvlng room than in my bathwater," he said. "Mr. Mayor. Can I say, toucbe," responded Knowles. l(now)es had asked on behalf of more tban 30 property owners "with a million and a half in assessed valuaUon" for a year's wait following opening of the Cres- ttnt Bay rest room, due to be opened in a few days. '"Now look, lhls is not a delaying ac-- tion," he said.'";be·tbne Is needed to gel _a:me fads • ..Let'a .take.alook aL what the rest roQJn draws down there, and what it, co.ts to keep the graffiU off the walls." But said Counctlman Hohn: "It ..... , take much in the way of faela to know we are in the st.one qe in providing these necessary facllitlea fyr people.'" MAYOR COMMENTS Mayor Gierut E. Vedder 11id, .. 1 live on the beaclllrooLand l.l<Mw the problems and pressum. If I were in your pos!Ucn I think I would soi •v.,, put It over !hero aomewhere .. ' But as· a councllmln I hive to vote for lhls." Tbe ma)'Or "'!'lalned there are Cbamber ol Commerce people interested ·in attilCling penoos from Giendcra, Pomona, lndlo to town for the .i.,. -' Pa~1~et ·~~ms. Fire_works Firm Unhurt by Name " . Black Paothet llraod 1-ll'U aro Jllll .. ...t,' Wl!iw. ud blm .. -tb!I 'Fourtli of/July, wtth buJ!n.., boomln( better thaa ever befote ln tbt firm'a nearly 40.yeat,blstory. Despite sharing a UUe with~ a militant action group he.1d in fil.regard by sowe elemenlfl, marketers of the pyrotecMlc producU report no adverse effect on sales. A random Jl9ll of charitable organiza~ . tions mannina Black Panther stands In ~be Harbor Am. Wedneailpy turned up no nports of mtsanderstanding about Jual wfio would beneflt from .aalea. Tbe Lynwood-l>ued Pyrotronlc Corp., which markets both Black Panther and R~ Devil fireworks, In fact, registered its largest pre-sale volume. "You might as well change the name of my old patrol in Bay Scouts," said Fre,d Brookins, vice president of sales for the organization. He added'that a switch in ,Uile -was con- templated when the Negro militant groups first began making new1 abcirt three years ·ago, but was vetoed as a blow against American tradition. "We've had • couple ot organiulUon1 that didn'.t buy this year," he admitted, and of cotne the name can 'color"-• person's thinking." situatiQn .seems rather split in terms o! the predominantly Negro area markets. "How dare you u.se our name?1' u·rookins quoted a couple of callers purporting to represent the Negro mill· tant group u saying in the past week. Black · Panther fireworks, however, were being sold when the parents of many Black Panther party mezpbers were only children. ' On the other hand, sales have been reportedly utraordinary ai~e Black Panther stands in black neighbi>rhoods, a non·industr1 story whlcli oe o m p a n y spokesmen choose not to dlsctiss. Reaclf/ for .Tr~phg DIQh .,. Youngsters enterocl in. Bicycle Derby at Lake I don 81ld M~ Craven. f4lision Viejo 'Jaycee- Forest'• Fourth of July Communi ty Day cell!bra· ·~sored celebraUon will inclu4e"art& and crafts "But I can remember a-couple or years ago-when I wu a Red Devil salesman and we had some fundamentalist Church groups that refused to buy." He noted' as one clarification that all telephone catls to the Lynwood plant are now greeted by: "Good Evening, Black Panther Fireworks." Brookins s a id Py.folro~ ~rporaUiln suppµes the et;idre,. sli'le of CalUornia with Black Panlher and Red Devils pro· ducts, but the 1969 volume is a cor--lion eye trophy. From left are Chris Wolters, Terry d1Splily, baking and dance contests, riiinl-midway, Griner, Angela Langdon, Cindy Craven, Corl Lang· fireworks and beauty pageant. . poration secret. 4 Laguna Council to Study Trash Collection Contract Laguf\a Beach city councilmen Wednes- day night decided to study the city's trash collection contract with an eye to throwing It open to compeUUve bid by olhet trash contractors. . John Lindley of Laguna Beach Disposal Servioe Inc. had requested three year renewal of his contract which eipires Sept. 30, li'IO. "We have bad Ute present contract for 10 yean. It ls Ume to review and see what services can be offered at what price," said Councilman Jooeph A. O'Sullivan. He sa1d be had no complaints about the service, which to his knowledge "cer- tainly has been satisfactory." But he noted that ~ council-bas another re- quest to be allowed to bid before it. Prospect.Ive contractor l! Tom Trulis, nwner of Solag.DJspoaal Company which services South Laguna. Dana Polnt and Cap~trano .Beach. Councilmen voted unanimously lhat Mayor Glenn E. Vedd<r should appoint a couod! ccmunittee to !nvestlple the service the city ii iettina: apcl m'!i witb Lindley and Trulls. "Of COW"Sf: some of the girls forget and say just 'Black Panther,'" Brookins con· tinued, upresslng rnl1d Interest when in- formed his secretary bad lodeed ju.st done that veey thing. U 1he Caucasian customer doesn't mind buyjng B!"k _Panther pyrotechnics, the John Mc Vay, 16, 5taffing the First Christian Church Torchbearers C:lub stand In the 100 block of East 17th Street. Costa Mesa, was quite satisfied We<:!· · nesday. "We're doing a real good busines!', especlally when people buy the $24 .W," ~ e1plained. Doub'le Taxation Of Some Laguna Residents to End . Defense, Told of Evidence . . . . ~ ~ " Owners ol jl<ope!<!Jr_ !n IJPP<l' Arch. Beach Heights a.nd the new Portafina • Laguna tract soon may be relieved of o lP · 111·· B ( t N N ¥~~~~::~:~:~ Evi~e--ag~ m~~~~~1%~ ~iP to ~~:~ Sanltar)> District and the city o{ Laguna leader accused ~of murdering a Santa Ana secutjon hopes to use ·in building its case Beach. policeman today ls available to his against the Black Panther leader. In most cues ~ of low auesaed defense attorneys, bot names of eight But be also ruled that Assistant al t.i c the Jar 1 und .1 ... ...M witneales afraid oC vengeance must be District Attorney Everett W. Dickey v ua 00 0 ge Y ev~ pro-could wltl)bold the names ol eight wit- perly the eltla taxation bas amounted to kept secret. · , nesses who are afraid lot their own lives only a few cents a year, said Laguna A defense motion to allow dJacoVery of and those ol their families.. COOnel'1nJi!t Jooeplh\. O'Sull!Vai! u!d he la of the opinion· th&t beach rtslrooma ar. ~ . to ,Jirvvide for the H,000 · ~~~,~~u,:.~iu; 65thimlerremknce;Day year cost the cllf IS,000 o~ '3,000 in In-f' ' flated bulld!ng COila. t . ;. "' . . ' t ' . Director of Public Worka Joseph R. evidence. was granted Wednesday by The ei~t persons whose identitiea will Sweany. Orana:e County Superior Court iudge be kept secret for ·the time being have Nevertheless, owners have been payhlg James F. J udge at the preliminary hear· allegedly Deen , harassed already about a double taL their ~enlial roles in the murder c~. J.a,guiia CouncUm~n ~fore Wed. ing. , • Ju4ae Judge .o.r:derad tba. prosecut.Or \o ·=~ .. hl:i.:-:rir~~ 'P·~ deR. }..::.-· .~d-.~t M . h' any rouon to make thinp .... ...,: nra euuie in neac vtruent for them. • ~ ne!day night-approved detidnnent of the · Blaek Pantbert1 and.. syn'lpathizers gi~ the names of 20 other witnesses in- area from the South· Lacmia Sanitary packed the n.seat courtroom to give volved to Lynem's public de[ender, District. They were told the South moral supP.Ort to Daniel M. Lynem, 22, to-however, along with evidence collected. Laguna Di.strict alao agrees to the charged along. with two other militant The eight mystery witnesses who will detachment. testily when Lynem is tried for the June ''This IJ l)OI the time to_pul a ~ In," he Slid. ''Walt until we have a dir~ ferent invasion. Maybe it wW be lhor\. ~ people next tlme." For the 8Sth time this century, Hunt. tngtonBeacb will 11irow open its doors lo thousands of vlsltora on lDdependence Day and present them with one of the most coloi:fuJ. spe~cles on the Oran•e Coa!I -the annual Fourth of July Parade. Left to ,be done now la for the county blacka .sWl not in c~y. 4 murder of Patrolman Nelson A. In past years the parade, &eCODd in Local Agency Formation Commission to The judge ~y granted a rpoUon Sasscer, 24, must be identified 48 hours 1lze on1r to ~ Roee Parade. hu drawq make the detachment officlaL by Deputy Public Defender Jame! R. before they appear in court. Fro• Page 1 HOSPITAL ... liospilal, the El Toro MCAS dlspenaary and the clinic at Leisure World Laguna Hills offer the only emergency care faclllUts in the area. A group of Los Angel,. pl\ysiciln> recenUy began development of anotbtr major hospital near San \::iemeonte, poaslbly to be named In honor of the parents of President Richard M. Nixon. Site grading bu already been done at that facllityl while leveling will begin in about 60 da)'I for the new Ml..86ion Com- munity Hospital, according to cunent plans. The land is now occupied by tempor1ry S.ddlebtck "'College classrooms which must be moved before actual sitfl work can begin, Gelinu said today. Plans far the hospital were drawn up by the architectural firm of Rochlin and Baran A.I.A., and the medical center will feature decor in keeping wilb other developments lD the v1cinity. ~·Al!Y ~·11or celebrities ranging from beauty queens 1--;:==:::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::===:::;:=========:::==========::, to legislators. Bob .Redman, parade chairman of the Huntington Beach Jaycees, the 1ponsor· Ing agents of the event, expects appros.· imately 200,000 to view the parade, nearly twice the current population of lfuntington Beach. Floats, equestrianJ, decorated aut~ mobile.a, drill and marching unlts as well as several bands will begin their two-and-a-half hour trek through down. town Huntin~oo ~ at , 11 a.m. at 11th and Ma1.0 streets. ~ The route will take thtm do_wn Main Street, over to Sth Street, a portion of Walnut Avenue, back onto 1.faln Street, a portion of Pecan .Avenue and most of Lake Street. ' }( t i:rus year the city will present Jackie Benington "Amerlea's Junior Miss" who will be hosted by Huntington B e a c b Marshal. Other celebrities include "Misses" from several neighboring Orange County cities, members of the military and federal and state legislators. Special guest will be Mrs. Ivy Baker Priest. Calllornia It.ate lreuurer and fonner lreasun!r of the Uni ted States. Following the parade the celebrities will be hosted by Huntiotgon Beach Mayor Jack Green at a mayor'1 recep. tion at the Huntington Sheraton Beach Inn, 21112 Pact!ic Coast Highway. The Independance Day ce.lebratk>n, will conclude at 9 p.m. with a fireworks displa)' at the Huntington Beach pier. MAP IRDICATES ROU TE OF FOURTH OF JULY PARADE II e.m. Siarll11f Time fer Hunll11flon l xtrav ... - • • fi, J. Qarr.eff ~ 14 ·th Semi-_)Jnnuaf Safe ALL HERITAGE UPHOLSTERED PlECES in you r ~hoic:e of style or febric m•y be P,Urc:he1ed •f • most gen•rous 11 v:ing1 • • • Truly a rare money-saviQg opportunity 15 ..,.,..., Over 200 Styles ol Solas 1 • -Chairs -Love Seal& 0 -OttomaDI in your choice ol any Horltage De<Oratcr fabric:. Off. ~GUI.Al PIUCU ALSO ••• SUISTANTIAL SAYINGS ON MANY·HlllTAGI DINING ROOM. llDlOOM AND TAILI GlOUI'S ••• . HERITAGE l'oilr Javoritt i1tttrior dtrign1r will bt happv to auisl iiou .•• ( H.J.GA~~ETf fUR~lTtJRE . . PROFBSIONAt: 0,. W... -. a M ha INTEA~ DESIGNERS I 2211 ~RIOl ILYD. COSTA MESA. CALIF. M6-0271 MM276 I - '· • , ~--- • -N eWpo .. t ll~rhor • • . • ED1TION. ·~ ' . -VOL:. 62, NO. 158, 4 SECTION , 36 PAGES • ORANGE COUNTY, -1:1.l:lFORt'IA • • " r JH URSDAY,.JULY t "196f • •• Def enseS ees Evidence; No Nam es ·Evidence against a Black Panther leader accused of murdering a s8nta Ana policeman today l! available to his defense attorneys, but names or eight witneS!eS afrald of vengeance must be kept gecret. A defense· motion to allow <.tiscovery of evidence was granted Wednesday by Orange County Superior Court Judge Jamesl'. Judge at the preliminary hear· ing. Black Panthers and sympathizers paCked the 75-seat ctwtroom to give . . moral support to Daniel M. Lynem, 22, charged along wilh two olher militant blacks still not in cuslody. The judge part,ially granted a motion by Deputy Public Defender James R. Goff to gain access to·materials the pro- 1eeution hopes to use in building its case .against the Black Panther leader. But he alao ruled that Assistant District Attorney Everett W. Dickey could withhold the names of eight wit· n~es who are afraid for theU:_ own lives and those of tbelr families. The .el!lhl pcraor>J wbo;e ldenllllea wUI be kept. aeCret for the time being have aDep<!Jy· bttn hara-olnl!<IY aboul their 't>QtenUal rolea In the murder case. Judge Jodge ordered the LLVtilW !a &ive the names of 20 other ~ fii. volved to Lynem's public d8ftndtr, bowever, along with evidence collected. The eight myst~ry witnesses who will testify when Lynem Is tried for the June 4 m u rd e r or Patrolman Nelson A. Sasscer. 24, must be ldent\Hed 48 hours before they appear In court. Deputy Public Defender Goff protested wilhholcUng of the eight names Wed- nesday, but the prosecution put Santa Ana Police Officer Dale Sterzer oli lhe itand to testify. Officer Sterzer -beaten with his own " nij:htsUck durlDg a near-riot Sunday night in Santa Ana's predominantly Negro area -said the eitht have reported ref.] fear (See SLAYING, Pagi l) T wo Neiec omers Serve 1st Stint On Plan Board Newport Beach's Planning Commission Will meet tonight with two newoomera 1ervlng their first stint with the seven. man body. They ar& William D. Martin and Dr. Ge6r£e W. Brown. Filling.in until a third new member can be appointed will be Alvan C. Clemence, who is retiring from the commission along with David W. Curtis and Ray Y. Copelin. First order of business during "the meeting will be election of new officers. The C1>m mUsion will then consider a request to amend the Masl!r Land Use Plan lo establish a Civic Center for lhe city. Th! nf!:w Center would be localed in fhe 100 and 200 block of Newport Center. along the east side or Newport Center Drive, nortli orEast-eoa---ifHlgllway. The 19.23 acre tract will contain a city building, other governmental buildings, and cultural facilities. Also on the agenda ls another hearing on the request of Judy Todorovich, paator of The Gommuni(y Church Of Truth, La Habra, to operate a religious corporation offering "prayeritil counseling" for not mire than three individuals at any one Lime. . Mr1. Todorovich is expected to appear and Indicate what the program is for the Olurch and plaMers will discuss the ~lty's reguirements fC'r proof that I.he Church ol Truth·~. Indeed, a r<llglon. Al tht last meeting, held June 19. It became evident that <he city lM\J. no 4•0nltlon or 41rellgKln" In iUI city code.· Mn Todorovich has been reqllesteiJ ,to l.llay tbe. fears of some plannin& com· Missioners that the Church of Truth may l>e linked wilh palmistry. • Also held over from the last metling are two requests frOm the lrvlne" Com- pany to conslruel an addiUon to the Bahia Corinthian Yac:lll Club. A lull review will be made of an o~·•ll plan for parting space ' along the 1200-fOot length at the Ba:1>lde Redevelopment ·--•,rea.-. • • n - ' . .. . ' . ·-f. ' OAILr'f""Pll.OT Shff ~ Wltagltifi It at the Wedge Young body surfer, insulated by wet suit against cold water and (oof) hard knocks, scrambles fol' clear water at shoulder of wave during slam bang session at the Wedge in Newport. Popular body_ surfing spot near east jetty is challenge to experienced surfers, but beach is unguarded and swimming there is not recommended for novices. · Price of Parl<lng Shock s - Visitors to City Beache s By JOHN VALTERZA Of "" o.w,-"'"' ll•ft The afternoon Is warm, the kids are c.lked with salt and sand and the weary fatnily is finally returning to , the car parked somewhere along the Newport Beach shoreline. And there It is, fluttering behind the windshield wiper-a tell·tale beige piece of paper with Its awn green envelope. "Notice to Appear • • • " in capital Jetlers. It is a scene wh ich this holiday week· end will be -repeated hundfed5: of times in the citf. and when it 'hltppen.<in the resort.qe.,1gnated parking loll, the tting is the worst To the uninitiated visitor used to the standard $3 perking fine the impact of the Newport citaUon isn't instantaneous. The hackles don't really rise until one matches his code vi<llation number with the little chart on the back of the cita- tion. A GRIM lit .Then comes the grim news .... $10. 11Why Ten Bucb1" comes the next logical utterance, ususally made within earshot ol a meter officer. "It's obvlou!," NeWport Beach police say. The very fact that parkers shrug· off a $3 fine is the .raUonale for the $10 tab. Fines, they maintaln, are. aupposed to especially . Jn the ioneS designated as. resOrt parking areas. That's where the $10 fine' is levied. RESERVES OUT · Andi with summer here again, reserve officers are beefing up the perking en- , forcement brigade that sets out each morning on their three-wheeled cart. During their day they get the works when it comes to excuses, abuses and cries ol " ••• but officer." , The one oerending fact~ it. S«mlS, is that once the dff.icer gtarfa writina the parking, vi?lJUi.OO it's (oq late rOr either the ()(fending auto 0wnet: or the olficer to change a thing. ' • Every parking ticltd Is numbered in aeq~, and officers are compelled , to keep their ticket books in order. Any cancellatktns are met with stiff scrutiny by wperiors. And running u}> with coin in hand while the meter maid is fudshing up the ticket d~t J:]Jt .icl..___down_at police head· quarters. '"lbei-e are ·times," one meter maid said, "when' .someone runs up befort I get past the date-on,the ticket and apol· ogizes and say,1 'he for;:ot or was un· ·eble to find change." "If the.story.seems tnie .and l baven't. (See PARKING, "Page .!) • ' • 11 . • I ... ,.., . .' ·1na· • . • . . US.P~ed . ·By ·Mystery . . Lull in War SAIGOi°' (UPI} - A 1pokemian for Geo. Crelg)Jton. \v. ·Air,ms• U.S. Com· mand said ·today be had no· explaiiation for the current batUelield lull which dropped U.S. losses l8JI week . to their lowest point 1lnce early May. Field reports llsltd Ill Viel Cong or North Vlelna..-killed Wedn6day in • smaU ~ llC.ltlutd ekinnlsbts from the northein war zone to the Mekong Delta. Allied losses were described as UghL · Tbe apokesman~cknow~ged what he called a "very low level of activity" :Ince ~e ml'1dle 1lf last week and said 141 am convinced O;iert js a lull just from the reported actions as you have see"Q_ bl the briefing aheels. "' "Bu·t 1 don't know the reason for it or 1•11• long II will last." According to the weekly casiialty releue, 241 Gls were tilled and 1,647 weri wounded iasi · week. . the Ugh~ losses aince tbe wee~ ending ~ay 10 wben 184 Americans dJed and 1,2= 1uf· !erod wounda. Larry Dundaf, 8, West Covina, ~v1~meu ._1 11..uuiJ..u.1 ~~y!llh near · N;ew· ~ .... J ••• ..... 1'i edn~~;-~ ..... w .i~. lll"I °f'""' ""''" ; cli: ,JI.. . . ' lat 1'eek. llao I ~. OUlld a Way to · pick. up j ~ whill Commun1lt ~ealha dl<>pped & fish by belly. · from the pre•lool .Mk w·s,m, aubject _ to revWon upwird. • • - Mlhdful 'ot the' threat of J.nfiltratlon toward Saigon and Da Nang, South Viet. nim's two bluest clues, the-command sent eight waves id BU bomber's against their approaches late Wednesday and early today. Two other waves or the stratofort.s went after North Vietnamese troops in the centrr' hlghJihd!, near the Green Beret camp at Ben Het. No attacks .against that outpost "'!Ui reported today following the end of lls 5fitay siege. The biggest around balUe Wedftesday, a four.Jiour ciash on the northern· coast, COJt the Communists ll dead ar.t Amerlun .units four · dead and eig)JI w~ war communiques Wd .. Chain Beating Of Pair Probed In Newport Bea~h Two young men Wednesday night told Newport Beach Police three assailants allegedly from the Hessians motorcycle club beat them with cycle chains and belta as they walkl'd from the Newport pier. Clyde F. Watta, 25, of Garden Grove and Jerry L. Yo411g, it. 311' 32nd St., Newport Beach, t.okl officers the three .. Hessians, repea~edlt sald "we ckm't;'.Jike your kind" during the beating. The two victims suffered bruises, scrapes and cuts ii1 the 11:30 . p.m. In· cident. Th t :y IOU.ht private medical treatment, police wd. Police quoted Young I! saying he once was a member of the Hell's Angel! club. Stock llforkeu NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market cl~ a winner agalq t!)day, as It carried Its rally through <he fourlh ahd cloolng teS1ion ol the week.. (See quotaUOOI, Pafet IH5). Y's Men's Club To Give Prizes At July 4 Show . . . Orange Coast Y's Men's Club has annoul>Ced that it will be awarding over 1175 in prizes durlna: the intenn1sslon of the Fourth al July· Fireworks show at Orange Co8!t College'• Le Bard Sta- dium: ,.. 1be club will give away · a year's ramily membership_ to Qae Or~ Coast · YMCA,· a .aummer campenh1p and various otJier· prues lo lhe" audience at th,e 11µi annua1 show. Proceeds from the Y'a Men's Club sponso<ed di'J>lay will help Plf for <he YMCA's swtmmi,ng pool facilities , Tlckels are still available for the event and can be purchased at the YMCA • ofnce, 2300 University Ave., Newport Beach, or at the gate. . Gat'es wm. open for the Independence Day Show at 6 p.m., with entertainment starting at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $1.75 for adults and 75 cents for children under U years of age. Coopera:tion Due . , I ·• \ ' ' • Sa ys . B~rtnan ·· LENINGRAD, U.S.S.R. CAP) '-U.S. astronaut Frank Borman said 'today he.ls worklng 'on a program under which ·lhe United States hopes to launch a big spice litalion I few-years from JIO'll<., · "I foresee' a tlme ln'that program when Soviet and U.S.'spa~en will be flyliig tOg.Uier~" be"iiifd«f . .' · Borman IBkl <he l•UJll'b!ng ol Ill< q>ace statJon U Intended for the mltJ.'IOs1 He did nOt give further details oh· Jt or the~ w~y in which Ainmcana al)d Ruaslans·Would operate Jn·'1pace.. togeQier, . • · hurt a bit. • Too many bei!cbgoen fou•d the 13 fine (j( Ille pest ... no big thing. They would 'pull Into \ 1Po(, get a ticket on purpose, enjoy the beadi alrday, <hen gladly pay their S3 parking fee. CountdQwn to 4th &hnan, with.Sov1et_newsme~ pre~nt, paid trlbule to tho ploneer 'nile' °" lbe Soviet Unloo ~IJ"C' ·alld •poke of Ille importance ol spie•·P'08f11111 '-f .. the whole world.· · • "lt was a pretty cheap way to park all day at t~ oeach," said Newport police tra[fic Sgt. Jim Spears. Before last summer's crush in the fl'U".king woes:. cit)!· aides and judges agreed to bike the RneS to a stiller k':vel to end the met.er ·game. 11le fines ·roared, Irvine Fire Controled ' Newporl Beach firemen Thureday evening exPn&ulshed. a ~ere, grass fire·near the lntenecuon of Ford Road and MacArthur Boolevard. The fi~. of WJdeterm.ined origin, broke out at about 7:13 p.m. on Irvine Co. land. t T8'J.;,'. Fbud ' I -N.Y.' Steek_-/ , , . ' .. Dems.1-0in . . . l .; .. ToAssnre • Passage • sACRAMENTO CUPO -' 'l11t AMeJn. bly, after four· days of bltter deadJock and Pol\ll>•I bloodlet'Ung, poMed" I II.I billion budget today to uaure u end to the state's gravest fi!cil crla1a: 1lnce 1he depression. Assembly Democratsp' who had' ·t1ta.. matically "blocked the budiet M-y nlghl forcing stale govmuileo( inta;he !ltW .f~ Y.ear-.wi~1i autbor;it7-to spend money. joioed Republlcam In pushing the record apeadina' progl:llD· to the Senate. Their action beaded oft Gov. Reag&l'l's planned -.1_1ppeal lo a Jolnl ses· '. ·aloo o{ .the Legialalure. Senate leaders predicted tht bu:dget wbuUI pass the upper house with we and~g°' to-Reagan for-hia s.lgnat'ure.- The Assembly vote was 59-11. 'I11e measure needed 54 votes. Eighteen Democrats voted aye. As their price for voting on the budg- et, Democrats won a ,pledge from Reagan. to provide more sdlool aid than he originally had JR"OPO'ed. Tiie lo(i1 aJllOWJt of ~ ~caUoa IDCDeY\ Vat· iously was estimated . at ~ tUo mUll<n Md •pm m\IJIM I ·'Our achoql -II!•"~;" AIMnfily. °""""* !eMef· -Un. l")lh ,dec;IJ!red dUrjng POG!' .deblie. "Wi ban·'brot/lbl · to ,the· 1tient!Oq ti" the J!!i+P.li m l!il~ . ..dtamlllc -lalhlM . powl>lt their plJal>l." . · I "I don't thtnJ• anYooe can lt&od · on this floor," countered GOP leader W. Cr.aJg Biddle of Rlvenlde, "and, HY the Democrats speak !or 11-children of California." Assembly Spealcer Robert 11100'8111, (ft.Tracy), added : "Neter before have I gone through such an exer.cise where you were ~ about the intent ol the memben ol this house. "'-ally. I'm not concerned about Democrats or Republicans. I'm very much concerned about the attitude or thil hoosie ... "" Slmly Iller UJe, "'8embl1' ICllcrl, the Senate '•<looted the "budget mL ...,t .it on to 'Gov. kooald Reagan for slgneiure. The ldion eoded the won! linlDclal crtsla ln California. state jovernmelit Jilncle the Depression. • . The Senate voled !inal passage lo the compromise bill, 31 to S, after tt bad dramalcalJy cleared the Assembly. . A.sembly Democrats, who in a dilpUte over school aid and tu reform. had blocled the budget Monday nlg)JI !orc- mg st.ate government into the new fiscal year without authority to •eend money, jo~ed RepubUcana in .puahllll lhe rec- o.rii s~-J>".lil"am to 1he Senate. The new b~~t, ~tained a guarai1t"ee that CalUornla 1 116,000 state em~Y" would receive their normal aaiar1et {or the budgetleu weeL TRASH PICK UP IN NEWPORT SET Newport Beach residenls whose tr•h II normalfy 'collected do P'rlday will be able to get rid of tbelr .rtfuae as usual M Independel1Ce Day. ColltctiOn crews will bi bte:fed up "1- day aod will finish their route, earlier than normal. All containers should be set out by 7 a.m .• City aid .. urged. . Oruge Cou c '. . ' • • \ " ' I • ~ OAILV mo: N R ese•rch Slaih.ed Military ~~unds _ I Cut $2· BiiliC.n WASWNGT9N, (UPI) -The Se11ate Armed ServlCts Committee an~ today cuts ot more than '2 bUllon from Pl'esidenr NiJ!oo's 1211 blllloo ·roquesUor mUKlry fUndl,' with all JD90tJ: rot orlenslve chemical and .(~ "~ dtllvopment eliminated en . • " 'Committee Cbolrman )ohn ~ (1)-Mlu. )1 told newsmen thal more th,. hall ol me slash came from resHrch ind development Mems. . Stn. Ttlomas J . Mcintyre, (O.N.H.), From Pqe 1 SLAYING ... said earlier lbat ut ~ Ill mlll;oo asked by Dofense ~ Melvin R. - Laird for ~b and development of offensive chemical and bio1*&1 weap- UDI was bocked out. · , 'l'bl-CQ!llll\lllee --time , u Nb<on pledged In a ,..1em4n1 at Key BlacaYne. Fla., that lbe Unlted tl\ltes would cooperate in Jntemailonal efforts to seek "rellible arm.a con!l'oJ'' in UM chemical and biGloglail weapons field.. (Related rlory, Page I). Nizon'a statement apparently was in ...,_ to an appell by U. N. Secretory General lT Thant Wednesday for auilaw-ing cbemlcal biological warfare. F.or .rtsearcb-&Dd development GI all kinds, Lalrd uUd fe< $U bllllon. Tho _. coaunitlee IDond '7.2 billion. 8-11 for the~ safely since .., kllling. said the cqt of -. than II bllJlon Lynem 11 be!d· without bail IOd!!_!hrn!J;·~-~~l!l...&)"'1iii:lliiLILilpP;O'iiiiiaii!1--otherB!ack,.anu;;;n;-Mllrur-iAijije, 20 12. ptttenl, · and Odis N. Grimes, 21, both of Santa Amona: ltema cut out of the Pentagon Ana. are sought in a nallonw1de manhunt, r~ua:t were authorilatkw for the after being inj!Jcted by Ille Orange Cow> ~U,~~;.. •,.!'!.'L!'lrfalrcr-._~ ty Grand Jury. ,.., ._.q ~W:"6 .,.., . uodeneu!l a JOlll ranee mlulles, and the De.spite the presence of Black Panther .JlP .. 1 lircraft. In addlUon. 1 15 per· supporters, only one outburst marred the cent reduction was made in 1he request proceedings at the halfway polnknd the for an airborne warnini control iystem. Judge warned 41>0tber would ltad to As prevt<GtlJ reported, the committee -· . DAILY ,!LOT lllH PMt. ' Pant~e r Boom~ Fireworks Firm Unhurt ·b; Ng.me Black Pa.o,thtt hrlOd Dr<W<><~ are just u rtt WbJte and bb»......... .... tllil Founb ol JUiy, with bo--IOI better than ever before In the flrm'a oearly jO.year"histoey. Despite sharing-a title with • mWfant action group held In, ill-regard by tm;nt e.l~ts. marketers of the pyrotechnic products report no adverse eflec~ on sales. A random poll of charitable l)rgani.za· tions maM!na: Black P111ther stands ln the Harbor ~ Wedffeday turned up oo reports of misllnd9ntandtng about just who would benetlt from sales. / The L)'llwool$-ba:ied ·Pyrotronlc Corp., whk:h markets both Bliek Panther and Red Devil fireworks, tn fact , registered its largest Pre-sale volume. "You might as well change the name of situation seems rather split in terms of my old patrol in Boy Scouts," said Fred the predominantly Negro area markets. Brookins, vice president of '8.iea for the "How dare you use our name?" organization, Brookins quoted a couple of callers He added that a switch in title ;vas corr purporting to represent the Negro mill· tern.plated when the Negro militant t.ant group as saying btthe put. week. IJ'OUPI llnt began ma.kine newa about Black Panther fireworks, however. three yean ago, but wu vetoed u a were being sold when the parents of blow.ofalllll-Amerkk~·n~tr~ad~lf~kllln,,.,.,,-~Jmwawn~y-B~l~arcikL.JP~a~nilitheiu:..Jlp~arty[Jy~_mWl!~sl___j.! "We've bad a couple of or1a.nl&atlons were only children. that d.ldn>t .bQy tlllJ yw," he alhnltted, On the other hand, sale's have been and Of course the name can •cgJor' a reportedly ei:traordinary -at some Black Person's ~king." p Panther stands in black neighborhoods, a "But I c remember a couple of years "non-industry story t~hich company ago when Wai 8 Red Devil aalesman spokesmen choose p h) discuss. and we h4d ~me fundamentaI.{Jt church Brooldns s a l d fY.rotronic Corporation groups 'that rtfused to buy.'" supplies the et:Jute Slate of Caflfornla He noted as one clarUlcaUon that all with Black Panther and Red Devils pro- Back at ·Old Stand telepbone calll to the-Lynwood plant are ducts, but the 1969 volunie is a cor- now greeted by: "Good Evenlna:, Black poratiop secret. Panther Fireworks." John McVay, 18, staffing the First dearing ol lhe courtroom. 'approved money requested for the Safe- Lynem, mlnlst.er of communicaUons foi' guard anUballlltic mWUe (ABM) 1ys- the Santa Ana chapter of the mllllant • tern; Included..W1LlU5.5 million for pro. black action sroup, bu pJelde4 lnnocent euremeDt (~Ol'!Dent),'"' f40(l.9 mJillon to the murder ol Officer SWcer. far ~devel-IOd teallng The de~enl'I lop roolcle ofr.cer for ~ti!_ II x..!~.~ !Dot testhet 1961 wu abot on a darkened street corner p,ctfk """'.,_~ u..uw after radloina headquarter• that be wat Stennis also u1d uoertabl Items n- ExperUy wielding sclasors di!carde<Lduring-1empestuous marriage. Newport Beach barber Glenn Maxwell, former husband of film star June Allyson, was back al his old chair Wednesday at Lido's Shaving Mug. His first customer wu Jim !!;-.ant. • "Of coUrse some pf the P.;l• forget and Christian Church Torchbearers Club say jwt 'Black Panther,' 'arookfn.s coo-standin-llie uxrblock Of Ea.st l7UJ Strett, tinued, ezpreaalng mlJd Interest when in-Costa Meaa, was quite satisfied Wed.- formed his IOCrelarJ had lndeed just nesday. done that very thin& "We'fe doina: a re.al good buslnesl. rloppiog lo querlloo 1 COIJ~le ol Wini lo-the developneal ol cbomlc:al Uthe Caucuian customer doesn 't mind especially when people buy the $24 aeb," buying Black Paolher pyrolec!mla, the 'be explaioed. pe(lestriana. and l>lolotrlcal -were neom· He died withln the hour altu belnl mtnded'fir._ .. Ho gav ... no ijle-,Steele M•rlcw fouod by a neighbor who heard Ille blut, dllc flluroL · but we never able to make a etat.etnenl SteGnlJ @Ye tbele--. btDad flsure:a of about his attacker•. tho IJllil»pliaU.,' Ill.WW In the ~ e Del...,. lleporiment m..,.y bill: l'.7~ billion far llrcraf!· 11.1111 bUl!on for mlullel; IZ.llll bifuon for nilvll 1hlJll! llld '3IU.m!lllm for tracked comha PARKING FINES J UMP ' • • • Fireworks Starting Fires . Retired Teachers vehicles. · . 101teo Into Ille Ucktt .yet. well .I'll lei ii 10." There -,re times, flow ever, when · •incorlty ii obvioua!y Iai:kio1 In tho-of• fender. - Scorts of Umes each w e e k e n d Getting _Paid B.ut ·Pass flaH-way Mark T h ' W • • motortsts play the ,"apfted game," rue· eac ers a1tin, g ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) -An in lo -In d ol th ol adventurer trying to prcive 1 Unt between n g up • vance e - Tbere hi•• been report.I that several ancient Egyptlans and modern-day South fleer and feeding a penny for another I.ix: retired telCbtra In the Newport-Yea Ame<lcao! II roported put the ball-wll)' mloutes of valld llme ~ (they hope) • Unified Schocil DlstrJct have received mark on a journey acr'0$1 the Atlantic in half hour or ao of free lime before the penalon cl!e!>P. from the Stale of a papyna boaL 1ame rlara apln. C&!ifomla · dirplle the stale'• CIUrellt · budget prob!ema. , . · "U rtjular leacbirs hive to 1>e Plld In 6~..:L....L,..:.J_ -..J -. _ n =:r."":tm:.. ":;i.:O ~·-:-. ..,,,, ·~urepe1"'1e~lf-,;wlly one caller .. ked. · -.. · q~ter~ot~. Tl : :..:..J ib !hz;_;.J-d: ~;._\!..._h. ~~~~ apirt~m !lie 1taie : . C-:Qf aue l,ea(iieu ·in DttUc uwe write up a Jot ol losers at that 1ame, •: the off1cU Mid..~ -' -• .. • ... -• More than 22 fires have been ataittd Lut .year the ~parting meter pme Josera _ and the honest cliliens who just since Friday by children playing with forget to fill the meter. lltUme _forked fire.works, ·the county fire department over an esom.W~;WJ'tii!O the-city warned today. colfers in fines. County Fire Chier Elmer Osterman parents responsible for the acts .of their children. In the case of a serlow fire, the parents could be rorced to bear the cost of fighting the blaze, he said. Thia: 1 11 aald that the present hot, dry wtather .... f!.lca ~-r, .l".bJch. •t¥\ed Ju· 11on1 with the care1 ....... or children Laguna Youth Jy 1, cky aides estimatt .tmtt '--M;240 could lead to serious damage to many molortlll will experience the Pllldoi C0W1ty homes. u~ue:;ho r.llgJoualy mi the dly's .Z~te.~~~.~int~~1v .. ;.:..! Injured in Crash young boy1 were playing with smoke metm (or who play the meter 1ame llld bomln Tuetday. They u..w them into A Laguna Beach yooth has been win) wfil l"'!l llTl,l!O In "1ln Into the the air IOd wind blew mto the roof of 1 released from Sooth t....! COmmuniiy meten or the outitretcbed -hAncta ab-at. -booH nlRllting·tn fl,000 damage."-• Hospital -fol-lowing an early monMr · tend•rrta at aome cit)'·run beach .parldol Osterman aald lhat state laws make acci~t today involving his small for- lot.s. _ ei~n and a parked van. The revenut would be even more if LyM Brootbank; J~ .. wis lbe!'e were mere ~-P eter O'Toole Fin"ed ciled Y IAguna Beach police on 1poed-0ne llfeguari1 otfid&l, commenting on ing charg~ following the 7::.1 a.m. the erowd forecut lot the: pending DUBLIN (UPI) -Actoc: Petet O'l'oole accident at lZ34 C:Oronado Dr. Independence Day weekend theorlud the-wu fined m WedneSttay ·for ' sluq!ria: a P.oik.e"_said his car skidded for 30 feet, ''Funds are paJd Into-a trust-1ecoUnt that la 11111 payable If Ille ·stale hea a budget or not," the achool otnclal u.ld. For the 65th time this .century, Hunt. lngton Beach will dvow Open Ill dool• to thousands of viiitora on"' Ind1pendenCe Day llld present them with one of the molt cOlorM .apectaclet on the Oran1e beaches -uld hold more than ·~,ooo ba al'' th , do b't t...i tu.rned-Otiits left side, and slid another ~ .... u uu r owner 1oer e man a I ! a ,_e SI feet. before ramming the. van owned In past year.s the· j)lrade, · aecond In souls a day if only lhert wert more in O'Toole's pant..s. The'fudge said t'tle ac· by Laguna 'Originals. . Nationalists Hit Red China Naval Base ···TAIPEI (UPI ) -A neet-ol Nal!onalial Clfl10ll gunboala blitzed Into a coaatal COmmunlsl Navll bue on Ille malnllOd Wedne~ llighl and eocaped today reporting two supply ships and a PU1ng gunboat sunk, the JlOVemment said. It was lbe first se1 batUe between the two Chinu since Jan. 18, IllM. The returning ra.Jden said they dama1ed a leCOl1d Communist eunboat trying to block their escape. A government announcement described the t'arget as a amall port in the mouth of the Min River, about 100 miles west of the northern tlf, of Nationalist China and near the main and city of Fuchow. The baUe spilled out into the Formou Strait separaUng the two nations, with a rear guard o( Nationalist gunboat! holdLng otr Communist _counterattackers until the ra.idera finished up. - OAlll PllOI OJAMOI c;oAS1 P\lllllM .... CCIW.utr l•Mrt N, W•H •rnlllMt 9"'1111 PWlllllPlfr ' J•cl1 •• 0111 • ., Via ..,...._._.II.._ n""' r ... 11 .... fh·-· A. ... , .. , .. .win.II"' IEotlW . J.,_. F. C.lli" -h ... Clf'I ....... ---2lll w ... l•lh•• ... 1 • .,.,, Maill~t Mdr1111 P.O. It• 1171, ,!66) 0 -- --.. r -Col.st -the 11111ual FoUrtb ol July Parade. Bob Redman, parade chalrman ol the Hanllnltoo Beach Ja~. the oponsoi'· Ing qents of the event, upecla •wro>· imaltlY lOll,000 lo view the porade, nearly twice the cumol populaUoa of Hanl!Dgton Beach. . . Floats, equatrilns. decorated auto- mobiles, drill IOd mutlilng unlta ., well u several band! wtu berin their two-aod-1-hllf hO!I< trek lhroujh down- iown HWltinlton Beach at 11 a.m. at 11th llld Maln .U..11. · The route will take them down Main Street, over to 5th Street. a portion of . Walnut Avenue, bact onto Main Street, a wrtion ot Pecan A venue and mo5t of Lake Smet N t ' lil:e cnlt to the Role Parade, baa drawn places to park. tor'• good character saved him from a Brookbink-suffered cuts on the face celebrities rlllging from beauty quetn1 1 __ Therer=ju:':' :•re=n':l.========pr:l5o=n:term=:· ======·===:a:n:d:h:llld=':· =· ========. to legi!lators. I • Th11 yea~ the city will present Jackie Benlhgton ''America's Junior Min" who will be hosted by Huolin(loo B e a c b Mirabal. Other celebrities Include "lttlsses" from se.vual nelghbortna: Orana:e County cw... memberl of the mlllluy and federal aoo llale ltg!Jlators. Spedal guest will be ·Mra. hy Baker ~~ Callloro!a 11ai. lreisur<r llld former trea!llfer of the Uhited States. · Following the parade the celebrities will be hotted by HunUnt1on Beach Mayor Jack Green at a mayor's rttep- llon at the Huntington Sheraton Beach Inn, 21112 Pacific Coast Highway. The Jndependance Day celebration, will conclude at 9 p.m. with a fireworks dbplay at the Hunllngloo Beach pier. fi,J. 9ar~ff j 14 ·fh Sem~Annuaf Safe~ , ALL HERITAGE UPHOLSTERED PIECES 15 Tru ly a rare money-sav in g op portunity Over 200 Sty! .. of Sofu Off. llHULAI PRICIS -Chairs -Love Seats -Ottomam Jn :rout choice of any Hsitaa:e Decoral<>r fabric. ' Yowr /a\/Oritc interior deaiQn1r iolU &a Mpp~ to wC.t LIOU •• , '" AL.SO •• , SUISTANTtAt 5.t.YINCH ,ON MANY HUITAIH DINING ROOM, lllllOOM AND TAIU GROUP$ , • , HERITAGE ,a!"""' ....UU. la iu.tlai• MAP INDICATIS lllDUTI OF !'OURTH 01' JULY PAIUIDE II o.m. Sfo rtlnt Tl.,. fitr HU11tl119ton lxtr~v•1•~ PROFUSION.A~ INTERIOR DESIGNERS °"" ...... nm.. ' "'· .... 221 S HARIOR U VO. COSTA MESA. CALIF. 646.0271 6<0.0276 ' 1· ' '-I ( , -• -1 YdC .. 62, NO::l58, 4· SECTIO)'I~, 36 PAGES ' .. ·~{:'---;: ~·t .. I ' ~ • J / 1 • • ': I ' ' " ' '. r ' t •• 1 ....• ·'' , •• • ,¥3CUa ,. . ' . ·-• ~·e . . -.S.L • .. : .,.. .. .. ' • . • T-~ .... ' .. . -, ;.. . ' . , .• ' . ' '' r ' I -l • • , !., ....... · .. \ ------"---¥ic~~t~ Cl<1sed-71:fter f u-mes . Escape :.,,tint,,~ . . -. ' . ,.., . \ , Chemical · fumes· best·described· as in-~ in the evacuation, po!_lce aaid. · • eculive &aid,, · ·, :-.... ,1 .stant smOg spread from· a· Costa Mesa · Fire Department Sa~llon Cttlef Dave ManufactUred very ·early' today; ..he aerospace compc>und ·plant today an.a Teter sa1d the' situation' first l'epofled at said,. the compoUJld:s productiop requlrts f.iremtrr order~ precautionary evacua-· 10 :26 a.m;, was over shortly After 11 that It be beated ,tQ aJtlgh tempei'ature_. tiori of:tht surrounding area. a.m., and most people returned borne then cooled ansLcanned for shipment. Spoi.eSmeo for_the.-Narmco Materials ...... wilhln the hour. "Wt' haven't bad a chaDce·to cbee'k-lt Division, Whittaker Corp!, llOO Victoria Sam Storer" operations managu for .out, but ltJ probably .ju.st" .wa&n"t cooled Sl:, said· the vapors were .not.toxic and · ·the Narmco,p_t.a.11t •. ~.id lhe cau.se1qf the down 'quite enough," ;Storer upla~ pf.anl Wor_kus.remained on the job. fumes' emission was unclt!r invesUga,Uon. , 'Jbls w~ result . in. a continued Blocki.ng·oll ViCt6rla Strttl and .the im-. but he.waa .virtually~certain of what ha~ chelJliCal· heating proeesa -exothennal · m"ediate.'. 'flcinity, -Costa Mesa .polite ol· pen~. _ , . -meaning the re.sin literally burned in ficen~drovei up and down streets, telling "We had..36. OJ'.le-gallon WVi of an epoxy the carts, J>!oducing ftunes bul no fl.Aftle. i'iiiileiill"'fiYliillllllinnomove-out-~f-the r~ .~,in 1n·f~9lY aop'hi!!icited :~:fire ~t-:lell ,i\-<Jlllld-be>- Qf.&. _.. • . aerospace> pldtiqs matertaJ and )t' .,.. dankerous and evaaJAted the aru Approxlmately 30 homes were Involved parent1\n'e.t~ed','"lb1;11imi<O'ifi. · (~·l"IJMES;Pqe I )' · · : , I• ' • . ' • , ·~ ' • ' U~'S-. -Puzzled ~ ' ' By Mystery ·Lull in War SAIGON (UPJ) A -spokesrllfll! for ~· Crelgh~on' W. Abr~s· U.S.~Co~· mand ·aai~tbday..tie ·had no explanation ... for~~ 'current\-batllefiekl lull " which · ~.s.--·!8R,w~li--to•their lowest.point,..,. eatlJ May. ' ' Fiiltl .rt'pirtl l!Metl'l•fVlef>C'.ong or North,,\ljetna....., .killed W~y In ~ .irid oca\jOred aklrmlalMi! fiom tM nl.rthent .. .;, ..... to the ~ Delta. A!lled·IOaes were described u l,llht. • --'nieijiljltesmm ackilOWteagM'\tlilt lie called a '"Very low level oE activJty" llnce the mitfdle of lut week and 1aid '"l·•fll c:OnVinced ,there is a -lull ju!l froP\ the reported-actions as you have seen in·the briefing gheets. "Blfl I don't know the reason for it or how long It will last." According to the weekly casualty rtlease, 241 Gls v.•ere killed and 1,647 Were w,,ounded last week, the lightest losseJ since the Week ending May 10 when 114 Americans died and 1,%25 suf- fered· wound!I. • .. • .. Sou'th Vietname..e h e a d q u ·a r t (: r s repor:ted 446 of iti men slain ~nd ~ wounded last week, also a decrease, While. Communist deaths dropped 655 frOlll the prevlous-weel to 3,333, subject to revilion upward. l fith.~.Anniver:s-a~y ... -:--. . ~ . -........ ··--_......,.___. -. : City 'Y outt.g : , ' " ' . . . . ' ' ' ' ' . It takes a, lot of brass far a 49-yeat-okl to "keep cro'Ws out of tbt SouU. Forty. wtth' mudf mlddifag~ sprtad· to'1mw' for -;11Jatorie>lly~£0sta •Nm 'tm•aem .. ~rI~ five .decajt;s'.c.1:-~ to ,ll)' dattd u;.i>rikiUtlncm;IJllS,'but_.,.· ~-liU "'ii!glii1 1•r· ~1 . · Ii.liTIHiilltiOiror.& · :eqt,-. m111r!l'~;'\tit··subj_l,, ~1.~ ·P.i+' 111 PQinU of IM ,unJvew:J ...... plabn«I pv..-ti'tdII 4ot diieoveriliJ • ~ ·1n .July I . ~:c.ta ...... :a ~~ lm.' : · _ , , IS an i~l\Od:clI}\ , , , ' AllrmonlertC, W' •• ~tiojip :ilJiOoWr, Top braas. mioor:d\Y' lead~blp arid e4 'tbe plind '"11t' ..-Ult. -• » th!.'.C.,tla' Meii ~m¥<' of~rce :iliYl>I' ·Alvia-•1.J -PIJOOey_ Jiu. ·Just wtl1 ~,iMr · l6i-.• li\>l>n lupc!ili>il 'at the dilc:ov<ltd Costa"Me.a . In 11111 , lhr<e M'esa Verde Country Club durbig the 61-years •u ,. •••.. ..u · •. " • fi c!lal ceJebration. r • ua(ft Wl'IJ· WWJI "as on,IOlllf · Former Los Angeles Police Chief Totn believed namtd. · ' . 1 • • • Reddlri, now:Chief n.ewscasier for~KTU· Poring over old m&Jl!l-·and ~in TV ~himnel 5, w1U be the ·featured. connection with ~poat as a dlroctor ol speakei. · the Costa Mela County Wiler DtstrJct. "Cltizen Inxolv~1me_nt in lh~ $ol~llon of the maror receotJy found a discre Urban Pr(\blems, will be Redd.In 1,topic, in ,,ames and da'~ paney but the occasion dates back to when .-. ' Costa Mesa's Urban problems amounted Beginning in J.JZD; one ledger showed the, community 11npwn 13 Harper and served by the old Flicylew Fanm Water Stock 111.,.k"ts • ' . . ' ' .NEW 'lORK (AP) -Tbe 111ock' Ml!fkel closed a winner aiain·today u tt carried its rally through the fourth and closing .session of the ~week. (See quotatlOOI, Pages 14-1~). Dbtriel,u -Coata Arel.~-\ '<' Posfm1~r , Johb kJu,ie..tcz. ta\t I hand< In discoWr1ng ·Costa Ma&'i ·real date of .titular orliin by writtq postal aulboritks m _Wa.shingtoi:i, O.C. for a . probe of records. ..... •' ,J t. toUifgst~}.,~ Go,;to :\V: ~Pk :: . . . ' . . . . Aft~r:HeJier"~ark Opeh~il : • ' ' Panther BoQ1ns True to the water diStrict documents, a U.S.~Post Offlce was crUted for Cotta Aina, CaW., on Jul,y Z4, 49 years ago lh1! monlh. · "'o. doubt exists about the origin of the name -it·waa chosen in a contest -and the -Jate Mrs. AJiCe Plumer .won $25 for btr. Spanish entry, • interpreted u Shreiu and whoops of children pla)'iM all!I ". cily . landsoape archi!Od, 'Bob- W'hen! 1t1ploadera and dump trucll:s' oni;e Pederson designed" It as the beSt. · 1 chugged .md grumbled can be heard to-"'Clnic~ '!'" 1 g'!"l exampie of uiO old · day, follq'1fh1g the, dedh;atlon or COst.a I costa: ~e1a gi:owbig l\P with the .Dew," Fireivorks Firm Unhurt by Nam:e ' ' . Black Panlher braml fireworks arijusl (, ·-' ~ c ~ as red, ~bite and blue as ever this • Fourth <Jf July, ·with business bqomJ_ng bf:tter than ever before in the firm 's · nearly 40-year history. -"l>elpile &haring .a litle with a militant . action group held in ill-regard b9 .some eiemenls, marketers of the pyrotechnic • prvd9Cls report no ad verse effect on sales. A random poll of charitable organiza· tiOns manning Black Panther .stands iri the HarbOr Area Wednesd&y·turned up no reports of mlsundersta..Kling .about just who would benefit rroin sales. The Lynwood-based Pyrotrol"'ic Corp., which· markets both BlacK Panthel'-al'ld Red Devil fireworks, in· fact~ registered· jt,, largest pre-sale volume. "You might as well change the name of • my old patrol .!ii Boy Scouli," 1111ld Fred Brookins, vice presldeilt of sales-for-the erganization. · • 1 H'i_ added that a aw itch In liUe -..as con· tempJated when the. Negro. militant groups first began making news about three years ago, but. was vetoed as a biowt against.American tradition . ••we·x~ had 1 '~le of ~anlutions ....,..lhlt -a111n-ori.., 1ti.. ,..,. • • Ii< admure<r. aod d. coune the nar® can 'color' a persqn '• thinking." '\Jkit {(.an remember I cour)1e of )"~BrS ·~ when 1 was a Red I1e\11J salesmal) mld we had some fundamentalist church . 'thal rel-to buy." " T noted p.s one clariHcatlon that all tele~calb to ihe Lynwood 'plan( we now gieeted bf: "Good Evening,' .Black Paolher Fireworks." '•oc ceurae some of the girls forget 100 ..., Just 'Black-~antl'ler.' ''Brookins con· Uoued , exprwln1 mlkl in\efell when ln- l°"!'ed his secntary had Indeed just doni that very, thln11 ' • lfithe Caucall.an customer dot!n1t mind buyinl Black Paotber pyrotcchrilc>, the .. u • > ' . ' situation seemS tather !,Piil" t.n t.enns or the prt!dominanU1 ~egro·lteal-iDar-'tJ. '»ljow d.,..,,fou . use,, Oir JIIIJltf" Broltklps quoted a coup\ef of callers purpOrtlng to represent the N"*"' rilllJ. ~ant groop as~ In the put wee,t . Bladt Pant.bet JirewarU, howWer; ...... being aOld "1len:the-. parenll . of many Black c Panther party members we~ onfy children. On lne "1lier hind, safei have been reportedly utraordJnary at ~ ~lack Panther stands in blact nel&hboi'!rood&, a non·industry story whicb c o m p a n y .SJXlkesmen choose not.to dlscun1 • Brookins s a I d Pyrotron\c corporation •4PPli" 'the enlire t{ate of Calffomla "'ilh lllack Panlher and Red De'f!la pro- ducts, bot lh6 1969 volume Is ~ cot• par,atlon secret Joho McVay, 11, slalflng th< Fiflll Chriitian Cbutcll" ~-Club atanil fil the 100 blodt of Eaot 11ih Stteet, Costa Meta, ":f' .qujla Jatlsjled W* n'e>day» • ' ' "We'r6 doing a real &ood bu.sintm, upeclally when P\""i>I• btl7 the •H ,.tJ," he •!<Plalne!I· tableland. · OrlgJnal 1ccounta:1 hmrever. aaJd the contest was heJd In 1923,' a ~ error mirrored aplnit the ln\mlnfnce .of the city's 5<1th, Golden Annlvd'1&l)• nei:t .summer. ~ Before beCOmtng' known ·'u ·'Harper an ... ~ pl..-fa1,11.w.11y tn.the ter- ritory, the ana to carry toda/'1 title waa known aa Filrvjew. · . -' Mesa's }Ith park, with 19 more due In the Ma'y?>r AIVin · 1. J)liikley s~ld · a11 . tho: nei:t-dtcade. keynote speaker at ~emonies drawlng a .charlea L. Heller Memorial Park wa~ nwnber <Jf prominent Costa Mesana. uniquely created In an inter-agency land Newport Beach Mayor O ore en swap, without a dime changing hands in Marshall was also present , ,. n d term. of the PJ'(lperty cost ltself. Congreastnan James 'B.-Utt (R-TQ.ltln) 'l1>ia Is a developing trademark -·ex· and Ammbl)'Dlan John G. Schml!> (R· plorinJ mulmum u5e of money arid lime .Tustin) sept penonal regard• and U.S. -to derive ·the greatest poSslble use o( flags Do!!fl. over capitols. Costa Mtsa'• 100 acres of J)Uldards by "Chuc~ wu a 1eU-tduc:ated man who towmpeople and their' children.. ' worked with l).ls hands an hi• life . and The .2.~ facllily ori 18th Sir~ near. 'devcl6pt!d \in lnhelent akiU ,for handling -Or11f1P Ay..,.e·la.,lll!lled_,f~lh< <!17'• men·~ l'!I 11o;W<ent '"II of them ," fi(ll streela superlnlenden~ who dii!d NaYpr l'\nf<ily, eOIMb!U<d. : • • Hipp, ,·e £" -·uple RVtral •YW'I ago of I ki¢Jey aildient. , , , "~ut 'he -fl>F, 1Jil r>er<ent Olli 'of \..AJ Chuck Heller spent mud& time at the'· himSelf,"1he Mlded. · · ' ~ ' park whJch bean his name wtieo U. was This Helfer·t:fpffie<L. JOO perctn\-Plu! Do Str1'p Act . leased ·from the c.osta , MeSa. County pro&ram.1~ currchtly being tried ouc'bian. _ Water 'Dlatrlet for .,. as the cily'a cor· experhnent it flv~ '6ily 'schopi{, · wfleie poraUOh and equipment Y~d. ' Recrea'Uon . ()epartment aides 'Offer an· OVer "EVi=:c . on 1l<ilteated• lut Sondly, jhe $81,000 evenliig aclfilly schedule... . --. , , t;U playfleld C. Ple ltlh-ln a muter ·P.Jan of-. Summer recitation ..:.. Pl:?gr~ms are: . " ' parka calling for 30 by 111111, with Uie nm under . way from IO 1.m .. Io s. p.m; LOS ANGEi.ES (UPI) -A h!pPie'>C:OU-one a tllfee.M:re layout in tl>e Cl<>sla M~a weekdays .at , 10 aChoola .and three eily' pie lied a lemporll'I'· ..W lliilne at county Civic Center area. ' · paris, but wJI! be illpplemented by '1 to· 9· jail, today~ , · Helli" wbole wldoW Li>lior,4tlV,works p.m. scbedul~ al-five' 1lta. , A coun\Y manhal lmOcted ou,the iloor • In ~. ci!1 -P!"""'"'l !lepartiileot,. once The two-week pilot P!llifa!JI 1, i!l eff~·-ol'lheeoupte'a we01'.lililipjociif'iparllil<nt envlJldr!eil. the old clt7 yard lll a:park (8'e/·PAl!Q, "Pllt''I) · Wed-ty 1lflemcion. to evict t_hea). But l , · , ' ' ' Jooepb ~·Ii, and Patrlc;ta '':l;lt· 21, · · • · ' " " · ~:':~~-~ .:u,~ c-..untdoW.lt .fa ' 'Ith: ~puue1 Peny . ..J!u itindlni..AID tlii • • -·"\, .~ -; "\ •· '~' ~.=~~!=~.,~ ,.7 Shows -~lils~ <Jff i~ ~o)jniy , / :, decent ~. ·Ht. wu taken ,t.o a 1 ~ • • • sheriff'• 111botallon liir lloOklnf. · • 0ran1e County will ~lode In brllllallt . :dbillay )atmChed'from pier, t p.m. Miss Factor turned up there demmdlpg and 111u1Ucoloi'ed illiill at --91! • ' IA'GllNA DACH -Prlvalt flr.,...kl to .ee blfu bu("wai 'tOld she could not Ind~. Dliy 13 "v'" • c"!!!e'-,,_ at E-alcl, Bay can be vi.w.d becaliM 'he ·w.. b0ln1 'booked. She m:ct:U,dla~,"~ ~'&;. •~1 ~ ,~;dwsll, womot11wslPPld.thulppe<-1hauanthe •1 .... , ,. • -• -..,.....,_·--len;tii ol the' lr*il'ol her dms, ibrus -' ,....,..._ AliaJialm st I d I u m her ...... Ider, and the dresl-fell to a corrA MESA -Orange Coot College fi,._kl llhow' comP!eto with ~ on lhe>floor, She...,. nolhlllC lllldeme• '-<Blinl.'Stadlum, flreworb obQw com-terialnmen~ t"p.m., Utkela Q.IO to $4.IO. JI, and •WU urtateil 91' IUIPl<lon ol In-plete · w1th tbteiUlnment, .!!Ill p.m,. DISN~D -ft«!, white •nd ,bhie decent ~1 alao.. -. UCktti·•t.75. • '· fi~orki dl!Play, I pJn, •· « , How.,..., Ullar11111 dldli' ·Bel btr.lo '8. ~T .DIJNl!I ,.,., <; m.p.l.e ta.1 .LONG ~~lrom . .,. 1;Jer bo)'friend. 8he -talon-to Ibo · '1lapl1y;t .~Ula ti: ". beal:h -.~n .be~!'fld]!«n',S..l We~ womt11•1 ·...UO.dtlieJalL : HllN'l'IN blllCBc-Flrtworlil "~i!Obl'llranp-4ciu1\1t>p1m. . • " . I _T...,..• .P'-•1 .... --.... _,,_ '-1-lh ' ... ·~ ' . .:. ' ·-' ,. __ , ,,. Bill · Cl~ats .. · -·-"\ ' -t Houses, UP. -' • ' I -: 1 1' t~G();ertlon ; . ' ~ , ~ ' . Burglar Ju!t. HlJIWY, Takes: P~y .GOodies , .A burglat,cllmbed U-p the lltcbel w'""°" of a Costa -.liome Wedi nesd111.,and,_J>rl '!'itli auortad lool Police nld tod!I' ~ totapy ,uniecoTI!riitilo; Victim Est4lle H, Be,auinoc\~ lllOl·San~ Ana Avt:, said not oa}1 did the~ ma.ke olI with n,em;r canied bttwetlft two sUcea of bmd, blil'letl tlie.nniitlrd ~ out on the link.. ' ,· Oruge , .. . " ; i • ! "' ' ' ' I ' '. ~ r " t I , • I ' . ' , I ~I ~ I • j i ' • • •• • ------. • • Dl.ll.V PILOT C • , TN1tsd&7, Ju~ 3, 116! • .. MilitarY ' und~~AX~d. I • De.fense8~s SeAQJ,e Uuit Cut.& • r.. . lt . . ' . 'Chi:mU?al Wa-~~~o~, ' WASHINGTON CUPO -The 5enale Armed serv1... Comn\lttee aollOll!lctd·. lodb Ciiia ol moro tban II blliion !Nini l>Noideill Ntson's $20 billion requat'for 111n1Wy f\lnds, wtth all m_, for offemive-themical and germ warfar. dlle~ent eliminated entirely. ........... -....... Ii llil ... === -u..--. .. dlateol -"!!"allco' ......,'llold; .... •Itr Ibo -' (M~ llory, P&lt f), " : ..an!' mljille (ABM) 'l'> · Nii'!'• olalemonl -r<nll> ~c in 'fen\.Jnclu<led ,wu 13'5.S 111llii•n t;::18:' ' response~ an aboe4'by U. N. Sem .. ry cureal<nl Cd<Ploym<Ot), f400,t n GenenJ ll 'lbani 'W~ foe oulilw· for -arch. de'relopnent 1nd "'11111 ·Evidence· -' • • ' . -No Name~· Conilnlttee Cha!nnan John C. Stennis, (~. ), told nowsmen thit mole thin hall of the aluli came freq, rtllUCh 8114 developmtnt Items. Beer'l'lla!llas J. McllrtYft, (l>'K'.11.l, oald oarlllr that lhe tntlro Sii mlUlon Wod by Defense Secreil'7 lo!el•ln II. La!id for research and clevtlopllient o1 of?tnslve ~cal and blological '-weap. ooa was tnocked out. . 1'\e committee announcement came u Nixon pledged in a statement at Key Bi>cayne, Fla ., that lhe United States woold coopuato ill lntaoaUaoal elfor1s "Too Rigid' lng chemical blologtcal warfare. and· •12 million foe conatructi0tr of tts1 For ruearCb and development Ill all facllltlea at KWajaleln !Jland In the 1llnds. Loin! asked for IU· tillllcin. The Paclfi<. • conllniltee allowed fl.I billion. Steonis S~ also said "certain 1t""1 re- li&lcl tbe cut of more II".• It blliion _ 1111" llUrur , the. dexelOl!Dl<llt of cllemical r•<ea a riductlon or ·apPfOl]lnMeJ1 Ind \lo oillCal wtl.pans were recom-- lt.7 percent. mended fof dtleilon." He give ·OO spe- Among Items cut out of the Ptntuon cif.!c DCUftl. , • request were aulhorb;aUoqs for 'lhe ~ ·.l•Vt ,tQese broad flprts, of 1 Cheyenne ~copter, a new surface-to-the apProl>rial.lonS a1Iowed in the huge air missile an early warning aircraft, Defense Department money bill: $4.7S7 underseas iong range missiles. and the billion lor a.lrcratt; $3.259 billion ror RFlll aircraft. In addition, a 7S per·. mWUes : ..$2.588 blUlon for naval ships, cent reduction wu made in lhe. request and PIU m.ilUoo for lrM;ked ·combat for an airttorne warning control syste~ vehicles. · Dead.line Ea.sed -.. ..-"" President Sends Message to Pope VATICAN CITY (AP) -A 1peclal en- voy from Preaident Nixon dellvtred · 1 mesuge t.Qday to Pope Paul VI bellfved to be the lint meuage from the ·U.S. chief executrve to the pontUf alnce the two met at the Vatican tut March 2. ..:. ~ . .~. For lntegr~tion Tbe-contenia 9f the message were not Immediately dl!closed. WASHINGTON CUP!) -The Nlzon ad- mlniatratton today aboliabed tbe Sep- 1...bor ICbool desegr<111ion deadllne as too · rigid but tlllllOlltlcld compliance From .-.. e 1 FUMES • .'.- ' -aeperall)' woold lilll bo requited by the 1!19-70 odlool )ear,: "A policy roquirill&, all ICbool dl!tricta, i:qanllea ol Ibo lllillcultles the)' face, to " "'""ploU -._-by the oame lorll\lilal dale II too rtcld to bo eltber !l>ftable Gl' equllal>IO, .. Atty. Ga. Jolin ·(See Eartlir ....,., Pqe I) A spokesman for the U.S. Embusy aald the message wu brought by Peter Flanl.aan. a speci&l mlstant to Nb:on. He WU rocelvod In audleoC:e by the Pope a few minul<a alter -.. _Fro• P .. e 1 PARKS ••• dirtctly behind .m," scorer ,,..,.l••td~ _l'f. Mttdien ml secretary llobott u. "but frankly tbere -.iio cWiger.11 wu l!IDcb ol Heallili Elb:ollcin .ml Well•~ at Ad&1111, Ca!Honi(J. College Park. . · . Hui>!< IQd Monte Vista 1 c h o o J • not UWc.'~ · · ~ 1n • Joint .tattment. • playsround f1ciliues to see. u It 11Sould lov.,.ta•for. al the scene said the llu~-tboy said PP for lull -pllance become pennanent fum.., ..., not have been w.tc, but they allll mllli bo Jn, with a few ex<ePilooa, by The "'""' addilloo to !be expandln1 1tt3_cerlalnly,Jmlble. !be U8f,70 Khool -. --clly.sy--11 unique in -c terms, "Butc1Uy, It waa the wne as smog,.. o11n IPIM dlst.rlets there may be IOIJDd llDce the 'Beller Pf.Tk &Ile wu traded by U. ~water dlstrlct for 10 years' u... operaUons rnanager explAined. • rellOOI for aome Um1ted delay('.tbe lwo fiee rent lD the civic ctnter. ••Bof ti wa1 rotten stuff,,. aaid Police department helda Aid. 1.'lll amlderfn&. "lt'1 a 1tmple bootkeepina: tranaactkln Sgt. Gaiy Barwig, wllo d...:ribed the wllethar.ml how mud! ~tlllllal .time Is made at tbe end of each year," explains -u lll!>Jlar to burnt wlrinf i!lllllation. = :.::....~ _:;~ ::=.~oey.;!'; ~.=. ~~~~ l:'lfeinon )/' ,181 ~q &Cl~-the piebleml." -· -I JOOd duL" ~t of cans containing the noxious . """ ' ....--· . malerial aD<I hoood them down with , , • • !:'to«!'1 .anc1~~1~"~urnbia"J1">' h.~•L J ..... ...J~--1?.,Rl'e_n ... y _ -1uv.i~..,,-l!MJ.•11r-l:~"~r~J~,...":" ··~ tn ooe mball area and no damqe · -~~1a:~~ p "t:~·A~ft·e: ~ -mdffi lff '. Ji -... ..J'UL .... -a&Yina . their .... .-• _ 7~ • _ _ _ . _ , eac porate ntigfibor made ·life '8D oUactary r • _ __ -.ldlaadyentUr•.prad~all~vtf'J-d . --The plant waa buUt yeara ago whm the For the &Ith time this century, Hun~ !• Paot yean I~ parad,, second in 1lte WU still ootside the city limhl and ington Be.ch wlli lbrow Open ill dOon lize ml7 to the ROie Parade, hu drawn CGllll\y mn1n& called for lndoatrial and to thousincls of vlall«I on I~ celebrities ranrln& from beaµty queens manulocturing plants in !be area. Day and j>reoent the!n with one of tbe to legtslaton. Ma.ilhox Bombers Caught in .Mesa A. ~ of mailbox bombon whose federal ofl-deslloyed about IO cord• and letters were · l!Teated Wednesday after hanging around the scene In a Coata Mesa ahopping center. Market employe Jeri Dokos detained the boys, aaed 13 and 15, turning them over to police Patrolman Donald Casey, to be cl\lr1ed with anon. Postal employe Let J. Holohoffer said 2S to » plect! of mail were damaged or destroyed by lhe smoke bomb dumped Jn.. tu the mailbox at 1031 El Camino Drive. Such acts are federal crimes, bu1. police turned the adolescent youths over to their. parents, pending further action by juvenile authorities. Investigators said Lhey w e r e cooperative during questiolling and ct>n- feued tbe offense. f -• Dh11 1 r11or ~ C(».11""""'1\llMIH COMrAJtt ltNrt N. W...I ~lflolf ""' ,.,.. .. Jtt.11 I. C.1rfiy Will ,.,..... .... ~ .,,.._ T\-11 k11Yil ·-~ n ..... A. Mvr~i... _...,...l!if!W c---)JO W1at 1'1' Strt•I M•l"111.M4rflt.t P.O. '" 1140, 92426 -- r -------- most colorM opectacles on tbe Oranae Thll year the clty will present Jackie Coast .... the annual Foortb · of July Benlngtori "America's Junlor MW" who Parad~ w1ll be ~ted by Huntington B e a c b Bob Redman, parade chairman of the Marshal. HunUogloo Beach Jaycees. the. spansar. other celebrities loclude "MisRs" ing agenta of the event, eipect.a approx· from several neljhborinc Orange County imalely 200,000 to view Ibo parade, clllet, m.,.bon tf Ibo. mljiW)' anc1 . nearly twice -the CllJ't'te population of federal and state leglslators. Huntington Beach. Special gueat will be Mr!. Ivy Baker Jl'loat.s, equeitrians, decorated auto-Pr!e!t, Callfol'Jlia state treasurer and mobiles, drtll a.nd-marchlng units u fonner trtasurtr of tbe United States. well u several bind!: will begin their Following the "'""ade the celebri"es two-and-a-half hour trek through down-,..... ... \'own Huntington Beach at 11 a.m. at will be hosted by llunUntgon Beach 11th and Main atreetl. Mayor Jack Gretn at a mayor's recep. The rOute will tab them down Main tlon at the Huntington Sheraton Beach Street, over to 5th stretl, a portion of Inn, :llll2 PacUic Coast Hlthway. Walnut Avenue, back onto Main Strett, The Independance Day ce.lebraUon, will a portion of Pecan Avenue and most of conclude at t p.m. with a fireworks Lai:e Street. display at the HW!_Ungton Beach pier. MAP INDICATES ROUTE OF FOU~TH OF JULY PARADE 11.a.m, Sl•rtl"I Time fer Huotlfttlton -ExlrlV- • • DAILY, 1'1LOT Sllft 1'11t19 Back at Old Stand Expertly wielding scissor~ discarded during tempestuous marriage, Newport Beach barber Glenn Maxwell, former husband ot film star June Allyso11, was back at tu s old chair Wednesday at Lido'~1/ihaving Mug. ~s first customer was Jim Keane. _ '""'\ Thousands of Dollars Lost -. In Mesa Genis Burglary Investigation continues today into the barstool burglary of a Costa Mesa jewelry store, in which a large quantity or ring! and watches ~ere taken from 1 smrusbed showcases. Police said an inventQry was being made to determine how many thousands of dollan ·in loot was taken Crom Kirk Jewelry, 2300Jfarbor Blvd., Wednelday. _Employe Myra J. Kirkland dl.aoovered ~ break-Jn when she arrived at work, according to Patrolman Bob Arnold, lfho siid a malfunctioning burglar alarm made the job successful. App°arently Wling. vice-grip pliers lo break a lock on the Harlx>r Shopping Center: store, the intruder1 smashed glass cues witb a barstool to reach the loot. 'fholllas P. Lambert told investigator! a quantity or rings ·and watches v.·ere taken from the jewelry .store, but em. ployes said today the exact loss has no t been tallied. · Miners Plan March Against Lung Disease . I WAfil!JNGTON (AP ) -In a quiet counterpoint to tlie hoopla of Indepen- dence Day, -l}m coal -mioers from the pitted hills of Appalachia are plari.ning a march to the steps o( the Jefieraon Memorial to dramatize their fight against the dreaded "black !wig" disease.. No plckeling;no µlks by union 1Mll er pol.iWcians are on the .schedule. 11'le OOly speakers would be three men. of the Physicians Committee for Miners Health and Safety. JI: J. 9arr,ellj Evidence qainsl a· Blaclt Pant!ler Jeider iccuaect of mW'dertni a s'anta Aria .:'eC:::tto'::.~:ut8:::!\ofto ei: wl""-alraid of v-must bt· ttpt ~t. r,,, .A defense motion to allow dileovery of evidence waa granted Wednesday tiy Orange County Superi<r piurt Judge James F. Judge at the preli?runary hear· Ing. Black Panthers and sympathizer! packed the 75-seat courtroom to give m<ral support to Daniel M. Lynem, 22, charged along .with tw,o other mllitet blacks slllt not In custody. . The judge partlally granted a motion by Deputy Public DelenCler James R. Goff to gain ~ccess lo materials the pro- aecuUon hopes to use in building its case against the Black Panther leader ... But he al!o ruled that Alslstant Dbtrlct Attqiney Evemt · W. Dlcltey could withholl:I the names of eight wit· neues who an afraid for their own Uves and those of the.Ir families. The elght perlOllS wbose~idenUUea will be kept secret for the time being havt allegedly ,been hara.saed already about their potenlial roles in the murder cue. Judge Ju4ge crdered the pttlleCutOr to give the names of 20 other wilneuea io· volved to Lynem's pubU. <fetend<r, however, along with evidence collected. The eight myatery wttneaiea wlto Will tes\ify wl>en Lynem Is tried fot-1111..hme f m u rd er of Patrolman Ntltaa •A. Suscer, 2•. must be identUied 41 bolu'• before they appear in courj. Deputy Public Defender Goff protested wjthholdlng of the eight name.a Wed·" neaday, but the pr""°'tlon plit-SaO!a Ana Policf! Officer Dale Sterzer ori tbe stand to testify. Officer Sterur -beaten with hia QWll nightstick dl,U'ing a near-riot Sunday nllbr in Santa Ana's predomJnantly Negro aru -said the eight-have reported real (ear for their safety ainct the killing. Boy in Hospital AfterChaseGame An elght·year-old'CllOta-Mesa boy chu· ed into the street by a playmate i.s holpitatlled today alter boinll 6~ by a car Wednesday. ... Michael C. Tengrls, 223.1 Avaloo St.. LI in good condition at WCosta Mesa Memorial llolpltal, with-a 'ftaclµred 'wrist, abruiona ~and~ Rl_vemeDt bums. POlfcf:-aaid motorist Chris Scull 20, cf 1975 Pomona Ave., Costa Mesa, slammed on· his brakea when the boy appeared in his path, but could not avoid the accident. -I 4.'lh Semi-:Annuaf Safe ALL HERITAGE UPHOLSTERED PIECES • in your :choice of 1tyle or fabric m1y be purchased et 1 most g1nero111 11ving1 • , • Truly a rare money-saving opportunity Over 200 Styles of Sofa! · Off' UGULAR PRICES ' -Chairs -Love Seal.! -Oltomana in your choice of any Heritage De®ator fabric. Your fa!_)Orl~ interior dc1igner will bt 114ppv to as.U~ ~" .• , ALSO ••• SUISTANTIAL SAYINGS ON 1!4NT HUJTA•I DINI ... aOOM, llDROOM AND TAii.i ••oul'S ••• • HERITAGE ll 15 HARIOR IL VD. PROFE$SIONA~ INTERIOR DESIGNERS Opel Moo., ,,_, r. fr!, 1,.,, COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646-0275 646.0276 ' ' . j • ' . l ) ' i ~ ' ' II " " ' ' r Li :r )i " • ) . ,, " ,, vi Ii ti l) " ,, " " le w ti D "' pi T ~ b: " J> .. ~ Ir h Sen. McGover:n's Tf,l~kWith~Re~ Questioned ..,. I • ' ~ • . ~ ' . ·.v ASIUNGTON (AP) ,.. Sen. 6-S. McGovern's 119fret meeting wlth top Commwut' oegotlilon bas. !/line under . ~ttack from a fellow Democnt who qtJea.. Uoned whether It' ii In the nation)-¥'' • ler~ "to meet '11th the enem,y In tll1ie tioar. '""' • '· •' Sen. llarT'f r. ~4Jr: olVll'ginla rii>- ed the !$sue llfi.r cGovern, long a critic lf.U.S. policy, In letrim\i, dladooid be • ~ad met~ for 10 hours. May Z3 in Paris Nith Notth VJetnamese and Viel Cong representatives. • . ~Big E' .Returns Answering queationa about the pro. prltty ol the meeting, McGovern llkl he decided to go ahead with the meeting after c;onftnin( with the State Deport. mtnt ind chief U.S. peace ~goUat.or Henry Cabot ).odge. "I wouldn't be able to rest ii I thought anything I'd done had cost the life of a single American boy tir ptolollied the war," the Sooth Dakota~ In defendlng ·hJs action. • McGovern tOld of the secret meeting Wednesday in a 8egate ii)ieech, ~ he- UPITt~ elaborated In a Pl"" brlelllli and a aerie. ol qchangea with re~w· aenaton du.-llli and ofter hll !onnal talk .. He said he arranged the sembn lo gt1 a better ·understanding ot why the wir and lhO killing gw on., The ' senator emphasized h6 only asked questions and made clear to. the repreaentaUvee of North Vittnam and the Viet Cong he wu not~ In bellall okhe U.:t. aovern- n\ent.. Byrd•$8ld ii' Lodge approved the session, he assuined other senators might also arratige sUcb meetings.- " Are we going to attempt to tiave in- dividual negoUaUoos wilh represenlaUvea of-the etlemy in Paris,:• Byrd asked. The 'Virginia· Democrat, ln questioning whether 'such sessions would aerve the n8.tlon'1 best Interests ,said "we are lltil1 In a very difficult and prtearlous posi- tion. '' McGovern said the meeting reinforce!i his views tha the United Stat.es must start a "systematic withdrawal of all of our troops" and stop supporting tbe regime of Soulh Vietnam President . Nguyen Van Thieu. McGovern's Paris meeting drew praise from several· olher Democratic war critics who said they see no change between the policies of the Johnson and the Nixon administrations. "We have waited for some indication of a substantial change in lhe policy lhat led us Into the morass,'' said Sen. Frank Church (D-ldaho). "I tcio have failed to detect this change." sen. J. W. Fulbright (D·A rk .), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, also agreed. Others who generally b a c k e d McGQ.vern's speech -included freshmen Sens. Harold E. Hughes (0-loWaJ, Alan Cranston _(0..CaliJ), and Thomas F. Eagleton CD-Mo.).- Friends and relatives of crewmen wait on dock as aircr3ft carrier USS Enterprise arrives Wednesday ... at Alameda Naval Air Station. Nuclear-powered carrier is back in the San Francisco Bay Area for fourth time follow ing her latest deployment in Vietnam waters. -Integration Deadlines Out Under Nixon? Nixon Invitation Cancel$ WASHINGTON (UPI) -·The Nixon ad- ministration may ask the courts to stop setting deadlines for school Integration. The change appareatJJ:wiH be part of the tong.fUDIOreir .J;e.•amping oL.tM govemment'S role ln desegregating school districts -a m 'o v e that has alru~ sparked controversy inside and outside the ~dminislration.' Soviet Visit to Romania MOSCOW (UPI) East European IOUJ"CeS said today Soviet leaders ha~ :ailed off a planned visit th!S mOOih to .Wmania to· sign a frieildshlp 'treafy >ecause of the visit there next month of )resident Nixon. The Soviets officially never have con- irmed Monday's announcement l1y lhe ilomanians of their sc~uled July 14 trip :o Bucharest aiid remained silent on the_ ·eported cancellation. .. · (In Bucharest, informed Commuoist 1ources said no word of the cancellation iad been received by Romanian officials ind so far as they knew, the visit bj tremlin leaders was still on.) Soviet Party Chief Leonid I. Brezhnev tnd Premier Alexei N. Kosygin were to nake the ceremonial trip to Bucharest to 1ign a 20-year exteasionJ ol their 'rienUhip pact with Romarua, which u- ~ired Feb. 8, 1968. The Soviet leaders apparently did not :Ount on the extent to which Romania's >resident and party secretary, Nicolae :::eaucescu, would go on an independent ?ath in inviting Nixon. It would be the first visit in almost 2S years of a U.S. president to a Communist. :ountry. · The Soviet! were not consulted or in- formed in ad\iance about Ceaucescu's In- vitation to Nixon, accordingi to reliable diplomatic sources. Their displeasure was shown im- mediately when they virtually ltnored the Nixon visit. Announcemenl of the trip was given 10 words wilboul comment in lhc officfal Soviet press. -.. - There was an immediate flurry of ac- tivity between Soviel and Romanian par- ty leaders and the respectiye am- bassadors to Moscow and Bucharest. This time the Soviets, who quleUy had accepted Romania's voting against Soviet resolutions al the United Nations, its refusal to breAk dipk>matic felaiions with l~I and Its recognition of West Gettnany, appatenUy b a 1·t e d at Ceauce.scu's new act or defiance. DAILY ,.ILOT Stiff~ Seeks New Crown Donna Flory, 17, Fountain Val- ley, ""'.ill compete July 7 in Miss California-World contest in Downey. Donna reigned as Miss Mermaid over this ye8r's Costa Mesa Newport Harbor Lions Club Fish Fry. "'A clue to the new policy was revealed Wednesday In New Orleans at the 5tb circuit court· of appeals. An attorney for the Justice Department, David Norman, asked the court to remove it.w:lf from the detailed process . of desegregation in · cases against 25 Mississippi schools. In effect, N"onnan asked \he Court to sCtap. any deadlines for desegtgation. Sources in Washington said the m~ve reflected what was likely to be the most substantive change in the new 'pollcy, ex· pected to be annOunced · by the ad· minbtraUon before the Week's end. · •Under the ~licy currently being pursued, the government can move against school districts accused of discrimination Ufrough an Involved court . process. It can eventually order' a cutoff of federal funds to districts which do not comply-with desegregation guidelines. The changes being prepared by the ad· ministration eqvlslon the actual details of integration.· including the timelable, being worked out between the local school districts and federal officials. It Was also reported the emphasis on enforcement for desegreaatlon might be switched from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) -which has been handling the federal fund.! cutoffs -to the Juslice'~partmenL Details of the·mechanica of the change were not yet available, nor was It known whether lhe threat of funds cutoffs would i!iUll be used. But sources sald:glvlng the Justice Department more authority would let the adminislra\ioo more qulck· ly reacb that stage where contempt ciia· lions, witb t-. aecompanylng thre':lit of. jail, can be called into use. The argument used by the government In the New Orleans case wu a definite departure from past policy. Previously, ~ J.ustict Department has •Si:ed the ~ coµrts to set spe<ific dates for tntegration deadlloes. Gl·s Wait With (;aden~e • War Over for 814 So~iers; Preparing to Go H'!me DONG TAAi. Vietnam (UPI) -It was back to. the rudiments of basic training today for the men or the first .American unit to be withdrawn from Vietnam. The war is over for the 114 aokliera 1n the 3rd Battalion of the U.S. 91.h Infantry Divis.ion 's 60th Brigade. They finished combat operaUons June 2S and begail preparing for the statuide fllghl neit Tuesd•y that will make them the ftrst o( 2$,000 ,American troops to be pulled out by tbe end ol August. Bu\ they are stlll Gla and tQday lheJ were marched &o an unused helicopter pad atlhiSMekong Delta base for a close oii!er drill. · "We're leamlfll how to marth •flab\,'' "Id U. Col. Peter D. Peteraon ol Ari· lngton, Va .. the battalion commander, Q hla men ri&hl·fa~ and about-turned • under the Vietnamese sun. ••we've Tuesday, the.y will be lifted In big forgotfen how." "'Chinook~' transport helicopter• to Sma1i .·wonder. Since Dee. 14, when Saigon's Tan Son Nhut Air Bue about 40 Peterson took over, the batt.aUon has miles to the northeast. There they will been operaUng in the delta and ts board Et4t transport iet.s ror the •cross. credited wilh kllling 1,200 Communist the-Pacific flight to McChord Air Foret troop.!. Base near seattle, Wash. Since JUne 23, however, he said, the The infantrymen will not take their me:n have bieen "eating good chow, weapons, pacts and he1meta. They Will watdling movies, getting their medical travel in P'tell jungle fatip:1. rec<irds and financial records stralg!iten-Most ol the ·battalloo b b!lletecl new In ed out and packing their old baggage." · the USS Mercer, a na•al vattl that I.I • Tbe ballalion now Is made up ol lit part of the Mekong Della ..ivertne force. mett. They are 0 ahorttimen," mm-who PeterlOl'I 11ld ' atJ the returnees have · have abnost completed-illelr one'}'till'--..rval-.t !last-JO and a ball montha In tours in Vtetnam. The "&hortUmen" Vietnam. were transferred into tbe battalion from "In f•imeSIJ to the indlvtdual soldier, other units In ~ tth Division. Only 158 of 1 the ones who havt been her~ the Jongesl the 814 men were with tbe 3rd battalion wUI be the onee ta go home fint1" the when il auspended combal operatlom. bat!Otloll commander .. 1c1. • s DAILY PILOT 3 ··Deeision \ On"Kecall • f ..... Postponed ~:'~ly 11' thelonew datedlor1an Orofla~~~ ~ j ~nty Super r j:ourt eciJ on "~ valldlly O< noo· .. lldlty ol tbtte re<all peUl!onJ aubmlUecl lo lbt city ol 11'"""' -tain V.Uey by fecau leade:r-E111cne Frf.endly Fellow Claude is a nine-month-old African lion who is quite content, thank you, with his current home in Wilmington. N.C. When his handler asked him if he would care to move to the new North Carolina State Zoo, this was Claude's reply. Same to you, fella. Edison Seeks Neiv Site For Beaeh Substation Officials of the Southern California EdisOTrCompany are looking for an alternate location of a substation, pos- sibly avoiding · a clash between the utility. company . .and the Oily of Jlunt· il)gton Beach. , The 1ubstation was originally sched· uled for inslallation at Golden West Slreei and Ellis Avenue in an . area Jll'Ol)05ed for a public golf' COtJrse in the luhire _HuITT_ington Centr1.I Park. "Our engineers are looki_ng at several other pieCes of. ptoperty rtghl now, but tbey would have to be in the same gen- eral area," said RaJph Kiser, manager of the Huntington Beach branch of the Edlson Company. "We have lalked with the city coun- cilmen and several planning commis- sioners ~tly and have decided that if the city wanta us to move, we will.1' The JWo and • half acre plant drew objectloll from park proponent Robert S u ta k e 'at a planning commission meeting two weeo-ago:--He anegea urai- lbe aubsta.llon and its 66,000 volt over· head lines would "create an eyesore where: natural beauty is paramount. .. Sutake meanwhile took hi.! plea to remove the .substation • to the Public UtJJities Commission in Los Angeles whose staff members have already launched into an investigation of the .,problem. The comml.'ision has asked the Edison Company to reply to Sutake's· complaint but bas not received an answer as ol today. . "They gave us ten days to reply and I think we will be able to formulate a statement within two days," said Kiser. He added that I( would probably t'On- tain a time-table on the selection, engi- neering and purChase of the .sile. K~r. at the June 17 planning com· mission meeting sald that the property was acquired three years ago on the advice o! the ciiy staff, before the park was even under cqnsl~ra.tlon. _ "lt'1 10o bad we didn't know about their plana," commented Kiser, "but ours are a matter of record." VanDask. y."ednesday Judge Claude M .. Owens granted a one week conUnuan« In the case to Fountain Valley City Attome'j Ed"'in Martin. MarUn told the court he needed more Ume to gather•evldence showing illegal procedures were used in circU.Iatlon or the petitions. Three petitions, each one naming a iseparate l.odividual, ~ filed with the city on June 2. Tbey were ruled illeP-1 by Maitln on June 5, and the Superioi Collrt ordered their validaUon June 17. On June 17 Martin was also giyen the chance to appear July 2 before Judge Owens to show why be felt the peUtions were invalid. Wednesday Marlin also Indicated· that during: his July 9 appearance he Would ask for a 90-day delay in the court case to gather more evidence. Attorneys for the recall move said Wednesday that if granted, a 91Hiay delay would virtually stop lhe retail. '"It would push our procedures up until October." said attorney Robert Sa550ne, "thus bringing us too cl9Sf to regular · elections in April to hold a recall elec- tion." Sassone, however, indicated he felt Martin-would not be given a 90-day• con-- tinua~ce. / SubJec.ts of th&! recall movement are Mayor.. .Rober.L Schwerdt!eg&r..---'l..Lc-e... ~ Mayor 4Donald Fregeau and Councilman Joseph Courreges. ' When Martin originally invalidated the ~Utions, he sald that copies o( printed replies made by the three men named. whlch we~ carried with the pelltk>ns, were too small to fairly represent bathlides of lhe issue. ~~nea(f.ay, b:owever, Martin submitted several more Items whlch he claims prove Illegal activities on the part o( recall supporters. ·First, said the. city altomey, a four· page pamphlet and a one-page handout explaining the history of the recall by VanOask exceeded the 500 Words allowed by the law to represent the aide or recall supporters. Martin also charged Sassone and others with telling cltlzens they could "lie'1 aboulJlµblic; oUlcials_ajthoutEar of sy}t ind should use "trickery" 1n circulating the petitions. A prtvate detective was allegedl1 present and recorded tb< April I meet1n1 of Ute Fountain Valley Civic Associati(:ll, ...._ primary backers of the recall. " ti Hanna Hoping Senate Will-Push For Tax Reforms Tbe Parks and Recreation Commis. &ion is seriou.1Jy conctrned with the 1ubstatioo and other possible commer- cial developments as well and has asked the City Council to establish a a~ci.al iorilrig around lhi park area fo preVeiit a:uch construction. "In~~ c~ we!!.~~ g~led out of ----fl contnt anO our views were dl!lorled;-- replied Sasoone to the charges. Congiwman Richard T. Hanna ( 0- W eslminster) said early this week that Congress should adopt a meaningful tax reform before taking final action on President Nixon's 10 percent surtu: ex- tension. Valley PlannersGiveOkaY; H&Mat. who voted no when the pr1r posed auifu exte..ion pas...t the Heu&e of Representative Monday, iB confident the Senate will require tax reforms before accepUng the surtax measure •. For 6 Ini1ustrial Buildings 1be author. of a tax reform measure that would net the federal government over •t5 billion in added revenue, Hanna argued that enactment of a tax reform package might well eliminate Uie need for a SW'tax ellension. • "'The history of tax reform efforta in the COOgreu has been 011e of much rhetoric and little genuine progreSIJ. I caa see no reason why a full tax reform package cannot be adopted instead of a token gesture," he said. Conslnlctlon approval for !Ix Industrial buildings waa given ,Wednesday night to Marco Enterprises of Long Beach by the • ·Fountain Valley Planning Commission. Marco plans to first constro& two buildings, sell them. then complete the olher.-four on ML Washington Street, in Fountain Valley'8Pindustrial area touth of Talbert Avenue and near the Santa Ana River. The buildings will be of Ult-up con- struction, with colors, a question on the mind.a: or planners, to be selected later with the approval of the planning depart- ment. · Seal Beach Missile Site - Stor~ge CoJJ,fract -Set A $3715,723 contract has been awarded for conslruct.ion of two earth<Overed,' reinforced concrete magatlnes to store additional guided rill.sail es at U .S.1 NaVal Weapons StaUon, Seal Beach. Rep. Richard T. Hanna ( D • Westminster) today &Mou.need award of the contract to Geisler Construction, Inc. of Loi Angeles. Cmdr. L. H. Nellon, base executive of4 ficer, said Ule new facilitle! will store ttand&rii surface-to-air ml.s8lles such as the Terrier and Tartan. None of the additional weapons wUl have atomic or hydrogen b om b warhead.I, Cmdr. Nelson indicated. Sch90l Budget Given Approval A preliminary 18,1116,t30 budget was alJlll'OVecl by the Westminster School DlStrtc:t Board of Trustees TUeoday nltO>t. 'Ille budget i. based on the ·current tu nle of 11.11 and Is tenlallye pend- ing tb< pusing of the atale budflel. • New govmling board oll!cm wm a1so-.lectecl at Tuesclay'1 meeting. They are Mn ... Ada CH:g, chairman; MaU Weyuker, -rrinan; Neomi• Wi!l-mort, clerk; 1and John F. Land, -,, Nel!on said addltional..ml~lle storage la necessary lo support the neet which has increased the number of missile- bearing ships In recent yeani. Some will be used in Vietnam. Work on the maj&zines ls expected to begin wilhln two or three months, Nelson eslimated. Tenns of the contract call for the con- crete reta.Jnlng walls. with ,earthen revetments, paved acces1 and connection roads, loading areas and drainage facllities. Victoria Speeds Trip .. to Ccitdlina · • SAN PEDRO !UPI) -The !Hoot hydrofull Victoria was scheduled to make Its maiden run today between Loi Angeles Harbor and Santa Catalina laland. The cralt can lj'avel at a m)IH an hour on the open aea_ and ciarriea 75 paasenpn. It la operated by the ownera ol the steamship Calallna, which lakes lwo botn"lo mal!e the cruJae. 1be Victoria, which coven the same distance In e minutes, ls intendtd tor thote who haven't Ume for the more lels111ely lrlp. Planners also granted approval fQr development of a ct1mmerclal !hopping center on the northeast comer of Garfield Avenue and Brookhurst Street. The neighborhood center wiU be developed in -z;ections by Rose and A.ssociates, with the first increment to be a ·liquor store and four small leased shops. Toppers restaurant and a service sta· tlon are already adjacent to the proposed shopping center. Planners, with slinging memories of their battle lo.5t to Toppers on roof atyUng and coloring, were assured that the shop- ping center roofs would be composed of mi§ion style. Kids to 'Cool Off' a~ Rink The Huntington Beach . Par~s and Recreation Department wUl o f 'f.e r something "real cool". for local school children July 18 as an antidote to swel- tering summer days. An outing has been planned that day at the Glacier Falls ice ska'ting rink for boys and girls between 8 and 17. Buses will leavt! from Marina High School and the J{ecieation Center at noob and return at S p.m. A '2.00 fee will be charged for the bul trip and 11kates and must be paid at the RecreaUon Center, 1'11b and Orang~ Streeta by July 10. Brown Heads School Board H~ld Brown was unanimously elecled Pre~ldf!nt of the Fountain Valley School llistrlct Boan! ol Trusteea Tueaday. He will serve ror • year. Jte succeeds D!lle StuaJ;d, a seven.year IJlembtt of the governing board, who has alto aerved aeveral years as board preslde~L . Other trumei elaciecl lo poaltlool ...,. William E. Crane, l\l<rk; ·Mn. 6hal!a Meyera, Call!ornla SC!iool _,._ia- tton "!Jresenlatlve: and Mn. Prancea Donovan, Orange County COmmllt.tt on Scl)ool Dlstrlct OraanhaUon ..,,..... .. liUve. • ' ~ I 1 I • I I • • • • • ' .. --- I Reds to -Free ·ca -;.· fives~ Pop Singer Brinn Jones l a.ad" °" tM Moon, &rime Robetion, ~i. 1pace cap. ~ and '""""'" twhich, accorcUng to Tran.s tnterno itioM:l Ainoav1, ii r... ,,... .. type 1 ... ~ nrfact!-~ I.el of the f"hl.re. ITll< t:aplUI<, ;, called Uae Environ- mentol -variance ~qualiu1' or jut !J!l4ln E VE for '..thort. - • . Tb• illusion of Dying in an Ilyush- in If Soviet passenger plane can be you.rs while you sip a soft drink in the tiny Yugoslav town of Negotin Na Vardarv. Instead of going for scrap, one old Ilyushin was bought by the townsfolk and turned into a reotauranl • • Two thirlffn.yeaN>ld .boys and tbelr parents •pen t a busy day scrubbing down the walls of Cran~ ton, R.J., stadium, not necessarily out of a sense of civic duty. The· two families chose the cleanup de- taitntber than have the boyrface family court action for spraying the stadium walls with paint. • U.S. Admits It Hit Cambodia , In Bomb Raids SAIGON (UPI) -For the llrst time, the United States said today it had bomt).. ed and shelled Communist troops in Cam· bodfa-;-in ~derensi of the Green Beret camp at Ben Het. It followed by one day the an- nouncement that Washington and Phnom Penh were ~stabllshlng diplomatic rela· ticms, broked off by Cambodia ir'! 1965 because of alleged U.S. raids Into the neutral nation. Previously, the American command in S.Ugon has refused to acknowledge eyewitness report.a of U.S. alr strike. or artillery barrage1 into Cambodia. Today, it made this announcement : ". . • • on several occasions, enemy artillery positions firing at Ben He.t were located across the border in Cambodia , •• allied forees operating in \he area immediately returned tne fire with artillery and tacUcal a~ (strlke1)." _ TbtL. a.flllQWlCe.mmt conOrm~ the report of Col. George A. Miller, the senior American adviser at Ben Het, who had disclosed the Cambodian raids Wedne"1ay. Queen Tri~ia~ Italian hf pp le s apparently have not heard of flower power. They're uiing iron chains and bros1 knuckll.s in~a war with No- ooru Italian soldiers. Police soy the hippies started the war by btattng up five milita111 mtn. Aftn that, tke 1olditr1 went af· tn the hippiu and put three in u.. h<><pilal. She Grins at Matrimonial Comment • Most brides walk down the aisle. Mrs. R~~ert Rockey ioUed down it. "We met on roller skates," said lbe new bride. "Skating is our favorite sport, so we decided to b~ married on skates." That's how for former E d It h F r • b I• ex· plained ber wedding in the middle of lbe Hecla Park Skating Rink in State College, Pa. • LONOON (UPI) -Tricia Nlxon said today Prince Charles will be a fine king • of England and grinned at suggestlons she might be his queen. "I think he's going to make an outstan- ding king," President Nixon's elder daugtiter told a news conference at the U.S. Embassy. "He's got considerable poise for his age." Miss Nixon, 23, laughed when a report.er asked about suggestions she • would be the ideal wife for the 20-year-<1ld heir to the throne, whose investiture as Prince of Wates she watched Tuesday. "Well, let me just say that Prince Charles is my sister 's age ," she said. Her sister Julie is 20 -and married to David Eisenhower, grandson of Dwight D. Eisenhower.• MW Nixon missed Out on having tea at Buckingham Palace today because a fever and cold beclcled her royal host, Queen Elilabeth. She told newsmen she hoped the queen would recover ciulckly. MID Nixon said she will meet Charles' sister, Princess ~. at a dinner dence tonight given in her honor by U.S. Ambassador and Mrs. Walter H. An- nenberg at Claridge's Hotel. Also ex- pected to attend were many of Britain's bachelor princes and peers: Before returning ho1ne Friday evening, Miss Nixon will wind up her six-day stay in Britain by attending a Fourth of July diplomatic receplion at the U. S, Embassy. It Looks Fair for Fourth Northwest, Midwest-and So_uthe.ast Dunked by Swrms Coutal ,,_tty k !r flll'lll;lfl'I "rkWt ~ for i.i. "'-'" •nd w rit' ~\I'll fl9. Llllfll v~ wlrlllt MIU!lt-t to _, I to IS 1'\Pfl. Hitn llid91' _, n. s..... 111-. '!'We. TMUlllMY 1<11"11 Iii.ti ............. 1:$1 •• 111. '" 1'1 .. 1 low .............. JHll t .111, t.l ~ llftll "••io1.,0'.U!IC J.m. S.4 .............. , ........... ,, ........ t.J ,.,.., llltl'I ............. 3!0 ... ,.., '·' lkWlill low •.••.••••••• , l ;ll "·'"· t,I ""' .,... s: .... ,..,,kl\ t :Oll '""· M• ltlM1 lf::b '·"'·kl\ lG!Dt t.m, V.S. Stimmar11 .,,,, ... ....,_ ._. -"-f/I "'- H~. Ille MWwltl tnd ,.... $CIUlft. "" hide.,, tlYI IW t rnelorlly ril Ille ~ ll'le U., •11 1 l1lr Mid plff..., •"' ..-.. to 1111 "wrftl of Jutr -· ' ~- Temperitur.,. ......... """"'"' A!Nnt1 a.kwstllW lll,m1rct ..... OM_ .,,,_ Clflf:1nnt1tl C'-l1nd Ofnvtf Dl1 Moines ....,, ..... 1'0(1 Wortll "'"..., ·-·~-·-""' Lu v .. 11 ........... M"'"' Mltw1ultfe M""""""'il -..... N HtW Yo.11 Nomi Pi."" .... ,. ..... p,. ltllllln Pllf .... "'4'111 _,, Pl"*'"'h """"' It..., Clf? It~ tlufl' ... ·---· SI. L.owl1 ...... Siii L1M (11" ........ S.~ Fr"'ICiace S1nt1 e1111ri1r1 . '""" -·~ T"""'1I WMl'liflllOll Mllfl L• l"rtc, .. .. " " " " M " " .. .11 .. " " " 7) .. .01 " .. 7J 51 " .. .... n " .. .. l~ n .... " .. " n • n lit u .. .. .. " O'f SI ,a1 ~ H " n n " 15 '' .. " " .... u .. ,. .. .... ..... . .. " " . .. n " .. 11 ,.o: " . " .. n " " " n " " .. 1'. • .. JM 1• " n 1 .. ·-~-""'-'"'--------...:.---------~------------- e-escalation Dies in Pool 38 Spanish Styled Town Houses -under Foreclosur-e -Must Be Sacrificed! $1,987,000 Wortli of PropertJ l1at Be So14 ' 6 _Short Miles From the Beach NEAR NEW COUNTY GOLF COURSE NOW 520,495 to '25,600 · .. SAVE' '3,JOO 3-4 Bedrooms • Deluxe • Everything Included Pools • Private Park • Club House • Putting Green NOTICE! Bonafide Liquidation ll!OM 21 •lu•• 2..tory Spanl.h ttyled town h•u-.,. -In fal'KlowN. Ea'h mutt be .. 1c1 priOf' t• the Au1111t UMlitors dead11n••. It'• Y•r ct.a,_ M buy ol "tmart Jnv•"Of"'' prl~ally JDV• .. inuch DI $S,$00l lh•y mull be Mid ·~ Ing thlt boncrflde llquldatklft crt thev•n4ii .,, doJ. lart u..d.r to0""'9 Nplonment w.t•. ,.,.,, .. ..,.,. dacumenh aMI wftlnol U.S. O....•rn_,,,. -1- tt--lr'l'CliloW. far ,..,r h•podion. hive.tan -ht.tt9d. An hotttodl•t 1ub;t.d M a~ .,, a-Mlt. lri"9 coth ar certfffM check.. Tltll ......_ ...._ .., , .... ~ Tltt. c_,_, •LotlNl.rl N-Upm ~ Ideal Investment Location Thete Greeri Valley town houte1 ore titvatecl In th. center of one of Orange County's molt attrodive planned devel- opments -with design and lond UM approved by U.S. GaY9rnment officiol1. Imagine! These low ~s luxuty all within wti1klng distance to neighbor shopping, 21 aae private park, alo"V with 2 communify poors;twO dUb~vtii., d-W1dr9n'1 ploy area ond brand new elemwtory ac:haol, Unbelievable Terms if you hove been looking for a new home, you know that pricM ar• IOClring everyday. You hove read about new and higher Interest rates -building costs that ltavt1 w,. creased ovw 20% In just o few short months! Here ft your opportunity to invest that will ,....,., be ,.. • peat.d. U.... attractive ond smartly deligned town hou1es wer• built and completed before the ""' high costs. All utillti• ore fn and paid for. Tenns ore lowest onywh.el Priced frvm $20,495 to .$25,600 NO DOWN PAYMENTS TO VETBANS FHA Terms From $1,200Down MONTHLY PAYMENTS USS THAN RENT From $ 147 (Principal & In-) ALL THESE FEATURES Each buy., -r90ordl8M of price -will enjoy tM-private, proteded park, two lar;, pools, adult and family club house, ckildren's ploy area,_plvs e.-teriOf mointenanw {even a painlirt; and Nlfurbi~ng fvnd, completei garde" • ... 1-....t) The U bedroom hotnet irtdude pri'l'Ute fenced yotd, dov· bl• garage, wood ortd tile roofl, built In kJ~hen wfth range, crven, hood ond dishwother, fiteploce,•{10me P'ans) fronf patfm (totile plans), lu...,,_, berth., fore.cl oir Mat, p1 ...... 11 .. ""'' -f., .-iy """"' DOORS OPEN AT 10:00 w ..... , ....... "'-.. rty. --.. 10,00, Toi. S.. ~ .... _,. 19 Wo._ A ... WT off- ramp. Star hit °" Wamw lutt past lroollhvm to !tie -v.11.., tnt..,. I • • ' ---- l Thu.W.y, Ju~'· lj69 DAILY PILOT /i ~strolia~ts~Stage Final .Dr~ss . Rehearsal ·for MoQ~ Shot : SATURN, APOLLO AND DESTINATION Moon Looms B~hind Spacecr1ft Aw1 itlng Journey Tobacco Beneficial? CAPE J<ENNEDY (UPI) - The three APollo 11 astronauts boarded their gpaceship. and ·slmulated takeoff today .. u It were July 16 and they were seffing out on their great lunar janding aclv<nture. July IO. Neil A. Arrnstrons. Michael Collins and Edwin !:. Aldrin spent more than 2~ hours to .the!< command oblp,. fllckbtg swttclles and mooltor!nJ In- struments just 11 they wlll do for launch. '11le du m m y countdown oo I.he Wlfucled .rocket Jl'O*Cfed wtlhout • hJ\ch to a mock bl&Jto:ff on ~ule at &:31 a.m. PDT. ••From a preliminary analysis, it appears tho test )'lent very well," said a spokf:lm&D at the Apollo launcb\control center._ The ..U.nauls began thetr day's acilviUes by getting up and donning their white moon &uit.. before dawn. . . The three. astronauts did not ,achieve the mock lluncb. Tbls Aldrin rt.hearsed the launcti take part In lhal test because was with.In the · 1aunch period pha• of the mlaaion in a of the risks in\rolved with a set fQt Apollo 11 July 16. spacecraft trainer Wedne.lday Saturn ~ rocket lneded wlUt· "I'm ;.ory pltuecl wlUt die and more practico 11)111\fl waa nearly one million gallona of , 00 ••· 8...,,a L, 'y after e.w:ploalve propellants. r u n at the preaenl t l m e." . uK! 6"'... Wl14I b ...... Launch crews d r a l n e d launch director Rocco A. Pe. completion of tbe launc .,..... trone said late Wednesday. exercise; , '1113,000 gallons 01 frigid liquid But he pointed out an analysis The utn>oaull reviewed hydrogen and Uquid . oxygen of test •·ta W<IUld.cootinue. ~~ IU•'t plan~· tma. to from the rocket late Wedo u.q w~u· 51' n~y to give the aalronauls for some Ume. clleck &ta w y even-- The !J*Q' final rehearsal of ~ oponUom cleared for the .start of ona ' for the real counldown ocheduled to begin ft****·-* Today'a exercist was an ab- breviated, dry run of the ma· jor1rtal countdown 8UC-- -cessfully completed Wed- nesday '.o"ilh. a simulated blastoff. a cll&nce to run through thelr,•;;;Arin.stron;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;i;g;;, ;;;;;ieoi;mn.;i;;;;;;;.:':;;";;.;;;d;;;;;;ln;;igi;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;·;;;;;;, part of the countdown today. II The test count Wedneeday was delayed three hours and 18 .mJnutes by a leaky fuel valva, but it went on to FREE Russ Say They'll 6-year•old - v 'Scoop' U.S. Shot altempt to carry oot the com· Doll Y Beats MOSC OW (AP) -Com· rnunist sources said Wed· nesda)' the Soviet Union plans to launch an unmanned moon plex shot. Neither of the two k earlier attempts. both of Ti·c et Rap which were said to have blown ICE CHEST AT YOUR A&W DRIVE IN -probe July 10 ~at will attempt _tp scoop up a sample of lunar lt>il and return it tD earth. up before leaving the ~ar.--DENVEJnuPn-=-Ftrrtlll-----·,. mosphere, wu announced by grader Polly De Leon walked The experiment,. if sue· ceasful, would precede the American attempt to land two men on the moon by just sil days. Tbe sources, who have con· ta cts lnaide the Soviet space program, added that the July IO launcb would be the third Sen.Murphy Won't .Quit For Finch Soviet •utborlUel. oot of the courtroom a free T~e repofts of ~e utint at... woman today. But tbe judge teme! were unofficial and con-gave her mother and uncle -a finna'tlon could not be ob-talk on parental respons- tained. ibllity. "The space people are very Dolly, 6, had to appear ln di Evans Hearmg• s Denver County c.ourt to face sturbed over Ute &UCCeSS of a series of traffic charge> the American Apollo pro-resulting from driving ber gram," one source said. "Los-To Be Reopene. d m-'1.ed minibll<e in an alley ing the moon race wilt be a behind her home June 18.. terrible blow to them." , SUBIC .BAY, Philippines A3 the hearing opened. ev· The sources had few details (UPI) -A U.S .• AustraUan eryone scramb~d to me mo- on the mechanics of the moon board of inquit)' announced to-tions to drop all charges. shot, but they said a day it wUl reopen hearings Jqdge Dan D. Diamond ac- deUlchable lunar mod u I e Saturday into the ct1llision of cepted-Uie lnOUons;--clearing would make tbe 'descent to the the USS FranJs E. Evans and Dolly. · ·lunar surface, """'SCOOP up the the Australian 'aircraft carrier Denver cily officials.-know· " '" b•--ing the deck was sf..acked 001.1, i.i.1en UL"jt off and link up Melbourne. against them, revealed Wed-wtth the main craft for the The board's decision .to nesday the charges M)(J}d be FREE WI TH A MINIMUM PURCHASE OF $4.00 - THIS HEAVY DUTY. STYROFOAM ICE CHEST IS 11" LONG X 13" WIDE X '13" l>EEJ'. With Any Sm1Iltr e.u<eh•H-• •• You Moy Buy Ice Chfll for 65 cents. ! return trip. reope n the hearings to recall dropped against Dolly. SACRAMENTO (AP)-Key The reports of 1 new lunar two witnessts and summon a A Denver policeman. had California political sources ~iment ap~ to be new· ooe indicated it wanted ticketed Dolly for operating saw 00 evidence today that Sl}pported by a recent state-more WOrinatloo for tts a motor vehicle without a ~i· Sen. George Murphy . would t t A t I rt which UI , lo bo" bcnV out of the-1970 campaign mtn ~ pmnonau, e :r e · repo • w 0 '"'' ceme, having no inspection so Robert H. F'inch, secretary· LeonOY, made to a group of the ·U.S. and Au s r a Ila n sticker and operating an un-u S G ' S S of health, education .and ,wel-li·"°ii"i'Ci'i"iidienilliiiiniiMiioocoiiwi.~""iijvliesi.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiireiig~itieriediivieblicliei.iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~=================::~ . . . . rowers ay o . 1~: .. ~~r:i:111n1 . -w a.shlng(oo that Finch, 13, -' WASHINGTON (UPI) country • • • the surgeon former California . lleuteumt •• · general ••• all agree there is gov~, woold quit the Nil· ·Get Pacified Tobacco growers told the government Wednesday th e reJaxalion. contentment and enjoyment produced by smok- ing have lengthened mani lives. "You can stand up here and make these statements when . - every medical society in the . . on Cabinet but he cont.inued . a causal relationship between to state "'nlls js a tour-year smoking and d i s e a s e ? ' ' commltinent I have made Federal Trade Commissioner here." ·Mary Gardiner Jones asked In Oalifomia, a Murphy confidante sold that ooly a incredulously. new ana-unexpected beialth The tobacco c om .P a n i e s setback could take. the Repub. presented thiir case Wed· liCan seni.tor out or the rac.2 ·----· -~ ---for -another six-year--·term. nesda~ a_s the Federal Trade And Murphy, making a round Commission (FTC) coDCiuded of public appearances in Loi two-days .of .hearings on a pro-Angeles, ~ "hale and posal Utat all clgat<tte ad-heOrty,'' lbii iinnlidaote &aid. vertising must carry harsh Finch never bas made a ~autioft8J7•notet. secrtt of his desire to be tn The present law whlcb ex· the U.S. Senate but has Aid --pire1f"thls 'week provided for r be would not challenge a Re- .note of mild caution on publican incumbent. cfgarette p a c k a g e s but ~eports that .Flncb would otherwise pr oh i b i t s the resign his Cabinet post tn- gOvernment from' regulating creased. last week after ~. Korea Hangs Ex-h ero as North Spy SEOUL (UPI) -Soutb tobacco advert~ing. T h e i~t Nuon o~led FJnch I tobacco industry is in favor ot choice o_f Dr. John: H. Knowles ~xtending the law. If Congri!ss as assistant aecretary for continues to fall to act the health and scient.lfic affa~. Korea today hanged as a spy a North Korean whose staged defecUon through a hail, of Communist gunfire at Pan· munjOm won him a hero's \\'elcome, riches and the af. feclion of lhe South Korean people. Instead 0£ defecting lo the South, Lee Su-Kun, the former head of North Korea 's central news agency, actually was a Pyongyang government agent who leaped aboard a n American car of the United Nations command on March 22, 1967 and asked for asylum, according to South Korea. Lee, 45, was hanged at Seoul Prison al 11 :20 a.m. today , an official announcement said. He had been sentenced to death by the Seoul district criminal court and refused to appeal to higher courts, making the ex· ecution mandatory. . GRAFF.TTI F'rc w.ould be free to enact its mu'ch stronger regu lation. Another. regulatory agency, tbe Federal Communications C:Ommssion (FCC), has pro- posed a rule barring cigarette advertising on radio and television. Fred S. Royster, Henderson, S.C., appea ring in behalf of the committee of growers of U.S. tobaccos, said "There is not much proof as to justify a conviction of tobacco and an economic dcath s e n t e n c e against the growers and manufacturers." Since 1964 the Surgeon General and other medical groups have said increasingly stron gly that smoking can lead not only to cancer but other diseases as well. 92 Demand Huong Quit SAIGON . (UPI) -Ninety· two of lhe 135 memben: of South Vietnam's House of Rep r e se ntatives today demanded the resignation of Premier Tran Van Huong and his cabinet, calling Huong in· e!!icienl 8lld ineffective. The demand was in the form of a resolution released in a news conference. Under the constitution, two-thirds of the total mtmberahlp of the House and Senate would have t.o ap- . prove the resolution to force Huoog lo resign. Hanky Panky? Jersey Town Bans Kissing SWEDESBORO, N.J. (UPI) -The town fathers of Swedesboro "know what filth and bad manners and dirty behavior is and we don't want any hanky panky here." · So they passed a Jaw against kissing in public. Acting Pollce Chief Alvin Holdritch explained . that tUe town 's 57 new regulations, in. eluding the ban on kissing, are aimed at out-of·town teenagers who might take ad- vantage of the July 4th weekend and the town's new park and swimming lake to en(age 1n ''hanky-panky." "Maybe there are some peo- ple who think we're blcb or corny because we have a law against kiaaing,'' Holdiitcb s'°ld, "but we know what tilth and bad manners and dirty behavior is and we don't want any ol that hanky Pllllkj< here." ne town's 125 teenagera don't cause much trouble. Jhe chief said. ''We ::C, our \ids in line pretty " aaid one malron in thtl community ol 2,!00. "Artistry in Moving" for ttie BEST· MOVE of YOUR LIFE Cal: 494-1025 • •• ~P-aeifi~s at · S-avings-Sup·er Offering: Marker, . • 1. 303 GROWTH FUND DEPOSITS . PACIFIC SAVINGS gulranlMs lnte1'811 for fin JMl'I compovncled dally 1151""' annually, which ~ a capital growth of 11 INlt 30% If lnle1'811 la left on depo11t, or JOU1111IY elecl lo haft JOUf l"'-1 paid qlllfllrly. At lo lhla account, minimum le $1,000.00 llld principal m., lie wllhdnnm. at 811J qull1er ·w1111ou1 la. of lnlerMI ff needed lo pmant grut lllrdahlp. ' 2. LIQUIDITY FUND DEPOSITS • lnlenllt II paid on '"" dollar for 1ve11 day It 11 on deposit In 1'*9 paabook accounta, 10 JOU um from date ol deposit lo dllll of wlthdl'llWal --for oiw d•J· Cumml 1n11111II r1te, 5%, compounded dally. No minimum llllOUl1I. 3. COMBINATION FUND DEPOSITS TlllM accounte permit capital growfh 11 lo cllpo1lla ·Nlllllnlng fell' Une ye1ra, • pllM wlUldflnl flllllbllllJ. 'Ibey cUINlllly P8J 5% per _,jnilm cOiilpolmded dally with• lddHI-' bonul, CUl'IWlllr V. % per 111num, If lift· on depoell lhl'll yean or mOre. $1,COOJIO minimum. . l'lllllAl'IDIPOllTIOX-lorlllllnlllnllfl..tll!ll ASK HOW YOU CAN•UY (8ERV1CI! CIWIQI! l'llEE) •ao•o1......-or-T1CK!T8 toe._ ron.n; Dodger l1ldltlll or - SIT DOWN lllMCI!. No llllldlng In long a-. ...,,Ung llld ...., -through """"'*"'*' \ TJl.8. llcblR111211Iloni8J1111nLNOOTHl!RIAY· 1'1111! NOTARY ll!RV1CE. INQI AND LOAN HAI IT. • AND MANY MORE FREE SERVICES SOUTH-COAST PLAZA -mt·IRl8TOL 81REET •' COSTA·llllA; CAUPORNiA HOURS: l:30 A.II. TO 8:80 ~.II. • SAT.: 10 A.M. TO Ii P.11. • PHONE S4CM088 \ -• avmgs ~ . . . . . . . . ,. . AND LOAN ASS-OCIATION MAii Ol'."C1:1411'1 Wiii I• IOULIWMD • i.olAN"' a. CAW011N1A ................. • • • . } ' ' I l I ... r· • . , 4 l . ... r I I i • • l I ' • ' l • • I l . ! I I ' ' • - I DAD.Y •ia:m' EDITOR~ ·P~GE I ' UCI Is / Best Situated UC lrv!M 11 commilled to helping America's op- pressed 'minor!\>' tniups -black and brown. So far, N-appeer to nave tared l!elter then tbe Mexican- Amerlcam. . More black snidenta than bn>Wn were admitted last ~through tbe Educatiooal.Opportunily Program: it UJ1.liJ&l.V~llcalorJ1wallled.Jill,bonorary...®gre.eJuL mootb. And nest fall a Black Studi,es pri>gram will be •tarted with-lbree-new black professors. Partlcalarly in scllool do they have difficulty. C cano cbUdren often are forced to learn English ·f &cratcb in·lbe' first grade. ConsequenUy, they complete on lhe 'average only eight years of schooling, two yoars less than Negroes. UCl's goal should be to become the recognizfl11 lead- u in tbe.l'lhale.J.!ninnitlU>f CBlifw:nia.sy•tem ln Mex· lcan-Ariterj.ca'n studies aiwl assistance programs. Yet 12 pe!i:ent of the population of Orange County is Mexican-Americmr and on_ly ·00• percent ll_ ig llr otlier's Arrogance Negro. . . -¥ Some other campuses in the University of Callfot• Dia system alread,l' are well located to deal with tire Big Brother at bo!b the Washington and Sacramento Negro-as a minbnty. UCI is uniquely situated to deal levels is seetitlg to protect the cigarette smokers of with Mexican.American problems. America from their own ·folly. · A step in the right direction is a course being taught In Washington theN'1 no drive .to outlaw tobacco. through UC Extension this summer called .. Me_xican-On the contrl):ry, tob~co growers continue to fe'ed at Americans: The New Generation."· Courses in this field the federal trough. ~ ~ven il tobacco _ Prohibition of study would seem to demand the same place in the were 1n the wind, it wOW.d work no better than did the regular School year curriculum of Black Studies. alcoholic beverage variety.- •, • • To date Mexican-Americans have been less force-Instead, Washington Seeks to ban cigarette adver· ful than blacks in drawing attention to their ineq,w.;;'ti;;;es~. -c--~ti~s10~· ~g~·from~;_~r~adlo~"iand~~tel~evi~·~si~~~~· ~~ulll'.OJog<o<---i----------; --~BuM,Lthq are begjnning to awaken ~a-armng on gare packages. aggressive stance. . . . s t I -• ·d These people are discarding the.Mex1can-Amencan _ acramen O awm-ers Nf! cons1 eriog a bill ban· lh th d !akin ~hie 00 ntng all dgantte advertmng in all media in California •' name o ea 'ave em an g 8 new on 8 ' (except national ;magfltnes having no regional ed:i· 'Ibey are tak10g pride in la raza (tbe race). lions). The bill has pasled the Senate. ~ l " lt bas been argued that ·society oweS' more to the blacks because their forefathers were brought lo this Self-interest ls no factor in our judgmeftt on the wis· country involuntarily as slaves ·while Chicanos have dom of the proposed ban. Cigarette advertising in news· come willingly to the United States in an attempt to papers is much too minor a factor for that. Buf in logic escape poverty. the bill is absurd. For the sunple but shameful reason of skin color, -Cigarettes are a legal product and until they are assimilation has been more difficult for the Negro than ouUawed their makers have the right to tell the public for the Mexican-American. Often overlooked, however, about them in public media. is that the Chicano's profress in education and in eco-And the public should have the right to decide nomic areas Is equally unpeded by his Spanish Ian-whether to obey the warning oo the package. Beyond guage. this, the ban is almost certainly unconstitutional. NIXON Sl..I PP~RS ' ' ' i...:- I Results of TV Man's ~ictory Over ln8ects -Its Price Note Open , to Public Critieisna I ' ' I • I . . Nixf?!!' s_ Honeymoon ls Over • 1 l , • ·----- As Ba~y-sitter . --WASHINGTON 4 ""J!' may be saJd that-lhe '__.......,.lo the-Nilltlo Administration ls ... llVel\ 'n.e loyal op- position in the ~ ol Hubert H. Humphrey, who ~ii1E· ibed LiUe ol Lilular leadei' Democratic Party, has declared , "tbt booeymoon is al an end and ~NU:oo ii thua open to public crttk:lirlt."" t..;....,_~?::-1'* ____ ' J..:·· ., ~ I '' \ consumer. In addltlon, the government wiU be forced to rai.se the interest it pays on savings bonds and olher securities if it wishes to remain in the market for ~ Nearly to yean ago, I was attacked from various quarters when I suggested ~-~_column tbat so-called ''violence" in ~·1 TV programs wasn 't nearly a.s liarmful as the general effects of watch- ing TV i1Stlf. I also did more than insinuate that parenU pushed their kid1 toward television, u a paciller and baby-tilting device, and the.n took out their serwe of guilt on the ~lent" programming, which they then blamed ,., tbe children'• recaldu-e. . NOW A NEllLY·PUBLllHED study by , a Leo .\nples p.ycllom!alyll teuds lo 1 coollrm !bat t1our ...iioH of mine. 'nils \ Joa,g-tmn study of 750 middle-class ~ children between.-1-and 12 in Pasadena ' indlcat.es that regular TV watching turns children into passive recepton, and then their pent-up eoergy accumulate1 until it explodes into violence or destructive ao- llon. · Thus, it is n o t the C011t.ent of 1 ttlevtsion programs that stlmulat.eS anti- aocial behavior, but the very medium it· self, which feeds read,y-made fantasies lo c:hlldn:n at the Vf!:tJ same time When they ghould be waril.ng off and • working out their own fantasies through ~ve activity with thl:o:ir friends and l•m\1 ~~ • ,-·-Y· ~ "THE PROGRAMMING it.self is ir- relevant.'' report! Dr. Lawrence J. Friedman, a senior facu1ty member of the Lo.a Angeles Psychoanalytic Institute, who espanded tho study inlo his book, ~'P9ycboanalysis: Uses ,and Abuses." Namby:pamby and goody·goody kid shows can induce jU!l as much violence in children as any blood-and-gore ·serlals, he allinllJ. . --- More tban an bcNr 1 day of watching, his stuolJ -· prod-symptoms of ttlieaJaa 'Id well a.s ~· Three of ,his patieni,, aged 7, 9,_and 11, bad regrelled lnlo bed10lllnf; .and it -him a-yea:r to convince Ute pan:otl that long hours in front of tM' TY were the cause -"but when they finally agreed .to take tilt television away, the passivity dlsappeared anti the bed-soiling &topped." ' AcruALLY, MY own family ex- perience hu bttn that normal children, who an encouraged -lo . be creative (which also means unruly sometimes), quickJy grow bored with -telMsioo. My younger children hardly watch it at all, aod would far ralher play wilh one another er wiQI friends, DOt becau.se their parents limit their watching, but because we don't uae the box a.s a psycho~cal device to "keep the kids quiet" More than\80 percent of tile students in the Pasadena study said they woold rather do th1ng1 wilh their parents than watch television. But II the parents don't want to bother, then TV "violence" b an easy c:op:out for tbelr own dereliction of duty. Man's lrlwnph over ln.sects, after a million-year battle. came with the para- diozogenou.qll)'l)'b'tylpytl. Or, as It was commonly called, PDQ. PDQ rtpftRrited a-giant stride forward from such early crude In- secticides u DDT. U was not only 14.3 limes more toxic. 12.1 times longer lasting, and li.3 Umes cheaper to produce, tiut it ne-ver gummeG up the !prayer. Moreover, exhaustive laboratory tests proved it 1'11 1blolutety bartnleas to test · .. -· -I ; .A'rt .Ho~pe I ~ ... ~ ...... ,,. .. _ lul?es, beakers, rubber tubing and Bunsen humeri.~ AS ALWAYS, Dr. Grommet and .Jii.s fuddy-duddy scientists caiiuoned lhat no one knew what the lorfg-rang~ e[fects of PDQ might be. "Ezactly!" cried PDQ'.s discoverer, Dr. Greengrass Grommel • • A n d therefore no one 'can shaw· that PDQ 1'ill produce any harmful. klrlg.:range effects whatsoever . "These very same Nervous Nellles pni- lested 1.17 scleounc discoveries in the past on the very same ground.s. And in every single case time proved them - wrong. Can we let these wrong-beaded fuddy«iddlea stand in the w., of pro. gress?" It all comes down to one point : the Democrats, generallf.?.pe&king, want Nixon to do more thiii:h!!! is doing in virtually any field You .. would wish to -name;-lf-Nizorr ts-getting out of-Vietnam, be isn't doing it fast enoujh. If he is ftg)illng .Jnllallon, he has an\Y -baU way. lfhe is concerned over the plight of the poor, the ill, the uneducated. aod ~ trained , he fails \o show It In terms of ac-Uon. President Nizon 's reading of what the public wants continues to be quilt dif. fertnt. U any ~ingle word def.mes what Nixon is doing it is gradu~. 'The withdrawal of combat forces fn:un Viet- nam is gradual. The fight on inflation is gradual. Reordering of the!'• health and education programs is gradual. NIXON IS EVEN gradual wberr it com- es to law and order. He has been talking about it but it i.s not yet evkl:ent that be can or will be able to do anything which will change the civil climate of the nation on other than a graduaJ basis,. and even then only remotely traceable to federal policies. Gradualism has its d r a w b a c k s _ Nowhere Ls this more evident than oo the Richar d Wilson . •. money. ·~ ' -~ ,,. Nixon has taken a c3lcul.aled risk based question of inflation. on Rockefeller's conviction that monetary Gradualism prevents Nixon from tak-restraints and continuation of high tazes ing actions which might break the pria: will have its impact on con.sumpt.ioo and level, sharply increase unemployment investment later this year. U this does and bring O{l. a Nixon recession in ad-not work, tht President has said be will vance of the Congressional elections next -take other measures. What other year. The search for the hap_py mean measures? Further monetary restraints causes h1m to urge· a liilt:Way extension tliat will pUSh inlerest raIB even higtlet'!- of the Income tax surcharge. Voluntary wage and price controls'? Even Presl"ent Niwt bas.IisteDed to lhe ~ higher taxes? Sharp slashes in govern· pheti~ words of David Roctefeller. ment spending? Rationing of credit? chilrman of tlie boord bf 'tho "a.aoe 'G1iADUALISM THEN could become Manhattan _, "Ne llUCb )>rook (on in· , · flation)' can Def imposed without. ·aome dir~ aelien in a way .. that wouJil slew akrwdown in the national economy, and · do\ift the ~!'°'.1;1Y ~nd touch all secton such 'a ilowdowft must in the end touch ;;of.econonuc tile with a phenomenon~ all sectors of economiC life." rn.Lgbt . become known as .the Ni:zoa AIL SECl'ORS inclqde labor. But there is no restraining labor by persuasion or threat '8nd probably .oat. by compulsion. All the average penop can ~ are oteadiiy r1slng priet1,".iteadily riling' in- terest rates, and drimatically rising labor rates in some key field! of employ~ ment which will nltimatdy mean higher prices to the consumer. Even the interest rate rise which • normally Would be considered anll-in- . flaUonary bas it.s inflationary, aspect. _ Those who take the risk of high interesl rate.s to finance new or ezpancled ven- tures will extract it from the ultimate reces&1 on. President ,Eisenhower had a number or the~. -reces.sions and seemed to survive the~~ but everything was different with Ike, He had plenty of popular support to spate for any kind of crisis. In theory the American economy is so potentially expansive that it could quickly snap, back from a governmtnt induced recession. No new spending programs would be needed. No dramatic tax decreases. h-1erely the relief of monetary restraint, it can be argued, cou ld send the economy soarin g again. lt is note worthy, nevertheless. that Nixo n's gradualism will not permit him to take the risk now. The President's Dilemma Thanks -for 'Cookie Li-ft' AS ALWAYS Dr. Grommtt and his ptogre~ minded ool'leagun won the bat-The principal question facing Richard tie and PDQ was approved (or sale with Nixon is the same t.oday as it was when adequate warnings 00 the ta.be). • ht took office-but it has grown more ,' ! JI ·I politician. If he makes the oner to Hanoi explicit-if he tells us that is what he is doing-and it is accepted, and tbe war ends with a coalition in Saigon, he will have gained no political credit from the Doves. who will not support him for re-- elecUon in any event, and he will have eroded his support among the Hawks. To the EditDr: 1 am the platoon commander of the headquarters platoon and am writing on behalf of the officers-and men of Charlie , Company, Isl Tank Battalion. 1st Marine ~ Division, South Vietnam. We were the , lucky recipients of your "Cookie Lift." : 1be cookies amvea in good t"Onditjon and , all of us enjoyed them a great deal. The • Kool-Aid is the biggest single item, nut : to home-made cookies:. that is highJy : prized. 1 I HAVE TRIED to see that each can that bad an addf'J$S was sent a per90na1 1 1 thank you, but in case It wasn't done, I'd , like you to coovey oar alncere lhanks to ! all those wooderlul people back there Who haVI! dooe eo much to make our stay away from ~ we love a little more bearable.. May God bless you all. Thank you . , LT. REED T. BOLICK, USMC . ' ' l l .---B11 Georf1e ---. • l l • l ! • 1 I ! ~· • • l •• . Del.r George : . . You have "Col)Odential to•1 a lot of Wnous penom and I want to koow ' Do all those famous people really write to yoo for advice?. W.E. Dear W.El.: Hmm. You meM us advloe columnists are suppoaad to wait u n t I l JCfMbo<1J ASKS for advice? ClllUID!NTIAL TO .rEllRY LBWIB< , _ bl -• liocln& job ......... . . • ~ i•"rree J111a 1o Geor&< aed wtn a liOrlop. Nol appllcablelb atates wtiere lcilleries are lqal.) ' .. ~. ( -I . ._ ~ • ·---,\:'-.. ' . Housewjves gleefully sprayed flies with ominous. not only nationally b u t it. Health of!lcers happily sprayed neas personally. • wi th it. Foresters joyfully sprayed bark What it has come down ~this terrible beef.Jes wltb il. And farmers delightedly Yo'ar in Vietnam-is whether the Presl-Mi&ilho~ i< ~ sprayed boll weevils with It. dent can or will take action which almost In five ~ yean, the world was llOp-~rtai.nly will not help him politically and troops out vf Vietnam tomorrow, these ping wet with PDQ. And just as Dr. which might indeed guarantee his defeat two -and the rest or the intellectual Letters f1'om readers are tfflcome. NormaUv writer~ 1hould cpnVfv thefT me1sagt1 f" 300 tooi'dl or. ltsa. Tht right f.O ~ndtMt Lttten to 'fit spoct: or eliminate libtl is reserved. All let- ters must fncludt signatuTt'! and mail- ing addrt11, but 'namfS may bt with· held on requesC if 8Ufficient re ason ii apparent. G t had edicled I n n The dilemma was illustrated this week conunun.itv-would still not be among his romme pr ' no a y, ea. by a cor.versallon between one of Mr. ;, bark beetle, boll weevil or any oltler in-supporterS. And' the "quiet Americans" sect fle'lf, crawled or bored anywhere. -N11' xon's ldop . a_dvt iset_rs and11• lwo fr~entdhs, . whom '-tr. Nixon is building into a New "After a million yearS of swatting armer a rrunis ra ion co eagues in e-Right might wall tum upon him for hav- mldges, ' mosquitoes · and -mtsceDaneous • Keni:ie<ty..Johnson years. • · • ing sold out. to communism,.. •• ?,'alefactors," crowed . Dr. Ot"imrtiet, THE CONVERSATION, at fir s t mankind can at laSl en}Oy the b~s and searching, became depressing, then the bee.s and the flowers In peace. desultory. At last the two visitors rose. S•lth ln1'en tell II To the Editor: I am wrjting in regard to a feature story in your June 21 edition ~concerning my f~e:r,.the late Frank D. Shaw and his role in pioneer aviatlon. He was idenWied as inventor of the parachute ripcord, while it was e11- clusively the work of his lon&·time friend and as.sod.ate Jn the field, the late J. Floyd Smith. MY FATHER AND Mr. Solltb were 111 vaudeville tocell>er aed Iller worked clo.sely in aviaUoo'from the eaily 1900'1 BUT, OF COURSE, there weren 't any. Without insedl to eat, the birds d~i> peared. And without bees lo do their thing, the flowers pined. Yet this was a small price to pay for an insect-free world. And no one would have minded too much if, Jn the seventh yea r. all the trees hadn't fallen down. "Who needs-trees?" said· Dr. Grommet v.·ith a frown. "Never forget that. thanks · to PDQ, we have doubled production on our crops." Whkb, in lhe ninth year fail- ed to come up. "Never fear, we shall find new ways to harvest the fish from the sea." said Dr. Grommet desperately. And the new way was found In the tenth year when all the ns11 helplQIJ1 bloaled lotbe surface. Belly up. through World War II, so It ii easy to see ANO SO IT WENT. Finally, the last how your roporler'miltlleoly allributed man on earth, who just happened lo be the ortglo of this lmpor1Ut device. Dr. Grommet, sat oo a mountain top Details ol tbelr careen came from 1 ~=-lly surveying the barren, lifeless DlllDber o1 old personal papen aod clip. "I doql want lo CJl/ll clear," Slid the • olJ>lt~ last WO(Dan 00 wtb, who just happened · The ~ -very rudab;, pttOellted to be Mn. Gn>mmet, "but It loou u othenrile.-but tt _,,,. pl'Ope< to -though all those fudlly-duddy scienliot> It . and' ilve credit lo Smlllt. one of the were rt&ht 8lld you were wrong.'' rnany notable early-day pjOneer Oranp "Ah, but nevtt forget that they were 'Counf.1 men ml ID?llitorl. 'tlm>Rg U'1 Umes," uld bt. Grommet ROBERT A. SHAW • pniucily. "And I waa an\Y WTOlll once." ,· ~ ~ • I "You ought to know,'' one of them said by way of parting, "that if the war goes on to the fall there will be a revoh oo the campus IUdl aa we ha ven't eeen yet, and there will be nothing for us to do but help lead It." True, the two visitors were not Nixon su pporters. But that is just the po.int. U the Presiderit were to pull American .. Dear Gloomy Gus: In view of recent C'OW1 decisions, • ll looQ like the .oo Is in sight ror boUomlal --· -W.D. fllll ... ,.,... Nl"llnlo "'"""" ~ tM otte-lly ""'" " lllt .......... .. ' -"' -.. •'-"Y .... Dl!lt-, fill9t. IT DEPENDS, of course, on the terms Mr. Nizon can arrange lD Paris. But here the President faces a second dilemma. He hu hinted strongly, ht bas algnaled, he has let his closest advisers tell senators-he has all but offered publicly to dtal with the NLF on the follow ing points: 1-A cease-lire. While the President has said tn the past that a cease-fire is· inappropriate to a guerrilla war, he has not ruled It out, and he holds it now a! a possibillty. 2-A change in the Saigon government. Publicly, Mr. Nixon has praised Gen. Thieu, but does anyooe doubt that be • would offer the general's head on a plat- ter if he thought that would be the i ey to a stttlement? i-A 'riMETABLE for U.S. troop wilhdrawaJ, but Mr. Nixon knows that eyen that 1fOUld be on at least a 5-1 ratio, since Hanoi has Jess than one-fifth the lroopl in Ult soulh that we do, and he wlll not lns1st on the ratio. To all or this, there bu been little respoose. The President and hl.s advieen fear ttMn might be none or a negaUve one-f:Ven If thb: offer were publicly and upllciUy mlde. Alter all, the espen, In Hanoi read oor public oplnkin polls •• well as we can-and, otf the avaJlable eVidence, better lhao some of us. AD this It.aves l>resident Nixon in an impoaalble poolUoo 10< IQ Amerlcall FOR WllERE IS the Dove who says today. "Mr. President, take these s1cps- and 1 \\'iii support you publi cly"? Indeed , -the Presiderit's men ask "Where is the Dove who ,.will guarantee ttiat, if 1971 finds a Viel Cong government in Saigon, he will not denounce Mr. Nixon for ha v· ing 'sold~ out to the Communists'?" On the other hand, if the offer ii made explicit and it Is rejected. the mounting pressures of public opinion and an economy out or control will force Mr. Nixon, sooner or later, ··to declare a defeat" and withdraw. In short.. the President is approaching that lonely position where the courageous . act may lead to his downfall. It is a lot to "' ask. " By--Fr .. k-Matjklewlci and Tom Bradea ---- Tb u r & day, July 3, 1969 The editoriol page of th.e Daill) Pilot seek.t to inform ond stfl'Pi- ulote Teoders by prtsent1ng thit newspaper't opiniom and com- mentorr on topic& of inteTe1t Clnd $ighlfi.cmtCf, by pTOviding O forum /OT the exp~uion of our rtad.er1' opinimu, and by presenting the divcrtt tMw. Point& Of (Jt/OJ'fMd o·b.rtrwrt mid •Pokt.im'"' oh topic. of th< day. Robert N. Weed, Publish•r ... ~~~~~~-'-'--'-"""--'-'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~-------------------- • . . . .. CHECKING • ·'UP ·:• I Nfi_V,IJiBEFOBE · A SAU: UKE 'l'BISl People's Par·k .Gone . ' B!;RKELEY ( A P ) called In more than l,01111 Na· W, were '""Jewlill a report • Berkeley'I slreret P e o P I e tlonal Guafd.amen u dllordera on· the-prOjecf. watched thejr • ' P e 0 P 1 e ' 1 rocked the. clt)l for a week n.:-..tUon to ~ boltel Park" 6eghi to lade Into v...-• n;temot)' Wednelday w h l I e ~ter the fence wu erected. came. from a *Jprialna souret. tbe)t ~ abo:!Jt the fate On June 20, Univtrlity of aqu~ Btrke.ley'a Negroea, llow ·to ·Execute; . . . . • ' 'u.'·. ' 'TheSm--eH -ltiss' " of a~ "People's Pad.". caufornia rigenta• rejected a ""'*ho had been strong alllea of ~· Aa:-:prJvaie":'detecUVes 1tood--pro~atrWlease-1he park to'T"theSlffit peopli"ln l6elfl'fgbt -.... guard._ wotkinen_.tJ a r led the atreet-~ple and-YOted to {or «~e'1 Fark! _.__ transforming • • P e o P 1 e ' s transfonn tt into a parking "To rtave white middle · ·~ Par " hic:al point o l facUtty and a combination class people tnRn the outside - 8 L. M BOYD 'oERSTOOD 'ln old Angl.:S.r-widespread_ violence In May, football, softball, volley ball come to Uve ,,.. In • black s" 0 E . . ' . . NOT ~OUGH to worry on law that •• maa had the Into a_ parking lot and athletic ,and basketball compleii. communltyalready'crO.medll . UY N at the Regular Price •, •• , ... t -..t .. ;~i .. but 1'l'• a !act ri .... t to divorce his w. l!e on the field. ~· Wednesday, opponents or the a hard pill to swafiow," nld a . • b:lck""":"i:;;:•contaioa..more si;· 1 ~ th t-hQ. as The Wk. ah_off~pua lot "People Pad," a former Navy membet of the South Berkt.leY · -- natural radioaclivity than a too ':.!nanuc ••. tM sASKlo c:;;sy :'~ r::nttyM ~ housing complex be Ing Neighborhood .co u n c 11, a GETANQ:TUER .~r· '. QNI V , .Cent· . wooden house • • . NO GIRL HOW much comndian Bill ,: 1!1£:· flreel ~ h:d transformed ln\o a youth hoe-N•IJ'O group. '. I n L.' MARl\IED to ~er,~ . Cosby, m~kes. Ab?ut fl mWJon ....... ,.,,.fr . ,• , _, lion al -~f Ii''" _.. ~ . al ~·'lib' ~ ..... , .. ' ·1 1"~ .,,... '"" ' · tbal ~ 41•~ ~ 18Y· ' , ' _; , ' ~l i. >;"""" ! .l ( J '~ ' '. ~ ' • ~ .......... ,_ i. -~ .. _... • ·~ ~-" • 'U.~: • .. . ~ •• ,BA,_~ llBl!E A !IO'J'B . surprbed to learn the-on a airlew on llie city and . · -' ~:=~~:!~~ ~}~~!::=!~ ·--:r. *. ·* For Sirh4ti "AP.peal · recUy pronounce, ''Truly lad. BefOlt! tbfn,· I'm told," · ' .. -• • 'iuraJ." aJmos\ everybcidy-.Jllade' .d<! Chi f 0 d . LOS ANGELES CAP) ... Panoos clld, and II fond or • ON .THE KISS -Am tn-with breakfast in the monilna e r ers Sirhan Bishara Sirhan ~ t1lem both," Shlbley aid, "be . setting into our LQve and War and supper in the e~' ~Ad three new lawyers to apJMI wanted lnyva who are.Arab- .. file the followlng clinical not mucb mare. Wasn't UDtil ~ S : • his death sentence for lite · le 1n origin tc. be on the case." report on how to execute the about 80 years a~ U14t Ute ~: USpellSJOllS assassination of Sen. Rotieft Cooper and Paraons, wt;io.led ·1 ~smell kiss," researched by working day genefally was "') . F. Kennedy. ~ the 25 ·year -old JordaaJail .Mr. Wlllikm John FiekUng, divided into two shifts -from t. OAXLAND (AP) _ Sherif! Twe> Gf them, George I• · Arab's deftQR through the that authority on · inUmate ,9 a.m. tG 1 p.m. and from 2 Frd MadJgan_ Wednesday Shibley and Abdeem Jabart,, tnaI that ended with hta J>elnc bthavle>r around tbe we>rld : p.m. to.6 p.m. Up Ult then, the ~,demc.Uon Gf two are of Lebanese a~, 'condemned . to the I a 1 "The pr~~nt form ~f word "lunch" was 'just a offiP.in ·~ un.pa t d sus· thougtl both were born in qt chamber, will rimaln In the kiss In Asta, Africa, Polynesia synonym for snack, and was, spelioos for them and eight United States. cue. 'Ibe two "will be more and.ether parts of the world, as old Dr. SamUei Johnson olheri· for what be called "Ir-Shibley aMounctd l e than consultants," Cooper fuclu~ing some of . t b_e de.fin~ it, "Only as mu~h food re~';._clu,ring the book-change Wednesday. said. aborigines of lhe Americas .• is as ones band can hold. ing of nearly 500 persons ar-"J think that whil e he · l. Tbe third new lawyer \s 11lhe s:men k~-" A: typical A YOUNG MAN actually rested diniDg a Berkeley very grateful for the waft-LuM McKlssack who· aal.d he .form is practiced 1n the~ comes of age in the first demonstraUon May 22. derful, dedica,ted work f.:tlt~ wll1 direct the . appeal to the three phases. A. The nose 1s minule ol .the day before .his The penalUes_ must be ap-Grant Cooper and Ruslf' Calif.ornla Supreme Qourt. applied to the .cheek of the twenty-first birthday • . • DO proved by lbe·Alameda County * - person kissed .• B. There is a DOGS have toosils ? Indeed l'ivil Service Commission and long nasal inhal~n. ac-they do ••• , OUR-NAME will be subject to appeal. Pen- companied by U-: lower1n1 of GAME MAN claims girls call· dlng those steps, ·the sheriff the eyelids. C. Tb.is~ followed ed Karen have the most ex-declined to go into dft&il. ~ by a sijghJ slim"cllilfg of -1be pressive : eyts •..• ...UtONG 'lips. !.t -• • TBE LARGER rkh roun---------- CUSTOMER SERVICl!l: Q. dabout ·11awali Is 'the ''()" -. ti -' "How come riders always .get among the smaller th~ GM P-RfCf!,S - on ii hors~ cn.,,~e left side, ' ' hOmomcmonukunkuaguk." never .the right. A.That goes • , , ESTHER is the· cn l y_ -all the way back to the days of book of-the-Bible which men..- the horseman with a sword. lions neither God1 nor Heaven He wore i.t on his left side •. ii 8 cilent reports ., . THAT NO: LOS . ANGELES (UPl) .. _ hewer~ right-handed. So wt~h TION that elephants i have General Motors Corp. was 1 ac- ·that thing dangling from his good memories is the bunk cused by the state o f ' I ft h. h f d It · to · California Wednesday of plac-e. 1p, e oun easier They don't · "del"be tel · 1 ••Ii .. ,." mount on the left . . . Q. your ~e.rtiotis and com-tng . I ra y. ml! e~ , "BOW ~tANY PEOPLE get menl! are welcomed and price stickers on Ila cars• . killed by ugblnl.,.•"1'>' year ..ui "' 11udr.01tml1tl:'r,:;.·· 4-1 -• ''1'fi"" In thl try'" A A~ -· · ;:_·ho' ,. ~ ,,... ·~an in)unetlon .... • coun · · ~ -· Slbfe 'JI Checking p. n 'bltln the r nd asked . HOW COME WE cqnUnue to 2tddreu ~.ma i-1 to L 1r1 . .1 I . prac ice • .. ORTHci-GRO Dlcbondro Food 22-4-4' WIR not bllm OM:hondra i.e.• of~ Piii* ... water Immediately~ &Wl)'\l'llJ thll ~ 0,... odor Int pellelt easily applied with ORTHO Wtllrtyblrd.A formula recommtnde4 by turf experts. _3,711J ...... 0, .... ~2ndJ> .... 1.• 7,S001f1oft.$Ul.2ftd-t• 15,000 tq. ft. $1.IS.. 2nd.,, ' . • claim the pilgrims first lanlted Bo11d, in care of the DAILY ~ fines -w~ich ~Id . ~t G~ ~ --• _at PJym_oyUl Rock? _They_ P.J.LOT.-BOZ-J815, Newpor.. m~ Ui81fl750 mllllol\ If theo -,;.'"..:.'°..:.""..:.'..:.'':_':_"':_',;."'..:.'':_"..:.'"..:.c::'..:.•-;;;.:.•·_·.:;"..:.';;;"";;...' ~""'~· .. • .. '· .. -~·· .. -.... ··~lf----1 didn 't. They fi~. landed at Beqch. Calif., 92663. suit is-suecesslul. -. - Cape Cod ... rr WAS UN------ Mental Orre 'Overhaul' . ' Under Way ll~MENTO (UPI) .--.1. top spokesman for Ute Reagan administration says a ''master plan" is under developmenl lo overhaul the care and treat. ment « lhe mentally relarded. "'"'Human Resources lftcretary Spencer Williams disclosed the plan Tuesday before the Senate Busi ne ss and Professions Committee during a special hearing on the con· ditlons al Sonoma S t a t e Hospital. The commiUee. called the 'seuion to probe the alleged mistreatment of patienr!i and poor Jiving conditioM at the hospital. Williams made public the report by a three-man task force of experts. The report bad been ordered released by 1 San Franci9co judge a year after Its completion. · "I'm quite concerned about this report. and I am delennin- ed that We shall further im- prove conditions th e re , ' ' Williams said. The f i r s t ricommendation of the task force waa for • new muCer plan. · . Smog Alert ·For Kids Set / , • LOS ANGELES flJT>f) - _ Whcn....al.r...pollutioo.. reaches a . certain level, Los Angeles school children will not be re- quired to run, jump..,or play football, basketball or boseba[I. · The new·lrihoel smog warn- ing program was aMOunce.d Wednt!day by the Air Poiitt· tlo!1 Control District. And because lt was an e:specl11ly 1moggy day, the warning was put Into immediate effect In two areas. GREAT BUYSl! BLACK_ & __ DECKER " •• w POWER TOOES POWER TOOLS AT· (OST -& BELOW!!. u.~40 SANDER ONLY $1869 u.i40 SANDER ONLY $1499 FACTORY REPAIRED TO NEW Bt'ACK' & . DECKER :FJ:CTORY. 'CLOS'l'.i ·ouTs REVERSING, DRILL REVERSING DRILL VARIABLE SPJED s2os6 1/2" . s311s l/4"-1·Y·207 2 2·U·226-1 ~----------------... ----SORRY, Wl WILL BE l/2" 1·Y·127·1 CLOSED ON JULY . 4 ,. • -. . ' SALE!-!YRU SIORE~,N ... SEE ·WARE - r .--·~'~ IN •lllH, YILLOW, WHnl .oac $198 07.'" TO .... ; WATER HEATERS REPUiuc · "GEMINI" 6·1&.Jl-41-Q eL By CORNING _ 21> Gal. . .. $42.88 30 Gal: .•. $44.88 40 Gal •. , . $49,88 50 Gal. $64.88 -.. ' GARBAGE DISPOSALS I~ ti~f!ATO~ -. M~NO.JJJ $31" ........ ,. •UIPllCI •....•.• ~ m-t Yr. Offnl!IM MOllL IP ..•. '''·'' ' $4611 OUI PtUCI .•• , • ,, • ~Tr. MNlllM M°"1 NO. 7J , $54• fl ...... , .... OUll'n.ICL ••••• _..., - ~~ORTHO-GR0.'1.1wn ~ DRTHO·GRO Muffl-Pur-22-4-4 . pate Plant Food 11-16-16 A fom\ula rseommended by Uf Strong In s;hot:phoru.-.o Im--experts,, containing fut -'*'I portant for hulthy rool l)'Sten-. and king-lasting planl MltrttnUrt Halps prO'f1de '°'good fruit and Fast dlUOlvlng peli.b wtU ftOI rtow•r praiductlon. Aecom· bum ···_.,.,..,.,~ mend&d' f1r 1wtlng neW lnra. t 2.$0Gtq. fl. $2.U.lftdplg.1f 2,000 11!1-ft. U.7 .. 2M pko;. 1'-S,000 sq. ft. S4.J5-2ndpllg.1l 4,000 .q. ft. tA.At, 2nd,. .. 1tl 10,000aq. n. $I.IS. :zridplle.1 - ORTHO Cr/U> Groll con-.......... ,, ........ ,,... " ........... , ...... ..., ..... ,, .llOl.plm lnHcUcldo.J«, . ~ • ll • , .L - lllinr ~. ORTHO-GRQ Lawn Food ORTHO U.WN GRO~~ Control• turf Insects sue,,. 11 plua liwecUclde Control• most Lawn wMds, · Japanese be•U• grubs, Whit• The ume nne taym fert1nzer as as dandoll~n, ch}C~.pian. ·grubs, arl1a. elo. Controls crab ORTHO.QRO Lawn Food. Con-ta.In, etc. Kille weeda-roola,ud gr81 and poa annua t>v" p,.. taint two powerful lnHCtlcJdes a IL. Contain• fut aeUng U4 venttno 1prlng seed germln ... -Sevin and Cfllordsne-for lo~IMUffll p~~ · , Uon. "" I • control of '-Ml and toll I~ 2,IOO"" n.. SUS.~,..,, 2.500sq,ft. $7.95,aftil pta.1# 5,000sq.ft. $1.N,a,w:lpkg.11 5,000eq.ft. N.11,,lllllplla.1• 1,000 sq. ft. 114.95, 2nd plta.1tl ,.10,000eq.ft. 10,000aq. ft.112.lli.IM-ttl -,...,, --I • • Prqud Of Your Lawn? Join Costa Mesa Kiwanis Club's Lawn Of The Month Contest! _: _ Awards & Prizes! ' • PARTICIPA'l'l IN COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION EFFORTS. ENTRIES CLOSE JULY 31 - , UDGING AUGUST 15~ ftll UP INTIY POIMS Al OUl pi!UUllY • . ' • " • ' , • I 2840 HiJbor ·•1vd~ Costa-Mesa-Oall 54e .. ~ .. ~-"'"' S.t~rday 9 •·"l• lo 6 p.m.; Svndayt 10 a.m. io S p.111o --·- \ I ~ I • I 11 J " I I I • I - ' • I .. . ' HE'LL WALK ON MOON -Apollo 11 commander Nell Armstrong poses with bis wife, J1111, and their sous Roct:y, 11, aQd Mark, 6i at their home in Hous- ton. Armstrong will become the first...man to walk "" Ibo .moon. Tragedy Gave A poll.o ~rogram New Will CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) - Trqody '*' tho launch pad d\aaed· tho course o I Amaica's moon program and PY• it'tho Impetus that plac· ed-a-Janar-londing· wilJtln IDlll'I grasp. • -that fat.!ul Friday evenfne 21 months ago, the Apollo projtcl ... slagger\ni llDder a loper d pcoblema cJatinl .bacl: lo Ill loundlna dayr -tt had • goal, but no plan lo ochleve iL --r&lDil.fi&iJ ·wa1 in need o( improvement and I l I ICheduf .. ••re unrealistic. "'Nobody paid much al· kn1ion to US because Wf!: couldn't quite mak~ o or tcbedulel," recalll U. Gen. Samuel C. Pbllllps, th• Apollo prosrllll .dlreclor. '!lien fire flared up lo the eealed Apollo 1 commaiid module dllring a launch pad test ·Jan. 27, 19671 a nd -Vlrgl1 I. "Gus" cri.... Echrarcl 11. White and Roger B. Chall.. died before \hey·coold get ouL Tiie $23.1 bllllm Apollo pro. grim ltOpped, paraJyud by an ac:ddtDl no ooe thought _ ... _ SAClllFICE "'You can't make WO much of their aacrlfk:e," says John H. Glenn. the man who beame the orSl American to reach ori>tt lo l962. Out of the ...iliing turmoil, • blue ribbon review board eoon fwnd that the moooship was beset by design, manu.fac- ture and inspection Oaws. It aald, .. When these deficiencies are corrected, the overall rdlability of the Apollo pro-snm wUl be Increased greally." Not only were !Uboequ<:n\ command ahlp1 redeslgDed and rebuilt. but llO were \he lunar modules that bad yet to ny. A new awarmess of safety awept the Apollo planb from ....i lo ....i, and virtually ..,.., plec< of equipment and plan involved in the project underweol lhe -t poMibl• acndiny. The resulting cmrbaul cost the 1pace agency $410 million, and it set tht program back mort than 11 moolhs. But it allo gave t b e moonfllght machinery a molurl\f that bu enaliled foor Apollo .,,.... lo ·bl"" the trail foe Apollo II with reliability that mlosloo director George B. -uqe-AJI ''liu fir ex- .-Jed moot ~pie's .wildest • •i_ ~'• bactu' com-m Sr, ·w.u.. M. Schbn. ... -lo head the --<mt lo lly the flnl 0(61 nbodll "1MJllo command obqil alalil Wtlh 1p1ce •• ~ Dann' 'I. Eisele ... ·-CUllrllnglwn •. ,,,. -•-,aamod.Apollo7. .,._on ~ lllt •••ctrn1 t•w If. llelaa) a D d -=-ltcl•at .. -bJa Jlle CID the • perlonnance of Apollo 7, and he .told workers before lauoch. "we don't want to tilay ga:mes with the spacecrafL" Apollo 7 was launched by a Saturn lB Rockel Oct. 11, 1968, and tt petfonfied-liinl days in orbit even better than anyone had hoped. The success of Apollo 7 gave project oUici.all an unusual opportunl(y lo capltallze CID the lagging testing of Apollo a·s lunar module landing craft. They sent astronauts Frank Borman, James A.. Uivill and William A. Anders into orbit around lhe moon without lt. Apollo a took oll on schedule last .Dec. 21 atop the rim Saturn 5 rocket, reaping a new crop of recordl as lt went. On Cliristmas Eve the astronauts looped the moon 10 times and headed back toward the "good earth" Chr1stmu morning. BIG QUESL10N The one big question mark still remaining was the lunar module -the ungainly. four· legged craft wOOse job is to land two men on lbe moon July 20 and Dy them back lo a rendemJu.s w\th an orbiting command ship. Apbllo 9 aStronaul! James A. Mc:Di:!f David R. Scoll and Ru L." Schwelcltart proved ln Marcil that it works. They new the enUre moooshlp assembly in earth orbit and -althouih they did DOI land -· performed a Junar-modul• command ship rendezvous like the one the Apollo 11 explorers must accomplish after taking off from the moon. With al\. the moon fliglrt mac:binery tested, .\he only lhini left, other than•an·actual Jandinl!, .... lo ,..-.. the lunar operalioll 111 OJ1>1t _..i the mooo. Apollo Ill -Thomas P. StaIFord, John W. Young .and Eugene A. Cer'llan did that 0n their elght.cJay moon orbiti.n1 adventure 13-26 . Stafford and Cernan pllo the lunar module .down withln t.2 miles of the era lunar surface, llCOUted the of Tranquill1y landing ai assigned to Apollo 11 and fl back to a nawleu rendezv with Young In the C.;[M;.ii) module. The Callfomla M e d I c ' A.aodation recommends UR of skill. stamina and g tenM: as precaullonl.ry me ures for skin diving IUlllDlel'. -Always swim with a bud and qlitt when tired. -Use the proper equl and make sure It bas been ·spectecL -Don't 1kln dive U la JieaJlh, -Don't drink any alcoho beverage wllhln eight holn. Sum 266.6 HARIOR BLVD. -5-46-1080 ·COSTA M'SA waOAYS 9-to9 . 511-AY 9 to 5:30 SRDAY 10. to 5i00 9x9 CA~B>TILES D Nifty foem b•c•H .c•rp•t tile• •••• ~1i1•U'I well lncloo" or 01i1t. · D (k,iclt to l111tln witlHtw• 1ii:IN 1,,.. or c1m111't. ·.! 0 c11_., f101111 I bright ' d•cor1hw colon. . 25Cu. GLIDDEN ENDURANCE HOUSE PAifiiT 0 Dri11 to•'"'"' lwitro•u fini1h. 0 . o ... co.t ~,1,hly co••r• Mo•f 1urf1ce1. 0 T-iih ~ii ,,1,, 11, .. 11 no11-ch1l•klot· 6 79 6AL ,.. CHROME RECESSED SOAP DISH . 0 Very •hiny ropl1ci1'll111t 11111 fo, ·+~• tnoellrii'1i11h, • D Comp1•+• With rnM11ti119 h•rclw•r1. 0 Witt. 11f1ty hind irip. 1'' FLUIDMAsTER BALLCOCK 0 Geffbyo 1t1ito, .q•11l, tin,, ,.,.. 11;1h .... , b111 •• 0 --...4...,.witfli ........ , •• ,,. to rn••• It Mal. D Goodltv• tw• ~;.u,,. ''"' ch11191. · • • ' . :• . SEE THE STARS ' let fk.·1ttn 111lcl• Y••· SycfQ•Y Omtrr, •"' ff th1 w1rld't f. • -• tlf1'1..-n. • writet th1 Jilly h1rotc•1t• r.1lu111" f1att.tr1d la .... PAIL\' PILOT. . . ' 1·7 ··5 A.· · ·m:a~Nn:· · . !.. . . . ·. . . . . . 1' . ;.,:.·~·· ·ay ··~IT -pauDLY ! . - ' l • STUCCO ROI.Liil, SiT with 4 Ft. Pole . D F11t 'WIY .. ,, 1eili11t , or 11lffltr. · 0 No Mo,.-f., .. rltt 011 • ric••tv \1~'"" 0 Got 1 1 tfory hov11f Se riclt1ty IMden ein't .. "'"· . _,29 GLIDDEN SPRED LAnlC . ltOUSE P.INT 0 14•al .., . ....,, •rick, lhllCI, CIMl'tf .. 1114 IM'i-4 111.te,I. · ·CJ Gl'91 f111t1••• Gfitli111 b11vty wltll 10111 t•rf'lll prote.ctl01t. " 0 S1titf1dio1 .. v1r111teM 'Ot yMir -.,~~k. - 6~~ GLIDDEN DRIPLESS WALL PAINT 0 AMtbr .. .-M. P'-'ii•t '''"' .$Ii~, .. D The.'hl·~i .. ''"' -w11htlll1 ·fiii1)i of "tt!it tlripl.11 pei..t m1lr1 it 011t ,, 1i1ht. D I Sey, wh•t '""' ere yo .. p111tni1tf ··~1111i11t •Pl'fW•Yll 3~~ - SAW HORSE BRACKns . ' 0 F ... cer,..m., •r •••• .,..,,..,., .....n. 0 Me••• • .... ,,.,. pta11i• ,......_"""".,..... httl~ 0 c •••• ,,.,, 1 ....... , ... 1,000 .... . . . 99! .... -. , .. ' . . '" ,1HE . · AMERlcAN : FLAG • 0 OW ~l~.htt '!IVlf loolr.ff lfl toCMI f1 ti 1t1&11y, 0 r..t ~-~II, f.r th1 F•t.trth ind 1JI our 111tf.ii1I h1lldmy1 1ittf 1xp+1i1 to-yo11r ••d1 whit it 1t111eh • fot. lt:<rtpt'tt111h ,fr1eclo111 tli1t MYch of Hit worltl · h111 iti~r Ir.,-"· lt't 1r1at to .. trt A1111ri1111. J FT. r •I FT. "-WIJJt-,MfTAL. POLl AND IRAC:ICIT JJ · Mo!t o!td~~~fJ 9•h , •• 1 tfti"ty, 10 p•n1'11n·11•M on ••ch 1•llon ..... ,. 0 ·&1 ... ,,.~.Uhto -etrtd60f .f\irllfttr•. • f1 nc11, p\111f1n. ~99' GAL GUME'. ~lllTIQUING , KIT -0 U11 on fr.1r11it1i1r1, p1lll*li1'19, picture fr1m11, 0 Clooot• ftoll't 36 •tciti119 colon elld -wood to1111 . 0 2 1t•p •;t i1 qvick 111d 111y I q1ticbr i1 b11hi111 with • . h1.mm1r.I 2'' . DECORATIVE CORK PANEL · 0 M1lr1 , will to -well cllrlbol1'4 ef 12 1 IJ iq111re1. -O loy, co11ld yow lo1v1 th• f•mily ,01111 will! mtt119•1 th111. 0 "•c••tJ• of 4 i11 ,,,, to'!;.,, with lltown. -·~ BUCKSKIN ctr OilVE ... ····- PREFINISHED PANELING -. . . ' D u,tewll ltm1rt for tlownto-,,i. c\ioet• ,,_ tw. , .... t.1111. . D V-gr60'f'otl, i-finl•""'· J111t 1l1p·l11 pleu. D ,,.,,o, yew'" cro1+.d • wh.h new ICHO fllb h1ctio1 •eyb.11 2•• •••• PAlllL • • _Th.:_und<Y...:.c::;_•.:_Ju_:~_:J;_, 1:__96.:_9 ________ DA_l_LV_P_IL_O_T ~f!~ Jl . WASHINGTON CAP) from !30,000 to fU,lOO, • bear Inc oolea uJUne they be get a point ,across -tho6e ShirtJ, boaJ!a, peonuta and tea Seo. Everett M. Dirtoeo~R-lllf1'ar?i to Dirk""'. . were gmt peanuts and I got bag• are givioa ~...iooaJ Ill.) commenled while •raulol Grot1 also got boni of old the message," said Rep. Otis ma i I the characterisUcs or for lhe bill that be .once bad to cloWllg, "tiere'1 the lfllrt off G. Pike (0.N.Y., In letters CARE packages tJleie days. pick. up a $177 restaus;ant my baok','1 1a'ld onfi note. resJ>OQdioc ~Ute pac~ages. , The clothlnt and food Oow· 1 check aUtr a luncheon for The pay raise bUI passed. ..I'm eating the one a.nd will clothes, S"t l t ol false ·teeth, wooden• legs aod OQlona which swami*! Congress Jn JDC l!ld helped defeat a pension bill., Wbal -besides anger -I• behind the !ales\ campalgna! "l think they're ~g tnfecled by M~ Av~uo," said a woman who 1 spent 11 years as a congreuiooal aide. ing Into Capitol HUI oUlces atO Preslde~t lxoo· and ... con-· In May1the National· Postal keep ' the other io inind," he taxpayer attempt' · to greulonal Ieidera. · Unlao 're t 111 .. n<t• ·;11 said .. -· •• Pi. ·ogress Brine:s New· Gold Rush dramatize anger over pockt<--.'!All 1 need is beaM al\d dl111ati.sfacUon·with1a achedul· The· latest· mailbox cam· '""' ' . boot~wagea·end taus. bacon to get ..-.bJ,1' ~DtrWn · ~ pay r~ Jt.cansldered•too paign •."""Was . inipirtd by NOME Alaska (AP) _ LoQg lime .WferJ "aal the a~ ·"Jtgt llf_!!lt ·toJ!?!orm 1 meageJ;". . . ~ RepubJJcan Rep. John P. ' . ground beneath lbe wooden l><wdLof.a walkway. along F{Qnt Street. The board sidewalks wre tom up last week to f(\ake way (or a con- crete walk. Ii-didn't teke tbe youngsters long to <Uscover the bonanza-thousands of coins that btlld been lost. under the board walk over the yeen. orfbe!l -man· "iiCiJlii" -:,..a ... ili:e 10e!iF"'amen{tTei·-&na't'"do .. !Congressmen l"'e-C-e 1 • e d -SajlOr ·ot>PennsytvanJa, who -There Ls.a gold fever aweepuia: "Bundles for COngreu" cant my job as Wf:U.aa I can." ~oi*ane hap containing testili~ against the 10 percent the younger Reneration of this paign touched off rl, ~an ago It ·wasn't long ~before his lwp ~l\\s and ·lhe D)essage: ~ income su.rtaz: extension whlle former gold rush town wh'ere by a conKI'easiopal pension, mail ,1 con l ~ t ~ ~ d ijttle "Null ~ ,f.1 pe.('Celll." · wearing ,a tea bag pinned1 to children are mining the bill. , ~llbplu111e--~balst of Navy . Tbe~l-w.,.er1-w.,.~!t • his. laPOI.-·-• • tr 1 1 · nl k 1 di The latest bundles began ar-beam. al>le to beef up ~lr·raise, but Now · congressmen are i;et-8 ee s or c es, ~es, riving during debate over the Republican Rep. u. R. Gross t~ey proYlded some of!lces ting the bags in lbe mail. quarters ~nd an occasional proPoSAI to rai~ the pay of of Iowa, who opJ)O,Sed ·the with mid'ilay.,.snacks. The tea bags and Peanuts haJf-dQl~. senatort-Md--reproentaUves ra.i.9e, received-cau ef beans · ilYeu eertainly know how-lo · are rernini8cent ol the ol<t -Object of their e.fforts is the· 2666 HARBOR .BLVD. . ' . 546·7080 COSTA MESA .:Yfq~YS ·9te •. • SATUiDAY 9 to 5:30 . SUIDAY~10 t .. :5:00, "· 0 t.. • .,,, "'°.odor, no t•1te. l\f 1oot I that 1mtll i1 Y'"' 1tf.tlc biinh19.J ICE CUBE TRAYS -.~o Cool Hind (ulia . · couldn't hava tho11,t~t . .. up an'ffhip9 better. '. i1 0 Jumbo tr1y1 wo11't l chip, br1ak. or c:ratt " ,1 0 I Mfght have • ~ narvo111 bratltdown I f unla.,, you' rt l:ind.1 ln·Slnk·Erator GARBAGE ., DlSIPOSER D Stti]nl"..! t k•I \_ di1po"r by tfi• fo1l1 w~ ;1J1_111vfac:~r• , ftU)l'.t d!JP"tft fh1n """°" t l1.t 111 ffi1 ) world. ' 1 0 Tlity inutt Le awf!My tlrtd. ·21•• .. a y,,,,. 1w-ilch•1 lo r•pl1c• ti.I 011• yo11r \:id 9of with hl1 111w bow eM •rr••· 0 Or 101 •• ltlW to c.1i1t co1h 011 th1t f•11cy rftftl-,dditi111 you lw1I f111hli1d. EA. ' ' . v • -• ~--"..!---• .. ---""" ........ ' ·tES1 WE'LL I ~ ' PEN ·THE FO . PAPER fillfs: C~it-P•,LAf J o_o 14 pl•tn to • · eli.min•f• t.Ciou• di1h,;..•1~i"'J ""' Mt Mo'" .,.JO., ' ~ ·'ll'"ll'l•f. ··~ 9.-~ 9 to 5 SERVING DELICIOUS RlEE HOT DOGS FROM 10 tci ..4 LO-CAL or REGULAR CANADA DRY 75 CASE 24 • 12 OL C1n1 • • BIG BOY BAR·B·Q ·•.25 PAK 59 HOT OR COLD CUPS ...•.••....... ~........... C ·. 10 LBS. CHARC:OAL ' BRIQUUS D Briq11ah p•c:li:a,..I tllt way you lilta th,,... 0 Cheap. '] Hi haat, 10119 b11rnin9, for daliciou1 fl.tvor 1..J arorna. 119 ----····--·-·-·-·····---------~--· 45·PIECE PLASTIC DINNERWARE sn ROTARY-POWER ,· MOWER D H1re't 1 wi1111er •ilh i4 cycl• •llfl"•· 1111 fop conffoh, •rid '··· •••rt. Q (AnJ \'Oii l1:11ow why modern 11'1•11 it li•lft9 2$ y11rt lo119et tl\111 betGre; he het.Jo to 9•1 hi1 t•••1. p•id.I 39•• . . BIG BOY PORTABLE B~R·B·Q Liff!• roulld tlti119 th•t'tl p•y fo~ ihelf tli• first tim• you 90 to +ii• b •• ,h •!Id ••• "Hot 0091 -651 .. 0 Wow, if you h••• • ""' big f•rnily, yo11 <•n't ~ efford to be witho11t o~•· 349 CLAMP·ON UMBRELLA 0 Frac.:Ue1 rnay ba in, but sunburn can be p1h1f11I . 0 Protect your1alf wilh tlli1 instant 1h1da ·~vwhtra you 90. C If yo11 90 too ftr, our silent 11mbraU.t wilt 111var tall. ·199 , ' . RUGG' REEL 'MOWER 'O A rial rt1I l'l'lorufer th1! hat pow1r to 1part lb111t don't till yo11r nal9hbot, h•ll W•nf to boffow.) 0 s.ir prop•U.d 1t1od•I h•• 2 h.p., '4 cycle 1111in• eltd 1dJy1h froltl J/l lo J/16 l"ch c1lt1119 h•l9hl, • • 1' • • . 6998 QUEENIE l\y_ Phll lnt11rlo -.--'"' /1 :;,, ·7·> ' --""""l.~ 0 Dr19F_,,,..._, ..... fMf. W..W ...... _..... '"That outfit nut door ia pµtting·out feelers for a Inerger a.gain • • ... • Car P r oduction In U.S. Down I ' • DETROIT (UPI) -U.S. auto production In June was down more than 30,000 cars from June, 1968, I>Qtling pro- duction by the "big four" for the first six months of the ~ year 361,648 cars behind last ... year's pace. Figures released by the fot¥" , majol' auto producers showed " t.liat only the sma lle st ,• American Motors Corp. wu · ab~ to increase production in the first six moot.ha ol 1969 as • compared with 1.968. AMC .:.. turned out l~.~ Cara In this ,1 year's· January.June period, == compai:ed _witb 1:49°;23l_irl the r same -period of 1968. Coming July 5 Family weekly Todav's Youth Isn't Right About Everything! By ARITA LOOS This story is a must for all. It ·in terjects a sens• of humor int.a today's .youth-their wors hip of the ugly, .th eir heroes and he roines, and the ar• rogqnce of their moral p••!•nse. ALS.O · e SAME SONG, SECOND VERSE -Cover cutie Raquel Welsh retells the classic HollyWood story of ·a sexpot trying. to prove stie can be an BC• tress. Harlo\v and Monroe revisited? a tjOT DOG ! -Family Weekly Cookbook comes up with some sophisticated -ne\v roles the frank- fUrter can fill . e NEW KIND OF DOCTOR! -He'll have the lnl· Uals FP behlnd his name (!or family practice), but 'this "new" kind of physician is just an up. dated version of the old "family doctor." All Coming Saturday in Ille --~ ' ' • , \ • I I • I I • • l t I J.e..dnaie Trip White House Packs • Ill WASHINGTON (AP) -Yoo ~ can lland 3¥1 houn In· a broll· • ' ' ·Lady. Tur-ns Into HiStorUin . -~;~t S:Zt. LONDON (AP) -llrjtaln's Lady Antonia I~ birtb to 1<et11ed ao letTlble thal ejie ':::JI latest hiltorian Is a Ila-. the book ond her thth bobJ at lllould have to be ' &Oil>& bloode' society hoo!ea wbo about tile .U,. time. That lllmtgh all this," she told II\ 1 • looks l1i9ro like a movto star rai.ed a f..,· pn>lllUDI.' ~ ~ ~ ~U:: '°:~re ")I J(l,,"'{·1 than a bookworm-fainted while doln& mean:h In ·often Jl"t 00 sale ·with ID Lady Antonis Fruer's Ill-the Britiab Mua<um, fell over almost '1JOlol<Uc..alr. For this pqe biography of. Mary, -while ahe was can)'ln& heavy one pUbllsher Ge o-r g e . Qu,.n ol Scots hasn 't hit the indeus and then dillocated Weldenfeld Is using. t be -• · booblaods ye~"but CriUc:i are · hes neclt from marathon boats bardsell: 1,000 car atickera, •. ;,,.:,..· ~ Predi<:tin& It will be 1 best-. ol typing. When It came to promqttoo kib, boo1: motcliel Jo.l.tAlllJ Wublngton sun tor 1 12¥.::-man with ham-like arms yeO. -.;;;t,;;;=tour-ot-the-white -ed at-a tmall,fi,uro carl')'lloc a- How:e and come out won-briefcase. The man with .the -.te1111g1'1\ar"}'OIJ q w. -1>rlefeasnetreatec1·sheeplshly. -~-----------~ -<v(rltlng-about Mary's-a..-4nd..,;b00-prev~ . - seller. . ecutloo, 1he wept. To. promote me book ' the 'W•tdfff·l'lfp It.,. Only Lady Antonia, 36, Is the Earl ~It JOUnds very affected, but author toured ScOUarid and • i. · 6 4 J • 2 4 4 4 Even so it's the biggest This is the mad scene that IWMllf ii-In !Own and takes ptace.almoll daily at lhe between I 000 and lJ 000 take mansion on Penn.sylvanla of Longford'• daughter, a somehow I felt we had been had a dozeri -· radio 8Dd r -ieaaer of fiShlOO, tu of tot:eth~ ftk'~thit'e yeanflnd It lilivlsioo mtervTews. - · advantq~ of i1 'everY day ei:-Avenue which has been the «pt Sundoy and Monday. home ol every P,..ldent ,.. "[ wu a liUle d.isap-cept George Waahlngtoft. pointed," said Jack Dugan, 1 "The crowds are so large businessman from B I s b e e , you have to keep them mov· Arfz ... This was mr. first vis.it Ing," said Sgt. D a n J e I ind I would have liked lo stop Casswell, wbo. beads the 14- and e.1amlne some of lhe man uniformed force ·which prints and history, but you marshals more than 2 mllli~n c"''t bold Q>e people yp." people yearly thl'IJU&h thu "'~Mim1;11 said ~ small girl, wh1~1wind tour of .an Am_gk:caJI tuggiq ati. her mother's hand: .Jegend. ·"I want to go to the zoo." This is the peak season for .-"Leave lhat poUceman's Whitt House sightseer&. Th.Ls pistol aJone!" barked' another i~ tbe week of Unc:Je Sim's · mother at a tow-headed tyke birthday. School 1s out . who had · slipped under the Families are pouring into the· restraining .ropes. nation's caRitaJ. -.. ~ 0 Hey, you -get to the end The No. 1 sight is the White of the line, I've been waiting House. . here three years,'' 1 burly "'They start quewng up as JULIE'S TH.E GUIDE -The first 25 people in line . . early as 7 o'clock in the morn-tor public tour of ~te House1Wednesday got a spe- ., • in& and the gatt.s don't open cial treat -Julie ~isenhower was tbeir guide. Mrs. Ca b •d until IO," &1ys Cassell. Eisenh ower, rlg11t, youngest daughter of President ID rl ge "~isiting hours are between 10 and Mrs. Ni.1on , describes the canopied bed in the and noon on Tuesday through Queens' Room. Large portrait in rear is of Mrs. books on dol)s and · toys, a television pert0nallly and wife of a member'f Parliament, Hugh Fraser. She b also the mother of Gets Hi'p' 'pi··es F.riday, to to 2 on Saturday Taft. Julie plans to spend the summer conducting but the schedule can be canceled suddenly if there ii a _:t~our~•~·-----'---i----....,,-----_:'==========-1 BOSTON (AP) .._ Boston ._ press conference er a p~- Common, last year' a ha ten for inent visitor:". · thousamb -of hippies and The pmpmng mob ~ -sF · N nma~ayg, is just a quiet park through the East Gate and 1n-Urses in the center of the city this to the East Room, or Ball year ·aa lb& flower cbildren Room, s cene of the E d S ik have'· moved 8"Cro&J t h e . President'S' ~eyised ptes.s, Il tr e Charles River to "do their <-:<Werences and small recep- .. ";\ lhing" in Cambridge. lions such a~ th~ recent one · SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - · -Why have the flowtr for~ Ellington: _ With-a stronger:-voice in pa-hll,_ I 'f "-Com o-> ' 0Thls IS tbt o!deSt house In · · c wen e. t .. fl; mo. · W h. gt' DC " 1 · , tient care and salary1increase:11 One reason is a new set of city as 10 on,· .. , exp a1ns a rules for the Common in-spieling _guar.d .. "Tlle corner of~ a .month over two ~ea.rs, eluding a midnight-to-dawn stone· was laid. m 17?2. Now calilorrua Nurses Association curfew and a pollcy against from here you go into the members returned lo work amplified music in the park, Gr~n, Blue and Red ROO!f1S Wednesday at eight Bay Area plua an ab~ndance of keep off which you can ~II by looking bol itals. the grass signs around you . . . P A more h 0 ,"pit ab I c al-tn the state dining room, Nea~ly 1,000 CNA membei:s, mosphere exists in"Cambridge ~ard Leroy Lombard,_ a~ds a lnclu~ lhose at Mer..ntt Common, where every Sunday little levity by announc1n& that 'Hospttal iD OJU).and, l'litmeil afternoon the C a m b r i d 1 e ~ &old ~elabr~ were a an agrwnenf Tuesday nfgtlt Common Co.ordinating . Com-gift to President Etsenhov.:cr ending a 19-day strike. mitt.et sponSors a public get· from Margaret Thomas Bid-. . .... toielher where the square. hip ~le.: Nur~s .at Merritt r:~ained and passers-by can do their '1.ke left them here because on their Jobs but partiapated thing -usllally to the ac-he cou ldn't afford the Uxes.'.. in-the voting si nce the hospital companiment of a rock band . he said. 1 . th was a member or the nine· Asked what peop e eat 1n e . . big dirling room, Lombard member Associated Hospitals replied : of San Franclsco and the East "Potata chips -Congress Jay. 'BURGLAR' FEEDS DOG DALLAS (UPI) -It w a s a new breed of burglar that broke Into a Dallas home, ransacked it and fed the fam- ily dog. The owne.n, Barry H. Hage-· dorn and family, said no prop- erty waa taken and the ):>ur· just passed the income tax ~A CNA official said no vote surcharge. again.''. Jesuits would be announced; The crowd, forbidden to take Ci.it 'd th , ,,_.., were -,,ictures or waJk on the red ,;: sai ,. e 0-=~ VIP carpet which is rolled up. ecst.atlc that the strike had is lhen husUed out the door inded. onto Pennsylvania Avenue. ~.The walkout bepn a1 five "Wh y can't ~ go upstairs"? hospitals and grad u ii 11 y --:-~e haven 't seen anyt)li!lg, ., escalated to include eight: St. visitors constantly complain. Fra · and French Jn San ~71 tajl-time faYOrites fn __,___ one aa,-ortmentl Big Ca\if~rnla Candle, · Giant Ratnbow Faun· r., 'taln, Sparklera1 ... Scr,e-emera, plus dozens more. Fun and_ ~excitement for the Jwhole family. ., glar left a dime beside the phone -apparently a pay- ment for a telephone call. Be- sides feeding the dog, be left it something to drink -a lit· tie scotch in the dog's water bowl .. · "That's where the family ocis · , Other auortments from $2.50.to $39.95 I. .1 . _,t of bounds ,, Francisco; Children s, Peralta 1ves -:-1 is ..,... . ' and P-v••--'m Oakland·, th I n replies ,., IUl:'.UU: flRrwQffKS MAY BE LECALLY SOLD. POSSESSU> OR e po icema . . Herrick and Alta Ba t.es in DISCHAACEO ONlY WITHIN Ct11ES. WHEJIE SAL£ IS AUn!Oflrzm. So the show ends. '11le pnce I d 'is right. It's free. But in the -~Be~r~k~el~ey~·~·nd~~·~•-m_e_•...!:::===""='="'=C!-i='=""'=-'=°"="'=;="='=""=''="'=""=-===....,=='===I foye·r for $1.25 you can buy a HoJpital 1" Alameda. brochure showing wha t you didn't see on the tour. " ) " ~~ " • AMERICAN FLAG .Kil .. " ., -. • ' KIT CONSISTS· OF: • .. ' ' Morris Plan's S5.000 lnvesf • inenl Certificates earn 5.5% interest yearly-no ~engthy holding period required.· • Certificates purchased th rciugh July 15 earft at the full rate from July 1. Interest is paid by check at the end of each calendar quarter. •. • I . . {: . ' ... • J •I COTION PLA• • Since Its founding In 1916. Morris P1an has promptly met every reQues t for wilhdrawaL Assets exceed $100 million.. ....... \ . , ... \ e ClOLOIN U.6LI I • fLA6 rGLI HOLDll • HALT AID lOf'I fltf St•,. •"' l1ttfvcti•11 SllNh '2~99 .; NEWPORT STOR! ON LY ' , • OR: EARN UJ%. INTEREST ,PEA YUll ON PASSBOOK THRIFT ACCOUNTS of any amount. with Interest compuled monlh!Y e nd credited and compounded quarterly. Funds placed by July 15 earn from July 1. Morris .Plan t Newport Bue~ -3700 Newpo rt Boulevard..:.. 673-3700 • ' • . ' ord -y~ur · dreams ... Be Safe at Home ' • For over 80 years Old Dependable Home has helped families afford their dreams of independence, peace of mind, success. Only Home Savings is over Three Billion Dollars Strong. A.ssetl are hundreds of millions above all others. Safe with the Leader, you can be sure always of every savings benefit, plus the highest interest anywhere on insured savings .. .'Passbook Accounts. Bonus Accounts, and Guaranteed Growth Accounts. No other a8sociation has so many. nice people to serve you in so many beautiful Southern California offices. Yet even if Home .;, a drive away, it pal" a hund~ timd,iri'er'lo .. , . . . Be Sure at Ame~ica,'s . Largest •• SANTA NIA !.-'MIRADA 15128 E. Rosecrans Ate . i:a.i ofu Mi11dl B~d- 521·13!0 1300 North Main St. atW~=Ave._ AIWWM GlRDEll HO'/£.. llSZ2 lrooldnnt st. at Chapman $30.5680 211 Ent Lincoln Ave. Opposile City Hill ~~ IUElll PARK 8010 Beadl Blvd. at u Palma 12~ Main ollice : 761 South Broad.,.y, Los Angeles .. ...,, tEOUAL~ ·-t... '-'-C..,..-.ciea N..w:n:bWLtt-t-...._S.- ' • ____ , • • DAIL y PILOT J A New Law Library GroT'e Retarded· (;I !n~e •Last Hope~· I By TERRY COVILl.E we worl< with ;be lape," say1 _ A 11811 ol three handl~• the o.,4 or two llbnplt words oot of donot1 .. 0pen1lq com of lhe Ot "'f O.~ Pl• Sttlf •1•·.· Brl"""""" ""'--i·.l. .. a ao' train! ~ '-·I n ~ -..-.. oi.,. u-. n.g. U'1 . .IJU\I s DonateUa a student, but every •tep center are $20,ooq per year GARDEN GROVE -When h-~ ·-·"-•·· II"'· ot •'-•-A •1 ••-f ' Gets OK M • ~·~· ·~ ~~ -·~ na • ._ ~ orwani It a little succea." and 11 loolt 116,000 to.open IL Diane wu born sht suffered ·-· B~ U•'t ind her f·-ch"'--h"I Miss •~-F .... +;>' ~ &-• -~ I.RU~ w 1 e . -.._ 1t1 at the center ruo p for Right now the Etet'ptlonal ffQOI PKU, 1he Inability ol lhe takos on mu It i pr• ... handjes speech th.,.apy and a hall bour of. opeedl tlluapy ci.um...·1. Cenler conslsls of SANTA ANA s t e p s h9dY to absorb protein. · press Ions." Mrs~ Connie Durham takes and t6' ror an hour or tlsual two rooms, basic therapy tOward i mm e d l at e con-Twenty-two months later Dul Diane Ls ooly' one of 3S other sludent.a , tW:~ v-isual percepOoa trahtlng. However. equipment, three Ptofesslonal ~ structioo of a new Orange docton dlscovered Per plJght Y"'"" ...... ra being helped at the ...... ..-w. tr .. 1 .. 1.... mJny of the .-.... -en an peop)e and a secretary But County Law Library building and =led It wfth -1a1 F;;;;p •• _., -nter at 9152 .-,:;:~Is ..._of · r,•en !CholB~"'::"°.by the expansion Into Ibo tuun ii · In ••·CJ le · d' · · y,...... ..,......, ..... "'.141111: one the luckier ...... ...1 .. u-........... ~ tbeir ~·~~ m· · • !lve-pase" • J,UC... v Center have._~n _ 1et.st but -Vie 'damage was GM.llM Grove Blvd. in what -•-wuu ~-v• _.. ... '""' approved by the county Board aln!:ady done. lier' lifafu waS· one mother;-Mri. -A-n ii children at t.,._ een.tt.E.· She parents can't meet· tbl ex.__tn~Rh ·4!_spl~poo of of Supervisors. impaired. s wartiberg, calls per b. a p 1 slum aod stumbles-throo_gh-peme. the foundallon-Jmd..itl~. The library's board -o r Now, seven years later, "the last hope," for JTUU'.IY her speech, but, according to "Most of our money comes AddlUoa of a pl · trustets upped a pre.vloua~of· Dlaqe ls stralnln1.t0Jeamhow Q,ltOtally tetatd~ youth_ Us· Miu llriacoe she is only about in donations," explalned Mrs, for counMIJng, •"denUst or fer of $500,000 toward con-to speak correctly with the Orange' County. ~ a ~ar behin~ her age level in .SwarjZ~IJe atw, 1ht chlli:trtn and a'"lbette&td strucUon to $830,000, trig-help of a therapist ~t the Es· rM.rs. Swartz.berg helps run speakblg abllity. ublons, clubs and a ·national Workshop for termiaal cues gering the board's acceptance. c epUonal Cb.lldren s Foun. the ctnter, which u governed SOu;te or the 16 and JI year-magapne are. some of the are planned. The mulU-level structurt, daUon, a oon-prollt organiza. by a board or dlrector1 elected olds can'\ speak at all w6en1;;::='=========='===::;:::====, rising to three .stories in one Uon here. . from the people who either they start and now are only up I section andcoiWstlngof28000 She·struggles datly to mock have children in its pl'Ogram to ·tbe third or fourth grad;e squire feet wW be built where her therapist. Mlas ~ Sut or a ckep ln~rest in ill work. level. .... , . 5th Street now exists between Briscoe, · fopnlng: 1 a snnple "Our · p&r"11 croup. was "We work on an individual · . Roll ana Flower strffts west word on her Jlps and puffing 'formed In 1964," $be says, basil IDOlt oC the time," ti.· d the ~ 1;tate building. theof 1soun<118pe ~nilheer.miCrophone "and the foundation's center plains the young therapist, Tiie Boe1 .. .-".::..11 JJJ 1• 1"' St .. c..... .... """"11 , ~""u was only ~ In April of i'and that's where the value ......... ~Y f Building Services "Diane gets er.cited When JM"." v~n;u IMMlll TIM '~ .._.I . • Director J..,.ph J. Smisek bod . =iiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii11"ii' Iitimaiiyitaikeiihootliii'"iipuliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 'pre.'rioo.dy esUmated cost o! • DAILY Pll.OT S•~ ..... the buUdin& $&10,000 includin -8fChitect"s g eer ng .fees. ~upervilon •creed to pay all coati over tlie $830,000 figure and lo !Urnish building .main;f~nance and all tJUllUes, with the ~ ucepUon o f !tie~. • Under the previous plan, proposed several montha ago, the buildlnJ: could not have Keeping Ber Coo( betJI compreted before 1m. Smisek ..timat<d. Now ·that June GlOOJl\ which plagues ·Orange C0 un-t ·BUrrows and Allen, the ty coastline annually has given way. to Jull sun:-building's &rchitect.s, estimate shine, inlanders like SUJ? Stonestreet 15 0 Ana-lhal d.eslgn can be completed heim, are fl'ocking to beaches in effort' to keep their In six months, two mon cool. · ------allow.edJor, awll'.d ol a con- Co1fnty Gets Present ~ and construction com- pleted in an additional 12 months. The facility should be ready for occupancy · in late 1970. ,AMLINGS NEWPORT . \ 1500 EAST COAST HIGHWAY • NEWPORT BEACH I TELEPHONE:' 673°1552 ., -Of-1 a panese ·Carden-UiiSlilllecl • •• 1JUlrllGGEST tAlfN 1000 Wf cVER1t-·---- • SANTA ANA -Orange Chairman; Hitoshi Ni t.ta, County supervisors accepted a chairman of the board or $50,000 gift Wednesday from Orange County J a p a n e s e the ~apanese-American com-. A m ~ r I c a q Community munJty. .. Services, Inc., and Ge"ne Youths Fill Coooty Jobs Presented to them were ex-U~rnAtsu,. lJCI Irvine campus tensive plans for a Japanese planner and . I a n ds cape SAN.TA ANA -Twenty, Garden on a 75 by 105-foot plot architect for the project. eight young' people weot to of land in the Civic Center The county actually will work this week on new jobs Mall area, just east of~ new save an additional $20,000 with Oraiige County in a ~ courthouse building. which was to be spent ·to &ram to aJd disadvantai Three leaders of • th e landscape the are.a where the youngsters. Another six to J a p a n ese-American com-project will be located. eight positions will be filled munity were-on hand to n --Gentered-in-the-1anten-wi11 aoon. acconiln&Jo Ron~ plain the p r o g r a m - M a s be a raised pavilion built of recruiting· supervisor· Uyesugi, fund r a is l n g .}arge,4tbnbe.r5t ~ w!!b. a . ~~ ::ec~~ ;;,,.ere u:l DEATH NOTICES ~·P•l¥S< ,grhn J'ued c tile I .. Kauls WHITNEY Jo EllM 'Nh"-f, •m 11reei.nd D• .. H111tll~ ee.d!. 5urvtvwd by ~!li­ b.Ind, W•lklnJ llll'l. Andr'N' c. Wflll· l'n": two c1avvt11er1. s~i. DI AM 91111 Mlfi..,. Jo Whitney: N •· um, Mn. Ellen E""'-«I, •rid "'· Jlmft T~: 1111 ... , ,lf*n AllM. G,.vnlde terv/cn, SalunUoy, ! f'M, Wt•llTlll'ltl.,. """""°""I P111l. D!redfd by Petit F .... 1.., co1orii.1 Fu-•l "-· ELSWORTH c i.renu M. E'-"111. no w. 111t1 SI., M-' BNCh. Su.vivid by yr.lit, Allee: dwtrht.n , Vlr11lf'll1 L. H~h. Muriel S.unden 1rld Gwe<1 MIY1leld1 3o0n. ll:Gb..-t Elswort111 nll>t g.r.nd--cklldreru foli1' t rN t..,r1rddjlklnn. Servk;ea. lod•Y• TtwndQ', JI ANo, WO!'Stdllf Chi~. l11tefJMnt, R°"" Hl llt • """'-la! P•rk,.-Wllltller. Olrl!CIH llY Wn lcl ltt' Clll"'9I Mortu•n • .....,4811. WPEZ DorQlltiy L-r. 1~1 Ro~ev Orlvt . Genlen G~ 0.11 ol dHl!I, Julv 2. S..Nl\'H bY ton, DoMld M. L-ri l l'd °"' 11r111C15on, FU~ll H rlk:H Wiii be P•lv•lf, Frl9nds m1v c1ll 11 81Ul Mortullrf, 1741 5._.-1or, C~ 11 Mell, unlll Salurd1y noon. COWICK H1rrlton C-ldl. 1D1' A Vi n Neu Ave.. Senl• "111. Suf:YI~ by Wiit. C.i.ndols: ""'· Hcmerr Jilter, Mlbfl W1itei ..,., two 11r1rldj:1>lld~. Serv- Tct$, tad1v. Tllurld1y, I PM, Smlt111 Mcrtu•rv -Ch1P9I. ARBUCKLE & WELSH WestCnn Mortuary 427 E. 17th St., Cotta Mesa 6"-4881 • BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del ltlar OR 3.9-151 Costa rttesa Ml 6-UM • BELL BltOADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Costa fltesi . \ LI 1-3433 • DILDAY BROTHERS Huntington Valley Mort111ry 1111 1 Beacll Blvd. Huntington Beacll IJ«.7'11 • MeCORWCK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY l ?95 LapnA Canyon Ro@d Lag11111 Beacll 4H-Nl5 • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery e Mortuary Chapel 3500 PacUlc View Drive Newport Beadl, CUUonU 144-1711 • PEEK •'AMIL Y COWNIAL FUNERAL DOME 71tl BolJa Ave. Wutmln1te.r ltW5U • 8HEFFER MORTUARY l.apna Beac~ 114-111$ Saa a.me... ftMlll • SMITHS" MOR'nlARY a!Mlfil8'. n-....-- roo_· f, ... and. • sumilllded. b y young peop e. es:-plafned. "We are siln"'.; lain d scapj ng featurWI: .....,. Japanese artifacts. The' ::r; holding off hlring for full-time terior will be lighted, • reflec-jo~ u?.w after the summer Ung from a White surface. penod. Construct.ion will start in ·,m The youths were referred to to.eight mooths, wben •t 'the county Penonnel Depart- ..now under WJiy-on ·two Civic meqt ~y the local Youth Op- Center plazas io the are8· is porfunity Center. completed. --_ Most are in the unskilled Joining In Wednesday's labor category . and t b e ceremonies were two of w o r k e r s will act; u Orange c o u n t y • s most messen.gers, library pages, distinguished Japane s e~-nurs in g assista n ts, American citizP.s, AP.PtJate dishwashers, park attendantl Judge. Stepben~'1'1CI • .fnd b<lslloJI· Jim Kuno, forn;ier mayor~ of Wages vary trom •1._., an Fountain Valley: -hour in the library to. $Z an Said Justice Tamura; "lt hour for road department (the garden) would represent laborers. Assignments have not only tangible evidence of been made to the following our lillection for our county, departments, so far : Prob&· but the fact that we are an in--tion, We.Hare, Harbon and tegral part of it and vitally in· Parks, Roads, and Orange tere.sle(t in civ:ic betterment." County Medlcal Center. Kanno stated: "The project Kautz said all but two ol the Is only an expression of the recruits are high s c h o o I gratitude and a token ol ap-students. They range 1n age preciation to our pa.reots for fromll to 20. their many unselfish sacrifices He said, If the new .program made in the face of in· . goes well , it maY be expanded surmountable obstacles. They· next year. have created an imaie that---------- makes it possible for au Japanese-Americans to enj~y the true American liberties." Today's News The supervisors, on their part, insisted on one thing. They will furnish a plaqut:c to be· installed on the pa vilioo honoring1the J a-pa n i .se - Amerlcan commu n i t y . Today is T~e Daily Pilot Way YOUR PROBLEM: -You w1nt to Mii SGftMI Item t~at you no ron.itr ne9d but -.neon. elte 'an UH for NOT OYER $50 ? ? .? ' ? ? , • YOUR ·ANSWER: -, -You call THE 1>,'ILY PILOT, 10 for CIH1lllad A<lvertlll"" and placa • ..--.... PiLOT ,.._.---PENNY • . PINCHER . • CLASSIFIED AD AT OUll SPECIAL LOW RA TE 3 LINI ~ 2 TIMES 2 DOLLARS AND YOU!to.CllDIT 11-GOOI> I D 1~'1.-NOW tR E"Ci··,--,.-: 6 4 2 • 5 ,. 7 .• ''"' .... -....... _, ... , ... 1 ..... !. , •• ,_ .. -1"1W . :..~/ --. ~ • . , DRTHO-GRO® . lawn fo · • • • Buy Any ORTHO LAWN _[QOD at Regular-Price ••• ·~ Get Another For ONE CENJ!_ ,ORTHO-GRO. dich.ondra food " DRTHO-&RO ® multi-pql]IOSe plant-food I HAVE THE PRETIIEST YARD IN TOWN! , ............... ._ • 'ORTHO ~ OR OTHERWISE A '. J ~ ~ I I ORTHO .1• SALE : : ORTHO-GRO• I UQUID PLANT FOOD (12·6-6): I . First jug regular price. I I Get second for 1f I I Your bi& opportunity to stock I I up on the complete plant food I I for everyth ing that g.f'Ows. Won't _burn plants or crass. I I Easily applied with ORTHO I I -lawn sprayer. Or sprinkllne • can. I I HURRY-HURRY-'I I STOCK UP NOWI I I T ........... ..,..tn.;~llO.Olm:'l·~ l •• I I \ .~ . I . . I -------------- ·I 1 I· Feed Plants . 121 KIN Bu9~ Do,. 2 lilt Jolls ,,._INSIDE The Plcolll . $2" 5# c ... h,.,, . __ , .. • 2.M .. Ne.6 ..... SAll-$1:00 • _$2.96 0o lllSi_oUN.l .ON ~ I All ~ NURSERY STOCK DURING JULY!,!! • . / At-1UNG ... A Nonie In Callfonila HOrtlcutllre Sillce 1920 -' _. ; ( - I " I i ' . ' - - t I !. ' l I I I DAILY I'll.OT ' .~ i I • • ~ .. .. • i " 4 ; • • • , ~ • ~ • • • • ~ • 't i t --i'. ----1 r ~ • " .. , 'GUEST STAR' ROLE NEW ONE FOR COSTA MESA GRANDMOTHER Mrs. Drummond Rests for Min ute During Busy To1.1..f' of 20th Century-Fox • .Collectin-g Prize ; Pilot Willner ·Visits Holly~ood Studio I CommlllliCarnlval, the lhlw I b a t "Land Of Tile Gi8'lts" Ina the moot ex· Liter In the afternoon !hey watched 1tarted Jut Jan. 30 at South Coast Plaza, cllln&: put ol tbe day. They watched the Broderick Crawford working In a movte -pliyeil_lb_ Ji.at'"act Iii HoD)'Wood this -pn>IJ'IDI belni rum..! and met "lltile called "Surrogate." week people" Gary Conway and Dou Matbeaoa, Delivery, of lhe Fox tour prize com- • &tar' of the papular serlea. • pleted the list of 20 prizes Com- Tbe b1s f1niah c~ w~Mn. Amelia Following blnab a&--&h-e 1tud&o'1 com·--muniCarnival banded out to Winners l)nunrnood of 2117 PaciOc Ave., Costa m1saary Mn. Drummond and her guesll amoq the thousands of visitors who at· M-winner of ooe ct IG prlJes oUered otrolled through New York CI t y, tended lhe sliow laat Jan. 31l, 31 and Feb. at the "carnival of comnumie1Uona'' Hollywood 1tyle. Actuall)' It Wll the set 1 on the carousel Court ol South Coast for "Hello Dolly." p1A•A. staged by the .DAILY PILOT and PICiflc - Telephone Co., co\klded ber prize. She and lour gueall .,.,. given the grand loll' bf :ioth Century-Po• Studloo, ·· Courtesy of the film-inAklns 'company and TV \VEEK, the DAILY PILOr'S -- television mqulne, wblch arran&ed for the Hollywood a¥lo lotu' ..... of the major CommunlCamlval priles. ]>!rs. Jlrummnnd chose .. ber guesll · for the day her lister. Mrs. Ella Alben, from Costa Mesa, and hf:r dalllllter Mra. Joan Miller from Universlty Park. But her special guests were her two grandchildren Chrll ·and Kathy Miller • Like any grandmother *'· Drummond felt that tbe children would especJally en-- joy the trip . When the group amved at the main gate of the studio they were met by M.1a Beverly J-, edltOr cl TV WEEK, and a five hour tour throu&h the 70-ocre motion picture facility began. · They viaited lhe set of 0 Bracken's World," a new televlslon series that _wilJ soon premltre on, NBC. Whlle there they met many of the young l\8l'I ap- P<IDDl_ln the program lncludlnJ Stephen Ollver, Diane Dye, Brock Chester and Karen J ewie.n. • From . lher• they tourtd 'the prop deparlment and_ the bu&• hacklot: • .:.....But for . lb:! . rJ:a!ldfm.....a...visit to..Jbe • PHOTOS ·and STORY BY PAT O'DONNELL 'BRAKEN'S WORLD' SCRIPT' K•thy, Chris, Mrs. Drummond Visit With Stephen Oliver, Star of Series STROLLING THROUGH NEW YORK CITY STREETS POSSIBLE ON HOLLYWOOD'S 'HELLO DOLLY' SET : Pilot Winner and Guests -Grandchildren, (Background From Left) Daughter, Mrs. Joan Miiier; Sister, Mrs. Ella Albers -Enioy Scenery • : ) • ' • • • . ~ • • • • ,. • • - ,., . ' 'PEV.TON -PLACE' COMES TO LIFE AS GUESTS WALK THROUGH EMPTY STREETS OF LOT Mrs Albero, 611ttr of Mrs. Drummond, end Grendd1ughttr Kothy Vl1it 0-rtecl kl of for1Mrly No. I Tolovilton S.riff ' . GIANT ELECTRICAL OUTLET. PLUG AMAZE STUDIO VISITORS Don Mtithelon, Stir of 'Land of Gi1nt1,' Makes Guests Little People Too • A . 't ... ·~"""T---~,.,,, DAILY Pt LOT· Orange Births -·- Neer hlltt • c:utury of .Mntee / Nel!I' hllff • bllllon clolllln atrong 1% 4 ANNUAL RATE . '" -... ....... rlold th""'lh doily CfllnllOU!ICllf -llffndPol lllld llllfl'Olj-n Ill' 5 ,..,., Minimum dopas~ ,1,000. lntllo OJl'lll\'ol hMllhiA, fund• moy bo W\tlldr>wn ti tht •nd of ony quortor Wffl1 fun -II> ttiot-. That nw certiflaitn art offtl'ld In lddkioQ, to l'llU&lr P 11bXlk end a ·ua Accounts. ... ; -.. YEAR "~~R"'"llACATES More Interest Tha~ Ba~ks, More Certain Than Stocks. • • ·CORONA .DEL MAR. •. 2M7 £ut Coast H-·Tot-97~ • W88T AllOADIA l80 Wttl Oulrtm Rold TtttphOM ""°1M . ,.- -' COVI~ 'LRIDAL8 2DO~ottN11Awnue 33fN011h lrand Boultwil'd TMphont'31;6479 ' '·• TliltPttonl242-4148 P'A8ADllNA (l'totnt office) 315 Ellt ~ Bou'9Yard T ti.pt!Ofl' 448-2345 MUTUAL . SAVINGS . " lltld •. uuciatian 1 '. · I . •· • ~ . · I • I - .-~ -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I . LEAN & TENDER U.S.D.A. CHOICE CHUCK ROAST BONELESS TOP U.S.D.A. CHOICE SIRLOIN STEAKS DELICIOUS U.S.D.A. CHOICE CHUCK STEAKS · .s -s~ FULL CUT U.S.D.A. CHOICE ROUND STEAK BONELESS u :s.D.A. CHOICE f.AMILY _STEAKS · 29 ~~. LB · as~ 45~ R!D RIPE I SOUD • ALWAYS DELICIOUS TREATS I TOMATOES I 19~ : I IN OUR I .. 1 \11111~.,.., VandeKamp~ I BAKSRY DEPT. • ----------------- \ • " I • .. ·-. .... • . • ~ . : -r . • I I .. l f DAILY PILOT • ) s ' ·-• ---'-------------------------------- • --_......._, ____ _ /, ~---~- ---· Prices-Comple~ -----·------~---·--­• • New •, ' ' 11 •' DAILY PILOT • ' -- ' \etll ,.. .. , lJl&J-t,IW~I-.. I I • ;l • • • -l \ I -·-.-• Jf DAILY PILOT TtwndlY, July 3, 1969 TMI SlUHOI Wotto .. .~- P.ald for Advlc.e , 1 • , , ~ ~ t: • . 1 • G/oQmy Gus is : Students H elp~p,g·~. P.~n , W U:Shingto~. ~!~(el=v=,o=u ':#=-·~in=dc;i=G==v , • · •. -.-· ----· ·· ,, ·. · 'l£TS '1E FRIBtDlY' ' Hi story F orgettirig 1st Atlantic Flight WASHINGTON (UPI) -U airline passengers crossing the Atlantic today were asked who made the first non-stop flight across the ocean chaoc:.es are most would reply: "Charles Lindberg." They would be wrofli. Lindy 's heroic solo journey •In 1'1ay or 1927 captured the public imagination and his lan- ding at Le Bourget airfield outside P~i.! was greeted by _an admiring throng oI 100,000. which, tn the present state of aeronautics might drag ao aeroplane to Its fate." Alcock put it more simply: "It was a terrible flight." Five times the 33.year..old Brown inched out over lbe \Vlng to chip away lee from the engine, working only in- che.! away from the plane's propellers as he· battled 91). mile-an-hour wind!. An ·exhaust pipe burned oU and the unmulil~ roar of lbe engines deafened both pilots, OLYMPIA, lfuh. (AP) -operating. Some of the ad· .mote:' San ·Fra~cl!c9 Slate Uilsm •1 lbe Utilvenllf of et.ewl!etti' llllil Mc·O•n n. Evergreen Stele Co l lege mlnlstrators have had prov!-coil<se was• ,wracked ·by 1C.lilomla In' Bemley,/toot "1'tlO.'~·~··:~rini'IJlo wanted to -l[rhat k4'd ol OllS experience In getfulg a mobti!' of ?1111"' dloor<let part'ln t/l•'finl IJ*~ o1 an perspeflive, ltiit ·ll)eu~ school it.! atudents'would like new college off 'the ground. duripg· the ~academic a~Ocmlcpl~casqailttee. ~~.Uwiin:'~te ,ta-. it .to be. wbf!n it.1.gels some Evergreen was cruted. 100 , year. 1.n a Lwo-day session~ tbree -pe:riebCe.. · ' slll!fenla, w)lich W1J1 !\< 1 ""'. P'!Pf!T, by the slate leclslalure 11"! ~l .lj>votvcmelll •I <m41e ;tOOents jainod cpllege '-'!'bl~ ·m:ii.\ij ~ plo o1 Yeat"flom oow. in 1067. Bu• u "°"'-"'""its ·~ersreeq· ~.no1 .d<llfl\'d ldn)hllstraton' !Ji.' illa0¥njl • ezi>eilllaand"'.fl>rcai'irO:ifeY · liO'tl.ll blrih£ sludeob from doors until 19'1!. • pnmtjrily to '"'I' lttldial llsuea ranging. fi'ool r ~ '-.. The Y~ otlief univemtlts and, colleges lb president: Dr. Cl)'arles J. .rlotl, oot do!s l,lccantj lepai ind'qllemlc ~~ io wtial . -~~cloy .~ to a'.dvbe 'On ttVea:ylhplg from Mceann said: r-t'~1 t,rqe• tt·.a.·any~auara.6tee that tliYj "kind offoUet~ipua,.sbouJd- the 'cwrlculwn to campus academic community lfh&ch · wan't h&PJ!e11. . -1>e tnsta'lled In ~ ,~ : • ~. ' , trleshardtobeacommunll}'; ~ iiudent J!Ul!c!palioa 'donnllonii A gtrlWUlbeld-Today's •Final •" n.. otud<nts ,.,.. on 1 •tudenta !ncluded, ·,.ru bo .Jn thap.!ng Evergreen bqan ln ded .fo< -· dlsculsiM. • · ~ pfaniilng COll1lltitle< w h I c h _ muclHess likely to '""" into J~n Robi!tt-.ltJi<ka,"l "Wbat'tlii men tiiiji(;lo the --k. od ·· also Includes admlnlstratora the kind of thing lh\ll •IMiP-1!'8du.!lte ·student' whii had dl4culsl0111 la.-.,~ Sfoc S T OY · froJll . school& ,a l ready pened al Sao lt'~a~c:l.ac o been a'.~der !n-slqijent ac... •l\ool whal '*. l)a\tlienod . ' f l.-i Men's Casual Quality Canvas Boat Shoes -. .......-The first non-stop flight ~r the Atlantic actually was made 8 yqrs earlier --so years ago June 14th -by two British fliers, John Alcock and Arthur Brown. They landed nose dowri in-an Irish bog· to the conste rnation of a crowd that tried to get them to land elsewhere. who bad to.pass .AOtes to com- municate. 'l'!l<ir ndlLdltd. - and (or seven hours they U Lv,. . .-...,. ... · ~"'~ platiii\ I W i ll.J • Up "'* • lnd o.i; ... ....... J5 HOURS LATER The women took off from St. John's, Newfoundland, and 16 hours and 12 minutes later their converted World War I Vickers Vimy bomber landed in a Clifden, Ireland, bog. f On the way. one of the fliers had to Cf8wl out on a wing several times, to chip ice from the engino wilh a ~e. Al one j)Qint they . flew u,_. down 100 feet over tbe ocean. AllhoUgh they won a llQ,000 prize and were knighted by Britain's King George V,-ther were promptly forgotten by a fickle public. Winston Churchill described the Alcock-Brow.n • ftigbt this way : "Think of tbe broad Atlantic, that terrible waste of desolate walerS' tossing in tumult, in repeated a n d almost ceaseless l'itorms and shrouded with an unbroken canopy of mlsl. % HU,MAN J'EINGS ••. ''Across thi.! waste and through this obsc urity were l two human beings, hurling through the air, piercing cloud and darkness, finding their unerring way in spite of every ditficlilty to their exact ob- jective over tbose hundreds of miles . • . and et every m1>- ment in this·voyage liable to 1 destrue\ion from a drop of • waler in·lhe carlluretor or a I spot of oil On their plugs, or a tiny grain in their feed pipe, or from any of tfle other hun- dred and one indirect causes .SAFE , fought fog. PLANE-STALLED At one point in a storm cloud, the plane stalled and plunged into a wing shaking dive. Alcock pulled it out only 60 feet over the ocean. When they finally sight the coast of Ireland at 8 a.m., Alcock decided. to · 1and. He mistook the arm·wav l ng crowd below as welcomees when in fact they were signall- ing to keep the pta!le"(rom lan- cliog. Alcock eased the t en-gine plant down, tiit when it hi• the groun~ the wheels sank II) .... l .and ,1h4'~ il.Pped w<r on ll.l no0e In a bog. Thtre Was · a mOmint of quiet. and Brown turned to Alcock........and-said: "Wt-did well, didn't we!" Six months after his mo- ment of glory, John Alcock's luck ran out. He died when a plane he was piloting crashed enroute to France. Brown ttturned to his profession as an engineer and died in 1948 The spot where they landed in the Irish bog today is mark- ed by a simple cairn of stones. BABY BiJRN IN ELEVATOR . BI RMINGHAM, England (AP) -Mn.' Ullben Patel gave birth tp 1! 4 IJO:Wld a °"""' baby boy Monday while she· was trapped. in im elevator. But sbe got expert medical care. The elevator was in a maternity. hospital, and two nunes Weft trapped inside with her. FAMILY ASSOllTllENT ti&ht up your 4th of July celebrotion with the Bed Devil Farru1y AssortnMntt 72 dazzllne displays lncludin& fnany old favorites-Giant Trilnlh Wheel, &utft.- eye Cone. ~ Peta-dozens morel Packed bJ Red Dw\I, AmerlCl's Number 1 Selklr In safe and 11ne firwotils. Padal: .. ...,...b bis $Z.SO It $C9J5atW_Dnil1111* WJ .... j • • • SALUTI WITH EVERY FAMILY ASSOITMlllT •r/ttWOJMI MAf ac l.IGAU.'f'-SOU), l'OSSUSEO Oft OISQWIG&o ~L'f' WrfHtlf OITIU WHPtl:SAU IS AtlTMOMnD. &old by ~1rlt1ble or1•nJuliont •l fttd Devil 1t1ttd1 - COLOU.mw.sws IAl.OIE Holiday Sale ·of Summer Sandals :-· ;;i-::1;:~~ -Swlmw"r - $298 77c . IA• If II 98' ~-I Anlrlf hlllollHI Sale of _Ladles!.$hlfts _, s31a -·..-'I". .-.. ,~ ~ ~· ' . •11.;:v""'t • -................ 'I'•" • , .... , ..... , · . 'I 91 0..... .............. • ... ~pperton Suntan· Lotion W•la & Aluminum chaise Lounge · · H•"••-· s594' <11•1•• tbat . -c:om lda•• ,_mlitJ, -t ori, '1111-J. &1oull7 l'' . _ ., ........ . ..... Sdj ~ ....... ~ ... _ ......---· Dim• !lo a.tftl Tnlf ' -'2.9'Yalae!· -..#fc1 • .......,.. (bati Uillliwlta ' $J99 .... 7' ........ 9Y.a" "" ... 44c .lrldtl •••dlrs. """"""*' tlat.t -.. ... L A1rClll1ii·:&ito · St11Calill9 ~ttc . \ . •ltnU.ld "Y19itWllll•1I -Mifclilil, W41tJ;ed Patio cha·i:-r""-JI '~ ... _ Yahlt!Poly o.tl• Plmlc Ju1 99c --·•t,111.ctibJr. Na .,.. ...... ' •• • • I • L.;iil;:;;;:;:~~~~·:.:.:.·~·..:......::;.~-~-;.;;-..:;;,;;;..;;.~..:..~..:...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----- .. • •• . •' • ' • ' ' \ l -. ,\ f •• \ ' . ~ I • ' ' • .. t • ' , • 1DO~ft(E).l!~ lfWA1. ri'1• -Prep;ralions !or the festive, semiformal ball spOnsored by the Lltlle Mer- maid Guild of Huntjngton ~ach begin· early, and agreeing on the Newporter 1nn aS the site for this year's black·tie affair are (left'to right) ~rs. _John ''Experiment in Music 'Ant'icipated ...... , • !• .-oz i:••* ·~ ltj/ f \f / fV .. ~ • ,-:?"_-. "' .,~j•'f , Those who ate ·musically-at~ti.ve w· p~ ciate a unique experience ,in sowi4 durin'g !tf>ag~ eant of Masters', run in Irvine Bowl July 11 to Aug. ' -. ... .... . " ~ 24 ~ ·' . ' ~ic Schoen;~~usical director and comfX?ser for the .annual sp.ectacle will blend th• voice of 11'-2'> year-old woman With the instruments. " 1~ -... ,, 1'HE:r voice \Vlll not be an instrument, bbl will blend in with anitJie instruments. It has· neve1f been done musically to mY knowledge with this kind ·of orchestra," the muSical·Ieader shl@. Y He· explainrJ ~the· ·success of his id~a• rests heavily on el~tronics. "\ve hope her vtilCe will s_ometimes be in the foreground and sometipies in the background, If it sounds the same way through- out" il will not be. a success.'' The singer js Miss· Sally ·Van Alstyne, ·who ac- cording lo Seboeo has been gifted with "a beautiful contralto voice." Sally'& one solo will be 0 The Lord's Prayer;, which marks another·firsl for the pageant. -"Always before, a man has sung 'The..-Lord's Prayer.'· Don Williamson (pageant producer) was ·kind of ·shocked .when I told h1in r hitd chosen a girl/1 Schoen, a man always eager .to try somelhing new, commented. · He·bad beentfn the market far a different way to ;l~e3ent the rriusfaal, program. "We have been . having large brass orchestras because it's outdoors. We decided lo cJiange to a basic.ally siring orches- tra this year with a few percussions and wciod- winds. '' • ·' ~ -- ' For 8ally1 her appearance is a good opportunJty 1.o display her talent. "She has a beautiful voice and a brilliant future ahead of her," Schoen said of the mezzirsopr8no and predicted, "I think during the six \Veeks she's going to be singing someone impor- tant ntigbt hear her." A secretary for Laguna Beach Schoo] of Art and Design, the Laguna Beach singer is preparing for a career, although she haS plenty of time, for as she explained, she is still qufte young for opera singing. ''They say your voice dbesn't fully mature until you're about 35," she reported. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Van Alstyne of Leisure World goes to Buena Park twice a week to meet for private lessons with Brese \Vestmore-- lanc\. Her father was a jazz musician and they en· couraged her involvement by beginning her voice training '3l the age of nine. Sally won the Anaheim Symphony Auditions' and twiCe took awards al the Musical Arts Audi· lions. She. aUended. ldyllwild Arts Foundation for six summers and Went to Mount St. Mary's College on a musical scholarship. ' She also attended San Diego State College and partiCipa~:i as an. altO soloist for tWo years in its . production of the "Messiah" and sang in several, of its operas. In addition she appeared with the col· lege's Men's Glee Club and toured with its jazz ensemble. She has studied with Will iam Eddy, Academy of the West. S,anta Barbara; Cleve Genzlinger, San Diego,. and Mai:-y Val Marsh, San Diego~ · She coached with GwMdolyn Koldofsky of Los Angeles-and George-Trovtll<>1>f"San Diego. _ ·i-------.....,.·------~ • .. . . . • • I •• , JODEAN"HASTINGS, Ml~I TiwniNY1 J•lf a. IMf I ,..,, 1r ~, ~ . . ,\!though there "1'·" many weeks remaining between July and ·November, already ('ltandful of dedicated. women are making prep- arations for the fall .. Saturday, Nov. 1 , has been selected as the date for this year's annual Mermaid BalJ ."'"and making·artangements for the semiformal affair whlch benefits Children's flospital of Orange County are mem- bers of the ball committee. . The Ne)\'.P.Qrter · nn" again has been selected .as the location !or the sevenlh annual benefit, according to Mrs. John T. French, loca- tions chairman~ ~ -- Meeting througpdµt the summer will be committee members. agaii:i headed: by !\1~{. Charles li.eller, chairman, with 1'1rs. Richard D. Davies, co--chairrltaD. · Others who wiijjj e contributing~ Countle~s hours lo the benefit jnci_ude the ~'Imes. jlobert Kerr, decorations; C. Robert Hubbard. patrons; William Bq$s, invitations ; James Ridenour. reservations; Joe Irvine, ~ostesses,·assisted by Charles Bauer, c~chainnan, and Douglas Moscrip. Ll~ Mennaid chairman. . Chartered· as a ionprofit organization in 1963, the Little Mer· ·· ---"tnam~·ow1<Nnnrc oM3 county guilds which support the worl<c~rri­ on in Children's Hosplthl. It selected ils name from a Hans Christian ~-AAndeFSert«&tory~eca~sp of its-proximity to the""Se_a.-_ _ Each guild spoJ\Sors one major funding event during the year. \Vith. the Mermaid Ball the outstanding contribution by the Huntington Beach ~Guild. ~ ~ · -- Nexl on the agenda for ball committee members will be the selec· tion of the Little Mennaid. an area high school girl with outstanding social and scholastic g_ualifications, and King Neptune, a community leader who has contributed valuable assistance to the youth of the co1nmunity . TRflNG SOMETHING•NEW . Vic s~ andi 'allfVOitAr1-1y-.n'-•--+.o---.. ~-. • .. ·~ . ~ _....,_ --. '• .. .. I t • ' ' • • I i.Husband Would · Reioice If There We(e Less of · Elsie, I . ' ' te Love ~·· ' ~ " _. -----,.-~ r ' DEA& ANN: Wbtn l married Ellie she friends, bolh boys ant!•glrls. l can'f-lnl-ila•d ovofii.e-m.,1.,111 Md 'leU him ~~. DEAR PA : God provided tbt very bod - 'welP«l •~plJW!ds. ~gained IS pouads aglne him being interested In Ibis stulf, •"'!I 11 ~ and • f§• w~v« e !Mlnnncal lor '~U kld1 In U.e. II Ii 'wltb each baby (we ba\--e Lhree children) but obv~ly he jg because. the malling • ~bea wtuii:lt. ltlilie It, •Y-DOUdng. ~ eaJW.&be. ~ -and 1 klr'WJ recoat ~and lhe hMn1t lost any of it: Ellie loVes envelopes are addressed to tum, which b From Y09f descrlptl°" lbt 'bo1 be ap-, V • 'lo eat and mt,. ·141..ew<lse. Last Wilek . proof he &ent lor the tram pears to "'•table'°" IOlld'Hil lie )~i mead 11· ; Me 1ated-me for1 P ~Uooal '20 for a The boy's father died two yean ago will not 1lirt hlnh (P.S . .f'ttbet. ~,doesn't _ :\ . week or maasag~Sbe st.Id q,t girls in and I feel helpless. So far t have said keep It loftg. Bri1llt ~become bored 'too many couples go from matrtmon1 be;t' card club lnstst massaees are a great DEAR UN: 1 llite le deprive Eltle of Y lerd t 1 la 1 nothing to him, 1 am wailing for word wlllt punopoapb)I •hen tbl.nOvelty wean to acrimony. Don't let your mtrrllle flop w'1 to 1oat wtlght~ Ute mauaies bec:au1e dky might help one. es ay ran nlo a rge co· from you on how to handle Ult JJtulUon, , orf • ud tt wears off fl• nrr,.) befO('e. it ~ sta~ Send fat AnD t don't ~ bow massages are going to lection of. the filthieit -pornography ever Please adVise me. • • ..._:!' ... ... • Landen' bOoklet, "M1rriage -Whit !» ·help EJ!le II ahe continues to eat ~=r~I. But Uiey will not-make her "assembled in ooe place. There were -UNSURE MOTIIER DEAR 0 ANN : In the(lJd dayt•parents Expc;t." Send .. Y,OUl"'"n!Queai to An&\ , '~eryUll.na..Jn slabt ... lficl.sbUIL.uerci'Se , u ·EtJt,-tatl'1ltt""'OWt 11 ni lirilOfri>W ~vtr~maguineay prl;Wres of Jive people DEAR MOTHER: Confront yOlll' HD used to )>addle U>W1 : ~ Wit#I hair .' Landlfl in' care R(:this ncrwapqc-.teJo. She lnsilta thlllbe elecirical equipment and ceaU..uu (o aJt OI bu l•U cldt (no drawings) and adverllsementl for wit~ lbe junk ud -'di .b.!m .Y..!11 ~oUDd It bruah~.My ma used -.$iti.all &Ix ol U5 ing 50 cenll tn~a lllPl1 ~ Md I.lie......,., lltllil)o lo punlm<ii off (""'·'""-" "" n-• ~-1 1 • gailfell I never kneW ellsted. Jt mad a' ~ lllJ llt4. 1)11 hl.m you_ m 'sorinlJOd-1n1Hl rtally kept us 11\'Poo. . S<ff-oddrewd enyelope. n ""' : • the fat ir·the'wecbt1 • • • • ,,';lj:!e :~~:lolJl!ln:J1fhl&eJ 'fbe tne sick. I di&c9Vered this unspeakable . Uuit be1d -cpend Illa time and m~ey on Tbday It ls impQJ$lble to find a wood~ Ann Landers Will be glad~!l hefp Y9'1 If Jl)'1 NY ahe,lt right J will hand OVer. trash In I suit box under our 16-ytar-o\d trash de1lped for foot1h rate mlnd1. hair brush large CtJ:Ngbtto hit I kid rith.' with 100r problems. Send them .. ber In the utra money. _ DEAR ANN LANDERS: J need your son's bed.~'J'hf;y boy is an honor student, Don't appear thaken-or-condemn1tory. What do you suggest? -cari ot the DAitY Pn.oT, ~ a -UNCONVt:;:~~·, r'.7l:l!°l hc:'ld to !!CC me throut;'l ;~·.,.. r 1 e~cellcnt a~hlete and has many Jusl lel him know you are dl1oppolnied. -S'TRJCT PA seU-addressed1 stamped envtlopl. "" • -I I • I I • \ ,, llAILY PILOT Thur!dq, Ju~ J, 1969 . Officers Don Party Hats A third annjversary party, hat parade and in stallation of new officers were combined when members of the Rancho Ladies' Club, Huntington Beach, gath- ered in the clubhouse. Hat contest winners included (seated, left lo right) Mrs . usty Watson, funniest, and Mrs . George Lake. prettiest, and planning activi- ~es for the coming year will be (left to right) Mrs. Dorothy Van Marter, presi- ·dent, and Mrs. George Kirchoff,. vice president and program chairman. The ·group wiU host the next meeting of the Golden State Mobil'e Owners' League on Sunday, July 6. • Pupil s Learn Listen, French J_ Horoscope . ' Virgo: Do Not · Ferce .'._lssues FRIDAY JULY 4 By SYDNEY OMAJUl LUNAR POSITION FAVORABLE FOR FISBINQ, PLANTING. !ecl,denl nte 11 higb due to holiday traffic, Avoid drlvlls wl" oae 'Wbo II ln&e!nperate. nu appllet ta all sfgns.J but a~L .... PISCEI and ~IROO. , ARIES (March 21-April 19): Croup, organizallonal activity favored. Fine for get·to1ether with a.ssociate.s. Reunion Jn. dicated. Some ot your self. doubts are erased. TAURUS (Aprll 20-Ma1 IO\: Friendships are &ceented; be with those who share In· terests. If receptive-and a good listener-you g a I n valuable knowledge. Take 1t . slow and wy. lo you-could be ~re. GEMINI (May 2hlune ll): • partner. Bo r<eeoUve, • wlJI. !lave fun. But mnember you Ing llltener. IJon:l ll'y lo force lace same persons c1uWng loaua. reliUJar work days . Senso of UBRA ~Sept. 13-0ct.22): humor ls great usel today. You are nol In a poallloo to SOclal gathering ls favored. direct, push or lo r c e • CANCER (Juoe 21-July '22\:· ...Moclate """"4 welbbul Ae«nt on bow you handle Un. your beat course Ia a cauUoua por,tant delalls. You may be one. This ~pplleo lo lleallh, tuipaUenL Y®-Pl•Y want to-!ork and recreaUoa.__ _ skip essentlala. But the key IS ~mcpOii: ,21-Nov. Zll: lo be lhorougli, 1bla will l8l<e You gel reiulls, eapeclally In 1e1 I-di ~pllne. Ad ac-dlalog with opJ)OIJle sex. Your cordingly. creative urges are fulfilled: LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You You pin lnfonnaUon wblcb are involved in deCialon con. can be tumed Into praflL Take cernlng romance. M""11 be advantage ol·IL pmeptive. Look out for your SAGITrARMs (Nov. 2'J. ~ emotional welfare. Keep Dec. 21): Concentrate on guard up: rupee! your owu securi\y, coolpltt\Oll. LI.mo to needs. • those with e :r; p eT I e n c e VIRGO (Aug. 23-&pl. 22): ftgsrdlng proper!)'. SUck to Be aware .of course being the ~lid. Forego the theorlm. taken by one wba meana much Means by--_..iauoa. Heed voice of experieoce, Father of Bride-elect CAPRICORN (Doc. :Jan. 19): Journeys, reunions With relatives are highlighted. You IJlS.Y be_samewbat 8fiUID.el); taUve. Key is to hold to your views in diplomatic manner. New contact prove& beneOcial. •. To Conduct Ceremony Candles were passed In Los Cerritos Hall on the campus of California State C<lllcge at Long Beach to announce the engagement of Donna Lea Jones to Gregory Noonan. The daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Henry Eugene Jones <1f Costa Mesa ls planning an . ,, r··~-' . ·-. • ~ ,._.; ..... .. ; ' . ·~,, ' . ' ' -·. ' i AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb . 18): • Give (l.tt.enUon to possessions. Unleu careful, you C<Juld lose something ol value in transit. Cycle Ls generally favorable-ttmalnl high. What you need is available. Don't throw good money after bad. PIBCES (Feb. ill-March IO)' Cjcle ill such that you cash In by taking initiative. Obtain hint from AQUARIUS message. Be confident, direct. Don't state one thing and Aug. 16 wedding in Costa ~1esa's Central Bible Church, with her father perfonnlilg the ceremony. Her fian~ ls the son of Daniel Noonan of Medicol Gloup " ·President - :.Awaite9 PHILADELPHIA .-An tt• Inglewood. ---• :--------- Newport Harbor Emblem perimental French class at the A surprise party f<1Uowlng -Every ""S'econd"-Tueaday Franklin Elementary School is the announcement was host~ the month members of Orange so realistic sandwiches at by TpD1 Crenshaw, who will~ Shores Medical Asslatants' lunch time are served with best man at the wedding. Association· assemble at a p.m. French bread. Among close friends attending Mi Co I Lilli ho Location may be obtained by About 75 pupils who eat was ss ra e, w DONNA JONES b 3" will entertain the i._ tate president of California, ·Mn. Hank Duus on Tuesday, rt July a, at a dtnoer in the Elks t· ~!pub. ' :I Mrs. Duus will be ac- icompanied by Mrs. Jean Gardner, marshal, and the two !Officers will initiate five new "!Jlembtts into the Newport lunch at the school listen to will serve as maid <Jf honor. -r-calling Mrs. Marj or le records of French con-The bride-elect attended, -==,,;C;;;•:;;nd;;;l;;o•;;,:::P;;as;;;•;;l\lh!1~ ,,;:::-=,;;H;;:um:;;be;;,:r,,;64+;:;22;:7:;:,3·~==~~=================· versaUon while mun c ~in g UCI and Orange Coast Collegelt their sandwiches and sipping and was graduated from milk. CSCLB where she was on the '.Harbor club. , e stale 'president is a ber of Los Gatos lem Club 229 and her Ellen Wholey, Franklin pfin. dean's list. She was affiliated cipal, organized the French· with Spurs and was a Little language class after she notic· Sister of Alpha Delta Phi. ed how much the school Her fullfre husband auended B u t y s a 1 0 n s cbi!.dr<n ~njoyed u,teniog to El camiao College and receiv-0 a PRESIDENT VISITS Mrs. Ha nk Duus semiclass1cal mus.i c while they cit-fi'!S bachelors degree from .-~-~.-~~-------~ ate. CSCLB where he was . a i I . ar&hal is a member or We club 384. At the beginning or each member of the tennis team f '~ --;t, assembly, lhe entire student and pledged Alpha Delta Phl. I , "i Jf":'-1' . :''\ Al!o atltndlng the dinner · be several past state or. and members of other area n, ~nt '~te officers clubs. body gets a I~ in Frenc.b &th will be elementary ''f·'· conversation from Elizabeth · teachers with Orange School • Morgan, a cowt!ellng teacher. District in the fall. i SPECTACULAR MID-SUMMER • J>tONE WEEK ONLY • SAVINGS FROM 50% to • • JULY 5th to JULY 12th 0 70% AND MORE • ON ALL OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FAMOUS ' IMPORTED and DOMESTIC • . • CHANDELIERS • HANGING LAMPS . . • WALL FIXTURES • SCONCES • FINE TABLE LAMPS FRff 9.95 DlMMER WITH PURCHASE Ol ANY CHANDELIER I L--------- IJSE BANKAlllERICARD -1f1£'MASTERCHARGE, OR OIJR CON\IENl'ENT LAYAWAY PLAN. f· • ' i I I r ' ' I t ' i ! ' " ' j i ' I < ' .. • < ' .. _.,... • , __ .. " . " ,,_ ,..>.;._ ~ :i~ ~~··'-'e~-,.o*:,.,"·'1'>:,~~~-.::'·:...,,..; ! WE CHANGE "BLEACH . l ~· · ... ;.,-.r, ·\Ve shape your Tigl1tencdl1air1n ovc y curls. RO~X ! ! ~ ' :"i . ' ' -· . ' ; ' I ' ' < ' j I < I .l l ' ' ; J l f'.. . .·· ' 1· \.>· ' cl!. : ~·, .•·f ' •. ' ' ·_ ' ,i -·-NUTES!: ,, ' ~ ·~ ~ -.,,,, . . ~' ·u;~. *lt ~. ELECTRIC & LIGHTING \Ve caress the curls with "Nice ChaRCC"-noperoxidt. Jn just 10 m..inules your new blonde curls take on ,,·hispcr·soflcolor-tonc that lasts through several shampoos. \Vi th no ru!J..-Off, no retouch problen1: \vejust .. e $3.oo· • Spe~lel Courtesy to 222 Victoria Street, Costa Mesa (Across ·trom Greenhaven Nursery) Builders & ·Interior Decorator. 646-3737 ------·-------.•. ( rene\v the color "'henever you '"ish I Newport Beach, Colll. a1u ,,._, 11W1_ l!Wrtttr lultet S-r• PMnt PJ.1611 .. PLUS SHAMPOO $2 50 AND SET (Mon. thru Thurs.) 1 llo119 H1lr bh1)' Allor S p.m., $2.7S Friday, Saturd1y, Sund1y ..•••• $3.00 Coet1 MM., C1llf. 220I Hartlot 111111, K-Mtrl Pll11 '""" """"" Coot1 MISI, Calif • .... w. tflfl ''""' '*-''11 • '"" --Fountain Valley, Cillf. 1mt ..r..,,.111 Santi Ant, Calif. Mc''-*"" • ,..,.,.. l'tlrll ,.,.... Fountain Valin, C1Af. .,, hlfitw ,. hcl~ -'""" Vilify CMIW ._ .. _ Vll!llM Cenfl!' Phellt "1'*! . -~------'-- ' ' • ' • --1-· ·-------------~~ ~ - Gregsons ·Tell News Fonner Huntlngtoo Beach midenls Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Gregson, now of Vista, have announctd the engage. ment of their duaahter Debbie GreSJJOO, to Steve Maybell, son of Mr. and Mra. James Maybell of Huntington Beach. . The~b,rld&-to-be, a a:raduate ol Vista H1'fl School, will at- teoct. MJracoata College in the.. fall and plans to become a lleeneed vocaUonal mtrse. ' Home Ceremony Links Anderson -Wells Nemes Married during a home ceremony were Mrs. ·Dorothy Wells and Robert E. Anderson. The Rev. Cecil Eanes or. ftcialed. The new Mrs. Wells of Newport Beach was attended by her daughter.In-law Mrs. Balley Wells and the best man was WUllam Wells, her son. DAil Y "1.0T JJ} T oastmistreues l SUmlde Clubhoule bl, Huo.; tlngloo Beacl> It the .-Int piaco ,.. ...,,....... ti Lai Olas '\T-lral ,~ ~ HliJ1llnC!On Bfadl ao tho _, c:ood IUld fourth Wedneldly llf 1:111 p.m. I Un~/~ Len Offers Prizes . H"f fiance, a graduate ol -~ 11Ji11 School, aUendJ Orange Coast College. No wedding date bu been chosen by the betrothed cou- ple. ,,,,., new'Mrs. Andenon was ·-~Iii a de BOie dress iiilbrO!de~ lace and pearls. ·GETTING THE FACTS -George Voss, vice presi dent of public relations for the National Foundation for March of Dimes, di scusses the birth defects pro-gram with Mrs. Norman Watson, Newport Be'ach volunteer. Voss is engaged in a nationwide tour in behalf of the foundation. County Mad~ Aware Of German Measles By EVELYN SHERWOOD vaccines were protected by The Tee Tattler °'""Din, '"" •••H those who did. •"'DPmU-Pil•.o:•u•••IERO!I ____ F.ederal ~!~~ a vac:_ 'J".he m~~~ct4re_r'1 . .iJeort . -cine to' prevent Germ a· ri on the ~rz:nan 'llftuTes vac- measles marks a· signiflC!Qflt cine points . ~t that adult .step~ward tbeJlght against woimn rec1p1ents _ o~-~-h e ·blrih iief'~ related George· ~stance should l> r a c t 1 c e Voss vice president ol' public birth control ror two-three relations for the National months following the vac- Foundatli>ll' lor ·March of cinallon. Dimes. ''The Lhr~at. to 8. fetus could The officer, on a nationwide tour, addressed members of the press during a meeting in the Nev.'JlOrt Beach hom e of Orange County volunteer, Mrs. Nor!J!an ;.Yatson. "German measles is usually a mild childhood disease but may _cause serious gefect.s in lhe unborn baby when the mother is infed.ed with Ute disease in early months of pregnancy," ))e said. · "There are many disad· vantages of the vaccine to be overcome before widespread use is recommended. The su~ ply of vaccine if put Into im- mediale use would only last present sun1lar effect! to Gennan measles in l h e mother's system!" be noted. Gennan meas es has been responsible for 50,000 of the annual 150,000 babies bom with birth defects. Showering Of Gifts Traditional until October of this year,'' he CH ICAGO -Moon, croon, claimed. spoon ........ they all add up to "The foundation is in .f&vor ·love and marriage. of the vaccine but at this mo-Preparing for one of the big- ment we are taking a watcbtul gest steps ln one's llfe Ls a attitude rather than active. major campaign that ~tarts "We would hoPe eventually, with premarital showers and to do for German measles parties, what we did for polio ehmlna· Relatives of the bride·to.be tion." may give partles, but not Voss commen\ed fu~ .... showers, .~or ~. '!. ~ 1 d that with the poho program, smack of' begging for gilts. immunization was 80 percent Close friends sho~er the br1_de while the nonimmwlized who and only close friends are m- dldn't take the Salk and Sabin vJted. DEBORAH ST. CLAIR Brid.,.to-be There was a time when a c;hower was given as a "surprise,'' but rare I y nowadays. The honored guest at a shower should send a thank- you note to the hostess as soon as possible. It is not neces.ury , to St;:id cards to the guests for the "thank you" can be ex- pressed as the future bride opens gifts at the shower. Wedding invitations may be just for the ceremony, for the reception only, or for both. Any Invitations should be signed by the mother of the bride with the address always handwritten, never typed . All invitaUoos should be In the hands of the guests at least four weeks before the wedding, il possible: Seascape Paintings On Display (f.a!lor'1 Nole : A c;olumn of _,..n'• lrMI ..U .,;earn will """'u In Ille OAILV PILOT .-Cll Wftk. To .._,, KOr•• '°" ,.. ....... Pie•'-~n lhflT1 fo P.O. eoi IS.O. -TIWY mutl lit-.. Ctlvitd by MOncloY I ltANCHO SAN JOAQUIN 'MOST PAlll-Fllohl •• !he Mmu, Gllboirt Ide. 1~; Al"'n H•I•, Philip Jolon1hln, 131 Gordon -Imler, 11:.., · M•ber ... ller, n: Flllllll •• l"9 Mlnft. Clle•le1 Bl\len1, 16; Robert llvlno1fon. 1%1 WllU•m llr•nd•. 11; Fll•hl C, lhe "MIMI, J. F, Cncll, 1•1 It~ khhffi'. J. 11.. 11a~1m11,.., 121 W•,,en ColllM. 11; FIJoht o . the Mmn. F. w. Pe!•r>0n, 1!1 LOUii llldltv. I. LOW NeT-Tlle -Mrnef. Frank Alkln1...,, 1': c . I'. B1rtholemew. LU"l~rd J~. 7'. 11' TOUllNAMl.NT-Fll1ht A, ft.I! ""1Mt. L-en Thomet., 561 JoMltan, 1U1 lmlw. IM,. "'I Fw.N B, 1'IWI M ...... l lttml. 571 Ahlin Wini. 60l lll<'nercl E1tiert, n 1 M•rTY CDT11t11. H...., Hoclffs, lhllr191loll, "'; Fiith! C. "'"' .v.m.s. wnu,.,, St•lon. 0 1 Ci:ldl. 631 W"TWI Whlll, "'; )otw> Schwllllo, 65; Flllllt 0 , rtw MmH. Jollfl 81.rtler, 71;" Htrtltrt ,,,..rtll\, n. --" LOW Nl.T-the Mmu. H•rvtV ,.,._ rln. n1 Win''" Collins, H•ll· l't. M8SA Vl.1101. O•T ACQUAIWTID PAllnll.11-Ttw Mm9I.. P1ul 1to1t1 ........ Ft ... -F1mwr. , 6Jr lloblrt M-. It. B. Donnell, "'; Wlllltm Sdlull1, llgt.ert Hwldrldu., Ui N•lh•nl•I lloblni. ·~' Cllndton!ll, 0...ld °"'11118$, Wlllltm OIWIOn, f11 ltobfl1 Klncl9•, 11.lcl'lard .JohMlan, "1 J,,..., C1t\ffhan. w111i.m H•Tfl, John Irwin,. lloboirt Slllrlft', ff1 ·Kennel~ Ltaturt. Jnf'111 All""11· 1'0.. 'llST SIOl!-C~u A. ~ Mmet. NlcholM Holl, n1 C•lleqh1n, lol; JOl'lll O'ar1en, B•rnty Rob!naon, :1111'1; Wllll~m ll•rr, 37; P.r,., $1111MM, ~ citn e, '"' Mml'll. Ch•rln.lonf>ltl, 341 John ~. 3$\111 L•1t1r Sdlw1l11r, :lf1 L1•1v,.., '71-WIU!•m C~, Clen*Aln, Jll111 CL.911 C, tlle MmH . P•vl Rohl_, RI c h• rd SCMtldilr. 3''·~: RoblM, :161 LOWtlll St•rl<, 17; W. C. WlllllfM, •1 P•ul !IUC~lh. •I.Ii lltVINI. (OArt TWO LOW aALLS OP P'OU•SOM•-The Mn'let. Jdlol Jln!llS, II-Id WIMfftlurn, llllCl\atcl Pleo9f", Min Cllt"lnne Ft1Mlln. lJ01 ltw Mrnn.. L I. t .... 11, P•VI Jllfe, C-V l(urm, 5fllrrMn llnlrh, 1l11 E. 1t,•,,..,.lm>d. Pwl Ounloo, M. L. c ...... i... J. M, V"'•bls, 1111; It. A. N•rlllY, My~ Shew•rcl, T. A. Mudton, Mlu ltOYJlf V•na, 1"111 ""' M1MS.. Lnl11 Tin'. H9nrJ Jollnton. llobtrt Y••clltt, lloe Gr•v, 1411 lloblrl LlmJd>lr. Johrl p.,,.n, J. It. Frttbelrn, G. P.ul l(lrrnan, 1411 It, W. L•rl<ln, C1rl Hlllor .... Birt McMutll. It.ti.rt $-Inner, U1. El JOOUl.L UDlll DAV-A Flltl!I, t"9 Mrne1. Rober1 MeC•llt fY, ,., Le• To .. ...-. :W\\r '"' MlnM. Jn'u 8 Fllwh!, fl!t MIMI. w1m1 (11'Peftlw, :WI L.ou fYA.... 371 1109... L!llft1rOll'n, '9; c FllQhf, Ille Mm.n. Jnf'ln Fr1ncl1, l51 C"6l1r Fr0\ld1, l11 Colvln Wh!ll.,.ton, 311 D Plllhl, the M ....... Jlft'MIS Fr•nk1, J11 lll•Y He1!tf, ltleti.rcl Kronm•n, :111'1; Jalln Sw•rllllY, 3t. Freedom's Bells Ring Churchu In Huotington Beach have been requesled t~ ring their bells at II a.m. tomoi:row and members of the Huntlngton Beach J u n 1 o r \Yoman's Club are Oying their nags In commemorauon of the Freedom Seuon oow taking place. '11\e request for the bell· ringing wu made by Mrs. Wendall Emde, Americanism chairman for Junion, to the presldent of the c I t y ' s Ministerial AMOCiaUon. Engagement Disclosed B~ac h Babes A disP.lay of marine___pain- ITngs by Three Costa Mes& Art League members will be featured during the month ol Every Wednesday at 7 p.m. July in the r.osta Mesa Golf members of TOPS Beach and CoUntry Club. Babes convene at HunUngton f\.fr , and Mrs. Charles R. St. Clair of Costa Mesa are an- nouncing the erigagement of their daughter, Del:Knh Ann SL Clair, to Craig John r McCracferi, The young couple plan to be married Sept. S, on the wed- dlJ11 annlvenary or ~ 1 • parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McC.racktn also of Costl. Mesa. The Newport H 1 r b or Lutheran Church of Newport Buch wlll be lhe wedding Works of dordon Andrew. Btach High School for pro- Jobn Sturges and Clare~1-:;;gr;;;'='"'=··======o=.I Soreri!on will be on view daily, Ir Andrtw, who began his studies at-Laguna Beach School ot A'l"C and Design, has exhibited throughout Oraoge County. Sorenson, the former art director for a Chicago advertising agency, now is an Orange County l'Wdent, and Burgess ls a transplanted New Englander noted for walercolor painting. "'"'· ;=========.II The brlde-elecl ls a graduate STARS i .J tQlr\ riihG of Estancia lllgh School. Her future husband also was Svdn•v Om1tt ;, on• •' th• ed r th , -~-1 -rld'1 tt••t •1trolot•r1. Hl1 j gradual rom •~ :11.:uuv tolul'f!n 11 on• of tt.. DAILY WNtcllff 'Ian ltere only and iJI attending Orange toael ,,LOrs tr••' •••'"''•'· 4 4 2. 2 4 4 4 College. , DEBBIE GREGSON ToWtd A pnlftl reception loll-Owed the single ring ...... Dnl' BUY 2 • • ·GET 1 FREE! ~:Sr~ Azaleas, ShadeTrHS CameUIC11, Avocados, Citrus SUMMER •• • LANDSCAPE BUY ANY TWo . OUR NURSERY co': TAINER PLANTS _ ; GAt •.• 5GAl 15 GAL ANO GET THE 3rd ONE FREE! SPECTACVLAlf· SAVINGS! _Sp.ectacular_,,______,, SAVE ON TREES-SHRUBS ROSES -CAMELLIAS-Ylnes, Junipers. See Our Super Special Bargain Block! AZALEAS PLUS MORE! Borrow the Neighbor's Tnick-llrlng Him with You! ·TUBEROUS BEGONIAS Lar9• blooming plantl for ln1t•nt color in the shade g1t'den. Palms, Roses, TrMRoses, Fems Limited to Stock on Hand FOR THE KIDS! FLOWER SHOP SPECIAL SPlClll 111'Ulmll IHI PINE TREES . 1 RED ROSES Long Stemmed DOZ. ·~:: $.4.91 BK.~ . DWARl' DAHLIAS PLANT It WElL- TAKE CARE OF IT WATCH IT GROW! J49 Danllng colon to n..., up ytur l1nchc1pe. ....,,., . 3 11'* .... '''hi. 'ooz. 7 TREAT YOUR SUMMER LAWN TO THE BEST fi95 Caven2500' 50Lb. Bag With Insecticide GET THIS FOR $9.95 R09. 17,9S -6.95 With The Purchase Of A 50 lb. Sag bf Plush, Woedili10r Or Slade -With Bendini's New Super Color Capsules • nu. ... -HW --... HOURS: MON. THRU SAT. 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M., SUNDAYS 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. 2841 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA CALL 546-5525 • ,. . ~· I: • -1 - Dill Y PILOT TlulrSdcy, J~ly l , 1%9 l 'H~at' Getti·ng Help Clnoed lleat, one or the n.tUon's I e 1 d Inc rock~lues ~ps, will be In Sood com· pany a.t HI July I! concttt at 41 the Anahelm Co n ve n tio n ~. C'.eater. Tbe Steve Mlller Band ' ' ' : • ( ' and KaleidOSl'Ope, also a folk· rock troupe , will be on hand. Good seats are n o 111 available at the Convention Center box office and au Southland ticket agr:ocies. ·• - . ' • • • 40 STORES ·TO SERVE YOU Z300 HARBOR BLVD. 'AT WILSON -· "1'lr.ELG0·~ kA~~ ," rt~l\~~-1 rr I . . - ·---·· • .. ... .... I' ., ' Oh, THAT Peter Marshall ' By CVNTUIA LO.WRY NEW YORK (A.f) -Peter Marshall has an identity pro- blem. He b not relattd tg the . lute chaplain of the U.S. Senate whose name was the sam~. Nor Is he related to Russell NyPe or to Gene Rnybum, with whom he is someli1nes confused. This Pele1'ftfarsllatl is the man who has been serving for • r .. r years u hoot 00 OI)< of NBC's more popular dayUme game s h o w s , "Hol..lywood Squares," and is, as • con- sequence. betler known to th• distaff side of !ht audience. Marshall was born Pierre La Cock and grew up with hls sister Joanne in New York City. When Joanne got Jnto model~ her ~ent renamed lief ""'Joanni MafShall. ~When Pierre decided to get into A Oltt:AT MUSICAL COfr1ll!DY-_.,A Highly lmpressiut Production" , ... D.P. '"THl THiii£ PENNY OPEU."' • •1 •liRTOL.T •RICMT 1127 """"" &PM.. C..t.1 ~ F.,. 11:_.1llloa ,,.._,., . . . A GIANT OF A MOVIE · COLUMBI" PIC'l'URBS Pl'll':Sl:NTS IRUGB/DMIB .. Piii; I lllllP aw 11tt 111.-i : • ........ ················-: Plus -Jules Verne's ''THE SOUTHERN STAR" BALBOA 673-4048 .......... •:•S 7lt I . laUt .. e NOW SHOWING e fxtlniff E11t•t•....;11t • -· 2 Sito'" Nifai~r Short-7:00 ••cf •:40 , lalltu P•t1ln1vla . hvtu-7:20 011d 10:00 would not IUte -•11 am an .c- tor." 'ft)8 qe.J\l. however, was penualv., and u.. .. 1uctan1 .Marahall did one c:ommtrclal ~ for a ceruJ • COlnfNUIY. 1be resull was a three-year, exclusive deal. Before ••aoilyw ood .,~~i~(:.:Squares," Manball Pll<ked In •:· • lo\ of fh9w, bjisli!e.. .. • perience. After eervm, as ao • NBC page, he teuiied up with comedian Tommy N o o n I. n aod, u a s.lralght man for 11 -ytars, ""Played C!U:bs Ill over the country. -· "I think those years as a show business, he simply straight man were the most translated hfs first name into valuable auet I had -when English and adopted his sis-'HolljWood Squares• c a m e ter's mpdellng surname. Then, along," Marsh1;ll said. "In one j~ to make everythlng good sense, the bolt on a game and mixed up, Joanne ,moved show is a straight man." an lo Hollywood where direc-After Noooan died, Marahall tor Howard Hawks renamed bad the male lead in the 1.m- her Joannt Dru, under -which dOn company of "Bye Bye name she became a sta,r, Birdie" and continued in Although no one has,'aiyet, muslcal Comedy with the Julie developed an adequate' tag·for: Harris vebicleJn between, he that small band of television w a s a pp e a r in g ·I n performers whO ride herd on minimusicals in Las Vegas - game · .and panel shows · -as tar back as the l9SOs - "host" or · "m.c." are com-with occasional excursions in· monly used and neither really to stock. fib -the ones who are Marshall enjoys working assigned to successful network with the r e g u I a r s on ventures of the genre are ,in "Hollywood Squares'' who in- clovcr. elude Clil£ Arquetle, Wally Stars of OCC Show ' ll'eve<ly Anderson and Stan Throneberry-study tho .s_cript for Orange Coast College's summer musical, "The Most Happy Fella." They'll star in the OCC production which will play from July 31 thiough Aug. 2 at the college auditorium. The compensation • is . ex-Cox, A,bby Dalton, R o s e ceUent, the houu are superb Marie, PauJ Lynde and Jan -Marshall and his troupe Murray. tape a week's worlh of shows The game, physically based in one day _ and tbe exposure on tic.tac-toe, has the stars to the public is s u-b t I y answering questions, in com- beneficial. Marshall has the cdy style, with members of other four days of the nonnal the studio audience wiMing work week to pursue otber in-small prizes Dy deciding J,t~sls, Nllding _a_c tln_g , whether the answers are true Crossword PUZzle FOR REL EA.SE THURSOAY~ JULY.~. 1969 sl In h · or false . ng g -e Just cut an There was a small rhubarb album -and business. l Tr1Dpora"'· when it was learned that some o<h ·1 Perhaps the greatest of of the-stars received "help" 5 Q~1c:1( lhesr..__.i."i .. .bus!n.ess.-because on the answers to the ques-10 Forma Peter M ltr sh a 11 's most lions, but since the help had wea r lucrative . avocatto~Mi;yplves nothing to do with the winnina accesso~ commercials.d.s..a m.ait«. oC ---"D 14 SUperT.Jc1af pi losing by tbe audience con· t 1 fact, it was the COf!'lm~r,cials testants. the p(9ducers had 15 ~.;!ke 11 that got him inta teleYision, not announced it on the show. tasy!" ACROSS 48 Pmcrastr- nales SO Settlings 52 Alcott heroint 54 Housrhold il ectsslly SS ~lillcl _ animal 59 Hubbu b fiJ 'l.-ofO ld England: Ytsttrday's Punlt Solftd:. ' • ~ • ' ' HOT SPECIALS FOR JULY .HOLIDAYS VALUABLE COUPON "DAZZUN.G.! 0)1Ce !@._see i.t,°y],u:u never agai11J,ict~re I iRomeo&Juliet' quire Die way you did before!" -l.IFE 11ollywood brand. Now there is a printed notice 16 US sattlll!t "I was doliig aSMw .. i.DNew to that effect. 17 Cattle York -playina with Julie M h II f h dlseasr !6 , ,, ars a says most o t e ~ 19 Minute . 2 ~ords 6'4 La~! lif - Northwtsl Ttrrllolits: 2 words \ • ' . ' ' ' ' l • ! ' • ! ' • . l. ' • FAMOUS MAKE conoN T-SHIRTS lft Moc Turtle or Turtle Neck Reqular $3.QO 'NOW s100 VALUABLE COUPON 200/· ·OFF ON ,ANY REGULAR 70 PRIC!D ITEM ••• SALE PRICED ITEM WITH YELLOW TAGS NOT INCLUDED. YOUNGLAND MISS ANITA Panty Hose •O<J· ~'.s' ANITA SHOPS VALUABLE COUPON STYLE HAIR SPRAY ll·oun<e 3/$1 00 Cons .... 1111111' 11!1d H-4 t• H•ld. Open_ July 4th -9:l0 to 9:00 WOOLWORTH'S VALUABLE COUPON USED MACHINES 88' SALE l•• f:ZI A Doy for TMH Day1 Fi•.+ fw• o;u1lofl'•c• with coupoll 1111y p11•<h11t • u11d 1111c.hl11t fot 011ly II~ SINGER SEWING CENTER ' •: I 'I ~ Skedidd!e ·Kiddies ~ ·"'I·-$2.17 99' I h TOY WORLD ~ W@OW@awa~-- Read The Daily Pilot ''•-'!llOl ~Tl'IC'TI tll:~,.._ ·-~ ~ I FRANCO ZErnREllJ -· ROMEO <B'jULIEf Outstanding Featurette: "SKY OVER HOLLAND" llCCl.USIVIE RIESIERVED <;f.AT IENGAGIEMCNT . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . I . . ,,, . . . ... ·-' ,_.... .. ~1.~· .f ,~ ·.· -"11' • -::'° • • • •• ', , , • • • . \·I/ ,.,,,, I . . . . ·. . . . . . ..::: ::.. ,.~· · .. ··:··· .,!' -:_ , .· ...... I ·. r\ 'I' . ",. . . -:. " , ·: .... /I' Celebrate :::." ·. The ::.. ,i:r, .. Holiday :: Weekend ;': :·:THE MATINEES DA!lY " 1.JO TONIGHT AT l :JO ... BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! . .. WINIER 6 ACADEllY ' AWARDS! 111(1Mllllf•C111- -llWIBA-lfllllla AlllFlllLW-AIDCllWll ·--·--VlllBICE! Harris in 'Skyscraper, stars do receive what he calls fragment Marshall recalled. ·"My agent "hokes" to leaven their \ 20 Kind or asked·me if I'd like to do.some answers. shaped seat television commercials." He, his wife, and their four 121 Absolu te limeless-Marshall drew himself to his children live in •the San ntss full height and announced he Fernando Valley. r2J Afttr all 11----.....,.-----:--:--:c-c-:-:-:-:-:-:--:c-c-:-:-:-:c-:--:c-:--1 t others 25 lih. Hoffer 26 Remove Ii& Contest 67 Must of love poetry 68 Word of ratificiition 69 Raised horses 7 0-· Cup: Golf trophy 71 Forwarded 7/3/&9 11 Curtain 44 Wt1rlng raiser: wooden 2 words wcrt sho1s 12 Golf stroke 47 African 13 Unpcrtent·' an lflopes lous: Var. 4' Favorab l• 18 Excites ilnswer 22 Unburden 51 Pn1ctlct 24 Arizonii mtdlcln t communil(.. 53 Rush lit liladt nul 55 Supr:rl;aUvt ch ains {lOHavra -t -thoaght---~••W .. N --...1!1--th'ngma-n's lhin9:-Sllftf-ropt 5& 5trucb.ual SPEOT.&DULAR SOUTHERN Cl!LIPCRN!l'S CRE!TEST l'YRCTECllN!C l'l!CEl!NT AlUBElll STADl'Ull lti!Jf ill'!!* ~ !l~M~· RESERVED SEA TS $4.50-3.50· 2.llO Ull-11 ..... 11111 l'rict! TlCKrrl ON S.&t! Al : AIWIEUI STADtuat • Wt1TUM. llCl([T AlilMCIES .... WAU.ICH'S lll!JSIC CITI' • JIJFFUMS' • COr.wvJICll(T .... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,, T\c~•U 1111 .... II $1. t.onlO<Na -It U. 5J7 .. Ill It All lllWltl no..t Af-ld I-., .. Co* 21U21·1~ct)• 71W11·1&U 1.-,..... --.t 11.._IOlllu 19ClllM) ~~:;~ !=.::. M..=:::.il k•l!lll S*s l.ttnu!lt• 171--71111."'"' ............ Cd 111..Ull ~,:v.~~ ' '"•" 673 ·6160 All FAMILY PROlfilAM -SkwTl- "IF 1rs 1Ul5DAr' .. 6:11 .ti 10:31 "HAWAII" ft l :IO M•I ... Si ... ., .r Z:ff , 34 or Scand ina· J via 135 ---rall 37 Eu1opean 38 Rettlving I hospllil abbrev iati on 3' Bolster 1 42 Prrsidenlial nictnamt 43 Canadian satrlfite 45 Part of a 1 hammer 40 Cltaved I • ' l " " 31 1 .. " ' .. ·1 .. l Vehicles Z.8 rt.olrobust stttl~tet: 2 Song 29 !Chow ttlt -57 i,wo 1 3 Fix 31 tn 11Mn 4 Propels tdslrnc.1 58 Stiidl a vess'I 32 Captured prln td 5 Stiiure 33 Contest on matttr 6 Energy a sports 60 Roi Russell 7 on the progrim rolt protrcttd 36 Roman d1t1 61 Stpvt 1 'd 40 0 h C.OJ111H1rlr'llrnt si ' new 0 62 lncomr fror1 8 Division hogs the 1 of society spotlight 65 ''ii est~tt -i Outsidt 41 legal Chei_-~ .. f 10 Sittings affairs suffix • 1 • • • FD--:'wsouTH COAST !A PLAZA TH•IUIJl<I,....• Son Dileo F-ot Is~ ·~Vii NOW SHOWING CONTINUOUS FROM 12:l0 l'.M. BOX OFFICE OPENS AT NOON Also Playing The Great Orange Coast's No. 1 · Paper! • .. • • SECOND BIG-·W•EK · , • - Thundu, July 3, 196' l(ings Invading Melodyland .. W · R. d B V • V ... It all started years ago with Sisters,\ Alvlho Rey, Robert couafnl. ... UXUel'.S. · eCOT -· OSS-n.-eepltlg --.f. Oun-.0'-vaudevllllan William King, his Clarke. the King Klddla and 'J!ltke!1 for · ~ wlre and lheir five daughters the King Cousins, tbe lau,er mck e n & a J e m e n i are By BOB THOMAS $15.S million. tn the fast· leave to record for the com-t~rlng the West .· in a that versatile group of avallable now al l h • HOLLYWOOD (AP ) _ He changing field of tOday's pany of his son Dino. Maitland d1lapldated old touring car, yoongs\ers rang1n& from IS to Melodylaod box office, by mail has the 1>4ild and ht.Iring or a muslc that is no small ac· has high hopes for two \:rforming at church gather-25, all of whom are actual and at all a~. pro football player, Y.Ct Mike complWunent. newcomers to Warners-Seven ngs and be.nellts. • 1;::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::===========; IXClUSIY! INtoOl SHOWi .. f / 1 Jack Lemmon f • Maitland declares· ''In this When MaiUand came to Art>, Rod MeKuon and Mason . Ttoday, dth< noKlw·•I• thKlne The Grandest Cinema of --m ARI .... I' 'd. ed Warne Broth :rs R d Wiiliams sis ers an two ng bro crs 1 ns b,,_ne,as mconst er an old -. r e ~cor s · have married and-multlplied ' . , ... C•thltirie Deneuve I·~~ . -.. ·~ ~ ., ' Wftti I' l -. ·.· ~ CllwlM h~•,... IAw~ ..-. , . " • '•.:r.-Ley. • . ' • t.,ea.., ..... ~ . . .. '1HE APRIL FOOlS" , man, I'm 41 and Uiat puts me l>efore ~.-merger with Seveo Nowaday~ a record com-·Ir.lo the famous Kin Famll _ _ far on \be other side o! the .Arts -e1ghl years ago, the pany must alm for tho youth 37 in all _ and !111 be ~ ge.JJeration gap." • · oper~Uon was ltu'~ years old mar~et, and Warner: Brothers-pearing In p e r.s 0 n ~ "Thl.s busloess" ls Ute pop .and 1Li principal assets were Seven Ar.LI ~as en1oyed suc-~elodylai'ld July 22-27 . music field, which g e t s the Everly Brothers. cess In thl\t hne, too. FeatureQ will be the Ki ng younger all the time. Yet "The company had be.en "We've had good fortuncq-----------'11 despite 1'1aitland11 advanced 4>illl well. by puUJnc out . witb OUt~isb ~' age, ht has been able to albums at a time-when almost '~d .,:atu41>d. 1'1t was over manage one or the most sue-any album would sell." be e1.-there that we fouod' Jtml llen- cessful operations in lhe m. plained. ';Then a change took drlx, who is an American who dlfSUY -Warner Brother&-place in the .Industry. 1be fint found favor ln England." Sevtn Arts Records. public became more selective, Other new rock performers All the big film companies and Warner. Brothers ~ for lhe company: ~he. El~ have record division but none was caught tn the squeeze. Prunes, the . ~ialion, Ario '4 were more Successful tban ' Enter John K. "Mike'' Guthrie, Joni Mitchell. l,111., W..W.ys: 7:00 -C.-riuffl s.t. -' $aMf, l~ot ,... f S,.I• mus •• s.t.,.., .. ....,. Wamers-&ven Arts. L 1 s t MaiUand, Detroit b o r n , The big problem in \be .~ond F;•_ture ''THE THOMAS 'cit'owN A'F·FAIR" year to total music operation gr~duat~ of Wash I~ gt on re:co rd business is ~ying up <j.,-..,'=:zs;i..="""'"'===""""""'""'""'"",,.,""'""',,!;..li::.;";;ased;;;;;,,;146:;;;.,;:m;;il;;;li;::•";:,,,;".:P~f;;,ro;:;m~1 Un1verstty at St. Louis, U.S. with the market, Maitland ad· , ---' Air Force and C a p i t o I mittcd. Where is it going ' ' 1 ~ R«ords. Within six month! he next ? · _. EVE,RY FAT-HE R'S' DAUGHTER had come across a trio fJf folk "I lt!ink we might see more · ' singers, Peiec, Paul and of th< almost big baod soun~ ..,. Mary, who exploded ' on I.Ix! but will!. six or eight pi~ Is A VIRGIN I record scene. and a deep-rock beat and -., Maitland discovered a fat single vocalist, rather than a -OR IS SHE? YOU MUST SEE THE ORANGE COUNTY .PREMIERE PRESENTATION of "GOODBYE, COLUMBUS" A Film from tht • Novell• by PHILIP ROTH the author of tl-ie Now Btst Seller · '.'Portnciy's Complaint" e -Wtfit e\i'er your age yCu wiO enjoy the acting of B9njamln "ind the stun· nlng movie debut of Ali McGraw, the frankness of their language and the tender and gentle relationship betw"n the two. "GENUINELY INTIMATE LOVE SCENES" M:;;:-., "REFRESHING TO SEE" · ... ~:: ... "MEMORABLE" •::r.~· "IRRESISTIBLE" man who wed to sing parodies group," he observed. "This is at parties. Allan Sherman the sound o( a flew group call· delivered Jewish versions of ed Blood, Sweat and Tears. standard songs and became a Unfortunately they record for ''"'··"°' record sensation. Next ceme .~r· company." ' the buttoned-down comedies or 1fr-ii1~-~~~~~~~~====:==.=:==111 Bob Ntwhart. a big sudcess: II An even bigger seller has been Continuous Daily 2 p.m. ' Bill Cosby -.. He's in the Ti· juana Brass class: fi ve of his albums have sold over a million and a qua rter units, and a sixth will soon do so.'" MaiUand admit ted t h a t Warner Brothers was becom- ing known u a comedy house, and he sought to diversify. A major change came in 1965, when Warner Brothers took ov!r Repr ise Records in a deal wbfch involved fouoder-Frank . sriTatra'g services-in films. "fAt tl'lat time Trini Lopei 'wS.S','ifiC big star of Reprise," ' M.iltland recalled. "Theo Nan- cy Sinatra-became hot .with 'These Boots Were Made for WaJlttng,' and F r ·a n k ' s 'Strangers In the Nia:ht' was a suphhit, stiling big in many fortiin counties in English. 'Jlhen Dean Martin hit out cf no'A1tere when one of our pro- dLtCa""s, Jimmy Bowen, in· troduced hlrn to the country fleJd~ . TWO BIG FAMIL y ' PICTURES PREMIERE SHOWING A modern·~ay story of faith, courage, and intrigue! . . MGM ~ PJDCb:tion · ~lra recently sold out 'his cent int.erest in 'the cam· ~muoon."iiut 9!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Will continue to record for ~ ·Warner-seven Arts. Martin ba$. announced th al he will ' • • ••• • •••• ••••••e• • * COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD. NEWPORT BEAPH * 644·0160 Oran111e County Premiere $h9wl111J · One weeke1d Major Sllitb, lie1tn1arsu1tter, 'ud 1 be11tihd blonde umed Mart, decide to will World Wu D. ' . ::::,,,, Patrick Wymark • Michael Hordern 1- 1 Lynam.New ,11:o:y .... ~lt,bf 6Ml.t4bf ~~ o- Al1stair Maclean. Bnan G. Hutton· Elliott Kastner MGM -1!!-~!tW&.::,';'"CP ~~ncl Mtti.!_or --------- • • ---- ' NATIONAL PltEMIERE ENGAGEMENT! • . ~ ' Pla,yhouse . President Bill Lynam has been elected president of lhe San Clemente Community Theater for the 1969-70 season. Named to serve with him ~i.1ere Ttlelmoi Salveler. vice president and membership chairman ; El nor F o u c h , treasurer; Joan Applegett, secreta ry . and Hany Moore and Jennie Lynn, publicity chairmen. Joi'ning the San Clemente board for a three-year lerm were Richard Wllson, John Broderick, Thelma Salveter, Elnor Fouch, Harry Moore and Joan Applegetl. The theater has announced plans to participate in San Clemente's annual fiesta this • month. A pageant celebrating ! j the first Christian baptism in California, 200 years ago, will j be presented free of charge at the playhouse. rJ 11=======1 "~" . ..., .. , · LU4u1i . ' " . . c..it:t-.• o.n,-1 , ... "Romeo and Juliet" . .. "Barefoot in the Park" Wllll J-l'MH Jack Le111m0n aild Catherine Deneuve are "The April Fools" Also starring Peter Lawford, Jack Westo~. Myrna Loy and Charles Boyer. i itlr $"'l'C ~II·...,.~ w~ Tille 1iS)lf'1kn, ~lwwh«wl LYl:ini b.-H•I lmld, ,f,t<·( 11.,.,1"'1~•n11 """r.if 1 r .. I."" C:,.ju,,.Wa Rkt•rd· ... /~'~m r..ooun""' T f<"hn'ia!l'lr ' ''fi'llPIM''' ft11 Dr<:111"r. l'nlllod-d bl' ('.ordfln C.n<>I 1 ~''" •nl h• '>lu•n R~bel'I. A f.:,ilQM!Cc,nenl P.cturei. KckllliC' Xl.:1rwm1 U-nttr ~ 1ln" 111e.cnt.tion. Ii! ·~--::>~ 0 I Continuous Sun from 2 p.m. Eves. 7:00 & 9:35 ' The Night Of The ' Following DAY 0 il l' . f Week~nd Bonus: , Family We.e_klt_ Every Saturday CLA$SIC OF CLASSICS Cl•rk Gebl• ~ Yl•I .. L.l9fl ·"Gone With the Wind" Showt1t9 11t 12!JO, ~:30, 1:30 Jap1nese Movies Every Tu1sd1y Nigh t -PREMIERE DRIVE-IN SHOWINGSl- WALT DISNfY'S "THE LOVE BUG" TICNNKOlOI pl.,. 2nd fH~ "GIT"• A.,..,,. •llrfl'ldwt In c.letl ~OV! IVG" ol 1!30 l 12 Mlo:lllitM• "Gfl" 111 10.30 ,.M. C-plttt lhow 01 tor. 01 10,30 '.M. ~· ~UNTAtHVAUIV OlllVl-IH LA MAllA ORJ\'l IN .. ~ ............. --· ,.,..,., wrw110 "'"""_ ... -...... ••••••"·l.. .. •++19,r.,. ............ .. GlEAT FAMILY FUN °*• ..19Mt hddy Hockett h1 W•tt DllHY't · "The LoY9' Bug" Ph11 AMI'( 9-riffltft Jerry Yaft DP• "Al\ Angel In My Packet" . . ............. ._.. .......... . IXCLUSIYI DIGAGIMINT JQC• ~.. ,..., lewferd ''The April Fools" S'"9 Mc._ hytt h-~ "The Thomas Crawn Affair ' ............. ~············· - EXClUUSIYl lHGAOIMINT GNt9f'Y hell 011t•t Shcttlr ~"'·" . ·"Mack1nn1'1 Gold" -~--: ....,... s.,.t °"9• W•lln "T.he Souther11 Star" ""'' ....... ~--......... . ~ <) • 'HIT MUST 9"0'-Alt-THI WAT ' • , , UP TO HILL • RkWt11 lwtM Cllllt lmtweM --j "Where Eagles Dart" ~.w.-.: ~i... ~ "H11ven With A Gun" h ... ~ ...... ~ .. ··"····•••1 Tt•Y D...._ "ThoH Mognlflctnt Men in Their - Plylng M1chlnes" • ..... S.1191'1 -·'-"(•tin• a..,al•" " -AfH- "SOUTHERN STAR" A fUm "°"' th No~1• ll'y PHILLIP IOTH TM A1Hior of tk H•• ... t SellM "POlTHOrs COM,LAINT" ,,. .... ,_,.,....., -·-·•n·•h: 1lr.l"I IMOlN 1-I. 1M tll80 Mil • ......... ---ALL NOOH - An All.C1rtoon Ft1turtttt ' DLENN FORD i O•I• Hol1diy Shows MA Tl NEES DAILY Wff.•Thn.•M9tl.·T--1 , ..... : fJl.-s.t.-1 '''"' • SIHllffy-IJ '·'"· • ' ' • • • .. ·-.... -.... ~. -·-·-----------------•• • DAILY PILOT ~•ttifesto Sp ells Oat Goa& • , ANIMAloak/" .,~ • ;Berkeley: 'An Example for-Revolt' ' . 8 Coast Area R-esiden~ Receive Law Degi:ees. . . ' Gradu1Uon cert monies Of Theodore Cory, both of Costa Orange Unlvenlly COUege of Mesa: Johu Mtttrlck and BERKELEY (UPI) -The dcvelopen \f.1bo are gouging chosen by the people. t~uwe will unite with SOciely, tM Women's Wbera· Law saw e.lght local studenta Donald ,Sebade, of Miaslon city of Berkll!:ley gave birt~ to h.igher renls and spreading .11-'!We will create a sou1fuJ olber movements throughout Uon Front, the Radlcp;I Stu· receive degrttt. The Santa Viejo; Francea Haller .Of the currenl wave of student ugliness wiJ be driven out socialism in BerkeJey ••. we the world Lo destroy Uils. . dent Union and Btrkeiey;hJ~ · ADa)aW' echool eont:err~ 41 Laguna Beach: W a 11 ace ~~lt.C'~tng~ s~~ po~~·:n:. ~~t ~e 1~or:,rg ~/1!a~nd ~::'~s0~:i:I~~ (St~}c ~s~i:.1~':~1~~ ~! ~=~~a:fd : 0= ~c~mn1encement address~ ~"b~erP::rl~k u ~~ 0 ~- Movel]leflt on the University people. 12---"We wil create a t.ively su pport the 10-point pro-form, which took six wetka to ~as glven by Dr. Nat'Yel M. Wef!tmlnster; and '-~ of Cafifonia campus. lG-"We will de lend people 's government, replac-gra.m of t.be Black Panther write, is Delng clrtulated na-Youn&, president of ,Pep. Wells ot Balboa Island. While ~~movement•t has ouselves against law QQd,__ • jl'li 11 wilQ. one based on the .party. tiom111y and -already bas ----~ .... -perdine college. ~ The senior claas Wu the~ d I .... ••-order .•. we shall abolish the tradUion of direct .,.,,,..;cipa-Albert said leaders of received "wid-ead'' IUP: •--ad --• •-ad··-1-from Qrsnoe sprea o ""'"'r campuses 1.11'V .,...... rt ____ _ _ __ -lioOPtJEs.5, 1 ~ AAV'i: L!Fl ,,....,. sr uat.es were~ l:UllU w gr -...... -- Berlltlej ... radlcaJ movement. 1 __ 1yr;__annl_c_a:I ~po;ll·ce··ro.rcelisloolii1 ;ll~onlolrl111elipeolipllie .••••• S.lud·en·Ls···l·or·a·lle·m·ocr·a·llc •• po ................. 1.1H1_~~t~Ollf~R~""ilC~M~l·;jiDiaivld~~B;r;•;n;d;ojn;jandiiVinl;Y;ersij!i7,ilioundiediln~llfl.~,~ with lhe "People's Park" Ill Jal.est Jauo, has.remained in the rorefroot of what its followen caJI "the .second American revolution." The Berkeley movement, in • response to claims that the radicals were against almost everything and for almost nothing, recently published in the Barb, an underground newspaper, a 13-polnt manifesto tha1 spells out the revolutionary nature ol the militants. lt could become the credo of lhe nation's .student radicals. Stew Albert, an author of the manifesto, said the plal- form combines new lert and hippie philosophies i n t o "workable programs" i t s writers hope will be taken up by radical groups across I.he nation-just as the sludent slrike spread from Berkeley eastward. The hopeful result of the fllatform . Albert said, will be a "soulful socialism" and the cre8Uon of a revolutionary proving ground for a n t i · establishment tactics. "Our Berkeley," the preamble to Ute manifesto reads, ·"will permanently challenge the present system and act as one of many training grounds for t.he liberation of the planet." 13 POJJ\'TS 'The 13 points are : 1-"We will make Telegraph Avenue (which ends at the en- trance to the University of California) and the south cam- pus a strategic free territory for revolution ... We will resist plans to destroy the south campus through university- business expansion and pig (police) assaults. We will create mall!, parks, cafes and places for music and wan- dering. Young people leavl.Jlg their parents will be welcome with full status as members ol our communit • ~·we will create our re volu tionary culture everywhere. Everyone should be able to express and develop through art, work, dance, sculptures. gardening and all means ~n to the im· aginii.10n. ~talerials -wi1-be made available to all people. We will defy all' puritanical restraints on culture and sex. 3--"We will turn the schools In training grounds for libera- tion . . .the basic Wue is creating an education a I system in which students have real power and w h i ch prepares the young t o participate in a revolu- tionary, world. 4--"We will destroy the university unless it serves the people ..• students should not recognize the false authority of the regents. administration and faculty. All students have the right to learn what they want, from whom they want. and in the manner they decide ... " 5--"We will struggle for the full liberation of women as a necessary part of the revolu- tionary process. While the material oppression of women varies in different classes. male supremacy pervades all social classes. • . we demand the full control of our own bodies and towards that end will establish free birlh con- trol and abortion clinics. ' . BASIC NEEDS &-"We will fake coinmunal responsibility for basic human needs. High-quality medical and dental care. . . will be made freely available. Child - care collectives stafled by both men and women, and centers for strung-out souls, the old and the infll'ltl will be establlshed. 7-"We will protect and ex- pand our drug culture. \Ve relate to the liberating poten· tial or drugs for both U1e mind and body politic. , .we Intend to establish a drug distribution cent.er and a marijuana cooperative. , .we will resist lhe enforcement of aU drug Jaws in our community. 8-"We will break the power of lhc landlords and provide beautiful h o u s i n g for everyone. Through r e n t strikes, direct seftures ol property and olber resistance campaigns, the large landlords , banks and Make a Sha rp Deal; Use DAILY PILOT Dime-A-lines -r----------------------------1 l YOU ARE INVITED i_ I I I to have some fun with us, I .BUN-TINGTOR BEAGll- l I save a few bucks, and see how Shorty's "Good Stuff" at the Right Price" mc1kes the other guys crazy. THE BLAST STARTS JuLY 4TH FROM 9 TO 6, JULY 5 & 6, FROM 9 TO S (anq endS , we-hope, never). I . ;,_--------------------~--~---~ DICHOHDBA SEED Thb i• lh• 11uft dr•«ms m• mode ol o.nd U II doti1n't come up, coll 11 a nl1Jhtm.011. il.44~~ pur• nedi•J. & 8 144 l LB. SCIENCE ACfV/ILL"f, GARDER DUST ' i~~~EJf A Dusi thla around 011d 101g1I about th• go1d10 ollog1tli1r. A mllUon bu91 h<f'f• dltpari.d. With u."lly• by• "lo11:' -so Fooi HOSE ARD BANGER .A nlt1 d-1. you. flt th• .bOM, G aUty metal hlll'l91r. cmd you. b11y lh• noll. !So. w1 ••ll the no.ii. got lo m0-k1 lllOMT .oi:n-b1re). CBAMPIOH BRASS POP·UP BEADS AU y11u. do 11 l11m lh1 -..al••• yell "h•r• com•• th1-champ .. and wctiar blow1 all orou1d th• ploc1, Whol could be •eo....-1 77-c EA. ANTI·SIPBOH VALVE This b th• 10Ud brcn.a deol. wtlh lh• ~'4 uiilon. cod• apprOTld lthl cod• oJ the 'llll'lld .....0 and fO\I cu't do a IP~ 1y1l1m wtl.boul IL 2'' C LOWNS. HEfE • ELECTBIC CBIBCOAL um Plug-ti lll,, dump IOIM hrtqu•tt. cmiimd It and •ooa G rocrlng,h•d of hol eoci.la. IT.bu yo\&f.JAcU Mf, '1 doa'I wcrnt a st.ak. l•I'• fO 1o Foal•r FrMs•). 99c BIB·B·Q . UTEB FLUID So yo11 don't cotlon to •lldrlcity ot moybe you won't pGJ' th• po-1 btlL Forv•l U, 1plas.b. lhl1 on C111d cools yov. ;-ot eooa. 19C QT. • ID LBS. BBIQUETS Hi heat. eo1y 1tartltl9, the kind you pay 19c • bctt lor hr. IA• other placn. (not all. of cou.n•. th1r1 arto 1ome o\Mr 1Jood :m1rchC111l9 arouadl. DOUBLE SMOIEB WACOH 3995 Twla !rehoim.. motoriu4 llPlt. ~vondc-. dlmml tllitlfta. flip back smokilt ilood. llu.g1 front door, twhl. &.- huUd1ra. « wiru1•r, oad OD• JO'O. CUll pcrf 11,95 for lf i:nl}'QI Jias Otll- fW1 bou1tit tbe wtiol. proc:lac:tlo.J. lxlZ PIRE SHELVllC • • ZxC ECONOMY STUDS Tlila 11 lh• pm:• ..,....,bodf uMd to NA a J•w ~ ago. l.Utl• did lh•J' bow w• plnt9d 1orn9 mld ,,_ our owu Jor 1189. A lhhag-!hat nuui to I Ifft. good all-around hulldlii!J mottorial ll:Ullb.r. Smooth, com•r1 roaad -d all. NO DEAi.Eil SAi.ES Ion an.ythln;-1 SQ, FT. EA. 8 FT. IBOH BAIJJHC - Sa.l•IJ' at you.r •nlrf nd a 11.ttl• •Jdfc hlll\lty.1tu991d 1olld 1tllff. no ti.ftll.J'·lln-lin llu't !hat hlc1y-nlc .. nlc• 71 99c !JN. FT. 20" TWO SPEED FAM Got 2 1pe1ds, l"aluvgtlh" crad. .. tomado"J, A big brMP hox to ritGlly m°" Cllr hi \'Ol11ta1. S.111 cu1.-r'llt'h111, rau f{lllet llik• a DC-ti. 1211 CLOSE COUPLED TOILET A r-.uJa:r !Jood John. ln wlllll Ul1thn1 llrff pon::eloln. vot lb• 12 ladt bo.. .,,..u.g, and th• water c:la.11. (You buy th1 ..at and w• really 1-.I to yoa. Ui•r1J. 199·7 I l • ~ i • t I l t l I ; • f •• • • • • • • • .. • • ~ • • ' l I l ----------· ---- I i • ,_ I • ,l • . ,.. • !. , • • • ,. • ' ' • .. • l • • I • l ! I ' l -·-----------~~--~~...........-~-~---~-----...~-.-.,-------.------------------------------.-----· • • , ... .Ii: ' 1'11ul1diy, Jufy '· 1969 Yalley Offe·rs Young~ters ~usy \ . . ... ,._ .. Bill of Fun I • Swlqun!Qg-poot8 and school a crack' at picking up bridge nwlmmlng, water ballet, ~. dandfl& il!JO have started. pl.ygr.oundl will be the most skills. petitive swimmiog and Y{aler Youngsters from S.12 can e,n. itctlva mas in Fountain Swimming pro~ a t polo. joy lhe .10 week course con- V:alley thll" ~rher · as the ·Fountain Valley High Scbogl, Summer playground activity ducted Friday and Saturday at P'arks ~ Rec real i o. n 17816 Bushard St., and Los has begwi v.·ith supervised the Community Center, 10200 i5epart.meht's· 81,!IJUTler pro-Amigos High School, Helt activity'from 1 p,m, to 5•p.m., Slater Avenue. gram goes ·tnto full swing. Avenµe and Newhope Street, Monday through Friday at Karate classes will start the Three Dew activities have , top. the list. Monroe, A 11 e n , McDowell, beginning of· each month, held tite:n 8dded .to an , extensi\ie . Public swimming is .under Harper, Fountain Va 11 e y, Tuesday and Thursday even· list. 'lbij, Y,.tar yowfgsten Will way at both-~s lnd -l~Ta~t.nd Niebli.1-ICbOols. lngs et--ihe Fountain 1VaJley ' have a cha~ to team baUet from l p.m. to··~., p.m., Mon-Ard!, crafts, moVies, sports, lligh School gym. RegistraUon ai\d tap •da'.nclng and water day. ~ugh Saturda'y.-and 7 and cont.es(.s .. will-be..avitllabte •fee is flO_per mouth for eight Polo_cmiipetlllon-1l.ltfeor p.m.~to I p.m., 'l\ic"'1a)'_and for YOW1i$1~eil 6-!f._ ~ i'3§0l!S, le~at~ members will have · 'f.raining is avaUable Jn Lessons in ballet and tap Two sets of ~ennis programs • • are conducted at Fountain Gymnastic Wtrucilol), ane _tlon fee is required. Valley High School. One, July of the city's oldest courses, Tumbling and acrobatics (to 12.Aug. 30, is conducted on runs througll Aug. 5 Tuesdays music) offers one session from Saturdays, while Tuesday and • June 16 to July 9 fnd another Thursday courses cari be at Fountain V~ley HI I h ffom July 14 to Aug •. 6, both t a k e n In t e n n i s up Scbool for partlc1panl!' •8". 6 with Monday and Wednesday to July JO. Registration fees and . older. A $5 regl!lration courses. Cost is $5 for each are $10 for intermediate fee l8 required. five-week period. students, f1 (or adults and f5 Weight training qtasses for AU registration~ with the ex· for children . 8th lhtoogb' l:th grade boys iS · ceptlon of swimming, Can f1 Bridge instrucOon will be ·ot· offered Monday, Wednesday made Monday through i'riday, fered starting July 10 fOf!-..an-and~Thursday evenings In the ·-at the park3 -and,.recreation of;- eight 'week course ln-dupllc.ate--EountaJn Valley Jligh Stbool Jice...in. the cotitmunity center, bridge. JfeglstraUon Is SlO. weight room. A $3.25 registra-ln<IO Slater Ave. 4 , ·5r , -~-'. -FRIDAY, ·J~ Y 4TH ,- • ~ -A:TURD~SUNOAY-. • • ; ' f ' ' • I . . WEEKDAYS 9 to 9 SAT•SUH 9 to S .,.., • ::Ragg8cly Ann and ·-·- < . . ryone says the kids ~JQ.Y . tJD. _· * A~l¥~l1 ,Baby D_eer c1nd Goal .Kid~. *~n·OATING BALLOONYS --. f?r , kicJdies .. Kids. are welcome 19122 BBOOUUBST Comer o.f Garfield HUNTINGTOJC · BEACH 962·5~61 ... ~ « GARFIE LD " I .. "' NATIONAL 0 N 0 .. « m ADAMS . ~ .c-::··--LA MIBADA "12841 Valley View Blv~ South of Imperial 921-2541 --523,7870- lMPERlAt. DAIL V•l'ILllT Z3 Ueuds Club Gordon B. Jones of Newport Beach has been elei:ted president or the Orange Count '· StanfOrd Club. Jones is director of engineering .planning for The Irvine Co. and a former presi· dent--of· tbe-Stallford- Junior Alumni of South· em California. Computer Can Make Pollution A University ar Soutbern Calilornia scientist has c;ome up with a way .to produce smog by computer. The procedure, w h I ch simulates chemical reactions, ls the first of Its kind to be a~ plied to air pollution. It is "highly promising" for clarification ·and eventual pro. gress In controlling smog, Dr. Lowell G. Wayne told the 6Znd annual meeting or the Air POl!Utfoil Cofifrol Association recently In New York . "Although the-p h O t O .. chemical nature of air pollu· lion from automobiles has been recognized for 20 years. the basic chemistry is stjll in doubt in some lmpartant respects," Dr. Wayne said earlier in an interview, The computer program, Dr. attended b · arents. . * POPCORN -B'!LLfJoll:mU.JlU ... liUJll 1732$. Woodrulf 2045 E. Caison J Blk..North Between ~~+-Wn."-a~e ~laineJ sinwlat.es cheriiTc-al reactrons that OcCUr over a given-period-of time in the .snwg cycle. 418 "· SBEETBOCI 'Enough to mdke Can -our customers nice and chubby. BLACK &. DECW Ad••rdHd ·~ll· rood thni Jilly t. 1181. 3/8 INCH DRILL ~HU~N~D~~eo""s ii%ll!!fl!I A great ll"11!.I In tool.I, and new )ow price, GIUl·""I carry the Un·1 ln d•pU:r. Ln cc:tM you want lb• olh1r thlng1, Henry, OF LIG:H'tS lJt·UP"llNO . ON C>ISPLAV FACTORY DEMONSTRATION I . FWI Ume for. tbe vup. llk• ;obi; to •oodahop. 5/8 .lnch Isl l[lalily no sitonds RATIONAL LWEI ACBYUC LATEX INTERIOR/ EXTERIOR PAINT . BJACI &. DECm 7'A" CIRCULAB SAW SWAG SHADE LAMPS 99! .. 1 .. •• ' Thi• ls pr.tty good stuff, no l\IM. We put our JI.CUii.i on 1110 we cu1n'I ubout to get Shortr mad at u , FOf ll!l af\leco, !Di:nonTf, dtTWa,11 mad brick. 244 GAL. POUi A FLOOR m ·1a1ld• or ovl. pOU1 cmd glcu• cmd T• got WI• wall lo waU p•rmcmnt colorful floor co•91'lzar. 599 20 SQ.~. - FACTORY DEMONSTRATION tb•TU take clll tlae •J'llerT out ol · ti. whole o,.rdon cmd lllail;e TO!' a pro lo~ tl!W• INDOOR/OUTDOOR CARPETING LOc• you -ta the kmcy bom•• and n1t<ruranlll. Cholc• ol C6lo11 ju1t foll oti what ycni aMd aod w•'ll throw U In a tack. 2 59so. YD •. ,, ~ .. S'ER~ICE, I ME ... H \Ill!: RE.ULV MO~e 48 TO 84 INCB TRAVERSE BOD ~ Ho Tlsay flaJr,.,., lt'1 Uae . blf dML H rn·,. Jblllktal' of dolat lh•·cl.ropwy tlllav .. .a.f• mon•J °" the 1l?"'"'cr4. -·-·----~-------·-· ' Power lo spar• for dt.1 hom1own1r. aalloklekbcxck d11tdl. 1awdut •I~ lo NC11.11ol lo fwr eMo f11U dtipllt. cmd cmglt ad!1lltmea.t. 2488 31A INCH BENCH VISE A ru9g.d hkr. w• ifoa't Jool aro.\r:ld U II'• good. Got th• homm•ria'l ouTll. th• 1wl••I ba11. and w• gol a 1tadi: that w1igh1 about 2 toas,. ., J99 c Now the11 lool1 or• prtlly good 10 don'l'1.t lhe prfl'' ~a..• you. Aher all It'• a Cr6ad Op1rilno und .•• thould ool 'llJOrtf oboul mallng mon1y hltxt w••k we11 do th• worrrinf• but todaf. u.e, llHI. Cet a Ml Ond do liit ymd •P p\lrty. N.ol. 0111 ol lampnulk1r Jabric: with matching and contraedltg 1rlm. lncl11d11 th• chain, 1witch, cord. th• wodts to swag U qnpb1r1. 999 EA. Ol.ArteiitiBlvd. W ilmington 'l'O 7-2721 and Alameda 835-7178 ALL STORES OPEN 9 TO 6 JULY 4th MEDICINE CABINET Foney wood trhrun1d, 1!1cttopkrted minor, C1df11.1ta.ble glo.. 1h1l•11. Very Flor.-ntlne looldag. Ji.ls th• 1lcrndard openiair. 999 PLASTIC OVAL DROP SHADES · Jn o•ocado Cllld 1om• other equally wile'. color which cu•torn•l'I lug out of here llke ll wa1 goln9 out ol 1tyle, lnclude1 lb• hardwor• ond cord. 4' 6' 239 444 8' 5" ·10· 7" POOL CHLORINE NO l>EPOSIT NO RtTURN and th• 11uU 11 hill poltnCT, (I 1hould bop• toll So 1119 1om1 hom• and 1i:n1 a IHtl• mot1. 39c GAL. WATERFALL POMP Thl1 lfltl9 drril li tlr1IH1, II wl1I pump tbe wawrfall. 1mptr polldl • pump bllt••· cmd • ..,., coai.plola or tab a: -CGUOa. <1111 can II mall• J(Nr brll<lldall. alti bal. "We have known for some time from controlled et.· perlment.s in air pollution chambers and from monitor· ing the-atm~here-now~~ ponents of air pollution vary. but we haven't known why. Theories have been building up .. "Our work ls a refinement or theory ·and a method of quantitatively testing t b e theory. Theoretical work up to now has been qualitaUve on· ly," he said. "For example," the USC scientist continued, "it has been known that in smog, nitric dioxide increases and decreases over a period. But now with computer simulation. we can predict the amounts and the rates of increase and decrease, based on any chosen theory. "The computer program will tell liS exactly when In the smog cycle the 'Increases and decreases of different com· ponents take pla ce according to the given theory,'' he declared. He said the program already has demonstrated it can simulate chemical reactions in laboralory fxperlments with four major components of smog -nitric oxide, nitric dioxide, propyleoe and ozone -with colnplete statistical accuracy. The next step, Using com· puter programs based on bis original procedure, will be to simulate reactions and in- teractions of combinations of these and other components. These two steps, he said, are simulati ons of "experimental'' smog, that Is, smog artificially produced in laboratory --CbamberS . • ' " Tbe final goal of the -. research, Dr. Wayne said, is to simulate the actual pollu· · tion. of the ciUes' smog-laden atmosphere.-- That could well • become reality within· two or three years. and would consUtute a look at the "big picture" of all the chemical events taking place simultaneously in smog. Such a n accomplishment would help science achieve the mechanical ca}abillty~ o f er a dicating photochemical {auto exhaust emission) .smog once and for all. the use scientist des:larcd. "HoWever," Dr. Wayne cau- tioned, "it's not quite that simple. The scienUflc capablli· ty of controlltilg smog must be backed up by soclal P,Ollcies and governmental actions tn order to make it work." • His re,.arch has .bee!I fiifid. ed by a grant from the . Na· Uonal Air Pollulloll COnlrol AdminlslraUon. , I I I . T . -I ! I . I ,. I I -·-• f 'Tlwndly, Ju~'· 1'169 14 0411.Y '11.~T • 'e, Faces Newcombe Laver Topples AS .· WIMBLEOON, Eftlllnd IAP)-Jlorona dtl, Mat's Rod LIYet dis,ased of Arthur Asht l;oday. to move into·the finals of the W\mbledon ()pen tennis championships. SJ, l~U. M today. / A capocily crowd/or 15,!)111 w.J(che<I the two Aussies 't'age a nlp..and·tuci: struggle that req111red 2 hours and 4S mlnUfes. J}<K:be \VIS a. flllalltt la!lt year when ht IOet to Laver tn W(tnbledon'1 linl OJ><JI c)>amplonslllp. . gam< gtaduaijy willed aplns\'llle power and accuracy of Layer's hlUlnc. • . \ ' lo do It-w" America'• Don BUdp la Mr•· ·Jdnc 'beat Mn. J_. r.,; the 11'7 tll!. Ulle and.-lben d~ of her qain in Marty Rlessen of Evanston, Ill .. paired Iut yea<:• semifinals, Both !lnaliata are wltll Tom Okker of The Nelherlandl lo · j)l'Olcaolonaia will! World CbamplOMhip ocore lhe day's upael la doubles by deleallD& lhe defeodlng champion.; Roy Ttnnls. Emersoo and Laver, f.3, U, W, M Jn 'M~ King, S«ded '«OJ)d, bad her !he &emlfinals, easies\ 'Ollldl of tlle lournameol agalnsl , . . ' • + f -Tbe -dtlell· eildtd ' tllt A111lta~--. hopes for a grand slam. She bad won th._: Australian and French 'lilies on her come, back w. yw. · · . ' • M• and 1915 )lln., , .. QJurt, tlle, .1,,,. ' • ,. Wimbledon champloo, had reli\ed ana . ' . The fiam~ll1ired Corona d~l Mar sou~w tnocl:ed. nff his am1(tui rhi'il, 2-4. &-2,~ .. 7, ..... to advance 1.0 saturita)"• ·finale 1P!m1 A~· Jollh • New· oombe. 1'lle altoW°'""1 "111 be te1""5t •--~!,i.---111ve"llt t :IO·i . .,,..&a~l 4~ 11 waa lhe -n.i 1lme ~ver bad del-· ·Allle la Wlmbt.don ieJ!>i!. So ,,.,.; the Corona del Mar pro wlll gun fOr hiS 'leeond straight Wimbledon crown. tnd ~third le& of an unpre:ctden\. ed grana slam. As1le, !ht underdog, thrilled 1he crowd · by lakJug the first set Wilb a fine display o1 tiiCktiallif-Jiittlng:-ue sept asae-.m ~ backhand returns past Laver, who Kid bis su..vlce broken twice and trailed Long Beach's Billie Jean .ting, almlng for a record-tying Jourth lst;;ugbt Witn·· bledon, and Engl!M 1s Ann Har.don l~ es, upset coqueror of. Margarer Smith Court, will ballle FridoY 111< lelllll8' most pruUgloul.dwnplooolllp, Laver Is hall·W'aY towards the gr,nd slam -the world'&-four..-ma}at' teMis Earlier, lhe No. I U.S. pair ol Stan UW. Mloa Cauia, lbe ooly upseeded Smllll, Pasadena, C.lil., and Bob LuU, player lo ·lain lhe semis. 'J'lle m•lch re. Los Angeles, had been knocked out in tlle qulr<>d a mere ·:ia mlnuta IOlld when ii cjllitt.r-!lJlalCby SO.lb Alttanl Bob wu over-~illie·Jean dtcltoecl· lo discuss then ,marr~. She-decided l9 return to big-time competition for just one year. All Mrs. King had lo do in her oialclt was io keep..the bJl.l ln the court. Rosie; nol'lllflly·a.~. bll$llin&11i8Yl".-se~­ .ed lo bave 1ep of lead and lhe .malch WU a,aJauahtef. • J ( I . • John Newc:ombt, =the lts'l c.hampion, overcame countryman Tony Roche, M, 1-4. . . 1ht champton stepped up the pres· surt, broke bl.ck· JO-)..f, but then was shattereCI again by mote backhands from the Amerlcu. As, the matcb, went on, however, Asbe'1 ., • utle.s In one year·~ , J ·' He bas already won tlle Ausirtllan ailoj F-h lhles. and.~ baa Wlmllledon and Forest Hills t.o ~· Laver did P>e GrlOlld slam la 11112. Tbi oozy olher man • Hewill 'and ,.... McMillan, wbo wO. H, · lb& merlta OI ~ v1c1ory, -· M, .. ,. M, »11, la. match holtecl la lbe II WU .... of Ille --·· final Hl.;r...da3 bJ bod ligbl "'; ' matches ever p(Qecf llere aDc! both Hewlll 'and 'McMillan loolt lhe coul\ rt<eived a llmldllla 8"atioa 11 u.ey•Jefi aaala.af\er Onlt 311 m!l!utes telll!9r Uieit Ille ctlW1. • .. . She seemed scared to iush the net ancf her oer\<es sailed gently over ~ blrriU ~. llllln8 lo be k1lle<L I I'm Not a 60-Honier Man-· '-Jacl{son ~ Allen Tries To Explain · His Actions OAiu.ANO !AP) -R°'gie Jackson, the :3-year-okl slugger or I.be Oakland Athletics, won't put himsel{ in the same class with Babe Ruth and Roger Maris 83 a home nm hitter. Not yet, at least. Jac'kson hit three homers Wednesday PHILADEl..PHIA (AP) -Rich Allen, night to lead the A's to a t-0 victory over the controversial slugger of t h e the Seattle Pilots at the Coliseum. Philadelphia Phillies, says his prob)em is "' "They named a candy bar and a that he never has learned to be a pro-stadium after Babe Ruth,'' Jackson said. fessional. "He and Roger Maris were great. It's "I think in my heart I am a ball player, nice to be compared with Ulem, but I but I just haYen't learned to be a pro-V.'On 't consider myself in lbeir class until fessional, which is my real problem ." · Allen told sports telecaster Al Melt:ier -last night. Allen-, who tw been ·dodging the news· media since he was suspended in- definitely without pay for missing a doubleheader in New York June 24, sold his thoughts in a half hour dialogue. He hinted that he ·mtvtrt play baseball Jn Japan or South America, or go into another ~iness. , . "Money isn't all," Allen said when ask· cd how long he could sit out the ap. proximately $500 a day fine the $80,000 a year fi(St baseman is be.lrlg assessed by lhe Phillies. UVE IN P£ACE "1 'Jjyed ffom · 1 lo 18 without it (money}," he sald. "So, if I'm going to make a living why not go and make $105 a week :romeWhe:tt and live in the coun: try with a few hor~s and forget it and live in peace. "I don't have to worry about you a!'\· Ing me questions1 not that guy with the camera. oot this flN sboolinw.,nlotllf!~!!t.~ th!;guy asking tOrYour autij:raph . ...--- Asked who was going to make the first move, Allen or the club. the slugger replied, "Well, l made the first move when I came home. "They (Phillies) made a move when they suspended me without knowing if I w1s1aytnf""On1tie-rughway·dead or what. They made the move not me . "The man (Phillies' Manager Bob Skin- ·nerl suspended m~ Even if I get there I can't play. 1 have to hear of some other way." Skinner has said he will have to have seYeral talks wltb his first baseman and an understanding th.at Allen will live UP' . to club rules before he will return him to the line-up. 1 have five or six good years, back to • back." Jackson'!l late&t homers jive··him 33 for tht season with 72 games gone. Mam, wlio hil 61 hom;n la 1911, didn'I get his 33rd hom~r that year unlil )llJ 78th game. Ruth, ~ bitting at ~rs in 1927, got hi& 33rd m the 9Sth game of the year. • "I'm hot going to hit IO," J.cbon declare$!. "Because I'm not a 90-bomer man. "Frank Howard bas 26 homers alrei.dy, ' .. ' ' .. -1 , ' and he's Mt even bot. and ·Willie barely cleartd the ri&ht field fence at the McCov~y has 26 and )'OU ~On't hear foul line. lhi alloul ~;-'!'h~ .. • ·~A r The second was the longest. Tt soared Wl1 ng · --"1· ••.op is ~ year 0 oyer the cent.et netd ttnct at the 400-foot the hitter,•• Jact,son said:-mark. The Uiird. a tlMooter. came oo a Jackson doean'.t care: about homers a.s _ rut ball,from Segui. long as lbe A's wiii ball -"II I llil . .., -tb&t WU bis bell pllch, and 99 homers in a ..-~ 11'.ld 11• ~; ii.. ·wu looklna for II;" Jacbon Aid. '!ould be a~ ~ear," he.said. ' Jackaon bu.hit" eitbt of_bis 3S ~ers Jackson hit his flrst two bOmers oh "1&aiost$1U1@:, Be bu' it least oat born· 5ealtle starter Marty PalUn 11'<1 '°"' tbe U ag~t·every American Leajue tWn lhlrd against u·t~ate Die&!! SecW. exctpt-petr'oit. "The first -horner was lucky,'!. Jaciaon', A.).owne:r·Cllarui Fioley watched Wed· aaid. "The wind helped 11.''. Tbal !\Omtr . eesd~y nl&bl't game mm bis meazanine level boz. Jt wu the first time this· 'season be has seen Jackson bit a homer. \~ Jackson hlt his third routtd·tri~ per • .Finley leaped to bis· feet sala·ami. ed to Jackson aa De rounded the bases. 11lt fi,1'.ls in the right fiekl bl~chers, went l!Dd. _and .waved their. ".Reggie'( Regimen.t.t• b&nnen.., · • • When Jackson went back to bi's spot id, right field at• the end of the iMiPg, be waved his cap to ,lhe fans. · . "I wish I could thank each of them.~ Jackaon said. "Tipping my cap docsn'~ 8'tlJl like enough." I l ' ''.I CLEAlt TmNGS UP Asked if he w&nted the club lo make: the ne1t move, Allen said.. '"No, I don't RED-HOT REGGIE JACKSON HIT 3 HOMERS WEDNESDAY TO MOVE JO GAMES AHEAD OF ROGER MARIS' RECORD PACE AND 23 UP ON_ BABE RUTH. want them lo do anything. No. 1 don't want nobody to do nothing." When it was suggested he might sit for the rest of lhe season Allen shruqged bis aboulden 'and commented, "So~" "l'd llke to clear up a lot of things," Allen Qi_d,_ "First of all, I'd like to say that w\iatever is going to be done ii going to be cle(lded between my wile and myseU. We'll sit down and talk It over and not anottier soul in the country. "The only one is The Man Upstairs, God. and my wife and myself. Much. as 1 Jov~ my mom, and even Clem, they can't htlp me now. The decision v.·ill be made at home. 1 will say that whirtever the decision is that will be It." I WYE THE GAME Asked what happened lhe day he failed to snow up for the doubleheader in New York, Allen said: "Nothing really. The press and the news media made it sound like it was really something. I admitted l •as_ wrong. It was just. something that happened. I did w r on g. I've forgot ·about it. l believe I paid my debt. : "So I'm not really asking anybody to do a'nything to try and straighten ll out. lf l j\Jmped off that was too detp for me and r' can't swim, me ana my family would jµst as soon il~t_ wa~~ It wjll ~ a_ (ecislon I've made myself. · Allen said he plays only for himself and hts family. "I'm a ballplayer. I love the lame. Why couldn't you or anybody else tvalua;te me: as a player and go ahead • __and let me Jive my owTil i.fe in peaci." ., . DAVIS CUP STAYS • JtW .4 Y FROM PROS ~ t WJMBLEDON, Eniland !AP) - Delegates froi'n the D1vl1 Cup nations re- )fcted a moYe to open the big leMls MJurnament lo promot.er<0nlr0Ued pro- tHsl001ls by 21·19 vote: today. 1be proposal needed a two-thirds ma- J«ll>' '"' •llP'O••I. The Davta Clll> -1way1 hu been !0< na· lional amatellr lelms. France proposed toda)' lhal U be l!lldt open lo all players DOI midtr suspension. The molloa WU l«Ondtd by lhe Unlled 5111 .. alid The -1111'1•· Jlrllala ·ond .AoWl!lla· we" ~n io be 1uflMllng rraocc .. but Bull Ruy, aterttary or tilt DaYlil CUp ~ ~ to Jive ~ -•otlftl dllalll. ' ' Dodgers Face Redlegs, Drop • -. Out .of First LOS ANGELES (AP) -Dod1er Stadiuin, with its spacious C!imenslons and slow infield, is not renowned as a good place to cure a batting slump. But don't try 1o sell Hbuston's Johnny Edwards and Doug Rader on that. Edwarda entered Wednesday night's game with the Dodgers, limping along Ylith a .201 batting average. Rader wasn't much be\ter at .221. Both, 1'19wever, got healthy In a hurry. Edwards ripped lour consecutive hits and Rader smashed three doubJes and Doclger Slate ,,,. ! ill"" ~·~1~·1 Jvly '" y, Inc nn;.t Jv:v ,,.. ...s Inc ..,..fl Jlllr 1 n lnd l\Nltl 12. 1.m. ii.Fl ..0 ''ll .... kF> 1··1 1: o.m. KF I U) 12:lS 1>.11'1, KFI ..0 drove in three runs u Ule Astl'Os claimed an 8-2 vjctOry and knocked Los Angeles back Into Second place .in the National League West, a half.game behind the Atlanta Stives. The Dodgers now prepare for a four· _game invasion of the Cincinnati Reds. Jn t.&i sei'les o)ener toriighl, Don Drys<lile continues his comeback attempt going against Ctney's George Culver. In his last shot at the Reds, Drysdale hurled six shutout innings In tiny Crosley field. He has won UU'te of his four starts since returning from the disabled list June 9. "OUST°" '-0$ ANOILll ••rllrM •llr11....-•1111~.111 3ll1Wlllt.,fi ••8 1 M•tO•n.ltl )llOM111,lf J.110 W-d ll ttW.Dl•!t.d •OIG ff.MUJtf, rl l O I I Gntltlltl\. rt l 0 G 0 Gollf, pl\ I 0 I I h°""' II •J. I t I McflOIOtl'\, rl I 0 I I H•llt~. ~ J. 1 t I Ed....,nb.t Sl•I L~ ... J.011 G11tt<, II 1 I I J Sll-t. tit J 0 I I Rlttr. 3111 S 1 I l S\lttOll. ,. 1 0 0 I MtrtlnH, .. t I I G ,,._, II 0 0 I I D.Wl llM. p S 0 I I Cr1W10fd, 1111 I I I I G!Mellfll, ,. 0 I I I Mltk~-O 0 I 0 0 ~--1 .. 1111 •••• roi.11 u111• Tot~i. n111 HOIA!on 011 Oii )02 -I LOS Anttln 000 OCT 001 -1 E -H1T11r, OP -Hlt\l't'91'1 1, LOf A.tlot!n 1. LOI -Mt/v$IOI' 10. I.Of ~nMln t. 29: -•Her J.. f f'Wtrtl, ,tllt -l~f1rr 111. S• -, M°"'ri. Wll!t. alel•r¥. S -Mt•llntl. Gtlfotr, lltl~ry. '"'"•tJtlllO o,WllWI cw.t!JJ ••t• 1 t 1 · 1 s ' Of." .. lnl II~ I I I I I flllloll fL,llJ'J 4o 1 t s S t ''tl"t" I t I 1 I 1 Mlkl'.C!Un 1,2 111 ,. Spotts Clipped Shor.t . O.J., Nam.ath to Collide,. if ... LOS ANGELES -All·Amertcan O.J. Simpson, who has yet t.o join professional football rI.11ks, says he'd like to face the New York Jets' Jot NamaUl. -who quit pro football ranks. Simps~ says for his part the meeting could be -with a few "ifs" -at the College All.Star gamt w.itb tbt Jets /tug. I in Chic;.ago. · Tht "U" for Simpson is U the Buffalo Bills wlll agree to · bJs term,,, which cur· rcntly are for a f&&O,<q:l contract which the u ·USC star says he's fully worth. fi.n alternative "11'" might be Insurance just to cover the All.Star tame. The "if" for Namath, ·of course, is if he cba}'lges his mind about quitting. So far he hasn't. I • STOCKHOLM -West Germany 's Juergen May beat Australia's Ron Clarke in a stirring 5,000-meter run in 13 :33.0 at an International track meet Wednesday nJ&hl. May's lime was the world's best for the distance this year. Clarke was clocked in 13:33.1 · with another West Gennan. Harald Norporth. third in 13:36.0. Mob am med Gammoud.i, the Olympic · champion from Tunisia, was fourth in 13,43.0. Bodo Tuemmler of West Germany cap· tured the mile ii13:S8.8, Willie Davenport o( the U.S. won the 110-meter hurdles In 13.3. . John Pennel of the U.S. was second in the pole vault at 16-5 after missing three tries at . 17-0%, the wianinc heicht of Renato Dioni&i of Italy. • BIRMINGHAI\1, Ala. -The University of Alabama was accused in 1 suit Wednesday af cxluding Negro high schools from Its athletic recruitment pro- gram. The suit was filed In federal district court on behalf of lhe Afro-American AssOciaUan, a Negro group at the school in Tuscaloosa. "Y,1e want the alhleUc department to recruit black athletes with 1:1 much diligence aa they do whites and without the 'Superman' requirements now used ," said Edward Nan, a former president of lhe association. 'The suit named Pa ul "Bear'" Bryant, the untvtrsity's athlelic director: Dr. David Mathews, ili president, and Robert . Fro. U .s. Secretary of H e a I t h , EducAtlon and Welfare. Bryant was unavailable for comment and has refused in the past to comment on similar accusalio!:s by the Afro- American group. However, a spokesman for Bryant's of· fice sai9 the school has offered a num ber of scholarship& t.o Negro athletes during the p~ two years and one has accepted a basketball scholarship. • PITISBURGH -The Pll!sbllr1h PenguiN begin training SePt. 14 for what most ob9ervers say wlll be another 1oil.g National Hockey League stason. 8ut Leonard "Red" Kelly isn't one of tllem. Kelly says lbe Penguins· m . just. an eyelash 1way from belnfl • strong con· tender for the Stanley C\tp, even though lhey'rt the only NHL team that hasn't made the playof[s. "I thought they (the P@:nauins) were just about lhls much (snapping his flng· ers)-away from making it all the way - .an dthal's pot much.'' Kelly uld Wedn~ day at 1 news conference aUed to an- nounce his appointment as head coach ol 1he Penguins. . ' ' ' . -" Ortega Fined; .1 Angels Lose • KANSAS CITY (AP) -Wednesd ay jull wasn't a day for Angel pitchers. • llurlers Tom Murphy and Phil Orteia look it on the chin despite some slarlliQ& work. Ortega was the first Halo hurler to be socked and he was thrown for a loss ~ hotel detectives wbo woke up mana&J' Lefty Phillips in the wee hours of the morning to report that Ortega wb parading around the Muehlebach Hotel with. little on in the way of clothes. ~ . Ortega, who has been on the disab1M list since May 10 after he received\'a ,broken jaw in an Anaheim resiauraftt altere,ation, was promplly. tagged with a $500 fine, the largest in Angel history. ·~ After that sti rring st.art to the di). Phillips saw Murphy take the hill against tbe expansion Kansas City Royals and drop a 1-0 de<:isk>n . CALlll01Ul\A KAN$Al CITY "' 11....-"'""" .-,.!O<N~.'l'b •llOfo)',lb •IOO .... Roa•1tue1. 3t> • o o t 1(,1Uv. tf l 1 1 o F~I. •• l f 1 I flora. lb 2 f ' o ~kll•rd:. If • I f I A:.O!lv .... cf • o I I Morton. rf • I I I Pl<1lelll, II J G I 0 ~= ... ~lb !·: ~ :. ~f!~~v~.t ~ : : : L.J°""""', pf! I I I I Htt"lndf,J, U ) 0 ~ 0 EOl!tl ~ J ! I I l11!1tr. o ) f • A.«111, c I I t Mvriol'ly, I> J I I I , TOl81~ lJ I ' t Ctl!fttrnlll KlnHI C!ly ''"" 71 1 4 I OllO 000 toll -.... 100 OllO ·-·~ Hotel Hits ·Players f_or $20,000 Bill CARACAS, Venezuata (A P) -Twenty· stx stranded Japa.ocse baseball playw: were a bit skeptical Wednesday wben they heard reports lhe-)' would leave Car· acas on Friday. Ther1'1 the matter 'of a $20.000 hotel bill to settle first, they noted. "We've be:tn swc.11: bere for 78 days and every day we heir we will leave the nu~" sa\11 pllQltr Hid• Koa•. "I ~on't believe anylllil\I. I'm ju>t dlaauoled." iaid another pla~cr. T. Sherron Jackson. presldtnt o1 U1e ... Bapllst Foundation of America, w a s quoted in Los Angeles as saying t h e Japanese players would join players of a reduced Global League In Co lumbus, Ga .. by Frilfay. The foundation purchased the flnancla1 · ly pressed league from Its founder and chief promol.er. Walttr Dilbeck of Evans. vllle, Ind., for S3 millkm last month. The Japanese were stranded in the Hotel Conde in downtown Car1cu when the ttague could not J)llJ the b!Us tor U .s., ·Puerto Ri t;an and Japanese players. Hotel manager Pedro Barrios ••id the team could n q t lt1vt VEnmiela until I.he blll is paid. Ht also threatened to cut off all food lo the Japanese today If the money wu not forthcoming by lhen. Barrios has made similar threats be· fore. 1\lesday he said the h!MI would . ~rve ohly sandwiches to tbt pla yers but lhey lunched on pork chopo. · Wbat worriea, -t of .Ibo players u thll they '"' not prll(tlclng. ' "Ever since we stopped playing ball· ·-J: games, we heven't had money to tll:e U'ansportat.lon to a practice field," Kci8• pid. The league, originally mad& up of siJt teams, started its first sea.son bere wiU. • series of games throu ghout Veneiuela. Poor (I.Ille rtceJpts and small cnnrrds v.·ere. followed by the long wait fot~ a trip to the Unlled States and tile ~~ leg of the league's season. · Money from relauva ,and .the· u .. ,s. Elnlialy paid lhe way hqmc for U.S. and Pul'.rto Rican players. ---' '' ' I l • • I I r I • t . ' Cycling as·'Dang etolls as Bullfig h~ing, · . . ~ • .. ' ~ -. . Woods Hits Big Time in No Time I • -I • ' DAILY f'ILOT S .. ff ..... I .. -·· Thonday, Ju~ J, 1969 DAILY. nt.OT , Ii# • Sought h y .Jayeees Mi.EU~ ~ning Toward Cag~ ,Career at OCC I By 1!!"11L OUSTKEY " Of .. .,...,.,.... ..... 111>1 Miller, Hunlinlloo Beach HJab SCbOol'a al).CJF-bukelhall -...,_ the~ pUt two aeuorls; ha1 ! Indicated Wedneode,y Joe wlll probably enroU II llrlllll• Coast Coll<1e In Sepi.mber. Mllltr ·tr th> subject or a spirited'_ recru.lting war between OCC and Golden West College. "I won't make up 11'1 m1nd WlUl·after the summer 1eacues, but right now l'in le&Dlng toward .orange Coast," be aakl. Miller, who ls working for the Hun- Unaton Beach Llleauar<t Depar(ment thls summer, ii playing ln two summer leagues for new OCC coach Herb~Uvtey 1 strong lodicaUon he'll be wearing Coait'a o61ois next seaion. \. ' Because of hil' daytime mmmer wart obligatlom, Mfiler will pa,,u up thi.I month's Clll'·LA City all-star game at The Forum. The OCCGWC struule for Miller's services is the feattired contest of the an- nual summer recrolUng · battle. Other . . . ROY MILLER Wooed by J•y-. . Orange COast area players woo are h1 the sununer leagues and jud~ tor believed to be headed for junJor college myself where I want to "play next are also tbe subject of vbJlatioiis by season," be 1ays. Livsey and Rustler 'C08Cb Dick Stl;lcklin. Stncklif\ compares Miller's ~ase to that Newport Harbor's Paul Holmes and oC Randy Vataha, the former Rancho Fountain V8lley's Gary Redmond and_ Alamitos Hlgh halfback wh.q ~as ~ Duane Diffie are c:onsidered by both looked as a prep by four-year acbools.JJe coaches to be solid prospects. All three went to GWC, became a star and fti are also believed to be headed ror OCC. awarded a scholarship by Stanford latl Westminster's . JeU Powers wu hiJ:tily win~. coveted but be'• UCI-bound. "I think Miller is in the same boat as So MWer, a super~g. 5-2· re-Vataba'Was·nro-yt:ars ago.-~ he am. ·bounding · specialist who C8J_l score and play at a four-year .school and I think ht _plaJ.: hard defense, rem&lll! as the u o prove it if be geta himfflf lo-I.be right · spoUJgbled pMllpect. JC proaram. !'.I want So.look.at botb schools' teams "Naturally, I lhipk he can do It better -Area Bowler8 .. In Contention -~-,. ·In Two Tests at Golden w..i than orange Coast and I'm sure Herb looti at just the other way.''= - Stricklin feels he has two standout preps from·the Garden Grove area com- ~g tn,-Al Moran from La Qulnta and Dave Cates from Garden Grove. Anotl)er Ru..tler -prospect· is-JUck" Biirnes ol "Raricbo AlamitDS, who averaged i.1 ~ eame last &ea.son. . Llvesy feels he ha's a former .Newpott Harbor player on his aide, jwnp shot marksman Bob Black. And Mart LanQ, A handful of Orange Coast ar~a ..i.... ho IJ had t Costa M bowlera continue to battle ror the lead in 8 ......,er " vsey a ~ a pair of Southland t.ournamenta. ~~ thr~ ser1n"'""r •1bo, .~ at., Or~ In-the nJnth aMual Palm Sprln.,.. ~~ recove g rom lo.A IW' .ery ~ .... '!'y ready to play again. _singles: ctaulc, Beverly Ladd of Foun\ain Orange Coast appears to have a dedd- \ ' ---~""'"'UA.'.QIDU.;:.wuue UJUW>IlC.l~__J)'., 'l'Dt~~erfuljhat ~raqpg lo""""Muico July l w&eii t.hty ap- He lwbeu~ reason to ~et io · oiJ is carried in lbe frame itself and they are •'CfOISldlijr' nearly all iii pear as co1avorites at 'I special meet Valley holds the women's -hand~p ed edge in returning players. Uney bu divblon lead wllb juat one week lett: in ...Bbil.. JQllf.a.o Jim KiIJdeloo anti ~ ,( ...,.,.__--~-~"= ....... ,,.uyauu.111. OUl;:'"IMUI "'·--~. '":'l """itiCketniiet' comlng back. Strlc~·· for -IWllld _place .ii .anotber...!Olllllain best-nturnees arcoav~ Platt ... t a one-way ' dfipe onto the ground after it has nm way aroond tbe tra:ct and the front in Tijuana: ~ tzt ~ in ~"::'n".Z rac--~ u.-e _bearlnp once, eliminating • wheel rising _upi m e air on ~ lbe , . After that the two will Jppear Valley bowler, 1 Mmam Bertan1 with a Brian Ambrozich. If Livsey Is i'ead.tng the 1,0'/9 total • . .. ""'"1iUng winds correctly the Pirates ..... w· v_e ;b! Ntther WelibL _ . strat&bway1."' logelbtr 1t OraJfCe Co u fit y back home by """"' enoup Racos last ...iy lour laps, because Tbett ii a lot .ol showmanship In-FajrgrOUllds a few m.n Umes before • Dl~ Braucfl, of. F~lain Va1ley bolds will be well-stocke dfor 1.70. down second place. In the men 's acratch ~t now I'm worried -~ get-.,after that, )"Ot,l've had it physically," volved In cornering too aod W~ P_latt b~ for the BtlUsb Isles. Una my motoreycle over to ~-· -..,.a-Woods,-'Wlio olten takes whlrlpool ahn:i-to-:-111....-although 11<-.!oean i-"I mljlit just go too," said Woods. dlvblon with a l.013 total. In lbe Ord~amDai_cautomla Women's Bowling~ation c ba m pi on 1 hi p tournament 1n Buena Park, Buggeua Inc. of Costa Mesa tops lhe team standinls in division-D after 10 weeks of acUoh with a 2,344 total whlJe Why-Knot of Fountain Valley ts third wlth a 2,308 score. • GRUNIO N TO-RUN'" aays Platt "I've got to wln ~ ~f~ baths to get bli muscles loosened up always like tt. . "We dorl't hive 8!11 kids, my El ·races dow~ here so tha(.J cm Ir. the ptiot to aa event "I don't enjoy ·doing th06e wbetl Carhlilo is all paid for, and all I would money to ship it over."· ~ J ~ ·'lbe rl(liq technique' used in stands and' t>airY things all the Ume · ha~e lo do is pack up, leave and race Both of their motoreyclt.s 'are con--~-~ay raclna requires considerable but If you don't, the crowd won't be • my way back home." NEXT TWO NIGHTS . . ,_ .• ,, ,.._ ~~ . - Ryiln Critic lSm Not ·Justified - WICHITA, Kan. (AP) -The llM B<b • Richards, former Olympic recora pole vaulter, said Wednesday recent criticism of miler Jim Ryun "shows. a ~plete and total Ignorance.'' ~ "The public doesn't know about the kind of extttme physical and mental pressure one is under In that situation," 1aid Richards during a visit hen. "Did you know that this boy was break· ing w o r I d records every week for a year?" Ryun has met some criticism after fail- ing to finish some of the races he entered this year the latest being the mile run at the natio:ial AAU meet In Miami, Fla. "He bol9tered my pride Jn America," • Richards 18ld. "1 don't tnow why he quit in the race at the AAU meet but if It was Jim Rytm, I k n o w there must have been g: o o d r ea500i'. He probably just needl to quit funn1ni f« a yur or so. ' "Any country would g:jve its right arm ·to have Ryun and here -we are tnoctlng him." . ' .......... satiirday Show ' . 4. • Mazmaf),ian' s Mustang Tops QCI8 Drag Card · • John MazmaniaJi'1 impressive: Bafi;. racuda has been established as an earl7 favorite for Saturday night's funny car feature at Orange County lnternatianal Raceway. Mazmanian has hired Anaheim driver Dave Beebe to pilot his impressive machine, which bas logged trial atafl of 7.62 seconds and 1911 mph. Maunanian can't wait to fire up his car Saturday. • "With our new motor I expect to see Dave run ·comtstent seven-thlrtiel at bet- ter than two hundred. We'll blow the . doors off Mickey Thompaoo's Mustang. · 'lbompeon wlll tio repruenled In Sabirday'1 meet by hll No. l drlvet, Don- ·•Y Onpi1 ol Catllbad, who Ila• establish- ed an "8lprocedented fl percent win average while collectlng virtually ~vdy . major championship entered since com- pletion of bill Mach 1 Mllitang . in February. Australian Duo To Lead Team '• Major League S~dings ' - Tell Your Kids To Read Uncle Len's Column • In divls:lon E, the Aces Wild of Westminster lead the flekl with 2,220 pins. In the doubles compeUUon Gloria Feeley of Fountain Valle1 and Helen Beall ·of Santa Ana top dlvblon C with a 1,099 ICOl'e. . Mn. Feeley also leads division D of the all event.a compeUtlon wllh a 1,602 score. Lorraine Gardner of WeatmJniter ii • cood in divilion B wtth a 1.&a score.. --. Local grunion hunteni will have to bear later hours and cold weather If they ea:· pect. to catch any of the elUJive &llv-the nm two olghll. _ Grunion.. cooclude their current spaw. Ing runs the next two olgbt'1 and .,. a· pected to •JUt area beaches at 1:54 a.m. tonight and !:54 a.m. Friday nlghL Both l'Wll lbould last about two hours. .Grunion hunters 11 years of age and older .. are requirf,d to ·have 1 valid California fWllng lloolse and the fish ...iy moy be caught by hand. We, ·therefore, the Representatives of . the . , United St~tes of America, in G.e n er a I .. Congress, Assembled, appealing lo the- . ~iJpreme' Judge of the world for th"e rectitude of our intentions do, in the name, and by aut~ority of the good people of these co I o n i e s, solemnly • publish and declare. that these ~ited Colonies are, and of Righi ought to· be Fr~e and . Independent States; that · 111'Y are absolved from all Allegiance lo lhe Bril!sh Crown, and. that · all political · connection. between them and the Stale of ~real Britain, is and ought · to be totally dissolved; and. that as Free · and Independent States, ·they ' . fiave full -powe£ lo levy war.· conclude peace, conlrad · allian.ces, es· tabliSh , comm~rce, ·and to do all other acts and things · which lndepen--. . .. . ,, dent States m•y of right do. -And for the support of this Declaration, with a linn rel iance on the protection of Divine Providence, lilally pledge to each other our lives, our Io r't u n es ~nd our . . we mu· sacred . Honor. . . . . • HARTS $PORTiNG GOOJ>S WlLL BE . CLOSED J RIDAY, lf"DEPENDENCE DAY ancl"'SATVRD~'f'. .. 1JULY Stll I " • I j - .. ,JI DAILY PILOT • LosAJamitos Entries m '" "' "' "' "' '" "' "' "I '" "' "' 111 • TtfHtD tu.Cl. l50 ... res. t YH r old!.. Clff'!ll,,.. l"u,... 11• C1•frn. '"' ~ MOOL LDN'l'I• urt ro ••Ilk•! L.o S-.. fH1rt) DIWllV 1511 .. ) Mr. c11111d 1s1111tfll Mr. Mffl {ll:llt!,J Tr\ldele !<Ill CC1rclot1) J\ulltle Lulu (Morrl•l (111 a.r Z.ne IS1nd'le1J Nifty Not. {IUdwordfl "' '" "' "' .. "' '" '" "' l"OUll'TM ltAC•. J50 v1rds. l ,.e1r eld't 1tld UP In Gr9d9 A l'lul ... UrM ,,_ 1.1/d!Y l1rt Jae !W,'!Mlfll P111'1doW 81r I• l 1t'IQ) 51 ••• ~ (K.1111•1 J.tt1r1 fAdllr) P'llly " ~ ltwli't! SU. Gflole f ltlcf\1nl1I J.tf!n1 JOl'IMy Mcew'• Balle IC.l'llwftil kedlff J ....... (1 Stollfll) Dldr.l!'I' BM Joe ( Mor<'h I ,,, ... llltllott Sol'lk ""-CH Cr.av! Trw ~ n 1m11111 '" "' "' "' "' "' "' "' '" "' "' . 111 Clio IOOl'Nt.r 0 llfl'ltfrll O~ Cllkll ft Lr.Mll'I) "' '" "" "' ;g '" "' m · '" "" "' •• 1 117" SUI.TM ltACI· olOD "'rtl" I ""' olll1 81111 llP. CW.lmlM. P'WM .._ I ci.imlN .,..io. .-. I DOl'll• .. GOOlll '" Clwlrrl 117 C-D11111Y ($IT-I lit TJilt O'lllrl !Mair) 111 LurnPltw (Smlttll 11 1 Willow Gold fMC~I 111 Mlofll ,, ,,._ fl(li$) lf'l llV•KTM llAta. QI V9rdl. l ""' tHt 11'1$ 11P llo Or• AA Pit.It. l'vr- ""'" (~Ill 9•r !K•nll) Leh Go S.m (H C,,_b.,.I Rotll l(l11ldl !K9rt) ,._.. '"' (ClrOol•l Pink "'"u""' IDN)'el') Hy 11_,,.,, IW•'-"l Go Al Go (Sr'ftlfrll !lOH'TH llACa. U) ,..,.OS. old1 Ind \IP In Or.... AM Purte '2600. llw ...... A111. P111too Lu IS11'1d!el) T-r air (W.1Ml'IJ H!lblffltl !1':•1111) Joe Sl>erTY 'Plttlol ~llMr !P• .. I W1r G1le.110. <A•ilr) OIVld J-(SITWAI E•P'lf!llovl lll!Hl..,.,I "' "' ·~ 117 I "'' "' 111 I , "" Mlflll .. "' "' "' '" '" "' 111 r "' ~· ~ Pa1,wu, GOLF HOW TO PUT UNITY INTO YOUR SWING For • Soff swln1 ID worl! smoo!lllY in prop1t timin1, It must start •• • unil During the takeaway-the fir'st few feet of clubheed movrement-there should bo lbsoluttly no lndo- pendent movement /'Y 1ny one part of the body. In illu•I-f-1", we see 1 common taktawey fault Th• golfer_ hai cocked his wrisb prematurely. Such a move " cause• the clubhead to lift •bruptly, It elves 1 1 jerkiness to th• swi ng. Alse,.. it (•ils to activate the bigser and .more powerful muscles of the back and legs. In illustnt'an #2, we st• a ao"•r who has prematurely lowered his ltft shoulder. This . move closes the clubface and "' • later wilt cauH '• collepshls ol th• left arm. \ • In illustration #3. I'm Show· Ing th1 prop• takeaway in which the hlftda,arms, club 1nd body 111 mcwe n •'unit. Note h"" tho left.enn and clubshoft NINTH uc•. sn '"'""· l ,..., f~rm • strlicht 1ine·1t this Point o111s ,..., .... AJic-ncn.. ,._ ,,.. as 1 result. Such 1 taknw- Ll4Y ~W (K.11111) llJ ·-th _, llM. "'" <Mc1tl'l'll011111 11' p.... • swing on 1 proptr J•v lt•lllfl c11:1C1Won111 "' plant and -~ au o1 tho SafnMOl'l'I Sll'ltr (Adll/rl 111 -U'9·-GG '"'*~ Go f1t1rwold11 nJ major muscles. Gtl'lll:'I 111--9 ISlrwll) 111 '"" Mldr.ey Cit ..,.._, 111 • 0 .. M9\. ........... L..mchef' CWfl_,) 111 "''-...------------...: ____ _: ____ _. ,,.,., ~ (l'•ttlol "' CM,,,., t..w 1119 .. 1 IN Race Results ~.,.,,.,,t.1Nt c11w a •••I PIRJT ltACa. .... ~rdr. J Y'•r tlldll lrlld 1111 111 Or.-I PM 11m1 !11 CIHf. l"vrw tUOll, Lurnlftert fle:1nl1) e ... 0.'f'ld (Mll ...... 11 Plf'k ... 1'1"1 IW1h mll 7.1,__n 1111. 11.IO ,,41 4.00 s.oo ).t(f "' Alff 11:1~ Gin 0 1!1. Prerlfol!"9. Atcmk: °"'"' k!ll T-, OnW'I ....... Mi. &ey H ... o. ,.,_,.Mne lltr. Sl7f1\tlfd -Mooil.tl Mlbll, l rft1 llnd. HornlNnd JftlNrd, Ptelflc . .-.. TMllllO lt.ACI!. ut .,., ...... M11dtfo 2 .,...., olcb. c11tr'ftlne. Purw 11600. ~~er £..it tt.00 11.IO ?.II& lndl9ft llilcull (It ll1r*$) ,.611 S.10 Tri.t. !Mr Tcm !Mclteynoldl) 15.00 nrn.--11 1110. Alto R111--L .. '1 Vkllll, Wl!dl Ti,. 111"'~' •-~n, 11 1m F\/M'1t\I, 1)1.....t. s1 ... , Zl!IOI"' 111r, O.llllY l•r Trhl!s. • SCY.+ctitd -VHllR Ooulp, Jvll'l Gloll, Alevlvt. A-..00 IOnll, POUll:TM llACa. 4o4I Vlrdl. 3 Y"r D1W 1'1111 1111· C111mln9. Purw t llOO. 11Nc:1r. 'lir'ft (lit llltllcl) #Al It.cl l.e llll!Y ~ fMo!Tl1) UM 1M hldl' ltocUt C"9rll· ~ .... n,.,._n 1110. Alto it.-<i1ll1"' V1lor, Do W1ldl, Hiio SPfto:I, Gomtt J-1, $Pt9d A l•· (Jtldr:ldoGllle. .. ....- "'"" lllACa. lSI wrdl. ~IOlll ! ""' vim. Pune 11400.. C:.0 L•1 Jtt (W•IM'll , .. 4.e 4.. 0...r Deli.kiri {U.!rJ Kltlwn IC.rdo••l T1m.-11 1{1t. ?Al.Ill ... AQo A111 -Lo!adolP, ~ ANI,.., Slrell'"' Dtnd'I", 1"'-?llPhl'I", G'"wln, ~G9yW.WIMl ~ $Crl'ldled SIVl!n G,.~ 11411'1, hid M_,, SPtedle f'1y, TOP llN( .. 21.• t.to 7.CIO '-'° ~.CIO , .. qua?iers 'to nau Mission V 1e----sAt;taa..,.,.. 1a, jo's quintet. Dornlnk1ltr.r ·~ '1 ·~ 1..ea::_:i the Mater Del acor· Mce.1111 ' , ' lng a WU Ralph Chando& ~ LM"tM"'I ; : ~ with '13 points and Werner ,.....,.,_. 10 • t Ra $. lcir'llNntl .s • 1 es' ta. 111111• • , 1 Rudy Holmea pot1ed 20 in a ="4~ ~ : : a10MT......-ocr.-2'0 Yltft, -1 ""' Joslng Clli!t-fO...-MISS!OifVifjO. Tot.ts "' n -t olCb .... UP ... Grldl AA ...... ,...,,. TM San Clem-le ·-ba·' ln the TUSTI" l•l Htwtlil"' Gll'deM. """" lltct. "'" m \:A ,QI '1 pp Gold ·~ tMtlrl u..o '·'° J.ot Utle picture after upplng Its c-111 J t ' Btu'11h'l Roekirt (Mttl:IM!Oldl) 4.111 1IO ......,..rd to •z ~th its .,._....,.._ SV..lr'ft I t I TOP Deck JOl1't (H (~) '·'° ~'"''"'v r 111'1 ,...,,y.. CN miey I 0 ' Tlr'fte--1. 1/10. Win --'•'•• ~··t'n H......, 4 2 2 Alto Jt-1·"" ... ,1e, Slom"I Hlwlll over su • .,.~ 'wi I . Heotm s 4 ' Ovt. Mv l(ffta, Cllllltf'. ·Lltti. Miu Leading the San Clemente ~111 1 1 • W•""· L._p1111 J" • .,.,., LUCIC. attack WU ~atg • -··-·n Kl..._ 1 0 ' k~Oolldfu,,.., Dli:lwr OUt vc ft.lnn:ntu Toft li. 7' a 1! Tll'l'lt. wm-Gold, ic:i,ly'1 Glldol""L with 20 and Sal Lombardi with _ sc.n "" ov.rt- 6 th Tri , fi •'--6 S1,, Clcmlrrht U '' It HtffTM iu.c•. "" wnli. * .,..., 1 . In e tons int "uq -c:i:: Tut!IOI 22 t 1• oldl fl'ld UP, Allow91'1Cts. I'-I Ti'Qlt.1------------------------- Mlrtl Ml o-i (Wt'Ltlll) ?I.It 11 ... f.00 Alomk Atlloll IH Cl'Ollw) .... ll0.20 ...,.,.lo lllodlet CO 111...UI lJIO Tl!M-M l /11. Ali.o 111 ... -Sl.ll'llHH. a-• ..,.,, 111111 Dtcl<, P1rr SM, ~ Rodltf. 11r Chanllll,..1, !'-rd· ll1Tte!T. knld'ltd -Abt'• l lt'IMl'I", PCll' ·~~ lllfCID CIPISTlllfD Land of the Dons Mesa Cage Contenders Improve Marks to 2-I. Wlgmore Insurance Agency and McDonald's l~th basket- ball teams upped their Cost.a Mes a open league marks to 2-1 Deep Sea Fish RePort Tuesday nlght' with easy vic- tories. Wlgmore -ped Orange Coast College, 9'-70, after holding a IM!e-polnl marlin at the haJt McDonald's bad little trou- ble with BiU Barry Pontiac, _ trimming the latter by a 10M4 margin. .- Sleve Jacabsen led the Wlgmore rout wilh 24 points while Phil Jordan wu high for occ with 24. McfKIMAlDS lfTM fl•I Pll PT ... Tl' H..,.."""' 10 l I ,, &utfl>f' ,,,,, 111 ...... 1 11 1 '""""' :r • 1 ~ ~1 J l,11 Horll'lltlr IJ I 2 " Br0i1n 2 S 2 t ,. Tcrr.19 It 16 t lCIO BILL BAltlllT l'OMTIAC ('41 ..,,. Clw'I....,._ ....... ..,. Mullf Llliff ,.,.._ ""~ Tot1ls H1I"._ ICO"t l~ 11. ... ".''" :r ' ' 1 J ' ' li 7 • ' 1• 0 • ' ' s 1 , 11 ~ 0 t ' ' I S t 111021 ... l'lcDon91d1 .U, Pon. WIOMOllB IHI. ftl) """""" , __ ,..,. ,_ 0 . T11r'" '""' Sctoe"""'"11o1"' ,_, .... POFT,FTP .. , 1 10 '"''~ • 1 4 11 6 2 I U t I I I • • 1 11 t 7 t I J 1 • 11 •1•11 " OCC ("I ,QI ~ "" ,, • ' I " 11 , '' J t I II ' J ) ,, I t ) I :1111 1771 ~: Wlt<Nrll ... occ BOAT BUFFS Al-lM•t'-Y 11 th. •111'1 '-11·thn• ~lttlttt N iter I ~flt •11 ... ,.....,.~ 111 0r.,... C..,,fy. Hit •nh111..,. , ..... , ... ef ......... •-' y..Mlflt 11 ..... it • 4•ily h1••r1 .f tt.. DAILY r1LOT. UNSPOUED, SECLUDm 2'!. to 3 acre~ sites amid the gnat oaks of CleT~Imd Natlonal Forest Doep ill tho -ook .....,.. of the a~elud Natf\)ul F°""llcsa:JOO.ocnoillad<i rolling hills, _.. nlleyJ """ -gladesknowo11Rancho c.p..,_,Vat-olthc Nationall'orat....-.,.. -la omy dhocDoa. • Governmea.t'<JWDed buf.fer aplnat --""" ...... incrci.al enaoatbmant. Rancho Capllaanowill beloas lo j ust l 33 OW"Dcn, 111 /1• ,..,,,.. Each ol tho 21 to 3 acre ailcs 11 cleared ud. acce1aiblo to utilitiea aod anded rood. Aacimit Spom.lt oaks ltlll ltlftd OD 1DOlt ol tho aite1. ThiJ privato prel«Ye. Soll ae-ml Newport Beach. OnJJ 2J scCnic mi.lea from San Juan Capistrano. Rancho Capistrano s:ilel aro pricod fro01 S8,7SO to$18,000, easy &wn. libenl llmncina. Pl•••••I Sn.Uc DriN: Santt AM/San Diego P~ way to bi1torlc Saa Jan Caplstnao. u.ea out Oil Hwy. 74 (OOop ffWr.) llld follow tho 1ipa. From Po11110Mor R!Nnidl: Drivo to Coroaa, tbea e11t oo. Hwy. 11 to Hwy. 74, .., .. and (ol101t the eatrance ..... OD.CO IOld. can. Dent bo d11plicated. At Rancho ClpiSIDlllD ,...'II - ec}o)' mared .,. bwi<m for an inlinito fuUtret Cho beauty ol ... p<hato, ...-..i -atempadOJOii'ilGllddlmllt at l.m{l. ....... ad » mimlto _,. to COlltll recro- otloo .. 1-Dina Point. I Ne'" '11"""0rt Rem l_li ~s U µbeaten; 1_,,NG=·,1.,==-~~~ .. ~=·~l"'-:;-;:;=::. CE=~~:= ....... Hotfno h ,......... t lYft t..'."" c:,H!trft rJ H«btrt 0. Liii!'. ~. ""'- M D O s s IMltltP lcld,_ II 2tot Hll'tlet •IV'd.r a er e1 to. ps an.ta Ana ra~$f:€:7£B·- • .... .. ,,,. t.Wt<lar ()l'tlll, c... Cll'll'IW'tf_ °""'"'SI• rJ QJ~\t.. TJilt P-1'1" IO Jiii lrlJtlt.rfd Is m(ll By DAVE CEARLEY El Modena slipped put Sad-K•ln' 1 , 1 , ,, tt00 H••bor a 1w .. c11r111 M-. eounw fH .. Dlilll' l"tlH IMff Hi""'l9wl o ! ). J DI 0..•""• Slife o! C11Uornl1. Ml\tl' Del shoved Santa Ana dleback, e&-47. Frlti: , t 1 , S.ld Pr-rn 11 M$Crlbed 1~ "'1tfll of M -·--!.. K-I · O 1 1 I IU • out second place: in the San· Ou.n;u center Ralph Chan· Tot111 :io 17 i• .,, 411 •toct i... 1rt0.. ,r,turot. 1r11•1P- .. An B "·tbaD Le -.....,,, !rid• "''"' ~ tOGCI w111 of .,..., Q llu:: llg\le dQll ICOted Jl polntl an ·~ s.l"T" AHA ffOJ Food to " ""6~ kNlwll .. Lii D!ll0'1 Wednesday nlibt by handLng ' ~ ': ~ "! t P!n1 To Ge Ind IK•!" et !;200 Har~ the Sainta a 77«1 Iola at Santa' dlvidual b!gh In the league thLt w 11111"'9 ' '"·• " :,i;:.·ofc~r.._~· eo;,niv "' Dr1ftlw Ana College. - -_year1_1iv.e..~ by O!andOa :::._i;i, 5 ·'· 1~• --'"' tMllk 1~.w111 i.. -Md In ~•--i·-·, leaf.: In the first three minutes gave ,,.,....11 : : • 1 : on or 1111r 1111 1~tt. 111.,. of Juli!. 1M . '' uwiq ..,....,.. AclWI 0 0 I 0 llY E~ (I., lllC. 1"1 H1rb0r 9f'td .• leadtr Newport kept l 1 tbe Monarchs a quick seven· ICUCl'ltrl , o i ' ~1't'.m~· COi.inti' "' o,.,.,, s1111 "' (lltf,fed record by a!aqµnlng point lead. ~= e : : : $11 '9r '' 1.-n to lftt Transit'"•• 1!1 ..... Ano Vilt--0 bruJI-1111'!\11 Ind lcldr'M-u....i ..., .__. ~T•' -...S, andr -After trtllfoo at the half, Sf.. ~:'°11 ;~ ,:-,: .: Tt1~r0r fOr 1111 fl'lr,. yHrl 11\I '"''· If • Ml19f Dtl it 1, 21 tt--'7 dllfll'9fll from !"-1boY1, ,,., SS, Santa Ana baltt.d J>ack 1n Slrll1 AM . U 11 IJ 0 = Ju.1'1" 7"11· '"'· the = moment. ol the "'"''" "'"'" VALiiY 140 Sltl'lld i.r: •••~ to laln I~..... fs ft flf '-GtOr.._W. Smith WJ.UQ . ......,-.,._... lollier 2 I I 5 Tr1n11erft. lead. The Saints -·''-ed a ... I(-5 2 " n c1oru1 F. Smllll ~ ICurnc:tMr. 1 • 5 11 Tr1n,11ree. IOVbenere blow in that quan.,r t::rw : ~ ~ ~ Puti111hld Orante Col$f Ditti' Piiot. w thtlr blgb«:arlnc center 011111 1 0 0 1 Jl.ll'O' l, .,., • nn·•t Billy Williama f~ ouL T.u e t 1 o MD Loses, Faces Srs. LEGAL NCYf!CE From then .... Ma•-"-I ~~ ' 0 1 ' Jblelt Dei'I· buebJD team "'"°' l'CI ,..,.. I 0 2 11-----------' ' opened up a lead and in-v1111 '• '• ,• •, ,,,_ wUl be tryh\g to Jet back lo ased ft n.,_.,......,., the t :~ \ Cl!llTIPICATI! l>P •Ul lMISS the .,,in colwDn tonl&ht at c:so ere .................. res Tofl ll ,: ; 1~ ~ l'!CTITIOUI HAM• he It -~-the Sen! of the contest. HeW•o•' '''' Thi .,.,..,..ltned Oclell '9rflfy al1' .. Cllll-W n ·~"° ors oot-duc:tltit • bulh>IU " l(lt).I 8'ft~ SI . fit in the Santa Ana Recrea-Key basketJ by I u a r d tt tt " "' Oi•l• Mew, c11ttom11. lll!der 1111 •1c. Werner Raes --· rebounds b Ml!lf'IOff J 0 0 'lltlous llrrn Mme ot THI! GOLDEN t1on Suguner baseball league GULi y 'T.iilt ' 0 , • CMICKEH Ind !hilt .. Id flrr'ft II CGl'nPllSK at "-~~-• p • In S 11 Chand.OS in the UUrd qu" arter H1v.., 1 , , , o1 lhl 1or1ow1 ... perton, wrio.. ""'""' ln ~l.JUl;UU afa 8D ,.,.,~ th l!'odtl J 11 full l r.0 pi.c;, of rn ldllla (1 Ii totiows· Ana. , s.-..ed e victor')'. Raes SIKJDn ; f 1 7 R~mona L Ma111oux. 20Jll2 s. w. Th. M----·-. now •• in tinlshed the night with 15 &Kket 0 1 I l llWdl SI., SI"'' An1, C1Utorn1.. • ~\;U.11 -• 1(11111 l 1 o 1 Dltlld Jun1 IL !Ht. league ptay,.lost a 5-1 declJton points, vOHI o o o o A•mon• L M1U1ou.11 Tt~lol' 2 o 1 ' s11i. of C1trtornl1, Or1nn Counl'I": to Foothill Tuesday evening. MAT•R 011 cn1 voune 1 i , t 0n Jvne 11. lNJ, IM!ort ""'' 1 NolM'Y MATl:R Dal (1) .. fl ... j.. Hiii 0 0 0 0 flllt>llc: In Ind lor .. id st111. Hr1o1trni!lv AB lit M ll:tl Cllt"*'t 14 J 2 31 ll11n I O 1 e-1r1<1 Rlr'ftOlll L MIUlou'll kl'IOW" 1~ W1lkw 1 2 l 6 Tollll 21 I 11 '' !!"' to IMI 111' ,..,..,,, W"°'9 n1ni1 I• :!i:t....rt A ~ -..: : : MeMIMmtft 3 2 t I Slnl• Ml VIL 10 11 ll 1)-.45 ll.lbtalbed fo lhe wllflln lri1lrumt<1t end MIW, ..,. 3 I l to ;:="="'=;::::;::::;:::::::::;::::;:::::';::::'='="==·=·=·=-=rt=;::::;::::;:::::'::':::::":::"='='-"::;i M:k-llCIHCI 11111 IXt(Ulld lh1 ....... Munli, p-c t I t 'Ii (OFFtC}t!;.,.S~'i)_., -' ', ,• •, ', MEN. Le~ ... --1--"OU look .. 0ur oery No11..,. P111111c.c1111ot111• T. llMIP't, 10." t -1TKJM:' " I# Prlntll>•I Diile• In ~t. 2b ' • ' • be.st bt1 getting ont of Sir \Valttr's or111t• couni. """"""" d J 0 t 0 My CommlHlon El(l'lr"ft ....... c 1 • • ' famoui Europtan .Razor Cut!. HoY. 1 •• ,172 ~. Jb 1 I I I Publltlled Or.,_ COMt 0.Jl'f P iiot, fofsll s--.., ,,.:.. l ' 1 511 WALRR'S J11111 It ,7'1nd Jui. J. 10, !Nf 11n.it 20.$2 N..,...t llYCI. ""°"'Ill _.., ••• lOO 101 ,_. •• Coata M ... ltOOOO~ 4 t at our everyday low prices MATCHED SET DF 4 NEW TIRES Sii[ .. ~ IAl! Sol'll rn. D. TU PllC[ PllCE IUCl lllll l.50113 1l00 58.50 18.50 1.71 1.75114 -11.7$ 22.25 2.21 7.75115 l!l.00 11.75 22.25 2.21 8.25115 102.00 11.!0 25.50 2M l.25114 102.00 71.511 25.511 2.31 L55x14 113.AIO 14.7$ 21.25 2.57 l"tllt ltll• •ftdJ• ... ._ rTlc.td -.,_ ,, ~ Th .... CampttltJWfr ...... -...... Tl ......... .,....,.... u. ~ "'"· COAST GENERAL TIRE Ill WW IM c ....... 14 .. 1711---646-SPJ AVERY GENERAL TIRE SERVICE GENERAL · TIRE SERVICE IZU ._t 4 .. s... ••• 14J.an' ------•NllU"llMUR AUTO llDlllTIUliHIOHWAY I.VITT co1111mu----"' .. LEGAL NCYf!CE LEGAL NOTICE <f•Tll'!CA;~ •USTHaU l'ICTITIOUS HAMa Ti. llndl.,ltn.!'f Ml (erfll'y tie I• con- dudtr19 I bvsllllll Bl 79.q Jl1ndiclPll SI .. Cost• MHll, '262' Ctlllor"I•, under tt>e 11c!ltklut lllmt' of HAJl&OA NEON SIGN COMPANY I nd lt>tf .. w fll'fll ll (Ofl'lo -eo of ltlt lollowlllll pefMlll -....... Ill tull 1rid pilf.• of r1sldtn1:1 Is 11 followl; Rlcl11nl Rael~. :tl s .. LI StfldG\' Thr96 Ardl 11¥, L1oun1, Ctllfot,..11. 01lfd June s. 1'69. Alcl>ans Raclcti s111e ot c1111or1111. °''""' Clu"IY· On June !, 1t6t. btfor1 me, 1 Not.,., Public In •rid tor .. Id Siii!!, per...,11., -•l'U ll, N. R..:kh known lo "" lo IMI 1111 penon whose 111~ ls 1ubt(tlblld to IM wllhl ... IMINm ... t I nd l dtriowlldled llt l lll<;Uted fill MllTll. (OFFICIAL SEAll Glorl1 J. ~II Nolarv Pub1lc·C11Tltlrn11 or.,0111 Courir, M'I" commlulon E~p1r,1 MIY ~I, lm ,¥ Publl11>1d Or1rit1 Coe1I 0111'1' Pl\ol, J\lllfl 12. 1', 24, & Jul., 3, t9ff 1 11~ LEGAL NOTICE IAR·1MI Nl>TICll TO CJll!OITORS SUP•llllOlt, COUlllT 01' THI! STAT• OP CALll<ORH IA 1<0 111 .TM• COUNTY OF Otu.HGI! '"-A-fltn E1!11t "'""'· el MURIEL Fl..1CKIMll, NOTICE IS HEltJ:BY GIVEN lo 1111 vtdl!Ora el !he lboYi M,,_ lll'i:..,...I ltlel I ll .. rw/11 ... Vint (11111111 1 ... 11111 11,. w ld clfad.elll i re "'llll•ICI to !lit !!Mm, wtlll the l'l«HSll'l' -htr1, 111 11'!1 otti-. of the cl1rl< ol' !It! •1111vi ttillUed c111r1, ..,. to ~' '""'"· I0-111> 11'11! lll(fttll'Y ~. to 1111 undt•i.lonld 11 111<1 0t11c1 d hef" Allor,,.,, TOMMY HAINES, Esq, ~lGS E•)I llroMW•.,., L-letch, C.l/fonlll !'OIOJ, Which It 1111 pJt« of blll!MU of 1111 UMersi.-In Ill ll'lll~rl -11tn1M IO tt11 ulttl ti! Mid dlcfllf'nl, wlflll"' few "'°"!Pis lfltr 1111 llr'IJ .JUblltl • lion o! 11111 notice. O.illd JUM U, l'dt. Ev1 Fled<m~n Adrn!nlllrttrl• Wltti The Wlll Arinefttl of fill E111te of 1111 •bouii .....,.. lll'i:l!Mnl TOMMY M•IHl!S, l!tor. All_,. •IL•• '111 lltlf ll'N,_1.,., l alt1 ML Ltllf ka<h, C1Nflr'llll Mt01 Ttl: Ulll 4SWIH """"'" lw Admlnlstr1lrl• Wiiii lMI Wiii AMI• .. Pllbllll!H Or11111e Co.wt O.!I., l'llo~ 11/M lt, U •nd July J. 10, ltff 11 11_.t LEGAL NOTICE ,I, .. fR I DllY JUlY 4 '.' () ii ". I '• C e JOI PRINTI;{i.,,;ci.ki• e PUeUeATIQl'Q •,NIWVNIM •• Quellty Prlnl1119 •'II -~!'H~•lllli l•lfl~ . for mor•. thin 1 quArt., of • ~century. , ...... ------ PIL OT PRINTING 2211 WIST iALIDA ILYD,. MIWPOITWACM-,;..,. MMm PEANUTS I PERXINS JUDGE P~Nll ly Tom K. Ryan ~- YOUR MUI.ES? •• ... 7-J_ DAil y PllO~ IZ BIRTHDAY" •LUES -Sieve Allen, abo.ve, hosts a two-~ut se1ecUon of highlight. frojn the ·~Mem· phis I!lrlh<lllY Blues Festival,". tonighi af 10 P·m· on Channel 28. The festival W8! part gf the UO year bli'thdiY ceJeoriUon Of Memphis, Tenpmee. Per--- . lorme~ lr\Clude Booker 'f. Washington, Nathan J!eauregaril. the Insect Trust, Albert Colllna and John Fahey, TEl:J!VISION VIEWS No-smoke Ads Do Good Joh By RICK DU BROW phony glamor around ct · · g, ., • • . t -I l!OLLYWOOD (UFll --II -ls a !J!P,reme-'irony i power of advertising, wbJal.(or so long '. {ll!wn· g It seem a truly . a bit. · / n r.aJl....deny_ thay:._th ,l..JIA.-,.L,,__=-.... __ the 11111' f ~--jiyjsion -.spon-liored by heart and cancer associations; and other organ!Zatlons ...: have been mightily ~ective ilf changing the mood of the market? ALL OF THE campaign-ste:M ~y-from­the report of the U.S. &urgeon general's fflc6. But regardless of the specific facts conce · g dangers from cigarette smoking, It was really up to the ingenuity iYf American advertising to jnake Ibis message of latent harm effective. , And ·no one can say that American fdvertising Is lacking-even when It goes out against a product rather ~ for one. 1-'THINK I like best-the anU.clgarettJ commer· . cial that· has a western &etttn., A.Dd . e mean· .-----.--,,-----What-happens; of course~ ls-that-uie-b~~start­ coughlng from the cigarette-smoking W!"Je !he hero walka out In disgust. It is funny and sh"1&!¥,,one, but the me~11age is crystal clear that ~e fll( IJllers are cigarettes. 1 Just about as effective in its advertjslng style is the commercial that uses the song "ftooke Gets in Your Eyes'' as a background, and, whJJ~ showing scenes that parody the glamor-cigarette 4ds, recites facts about smol<lng that put a chill threugh you. ONE OF THE wisest types of auf-clgarette corhmercials bas been the kind that ~s s athletes speaJting up against smoking. These ads av~ usual- ly been shnple and direct, without ch of the sophistication of the Jl!Ore clever co . etcials - but for that reason, they seem a ~ect way to ad· dress youngsters listening to their sport; heroes. For the real aim of most of the antt-¢garette commercials has been to scare ott youfgsters not yet taken up with the habit. U SOJl!O h<><!ked amok· ers also decide to quit, that's all righj with the advertisers also, but reellstically this is· a second- ary aim. I CONFESS I'm not much of ·a cru,Jdif .about anything because I have a basic distru1ff0l':p.ople who \\l'Bve any ki.Dd of baDner too much, 4nd scream and shout 8lld holler, And I smoke cig'1's myself, so I'm not a total abatainer. But the aqtl-clgarette • smol<lng commercials have really had 'll' effect on me. They scare me, and I'm rather tappy they seem to scare my daught..r too. · . She's very young, so sbB bas grolfn up with antt~igarete commercials, and the o1'f ones of phony glamor don't fool her. When she ~ks at one of th""• disgustingly false commercials about cig- arettes being attractive, the anti-ads se<l!n to regis· · ter immediately because her constant r•ction is to shake her head and make a face as .If she has swallowed something bod. IT KIND of makes you feel warm all ~er about Ainerlcan adv_ertlsing. ~ ,_ Dennis the Mentice I' . 1 J •, i I -f i i l -I ! l : • t ~ • I • ~ • • • • I ' I I I • • . • . • • • . • . . , • • • • • • • • • • ' • • ! --~---• ---- 1 U OAll.Y Pit.OT , " FOLLETI"S WATCH us GROW New and different. An -amazing new lerWbor tbal r.lmoot . lell you watch JoUr planta and U-gtow. FoDetl's ' "Watch Ua ·Grow'•· ccinlolm 3 major elem.eat.a and 6 Hlcondary or trace ' elommta, -plUB Fol-Ade. li'ol-Ade ls made up of 3 lngredlenfa whlob .....t apoa. the . moaera1 ·nutrient.a aDd put them to wor~ •. aocompllshlng ?<Sulla neve1 before achieved by~ fertlllr.er. C.Ome In today and let us Bhow' you how tt works. FIRE- •. 1 / OLIVE BARRELS N-•ltlp_,.I }MIC erri...l ••• ..411 fully ref,./orcJ. CRACKER JUNIPER PLANT BURFORD HOLtY Dd c~·roa.,,. _, "&.rdlf·'· .... _.,,,. ril1 ptw ,,,.,.,._ -- ·PET SHOP· l'e« Yil•llM:• /IW 1ow-clot "' en ,. •• 11.il ,._ j,rft»l ., _,, . - , I -•• SALE ChooH from 011r ,,.,., Ml9Cdo11 of .. ,,....,,,_,, Salt .1 .... eou... l'/li.er, Gr- 1'/is-, SMN. ly z s' t 'c '"' ..;. .). ...._ -~4~>~·"'•-· ~'4' --· --· --'~• "-•.c----· - . ' --.,}.. t --- • • ./ • I • . ~Y . . , ~ -" " . <r1Uel&l $.l'.19 I • ; . f . ' !"JI'•-.•• -- . • ..... ,I Rem~mb•r yo111 · lo-Z o-,.;,,. ~fufred ro;.. · . from our fl.r 1lwp p 'RK.y ~ " . DAISIES •• .•• .a ,.9F ' .. , (Jpto$03~j{on,""11 plaque, laabo1! 1conce•, el,c; Co'I'• in roday Order your41h of July arrangement now. (COila M-On.11) WASHINGTONIA :PAtM GOLD DUST PLANT B~""• '-'"''"' ,_ •JrlMI_. •itl'li · •,.de• of plJ. F=-?-,i.19 " ,; -.. ... . ' .. . - .\ • - \ • flos LONGPRE • I . ' The _year of the 9re.C.t . .. eo"tiac_bre_ak away ~' • • • ' -• • ••! I • . WE MA.DE AN OUTSTANDING P~H~SE-QN _JHESE -GREA·T -· '1969. l'ONTIACS ••. NOW 1115 · · .. _ YOUR TURN ••• -r. tHE HFATS ON ~ .. A~L OF THESE -GREAT • '69S ARE .PACTORY AIR CONDITIONED " ' •. :.1 .... ~.~·"·""'1 I-.. 1,/1•_,-.f'I · ,Ii." ,1• I r .,. -•·i'°'. 'I • • ... :"' 'c i"'1"'!' ••. '· • , .. , ' EVERY, DAY -- •• ., . . ' ' "' 1 R CONDITIONED · '·~i. ' . \ _..,,__ -__,,_ -"'~"'""' ~ ... 4--~"""' .....:.o..;-~--"~ _._ - )St _CjD~ f!I ~·-....... ~"91 .. ,,....,,, Y_,. """ .... ,.,... l.;..I.., 1111_---..., ~. cl~ T ... iilf!l.ty:.........'Wttdi ..,J ~ .;...t .. . ..• .' .......... Ii ..... ,i.a, ....... ,, ............ , ... ......,.,,.., ........ w.w .. ,... ....... . .. ......... J T ..,...._ l ............. .,. ....... .,..,.,. .... •llMk. .,..,. - I _rM,....., ~ ~ c.i1-,•• ~.rtff .......... , ..... ,. ....... Net ., ....... ""'-· tt .. ..,.., ...., -.... ...,,_, liwilrw•• ,_.r . 914 -.......... ~ u,w. .... ,:.,..,"' -... ~ ,_,,... -.:-~ ..,.; ..... tfteft .,..,.. . ., ..................... .,. -.,._ ,._.,, ....,_ wltti """111t NII. Uc Nt. ··wxv.n1. - IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 78 .. -BRAND NEW furh·Hr4r•IHtfc treMmlul; .. AM rod/;, v1J1 .. a. retf; "'"' 1tHri11, UI tins, C 71 ·,.,1.t. 1vol •• ,,. 5149 -11 tfm, 1t•tll bun.1 rel-.. ,, belts 01 111 ,..utus, "'"' '"' ftffd f'9o 1trol11rs. haord w..i., ft.,_,, 4 ~··-..-:· .ft4 wO&Mn, c;fNll ... re. ·'' ll#Cll'lt bfokt llNI, ..... ,, llthta. &Ide """'" llfltts 9114 , .... , .. , .... ,.. Mfety .,,. ,.., • ..,.,,. ''""" 1wftcll ell trGMMtui.._ •lltl•tfieft l911ltf011 lteel'lllf .. ,,.,... Miule11 lee•, Mfety" rl"' wtieet1< Phu ••• 1H1J 9"""' toodl• hi list. T\h W .. T .... Ntllltt ._ 1 I ....... _, ,_, ---.-· ..... ... ~ .__., .. ,.n. Ser ..... ~JOM, IMMEDIATf DELIVERY . ' . $ 22 .- .• 1 '·· • FACJORY ~IR CONDll'IONEP ' ' . ) -___ _. '' _ DAllY PILI\ D ·, ' ' ' • • ' I l ·1 ' ... I -·-~ ____ _...._ ~ -·-•• ' . -.. . . ' " . . ' . . HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE ' HOUSf;S FOR SAL& ~H:.;.OU=S;.:E;.:S..:F..:O,;R;.:S:::A;.:L=.E_H:.;O;::.U:::S:.:E::;S...:F..:O;;;R...:S:.;.A;.:L:::E_1:H;.::OU:;::.:;S;:;E:..S ;:..FOR=:.=SA::;L:;E::.._ I HOUSES FOR.$AL£ Gonor~I 1. General 1000 Gtnoral 11000 -·• -lDOOGOnaral 1000. Coal • Me"' • 1100 Newport Baach 1200 HOUSES FOR SALi; HOUSES FOR SALE HuntJ~£°"1a.ac~ 1400Huntii1gJon 8Mch 14;00 TWO STORY BEAUTY > • Adult IMP in l'Ai yean )'OWlC with upcraded urpet.. 4 larre bdrma: includes maaslve mast· er bedroom. Profcaloo- "1 ~with' 8.lG 1reH.. Fut occu- pancy • orily $48,~ to- tal. Vacant And Readv SpartW,. ..... and loeaud in the back bay ~L 3 .)<1111 sized b<dlooms a!l.~lth walk In c)ose:ll. Spacioul family room. ExlltiDc low interest financing avail&blt. Corona del Mat Hl&h SclXXll Diltrict. None better at a low $29,900. • ;l~Al~E;O;;;;VBl;;;;;5;::%%;l ~H~Oii!iM~E~O~N~T~H~E~R~A~NG~E~ 2 Story Cape_ Cod ~c=~~.~~V<\y • ._ , bHt buy W4!stditt. Choicest -GI LOAM I/~ _Ar,DI; _ , _ .. F'ull .prioe $18,950. Ewll$ide area, Luxury Uving 2 story _____ "'__n. __ , -· •Calta, Mesa .near .1hoppl-. nd mlnl "· pool Lookin f thJn I t h .... co o um, paw, , g or some g w 1ome A -. -oized doll "°"" aduJ~. """""' 1oan 11"' This "HIG H J3AL. "LAND"? ff.are it is! J4 acre ideal cute aa they came. CALL mo iDcl taxea. Owner/Brok. ANCE" Gt loan b mono for the family who needs room for 541)..ll5J. Herita&e Real ~ er. ~ in tile bank for the: anY type of recreational v. e b i.c I e • tate (open evea) 646-1~ • .1" , r bu.Yer looldrlc for a Great access to all yards, CWJtom 200 Steps To a..Ch sha.tp" bdrrp home. On. built with 4 bdrms, , w/w carpe" ts REPUBUC Home, 8 mos 1y 5 Ql.lziultl to OCEAN. old. 2 story, 4 BR. •3 BA. BeautUul 3 bedroom 2 bath Boat atoragt", outs'de throughout, Roman tub & shower, ram rm .. 3 car girage, home, deep ahag carpet • shower for ~ return--service porch: NO DOWN VA · OR Mea Verde Cor lot; $43.500. exposed be a m celllnp ing trom the BEACH. FHA or ConventionaJ. Terms avail· By Owner. 546405 . throughout, 3-Ludlc.JM!d,pa. . . I M'ObERN LIVING -New homes, reai!Y to move in, ¥.i mlle from beacjt. Finl payment up to 60 days after move in. Terms VA/FHA. F""" $21,900 The Beach · Ion Brookhurst 1 mile South of Adamtl 962 .4 353 ----. Pool glzed lot +many able. Hurry! Hurry! Only~,.;. .$301050. BY OWNER: :&.Ide 3 Br, 2 tlo!:, f.irepla~1 -all built-In extru. l0% down will COA" & WALLACE MllJORS Ba. crpta,-. otecldt-.111> ::~· :.;;;.1•.,.prq•." Corona dal Ma< 1250 \Huntington Beach 1400 ~·. FJIU.' _ _ •. PR!. CE " IWIL cab., Irr lncd yrd ... patio. --Walle to an KhlL $25500. BY OWNER .. VIEW POOL PADI • COATS ~ 1491 BAKER .STREET 642--3863 or 831'..007 <;harming ocean front home Two adjolnlng"view Jt-1 iot., $.f,000 Total Cash need~ to & . ~ CONOO '·•-· 2....,-'-on RA lo.t. 3 bed rms + ,..., __ Bl·-' ia.._ •~ .,. .. -. 5"'c' VA loan for r.u. _. • _..,.,,, ......-. J ...,, lie .. " ..... nn. Ideal location, nr. Vl,.-...:an vu . .._.i;e u·=s: _,,.. ,.., ~ WAL.LACI ~141 Clubhouse 6. pool f&cll near ....... older hou!e can be summer thla 4 bedroom home with ~ ltlAL TORS ) W acbools, fal,llOO. 5'1)..&195 an nr &eboolt, encloled patio, renttd. 35' Bluehaven Pool. Lots of --:SM4166"44141---:. COSTA MESA, CALI F. 5 aha& crptg throughout. Lg CHESHIRE REAL ESTATE dee.king with Patio. Carpeta, "~A Wille Buy" fOpeR EvM!ftl!')' ~ $ll~SOO. OWNER = w/blt-ins. $67,000. """°"'"'e;,,;6:;:.75:.:2503;:;,,..•;::_,,.,_,,. Drapes &. Built Ins. Priced C I rib & Co .!!!!l!!!!!l ....... m9!!!!1!! 3 bdi 1~ BY OWNER -3 bdr., 2 bath, at $24,900 Full Price, pay. 0 eswo J • _;ASSUME 5 u GI Ganeral 1000 Gonoral 1000 • ba. 'blt-lnl, !rple, BEACH BARGAINS 2 !iropiaco house wlbarbor mtoto of 1168 iocludrs an. .,,. dbl C¥ gar, patio, crptr.. I: tt """· A."-----3 B 2 ba Others to chooite from. · 6G-Tm SHAKE ROOF BBQ, fncd. 2'J'lO Ma.ple St. ""I.I· ·•rame r, • view al Cblna Cove. Dlb. iiiiiiiii"ii!!iill!iiii!iiiiil MARINA Flnancin1f Relief 64&.ml . -· ' Mo.i. Try 111·""· ~~-~'"'..,·:·:ii . E~~ri~~~ ~1~~~5 Sunny 3 bclnn. with shq Carpeting and plen';y of room to live. Located near IChoOI, library and shops In a quiet Mesa Verde netah- bol'OOod_ Drive by at 1633 Mioorea.. A&kiog SJO;lSO (y,-e at.:> have • 4 bcltm in •imilar con- dvNoNT home at .... than .. "' of OWNER WILL CARRY !ST OPfN DAILY. POOL home, .... LR. ·fam Fum. 3 BR. 2 ba. St•pe fo ........, Walker & Lee $173 per month TOTAL!! TRU.sT DEED.~Cuatom ~. 3 BR. _2 BA, carpttJ, ocean. $25,000. ,-'-.,'-=";;,;..,------! HOME Soft. warm avocado carpet. built, carpeted-an. dra~ 241 SIERKS, c .M. dill .... -bull~ ""' CAYWOOD. REAL TY 3 BR 2 batM, 1 .. , .. llvi"" r ~ .i;:r~&n I Chllnni.ng &st.om home on 0.)'llde Drive with 3 bedrooml plus den, lnctudinc auest suile', tepara~ t:rom main home. LoveJY ......... ,..ni;-- pier A: slip Near while, aandy beach New exclusive Uatln&" $19',IXXI Call John Abell ·--· •. -·-• .Illa, '"'~ f ·john ~ab DOVER SHORES· - HAftllOft BAYFRONT ! °""'""" s bedroom h<>m• T . E , R,HOME I with large living room, for-Rip~ o( hoW m u c b mal dining" room. enonnous eqolty yoil "bav• .. on um masttt bedroom; 1 u n n y aqper: two-t;tory, "1~ wiJ1Cl. brealdut room with view. i.. 1taircue leadiQI to 4 " Handtome exterior, Askin& ~r SW!d Jled,rooma. Bal- ! $125,llXl. Call to see. \ ~'owtlookirlg fannal din- ing room with lh~ shai : . (714) 6424215 carpeting. Stunning fire. ~ 901 Dover Drive-.. Suite UO place, or try 15,000 Down ~ Newmrt 1\PJ1r h _ and take. over low inte~1! ~ ----=-----------Gf lo&n. Askin&: $35,500. SU~ ,-mil I COWGE PARK WE SELL A HOME l ' EVERY 31 MINUTES l ' !~:'~ ... ~,.;~~~Walker & Lee ! n.oc>R home. Vacant & 76.!l Edinger \ ready lo see anytime. Call M2Mi5 or 54().6140 l now! • s21,5oo vOt><m"· E .... t ·(Vall no down pymnt) ' · -~ -GET A -DUPLEX Nawport No down pmt. at These two • 2 bedroom units Victori• are always rented, don 't 646-1111 waste your eligibility, make ( • I an investment in unit&. in-•~yfune come plus tax deductions. '"l=r:=i:==:==:=:=:z\ This is the w1 one left out Iii ol four, so hurry. : THE BLUFFS t. Vtry i;harp 3 BR 21,ii } bath popular BLUFFS ORANGE COUNTY'S • home. Owner has spent LARGEST t • ovor $2000 on ''""" 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 ~'. decoration & improve.. 0 D '" ments in the last year. OLDE W RL Don't miss thil chance CHARM for "LEISURE LIVIN'' On The Ocunfront ~ at it's best, $33.!GO. 4 BR. 4 batM; beam ceil. ; • l:OA TS Patk>, BBQ house. Lovely • & a:ardens. 2 Iola, All for the ::-. WAI.LACE low price of $105,<XKI. Own- 1 REAL TORS " will """"°'· ~ -544-4141-llDClll'EI • ing! CUslDm brick fireplace! spaciou. two bedroom home VACANT maint yanf,\ 130, 450, 63lli w, Coast Hwy., N.B, =:.· rf~lle;i;w.~~~~~~ 7~ Edinger MEDAWON ELECrR.IC Jn E A ST $ I D E OOSJ'A 6f6..2895. 281 E. WilloJ:l, CM. e 548-1290 • 8424455 or SW-5140 KITCHEN plll! DISHWASH· MESA. Copper plumbing BY OWNER • Low interest MOD Sea Lane, CdM. 644-4229. Open Eves. ER! Lovely drapes through. thN out stove rtfrigera.. Immedi:ate possession. 3 S1A.~'iiic;9 Irr t::rana&1fable ERN DUP.LEX LGE. hilltop lot Perm. view IE=l.EV--=~A~TEO=-,~B,-. ._,."""'1\-.,c.1 out! Two marble PULLMAN tor clothes wa.r a n"d large bdrm& 2 baths. built-...loans....__.All-3 miRM' 2-E Near ocean&: bay. 2 Br. ea. of ocean & hills. open staircase; cpts. drpa, BATHS! ~~ ~er mO w e r Jria-IJdia.'" ins, ~A -hi!&· d1nlrlg 8!"° aide 2 w 1~ MS-~ Hl;OOl'.t:-$8,.000 Down; ~ Rea.Jtof 67J...2010 bltOJ; Lge. square lot, cul room plUI 2 more.-One ~ _Large comer lot with aDey -+ brick 1.ireplace in llvmg ' • er will finance. Bkr. 637-0634 =========I de saC streel. Paved boat ioul ... block • ~ rear double garaa_e-, boat itoraae room, DbJ. garage, Large Ma V r. Weekdays; 675-3435 "'-'ef!lt-Lido Isle 1351 yard with gate, cinder block yard! Yours 1Dt u little u area. patio. In.tit trtts arid fenced yard, 7 years new. • • lllO ends. fence. Nr. stores. ICbools, $3,450 down. TRADE IN grape arbor Va'cant ··im-Goodflrwmcln&:. ~Ji~)9a;n,I!' eOUPLEX$31,SOOe TIRED OF beaches. $38,IXXl. Owner yOUROWER. HOME!! mediate ~ioa. ()nb' • ~ ... W W}oom IncomepotentlaIS4200.1Blk. OL~ER, HOMES? 96&-2442 WE SELL.k-~t)M6-VS.950.~~~1-~ -·<=NA DG.-Mo·--~rte ne.r scbio~ !cl)Cean&bay,-37UW . .BaJ.. ~tW.11e :,-. .. c!d·:am~hon-.;!!'-,o=-----=h-oH"""-~---I EVERY31 MINUTES "°""'· l':lt!Clent kl~ boa Blvd., N.B, 642-Jm w/4bdrms.,<oov.den&din-utc .aven W.alker & Lee M. M. LA .BORD 'i::.'~"i::·~:!:.t:.". ~~~~-.~ B:-.;;;. 3 hr. 3 ba. W/ ..:.."!ib;'·R~.,.,6;t~200 O"l ottown owner .• BR Ing $46,000. Call for apl>oint-system;!) inilt'·~ tm)dft Bay-View, wlde greenbelt. 1% ba, 70' cor. lot. Walk t.o 2790 Harbor Blyd. al Adams ment. lovely huld!K!-DLfll'.· PH~ Steps 10 pool. Cus. addtns. LIDP BUYI 11hop11.t:11choob. 5G-S4S l 10 eeU....t-flii,5CQ•by lfWbel'. SaV!'! S44,500. 0wrtr·644-426.5 Neat &: cleall"'3 bdrm, % bath BRASHEAR REAL TY Open 'tll 9 PM "..,. .,.._..., ~I·• ho V I I ·"-t 847 oul Ev ~o 71! SEU 0 JRADE 1 .:.~=..:;;:....,:..," --~-~ f.fOBILE Home: No 18 Lido me, acan • mm ... ,,.,. e ~ e~. ;;IUO'"ll f -' OWN£'l'i:._"' f . BR 2 bath, Village 9' x 32' Nashua with OCC'upancy. $4.f,500 TAKE over 5% c;G martgage S FANTASTIC BAY.I. oCEAN VIEW• . From most or the roolllll in this 4 BR. 2 Ba. home, A . E\'enlnp Call ~ OCEAN VIEW· $37,500 H -carpe\s/dripes, frplc', elec-patio. Sacrifice $3000. tlDO REALTY INC. bdt home, fTplc. Iv. ·nn. orse Ranch ~;yr, u~· ~-'1598 >IS-$15 . -'IOO!!!!!'!Vl'!•'!Lld!!!!!o!!!!!!!!!!G'!73-883tl!!!!!~I tam. rm. form"1 '"'· rm. Real sit-down vieo.Y, Larse Here's the buy of the )'('at. family rm., dining &: powder Elepot family house with m:t. Owner anxious, u leav. panoramic vie\Y of the ocean 3 BDRM Waterfront, No. 62, z t-ncl P a t I o. Beautifully 2 BR 1 bath home, &111"ll&e, * Bf OWNER * Balboa Coves. S 6 0. 0 0 O. H. unflngton Beach 1400 landscaped, 2<a.r pr. Must fenced yard, Cu,stbfI\,4 Bdm\ Republic Would trade for acreage or see lo appreciate. $39.950. Want Home. ·u.950. vn lot. aptl, 548-Tm Call 002-3861 3 BR 2 bath home on an ex-'"'*1549-21.44 * REDUCED l--'S"'T""E"'A-;L""'T;H""IS"l,--ing area. 153,500, and Catalina. NO -it's NOT tra large lot. Can add cull. ;> BDR. 3 bj, Republic borne Newport Heights 1210 Immaculate 4 BR, 2 bath, \Valter Haase lease land!!! You OWN it!! l8&(l Newport Blvd., CM beautirill Cond. by ownu. $23 900 bltns, dshwhr, carpets le ..... _._, __ '!-I ~·. • Coldwell, Banker & Co. 550 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach, C•l.lf. 833-0700 644-2430 Spacious room sizes, big all electric kitchen, 2 elegant ~Ii. };.n~-• .:Utt t;.;. :....~::: to obstruct thia fantutic v1ew. Submit your smaller h:ime on our guarantee saleri plan, WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Rllt. 646-3928 Eve, 644-1655 549-0684. ~ Ph.alarope KING~ 1 ..... d1'3pes, •Only $2000 dn to L. a-c;i.·enmy' e-~r \Collane P&r1C 1115 ~----iiig hOUSe Tn Prelifige" ~:Ue~:n ;·"'t:~~"-"',"oa""'th,;,'!. !--,='"H"':R~7;~~i;~itn---ltll -• ~tion. 2 Bclrms., lrplc., hardwood noon. le fireplace. 18x31 Fnc:d Htd Pool HW floorii. Large yard A: Nnr school. Hurry wit b -""°','·,;,· =-",;;7,;.-:o:,~·~~-1 "':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·::::::::::::! Sl/4•/. 1st By Owner oovemt paHo. A barpln $3900 dawn -owner will help PACIFIC SANDS • 3 Bdnn 2 Balh • Crptd. at $26,500. .-1 with cash to 51.4% lo6n • 3 bdrm. 1% bath, dbl pr, 0 $182/mo include• all. Can't w/w crptll Jrplc blt·lnl :::::::=::::::==~~I Wa Iker & Lee 548-9578 r~ beat thil! Quick possession. $18,900. Owner 8322 MUlllter POOL I I I $29,900 I $5,IXXI On. Appl, ,, e . • , . • • • ooly_"Evesorwknds. ~II, Ka .. 11• Rlty . 1471061 Dr. 646-2300 Blg home with rum-Newport Beach 1200 l l A '-f Y PAanc TWNHSE Barrett. Really , 1 presents ~~ SPLIT LEVEL FOR ACTIVE FAMILY • Extra large game mo'm wi!h Jireplace opens 10 a pool sized yard with family or- chard. This 4 bdrm home is sunny, cheer(ul & spacious • excellent condition -Pric- ed at $58,900. Baycrest. 1605 WestcUU Dr. NB 642-5200 19th Near Irvine $24,500 The charming: li!Ue 3 BR home-. in excellent location. HARDWOOD FLOORS. Al· ley entrance for garage & extra concrete slab for rec. reational vehicles. 200 Weatcllfl Dr. 646-7711 Open Ev~. SALESMAN NEEDED INVESTMENT ORIENTED? pus room, 2 baths. all Near Npt. Pon o/e. 646-2414 EXECUTIVES ·• ~r 3 ba 2~i car gar, c/d. the built-In fe11tures. 1 I 100 ··-6" •=• Loacls ofdecklng.Brau-OWNER DUPLEX 4 yn old. 2/BR AmNTION I ·''tsi-is.io --" ~""'" ti!ul condi6on. J u s t L 1QU IDATI NG ca.ch. BW!t·bu, crpts, drps. ?.!olt beautiful home In Ht#" \'r========i REDUCED SDXI. Ask· THE BLUFFS SJ2.SOO·Owner.6 4 6-2SIO. lngton Beacb.18x36' ~ 1ount1in V1lley 1410 int $32,950. 2 Prt-mium b.::atioM., both Prlncipala; only. pool in park-like yard. Lifl!:~. COAi.TS popular floor plans. Take =="==='===::::: est lot in area. Home tiuil,ti TRI-LEVEL You mighl be lhe one to help your choice. University Park 1237 around exquisite ·~ STRATFORD home in ti~top 111 help olher. 110lve their beamed ceilings, Jots 'of 'ei:· ~shape. 4 bdr, 3 ba. Sunkeri investmeot need~. Business WALLACE ?.tAKE OFFER: upper bay· 5 BR. & POOL -tru including ttfri&e:ratlon tam. rm. Formal din. 2 frpls. i11 great. \Ve're busy and REAL TORS front, ~plit level -above fu-Owner bas moved ~ wants Quiet s:ul~. Owner-tak· '1.andscaping, cpts, drps., need one properly qualiUed -546-4141-:--ture marina-water & night action! See this unriaded ing lou at $46,<XXl. included. Owner Commutlna petllOn to work In our invest· (Open Evenlne'} light view -3 Br. 2~ Baths beauty today lt_rnalle oUer. MUTUAL REAL tt. ID L.A. AllSWfte existing low men! department. For ad· -over $7,000 in custom, u~ e Red Hill Re•lty 842·1411 anytime-FHA. For appt: (21.l) dilional infonnation, call Mr. -;=::==:=:::::-C-:::i-=:-:-=-1 -.ied extras • barely """' "~ CU1 Dr ._J:._ 763-7336 Mr cu•...i-h+ owner Mc'tardle -546-2313. i b~'°;ingle occupant. shows oPEN°s AM'1 PM'~ 5¥411/• INTEREST BY o . ......, ..., . Open 'f.tse Until Soldl like a model. Market value 3 BR 1% bath, la.r&e fenced BR ""'21'r: Sba,P"'"1.aplit-leyendt> 1-0' THE REAL \~ESTATERS 1847 TAHITI DRIVE $M,500. IDI. W/w carpets, drapes. • ,, Li a, Lovely large ?t1esa Verde Eastbluff 1242 Pak>& Verde stone fireplace, $39,950. Walk to all schls. ~Ionia! home. 5 big bdrms t.tAKE OFFER: Prime di-I:.:_:-::_:::_:_::::_:_:;_:::_:_::-built-in range It oven, dish-962-104.1, Open 1-5 July 4, 5, 646·71n • 546·2313 . ~1-Complete rcde<.'o~t-reel major i;:reenbl!lt situ-MINl•YILLA washer, shake rool $26.500. 6· 17538 Live Oak Circle, 1ne in prog~ss. l!nmechate ated end unit. 3 Br. 2%1 Submit on dawn payment. cFV=·~-----~ 1 ' . . Four Bedrms. .. possession '"'11h E-Z tcrnis. baths, 3 patios, wool car-* * * * NEW, By owner, 3 BR. 21,ii New Area $132.00 Mo. ~ SC6·Sl!O pets, wallpaper, \Yt'L bar· ~~~!1 !na~isa=~: .,.~_i mu. = ~~~ ~::; This one'li got what it takes: (Marcinematheltlt) the work~. Nearby pool, on 3 Bdrm. 2% bath splil ~level ~m!r. . .., built-ins , big bedrooms, 2 LLEGE REALTY CUI De Sac strett. Well be-end uni!, on lush greenbelt ~ture&.bert Jl!~· ~!~ 1 tiled baths. fa.mil,y room, cX-ISOOAcWMalKa!bol',CM. lo1Y new comparable Bla!f's • imported t11e 1loorlng • *CREAM PUFF* "' ' nr .,, .. ~. ~'" cellent location, take over unit price. .'1arket value loaded with other culitom VA Joan. THE ONLY WA'i WESTCLIFF AREA-$39,T:iO. Flexible term~. features • below repiae@o Alllume thli 5%.?'ii FHA loan. Lagul)a Beach 1705 TO BUY. 4 BE ORM -$26,400 EASTBLUFf m<Ot "'"· Olo'!! 0 "J y ~:;: :'. ~i;:~ : . .!.''.\.'.~, _....,.,'A __ W_A_L_K __ , : (Open Evenlngl) ' -Park like yard. Preslige lo-REALTY $38,850. Exclusive with • new crptl. Built-in range & R E A L T Y caUoo. 2 bath,. Lwrn\.y ""'"· EASDLUFF oveo; dW.wr. Outdoo' Bar-IN SPACE -~ W "·lboa Blvd N 8 in k1't L .. R f I Call lL'i for other BluUs -'IU'.I • co. " · • Victoria cue... oom or poo • REALTY a.Que on cov patio. Cor, lot That will "'-vnur fint Im· i:' ··-~k ~~A •. ~-•• ~~W3 BR Call Anytime 67UOOO 646.1111 ORANGE COUNTY'S ti:~~~l~e~9~~rzrbor ~~~~~~ ~s,u~~ "-"us Jar other Bi""~ ~~t~;: ~.1Y..!.-~ preaion. ~~vyou see this ~ ,-.,....., °"" uuu L > NEWPORT BEACH ~ · .......,. ll.......,....; .... _e ""'""· ....,,......., SPAOOUS 2 .story home . ~ with mim>red wardrobe in OUTSTANDING (an'(timt) ARGEST ~ exclusive lbtina;s. By Owner, 842-1656 . BUILT ON Ji,. LOTS 'l'HAT '\J master ~rm. Family ~m, t bdrm cu.slom built We.stdltf 293 E . 17th St. 646-4494 .... NEW HOMES 644-113i ~SOS Ews. 2414 Vista Del Oro HERE'S WHERE " OFFER A SCENIC VIEW ~ dining room. includes Span-home with dcllahtful pool &: I :=:::::::=====~= I 4 BEDROOMS Ea,!,; Ide Costa Mr~a --Pool Season NEWPORT BEAOi The Bia Bedrooms Ar• or THE OCEAN. Detailed ' ish chandelier, break1ut patio. Architect detiped 1c--l $28,950. Only l leJt! ·~1133 644-0505 Eves 2 Sto1')' SJiorecrest., walk to all wood exterior in cla.Slic nook in kitchen. Harbor built this one lor bim1t.U. New Listing No Down VA OPEN DAILY -Baycrest -=-=---------=-ocean. F\ne w/w, drapeg. t.guna archilectural styJ. View Hills. can for appoint· You'll love it! 1812 lOWA STREET, COR· This Is a quality home with 2348 Santa Ana Ave. Perfect'1on Corona del Mar 1250 water ao~r. Price llaab-Ing, large aun porches P- .., mcnt A. Id & F Cl l'lER CALIFORNIA AVE.· cement driveway &: zhake (Bet. :llrd &: Sani..a Isabel) ed to $34,750. closed with post &,nils, '• JEAN SMITH #'VftO reu a lovely large 3 8e family roof. Only 3 years old. Sell·"' -~-""'"'"""'"'Ev'""· .. • .. "'.,·,,-s .. 1116 .. 1 superbly localed in the heart BACHELOR'S Rex L. H...a-s, Rlty SPRAWL ING 4 BDRM. I: ~ LTOR 388 E. 17th St., CM room tn the popular Mesa er will pay all buyer's dos-:::;; or highly dt11irable NeWpOr1 HIDEAWAY . ,.77 25 OEN FLOOR PLAN, hu \. REA RMlton 64&-77SS Verde Highlands areL Room illi cosls & will ih'e-you Mornlnt Sun , • , · Beach. 4 master size bed. Or glamour pad tucked In -..-w/w ca.rpeUne &: cuatom : 646--3255 THIS IS ITI--for boat. trailer or camper. $100 to move Twinkling Lights room!, formal dining, walls ••iict glen. 2 BR. ' 2 bath Tr· anrsfe' rred· drapes_lhnlout. Exciting I• ~.. A""' E 17t" ~-··ta r.1esa Hu an f'Xlstlng 5% % FHA rA6-9S21 or s•• "'31 Ivan Wells' new VIE''' homes of &lass in a l.ropic11I S('tting ... land tyt)e kHchen has BILT-~ 'tW • "· ......,,, 4 BEDRM • $22,500 Joan. New t.arpclll, new .,.. _.._ facing Bay in Dove, Shores. around a hUge family room. \vilh guest apartment It IN RANGE It OVEN, DISH· •· ONE BR cottage -w-1.,-, -, ~:m~ :Uo ~~ttt;! ~~lt~c~~~~-extra sharp, J e Ke Nichols i ~~!~ =~ :;~ d~ !e:u:=;~~~1.u~1'c:r ; ~~:~i:":r~1~0:: Lea~ area immediately ~~Ns~~RBU ~ksP. o; f~. zoned for bUAinesll. $14,:'al nred BBQ, 2 baths. Seclod· ~ S.f& SSIO al 1430 Galnxy Dr. 64&-lSSO ity design.· ,Only 10% down ssH·?,.5001 P.IC.Unchltodn &ayA! ssoc. Florida bound. ?.tOel 1eU. DEEP STA1NED MAHOG- TWO BR horne &: de-11, large ed rear liv ing room. Family -You name the terms Wo11't Delt• Real Estate ANY CABINETS. i lot. Ca.raa:e .+ workshop. roozn. Built-Ins. 540-1720 ~'[GERE~L~~ 1-=-~R~•c..•.;.lt_o_r_~~ BEACH DUPLEX last al $55,900, Call .lod~. 3900 E, Cout' Hwy. 6Th-439'J 6464U4 Open staircaN leads to 2nd . f :-~ ~m~11\ baU,,,l"TiiAiiR_B_E .. l.iiLii29ii5ii5iiHii• .. rbo,...r 1'0) ............ r.ll No Down GI 2 Bocheloc uo;u 645-0303 SEE ----..,$°'2"4"'2oi-'.oo~w'"N,.--1 ...... w/2 bdnn .• bath, & t• ...,._______ '"·t I-at· • ·~ -· AS~ME 6 ,., LOAN LARGE DEN, APPROX. ' near shopping. S'l0.750 PENINSULA POINT !"!-M-ES_A_V....:DE ,-... . .... ,.. .... ion. #"·""" ,. 20 FT., \VITH DBL.. SLl().. Wellt-Mc:Cardle, Rltra. Belt•..,_ 1n area. Attr. 3 81. ~_r ( bdrm + f11.mily room. $183 George Williamson 3401 OCEAN BLVD. $2 _Tofil per Month ING GLASS WALLS THAT ~· l&lO Newport Blvd., c_)t home "'1n 50 Jt !...t· CAn't r tr$23,9w per mo Pa.YS all or FHA or REALTOR Sacrifice on this 3 BR 2 ba in OPENS TO SUN DECK W/ 1 541t-i1'29 anytime bat this &t. $42,500~ • Nothff!C Uk U in this ~if.: Conventional. iif3.<l5o ' Eves. ~ Bcautif'ul :;1e-! BeauWUl park-like atmosphere. OCEAN VIEW. Till$ SPAC B•lboe Re•I Estete C6. •bk! ll{'!'• at fhll low price. $21 ,9SO vk!w; OP 1~ tV!'ry ~ HAFFDAL REALTY IOUSHOUSE IS VACANTI: ''.··ft-e 5v4% loan 'iilo"E. Balboa Btod .. 8alboa ?e:t. B"'uU~ln ~. 'o:-.' RAND RL TY. '45-2340 Costa Me•• 1100·1~,.~o~-~ .. ·-HO-M_E_$1_9_~_ ~n ~'."'~~nklln Rltr. 8140 w ........ F.V. 8'2-..ai dl""'"'d "'"'' NY• ""' ~ A»Ulll 1• e 673-4140 e ;'.;i:.1120 v ·-·· .~.. ''ANGEL CAKE'' -'"'-='-='---::.:::1 DU..c;, ·"""" 613-2222 ·FOR. Sille or . l.4!ate: Im-tmrned. for ;"" &t no coal Pymnts $169/mo,[!!!""!'!"'!I!''""~'"""'""' TARBELL 2955 Herbor Bread & Bulter Unit& Triplex rHE best J.Bedroom home Baytront on Peninsula !:=:zlC::::=:=:::z::=I mediate Occ,1pancy, Jmmac $29,950 FULL PRICE ' Includes prioc., Int I: t.axeL Nursery School l .3ml,1romSo.CoutP1au. ln College Park for an ac-~ ~ TFFEF7 . 2 BR. 2 BA Townhouse, LOWER ON. N H noanoJ.na:taeMr. $32,500 Uve family, Warm llx22 OWNER'SNEW4orSBR. HARD TO FIND bit-I"• -1,. washor. PYMTicifi. O.K • .. BR 2 ba homt'. O>oice POTENTIAL. 3 BR 2 bath 0 •• .... • ·-II u-~ v•--··-3 ha• .... "t-' ... ew Ome B YO REAL TY Ulm..., room. ..._..,~ v1llg .... ....,.-......... .... .. c, vy s. But wtirlh the clfortl dtyer. crpts, drpg. Adult THE B BUY ' H.B. loc. BonWI room. home, comer lot, 13Qxl.80' 3629 E. Coast Hiw~, Cdf..f room. Boal space, Wlllk Ii\' rm. din rm, fa.m nn, Broadmoor .Homoa att,liOn.. Pool a . clt>Ue. 1N UGUNA BEAC1-I t PUIW.<OOC 5'6-5440 all renced. Cal Uor detail&. 675-5930 from prttc:hool throuah JR.. bar, ti. kit, a &pies, w/w 4 Bdnnl., 2~ bl.th• $65,000 ~tor (1) ~ MISSION REAL TY "· . . . llattfa &tally Private cu1-dc41lc stm!t. 4 [ ,...,..,.,. ........ _,..., [ Coll"ge. $28,500. Open HO\lll!' C1111& drps. yard A DWtJ DeL..ncy Real Est•te 985 So a.st.» La ;,• NEWl'ORT HARBOR !'.'.".'_~, .2 boot~-~--."" . "ORA6£ 6W. GE Sunday 1-5. Olhor Umos by ''"'"" 6.9 ti""• c In I· !OS E. Cout ""'· OOI sn,soo p.,.;,..(7141~'4-of)j • $29,500 64Ulitl> -·~ ·~· ~ .,., ~I' •PPl· :1372 R""'"' -S4l-&28l mmo $143 per Month Total • Klna•l""bedroom~2ba!M. LOOK lldlaR<alEetato _,14 OPEN HOUSE t'rl, Sal & THE BLUFFS ASSUME 6% LOAN I 31/i ACRES ·~·, Secluded living room. Beatr DIJPLEX -Baiboa i:Jand. $20 MONTH Sun 1-6. 'EVes by a_ppt 253 By owner, 1 l~el, 3 Br, 2 HOME & INCOME-l.o;~~Jt'RA~~lb Undeveloped land. City of • WW tru abaded rear )"I.rd. 3 BR home. t..arle lol Three yea.n. IOIXI r'eotal. ROie L&nt.'. £..side by Bl, cusl cpts I drps. Im-45' Super location, 3 Bd. HAFFDAL REALTY Lapna. 9 Blk,1. to beach. ~ Lomr p,rdent ASKIN"-SZl 950 Want ca.sh/lntere&t In· 4-8 £d Riddle rutr. 646-5855 Owner. 3 BR.. 1~ BA. mac! Other extru, J I*· home, patio + 4 Bd. 2 Ba. Ocu.n v\ewa. Should dlvkit' •· ldtchttt 541).lnO • '"' • units TlaUn ana. $31.IXXI Sharp • ,_, Nice ''"""' tlos. hancb' lo pool, !I side• ""'ntc apt. wll"'I• pa· mo w ........ r. v. ,.,__ ..,10 ll !<>ta. PJ10< $40,000; !; TAR Bi LL 2'S5 He...... DAVIDSON R••lfy tqUity .• Write CIO Jade 00NT ~ \\'°!.3if for 10me. ynrd, nn for t:nat A trailer. on 1recn belt. Call to tee.' tio. Cpt1, drp1. $89.500 COUPLE' With 3"' childRn ~% nn. A real detper. ~.ls Your Ad th oar c:l&llltltdc? ~ Evn. 5£3169 Brewer. General Qellvery, Utlf'W to f\lml~h your home Try Sn>O dn. ~2896 644-2279. S311:i00. _ R. C. GREER, Rrall,y nnt 3-4 bdr home. CUh to MlSSION RLTY. <f94.--07:l1 SonV!One w1U be Jooklnr 1m' ,DAILY l'llflr WA.NT ADS Balboa Isl. Principfl~S only. • .. find fl"C'HI buys In to-THE QUICKER YOU CALL. THE QlnCl<ER YOU CALL, 3.l>5 Via Lido 673-9300 e:dsling ntA. Clill 673--7715 ~ 1-:--t----__ ·.;ITL.:D:.:lal::.:642-l671;:;.::.:. ___ .J--;--B-P.~llN .... C~RESUL-'-~~TS~'--•CllARGE )'OUt want ad now. day'e OEWihed Ad~ l'f'IJE QUICKER YOU !'EU. ?l~C{ER. YOU SEU._ QIARG~ While tJephant:iL rilniH·llnC t -~ ..!&Nl - ' " 1 .. I . I ' 0 ' r h , '· j '• L I • '• " , .t • " r I D 8 5 '· '· ' rt I. '· ~ D . • '· r L " ' ) ' ' I ' • ) 5 ' ' t -~ • .. HOUSES F OR SAL! HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR f'!LI llNTALS , RENTALS RENTALS nurlda1, .i;~ ~. 1969 .PAJLY PILOT '" 17b5 Laguna S..ch . 17Dl Logu~ S..ch 17Dl i-----.!.'--=;;;;,,.;==I L1guna ai1ch -Fvrnl1hod Hou101 Unfurnished Apll. ~urnlahod Summer Renl•la 2;10 Newport Shoret 3220 Niwport I.Mell RENTALS • 1 ••NtAL• • REA[ ESTATI Aptt.' Unfurnlohod Aplt. Unlv,.,lahod Gono<.al ~ GOnerol 5000 Coron• dtl M~r 5250 l~como. Property _ LAqUNA. BEACH -16 NEW HOMES OCEAN VIEW VIEW HOM£ Porlollno Lffuno F<m A~nt, best 3 BDRM, cit"· 2 baths. bl1ns: SjNGU: YO\l"li Adult> Lux· e . RENT e 2 BLOCKS io BEAOI, ~· ' . -. 4200 CUSTOM HOME , 1<155 Ter-Uniter eons~tioO,· 6 nrJy. ~h. t 8~ 2 BA. CfPtll, drpa. Ca m mu • t t 1 W'Y a:arden apta wttll coun-, J R-!..i ,urnlturo 0araat apt, 2 BR + den, race Way, LDWER Ttn1plc t.agUIWi Beih:h. luxury, 3 BR completed. Ac'.kuUonal homta * 6f2..3336 * pool. 1 blk to bch. On Gnd h')' club '«tnlospbe.~ and _..., l }l botha.._newly dcQotJled Z UNITS MR. IMSTOR HIU. 3 BR, 2 BA, dtnctlc, 2 bath, Ocean VicW, wet tlr be built~.oon. Whit wa\Ci' BALliOA _ ~nalye oot. 8'· A~ ~~ 15. Yr .1te1 f~plet:e privacy, -SOUTH $20 • $25 It UP soft \vat et, laundry, pra,ge. J 1 lge living' nn, frplc. elec bar, d1'i!am kitchen, A1aii,y ~an view! ~ oCi Col.It tq'l'I. Weekly ratet J41Y $*35 mo.: Jn Io rm at l o.n fBAY CLUB APTS. l~ at U'Ontb-'l'Nlooth Rcotall 67$-1381 1 kitchen w/blUn range, dbl ext1·aa. Only ·U),¥1(1 ISOOO Hwy. to 29rg bU~:.: ~p Nfe1 Auaui!t Sept M1-3lS8 ' ~ 16th Newport Bel\Ch. WIDE SELECT-JON .BEAUTIFUL 2 bdr & den. 1 Now be:iilf built In ,ttJ~ O\fen, dltihwasher, plbg for down, Ownrr \vill cany baJ.. 'Pl. Ir )'~ the:te! . 1 • • (TI4> 645-0000 Appl!Uces • T'l'• avail. bath, crpls, drps. garage. Anaheim attll, elate to , wuher, clec water htr, gar anct, 1~S"o loan· no loan P4R.AD~I ! OcNn Vl~-4 IR'1. Eut llvff 42 FURN Duplex. lA :i Br. "9 No.~ff QcpOsit Adl.lllf lease. $230/mo . &w'ys, aboppfn&, ~a.tion dlspoeal, with tbermo co~ tee. New•ll A11ocl~te1 *· •~ * from ~. ~r HFaC t'un\ltu.r.-Rtntalt ~7 -le ,.lta.RI. Projecltd. inOame tro1 eac.:b rm, beamed ceil· 4Sl. N, Coast ltwy; . .t!K-659f , FOR. Leaat' or-tale. Bluffa ~ Re , Pftolpcct f..3917 or 517w;19th, CM ~·.a. 8Ry-J.-BA, SwedUsh fcplc. -,~ ~ra. ... !!ur·~~ .. ~~ _ inn thruout, w to w crpis, RENT•LS Duploei 'unt. 2975 BR. dlnl.ng room, 1JD. LA 5--5248· lSe8 w Lndn.Anbm 11,2800' old. .... .w• ....., ... _.. ............ clrp!, tront, rear & side pa. ,.. ~ ._ ~~ · ~nd Unit. Vacant ' • linme.e le cute. 2 rn t.aata: plus: depredal)\ln, WW tio!ll. Con blk, rot \Valls, HouMt Fumlahed DAY by da)I, week or month. $4'\(l mo. 6Th-S'1&4 or 673-9060 LARGE 1 BO>ROOM V£NDOM£ 1220 roo. 61$-<5120 accept pre.l)&ld i.l'lttrcst w/ fence shrubs, l&'e round cor · . • Oce~ of hiltrft.y, ateps "f,ia.'White agent-ownr. ti;°*~~~ low down ~enl 1o115'·. dblo gar. trunk. htr * 642.inl •-~I * Rontola·to S'1oro ~ • ... m bcaeb. Line"" !.BR, 2 .. ~ H~ntlngton S..ch 5400 MAY TRAQE •to-·c-• '"" Re ""'1' me • ' . BR, lllp:s 6. Ntwel Co ..... clol Mor ~NEWER 2 BR ,,..., lease IMMACULATE • ..........,.,, -...... ,. • p...., rm. ar \VPRKING eirl to aha.re new AssoclateL Helen Bailey, It -~ . ' ¥"' ' ADULT·&: ·FAMil.Y oitz ORO APARTMENTS ~ ft~~~Ple~•H~: ~: LAGUNA CANYON 2 BR 3 bdr tum. home. Fntn Val. Virginia Brld&e 4~ e ~ SHO~ES ti '.~Jo r;"ard6!5;!°:~~ J\lb' SECTCONS AVAll.ABLE 823.f Atlanta sliPER • ·ios -w •A""""" hou5e $14,500. Fenee<I yd. area. 54l...SJ3J until 5, alter Eves 494-44.19 ' ' 3 BR + conv d.en, 3 BA. • "~ RENT••• • Close to.1hopp1·~, Pork New 1·2 Bedroom•· Pay 6 n ' i o::rraet, a.y, --"•'""1 Zoned .ind. ustrial. _.94--81.'lO 1, 963-3782 . ,.._ Vie A all'-hart .-. ... ~."""°' ,_,, ··• .. ..,. "" ACRES ·-• "•h ..... $10,000 Cash. •Bal ori co~ AUGUST or· yearly tental, vucan w. v --s 1 WINlFREo L. FOSS,• Ait: • Spacious 3 Br's, 2 Ba electric only w na ... ~. Uf6 tracL ot",$nle to hod z ;.)'l'-DAILY. PILOT DIME-A· Costa Meu N~wport Beaeh, view.a.pl tcnn, Jone term or Lse op · • 6fz.3&'iO • * 2 Bedrooms ""53&3927 or Sl&-2127 ducina orana:e crove w/tre- loan of $25~ tni -rate ~. Yow can USc Ihm 2190 del --~ , ...... ;ohi.,,_ $315 mo. Box 4001, NB, * Swim Pool, Put/.,.._,.n Pool-Wuhers-Dryers "' me~ &TOWth pof(ntial. ' -• nn1 day wee, IWl&l'\ ............ _ .....,,..,. I BR Xlnt Ioc. Close to bay & •··· -dj H 60 ott 6%%; mon 1 payments f01 ju:st -pe es• · D DUPLEx 2 Br · Fireplace., ·garage, Aft 6 _,, be 49f.!H'll 6'JS. * Frpl, Indiv/lndry fae'la Private Garages A · lo _ wy. •nmp, until paid In fuJJ, .\\!'rite ~ Wubef,.$l00.·6'-:0cl9~ PMS48-.mi 2BRHouse.:....~~-Uen~cond. 4~ : ~or 1145An1heimAve. 1 SMALL 1 bdr-apt. ~ern;m:.:i:p~= CN•ner P .O. BOX 91J, phone' WhJ~ etephahti! Dlme+line \Vki!nds 6(5..1062 RENTALS ~ ~ • hO · OOSTA ~tESA 642-2824 fumis.hiilatl avail. Util. paid. PRE ~ PAID INTEREST 494-4126 Laguna Se,ach, D1al;._ 642.5678 tar RESULTS Houses Unfurtd~ childre.n. $230 mo. * b"lS-3291 Nawpert' u .. ts. 4210 Older person or couple. Set! o o W N; it41,SOO-FULL No Matter What It · Is • Newport Beach 2200 •-w Cotti MMa SlOO be~ nooo or after 5 pin: ru General • 3000 Huntington Be•ch 3400 or ..,,._ Sun. 914 P CE. ·RADE . O\VNER will lease l\,lXUl'y Condomlum horn~ EastbJuff arta. overlooking Be.ck Bay, 2 Bedroom, den, 2~S batb. Decorator furnish- ed. Available, now $664 mo. Referen<r.1 required. 547·1641 Gr~ -· -. YEARLY !Case 3 belt 2'ba, l ca.Jllbnrla, HB. 536-3451 MAY T · FREE ·REN'.\"AL BIG. home, beaut!M ...,. blk to beach, Im/mo. (0Muml'. (ORNER. S._VIC& • di.tiol\ hul't eovtred 'patio, 613-245.; HARBOR .. NEW $150 up, 1·2·3 BR. Heat· rn;K\ EK boat -or trailer s~. td' & sauna pools, rec rm. Rent or list ._ tiotn,· free . completely t:Klllt·ln 4 p •Clean 1 or 2 Br• Heu &-A1ionquin. Mir. llottest spot in Oranae Qity., USO montlt and , t1p, 'l'AR. $25.; / mo.' Irnmedia~·poa.'.' Adults, no pel.!I, 2421E,16~ G.R.££NS 846-3137 nr. So. <:oast Plua Ii: new BELL 540-11'20 -a••t..n. Bkr. S464lil ......!____ St. 64frl801. G t 2 hotel site. 2.5.5 A~s read:)t _.... --, LAR E 2 Br.; , or t d lo rbl $250. 4"BR. '1~ Ba, girdener DO 2 BR ..__ fonnal •• BACl·IEi.oR UNFt.iRN.~ Children OK, pet OK; cpts, or eve pment; supe oe. Incl. RIO lrplc wtw Bia OON • Ii:....... Corona d•I Mir 4250 .,.,.. for _,1'.Cltaurant, automati:ve OOVERsho " ' · • dh:lnn,2cargar,1%ba.th, fram $110 clrps,range.962-7...... t t O)y"IOOOO res b a Y t r 0 n t ~ Wa&htr/d...,..r. SllJO mo. 3 BR. newly fum. dl"(, apt. ccn er, e c. n .., ' ; home, 6. BR, 4 ba, large ·~v ALSO AVAILABLE 2 & 3 BDRM, 2 &. pvt patio, this !ndludcs tu atatior:a patio, 70' private dock. June $150. 3 BR, repainted, .lana.l, 968-341'5-eves k wknds. W 8 alk to bea~~ & shops, 1 • 2 It 3 BDRM. he a t e d po o I, newly comer. & July, $2500 nw. Bee. lence'tl yd, w/w. Avail now. 4 UDR, home w/ 2 ba, blt·in ummer renta~ lUltil Sept. Heated Poofs; Qlild eaJ.e decorated. 962-8994 e Please call: Tom DeMaJo Sept., yrly lse, UOOO mo. Bkr. 534-6980 $225 First Ir: Last W/ $50 1st, then leuc. Owner, Center, Adj. to Sboppin& - I BR Apt. beaut. dee,, cpts, e REALTOR n4: 615-6259 . 213: 780-5013 or 21 3 ; dtpoail 534--1382 615-342S or l-1l~98l--2S02 No poll tJlowed drps, encl. gar. I blk from e Choice E'side 4-Plex, -One 185-63.13 C ·;;o;;'';;';;Moaa;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;3;;1;;00;;. 1 BDR. tum, no garage 2700 Peterson Way, at Har. ocean. $125 mo. 536-2070 3 BR 2 bath tbree 2 BR • oc":;;,EA-"CNC,F~R~ON~T~O~ld~,-r-4~B-r-., • Fountain Valley 3410 $150/mO. Lease. Adults. bor 4 Adams, Costa Mesa NEW modern 1 ,BR, cpts, l hath. $55.SOO Lg Yd, Yrly $250 mo. lmmed. Possession CONDO 3 BR Deluxe'crptl & util. pd, 6'f..UST 54&-0.110 drps, avail Now! • 2 BR Triplex w/garqea, *673-8088*. .i-.. Dsl h Pool 962-4968 :===53&-;:;::"~"==="° income $340. $32,(0) ..... _. iw r. • 81lboli 4300 LG 2 BR. b I IJ 1 • 7 Units C2 lot. •~1mo 3 BR 2 bath home, Shag cat· if no ans 646--0474 • u • n s , ......,.. Coron1 d•I Mir 2250 peting &: new d~pe&. Close 1 BAQIELOR •Pt. meg OJtly •. cpta/drps. 11,!i ba. Sharp. S1nto Ana 5620 inc._Xln_ .~.1 poTRADtenUEal''·$58,00D; t hoo) • ho Ing $195/ W I I 3612 t til Incl $'""'--Close to So. Coast.:f'lata & 3 BR. -2·BATHS 0 sc s s PP · utm ns •r urn. u · · u.u......... """"". S1'•llmo ......... .,..., ~-HIDDEN-VILLAGE Bob Olson Rltr. 546-55&0 mo. Children OK. Call Her. 613-5342 &: 53&-3101 vu... ........, ~1::1" Fpl., cpts, drps, Avail. 'July ii.age Real Estate 540-llSl 3 BR &. den, crptii, drps, aft. 4 PM. Bier. GARDEN APTS. 32 UNITS 61/4% Lan 19th.-No·pels OP-thild under-(Ol>CDevesJ. dshwr, bltns, firepl., reltlg, &iltiM ltland 4355 BESJ'-value' 2 BR, il55 Monlh·pus utU .; 2 Br. $435,aOo - 13. $285 month. washer/dryer, optional, Soft cpl<;/drps, d I ah wash' r tum. or untUm. Air-cond., Su"" b nd I C I'd ' CORBIN MARTIN al ........ _.._. f rcro · he t heated"""'• ,...r co -~ exce a en -Now. Vacant 11.'ater, sprinklers. tropic l\'~'IJ.C.n. rental 3 pool. Quiet. Adults. No'pels. 0 air ~· . t""'"• Crove area. Novae. Good REALTORS -lr.dscpdg 2 full ba. i225 mo, Bedrooms, 2 bath#, fun1li.h-Sll5/mo. 229'5 Pacific Ave. rec. ~a. pnv. 'flauo. .., relums -EZ tcrme _1036 E. ~L1)!.•>'."CdM . Wknds 89>-7400 or wk , alt oo .....,,c u 6 o, ~ c_QlllliT LIVING ~ FIRSl'~Pl&NEEtt- u• ... gu.,; T'BR .. 2 bath.,w/w -ca:rpeu;--~. _ B.eferences. tJ8 Pearl, 546-)52$ OA"t A 21 BEAUTIFUL old ,,;A __ for t.amily 1'00~~. ice_)'anLfc:_ '88.lboa "tsl. UPPER 2 .BR. I!lrig, elec · V!t~· _' --.-uuun: Ile d Ua1 1 bll·ins, dosed i: a r a g e . · renl mo of Aug. 4 Br, 2 Ba, ·in exce nt reip en _area; L1gun1 Niguel 3 07 -Adults. no pets, reduced Coastal, 5700 4 .. 2 BR units Lmlle front nr BJu1f & Beach, 548-6767 ~~ $200/mo, call 545-4745 BEAtrr. View EXa. 3lir2 Huntington BHch 4400 rent in exchange for iltc Disneyland. $48,500. Turill~ · ., ba, bltns dshwr. crp/b. n...·-... • •-1~.1 gardening~646-42'l4 Beacb-AplS..-financing~ _S37,l00-1JL~ Summo-i"-Rttttl ls 2910 AVAIL -Aurt. Bi'., 2 Ba., fp. $300 836/5750 542-"i2I5 """1.,~. lg9•u nv $256/mo., 6V..% Int. • ne Crpts, drps, bllns'. ds\vhr, l BR Adults only. Private pa. LARGE 2 BR, w lo w crpt., I acceleration clauae. Income LAGUNA Cottage 111 blks. htd_ pool .&: lawn ~r. prov. Duplex .. Unftlm. 3975 tio,' iSool. utll. lncl. No pets, qUiet area, adults pref. $135 New • De uxe $504/mo. l nice owner apt, from beach. Enc yd, ocean E·s1de loc. $300 mo Jse. $160/mo, 1'1676 Carmeron, mo. 2234 B Pacilic Ave. (714) 536-4616 75x131' lot. Costa Mesa·Npt vie\v, UOO/wk. 494-5873 or 546-0584 DUPLEX.Unfurn. avail July H.B. 847·2125 548-0066 {714} 536-1487 Rlty. 646-9666, 642·2221 494-3903 CHARMING smaU 1 BR 1. 3 bdr 2 ba. built-ins ~e. * 1 Jlr at beach, 1 :· util cr1d elcc bltns, 711 Ocean Avenue GOOD BUY. $33,fi00./$350. CLEAN Balboa Beach Units. hO~. w / ,W"t})}a, stove. dshwshr. fireplace. 1 bock. $150. Adlllls, no pets. 15th re g, no 1 rcn or pet s. (3 blks W. of 1-f. B. Pier) lll<\ Income prop. 3 BR l\' Sleeps 2 to 10; for summer garage. Pv,t,. lot. sf25 .. J87 from beach. 673--1758 St., Apt No, 7. Nr shopping 646.-62'!.! before B7\ home & 2-2 BR units A rcservaHons ce.11 6'73-9945 Rochester S~ 548-6680 ARTISTIC 2 Br unfurn, el'l('I. ruRN. apt: Pool. near 4· L1pun1 Be1ch 5705 arnall lot. Will deal. Wlc. 315 E. Balboa Blvd., na.Iboa 2 ·BR. Duplex. crpts, dl'l)ll, patio, near 1toNS. No pets. beach. coo.pie or single with FURN & unfum, bach, I .&: 2 days 521-3871 I Eves le; wk. NB the ~--" mod 3 "" ·~ 67" -.... h' hest n..-1 842-2335 BR. ~aa dcl Mar Apta. 998 2 BR., unfurn.. w/pool. ends 827-~ on ~.. · ~· garage. COV ~tlo. Private Si.JU. .r_.... ig "".....,, · Ocean view, nr. beach, P60 • ~ ' complty fum. July ~19th: ~2950 .• stove ~ refrl.g: ,S145 LAGUNA 2 BR. Ocean view, NE\V S200 up. 1-2-3 er.--trtd El (4.mino Or., C' M · Mo. 528-1201 ext. l 'S 2: 12 NEW UNITS near ooeaJI Reas. Mer 6205 ~~ .,.,.,. '!!:,iiO;;d~~~~~~"S"'1~~~i!f~~516-04~~·5~f.""'~""'E:'":"'::"F<~,;;~~....;~,,,;~=J=:'=:~':";=::"'""'~~""![""'--:,,,,=~--'~ ~ -c: • , . ....-3 BR 3 BA/w/w cpts, arps, &: Algoquin~-Sf&.3137 OCEAN BREEZ Apt. Lge. ,•~D::r-~-C'-,·,,,e•~<;,"=~---1-;-ti";:~~.------ BAYFRONT apt w/ beach. blt·in!. Pool & rec area. u~ .ccN I A(S 3 BR, 1% BA. blt·in's, cpts, REAL ESTATE TERRY REALTY YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A • DAILY PILOT WANT AD!- 642-5678 DIAL ,. DIRECT CH-AR GE IT!. slps 5, avail. 75 • 7/12 • per Back Bay, i28S mo. G1rdtn Grove 4610 drps, Sl.50. mo, No pc1s. ·General 536-1459 Eve. 536-'1651 81g.g116. Al5o hse, NB. "'"" ,.,.,.... Apt1. FurnithN 54;;...1215 ~ SINGLE Y Ad 11 L ,.:C:O,::'--,-~--~ Rentals Wanted 5990 INDUS. Bldg. lOOo/• occpd. Gn-2012 2 BR. l BA, glass poreh: Genor1I 4000 oung u s UX· 2 BR, lndiv, unit, 1ar. hdy,•d Nprt. Bch. 10% net return. Bl ury garden apts With coun-n-,, adil•, -_.... L"< A'ITENTION ,,_ OOO Phil 5 11 t COM llfls -$3550/wk for 3 adults no pets. S 1 So. try cl b tmo h nd Lll-'"' ,......,, " , -· • u v • n bdr· 11 t "-· · t · $165 2 BR w I W chlldreo u a sp ere a term. 642-2199 NEEDED BY AUGU-~• ~61 ' 111 ......, finest vie>ov o 646-0672 {213) -315-2842 OK: Avall' 1,,.:.,' Broker complete privacy. SOUTH ».J_t ~· " ha,)' le: ~. A'vail. JtiJ.y,' EA~E Iii sold. 3 534-6980 ,..., BAY CLUB API'S. 13100 2 dR Dupleli: 1769 Tustin Eastern College professor FOR SALE BY OWNER Aug. &: Sep,t. 675-6024 Bedroi:Jm 2 bath. $175 mD. CHAPMAN Ave.. Garden Ave. aC?'Olls from park. il.50. ~duate . students, &Ome f units, 2 • 2 BR, l BA A \VATERFR.Nl'. pler . .&: ot * 548.1059 * $130. l BR. aiccly furn. All Crove (714 ) 6J6.30JO mo, ~1~07 Y.'tt/1 lam_iHes and~or small 2-3BR, 1~ BA. S48-6l55 t 2 • BD util pd. Avail now. Broker pel, desire housing near.,,·:=:;:;o;~===:="=::;f steps 0 ocr.an. or .> '"" 2 BR dli"'1"". Util, r"'""'e & .... ~ .,........ UC J wttt be I ~" 6060 $)"" per ••k & 4010 ~ ~ ~ L lo h '705 Newport Be1cL 5200 · · · some ocatcu Bus'1n-Rental _&.J up. ,.,,,., 1 .. -. Lgo ·-~. S1S5. 1guna 1c ~ ,... 1 th 2 River Ave, NB. 673--8229 ...,,., .,_:::"st. CM,_. '!OO n e area approx Yr1·1-----,----,,I LIDO Isle o~·-nt. 5 BR., 4 :::::;:.,"' (01t1 Mffl -. 100 CLIFF DRIVE 1 & 2 BR. apts. furn '-u~ Need l to 3 Bedroom un· STORES for iease VillaP J."" July • Two bedroom furnis\led furn . S165 to $200 yrly, furnished ~pis, duplexes or Shopping Center, cor ol El ba. home, P r Ir: slip, 'Newport 8Hch 3200 $30 .0Q wk. up All Deluxe Features Anita, Jones IUty. 6Tl-6210 houses. Pnc-c range. .s120 to Camino & Mendoza, C.M. & A~g~~e~ e Day, week, month. WaJking Distance to Beach 1 BEORM. crpt, drps, built· rsoso per m?nth, il!1';1ght &'O SUitable FOOd, to Co, TY,~ LAGUNA l BR, lg living nn, deck, charming, Oose lo beach & town. Also 2 BR. 494-5873 or 49'-3903 NEWPT. Bl;h., clean. 3 BR apt.I.I bik to bay &. ocean. July & Aug. $110 to $135. 'A'\!ekly. 646-9754 BEACH at door. Newly furn bach apt starting at $50 per wk. 5.'£-2579 Htg Bch. B/B e Studio 6: Bach, Apts. SZ2a -Yearly lease ins. patio. Adu.Its only, no . more if ut ities ~ variety, hobby shop. e~: e Incl Utils Ir Phone serv. 494-2"49 peb. tl40 'mo, yrly. 673-~1 paid. Please c 0 n ta c t · See Liquor store for key. t TOWNHOUSE e Ma.id Service. TV avail. ••-NTAL• 841-6640 Huntington Beach AJ Wagner 2l3/981"'5Ji ADULTS ONL YI ~ B k B 5240 aflcr 6 PM to lea9e in· • e New Cafe &: Bar Apt U I lahod IC iy rormaLion or write: R. Y..tARlNERS CENTER ! Three bedrooms • 2 baths. 2376 NewPOrt Blvd. 548-9755 s. n urn build! Faces ·pool. Three cal' ear-2 BR DUplex, liv ·nn. cr:pls, Eugene Cringer. 'C • s i OHice £: store n& ~ ports. Available AU&Ust 1st. DELUXE 2 bdr studio, crpts. Gtnerll 5000 drps, 1 mi to UCT, $130. Call Western·Reserve Univ., or lea~. $15; b> i120. per $265/Monl.h. drps, pool, 1 child over 10 •BEACH YEARLY • 838-1081 8-10 pm, Oeveland, Ohio. 44106 (% mo. 149 Rivenide Ave. B h yrs. or infant call 646-0496 • ~ D t> v e Io pm e n t Biology I .::640-=..:24:.:1:.:• __ ~----I Bay & eac aft 6 pm 3 Br. 2 Ba. untum .... s265 E11t Bluff 5242 Center.) Lagunil Office Realty, Inc. .::::..:.='------2 Br. 1 Ba. unt:urn .... $215 901 Dover Or., NB Suite 126 LG Bach. unit, drps, cpts, 3 Br. 2 Ba. den,. furn ,; $350 NEW dlx Townhouse, 2 Br, 2 ADULTS need unfurn l or 2 Bright, attr, mod. bldi, cent, ~20o0 Eves. 548-696S near So. Coast Plaza, OCC l Br 1 Ba unfum , ••• i201J :l'Ai Ba $300. 3 Br. 2 Ba $350. BR hoU8': In Cos!a r-.tesa or loc, alr cond, gep. ent~ Sl.35/mo incl. everythlllg. 3 er: I ea'. furn .•• ,, • $275 4 Br'; 3 Ba $49ii. 752 Amigos surrounding 8.l'la by Aug Lease 494-2466. -;' Newport Buch Oceanfront cau 546-5079 aft 4. Bkr. BURR WHITE 181. $115 to S130 mo, 714: ' . 3 BR. Avail. July &. August BRAND new 3 BR, 2 BA, fm lt Way, N.B. 675-5033 686-l04l collect. anytime e PRIME Retail Location,• Newport Beach rm, din rm, all elec, w/\v, SEPARATE Bachelor. ot REALTOR after l PY..1. 17X40, XJnt foot & auto tr'af,: 'Realty Gra-1642 drJ)s. Harbor View Homes. pl.ale ~in&· ljtil. pd. $80. 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. Corona del Mir 5250 (le. 1871 Harbor, C.M; Q\vne.r ·will lse. ( 213) 646-210;> 675-4630 642-2'l53 Eves. 2 or 3 BR honie. Rent-buy In 646-fili54 · 2 Br, 1 Ba, garden duplx adj 797•7487 NlCE 1 BR d 1x Quiet aep mind. Owner only. Write , bay/beacb. July only. i115, t---------~ ' up · ' $140. 2 BR 4-plex, RIO. . .. y particulars promplly. Ken LO~ Door, wood panl ~ per wk 673-1901 DLX 2 BR. 2 BA, tpl, pool. lg by garages. Adults, over 30· µfrig, w/w, avail now. ~ Hanse, JGO.A E. Hamilton. 1200. Ideal !or dancing, art patio. Condo • no maint. No petR. 548-102! Broker 534-6980 tl,. , ott• CM. &1;).-0796 school, stud)O, 541-0097 4 BR. 3 ba furn h.se Lido Isle. $250 mo. FwTI s:m. or opt BAOIBLOR $85 mo. . . SP CIOUS W 'd • Avail Aug. 3 thru Labor buy A 646-073Z See Fri & Sun only. 138 Santa $120. 1 B~. stove, refni::. LADY EXECUTIVE & sister A o tel. crp • Day. Ideal Joe. 6'7>2990. ,'=•=;·;"',:;·~'==~== l!18bel, CM. ':!Aw~980avail now, Broker ON TEN ACRES desire 2 BR house or apt drps, a.lr-eond. U40 mo. BUSIESI' marketplace In town. The DAD..Y PILOT Qauified' .eetlon. Save money, time & ettott. Look now!!! N H i ht 3210 ...,......, 1 &: 2 BR. Fum It Unfum w/ privacy, unfurn. Yearly 546--05$4, 703 Randolph, Cr.f. ewport e I 1 $85. & tlOO., 1 & 2 Bdnns. Frplca I prlv. patios/Pools. rental. Corona-Newport Bcb * BEAUTIFUL crpt'd oflioe 1 Br llonie 2 yrs old ne\~ · Very nice trailers. 133 E. BUSIEST marketplace ln Tennis • Contnt'l Bidet. pu.I· area. sn-ZlOO, ext lCW suite, alr-cond. Best deal £n shag thruo~t. adults o~er 40. 16th Sl. C.¥!'642-1265 town._ The DAil.Y Pll.OT Uni P'fflt. • =-RESPONsmtE family ~ds !own. 645-3)60 No--diil~n Or pets. 357 16th STUDIOS iuo. 1 BR Sl20. Ousilied ll!Ction. Save 900 St>a Lane, CdM 6'4-2611 ~ I C Pl. 5'8-5962 aft 6. Older QOOPle prelerred. 2135 money, Ume •.eflort. Look (MacArthur 11r. Coast Hwyl Jg 4 Br, 3 Ba home-ii .M. Offl R~tal 60 Av( now!!! or N.B. $250. to $280. per ~c:':::":...:;::;;'-"' __ .:;:.;.:I DlAli direct 642-5678 Charge Elden vc., Apt No. fi. rno. 96Ul9l LAGUNA BEACH ~CE ~=t~ D~ . your ·~. then sit back and GOltG.EOUS ne1v 1 & 2 Br. Cotti Mesa 5100 Cotti MIH 5100 RESPONSWLE working girl Air CondltlOMCI Pik~sifleid &Q-S678 U!te.D to the phone ring! Activity rm, pool , sauna. de&itts apt. in Newport or ON FORESI' AVENUE • For Dauy PDot Want Ads 2000 Parsons. &42-86?0 Costa 1 Mesa to $100 mo. Desk space• avail&bl& f11 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! Dlal 642-5678 for RESULTS DAILY PILOT WANT~! 642-0022 newtst oUice buUding at BUSINESS Lady deslrea 1 prime location In' down~ bdrm unfurn apt to $100. LagUna Beach, Air <lO~ 642-0086 tioned. carpeted, beautifUI Need 3 BR house or apt fum entrances: Fronta&e On from July 15 llu'Ollgh Aug 15. Forest Ave., ttar leads to: ... 644-0939 and 8J.3.5248 Munclpal pvkl.nc Jots. ~ G*ner1f ,.- 4000C<enerot 4000 CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLETING :J-our S@\\4illA-L&t.tfis· Sol .. c Simp1" Scrambl•4 Won! Pun1"f0r ~Chuckle HARBOR HEIGHTS • .•t~!~b=·~. t: LUXURIOUS 1 & 3 BEDROOM APTS, tow to. fotnt tout limp le words. e J'l.MlS]acl!i e Spacious cabintU IC INT E' ~ ... ..:_,, ·:fl:~-:~: ma.sler • c;:!f~1t.~ttlm I I' I I ) •~ma • BalMced powt!r livinr • • • • -e Centra' forced •Enclosed parking J>l!t:. month for space. ~ e LANDLORDS e and chain available 1or so..· FREE RENTAL $ER.VICE Business hours an~rirW BrokeT 534-6982 ~iee available for-$11).. WANTED by couple: l or 2 •t utilities paid uceJt Bl": houae, by -Aug .. ·lst. telephone. , Good "f'L 613-7499 DAILY PILOT ' • -~ 222 FOREST AVENUE Rooms fear Rent 5995 LAGUNA BEAQI . .._ I air beatlna • C&rpe1$ & drapes I M LAGUNA I Y LAM I Corona de ar , PRrv ATE oa;,., "•JI ,. --'·.· Private Jurn. room ' I:. bath part", 1 om e bet.uWultY 1 I I .I I ' · 1· ~ Patio • Garue tt1rni&hed! North lAaUria HARBOR HBGHTS ~ Month h.lahwa.y ~Uon. EltceUcnt 11 I · · 1113-9300 for individual, mlton. bl, SYTUI! •1gue.,1om•--· OUr ,...,,AI;t<;,;,r;,5;,,;pm..!!!!Call!!!!ml& ... !!!!7"', 1.U..,C. brokor, ......... rial I I' I I I .ah!p their hu.tbands... Tkt.y i I!!! office, etc. Owner, ~'l'f ~=-=-=~-=-=:.~ pfca· -off4itit191 before Rental M&n•cei-Mrs. c&ri•litftlet'I SLEEPING nn. pvt Cntl°k!'OO Biiti'iiFUL AlMond of. • 1hemrthree titn11 o day.• "".\ bl. $60 per mo. 2135 tka Mqh llOUlld I VAGNll 1 · 7 •3 11'"'-llol4'r ~117·ACIMlmGnAvt.,ColtoMou · El~n Ave. C.M. See Mgr waJU,aC01111UcceHlnc• 1--;.;,;..;:..;.;.;.;:_~-•-I O $ 9"9 c:Jwdt. ...C Apt No. 6. elev, balcony. l'rom P»: I I I 't r ~ ~ ·. "' ........ --. -"Cl.block -1 or··----81\11. ROO~~malc. View home Medle\tl suite S&S.-.-..'81-1:.J.----. • • - -•..,... °"' _...... j ~. -· .. _ n.1 -ln w-;-ar.no. ~ :lTUl '·St. at tMnt. CM - I i "\~s~sm IN r r I" r. r i . 21>iockl ,.;..j, or th• s.. Dlcco ,....w.,.) Malterltc 7 RP"'·, I 5999 B=~ ~..::...... .. . • en 11 to.zn:.;... DAILY wn,.,., • m,sco~ lf11RS. I I I I I I "'*" miD14 ·~ ·-· '-K• ,..~ ...... ~~ • • • _ • _ SJNGt.E aaro.ac for ·rent a .. wed ~ s • • • • PO/mo. Avail now. Mea money. dmt 6 ea.rt. L1llliit ~-~~-!-:::::===========:==========~--S~C~RA!!.!!~~·~LETS~~A~N~S~W!!!ER~IN~C~LA~S~Sl~R~C~A~TI~O~N~7~.9~0~0-]~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!,.......,....,"""'."'"'"""'" .... ::..!!M'~M~u~aro~L~~~~~~-~~now~•~I•~~~~-'-~ • 1 •• • • -. . ... . . . . • • . . . . . ' ~ • -·--· --- I I· I ' • • • . . ~ . . . • • . . • • • ' I • • ' ' • . ' • ' • ' . ·-I • 1 ' I . I • )· . ' . i. :--·- ; I • • ' • ' ' ' I IT'S EASY TO PINCH . · . ·. --.!>~ .. --_... -~ .. _ • -C&--. -•• - · PENNIE~~EVEN -OGLcARS -. . ...----~----~ '. .._ Don't iust SIT there! Grab hold of the Bf G actio.n today! Dial Direct: - 642-5678 . . Just say: ''CHARGE IT!'' (North County, 540-1220, toll free I PENNY PINCHER -. WANT ADS NEW-LOW-RATE · 3 LINES 2 TIMES $2.00 ANY ITEM • $ OR LESS · e EACH ITEM MUST liE PRICED e e NO ITEM OVER $50 e NO COMMERCIAL FIRMS e e NO COPY CHANGES e NO ABBREVIATIONS e · I I Let PILOT PENNY PINCHER Want Ads Work for YOU! I ' I I I I • I a. • -- . I' ··- !: i; --·-. • ' \ ---- " • ' ' , • / ' ! • I " -. --------·---------,.....,.--,------..... -..,......,.~--....... -"'"'!= ..... -----------~-"::::--""""'::---.,. .. • 1' --· • . • / 1 ' , ThW1dq, Juij ), lM I/ DAILY o.11.~ aS RIAL. I STATI BU~INISS ...i ANNOUN~ . . * JOIS & I MPLOYMI NTJOIS & ~LOYalfifi' R a ilN1 J~ '!l!!!!!J 4 I] O...ral FIN.'NCIAL and NOTICES 'If W °"' =::.:, .,;L ·· :r ' • . ....,. -• -r Help w_.1od, Mon 7200Hol~ Wontotf, Mon 7200 Help W•nltd, !'I"" 7109 HoWlp-Wonn ,...., _.(!~ 9fllc1 Rental 6070 8111. Oppo"!'l"lllot 6:lllO ,.,_.JO ,...... ' · -· .-.-··" 1345 Ni;WPORT BLVD. Dja1r!bu!Or>!ltp . * Alone". , *, J. ~ PENNEY coi.'.P/.NY * r:,?' ~~ ~""~ EX7-llRIE ... c•o I/ ,, I:: I Otllcu ... tab!o !..-Oom-r .-..bloo lltaod -Newport Beach/ Chipa, 488 ll._i7tll SL, C.1,t. 'f I .., ,. ~~ ~;_n. ... ntaL BANKS • , , • Has full lime openings for DEIJVi:RY 'boy, s.:.i,.cx:ir· ) l lCROW • ·/ ~~35c ·P£\\' ~ n~ ' YliS IT'S YOUR AUTOMOTIVE SERVICEMEN ~~'~ii;' 1 ICRITARY su.sm OR 615-2464 P1t1 up to 59'. Let ua •how FAULT · , 1 Recent experience: in lubrica'iton, brake ad· GAitAGE door • 1. OFFICE You bow you can reain.e a FJn. ttOOtded m-... • ..! tba1 h i. ... 1 ... -. • ••~'ITID ~•Ll •ORNI• * SUITES * . return ol ~% and more ~ ..Jiu chani• ~-rii; ctn 1 , ;; justment and w e e 1 vow.u.cing required. operatat--'1eld letVk:fl men. ...,,N _.. r ,.. $45-$75. Crpta, drp.s, htatlna an lnVt'at:ment of $3.150 and · ORANGE ro. MT:a&67 • .• . • • '/ . Competitive saJary arrangement, top fUgbt Top money. &e.Jf!IO ,;' IANK • ~~1~te= four hours of your time per ii hour. ~liw .,... ~ j \Vorking condi,f.iotis with newest and Iin~st 1 ... u. t1'1l ••acll fl!vd, :!ti\'l J':::'!',.'~t!l , LICENSEO ,, • ·~ e9ulpment:<G-rousbenefitSlncludingho&-Ho:.=-7'40!d 3141 1.Coosf Hwy 1 ·~j HB. M0--57'4 """' ~ our pro-Splrltual ReadlllC•. -Wlliddyo Wont?' Whocfdya Ootf I pltalizatioo, employ_ee dlscouot and profit c ..... ..,;.=. Mar ' ·- NEW c1e1 ... oUl<:e ....... gram, ""' m8Y cb<ck ..,, M "11 mattera.312 N. El s•ECIAL -CLASSIFICATION FOR sharmg. * . .' * ~ lo J200 "' It at Santa or all ol our m""' than 200 Camino Real. San a.....,ta NAT-URAL BORN ·sWAP~ERS Apply In person 10 AM to 9 PM, /. Equol """"'1UJ\I"'-~ . Ana ""'?,;& .~ ::!!"" ~-~butors an:i.,~~,,_ 'f9"6o AM. :!6'~ ftocl•I a.,. -Monday tlirli Satiirday J. C. ,,._. c.. !-r1 tumoU. -...·17UU, ~ v.lu1pany • es..,.~ ac-• . 5 Lfrtet-$ tlmtt -'S buc , Futtlon Jlland' surrE Ot 2 6ffioes. nr~ Counts. Not vending, no sell-CDlJNSELING •ULia ... "" ¥UIT 1NCLuoe PENNEY S FASHION ISLAND Newport Bett:ft BANKING bldi?. o. c. airport ar-eL ~~~~~~=:.~~~or ~~~111':-'-:r:.~ ~.l: .. ~'i:: * EqualOpportwrityF.rnployer * ~5,• ':~~r:m~~~, rent or Jeue. 540-3943 can~ weekday' to Mr: .. Hft 10 fin-$ pm. J-HOT111No F-ott Ult -lllADU 9HLVI TElLER at our Cost.a. MeA 300 Sq ft Off!.,. Barton, m4l m9100 or PHONE 642-5671 / . Branch. lrosrA MES.. • 616-2130 wnto Cincludl!1g '°"' pbo"" -Announ-nts . 6410 To Pl••• Your Treder'~ Pr odlM Ad Job wonMcl; Ledy 7020 Help Wanted.~ 7200 FULL11'IME IO number! .. ROMARA. INC, -* * * * * s Br,,., Ba,·N•!'l)Ort Doh.' •• c,6.'SHlER lnd111trlal Prop. 60 ~il. ~070~18• San Cl.rb, Commercial Will trade: •cemetery lots. huae'';.,m w/pool Price ATTRAcrm, pJeua.nt 11 PRODUCf lON for our ./noMy room PleMe Apply InPenon 196 Ea!t 17th SL Collta Mesa • -• , Hottalffl · Harbor Rest Ccata Mesa • E .. Trade $18,00> eqty year old &lrl. desires lull or SUPERVISOR I READY To BUILD HELP!· 10 _,, atln.fl1va .,.u.lraJn. for sail boat'. value ll-100.00 mAJl<r home or 'ino part time work. C.. •tart O.!te, the ""°'nliod lead-Re<ent, snc..ww oxporiene< _ Natkmal Co. heeds • ed cirla tor ~f.I, con-~784. Cart. Wood Rlty lmmedlattly, has ow n tt in ita: neld. w · an op-prthrred. OmlpeUt1ve wag. '· 2 acres, fully improved. Sew-· dl.aU1butor for candy and venUons Wes eventa spec-. 4-401.5 transportation, llOfTIC clerk. portunlty for a )'OW'.11 man es a.nd outstandlnr btnditJ SECURITY PAC"IC NATIONAL BANK I . er. water, 'Curb & gutter. snacks in Ora.net Cqunty «?l ·la! pro~tions, etc. ' AKC .~'• tnale• 4 ing and cashier exp., Willli:t&' with some nianu.fachirU:w f•· includin& profit sbarirla. FUii price $27.500. per acre. nearby areas. P~ r • o 11 ''The Westw•y Girls'' females. 8 wks ~. out: Retired-Oon't Med tax shel· and anxious to 1 earn. cllity. Call 635-4lal 1or d~ Prime Sanla Ana location, selected muat be able ·to · 5'MHil84 standln& peb, watch· dop, / te:r. Want Me fr'ee & clr for 833-2027 anytime taiLL up to 6 acres available. For devote 2 tO 10 hours per for iUfl.!, sportJJW equip.,, $19 ~ or S38 M eq In tri· LOCAL secretary will do arw more informt.tion, please 'l\"eek (d4y& or eve) to PIANO LESSONS· bride work, ~r ~ plexes. $960. mo. pool, kind at typing (5 yra es.p.) call K. W. 'Small, make veiy high eaminp. Beilnnlnc itudenta pret or 1 4M-8320 / prime loc. 00 vac. 5fCMK101 Reuonahle 641)..7981 EVENIN~ INTER· VIEWS(MAY BE ARl!ANGED. Eckhoff & As1oc., Inc. You may keep )'OUr preeent U.CJ. Mullic Major 11'.QJ ac., $250,<QJ~~BO 1 1818 W. Chapman Ave. position. No eellini. $1550 Call Bruce 546-447S from dntwn I.A, 5 . New 1969 Norge gas dl)ltt, Domestic Help 7035' Orange, Calif, cash required Cstcured). WilL buy old worthless from fwy on pa~ rd twn ( --~ all el tri ,1---------OZITE CORl'ORA1'1DN ~-XZ1, Eves.wknds 538-59n For immediate interview in stock certilicates, ~1 Bet.U:JllOOt A Oak Gl n. Trd =)~TRAD;-U: George AJJen Byland' ~DCY ~ ·····-your area send name, ad-nights 7-10 for inc, prop? 547 Bkr., good coNlltlo.n eiectric dr)'· Employer Paya Fee ~lm~~~ APPLY IN PER.50N • 10 A.M. tb 5:00 P.M. J\.londly thru Friday J. C. PBINEY CO. 14 FHhlon bland An equal opportunlr,. emplo)'tt Equal oppiiirt!Dltty employet abilities unlimite() agencar Quality --r..-QualWed Appllcu11 488 E. 17th st., Suite 224 Commercfil 6085 dress and phone rrumber to: G &; H OFFSET Printin& Rented house, ~40 JW er. 968-1669 10C-B E. 16th, SA 541~ Equal opportunib' e~ 11 DISfRJBUTOR DIVISION (discount on order 200 a-over) Jot. Nr Garden 1 rove Civic Odne3e nve..tm. o.earrut I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I i'i:ii'i":i:"i'~~':"?i''i:I SMAIJ.. Medical bldg tcir PO Box 58 li1 H RJverskle, NB 00-0920 Center: $20,~. frane $9,500 TOWNHOUSE 3 Br, 2~ ba. Permanent Experienced I ' tease. 420 J"'mine, C.d.M. Pomona. Ca!ilomia 91769 """for~~· "aw .. , Beaut. appt'd. Priv, patio, Fv East Agency 64W!IXI BUILDING FOUNTAIN VALLEY LYN & Nunes Aids 1f Cotta Mesa 60-1470 Vogel Co. ::667 E. Cout ENCO Card of Thonks 6416 Broker 547 . pool; nr. """· V-al. S32.SOO. MAINTl!NANCE SCHOOL DISTRICT Larie p....,.alveECF..W. l ;;H:,;wy;;·;CdM=:~-""613-~2020===:: I H'UMBLE OIL PLEASE aceept ou:r ainoere, NORTH Tlqtln Lot, m,500, ~:·~camper or ·11 Help W•nhtd, Men 7200 ._ ... 74 -~~ 1 Mon h * Yull ~~~ta. ~o:e~. ed~~ ' & REFINING CO,. ..,.,-luting thanks for the Fr« &c <)tar, _most ""cl. · f' -.., .,_ I ADMINISTRATIVE to•. Openina• on all ohtil._ lndustrlil Rent•I ta090 flu well located seMce tta· prompt action by the Costa area. tat doua vtew, Tr. t21' Large house-+ income + 1,;A80RER c·ITY OF .-i~ --. -OO!erent1al pd !Or ii1ngeri UNDER construction 28.ooo tton available in Costa Mea. Mesa Police Dept, st!1f at Inc. pl'Olierty w/spendable. room to build, on roll $491. $605 Per Month. NEWPORT BEACH ~EYRETARY &: nite owla.. Only tflOle who .... ft. M·l bldg w/oUcs. No investment required in Costa Mesa. Memo r I a I Bkr. • course. Trade 1ot free &: $$43. to $652. care .need apply at 1030 w. w" gasolines; motor oil&, tiru u ...... ital and our friends in p~·va party will trade cl•a• la•• -•Ubmlt. * ---12fJ0.5000 gq. ft. units. lOc ba ·-• 1 "' • ''U ..,.. CITY OF Requires 6 monlhs general , Warner, S.A. 546-6450 sq. ft. Complete about Jucy tteries & major acceuor-the recent. near tr,gedy·ct Baycrest P 0 0 • Madge Davis lUtr M:J..7000 NEWPORT BEACH labor and/or building main· PERSONNEL 15 Eves &46-068l days IH. llumble ~s ~ Utill· our daughter cMat. Thank hoa;li! for amaller home Ol' -ten"""A •vn..rlence, com'"''""-. TECHNICIAN See Betti BNce at • ~ Ues. For infonnation call yoo, ·Mr. It: Mn. Don Joy° Small hone ranclt 2 BR 1 . -·...., -.... ~ -I 646-0033 -~It M•t11llk.(DAt~ Willia~~ _J .. -..~-.. MS:.(128.\ * s,....c. -ba gar. tned. W"1i•,...Bft"'= ltcquirl{~ ~·f.Cllm;ai Jl~.oJ.~e. ApR,ly I~· $537 t "$646 m Gx Ii.ENT M'.i GO!r'""iq. -n. diY1~c7ii> ~eves 4 bath on Iara: Jot Co.sta labor mi/or buQd1ng main. mediately to Pel'IONlel Off. ·,. • • . · •• $J5Jtno.?M-4Randoleh 1 weekends. _SERYIC& DIRECTORY ,':~free &~de~~~l Mesa.1860N~rt·Bl CM t~e~enCe,comP1e· ice, 3300 &w»oz:t_Blvd.. * __ l4J6 'flo--r-· .. -i.::.:.. CM.-. . __...______..~_.611~ .... ~~N' -" .,..ve .. ~ .. ~ --.. rT~-tion-ofltbrrade -Apply Im-· Newpo~Beaeh.-Calil.-9'l6ti0 · REQUIREMBNTS~ -· 675-5ll6 --UNIQUE-dlstribufuiir co, e11t Bibysl tt1nt ~.»1loea1~imp!!!v .' Rltr ~.o eve T' .. WJ mediately tD Pei-sonnet OU-Typinc 60 wpm ahonband A.rencyfor Career GlN !---...:.::...::=---~I '3 yn:. Lo dn, will line. P.O. __ . _,_/ Mi.dge uaVJ.1. ~ HAVE: CoM Afinuet Organ, Ice, 3300 Newport Blvd., MECHANIC SO wpm. f'rlnP bt~ll: U0 W. O>att Hwy,._N. B. SHARE YCIUl' extra Mtg, Bo:ic 1726 CM. 5f6..8218 • COLLEGE ~tudent MeQf' a 642-7000 N--.rt 51.!'ach Calil 92660 Journeyman mechanic, ex· 12 days paid vaa.tlon per 81 appolnL 6t6-3939 space. 3-6 mo, 500-600 sq. fl. full ~e-~ . orlginal"prtce$1600. WANT: -.,,... ' · perlt!noe Foreign or,Domea.. yr and 12 deya pakl •iek l !:!'!!!!''!""~~!!!!!!!!el fur lite usemb1y. 642-1847 WANTED: oft.We liquor Ung job. (5 nights) ear Wilt -trade lffl VW '64 car (good oond.J,-HO. lie. One of the oldest For-leave per yr, major medi· YOUNG Lady-oWce trainee, NEW ,_ ... ,, • ._._, bl"-2500 ""' lloen8e,.:_,~ot~t;y. Wilsoll and Harbor . C.M. s.d•n for Bus or v .. n. BlE Sailboat or ? ?!. EXPERIENCED ei&n car service departments cal insurance -11cy. part time, neat appeutna, .,,,,....,u wu '45· ..... \..41..1: ~ ...___ --~-·. •-* 548-3821 * sr~ ...,. .h .. --....a ft. Sc per ft. 1639 Monrovia, ,,.,m '"'~""' --* COOK * ln Orange Co, Flat nte &::: FOR JN!'ORMATION ... -...,, 6'-"AI wt flrures. CM. 673-9017 Money to LOln 6320 Bl"clcy. St&-1871 ..L .* *. -* watTanty work $9.00 per Call Miss 1.achmeyer, 842-6651 Type 5&«1~ Some experience INDUST Bdlg in M-1, 144 w. BABYSIT weekends )'OUl' 1' ."":r; -. .. * * .hour, pay based on 50/50%. Ext. 225, between 2 A 5 pm. desirable. Muat have car. 17th St CM 3.'00 gq ft, $325 1Jt & 2nd loam for qujck home; mature wom&D. Apply in person Excellent working co~ Experi need ON.y Could work into f\lll time. mo ..5'.-1133: EV<S 642-1419 cash. Bon-ow on your pro-~ SERVICE DIRfCTORY I SERVICE DIRECTORY RrtlDlll f, ICC tloos. M"'t have own band ' • ":i:!n M.W Finl!hlnc . perty eo wt_tbout dUturb!nc BABYSIT my ,,,,., ...., ----· :.' ¢1 'Ullln w; ;':"~ SJdney 494-mt"' GENERAL OFRCE 1129 Prod ' L t " 6100 your low interest lat TDt. loving care Vic Harbor G..rdenfnt ~ .j,C 66IO Paperhlngfng ueUon Pl, NB ·, 0 I Also buyen lor 2nd TDtl. Victoria cM 645--1473 • '' e Painting 6850 151 E c H Prefer restaurant experience. WOMEN WANTED, Sewina I ONE of the Jut and most s.,ttl.er Mortpge Co •. Inc. ' ' AL'S Gardedi~ ~~& Lawn ' oast wy. REFUSE CREWMAN Appl)' after 2 p.m. maehlne exp, to work on beautiful fee-simple Iota re. Serving Harbar Area 20 )ft. Will do babysittir:!g in my Maintenance. bimmerci&I, NEAT, li"Yn. Painter ro Newport Beach ~23 . HH.br Mo....t.L -, shoe and 2l~-~~--~ ~SHORES"f~r---;ie 0-;;-Antt. 641,.nn-56-06ll. rates. m4988·;Jifume. l-,Ol1'l\al~:~U&<. Low~~~~; * DRriERS *-Cl~~ --RESTAURANTS ~!~~:ch. ·s~~ I qua Own<t 547-0997 A1LllN BROS p·~"G Int •-Ext.~-.. N "--·· NEWPORT BEACH job, 5 0' 6 """ wk. I ~ block· to ocean 30xS5' Money Wanted 6350 Brick, Mlaonry, etc. GARDENERS sruDENTS ~~de<! pri;._ vuU;·"'~ 0 -.--. 1ence 3801 E. Pacille Ccut llwy. Anttxiny'a Shoe Strvice, 3401 h R-2 125 4Sth st NB call . · ~ 1 =· Top. 6.511Q ~ ~ 1bru ·dep. 8aum.ctloD ruu. l'ne at. Necessary! ltequfrts 6 mMths general Corona del Mar Ere.out Hwy. O:JM. WrD $25,000 !..-'=· ·-·-SECRETARY 67s,..nm int + paints, aec. by BUILD, Remodel. Repair Exp. Lie. Rua. ~ Jim Wee:k:I i'B-lltl Must have d ean Calllcrnia labor and/or building main-NO PHONE CALLS • .,me book· ,200 $100,(XX) equitv, 6;73-9U2 Brick, bloeJc. c o n c r e t e , BUSINE&S fr. RESIDEN-QUALITY \!ORK.. JS ~ driving ~. APP!l _ !~,th~!~. A' ~IP!!: L~in& ~if!Goodl A<ruge ~ ANNOUNC;Ml!NTS · ·iilpm.,,;nojob!Do lmall ~ TIAL GiiirenillC-liCJWiiiii. expOrionqi, Cmnen slillL YELLOW C"AB CO. "~'~ •·-•~ -v~• -·-m• c o Legune Beech •nd NOTl'CES •• ~ Contr, , 962..QM.5 Exp'd 64&-G22 . 642-tm · 186 E. 16th st. :e~~ 1N~~: • • EXPERIENCED =~e preferred. ApP17 7 ACRES W/PERMIT · -642-4766, EXT/InL pntg, •ver rm."°"' Qi6ta Mesa N-~ Bea•• _.,, --TELLER 1 ·-·--<>·ach Nu-•-n-~ TO KEEP HORSES Found (FrH Ads) 6400 Corponlerlnt 6590 Roltable Lawn Maintenan.. + gOOd pain{ neat woi; ··~.. _, ~-------4~-, ~- Adjacent .ubdivls!On on• LA&i!!I· Pl'fic. cr h,. •" CARPENTRY Gardening and Clean-up loo rm. Roy, 8f7-13S8 DINING ROOM Servictt Station UNITED Order Doak Clk. $4SQ miJo E. of hwy; utU ev'"1. hr••»& wl)I, fraDle" --MINOR REPAIRS. No 1ob dleltable la,.. -rvtoo. • I 6880 -CAPTAIN -MANAGER CALIFORNIA BANK Exp, •hi• lo handle pho"". W.OO'J. % Ca.sh, bal lat trust Vk!. ora.Qie A ve A 'foo Small Cablnet m pr-mow, edge, trim. P1atterlna1 Rep.1 r Top company will pay 'ii deed. Write or contact: Rochester, Ol M6-45Zf •• &: other cabinets. * 531·1«14 * e PATCH PLASTERIN_G. Apply in person with opportunity for full own-6 Monarch Ba,y Plaza tee. CalJ. Lota!ne, Merohantl George R. Kresa, Box 914, FOUND: White pood l e 5e8175, Uno answer leave EXPERT Japaneee mam. All typet. Free eatima'.te. ershlp. Salary plWI profit South Laguna Pel'llOnnel Acency, 20'3 Lq:una Beach ·or phone w/ po-'•-"-·. PJ_ eaae mAOd<raonae a t 646-2312. H. O. tella.l1C8 H.B .. F.V, area. Can 5'0-6825 Stuft Shirt percent. ,(n4} 499-1361 Westcllll Drive, NB6'.5-1710 ·~ '726 '"' ~ · ..._,. ••--t. .... ·~~" Resteurent Oontaet Jim Beat 't.7r't ' identify. Vic. 17th SL C.M. ......,, .........., ~ SALESWOMAN. --....a-~ 2" ~---•-AIRS rd Pl bl 6"90 646-5007 for lntervit\v * 842-3444 * -~~ *CHOICE ~ ac n.u,.;,.,,.,. Tues .. S4s..st.38 REP • ALTERATIONS J apaneM G• ner um ng a , fYUlmVE .., in Jadiea ready to wur. World's best climate. $3500 CABINETS. Aey_.tb:e job Exper, oompl yard service! A'\.Ull Over 25. Apply Mon tb:ru·Fn dn. Larger parcels avaU. FOUND Siamese cat. Please 25 yrs. exper. 54S-61U ~ .,, 548-7'58, 546-0'124 PWMBING R"EPAIR TOOL. l.1AKER e FRY COOK e JM. ., .. r: ""'"' idl?ntify. V\c Harbor I: ..,,_ ... No job too 11mall • ~ -~ I al in G ...... -'"U .. rUMTARY APROPOS No. 1', Good tenru:. '""""\IQU 9-0058 546-1294 QUALITY Repairs -Altera. Cl.It A Edge Lawn • 642-3U8 • ....,.1"", .e ..... .,.. n um um raveyw.u .. , t ... yn e;qt. .X\.UI Town & Country, Orange Take over pymnts. 10 Aerts ~'~for. ~--'--·a or · tions _New comt by boor Maintenance, Licensed tooling tor vacuum terming. Heavy brealdut, Gd aalary D~•~. eo-ra•-•·•---.~ .. h n= DtLl..... Located near 605 Frwy Ir: for id employees, IS or over. ·~ .co11 .., .-...-... _., ... .., no dawn. $25. mo. Rane Colli .i.... f ma1 or C.Ontract. ~ 5484:i&!64S-2310 aft 4 Poot Service 6910 Alo__ App"· 1n penion. Permanent· part • time. ap. not sell &: be trtli1ed ln the lte nr huge lake 8944743 .MIXED e UV&• e e, '¥ prox. 4 .hrs/day. Dictapbone hott t 11 • '· ans to lady. Vic of Tustin 4 JllASTER carpenter ,$4 per JIM'S Gan:ienlne & lawn e '-t Mo. ~-•. ~. 1,~ 1113} 860-2401 COTI'AGE <X>FFEE SHOP & shthnd, Some work at ea ate.a • HunHnaton Agt. Palisades 540-Q93 or (213) boor. Remodellng-Repafn. maintenance. Res. Ac Corn· ..,. "',._ -1"'4 "" 562 w. lllth St., CM Beach. Call Phil McNamee 42',2..~ MU409 or_53$.3900 merci&l. * 548-Mll reliable! Tony Taylor Pool . FOUNDRY home. Prefer 40 yn. or old· 962-+tn Village J\el1 F.atate Exehenges, R. E. 6230 s.rvtco. 968-4818 • Exo<rienc<d aluminum HELP WANTED "· Seod "''"""' "" P.O. J;;l,;'1>,,;Y,:;;LEE;:,;;=;::..::=:::;;;;:::1 FOUND: Grey & whlte kit· REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS JAPANESE gardener Compl squeeur &: door moulder. Boa C Box M900, Daily Pilot. tuhio Jewels. $.1Xl in HAVE$16,"'1equ;tyin5BR tonwitb 7 toeson .. ehfoo~ CA.elNE'!'S,AeyW.job ,.,., Expel-, d•pe_ ........ Romad•I, Ro-Ir, 6'40 Loo&tod n.,.,,605 Frwy & t arpenters .•• NEEDED . n --.. Npt Sch home to trade tor vlc. Mesa Del Mar. &lJ..2550 ~ yn. eq::ier 548-6113 tree est. 642-4389 • • ...--Alondra. Boat Mechanics o u r • t y 1111 ta. 3 5-" income prop. Will as!U11'Je, LADIEs pres c r 1 pt i o n * JF yoa need remodeUnr. 1213) Sfi0-2401 commluion-we train! Part Also have clear vacant View glasses, on c.amation Ave in Cement, Concr919 6600 Haullnt e730 painting or repairs. Ct.11 HANDYMAN fur P I time Apply Savannah Enterpriee1 Two Office Girls or full time. Call B33-G560 or : t~td::tavi!:e~~ Corona del Mar. 6~al20 PATIOS. WALKS, DRIVE-GENERAL HAULING Dtclc. su..1m work. Rn & time1 vary. :~,;·~~ ~~ :0 Muit be 25 and able to drive =CAL T'RANSC'RJBER • 2667 E. Coast Hwy, CdM. CHILD'S BUre, vie. of 21st WAYS. Frtt estimate. & CLEANUP C 6974 ldeal tor retired person ln F .. -~•-' Xlnt opp..., wt-In an e--u.... __ ..,.,_, _.........., St.&: Tultin. 646--5521 after S J. RAY CONSI'. &4M2lO ..,,. per •-~.1 96U846 TILE, eramlc good health wf carpentry _.... ., .u,, APPLY .. ,,.........,. ·~ •·~-PM •-IUClU, ....__ Til .... __ backgmd or rood wt tooi.. co. Some exp, 1 YI' con. Also 186 East 16th St. record8 department. Ell:· Property Problem•? · • CDNCRETE fin. patiol llAULING, clean-ups, Iota, '* Verne, .. 1.1111 e ,......., * Call wkd,ys 615-3881 fee ;Johll. call J(ay, 546-500 Coata Mesa cellent salary & benttill. Exchange what YoU don't WHITE Male cat, flea collar ~~· ~~~~ ~l!J! .. AW-prages. etc. I.lg truck, Cust. work. Install• repaln. • FIBERGLAS • Jason Best Inquire Peraonnel Dept. want for property you do w/bells, vie of 17th St. • .. 15• !'\.QUI • .......,,. ~ ~ u;ytime. Call No job too &mall. Plaster Employment Agency Part or full time 10 women Ho AG ME Mo R 1 AL want. c.au for Appt. Orange Ave., CM. 646.2515 e CONCRETE worll all BOB 641)..2255 patch. Leakill& 1 ho" er e REPAIRMAN e zuo So. Main, S.A . need~ lm.med. !o_! .. 1 child HOSPITAL, NB. 0 . D. COLE 6401 types. Pooldecka 6 CUlfom. YARD/pr. clriup. Remove repair. M7-!957J846-0'.ll6 SCH~e~TS YOUNG MEN catt, i.: ~.,.....on&. CH IL D ca re nee dect ~41 . Realtor 64s.®O Lott ~ 548-1324 tree-. ivy, dirt. tJ!l.efor bf.ck Trff Service 6980 673-2050 *" -Nl!WJ)Orf for COD delivery, lite car Slttlnt Pretty Agency weekda.)'a. CdM. Ca.n eo to · 6240 wST: ?Y!an's Ha m JrtOn e cusroM PAn~• boe,aradlnl.962.-8745 nec.Make$26-435day.Ap. Membe!rof WeSit Better,, beach, will <>o nalder - l'.R.;E;·;;W;•;n;l;ocl;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; J watch. Vie. 30th Sbftt. c:Oncrete a&wma I::: remml 8 & G Hauling Service TREES pruned, topped &: BOYS 10 .. 14 ply only if you are neat &: Jnc. SUbtidlary o; Gerber responsible tee n a 1 • r, I• Newport Beach • Reward! State Lie. *~1010 Reuonable. 549-l359 rer:nowia. 26 yra ex p . Cam.et Routes Open de}>endable. 230 w. Waroer, Prod. Co. 642-3274 '675-3265 or 6'1>3lt'f ews. • 546-7117 after 6 pm. 1t CONCRETE Wortc. bQnd.. PaullOn Tree Se rv ice for Ste 217, S.A. *SECRETARY*· LIKE to Decorate, llell OOme SH $$ LOS'J': Squirrel Mankey ed &: lie. Concnte sawfne:. !:!ovsec:lunlnt 6735 J63S'IM'S1234G-~•ni-• lawn ~~~\~ t.aa:una Prodct. Worker $407 ~1~FUll ?_ ~ti ion $$ MORE CA Vic. Balboa Island Ph11UPl Cement. ~ " iu" .... • HIS grad. Pref. married. Ex· With Real Estate ..... .._,.. ""' .-•. me. 675-5016 MAINTENANCE • resider.. maintenance. Res, a: com· 642-4321 eellent potentlal. Call Dan, leaae experie~ lllterviewa Fri 4 Sat 9 ti11. For Your Home Equity Absolutely no cost ••• to YoU the Selltr! 12 yean of paying more cult tor Orange C.Ounty property· can the Rest ••• Then call the Be&t BEVERLY JACKSON REALTY LOST, SET OF DENTI1RES Eleetrlcal 6'40 tial Ir ~xin~~ merclal. * 54844ll Diahwuher, ~time. Merdiants PenoMel A.gen. ONLY. 8.12-0261 • SAT NIGHT. REWARD our...,1 1 n-4-~ V '?" after 2 p • the cy, Z403 Weltclifi Drive, N.B. Salary open. EXP'D cleaning woman. 3 CALL 646-3)56 Fl 666S naa. Upholstery 6990 i a Roma Restaurant, 645-2110 Call Mrs. Jurich daya week, $2.25 hr. Own oors CARPETS. Windowa. fin, SKIS ..... _ u l hol 445 N. Newport Blvd. N.B. Managell&nt Tratnee &f2.9t77 ~ preferable. :Reta. req. P.raonols 6405 Cupot Vinyl Tile •le. Ra °' Oome'L Xlnt C'LYKO , ~~t. P * Ml ...m * PART TIME EVES, •u• 675--4673 AU •tY1es a"'l colors work Reul Reta. 54Mlll l!:ul'Opean Crattamanshtp EXPERIENCED BttVioe at&· S.Cret1ry to ~ ,:;.;o;;=:;;..,,...,==~~ OUP LES e l00% fin! 8f2..l45C t\on attendant Meebanical Fee paid. Top co. Strong En. y UNG WOMAN Wll.L ~ ~INGL~ • ~.,;:;-IJ~~~-lronln9 . 6755 __ '_831 Newport Bl .. C.M. lmowlods•-SP<clal "'"'""· $3 50 per hr ~"li1! ~~-w: .. ::: ~~~ ~ 1\red of Ban,~~I~ ~ ... _ _. __ 1 66IO EXPERI&NCED ironing • Welding 6995 =:~ ~tation, . 3 O o O • • Merchan._ Penormet ~,,: fee Shop, 30218, Harbor computer du : _,._.. nt l'!U. Also complete laundry • r::y, 20t3 Wfftelif! Drivt, N .B ,:B;;•td;:. C;;.r.I;;:,. ,--...,,.---! FUN ! Tl-IE IN CROWD ----tietvX:e SL15/hl' s.&7330 WELDING, Portable equi~ EXP'D. Serv. Lube Man and Call 5C7·'1782 Mr. Bood ~2770 (Alao fee jobl) AMBmous. active woman DIV. OF I.M.P. Meet ot.herc AJITHOllY'j · ' ment. Spccializln1 1n ex· Sen. Salesman. Perm., 1uU BOAT CARPENTERS tEiDING insurance co. in for cwitome.r servlct-, full or with YOUR iDtert•ts at our lRONING &. alterations. cavatina eqWp. S t eve Ume poallion. NO phone Exp'd. ln hllh quality wen. Falhlori la1and &Ra Detda part time. Htp ell'llincs. 847-6033 or ~245 ~::nd=. ~ (~ 146-1948 Fne pt;k =l~a-y. Me~ SUn and'\" ~ r,: .. · rucim ~I -Good P8Y. et--and parl·Hmo "'1>tlt w 1 t b "" ltlin. 546--1765 join FREEl Call Leah 1-9 The Best, coslt no morel IRONING dOne m" Mme, 4: 30 • ewport B v " . . all bl"neflts.. H I XS 0 N knowledge of ahlhnd. Con-D 0 M EST IC belp one ~~ M-'-t•-....... ' JOIS & EMPLOYMENT CX>OK-fr)'. exper. yng. man MARINE, (See Cbarlea tact MW ctadatone at d&:y/wk.. Corona deJ Mar I p.m. 635-9320. • -I""'~ IU,ll .......... n.25 per ht. Pick-up A . who desires position W/ Phillipe) 829 Production Pl. 664.123() equal oppartlPlit)' own tnns. m-am . CASI! QUl,-,V. need 3 or 4 GOING to Texu ne a r Budpt LandscaptJW deltver. so.cm Job Wented, Min 7000 tut\ft. 10/ Inter. see Mr. NB empl-• .__.. Austin, lhare driving ~a-Gradu.te Horticulturist ' ' wi-· e MAIDS • Hotel/Motel or. G.J. or FliA bowie near peruies. July 1·10. Refs tx.· JAPANESE Ga rd en 1 n·1 Jan1terlat 6790 PROF. Bartenclu wanta to ~m:~ c:r~ 2267 Stora M..n•r Trn. $.500 Accountlno Clk. $Q5 Eil:perienoe. $1.15 hour. here. 4!J9..UU cnanie. ~ can 91.m. ~ and rnaintell&Del!I. work tor prot boll who Excellent future lor rta:bt Know aeoeral t.CtOUDthlc. 2 cau 6'B.9UO FINANCIAL apm • 1 Alo> doltfl up. 8a1 A ~-Cloonlnr S.rv P8Y& """· sa1uy. alter 6 EXPO. BUSBOY man, call Don M•rchanll l"I"'""'· Call Lora!nt, M ... UCENSED shampoo rlrl ~&:::U=S:.:IN:,:£::5::5;..::•:;;"";;...--,., Attractive EXP*rt • $41o-257l • ~ttA =~etc pm: 49f.013& ~ Over U. Pe:reonncl A;:flncy ~ wut.. ·dwlt.t Pertoftnt1 Aafncy, ualltarit needed Top pq -300 YOUNG WOMAN e MOW -EOGE*WEED PARTmME ~ SURFltSIRl.O!N ', cllttt>r.N.B.8f5.ml 2"'3WntellttDTht, N.B. W-6857 ' • Bua. OpportunltlH 6 -Ge I~ ..,..U qrtr!J1 5a1il P&c. Cit Ii ... ., N.B. • J 't .~ ·:;;;:;;;=====-=-dlaanc<lastr ,~U ... ~~ yOUA~ alien Plot.0on-2~-~ ... m !Y_uealpablo Lwhcof'!nl · 6110 ,...::;... & PtJ., ~ -EXP -cook It ' 801 Of , -IXP'D WAITRISS 'UA~, __ Im9a!~ ~. ' ANTIQUE SHOP in Ot -~ -•• -·· ··~ ~ ,.,,._ . Exp tJy <Ook,.... • s·~· • --· .. N •D -· -e<IS!ul. Xlnl location. puk· 211' 511"'38 1-10 PM Kalina Blolbon '46-1234 ~N'S I.awn Sa-v!et SetvlllC w•~-" , -~ 7020 Pt-full time v~ • °"""'' John, 642-l!Wtl jng, patronaee. Profit 1t.te-JUDE Want.ed OCX: tD Corona J~'• Garde.ning all Onngt! Co. Fl' e I Job ..-..-, _ .. , Btn:~~. = S,Op la!Udcr Mc~· Homt1 Inc. ~$!30 Pac. Qt.. HW)I'., l'j.B. WAITRESS. p/Ume "'1f1 m<nt avslt "" .,,_,..._ del Mer, eveL WW Pol'· "'*'-'•<J<llp•......, cart. ••timat<, "'"· ''tea. CQLIJiXiE rlrl ,,w osslal 133 s. eo,.1 Uwy, LB WO Canion Qr .. C-"1· SE.CRETl\RY wknds o!I. Call 642-ST2D btwn 10 ain Ir Call m-42l5 att 1 pm. 11la.ntinc. • ~ 962-2'm MT-4139 mo~ with btatb, care ot wANTtb: Gd.Q>ater • . ~SI To P ~te executlft can aft 5, 9111-163) 5 pm. ALOOllOUCS -oua dl:Aii:ur Speclal~tt -p ... I -JW>-Aua-._ ~Boot Mftr. 8601 Drafts-. l>Mlgn $iii ..... experlencod'toen!...,,, EXPERIENCED Slill!•.lltO- lllPORTING' '!"'1!. Ko... -~J2lt.PI' l!!:t!t__!I> lrw, fd&1111, odd _j_o_b & ... :r.:-ftf Of 61JO i:xP&Rl£NCED, . .dajl _._ Edi...,, J{un< &h. 0., or S lo 5 yn. mcp, cm ·pr11110f Mutt•bt .... IO ... vet, well die _°"""-At>t>i1t GI Clotfiln,g. Can bi oper .11'o1'1\ p .o. Box ua O>lta Mel&. Jteuonabtt. M&-6955 .... ... OMie t r • ft • l> 0 r t .• t ' 0 n nlPt call 535-9583 ~ -dtcultl can D6ll ~b groomed and mat\ltt. Call w. l81h st.. ai.ta Mesa.. :::irw1111111i:.:.~~ S.nslll•ltY Group Yamauclllt Gord•n -PAINTING, ~-1:.::z 836--6186, Anytime alt. 6 SIGN PAINT&R .. LAYOUT ~~ AiNmcJ.B. .~.!"" ~-Ml! !..-Rl\tb ...... MAKE A MEMO ... pU.. -when 846-5lJO or 1115-2513 l'nlo -!>< Oon1111tlnc ln--.-Llc .t DENfAL ualm.nt &ndut!e MAN. Etpr!r. onl>. 14.00 hr -uu .. , ·'~"· PBX S-. la'., up'd pref. up ton YoU llO Ior.-f -· PLACE your~ ad JLY DAILY Pn.01' WANT ADS 6'J'3.Ut.6 e ed. Rell-furn.~ needl• work, tun Cit' part-to start. 2M8 JtaDdolpb St., awtGE;10'tt' want ad now. Var~ 1hltts, ·~ v.'Odc. HD thtm tcc..-~wA1--- tbq are .loDldrc --~ -·.-;·-=--.--rorRESUL"TS 1-~Whitt ~' -SOC'KlT"TtrEMl tffiii:"' ·cm. 11 Wl'Oi • M1--i--ns-am.~ DMLYl>@r WANT AJ>S1 PILOT cl&aUiedl 642-5671 vw. -""°•o ----.-' ' 4 .~-­ ~ ,., I fl .. ..--- 1, 1 • - .... '" ··~·· d ..... , •• )I ""' ' -.. . -~ • • • ;H OAR.V PILOT .TIMsd•Y, Ju~), 1%9 -"'\ J8U & IMiilOYM!Nl JQIS & EMPLOYMENT MERCHANDISI! FOR MERCHANDISE l'OR MIRCHANOISI l'OI. MIRC:HANDISI POii Ml•owtDfll ..FOR TRAHSPORT4TION - ., ' Si(L! AND TRAD! SALE-AND TRAD E SA[I AND TllADI -SALT AND T~I 15-'L~AND,TRAl>E FREE TO YOU ""1" Wanlff Help Wtnltd Furolture -Furnltuht .-..,.1~-=~ll;;OO;;;!Q~l ·.;==~~.2:;:::.:. · ·-I YKMI • W-7400 W·--FQrolluN ·~• MlO .J'REE pa)r !>oal!hY, frlent\IY i--,,...,,..,. _____ l·----'--" ____ 74_00 raf:& wtth nEwhorn >'&:· Brn. 28' FAIRUNE'R F.B. Sport . p L A s T ' c s t I y a • Whl. ll'ltlcV· c..e •• CX· Sedan, 32'l ~r. Want ~ * ESCROW Injection liloJding 'Open. or LA s T D A1.Y s .f "-~lse wheel .iso to appA!C. 6leepcr F .B. Ctiiiaer, Die&el OFFICER ·rra.tn«'!>. o~nings on gnivt· $ FU~ITURE ~ster. 654 Catalina, La· inferred. ca$b dilterenoe. "' h"I A I • • n Saturday • Sut1ilay • Al'Pl lANCES ...... ""._ 4'17'1338 114 tn41 673'61l!8 Po61Uon available for per-Yll 8 u • PP Y .,..... ri · ex _ ionable l.ndMdual with !Olin Orange Co.ut P~tics, 850 , CLOSED FRIDAY c.i. TV"t'-Pl•••·-St.,...·, 8~ old pu,ppy part 1005 LONESTAR lT. deep.v, \V 18th c ti.I DKOIATOI IETS (lMCRI ATJON I rrw. w ..,.,. .. h it , iillrt German lSO hp.OMC, lo bra. t:a11t, big P~ experience. · ' · ' CA$~ IN JO MINUTES Stiephen1:'~1 i hott-, whl trlr w/ brb. Priced to l<Mwlodle of ""' '"""'n" Tr yr old blind man w'"" Taarlng 1>9wn Buildl!'CJ to · OF 18 WXUl'I' APllTlllN'IS • 541 .. 5' I e 921 f s ••·-and re-luted s & L duties comJl('tcnt woman to oo-• 1 -eor -~ hle~en. . 113' sell. 8»-1 al w~"'· •"''"""· 1'yp< 50 wpm. '"ionally cl"" trlr. drive Mak•· Room For Our H•w Store Spanlsli &.Medltwr-Faniltwe WANTED, Bl•;•1111l tb PUPPIES,""""';.. & T•~ SNOIVBJRl> No. 4lO f< boll. Excellent -o>ndi· '"'·'"or oool< •meal. 4 SPANISH ** •llJ!EDITERRANEAN , -All lllANI> NlW F-tbio.. """) t aivu, rler m ~/{, 6 w~old. new boortl. $350. Gtaabot> lions and fringe benelils. dayg, 5 hrs. dlt)', ~ $100 ~~-........ s.nl 11 ,_. -atao Uled cement mixer Free lo IDYinc ho m-,_. per 7' dlngby w/08!'4 ;DJ: Pie ... ·ca11 Mr. c.wi. "' Mo. -3 Rooms fllrnilure -f! '"' ~O:i;."\i:U~il'.);~"."!.".~; ~ · M1-SM1 ' 11~ use<11 .....,, 613-1901 appcintm11-11t, 642-4n1. DINING room 'v a i t re s•. OVER $1000 VALUE ::I 'r-;J/,;.; ':':~~1£'1 W,.ANTED:_Used camper 2 ORANGE kittens <to good 18' G.t.ASPAJ'.t Se:afa.ir Sedan. M"'' ha" .xperience. eau · ,~•"'.J :li;:.j.~·t;;i,;:·:.c.:.:,:.:;;;,",:; . .-111'! 111eu for 1963 El Camino ....... 1 """ halr, 1 abort Fiilli de•~ 75 b.p. Ewn--Gfendale forinter.view.491-111 2. for $389 l'I .,...,.. -!-~t"'!Jo;~ .. " ... ,,,,~_itJi pre1e fi b lfF&ll•~ bairr-675:'365 -7/3 ~~-b&it-t.nk.~~ Omars Restaurant, s an A decorat9r clr,eam house on di~plaY._ -3 5'lM,;37 aft 6 pm. MALE coek'fi·poo; blonde er, Amerl'"fl trailer .• ,.,....,._ Cl•ment• DON'T .MISS TH ISll rooms of gorgeO\lS Spanish furnitu re (was vesy -w/chlltlttn, ~ · fol O feder;ll Savings -5 Pc Spanish Din Rm set, 8 fl. sofa & love $ ,, Mtchlnery,eto. l700 -""old . ..._ 113 Stl-,.::;l;;bo::.:•:.:;11,_ ___ "'.:'.:'.I Jobs-Mtn, Wom. 15bo seal, 3 beavy Medit. style matching tables, reg. 1295.00 TO Good hn)e, 3 kit-CORONADO . .,, .. mo.SAVEi 1133 Newport Blvd. Costa M esa, C11if. An Equal Opporlwiily Employer' 5 pc Spanish bedroom set. SACRIFICE $398 STEAM BOILER weaned. lralllod, a ff, ct. CORONADO 2" •• on tli""1tY newport : .__ OTHER EXAMPLE PRICES: c111.101T T•'™' Av.-1u.•~~~-;o.; (1.~:~~'..-•ov.T1Ly t=~h~~.BOn~~ s646'G.1ER.,. .••. ,,~-..... N•1,.1s. ~S3i~':.~um:: personnel -il 5pc.Spanishoakgamesets,lowas$169.95 . ' ' '• ' • • · condition. Worldbg p';;;,-;: mal o , ~ •• •-;.,,. SAi16rs ... : ...... ,. ... 17"5 .... agency • guar. mattresses or box springs, $19.95 II m ' RJR.NITU·R· E' -. : of 100 -· $851) "8-$23 6~7 1/5 2912 w. Cotsl Highway BUFFUM'S NEWPORT e 5 pc. Spanish dinette set $69.95. e 3 pc. . after 6 pm. 1 Newport Beath 645-0110 TECHNICA L SpaniSh bedroom sets . .oa,95 e Spanish table CUTE Black kitten tmdwith JNTERNATIONAL 14', rao-, '!'""' 2£1" Tlimmer commercial white cheat &: boots, POSIT)ONS lamps $12.95. • 1844 Jt rt Bl d (ot l•wn mower with 4 """" 548-9578 11; in< sloop. No. 296 good flt any ~rofe~ional & tech. Remainder 0£ Hllge stock at terrific savings! -ewpo f , .He,w lift.) KOhler engine. 646-3629 cond. 2 sets or sails. spin- il .I 5 BLACK kittens, % naker, trailer incl. $400 614 nical positions ava a e. Bank fine ; Matter Charge, Bank' of Americ1. Cos M I Siamese, tQ good home. 6 Michael Pl, NB 54&-S'MO N o w Interviewing In timate Apparel Full Time Sales Call M. Ba"ghman, ~. or Store Ch•--ta esa on y FREE ro· YOU "' tra-...._ 1/3 833 Dover -l>rive • •-w ' ' VENTURE 21, P ulplt, lite Ne1vport Beach "' Thii Sil• For Stoek on ~and O{lly * fvery NithJ 'Tl t -Wff.,·s.t.i-& S•.116 BLACK ls beautifui! i bah)' 5 CUTE puppies -miic: breed. I~ rock(>it rails, 1td. dai: JOIN Ha tr & Co. _ three far -puppies seek OWl'lll:l'll willing 6 wlul old. To lovini home. sails'+ club' jib, chain/aail Excellent company benefits out hair stylists! Opt>ning to assume penn. obligatiom 642-3861 115 locket mah ' cabs alps 4. Aug. 1st in Balboa Island. . le joy1 of owning a dog, 6' Davenport w/ 2 cushions Eveii 714: 545-4340' Apply in person only Call Srn1, ti.Ion, Tues, \\'ed, 1100 MJscell~neoua 8600 Mother. Mrs. Beetley, is knobby tweed beige. CAL 28. Fully equipped race tnt('1vlew11 betwetn 2-5 P]..1 714.: 67J..l230 or on other LADY Kenmore, coppertone. WHAT.KNOt SHOPPE m~ ~e' wire-haired 646-2819' 7/5 Ill' cruiise. SIS radM>. Will # 1 FASHION ISLAND day!!, 213:449-6967 • auto washer, late nlOdcl. NOW OPEN DAfLY l0-4 le~t. 654 Cal a I In a, GER. Shep/Ttrrier. 6 mos. conaider a.ny "reuonable of. ---------;S~L-E=E=P~F=,-,-,-.,-,-.~w-.. -t-od7 : xlnt cond, like new, Sl.25. HANDCRAFTED GIFTS -Laguna Bch. 491-18.18 7/4 female, very lovable, good fer. Call 846-37ri. sleep talk'ers for 1 ab 847-8ll5 e ARTS&: C'RAFl'S e FREE box 1prlng & mattress with children. 645-2317 715 1r O'Day Daysailer research. If wu talk in yoor JOBS & EMPLOYMENT -CLEAN G.E. Re!rlgetafor, Items taken on consignment. 30"x72", Suitable child only, 2 WHITE part Penlan kit· Demo $1750 -Used $1.350 EXPERlENCED t NOTE TELLER e PART TIME TELLE R sleep call 633-9393 e~t. 188 · Furniture 8000 $40. Good shape. 204 44th Bring in your handiwork. in front Yard 216 Ruby St., tens, 8 Wk! old. 545-51'16 aJt 14" O'Day used ........ $500 bell1'. 1&3 for furtller 11\fo. st, Newport Beach 262'l Newport ffivd., New. Ba Ibo a I 1 land (1st 6 p.m. 7/3 Fun Zone Boat,Co._ Balboa IVAITERS & \VAITRE~ES Schools-ln~truction 7600 FURNlTURE,' beds. chests. NORGE Auto washer, late poft Beacfl:' near Woody's come) 7/3 BASKETBALL Board v.'itb a• FIBGLAS. Sabot, racing Expcr. only. Over 21 Yr;. deSk. bedroom s.uite. dining model. xlnt cond. $'75. \Vhart. FREE Adorable KI t ten g, hoop 646-8405 713 r ig. motor ready. trailer, UNITED .CALIFORNIA BANK Full & pl. tinic. Apply in DRIVING LESSONS set, sofa, also GO, Impala, B4l-8lla * AUCTION * black &: black & while. 9' ~ b-" ,_ XI.NT S4.2S best 0 t f r , ""rson t.am•na H 0 1 e I As low as $5.75 per \Veek \\'/ gd .. n1 o tor reasonable. wks old Must find good r '""" •VAen concreu:. 673-229S ~11;1 Bea~h ' pay later plan. Free honie 968-4632-·SAeRlFIGEt--Like new ·u -you will ten oi 11uy-homes. -i989-Anabebn St--. 548-21µ '-· 7/4 . _, , ~, pickup. Security Driving TWIN head'---•. ,._~"''", Norge refrigerator and &Ive Windy a ~· Apt B CM 5 \Vk old ·cuddly kittens 2 28 COLOMBfA"ltlVER1 2220ceanAve .. LagUna Bch. B_!=AUTY_9,,..ra.tor. lull or "'A"--1 1526-2233 ............ "'"""""""' $50 •-2 . ~ ' ' · · . · Sloop. lnboatd, ~eeps 494-654{ piin tlffle. "'Contessa Hair ""'""'"'' · ' fT!im>r: nite-.stand, ·SBS, freezer ~m~ 154· A~ction:_FrJday •7-30 p.m, 1% YR old blk 4 wht female wht, 3 tabbies. ~7-2525 l/4. 5, galley. Immaci.iliili:? ,.----====~-~-Fashions. 675--.l.385. THEAT~ICAL 7900 Linge~ chest SOO. t)73.-8134 · A . ll l O Windy s Auction B1rn -at Good at catching mice. 1960 FORD frame and $4900. 645-1133 . ·sECR.fTARY EXPERIENCED MUS~ sell houseful of nt1ques Behlnd Tony'• Bldg. r.tart Lovable. To good home; chassis 962-4587, . 1/4 CAL 25 "VIVACIOUS" full -w ·~ !tl"'"·'IE . SCRA·---Ers Jurruture. 2869 Mendoza Or., ...-:.,.ws~::;··R'OOM·· ·38751Ai-!"!~. CM 64&S686 646-0338 7/3 FEMALE Shel~ix-;-l.--)'l' ·nee mooring avail. Xlnt -!f"echnic al T'i~~9.il:fi hc~~ .. o.ver ~1ri0;;""~ n· Ol•I. . Ct.1. Frig: $25, cbe~t $%1 • roft NE:\v' SHIPMENT INBOARD ~ trans HELP! Desperately needed old ve.ry gen-tle, MS-1389 7/4 rorwJ~ 763-3429 PAIR niatc~ng !ix!Dg.room .1:!,IRNITURF; __ g.e_~ '.Yel.vcldti~ lO'kittena nd homeit or, ml!!.t HTS and...LNE$JQC.K w;.=.:: .. ~=··n ~'i;ui::~::c-"'s"'a-;:b-:o•1·I m~1 Exectltivc;"3·S"Yl'S exp, ~ ' , ~ --A-llSW£Rs· -"l'oo'l.ol~. for bot!t. SAL~ con!:!'Uls, Sitt.ring, ProPs. ~ put Sleep. ~ t YoU c:~~~'. (ru) ~79 - Advanced Kinc!ics Inr. Schools-ln struct1on 7600 HR _ *536-6965* ARIEL airgukie lnatrllments M lp? 4127·A Hlla.tta Way, C1tt 1120 Call collect l23Ie Vi~~i;:~st. Ol EnllcP -Balmy -Rusty -DINE'TTE, walnut f0T1TJica 5 "ANTIQUES' buckel •aUl,1.ishlng chain, NB 714 · SIAMESE CAT L..:IOO=..:,c.4::.N..:o-. 2022=-. ""1r""lr-,£0-v-or~_,I •·-a1 Oppo-I•• ~,1,;,;,,· Graven -BURNT -chain> SIS. pair, living room 369 E. l'Ul\-St.-, ~t . i11board tank!. Mnd&hielda. 6 KI'ITENS. part Siamese, 5 -~ glru11 l>Oards. nne racin& '""'" '"'" •;:r .:.ru YJ "I "UC!l.'f somn 1vomcn V.'01'-,,_ha,·-SlO. ,,,_.....,A 54a_n.:;'" I. black, 1 i....1.-. 7 w'-. To Needs eood home. 494-6360 __ _. "1050 .... ~55 Me41c•I or Dt'11tcil e .. ._ ·~ '""" KING 'Louis XJV, 9 pc din or--"""'6" "" ,,....,, ... • .,........., •--'•t-t ship their husbands. Th<'y ~========' / NEW ~-•-~ h •·-1 good homes 542-7481 alter 5 DENTAL assistant , secretary Laguna ti 11 1 s Leisure \Vorld area, All .-.. -~ -room set. Xlnt c:ond. ;}(l ...... 3"''" • ..., · P e<C\.Ou c · ft..-h25 30' Tahiti Ketch $2,200 place BURNT off<'rlngs be-Household Goods 8020 Years old. Prv pr 1 y, remole single action co.r. PM 7/3 -"""""~------- phases mastered. S415-500 CALIFORNIA J>larL Resume PO ~x PROFESSIONAL 10915. Santa · Ana. Replies SCHOOL ~trictly confidential fore them three tin1cs a 832--02Sl _ trots, DIJ)fH' extras. $375_ FREE to qual home. Lov, ALASKAN Malamutes, (sled SAC. AS IS. 669 So. St. Malo, flay." S1.1ALL appliances, picturcs,!=========z: Also 9 foot hydroplane ~·ipi AKC male Beagle, 5 mos. do~ pups), AKC, beauWul W. Covina (213l 195-0569eve MERCHANDI SE FOR frames, books, toys, ladies Sewi-Machlnn 8120 running lighll and seat $95. old. obed tmd, L o ves coloring, erut family dogs, LOA 17' stoop,. 1 xlnt co~tio~ SALE ANO TRADE & men'!! clothing. See Satur· ·-v ~S-0530-children. 828-6587 7/3 friendly, loving. easy to includes sa1 s, mo:or • day at garage sale. 2282 1969 SINGER with zig~ & KIRBY ,.;;....,,,...,. '-'C 1 ea .. er YNG. . puppy ne•d! good train. Perfect show dogs, trailer. Sips. i. 644-1741 F 't 8000 Redlands Dr. N.B. (off 23rd .,.......... " lo b d urn1 ure \valnut console.' Makes but-w/a""'--~"'"-.. , XLN. _ T home. Germ·Shep mixed, good r re e 1 n g. 37' AUX Yawl, slps 6-dac St. between Santa, Ana &: •~ ·~ n.....;~t _.. ..__.. .,.,'>!: _ .. , SECTY/RECPT. Xlnt atfvcmt opply! Heavy typing, lite bkkpg. To S500, Call JI.Jr. Richards, 54().6(155. ·~\1~111\1:: ~QC"~ A member ol OVER STOCKED Tustin Ave.) ton holes, designs etc .. ~.za cond ' par, Pay oU female. 6 mo. old. Blk ....... .,. e • ..,.. pureu'""• ......, sails. 113 joint owne.-. •• up. ====""'~,==="''=-=""';~~~~~~.~~~~~~·~·~o.~o~'i,$36~.00~ra~'i"~· ~52£..66~~1~6.i~hal;•"'°;.'~°';B~~t_ or take w/mhat. marks, 962-3248 7/4 up. 49'J..3573 1~ ~:n~ ~? ~~~ p~m. ;.,,,.,.,-,..,..~'"'"·1 ~ ... ,............. --·--rentals. $5 mo.Free pickup '$1289 . Ion .. b;ili;dlcitt;;..--------, b'--~~-yrs. pet qUal. one Irish --. siPs 2 •. OB. Head: Snelling & Sllf'Uing lrl<'. 2790 Ha rbor .Bl_.. Costa Mesa Gal F ri/Execut ive $550 Xlnt Costa Mesa co., beaut offices. 1.,oitn exper. Call &fee, 546-5410. · Jason Best EmploY111ent Agency 2120 So. Main, S.A. PERMANENT Babysiller ,. ... W \\11nted lor 2 year old girl. 6 .U.1 to · 2:30 Pl>.1. 4 day! e Stud•n+ 101.nJ .V.'eek. Prefer mother wi th • 0.•Y ~ E"1 "'"'l Cl .ut i oher children approx same • \•!;~:;: Pl.,,m""1 age. 67J-8.158 • For Worrui" of All A~tl ACCOUNTING OF' F t CE e Pro/111ion1!1y S+11fe.d needs clerk. Operate ~ac· D•nltl c.tinic Optn To counting machinr. Light Thi Public .bkkpng. Statistical typing. 11'5 NEWPOIT I LYD. ifJi-s: 9-5 ~7MO C:OSTA MESA e e CASI-llEil e , e 17141 645-2f22 J.lature \'-'On1an, Expcr. Don 'l\ic Bcachcon1bcr 3901 E. Coast Hwy. Cdl\I Ask for J.l~. Creg: Be Prosperous! MY THREE · SONS Si . . DAUGHTER 16 to lOl. IW'ed Cood typing skill., .can open n1any doors. Inquire about. a v.'Oman to take charge of our "Door OPeneri;". home & help provide a bal NONA JlOFFJ\JAN, . ('nvironment. Own rm, lrer '~·k ends. S225. nlo, :,.m.1275 Newport . , School of Business Live 1n Hou1ekeeper 833 Dov<'r Drive ·\Voman to care for lf'a~her's Newport Beach 612-3870 J cl\ildreh, Own roon11 need O\\'U trans. $90 mo. g,J2-4U7 Educal1onal Vacation ;1th GOOD IRONER! i:radcrs . . . Sr CHizcns I need woman for per1n . pos. Chih.-oat 10 lesson typing l-2 days/wk, 6 hrs. 673-54l1 Sehl. Trial Les.'iOn. l7:l Del various other duties. ~tar. c.~1. 548-2859 PBX! Admitling. Part-time MONTESSORI Teacher of- Wl"f!k-ends, Hospilal exper. lers n1 us I c inslrUction. -0nly, Contact t.-1'. E. Elliot\ Beginning au woodwinds, 642.-2734 • advanced flute & oboe. NURSES AID to live in 10 642--0957 N<.'1V 9 pc. corner arrang. e ULl;h 9 GARAGE Sa I e. everything & delivery. Call 521Xi616 OZARK'S Hickory chips for light grey free to gOO<t wolDlound puppy-dog mo. Bargain! 673--0053 choi<'c ot clr-6. reg. $230. , Ba . 1 & snow al adorable d' · n 0 w s149.;,o. llcudbrd~: must go. rga1ns ga or<' · UPHOLSTERING A1achines. smoking &: S..B-Que, 3 lr&·3 home. 893-6818 7/3 qu · tsposi-LIDO 14 No. 1670, Bow noat. Kings, st:,, QuC"C"ns Sl2.50. odd!I Ii ends home PlaU 145 &: Singer 1UW105.. lb baga S2. l~l*s delivery DARLING kittens 6 wits old, lion. days: 644-4420, evea: cover, doUy, ,plus extrU. Full $10.50, T\vins S3.95. furnishings.DSat &llSu1~, 4601 l '.Viii sell cheap 645-0890 charge. Send check or M.O. weaned &: hsebrkn Free to 491-lBOS best over $900. 673-1006 Trundle st'ls Cduo riser) "'/ O[)<'rclta r. unt1ng on to H.A. Komu.laine, 209 W. ........... home. 546-69i9 7/4 AIREDALE puppies, , #J(C B H d Bch. 846-9252 Carll O tario Cal 91161 •"'"' COL. 72' Sloop, O. · ea • inner· spring mall, reg. Sloti, Ph1nos & Org~ns 1130 on, n • · · _ 3 AOOR.ABLE ki~ns. box .•• reg. ext:! ~· t wks. lites, Dae. sailil. $2960. eves. now $79.50, Roll·a-\vay beds HUGE Garage Sale! Lvngrin BATl'ERIES 6 voat $6, 12 tra' d healthy ha •. \Vrk-S!rf4'U u -4323, res 6-1;;..7388 ~ I . &"·I 'I o· It I FREE I $85 f il uie, • PPY"" """"~ \11 inn. sp1in~ maU. reg. · ,,. rm urn. 1ne c, s ovc, . w l quarts o o & set fris.ky. 646-8405 713 '"~=~~·-~-oo---:-~ Vµ;T Nam S a c rific e . 'Seaworthy 20' Day Sa.lier, $850 or best oiler. 642-2623 $59:50, no1v $39.50. Full sz. kitchen u1ensils, clothes, 1 monlh rcntlll of new piano. of spark plugs with battery . SOFT tiny Toy f'ox Terrier sleeper-so/a re~. $239.50. now rn isc. 646-1762. 2110 f':Jdcn. Ofoose from Kawai, llal)ct purchase. Allcan. Will pay KI'ITENS: Mtxed bag, Rave puppies. Reg, ch. stock. $169.50. New bed!!: K ltig July 4-5-6, 9-'? & Davis, Sll\rk. Rammond, $1.40 for old car batteries .. had healthful " secure Beaut, smart & healthy. s99:~. Qu~ns, $89.50, F'ull A10VlNG -Antique bcdroon1 Cable, etc. 6 months mini· Voll Batteries, 20:J1 Harbor start. 64&-2388 715 54:.-2153 S49.50, Twlns S:l9.:xl, fully scl, misc antique itcins. 2 mum. Blvd .. CM 645'-0890 t'REE Lumber 'EN=G""L'°JS°'H,-,S'"pr"ing.,-,,-,r"'s"°p-""'"'·""i LIDO j.i- New hand trlr. 673-6732 guaran. Kin!:"·Sizc spreads, t'tltlchcs Sl5 & S.".J. Lots HAt.1MOND IEVRON Wiki W i kl 64&-l23l puppies,. registered, AKC. choice or <·lrs, reg S20.95, mor~-100 many to lisL 8212 in CORONA DEL ?i.tAR Dollars Coolest . need parts 7/3 $50. CaU 546-2420 Power CruiHrS 9020 110111 S12.99 SIESTA SLEEP Valene.in Dr. HB. 847-1136 2s.·14 E. Coast Hwy 673-8930 3 • 4 "" 500 ti k I & ....... 6 IV"'"'v" Id Ito b k SHOP, 1927 Harbor Blvd, CM "" on.,..., c e _., ~ 0 use ro en AKC Poodle puppy, Show MUST Sell, Leaving for Europe. 1963, 28' Chris Craft twin engine cruiser. Best of- fer oV1!r $2500 p h o n e 64~2564 NB for appt. lo in- spect this nne craft. All u. tras included. 61j.2760daily10-9Satl0-6, *FRIDAY ... Desk chair~. JULY SALE 7on Sl,000 ticket. \Villp•ploit kitten&: you~~ .. ~~1'11D3 himorlovehim.He'sreally tires & niuch more. 270 priJC money. Write .. loving home . .,.._,,..~ I gorg-·s Only tt"JO:. 642-5802 QUALITY lumiture from my Palm Desert home; triple" dt'csser, commode, head- board, king, queen, hvin Lieds, sora, tables, lan1ps, n11sc. &12-3313 JJtON patio. per! cond . ·12" table, 4 armchairs, cushions, coH£'C' lablc. SSS. 1963 Vista Del Oro, NB. IVMOO 2 A1ATCHING chairs, ideal for den, office ,.or lamily room. 284 Knox PL , C.M. 646-1519 ANTIQUE \\'h\tc/gold hvin bed $20, box springs/mat- tress $20. Desk 120. Bar top S20. 546-3341 Quality king bed, quilted, Complc!c, unused $98; worth $250. Alter 5 or wknds 647--0400 J\.10VING • Must Miil dining set with breakfront. bedroom Sf'I I.: naugahyde couch & chair.-'64&-7892 8' SOFA never usc<I. quilted Ooral. Scotch guardt>d $125. Matching lo\·e s<.'at $15. 53'7-'032 All oow &: used Pianos. Bo ~· ·s --·d "·"' w• •-Virginia Pl, CM. x .:n, Uiu.I e, \..<UU. HELP! 3 mo short hair . ' ..,A,. "A"" Check our pianoi first · ·· ·· · 90743 f mal ca1· & -• ,_,1 POODLE puppy, numatutt. •. .,.,,,....,.,~, * WurliU:cr9Knabe8 F'ischer e e. ico "'"t iuten. Fri.sky & affectionate. HIDE-A-BED, t'nd tables, Rentals • no interest tl'mts SINGLE w 0 man mem· 54&-9965 113 $10 499-3420 iron bed. anise baby itt'nls, Gould Music Company bcrship, elite club on bay. LOVING tn?Y & white kitten. ~·===----­ TV. Even JI o s1rrilizer, 2045 No. Main. SA 541::0681 Real bargain! Daily Pilot P . 1 wks. old, trained. stDts. DAKACHSC ~UNWD k PUPC'ha· r:«f: 646-UllO. 0 . Box M909 ooi.5103 -, 113 . s. ~mpion 21 t'1' cabin cruirer, 100 hp Chris Craft inboard eng. Bait tank. head. A-I cond. <lean, sleeps 2, full covers. $1995. 673-9562 SAT 115 • Ll't:" BR sc1. 1n ii;c i;oodies. 1032 Presidio Dr. l?llcsa dcl Mar' C t.-I . 546--218-t J.IOUS Ef'UL, ear ly Ame r ican : sora S50 • lovescat $30. 9S39 La Arena, FV. 968-.'iOOO Garage & Estu!c 811Jc Art objects, <'IC. Aft 10 218 Can1ellia Lane, C?lf. Appliances 8100 *SALE * New \Vashe1'S -Dryers· Dish- washers -Refrigerators. CERTIFIEO APPLIANCE 333 East 11th St. Co!l\a Mesa 642-0240 JULY Jg hot -but we have \Vhi Id di nd lines. 968-3044, 968-3053 the tlOTTEST buys in lown. LADlE:S te go amo :i KFITENS for tree, grey, I ~=~=.~~----& sapphire ring. v a 1 l•'ger • bl•·". ~n1a-RARE Silky T.crrler pups. Spinet, Console & Grand "" ""' ''" AKC N hedd odor! P'-no-.··. ......,11 •• u, e d $1~crifice close estate 968-4397 113 . o s ing.. ess. "' ·• '"' "" 75 ... ~ .. -·1 6 ijy;;;,ffe';;;;o;:Jte;~· ~1 _;Ca1~1 gn~1 ,>;893-~mt~=~~ Baldwin Orgaus -all on $4 · <J'M'"~ .... pm. HALF pox:tlc pups. 3 female, sale at really HOT prices. CONSIDERING qualified 7 wks old, to goo(!" homes. TOY POODLES AKC WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO man for purchase of Irvine 1141-8153 714 * 897-7061 * 1819 Newport, C.M. 642--M84 Cst Cntry Club membershlp. ADORABLE puppy 6 wks. Hors• HAi\1MOND • Steinway • Ya· 645--0ll4 male % J)OOdle, Free to gd. --"------•-l3_G mnha -ne\v & used pianos Quality king bed, quilted, home. 847~~1 7/4 HORSE CORRAL ot 'Bil makes. Best buys In Complclc, unlllled $98; \vorth CUTE gray Md ivhite kit-for rent. $30 montb 25' 1-teridian. fbg:S, l!qpd for tishing/cruising x L N T • O\vner anxious. 5 .( 8 -1 5 0 1 days. 38' Stephens Sedan cruiser. beaut. cond. Roomy k Safe. 84&-9518 .l!\ll!'S. So. caiir. right her<'. $250. Alter 5 or wlmds, tens, 4 for &ood homes. e 548-5636 • SCH~~~N~~1!1r~. CO., M7--0406 • 1147-7390 7/4 TRANSPORTATION Speed-Ski Bo1t1 9030 -Santa Ann AREA rug, shag 6X9 blue 1 FLUFFY gray and white 9000 l 8' GLASS PAR in-grecn lwced, good cood Cost kitten free to lovi"i: home. Boats & Yach!1 board/outboard JOO hp E L ECTRON I C Piano, Sl69SacS60.6#4887 546-5242 714 VI 1964 Ak. $1600 portable. plays thru Hi-Fi. --~~~~"·--"' . 16' Glasapar Avalon. 15 hp 0 vo, · s mg · Ideal for beach home, BAITERIES 6 V $4.S5 ex. 12 \VE'D like to live with )'OU, 3 Mere, Coast Guard equip. 548-6864 mountain cabin. boat Ill' VS~.95 ex,guar.l8 mo.Pay adorable kittens. 642-U48Mustsell! oo=ST=o-N~\=m<LER,~=o--~ll=·=9•'',1 teaching. Only $49-5-terms. Sl.25-<lld ball 540-999(1 . 545-4592 · )./4 SUMMER Special! 15• bOat, with '10 JIP Johnson engine, NEWPORT ORGANS 645-1530 CHARTER htll fa mi I Y ONE 6 week old puppy left; trailer, elect. start 35hp _ _,!9_2"_.=613-34<~-=~·~~-~-I HAMMOND Chord Org&.n. me~bershp Newport Beach male, beige I white, small motor. S2T;i aJt 6. 543-a635 14' SKI BOAT &: trailer Xlnt U1nioul! SljO. Ca 11 tennis <'!lub, t700. 548-3803 mixed breed. 862-0484 714 14, SKI boat, mere 1000 kl: \v/335 hp, engine runs 642-2482 morns. 20 ga shotgun 2. barrels $50. TO Good homes. 2 nice look-whJ,lrlr. $1XCI. 66-0llol• perfectly. $375. &C-0427 --~,~.-AN~T=E~D,,----GE 2 '"aY radH>S, 1 $30, 1 lni.:: grey & whl , mecl. hair 1 ~~=="'~,...,~--=-80.t Slip Mooring 9036 take care ol semi invalid &l-,-p=1A~N=O~L-e=s•s•o~N"S~ li!e house\vo'rk. Call alter 6 Beginning students-pre!. pm , 673-86n u .'c.1. Music ?.tajor, Call CREDIT & ACCOUNTS Brun, 54~4478. RECEIVABLE CLERK VIOLIN UPRIGHT piano & wing-back n~edcd imnicd. Sa.I. open AND PIANO LESSONS. couch. Both good condition. e NEED a nc\v refrigerator, washl'r, dryer. or rolor TV'? No\v is )'Our ch9.ll<'C" to save, clo.sing out all '69 models now! Fan1ous brands, cash of tin1e·pla.n. Check llen<terson'5 today. 1877 Harbor Blvd, CM. 548--0155 s1nall set Sl2. 536-6000 .......... ,, Aft. •. £''"'~ 11, '65 O\VENS 25'. 90 hrs, like SPINETS & GRANDS ........ .. 'U-V.U• .. rJe\V, Dys 49'-8041. eves 636-3600 J:l" Trlmmer .commercial COCK-A·POO, 2 year old 494-0737 ask for Mr. Ganity •. FQR RENT BOAT SLll' -"P"IA""N"O'"W"A"°N""T"E"D.--lawn ~r with 4 horse male needs aflection. To CLASSIC bay launch. lots of $50, MONTI{ 1213) 877-1035 Pvt Party Kohler enguie. 646-3629 good hon1e. 546-4450 715 teak. See at 1216 E. Balboa , --=C.,,ALL--o="-""~,,"~- 8' CUSI'OM t u r f b o & rd FREE Kitt -•1~ 1/5 BI·~ s~ ~1-• . ... ... ,, --' Exp'd only, 540.1500 for appl. ;,:t&-5893 ~~s-.J63l After 4 PM SEC/Recpt. Attractive girl TUTORING \VROUGHT iron table, 3 far consulting engineer's ol· 111 Spanish or German chairs. & 1 hostess, 189· PHILCO washer, prac. new Televl11on 1205 ~299.1 ~ apt. stoye ~. Rf-frig. rflce; may oonsider· pt-time, 543-S893 11ear airptrt. 540-J750 FOR finest hOme. Imported works """-11 St5. ~~2087 SlLVERTONE console 23" DENTAL Asst, cxpe.r at close MERCHANDISE FOR tonnaJ dining table, like DAILY PILOT \VANT ADS! Color TV. black cab. pert .._. ,_. XJ 1 , ·,.,,SALE AND TRADE new.$600.646-0732 BRING RESULTS! cone!. Sean 1va rranl y c, ... 1n11uc. n oppor uni..,. l~~:J~~.!!~~-....!..=::==::=,==::===.!.::=======::=.:'" renewable in July. m:;. r-64~~~54~1~'·-:::;:;;~~r:-\iFiuirin~lliui"~iiiiiiiiiii;aooo~;;F;u;rn~i~tu~r~•im;~~~~aooo~~F~u~rn;;ituiiiire~~,ijiiiii'iOOO~i \ 56-6137 Dental Recepi. & Bkkpr. Bt.A'CK & \\•hite portable TV, Exp., or oollege, :z>.i:i. good condition. $2.i. DAYTIME::' .. ,......... SPANISH 64~18 8210 ~~ ~~,";~;. CdM ""'" MEDITERRANEAN Hi-Fi 1 St.reo J MATURE.ex P e r ie n c e d R~·me'd from M-..l-1 Homes 1969 SOLID S1ate i;tett'O, -t • h'ou sekeeper, weekly, •111 VUW SJ!d,4speaketaudiosystem ' Laguna area. 494-6170 W het an excitin9 scene! Your home ce n c ome eliYe with our 9lemorou1 in walnut co'nsole. Take ' \VANTED: Mature women dacoretor-correleted pecltegel l iving roo·m includes: luxurious Sofe over small payments or pay wUl1ng It> learn. Pltue ap. e nd lo"• S_eet in quilted f lorel -fabric.1. ) Spenish Oek Tebles, 2 distin-cash. balance of in.G8. ply at 535 w. Center St. CD.t. 9ui1hed C onqui stador T e ble l i mps. "H1ciend•" Badroom: Sp1nlsloi Credit Dept. 53.'>-7289 LITE HOWICkffPing in Hun-Triple Oras1er with fr1m1d Mirror, Kfn9-sit e He1dbo1 rd, 2 C o mm odes. lington Beaeh, Pt .. time call 5-Pc, Wrou9ht Iron Oinetta Set, Sp1nish Oek h1x19on top. Must be _( Barbara 1U pm~ 1ee!'I to be truly a pprecieted ••• 10 com• in today/ Priced el1ewhere GIRL ...,. pt·lline ~ io •I $895.00. 110 ..... Call Barbara JU BRAND NEW SPECl,.,L s ... LE pm 536--2Ci6 • c.n be pu'l'ch•••d ··~a r•••ly. BABYSl'M'En Want('(f iJI tD1 $5 per week, $20 delivers. 1l4 -· 1,45 lo 4,30, PM. 53&-290&att5P.M • .. 1 • LIVE ln liakPI' for woman ·, .Jone. Jnll. ""'· Call 1142-2232 . Wltll&.r.\Gl"t"fll ~ perleet condition; 1 year old ===='="'=·=~==~==l=='"=· ='=~='·====:.;.=="'="='===="='=·=,! $5(), 841-4591 - 3 YR me-mbenhip to Holiday Health Spa, n1ake offer . 67S-7Cg5 ~ GOODYEAR TIRES, 10-35- lS's & l<MS.IS's, best t>f· r"~· 642-3838 Misc.~ted '610 WE -PAY MORE CASH •• -·-- •' I • I . , fRA S • · · · I · "':.":';'.!m.~r,~:11"1~';..:· 1~"";;..,...,...,,.iD"'",.,fimmi0;.;j•i11.i;.;Aii".,iiLorjj..U'rf"U."r•; --~---1 N PORTATION TRA:NSPORTATION . TUNS~~}'ATl?N TRANSPORl'A.1'.ION TRANSPORTATlp N • TRANSPORTATION TIOOilSPO R T-'TIQN TllANSPOR• 11-~. TRANSPoRTATION Bool Strvl"'°' . '°37• Motorcycl.. 9300 lmpomcf .Al!m MOO I · C1o1 -lmportod Auto• MOO l..,,,..1od Autoo ~ ~uto Lualnt 9410 Uood C.rs 9900 Uood c1,. ,,..; ~!!!klZ.ie":"!.~'" \ ~-HONDA T~ UP.""""' •• l9e1 • ~H! TOYOTA ' "OLKSWA"'.. CHRYSLER * !S48-l!!61 • SCRA"!.,~ .. :ioo. l27!l ...!'""u~\!tlll•u:"°" .,;..' ' ' t • . .19.68',TOYO'li'.a • V L EASE , RENT -wmi. 161.12. .. ,. 11 ..,.. $'" '""" 911 •'1• ~.. 'Lovi! BUG J ALL POPULAR . '66 CHRYSUR 300 lloat-Yad!t '6SHONDACB100,illOmJ,2 ,. .... ;.,., __ , Sand •"'•tbolll'<l•too'!'. HarcllopCoupo '91VW...ian,lovtnr4'J"r.<l MAKES Chamn. to3t "'°" old. l4lO helmet !1> 69 KA ••Ou Sid ,~ il1l , 1<\M/,11!1, bum\"'!.-$16f5 ..,.,._ to Stm-»•u ~th--FORD , 4 t>oot Hudtop, y&. •uk> eluded. ~71Ml W~I ew .. _.r 1 ete.' ~.<Qr a.c.tUal •UU1 r. ' ~--.. •-AUTHORIZ ED maUc, radio, hcattr, pi;ower BLVEWATER CHARTEl!S z;o. .11!1Q. an v.n •1 !Otle•. Min•. ii<. No. ll'lrnl 8$i-3320.o1t ... moo.=• · LEASING atttrinf, ..,.., .,....,, r ... ' lJ Uri,,. s.a or "°"'" T11ller, Trhol 9425 ~ '68 TOYOTA .1u.......: RI>· '84 VW XLlM' oorid. $lJ60 SYSTEM tory air ~tlo!)lllc, ~ Sldp=. ':l.e':i: ::::"" '65 . TERRY ui;· ..n ....,: 'AUSTI.N HEALEY ~~~ ... L nBOO. · 1001i*~.!-_eei °"' ::.::.,~ .. Rale• top. <WFV'ml$t9'S ~ ~. 12000. Spotlt•L '68 Toyota°""""' 2 cir l!T, '6' VW ~latloo w...0, DQBINS FO·"" ~-1 ..,A.£6""~ ,.._ &u-7443. Extras. OOLLEC'roR'$ ·ss A .R . ~ spd, top "'ndlllonl'. ·Vatiant llioo s. S900. .,, • . ~ * ~.,..,. ~....-.. cvwer I: ' , 100-4 Over dr. wires. WP. " 2tliO Ifarbor RI ATtAS Sall Skipper ·op~nai For 196.1 22 · Fully SC. ...,u... ,,.,. llLNT body """· too WI w. Oout H'Ny., N.B. Eves 64l-'13!3 ott • !4W17' c.... Me..· ~o brochure wt ~ Int AU extru, $. 8 fl 0 . Sriii1J tor n{e S525 5t1-llil 642.9¥,6 5AO.l'164 '66 VW Sunroof. U00 CC. -• 642,0087 ·-··~•.u ·•-· -Authori>ad MG Dealer TRIUMPH _ _Rn~.~·.!;.!'"' paint job. .....,, cm..;,.~ -90~MVODUTH. ·-!69··-PlVUlllml Fishing BOits 9040 AIRSTREAM l\'aDer 1961. -n•.,~·~•-, -· . ,,, -U-sid Cira ..,.., "" ~ ~ ~ .fl'IVUIH 2G'. Land Yacht. a-6. very clean $900. 545-8902, '62 Porsc:he ,68 Triumph '"'rO'• ....-.-...="----'.;.;:;'I COSTA MESA 548-1934 FOR sal• or trade 38' H\g. 64Z.OOS! -... aft. 6 p.m. Supe r-Coupe $2.1;5 u '~ 0-:.,~';,,:!i_H· BUICK Opeo Dally 'Ill IO p.m. 'FURY Ill c\ns flshing boat, 6 cyl grey ,68 MA" 'RD ...__ .. _ ... ,,., DATSUN ~.Over metaUic w/blk. Inter. BR G AM I FM ,._ $1l00. 5'&.J.6ST 1967 Chr)'lltr Ste. '1¥81 low 2 Door hardtop,~~ marine diesel $4500 or trade ......,. ura...,. ,U79 Chrome wheels, Micheline X ' ' · -• c.,.v~.e '67 ELE:cTRA cwitom 2 DR ml, xlnt cond. Priced below ttc: rt~ heater, JIO'f"t"t l land I b' (' 21.l) »elf ~ntained; hitch; like -.tires radio t \l.1leel discs, ~r!ect thtu· teeri factory air """41-f or w ca 111• new, $2,875. 645-014S '69 DATSUN· ' ' e c. out. Several otlws•&o chooSt".. · VOLVO HT. Plr., P/b, auto. >Jr, book to sell. 673--1400 1 n&, 444-,9074. Bl& &edii.n. 96 hp, overl'ltnd • elcc wndws, landau top, vyl 1!162 CHRYSLER Newporter tlontng .. (VRB:!T5l , Aln:r1ft 9100 Trucks 9$00 cam, automatic, dlr, radio, VOLVO , BUYS int. AM/PM atereo, new $300. Engine good. See al $2395 . I 1:.;;;.c.;;;-""----.;...;.; 1 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:1 heater, w/w tires, loaded! tires, new shocks, xlnt 2041,2 Garnet, Balboa Isl. ~ $1900 Gtves you ~/3 int. in International HaNester Wes 3200 mlles. under fact war-_,. .... ~ 67~112 $2SSO. 549-1969 ATLAS J clean, tow-tUne Cessna 172 &: service at: ranty. Bal to line. Sl.886. Lie. TTTI41 '65 BUICK ~k;ylark. V-8 COMET .. • at O.C .. Alrpt .. call 837-2200 KUSTOM MOTORS Take $125 cash dels or old· llOO W. Coast-l J.hvy., N.B. ~....._ Extra Shirp. PIS, PJB. la.ct. air, pert. runySLER -l'LVMIW1'7V! wkda., ~ eves, 845 Baker, CM 54Q.6915 er car, lB YHW146 • Call 6:12-9405 M0-17&1 Ml».W.~O>ut lfwY .• N.B. '67 144 concl. best ofter over $1500 '64 CONVERT, P\vr atrg, Ve· ••• .-..n. -+4'1""'"'••• This weeknd SAVE $800 on Ken 54S--0634. Aulhoriud MG De&Jer "2-94(& ....... _ • S«l-1764i .f d~r .• Lic. No. UVA33l takes. Pv.,pt)' 60-1161 ry cle•n. must sell! $725 or 2929 HARBOR BLVD. I MOiie Homes 92Ga new '69 * T Travel-all, ORANGE COUNTV'S l5J Porsche Coupe $1595 ~~~::a:6i. -~:3'~.· ~!'!t01!. air ·~~~!CK•d. ~nd~~ac Con. best offer 837-4180. CO~~= 'til 10-~; BAY HARBOR se:rial no. 3ll207H902514. We NO. 1 S 90 Engine1 Chrome wheels, \VI.re wbl.s, Coupe. S2450 ot 6$ P1800 .. 6'13-392l. ~ 'lj PLYMOUTH ! Moblli Home Soles ~~ com~loi. O<le<ti<>n oJ DATSUN DEALER AM I FM.' bia<k intorwr. m ... o!r. 499-2359 Sport 0>0pe. Llc. No PBFSl3 CORTINA ""' t C8" Loma· ·""1!·AWa.Y WE DEAL! ~ !!~~.N . l965T!UUl4PH Herald-O>nv .• ¥<>!""'' :~~~llOO-·~~~di ~equw'it: 1967 Cortln1 r $IOIS Stellon We.... ! Sheraton Manor '. Homette • Huntl'l(ton Beach Good cond, mab oHQ-t Sport...())upe. Lie. No IZW483 n100/~1t. ~---833-06.47 V.a, ·aUtomatlc, radio la hw.t.; Kit· Prestige· Sahara 66 OIEV ~i T. V--8. 3 sp. 540-044l * 545-6112 * LoOks JlJr.e: 1963 BUICK La. Sabfto'2 OR. er, (OOI' 9'21). J • ALL SIZES '"no· McDonald teles!=Qpic 842-T18l or tTY : 'S7,·.54fi"0oor Sedan, gOod ciibdldon. YC!J:'Y CORY AIR $895 Nair. ON DISPLAY Campo<. Both cloao. good ECONOMY( REL!ABIL 3100 w Coast Hwy N.8 VOLKSWAGEN LI N FXP38! Lots oJ cboap. 546-2™, • • 142 Baker St. condition. Will sell UOO Datsun Wagon, sboW 64J.94('6' ·54o.iit c. o, .· 1960 CORVAIR, R/H. auto • • ~block.Ea.It of Harbor BJYd. separately. Together $2495. room ~· 28 tdPG· 31,000 Authorized ?t,G Dealer YW <*!n. CADILLAC. trans. 11e'ed11 work. Make of· ATLAS on Baker 546-9751 actual m.1. Ne1v car war-i' &.It Dul•. Are At , fer. * 673-258.1 -: C..la Mr"' mo 5409470 '66 DATSUN Va TON ranty. Tako sm•lt trade. '66 Porsche 912 $3895 SPECIALS DE'AN LEWIS LIMOUSINE '"' Fleet........ CUIYSLER -PLYMO!JTll ~ GR~ENLEAF PARK 1ust reworked engine. Xlnt Orig owner. $l095. Jordan AF~a b~u~lk. t!:'f:'" A:.1/ '68 ·But -VSI..564 2 air-<:ondiUoners, ; 11 mp DODGE i.n cliar, clean, cool Costa condition, Local car. A spd, G1l-2430 UN lire~ c rome w e ' prenl. '67 • BUG -UJD519 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-93G.'l seats $525. 962--7898 co:: =R BL::a.wi_ Mesa. New 9'J space adult dlr, $75 caSh deb. TaJre low '68 OATS · '66 ·Bug -SVG425 VOLVO 1968 CHARGER RT 440. Open Daily 'Iii lO 'p,m. ! park. Models & Sales ottice pymnts, $38.86 mo. SIF669 • STATION WAGON '66·Gltia-TPC176 CHEVROLET Ydlow wl blk 'vr\)'I top .. 69 Piymoath"' ~.·, located &t Park, Open 9 AM Call Ke n 494.9713 or '545-ttl4 • -~d .... autu overhead cam, '66 • Fastback • SUDl5S -Low mi. Priv pr'"· 633-4455 """"'" ........,, ~. • " copper w/matchin& ... ...,,..1 to6PM. *SHELLS* d,lr, disc brakes. $125 cash '64·BUg·THGfi61 Btst 0.•11 Are At oo•~~u ... 1 ,.u •64 • a un.T ' Z3?<1 U CHEVROLET ._.. • .....,,....... top. Nttl" new c:on_~.t ACCENT _MOlUJ,.E_ .SliillUy damaged/cheap. dels or take trade. LS"\-..,.,.. 63 . Bug. GP DEAN . LEWIS VII . Dodge' A-1-eond. $895 --or Reuona:bl)i Jji'leid.-..-C Olili HOME SA1.Es 839-1800 589. can VIC, ~. 'Gt· BUg. LH 'r:.. • .' best otter. Call ~1741 1150 Whittler Ave. ck I F'l-esh To>'.Ota Trade CAPRICE-• COsta-MHa. n4: 642-1350 1967 OODGE Van big 6 1969 DATSUN Pi up w e~ -3l OO \\'. Coast-Hwy., N.B. lns • Alf Detailed 19ti6 Harbor, C.M-646-9303 --PONTIA-C .. • ' ' oeptly nice camper, 600l nu. 642.9405 54(1..1764 V~. automatic, factory air, FORD · 1 lO'xSQ' • 24' e~cl porch ~. ~~ :~nd. SlstK>. 548-0593 aft 3:30. Authorized-MG Dealer a:s~d ~:::ys TAor.GeoA! t. l!raS.544 4 SPEED, New tiret, power steer., po~r brakes, * * * ... ~1 w/new alum awning, comp. D l>ORSCHE Model 356 S-l600 $.'EO or best <>Uer. * POwer windows, radio. beat. ,66 C Sq • furn. 2 BR. lge ba w/tub A. '64 EL C~INO stick shlf!· ENGLISH FOR s. 1st Dd In l063. Mint con. DEAN LEWIS 642--0436 er, vinyl top. SBN 712 Loaded..::'!~. alr.u~ Special PurcMse i shwr, lots o! cl<>;S:.tb, new 3J.~ mi. Xlnt cand. $395. · .. •non .... ~".:-,eXlril, good 59Volvosf!5 _$16_95 _ nd di 1ee · 1969 PONTIAC$•, crpf thruoul $3900 ·w/$2500 646-9J70 aft 4 .:,i., l~;:; r .. 11 1966 1-larbo C.:.t ~ ~ llU(e.cl nd.i.tion co ., r, p11.•r s nnr. ' , ··dn 'bal-Sl400~at $49.8t1mo; ·' '61 TO'Y:cirA '.PICKUP ~ORANGE ·COUN"F-Y-' ,~a-__a ~-·-.~ ~.. r, . --. 66-2578~ -23,000 nJla. on-aptedometer. l'antarttc Savlnp -I 4s4..2532 4 speed 1 own:er $975 VOLUME ENGLISH ~l , 'l1 '65 VW BUS ATLAS ~o(' beige exterior, ma;~~ Very Low Mllet AJr "' • D~~ .. UXE do~bleSpwi~, 1i~; * 0 495.5470 .• • S~~=~-~i~~~~E 1!6~~e~~t! •. ~.~· ~~ 'i:di~QChca~~~wswtires.Lic. Antiques, Classiu 9615 CHRV--PLYMOUTll T::!fA!'n,;.~:~~.~ru;~. LB _At~· iH'laLAtr J_ OLDSMOllLI •. """' posses.sion. · ••· .,..., .69 MO~DELS 'li'iiJa!'i.. --Black inl.,. Comp! -0• ...,, -o ~'""""' -Y i;:i. ";:1'1-••<> OF THE YEAR e ·, 'M I A CM JHpo 9510 $1599 M DELTFord,oou.,.,body, 2929HARBORBLVD. o'ii:~'=""'""'===I • onroY a ve., ' ·; Immediate deJivery or1glnal, one owner. ~7528 fenders &: some parts. SUS. COSTA MESA 546-l934 LIKE new 1963 Ford Galaxie Grand Prix • 8onneYUk': , eveslwknds. * 196t BRONCO* LARGE .SELECTION '67 Porsc:ffe 9l2'firga ~ 784. Newlan \Vay. C06ta Open Dally 'til 10 p.m. 500· 4 DR. Cood tires, fac BTemOBP'"~LOeNFlreG~R:·;,' . •. 21' LAKEWOOD. Sleeps 4, W ..._ __ .. _re frlsh. ............ Wlblk. tnter., Mesa. lG-2 weekda)'ll: air, V-8, new auto trans. rl\li oomP furn. Like new, low SKOTI Hardtop, red&whilt'. ~ •n.-v , ... ~~··. h · heel 0 ~ '64 Chevy Melibu Sf,00. Aft 6 pm or wknds. '. oostl.lving $1275. 642-2098 4 wheol dd" w / locking ROBINS FORD AM FM, ' rt>me w. '· ~ Autos d•i nt-' 9700 2 Door Hanltop, owned hy 846--0235 PONTIAC : '1 hubs, radio, heater, rear · 13,000 miles. See 1lr'drive to 0 " wu littl.t' , ,_ ' LOTS avail with <>ur new seat. $1885. 879-6088 ,.._.,,~-Harbor Blv~,'., nmo believe: ' 'J ' ,,s Ooe lady ln Laguna '63 XL hardtop. dlr, tact air 13600 Beacl'l e WettznlmW ! ' mobile homes. furn a: un-... .,,,, ... ~ vu-<N.J. WE PAY • • • Beach. Lia;ht blue ext., oond, bucket seat.IS, xlnt run-Open 'til 10:00 PM Q6.ZOl)o & ~.,,, ,,._,.,. , A. 'CASH matching blue int., all or-. __ .. ..,., h d '· ' furn. 53&- 2731 -· C.~~pe" 9520 ~~" · igloal. 1125 cash del•, will "'"• •~u. "" cu •~. '68 POllTIA( ; MOBILE Home l0x50. 2 FERRARI 11 · t LB "-'U Ano"' take low pymnt1. ATB 798 FAMILY FUN CAR·. vw nc pnv P' Y. _ _,, K 4,.__ ', porches. exn<>ndable livnn, ,.._,, Vic "" ~4 .,.... en ""<> 2 bdr. call ~ .,. Camper. German • built \..Wt .............., • •• ~65~ro=RD=.~eo-rt1na-,._",~,.-,.-.~~. 4 Catalln• W.,an .1 : W'",:ths•ou .. i....t au." y.JmAll'I.-.ot•l & lit.U• .N. -·~ <r ..-. L~ -.. =~·· ~"W7'f,;',, '1164' ~,,~o utw~R&; ;>LT~. asi-~1e. --. ::si 9275 ., .. .,....,.,...,. un_... w. VIV........, ,,..,, .i nnnov BL-.u .... shOwroom cond-:-m ·Eng~ :::-~~~~~ -toey "'ah.:•·;;.,;;~ .~;;;;, ; Mini likes gu O»ts. Great sown car anie Count)''• only author-Authoriied MG Dehler COSTA MESA GRODI CHEVROlfJ J.~act. air, pwr. brk!. &: 458 call Bill '545--0634 • power brakes. radio, ~ • BIG Bear Scrambler $10. See: for wife & kids. Sleeps ~. ized det.ler. , .. ., '61 VW ''Bug'' $1695 steer'g, Vinyl top, astro ' . u , white walls. fVFRllll, , ' at 22.19 Vista Hogar, N.B. Stereo deck with.4 1peaken1. SALES·SERVlc&.PARTS G3X._!~66 911S ~~ .. pe.'.s,~:!: 4 ~stick. Sahd beige fin· Alk for Sala M~ seats: a bargain, $1895. '68· LTD ~ :h~til.P Pl~. $3295 ~: ' ... -lnd•-nd•nl •-nt w•'th lug. 3100 W. Coast Hwy. ...... ....,., •·h Radio '-ate' ,,_, •-• o-~ Blvd. 644.aJ2'7 Brougham iiUJ'ior, 390 efle. •t .....,...,...,,.,. ·;,:;;.,_::-~ n1,..., . ,.._ "' Newport Beach cess. Xtras '68 911 "L.. a • ' Q<; ' "" ' ~ ~ Extra I I mile ~' ; MINl·BIKE 5 HP. Jackshaft. . '....,.-;" r.ac..,-.. e ~. ~.,p "!P "2·9405 , 540-1764 Co X I . M t wheel cover, tuned exhaugt. Hun~ Beach '6' CHEVY Impala V-8, ~ ean, ow qe AIL s ' , 6.. wheels ready to be ~P with liCf'eerls. Jalousie ·-Authotlttd MG Dealer upe, · tra!, 0 mi. us Lo local miles. Perfect ln Kt 9-3l31 auto, <Ur, Loaded, eng reblt, $2995 firm. 545-0248 A .' : ' licensed ~ ' 'Yindows wlth..~J)lll . sen! Make OHer. 64Z-0138 --every-rupect.-... ---c ·o 'NFIDE ............... v-··perr-ntnnin&-cond:--Take· ..!&J-FORD-GalaxJe.,-aew-bat-I • ; · curtains. llOV outlet.· Only '. ·FIAT '63 PORSCHE Coupe 1600 S. n11"""'"'' foreign car in trade. Will tery, r/b, •5911sc, needs lit· CHRYSLER_ PLYMotrnf 93.M ~000 mi. VW !!!erviced. •I Special paint, blk int. Chrm We Pay ?.-!ore For line prVt prty. XYW 756 call tle work. $15. 638..(ti35 2929 HARBOR BLVD. : ', Motorc:ycle1 yv • hi Rad. 1 M t r 1-""'·s Ca •M' 1:::;:;;;::;.;.ic;;;;::_ __ _."' llutiful inside ~ ou\! J( ,91 FIAT 830 rt w s. JO. mmac. us ., ore15u v.-ports n Bill 494-9773 FALQ)N Wagon li64, red, COSTA MESA se'""l'9 1968 BSA ,•: YO\lf can find 'a new tlite if_ll Xlnt ooOd. B~ :J:: ~ apprec, Best <>fier, PAID FOR OR NOT 69 CHEV Super Sport 7000 automo PIS, i<>W mi, $895. Open Daily 'ill 1(1 p.m.:::-: ~ $4100. You can own this e,reen. Tan interior. Chrome B. J. SPORTSCAR miles, like new. Transfer-644--4881, alter 5:30 '68 Fireblrcl ' MOTORCYCLE honey for only ; 2 9 5 0. wheels Aft 6. 642-1049 '65 Porsche S.C. Coupe CENTER red. Take over payment!. '62 FORD Galax-le XL : ' Only 1,118 miles <>n this:.~· ~ or 642-2500 MUST ,Sell! '68 Fiat 850 <'.lwnpagne: ye~ w/blk. ~~~·.Coast Hwy.54~~6.f Fae air, bucket seats. C.Onvert. PiS, P/W. new VB en&,ine, aulomatic trafth , "on1· Must see 10 app~ ~· Spyd-. 4 •pd. ll,OOO miles. inter. Every possible extra 2833 Harbor BJvd. Stereo P/S 548--:1119 Ure ~ t 1595 missk»I, air conciittonUlr: > CAMP.ER "" Authorized MG Dealer ,.__ 54().4491 • · s, '"......... op. • power steering. racJJO, belitr, ' . $599.00 . Take over payments. inCl.dUtaele~t. sun 7~lm-'69VW's !-03ta Mesa '66 EL CAMINO. New H.P. 830-0581 e~. Special tires 4 ~ Sal•s. R9!'!~1s 6.s-5851 mac le In every e • BtMEDIATE DELIVERY WE PAY WH 301 eng. Full cus. paint '58 !"''ORO 4 Dr. sedan, good Lie. No. XTF'799. ., I Authorized ..__.er Bank INnm .. nl-~~~.°!-~). Call aft 3 pm, corx:I. $200 or best o~r $2597 : Eldorado • Fout Winds MERCEDES BENZ ·· ... _......,. '"~ 645--0730 f Sco~man • BuTaouda · $213 DOWN fOR YOUR (AR lies! D11l1 Are Al , , 8, Cabowr !Aw ., 1<4.03 * 26 mos '68 B i1cayne P rv Prty '61 FORD Wag. }\ill Power DEAN LEWI£ $799 Plus 1 final pymnt for L Show room concllUon, 4 DR. Mech. OK. New tires $.125 :r.lodel # 600 title. Full 2 Yft 24,000 CONN'~ vi~tl top, new Ures, 18,000 54~ 1 , Ill~ s:i.~· Coast Hwy.S:.i.~64 mJ warranty. Avail anly at CHEVROLET mi e5• $2450· 54.5-a!OO '55 FORD Wagon, V-8, 4 Dr., 1966 Harbor, C.M. ~ W Th•odore A thori"', MG n..n• T & M MOTORS 2828 Harbor mvd. 1967 300 DELUXE 250 6 cyl, auto, r/h. '69 GRAND Prix tacioey ex; ROBINS FORD u A.C\1 • Lll:<U-er 8081 Garden Grove Blvd. awa· Mes1· 546-1200 air, w/s/w; under 20,000 $150. * 613-1829 ec car, 800J ml, PIS. •Ii 2000 Harboi Wvd. '62 POR.SCHE SUPER 90 534-2284 at Beach ~ mi., 30,000 mi warianty. cond, disc brakes, ~ 549-3031 Ext. 66 or 61 1970 HARBOR BLVD, COSfA MESA '&t YAMAHA 2:11) $175. 645-2578 ' '67 SUZUKI X~ Scramb.lcr. ' Eitce11ent cand. $350. 6ll Kings Pl. Newport H@ights eo.1a M•.. """'10 Private paciy. OPEN SUNDAY Will Buy ,....m t LINCOLN ''"" -Ran, u wllloj Good condition. $1995. 545-'64 vw. Ile PGH 597 $895 1963 CHEVY Bel Air, very lite blue, drlc blue ·d · WANTED: Used . Camper , ded • 22 000 5893 '68 green V\V WQD612 t1599 Your Volkswagen or Porache clean. Anny wants me, '62 LINC. Continental, black top. $4297, ~ __:._ shell for 1968 El Camino, ·67 . 230 SON Loa ' ' * 65 CONV A GEMi Both in terTilic cond! A: pay top dollars, Paid for must sell. Recent mot.or -w/black 1nter. Clean $995 '65 CATALINA hrdtop, Veno prefer f I berg I as 1 miles, ~s9z, fl 6 New paint, top & tires. Musi KUSTOM MOTORS or not, Call Ralph \VOJ'k. $650. 847-8698 new en & in e, mechanic's tura trim, auto, PIS. Rtill Reasonable! ~537 alter 6 a · sell. 641).1234 {Stan). 845 Baker St. 673-0900' OlEVY '68 Jmpala, 2 Dr. car. 642-3838 Landau top. 1-owner, lo '!If pm. MG CM. !Ao-6915 WE PAY TOP R/H, Auto, air, P/b, P/1, 19&7 LINCOLN, clean, 28,IXXI immac. $1295. KI ~2665 - ' 6 8 DODGE c ustom SUBARU '67 VW acruareback Station DOLLAR 327 eng. 17,0CXI mi. Prlv prty. miles. Loaded, air. etc. '64 BONNEVILLE ~ Sportsman Van Fa m i I y MG wagon. One owner. tm. !or food, cl~an used cars, $2700. 54~2623. 646.1058 ?tfust sell f.a.sl 673-51.80 loaded, fact air s 9 9:;. '66 HONDA Scrambler 250 cc . w,agon. Camperf1500equlpFlnp. Salu. Service, Parts Subaru of Calif. m~ate oo:.;J15-S ~ ~'!! all makes. See Ceofie Ray '63xl CHEyY, 4 dr, dlr, 6 cyl. MERCURY ~~1 .... ,arte-r 6 pm. Im,• perfect! $325. "65 Honda S cud. air. Saw 11i • I Immediate Delivery, I D• manu:t at """""· .,,.,._,.,,. Theodore Robina Foi'd nt cond.. $75. Cash deli, · mai.:wa.... ~ 90, SlSO. 54~7978 $3600. 644-0477 AD Modela lnc.--Retai IY. MUSI' sell this week-end! 2oc,o lfarbor Blvd. line bl1.I $415. HAK 804 cau "-.65;;;:G,:;T0:;=:..._.-..,.-'1-389~-"""-i '68 SUZUKI 80cc like new, *PAM-TOPS* $1297 POE '64 VW Bus, Deluxe model C.M. 642..0010 Ken~ '68 MERCURY clutch. AM-FM. XLN 't 462 ml. $225. 4~18 AR steel shelb, Sales & ren. Opt t'qU!p $30. Frei&:ht u4.50 sunroof. XI.NT cond. $1235. D1POR~ WANTED '56 CHEVY 2 Door. V-8, cond. $1700. 644-4294 tals. $149. up. Buy fact<>ry Handling $49. Oel, Sl300.50 846-95l.8 Orana:• Coon.ties a u t <>;n a t 1 c transml55lon COUGAR '62 Le Mans 2 dr ·, MOTOR HOM!S 9215 direct 1010 So. Harbor, SA. + Tax and License .61 VW TOP S Bun::R Good condiUon. 675-5983 VS, automatic, radio, ~attr, Door sb.ifl, very clean. "·U I 1000 W, Coast Hiway, N:B. BILL MAXEY TOYotA R t 1:..-. c.• -t• 10' Galaxle Camper'""" w •u=. ~ * «A,.,,....., $495 '62 4-dr. 6-cyl, auto, factory air, power st.eerlng, uns grea • .,--,. ~ BEACH CITY DODGE HEADQUARTERS FOR MOTORHOllES boa k 15 'V 1 ' " h .............,. .,...,."'~ "-•Q AS22 18881 Beach Wvd. XLNT •••• .. -"-I======""="* t nc . a co, n P "'',,... H. •· h. Ph. .,7 _ _,. rubber, ....,.., power brakes, white waw;, • 1 Johnson motor 548o42IM • 3100 W. Cout Hwy., N:.B. oeac "" ~ * 540-lDl<I * low, low miles. fWFl..026). RAMBLER "• 642-9405 541).li64 TOY~A '60 VW Camper, w1·s1 eng. Camper Rentals 9522 Autbarittd MG Dealer TOY T~ :: C:~~·6;~~x & tent. New Cars 9800 ·~~~;~~~a~ $2595 PR&oWNED * XPLORER * GB 11' "63 Voti.., good condition • • Shape! 11450. 847-MlS ATLAS BIG SELECTION E M SPECIALS $750 or best offer '60 CHEVY 2-dr. coupe &-cyl. 'tit THRU '6B's 1 + By week or month. Luxuri· 'bl '69 Co II W XSP996 * 548-6590 * . auto. SPLENDID COND. ALL MODEC.S . f ous Sleeps 6 self contaln-'67 MGB Convertt • ro a agon BRAND NEW cmtYSLER PLYMOunt FROM $295 ec1.' Lin1ited . Dumber. Call 2 to choose, Red w/blk and '68 Corona I.IT Cpe WIG m V\Y '65 Bui SllOO $150 a1ter 5. 536-6&46 2929 HARBoa.BLVO. • • • • • 'f todav. yellow w/blk. Both ar:: ex· Ch>1ce Of 3 Sunroof. R/lt Prv puV '69 (UJWS '68 NOVA Chevy U. XLNT COSTA MESA 546-1934 BRAND NEW '69 118;! LE.I SURE RENTALS ceptionall,y clean. WI re '67 C.Orona 4 dr • TYX287 531Hi162 or 644-0603 ooncl. Orig. owner . Auto. Open Dally 'til 10 p.m. • • ' -6611, {714} !37..3800 wbeela radio + much '67 Crown \Vagon '" TXS519 •55 VW CD RUNNING COND F·85 SPTS. CPE. tran.s, P/11teer. 6734289 7141 642 more.' Each ::ar must ht' '67 LaAUnd~tal·sc1~ ·A~oruo ;300. Deluxe belts front & rear, •59 EL CAMINO, 3 speed, '64 MERCURY . 9525 •e<n & driven "' be appr<c· ~ ~ 646-0075 padded dash, fully hciory 11~-·.. h<d oovo" nice COLONY PARK Dune Buggin iated. Ready T<> C-a equipped -~ Bes t Deals Are At '63 vw, perfect interior. · condition. 54o-8616 [!UNE BU~GY, $159S DEAN LEWIS Noed• """" """'· $500"' $2399 ~p. ~~:~ ~r:1h,'~:t:'! bci;t oner. 968-4383 FV CHRYSLER '64 VW Glass fenders, ma.as. """· tuned exha..,t, fibec 1006 Harhor. C.M. !46-l303 Custom paint job. $800 Pl.,. --• Lie. '68' CHRYSlfR gla.s~ , hardtop. Absolutely ._ __ K beautiful. • BILL MAXEY * 67:\.9352 Soria! No, 331T19Zl163S l 3100 W. Cout Hwy., N..t1. '63 V\V new clutch. gd, cond. u • 't Town & Country Wagon w.9<00 -~1164 ITIOIYIOITIAI fl40. n1verSI Y ' -· vs ••"""•"'· Authorized MG ~or 540<i<ll9 . radio, ~r 1tWtn., po;,.. 9 Passenger wqon, full pow· er with air. $1299 *"~* MUSTAMG . .... ~'di"•'.' 64U023 f T-BIRD I " J}rttlPLlrl 31111p 11 rl ~· "' MGB GT C""-~VD '66 vw ~ ur _".. er '"-k"' rmmaeUtate. <CE-Yen7w w/blk inte;'"'~re 1~1 -Bl'ACH It. • $1115 "'W•~ '6G10st522) .,..,. ... radio. wocx!"wbeel. HUril: ISelCI\ M7-15S5 PR.ICED TO SW.! Oldsmob'1le $3J95 '65 :'5'1'...:G • ~ 289. 1965 T BlRD Full pyr, .jr cond, Xlnt cond. Pri pff. '66 MUSTANG, blue, ' eyl.1 Call 642-0ll&. ..J. r/h, p/1, p/b, 11.~~mtlel,1967 ~;;:;;_.,:T.anu>.:;.::::;-><l~to..-~bla.,...J..:s: good oond. JU'!O, 5*--IA!ld. 2 .;, 1oo..:i. I ' " .. ' ' . • ' " Ol l!Wf lj[ All tml OOO&E '•txPlORER" cond. $3UIO. &K-1700 ext 361 3100 w. Cout Itwy., ~.B, Only 15,000 :nlles! Sholfh 3ml]!l.ofdoutH!'r.onBch ' 'I Ex · Low eaet. 119 T·BIRD. J..anda". . SU-9400 540-1764 rooin tresh. .JOYO TA '6.i VW tinted windws. re-lilt ATLAS ~« ~58 Eve a. Loededl $2200. ' Authorized MG O!a1er motor, new tn., JltW Upbol. 2850 Batbat Cocia Meg * 833-m'f * · l ,.,. ....... •1111 •If •11111· Must 11ee_SUSO~ . 540-9640 1965 MUSTANG 6 cyt, 111drl-,==~;,;,,""'==,.. ""'*' 11111 .-•'" •""•· DUNE Bugg;y Show· Sale. HEAl)QUAR-rm.s VW '57 Conv. Needs 90:me ' " .., · sh.lit. White w/blk tnt. x:int T-BIRD ;HARDTOP l96lj "'"""'...,. •ll't. ~ro~cs .~ J14~ ~= ELMORE work-Beat otter. Ideal tor Auto LNllnt 9110 CRRa1~ARBOr-~:~ 1.::'°::nd.::::_. ::613-0T.11::.:;;::.____ ~ = .• ~ ~LL,:~~ .. ,·~~::!·~:::~ Buggy .... Supermarket. 3G'l3 dune in.Im'· 615--253S cosrA -~ 5'6-1934 NOW~ THE I '·"93"'rilRDr.=-=.u""'oo=wu=-,-= tilt A• """°"''' c;111011.,. W W SA ~ •I!~-h·-ctl Blvd W-tr '64 VW. SUnroot Radio. Rut' ~ LEASE }/fl n....n l"hin .. ·tn· 10 a,m Ont bwtltr ._ ftrm O~ ... ~""'9 ·,._ . "' Sal" 3111> W. (lout H.,,. ... ~.B. -"::..... ~-.-windows -l950. lllU 'Cod q.. ... VIUt, .... ·->W ........ . . R &-~ ~ ~· • w-v" ~ .... 116' "-~ .,..,..... • * ~ * win!!, .._-.: dr locill. ult.-" PLANNlNll "' """"T'You'Q TIMI; FO • I m-.1111-.;; '"' SUn . Authorli'<I MG Dealer (T'IQIY.12ITIAI * ·-BVG • "'!!.. alr cOnl!, AM/FM; Lie ftlld ... ....,. number ol "'UICK "'ASti MEYER'S Ma~'· btaUtltul • . 1Q1 • "' _ 11., mo.. ho!Mt ,In li>dl.Y" Oiallled ..,. .. (1)ndltJon. fbgla top, ma111 OPEL tS«I OeLuXe. all access. FORD LTD, 'rad\o, w/~, .A:ds. ,qi,ck them nqw. T - ,.,,.., f\395-541).3842. lle1t Dlil1 ~~.~-11475. m-3524 auto, pb, pa, •Ir. 1:.C 111» mo "" lloacb' "°"" time. BIJ· JtROUCSH A~ OlJ~E buj(I>' chLOott A •116 Ol'J;1; W11JOn, 27,000 ml. DEAN LiWJ1 1900 VW V1n, •ndw11Sis nr SOUTH COAST "ll\lt illectlon tWrl-the DAILY PILOT 1m,,.., S200. ..., tor Tony. txco•tlon31 oond. Must ..it • be•• oucr. Al!" '66 Shel C~R ~ _ED~AIL~-~Y~~~!LOl'~===:r.....:~ri·-·:·r ~ ...... l~~W!~""°lll.Ldt!L --''-t~~~!!:t:'.::::::1~!§:!!::::::::::::::t:§'.:!!~·t·~lll3'!!!:•~::::::P.:!!!!:!!!~1'tt~~·~C~M~.::!:Gl6'!!;~~ 'lfiij1, _ ~ · ni .. • • " . l t-.i.. ' I . l 1,. l LARGEST. SEL£CTIH OF CHARIERS TO 'CHOOSE FROM IN SOUTHERN CALIF. Brand New '69 Char9ers 1969 Q.QDGE. CO _ -~-. _,..-. BRAND NEW 2-DOOR COUPE$, ~ -..;,_ ""'"''-· "'""" IMMEDIATE D£LlvtRY \U.flt. • . 88 TOTAL . PRICE + Tax I. Lie. 19&9 DODGE "WESTERN SPORTS SPECIAL" BRAND NEW 2.0R. HARDTOP COUl'E . :i~~~~"::o": :'.!. ~i: .!:,~ IMMEDIATE DRIVERY ttrw. 'Ill*' a"'9f'I,. dlx. ...._.. -W11 etc:. lLDAtE12'17'. $ 8 TOTAL PR~~~• Uc • I LI THE BIGGEST . SALE EVER HELD! THURS., FRI., SAT., SUN., MON., JULY 3rd.JULY Tlh SALE STARTS. ·/ -- ' Show the d._.;le r iny"guorcintee qnd ollc if he con match ill If n~, fOm• into HAlllOR DODGE , .. . home of th• GOLD STAR GUARANTEE. , , . . . ' Bat .Swict o---1 M, .. ~ , . .. ; ' . . . UNCO .. DITIONAL GUARANTll . -' . . . LOOK FOR THE Gb\D STAI IN THE WINDSHIELD . ' . ... -1o; your protection 100% UncoMltloAt Gu1r1ntu -Thia Stir 1t1t11 tn writing -that Mlrbor. ·~ tu1r1nttt1 the cir 1o0% ~i1n1t mechtnl'.Ctl d.tftet1 for lOO AYl--or ;t;Q;Od "tits Y,h]ch 1virco'int1 fii:st 1ff1r purch111. Thi' ktcludt1 111 mKhankil plrfl:, eiectrkal equipinttat,. bltttry, 1ptHom1t1r, radio, h11ttr .on 111 un. Thia •v1r1nt11 ,..,.,. 111. ;.111 end llbor f,... buft:aper to· bum'ptr 1bsolutely free to you. ' '66 Ford. Falcon Sta. wgn., V-8, auto., p .s., R&H, (EZC 225). TOTAL. PtUtl + Tl•,,. UC. '68 Dodgi Charger $21· 8. a· Auto trans., R&H, P.S., . : •. wsw. Air cood.,. VTF 335 Gold Star. TOTAL n1C• + T•r• Lk. . '67 C.hev. lmp1l1 2·dr. H.T. V-8, auto. trans., factory air, P.S., WSW. (1Jt$ 72" -.; . l • '64 chtv. 1mp•I• $6~8. 8 2 dr. H. T. V.S, 1uto. Irina, R&H, P.S. (WXS J~~). I I I-§ TOT-) 71cr ! Th: & L~ '64 Plymouth $488 Spqrt Fury H.T., 2.0r. c.o~pe. V-8, ·P.S11 -.uto. • trans~, R&H, OYT 183.TOTAL ,.••c••r·-.:•L1c. '65 Pont. le Mins $888 Cpe., tac. air, V.S, auto. ,64 Dodge Dirt P.S., R&H, Bekt. sts., & $488 TOTAL P'll lC~ + T•-.:& l'"'~ co11sole (XHP73Jl. TOTAL.ftlta+-TH•Uf...-270 v-a, · R&H, auto. .;;:;;~~-----=--------•• tra ns.. power•steering. '65 Musting H.T. . $78. 9· CTYU 935,. V-S, radio, heater. CMPK VOLKSWAGEN CENTER 148). TOT Al n1c• + Tn. Lie. 1-1· '68 V.W. Sq. Back Thurs. 9·1.111. lo Monday Midnight DON'T MISS IT! ~ '65 Chev. St1. Wgn. $788 ~ Bel Air, V..S, auto. P.S. ~ R&H, (NNA 111). TOTAL P'IUC•+Tu &lk. \..." '65 Barncud1 H.T. $788 4 spd., radio & heater. $1388 CNAA 006). TOTAL P'll:ICI + T111 & l lr, ·-'66 V.W. Variant $ TOTAL PRICE J EASY FINANCING O RAN GE . CQUNTY'S j LONG TERM LAR.EST RE~REATION & VEHICLE CENT~ FINANCING Brand .New 1989 Dodge. Tradesman Van . 81~ ·Model, V-8 eng ine, heavy duty suspen~ion, speclal tradesman ac-j LOW PA YMEHTS ces.ssorles package, 46 amp alternator, 70 amp wet battery, tinted glass, junior West Coast . mirror, front seat passenger side. Motor N9. 198709· 4514.'lmmediate Delivery. $2 88 TOTAL PRICE ALL AVAILABLE AND' EASILY ARRANGED ON YOUR GOOD CREDIT • .:::t--'. --!. -~ • ~ • • ..,. • -• V..S, aulo. trans., R&H, busket seats. Ser. 8113TOTAL NICI!+ T• .. & l k. '65 Chev. Bel Air Sdn., V-8, auto. trans., $688 P.S.,R&H , Ser. 9383. TOTAL N.ICI .+Te•& ue:,. '66 Dodge Dart G.T., H.T., auto. trans.,· R&H, bucket seats. (TZJ 180). TOTAL Pll:IC• +Tl" & l k . '66 hlcon Futur1 Club.--Epe., V·S, radio, heeater. !ucket seats. (Y(S 932). '65 ford SOO Sdn. Custom, V.S, R&H, Pwr. $688 TOTAL '°"'C• + Tft& llc. Fully fac tory equipped. (TSO 741). '66 Vplksw1g1n · 4 s~ed, radio, heater. (l8W 878). '65 V.W. Sunroof (PCT 364). '64 Volksw1gen 4 Speed. ·Radio, H .. tir. (OTN 750). '60 V.W. PU. $688 Steer. <PBP 835). TOTAL '""1c1' + T••• uc. .4 speed. {10~ •rn. ----.-..--~----------· '62 V.W. Sunroof Radio, heater, bucket $1088 .. TOTAL P'lt!CI + T1 .. ·& I c. -~688 TOTAL P'lllCI + T•ll A Uc. ~688 TOTAL P•tce ... T111 & llc.· $588 TOTAL Pl:ICI + Tp& Lk. TOTAL P'lllC• + Tiil 6 L\c, '64 Dodge Wgn. Deluxe, V..S, radio & heater. (SVZ 030). ' .. ........ il!li .... ~~ ... qP~~-779)• • ..,~piiiim--ittipiliiil .. -. ~ ~ ·--~---- ' '