HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-09 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaI • ' l ( • , • :1. ' ~qi.--Guy Helps Out O.t.lt.Y PtLOT sr.tl ...... coast (iuard cutter-out of Newport Beach mo_,,s' in close.to Laguna's Main Beach to two 16-foot outboard owned by· Leonard Schwimer of Los i\ngelM out of danger. Boal lost propeller and-wJ1s drilfing t .. ward rocks off Heisler Park Tuesday afternoon. No oDe was injured in. ir,lcident. Drugs Eound :in Auto / ' . . • .. • WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 9,' ;1969 Not From Vietnam l~,000 · Troo_ps ·Will -Come Home .~' ..,... \ WASHINGTON ' (AP).:..Pmident Nix· on ordered today the withilrawal of near· Jy 15,000 U.S. mllllary,!llen from •verseo1 ha.es iii !lie. ••'1 ¥ear -J>urootCirum · Vietnam or«her trouble spots. ' T.he spetjfic are~irlm} ':'hi~ the m~ . will .be taken were ncit announced. The White l'{ouse said lf,900 men would be hn>ujht l>ome during the coming 12 months "in the Interests of lessenlng budget aoi1 6.Alanu--ot payments cosl,s and ci reducing the Anierican preSenCe overseas." Spain ond Tiirtey, whlcll ~ lY woul!I be affected. . Nixon ordereil lhot;t!Ja ~ begin · a& soon as P9tsibte, .. w1Ui,.1ll, CUr dlrecUve i>elrig ·1mpliiiit.i!od-tiy-.-.,.Clil -=- miltee m the NoUooal Securtty Council heil~ed by UDdenecrelary m SIOte EUiot Rlchardson. · North Vietnam · Infiltration At Lowest Mark The cutbacks, to b~ supplemenied by a reduction of apptOXi.mately 5,I.OO·civilian emptoyes•abrGad, could lead to an even- tual balance of payments .savings of $75 million' a ye{lr it-was said. Civilian cutbaCJts will ·be carried out SAIGON (·UPJ) -U.S. niilitafY 1so1Uces throughout the world, including a i;educ4 said today the rate of WUtralioD ' of tion 'of more thatrlO percent in federal troops from North Vietnam had di-OP~ civilian employes in South Vietnam. to its lowest point of the war. Tlle1Pen4 The mllit;rry reducUons, however. will tagon ,Wd reduced fl&hting would drop not apply lo forces in Vietnam, South U.S. casualties lasl wee.\: to' the lowest Korea, Berliz!,.tbose ~of Southeast since .April. l • Passage~ Waging • '" . ' . ' (. • " Bla"lifin I • • ' Clas~i" ., . ,, . . •• ' Duel : in Transpa~~ . f . . c VPI T ..... POWD!R PUf;F· WINNER EMERGES FROM COCKPt;r N1wport'1 Mar• Culp Ca~tur11· C:ro~.~ountry Jltle ~ I . ' • ' ' , I ' I ! JiireF--C-raSh -Kilk 'lwo_ Asia where· the.Y. opqate m fUPport of 11le weekly casualty. report, to be made -mllltftY'l)perations;-or-to Im ces com·-publtlt'MJUrsday-brSalgon, b expeded-..... -------7 ~:1ruza~nlhe North Atlantic Treaty =1 ~~~...:-:.th :u 1::1fJ\:, lrh! Newport,'. S·Mar, _a c. ul, ·. p :iv,,,' m, S· An old sedan in which drug pills were found hurtled off the San Diego Freeway at:more than 80 miles per hour today, pbmging 30 reet down into an El To_ro at;d creek, killing two teenagers and 1n- jqring three. Names of the 1~ and lt-year-old youths , ptied from the upside-down vehicle as relCUen sloshed around in San Diego Creek were withheld pending noUHcation of -relaUves. California Highway Patrol Oflicer Bruce A. Hand sald all victims were from South Gate, WhUUer and Lynwood. Seconal pills were taken from the automobile wreckage after the 8:30 a.m. accident, caused when -driver Danny Daynot, ti, of Lynwood, lost control while sodtbboupd l>D the freew,ay near Valen- cia ·A venue. Rescue workers were called to the l!COJle to pry· apart the demolished 11151 se&in and puU o u t the fata]ly injured youths, along with the driver and two pusengers. · - Listed in critical condition -and ~bly to be a third fatality -was Mm • r ' ' • Britain Disarms Sa..-irn y Davis 'Jr. . LONDON (UPI} -Custllms • agtots seiztd a revolver and ammunition from Slmmy ~ Jr, when, the Ameticaa entertainer anived at London Airport J ube U. c:urtoms ofrtclab: Aid today. Tile olliclala said Davia Md the gun ln hls coat pocktl;T!!eY told Davia he could pi<k up the plslof ond ammunition when ' he left for ttiril,ntted Stale.. • . .'.'l havt: ·& permit to carry ·a gun in America, but the customs informed me &he !alts are d.ifftttnl In Britain and quite · rt&hUy so,'' Davis said. o;I have the kJea nf bapng to carry a gun to protect ~' 1D America." Desiree M. Letontte, 20, of WbitUer, while Daynot suffered serious injuries and Richaard L. James, 19, of South Gate escaped with minor injuries. The victims were taken to Santa Ana Community Hospital· after the accident, where the l'fO unidentified victims were dead on arrival, CHP inveatlgaton-aald. Tile amount of barbiturate plllil con· fiacatecLfrom the wr.ct wu·.i>oi lm· mediately given and. irwutiption 1COn-. Unues, to deten:niDl..-witetber any·dlarges will he rued. Pac·ific By ALMON LOCltABEY ., ...... . ABOARD THE'WINDWARD PASSAGE -A clalsJe match tace UI aolnc-on in the mJddit of the Padlic belW..., Bob Johnton'a Windward PUuge and ~ ~ame's Blackfin 1,000 mil~ from Los Angdes. t I Tile ·-is lot flrtt lo ijollh In the 21st 'fransplfcillc Yacht Ii.ace. Afthe hoilwoy • poil)l, it was stlll anybody's ball game. The baUle WU joloed .early SO!urdly morning when Windward P a s s ~ g e overtook Bfackfin for the ttnt lime since the st.aft of the race:-WlodwantPuuge slowly pas8e<I Blackjiq and le!t her near- ly one mile ulm!' and at. nl&.h)J•ll Bla&lln ·wu hea4inf up toward the north. Clo Sunday the boat was nal In sight but Blaclclin ,reported poolUon tljree milts astern and two miles beblnd Wlndwlid P•!Ule and 30 miles to the north.. Monday morning the watch on deck rePorted .bcr off the starbwd bo' and saw Blackfin all da)' long as Pte boats sailed neck and neck wllb BJackfin In the lead. 4 On Monday night Blackfin was still rly ahead, but Windward Passace Was Press secretary Ronald L. Zlegler said week ended April 26, the Pentagon said. I W · that about 850,000 of the approximately The smallest death toll since escalation one million U.S. military men now serv· of the war waa.101 during the New Year's · · · · ' : · · '· f' 1 • 1 ~~p~~d would be covered by 1he ··-tn:u::=:=~i:a~ th• rate Pu.ff. n· ..... er·b~ 'y. ,~:Me·· ·~.:an· Thiri .. d·,·. The total of 14,900 thus would come aut of infiltration coincided wil.b the pullback ~ oC &be.r~g 150,000 scattered around or soine Hanoi units to remote bivouacs. ~. ~ . ip.afeaS not·exempt.ed'from the They , drew'.'no' conclµsiopJ. frool the ~·. 1"' .ns!t,{ · ,, · •re):ioit,.•for a"tOp Vlit '(:O~ offlclalvtatn- ,1', . }Vb1fe.';HQ115e sa:itt'it did not ·'know ed ~y· ~~the cUr~t lu)I' Jn.~e ·-· . ., ii>O:'cUu-..qUJii )J(.ma<le-The !ill>lmi, WU ' , f»i)ye ~~ . -~~sizoJlll!.mUitory >m(IDiit ~;itlm( :'';nil~,; · · · " ~,. ' tri -J 'ffl I ·.' ·'"' .... " , 11111_ .. m sucn coun es n apan,. ,onens ve. -' .~·· • , 'ff-' ' • ~ 1 f. ' • . ,! " . By EVELYN· SHERWOOD country compeUllons Ind la on&·Of';the Of fMI P,llf Plitt '''" . few women in the naiion to quilify U ~a · Mara Culp, rl, of Newport ~i.ch, to-pylon racer. • ..- , ·:day waa declared the firit• place winner ~ entry tn tbe ~·na ~ . o! the San Diego-Wuhlngton, D.C. , by the American Fciod , Service .. p. , ,Po'wder Puff Derby. ment CompaD1,. 1 o(, ·' Siola ',\na l.ilnd Another' Harbor ' Area resi&i:nt, Thon Ko~tron· Comp1ny. of San F~. ' Griffith of~}!-·Who' Dew as co-, Tile firmJ will pld up lb.lob fOl"oll,lier ; pilot far Marioni Banks of San Diego, was · bills. • ' ' -• '" ~ ·' judged thbii place •winner. ·• Mts. CUip, whose husbJltld Riclw'~ is. • phy!icist wltb Philoo-Ford in .Newport. set a record ~for the 23rd anhlial •AU4 '• 'Blackfin' Leading · . Women TramconUnental Air Race, the · Derby'1'offlctal1name . ' . TRANSPAC llEPORT 'Passage" in Transpac Flying solo in a .Piper Comanche, she . covered 1,515 miles crOS&-COUntry In 1 l hours and 57 minutes. ~ averaged 210 LOS ANGELES (AP) _ __.~Blackftn.11 a mlles an hour ground speed.!t.fs,. 35 'l 73-foot ketch owned by Ken DtMewte of miles"ati hour faster than the ~ap the St. Francis Yacht Club iD San Fr~ set by t.M 99'•· the ln nal. cisco, took the lead from "Windward organiullon of women pilots sponsoring Pas.,age" ·Tuesday in the TranspaCific the race. ' · yacbl race-le Hawaii . r · · Prizes.for Mrs, CUip c:ould,lola~ll.\119· " Weadfer . ' ' The morning fog won't be ''round Jon1 ~to'cbllL the oir Thursday, for '1UJ10Y~•-lft are due ·to prevail with bltb-=tempera~ ranalng'lrom 73 locally .le • fllJ', Iller inland. . l '. . . , INSIDE TODAY ' moving up fast. About ID p.m. M.xlday nlgllt Bl1cl<fm lost a gpinnaker durin& • squall The er,.. tool!._care oJ the giisbap and had a new one fly~g wilhin 15 minut~. Tho "Celebrity," a 39-(oot sloop !rom • acoording ·le A. J. Slulley ,ti k8fun1 -. the Monterey P<nlnsula Yacht Club' bod Bach, o friend ol the eulps. ~·1 talked lo to abandon competltloo becau.e of a ltak Mara and Dick in Wublngton this morn-' ·and'WU expeded le arrl•~iD-S.. Dleto lni,"--StUnet uld.....!'Sbe. '"' very ' late 'l'Ueadoy or ·early Wedbesdoy. The buetnes&-Uko ln talJdns about the cteclsliJri • It '""V be Ille middk of ,..,, msr, blll..~ •!!Lli11< UJ.otcr _ • produc:ti<nll art gttUn~ ready to ~·. l1I tht Onmli• C99•t ~red. 'Stei ThlaiiT Noles, piJoc' · Bl&cldin wu. again about two miles ahead of Windwonl Passage•• port beam by dayllgbt. The two boats have been running bow ind bOw with Windward Pusq. riiovlng up during the icioolll W1len the wind b better and Blactnn edging away in the rught time . A few mtiwt.ts ago t.ht!' Windward Passage crew pulled a upique feat of seamanship when they sewed up ~ foot of a spinnaker whilt it was still DIJng in a ) rain squall. boat wasproceeding under ill own piOftr of the judge•," • · • · ,• and waueporied not in d..,.,. • · Mora!• Comoncbe wQ ..,. of a ulrjel Wlth the boats l'piallng ,lhe -· -.larpltilllal0> ... -tn,11wt~by. • mar~. "Blocidln" wa repotted two milel • Dom !JI Latvia; llhe· and her. fa'.'1l)y 1 ahead m "Wlndwlllif Puaap," of ca.me to .Amerlco .12 yeara llO-Her l' Newport -· Clllr. "Mir," • Cw· homo b 211'1 Vlata. Entnd• ·I~ the Bllllfs, dlan entry rrwn Vancouver ..... 30 miles Newport. I r , • . • I hehlnd the ~-"lta.lcal" wu 50 mllet She fin! .llew oolo In. lllf Silu ll1"J) back, fol)oftd by 0 KamaW.," '1Conctrto~· ahe has ecqUired rltinga ror iing)e, mul~- • anc1 "Qul<n Mo~." • •!!line, and lnsiruclor, llJJll bu lop "Pursuit" reported 1oaq .. rudder but 2.000 [1'fnl llourS: • the crew )W)'<iged onolher ond con-· Tile allractlve bluHyed blonde , lo OA tinued. The yiichti npcrW nin squaiJI onleol oir rodnc~ Shi hos ,... TU<Sday. · f" vlet«les ln both couna ODd.,.... _., , I ,a..; .;, t ....... u ......... w Q ........ l 1 ,. =-.... ·-~ -.................. ' ,. "--C9Mlr .. ~~. n = .... = .. ffWlll .. I ' I •• ......,. • ~ ...., 1111111.1 ........... "111.. »'7 ,.......... """C:::.I • -..... ,... . ..... ........ ' ......... •• n -,...,.. ., ~· . . l ·- • • ;! DAllY PILOT , S ·~L-On~ea~ -- 1-+-ff·ticerT~ =Dis ·sO ntinn_ -Del~~ • • -Crash . Story · ' ,,..; -· -" SUlllC BAY, Plllllpplna -The blall In chlrlt of the USS Frank 11:. Evam at the • , linle of Ila <»-wltb the Aullralteo ....tor llelboume told ~ 1!11 llde of the Illar)' IO< the llrtl lime today. It liillcated bit ~lloa ol • ndlo-m'Rtplld.to tbe crub. - The ta'l!i"ll)' -u. (j .•. ) 11....i.t C. Hamley, SI, of Loni Beach, WU bi the form ol throe .......,,, Jlltementa made lhortly alter the collision June S. They were read tnto the iecord ot a ljl-man UJl.·AUllr.U:Jl.dlJbaN lnveottoatl!ilc the --crub -71 U.B. iallin.' -. -, · ~bad -te ~ .beloie the -lflf ""11titalt.oal ~ after be la.I'-olllcia', t,,t. u:11.) i-' A, lq!oon,a, olxa.tClty,Kan.,-. ~=--~ot~ --tbelr-1. Tl!t ...... previoully had Hid It wonJil not W. -•o.n statementa. but lodiy clw!pl Ill mllld. No aplanaUon WU Biven. .,..~, .... ~, :.i ... ~-~,.~ ... ~-~ .... ~ ... ~ ... ~-::-- ...... of 110 dqreel, wblch-would have "-""' • left ~ and ~ pwieuv")ll! the -""""'1llilg. ' But tbe Melbourne'a comm~. '!ho "!II tbe .-age. and ollicen aboaN .. by ahlpa wbo heard II aid the ..,...,. aimply Ill~ the carrier'• .,,,,,,. u 280 degrees. The ahlpa 111boe- '1"'8tlY collided wblla lQ<llll to avoid -olJ>er, ' "l stood frozen in tht. ctnter of . the -' - .CouQ,ty ,to A,wait:State. ActioT,i ·oTL.llnrb.or -{J:~ll , ~1 JACK BRonA~ • , , , O~~Uon ol 1be district has been Hun!Jngton i:ach Glty Adqii.,ist,.tor or _..Jlillno -"lltLltlft ·-champ.a~ for mort tban three years Do}' le Milltr offered. a strong :argµment Action on dlaaoluilon ol the Oraoge ~!;the Clty Of Huntington Beacb·beca"'°' June tl\-for Jiuttlng the wud before CoWlty Harbor .District wae J)IMt~ i"'"l CODl:rrty.nity was unable to reitch an Orange County v.oters .. , ti " ~ely Tuetdoy by the ~ " • alrienliol with the distrl<'! on ..Cety Newport Beach, on 100 ·~· bend, -"unUI the ~tale LePIJalllre -lttii Iii the clty'1 l!llllilngton b•l•i-i'eeenUy been 1,strong -.Jly· o1 the acU On 1' dl.llolUtioa bill now bef.-e•1t."~ Harbour. Harbor DlJ1rict aa ll l\Gw 'starM!t. ~ All<>b E. Allen ooggeste'd The'd!J maintained ·lhlt II lhould and puf>l>Orterl ol dlss<iluUoo lool<~rt tluit the hoard take the diJoolulloll lll!i" w• perfonnlng the .....ica and ii from 1'lelldOY• acl\oll bt,' the sopor- potlon by the Lol:al Agency P'ormalloll • lhould be eliher ~ by the YisOn. ",At lellSI they d1dn t vole against Q,wnml.uion "Wtder 1Ubft'lissl«I" until "d.llD1ct or.l.llowed to wlthdraw from tbe dissolut!on at once,,.. they did last wprd Is ncel•ed rmn :;actamento'.. -body. ' yeor .. Slid one. the-;fate ol tllec bUI by __ lyawi Lui fell" the LAFC ft!Uaed to let 00,..: observers .. ., the board'• JoliD V. BrliP (11.P'Ullorloa). Ibo city withdraw, acilon as "just another stelllllg ~e" County Counsel Adrian Kuyper said Faced with a similar decision In 1968. In the Joog battle. They noted tbat Su- "I assume the blll wlll pass. 1fbas had the ~~pervisors voted 4-1 in favor of pervisor Allen who pushed I.be "under a thlrd reading to date.•• -~mtng tbe district with jl! separate submission" vote and County Counsel Brigp' bill would transfer J11. ~ taxing powers, wlth only Supervisor Kuyper h.ave been strong sqpporters of slbWlles and, asaels of .Jhe · diilficl Oayid C. Baker <!lssentlng. the district "as is" in-the paot. dire<tly to the Boord ol J;qpery~ lo., be b!<»rJ>orlted lo • -·~1 DePOit-' * * fr * ' * * m011,o111.u1>on1 .. Beocl>eciDdP,arb. n· b n·. , ch·. f il!1;~.J: $"~-ar or istrict s · re · A'lfinllar b111 bi'Brtaa-..~ted . ·tall\...,-Jn·the AIMmbl1' 1-1· Govern- meiric OommH!ee. At that 'ti!DV~ • nilttee.-Chainnan Jcihn . Kno.~ --~ IDQlldl suggested LAFC action Oil th• pn>posal bcfono bb CO!O'Diltee coul4 appl'OVL ---''"!' 1-Ule-LAF ,_.._i. ~ -t1on .Iii! ltiiiii (hi Boord of ·SI ~ reject it, aswn!)lv adlm ;;air Ille' bllJ will then be I prdj,date,'"Km<-iald. The IUpo~ •bad before tllom Tuesday two ~ fl'Olll the l.AFC. The 11rst. puoed by 1 H -. June I~ •uuesls tllat the .ustrie! tie abellsbed and the cwnfywlde d'ii!ort- meot tllahlilbed. The -~ that the illalolutiolt ii<--be put ~.:i:e .::i ur.:r• 'ILthe ~ Says Dissolution Mi,stake ' . ~ Jlr:IOllN""VAL'.l'ERZ\-----·-we1'aJ!l>elrl01lve·m an·~--°' 1111 D"'1 '1111 11.n ple want to dissent about someUdag and His department under siege after 12 years at the helm, Kenneth Sampson Tuesday declared the Orange Councy Harbor Dtstrlct is the victim of misunderstanding, vocal minorities and appeals hinging po emotion. the mlnorities are given more attention than the majority. I speak in a palitical context here. not a racial one." Samp600 blamed "Ult large segment of the disinterested population" for helping to emphasize the fa c t that the vocal minorities are being heard. Speaking specifically on the outcry against tbe district, be said tllat ita criUcs still are a nUnority. brlJlge," llaniley aata, r'liCiiillng bb reac--um when be ru1lzed the Molboume WU Al~··-Ha-.-.. ·R~e gmna to hit bla ahl~. He Slid ~--~-'~ -.:<rD •ou ., ... Youth's Death · Still Mystery; Tests Ordered ·Fresh from a meeting of the Orange County Harbor. Commission Sampson, the county' a director of barbon, beaches and part., defended bla departmen~ lls role and his staff, .. purely as a biased penon. mind you." He termed the yean-old isaue ove.r dissolution.of his wide-ranging district 1s a manifestation of the current trend of public-di&sent over "everything." "We read over and over again that the majority of cities want the district to go, but mr. arithmetic says that 11 i:!I not a majonty of 25." ~ "Sbe'.• ,,Jolllg' to bit us! She'• Crushed and mangled when run over by a car 12 days earlier, Carol I~ to hit us!. ________ -----SUsanne--\Y.U~Cl!Ds, 16 months, is~home~in..-mothe.Cs-an;ns-today. after He assailed the philosophy that cities Dre .paying for the -perpetuation of the district, wben, actually, l\e said, county taxpayers are supporting It. polnta~ "'""" lbw ·rele:ase-from <lOsla MiiH Memorial Hospital Tuesday rught. She clung -Al tbe two abips moved on a colliafon toJife..for three days followmg June rt police car race against death "It's a mlstake to disllolve tbe Harbor DiatriCt, '' be aaid bluntly. COIU'le nd began cloalng in 00 each other and swift, ~elicate surgery. Grateful Mr. and Mrs. Donald W.illiams at 31 mot., Ramaey realized tbe carrier offered tbei~ thanks when Carol. was released; prayers and a big cake actually had not cblnged Ill coUne. He for the medical staH. then ordered. hard rilht tum, wblch be ---------------------Judge Gardner Makes Big Pitch for Appeals Court believed would have avoided the - bid not the Melbourne alao lumed al the last minute. Hamley aid ·•I about 3:10 ...,_, tbe "l"lboarne ordered ,!be Evans to take up lta -pooilloa. lie aid ... then bWU • radio --tbe Melbourne saYtnc ''mJ coune • corpen Is 1m." 'MMI -aid be bdteYed lbla to ,...,. lbe carrier WU che"&fnl COllrle to llO ... ln N.., lft'mlnOloly, -111W11 ........... to. .. MmeJ aa1d llo told ~ .. -lbe eanlor ckfoolJ '*"uie'll did not ap-, ·-. to be i,uo.q ttrnew .,..,.. ne · / two ablpa biclD to clooe And Ille Mel-..._ ~ '"ftUed '~,OU. are oa a cnlll11cG come:• he .,id. "I dldn' .-ntand ••• I yelled rich! full rudder,'' RamMJ uld. Al lbla polo~ be aald, he otfll. believed the !"'Htloa could have been avoided. But then be bean! the carrier all!W "my rud-der ii bard JefL.. - - Pmioua ._, had aald there WU _., ~-on tbe part of E'llOI <ft'lf mtmben: about the Melboume'1 coune. It alao llldlcated the two ahlps had -Into eacl!_olber just before . !mpoct, the Evans illrnlnll rlgbt and the , Melboanie -., left. "Ged -. why Ille (Ille Melbourne) had Jell lull, .. Ramaey aid he called out :lu!l before the carrter cut the *8troYer ln two. Two Drug Finns Hit ' --~-w1ilh 'Frade Curb Suit WASlllNGTQN (AP) -Tbe govern. ment charged two large drug manufac- turers today with conspiring to restrain trade in preocriplloe cfru11 products. Alty. Gen. Jolm N. Mllcllell Mid Ille civil .. -ouita llCCUled the Clba Corp. and CPC lntm>aUonal Inc. of llling restrlclive Ucenslng agreements to pre- vent odler' companies from obtaln1nQ the drup fer -ketJna _.. DAIL\ ~1 lO I .......... 11 ,, .... --_...., e..-c······ OURlll CDU1 """~ 1:Ql''Mt lol.ert N.W ... ---J•• .. c.e.r ,. Vici,,....., .... ~ --n.-· ~ ·-Tiie::.!.'= ... -c.-..... 1 .......... ... ......,, .... :ttu..._, .... ...,... i.-a..di: 1't .._. ._ .............. i ....... Would 'Peace Sabo,tage' Have Given HHH Win? No C3lase baa beeD determined yet for tbe deatb Mooday of • Slanton JOUlh wtio waa a key fllln In the manslaugb- ter trial « a reserve poUoeman who shot his companion to death 11> years ago. Toxicological tests foll9Winf an au· topay oo the uilmarted body-at Jerry Naranjo. 19, « 10691 Court St., Stanton, will probably indicate a reason for his Orange County Superior Court J .. .1 .. e death. ~ Ille appeal judges. WASHINGTON (AP) -Could Hobert H. Hum~ have c:haqtd the coune of the 1Jll praidmJl{al campallJl by dlrlo•h,1-tarormaikin-that ·a R1chard M. llllon aupporttr tried to 1abolqe prellmlllary Vlebwn poace talta? Author Theodore H. White speculates In his book "The Mating ol a Pmidenl · 1168" Iha\ Humphrey iUgJit have won Ille eloclinn U be had . ballyhooed the stQry. _ _;_~ -- But William Connell, l!umphrey cblal pnlitical aid<, doobb ft and says he recommended against mating the alleged iDtriJue a pubHc issue. "I tbougTlt we were on the way, any- way, and that we might get a baci.lash from it," SQyS Connell. Wblte reports in bb recently publiBhed book the Johmon Administration ii> tercepted messages f r o m Arma C b a n Chennault, a Nixon supporter, un- dertaking to sabotage the Paris agree. ment preceding the U.S. bombing halt and peace negoliaUons. WOVLDN'T Alli STORY But, White reports. Humphrey refused toaff'l.He storyQesplte urg[fijS from .some in his campaign staff. When Nixon aides learned of the ac- tivities ()f the Chinese-born Mrs. Chen· nault, White says, there was "fury and dismay" aod tile feeling that "U they Jost tile election. Mrs. CbenQaull mlghl have lost it for them." When asked for comment Mrs. Chen- nault's secretary in Wa:shlngton·said Mrs. Chennault was in Asia. Mrs. Olennault, widow of the wartime hero Gtn. Claire Chennau1t and now an American dthen, had ral8ed funds for Ult Nl.J.on campaign and was chairman or co-chairman of several Nixon citizens committees. sn e learned by goaslp, rum 0 r and speculation of tb• October halt, White .saya, and "sbe had lmdertaien mcm e.nergeUcally to sabotage them." He adds: · "la cootact · with the "It could possibly be a drug over· Robert Gardner of Newport Beach and dose," said Stanton Police Detective tWo other witoessea have mad8; a slrong Formosan, the South Korean and the Sgt. Jim Lamont today, ubut as fat as approach in Sacramento for the South VletD4qiese covehunent.s the had a man ma.kiq an oUlcial Jtat.eme.nt, we e.stabllshment of a Distrlcl Court of An.. have none." t'-becun ear1,y,, t:r..i' cal?le and telephone, to Nll'llljo's cider hmther Daniel drove peal in the COl.Ulty, it was learned today. hlobillu-1hO!r-nsistanoe to-tbt agree. the victim to Slanion Community Hos-Tbe poalbWey ol • third court for the ment-apparenUy tmplying, as she went, pita! Monday, where the W>C.C!P5Ciou.s Fourth District which includes San th died in •L-Benwdino, Orange and San Diego coun-th.at ahe ~ for the Nilan campaign." you we emergency room. ties, ,. .. ~ to be dead because of B • Wbll In L.-He u.ld· two men unknown to the Barnes said: "There ls no argument that we-need more judies. The work load originating in Orange County ls very heavy and increasing." The attorney also said he pointed oot the ecooomlc fact that the .local coort woul(l not need a new $70,000 law library and could have free rent for from alJ: to ten years provided by the county .. u., e cont ues, uer com· Naranjo family had carried Jerry Into strong opposi on from the California munlcaUon.s with Asia were tapped by hi.a houae about noon and dumped him JudlciaJ Council. B Ch the U.S. government and turned over to there. BuL Judge Gardner, R. S. "Sam'' Orman Uts Johnson. ' Naranjo'& testimony was featured in a Barnes, preslde.nt-ele<:t o{ the Orange White sa-, .............. _ n. wai aware of Mrs. maoalaughter trial in which former County Bar Association, and Deputy W • h Pod "-"JI""~ Stant~ Police Reserve Officer Allen County Counsel R. J. Ranger testi(ied it gorny Chennault's .Asian ipessages before he ctui3f.ian, '3, of Huntingtoo Beach, was last 'thu~y befote the Senate sub- made his announcement Thursday, Oct. acquitted. committee on governmental erficie.ncy on 1'.lOSCOW (AP) _ President Nikolat 31 -just five ·ds)'I befOre the election -The reserve patrolman kiUed Paul behJlf of the local <XlUrl v. Podgorny and U.S. astronaut Frank or th bo bi halt d the ti . . Aauilera, 18, on Feb. 9, when be fired Under sludy by the committee is Sen. Borman held an unusual meeting in the e m ~ an an Clpation ·wnat he said wu meant as a warning James Whetmore's (R-La Habra) b1'll ol ••-talc-b t had t •-•· hot the outh fled --• b-the · Kremlin today and agreed "We're all ~ peace ~. u no WIAll:D s as Y ........ it vie-which would provide the three-judge friends.'' · them seriously. tim In the head. court of appeal in the county. Police sao'd Ch~-•-bo · t Podgomy received Borman and his •w• •TH WAS UT' '~ .. n, w q u 1 Two ether bills are before the I the ""' although cleared foe return to reserve wife as a special honor cl.ima1 ng But two days later when It South Viet· status by the court's decision, had Legislature, one calling for the: addition U.S. astronaut's visit t"o the Soviet Union. name:se senators erpressed their support stopped the teenagers for questioning. of two judges in the San Bernardino The Bormans will fly home Thursday. of Nixon and Soulh Vietnam~ President Oiristlan said they were suspect.ed of division of the court and the other pm-The Soviet president' was flanked io his Nguyen Van Thieu repudiated the Paris being under the influence or drugs, but vldlng for an additional judge in the San Kremlin office by aides, officiabi and cos- aareement "The President's wrath was the Slanfon Mexican-American OJmtnU· Diego division. ruonaul German Titov and Mrs. Titov. Ut;" White says and he adds : nlty replied by charging fr~uent police Judge Gardner said today ~ testified "It looks like you're ganging up on us, .. "By Salur'1:ay he had accused Sen. hara!sment in their barrio diltrict. that Orange County Is the second largest Borman said, using the light approach Everett Dirksen of a Republican plot to Se rvices for Naranjo are to be ar-county in the state and could provide a that won oVer Sovlet citizens. sab<itage: pcact (whlelf o·rr-c-n n, ranged by Peek Family-Colonial -Mor~ rcnt.-free court to the-at.ate and thal the Podgomy ~aughed and -repli~: "Oh, presumably, hastened to relay t.o NiJCon •-:::tu=a=ry=,============loc=al=l=aw=llb=r=a='ry=w=a='='=de:::q:=ua;::l::•::lo::r;::u::se;::o;::r=;::th;::•::l';::' ::onl;::y~fo::r:::p;::ro;::loco=l=r==e=aso=ns=.'=' ==, headquarters); and by Sunday, Johnson ff was in direct and bitter telephonic con· tact with Richard NiJ:oo ln Les Angeles." White says, "What could have been made of an o~n charge U:lat the NiJ:on leaders were saboteurs of the peace one cannot gum; how quick1y, jt might, if aired, have ~rought the. 1'5l ~ hours of the American camPflgn to squalor is a matter of speculation." "But," he added, "the good instinct or that small town boy Hubert Humphrey prevailed. Full.Y Informed "Of the sabotage of the negotiatiom and the recalcitrance of the Saigon government, Humphrey might have woh the presidency of the United States by mating il the prime story of the last four days of the cam- paign. He was urged by several members or his staff to do 50." Peace Activist in Paris To Arrange Rele~se of 3 PARIS (UP() -The lforth Vletnameao del'l'tioo to, tbe Paril poace ta1U ii> dicat.ed today ·veteran Amtrtcan peace activist David T. llelllnger hu arrived In Parts to ~ the release of thrft U.S. war prtsonen beld by the Hanoi rec!me. A cpokeaman aid 'he WM aware lhat llellinatr WU In Paril bul he dlded ~· ol llelllngor:1 wbereaboW. Frieodl ol llelllngtr Slid In N°" Y<ltk wblle lie was In Parlt !hey txpecled blhl to <Uy with the North Villnameoe 1t lhdr "'1dence In subw1iao Olol.!ey lb Roi> !lanai' promised to ttlwe three Am<riean war ,l>'iloner• In rtCOiJlllJoo ol U.. U.S. Jol1 4th lndependeoce etleln- tlone.JitJllt.pUI. lll~t!_ IQala!!ci!J J1t Wbidl Ibey UV~n, the jl<iionorJ .... otod lo - by 50Q'le sort of U.S. anUwar repre.sen-- tatlve.. llellJni.,., !""'ldent Of the American Paclflll Committee for the End of the War lo Vletnal\1, left for Parts Monda1 nlahl, acconfuig to a -apohwan r ... LlberaUon, 1 Now Yort llOWlplper edited !or llelllngt<. Le ·Due 'Ibo, apectel ldvlw to· Ille Nor.h Vletneblae deteaatloll, meanwhile Jell Peril lodaJ' for Moscow en reule to Hanol Offidall aid the sevtnth·ranked mem!>er of the Hanoi Pi>Utburo w11 so~ home fot • vacation, but olljclJil aald be a1lo ..wd'dlio!uSI the po&cO U),5, In the \Ilka them1,1lvts AIUed officla11 once more ch1Uen1ed the Col'flmw\ista to aocepl free 'elecUons In South Vietnam and Ill· tJiey ~ not necouarOy be held under lntOrnaUonal aupel'vlslon •• Prasklenl Nllao propooed. CONVENIENT TUMS IANICAMERICARO MASTER CHARGE 112& To !he ghl '°""' -""-t she Wints 6ut not wt.er! 10 find iL Matc;h yoar style with our many disti"""" d..igns. And ask us 1boat our famous Orange BIOSIC)M guaran11e. llll NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA ' $It.I 22 Yi.llRS SAME LOCATION PHONE 548-3401 • 1 :I ' I I' ' I j I I , I I I II I 11 I I 1 I ' ' l I I -. ... tingto~Beaeh . . . .. VOL 6Z, NO. 163;'6 SECTIONS, •86 ~A6ES OlµNGE COU NTY, C~tlFORNI.( WEDNESDAY, JULY-<l,-'1969 .T.Uy'• F•••' N.Y. Steeb j' :TEN CENTS ~ ~. . . " . . , Beach Trustees Delay Sex E ~ittio1i Ruling B7 RUDI NIEDZIEUllU Of ,,.. ~ ,..., ltaff • Trustees of Huntlnltol/. ~ach High School District TuesdJy nlll>! blbled further act1on on a proposed family life and 1t1 ·edlleation program unW their ll!I meeUng-U. September; , The action loUowed a lengthy but mild cl~ bet.._ proponent" and opponent. of tbe course, ndtber of which al'l'""ed Lo be satilfied by the b0ard'1 decision. • The school board said many of the district'& staff member• wwld. not be avillable to wOrk on Ute coune~cturing the IUIJ'UDe1' montba 4nd that acUon abould be defernd until llCbooi resumes. and requested that the trusleea abandon Tbe cont.r.ovusJ.a.I niatttr w:U ~laced on _lhe eoo.use.as propo$ed. the agenda by· represenJalives of VOTERS (Voice of the ·Electorate ijegarding: Schools) who wanted to sound out the. current board o_p"ini~ on the. Course. Dr. Joseph ?4astropaolo1 a leadei In the organization which ls opposed to such a course, told the board, "We bave not been able to find any new and pressing need for th.is kind of expanded cur- riculum." He added that ls no evidence that the course would solve any IOdal problema Trustee-Joseph Ribal said, • 1 1 personally beli~ve that a program of this character is essential ln a modern high school and I feel that we should proceed with a course Wti.ich is of comparable \ quality as the one being oilered in the Anaheim district" ,. Dr. RaJpb Bauer, newest meinber of th!. _!>oard, of trustees commented on "a Jot or pressure groups. each of which at- templl to get ooly it& ol(le beard. "There are '°·000 registered voters tn !his COlllll!untty and I tblnl: we ne<d lo F respqnd to all the need~iif'tbe com· mllnlly . I-urge that pqlltli:al-pliilosophles and other phll~es connected >yith this issue be iftit aside so that we can focus on)'hat the problem ls . ., ~era]lle parfnt reaction from both sides was heard by the trusteel!I, Includ- ing Harry Bods who said that he.object· ed to some of the materltls to l>e used In the course. ''.I wouldn't show them to my wife," he sa.id. ''I'd be too embarrassed· and I've been mmled for 23 years/' .. • He was countered by Harry-Lavender 'fVho aaid, ''Our children are a11owed to IOOk at pictures ol peOpie shootlnJ and "I don't II"' why you should tell me killtn1 lhernselvet,--10-wtl)' canit we-1Uow that my kid can't 1eam this Hrfwant bim them to lopk at pictures of J)e(!Ple en· to,'' she said. ' joying themselves?" _ Matthew~WeYuker, a trustee who In the Another parent, Joan Riley , came put has oppOaed the course, said 11What prepared with books she sald wert to be We j>osS!Dly have to do ls to tduca~ Out· used as reference tnJterlals. She quoted, _adults in our cominqnily. Too many of us passages on the $.bJect ol,peUin__g. . tend to doae ~r mlndJ too often.!• Members or-U)e-adffil!listratt6h, alone. • He attts·eed the need fo11 parental Jn. with Trustee John BeooUy res~ strucUon in m.tters relatin& to sU that the district bas not determ.lned educ»lkm and said the job cou1d be done COUMll matetial. more effectively. al bome. Mra. Joy Fresenius, also a. parent,. "SomeUmes I thfn1i; It's rather hl&h spoke•oul•ln favor ol·tbe ceurse.'and aaw bnded of ·the edllcatlooal ~loo-Iii no objectk>n .sincf:.it was Jn\ended to be . thJnk tbat only ttiey can solve our prob- an lnUitJy.YOJuntary progr.a.nt;"' 1 • lem.s," WeyukU •¥ed· . · ' -L.g-It-006 I )ue lloine ~r -~ .. " R ,\ I I I I I II ' !~ ,, ' l \ I I . I I d. But Withdrawa'ls Not From Vietnam WASHIN~TON (AP)-Pre$idlnt .~I'.-einployes i.broad, could lead to ID even- Oii ordett.4 tc¥1ay the withdrawal of near-tual balance of payments savinp of $75 that about '511,11111 . .oUbe ;opJ!IMlmalely one .mlllion U.S. inilltary nien now lttV• • Jy 11,000 U.S..military men from overseas million a year, It was Said. buel In· ~ nut year -bUt not frcm Civilian cutbacks will be carried eut Viet:nam or other trouble spots. -throughout the world, Including a reduc- ing abroad would be covered by the U:L- empUons.. Tbe specific areas fmii whil(h the men tiOn of more than 10 ~t ia federal The total of 14,000 thus would come out -will be-takat-wel'e not~aenounced.,_.,•.--.,,,ivilian-emptoyes in SouUfVletnam. --;---ohbnemaining .. 150,000~SEattered l.fOUlfd The White-House said 14,900 men would The milllary reductions·, however, will the globe in areas not exempted from the be brought home. during the cominl 12 not apply to forces in Vietnam, Sou'th Nl.J:on order. nfooths "in the interests ol ~Ding Kotta. Berlin, those sections of Southeast The White House said it did not know budget and balaoce of paymenti costs Asia where they operate in support of yet where the cuts would be made . The and of reducing the American presence military operations, or to forces com-United States maintains sizable military overseas." mitted to the North Atlantic Treaty contingents in such countries as ~apan, 'lbe cutbacks, to be supplemented by a Organization. SP'in and Turkey, which presumably reduction of approximately 5,100 civilian Presa secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said would be affected . Waits for Legislation -:, Co~1~~ PostPories ·Actlo~ Youth,~~ .Death . t . • Still 'Mystery; ... \ ' On Harbor District Eate / T ests Ordered By JACK BROBACK Of .. Dllltr """ ..... Action on dislOhJUon ol the Orance Colml1 llari>or lllstrld was JIOllpooed lndellnlte]J Tuesday by tbe Board of Supervisors "unUI the state Leelslature acts en a dmolution bill now before it." vent fjlhls between the beach cities and the oounty over assets of the dlstricl" No cause bas beeti determined yet for the death~ondly ot . .a ·SWlton youth who was 1 key figure in the man.alaug:b· ter trial oC a reshve policeman who shot his companion to death Jin years X 1lmilar bill by Briggs was defeated ago. Ji.st year in the Assembly Local Govern-Toiicological tests following an au- me.nt Committee. At that time, Com-topsy on the unmarked body of Jury mittee Chairman John Koo1: (D-Rlch-Naranjo, 19, of JOl92 Court St., Stanton. mond) suggested LAFC action on the will probably indle1ie a reason fot his proposal before his committee could death. approve. "It could possibly be a drug over- -" ! .. , f • • I • W,ide1'1mr Pl'ojeet Vader Wag • SuperVisOr Altm E. Allen suggested that the board take the dissolution sug· gestion by lbe Local Aler>cY fOnnation Commission "under submission'' until word is received from Sacramento on the fate of -the bill by 'Assemblyman John V, Briggs (!\-Fullerton ). "11 the I.AFC recommenU di.YOllJ-~ dose," said Stariton Police Detective 1ion and then the Board cf Supervbars Sgt. Jim Lamont today, "but as far a1 Construction crews have begun $255',000 widening four lllJl~•· PrqJecP1 beihg ftpanced JoinUy by tw~ project ob Adams Street Bridge which c.rosses'Sarlta cl'tles ~ O~ge Ci>unty. AllbOUih• !raff!~ will. ht County Counsel Adrian Kuyper said "I assume the bill will pass. lt has had a lbird reading to date ... Brigp' bill would transfer all respon- sibilities and auets . of Ule <ilsUict dlreclly to tbe Boord of SUpervlson lo be lDcor1>0l'at.ed in a new county Depart. ""'11 ol Harbors. Betcbel and Parks. He Mill 11!< bill is deliped "lo pr .. --r:r -* * Sa mpson Defends Harbor Dis trict, Raps 'M inoritie s' By JOHN VALTERZA Of .. CW1Y l"I"' N9Hr . His department Wider siege allet 12 years aL the helm, Kenneth Sampeon 'l'Uelday declared the Orange Coulll)' Harbor District "' lbe vidlm of mllundmtandlng, vocal minorities and appeals hinging on emotion. -rtesh from a meeUng of the Orange County Barbo< Commlsllon s.m-. the county'• director of barbon, beaches and para. defended his department, It. role and Ills staff, "pure'.ly as a biased pe~ mind you." 1 ' He termed the years-old issue over db&oluUon of hls wide-ranging dl5trict as a· inanilestaUoa of the current tmMI of public dissent over "evtrytblng." ~ "lt.'1 a mistake to dissolve the Harbor Dlllrlct," be said blunUy. . "We hipptn to U\'I m an era whe1 peo- ple want to dlae1I -aomelhllll and the minatities are r.: more 1ttent1on than tho majarity. pH In • polillcal c:mten hen!, not a raclal one." . Samplor1 blamed "the large sq:ment of tbe dlslnteraled population" !or belplng to-einpbuile u.e-fa c t that lhe vocal minorities are being beard. Speaking apecilk:ally on the oulcry aplnst 1be diJ\rlct, be said that It. critics still are a minority. . !'We read over and over a1aln that. lhe _majorlly of elUas uot lbe dlatrlcl to go, but m1 al'llhmellc. U11 thal II ii not a ,..;ortly oM$." He amilod the ~ that Cities .,. pll)'ln& ror tbe perpetoalion or the diitrlcl. When, actually; be iald, county .._ ....... ~11. reject it, assembly action on the bUI a man making an official !tatement, we will then be appropriate," Knox said. have none." Ana River bduiidary between Costa !ll~sa''afutHulit-s owed<artJjn .. , contraclo;s .. ~t to keep bi'!d&• ington Beacn. Bridge will be widened from two to open during prOject, whi.ch willla(t,,everal~month.t. The supemsors had before them Naranjo's older brother Daniel drove Tuesday two reoommeodatkm b'om the the victim to Slanion Community Hos- LAFC. 1be Drst. passed by a J.2 vote pita! Monday, where the unconscioul June 11, suggesll that the district be youth died jn the emergency room. abollshed and the countywkle depart· He said two me.n -unknown to the ment established. The JeCOnd suggests Naranjo family had carried Jerry Into that the dissolution proposition be put his house about noon and dumped him to .a vote of the people at the primary there. · Rock Concert Wins OK, election nut June. · Naranjo'• testimony was featured ht a Disaalutkla of me diJb'ict bas been manslaugjlter trial in which fonnerlJ T ~· .o d dlampioned--for-more-than--three-year&-Slanton--Police-Reserve-Officer Alie u~i~ rustn-7JI . '10rr'le by tbe City ol Huntington Beach because. Christian, 43, ol Huntington Beach, was c;~; . · · ·, ·Ii · · that commanity wu unable to reach an acquitted.. · , · • qreement with the dittrict on safety The reserve patrtmln killed Paul services in the city's Huntington Aguilera, 18, on Feb. t, when be fired . By ll'UDJ NIEDZIELSKI H~. , what he said wu meant as a warning: ot ftlt 0.11,. ~'"" fltff The city maintained that it should and shot -as the youth fled and hit the vM:· wu performing lbe services and it tiln in the head. should be either C))mpensated by the Police said Christ1an, who q u l t dist"rict or allowed to withdraw from the although cleared for return to reserve county l>od1· t status b}" 1he court's decision, had Last year the LAFC refused to let stopped the teenagen for questioning. the city withdraw. CtiHstian said they were suspected or Factd witb a .similar declsloo In 11111 being under the lnflue""" of drup, but the superviaon: voted 4-1 1n llfOI' OI'. the Stam'on Mu:tcan-American ~ retaining the diltri¢ rib .Its 11119i'ate ntty replied by cbaribig: frequ~~.-.r ~l:ing powers,\ wlth "CJDly ~~ barassmen,t in their l>airio.dlatrid. David L. Baker dllsentln(. · Services for Nar&J$> are lo be ;,.. lfuntlnlloD -City ~ ringed by Peet Family Colonial Mar· Doyle Jl!ner olle...S a atnlnl·ar-nt tuary. • June II •!or putting the blue before ---· ---------.orange County voters. Steele Marketa Newport Beach, on die· otbet band, bu -.iUy. been a strooc lily ol tbe Harbor Olstrict u It 'now.. atiricb:. SUpporten of dlssolutlon took heart fronl Tuesday's action by the superc . vison. "At )east they didn't vote aeaimt !See llAIUIOR, Pa1e I) NEW YORK (AP)-The ;ioct markn retreat.ed on 1 wide front In slow trai this aftemon, wjth 11everal huge bl . croeslng the llpe In late trading. ( quotatioru, Pages 26-27). Heat But No Uglat . Despite fears of a m In.la Lure Devonshire Downs gate crashing ~pree, trustees of the Huntington· Beach Union Hilb School District Tuesday. apprOYed p1aM lo Ult tbe Huntington Beach Hiah School iuditorium for a rock concert Aug. 2. Truatee JoaejJD lllbol moved to appl'OVe the audllorlllm loan "with the. hope ol CIJDfalolng the other 17,000 wtio will be on Ille '""8lde trylnc lo gel Jn ... Tnlltoes' expres!ed coiH:<nl th a I damage might be caused lo th< bulldlng by 1110 3,000 teenarers wi\o C.Uld '!" stated for the event, tp be !i>OmPred ~Y the Youth Coalition Commiitet~YCC). Police are coocerned also. Trw:tm" alao said they were disa.~ PO;lnWd that the C1Jmmlttee had not taken up the matter with the board before roinc to tbe city council Monday night - No Dress Code Decision Dr•u <Odo rqulalloo) were debated wearily unUt 11 p.m. Tuesday 11 Hun· Unglon Beach ffi&i1 School District trustee.. aought .-uuy t o establish 1 new code for atud~t ap- pearance. ••• by a :1'2 vote. . certain . lbijjp when !hey~ come-to Truatee Joe;eph Rlbal, who favors no 1ebool." \ • • ~ Tbe .parantt In the audience told the dress code at all, u,,ed the_ d tG board ~t tr a strln1ent dreu code were dispense with all !be rules In Se mber not adop!ecl, "tbe glrli'are ·going !O\how to see i1 ab111nct of dre11 reautaUOns did I.hose boys just what they want tA:I see." anything lo Impede the functl°'f" oC Since no code J'U officially adopted at clasae~ . Tuesday's meetlna, Wayuker 111d !lie old His 111gg'9llon died !or want ol ~ code will conUnue lo be· In eflect until a Said Ttustoe ~ Weyuke1', "~ new one can be adopted. ., with lts,proposal. '1Why d.Jdn 't sOmebody .come to lhi9 boatd a_Qd_ tell us about this," asked trustee Matthew Weyuker. "If we were to tun\ lb.is tftin1 down now for safety reasons we would kd; like a bunch of real bad school board members." · . . ' City councUrnen have-·aeteed to put up the $1,000 needed to reserve lbe. bands, "Canhtd Heat" '.t'Ci't ~Cld 'Ule'All Night Niw~"• and ~ group and . have agreed to l*Y for lodes to -Ille eVentlhould•be a ftnaftdal falme. .' . Leonard Eftn ohalnnan or, the YCG, usuled tru-lli<it !lie dtj't IJIJllhnc!e wauld pa,y for school bulldiag. damqe, · shOOld lt'occur. · · ' He added 'tbat adequate Police \>rotec· lion 1'0U)d be ~given to the event, com- , patable 1n magn1tude tO that of 1 high IChool football g~e. - Ewers •lie promised the truslees that no dancing would be allowed' during tbe event, wbich bas berm blDecl 11 a slt down "pillow cmctrl" ln adcDUoa, no food or drtot Will be allowecl.inslclc!tbe bullcflng' Huntington· Seeks . ' . Personnel Man. · ..,. -.. . ~., The City GI Bimllniton Beach Is loot· Ing !or l'tlldenlt e~ In per· aonnel work and wlilq io se(Ve•OO the Pe ....... l&ird. Col\DCilm'l! decided M{>ll9ay night lo aiceJll ajjpll<atlOnt until J.vlf 2'-TbeY rece1yed 1'ilh recrtt tile ....... tlao ol Ralt>ll II. llau.r, wbe ill a !MM foe botfi the llimtrnpn Beocb Ual<O Hllh School District >nd ·OC-View SchObl Desegrega.tion ~ Suits -Threatened : WASHINGTON (AP) -~'NIJon ail- .mirilstratloct 'tbtutenetl todafi tWo larl• school lfaUrM -tbe state of Geor&I• ' and th.\ d(y ol Chlciago -wltll desegregation sWls. unleci iemedlal ac- Uon is taken .within two weeks. (Detills on Clllcago-:•« glYl!n, In 1 story on Page 3) '.. In the Georgia case, lM.. Justicfl Department told the State ~ ol Education i\ bu 15 days to co.me up with a voluntaij. plu. lo end Rclally sepal1ta "°hool ayoioiml•ill,~ IM .dlalrict>. The thri!iit--wu containect' in1 a letter senl,by ~ AJly, Geil. J!fril Leonard lo Dr. Jact P. Nix, Georgia'• auperln- tendent of eCtueatioh. ' ' 4 ' ' ' ' On two occa!lons the trustees at· temptecl pa!Sage of uie code, 11r11 u pro- pcoed1 then arnendecf lo' Include tbe permission of mUstachel. girls' llAcks: and the wearing of sandal.a without socks. meone has to' uy •yu, you can do lhla' Thi>. could happen at the Jyly 12 and •no, you can't do thls.• ~·re..,.~ meetln& tt the item 13 placed on the •ten· ' ~~mly--opply or'wrltin& ;. ' P.0.-Bol Ito, H1111ttactol! IMICll. _,_ _________ _. Both times the moUocs w,.e defeated teilln& the atudenia that Ibey hlVa to do da again. ' Would 'P~e S-:abotnge' ~ ~ - Have Given HHH Win? • • " ............... Jot ltll Shel M•ttht AUre•1 r.o. .. no. t1Mt --............ u ........... ..: '::'m-r-= =. Cyclo, cy<le, who'a Fl !be cycle I Cliorla Lllllejolm, • Bania Ana ,..lb, bu lodged .. ll,lllO cll1nl ..-!be d· II' ol Huntmatoa --"' • mlllinl ......,.. Councl-denied !be clllm Moodi1 a1P1-II ,,.. lop1ly lale, Ibey uld. Pollet ..i.ed !be motoreyclo In July 1118. LltU.John maintalnl II WU hla pro- perty, Poll"' Clpt. Earle Robllallle malni.ined !bat II had been stolen !rom Loi Angele1 al'd wu aie1z:ed by police •• waa Littlejohn in a sraad thefl In· veati&aUon. . Robitaille utd cllarcee weie dJ'Ol'P<d Iller !be molorc)'de, which polico '"'In· laln WU -. WU alolen from tile police property room. LiUlejohn malnt.ins !bat he milde npaled afWl!pta to ·recover Ille .-.iycle "1114 IUrnllbod to tbl pol!ce doparlmOlll tvidelltx of owner&bii> ..., U· tl~ ... HARBOR ••• ; . Reaigll8 Over Money , ' • CONVENIENT TERMS U.NKAM~RICARD llCASTER·CHAREIE .. " / / -~1Jperior · aJidge -' ~MUiis~Recall Fil e· ... , ' TodiesJ~........,_-..... ~ts but not.......,,, to rN it. Mat<;h your style 'With our many distinctive designs. And ask us aboul 6ur famOus _orange Blost0m su•rantee. ' . J>iiilfons ...id slop tbe,("'*if . .:, . '• • Willie valldlly ol '™' reCall-1' •being tested in court, I.he Lar~(n COrp"ny is ~aiUng for a deciaion from· the €tilifornia Supreme Court on the original court case )hat voided !ts pr~P.QSed . 500-bome de.velopmen.L ' ~ '\. . _ , \. Larwin aUorn'!l!• ~Bl! ~en .Qenied · lwice by--il>e' Court~Kpi\eals m San Bernanilno in alt<Jnpts· to b<v'e a lllgher court overturn the Or~ge· Gount)" Superlar (fourt-decision. Now· they have made the sa,me ap~l to. the highest <W11.in.Ibe.1late, · ~· • ~ The majority faction of !be Fountain Valley Cily Council decided Iait' weelc not to appeal Ule Superlor •. Court decision on the LarwiD developmeqt. , . . . I ' . 112-foot Sign . ' Gqes IJefof;i ' ' Beach Council 2 Business Machines Taken From llome J. (!. J./.ump~i·iad 'Jeweferd ll~l NEWl'ORT AVENUE 12 YEARS SA.ME LOCATION PHONE 541·140 I COSTA MESA ,. . BEllKELEY (AP) -Dtvld ,)!. Slewlf\ .. Id Tu-l" llllht .... fa NS!gpln1 ts clllef ~"'"' ofDctr at jhe Univenl· ty of Calllornla bedU.. hil f!epartmenl ii DOI llvu enouah money, '!.....----------------------------------• ( I I I I ' " I 1 I I ( ' ' ' .. -·~!_ . -• '· • ·-• --· • 'I I W~osd•I, J•ly 9, 1969 PILOT·AOVERT!S[~ '1 • . I --De'sperate ··~sleepy eaa!. Ma¥ Snffer~f~o Narcole _sy .. ) --I • • De_., Dr. SteincrOOn> · M1 a trial ol 1 few manlhs. lheo 11-.tt•·-prabl!ID-tf staYtnl&wakei I it'S Uffir o consUle:r -Oie am 30 aod ~perate.1 I've paslibility of narco.lepgy, heard ->bout narcolepn, bilt-· · · DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE blcome eslillUihed In IM.Jo'a ~ oo,Ji7 W&-: 1 be lieu In.mm. """-foe .. amine ~ Illa\.. .. --·woman)'. who -!9. · or Ill'•· _... mort ten . Miml.C~a (Repltea ~t!llJ i!ho\1&>,.,_ltie"r :tliOlii' tiiiil< Ii Pttlljt way~Thli ts • ·1·some dayrd beiler Jive "!'"'. =='-'! In males .. ln a ratio oJ abolit to Rl"d![!i<. , . ."'•• tht riPI 14 .~~or ~ .1c1ear U~ ,Jo take I.~•, smo"\lna. l'!fora I\. ral..a Ji,. two o·onr.'l'ttiS irTe!flttble-For l\lii 'I'.· My • Wirli~outtatloo lt;f!'ctho·opilllon·of rnedlelne. 'nte._,,Ite.,you tUe de¥il "wl~'l11111'""51>ould -· 1 I 1 I 1. I I th,... c1oCton I've been~ Im· THIS.:CONlllTIOll..li orte desire lo '!all, asloep · may YES I do ·believ.r°that a ~ &YM,COloJIJI. ·'· tt tho more ~edtve tt .w,111 bt, ·add ' ''willi · my l1tati And plied there·, 1'1Q..su($ di&drde.r-. overtoo~ed, but Ci•n W•b;tl~ . "' .... ~ _ Would you· '11$1t . for : "".. d~amalie•llY . ..ut!Jlte-:1"• ol :'teJ>ll"' mHllJitg' ~!litre. sultation' Mn. ~J<. ·. . -1 R!~ln, etc: .t have otMterve9'. SomeUmes · i~ \I ai, ramlllal many cues in · my own ·prae-trait. the aftllctM person is overcome the "1iarc01E\~ as · I h '" .. · ~J .. '*· 1 * ~ As. in your own tQer~t-it • artUie's ton " · • ofttri'uJO-t01Stlmesi\•day. ~in:-&~ a1;.ec1tpe:'1::!~,0ear Dr:: Stelncrohn : isn't uncommon to find that ;--~""it-·-* , . .--.... -~··· There is' a ~ntinual batUe to hormooe.s to coOtrot exc'essive H'Sometlmes tt>e Jnedjcine my. ta"'ng ~ medki.ne after ~ .. ,,_ · , * : COMA-fENT: I ~ki)ow'llte old lice wbo had been labeled oUen a ·~ariger ti> himsel.C and saw about "d&tors disqree-"sleepyheads" or "lsty good-' others ~usi he may fall ing" -'but wlien thrff iigree for-nothings." Ho'1' glateful asleep "bile at the wheel of'a that tbere1is no such 8)'.ndrome the~ were to become wa~efut car. Sleep often comes un- as nard>lepsy, ihen tt's1 time again. True ~~~Y ts or bidden \\;hilt ·pla,y>n1 carps, for other oplb1ons. uplmoWn orlgm. But It affects. litUng in company or-wlUle stay awake. swea'ls and· nerv~· d~ prescribed !or my attack baa begµn . ls· •n Uh · For. M~: P·:. You have been Th. 1 i Ible .:. ·1 ·• }lo ever lhere. 11 ~ BUT • migr~ headll'cl)es , w or Its erCectural way to tr e.J t ·hearing J.'scare-·talk." 1 see no' ts nv nc n~ or · w •· wonders At other times. If l. mlgralne 1 • reason why a• heaJtbY sleep In the narcoteps1 paU<nt I'd like to ~~d: prov14ed your t¥e JI dll!r the hoadache has * · * * · cannot drink a glass ~ may com.e a~ any time·. Jn doctor Onds no actwi!l ~h)'slc.ir ,alrtady . aet · tn, it's as FoR Ma. O.; The man (o~' ice water dally. , .01 w~ some ~1 · 11. has occurred tel&fln why you tao t take ""WOr1h!tsa •' .tak1na: a sugar ---------''-----;---..-:----~ during the •cl of sexual ,.. 1iorm..,.. Oit the other ltapd, pill• How do you ICCOllllt •for Today's News r··-.J,ay ~ Ofteit, q; bordul.lne,1 low 0.2 to 0-3 percent or tHe eatinc thyroid funcUon b: blamtd for populaton. Narcolepsy comes '• tercourse (~ally aft.er if your doi:tOf refU!le.s·. to It? _ Mrs.·J\ ug1 orgasm). The scli!l\Ufic Jenn prescr,l\>O .~m onlY, becaµse "~r-tepsf" -·•lf<p he.11Y.•'.'l1'ts1.,.1t1rlltimeof COMMENT: Maoy pat101Jts is The Daily Pilot Way · steeyillf38. However .-if tbyrold from the.-Greek word "Darke" THE CONDmON m a y ~edlcatlon doesn't help after mea'ntng stupor and from begin durW1 adofesceoce or I • .. • 96 •\Solid stale circ11it 'IJ!!t•nirig joc~ and earphone elcorrylng 1trop ": •'9 volt battery included or lom of consclousoeu your life" ot "I just'·d~"t who .suffer from migraine get ~ •High 1ensili'f'lty, volume t!J..b! control · •T.-t.Ko1"h1g antonna W1104 1 TL OVl~TMI-~ COUNYIR IJtCMANOI • • ldociN,or Campen, hik•'1, · ICO\lh . -• l~•ri•• ~ncluded ·. • • . . ~· • • Powerfvl 2 .. ~id push-butt'" mOto,,_( __ _ ---~•-.a.n..b...uNd·errtn•~floor, iilir.;r in a windOw ' •Mor~ w•ath•r ahead ••• get your fon now! . •One year uncondltionol exchange 9uaronl•• . ., SQUl88 8RO~ODEN'I MANNING·80WMAll ... ·' TOOTH8RUSH ROLL·A80UT f'All 19.95 value .. I 01 ' . !~~: 191 ' ·• R•o--n.f.d •i more dentl1h titan lrll etf!iet ~f,.,.atic toothtiruM&~\;..,,, :. •Ap,..-.d a,\yo_fi.uncil on Dental Ttt.ro~a ~the American o.'ntot Al~litioh •!jg 20.IMh fan •Vertlcolfy ddjVitalil9" •TWH,,,..d pu1hbutton motor • 1t:Olll~1ily from ll'f'ing room to bedroom or ldtch•n •I-yr. \H'ICOl'tditionol guarani•• .U.120.SCJMT ' ' ' . , 7x1200 FT. RElS, 8LANK . RECORDDIG'T~~I PHILCO SOLiD STAYil AM CLOCK .-DIO FMMOUS MAKi...H4Ul . . DRftR WITH STAND " 3.50 value 99c l • 7-inch reel of 1290 f,et of blonk recording top< •for finest quality lope recordings! •Stock up now! .. , 7SfWM 11.95 valu• 991 .• •SOiid ;tote forin1torit -. ploy and rellabilify •Woke to mu1ic or newa ' or alorm •Automatic 'f'olume control · •Fine qUality AM reception 9.95 value 14 .11 • Tenific IO'f'i11g1 on this fomou1 dryerl • C~mpllte with cf'rying hood and conYeni,nt stand •Wonderful gift for 1tud•nll, leonaginl · WATER PIK® .ORAL 14·PC. CASSETTE . UHF·YHF~FM COLOR HYGllNE APPLIANCE ·.AP•-Rlr:ORDIRT91~.-1-~~--'1¥-4NT•NJ1Aa}~~K~JnTH1•~~~--+~~2v4a·~,19u~s.~1=--411==-1==7~1 19.95; '""'"·· · ::i .~ 29'' II!' •Enc • delvxe, Phillipi type • tOpe recOrder in9 case "nclude1: built -in AC HllM • 1t:eceive1 all 12 channels ••a~u• up to 120 ~les-yttF • Raiige tip~ 60, miln-Vftf •Rong• up to lb niil.s-F~ · •Kit lrtefudes pale, 50 h. twill INd ~!=::: l . . ~· •Water Pi~~:..;;., oii· th9tle0nin"f1obfou toothbruih' begin• '!Jet •Pf9YI ttt ~ord: ,i; ' to-reach particl~ • --'\ , ' , 59.95 value . . • lllurnlnot•ci: lft<llte·up· tnirror •With flip-up-magnif'9r • Grare·fiee''bulbJ •Oittor'tion·f~irror . . . •' .. I• '' . . .( . . .. • Ei:iioy good health With u,rc1 .. -• l'oW•lfr'fiil 1/5-H.I'. rrfoto ; • .t.11 steel ba .. ond pa1t • Adjustal?le mauago belt _ inteniity control . ~ .;~ ... DONOY ONl·T~CKC S GREAT HITS ~ ' ' ' I TRIDGI· :r APJ , ·IA YI 50% O,N l!IOl!llN'.I,· nm•'-) .. AND GIRLS~ TINNll 'OXf~~ .. ~ i. • srocJC VII' Blll'·TBE·FIFrasALEt ZODYS OWN LA81LI . .,.,,._ ·~ \ ••. 6 ·7 each • •"Wear Your love like Heaven" "" . . . •"Donovan's Gr1lif11t / ·Hits" \ • "Hurdy Gurdy Mon" •#Sunshine Superman" 1 •"Mellow Yello~ -t' _ _....,~ ._ .. J.99 · values YOUR CHOICE ., $ . \ • 1 ... Quality ten nil oxfords rf!a·de in U.S.A. • Long-weoring 'solel ~Whit• or black c,anvas upP,ers •WoM1n'11izes 5·to 10 'Girls' sins 121/z to 3 . •Cltild's siios.6 to 12 also ' . ...Oiiablo In rod or blue ' '" ·1NCU.DllLI LOW PRICI AT;%0DTSI ·, • • • • - • ' •• ~9 .... ,.9. . 3•• valu!. flftlt' zOp_ys 1onL10· 1N,10No 1troltht .bourbon, 100 j,(cfof from K•nhlclty •. ..._~mptiire 'ltt •·•• IM'~~t~9· 9-lt,S P•OOP1YO~~/l;;>dy1 Cam.' bridge ta1tle· fine irnport.rChon:ool filtered for cfo;ay. 1tem,orr ot •·•-•.~ - ,. HALF GALLON SAU . ZODYI ~~~ ·~A81LI 1.99·11.~ ,,. ,,..... ... ·-----...... wunaN •UllYI WHlllllY. Ultl· -_.. In !M{low wtii....,, Wended with I O·yr. old. whltkiet. c..,.,. •t Lff ...... , .. IUM. M,. l.u:a""' """ froM tho Virgin ltland .. Ught or clarlc. .. , . • " ' I • INCRIDllLY: Lc).¥1 . PRICED AT ZODYSI . c..,....._ •• 1J ••• ..------·· - rsHOP. 'ITH zo~~· A~··~~Ll·'CRIDIT·OR YOU~··~·~-·IC-ARD :·. ·•. T~l•A.CTIO.'.GUAUlllH"9 AL1i~YSI, ~ IHOP• SAY~ ~T ZQ~Y· MOIN.'THRU ~AT. I~ A.~ ~O .t P. 1 l~D~Y IJtTO 7 ··.LOTS °'!'•ll~P••K.tNOI · .• _I_ . :"' • .._ :--=-i • I 1 ' . - .. .. • • '1 .. ·. ;;.. . ,, • . . . ·I ' •• •' .•. .. •• •• .. .. ... ' . .. " .. ' .. .. " • ... . ., ,, • • • • ··~ •• What is the Dual Management Approach? ' lf )'OU tn .a.n .,,,.;vo UiVQStor with a $25,000 pottfotio, or more, you abOu,ld be ulin1 Dull Manaaemeat. The lt.cbpicaJ ud..fundamtDW ·appro~h to a,.SiR portfolio w•ap. mut is-Umluabk.. JI )'0<1 ""'5<1 lib to i.... ..... ibout Dm1 Ml"NC rne(f plelm .. -llr: J:IMJdl aUlf4.!1711. MITCHUM JONES& 'IEMPLE'IDN_ .. , .. , .... , .. A"~OU~CING A ~EW FU8D AVAILABLE WITHOUT SALES CHARGE TH0RU SEPT. 17 FIDRRllAL 1REDDr mUTUAL FUDD,IDL A MUTUAL FUND SEEKING CAPITAL APPRECIATION BY EMPLOYING SPECULATIVE INVESTMENT TECHNIQUES. • ~----------~~-----------.J ~.WCIAL TUNDS MVrUAi FUND, INC. 28UlPAllEO DE VALENCIA, LAGUNA HILLS. CALIFORNIA 9?M3 'fELEPHONE: (71 4) 837·29?0 '.l'reu11re r David A. w. Youn&, f o r m e r ly sKretary- treasurer a n d comp. troller of Macco Corp. land development firm of Newport Beach, bas been named treasurer· controller o r G r •a t Southwest Corp of } ~ lington, Tex . Macco 's parent compa11¥. ... --. , .... \ I I j I I I I ' J 11 ,I I . I I 1. I I I I I • • W"""'1,~t,1'6t H /1 ·ptn•nce In Brief MANCllEST!R, N.H. (lJPI) -Ntw~1-lnco Co • ........a pi... bl l>iilld • IWIOfY olJleo billklUii lltal will COllned with Its ~I homt olllce. 11 will ...i ~ 1$ million. The --aaid comple,llon le upocled in II 'Ill 14 moolbl and -apece wlll ... rtnlod out. • l -f , . • • U OAll.Y PILOT Wtdn.,day, Ju~ I , 1'61 Wtdn..tay, Juli 9, 1'69 J!f PILOT·ADVERT!SER -~~=====~~-;:_ __ ____, ______________ ~--~~~~~~~ .. e tlM...,_ .... _M....,.SMp,...~,C....M_. , •. ._ • 11111 ..... IM.• ........ ~tt-iiiiJ••.... ' ,J ••• - • • ' 1JJ I. 1 M St. -c ..... "-'-SM,,l .. c.t.r, c ... M ... • 4mw~ ...... ...._w .. -w ... 1111w. • .. e 10142 11:...SJ• AM, .r hcU~f-........ d ~ .. c-.,-~ Gu11'• e 1460 W. ,....,. 8M 1ri1t-.1 St. -....... c.-tlf, s-te Aa9 e 11tMM ....... St.•T...,_,-..... ~,,...._,...., ._...... M 1....._.....~ .......,_IMc!t_Skp""-t ~~ le11CI • • 1J122•11kt .. 1t.etW•:•r1._-..... .-~~ .. GNff ,_=~~e-nt•M..., 'flii-s-a .... .!.. ...... ~ ._.. GrM --• '"' ci.,,.. . .A .... ~o,......CMiiY~..,..,•,... ::::::" • ~ ............ -c........ . . , • • • ' 1' I ' . ' I ·• 1 ft;ttty •• i. ,~;· hdl• lett.,Y ' ···~····-··'' Grea,t pufo~a.nc,e combin•d · wilh ' • tn al' t appe~ce · &nd Thrifty lCJlV -. ) ·price! With ...,.._ 1 pbo~~.:._ .in chol.t• Ot _ colon. · ·· 25c Yalu$! Plastic Iced Tea Tumblers· . 20 Fo~t&l~--1·oc era! Bright !Nit. colors: Ora:lfe, · ' · Lemon, LD:ne, • Grape. ' ' • ''' vt.1111 ....,,, 49• l·hlloo Pltdloi' -·--·· rt Poly Foam::_ Ice Bu'cl<et With s· .ftc -Lid . y- lArp lt\Jclttt with Ud .• , ~ hot or cold preyerver for bun~ 1"0ll!. Ice. Ideal for pa.Uo, plcnlCa,.. poolllide: •3•7 Kalimar ' . ·Slide Viewer · Type •2' 8J · ·A Brlg1iUy .Ulumtnatid with a Wide field or vleW! ,Save $1.00 now! ·~ Sale Priced . - D<:llclov~ nutrlUoua whole aJmohdt routed and aalted to perfection . , , priced to ave yvu 20c a. pound. J....+.tt,, -............. ...... ""~" .._. . .....,. ,,... --=-·~~ 39• Sisal Rope Monkeys Discount 99c Priced CUlfft moftkey1 ever wtt.h lonr ann• and 1~-l&U that &djuAll ror ~- IJ\I'. ood head mova wtUI tan. In ~ol Brown, YelllJ't:'. or Red. • Slight lrngs. of America's Largest Selli~g Jc Cigar! - "Tuffy'' .Cotton Jet Style . Paisley luggage s.i99 Vinylized Dixie Maid Box of 50 . Cigars Summer Weig -. Sorods · Bl•nkets Surf Rider '2'' . ' Use 1n pool or $Urf r1d1n'g1 Comu equip.. ped wllll rope all .1!:.~'3'' Choice . jiott side, Jightw ... g-ht e&.rey· ll\ll'l/zippe1'1, doubi. handle.I. Patternt, colors! • S6.tt 15" Stu ···-· S4.tt • S7.tt ''· 17, 11" ,_SS.ft 59c ea. $2 77 Poly Spoons & Spinners W d!s.irteh p 1 Fishing Lures a 1ng 00 · Bur 2 ••• 2 79 u:n 39e. S.ve for C ><••• ol-polyaly· $ 219 . t Thrl11Y'i . rtne, one piece, sporttnr (OOda •tun1Y a.rid lirht· dept. durlnr w.e.ia:bt. · p blr aaJ:.. , Su n protec- . lion In or out- doora. Natural color i;" -peel with hardware r or hall'gtng. $149 Value! 27x72'' Air Mattress ,4 aeetl o n&l plat.M, 4. mugs, lA plecM of cut- lery In plal!tlc. Sunny new ool- ·or1! Long lut- ing. Dis~ount $149 Pnc ed .. 7!!:~ '-2" Plea~ure filled smoking right down to the last lm:h. Sllgtlt flawa In no way affect f1a. . Rayan and polyelfter blend J\ice• ly bound. Popul&r alZe ln newest colon. Yow:: belt bla.n.ket buys! Discount Priced $138 ' No atl.J"ltr fluid need- ed! Starts eha.rcoal burning_ q~lckly . Clean, eaJ1y-no dan· geroua flareups. For \\"1!1!k-end chefs. Sl.19 u·m WOODS HALF GALLON FOAMING H~~h J~~i~• $149 foam! .Jr:lora!, Spice or Narcla."JUa. Leaveano tub ring. 4ii•·Ou11ce 77c Foamy Shave Cream; Llm41 . Price In· _... Reirular or Umoa 64 cl ud'' l:k ort on 'Ill!! label. HAIR $1 CONDITIONEI ........ 10 Edg• Band-with Razor --Reg. $1.79 Gillette TECHMATIC BAND "ack of 50 Tabl•ts 96c Value! Anacin For Sunbum Pol11 • , , Use Solarcalne! s1· $209 Solarcai11e :i-~!:,~ER~~~~ .. .Bradley's Ronsonol New Light Bulb l/4 Grain Tablets tuy2andSanllc 2 5 ' 45c J&J ~~~0°::1LLS .. _. . . for Deluxe i3c Lighter Blended Fluid ·~iskey 4"'°L CCIII Rftli lialOll •288· 19c i But. for any OUtab.ndlnr buy f I I n l lighter. at our 1Veryday Grarid O 'P en- )Ow price -now ............ priced even low· dall St.ode Up u for a limited now at Thrtt -Ume.,. ty dlacount pnc.t. Jewelry & Fancy Key Holders 97c Coplta of eiec- tric bulbs made Into ~danU, key c hain1, bracele~ 'pblal AR In band- 10rt1e color1. Newut novtJty ' ooi.. ~~:1.-, Saccharin f« Dots & Cah ••• For leli.f of 11<~1119 s1 19 SulJodene ;,~:u~~.~E ..... $100 I Tussy lipstick . Rer\l.l&r a n ~ rro.ted llkk· erw In flamor-..., ..._ soc Yardley's ~ . Spray Cologne t $225 A p r l 1 Vlolet, White Laven. du ""' R«1-R o I I D&tura,t ........ ' -~~,_..r.;c.._:=:__.-...-..----~---------- ' I ]' I I I J I I \ I I . " • • • ' • I • VaDe1 =--~ EDITI O - Fouqiain VOl. 62, NO. '163. '6 SECTIONS, 86 PA~ ORANGE CO\(NTY. ~A • . . Beach Trustees Delay Sex ·Ed~cation · Ruling . ' ' By RUDI NIEDZIEinl · Of tit Ot»J '"" lttH Trustee. of HunUogton Beach !Ugh School Dislrict Tuesday ..night-, tabled further .actioo on a proposed t8.muy lile and ses: education program until their last meeting in September. The action followed a lengthy but mild clash between proponents and· opponents of the course, neither of which appeared to be saUsfied by the board'~ decision. The school board said many of the dlstrlct~s staff members would not be available to work On the-course during the, aummer months and that acUoo sboul<fb< deferred unW school resumes. ™ conlrtwertial matter was placed on the agenda by representaUves o f VOTERS (Vc;Jice of the Electorate Regarding Schools) who w~ to swnd out the current board oplliion on-~the courSe. · Dr. Joseph"Mastropaolo, a·leader in the organization which is opposed to such a couree. told the board, "We have· not been able to find any new and pressing need for this Old of expanded cur- ricalu.m." · He ad_ded that ls no evidence that the course would solve any 90Cial problem! and~ that the trUslees abandon the CO'Jl'le .. proposed. ~ Trustee Joseph Ribal said, " I persooally ~lieve that a.program ol this cluiracter II essentlal tn a modern hiih ~ and I 1 .. 1 tbt we ·shcluld proceed with a course which is Of comparable quality aa the one being offered hi the Anaheim district. .. Dr. Ralph Bauer,· newest member of the board of trustees commented on "a lotOf ptediire groups, each of which at- tempts to get only its aide heard. ''There ·are 80,000 regfstered-voterJ In this community and I tbint we need to 15,000 Due Home But Withdrawal§ Not From Vietnam WASHINGTON (AP)-President Nix-employes abroad .. could lead to an even- on ordered today the withdrawal of near-tual balanct Of payments savings of "75 ly 15,000 U.S. military men from ovefseas million a year, It' waa sakl.. bases in the next year -but not from · Civilian cutbacks will be carried out that about 850,000 of the approxJmately one milli_on U.S. mllitar.y men now serv~ ing ,abroad would be covered by the es:-. emp!ioO.. , ' . --' r_.i Jo all the needs In the oont· nnmily. I urp tboj ·pollUcal pbilosophl" and other ~s -COMected wilh this issue be put aside so that we can focus ortwhat the problem is."· ~ Considerable parent re~on trom tlOth sides was heard by·the trustees, includ- ing Harry~ who said thal he object· ed to IOtne of ttte-maleritls to bt used in the coune. ;"l.JL'.!>Y}dn) sh:ow .tbetn to_my _wife," he sild ... l'd be too emblrr~ and Pve been married for 23 yu.rs..11 • • He was 'countered by RarrY Layr:nder who Siid;-1•0ur clil1<1m!. are anoWed to . ,~....., ...-...:. - look at plclures ol poople sbootJna and killing tbemeelves, IO why can't wt allow them to look al plcturea of peopJe . ..,. joying tbemselves?11 _ Anottier · parent, Joan Riley, caipe prepated with book• she ·18i<f w.,.. tO .be nsed as reference materials. She quoted ·passages on the ,subject of pe:Wng. 1 Members of the admin.latratlo9, along with ~ J~· Benotl)<• T<lpOl1ded that tbe dl>trict has JIOI detenntned . cou~atetial. ~ · Mrs. Joy FfeRriius, ·al» a parent, spoke out .. lrr:favor of.the coune and aaw . no objection since tt was Intended to be an ·entireJy VOiuntary prOgram. • "I d6n' see why you sbbuld tell me that my ik;I can1 learn th.is if I w~t bim 'tot ' •be said. "' " Matlbew We~ker, a trusttt who In the past hu · oJ>PO'C(l the course, said ''What we,-posslbly have to Uo 1!'10 educate the adults ln out commfmlty. Too many...of \I! tend to close our mlnda too often." Re ,5treased the need for pafenlaJ ln- slruction ln matten Tf!lating , to se:r educaUon aod aaid the job i:ou1d be done more effeclfVely al tiome.. -.. "Sometimes I think it'.s raU\et tiigh handed of. tt>e-educational prQftisslon to think that only they can aolffl our .e!®- lemJ," Weyuter added. Vieinam or ot.bet ~-~PQt.S~-____ throughOut.-the-workf;-including a redue----t"-TJie speclltc areas trom\vhfcll the men tion of more than 10 pet'ce:nt in federal The total of 14,900 thus would come out of the remlining 15&,000 scattered around the globe in area.a not exempted from the Nixon order. I l I I will be laken were not announced. civilian employes in South Vietnam. The White House said 14,900 men would Tbe,military reducliou, ~ever, will be brought home during the corning 12 not apply to forces in Vietnam, South months "in the interesls of lessening Korea, Berlin, those sections of Southeast budget and balance of payments coats Asia where they operate in support of and of reducing the American presence military pperailons, or to farcea com- overseas." milted to the North Atlantic Trr:aty The cutbacks, to be su pplemented by a Organization. reduction ol approximately 5, 100 civilian Press secrelary Ronald L. Ziegler &aid Waits for ~gislati,. _Conn~ Postpones Action On ·Harbor District Fate The White House said ll did not know yet where the culs would be made. The ~ Uniled Stat., maintains-sizable military_ contingents in ·such countries as Japan, Spain and Turkey, whir~ presumably would be: affected. Youth'.s Death StiU Mys tery; TestS:O.rdered No eause his been detennined yet for the death Monday of a Stanion youth who was a key figure in .the manslaugh- By JACK BROBACK Of ""' Oeff1' !"Hitt St.it vent fights between the beach cities and ter Lrial Of a reserve policeman who the county over assets of the distrid." Mot llis companion to death Jin: years Action on dissolution ol the Orange A aimilar bill by Briggs was defeated ago. County Harbor District was postponed last yesr in the Assembly Local Govern· Tolkological teats following an au· indefinitely Tuesday by the Board of ment Committee. At that time, Com·· topsy on the unmarked body of Jerry Supervis-Ors ·"until the st.alt Lf!gislature mittee Chairman JOhn Knor (O:Rich-Naranjo, 19; ot·1m Court St., stanton, acts on a dissolution bill now before it." monc:I) suggeSted LAFC action 00 the will probably indicat'e a reason for bil Supervisor Alton E. Allen suggested proposal before his committee could death. tllat the board take the dissolution sug-approve "It could possibly be a druc over· gestion by the Local Agency Formation · Commission "under submissi.on" until "U the LAFC rec:omme!Ks dissolu-dose," said Stanton Pollet Detective word is received from Sacramento on tion and then the Board of Supervisors Sgt. Jim Lamont today, "but u far as the fate of the bill by Assemblyman feject it, assembly action oo the bill a man making an official statement, \\'e John V~ Briggs (R-Fullerton). will then be appropriate," Knox said. have none." . The supervisors had before them Naranjo's older brother Daniel drovr: County Counsel Adrian Kuyper said Tuesday two recommendations from the the victun to Stanton Community Hos· "I assume the bill .will pass. 't has had LAFC. The first, passed by a 3·2 vote pitaJ Monday, where the unconscious a third reading to date." June 11, suggests that the <fistri_ct be youth died in the emergency room. Briggs' bill would transfer all respon. abolished and the couniywidr: depaM-He said two men unknown to the sibilitles and assets of the disuict ment established. The second suggests Naranjo family had carried Jerry Into dir~Uy to the Board of Supervisors to that the dissolution proposition be put his house about noon anc:I dumped him be incorporated in a new county De~rt· to a vole of the people. at the primary th ment oi. Ha~n .• ~ch~ and _:-ir · _elect.ion...ne.xt-June. ----~~1!;..,,jo'rtestimony-was-feature:d nra He-said the blll-is designed 'to-pre· Dissolution of the district has been manslaughter trial in which former * * * Sampson Defends Harbor District, Raps 'Minori ties' By JOHN VALTERZA Of tM O.il'I' .. , ... $1-*t His department under siege a!ter 11 years at the helm, Kenneth Samp90n Tuesday declared · the Orange Coun_ty llarbor District is the victim of misunderstanding, vocal minorities and appeals hinging on emotion. · Fresh from a meeting of the Orange County H!lfbor Commission Sampson, the county's director-of harbors, beaches aod parks, defended his department, i!;& .role and his staff, "purely as a biased penon, mind you." He termed (he years-old issue OVtf dissolution of his wide-ranging distrid 11 a manifestation of the cu rrent trend .of public dissent over "everything.'' championed for more than three years Stanton Police Reserve Offictr A.lien by the Chy of Huntington Beach becausr: Christian, 43, of Huntington Beach, was that community was unable to reach an acquitted. agreement with the dirt.rict' on safety The reserve patrolman killed Paul services in the city's Huntington Aguilera, 18, on Feb. 9, when he fired Harbour. what he said was meant as a warn(nc The city maintained that ft should and shot as the youth fled and hit the vie· was performing lhe servi~ and it tlm In the head. should be either compenuted by the Police said Christian, who q u i t district or allowed to withdraw from the although cleared for return to reserve county body. status by the court's decision, had Last year-the LAFC refused to let stopped the teenagers for questioning. the citf withdraw. OirlsUan said they were sUspected of Faced with a imilar decision In 1161, being unOer the influence of dru«s, but the supervisors ~eci. 4-1 in ' favor of the Stant'on Mexican-American' commu· retaining Ule district with Ila Separate nlty replied by charging frequent police c'axing powers, with only 'supervisor b.araslmr:nt in their barrio district. David L. Baker dissentin&. ·' Services for Naranjo art to be ar· HuntinJrton Beach City Admini.straior ranged by Peek Family Colonial Mor· Doyle Miller offered a strona arpnient tuiry. June_ ll for putting_ the luue before Orange County voters. Newporl Beach, oo !be otller band. hu recenUy been a Mini ally ol ~ Ha-District as It -stands, Supporters o( dissolution toot heart from Tuesday's actl!>n by the .super· visors. "At lellt they dfdni vote aaalnsl I (See RAJ\BOll, Pap I) ' NEW YORK (AP)-The stock market • rette11ted· on a wide front in slow trading . thia aftemon, with several hugr: blocks Cf'Olllng the tape ln late tradiJ:ll. (See qualaU....., Pages 2f.17). Heat BU,t No Uglat 1 t "I ' . DAILY Pll.OT ,..., , .... Widening' P r ofect; ,Vfµkr-w.,,.,,. . ' ' . . l ' • .... • . Constructron crews have •begUl\ ~.O\IO )Widening foul' Janes, Pmject i11boing financed joinUy by-two project on Adams Street Bridge wbicb cro~ses Sanla eiliH and 'Orange county. Al.111ougb traffic will be Ana River boundary between COsta.Mesa' aDd ;Hun~ 1ilowed: at.times, contractors ·expect to keep brtda:e ingto·n Beach. Bridge wUJ be Widened tfroin ·two to open.dui"ing proj~t. Which will last severaJ mon~. <..' Rock Conc~rt Wins OK, Desegreg ation ---'--' '- 1 ~--~--'-r---S-uirjhreatened But Trusiees: ·Worried -~~~,~~ Despit,J -'i~ars of a· miniature Dev90Afl.lre Do'jmS gate crashing sprt:t, trujtees of the Hantlngton Bea&-UniOn High l!chool ·01s!rtct -Toe.day' appravejl plans to use the Huntington Beach High School auditorium' for a rock concert Aug. 2. Trustee Joseph Ribal moved to approve the audJtorium loan 1'wtth the hope of containing the other 17 ,000 who will be on the oatslde trying to get In." TTusteea erpressed concern t h a t damage might be caused to 1~ building by ihe 3,000 teenagers wllo could be seated for the f!Vent, to be sponsored by the Youth CoalHioo Committee (YCC). Pol.ice are concerned also. Trustees also said they werr: d\6ap. pointed that the committee had not taken up the matter with the ~ before loin& to the ctly council Monday night . . ,, . '. ' ' wilh Its proposal. .. Why didrrt some~rcome to · this board and tell us abOut this," asked trustee Matthew Wr:yuker. ''IC we were to tum this thing down now for .saf,ty rt:IBOl)s J'o'e;wQ\Jld;~.llke a bunch o( real bad school board members." City councilmen have •&reed to put up the $1,000 needed to reserve the bands, "Canned Heat", "Cat Mother and:tbe1All Nigh! Newsboys"' and anolher·lll'OUP and . have agreed to pay for louea· ln case the event ahouldi be a financial failur:e__.. 1 Leonprd Ewers,· ~hainnan of ine .. voc. · asaur~ trust~s lhat the city'• tnsur~e wouia pay for school build.inc dam.qe, should it ·~. ' ' Re added .that adequate police )rotec- tion would be given to the event. com· QIU"Bble in .magnitude to lhat. of a hich 1ctlool foolball '&ame. . EW~!f ~ l\""mbj!d \be, lnjst,'!<"-!hat no .danclni woulQbe allo~ during-Ille', eve~t;1wlUC:b,.hp bael\billed as a sit ~n - WASliJNGTON (AP) -Th& Nixon 11<1· ministration tbrpt.f!ned today 'two large school systtms -the state «>I Georgia and ·the city ol· Chieago r-wltb . c;lesegregalion suit.s unless remedial ac .. lion· ii la ken· within two week!. (De.Uiils On Chicago are gfven ln a story ·on,Page 3) . . ,In , . the Georgi~ ~ase, . ~ JustlCe llepartmen! told Ille State Board of Education it baa 15 days to come up with a voluntary plan to end racially separate (achoo! syatel'fll'ln all 194 districts. The threat was contained in a letter '"'1t by Asst. Atty. Gen. Jerrls Leonard to br. JaCk P. Nil', Georgia'• sui>erln· tendent of education •. oraarie ' Weather I J ' I ! "It's a mistake to dissolve the Harbor District," he said bluntly. "We happen to live in an e.ra when peo- ple want to dissent about something and the minorities are given more attention than the maj«ity. 1 speat in a political contul here, not a rad.al one .. , ' '' N~ Dress Code· D·e,cisi&n : . "plljqw.con.;ert!\ !•'additloo;;no~·oe I ,,c1f19krw!l! be aJJ9'!6d -w ~· I ' ' . ' . . . . .... ' ~ , . -I ; I . Huntin'gtQn , Se.e'ki ' ":··, ... ·1~ ~ .... ~ The morntng • tog won l be around Ione ~ to chill the a1JI Thuftdaj,•forlltinhr~trf!'.duet to pre.vat~ with~ tdgh''ttmper.atures ranatna 1rom 73 , 10ca11y ro • fur- ther In land,' INSIDE TODAY tt may be tlle ·middlt ot·slln.J mer, b1tt ri:C fttw• Hue theate11: -:woducu""' orr octllltg rtfid# lo open In !hr Orono• CoOll 1 4r~G. Sec ThtaCcr Nous, l'ag~ Sampsor. blamed "the larg~ ¥!1m~nt of the disinterested population'' for bf!lping to empba.size the fa c t that the vocal Dress code tegtilaUOns were debated minorities are being heard. wearily un.W 11 p.m. Tuesday as H1m-- Speal<tng specifically on Ille outcry tington Beach !Ugh School Distriq against thf! dl!trict, he &aid that ita trustees sought unsuccn«fully lo critics still are a minority. "We read over anc:I ever again that the eslabllsh a ne~ code for student ip- majorit¥ 'of cJll~ want the district to go, pearance. but my arithmetk says that 11 is not a Go two occasions tbf! lnlstees at- majorily of 25!' · tempted pusage of the code. lint a• pro- He -assailed .the -philosophy that cities posed, lhen amended to Include the are i>aylng for lhe perpetuation of lht: pennission of mustache!, clrlt' slacks dlatrict. when, actually, he Aki, county and tM wearing of undala wlthoot socks. lupayera are supporting It. 1 Both times lhe motJona w•e dcfea~ \U _'·~~-·· ,, ~ by t 3-Z vote. 1'rustee J.,.pb Ribal, wbo fa~a no drw code at all, Hkod the bci"!'l'1* dilpen,. with. all the rulu ro Septtmb<r to see if tbseoce of dress reaulatlool did anytbiJJi to Impede the (unc:tlonlnl ol. classet. Hi.s suggestioo died for want of rupport. Said Trustee Mathew Weyuker, "So- meone hu to ny "yet, you can do this' and 'no, yoo can't do thb.' We 're ju.st . l>lltng the 1tudenb that lUY haYI to do .. Personnel M'ati.-I • 30. ·t~. u ~C«Mr...: ._ . ·-. ..... ~ 1~ """"" .... . . ........... , .. ,, ....... ....,, -.. "H~ ......... -J' -. -"~ Jt I .. -" -,... ............. ...--.. --M ---_,, -.,., ......... S'9Cll ~»-tr T-M -... -. --. --.. ' -~ -~ f f , , • .. H Evans Officer , , . n. Win SerYtea ~otns to hll ual!' , JUBIC BAY, Pblllpplnts ~ The 11181l ln In the tallmol\Y. Ran\feY made -po1ni., c:bara' or the UM F~ f!. Evans al the -As the two lhlpl moved on 1 collision llrne-<(;ltl .<Qlllalon with the Austt11llall coune and bepn ~ In on ucll other carrlor Mdboumt told tnvesllgaltn hla at 3' -· -y ... -the carrier ·~ al tbe llory !or tbe !Int time lnday • actuall1 bod not chahpd Ill .....,., .He It I-hlo ~tloll al I 1beD -a bard r!&hl tum, wblch be rldlo -loci 'to 1!1uiraah. belleved.-111 have avoided the collllloo 'Iba ~ !nJlll L~ <J.a.) llooald had not the Melbourne also turned at the c. ~.14, al 1-Beacb, wu In the la8t m!llule. form al -._._.,,, sta-•1'c made .-llalnMy oald a< about a, 10 a.m., the ~ alt« the co11i1ion June I. They MelliOUnl< ordered the &vans to like up wm nod Into the .-.! al a llx.,... Ila new poo!Uon. He oald he then beard ~ U~.·A-.Ilan bolld ln....tlplln& the radio m..,.ge lrom the Melbourne crub-wlllda--7~U.S, lallon. ,.y1ng "my couroe or COllJ<D b II[" Tbe Ramie)' bod -to taUfJ belore alli<u saJd b< believed this to mean the the boord fer coostltulkllal ......, aft.er carrier ,,,. cban&ina couroe to 110 llo lllCI lllOtlwr alflcer, LI. (J.a.) J1111ee 11.-, A. Hopl\>n, D, ol Kaneu Cily,Jtan., wer, , In NayY ttnnlnoJoay, corpen meaoa told' lboJ ...... IUSpocto4 al ntgli& .. lly "changjo( to," ~ tbelr v-. · 1 , 1 Rmmey aald he told Hopson to watch The P,Ulll previoull1 bocl,llld tt wouW the carrtu, cl-ly because ii did ool ap--~lake ........,. olalemenb but ~ pear to ho lollowing Ila new course. The dwliad Ka mind. No uplaoatloo waa two obipo bogan to cloee and the Mel· li"ID. ..... . boume ineuaked .. you are on a collision llUl>Mf'1-111""""'11 &ald he thou&bl courae," he oald, the Men..a.e Dl'IA8'd a few mlnulef "I dldn' -nd .. , I yelled rlgbl ·helln the cruh lbal obe was laking • lull rudder," llamaey llld. couroe al 111 ~. which wao1d have Al this point, he oald, be sWI helieved -a lift lmn;-ed-bemaneoverad the the collllion-could have been-ided. Bui EYmm ~. then be beard the carrier signal "my rud· But tbe Melboume'• ccmmander, who d'er 11 bard left'' -tbe -., and offlcen aboard Previoul lesllmooy·had oald tbe1' "" DNrbJ'' lldpl wbo beard it uld the some confU!loa on the part of Evans ..,..... simply lllf<d the carrier'• cvew memhen about the Melbourne'• coune u JIO clegreM. 'Ibo lhlpo ouboe-course. II also lndicaf<d the two shipa qllODllJ collided while-leyinc..lo...avoqgldL--111bodia-lumad lnto-eacb-<>ther-jual-«fon - ucb olher. · Impact. the Evana turning r!&hl and Ille '1 otood ,,_ ID the cent.. ol the Melbourne lumlng lell , brldp," Ra""<l'-..id. r-ntng bla reao. "God know& wby Ille (the Melbourne) Uoa -be roellJecl the Melbourne WU had lelt full,'' llamay saJd he Wied out IOlDI lo lill Jill...i.lp. Ila saJd ~. jull ~ore the carrier cul the ~er ~ 0 Sbe'• pa. to h1t us! She:'• in ... "" . ' -~WauW--'P-eace-SabomgeL . ' Have Given HHH Win? WAllllNG'ION (AP) -Could lluherl F-, the South KAn1n ud the H. Hamobley bnt cbanlad the coune al South -....,.....1s obe had Qie 1119 • pml-al campelp by hegun eerly, by cable and i.tephooe, lo 4llclGlblC JnfonnaUoa Iba! a IUdwd M. mobillte tbelr reelstance to the agr.e- Nlan ----'•• triad lo ••""'•-menl-opplrenUy lmplylna, u she -· _..,..._ · --.· that 111e.1 ..... e lor the Nl>oo com•••.:..'• ,..umtnaq VletDam peace lalb! JZ:. ......... Aulbor-.. ll. White ....t.i .. -tn 8"~ •---· her COM• •..--munlcatlolll with Asia were lapped by hla boot "'!be Maldq al • Pnold<nl the U.S. aovernment and turned over to t•" tbel-Humpny mliJlt -.... J-. the electloa If be had ~ the -.. Jobmoo .... ...,. "' Mn. CJwmnault'a Allan meuq:u before be lll"'1Bul· ~-c· ..... n, n._ ... _ chlel !Dado "" ,,_"'°"" .. ' 1llunday, Oct. "~ --· .......,..., 3l ~Joat Ova daya be[.,. the eledlcn - pullllcal aide, doubt& II and uya he al the bomhinc ball and the antlcipaUon ........-aaaJnotmakln&thealleaad ot the.,...,. lalkl, hut had no1111teo lntrlcue a public Issue. them -.1y. . "I thauPI ,.. were 00 the way, any· Bui 11ro dlyl lattt when II South Vie~ •••••• ........ -up......i;tbelr support way, and that we mliJlt &el a ba~ ol Nllma South VI•-Presidenl lnllll It." 1111 CGmelL Nguyeo Van 'lllleu "l'Udilled the Parla Wblle ._u In hla wily publlljJW ·~ "The l,'realdent'1 wrath waa -the --... li~" ' -and he addil: t....p.ad _..from Alma Ch a• "By SalUnlay be had «cu.ad Sen. OMmaitJ~ a Nilcn gupporltr, un-Everett DfrtleD of 1 Republican ploc. to dertUtng to .sabotage the Parls airee-sabotqe J*Ot (which DI rt a en .. meol preceding the U.S. bombing hall pn!SUll)ablj,'baatelled In relay to Naoo and puce 11t4otiatlom. headquarlen); aod by Sunday, Johnson 8"~ Whllo ~rts. Humphrey refused waa In ~t and bllltt teiepboolc con- to a Ir Ille Jlo<y deeplte.urglnp from lact wtlh Jllcbard Nbon In Los Angeles." aome lo h1I campaign stafJ. White u.ya, "'Whal could have been When Nian aides leamad of the •<> made of an open cflarge that the Nixon tiviU.. of the Qllnese..bam Mri. Olen-Jeadtrs were saboteurs of tbe peace o:>e naul~ While saya, tbe1' WIS "fury and caruiot guess; how quickly It mlgh~ If dbmeY" and the feelin& that "If they lost • ain!d. have broughl th• Jut 18 hour> of the election. Mn. Chemlaull might have the American campai111 In squalor is a Jost it for them." matter ol lpC!C\llation." When asked fo~ comment Mn: .. Chen-"But," he added, "the 1ood instinct of nauJ.l.!1_aecretary--JD_W•lhlngton &lid Mrl..-that-small-town-boy Hubert~Humptrrey O>emlaull waa In Asia. prevailed. Fully ln(ormed of the sabotage Mrs. Cbem>aul~ widow of Ille wartime of the negoUaUons and the recalcilrance hero Gen. Claire C>ennault and now an of the Saigon aovernment, ifumJibniy American dlizen, bad raised funds for might have won the prealdency of the tbe Nixon campaign and was chalnnan or United Stales by matiag it the prime eo<:halmlan of left!al Nixon dtlzens · story of the last four days of the canr commJUees. pa)gn. He WI" urged by several memben he learned by glllllp, rumor ~ of. hls staff to do so." zpeadalioa of the October hal~ Wbtte ' saya. and "*"" bad underiaken mom -.ucanY to sabotage them.'' Re adds: "In conlnct with the Po lice Report D~llV PllO f .,.. CDU1 ...... -~ I.Mt N. W..I ---, ..... ""'"' ....... '!""' ....... ~ n..111...a -_ ........... -·· ,,..... W. a.t. 'WIRl111t l 1M ---... °' ..... llwlLJI ..... ,,... )ff .... $ff..t ...... -•.o. .. ftl,'2'41 --~----Sftl'#lll .... -. C.-~ DI._ .., """ --~m~._ Tlwft of Own Cycle. cycle, who'• aot the cycle! Charles Littlejohn, • Santi Alla youth, has lodged an $1,800 claim a1alnst the ci· ty of. HuuUngtoo Beacb hecauoe ol a ml!Olnl motoreycle. Oooncilmell -the claim Mooday nighl. II was leaa)ly late, they said. Police oel>ed the motorcycle In July 19fil. LitUejohn maintains It was bi1 pro- perty, Pofice Capt. Earle Roblt.llle maintained that tt had been llolen from Los Angele& and was aelz:ed by p::iUce as was Littlejohn In a grand th<ft ln- vesU&aUon.. . Robltalllt &ald charges were dropped after the motan:ycie, wltlcll police mal11- tain WP ev)dence, WU stolen from the pollce J>l'Ol)erty room, Lllllejoha maintains thal he made repeai.ct 1~pt1 to recover tbe motorcycle "and furnl!bed .. the police departm9'1 evidence of owner5hlp and U. Ue." ........... l · .. ·sup erior ~ -Jµdge ' .Mulls ~ Re call ·Fate· -· , • B7 TEltllY mvnu · ' petlU.011tO!lld iloJi ther~. , ;·, • • • .. W.-•• ..... ' · While valldity cf the rect.U la belftg '111e issue is the propo6fd nc1U of luted in court._ the Larwln Compa1'1J ii three Fou"laln Valley councllmen. waiting for a decilioo from the California The declaion t.o,have or not have IL 1' In Supreme Court on the original court cue the band! of.Superior (;ourl.Jucj3~Claude that .voided Ill p~ 50&-home ».Owens who 11 upeCted to tult on the developmenL · ..,. . ~ •alidllY lhll ...ic <11 1hree recall pell-• ~in attor..Y,. had boon denied lloiis. · • -· · · twice &y the COUrl o1 Al'P"ls ln··San City attorney Edwin Martin wu to op-Bernardino in attempta to hlve a'lll$her pear before Judge Owens today to 1tve court overturn lhe Orange C.Oll{lty <lll!leooe·be'leele will illv~1te the pell-SuperioF Coor! jlecilloo. Now·ihey-ha>e u ... suhmltf<d hy recall leader E>ipM made the 1ame appeal to the higl>tsl VonDaak. .• court In, the Ill!<. • Martin gained a dela,y fl'!lll' the original The majcrity faction of the Founlaln court 1ppearance dale ol July 2 In ordtl' Valley City CouncU decided list week not to preseat further evidence. lo appeal the Superior Court declsion on Foun~ Valley's chief legal cOunsel the t..rJvin deveJ.opmenL 1 cba'.rle1 that VanDask ind~ oLhmr who . • "DAILY PILOT"'",......, SOUNDING A~ARM -HU11tington Beach pollce Officer Bob Moran and Fire Jrupector Carl Duncan explain workings of new municipal fire alarm call bo1 to Debbie Vincent, 8. oirc:Ulated the peUUODI uied leVetJil il· legal tactles, lncluding not providing potential petition signers with both llldea ol the story and with pulling oul more tha~ tbe lepl limit of ~terial in favor of lhe recafi. 112-foo t Sign Goes Before Better Protection VanDasi: and the recall supporters IMlk -. .. ~ -Beach Cou nei l to aual Mayor~ Robe!t Schwer~tleger,. \'le~ Major Donald Fregeau and eoun. cilman Joseph Courreges from their of. fices for alleged improprieUes. -----'Tho-JJattle-over,..,.U-slmlS-from ..,.---------~---- Huntington FireAUir~ Strareg~ally Relocated tions on the conlrovtrsial Larwln Tract wh.lch the three men named on lhe ncaU pelltJons supported and VanDasi: wlth several other Cilliens opposed. The Larwin Tract was stopped by a Superior Court decision voiding the zone change ·after VanDa:sk-hact-fUed-mit against the city and Larwln Company. When Die m•Jodty oJ thu:ounc!Lop,_ posed the court action, a group of citizens headed by VanDas_k formed the FounLain VaUty Civic Association and began the recall procedure. In lbe wake of adoPUng a voJum!nous ordinance on ti.go reguJ1Uona, Runllqgfun Beach councilmen have scheduled a J•IY 21 public hearing oo a J>fOPO'Od sign that would climb 112-feet into the sky to at· tract the eye of freeway travelers.· The1J1atter~came-before councilmen· ft1oaday by Uie appeal of Councilman Jer· ry Mainey of a H planning commbsion split allowing the sign. It o;Vould serve a massive furniture !tort at the northeast corner of Gothard stttet and Edinger Avenue. Applicant is Leon Levitz ol Phoenix, Ariz. The allowed aign height would be M feet. By IUCllARD p, NAIL OI * Dlll'r Pllllf lllf\ Huntington Beacb baa its eyes In the sky, two hdicoptm lhal whisk aboul nfcli!ng But lt bu Jit_em a1s9 •. '!hey are IS ofiategically locaf<d red >entln<la atandlng ready -fire alarm how. The oyll1tm lm't new In Huntington Beach hut Its relocation b, Aboul 50 ol the alarm holies which ·CXJDtain telephone l'ftt.lvers have been moved .and a dozen or ao more are to change locations. They're being placed where they can do the moat aoocl 10< the fall-growing city, locaUona strategic because of high risk to llle and property. The boxes, which signal an alarm at flre deputme:nt headquarten wben the receiver II lifted, guard not only aaafnst fire hut are reedy for police and accident ca1IL . ;rwo have been placed near the tn- teneclkms o( Pi<l~ Coutlllglrw with --~and Beach ~evard more for pollce and ambillance calls than Ore proUctlqn. Fire fighters feel the relocaUon al the boxes ii helping curb the number of false alarms lumed In, moatly by children. 200 Of 10 in the first lix month& of ll1il year. The hellcopten, those roving eyes in the H;y, allo l\elP discouraae mlachlef at the """ ho~ea, llremen said. There'• obvious publle 11.fety benefit !nJlll the l'tlocif<d and inodernlud warn- ID& oyltem and there may he f11 eicooomlc byproduct ior property owners, fltemen say. . The Bunlingtitn Beacb Fire Depart. ment will be rated on lt.s fire protect.ion Bea ch H elieops Sharply Reduce Crime in City capability in Octobtr by Pacific Fire Underwriters. A bette rallng for tl;ie depubnent could mun lowered flu in- surance rates for propedy owners. They claim lo have enough slgnaturea to forct a recall election if the petitions are nplteld by Judge Oww. DenW of the 4 ~000 at GWC~ Dick ·Harlow, as~nt city planner, -aaid-lhe--applicant-.seeka-lreeway-e11; .. - .JlOSUtt. The planning 11talf had recoil).• mended a 70-foot sign. COuncllman Al Coen questioned coullC11 authority under the existing 1 I g n ordinance to allow the deviation frotn otandards, College 'Tight,' Dean W ams Conditlom the council would need to find , Harlow advised, would Include substanUal economic hardship for the ap- plicant a n d no adverse effect on su~ rounding neighborhood . The quest for knowledge at Golden West College is going lo be a more pepuloos undertaking next semester. }<'all enrollment may reach t,000 day student.a. Oflldals today advised thole in- terested in attending to make contact with the admis£1ons office a.s soon as possible. "If (lllJ' prtSent projections bold up we will be mi.mely tlal>t llQt 14}1,'' wameo Jobil Buller. uaodlle dean for ad· missions and rewrc:ts.. Buller's office already has registered Z,800 new and conUnulq students and issued registraUon appointments for 300 more beginning Aug. IS. · ''Tlie thi,ng for a person to do now is Ci>me in any weekday, 8 a.m. to f p.m., and begin the pre-registration prot'eSS. We will issue a registration app::ilntment and get them going," be said. For students who have completed the admmlon procedurt, program advising sessions are available every Monday at 9 a.m. in the communi~nter. Led by certificated counselors, aessions are to aid students In course selection and In planning tong.range college 1oa.ta. Arrangement.s 5hould be made through the counseling center. Evening college registration also wlll begin Aug. 18, but from 6-8 :30 p.m. ln the college center. Continuing evenln& coUege students will register by appointment, Saturday, August 16. Appointment. will be malled this month. Lot Size Variance Hearing Slated A public he.arlng has: been set for 7:30 p.m. July 21 on a use variance wtiich would pennit building lob on a Sunset Bead!. bland smaller th.an the minimum allowed by Huntington Beach. building and zoning laws. The iract is propot.se.d by Aetna Sav· ings and Loan Association of I.<>ng Beach on the Huntington Harbour aide of the lslarid which is surrounded. by the Romora Channel. The tract would have 26 lots on S.2 Matney pointed out 1hal a lesser sign could still be seen from the freeway. He raised the question of the sUmulous of l 112·fool s.ign on future sign requests far commercial development. Coen said it seemed unfair to deny the applicant and OVerruJe the plarmlng o:nn. mission without t h e applicant being presenL A hearing was scheduled. . The council earlier by f>.l split adopted a sign ordinance that had been in the work& and under the scrutiny of publfc and civic officials for more than two years. Councilman George McCracken op- posed the adoption on grounds that the ordinance waa too lar1e and gweeping in scope and difficult to adminlster. Other councilmen said it could be modified a& the need arose. 2 Business Machines Taken From Home acres and has been approved. by the Two business machlnes, each valued at Planning Commission with conditions $700, were taken from the home of a HUii--valley Kiwanis to Meet ' Including ... which requires that the tington Beach building contractor Tu ... land be rezoned from single family d Kiw·-" Club members in Founlain rnidential to duplex (R-2) zone but that afhomas N. Plumlelgh, 57, of 19081 ~ only single family homes he built. Va11ey will hold a board of directors Planning Commissioners MI ch 1e1 Kipahulu Lane, Hlmtington Beach, told meeting at l :SO a.m., Friday at Fomitain Bokor, Ray Miller; Roger .Slates and police burglars apparently entered hil Valley H.igb School. AU members have Richard Tom voted for the v~ and home through an open garage door and been. urged to attend U pouible ...by tract map. Marc Fort.tr and Robert took-a:n elect.ric typewriter-and an adding Kiwanis President Slan Mansfield. Balli cast negalive votes. machlne from the dining room. O'lme in HunUnlloD Beach Is taking a !,~======================================~ aerioua beaUng from the city's new police . helicopter, according to reports: rtleased thil week by ~Dee ChJef John Seltzer. Specllically, Se1tze.r says helicopter patrols have !herply reduced the number of thefts al items from autN pvked ne.ar lbe beach area. During the fltsl thrOe WeeU of June the police department received an average ol 17 reports per week on thefLs from autos, atate& the report. Then aurvelllance fllghts by the H.B. Eye were used for the fourth week, and theft! from cara dropped \o ooly nine. Seltur al8o p::ilnted to last yur's 1t.aUstics u 1 mark of elfecUveneas shown by the helicopter patrol this year. "In June, 1968," nports the police chief, "~ thefts from autos were reported on tbe beadl -. That month only two arreeb were made and only •160 wor1h of ptVpttt)i War rt«YVered from an estimated IOSB of $5,900.0 "Thefla during July o( 1968 tnc..ased In number to 1~ wllb loll property valued ai $5.040," continues lhe report. "however, arrests increased to 45 lbat month with the use of plaincfOlhes detec- tives patroling the area." Seltzer point.eel out that the percentage ol anula with the helicopt.r patrol - seven of nine -was much higher thin the fool patrols had effected. "Tbere b: litUe a IU6pecl can do to elude the J>Ollc• helicopter rqardlea of the traffk: condition or me of the beach crowd or other factors that often hinder the omcer on root or In his police car," concluded Seltzer. Double trouble ii espectad forpolanUal thieves In the form of a - helicopter, already delivered and eoon In join the H.B. Eye .., regular patrol&. .Retigns Over Mont?y BERKELEY (AP) -Darld B, Stewart iald Tueeday nl&J>t be' Ii mlt~ chlet -1tilDn olflm "al 11>1· ty of Callforula bo<au,. bla deportment Is not !liven enou&)l IDOney. CONVtNIENT TUMS IANKAMUICAAD MASTER CHARGE • 'llll To the girl who "-•ltaul!e wants but not where to find k.. Matc;h your style 'With our marry d'istinc:We designs. And ask us 1bOut our famous Orange Blonmn guaf'W'ltee. .1t2l NEWPORT AvtNUE COSTA MESA • 22 YUU SAME LOCATION PHONE s•t.1•01 .I .. I I I ,, • • \ ' . Lag_,qna Bea£ - ' YOL 62, NO. )63, 6,StcTIONS; 86 PAG&S ORANGE COUNTY; CAllFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1969 • ' .: . • r ' -_Laguna.,1 'Top ~op' Hailed • -~ . . . '~e. Pulled ·Our _D ~partment Together'' ' ' ~ By TOM FORTUNE Lagwia Beach PoUce AssodaUon, also Coleman lantern and a· batteey.powe~ 01 "'-°""" ,. ... ,._.. told of his admiration for lhe man. light. Laguna Beach 's Police Chief Harry "You've pulled our· department Oqe lit~ wu directed to both of them Labrow1 whO: will retirt alter two more togethet. We h•ve a good working unit to and Labrow quipped: da)'! on the job, was given a warm ·Send· tum over to your predeeessor. But we're "I do!!'t ward 'lq IOUnd sellish, but t off at a recognltion dinner 'Tuesday always going. to know you as chiet." think· I sbw1d nmind you I'm retirlrlg, night. The diriner was put on bY the Masters she's l\OL" The tone was warm and friendly -and of the Laguna Beach Chamber of Com· ~ Labrow.unwrapped ~sleeping humotOU8 in places. merce at Hotel Laguna. bag b.is_wire ested, ''You can join the Laguna Officer George Pletts wrily • Lab.row, 58, and Wife, Frances, feceiv-tUpptis!' - tokl the 85 persons present of the chief's • ed a number of gifta\use.ful for their plan-A ~rious tribute to Labrow was given great accomplisbmenb: ned .. camper trailer tnvtls ·before they by Cypress Chief George Savord, prts.i· "Ftvt::Years ago wbu he....came to our setile down in Twenfynine Palms. dent of tbe Orange COunly Police Ghiefs litUe community we had ra homoseiual On behalf of the community they were Association.__ _ _ problem. Chief Labrow, tryinc to do the given Utree pieces ol lugage·-purchased "A good police officer is like an old . n1ght wltb the crises':'and misadventures . '"I'be winters now are u act.Ive fl'. of othen. Tbe Jq,. and irregular houn more than ~. summers when I came away frpm bomt may dlminish. But you here," he Aid. "It's not a nuke. It's 1 will never reUre. You Vflll l<t on minil~r· &re[l(j. We're not going to eliminate It (the' ing to others." hippie colony). We have to try to control Mayor Glenn Vedder aald, "We will it." · ' ' long remember lbe qllie~ ~ricienl way. Chid Labrow·aaid he had spent aD that be has adm1n.lsten.d ille police depart. day on an oia\ board interviewing 10 can: rnent. We woO't soon for1e.t that," dida~_fo{...hi.l.joli. "Erom.Jbe..calibet.ol City Manager Jamea Wheaton said five peopfe we lotervtewed today, you have no years qo wheia he was r!cruittng Chief worries," be Aid. _ LabroW be told him : "'Yeah, you might ''We lhink it is time 'for me to leave. be busy dtiring the summertime but not but we will miss tile people herf. We during the _winter.' He~ oever forJlyen ~ scores who are fri~s." • 1~ __ GE.'CS'.YiARM-5ENDDEE l "lluna'• Chlo! l•brow ood thinfrrf or the commwilty,_got..rld_oL.___willL.money..-from_aal!_of_thLdioner _shoe....&neatb Ii.ls polish are....scars....and-- em 6j mng hiP,Pies;" tickets. Laguna ~lice olficers also gave scuffs. He wears well. me for that." AISo presenl were .La.brow's aqn.s, ---Labrow, who-w11"captal1'·el-the-Hlrbol'----Chuek;-a-Loa-An1tle!-polict-off.lcer7, .,1ndod,-. ---,< More aerioUsly Pletts, pmident of the tbem a 1leeping bag, two folding chairs, a "Your phone may no longer ring in the . . I 11 -Senate 'GOP Leader Gets -Old Guard Ousted SACRAMENTO (AP)-Two members of the Senate's old guard were dumped today from the powerful Senate Rules Committee by supporters of Republican President pro tem Howard Way . Democrats and Republicans joined to remove RepubUcans John F. McCarthy of San Rafael and Jack Schrade of San Diego. · bloc that earlier had helped replace Way's predecessor, Democratk: Prtsi-dent pro tern Hugh M. Bums of Fresno. the move solidlfied Way's takeover of the Senate machinery, and came in an atm01pbere of bitterness. Burns, who SUPPorted his long·t1me friends McCarthy aod Schrade, rose be- fore the vote aod said, "Now what you are doina: is barpoooine: the people l is running the SenaCe,'' Burns said. "It is all well and good for anyone Jiving ln rural districts to sell their people out, but I'm oot going to do ii." Division for Los Ange~ Pollet befort Tom, a crew scheduler for United ~C to Laguna, then said hil pitct. Airlines . More Tro~po-----i PUlled, Not ·--- . . From=:-Viet- WASHING TON (AP)-Presidenl Nbr- on ordeted today the withdrawal of. neal'o Jy 15,000IU.S. military men from overte.11 bases In the nest year -but not from Vietnam Ol' "other Lrouble spots. The specific areas from which ~ will be taken were not announced. I They were replaced by two. "young turk'' backon ol 1Vay~lair Burgener 1 1 o1 s.n Dleso and 1lobert -&evens ol Los r Angeles. Tiley ~ wera port ol the GOP ,~ .. ' 'We are 1oing .JO far, so Jut ~t It woli'1 be Joni uiltu Los Angeles CoUnty Way 's supporters ·were determined to dump Scbrade and McCarthy from Rules becaµse1 tbey saJ.d.\hey were dialoyal "ltl the Re,i\lbl~ party and ~r<lerred to wort illlteod wUh tllif. lnfonrlil cmlltlon ol lobbylata and nemocfolic ad 8"~ lican veterans who had run Ult ~te for years. · The White Howe said a ,900 men would be 'llrooght ""1\e during the' cominr IS -"ii\ tbe ln!Aftits of leliOoJn borlgii and balance ol payments = alld of redutjng tbe American preaenc* oveneat." 1' ' I \ Drugs F&und ·i~ Auto After Crash KillS Two Ah old aedan in which drug pills were found hurtled oU the San Diego Freeway 11t more than 80 miles per hour today, plunging 30 feet down into an El ~.ro area creek, killing two teenagen and in- juring three. Names of the·1B-and 19-year-old youths pried from the upside-down vehicle as rescuers slos~ around in San Diego Creek were withheld pending. notification of relatives. California Highway Patrol Officer Bruct A. Hand said all victims ,.ere from South Gale, Whittier and Lynwood. sedan and pull C? \I t the fatally Injured youths, .along with ~ driver and two passengers. Listed in critical condition -and possibly to be a .third tatallty -was Mil!S Desiree M. Leconttc, 20, of Whittier, while Daynot suffered serious injuries and JUchaard L. James, 19, of South Gate escaped with minor injuries. The victims were taken to Santa Ana Community Hospitfil after the accident, where the two unidelitill~ victims were dead on arrival, CHP investigators said. The amount of barbiturate pills co~ fiscated from the wreck wa! not im- mediately given and investigation con. Unues, to determine whether any cbarge5 will be riled. Seconal pills were taken from the automobile wreckage after the 8:30 1.m. accident caused when driver Danny Daynot, 'is, of Lynwood. Jost control while southbound on the freeway near Valen. T _ 'l' ' --<ia..Amlu.. -btlna-1-urner s Rescue workers were called to the 1eene to pry apart the demolished 1953 Youth's Death Still Mystery; T ests Ordered Husband Faces Court Aug. 5 ''Rooald. Dante, Hypootlat""'4 Seventh liiiiliiDilOI --Lana TUril6 irl!Ho<i ~ bearlng ADC. ~ In Ctntr_al Oraase County llWlicjpol ~ .. l'8lld thefl d>a11es jnnlylq•!""!IJ - • Lag-Qua· Dotteil t1 ~ -- By 21 Festival .• Tram -Benches Sproutina: like giant white @nd red mushn>oml durtnf the liight, 21 Festival of Arts tram bel')Che! popped up 111 Laguna Beach this morning. Festival maintenance man Harris Ealy spotted the benches all throl!gh town beginning at 4 o'clock this morning so be could work unhindered by traffic. The benches mark spots where a Festival of Arts tram will pick up passengers and take them to the Festival (rounds -the idea being that Festival goers may park convenJently in a downtown Jot and then ride to the grounds. Northern-most bench is at Bolt Can- yon, southern-most is at Diamond Street. -The red and white trams are-scheduled to stop at each bench every J~ minutes. The faf.e is 10 cents. A tram also will run between the Festival grounds and the Laguna Beach Art Association Gallery. Another tram, the Cannonball Express, will take passengers for a circular tour or -l;11nm Beach. It runs every hour and &bl fare is 25 cents. Big· G1111 Help• 4lut Coa•tGuanlcutter out of Newport Beacb moves·lii Close to Laguna's Main Beach to tow IS.fool ootboard owned br. Leonard Scliwtmer of Los Angeles out of dan~ef. Boat J~st p~l er and ·was d'rllUnr to-ward rocKSOfrlreiller ark TiiMday affernooF. o on~·was injur,ed in incident .. Chicago, GeorgiaFape ' - U.S ~ School Racial Suit,s buitt·boats -from • s.n1a Ana boa~ • Britain Disarms No cause bas been determined yet for comJ!UlY more.than .. yar ago. • · WASHINGTON (AP) -The Nixon ad· 'r'enlon from a.dual 6o a unitarJ method" the death Monday af a Stanton youth Dante was arr .. i--a ..... -.1 .... be.fore ,,. ol -r In -~ltb lede al ~. -· a •-•1gure In the. ma--1-·lh-~ .. _,. S D , J mlnlatraUon threatened ..... two large .,_.. ion ......... r t"e"r 1"n·-,1 ol-a' "reserve pohcem~':.Do Municipal Judge William W. 'lbomlon amrny a VIS 1• school .,,~ -the ~of Georgia Jaw against racial -f d th (" )'Htll who -he -aloo rule An•.-$ on a . • ., 'th -· 'ut"-n. •• ~-~ ··--" Ch. I· hot hi m~•io' n lo ea n -and the c ly of Chk:ago -WI .. ..., •" u .... ~ ... ..,.,. M:a11m s s co ,.~ motion Mt Dianle's attorney that the '-cago public school ofticta1sol dlscrimiJ>.. g ... ,. LONDON (UPI) c t ls desegregation suits unless remedial ac- a ~~xicologlcal tests following an au-graThend thelllolt~ood hhepnotidbm511isedh. ,.rts seized a revolver and ,n:,:~on8f~m Uon Is taken within two weeks. •ting •a:•,klflol· 1N~~-standuden~•-~..1 !~ topsy on the unmarked body of Jerry ,,.... Y ' "" 0 as (Details on Chicago are glvin in • p acemen eilUJI:~ .-....,. "'"' Naranjo, 19. of 10692 Court st., St.an~. 1 be was tn the boat buaineu at the time of Sammy Davis Jr. when lhe American threat ol court ad.ioo If pol.lcieJ are hot will probably indicate a reason for IUs the ~ theft and had leg~J pun:Jlu-· ~~i::~~ls ~~~~yJ::'°rt st~~ :eP•~~a case, the • Justice cbadged. death. . . eel the trait. was arrested by Santa Ana the 5 te Bo d f The 1lleaaUon was contamed in a lttter 'lbe 'cqtback•, to be suppie.mented by • ~ at apPi'ollinately 5,100 clrillan ,.i.,.. -. ....Wo 1611d to an ..... tuif bo!once ot PIY11l<llla ·AV!np or fll mtlJCll a year, It was said. aftDiln lllltbrl<b wtu be carried Diii -lhroulbout lhe·world, ·Including a reduc- tion rof more than IO percent in federal civutaz1 emplpyes in South Vietnam. · The military reductioos, bowiver, will apply·-W!....., In Vietnam, Soo'th Katea, Berlln. those section.s ol Southeul ' Alla •here they operate In support· ol mjllt.ary operations, or to forces com- mitted lo the North .AtlanUc Tr~ty Orgarllzation. -· -· · ·- Press aecretary Ronald L. Ziegler iald that abollt ll0,000 ol the ap_.,,.te!y one J1lilllon U.S. military meri now sen. me 'abroad would be~covered by the es.· empUon!. The total of 14,900 thus would come let of the remaining l!IO,OOO ·tcattutd aroaiJd the globe in atea!I not exempted from the Nilan order. • The White lll>llse said II did rd tnow yet where the--cuts-would be made. The United Slates ·malnlalM sizable ~ contingents In such countries 'as Jape; Spain and Turkey, which -·-·•1v _itoulrl'be alJec'led..---''_--_.,._.'---1 . Nilon ordered that the reductions btcilt . as soon as possible, with his directivi being implemented by 1 special com. mlttee or the National Securlly OouiicU beaded by Undersecretary of State Elllot Richardton: · NEW YORK (AP)-'Tbe llo<li market mttated Oii a wide front In •ioJo trodinC thli-aftemoo, with aeveraJ hup blocU <roosln( tbe !ape Jn late trading. (See quotations, Pqes 16-27). c 1be Dow .Jones induatr1al average at 1:30 p,m -0117 .... t llU6. lta.clos- tpg low for the )'ell' 161. 7'1 WU reac.bed June '11. The DJI 1c:t '12.11 points TUa- day. • Coan "It could possibly be a drug over-po&-e tut month after he survived an 'lbe officials said Davis had the gun in Department told ta ar "0 from the department to Frank M. dose .. said Stanton Police netectlve api:iatent murder attempt bi the un-his ooat pocket. They told Davis he could EduciUon ll has 1~ days to come up with Wlilstoo, president of the Chicago •Schopl 1 Weadter Sgt. 'Jim Lamont t~~" "but as far II dergromid prage of hilJ West Hollywood c:t up the pistol and ammunition when a volUntary Plan to end racially separate Board, made ppblic by Ally. Gen. John a man making an official statemebt, we bom.e. • left (or the United States. ICThoolhe ~~mst win .. all~IM ~ls~-1 JtUer N. Mitchell. The letter· asked for a reply ~ ~ ... ~°:, .C:0~ _': have ;flooe." . Police read ol five shotJ being fired at "I have a permit to carry a gun in ult~ ·wtthlD two weeb. 1 ovua ... -.... N.tanjo's older brother Daniel drove Dante and picbd him up on a yu.r~ld America, but tbe customs informed me sent by Al5t. Atty. .-Jerria Leonard 1be auvernmenl &aid a !eden.I ea:-1bunday, for IUnn1 skies are due the victim to StanWn CommunitJ ~· WIJTant fcir tbe boat tbefl the .. w1·are different In Britain and quite to Dr. Jack P. Nil, Georgia'• superin-aminltkm of the IChool board's teacher to. Jh'r&U with high tempuafuns pUal Monday, where the uncomckm . Loi Anctia officers Aid the ahooUn1 riCht!Y IO,'' Davis said. "I have the Idea tendent of educaUon. . .assignment policies '1indict.tes ~ all· ranging from 73.locally to 86 tur-- )'Olltb died In the emergency ....._ lncldent. ,. llilL undel' Jnwstiplioa and of having to carry a gun to protect Leonard said 111 G<or&la districts allll Necro and ~ Nf1rO ocboola ,!her Inland. He said iwo men unknown lo the rd ~ to lbe tbelt charge. myaell In America." bad noi adop1'd planl "lor tbe lull con-are ....,!lllr w1poQ a ~ Naranjo lamily had curled Jerry into number ol new, ...__, lea INSmE TODAY his house about noon and dumped him educau.d, and --1*hen. It mav be tho middle of 1um- \ :~una canyon work Lyric _ Opera-Gets $3 ~000 ~~~~~ -E::~ii;:?~~~:.h€~ Clllcop, with 1111.0llO pupils, baa tlle J>a. • 10. B · d Openmg· Slated , , · · · · • · . 11on·s wn1 ~ Jlll!illc lldloal *""'"· • 1 • ./ llirt<ton·ol Lacuna Beach'• Festival " Repertoey lbealer clo.es f!IU trlln I~ ·.--121 ~ 411. lor •boul.30 d•y• -ranlt!lll only biblnd Ne• Ycifk:•J.1'0,llllO ' : :::=.. g I I Bid• will be opened Aug. 4-on propooed. ..i ArtnotedTuadoy to provide fl,Ollll In to· 24 llludenlt In •lnllnC ........ alid• • and a r .. Jor rentil o1 .. plono. and 'Lo. ~eles' 141,IOD. 'tliO ~· ·r~-,..:: repflrs to <ilocrete !loin& and lencil)g In .scholarilili>s !cir needy Lyric Opera drama. The theater will p,oieliil con-11!iJ ~. bo.itver, atlll'lllUll be ap. P!'Pll 10ta1 i.. SI ~ Nqro. ¢hlcaco """' • the Lam'~ ~--~ dralllace channtl denied operatic and muolcal ldoollon1~ .._eel ._ city ·~•·a1 ....,.... bas=•~" =""-, ll damq~-ij, u;.~--ere 111orm1 last reperl«J !healer lludellls. 1be publlc and 10 IChool chlJdiiD~llo!!' ·,.v• v1 1 ' •-• ......., _.,.,.. A for the-.! lo \:ll!CIC<> ' -•-• January and Febrll'rJ. SebolotshOPo will be pven !'!'11 to ing a dlMfftt trslnlni period "'l'I !Jlltlee • '"-"'.,.' baltdlnc uae on the , de<lbied' cconmm oo the-. -•DnlMI , C""""' :i; County Flood Control District Chlet talented students who Joe~ mources to Oct. I. • " ' ~~ly-Ql!Mli FIOl\tll _.it. , cbarps,_ lll'inC: "Our -fJom ::.-=.., . l: Engineer George Otborne said TUClday 1 · pay tulUoo. Festival directors will In deciding to ·«Ive the 01>tl'l $3,000, 'zo Lyric. 9Per~ haV. to PIY for e1'811· our •~ ~11mell\ an nn«•t.o -.n· r,..._ ~ · -• -.. =---ii --.. _._ M =-... °'· 1111• "1 '::..=-.... T St = .., --.. '!f"tl ..... .. federal grant bad been applied for '" peraonally participate in the acreenln& of fcstlva1 director• waived rentallifles for in&ancl~ ~tmumd~u • ment cm• ,ult•Wltil tt U.•rudMd lbe -•""'" " cova lbe $15,llllO cos\ of lbe repatn. llcholmblp reciplenta. operi u>e of tbe new lorum llO_din1 -t-'111. tltllr .... tba Ionaa. ""'4" ' t ..._ __________ _, • . ' . • .... -rd,. . --0 '\. ··~--~~~ ...... ~~"'"-'··~-·~·-~'~J~· ~·--~-~-~~·--.. ~ .. -~.~~~-'~--~--'-~·~ • ... . " I\:~~ .. -·~ -------~~~--- • • LQng~each ,.__ fl -ol ' ffimr-Te&- "crash Story . FromW!nSmlcff SUB1C !IA Y, Phillppm.. -'!lie man In dwte of tho USS Frallk E. Evllll at the time of lls collision with ' the ~-• carrier Melboume told lnvestl&llon hll ..W of the story fer the flnt time today. ll lndlcaled bis mlslnterv<tlalloo-of ~ radio message Jed to "Ult craab. - ~ ~ .from LL .(j.g,) llooalcl <;.Ramsey , 21, of t:Oiig Bea<h, was In~ form of three wmtom slfteme!lll made shOrtly after the collision June 3. They we1' read into the record ()! J. six·inan U.S.·Allllra!Wt bCard '!nv..Ugallll( the cm!J which killed n u.s. allon. · R11111<y bad ri:i-d 'to "8Uly before · . lbe board ,.. conalllilllaria --• he and another cifllc;ei', Lt.' (l.g.) J- A. JloW>o, ~ .. ol Klllau City, Kao,,,,_ told they ...... IUlpecled of nqlfgenllf ~~had said !twoold :ns~ t:".=i. ~~~"'!: UPI T......,. gl-. Ramsey'• statement& Kid be lbougbt POWDER PUFF WINNER EMERGES FROM COCKPIT the Melbourne meMaged a·few minutes Newporf.1 Mera C~lp Captures Cross-Country Title tbe crash that she w11 tating..••----------------------coune of 180 degrees, which would have been a left tum, and he numeuvered tho N ' M Cul • Ev:::':.~.·. commander.who ewport s-ara pWms sent the message, and oliictra aboard nearby ships who heard It Biid the ' .- .... • 1" · PticifiQ~uel lle~el~ping 4 '7 ..., '!MOii~ -~ ""'t •• ~ .. ,,........ ......... ".. .. ~ TIQ; WINDWAllD )'A!!SA,/iE, , -Ai cli!ilc malcb race Is IO!ni ~ ln lhe mld41!' ii(. tbe Pacllic· ~w!in Bob _ JohDsoo•a Windward Passage and Ktn DeMiuae's ~ 1,000 inilel from Los Angeles, The race Is !oi lint to flniah In the atst Tr~ Yacht Race. Al the ~allwoy .. poibt,'1t Was auµ anybody's ball game. The haUle was joined eorly Saturd•Y QlOl'Oing when Windward P a s s a g e overtook Blackfln for the first time since the start of the Jate. Windward Pusage ~owly pa..ect Blackf!n and Jell h<r ~· Iy one-mlle astern and at nigbUalJ Blackfin. was heading up to~ard ~ north. On Sunday the boat wa" not In sight but Blackf.ln reported poslUon thr~ miles astern and two miles behind Windward Passage and 30 miles to the north: Monday morning the watch on deck reported her off lbe starboard bow and aw Blackfin all day long as the boats sailed neck and neck wltb !Uackfin lo tbe lead. . On Monday night Blacklln wu otill barely ahead. but Windward Pasaag~ was Wanted Trucker Caught, Jailed On 2nd Charge , .... ,. ..r ; t. TR4NSPAC • • RI PORT 'Bl~ekfw' LeadiJl.J ... ~ ··r 'Passage' in Transpac ·LOS ANGELES (AP) -"Blackfln," a '13-f~ ke~h' owned ~Y Ken Def.1euse of the St. Fraocil Yacht Club in San F'r.an· ciai'xi, took · the lead from "Windward Passage1' Tueaday in the Traruipacific yacht race to Hawall. moving up fast. About JO p.m. Monday; -The "Celebrity," a 39-loot slo0p from night Blacldln Jost a splnna!rer during • \he Monterey Peninsula Yaobl Club bad squllll. The crefi took care of the mishap to ~on compeUUon bec8!188 of a ~eak .... . . and was expected to arrive m Sao Diego ~ had a new one flying w1tJWi 15 late Tuesday or early_ Wedl)esday~ The minutes: -• . ., boat waa proceeding under ill own power Bl11.ckfin was aaain about two :tnlles and was reported not ln danger. &.heal ot Windwanl P••oal!l''• 'J!l>rl beam Wltb ... ;lhe..boala ·passing_ the _illJ,1niJe by· daylight. mart ·"Sl;u:klln" was reported" tw<Wlilles The two boats have been runnirig bow ahead' of "Windward ·Passage " of and bo".' with Windward Passage J!lOVing Newport. Beach', Calif .. "MU:," a 1Cana• up durmg the aqualla 'When the wind ~ dian ent"ry from .Vancouver, was SO miles better and Blacklid edging away in the behind the leader. "Rascal" was fiO'mlles night time. back, followed by "Kamalii, 11 "Concerto" A few minutes ago the Windward and "Queen Mab." Passage crew pUJled a unique feat of 0 Pursuit" t,pcitted losing a rudt;ler but seamanship wheo they sewed up 1 foot of the crew jllrJ-rtgged another and. con. a spinnaker while it was still f}ylng in a tlnued. The yacbt.s reJIC?l1ed rain aquaJls rain squall. Tuesday. Peace Activist in Paris ro Arrange Release of 3- Lawmen hunUng a Costa Mesa tnicker S · · ~ m-e s1mp1y staled the canier'• ~r~ L -i\1' • 1 _ ~i?.~~~-.:~-:i-UI-. veruy; it•esan Tlurd- ln a federal marijuana ca.sec jailed him on PARIS (UPI) -The North Vietnamese by . some sort cf U .. ant.1war repr~n· a ~ond c~e Tuesda)'. ~t when he delegation to the Paris peace talks in-tattve.. . . . Wu aileJedlY Callght rfii. and whlte.-wcare.crt003y vetiiiif Miie?ican peace -~~mger,president~e Amertcan-h--~ •·-'•• 1 "·'-f '"'" ill . . . "·· . _, . Pae1fisl Committee !or the End of . the <IJNC:Ut .... ~., .. '6 wo ~ o ... ue P s. activist David T. J?ellinler JMe amv~ in war in Vietnam, left for Paris Monday .. 1 --. In' the ....... of the brid&I, .. ~ said. ~ bll f'e&C-o lion when he tealloid.lhe.M<lliOume wu going lo hit bis ship. He Biid Hopson &bout.eel ''Sbe'a going to hit us! She's going to hit ua!" WlWe R. KJlgort, 31, .ll Ml ~· ~h Par!& to discuss the releue of three U.S. night, accordins: to a . spokesman lot ·, ?lace, had a bag of white benzedrlne pills '1.tar pri90nets held by the.Hanoi regime. Liberation, a New York newspaper edited BJ~~?."!. ~~,!OOD Der)1y'a officlal name. Jn -his ~and~some red_ s~al A spokesman said he wa& aware that fo r Dellinger. • Flying solo 1n a Piper Comanche, lhe cap~ules in blS pocket, according to m· Dellinger was in Paris but he denied Le Due Tho, spe<:ial adviser to the Mara CUlp, rr, of Newport Beach, to-covered 2,515 mil~ crou-country in 11 veatigators. , . . knowledge of Del1inger 's whereabouts. North Viefnamese delegation, meanwhile day was dee~ the fin\ place winner hours and 57 minutes. She averased itO He wu_booked ~Costa Mesa City Jatl Friends of-Delling'er said in New Y!)rk left Paris today for Moscow en route to of' the San Die o-W!_abington _E._Q._miles--arr'hOUf m-OtJrid ~ 'I1i8t'i 35-<m~auspk:ion ot..paase~s1on of..dan&et0U8 _while.he-was tn P-ar.is-they~~m Hanoi.-Offi<:~J.a.-&aid-tb&-seventh-ranked-~""DertiY-mile hour .,. ... ,_....... drugs and was to be picked up today b)'. a to stay with the North Vietnamese at member of the Hanoi Politburo was going ~---..\!!Jibe~~· !!!!!!; Jl@l!\BI..Jlll!ILlllt.IO. I polnls ' Another Harbor Area resident, Thon s an f~ter than t_be ~cap federal marshal on the orlg1nal charge, their residence in suburban Choisey Le-home for a vacation, but officials said he -As the two ships moved on a collision course and began closing in on each olhtr [. •138 knots,-~ tbe carrier I actually had DOI coune. He lheo onler..t • l!o:d . tum, wt>lch he _. believed would have oided the collision 1w1 not the Melbourne a11o turned al tbe Griffith of Co5ta. Meu, who flew as co-set ~ the 99 s, the international carrying $10,<m ball. . Roi. also ·could discuSl! the peace talks. pilot for Marlon BaniJ of San Diego, wu orgaruzaUon of women pilots SpoQSOl'ing Costa Mesa .P:ol~ ~lective Norm }{.anoi promised to release three In the talks themselves Allied officials judged third place winner. the race. Kutch, along with U.S. Cuat.oma ~a.aents American war prisoners In recognition of once more challenged the Communists to Mn. CUip, whole husband Richard la a Prizes for Mrs CUJp could total '4,IXM) James Anderson and Ronald Duggan the U.S. July 4th Independence celebra. aceept free elections in Soulb Vietnam phyllciat with Philco-Ford itt Newport, according to A.· J 5,.,__. ol 1 ......... went to Kllaore.'1 bame about 9 p.m., to Uons. In the past, in the rew instances in and sai • they need not necessarily . be set a record for the 23rd IIIDual All· . • --J •• ._. .... a arrc:st him on the federal warrant. which they have released prisoners, the held under intemationa1 supervision as • ' Jutmfmlte. women TrlDICOD11nental Air Race, the Beach, a biend of the Culps. I talked. to Kilgore was named Jn an tndlctment prisoners were accompanied to freedom President Nixon proposed. Mara and Dick In Wuhington thla morn· Issued May 28 by a U.S. Diltrlct Court in I Ing," 5Wmey aaid. "She WU very San Oleg!'> ~~ lo -· Judge Gardner l\lakes B. iu ~iu:,~lalklng•boullhedeciJ!o• f!.lnllOpoond! lromMtx· Would 'Peace . Sabotage' """' Mara'a Comanche was one ol 12 entries -largest total ever -in the Derby. P• h £ A al Co . Born ln Latvfa, she and ~r tam.Uy ltc Or. ppe S ..... ....+ came to America 12 yeatB ago. Her . : ll.,1,1~ . =at17 Vi!\a'El)lroda!J! lhe Pluff•, · ' .,, " ~ firat flew solo lo 19'1. Sfnce then orllli"-Coolly Superior Court Jlldp Fourth ·Dillrlet wltlch lncludet San •he has acquired ratlnjlJor "'1cle, multi· Roborl Gardner of -Newport Buch and Bernardino, Orall(e and s.. Diego eow> eniln•, and lnotructor, and has Jo,,..SO two other wltnease& have made a strong tie&, was ljloqbl lo be dead because of 2·~ °!::'f.~~'i,lue-ey<d blon<le 1, an ~ In Sacramento for I be 8lron( opposition from ~ caiilorma ardent air racjng entlwaiut. Sbe haa wen elll1hllob"""'t olJ_Dlllriet Coud_of Al>-Judlcll1 Cem1dl. • · -~In botll cloMll.-.~ c:rm- peol Iii the ....ty, ll -Jeamed today. Bqt Jdp Gardner, R.: s. "'!lam", .. <OOmtry compeUUoos al1d ls' -of !hi The poalbWly of I third court for Ille e._. ~i.,i.ct of ithe ~tt ... women in the na11a1 lo quallfy as a = CQunuJ ~· ,n.i ~ •pylon r-. , .· , Crash Victim Reginald Tripp Services Held I Services for accldent vicUm Reginald IBsboO Tripp, •9. of Co&ta Mesa, who was killed in a motorcycle c:raah near Laguna Beach July 3, were held TUesday i at Pacific View Memorial Park Chapel in last '11iun4oy be!ore ~te 1111>--.; Ber "lley In the Deil>J .. ., sponsored .cemmlttee on ,. .. rmnonlal ~ on ' '!..\be~~ ·ofr~.~A··'flquindp- beball of.the kJCOl court. : '...... ~W~q ~ ,_ a Under·stu4)1. by the collllJllllee Is Sen. Xonlallon Company of San Francl!co. James Whetnior.'s (R-La Habra) hiU The fln1ll will pick uP tbe lab for all her which would provl<le tbe lb-judge bills. court of appeal In the counly. Two other bills are befoni the Legi&lature, one calllllg for the addition of two judges In tbe San Bemardino division of the court and the other pro- viding. for an additional judge in the San Diego division. County Cyclist George Stark, Civic T e~.l~t l. ' -~ • 1't"·11 ,, Rites Conducted . Have Given HHH Win? WASHINGTON (AP) -Could Hubert some in his campajgn staff. H. Humphrey bav"e changed the eoorse of When Nixon a.ides learned of the:ac- ' the 1968 presidential' campaign by tivities of tbe Chinese-born Mrs. Chen- Funeral services for Laguna resident disclosing information that a Richard M. nault, While says, thefe vtM "fury and George JOO,,"Millet Slark, a former hotel Nixon supporter tried to sabotage dismay" and the feeling that "if they lost ... owner and officer of eevera1 civic groups, preliminary Vietnam peace talks? the election, Mrs. Chennault might have were held to<!ay al l 'P.m: hi the Sheffer -Author Theodore ll. Whife speculates in Jost it for them.·• . Laguna.fkach Mortu~ Chapel. his book "The Making of a President When asked for comment Mrs. Chen- Mr. Stark died Sunday at the age of 64. 191;8" that Humphrey might have won nault;s secretary in Washington said Mrs.. Mt. Stark and _his wife Emlly came to the election if he had ballyhooed the Chennault was in Asia. Laguna -a.aclt in 19$1. He built and own-story. · Mrs. Chennault, widow of the wartime ed the Capri Laguna Hotel for seven ~ut William Connell, Humphrey chief hero Gen. Claire Chennault and now an · years. political aide, doubts it and says he American citizen, had raised funds for He resided at 1190 Temple Terrace, recommended against making the alleged the Nixon campaign and was chainnan or Laguna !Jeach. intrig\fe a public issue.' co-chainnan of several Nixon citizens Mr. S~rk waa a president of .the Motel-"l thought we were on the \•lay, any-committees. Hot.el Asaoclation, a director of the way, and .that we might get a backlash she learned by gGSSip, rumor and Laauna Beaeh Chamber of Commerce, from it,'" says CoMeU. speculation of the October bait, White president of the CalifornJa Motel AssocU\: White rtports in his recently published says, and "she had undertaken mo1t tlon, · director of the Mission ·Trails book ttie Johnsrin Administration in· energetically to sabotage them." Association, and a founder and president tercepted·messages f i om Anna Ch an He adds: 1•1n contact with the of the League of Coastal CommunltieS Chennault, a Ni1on support.er; Utl· Formosan, the South Korean and the Associations. dertaking to sabotage· the Parts agree-South Vietnamese governments she had . Survlvers Include his wife, Mrs. Emily ment preceding the U.S. bombing halt begun early, by cable and telephone, to Corona del Mar. l-+----1l'he-aecldent eccund-on-C·o·•·•·t I Highway south of the Fire StaUon at Valley IM Drive near Emerald· Bay. Tripp'• m<>Wrcycle collided wltb a pickup truck driven by John Crowley of Dana Point. Judge Gardner Biid lodlly he le.sUfied that Orange Couniy ts the ...,,.d latiest countY In the ~~_pMl<le_a ...nl·free court to tbe stale and that the local law library was adequate for use of the appeal judges. Killed; Woman's Injuries Fata . ..__l ~ McGregor Stark, of the family home; and·peace negotiations. mobiliie their resistance to the agree- sbn, Ian McGl-egor Stark, of 1¥ home, But, White report.s, l{wnphrey refused ment-apparently implying, as she went.. and five brothm-.:nd·two-~sJ.sten. -----io&iTU!estory de3piteut!hfgs1·r~~ th-at she-spoke for tl'l'e Nixon campaign. .. ,, . , 1'ripp was maintenance 11upervi50I' for the Emerald Bay Community Assocla· tion. • Survivors include his wile, Lillian of tile home. 3283 Arizona Lane, Costa Mesa. UAllY PILOT OIM~ COQ1 PUil llHI,.. c:oMMll't .... ,.. H. w • .4 .. ,....,. ... .,....., J1d: •. e.r1., Viet,,....,..., 0-ll -- '""''' K.....il .... Tio-•• A. M..,,IJu -·-lidi1,., P. N.tl ---en. ---a-ll! Fwe.t "'"' U.ftlllt AIU, ... , P.O. lea 6'&i t21U --c.te-..1•'#Wt ... .... .......,, .. ,..,1tm1...,.1 ..... ..,.._. .-........ :••-- ~14 ~-· ""'°' ......... ---.. •is••"• • -:"l ......... :'!sfl!1 ~..i:-..,;r a'.:ca:i ... ~ hKll~ .. -0 .. "' ...,. :"=-":: " :an " ....,.. ............ -.......... o..--. .. ..... ,,. ""., ... ,...... a,,,..,. . ....,. --~--c.. ...... --....... ,,, tiliilii • ., "A as ..,. ............. ..,. .__ • ....,.. •• r ~.AT~ :=,-...:~ ,.._,. "' ~.:.:__ __ ------~.~----· A Buena Park motorcyclist was killed Ir=========~====~~~~~~=~~~~~=:;;::;;;;~::;;;~~~~~~~ in a colliSion with a car and a Loo! 'Barnes said: "There is no argument that we need more judges. The work load originating in Orange County is very heavy and Increasing." The attorney also said he poinled out the economic fact that the local court WGuld not need -a new $70,000 law library and could have free M!nt for from six to ten years pnivlded by the ""'11.iy. New Convalescent Hospital to Open Lquna Beach soon will have anotller convaJescent hospital. The Continental Manor Laguna, a $500,000 ambulatory convaluctnt h01pital at 2130 S. Coast Highway, will open Fri· day. Administrator Pat •Wadlow said the complex has an occupancy of 68 residents. The two-floor building was previously th{ .Americana .Motel Angeles County woman died of freeway traffic injuries in 1.1 Los Alamitos hospital Tuesday, the Orange County cOrOJ'ler's of- fice reported. Cyclist Ri1;hard R. Shrank, 33, was kill· ed al Valley View itreet al'ld' Crescent Avenue in Buena Park when he was plummeted throQgh ·the air 11nd over the top of a car driven by Mrs. Mary M. Tiu· jioka, 51, of Cypress. · · She was not Injured. Coroner's deputle.s said Shrank died of mulUple Internal in- jW'its. Gloria Luna, 28, of Monterey Park, whose car plunged off lht San aGbriel River Freeway into a drainage ditch south of Carson Street, died of head in- juries at Los Alamitos General Holpital. Resigns Over Money BERKELEY (AP) -D>vtd B. Stowirt said Tuesday Qight he la resigning as chief .Jdmisslon offl~r at the Unlversl· ly of California b;cause his department ls nOt given enough money. Red Rate of I nfiltralion Hits Lowest Point of War ' SAIGON (1)1>1) -U.S. mrui.ry ll!ur<tl lald toQy the rate of lilflltr1UOft of troops fl'om North Vl•inlm had -to Ila lowut point of lht war. The l>'tn- tagon ,.ld nducecl fl&btlnt w9Qld drop U.S. euualllat la.II week to the lowest llnce Aptll .. The Wtekly casu11ty report, to be !"•de !'<lbilc Thu!1day In Satam. 18 ~ lo show that the death toll· among ~Ia Jut week was close to the 163 klllec:I In the Week ended April lt ~ aaJd. The small.,! deatb <oil sin« esca\IUen of lht war wu 101 dl11'h\I lht ""' Vaar's truce period which ended Jan. 4 . Milllary '°"""' In Sali!on aald the rat> . ol lnrdtratlon COinctded ,Wl\11 the plllbacl: of -· Hanoi uDlls to remota bl.......,. They drtw. no conclUllons from tMf c<iport. for • ~ Viet Cong offlwhi1in- <d Tu<sday (liot the current kill 'In tj>e llghtl ...... de>18'*1 lo &ivt the eom. muniat troops a· rut for a MW. M'JlriR offensive. • ... . ... IANKAMllUCA~D MASTER CHAP.GE · · ·. Tolheg;~--...... islle Wints but not~ to find it.. Matc;h your slyLe with our many distind'Ne design1. Ard isk us about our fatnous Or1nge Blossom gumntfe.' . .• .... . .. J:e. J.iu~.,,tt116,',J~;'t1::i.l ~...__ • c,$>.~}l ~~ION ! I " • • ~ ' ·-" Jill, 'NEWPORT AViNUE PHONE COSTA MESA 548-3401 I I I I I \ t ! • • --~Delayed .. County· to~ wait .. S~ Acti.pJJ,_ on Harbor Bill By 'JACK llRO&\CK -;r fl recd>ed from s.cr.-on ..... -.... .... tho lite ol lhe bill b7 ~ Action on dllloluilo•• of lbe 0,..,. J ..... v. Brlqs (R·Fulllrtbo). • County JU-Diltrlct WM J>C)llpon<d touhty Coumel Adrian Ku,...rl Aid indefinitely Tutllday by lbe Board of "Uwwn• lhe-J>IQ will pus, tf bas bad SUpervbo!s "until !be state Le&blature a Uilld readJDl''to date." acts oo a dWolutt.o bllhow befan It" -al'fal' bill ~ tr..,.i.r all n.poo. SUpervbor Alton E. Alleo --· sibllltla and aaell o1 lhe -1c1 that !be board lake Ibo dlaolutloo 111g· ~ to Ibo Bqanl of Saparvllon to IUtloo by the Loc:p· -FonnaUon bt iocofporated ill a -C!UDIY lloDort· Commi"lon "Wider llibmisslon" unlil ma ol Hman, 11e1cba ud Pltb. * * -* * * * B'larnes Misunderstanding Harbor District's Chief Calls Dissolution 'Error' · .BY JORN VALTEllZA Bacb would patrol akiot with the <••Ill· Of ~ o.llY """ '"" ty. 1be boating public would become very His department under siege after 12 confused." yeara at the helm, Kenneth Ssmpoon One drM!lc thing could bawen, too, Tuesday declared the Orange County Ssmpaoo aid: the Joas ol belly amounb Harbor Di!bict is the victim of of rnooey raised" u meaue fJ'om HarbOr misunderstanding, voca1 miooriUes and District projects into city budgets. Dana appeals hinging on--emation. Harbor l.! his prime Hample. - Fresh from a meeting of I.he Orange "We expect that harbor to produce at County Harbor Commission Sampson, the least a mlWon•dollars a year·tn revenue. county's director of harbors, beaches and That sum would be a nice lncenUve for parks, defended bis department, its role Dana ~ to incorporate. That money and bis staff, "purely as a biased person. as guaranteed revtnue for 1 citr. like mind you» Dana Point would be nice, wouldn tit?" · . The subject ol Dana -r, Ila fun.· He-termed-the -years-old '"IS!Ue-cwer--,ung;-ln.1"-1.he -nNnctilj metliiiili"""ol Ii& dissolution of his wide-ranging district as ~ are IOIDe ol SamPIOD'I pet- a manifestaUon of the current trend of aubjecta. public-dissent over .. everything.'' The H~bor District ai 1t uli&a now be "It's a mistake to dissolve the Harbor said, can bqy property oo .a ~ District," he aald bluntly, basis 1001etl!lng which Iha county can't "We happen to live in an era when peo-do. • ple want to dissent abuut something and · . Ht lll4 Ille bU1 Is clo&lcned "tO pre--fJcbla be-tho beach cltltl and the couMJ over assets of ... lhe diJttlcl" A similar bill by Brlgg1 waa dofeited Jut ye>r In the Assembly .Local Govem- llltnl Committee. At lluit Ume, Com- mlttoe awrman JobJI Kl)ox (D-Rlch- -)-lllli~ JJiZ5; action Oil the )l<OJlliiil before ·bja eommittee could ~:-:0 LAfc recommends dlMolu· ~on and then the lloml· ol SUpervbora reject Jt, -assmnbly action on the bill wl I then be apProprlate," Koor aald. The aupemaon had before them Tuelday two recommendations from the LAP'C. t'be first. pa.ued by a S-2 vote Jl!JIO .II. lllggesia that the dlsirlcl be aboil3bed and the countywide · depart. ment established. 1be second suggests that the dlssoluttnn proposition be put to a vole of the people at the primary election nut June. D!asolutlon of the dbtrlct bas betn championed. for more than three years by the City of Huollngton Beach because that community was unable to reach in -with the dlrtrict on aalely services in the city '"s Huntington Harbour. The dly malnlalned that II should and - wu performing the aervices aod ii abould be either cmnpensated by the district or allowed to withdraw from the CO\!ll!Y body, ~·-~- . Last year the LAFC mused lo let the city withdraw. • Faced with a similar declskm in 1968. the supe"lsors voted 4-1 in favor of retaining the district with its. separate taxing powers, with only Superviaor David L. Baier diAentlng. HU111lngton Beach Ctty Administrator Doyl.-Mlllerollm.i-astt<>~r June 11 for pi.itting the inue before Orange County voters. · 'Newport BUCb; on !be other hand, bu recentlY, been a sirong ally ol lbe Harbor District as it now stands. I.he minoriUes are given more attenUon NEW TECHNIQUE 1-~t-~thm·the>ntajcriy:-tipeak'!n a-poUtlcJil--"ll'a-llwtHecbnlq,...tbat· alloWI us to context here, not a"racial one." develop areas like the Sunset Afn:tauc SUpporlul of dissolution l<IOk beart fl'Om 'l'uallay'a .adlon b7. the super-•Ji!>!'I. "Al i<ut they dldn I vote agalnal dissO!ullnn al """'· u ••·· ·"d •-~ )'9'r, .. aa!d'"one~--.w:;,,~ ._. l I I , l ; l 5ampsor. blamed "the large segment of Part' and Dana Harbor. Under direct the ••-'-. .. coonty adminlatralioo projects like theoe Ul.3U1tere!ted population for helping would have 1 much more difflCUlt time to emphasize the fact that I.he vocal getting built!' minorities are being heard. Sampson brlltles at one type of cnu. Speaking speclfical1y on the outcry c:ism. He accepts much of lbe rest against the district,' he &aid that its pbil05ophically. critics still are a minority. ReceDUy a foe of the Upper Bay land "We read over and over again that the ei:chai;ce charted that Sampeoa bad majority of citie! want the di.strict to go, "squirrelled away" mooey for Dana but my arithmetic says that 11 is not a Harbor and other departmeDt proJ~. majority of u." but oot for UJ'l)f:!r Newport Bat• He aasalled the phlloaopby that l:illes · ~opneot. · , ' ' are paying for the perpdu.ation of the I wish I bad been able lo squirrel dlstrict, when, actuaUy, he said, county away' IODle ~Y for the Upper Bay tarpayers are su)iporllng IL Developnent, be ~· He abo cliscoonted the ::i;i;n....1:iy flial '~ :.m:.i t,.ve~ !::!: the dissol~tic?D issue l!I _ the'"~:tep In a on the uppermost Ncbe. of lbe estUll')' plan to eliminate special districts m the where winter flood.J silted up the water county. ski areu. O'l'llER DIS'IRICl'S n baa remained c1-d to boaters HU that's the Case. then why aren't ev,e; since the heavy raw. Mber S1)ecial districts feellna the u-fuwJa~'t ,!! :uiere to receive these the ff~ control d!lf.dct, t h e .. If :.ve get them, we have to me them, Metropo!~~ Watf!r Dl!trict • • • ~ and if we do put them to use, n'll be districts · . , aocuaed al changing the character of '11!< following condiUons, be said. coold the bay up lheTe. We'll be oppt>Sed," be come about if I.he district were to be said disbanded: • -The linanclsl bargaining power for CONFUSED PICTURE public fund& woold be Josi U the dlsirict Touching on the cloudy, c:mluaed pit- were eliminated and no tutng agency ture of the future of the estuary, Samp- formed to replace it. "It is; much easier 800' promised to fulfill his pn:mlile to for us to bargain for necessary fund! if county supervisors a dozen years ago we don't have to tap the county general and draft a definite, applicable plan for fund for money." the bay's development. ... "What happens u the district goes, and "As soon as I.he legal maneuvering, the court cases and the legislltion are fl.lDds for tidelands uses have tO come all cleared up, then we will call in the from the general fund? If I.he other coon-best consultants availab~ple fnm ty services win higher prioriUes, I.hen the top state ageocies--and develop a money for the tidelands might get shoved eaninri 1 beneficial .. 1 ... for th t at lower and lower on a priority list." m::::::::-;v·ube, ed ..,.... a w • erway, vow • -Dimol.utiott w i th o u t appropriate The eutire matter over the pcmible legislation wouJd give the county some ol death ol the district. he alaled, bas not the DRtrollng powers, but I.he rest would affected either the morale or the resolve be the job of the individual ciUes in-of the department'• st.aft. volved. -1.1Wben this-issue-tint-came-to a bead, CASE IN POINT "'The county wouldn't be able to patrol in some of the waterways where the ciUes would have jurisdiction. Sunset Harbor is a case in point. Thi!re, the clues of Huntington Beach and Seal • we all got together and cleared morale matlenJ up. "I can honestly say lhat l have never known a stall more loyal and cledlc:aled to their wurt than these fellows. 'Ibey have Jots of dedication and pride in tnetr wort." ' , Otber observers aaw the board's action as "just anothu stalling tadlc" in the long bal!le. They noi.d that SU· """'1sor ,\lien wbo pusbed the "qjlder iiubJbinion" vote and County Counsel Kuyper have been atrong supporters of tbe dt.sb"ict "u· J.s" in tDe past. Six Jan Inmates Escape; Police ' L • Recap1ll?:~ T~o . MODEml tM.1/ -SJ.u.iaJ ~IT authorities hav~ca~ two of.siJ: ·~ lremelJ dqei'uus'. bmlatea wbo escaped Tueaday nigh! from the connty jail. Taken inlo Cllllody about dawn 'today wre Gary L. Brady, 24, aecmed of trying to murder a police offlctr, and Jamea Newt.on. U, a state prison transfer who laced earner jallbreal: charges. • A lberilfa IPOilaman aaid Newlon Jn. siigaled Tueaday'1 jailbreak when he pdl<d a ltnlle "° a jailer ln the priaon boapital and -billl to open five celh. Another acipee wu Jdentified as con- demned killer WllUlm A. Fain, 23, of Oakdale, conVicted of rape, kJdnap and the murder of a 17-year-old boy. Bond Interest· Rate Hike Bill in Assembly SACRAMENTO (AP) - A Senate-puoo ed bill to raise from 5 to 7 percent the malhnum interest rate on ~ obligation bonds moved today to the fUll Assembly. The measure, by Sen. Gordon Cologne, (R-lndio), one of !everal designed to make California bond! more competitive in the current high.Interest market, was approved unanimOU!ly 'I'Uesday night by the Assembly Ways and Means Commit· lee. S i M'ldl 'f\f, .lib' t,·1M L. F ROTC CADETS GIVE UNDIVIDED ATTENTION TO GEN. WILLIAM C~STMOREL.A°::'D­ Army Chlo! of Staff Spoaka lo Unit Prior lo GrMtlng Wltfldrawn Gia of Viti War Viet Troops Co111e Ho111e __ JV-estmor-eland P-r-aiseS-814-F.r.om-9th-1Jivisio1n---~- McCllORD AFB, WMh. (UPI) -conunander of American f...., In VI<~ F;yldenc<o of lh~_,.ndol! w~ ~- EIS1it-h'Uiidrec1 and fourteen Anierlcan nam aald, "It will be necessary for aome by many of the troops who carried lrooJll, sporling "We Try. Harder" bu~. Amsrlcana to llllY-lberf 10< a lime unW brightly colored pactqes, gills from the South Vietnam-ill Saigon. Ima oo lhelr new green fatigues, return-the South ·Vlelnamele can develop Afmo,lbe lnitlalnund al apeecbM mt_::. ed home Tueaday 1o· • tmnultuous • capalJHlltes'1o provlde their own lltCUr!-a lradiUonal alMlt dlnnor at -i., Fl. "Welcome which almost made it.seem as!.( ty." ~. the rttumees faced the.~ - .the Vlema...:War had·ended. . ___,,, • .,..,...addressed by Wealmorelancl-.fl! 'proc<uJnc-loday...'lbo-Anor-salil-,,.;.--, Nine times during the afternoon and were dmlned for· -South Vietnam, tivi.Uet would Include record checks, an eVl!nlng, huge Clll jet transports arrived replacements funneled lbroojh this base all-imporlanl payday; nad equarb>a •-. here with members of the Ith Infantry each day. For them, the war ii Just of leave req\lells. • . Dlvblon's mO!lt decorated battalion -the beglnnlng. "Unglamorou!,11 as cme penonnel of. nm al :1.1,000 men ordered home by South Vietnamae Ambauad<r Bui fl«r put Jl Presidenl N-. Diem told the retumlng ooklleri, "The Following the parade in Seattle '!1lino They were greeted by the trumpeting lime bu come for !be South Vietnamese day the men will bt treated to a aalmcin ol a brass band, the cheers of 3,000 to realize that the more we grow in feed and then eent either hod'le, oii leave, friends and reiaUves, and an impreaive ltrtngth, the more responsibility we must or to a new outfit. array ol mllltary dlgnltsrie1 led by Army flee:• only m ol the 814 rewr-wse ol· Chief of Stall Gen. William C , He termed the troop wllbdraJ'al "the Ilda! memben of the 3rd !WPJlm, lllllb -iv..unorelsnd. turning poinl of !be war," bu! did not. 1111~ llq!mesS ol.ll>e 9111 ~·1 "Yoo did yoor duty to !be best of yoor elibohle 111 lbO -I ' •slciool Brliuldf; The'1ilt -~er· •blllty while'°'"" othen of your age aat Aller lhe speeches, the 3rd Battalion'• red In, baVlng rerved mcot of lhelt by idly and talked or demonstrated," most decorated soldier, Cpl Gerald Blye, scheduled time ln Vletnam. Of the total, Westmor<laod told the returning ooldlen. 21, of Myrtle Beach, S.C\, ·~)>led 'Ibo .l!Q. w~ returning for cilll:barge. . · "You Men have demon!trated. You have keys to the.i cltf ol SeaWe wbue the ~· -tfear)J haH"Of tbe-f5,000 troopa to come demons!rated yoor ,..,. ofreaponalblllty troops will marcb Thunday "on be1WI of t bolhe thia suinmtr will be from the tlh; -!be rapnnatbllily of 111 Anlerlcall -the wbnle ballalloh." Ij)viJion, ,.,_ combal area In the,· ctilren .lo aerve bil country," "I left Vlttnam with a •arm -~ • Me.t.ng llelte IOOlh of Salj)on will bt • Speakir.g to aoolher group'ol men lafer Blye aid, "and I didn't apec:t lhill illlld )argely left to South Vietnam .. In· in • bulkl.ini not-far-awa:r,-the-former~ of receptkm -wben [got home.., ,-tailtrymen.-· FISHER 200. T FM . 70 WA TI RECEIVER FISHER 220 T FM·AM ..._ SJ29'1 ..... .. -•, PANASONIC 765 Stereo ,....rd & Playllack-4 Track GARRARD' 30 NIW DIMO AUTOMATIC CHAN•IR .... ..... SALE ACOUSTIC RESEARCH AR·3 . . .... ..,ow w.., 1 • ... 123671 . ..... . CUSTOM·MADE CABINETS 50% OFF! Display modela, Barrll1y Custom Craft, Davrlc)(, Profile, Bell, •tc. 0..0f.,t,.JClnd-Whlla They Lull I 30% to 50% DISCOUNTS on STEREO, 'TAPE RECORDERS, TAPES & RECORDS ! Some .New; Some Demonstrator1t 5oft19 One-of-a-Kind! _ Th.urs..~FrL. Sat., S111day Only! Sale E~s Sund!J! .. ' '• !· , .. -· , -•• <,. ScientistS Call Bonny's Flight -.. ~H e Successf -. • HONOLULU (AP) -ScienUsts "Y Stat• Rep:-Jamtl H. Clerk, (I).. utroinonk Bonny's doomed space voyage Dallas) wbQ~announced he would was a buge technical success. not seek i'e-;election, gave this a·s-Although the planned 30-day mission 1essment of the special legislative was aborted lhree weeks early and the • . UQanswered." . . Tbe· board also recommended pro-'hlhillilt c118rett. commercials 111 or ad· jaceol any program primarily directed lo youth audkocts, AniMt roc:ommended a subcolnmittet at.ucf1 guldellnes _, ' to furtl)ir reduce the"tmlque a~ of ..._ lain a>pecls of television cigarttt. ad· vertlsiog to youth." · 'Ille reccmmendalloN must lie acted up0n by NAB'• televlllion board of dJreo. tors before 'Ibey can go mto effect. All three national networks-and 64~4 perCent of tbe naUon's 623 commercial television sta.Uons subscribe to .the code, the in- dwtry's apparatus for self·regul11tlon. session to conv111e .July ;.a: "l'Jl go space ·mopkey Clied, the Bi953tellite 3 ct---ll>iefil'S~-thltzgovemDr'S 0'9bt -w11-termed!-nes-peilect-from opeec:h ,81'd r·u go baci:' the last lal!Jl<h'loaplaajidown, ' ' . ,, ' . I I W!Jr jo',\'l\le. .,\II the_!i!!l"'1 between "We lea/ll!!<I "191" biomedlq1tdata on , Wfil · be, sheer ;watte. !.'.· 1 • Uils-anlinil tn-tbteie-~111han we dld in· _·_an of 'Amettca111.:._'m.anned sp~ fillhtt" , .-. , -n-. Charles, WU.00, • project ,.,....,, lqJd -:ru~y.. . ,BlooateJllte ,3 w11 ·launched Jone 211 , MET 50pn•~, 0'1e's from Cape'IWmeily, ~. to,ibow man """'v ~.of~---G'-'.1-"ady"' . .:.•..:Sc.::w.=•:..;rlh;;..OUt:..;;:•_;64:_:.· __ 'The i!iJound pigtail primate died at 13:04 ,,,m:; .Tuesday'' in .a mobile ,laboratory :il lliOW., Air Force ,&!ie , alter a ·paraChuet landing In t1ie Pacific Ocoan., An aulopsy on the mo,,Uy began Tuesday at ~-. but sppteomen for , the · NliUonaJ 'Aeronatitics and Space .{dm1.nistfaµgD , said }t may 1 be weeks before the exact catise of death was known, Famous Soprano· ' . Gladys Swarthout Succumbs at 6L,t , , .Dr. w, Rosa Adey of lhe,Universlty of Cal!fornla al li<!o ,Aogeles,, the project's ' FLORENCE, Italy (UPI) -Giaciya clde! !!'vesttgal<IC:;·~ lloqnj':1 d .. th , Swarthout the,meu.o-sopraiio wh91e,1ood ~~.: .. ,:ximji!iile'-_' ~ tq me looki made'ber-000·01 the ,Metroi>olltall ,. Todd ·S~ :f~·,, o/1 ··Spring.. ~......_..,,.. ' 0pera111 most g1amarOUJ ~' 41!1 Mon- ·jleld,' ll!-, taliU , • big IJ/h•ff of .. P.'t. day at her 111ll1111ler home all<r yeara of 1IJal adopt<d'i~"' f<!nii!v.,"J;~ ·~~j ~ _:r • • : c•l_:•' .'l'f-, · ~-liwt dlseaae, friends said ~y, She wu, ... of .,lifter W"W/'....,,•·~0•.fr .;,oVIets -AJJD~· &!, . j ,' l,' ' ..,..,., 1he moth<r. JD<!l;ldlte4, Qre· ' • tc , • : (louJ)tees caroUn•,-~ a·lonatime, ~ nu1aed bf .~ f~"C4i who • · ·.. .. .. : · friend, said Miss Swar:tbout ~·been 'itt, ~~ti lil<m ~ '""•'-~ _. , Bl , E h n>.1:., , fsillng health'for the put yw. ":;be ~d :'. am~ ftC VUler a,heart oper~Uon in,TUH•sevtral ~-, ';f 'Miss Shlr,.y· ·s.t .. r, director ·of ago," she said. "She hadn't ~ very -F B d B ttl weu." !Jle Animal Protecti,ve Associatiqn , Or Or er 8 e pelter in st. Louis, was telling , Mis! Swarthou~ whose second and last ·,Ult!ng Brownies llhe never knows MOSCOW (IJPI) -' RnllllMt and Com· , =~i;:~. ~ ~c:"i:J'; -=-~liJlt'Wlll'llappen'Jle:d'iir her·work, ffilmlit'Oilmuocuoed ... ch·diber'tjroops meJ: home 'iii Fliii'<fiCOlortlle put 10 · Jben a nervous motOrisl arrived. ~Y ol•lllallhll a battle, to a bOrder years: l'be motoriat said I a , snake ·bad l!land IS miles frorii the cooference table Jrawled into the underpinnings of ·wmre •tiie two Commtmiatl )>OWen' •are ' car'and he didn't know l>Ow to try\ngto 'settlefronUerw.pi\tes, t It 'Out, Miss Seller-found the 'Ille ~e!a;:i!I a note to Pblnl,, Olld "" tll th b f th that Cblnfte rlllemen killed an Ullormed ... p e near e ase o _ e Ci!r boatman aboird a border rive.r taunCb ~dlator and lifted out lhe three-.. ~ wounded thne other civilians when J:90t prairie king snake. "PerfecUy they opened' flte on the launeh Tueaday Arabs NQw Move Ooser to Soviets ~ess," Miss Seller explained. w!tlunadilite'gurus and hand ~, ~ ·• 'Ille Chinese. In a DOie Ill ,their , own, , By ile1tad l'r,.. lntarnaUonll B ~lice' in Chicago will stop car-sai4 ,the: i;ov)ets landed t!'OOJ1i'oi!'lhe IS-Heavy .fighting hi the Middle·Eul dur· ~g shotguns in the front, seats land and linid at pollce and e1vilians, .The mg tlje J>"I ~·weeks appeared today to J9f thl!tr squad cars ~use stx Chlneee~e the Soviet soldiers out, be drivlng the Arab naUons closer to the ;'liav~ been· sto1.en since officers be-they , Jh., Sovleta sent thne gun. Soviet bloc, Egypt prepared to establish "¥an keeping them .. up front ·a few ~ta ~ter to the ISiand,. bur~ down a diplomaUc relations with East Germany ,months ago, Police ·supt. James B. ~villan s house and buu.ed ~~and Ah:: -and ~yrla renewed ! ts a~ to the ~ •• .,... :.aJd Th• m•n·• •ri"'b · .times with warplanes. • Kremlin.for more military aid. 41\1~-~--"'..J.U..._ e __ Nf'it~onJy\M-nrn·o-n~tht-. -Foor~Arab-natkms"Cllready-tlave­ ;inov"!I to holders ms,1de the trunk. ge0grap1Ucal , tennlnillogy differed. , 'Ille , recognized the Communllli East Gennan ;<:1tiztiU, have complained that the . Soviets· sald :1 b e hicident occurred on regime ~ Iraq,' Syria, the Sudan and tpr~ce ~f the sb~gu~s up: front Goldimky IJiland In' the middle .of the Southern Yemen. An Arab diplomat in 4s frightening, bdt 'Conlisk· said the Amur 'Rlve.r dividing northern •China Catro said the breakdown of Big Four )hefts rather than complaints Ur .. from SoVlet Siberia. The Chinese call the ·t.alks on the MJddle Ea.St spurred Egypt's 'fluenced the move. island Pacba.and the river Hellw:m. decision to recognize East Germany. L.~ , • ~ ~U.S. E~joy~ N~ee , Weather • ' Showers Hit Strmh Across Nation's MUJ:secti.on T-JM'l'•t11re.s """ ..... ,.,_, • 11 .. ., .. .. " ... .. .. .01 ., n ... . , .. .. " .. u ., •s s1 71 SI .,, 11 .. . " . .. .. f) 7S .Q .. ,, ; " n U 0 .H ., 10 .21 " u " .. . " ll " .01 ,JJ St J1 .. ·°' •ts " .OJ " " .. " IDI 7t " .. " ~ " " .. . 71 ., At , ~ ,76 !! ,.,. ,,.., .. 1.6' 111 71 .. ,, .t::i .11• " ' " .. " .. . 11 " .. -... ... . .. " • It 11 .. ., " " • • ' .. ,, .. ' ,, ' •• ' I -- •. ~. ~:r1' ~~-- WILL ~"y YOU-, I $ ., . FOR E__VERY___ _ --$ . . YOU SAVE GUAIU1llD GIOWTll ACCOUNT 0 Anahltim Savings guoranttes 'a 5.25•f. a~nval int•rest rate, cornpoun~9d daily. You'll •am $30 for,ev•ry $100 you 1ave in our Guarantffd Growth Account ff occount Is maintained fcir 5 years and ·fnt•rest acc:umulotes. Vuarantetd-Gr'owtfl· Accounts or• o~n•d :wi!V •any-C1'11ount of $1,000 or rno~ High earnings or• also avoilobl• an shorter klnn accaunft of 3· or 4 yt:ors. Ask for dltklil1 on special withdrawal' requir•rnentt. 5.lS°lo S.38<fo GUlllll'llED INCOME lCCOlllT Anah•im ·Sav'lngs .GuorontMd \ncom• Accounl .ams ci ouarant•ed 5,25•/. annual 'Cite, com· pound-9 dofly. Earnings will be paid lo yoU •vtry ·quatt•r for th• p•riad you d•signat.- 3, · 4 or 5 y.ars. D•posit any amount of $1,000 or mor•. Ask for details on special withdrawal r•quir•m•nl'I. S°lo BONUS lCCOlllT On Bonus Accoufll• w• pay the .5 % · cuf'f'9nl annual rot• quart•rly plus 11.4 •t. onnuol bonus 1f h•ld thr•e years or long•r. A~counb op~ for $1.000 or rnor• • PlSSIOOK lCCO!lllT Yau 11C1rn 5.13 Y. annual yi•ld wh•n all savings ond-int.t'flt---r11matn-o-year-ff-th•-5-'k e:unent annual rate is mainlain•d and compound.ct daily for a year. Interest is paid for exact day-in to exact doy-aut. And, funds, r.ceiv•d by th• 10th af any month .am from the I st wh•n th•Y remain on deposit until th4' •nd af the quarter. At luhtlm Slvhtgs you earn tht h~~ lnttrtst 11 tlM natltn; and art lnsurtd .,., .. $15,000 by tltt fttlml .... loo• --c..,.,.tloo. JOIN'Ls • SEE AMATEUR RADIO OPERAT.ORs CONTACT PEOPLE :i'HROUGHOUT THE '\voRlD STATION ~6S~U/6 I The Artahelm Amat...,.. Radio Club will bii op•rotlng live • , • froni our main offfc• lobby. Join Ul far a cup of caffff or punch and talk to peopl• around tf-i• world • GAILY OPRATING, ICHEDUW July 1st· 10th II a.m. to 4 p.m. • J -·, ,, ANAHEIM SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIA"FIQ,N • ~.,. ,. ,~ f • • ~ .. ,..,.i-,_· w~,~~Jl" '!°~ ·• SINCll lW ..; ·~ ~ MAIN orn:ID: ~ · Jl7'#Mt~,,_ 1'111Mk ..... jvc. ...... ..... :,,.,,.,.,.. ~ ' H ........... Ctlf. r ..... Cll.i ... t "'-1o1a1 1 · lL "fll ·· ~ _.....,,. PMll~Mf'~ ..... ~~~ ' ' ' • •' \ 'I .- ' ' \ I ~ r t I • 't ! J ~ l I· ' I I ) I l , ' l I f 11 ' -• • • is~ Rig~a.::1--+-: ly Phll lntwrlancn Mansfield's eo-t ' '· • Talk Set ·. ' UMA, (U\'!! - RepresentaUves.,fmh Cl!!le. ~ador and -Per:u, TueVay night a_,ied a .i;. , lli- vJtation tO~ discuss fislibi'g right.. Involving the lour na- tions. A communlque..1asuecl '1 Lima aa1d the\jneelbl( -atart Julv 30 In Bueaot Air'tl. ' "'< " In the communique, P~ Ecuador and Pille said thejl would not agroe to Wk aboid the legal questions ot !heir a mile claim of fiahlng rights, but were willing to discuss fishinl: accommodaUom of all nations 1n the waters off their coasb. The statement was Issued at the end of the second day of closed meeUnp between the tl\ree naUom.in Llma to. unU,'y their position fn the fiShing controversy. siate Department spokesman Robert J . McClookey aaid.ln Wa!lling!on tile 'three couittrles were · m: vited by diplomatic notes on J~y 3 (o meet with the United States. In Sena~_F~gh_t? ·1 "' .... \ WASHINGTON (UPI) -be replied .' _, ~ate DemocraUc Leader ~ Sens. John Sbei'man Cooper Mike Ma!1'{Jeld Aid loday be '(R-Ky.), and P~IUp A. Hart• • betieves r ... are ahead In the (D-M1':h.),. lild 'Jl!>I· ~le Senale fight on Pttaldent Nia· . · irben they waild.eall up lbelr . on'• request !or aulhorlzatioa amenduwlt but,~ II,_ \o ptoceed with an antlballlsUc woold mark the Uisl major mlssli~ (ABM) aystem. . ta_t ·,on lhe , N 1 x o'n ad- Manalleld told repo~n. 1,111nlalrall!ln'• ,proposal to however, the out.come rerrl.ail)s ~loy·tl)e...._~ard aystem. In doubt. Two leading op-'lbe '211 ,...on military pro-.. poQents served noUce that . curement1 ~fton l:iUl1 they planned to Introduce In whloh . ...Wd authol'lu the. amendment to ban use of pur~ and development of lun<ls for ABM deployment oL military bardware. Includes a .s;ystem, specifying any f759.1 mlWon for deployment ?-If • money provided could be used . of 1be ABM al two altes. A ,:....:___.;.. n .'I? • • ·,; I -only for research and develop-vote OD . ttie .ABM. ls n0t U• . ~ ment. pected _thll week. !'Y cu h&•e to like. it-he owns I.be place.• 'lbe Senate, In lb second •· • . , , • day of coosiderall<m .of • H·-1..~ 'L'---· I '.Going Establiihnaent: ; , ~\· · . , mWtary proouremem bill'°"' ·, · W"'1'" :';uua< taff · l-,/ ... taining ABM requests, called . ~ r l yi . . '.I · •,:~ r · Berkeley Borb s members went·on strike Tuesday accusing the u.Q:der .. , -off. planned secret aession Ip ' ;.l 0 'nelsinki I ',ground weekly'• edltor-publiaber .of:being a "pig ~:itallst." Owner Max:r F -_•.:t c·· st s . discuss the question. • . Scherr, who iJ.trying ·to 1ell·the•newspaper to ~.s menibers for· fl40,000, 00U:, 0 $ oaring; Sen. John C. Stennb (D-·'l!Ji~~t.1~~ said the young radic!lls were just trying to beat the· price-down, , .,-• Miss.), ar,med Services Com· 'Hum~l'.farr!ved here ·Mon-· · No L ' Up Exp" ected mlltee chal~an wbo 1 • day.11lll'll_:-lif apilvate Ji!ajie : , ON THE TUBE 1 , TBA.NSPAC WGllUGBTS managing the b1D, says such a f r a i· f-48 visit. Hum · 1 • • • • • ~ • seui~n -rare for the Senate phreyo -.~ii '~ 8 Eu......,."'; F.r th. ff•t 111iiil• .. wfi1t'1 j · • Dired Rldio Reports trOm the· FIHt k is needed because of ... __. ~1,,.fti119 on TY. ,.,d n -. . . tour., trJ;veled· from Gene'la W£EK _ diitrlb11t1d wiih th• •. ~ · 3 ind 7 p.m. D1ily "We are -..ery pleased at the __announcement-1hat the in. vitaUons have been accepted a n d we welcome t h e op- portunity it represents." WASHINGTOI'{. ( ) -TjJe Continuing to lead the way classtf1ed . 1nformatlon that and will lo.to the Soviet lJnion Sit"rcl•v Hltlo" of tli .. DAILY · r ,. • rllin& cost of food , already In the rising food prices Is the may be diS<:USSed. 'liler · ' ..tLLOJ -=~Q~C;:M~~R~a~d~ic1~0~~~·;-;-;-;-;-;;~~-;-; .. 1~03~~~:~-1 having a painful impact on lhe------cosrot-nre:at;-parttrufal'ly ·J.tanSfleld was asked what . He .was -~ to meet ~ --- ti. -, · ..... beef. he expected to learn in an ez~ Finni!h Fore!an Minister Ab•1 • • na ons consumer, ts iHln Hiemstra said currently uU • liirieriaDCI ' t> ,...,.._ • . , • • • • - going up and the' g~emment hil!>Jarm prices ror beef, the :;', •• ~~ ·::~na=i ~ dik:. ~#ol!J~~~~·:w . .i:ne Great Orange 4>asf s Nq~ 1 Paperl : The three nations' claim of territorial f.ees and -rial!lnc rlghb :m maes off the west coast of South America has~uenil)'. resulted in the stisure of U.S. fishing vessels by Peru and Ecuador. says there Ls no -~igh of any most popular meet, are ez-. -'-'-'F_rankl"--"'y"', "nolo;..:•c:he=ll.:o:..I ::a.::lot,:::..."_:bere::::::"-:'-' _._.::· ____ :.... __ ....,. ___________ ""---~--------.,---leveling arr. peeled to continue the i r 1 - A g r i culture Department momentwn for most of the -CH economist S t e p h e a J. swnmer at least. Hiemstra . made ·the-gnm The-i:.:a~t aaid - assessment after it w a·, Tuesday wholesale prices for • w.closed Tuesdaf th at proc<ssed meat. poul!Jy and whOfesale lood. Prlip fumpea ruli -jumped 4.5 pereent In -\ ' ' Pop --Si.,,,ger Collap_ses _ In Sydney =er 1 . .1 pe;' during ~:, lea~ all other food . AN And •hen wholesale prices Call~ meat a significant go up, the cost for P+tUng food f~toc_ 1.~e.r food spen- on the average ci~'a table ding, Hiemstra sa&d that it ~c-_ followrTight-up rlfT spiraJ~ counbl -for-25 to 30 pe_rcent of .• ~·· Hiemstra indicated. the average grocery bill. SYDNEY (UPI) -Aclr"5· 1inger Marianne Falthfull was taken unconscious to S t . Vincent's Hospital today after she coll~ .at her hotel where s!ie -was staying With British pop singer Mick Jag- "There's not anything that we can see to indicate a drop or a leveling off," he said. Due entirely to 'the jump in food · costs, the' government's Wholesale Price Indez climb- ,ed. four-~~ of one 1 percent ln June to 11~.2. ger. i Al a new.SJ>,>l\lorence. at,.l)\e -Brown· Baby hotel, . Jagger . sp.jd M 1 s s • Faithfull's cqndif,ion was not aerlous, ~r·~· said ¥/!' was N t Mm' e I "very dtJic_afe" anc\, K~. W4n't • ~-~-1 _ • know how long she would be confined in the hospital. OAKLAND (UPI ) -An at· Asked if reports that his girl torney for entertainer James friend ·eollapsed rrom . an Jl~owil , 't\1.esdaJ d e1n l.e d overdose of drugs were true, paterruty charges flied ag.aJ.nSt Jagger said, -'ll don't think lkvwll.. by a _ Sacra~nto .woman. so." ~-- "Marianne is very dtlicate and the air journey ibas · u- hausted her," Jigger said. Farm Subsidy Limit Defeated WASHINGTON !AP) Sena.ton have voled down a proposed $20,000 ceiling on goyemment payments . t o farmers for not planting crops, but House supporters of the limit say the fight is not over. The Senate, before passing a $'1.6 billlon Agriculture D e partrnent appropriations bill Monday, eliminated a .H®'O<>d&lnal<!l. J!lll<rulm•nl which would impose a $20,000 limit on the subsidies. The vote was 53-34 in favor of re- jecting the ceiling, and the bill was passed 88-2. • Don Warden, Brown's at~ tonrey, said the allegation by Mary Florence Brown, 20, thal the §inger faU!ered her 10... month old son, was "a figment of the young ·lady's im· agination." The attorney said Miss Brown, who .is no relation to the singer, was being used by someone else "to destroy the image" of the popular en- tertainer. Fires Scorch Alaska Acres F A!RBANKS, Alaska (UP!) -More than 1,10-0 firefigbJ,e_rs _are_ _b_a t tJ in g dozens of forest fires that have blackened more thag three million acres of land in one or the worst fire seasons in Alaska history. Draft Record Conspiracy Try Foiled PASADENA , (UPI) -1; d r a f t board clas:1lficatlon clerk, an inductee and an ex- coovict pre charged with ~ spiring _ to a1let Selecti l Service records and to solici a $2,000 bribe. U.S. Atty. Matt Byrne said the case will be presenled to the federal grand jury and a -complete audit-could b e ordered of the Pasadena Local Board No. IH record! to determ.i.ne the validity of all classifications and delermenSa granted.by tbe board._:_ Diana· Marie Daniel, 21, a classification clerk 'in the of- fice for three years, was ac- cused of soliciting the bribe to enter false Information on the Selective Service record or Gary Stevem Langley, 20, who was accused (If falling to report for an armed forces physical examination on the advice of MIS! Daniel ind Anthony Melvin Azadian, 27. Miss Daniel, Langley and Azaclian were arrested Mon- day night by federal agent.. atler the money was paased ln a motel room and arraJgned on the conspiracy • charges Tuesday • Byrne said the investigation turned up no other cases of bribes to alter records, but he said the govenuneot may make an audit to find out. Not an. Elephant Joke I Pachyderm Parked in Man?s Back Yard ROCHESTER,. Mich. (UPI) . feet long, ha~. been ~umped -Henry Kochan, who bai:t tak-there by two Young men. one en his wife out to dinner, call· of them adv~ Joey to, "dig ed home from the re.1taurant up the bones in a .couple of to see how the family was do-years and they'll be valuable." ing. 'I'Qe . ~WO =·ppeil,t:ed i JI "Well, Dad ," said son Joey, Kochan',s pe· . ~ Mon· 15. "We've got an elephant, day evening · · a lruCk buried in the back yard." with a very dead elephant in a Kochan , 3•, teplied In-crate in back, ,Koc}Jan:s aon dulgenUy, "you just don't·have sald. Thq .offefed. Joey and people bury things on your his lJ..year-old bfother, Eddie, place, Joey." 110 for the burial pennlssion. 11ie boys tum~ down the "! !hough! he was kidding,• monefbut agr..q to leMbem Kochan aald la!er. bury the elephin!, Kochan Kochan went. bonie. Joey 'd la! • • wasn't kJddlng. "I always taught my boys A baby elephant was ball that if they can help anybody burled In a sandpit In his -ou~ well, help them out and iubllr"8\lll<lrOltboclliyaril.• don~ take mnoey-1 ... !~" 'Ille' wlslled padlJderm, Kochan aald, "Bui I don't lboUt IN ,leet high and five know about Ibis." COME TOA.FREE Christian -~- The International Anbnal Excliarige In Ferndale aa1d Tuesday it WU "llkely" two of Iii · employei .diocarded the elephant. The firm said it received the animi1 Saturday ruiht on a fiighl from India. It waa sick and died Sunday before It rOilld be shipped on to the LIO- ·coln, Neti., 1.oo.· . Usually, the llrm said, Hob- tains landowfte:r perm1saion before ~ping d e C\a J I n & eleplwtls Into !lie irOOnd. - ''We'll investigate t h I 1 tbcrougbly," Vice Preatdent Dan Brennan aald. '1'D lnalst ~t we r&llury the an!maL"' MOVING SALE! 20%· OFF! th• SHE ahop 217 E. 17i. St, COSTA MESA In-. Canter ' \' . ' •• .· '' ·~ .... --_,,,,,,,..,..,. ... ~""""--............. ~~~~-~-----~~~~--'-~~~ ~~··~------~"-'-.,.;_-' .... • • • I DAD .Y P:t;LOT EDITOBUL. PAGI{ I ' ' ·~ ' • ~- , . ._· --'---~:Sincerit}r 'Is Evide~t~ • Idealism ol yooth bls met with skepticism lrom ~ .... _grownupa in the case of Lagana Seach's pro119sed F~ee -:-•1 Unlv,nity. · ... ... _ . ' ' • Proponents envision it ·is an lmporlillt lnsUtulion needed by society to bring estranged ieneratlons to- gether. Critics see It as a paper organization and doubt It ever will get ofi the ground. · City councilmen declined to endorse or provide money for the Free University. Tbey did so for a sound reason. They clldn't want lo buy a pig Ill a poke.- But the organizers , of Laguna Fr~e University shouldn't be sold short. Their sincerity is evident. ' To l!iU Roley, 22-yeaN>ld recent UC Irvine grad .. uate wbo is ·a Laguna summer lifeguard, the Eree Uni~ versity ia an institution to beaJ the societal ills of dis- affected youth. , Laguna Bea.;h has enough of that, to be sure. And It Is precisely lo• that reason that Roley and UC! class· mates chose Laguna foi-tbelr educational experiment. They plan -to otter courses that wou~d provide con• frontation of rebellious and establishment life styles so young and old can learn to under5tand each other.· Intriguing -jf sOmewbat vague -course titles incl\lde ••community Dialogue," ''Problems in Con· temporary SocleJy" and "Community Mental HealthJ'i Probably the Free University wlll get under way. In the.fall as its"organizers say • .J.t.should be a stimulating- experiment. But it isn't li.tely to have Impact on a com- munity-wide scale. . A handicap to fUl\cling I~ t~at m9sl of ,tli• P.l•nn•d Free UniversllY. community services -, .such as drll&> use intorpiapon, in!tf:Uo.us-disease diagnosis, Je~al and draft ct>unseling -are aimed toward the al1enaled• young Jiersons not olten aided by the monled class. Role9' correctly observes that other organiz:ations attempt to bring youth problems into exisllng agencies of society -"the very o~jocts'of their disill~slonment." Byt those who might donate funds likely are going to need · some ,hard con.vin<:ing ·that a Free University could produc;e constn)Ctive resµlts . . · The Free University might be a boon to Laguna. It might bo a bane. · But certainly there ls nothin'g sinister about those behind it. The community would do well to withhold judgment and giv~ id~ID.ism a try. A Gift for Laguna It isn't every day that a city receives a $112,000 gift from. a private source but the city of Laguna Beach has • The· Festival of Arts board has handed the brand new"Foiwn facUlly over to the city without taxpayers havtng 'to put up a penny. An.d In this case the i112,ooo would be the equivalent ,of almost.a~2Q..cent-tax-inerease.~-~ .... b1,1?ing the six .. week run of the Fesijva1, -the For- um's 23:1-seat theater will be used by Rene for his mar· ii:>Dette show. But the theater was designed · for year· around community use - a place for lectures, travel filmS, ballet or concerts. . • • • ~ . • ~ However, there seems almost no chance the more estranged elements .. of society would be persuaded. tO ~ttend . 1:1Jere are tnanv handicaps to the grand idea .. ' ~------·~.,o,.,n,,e_..,..,. the name. Free it ma~ be, but a universit-v l may not~ized curricUJum toward a degree Is planned. • And , the name has been tainted somewhat by ass°" ciation with some campuses-and communities whirer activism has been marred by disruption. · Of course the city does own the l8nd on which the FestiuJ.._stands. So..Jn._a_sense-the.:Ecirum._became-the city's as soon as it was built. But the point is the Festival board designed the theater for broader use than its own needs. And the board did not make what would have been a legitimate request for city contribution toward cost of the project •. (l) 'I ckspise jour po~itiol! but will defend wiJh dollttrs yoUJ> right, maintain it.. Problem of Republican P~otests Schmi t .:' 'Report t o , the People' Dear-. Th'3 Evil in ~=my .. C·alls·.-~~· a' Cheap Political Gim~ick' rt----lioacrMen, ____ l-,i,euiiitr,'~e a-cti naW.-1-"'To_th,,._e "'Editor-:.-~--------- \ For awhile. Laguna's: hippies Orange County's senator John Schmitz 'Rod eos Are Cruel' To the Editor : AB U vs. Polaris • ., ' -....._ would ask me for some spare Is running true to form . Today the matl change. Now, with the new meters brought his "A Report to the P,eople'' ••aow can the same world, Jn the same country and the same century1 produce both a JDUer and an Einstein?" asked my frlend at lunch. ••11ow can the human race produce such disparate types almost at the same time?" There ls no answer to this question. And when there ts no amwer to a ques- tion, it is usually because it is a wrong question. Until we begin to ask the right quesUons, we cannot get any satWactory answers. 'lbe right question wou1d be: How can .the_sam., h""'"'1. ~ing_<oo.IJln within itself an Einstein aad a Hitler, in vary- ing degrees? This is the central problem ~ have to face, and. soll!ehow to overcome,.before it overcomes us. A GENUINELY good and peace-loving men. Einstein nevertheless wrote the af· firmaUve letter to the White House, wblcb eventually resulted In the making of the first atom bomb and its devastating use on Hiroshima and Nqasaltl. Jt wu not the evil Hitler who started the chain. but the benevolent Einstein. And, llkewise, it ls not the problem of "evil men" that so hinders our development. as it is the problem of the evil in good men, in. men of good jn- ~ and good will, like even an Eln.s- tein. anxmcf town they ask met: for giving the resulta of the eight questions spare tokens. Jf the L~ cur-he asked in the questionnaire he sent out rtncy trend ever evolves Into to "every household" in Orange County in beads, they'd be In great shape. December. Rtadlng it hastily, as most -Broke people do, J got the impression that Orange County people were not just con- servative, but reactionary. ni. ...._. ,.,._ ~ ....._ ... ~ .................. .. ,_ -....... ...., .... DllllY .... . Troopers, but ~ "~ -.~le" of Germony who made Hiller pooslble. Tb1s ii. ~ to-deny-that there are degrees al iUU~ or moral •dUferenc:es ai:pong m~. But it ls to luggtat that we cannot wboUy blamt a Bitter or a Stello for tbe tragedJes they bring in their wake. For along every inch of the road, they ...,. .helped,, by men.. who thought they were dontg good, for their country and their people. IT IS TOO EASY to subscribe to the "4evt1 tbeo_ry" .of .history-= to polnt to the Nu! chiefs or the Soviet Comintern as diabolic achemer1 who dragged their naUons into b~ed and terror. But when these-deVUs su~. "it i5 only because they apPeal to the devil in each of us. They aP}:lejl to our fear, our fruatraUoh, our greed, our anger. The more I thought about the report, the more it eeemed like.-cheap political gimmick, the kind of thing that even his fellow members in the John Bfrch Society might no;. approve. Only 2S 787 people 9"Wed Ule Q\lestionnaire.,. OUT OF CUjllOSITY I phoned the regi~_.-·of vctters in Santa Ana and found that, u (lf last December, there were 518,«02 regiJtered voters in tbe .<;!lllllt)'~ This means that tbe qu,.. tlonnairt was answered by only 4. 7 per· cent of the registered voters, an in· sl~t proporti_on, yet s_e n at o r Schmitz is using this questionnaire as a basis for the.legislation-be is introducing in response to ••the will of the people." (Foilr bills.) ,He says 80.5 percent said the "state. Legislature abould withhold budget ap- Citations -' Utteri from ,.eaden ore ·wtlcome. NormoUt1 writers rhould conuey their mcuoaer i'll 300 wordr or le.$$. The right to eondin.se letkrs to ftt space or eliminaW libel is reserved. AU let- ttrs mmt include signature and mail· ina address1 but M"mts-moy be 'WitJt.. held on request if sufficient reaso11 U apparent. propriations from the state .colleges and University of California untb there iS 'a clear-cut guarantee that peace and order will be maintained on campus and lhat all rioters, whether atudents or members oT the1aculty, will-be-e1PeDed."' A QUESTION LIKE this is a lillle 'like asking for a yes or a np .answer to the question, "Have·you stopped beat- ing your wife?" How cari such a guar· antee be made? Just what does "all rioters" mean? A type of 'dragnet could be instituted in which it was used lo to harass and get out or the col- leges individuals who did not have the same political philosophy as those in- stituting the dragnet. He Is lnlroducing a bill to have the governor appoint a five·man commission that would have the independent authori- ty to 'dismiss teachers, and expel students. Can Californians afford to have the schoola mixed up with politics? Do we What happenect in Gtnnany in I.he 1930's s60Uld have impr~ · ll s permaoently with the dreadful -ledge that a sober, decent, hard.working, well- educated, and "coituraJ" nation couJd behave in a way that would shock savage trlbei -but it has not so impressed us. The Wms have dfsappeared, but fascism ls more virulent than ever in the world . . want a senator who considers 4. 7 percent You drtve down Mains~~t. change of the voters "the will of the people"? I THE PERPLEXITY ii not that .a Hitler today. Our enemy is within us -within lanes, and turn left. A po~eman flags am a registered Republican and believe you down. He bands yoli a citation for a we deserve better representation than and an Einstein both ·co-mat, but that even __ the _peace-lovlnJ Einsteins -and tbey-botbt-in-aome-measure,--t!li&t-ln-ai1=-=n0t.-behind-~!.Lof~-mind of us. It wu, afltr all, not the Storm aeparaUna good guys from bad ones. ''.movl~ viol.alien" for making an unsafe this lane C ge aOO cuffing in fronl of on--' -MARGARET McMASTER cominiJ traffic. You sign a promise to appear Whaf next? It is disappointing lo Califomia animal lovers thal our fairs and expositions con- tinue to exploit, year-after-year, cruelty to animals under the guise of en- tertairunent. 1 refer, of cOurse, to the rodeo plaiined by Alfred Lutjeans, manilger of the Orange County Fair, as one of his attractions. Although many of our f4irs, including California Ca!-.Sxpo, are in financial dif- ticnltle.s, it is lragic that the 'necessary dollars must be· made fr m the pained and tormented bodies o he Ip I es s animals .. RODE·o JS mod_erniu blood sport. Merciful men long ago s ke out against bear-baiting, cock-fightin , dog pits and other cruel aniriiill ... tettainments." Unfortunately, rodeo bas· escaped being legislated out of existence because it hides its true face in a masquerade of western legend. And ttlat is pure hoax. Rodeo is not a romantic link with fhe hlstoric West. Our forefathers placed great value on livestock -too much to maim them . RODEO IS CRUEL. ln the pursuit of fun, animals are killed, ,crippled and ter- rorized. This is the Sl>Called "sport" with which the fair's name is associated. No doubt the manager would be unable to stop this affair at this late date even if he desired . However, he may want to consider my remarks before planning next year's entertainment. Perhaps, the declining gate at fairs and exposiUons in California. and in the coun· try should be an indica~on thet the peo- ple are fed-up with Rqman Colosseum- type events. · , BELTON P. MOURAS .--etesideni Animal Protecti~n institute, Inc. • To the Editor: The ABM at its best will provide only as much protection as thwnb sucking for 80 percent of the United Stales popula· tion. I am not speaking of a thin line ot defense now proposed. I am speaking or the most extensive ABM network im· aginable, fully installed with all the Iail safe systems operating, I am speaking of an ABM coverage that dofs the job it is designed for. At ita best it will leave most o( the people io the United States, including Alaska and .. Hawaii, dead. 'gle key is reaction time. -Jlow long doei ' it take to react to Jn. coming missiles: LET'S TAKE a look at the location of the large clUes of the United States. Within 300 mil es of the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the GUif of Mexlco you will find roughly 80 Rf!rcent of the population of the United States. According to our own laws, In· ternational water begins 12 miles from our shore lines. In other words, any ship ha s the right to sail as close as 12 miles from our shore., Any ship, even ail alien Polaris submarine, can legally come tll within 312 miles or 80 percent of the populatio n of tbe United States. THE POLARIS submarine can deli ver missiles with nuclear warheads across a 300-mile range in just a few brief minutes. far quicl!er than we can react to defend against them. In other words, the best ABM system is totally useless against an attack from Polaris missiles fired from submarines stationed only 12- miles from our shores. Why bother spending money <1n pro· teetion that is obsolete before it is built? ROBERT G. BLANCHETTE A 'Medical West Point' ., I( you had no accident, call or write the court to find out what your ball is and post it, because there are ce.rtalrr cita- tions upon which you can post and forfeit bail, and make no court appearance. But In Works: Labeling the Hot Dog WASHINGTON -The prospects are higbly promising for the ijouse Armed Services Committee to give the green light to a biU tttat would establish a · .. medical West Point" to train doctors expressly for lhc armed services. Committee leaders say the legislation bas strong bipartisan support and its ap- proval is virtually certain. However. its fatt in the full House is sWl conjectural . The measure is oot slated to reach the chamber until the fall -alter Congress returns from its scheduled mid-summer recess in August. Sponsored by Rep. F. Edward Hebert, l)..La., chainnan 'of the subcommittees on the National Guard. reserve and draft. the bU1 has been pending for a number of years. Hebert is now being credited with having ·won enough backing to ensure comml.Uee endorsement "of the meawre. B11 Geor9e --~ DNl' George: 1l(y busband -to dread opeak-Jn&.ht public and wu very shy. He jQbted a club -wlUch gave him con- fldellCe. My probl"'1 II thi" Is tbfra a club l eou'4 get him to join w!llcl> cautd lel>Ch him to shut up? l'l!l •lct Jll UStenloB to him. • ' MBS. R.A. Deir !In. B. A.: , .,. -QI ,.. • 1111111benblp ~ In GeorP'• Burned· Toutm rrtm .auaa,: We &Diet each wo11a1cr.: g...,.~·­ rllol i. ~ Ille "" "' .. wall; .... ' . - UNDER ITS TERMS, a "Uniformed Services Academy of Health Sciences." would be established in either Maryland or Virginia within l5 miles o f Washington. The 1nstituUon would be "80 organized as: to graduate not less than 100 medic.al student,, annually." A nine-member board of regents ap- pointed by the Preaident would govern the academy. In addition to these civilian appointees, the board abo would include the aecretary of def~ and the surgeons general of the armed servtces. Upon graduaUon, academy studenta would be conuniasloned as regular -lieutenants in the particular sen-ice they select. In return for their education, they would be requjnd lo eerve u military doctors for a minlmwn ol seven years. ' WR1LE THE OUTLOOK for. ihe legl~auon bu CCIUl!derably brightentd in the House, it still bas to undergo Senate· c:onsiduatWn. ltt: l:hances there art un· predictable ·at thiS time. Sen. John Stennia, l)..Miss., chairman, has indicated friendly interest but bas taken no defll'Ute stand. In general, that is the position of Sen. Margaret Chase Smith, R·Me., ranking Rep 11 b 11 c a n member of the committee. Their bipartisan support would greatly enhance the bill'a chances. . . B1-S.AO'" aad Job A. Gold11nltll .· , ' if you had an accident, or were cited for speedhJg or drunk or reckless driving, you must so to court; you cannot just post and forfeit bailas If it were a ftne. YOUR A\)TO insurance rate goes up when you· have a moving violation. U you post ball' or fall to protest the citation this count& as a "convlcUon" which goes into your driving record. The DepartmMt of Motor Vehicles records aU such con- victions, bait forfeitures, or admissions of violations. When toO many pile up the department may send for )'OU to come and discuss your record and whelh~ or not ·you can be considered a safe driver, .~nd may suspend or rtvoke your license. It must suspend licenses after certain kinds of convict.Ions-for example, a se- cond conviction for driving while untier lbe lnfluenee., of alcohol or drugs. TO PRO'rEST the citation, most likely you will bave to go to the courthouse several times, since in most counties you haw t:o poet. bail before you can protest. II lound guilty, l'Oll may hove to Pl!' a ~ne, , .. to Jail or to a drlvln& scboo!. Or the court may put you on probaUon with certain condlUons. Sometime• the judae may order you lo &• to drtvln1 scb09! and then cllsmln the case If your record la good and the of- fense ls mJnor. The dlsmlsled citation does not go into your record. But a court onler to go to dr!YO)'I' school might also ' follow a gU!lty .finding by the judge. In that case, a conviction stands sgaimt- your record , Note: CoU/ornia la wuers offer this cotum11 so 11ou mav know about our lawt. ' For months now, l have been trying to find something about the N i x o n • Administration which would make n1e spring up and salute, or something . But I keep getting the impression that we are being governed by handouts. By this I do not mean donati<lns of food , but those bits of propaganda pap that are produced by mimeographs to convince the reader that something, somewhere, is getting done in bis behalf. Mr. Niion and his government don't really want us to know what is going on. Maybe this is true oI most governments. An e1cellent way of keeping people in the dark is apreadlng the murky enlighten- ment of the handout. TRUE, TOO, JS the possi bility that Mr, Nixon really isn't <t.oing anything. After all, he served under Mr. Eisenhower, who tried his best to do nothing ·because he honestly thought nolhing much needed doing. Could be, even, that this is Ule right way to do things al µie top. . Anyway I have bad trouble deciding wbetMr thla country wu tieing led ·by a President or a package. All thoM canny advertising men 1r~rround the Prest· dent think constanUy in terms o( cos- mcUcs, and cosmetic effects. · they remember that Mr. Nixon may have lost lfle ·t960 electon to Mr. Kennedy for want of a Uftle more cosmetic ef£~t in their famous television debatea.. where the most telling point for the afllrmattve wae Mr. Nixon'• flve o'clock shadow. YOU DON'T SEE l!IY live o'clock • shadow any more. What you do see Is the little man on top of the ftdding cake. to emploY Alice l.ooporth's 1mmorU1 description of another man who-r•n for the presidency. Mr. Tom Dewey. I used to dislike Mr. NiJon, in the days when he waS making funpy &ptecftes On the telly about his £riendlyidog, Checkers. 1 don't dis1ike him ~ more.' Nor do I like him. I }ust find him unreal. t find him most unreal when he makes friendly I l t t I e gestures towards the proletariat. doubtless on· advice of bis adfertising genii. Then he is sort of embarrassing. . THEREFORE, IT WAS with a kind of pleasure that t read tbe other day of an act.ion ol the Nixon' Administration whieb won my full and enthusiastic approval, not that the N. AdriUnistratloo needs it. The Pr~ident, through his adviser on consumer affain:, -came out Bat.footedly for a reducUoo' of the fat content of hot dogs and bologna. Tb1s is clearly a move In lthe ad· vancement of the human weal. A generation ago, hot dogs a\'ld bologna were composed of about as percent hot dop and bologna and 15 percent or so of fat. Nowadays there is no present limit on fat content and no labeling ~uJrement. llot dogs average about 33 pen:ent !at, and some ha'le as tnuch as Sl percent. . TUE NIXON Administration jirvposed to hold the Uno at so· percent lal ~ore this humanlta,rian m o v e becomes law we have, of course, to reek· on with the canny sausage lobby. If this croup of interested citiml! had its way, 1 ha ve no doubt the hot dog would be._ 80 percent (al and 20 percent whatever else It is. Mr. Nixon's consumer adviser told Congress that. in the matter of prepared foods, dogs are better off than we are. Their food is properly labeled as to what it contains. ours ain 't. THE NIXON Administration lndiea led it would go beyond labeling the hot d~, if it gets away with that. All ·prepared goods. the lady speaking for Mr. Ntxon said, should have labels telling just what they are made of. This lS"" all good stuff, and rm the one to tell you tha t I'm right here. urg ing the administration on. And glad to be able to do ii. ...... ~ Wednesday, July 9, 1969 Tht editorial page of tht Daily Pilot .sftkl to tnform and $tim- ulatt readeri by J')T'tsenting this new.tpap~'• opinions and co'm- mritart1 oft ti>p(CI Of frtlerest and slg;tificmoce, bv proolding • fo1'1'm for lh• •.tpr•t.ricm of oul" reader11 opiniom, and bu pr .. ntillf ~ divers• -~ . ti ' .. -·· ""·--"°"' ,••fJV'!! ..... , ~·-~·· and IP<'lce-°"' topic. of the c1av. • • Roti.n ; )Void, PubU.ber -. -~ f L I > L ., l -• • • - • ' ' YQ~ ~t.]9.·)63 .. ~ SECTIONS, t6 lA6ES •• r ; , OUNGE COUNTY, CAIJFORNIA . . .~WEDNUDAY, ~ULY 9, )"9 JEN CENTS • -----. ' . -'He PUiled-Our Dejlartnient Together' !y '!OM ll'OllTllNE Of .. °"" t'ftM ,..,, Laguna ~Beach's Police Chief Harry Labrow, .who. will retm: after two more.· days on lbe job, was given a warm send- -oil at a l'<COflllltlon dinner Tuesdoy niglit. The tone wa.s warm and friendly -and hwnorous in places. Lagun:,. Officer George Pletts wrlly told the 8$ persons present of the chief's great accomplisbments: ''·Five years ago when he came to our 1ittle comiDunity we had a homosen1al problem. Ollef Labrow, trying to do the GiiTS'WARM SENDOl'F goocl thing for the community, got rid or ----~~--~ ------- Laguna Beath Polle< AssoclaUoo, also COleman·i..tern and ' batt•!"fi'O'l"!'d nJthHrllb the crlles ml -'"!be wlnW. now m If adMI i>r told of his a_dmlraUon for the man. light. ()( others. Tbe long &Dd lrreeular bwn mOre Ui.an the summers wher. l came "You've pulled our department One &lft. was directed to both of them away from home may dlminilb. But )'tlU here •:'be sajd. "It's not a Duke. Jt'1 1 together. We have a fOOd working unft to and LI.brow quipped.: will never reure. You wlll 10 on ~r· u;;d. We're-not going to elimlnate i& (th~ tum·over to,your predecessor. But we're "I don't WUlt to souod selfish, but t ing to others." hfppie colony). We have to try to control always going to know yru as chJel." thlnt 1 lhollld remind ·YOU I'm retiring, Mayor .Glenn Vedder said, "W~ will jt,'I • The dinner was put on by the Masters she's not." long remember the quiet, el'fk:lent way Chid La brow saJd he had spent all that of the Laguna Beach Chamber of Com-When La.brow unwrapped the sleeping he has administered the police depart. day on an oral boan: inte"iewing 10 can- merce·at Hotel Laguna, bag ~ wife jestedf'"'You can j"oin the ment. We won't soon forget that." didates.for his job'. ''From tbe caliber of Labrow, 56,. and wife, Frances, recelv· hippies."-· . City Ma1U1:1er James Wheaton aaJit five pet!p]e V'e interviewed today, you have no ed a number of gifts useful for their plan· A serious b1bute to..Labrow wa.s given years ago when he.,was reCruifinLQµef .worries," be said. neralmper traile'r 'travels before Uiey by Cypress-Chief George Savord, presi-Labrow he told him:" 'Yeah, you might ' "We thiilk it Is time for me to leave, seUJe down in Twentynine Palms. dent of tl}e! Orang_e Cgunty ~olice. Chiefs be busy ®ring the,.summ~ but not but we· wilt m}ss ~ people,. here. We On~ behalf of. the community they were Association. . • d.uring the winter.' He baa never forgiven know aeons wOO art friends.'' given three pieces of Ju.gage purchased "A good police officer is Uke an old me for Qlat." _ Also present were Labrow~s sons, '!Ith money from sale ,of. the dllmer" shoe. Bene11lh nis polish are scars and Labrow, who was captain o[ the Harbor Chuck, a Loa Angeles police officer, and l • ~hl*f C bro . them.by importing hippies." --==·O!'"""~=· =~~· .._=·.._~w~--C". llore . ..nousJ,yJ'lel!L ~mident or lb• tickets. Laguna police officers aJso 1ave; scuffs. He wears well . Division for Los Angeles Police before · Tom, a crew deduJer ror United them• aleepin& bac. two foldipg..dWJ:L...a_ "Y.OULphooe may no longer~ring jn lhe-comini.to..Liguna, tben..•1aolldd.hibiis-s .p·;...,__.Al'tl'in·..._ ____________ -1 ~-~ Senatellumps &ii-~~ More TrooP.s ---1 PUiled, Not. GOP Leader Gets Old ·Guard Ousted From Viet ·- SACRAME!fJ'Q .l~J-'.rJyg_ lll«>l~'­o{ the Senate's old guaN were dumped today from the powerful Senate Rules Committee by supporters of Republican President pro tem Howard Way.-Democrats and Republicans Joined to remo\'e Republicans John F. McCarthy ot San Rafael and Jack Schrade of San Diego. They were replaced b)'. two "young turk" backers of Way-Clair Burgener of San Diego end Robert St"evem of Los- Angeles. "they were part of the GOP. ' • j)loc Uiat earll~ filid ¥P!d. rep!~_e Way's predecessor, Deoiocrahc Pres1· dent pro tem Hu~b M. ,Burns of. Fresno. The move scttd1fie4~Way's takeover of the Senate machinery, and came in an atmosphere of brue'rness. Burm. who su_pPorted his long-time friends McCarthy and Schrade, rose be- fore the ' vote land said, "Now what you are doing Js harpooning the people I represent.'" -''We aft going so far, so fast that it woo't lie long untU Loo Angeles COO!lty Drugs Eo _uµ,d in Auto la runnllig_~~:'.lmms said.~lt is all well and good fOl' anyone living in rural districts to sell their peopla out, but I'm not going, to do it.•• Way's supporters were determined to dump Scbrade 8Jld McCarthy from Rules because they said tbey were disloyal to the Republican· pi.rty aod preferred to work inlttad with the infonnaJ coalition of lobbyists and Democratic and Repu~ liun veterans who had run the ·Senate-·. -for yMn, "·•'"'--- ~-~~~-..,.,.~~,..-~--t " WASHINGTON (AP)-Pr,.ldent Nlz,- oo ordered ~Y the withdraws! ol near- ly 15,000 U.S. mJHtary men from overMU' bases in the nat year -but not fnlm Vtemam or other trouble spots. · The SPeci{ic areas from wl;Uch the mm • will be taken were not announced. 'nte While House said 14,900 men would be· brought home durinK the cominc ·II ~tbs "in th;e inferesb of ~ buifget and balonce ol paymonts COits and of reducin& the American presence -overseas." n..c:utbacu, 1o be 1UP11temenled by'O reduction of ·~·, .. civilian f Alter Crash Kills Two · Laguna Dotted By 21 Festival•,~. -..... . .... .Tram ]Jeriches • ~ .. abniod, c•uilt'.jead'to aa.eyu- ;> biif balance or pijmelits saVlnp of 175 million a year, it was &aid... CiYiUln • ill-Will be carried DUI ~-pie warld, Jncludiq:.a reduc· tion· OI ._ 1ban 10 percent In ledero! _<:!•~ ""t!l01-!!! In -Vietnam. • I An old sedan in which' Orug pllb were found hurtled oft ~'San Dieao Freeway at more than 80 miles per hour today, plunging 30 feet down into ·Ill El T~ro area creek, killing two teenagers and In- \ jurinK t-. f Names cf the 18-and J,..year-old youths pried from the upside-do~ vehicle as r rescuers sloshed around . 1n San . Di~go Creek were withheld pending notification of relatives. California Highway Patrol Offict.r Bruce A. Hand said all victims were from Sooth Cate, Whittier and Lynwood. Seconal pills were ta~en from the automobile wreckage after the 8:30 a.m. accident, caused when driver DBfl!'Y Da;ynot, 11. cf Lynwood. lost control while southbound on the freeway near Valen· cia Avenue. RescUe workers were called to the 1eene to pr11--apart_the demQ!is_b_e_d 1~ Youth's Death Still Mystery; Tests Ordered No cause has been determined yet for the death Monday of a Stanton. yowh who was a key figure in the. manslaugb- ter trial of a reserve policeman wbo shot his companion to death 11k yean a~~colog}cal test! following an air topsy on the unmarked body ol Jerry Naranjo 19 of 10692 Court St., stantoi:'- will probably indica(e a re.a!OD for blS death. . k& d er "It could possibly uc: a rug ov • dose ·• said Stanton Police Detective--Sgt 'Jim Lamont t'oday, ·"but as far M a IDan making an official statem~nt, wt have none.'' . · Naranjo'! older brother Daniel ~'le the victlm to Stanton Communlly Hos-- pita! Monday, where the uneoilsclcu youlh died in the emergency room. tie said two men unknown to the Naranjo family had carried Jerry. ~to his house about noon and dumped bun Ihm. Laguna Canyon Work Bid Opening Slated Bldl .,in be opened Aug. 4 on proposecl repaln 1o -lining and lencing 1n the t.uun1 Oa.,yon drainage cbannel :damagta ln lhl severe 1torm1 Jut January and February. ~ County Flood COhtrol District Chid En&ioetr ~a:e Otborne said Tuesday a federal crant hid been 1pplicd tor to covf!r tht $1S,OOO cost of the· repairs. ,• '\ . ('' ..... sedan and pull o u t Ult ratally Injured youths, aJong with the driver and two passengers. Listed ·in critical condition -and possibly to be 1 third ratallty -was Miss Desiree M. Lecontte, 20, of Whittier, while Oaynot suffered serious injuries and Ricbaard L. James. 19, ol South Gate escaped with minor injuries. The victims were taken to Santa Ana Community Hospital after the accident. where the two wildentified victims were dead on a.rri\'al, CHP investigators said. The amount of barbiturate pills con- fiscated from the wreci: wu not im- mediately given and lnvestigalion con- tinues, to determine whether any charges will be filed. Lana Turner's HUSbana7 aces Court Aug. 5 Ronald Dantr, HypootiJI and Seventh hllll>and.ol.actr,.. Lalla.l'Urner will lace nrelimiDary bearing Aq. 5 in Central Ora.ii· <;OiJJify Y'uniclpll Court On Cfaiiil Ulelt cblraa involviq:~ aeven custom• built bolts tot.n 1rom • s.nia Ana 11oat company_ more~ a year aio. Dante was ami8n.i Tuellday belor. Municipal Judge Willlam W. ~· who iald be would ~ rule Aug. 5 on a motion by Dante's attorney that the~ grand tlleft cbarg~ be ~. IJ'he Hollywood bypnotlst, who asserts he was in the boat busineu at the time of the allepd tlleft and hid legally purdl ... ed the eraft, Wiii ~ by Sanif' ADI police lut month aftel: be survhred' an apparent murd<r attempt In the Wl- derground garaKO o! hla ·Weot.Holl}'Wllod home. . Polic< read or five ihols being !ired at Q""le and picked him up on a year .. ld warrant for the boat thtrt. Loo AnpJa .olllcen aald the -·• lncldent ii llill under hmstlptfon .... not related lo· the theft cbargt. ' ' Sprout.Ing like ,&)ant white and red mushrooms during the fti&ht, 21 Festival or Arts tram · benches popped up In LagWUI Beacli this morning, Festival mamtena:nce man Hanis Ealy spotted the benc.bes all ~gh town beginning at 4 o'clock this morning so he could work unhindered -by traffic. The benches mart spots where a Festival of Arts tram will pick up passengers and take them to the Festival grounds -the idea beina: that Festival goers may park convenienUy in a downtown lot and then ride to the grounds. • Northern-most bench is at Boat Can· yon, soothe.rn-most is .at Diamond Street.' The red and whlte trams are scheduled to stop at each bench every 15 minutes. The fare is-Jo·cent . A tram also will run between the Festival grounds and the Laguna Beach Art Association Gallery. Another tram, the Cannonball Expre:is. will take passengers for a circular tour or Laguna Beach. It runs e\'ery hour and lbe fare is 25 cents. -Britain Disarms ..... Sammy Davis Jr. LONDON (UPI) -Cu,,t0m.!I ag.ents setted a revolver and ammunition from Sammy Davi! Jr, when the American enlttlainer arrived at London Airport June 28, customs officials said lodc;.y_ The officials said Davls bad the gun in hli ~t PDCl\<l They told Davis he rould pick up the pistol and ammunition when lie left for the United States. "I have a pennlt to carry a gun" in America, but the customs informed me tbt.laws art different in Britain and quite ri&ht}y so," bavls said. "I have the idea or bavlng to carry a &\Ill to proted rnyaelf ln Americl." 'l1ii iiillltilrTftilaclfoos, -=, will ·not •J!PIY lo forces Jn' Vretnam, SOuth Korea', ·Berlin, thole sections ol Saathw' 'Alia. Where' they . .-ate Jn .. pporl ol millWy operaUon.s, or to force.a com- -~~onU!!_ N"!'.!Jl _Atlantic ~Wl Big Gug Helps Out .. ' " Coast_ G~(:utter out_of NeWJ)Ort Beach moves in ~ose to La·g\Jna's Main Beach fo tow Jl.loot outboard owoed by Leonird Schwlnitt o! Los Angeles out of 'danger. Boat Jost-propeller and was drift.inc tir w.ard rocks off Heisler Park-Tuesday afternoon. No One was :inJured in_iqc;ident. · · T Chicago, Georgia ·Face D.S~ School Racial StJ;its ' WASHINGTON (AP) -The Ni.Jon·~· \'erslon from a dual to' untt:ari method" mlnlstraUon threatened today two large 9' operation in compliance wflh federal school systems _ the state of Georgia la'lf against racial discrimlnation. and lhe city ol Chicago -with 11ie 'Justice lleparlmtnt accu9iif Cid· desegreg&tkm suits unless remedial ac-cago public school officlal90f .cileetinlln- Uon 11 taken within two weeb.· · atjng agalmt~ Negro~ ,atudan~ in ·tlw placement of tei.cbers anc1 raiatd' tbe (Details on Chicago are &iv en in 1 ,. lhr,eat of ~rt adlOn it"pollCii!fll'T liOt story on Page 3) -~ changed. In the Geoi'gia case, the JusU<:e 'l'be'llllegation was·conlalned in a letter Department lold the Stale Board of · from ·the , "'"'•~M•"' t• ••••• u Educatlim,l\.1111 ·15 days lo come--.p with-IVlilitOii; prJj--""'-ofihe ·~i-­ a Voluntary p!an to end racially seearate · Boar~, made ~le b)' A~. Jobn "SChooJ syste'ms·iD all 194 di$ricts. . N. Mitchell. The le&ter, asbd fOr a reply ' The threat waa contained ln a letter wll.t11n two weeka. , , sent by A!st.. Atty. Gen. Jerri! Leonud The government said' a f4!deral er •. to Dr. Jack P. Nlxt Georgia'I &uperin--aminaUon1of the school board's teacher tendenfo! ediption .. •. , , • asaignin<nt pollclea "lndlClates Ulol. al~ Leima1'! said Ill Georgia dlatr,idl1 olitl , ~•ll!V yd ~J' N-ICbools had not' ~·P~ ·~or-t!"'Jfufl con; '" -'111 ~ a ~te ~ -.tary Ronald L. Zlegiel' said that about CI0,000 of the apprHtm.ately -mi!!Jon U.S. lniJJtacy meil.llOW' lli'Y· Ing abrOad would be covered by Ibo a· empljoos. The total of lt,900 thus woDld come out of the remaining 150,000 acattered U'OIMd lhe globe in areu not exempted from the Nixon order. • The While -said It did not 1:.-yet where -tbe cuts would be made. The United Slata maim.im, able military cootiqents IP ooch -ta u J-; Spain and Turkey, w.hicb presumably would be aHecled. NIIon ordered.that the reductlona begin 11 soon 11 poa:lble. •dUt hlJ directive_ biini liliPlemented by a 1peclal com- m.iUee of the National ~ity Council headed by Undersecretary ol Slale Elliot Richardson. "· Stoelc llf•rJcets NEW YQ!!!!; (AP):-')'he sloe& rnmo• retrealed on • wlife !toot in slaw tradinl lh~ alt>rnifn; wi111· mer•l 11ure bklcts Cl'OISing the Jape in late trading, (See quolatlona, Pag11 •27). 'Ibe Dow Jones lndustrill average at ·UO p.UI -oll 7 .. at llUS, Its clos- ing Jow for·tbe year. 819.'11., was reached June rr. Tbe OJI lost 11.• pointa ~­ day. a.. .... The morning • fog won '\ be around long e!lllUih lo <;hlll lh• air Thlalday, fDll IWUl)' Kies are dut to 11t.evall •Uh high temperatures ranging !rom 7$ locally lo II !ur- th« lolllll<I. INSmE TODA. Y number cl new, lnoxpen.a..-..i. less educated, and non-certifici.ted teachen. It matt bt the middle of aaim- . "This llppW'S lo be the'<llrod rilUlt or -· but "" -live th••'"" the ICbool .,,..s pOUey of pmnit;tinc f>roductaom 11tt glP!ttiflg read.v oei:tl!lciilied -lo tramltr to the lo open m the Onmge C90'I · mOre 'dellrahle' 1Cho161s." ' · area. ·scr T.lieottr Note1, Pagf. et,ncago, wllb 511,000 puplls,,bu lllO no· 30. Lyric Opera Gets $3;006. Directors o( U(w\a &acb's FesUvat of Arts voted TUelday to provide fS,000 in &ebolarships !or needy Lyric Opera repertory theater studenta. Scholarships wW be given only to talented students who tack reaoorccs to pay tulUon. Ji~estlvat directors will personallf partjcjpat1 in Ult acreenlng ti scholarobill rociplents. )i Repertory theater cl1aes will train ll tfl U ltudenta in sin,glng, dancing and drama. The theater will prtaent con· denaed oper&Uc'and mualcal ae.leclions to ihe prbllc and ,lo ocbool chlldttn follow· ing a sl.,wetl< tralnin& period beiJnoinf Oct. 6. In dec)dlqg. lo giye the opera ,$3,000, l'lllJ••! dirtctorl 1flllved rutal 1 ... lot opera .,. ol lb• new lorwn bltlldini - ,.I .' ' • ' tloo • lblnf Jataosl )l!lillfc.--IY*!n • ...,. 1115 ·per day for about~ID days -rantJns only beblod ~y'oij•a' J;Itl,lllO --=.... ll and a fet for rental of a piano. and Loi Anp1e1' Ml,OOD; ;!be Cblcqo c..-c.n.... it ru -.,,lion. holrtvel', atiJI m\111 be. 1'p. pupll lolal Is SI parcimt Nqn>. ,adcNo i= ~ -r , , has ZJ DOO ttacben . c,_. 11 pro<e<f.• by & clty·lealival policy com· AAPoilwoaa '", lh<i board In !;blcaso :;' .. ""::. •: mttlee wlitcb oveheel1JU1td~use·on, the -dCc.Dned"" Comment on tbe Peoiatent 1 ..,,_,"""' ... ,. clJY...,.ed}'ealiVll'a/ounda.. • .chat&'!', ,.Yill&: ;'Our lnalludlolw !rein :::::::,. "'l: W<Jc ¥ra '!'!II have~ pay !or ck:ap-, "l'r'leiil,Clepartment ~...,....le COIJI• ,:.:..,.-. • ': lngiliid pert01J'l",expenaea lncumd u a. ft\enl on a "11t<tmW k iJu ,rta<;lled Ibo .. ,,,_ " rcl<ll_~or lbelr liafllJJl.>e !o111111.; -court.:· • ' • • l I. -. ' 1 DAILY ~!LOT -L I Long B~ach .· ... ' . . , .-- Officer Tells - (;:rash Story FnmwtroSuvlcff sue1c"11AY, Pblllppfn<I -The man In charao ol the USS Frank E. Evw at the Gm. of Its c:olllslan wi.th tbe ~ CUfltr Melbourne loJ<I lnvesllpton his •ldt of the ttory for the llnl llme loday. ll ·lndlcatad his mllln~tldlr ,of a • radjo maqage led-lo the crub-· · The .1e1111mooy from Lt.1 (J.g.) llooald C.11anulty, II, of Long Beach, wu In the form ot.-tbree~unsworn.BtatemenLs made shorUy alter the collision Jwie 3. 'Ibey were read into the record of··• sil~anan U.S.-Aus1rallan board inf'llllla!IN tbo Craob whlcb killed 7t"U.S. ai.IJon. Ramiey bad rt!llM<I 19. !eaUIY befcre the board for coostllutfGnal reu'oni alter he aiid aoothtr oWcti, LL (j.jj~ Jallltl , A. ·BopJOD. 28. oLKansu Clty, Kan., were told tbOy were auspect..i of noiUgenUy lwanlln!; their -1 Tbe panel prevlo\lalY had qJd H would not lalto WllWorn llalemenll but today changed Its mind. No ezptanatioo wu ~ven. , • • • '. UPIT ...... POWDER PUFF WINNER EMERGES ~ROM COCKPIT Newport'• Mire Culp C1ptvre1 Cros1·Country Tltle Rimaey'o -enll l&ld he thought the Melbourne ~od a few mlnules btlore the cruh that obe·waa .taking a COW'lt of 180 -...., wblcb would have "------.-1e11-1um;-lod-he-maneumod the N ' M ul ~':::'~~ •• commander. who -. ewport s ara C p Wins sent the message, and officers aboard nearby 'ships wbo beard it said the meaqe simply atated tbe carrier'• D.. ff I} h M TIL!-d __qc;~..,::i~:. ~':~"'°"-~•id. __._c ll .er v_.:esan _JlllJ eaeb other. ;;~ / "I stood llor.en In the center ol the . I ·:e,acifi·c -Du ~--:e.eve]_oping __ ' .,~1e'llY-' . .. . ~T~ WINDWA!U>l'~GE ' "-A Clude maich race Is ~~ •In tbe mtddle or-the Pacific betw'een Bob Jobnaiin's Wlndwaid Pasu&e .and Ken DtMeuat's Blacklin t,000 miles from Los Angele~ The race is for first to finish Jn the 21st Tran$P&Cllic Yacht Race. At the halfway polnt, it was still anybody's ball game. The battle was joined early Saturday momfng when Windward P a s s a g e overtook Blac;kfl!l for the fi!st Ume since - the start of tht race. Windw'1'd Passage slowly passed Bia~ and ltft her near· ly .one mile astern and •i~ ni&hllall Blaekfin was h!adlng up toward the north. On Sunday the boat was not in sight but Blackfin reported position three mJles astern and two miles behind Windward Passage and 30 miles to Ute north. Monday morning the watch oa deck reported her off the 1t.arboard bow and saw Blackfin all day long u the boats sailed neck a.od neck with Blackfin in the lead. On Monday night Blackrln was 11Ull barely ahead, but Windward Paasage was Wanted Trucker Caugh" Jailed ' On 2nd Charge .. TRANS,AC~ -REPORT · moving up fut. About 10 p.m. Monday nilht Blackfin bt a spinnaker during a squall. The irtw took care or tlie imlhlP UK! had 1 new one flying wilhta 1' minutes. Blackfln was agairi about two mlles ahead of Windward Passage's -port bum by daylight. _ T~ two-boats--bave-been-running bow and bow with Windward Passage moving up during the squalls when the wind is better and BJatkfin edgi.Qg away in the nlghl time. A few minutes ago the Windward Paasage crew p\llled a unique feat of seamanshlp when they aewed up a foot of a spinnaker while it wu atW Uyiog in a rain squall i • < 'Passage' in Transpac I LOS At_iGELES (AP) -"Blackfin," I 'n-foot kelcb owned by K<n Del,ltuse of • the St. Francis Yl!Cht Club In San Fran. Cisco, took the lead from uwlndward Passage" Tuess!ay In the Transpacific yacht race to Hawail · , The "cetetii-lty," a 39-toot aloop from the Mooterey Ptftlnsula Yacht Club had .lo abandon eompeUUon because ol a leak and wu expected 1o,arr1ve In San Diego lalo Tuesday or earty Wednesday: The boat was proceediog under its own power and was reported not in danger. With the boals pwlq the 800-mlle "1ark, .. Blackfln" WU repprted two miles aheJd-of-"'Windwmf-Pauap;h of Newport Bea~ Calif. "Mir," a Cana-dian entry from Vancouver, waS 30 miles bebl.nd the ltader. "Rascal" was 50 miles back, followed by "Kamalli,'' "Concerto" and "Queen Mab ... "Pur'11it!1 rePQrted los.ing a rudder but the crew jury-rigged another and con. tlnuec.I. The yachts reporiod rain squalls TueJday. Peace Activist in Paris · · J'o Arrange Release of3 , Lawmen hunti~.g a Costa M~ ~cker PARIS (UPI) -The North Vietnamese by some sort or U.S. antiwar represen· In a federal manJuanacaseja1led him on , a seeood charge Tuesday night when he delegation to the Paris peace talks in-tative. was allegedly caught , fed.. and w~e-dJcated today veteran American peace p :g~et~~~ 0~~h~~ bandedr-carT¥inf-'!o ~100$ of.-drug pllls.-aellvi!t David-T.----Dtllineer-has-anived in -w':armvretnam;IBflOFPifl!M"Oiiaaj Willie R. Kilgore, 3_1, ·.)f 341 ~· l~th Paris to discuss the release or three U.S. night, according to a spokesman for brldp," Ramtey aid. recaUlng his ,...,. ll0!1 -he ru1lzed 'the M.eJboume WU going lo hit hia ahlp. He aald Hop<Oll !ibooted "She's golng to bit w! She's By EVELYN SHERWOOD • OI "'-_,.... ""' M•ff Place, bad a bag of white benzedrme pills war prisoners held by the Hanoi regime. Liberation, a New York newspaper edited Derby.'& official name. in his hand and some red seconal A spokesman said he Was aware that for Dellinger. Flying 1010 in a Piper Comanche, she capsules in his pocket, aceording to in· Dellinger was in Paris but he .denied Le Due Tho, special . adviser to the going to hit 1.11!" In Ibo~. RanilOY"tniili tbiiO 'covered 2.s'1s miles ~try ill 11' vestlgators. , , . knowledge or Dellinger's whereabouts. North Vjetname.!e delegation, meanwhile hours and.57 minutes. She averaged 210 Hew~ ~ked ID Costa Mesa City Jad Friends of Dellinger said In New York left Paris today for Moscow en route to miles an hour ground &peed nat•i ~ sa·-cm-msptclon-of possel!ion of dangerous while he Was In Paris they expected him Hanoi. Of!lcia.ls said the seventh·ranked points: . . --~AsJbe.two..ahips:movtd oo·a d>lll&lon CQU!'&e and began closing in on each other al II knots, 11anulty realised the carrier adually had not clwlgod 111 ,,...,.._ Ho Mara Culp, 37, of N..-port Beach, ·to- day wu declared the ftnt place winner of the San Diego-Washington D.C.· Powder Pull Derby: -Anolbel--Harbot-Aru-ruidenl,-Tbon GrifOtb of Costa Mesa, who flew aa co- pilot for Marton Bank.I of San Oieso, was judged third place winner. • drugs and was lo be picked up today by a ·to stay with ""the North Vietnamese ai member of the Hanoi Politburo waS going mlle! an _hour fas~~ t.~ l~e. handlcap_____.UQ~__tnat!hal gn_the_ori&inalc.b.ar~. -'iheir ruidence-in suburban-Ghoisey ~ -hOme-for-a-vacalion, but-officials said-he•-+ set'. bf tile W's, IW erna ona carrying $10,000 ball. Roi. -----· J!l\f"ctmld~Ss tne··peacetillts." ' ------• ' then orderei! a bani rlgJit tum, wblcb "' beUevetf would have avoided the colll!:loo bad not the Mtlhouroe also tumed at Iba ·1u1 minute. Mn. Culp. whooe bU!band Richard la a phyllclst wUh PbJlco.Fonl In Newport, eet a record for the '23rd annual All· Women Tran!ICOllllnenta Air Race, the Judge Gardner Makes Big Pitch for Appeals Court Oranp County Superior. Couri Judge RGbert Gordner of Newport Beach lllJd -two oihet--have made a .trcmg apprOach In Sacramento for I he establjlhme:ll of, a Dlalrlcl Court of Ap. pool In the eounty, H wu Jwned today: Tbe pooa!Mllty ol a lhlrd court for Iba Fowtb Diltrlct wblcb Includes Sin Bernard..lnot Ore.nae and San Diego coun- ties, wu tbooght lo be dud becauae of atroog opposition from the California 3udlclal Council :_ But Ju(fge Gardner, tt. s. "Sam" Bames, prealdeoW:J~ ol the Orangti <;:ounty Bar A!soclatlon, _Md Deputy <;:ounty Counsel R. J. Ranger testllled lalll Thursday before ilhe S<nate ."!i>- comml~ oq government.I). dflcieney OP .. behillf of tbe local c:ourt. Under llludy by the committee Is 5.n. James Wbetmore's (ft.IA Habra) bill which would provide tbe lhree-judgo court of appeal In the county. Crash Victim Reginald Tripp Services Held Two other bills are before the Legislature, one callillg for the addiUon Servkts for accident vicUrn Reginald of twp judges in the San Bernardino · Tri .. o. of Costa M who division of the court and the other pro-- pp, ~ e:sa. viding for an addiliooal judge in the San Wed in a motorcycle crash near Laguna Beach July 3, were held ~ay DiegG division. . at Plclfk: View Mtmor1aJ Park Chapel in Judge Gardner said today ht ttotilied Corona de! Mar. tbat Oran1e Co\Jllly Is tbe second largest The accident occured on co a 1 t county In the state and could provide a Hlghway south of the Fire Statlo"' at reo}ffff court to the state and that the f----vaney Jturnrive near Emerald"-Bif. -local-la"-li'?t'8ry-was adequate for-use of Tripp's motorcycle collided with a plcktlp the appeal J~dg~. truck driven by John Crowley of Dana Barnes said: ~re is no argument PoinL thal. we .need more Judges. The work load Tripp was maintenance supervisor for originating in O~ng~, County is very the Emerald Bay Community A!socia· heavy and lncreasmg. tion The attorney also aa.ld he Pointed out sUrvtvora include his wile, Lillian of the economic fact that the local . court tlrf! ~ 3283 Arlzona LaDe Costa would not need 8 new $70,000 law library Mesa ' and could have fret rent for from slx to · ten yean provided by the county. u111tv 01 1or ~ ~ f'Wl....,. c:aMHllT ..... N. w ... ---JKk I. C....., VktP,...-~--..... -"":'::.:-. ':t"' lttl.1"4 P. N1tl ....... _ "' ----2Zt htMI A ... M11'11t U4•.,.. •.o. ... "Ii. t2UJ New Convalescent Hospital to Open Laguna Beach soon will have another convaleactnt hospital. The Continental Manor Laguna, a $500,000 ambulatory convalescent hospital at 2130 S. Coast Highway, w:ill open Fri· day. Administrator Pat Wadlow &aid the complex has an occupancy of 68 resldenUi. The two-floor building was previously the Americana Motel. orgahlzatlon of women pilota spooaorlng Cosla Mesa Pollce DetecUve Norm Hanoi premised to release three In the talks themselves' Allied officials the race. Kutch, along with U.S. CuJtoms agents American war prisoners 1n recognition of once more challenged the Communists to Prim for Mrs Culp could total $4 000 James Anderson and Ronald Duggan the U.S. July 4.Ut Independence celebra· accept free-elections in South Vietnatl) • . ' went to Kllgore's home about 9 p.m., to tions. In the past, in tht few instances in and sai '. they need· not necessarily be according !° A. J. Stamey of Laguna arrest him on the federa1 warrant. which they have released prisoners, the held under international supervision as Beach, a friend of the Culps. ••1 talked to Kilgore waa named in an Indictment prisoners were accompanied to freedom President Nixon proposed. Mara and Dick in Was.bington thls mom· Issued May 28 by a U.S. District Cow1 in lng," Sta.sney said. "'She· was very San Diego, charging coruiplracy to !m\lg• business-like in talking about the decision gle In 150 pounds of marijuana from Mex· ot the judges." lco. Mara's Comanche was one ot 92 entries -largest total ever -in the Derby. Born in Latvia, !he and her famil y c a m e to America 12 years ago. H e r home iJ 2117 Vista Eotrada in the Blulfs, NewporL She fl111t fiew solo In 1963. Since then she has acq,uJred ratings for alngle, multi· engine, and instructor, and bu logged .Z,000 flylngJoours. The attract1Vf.I blue~yed blonde is an ardent alt racing eoth~L She has won vlctorles Jn both closed course and cross· country competitfona and is 011e of the few 'JOmen in the nation to qualify as a pylon racer.- Her entry Jn the Derby wu 1pOD110red by the Amerlcan Food Service Equip- ment Company ' of -&anta Ana and Koi:_oatron Company of San Francisco. The firms wW pick up the tab !or all ber bills. County Cyclist Killed; Woman's Injuries Fatal A Buena-Park-motorcyclist was killed in a collision with a car and a Los Angeles County woman.died. of free~ay traffic injuries in a Los Alamitos hospital Tuesday, the Orange County coroner'a of· fi ce reported. Cyclist Richard R. Shrank. 33, was kflI. eel at Valley View St.reel and Crescent Avenue in Buena tl'ark when he was plummeted llfrough the air and over the top of a car driven bf Mrs, Mary M. Tiu· jioka, $1, of Cypre!l8. She was not Injured. Coroner's deputies said Shrank died of multiple Internal in- juries. Gloria Luna, 28, of Monterey Park, whose car plunged off the san aGbriel River Freeway into a drainage ditch south of Carson Slreet, died of head in· juries at I,.os Ala.m1t.o5 ·General Hospital: Resigns Over Money BERKELEY (AP) -David B. Stewart said Tue!!lday ni&hl he 1.3 resignlng as chief admission officer at the Univent- ty of California because his department ts not given enough mooey. George Stark, Civic Leader, Rites Conducted Funtral sttvices for Laluna resident George John Miller .~Lark, a former hotel owner and officer of several civic groups, were held today at I p.m. in the Sheffer Laguna Beach Mortuary Chapel. Mr. Stark died Sunday at the age of 64. Atr. Slark and hi8 wile Emily came ta Laguna Beach in 1954. He built and own- ed the Capri Laguna Hotel for seven years. He mlded at 1100 Temple Terrace, Laguna Beach. Mr. Stark was a president of the Motel- Hotel AJsoclaUon, a director of the Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce, presidmt of the CaJUornia Motel Assocla·· tion , director of the Mission Trails Association, and aJounder and president of the League of Coastal Communities Associations. -Survivers Include hls wife, Mrs. Emily McGregor Stark, ol the family home; son, Ian McGregor Stark, of the borne, and five brothers and two sisters. tltl Would 'Peace Sabotage' Have Given HHH Win?. \VASHINGTON (AP) -Could Hubert some ln his campaign staff. H. Hum:p~rey have changed the couree of When Nixon aides learned of the ae- the 1968 pruldenUal camp..tgn by tlvitles of~the Chinese~born Mrs. Olen- disclosing Information that a Richard M. nault, White says, there was "fury and Nixon S!lppprler .tried to sa botage dismay" and the feeling that "i[ they lost preliminary Vietnam peace talks? the election, Mrs. Chennault might have Author Thtodore l!. White speculates in lost it for them.'' his book "The Making of a President When asked for comment Mrs. Chen· 1968" that Humphrey might have won nault's secretary in Wash.ington said Mr3. the election if he had ballyhooed the Chennault was in Asia. story.. Mrs. Chennault, widow of the wartime But William Connell, Humphrey chief hero Gen. Claire Chennault and now an political aide, doubts it and aays he American citizen, had raised funds fol' recommended against making the alleged the Nixon campaign and was chairmpn or intrigue a public issue. _ co-chainnan of several Nixon dtizena "I thought we were on the way, any-committees. way, and that we might (et a backlash She learned by gossip, rumor and ! from it," says Connell. . &peculation of the October halt, While White reports in his recently published says, and "she had undertaken most book the Johnson Administration in-energetically to sabotage them." tercepted messages ( r om Anna Cb an He adds: "In eontacL with the Chennault, a Nixon· supporter, un· Formosan, the South Korean and the derlaklng to sabotage the Paris agree· South Vietnamese governments she had 'I ment preceding the U.S. bombing halt begun early, by cable and telephone, to and peace negot~Uons. mobilize their reSistance to the agreea But, White reports, Humphrey refused ment-apparently implying, as she went, to a I r the story despite urgings f r o m that she spoke for the Nixo n campaign." --Ql$t ...... ! -.. , .., .,,.. .....,, '-di: m1 ..,., ....... ..._. ......... -..: .... .... Red Rate of Infiltration Hits Lowest Point of War SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. mllllofl' oourca 111ld today the rate ot Infiltration of · llOOJlll from North Vietnam had droi>!lOd ' to Its lowest point of the war. The l>en- ta1on said reduced lilfltlng would dmp ' U.S. casua!Uea last week io the Jowest 1lnce April. The weekly casu1lty rtport. to be made public ThurMily In Saigon, 11 oxpected to show that the d'ath toll among Gll lest week was close to the 163 klllea tn thti week ended April 26, the Pentagon &a.id. The smallest death toll &lnce escalation l'lf the wt1r waa 101 durln1 the Ntw Yt1r's lruc<. period which ended Jon. 4. MllJUry toll'Ctl In Saltori aald lht rate of lnliltraUon colncld<d •With the pullback of _. Hanoi unlll lo r<mole bl~aca. Th'l' drew no concluslnna, f""" th• r<JlOrl, for a top Viel C.ng official warn- ed Tueadljl thol tbe cumnt lull In the lighllng 'Wai aealgD«I to 11•• the eom- munlst troops • rtat for 1 new, surpri!c offensive. CONVENIENT TEAMS IANKAMUICARD MASTER CHAR&E I Tolhepdwho--she wants but fWlt ~ ao find it; Mat<;h your style with our many dlsll"""" dali!llL lvwf . ••k us about o•r famous . Orange Blonom guaran&llil. J; C.· J./umpl,,U6 'J~wef er~ • I \· llU NEWPORT AvtNUE COSTA MESA J 22 Y!ARS SAME LOCATION PHONE Ml.3401 i I I I I ~ I \ I I I \ ' I ! I I • • I --- ) v~c 62, NO. 163.-7 SE<i:TleNS\'"(l~PA"GH -. Terror -on . '· - I • --- Dally Paper -;-'T e -• --QRANGE COUNTY., CAl;!FORNIA WEONESDAY, J UlY t, -196' . . ' . ~ Passag«? After Spin!J:~ker :B.reaks • ' ' • l By ALMOli LOCKABEY DAILY PILOT ... 11111 at11Nt ABOARD THE WINDWARD PA$AGE ~ After • night of terror TueS<lay n1ght Windward Passage is sUI\ in the, race for 'flrst to_ finish in UJ.e Transp.a.cifiC YQcht were aloft ·with the boat waHOWlng ln lle~"l' ~....kYID&~lll· naker free. when Blacldln wu spotted ill mllos to On SUnday the boat was not In 1lpt bill .and had a new one Dying .. tlhin II the.Jllllllh,Jl<LlhLblc.m•tcb m 11-llill-Blicl;fbr nportod·pmttJon, air~lnutts. -----'-~---,.----! on.. -.. ' utern and two ntiles behDr Wfudwlrd Blactfin~wu~ again' lbout two .. milea I I I t .Ra_t"e. . - Shortly alter midnight lhe spinnaker .started splitUng and befoie lbe watch on '<leek couJd cut It down, It craShed down .on the deck. Also the spinnaker pole footin& crashed down oo·tht deck. The wa~h below tumed-to to help clur the.net but to .no a.vaU. ~ In the following two hours two men Pet.er Garbani was lashed to the masthead and then lowered down to the s08rled sail Whe.rt he woried niii'ly one houc. John Rwnsey went alon.'..twlce to clear and retrieYe halyards. Both men per- form extraordinary feat.s· ol seamanship under extrtmety dan(BOUS cpndltions. Just befote the hassle Black:fin was less than ,.one mile ahead of Windward Passage. · TRANSPAC REPORT • There was gloom a6oard the Windward Passage as all 1!ands figured Blac:ldln had pulled far ahead. • -, But the gloom vanished this mondll( • - DAILY 1"11.0T Stiff ...... NEWPORT'S BIG CANYON RESERVOIR STANDS EMPTY DURING REPAIRS TO ASPHALT GIRDLE Koy Storojo Faclllfy Nolir Corona dot Ma r'a Lincoln Sci-! !Fo'"llrouncl) Now· RNdy_!!r_ltoflll Water Hole Cracked Up , But Now It's Patched Up Nixon CaJJ s Home 15,000 Troops, Not From Viet By J "'ICE BERM"' Ir De li ha ···• " t WASHINGTON (AP)-Presidenl Nix· IU'I IU" .reserve • v n emp s14.f;\I, was no a 01 ""' o.11r l"li.t St•ff · 5erious structural failure." on ordered today tbe withdrawal of near4 ~Big Canyon Re.suvoir was crack.Ing. ''We hope the repair job will last in-ly 15,000_ U.S. military men from,overseas Just-a lltUe. definitely." he said. • bases in lhe next year -but not from · But-it's'a.U right~· WiQI -good reason. The Big canyon Vieinam or Other 'trouble .sPots. The huge hole, emptied or water three Reservoir is the supplemental SOW'Ce or The ....... u.;,. fro bi b tht · months ago, will be refilled within the water Ior the City of Newport Beach. It . s~ areas m w c men nut few_days., .Newpori..--Beach-Public--ts-relied-upon-heavily-to"]'1'0Vidnvatulo~w1ll-b&-tlken-wer~nced. Works Director Joe Devlin reported to-the city during peak hours, fire and civil The White House U.id-lt,aoo men .would day. . emergencies. be brouif,~ home during the coming. 12 The 200-million gallon reservoir was Llke aJl other area reservoirs, it is fill4 months in the interests of lessenmg emptied In March for a routine cleaning ed by the Metropolitan Water District budaet and ~Janet of ~yments costs job. It staytd empty when workmen (MWD) through pipes from Lake Mat· and ol reducmg the American presence discovered that the fhree-in~thick lining thews. ' overseas." of asphalt, pul there to keep t~ clay When It stands empty, the city has to The ~tbacks, lo ~ supplementec;i ~y a sides of Big Caeyon from muddymg the rely -upon the Costa Mesa and Irvine reducLion of app.rol..lUlately 5,100 etvilian water, was slipping into the water. • .Bancb ..water districts for emergencies. employes abroad, could lead to an even- Last winter's heavy rair13 had caused a Normal water supplies come~ through tual balance of payments savings of $75 pressure buildup in. the clay which w~ MWD ' Ieeder systems. million a year, il was ~id. . pushing the asphalt into the water, Devlin • Big Canyon, which Is behind Lincoln Civilian ~tbacks w~ be carried out apla.ined, Intermediate SCbool is the third lariest throtJCbout the world, JDCludlnJ • reduc· It was repaired to the tune oC $25,000, rt.SerVOir iii orange' County: It wilttate tion of more than 10 percent in federal a:t contractors inslaUed a system ol ptp-from ooe to two montha to fill tt up · said c.ivffian employes in South Vietnam. Ing to draw the eJ'cess water out of tho Oevlir1 ~ 00 theineeds oi ~city. · The military reducUons, however, will clay. for w~tCr. not apply to forces in Vietnam, South The damage to lhe 11 • y e a r • o 1 d Kena. Berlin, those sections of-Southeast Aaia wbere they operate in support or military opefations, or to forces com- mitted to the North Atlantic Treaty Orange C:oast Weather The morning fog won'l be around k>ng enough to chill the air Thursday, for sunny skies are due to prevail with high temperatures _. ranging from 73 locally to 86 rut- ther inland. INSm E TODAY I t may be tlla middle of sum- mer, but rill new live theater prodiu:tiOft.! art getting ready to open in the Onm.ge Coa1t orea. See_ Theater Notes, Page 30, Meltlatt ,. """""" »JI Mwt.11 ,ll!Mb " M...._11 MIWI 44 Ck"-QulltY ,. ~lit ..... lHI ,_. ... IW. A*"'"' U 1..a ...,._. »n -,-· M -.. -. .,.. Wf!U. ,. --.. Count y· Approves Superior Route · Adoption of a Superior Avenue aligrl6 ment. of the Newport Freeway through LCosta Meaa wu endorsed Tuesday by the Oran&• County Board ol SUpervi!on. ' County• &ad Commlalloner 'A. s. Koch recommended the a4optlon and suggested that nolur1ber public hearinc> be held ·on the project. '"The cities ol Costa Mesa and Newport Beach, who are dired.l.y invol•ed have approved tJ1e new aIJptnent as a substitute to the ooe adopted about 17 years aio down· Newport Boulevard," Koch said. ''l""Sqgest the· board do likewise." 'Nazi' Bishop I.:eaves MUNICH, Germany (UPI) -Bishop Matlhi,~ Defregger, vicar.general of the .Mundi ~bdiocele whose involvement In the World Woi 11 sl>ooling by Nazi GermiOl troops of. llallan hoslqu became known this week, has 1ett for "a few days of rnulltatJon," spokesman said today. I ) _Organization . Press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said that about 850,000 of the approximately one million U.S. military men now serv4 Ing abroad would be covered by the ex· emptions. The total of 14,900 thus would come out <>f lhe remaJning 150,000 scattered arOund the globe in areas not exempted from the Nixon order. The White House said It did not know yet •here the cuts would be made.. The United Slates maintains sizable military: con~ngenta in 1uch.countrie.1 as Japan; Spa1n and Turkey, which ' pfesumably would be affected. 1. NilOll ordered that the reducUona begin as soon as possible, with his directive being implemented by a apecllt com- mittee of lht National Security Council headed by Undersecretary of State Elliol Rlcluml""· Stock Mnrkeu NEW YORK (AP)-Tl\e stock markd retrtated on a wide Iront in slow lradli:tf t.hls aftemon With aeveral hi.Ip: blOckl crosaing thti lape bi lite ltad!nl. (See quolatkm, P11es 26-27). I l~•.c.:..._:.___~ _ _._ __ -_··-~~·-----· . ---- 'Botli yatl!1a-m .i>ead of Tleonde-'• . ahead of Wipdward Passage'• Jiort beam time in the record 1"5 year. Also both Pasaqe ~ 30 ~es.lo the north. by'da-yllght, .. ·bolts haYe no,.~ the Mlfway mark _Mond~ monung the ' 'ofatch· oh' decll ~.two 'boat! have been running bow in tbe Honolufu race.---r.eporled her OfI Jhe starboard bow and and bow with Windward Passage movin1 The blUle was joined early S.turday uw, Blackfbl all da)t long as the ~b up during the· sq~alls w~en the ~nd is m~ when Windwatd pa 111 i e &ailed J!eck and rleck with Blackfln In the better and, Blacktin edgmg away. m ths overtook B1-cklin for tht first Ume since lead. 1 night time. tbe-starJ of the race. Wind~ Passage On Monday night Blackfin was 1Ull To m o s t observers, lhe W~ard' atowly puled Blictfin and left her near4 barely ahead, but Windward Pl!lllt was Passage crew pulled a unique tear of' ly .... mile astern and al. nightfall moving up fast. About 1.0 p.m, M~•l seamanship, When ~oe.•ed"l'·~,fOotJlf. ~ was -lai up tmrd ·the night Blacldln lost a spbmak<r ,ch!rlnr a a spinnaker while it wu lllll"ll)'lllJ.Jli a north. squall. The crew took we of the l]lllhap raln squall~ · · ' · ... Senate Dutnps Pair· Hes• ·Flier Third • , . ·' . . ... , ........ , ... v~.· :·,~~~~Qrt,.'~,·GJIJ: ~~· .. :llif'':. ·~I?uff~ -~· r :• ~~T -· r ·•~' . 1 ' r 4 ' ... '"Ir·-__.-::.:.... --· .,sJ..:~~wpoo ' ' --.,. OffM _, ... Sllfl Mara .Culp, fT, Or ~-aeich, to- <1ty1.,>lle<lared the -:=;"'-or the Sall oie.-w· · ,D.tj Powder Puff Deny. , · Anotbett HIJ't<J' Area resident, Thon Gri.ffitb of Costa Mellt who new as co- pilot for M.lrioo,Banb of.San Diego, waa judged third place winner. Mrs. CUip, whole husband Richard is a physicist with Phil~Ford in Newport, set a record for the 23rd ammJ All- Women 'rr-..ntal Alf ft-, the Derby's officlal name. · Flying solo In a Piper Comanche, she covered 2,515 miles croes-eountry In II houn: and 57 mil'Mel. Sht averaged 210 ·miles an hour ground speed. 1bat's 35 miles an hour faster than the handicap set by the 99's, tile. internaUonal organtiation or women pilob sponsoring the race. Prizes for Mn. Culp could tolll $4,000 according to A. J. 'stamey of Laguna Beach, a friend of tht-culps. 0 l talked to Mara and Dick in Wuhtngton thil morn- ing," Sta.sney aakl. "She wu very bminess-like ln-lalking abouHbe·decisioa- of the judges." Mara's Comanche was one of 92 entries -largest total ever -ln tbt Derby. Born · tn Latvia, she and ' ber family c a m e to America 12 years qo. H e r home is 2157 Vista Entrada in the B1uffs, Newport. She first flew solo in 1963. Since lhtn she has acquirecl ratlnls fQr sin&Je, multi· engine, and ir\stn.K:tor, a~ has logged 2,000 flying hoUJ's, The attractive blukyed blonde Is an ardent air racing enthualasl. She hu won victories in both closed Courae and crou- country compelitione .and la Of1C of the few women m the naboa to qualify as • pylon racer, Her entry In the Derl>y waa spomored by the American Food Service Equip- ment Company of Santa Ana and Koroatron Com~y. of' San FranciSco. The firms wUl pick up Ute tab for all her bills. ' n Mrs. Griffith, who ahared:....ber third place award with San Diego's Mrs. Bank1, has been a contestant In the transcontinental race several limes. The team won the Pacific Air Race laat year and were the first arrivals in Nicaragua in the lntemational Air Race lut March. Mrs. Griffith boldl a commercial pilot's lk't:11Se, Anglican, Methodist . . . 'Reunion' Delayed, LONI)()N ("AP) -A 11 • y· .. 1.r ecumenlcal C<IWUltlp haa eo<fed wllh the AngllcaJts lea~iog the Methodbls waiting al the altar. Bot the d,lampl1111 ol uni(y Ill both churcber aald today tfley allll hope tor an eventull ,weddlna. · Both churdies had 1t! llitlnlelves a goal o1 n pel'Cllllt 1n votJnc oo a l<h<m• to mmite die ---MgUcant afllr a !11$-1ear itdilam. Tlte K- llld ''yoa" 'l'lleadllY wltl! n:• -~ but Iii< AogUcw oaly came up wttlt • per· ... 1, • • ' , U'I T ...... POWDER PUFF WINNER EMERGES FROM COC~PtT Nowport'a.Mara Culp·C•ptu'"' Cr....Coun!tY Title ' -'(•, j • B'eat the 'Weather, Slw ' Says Happy Mar.a (:ulp ~ Down to earth .and hippy u a lark, Newport Beacll's Mara CUip said todat she had no problems at all en niutrto winning the 23rd annual Powder Puff ·Derby. In a telephone Interview l r o tit Wuhin&ton D.t: .• the ·~ blonde,. a native-« Latvia, said: "I had &ood. ·advice fnmr t h e weatherman all Ille !fay from San ~ and ll&,1ld at 11,0ilo feet, I .,.....two bol,- Ues of QIJ&al.'' · At two mi!O up, site alayed ~· tho "lcliiiill 11linns-Uilf rl~ -up °"' "11)1cl•ut durlog the thrie-<lay race, 11tilch began 'July I. • aald. •11 wai really lucky. The weather was fine and the winds were fantastic. •ti One ~ her prizes, she hallJlily noll!I, wlU be 1 triP, to Paris. ~alue'Ol tbe prllts will be aboul'M,000. Mara, wbo lives in the Bluffs at 2175 Vlat& Entrada with her ptly>lcllit - )>and. Ricbard, will be l!ilmllewed On the Today·Sbow oo llBV7V Thursday; Market B-andits j,.-_ .-.... + Flee· With $15() ~-lald llM made the lint lap.of the race lo Nebruka on her lint day alolt. ~llll-WQrlrlog armed bandlla •1111· "Tha\ was pr,t!y fortunate,'" al\ei nkt,, ed. Into a small WestmtbSterc-ittarht '"because j stayed abead,.ol IOll1e bad TueaQay nJpt !Gld tl\e dirt U wai a weat~ tl\at farted IOtne ·-to ttoy . holdup and .. ~ OU1 wllh II• l!l caolL cmr;"-t • Glen L<pptrt, clert of tlio Jllllfbl al Only ,. ol the 12 ~ touched do... .llU ,W.-IMltt ~ve., lotd .... llo 11 Dulles llitl!tilatloilal Alr]liil tn Iha~· -n ,.tefed the stalt -i:ll•p.11., tloo'• cap1111;t11o Dorby'• IInlollllil u.., .,rryilti a·four-bt<h mot .... , -• • "I .. ,,. drtaaiod I -W ~" a tlnit II the rvbbel1 lllll loll~ . ' • I DAILY Pn.O; I f • µe S 1 N EY-ans .OJficer ' ' .. .. ~ • ·Tells .· OWn Stoi-y _..,,._ ~ ~ Y, Pllllll>i>lnoo -Tbe 111111 In cbarp ol the 1.1158 l'rank l:. !Vans at the time ol Ill C!>lllaloo with the Aumallal! camor Melbourne told lnvetll&""" lt1s llldo ol thio""" I« the fJ!WumttiiCll!I'. II btdlcllod 1111 mislntcprolalioo of a nalo -· led to the craib. · Tbe leotilllOlll' from LL (j.1.J !looa1d RimJOy Aki· at about l <tO a.m., tht Molboume ofdertct 'the Evans to take up it.I new poslUon. He aald he then heard a radio message frOIJl the Melbourne BAYina "my course or corpen la 1150.'' The. olltcw ..... believed.11111 to mean the carrier wu chln&lnl CGUl'1f to 180. degrees, • ·.Jn Navy tenninolol)', ec:rpen means "changing to." If,~. ,M. o( Loq Belch, "~ ID )be __ ... .,tine ~-mode Ramsey uid be told llojioon to watdl Ille.emit? claoely -JI did not ap-pear to be following Ua new course. The two lhlps begon to clooe and the Me~ bourue.ineaa:ked .. you are on a collision oourse."··he aaid. llllortlY -the. mllilton June s. 'llle1 ..... read 1nlo .... -ol • '"'""' .. U.S.·Alillrall,an hoard invetllplin& the """' -killed 74 u.s. sallera. .._ 1tad -lo tatlfy be! .... the board for COlllllluUOl1al ...-aftF be and anoilier oll*1, LL (J.g.) James 4 lloplon, 21, of Kaniu Clty, JW., 'ftre told 'lhq "'1'.e 11111pecled of nllllaontly ~--l , ,_ Tllo pone! provloua!y hed said tt would not -........,, 1111-nll but fl>day Cbeqed Ila mind. _No "l'ianatlon WU lil"ll-. , llamfeY'• ltlltements said be thoug!lt the Melbourne mesaaaed a few mlnutu before the crub thal ahe wu ta1dng a ......., ol 1111 degrees, which would hove -• ltll·turn, and be --the E-tutl......stqly. Bal the Malbou!pe'a oot11111onder, whe R.nt the meaage, and "offleen abOard nwby ahlps whe beai'd It aald the -· ahnply alated the carrier'• COlll'le u lllO d'i'ees, The lhlps JUbae- "I dldnt. llldtraland • , • I yelled rlgbt fu~· l'!ldcle'." ilall!l<Y u)d. • >\rtllll'-w.t be uid he ft"' bell od . ~, ' a"t' ev the eollision could have been avoided. But then he heard the r..irrier signal "qiy rud· Cler Ii hard i.tt... ' Pmloua test1m001 hod aald there "" some confuaion On . the ~put· of Evans crew members about the Melbourne~• Co\Jrse. It also lndlcated the two 1hlps hed turned Into each other just before hnpact, the Evans turning right ond the Melbourne turning !ell. "God knows why aho (the Melbourne) had Jail full." llamoey uld ho called out jual before the carrier cut the dealroyer ID two. ..... -~!!!lllb'. ~ whlle...!D'!!lc_ ~ avoi!! ~ :!:=tr:. ID the cenl<r of the Drugs !ound_ In Crash Fatal • bridp,"-1 Ramley aaid, recaDJng his reao- iloo wban ho mll>ed fbo Melhou'110 wu. ao1ns to hit bll ablp. He -Ilopaon T T T -"She'• .aotna 1o bit .. 1 She'• o WO·· eens P1P1 loJ!!l.A!J::... ""·--"-_ "•~ _ ~ ~~-Jn the teltllnDrJ1, ~,. mide ..-· . if-+-palnla· . An.old sedan la.wblch~drug-pllll were . --Al the two lhlps mcwod on a collllion found hurtled orr the San Diego P'Heway I . I oourae and bepJI cloolDi In on eadl other al more than II) mil<l per hour today ot • -. llomMy rullied the cam.r • -l!y had not changed Ila .,.,.,.., He plun&ing 30 feet down Into an El Toro 1hotl OC)lered 11; bard right turn, wblch ho am creek, killing two teenagm ond in- bellewd would hove avoided the colllslao iurlnJ three. 1tad t!ot the Mdhoume also lurDed al the Namet of the IS-and 19-year<>id youths tut minute. pried from the upside-down vehicle as Airport Board Won't Ask Cut For Loop Road rescuers slo.shed around in San Diego Creek were withheld pending notification Of relatives. Ca!Hornia lllghway Patrol omcor Bruce A. JI.ind lald all vld1mi '"" from S9otb Galo, Wblt~ond Lynwood. 6oconal ~Ills 'ffn taken · liom the aulom6bU. ~ge aller the l >io a.m. accident, ca~ when driver Danny Dayno!, 18, of LY.l>WOod, loat control while ~ on "' lr1eftl' near Valeo-~ CouB\J a!rJ>Orl "')\nm~""*" cla Av.,ue, l """"'"1 nJcb1 cl6r:ldod not lo a11r·-1y lleocue wrrm "'" called to the --_.i.on-to-lop ...,bo~llil..Joop -acene to,.,.-apart thrdemellsfled 11153 rood lmn a ceunly rood maller plan -sedan and pull o u I the fatally injured at qda: time. yeutbs, aloog with the driver and two '!Ill rood, u p!IDOICI; wU1 ajlce acroa1 _.. 1he nortltm> e"'1 d tho airport. -Listed ·in crfUcal <;Oltdlllon -aa~ uectfN1 !led Hill Avenue with lolacAlthur . piiitbly to bl a thirif ~ty-wa1 Mlaa ~:;-i_,_mlu~,1n•S-· =--~"='::s,·~1 "i:J:::i~ 2 w1e, -en1 -U ago nJeclod~~ and Rlcbia!d L. James, ;1, of South Gate A1!J>or1 Cmlrn1alloe request that the ,_. . eacopeol with minor fnJolrfes. mllO latl rood be removed from lone· 'j'be \>ictlim were tikee to Santa Ana .._ pm.. ---'···· COpununJty iloop!tal •Ila the ICd<llri~ 4Jn>ort DI..-Robert .,._ wltere the two unldentllled victims ...,. ~ ID1!'1 Qlat a tr Po r t com-dead ott arrival, CllP ln...tlpton aJd, m!lidonelJ apjJeal the p-era· acUon to Tbe -of ~blturate pills con- lupenill:n. fl!ICated froin the wreck WU not fm~ :ar.,naJwi'• 1J111111enl WU Iha I mediately glvee and inveatjgatlon - valuoble mnall -alreralt tie-down IPIC'-' tinues. to detamlne whether any charaes would be lost lo the 1111-loot wide roadway. will be Ille.I. He. also said tbe road would poae a ha""1 to lnstnlment ~-._rx.;: ~~ u:iF!~ $50,000 Fire Truck AvtaUoe At.ency conalden the pro]IClled Destroyed in Blaze road no baurd. Tbo.ri>od ta very much needed-lo smie~_,S,,.AN..BAFAEL (UPI)--All uplollve .-eat tralllc, &CCOrding to Koch and fue erupted In a downtown Ute company the ciUes of Newport Beach anti Costa Tueadsy, completdy eegu!ling the faclli· Mesa, wllo have opposed Bresnahan'• ty -and a IS0,000 fin truck. &land. Aa one of the Ont trucks arrived at the Airport COOU!tlalooen voted 4-0 to Brodie ond Schwerin T~e CO., flames tahle the propol!d appeal a ft e r billowed from the building. The fire.men · Jlriinahu told them It coUld be taken ~P escaped with their Uves hilt the truc.k was at any time.-The airport hoanl ~-a destroyed. f - • PAIL Y PILOT Stall l'llltl CAROL WILLl~..GOES HOME WITH MOTHER Alive ind Happy After Bti"I Run Over by Cir ___ , -• . Y~rag~--N ~wp(irt . -. ~ax Bite .. $4,264· .. . .. . . ' Are you ready for lhl1? T~ JJV'1'1&e Newport Be a ch homeowntt pay1 M.2M a year ln tues. SOme ml&hl aay he con..allord it. Tile reason is he earns an average of Sl~,000 a year, 'ind lives in a $40,000-~e. . Tbat'1 what the Newport city Jtaff discloaed today. Mo.tt ol the tax money -a whoppinf "1,010 -goes to the federal govemmenl On1y $122.50 winds up · in the city treasury. ~ Here's the breakdown. aecordlq to assistant City Manager James DeChalne: After tbe federal bite, which amounts to 70.!9 percent of lhe total lu burden, Saoramento takes il.1 &bare, $410. That'• 9.51 percent. · So much for income taxes • Teen 'Friend' Steals Elderly Man's Pension Enl<r the city of Newport Bf•~. lak· ing llD.llO·ln properly ta1, only 2.11 per· ttnt of the total Orange County takes $168, or 3.94 per. cent of the~total. The·l5dxlol! take the lar&est l1ice of t1io local.property tax pie. The Newport-Mei.o Unlltod and Orange Coaat COiiege .dbtrieta reap $472.30, or 11.08 percent ot the total to btmlen. Finally, special di.'1ricli, like mosquito abatement, lJbrarlea and flood control, tak• 18!.IO...Thet'1-Ul percat of tho total Is that all? Not quite. DeChaine notod that hb tax profile omiis sales-and e'xclse taxes. -· But, he said, the taxes that are ifto eluded are "the big ones that e\·erybody talks about and knows about." And very Ubly complains about. Lana Turner's Husband Faces Court Aug. 5 .. Rooald Dani<, hypootlst and seventh Willlam Ammons, 94, a Newport Beacti husband of actreu Lana Turner will face waterfront hotel resident, gave a newly· prtllmlnary hearing Aug. 5 In Central found teenage friend his German Oronge County Municipal Court oe graiid shepherd as a gift recently. thtft charges invtilving seven cUltoin· The youtb Tuesday decided to repay his built boats taken from a Santa 'Ana boat ed benefactor. He.stole the old DWI'• N>mpany.m.are.than.a-yearq:o. . $188 in pension money. Dante was arraigned TUesday before Police said the boy dilappeared. Ro left MunlciJlll] Judge William W. Thomao.n the dog behind. · who said be would also rule Aug. 6 on a Ammons, who lives at :306 W. Ocean motion by Dante'• attorney lhat the Froo~ told police he befriended the grand theft charge be dlmnls!ed. youth, about 17, two wedt! ago and gave The Hollywood bypnotilt, who .asaerts him his dog. he waa in the hoat·hualneel at-the time of · Tuesday night the youth visited Am-the alleged theft and hed legally.purcllu- -Crushed-f1rrVar mons, police &aid,_ and while the elderly ed th!_ c;ra!t. was ai:_rested by Santa ~ man. went to the atore to buy loocl, the police wt month ilter......-aUi-Vlvid 111 young friend atayed behind. apparlnt murder attempt In the un- Ammons returned 11. short lime later. derground garage of his West Hollywood He found hia dog tied to a bed, the home. youlh gone and the $188 in a wallet under Police read of five shots being fired it the pillow stolen. • Dante and picked him up on a yeat.(lld Mesa Tot Home, Well He told officers the youth had known warrant for the boat theft about bis pension money, which was his Los Angeles officers s&d ~ shooting: total Social Security allotment for the Incident is still under investliation and month. not relatf.d to the theft char&e. Mter Near-tragic Cras~ Chicago, Georgia Face " U.S. SchOol Racial Suit,s B)' ARTHUR R. VINSEL Carol cluna: to life for several days . 01 ""' o.wr 1'1• tt•lf after the Dl.&bmare afternoon when her Jay comes easy and often whea you're moth~r saw the car crunch into the small 15 months old. Carol SUsa.Me Williams, for example, form. throws her hand over hef mouth in a .. Thet'.e's YoUr bl&' doll," Mrs. Williams customary expression o't. delighl said scoldlnib' ff aeven-year<1ld Kathy, She toddlld into the IiWtg room of her befare the chilling acrellD from the family'• home at 570 Traverge Drive, drtvnoay; " CO.la M_e~_ Tuesday night with just th•t "Mama , , . " ·gestUre, l:lSje(( t>iOU1Fr Randy~ll, and sar • Uii£noWn to her mOotef or Mrs.Marton W ASIUNGTON {AP) -The NII.on ad· Placement of teachan and raised the down lo watch television. n . Bieser, 34, of 17092 Emerald Lane, ministration threatened today two tarae threat of court action ii policies are nai The distinguishing· point of this story· Jiuntingt.on Beach, the tot had slipped out school systems _ lhe atate of Georgia changed. wlth·a-happy-endlng is that only l2 days o! the house. during tbo.se btief moments The alleeation was contained In a Jett.tr earlier, It seemed-th.e.-li11le ·girl would of a family fl'lend's ctepartufe.----~'nlL the city .Of. Chicago -with from lhe department to Frank M. never be home again. · . Snapping out of her grave state early desegregation sulta unless remedial ac-Whiston, president or the Chicago School Mangled and crushed by a family last week; little Carol was taktn off the tion is taken wi.lhin two weeks. Board, made public by Atty . Gen. Johh rn··-•'1 car 'In the driveway June. 1:1, cr!Ucal lis' t and her ... ~-uent recovery · N. Mitchell. The letter asked for a rep!• IC'lN .,....,.,.." In the Georgia case, the JusU.::e J. Carol suffered mulUple inlernal injuries was so swift she was able to be released wllhln two week.!. · and would :ha,ve :been killed lnstanUy if Tuesday. -Department told the St.ate Board of The government said a federal ex· the tire rolled two inches higher· She spent a normal eveniJ1', then got EducaUon it hu 15 days to come up with amination of the school board's teacher If bikinis are still in style by 1984, she up today for orange jut~, toast. ap-a volunlary plan to end racially separate assignment policies "indicates that an .. may choose t.o wear a one.piece to the plesauee and a llttfe play before. aotng school 5)'slems in all 194 districts. Negro and predominantly Negro schoo& beach. but except for that her1 recohavery back to bed for a nap with her favorite The threat was contained in a letter are generally assigned a d.isproporttonrte has been what practical peop e per ps do ll. number of oew, inexperienced, Jeu hesitate to call a miracle. Prayer and constant care are required, sent by As.st. Atty. Gen. Jerris Leonard educated, and non-cert..Ui.ca.t@d teachers. "To look·at her today, you would never but small bodies must do their own men-to Dr. Jack P. Nix, Georgii's superin· ''Thils appears to be the direct result of know it happened," says Mrs. Donald ding and it takes a Jot or rest. tendent of education. the school board's policy of pennittiilg Williams, whose fourth child has only a Hospital 1t.aff members not occupied by Leonard said 119 Georgia dillrlcts still certificated teachers to tramfer to the aiuple of fast-healing scrapes vilible other patients were on hand to see their had oot adopted plans "for the full con· more 'desirable' schools.'' when dressed , favorite guest check out Tuesday and be version from a dual to 1 unitary method'' Chicago, with ~.IXX> pupils, has the na- Arriving at the bloody scene that F-r.1· presented themselves with a cake, of operation in compliance with federal lion's third largest public school syst•m, d.y .( .. moon al 4·.30, police knew this decorated wl'" wor•· and !lowers. k' I "-h nd _., u1 U.!I law against racial dlSCflmlnation. ran 1ng on Y ....., I New York's 1,100,000 was one time when you don't wait. ''.ll just said: 'Gee, thanks. You've been The Justice Department accused Chi-and Los Angeles' 643,000. The Chicago Patrolmen William sanders and Dean swell,' I couldn't thlni of anything truer cago public school offlclalsof dlscrlm ln-pupil total is 53 percent Negro. Clti~o Howard tenderly Wi..Cf.rvl in_!h_eir car. _ or_ better," Mrs. Williams said today_ ating -againsi Negro aludents in the has 221000 teachers. They won a race with death. 11========================================:., Surgeons at Costa Mesa Me.mortal Hospital were literally scrubbing up and nurses laying out instruments while I.he slml CQt\ld sUIJ be heard 1n the distanc.e. "She never would have made it without those wonderful people," Mrs. Williams said Tuesday nlgh . • m:re appropriate time to 1ppeal It would be wljCJ plans for construction att com· -pleted; whlch may be years away. Judge Gardner Makes Big I DAil Y PILOT . OUJtlol COU1 f'Ull ..... OJll/IM'f w..rtN.W_, ---Pitch for Appeals Court· J.d I . C.1.,. ..,,.,.... ___ __ n,_, IM'l'll ·-n.-A. MSfPtifH _M ..... . J•;:::.f· ::::· "' ----11ll Wttt .. I~ ....... .. M•*"t .W.-. P.O. ... 1111. tl61J ' ' . --C-.~:·---..... ..._ l*Cfl: m,..... - 1· ·1v-..1•• .... Orange County Superior Court Judge Robert Gaidnsr of NewpoM Beach and • two other witnesses have made a strong approach in · Sacramento for t b e . eatabtl.sbme.it of a District Court of Ap.. peal in the county, it was learned today . The possibility of a third court for the Foorth District which Includes San Bernardino, Orange and San Diego coun- Ues, was thought to be dead because of strons oppoaiUon from the California !Credit to Remain For ln.vesbnents? WASIIlNGTON (UPI) -The senate !Al.? N.OI • .-_. • ...., ._ Finance CommlUee, holding hearinp on ._..":tn•'\E•-r ~11?:: 1he Nixon adminlJtraUon 'a aurtO ti· = ;:-;..= .... ~.,.. "'::': tension bill, waa ubd tod1y to retain the ,_.. ....._ ...... c.-,.......... inveatmenl ~which the Howle voted =::-.::... '"-:::: 1:.:. O::. "ll: to rt peal ~ ..... a.. --. The investment credit pf'OVidta I $2,I : §a '""' ....., bllllon arinual iublidy to buJlneuu for IL .:.·:..:, :.:-..;: ~~rt ofof M~ ~~~=:g; -=-~.a.=..s contatnin& the aurtu eitwlon. W .,_., · , Prei!dtnt Nixon wanta 1~ elttn· ~~ · "1\on of the surtax aa e symbol of his .,, _ ~•tmninaUon to 11op ll1flltlon hilt senate ·--· llernocra!t insl!I 1~· u !ah their time '" ''-..;_;_ ______ _, attd a1oo C<lllllder orm ~ ' f ' Judicial Council. But Judge Gardner, R. S. "Sam" Barnes, president.elect ol the Orange County Bar Association, and Deputy County C.ounsel R. J. Ranger tcstilled last Thursday before the Senate sub- committee on governmental efnclency oo behalf of the local Court. Under study by lhe committee ls Sen. James Whctmore's (R·La Habra) bill which would provide the three-judge court of appeal in the county. Two other btlls are before the Le&tslature, one calling for the addition of two Judges ·In the ·s.n ·Bemanllno division or lhe court and the other pro- viding for an additional judge in the SU Diego di91sion. Judie Gardnu said Loday he testified that Oronge County Is the second largeat county In the ala!< and coold provide a rent-free ceurt to the at.a"' and that the loc:aJ l1w Qbrary wu adequate for u1e of the appeal judg0$. . Dames said: "There b no argwnent thot we need mort judg81. The work l°'d oMglnaUng in Orange Cowity Is vary heavy and !n<reaalna." Tile attomey abo aa1d h• polnltd out the. economic fact that tho Joc1I court would nQt need a new $ta,OOO law library and could have free rent for rrom 611 to tin r .. u provlded by the COUDty, ' ·-----~ ~----~----------~-----·--- CONVlNIENT TUMS IANKAMUICARO MASTER CHARGE '"' '"' To the g!~---­wants but not..__ to find It. Mat<h your style with owr , m1ny d"IStinetiw ~igM. And a.st us aboat our famouJ o..,..111ossam....,.._ .. . ( · J. C. .J./umpMt14 'Jewefer4 182! NEWPORT AvtNUE COSTA MESA , ... 1141 22 YE,\llS SAME LOCATION PHQNE 541-1401 • { l • I. ,I ' , I , , 1 , I' t I ' I 11 ( • J . • I I , Fishing · RightS Talk Set Pop Singer Collapses In Sydney SYDNEY (UPI) -Actress- singer Marianne Faithfull was taken unconscious to S t . Vincent's Hospital today after she collapsed a~ her hotel where she -was · staying with British pop singer Mick Jag· ger. QUEENlE At a pews coq!erence at the Brown· Baby hole!, 'Jagger said Mis i . • FalthEuU's condition was not serious, but ·he said she was N l M • "very delicate" anq ~-d,l.dnt ~ me know how Jong she wouta 6e confined in the hospital. OAKLAND (UPI' -An at· Asked if reports that his girl torney for entertainer James friend collaJl6e4 from •an.:.\Browu . T.i,lesday .deni.ed overdose Or druis were lhie,· paterruty-charges filed agamst Jagger said, "I don't think Brown by a Sacramento so." woman. 1 "Marianne is very deli~ate, ,. Don W~rden, Brown,'s al· and tfie air journey -'ha~ ex-lorney, sa1d the a1legat1on by hausted her " Jagger saiil Mery _Florenet-Brown, 20, that ' the smger fathered her 10- Fann Subsidy Limit Defeated WASHINGTON (APJ Senators have voted down a proposed $20,000 ceiling on government payments t o farmers for not planting crops, but House supporters of the limit say the right is not ove r. The Senate, before passing a $7.6 billion Agriculture D e partment appropriations bill Monday, eliminated a House-originated amen<lment- which would impose a $20,000 limit on the subsidies. The vote was 53-34 in favor of re· jecUng the ceillng, and the bill was passed aa..2. month old son, was "a figment of Uie yoµng lady's im· agination." The attorney s;i.kl Miss Brown, who is no relation to the singer, was being used by someone else "to destroy the image" of the pOpular en- tertainer. Fires Scorch Alaska Acres FAIRBANKS, Alaska (UPI) -More tlian 1,100 flreflghters-are-----.ra t t 11 n-g dozens of forest fires that have blackened more than three million acres of land in one or the worst fire seaBOll! in Alaska history. ly .Phd lnterlcmdt Draft Record Conspiracy Try Foiled PASADENA (UPI) -A d r a f t board cla.ssificatiOO clerk, an inductee and aa ez. ronvict, ace charged with cost- spiring to alter Seledi Service reeords and to solicit a $2,000 bribe. U.S. Atty. Matt Byrne said !Jte case ,win be p~ted ~ _ the fede ral grand jury•and a complete audit could b e ordered.of the Pasadena Local Board No. 94 records _ ~ . delennine the validity of all Classifications and deJermentS granted by the board. Diana ~arie Daniel, 21, a c\aS&lfication clerk in the of- fice for three years, was ac- cuset. of soliciting the bribe to enter false information on the Selective Servk:e record of Gary Stevens Langley, 20, who was accused of falling to report for an anned Jorces physical examination on the advice of Miss Daniel and Anthony Melvin Aiadian, 27. Miss Daniel, Langley and Azadlan were arrested Mon· day night by federal agents aUer the money was passed in a motel room and arraigned on the conspiracy charges Tutsdiy, -- Byrne said the invesUgaUon _tu.med up no other cases of bribes to alter recordll, but he aaid the government may make an audit to find out. Not an ElephJ&nt Joke Pachyderm Parked in Man's Back Yard ROCHESTER, Mich. (UPI) {eel long, bad been dumped -Henry Kochan, who had tak. dtere by two youug ipen, one en hls wl!e out to dinntr, call· of them advised .l'oey to "dig ed home from the restaurant up the tiones in a couple of . to see how the family was do-years and tbey'H be valuable." ing. The two 111ppe~ed J n "Well, Dad,'' said son Joey Kochan .. s neighborhood Mdh- 15. "We've got an elephanl day even.Ing driving a truck buried in the back yard." With a very dead elephant in a Kochan, 34, retilled ·1n. crate in back, Kochan'• son dulgently, "you just don 't have said. They offered Joey and people bury things on your his 13-year~ld brother, Eddie, place, Joey.'' $10 for the burial penniasion. .. thou h h "dd" ., The •boy1 turned down tlj• I g t e WI! "-' • ing, money but a~ to let thein Kochan uld later. _ _. bury the elephant, Kochan Kocba~ went home. Joey said. wasn't kidding. "I always taught my boys A baby· elephant wns half that If they can help onybody burl'li In a pndptt In bis out well, help them out aocl su~ Detrtlt'.bact ya,d. don't tib-1 "money' for. It,", The ·~ pad!yderm, Koeban lild. "BUI I don't ·-lour !eel hl&)I and 11ve know aboul Ibis." I • COME TDAFRU Christian ·•Science Lecture The IntemaUonal Anbnal &xchange In Femdaie said Tuesday it was "likely" two of Ill 'employes dlsearded the elephant. ·ne firm aaid it received the animal Saturday night on _a . night from India. It was sick and died Sunday before it could be 'Shipped on to the Lin· coln, Neb., Zpo. Usually, the firm said, It ob- tains landowner perm.J.ssion berore dumplna: d e o a y i n g elepbaell Into the ground. "We'll Investigate t h I 1 tborougb!y," Vice President Dan BttnDan aakL "111 tnmt that we f&tmJ ·the animal.'" MOVING SALE! 20% OFF! •ho SHE shop 217 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA In Men Center Mansfield's eo-t ' ll's clean up time, and ynl, chrysler.f'lymouttt In f'\Ot "'111t GM and Font slllp..,.uta tn1i..r 1111. dealer Is just bubbling om With_, about hi• year .l>eflfra;·O.IJllar'l'l)mauth'a -upl And ..W, Jmpnwed sale. This year, -lncspodal -with lntemt whot>!Hs on ·f-torfts, ,..., h" been edded-tllousands and thoUsands of · Chryslor·Plymouth dt1ler almflf1 hat to ,_ 'bill. bold, beautiful buys! Excllina 1969 .-is 'tt>em CIUI. He's passing 111o-i.11 on to'°"' Jilie tlie Barnalda. Fury, Vallaril, Qny$ter New- port and the New Yo er, . _, • ' , -.. : . , • 1 DARY PILOT EoiTOBL\L PAGE I I iggesHludget,. But~. • \ •• .. " Everybody talks about boldlng the llne on ta1es, but nobody does anylhin& about it -with, In these days, _ r.are uctpt!oos. -..... --Amoog tbose.~x~ptlons Is the Newport Beach City ·CouneU. -- Muoiclpal lawmakers. after several tedious ses. alODI ~f poring item-by-item over a 32&'page proposed budget, have approved a $10.8 million spending pro- 11ram'for-i~10. That's. up about $1.4 million over this past year's budget.. • The budge~ like its document, is the city's biggeJt ever. But the tax rate Isn't. Councilmen managed to bold it down to $1.225 !or each SlOO of assessed valuation. That's what it was last year. . >'---~----eouncumen did not approve the budget as submll· ted:-Among tbe more sJgnificant cuts was the rejection of a proposed new administrative position. City Manager Harvey L .. Hurlburt argued strongly for the creation· of a 115,000.a-year post of "City De- velopment Cordinator." His job, Hurlburt explaine4. would be to coordinate all the approvals builders must now obtitin from several different departments. But councilmen decided that Is a task that should be done by present administrators, most likely newIY· appointed Planning Director Larry Wilson. ,.._------A1-tbertoot-a little from here and moved It over" there, councilmen carefully kept the street and alley improvements budget as fat as possible. This, too, was eminenQy sensible. The reason is that for foo long the city has paid dearly for delayed street projects, which become more cosUy as the years go by and the deter- ioration worsens, · - County Assessor And!°fl" J. l!Wshaw, you'll be paylni a heavier tax,' even. though the city rate Is the ~aine. But the s~nie situation previiils wi!Jdn other ~xlAg agencies' jurisdictions, st'!te and local. Yot.~dty·-ftt~-'-­ Newport Beach remains one of the few agencie.s that have not hiked tax rates, even with the enlarged ta1 base. And there are such hal'I! realities to de1l wlUt here as 5,000 more people to serve, a larger area, salary increases. those streets ~ alleys -and that ol' debbil -inflation. Cure for Panhandling The touch usually starts with "Sir, (deHvered al· most sarcastically) Y® got any spare change?'' -: And if they're really enterprising the pitch spins oil with, "My friend just got bus(ed and I need money to get him out." Armed with these flimsy pitches, young people by the score beg for money not in some Oriental slum, but along Newport Beach's water1ront. On police logs-the crime is tetrrned "panhandling.'' a_nd the number of arrest~ could never match the nunl· ber of beggars working the area ·each day. "'The arre!ts are few, obviously, because the beggars -mostly ordinary looking teen..agers sprinkl~ with those bearing the complete hippie garb -would never , beg from a unifonned officer. · --, I _...,. __ _ ' One may well ask. of course, who is kidding whom! Property valuations are undoubtedly up over last year: a $1.225 tax rate will thus gener::ate more city re.vf'nue this year. So I.if your property's value Is ·upgraded ·by The police department's plainclothesmen aN! easily Identified by the panhandlersc If they're lucky, they run in ·a kid or t\VO each weekend. About the only solution, it seems, is to refuse the panhandler. One waterfront re~ular's response is bor· rowed trom southern Europe: "Sorry can't do a thing, my friend, but God will help you." • 'I despi&e your position but will defend with dolJa.rs your right f,o maintain it.. I Probl.em of The Evil in Dear · Gloomy Gus: Republican Protests Schmit%' ~Report t o t he People' Calls It ·a' Cheap Political. Gimmic~~ Men-------!---- .. How can the aame world, in the same country and the same ce.ntury, produce both a ruuer and an Einstein?" asked my friend at lunch. "How can the human race prodl!Ci! such disparate types almost at tbe same tlme?" There Js no anawer to this question. And when there ls no answer to a quez;. !Jon, It Is U!Ulll.ly because It Is a """11. question. Until we begin to ask the right quea:Uons, we cannot get any satisfactory answen. 'Ibe right question would be: How can· the aame human being-'COlitil:n within itMlf an Einstein and a Hitler, in vary· in&: degreel? This is the central problem we have to face, and somehow to overcome, before it-overcomes us. A GENUINELY good and peace-loving man. Einstein nevertheless wrote the al- firmaUve Jetter to the White Houe, which eventually resulted in the making of the first atom bomb and its" devutating use on Hirolhlma and Nagasaki. It WL'! not the evil Hitler who started ~ chain, but the benevolent Einateln. And, likewise, it is not the problem Of "evil men" that so hinders our c:!eve1opment, as it is the problem of the evil tn good men, in men of good in· tmtions and good will, like even an Eins- tein. THE PERPLEXITY is not that a Hitler and an Einstein both co-exist, but that t~ both, in some measure, elist in all Of Ui. if was, alter -811, nol -the Storm When ap eat.I on l6Ut Slreet and Irvine Av ue are finished, ·il '."J"~ne will t th<m· reel, New- port Beach w have -the greatest colledion ol barns in the U.S.! -F.·G. B . ' Troopers. but the "good people" or Germanf Who made Hlljt!~ble. This Is not to d'eny thet th""' ""' degreo or ,UUt, or motaJ dHfe.rm:es among m~. But it hi to suggest ~t we cannot wholly blame a HlUer or a Stalin for the tragedies they bring in their wake. For alllr!I every lnch-o( the road, they-_.. helped by men who thought they were doing good, for their country and their people. IT .IS TOO EASY to subscribe -to the "devil theory" of history -to point to the Nazi chiefs or the Soviet Comlntern as diabolic schemers who dr ed their nations ~to bloodabed and te . But when thete devill succeed, it is beclu.1e they appeal to the devil in eacll or ua. Tbe:y appeal to our fear, .our frustraUon, our greed, our anger. What happened ln Germany in the 1930's should have impressed u s -tly witb the dreadful k1ioi'l<dge that a:sober, decent. bard:Worklii:g, well· educated, and "cultural" naUon' could behavt in a way that would shock savage tribes -but it has not so impressed us. The Nazis have di!appeared, but fascism ls more vtrulent than ever In the world today. Our enem) ls within us -within even the peace-loving Elrultelns -and _not behind sqm__t: •·c~· Q[ the mind separating good guya from bad ones. A 'Medical West Point' WASHINGTON -The prospects are hllhlf pramlsing for the House Armed Services Committee to give the green light to a bill that would establish a "medical West Point" to train doctors expressly for the armed services. Committee leaders say the legislation has strong bipartisan support and its ap- proval b virtually cerlain. However, its fate In the full House is &till conjectural. The measure is not slated to reach the chamber until the fall -after Congress returns from its scheduled mid-summer receas in August. Sponsored by Rep. F. Edward Hebert, l).La., chairinan or the subcommittees on the National Guard. reserve and draft. the bill has been pending for a number of ye.an. Hebert is .now being credited with having won enough backin& to ensure oommtttee endorsement of the mta.SUre. • B y George Dear Georg" My buabl!MI used to dnad speak· In& Jn public and WU very shy, He joined a club 'fbSch gave him con- fidence. My problem ls this' !J there a club I could get him to join whJch could teach him to shut up? I'm alcl< of listening to him. MRS. RA. OW Mn. R. A,, I .., 1mllnc Y11U a membenhlp blank tn Georae '1 Burn• d • ?castmuten CIUI>. We -teach w_.,, g_, lllne a member riau lo apeU the mt ol UI walk nuL \ ( ' . ' -- UNDER ITS TERMS, a "Uniformed Services Academy of Health Sciences" would be established in either Maryland or Virginia within 2$ miles o f Washington. The institution would be "so organized as to graduate not leu than 100 medical students ann~lly." A nine-member board of regents ap- pointed by th~ President would govern the academy. In addition to these civilian appointees, the board also would include the secretary of defen se and the surgeons general of the armed serv\ces. Upon graduation, academy students would be commissioned as regular lieutenants in the partJcular service they select. In return for lhelr education. they would be required to serve as military doctors for 1 minimum of seven years. WIULE THE OUTLOOK lor the leglslaUan has -1dttably brlahUmed in tbe Hoote, it sttll hu to undergo senate consideration. Its chances there are UD· predictable r;it this .Ume. Sen. John SteMls, 0-Miss., chairman, has indicated friendly interest but has taken 110 definite sbnd. In gentral. that is the po&IUon of Sen. Margaret Chase Smith, R-ltte., ranklng R e p u b 11 c a n member of the comnftttee. Their bipartisan support would greatly enhance the bill's chances. . . BylloberiS.Allee ud Jola A. Gtldlmldl · () To the Editor : Orange County 'rSenator John Schmitz ls running true to form . Today the mail brought bis "A Report to the People" giving J.hi ruults of the eight questions .he a\k'~ in the questionnaire he sent out to ''every household" in Orange County in December. Reading it hasUly, as most people do, I got the impression lhai Orange County people were not just con- servative, but nacUonary. The more I thought about the report, the more it seemed like a cheap pollllcal gimmick, the kind of thing that even his fellow members in the Johli Birch Society rfuaht not approve. Only ' 25,787 people a;i~red the ·quest;1onnaire. OUT OF C1JRIOSITY I phoned th<! regiltrar of voter\ in Santa Ana and found that, as of last December, there were 518,602 registered voters in the county.· 1'h1s meifiS that the ques- Uannaire was answered by only 4.7 per- cent of the registered voters, an In- significant propo_rU!:>o •. yet, s e n a t o r Schmitz I! using this questionnaire as a ~ls for the legislation he is introducing m response to "the will of. the people." (Four bills.} He says 80.5 perootl said lbe "state Legislature should withhold budget ap- Citations You dr:ive down Mainstreet, change lane!, and tum left. A policeman flags you down. He hands you a citation for a "moving vi.otation" for making an unsafe lane chln1e and cutting in front of on- comJng traffic. You ·sign a promise to appear. What next? If yoo had no a.xident, call or write the court to find out what Your bail ii and post it, becaUR there are certain cita- tions ~pon which you can post and rorrttt bail, and make rio court appearance. But lf you had an accident,~or were cited for speeding or drunk or reckless drivlng, you must go to court: you cannot just post ano forfeit bail as U It were a fine. YOUR AUTO insurance rate goes up when you have a moving violation". U you post bail or fail to protest the citation this counts a! a "conviction'' which goes lnto your driving record. The Department of Motor Vehicles records all such con· victions, bail forfeltuffil, or admWlons of violations. When too many pile up the department may send for you to come and dl8c:US& your record and-whether or nDt you ca n be considered a safe driver, and may suspend or revoke your license. It mu1t suspend licenses alter certain kinds of convictions-for example, a se- cond conviction for driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. TO PROTEST the citation. most likely you will have to go to the courthouse several Umes, since ln most. counUe.s you bav• to Poll bail before you can protut. u lbund aullty, YllU -ba .. to pl)' • line, go to jall or to a drlring llChoot. Or lhe court may put you on probation with certain conditions. SomeUmes the judge may order you· lo go to driving schoo l and then dl!mlss the case if your record is good and the of. ffnse Is mlrtt. The diSlniued citation does not go Into your record . But a court order to go to drivers' school might al8o follow a guilty Unding by the judae. In that caae, • convict.ion &land.I agahlSt your rte0rd. Nott: California lawutr1 offlr thi.! column 10 uou mou know about our Jaw.t. Utun from readtrr art welcomt. Nonn.allu writers rhould convey their mt.s.sagt1 In 300 IDOrdl or ltss. Tht right to c~e letters to fit space or eliminate libel U reserved. All let- ters mmt include signature and mail· ing addre11, but TW?MI may be with· held on rtqve1t if sufficient reason is apparrnt. propriallons from tbe state colleges and University of Califonlla unUI thert is a clear~t guarantee that peace and order will be maintained on campus and that all rioters, wbet.ber studmta: or-members of the faculty, will be expelled." A QUESTION UKE this is a little like asking for a yes or a nO anSwer to the question, "Have you stopped beat- ing your wife?" How can such a guar- antee be made'! Just what does "all rioters" mean'! A type of dragnet could be irutituted in which it was used to to harass and get. out of the col· leges q.dividuals who did not have the same Political philosophy as those in- stituting the dragnet. He Is introducing a bill to have the governor appoint a five.man commission that would have the Independent authori- ty to dismiss t e a c h e r s, and ~I students. Can Calilomlans afford to have the achools mixed up with politics? Do we want a senator who considers 4.7 percent of the voters "the wtll of the people''? I am a registlired Republican and believe we deserve better representation than this. MARGARET McMASTER 'Rodeo s · Al'e Cruel' To the Editor : It is disappointing to California animal lovers that our fairs and expositions con- tinue to exploit, year-after-year, cruelty to animals under the guise or en- tertainmenl. I refer , of course, to the rodeo planned by Alfred Lutjeans, manager of the Orange County Fair, as one of his attractions. Although many of our fa irs, Including California Cal-~xpo, are in financial dif· ricultles , It is tragic that the necessary ddllars must be made from the pained and tormented bodies of h e I p I e s s animals. RODEO IS modernize:d blood sport Merciful men long arG spoke· out against bear-baiting, cock-fighting , dog pits and other Crl,IJlJ .anima1_.::t:_nterlajrirnents." Unfortunately, rodeo has escaped being legis1ated out of existence because it hides Its true face in a masquerade of western legend. · And that ia pure hoax. Rodeo is not a romantic link with the historic West. Our forefathers placed great value on livestock -too much to maim them . RODEO IS CRUEL. In the pursuit ot fun, animals are killed, crippled and ttr· rorlzed. This ls the so-called "sport" with which the fair's name is associated. No doubt the manager would be unable to stop this affair at this late date even if he desi red. However, he may want tO consider my remarks before planning next year's entertainment. Perhaps, the declining gate at fairs and expositions In California and in the coun- try should be an indication that the peo- ple are fed-up with Roman Colosseum. type events. BELTON P. MOURAS President Animal Protealon lnsUliite, Inc. A B!tl vs. Polaris To the Editor : The 1\BM at Its best will provide anly s! much protection as thumb sucking for 80 percent of the U~ted Stat~ popula- tion. I am not speaking of a thin line of defense now proposed. I am speaking of the most extensive ABM network im· aginable, fully installed with all the fail safe systems ope ratin g.-I am speaking or an ABM cove rage that does the job it Is designed for. At its best it will leave most of the people in the United States. including Alaska and Hawaii , dead. The key is reaction time. How long does ft take to react to in· coming missiles!· LET'S TAKE a look at the location of the large cities D( the United Stat.es. Within 300 miles of the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacilic Ocean, and the Gulf of Mexico you will find roughly 80 percent o( the population of the United States. According to our own laws, in- ternational water begins 12 miles from our shore lines. In other words, any ship has the right to sail as close as 12 miles from our shore. Any ship, even an alien Polaris submarine, can legally come to wilhin 312 miles of BO percent of the population of the United ~itates. THE POLARIS submarine can deliver missiles with nuclear warheads 9aCross a 300·mile range in just a few brief minute s, far quicker than we can react to defend against them. In other words, the best ABM system Is totally useles! against an attack from Polaris ni •l\Siles fired from submarines stationed ( 'v 12~ miles from our shorei1. Why bother spendi.,g money on pro- teelion that is obsolete before it is built? ROBERT G. BLANCHETI'E In Works: Labeling the Hot Dog For months oow, I have been trying to find !Omethlng about the Ni Jon AdminislraUon wh.ich would make me ~ring up and salute, or something. But I keep getting the impression that we are being governed by handouts. By this r do not mean donations of lood , but those bits of propaganda pap that are produced by mimeographs to convince lhe reader that 90methlng, somewhere, is getting done in hi1 behalf. Mr. Nixon and his government don't really want us to know what is going on. Maybe this is tnie of most governments. An es.eel.lent way or keeping people in the dark ls spreading the murky enlighten· ment of the handout . TRUE, TOO, IS the possibility that Mr. Nixon really isn't doing anything. Arter all , he served under Mr. Eisenhower, who· tried his best to do nothing because he honestly thought nothing much needed doing. Could be, even. tha t this is the right way to do things at the top. Anyway I bave had trouble deciding whether Ibis COIUltlJ wu beinC led by a President at a paebge. All U-ClllllY advertlsinc meh who surround lhe Presi- dent tbink cooatanUy in terms of cos- mel.ks, and COMnetJc effecta. They remember that Mr. Nixon ma y have lost the 1960 electon to Mr. Kennedy for want of a little more •cosmttic effect In their famous televbloa debates, where the most telling poinl for the affirmative •was Mr. Nixon's five o'clock aluidow. YOU DON'T SU any five o'clock shadow any more. What you do see b the lltUe man on top of the wdding cake. to tmploy Alic:• Longworth'• Immortal ducrtptloo of another man who ran for the presidency, Mr. Ttlm Dewey. I used to dislike Mr. Nixon, in the days when he was making funny speechea on the telly about bis friendly dog, Checkers. I don't dislike him any men. Nor do J like him. I just find him unrul. I find him most unreal wben he makes friendly I t t t I e gestures towards the proletariat. doubtleu on advice of hil advertising genii. Then he is sort orembarTasslng. THEREFORE, IT WAS with a kind of pleasure that I read the other day of an action of the Nixon Admini!traUon whk:h won my full and enthusiastic approval, not that the N. Administration needs it. The Pre:sktent, through bis adviser on comumer aff.ain, came out nat-lootedly for a reduc:Uon of the fat COc'lteat of hot dogs and bolopa. 'Ibis ii clearly a move in the ad- vancement of the human weal. A g<neratioo 0111>, hot dogs and bologn1 were composed of about ~ percent hol dop and bologna and 15 percent or so ~ fat. Nowadays there ls no present tlmlt on fat conttnt and no labelipg requJrement. l~ot dogs average about 33 percent 111, and some have as much as 51 per«nt. THE NIXON AdmlnlstroUon ~ to hold the Une at 30 perctnt fat. Before this humanitarian m o v e b:ecome& law we have, of COU1M, to reek· on wtth the canny uusage lobby. If thil aroup ol lnterest<d cltluns hod its way, t have no doubt the hot dog would be 80 percent fat and 20 percent whatever else it is. "?;tr. Nixon's consu n1er adviser told Congress thaf, In the 1natter of prepared foods, dogs are better off lhan we are. Their food is properly labeled as to whet it contains. Ours ain'.1. THE NIXON Admipistration indicated it would go beyond label}ng the hot dog. if it gets away with that. All prepared good!, the lady speaking for Mr . Ni:lon said, should have labels telling just what they are made or. This is all good stuff, and I'm the one to tell you that l'n1 right here, urging the administration on. And glad to be able lo do it. ---1W- Wednesday, July 9, 1969 The editorial page of th.t Daily Pilot seekl to inf~ and 1tim- ulate reader1 by pre11nt:f11g thi.t ntwpaptr'1 optnlan.r and com- me:ntarv orl topics of initu1t aM rigniflcancc, bu providing a forum for tht l'~rtUCon of our rtadm' opfniom, and b11 presenting 1hl' dioeru vit\0- pointl of lnfc>l'm<d 01>1,.,,.,. a!ld rpok..,,.... on toplc:t of th< do\I. Robert N •. Weed, Pllbllsber J " I . ~ I I I if' I I j I \ \ ! I ' \ I ' I . ' I I ~ r \ " " . -L . • .. .. , • ·Cosia·_ ·Mesa· . -. • • ' • Teillly'•_ ....... ..-t " 4 .... -.. . . VOL:. iz, N0'7°'i6f.·• SECT!ONS,.fot 'PAGEs -·· . . ORANGE COUNTY, CAtlFORNIA . . . . WEl>NESDAY,0 J0L'1'. 9; )969 ····-• -· -Ei'reENTS Copter Ballot~ W elcOmed . , .. 91'th Yes -=~~nd Ntr· .. . .. ' . ' . . -May~r-U pset-:b.Y Huglus_A.d-on.,H~~ico. .• Eg,tr-ols-· ~~ -ft -1- ----. --~'1 Costa Mesa Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley police he}jcopter patrol success elaeWhere cftizen11 to tnow they have a cboic~ btlicqp program anyway. doesn't want the citizenry vOOng ' for in 18 ~can cities.. here." The way jt stands now, May0r P..Jni)ey ~elhlng in the mistaken beUel th"elr on-~ IJ: continues. to pledge support of .¢ouncllmeo ha.Ye. scheduled a.,::pubfic said, 1he figutes ' ahow' onJy aboqt ,1• ly possible vote is yes. local police use of lhe mo.st 6nodern hearing on the ~posal next MOl)d4y 't cfillerence . on pa ... r followin• ad· Th · , hi cr~e-fighUni .Weapons and respectfully 7 :~ p.m. in their Civic Center cha:mbtn. r~ • e city s c el -executive nplled 'today requests careful consJ<Jeration on the The mayor noted that anyone .who j_ustmehls bised, primilrllY. oQ lease hi. to an advertising campaign aimed· at helicopter •patrol. . wanl3 to give hill views then on the attad.Ofoulr1ahtbelic~cbase. per. suadin• councilmen to vote ·for an helicop program is welcome to come and "'!bat's not'hing," he s•ld, ~ terms of e. 0 Thls 'ballot' ls pretty clever -It gives the t tal 1 enforc bu -' $85,525 helicop aerial police patrol pro-only one choice," aald the mayor, who dCI 80· ' o. · aw · ement · i:!g"., pro- ' . • gram .. -haa-.not. been.-a...red-hot ~ of a Anyone who cares to may also write posed af Sl,698,MO, up $171,471 over last --,...--~· ·· , -and ·maJt'his views on the slip, pH)1jded Y~'t-Pl\lre. ~ ....;.._. ' · Placed by a fmn. vitally 'interested in localized neJ.i~p program · e the: sub-courtesy of the Hughes TQOI Company ' Here Is a ~ak'down of the separata acceptance of the-Hugl}_es .~lico~ters ject 'came 'Up. ' helicgm,er divisio~h . ln area ~papers-Hellcop.C9S1s-ov~ .a six-month period: a-eemen. t -Hughes Helicopters -the-oNOw,--F.m-not~ao-sufe-tJm-not io-ravo.r Tuesday. ~ , .. -'l'W01lel_ie0pten:; $10;=;-compirid·to ...... or it," he empb~ized, "and I.don 't ·Want ••• DOD ou1r ghf M-h • full-page newspan.r ad lnalud.es some otiginal:estintates on· C!>Sl' of the pro-~. 1 1: ......... ase. ,.... to be put in e position of being a . .11 fl~ ••• . bl _n .... ..-1 .... and ma1n• ............. ' M• ~ subtle copy, MayOr Pinkley complained. h h f helico , gram m 1 .,,~ year were coniuuera y · t--~~_'!...--... -"'!~":'"'*"·.-n~.· a~ etman or the _· ~ptu Pr·· higher-than what is now-oUered-on-t "five--Tr~ QY.dtime,_r_elitf,_3qtkm flo~~ !D a R\#lling ·®upOq cOiilifrie<I The. qrJ~Uy compufM ~t _ .Sheen year, lease.option packqe deal in. the and sfct'Jeave for three pU~, ~,QlO~ .._._ in the ad is council approval mentioned, pared down considerably In recent wee~ police c;hief's new ILscal·budaet. -conwuction of .a· landing pad, on,· but the text is worded to inspirl". those in aod cost-versus-need was known to be the Chief Roger Ne lb ~s warned that \JI-. gasoline and tools storage area, SS,000, favor of a heliaip program to mail the mayQ.r,-s biggest point of uncertainty.' creased Jaw enforctment needs Jn terms -Materials and supplies related to tb~ ballot to the mayor. "I'nt not unhappy with the Hughes peo-of manpower and pattol car depioyment proj~ct, '3,800 . .Tne accompanying material describe.t pie," be went -on, ·"but I just want the will eventually catch ·up to the~& of iht --Llatiility inauraz:ice~ '2,000. . More Troops P.ulle4, Not Senate Dumps Pair From Viet. • ( SACRAMENTO (ii.P)-Two' members bloc that ·earlier bad !lelped r7':1ce Is running the Senate," Bums said. 0 It. ·\.-·WASHINGTQN_('.Ae)-Friakient -Nix. _of lhe ~te's old guard were dumpeil Wa.v~ predecessor,....IlemOFUk._ 'tsi· -11....all wen and IOOd-fOLlnS'.one._llv~ - --. af -tOdarfronrtM-Powertur senate Rules. dent pro tem Hu~h M Bums of Fresno ' on ordered today the Withdraw of-near.., "'·--a~ .... by ""ppoJ·rs of Repub"""n · · · In rural distticts to sell their people l.NLUllQ~"""l;J ,,.. '"'° ..,.. Thi move soll 1ned Way's takeover of . , · . · . . ,. Jy 15,<Kll U.S. military men trom· ~' PreSldent pro tern Howard War. the' Senate machinery, and canie in. an out. but rm not goll\I to do i,t., bases in the next year -but raol. from: Demoetats aod Republicans 10inea ·to atmosphere of bitterneil. Way's '1JPPQl\el'I were determioed to Vietnam or other trouble spots. remove ~licam John F. M~y ~· wbO aUpported his 10nc.(lme 4UD1D: ~ ~ ~M~y from ~ The .pee."l·c oreaa I--wlli-i: •a-.--. oll!fe~n. Raf.et and Jlck. Scbrade tr San' flierKI& 1'(cCuthy and ·Scbraae. r• l'e-· becaUH thev ~d ...,.e ·~ io , u ·-· "" ·-·-·· fore~ llld IO!d,'•'Noio·WMI:; · 1l!it .~i'Can '' and 'I!'!'"""' lo will"'\l~'were·l"'~~ • ~-We ~eel by""' ·~-1 ... ,~~·llltpciriC· ihi -=· ~;_blslfid '. 'lbtlniO!rilOl·C6ilJ!loov 'Tile White HOllle.sald-HsOil.mea.w<iul<f'. turk" ...., of Way~lair Bul'"ner """"enl! ·• . . · · . • of 'lobliyiila Ind Detnocr'tic and~ be bro . ' · . of San DielO IDll RoOert Sltvena of Los "We are 1oin1 so far,. so fast ,tbat .Jt lican veterans wbo ~4 run the Seu.le. I uglit home dilling the .com!DI -\I Allples>'lbet' Wtr• parl of the GOP won'·t be Iona 11111il Loo ...,,i. Coual~ fer yoon. • ~ CAROL'WILLIAMS OOES HOME WIT~ ~ar:CVR'"'! .... .Alive •nd Happy Allor Boint Run.O•or by Cor ~ -.__,__.,:._ ~-· - • months "bi the · interest.I · of 1eslen:in4.. · ~ 1 budget and balll!IC< of payments COS!" · . .h ' · ' :~~!::'::.::::: Mar.iJ":uana Susne~t·.Fo!!_nd .. ~ ~s .. CoruI:uded . reatictioriOf ap~lelj 5~!00CiVllian ~ E'!:"':U A f employes abroad, could lead to an even-• · I' .or.. 1r1e~a t:-JC.'lBt • Crushed 1111 «;ar Mesa Toi H·ome, ~ell After, .Near-tragic Crash tual balance. ol payments savings of $75 n Id N D ... 11 " ri. . . . . . . ~~::i:.y~~~ .... ~di.e c>rried out , ... e . -OD _ew .. !r~.1arge._-_l6Ued:_in-6r.ask,_· --- throughout ti1' w«ld, including a reduc· tion of more than 10 percent in federal arrest him on tH federal warrant. .Services· for accident victim lll&inaJd -Kilgore waa named in An· lnilietment lBibop Tripp, 4t, ol. Costa Mesa. wtlo ls.sued May 21 by a U.S. District ·Court in" wu killed in" a motorcycle crub. near San Diego,_ charging ~iracy to 1inua:· Laguna .Beach July 3,. wert held ;rueatJIY gJe in 150 ~und1 of marijuana from Me.x· at Pacific View Memorial Park Chapel ia ico. . Corona dcl Mar. - The three narcoUcs offictrt. ac. · The accldent occured on C o a t t companied by Patrolman Sam Amold, -ol "· F. Sia · said Kilgore trltd to hide a plasilc baa of Highway_ aouth 1.1ic tre ~ ·~ pills when they entered the home. Valley Inn Drive near Emerald ilJ. After being placed under arrest on the Tripp;• motorcycle collided with• pickup conspiracy to smuggle j~ictment, the)' truck driven by John Crowley of. Dana said he gave permission to search ~ Point. apartment, where 241 benzedrlne and 23 Tripp was maintenance-auperviJor for seconal pills lfere confiscated u evl· the Emerald Bay Community AUOcfi. dence. tion. -' Investigators said Kilgore w·a 1 _polite Survivort Include bis wife, Lillian of and eooperaUve throygbOut. the pro-the home, · 3213 'Arizona Lane, Costa ceediD~ -Yesa. civilian employ~ in South Vietnam. Lawmen hunting I Costa Mesa ~cker The military reducUons, however, will In a federal marijuana case jailed him on not apply . to forces in Vietnam, South a second charge Tuesday rugl}t when he Korea, Berlin, time sections of Southeast was allegei:!ly caught red· and white- Asia where they operate In support of handed, cati'ying two kinds of drug pills .. military operations, ori to forces com-Willie R. Kilgore, 31, Jf ~1 E. 16th milted to the North Atlantic Treaty Place, had a bag of white benzedrine pills Organization. in hit hand and some red seconat TOUR R VINSEL C I 1 '" lil r · 1 d Press secretary .Ronald L .. Ziegler said capsules in hi! pOcket, accordina: to in-By AR , aro c ung w e or severa ays · Of IM 0.11~ ,11t1 staff 1 . ft that about 850,000 of the· approxlmately vestigators. a ter the n1ghmare a emoon ·WOOrt. her fie book d · Co~· M C't J 'I Joy comes easy and often when you're one million U.S. military men now serv· -was e 1n ...... esa 1 Y a1 16 months old. mother. saw the car crunch· into the S{ltiiil ing abroad would be covered by the ex-on SUBpicion cf posses1ion of dangerous Carol Susanne Williams, for example, form . emption,,. drugs and waa to be picked up today by a · "There's your big doll," Mrs. Williams The tola.1of14,900 thus would come cut federal marshal on the originaJ charge, tbr.ows her hand over her .moulh in a .d ia· 1 1 Id . of the remaining l50,000 scattered around carrying SJ0,000 bail. stom · f del' ht sai sco mg Y 0 seven.year-a Kath.y, ,..A~ta Mesa Police DetecUve Norm cu ai Y expression o . 1g . t~ globe in areas· r;iot exempted from the \Al<> She toddled into the living room of her before the ·chilling scream from the Nixon order. Kutch, along with U.S. Cu!toms agents family.'s. borne .al s'lO....:.Tra.v.eISLDriYc.<o-~,riveway: ---------~The~';:Whi;;;o.';lei;;llouse"':':::~sal=:;';:l'<'di:"' ~o'i:t~no::;:--James Ander110n and Ronald ~an " ama •.. ' yet where e cuts would be made. The welifto Klliori's hOiile"'"iOOUl-9 p.m., to Costa Mesa, Tuesday night with just that Uoknown ~'her mother or Mrs. Mari·on United States maintains sizable military gesture, kissed brother Randy , 9, and sat R. Bieser, · , of 17092 Emerald Lane, 1 contingents in such' countries as Japan, down to watch !elevision. Huntington Beach, the tot had slipped out Spain and Turkey, which presumably The distinguishing point of this story-of the-house during -lhoS:t-;-brief-moments would be affected. with-a-happy-ending is that only 12 days of a family friend's depal\Ure. Nixon ordered that lhe reductions begin Red Rate of -I nfiluation Market rBandits _ . ' Fl~. Wiih-$150 · . earl1er, it seemed the litt le girl would Snapping 100( of her gra\'e state early as soon as possible, with his directive never be home again. lasl week, liUle Carol was-laken oU tbe being· bnplemented by a special com· M led d h d b f ·i critical list and her ~uent ~very mUtee· Of the National Securjty C.Ouncil ang an crus e 'I a amt y· waSSO-sWftt sbe was IL!e""io.,,.be relUfed friend's car in the dri veway June 27, . headed by Undersecretary of State Elliot Carol suffered multiple 'internal injuries Tuesru.y. Richardson. .. ::.-- Hits Lowest Point of War : and would have been killed instanUy iJ. She spent a normal -everµnt, ~·iot the tire rolled two inches higher. up today for orange juice, toastr ~~p. If bikinis arr. still in style by 1934, she plesauce and a litUe PhlY before .~ may choose to wear a one-piece to the back to bed for. a ·hap with her favonte" beach, but except (or that her recovery doll. · · r ,, has been what practical people perhaps Prayer an4 canstant care are;equtred, hesitate to call a miracle. but SQlall bJxllea must'do ~ir·on men. ding and II lakes a lot of rest. • "To look at her today, you would never Ho!piti l staff members notioccupiedtby know it happened," says Mrs. Donald ther · 1 h d Williams, whose fourth child has only a 0 patien s were on an to see their tavOrite guest 'check' obt Tuesday and ·be couple of fast-healing scrapes visible p~ted theplselves with a cake, when dressed. ,. decorated with words and1Dowers.- Arri ving at the bloody scene lhaf Fri· "It just said: 'Gee, thanks. You've been day afternoon at 4:30, police kne~/lhis swell,' I couldn't think of anything t.rue.r was one time when you don't wait. . or-better," Mrs. Williams said today. Set . of 4 Tires, 2-Spares Stolen A sec: of new tires complete with two spa.reg was reported stolen. Tuesday In a '240 grand theft case at a Costa Mesa service station. • Patrolman Bob Arnold said the thief cut a chain linked through the center of the tire stock displayed af Pfister Union Service, 2248 Harbor Blvd., to select what he wanted. • ·I \ . -. SAIGON (Ul'I) -U.S. mllilary;"!Dl'ces said today the rate of infiltration of troops from North Vietnam. bad dropped t.o Its lowest point cf the war. The Pen- ta goo said reduced fighting would drop U.S. 'CQUaltieS last Week to. ttJe lowest. since Apri]. The weekly casualt}t rtport, to be made ptlblic Thunda,y in Saigon, ls expected to show that the death toll amorig Glt last week was close to the 16.1 killed in the week ended April ze., the Pentagon aald. The smallest death toll alnce escalation Patrolmen William sanders and Dean ,, Howard tenderly put Carol in their car, ; They won a race with dei.atb. Surgeons at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital were literallY, ·scrubbing up and nurses laying out mstrumenls while. the siren could sU.11 be1le~ .in the distance. Cit11 to Get 'f:!¥fl'lt. ''She never \WOUl4 have made it. withd.it those. wonde?rul people,"· M_rs. Williams •aid Tuesday night. , , $50,000 Fire Truck Destroyed in Blaze. SAN RAFAEL CUPI) -An explosive fire "erupted In· ~dow"nfoWn Ure company Tuesday. tomple)ely engulllllg the faeili· ty -and a $SO.llllO lire truck . ' As one of the first trucka arrived at the Brodie and Schwerin . Tire Co.. names billowed from the building. The flttmen esca'ped-wttb thdr-ttrn·bottbe""trocha1 destroyed. • . . Sell~~~:g .Candy? Get Licens~- A hlad: 'busineasntan.i wllo· complained or lax eflklrctMftlt·'tf cttr llcen1e• law1 against his occWona1 compeljtion today has a pledge by Costa Mcaa.:otficials-for militant action. • t ' William C. Hooks, operator ·of-BoY>' Enterprlses:· wfilch brlnli young boys from SGulh Central Los Angeles to tell boxed candy, pays $10 per day per salesman under the present city Jaw. ,,._ He told councilmen lul month his com· pelitor1 sweep into Costa Me.'ia literally m1 his coat•:tailrand sell candy-without paying the rtquired license fees . I .. Action oo the matter was oontinued un-for door-to-door· candy sales in fut. 'city UI thls week to Ii•• PollcecChlel Rorer July a , !lov. I and-Nov, I, qulck]f •P- Nelh a chance to check out charges that prov.ed Monday .on Qhle( Nelh'• recom- ooe officer told-Hooks the law carries no mendaUon. ~ , ~. penalty when he turned in a violater. "We have nc ob~on whitsoever," he Flagrant violation can result In a year said, add.in& ~t BDoU cpe_rates a con· • 1n Jall and a llOO ~ Uliy Attorney Roy scientloil• l>Uclnea which fils. lb< addod June expl~ined tt the June '23 m·eeUng adVantage of &rvitla ahetlo youna:sters and the pOllce chief Monday said the new sale1 ex,e,ience. poUcy will be•ln ....-ute. The only chaO(• ln the operation this Previously, he uplaloed, a warnlnf time will be.,.,. of lndMduol llclnio about the licerise Jaw ·sent vtolaten on ktenllrtcatlvn cardl to · Boya' Emerprilee th.-wanmf"sol•th.-problem" .. ---·tmp• In tbow citluooJt.tbey..n lit. Honu had appu.c! for anolber permll ed. ' '..) }-·.• ,:) .t' : ol the '(Jr wq>lOI durinc the N'ewYear'I tiUc. period which ended Jan ••• 'MJlllary aources In s.Jgon •1114 lhe nla of lnOltraUon coincided wilh the ptlllback of some Hanoi units to remote bivouacsi . They> dr<w no ""1llcluslcm from the report. for a:toP. Viet COO( official worn- ed .Tuelday that ti1' curret!I lull Iii the lighting . was deslgned io give the Com· rnuniat troops a rest fGr' • new, surPttse offensive. . , Allled negotJatOrs In Pali! and Mari'!' Maj. Geti. Qrmond Simpson in Vietnam had "'J>ressed llop_ea that Ole d~ In combat during the. past.two week! waa a olgn Ille perrlllas were 'ready. In -scale down the flgltUD(. The lull In major ground acUoo. con- tinued e1cept for a North Vietnamese ambuah"DW' Tam K)' .oo ·llie norUiei;J> coast whldt killed -l'1nerlCan paratroopers and woundt4 1even~ tbt U.S. Conimand ail({. .. _ 'W ::.:J_,, • 1'- Mllllary opolreamen r.,...... H overnight lhelllilg Ollacks,. lnclndlnc a ' foor'-roond rilcket bafra&e' •Into' MJ;on which 11<1:"1 liaiit·!Uel"fire.-llllil Ald"I• Viet COili ailil Morlh ~ hid died In ocattnd cluhes -\Ult blJl. tlelitld'Tlle>day. ' TWo-fa!t-working 8rmed bandit! wilt- ed Jpto a 1maU Westminster market TuesdaY ftiPt, told the clerk it W.U I Jioldup line! wtJl:ed out with $150 lo cash. ' Glen LeJ>l!P.I:. dert of the market at 5511 Weatmi91ter love., tOJd police the men entered the store about 6:12 p.m., carrj'lng 1 four-inch revotver, wastei:I rio lime In lhe robbery and left quickly. , . ' . • Officer Tells C!~sh Story '""' Wire S...lce> SUBIC BAY, Pblllpplnts -Tbe man In charge GI lbe USS Frant E. Evana at the time J>f Ill Oolllltm> with the Aue_l!lan ..mor-told 1n....uia--blr • aide GI 1110 ~ tor the 11n1 Umrtoda)'. · It Indicated hll "mlalntoipr<tatlOn ., • radio .._. led IO Ille cralh. Tbe lallmot!J from Ll <J-1.) Rooald • • c. Ram.y, 24, ol Loq Bea~.:~ 11--~=i: =~::~: Jwie s, Tb<1 - were .read Into the record ot • l!IJJ·m&n. u.s.-Auatralian board lnvestlpllnl the crub w1ik:11 lrillled 7' U.S. sallors. !llmley bid ""UIOll 10 lallfy bef<n Ille board '"' COOBlllulJonal ......... after. he and anolhu -· Ll o.g.) Jamel A Hoplon. 18 of ltlnlu Clty. Kan., we.re !old.Ibey .. v. ~ of nealllenllY' bozard!ni; their vWeL The i>oJ!OI prevlousl;y had said tt would .Ot lake 'unsw.orn atalementa but ~I cbangetl HI mind. No . uplanatlOD was ~., llak!menta said he thought Ille Mtlbourne meaaged a few mlnUtu before the crash that lhe wu tak1nl a courae of 11!11 <lqrees, whlch wool~ .bav_e been a ldl turn, and be man..,....a t1iO Evins ICCO<dlngly. Bui ·Ille Melbourne'• commander, who sent tbe message. l:.nd oWcen aboard Mal'by llhlps who heard It said the message 51.mply 1tated the carrier'• course as 280 degrees. The ships 11Ub5e- 1---.,,uently-collided while trying lo -avoid each other. [., I I -# l L I . "l -froun in the center of the bridle.,, llamley said. recaJlinl 1111..., .. tioo when be rullJied the Melbourne WU oing to bit bta lliip. lie uld llopsoo. ahoated "She's going 'to bit· .,1. She's going to hlt us!" . In the tutimooy, Ramrey made these pointa: -As the two Oblps moved mi a collision come and began c1o11ng 1n •• eec11 other at 3l 1mots1 Ramley realized the can1er- actuAlly had not challjled tta courae. He then ordered a ~ right tum, ~hicb be believed would have awlded the collilion had_ool~Melbourne alao turned al ~e lat m.IDute. · • Ramsey aa1d at about :S:lO a.m .. the Melbourne ordered the Evaoa to take up Ila new position. He said he then heanl a rdio meaqe tram the Melbourne ocylng "my coura or corpea fl 11!11." Tbe othc« u.td be belie•ed tldl: to mean 'the catrief WU ~n&iDI courM to J&O d .......... In Navy termlnoloa. corpm me&n1 ''chan&Jnc to." RamHy aald he-told Hopeon to watdi the carrier cl~y llo;aUle It .djd, aot ap- pur to be lo~ Ila -couno. 'nMI two ships be1an to cl'!"' •1111 tbe Mel- bourne messai:ed "you are on a oolllakm course.'• he said. . . "I dldn'l understand . , • I yelled rigbl full rudder," Ramsey sa.id. At lhla polo~ he said, bo"lllll bell•ved the colllslon could have been avoided. BUf lbeo he heard tho carrier sliJla) "my rud· ~tr Is hard Wt." Prevlooa testimony had said Ihm Wis IOllle confualoo on the part ol Eva crew rMmbers about the Melbouml'a courae. ll also lndioak!d the two llhlps had turned into each othu just be.fore impac1. the Evaoa tuniliig rl&hl and the Melbourne turning !ell "God knows why she (lhe Melbourne) had l•rt full," Ramsey said he called out jmt before the carrier cut the destroyer in two. Discount Store Zone Plea Set A zooo aception permit for 1 m.m• benhJo '1l8<:oullt storo will he -Id· ei'Dd MO!lda1 by the to.ta M.,. Plan- Wng Commiss ion. The Fedco facility would be located on 17.$ acres at Harbor Boulevard and ' Baker Stree( on the north side of the city. Present plans call for the facility to open nm spring. DAil' PILOT CIMtGI COUT PUil ...... COMMtft l •\oert N.W ... • ,.i..,t ........... J•di: I. c.~.., Vlllt,,......,,. Glwll -- 1\IM•• kN¥il ·-n ...... A. M"'•t119 MINll ... ~ .._ __ ilO W1.t lt'f St,..t Mem11 Mi,. •• : P.O •••• IUO. t2•2• --......,.....,,,,11 ............ ......-._,_, nt ,_, ._.. ~ ................ . . POWDER PUFF WINNER EMERGES FROM COCKPIT Newport'i M•r• Culp Captures Croa...C:ountry Title Newport F~Mara Culp -W-i-ns Derby; Mesan 3rd 87 EVELYN llllEllWOOD Of .. a.wr '"" ...,, Mara Culp, fl, of Newport Beach, I<> day wu declared the fint place winner of the San Diego-Washington D.C. Po'!der !'llff_Detl>y. Another Harbor Area mldent, Thon Grifflth ol. Colt.a Mesa, who Oew u co-- pUot for Marlon Bank• of San Oleio1 was judged Ullrd place winner. Mrs. CUip, whose husband ~ la a ·lll>yllclal wlth Phll""Ford In Newport, &ti a record for the S3rct annual All· Women 'll'aoacoolinenlal Air Jtace, the ·'Derby's official name. Flying solo In a Piper Comancbe, she covered 2,$15 mllu ~try In ti hours and &1 m1ou1es. Sb& •ftrllld a10 mlla .. !lour giound speod. Thal'• 35 m.Ues .. hour futer than the .handicap aet · by the 911'1; the lnteroallonal orgao!Jalloo ol women pllola -Ing Ult race. · i l'rlta for Mrs. Qllp. could total fl.ooo aoconllng to A. J, Sl&l!IW tf ta~na JIUch, li frlend of the Culpo. "I to Mara and DI.ct in Waahington Utls morn· Ing," Stiafiiy sal~. ..She was ""!'-r/ business-like in talking about lhe decliion of the juclges." . Mara's Comanche. wd o~ of DJ entriel -~~total evor-'Jn the Derby.· Boni In Latvia, she" and bfr fan\lly came to Amer;ica 1t1ear1 •10. Her homf is 2157 Vlita Entiid1 in the Blul/11 N•"llllfl • . . She !inf flew oolo hf 11161. Slnoe Ihm she llU acqulrtd rallngi for alncl<, mUlll• engine, and lna1rUdor, and baa loqed %,llllO flyitia houn. The attractlve blue-eyed blonde ls an ardent air radfll eotbuaiuL She hu ~n victoriea: in both closed course and CJ'Oll· country c:ompetitiom Uld ls one of the few women in the nat1oo to qualify 11 a pylon racer. Her eolrY In the Derby WU &pllll>Ored FINISHES THIRD IN DERBY MtN Pllfl Griffith . by Ille, American Food S.rvlce Equip- ment Company of Senta Ana and J:(oroatron company of San Francloco. '!"he Oniis WO) plet up the tab ior all her bills. Mrs. GrUf1th, who 'shared her lhlrd place award with Sao Diego's Mn. Banks. has been a cont.eat.ant in the transcontinental race several limes. The team won the Pacific Alr Race last year and wt.re the first arrivals in Nicaragua in Qle Internatiaoal Air Race tut March. Mrs. Griffith bolds a commercial pilot's license. Peace.Actirist in Paris To Arrange Release of 3 PAl\lS (UPI) -The North Vo<lnamese delqalion .to the Paris peace talks In-. dicated tDday veteran American peace activist David T. Dellinger has arrived in Paris to discuss the release of three U.S. war pri!IOoen: held by the Hanoi regime. A &pakuman said be was aware thlt Dtllinger WU in Paris but he denied - laiowledga of Dellinger'• whereaboQta. Friends of Dellinser Hid in New York while he wu in Paris th.y erpected bi!'" to stay WUh the North Vietnameee at their mideoce in suburban Oioi5ey Le- Roi. Hanoi promlsed to reltaH three American war prlaonen la rtcblfllUon Of the U.$. July 4th lndepende.nCfl ctlebra· lions. In thl.pqt, In the few lnatancu: in which they have relused prisoner•, the prisoners were accomp&nled to freedom County Approves Superior Route Adoption ol 1 Superior A venue alliJ> ment of the Newport Free<rty t!in>ulh Coela Meu WU ~ Tuladay by Ille <>rans• CountJ Board of Supemaon. County Road Comm-A. 8. Koch recommended the adoPllon and augaatad that no lurlher public heartnP bo btld on the project. "The ciUes of Costa Mesa •nd Newpert Mach, who are dlrectly bwol-S have approved lht new alignment u a tubolllutt to the m» adopt'4 about 17 years ago down 'Newport Boulet"Ud," Koch said. by some sort of U.S. 1nliwar repn&en- talive. , . Delling.,., presldeot of the American Pacifist Committee for the End of the War in Vietnam, left for Paris Pt1ondsy night, according to a spokesman for UberaUon, a New York newspaper edited fat Dmlft1er. Desegregation Suits Threatened WASIUNGTON (Al') -The Nl1on ad· ministr1Uon threaten~ today two lar1e school systems -the state of Georgia and the city of Chicago -with desqregalion suits unless remedial'"'ic- Uon is ta.ten within two wetb . In the Georgia case, the Ju:slke ~I told the Stak! lloa(d of Educalloc> II baa Ii dayi II> come up with a voluntary plan to end raclally separate school syotems in aU tH ditlricls. The'"lhreal .... contaioed in • l<tter sent by AlSl Atty. Geo. Jertls Leenlrd to Dr. Jact P. NII. Georsla'• superin- tendent cil edbcaUeo. IAonard said UI Georgia dl"1lals lllll llad not adopk!d plam "IO< the full con- ver1lon from a dual to a unitary method" ol -aUoo in compliance with lodtral law aeainst racial di$Cl'lrri\nltton. --~-·----·-·· ---...~rolf · Hit~~ .. Passage • Spinn(!ker' Snaps, But Bo-qt Stays ~n Race · By AIMON LOCKA8EY . li&U.Y flL.t~__._, ABOARD 1HE WINDWARD PASSAGE -Al!Or a Diibt ol tam>< Tlluday·aigbt Windward PaJSA&e is still in the race for first to finlsh in the Transpacific Yacht Race. .. Shortly alter mldnlJl>l the spinoater started aplltting and be.fon the watch on deck could cut tt doWn, It crashed down on the deck. Also the spinnaker pole footing cruhed down OD the deck. The watch below turned-to lo belp clear the net bui to no avaU. In the following two hours two men were aloft with the boat wallowing in heavy seq trylng to cut the huge spin- naker ·free . Petu GarbarU was la.shed to the masthead and then lowered down to the 15narled sail where be worked nearly one hour. John Rwnsey went aloft twice to clear and retrieve halyards. Both men per. form extraordinary feats of seamanship under· eitremely dangerous condltiob.!. Just before the hassle Blackfin was less than ooe mile ahead of Wlndward Paaaage. • There wu gloom aboard the Windward Pi:ssage aa all hands figured Blackfm had pulled far ahead. But the gloom vani!bed this morning when Blackfln WU spotted •iJ: miles to the sooth. So the big match race is s,tlll ... Both yachts are ahead of Ticonderoga's time ln the record 1965 year. Abo both boa.ta have now ~Uie: hllfway mark in the Honolulu race. The baWe wu joined early Saturday morning when Windward P a s • a i e . ' 2 Youths Killed In Crash; Drugs Found in Auto An old 1edan In which drug pills were foond hurtled -off the San Diego Freeway at more than I'.> miles per bour today. plunging 30 feet down into an El Toro area creek, kl1Ung two teenagers and in· jurlng three. Namea oi the J.I. and 19-year-old youths pried from ll!a u~wn vehicle as rucuen atoolioct ......,. In San Diego er.et wer. withheld pending noUllcation of relatives. Califcrnla IDJhway Patrol Officer Bruce A. Hand said all victims were from S<fith t;llla, Wl1!111'1 and Lynwood. Seconal pllla were ~to from the automobile Wl'ftkaa;e after the 8:30 a.m. accident, caused when drive:r Dinmy Daynot, 11, of Lynwood, lost control while southbound on the freeway near Valen-- cla Avenue. . Ra:cue worken were called to lhe scene to pry apart the demolished 195.1 sedan and pull o u t the fatally injured yOQths, along with the driver and two puaengen. Uoled In critical condition -and pouibly to be a f.hird rataJity -WIS Mias Des!r<e M. Lecootte. IO, ol Wbllller, while Daynot llu!lered aerlOllJ injuries and Richaard L. James. 19, of South Gate escaped with minor Injuries. The victlms were taken to Santa Ana Community Hospital alter tbe accident, where the two unldentlfled v1cUms were dead on arrival, CHP Investigators said. The amount of barbiturate pills con· fi1eated from the wreck was not im- mediately C1vtn and irivestigatlon con- tfnuu, to determine whether any charges will be flied. • - an•· I TRANSPAC ·REPORT overtook Bta:ckfln for the first time since the Sfiitof-the race. Windward Pusa e slowly passed Bl&ckfln and left her ne • ly one mile astern._ ~ at nigh all Blackfln was beading up toward north. On Sunday the boat was not in sight but Blacldin repo<UJd position three miles astern and two miles behind Windward Pusage and 30 miles to the north. Monday morninl: the wal.cb on deck reported her off the starboard bow and saw B~ all· day long as the boats uiled neck and neck with lllacklln lo the lead. · On Monday nlght Blackfin was slllt barel~ ahead, but Windward Passage was. moving up fast. About 10 p.m. MJnday nlgbt Blackfin lost a spinnaker during a squall. The crew took care ol the miahap. and had 1 new one fiyl.ng within 11 minutes. ' Blackfin was again about two miles ahead of Windward Passage's port beam by aaylighl The two boat! have been running bow and bow with Windward Passage movin1 up during the squalls when the wlnd is helter and Blacklln edging away in the · t Uine. o m o s t observers,, Ula Windward PaMaa:e crew pulled a unique feat of seaman.ship when they .&ew'ed up a foot of a spinnaker while it wu sWl Oyinj: in a rain sq~ll. Judge Gar~eF.~akes Big Pitch for Appe3.Is Court Orange County Superior Court Judge Robert Gardner of Newport Beach and two other witnesses have made a strong approach in Sacramento for th e establishme:il of a Dlsklct Court of Ap- peal in the county, ilwas learned today. The possibility ;of a third court for the Fourth District which includes San Bernardino, Orange and San Diego coun~ tie.s, was thought to be dead beCause of strong opposjtion from the California Judicial Council. But Judge Gardner, R. S. "Sam" Barnes, president..elect of the Orange County· Bar Association, and Deputy County Counsel R. J. Ranger testified last Thursday before the Senate sub- committee on governmental efficiency on behalt of the local court. Under atudy by the commlltee is Sen. Jarnea Whetmore's (R·La Habra) bill which would provide the lhree-judge court of appeal in the county. Two other bills are before the Legislature, ooe calling for the addition of two judges in the San Bernardino divlaion ol the court and the other pro.- vlcling for an addlllooal judge in the San Diego division. Judge Ganlner aald today he k!alified that Orange County ls the aecOnd largest county in the stak! and could prwide a rtnt·!l'U court to the state and that the Ehell Club Hunts Youth Employers The Jr. Ebell Club sponsored Youth Employment Service needs employers. The club has listed more than 500 youths. ages 14·21, that are looking for summer employment. Some of the youths are hoping to earn enoua:h money to enter college ln the fall. Headquartered at the Harbor Area Boys' Club, S94 Center St., Costa Mesa, the youth employment service has placed 150 youths so far , but beeause of a lack of employers, has been unable to place. the remaining 500 applicants. The applicants are willing lo do most any type of work, according to a Jr. Ebell spokesman. The office is open from 9 a .m. to 1 p.m. daily and can be reached by phoning 642- 0474. To die got who --!he W#lll but NXwhefe .,1ft:I ft.. Matc;h'°our style 'Wilh our many dbtindM designs. And 11sk us abo"ut o•r famous Orange Bkmcxn guanntee.. I . local law library wu adequak! for uae o( the appeal judges. Barnes said: ''There is no arKUJDent that we need more judges. The work load origtnailng in Orange Coonty is very heavy and increasing. u The attorney also said he pointed OJt - the economic fact that the local court wouJd not need a new $70,000 law library and could.have free rent for from llx to Ito years provided by the coonly. • Airport Board Won't Ask Cut For LQop Road Orange County airport commissioners Tuesday night decided not to ask county supervisors to loP a controversial loop road from a COll{lty road master plan - at thil time. The road, as planned, will slice across the northern mi of the airport, con· necting Red Hill Avenue wilh MacArthur Boulevard. County planning commissioaers, Jn a 1- 2 vote. .several weeks ago rejected an Airport COmmlssion request that the ha lf· mile Jong road be removed from long· range plans. Airport ..Director Robert Br~ahan Tuesday urged that air po r't com· missioners appeal the planners' action to supervisors. Qresnahan's argument was l hat valuable small aircraft lie-down spaces· would be lost to the SO-foot wide roadway •. He also said the road would pose a hazard to instrument landing. County Road Commissioner Al Koch. however, has pointed out that the Federal Avialion Agency considers the proposed road no hazard. The road is very much needed to serve east-west tra!{ic, acl:ording to Koch and the cities of Newport Beach and CO!ta P.1esa, who have opposed Bresnahan's stand. Airport commissioners voted 4--0 to table lhe proposed appeal after Bresnahan told them it could be taken up at any time. The airport board decided a more appropriate time to appea l lt would be when plans for construction are com· pleted ,___whlch may be years away. CQNVENllNT ' TlllMS J.C. .J./umpMeJ 'JeiveferJ 22 ~llS SAME LOCATION IANKAMElllc,+.lO MASTlll CHAllSE . 1823 NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA --- ,HONE 141.)401 •• "l SUQe.!l tlie board( 4<J -·· The Juttlct Dtj)lrlmtol adcuHd Chi· car• public school ol(lclalaol dll<tlmln-11~.;;~nst Nt~o a1Ud811la In the iii'~ ... •r· 1..ciim iM~•lilil"'lhe ~real GI coort aclloo tt policies are DOI chan&~ 11----:-~ .......... ~--~-..--~--~~~~~--~~--~-----' ' I .. I t ~ ' Fishing Ri hts _g __ Talk Set • IJMA, Peru (UPI) RepresentaUvfl m• ~' Ecuador P~"'~ night acefj)led ; a • U.S. 111- vitallon tO dbculs llsbmg rights lnvo1vlng the four n• lions. A communlqu~ issued in !Jma 1ald the. tnttljn( ""'114• start July 30 In Buenp Airel. Io the c:ommunlQ .. • Peru, Ecuador and Chile said they would not agree to talk about the legal q""'U... o! tl..;r ~ mile claim ol fLShlng rights, but were willing to discuss fishinc accommodaUom of all nations in the w~ters off their coasts. • ' /-• 1'fansfleld's·c:ount • I In Senate , F:ight? ' ' WASjlING'l'QN (UPI) -'- -.:Jlemoc:raUc Leader Mlb M..,.Oeld said tocloY he believta fOes are Pead In the Senate fight on Pre.!ldent Nix· on'a request for authorization to 1>.roceed w\th an' anllballisUc missile (ABM) system. Mansfield told repc>rters, howevtr, tbe outcome remains in doubt. 'l\vo leading op- ponents served notice that ihey planoed to Introduce an amendment to ban use of funds for ABA-1 deployment of a &yst.em, spec1fy1nc any money prov\ded could be used only for research and develo~ ment, . • be replled. Sens. JQlm Shenna1f"Coiijiei (II-Ky.), $lid PbiliP A. ,Harl ' (0.Mlch.), did not ~IO wheri'the)'lwould calf up Uieli amendmtnl bul predicted tt would mark Uio , llnl 'majot t~ on .lhe Nl:ion ad-- minlltraUon'1 pro~ t o deploy the Saleguard syite'n. The l20 billion military pro- curement au~rlzaUon.. bill,· which ~Id aulhori:e · the purchue and development or m1lllll'y l\ardwu:e, _lllclqiles $759.1 mlll!On !00-deploY!Mlll- o! the ABM at two lites. A vote on the ABM fs not a- pected this week. • ·"You have to llJ<e i~ owna the placo." The statement was Issued at the end of the second day of closed meetings betw,een ~ three nations tn Llma 10 unify -------------------- their posiUori ln the fishing '!be Senate, In Its aecood ~it~ =~~bw·~ Hubert-. Goe8 . ,.oing Estahlislanaent:-~ taintng AB!.! requests, ealled • .., • · · Berkeley Borb •\jiff members went on strike Tuesday accusing the ~er_. controversy. of! a planned secret session lo To HelsllllU . ground weekly's editor-publisher 91-l!eipg a "pig capilalist." Owner .Milli. Food Costs Soarl•ng • disclw the question. . . Scherr, who ls trying to. sell the newspaper to (() stafi members for $140,000, State Department spokesman Ro b ert J. McCloskey said in Washington .. UJe three CO\lntries were" in- vited by diplomaUc notes on July 3 to JJ]eet with t!le Un1ted States. ' ' ' Sen. John c. ·Stennis (0. u~:'°P~kni FJ;:. •·Sal~ the young radicals were just trying to beJ!t the pfice iiown, , Miss.), armed Services Com· Jlwnplirey arrived here.Mqn, l~~~~;;;;!~~---~~;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;O:i N L -. =-E ~ d miltee chairmaD who Is ijay n!iht In • private plane ON THE TUBE ,.. TBA.NS'Pi\C IOGBLIGBTs 1 0 etup xpecte managing the bill, says such a !or a lour-day visit. -Huiii,. " sessl?n -rare for the Senate p~y, Who is on a European For th• ii••• t11id• to wh•t'• Direct Rldio Reporti-fro"" tK1 FIHt • • ..,... ~. ne~ed ~use or tour, traveled from Gi!neva he.pp•lllnt 0 " TV. r••' .~-~ · 3·-1nc1 1 p.~. Dilly -!· ' "We are very pleased at the WASHINGTON (AP) -The announcement that the in-rising cost of food, already vitations have been accepleil biVi.ng-1.-pai]ifui Unpact -on-the and we welcome the op-nation's consumer, is still portunity ft represents." going up and the govemment ConUnuing to lead the way classified . information that ~and ~•~go to the Soviet Union WEEK -di1trlkl11t.d with th• · the rising food wu.o Set11id•Y editio1t of #le DAILY KO FM ii m t of t Ppartirices 1s1 lh1• may he discussed. later this week. NLOT. CM Radio · 103.1 :!r. . m~, cu ar Y _Mansfield wl! asked what _ He wa1:.e1pected-to -i:Met~:§i::=:======::::!~~~~~~~~!!!';; -~~ The three nations' claim of t e r r I tor ial fees and says there is no sign ol any fishing rights ZOO miles off the leveling off. he ~ed. to learn in an e1:~ Finnish Foreign Mlnillter Ah.ti . ;;;;;; Hiemstra s a I d currently ecutlve session that he did not Kar]alalnen and other govern-Th G 0 Co ' N i· p ' , T hiP !arm prices !or bee!, the already know about the ABM. ment officials during bis stay , e reat range, 8Sl S_ 0, aper•'-.' most popular meet, are ex· "Frank1y, not a heU of a Jot," here. pected to continue their~~~~-----'--''-'---------...:..---------~~~~~~---_:_ _________ _,_ momentum for most of the ·summer at least. west coast of South America A gr i culture Department 'has Jreq~ently _resulted in the ~omist Stephen J. !eizure of U.S. fishing-vess:eis-Hiemstra-made the grim by Peru and Ecuador. ~ses.sment after it w a s disclosed Tuesday t b a t -The-Labor-Departmen>.&ald Tuesday wholesale prices for processed meat, poullly and fish jumped 4.5 pereent in June, leading all other food Pop Singer -Collapses · Irt Sydney wholesale food prices jumped another 1.2 percen,t during· June. And when-wholesale"prices go up, the cost for puUing food on the average citizen's table follows rfgtit u'p the spiral, Hiemstra-mam.teii. - "There's not anything that we can. see to indkate a drop or a leveling ol.f," he said. Due entirely to the jump in food costs,-the-g~erilm~nt's Wholesale Price Index climb· ed four-tenths of one percent in June to 11s.2. item&i Calling meat a si'gnillcanl factor in consumer lood spen· diilt, Hiemstra said that it ac· counta for 25 to 30 percent ol the ·aVerage grocery bill. -- Draft Record Conspiracy Try Foiled SYDNEY (UPI) -Actress- 1inger Marianne Faithfull was taken unconscious to S t . Vincent's Hospital today after she colla~ at her hotel where she Was stayihg With BriUsh pop singer Mick Jag- ger. At a news conference at the Bi•own• Bah PASADENA (UPI) - A hotel, Jagger: .. Said M Is s· • y di' aft board classification FaithfuD's condiU()n was not clerk, an inductee and an ex- serious, but he said she was Not l\.t" ! ·-e convict are charged with coo- "very dellcate• and b. didn't l fHll spiring tO alter Selective., know boW ·Jong she weutd be Service records and to solicit ·I confined in the hospital. OAKLAND (UPI} -An at-a $2,000 bribe. · Asked tr reports that his girl tomey for entertainer James U.S. Atty. Matt Byrne said friend ~llapsed fTOfll1 .,.an ~.BrowJu Tuesday deni.e d tbe case will be presented to overdose of drugs were true, • pate ty"char(!:es filed again.st t.he federal grand jury and a Jagger said, "I don't think Brown by a Sacramento complete audit could b e so." ; )\"Oman. ordered of the Pasadena Local "Marianne ls very dclfcale Don Warden, Brown's at· Board No. 94 reoor,s:ls to and the air journey has· ex-tomey. said the allegation by detennine lhe validity of all hausted her," Jagger said. Mary Florence Brown, 20, that classifications and deferments Farn1 Subsidy Limit Defeated W ASH!NGTON (AP) Senators have voted down a proposed $20,000 ceiling on government payments t o farmers for not planting Cf"OI>', but House supporters of the limit say the fight is not over. The Senate, before passing a $7.6 billion Agriculture D e partment appropriations bill Monday, eliminated a House-originated amendment which would impose a $20,000 limit on the subsidies. The vote was ~ in favor or re- jecting the ceiling, and the bill was passed 88--2. the singer fathered her 10. granted by the board. month old son, was "a figment -Diana Milfie Daniel 21 a · - of lhe youog lady's im-classificalion clerk in 1the 0of· agination." fice for three years, was ac- The attorney said f.fiss cu.sec: of soliciting the bribe to Brown, who is no relalion to enter false infonnatian OD lhe the singer, was being used by Selective Service record of someone else "to destroy the Gary Stevens Langley, 20, who image" of the popular en· was accused of falling to terta.iner. report for an anned forees Fires Scorch Alaska Acres FAIRBANKS, Alaska (UPI) -f.1ore than 1,100 firelightei's-are-'·b a t-t-1-1-n g dozens of forest fires that have blackened more than three million acres ot land in one of the worst fire seasons in Alaska history. physical e1.aminatlon on the advice of Miss Daniel and Anthony Melvin Azadlan, %7. ~ Miss Daniel, Langley and Azadian wer.e arrested Mon· day night 'by federal agents atfer the money was passed in a motel room and arraigned on the conspiracy charges --T\tesday. Byrne said the investigation turned up no other cases of bribes to alter rec:prds, but he said the government may make an audit to find out. Not · an Elephant Joke ' Pacliyderrn Parked in Man's Back Yard ROCHESTER , Mich. (UPI) -Heory K«han,'who had tak- en bis wife Out to dinner, call- ed home from the restaurant to see how the family wu do- ing. "Well, Dad," said son Joey, 15. "We've gal an elephaht buried in the back yaid." Kochan, 34, replied in· dulgcntly, 1'you just don 't ha\'C people bury things on· your place, Joey." "I thought he was klddin&, '' Kochan aald Jaler. Kochan went Home.. Joey wunl kidding . A baby elephant was half buried in a sandpit in bis auburllan ·Dejlok boct yard; Tllo pel'lshed pa~. abooil-four 1.,.t htih and five feet long, had been dumped there by two young men; one of them advised Joey to "dig up. the bones in a couple of years and' they'll be valuable.'' The two appeared I n K:ocban's Iie!lghborhoOd Mon- day evening driving a truck With a very dead elephant In a crate tn back, Kochan's SQn said. They offered Joey and his l:J.year-old brother, Eddie, $10 for the burial permission. The boys lurned down the money but agreed to let them bury the elephan~ Kochan said. "I always taught my boys that il they can help anybod)' out, well, help them out arid .dm't lake money lot It," "Kochan said. "Bui I don1 'know about this.•• ' COM£ TOA.FR~ Christian Science Lecture The International Animal Exchllnge in Fetndale said Tuesday ft was "likdj'' two of lis employes dlaca.rded the elephant. The firm said it rectived the ar$nal Saturdiy, night on a £light. from India. It was tick an d died Sunday before . it could be Shipped on to the Lin· coin, Neb., Zoo. Usually, the. flnn said, It ob- tains landowner pe.nnisslon before dumping d e c a y t n g elepbantl lnl<i the ground. "We'd investigate t h I s thoroughly," Vke President Dan .Brennan Aid. 'il'll Jnaiat that we re-Wry the animal'" MOVIHG ' SALE! 20% OFF! 1ht SHE •hop 2111!. 17111 St, COSTA MESA In MIN Center It'• clean up Ume, Ind ,.., Qryslor.J'lymoulh dealer is Just bubbling ovwwllll ,..-Ms, -. tmp!O'IOd sale. Th1•-.-1nc-1af Jias been added-lhoUSlnds and -ol blr, bold, btoutilul buys! Excltlftl 1969 - . likathe Barrocudl, Fuiy, Vallanl,.Qliylllr-. ~ondtheNewY-. - In fact. wh11e GM llld Ford~ tnl1od die yur bO!Or9, ~· -ltlll Nd with lntaroll what ·1t,l1·on. limntorla, rour Chiysler·PIY!!llJUlh dealer almply hi& to ~ them cut. HI'' pnsln1 lflo WilnP on to you! " ... I .. .. r • 'IDAD.Y PILOT EDIToRL\L PAGEi Rede .velopme nt Ahead ?~ • • ' Dowalown eo.ta Mesa businessmen and property ' ownon are alvlng serious attenllon to the idea that thelt Jong:,.,. economic welfare -and that Of the city of ~--calls for aggre11ive actlon to redevelop ~: _ Ille clowatown area centered aroWid the NeWport Bolil!" • vard-Jlarbor Boulevard interaection. Tbe major hitch In translating exprouioos ol in· tel'Olt and coocem Into acdon appears lo be fincllnJ the "4>,000 with whlcb to underwtite the plan for a red .. velopmenl area. ' Tb• Costa Mesa Tomorrow group bas been advised by a planning cooaultant, RusseJI Priebe, that the be•t approach probably is to proceed under \lie State n .. velopment Act of 11147. . ' '!Jl)s~Ollld..muir~ !hf_Cl>J>uic~ons; _ -An oliicial declaration of need for redevelopment by the city council. -Appointment by the council of an official body to draw up a general plan. . -Providing the money to finance the planning project. .. If these three actions produced an acceptable. gen- eral plan, the actual redevelopment projects could. go forward with private funds , or publicly under the s~to l~----~•ct or. with federal umtance,. the consultant-has In--clicated. The core of the problem Is winning city endors~ ment of redevelopment -which involves expenditure o1 '5(),000 on the promise of future benefits. vestments al!Ncted to the redeveloped erta would more than repay the city for any outlay in getting the r .. development project under \vay, the consultant de. clatei. ""\/ -_,, ..._ Some have ~uggested tbat the city 11freeze" lts uS"e of tax rev~nue ffom the ci.Uecled. area at existing level ,, and divert any increases· in lax revenue from the speci• fied area into the fW}d for the redevelopment plan. ·Others nOte that mosi of Cotsta Mesa's publi~ project! ln the past decade were financed through assessment districts, in which the benefitted properties were taxed to underwrite most of the project costs. 1Tbey contend that some Co.rm o( joint venture by the property owners B_Ed the city is the best app!Oach. A third \ approach would be to let nature take its course. in effect. The property owners would do what· ever -and 'whenever -their economic jnterests die· tate, within the general scope of existing planning and zoninf. This would pass up most of the advantages of coordinated planning, and the -promise of proceeding · m~re· rapidly and of attracting large scaJe new invest· ment in this area of the city. Th~ downtown area has shown ,urprising economic resilieocy the past two years. But It is generally con· ceded tbar the future boldi problems. Now that the Newport Freeway routing has been r&-determined, the entire area so.uth of Victoria Str.eet and between Orange and Placentia Avenues logically Is subject to replan~ ning. · ' , ' .. . . ·- -, • ' - 0verail costs of redevelopment-could nuiie from $1 million to $2 million, according to the constiltanl. . As Costa Mesa celebrates its sixte_enth anniversary, it is appropriate that thls young cfty give serious con. sideration to taking steps that may help head oil the problems of old aa:e. 1 despise your position but will defend UJiJ/I dollars your. . ht to maintain iL. Tl& . Added revenues from new businesses and oth'er 'in-- • (C) -Problem of- The Evil in Good -Men RepufJlican Protests Schmit:' 'Report t o the People'' • Dea r Gloomy Gus: Calls It a~ Chea.p Political Gimmick'· To lh!T.ait.or; -~ --. • .,...,....,.....__ . ......_._;;.... - Oranga County's Senator John Schinlti f'. · ,,.~: ' ' ,<'* Councilman-SL · Ciali's record la one o! filhtlni for Newport B<ach. How come be now wanta all the traffic from the Orange Freeway to funnel Into H~tmgton Beach? Is running true to form. Today lhe mail "l M. ...,:n; • ..: brought bis "A Report to the People." :><¥· •l.l.f.IVX . ''Haw can UM: same world, in the same country and the same century, produce ~a H1Uer and an Einstein?" asked my friend at: hmcb. "How can the human """' produce such disparate types almost i.t the ume time?" Tbtre ls rio answer to this question. 'And when there 11 no answer to a __gues- Uon, II D usuaJ11 becaule It Is a wrong queollcn. UnUI we l>egin to ask lbe right qtlelllool, we cannot 1et any aat:l!factory ._..._ 'Illa right question would he: How can the aame human ~log contain within italf an.Elnsteln and aJDU<r._ln vary- ing -degrees? This is' the central problem we have. to face, and BOmehow to overcome, before it overcomes us. A GENUINELY good and peace-loving man, Einstein nevertheless wrote the af· finnallve Jetter to the White House, which eveotually rmilted in the making o! the firat atom -b and its . devutlfinc uae on Wroshima and Nogasakl. It wu not the evil HiUer who started the cba1n. but the benevolent Etnsteln. AJ\d, libwiae, It is not the problem o! "evil men'1 that so hinders our dev~. as it is the problem of the evil in good men, in men of good in.. tent.Ions and good will, like even an Eins- tein. -H.J. S. giving the resulta of the eight questions he asked in the quesU.oMaire he sent out to "every ~kt_ in Orange ~\y in December. Reading it basUiy, as most people do, I got the impression that Orange. CQunty people were not just con- servaUve, but reactionary. Tbe more I thought about the report, the more It seemed like a cheap pollUcal • · gimmick, the tlnd of thing that even his _Troopers, but the " people" of fellow members in the John Birch Society Gmnany who made JU pouible. mll)lt not approve. Only 'J!i,'trl people This ls not to den_y that lher.t are _.answered-the questionnaire..- dqred of guilt, 'Or moral dtuerences ' among men. But it is to SU.est Utat we OUT Ot CURIOSITY I phoned the cannot. wholly blame. a JDtWt or a "Stalin registrar of ~ters ·tn Santa Ana and for the tragedies they brln, in their found .that, ~ ol last December, there wake. F® along every !rich of the road, were 518,902 registered voters in the. they were he:lped by men 'who thought county. This means that the ques-- lhey wen doing &ood, fot ~ COlD'ltry .. tionnaire was answered by only 4.7 ptt· and their people. ctnt of lbe register«! voters. an in- . , significant proportion, yet a e n a t o r ~ IT ts TOO EASY to sub.::rlbe to the Schmitz I! using this questionnaire as a 41devll theory" of history :1 to point to basis for the legislation he is introducing the Nazi chiefs or the SovMt Comintern in response to "the will of the people." u diabolic schemers who ctaued their (Four bills.) naUons into bloodlhed andj terror. But He 1ays 80.5 percent sakl the "state when these de\tlla su~ It iS only Legislature should withhold budget ap- because they appeal to the devil in eJch of us. They ap~ .to our . fear, our frustraUon, oor ~ our anger. Whal happened in Germany in lht 1930's should have impressed u s permanently with the dttadlul knOWledge that a sober, decent, hard·workl'tl, well~ educated. and 4'cullural" nltJoa could behave in a way that would shock savage Citations tribes -but Jt has not so impressed us. -,_ ... The NuiJ have disappeared, but fascism You drive down Mainstreet. change b more virulent than ~ver in the ~orld lanes and turn left. A police an flag THE PERPLEXITY ii nol. that a Hitler today. Our enem; Is w1lhln us -within J H hands m. 5 and an Einstein both co-e.xiBt, but that even the peace-loving Einsteins -and r.ou ~wn. . e . " you a c1tat1on for a they lxrth, in some measure, ezlst In all not behind some "curtain" of the mind moving v1olallon for making an unsafe ol ua.----Jt waa-after all; not-the-Storm-sepanttn,-(OOd-guys fronrbad oner.---1.ane change .and cu~ in front-~f ~ • coming traffic. You sign a promise to appear. . What next? ... Lcttf1'1 /r&m' readns are welconu. Normally totikn 1hould convey thtir mt:ssage1 i1l JOO words Of' less. The right to condtmt l.ttters to fit space or eliminate libel is reaeroed. All let- ters mu.rt includt signatvre and moil- ing address, but ~ may be with- held on Yequest if szifficitnt reason i.! apparent. propriations from the state C-Olleges and University of California until there is a clear-<:Ut guarantee that peace and o~er will be maintained on campus and that all rioters, whether students or membe,rs of the facutty, >:W be expelled." A QUESTION UKE this is a little like asking for a yea or a no answtr to the question, "Have you stopped beat· Ing yoOr wife?" How can such a guar- antee be made? Just whal does "all rioters" mean? A type of dragnet could be insUtuted in which it was used to to harass and get out or the col- leges individuals who tfii1 not have the same political philofiophy as those in· .stituUng the dragnet. He is introducing a bill lo have the governor appoint a five-man commission that would have. the independent authori· ty to dismiss t e a c h e r s, and expel students. Can Californians aff ord to have the. schooh mixed up with politics? Do we ·want a senator who considers 4.7 percent or the voters "lhe will of the people "? l am a registered Republican and believe we deserve better representation than this. MARGARET MeMASTER 'Rodeos A re Cruel' To the Editor: It is disappointing to California animal lovers that our fairs and ex~itions con- tinue to exploit, year-after-year, cruelty to animals under the guise of ep- tertairunent. J refer, of course . to the rodeo planned by Alfred Lutjeans, manager or ~e Orange County Fair, as one oJ his attractions. Although many of our fair s, Including California Cal·Sxpo, are in financial dlf- ficu!lies, it is tragic that the necessary dollars must be made from the pained and tormented bodies ol h-e I p I t s s animals. RODEO IS modernized blood sport Merciful men long a,gO spoke out against bear-baiting, cOck-fighUnij:. dog pits and other cruel animal "entertainments." Unfortunately, rodeo has e.sJ:aped being legislated out of exlstence because it hides its true face in a masquerade of westem legend. And that is pure hoax. Rodeo is not a romantic link with the historic West. Our forefathers placed great value on livestock -too much to malm them. RODEO lS CRUEL. In the pursuit of run, animals are killed, crippled and ter· rorized. This is the .so<alled "sport" with which-the lair's name ts associated. No doubt the manager would be unable to stop this affair at this late date even tr he desired. However, he may want to consider my remarks berore planning next year's entertainment. Perhaps, the declining gate al fairs and expositions in California and in the coun- try should be an indication that the peo- ple are fed·up with Roman Colosseum· type events. BELTON P. MOURAS President Animal Prottt'llon IhsUlute, ·Inc. A B ltl vs. P ola'rls To the Editor : The ABM at its best will provide only a! much protection as thumb sucking for 30 percent of the United Stales popula. tion. l am not speaking of a thin Une of defense now proposed. 1 am speaking o( the mosl extensive ABM network im· aginable. fully installed with all the fail safe systems operati n g. I am speaking of an ABM coverage that does the job it is designed for. At its best it wUI leave mo&J, of the people in the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii, dead. The key i! re.action time. lfow long does It take to react to ln· t. coming missiles? LET'S TAKE a look at the location of the large cities of the United States. Within 300 milts Of the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Gulf Of Mez:icll you will find roughly llO percenl of the population or the United States. According I() our own laws. In- ternational water begins 12 miles from our shore lines. In other words, any ship has the right to sail as close as 12 miles from our shore. Any ship, even an alien Polaris submarine, ~an legally come to within 31% miles of 80 percent of the population or the United States. THE POLARIS submarine can deliver missiles with nuclear warheads across a 300· mile range in just a few brief minutes. far quicker than we can react to defend against them. In other words, the best ABM system is totally useless against an attack from Polaris missiles fired from submarines stationed only 12· miles from our shores. Why bother spending money on pro- tection that is obsolete before it ls built:' ROBERT G. BLANCl!E'M'E A 'Medical West Point' If you bad no a.:cidenl, call or write the court to find out what your bail is and post it, because there are certain cita- tions upon wfllch you can post and forfeit ball, and make no court appearanct. S.t i! you had an accident, or wtre cited for speeding or drunk er reckless driving, you must go to court; you cannot just post ana forfeit ball as if i' were 1 fine. In Works: Labeling the Hot Dog WASHINGTON -The prospects are highly proml!lng for the House Armed Services Committee to give the green lighl to a bill that would establish a "medical West Poiot" to train doctors e11>ressly for the armed services. Committee leaders say the legislation has strong bipartisan support and its ap- proval is virtually certain. However, its fatt in the full House is sWI conjectural. The measure is nol slated to reach the chamber unUl the fall -after Congress returns from it1 scheduled mid-summer recess in August. Sponsored by Rep. F. Edward Hebert, J>.La., chairman of the l(lbcommittees on the Natiooal Guard, reserve and draft. lbe bill h3 been pending for a number ol years. Hebert is now being credited with haVing woo enough backine to ensure committee endorsement of the measure. Dur George : M)' bulbaod Died todrtad speak· Ina In public and WU very Illy. He Jo(Aed. a club which pve him con- -. My problem Is tbiJ : Is tbtre a club I could get him to join wblcb could teach hlm to shut up! I'm llcl: of listening to blm. MRS. R.A. Dtllr Mn. R. A.: I am ~ }'Oii i ""mbershlp blank ii Geotte'• Burned~ -Club. lie mtel each w-.r.11ney time a member ,_ lo opoat Ibo rat Ill U1 walk .. ' I • UNDER JTS TERMS, a "Uniformed Services Academy of Health Sciences" would be establJshed ln either Maryland or Virginia within 25 miles o f W asbington. The lnatltuUon would be "so organized as to graduate not Im than 100 medkal student.a annually." A nine-member board of regents ap- point~ by the P'rellldeot would govern lhe academy. In addlUon to thtse civilian appointees, the board also would include the secretary of defense and the surgeons general of the irmed serv~. Upon graduatioo, academy students would be commissioned aa ·regular lieutenants in the particular serv1ct they select. In n!turn for their education. they would be required to oerve as military doctors for a 'minimum of. seven years. WHILE THE OOTLOOl !or the . legillalion bu COllllderably brlgbi...ed In tile House, It 1W1 bu to Unde'IO Senate C001ideraUon. Ill chances tbere are un- predid.abl.e at tbla Ume. Sen. John Stennis, O.Miss., chairman, has indicated frte.odty interest but has taken no definite 11t1nd. In general. that is I.be position of Sen. Margaret Chase Smith, R-Me.1 r1nklng Rep u b 11 can member of the comrn.lUtt •. Their bipartisan support would geally enhancti lhe blU'1 chances. •• By llollert s. All<o u4 J ... A. Gtldlml1ll YOUR AUTO Insurance rale goes up when you hav~ a moVing violation. If you post bail or faJJ to protest the citation this counts as a "conviction" which goes Into your driving record. The Department of Motor Vehicles records all sucli con- victions, bail forfellures. or admis!lons of violatlona. When too many pile up the department may send for you to come and dlscuss your record and wbelher or not you can be considered • safe driver, and may suspend or revoke your license. It mutt suspen<t licenses after certain kinds of convictions-for c1tample, a st-- cond convlcUon for driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. TO PROTEST the citation, most likely you will have to go to lhe tourlhouse severa! times, since in most counties you have to post ball before you can protaL If found guilty, you ..., have to poy a fine, go to jail or to a driving acbooL Or the court llll)' put you cm iroballon witll ce.rtaln condlUOlll. Sometimes the Judge may order you to so to drlvJn& achoo! and then cilsmi» the case lf your record is a:ood and the of. ftnse Is minor. The dismtsscd citation does not go into your record. But a a1urt order lo go to c:k'lvtn' achool might 1lso follow a iuJtty finding by the Judge. In lhat case, • conviction at1nd1 against your record. Nott: California lowuers offer this columtl so uou mat1 know about our law1. For months now, T have been trying to find something about the Ni 1 on Administration which would niake me spring up and salute, or something. But I keep getting lhe impr~sion that we are being governed by handouts. By this I do not mean donations of food, but those bits ()f propaganda pap that are produced by mimeographs to convince the reader that something, somewhere, is getting done in his behalf. . Mr. Nb:on and his governmerlt don't really want us to know what is going on. Maybe this is true of most governments. An e:rcellent way of keeping people in the dark is spreading the murky enlighten- ment of the handout . TRUE, TOO, IS the possibility that ~Ir. Nixon really isn't doing anything. After all. he served under Mr. Eisenho·-¥er, who tried his best to do nothing be.cause-he honeslly thought nothing much needed doing. Could be, even, that this is Ple right way to do things at the top. Anyway I hive bad trouble decklin& whelher tbiJ country wu helllfl led by a Prelident or 1 package. All 0-canny advtrtlslng men who llllTOOl1d the Prtsi· dent tbink constantly In lerms of cos- metics, and cosmetic effects. They rem.ember that Mr. Nixon may have lost the 1960 electon lo Mr. Kennedy for want ·of • little more cosmetic tffect In their famous television debates, where the mod ternn, point for the affirmative was Mr. Nl1on's five o'clock shadow, VOU DON'T SEE any nve o'clock d w any more. What you do see Is the man on top of \he wtddlng cakt. to m1 Allee Longworlb's immortal deic:rtPtton of another man who ran for f Charles McCah'e • the presldency, Mr .'Tom Dewey. I used to dislike Mr, Nixon, in the days when he wa.s making fuMy speeches on the telly about his friendly dog, Checkers, I don:t dlalike him any more. Nor do 1 like him. I just find him unreal I [ind him most unreal when he makes friendly Ii t t I e gestures towards the proletariat. doubtless on advice cl his adve.rt.isina genii. Then he is sort of -embai'l'Wing. THEREFORE,.JT WAS with a kind of pleasure that I read the other day of an action ol the Nixon AdministraUon which won my full and enthusiastic approval, not that the N. Administration needs It. · .. The Pruident, through his adviser on consumer allair11, came out nat-footedly for a reduction ol the fat content of hot dogs and bologna. Thl.s Is clear!)' a move ln &he 1d· varicement of the human weal.. A generation ago, hot dogs and bologna were composed of about SS percent hot dogs ind bologna and 15 percent or so o( laL Nowadays the.rt is no present Urn.It on rat cootent aod no labeling requirement. Hot dogs average about 33 pen:ent tat, and &Orne hive u much as 51 pereenl nl£ NIXON Administration propoHd to hold the Une at :JO percent !1L Before this humanitarian m o v e becomes laW we have, of cowv. to reek· on with I.he canny aauS1ge lobby. If this aroup of Interested cltiJ.ens had Its way, t have no doubt the hot dog would be 80 per cent fat and 20 percent whatever else it is. !\Ir. Nixon's consumer adviser told Congress that , in the matter of prepared foods, dogs are better off than we are. Their food is properly labeled as to what It contains. Ours ain't. THE NIXON Administration indicated it would go beyond labellna: the bot doa:, if it gets away with that. All prepared goods. the lady speaking for Mr. Nixon said, should have labels telling just what they are made of. This is 1111 good stuff. and l'm the one to lell you that I'm right here, urging the administration on. And, glad to be able to do it. ------- Wednesday, July 9, 1969 The tditorial page o/ iM Daily Pilot lttkl to infonn. and stim- ulate readers bt1 presenting this new.spopcr't opin'°'11 and com- rnntarv ~ topici of tntn11t and signiftcanct, bM providing a forum for tM t:tpNarion. of our readtra' opfniont. end btt pre1tnctno the d'"1st vie1D- points of fflfomtd ob1...,.,.1 ond spo""""n 01I toplct of lhl dov. Robert N. W.,~,.fabllsber ' l \ I • • • w~. Mt 9, 1969 DAR. Y PILOT W , _"\l"ietnam_Wae_Ends Forever -for Group of :Gls 1 • -- ROTC CADETS GIVE UNDIVIDED ATTENTION TO GEN. WILLIAM C. WESTMORELAND Army Ch ltf of Staff Spe•k1 to Unit Prior to Grfffing Withdrawn Gls of Viet War Over Here Now Vets Get Warm W el.come McCHORD AFB, Wash. (UPI) - Eight-hundred and fourteen American troops, sporting "We Try Harder" but· tons on their new green fatigues, return· ed home Tuesday to a tumultuous welcome which almost made lt"seem as if the Vietnam War bad ended. Nine times during the afternoon and evening, huge Cltl jet transport.a arrived ht.re with members of the 9th Infantry Dfvision's most decorated battalion -the first of 25,000 men ordered home by President Nixon. They were lfetted by the trumpeting of a brass ~d, the ~ af 3,000 !riends and relatives, and an tmpreui.ve array of milJtary dlgnltaries·led by Army Chief of Staff Gen. Wllliam C • Westmoreland. "You did your duty to the best of your ablUty while some otben of YOW' age sat by idly and talked or demonstrated," Westmoreland. told lhe returning soldiers. "You men have demonstrated. You have demonstrated your sense of responslbUity -the responsibility of an American citizen to serve his country;" - Speaklr.g to another group ot~men later In a building not far away, the former commander of American forces in Viet. nam said, "It will be necessary for some Americans to rtay there for a time until the South Vietnamese can develop capabilities to provide their own securi· ty." Bond Interest Rate Hike Bill in Assembly SACRAMEN'l'O (AP) -A Senate·pass- ed bill to raise from S to 7 percent the maximum interesl rate on general obligation bonds moved today to the full -Assembly_ - The·measure, by Sen. Gordon Cologne, (R-Indio), one of several designed to make CaUiofnia bonds more competitive in the curn!nt high-inteust market, was approved unanimously Tuesday night by the Assembly Ways and Means Commit- tee. • ~!J'he-men addrelled-bt Westmoreland were destined for · South Vietnam, replacements funneled through this base each day. For them, the war ill just beginnlng. South Vietnamese Ambassador Bui Diem told the returning aoldler1, "The time has come for the South Vietnamese to realize that the more we grow in strength, the more responaibllity we must face." He termed the troop withdrawal "the turning point of the war," but did not. elaborate on the comment. After the speeches, the 3rd Battalion's lll05t decorated ooldler ,Cpl Geral<I,Blye, 21, of Myrtle Beach, S.C., accepted the keys to the city of StalUe irhere the troops will march Thuraday ••on beHal! of the whole battalion.'' "I left Vietnam with a warm aendoff," Blye said, "and I didn't expect this kind Of rfcepllon when I got home." Evidence of the sendoff was displayed by many of the troops who carried brightly colored packages, gifts from the South Vietnamese in Saigon. After the inltial round of speeclles and a traditional steak dinner at nearby Ft. Lewis, the returnees faced the drudgery of processtng today. The Army said ac- tivities 91·ould include record chec1ul;-an all-important payday, nad 911uarlng away of leave requests. "Unglamorous," as one personnel of. ficer put it. Following the parade in Seattle Thurs- day, the men will be treated to a salmon feed and then sent eltber home, on leave, or to a new outfit. Only 158 of the 814 rtturnees were of. flcial members of the 3rd Batlallon, 60lh Infantry Regiment of the 9th Division's Second Brigade. The rest were transfer· red in, having served most of their scheduled Ume in Vietnam. Of the total, 140 were returning for d.ladiarge. Nearly ball of the 25,000 troops to come home this summer will be from the 9th Division, whose combat area in the Mekong Delta aouth ol Sai1t1n will be largely left to South Vlelnamese in- fantrymen. New Students' Registration. .Now Under Way Students new to the Huntington Beach Union High School District are urged to pre-register for classes this fall im- mediately. A counselor will be available from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday at each of the district high schools, ucept for !be new Edilon Hlgb Scbool. Students in the Edison High School area of attendance may p~regist.er at either HID!tlngton Beaclj Hlgb S<bool or 1'011Dtala Valley Jllih 5chool., School officiall have asked that telephone appoin!menta be made with the counselors to avoid f!elayL CoUnse.1ot1.-anc1-lcli601 .cldtwea: are printed below: , L. McCracken, Huntlngton Beach High School, 190$ Maln SU.et, Huntington Beach, 536-:1614, J). Blankenship, Weatminster High School, 14325 Golden West St., Westminster, 893-1381. A. Bergquam, Marin.a High Schoo~ 15871. _Spriasdale St.. HunUngton Beach, 89U$71. B. Parmenter, F~tain Valley High- School; 178UI Bushard St., Fountain Valley, 962-"301. Judo, Karate Classes Slated Judo and karate classes are now being organized for both.lioys and girls by the West Orange County YMCA. The courses will be ta\liht by black beU Instructors in both arts of self defense. Judo clas.5e3 are open to youngsters between 13 and 17 and require a $20 registration fee for non-members. YMCA members will be admitted at the reduced rBte -::C $15. The karate course costs $1S for non- members and $12 for YMCA members. It is open to children aged 7-13. Further inlonnation about both cnurses is available from the YMCA at 14776 Beoch Blvd. or by calllq lllUSl!. Chi~ago · Faces ·_~chool S»it . ' . ' WASHINGTON (UPI) -The J ustice -f)repartmem-today -~-ell cago publlc school officia1s of discrimi.naUng agalllst Negro otudeol! tn the pi><ement ot teachers and raised·the threat of court action if policies are not changed. J"!!!!!!n&J!lllI.)>ebtnd.New Yort's.l,100,0llO and Los Angeles• 8431000. The Chica.go pupil total ls 13 per<ent Negro. Cb!cago has 22,000 tucbera. -approprille-otepo-to-ellmlaale·~ · the racially dlscrfmfnatory · practlcl!! we· found tn· the opmUon of your scboo1 &y!tem." A 1poke1111an for the bolrd In Chlcago decllned conunent on the jovlrnmefit- charge1, gaylng: ''Our instructions from our legal department ar11 never to com- ment on a suit unUl It has reached the The allegation wis containedlD a letter from the department to Frank M. Whiston, president of the Chiellgo School Board, made public by AUy. Geo. John N. MJtchell. The letter asked for a reply within two weeks. court." The department aJoo told the-board lhal a mtnlmum acceplabll remod)r Woiild 6e""" modlfyfiillbe_ l!iim_ er ;ponq;- asslgntng lllW tw:!)on tn ouch a "'!' II to break up the cumnt patlml IUld, II neeelllr)', mondatory ~-errtnc of teachers to strike 1 rad.al balaabe. "It ls important," the letter uld, •'that such p!anl be lormulated ..., ,., the sdlool systcn will have ampl1 '*' to put them Into effect lot the -· scboo1 year." The iovemment said a federal ex-JuaUce Department spokesmen aald the amtnaUoa of the IChool boord'• !oacher board wu betnr. ldviled "ol the ....Wta au!piment pyUcie. "ildloates lhal all• ol oor oumtnalioa of the fact& and to Nean> onc! -Nean> achools • pl'OVlde you with an opportunlfy to 1ake .... generalfy llS!lgned l."dllproport1ooate nwnber ol new; tne.Rorlenced. leu n __ , 1'r eduated, ond don.cert!ficated teadlers. •"'lllgns Over iuoney 8=mlnl up Ill lladtnlll, the depon.. monHo!d-lbe ldlool-llooril1 . ''1hta appeari lo be tl>t diroct rault.of '-'Tbil -Clllll,ell I h I the ICbool board'1 polley ol i>ennJ&ing BERKELEY (AP) -David B. Stewart certillcated toache" lo ttlllller lo the said Tueoday night be I! ~ u more 'delirable' ICbOola." chief admlsalon officer at the Onivl:ni.. Oilcaio, with lll0,000 pup!JI, hu the-na. 1y-of C.llforola becaustdtls department· lion's third Iara:est public school system, Js not liven eooUlh money. cooclUsion, I\! b 11 l!lt t<iitoiil .:1::: praclkel Wl1D IMllecl to lbe 1 I and transfer . oC flctillJ and~llafl members bas h4d lbe ellect of to N----studenlrlll-tll.-Cbl<:a&OJIU UC-- schooiJ the equal pn>lecllOn of the 111n." FISHER 200-T FM 70 WA TI RECEIVER SALi 5199 PANASONIC 765 Stereo record A Ployback-4 Trock GARRARD 30 579 NIW DINO AUTOMATIC CHAN•lt .... ..... SALE 521 FISHER 220 T FM·AM IALI 5219 ACOUSTIC RESEARCH AR-3 Three Woy 12" SpoakM Syst.1m 512! CUSTOM-MADE CABINETS 50% OFF! , Dlspl1y ll)od1it, 11.111111)'. _ Custom Croff, D1vr!ck, Profllo, Boll, .... O....Of·A·Klncl-Whllo Th1y L•lll 30% to 50% DISCOUNTS on STER£0, TAPE .RECORDERS, TAPES & RECORDS I Some New, Some Demonstrator.s. Some One-of+.Klricl! Thurs.. FrL Scd .. Sllllday Only! ~ Ws ~I ~~-- • .. ' f I • • I r l , • f -. llAl.Y "1.GT T..V~·B,oa~-tL.Ux~es.-: S~qki~g At!~ Cut .. l\' ASUINGTOI( (UPI) -Fadllg almosl ....... 1111ct _......w rqulaUon of clprelle *'"'llllnc• lhe Na 11 on a I ".\Diel-of ~· lelovlskcl -mlo!! bolrd bol,vohmtarlly .._ -· 111.dpntle-oda be eliminated • ... .. ---•• •. '""" -!>Y §ePI. 1, 1111.. . ' ,) · Trlckott 25 broke Into the NAii'• radio·-review board w~ «· Engwid home-of Mrs. : ~to follow'aull_ln aome faahlon In: !f!o1 ~ several ..W ·ago doy,. :II!*! tlpoloiil upstifr& tO-'"iier IMid' ~ 'BUl'wlu> llllllt ....-wall four yearaJ" lt'OOID.· Al 'he set about to burgle ililiiif Seo. ·Friot E. M"' (D-Ulall), l~&rdY. l!!rred and · Tlicteti ctiali'man o1 the Senate Consumer sub-• • y lay 4Qwn on the-llQ.r;-'i'bi comml• .. and°"" ol·Consress' strongest ·....:.. I · · t · . ., •• · Del , crWcs of dgaretle advertising He aaid • ..,.., ~ was 00 myi-"6 8 be welcomed. the de:cbion but· "several ~ liilnules Tticl<etl w .. _'.uleep. Import•·• I ~ rem a In l«Ji, u.tdy.~ped owr.tiim .•nd · • , telephoned piillce.. Trickett awoke. to1,lwo policemen shining a Oasb- llght In ,his eyes. -. Scientists Call ~orp1~~ t:!h!ld:f:. · .Bonny's Flight ; Olld found lh"'I wctching "SUP' i ~r:::;:n.v~~T,.<x.al Sheriff'· i• Ii , 'Huge Success' i . . : HONOLULU (AP) -Scleoi!ata .. y I .$Im R"'-Jamt1 H. Clark, (]). aslromonk Bonny's doomed space voyage ll>allas) who announced he would wu a huge techoical success. · n6I seek rwlecUon, gave Ibis as-Although the planned 3'klay mission sessment of the special legislative was aborted three weeks early and the sezsion.Jo convene July 28: "l'll'go space monkey died, the Blosatellit.e 3 Uie-first.day to bear the governor's fllgbt was. termed near-perfect from ~ and I'll go hatk the last launcllto splasbdown. '~ to vote. All tbe,time in ~tween "We I~ more biomedical ~ on Will be .... aste " this animal in three days than we did in Ii'¥. ~.,.."".r ~ · ' · .n of America's l!\8Dlled space fll&bts," -..· • , • , • , Dr. ·ajarles Wil&oo, project manoger, • told newsmen Tuesday: Blosatellite -3 Was latmebed June 28 ~·''. ·Tbe board alao ~ pro- hibiting cigarette COllUlii!rclala In ... Id· j....U any )lnlgr&m ~ dltected to yoi.db_ audiences. And Jt reco~ a ~Uee .wdy pidellnel ' 'Io lurtller reduce Ille unique appeal ol .,.... lain aspecta of televl!i<ll cigarette • ad- ver1isJ.ng to ybuth.'' The~ must be acted upon by. NAB'• televlllou board of direc- tors before, Ibey can go Into effect. All three .naUonal networks and 64.4 percent ct the nation'• m camme.rcial te1evlslon 81atloos subscribe to lbe code, the Jn. dustry'• apparatus for sell-regulatloo. 'liP'IT•-- from Cape ~y, .Fla., to show man MET SOPRANO DIES the effects of prolonged ftlghtlessness. (ilody1 Sworthout.-64 · ' ~ Tbe-1~ plgtall--primateccljed-.t--~--, .. 12:0f 8.JD-Tuesday Jn a , mobiJe · ' )abor torY 'al Hickam Air 'F Base F .• A s . after 8a parachute landing 1n :'"Pacific amOU3 OpranO Ocean. An iUtopoy on the monkey began · ~ ~~,:·1:o;;-.i:c,spo~~ ~ Gladys Swarth-out Administration sai4 it may be weeks t before the exact cause of death was S b t 64 known. uccum s a Dr. W. !toss Mey of Ille Uoiversi!y of California at U. Aogeles. the project's chief Investigator, said Bonny'• death wu "a complete mystery to me rode! Sl!<ppord, l!i, of Spri~ _.Jly." fitld, 111., ·tok<t • f>ig .1.01J1t1 ,•I ~ • ¥-Jldop~ Ill(· lcimav, ~-·~· : c _..,. • • n.. • . . ... •I• !itl<>' r>lllM .,.,.. ~ .:iuVIets '-'"1nese ID~ lht mo~• IDGI • Jijlled, , M< ' IJ<lng ftUTStd by tht tamn1/ i"1t tfJIO . 11CC<J>1s them .. ~~ · __ BJame.E_ach Other_ • ' ' I J ' For Border Battle l.-MIH Shlrl•~!Or, dgectc\r .of P!• Animal ProtecUyo, Association 'delter in St. I..o$. was telling W!ting'Brownles ·$e nev~ knows M05Ci)w -(UPJ) _.Russia and com· ilaat will happen p.ext ·m her work. lllllJligt Cb1na accuaed _each•r's troops :Gsell a nervous m:ot:orist ariived. toda)' of .starting a battle on a border ~ motorist said ~· Bnake bad islaDd 35 miles from the conference table ~wled ·into the undetpinnings of where ~ two Communist powers are lits car.and be didn't know how to lryii!g ~ setUe froolier displltes ·~J ii out. Miss Seiler found the The Soviets, In a note to China, said tile near the base of the car that Cbhieae rtnemen killed an unanned tor and lifted out the three-boatman aboard a border river launch rairie king snake. uperfecUy and wounded three other civilians when FLORENCE, Italy (UPI) -Gladys Swarthout the mez»tOPC'ano wbo8e good looks made her one of the Metropolitan Opera's most glamorous &tais,.died. Mon-. day at her 5WJU'Der home after years of ~disease, frienda sald loc!oY·· Sbe Wu ij. . ·~ Carolli1a ~ a longtime friend, said Miss SwartboUt had been In falling bealth for tbe pal' yeor. "Sbe bad a heart operation ln-Tuas"!eVeral-ytarl ago," she said. "She hadn't been very well" Miss Swarthout, whose second and last hufl>and, Franl<-M_. ~ Jr.Jed three years ago, had maintained a BUm- mer home in Florence for the past 10 yeara. Arabs Now Move • Closer to Soviets . ess,'• Miss Seiler ex:plainejl. they opened fire on the lauDcb TUesday ",'' • • with machine guns and band grenades. 8 UoJ'-• -·· '-te u II The Chinese, in a note of I.heir own, 1 ..:u .. ,~ au nsa on Police, In Chicago will stop car-said the .Soviets Jan~ed'\ryoll'.oo the .. is-Heavy fllbllnl In the Middle J1as1 dur· iywg ·Shotguns in the front seats land and fired at police and Civilians. The ing the past two weeka appeared today lo Of their sguad cars because six C1tilleR drove the Soviet 80ldiers out, be driving Qie Arab ~ati~ closer -to the Uve been s{olen since offiCers be--u:rey-sa.ld, but the Soviets sent three gun-&Met bloc. Egypt prepared to establish ,gan keeping-them up front a few boa.Ls later to the Island, burned down a diplomatic relations with East Germany lllonths ago, P,olice Supt. James B. civllian'a house and buzzed the Island six a nd Syria renewed Its appeal to the • • • ' -. - ·, --s .. FOR EVERY YOU SA-V! af GUllAll11ED GROWTH ACCOUllT -,o :~~~~oJt~v~~ l~~r~:·:~e~ i·1~d/•yo~n~~:! :~'::'G:,~n=:iG'~'!: Account -If occount Is maintained far .5 yean C1nd inler•st oco.imulC1tes. Guqranteed GroWth A'.ccounti-ii,.· dpenid ~ 6~.,.omOUift of-,11,QOO.oc mo'i., H~h earnings are alSC?, avaitable on shorter term accounts of 3 or 4 years. ~k for d91olls on special withdrawal requirements. ': . .. s -~250/o 5.38~o GUAliNna INCOMI ACCOUNT IOllUS ACCOUllT Anaheim Savings Guaranteed lnco'" Account .arns a g11arantffd 5.25.,.. annual 'tile, com· pounded dony. Earnings will h• paid to you 9Very quarter for the period you designole--- 3, .C or .5 yean, Deposit ony amount of $1,000 or more. Ask for detans on s~iol withdrawal requlreimenb. On Bonus Accounts we pay \he 5 '/. current annual rate quarterlY plus % .,.. annual bonus , If held lhree years or longer. Accounts opened for $1,000 or more. S°lo PASSBOOK ACCOUNT You earn 5.13 y. annual yield when all savings ·.Conlisk said. The guns will be Umes with warplanes. Kremlin for more mllit.ary aid . i-----'O._ vo"'~Olcters mSiiJetlirae-.II'lliik""'"'-.---"ll"ot<-onl)'-the-v-u..1-l-0-0-i-but--the--li".our-Ar~Uona-already-bave-o----- "'=i.:-A-h 1 g~ap\lical terminology differed. The recognized the Communist East German _______ and.Jnte!ell rema in a year if the 5 "I• current annual rat. is maintained and compounded dony far a year. Interest Is paid for exact day-in to exact day-out. And, funds received by the 10th of any month earn from the 1st when they remain on deposit untll the end of the quarter. - . • ~11.u.a..1B Bve comp ained that the SOvittl ·sa.ld t b e incident occurred_ on regime· ~ J.raq, Syria, the Sudan and -p~resehce~ Of the SbOtguns up front G01"Nky Island In the middle of the Southern· Yemen. An Arab diplomat in 'ts frightening, but COnllsk said the Amur River divid.UJ,g northern China Cairo said the breakdown of Big Four thefts rather than complainta In-from Soviet Siberia. The Chinese caIJ the talks on the Middle East spurred Egypl'• llue,nced ·the move. l&Jand Pacba ·and the river Hellung. decisloo to recocmu East Gennany. "' • ~·u.s. Enjoys Nice Weather .. ~ • ' Showers Hit Strekh Across Nation's Midsection Callte ....... PUYIEW t:" usa WU1lttl MEAU FOlllCAST TO 1:10A.M. EST ., • Kl-. ClatD-,--"'T"l4 ,,___. ~~~ Temperature. """ lew ~ " .. .. ff ti JS -Oii 9' '' .OJ .. " "' . ~ • n .. ~ .., '' SJ " ~ " " " ~ " . . .. tJ 75 Al M " .. " " 61 ·" 11 11 .Jl " ,. n " . " ., " .01 15 St 57 4 M ff ,.. .Ill " " .. " 101 7t n " "' ~ 0 " • • " '' .02 ·~ " " JA ,M "" JO 1.0) '2 76 lM 101 " ., ,, .~ 111 ,. " a N 72 .. . ,, ,, . " . ., .... " " • n 11 ii A1 ,. " • • ) ' At Anlh1lm S1vlnp you urn th1 hlghtst inttrt1t In th1 nation; and ,,. lnsurM up to $15,000 by tflt Federal S.vlngs ind lotn httur1nce Corporation. JOIN US SEE AMATEUR RADIO OPERATORS CONTACT PEOPLE THROUGHOUT THE WORLD . ~TATION K6SYU/6 ,. The Anaheim Amoteur Radio Oub will be operoling liYe ••• from oUr main' office lobby. Join us for a cup of coffff or punch ond talk to pflOple around ,th• world. DAILY OPERATING SCHEDUW July 1st • 10th 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. ANAHEIM.SAVINGS SINCI! 1811 ' • : '· ' ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION Ld., __ /llNk W•haodl.oll,,,.,,_ MAIN DmCI) -• :. ' ~ 1'7W..UocolnAv.. I CJJ ... ~--!• [ ~---. ~QlllfDmla. H~lw .... C.lff. ~ f'tl. •1SU U.. '4511-.: .,_ • f' ».. ~ti .. · .-. !RU~PM/llNa~J"~I~ , ..... . ' . • I . ,. I • ,..;.QUEENl~·-==-'.,._.~~~~1y~Phl1=-'"1-•"-Hlll-•_,1 -, Mansfield's Coant . . __ Y_np::S_i_nge Collapses In Sydne y SYDNEY (UPI ) -Aclress- singer Marianne Faithful! was taken unconsciow to S ! . Vincent's Hospital today after she collapsed at her hotel where she was staying with British .pop singer Mick Jag· ger. At a news conferen~ at the hotel, Jagger said ·'":M Is s FaithfuJrs conditioo was not serious, but he said she was "very delicate" and he didn't know hQ.'!_ ~@I. sh_e would be_ confined in the hospital. Asked if reports that his girl friend collapsed from an overdose of drugs wete lrue, Jagger said, ·".I donft think so." "Mariann&" Is very delicate and the air journey has ex- hausted her," Jagger said. Far111 ·Subsi dy Li1n it ·Defeated WASHINGTON (AP) Senators have voted down a proposed $20,00J ceiling on government payments t o farmers for not planting crops, but llouse supporteni of the limit say the fight is not over. The Senate, before pass ing a $7.6 billion Agriculture D e partment appropriations bill Monday. eliminated a House-Qriginated amendmenl which would impose a $20,000 limit on the subsidies. The vote was 53-M in favor of re-- jecting the celliog, and the bUI was passed 88-2. Brown: Baby Not Mine OAKLAN D (UPI) ~ An at· torney for entertainer James ~rown Tuesday d e n i e d paternity charges filed against Brown by a Sacramento woman.- Doil Warden, Brown's at· torney, said the allegation by Mary Florence Brown, 20, that the singer fathered her IO.- month old son, was "a figment of th~ young lady's im· agination." The attorney said f\.1iss Brown, who is no relation to the singer, was being used by someone else "to destroy the image" of the popular en-- tertainer. F ires Scorch Alaska Acres FAIRBANKS, Al8'ka (UPI) -Mo r e than 1,1 00 firertghters are b a t t I i n g dozens of forest fires that have blackened more than three million acres of land in one of the worst fire seasons in Alaska history. Draft Record C'.onspiracy Try Foiled' PASADENA (UPI) - draft' bOard classlflcati ' clerk, an· inductee and an es:-• <:onvtct are charged with con- spiring to alter Selective Sery~ ,records. and to soliciL a $2,000 bribe. · U.S. Atty. Matt Byrne said the case will be presented· to the-federal gtand jffi'y and a complete-audit ·c:ouJd 'b·e ordered of the-Pasadena-LoC81 Board No. 94 records to detennine the validity ol all classifications and delennents granted by the board. Diana Marie Daniel, 21 , a classlfic.ation clerk in the of· flee for three years, was ac- cuse<: of soliciting the bribe lo enter false infonnation on the Selective Service record or Gary Stevens Langley, 20, whp was accused or failing to report for an anned forces physical uamlnation on the advice of Miss Daniel and Anthony Melvin Aiadlan, fl. Mm' Daniel, Langley and Azadian were arrested Mon- day night by federal agents auer the money wes passed In a motel room and arraigned on the ronsplracy charges Tuesday. Byrne said the investigation turned up no other cases or bribes to alter records, but be _ Slid the government may make an audit to find out. Not an Elephant Joke Pacl,,y derm Parked in Man's Back Yard ROCHESTER, Mich. (UPI ) feet Jong, had been dumped The International Animal -Henry Kochan, who had tak. there by two young'.men, one Exchange ln 'Ferndale said en his wife out to dinner, call· oi them advised Joey lo "dig TUesday il W83 "likely" two of ed home from the restaurant up the bones iD a couple ol ita employes discarded the to see how the family was do--year& and they'll be •aluable . ., etepbanl ' · ·~ ing. The two appeared I n 1be firm sa.ld It received the "Well, Dad," said son Joey,· Kochan's neighborhood Mon· animal Salurday night·· on a IS. "We've got an elephant ·day evenJng driVJng • truck flight from India. It waa sick buried in the back yard." with a .very dead elepha~t i'n a and died Sunday before it Kochan, 34, replied in· crate in back, Kochan s son could be sblpped on to the Lin- dulgenUy, "you just don't have said . They olfertd Joer and coln, Neb., too. people bury thlnf!' on your his t3·year-old .brother,. Eddle, Ust1ally, the firm sakt, it ob- p\ace Joey .. $10 for the burial pennwion. tains landowner permis.!ion • · he k'dd" .. The boys turned down the ..... r d I>' d 1 "I thoug~t was 1 1ng. money but agreed to let them !Ill-ore um 1ng e cay n g Kochan said later. bury the elephant, Kochan elephants into the ground. Kochan went home. Joey said. "We'll tnvl!stigate th I 1 wasn'l kidding. "l atw·aya taught my boys t.bafvUlhlr,• V~e .Pmkt~. A bliljy ele.J'hanl was hair that li they can help anyboclf · O'on ~Aid. ·"J:11_ lmial buri&f in a undplf in his out, well, help them oU1 and Uultft1-u-u,uTthemmnaJ.'" suburban ~ii blicl; yanlo c1oni -money ror tt,"p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--.1 1be perished pachyderm, · Kochan saJcl. "Bui I dooi .~,lour f<d h!&h and five • -about tl\ls." God can heal you. . COME TOA FME Chrfsllan Science lecture 1t•• I .Ill. Sltwtll'f•...., U ---w ... (Utt .. ., .. ..__ MOVING SAUi 20% OFF! the SHE shop 217 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA In Mou C.nfer I Ifs'(;;... up time, and yo<tt aityslfr.P!Ymouui dealer IsJU$1 bubblin1 ""'r with nows about ~Is -,,.,. impRJYed sale. This year, somothln1spoclal has been added-thousands ind thousands of Jl>lg. bold, beautiful buys! Excttinl 1969 modt\f like the Barracuda, fury1 Vali1Rfi Chf'1Sltr Ntw- portand tht NewYor~r. • . . . W.-.,, July 9, l9fi9~ • . - ' . -.. ON THE TUBE I . . TllA.NSPAC iuGBLIGBTS . Direct RIC:llo-Reporta from th• Fleet . l11ppefli119 011 TV, ,,.,4 ~ -.=fo>'-fl.e-bo.t ''"' .. ""'"'• '[ WEEK -4li•lribut1d witlrt th1 3 and 7 p.m. Di lly - S1tvrd•y .Oitio11 of tlt1 DAILY 1 PILOT. XOCM Radio 103.1 Flit t --• . The Great_Qrange Coa~t's No .__ 1 Paper!l .. . . . In fad. "lftllo GMan<I Fon! Sltipments lrllled tl1t -Qii~.n~ ~ .,. -. lho c1q1a. • year l>olole, Chrysler·l'IYl!\OUlh'• ...,... upl And S.,.... Cluytler~ dlolw-dlll-( • with Int•m\ what It Is an Inv1nto rl11,_your --~'It's dean un .:-. Chrysltr·PIY!llouth dffltr slmt>Jy hH la-nl0¥t :"1"" fUllV" thtm ouL Ho's passlnr tht mlngi on to yo<tl at ~ ~ and .•. · · , · ~ deQler. ' I ,' • [ 1 ' -I f l • I I --- • [ D,\D,Y PILOT EDITOR.AL f'AGE j, J ' ,, 'Hot-Line' for Addicts ... - Drug a.bu,te, a bot topto _all over the. na.Uoo. bas ...,..--draWD"a'1ot oMirt>brelllhlnrcrtttcs. A-more constntc--- llve view comes from a band o! local cilluns who ' · have turned cooler beadJ toward a sorloµs problem. . Tbty have established a 1'hol 'line" system which omp..1:a's (be use of a lelepbone, a knowledgeable .listen· er Ille desire to befp, to attempt commumcallon wltb \llooe who are apparent "outsiders" from •ociel;y. Several local minmers, doctors, lawyel'l and other pro!essional1 bave decided Iha\ perhaps some of these ''out.skien•• who are uslnJ drugs want back into society, but not on \he end o! a pair of handcuffs. · · Tbe idea is not novel to thjs .area. It bas been suo- cesslully employed in the Cerritos Junior College Dis- lrlct, from which local participants are learnlng pre- tested methods. . . The aim Js simple-supply help to the u.ser or v1c· tim of narcotia who wants help. The instructions are stern -don't preach, don't scold, don't moralize. Just give help. . . It starts with the man hooked on narcotics, or his relative or friend, They dial a number to be listed in the lcical newspaper. A voice on the other end tells the cal· ler where to go for medical help, bow to stop a bad ·trip o.r other vjlal ,advice. LateJ' :~.®nM!ling s~ions may be set up and follow·up contacts made, if the caller so desires. Perhaps It will be J! success.::= ya•t. pl'Jlgrams indJ.,----ca~11!1s will be-life a e. But1lie establishment of "Hot Line.~· even if a failure, marks a milestone in local com· munltY cooperation to tackle a gigantic problem that was merely avoided up to now. A Needed New Goll Course Mile Square Golf Course opened it~ !airways to the public on June 28. An immediate flood of golfen flock• ed to the county-owned Fountain Valley facility prov· ing instanUy its need and value. County officials deserve commendation for develop- ment of the golf course and for· their future plans tor development. of the Mlle Square regional park idea. Start of play on the welcome new golf course is, of course. just a beginning. The course will have a lot of maturing to do. horticulturally and operationally .. to reach its potential as the outstanding regional recrea· tionaJ facility its planners -3:lld users -envisioned. • Dangerous-Crossings . Southe;n Pacllic ltelgbt b-.ius make only infre- quent trtps througb Huntington Beacb , but they are pot..,tially dangerous trips. ' . •• ' . , - ProtecUon is guaranteed to \he caller. He will not be turned over to the law, he won't be listed as a drug wer, no one is going to track him down. _cooperation-from local Jaw enforcement agencies is a necessity lo aJlow the operation of the "Hot. Llbe." Thus far Huntington Beach police have provided reP,re. sentatives to explain legal problems to those interested and they appear enthusiastic over the program. Golden West College is the tentative site for opera· lion of the "Hot Line," drawing another facet of the- community into a widening circle of cooperation. Several crossing~ in th~ d~town area have no wan_ung signals a'i>.d onwat).'--rffot-ofists might easily drive across a track at the same· time a train approach· es. Buildings in the area block off vision and sound can•t always be relied on. as a Warning. . At the very least, flashing red lights should be installed at some. of these crossings, and gates might be reguired at o,thers.· 'I despise your p<isition but will defend with dDllars your · right io maintain it.' · Probwm of· TIW Evil in Good Men . ••aow can the same world , ln the ume country and the wne ceowry, produce both a HiUtr and an Einateln?" asked my friend at lunch. "How can the human race lftduce such dlaparate types almost 'at the 11me time!" Tbere' ii no answer to this question. And when there ii no answer to a ques- tion, it ts usually 1*ame it is a wrong quesUOD. UnUI we begin to ask Ute right queotlonl, we cannot get any satlalactory answers. The right question would be: How can the same human being Nntain within ttaelf an Einstein ad a HJtler, in vary· in& clecrees? ThlJ ii the ceo\nl problem we have to faoe, and somehow to oven:ome. before it overcomes us. A GENUINELY good and peace-loving man, Einstein nevertheleaa: wrote the af· firmaUve Jett.er to the White House, which eventually resulted in the making or the first atom bomb and its devastatins use on Hiroshima and Naguald. ll was not the evil Hitler wbo started the chain. but the benevolent Einstein. And, liUwise, it ii not the problem ol , "evil men" that so hinders our development, as it ii the problem or the evil In good meo, in men ol good In- tentions and good lfil), like even an Eins- tein. THE PERPLEXITY ii not that a Hitler and an Einstein both _co-exist, but that they both, ln aome meuure, nist In all of us. It was, after all, not the Storm • Dear Gl60niy -Gus: Whatever happened to Fountain Valley's water fountain or tbe mooey that wu collect.~ Lor JQ_ It was going tD be such a blg and beautiful fountain that everyone who rode the ff1eway would recognize FCllJltain Valley. ls it ever going to be built? -C. J . w. Troopers, but the "good people" of Germ1n1 who made Hitler possible. ,. l'h¥ la not to deny that there are· degrees of guilt. or moral dlffertl1tt! , among men. But it is lo suuest thit we cannot wboUy blame a Hitler or a Stalin for the lrigedies they bring in their wal:e. For aJong every Inch of the ro&d, they were helped by men who thought they were doing good, for their coWJtry and their people. IT IS TOO EASY to subecribe to the ''devil theory" of history -to point to the Nazi chiefs or tile Soviet Comlntem as diabolic schemers who dragged their nations into bloodshed and terror. But when "these devils succeed, it is only because they appeal to the devil in each of us. They appeal to our fear, our frustration, our greed,.our anger. What happened ln Germany in the 1930's should have bnpttised u s permanenUy with the drudful knowledge ' UW a 80ber, decent, hard-working, welt. educated, and· "cultural" nation could behave in a way that would shock 58Vage tribes -but it has not so Impressed us. The Nuts have disappeared, but lascbm is more virule'nt than ever ln the world today. Our enemy is wit.hilt us -within eyen the peace-loving Einsteins -and not. behind some ''curtain" of the mind MpuaUn1 good guys from bad ones. s Rep~blkan Protests Sch1nit :' 'Report to the People' Cal s~Jl-a~heap -PoliticaLGimmicK' To the Editor: Orange Co4pty's. Senator John Schmitz ls running lrue tD form. Today the mall brought his "A Report to the People" giving the results of the eight question! he asked in the qu~onnaire he sent out to "every house.hold in Orange County in December. Reacting it hastily, as moat peop~ do, .1 got Ule impression tbat Orange County peop1e were not just con- servaUve, but reactionary. The more I thought about the ttport, t~ more it seemed like a cheap political gimmick, the kind of thing tbat even his fellow member• in the Jol)n Birch Society .Z.might not approv~f Only ~1787 people answered the quesuonnaire.' . OUT OF CURIOSITY I phoned the registrar of voten in Santa Ana and fouod that, u or lesl December' there • were 518,602 registered voters in the county. ThiJ means that the ques- tionnaire was answered by only 4.7 per· cent of the registered voters, an in. significant proportion, yel s en a to r Schmitz is using this questionnaire as a basis for the legtslaUon he is Introducing in respon!e to "the will of the people." (Four bills.) He says 80.5 ,percent said the "state Legislature should withhold budget ap- proprlatlona from the state colleges and University of California until there is a clear~ut guarantee that peace and order will be. maintained on campus and that all rioters, whether students or members of the faculty, will be e~lled." l Letkrs from readen are welcome. Normally wriUra ahoul4 convey their mt!'UCQea in 300 wordl or less. The right to curn;f.emt leturs to fit space or elimina~ libel it Ye.served. AU ltt-' ters m.ust include iignatuf'e and mail· ing addrtu; b~t namea may. be "1itk- htl4 on request if sufficient reaso11 is apparent. THE POLARIS submarine can del iver missUea with nuclear warhtads acros! a 300-mile range in just a few brief minutes, far quicker than we can react to defend against them. In other words, the best ABM system is totally useless against an attack from Polaris mistiles fired from submarines stationed on1y U- miles from our shores. Why bother spending money on pro. tection that is obsolete before it is built ? ROBERT G. BLANCHETIE 'Rodeos Are Crue&' To the Editor: It is disappointin& to California animal lovers that our fairs and expositions con- tinue to exploit, year-after-year, cruelty to animals under the guise of en. tertainment. t refer, of course, to the rodeo planned by Allred Lutjeans, manager or the Orange County Fair, as one ol his attractions. Although many of our fa irs, including California Cal-Expo, are in financial dif· ficulties, It is tragic that the necessary dollar1 must be made from the pained and tormented bodies of h e 1 p 1 e s s animals. RODEO IS modernized blood sport. Merciful men long ago spoke out against bear-balling, cock-fighting, dog pits and other cruel animal "entertainments." Unfortunplely, rodeo has escaped being legislated out of existence because it hi®f· its true fece in a masquerade of ~rn legend. A.lid that is pure hoax. Rodeo is not a romanlic llnk with the historic West. .Our foref8thers placed great valut. on livestock -too much to maim them. RODEO IS CRUEL. In the pursuit of fun, aniplals are: killed, crippled and ter- rorized. This is the ,so;caJled "Sport" with which the lair's name is associated. , No doubt the manager would be unable to stop thi s affair at this late di.te even if he· Qesired.-However, be may w4nt tD consider my remark3 before pla'nning next year's entertainment. Perhaps, the declining gate at fairs and expositions il\.C41ifornia and in the coun- try should be an indication that the ·peo- ple are fed-up with Roman Colosseum· type events. BELTON P. ~10URAS President Animal Protection Inslitute, In c. Vnlatended ~mission To the Editor: In your recent rundown of floats air pearing in the Huntington· Beach Fourth of JUiy parade, may I as11: why yoU failed to list the John Birch Society'! About 10 of us are stopping our subscriptions lo your paper, after you print your answer and my Jetter. \Viii you explain th.is to us! Many work.· Ing hours have been spent on our float and 1.1·c may ~'in a 1rophy again. this year. KAY WINDSOR Omission of the John Birch. So· ciet~'s name from the parade entry List was entirely 'inadvertent. The DAILY PILOT did report that the JBS float won second place in its division. First place 1n "'that divisio,~ fnon-theme. general) was won. by the 'Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Society. -Editor Da11gero1ts Area To the Edit.or : l would IiKe to ask the residents of Huntington Beach who use Brookhurst Street frcm Bushard to the J?acific Coast Highway, ellher as foot or bicycle traUic to the beach, Or as a motorist who must make a left turn into Bushard from Brookhurst, to write to the city of Hun. tington Beach to request that the area be made safer for all by: I. Alleviating the dangers of a lert turn from Brookhurst on to Bushard by \viden· ing the rnad and putting in a lefl·turn area. 2. CHANGING THE speed limit from 50 to 35 miles per hour in that area bel~·ecn Pacific Coast Highway and a block beyond the Bushard left-turn area. 3. In vestigating lhe possibilities of a walking bridge next to the existing brid ge below Bushard and Brookhurst to keep our walking lraffic to and from the Hun· tington State Beach safe. This is a very dangerous area and I~ becoming more dangerous as our city grows. Please Jet the city know how im· portant it is to do something about the problem now. C. TEDDY A 'Medical West Point' A QUESTION LIKE this Is a little like asking for a yes or a no answer lo the question, "Have you stopped beat- ing your wife?" How can such a guar. antee De made? Jw;t what does "all rioters" meani A type of dragnet could be instituted m which il was used 10 to harass and get out of the col- leges individuals who did not have the same political philosophy as those in· stltutlng the dragnet. He is introducing a bill to have the governor appoint a five.man commission that would have the fndeptndent author!· ty to dJJmiss t e a c b e r s, and eipel students. Can Californians afford to have the schools miled up with politics? Do we want a senator who considers 4.7 percent of the voters "the will of the people"? [ am a registered Republican and believe we deserve better representation than th.is. In Works: Labeling the Hot D'?g WASHINGTON -The prospects art h1sbl1 sromlsing for the House Armed Sel"vlca Committee to give the green light to a bill that would establish a "'medical West Point" to train docthrs apressly for the armed services. C.Ommittee leaders aay the legislation has strong bipartisan support and ii.I •J> proval ii virtually certain. However. its fate in the full Hcnm! is •WI """jecturat The meuure ls not slated lo n:ach the cllamber unW the fall -aflu Congrw returns from its scheduled mid-summer r...., In August. Spo!llOnd by Rep. F. Edward Hebert, [).Le., chairman of the aubcommitttts on the Ji.uon&l Guard, ruerve and draft, the 1111! bu been pendlnc le< a number ol years. Hebert ls now be:ll\I credited with hl1'1Da wOn en(Ngh backing to ensure commlttte endorsement of the mell!Ure. • 89Geor9e--~ Doll:Qiorle: • NJ I ok"CI lllOd to dread speal<- las itl ~""' WU my ab,y, He . ~·-WlllChpYeblmcon­,_ N1 ,..i.lem Is \hia: ls .... a club I could (et him to join --\Nell hlin to lhut up! • 1'111 ti fll llMelol to· him. MJIS. l\.A. Deotlln.ILA.: • I • ...... l'!ll a manbenhlp -la ~· Burned· TIJ •• rt I am. •• meet uci Wall 11 tlf :ber)' Ume a mmtbsr rtrlr io ~ tho 'rut ol UI •all< - • 1 ' I tJNDER ITS TERMS, a "Uniformed Servi~ Academy of Health Sciences•• would be established in either Marylaud or Virginia. wiUtin 25 miles o f Wasllin(too. The lnstlbltlon would be "so oreanlzed u to sraduate nol Jess than 100 medical lludenll annuaDy." A Dine-member board of regents ap- pointed by the President ""Id govern the academy. In addition to.these civilian appointees, the board allO would Include the secrttary ol defeme •nd the surgeons general or the armed services. • Upon gaduaUon, academy students Would be comtnlQiloiled as rtgular lieutenants ln the partlcular service they selecl In retumJor their educatioo, they would be required to rerve ., mlliWy doctors for a mlnimum of seven ye.ars. W111LE Tiii! 01111AlOK lor the ttl)slatlon has -erably brtgbl<ned In tbe Hoote, It rt1D bu to undergo Senlto conaldcratlon. Ill chances Uttre are un-- prerllclable al 11111 \Im<. Sen. John Stennis, D-Mlss .. chairman • has lndJOllled l~ly lnt<relt but has taJten no definJte stand. Jn gentral, that ii the poclllon ol Sen. Margattt Owe 'Smltl\, R·Me., ranking Rep u b 11c1 n member Qf the committee. Their bip11rtlsan support would greatly enhance · the bW'1 chances. .• By-S. Ad .. llld J.U Ai GoldlmJlll MARGARET McMASTER AB/ti vs. Polaris To the Editor: The ABM at It.a best will i:nvkle only as much protection as thumb suckins for 80 percent or the United States popula- tion. I am nol speaking or a thln line or defense now proposed. I am speak.in& of the most extensive ABM network Im- aginable, l'ully installed with all the fail safe systems operating . I am speaking of an ABM c o v e r-ii g c. the.t does the job It Is deslgned for. At its best It will leave most or the people in Ule United States. including Alaska and Hawaii, dead . .The key is re.action tbne. How Jone does it take to read to in. comJns missiles? LEJ"S TAD a look at the location or the-larat cities or I.be United States. Wlthln 300 mUes of the Atlantic Ocean, the PaclDc Ocein, and the Gulf or Mexico you will find roughly IO perce.n,l of the population or the United Stites. According to our own laws, l,,. lemaUonal water btglns IS miles from our $hore lines. In other words, any ahip has the right lo sail as c~ as IJ mlies from our !dmre. Any ship, even an alien Polaris aubmarioe, can le1ally come to within 311 miles of IO percent ol tbe populaUon or tht United Slate! . For monlM now, t have been trying to find something about the N i x o n Administration which would make me spring up and salute, or something. But l keep getting the impression that we are being governed by handouts. By this I do not mean donations of food, but those bits of propaganda pap that are produced by mimeographs to convince the reader that somelhlng, somewhere, is getting done in his beh.aJf. · Mr. Nixon and his a:overnment Qon't really want us to know whal is going on. Maybe this ia true of most governments. An exce1leat way or keeping people Jn the dark is spreading the murky enlighten- ment or the handout. TRUE, TOO, IS the possibility thal ~Ir. Nixon really isn't doing anything. After all, he served under ti.1r. Eisenhower, who tried his best to do nothing becaUse he honestly thought nothin& much needed doing. Could be, even, that this is Ute right way tD do things at the top • Anyway I have had trouble deciding wbetht.r t.b1s country was being ltd by a President or a package. All those canny advertlstna men wllo SlllTOllnd the Pml· dent thlnt coostarltly in terms of ros. met.lcs, and cosmeUc effect!. They rtmetnber that r.t:r. Nlxon mtlY have lost (he 1900 etecton to Mr. Kennedy for want of a little more cosmetic effect In thelr famous television debates, where the most telling point for the affinnative wa' Mr. NIIon's five o'clock shadow. VOU DON'T SEE any five o'cloc11: shadow any mort. What you do see is the little man on top of the wedding cake, to employ Alice Longworth's immortal description of IT«lther man wbo ran for (. ·:. . ....:·· . . --' . · Cha;Je~ Mc~abe i •. ~ ~ ' the presidency, ~1r. Tom Dewey. I used to dislike Mr. Nixon, in the days when he was making funny speeches on the telly about his friendly 1'.og, Checkers. I don't dislike him any more. Nor do I li11:e him. I just find him unreal I find him roost unreal when he makes friendly I i t t I e gestures towards the proletariat1 doubtless on advice of hJs advertis.ina genii. Then he is sort of embarrassing. THEREFORE, IT WAS with a kind of pleasure that I read the other day of an action of the Nixon Administration which won my full and enthusiastic approval, not that the N. Adm'inlslratlon needs it. The President, through his adviser on consumer affairs, came out Oat-footedly for a reduction of the fat content of hot dogs and bologna. This is clearly a move in the ad- vancement of the human weal. A generatfon ago, hot dogs and bologna were composed of about as percent hot dogs and bologna and 15 percent or eo of fat. Nowadays the.re i& no present Umit on fat coote.nl •od no labeling requirement. Hot dogs average about 33 pereent fat, and some have as much as 51 pereent. mE NIXON Administration proposed to hold the line at 30 perC'tn:t fat. • Before this humanitarian m o v e becomes law we have, of course, to reek· on with lhe canny stusage lobby. U this ~p of inluesled dUuns had its way , I have no doubt lhe hot dog would be 80 percent fal and 20 percent whatever else it is. Mr. Nixon's consumer adviser told Congress that, in the matter of prepared food s, dogs are better off than \l'e arc. Their food is properly labeled lt.5 to what it contains. Ours ain'l. THE NIXON Administration lndicatcU it would go beyond labeling the hot doj;-if it gets away with that. AU prepai-ed: goods, the lady apeaklng for Mr. Nllon said, should have labels telling just what they are made of. This is all good stuff. and I'm the one to tell you that I'm right here, urging the administration on. And glad to be able to do it. -----~ Wednesday, July 9, 1969 The editorial page of the Dailt1 Pilot seek.I to inform cl¢ 1Um.- 1daU recdtr1 bt1 prcatnting thU newipa.ptr'1 opinianl and com· m.rnlaT'V on topfe1 of lnUreat and 1ignlfieo:ncc1 bt1 Pf'ovidmg o. fo"'rn for tht t~tarion of our rtaden' ophliOft.S, mid br preamting tM dl0tr.sc viti.t- pointi of in/Of'm.fd ob1tfWfr •n4 rpokesmin on topiu of th< ctav. Robert N. Weed , Publisher , DAILY OILOT 7 Clifford Article Stirs Issue ·of 'B~ckstage' By STEWART liEN!ILEY viol1tln1 tba secrecy pledges; In pncllce, "It boUs down to a CUllord cbose to speak. U.S. MiOtlator at the Parla lelviDg office. However, he WOlilcl eYer A1 10 pub11c17, ad~ ..pio,. ol tlte WASHJNGTOrl (UPII -however, u n le as It can be qutstlon of con!Clence." Although his maguioe aril-peace ta!U under Prtsldent made It clear while atlU In of-becl.,. ho hU ottu voiced a Whlto lloulo...,. requlnd to Doe> 1 former coblnel ofllctr J11own that his 4-aid· • ni. qu..Uon of COl\!ci""" cle 1&ld many thinp wblch JobMOn, also hu been far lice that he favored . steps veliement dlstule'lor "Jnllant sip ..,-. to the elfeot !lave ''tho -rllht to nveal eil an ene11JY. Tba he ....id cube acute, eClifford's own Clllford bad been unable to more outspoken about Viet-Iowan! cfllenppmenl. Prell-hlstortana" who succumb to lhol Ibey would.,._~ tisckatqe debata ol ~rn-be subject to ctlmlnal Jl'O' dllollmta demonstrates. On say publi~y while a cabinet nam polity &lnce.J"viDI of. dent JobMotl used to refer the wp to lel1 Ill -al1er delllll ol the lint JmnU.y a lnent pollcy-iqUen on an -.._.Ille ttgulll' _......,bi lwito wel&h the _officer. it did not tt~t a Jke. But then II no Indication privately to McNll!llra u one d<parilng trom· h1'l! vam-prlv~_lllt. Tiie tplla-61 e lha.t Is lt!U ""™'lfved? statulei govemlng esplooage -'l'lak Illa! hil public demand change of lieut on hil part. lhat his views bave changed. of tile most llovllb m_en In lils '1Jenl jobi. --l>OOlii ad artlcleo '"''""tac Thal qoeatlon --which w .or trouon which apply to for 4Iaengagemont might •ti!· He stated In tba article~ bi 1lie stand Harrimall .ls now cabinet. Whlta H-ofllclab.,. not lrGlll lwmor X.""'41 ero bl- . \otll legal and. e I h I ca I ev~ whether or not tlley fen rlorth Vt et name• e decided while 1Ull .tn tile 'Pen-. taking publlclY. lot a com, The chief hawk of the required to algn eeparation lldm Ia IU!flcleol evidence dimenliont _ has come· in for have Jicned a secrecy pledge. rcslstaoce,i to a negotiated set· \agon that the time bad come 'promile pollt.!cal • aettlement .., Johnlon cabloet.-by t h e alatements such 11 thole tbaf lbtN' qreemen&I wen bea\ed dbcusslon In· the wake • In the abseoce of specHic tlement and tn,lensify U.S. for the United States to "~l.n and early U.S. ,ritbdrawal, ii President·'• own raUng-waa which stale and Deftpte of· not tu.en \111'1 ~- of CJut M. Clifford'•' cojl for peoaJU.., Ille oecr<cy pledges hom~ -pn!Ulll'" for to di>ongage" from Vietnam the ..... lhat he .._ied In Secretary of State Dean Rusk. ficiaJs mill! alp. Thi1 are, Both Prutdant J-and wlll\draJ1al In mo ol Jl.S. ...., I-'>'. eoil!(ced. No oqe·[n peace at any price. On tile He was unable to oefl his lhe privacy of admlnlltraUon Tberebu been no sign of any however, hound f>7 the w P1-t Nlloo, 1nlo4lld ol around oomblt -ttrcea from recent IDllDCI)' baa been pre>-other tiand, there was tbe hope view completely to President councils while in office. recantation on Rwk's part bulc lawa against dbd6lure the fWco el tbe "nnw Mil .. Vlilnam. ~ , ~ • for d I Vu 11 la g that by ·~ out he might Johnson, bul he we crecPted Robert' S. McNamara, who since be laid down the burden of naUonal aecuritJ llCretl ip'eement& ol lbe Xetmed;Y . CWford, who ,.U tecntary c)aaa1fJed malerW alta tuv-holp to .divert the United with baiting the e!<alaJion of prectded Clifford as defense of high office. thal would benefll an -.y, era, nlraJned from ..utnc -•dal-fnm·Jl!l>. IJ,-llU, lilflblgll-.i.ofllco. A Stale -Stai.a from •course be con-tba U.S. troop commitment. oecrttarr. hu slid li!Ue Even II RU3k did cbange his Under . tile lteonoclY .ad-Ill)' saCllplelf .. ol- lo Jan. Ill, 1981, propoiied the ,_·.:De.:partmenl~.:._.:._la_w.;;... __ uld __ lhal __ 11_d_e_r<ll_•_'°'-"~·-_____ w_._A_v_ere_U_Ha_rT_Im_1n,_:_chi_·e1_,pu __ b_lic.;Iyc_•bou_•_•_be_w_ar_llnce __ mind_._;._' _11_1s_d_o_ub_U_uI_th_1_t _h• _____ tion_;'c_...,. _ _:.}>11_;._, .. _,_b_cm_'llbfte _____ •_orbr~L- wlt!illralral In an a r t I c I e jullllshed WI~ month I n Fonlgn Alfaln Maguine, The artJcle lnclQ.ded '• candid ac- count qt tbe Johnson 1d- mlnlstratlon'1 inlemal debatea o v e r Vietnam strategy-a problem with whlch the Nixon adminlstraUon ia now lI}'ina deapera~y to cope. The Unitod States hu no counterpart of Brilain's tough .. Official Secrets Act'' under --~wh I ch cabinet~p may not be divulged by any participant for a period of 30 years. The Brftlll; law )!rovfdel lt.ilf criminal penalUes for any exmlnlster or e:en.ior official who "dilcloan confidential In- formaUon after leaving office, unless he has obtained permission for its publication ftom the present head or the department concerned. • C~u · qoea wal1tllne girdle Spcmdex ponty tlrdl. fiat r•inforced Helonca elo1tlc gentle control under tpartt. in1ert1. nylon powernet. weer. WMteinsiuss.M-L ~l-Xl. Rog. $7, Now•6 Rog. $3,NOW 2 ,..., .. -• • Howeve r, U.S. officials, 1n both the State and Defense Department.s, are required to sign "separation atlitements" when .they leave office. Tbeae statement!: must afUnn tbat the official Js not retaining any "classified or admlnJ!lraUvely controlled" documents. ln addition, State Depirt.. ment · officials, ftom t h·e - sec(e1ory ol_...te down.-are required to pledge: "I sh3.11 not publish nor reveal to any' person any classified or ad- mlniltratively controlled in- fOnnaUon of WbiC!i , have knowledge or any ol.hu in- formation traMm.itled to me 'n • • in confidence in lbe course Of my officlal duties except as may be authorized by Offlclals • of the department." The Defense Department statement, which C l i f f o r d presumably signed, Includes the pledge: ' "I shall not hereafter in any manner reveal or divuJge to any unauthorized pefson , of· fice or organization . a .n y security information affecting the.national d&fense, clauilied top secret, secret or con- fidential, of which I have gain- ed knowledge during my employment except u may be hereafter authorized by of. ficials of the government em· powered to grant I U C b authority." No one can be punished for 5FromCoast At Academy Five Orange Coast students have been accepted by the U.S. Air Force, Army, Navy and Cout Guard ACAdemlea. They are: Alt Force Academy: Gary ~1. Pakele, 15161 Victoria Lane, Huntington Beach, a graduale of Marina High School. Naval Academy: Bryant Averyt, 14431 Fairview, Hun- tington Beach, a graduate of Marina Hlgh School, and Scott Sewell, 116.11 Wembley Road, Los Alamitos. West Point: Ronald Ross, 18514 Santa Andrea, Fountain Valley, a graduate of Fountain V1Jley High School. Coast Guard Academy: Michael Averyt. 1 4 4 31 Fairview Lane, Huntingtoo Beach. ...... ""'"*' . - ' "· • . . . ' ~·-· .--. --·-- • . . • Through Saturday only! Save 15% tO 25% on ·our famous Adonna® • • foundations! A. Non-curt stretch strap bra, oU nylon, nylor\/LY""" 'f'O'idox elastic fiberfill "nod. In whit. .as well "' lusdcvs pClltels ... yellow, pink .,; blue. A-a.<: "'PL ·Reg. •3, NOW 2/$5 I. 1.-e panel ponty girdlo for front oontn>I, long leg stylo f0< thigh ccntrol, al· Lcyra" 'f'O'de>c/nylon olasttc. In whit., yellow, pink °"blue to c:oordinote with our brm. Sizos 5'M;1'10-... Reg. S7, NOW •6 C. Low plungo P194hape bra is nylon tricot loco, fiborliO con- toured, in white, yellow 0< block.;..~ cups. Reg. s4, NOW t3 D. Protty slntch 1-cvff ponty glrdle, long leg stylo for.., unbroken smooth body Uno al nylor\/LY""" spandex with Mlf-<Winl""*I front and re0< panels ••• in wllit., .a.. s.M-1.-XL Reg. '6,NOW $ 5 E. Nylon '-bns, Dacron• por,...t.r and -&nine, nylon/1.Y""" spandex elastic IOClions, -di drGpo. White In I n C ...,,.. . Reg. '4.NOW.2/$6 F. Long log ponty girdle of lycroe _,,.t ..tth soW reinforced front, side and•-Fe.-maxim'"" CXH1lrol and fit. White, regular length , s;zes S.M-l-Xl, Tall 5-M-L Reg. ,9, NOW $7 . G. Criss.crou stretch strap bra, ·all nylon cu1=4, elastic sections ot ocotat./rubbor/Doctan• polyester. In whit. ... A.a.c n D !"PI-S"°"' "-our eroat llOl>CWi footvro. Reg. 3.50,NOW 2/$6 H. ~ 0 thigh long ... panty alrdle al ~ nylon/LI= spauclox """ spaudox ...... log .__ lo ......... oaclate an thigh li- tn wi& Siza S-M-1,XL Re9. •a. NOW t7 ,, .. • Ponty brief of ftyton/1.Ya-• PN-thap •• nyMft M .... ~x with tymmy finning ICociet" polo, IA• "'-fil _.... -1. In..+.; ... ~l.JCI.. -.ft ..._ Ari I ..... Rog .$4, Now•3 Rog. $3,NOW 2 ,..., UKE IT ••• CHARGE rn ' • • - ' . .. I L: i --- ' _1 r • ' . ' • - DAil y I'll.OT -Baek to--Blaek-Wlaite "Old-Fashioned" black and white teleVision caJll. era. held here by Westinghouse camera program manager Stanley Lehar, will be u~~ by astrona~ts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldnn Jr. to televtse historic ·events on lunar surface. The eamera will la~ be set up on a tripod and continue operating . ngbt'JIJ? to the Jun,r module's lift oH when the cam- era 'Will lose power. · Nonprofit Team Buys ·Bri~ain 'Tax Refuge' LONDON (AP) -One ol the •mall islandJ and two large world's SDJ.l]lest tu havens, a ones. ~ Qianne1 bland.! ol -~.--~ucifor-1··~ ... Jmey '...r....il~~tl!JI! -__ _ ·w•m ·~-•, have -•·• relationships to new .owner who doesn't bother 0 .-..-. • • about tas:es m,any case. the crown allowmg them to Dor.tns of wealthy bidders legislate tbelt own Internal af. bad be<!o tryli>g to buy Lundy fairs. And Illes are defmitely J.ilud.for aJU./tee home, but Internal, they ins~ ~ lost out to Britain's Na· Jersev ~near France boats tiooa1 Trust. a nonprofit foun-'• ·. · ' dauoo that prntects historic lots of sun.~tune, fine beaches, landi: and buildings. beautiful homes -and no To purchase Lundy the trust sales tax, no capital gains tax, paid $380,000 il obtained u a no estate tax. Its income tax gilt from a wealthy Brllon hi a fiat 20 percent, compared ~:. ra::..~ ~~=.as to Britain's top rate of 81 per· ~ _....,__ Iha cent. :i.u.:;: .....,........... means L Lundy, in the Bristol Chinoel "It's .a very pleasant place between llOUllrwut Eng .. vt to live." says Hu1b and Wales -'" remain ::-:-! 14ej)oogall, a ' director ol • "-open Jo ie•eral Jersey tnl5t fllnds. Jourista. A tnut<>lflclal says it "lrs very qule~ euept wheq also means Wndy's 1 5 the tourists come in the l\llJl' residents --five married mer. l'vi'livedbefe ZI veari couples and six lighthouse J keepers _ can conUnue to live and I wouldn't want to so back to England." in the tax haven-without fear of eviction: Islanders need not sever No figures are made public tbelr ties with ·tondon com- on bow many Britons leave pletely. Britain g e n ~ r a 11 y England fot sunnier t a x allows them to visit u often climate!, but lbe number is as they like., just so the lime qowing. doesn't total more than three "A lot of people have been moolhs a year- thinking about it since the The Channel Islands became capital gains tax went into er-a part of Britain in 1066, when feet in 1965," says one London William tbe CoD!;Uere~ tok accnuntant. "If the govern· over en·slapd and Combined It ment doesn't do anything to with Normandy. France later alleviate the tax burden, it rec.apt)lred1Nof111andy, !Mlt not could become a serious Uling." the' nearby lslindS. Manyi of the islanc! dwtllen While the islands have tbe.ir go to Malta, an inerpenslve, own le&hJatures, Q u e e n picturesque i s I a n d between Elizabeth ll la still the Sicily and North Africa. This ullfmate poiW. Britain aho former British colony has an provides some servJces. such income tax of a mere 1'h per· as . postal deliveries a n cl, cent· The most famous Briton telephmes. Thus Britain could there is zoologist Desinond legally tmpose-wes on the Morris, whose book "'Ille Nak· Island, but ce.turiea of tradi- ed Ape" is banned on ~ tlon and e\len ,f In an c l'a I heavily Roman C a .L h •'I I o. feasons" d t 'c la t e nonin- island. terference. The Englishman who want& In lf/O the owner of Lundy to cut his tai: bUI doesn't bave was arrested for minting hia to go far from he.me. SUr· own coins. A Briliab court rounding Britain""' dOWlS ol decldeil1hat the llland ,. .. In Beauty-Votes For Mao every respect a part of England. But the govenunent bowed to tradition and never ~ colle¢i!il tud. ·. Re~der>ti,lf''lh. j!llncb of· ler a: liw)ibe~ cil' ar'IUnienls that. in tbe.ir ,.view makes thelr NEW YORK (UPI) -si:atus. ~e,r, ., ~ Contestants in the MI s 1 .'-'Bn\ain ~·be JoalJig the Universe beauty co n t e a t tu: revenue, 18)'1 one Jersey disclosed Wednesday who lhef banker, "but the sterling b conaldered the "greatest man staying in the country. in the world" -and one: ol "Let's fate tt· lf people them chose Mao Tse Tung. · 'don't like tht (act thlt they "I don't like him-;'' Miss -have to p3y 75 percent ol theif AUllrla explained "but he Is income to Inland Revenue, very important in the policy of then· .thet;ll ,"'J1\9V.e .. Ir \hey the world." can't IP tO~eper. d;ey'lt lake Eva Von Rueber Staler a thetr sterlln(' incf move to 11-ye.&Mlld, blonde and bl'ue-Spain or Switzerland." eyed ~I,. saJd sbe believed The Jersey f I n a n·c t e r that mainland China'1 Jn. McDclWall malntaillli that the auence Oii the ·world even-Channel Islands could. declan lull)' will be greater than that tllemlefves fndependenL Tbll ol the Soviet Union became ol would .....,, ho aaya, lhft Ill Ille and populatloo. resldeobo' money WUlld be Pftlldent Nixon and Dr. wttbdmm from Br!Uib fl;nb ~ J!al'wd. }he Soulh. lino! ~ lDto ,- Afrtqn our1eon who per(onn-. ~:. lloraovar,., 11riialn. ed Ille Drat heart lranaPJanl, ctufd ..... !be -nelttd led -ar other world fJgur.. f ri>no ...m-to Iha Channel a Ille cbotc<I among other fsloncf'• 'IU0,000 loarllW a 'Wr4 ,)'e.ar. • ""-.-,-.--.... -,1 1,coue: ~ TOA FREE • .. • • ' f '& Save '17 4 on our 5 piece modern bedroom suite ... reduced to clear now! Oiled walnut fini•h on selected walnut veneers, attract·ve _tambour effect on doon and headboar!ls. Alf ,drawers are dove· · '"tailed, dusi<ptoofed and center-guided. • ... Limited q.u.anti~esl 6 cup Tefton9 coated aluminum muffin tin for yummy troots ___ .... Reg. 1. 19 NOW 99c 6%" cast iron skillet cooks it slow and even ........... ·---·-Reg. 1.19 NOW 99c loOse botto:u aluminum cake pan makes 99 baking lots easier·--· Reg. 1.29 NOW C ..... ' . ·- ·~ • - • Orig. $459 NOW T1lpled.....,r----~-Or;g,$165 NOW $ff Vmkal m1..,. Orig.$ "5 NOW $2t . s ~ -Orff. $m Now $79 NJ;ht """" Orig.*~ NO\'( $H Full size htad board --..1.....0 l'lg .. $ 59 NOW $39 Greaf vaiue!.Jwin or full size scroll top mattresi and box spring seh $66 set Extra· firm quilted mattreu wilh si,.f and !eked cotton conslrvclion,.,~12 c<!ll fuH mattress has taped edges and plastic handles. Also full size mattreu. Super flrm OuHn sat -.. .-......... Orig. $130 NOW $108 Super flrm King set ·----........... Orig. $150 NOW $118 S<roll quilted Quoen set ...... _ ......... Orig. $139 NOW $118 Scroll quilted King sat. ___ Orig, $199 NOW $150 Doluxo Ouoen HI •• -Orig. $229 NOW $180 Deluxe King set ... -.... Orig, $299 NOW $266 Plastic trash can with metal handles holds 99 up to 6 gal. -·-· Reg. 1.49 NOW C Diamond sha~d plasttc basket holds up 99 to 40 quorls --·--Reg. 1.33 NOW C .16 qt. heavy d.uty pail is great for all 99 t~oso clean jobs _ Reg. 1.39 NOW C • • ·. .· . Mediterranean family ~----· room furniture greatly reduced so you save! . . ., . : Distressed dark oali finish on kiln 'dried .hard· · ., .• wood oak f;ame. Seat ond back cushions · · ~5~i1p~Cl!!ll~~'Jiiw witlimenibJe .,: o: . medium densify1polyuretliqle foam. Hurry, .• liiftited-quantitiesl Save $1001 Our 4 rieca Spanish provinela sectional Orig. $699 NO~ $599 ·, • Dark Spanish Oak finish over lclln • dried hardwood frame. No 1ag spri119 , bas. and back construction with IOOll l cuohion llOO! and bade of Fortnol" ' ~lyestorwrapped polyurelllGhifoam. l . ' Heavy duty dish pan wilhchrotrito,handloo hoid1 up to 14 qts. _Rag. 1.29 -NOW 99c : • · . 10" Teflon• coated aluminum open . fry •99 . , pan -Rag. UV l\IOWl. , •••• 4 pc. ironing board pod and 'r:diet l -1 ... ' set . Rag. 2M NOW .77 I ~ •: Christian Science Lecture L..--------------------------------~--------'--~~-~~~~~t--.: Hu NT ING T 0 N . e ·e·A.c·H-' • • ' FULLERTON PARK CANOGA • • \ l • • .. • - ---.._...·~::Sr·...:.·~·-··=--~-===-=:=:-~::...:·~~--~-~·-=-=-=--~·-;..;,·~::.:...;...:.~=:-:;:.:=;:~~.:-~:~:::::-=-~:---:-:=::::--.=..~::--·:,....~--:~-~·:·~-:....,,,--,,--.;_.:_~~~'"w_~ __ ·__,·~~-~-~-··_1~r'~-~~r·~~r·-·_c_~_L_v~P_~_or_,;~ .. -' " 1J!~J!1 S.,liap"91 :, -. .. .. • • Scwn·~ts Scoff ' ' . . -. . ~-~ At '~¥ oon: f!lag~e'- ~ ' . ' . . ' WASlllN(!TOI( '(UPI) -'A ·ldentlll,dl .... rnta felr• the earth .._, i;o, viSlteil by a c " ' Researcher ~ Has Youths Dream Job caldtrophfc 11moon p]ague" ' ' u 1 result of oexl fnQnlh's ·Apollo 11 lunar •ampllng mlaioc!--l • '1'11e•IC!mtl!I, Dr. Pltilip H. ~. said "th.ls is ex· tremely unllkt1y." T!lll Apoun 1 affi'dho~li'ii• . scheduled to return lrom the moon, after man's first Jan- 41itr on a~ · heavenly '6ody,, with aboUt 50 pounds or 11.i!Llr rock ~ftd 10U .!or study NEW BRUNSWICK) N.J. by 'w'tli IC!<nllsta. (UP') _ J,..ph G. Leeder, a On the olt chanc,e the dry ' anc1 &1r1t1s moon miilit harbor r.~ 1'e1 '-r c b e r al Rutgers ,micrl> ... antsm.1 ~eatially .\lnlverslty, flgurts be baa the .danctrous 'lo l!le oil eirth, the ·job .thlt every ~d ln America NatlOnal Aeronautics and dreams about . Spllce Administration (NASA ) , . has decreed the returning . -.. , d I -·; "".'- Hes an t<:e cream laster. Apollo 11 astronauts s~nd L.eeder,'who hu-bef.n In ui:e-fhftt weeKS n quarantfife'~u'"n~---.-;.--<1 Ice cream tasUnl busineSs at UJ they are p r on o u' n c e d -~ • " .. -72" 3 c:ui"ion sofa · " ' • r~ I ,q ' ·: --. Orig.'$209 NOW$177 ' 1, ;;,::}tationary C:Jlii{r ----: ·: ·-• Orig. $110 NOW '$88 : , .Hi-bat:k roc:ker , . ..,,;~. 0;;9. $1'29 NOW $99 f. .., .. :iifatc:h.i!lg.,ott.011111~ , Orig. $40 NOW $29 ts : . : *unc:hlntj ~ill• · ' · le ,:.,;,._,,"" _ • ;,,! ., r'Qllo; $3.S<«NOW-$25 f, ·· 10ctagolRll oc;l<table '-•' • Or ig. $60 NOW $50 , ·' Huge savings on 'discontinued custom orde~~n~ ofa kind • . floor sample sofas • REDUCED UP TO 35% , Now is your chance to save up to 35% on our floor sample sofas to redo your family room at fantastic ~savings. " 'El Magnifico' Black • Spanish-style family ' room furniture \ --' _,. ____ _ -Rutiei:s SJ.nee 1'48, evaluates medically safe. · .i~ cream,_ for major com. ·SCIENCE ARTICLE panies, and persons wbo like • Abe~n. clllef of · t b e to 1et out tile old b~e Carnegie In s titution 's freezers . and dabble l n geophysical } i-b or I t Or y , flavorful d~llg!ib oo \belt own, cllseussed the po&Sibility of He· pointi out that while contamination from the moon manW'aetured Jee cream lJ n:-m Ufe current bsue of Science .cell~t Pi: many ~.1 ~e U.S. a'._technJcal weekly of which b~ FOci:t and Drug Adrninlstr&U0'1 is editor. -•· does ,not allow the groressional He noted that a few scien- makers 1lo do things with the tists have qujstloncd whether ' p~wbich· be~ says~home ffie qlli{iiilipe prOcedures Will freezers can. be a~uate. Leeder says he is lalldng ''They S\lggest," be said, -about adding· . alcohol to i ce j'thaf fClmll of life resident ere~. there (oo tbe.;1noon> might The government does allo"" contaminate the e a r t h . the industry to add alcoholic catastrophically~ ·'This is ex· beverages to Ice ere.am.' in tremelf unilieJy." .. · ''~Ues sufficient to give Abelson no~ temperature . --chuaC\erlsUc -Oavor ,'.!..-said extre.:rnes orr t11.r moon range ~r. but ln practice "rum from w degreei .above yzero raising" ice cream a n.d to 179 d ~·---•th t "-• " ··-~-rt egreea ~~. ~ a 78 • h f ..... ampagne ~""' con-the , lunar surface is bom· , inc: so a, Orig, $219 NOW $188 ta1n oot a drop of the gen-barded continually by nuclear High or low bock lounge c:haln ui;:.,:~~ a recipe rorreaI ~e11r;bt~ ~ Orig;"$f19 NOW lff cbampsgne !herbert that h< Life of the kind known· on Rec:liner, Orig. $149 NOW $129 guaran..., will give ev.n earth cbuld nOt survive such sophistical~ adulls a real conditions. 53" love seat,. Orig, $169 .NOW $155 kick. The o~g]nal venion Of "°""" Abe!Jon 'd Matchinn o .. o..:.ctn~'..-m.aki:s 3.1 gallons, but he has "thete remains a torm.1:~1~ , sCaled d<wn the rwpe to ll ti I ho,.. bll ,, " 'El Mogn. if.ice'., , •ay• eleganc• •o. beouti-Orig. $39 NOW_ $29 mate 8 lo I> servings co ec on ° .,.o "' '10• -.. . · eluding poaslbte • llle forms fully: A carefully distresoed dork ~ok finish 36" c:offe. toble Boll I> "'P granulated augar basically dUferent from the . • , ' l Otifl, $65 NOW $56 dissolved In I OllP water until kinda wblcb evolved oo this over hcRt:lwoo<I fram11o. Sll!'.'1fd.ec! polyure-. 301• x 30" corner ta the tYl1IP spins • lhln thread, planet. 11*-......,.-,,=-----t-")le..~ tip 11U011"'11Dlml1-U·lh>y thane·foam cushion .. Blaclc eXpcinded vinyl " Ot~ NOW $44 :l:i ~*~.!be .,.f*~ mt on the moon; eo.ild ha!"· uphobtery. Limited quantities! End toble, Orig, ••~ NOW $56 ....,,.., plul *'teaspoon oa11.· .,., be <IJIOCled. to 11Jm•e - 5 piece oval .table and chair set $59 Floral print chairs accented with woodgrain finish. 36H table extends to 4811 with 1·12'~ leaf, has walnut finish top. ~ Ut atand 10 minutes tbtD. stir uode!' ea r th I y coocfitiom, --in 1 pfnf iii cbllled cizy diam':-"""""' ~ inleet--arth's pagne -Mtb the juice d. one creatum. .. -• 7 piece octagonal dinette set -.$88 ' ' 42" x 42" table with 1 le<1f, Comfortable high ba<:k chairs· In handtCme gold tone floral vinyl, lemon and four oranges. ALREADY EXP.OSED ChUI, then freeze ln a hand The fact 'is, Abelson said, freezer, usin1 five parts ·ice to the-earth already his been ex- OM part of salt, until mUJby. PQ8ed many times to con-'Iben stir and pour In a second tamlnaUon ftom the moon pint of chilled champagne, without dlre conseqvences. 1tln;ing· conSantly. Pack, and "The most compelling argu- then relreeJe for at least 1 ment (a1ainst moon plague hour. fears)," AbelJOn said, "is that Book in Defense -. Of ~BM Due NEW YORK (AP) - A book defending the controversial Safeguard misaile d e t e n 1 e system wilt be publllhed July 17 in an attempt to counter what ita authon feel is a one- aided debste. the lunar-return n:perlment ha.s been conducted .-Y times' tn lbe past. It has been estimated that million of ions or unsterilized lunar material have reached the earijl as a consequence of meleot im· pact." . He conceded that "once the specter of contamination from the .,_ had been raised, quarantine procedures were inevitable and justifiable." But he said: ~-... ~~~-------------------~------~-----------------------..... ' . . Herman Kahn, director of the Hudson InsUtute, a "think tank" in WeStchester County, said Sunday the book, "Why ABM," would deal w I th substantive arguments on the need. for the antiballi.stic ,mil,sile syate.m. "'lbe altronautl face a dif· flcult and dsngerou1. mission. Were their procedures; to· be made even more complex because of panicky, last- rninute ~jectlons, th e i r chances of !llCce!I couJd be Calling . all · cooks: 1--ools of the ·traele REDUC·ED .THRU SATURDAY! ' 8"'Te1Jori•.-ted aluininum . C ;:_>: grlddt. •· . _ .. Reg, 2.49 NO~l.99 ~ \ White, wall con,opener ~es'Y.,ob _ · ,..99 ~ ··r. WO<k. --...... -Reg . 2.49 NOWl. I · :,.;;,Mc,pi. and walnut cuQing , ' ?f; bocuds----'Reg. 2.49 NOWl.99 ..L .. . - Qt, size vacuum bottle keeps ii piping !ii>t '°''icy, cold ----·--· Reg. 2.29 NOW·l .99 · Brew '-'P some tea in this ~~ qt. · kettle ...... -......... _. Reg . 3.88 NOW2, 99 3 piece s-tanleu steel bowl set -.. Reg , 3.88 NOW.2.99 4 quart dutch oyen for tastier,· . · . ; ,far•.--·-·_;_~..,.. ..... Reg. 3.A~ NOW2.99 Plastic lunch kit with 1 pint bottle ........... -........ Reg. 3.49 NOW2.99 Three piece range set .•. Ref. 3.98 NOW2.99 ' ' .LA K e..w~o.o D • MONTCLAIR • NEWPORT \ B.EAC.H •-VENTURA " needlualy jeopardized." 'l\Jow you've gotus · whereYQu wantus.. " ' '... -" ., ~ PSA ·"""91 '""'"" w-you n.., 100 llttlllte ·-----e.~-•-All,,. 4-a1r-Catt.""'!--.. ..., .,. """ 15.l g1ws_,_. 'lft • ' .. i • • • • ... -' .. ~ .. • fiii~kel g;_;·Mto Ask "'Thaw' on Land Freeze in Alaska] th I nd f ··-atloo -H1'ckel said he o~ • -··h uld: for a start on conslrUCUon ~·i. R. hfi Id Co H ble Oil and an addilional 390-ml'e Jona roua:ht to lift e a rttze ..... • ... __..,_ ol W ·~!N"'TON ('") way would come under IC e ., um f ed b f I •·1 posed a policy of "Itwucontemplatedtbere aummerandoompletlon e tw.n "' ru-Rell I Co d B p Oil right-of-way 100 feet wide for mpc11 Y ormer n .. r or ••Inch d. t l p el I 1l .. , r---•men who approved Hlciel's "lreeu" pledge, but n ng . . an . , I a heavy duly constructiol\ Slctttary Stewart L. Udall ' , c o n ' e r v a t l o n for con-would be a pipe.line even :rv tame er p '"1! _,.,_J HI • I ' -e•-ptl-· would 'be allowed Corp. The pipeline would br ng I 1--•· then." oat....o Lbirr.t~. b1 1,1! Walter • c "• s ... v .. -....... .,.... f th h d Its road · eleven 44-acre sites for ao Ala:Jka cou d start se C\:\.Wn serYtUon's sake.t• ... --..--:: ---... ' • Urmatl()fl as ln~rior secretarr, for imi>o!Llrit J>Ubllc purpo~s. oil rom e uge epos , pumPlng sJ a t i o D a : two of Uie 105 MIU Ion &ens to , :---f . 'p;;;;Theiiii~T~r~ans~·Al~a~s~ka~pl~an~ca~lb~· ~1~m~·=:;:~==--~· t afier be '>I'Offi1sed to "treeie ' toeJcb-said Interior oftlcl•l• near Prudhoe Bay on Alaska s alrStrlps~ eaCb one m1le lone; . whlc'n ft fa entitled under the On the rocky road to con-.li the staw"a of lederaf fand In believe'· a pipeline route would-north slope lo an JCe.fre<f)>orl and ealra land at river c,..... Statehood Act. firmalion he •IJ't'll lo con-TRA.NSP,,.C: ·mGJitlGBTS • Alaska will soon be asked for qualify as an exception to the at Valdez. lngs. "Th'e land freeze ts a tinue the "freeze" through i : 'enough of a thaw lo permit an land freeze . Trans·Alaska filed ~ , a~ PUSHED H'RD . negative thing," he once said. iho life of the .c u rren t Olrtct Rldlo Reports from the Fl" •' ~" ·1 · II -s the Plans for the -mile, ·1900 plication June 6 wh.n' µi,e • · Id '· 11 •· ' -D 11 800-nwe 01 pipe ne ac .... , UW"' t A! governOr Hlcktl pµshed After being ruminated a" Congress so it coo n:I saw 8 -;3-anil 7 p.m. I Y 1 state. million pipeline were an· Bureau of Land Manageme~ s hard for deve'Jorment Or the secretary of the Interior he setUement of native c:lalms. ~ The Interior Department nounced last February by field offices inldAlas~ahtse;king vast Alaska w 1 de r n ts,, cre1ted a furGr by his Spea.king of Hickel'r pro--KOCM Racllo 1 OJ.1 ~ FM : ... Y• u intends w .~rant a ~T~r~ans-~A~las~ka~P~i~pe~l~ine'.lSy~s~wn~.i'~'oo.~100;• ~·w~•~<~•g~·~<>~:~w;•Y:_~~-~·~~J~·~~i~J ~de~~~·Ju~.~H~e~~·ta~1e~m~en~u~~co~nce~r~nl~nc!_~co~n-~~rruae~·~1o~J~ac~kso~n2la~n~J~anu~ary~. ~~~;;;;~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~f h a -----"'·-of the Attantlc the full length of the p1pehne ; .,..... ,....... ri&bl.o(.way permit 9r t e o;nUAAuw11 " plpellne to three oil companlu l once the interior committees r r t of the senate and the House • ~ ....... t Harrisoo Loesch. asWtant ~ ~~~~ . . mana,ement.· aald ln an in· c mttw: "It's policy that the 'ptnnit wlll be granted when all the conditions are mel." A condlUon not yet met is the committee's approYal, a provision set down in January when the Senate confirmed the controversial appointment of Hickel, then governor of Aluka as se~ry_of the_ in·_-------~ l=r--imor. GA VE PROMISE Hickel, promised S e n a t e Interior Committee Chairman Henry Jecbon (0-Wash.), that he would continue a "freeze" for two years on the status or the federal Janda, which make up IO pereent of Aleka, to allow time for a settlement of native land claims. Jackson said then a rl1ht-of. • \ " c /· • • 6-Appointed To Faculty ·At C9lleg~ :_ " 'The appointment· or ilx new faculty mem,bers to t h e. Golden West. Oolle1e Staff have. been announced by the 1rum.. of ·the Qungo Q>ast Junior College district Joinin& the If u n l I n 1 ton Beach •ampua th~ Seplember are the following: Harvey E. Rey nol ds , mathematics, a graduate of Central State C o 11 e g e • Oklahoma, and the University of Arizona. Stephen A. Robby, 25, an· thropology, graduate o! Cal State Fullerton. ~""Diane r. watin- Lindsay, 31, social welfare, a graduate or Bradley Univerai· ty and staf; member of the Orange C.ounly -W e I fa r e Department the last six years. Refugio Alfred Jiminez., 38, a graduate of Cal State Long Buch, and the University of Southern Calllomia, who hu worked with Los PadrlnO! Juvenile Hall and the San Pedro Yo u t h Opportunity Center. Martin J. Newitz, 2 6 , English, a graduate of San Fernando Valley State College and Ca1 State Los Angeles, and a teacher at Chaffey College. Alei C. Osuna, 3S, Instructor tn Spanish and English, 1 graduate of the University o( California, Los Angeles. included in the Golden West College faculty th1a September will be U new staff memben, boosting the faculty to a tot.al of 140. DO we Ullnll. orlUSt• wem1n111 • You'd be careful, wouldn't you, not to let thieves into you r home? But have you ever thou ght ol being just as careful aboul what you le! inlo your mental home -your consciousness! Your thoughts not on ly deter· mine lhe kind of life you lead, but the ki nd of person you are. John H. Y/yn dham, C.S.B., of The Christian Science Boird of lectureship, his prov1n in his own p1isoner·of ·war experience how an under· sbndinl of IJod as divine Mind -as the true source of in- tetllrent thought -can help one survive the most demor11· irin& pressures, even b11in· Wlslllllt. SAVE20~ PENN-PREST FABRICS ARE REDUCED ·THRU SATURDAY! MAKE A ,NEVER-IRON FALL WARDROBE AND SAVE NOW! DAN .. RIVER'S 'NUBBY DAN' Reg. 98c yd. NOW ~6" wide 78~. .F ...... 1 ... Ii. beout;ful ...,...,, plaid> and <OOR!inolwd tolids, N<Allly Dan Is fall perfeet. Fortrel• polye1t1r/cotton thot'1. P~ft.Pres,., which MllCft no.,.,..... fU1t mocf.lnevu ... 111..., drying. Ught tn W11ight, rich In color, uilids In rnou, gold;. Jade, glflgWlnelp ond ,.di PENN PREST0 POLYESTER KNITS Reg. 4.99 yd. NOW 60 "wido 3.99vd. CRISP PENN PREst 'TENT CLOTH' Reg.198 yd. NOW 44"wlde l.58yd. Zl"IY calon, fi,.jy prii1ts. Crllf>. sJurdy Kocfole poljoo!w and -blond. Gt'oat for pont ._-.all acliwo _.,Madine -"able, noods no·lrotllng. You'll Jo.. tho n<h .. nd, In alMt. oald, ""1Je and litvwn. Got out I""" MWing -'tine ond "'"1 now! 'CAPRI! THE LOOK OF LINEN! Reg.198 yd. NOW 44" wido l.58 yd. ... Mr. Wyndham's rtrN rkable uperiences wlll be recounted lo hb !Jlk ,.liUod "Do W1 Think. °' Just Think We Tbink7' r1an a batdi of fmhlons in thi• ............ 1m;1 i+.at bonilhn ...s.ldoo, holdo ;i, "-'"'""'"' ........._ ,_. ....r.1ron1..,. llecMm.1 -,_ 1a11,,_1 ret1oct i.. ~mp1y ofoo1ioit .,,.. ._ ...... pant ...... All fall k tho -,... 'Capn". Sma,h;ng ptlnb and tolido, Joo, In-. gold,""""· """'and litvwn. ,_ pol)ostor and -ihors p.,. ,,..,._{jwl moclW -i. and city "'"• no -· Y• 1nd )'Ollr friends a1e 111111 ""dial~ lnvitad lo -llis fr11 pobilc lotlur• D1islil1 Scm:e lecture s.+.tl.,., Jwfy I J, •• 1oao '""· .... C."1 .,....,,. ••1 s... C:.••' Hlth••v· L..,..., a.,,h ,,_,,,."' Artf a.re. ef C::hrl1t, khethr t.-.l letch _. """-~ ....... ,,.., ...... .. ~ •• , d Mlf'I OtM """""' for )'OU)l ™' ~ ............ -. pant -""' obout emylhingl MAXI NNNIYI YOUI ---WI HAVI wamt ... YOU NllD --to 1111Wl TO NllDLIS, ICIUOIS, MOUi SEW UP $AVINGS NOW ••• CHARGE ITI • • ' ' • ' . • • t l I J • • • • ~ -----=~~~~~~~~~rr .-... ~ -----.. W~1:'' 9, 1'1119 DAILY .. LOT Jt ! 1 ftpssian~ ~elp tJ.S. ,/ f ! \ • • • . i • t .. ·~ Shift Slaown U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey-said that parls of two mountain ranges shifted 50 feet and three islands shifted position as a result of Alaska's 1964 quake. The Chutach and Kenai mountains (1) Shifted 50 miles to the south; the mourr tain masses of Portage sank 9.84 leet (2): the islands of Usbagat, Afognak .and Kodiak (3) moved tD the east and south; Montague Island (4) rose more than 30 feet; and ocean-floor between two islands (5) rose about 50 feet. ' Smog Means More? He Shuns -War Protest for Research keen sense of how to publicize UCLA student governmenl his cause. commission, will grapple first His hew~.formed S~val-~With' the smog problem. Ltd. ("the Ltd. stands for ''We'd like to start. by hav-limited world'T"e'TVltl'"C"e"I , . Crew Reports W eath:er .to SF BIJ,reau SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Russia and the United states may be at oddB on 'a nu~r of i&JUes; ~~lo &even Sovtet fishing trawlers off the West Coast the weather is not one of them . Like clockwork; the trawlers dally radio reports on con- ditions oU the northwestern American coast to the U.S. Weather Bureau in San Fran- cisco. "They have been reporting very re.ligioUily ror about two weeks," said communications supervisor Robert fimeus. The lnlormaUon is used in forming daily weather charts of coastal waters, infonnatlon . which is available lo all ships around the clock at 162.5 meglherti. The Coast GUard fiaid the Soviet ships are about 15 miles "They make lhe • r u 11 oil the Coasts of Wash1naton wealber rtport,",s1ld Tlmeus, State and Oregon in a ltlitudt;longttudt;sky-CO\ler, northsout111lne. r-r-wind velocity, 'e u r r e n t They are the Kamchatskie Go •---1•· N Is"'· wf!ather, barometer pressure, ry, .x:...,w Alim, eve ..,,,, t h midit d Arkhip Kuini.ge, Pakhacha, tempera ure, u y an Nana Vets and Braslaw. wave height." • "The reports we receive · The repcrts ( r o m the from the Russian vessels are RusSian jhlps are not, Timeus just a few Of the ~2fi0 reports pointed out, an u n u s u a 1 we receive each day (rom phertomenon. Pacific shipping," said Art ''They have reported to us Gustafson, meteorologtr•-in· over a pe.riod ot years with charge. regularity off 'thf! conUnental The reports are made at six· _coas1 __ •_nd_A1aa __ ka_.'_' _h•_sa_id_._ hour intervals v i a ire ternational number co d e s radioed to the Coast Guard radio Installation at Westport, Washington. From there, the information moves by teletf.pe land.line to San Francisco or evalua!lon . Final Stocks · In All Home Editions ' ---- 4daysonlyl I See by .Today's . Want Ads • Remember the rcet pleat and the drape Ahape ! llel'l' a~ rooma ol drt.p. es. up to $25 per room. • For an active cotlector, QvilWar and WWII re~ \es, al.9o pipes of famoul men. • PENNCREST SIDE-BY-SIDE REFRIGERATORS AND BIG CA~ACITY FREEZERS REDUCED ..• and they're all frost free! . ' LOS ANGEi.ES -Al the height of a student _pro~t meeting at UCLA In support of the Berkeley "'People'iPark," 11 stocky young ma'n wflh medium long hair moVed through..lhe .crowd...canying-1 petllion and colle.cting signatures. rm·ted pace and limited Ing the campus itself set an tlm~ for 8 acti~n") now has ·examplt," say~ Brestof~ ____._ t.mne-30 studW-and-tacu11r m nee, UCLA ~ght con- members, and has staked oUt sider replacing the smog-pro- three long-range goals. duclng campus sbutUe buses -To seelr: a more intense witl1 steam-powered vehicles." c-o m m I t~ en t by the During the next school year, r u n I v e r mty~un~y -Brestoll hopes to get funds - stl:Mients, -f a C"ll I t Y • a~· rrom the student government -'J'he petition said nolhing about lhe Vietnam war, racial conflicts or even the "People's Park!' Instead, il~uked for student 11upport to rttain and· expand the UCLA '.air polluton reference room; a central col- lection for research on smog problems. The petitioner was Nick Brestoff, a 20-)'e..ar-old engineering juniOr and the kind of campus"'&ctiVtst who rarely makes t.be:headlines. m~t{ation ~ reg~nts -in to involve m o r e un- the fight aA;a1nst env1ronmen~ dergrad~tes in ongoing anti· al haw~. . smog research projects and .-To esta~li.sh an ~n-present educational f 11 ms . v1ronmental li~rary ~d to in· spea;kers and literature. Nett troduce an environmental con· _Ql~. Survival Ud. plans to lrol c o u r s e . for UP.. support similar student groups dergra~uates, which would at lltrkeley and Cal Tech in a deal with the. problei;n of ~r, suquner-long anti-pollution water and so1l .po1!ut.U>n.noi.se, campaign t an V ortatJep;. ~ 'lb~ . .1. 1 h•..------.... -d •• .0.. --~ri$lOIT1Stliefounaer -or Survival Ltd., and his goal is to use sttide.nt energy and university know·bow to shake public an<flegisJaUve apatlly about air pollution, water pollution, overpopulation, and a whole bag of environmental problems. • ... -- . popiitauon explosion. · Bresto s a..... ~D et1-11g -To support anti-pollution ways to ~maUu. his cause, CHOKE TO DEATH ·, .. ''I'm not · against student& agitaUng' about the war or tJlscriJJ)ination," says Brestoll. ··suf what they don't seem_ to r.aa1ize is th3.l we can ·choke to death while we hassle over ideological issues." He emphasized his point ln a Jett.er to the student newspaper, the Daily Bruin. "PeoJ?le love to equivocate and kill each other in political discussioos, but they refuse to tackle issues that pbyslcally endanger them." With two fellow petition<ar- riers and through an ad in the: Daily Bruin, Brestoff collected over 240 signatures oo behaU of the air pollution reference room. Bul that is only a beginning for Brestoff, who shares with the more politically-oriented campus activists a faith in student power, impatience with the .stablisbment, and a Towing Law Due in LA LOS ANGELES CUP!) The city intends to clamp1 down on tow truck operators who reportedly cruise the freeways seeking cars in trou· ble a n d Charging exorbitant rates. The city council Monday ordered draCUng of a n ordinance that would require all such drivers to obtain police permits, wear name tags and g!ve motorists receipts for towing services. The ordinance also wQUld re- quire the posting of loW'ITII fees and set up procedures for denial of permits to operator1 -with criminal records or a history of complaints against thtir operations. MOVING SALE! 20% OFF! th• SHE •hop 217 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA In Mell Center bills before local, Nile and s?ch ~ tlln.g flowers a~ an _fed_ual lea,islalU.tes. 011 painting__!!! a_ smo,.f1~~ gas chifubei' anti watching SMOG FIRST therri wilt and · decompose Survival Ltd., now parlor a under time-lapse pbotograi. by. ft . ENTER NOW! A•~,!!!!'11 Your chiltls plwtoiftaph can win an exciting $2,500.00 SHOPPING SPREE IN OUR STORE! And lhm 's just OM of tho hundred! of valuable prizn and gi.fts wUJ/Jing $25,000.00 in the 35u. Natwna/, Children's PHOTOGRAPH CONTEST! YOU CM Wiii GwE OF Tll~ llAf!DW. PllZ£S: Firs p,;,,. ••• s2,soo.oo Sllopp;,,, Sp,... s.....i p,;,,. •• s1,soo.oo Shopp;,,, svr .. Third Pri:• •• Sl,000.00 Sllopp;,,, Spr .. Founh Prize, •• s500,oo ShoppU.1 Spree 50Fi/1hPrizeJ,eo.' 100.00 Shopping Sprees DI ONE Of llUllHUI Or 14t ~ ·~Ylfl;.GS HQS AS HOllGlt•• ( MPmOfl PlllZlll If ave yountl! a Shopping Spree ••• ye.s, a paKI· up charge account tbd Jett you buy whatt:ter you want! It'• a..P to~-amf eBJ' lolriQ. Let"-' plooloJnpb y.rcliilil nd we'll...., a dap&oto U. lho 0-.. ---... UwjMo .. toill nd 'ftleo ...... PlootAJppli Smdlo .... . Big Wlooe will ho Bi-lo .,,.., _ ....... . ---------Spect.J,.._ ......................... F.CWllpftt COllTDT 7 . 4•s 0..klOC..- SPS.CIALI porlfa:J.J -111d 1ia: Wiltet .. i. . .. .. PUU.laTOM °"'"""" CAlllW 1"f ,...., 111..,. llUNTl"•TOlll ••AC.II ... _"""' NfWltOllT llACll l'WI*" b-.. .... """·....nit - SAVE31.951 Penna'est" Imperial 18 cu. ft. side-by-side refrigerator/freezer • 223 ._ ,,.._. apadly • FvG widlh ......... ...t lnhh .......... ailpw .id _, pon • ' -dnc tnhh .,... .... ..,.. • 2 Mot. Im..,,,.. ..... lm ... kil bwbt • 2 0-~ .... ... baiil.t • A-..oeodo, ~t1ane flt whi"' , , • cob-an 110 MON Cll . .....,. Reg. 429.95 NOW . SAVE41.951 Penncrest• Custom 21.4 cu. ft. ··> sid4H>y-side refrigerator/freezer • • 2U .. ft..:w capdr • ',...WW. .......... ..,_ .... •5._._. ..... •.(Jfncw.1111111 .... •! ... .. .,.,.., ~21c s•i..,.racb ·~ ........... ... MIOt pon • 4 ftxM iine Miah tr........._ • M wldlti,...... ..--i..wia11pw •A¥9aldo,appeetcM19W_.... ••• Clllllt.n ........ '-nMyl Rog. 479.95 NOW , SAYE 41.951 P~~ lmpwiol 18cu. ft. 1icfe..by.iide ,.rc9'wha/frauw ..mtt OUIOl'Mk km tnal-tr,whlt-., ......,...,."' cnowdO cnl ........ gold. SAYE 41.951 r.,.,_,a ......... 21..C cu. ft.~ Nell nhigMtAo/fw with automatic ke maker, ........ '' ........ f BURB,t.NK CANOGA PARK CHUlAVISTA COLLEGE GROVE t 11<11."69.95 NOWS421 I IAVI 21.951 Pt-lmporiol fj,2 cu. ft. upright i..._ • !32 •: .,.dty • ..,._, ......... -trfiw "ifh ,f.AI .................... ~ ...... · Mlk9t•4 ...................... .... • ,...., typJ .......... ..,. • w... el ...--............. ....... .... '"·"·-'218 IAYI it.951 '""""'° lmporial 18. 1 cu, ft. upright frttt.r • 6U lb. taftO<lty • IMhM o)yilli1W11 d.r 1rW11 with f11ll le"tlli handle • 5 thtlvtl • Sldt41.11 bulk 11orov1 b .. ~el • ''owtr on' womirlt lioht • 6 JIA• ~ln-fwlarpw-M'*" •TiNl'-.,.,-lodiffletw..,.. ilWhlte, cepp11te119 .,.,,._. • • • tfil'lor Cf'lt-M ..... p_..,. ........... -'248· U!t PINNM TIMI PAYMIJrlf PIAN NEWPORT BEACH J.v. $19,95 NOW$ffa FULLERTON GF!AflAOA HILLS HUHTINGTON BEACH HUKTINGTON PARK LAKEWOOD L.QNGBEACH LOS ALTOS MOHTCLAIR • NORTH HOLLYWOOD TORRANCE VANNUYS VENTURA WESTCHESTER • SAN FERNANOO SANTAANA I r t l I \ I .. ~ ' -· 'l ~ • ' r • I • • • " ---• • , . • • • -- .. New Safefy • Leag Beae• Harbor 3.:,,1 Canoe ·Races . Standards . ~~:tr:vc~~ .. La~ ;:;; :r.t:.'l!~~~.:.m:;1.r~~ =~ }~ "':.i. ~~1'.'°~~ :ii,!'°~~ bld:!:\51') ·::; -,.,{tt the Impression heis lrom Larry Hlll~la the new driver, Marine Stadium tut January. showing Saturday afternoon, ack at -Drag· Boaf'R-aees .t · d Hollywood.f,nd Vine, brings his and alOijg With fellow Fres-; ~;iTbe;;;iSui;...,~y~pro;.;;gr~am~i"~ill~be;;.:iJiuly~2'!.~;tt~ffi;;i;;iitt~ Sia' t(3 J s _,,..,-1_ ...... t),a,: y Pr_o_pose . :a~~®'·~:~k!~ ::n .. ~,~K.u: .. ~~J: a ~ the l{ill~liii'llOal 'Aasn. bnllle..on -NDBA__,.ardo vou1-p1· o' a1· Eu~ -. _ Tbett'U be 1 home . team rtpres'ented for the first time S.turday when the Kalifornja OulriU"! . ""'1. ~es As ~ 13.th B_oat A propose<! safety standard G~ll!>Ci'Prh al,J..!log Beach this you. m~ -. ooverin& m 1 n i Til pm re-Marine Sf.Jdium. ~· Another boat owned by Wills You w•nt to Mii some J t•m third canoe regatta: of the qWrement.s ~ mporinB and an--' Harr~ whose swalgerlng •nd driven by RIU, .Mn. Ed, that you no longer nHCI but summer in Long Be a c h choring equJpm~nt and p{IC-ma'.nner was ·--~ied .JIY a will be.a leading challepger in tom'eoM elw Cl" UM for Harbor. tices has been i.ssOed' by the string or wcifid · for bis We fastest class for flatlXl\tom u.-~,. of the • -·-Beach. American Boat and, Yacht ''bk>wll· fuel hYi!il'"' world ' ski-type l'\Ul!l1J9U1s. Pan f c NOT ·o YER $ 5 0 Li;;g;;;;;a < Sei'vt.:;' .. b 1 v e Counci!'(ABYC). r<cord holder earu!J; In the Moose, owne4 'by Ray Caselll ? organ1t.ed a sentor men's team In announcing the proposed " ieari but who lias 90t r8ctd ot ~~ Rollywood, ~ the 1 un-? ? ? ? . for Sa,J:urday's prograqt Of ground tack~ safety st.an-locaUy for Qtree. IJM)olh!., has ' dist"":"'"' world• recor ho der yr"UR -ANs· W-ER'. -? ~· club L-on a ~u,rter-mile mlJ" l:l~l)Jl•JJ J . Jdol,.hn, Ra·ce TlJken again •sslf!ll'4 ~~-'Ml.d.pereµnlal '~lownluilllat--V course pital1Clfiig-C6i'rry ABYC secretary, streued its Sc&wabenl«nli tO · cJrlve ·the bottom" to.beat. • Avenue beach. First race wiU tentative nature. The stalfdard Sanger-made hi.Ill In .the Sun-· (the expres~iop 1 !b1 own You c1fl THE DAILY PILOT, ••k for : be al 9 a.m.. and regatta ac-will not be adopted until after B Ki } II day feature. 'fuel" refers to ~percharged Cl•ssifi~ Advertising, and pl1ct • !: ' y . a oa Ellmlnatlons for uoder-100 engines which burn a nitr.. • tivity . will be right on the the de•eloping committee, m.p.h. classes begin Saturday tiletblne mixture rather than t PILOT : beach. undef the chairmanship of 81 9 a.m., w i t b racing gasoline.) • The Long Beach group, William S. Danforth of West CORK, lreland (AP) -....._ • b !If d Ross ~ th-~ "e has .r-...ived Am . his t k 1. t starting at'"nOOn. Sp.nday'l"J>n>· -li_11: two-day program of NNY • organized y eguar. o:iou .,.,. •· in • ~~ er1can yac 00 irs ,gram of racing for ovet-100 drag competition will involve PE • Rauh, now numbers only 11 and reviewed enmmentl from three places in the 'Premier b 1 be 1 cl 't 50 boats ner • man. "But ·we're •anx.ious to 4-BYC members, other " ·m.p .. c asses . g ns at noon. ose o l as ow s • , .. rts technical personnel ln the c1ass of the transatlantjc_race Admission Saturday in' the and drivers prepare for Ule PINCHER : HALIFAX. N.S. fAP.) -add 'civilians, too, repo ki th 250th ,.._,' Long Beach Boat and Ski Club hlghli".,l of 'the summer • Rauh, inviti"'g interested men boating fie Id , government mar ng e a.WJversary 6'' it With 15 ol 63 yachts across the '' . of h Id' Id t ht sponsored regatta ls $1.50 fOr season, t h e NDBA. Regional : a-•·alsa women •ages 18 and agencies and the interested t e wor s o es yac ,..._ __ ---k: CLASSIFIED AD •-•·• fin ti D class riu ' adults, $Z.50 on Sunday with ... wuupiuu:wips Aug. 16-17 as • wU.W1 e, a sma • up) to contact him at lifeguard boating public, club -The Royal Cork.. • I -I d-g In the a~m1 k" "96 youngsters unde. io ~dmltted an °''"',of the California ALOU" rl!ECIAL LOW RATE • vew ts ea in headquarters, i;. oc .....,.. · Molzahn said the proposed Winner of the 2,75G-mile free both days when ac-. Iqterria!k>n~~___L.[___esJinLat ~ _ -• ·:To Cross ·In Lead ,. Marblehead, Ma ss,: to Halifax The local team-will be...ta'f· safety standard. covers all handicap race from Newport, companied by an ad:Ult. Long Beach. 3 2 2 :. ~ce. ing against clubs, from Laguna types of small craft anchoring R 1 1 Co k '°aloa skip-· Miss British Columbia was Saturday's program will in-L 1 NE s TI ME 5 o OLLAR S . • The Summertime, 39-(pot Beach. Balboa, Marina de! and mooring-equipment -· · 0 r was ' puiclwed by the lVancOuver elude use of the NDBA .dual • aloop sailed by Irwin \V. Rey and Newport Beach in the anchon, i:odts~ billl, chocks . pered by J. B • .Kilroy ·ot' Los bUSifiessmiD a Y.eai a10 after coune' i.n4 ooe-sfart~nly rule , AND YOUR CREDIT IS .GOOD I : series of events for .the 400-and ba..,e pipes. fl will also Angeles. ehing AmUi · p er two devices wliicb •bave rapid I. T I • Tyson, ~. of New York, was pound, 40-foot canoes. MB:ina deal with rninimwn anchor The sloop passed the ~t AsC:.-reco~ ::rid Jy increased the ~ ct. com:£ D I A N 0 W · D I R E C • : the 13th craft across the finish de1 Rey has won two straight weights; rcxle 6tren~ and finishing poSt in 12 days, 21 record or 190.27 m.p'.h. with petition in the sport. ~ " 6 4 z 5 6 7 8 : line with a corrected Urn~ of KOA regattas, with a fourth scopes, and a;t>Chormg and hours and sis minutes _ only SChWabenlaod driving. An added feature Sunday :; • ! 54 hours, four minutes and morning program scheduled mooring practices under 48 mirlutes ahead of Ondine A rival, Ed Wills' Mr. Ed of will be an appearal!Ce' by 16-t (Toll free Nerti! c .. Jttf 540.1220) ;: four seconds , the best time to July 26. particular conditions f o r,.Jc~a~pla~i~n~ed~by:_:S~-~A~--Lon::g~o:i~F~r~es~no~,~se~t~~an~~N~D~B~A~·Jy~e~ar~-o~ld~Sa~U~yi. Y~oun~g~er~of~H~a~-~t~•=•=•=•=• =•=•=•=•=•=•=•=••=•=•=•=•=•=•="•::•::•::•::•=•=•=••=•::•::•::•::•::•;•;••=•~·~' •date. "Our goal," says Ratih, "Is various types of craft and New York. recognized global standard of c1enda He 1 g h t s, women 's • the race to Catalina during the anchoring situations. Tyson. sailing with t crew of Sea Festival. We'll work out "Th.is proposed safety slan· seven said it ii a small boat twice a week. and the ~ys . dard includes ~-1---o.-- racc this year as light wirx:ls who Olake thi most wonciiil_p;ad.ices for the. nser.''-aald ~-- hampered latger 'fesseis;-ffe wffl be tbe nine on the team Molzahn. ··'This is a departure said he is worried about E for Catalina." from the council's usual prac- Class boats still to come as KOA teams will be joined by tice. one could lake hls lead. one to three Hawaiian all-star "The council felt it ad - Corrected t J m e s are teams Aug. J& in a race from visable because mooring and caleulated from th~ time of LoQg Beach to.,\valoo ~ar~r~ anehortng eqWPment ~Uy 'Sl :S7~24 of ~ Jubilee III '-which will be a ftature event is assembled by the consumer 1 the first ~acht in. Th~ U.S. of the fourth annual California rather than the manufacturer. Navy sailmg squadrons 72-International Sea Festival at that Ls io say, the anchor, enne~J AJJNAYB FIRST GUAUTY ~ ketch gets ~o c:on:ected ~ng_ Beach Au~. 1~23:. _ haln lin~ ~-are.purchased ~e111Jd·cak:ulati~-for other Tile same ay, as pa.ff. of tlie individually by the consumer•---- e aft are based ?'1 her run. sa me race, two-man lifeguard to create a complete unit. The ,."1le sJu, and design of each teams fro I!' an. along th. e proposed safety standar d .• vessel 1s taken Into con· Southern California coast will makes m i n i m u m recom· ;lid~ation. ~ _ race to .Aval0J1 in traditional mendations for safe ground • Smce--smatltr-boa~-ceLa surl docies.-tackle under vaeying--eon· _ bonus on cortectell. time, ~ Other members qi the Long ditions of weather, and bull • winner will be announced until Beach team are Mike Hen· type and size." • II yachts are i n. Race of· nessey. To mordee.jL y 1 e ., ficials-eould give no Indication Jobnsoil •• Hank Powell; 'Dick 1•o0t what time Utls would be. Miller,.Jobn McCartby,!.ctlKk The , Summertime -ped Lennen, V]ll1 Corum, Katt .vwia, a 4J.!oot c1&lll B a.&lead aild Cbuck ~ •. s awl under skipper .Henry A ·'rinK!f.' .. XOA ~~com ~. U.S : Boat Sees ots Namesake -' ! ol Blue Hills, Maine, mit!O< llil<dor BUcky Logan, -WESTRAY I SL AN D. ' from the le.ad. of ttl<tt finish. an experienced paddler, will ScoUand (AP) The ~.in ibe_ stern po;a:ltion ,Amerjcan racin,. y a_c b t L_~:.JJit.AciamlJl1U1iollUl<ll!S .... Saliiiii.1J--"'-~".sf!>W1')iiii~'·:_1[oor..r J W(<esltay_arrlv.edJw,rLM:and&y __ i--,--'--'-:'tbe line, held the ·lead for a lheJ.ollc11t.adii iioptiytes. after a ,21-day vo)rage 'across , ifew houri early today bdtn "1Jt. Ntt Jbt muacles right t h e North Atlantic -so its ! • "':\he Summertime clocked in:. ~ .. ~ Ra&b. "KoW we're owner could see the· island the • ./ One yacht, the Tara. bas dndotirccmr tethlrique." boat was named after. •fmished but bas no oflicialr,--'----'°'=---''-------------1 · :·decision on a techn)callty that , ;-,"'\irne pending a judge's A Jilt.,~~ were nnn-en1 ~,.?.;a"..m!: , p iginally giyen I n f: or re(: t w= ·"TUmes due 1o an error in the ... --,.....-•_.,_ ' ~ fficia1 timing devitt, but the --•• ...,_._, ,. rror bas been corrected and SEMI-ANNUAL ., • ..,,,all yachts in have been given ~·nal official times. . DI 'AM Q ND , • Nina , the U.S. 1'.1erchant (~ arine Academy stay-sail C . I :E A R A N C E I o~ooner, a 58rfoot entry .... 1r'\•,1hich won 01e· laSt race ~m ·. ~ 1967, now i1 OOt of contention. f She finished with' a, corrected '·time of 59:2S:S2'after losing a ,, 'large sail Tu..,.tay. . . -\ No Canadian · entries' have •'liniabed yef, but ille !IHoot · :.class A ·U.S. yawl Geronimo, · l"sailod by Hugh Cown · .of • fiiatifu. wu sixth: to. tinilh ···with--' qirrected_ tnmJ ~:55:17. I · : Other yachts aHUdY over '. the iinish Une are: Salty Tiger, Gt!.!ture, Carillon, Sea • Lion , Vivact;, Gannet, Night •·Train. Salmagal, Enchanted and Magic Venture. 1 Boat Safety Award Due From Fi$ The annual search ~-win~ ner of the Kiekhaefer Mtr:cury National Gold Cup a\yards for boatina safety ill under way for 1961. O..lglnal<d In 1957, the awards are m a d e In three ' categories -a community or group ; a magaz i ne , 'newspaper, radio or TV sta- tion, ad a governmental agen· 'f cy on any level. • Present.aUons based on ac· · ~liahment during the 1969 •boatine .seuon must be made 1h OFF! DI .AMO ND DINN ER RINGS • to the Judges by November 15. '"-' ·1 , • O~IGUtAllY N rtll • .Entrlet shouJd be sent to : t,. A.lh:tlj' dillnO!ld In lowly le1vrs·of IOK told 9.97 : Gold Olp Awanil, Kiekhaefer L A-ti: ll full flower! BellltifullJ mlled lOIC Pd 29.97 }len:uty, P. o. Box ISO, East e. 'dmti., din. dtol ... wllh ..... ••otl WC "II 1$.JO 11.11 21.11 ' Bnmnkk, N.I. Olllll. · ·t. r. dl"""'1d A --ti-lo 1-41.11 -will be jbdged_l!l, ~··· -,_.-.,-,~-,iauva-'1fci;n i. ,-. to"' 1or ..,.lbllio •it1ln.,,ts1 111.,i~J7 2l1Z 1he U.S. ODal Guin!, Coet f, FOii fi"7 -·In I '""""'I fr""' ol 111 pd-II.II Guard Aalllal1, American -Boot -'-<ladon. U.S. _.~and the -Wator Ski Assocla- , tlcll. CHARGE 11 AT YOUR P.fNNl'f'S flHI· JEW(~'( D•µFMENf ..... 41,1! Lat JfM'• winners wm Rudder ~ tbe State o1 I 1UWlTON MIWflOIT ~CH HUNUMeTON HACH .. ~ w ... Safety Patn>I, o·=:.,~;" :_; 11 -~= c;- ...,. &he ~.I,.... ~·· --°"="':::":::"":::N .... _,_,-':::'"-'"-'°'-'-' _,.,_. ___ ... .,...._ .... ,...._ ... _. _ ___, • '11ao ~ (Ud for the _ ... MUAI!S1\.inmtl I , ": ~ ,'-;. -~ ' ' ii'Jiti~'K1. Po\irtr ,..... 1 ~~~~-+--' ~~- - ' , ·SAVE20.95 'Hawaiin' Auto air conditioner reduce.d ! .. Pre-chills your car lhrough .4 large rectangular louvers and 2 round side . louvers. Has new Silent Scroll plaslic blowers !hat 9ive quiet, efficient de· livery of cool, aisp air. Provides .lolal circulalion. Air conditioner installation (most American cars)' 49.88 USE PENNEY'S TIME PAYMENT Pl.AN -.. .. ·'*r • Reg. 239.95 NOW • $2l9 INCLUDING AD4PTER KIT FITS MOST AMERICAN CARS Flex-A-Lite engine .fan "14.95 ' Coolant recovery system .. ·---. 10.95 • Fiber glCllS fan coo~ your engi .. at reducocl honepowor • Ughtweiahl, flexible, slrong, better than faclOfY fans • • Purges atr from cooling sydtm • , • prevents rust • ,,.....,,, 0>erl-'ing In traffic ' " BUENA PARK (°'r.r,~•t ) CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA FULLERTON .. liU.t;.IT<l:NGTON .BEACH MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA ' • • -Re•e Releues ..Rea»!1•t -.. W'•"-•'-.:~ ' 1"'9" __,., """!ll ' DAil Y I'll.OT .B~keley: Still PoWderkeg ML UM ~~ P.lum bers . Want $21,500 _ ~ ANGELF.11 (AP) .:_The· . beneflll for a toW package of ,/1 . • ·-In )he overiJll wbo $8.U. The propoud lncttue ,,ff !":' : cr ..... 11 around unslo!>Pio& tjit. to .,.!!2° ~ ~IU°'1 ~---1!1---11-.0..--, .. ~ ·iml· ~ u~·theh,.+1'coP'ter GW;. ~ ... WU unJoaded Hs tear pr Into wamed'.;l>1'·iiioi· -...ir today Sproul Plua aa '-'-,arouP of aftO!her people'• park riot 600-700 dlBsldenll were closing coWd flare al any Ume. on !be troopo and tliree -dlairs ' He wu eauticioed to take were thrown fn:a an upper • aliW ol-soutl>lrn Califtnlla y"'' . J.I'- : lllY' be deserVes $21,500. a =·llOY·Of more Qum 40, per' ·,~,, .,. year. . Management• -the . Plum• 'I./. ·~ Thal is what :ryman bing, Heating and Plpln& t---' . plumber woold . al 111.48 Employers GounclJ • -has of· an hour _-Including Jrlni• lend · a lbree,year w.a 1 e \ bene:fita -for a Shour week package. ol $10.92 an hour for a ..... ..., ; u dem•nded by the AFL-ClO flve-day,·35-hou.r week} Bhre1e1J.~ ·~~·olfnd ... ,,.... serloulfy and remfi>diil U waa Jnformatloa either • on !be School A~, Reliels Bills Bring 'Warning • Plumbers Union, on strike !or The union claiJns ntw·plpin1 : tbe last week. • . ~ plus • .lht:,11!1Venl of • 'Ibe Wilon ls alao asking for pluUe"piping b' Wltlfut1 some a t~y .work week beginning plumbers out of work and in the 'thlrd year of a three-~cing the .work hours of year contract. othen. Manaaement cla.i.ms a lltlle-notlced raJl!lni In ae ahotlUD kllllnl ol non-stµdent ·mderground newapa"r that James ReCtor of Sin Jo.se or 'dndled Uui bloodi viol'!"'". allege<I brutality of arrested 0 Tbere are mllltants active persons at Slota Rlta Prison. •ilhin tbil lllale," he WU told, 'Tbe modesl-tppearlng dOCU· · .. _ avowed aim la lo mint _ titled "The 'P<0ple's SACRAMENTO (UPI) -. The • ecooomi1<nlnded dliel • Plumbe<> now make $S.'19 mqot plumben are fully an hour pllll ~'3Z In fringe employed. _destroy !be lnslib~lono. and Part'"..A. .Jltp>rl <11 a-con: _the .\.as<ml>ll'-todoy P-euCuuve.lerved -he will the governmental structure of front.ation at Bd&e1ey1' -wu ahead wllh .. bllls providbia: in1 ~e ®wn by v~ aey school ""IOciety." · prepored by Jlugae's .Jlafl. eltra llllO-mllliolt for ldlools aid finance bill whore fUnds , Allfl<!oeb lllele statemenll I(lfWmatlon "• • ~ll~ anil claniplni down 00 cain'Pus· excted<d tbe •• 120 mllllon his • ~ i olrtcl1lly were dil'ected at from eyewitnesses, law en-rebels .c-.ue _1 .... 0 • bUdett propo1es for n.lra Acco .:... -.] Tells Story . ~·a1m·· theed Ya·t•tb"°• ob,..:!'"'andly forcemenl repqrts, .. .._, • -.,........ " edllcatlon aid. . ~ ........ J-accoants~ unlversl'ty ad· wayt!d by~.Gov. Ronald· Reagin also told a news r. ears of Callfornia: cltiuns. rninilstraton and public of. Reagan. conference Tuesday that an Of H • ~ • D . h The governor' a stafflJUblicly ficlaJ.s. important provisiOn of an -JtC ~ ) n g eat rtleas!d I 3f..page rtpal't con-It was ttJta.sed two Wet ks Assembly package aimed at -- -· . . . -~----------~-----lalniJlg a blow-by-blow account ifter Reagan announced be xtradition._ -~ing witb coll~~ riotel'.ll ., --~ ----..... -:f# the melee that erupted-Wu=pteplrhirtCfocumen-would set a "very dangerous ~ BAKERSFIELD 1(UPI) -Jameskeon. s F h c u d wben ·tbe University of taUontorefule"faloedt8Crlp-F w· . ? -Precede•l" " The defendant's story or the Welch related that he and F, lig t oSt ppe . Callffe...-~~.!~•cted. v--~!t"/ 1o'1o1n:; liOnS'' ol ·what happened dur-or -lDDle. . He objected to a feature • shooting death of a 17-year~l~ his wile Anllit, 17, picked up ..... ~ .i\IW.N -· ·~ ing the disturbance. -compelling the state ·1 o ' ~ youth and the wounding of his Jenkins 8.{ld Mlss Bradford In , . owned. The report turned out PHOENIX, Aris.' (AP) subsldiu local police for cam- female companion continued Bakersfield. The two victims SAN FRANCISCO {AP} -lt California, whk:h bas put some . "Street people," who had basically to be an ~boratiQn P~pera as~g the eztradl\lon pus disturbance l"Ofk. Tuesday in Kern County bad been blt.Chhik:ing. Welch will cost more (o travei on into effect. been occupying the larid as a of a speec;h Reagan deliv~red of Winnie Rath Judd, trunk Reagan rarely warns he superior court. said that because of car trou-commuter jet! in California The f betw , S "park,'' reacted violently. June·ll to the Commonwealth • murderess of the 19305 were would veto leglalation, but' be Richard Welch, 26, San hie he stopped at least three .ne.w ares_ een a n Countless were injured and 768 Club In San Francisco. · .1 , ' · • relaxed t b e stU·lmpo9td : Antonio, is charged with the times while the hitchhikers starting Aug. I, the state Franc.tsco and Los Angeles arrested during the 10 days in It told of "street people" ma1 ed by Arizona.s Gov. Jack policy when asked if he wonld ·'Sept._ 25 murder of Rar_uty were In the car, once just Public . Utilities Commission will incre~ 7.6 perceDt, from May. · · threatening to cruttf $ s Williams te CaWornla's Gov. reject a bill calling for an·U:· ' - Jenkins, 17,-S~·bake City,-outside Bakersfield, once just bas decided. $13.50 to $15.52, es:cluslve of The report defended a cam• million tn property damage, Ronald Reagan. tra $200 million in state aid (or and the woundmg . of. hla be.lore the lllOUJU.ai.ns and a· Th e PUC on TuessLay las:. pus tear gas spraying -of bun-growing marijuana in the Williams on Tuesday signed barcf.prased local s c b o o I female OJmpan~ D ~an e third time near ~pi gran_te_d_f_Jt:e tOcreases_rang:. The PUC said the higher dreds, by a National Guard "park," and attacking Jll!l:lice ~pen wblch~&LL~dis.trlcts~.~--~~ Bra_dford;---1&;-of-Campbell,-where uteffiCfi:lent --...-. ing }rom .f'to 14_3 """cent to fares--wtllil·etp alrllnes-ort.stt-bellco)(R. · .:'· wilhJ IQe<I: plpes--:--rOCks, -Mn. Judd ls a fugiUve from a "I would be forced to,t1 he C:ilJf ,,_ substantial cost increases. It quoted·tbe National Guard chunks of cement, tear gas murdei:-conviction. said. Th. la in urred · the Of the first two Jlmes they _.-l?acifle Southwest Airlines ------------'-------'------------'------------------- d _ _! ~. ~ g <>!:CM. J '"ea"• slop!><jf , Welch 0 testilled he· -U~lled Air •• ius andiwest.,,j .•. ~" near o •Yei, t~· . beard Mils' -'Bradford ask . · ~. ·1 .._,,.. ,,.. • •' Welch . was appttheOOed ,hY -.Jentms ll lie was sWl going to _Aw-Lmes. • FBI a(ep\J In ooruo,ireus. do wba\ ho '''.sfild be waJ &oin& Earlier )his-year injerim In· UpoD ~DI ithr; witness to do." W,elcb said· the youth creases were granted ·lo Air v Mand, the short, Wll1 def en-replied yes eacli time. . danl IJIO:ke so &0ftly. be w~ Welch said~ youths paced " _ ~- twice told to spe'!)rlbllder -aroitnd each liln• ho slopped '>-.l •U::..,~1r ' flral"'))'~Jadge-P::-R.-MO"°!' .iliif'lii, !iii'<!f~el'e""on-~}-QAAEa.: and iiiin by-IJe!ense -A~rney dnip " • / , _ ·. · , , , ,; • · . wh.;.'ib~1 &1opp0cl lbe.ae-·8ess1on . .,.lated " S I ·· S 1 · ·conc1 um& Wei$ a aid "It ' • ke. eton o ves enter~t my mind, Ibey .;.... • Lbs ANGELES !~l , - n •_..__ M .,._,. · golng_to~do~ua-'Jwln-ud-Califomla Staie-.,C<(l•l•C• ""Y'?"''-Y.~··<ry-: maybe·baniiin"or!mywtre." ,thlllees headed -toilay for SAN'):i. ·CRIJZ (UPI) ...: A' " In · earl!er testimony MJsa, ·more dlscuss!On ;ol ~.'I. skel•l!>I!'. f<!(il!d in Big llaiin Bradford,tu(ille<flhat llhe·ando , llruo~awa'•l>resid"P'Y al Sae Redw0oa St:afe Park la beli~v~ the slain ycMh bad taken LSD .,yr~ci!co State~,COlleJe· abd ed let-be that _of a ~an Fran-the night bef!Jrt bu~ were ~t ! poSsible controversy • ~ v e .r -. cisco man mbslnc . for lilne under tbe iilflueilce bl ~drui: -~• StaJe, ... ~ l1 e &,e , Y'¥1· · •I tbe Urne il-lbeiri<lcteill.-Jo¥etahfp. ' i. · .. • • • ·"'f• I :If • . . .. FOR -SUMMER ENJOYMENT · D.tioor Li;;11g is ; w~y, of /ii; in Southern Calif. ENJOY IT NOW CAU US TODAY! . . ' . }I - Ttie11EW LOOK tor '69 CAllVAS AWlllllGS VALllKIS CUITAllS :FREE ESTIMATES . ,;o--. . WI DISIGfl w1 MANUFACTURE WE INSTAIL . , AWMINUM-, SCREEiED PATIO$ ,........ ...... ,.-.. ........ ......... , ...... ,.,, ... ~. SANTA ANA JlNT. & AWNING co. .. ----............. INDOOI• .~- BRANCH OPFICE:OllANGI cou~"AWNIN' co _ ....... it7-6732-s.m .. Nottt. ...... County • -· ' -~ " .' ' .. -• ...._._ '::.1 "' .,.....,... __ ~.,---r-:---. " . . ' .. ..., \ r . . •• • I ,• . .. ' ,• I: • I - l ·3 ~~4· ANNUAL RATE . -· . ~ Interest Than Banks, More Cenafn than S~s. 1.~~ •. • COR~~cE~ M~R-~· :,.• ':om:!.:.:.· ·-1 . T..,_.oMMl. .. T•ltfftoM 17W01.0 COVINA IOO---• Tal,'.ttanl,-.&411 -SAVINGS ~ l1an ·•~liiaa~ ·". '. ; ·~' .: \ ,, . . ' . ,• l I I • ' . I l I I • t I • JI D.111.Y l'l\.DT ··For The Record Jtleetliags Di~orces .. Electronic Vote System • • UfTIRLOCUTOttY DICl•IS Dana Point Harbor Lease Plan Okayed "-· .1.-1 Albert• .... E•r• ThDrnat Gets Study WM-. Gt lllrd ltOKM ¥J J""'ltti Ellt Said•"· Jott1111 11 • .,. "''-"' o-i. By JACK BROB~CK Point Harbor as 440 acres ln c.!'uW::. Jec,.,,..1..,. 111. vs. "'"" N. SANTA ANA The °'""' o.llY '1.., sittt size, to contain 2,100 boat slips _ =·~·~: ~~ E, lllfW J.)et.avote voting .system aod DANA POINT -Authoriza... and have a launrblng ~pacitj' • Giiium. ,_,..vs 1011111 Heftrf hlgH speed ballot reader will ' lion to solicit proposat.s for of 1,~ boats per day. It is :1:i:-""o..! -:.;'" ... tel' Sol;:,_,, Jer· be evaluated by the orange leasing of 10 parcels in the being constfucted by !he 1Y • County Voting Systems Task · West Basin of Orange Coun- Vlnlt. '-"" Vloll vs ""'°111 L • FOrce 'I'tlursday-at .the Voters '""•'s Dana Point Harbor, now Harbor District and the U.S. '1Monl• ltulw \.,vs H-•rd E. ·~ . ~":· Gtr11dllll Mart. V• LO'frffl Registration-Building, 1-119-E.--midway in -construction, was Anny cbrps of Engineers-at-a . Hlwtoti~·w1e 11111"' JOHPll Hin'°" Chestnut St. here. appmved Tuesday by the cosl ot $15 million. ~~~ri..i':''e;1111,.,,~;. Mv• 01vl4 The 3:45 'p.m. meeting is Orange County Board of Lessees will be required to """°"' Joenn Dolores vi turold Llovd open to the public. Supervisors. ·W:'::. G'-I! . .,.. Joya It. The task force was ap-George Cormack, assistant invest a minimum of $7 Hieb. L.,.. Len.ir.e" sta1111Y pointed last-Sept. 12 to st.udy ·director of the ·county'I Real-mUUon og-the 111 acres up for _ ::!':.Y~=,.,": :! := eledronic voUng systems and Property Services Department lease. =ii.'D.: :•,:':"'~ INlrv their posSlble use in the coun-said the proposed Ieees Were In a prombtlon btt. the WIJll-oevw "-"'.,.. Emtt«iw ty. being oUered "now so booklet reads: "Orange ~ ~~i:-1111:;. ~ 1t:r..!· ..._ Task force members saw "construction on the facilities ty has been the. nation's ......_., cw11111111 "' Alltft •-the Datavote syatem in opera-. can be coordinated w i t b fastest growing for 'a number ~':::;.. 0~ Jo .,.. J-tioo tut fall in Ventura Coun-harbor construction." of years and shows 00 in-. ::.'~~~ ~'== _...11 ty. 1bey also have studied the In 1 booklet to be dmllated dication of relinqubhlng t,bat ..,,., J-o.-.-w. ,..., "' Joi" .... operation of four o th e t ~ b)ds; which must be 1~ ~.,_:~-~~ ".:'~... systems; the Votronic Sygtem IUbmltted by nut December "Significantly. the southern ,,..,, INlrletY CWP1M11 " Jc1W1 v...-in Riverside,.JBM punch ~ 1, enUUed "Investment Op-hall ol the -·~y w"-' •-"::· Gti,.w w. "' c.v"'" in Los Angeles, the CUb1c portuDitiea,"lti.sstated: lude3 Dana"~'Harb; ... b Jeflnltei1, E11Mr M. w"""""' 1.., Jr. System in Oakland and the ;,._ ___ " •-1..... •----..1 lo c • Mc£...,.,.c.,.. M,;w ... ,......:r.--~·vrPfliiOiiilUe-SyMmr-tn--'"i.n::..~ ....,..u:..xu_ r -ex~ ... to..g.ow 1t a-nk ~..;:.":. ":,~:~."-.n---At..u..-+he~_.J).IiVlte.Ji!vel~ent lnclu_~ nea?Jy two IDd ope-ball Umes McGet. P"""'' Jeoo~ v1 L•'"' AIW! ~:!"!!:. ~-~N~. ..,.. ~iber approximately 55 acres Of Jaifd thl~ the cOODty u"l.--YliOJ.e C ...... ~": ::s;::7. 11:......., &..i~-C:iF°J. Marks" and 6Z acre1 of Water. du~ the nut!~ ~Ides" - JUOOM•NTS rtcelit1y&ilCl"'lbe ~roree -''Wllhkl·thls--ma-Jessee.con. --'l'he--prornotiOfi ititei w.11 ... "' """' e. Tv""' 1....u11N11t) bas '"the most complete and cessionaires will develop and "leue terms are fiud. and M=%v ~:~~~~Mr .,.. eou.19• extens),ve accumulation of m. operate boat 1Ups; fuel dock!; the only biddable item fc. .the formatloa on electronic voling boata sales, rental and repair purcbue price of. the opUon.". DEATH NOTICES LEGG Onlcn Dwtln LHt. 1110 W...t Aw .. '\ltllrton. Otte of d•tlli, J1tlY J, turv'"'1 b'I' rif, Hele" Len, f/I IM "-; ,_ '°"'' Roblr1 •· ..... l..,,. D. l.eff, boll! Ill Fulltf'Mll two .... MUtt1, ~ry M. 11""'"41 lftd C.fllt'rlne J. Hendrk~t . ., fuller1W11 father. Kaw•rd F. '-'"· c11...-t, Glllf.1 two br°"""' ~ F, l'"' Cowl,.., •ftd J. GOrdM Ltff, lwlfl p, ...... ; '"" ttwM ,,.,.... cttrld~ 19rYU.. S.Nnlrr, J1tl't' ll. 11 AM. ,.IClflc VIN Oll .. I. • ....... m.t. "•Inc ..... MitfMrlll '"'"'· Olnctff b't' l"IClflc View 1Mr1\19,.,, ARBVCltLE • WELSH Wett<Ull Mortury 117 E. 17111 SL, Colla M.,. -• BALTZ MORTUARIES Clroat del Mar OR S-'451 CO.ta Men MI~ • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY llt Brolldw1y, Costa Meu LI l-34U • DILDAY BROTHERS Hunlinston Vallef Mort""ry 17111 Beoc~ Blvd. Hunlingtoa lleocla SU.'1771 • lllcCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 17t5 Upna C111)'9ll Road LqW1a lltacla Dt-'415 • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK C...-,. e MorUiary Qapd .. Pocjllc View Drt" """"" -. C.Wonlo ·'""111 . • PEI!& r.um.t COLONIAL nnmlAL llf1llB --· ... ••• I t ...,. • •W--i'"Ell" MORTUARY .__ •tm •·arr1 o ._.111 • w1a1 11011t1AllY ., .. Ii. ..... .... • :A. systems· ever gathered in the facllitles;, launching ramps Minimum acceptable bids to . stale." Ht sa\<L• r<pe>rt would and dry boat •lorage; a purchase opttoas have ~ be mode to county supervisors sportilshlng landing "I I~ <!!Altillsbed.-They~ranie lrom soon, but did not specify a satellite commerclal develo~ $1,800 to $60,000, plua certain date. ment. ~~ cc.m_b~ bids U.P t O . "Boating clubs, restaurants: $2f2,G«I. Fire Peril Shuts Woods a m~el, and a retail center Minimum cost of lessee tm- contalning appropriate ~ provemenb range f r o m and :;ervlces. $980,000 for the boat slips to "Some 320 acres will be re-$60 000 for dry boat storaae tallied by the Harbor Dlstrilt and boat sales. and will be used for public TRABUCO -One-fifth of waterways, access roads, open the land Jn the Clevelud N• space, balhing beaches, refuge tional Foi-eat in Orana:e Coun-. areas, a d tit l n I 1 tr a t l v e ty bu. been cJottd bee•• of facilities,. l a n d 1 c a p I n g , fir!daaltr. ' _ w•lkways "and other Stanley R. S I e v en 1 o n , purposes." supentlor oL the forftl said Cormack said the harbor ~·areas .will be cloeed dUring operation will open with the the--!Ummer' as-a--flre-prt'ven--. 1)oa.Ung sea&OD in the-summer lion measure and then re-open of 1971. again in the. fill. The booklet describes Dana A Real Lulu Wendy Wilson of the Mission Viejo Campaneros wbiapers ~ome last minute lnatrucUons to her Nub- ian goat LuJu which she ls entering in the Junior Livestock Division bf the 1969 Orange County Fair and ExposiUon July 15 through :Ill In Colla Mesa. Tbe·fair aMually climaxes the year of 4-H activily ~r about 1,400 youngsters in Orige County. Term of all leases will be 30 years, with the uceplion of marine fueling at 15 percent. This latter will carry a 30-year 1.... ti c;ombined with any other combination of option partels, Cormack said the second ph~ deyelopmeul of~ the West Basin of Ui.e harbor would f o 11 o w immediately art.er bids were accepted on the East Basin first phase. Successful bidders will be awarded a nine-month option period during which they must ''prepare acc eptable schematic plahs, preliminary plans, and working drawings for development of the op- tiooed leasehold. The optionee must also provide a required seqirity ($.5,000) and submit saUsfactory evidence of ability to finance construction of planned improvements and lo meet such other conditions as are imposed by the opUon and lease." SA Moving Slowly on Relations SANTA ANA -The Santa Ana City Council is moving slowly on a recommendation tc establish a Human Rela- tiom Commission. Earlier this week, a com- mittee to study the need for such a groop was appointed by the couocll after a 9().minute debate. Councilmen ruled that the conunitee'1 job will be to de· clde ti such I oommiss!OO b nee.led In 1he city and ti so, ' what its function• wUl be and who will serve on it . Cowlcilman J c r r y Pal- lerson, who ~ggesled forma- tion of the commission June 16 was named temporary chalnnan ot the research eom . mittee. Also named wu Coon· cilman Rayl Villa. I -,...,... -., -.---~· -------• ' Coun~ Sidesteps · Plan ·for Airpori " Coveted Award 'Th~. "Gold Rotor · Trophy" a~arlt for exception-al quality performance presented by Bell Helicopter Co, of. Fort Worth, Texas to only seven manufac- turers, was presented to Vard Newport of Costa Mesa, at a banquet. Shown at the festivities, which 'v.as hosted by Jack Hammett~president of tbe Costa Mesa Chamber of Commer.ce'. are (froin left) Ham- /. met! A. L. Pinkley. tnayor; Thomas M. Osbom,'vice president, Vard. Newport; A. P. Rocco manager quali ty transmission racili~y, ·sell "Hcli~ter· eo.;· Carey C. Young, purcbasinJ;: su~rvisor sub-con- tracts ·section pi'ocurement dePcirfment, ·Beu Hf.l.i... copter Co. -- • Before That's why Air West bought new Super DC9's. And that's why we had 15 s~ats taken out of each of them. To give you extra space to sit in. At no extra cost Add .this to one of the best on-time records of any air· line, and you can see Air West has come a long way. . ' • . • I . J; Wodl!tsd.ty, Ju~,, 1969 DAILY)ILOT Jlf Woe to City _ by llie Bay __ 'M~~li~tan~~'!:.; .Cried . by SF !ligh Rise_ Foes ;or-FJ!AN~O{AP) -'clfy. · hlgh-riael now etch the skyline Bank of America. which has Skyscrapers are soarmg Into· "Some financiers t b l n k · where before the bay v I e w th.la city's famed hilly skyline crowlb la everyttllng," he east toward Oakland wa1 an e1ciUng grand plaza: the despite attacks by crltica on said. "New York City is the unimpeded, • Crocker bullding with I~ plaza what they call "Manhat-epitome of that thinking and_ From north to south the on Market Street, lhe Crown tanltitlon." • • mOs& of it ii not flt to Uve in." are \he Alcoa Building, 2~ Zel\er~ch build.Ing w h I c h For four year11 1hey ha~ The~basl.s of his and other stories · Wells Fargo --Annex ~Oolll.I in a prd.,_, and lhe watched with anxiety as 17-0f· criticism is the Wliqltt locaUoo 20· · Harttord Buildlng 33. Alcoa building 1in lta open lice buildtnp aoared in the ot San Francl.sco-1 relative-' Iniernauonal &illding , 22: landscaped plaa with foun. Montpmery Street dl!trid of · 1y small 46:1 square miles with Bank of America 52· ~ 'taJns, atulpture. and greenery. "W.U.Stre« West:". some 40 hills, llllTOWlded by Building31; PaciflcTe.iephone "San FrancJSCO ls vuy Moltly bonl of metal and views of water oo three lidea. 30; Welll Fargo a ; Sutter fortunate to bave JOnlDI: laws &lua. Ibey dominate lhe tradi-' The,hlgh-rllea, aald Unlvvslty BulldJng 24, and !be Aetna which encourage !be con- floi:W ptQminencee of Coit o f California arcblteetural ~ Building 38. centraOon ol buainm rather Tower on Thlegrapb Hill and eritic Allan Temto, ''cauae the Domenic J. Paino, office ~ to have •~;'tead ~lzon. lhe Fairmoni .and Mari; bills t9 lose their impact and buildin~ specialist w It b . Y acf'Q5I ui.: nd. 'QC ion. Hopk.lm hotels on Nob Hill. they iDterfere with the view of c 0 J d w e 11 Bankfr co 1~g , ~ now P1 ™'<Uh tbe · ~-of . the bay " 1. , · " city s views w t special Vim those ~t sktpUcaJ · Ca ilornla s largest property heights districta such as Tele- aboul the blgb-r.ise bulldirJ~ js ::Th~re. ~ no quesµan about manaiemtlnt firl)l .• $!!i!:I; . graph Hill NortJi Beach north Geral~ P .. ~~en. ~denr .. It-, ~id Theodore OSmunclsen, 0 The new high r~ buildings waterfront, and Union &.uare of the T~legrapti Rill DWeDers ptt~dent of the American In downtoWn .San . F.r:airisco among others." Association. . Socl':'Y of ~ • n d a c a P e are inOnitely superior to the Paino is leulng aUpervisor . He aM his followers are Architects, the city .. 11 being older buildiols .they. rtR~ed. for the Embarcadero Center, Jealous of the, vie~ from ~ a•.• a ~.It e d by Manbat• The old buildings cov~ en-just ·starting develo_pment of J:ra~~~~.l~ .~~ o{ cliff. ~lion :; • b s O I U t ! I Y lire IQts, ~lC!C.k4l&_QQt. ~ _.,,_d four new high rile office hangers OD thell' famous outrageous. air. bulldings scheduled· to open 1n tiorthelst JoQkolil ·over · &he Alorii a· hall:mne stretch. 10 "Compiie that with the 1975 . After • " So the next · time you want to go anywhere in the west; ·call your Travel Agent and mention our "Space· hi ,, " s ps. . .' .. , . . . Not only will you get where you'(e gain~ on time, but now your knees will thank you for it ' . • • . • . AIR WEST AN~ MORI LEGROOM FOR AU. JET PASSENGERS . THAN ANYcmtER ~E IN tHE UNITED STATES. . I •• , I. I l. '• -I I f t , i ! j • I j ' . I • D.lll Y ~!LOT Wedn!Sd1y, J1.1!1 9, 1969 • • t - --,;;;;;;;.. -· . -.. ...... -•' FUR SALON Natur.J mink and tip-dyed sable boas ••. , .•.. , 33.00 Nanrn.J. blue fox capes •• , , , •. , . . . . . . • • • • • . • • 7 7 .00 Black dyed broadtail provcssed lamb jac~ets. with chin· chilla collars · , , .. , ..•.... , ..•.••...•....... 299.00 Blatk dyed broadtail processed lam.I> -~4 coats :With <!red :black mink collars , .. , . , ...•••.• : .••••••••• 299.00 Black and sa'nd dyed broadtall processed Jamb 34 coats with mink collar and border1 ...............• 399.00 Nan~ral mink capes and scales in pasre.I, dark ranch or Toucmalinc!__... .. -. ~ • ., .... -· ••••••••••••• ~ .....• -399.0.0 Natural min\: jackets with double fur co l}ars •• 599;0·0 Natural =-~ mink coats in piste!, J.zurene• or Tourma· line• shades , , , , ,, .. , , .......... , , ........ 699.00 Narural full length mink coa1s in pa$1cl, 1'ourmalinc• or Azurenc• , ... , , .. , ......• , ....•....••.• , J 299.00 Narural mink hat in dark ranch, pasrel or Tourmaline•. De1igned by ~ir. John •• , •. , , .. , , ..... , •••••• 59.00 •f.M.8.A. Mink Breeders A$KK11uon AU fiaf proclvc1i fd,tkd «i 1how ~uu111r)' o( ori&i" o( impoireJ (ut~ BEAUTY· STUDIO , . , ( J 'Have a shamt>oo and sunimr-r hair ctir. Pisccivcr our ·~tamp Cut,"' th.c iile-.il ahorc:cut forihi"wori11n w-bo doesn't need or wartr ,a permanent.' N~.SCt hairclit''~ll coax rht-curl or natural wave into yout f'\air. lncludr-s shampoo. 'Re&; ~.50. • , , •.... _ .. ; •.•••..... , •. ,. 4.50 · COSMETICS· C':hristian Dior Eau de Toileuc· in the rwo most 'pOpular Jr~i?~s, ~fi~!<>t ilDd,Dioti.uinlo,) yz. ,, •... 5.00 Atomizer .• •.....• , ... , .••. ,,, •... •.& •••• , •••• 1.00 .. ' . ; l ' ' FOUNDATIONS. ' _ Go•$&C'<l~ndnu bra, 'nylon tric:ot fiberfilled cup;, 8 and C-cupsrreg.-'.oo. ........ ";-•• _._,-.&_. "-1.J' ••••••••••••••••• 3. 99 ~ossard nyl,on lace flair bra has fiberfill cupi. Whire-•or 1vorr., A-B-q cups, reg'. 5:00,, ..•. .' ..•• ,.,. · ......• 3.99 Goss11rd Swtng·ctte m1n1-panw. whi1e in S-M-1., reg. 7 ,QO ...• : • ; ·~'"-.'·•.· •••••.• : ............• -: ....... : ..•. 5.99 Gossarll Sw1ng:sc-11e average leg panry. White in S.M·t.· reg. 8.0,0· •• 1 ••••••• :,. •••••• : ••••••• : ••••••••• ·6.99 Gossard-Answer-enc ·long leg panty:-Avt:nigC-or long body span in whilci S.~f·l. rc,tt. 12.UO •• , ..• , ••...... ,, ,, 9.99 _Pe1al cup co~t_!>n ,bri_; B.:_C c4p.in.!fbi1e, reg. 5.00 ••• 3.99 . Doro1hv Gray's Dry Skin Clrantr; rcfl.. 3.00·5.50, or --Salon-Culd-Crcam, reg.· 3.0(}5.50. -each 2.00-3.50 Triite's GlyC"erine and Rosewa1c r Skin Moisturizer; twin Comfort cu.rve low-cut.underarm ·bra. White jn B·C cups, k f h I be rcg.6.00-••••••••••••• "/o·•·"~.··· .. •·••••••••••••·4.9.9. pat: · o t e rravc ru s, twin pack of rhe hand lotion, or Gartct;S G,.on.e~ ~qtv c•n be 'W~!l·w!rh hosicry---or pai~ty 1win p11ck of lhe Rosewater and Glycerine, e~ ••• ) .29 hos~. S-M-L 1n white, res;. 8.00, -'\•, • .,. , , . 1 ,,,., •• 5.99 ·Wolff Freres Travel Kit cont:lins 2 OL Arctic Lotion, 2 oz. Concentrate® scra.ight girdle gives firm control. White jn c~log1ne and 26 oj0z. Windproof plaitic botdes in b3tac75k S.M·L,reg. ll.OO ••··••·••••·••••·•·••••••••• 8.99 viny case, reg. · · • • • · • • • · · · · · • · · · • · · · · · · · • · · ·' · Concentrate®. a Ve rage leg paoty, r.cg 12.00 •• , •• , 9. 99 Femme or Maclamc· Rochas gift secs include a flacon ot C ®I I • 10 99 SHOP f d ) onc.entrate • ong cg paorj ,·rcg 13 . .10 ......... . DRESS perfume and an a1omizer of Par um e 1'oi cue. Choose Half.size better drc5ses, suits and cosrun1es, many fabrils I I.00 vaJuc, nOw . , • : .•.••••. , •.... , •.....••• 6.SO Sil,fs~i~om~or!able and light gifdfes. Wbiie'in S-M·L·xt:. .. • • ) ' , .....:=-S·TA R!l'-S-'l'O.MORft~r* ' VAThUES THROUGHOUT'·-~ . --'---T.f'.HE .STO"RE.....__ STORE FOR.M.EN . . ' ' Buffums'•O.lt'qiialiry Dacron® and cotfein tfndcrweai:'---; T·shirrs in S-M·L4XL. re~. 3/5.25 •.•.. t •••• ~ ... 3/4-.00~/ Athleti'c undershir(, S.M-L·XL. reg. 3/4150'.; ,,:,,.,, 3/4;00 Knit brief wi,th elastic b~nQ, JO 10 ~4'_. reg .. 3/4.lO "'· 1 ................. , ................. ~11.oq:.., Boxer shor1s iltC permanent press, Whire or colors; 30-4 . . • 4.,,,,g. 2.00 ............................... 3/4.00 Shore sleeve Perma·Press drcSs shirts arc 1hc Pe•fecr· blCnd ,of-80% ~ron-®"'Jl(tly.e.Stcr--11nd 20S-0-t:otuJn' i.!l '11 smart scmi-sprt:a,d collar. from a famous maker in i:qlois< d h" '7·00 · •""9' ' ' an -w 11e, reg .. · •..••... , ••..••.. ~if.. 9 1 :./9.50 Srrcich h~se ?f 70~ "'001/3~~0 n}1lo11 b!end ar~ g~ar.in· t~. Anklet liose, reg. L'O e11(h, ••••. ,; .••••.• 3/3.00 _¥.id·J~5c1-!__!"ool and ,nylo.n. b14:_~d . hos~ 8.uat'.in1eed 11·• ·sta.-y ·u_p;..6~col0f~,one size firs 10 to 13, reg. 2.00 S/4'.50 DesignCr-'neckwear.in .a sclec1 i9n of-fine silks in eX-cep· tioo~ colors a~d oancrns, reg. 5.00·7.50 4.19, 2/8.00 Shorty paj11mas are pt:rma-press Dacron® polycslCr' and ' <-Otloq' in the colL1rless <:oic s1yle. Solid fashion-~910r.t "''~.h white piping; A:B-C-0, reg. 6.00 ... 4.69, ·219·,oo. . . . ~111_rerns, 1 2~j.24 \ti. reg'-18,_00·Q.0.00 , , , , ... _40?" off .t-.noUJ&JJil~ of Marr (:h~~ .!Q]:I?l,___SIHJLt'lJJ~!!lhle m_. reg. r.· 8.9 J • • • • • • • :. • .,.., •• • • • • ••••••••• • 3 .99-7.19 Sp~cial "urchasc all·purpose lOilS in red, .... ·h11e,2~a~;. eludes I bllth, .2 hanJ and 3 gue5t sizes, reg. 5.00 4.00 F~mo.us (JC5dignl er 6ra ana~~dt'&h!&iflpeac['!"kan~.~B·Cbrali-jK~-.s-TORE WR.MEN ... hc1gc; I OV2·2 01~. now ... , ............. · • ·. • . · 7, Sec of 3 bath soap, re>;. 5.00 . , .. , , •. , . ".., ......... 00 a c.ootourc ace cup, str~u; stripl, Olli' -;-;~· · cuPs, . · 9. k- Hatf.sizc dresses of washable 0;1.cron 1\1 polyester knit or St'1 ol 6 hand So;.1p, reJt. 5:00 , , ·~,. ~·. • ...• , .~ • • 4.00 '-"· 5.50 .... ·•·'·.,. '""· • •. -~·· ... .,,.,., ..•..... 2 .99 ~,len'S h:rndsortie> Orlon bi_crylic ,}in d.sthc~ cardig;ut Arnrl .JI) 1ri1ce1a1c. 12~2-22 l 2. reF,. 3 3.00 ' ...... 2 3. 99 s .. ve~ on Elizabc1h /\ rden soaps. -Hard-milled, seen te-d. COng .. ICg ~anry'. :£x 1ra ·~umni'y co,n1rol ea.nel won~ str:tch Sfo'e,arers, corhplerel.y wash a le. Blac,...gol ' h01J.ey, lcuuce. 1lisscs' dresses, 5ui1s and C'Ostumt5 including a group of lJlue Grass,· June Gt'ranium or ~temoire Cher it', J-land and -g1vrs extr-a control, S-M-~g. 11.00 ...••.... -S.99 foreen.J.cmon.~c..SMJ.-XL. Reg. ~1'.J)O • •. :.-~ 12. 9~ ~·oung designer fashions; 6 to 14, 8 ro 20, ref.. 26.00· soar, box of ·,hrec, ieg. 3.~0. • .. : •...... , .•••• , • 2 .50 Y.ouchcrafr .Charfflfit bra.ilip' has fiberfill-lined nrlon_tri· ·£ntj~e t~ion meh's Perm;.1-Prc!ss walk.~'oq~ of.'c.ouon 86 00 · • 40"'-orr B 1h bo 1· h < 00 · • 50· cot·cups with nylon and1.ycra••spandex powernet sides _ ot _ E>acron® pol_ycsr.er anJ cou on. Sol1Js, Pl-••d s and . ···························~····· '" . .i soap, xorree.,reg .... ···············•'• . 32 4., ..R gn"O \'~99 • POiyester dressr-s, 10-18; reg. 30.00-36.00 , •• , • 23.99 Schiapacclli Parfums (reme Pour · 11•ssagr, !:!hocking · and back. Nylon tricor slip; wftitc in A-8-C cups..-reg. 7.50 · ~ri~s; · -.Jll.ISCS. eg. . vv·l .00 • • ...... • • • •; , . ._,,_ ___ 1i.rne!Wfrlfilt:ffi!--"-=-=1crS"t""°drcnes, a ... 2o!· ---·------lfi-111gF11_oc•, 9 oz.-sirerre•-:---3.00-........................ -1.-75 . --:-.........•.... '~ ...•. ::: ........ · ....... ~ ... ....., •• ·-'·~-· 4.99 :--FaniOl,IS make.P~lrm11:1pr~JltCkets. of D3cron'-'~"""'""l"ycs""1<r""' ____ _ ' I 99 · · ---.,.----..,;-·-;/icota>n. U.-D uc---;--go,,,.. green, natural, miiie vr i\avy • . reg.28.00·36.oo · .. : ............ : ....•...•••••.•. 5. I6oz.size,rcg.5.00 •••••.•••.•.•••.•••.•••.•. 2 .75 3 • • 1·00· · 1'099 ' BUDGET DRESSES Misses' and ~·omen's dresses in easy-care fabric~. A special group of ·suiis; 10-20, 12 \2·2 2 ~~. reg. 15 .00-20.00 ............ r •... ,,, ............................... --i2~9? COATS AND SUITS Suirs; costumes, coats, pant sui1s or cuJc dresses: 6 10 20, reg. 50.00-200.00 ........................ 40!/t.1 OFF New (a1~L.C. ~~ae pcrit.e coats, Foniln\ann l igh~"·cighr ~·oo!, 6 to 1«, re,;. 8(1.00 .....•.•••••...••.••• ,, .. 69.00 ~ SUNCHARM SPORTSWEAR --Alc~~L 1op..s_jn.Jong. ~b_orL.IDd elbow slcc\'e I.__ stylin••··2'tints. in cOCtDJl _QI af_etat~-L~ 16, re.8.:_ 14.00 I ~.99 ' _ -Shifts, b:s----;;.ter~olman· iil-a-·grc-at c-ol!ff.t~_n...f.>f-casy-carc rnnts or solids. Sizes 8 ro 16, reg. 17 .00-23:00 •.... 11 .99 fan1ous name v.·ool knit suits, three-piece styles wi1h no,·ehy _Piping, striping or contra st detailing. Red. na\'}" po~:dcr, pinJ.., green or camel, 8-16 .•••• •'• ••... : . ,3 9 .80 l - YOUNG CALIFORNIA SHOP CouOn knit 1ops. Crew oecks or turdcnteks. stripes or sol ids, 1ank tops or C'top tbps. S-M·L. rc.1;. 6.00·9.00 3.99 Skirts, panrskirts, culottes, scooters in solids a.nd p11.1· terns. CouOn and conon blends: 5 10 13 •••••••• 6.99 Pants in solid5.., prin11 or stripes. ~1any Jcg styles in cot· ton Juck, rayon linen or Fortrcl® polyester blends: 5/6 to 1)/14, reg. 9.()().20.00 .......•........ 5.99-8.~9 Pant Jresses and shifis in patierns and solids. Mosdy sleeveless styles; 5 10 I .~. rrs. 11 .00-17.000 •.. , •• 8 .99 G;i.y Gibson summer dresses in couon voiles, cottons and polyester ·1cni1s; icy summer pastels; 5 10 15, re,1i:. 20.Q().)0.00 .,, .. , .......................... 13 .99 ~ lunior and petite dresses; 3· 15. 'reg. 1 7.00·~8.00 ..... , .................. I:.! .99-1; .1)9 ACCESSORIES c~rdigan or pullover 1wearcrs include v.•ashable acrylic, Orlon® acrylic or 'wool lcnitt. Novelty. stitching; many s1yles; 36-42, reg. I 3.00·17 .00 .. , •• , •.. , •••••. , • , 1. 99 ladies' shirts from a famous maker. Choose roll or' long sleeves in solids and print$. Most .arc no-iron fabrics: 8 to 18, reg. 6.00-10.00. . •. , .•. , .. , . , ......•.... 3.99 HANDBAGS . 13ener handbags in dressy or 1ailored s1rles; c-a.1r. O.ttrilh •nJ lizard.grained calf, patent, or s1raw. Large or SIJlall sizes. reg. 22.00-30.00 , • ~· ............. · w_. .·.-l'\•'-l..; Beauriful genuine alliga1or, turtle and Hzator handbtBS are leather lined. many one-of.a.kind. Single -Or. double handles, small to large sizes. Black or brown, r~g. 4~.00- )00.00 ................................ 33.1s.22s.qo SHOE SALON Famous brand shoes in patcnis,, calfskinl. kid~kins, rc.(t. 14.00 10 33.00 dress shoes, riOW •••••••• 8.97°21.91 Reg. 14.00 to 24.00 casuals. now •••••••• 8.97-15.97 GLOVES Double wo,ycn couon or double woven nylon gloves o1rc PK or handsewn in a shorrie ro 8-burton length. Tailored or fancy sryles in basic and grca1 fJ.~hion colors. Siies (i. R. Reg. ).00·8.00 .. .. .. .. ................ 2.99 HOSIERY • Save on fiimous 1nakc .slippc:rs. />.-!any a~so~tcJ styl1.·~ a,u,t color.s: S·M-f\.IL·L;XL. R~g. 5.00·6.00 .• 2.99 r .. ·2/5. 7_5 Made expressly for Buffums", Agilon p11n1y hose cling smodthly to your leg. C·hoosc off.,•hitc, Camel, navy or blac.k,in S-M·MT·T siz.cs. Rr-g, 3.00 .. 2 ,29 pr., .2/4.50 Buffu_ms' own exquisi1C',Upporr pant{bosc of nylo'n and 1 Lycra® spandex. Beis:c, 1aupe ·or ~·hltc ' in S'-M:Mi!T. .R.cg. ,195 •••.•...........••...... " .. : .•. ; ..... ; 4.99 , - MILJ:INERY fine ""'1itJ curly Dynel® modacrylic stretch wig that's pan pw11dy curled~ washes-U>d drip dries. All natuul bait c.olorJ and 3rcy tones. Free wig block and can of Plli'lle 11.W Ss>!w'· • .. • .. • . .. • .. . .. .. . . • .. . • 15. 99 -..,,,,,,:-~ 1f<l'ftch wi8 is of Oyncl~ modacrylic, is f.IMr~ .J-WpccL Curfs 1:rt'. se1, ...-on'r "°'alh out. -.......... : .......................... 26.99 A gifr of "Drcs.smakct" bo1tle of Shocking parfum wi1h INFAlSTS' SHOP . F•s·h~~n:t,rtJ~oats:. A il ·t~;~~~~·~;k~;·i;~~:·is'in sol~ds. one dram bortleofcologne, r(',:.:. 5.25. ········•• 2 .75 1 ·-~ • checks and novclrit:s. Wool worsreds and Dacron'"'• A 2i(t of re~. 3.'.50 Golden Purse Fl11con of parlum with. 1969 Color-Cooi;diN.t~. Eosemble iS Dy Peterson tit polycster/w!)Ol blends. l}eg, 5'.5.00.l45.001 39.9 9.99,99 ·l·OZ. bonle of reg. 5.00 cologne, reg. 8:50 v;i.!uc . , . S.00 1::x(lusive mini-mod pattern: W1'5!'able _}:_{~pi Coat__J.Q._bes ar~ ~.ouoo..ierry,.Jin.e:d~Smart D<1.n.i.·, T abu-t'r3.8r;i.nce •. duet-fea10res-1he---perfume b11.1h -Au1omatic-fo)d pJay-yard.-t{elfT-ducy:cobsmi:ctkfn-witli fabncs anCI colors in plaids, princs and sttit>cs; oni! size 1~11 and c:o1.Jognc: Rcg.1_61.ooh R .. be ......••.. " ....•.• 3.50 65,:leg suppcrr, reg. 29,.00 .......• :..; •••. : ...... '. 22.99 fi is.all, reg. 18.00 ~· .' ................ 1 •••••• J0.99 . .'ll\'e on argc-sizes o o n o rt Powers 8e11uty Aids: -1csta Strolle~r. A s.ttoller; sletper;.waJlccr, all-iD·Onc, reg. .i\fen·s "'ashable sport shires have shui't slec\IE'S. Pbly··· Fluit! Gol~ Enriched Cleanser, reg. 8. ·o ······~· 5 ~00 25,00 •·······.··••·•·······•····r·•··•••,-•t J9.9C) ester and cocton blends fur e:i.sy care. B.uffµnis' Owti.in rtuid Gold Skin Balance Lotiun, reg. 12.50 .> ... • ..... 7 ,50 F.olda-Tri-Chair fold1 flat: Converu 101oulh,'thcii 10 u1il· rd 6 00 tel 00 . .. ·.c:9 2/"''00 .. .. so J s. patterns, re.a;. . · . . ............. ,. -. f t· fluid Gold Emulsion, reg. 7.50 ca .• ~.~ ...... ~;: ... 5 ._00 ~ C~air,·reg.,'18.00 ......... _.', .• ·,, :1.-.~ .. : •.• 141,99 Mcn'1 pullover full-fashioned Ban-Lon•iil knit. shfr'1/1 0 f Fluid Cleanser moisrurizr-.s and 10ftens; reg.,J);.00;., 3.5~ al er:Ju:mper adjuj1s -~nsi~n~fQt f eav.ict ~by., f.old~. nyloo. Compleu~ly :wa~ha~I~: whiie, black. ,gold, !trc.err Fili id Prishcntr, reg. 5.00. . •.•• '. ..•••• '·! .. f., .00 .fll~'{o.!'1P.orlii/ res. l:OO: '.l .'\'..., r ........ it.~· •.,,I 6.4 6r blud$.~W>\Xtl, re), ?;00-1 LOO? •• ,, •••• , •••• , 5.99 .. 11; Annual sp«ial from Nini Ricci. Slender, t egaM stiri''y PcTerson Safe·T·Seir. Thick foam paildcd sear, btc~ arm "' W coniainer enibcllishcd w1th a golden clap ... Caprice! .. a.nd rail and headrest. Cro:ss. shoulder safety $tr,p. Ebony. ~fen·, Perma.Prcss pre.cuffed trou~ers of couon and "Coeur-Joie" also available in Madcqfoisclfc. ;ipray. I 1-:i ·royal blue or whi1e washable vinyl upholstery, reg. 15.00 poiycscer, S'ind; oliVe. bro.nze or powder as well as plaids -oz •. size. "L'Air du.I cmps~ oc.."Cpeilr-Jo,i,e" • .,. , 5Cl.r ....... ~-... -.......... , .... -•.• , ,-•••• --. .-•• --.-. •1 no..~ •.• .-117 9-9 ~ and_tauersalls; ~2-42--waut,_38·_j3_ Jetlgths. Reg, l 0.090· "Capr_ifli" ._ .......•....••••. ~ ••••• '.~ •••.• 1 •• , •• 5.00 1 Crea~c-rcljs(a4~ sllorri!ts'!' H~l>M:k'(>r t:;·u!ton shO"ulder l 'L.00 · •····•••0"'•0 •'"0 •·•:.,. ••••• *' .. .,. ....... 9, 9 For men, "The Y ou n,it lion'' coloji)f:": •.•..•...• , • :OO l 11-plaills:in<t'dll!rr2"rcr"4 ••• ,. , , ;-;-;;-;;; , •• , ;;;-;;-;"; 2~99, -Our-entire s1oc-lc-of fin~1c\i:s.for mct1-l't'duced: STATIONERY SHOP Famou~ i\faker Albun1s; Sim u!acrJ cowhide c¥o,·erin,;s "·irh gold tooled borders: Single ~ip·albu~. 4.50 value , .•• , • , •••• , , , •• , •• 3 ,29 1\-lagnenc pho10 album, 6.00 value., .•• , ••••. ,.••• 4 .50 Scrap Book, 4.00 value ............. , • , • , • ., , • , •• 3.29 Address Boolc, 4.00 value • , , ••• , , •••• , , •• , •••• 3.00 Ea1on's' parchmenr-rhin J(ationcry~ This eltgant paper in wh ite, blue, yellow or aqUa, 1.25 valu.~ •• •••• 70c box Envelopes, .~5 valur, •••••••••••.••• , •.•. , .40 pk,. Go.Go to1c bags in as~rted fall colors and lizard fini sh. Full zip, ful ly lined, inside pocket; reg 3.50 •.•• -... 2.50 Double deck bridge play cards in assorted d~siins. rel£. 2.00 ••••........•••••••••••• '-1.~S a doub e deck F.1111ou~ maker boxed Christmas cards; 25 cuds to a ho>.". 2.00 v.iluc .........• , .. , .. , .• , •• , , , • , .......... 66 ho.\: Lli~GERll:. F.amous maker canon terry robe has Schiffli ei:nbro1dery, trim. 10 to 18, reg. 16.00 ••. , ,, ••••••.••••• ·,_.. 9 .,9 Barbizoft broa.dCloth cluster 10 match sleepwear. Pink-. blue, apricot er green in P.S·M·I.. reg. 11.00 •• , •• 1.99 Famous make Arncl® triacetate fleece duster has: tai· lored collar and braid trim to conceal gripper closin,R. Side pockets; coral, rose, avocado or blue in P·S·M·L reg. 17.00 •••••••••••••••.... ·•••••••·••••• 12.99 F ... m~s make nylon tricot robe is compftttJy lined in lighrweight polycs1cr fiberfill. Pink, blue, maize or nude ~n P·S.~~cg. 17.00 . __ ............ :.:····•••• 12.99 Gosu.rd coordinated sleep enscn;iblc. Nylon 1ricot sleep sroup includes shift gown, pajama. robe and scuff, in pink or blue, rc1c.1.00-J2.00 •••••••..•• , 2.99-9.99 )unitJ'~ lingerie !educed. WJrnrr's Jr: In1in1a1e ''Shootin,i: Star" p11jiuna; I to 13, reg. 9.00 • , • •., •• ,,,., •.• 4. 99 Silvc on B;1.rbi1on go~·ns in di,c()ntfnued "?>.lelissa," "~tr-rry'' •and ''Mandy" styles of clain1y Blrndairc •) polyes1cr/nylon/cotton bast~IC wi1h rosebud ~mbroidery trim. Shif1 and sleepcoar in pink, blue or apricot; • P·S·M·L reg. 7.00 .••• , •••..••.•. ,, ............ 4.9'1 Loi:tg sown, reg. 8.00 •••............•••.• , •.•.• 5. 99 Very Famous make shift gowns. U(·e and embroidery 1r1m~: P-S-~-f-L, rt'g, 9.00·1 3.00 ....••. , .... 5.99-8.99 \'cry F.1n1ou~ m;i.ke short p.int paj11n1as of nylon 1ricoi. Charming "Counter Cheqllc~" pattern; 30 10 36: re>:. 11.00 ....................................... •I. 99 f.1111ous n1Jke slips anJ'bra·slips arc nrlon trirot an.I s1a- hil1:ecd nylon. Taffene®. Di~contin'ucd styles and colors lni:luding whirc; short, avcr;i.gt, 1111, lhemise; 32 .. 10. Br.a.- sh ip bas softly contoured cups with l•ce hrm 1rim. White, black. pink, blue:, fros1 or beige in A·B·C cups; ll·l8; rig. 7.00,11.00 ........................ 4. 99 Vt"ry Famous mal;c slips in colors and white. Embroidery and lace trims, dttp hems of luci 32·40, reg. 9.00 S.99 Lace aod embroidery trim famous make pcuiskins. Whire. paStels a.qd aomc prints in short tnd average lcn3rhs. Some mini's. l cx,.-4.00..(l.OO., ••• , •••••• ' •••..••. 2.4~2:99 Very Famou1· ma\:.~ fashion slips ar.c la~ishlt l•ce trimmed. Short and avcra,gr-; 32·40, re1. 13.00 •.• 8.99 f1rnou1 make nylon tr~cot 'brl ci·1, bikinis; 4 to 7 . 99, l· 2.90 ----=-::::--......,, ,_ ' Wool.J>r Dicron !I wl)!eStCk.JIBi,"'<l!>t~ntl ifl_ hopsai:l:, twill Qr "''Ofsted . weaves, reg. 20.00 lO 27.50 and reg. Nylon ·trirot or Kadel~ polytsrcr 'lips. and ha;lf·slip fash· ions; builc~up sho_µJdtts o_r •.~iust._ble: •g~pJ.i.. S.QfuJ!., priDtS a.nd white, reg. 3.,Q0.-4.00. ••·••••••• J.19-3.19 Rugged aod cillf'l.ble t0Uag1t is ojeufi' and m2rk:resisr~nt', Has·large "Zip ouccr-Poclcet and zip closing; wide array of prinrs,.rcg. ).00-8.00 • ••••• ........ , ••••• ~ 3.19-6.49 /\ 11-wnther""j:oats trt Dauon!ll polfesccr and <'Ottoo wirh Ze.Pei® finish 'o resist water; Zip out plush lining's; plaidsotsolids, 17.00-19.00 walue •••• t. Fla.ir ~tom plnls and bib 1horts in crisp cotton sail· clo1h. Prints and pastels, reg. 4.50·7.00 ...• 2.49-3.49 ,. ~ •fO.Olf td-.f5.00. n~ ~ ...• 1 ......... :--; ·J-5:99 lo 34.99 Save d\iring Our biggcsr sui1 sale. OUr fame>us~makcr Suits arc all from regtilar s1ock; Labels includC":· Hickey Fr~eman, S~Cin~fochddichaci ~1c rn. fir Freeman.-Tern· - po.,and Buf!ums' Owra Crcst;'Many mod.eh, rabri,a snd ool(>I'~ t.,.-89<9~ ~ 2)).00 ,._." •• ., ~.9:9Jlf0 l~-99 Save on spcci'al •roup of spo~-<oaf·f.-2~bui:t 6 or bla:er models' in 1h~e fine Dacron® polyesu.~r and wool sport coat9. Solicl colors and a.s.sorc~d patterns in the selection. reg.65.00-75.00 ••····················-······ 49.99 MEN'S SHOES CrosbfSquarc brushed leather slip-on from our "Ranch- ero"·collec<ion in gold, rni s1 green or 1an ; grained leather 'irt' .. ,hite. 7~ to 12. Rt'g. !8.f)O . , ..... , ..•• , . , 14.49 LIITLE; SHAVER SHOP -1\fEN'S SHOES Link1titch c;ardigan sweaters. POpul1r bcl1-1lec.ve strlt i1 machine wa.shable Orlon® acrylic; 4 to 7. Reg.. ·6.00 3.99- Perma-press bermudu are polyester and conon blend. Elastic back, iip fly, two pockets; assor1ed solids, checks and plaids,.( to 7, reg. -4.00 •••••....•..•••.•••• _2~49. Stretch crew type hose to fat sizes 5 ro 8; assoncd par· 1crns and.Solids, reg .• 60 to .8} •. , . , , .• , •. , ••• 3/ 1.29 Waterproof nylon jacket bu zip front, is sun:oat length. Qullc lining for "'armth; macllinc washab1e and dryable-. 4 to 7, reg. 12.00 ••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••• 8.99 Fin~ cotton flannel pajamas in the long sleeve, long lrg collt style. 4 10 7, reg. 4.00. . .•.•....•...•..... 2.59 Buffunu; Own while combed couon b(icfs are .$a.nfor· iz.cd. Have fly front, double scat, elastic waistband; 4 ·and 6. ,. .. 3/2.lO .............................. 3/2,00 Buffums' Own-whi1e Eombed c:octon unde-rshir1s with nylon reinforced crew necks, short sleeves. Sanforized® 4 and 6, reg. 3/2.75 ......•........••.•••.•.• 3/2.25 STORE ··on BOYS Buffums' Own quality undrrwr-ar; Boys• cotton fla.nnel pajamas, long .sleeve long lei coat s1ylc, 9izcs to fit, 8 10 16, reg. 4.00-4.50 •• .' ........ , 2.99 Pcrm•press sport shirrs; 8 to 20, ~g. 4.00-5.00 .•• : 2.59 Shon sleeve knit shirts. Mock turtleneck styling in Stripes. :o;olids; 8 to 18, rrg. 3Jl0·3.)0 ••••••••••.••••....•• 2.19 Boys· Perma-Press bermudas. These easy-care bermud11.s arc .Polyester and cotton blend. Solids and pauerns; 8 t() 18 10 regulars.and slim, reg. 5.00-6.00 •.•.••••.. 3.99 Waterproof nylon parka. 5Utloa1 leng1h h'as zi p fronr: quih lining, is machine washable and dry1ble; 8 ro 20,' rc_g.15 .0Q.17.00 ............ , ••••...•.•.•• -:-.• 11.99 Link stioch. bell-sleeve cardig<u1 swe.uers. l-iiChinc wash· able Orloni.5) ac~ylic; 8 to 12, reg:. 9.00 •••••••••..•• 5.~9 Ii 10 20. re~. 11.0il . . ...................... 7.99 ¥en's dress shoes, tic or slip.on shoes by famous maktr~. M~ny popular discuririnucd styles in grain or smooch. le11thcr; black ot brown. 7 !!.z ro l 3. R<g. IO )9.00 ................ , ......... 19.99-29.99 VARSITY SHOP Traditional Jres.s ihirt in buuoit down and sprc.ld collars. Choose .laltcrsalls an~ 'ltripes Jn all colors and rlie~. Famous makers. Reg. s:oo.1 0.00 •..•... 4.69, 2/9.00 Famous make dress slacks in tt2dirional plai:l frori1 ityl· jng'. 29 10 38, reg. 20.00-32.50 ...•••••.• J 5.99, 2 /3 1.00 ..EJHire, stock of .natural shoulder sui1s in 100~0 wool f ab. rics and Oacron® polyes1er and wOQI \\•ors1ed ·sui1~ ii\ solids, sttipt-s and blends. Regulars 37 to 4•i, longs 39 rn -4-1, reg.-60.00 to 100.00 ••••••• , ••• , ••••. 44.IJI).. 79z99 N.itura.I sh_o!Jlder famous maker sport CO<tts are J 00% wool shed and or wool worsted. keg. 50.00-60.00, 39.99 SILVERWARE Beautiful silvcrplate accessories Revere style bowls in four sizes'wirh ruby, blue or green. stain:resistant enamel lining: 5-inch, icg.' 10.00, 7.00;· 6~1nch, rC4-12.00, 8 .40; 8-inch, rejf. 16.0U, · · l l .20. 9·1nch, ~eg. J8.50 ...••.•••.•••••.••.••.••.•.•..•• 12.95' I Vi·qt. covered ca~scrole. reg. 18.00, cream •nd su~·r ori 1r~~ .. r~~: :? .. ~~· .!~?'.~~ ~;~:~~g;, ~ .r~~:r:~l~.41·~~. .Alvin ~ccrling, 32·pc. set B.r,idal Bouquet and Avil,a;" reg. 440.00 .•.. , ............. , ••...•.•...•.•..•.• 250.00 Viv11!di, res:, 492 ,00 •...•.• , •••••........•.•.• , .• 280.00 All srrving pieces ind open stock pieces ..•••.. 25?'c ofr • TABLE LINENS ' ' CHILDREN'S SHQES , "Carmel" textured rablcclo1hs by California Hand Prine :·No-Iron ~oi.I Release" tinish. Squares, oblongs and nlP: 'k1ns, 1clf~frJn3ed: rou,nds and oval$ arc finished Wu~·· platch1'n8'fr11l,ge. AV(M;'atio, anrique gold or lcmo~ ifi A•:""'~ ' ril~ nyon and 'cotron: · SizCs',2x12, reg. 5.00, to 65x90 Oval, · Boys' B. f'. Goodrich tennis shoes. Some slight lrr.cgulars in n••J •nd oli"'.e, Up to boys' size 8. reg. to 7.~0 • 3.99".., B. F. Gooclrich tennis shoes for girls: whire, colors, some irrcgulat. Up to gifls' size 8, ttg. ro 6.50 t .•.••• , •.. 2.99 l?amous ~·lctr-T-strap or oxford shoes from regular stock in red or l>fack; girls' ~i:te 8~ to .arowin.a gi"rls' 4, reg. to to.oo ............... , ............. : .................. 1 .88 Youn• men's .Crosby Square sho.cs, slip·on styles -..iith square-roe desian, bl;aclc or brown Jtather, rq. to 14.00 · · · · · ····•······ .............•............ reg. 15.00., ••••..•.••••••...•••.••...• J.9910 J.1.99 ~ ;i.· ap ins, reg. J .00 , •.• , , , , • , , , , , •• ,. , ... , , •• , . , , , .8? 'Jiffy.Ory" towels by ,Bucilla, reg. t.00 ••.••• , , ••• 8~S Jewcltone vinyl tablecloth is cor1011 Oanncl backed. Wipes clca.n; solid color with-• scalloped edge. Avocado, §~Jg o~·~·h·i~~~-~~:;.s. :~~~~: .r.e_g: .~·~.· .:~ ;~·~9'9~~d6~9\ Save on cus1om table pads •.. ~yroxilln-coated leather· e,ne or finest vinyl alumi!lum in.sulation for hr-•t&·rote(::. uon. free mcasuru11 service. Pads and lcavet l % off ;JllllJOllT CENTER • #1 FASHION l~D • 644-2200< I • MONDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY 10:00 TILL ,9:30 • .~ OTHER PAYS 10:00 TILL 5:30 J -. . I . ~ ' ' ' , --·- ~ ! I ~f GRANtS Kas 'em! The Mo1t Fomou lrand1 at the Lowe11 l'rlce1I *i.EVl'S~, * MR. LEGGS * ~NGLER _:JLa•. ,. •LL IOmilU• ., ... "''"" nun ti mWIJIWIS ' I "~I& ·, ·-. . "'"". . 8RL BOTTOMS •·s-& •11• LADY'S JUlll llLL IOTTOllS II.rd'" 11i it!W.. "~"'. , ....... ~Ill" .rm . Gr1nt'1 " sc.uitr K11d4'v1rttri - fr.m c1nlHftt M "t.li-._,,.. cook 1tfl, Hd '.U ·Yt\lr hildfti -,,.~I • * * CAMPER SPECIAL·* * 3-LB. DACRON "88'.' • HEAVY POf'UN ttvtr, r,,.. 1ln 36112 lt11. Fvll hntth jll'l'lllM tip- ,., Nkn Into 1 ffultlt Mt. flt• "'' ll1tt4. $10!! VALUE! S1ltd froM 1S Cel1m1n .,..,. int Utt frfm t1.11,. is4,11 TMIU • ' DAILY PILDT JZ • NEXT DOOi }lT ' •J -. -~-.-CiRANT'~GUlF....---'-'--1 • GOIN' TO THE BEACH? BETTER STOP AT GRANT'S! RUBBER LIFE RAns W1 h.!!t tM of the ftl'flll Mite. tioll'f or Surf Rld1r1 ,._,, '"''"W•• •• , Stt Gt'1nt'1 first! Other Moclelste $12.95 --............ ~ --• LIVE IT UP WESTERN STYLE! WESTERN SHIRTS YOU'il LOY! l'MEll_,11 oow <~· $695 ors In pl1ld1 111d solid Colon. Complete stock of llKli: 1'111 trtd slttYt hi119th1. PtnNllMt· Prtu. RU HATS, tlO" bllck .• ,,,.,, .. $3.91 WISllRll STRAW . hats .......... $3.49 1"-21-1'' BELTS, 2MO ... : .. $3.9~5.91 ---'~"' . ·WESTERN BOOTS ' ~ Famous 11Dur1ngo" WES.TERN . BOOTS FAMOUS •ouuNGO"' ........ ... .. lit tht llfttt 1fyl1. Hhvlh-Out"' IMtfltr fw tvttH .. .,. SU..$ t113. ACME NEWUT mu $19'5 IOC)TS wmt 1ucru AQOSS I • , .JI, •. t, ' . FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS!' fAMILY TENI 5All! .. JUMBO SIZE • GRANT'S -CHECK LIST! 0 FOLDING CAMP STOOLS ... , ........ 98c D RAYO-VAC BATI£RIES ............. 10c J&J FIRST AID KIT ............... $6.95 MOSQ"UITO HEAD NETS ............. 98c LAUNOtf BAGS .................. 98c TINT BAGS .................... $1.98 ·TINT POU BAGS ....... , • '. ...... $1.'8 RUBltRIZED CANVAS AIR MATIR!SS ......•..•...••••. $3.88 100% WOOL BLANKETS ......... $6.95 ~OlfMAN !<4J.NTllS .......... 2 for 39c 100 FEET V." ROPE ............... 98< CAMP TOIUT c.n.,1m with tr•. ""· .. ' ..... . .. un -1288 $3.91 ' AIR MATIRESS REPAIR KIT .• , ...... 98., 1,...""'--..,. .. l111 Uml , WASH BASINS .-.............. from 49c "' ,., .. .., u '""" ••••" ... -'"'''* THOUSlllDS OF CAMPING IRMS _.,..,~ ... ,.,._ ~ v;'"oAL~ ~'. •$i'.41 TO FILL YO',. IYUY llllDI SNAKE llTf KIT 5 G.U ••••• $_1.91 ,... lt!G. --1 •• ~I ' .... __________ .... $2.91 •. . "CHARGE IT" at 8R&IT'S • 'SURPLUS GIANT~. CllMGI • ACCOUNTS •. '. BB .. f ! I 1 f •If, LANTERNS $ ,.. • ::.:::. •Moon , ..... ~~!.:::.:""~~ .... $)98 At•r '" w.t 11 -ml•* iitoi.M NllD fl CHI.CK-UP? llUHq IN YOUlt I.AN· TlRNS AND STOVES -NO $lRVIQ CHARGE AT Git.ANT'S! ORAHGI COUNTrs ONLY OFJIC1Al COLI· MAN WAii STATIOHI .... ~-- s5,9.aa 10' x a~ 1,r; Illy lo Towl. * Euy " Pirkl . * Easy to·Sft .UpL *Elsy to Ow.I FROM--' ' . . $795 ' .. • -- T.,. ·~~/ ~··eea~ i---...r--~· ----:~ ~ig . '' ~olt ' ILTF - • f .... , ~ 0 -d p S :i.... •• ' • " '·I _ ne•(J,rrne.· -. rep fi!r WASHl!ICToN (Al'l -TM Unu,d , WedntliloY to bve player -~ lorm. :.• 1nl.r;,.u.w w11m..u ... ol _ _ _ stai. w111 mm • ..W move loday lo l)10n! 1'•1Jatk:a!l1 defined llld lo·~ II· tholr own a. Tltal !hi· Devil· eur, be llitown open ' to all iournament p ay.,., pro ind r•=ed•llie. • • ---hlvo !hi l>avl1 CUp !brown open Iii pro Uonal ..,..latlool rilort ·~ In ·,.. -B l<llp\! ~ Ind Ama'IQa'•~i.., cr .. lljit plvln& prlv!Jt#! 19 11ia1r.-, -!I~. ~°' lhe,... ~ve ••· -Mows Bown--atsinen--~11~~.-~. 1t0,,;...,..,1ne11~.dft~uio-11 {"~-:;:~~~":~~ ~ nUy, ~ II 1..mllh-maah ot~ .coafilied.catqories. Tllo.JL'I'l..&~ Iii• mimber of -lhal moy·be plaied. Players such u Albe, Cl1ri Graebner, Charlie Pu.,.11 Ind S~ Smilh ll r e technically Pl"'· l ' CllQQY, lilnti. <APl -YOW!C lllY Ntlm, rllbt-llln4ed blMball pitch-er liJr cnitby0lron1Go .ffl"1 lichOol, liu • loed laal liall, a aood e!Ulnl· ;urv• and lbe idmll'aUon ol his coaches. What.he dottn't have ia: a left arm. · '!lie eoichea wori rurprtsed when lhe unheralded t0phomore -ed up f9f -praotice Jut aprln(, They ,,.... more aurpmed when Ibey /ound out whit he·coold do wllh h1' one arm. - "Ht'• been phenomenil," 1111 lllcli Bennell, wbo coached Ne"°'1 In Amtrl<ID Lqfoo -ball. Wlth aome nfinemenl!I Jn his motion u worked out by h1I coaches, NeJ- IO!l compiled 1 W r--11 In high llChoOI play this aprJns. He went fl tlral&ht lnnlilgs witliout allowing ·an llln!ed run. In Lt1Ion play, he 1111 I U rocord Ind a ~t alrinl OI II fnnlnp. "I hedJl'I ployed 11nywhere before I went out for the hllb tchool lum lu the spring'," tbe young man laid. • "BUI I've been mterested In bl>eball for a lont Ume ••. around lhe time I wu In third arade. I made enou&h money mowlnl lawna lo buy mysell I alove." PfOlldeol of die u,a. Llwn' Ttli)lt of opeiilng up Davit Ctlp play 1o pro. II: ., Aaocltl!on/' Nl4 AtJllllr ~ Jr., ·the 1UCb as Rod 't:aver, P"'li<ho G!>nulel. I. Thal Ille n1Uonal U10CllUon1 have top,rwed lf.S. player •. "We hlve•c:om-Ken Rooewall 8114 DellDk Rallliio -a lull tell-Gllentlll)IUoo lo clecldln1 ·whtre · pleie filth In wlUll he ii lr>'lnl lo•do,"\ ·prlvlltge· vetoed last -•·by Ille Davll Ila playtn 1DI)' campelt. Tllut, tt Arlbur ·Albe &hd other mtm'oeni ol lhe'U.jl. CUp ll&Uooa. . • Albe, l rqialirtd pltytr llld not a con- DIVIJ CUp-twn;-lnCllJdlnr'C.p!aln -U-calegortes -are r,edeflll<d 1iY lhe ·1rac1 pro, WIDted IO-play ml)ii'\lltiiibly llOoald _Dell, are compeUq ln the JLTF, lhe Dll'il CUp acllGn. which car-Open and !hi V8LTA 1ald oby, be mlCbl Woshln&lon Siar 12$,000 lnlemalloaal rl«I by allm 11'11 vote, <in be nepled. do .... champlonahlpt 'here. The Associated' Prw lQmOd lhll 11 I. Thal the naUop1l uaocltUona Martin II lll1\"1· 1o leld • 111)1~. lief.,.. ·the U.S. CIJ!lpalgii.-' ouPPortod b·7 delermlol . lhe number ol open the 1nnual 1111<Un' of the llltemaUonal El\tllnd, France·lftd AUIU:alla, lalll, the loumamenll lhat moy he 1tqld. Thia is Lawn Tennli Federation In Pra.guo big lour leMll 11Uona'lll&y JIUll oul l!ld """dlctalOct by Ille !l;TF. Met Star's They moy pity !Ot caoli. prl!es aJ1lf comP'!I• tn...tl!l Dai;s CUp. Yet l!Jey •re b~ by the ILTF lrom otnctly pro events, sponsored by the conttlct pros. The contract PfOB -Laver, Gomalez, Rosewall, etc. -., ar< .tmilar!l' lncllglble to play in certaln· ~ilJ ~li:e .~amen~, auch as the 1151000 event here. They can t plly in the Davia Cup. "I ployed a lot ol calch at borne, bul I never reall,Y dld much pltchlnfl until last year," be added. "I made a back.stop that brings the ball back to ~~-~hme. 11 boolf<tfl11Ci olf IOme'nibblt n>pt attttcbed·belwoen two fJOllL" 7-year Wait -Finatly Ends I I I 11'1)' learned to mlllipulale lhe glove to lhe point where nobody bu bit • ball put him lbiJ yw. ' 41He wu born without a left arm just btlow tht shoulder," Bennett said of the YOWll man. .,. ''He holda tbe 11ovJ: under h1I arUficiat. ann When he'• pitchlnC, ~ &lips it on hil rlgbt band when he fm!shts bis motion. You can stand there arid watch him c&refully and ht does it so. fut you eaq't • him put &he atove on." Nelson still wants to improve. He hu naJled pills to the aide of the barn al hil niral Deerwood, Minn., borne tnd ii perfecUn& hil pitching accuracy. Sp!_ke Trlaq1;1lar Scorfug System Cuts Out NF;W YORK (AP) -The New York Meta are...altve and kicking even l!ltrong. er-thanks to a couple of rescue acts by the old Met, who la trylnc to end seven long yean or ll'WlltraUoo. Ed KranepOol , whose homer was the only hit off loser Firguson Jenkins for eight lnnlnp, capped a three.run ninth with a run-scoring single that gave New York L~ vic!My over the.Chlaago.CU"'!JI'-~ Tuesday Jn lhe first game of their cruc1a1 Chlcago Cubs Tuelday ln the ftnt· 1ame three-game series. A crowd ol 51,000 watched !!'• Wt. Ttle Mets' Sixth straight vldory cut to lollr the Cubs' East Dlvialon lead over New York. Chicago ha_s lost four atrilgfiC- M . ~ "I've wilted aevett lona ye&r1 for thil -Britisk, · ·eet-.u1ii1;est-==~::-~::·~lif~;~!f.r:!- Auuie Ron Clarke la one ol lboae •ho Voiets dl.lplea.lurt with the scoring system sel uprorur. JUiy l~ll Iraci'ix· trava1anza between Russia, the Br1tlah Commonwealth and the USA at MemorlaJ Collleum. Clarke.opines that it would be 111 u~ ••••••••••••••• WHITE WASH ---,,- for·cr•ba 1J1Ml u far u the team title ts concerned 1f 1COring were on a re,war Iri..,,.&ar bull. That opink)a is bued OD the Com- monwealth type1 •l'Oflnl he'vlly b> distance eVenti, the Rusaiw doln& well Police Protect Net Protesters BltlSTO~. Enaland (AP) -Police to- day tightened security precautlq111 11 the Redlands Tenn.ls Club; whh. anu- Apartheid campaignera: have threatened to stop ne.,t week's Davis Cup match between Brit.ain and South Africa . Police wllh auard dogs patroled lhe area Wedneldoy night. Tennis officlila became alarmed after last -Mor>CfiY"I IOOdent ~t Oxlorct, where fitrlps of turf were tom up durina the night at a crlciet field where a south African te&m. was due to pl.)'. Stanley Hl"~nl. chairman of the Britlah Lawn TMnil Auoclatlon, said: "All we are ~Ill to do Is to complete lhis ltnnla malch jit&Ciibiy." Security measures were tntenalfJed on tht very da:Y that South. Africa'• tennla future wu beln& · dllcUISed by 11\0 International Lawn Tertnl! Federation Jn Prq:ue. Sweden 1111 propooed lhat players from countries whk:h practice r a c J a 1 dlacrlmlnaUon be IJIMta from the Jn. IernaUonal Iournuneot circuit. BtlUab offlclala reportedly fl v or 1wltchln1 South Africa to anotbe:r zone of lhe DIVIJ CUp. At ~. the South Alrlcan1 compele In the European Zone, and they have ruched the final of Section A tN• yw after playing only one match agali:ilt Itili in ,the first round. Jl'Irsl Poland tnd then Ctecholllovalda re!Uled lo ploy Soulh Alrlc1 as 1 protat 11alnll A!Jlflhoid. Red-hot • L08 ANG!i:LES (AP) -Minny Mota WU b'foc on I ttllnlng table 1• l!JI Loi ~ Dod(en' dretslna room. Hit &.fl elbow ml -Witt encuecl Jn kl Ind tl\lt wa lronfc l>lcaure he had jUll pul t1J!! AlllDI& Bram In Ille deep ltteoe. Maio. delplle • Jlliolul tlbdlr which ~ 11111 hlaled loliowlna llll'ltll' !or 1 .....__....,.lbeofl1tuonan<11 badl7 lJrWed loioe plclled up while ~ .. 1111 ~ lllnlmad ~t bl!O fl(la In ,._, nlClll'• doub]e. __ ....... _ . Hit~ .... balped lb 1 Dod&tn ..,..,.--. W and 14, llid ngaln !Int 1'iace In lhl ~l!looil Llq\M' Wesl ....... DlNfoi;• • on Ille field wllh the Yanks domlnaUn& sprints and hurdles. _ _ ~ someone (U.S. o!ficialJ say it Wa5 UM Ruuians), however, wat able to 1et the -'"I figured on a double dual bul1, which lea\'ea the Commonwealth the decided underdog agalnat both foea . lt'a too bad this had to happen , since Interest might have bulh up over the team race. Now there appears to be no focal -point and attendanct wUI un- doubtedly reflect It. P!Olnoten m talking U,000 ptr day. They'll~· more apt lo get 17,000 • day, Hoiever1 Uiey'll blll out fintnciillly wllh a $115,000 le1evi.sion contract. U lbe Balllmon Orfole1 I,.. Ulelr Mrl SI 11m01 lbey'll 1UII be pl1yfq .Mt belt. 1h alcaao Cahl coaW drop IG tn 11c. et1llOD ... aUP M al tlai .5'1 mark. Tile Mlell -14 •ave lo pdl toctlber il vtdorltt ID a r o w to"' reach Ute .Ml plate111. As tOng u Rod Laver'a resldtnet Jn Corona del Mar conUnue1 to bt a ~ to everyone ln the world except DAlLY PILOT ruders, Rod ii going lo mlal out on aome ot iM: rnany recotnlUona due hhrt a1 the finut tennia player wb!:> ever stalked the courts. Orange · County and Newport Beach chlmbers of commerce au.rely w o u 1 d. have put together some flttlna ceremony to bonor Rod'• many deeda. Duto !or Ille city colindl and county aupervllors. ·And, Orange County Press Clut> would llk~ly have not made its blundet of choo&- lng Dan Gurney over Laver for Otance County'• 1161 pro headllnei ol lhe yev. Hopefully, that error will be CQlTected when 1989 htadllnets are aelected. Oumey'a oulltanding 2nd plact f1n1lb at Indy 11 !Ull 1 notch behind Laver'• wln 1\ Wimbledon tnd a probalJle a1C!J11C1 tennla grind alam. Tbe htadllner alhlile Cb0lce1 bolh wllhertd wllh Ed Caruthen' llllure to make lhe U .s. loam which wfll meet the Rusalans July 11-11. • Canither1 was picked ovtr Laguna l!ea"1'1 Jilli Toomey u leading imaleur for tOBI. Caruthen 'Wu a allvlr medall!t In lhe Olympic ·G•m"' hlah jump. Toomey wu. 1old medallat In Ille 4te•tbion. Ltke Laver\ however, To0mey'1 Lacuna reald~ It riot wide&, inoWn beclUll he apenda comider~ Um• In lhe Sanla Barbara area w'bere be teactiea echool. While Carulhtrs mlued m•kl"' lhrs yur'1 U.S. lnleenaUonal 16am, Toomey WI! Oii lcheduir, •lnnlnl·' bil fifth 1ttallhl n1Uonal MU dee11hloa crown IUI mool!J. H• mlY 111'111: lbe world record at the u.s.-llutlll.,..i. J>:oager The 1WftJJ WU IOOOt!IJ>ILlhed before U.114 llld 11vfLot An1t!e1 ·Ibo !lad hy ontbal!pm1. Tbe -COftCludM toniPt Wllb If. ....... ~ l~ !1W!i!it&i Iii ta 11111! -wlanlr Joe Nlekro pllchln& for AUllllll 11abi111 11 ..... t winner Bill SlnF" " .. ~- Mota'• tlPI hill r.u aat ~of lhe m•· Jer 11.,.. rtcOld lee -t "'-Ill 1 doubltlleador. ':Tl>e main thlnc1" Mota said lrom bi.a \ I --- the team's inception In 1982. "When I first came to this ball club, guys on the other teams used to look forward to comlng here . .Sut, I'll tell you lbiJ, nobody-wtu fat1e1r up·the1r~aV1!!11.­ on lhls team now." Kranepool Isn't the only confident Met. "This team ts confident, Everybody's high. We always feel we have a Cbancet and we don't give up," aald JtrrJ Koosman, who picked, up bla slldh victory 11 declalons tbanu to lhe lole erploalon. Jenilnl complelely nWler<d lhe Melt unUI lhe nlnlh. H• rellred tho !~st· II Mets ln order, al'ld alter Kranepool'1 blast, retlred)he nest 11 atral&ht'!-. But pltcf>.lillter Ken S-.U led olf the tut lmllng wilh i ~ doUble to shallow llG ID'S BIO MOMENT -New York Mets' play- er Ed Kranepool (7) is congratulated by happy te&mn111tes alter driving in the winning nin with two out in the botlom of the ninth innlng Tuesday \/'I T ..... llttt against the Chica10 Cubs. The Meis drew 55,000 lo Shea Sladiwn-for the afternoon tilt, which they won with three runs in the ninth. ce~e-Jqee popped out,-btll S -- 0onn ci.-.1o11owed wtlh a double 1o po_ rts In Brief Angels, Pilots Clash T«;>night In Twin Bill · Ufe lill field Will. - Cleon Jone11 double down the left field line ll!Ored two runs, and an intentional walk and lnlleld around out put runners on second and third before Kranepool blooped hll wtnnlhg olngle lo left. Etnte Banta' lith bom@r of the season, and 488th 6f h1a carter, had produced a I· 1 tie for the CU.bl in the 1lllh. Chicago added another run ln tht seventh on Glenn ~ker\11 run-prln1 single. Jim II1cklnan had a lolo hom!r In lhe elgblh. Lang Sought Philly Escape PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Halfback ]JZY, Lang •aid today he wanted to be traded away by the Philadelphia Eagles "because I dldn't want to be tubjected to any form of oppression from the Ill minds of &OClely" In Phlladelphia. Lina. who bas been lobbying to be traded for the put year or 10, was trad- ed Monday lo the Loi Ana•les Rams. Ling, a Negro, Hid Phllidelphia Is "bulcall)' an anU·black dty." "If you 1top to thlrik of the number nf white atbletel who have expounded on their problem• to mana1ement and then compare them to the number of blaclc ath1ete.t who have done the !'lame, you'll find the black man. because he i!I Of the minority race, la considered wrong." Ha added, "The bit.ck athJete has been atereot}'ped for ao lon1 u an Individual who 8Cf'atched his held when it wasn't ltchln1 and lluaJted at things that weren't fuMy. "When a black person apeaks out on something totally unfair to him or speab ou\ for his ri1hts, he lmmedtattly Is claaslUtd 11 1 smart aleck , .. a smart ble.cll:." Lan1 said, .. The whole trouble today Is that they feed a bit.ck athlete a black conttatt and a while athlale a white con- tract." Encased let-bedecked restlna place, "was that wt won two aames. It aurt ii nice to be in ·Unt pllce." "What CllJ> YOU llj' lbout lhll &IJll!" Dodier nllil*l'f Walter Allton wondered aloud. •1&11 Just creat, that'• all there lll to It." "He (Mota) wu the 1teaJ of the year,11 o(lertd Joe MOlller, lhl IO!dom-u9ed Dodpr pitcher who made bla llnl lllrt In 111 d1y1 In Ule· ltCOnd flme -:i~eld<d ..aa.)y_two n1• 1Qd 111.hlfa..ln.a. · alabt~ l<111lna 111n1. Let An&<IU ocqulltd Mola IJld Maury Wills In 1 !fade wtth Mon1rt1l lut monlh. Record 66 by Charles Good for British Lead LYTHAM ST. A!iNES, En&lond -Bob Chulea, the New Zealand lef.t.-hander who won here sl.J: years ago, equalled hla own course reeord with a five.under par 61 and selzed the early lead over a star· studded first in the f I r 11 t round of the 8r1Uah Open Golf Champlonahip today. Among the first American fin ishers the leaders were Orville Moody of Killian. Tex., and Davis Love Jr. of AOarlta, who shot 70s. Neither of the other lwo, Gardner Dickinson nor Let Trevino was able to break par. Trevino, of Dallas, finished wllh a 71, Dlcki-. of Palm Beach, Fla., came In at 76. Charles went out In 31 and came home In 35 over a course lengthened by .200 yards over the 011e he mastered )n 1963. He had 1 277 total that year and won t h e Utle in a 36-hole playoff with P h i I Rod gers of La Jolla, Calif. • • SEATTLE -The preaident of the Seat· tie SuperSonlca 1ay1 the National Buket· ball Assoclalton will Uk Its blD on CharUe Wllilams, e1:.SeatUe Unlverslty star accused five years ago of falllna to report 1 bribe offer to a teammate. · Sam Sch\.llman told a newt conference Tueaday that Walter Kennedy, NBA com- mtuJoner, hu reQpened the Wllllama case. ''and l have-been proml&ed that Wllllanu wU1 be ave.liable. 0 - "The chlftce1 Of ChlrUe ptaylna with Seattle are very aood," Schulman 1.tld. Williams has one year left on a tw~ year contract with· the Minneapolis Pipers of the American Basketball Ice • Ill llCONO UMB ATUHT~ , • Ill LOI AMO I LIS M rlltl ' I I I • 1 ' t ' • 1 • lfAIWtf 4t 1 Otnultl If .. • ' HAl"""f'f 'o' I l'ni~ It I 'T ,,_,.,. It I I I (ltytt)ll 211 Mlillfl Jb I t t OMllOr c ' i 1 0..-ri4o u 1 I 1 Ct"Y' llfl I 0 I ' I ' ' • • • ' ... ' • 2 • I I 0 I ' 1 t 1 ' ... t ••• t t I t ,,.,_,,"' .. . .. ~-. ' .. u~. 100 t•f It I I Tottl fl 0·11 0 An-1\ll 011 .. IOI -I 1.•MI•... 'OOll litliJ.022 -1 l011..:A.-lf'r:-T· LC: ~!1:':. 1f1-o.: .t: ql'orl, Cltl'1• Httltr. --~ill. Hll:-flrr~ CH. Iii' M. Iii ta aa to ·-.. '!''''''' IJ"9111W (I,, ~I Ii 4 t t 1 0 V..,ller t 6 1 I l I M<hl/OI (W,t..U l I I I I I AssoclaUon. Schulman said the Piper1 probabl,Y would ,..k an Injunction il lhe Sonics signed WilllamJ. • WARSAW ...... Waldemar Basunomkl, the Poll1h Olympic and world champion ·weighUlfter, was Injured in a car crash near Lowlcz, central Poland, It wu reported today. Hb wife, Anita, 28, wu killed lnatontly. Hls car sklddtd on wet asphalt •nd overturned tnto • ditch. Baszanowakl, 34, wu r~rted to have Injured the ver:ttbrae of hil back. Welghtllftlng olllclalt Hid be m1y nOt be able lo defend hil wwld lhlmplonlbip In September. • LOS ANGELES -Cualu1 Clay -or Muhammad A 11 , tt 10U prtler -an· nounced himieU "ovenrelgbt. but fast" be.fore going through a lh:·round am· naslum workout. Amid ~laUon the dethroned heavywelglll ch1mplon mlaht be pl1Dnln1 a ietlitn lo lhe , ring, Clay boxed two rounds Saturday and anotber ah: en Mon- day In a Los An1ele1 amnaaium. The e1<hamp malntalntd be wu in the gym limply to lose some weiahl. • INGLEWOOD -Jocieye Don Pierce ·and· Bill Mibomey were IUIPtftded 'flies. day five daya fOr rldlnt lnfratUorta by Hollywood Pui Stewl!'dl. The penalU.. wUI keep them out ol two rich alike. later t.bls week. • CLEVELAND -The Cl0Yel1nd lndl8"s aboli1hed the )ob of 1tnu11 manacer Tueaday, bUt Iii• man who held the j>Ooli· tlon -Gabe Pau1 -wlll continue 11 president tnd Ireuurer of the Amerltlfn Le..,.. bueball club. • LEWISTON, Mljne -WUllom F. Gar· rlgll\, who led ihe loll Booton lled Sox teems to wlu lhl World StriOI Ind whom Babe Rulli called Ille (ll'ttlell ,.. ..... he mr ployed Wider, cl1td Tuetdoy nl&hL Ht lrU It. • COJ.QONE, Qtrmony -Willlt D*v~ port, the U.8'0b'ftJplc IOld mad•lllt. won the u•moler hurdltt fn 11.1 l!ld plo(td third ln lhO ,_ duh Tuetday In Opening "•nt> of lhe , CO!Op loltn11· Uooal Tratll MeeL SEATTLE (AP) -caughl between friendlhJp and duty, Don Mincher kntw what had to be done when Jim McGlotblln threw him a fast ball belt high down the mlddle Tuesday night In the nrat inning of the game between his old Calllorn:la An1el buddies and his new employers, tM Seattle Pilots. IL had to be hit out of the park and On '.l'V '.l'oni9l1t Chtlnnfll 5, 6 p.m. ttiat'il what Don did, hl1 lhree-run homer giving the PilotS a 3-1 edge that lasted ill the way to vtctory and kept them In third'.- place in the American Leigue's west Dtvlllon. The teams meet for two tonight, with George Bn1ne1, 5-6. IDd Clyde Wri8ht, •· S, going for the Ange.ls a1aill$l Fred TaL. bot, W, and John Gelnar, J.3. SeatUe picked Mlncher olf t h a. California roller. irt the expansion draft and tbe lo3 first baseman aakl his former teammates are j'fine. friends -but r think thert's a little extra lncen Uve when 1 play against them." Hammered d t e p into the right field bleachera, the Mincher blow was his fourth in five game& and hit 141.n of the year. ''The way I feel now," Don slid "I could hit SS or 40 -thl! year." ' .: CALll'OINIA tlAnLI .. ,~. ., tlllM AIOll'>tf, 2'b 3 0 J 0 !'!Ovtw, rt l O 2 t Jllluiltfllllt,Cf~l!IGl1y,a 4100 ,f'ttW, ll ' 0 0 0 T. D•vl1, It ~ I O 0 l\llWnl!, II ' t 0 0 He•P1r, (I O O O O Mtntft, " J 0 I 0 Mtnc:l\fr. 11) J I ! J Aitut. t • o o o comer. cf .1 o r o A.11. ...... t,lbllOOMNtl't!IY,C J OI O ~ •• 10 ll • l 0 o.n.khfl'I. ., J •• 0 ~Glltllllrl, p · I t t e O\rlrr, u 1 o 1 o I. f"Jtlllr, t I I O !-11nd, H l 6 ' o I.. .1111/lleft, "" 1 0 0 0 lhlttl!M, • O O I W!li'>tllJI, p 0 0 O O Tott! Jl I J I Toltl tf J ' .. CtlllOr'IJa IOt .. 06f -I Sttltt. :aoo 000 Olb -J , f-ll:M•Jt""L ~~llt. I. LQe-C1Hfomla S. S.atllO. I, tl-Alefl'lar, Ml"t~tr. Hl-Jtllnsi...t S. l'\'>!Mlltf" 14. ·~· 1-fl ... tnllurk. !VONE CAN .MATCH OLD Y A.NK TEAMS . . 8Al.TIMORE (AP) -'"l'hete'll nev<r be 1 leam llllt !hi Y11niiU" ol ~ 1920s and lllOt. aald eu~urn·halred Claire l\ulh, 1'idow of a_.~_llulh. '1Wlth itaht ~ mOre aamea, the Batte wa.ild h•ve hit at le&R ooe more horMt.'" Mn. Rulli re11rrtd lo h • r huablnd'r racor4 of eo hom• Min• 1n 1111, In • 11if. pm1 .....,,, balnr IUJ'Plued by llo(or Marta wtlh II ID the 111-flme "''°" of IKI. \ ----------_:._·.-·------~----~-~------~---~~------__ -:::c - '----· - \ ' . Start • • Your " E~es! ~E~les .-~aU..Sho1.1.ca...- ~ Deke Hou/gate · -· When our generaUon wu adoJ,esaing, not many kids aspired . .to ~ motorcycle riders. 'fhe urge t~ own .a motor scooter w,aa IA"~'!! fairly acceptable, but motorc)'(lla.ts were JUSl a bunch of row· die,,, as every yOl,Ulg!!ler knew. . ' The tw1>wbeel boom eame later, and belore long nobody considered bike .rklen In the same category with thugs and 'buW~. Hell's Angels tried to keep ~be old Image alive, but their efforts have been puny end largely ignored. This is lo report that motorcycling is still havUig public Telatjons problems. The new popularity of the sport threatens ·to stfangle it. J 0ne serious problem that motorcyclists haven't yet faced up to is the awful accident rate on streets and highways. A cycle rid er i.s many times more likely to have a serioos accident and be buFl or killed than .any mortarist. Motorcycle policemen, those paragons of traffic safety, ~ · , to. be paid extra hUard bonuses ~ many big cities like Los· 4\ngele&. A/l exposed two-wheeler rider on the SaJQe street with ·two ton automobtles and even larger trucks is canstantly in grave danger. £:. Jafety officials are attacking the sU'ee_t safety problem two "1afS, In the race of oppositioh by. the Americar) Motorcycle ~-, ~ome stales are passing mandatory helmet laws. , .To4t,,M re§!...oL tbe world these._laws are de~ to c:urtail -ertous :b'!ad Injuries', bul to 'tbe-l\MA they are enacted to add Mo ppense to· the COBt\of mot~cle ownership and to infringe Ob the civil rights of its meml>t\rs. 1 , In California the approacll has been"to require special licen. ~ng procecture.s for motorcycle riders. The fact that this hadn't J>een done all along is incredible. Until very recently moWrcy~l­ lsts tool thelr drivers' tesCs in automobiles. lt.5houldn"t be surprising that a large percehtagt of serious ·motorcycle accidents occur In the first six months.of ownership. So o{ficials of 1 state that has 300,000 registered ~wheel 7Jebjcles oow concede that motorcye1ists must perfonn ditferently from m<1toris1J to be given privileges Qf the road. 1 What If a motorcyclist recognizes the dangers of street rid· Ing and decid~ to use JP!. bfo-wtteeler only off the road? He hms into another set or J)l'Oblerm. Besieged 1>11 Con~ertlatlonists Ht ts beselgei by constrvationists, who are riglltfully angef.. £d by the apiilllng tf wllderneu areu with motorcycle tracks and cmbpJ11g debris. He 11 oppoted. by campers, wflo resent tbe A Few Poi~holiday F.ireeraekers • # J 14 ·Mes~<MD.Wm ,.. ----· -.--Jly DA E csAiii.n-,--coal¢ "' t °' 11tt o.i11 .. ,. 11Mt GuardLTony Bomkamp CU) Estancia [ailed in Us bid tq a'Od . Brad HarneUaux (11 ) take over firsl , place ip,...tbe ~ sparked the Moqarch drive~ Costa Mesa ·11¥~~tba)l.League Tue.'iday night by bowing to Buena Part-, tMS, at Estan· ISTANCIA IUJ cla. ~·"'". 'In (lther ··1eague ' ·pines~· sc'.:111""-r Costa Mesa and Mater Del r .w~''""' had easy times handling tlielr ' ~; w~ oppohe·ntS , Mtsa. =~ clouUng Lm Amigos, 73-M, Mtll' ,."'''' I I 1 t I S' I J l I ' I s • ' " 1-s ~ 7 j • ,.. ' • • • • ! , .. J and the Monarcb3 banding . T11111t Saddleback-• 56-2'1 .. 111act. 1 1 1 I 11 It 11 '5 I UINA PA~~ I~ .. ,. TP Estancla1s ~agles wtnt l'n!Q: the game Ued wJlh Buena Park for flm. but the Coy°'"' proved .too tough ln the last period. .. , Bueni Park now retains sole possession. o( flnst with a 6-1 mark, -w!QI Eitai\Q• and Costa Mesa, one 'u1;me '""'* ll'' $1\td'd I t 1 't G•rlltll > 4 > 10 Qll nfl*lll 1 I 2 J ~· l 'IO• N'k!M • • ! • = ~ l ' : .Cll·t'tllW s 1, , " lellllt lclt't "'' oJ:i..!I JI fl E1t...C!• • lt 1• 1~ ·-... r11 12...U 11 ,,._..., back. Buena Park also handed . Esfancia Its only other league----costA M•-•• "" • ~ I I. P• PT Pll' Tl' oss ear 1er. c•111111,, ~ , , ' The Eagles got off u;a Jl'.OOr A11S1tn ' ' J 10 start 1n the first quarter, sCor-~= ~~ l ; % ,: Ing only fou! Points. Es~· ~=l•nd ~ ~ , ~ cia's great rebounder Skip Dt•tlll\ ' t • ' \Yllllams-toolr mll!l~~of 111l-~';';i:11" ; : I ,: shots from the (lubi<fe Jeaving S?1:~. 1 t 2 the ·boards open for the ~';: : ~ : : Coyotes. To1111 n 11 n n Estancia forged ahead brief· LOS .w~.1-~, ,, T• Za;~th os~x ~~~~e:el;yin ~ ~~~. ! ! I : Hester and pulled t~ within ~~ I 'i ! .1; one point wlth -two~mqtes-to -l"ifa.ltll"-t -... -t • play but Buena Park ,'simply ' ~~r11t11 : l : l outplayed the Eagles ln lhe ,1.$1:1 • • 11 • I. I · 1. D•uvMrlY 1 t ' 1na m1nur.c. lttrnMY • , s , Willlaml and Co~te.-centtt__ tot.rt ~ • 'II n Joi p.,...,__, • . -. I -~ "" .,,.,...,. .._,, ~ Scott w re near y eo.i. Mftll u n 1s 1._11 ejected from .the game iii the L111 -'111'-1 n 11 ......,. oollts ·ot two-cycle engines lnterruptiq: dtelr peaceful commun· The .season's first albacore landed by a boat, out of hie with nature, • Newport are exhibited by (from left) Bill Pritchard, . One motorcycle club ~~-mM.Hd-to..clt.an,up a.box CU..· Jim T?fOrtllfSOn, BUI MJtten:;-Oeron-CUrley -ancr'Bilt- )'ori,.tliey wan~ to ase In the Lancaster areL They carted out Robinson~ Mitten's catch was the biggest, weighing 21 Y.i pounds. The five albacore were landed aboard the Channel Isle, skippered by Bill Wallis and Gary Vandegrift-out of Art'1· Landing • first half for roughness under the basket. (iWllllams finished ~ODl:.llAnl'. C~; the gam.e w lb' tli>ohJLs: . . • 9_.,; ' ••1 ~ ~ Costs Mesa a!I-never Oillkr , : • .. • •• ' . tru ckload after truckload ol JU&er le.ft by thoughtless campers. ---------------'"'--'---=.-::_ _________ _ Tbe job took all of one day. A1 they were evacuatl.n1 tbe canyon, filled with pride for Jiavlng done a 1o0il deed, they wtre__met by lbe owner cd the property. He wa1 postlnf ''motorcycles -keep out" llgns. . Tbe saddest atory of all Is unfolding In a ·depressed neighbor· loOd ~ S:iutb Los Angele1, where tbe city' a reereaUon aiid park• -e~t 11 about to fence In an area that normally buue• fteln af'ornlng: to night with younpltr1 ud tbdr fathe rs on tnfntblkes. ConservaUonlsts are behind the move, because the. noise bas driven out birds whlclli had once netted there. Tbe city is conslderin1 eonvenion of a pad ne1r Saugo.1, 60 miles away, lo minibike and motorcycle ase, but it shows no slins of retainln1 lhe minibike par1dise down rteit to the gbetlo, "'.here it has provided wortlawhlle youtb rtcreation for a Joni time. Rarlug Standards Long Otlerdue Part of the charm of road racing has been its Informal atmosphere, a condition that is soon to change with tbe Uines. If. of£icia1s have their way, the Sports Car Club of America, which sanctiorui most road raclng Jn America, will soon inaugu- rate a new set of standards for their sport that wouJd: I. Ban the sale of pit passes to spectators. 2. Move fans farther back from the action at many courses, placing !tronger barrlf:ts between thftn and the race cars. 3. Force officials to inspect safety eqllipment and drill 'emer- gency crew:ii before every race. 4. Require that 21 courses now in operation make safety changes or be disapproved for all further racing. S. Cut down on the excess number of officials and workers, giving personnel who remain better training. · 6. Establish better course marking to prevent cars !tom cut- fmg corners, while at the same time eliminating hay bales and buried, cement fllled tires from these same comers. This would eliminate flying object{ set in motion by crashing cars. • .J 7. Improve accident reporting and begin a long range anal· ys1s of accidents using new computer methods. 8. Improve-pit barricades to make that area safer, while at lhe same time rt'ducing the number of people in the pits. Several recent developments made safety such immediate concern that SCCA's top executives met in an extraordinary 5e.ssion to pass ,these and other new rules. At a professional race a car swerved out of control, hitting ~ temporary pit barrJcade, which smashed into a man and killed tlim. At another professional race a driver spun on slick grass and smashed into a spectator fence, killing one man and injut· ing several others. SCCA, which is currently in transition between Its amateur eta. which spawned much of the informali ty currently blessing its type of racing, has taken an important stand. Something has to suffer if spectators, pit crews, emergency workers and drivers are going to have a better chance to sur· vive in emergencies. Better the sport loses a little atmosphere. Some of the faithful supporters or SCCA racing aren't going f.o like a few of the changes, but progress is seldom welcomed with open arms by everyone. Hopefully, these safety improvements will indefinitely pmil· pone the tragedy of a Yellow River. Ga., spectator di.satser from ttle sport of road racing. It could have happened. SOFT SELL SAM By Marvin Myen ·. Westminster ·Ends Oilers' 28-game Win Streak, 67-55 By ROGER CAl!LWN Cit "" DlllY l'llM ..... Westminster High, with a ninning offense, good board strength and a Oashy, hot· shooting guard, snapped Hun· tington· Beach's 28-game win streak in the Huntington· 1'fariila Si.µnmer Basketball League Tuesday night, 67-$5. The loss, the flrst in three summer sessions for the two- time champions, dropped lhe Oilers' current record to 6-1. Thursday's showdown with Rancho Al a mltos now becomes a batUe fo~ IUJ"VlvaJ in the championship race with the undefeated V a q u e r o 1 • Game time is 7: 15 p.m. at H1mtington Beach. Rancho took care of Garden Grove, 73-5!, in acUon at Marina to up lt.s league record to 7.0. Other hostilities at Marina ended with Newport Harbor lacing Bolsa Grande, IM2, and Marina, behind Rick Mosier's 39-point output, trip- ped up Villa Park, &&.QI. Corona del Mar gol back on the winning trail after four straight losses with a 4&-41 decision over Edison and La Quinta turned back Fountain Valley with a 49--44 loss to round out action at Huntington Beach. Westminster (5-2) had JltUe trouble. wi th Huntington's vaunted wrecking crew -tak· ing the runn ing game to the OUers and combined it with the sharp shooting (If guard Bill Newhouse, who potted 11 on nine field goals. Center Dan Broderick added 20 counters on iMide stuff and forward-Steve McLendon was deadlr on the boards along -with 17 -points on the sco'reboard. Westminster never trailed, with Newhoust's two 1buckets erasing ad early ~ Ue in the Initial period. Corona del Mar's victory over &Uson was led by Don Killian'& 11 points. Marina stayed in contention far a part of the crown with its win (Iver Villa Park. The Vikings, now 5-2 for the cam. paign, broke loose in the foor1h period with • 13-point margin io put down Villa Park. Newport Harbor, also 5-2, had little trouble disposing of Bo!Ja Grande. The Sailors had double· ftgure scoring from I I X players with Jeff Malinolf and Dive Eccles leading the way with 14 points apiece. Taras Young and Don Taylor followed with lJ, Nels Tahti 12 and Steve Saxton 11. MUNTl.llGTON eu.<H IS.SI POP'Tf'l'TI" Dtflrl!IOl'I 5 I O 1~ Cff'!tot, 2 I t 4 H•rre!I 4 o 3 12 Witt 4001 Wtllt" O l I 1 Tllaomtl l 1 I 1 .. • .., 0010 C•!t 'll lO Tot11t 2• 7 4 11 WllTMll«Talt IUl PO l'T PP TP • • 1 • How They Stand MlERJCAN LEAGUE East DJvlslon Woo Lett Pct. GB Baltimore SI 25 .599 Boston 47 37 .580 11 "i Detroit. 44 35 .557 12 Washingt.on ,4S 43 .511 1$\2 New York 40 45 ,465 19 c 1.,.1ana 33 so · .398 25 Wt1t Dlvl1lon Minnuota •a 34 .58S Oakland t-3 36 .544 Seattle 37 45 .451 Chicago 36 la .•33 Kansas Ciiy 35 48 .422 California ·30 51 .370 .T ... nll...n. 1..-4 c.trofl 1 3\1 11 12 13 ~ 171; .. II~ IM. '""" v.-.. I-I• OlltlMllll >t, Olk.w w C ...... !llf '· Wtllll"""I. J MllWlllCllt '· KlnMI Clfr I "'"'-,, C.llfornl• 1 T...,,._ C..111'11111111 ia.rv.I U •l'lf Wr!IM o.3) 11 SHnlt' IT11bot N Ind Gt-lntr NI. f. twt-ftlfltl Clt .... M (IWl"Nfl WI 11 WNl'llfll- ll:lfl ~ '""· """' (Deon HI 11 lothM•(J1r- rll W _. SleOtrl 7-ll NtW Teri!: lllllfl-4"10) 11 ltttlo ITIOl't fMcff•llY Tt .. I. llflfll ""'' .. \Datnofl ,.,, ii Cl'llta .. l'*'""" :t.1 • "'"'' 1t;1n~ CITY !Nt~':!!_1J.1) tt Mini. Jolt (PttTY )..j) • ....,. -·-C.lll'arnl• •I '"""· ~lt!tf II;-Clh' 111 MIMIMll OllkltM 11 Cltlcff9 C""9llflll 11 ~u. n!ll!t ll011111t -..i ••1t1nwe. nlfllt 0ri1r '""" ld'JllfUJ:"ll NATIONAJ; LEAGUE Eaat Dlvt.too w,.. IMI Pct. GB Chicago 52 32 .119 New Yort 46 34 .575 4 St. Louis 41 44 .48% 11 \1 Pittsburgh 39 43 .!76 12 Philadelphia 36 44 .!50 14 Mootreal 26 56 .317 25 Wett Division Los Angeles l3 34 .58S Atlanta 49 S6 .576 % Cincinnati 43 35 .Ml 3 S. Franmco la 33 .451 J\I H~ 43*3.SOQ.7 Jan J)iei;o 29 58 .337; 21 ~ l...OY"t lttWltl '°'" VOl'll; (, Olk$ J SI. Lllllll .. l'llllM4'4ofllt :f Plnlb,lrtll a. Mantrell I s.n f...nc;hq '· "-1911 ' Clnci-11 I, S41n OleM 2 Ltl Me1tn M. Allt~1• #J , ... ,...._ CbQM fHoltunan 1MJ tl Nt"f · Yort IMIYw lW). nllllt Clncllwltll !Men-It! WI •I SM! D'> HO Cll;I,.,., f.ltJ, """' Allllnl1 (NllUP 1"'1 •I YI ,,,,..._. l$1"9t1' 11 .. 1. """'' MwllOll (..._!ff 1-t) ,, "" ,,..~ dKe tlolll! UI 1'11111 .... 1 '"*"'°" , .. '"' lllitd 4.\) -' Pltltbl/,..11 Cllll'ln ... M Md EMlll ... ). 2. lwW!flt!I , St. Loui. fG1t,a11 W tM ll•llet 1·11 11 ~'"'""'" cP"""'" ,.. .,.. l'11-1n1r 1·1), t, l'WMlll!lf T~··­Cllk ... et N ... 'l'w11 SI. Lllllf ti 1'hlliPdf!llllll1 Monl,..11 t t l'I~ n11M C!n<ln(IOlfl .t H0111lon, nle~I Al11lllil '' it~ oi.... ni.ttl ··" ,,.nc:JicO ,, "" Alllll!ll. """' Md.-llrodtrlck ··--·~" p,_ Tol•ll • 1 • 11 lO Ol ?O ' • , 11 ' . ,• . ' . ' J)11'1 ... .., Qll«le" Wntmllltltr u 2c 17 1'-47 HIM!l .... IOl'I 11 1• lJ u .... u COIO .. I OIL MAil 1'0 11;1111•11 Gri.,br Gilellli <M-HOIJl!ldtr ll1r1 S.vltr '"" TOl•ll "" Edi Mn str11forf .... l~ MlllllHllY -Cronkl'9 Tol•lt ''''" 01- """' ·-MelNIHY "'"' .. _ MeAi.rtol' "'" Tol1fl P•,..Tl",TI' : : ~ ': , 1 J 1 2 0 l ' 3 I 1 1 I t l 1 2 , l ' J I I 6 ,. t-1.•. ,, al'JllON (nl ' P• "1' ,., T" 1 0 I 2 3 0 2 ' ' , 1 ' 0 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ' l I I l 1 1 1 ' 0 I I I ' 3 1 11 16tl241 ~" """''" U171l~ 12 I IJ 1-<11 MA.BINA (Nl ,0 l'T '"Tl" J 0 ' 11 ,. l J ,, 1 I J IA ' 2 ' ' 1l171 :tt I I l I nn11N VILLA PABIC Ull l'Ol'TPl'TP I ' 2 ll J c • 10 3 0 3 ' S I J 11 ' 1 1 10 ' ! ' 13 ' ' 3 ' • 0 1 0 0 0 ' • t l10 '1M Sctfl '1 OU•rhr. Mu11'1t 2' 7' 11 22-16 Vlt11 P•rk f.I U 11 IG-4l NIWPOIT MABIOlt (nl l'IJ P:T PJl TP M111netr S l I U T1htl ' o t 11 l!tcla 3 I I 1l StJlll!I ' ' 1 11 Kini 3 021 ""'" 3014 l1rlllr • J 1 1J ¥11111111 ' ' J 13 Vott! 0110 Totti. :it !t ll .. Eltll .... ·-......... '"'' McCrM DY1nn FllM To!•lt eollA OIUNOI! OU 110 l'T PP: Tl" • I 1 lJ ... , ' ' ' ' l J J ' ' . . I 1 ) l , • 2 ' I I 1 2 0 I 1 l ,1 I 22 G _,,_ N"'°"' n 1' 20 U-4' 911 ... Gf.... I 10 l• )2~1 ,,,,,_ SI. C!1lr ''"' """ '""' M;o•olk SprlOOtt Plll1 lo!•lt U. IUllfT.I 111t1 '" rT pp: Tl" t 0 I I ' • ' '° 2 2 J ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 1 3 I I 2 3 t 1 0 3 I 1 A 4 16 If 1' 4f tan 'Y OUlrMn l.I thtlnl1 " II 12 11-f' l'V H ,1•1~ Fish J{epori threatened by winless Los ~~1.~~ ; : • ~ Amigos, outscoring the Lobos eu.11 1 • 1 ,, II L,C11neo 0 t 1 by w i d e margins in a 1111111 io t a • • " WEIGHT WORK IN CM GYM quarters. MA.Tiit DI'• fNl Bob Austin, Scott Neville flatiem '~ "; and Dave Dies all finished k•~ ' ~ ~ with ten tallies for the ="t!~o ' • ?i1ustangs. ~i~~11t11i t : The Costa 1'1esa Recrea-M ate r De t s Imp t y P..oe,.ut 3 1 tion Uc;iartmenl i., sponsor· overpoWered Saddleback. The M~';,:'m!n ~ ! Pll' TP ' . • • ' ' . " ' " ' ' • • . ' ' " ing a weight training pro-Monarchs led 23-l tnidway in k«I .,. °"'''"" f all . . . s.od\eOtdl: • ' ' 1-U gram or parties m-the second quarter and slmP,J.Y lllllol"r p.1 11 1! 11 ':t' terested at. Costa Mesa I;=;=;==='=;=:===:'============; High's gym. MEN-· Let us make you looJc. vour or111 Football coaclJ Max Miller best bV getting one of Sir Wol&M'1 of Costa Mesa is NMlng the famou· Eido. pean Raio, CvU. weiKbt program ..-.. a. l· to { ,._ p.m. affair everJ ?iionday, . ' ' ;SIR WALTIR'S Weclne3day and Friday. _,\ ____ ~-Newport_a'1&. There is no cost for the • J C•hl M.. .r. program aod Ali.Iler . is j~:..:====================== espec;alJy interested in seeing incoming freshmen football candidates at Mesa involved in the 9roi:!jim. . The_ gym. Ii open for basketball Monday through Friday at the same hours. Woody's Ups Lead To2Games Woody's Wharf upped Ii. Costa 1'fesa Open basketball league lead to two fUIJ games after dJsposlng of Wigmore Insurance Monday night. 97-89. Wilson Ford moved Into a three-way tie for second wtth a 3-2 mark after beaUng Douglas. 83-70, in the com· penion feature. Woody 's came back from a 4s.4fi halfUme deficit to nail Wlgmore, chi~ny on the 32- point ootput of Bob Bedell and the 22..point eilort of Dave Waxman. Both teams canned the &ame number of lleld goals -4tl, but the margin came on free throws where Woddy's col· Jetted 17. Frank Zebot with 20. Wilson Ford put on a 51· point explosion In the second half to' C(lme trom behind for its victory. The winneN trail- ed ~Y eight aftbe half. WOODY'S WHA•~ rm ,0 PT Pll' Tl' Wel!m•~ t ' 3 n 111•11 11 ' I 2'I lnloca 3 I 2 ' ICl!ld •1213 Hute~lnl ' 0 0 I Gra11! •7 2U To!1l1 'fl 17 12 ff WIOMOltE AGEMCV 11'1 , ,~PTPl'TP McC.l!n f' 1 I 11 J1co'*"1 I· t a. 11 z.eoot. t. ' ' 10 ' Crowll!Y ~ I 2. 10 T11rteY I I I I Sdltt"lml ) 2 2 I ,,.,._" ··~· Lund ,,,. Tottlt .. t 11, 19 H•llflmt ~~ Wlpmort & '#DlllY'a , M. . """" ........... C~tn .,. ....... ·-'"'" "-Toltll ,.",,,,. WILJON CUI o l a ,.. j I : . ' ' ' . . 11 I I • • • . . ' l7 f ,. OOUOLAl (Jtl ,. ,,. .... '" • t ' " l I I 'I t ' ) I l I l ,1 ' I always go go go r.Green StriPe-Stripe Stripe .. NOW s599 il1!li • ' Since·1853, the • ru:iginl! light S¢otcb ' -'• I .~ . ' n 12 11 " \ I DOut1• i111, w1i.on.1 ________________ .._ __ .;.''--'-"" . ' I I - • I I • • .- • • • • ' I • ' I ! ' i DAILY l'tUT Wldond.IJ, July 9, 1969 Off the Greens • Pl.AT CHIP lllOTI wmt 1111111u11i.on • Playoff Decides MVCC Tourney - - ---...,1 The ·1r1o ·at·Curloy Hunter, "k!ib!Qil bff"•....,·wifl e. Jainia Bed: and ' w. C. Stacked up at '32,..,. Marv Wllllalns brolle a 117-117 Ue oo Johnson, Aldo Vagberlnl; l'hll .. the first bola of a sudden Waldner, Vire ~be.len, dealb p~I to defeat WaUy ' Fred l"erguson, J ohn Reed Borden, M. A. Jordan afid Carl and Pat Wade. -· CJendt.nn0n ln the ID·med-Giry DOugtu, club pro at Low handicap at Mesa Verde Rancho SJ. aced the par three Country Club over t h e 160-yai;I fourth hole with a seven U'OD Tuesday. Los Alamitos : , -. Entries weekend. Santa Ana A two-day ladles lnvllallOJtal II BCheduled to begin Thursday 'at Santa Ana Country Club. The "6-hole belier ball of _ partnm ....t Is !he nth an- nual ladies lnvilaUonal, lrt>lne Cout • Bob Pestolesl carded a net M to win the Huntington 11• Seacliff Men's Club mid-week '" uo Sweeps in men's club play. Ill Hal Henerer was se<:and ,,. •1$KTM aAc:L w .,.,,._ ' YMP with 67 and Dan Tannahill was 170 eldt .,,. ... In ~ M 1"""-l"una third with & 68. . . 12' aidl ~11 u R.n Rodi« ' 111 Art Cline and Ross P ierce 1~; ~-~ • i:; fciDoWid w\lh '105 and Wally 1'° Ardlc Aff1lr 1iqrn 1,',', Moore. Jim 1'Jompaon, Tom 121 Datt Nobe llMD!rlffl_ ph M • •·• 111 L-'• eo ""' 1Cnlbr1 ,,, wentn and RaJ ar• no\UJ" 111 Atlilntl at (W11-I 117 eel 7Js ni~• ~ 1c.,..,.1 11' · iovaTie uc:-.::-a w ntt. 1 ,.., o... ·Of nw. (tjphf"'l'!I 111 Joe C.osla won the -1&-hole • :t:o_..,., w In GrMll A MlrM. l"urM Gold Lee ,,...r1o; ~ 11' pulling contest with a four owr Y110r 1c.-..1 1u HtlilTH uc1. w .,,. , .,..., akh under S2. Bill Ball was second f;':',,..., .::rr:;:~~1r1 ~~! ;r;irM ... il:O..°'"" A ,.._,. ._. 111 cant. with 33 followed by Mel l~ JM tat''"-' ui v .. turw1l'tr t1w11 '" Moore, Henn Friedland, Jim ~ "-• ~l'Wlr'tl 117 ~ RorMt , ... rt) 11l Dttt ,.Mf (......._.! l U Fllh' A 0o-o.-cMii1n 113 Vance and Peelolesl at 34. J\11!1"11 Huntt (Htlrt 1\J s.v.n Rllftl (W11Mnl 111 ho) · tt•tt• Clufct 111 N_.• ......, (Drevt!'l 11J Tex Ritter sank a e-m-one 0u1"'" tt11 111 su.tl•'• 11: ... ues1 (Sllldlul 111 on the 145-yard eighth bole Mlftrlll Mn (IM<Thl 111 Miiin IS!Jtual lll ...... 1111Mt cencto ...., .. , !Smlfhl iu with a flve·iron Thursday. = ~1:~1 ~]~ :~~' i:; Tannahill took first place In Fut s,_., 1c1Nonl '" • .., .... ,...... 111 the July Fourth 54-hole ln- INCMY"i aar cRi_,., 115 ~.! ~::.:-,~=1 uo dividual low net tournament Mlct't ,,,_ ICnllllrl 111 Left-15mHhl "' with a 205. Second place went to Vance PU•TM ltACI. 150 "*· t .,_ 11111. Altowlnca.. l"llrM Ill& Race Results ,......,, '91'f .. IW a.w••-- with hi3 208 folloy,·ed by Richan! McCammon (209), Jim Thompson (211) and Gene Meacher (211). Yula Tollefson won ihe women's club blind bogey evut last week with a 59. Adele Parsons (65), Harel Webster (66) and Rosemary Erickson (67) followed. Rancho SJ Doug Terry posted a net 30 to win the Blind Nlne touma- mtnt at R~ncho San Joaquin Country Club Saturday. Three players -P a u 1 Runge, John Crammond and Herb Martin -tted for second with 3ls while third place was Undefeated Marina Wins .. Playiilg wllb him WU RoS0r Pembroke. • Hll Seeks . . CIF, Cit y Ca gers C~llide 5th Will You can a.mt the n:.r ol games a Bill AnNlrong· , • coached team has lost in lhe }funllngton R • r b o u"' •. last two years oo one fmger of baseball team will be &olnc for one hand. Ito fiflb win In nine O<ltlngs Tbe only loss Amtstrong. lonliht when It meeto Loi who has directed Compton Alamltos at 6-at· Weatorn-ffi8J\.&<llooJ. lo I pair ol CIF H' h' JV r=· --cbamploll!hips and· 62 stralaht 1g s ieiu. victories bas '6Uffered came Harbour eVened ltsrecara-to . last sunimer in -the -fllit art· 4.f Monday with a 54 win over nual South California AU-Star Anahelrrt in th8·Anahelm sum· prep baske~ball classic. mer baseball league. In that game ·an underdog Mike Symons had the key Los Angeles City s q u ad hit -a bases-loaded single to rightcenter in 1,he bottom or the seventh; • HI& hit -· In Pal Murphy; wha 'Walked to lead oil fife stanza. FV Bowler s. Stand Out PRICE & INTtREST INCIU.SE SCHEDUL!D SAVE TO 15°/o IN STOCK AT OLD PRICES & RATES 70+ TO C.llOOSE FROl1 - Glau111r, W iuv. a111ew11.,., Lis 11'119u, Wrltdt, ,.....,,., Dall Ou1y, GIAJron. Mercuty. Open 1 O.ys A w~ & E•"ft. uu s. Mftft •I w ..... r, 511111 AM 7H/S.O.•~» NEW, WIPE 78 SERl ES "SAFETY ALL-WEATHER Z" TIR E $ Tub1lts1 S1l1 Prk• Sim BLlckwlll 7.00x 13 $21.91) E7S.14 $22.90 {replaces 735x14) FlS.14 $24.25 (replaces 7.75x 14) G7S.14 $26.55 (,.placeo 8.25x 14) E?S.15 $22.90 {,.pbces 735 x l5l F7S.15 ~4.25 {reolaces 7.7_5x151 -. Compared to l.!st year's "Safety All-Weather" we've: •Improved the Tufeyn rubber compoWld for better stopping·starting traction •Designed a. new Angle Gri p Trtad • Lowered the pro rile r or improved 1tability and handling •Widened the tread to put more rubber on the road Plus Fed. Sal• Price £1. TIX Whit1w11l No Tr1d1 Needed $24.90 $1.94 $25.90 $2.4 1 $27.25 • $2.54 $29.55 $2.66 $25.90 $2.48 $27.25 $2.45 SALE ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT! USE OUR EASY PAY PLAN • FR EE MOUNTING "lRACIIOtUllllMILER'.'.JM.ON CORD .... -"'"~ ---fllll--r-':- ll. tu•• l tUfJlbll TFr1 6.70 x 15 $33.35 12-70 Tubeless 6 PR 90 1~10"i!s $36.05 $2.SS ~b_etyPe 6 PR 6,50 x IS $33.15 12.62 Tub!_ty~e 6 P!_ 1.70 t IS 7.CiJ x 15 $39.70 $Z.85 Tut>t?IH'. Ii Pl Tub!!~_6 PR f lus ~ OIO 7.00x 16 N . to. 111 tfld $39.90 leiraPPJbll T1l1 lt.tJet e 6 PR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FREE DELTA SUPER QUALITY Tires Cost Less! e COMIUTI UMI AYAILAILI e WIM OYAU-l"llllMV.SS tll TED -SUP!• 'ltllMIUM -'°lYUTI JI: RA01Al. ll"Olt'n -I.AND •uoov -CAMPIR U!.,IAU -• N..L. 11r:• 1auac T111t•l. IAMIAMUICAID MASTll CHAIM IERG'S DELTA TIRES 141I.17tll St.• Costa Mna • 645-2010 __ .,..., t SERVING ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORN IA i i YOUNG & LANE TIRE CO. ~::!.N~~:: COSTA" MESA i t Y OUNG & LANE TIRE CO. ::!.?~:!~'~'VE. LAGUN J : : • • i THEODORE RO BINS FO RD :2.H,~=~o~~o•Lvo. CO STA M ESA i ........................................................................ I I • 24 PILOT·AOVERTISER Wed/ltld>1, July '· ljM Wedllflday, Jul) '· 1'169 • DAILY '11.0f IJ . Orange ·Coast Area ·Men in Service-Around tbe ~World Alrmao Paltldi J, Ray, son quarters oear Da Nang, Viti· m<!Chanlc haa been 111allJICd lo !raining, Marine Corp 1 basic !raining at l.aclcland aon ol lfr. and fu.. David B. portlclpallng In lbe Padllc N~ Newport lltcb, 1114 or Mr. and Mrs. Ar;hur J . Ral' nam. a unll of tho Pacillc Air Rec!utt Depot, S.. Diego. He AFB, Texas and bu -Syme ol 1971 Maple SL, Colla M Ia ob Ip m • n T r alnln8 p<\Ull«! from tho UllnnitJ or 803% Ebbtlde Circle, Hun-Force• al Clark, AB, Philip-will report lo Camp Pendlelon aMlintd to Shepperd AFB, Mesa, haa -Ulll!led to ~ '9 exeo:lsta ol£ Ibo "! nei-undtr !be .~ tinglon Beach, -adu1ted with Altroai· Dint L ~taurlct!, pines. He ls a .t..aduate ol La for four weeks of combat Te1:. for further trail\lng U tbe 2nd lnfantry..,Divfslon lo coal. ol Southtm ~ O!ft """'""'""'-Pr--•· Colo of M and M D Id T •· a --"-al ---·--•allst. Ko-· He Is a •--• ---~ ·"p •--~·•uled to cen ... _,,.,..,.. honors .at LolYT)' ~FB. · · oon r. rs. av · ~"-la Hi•" School, 1~•. training · .,_ -··aU I ,,_ ~ ... _ •..-. ·~ -·~ ~• ~ ~= H ~" .... to a. J~ from tralnlnifor lbe U.S. Air Maurice oU.5182 Leeds Cln:ll:, ·'''"" · .,. ~ • . 1;; m ·~ -·~ ona The alnnan b •.1ra~11<1-..,. r •de y to-tho Seventh Flael 1 •w .,.... Y- I t ·--""""~"-'=~~-=--:-;-=~--!Cl&,. ;:'.lf!!!!L-~lll&ia ~· _ :-·~ . ~ · lllll lal!-_ ' lw advl!J?ld lralnlng. Force supp nven ory Westrninslerrihas graduated Pvt. t.C. ~ W.--Cooa, 1987, and attended Gq@en ~Ml&e.'l.C.Mkael __...., r --- spedansll. r with honors from the U.S. Air ... ol Mr. and ldn. Lester n . Al'1Dllll Demll• F. O'Neil, West College before ........ G . .._ __ .USN, ... or Lewis u. w 1111 am R. b., I -L•t TV WEEK Tbe airman Is a graduate o T h al School Sbe -wo u--"" Lakewood High School and Foree ec nic , p-· Cqon of 510 Hazel Drive, son ol Mr. and Mrs. Frank the se.rvtce. Dlngen of U4S Iris Place, Callender, 23, USMC, son of recel•el his A.A. degree from pat<! AFB, Tex. Corona· del Mar, was O'Neil of 9311 Pyle Clrcle, Colla Mesa, Is oerving aboard Mr. and Mn. llobert s. -Turn You On orangeCoastCo.llege,hlsB.A. _The_-_a1rmen __ •c_•_n_a1rcr __ a11_.:_sr_•d_ua_t_ed_fro_m_tim __ ,._c.,,rw_·1_w_es..:.tm..:.lnsler=:.:·~hu=--=oom=pJ::::el«!::::.._cs::1..:.L..:.Jolm=::::M..:. • ..:.W..:. • ..:.s:..:yme=., ::::Jl,:_t..:.ill:_USS=~Jj=""=-..:.J.:,er;.;•:..:•..:Y..:•_:°"::"""'"'=;::....:ol:....;:1.14:.:....:•..:.vla=--Li=do-'-------- degroe from Fullerton Slale College. • Lt. Richard W. Tezak, son or Mr. and Mrs. WUllam Tezak af 17S Costa Meaa St., Costa · ti1esa, has been graduated from ROTC Medical Service Corps, Stanford University. The lieutenant ball bee!! awarded a fellowship tn heart research al Long Beach State College. He is a graduate ol Newport Harbor High School, 1964, and was valedictorian for the class. He will re-enroll in September at Stanford Medical School. -. Pvt. Robert D. ·BaJe, 21, whose home ts at 1130 nnirin St., Coal& M_esa, has ~ assigned \o the 2rid Infantry Division in Korea, as a light weapoM infantryman. His mother, Mrs. Melva Tillman llv~ in Santa Ana. Spec. 5. Christopher A. Whitney, 23, son of Mr.i. Eliz.abelh Whitney of 1731 Orange Ave., Cost3 Mesa, is serving with the 71at Artillery, near Karlsruhe, Germany, as an equip~ent repairman. -. AlrmaaJamu-C. Elder m. son of Mr. and ''Mrs. James Elder of 6141 NJtvajo Road, Westminster, has been assigned to l,. o wJ y AFB, <;:o]o., (or !faining In the 8\11> ply fiefO. The alnnan b a graduate,of Westminster High School, 1963 and recel~ his B.B.A degree in 1968__trmn Cal State College, Long Beach. - La nce Cpl. Geroge F • Jlansfonl, USMC, son of Mrs. Virginia L. Dennis of 3J> Agate St., Laguna Beach, is servinc with the Marine Force LogisUc Command with bead· Honored Sgt. Dennis Wells , 24, of 2526 Greenbriar St., Costa Mesa was one • of three distinguished. graduates from t b e Non-commissioned Offi- cer Academy's summer leadership course. Decor•ted Chaplain (Capt al n) Gerald T. Maecbler son of Mr. and Mn. Louis Maechler of 18401 Dela- ware Ave., Huntington "BeaCb, Was decoratea- wilh the U.S. Air Force Commend~tion Medal in Vietnam. Praued G u n n e r 1 Male 3.C: Charles D. Pa r .k e. r; USN, son of Mr. add Mrs .. Ralph J. Parker o! 5.13 Center SI., Costa Mesa, receiv.ed • Cerli· Cicate of Merit Crom the · Ma yo r of Da Nang, Vietnam. - "Snoopy" Wrist Watch Famous cb1racter from "Pe1nlb .. w111ic sllip •. Swiss ---~ .. ,~~14.95 "Rainbow" Rag Rug Larie ·2•i45" size ti braided multi- color cotlflll jersey. Re.ersille I~ erto 1 88 ~~se.. ~•chin• • _ _ {EKcoJ KitGhell Gadgets RHdy little "Emy-jaf Time Smn! • 3"Way Can Opener • fine Mesk Strai1111r • fl)dt & Bitter Baller • Tomto.Slicer • SC111tll free Ton, •llalpBlellder • Lilllr-Draiaer • Skidller S(lllula • Small T1n11r • f11tt & Yege1allle Seller • Ye2eta11le & fruit Slicer ~ v:nst1l!~ Ytll 2°88 CkliCI I 'Kleensteam' 'Flip-Lok' 'llttr fllbr flf-::~:} ,r.r: 88. c I w~;.., U, nt!f. 1. swinp: in. · ' 2i98c Mouse Traps "11•111"-lbl "'' ""17c •tJ 111 Clttl -Clrf ,, z Q SllllLTUll -tn I 0tllli• bl 1m o·......i.a1uotr1 New-.SC!lolt [•--) an• Tr~':l;rettt ""'"' Im llP to enl8a ca-,., ... sn3.00 "A • " uv10N quamanne MOISTURE LOTIOll ltr !lus.AJ.•b .... 1 25 llelPll tt i.ee, your skin son and 11100tll. Ifs. 2.1111 IL • ~L 1.50 11rJ Ski1 fmMel' 2JIUIL 1~50 ~ ;;;;N Extliri ·21· SKIN CRIAM i 1$59 sto'· :pau _____ .,.;;... ... -mw11n _;,.J Chip 'n Dip Hf ~ c11LDs' 'Swim Fins ...,. t7.:.r~~c: 1.29 ,.... ~11:.:isiri:: 2.39 ~-~Sa;)illlad Hf Jr. Swil llllk Qllls Swil fias · :,:o..:;..~~2 98 =-~88c :.:~ 3 98 i iadlvid11I 1tltd bowls. • If' ltrl(ls. cob'. • • ttlt1l-::r:'a~~; Salad Hf . ~ sni Mask .· fa1li~1 ~ ~ ID\\" wlole ulM lool llfll 3 69 o ~ilh, « 2 88 ·-p ~ ...... ps. Al " 1n1 """'" • .• .tnc . ~ --. ~~- ALUMINUl)I Ice Cabe HAYS ., 99c 0PllltAMto101'1111-7DATS.AWlllf NEWPORT BEACH • 11Jt lnt.1 .. Wtoetdffl ,._ HUNTINOtON BEACH -- lprl11•• ...i~ HUNTINGTON REACH ............ , .. " • .. um• "Mjllbll1" Razor Band II ' Clt111ses, deodorilel, trH~en """"ii~. llolw~ """"' ... complete'r feminine. .. , l·: 93c :~! 1. 69 ."' •. ~ .. _. -' 11'4!-fil ''Ayds'~ lllDUCIH& PWI CAllDY~ low cakrii mftll Mii miie111 Clldy "'ps to cur\• tile. 4 l:.tC . UL 1Zllllt 2. ~ Siu 4.29 , \ .. • • • I I I . I \ .~ ~ . . . ' • it :'t. l)Atl Y r, .. • • .. First Time Ever at Sears Low, L9w Prices ... . . . Simmons Oversize Hide-A-;~ed® Sofa Sleepe~s"' ' • C111tpm-<le1igned, mn. Iona day-llighter sofas th'ic open into lumrioUJ oversize beds. 1!ach one (ea. tutti Siminons fine quality construction, soil and . . llain repellent fabric coven in choice of decoracor colon. • ·-~c ut 1.,o.anr,e1Ceu.c1 SAVE-..86 on '385 Queen Size Hide-A-Bed• hi: T.raditional Style ' LWmriOUJly upbOutered iD colorful floral 'ottoll print •, , • Zepel• treated for soil re- 1iscatice. o64<oil innersprins mattress. ! • •. '". -"""l'""' -• . ·YOUR CHOICE " All About Sem Con'fen!nt Credit Plant SA VE '66 on '365 • Queen Size Hide-A-Bed~ Trim Contemporary Style Seo~· treated tenured_ tweed cover. 364-coil innerspring mattress. Also anilable In supported-back vinyl at same low price. Terrific Value ... Queen Size Hide-A-Bed~ in Contemporary Style Vcctn• (Olefin Fiber) plaid cover with built· in soil resistance and locked-in color. Pillow UfB rests. 364-coil i1111enprina 111atuas. YOUR CHOICE Reversible, polyurethane foam seat cushions for deep-down sittiag comfon, plus multi-coil inner- spring mattresses for superb-sleeping comfort. Concemporary or Traditional stylings. • , .. "":'-----'":'.' ....... ~ ....... -....... ~~ ... ... . .•. -:; ' • I ' ,.,,.._,,·ears ' I ' .All< Abolit Som Coimnlent Cndll Pldl SA VE '56 on '455 King SiZe Hide-A-Bedo in Contemporary Style lo111·we'aring tapestry cover ire&ted with ~tclialril•. Deluxe kioa siJe f earure1 aim-· , fomble 4o~<oil i1111enprina mattress. _, • .. . ...-_. ~-------------------------------------------------~ --PAIK TA M400, 521-45)0 IL MClftl QI 3-3911 IOHO ll.IQ4 HE 5.012J PICO WE 8-4262 SANTA FE SPRINGS 94«01 1 VAllFt PO 3·8461, 984·2220 I ~ ,,.. 34Cl.Q661 0111CW1 0t s.1004, a 4-4611 ClYMPtC-. soTo AN 9.5211 l'OMow. eo 2.1145, NA 9.5161, vu 6·6751 SANTA MONICA EX 4-6711 VERMom PL 9.1911 • I I CXW'IClll Nf 6-2511, NE 2·5761 llOll'lwociD HO 94'41 OUHGE 637·2100 SANTA .... Kl 7.3371 SOllTH COAST PLAZA 540.3333 I CIOWl4 ~11 Hll!WOCIOOll 1.2.121 rASADEHAMU 1.3211 , n 5-12111 I 1011ANCE 542.1s11 i' --;---,~ -------------.. --Sears ---- ---- -- - -- - - --- ---' "Satisfaction Guaranteed orYourMoneyBack" ~'..,"°'"""en. Shop 6 Nights Monday through Soturdoy 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. ' -. - .. • ~---~------·~------~·~~--~----~-..... -------..... --.... --,.....,-------~------..,....._,..---........---__..,... .. _ ~-----·-... . ' P1'0T-ADVE•TISER 5 --=5 --e~ -~~ ·C::::-. JIJEN'S -I FASHIONS THAT NEVER Wed~ay, Ju~ 9, 1'169 -~ ~ ~ NEEIL_ · IRONINGi __ _ . { \ I ~'1 7'1 '-\J"!\ \ \, \·~ MEN'S NO-IRON IVY SHIRTS A. Save 36%1 Wove n ginghom plaid 2 .99 value lyY style 1port 1hirts with full nt.tkband, short .sleeves, 1apered· toils, mcilched 1•7 pockets and pearlized buttons. PERMAN· ENT PRESS ~tton and polyester in blue, -11cild, jreen,Wfllskey; S,M,L,XL ·•· NO.IRON WESTERN SLACKS L .Sav_e i•~l-Popvla[_ We1tern_pocket, 1.-99 value l belt loop ityle 1lock1 of 1hape-retoinin9 577 reverse twi~t rayon , acetate, nylon that's ~ERMANENT PRESS for easy core. &lack, whiskey, blue cH oli'We; 29 to 40 waist. \I . BOYS' NO.IRON ~Nn SHIRTS · A. Save J.J'*il 8oy1' mock turtle n•clc knit 1hlrt& in kodel® polyester-cotton. Blue, moiie, yellow, white, gr2en. Sizes 8-1 B. 1.99 velue PIRMANENT PRESS SHORTS a. teve 11,_I four-por;ket •horts of never Iron c0tton1 polyftter. Block, whilkey, blue, ru1t. ·•olte. 6 to· 1e~ 1.9t velu• LinLI BOYS' SHIRT 137 (, Seve Jl,_I Layered look turtle netk double knit shirt of :wcuhoble rayon and cotton; yellcny, 12! .r•d, green, gold, blue; 3-7 :>-1.91-valve LmLE BOYS' BOXER SHORTS g; Sev• 40"-1 Cotton holf-b•••"' with 1-"P'• 5 7C belt, two pocket1, 1lp front. Wiiiow, Spnit.,. blue, blodt •. Sizes .1-1. 99c v• •• . LONI BIACll MAllOI ·~V•. A? IDINOtl; ,., cOTotn,1"'• aWOOMurr • : DAILY PILOT Jji t ,· . ' , ' SHOP ZODYS F°' NOW·loB ~F=ASHIONS AT DISCOUNT 'PIKES! ' AlllACHI Tll ll'R.PID SHIRT A. t•v• ~7"-'1 N""'look ltiort d•itVa 1trlp•d shirt with solid ctlor aptich~ 11•, 1hirt tail 1tyth1g. Cotton oxford with wide 1tripe\ 111f n~, red; brown on. Whit•i ,1u1 30 to 31. ' 2.9t ••••• ,I'' TUNIC DRiii 'N S_LACKS ··-c.-1_ ... .-.,.r so,..-~ p..iliirQY11.!l_lf!l'•H -=. _-: COll'lblt1H .a tleewl•"· KHP neck dr.u 5 67 plptd lt1 white to wear alone or combit1ed with matching bell bottom slacks. Smooth cdOn h'I nervy, br•WTl, sins 7 to 15. -· 12.•• :..1 •• ; ITRIPI CULOTT• SHIPT 1>. l•ve 46,.1 ioldly 1trlpff c11lott• shift 3'' , booltt a big pouch pocket, easy zip bock. , Crflp ce;tten, fa1hlon _colon;,1lze1 I tO 16. ' • . ,-· 6.ff val ue ' ' - ., MOC.K TURTLE NICK SHRL •• l•v• a.l...-_I .l erftct J umme( topplngl Nylon knit Mck turfl• nt<k sh•ll'Witft •..-Y. ' ·• 8 7 ~n sipper bock. Jn white, 1r•et1, l'Mllon, brown, reel, lilac, plnlr., •iz•• 3" to 40 • •.•• ••I.•• A·LINI SKIRT 'N •AIH" P. lav• 24~1 Pop\llar A-Uno 1hapecf~kil't of c:ri1p "Windiomt11ei" rayon and cotton In · ·377 solld colort wit"h" ~onfflitting print aofh, held by four wide loop1. Choo•• purplt, browt1 or novy blut1 ' to 1.4. 4.99 v•I•• ~ GIRLS' THRll-.. 1.CI PRINT 'N SOLID ID :~~:. . . . I'' K. I ... a7'611 Glrf(.100% cottoft thr9e-plece plcty1tt eoMbln• • «~Nipein •'YI• pri?t top ot1tf two potr of. Jo1M1lc:a sti.,.,., '•M iHtdlhtt ptJ11it, ,._. Ceordinated solld color. Pink, yillow, orc:tnge c:oMblnaliona; sia" 7•14. .. • I l l NIRft•IMI BIMl9'0 llACH UlaA llYa. Af IMVOMlltlll Q.WfN~ ,1.¥9.af ... IAT CINTtl BllZAllll CAllMA-loMK .... ,llMAMH..~wa. ~t IUHANil t PM CA.,.,.N I~ ... Ai lOltal ~ . . " IHOP & SAVI AT IODYS MON. THRU IAT.10 A.M. TO t P.M.1 IUNDAY l~.TO..t • •• ~OTI Of, ... i!ARKINOI • i ' -----· ' . • -· ~ -• - I I I _., .... ;-......,... r :8 PILOT·ADVEl!TISER • ' ~ Car eer Antenna on~the · Beam . t , • ~ '- • Ill Field of Tele 1V ision~ I I _ • ' ' •• . _.._ t.lfl •••• • Mll'Cllf'I' C HANGING CHANNELS. ;:;_.~~ r_•..::: However, llgbtaln1 ..,, ,....,.. ••: toehnoloCfcal advance a, ·: .::-~~ .... .:::. "':..: thWO. tncreaatnc the demand ..._ ..... ..,.,..,"' ~" In some areas of the work, will =---...::::.r:..-:: ~it Jn othm. Fot H· -.. " - --··.amp!<, there ''\'111 ~Jess need '"' *,... --··••11"'" tofli(ini fidiO"'l"tpatr ·because- By• J!)YCS i.AJN ol printed cire.lls and ·-voor·weer antenna la translstor&-tt'a ofU!n c!>eaper date their aklll11. GO u,. beam at>Out"1hll field: to pllch the old radio ai>d boy -v AluETY SHOW· TV and lbe U.S. nepartrnm. ot Ltbor a new one. ad! .. -... .. _ .. d 1 ' "' aaya em~.of TV, and Keep ln mind that tlie beat r o .......,..,.~ a In o s e radio -1<-t ~ II opportunillet will ...,. to -ble, ttpalr, adjllS1, Install upectecl "tO mcr,at rapidJy se.rvtce technicians wtwlmow and maintain TY aets, home, throughout tbe lflO'a. ·plus theory as well as having prao. auto" and two-way radios. 'nley there'll be about ,Jtxl ot>en: Ucal skills, can use '1he most also lel'V~ phonographs, tape tnp IJUUIUY frcm replace-modem test equipment. and recorders, hl·fi and stereo ment needs alone. .,..... are-willl{'g to conUnuall)' u~ 50UOd equipment, e 1.e ~ t r i c -- orcana, electronk: •• ,.,e his bench liiilM the lhop,"OI" ~ u well u "tecbnJca) tedm1caJ publications: ability perfence to'become qualilled • = 1~ ~= make oo!alde calls. = ~ .,.. ....,.) to nwilpulate small parls ai>d Traliiing la li\llillable thrwgh clr<:Ull TV, aitt:rafl , lll<jio<, M 0 NI Y AND A·D-~ . _.,~:: tool>. technicol and v o cat 1 o o a~ and various 1 rnartne 1 0 d V ANCDIENT. 1167 govern-tedl!UMlrw ID i~ or ~ E A os:tART. Orilrab1e schools, junior co1Je1es, cor.: medical electrOmc ~ices, m.ent !!tf: khow many entry goyemment, or t e c ll'n l c 1 1 hljh acho(>l courses include ~po nee s c boo Is, air' Many specialize. · Jobs" pa d s1Talg)lt·Ume """' ioi\llih, lallll i.• ••a o OT r, math,~ ..... lies. ~I ---p,_iiillitai:y irtl~.c ~ ..,. --°'"""'""10&-a "eek, and-man desl ;...i '2!.,A.f ..t-..1..-:r..i;"_L.r. ... t.~•..1;; . WHO SIGNS PAYCBECJtf erperienced le ch Dre I a D 8 ::re ... neera IDd aen1ce Wtll't'Ufa _,~ ...... shop., all 00.lh&-job and through federal1 Of th -·TV tra Io• tr u ct o s ta(I... w,U. aa English_ and r~, to ' d e 125,--.. and radio received $11~180. M a n y dltio tratrilng 1D81 be r6-)aelp you deal' with rust.omen. 1 o vernmeot-aponsore pro- servlce techoiclans em'ptoyed technicians ~ork overtime f.or quired\, · Helpful • hobby .acti.v!Ues. in· gram8' for the µnemployed in 1967, .about a thif{ ..y.ere higher p!lY. Fringe , benefits -"¥ •eJllcli working with electronic (check wltb. your 1 tat e their own boaaes. )Ip-dependonihe~mp~yer.Some P~N~ )'IC.TUBE ·kill, ~ng a·tiam i.dio emplOyp;ientservlce) .. prolimately 75 ~ot Worked ~bops are W'lioni!ed _TUBE. Things · you 5bould operator and joining sclenee Send 11ou-r iugge.sbont /or1 inservice'sliopsorltofe1,4nd Advancement may ~ to have 10Ing for you to enter ·clubs-Vl&lt TV .and radio future coluwn topics to the rest were lDOlt1J emp~ asststant foreman, foreman, thi.s field include: aftflge ta-aer.rict cemen. ~ w YOUf Jotjce -Loi?i Career Comer. by governmen& _qendel aod aendce manager, or ownet of ~gence to lprn how eltc-nei&hbothood ~· c/o DAILY PILOT. Sorry, m~c:tw:er'J.' A ae r;o1l c e your uwn sales and rePAft_. troruc component.a and cir;cuits 11JN1NG IN. l~takes two or 11.0 .JMil . a1uwer1 can be ""1inlc110 IP'1 worl<Jl!ooe,.•1,-&hou.. CC.UtlQJ> -:Voo.,J>eejl. work; ability to ~ ~.Y-ol lr..Jiz!lJl& ai>d ex· Qiv"" , -6',c:IS,·l'TEEL WAlL POOL l wARM·w1AT11•• •uN:•o• THE K1Ds1 1 I . • • N •-•-• J.!!P.!.t,••. . 19!••• UMlll ~ ." ........ _..... l.!!11' ....... _~ ... ~ ...... 1~ ., .. ,,., ..... ,. •Large bac rd 6-foot diameter pool }~~,. UVI J'Jcl SILK 'II SATIN lfAND LOTION 1.0• A •7c ....... :ZOD'.l'S PINK DITIRGINT st~ ;29-c al•• ,.., 411H1 .., fl•• ... ltrlc.. Mt ..... rt ·111 .. pi••tk ...... .. uv1aoc1 • , 11., 11..s.1•• ' ~ 1.u5·941P ~-size baht .., U..... a ·19'•-' ~ .... ,.. ........ . 1-.i=:-.. :,.,-.:, ... ,. ~ ~· ~ ••• ,.. tt1 .. ,,,, .................. ,... . • •.;l-••• UYIJ6d .. , ....... ,,.~,.,.. 12·•&.•eNffl .... ' UYl46cf RIGHT GUARD DI ODO.RANT '·"59. c· t iz• . A11tlotl•rtpire1114 .. -•4•r••f ••r•,. hep.;.. 47 •11 -,.M&.c.,.. ' . . I AYl .. ci · ' IAY:l 1.7t l FAB llLOllS SAVINGS FROJll ~'11'S WiG DE P'l'.1 HUMAN HAIR WIGLET 9 .95 value A beautiful flat-bq1• 4 97 wigl•t •a1ily 1tyled in • a n~mber C1f ways. . . • Ll•l·LIKI FALLI 19.95 value A qvick coY•r·up for 9'' tOdoy'a multi-faceted woman. 0...•r "O diff. •rent fa1hion 1hade1. HUllAH llAll ETEUSHES,.!.15 "Ill ... 97• m• FUIUW. zn .. 1 ........... ,. :::::::::::·:::: ,, . CHECK ·ZODYS ,ANTASTIC VALUE' ON THIS · KEYSTONE AUTO· THREAD DUAL .a MOVIE PROJECTOR •• • • flllJf ..,.,.,UC rlll-tlHMI lhreldinJ • lrii1111t ........,. *'! • -suOu l/SIM!llRD I --•WI-.. ·~ ......... .• • " 1 · 1on•o1. • GllLS' MQQllS ,_,_..,. ' " . , , . ' . ~ . . •Special "weather f;eate.d" rust te5istont corrugated steel fi dewalls •Prin ted heary-duty plastic liner wilh con· venient drain plug I Great warm weather fun for kiddies! t' Sii OUR COMPLITI SELECTION OF POOLS Ill A~L SO:U, PRICES UP TO 209.971 HIDDON SPINNING FISHINGIJQJL ~ ~ '"' f• · Compare ~t 6'' .,, 12-.45 ... ' • Precilion quality ...... ..!J?inning reel e StClinl•11 st••I fu ll bail •High sp•ed r•lriev• • 0 1t-off •nfi·reY•"• a ction I ' ( ' .·IUPIRMO,IL ••·*lllR 81CYCLI CHILD'S RIDWOOD PICNIC$1T 4·CYCU , Mlltl·81KI . ·.' . :S4.f5 29'' V•lue •. ( \.1. •Dependable aaf..ctop coaJter brok• •Shini11g throin• fl'Ofl.tfp of ha ndl•ban to rims • Hecrry punttu,.proof f)'p9 r•or tir• · • Soddl• MGI, ldck 1ta11d, 1turdy frame •Flarnboyant finish • DILUXI $1 HP, 4·CYCLI -;-20n POWllf MOWIR ' ' · 1)11001 a. IT)IAnON INOINI ' 54.17 value • f asy re.:oil 1tar1•r •fu\120.iMh blad• • No.Mcalping stagger•d wheel deiign • 1." gaug• -l onderi1ed 1leel d•ck 10.95 6'' verl ve •Genuine California r9dwood I Capped hardware for prat•dion • 1"¥..,..135" tobl• with attached benclie1 139.9599'' value • ' .,. cyt.I• Briggs_ & Stratton •ngine •Heavy duty centtilugol clutch •Extra 1ftong br~ced front fork • Su)e-iif~p brq'e LUCLTE CEIL1N.G OR W A"LL PAIN . ' ', . ., ' 1 .17value 4' Xotfya ••1ular t al. Low h-}\• 6.5 7 •DuPont Wark Skipper polnll •Skip tht tllning and tho mer:, I Do-.n't d;ip even If yo11'r• · painting th• cailh1g .•Dries In 30 minul•t to a beautiful fi,i&h •Tool1 cl.on in soap and water · ·HAND •MQWlll 1:4.17 _ .... ' •••••••• -. .,, •• -••••••••••• 14.8.7 PAINr'ROLLEit & PAN ',,uw1 ............................. JJ• ' . l .. Pll~I GI.All PUNCH 80WL SIT ' ' ....., 5.17 '·1'' value .. • loro• I-quart Hf'fing bowl •With 8 cups and honging Mc.ks •Serving ladle · . • ld•ol for 11itmmer refr-.hm•nhl ll&HT 8Ull$ Uo w lH : .. •• .... , .. : ... : ...... "-''-•• IJ' AllAIRIM•fVUlltTOll OIANalTNot•I At l t.otl · WHT COYllllA •• AZUIA AW. 41.f'Vlldl SUllAAllA M.eu ... •n.•T 17'N m tn . ' MACMILLAN ~~YAL •coi, • ,,o,••01 ~ 69c ~a lue I h 1 .... ·• • . r 1 _,., ' Fine motor ail in 20 ot 1 30 Might. Cttano-oil ' now for iu111mtr drWing. ttf. ' . -nm•••• l l tt•A Mn .' Af DIYONINlll' ,,.~UACK ...... ~°'"' ,,~ ..... , so..tl• ,,.,.,,~ - JJ ' ~ I i ' I I -- • I , • • ' r ~. ·.·-"'~"-· ·~·.-.:..~..: ""\l=:Y•~"<~· ...... -.,,,, ______ """' ________ ..,._ ... .,,. ... ------·--""'""""'""' ___ .,,,=== ...... ~.,.,,.....,,,...,,_,,,.. ._, ...... __ ...., __ ~----r·-~e. .., :± eo• r 'l""l"':ft:P"' . ~ . . ' ! . . . PILOT:lOVE~TJSU '1 ' ' . NarcolepsY • • ~·nesp~rate · 'Sleepyhe.ad', May Su fe-,f· from Dear l:Jt. fte ncrohn1 My a trial Of a few montiis, then . · ~ become establisntd in the 2'•1 Drou&bt oa by orgasm.1 ~lltte ln p~ hnrrnnnf'tt'for ' warillng symptoms that al\<1l· woman; 'Who couatia' -~ 1~, Problem 11 staving awake~ I it'a time to· consider the 30' Jl ol •~ ba oJ " ~;c -~~.:::-~i. th -11 •· 11.~ • · -, ' ,, or 1. appears more , ten MEDI~ (Replies • "'""' c nge ~ 11 e -Y1111n Y9U lai.:. 11 ~ e·way. ••• "' !~ 1 · 11Some ~Y t'(.I beltef &Ive up am. 00 and desperate. I've possibility of oarcolepsy. In males, in 1 raUo ot about to Readers). ~ve ~ rl&ht to ut ~~ eon-Ide•! Ume to t,.U t·b e smokine, .before It .r~.s {b.,' heard~~· but THIS coNDmON ts often two to one. 'Ibis Irresistible For Mn y . M answt sultatioal'lo l'l the opuuoa o1 med1clne .. The ~Iler. you take devil ,..1111 my lvnp" lho<l"' tllrl;<.~-overlool;ed,_liii! "1i'be helpt'l desire f_alJ 13leeJ1 .-""'1. -yES. 1 ·.io··t..ui.. lha r a ~ l!""""lopt> · ,. 1tthe more e(fectivo 11 wUIJ!•· _l\!ld. "wltb b>¥ .11eart..,,,ld. -· -~:d .. you an for con-dflmat1Cal1y with-the use "le°pa:ls"'oieinJ~;. se&ij;:' '. overcome--tfie--nan:oltpt1e-.,~'Otban in her -menopause ~ -...tt. .... -*-M !D ,l(OW' •OWA ~~ lt, alteries too .. -. • stilt.atlOb?"Mn. K.. Ritalin, etc. l have observed, SomeUnlea ills 1. familial often as JO to 15 Umes 'a da). should-be allowed to take De~ Dr. S Tel n c ~ o b n : i4n.'\ UncoJU!llon 10 filld \hat ·· • J • -:--- • many caset In my ow• C!'"'" There is a continual ba:ttle to honnones •• -n•-I •rcesslve Sometunes the medlctne my takl~ th~ medicine after tfie .'I\;, * * , . · , , '"'" -trail The afflicted person ls .., "u "'u ,. doctor -·-~·-• f h be 1-·' ' COMMENT ., J kpott the old tlec who had been la led often 8 danger to him.U.lf and stay awake. sweats and ne.rvoqSn~ r~ '"""' or . my at tac · u IW\ "" u · m~, For ·Mn. P·:, You have been' saw ··about ..1•doctors 'disagree.. "sleepyheads" or "laiy aOQd·• -~y This · inclbl need f H the · • Bl"" migrane headaches w O'r le. s ef~ec~ral way to t 1 t '• t . hea.zina "tcare-taJk, '' 1 see no i " but he thttt l -ootbln " H telul others becaU&t be may. fall . iov e . or • ~wever, re ts one ... ~ wonders: At ether .times, if .1 rrugrainei llf.SOll why a ·healthy peraon n& lhere,ls w n agree or gs. ow gra u uJeep wbUe al th~ wheel of 1 sleep m the oarcolepsy_ pat.ient I d hke .to add : provided Y.our tOe if. after. the headache has * * * . cannot drink •· glass or two· of that I. 'DO= sy~ they were fD become wa~ul car. Sleep often comes un-may cpme ~l any time-Jn dQdQr finds no a.ctual~y.11eal already :Ht in, it's ,•as FOR. ·MJL O;; The man (or fee water dally. as ~ epsy, .its time again. Tru,_e ,~.rcolepsy lS ol . b14Wen while playing cards, so~e cases 1t has ~ reason. why you cant take W~...IL taking 1 suiar ------------------for other opinions. unknown, origin. _l!ut jt affects 81·1"·' In company or while during the act of sexu&f In-hormones On the other hand 111 .u do -1 , I.. Often a bordetl1'·• I 0. t •3 ... ~--· of th .... • t =-I -u •.d • R ........ YOll account or To' day's News ·rocJny , uc, ow .,. o v .,..., ... "lOiu. e eating ercourse ,espec aJly alter . your octor refuses .to. ui ·¥rs F ~ --v thyroid'flµlction ·ls blamed for populaton. Nar~lepsy cotpel!I • org1M1mJ. ~ scientific term Prescribe ~'!} only b:ecau,se, · ~ · : · ... •lecplnes.. l!owever, ff thyroid from.the Gr .. k ·word "narkeV . )"II!:. CONDITION-.m ay "orgaspio!epsy" meana steep ,heJ•!1• "It la • l)Stural Uma of CQ~: Milli' paUents i's· The-Da ii" D:/ot W-a ,} medication dQesn'i"-help after mean1ng stuj:l(lr and ftom begin dutlng adolescence or or lw of consciousness your life" or "I just don"t,. who suffer from migraine get ,_,..., ~ ~~~~-'-~~-=-......:.-~~~-=-~-=--~~-..:.:.-..:.:.::........:::........:=:===:.......:..:::........:::........:-..:.:.=-=.c:.....::::..::=:::....::..::::....::::=::::..=~~~~~.:_~~_:_~-- U SOLID STATE:' IMl•SON STDIO , 1 TABLl.RADIO tllAJl$J.TOlt PllONo · • Solid 1tote a drCllitry •large 1peoker for full sound ::i:! ff~·~ Ja""5""i\ •All tronsiltor dual IEIEISDll channel arripliU•r -. -~ ---••-h~ul·9-.pe14' ~ ... tot- • Con lie 0"!Mtd ott the floor, table or • ·. ' > •AM rodia in 1mart, comPact cabinet •Automatic "4·1~•d chang91 · •Dual sa.pphir• 1tylu1 •Multi-speaker sownd 1y1tern.., - in detachable lid .. ~_UIBB 8!10,0DINT MANNl.NG·BOWMA• • . f ·~ -. •Ideal for lr.ilch•n, bedroom > ' •Solid slate circwil • li11ening jock and earphon• •Carrying 1trop • !. 't'Olt battery included ,. ' SOilb STATE WALKIE TALKIS '.12.95 value VOLtlM; ... ~ 887' ONTl'O.-~-­,_ Me •High 1en1itiYity, volume control •T•leKoping Oftlenno · • Wl104 • lcfjol for comptin, hiker•, , KCM/h • .. · TOOTH.RUIN . -llOLL·ABOUT FAN 19.9$ 'valoe 1:0•7 -!:;:: ,,., •tf~liichfon • ~eitteolty" adl11sfoble •Two-s~~vahbariton motor •Ro ll,9G'sily ffom li'l'ing ,;;.;- to bedf'OOfTI or kitch en • 1-yr. unconditio"ol guoronfite ~ ' ' . -' I Yll. OVlll•TM(.; • a~eri1t1 included i.Allious MAKI. HAIR PEMMl•Llft·.PLIP .. -' .. 3.50 valu• 99c •7·inch reet of 1200 feet of blonk recording · lope •For fine1t q1,1olity tape recordings! •Stock wp now I 14°PC. CASSETTE . " T.4PE ~·'-fRDER llT "S"t.~5~2· , .• , v~lv• -. ' . ' COUNUll DC.MANOI MHM PHILCO SOLID STATI AM CLOCK RADIO ~~l~lt?>..~5 value 9•1 •s01id .tote fOr inato1U ploy and reliability • •Woke to mu1ic cir new1 ·• or cilorm •Automatic Yolume control . .•line qUality AM r9Ception UHP·VHP·FM COLOR TV ANTl'-N" ·Kii· 'liJi • . . . ' • Rece iYeS all 82 chonn•ls . ._Ra.ige~up_to J2Q,_mi1•1-YHF !e Range up to •'«) mile1~tiHF • Ron9ei upito ID Miles-FM • I • DRYER WiTH STAND 9.95 valu• 4'' •Terrific savings Ol'l lhis fomovs dryerl • C~mpllte with dry (n'; hood ond con••nfent 1tond •Wol'ld~rfl.!I yift for 1tudenh, . teenagenl WATIR PIK@ ORAL HYGllNE APPLIANCI _!~i:!·14~,7 •Water P'i~carri .. •n the tleonln; lob yOut toothbruih begin• -..... ~-·~ --•Jet i ptap-oclf ,,..."iV" .,... .. ti>oreach peirticlek : . ~. ::::::::::::=, . . •Kil iiK~udH pole! SO~-twin lead ~========::::;'i MAkl0 UP MIRROR 1 • ~·-\,. • !:i::.·7·~. ' ' • llluminot.d, mab-vp ·' mirror , " •wi1 h flip-up mogniftet- •_Glar.,free bulbs . . • Distortfon·frej.mirror FAMOUS.MAKE .. IAY:t' DUTY BILT MAS.AOIR •. s9.ts 2'91J. value . ; ·. ' '1 • Eiljo1 ~ >feolth wllh"tattbe- • P'ow.rfwl 1/5 H.,. molo; • •All 1teel bow· Gfid pott • Adfu1ta~le mouageJ,elt....- inlen1ity control , DO .. O~Aw'S 'GRIAT HITS : SAYE 50% ON WOMIN'l;:TllNS' . STOCK vr BVY·TBE·l'IFTKS1'LE1 ' t , • ' • ' 'f" ON a.TRACK CARTRIDGI TAltl, AND ••RL$' TINNe,s · OXFORDS .: ... · :c. . . . . ZODYS O~ l:AB~~·i· . .. ,, ~ "' ,( .... ' -6~9• ••ch , • "W•ot Your lO'-le l ike Heave n'' • "Donqvan's;. Gr9't8st ,Hits" I • "H.urdy Gu'rdy Mon" •"Sunshine Superman'' •"Mollow YoJJ.,.- INCREDIBLY LOW ].99 values YOUR CHOICE $ :i Quol ity tennis oxfords ma'cle In U.S.A. •Long.wearing toles' •White or black (Qnvos UPP.•rs ' I • • •Women's sizes .. 5 to 10 , 1 • ,. Girls' 1izts 12.~ to 3 '•c!'hlld'• •i10J 610 12 ., •• - ~crwollaiPle in red or blue INCR~DllLE LOW PRICE AT ZODYll . • .. . ·6.4,9-6.99 ' 3•t .~ ~ value ·;r;, .. ~ ---c ~ ZODYI IOTILID IN IONO 11rol9t1t liourlton. 100 .pifff from K•nt11cky,. C.m~~--•f 6.t~ IMPp,TID '91.S PIOCH' YQlllCll; Zody• CaM-•. brfd., .Cost1• fl1'• l111port •. Chorccirl fllr.red t.f clarity, C.mp•re ·•• 6.•t. HALF GAUON SALi .ZODY.S OWN LABILt • • , .,,99;;1.1s ·1 ··:f9 ~~~~..Ill ~•~ "~ -· WllTllN lllllVI WHllln'. Ubl· 111Gle'•fn Mellow whiskey, bltndecf With 10-yr. olG whiUd ... c..,.,.. .. 'I." IMPOITID IUM. Iodji 1-.ctonHr nilil· frofll ;h, Virgin ldandt. Uthf or dorlr. ~.,.,.. .. 11.as ,, .. PRICED AT ZO~ll;YS;l~tl~=====~~~:;::==~~~5~~;~~~~~ ~IHO~ :W.111 'iloDYS Ava11aal.1 'CR1D11 · OR "1oui ~ .. Ail~ .. 1cAn ••• •~TISPACTION ;euAliu1DD .a.wAY•1: : . uo'P &.sAvJ.A.1 zo•YI iio111-·!_11au •• ,.. ~! a:a To;• ~M.1 •i'•A!·10J•1 .-.. Lot~·.,~·• P.41Ul1li•t · • • • • • • ' T ·~ I r \ • l I " . • ' • •' • ' ,. ' • .. • • ,. • • • • ' ,. l , '.• • ' ' . ' ~· , # • •I r 1be mnD outlook !or the will climb 10 IS5 billion by ~ lnduatry 1n Call!omia 197', an Increase of over '11 ii 'rr/1 opllmlstJe, but there billion !rom the !Kl aal .. ale Jllll\1 probl.,.. that level of 135 billion. 'lbb subo mercbants muat eope with. Jr &tacu.t adv.a.nee will be due -J>"ll>)eriil· are no l-ln-IJ'lt Jll!rl to eonlloued l<!Od lltlslacl«ll)' fOIOlv<d. then growth In bot!> populaltoo and the operating ruulb of l'<Oi.11 part to cootlnu<d sood growth ouUets could be dluppolnUna. personal lncome. Moreover, accordint to ~ lndustry the 'tOMUmer'• de9lre for surveY. reltastd by United "setr~'.' by use of Ctlifornll' Bank. d i f f e r e n t apparel, home 1be bank proJecled tlull furnbhlngs and ,. on wQJ be rttail !'1es volume in Ult state 1 o increasingly · important •••••••••••••• 9TAI = :-...,-._:.-·· --. What is the ~Dual Management . Approach? l(ymare maa Mlftic..,..Wilk I $25,000 portfallo, or motO, YOll - bc usior Dual M.._ The U<bllical and -• approach to •llf'CMive pert.folio m&&llfe'o ment is imaluable. 1.£ you would lib. to learn more llJoot Dual M>m-~-"(IJeao caD Mr. Hmoll at 494-9781. @ MITCHUM JONES.& TEMPLETON 1•r•1rea&r•• Af4NOUNCING A NEW FUND AVAllABLE"WITHDUT SALES CHARGE.THRO SEPT. 17 FIDADEIAl TR En as mmAL FUDD,IDl - A MUTUAL FUND SEEKING CAPITAL APPRECIATION BY EMPLOYING SPECULATIVE INVESTMENT TECHNIO.UES. ll'ITRQUT 08£/GATIQN OF ANY KJND ... 1 SEND FOR FREE PROSPECTUS: -------------, :,:' FINANCIALTRl!:NDS G4~.. I MUTUAL FUN)), INC. t 11ox-I I l:qua&HUIB, Cautomia 92W 1 I l )NAME , 1 I ADDRESS I 1 lCITY STATE ! I • =~------------~----------J FINANCIAL T1lENDS MUTUAI. :FUND, JNC. 23621 PABEO DE VALENCIA, LAGUNA ff.ILLS, CALllORNIA 02e53 \ TELEP.HONE: (7JC) 817·2'70 David A. IV. Youna. r o r m e r 1y secretary- treasu~r a n d comp- ltoller ol Maceo Corp, land development !Inn of Newport Beach , h"' betn named lreaaurer- controller o f G r e a I Soulllweal Corp of Ar· llngton, Tex. Macco 's pareQL company. ' • l I I • • ' I • • : i ' • ' I I . ' l ' .I • • ~------------------- New York L ' I 1 ,I jl\l. ;1 I I~ ~a 1 ~ J ll1, J "ill I ~ llli 1 , ,ra I 't lUl . • I ' I • < .. Stock Exchange List l "!!:=:! ~.~ ~ .... ' . • • ' • • t ., •i ' .. ' •- I I l r I I ' • • • ,, .. ......,..,.._.....,s ..... ,,..,c..,c ... ._. ,, • 11111 .... IW. ....... _ .... 1......... ; • e •1Jtll ........ St.• WMtwll•ftlt_-W~~· • .,,... .,..,.., e 11f61Y....,"9w•C••••-~,.-.,G• ... ,.,. . -., . ' fttlfty t-Y.tt r...;nr lfflu httlH'f _____ 49, Great perfonnance com b ined with I m • 1' .t eppe&ELDCe an& Thrifty low ptii:e! With ea;rM phone; bl.ttary.'. ( in cholco of · 1c0iot1L -2Sc Value! Plastic •-=::ca lc~d 'tea Tumblers 20:~~!a10' Lemon, Lime, Grape. ·;~~~--···49· M. ~,JJ L '"'It.-~ ....... ,, ... c.... CMN .... • 1mw .... 1••• •~wieut-w .. ,t .... e Jll4lS....A".'1t_IQC1l4-........ .,. ... ~-G ... Grewe • tw1 c..., .. ,...,.. • .......,._~c • ..,.,......,...,... s499 Vmyli1ed "Tuffy" Cotfon Surf Rider ~'2." Use ta pool w aurf -·-tidtng'i Q:1Jms equtp- P.!4 With l'QP;e ~ the way around! A." tun 2Tx48" Cze1 • Jet ~S"le Paisley Luggage :~~~ s3'' Choic• Soft side. llgbtw°"'.bt carey. a.J.ls/ldppen, double handle&. Patterna, cotqrst • s,.tt 15" Sb. ... _ .. $4.ft · • SJ.ft 16., 17, 11" _,$5.H ea. '2~7 Poly -Spi>ons & Spinners !s.1··~ Fishing Lures ..... '.. . ... 14 PILOT-ADVERTISE~ • • e 14HW14••1•_. ........ -...... c.t..a.t.AM e 11tM ......... ~· 41T ..... -..... C-, '-""oYolO., • M trt-11 W Uill!lf' ~ -H~ a.-• "°'.Pl., c..ftf, Ha11tlafto• .._. • "--.. ..... _ _....,_ c.-.,..... Sfigfit rl'N'JS; of ~a'1 La_..at s.1119 7c Cigar! Dixie-Maid . . . .. ' Box of 50 · C1~rs Pnced. 9 .bi.,Ollld· •149 Plea.sure.filled amoktnc rifht down to Ute laat inch. Slight tlaWI in no way affect f1a... vor, arom.L · Summer Weig SoHd• Blankets 72190 s-299--lncll . . '.R&yan and polyester blend nice-- ~ ly bound. Populal'I 1lze in. newestcolora. Yourbe!it lllanket buys! our 1unglaaua cf< Wad1ng-P-ool 1.-.,-, ••• 2 79. Made ot potpty-'2~' :-:• ~;: hr C -Htte;--on• ptecr,-I ' cport:m;-goodl - aturcty and light-~ · dWinr No ltpter fluid neeJS. ed ! Btarta charcoal bumlng-quickly. Clean, euy-no danM gerou1 flareupa., For week-end chefL Opt Ray Gl•m· $2. -·97 ' ?, w 11.b: 5 lightly . _ -. tinted putel Jen• n1 eell that are in· J stc With __ 5ac Lid y- t..rga bucket With lid • , • a hot or cold. preserver tor buns, l"OUa, Ice. Ideal tor patio, p1c:nk:11,. poolaldt:. •3•7 Kalimar Slide Viewer Tr s217 Bii&'htl.Y illuminated with 1, wide field of view! save $1.00 now'! • - 79c Pound. Bags Jorclanola Almonds ' Sale s· 9c . Prictd Dcllclouii, nutr1tJOWI • whole' almonds ror.at.rid and Wt.ea to .puteeUon ••• priced to. •v.• you 20c a poUnd. :..._..... .. ,...e ....... ...,... -..:-' ....... •Win. _... 3'' ....... ·-~-. • I ' ' , Slsal :Rope Monkeys DhcOliot ·99c Prlctcl , - Clltat rnol\kt)'I ft'tt .W(th rlortc &rm.I and Jip--t&U th&I.• &djl.tala for llang• tni"" W.00 hSMI. moves wU.b t.&11. In Hot Brown. T tuc;tt of Red. ' I, ~·el"1t. M blr aaia. $1291· Value! Super Pool Lounger $966 Rugged c a a -va.s aluminum. f°rame . A U• pa.nded poly. 65x2t". Hold. /" 200 lbs. Swlll'I llln9 24·1ncll Vinyl F o·r ttny 69 C tykea just learnlng to lwtm! 9 u n protoc. • lion. Ill or aut- dool"L Natural color ;; " .peel with .......... r or iwrrtng. Bradley's De·luxe Blended • Whiskey Fiftli Galati •2•1 'Out.ta-.... 1.l our every<l&y k>w prtce -now prtoed even IOW"· .ar tor a limited U!ne. $1'49 Value! 27x7211 Air Mattress Ronsonol 33• Light.er Fluid 4-. Coo 19c Bat for any t 11 n t ll(bter. Gl'Vl4 Op en- tni Bale s~ dall ..... Jf. now at Tb • fJ dl1count - 1 New Li9ht Bulb Jewelry & Fancy , Key: Holden 97c Copiee of eleo- trie: IMllba made ln.to pen~ key cb&tna, bracaleta, · pll!.11 AU tn ban•· 10mt colors. N--ootL . ' terc:hangeable. , &'ri $1.19 liTT\' WOODS HALF liAUON FOAMING H~~~ I~~~' $149 foam I l'lor&J, Spice or Nareluu1. Leave1no tub ring. 77•Foamy Shave Cream·: Rl'guhr er Lerno• 64"*' L t me • Prleii IR-V\. cludm l2c o!! 011 ltbl'I. 10 Edt• Bind-with Rtzor - -Reg. $1 .79 Gillette TECHMATI~ BAND • Pack of 50 Tablets 66' _. 96c Value! Anacin '1 -j ForS.oburaPu ••• u .. So1ora1 .. 1 $138 ~ s20? Solarcaine ~YAE~~--n loyZaodS...Jlc 2 sr. • c ~a~u ~ . J&J COTTON IALLS.............. • 1 "' -.ra111o1s 211' ~:L~ Sacchari" IOmE ~ OF 1000 ...... $ 19 -:4 OUNCE ': hr°"" • Cats t •• ,., ·-of ltchh111 _., 1 Sulfodene u9u1D .. _______ , • YJll'tlieys -fJOO Spray co109..e 1 Tu1sy "' s2zs ~.-. Upltic~ ~ ~·11 VlaUI, J ~and St: ,__, --te t&ven.- era '" Pmm- dar pd Redl~ • ··Olla lhadl& R o I e aatun.1 , ""'"" • • • .. PILOT-ADV<RTISER. J5 WedM>!ay, Jufy 9, 1'169 ' . -e J>ll.17fti St., c...w ... s•a,,..1 c.t.,C.M. e 1Jff4 M•1•1t .• T...._Wt.p c-t., P.Y. I • lJIU ............... I '•-W~ c..ew, •••• e '1014Z C ..... -'"· • llldW I••• ._. t•••;lil1 c:.tw, •••• e .... I...., IW.-M ..... w .... l•1pptr1 c:..tw, H.t . e 612'1 W... l.:tt1 • ..... W..o w-. I P• .. , e t4'1 C ...... A,.,9'~~......... e Uff ............ HilW ..... Cattt,C.M. e 14lOW.,Ml...,4" ...... St. l*1_.__C111•1 1.A.~------~·~Jl"'-'IJ=t =l•=••,~·~A~1f~I· ---~~- • 11961 ,...,., ""'. ca..-Me. • ............. . ___ ... ___ ... _,...._.,.... -~~·--' Natlo!IGl)y. AdverllNd 23:. ·PenetraJ • s1 99 Value! Clear & Lovel s299 Value! . ·s Year 60 ·or ,100 · Watt Meclic:ated Hot Wheels Ught 8ulbs Wood Groin Finish • , · 1ush Compacts · TV. Tray .Table -Strip Action · Set ·Y••r Cllolco f You will '* 5 8 '1" ~·-6F91( ' ognh:e the !a..-c vow 99c mdtls milker on ly S-41•. . : . Choice . i;ight! Feather-Matt•I Jig-ht form~ in 4 shades for 17c.-i. x.,p .... """ -..... lh.tter1 Hot Wbella eu, 10 a.II types or skin. Won't feet ot Hot 8trtp Track, I ltop 1i u I lll _,td""C woodtt.N llU11l&ce9 bl clog P91'e.!. Apply With Tnck jolnoro. -torenrl Stock up aow ·ParlcaJ' Ol' Walnut. brush or. pUH. -~~~ at* •vin&L . TabUJ&r Jep in --..... -- WOlllen'S Lycra Glftlles f2HWomen's t1IO Val. GI011I Hand Blown PitChers &~ ... ...- s5ts Value! Wonder ._·•Wheel • -... @f:L' 11 ~. Multiple ~ ~:Daily Vitamins l . ·101tl• 85' I • of 100 • -I C' ,. ' •• 1 .. tY~' .f Priced· even lower th.9.n our everyday low p"d« of 98c. • a.,-. s1.•1 l•ttl• ., 250 $1.32 •-R19; Sl.6f lortle of liS ST.7f . .... • .• •• Ce MIMI•• te ~ OtMri S.UIRt ' ftt Sl.tt .¥ 9@:L" · Chewable Daily Vitamins ' . 'eott1• 79c: of foo • $1 .7' hHM ef TID S1 .1f ·-•flit s1n •271 Ugbtwef&bt control in & J&Cfll*d lace (irdl• for me. ·-lrXL. Ch9lo• •t· Wll1t.. Colon! L,... .... , ......... Haft ·-1-La 7-•-Q.~ -'79 t•TOrit• ool-~ Kor Priolcl ......... tban oor 9"1l'Jda7 low prb • of fLl•· • -...·w• .. -..... ,, ... •1-..1.n ~. a.ttl9 "')61 $2.26 , , 3' Borbro - . -100 M!i laffto ef 100 Vitamin C 49c: .. --.. • ' ·' Colorful Tennis· Shoes '1" --· dacir:~ ............ fUll (!QMJontd -.... IAJ'adod--n-..-o.-wrin.., -.,... ~r._. W11i111l'a ~ ...... Twlll ••••mlt&la ~--ac· • n.:a..~ mod lt.lr;u. ·t:a.98Y ..... , ..... ~ Vases • ... ti.29 r o•·-~­......... Plnlt or Blu. C 14x22'' ••t l11 57 xre:. a•ttl-.. ,.~ ... ............ ............. 11 ............ ,498 =:,::_1 ... ...-94'1117- 1&11•••11• c.11 etettrle '1.IQI oonl .. ---29-~~ta. V.L. v ...... Cu 'leio ---11 ....... . .......... 2"' s1 s1so . 11 .. lP-.l Of' :a.I r 011 lt&ltlJ.w. . . -~· ....... . -·••iii• ..... .. 911....._..;.,,·21 · trul~. ""Pta-C. b 1-••· eberi•. · -V•• hi bowl. oa bo&r4. 299 .... ·01-MI..._ ._.. 4;.. 99 · hr4 .. S...17c ............. Pi.•~·· 63~ ~ ""' ,.i.-, -Sl.74 He r.lr , . :$ i I . . '2" Teflon II Coated ' . 1 O.inch Skillet , ''r' .. Hea.vy 1tee1 'hl popular Iii:• with Hard.C.Ote ecratehproot' Teflon_ KoOl.-Orlp p l a. 1 t l o handl .. u .. recuiar ld.tcba9. toola on ttl Ba.vet .....-"",.~ • 1 s•• Decorator ~ ' I Floor Smokers . .... , ........... .... •1211 r l>l(b/I". ,....,.,,.i,ie ·-y . Cl1ptd. Bonehead R l t c Jl l n r Po.rt. PM. Bellied stove or.x.n- temm-.n dealflll. - Metal H111nper ·--~ '4'' . -~· Quality built tarp hamper ttntllhed. in White with Gold ealrir desf&'n.; Ven- tllaJ,ed back preyenU lltale odoi-. 'ltock· et •vinp ot » at Thrifty~ -•1·•·to · " Stor 1 N' .Sne Contalne..S: ... s1.i:o..:..••. sac r • ! • ' I ..___, • I I - 1 I ~ J --.. -"r --... ---· ,-. . • • -- :JO DAILY '!LOT -\ Wofntlda1, JiiJl 9, 1969 . -= • • Orc11estra • .Conducted ' , Tlaeat~ Notes y • ~. ;v~~ Lift--£Ilrtitlns .. . .~. ,. ·, · ~ • .1. 'r t Jr ~• ,I 1• ! l\ ,., ~ Sumn}e·r ~ ~qt-6 ~h By Foste r ~--~ -~-t.-0 ..... 4-'-11-.l'OM-"'lTUS--..-e..~i;::;:~~~~ ' 1,;awrente r oster, a. natJVe Of 'fk Dal.., ,.llol llltff of Los • Angeles who will One 1ook at uµs weeken1! s 1sswnfs his·neW duties&$ prin--,.. list ol commul'llty-~theater ,.. _.'i~tl~ ...., cipal g uest. ~uclar ol the openlngs·bt tbe10ral'tge coast ~ London ,Royal Philharmonic area and you're tempted to • check the calendar to make Orchestra in the fall. will con-certain It's really the seeond duct the Philharmonic in the week al July and' not, say, Hollywood Bowl Thur s da y March or .November. night. Concert Set _No less thao.anall dozen. • Spanish pianist Alicia de new productions are bowing in Larrocha y,·iJI make her fir st thls weekend in Orange Coun.- appearance In the b o w 1 , D p • • l ly and Long Beach, half of playing the -Rachmaninoff___ny_ 18DJS _these on_.lhe ~ange ~st ., -Piano Concerto No. 2. • _ where summer ts becomuur Constnce Rothbart, pianist less and less or a ttme for and teacher, will appear il'i theatrical -hiatus. The cgncert at the Charles W. newcomers: Bowers Museum in Santa Ana -"While Lilr~" and '1Black 111111•1....is;...dda" ., •. 30 ' Comedy," openmg Thursilay _un_a,_....-.; . .p.m._ .. _ -for·-ihree~·-weekerids-at---the- The program will Include Laguna Playhouse. works by Schumann Schubert -"Once Upon a fi.1attress," . 'L"' h' the Rancbo-Comm'Unily Chopin , an~ iszl. '!' e Play!;!rs' summer musical , museum Invites the public to opening Friday for f o u r attend the concert Y.'ithout weekends a~ El Tb r o 's charge. Olivewood School. II---'---------~The Gelosi," a pair of (_. l '* Rua• ••va1t·• II~==========; VIXEN. Anouk AimM Gary Lockwood ,, JACQUESDEMYS MOddShop l!il-'~· illJ :ma I Colltf11a• Dolly--1 P·"'· "Romeo ind Julie!" .... "Barefoot in the Park" P!JtSONt 16 AND OVER ONLY-AU SEATS 52.00 wlllt Jinl 'ond• HELD OVER! 2ND WEEK Shows Nightly At 7:00 & 9:40 lrAZZUN&! Oiif.e )IJll lil'f 1L you11 never ag:unpldure 'Romeo & Juliet' quite the way you did before!" -LIFE !'!'::""'-- Fiw.oo Z!m..w -· RoMEO oB'jlJUIT No o rftlnar:v loo.'l' ><tor;<· •.•. FAMILY FUN AND ADVENTURE Th.todor1 l lk1I !'My Side of the Mountain" Andy Griffith -Jerry Va11 Dyke "An Angel In My Pocket" Japaneie Movies Every Tuesday Night one-act plays debuting Friday for two weekends at the Open End Theater in Newport Beach. 'GIMME. A LITTLE 1<155, PRINCl!SS' Toni Shearer, Tony B'randt in ~ancho Musical -"Sunday in New York," a partial transplanting of last · season's Hunlington Beach Playhouse comedy to the Long Beach Community Playhouse, opening Friday ~or six \veekends. Winifred populari'zed by Carol Ron Albertsen, who also stag- . -"Carnival,"' the season's Bprnett is Toni Shearer, while cd the Huntington show. finale of the Long Beach Civic carol Stanrield and Alan Hart Madeline Drake' plays the Light Opera Association, opi!n-~cast_,_ a~ the king _and . ing Thursday for t w 0 queen. Others in lhe :cast are leading ·role -of Eileen~ with. weekends. Gloria Newton, Boll Grecc, John Eagle and Carol Jones · -"J.J!.," the p u Ii 1 i z c r Clark Farrell, Robert completing the cast: The show Prize-winning drama. opening Andersen , Randy Cobb and g1)eS OR Fridays and Saturdays tonight, (or fjve-days at Cal B~baJa Rome. . .m-f Lhr.ough Aug. 16 at · the 'THREEPENNY' GIRL SCR't Toni Douglass • SPENDING 'S~NDAY IN NEW YORK' Madelhte Drake, Bernard Simon, Randy Keene Off Broadway's 'Calcutta~ Nude Sexual Suwrgasbord SI.ate FullertOn. .... · on ucting the or..,.~¥tra or playhouse, 5021 E. Anaheim •'1:r ..A. .A. !he Rancho Players musical St Lo Be h 'th 1. k ts By JACK GAVER ' success even with the top-torian eroti<:a, among other M 14" will be Glen W~ansee -., ng ac , w1 ic e b' LaglUla's "While Li a rs -p rfo . 1 1 d. available at (213) 438-0536. NEW YORK (UPI) _ For price -HI this· small theater at t ings. Black ·Cofnait:." will_be--1hc e rmances are -s a e A ..A.. · · -Th be t rt f th sh · --~ Fridayrind-s-Tt:irnl~Ts----=---g . R---f.r----~e _than. a_yeat.Jbe mime ~ Ucket.2'1ere seem to be e s pa o e rJW is· premiere production in Orange through Aug. 2 at the school, "Carnival," the stage cur1os1ty item of the New enougl:i pe1.sons ffitefe-ste"d-1n the choreil~aphy--.£reaied__~L County of Peter ShaUer's 23391 Dunne 1'1fear Road";' El -version of the movie •"Lili," York stage has been the hippie seeing something gamey who Margo Sappmgton, who also Js companion plays and will Toro with tickef re!'lervations will be presented for musical, "Hair," 1 a r g e I y can dig up that kind of money. one 0~f t~~ performers:f and mark the LagWla debut of being taken ai 837-5955. t w o, . we~k~pds, Thursdays because It contains ~ dimly lit The big disappointment in i.ome . sohng• 1-. 1 you director Ian Brown, a 1::f w>--__ 'i:r-. Utrougb .s~~ays, al ~e '='6ng ~blea.u JasUng a few seconds this show is t.hat it isn't very can ignore I e yrics -~~~~:~. to Souther n· "The G~~ is an Oran e --Seach Mun1ctpal Aud1tonum. -in wh1cb nude actors and ac• good entertainment. Presented created by The Ope~ Wm~ow. Co t ba ed 1 1 . g Dolly Boyd and C a r o I y n tresses face lhe audience. by Hillard Elkins a Broadway The playe rs are little known Appearing in the longer· of unrty-s rhi~ hv '1 1 n g Thompson tre featured in the Now, there is a new and producer as a $100 000 item but experienced and versatile, the two plays, ' ' B I a c k repe ory group w c P ans lo ,,· ·, al • •-1 . ' ' ' and there are good performan· c ed " · preform in various theaters P nc ~ . ron:s. much bolder attraction for tie exceptional cost for an off-. . om y, wlll be J 0 an d s th ·-' C Iii · The musical comedy will be curious in an off-Broadway Broadway attraction it is ces by Raina J3:arrett, Mai k WuUsohn, Joe.I Jennings aroun _ ou em a om1a, -..... · . · ' . Dempsey, Katie Dr e \V. (heretofore known M Trop-opening at Newport's Open pr~C\i Thursday through musical revue called "Oh! haodsome~y stage~ •. but Jt has \V"lk. Bo . E t 8.11 ~r J, Sally Brown, L, 8 End Theater 2815 Villa Way Sattf at 8:30 p.m . .and Calcutta!" at the! .-:Eden no material of wit or con· Ml insoAnl. "R' h~ en, L ' r-' • S (I ' (230 T'k · he acy an ac1ns eon lngledue, Jacqueline Fleming, Two plays to be prisented un ~ : < tc. ets may T ater. sequence. Russ~m. Nancy Tribu'sh and Pat Birkett, Steven Scott and Ulla weekend are. Tennessee t>;., ordeiecl by calhng (113) In thi9 one, the fi ve ac-The advanc~ ballyhoo had George Welbes. Ch le Co 4'14"7926 tresses and five actors speOO bee th t th tie t ar s lgan. Miss Wulfsohn Williams' "Crushed Petunias" · n a .1s a mp at Production values arc ex- also appea rs in "White Liars" and Lawrence Ferlinghetti's -tf "ff '1:l . much of the time in the total "Elegant E!otica " woul~ have ce\lent. thanks to itnaginafiv e with John Haggard and Dennis "Soldiers of-No Coitntry." Bob ~1eyer, a Huntington nude, playing sketches, dart skelc~~s lfy a long list of directing by Jacques Levy, the Lambert Members of the casts are .. Beach dr~m~ teacher, and cing, sin~g. Variou s sexuaJ pres!1g1ous wrlters who would scenery of James Tilt.on and "\Vhite Liars" and "Black Wayne Niles, MOriika Borisch. Lala Fak,him1, a Costa Mesa ~cts are 5:1mulated, suppose~ly supply both substance and the Ii hti b Davids al Comedy" will be staged Ge~e Coston. Albert dra~ student: play t h'e in the mtere.st of. s~rr1ng humor lo this examination of Butg reaif", ~here ls.1eg ~ne Thursdays -t-hrou-r "·...;.days S-tan ·1·1el'~amtla "ynd. erse • 1etd1ng i-oles-ln cal State laughter~ -And-there is full ex..--sexual mures. It seemed a --f y . ·1-b·-y -.r.u ~u u, Jct1 l\'1 , • 1 (,. ~-.1 1 · . . reason or seeing ts s ow -unW July J.7 at t.hel>lAyhouse, waiter Douglas Clark Ban· Fu llerton's "J.B.," opening . ere se o ~_e o~eni Y. ex1con, inost refreshing idea to tmve d 319 Ocean Ave., La g u n a nert and Lynn Harris. · tonight and playing through as !here JS _m "!{au" and such talents represented in a1-"-"-"-·-------- Beach. Tickells, may be p r h·" 1 d Sunday in the college Little other attracUons of recent revue. er ormances are sc o:uu e Theater ' date. . orger~_Qy_calling the.-tiox 0[1 "{or. this_-,Y~end _and ~ext, . · There ls no. doubt that "Oh! Bu_t lhe material ~hat has fice at 49UOOL FMday and Salurday. Tickel The modern dramatlZAlion C 1 t•~i>• the. 1.11 . rd survived rehearsa l and .A.. .A.. .A.. ( h book "' J b . d' d a cu ~ -1 e IS WO . ·11· . f . I d d H H H informa.tion may be obtained o t e \: o is 1reete play on ·a French sexual ex-preview s1 1ng is a.1r Y rea - "Once Upon a Mattress," by callmg the Open End at _by Dr..dJ~ Keller, associate pression-will be 8 box oflice f~I for ttie QlOst part. l_t seems the musical fabl~ of the 6i5-ll20. proressor of <Varna at CSF . kinder not to mention the princess and the pea, makes ft 1:l t:f Tickets may be reserved by names of the w r i t e r s , its debut on Friday night on Opening In the LoriQ Beach calling •lhe boi off.ice at 870. Ce.. Dtennial. espec~al~y si~ce the pr?gra~ the outdoor stage of the Community Pl ayhouse's •·sun-3371. · • . f. doesn ~ identify them w1lh the Olivewood' ·Sc hool'. T·o;h Y day in New York" are three 1:f * . * material. Brandt is directing and actors from the Huntington Entering~ secOnd week at Tfy' 9Uts ' Se. t ' Elkins and Ke,nneth Tynan, playing the role of ·Prince Beach vers.lon-:-Raody .Keene, SQ\!t.h ~ Repe:r'torr jn fonJler British drama crilic Dauu~. · • • : 1 Ron Fillan and e er n a rd Costa Meim: ls t9e musical ~ad.iligs .for the sdecial who conceived this excursion ......... -...... y ~I l :U TOll1!!'111 ~! l:M ....... Sl'fCIAL NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS • ~ • Taking:th.e·part or Princess Simon~der the direction of drama 1''11le~T1b £,e e p e n·n y· Santa Ana.· CeriteMial prrr into near pornography. would 1~1=;;h~~~===~::;:;";==~~~;;~~=~1 Opera" under tbe~direcllon ot duction of the Santa Ana Con~· have been better off had they ' .--James DePrie!l. Peter Jas_on munity Players, ' . Mary stolen some old sketches from f lll ll~SDICORA*IDll'Rl~IS star:s as MacHeath, ·with Stuart," will be held su,l':!ay burlesque and anc i ent •• TM pkl•n!(I) hllod In lhll bol m•y be con,ld1•od l>Y ••m• •• 11 IM vn•wi!ibl• i.• chHdree •llCI ~oung P"Pl...,,nd require : 111r1nt•! d1KrtHon. : t "THE SERGEANT" : c1.11r~r, to 1dvu111irlf Hyo"" -C*llrol aM 1,.1111r!n1 .: t~" yow111 pee~I• wndtr II (IMll 11) wlll llOI H .omlttld + i. l'Kffk Tfl~al•H fQ '" lttt pk;tv,.(1) llJl.cl It! ttllJ box 1111· • + ln1 1ccorn!).111IN ey !).1•1111 or M~ll 11111n111.,. • t... ........................ t ............. ~ ......... ~ ~i -·--·--= • • • . GREAT FAMILY FUN • 0"1 Ja11es -Juddy H•k•tt in Walt Dluiey's "The Love Bug" l'l11s A"dy Grifftth -JlfrT'f Yo11 Dyke "An Angel In My Pocket" UCLUSIYI EHGaGEMENT Gtetof'"( hck -o .... Sftorlf "Mackenna'-1 Gold" y...,'90 5"Gt -OrMtt Welln "The Southern Star" ._ __ " .. s • .,.,...1y .,....,_. Do111< · _..._.o . .._ •:r\Z Lov• GOd" Ric:hord WI'-\ -U.. HONe "Death Of A Gunfighter" .............. ~ ... el Ill ..... T"ftor Mio '°"•• "Secret Ceremony" ... ~ ''The Ser9e1nt11 • ' rilllil'fll .JDUE ANDnr111e: Elaine Bankston, /;a r o I and Monday July 20 and,. 21 Broadway revues and dirtied ·•• ~ft\) Kretzer and Jame~ Baxes also -A~ cast of '12 men and thr~e them up even more by replac-, iJ"l1:'r' M MAX uoN SVl\ft.111 featured in the cast,, womeri will be required for '1-e ing their suggestiveness wilh -~: cor.rio d.1",:,, ;;r:m. t' llllUR Toni Douglass, Healh Park, show, which will be staged in the nude players and gutter Ph•• •73-'260 RICHARD HARRIS Sandy Marino and Michael ~onjunctlon wlth thf c1::,.'s words. ALL FAMILY PlOGUM Douglass also ftgure prom-lOOtb anniversary. .R ls> For the record, the sketches \ =DGEllJl'llJ..lflAl.TUlllliJSOI inently in Uie musical. which. Cotbin will direct the play. touch on mate-swapping. _-show Tl'""-: JAllfS.l=NC:;e1111All" plays Thursd ay through Sun-Tryouts are scheduled for 3 masturbation, flagellation, a1 "IF ITS TUESDAY" Aft d h Th S Th ay alt e ird f.e p eater, p.m. on Sunday and 7:30. p.r.1. verbal description of the .t ':IS 014 10:30 P.W'd!N"CllCI .... ., · 1-N t ID d R I ~' ewpor v . ~ eserva-Monday at tht P a y e ~ s varieties of intere-0urse, an ex- "HAWAll" 9t l :OG -• · tioJis are being taken at 646-Theater, 1020 W. 8th St., Santa periment jn copulation in a M..._ Sudey • 2:DD Family Shows , , 1363. Ana. scienti fic laboratory and Vic- .. EXCLUSIVE t ack,,Lemm_on and Clitherine Deneuve .are "The April Fools" r::I 'l>du>Xdo~ A cm.mo C..ttt F"'°' """""'1loo. <G3' ~ A National GcnenJ Pictu.rea Rca&e. •Exch11i.,o m1d-Soutl111n C•lrfo1ttl•·ll!do o1 Showitt9 lo• Ofl!Cf O..-s W~d#y IY011i"t* 6:45 II·"'· Coalh••• Jot11tdoy a4 S911doy frol'll 2 ~00 '"'"· Ad111luJ011 E'•"lllfl alMI S1111d1y Adult• $2.SO Children 75c Sd urdoy Matln•e-Adult1 $2.00-Chlldren 75< BONUS PL!J~COND ~J:,lJ.IJRE ·' -. ST-EREO SENSATION! The colorful sounm= of Orange County Music .... RADIO KqCM · 103.1 PM Frontf~shidn lsl~nd .. Newport Beach · . ~ . . . . ,. . • ' I NOW-- EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT CAla PRffttl!Rf TO NIGHT ***** THE WORLD'S MOST HONORED. MOTION PIClllRE! •••.. _:1 . ' --- , .. Satehmo Turns 69~ Fin~Ily Slo~ing Down -By MARK salwiBAUM. NEW YORK (UPl) -Not since the pie~ plperr has o~ horn ;pijyer batt nlJ1I)'. lollQW,rs. , I Wtdntsdar, Ju~ '· 1969 Fo""W"s oUTH COAST IA PLAZA THllM!r.l!f .... Diieo ,_, 11,lllllOI • ,......,). NOW SHOWING-, " " ' I r-- To the ' chlldrellj of 1117tb . lilr!'i·"' the CorOll!i section fil Qu!On& wq.i" fat!>•I with lbeir parent. ~ l)'~parents iJI the aft<rii9o• ·to ~ to Lo!lis ·-· p~ "Ambam' ·;i01$ateii'• will> ed 119 on Jloil'ltlll.ted lll'llfr th11 p,r real Cat:~'" "Slk!b .o sa1d or-"t..·a I y RI v er -Lollis ·fcW a 11ljht-kidney fntec~. Nkrumah. "Thlt klna in Arms rong and B!J'lg Crosby." Hil-wUe of ·at years 'tht ~ ~L. .nal.at too Othtr mementoes Include a fOririer tualli WUSon ifiPll a , -. ~ -' miniature truin}>et bis fellow •carel\JI eye oo .AJ'mstro111f• bl~l~hlil hoiu wit!> Jack patients at Beth I sr a e 1 '4!<t· and lldl~}5J;.t rdllj<I TelJ~D anc! "9MY Good1 : H06pltal in Manhallan gave .....toldbUl-lhl _ -&beman 'Jn~gut " ~mtn, ..L.i;_bim this )'ear.--. -· :Jl!!ll•"sllle ri:;!;ll •tt" tfU 1QU put Ollt ~t cat ked II: 1>e· thought that truptpetl!lll_'Jf~ol atf1jme. . ~~~w,;:i 0:a~k Louis Annatrong, as one critic "Well, let s lust saj ar!er 29 3:-ve ., i', e put If, hu influenced all of CONl1NUO"S <JR0M'-l2:30~P--M.,-.1-=:=:::: 1ot Ol!"CE OPl!NS AT NOON July I, b a living god. ~ " I 19 )IUtlin'. . no quotes·~ -~e") is aruilingty ad'viC< Of llis wtre And 1 slclan and pt•Olllni.-L Ql!i!i\J!m!m;r,_,il - tile ll·l'llOlll ~-bonje . lD Queens. 1 I --•' For tile ~ootboO<i. when Louie's home (it ;\fa.s thi flnt _ Jnilependence Day thday) Ume ~e'd ·been ~·for. his Uie· t~ bl'I house ·1iicollt1!ttnt111p1.m · Wil!IO- wonhlppe.rs. ~ .. "The kids a.,\i .Jiii!•ol the OOLD RECORD FROM UN IT!;!> NATION~ cat~ (Satch's juz -t:Oiielaues) Loufa Arm1 trong Chtri•h•• UNESCO Tribu i are alwaYs. ~fifjt J>Y, but 4 . \ mostly I'm llikin Jil nice and . • '1". ,.,xeanol~)'OU1 i*"l~ ·~' -· _'_;Y_.__ today.'tmuslc1nda1ltherock l!nmi la·me'n! and I krid.t \hat S.tChlno, · hBJlOUl& out g<oups, pops answered' thb man likes "to do,1 aqd packel! of lbe S~ ,Jµil! lax:-"There'• an essence of create thfuis on his 9wn.. ~tlv::! Jlo'!S Wlth a diet .Sal.ch in j!Very .group, but they Mtt . .._, Aid 'l!ltl! ,a • '• hil -keep jllm won't adl!ilt U." wlnk ot her eye. fit, w . int9 tbe a~y Leaning back In hi!!: easy Often the ~ung he to d~l~ by bi& wile. . chair, and putting aside IU1 behind the wort<lwlde ~gtnd Tw:o speakers~~ In a horn. -Satch started rubbing -,g U>tlil ArWtrO!iJ('I ! • ,...periiled ~ uoleash-the hiS cracked Ups wltH salvej Lucille; his fourth. _iWij.,.._Who souQde:. ~ '6,00U,....worth-oJ and ointments. a }>rocess hll taken over • S {t c b' s lit.ef~ ~w~t, ~ a col-which he credits with the po;Ooila!' allaln uld "(· "lectlon GI· li&IJI ~ Jut IMI longevity of his Gabriel.fil<e ~sinceJoe<'.;a)jr. wou!<f 1 ~~ cal(l Ups. With\!. smile he com-~! fmnd and m~er prlce~s* ... OPDoll~. ~~I mented, ''gotta eulogize them of Annstrong and o t li'tr lBJgt. d:@:8~;tiU,£-two -.,1aO.ld lips, now try and spell that 1PW4,.4i1d.tijli.il"ing_l_....J~HIJ».Jiolly!. -a::O.d-...,., "-------·- T.g e:bout his w~ld .another few Amlf'tcana have Finally, what were h\J t.Ourf,· ~g aa.id be $lw .ever ~eard. thoughts on turning 69? riO ccitntr,. tn which he w~td • In a powtler 'blue cue .em· Flashing the Satchmo smile like to·Uve pennaneully, "lt's 'bossed' with the flag of Ute and clapping his hands lhe' U.S. for me." . / ~ United Natians, Louis proudly together, he replied in a easy 'tit Stptembe.r,"· Satch Look.Ina slim and trun and regular hours, and ~ng ·It said. --1.. _.. _-ilpplng A cup !)f tea ("Looks-easy, ·jWi~ like lht dOclon His biitbday lhls ytar found like the ·ol' prohibition daYJ , ordered_''' ' l:le found many places wer't • dlsplaya_,.~ one millionth cppy dtlJberatt elongalion of the excitlrig and exotic, .and ~tyto # of• r~rd he cut for the U.N. Annstrong guttural gravell~--------•1!!!1--------... once thought about ·buyfur---arto-·~p "world -refugee." '\f~lce:-"Man, l'in happy forl l few acres of land in Gha)ia, W:•v in gold, the flrlt. Ofte more time ... yeah .•. one 2nd Family Feature "GIT" Arin!troij;.reIIJ,ing in a man-don't It!") The man whose Satch, who 1ot his name ner mpst o~ h!_I Jw_ ~ .J>early t~th glitttr hug~!Y at lr!Jm !1issisftjppl rive?boat bin thouitit li!lpo.aitile. Al belng·called Am ba ss a:ci_ n patrons m the earlf '205 w!io tie put U: <11•ve 1never had a Setch said, "I'tn getting called bim '1S1tCJre1Dlouth" re•f like tll:il in my life." regular me&Is, s I e e pin 1 and "Dlppermoutb," was . I wbe~· he Mid ex·presiderif·_ eong·on the label slqiply says: more Ume t" K.JV!!'\I Nkrumah war mil rr,i, ;=:;_;;;==:;_;:'::=:::i::===='======== rece!rij! him: • f , "'-' -• · ~;::-~~~!.b~~~~:·! · A GIANT OF A.MOVIE Kids Don't ,ffamper Conn,e's. Career ' \ By V~RN_9N ~ Cribs., strollers, k Itch e_n -ficllitlea:, dJaper service and HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -othtr llitle creature comforts Comte Stev~ns finds herself lo 1 are .etveD ~ ·S t e v e n s the process of_ ~.)ID-~se' n·~ .one o( a married and lncte.Uing her h an.rttal--.:rt' feminine night club appearance,, While personality-vocalists who can also .caring for two dau&bters draw customers. EVERY FATHER'S DAUGHTER IS ·A VIRGIN! -OR IS SHE? ~ '.· 1• l· ·~· •. under the age ol two. So in demand is t h e Youthful, b Io h de and dlminutJve beauty that she~is beautlful, Connie, who once starrlna: in Las Vegas (wice litarred in the "Hawaiian within six-wftks -at-dif~ Eye" televilion series, faces ferent hotels. You Muat SH The Of1net County . ·Present•tlon· Of I -_:,_uGoodbye,-Eolumbus-'' -· the ~e P ~ o ~ I e m ! con-She closed at the Flamingo fronting all working mothers. a month ago and opened at the What do you do with tbe Desert· Inn June 18, Between kid!? cngagem·ents she played New Because she ls an en-I'ork's Plaza, and while there tertainer rather than a · was divorced by her husband, stenographer or perhapa a Eddie Fisher. lady computer operator, COn· "I think I've set a precedent nie can take her children with about taking mr family alone her . With.ms.!-' Conrue said happily. \Vhen she is offered a con-''So far the hotels have been· tract to sing in New York, generous and cooperative In Phi1adelphia, Chicago or Las 1neeting my needs. I sim ply Ve&as she simply pacb up won't take a job unless the Joely, 20 months, and Tricia, children can go along too. five menll\!, and catche.!1 a jet. "It works out wonderfully. The hotel provides a suite of I'm able to be with Joely and ~ as pa_rt of the deal._ Tri cia all day long, and then I Mother Stevens is given go lo -work -arter they're three bedrooms on a lower asleep. floor -so her daughters can "For the first time In my Wily be taken for walks and life I have things really going ftesh air. for me. My career was alwaya Crossword Puzzle AC!OSS l \li'hert Edmonton Is: Abbr. 5 R.tcord ' Shoot l~ Hln4u •01r11u1r ,, i t l5Yts---: 2 words lfi 5hfppln9 ~Ml•l"tr 17 City on lht Stunk ftiver 18 Unattractlvt person lt Madt of a certain wood 20 H!lf oft fl.,, 22 On t·Sldtd sport• ,1v1nt: 2 ... d, 121 c.,~,• arid hol• 2' Wt illrft C1i1dlttl- rlvtr 27 Splll Jlkt -·-: • 2 words 2' eerort 30 Sltm 31 Ot~Strl items: 2 wordf' 37 Acc ustd pt1sol'l 's answ~r 3a Bois dt Bool091t silt 39 Louis X1V or XV 40 Play at co111tship ~l Square . yard, t .9. ~Z Ylhere Tulane is: .2 words 44 lnv1sU1ate i'"'''"' 45 Polltlclf l(g11re: Abbr. •Ii Mlddle of 1 llmt pfrlod ~ •1 Traet of op1n land •9 Serve a sentence: 2 words 5) Tprt11d Up 51 Asla11 mon ttacy unit 58 Bring lbrth young animal 59 -· -about: 2 words 61 Tommy-··! Formtr British boirer 62 Compare , !.3 Nu111trlc1/ prefix 6·c Pftposllfon &5 "-- Together" 66 A~ysmar fi7 Char1ctt1 In Qiak!speare 00\li'H 1 Type siz e 2·Un1\ cf luminous flux ~ Italian citf • 'Contlntl\t S B!aglt, t .9. • Oo a • . hOU$thold chort 1 Prying 3& Altercatio n med dler )7 Not rlr1 8 Gtntral 40 Big tvent ln notion John stown, 9 Isolated 1889 · defensWt ~2 Shipshape work 43 Distance 10 Talk noosense unit 11 Roundtr -45 Un1ufned ' 12 Followers: •7 Place of Sur fix safety ll Fellow •8 Away 21 Has strong 50 l ackin g fee ling pro fund I It against 51 Femlnint 23 Paddle s name 25 Utensi l 52 Baseball 28 Stair of bfing sco1er's 1 father decfsion 30 Inter ---53 West.,.,ocd, 31 Woodland Cal., schooh plant Abl7r. 32 Makes lac e 54 Spike's 33 Pit -·--: relative 2 wo1ds 55 Nt vtda 34 Old ···-: ' COll/lly Enoll sh 56 S]iow / cenltnarlan fttuou s, J 35 Have 1 fondnd$ destructive 60 Quick fih1rp effect blow '1 .,..,.,...,.....,... 71!/U • • 0 HWY. A.T llA RTHUR BLVD. NEWfiOllT .IL\CH * _.4•0760 ORANGE COUNT\' • PifEMIERE RU~2ND WEEK These S•zls areil'I for real! They are Alllell-a-gems-who must -I win World War II this wee~end d, t , I ... or 1e ~y ing. SECOND POPULAR fUTUllE Tl•e fltr ''' t~ C """"' ·l(!'"l ~ a DWARD9 ~ tJ.#f·tjlf H•lTN ~·~CCl$TJolltM, ~ ..... ,10• ........... ___ ............. . EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE ENGAGEMENT -auo - The Juln y.,.. Aftetttl,. "The Southern Stir" •torte Un• 0,.... Sefcil "• ........ e Wetl• ~~·.:r::wr:::: -Mk,..,. ,,_ • M;e e MATIMlll DAILY e ·-..... H ..... • Tellllll_. ·_::.·:. " . - WALTDllllV " a ,.,, mitmllll' ·---- ,, . .. .. -""•id:· .. ........ --..... ~ . ..;:;;.: * !lrlll NATUai ,., IOTH THU.Tars * ....... ~ -U ... , .... ,_ -Or191 Witlln r .... ,..,..''ne So11thern Star~:. ..... .,. I . . A Fiim From Tho Novalla By PHILIP ROTH, Tho Author Of The Now Belt S.ller "Portnoy'• Cpmpl•lnt" • "GolNUlNILY_INTIMATI !-_OYI selND" TIMli MAQ.U!l(t~ , • "UPlD MIN•'TO Sii"'-• Llll!·I MAOA11NI e "'MIMOIA.nt''-e •:11lalSISTllLl"-s TUIDA'f ltlVllW HIW YOAK MAGAllNI • S.Ctt1d ......... . •lloM THI 11• 1ao.t,DWAY Ll91T COMIDY . . Conti ..... Do!lly '""' 2 , .... . - DIRECT FROM ITS RESERVED SEAT ENGAGEMENT. I FRED ASTAIRE. PETUIACl.ARK iN'FRANGKS AND . -Doris Day anti Brlt11n Keith · IN 'WITH SIX YOU·l GIT EGGROLL' . ' ' ' , • 1. • " .--- • • ------------------------"'-""-'--'"-"'-"--''---=-~~ I r r I • . - '· ' • • • Sc holars hip Wi nner ' Costa Mesa Fire Department Battalion Chief Ron 'Coleman admires $250" Rtleford-Scholarship "C~rti.rt ficate from International Association of"Ffre Chiefs. One of only six annual recipients in U.S.,. Coleman . ""ill study fire department administration under the grant. Who Really ls Su re On ·IJudget Debacle? fE•tJors: n. to11ow111t ,.._ w needed Democratic help to "" .. _ Mid ~ of lelf .,..., ,..._ budlllt nth• in 111e pass lhe budgeL ""~1 Aasembly D e m 0 c r a l s By GEORGE SKELTON originally were holding out for SAC~ENTO (UPI) -a floor debate on Reagan's ta:1 "All I know ," grinned _Gov:-reform plan and passage ol a Ronald Reagan, "is that I've school aid bill. got a budget. and he voted Democrats ~privately ado! , _againstJl._rl.ght dow.n. tQ_ tbc. milted the)' thoug_ht Reagan's wire." • tax reformP18n-wii""SO tili! -. "He'' Is Ass em b I y that if it could be exposed Democratic leader J e s s publicly during a televised Unruh. And reporters, now floor debate the governor that the bitter fight was over, would be hurt polilically. were asking the tw01'(llltlcal ~Tax-i-eform -was debated foes who they felt had emcrg-Saturday, June 28. It was ed the victor in their u~ defeated. And the issue fell precedented battle of the from the· limelight. It was budgel replaced by School aid . Cblldml Won Democrats eyed a $200 "'Mle children of California million Republican school aid won," replied Unruh. bill ~gaily, .however, it With the pollUcal oratory couldn l be considered befare temporarily silenced a n d' ' the budget 1ra! P3Skd wttbout government back to what penniss1oo from the. governor. -bureaucrats pass off a s Reagan refused~ insisting bis normal, the question of "who finance experts couldn't tell won" ·ltill Ungers in Caillor~ h o ~ much mo n e y ~as ·ruai1 sun-baked state capitot. available for schools unhl a _ 'n»e .question :is pollli~aUy budget was enacted. ilgniflcant because barring NOllope a primiry election defeat by ~s last ~onday dawned , 80l'ReOl1e ljke San Francisco legislators pnvately conceded Mayor-Joseph_ AUoto Unruh there was no hope of passing a. e'xpects to_ challeqge 'ReagM I~Jl-year's tiudget by the mid- in nut year'i gu~atorial night deadline. But nobody election. f o r e s a w their budget Republicans claim-1 h e-y -brinkmanship would result in won-that Unruh and his no spending program at all. Democrats didn 'l gain much At two-hQUse · conference materially; and the former committee, still negotiating a speaker ooct again was ex-full budget, sooghr to. appease pose4 as a p o I i t i c a 11 y Democrats by addmg '200 motiVated "obstructionist." million in new school aid. Democrats aren't so sufe DJ!Jllocrats caucused and about who won politically. The decided to vote against the minority party contends it budget anyway. Now, they shunt«! aside politics and ~nted $400 million plus • .a fought the "good fight " ror commitmeot from Reagan be achoo! chikiren. And in doing wouldn 't cut the sum back to so, they say. Reagan's "s1ub-his originally proposed $10$ bomess" ·was publicly eI· million. posed. Reagan told a press con- Quesdon ~1ark ference there wasn't sufftclerit How much the children won money e•;en for the $200 ls a question mark. million. ~ Nobody k n o w a prec.isely Linea were drawn. V>'hat D e m o c r a t s and Assembly Democrats bloclc· Republicans sellled for in ed the budget a_s prom~. their final desperation to pass Then, 21 minutes be{ofe .mid· a budget. night with GOP help, they The complicated seltl c1nent pushed through-a mint·budgtt ffitUlres Reagan to take alt good tor a-month. -"-' surplus money from the last Senators refused to even fisca:I year and spend it on consider_ the' bill. And Reagin schools. Thi! surplus i s denoun~ it as "blackmail." variously e ' t I m a t e d al Even if the Semite did pus a between $10 million and $60 mini-budget, the go v er n o r million. It will be August said , he'd veto it. before the e1act figure is an-Plan Offered nounced. What one Republican· leader The known amount of new termed a "mutual fact. savl111 IChool money appropriated in ·device" was neg o t tat e d the budget iJ $120 million-the W e d n e s d a y b e t w e e n $Hl5 million Regan originally Democrats and Ass em lr1 ·Y propOsed plus $15 million in Speaker ~ T. -Monageh, new federal money Reagan (R·Tracy), working with the added at the last minute. governor's office. ."We cannot c I aim an Unruh was not inv9Jved. overwhr,lming victory," con· Reagan had refused lo. deal ceded Assembly Democratic with him. The --rng!e.wood caucus chairman G e o r g e Democrat bad flown to Lo,, Zenovich of Fresno. Angeles for • ' p r I v a t e "They have nothing they meetings" uaaware negotia- didn 't have before," said Uons were underway. Reagan. Actually, Unruh had been Some call this Re.agan-forced in~ the Ogbf anyway Unruh scrap the "duel of the by militant Democrats. He decade.'' others call it the had sought to stay clear of a "'debacle of the decade." politically damaginc bod&et 11nl 1lme brawl. It wa1 the firlt lime in the Three Demociatlc state'• lit-year history a &pokesmen-Zenovich., Bob Legislature had fallM lo pass Moretti ol Van NQYI and • budget by I.he June 30 Carlos Bee or Hayward-met dfMline, The state was plung-with Reagan and agreed t.o the ed into a new fiscal year r;ettlement . ,But the 'wltbout authority 'to apepd DemocraUC. caucus, for the money. first time in memory, tern· Nobody knows for 11.1re who porariJy balked at I b e i r IW1fld tht fichl which had leaders' plan. ....., ..,..lt!c !or weeka. The_IU blllloo'-ltlrumed to Bui hm'1-gbly what hap. IU billion by Reag~ ponecl: the Assembly ~11 end llie .. 'Jbe budget requ~H 54 votes Senate 3H. to .clear the A11tmbly . "Never before, .. ·111,t Republiclns with a 41 lo •JI Mooagan, "bave I Io•·• wte tclp on Democrall •till through such an exercise." ~ 1, -------- • \' .. ~ j -t > ...... '.' ... • \. ' • •. Jo. ... ' " du cks and their matrui ·~·: : · looks like·a:j 4p~9,,.[_l1>~s) 1 ..'$·->,·•,, ... ~.;s.;·~ Flippy sashe<t i::ulp1te;"'~lr.;'>1<"rn'f.; pants. A long ves1. T~·A'~Y;l19i±~ eted shirts. A 't,'shirt. Ou~~·P<f.· lyester and ray!Jn :.ligllt'qlu'e, ' n·:. '.· navy, yellow and'>White ~-,13. a. 11.00 acryJi.~~ shirt ~/i '$199 li. 14.00 long vest : ·~J..99 c. 11.00 hip stitched ~,n.S:•' ,6.,9. .... ~·I. , •• . ~. ~ ~~ may co campu~~"ilf'A3 ...;....-I "' ' ' ' mey co . " ·' I ' ' , • I, ', )' ''t.• ,. ~ t--• • . ~ { . . . . . .. • ;,.: I' • ~~~~~~­·~· rffq.~ ;ff'f!', '~J-. ... ~·. ' ..... ... .. ' ! ·-. ~.' --· J . - • , . ' • • •1 ., I ~ I FAMILY .. • ', I 1 ,:, .. i ·:. ~ . l ! . -~ ' I.. ! "'l . .. ·~. : i. ' ' . ; " . . . =--,;.;'~ ' .. .. --·-~·r. ....... --' --·----i " . 1 1 I . -· ' -: ... t .:~~~.;--.~:.J~ • • l.,. • , !". "'· i ,., t ' , . ) " •• '. . ' •.. I "Ji. ' ' •, I• • l ... '.' • f. ' f,'. ·-. ' . ' ' . " ,. . .. ' +.·· ',· .. ' • . , ' .. ; •• 1 J .. • .;:) : ' . • ' .. . • • 1 • i ' ·~ . , ' • \ •• , " ' ~ -·-- Every WOlJ'lan who looks rerretfu).ly at a !avorite dress which used to fit s o beau ti!~.· starts day~--m­ ing of a ruer-A ffilflfcl!"\ diet preferably, somehow diaO>~­ ing magic muochables With a delightful flavor, pleasinl lex. lure llld almost collJl!letely free Of calories. > As a 'matter of taB., this ,, -! 'f alfU9Sl, <!~cr!Qe!: mushro.oms. Whether tftey are the faniillar little whi~ umbrellas or the browri or ·cream -varie'ties, the1r calori·~count couldn't be daintier-j\lst under a hun- dred for a w!x>I• pound, And , of course, the color mak:es no di{ference in flavor or texture ~ither. Light aa they are, · a pound o f FLAVOR MUSHROOMS AS CALORIES' DECREAS E • • • ; ..................................... . ' • w......,., Jib' ,, ,,., I ·-· Old Sta ndby, Ne w Trea t - 11on't wail until Than1<sglving rolls around again to enjoy a delicious turkey • dinner. Give the old standby a new loOk by · marinating the drumsticks in bar· becue sauce then taking the remaining sauc~ to the grill to baate them as piey slowly roast over the charcoal. , New Law-Landmarik?i~G.ons .' mer Prot·ec-tion-Goes Into Effect ....... , ,,. ~ ~r •"'i···~:·r t~i-.,. ::-i ~.1·· .••'' •· .rl --· ~ - By DOROTHY WENCK ,.. • ~ ·• as a condition for bbrrowln_g-money. think It over always is 1 good policy, A. Hart is leading a drive 'to pa.-. a stilf .. _ -~ --\-' Home News qn Y!'ews Tllo lelJlf<r may nol legally·char1e you ~!though the salesman lllllY tr)' lo con-Federal llJh 1ns~·-blll ,.hlcll ls now " ~ 1 any hidden' JOilr costa't?iat are1 not In-,,_ ........ On July I 'Truth ~ Leodlng'm-fl :-• '' ·. 11 -~ • • ~ .!. ';/ ..,. <'. ~ :."' • • .~ • eluded' tb the •finance chirgt such as an rtnce you that you have to .algn "now or before the Senate Commerct Comm!ltee. ,_ ..,. i. •• ~, '1 ... · ... r.i.. .. ,'Federal la'\f whlch la a. real lai:MIQlark In m . 'l~ . I~ .. 'fl r ii ·~ 1 ~·;, ~·'± ,, :ttirs l= rticul .• . "oo tbe aklt" fee·to get the load. . . rieyer." Be susplclous of any salesman If you believe we need such I law, why consume( ~oU'!<'.enl in:to ett!!ct. . ,. DlT PRICE T•:: .,; ....; ... 1L 1 • ,J... n.r· ~ , ~.tf.!-! J>~ 11 5 ~!,!5~ Jly lookina af the fi.......... charne, , .who applies this kind ol. pressure. no.t write your California Senators, Known -o{fi(:iifilu \i tJ\e l CotiSumer-~ llil ii wflat the ,., . 1:'°".'°BI , yuu ~e • ~~ , ~·· . """" ...... n. • ....,....... " Credit ProieCUori'°Act, \hls .1aw ~&Ires ti•• aea for Y9'I wHla ta ~\Jt j,; •at1 ii ~ti Stort~1·14,I percent at a (thes:e wor~ also mU.t be pri(lted in bold We do not have any law at the pment Murphy ~ Cranston. lend era lo '70t information 'On,tbeir'credit ~ all lenders to 1'8~;~ ""9,~ti" ~. ~~ =· t, • ance companr, face type on ~the credft COl)tl'act) yOu cin that gives you the chance tQ change your contracts which will help' You be more cr«Ofil: Ute 11me 1enm ,,.,J.,., ~!'. d.~~~·~-cr,tdlt union. Its ~at a glai:ice just hdw much 1 loan wW mlnd once you~ sign a contract, except· in . Q. 1\1}' IOI received 101Dc Uocklla ' iware of";the cost of ~t anc1r;i ~ ": ,.~1!cL-~ie.f-Tlll1 ;1 · ~ f~·~ t~ .. ~'.~ .. 11 11!<!<.,~L.e. ~ .,, . er#.offn-1 yoU, the COS~Jou-befort you sign.~ contr~ct; , !-, cases where 'you &Itt your; home u Uttratare in UM maO advutlitq ~ •A --.n11re lhe .. ~1 , • .....,.-of.di!-,.. -t)'P' ~ ual\ "UeaJ" ~ ~ J Y.pd trill nOt ~.1t ~ql,thitfnew lilW,, security for the loan. Wbto you shrn a --.... te_ Neb. Wt 1ever ....W NV• ; ):07 ~ easily =.t~auly. 1 · · · · litmual pd!Ulltage · '·tells Yw llUY ON·'l'!Mtt! .. ,' .' ! • J l>Hlever, unlai '°" use !lie. iru¢nat1o11 contract on whl<h yoo glye your ~as .;u.:; lllm lo -,.di mall u ,..-.. f Up u, qow lenders tieve stated their ir:I! the rdaU~e c:oet: al credit in ~p N• wMa ;.. sip 1 · eoatnct ~" a Lo ~P YoU make wase decmoos about security (ucept when you're &u)olng a btwJ wUt ft eo1talud. ts u.en ut 1 1e ... s1 ,.ies ·111 mlllll' dilferent, iq· terms. II"' !he~ ot ~ ~~l,. •.•rl,h!!f! <:1111<,,.~tr • bukeftdlt "'!'Ill buy"!f. home) you i:ao. under the new Tru1J> In Wf17 we cu ,..veal w. ,,... bppmli aocurate. and C1l!llusing term> such as 6 interest you ~yl on the aV&qe'IDM!llill •tiij. 'iiMI 'iili&,~ nttlw =Is 1 • , Lendln& low, l""""I the cootraCI wllhfn, , '8ala? . ~~~':;,~~~ ·~: If.\ !!fqUr1at'='MI.,. ~~O> ~g~ays _by noUl)'ln&•the . ca~·!~:~~~~':.~.::ct= ;~:Si.''" ~ering ,..,,, Now oo an tnstallmenl loan, for ex· •te•' IM wfily !"'ii Ill ,....... --lo ""Y ml(-lrtm • cloor lo The California leplswre la cu..,,.uy lltnd• of "pandering advertlsantnls" toucan'! lbei!l,lllilligently. ample, Instead ol saying that Ille inteml II *t ol ,,,_,.. llop ad --door ....,,..., 1117 •-II furloat considering • bill (AB til»-Fenlon) 1o (material whkh In ~ your op-i, It's the . liluaUOd?,I· when you ra.t.e ii '~mt I pel'Ct!rlt" the lender must 1'bt It et1tl to k)' 111 time, ._'t tt! wl .. me. h tMre U1 way I eu 1et oat create a three-day coolinc off period ln erotically arou1lnc ot sexually ~ lblp for lotf.tSay,. fot1tumPld~ that say ''lbe annual percen~ rate 11 .11 Jn addilkm to the annual percentage of ft! hem• ~ me I R .. IOIDf:wiler• door.to-door ules. Thii may be what you , vocative) to remove your famUy'1 D1JM 109're lryin,t.choose ~ iwo kinds perm1t or $11.'18 per: JlOO.' i rate, the other most J~dlscloeure Ula& Y• cu Uve lllrff AJs kt cUa1e read about. · from 1ny tTilillnl Uat8 be Off1il, c:Ontroll of' Oranges. Oil!> \Ind II oQ:.od at 49 cents. You <Ill 1i4 11$1'oim'14·a · ,~ Gl(ietic!ih. """"'Tnlth,hl Un, =-ll!IDd, "!W Y"" 11'9 0 '"Ir•'/-.IJ oc reels. Chlldren und<r It yun ol I(• "o.oo..n llld, ~ kbifit'2 poundffor !'fie to c:omp ... lntereol n~ .~!Oi, ¥. Ille llnanc<'char(<. The floance ·lr•e7 Q. II rm• flu IUI we ky lo ~ residing In yoor houKcan be llslod'ln Ille ts e<nls. H ...., ,... ,rifnpm -from one lend<r lo il\other * 1,.. Ctlirlllf mlisl'lnclu1fl~ 1M! ""'" 'wli!i!b • • A~ "A' 'tledll :;coatrad ~ • "&•I market lalpected liie-"'1 •eal la· fii;. requesl 1>y name end .,.. Ta llilla\i' lii\~~Q lo,decldo wlllth II thibMI tellig.,tl)I which one offert YIN the bMI JVU -pif ill order to borrOw lllOD<Y documenl,By slplnf II, you •i&Jllfy that apeded! , such an onler send the ofl-Id; ~·7 4,.,. -\j,c•' t-. deal.· . aaaeh .as: lntenct, dilcount, Mt'Vioe or n>u aaree to ita ttrma. The Ume to A. We have no law requlrln1 lnlpectjoo vertlaement. ill envelope, ml a alped You can\ anl1f you boll> prl<ea In ror eX11111pt., say yoo're IOlllB to bor-,~I cl\ar!O, ~..., "polnll," Chonce yoor mind II ~lin you llp, nol by the U.S. Departmebl ~.Apicullure of form (obielnoble rr,.. y..r. llOit olflce) the Nme ter"111-ellher ., ctnlt pct row '3llO IO buy 1 refrlgwatot Yoi <,l*lt:. C(tdll report or In otlon and i... lller. PUIUna oll liplnc ouch • conlncl fioh or llsh pro,cesal"' plinls IUC!I u.,. wllh the "°"'' "RequMI for prolibllorJ d.,.. or cenls per pound. the COii of borrowing '3llO lrom follr dil· "'""'"" !•JI Ille lolutonce la requlnd for a di)' or nro It fin )Vur..U lim< lo have !or meal ind poul11'11 lleilotot Pblllp on1tr• oa Iller... ol ylM' lftYllopt. . I I ·1 I , .. ( ' • ----~-........................ __ _. ___ .._ __ .... _ .... :.......;;_:......~-"-~--'-~~---------'-'---"-__;:~:c_..--='--'=--"-=---"-"------.--_._"" --. ,- I I t • • Gron,d Canyon Honeymoon I Pai·r Hunt in gton Beach \Exchan.ge .Nuptial Y-ows .. -~ ~_Nu Rti_a l Ri tes Read ' MRS. KENNETH JOHN FISCH BE CK Wed in St. Bon•vtnture'1 MRS. GEORGE R. McCU.RDY Double Ring Rlt11 Couple Recite i Wedd ing Vows { Double ring rites in St. al')d carried nbsegays of green Andrew's Presbyterian Church Upped camaUons, included the 1 united in marriage high school Misses Judy Babluch, Rita ;sweethearts, Marianne Miller •and George R. McCurdy, with W8ke:ty, Carol -Reagan and . the Rtv. Dr. Charles Ji , junior bridesmaid, Debbi C :Dierenfield ortlciatlng. M1rtin, the bridegroom's f The bride is the daughter of stepsister. l Atr. and Airs. Leslie Miller of In place of John McCurdy. Cost.a M e s a and the tbe benedlcl's brOther now bridegroom 1s the stepson and 'son of r-.tr. and t.1rs. Harvey D. serving with the U.S. Navy Jn 'Martin of Huntington Beach. Vietnam, Harvey ftfartin stood " Given in marriage by ber as best man. Ushers were ,father, the bride wore a Ooor Larry Fisher, George Pallo. length dress of white organza Jert Reilly aod Glen Miller, ;over talfeta ei:lendlng into a brother of lhe bride. tcathedr1I train and trimmed At a reception following the •with appliques of beaded lace ceremony In the Fireside flowers and organza bows. A ROom of the church. Miss ..headpiece formed of bows and Susan Cochran took charge or '"" i centered wil.h a white rosebud the guest book. Special guest ' (:.IUl)lt her elbow length veil. w11 the bride's gr1ndmother, , 'and the carried a cascade of Mn. Ethel MIUer ol San bite carnations with satin Pedro. bowl and Mt. The new Mr. and Mrs. ' Wllrinc • Ooor length em~ McCurdy both were graduated 1"P1n llyle i!°' Um< grttn from cost. Mesa High School. •a uny ' nosegay of She attended Or1nge Coast pint earm ~11 MW College and he was a student ¥ertdllb Mllltt, the bride's at Goldtn West C:Olle1e. allk!r. wbo ltrVed as maid of The newlywed! plan to make honrit. . iheir home in San Luis Oblapo, Tht bridelmaidl, who wore where he will enter t.he School piftk druea in slmllar style or Architecture at Cal Poly. " ( Betrofha-t Disc'-osed IJJ Alli· II .ftddlng Is being pl11wd by Ll>y Anll Bezaltt of Allwnbn and Donald Melvin Glbeon. Their enaaaement was announced at a party in her mother's Alhambra home. The future bride is the daughter or Paul J. Beiaire or Monterey Park and Mrs. Louise Bez.aire or Alhambra. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. \VJlliam H. Gibson of Newport Beach. St. Stephen's Church In Monterey Park will be the set· ting for the ceremony. • The brJde-ele ct wa s graduated from San Gabriel Mission High School. Her future husband, a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and Orange Coast College, is completin'g his senior year at Californi1 State College at Lcing Be.a.ch. Decks Cu t By Player s Fountain Valley residents vtho would like to play duplicate bridge and players wishing to gain master points are invited lo join weekly st!sslons begiiffiing ,i\l 8 p.m. Saturday, July 11 . Mrs. Helen Creed, director of duplicate bridge, will assist during the sessions in the city's community center. There wlll be a $1.50 fee per player. and co-sponsGrs for the. games will be Fountain Valley Parlu and RecreaUon Depart· ment and Fountain VEiey Woman's Club. Mn. Will Romine, 347-2256. will serve as brid&e chairman for the women's g roup 1 assisted by Mrs. Curt Burnett, 96U311. Moose Group Women of the Moose, 1158. as.5emble the first and third Thursday of each month for meetln&:s io t.1oose Home, CostJ Mesa. The programs begin at 8 p.m. and Mrs. William Calloway, 645-4241, may be called for fui'thtr in· formation regarding mem· be'flp. Temecula Ranch Site S,elected for Wedding ln 'an outdoor ccremooy on bride. She wore a simple ankle tht groo~, ol her parents' length white dress lo empire ranch near Temecula, Patricia style, and earned a small bou- Dale_ Seeman , became lhe quet of wild flowers arranied with lllue J.ille!. brlde of Llewellyn ·Parle.tie. A buffet luncheon was serv- Tbe Rev. Ray Franklin of ed on picnic tables under the Pauma. Valley officiated for trees following the ceremony. the daughter or Mr. and Mrs. The bride, granddaughter of Dal~m.an of Laguna Beach the late Mr. Ed Seeman who aod Tem~cula and the son of was for many years Laguna Mrs. Manon Parlette of South , &ach Fire Chief a o d Laguna and the late Mr. organizer of the dlJ's lint LJew~yn Parlette. fire d e p a r t m en t , wa.s Approximately 100 guests graduated from Laguna Beacb attended the nuptials and High School. heard Brennan McClelland Her new husband is a read a special tribute written graduate of San Oieco State by the bridegroom for his COilege. · Orange County Take Wedd ing Pair Vows Making their home in Hun- tington Beach after honey- mooning in Las Vegas and Ensenada are Mr. and Mrs. lloward Antony Wight. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. \Vight of Lido Isle and the fonner Linda Lou ti.tcCoy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. McCoy of Mor- ro Bay, were married In Fairvlew Baptist Church , when the Rev. Melvin Taylor led the afternoon exchange ol vows and rings. Given .in marriage by her lather, the bride wore a full length, old-fashioned white 1 satin gown with high collar and long sleeves, w h i c h featured bal'li:ls or lace and white daisy trim. Fastening her waist length ilh11ion veil was a crown of lace and seed pearls, and pink ribbons held her bouquet of white carna- tions. pink rOl!ies and baby's breath. Wearing white empire style dresses trimmed with pink ribbons' and lace were maid of honor Marjorie Ruth McCoy and bridesmaid Diane Lynne Wight. They carried smaller "erslons of the bride's bciu· quet. Frank Page served as best man . with ushers including Greg Fraser, Mike Lawler and Jim Martin, A recepUon took place in the Grandmothers At noon every second Thurs- day the Newport Harbor Grandmother•' Club meeta Jn the Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club. Mrs. Dorothy Van Marter &I 962-02.17 may be called for1 more Information. ........ ,...,. MRS. H. A. WIGHT En•tnede Honeymoon churcli ball followln& th< ceremony. The bride It a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and is attending Orange Coast College. Her new husband also waa graduated from NHHS and b a senior at California State College at Loni Beach, where he is majoring in paychology and e.lemtntary educ a lion. Bea ds Go Long Slrinp ol beads and ...,.. of chains ao lo bemllnc length for fall and wloter. You knot them, tuck Ole.m Into or loop the.m around · a belt. The more strands, the better. 1 ----· -----------"-- In Santa .A na -Chu·rch- ~. Porty Sett ing MRS, JESSE' JACKSON -Le1..-V9911 Hon1ymoon Maeywood High S c h o o I , Orange, where. she was stu- dent body secretary. Her husband , a eraduate Of Valencia High School and Fullerton Junior Colleg~. will receive his BS de1ree-in in· dustrial technology f r o m California St.at.e Colleae at Loll( Beach. August Date Picked Yellow and white nowers decorated lbe bcxne. of Mr. and Mn. Frant Jooeph Guml>ln1or or Corona de.J Mar wh~ they (I_ ........... MARY GUMBINGER August Bride- hosted a party to announce the engagement of tbe.l.r daughter, Mary Ann Gumbi.nger to Ronald Manhall Mercer. Guests Included c I o s e relatives and members of the bridal party who will attend the couple during their Aug . 9 wedding ~ ~· M_k~a!!l and All i.. Angela Epjscopal C h u r c b 1 Corooa df.l Mar. Miss Gumblnger, a graduate of Dorsey High School, Los Angeles, urned her B.S and MS derrus and teaching cred~ntial from the University of Southern Calllomla. While at USC ahe served u elect.ions comminioner and orientation chairman and was a member of Trojan Junior Auxiliary, Pi Lambda Theta and Alpha Chi Omega. She taught In Foun- tain Valley this past year. ,,......, .... DONNA MANN October Bride Wedding In Offing The benedlct-e.Ject, son of Harry R. Mercer of Portland, earned his ABS and MS degrees from Oregon State Univtnity, where. he affiliated with Sigma Nu and was presi· dent of Sigma Delta Phi. Oct. 4 has been chosen as their wedding day by Donna Marie Mann and F r a o II: George Wemet Jr. St. For Chosen Andrew's Afternoon "R ites News of the belrothal has been dlaclosed by Mr. and Mr11. Archibald M. Mann of Co.sta Mesa, parents of the fulu«! bride. MW Mann, a rraduate or Costa Mesa High School, it,.. tended Orqe Coast College. Her fiance, '°" of Mr. and Mn. Frank George Wernet of Capistrano B e a c h , was graduated from Capistrano Union High School and at- tended Saddleback J u n I o r College. He served ln the U.S. army Engineer Corps for two years, including a one-year tour of duty in Vie.loam. A wedding trip to tbe Hawaiian Islands followed lbe afternoon ceremony in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church which united in marriage Mrs. Jean Elliabelh Shephard of El Toro and John J 1 m e s Beach. Her schools were Orqe Coast Colle1e and the University of Miami , whue she was 1 member of Sigma Kappa. Forsythe of North Hollywood. ....,.,...,,....,..,,,_...,.., __ ,,.. __ ...,,_ __ '!'l The Rev . Ra)'.mond I_,_ Brahams officiated Tn~ the dou· ble ring ceremony tor which tile ne\Y Mrs. Forsythe Worf; a floor length gown of ecru trimmed with lace and carried a cascade or white roses ind stephanotis. She wu attended by Mrs. Jooeph E. Harvin, Mn. David A. Conley, Miss Rochelle Beaulieu and Miss Marlene Braun. All were wear\na floor length empire style gowns of chartreuu linen and carryln1 cascade bouquets of yellow spider chrysanthemums. Other attendants were Miss o.na Jtan Shejlbard, Miss Lana St.arm and N e vi 11 e Slonn. A rece.ptkln took place In N•wporl Beach. · Fon,U.. II the ton of Mra. Sarah Fors)'lhe ol Lon- dond<rry, North Jrelond and th< 111<! Mr. William FonyU>e. He attended tthooll In Ireland and 11 a member of the Glawl. Lodge of Masons in the San Fernando Valley. 'l1lf: new Mrs: Foraythe It the daughter ot Mr. 1.nd Mrs. Wedd ing s, Trot hs Pilot's Deadlines To avoid disappollllmen~ prospective brides are reminded to have tbe1r weddin& stories with black and while ci ... y photo- graphs to tile DAILY PILOT Society Depart- ment prior to or within one Wffk after the weddlnf. For engagement announcementa it js suggesled that the story, also accompanied by a black and while glossy picture, be submitted early. ll the betrothal 1m1ounce- menl and wedding dale _are six weeks or less apar~ only the weddlns photo will be 10- cepted. To help fill requJremenll on both wed- ding and ena:a&ement atortes, forms are 1vaU. able In 1U of the DAILY PILOT ottices. Further quetUons will be 1nlW<!rid by Soctal Notes stall memben at 042-4321 or 49'-04ee. Jobn E. Houm ol Newport t::.c::::i>1r:1===.c;;JC11=ca:..,..,,...,,,...., ... ..i • • ' - --- • . . - -~ ~ . ' . ' ~ Bahia Plah Secretaries Sur_pris ~ F~re Are a sec r •tar 1 es, .,elected Mn. Betty Beard, vice typewriters set a.slde, are r-csident. . lalmlng to.meet for dinner at others in a new slate ot of· p ' • Wedneld11, J•IY 9, 1969 B.Y'1f;st Lr;icly • Advi.ce 'Volu.nteered' ,', By FRANCES LEWINE daughter QI a C-a I I· f o r o I a ...!1:'ve doM a • number ' 7 D~V PILOT U I ·MOVING "SALi! "· · - . ' --6 -~:-1..... u.e--lict'1 -~Uy installed I p.m. IOiDOuv~ • elude Mn. Lliiyd -Flemlnf twport NaUonal ~ who wUI begin ber second year 1~ JWASHINGTON. (AP) -The farmer. ·. lhlnJs 1 1 don't want lidcliV 1'ornan~t-;toucb at the Whlte--.:.--.Mrs...Nixon, whose voluntee doni-trhroogh-Uie--years lve,11--~~ Bou~ these days nows lrom tasks ~s First Lady have done a great deal 0 kind 1 . . . . • .. . ' ' , . . ' • . .. . ' ' • N . B,abl C ter N il 119 n a I as presidm!l S<rvlJ!g with he ~ ~" ... tl>nliiiOl:'Jletty Hi&iiiil, ~lloi"tliOse mxmd nee p~dent:-W~ 1ioc0rdlni to newly Theustad, '1hlnl \'ice pres~ (lent; Diane -R~ n ya n, recording secretaey, and the . A '~. " d ~ Misses Dolores s m H h ~weet A en,nes treasurer, and Catberii~ C~1•-Cha ~r' Sweet Prahler, ·correspooding sec. '' .._ P • retary. • d' convene every Mon-Information r e g a rd 1 n g ,,.at a p.m. for meetings 10 member.ihip In the chapter, ~e Park ~· Costa.-open to -ail-aru secretaries, Ma&: Mrs. William !)artner, _may be oblalned...fmm J4rs.. 5a3f11 will answer que11Uons Pearl Johnson, membetshlp • an:ting the choral group. shah'man, 133-1111, ext. 1171. reg ' -..,.---'VIRGINIA'S SNIP 'N' STITCH SHOP~E 3334 E•st Coait Hwy. • Coron• ~·I Mar Phone 67).8050 w.teom• "v•c•tion•r1" to our b••utiful N•w· MRS. ROGER BRAATEN Lake Tahoe Honeymoon , ~ ryraJ ylrtues tbai fat Nix· alrea~ attracted con~roversy, ~UngS far stUcletita, lncludlng 211 E.~17th~St. ·l.flT!j~~~. c"'l'' bas llllrtoloed-ber-•Jll'•.oilie,works Oll,!he.pr.,ru.e.-ljelplnf -t ~ e m· financially· COS.TA .MESA -·I'"--~ _..... "'! Yi>ul.!l__.as th!._ that ,American .wom~n . ..,.Id ·q~om Ille . -.-.i In Mo.. Conhr - 'help cure the naflon s social haven't given out the names ''"'!!:~~~~~~~!!! .. !!!'! , Ills if they'd "only give 20lf~sh~e~sa~ld;;;;==::;::==·~·;;::;::;:;;:;:;;:;;:;:=:;;:;:;;:;~ minutes a day to lend a help-· ing hand, be neighborly and h · Chairmen ' . ~Tell Plans kind." ' The First Lady just com· ·• plated a tour1.o "vest pockets -1 of voluriteerism." : The ~udget will be Scrutinlz. The First Lady, who has ed and chairmen will an-been ;unning a household ilOtfDCe plans for the coming_ since her fiither died when sbe )~'f w!ien the boafd of Young w8s 17 ind' describes the Nix- , Women's Civi,c Leagµe meets om as "a volunteer family," at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the says the impulse for volunteer Altadena Federal Sa~1gs and women's wort: goes back to Loan, Santa Ana. the-days when she was 3 4.·H .-Ma-DaYi~~' newly member a"4Pa1sed..a prize. Installed president, w i I I -Winning pig.' preside. Mrs. Nixon pointed out that The league d o n a t e d she stayed after school when fireworks to the Albert Sit-she was a teacher at Whittier ton Home and Juvenile Hall, to help tutor high school and cupcakes for children in pupils. She also coached rheer the home during the July 4 leaders and dlrected school . ' . ' ' " ,, •• ' ·1 ;. .. ' , • ' ,• • o- .4 ' • .1 I• • =pprt-B••ch. V/..L ~o.P.• y.o_u fin~ time tsL!iJit.Ru.r __ _ tn•11v-U11-ilt11"t 1p•c iftV-lllop1. Out 1for9;,-,- "S•w•rs P•redi1•" ft•turing qu•lity f•brlc1 , •II penon•llv 1•lectecl bv Vlr9!11i•, plu1 compl••• holiday. plays. ~~-1r====================~11 --- ' . , • . . lin• of p•ff•rn1, nofio111, li11i1191 •nd • f•bulou1 111tcfio11 of buffo111 •nd trim1. Do t1k• tim• to brow1• our Boutiqu• Room filled with lo¥•lv . 1ilk1, bToc•Jt1 •nd Import.cf wool•111. If VO'll lik• th• bttftt thl1191 in lift , , , --Comt 111 u1 '""• VIRGINIA P.S. Wtnf to 9.t •n ••tll. 1t•rt on yo11r ,coll•t• w1.rdrobo2 Ntw fill woo tlll, cordlffoyi, ¥tlO:llrt •11il b1tt,r cloth prints •rtlvtd li11f weti. Jt111~ to Stw •td...StY.tl_ ~-_ * __ _ J )!M ''fooiii'~ ... ~·~· • l . ' " Former Classmates ·Linked in Nupitals A honeymoon tdp to Lake Tah99 followed the early evenw lng wedding or Roger Braaten and .Ann Marie Arihington, botb..ol.Huntlngton Beach. The bridal couple made their wedding pledges and ex· chanaed wedding rings before -. pieces of fresh Dowers and nosegays of yellow daisies and pompons trimmed with white lace completed their bridesmaids were E I J e n estelle allarclale SUMMER· STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE •• FIND Of. THE WEEK Meyb~ .. 'w· $bOijld_say "SCQOilot the.WeaJC -:t ·Sllverplatad scuttle and scoop. Greet " .for candies, nuts, sauces. "(QIJ cat\OWn. ~ use it for sugar. $8,95. · · ' . ' . SLAVICK'S ., .i.w.l_.Slnct 11U7 .the Dower bedeclced sanctuary ~-~~~~··~·~~·~· ~~~~;~~~~~' the Rev.Arthur R. Tingley in of Lutheran Church of the R e·s u r rietion, Huntington ~i::'.1~t!~t,t:0 ~:'. : =~::ses 5 o_J~~:F ' Braaten and Marsha * Sp MORE I Livermore, aod j u n l'o r · ortswtar I II FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT IEACH -644-illO . . ~~-=•d w'5 Bobbi SALE .NOW IN PROGRESS ' -1' Vow Clll'91: Aceounl Wtkome -'!111'1kAll'M'l'lcl~ Mfttfr c:Mftt, M Robert Vance was !!!lied to 3'53 E. Cdast Hwy. • c..-def Mar • 673-SlSO I ' · . .. ·• .. ~ch. . stand as best man and Op•" MC!ncl'.,! Frid • ., u"tll 9:10 p.m, ~ m~lfie~ -Ocoopylng placea of booor for the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Ll.oyd Arthingtoo and Mr. and Mn. Walter Braaten, all of Huntington Beach, par· ents o( the bride and bride- groom. groom.smeir were Steve· Har·l"::;:;::::==;;;======:;:::;;;::======~============,,,,;=====;!­ ' • THE NEW LG>QK T YOUR SERVICE FOR 'A ~ . r. NEW YOU! . . • • • A n•w -exciting_ YOU, from your v1ry fint "itlt to our t & lt•uty Stlon, Yo'ur f•vorlft wi9 :_ ot your ow11 crow11- 9lory -••ch 1up•rbfv 1tylitd by 1pecieli1f1 -the fln11t h1ir fi•ld ! Wi int in t o,, p in, vi1it our shop -you'll lovt th• widt 1tltdio11 -.nd dtr11 f•cilifit1, 1111 k1y1d to tnh1nc:t your •PP••r111c1, mo For the rites the bride chose -an empire A·line gown of sheer organza designed with a yoke of imported veniae em· broidered lace extending over the shoulders, and bishop sleeves trimmed at the wrist with matching lace which was repeated on the chapel train. Her four·tiered illusion ve:il was caught to a cluster of fresh flowers, and her bouquet was a cascading 8.rrangement of white roses and stephanotis, centered with a while orchid. A-line gowns of yellow organza over taffeta were selected for the maid of honor ~ bridesmaids, and head· rington. Daq_ Gu~nne!JS and David Livermore. Guests-were seated by Bruce Spohr, Robert Geck, Rick Seibert a n d Thomas Mooney. Pro\'iding wedding music were Mrs. Ralph Werley, organist, arid-Mis. Art1iUr Host, soloist. A lour-tiered wedding caka encircled with flowers was tbe focal point iO the Sheraton Beach Inn, chosen as the set- ting for the reception which followed the ttremony. Following their honeymoon trip the newlyweds w 111 establish their borne in Hun- tington Beach. Both the bride a n d bridegroom are graduates of Hunl!ngtcn Beach HJl!h Schoof, · Orange Coast Colfege and California St.ate College at Long Beach. 3'5 I.,. WIGLETS 6'5 11/J H , Eleven Artists Bring Works Back to Show . FALLS ..... 14" -11" Wit Foll 2695 36's 4995 WIGS MctehlM Mode •••• • •• • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·,,. HOlld Ti.d • , , • , , •• , , , , • , , , • , • , •• , , , , • , , , M94e • •· • • •• • • •• •• • • •• •· •• •'. • ••••• ' •. • ..... ,.... HM Mode , •• , , ••• , • , , , ,, •• • • •••• •· ,, • 299s 59'5 6495 150°0 ~ Mlde ' .. ·•. • •• •• • • '• •. , •.• '. • • • 2Q000 CLEANING-STYLING-REPAIRING-SIZING i . malAe~ WIG & BEAUTY SALON 5411-3446 250.D East 171h Stre1t MILLGREN SQUARE COSTA MISA. CALIFOINIA Art works by eleven artists will be viewed in Mariners Library, Newport Beach, and the Corona de! Mar Library during lhe month of July. Sponsor~ by the Junior Ebell Club er Newport Beach, lhe collection represents ~rtists-of-the-monlh selected by lhe Juniors tor the past 10 months. September's arUst, Vincent Farrell of Laguna Beach, will bring landscapes. sUll life and florals in acrylic and oil. October's artist, Mrs. John Newport Bethel • Young women affiliated with Newport Beach Job's Daughters, Bethel 157 gather the ' second and fourth Mon- days at 7:30 p.m. Tbe Maso'nic Temple is the setting for meetings. Information regarding membership is ob- tainable by ca1ling M r s • Walter Tuz, 545-1755. INVENTORY SALE! 'A methyst velvet bench ri•t & velvet s:heise p L It F Gold chenille & Velvet sofe 8 ft. arge glau top coffee table alien imported decorator chairs reneh lemp• .: .. :Blue & Gold F our bar stools .. Orig • • • $199:50 Sale • • • $395.00 • • • $795.00 • • • $'495.00 • • • $195.00 ea • • • s29's.oo •• • • • $ bO.OO ·ea Many chairs, teble1, headboards, aceeuories, chandeliers, fabric ends, etc. J. RU4Je// :Jumelon !Jnlerior6 • Neal, a Newport Beach res!· dent, again will show ink and wash drawings as well as oil and water color paintings. November artists, Mrs. Joan Short of South Laguna and Mrs. Thelma Paddock Hope of Corona del Mar, will show three dimenslona1 sUtchery and oil paintings respectively. Water color, felt pen and pencil worka will be shown by John W. Burgess, and oil pain. tings and portraits will be shown by Mrs. Richard Thorpe Turner. Mrs. David Scl'lontaT will display oils and encaustics as well as examples of folk art in mixed media, and M r s . Eugene Hill will contribute wild life and animals in pastels and oils. Two May artists, Wade Zint of Ooata Mesa, and Joyce Clark of Laguna Beach, wHI show portraits and Indian studies, and , paJntlqgs in oll, water color and mixed media will be displayed by Mrs. James T. Davis, June's artist. • • • $145.00 • • • $1°50.00 • • • $575.00 • • • $130.00 • • • $135.00 ea • • • $ 79.SO ea • • $ 22.50 ea '17 , . • 1801 W•stcfiff Drive N1wport B•tc:h, F•lifornla •2660 , *Now ••• this week all 26 Gloria Marshall locations in California of· fer a special Summer 'Speed Up' program designed to help you quick· ly lose up to 2 bathing suit sizes in just 39 days at Gloria Marshall's DON'T MISS THIS WEEK'S GREAT OFFER ••• it's by the world's largest, owned and operated, Figure Control System for women. No strenuous ex~ ... we are not a gym. No starvation diets ••• no dmgs or pill.r, At Gloria MaiShall's you'll lose more inches llld pounds for less money, much ksr, ~you would pay for any other program anywhere. Call us now far a free sample visit during which you will actually use all of the specialized macliines fcrr redneinr. Be our guest too for eleetronic facial contouring. No charge, no obllgaUon. Call today. NEWPORT BEACH - 430 PACIFIC\COAST HIGHWAY..:_ 642.1430 RESULTS GUARANTEED in. writing GLORIA MAl!SHAIL lllY" "l'ell 1ll the dress lil:e JOU Wltllt lo -., and we'll Wll ;iouhair~oil­ its it will~ illd gllllllllloeJll Wlf" :ing that you will iescli.your pl Ill fact, so abeolul:elypmiliye m&ntbat you will obtain your ob,iectmt, that u atated in utr ~ wawill- let yo11 have FREE OF ~. ANY AND Au. FORTRER VJ8. ITS, until )'llll ...ch your iOoL Irit paoitm.-thltnblttqioar gu&llllfe!> 100:11. SANTA ANA--: IMO WEST 17TH STREET-543-9457 U littl• 1111 ti lllMI l!r {II*)' SA~ONS ALSO IN: ANAHEIM, IEVERLY HILLS, COVINA. CllENSl'.iAW. DOWNEY, 61ENOALE1 LAKEWOOD, LO Ne IEACH, NEWPORT IE.A.CH, NORTH HOLLYWOOD, ONTARIO. PA$ADENA, SAN DIEGO, SANJA ANA, SANTA IAlt· IARA1 SUNLAND, TAllV.NA, TOltR.ANC.E, V(lSTC:HEStER, .WHITTIER • ,.,, ALSO FllE.SNO, SAN JOSE, SACll~MENTO, SUNNYVALE I W>.LNUT CR£EK, CALIF. • ~ ' " I I • "' ' Xi ., \ I • 1. I ~ • r DAILY l'ILOT Wed"sdaJ, JU~ '· 1969 p·rofs . Wear FJowers. • • on .Nee Capricorn: Stay With Diet THURSQAY JULY 10 By SYDNE~ OMARll " .. 1_ BEST BUYS: G~at values ~-eMa.iuble today in boob, ' ves, bracdet&, rugs. SPECIAL 111l'1': . D,rlYloJ: y-WbeUurdou.Ap. a&J to ·au signs, ti 11 t ....... iaDy to GEM!Nl and Uons based on impulse. Garbl· ed meuaie could send you on wild-goose chase. Get direc· fions, instructions f r o m a~esource. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): In money dealings, be sure you are aw.are of fine prinL Read between the lines. Stick with_ product you k n 0 w f recognize. ND day to take chances in area of basic GITl'ABJUS. Uae caulloa. security. ---..-..... j GEMINl-(May·-21.June 20)~ ARIES (March 21-Ap~ "19): Cycle is high, but there is lpedal hint. Avoid :tc· definite challenge. You finish one phase of activity and begin another. Many pay heed to what you say and do. Know -this and be meticulou5 in ·.dress. speech. CANCER (June 21.July 22): 'You now C(lD take a more in- dependent course. What YOLI were keeping secret is known. You can act in manner more befitting natUral -d e s i r e s. lfessage crystal clear J>y tonight. l"'"':LARGE & HALF SIZES 1~~·24V2 e 18·20 I Sale St1rb Thursd1y, July 10, at 10:00 A.M. DRASTIC REDUCTIONS c 1~4 to l~J cress and casual Prints. 1 Bold, splashy_ prints for exotic • summer fashions. Various 0-F F ! ! ~\':!.°~~~e~~;:;~:i:; ytl . Q.f:ldulay. The couturier look fot elegant ensembles and evening wear. 74% rayon, 2696 acetate. 44/45"' wide. Reg. $1.98 ytl . Regulor $9.00 to $45 .00 Good Ml•cffon of coo~, eory-care fab. ria In flan.ring ttyt.s ond <olo". (Not all tumm., df'ft1n l'1clt.1ded In this sale) ODDS ind ENDS • ----Reduced To Cl11r --~ • SPORTSWEAR • ROBES . All M1rch1ndist From Regulor Stock -~'sHALF-SIZE SHOP e lltOKIN SIZIS e ALL SALIS FINAL Cool-Mates. Mix'n'match checks, plaids and solids. Checks and plaids: 7596 Dacron polyester, 25% cotton. Solids: 65% Dacron polyester, 35% cotton. 45" wide. Reg.$1.98ytl . Monte Carlo Crt1pe Prints. Lovely screen prints for easy- ...caredresses and blouses. Washable. 100% pol)'tlster. 44/45" wide. Reg. $3.98 yd . Knits . Easy-care fabric for wrinkle-free summer dresses, suits,andpants.100% Dacron polyester. 60"'wide. Reg. $6.98 yd. .· F~"MIL Y GROUPS . " \'i9 ~EJ'TRA CHARGE ·1}o~ng/anJ TH-;rbor c.nt;;::;: 2300 Ha~~r· Blvd,, Costa· M•;;- THURS· fl!l ·SAT, JiJLY10·11·12 HOURS: 10 to 5 • ~A.Yl$~BROWN 411 E. 1 'l.tf4St._....: C.05ta Meso 6'6·1684 · · , FRlGIDAIRE· blSHllfASHER e U"d•r Cou"''' Mod1l NOW ONLY •• $148 8! .. y e Du1I D1f1r91nf Oi1p1n11r • . Terms • 3 l1v1I Super S11r91 W 11hi119 Aelion e Z W•1hin9 Cytf11 S YEAR WARRANTY! e Roll-lo·yo~ lt1<k1 BE I ' . ·ONE . -.• ' , TOS~VE -~WEEK :LDCASH. LookwhatS88 buys this week: (July 7th through July 12th) This- -223/575 ' I SINGll• llt .. 114 H•i"'t .....ti1._ wftll c-. S1w .l:iuflonholn, 'h"1'.011,, 'tl11tic,.. 1tr•lch f•brl f..; ow11 .... d9•, dim, 111•nf9'""' with011t 1lt1<hm1nh on 'fhi1 f•bvltv1 'in•chin1. Wilh cenv•11ie11I 1trt'1rn/i11•d ctrry c111, $88 · o.nlr, only or this-:- ~· s.wlng machln• in ''V•ntvro'Cobinet. Here's o honey that sews forward ond re~seon oil types of fabrics from the very sheerest to the heavies t ~tens one! leathers. ses saa $222' now yd. The triple action uprlght~um bys;ngor-. with vibrator brush thot toPs dirt loose ond tw1n ie~ thot whisk it up .... " IUENA PAJlK COSTA MESI. 180$ Newport Blwd. • Costa Mesa l~1 II. .• Ci1rr1 ltl Ust , •• Sblpr Mo-38 Crdll en. Whati 1uvfort°"'°"°" t.at SINCE R today!" &130 On I.he MaJI Phone TA 8-7540 Buena Park Ccntt>r SANTA ANA 2300 Harbor Bh"d. J{Brbor .center KI 9-1195 GARDIN OROVI 9931 Chapman Avt!INol: 530-4010 Orange Pllllll • ,. "'VJ"'" ...... ef , ... Str.f" ,.. He.rs: 4'".30 to ·S:JO, Prldoy to 9:00 , e 2U ORANGEFJ:IR' MALL, FULLE'liTON ' . • I \ SINGER •A T,~111Mrtc of THE SI HG ER COMPANY 305 West 4th Stn!(!t KI 2-3945 ~ntown ANAH.EIM :515 North Loar11 1135412'; i.. Anaheim Ct>nler 11,,.0ITA MESA Bristol & SunOowt>r 540-2633 South Coa1'l Plaza HUNTINGTON llACH Edln&:tt at Beach 897-1041 ,.. lltm\initton Beach Centrr LA HAlltA fashion Squat'f' 691-0621'1 \.""· • Outdoor Grill Menu F ~nd,s: _S~~~ks ~-hoice~ ··What ts tbemost ~)ar ot two flank steaks on a steer;, Serve with the following all cookout ~taf--. ' each w e, I g h s in the aauoe: ll's stealt of---eourse -· ~eig~ ~two~!'~ t/3 ,~ c 111 sauee tender, jut' i.or-s·tl"z 11 n g and wih serve four people 1 teaspoon dry mustard bufst.eak. lbe ,choic~ of·;;,!! geneNius!y because of the l clolle garlic, crushed candidates forl the grill. In COf!lplete P.bsence 0( fat and ~ cup pale dry sherry or ~fact, if yoo i;,ention a 1'<JY bone. dry vermouth :;<1word such as . f h a r c 0 8 1 · To cook a Oank , steak to 1 can (3" ounces) sliced 1 "barbecue, coc,irput or grill, · peHection, score 'it in a dia. broiled mushrooms chances~ are that P~~cUcal1IX mond pattern on bOth sides. % teaspoon bottled browning everycnc will an:lwer steak . Broil over moderate beat for 3 sauce Get the best rieat y<iu can to 4 minutes per side. Remove Combine aU lngrtdients and .. for lhe grill. This Will probably lo cutting board, 1 11 c e simmer 5 minutes. Serve with be choice -and far better to1 ~di~·a~gooall:=;:::!Y;,,;In;:to:_..,;thln~-==sllceo::::_· ~ste:::•::k:.:· M::•::k:::":.:•::bou:;.:.t :_l cu:::'.!'.p·~~----------,--------'-~A. T:.:AS:o;.:.;l::_:Y~ST:_E::A:.:K~C::U:.:T:_:.F:.:R:.:O:.:M.:_:_F::.L::A:.:N:.:K:_ _________ -;-----:-c---get a good gru.de of chuck th1111 ··-~ _ a iesser grade of ~rloin. Take the stea~ from the refrigerator. Remave au ex· ces11 fat. Plan oo about o/4 of a. pound ol steak per persoo if U1ere'11 a bone; a thr~pound air loin should serve four. Don 't o;e t your sights only an s i r I o I n and porterhouse. deli cious as they are. There are many other cuts of beef which can be grilled t.o tender and succulent perfection, and which will be easier on the .budget. For inslance, lf you're hav- ing a big cookout for perhaps 15 people, you could select a b~g chuck steak. A 3-inch piece of chuck, weighing about 10 pounds and grilled for 40 to 45 minutes will serve that ' many peop1le. n might be marinated overnight for extra flavor arid tenderness., and served with a Langy sauce. A flank 11teak is one of the most flavo rful of all tJeef cuts, and may be served · with mushroom sauce in the classic London Broil approach, er sliced for slea\t $8.ndwJ,clles: Either way, it's econom1cai and delicious. There are but Dessert .,L -d1 ace . Convenient fruit ~from the pantry shelf goes lo1o a n .e w version of a popular pudding. PECAN COCKTAIL . PUDDING l large egg . 1h cup firmly packed light A. brown sugar ti l/4 cup bourbon. 86 proof 1 cup unsifled flour1 stir \o aerate before measuring : ~ I teaspoon baking soda 1,~ teaspoon. salt 'h teaspobn nutnlrg 'h cup granulated sugar I in cups thoroughly dtaincd canned fruit cocktail ~Z clip chopped (mediu1n- fine) pecans In a medium mixing bowl beat egg slightly; add bro\vn · sugar and beal vigorously un- til mixt ure is thick and there are no sugar lumps-a c~ple or minutes. Add bourbon and1 beat to blend. Add r\our. baking soda. salt and nutmeg; beat gently just unt il smooth . Add granulated sugar. f ~ u i t cocktail and pecans; with a spoon. mi;ii: until fru it and nuUi are well distributed. Turn into a buttered square glass baking dish (8 by 8 by 2 inches ): spread evenly. Bake in a preheated 32&-degrce ov~n until a cake tester inserted tn center comes out clean, top is browned and pudding shrinks from sides or dish-about 45 1ninutes. Serve warm ; at serving , tlme cut in ~uar.es in baking ·dish; rem;>Y"e wit~ cake ser.·t•\ I al tab!@. Tllp 'l.r.rlth wliipped . crt'lftn. t { ~ Makes 8 serving~ Madrilene Perks Up Taste Buds An easy-to-make first course for sophisticated tastes. MADRlLENE I jar (2 ounces) red caviar 1 can (121f.i.ounces) red-color consomme madrilene, chilled for at least 4 hours Con1mcrcial sour cream Put I teaspoon of the caviar in each of 4 small orienta l rice bowls or soup cups. 1'urn madrilcne Into a small mixing bowl and flake with a fork ;' divide madrilene among the bowls. Tpp each bowl of m.adrilene with a generous tablespoon of-soui cream. Spoon remaining caviar over sour cuam. lf assembled ahead , chill no more than 3G to eo mlntites before serving. Make! 4 11e.rvings. Fin a/ Stocks In All Home Editions • .ti.1RACLE IP OUART LU>DlfSSING-JAR EnYCROCKER 'AllG .!!'J!s_ -!.n: . .. ~ -I .-. AYFRESH - _,-MAYFAIR LIQUID DOERGENT J20l.CCINU,lf'fll ------· .. ·· ' ' 5& ·~ KIDNEY M.AWS • . RUl!I' COCKJAl.L ---------·--~··· ~..,.;: __ -tBREANS -.!':::;.~· M. D. TOILET TISSUE 21lc:it.LPACK--· .. ······ TOMATO JUICE MAYfRESH 46-0Z. CAI-I ------ s for • for . ~ .... ..,~r"-·"~~1:.--~·~'J;.:;.--"'-'7a;~~ ~~~·-~~~ .............. -· · ~.. ·014,w DcWty Sp~f '.-i '/ ' . .,, ... / ,,..,.,,- ROCM: CORNISH GAME ~J!il.fill_!.CE MILK _ 35c ~~~,~~~vi~~.~'!!r _. .._ SiS l .. ~ ~.~{VJo~W1~~0· __ ····-· ouAH 1 gc PORK SHOULDER ·PORK ROAST ,!,!l f-1.0L MINIMUM 'NET WT. FRESH EASTERN PORK-PICNIC STYLE BEEF ROAST I __ 79 -~ ~:1.19 · Will AGED RIB ROA"ST M" YFAIR BLUE RIBBON ~U.S.D.A. OtOICE BDFRm STEAKS W..'rr-,,_ 11.UE: lllllOl'I U..ll.A. OO<l 1YOUNGTOM TURKEYS PtllW l(IC)fl ftt011N ----·•-M•----· ----111Mfair Dtf.iea~stll -Wl ll HIJ ~\VllfiW LUNCHEON MEATS MAYAiUH6.0Z.l'ICG. 3 I -' ALLMEATIOLOGNA.l'ICICU, ---... L0.4.F,TASTT, CUVILOAF-• BISCUITS :.....:.'!= ... 6i49< Van de Kamps SPWALS 1m..s.. "" an ~~·.~·····',. 59c CHAMP CANDY ~fOll.l;GfT 3 $1 JEU~ o 0 ' "'"-- NO. lOO (j1,,N .,._,_, __ ... MINUTE RICE VOS' DOG FOOD j1,,(l flAVORS NO. I TAlLc;»I -· -ni!mfair frozt1t-fottd--- ORANGE JUICE • FROZEN • iiif/111 11.0lC .. s49' _MINUTEMllD 4 tl=i< · 6-oz_.cANS ... for I MAYFRESH VEGETABLES 7 CUT I FllEHCH CUT GREEN IONS. . PEAS, MIXED VEG~& LIMAS lf·OZ. PKG. - . VAN DE KAMP HAllBUf __ . ·!~c)/fN 69< "M'. 6 Ol ,.,.c; O'RE,I DA POTATOES ;:;.::;;;~i'.-_ ____ ,.. ... 39' THREE COURSE DINNERS ~~'.%:.::.':< .. ___ .. 59' .....,-r----m!mfair Liquors·--'-- gg~:k10N VODKA " .. _ ... _ .. •39 . p._;;.., 1 QUART e ~ g ~ ~ ... ROYAL OCCASION TEQUI~~~.~ ,,,,s399 \UP~~ DON THE IEACHCOMIEll MARGAR ITA MIX --llftH He ""' SCOTCH "w°' '"""'" S ~99 1499 llOPtoOf MM f lflf-1 " OU.UT FALSTAFF BEER ~~ti::::'.___ .. , .... 11°9 • ,AVOCADOS '· ~~E 4~s1 YARIET)' ···-· R fl TOMA TOES :'i.~~" '" -· ····--······ 29' LmUCE ~~'"-·-• 2i29' :t· I. BELL PEPPERS EXTIA 29c fANCY-U. MUSHROOMS ~L"""" __ 49• Ail llEAT ot 'ALL IEEF IOLCKllA _79c HORMEL ALL Mill JIAllKS n-0<,.0.59' CHEllDll CllEISI Sl'llEAD ---------'""..., "" 59' KOSRR SALAMI, KIOCKS, JRAllKS,,:,:;:.:..,,.,,.• I" Bear Ctn lSc Coff11 Caku .. "'· • • ADVEITISED 'Ila~ IJFICTIVI 7 FU4 DAYS- THUIS~ JULY IOlhruWIDyJU\f 16 ' Dainty Donn ' lSC Oou1hnats ........ "" WlfJ WOO \Yl\"ffllr ·---- ' 175 EAST 171~ snm. <;OSTA MUA 2030 WEST lat STREET, SANTA ANA 9892 WESTMINSTl!R AVE., <;AR DEN GROVE ' l' ------------------- .~ L· I I l • I -- ' -z,. - f • I l I· I f DAILY fJUIT WrdneKI~. July 9, 1969 Fros~y Soups ' .. C9or Id~ ,,for ·s~ummer . - FRENCH INSPIREO .AND Sl~,l y ' DE ~l<:!OUS -- Long, Glorio us Histor y , At knowlo&. bow to t•mP.t a wllted •J>P<Ule, ,tJie French !"fJIUI muters. Partlcuiarty In the be.at of tbe1 JUmm~ ... whee food mu.st be p,rticular. ~,....Ii cJaY!tior, it'• lhLFrenclUo •bom we turn for cool, artful lcteas. • Chateau Soups, froaty, Fren ... 1 ~ch-inspired and delicious, are \ ,. ~n1 result of our .J't3e~, ' Fr'1sly Loire Valley S<>!!P Is a smaJl inasterpject. n starts with coodensed ·cream · of, , chicken soup; gets a seaSoning Of curry; sauleme and sour cream. It 's serVed in chilled bowls. "i 'l)ten comes the lltUe touch tbat makes the big difference. In separate serving bowls, or on a g~ lray..,._chopped chilled v~bl~?att ~..> -celery, cucumber, ireen onion and tomato. 'E a. 'c h J l¥flO!l SPf'IQkles •oil hi s own : f~s! garde;'!. g_ami.st>e,s. • Jiostx 11\>U~"'""the-~• ~ :American-made soup with an attractive French ac~ ct.nt.~Its base ls condensed · • l ~ crlam of asparagus soup, \ ·"'"'" f! the extfa ~ ol a litUe . -l· .. ~'and mustard.' -• tb <lt these Frosty Cha!eau Soups 1¥e he1J1y " •nt· to make a cool main cour , wllh a crusty croissant on , aide • an_d a summer desatrt..at the end. And OOth are Hsy to make With con- de~ soup providing the ., dellcfti\Js ready-made base. wel ~as a between-meal ~ [t· 1,IJ!ef broth always is ref~e· Poured s rr a i g -h t over cii~, in a chilled Soup Mist. This lakes a can of co~ beef broth, a soup .can ofJ,aµlalo juke, 2Ya cups or-sn1f~tc€ and lelilon and lime ~ges. Served in btg old-fashioned glasSes on.a hot, summer afternoon, a Soup Mist not only takes the heat out or the day but puts back some -or the spiriis the heat .'l;OUPEll SHRIMP CANOES melts away. FROSTY LOIRE VALLEY SOUP 1 can (101.~ ounces) con- densed cream of chicken soup~ 1,~ teas 'n cu rry powder lCUpwer . 2 i:ables~s sauterne Food Extrao{dinaire ' Shrimp B'oats A-com in' Dash pepper Polish off an after-suntJ01,rn tomatoes as a relish. For 1'4 cup sour cream game of cards w1'tb rn'e11ds by d t · t h ~,, cup eaCh chopped celery, serving late-evening supr.l'r on esser serve g1an ome-1 cucufnbeY, green onion, .-~ baked cookies and fresh fruit. tomato your patio or porch. Lignt up Hot coffee is in order. Iii . Blend soup: curry powder,""-~i~;n:u~~:i~ ~~ti~fc;:~ h~~rd you like, go fancy and serve Sk e ,. Cookery An' c'1ent Art ~;:~~'st~::~n:nd~e:e:ra~ servc (oodexlraordinaire! ~:~1:e"ssocof~~~t:~~cr WC~![~ Skrwor cook:~ Jong I cosiest most errecti,., and ma~ =~h ,,-_ without the madnaied ror sev•ral ho~~·.,.' ~~1;~¥lli~::%~:: ~?~L~~~i~:r~t~i:~01 Ef ?;f ffe:~t~~~~1°n~i ' nd glorious history_ It had its 1n0!.t adaptable V.'ays to cook meat -~ven dcss~·t. Skcv:crs longer depending on the chilled veg et ab I es for: sandwiches · · · Souper Shrimp SOU PER .SHRt~tP eginnings back in the da\1'11 of n1cat and vegetables over an may be --s!endtr b" m boo-ten~rness or the me at . ~arnisbes. Makea 2 to 3 serv-Canoes· -·'food for &ourmets CANOF.S !'to ... , 11·hen A:.1an no1nads o<V>n lire. slivers, massive sword-like V bi be b -•ed 1ngs and hearty e-ater:i ar e. 1 can !10" ~·ncesl c"-, '• ,., ' • egeta f!S may ru~u · Hollow out 'hanl roils, then n --r \rung meat.s ;ind 1·cgeLables Alrnost any con)binal.ion of shaft.I cf stainless steel or a with butter or dipped in the F ROSTY SOUP-rill the~ with a delectable <lensed cream or celery n a stick. and cookL'CI them meal. fruit and vegel<1bll's Simple broken green twig. marinade. As a rule, three ON.THE-RHONE soup vcr a campfire: it is cur-n1ay be skewered. A skewemt In ~neral, ~meats lo be items are strung together on a l can (10-t.t ounces) con-cllrgo of tender-.shrimp, chop-1 ~1 pounds frozen, cleaned ntly in fa1•or as one of the dish 1nay sen·e as appetizer, cooked' on skell'ers· are skewer -usually a meat ani:I den s e d c re a m of ped green pepper and sliced shrimp, cooked and cup up two vegetables which are dil-asparagus soup black olives· moistened with (3 cups) " . A.RECIPE ADAPTE? 'FROM SOUTH AFRICA ) ) ferenl in color and taste. Vi soup can milk navorful condensed cream of 11.1 cup chopped green pepper 1~ soup can water celery soup. Condensed soup F-c I" d · 1. Although ton1a10 wedges, I , makes a light and li,voiy {"/.> up s ice ripe o ives d · l teaspoon emon juice I tablespoon lemon i'uice green peppers an onn;ins are sandwich dressing. pefhaps the most common 1'" teaspoon Pre pa red 1'i teaspoon tarragon vegetables for s k e w e r mustard Be sociable round-the-clock 2 dashes bot pepper sauce cookery, many others are good 1,-. cup each slivertd cooked with condensed soups. Use 6 to 8 round h<ird rolls h · chicke.IJ,~ ham, and mild them in other sandwich mix-Lettuce c 01ces: eggplant, zucchini or . -_,... ~ lures·, tomato soup with -k-other squash, fresh or cannedi P:'2_Cessi uiee f '"'" Lemon slices whole mushroom crowns, or-BJ~ 30Up, m k, w'aler, ed ground beef, cream of Combine all ingredients CX· whole tanned potatoes. 'letrion ·juice 'afid'1mnstard. chicken 'SOI.Ip to enhance the cept rolls. lettuce. and lemon Heat; stir now and then. Do rlavor of chicken spread. Or slices. Chill if desired. Cut Fruit also can be skewered, not boil. Plitt to r.trtgerator let them serve as zesty base! slice rrom top or each roll; f~r , an unusual accent. Good for . at least 4 hOutsl Ber,ve-in for party di pt.-ho llow out leaving lk·inch c oices are pineapple chunks, chilled bowls; 'top ·el.ch serv-Since · Shrimp Canoes are thick shell. Line with lettuce ,· mandarin orange sections and bananas. ing with chicken, ham and sure to be a conversation HU wilh shrimp mixture. cheese. piece, the rest of your meniJ Garnish with lemon slices. Any kind of 1neal may be Makes 2 to 3 scrvµi4s-1, can be simple. Add cherry Makes 6 to 8 sand.,,"iches. skewered: beef. Jamb, pork,,1--------'-if-,-------"'------'------------'.-I poultry Or seafood. ' If ·you've nc\'f.'r tried a 1 • skewered pork combination , . -./' t ~~:::"~v·~.~",::~h'7t" i~ ~, -ng· CD adapted rrom a South African .> • recipe. and reatures an • ~~;,~:~,hot, sweet and spicy , . 1 ., : SASATIES The , re's a shiver in every sip of 2 pounds boned IC' an Peppendae Farme Soups. Just lee them down ~houlder o[ pork And MfVI t~ up, ,Qlide Into our Vlchysloise · ./~::::::::s=:::::::::;~ I can 112 ounce$) aprt~ · Freshsrten.leelts=ra'I inbutter.WithtlnysnOw ·'. ~ectar. PGUI~ W k>ts _ t:ountry cream. Or dip ·I can (6 0tmccs) broiled Into JellltCI Con Madn1ene. Made with h scn.nnptlous stocks af chicken and beef. r;i.._, __ m u.s r o o n1 cr owns, Spoon In the cool of Peppeddae Farme Soups. -~:.:__..,('../'-; drained, Andturn, fsummer. 3 tablespoons cider vinegar I tablespoon bottled brown- ing sauce I tablespoon grated onion 2 tablespOons mild curry powder 2 teaspoon~ salt 2 cloYes garlic, crushed 2 dashes Tabasco Cut pork into J ~-inch cubes, d iscarding any excess fat. Place in shallow container, cover with mixture of re· maining ingredlerls a nll refrigerate overnight. Removie from marinade and thread on 4 ske"Ners with drained mush- r oom crowns. • Reserve mushroom broU1 for use ih .soup. sauce or gravy. Broil slowly over moderate heat. fuming and basting SC\leral times with mariMd~. for abouf 4 ~ minutes, pr Ulltil done. Snip in- 1 lo a piece or meat to lest - there should be no pinkness lefL l • Malt« .h ,er11qs. ,._ ·~ --.... ~- • • WOllRl' WARTS J "What ARE you doina; lo OUR coUee shop?!? DeVot. ees of tilt> 10 o·cloek c4tfee with an old fuhloried ")iul· tennilk donut, squlrmed:..u wa\ls were knocked out,,_nd hammers and saws piqctd the tranquility of each ttlss- fu1 nlbblt'. "You 'll IOSe 1our Image._ .l:~•.on'.t be.Jhc same. , ,the wails went. on and on ... Bul we jusl srqilf'd and stealthily <."Ontinued in. tC!ITUplin~ pleasant brpiX· fasts. kaUce klatschs,'. bii: blillines11 deals 11.nd lusoous luochrons. .. 1 Evtrybody continued fun1- lnil, and 11•e continued !lerv- rhg_. OKfii'l: clOieB Single:aay becaUN THEY wouldn 'l lf't us ... _EVeD'lhing is s I i 11 t~.' Sll'llJCI,' All "''e did !Y.'a.!I matte what we already ,had .largtr 'a.od. . 1noi;e com.fort~ ·able. AzXI iI )oOU , thoµght Happy St!!e, ~ coilee thop manapr._~-be.fore',, • you ought to see him now. , Hf illuminates, and his scin· tfilating piincakes and fresh. °Jl'91f salads dazi:le-do all. the •1Y-:•Y d?WJ1 , And . rcniernl>rr .. , eVeri JKough the market •qoei;n't opj?n until 9. lhc tof • tee shop is open for breBk· i&at at 8. So why not (i\'6 ' the ne1v foam rtJbber pe.d- dtd seats and Steve's golden fried eR:&:ll and bac;in a whlrl. WE'VE GOT IT ALI. RIGUT Ht:nl'; · While ,Steve does up a, IOt o[ h!S own-li!Ue speciaftiOll in the shaPc of hot dog !l\'ists, tunabw:gers, n 0 q u c r Qr l drc~ing, and chill beans .. , all the cooked food comes U,,m_tb~ l)clicatcsscn , , • t lhe-enchalad~ turXey t('1· trazlnt barbequed chickerui and l-ibll, lase.g~. II you like 1vhat you ear, you can -.al- \\"ays go inside and buy SQIT\e to lake home from our stean1 1ablcs. Pick up a menu wlijie ,\'Qu·re UM!re, so ·you'!! klJOW wha1's belng 'cooked up 'ior a wholt' month. Pt'rhips yau'll decide to have Chit" Macyiand for th.at June n Flex! week. Maybe yoti'll k up sornc 1dked ran rc4ist beet for the lllfl<!wich crowd loniorrow. The bakery i!OC's all lh<? donuls, delectable Danish pastricR. sumptuous pie:;, and luscious cakes thar are served in our cofft'f' shop. Ir you Hkc whD.t ~u sample, you just hav(' to step throuah an archway lo take a "'hole one home lo dinner Even , the bread that goes. in the · sancil1•ichf'11 comes from the bakery. Thars wna1 ma~s them so extra dt'Jicious, I.fie bread came out o! 1hc ov,11 only a rew hours before. MFl .. HICHARD'S UHE1<:8t;ounot~ns llap11icst though! for lunch. In "cn1 goes 1,. pound of our famous C.'(lra lean ground beef from !hr mcaf depru1- mt'nl. dreamy tomatoes and crisp lct!ucl' from the pro- duct". If you "'atch our 'd- WH.iscments, you'll see that Srevf' gets reaJ dari ng some. limes and purs !\tr. Richard'• cheeseburgers on speciaJ ro~ 55 cents. ( A COOKll-.: P()ft YOUR THOUGHTS J But ii 11·ord o[ Warnilt they are 1taid to ~ So 00!~ <'ious they could becom!t ha hi 1 forn1ing ... Honey !lookers are all lacy 11~! ha:r.t'I nul,,, ehoN>late ~nl'y .... one of !hesc gl ·• IOUS 1111/<llU'f'S of thj :'I that t"C'ully isn 't a coo r Y~I it isn'I a candy. ~l'j "'lllcls up bC'ing son1cthfrtg dt'l!ciou.s in between. UntJs. uaUy extra special, it ~'911 freezt' before you nib!)le, Great red and white din too, for safe keeping bt'tween the eating. LET"S Gl.'T. ACQUAINTED 1v1th a longa n , . 11 Jruit n1uch cstCl'n1cd 1n China and 1'.lalays\11 ... similar to a lychee, bur 11·lth a n1uoh smoo!hl'r shell. If you don't sav~ lhc lychee. we haVf! them frozen Irom Ha\\'aii. Tilc-se longans L'Dmc Ci.nncd. and Arc further rnhan<:ablio by being s tulfed with pi1111· apple. !hen dol"ll' up • in~' heavy syrup. Try a smatt ' lt1Jt in your next fru it sala or compote or droo'lle a f7 over \'&nllla Ice crean1 . , • · Richard 's, 1he Pe op l;e Store. Newport Beach . • and 11•e mean ''People" 11·llh a capital P lor pl'l?('iOU$ . , . f': for cspectally nice ... 0 for <h•erly y,,·ondcrful , .. P particularly pica.au& • , L for lovely and lovaltc . · .. I: for every time yo~ conit IO I~ tLS, y,,·e'd likl' If gh·t yoU a h!& hua. You're 11·onderfull 1 ' DAil Y l'ILirrl • 'I\ I PliONE '67l-6l60 FOR HOME DELIVERY PRICES ~TIVE . ULY I~, llo,1~ I • WITH SESAME OR POPPY SEEDS -Seeded-Dinner Rolls 6,.. 31c ·-r .. -~light ic C•k• Ith W•lou!!__•od~ -· .s~VORYwi!hCH!_ESE !lli,CO~~TS::..,.:::---= 89c iT Cheese -Bdton Breaa· Ste " Org,n Serenade ;~~ " . . ' For Your 'f:-<---...-..."4-. SUMMER BRIDGE . MIX Pl11sur• LIDO. IV\A~KET CE_NTER Colorful C.ndy Co•t•d Nut s, Choc;olet•, •tc:. R•4 . 1.00 lb. b NEWPORT BLVD. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE -B-.,-~-ic+: _F_a_y_..,.,c..--~ • -• i . " • llBBICJ'S CONTRIBUTION TD llSTIDNDIY! ·.*·. . . . . . . ·. " --!: . GARDEN-FRESH, GOLDEN VARIETY SWEET CORN 6 FOR 39~ FINE FOR SALADS, BUTIERY-RICH, HAAS AVOCADOS 5 FOR $1 FANCY, SWEET, JUICY, SUN-GRAND NECTARINES 4 LBS. $1 ~ THICK-MEAT. VINE-RIPENED, LARGE ·cantaloupes 5 FOR $1 ~~~~I! FOLGER 'S COFFEE I LB. CAN FOLGER'S COFFEE ZLI. FOLGER'S COFFEE , LI. NABISCO OREO COOKIES I LI IMPERIAL SOFT MARGARINE LB. SMUCKER'S APRICOT-PIN_E..APPLE PRESERVES 21 •l· TOPPING MIX DREAM WHIP ... ARDEN AA BUTTER 1 LI. PILLSBURY WALNUT BROWNIE MIX 21 ,,.. •1. GERBER 'S STRAINED 69¢ 1.37 1.98 ' 47¢ 39¢ 49c ' 3~c J i 83¢ 59¢ Baby Food •¥· 0 .. 10 Fo.• $1 HUNTS SLICED OR HALVES '' $ Yellow Cling Peaches J l/J 4·, .. 1 • GLORI ETTA STEWED TOMATOES ... 5 ... '1 BUMBLE BEE Tiny Pacific Shrimp #•• 49c PILLSBURY ALL 4 FLAVORS Instant Breakfast 71/J ... 49c JOHNSON'S FURNITURE POLISH PLEDGE lit ••• 98¢ t • ' ----AhLALLJ.MERlCAfllJ.REAT-CORN.o..,..__---o,,..., ' , t I THE-COB! OR CORN FRITIERS , CORN PANCAKES, ROASTED CORN, CORN RELISH, THEY . ALL MAKE STAR-SPANGLED EATING! AND CORN HAS A DELIGHTFUL AFFINITY .FOR BARBECUED MEATS! CDRNSIUTI Allow 2 ••" per per,on. Cut kernal1 of,, Melt 3.4 T butter in slcillat. Add corn and I chopped green ptpp•r which has been sautead 4 . min, Coolc: corn anti pepper gently for 5 min., stirring. Season with 1aJt and fresh ground pepper, !You c1_n substitute 4_ chopped gretn.r onions for the pappi6rs, for• different di1h!J CORN PINCIKIS Cut the kernels ftom 4 aar1 of cooked corn. Add to your favorite pancake recipe. This makes 1 delightful quick supper, with 1 fru it salad. THE FINEST U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF YOU CAN BUY! t • • ADO A LITTLE CHOPPED ONION, GREEN PEPPER ANO WORCHESTERSHIRE IEFORE YOU MAKE YOUR HAMlURGERSI M-M-M Lean GROUND BEEF It ... 11y ;, 1 ... 1 RUMP ROAST BONE -IN BONELESS, ROLLED ' & TIED, JUST RIGHT FOR THE BARBECUE RUMP ROAST Stuff It with P•I• Foi• G.'" & brtl,. -m..bt!lllon w/csi•ry, on1on1, carrot1 ROUND TEAK SWISs ~S . EAK SWIFT'S PREMIUM • !TROGANOFF TENDER PERFECT FOR BRAISING Brown & Serve SAUSAGE •o•.Pkg. 1.19 LB. _1,19 LB. 1.09 LB. ADD TO MEAT LOAF, OR FOR CHICKEN OR ROULADE STUFFING RICHARD 'S 100% PURE PORK SAUSAGE s!\~. •1,i.'~~ S•a1oning 69P LB. •• c!IL~ BARBECUE STEAKS Al,...iy IMfiMtM t.f , • ...,-ft.-..r 1.49 U. ASTORIA . COCKTAIL SHRIMP STUFF,ED SPtlT BROILERS All ... w.,t .... fH y••I WE HA VE A COMPLETE SELECTION OF U.S.l>.A. AGED PRIME BEEF ' 2.98 LI. 69¢ LI. ' ' , • t • FRESH CUT CARNATIONS Long Lasting, In All Color•! .. A~DEN..LO'W-FAJ_ALL ELA VORS . YOGURT . • ... 5 LAURELEAF Lemon Pepper -,-~ .. 1;19 ~ BEST KOSHER SLICED Corned _ Beef_ SWISS KNIGHT PORTIONS 6 OL 49¢ Kts11irPic-les4~ 39¢- GRUYERE . . . HOMADE GENUINE FANCIFOOD ROUND Rye Toast 4-or. 3 FOR.. ~1-"- . m~!!'B DELIGHTFUL .HORS D'OEUVRE, CHUN KING SHRIMP EGG ROLLS . 6 0 '· 49¢ r CHUN KING CHICKcN EGG ROLL CHUN KING LOBSTER EGG ROLL -CHUN KING ' ... ' •.. 49c 49c Meat & Shrimp Egg Roll .... 49c SUNK I ST ORANGE JUICE I•• 4 '" $1 SUNKIST ORANGE, LEMON OR FRUIT JUICE BARS '"'" 39c VAN OE KAMP 'S NORTHERN HALIBUT ... 69c ORE-IDA 12-oz. CHOPPED ONIONS A RMANINO CHOP-PED-CHIVES ORE-IOA .. '""' ... 19c 39c Hash Brown Potatoes'"" 2,.. 39c 2 FEATURE Of T. . ~" b)' COVentry Dl~N.ER"' ·PLATE . ..... ,JJ~ '2,~ MARKET HOME & q1FT SHOP LIDO YACHT SHOP 'ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR FLOWER SHO~ -(lEANERS OPEN DAILY 9.7, SUN. 9-6 OPEN dAILY t.6 OPEN DAILY t -6, SUN. IO·l DAILY 9-5:30, SAT. 9-5 ' OPEN DAILY 9-~ DAILY l :l0-.6, SAT. l ol0-5 ' . I I _____ _,_ ----- ~~-....... --~~.,...!'"' ,, "•r•r•""'' \ . ., .,.,, ....-.,.,.,.-r_. ~ =--~ ·~.....-r-'.,,.._..,....., ~-""'.C''-i-;-,~::_' ....... ~.~~· ;:\ .. •1 •• .,.,., •• ..,,..,, ••• • ••~•..,,•I lo• •• " •I , , •• , • • , , *I .., •• •• . -· ( • • 1 I I ' _, ) • I I I -·-~ - it :• •• -· " .. • • ' Liquid Bleach --"""-'• ""''"" """' lltt "1w:I Wnittns fwrythil!1 You WHti! Save More Daily! 1'111 More You luy ... 1 E MORE YOU SAVEi Listerine Antiseptic 20-oz. Bottle • BAKE SHOP fllESH! '""8. ·3· .111 ~~~~~,~~.~ Br2ea9d , .. •DIET IREAD l&·t t, · ( ·'" • ~ETIT E SLICE l•at • ' FROZEN FOOD BUYS 0 J. • .. ,.,., n"" . 25' Cream 0' the Crop range u1ce l::;'r,~:, •·:~·... large Eggs C Pe ltl·•lr B1nana, ChoctJlalt, 8-irich · 29( ream les Cocoanut,ltmon~rNta-l•·•1. Grade ''AA'' poh1an-Yoll" Chotct pits Bel-air Vegetables • "111 •m =~ "lmsel SJt•lb :;:- it11u le1Js !:="1:... • Callil!twrr'::':.,. • BrKtlli S,t1n .. -. """"'" Bel-air Vegetabl es .• W\111 IUltl Ctr1i '!::'· • ;r.nP1ai ~"':'..!:" • CP,Jtd l r1tt1ll !!:" • Spl11U ?.':: ';.=, • Pta Aid Catrtl1 .-,....., Sudden ~e11uty :q Gillettes Mot One 1:':::. i Di 0 Gel Tciblets ~::.';~., •! U.1-•t. :f J 11 ... .... 74' •I )I Bayef Aspirin t~11r.~ :t. 41' Lysol Spray r;t.,t 1.::!· 98' Glad •.•• ,.... 5"" . e Ar l1nt.f11tt "'" , •• Shell No Pest :~~ 'tt• Floor ax :.r::~ 1~7:· s101 Motor Oil !:.!:1t ::~ 151 · lemon Puffs . Mrs. Wright's Fresh Pound Cake ; ~for s100 for sioo • . l'omato Sauce T1W1 H1u11 Iran• '"" Ultowu A Dtllciall1 Ult. "'"ritaln: for Stews, Hash ... ; ... 10' ... Tomato Catsup Hirhwar lr111• . T1Titlt'1.IYlll•t"'Clt· 1r.ovnc119c ~llP ~R TO'flll! Cood Old tlo!llt FnhioMd flffOI' W , Orr~ Tnte1 -----~---~~- . Pooch Dog ~ood 3 "''"" 25' •••• Ap I ,. .... ,,.,.._, .. ~ p esauce Crtimy-5moolll lit Tcxtwe 2 ,.., ..... 3 s· 1111 Lalani Juice :;:.,::.., Salad Dressing ~:-· Fresh Peaches Russet Potatoes ~:~1:: 10 :. 69- Haas Avocados •l·ll·-27' ... , ... 4nc Ju 7 C1W.1 ltlln Vlrietr Soat Ind Jticy, Ide~ To ~ict llwf C<r<lh. Tops for-._ Bananas [:,, ....... ;:::.':" .. 12' ., .... = •:C ,.. u-r.; =::c., ,,. c.ttr1..,.. ..w cnes\:.:-"2rw 25' Cera = 6 ... 49' 1"" Sa-To fJt. Olf'*51111 Or To Sit< 4 ,., •1 00 Apple~ t;:· ~ 5.t ..t _,..•.,.l?ata Cheerios , . ; BrflUH\ Crrul-"tlny liltlt 0'1~ ~ .. ...... 38' p ,,,,.,, . -------: X"·-'fl ?ff'"W«SIIW ;;'-•. , Bisquick c 11 Belly trockrr-12·111·1 M11tur• ~ ...... soc ~ ..... ....,,. .... , ~ ~~·'l..1·· White Flour ~ 1!11vt1I !lonom--f~rkhtd ~ 10 -~. 77' ~ Tomatoes ........ 23' ... -------Pork&Beans I '·.· ,..., .. _ ...... , ....... ,. ' ., ..... 25' ... large Meaty Cuts U.S.DA Choice G•.o.d e..r Ideal for Individual _, _ Steak! Center Cuts U~~.D.A. Choice Cradtd Beef RaV01flli Md Juicy lo Pin Fry! Boneless Round Boneless Roas Full Center Cut Beef Steaks 99c Round IG01t !'::" L W i.. Rolled & Tied U.S.DA Choice But Chock-ld!al Jct Pot Roast Rump Roast ~., &r lb.89' Sirloin Tip Steak .. ~:E·~=. lb.$1 29 tor Sirloin Ste~~~~·=.. , •. $189 SHncer Steak E~ r..$199 . ' Veal Chops r •. ,., ~-it Mui, 79c ~111;, :It! [Oh a, Veal Steaks h~t.u!S."°"' 99' ti;lllf lft-lluly ho! .. Veal Steaks · PIJIJ-PIM Or ...... 89' lrtMM S!J!e -a. Luncheon Meat Sliced Bacon ~-· ~"!' 69• ~lllflMt. ·- por1i ·srei1u ~"" L no Spareribs l::irrhl:;:: ., 7fC lfff Uver &'~ r:._~ ., 694 llddltlonal Meat Managers Features! Danola Sliced Halil :.-.=.:.. ·~·~· 59' ' Raw Shrimp :'.':~~~,· .. 99' Salma* ~ ?.::.:."'"'"' •"' .. 89' 'ath Sliced Bacon =: ::-;:.,... :: 79' Leo's SDced M.-1 = .... 35' • •• ... "'""111t~lj(ft Ull ~~~ ' ....... ' I I . ' ~ .. y l . I I . ~: ~ . I ' ••• 1-I •• _ • 211 E. 17th Sf., Costa fl!.esa • 1000 Bayside Dr., Newporl Beach . • 24 Monarch ~Y Plaza. So. laguna 636 ·N. Coasl Hwy., Laguna Beach • Santa Ana freeway al La Paz, Mission Viejo • Fairview · Ate. & Wilson Sf., Cosla Mesa \ ) ~ \ \ '..J:._++7•,':' • r ra -. -..... • Wldnt!d•y, JUIY 9, 1969 DAILY PILOT 4J Ba ky~rd . Cook_e~ Reduce~ lor~~ _,g~~:k ,:S~~l!~~El~n:!.:....- Coc*Jng oors can suit ~ ch1c:kcn lnlo .~~-JaCh Let slatd at' room tern-away from source ef 'lltat f lxlW'e to r•e m' In Ing I -pound llrloln steak j water ·" mlll~ .. j d arlel pepper. I bl~ le whet\ · · • 1.1& arloiidc 2 tablespoons sila.d oll 1 tablesrilon comttarcb aey •u ainls'1 aalt aod we & a rs. cubes, perature or 2 hours. Dre.in about 10 mln.utes on each '"'"'• , -1 c.up chopped onion 1~ cup cold water , bouillon. t: are ba 1111 in lhe n-a-shanow-pe. ml~ -and reserve-m1rift • -rtirushlng "With reserved Stir c 0 n s l ~11 t l y over 1 cup thinly sliced celery 11. cup -toaltld allvtr«i Stir toaell\e.r comst.ar~h and _ ---11 ~ct"Jf:u:~.,. ~ on t,QgeU. garlic, soy sauce, oil· ThreS:d ' chic.ken, pineapple, marinade every 5 minutes: moderateJy l~w ·~enl unttl .1 package 19 oun c es ) · blanehed almonda' 1 • 'told Water. Unlit smoothi add ~fr, frir'6Xx..ol~l~ you like to ·and lemqn J.ul~. Mix in the mushroo , onions, tomatoes ~urn kabobs once during cook.· clear and Utickebe(!., _!Vhen F:reflCb:tul green ~;l.1)6 ---l ·medlum•sitl toma ut in !klllet,,11t1trin -untU -mix• -t1i9 --Ind ch)~ Jll'<l'iillied-pinupplo -a-.. e<PJ>e<t Oft ' •ns------ka-ar. eady, !lfl'lnki<-I cup .. >lked green pepper wedjea ' ' UN! iJeor .. thfaiii111 Onil bOIJo. ~ . ts chunk,, (or quartered ·pineap-skewers, diviiilng ingredients Or broil over chi.rcoal. 1 with A;ll _and pepper, a.nd 1 tablespoon soy sauce·· Cul meat Into thin strlpa1 In Spoon mixture ~· to t· d<slgned for~dieterspyou c~ pie slices)t mu s b.r o oms , eqqally l\D1ong the: skewers. D.irii\g last 5 minutes ol 11 serve with ui.ace, ·~ 1,, teaspoon ginger a larg& Bkitlrt ~al the oil. ed servloi ~1. 1'fth whip u~ Hleapp e onions, tomatoes, and green· Save; 1parinade, broiling, prepare sauce by , -M&keS 8 ... servings -22'l 1 teaspoon sa\~ Brown meat. Add ohion, almonds and pm lh with ~ ·Kabobs.. · i "_:pe:_:_:pper_•· _______ ::.Bro=ll -'l;_n _r.:.an_,g:.c•·-' _i_nc_hes_...:•::.dd::.in-'g:_:co::.ms=tar::.ch-a=:.::"d;_·W:.::•...:ler~c-•_lo..:.r;ies-'-pe-r-'se-'-r-'i-'ng,_. ___ :_:J:_:c:.:;~i<::.k:::en:_:bou=ll...:l•::.n -'::.":::be:_:ce:::l:::ery~all\l=be::."""'=· :::Cook:.....aen~lly=, :.:;m_c•::.t...::.::.. --~~--,= f or t h l s , chicken-breasl1• mtal, low-calorie canned pineapple, musptpoms, pofpns, cberry tomitoer and green peppers are treated to a marinade; then meat. rruit and vegetables ~~e ,skewered and charcoal·broilea. -J ·s81Jce ~ &cteS _with. ...the kabobs; this is m~e rrom the leftover ma.tioa and is thickened with a .ftttle COl'i· srarch. By t De w~y, corn- starch i!l lower in caforle.s ~ than 00Uf · -t. I ' Other kabob romblnatloos also are good for diet menus. An all-time favorite combines chunks of boneless lamb with green pepper s q u a r e s, quartered small tomatoes and quartered small onions. The onions roay be raw or parbolled.-The lamb needs to _ be milrinaled overnight in arated onion, crushed garlic, salt and pepper, T h e vegetables do not n e e d marina Ung. B e f o r e charcoal·broiling alternate the lamb with the vegetables on skewers. LOW.(;ALORIE CHlCKEN PINEAPPLE KABOBS S uncooked whole chicken breasts ( a b o u t Ph ~.!l. _sk,lnned a n_q l clove garlic, crushed 1k cup soy sauce 2 tablespoons salad oil 2 .tablespoons lemon juice 1 can (l~lh .ounces ) lo\v· calorie diet pi neap pl e · chunks or 2 cans (each 8 ounces) low-calorie diet pineapJ)ie .sHces 12 sman-whole mushrooms 6 small white onions, partly cooked (I cherry tomatoes 2 sman green peppers, cut into 11k·inch squares 2 teaspoons cornstarch, mix· ed until !lmooth Y<'ith 2 tablespoons water Salt and pepper Beef Cooks Gan Learn california beef is 200 years old this year! Since the first catlle -were brr;.ight in by the Span_ish ~­ plti"ers and missionaries tn 1789, the beef industry has been growing, ·until n o w California ranks third in the uriitect States in the pro- duc;tiOn ol lean quality beef. And\wbat could be·more aJ>- pl'l}llrtate ori this anni versary thC; to revive the art of pit ba~dng. A traditional method ol cookery for large groups, the Spanish rancheros setved entire communities in this wa y. thanks to Waller T. Rod- man. manager of t h e Galifornia Beef Council, thi~ maivelou~ technique has not died. Now, by reading his booklet. '"Pit Barbecue ·for Large Groups." you can pre· pare the same fantastic bar- becued beef the early Califor· nians did. Ih this booklet, Rodman I!! explicit about . the delails. of buying, prepanng and servmg the beef. Nothing is left to guesswork: !lo a novice should have no trouble in preparing the meal. 'nle 1>4>oklet is available for 2~Ce.nts through the California Beef Council, 463 Brewster Ave., RedwOod City, Calif. Barbecued Bean Dish Barbecue beans have been a favorite of Americans. both ea1temers .and Yt'Cstemers alike, for a long time. Barbecue beans . . . four knd.s of selected lender beans sltwly cooked In a tangy tol:i ato barbecue sauce . . . h e the smoky taste of great ou ' oor cooking reminiscent of ca pfires and sin,R:·song:i;. ' e's a hearty dish for da when the children come In 1 om sports and Jjad N!· tu from gardening. e a can or barbecue from your pantry shelf. In some chopped onion, beans, mustard. and c 'bacon. There you are ... A po' Beans. ' . j!EAP O' BEANS 4 iJlces bacon I p chopped onion I (1 piund) barbecue Ill spoon prepa r ed •nl -pag. cook bacoo un· ; mnove and crumble. ablcspoons drippings, cook on until tender, Stir In beans, -beans, mustArd and b! n. Heat; stir now nnd then . kes 2 to 3 servings. • POT ROAST ~.7:~~"'.rc;:·: ..... .i,.981 CROSS RIB ROAST ... ~:~:.~:~_;, 98i FAMILY STEAK do;( r .. 1 ....... !~ 1°1 --POT ROAST •. mc,,,e1 .. ;<' ........ lb 791 pO~ BUTT R,OA.SJ ,,,,,, •. ;,681 TURKEYS """'~'''"'1 11 481 !ths~1ltt. 5 to 11i;s .••.• _ •••• .lb. MEAT LOAF f;~~:'!::.~.'.':: ... 1r69i PORK CHOPS ~,:~o<;::,:'.".~ ... " 98 i . . . · ~\ PORK STEAK FRESH BLADE CUI LIGtiJ ~MILD . FROM CORN FED PORK • Ea$y Eating . lb. BELL PEPPERS ''"""-o"""''' 79i 11'1 Fo•l Po n.,, •••• ,,, lb . •' BEEF SAOSAGE ROLLS~:~'"" 58i FRE.SH TACO FILLING ~~~;~-"69i SLICED BACON·~.::t.'.'.~'.'.~ ...... ,.681 BEEF B'ACON Roo1M<Coy.=.:::;;:;:87f -9CEAN .PERCH fmhf.l"'···'""""lb 791 BEEF LINKS ·~' M«.,., ........... ,. 3/1. BREAD.ED SOLE ;::~:~.~'.'.~: ...... lb 881 CHUCK 'STEAK U.S.D.A. GRADED CHOICE Blade - Cut • WELL AGED SEEF - -~~--=--~~--=----'--• ·SMOKED Pl(NIC-S-.,0 .1'5 AVG, ... LS:-4-8~ -rices Goo cl July 9 thru 1 5--FRESH -SALMON ~·~~'ici'~l~'..~.~~~'l .. 98~ HORMEL WIENERS ........... "."o' 53~ CH PPED MEATS '"'"'o"·' JOZ .... 3/1. LONGH.ORN CHEEsE :;:;~~~~-"89~ SLICED BOLO,~NA ~.~'.~~;"_~'.'.'..aoz 55~ c OKED-SLICED HAM ~~,g~'.'.?.'.~45~ . CHUNK BOLOGN:A !~~o'c\!'~~~ .. \0:4~~ -·--~--··---- 1 -LB. c ..... I V N JUU I lrll -MUN I ::> l:· t . \.VLU l"VWER TALL TIN-V.ET'S HALF GAL . JUG BF.TTY CROCKER IA YE R ALBERTSON 'S FRUIT WASHING DOG AL BE RTSON 'S CAKE OLEO COCKTAIL DETERGENT FOOD BLEACH MIXES 11~ 22~ 68~ a~ 26~ 33~ CORN 38~ 01111. .. Save at Albt!rtson's 111111• "' PllU Pll(( ,llU Pl!CI CLEANER ,,., .. .,, !g"·..e-lfor ·······•••••• 79 ' 721 PRONTO WAX '"""''"'""' ......... 98 < 891 PUNCH ,, •••• '•' o<lo-Col ~~'" ............. , 39< 341 DRESSING :;;:~.": .................. 36 < 321 CHUNK TUNA ~; .. :::,',,., ....... 29 ' 281 COFFEE .... ,,,~ .. l•1•0••. 10 01 •••••••••••••••••••• 1" 1" MINUTE RICE ""' .............. 51 ' 491 PORK & BEANS ;::;i:·: ........... 18 ' 161 SPRINKLE SWEET :o:";'., ..... 39' 381 MUSTARD ... _._,. ................ 35 ' 31 I 98 ' 851 flQUR P~l'b"'Y~lb.bof •••••••••••••••••• 63 ' 571 J" 1" CROUTONS '" ...................... 39 < 371 REDWOOD BARK-MULCH SIG OAG CREAM-W /K~1·a~ CORN Al!ERTSONS .3,;, . • Save at Albertson 's 01111 '"' Save at Altiert son's PllCl •11« CREMORA '"''''""'"" Coif•·(,..,...,.,. a 01 , •••••••• 49 ' 471 MAYONNAISE .......... o ....... KAVA 1o.w ," 1"''""' (o!l••Ao1 •••••••••••••••••••• 1" 1" TOMA TOES :;:;;"'""' .......... TOWELS "~•·•'"' .................. 39 • 33i POPCORN .,,,,, •• ,, ...... : ....... JI F c •• ~ .. 1 "' c ..... ~ ~•0•••8.;11.,1 8 ,,, •••••••••••••••••••• 63 < 61 I DINNERS ''""""''""; ,,,.,,ch ... ,,,,,,, •••••••••• MILK "'""•""' P0 ,.dored XI quo•I •, • • • • • o • • • • • • • 1 '" 1 "I FOIL WRAP ;:;;_~;,; ............. RAISINS '"'"''"",, ............... 25 ' 241 IVORY SOAP ,,.,.,.,. ........... OLIVES ""'~ ,,.,. '"' ...... Ni 300 •••••••••••••••• -53< 461 CORNED BEEF , .. ,.,,,; ...... : .. 70i.(olo,o TIP TOP FRUIT DRINKS AVOCADO DIP ......... 491 Springfield PEAS DINNERS ........ .. 671 . CORN 6 oussr. l ""/llorton'• lo t CREAM PIES ............. 261 ••• l,'1Gal.l-tol ""~"" .. __ . _.· ; I ICE CREAM ....... ~~ ...... S 9• --' 10 OZ, P!l.G, O.lllfF ... ,.I(( ,II(( 49 , 471 25 < 22i 4_3' 38i 23 '. 211 27 ' 251 /31' a· 63 ' s+. Fifth-Canadian LORD CALVERT DONUTS CHEEZ-IT SUNSHINE 36J CRACKERS '\' l'OOZ SWEET JUICY 2 ' SEIDlES.S ••••••••••• , N t . • .... ,,. 22i ec armes '""' .............. lb. u t '"'hR'" I 181 l'OmQ OeS S1:1loo 51it •••••• ,.,,,,lb. I! b '"''";,. 71 ~11cum ers """' ............. .,. .J. F1t~Cfttri Sl reppers .. ,, ..................... .,. J d To!ly '"' 18l AVOCG OS c o1,10 ... •o ,.,,,,, ••••• t o. all yovr favor ites at Albertto"'s SCOTCH ;.~c.·: ................ 5"9 VODKA :;:.;".'.: ............... 379 BRANDY :,~h"~:: .............. 9 9 BEER ..... ,,.,, 1)29 1.1.1211101 .•••••••••••••••• L - BEER 1ii••Q1bv11W•otO"";" 89! 6/llor .• ,,.,,.,.,,.,,,,,, WINE "'""°!HN;""' 1'1uo1 ......... ]49 WINE ... _... l" ,,,,._ Cloo\11" Cill~o" , , , , , •• , , •• SQUAW 00 BREAD 160Z 3I1 fresh ••• RAISED GLAZED SUGARED ... DOZ. ,. DINNER 2 49~ . . . , . " ROLLS eoTATo .,. Cocoanut Credm Pies ;. 89C I LIBBY'S VIENNA 27J SAU SI.GE '\<_ ' AOZf Palmolive DISHWASHING LIQUID 22 OZ. 59c . GERBER .J' ' . ' ANIHONY "'.5J Sf RAINED ELl!Ow -LB . ~ '!' a .. auooo . ' ' Huntln.gton ·leach -15511 So. Edwards Fountain Valley' -16042 Mcignolla • H1111tlt11Jtot1 leach-8911 Ada1111 Corona del Mar -3049 Coast Hwy. La9una Beacft -700 So. Coast ~wy. ' I ' • ' • ' • l ' ' \ • ' . NECTARINE· PIE MEMORABLE' Fruit Min't~d • In Spec ia~ty .. : Many times an eitravagant -~..()~ .. -will--•-nicely """' • iilwfARlNE--Pl.&'.- ed favorit~tree dinner into 3 to 5 fresh ~s a special ·occasion. 1-package (8 otlnbesj .crean1; Tha.t's ll)re(y to be the case cheese, softened When you ~nt Mint-Glazed 1/4 cup sugar Nectarine .Pie. T h i s im· .Baked · -,._inch g r ~ h 3:fll pressive ~king dessert e<1m· cracker pie shell bine! juicy fresh nectarines 1/3 cUp apple jelly ·with sweet~ cream cheese l/4 cu; mint jelly. iD a-graham Q"a!!k.et. pie shell Cul nectarines into sllces)fl Th£ arran~~enJ of the n~-make 3 cups. Be.at_ cream tarines and a glai.e made wtt~ cheese will\. ·sugar u n t J~ apple and mint jellies account smooth; spread gently ana· for its professional apprar-evenly onto prepared crust. ance. Tuck nectarine slices, skin Mint-Glaz.ed Neclarine Pie is sides up, into cheese. incredibly quick-and simple to Heat jellies-in·saucepan over prepare for such an elaborate low heal,,,stirring until me!~ looking dessert. Th.is is a treat and smooth. Cool, Uteri spoon you can enjoy with ease over nectarine sli~ as glar.e. sev*1 -times during the aU· Refrigerate pie aboOt t hour. too4wrt season for fresh ··Cut into wedgeS t& Serve. California nectarines. Makes 8 to f servings. ~ . Easy as Pie Berries a la France . This cream pie ls patterned after one served by a French restaurant In New York STRAWBEllRY CREAM PIE 1/3 cup Stfgllr l/~ cup cornstarch 14 teaspoon salt 3 cups milk 2 large eggs, well J;leaten 1 teaspoon vanilla 9-inch ba'fied pastry shell 6 lady fingers, s I i c e d lengthwise 3 tablespoons kirsch or 2 tablespoons light rum 1 pint strawberries, washed and hulled Red curriint jelly, melled Heavy cream, whipped In top of double boiler. stir together sugar. cornstarch and. salt. Gradually add milk, stir- ring until smooth. Cook over boiling water <have water just touch double.- boiler top ), slirring conStantly until mixture is thick -about Numero Uno Cake Recipe . JO minutes, • Cover and continue cooking 10 minutes longer, stirtlng oc- casionally. (If glass double boiler .is used. confinue cook- ing 5 minutes longer; replenish boiling water in bot· tom if necessar}'.} - . Blend a little hot:mixtutt-Jn-. to eggs, then sUr into re- maining hot mixture In double- boilcr top. Cook over boiling water 2 minutes, stir.ring con-. st:;i:ntly. Remove ffflm boiling '. water. Stir in vanilla. Coot in room te1J1perature. Cover bottom oC .pastry shell w;lh half of cOoled filling: . Cover with Jaqy. C.fmgers; sprinkle with P,sc~ Cover with remaining filling .. Chill :ror-2 lhoors, -,Jusl befoie serving, ~ange strawberries on·fop of ple. Brush red cur· rant1 j~ly :over strawberries to gla·ze., ~rale wiLh whipped cream. Zucchini Tosses A. 5urprts~"·:" ·{: A different salad wlU:i which to surpr)se your gu~ti. · Readers keep asking for this ZUCClllNl SALAD old-fashio~ butter . ca k e 4 zucchini (about t-V4 eclpe pounds), peeled and sliced r . • . NUMBER CAKE filirly tlnn 3 cups sifled cake flour 1 cup bailing water. 3 teaspoon• baking _powder 1 teaspoon salt li2 teaspoon salt ~ teaspoon sugar t 1'fip buttet -11, cup olive oil 2 'CUps sugar 2. tablespoons wine vinegar 1 teaspoon vanilla 14 teaspoon white pepper 4 large eggs 4 tablespoons g r a le d t cup milk Parmesan cheese Une the bottoms of three g. There should be at>out 5Vr tnch round layel'-Cake pans cups of the sliced 'zucc'hini ; · wiijl wax paper; butter paper. boil it with the water and~·~ Sift -together the flour, baking teaspoon of the sail. co\fered; • poWder and salt. ln Iai'ge bowl just until tender -several of electric miler, cream but-minutes; drain and cool. ter, sugar and vanilla for 10 J3Cat together I.be remaitiing mlnltes. ~ . "k teaspoon salt, the'augar, oil, 'niorou&MY bea\.trreggs, 1 vinegar, pepper and ~,tabl~ •t ~time. Gently beat in flour s~ of °" Parmesan; ffi!X mqture in 4 additions with zucchini; cover and chill aHftalely with milk, 'juot ""' 'briefly. . w--a!IO(,e.ci. aildltlon; ,"At oervlng time arrmige )>ep . ...i tnd With flour mix• Z1lCdllnl and the .marloMe Oil ture. salad greens;, sprinkle with re- Tltl ~ -~ ~;-~~· ti1b1espoo_n11 ;:;::-J"~~ ·~<Jtesf servings. ::..l..:t:""'~-· Today's F.inal ,.,.. •• on wire racks; --:.t"r.i turn r~~aid• ....Stocks Today up; f:lll and ''""" • · ' -......... ~~~---~..--.v .. ,,.__,,. ---... ... ----....... , ... , ... ' . ---....... ............ \ --...... _,,,.. ... ~ .. , ··~-~--~ ....... -·-----: .-,-~~ ... .,.. .................. -____ ..,_ ' • ' \ • • • -f --' ... I ·" '(_ ··-c - ~-.... •• • . ' . • . ' . • ;t__•'" , ' ~I'".-.-• '' • .... . . ,, .;_. " 1_. ........... _._ . .,,.. . ·~ . ' . . 'a,· -~ .., . r, . , A •ii)ll' I~~.' ' ~ ... t" .. ' . .J,, '7" ,,. ·t; -n,'_ -. ..... .•... ;<' _., ___ .. ·~. >. ....... ,. .. . ~t. r . . • • • ..._ .... • ' -• -' ~ (:.I ' ..... ~ .. 1;. -0:_/. • ; f at your · mar . et, · ·. ·· ;_ . _,. ~ ' " . .. ; . . I ~:Jrs .c0st"1g Joli tOo ·mUCfi. . ' . . •. . \ • L"'.;.. ; ,.,, .. • ' • J.t,iAlphl'rBltryou don't get ; . 10stly f ~ills like trading stamP,s. ~le'veelililinate1rthem along : -~ with~games,~pfilmotions, stunt~,~ . and gimmicks, so we can give ~ JOit Total Discounts. This means you •o~n!t g~t ';t~ee,~•x~~a·~ 1 ·stamps for buying this or tllat . ' . ~ .: ... "-• -· -i!~:~~c ~" ,... ~ -·~--~ ,.,7.~., .. Whenever you buy. Because '. Alpu Beta discounts all prices' . ev~ th' ·prices o! 111 bakery -\ pfOltucts., every single day. Remember that to get those extr.a stamps, jou're actually paying extra on the things you buy. SO those ','free" stamps really · · aren, fr.~. . Now wouldn't you rather save a few dollars than a few stamps?; The .Qu~lity Leader- the Price leader, too! I • 1 \ ·-- ' ' . , { t• I ! • ' . -. . .. • ' ' • . " ' . . ' ' . I I I I I I I I ' ~ i I ; i . ' ' -----• I ' ' , ' --" .. -~ - J · •. .. I ' . ' . ' • . ' ', .. J I v • . . . ' [ .. ,.,.....~ • .. ...·t • I '. • I I • -~-I < I ' . ' .. ( ' . ' . ' ' -- ' If I l ., . ' ... • op;4us40 4 c4 .. ---... DAILY '1LOT 4:J • • ta's=·-- Man. in . Blue I ~ • -.... ,,Tiie ·49 DDlll.E DISCOUNTS -in ·this atolllS -ttiese - ' ' . --..---·says: · • ' '' J'~' Ul!°* 1, t ~ t flY [)A Y iiiuiosheer strips s9c 491 PACI'. OP '5 • LAJIGE Blc 1k 6ERCtANT"S • I OUNCE AEROSOL FLEA I TICK SPllAY 1" $ J 23 DlAMOND•UW:JNAT&O• lOl,?ACDlAM.ETEft 541 PAPER PLATES or 1~ 61c auFFEiii1 TABLETS 75c 541 I~ BE!ll. IJMG OR 14 01JHCt '-'Aww·&uss'ES 1n 991 @L.Th;~'CriSP'e?'""98"c 661 · ~ SPJRAL • l INCHES :r: 5 INCHES ~~ii"ioi'OoK 29c 151 . .. • • save you s 7 .-22~~' ~· , . I r.:. • r-• ,.; ' .. , .,_ 1/'l , --r1111.-i.~-~-~Wft&m.,... .. _...,,.,_.._, ........ ..,_ l(J'\ I I,''" ,f ~, ',~. , STOllE~ · M<rmAY ttlaiilti'fRIOAY ID'A.M,,ID 9.l!JI. .. SATURDAY & SUlllAT 10 A.M. 1D 7'P .M. • SAVE wmt Al.PltA m; 1 ; 12,87& TOTAi. DISCOU saie ~ien.. · · more with Double Discounts They mean extra sawi• tor .... ~... ...... ., ""'" purchases wlttl tnu cost rtdwc-tio,. _ • ....,..,.,.-1. ... -- for them ~ U. lll!lfL =-~ """" ""' "'""'•I OUNCE PACDO! 7a. VAN D£ WI' llAlllUT 13' Q' FROZEN •~{(>,'·"' VAUJE U• ALlllA IE\l IU!Jlll llEUIS gy DtlTCH PRIDE • Y, GAU.al" ... fllllATIDN ICE IU a-· am.a"fu"ICE 21c 211 I :i OUNCE CAH S1e Pe FRoztN • 9 INCH • BlACZBEl!HT • ~ • 80 YS!N8ERllY 7a. JOHNSTON'S FRUIT PIES ..... __ g• FllOZEll ....... -1 a• llAMQUEI ll!AT PIES 23c ~YPicwiiEE'Ts 21c 25c @s..~iw. 20c 111 S'Uc'Eo"nE'T's 23c 20' 2oc -Wl!lllnllll WGE•Wlll CUCUMBERS 3.1w2f. Vll.EllCIKrtNIEt' -~· --- ORANGES 61 $] oo THIN·SKIN •JUICY 3, UMES " STtAK $11£~ Pll IHI. 39C MUSHROOMS --,·- ! >ec_-tffl AinA mA 011AU1T 1A1E11Y 1~®" * t -1• • TOTAL DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY _ ,.. * llPffAIEIA "" VAWE Alt1tll!TI'. .. V~ 2 Alt1!A l!TI • '3< VAUit ~ .a. IOYSElllERllY PIE GERlllAll CHOC. CAKE APPLE IUllS Jo ; . ~mcH 75c 1uru -8tc -· ~-36c1 iet-:t(-KM->OCfffo· >ae-M" >ec~fo>OC-t•"*_..' Your ALPHA BETA NtlihbOl11ood Butdler tllit' Mm ln'tht Rod Ap...V lroudly OU•!S BVTClll'B PllDE MBATB IUATS 'YOll'U. M ..... YO mYI ALPHA BtTA, lllCDn 11111 BOIE LESS Rlf'1lJ!AST SIJIGtNT • PACX OF' 12 KlNG St?! w~rr · NO ROU.• TillP'Lt rwcr CRAYOllS 49c 371 @~tA.£m21cU-:@'~~~~""' SiLi~'mii!llCUlt>' .. "'" ~NO. I TAU.CAN • ~•11EE111u1s • Olseo111t Held • Qlll(lty I SltisflCtion OulnrrtMd •U.S. CMl•1119lt lnpected Colorldo Int .AIJ'llA BETA lmlll'l 11111' llllf IOllEWS BEEf BOlllLl!S IHF l~SllORT-1 FlllLT LOTIOll 59c 461 ~::O,~£D 13c 11; ~ -. • ~~'l'il?~"'*""lll\T ! .~ ' &lStiir~fiOuquET 1sc 59' . SOFTIQUEIATHOIL 171 $1 2' .... •·!---------....., -· 131-i OUNCE W osot CAN . llAID· FOR""""' AN!) GWlEll · ·~ llSECTICID£ 111 S 12' Uti0iiw'"''°'19c 65C ioiiTriiSHEi4C'l 41 ~-11cW . ~Pl.A"""': 12 Ol llOmZ -~POPCORll tll. . 3lc ...,, I 12 OUNCE•iom.t • ~VER~DllT 11.1111 -·36i ~SYRUP · •~ 34 OUNCEIOm.E 710 a. t:::i:ii:\ U'W"". EITll.\ IJQl!T ~.AllWE lllX Qc • 28 0l.P~_•CXIOUTI _. BETTY CllDCWI . PAllCME l!D· • lie - IOONCEP .... °""I si1. 33c D' ..,.., .. omd £121 "' ""' 11 ·M"~W&rzt!-~ • ·t.a .n . ~. ~ ,,.. ~~~''t"''.ls.a.P GE , ~W£Mll "1 111' 15"01, TWO 1111' Hu .. ~~~C.WlllI .,44; NO. l CAii • .. . f1IOJDI •I OL CD• llD.C8111B ~ u.-11-- 12. CC. CU, • YAWi II• ' . . 1i1w.1111r · naua · 63c sr ,, ' II DICllD • S nzr jlamaffQIL STUI RIIS STUK 89L 49;, sl~.,. . 80MnISS • llfADY TO LIT ICONOMICAI. • DWCIOOS llAl'Oll 69;, DUBUQUE @ WILSOl'S .-"""" ~'t.i~~D ~ Sf' . "8ISPllCIDITI. 5l llllllllllTI • nDIEll YUL 40Z.l'ORTIOllS 88! llACOll . omm w= .,., • ._ ____ ..._ ___ _,_ --·~•MJZ.PACl!!SE llAVORIUL. • ~ !MllKlllD mu SHlllM, 39' ... . .McCOY BRAND . . STIRS • :;;: ~=ED 98c =-·-•. -= ' BRISlET ' LI. HAUIUT 91., c;ll~ • • MEAT l'RICD 111£CTM~.--JILYlll .... 11 PRICES . EFFECT!~ IN ALL ALPHA BETA-MARKETS ' J • • ! ' I ' I • ' t f ' I .' ' t I • . . , ' I I I I r-. .... ~ ~· • ,J • 3-POUND CAN ••• S 1.75 STATER BR.OS.-COFFEE .~·-LB. CAN . AMUICAN BEAUTY a.ouNa 2 RONI-MAC OR PKG. ELBOW RONI GiiHAM CR,AC KER S i-ig.· DUN~NHINIS ·ANGEL FOOD CAKE MIX REG. PKG. ASSOITED FLAVORS REG. PKG. DIE:T< BREAKF·AST . PEACHES AVOCADOS EICiDRIN TABUTI N ROLL.ON YIT AUi .MODORANT HAIRGROOM 57c '"'"' 99' • • ·. LB. . LB. USDAQIOIQORSfATllllOS.COTIFIEDIHf I · . s 133 USDACHOfCIOISTATEIROS.llEI' __.:::_:_ ___ .~,· -19 I-BONE STEAK ............ !J ................ LB. .STEAKS ~·=~i~~'~ ... ! ............................ LI. Ji USDACHOfCloi 0 STATllROS.QITIFIEDllEf __ ~ . . s i· _39 USDAOIOICIOISTATHtlOS.CllTIFIEDlllf ' · PORTIRllOUSE STEAK ...... Le, · BEES 'RO-A5tl8~~~.......... ... : .LI , 9c _,.., . USDA.9t0iCEOl·HATllll05.ClltTIFllDllEf '. · $ ._69 Fmlf'Gl~D . ·' - -TGP-SIRLOIN STEAK ............. re. -~ -·GROUND:..ROUND : .. :::. .. :: ..... : .... 1J: , C ~-. ff ~~~ ·1·~· e ~ -;¥'-10«4 . CHILI MIX .......... -,,:'"""2~ CHIU WITN BEANS ··~ 15·0Z. 39'2,.oz. 5gc SLOPPY JOE ____ ....:__, "" 63' STEW M\ ... Tl4Ll. . . Uc Oll.8£fF -··----2.4·0!.\Rl- BEEF & GRAVY _____ "''·"·53' . #-PORK&GRAVY ._..,e_,,,..,,,53• ,. SALISBURY STEAK --. ,,,_,.53• CHICKEN OF THE SEA TUNA atlJNl 24c C~UNI( 3gc LIGl'lt Wtt!TE lk CAN -:i CAN CANTALOUPES u.1a11wur · Sis t VINlllPl CUCUMBERS ,.,....,...... 312s~ CRISPGlMN AU.MIATWlllllDl-...... -. ....-1-ll. SUMMIRIAUIAGl ... : ..... -•••••. _ ... 1. ',._ ,,.•, OICAllMAY'f..W.MIAT 4"' 73' OK.UMAYll ••7c SUCID ~OLOGNA -:--·· a.oz. 7 · 12.oz. " BRAUNICHWllGD .................... 1-0L CH A, ' :fs ''?~ 1~ 1'~!* !JEF tACOS ......... -.............. 12.0 39'. 'Ml!'~~N DINNERS .•.... iz.or.39< · !9!T~9N PIES .. . ....... 5 .. o! 1 ORANG .. 49JUI -+_~z.$ -.. otnsi • J2..oUNa CE ..................... 4t1Ns 1 !~:.BO \ PIZZA ..... PKG.OF2 98< ' PEPPERONI PIZZA 79c 'OWN""'"""'" · 0 ,.19-\00,.., ................. • ICE CREAM .................... _,0_,,.59c FRENCH FRIE · 45c '°""'""' ' -S._ .......... ;.,. WAFFLES " ' 3nc GIE!H QIA,.,-r • -··""'"'"'"""'" kJNG SIZE "-RICE All VARIETIE S anc JOHNSO N '"""·' .... EXCEPTWllo ........... 12-oz. -.,-KORN .QPGS .......... _,_ 11-oz.5f STRA WBER 27c ""'"'" JOHHSTOl<i: .. " RIES ........ IO·OZ. COD OR PERCH ........ -.f·LB.5f !.~.~,HEus ........ __ ·~G. 0"3' so'l'£Fii.:tETs .............. , ,. 1gc JOHNSTON P 90c """"" "'°"" IES ......... «-oz. 0 .. HONEY BUNS ---.. ••. 29t ONION RINGS 2nc "°"0 "'"'"" 0 o;r ............... •·Ol. .,-3-COURSE DINNER I 61k ,i·ll,4.. 1 . 'GRAPEOR . fte: ·K1:11N SJEUY ""' ..................... 20-oz. 3.-'·""'NA tARNAnON 29' I U CHUN It LIGHT -"···~-··-·~., ........ ~. 8 Ii ·01., WISHBONE ITALIAN I -OZ. 35' ORESSING ,,_ .. , ... _,, __ • DEA.l. CRISCO SHORTENING ....... 3"' 85' . PEANUT BUTIER llG·TOP ............ 10-0Z, 59' WESSON OIL .... ... .. .. .......... ,.o,48< TOMATO PASTE HUNT> ......... 2•oz 3,3° SL\ "i~A4ii·~~.· ..... ,,,,,, GIANT 6 5 c. HUNTS APRICOTS ................... '" CAN 37' BITS 0 HONEY PEAS .. . ~ 21 ' PETITE PEAS :~~~.:0~" .. • ~~ 29' TOMATOES ~0H~~~Ez:~-~-~l~ ............. ,2 .. l~ 29~ . ------OOCIC"O"THE'WAlll;; 300 -ASPARAGUS CUTS."" .. """""' CAN 39' "'MIRACLE NON.CHLOllNE 5 ftc wHn111.1.1.0t :5 oz 7 -: ASPARAGUS COCKO''MEWALK 430 SPEARS &TIPS ....... _ ..... PIC CHEESE CH'LLENGE 31 ' . 59c COTTAGE .•. PTS. • ........... ""'" QTS SWISS· CHEESE ~;~~x:w.: .......... 50L 35' MARMALADE ~t,'\:Jt'.'~...... 20oi 49' J ELLV' M'"Y mEN 49c J. MIXEO fRVlf ... ~,,,,,._,,....... ........ • 20·0Z. ACCENT .... , .......... 1.0,. 29' .. ,.oz. 89' IO·OZ. '1" LUNCHEON MEATS ~';.".,~~ ..... no' 52' SUGA.R TWINS i~~~~ 39' .. ~':!'if. 69' DIET PARKAY ~~'1.'di~~r' ................ tLe . 42' MARGARINE ~::m, '""'y .... fl•. 45' TOMATOES ~~'ci,~ PEELED ................ ~~·. 33' HUNTS CATSUP ~'u"s'i: ... _ .. " o, 23' tOMATO JUICE HUNTS ........ -2c.m 29' . -. .• 17·0!. ~-' .L :.tl/G~ar~~ ot'!~~:. 41~ 1 MAMNINGS BABY SCOTT DIAPERS . ····-"" 11'1 COFFEE BABY SCOTTPANTIES l'UL ..... 69' .POu••69C LIGHTNING WHITE .. . .. , ... ,75• CAN . MARGARINE :~~~"'""· 29' 2-ll.CAN .... St.J7 l UC'T<' '"'"0" 89' ..... ~ L8S.S1 S9 ... 10·l8. GiiiiRS .' . 10 $1 Vifs YAIMYY BABY FOOD f~~: . DOG FOOD I S!ll.E PRICES ~~CTI E7·FUU. DAYS. THURS.thru WEDl,,ULY 10th·l"" MJOW.llU_A_~_ · ,.,_·1"'11-.C....Motl 14112_A ..... ,Whffll!' MIWt DllSSlilGS '!I.~ . llUFT JO.OZ VAii R KAMP CIACla IAllli. WAD DIJSSlllCS 2564 Wtlt lf:H4wlf, A11h1lm llOO I ... '-tUIM ,.....,.. Ott"fl .... 0..,...1 A....., Gtr4" "'"' 21IO ........ lh&,Cott1-J 2~111JotttA.,_,Slll1A01 2102-t17111S-..JootoAM I-'""""" •"'PHILLIP"""'" 99' Gt11NGODD1ss _,.oz i9· n.Ottl011tH5 ll't J.:J" ~"'IAGl(t51A . 11 Ol 11.EI N -•y,...,-.... ..,,,. VANQUISH '""'" 83' ' 33' MIUOW ........ 69' ~':".... 39' SHAIP ............ 111 ~=~ - ...... owu~ ci.11· TA8Lnt--to'• L LADY t -Ot ' '1 x .. SHAltP ........ as· 1.oL · 1175 lake' '''"'· (1111 Min 1~22. W11tmlnst•r l lvd., W11tmfn1ttr 6162 ftff1111•r Aweavt, Hu111tlitfon ltec:h. 1 • 0'1LV PILOT 4$ I . ~ ~· ~ 4ar.g ~st:: 0f ."·f.latf ish? · rH"as· Sar+J~ S-tli aQge · r~a1ts ... ~ • ~ ' ' f • ~ !lalih•I ~ _ arge;rt ,1tver1l'!.lbousand-feet below nds~ ~ht. ~ manne woij· pack!. Due to whl<\l 1i,., clo<e'.nolllUve of 111• fish m found li<>m upper ;11ern~okp(e sh. fam~. ,.111~ ~1·fii.-'G. '11he halt but ~ge'Sl A.ti, I~. bl!lbut on poor ~rva:Uon In tbe pa&t. Atlantic •ballbut, grows to CaIUornla north. to lhe Bering Conse.rva!!Oft pracllces on'.n ;<ORl!lllsl\lon wu ~'llP by International Jevtl have •ave<! Canlldf Uc\ Ille Urilli!il itales 1he Pa<lllc hollbul indullltY to .. gulllle the, hary~ lll this Irom the same fate 1uUered in Ya1Uabli Jood resource. Since S all * · · ' e strarfi.e matures to full growth very ~was c:aJkht off th~ •.ijie Atlantic halibut is becom· about the aame size and . In· Sea: wllh the beat fishliig .,1..;;.,1 clW t ~· ·, ~ slowly ,(usually about 1.1 chose · , Clmui; il \vas·t. ~g less abtlndant ffCh year. h<\bits the same type or · grounds off Alaska, British ~ -.·:c~J '1 CS.. _ " years); and ~me halibut-are J~ong-iidf ~fJh~7"]'®... Today the Pa·c1,ttc halibut Wf_ters. -Columbia and Washington. .. ~~ :U~-kl!PwA::WiJi-v:e-u-long--.--'0-f -· • provideWblco-m.m.erc.-la.l--l!!icWc-halibut~live on .lfle Halibut a.·ufit by .AJ.nited :.'.Ii .f'iyo~g flalflSI). ye41'!. · libu5· ,y.;o'r: •. .c.t ~ ua_ ··ttshiri.g iod~ with its major cOntinental shelf 'and slope, States fl sher men are "" 'l!>e"t """k"' I '.l!1'! verqe ze ·~·the :"eaters;. i!'ilmolie•1lfti"'1>our<e. oHhb fine food from down to• dept1tiol.1bout-r,IO\I nwketd 1'domlnantly in /llrlngll)f > ~ Jioye, Allli~licl ~I Y.atl" [roll) 4 wbt<!i . ltt.g>! llfl' , in rOvlilg the sea. (~t. and are c1ugbl eon> the ·!mil and 'frozen steak =:1i~·lo ,the oil>~ olde. ,jo ~feet 1n')111gth 'nd jO lo ~ _ <·rese01blo iil\b-The PACIFIC BALIBIJT, iftetclally wllh ·l<!nc lines. The I~ ll)r'oulboiil the country .. the Atlantk: (n<J.uitry. ll\ the llii{ tlme, rtocUhave pro-early-.t~. P'acttlC h&Ubllt , u.ssively ·lbcreased. -~ ---wer~ ,declining in =~· r.Approxlmately 1!!;N mun.., hivin(·1>oeirover•f ce niliYliillbiil ue land<:<! lhe tum of.the ~ntuey; 'I American and Canadian ~~~-~" · . "'THlS. wlv. 10 116G1~· •~ 1m11 the pr~. ever aJtet1t'wears " , _ _ __ In 192.!, an Jntmn•tloual flsherihen eol.!I year. , • a er~. paint.ed look! The ""l.TLANTJc HAj;IBUT is a sJ)tcles of the nclrthern seas, fo\n¥f.along the l)Uanti,c Coast ·{~ _New J •rsey northward. It lives m deep water from several bun~ed· to . C r.i~p, Cool • -• . " ' • • • 0 . " 9023 ~"· " h llf,e.. ..... 11fe..-r~ ~. -' iD<llJ) _ curves neck ," rates ~ s~e. or th.i~ ;. swlnging '~. l'ho lifie 1, '° ful, you'll find you can y~ wa?t l~ wejftt!,_Se~d flinted Pattern 9 0 2 3 : Milafs' Sius lO. ·u, 14 , 16, 18. s1;e · 11 <!iUs!-:KJ"-tal<es HI yards 35-inch fabric. ~~ SIXTY -FIVE CENTS i n -4:!0ins for each pattern -add fs' cents for each pattern for iirst-cla.ss mailing and special }ytndling; otherwise third-class delivery will take three weeks ffr ; more. Send to Marian Martin, the DAILY PILOT , 44% Pattern Dept., 232 West LBLh St., New York, N.V. 10011. Print NAME. AD· DRESS with ZIP , SIZE and STYLE NUMBER . . :Children -·.~Can Make .. . o ·wn Treat : lf you prefer sweets for the ~911ngsters that are foods as wen /JS confections, try these Marshmallow Cereal Crun- ~6ies. They would be fun ~ttungs for the childrt:n to do , ''lhile lhe grown-1.1p.s a r c bhrbtcuing in the yard. : i}'inely 'broken s h re d d e d .,';'beat biscuits ·rorm .the in- tefesting shaggy coattng for 11farslunallows dipped i n .Rlelled chocolate and but- b!ts<!ot:ch bits. '• .1Jesides making good nutri· --tional contributions, breakfast «reals are handy recipe tn- ~ent.s. Try them and see! Use a $JT!all chafing dish or ~~ jacketed fondue pot for the \ad'<e . ,, MARSHMALLOW CEREAL CRUNCHQ;:S • • 1tt1'11Nm 01111/ifr-J-Ui, Gm. 2 '~ 1111 3 '~ s11s CAI CAN LIBBY'S PEACHES STRAWBERRY PRESERVES " C•H•B 1J. Fresh Fruit Flavor! 1, ... ,,,..,.. . .,..""ll'"" ... -it)Jl! ;r;:=-f{ ~'Ji,j, "'• ••• '----~i Welch's Grape Drink ' 41 ~35' Libby Fruit Cqcktail ~ ·4:89' Catering Ice · Cream =~-75' • • '' ~mmm FROHN FOOD BUYI v. ~Meat ... _.Ct_,,, .... _., 35e Doim1 flab Appf9 liu ~ lllf • ·-··:,. .... 19c Dowi11 flok• Waffle-lal.·lt.flt ................ ~ . ' CHDllHIHIOW " ~ " ........ -. &lk M.11 .. ....,,,.oc.,... .................. r ..... ......................... 1s... ....... ... ~ ..... ,.0.... ........... 11 ........ ..... """""_, ................... ~ .11i..-. ••••• t.• Sloool., .,.... """"' .............. 12-. ....... .. ,_ ..._ '-c-s..h4cS. ••••••• ..,._,,,.,;.asc . ll:lntO-~OIN. •••••••••• 12-. ........ ltc Xlo1 l+ef f>pthlladco CC-,, ... ,,,.,,, 1'-•••, ,., ,4'c s LISTERINE :-c:::iiil88' Cl1Sf TOOTIPASTi ---U' llGllf WAID ,...........__.. .. PIUI. CONC11111A11-...... 11' . PBRa TO :Ii lean ~ Tendet ORANGE JUICE '· •. -COOKIES - flllSH l'ROM VONS Wm' · If , .. ,;;;--S VARIETIES. 1-11. Ma ....... jc ! Fresh Pies ::::.. .::1;:. 69' /I En lish Mlffils =".'.~·23' ·- .fee Me.Ion Sae ~ti,V-.INED,fANC'f,.!WW ·~ ·-1"' ·ca•ll••,. ~· v~ .... " ... D_eJ Mnl&GrJten Beans i!22' Vien~na SpJJsqge :'.'~ _,:4t 'erseymaid Butter - p/i~1f'RODUCf BEST BUYSI • 1111 Ckerrlts . ..-::.~ -. ....... t .. lfOll.SllAI<... 2$1 "l< ... L i~..i:.. .;.. .. ,. 51 'J ~ ......................... . .. C-.itrol :Amerlc-cn, Goldin Rlr••··• 5922 Edinger Ave:, It Sprinld1le, Hunll!!lfon ·Belch 17950 Mtg"nolil, F011111111 Veller_-+1 2108f B'elch Blvd., Hunfinalon ·Beach ,, • j : ' J l DAILY PILOT llOL 45~· --- DEL MONTE DILL PICKLES ~lish St lo Fr"h 39~ I ReiJ. 49t CHIFF_QIL...22 o~ GI n Size _ LIQUID DETERGENT .AJAX ~-------:--~- WINDOW CLEANER ·1 S oL Aorl!IOI C1n MAXWELL HOUS.E INSTANT COFFEE 10oLJor Fumiture Pollth ~: ~ .. 1 lb. can 6'c 2 lb. Cl'" 1.37 ' . Los Olivos -Pimiento Stuffed aun ry Wli1 ener a Stain Remover -l/2 Gallon Ll'GHTNING WHITE Re<J .. $i.49 . ' --.. - H~AllH & BUUTY AID~ ROY At: CREST ASPIRlr · BOTTLE O~ 250 TABLETS • .. -• • • • • . ---. l ·' -·t===~~-. . -' --.. . pi\\sblll"f ___ ti\ .9c variti-5 t -u\~r ~ Choi 'e o ,.,, USDA Choice CHUCK. STEAK . Birds Eye -10 oz. PkCJs. - , •PEAS• CORN •SPINACH Foremost Premium ICE 11z ,Gal. Round , CRE-AM ' PEPPERIQGE FARMS CAKES . R•t· 89c 6 oi. (:ans ' ORANGE JUICE SPRINGFIELD FRESH FROZEN FLORIDA ~~S R 1 12 oL Pk9s. · STOUFFERS · e Spin1eh Souftlo e Pot1t-Au Grotin e Noodles Romanoff e Broccoli Au r•tin USDA Choice Round Bone ' BEEF ROAST Fresh Lean G.ROUND BEEF Fresh Dressed -Whole or Cut FRYING RABBIT c c lb c lb c lb - Libby's-12 oz; Can Co RN Whal; Kernol in , Butter Sauce Polystyrene Foam Cups TEMPO :'For HotorCold ~everage" " . ...J'i!f, of 20 C~p.s __ ' Ajax Liquid All Purpose King Siu CLEANER Re9• 99c ~$ R c -I# it\1: I ij l•l 11113 =-_, . GRAPES Extra Fancy Thompson Seedlu' 19~ VINE RIPENED l ~ 59' CANTALOUPES • FRESH LOCA L l; 25' IT ALIA'N S9UASH FIRM RED RIPE 19~ TOMATOES , MILD 3 : 19' SPANISH ONIONS • -- Grade "A" Turkey HINDQUARTERS USDA Choict Boneless CLOD ROAST 29~ BSEEFCB,ISKE.T ' 98~ $1~~ s'iicED1~BOLOGNA11 ~'L 69:. PRICES EFFECTIVE: Thurs., .Fri .. Sa9. & Sunday July 10, 11, 12, 13 Prices subject to stock on hand. BAR-M ·• SLICED BACON • • WESTERN STYLE • OSCAR MA J{R ReiJ . or Thick 89~ CONEY WIENERS 59 ~ OSCAR MA YER W1ftr 12 01. POLISH SAUSAGE 69~ BAR M BULK STYLE 89!. 79~ KNACKWURU--'---6.9-~ -JRIANGLE-1--· SAUSAGE Fruh Liver . . 49~ DAK CANNED I I WE GIVE 49' BLUE CHIP .._ -~ • ~·STAMPS. •• , 79, COSTA MESA ~ PLACENTIA WE GIV! BLUE C);flP . I STAM!!$ 19th and Placentia · 710 w. Chw,H • • I . t ' ' . '!LOT-ADVERTISER '1 L Wolntsday, July 9, 1969 DAILY PILOT 47. --. .. , . • .:•. •· ; ·.f'. I '1, .'',"' ' ' ] J •LB•-~ . I ·.1.:•r1 ~t; ·» ,.. • :1 1 ~~.',:rt:,..:.~: Rs -id~.;~:sltAK ~'..f!~ · , "'" &•· . ..1i1/ Ro~~~ .... $1 .4!'. . ~ t°:::· l>IRA_ LEAN 89' : SEUOOD SPKLWi '. i .i5N~f Sf~.-i'.· . ' ', s:1' 39 -·~ , . d Rouncls n : FRESH FILLETS ~.lllllAKFAIT ... .. . u. ~snwi~;-~EEF . 19~-1-=-MoNTER~~ ~ ·j~qO~k_'iTEAl< ... ~str. RUMP Ro)ls1 .. 89~ ' ~ l o·:a~NE . STEAK 79~ MILON,Clfl'. 91· : ROCK COD . : rtND" SCEAK# '. • 69- 'JUMP 'ROAST .. n. ! 7.9 ! SEVEN·BONJ.<.:. 1tt EXllA lUN-EYE. °",.H E $1. 39 . i tONELESS ~ ·s 1, 05 .. JANE ANDERSON-S INGLE WRAP •• DANOLA-SLICED IMPORTED ROUND ROAST . ll , • ' FAMILY STEAK . ; u. AMERICAN 69c: DANISH 59"'i . ~·~~.:;!::;~, .......... :.fl~'!. . . . .. I · \f BONELESS-CLOD OR BOTTOM Wllit• f1euo11 Nort~1r.1 • ·91• • •IONELESS-SIRL01Nc T1PJ ~)Ji 1011'-kOONo · j ::.cHn•'"...................... . lb:"~ .................. ·.:;:;. . -; aouND···1o•s1 ...... , .,.... ........ • : .. TEN~ER· sth1<s · . ----HEALTH ( ARROT ), ·' ' _• . _ ' .. ~~--SMO«ll UNkS ... .._ • .,,_P.kt~p---= ---• _·L:z..L~ ~ .-'------',!:.._. KIDNEY BEAN ' ea · LB , O•c•r M • .,., u111. F ..... 11 •. 89' •, ' tB. .' . ' • • • . , • • • ' ' : ;'.I rr_;;. ' ' ' • • • • ' ' ' ' • --· . ! • i • • I :j_, .• ,. < ... :l' ' ·-~·· . LIQUOR DEPT. SPECIALS KARASQV ··:VODKA ;. . ' .. .s2~! ·• -. ... . -... ¥•-~· .• .., . 2701 HARIQR "Bt-V >I' I I . . '• , . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ~ ._ _________ ...;.':..' ,_,._. -··-··-·,..··-·-··-· ·-···--... ·---------· __ ._ ',, ' • ' • ' t -- SWANS°"~FROZEN TV DINNERS . . .'FRIED CHICKEN, BEEF, TURKEY. · ITALIAN, MEXICAN, MEAT-LOAF, CHOPPED SI RLO IN ' . VINE RIPENED ' • ' -~oNEYDEW ·MELONS. ,, I ZEE -WHltE AND .COLORS ' ' • BATHRO-OM i " TISSUE r, 4-ROLL PKG . .CiiFiit ~ '' J;r ; • ;-1•~.1 TIN$: . ... . ( ; c . \ : • l " ' ' . ' U D.lll.V l'llOT Olives ' - Enliven · _'Burgers. 'J1!e tinta!Wng aroma <>f hamhurgen grilling over hot coaJa or wafting from the ranp is I promise of eating enjoyment Fulfill that pro.. mi!e with these burger Ideas brightened with · unique, a~ petite appealing California ripe. olives. Ripe olives make for extra hearty hamburgers for a fami- -• Jy snack or teen get-together · whe!Lthe meaty textur:ed ripe olives are combined with ground beef. A liberahprinkl- ing of P.-mesan cheese on.the burgers sharpens !lie earthy flavcr 'of -ripe olives. U you prefer, make your favorite ground bee! -mixture In tbe form of a burger or meatloaf, then give it a decidedly distinct fiaVor with the nutty goodness 0 r Callfornla ripe olives in a-zip. P1 tomato sauce. l'he sauce can be made: in adyance and packed in a container to tote on an outing. Impart the unusual flavor eiperience of ripe olives to that teenage faVOrita --'~sloppy joes." Easy to assemble, the dish tastes almost like ham- burgers with all the fixings but is eas.ier to ·serve. Ripe oliver help to stretch the meat to salisfy young appetites. Whether-munched as i! ·or used as an ingredient, ripe olives are one of the most sought after cookout items. Their dark handsome ap- pearance, nut-Uke flavor andl-- venaiile c'ompatlbility wit}! other foods are convincing - reasons why they an! in- evitable staples on any oUt-. door -menu. RIPE OLIVE P A R T"Y BURGERS • lianl rolla. '4 cup bu~ I ~dry mustard 11> CUp! Clj!Uled pilled Califcnla ripe olives I pound ground beef chuck I •tablespoon instant minced •nioo in teaspoon salt Dash pepper 11, teaspoon ,,llsPict Vt cup grated Parmesan cheese Lettuce Tomat.es Dill pickle Preheat broiler. Cut rolls 11> to halves. Mix butter and dry miistifii.-Spreail on 4 lfatves of rolls. Coarsely chop o/, cup ripe olives. Mix chopped olives with beef, onion, salt, pepper and allspice. Divide meat mi:rture into 4. eqllal parts; shape each a lit- tle larger than roll halves. Plact-foil on broiler rack, and put hamburgers about 3 inches from heal Broil 7 to 10 minutes on one side. Place each meat patty, broiled side down, on a buttered roll hall. lprinlde patties with cheese. Return to broiler and broil about 5 minutes longer or until meat ls cooked as desired. µ.i... ____ _,Place lett.uce,_!fu:ed tomatoes, _ lliced pickle and remaining whole olives on other roll halves. Makes 4 servings. .1 RIPE OLIVE-TOMATO SAUCE 1 cup canned pilled California ripe olives 1 ( 1 ·pound) can tomatoes 1 t.a.blespoon instant minced .ofiion 2 ,tablespoons chopped parsley 1 tablespoon vinegar l tablespoon. sugar \ittaspoonbasil v.tuspoonlhyme J~ teaspoon garlic salt I tablespoon cornstarch 1 tablespoon water Cut ripe ·olives into wedges. P..il:r olives' with remaining ifl.. gredlenta tscept cornstarch and water. Heat to boiling; reduce heat and ·simmer J~ minutes. Mi:r cornstarch with water and sUr into ripe olive mbture. Cook, stirring con· stantly unUI thickened. Serve hot or cold with meats. Makes 2 cups sauce. RIPE OLIVE SLOPPY JOES I cup <anned ~itted CaHfor- nia ripe olives, cut into pieces - 1 pound ground beef chuck I lableopooo oil • 14 cup chopped onion 2 ,Jabl<!spoons chopped green pepper • 1 cup (a.ounce can) tomato ..... II< ttupoons &all Hamblqer buns -. l>oef In oil. When lllOll II c almOllt brown add -ml -pepper, and -browning. Add tomato _,. ml 'Oii-and almm<I' 20 to ··-unl1J lblck. Add -ml bell llloroughly. Spll\ ud tout buns. Serve b1 ~1ih1~ mbttu'e on hol. .,.im bans. Mallta 8 Sloppy ': ~ :~ '1rGIQQJD¥..Gus is • • • • + • • • • . . W.Wl\lay, J~, 9, ·1969 Wednesday, July•· 1969 L PILO!-ADVERTJSER f> µ.S.D.A. ~HQICE BE".· BONEllSS ROAST Sl:I; r ~$1 -:-1 9 BUTT lb. RASNOFF , VODKA SAVE $2 .41 HOUSE OF KOSHU ~;i/n\MELON or -· PINEAPPLE LIQUEUR SAVE $2.00 I. W. HARPER, 51'.RAIGHT KENTUCKY BOURllOll 86 'ROOF REG. Sl•.9f $)2~! t;A.llON VINTAGE DATED CASTElll ROMANI IMPORTED ITALIAN WINES · SUPER VALUE SPECIALS ;;,~..,\ I . . 1. y, I k .•. COLORFUL GIANT BEACH TOWELS POPUlAR PAITERNS $159 • I ll FOOD GIANrl GUIST . " •• _. •. ' lUfR OtwJTY UNK$ PORK SAUSAfE flfSA Gl~O _ _. POil( f'AUfAIE flESH GltOUND f'tlf~E~ONED MEAT LOAF ··soo 1-0L $1 PICGi. . ' '-491~ \. 69~ .. MteorS·UMKI • BEEF SAUSAGE .USOA1111NM1n.d.J~h ,rol*ll G.•1111fM S!lrilt .IM11 L_OIN LAMB CHOPS ' ' I USOA ""9-tM f-h ,,_.., G.N1i•• S ..... 9 _-. _ RIB LAMB CHOPS . ' . ' " U.S.D.A. INSPECTED FltOZEN SPRING Sl:fOULD.ER CUT .LAM.I ROAST ~55~~ . < • ~ '·\!.. " • 1FRESH-FROZEN GENOtl<lE .SPRING -tA-MS-CHOP$ • U.S.P.A.,INSPECTED ·79·c SHOULDER BLADE CUTS lb, • PET f'AllOIHTE CAT FOOD PURR MINI BITS-JO~::':; $.1. wioi.E TOMATOES 5 ,." s1 lOl.CANS FROZEN FOODS F'ooD''GiAIH'col:'l:EE ~!~ 59c M°1iiNfilissiNGS0 '" ·;~c 29c GOWEN Gif.IN 8fEf OfCHICKEN 4 1v1 oz..$1 RICE-A-RONI PKGS. fltESH l(,IST 4 A6 OZ $1 FRUIT DRINKS · '~"' fci''MILK SANDWICHES :::.49c BEECH-NUT STRAINED • BABY FOOD ..,.~ .. REG . JAR ac FOOD GIANT SLICED BOLOGNA -··~ GOlOE14 CltfME FRUIT YOGURTS 5 I OZ. SJ ' CUPS DAllY VAllFf SllCfO SWISS CHEESE •-OZ. 39( PKG, fOOOGIAMT KOSHER PICKLES ou.or 49c ,.. Reserve your set today! Imported English Dinnerware. by (noch Wiadgwood (Tunstall) Ltd. Save45% •ff .,... st.ck ,rk•• Choit• •f 4 Mlsilii''PoTATOES '~'.· 39c Dis0H'wisffil CASCADE ~t39c NfSTEA lEMON ftAVOl lO-CAL ICED TEA MIX '-0~,55c ,., MAGIC CH'!!f PANCAKE SYRUP «oz.39c Bil. '"''· 39c PltG. l'IUSl!.Ul:Y PANCAKE FLOUR ilOUBLE LUCK CUT GREEN BEANS 8 ~~~l $1 CANS BIRDS E°"E VEGETABLES IN SAUCE • ,EAS WITH MUSHROOMS 3 9 c • ONIONS'fN CREAM SAUCE •BEETS WITH ORANGE Gt.AZE REG. • !IROCCOLI W/HOL\.ANDAlSE PKG. TROl'ICAl (1'2.0'Z. CAN, 39'!:! 5 SJ ~AWAllAN PUNCH t0.:S c"ti°lui" PIZZAS•:;~'. 89c " 0 ·45c 0 '6 kEkMIN'S FRUIT ICES CHUN l(fNG-MEAT & SHlfMI', CHICl<EN 69( EGG . ROLLS ;;~; . ' J;ARGE BROWM STEAK MUSHROOMS viiiici~roiANGEs 1 o~. 1111ubit1 ''"'"",,. 'h l&.29c CRISP FRESH LARGE BUNCH 10~. 10~. COFflE All GRINOS I MJB 1..tB.CM •••••••. Uc JA.8. CA!I , •••• , SL3S 3-l8. CAii •••••• $1 9& !!fSTAllT , .1~ WI ..... Sl.19 !RAfT SAlAD DRESSING ROKA Bl[U ITALIAM ,., .. 49c eu. '"" 41c 6!1. IJ ROSI Slllll!elti •.... , ........ , ............... 1-lb. ~kg. 33c SI"" CMcken, Beel, Vegelabls Booillon Cubes ..•.••.•• pkg. ol 5 IOc Schilling Ground Black Pepper •. , ••.••......••...•••. 4·0Z. can 451; l'al:if'< Cracker T"'ts .••••••• , • , ............. 1 .. l;lb. pkg. •le lvory ear Soap ••••••••. ' •. ' :. ••••....••.. mctlJUm bar 2 tor 25c lvoq BM Soap., •.••. , .•.. ,;.-............ largo Ila~ 1 lor 39c BARBECUE WITH 18 p;~" 1tirrT•r ••I 01 9 p;•<• co.,plet., le! Yo~" li>t onlv 13 le>yowor c••Tificot•" 9 9 C,2~~ ;.::~rr purc ~ou. REYNOLDS FOIL S11n5hme Vanilla V11alers •••.••.• ,._ ....• : .•.•..•. 12-ol. rkg. dlc 01amQI1d lunch Plates ••••••••••••••••••••••.•• pkg. o 40 89c Cheer Laundry Detergent .••• ,., •••••••••• , .•••••• large pkg. 37c. Dref t Detergent •••.••.•••••..•••••••••••••.•• giant b-Ox 83c Chiffon SGtt Margari11e , ••••• , •.•••••••••••••••• 1-lb. tub 45c 79c HUNT'S PCTER PAN TOMATO PA ST E PEANUT BUDER 2 L;~ 33 c SMOOT!l Oii Cl!UNtHV l•oo · 6lc )IO ROMAINE LETTUCE GARDEN FRESA GREEN LONG CUCUMBERS PRICES EFFECTIVE.THURS. THRU SUN., JULY 10, 11, 12, 13, 1969 '• Y,ou i Kinda Guy J --'-4-- 1 I -------------·----·----~~-- - -·- -~ .. \'• •.JI • _ _,,,~ ····.•!'·. ~..._,,.... • W-.,Y, Ju~ 9, 1969 K ' DAILY PILOT 48 runa ~ ~ated. Thr0 'vgn ,H~story as TOR Ocean i·c Flavor Treat . T1ma la ·-, lnanklnd'a In tbe sW1 uodla<over9cL u ', •-40to llih, lbO ~1o;•' (oral fins. 1111 lbo only :iu1e Macyland. ~ welibt vorlet• tuna II llOl!letlmea •;;i bodJ Jirotelnl: vitamin 11-11, tut• lttall. 11 k • n = ~""!<~ 1:"'°~ New World. aoclent lncaaAnd ~ ~r.;;b>;lllh<m\ool ~ me~t tuna, and or~es' from !rom 'flt~ 100 jlOUnda, ll)Ore "F a -· 11111 and IJ ~ dll· 1a41na, llllorlno, pboaohorul. econ<>ft!ICai food llfteO dlere II ore ·the '":!me ol er:._: tbe otber cJV!)izatl011S W\!1'1 ali<r 4'1g tbe ~ of.etntr•I • Southern Ca!llornla to 14Jd'. lcS1. / • licult to'ta\ch., ~·' mcee~mt "11\1111 o-vti.mt ... abooluJOly no waste In tbe ~I of tuna and other dell-bu'!' harv.,Ung luna lri>nr. anll South Am;ka and the Mexican water" some• SKIP JACK,-. light meat wary than other llJ\UI. Com-=i:. ~I)'~~ =~.:ek~ ~ cacl!?S from ~e se. was an es-teeming schools along lb~ "1' southern coasts ot North .going as far oortb as Puget tuna, ls ~ by merclal fllbermen ciul!& often Cooda for u eodlMI varlet)' of value to-tbe ~ · tablis1!<Jl.OCC1pallon. coast of Peru and other f America. i, c • SOlm<J.-"'<L-iJoo&-·Florida parallel. 6'ripea .. Ila lO!ver' JM for It .a....,. -IJl • • · ···;-m·"l. _, . Anc>•~=.-:i-to-:w~ ca. eii .. Tuna'orenoteasiilia'!i!'t ~iiorth.toCapeCod. ·xicles. ud-11-lho-Anlllelf..i cta<t.._.. -F -~ .•. "r;l'l-c--.. ;,~~~ ·~:::--~ ... ~-1.f. ...... .P11oiffi:1JC'ean;1n two-man )>CcillllO ol theit _.speed and usual wetiiht ol"'lllbacoro liina tllf !lui ... welgli!Og'lrom •'1'6 •' ONrro;. ,.., tlll8 -resr 1 r r a It r I s ompote ml,tii,ioli or this fbb. Their ad· r~ boats which were almost eJuslfe~ tra~ling bef\veen 1s bet"·een 10 to 60 pounds. %4 pounds. It also ls found 1n and not as J)9pular as other , , . , mlration has '~ revealed tn UJUl.in):able... · :Vto Uuillts~per hour, they YELLOWFIN, a light meat i ~oplcal waters.· varieties of .. tuna ·1s found. Take a.dvantage or fresh Peel grapefnilt·'IJ)d.:Ql'tnp verse Rf.well as a deooraUng Today, ~up& ranks •• tbe 3lce through the ocean. on ;m tuna, is one _-cf the. favotitff.ofc ~ .. JU-~~~· a1 light. .{n~at •tnqstlyln ~W wa'ters • · fra1t fot a:dtUghUul compote. !O no white membrine ,. theme found on household No .... l Uruttid States se·a[ood r_rreguln c.our~1 f.o,~o-,11;ig jhe the \purse. seiner& ot ,the.kmt• :\!Jiii'. ~ges (Nim Ald!1k'4 io. • ~ • ' · teSt •. nun; CUP maJns· eul stctlons'aw•y trorn. ceramics ol lhat era · and around 4'billlon cans of, eve~lnj'"""' surface fishing !leer, ""' 1 IQWer t;alilbrnia, an<! al.so on " .TwiA,JS ~of~ JIT<8 I Jll"•!J!lf"114 divldl ' br Mix 1111 - 1 • tuna al'e_ contwnJd ~anoup!Jy _curnmtJ.. ~•' .. •• • wid~eid from.Jhe ~~7 ,,_bOt.b·~ot,,lhe AUan'lic; as-of .all protelQ fOo,is-; alao su~ --l ~· t • n~ mern aoes. " by Americans,. Four tindsrof ALB4C9'Z.. know11 ~ s Califorqia· south to ~Wa #well at '!i~ facifk and Indian pl}llng the body -with a rich l pe'acli. ~ and aliced remalnmg fruit. · C ' R · tuna -albacore, yelloWfin, "lol)« ]'m.-y be recognized off nortberft Ohlle: .'ihd:.-, Oceans. Its weight Is from ..LS source of amino . acids, !ht J C"ll -r.htQ"ies, pitted Makes 4 servings. Sugar to Oty ~~ , . ski~jack anti' blue!in, aa well by j~,~ &abre-shaped pee-Atlantic. Coast . ~µt'.. ~ .... o~ + to 80 P@unds, usuaJly. This essential buildhtg blocks of 1 cqp ~Iueberrles taste may be added 1f dealred. L I' I , \) I ..;...J}.( ;. _ -, • --------!Z<U ) f -~ ......--__,,_ ._........ -.. • "' _.._ I r •.... ' ' ' -_..J, -~-Qulcl\'bit "'g·1.--. to!· orM beside·a ~1anyw~ere. It's Vue!· Knit pretty oval rug wtib ralsed leaf center:for less than '$3. Use heavy rug yarn. J>ll .,.eclles. M•thin< wash!bleJ"Pat. 7413: nlg 28x 43 Inch<$ or anj length. FIFl'Y CEN'FS·'(coins)•fof each pattern -add 15 cenls for each pattern for flrst-elas! mailin~ and special handling: otherwise Utird-elass deU\rery will takt three weeks or more. Send to Alice Brooks the DAI· I,Y 'PILOT, 105 N~lccralt • Dept., Box 163, 6id Chelsea StaUOo,..:New York, N.v .10011. Print .. Name, AddteiS, Zip, Pattern Number. Giant, new 11'9 NeelU.ecrJft Catalog - . over 200 .deslgm to choose. 3 free ~tterns priated inside. Send 50 cents now. NEW! "50 INSTANT GIFTS" -fabulous fashions. toys, decorator a~es. Make It today. giv,,..tt tomor· row! Ideal for all oc~sions. 50 cents. "II l~IJ Rugs" lo knit, crochet, weave, sew, book. 50 cenbf. Book of 12 Priz.e Afghans. 50 cents. Bargain! Quilt Book 1 has 16 beautiful patterns. SO cents. Museum Qull~Book Z -pat- "term for 12 su~rb quilts. fiO 'cents. . . .. Book 3. "Quilts tor ·~od~y'11 • u+mg." 1s patterns. 50 Cents. ' r ., . J. · Dell~a ~y :' ·~Pr~vided • One of ttfe best seafood treai.s ·of afl . Is the delicious! "'dUfererit, delic3tely flavored ~ of the. king crab. Full of · prottlq, v i t ~ rn i Jl, s ~nd __.lpinertls, this 1s tru1)' a dlSb 11£.for a king. · ~ ~rab are, caught in the l!erlng Sea of! the coaot •f .. Alalka in hugeJ cn_b' · pots -1~19 an oc .. •· depth or .• a~~~:~'.om tho sides '"~'i;d small rn~ are.returned to the sea fOr the preservation or the species, and·tbe-avera.ge site of the big ma/> 9fobS which 8"' kept b ~ tt pounds. However, ~lly huge &-loot king cfa'm>, big, ~amacled, and ferocjous fook1ng, are caught andi it is estimated that these giants may have crawled great distances along the ocean floor for over 30 years. The crabs are kept alive and healthy In a "li ve" tank ol circulating sea water until · ready for the processi.Dg plant. Prime meat of ~the . king crabl is in the claws,~Jep and ohoulden. aod Ilda IJ 4be oqly , port .....S. These parts are cook<d -lnJ.bol14il .l•Jl<I', in atalltlea lteeYiilt>b'CGr 11 to 2S mlaulO!;. lhM · cbll10cl' -1lhd w~ again before betng trimmed, processed, ln· ~ packaged and quick froi.en ready for marketing. Kini crab is available either lr~ packed or Jroren..and also canned, usually in 5, 6\;, and 13-oUnce cans. .. ~, " · ..... ~-'SHOPPING·~ TEST . I ,.. POTATOES Horgold \1Grlety-1in..t all P"l'POM U.S. NO. I GRADE RUSSm l LARGE U~ BEANS ll'.'t.::."'~25' OLM Oil i::.":. . 81' BOUILLON CUiES~ ... -19• BOOK MATOIES :=.-~ 29• cr"PEANUIS ::'r.:'!l-76' VET'S DOG FOODr a• CllSCO SHORJINING :If' -83' SPRECIEl'S SUGAR::..""::~57' CAKE MllllS :=::o 39' .rS'l'UfHD ~ ~.~49· ClllNESEFOOD=::'l:' 95• ORAL ANTISEPTIC MOUTHWASH THAT KILLS GERMS BY THE MILLIONS ON CONJACT, YOUR BREATH STAYS FRESH .... ~ECAUSE YOUR MOUTH IS CLEAN WITH LISTERINE. . ' LADY'S CHOICE FARM mu: PICKlECHIPS 1,5.0UHCE JAll .. aa0 /OOK FORKEY BUYS "'In ll'fs:' -.... ... ......... .,. __ ....................... •"llf ""' ....... -,.. .... fl .. ..,_ .......... ,._ .... ....................... ~ ... ,. ........... WARI f . TAll,ETS aonuo•100 OUI 99 IOW , C DISC~-'. tma· - ' . GARDEN HOSE ~' 2J POOT-~ .. VllTll • A"UANET Hair ·sp;ay , __ c. 63' Yow dMb -' .... lor, ""' • -. ICM!Nd .................. ._' -oll....,, ' . ' llUILOW 99c ~,,_ PWTICllOSI NOm·r \ I ... . . Wodnnd.11, '"'IY 9, 1169 • '· • , -1 .. ,.. . • • • ·' I .~aJitJ _(tQds~Al~ays-EYeryday • All. VA~IETIES fROZEH BANQUET DINNERS EACH37' ' ' ' • • Koqk ,~_!l~_ Cook Co ryr bine In ~ulinary Artistry · NE:r=A~ I f~pl wne ll«th, 1-lalo I r<Otalll'UHn Pitllburih and · ordered eome grfli. -·Tb e waitress CJlllia -me a com- munist. She th~t grits wu some t bl n-a R'1 as ian~" strawbe.rry-hatttd1 ·blue-eyed Fannie F1-a iaid, pouring-tu~ al her uniqiae,.coffee bible - an ancient sled on runners - in her Manha.ttan awlrnent. Fannie, a comedienne who hails from Alabama , won video (ame throwing pies at Bt.sa .PYfyerson an;d being "speared" by the W h 1 t e Knight on "Candid Camera." "Food.and comedy go together. It's really people making fools of themselves. Remember that classic film s;ir"' • cli p of Stu Erwin who bought two ice cream cones and was .... ,.. hit by the screen door every, f ' ., " time he tried to enter." f '1>i These days the beautlfuJ l,~' '. comedienne combines kook ~~ and coo k in her personal and f . professional life. r ; Grits always have been her dish , she said. "When I wu just !urning to cook, I decid- ed to make cheese grits for a boy I'd just. starred c14flnl. I decided to put 'in some ched· !FOOD, COMEDY GO TOGE.THER' F1nni1 Flan dar. The boy 'was really very sweet and ate the whole thing cently fixed them 1 clUcken heat few minutes, stirring. very fast, but it hardened in· ~nd grill diMer. He sat right -Add about I cup each milk and side his stomach and he had to in the middle oI the floor and water ; stir to thicken. Add go to the hospital And I never ate for hours. For_ a w~ek seasonings to taste. Serves 4. saw him-agaln;"-she sighed,--_if~erw~ was still P,ickin&-CCl'1H,, Hnnur. tnc. "I've always been accident gr1t.s out of his clothes. prone. I almost d I d n ' t A typical Flagg menu con- graduale. As usual, I wu sists of pork: chops. s~inich playina the fool and put my served with the · pot .liquor, foot through I de~llk. They had buttermilk pancakes a n d to call a carpenter to aet me "M~lllµlY Yokum" rice (long· out in time fer graduation," grain variety). Sbe dotea on an Tuna Can Perk Dips she said. all-<lay-production of black·._ Gath.1:r roond the buffet (qr. 0 t•m supposed to go on er eyed peas for very s~laL_r.efreshments-dear IO Ute heart talk show and·talk about-mak· friends. "Besld«,''-Slle said, of partfgoeri. What 'll Jt be? ing salad!. Maybe you can "I have a porch for shelling Canapes? Salted nU!s? give me aome pointers." black-;eyed p e a 1 . ' ' Her How about a dip that'll perk "Maybe you'd like to know a "porch" is a small terrace up the usual array of nlbbllng delicious way to make green· with touches of Fannie -a foods? A Up-amacklng·good fried lomatoes," -Fanny said. 1932 liceMe plate-tacked up, dip made wtth canned tuna= "Slice green tomatoes, coat some wax~ bananas-given to perrect with chips a n d the slices in corn meal, fry in her by Mike Douglas, and a vegetable nips. fat and serve as a side dish." hand-carved four.foot p Ip e Dips are probably the least GeWng down to the nltty from Yugoslavia she won as a complicat~ or any party gritty of good food and good prize during her tour on "'nle foods . With the help of a cooks, she said: "My Aunt Dating Game." hie.oder or an electric mixer Bess (Fortenberry}, who owns 111 wish someone would say ~nd so~e ·can~ of lune packed the Irondale Cafe in Irohdale, to me, 'Fannie, you have to 1n ~ege.able 011, you can cater Ala., serves the best food . gain 2{I pounds! I would lie a s1p-and·snac~ party tor 100 People come from all over for back and eat, and eat ind !at almost as easily as you can her barbecue ribs and greens. -banana splits, hot fudge for IO -teenagers as well a.s You can get a meal for 98 sundaes. Wouldn't that be adults. cents. The cafe's by tbe divine! I ate myself silly last Tuna is such a great railroad and they serve big time I was in · New Orleans. favorite with all. It's satis- pots of grits. Iim -Just.r)>eginning to like lying -actua.Uy comparable "I have a t:iend w~o Is a 5~ again after all the to lean meal in complele p~ former show girl married to a oysters in the Commanders tein value. It's versatile. It's very rich gentleman. I re. Pala-Ce. The oyster bi.rs down incredibly low in cost. ,, ... ' lhere are just great." lfer And the way that you serve I ·' eyea sparkled. , . dips can add sparkle to the An Al}g llr_ Two !OUthern clossle1, with festivities. Take Tunacado variations by the grits girl, Chip Dip. At heart, It's a basic I .I follow : guacamole -avocado enliven- BACON FRIED GRITS ed with tuna and garlic. But present it in a hollowed-Out 1 cup white hominy grit.s cabbage and garnish it with about S cups boiling wa~ pimiento cutouts or strips -~o~~S:ix:~c::1t lean cooked and it looks as though 1t step-ped oul of a picture in a bacon, d r a i n e d and gourmet cookbook. crumbled Another ·dip, perrect for 1. Slowly stir grits Into boil· crisp finger vegetables is ing salted water. Cover, cook Taste'"°" Tuna -delectable very slowly about 30 minutes, with b t t e • s i z e cooked sti rring often. Take on heat, v e g e t a b I e s 1 t o o stir In bacon. ca u ~if l owe ret s, fresh 2. Pour into baking dish mushroom caps, green pepper which has been rinsed in cold squares. water. Cool. To serve. cut into Here again, a couple o( cans thin slices: Fry in hot bacon ol tuna, a rew Olcks of the fat until golden brown on both wrist and a couple of go.- sides. Serve hot with cream togetheni produce a superb chicken gravy. honey or syrup. m a y-1-have-lhe·reclpe crea· Serves 6. For cheese varia· tlon . Present it in a crystal tion: Add 2 cups grated footed t'Qmpote, a wooden American cheese. 1/3 cup bu t· salad bowl or a glass-lined ter (or margarine), Tabasco wicker basket. to taste, salt and pepper to TUNACADO CHIP DIP cooked grits. Stir to cool. Add 2 cans (61,2 or 7 ounces) 2 beaten eggs, blend well. eil~ tuna in vegetable oil Pour into greased baking pan: 4 ripe avocados bake in preheated 300 degree IA: cup mayonnaise or salad F. OVen aliOUt fhour. Serve as dressing supper diah with s l l c e d 1/• C'JP lemon juice tomatoes and a Pot or spinach 2 tablespoons grated onion (or collard greens). 2 teaspoons ch!U powder, op- SOUT H ERN FRIED tional cmCKEN 2 teaspoons Worcestershire 1}, cup flour sauce i,; cup finely crushed potato t teaspoon Tabasco chips 1':! teaspoon garlic salt . '-· ....r.,_~·!...,. ...rl"""~.... i~ cup fine corn meal Corn chips, potato chips or "1f Ill"-Ill• 2 teaspoons salt cracken ho " teaspoon black pepper Drain and flake tuna. CUl De!ign triumph! See w .,.. ..i~ h1 half I th J seami"" ANGLES IN to nar-3 pounds cleaned frying avocauv,. eng w se ·~ v chicken cut into pieces and remove seeds. P e e I row down your walal. ery ~.'--rteni·ng . avocados and mash until easy -see the diagram, swift "'"' th Add · · I to cut out, stltch up. I. Combine flour, potato smoo · remaJning n· PrLnltd Pattern t 2 6 2 : chips, com meal, sail aod pep-gredients except c~lpa; mix ' St 10 12 14 16 II per m· a large paper sack. thoroughly. Cover ttcnllY and Misses ies , , • • · -"nl at , __ ... -· .. _._ ic.-rve •-• 211 Drop d'"'•1•1ed ""l·•en In and uu• ~ -~ ~. -Siae 14 (bull 31) -es ~,.... .,..... witli chips. y1nb :JS.inch. shake 1ll1lil all-pleCel"" well Yteld: I plnla of dip. SIXTY-FIVE CENTSdd 1,n, coa2.teduea' t -·-~·-· In lar•e T~TUNA DIP coins for each pattern-a iu .... ~ ~ W cup mayoonabe cents for each pattern for rrytng pan ualn& e no u J h * cup sour cream first-class roalttng and sped.al shortening to measure abOut 1,i. cup chopped walnuts handUnc; oillerwise third-class two lncbes deep when large i,; teaspoon each, ult and delivery wUI take three weeks pieces of chicken are addtd .lo all~ ," or more. Send to Marian the pan. Coot meaUer pieces 2 teaspoons lemon juice Martin, the DAILY PILOT, flrat, wlnga and giuard lut. 2 Cll19 (611 or 7 0._ 442 Pattern Dept., :m West C<Jok over medium hl&J1'.heat eech) tuna In nptable oil !Ith St., New 'York, N.Y. until chicken belfii><to bnnm. Cro!ed PartnealO dJeeae 10011. Print NAME AD-• Reduce heat...,c:over pan, cook Cluliflowarets Dltf.M with ZIP, SJiE and unUI aolden an over, tum.Ing P'resh muahroom caps STYLE NUMBER. once. Cr.en pepper oq..,., Spring-Summer Pa l t e r n 3. Drain wen on PBRtr Combloe' all Ingredients ti· Catalog. Free pattern coupon. towels. Serve hot or cold with cept Parmesan chene; ml1 50 cents. c~am cravy. (Prepare cravy thorou&hlY. St>rlnlde w Ith INSTANT SEWING BOOK by pouring off all but about 2 ch e e 1 e. Serve wt th R1f today; wear tomorrow. SI . tabJespOOns faL Remoft from c-a u 1-1 f I o w·e r e t l , fffih ~ew INSTANT FASHION heat; add two tablespoona of mushroom caps and grttn Book answert all wllat·to-wear butter. Melt over low flame, pepper squares. problems. Double watdrobel gradually stir In few table-Yield: a~ cups of dip mix· Ac.ctuorJ, flgurt tips. $1. spoons flour; cook over low lure. I \ ' . ' • • 3 DAY SRE~llLS THURSDAY · · FRIDAY SATURDAY ,. FROZEN FOOD DAYS SWANSON DINNERS CHICKEN -BEEF -TURKEY fO\.GilS COffll _$.: FOR c 1 LB.- GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE Fresh · 10~-. • __ 5J~I Garden Fresh A F 2 5 C CUCUMBERS-..~ S-ANAlAS See.dless GRAP-ES • LIBBY$ ~TO JUICE tin Reg. 37~ 4rSJ -- ~ . ' ' PRICES EfFECTIVE THROUGH JULY 12 0 Gold Medal Van Camps FLOUR -D1SCOUNT P.ORK & BEANS No • .21/J cans 5 lbs. on all Reg. 33c 49c Case ·5 F $1 Purchases 0 R Dole FRUIT FARMER JOHN'S C·LOROX 1 COCKTAIL BACON No. 303 Cans 1/z gallon RecJ. 35c 29( 4 i $1 c . fb FRESH MEATS LEG OF oN THE PEN1NsuLA.;.:60a 1. BALBOA A-vE.--PHoNl!-.n~31 HOURS: 9 A.M. TO 8 P.M. ' • ' . . . - • • . • • ----. ~. • _......,._ -~ Ef Rancno-proudly · announ · , J / I ' .. ' \ ... ' '"" .... .. > . 6' 4 '~ r •ll1J" •Jf ~ :t .. ~· ~ -. -r -~-;., .-.... r Great ways ·to make the most .of ·Summer-fun! That's . El.Ha~ho!S promise to all. Suj,er.-.ShoppeYf!!--St~rt with .~:-....... ' ., .. •· ' -~ > < ' >' ' C,, 1 I .. , ' tlreSe cook.:O~t 'items this week •• ·: (lnd .:wa,:tch for m1re'' j . ' ' . ' . ·-' ( . greal ~l~fla?c~o Su~r-~u~~e~ fo<>fl-.e~~n~{~ ~ome on_~·.:· .... ~.,.'~ "lt ' 'lo i-.!\ •. ,..... ;,'~[I!'"' -~~~ .. _. ·,~ Tr , Freoh cut from top quali\Y.-Oalitornia ch1cken.f; flllest 11o!~ea fn<era · • 'F~ 'bi!ef a-hon :beaA could d e·I Perfectfy agod , •• U.S. Choice I Fryer Breasts ....... 6CJ(~11Gi'iun~ ·,ri~t!f~:l --~ · So moaty, cut from California Golden Fryua that weigh 3 lb.. Have a burjw.:u<1-f~ i2'·~o\1ealte\., ffuher ground round! . . . .. .. ~ ... '"" ~·-.. ,., • • -,h.~ken Le1vars . 'in~ .,_, ... iiooHo 1;,.6an·1es. ·; ·· . !,,~-gg·:C · --\ii '" . . -·~ --...... n~~ -6ROUND':,-I':' . . ............... .-. . . ·"'--' . ~. . . Cook up a gou"l\"t feast ••• and be glad Y,ou bought El Ran~o ~ualit( I El Rancho's fineslbeef ••• precision cut, perfectly •l\&!le\11 Five to .J:lb, • . . '• !\ . ......,, '"' F"-ranks--'i1N~-s1~-. -~ ~!. ~s·IRI.· OPJ!D--t!~~k: : . •'9-~-- •••••••••••••••••• ~~ vin ~Lt:cll •...•.•...... ~ Rath'• all meat, king size for super satisfaction on a •uper summer day I · Perfect for bar~'l!'>r ~. • lllt'"·to-a paund,for. pert.ct serving portiona I 18uns .:'R .. .-....... 2·t ::Fresli'~Trout .. ~·P~~~· ... 39: l<uiiendorf for quality ••• Pkgs. of eight •• .'pficed for butlret ia'<llial1 . Cook .7'>Ul faforits fiah over 'hot coal! •• '. that'• Summer .Jiving! . . . ' c , b --1·9c -~N , li t · ' S 1 · d 3 ''$1 '1.on~~~-~.fl!~~ref~h:;:/;h~t.l~rd~y! .~· . -~¥ s a a s .-.. .: Ready to serve ••.• choose your family's favorite varieties! Regular 39c 1Blueberries ............. 49· ·"""Radishes or:Onio11s+ ·5' Fresh and ripe•·. ao worth waiting for from seaaon to .season! &kl ' Red an~ ireeD fQr color ••• tresh a~d crisp for zesty flavor! Bunch ,· • .,\a . "~:' '. ".< ' .• ' ,..... ·' '~ r • ' I ' Grocery Specials for Su~11-'S,hop~n.! ''··"':~;· . • t. :: " .... ('~ ... • • . . ~ , .... t :. ' .. " ( ....... . . " I . ' ' ' • , .. Stock up items for Super-Summer Fun/1 v • ' " ·~ "\,. ~ayon.naise ~~·······~~ .... ·=~~!. .... .. 39~-~ : K·ingsford Briquets· ... !~ !~~HP.~~~ ... ;6:9' You 11 uae'Bo ~u<;h of it for salads, siµidw1chea ••• you 11 be glad you aaved 20c at El Rancho! Burn long, -hot. clean! save on the 20 pound aize ·too, at El Rancho's price ••. $1.37. . Wesson Oil ........ ~~!M!~~.~f!!:E •....... ]5' Lighter _FJ~id ........ ~t~~~·~····~·: ... ljsl Frying clilCken? • •• use -Wesson! TO!sing a salad? ••• use \VeMOn ! Vaiue hunting? ••• -use El Rancho? St.arts fast ••• safely ••• easily f Quart cans . , • at a price that invit.es you to really save ! : --...... ·--..... 'j_~.· . • .• ' ' :~ ; . " ·, , .\ ,, - Mushr6oms ........... : .. :............ 39' Stewed-Tomatoes ........... 5 •·· $1 Brandyw~e. .. 4 oz., .. Sliced or Buttons! Glorietta •• No ,300 . s,v~ 35c-Oll five! Bel-Ait Croutons .............. 3 .... $1· Birds ·Eye Vegetables ... : ... 3 '" $1 Pia.in or llavors ••• add interest to salads I Reg. 39c • • Jell·o .i .................................. 6 ••• $1 Spectacul~saviJigs on big 6 oz.,Jlkgs. Spi ·di· ... ~ -: ffl ( '-'.; ., •.... , "··"Iii.! na -JUu e .. : ...... .,,, .. ,,..... JJ' Stouffer11 offe,rs spinach at ,its best ••• 12 oz. pkg. Noodles.~iom.ton .. ~: ..... · ..... ' ·39' Tut.e adv~fl'Olllal~uffers f,,/.'12 °" pq. l I ... ., ·'.: . . nstant . 1ea .......................... 69'· Neotea •• , ao ~l<Shing I Save 20c, econ01n7 kise. De1iclons combination.sf •• Beem with Orange Glaze, Broccoli Hollandaise, Onions with Cream, Pesa with Muahrooms ! Serve quality, and save! German : Beer 6 ~~ $1.59 Real Whip ..... .. .... .. ....... ......... 39~ Imported Juleps " c9 , Frozen whip lopping ... ql size ... simply serve! .... FIFTH.... £.;J Imported Doftmunder Hama. No Rim. Btls. , Delicious "on the n>eka"l Blackberry/cherry! liHroom Cleaner ........ : ..... : 19' BeefeatAJs 6·1·n· $1149 Fonaula 409 ••• juatspiv and wi~I 19 o:. Cl' · .. HAU-'M. .. • lmported I Serve tool !!in & tonic I Ssve $,.20. Zee Tissue ........................ 3 ... '1 Bacardi· Rum r1~ '4 99 Packa. ge of 4 roll• ... includes 4c off. ....... """'"" ' Serve Daiquiria• before-or after--dinnerl Yuliln :.l'.icey . -:-. ~r.--""** ''*"' -wMf-,.-~~,i-·0otftvtr1 ' · -,.VIII '" .. ....... ..... ........ • I "'• •• ··--.., -· M~ • ,,, ll "" • ,.. ---1 • • • rtnn • • • lch,Jlwf.7.tlavorl •• , 2 lb. e&11 ... fl.87. ,._.,_...,...._... __ ,,__...,._._.......,...._,..--.1 . ) 1 f Solid White Tona ........... 3 ••· 89' Carnatio n. For salads, sandwiches'! No. Jh cans! • Kidney . Beans .... ~ ........... : ... 6, •·· $1 S&W ... serve a kidney bean !alad'1 N~ 300 \:tns. L · d -'\l o:&o.. •1 emona e ....................... ~-. ea .. Treeaweet • .,..frozen •• i.:sa.vE: on 12 ot.b. 6 for .$1 , . ' i Hawaiian Punch .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . 3 •·· $1 The fun.drink! ••. regular or lo-<:al--46 0.. carus • HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave. & Algonquin St. , . ' NEWeDRT~CHi-2@ Ne.wwrt ~Jvd .•. 2&5~5 Ea~lQl4ff .flr.,(E~st~luftVill~g~ penter) Also conveniently to.cated stores fn Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena ~ I . I ..,.. .... -.., • • •.1 0.--• -~~· i.: .. r: l .t~ ..... •• J .. -.t.-11.1..,-. ~•;,.1 ··1..i~ ----4 • •r t '° ~. I I t ~--·-~·-~-----... ~~ < f . I J 11 I • I I Jf • ,. • ' PILOT ·AOV[llTISER •• I '• • ,. ,. '. ' ' .· ' ' • ~"rv•,. • ·' • 1969 CiOl:IGAlt' ·'·· , c·oul'I "-:1 lrlnd MW. Mid: l lmi P91nl, ltltcl 1M(I, PO',.. .,. 1t«r. I. br•k .. , dtluXt "vtirs. redlo, llack vinyl roof, w!IU• ¥rllll. St'!'lll I 5«11'5. FULL . $3299 PRICE ... SEDAN Dlf9LLI Stri ki119 Arctic .... hit• with bl1c• lnt•rltr a~rl bl1ek l1nd111 roof. F11lly lu•ury tqui pptd, 111!0. tr1111., ll:lH, PS, PW, 6-w•v ''''· ftc· tory 1ir c•IMI., t ic. ISMD ISJI '66 FORD GAU. 500 2 DOOR HAUTO' A~liqut Gold Milt fi11i1h w-1111f,hin9 inft r- lor, auto frt,.t., rtdio l h1tl11, ptWtl 1t11r· 1119, pow1r br1k11, f1c lory ,;,, ISM 541) , . , l~ I • • • ' . ·~ .. ' ~ •• . 196f COUGAR --~OUl!I . ,j '·1 I 8r111d n•w wl1~ llr <Ofid.; Whit•, 'lfllll \.Ject 1hH!, po-•tnr, ~ br•kts, r1dlo, tin! .• 111111 Ind ""11HI C:0..,.(1, ltrltil # lel7l1. ·-~~---,.--,-_,,......-•-·-·-.,...............-.. ~-.-·-·-~ ... -.. - • .. ., . . .. . . 1969.C.OU.QAR.... • COUPI 1:!f' Mlfll ~ lfl tntd. 1!triift!d;t. 'luto. ,o- • & br1kn, •tolo. l)Mltll restt. c11i10m •11u "1nv1, "'°'· sir. -~ --.. /l~I· ""'1 '····" 1:.:;96:.:;9---~· --=M:A::.Y ~'1::;LOT:.:_ .. N . . - -. ---1.169..COU.GA . ..._ ___ , __ -i ~11----' · COVPI lr11\11 ... w, 1lr condlllofWd, :UI N VI, llKk raot. 111Wl'COOIOJ1, br••~• &. 1tttr, ratllo,'dkllt grovp & loadt' Of nlr11. SJ<', I ""°' .....SAVE s.50500~ -::SAYE ~454~-SAVE WAS 4074.10 NOW 1569.00 . ' ' ..----.... MERCURY ·S SAVE • ._.., 4144.ff NOW-J"4;M ~7.4000 196f MERCURY ..... _,,.., ti'tnd riew w1nl~1!1 ~. "9Ul.,.. llo~ Aqut,. •1111 3'0 ftl, '#hMI ~ .. , .. ,_ Nteltil Wlfolt, Mltd _-'tlft, ...,....-Wfll• & •lfff., •ldlD, lln!W 1Lea1. Ser, , S714lt r • MONTEG 'O ·S THI HOT c>.lt1 111 .• C~LONE ... , ' J DI 0 AIDTOP ' · Crcltlnt Sjillll11 II Wl~llol IP9f;kil equl_,I. A llll'Cli' rdlfM l tlOWI u. to P911 on It''!' s.vl""' to YGV. Ser. Ho. J6to:l7 SAVE WAS Jt41.to NOW Jiit.ti ._ ____ .._ ... " LANDAU tr1t'11h Gr1111 fl nit~ with. '"1tchi119 inltrior ,.,.i black l111rl1u roof. Fully lu•ury tquipptd. Aulol'l'ltlic tr1111111i11io11, r1dio, h11t1r, pow1r 1!1t1i119, powtr brtk11, 6·w1y •••I, factory air. lie. No. ll:TI 72'4 1964 PONTIAC G.T.O. CONYlll:Tlll.I l1111til11! cor1I fi11 i1h with wllilt buc••t ltlh 111d whit1 top. 4 1pe1d tr1111., power 1!11r· ilH), r1dicl l h••••r. tic. Un111111tly cl1111J u,. N1. JRJ 561 ,. > I .. .• ' . ' ' . . 1967 C.ONTINENT"L 4 DOOlt it: l11ulif11I Gold l1it• Mi1t fin i1h with 1addl1 l11thar lntt rior t nJ blicl 1111· J1a 1001. fijfly li.'(11ry 1q1,1ipp1t1." Auto- , ' ' ..-I • 1111fic 'lt1n1mi11io11, AM • FM r1rlio, powtr ~f1tr;fl9, pG"fl • br•k1•: p1w1r wllldow1, 4 · ••Y 1111. tilt 1ft1rint ""hir1I, f1ctory •Ir, '''' loci11,' etc. b c11l1nt thro119hout. lie. No. UUY 000 USED CAR DEPT;, 540°5635 '-· I • • ~~@a &J®·~@ , WAS J710.M NOW 306.11 SAVE WAS 4J74JO NOW Jlll.21 , . .-.~ ,,,._. GAL. If' • DOO:t H.t.aDTOP l•rmud1~11u1 "'1t11lii:' fi11hh .,..ilh nl.1tchi119 inttrl•r: 15.J CID t.fltlnt'. A11to1111t!c tr1R1· 1T1 l11ion, .ridio, htaltr, p1w1r 1lttri"', fie· ,,,., •• r. •••. llc.,No. RTR 417, 1964 CHRYS~lt , NIWrOlf 4 DOOi llOA» ' , W11hinglo11 II~ ll'lt fallic fi11ill1 wllli .1T11tch· i119 fnl1rl1r. Au t.1111tic tr1n1111l11ien, r1di-e, htater, 11owtr •te11!ll91 11ow1r brt'k",1 ftc· lory t ir. ~Ne . .MGF 415. ~ ' WAS 4"Lft . NO~ 'Jiii.it " , ' . .. C~NffNl~fAL, . -· 4 01"01 11d.n, Gold Ml1t. fl'i.hh . with ltlo11d ltalher l11t1rltr. Aufbfn1t!c tr1nu11i11i111 rt• di:. I h11ltr, powfr 1t11ri119, power ltr~•11, powtr ""htdow1, '·""lllY 111t,, l1ctort tic. Nt-. LG~ 7?6 • · $9·95 1..964 FALCON- 2 41or h1ritt1p, 2•0' Vt , Arcli'c Whitt with f11rquol11 ... l11!1ri tr, 11o1fo.rn1flc fr1111mi11i111, r..dio 111d lt1'1ftr, powtr st••ri"'. A rNI lj'oo4 ·1r1d11•tion 1p1ci1I. llN Ill. $89s .·· ! "· ,,· I 0 ~:[g[ffi@ .MffiiW .~.-©©·lID@&OO ~· • l '"'- • r > -"' . ' ~-.... · ~- ' ' . ' , ; ' ,, ... • ~-.. "' j • 1,__ . -' ' r ' ' -. -'T -- --.. -.. ~------... - -. ~ --~----~-=------:--::-..,.--7----:c---,.,------~----.,...--...... ----------· • ••••••••• •t ••• . .... ~ ..... -... -...... -......... ~--• . .... . . ~ . ••• ,.._.,"1.;; ........ ~ , .. ..-... --··~· .............. --. ... -...... -.,. 'I ...... ~ -...!~_. .... , .... -. •1•·· • .. .... , . . . • -. .~ ~'~ ' I V, ·r .... l-~ SINGING GUEST -Lena Horne, above, is one of the guest stars ,9n the "MU!iC. Hall" a t 9 p.m. on Channel 4. Tony Sandler and RBlph Young host other stars including, Kaye Ballard and N"orrnan \Visdom. Miss Horne will sing "Out o( this World" among_ be£._ numbers .. _ TELEVISION VIEWS N.b R~ce 'Tag For'Room222' _B.y...J.ERRY BUCK ' HOLLYWOOD (AP) -"Room 222," an ABC ' series that proposes to take an honest look at an integrated high school , goes before the cameras this week. Before anyone thinks it will be ~ t:a~slati~n of the black headlines. it should be said 1t 1s a s1.tua· tion comidy. Or. as.-th~creators.prefer't.o call 1t, a drama told wjth humoP: "W!.'re not goiii·i to do a social docUmentaryJ·" . satcfGene 'R"eyftotas:;-tne~prottllC·er at 20th-t!entur-y ' Fox. "That's not the frame of reference. But any subject we undi!rtake \ve'U do realistiCally. "OUR INITIAL objective is to be entertaining. We a_re_gett~ .!.!.o~f_ ad~~n_itio.~s l~ ~.eep it ligh;, but we're not going to milfe 1t light 1f 1t HIItts our story." J im Brooks, the writer-creator or ''Room 222," said, "Take the story in ~hich flu strikes the school and 50 percent of the teachers are out. There's no reason why that can't be fun ny. But if the story is -wnout the exploitation or a black athlete, it can't be funny." _. Lloyd Haynes plays the black teacher whose classroom is Room 222. Denise Nicholas is the guidanc~ counselor and his love interest'. Michael Constantine is the principal and Karen Valeritlne i's the student teacher assigned to Haynes' room. 1-taynes. whose handsome race has a quick grin. is a late starter as an actor. He didn't play his first role until ~961, when he was 26 and a production manager for a company turning out television game shows. -HE ENROLLED in the Film Indu stry Workshop and it wasn't Jong before a director s~otted him and got him a role in a series pilot that d1dn1t sell. That led to a small part in "Star Trek" and his career began to orbit. ' His picture-credits include "Ice Station Zebra," ''Madigan" and "The Mad Room." He studied stunt \Vork with Jock Mahoney. then took over the lab himself ... It's teaching ac tors how to move and fall and fight. To become aware of their bodies and how to use them better. If you have difficulty 1novi ng your body you may stumble over a set. ''SOME PEOPLE, for instance. don't know ho\v to get in and out of a car." he said. "They .. do it every day, but when lbey try it ln a scene they can't do it." Haynes, who is single, has pu t himself on a rigorous scheliule tor the show. "f get up at four o'clock in the morning a nd learn my dialogue for a couple of hours," he said. "I work out ror half an hour, have breakfast and go to work. I get home at seven o'clock and zonk right out." He admits he is excited about his first starring: role. "There's so much going on in school s today," llaynes said. He said he hopes the role star,s honest. "When I say honest. 1 mean that they don t make him super· teacher. He'll have hangups, but they shouldn't be negative ones.._11 _ • THE SHOW'S approach-to problems-by \Vhich a problem will be examined through its effect on a chciracter -also appeals to Haynes. "I like a one· to·one relationship," he explained . "That 1nakes it easier to handle than a generalized approach." f i De1'1tis the Me11uce . . I .. -.. ' • .H7.ll' Gtr ~ l{li4l) (XJT{A 'l1ll' WAY 1 • . -. PERKINS JUDGE PARKER I ~'T SEE Tl-IE JUPGE'S CAR: .• BUT Tl-IA.TONE eE- LON<r.> TO LUKE LMGO! :?. • MOON Ji'ULUNS TUMBLfNE_EDS . ' CHIEF\ l'M TIP.ED O' llE!N'A INDIAN! llREDO'TllE PRIMITIVESCENE!- Of RUNNIN' Al\OON'HALF NEKl\ED! .• OFSMEAAIN' COLORYGOOKOO MY CONllNEITTS~-.OF CAMPIN' OOT ALL A TIME! ... ...--r c Mun AND JEFF GORDO MISS PEACH By John lloQles Wf~NESO I\< ll.-!l\l'J~ ·-. . ... .. .... ·~ -(C) (ill) ""' Dunphy. .-o-.DJD .............. ~) (30) -11 ~la laatl1I (C) C?Vt hr) Cliff. An1•ll vs. S..ttlt Pilot&. . . • q.j • m '1111S IS THE•l'IEEK * THAT IS! FROST a:ao WEEKNIGHTS on KTTV ..... ''"' (C) (90) • -...-.... . • !C).(!l!i .- fl!) ...... (C) ·(30)-•&.i.t tlfml•r. A Ult SlofJ" Is dis-MM!I ~ 111ltlot Caitcis B1ktr 1nd host·cftli llGOtr\ Crtmlt. The book Is 9 ll{ejnphy tllat p11senfl • tr111 p•rlNdlYe of th' ltllllon$hlp IDe· t.,...-illm!Rplf'1 fldion ind ac- ~"" uperlence&. r ·tll\ !o-(30) n-, """" _, _._. ,,., 8 """' -<CJ <3Dl ,.--.,,,..... (comid1) . '$Z -C.ry t!W Qonrled In I l\ltsl rolt IS Cr1nt. GiAatr~Mlrt!Jn Mon· s'trombolt, th; ~wiffil's 1ttal1st ·""''~--violl11!1t. bin to tucb ,Jethro how ' GI Sp, (C) (60) to p!1y but nm• Into 1 t111nl pp. (R) m I LM l"1 (ill) D H <i1 !!) "'°ft "'"'' lloU m ....... (C) (30) (C) (60),-tar11n1 tlit i1niln1 te.im !ill{]) Mm lritfln (t) {90) ol To111 S1ndl1r ind Ralph Y11un1 with iunb L'111 Home ind Kira 81) \ftl\'1 ""'1 (JO) A look it dif· Ballard. fereat Wl)'I of 1a1htrin1 food b1 !rlrds. tlow to tell a story with pen-O Wrtstllnr; (C) (60) Dick Line ttmtmt, 1nd B Mor10 ft1tlon1I 1nd Nike Le81H wll the action. P1r1 In Mulct. The main event le1tures Amtfitl's Ill JllftlW Dhfne ,_. {lO) h1Wfllel1ht cham,ion N~ M1s- c1ru. A ". G!JHtn (C) (to) Don Tmta. g (fi)(l)GE,)AIC W1dn11d1r ':lo • . iiliwfi: (C) "Bitktl le1ch" (eom· ~ I' --~-~ -(IQ)__ --.=-..-·1riUS1UO '64:=:':(tapij~ AvtlGn, l &I,.,. te tit .._-If tU Ahlfett• -iunicellO, M1rth1 Hyer. j fie (C) (IQ) Harvey llmbeck, Jody . Mt:Crea. A ii; -m Hn..,.lrt ... ._ -(30) rr11up of ,youn1~er1 'urlin1 .t th1 'I * 1.11 _, , .. , beath milt 1 British recordln1 star i::: el DOIJf Miollt Cn•la (!ti) who Is tttr1cttd lo one ot the 11 "Clays; Fllllfttalnht•d ol the Pol-llrls:. (R) ~ •. t1r'1 Art." ~ Md:utdlton n:-""' lnterMtit 1 11111-(ill) 'M plores tht tet1mist'1 work. skltlt ~ 111 By Harold Le Doux and _aesthetic vaiua. H1 dtmon-ED SJf¥)l r Ellr5'-, (60) stratas lllt llrln1 oper1tlon 111d the dry process. am m "'"' CC> (30> Ill) ...... 34 (t) (ill) ""THIS. is 'TMe THAr.· 7:00 91 CIS tflnl~I W.. t'> (30) 'Ri11tr eron•ue. II WJ.t• lllJ LIMY (C) (30) m-(t) (IO) 9:30 II 9 m Crtt11 km (C) (30) Oli¥1r 60u1las' 111other (Eleanor Aud ltY) vlSlh th• firm to mt Iler nene1 but is ' jolltd by 1 dancing 11\d hOWllnt tr!bl ol Siolu lndl1ns. QH• (C) (JO) Ttd Meyet!. m·••·• uw c110J OTl-IERlilE GA.VE ME! WOW TO FINP ll-JE l.P.\R"l'll.E.NT · WHerE nus· 6'"1-uve! ta:oo B 9 00 t:nr•i f1lt-O (C) (60) When Stlve McGlrrelt is !tiled by en u~n 1ual!1nt 1nd ba1pit.i-lltd.Jl•n~y Williams takes OYer lh•- riw-0 lrrmtl11!1on unit and .sllrts 1 d11per1te 1Mrcll for dueL (R) E (})..Y•• ._ "' ff (30) ID'"" ,_ (30) ,. ~~ -.:~;:;-=::: (30) lltJl.l~ • ~ ~ ... ~ } . • ' · 7:Ji II TirzH (C) (60) Ttm111 pull• __:....tfiin lnJUftd-YictJJDa~pl1nt ~ crsih to safety ind lurn1 one Of them, 1 b11utlful &frl, hu been scratched by I pol-.ou1 ~ ind cannot live unless tlven 1n 1rrtl· toxln within 48 !lours. (II) -aD@ !!) Tio °"""'-JC! • (IO}' "'tdtt Is Under L" Asslined to• 1 Miilfile misslllli, ptt!l!llt" case, Q_a'dd .. bJ, eocountvs 1 narmtics ma 1111 • murdtr. (R) By Tom K. Ryan By Al Smith By MtU 1Hlf <5 Pl<O&lo6LY 'TIE LAST 11ME HAl'f'Y we'(.I. el! ""~"" -ro lH!E NEW YJ.11.!! I MIPNllJH'li FOi'. Vt!MS SO WI! "'4/tYtlOvr./ MllSH'T AS WIL.l TAKE FULL. • APVANTAGI! OF If ... ,, .._ .. - D <D.<i1 Cl "'-""'"' CC> (90) "~m• W1v1 in !lutl1lo om ii. .. !C> <illl """"' (C) (60) fD Fui.n (C) (30) "Harold Urey: M1n .inJ!le Moon.!' Dr. Urey, ttle man wllo w!!I examine th• 1untr debris lnoua:ht beek by Apollo XI, offtrs hll moon ll'leories In 1 dD· eusslon wilh Dr. Plul Sa!tm1ft. Sprl111s. * honfll Dt Cldo ind Tht lrilh RMrt held tilt 1lst of 1uest1 In 1 cOfllldJ ldYtftture. Dttttt 1ues\1 l11clud1 Tom Bo.sley" btnk· er Trumbull. Gary VintOfl 11 the OD M1Til"1 (30) bumb!in1 sheriff James Bronn 1s Trumbull'• IOl'I kid, A.on Prentiss l0:3Q Ill N.., (C) (JO) Bm Joh~s. 11 GeJ11tflnt, and Clrrlt Srlod11m EID Sptalltl&n (&)) "A Convtru- 1s .loJeflhine, dt~&titn ef Mt· lion With M1rcel -Marceau." TM dame lrno1en1 (Ml*' DI Clrio). m2stertul French mime art\st dls- O O!i@ GD H111 C1111 tll1 cuMs thl histo11 of pantomlrM and lriOa (C) (60) "0111 Good lit De. h!s Ill• II 1 perfanntr. serm Anolhtr." Lottie's o~ buu, m f1 llllSI Conr.o11 (JO) M1tthew Muncey, allows up In Se1ttle, mud'I ta Cl111Ct(1 dlsm&y.11:00 II DD SD m GE lhws (C) (R) IJ Bll!J llnih1ll OU.dt (C) 0 Mlllk111 $ 111.0'fle: "'Jiit loys" .. (dr1m1) '11-Rlcllard Todd. Robert 0 ¥V'ril: (C) Ho. ot h111bot" Morley. (dr11na) 'S~Rob•rt Ryan, Robert Stack. m Trvtll •1 Consequtrtc:IS <t> <311) m AH•• Laddtll'• 1.11ery <Cl All" Ill PwTJ Muo11 <69> Mlllor, London Lu ind .1tan-Pi1n1 f!l JoJ(9' CMll Ceo& (30) i.r. Aumont aue:st. blculd Spar11tbs:" Mn. Ctlfn I""* (D Mmt: "ludy stiff" (l!!Jstery) f1cb tbout buy1FIJ '411t1r\bl 1~d '49--0onllhJ L1mbut Brian Oon- sltows Ult p11p1r1tion wlfh Chlnt11 ltv)'. ' ~~~~·nts or tMlr Arnerlctn tqUll/· lHJ (1) ID 00 a (J) News (C) 9 (lJ Btlt •I IM!IJWOOd (Z hr) di hllo 4t Palottls (30) 11:;30 ct ID 00 m T•nlabl Show (C) 0 tHl !]) QJ Joer l lshop (C) 1:00 m Hilt! (C) (30) 11 :35 1J M!IWll: "Rtt111 ti • Biid- GI ~ (t) (JD) ''flyioJ 8J •ft'! (we!1ern) '4~Rob'frt ~1n, the 8ottom cf the Sn." Unique -Randol ph Scott. jou1111y lo the floor of the Atl•ntit with .. Alv!n," the N1'1f'1 little sub· 12:00 B Movit: "An Ad of M11rd1r" marlno dtlian.d for dMP-MI (dr1ma) '48--Frtdtic M2rch, Flor- proll•L The thl'ff-m•n lllb taiktl inc. Eldrldft. viewers do'll'll 5,900 Itel p1st I 12•30 m N lol C"1 coral slltlf kl the ocetn botrorn. • 1 fD !111pt(tn Mllif:IMI (30) m ~n Thffh: ''The Man I Marne<!." 1:301J Tllli C:Olll a.,. (C) (30) G...st Jim 81dut. as C11ud!1·s wt•llhJ 12:50 O Mcwit: "Th• Rln(' (d1am1) fllhlf. comts to visit i nd It ap-'52--Gtritd Mehr, Rl!a Morano. palled to w his d•uaht« wo1kln1 in I~• diner. (R) 0"" .......... (C) (30) Ketley Smith Ind Rod4J Mcoowan ...... 0 l'.m Cil cil'"ii llii F••llJ (C) the Klnp make tllt mUlicll st1tem1rrt "I Git RllJl.hm" IO open t.on11ht's show. L111rrtt1 llttrod11ce1 coutl111 X•ll ind Jon who offu "Sixtffn Gol111 011 Sevtnltt11" lrom ''The Sound of Music." IJ Co111111m1ty lull.tin Board (C) m from tltt lnsldt Ou! (C) t:2o·e MDYlt: (Cl "'N1nt1urtt In 1111 i11nrJ1" {ldv.nture) '58 -Roblrt Huati•s. l!JO m All-Nl(M !MW: "Flat Tep." .. Bride ol the Gorilla," tnd "Rcbln- son ClllM of Myllery Island." 1 12:00 O "Muur:ni •• S.n4 CtMt'" (Wilt· _ trn) '56 -Everitt Slolnt, John ' Dirt~ U;JOm"'T• t111 Vk1.,.. (d1am1) '4&- Dtrlnis Mortin. Vlvec• Undlott. Z.111 m "Thi C:flost Tlllt W1fb AktM" .. R "Ml ... IP .. Wt111f1 ' (rny1le1J) '44-Arthllt Ll~t, Jtllis fiint" (ftllM) 'JO -la Artes. C.r!er. t.ui;!. ~ 's:eoo""" '" TMll•• Jon11a" (d11- • (t) ""-' ,..,.._ lM" Part tM) '49-B1rbt11 sttnwytk, Wen· I (coll'lldy) '64 -Jack Lemmon. ,._ RolnJ Sch~eldlf. dtU .... r1y. 0 "'TM ,,..,ltt Mlft ol N 4:10 fJ (C) 4'llost1 !Whtdl frt• A1tJ" (dr1n11) '47 -Anft OY011l, lettllt" (musicl~ '$3-Gent a1rry, Georp S.nd'.e11. RhOlldt Aemln1. e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Quality Printing i nd D•p1nd1ble Strvic.e for more then • quarter of 1 century . . PILOT PRINTING 1Jl 1 WIST IALIOA ILVD .. NIWf'Olf IUCH -642--4J11 ' , • I • • ' • ' •• ' '· A • " • I) " • • • )) " ,_ " " I ,, .. ~ " 11: " " "-h- U· "' ,. ,, .,. •• •• "' 'J) ... ... "· .... ·~- ' I (C) lbt ~,, ip,• !tin· - .... "' .... 1nis ·~· '"'· - ,--.... 1111!!!!11-------111111!11111 ........... __ ,__....,... ___ .._,.............,........._~ ····- LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTlCE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NdrJCE LEGAL NOTICE • -""'· JUl)-t, 1'6t • IJl'I Tt"""" of Future Demos to S tart Early On Campaig ns for '70 Irvine Lists G asses in Exten sion WASHINGTON (AP) Democrat.s hope to get a run- ning start in the 1970 baUle for control of Congress by doling out campaign funds much 'earlier than is cuslomary tet Senale and Hoose members seeking re~lection. In the critical contest for conlrol of the Senate, the par· ty campaJ1n committee head· ~ by Sen. Daniel Jt fnouye of Hawaii expect! to make its fund allotlullls earlY so that members can begin their cam· palgnl ng as soon as possible. Traditionally. the committee waits until after the primaries before handing out money. It wlll only do that again where Democrats must survive a primary fight to Challenge Republican incumbents. ALLOT FUNDS ln addition. Sen. George D. McGovern (0-S.D.), said a rund raJ sing committee set U!'J to aid st:lffi.ed Ii be r a I Democratic senators will also soon begin alloting its funds, which now stands at $60,000. Democrats haYe $150,000 besides the liberals' money, to help Senate and House can· didates. '"" Republican war chest presently dresses out o:;t '3 million. The original "saYe the LEGAL NOTICE \ I liberals" list . annOunced hy McGo\lern included. Senate Dcmocratlc Leader M I k e Mansfield ol Montana and his assistant., Sen. Edward t.1. Kennedy of Massachusetts. Sen. Eugene J . McCarthy is listtd, although it Is not clear whether .he: will run agai.!!. _ McGovern said Sens. Stuart Symington of Missouri, Vance Hartke of Indiana and JGSCph M. Montoya oC New Mexico, a I s o wll~ share in the fU:nd handouts. GIVE UP HOPE The Republicans have all but given up hope of carry'l:ng the House. They think they have a chance of whittling down the current S 7 • 4 3 Democratic margin In the Senate and possibly of squeez- ing out a majority. The 25 Senate Democrats who.se seal1 are at slake next year oYbiousJy art going to haYe to raise the major share of lheir campaign funds in· dlYidually, aa will most of the Republican incumbents. Fourteen o( the se Democrats will be running in states President Nixon carried last year. 10 in state! won by Former Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey and one -Sen. John Stennis or Mississippi - in a state carried by George C. Wallace. Of the liberals being aided by McGovern 's fund raising commlllee, Sens. QUenttn N. Burdick or North Dakota, Albert Gore of Tennessee. Jlartke of Indiana, Mansfield of Montana , Gale W. McGee of Wyoming, Montoya of Ne~ Meltloo, Frank E. Moss of Utah, Willi.am Pronnlre uf Wlscoos.in, Symington o t Missouri, Harrison A. Williams ot New Jersey a00 Stephen M. YOWlll of Ohio will have to buck· a Republican trend that gave NJxon their states last yta.r, CARRIED STATES Even though Humphrey car~ rled their states McGo\lem thinks there could be rough going for Sera. Philip A. Hart of Mlchigpn, Kennedy of Masaacbusttts, McCarthy of Minnesota, Edmund S. MUskie o! Maine, Joseph 0. Tydings of Maryllilld •nd R a I p h Yarborouah of Tezaa. Of the eight Repul/lican teats at alike, only LWO"&re in stai.. !lumplu<y ~ - Sen. Cha~es E. Gooden ' <>f Now York and Hlra..:i;, 'Fooi of Hawaii · Pa-.1..-InstalJeiJ UC lt'\line Extension courses offered this week include : Tu.16ay, JUiy I -lllltlductioll ti, .Sl•!t Adoo!N T'1•tboolu Ill ltllN!M •lld Lll~r•lur~. lioH, ltl"'1'1.,1 •M~ W1"1lfl~, Gr.OM 1-'. J. 9, l1PP1n<oll, Gr-1 l·l. taon11 .... 1or, l"t•ncl• J, 01t1. M.l _, 1:30 "·"'·• llfti. TN•lt1, CorOM *I Molt Hleh kllool, 110.tb U ,50, WHnelll1v, JulY ' -F11k SorwJ t rill 0.JllCfol A"""'4 .... Worlol: T~ w ....... ,, __ , ,.., c.11,.,,,i.•• TUtbul9nl Hb.IOIY. l(eflll '"' ltinlY McNell. 1Kturtr·Htlomwr1. UC lnilM C~"'11111, tldelo M.M. WEONE$0AY, Jul'I' f -'r<:d>rlklllO o1 G.--C-Qllf: s.11 ltullut""' Throuth sm~ll G•ou• Enc;ounrer. Gueit 1K111r1r. Nomlaft 1.,,.r91111. l'hO.. 7 11.m. L!llle T'*tr., eor-.. , M•r Hlsh Sdlllol. lid"" U..S0. ' l~urWtv, JUl'I' 11 -CMvlfrHt~ will\ Artl1t1. GIHll Arlllt, ll'Ylllf •10c11., 111lnter, 1:30 P.m., P'1Y1lul Sc~'' &ulldlflll 101, IJCI C•nlPVS, tldill1 u.~. l~r, Jul'I' 11 -ln!rocludlol! to $!1~ AdoptH TtJilboM1 In RQtllllO t lld Ll!trtlurt. ttnlu!'Y Schoolboolit PrHt, G••dh , .•• T:)O 1.m., Llffl• Tl'll•!rt. COl'\lft• doll Mir HI.th Sctoi1111 llttr11 U.50. T....,....,, Juh' 10 -Me•lc1n Ali\•rlc1n1 , . , Tke New G•11er1llol!: 11.ur•I Povtr1Y1 lht tlllt' Ot' 1111 G•tt11 Ctro CDtllrllllltt. Phllll Nl!W,...n, Ju691. Munkl••I Court, Lot -"'"In• ~:10 1.m .. ttl!'-•l•, V1tle-r S....... Hl1~ School, !IOI South GrM11vl!11, S.11i. Ant, llckft• 11.1J. Crane Total On Incr ease WASHINGTON (UPI) The total flock of whOoplng cranes in captiYity now stands at a record 25. the Interior Department's Fish and Wildlife Service reports. The latest addition or the captive flock or near extinct birds hatched Saturday ln Lhc San Antonlot Tex., zoo. In ad- dition. seyen ol nine egg.s taken from the Canadian wilds last May have hatched 1uc- cessfully at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in . Maryland. For three y e a r s con- servationists ha\le been flying to Wood Buffalo National Park In northern Alberta and steal· ing whooper's eggs. T h e biologiSts point out t h at mot.her cranes usually lay h•·o eggs but rear onJy one you~ blrd1 The conservationists takt onfy one egg from each nesL Pomonan's From Coast Six Orange Coast rtsidenb are among w graduates or Pomona College. They art: FROM COSTA MESA< K1y LU'°'1, llll C0rona Lane, phllo!Of)by. FRoM LAGUNA BEACH• l\Jchard -Pelnagle, IO!ll 1 . Coils! HWy, Engli&h. FROM NEWPORT BEACBt Henry 'Meyer UI, 115 Cltrtls Place, International relatlon1; Nancy Morosy and Walton Thomas M u I r o y • l'llt T. Farrar Jr, Coron. del MAr ClndJt.ll)elL La"' soo>oO"; high tltudent~. hive been in· Le11tle C. SliinW'OOd~ VIM --ltaUed as Swttthf:art and _ Ho.pr. ~gUsh. 1-nd J>am~a Master COllncfJo< of Oronge Sullon. 2111 BlacttMni SI., COrut'llrlMDlay ttspt<:dftb',_ ---'• . _________________________ ....., __________ _ • I i l t ' Distinctive Newport Heights 2 Bedrm Dinirw room and tirtplact. A doll house on comer. R-2 Jot -alley access, com· -. · pie!ely' "redecorated, "n e·w roof, bath, big kitchen. wall/ wall shag carpel, Aalume $1.&t.OO month. HUIT)' on ~'-' _ .... ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2'3 E. 17th St. 6'"-1494 $21.500 • BONANZA!! ''For A WL!e Buy" Colesworthy & Co. BUILDER'S REPO One rnan'1 loss can be your 642'·7771 ---.. GAIN,~ Vny sharp Mme. john macnab BAYCREST Beautllul U-sbaped home; all ilus to An~. healed &: tillered pool. 3 Bedrooms, Iarxe living room, formal dinln;f room; Intercom thru- out. Asking $75,950. Call for app't. Low down payment wtlh excellent terms available. Wall 10 wall carpets, built· h-. etc. FULL PRICE $24,500. BE QUICK! • COATS . & WAL LAC! . REALTORS 546-4141- (0pen IEweningsJ • !I r SALES MAN NEEDED INVESTMENT ORIENTED? You-rnlghb be 11\e-Qne to help U!J help others solve their inveatment needs. Business is great. We're busy and need one properly qualified person to work in our invest- ment department. For ad- ditional ln!ormttlian, call Mr. "''°"""' -546-23». \0 THE REAL \"'-ESTATERS . . . 646-7171 • 546•2313 Spanktno clc<n 3 bdnn in family section of Monticello. 2 11ory with added pa.nelU!g and 11helvirl1'.-Maintenance .free llvlne; wilb equity build-up. Low down, low-price -$21,950. ~) l~~s.1 \ ~r~.-·:fl\ .1 1 t•• 546-5990 SACRIFICE $21,SOO ! BR 2 ha QUick posseuion! Positively lh, with ocean view beat buy WeltcliU, Choiceat Rand Realty '4>2340 area, Luxury living 2 1t.ory ASSUME-l•n.. Qk...pon, 5. coOOominiWJ1, patio, pool, &, .3 Ba. c:rpts, drp1, adults, Assume loan $196 lndscpd. fnod, rent while ln me> 1incl taxes, Owner/BJa, escrow. $34.500. C.&h to the 646-1941 ONLY 2 HOMES LEFT New homes, ready to move ln, Jh mUe from beach. First payment up to 60 days after move in. Terms VA/FHA. From $22,990. CORAL SHORES (on Garfield between Beach & MagnoU. 962-1353 Coron• del Mar 1250 Lido Isle ONLY $62,SOO TIRED OF 1351 *VIEW* OLDER HOMES? See this 6. yr. old family home w / 4 bdrms., conv. den &: dJn. ing room. Call for app'I. Walker Riiy. 67>5200 Ocean and channel vij!w! Watch the boats from the large livin& room. Kitchen and private patio. ~light-• SALE or lease By Owner. M l. bedcocw charnlfr Olli:. 3 Btdroom, 2 1 t o r 1 , house oU Ocean n fv d. buUt-ins, 2 baths. FumiStl.ed 6'B-8550. New Corona de! or unfurnished. Via Yell.a. Mar location, Marguerite at 675-59'1• °'"'' Hlghway. l========'i \-0 THE REAL "'-ESTATERS Huntln9ton Beach 1400 POOL PADI ~""'· 961 Paularino. 1 --=F=1x=E=R~u=pp=E=R~ BY Owner Custom Home 3 Near beach &. channel. 2 bdnns 1% Ba. mt-ins1 Csbn bedrms. 2 baths. R-2 lot. drps. Frplc. Dbl. gu. Patio. N~ cue. A bariaJn al Diclosed yard. Nice I y $23,COI. Formerly Orange Coast Prop, lanchtcaped. Low Int 5%% Graham Realty 646-2414 BUBBLING loan. E-side Sf3..00)7 Near Newport Post OUice Fountain, luslt profusion or 3 BR 2 bath 1714 ) 642-123S 901 Dover Drive, Suite 120 Newport Beach 4 PLEXES Marlboro * 3401 OCEAN* 2 building•. oaoh with''"' Country ASSUME 5%%. 3 BR. l 1h N H trees, floW(!rs, private entry ---0 BA, 2'it car gar + carpt, 8.1w ome ··-t tro i···' , .• , d ASSUME 6~ Y. LOAN cpts, drps.-5125 Pl/TI. Why .,__ . . :;~~.!t ~&;a~n On this outalandil\r 4 BR. pay more, call owner now newly decorated 2 bedroom home. Xlnt fioor plan. 3 642-1827 Private cul-de-sac ltreel 4 & den with breakfast area, Batha, formal dining rm.,l;CO;;wNDO;;;;;C-.,_-:,,=.-,-;;.2-;bdr="°'•"ba,--bedrooms 3 be.th, 75x125 lot dl .. 1 .... room, patio enter- $4,000 Total Ct.sh needed to assume 5" % VA IDall: fnr thb 4 bedroom home with 35' Blueha~n Pool Lob of decking with Palio. C8.rpels, Dl"dpes & Built Ins. Priet!d at $24,900 F'ull Priee . .Pay· menl.s of $168 Incl~ all. 01.hers to choose from. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES sW.ble family _.. w/bar. • ..... ,., · • • , __ e vie ol •··'· •-·-~ • ... , Oub•-··-• -• f -11 ........ v r "" ~ Day. •-• ........ nt -n•-... Pe-'-·ter Corona 4tt Mar 2 ~rm units, 1000 sq. fl ., Bring hol'RS ahd cowboys - Aeach It ocea.n view. One of built-ins, patios I: garages. elltra nice, expandable 2 BR tbe finest -See for younell S500 mo tnoome on each • fam _ .. ,.__ _._._ · Excit1,.;,: elec. kitchen. Beau. ,........., "" .,....... a\JL near Delta R al E tat 64"'"1 .......... "" ""'• l"uirt: tifuify''lamscayed gardeM. schools. $2'.I,~ 54()....6395 aft .e s e ~ heating offers year • round $74;900. A bOriie wortiu' ot 5 . f OWNER'S NEW 4· ot 5 BR. com.fort for only $4.2,SOO. Walker .. & lee · !nAh.y--~ASleNG $44 259. '"' UIU~ ~.wr, OPEN-lTO y -EXcrtiENT T'!;'R'MS ,.--~~~ e ;your lnsptttion. BY OWNER • Low interest Harbor View Home, 3 be.'~ Hal P lnchln & Assoc. ---S~~ha bansh:11abte ll\'.. nn. din ~ tam ~ 3900 _E._CoutJiWY~ 7682 Edinger W-4455 or 54lJ'.5lfO =--Open-·· \0 THE REAL "'-ESTATERS ... &:-ccm.l,; CM schools 60' WJTH..L9W OO'WN,,..-T231'"10t7'"Pi'leed''l:o seii it llD DVfll-loena. All 3 BDRM'a. 2-E ~it, "'dr!:~ ;.,.trpl; .:.;; OPEN HOUSE.1..S _ RE AL-T~Y .," ... ~.,.~·;:;4~_.,~....,.~~ ... ~-~-;; ~: •·•·lina»-c lni: 1131 -VISTA Lt.REDO WALIC-TO BEACH ALSO $37,500. Xlnt terms Call 16 units Costa Mesa 540.1151 HerHage Re&l Es-.r I: 548-8281 3 BR. 2\.1 Baths. Im med. 2lrl5 W. Balboa Blvu., N.B. Mesa Verd• 1110 10% Do S37950 Assume GI loan.-Only $201 mo-inc taxes. Gorgeous rustic gold and white rar- den kitchen, exquisite car- pets, custom drape&, hard· v."OOd floors and shakll root Quirk transfer. '-. ' • I j '' CORONA DEL MAR Formerly Orange Coast Prop. l'.iar&ucrlle af Coast Hwy. $169.00D late (open eve1 l. Call Anytime '75-6000 THE BLUFFS possess. wn. ' OWNER'S LOSS ASfilJME 514 -on By owner, 1 l•~l. 3 "'· 2 611 VISTA BONITA SteP!I to beac~ 4 BR 3 b!lth homP. in the 200 block. Al>k· ing $46,000. Call for appoint- ment ST.!-'550 Walker & Lee Mr. Levine I ~T~RA!'!~D~E~Y~O~U~R~H'!'O!!'M~E~ lncomt' ln~stmen'i: Dept. Regardlesg o! how much PukhritudlnoWt I 8'droom Ba, cuot cpla I '"'· lm-Your gain. Modern ranch home near schools & golf mac! Other extras, 2 pa-3 BR. ~~ Baths. $31.9SO type home, 3 sparkling bed-course. Efficient kitchen, tios. handy to pooi.. 2 aides CAµ. FOR APP'T. Open Hse. Until Saldi S45-9451 cqWty you have. on this rooms and 2 baths. 01ann-family room, trplc, 2 on '""""0 belt. can to . .ee, e BEST BLUFI-'S BUYS e LOW, LOW DOWN llURRY ON THIS ONE! MUTUAL REALTY 1860 Newport Blvd., CM Rltr. 646-3928 Eve. 644-1655 Lachenmyer Big family homo, 5 BR. SllOPPlllG CENTER 2900 1(1. ft. Anthony pool, freshly n:.'dec. Sharp loc in Mesa Verde. l.i4ted $54,000 Good commercial user oppor- -but all oUcrs invited? tunily, establl.shed · area. 545·5ltO Capitalizes at S23,(Q) an- (n.cHn. u.trt) nual gross, Exchallie for LLEGEREALTY cash or your boat or ?. You Redecot'at.-OK? l!GJMaMltHlrillr,tll Make oUer. Good 4 + fam rm on corner, I ~~"\'~:l"'!!O!!!O!!!O!!!!!!"'I Mesa del Mar. Ndt paint I M • S & lawn renovation. Take a orntng un • • • look • make an otfer • buy Twinkling Lights Newport at Victorie a qain! Listing D $21,950. Ivan Wells' new VIEW .bome1 facing Bay In Dowr Shores. · 545-5"0 S models to choose from • 4 fnaciMINthell!U & 5 bdrms. Models open daily 646-11111 (anytime) WGE REALTY ot HJO Galaxy IR. 646-1.lOO 15a>Adails1tMll't..Cll l--:ifU!5Tl'.ISi!Eilf''--l:::=z=~ ONE BR Cottage w/ear & zoned for business. $14,500 · 'lWO BR home & de1., lqe lot. Garaae + workshop. R-2 wned. $18,800 THREE BR home 11,i baths, near shopping. $20, 750 Well ... McCardle, Rltrs. 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. 548-m9 anytime No Down GI 4 bdrm + family room. $183 per mo pays all or FHA or Convenliona.l. $21 ,950 RAND RL TY. 645-2340 MESA VERDE - $23,9501 Hard lo fjnd; Kiag sized bedrooms, 2 separate bath. Built-in dream kitchen. Car- pets, Drapes_ Fiber • ilau paint exterior. Guarantee'd tor 15 yrs. 541).1720 TARBELL 2955 Ha.bor BACK BAY Beautiful adult occupied 3 BR 2 bath, dining nn, cpts/ drps, frplc. $31.950. DAVIDSON RHlly S46-5460 Eve1. 642--4951 Gene rel I JUST LISTED Spotless 3 & fam rm home. !.'l.eu Ven.le. 2 ba, lg liv rm, !rp!c, wlw cpls A: dll>s. bll- in kit. Newly painted. Only $21,500 128.950-Httn-Y! NEW CARPET .,P~.W~·~C':, .... o;;;;;; .. 546-.... 5440iiii•I NO QUALIFYING -BEACH DUPLEX ~~~~ ';';,,'."'"m' thl• 2 Bachelor Unltl 546-9521 or Xlnt location! $29,950 George Wllll1mson REALTOR Eves, 673-1564 WATER:i~~ • 880-4 Bedrooms Beat the heat. large cove~ patio, bi&; bedrooms, fire-place, dull dining room, Immac home close to shops, sprinklers. 540-173' schls &. traru;. Gorgeoui; TARBE yard. new cpts. freshly LL 2955 Herbor painted, 2 baths &. Ii;. fam BEAlITIFUL 2-story La Paz rm. Asking $31,450. May !'.fission Viejo. Assume FHA take over existing 5% % Joan at 6%; By owner who ia of Sl.8,300 -$175 mo pays anlxous lo move, and can aU. Call 545-3U4 Soulh Coast tili back second. BlG-1583 Real Estate. OWNER Offeni beautiful 5 $26,SOO -MESA VERDE bdr, 3 bit, 2.story home. Loaded wit:-i charm! King 6~ % loan. $283fmo. Tncl bedrooms, 2 baths, rarnlly taxes & lruiur. call 546--6740 room, llrepha.'t". Formal dirt- CUSTOM 4 yr. old 4 bdrm ing room. Built-ins. Larae 2~ .. bath. 2300 sq. n. Fee park.J.lke yard. 540.lT.!O simplt>. 419 Fullerton 548-0379 TARBELL 2955 Harbor DAILY Pll.oT WANT ADS THE QUICKER YOU CALL. Dial 642~78 for RESULTS 1ltE QUICKER YOU SELL NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE-646-7711 2CM3 W"tcllff Dr. at Irvin• Open Evening• IAYCREST POOl BH.uU!ully appointed pr('Stlge home with 400 sq. ft. pant'lled f1Jnily room. com· ple te with beamed ceiling. Large heated. se!f-cleaning pool. 2850 1q. ft. of luxury for $59,900. INVISTOlS -AmNTIONlll 4 custom units, some v.tith OCEAN VIE\V and FIREPLACES!~ Handy location with a solid future. Only $42.950. AO see this one TODAY!: MISA VllDE -4 + FAMILY + POOL Jruny for this new ltstingl 2 flrcplacn, bullt-lru;, carpeting and drapec. Large hef.ted and filtered pool -load3 of deck.in& -quM!t cul de aac stretL Ownel' tmtlferred -JUlt 132.<bl. Mn.( DIL MAI Jult J11ted -hu.re yard. JavlMJy ltn&caped. A jew,J of 1 hom~ wtth all tho tx&ru. VA -NO DOWN or low FHA t.mns. Ttniflc value al $28,~!l : . - It J supq two-atory. \\•ilh wind- ing staircQc leading to 4 Muter Sized Bedrooms. Bal- cony overlooking fonnal din. ing room with thick shag carpeti~. Stunning fire- place, or try $5,000 Down and take ovtt low interest GI loan. A&lclng $35,500. Sub- mit. ·---BOYD REAL TY Ing kitchen and family room covered patios. sprinkler 644-2779. $31,500. 3629 E. Coast Hl..,..v, CdM -so clean you can eat oU system, 5 fruit tre<os amid&t ========= -~ the Door! Never l!IO much lovely land.sea.ping. Priced N•wport Heights 1210 ~~~-'_7>~59..:30..c...~~- home for so little. Priced to sell at $26,500 by owner. Lrg Home-Choice View 842-1418 1nytlme to sell at $25,950. Call Dan 540-3642 NEWPORT HGHTS Above main beach & bay. Lee, 540-llSI Heritago Roa1 I======== $23,500 Btwo Big & Llttl• C.d.MM NEED LISTINGS Estate (open evesl Newport Beech 1200 Old workl chann 1n this beaches, Comer lot, 45'x dainty 2 bedroom with ruest 1rr. 2 dories, approx. 4400 house •• 'I'rees, Dowen on IQ. ft • 4 +. BR., SM! BA., this quiet come;· .• See it 3 car gar, Call <JWner. for SOlD OUT. Let's work to- ge1:her. We list only what v.·e can service pmperly. Coniparable ules tiles will assure you top dollar. BRASHEAR REAL TY IM7-8531 Eves. 968-1178 WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker &_Lee 1682 Edinrer 842-445.5 or 540-Sl 40 Open Evei;. MESA DEL MAR Just listed • huge yard, lav- ishly landscaped. A jev.-el of ~ home w:ith all the ex- tras. VA • NO DOWN or low FHA terms. Terrific value at $28,950! ! ? WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 200 Westclllf Dr. MG-m1 Open Eves. HARBOR HIGHLANDS lfow about a 16x2G family room: 4 bedrooms, 2 (!re- places, hu11:e kitchen and to many olher features lo nlt'n- tlon! Beet Harbor Highlands area -all fol" just $52,500! \o •THEREAL ~ESTATERS ,,..,' . ' .. 546·2313 • 646·"N71 PRESTIGE "BACK BAY" -$32,0001 On \{ acre of gorgeous grounds: Trees &. colortUI fiowers! Custom built. 2 baths. Formal dining room. Luxury features! M0-1720 TARBELL 29SS Hacbor OUTSTANDING 'lWE OPTION 4 bdnn custom built We!tcllU home with dellghtful pool & OPEN DAILY 1-S patio.. Architect designed l.: 2112 Windward Lane P.uilLJhis one for himselL Only $4,000 •novt'5 you into You'll love it! th.it Olannina: newer 4 BR, Arnold & Freud 3\1 BA. Ivan Woll• home. Din nn, family rm, Im· 388 E. 17th St., CM maculate! Immed.iate pos- Realtors 646-7755 session!! Hi&:h 60'a. Own/ 4 BEDRM • $22,SOO I 1-agt""".'°'54S.ru2"""'"""°===- Attractive brick ~uo. BBQ. BEACH BARGAINS 2 baths. Handsome fireplace. 2-Sty. A-Frame 3 Br. 2 ba. Family room . Near schools Moel. "Try $27,500. & shopping. 540.17'10 TARBELL 2955 Harbor Furn. 3 BR. 2 ba. Steps to =c=ost=a=M=.=,=.===11=00;1 Ci.'Y~~-REAL TY 6306 W. Cout Hwy., N.B. FANTASTIC BUY 1~-•-.... -1200~~·~-1 $19,700 _ $0 DOWN 200 Stops To BHch You'll rarely find a bargain Beautllul 3 bedroom 2 bath like th\~~ Custom built 3 home, deeP shag carpe~ I bedrooms; centrally local-exposed be a m celhngs eel near downtov.·n shopping. t.hroug~ut, 3 landsca~ pa- Walk to lC'hool. No down for ti.ow. fireplace, all built-In G.l.'s. fS900 for non-vets) kitchen, do u b 1 e ia.rage. and no 2nd loans .•. Better $32,500. 642-3408 be fast. call BY OWNER 645 0303 Charmh1g ocean front home 0 on R~ lot. 3 bed ""' + lllHl\l I 111\ll\ .. . ~ . .: .; . sewing rm. Ideal location, nr schools, enclosed patio, Mag crptg throughout. 4: kitchen w/blt-ins. $67,000. 6'3-6990 .,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,!BLUFFS -3 br, 3 ba, w/ BRICK FRONT • .,..v;ew, wide greenbolt Steps to pool. eus. addtns. Split level, cute i&S a bug, Savel $44,fiXI. Ownr 644-aiS bltlns, dbl gar, clubhse,1~--~~~-=~ pool etc As is $19 500 3 BDRM Waterfront, No. 62, GLEN QUEEN,' 5fG.'115i Balboa Coves. $60,000 . Heritaa:e Real Estate (open \Vould trade for ~qe or eves) ap1s. 5'J3.1771 For Dally Pilot Want Al"la "'"""''"'""'""'""'""""'~!CHARGE your want ad now. Dial 642-5678 for RESULTS DAILY PILUT WANT ADS! Find It with • want ad! ......... " appt. Prin. only. Call eves. ........ .....,. CTI4) 673-5274. IO THE REAL \"'-ESTATERS 546--2313 • 646·7171 DUPLEX 4 yrs old. 2 BR each. Built-ins. crpl:s, drpl. $32,500 Owner. 6 46-251 O. Principals only. University Park 1237 ASSUME 6V2~. LOANS 2 Bedroom beauty Corner Location Owner leaving area e Rod Hill Realty 18008 Culver Dr., Irvine OPEN 9 AM-8 PM 833.-0820 E11tbluff 1242 SHORECLIFFS Top loc. w/ ocean lt"=j'ett;y view from upper story. Needs lots of 9t"Ork. J ust re. du~ lo $89,500. Delancy Real Estate 2828 E. Coast Hwy, CdM rn.:1170 LGE. hilltop lot Penn. view ol ocean I hills. Realtor 673-XllO Lots of Lots . LOTS OF HOME. Big Pre- mier home has pme nn, cov patio, gigantic lot, beau- tiful 3 BR interior &. 511( % VA loan tor you to take over. Rex L. Hodg .. , Rlty 847-2525 BUY OF THE WEEKI 2 ltol)' .. 4 Bedroom. 3 bath home. Huge master BR. Lido Isle t 351 Built-ins. Sprinklers. ldeal 1.;;;;;;;.,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. I lor large family, 0 n I y HOME spread over 2 lots. Channing, pennanent, 3 Bedrm., 2 bath rtsidenct? with large rooms. Sep. din. rm. It indoor BBQ. S'l!J.500 P.A. PALMER INC. 3377 Vfa Lido 613-7300 $30,950. HARBOUR REALTY • 847-8595 • $22,950 Comer/Vac:a11t 1600 sq. ft. In this lovdy 3 BR 2 ba home. Owner anx- STOP LOOKING I '°"• Hug, IAmlly home. 50XI1Z HAFFDAL REAL TY Corner. 5 Bd. 5 Ba., din. rm. 8740 Warner, F.V. 842-4405 AND fam. nn., woricrm., FQR SALE 4 bd.r, 3 ba. Split- xtra parking. Ch a rm. level. 3 yn old. Walk to $100,000. beach. Hardwood firs. 10% R. C. GREER, Realty down. 5%.% iieCOnd. $36,950 3355 Via Lido 673-9300 by owner. 962--1673 REAL CHARMER ! COMFORTABLE 2 BEDRM Professionally decorated ~ CARPETED, Drapes, Af.· --========='I Br. 2 ba., !amity rm. home. sume 5~% loan. Drive by Corona del Mar 1250 5%% Asi;umable Loan 218 Knoxville, then caU OUR SPECIAL Spacious 3 lxlnn 2 hath home with all large rooms on a very large lot T h l s Ea i;tbluff homl' has everything! Cpta, drapes, fencing, luxuriant landscap- i~. a beauti!ul electric kitchen -at a low price of $35,IX.K} Vogel Co. 2667 E. Coe.st Hwy, Corona de! Mar . 673-.,,. Country Atmosphere near the ocean. Designed !or family with children, this 3 BR &: den home is a "must seE!" at $42,500. Built on laI"ge Jot • )'OU own the land LEIGHTON LlNDEN RLT'i 642-7141 Or' 673-0372 "'·"" :;JS."'95. lt9,500. Lido Realty Inc. MAKE A MEMO to aather 3400 Via Lido 673-8830 up toys you no longer need, AVAILABLE SepL 3 Br. 2\-i, sell them for cash with Ba. Stop by 213 Via Dijon. DAILY PUDI' WANr ADSl {213 631--6138 IS YOUR AD IN a.A$J. TH=E'°"Qtn=CKE==R"'Y"o""u"CALL=-:-. I FIED 1 Someone will be THE QtnCKER YOU sEu. looldng for lt Dial 642~78 1000General JOOOGenerel 1000General L 1000General 1000 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE:-842-4455 7612 Edl119or MUNT1::::t'l1Nl1• o,.. Eft.hHJS ~~~...;.....;.-.;...;.;;...;;...~~~ ASSUME 51/<% G.I. LOAN Total payments of $98.00. A T"Cal sharp 3 bedroom doll housc. Lota of room to grow. C.rpetl and dra~ arc new and bceutiful. ?i1odl'rn ~pe.ce-saver kitchen for Mom. Anyone qualities. Submil. your down pe.yrnenl on $21,500 Sales Pric<'. ASSUME 514 G.I. -SHAKE ROOF MARllO. Home at less than rent or $173 JX't" month TOTAL!! Soft, "'llm'I avOC8do carpet· . ln11 Custom brick fireplace! ?.iEDAU.ION ELECTRIC KITCHEN plus DISH- WASHER! Lovel.y drapes throughout!! 'J'\\·o marble PULLMAN BATHS! Large muter bedroom plus 2 more. One specious block-walled rear yanl! Youra for as lltUe u: $3,450 down. TRADE lN YOUR OLDER HOME! IEAUTIFUL LONA -IEAUTIFUL HOME Seelne thl; 4 bedroom open i;tair-e&Rd home with ll• toe Uckling plush carpet NEAR THE BEACH Is believlflll Exttllent Si( FllA loan and quick occupancy wrrHOUT TROUBLESOME QUAUF'YING !! Entertain In Its FORMAL DINTNG ROOM I Or anuoic ind rela.x In the large panelled step.down luxurious f AMil. Y R00?.1. wtlh firepl•~. oft the perk·llke rear gank>n area 'With block wall? All th~ wa1t'r'!f soft, but the i;:prfnkllng ayatttn fi'onl and rea.t! THREE LUXURTOUS BATitS! Chttrful 8-nd bright ALL ELF.CTR.TC KITCHEN! Act NOW to TAKE OVER nus $26,200 fHA loan. WE llLL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTE$ COSTA MESA OFflCE-~ 27t0 HAllQI llYD. o,.. Enologs 'tn t P.M. UNIELIEVAILEll $850 Down FHA. No cloalna: costi' buys a 3 bedroom 1 ~ bath home. Look at these extra.I Washer, dryer, refrl&ft'ator. Built in bar !or entertainine;. Compltte stereo and spct.kl'rs. Custom drapet throughout. Plus thick, llke·new carpeUng. AU. THIS FOR ONLY $18,900 FUU. PRlCE. GI $600 Down. First come, first serv~HURRY!! IEAUTIFUL Tll PLEX . Just oU Beach Boulevard close to shopping. Let 1he tenants make your P8Y• ments. Income ls $365 mo. EltttTic l)Wlllns, carpets throughout. Some furniture. Prtced to sell at 135.500. Submit your terms!! GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY GI No Down. fllA minimum dowri on the 4 bedroom plui; family room. A real s.leeper. Deep plle carpets wall to wall throughout. Super-brick patio off (amtly room. Hu~e loll Man:i more extras !or the price of $24,950. HURRY. CATHEDRAL CEILING -FAMILY lODM U you're looking for a $25,000 heme In • l"ff.1 PRESTIGE AREA. .with t~rlnr shade b'ttl, In • neighborhood of PRIDEFUL OWNERS, tha~ maintain beautiful LARGE YARDS, a Quality resl~nce with CONCRETE DRIVES and cloae to lliGH SCHOOL. W• .,.., be for '°"' Gorg'°"' SLUMPSTONE FIREPLACE! Th.-.e l!lJ'BP bedrooms. Miifr:t'l>earoom "Wif11PRIVA~ATI01 TWo tiUll'm&n baths!- Privale OmcE FOR DAD ? OWner transferre,t and thl! ~auUful(y carpeted and r't'dec:onit~ home ls VACANT!! T&kf! ovf'r FHA 5% loan at $147 per month or no DOWN TO VETS or new FHA terms. NO QUAW"YlNCH Ask tbout our guar. anteo tndt pr'Oll'UI. .... & .._ IN<. .... _ . '. I t -_, =:,.===:...1 i•N ~a , • ..iTALS RINTAl:S-llNTA~I Fount1lo Vlll'J 1410 H-'""'''""' If•-· UoftmtlthW "':'H-:"':°';..•:";'"""'"'="'-:-:: ... ~'"";;:-:..1.:::A:-.et?;=:::'"'Fu:;ml.7""'='-~ l 4 BEDROOM • · !itM!•I "~ ~ c,.li -llGO -Huntl...i.;n .. Hh 'Moo 70 X 135' lot excepU011&11,f RARE Baf¥aln for nt:ct Jr,O, MO. leiuie, IYall 11~ 3 ,.;';...._..,... ____ _ clean. C&rpela ln .,wry khc>Ot )'eat' Only, btJ. 8123. ~~:~wt:_ .. cp:..., er: NEWER ( bed., 2 b&., neu NEW 1 BR. Blk to ocuR. VNSUtp>~ V\tW, 2 belt. MR, lllVUTOI • roorn,draJle•.cove.redpa.tio, ./tt,-49Mtm •• _.N•-'""' .r·h_::r-~Y~82:· tlclt:; $225, lme. 212$18retoll l"dr\1-Unf\lm.Sunirner .. eptt, ~· l>l"'ln$. )>001, .. 1t0ne fireplace in taltl.ily • ......, De.JI ....,. · · · · LaM, Mat ~tl&nta. Yrly ~ lllh. ~l3J,Jf. Sl60Lmi. 6tl-3690 ...m. E..,. """''•oance Rtn111o 1o·s111ro 2ll05' lllS·-l ·BR .. ,,..., "°""• 673.1184 112 UNITS · yard lbot looka lil<C a ,,.,.._. . reJril, dis..,..t. tlle. ""'" Fount•ln Volley 3410 NF;W llllO ;p 1..w er , hid Ent lluff 5242 · Pricff ai P>.500. which ts FOR Rent to abani 3 Br llCf, Senior eltben perf. 236\9 COJJJV\ 3 Ni • 8'-\llll poo~ rec rm.' Jte.U · Now belnr buUt Jn "1ecl _ I~~ lor_a.JJidrm..Hea. ~~I! or _11}!!\~_tlOO ~._21st St.._64H_~· d ''""7 ~ Dell.tXO Cl'PI• ' • ~ *-M6.-3U7 · Cold i;nedalllon de-Anaheim area c~· 'aow:notTi..c. mo. t-•uct·c kit-Pf'!Yl. . .. tt: . .. .,._.. rpr. OahWh.r.-"Pool flU;496t.' --• .. 8-~To\vnhou1t;-2-3 -,...,.L-'< ~ - 1 -... .-..~--· -64~~----..-.. ~. .., . ...-~A;utjl; ~··r:""• ,'1..:Ba; i(ftO tJ'dl,&18-M(-.--· · · '5 I' C BR $300 up: ~kw'YB. abopJ>J~.-rttrta If AJm p · · C.,.14 drps. bltno, ..,..,,, L!_!••• ...... 4705 753 <\""'°' ;.,; & Iran•. ProJeoted lnccm• ,' ~-~~ .;,i..:e. ~~. :; ~= be~Tl: 5~· L1aut111 Nltutl ~~ 100 cL1FF oRiVe" •, , · N.B. ~ • ~ ~=~·.c:ix :!': ~ li~QW;;;r;4'iii[J;:;c;;;;;;;:;~ ;N;·;;e.;,;........,;;;;~;,aJ~t ~5 ~··~m;,·= 4 BEDROOM home 2 baths B~3br 2 Two bfdroom furnished tage1 plus 4,epreciaUon. \VW Whaddy1 W1ntt_Whadaya 9tf? BY Owoor: 4 Bit, Irs family llrepltl crpts 'drps' bfl.. bltna dahwr. crpJdrpg. All Oe!uxe f'¥tum; C.f'fn• del Mir 5250 accept prt-pat41nterest w/ SPICIAL CLASSIFICATIQN FOR room, carpets & drapes Nntt0rt Be•ch 2200 dshw~·2 cu Pr. N. CM: Ip. $300 &36!St50 SU.l215 \Val=~~ ~!:"ch low down payment.. NATURAL BORN .SWAPPERS =~·~:r:e~,.. •. M,.a~~ DOVERSbomb0.ry1ront $250mo.MW810,54M959 DUplexitUnfum. 397S ...... 2449 ..._... .... : MAY TRADE -Sp-slal -._,. ~ ho 6 ~~ LGE 2 Id I B ~b S Llnta-5 llm11-5 bucks appreciated! Assume g.,.;,. me, BR, C ba, Jarp .,,_; , yr.• o r. p .. nc "'-~ .,..,. S' UN:ft VA. $35,00:'.l. 9fi2.-0688 paUo, 70' prlvale dock, June New Mag thruout; adlta 2 BDRt .Cl'Jlbl. drps, blt-Jris, 1:~'&tl ... '2:~~~j 141: • Lar'Ul 1-wntt.,.., t11v".1AJ•.,;.,~1> MUJ~u~ _. 111 "'"'" & July, $;!5IX> mo. Bea· only, "° pell. 3Sl 16th Pl. g&r. small yard &:: patio. •• ...... , a-'l'OU• ~ ~,., ...,..._ '-' •"'" ., ~ 1705 Sept, )'rly l.!ie, $1000 mo. 548-5962 -.. • ·Adulta-$1f5.·101.9B American .in~ --w..t.$. no ON TEN ACRES -20 ACRES navel, blah pro-.....OTHING 'Olll IAl•-t111•oe1 OMLVI 213: 7lllJ...5013 ()l' 213 : 3 BR 3 BA, w/,w cyts, drpi, Platt, CM chUd, no pets. U!S/lllQ. 1, A 2 BR. Furn ·• UMzm duclng orartft arov• w/tre-. Pf:l ... QNE t4j-5678 THIS ~ .bJt.tns; Pool A r,c amt.·UP. ARTlSTJC 2 'Bf' @furn, Ews, "49$4155 n-ples I prlv. patioa/Pooh, mendoua il"t1Wlb potential To Plae9 Your Tr9Clar't P1radlst Ad OLDE 4 Bdr, on the waler, SlnQY noo•'. Back Bay. $285 mo: Collla Mtsa, encl. patio, «i:NTALS Tannftl. '• ~tnf'l Bktat. iut· Adj. to Hwy, 60 <tU·tamp, 35, . ~ .__ '" ts ~M ·~ Uni ml hid ,. -n. the main· te-'"'''"' to -. Chri• Roamer, abo Tua-l lorse t.ovtrst 3'.BR ~. beach, MwlY cptd. rirt:pl, 6U-064S l'lf!at SWR"8 ... o pe • ........ .......... u s -·~ -• • ...... _ '"" .. ti VI 1 u n Bo Jr HOUSE sleeps 8, avtll w1.1 .. lo Sept. ~2942 900 Sf.a t.nf.t QW: 644-26ll lake & recreation prdJect n ew ot, a lit · t &I'll, com.I. riding arenai ....,, 3 BR Oldc!r honie Sep shop. General 5000 tM~cArtb Coast H PRE • PAID J.NTErtESf I.rte A clear. Trade for TD'1 tack room. etc. 1~ acre BELONGS TO A BYGONE ~l~1e!,:k~,l500m--r'. 67m_.~·molr New pal~ lmge lot, dbl ,,c.A'41Al.::t urnr. wyl 00\VN; $147,500 FULL or !tT, $37,000 eq. Traae for Jaad. , ERA. Located In the heart· T~ -.. '"~ • ..--gar.i:m mO.~o=tn.r---pt1.-Pvml1ftwd LOV PRICE. 6'ro-32<!3 or 61J.03a5._ -(!OO)nl. &ibmll. 642-M87 Bkr land of Laguna's Riviera Vac•tlon Rentals 2900 2 BR,· l BA. glass: porch: Ginera.I 4000 • VE~D ~ 3 d:,1"~·~t,ij~fu' ,::~ MAY TRADE Have R·l lot Ne\vport Beach Rented hou.ae, 50X140 R·3 COastl\ne, Situated on t.ree iadulllJ· no J)els. t 15 o. . oven. Oce•n side of H\vy. Sl7,500 fret and clear. \Vant lot. Nr. Garden Grove Clvlc &haded grounds & sheltered VACATION: WEEK·ENO 6'6-1456, (2131 :fts-2842 s I l~tMA ! $2511-yearly leue. cOMumc CORNER duplex in Corona. de\ Mar. Center, $21),500. Trade $9,500 by high brick walls, In patio H01'.1E IN ME..'CICO. Trlr C0t.LL'GE Park 3 Br home • •1ng e ADlJL1 & FAMlLY Salisbury RA!alty ~ rtU( • fitatcbam RA!alty eqty for units or 1? 0wntr garden setting that alfords park at Canta Mar, 13 mi. avail Aug lat. Yrl.Y lse. SECTIONS AVAILABLE 2 aR. 2 8A. Swed.Ub frplc. It 155 Rochester, CM &46-<t837 Broker 547-6469. a SCENIC VIEW OF THE so. of Rosarlta 21' Trlr w/ 540-6334 after 5 pm. , Clott to shopplr\f, P•rk 1mm.ac &: cute 2 .,,.., old ottesl spot in On.nae Cnty., Retired-don't need tax shtl~ lOCO S250 ()()I) so t OCEAN &. CATALINA IS. _10!(34_ JI.It, room,~full ~ . y '* Spacious 3 Br's, 2 Ba $220 mo. 6""' ,;_llO -I"" , nr So C.OUt Plaza I new W Me ac., ' ' m LANDS. -~-----hot water H&R, butane re-·~ &-, -2-Ba. Nr. OCC. Drive oung * 2 Bedfoomt ·• •~ . hotel ~i!e.. 2.SL\cri.s__ready ter. ant IJ-ee "cir for from dntwn LA, 5 min. THE ANTIQUATED 3 BO.. frig. Sips 7, $950. """'n house by ,30M Harding, call for * Swim Pool, Put/rreen for devtk>pment; supei'b'loc. $19M -or $38M eq. in·.trt. from fwy on paved rd. blWD RM. FLOOR PLAN, is rem· .... .,... app't 673"-llM $225 lsf: • Huntington hlch 5400 for rmaurant automotive plexea, i960 mo, ppot, P,nmt Beaumont & Oe.lt ~11• Trd lniscent of another time & July 12, 13 .. For info: call · · * Frpl, IndJv/lnClty fac'la cenltr, etc. Qn1y ,2f0,00'.I: loc, no vac, 54{).6001 f9r inc, prop? 547-&469 Bkr. place. Massive !iv. nn. in ~673-.15==":;;5;:-::,;#;,135='===-.i. Newport 8-ch 3200 Adults 1145 AnatMim Ave. NEW $150 up, l·l-3 BR. Heat-this includes I a. station Fllmln& w/aound, drafting, NOR'nt Tustin Lot. Ul,500. '.'GREAT H/\LL DESIGN," I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 COSTA MESA 642·2824 tel &: sauna pool•. rec rm. corner. Spanish Jeseons, p~ Fret &. clear, m01t exct. HAS COVED CEILINGS & Summer Rent1l1 29101 ~ .., ................ !!!!!!!!!!!II Hell & A}aonquin, Mgr. • Please Call: Tom "JeMalo lions. \VANT: Camper are~, febulOU& view. Tr. fof · B/B. e RENT e 846-3137 • ·-· • ··-••• HEAVY WOOD BEAMS, BEN BROWN I;-;=-,--,~----REALTOR TI4: 6'15-&59 e .... c or m...., propo--. Inc. property ,w/spen4&bk. WHERE SOFT SUNLIGHT APT.~MOTEL TOWNHO.USE Luxury single, 1 & 2 3 Room• Furniture l·BR.; beach 4 blks. Fnce<:I. INDUS. Bldg. 1009'. ..oocpd. Byron. 842.1898 Bkr. ~. • .. IS FILTERED THROUGH o• ADULTS ONLY! beilroom apartments, $20. $25 & UP ya,,J: cfin~·ax $100 Mo.. Nprt. Bch. 10~,, net -·-. Have $'500 .... •nd cloar Exe•·-111~ -w·1, 3 TRANSPARENT s Ky ..... 1 & 2 Br; a,pts, Comrt. furriished and unfur· ht & lut req. 962--1961 ·••WU 'In I Spo . ,_.._., -.... IJGHT GRANOia · fum. Pr!v. patlof;, htd. pool, Three bedrooms -2 baths. nished, with complete Month-~Montll Rentala l: .. :;;EW,;'7,::';'-:?',;:~=--$190,000. Phil s u I JI v a 11 ~ t rt Fisher. Want bdr, 1%. ~. OB clna:, ftp!, · S, LOG TV, re.tauranr, 9 hole 10u ·Faces pool, Three car car-WIDE SELECTIO 1:0 Modem 1 BR, cpts, 543-61$1 smallbouseorlncomew1lts f1nly rm. Lower Haslln&i. BORNING -FIREPLACE~ course. Walk to beach. No ports. Available ·August lsL privacy and landscap.. N drp11, avail Noo.v~ FOR SALE BY OWNER Matcham RA!all,Y Pasadena, for same Hnt. framed by rough hewn tim--trattic noise. Weekly & $28.YMonth. · ed country club at-Appliances &: 1V's avail. 536-2579 4 units. 2 • 2 BR, 1 BA A 646-48.17 155 Roche1ter, CM Sch or Cst Msa or income, bel"!I Ir mantl~. FORMAL !l10nt~ rates. 3llCli Coast •-· & •---'-mosphere including No Security Deposit LARGE 2 Br 1 2 2-lBR, l~ BA. 548-6155 5 acres 1·y1'-0id producing 213-351..fl'm. · ' DINING RlaI "HAS B I G H So -La --uu.Y _.,_,.~-$7'" 000 HFRC Furniture Rentals Ch' .; or .., __ · wy., . guna, our en-Rtolty, Inc. <N, WO rt h of 517 \V. 00, oi--54S-l4Sl lidren 01\, pet OK; cpts, orange grove. """"-Ulral.caut. What do.)IOU..bave to tndal- BLOOA YKINWGINTHOOEWBSALCOOVER· trance-by Aliso Beach. 901 ~"-••~ .• ~Sill'-1-recreational facilities 1568 W. Lncln. Anhrn Tit-2800 d.rps, range. 962-1637 Buslneu Rent•I 6060 by owner. Equtcy $28,0CO List It here -In ~ • NY DAY b I.IVY ui· OU .., uu d . ed d value Sll,000. Want 3-4 bdr C:OUnty•• ··-t -· -·. W/OCEAN VIE\V. Y day, ~veek or month. 645-2000 . Eves. S48-6966 design an operat· $12J. 1 Br, W/W, RIO, avail 2 &: 3 BDRM, 2 Ba, pvt patio, STORES lot 1,.,. Viii••• home. Wildron 646-7070. i ............ -~""'-!::"",=: Remodeledkitchen,operisto Oceanskleofhighway,steps e just for single now b,eated pool, newly . -.. .. ,.,........ ..__ - olde fashioned drud&ery & from beach. Linens. 1 BR, 2 5 BDRM,WlL bowie in Upper peopJe. · Broker, 5M-«l80 demra.ted. 962--8994 ShoppiftS Center. oor of El 1\ * *. * ' sewing room that overlook! BR, sips 6. New e 11 Bay avail 110\V. Also 3 bdrm , I Camino & MeQdoljl, C.M, *· * ---!,.., .. 1*~•~~..+Jf~l S-As.sociatw;. Helen Balley. &. furn. bse CdM $350 week · ANAHEIM . 140. 2 Br. _patio, RIO, Coa1t1I 5700 Suitable Food to Go, TV, ~--l -l1NlQ1:1E;=t-GLDE=ffG.tJSEI' VYJ;!nia -~4..9'1~ · ~'°"eF= retrig, WtW, p0o1. famUy variety, hobby shop, etc. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS •ncl l I . I • 1JAS BEEN COMPLEIELY Eve•........... ·=.-~ .. View. Vogd u";.;"s.""""' .. or.'~~~) -wdcomr.Bkr~-~ Be:lcb . ·-P ... -.--See Llquor-<IM"..,.k'f" GOnoror -'FINANCl.lL . r · RESTORED. H .. new n-r TERR!FIC vi-. n~ du". ; >oi.' ""-:o ,,..._ __ , H CdM ...,..,.,.., " A II ~~\\~'ag~-;-~~213~-;00~r-<IDO~~~~~~~~~~~ !~,_.,,~,_=_,,..,....,,.._; -w rn <~U • =· -· ~. ~ wy • (114) 112-4\00 CMIO M... 5100 N---~ ,,--G ' l'5 D ""--' coverings, carpetillg; decor--1-2-BR,-•lpe 4-7. Wkly 613-20'20 -· ew • nD .. e UXe GAltAGS-wlth attachtd-ot= NI. r.ows lli'u_1._Vl"t'Yrtunltlaa'-"'""CC..- ating, etc. If you have been $100-.$125. Across from Main S lice. Total 500 sq U. ~ looking'""' oldor home &h. 259 Low" ClilI Dr. FOR LEA E GARDEN GROVE HARBOR C7141 536-4616 Blocl< No. or C.t Hlw.,-... RIVBlSIDE· VOGEL VALUE w/character, consider this Lag. Bcb. Large 4 BR, family rm home. 13100 Ol.ap~ Ave. (714) ·5~1417 Arches. 125 Tu.ttln Ave ,, N.B. SmaU ?i1om I. Pop Cafe oo at DA,NA :P.tarlna Inn, Dana ~$.175 rno. (4 Blka. W. Santa Ana Fwy.) 111 Ooe•n Avenue SIOO. 54&..32it between 8 COUNTY Coast Hwy. Low rent...Jof11 $S8,950 FULL PRICE Point, 11,1 blk to ocean &. Je11n Smith, Re•ltor 014) 6J6.3030 GR-EE NS -f3 blks W. of H.B. Pier) _•_nd='~'"°~·=~=~=-llD aerea of 5 yr old navels leut. Ideal location. El:t, Terms open to offer pier. Rooms from $50 wk. 6'1S-3255 iE'AL ESTATE BALBOA ISLAND op.apJlnwed root stock with bt1a. Vogel Co. *TE. OiUt MISSION REALTY Pool, kltch. privl'p. 34111 owe 2 BR. 2 J!A. fpl. pool, lg NEWPORT BEACH BACH£1.0R UNFURN. Gentral Top location 300 + "' ft, good aettine; of fruit for Hwy, CdMar. m-~ ' !E5 So. Coast Hwy .. Laguna Coast Hwy PH. 496-1300 patio. Condo • no niainL Irvine and lGth si. from Sl l O • 4 yrs remainlne on lea~. next years. Priced at $5,250. WANTED: on.we liquor I Phone (714) 494-0731 BAYFRONT, Balboa Pen. $250 mo. Furn $300. or opt {n4J M.>0050 Rentil1 Wanted 5990 $175. mo. \Vrite P.O. Box per a.ere. Can be purchamf lloeue, Orange c.ouncy-.1 LAGUNA-liEACH-2..J Br, boat slip. avail to ~"'::...:"°.::Ye.:·..:A"gt:;;·~":.:6-0:...:.1'3%=.__ ALSO AVAILABLE 1S315 Lu Veps, Nev. with excellent terms, For Call· 6CWJ39 OCEAN VIEW 7119. S 15 o . -S 1 7 5. wk. 4 BR, 2 ba. ~ blk to beach. South Bay Club Hea:ed ~~~Care NEED~~~GUST MARINERS CDM'ER =~ F:~nnatlon ca 11 IMPOR~G: Hone Rona CUSTOM HOME, lower Tem· 67&-7514 Yearly lease. A ti Ce I Adj to Sbo I Eastern Callege p-l••SOc & OUice & •!ore buildina: rent E kh ff & clothing. Can be oper. frmri i H'il 3 BR 2 cr,orn Balho• •-a•h u,,,.,,. •615--',,_* P• ments n tr, · PP na -'"' or lea&r. $75. to JU). per c O Assoc., Inc. ho lull · ;;c::;i • e 1 s BA din <:JM• ""' ... ...,,. No pets allowed '""'duate st""onts. som• •••g ,...__ me, part/ tune .... "'1.. ' • · • · 1110 ••u ..... mo, 149 Riverside Ave. .i.cu W ........ pn1ar: Ave. Jlait • 1 Will 1ra· "'~" _,. ette, tge Jiving rm, frplc, Sleeps 2 to 10; for summer Irvine Ttrr•ct' 3245 ulil· pdl!&c.· h. apt., patio, all 2700 Pelel'80n Wa,Y, al Har-with famllles and/or amall ~2414 Orange, Calif. · inc· µi, ~.w,,. elec klt-bltins incl range. reservations cttll 673-9946 bor Ir: Adams, Costa, Mesa pet, dea!re hou.aing near M1·2671. Evts-wknd& 5.18-574'1' Mexican/SPaniab lrnpatt.s· El.ec thermo contlvl each 315 E. Balboa Blvd., BaJboa 4 BDR 3 ba r· pla d. Bn>ktr. 534-8980 546-0370 U.C.I. some will be located • PRThl.E Retail Location • $3000 full pri~. $100) down,' •-il' , , 1re ce. 1n. l7X~ XI 1 ,_1 • to -• nn, .,.,amed ce· 1ngs thru-CdM l!luUs _ $350/wk !or 3 rm, lg. doIU'iou.se·in play yd. ,$125, 2 Br triplex, W/W, ter. In lhe area appt'o)(: 2 yrs. ..... n ...,.. au .. ..,. --iocludtt stock It: tlxturu. out, \V lo \V crpls, drps, bdr l~ ba, finest vie\v of immed. occupancy. S550 race, avail now. Bk r. .(ONSJRUCJION Ne.d 1 to 3 Bedroom un· fie. 1871 Harbor, C.M.,.A:;•;;•.::•::•:;;. ____ ;;6;;200:: f333...1293 ar 6;33.19'1'4 I trunk room & pla)'l'0001. Cor bay .. -e·•. Av••·t. July. y-•ly le•••. 847 ••-~5.J4.<980,.,.-'T°"'"'°"-~--rumished apb, duplex" or 646-6654 1 · ::::::J IQ.t-155',dbl.e.gar,.rea.ryard!, A•~~°i.&pt-•61"' """·' ...... .....,, ........u s••t~ BO houses. Price ,....,.,..1120 to• __ B_EA_UT_l_FUL--·--t-.d-o-Ui-·--''5 AC Rancho, Cicy of Monty te LOln 6320 .. ,,,".·oooo!t, .. s.hru, •. "' .. · ,s'o'.· 100 ....... ~ \I/~~. .,..,,.,pier..... & nt C -::•;;""'::;:•:....:d::•::.1..:Ml:;:;r __ 3:;2::5:;0: I. ~."' AduJ~. ~!t"..._.···-··~005·-· --JUSJ_(_IWA __ I_ mv G nso per monffi7~·go 8U fe, a1r:ooncr.ifst deif ffi Oceen•h1,e,..$26.5!!0-$1500 dn. ... ........ -""' ·~ Vl'lr"ltn $30 mott it uUJJties are town. 645--m Larser parceli & v a I J . 1st &: 2nd loans loci*' qutcJt tract of sale to hold 25 yr: •1~~ to oo-:akn. &2 or 3 ~10• 3 BR •• 2 BATHS -"='~""· =====:,;;;::;:: paid. Pleue c 0 n tact: T • -We & tern L • n d Ii euh. Borrow cm JOUl' Jll'O: $25,0CO IOan: int ralt' G~• '70 ,_ pet w up. "" · H•rbor Htlghts Four 847-6640 Huntington Bee.ch Office Rental 6070 Oewiopment. 645--2050 pert)' eq without dlstur~ Pymnts monthly until paid River Ave, NB. G'fl-8229 EJbiv. ~i!3PetsdZS~~: Costa Mesa 4100 Rental Manager~ .atter 6 PM ro leave in-. Take over pymnhl, 10 Acre• )'0\11' I01J lntttt!rt lit TDa. Jn tull. \Vrite Owner. P. o . 2 BDR. apt. clean. bcean der 13. S285 month. $~Q QO k · Mrs. Ouislle:naen Jorinatlon or write: R. LAGUNA BEACH n'l down. $2S. mo. Ranc:!h A1ao buytrt far 2nd TDa. I Box 914, phone 494-4726 La· !~~: 01 h~. COf\t. 1213) 431-Corbln-M.rtln 'ill • W • up 3l17-A Cinnamon Ave. Eugene Granger, Ca, e Afr Conditioned slt;e: nr. huac lake. 89M143 8"tUtt Mortsaat Co. 1nc. ' guna Beach. ~ REALTORS e Day, we.k, month. Costa MIN We•tern Reterve Univ ., ON FOREST AVENUE Art. Setvlng ~ A1't& 20 ynf VIEW HOME J Br, 1 Ba. garden duplx adj 3036 E. Cst. Hwy., CdM •• s,""," ·u!~ Apts. Cl block west or Harbor 1Jlv6 ao_evelaod. Ohio. «106 (% Deale spaces avallable inl'"~=:;.====== I.~ ~n336 E. 17\L st;.,, ........ bay/beach. July only. $175. e 67>1662 e nc "'' &: PhOne serv. 2 blookl south of the f' "t lo Pm e: n t Biology newest oWce building at R. E. Wanted 6240 ~~ ~ ..w-vg.u per wk 67J..1901 • -~.-C~A:,MED~~su"'=o~R~ES-.-•Maid Service. TV avail. San Diego Free31> Centd.) prime location In c1owntownJ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 BALBOA l • New Cafe &: Bar Phone .. '10 w""TED To ,,, •• 3 or. Br T n-•nn Beach. Air oondi· Mortg .... , T.D.'1 6345 -Inexpensive cot-BR + conv den, 3 BA, 2376 N ---" Bl _.,.. ""'" "" -a ..... tages. Weekly rates July, Ocean View. Avail tor short e .. r-~ vd. 54.8-9155 !!!~~!"'""'"'"""'""""'I house. $350. to $450. per mo . tloned, carpeted, beaulltul •6 TD'• ror sale or trade 1'8.700. . • (213) 351..frr9• August, Sept. 548-3158 term, Jong tmn or Jse opt. CHATEAU La POINTE TWO 2 Br Apis. furn S140~ Cd~J. Emtrll1d Bay, N.B. entrances: Fronta.ae on $$ Mllllr CASH $$ BEACH at door. Ne"•ly furn $375 mo. Box 4001, NB, U!Poovolly 2 Br. I Urn. apt. Unfum U30. No pets or Contact Mr. Pallette (714) MFo~s1t~n~ve., ~~ )olead.I .~ " \IKI 92664 · carport; adults, no children, poo;, crpta. 313 54~U21 or 1415) 33J...S682 unc _. par .... ,. ti . ..,.. be.ch apt starting at S50 per ;;c:::;;,~--~-~~·I pets. l'lth Pl A t L ~~fl 0..,... per month for •Pt.ce. Deak For Your Home Eqult,Y u~-"'k, 536-2579 lltg Sch. 2 'Bedrooms l b a I h S150 Mo. pltia: utlllties · P · "'u-o"t~. WANT To rent or leue:, 3 or and cllain available for SS. Absolutely no coat , , • ....,..,.., W1ntecf * Balboa Peninsula, sips 8, redecorated. Appliances. 1941 POMONA, C.M. 2 B.R dl.x, cpts, drps, bllns, 4 Br. in College Park Business hours anawerln1 to )'Ou the SeUtr! avail Aug. Sl85 per 1vk. S200 month. Ask for Dick I"'°"--,:~,=..:::::::....:=:::._ garage, $165. Adults. 3005 area. Pool pre/, $200-$250. ~rvlee available-for $10. 12 yean1 ot paying more cash 838-5824 646-9303 LOE bachelor, sep. kit. Coo 11 d g e 546-4021 or Xlnt RA!ter's. 54~2497 Aft. 6 All utilities paid except for Oranae County propert)t. ' j • ' 1' Houses Unfurnished 2 BR House, excellent cond. Married couples & no children. $250 mo. • 615-3291 Mature empl'd person, no 549-6433 PAf tel ho ~-" R ts 1115 2885 • ep ne. .....u the ut ... pc · • lilendoza R.£.DEXX>RATED 2 b d r, QUIET couple need small DAJLY PILOT Then call the Best 545-542!. upstairs bH-iN, crptg, drps. home w/ fenced yd. tor 222 FOREST AVENUE WTD $25,000 for 1 year. Top int + point., tee. bY $100.000 equity •• 613-9412 ANNOUN~~MENTS ond NOTICES BACHELOR'S apt for N'nt. No pets 568 W, \Vilson St. dog, yearly, under '150 O:lf.t LACllNA BEAOI BEVERLY JACKSON fum. lnel util. poof privel., tM 543-0760 ' locaI ref1, 833-5844 bef 4:.3(1. 494-9466 Found (Pr .. AdsJ 6400 cl~ • in loc. $85 I mo. BEST Value, 2 Br, crpla, RESPONSIBLE family needs DESK SPACE "I can't rind my home." 3000 Huntington Beach 3400 1,.. .................. ,...,.., 1~eral LAGUNA CANYON 2 BR house $14,500. Fenced yd. Zoned industrial. 494-8170 $350 MO. On lse. l BR lovely 548-906.'j A $48.Sl.17 drps, dlllhw•hr. pool, quiet, lge C Br, 3 Ba home in C.M. 1 de•k $30., 2 deaks $50., 3 RfAlJY Found wandering &: crying Rent or list a home frtt. pool & prden. Enc. lanai. BACHELOR Apt. a60 mo. in· adult eouplt, no pelot. J115. or N.B. $250. to $280. per deaks w/prtvate o t f ice , vie. Holly St. Laauna Bch. $150 month a~ up. TAR. Truly executivt home. Ex-clud~s uW. 2295 Pacific Ave. 548-6878 .mo; 962-3193 ' $125, Will sell deak, oUlce 147-6013 or $45-12C5 A Yolllll Se-;Jpoint Siamelle' FREE RENTAL SERVICE BELL 540.lTZO clll&ive community. Pool 325 E. 19th St., CM. e LANDLORDS e table, slAUonery cabinet, wearinc flea collar. Very LAKE FOREST Lakefront 2 1'°135;;;::. °=2~80-,'-. '-,,'-_:_,~yd~, ~W~/~W~, I mainl./gl"dnr Inc. Dick l·BR. upper, redeccr., bit· Cotta M4llli 5100 FREE RENTAL SERVICE '100., It rent oUice for ,75. thin. Owner pis call 494-~. Br home; by owner. Beaut RIO. °'ildren O.K. Broker Berg R.E. 9624421 Ins. Adults, no pels SUO Broker 53"6982 962-421.9 GIRL'S head-set for La11un• Hiii•. _ _;.1:...700;.; . ' vie"" 837-8646 eve~ aft 6 534-6980 4 BR. 2 BA, lara:e fam room. Call alter 5: 30 PM 642-4o.t4 · lMMEDlATE NEW Deluxe office spaces CASH QUlCC-need 3 or 4 orthodontic use. t 0 u n d Condominium 1950 "c.=,=,=.=Mt=,=,====3=1=00 ~~1:·~·1t~&: !"'"~";' • -i&5 F}JRN. bungtlow, 2 King~~ & 4 :~ ~~ oc:~~~;'. :. ~:A ~~t v~~: ~?t.~ FHA bOuse bear Optomlst fireworks stand 1--------~ avail JuJy 15th. S 2 0 0 employed Adult, bath upstairs. Spacious Jiv. To $715 mo. 642-0006 turnott. 831-1400, 499-4198. BUSIN15S •no ~ st. July 3 •• su..2314 3 BR, 3 BA, \vtw cpts, drpa, LEASE-OPTION month/lease. 532-5250 after 646-'982 !n&: room ":'•fireplace & ~ Need 3 BR houae or apt tum EXECUTIVE ow FINANCIAL FEMALE,:,,•~~----- blt·illli. Upper Back Bay. 4 bdr, 2 ba, fam rm, dish· 5 PM. ~ CLEAN, furn.. bacil. ing room wlfireplace & 1Ai lrom July l5 through Aug 15. 1100 C ce space canco cat, moatl1 W"' t I ,. o•• ~•o h -~ . CO Uttl. incl. No peta:. 1 adult b a th downstairs. Bit. in11, ~~A"""" __ .. ...,., "'""' · sq, U. rpts, drps. Call I O · blk mkgs. w/wht lqs . ... se op ion. IJ'UrVO'W ws r, cuvn• patio, crp0;, NOO, 2 BR &: den, fonnal only. 5'Q.-052:l and recreation facilllit!S In· ........,,,.,... ~ ... -owner aft 6 pm. 67~ Y•· PPortun1t1e1 6300 \I/caring Shell flea coll. PLANNING 10 move?' You'll drps, avail, lmm. S225/mo. din rm, 2 car iar. I~~ bath. c:lud~. A<JWts. Sl8S. lit _BUSINESS Lady dellin!s 1 300 ~ ft Office AUil Atta 01 Tu1tln Ave. BoYs find an amuing number ·of 846-2819 Washer/dryer: $lll0 mo. N 1 t th 1 $3S lea bdnn unfutn apt to SlOO. COSTA ME ...... SA • ·~-2130 ' Club. 66--2475 ~mes in tod••·a ~--"led Whi'--• h ta• Di tl 968.-3473 eves & wknds. •WPort Bl•ch 4200 as mon 8 Pus c n. ,,.,., ,.,.,.,,,. .....: HELP .I I. ~=_,,.:,.:..c.,:.... ____ I "" ~ .___.., "'""ep an · me·a· ne Ing charge. For a,p-<l't-.....u LoNG Haired, female, black Ads. eti.ck them llOIV, Dial S4U678 fOJ' RESULTS White Elephants! FURN Dupltx. l " 3 Br. %. pointment. 549--0674 lnduttrl1I Rent1I 6Q90 N'aUonaJ co. needs a distri· Cal. 6-28 bet. lria "' blk from ocean. Summer * TOWNHOUSE * Rooms for Rent S995 butor for candy and snacks Heliotrope, CdM So. Gf 0.,.;.._•.;.•'-'-'-----4-000 __ o._..,._•_1_· ____ 4_000 __ 0.;..:;ntf'.:.;;;.:;•1;._ ___ _:4000::.::;;:. hntal. '125. per wk. PRo• 2 BR, 1~ BA, '"'"'· d-. ROOM w/pn·v entranCt! &: UNDER construction ifl,000 in your area. Penon select· ·Hlahwt¥ 6'f3.:.6874 -pect 4-3917 t>t ~ s.6248 •r g ._ T d sq ~ M 1 bld /off ed must be tble to devote -• ... patio. MalTied adu1tl. $100. .,., o mt d I~ -a&' e d · • g w cs. 2 to lo bouts per week (d1Y1 J"RIENDLY Black femaJt Sol•• a Slmpl• S""""bl•d W'orcU•w::rlc for a Cllockle IS&RCS I l I' I I C W N 0 R ·. I' ·1 An oplJmilt lo a ""'" ....., ... _ ='=='='=-::·:_·.!It'• !reed by fillon, bul--joy>""' -~· -1•YLSOM__ I 'I' I I I I 0 °""" ........ -..-by l+lllr1g ltl ..,. mi-.. Wd • 'yOl1 d.wlop fl'Oll'I .., "!:L ' a..w. o m'f.~¥'fJ~~.A'"0' It · r r r r r r 1 I I , I I I I .I , -SCRAM-LlnS--ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION · IOOO !.Aft.Gt l BEDROOM UC E. Melody Lane ~mplO)'ed Ptt90n $45 mo. No ·J.250..5UK) 11'1· ft. unit&. lDc Labrador /... Ile -• fl~ • th -·~-~. IL Oomplote about J"'" or ewa) to make vt11' hllh w "" • ..,.... ......, mon , -1,,_v ~ 5f8.1768 COoking.9 548-39.!8 "" ~ P'atrvlew/~-.. •·-* * 673-8(88 JS, Eves &f&..0681, days eamU.1. You ma,y It e e p ""•"" 0 m. .,,..,. -'** '9&-2 BR .. garqe (l a~ SLEEPING ROom o J de r 646-6033 )'OUr pre1ent JIQlltlon. No ta,Ana 545--7822 f ~R duplex. 111 blki ""an. N -"--.l ..... ~ 8 •= ll'-11---.> r uu·l\.n.a . ZK;lllL pel'IOn .... el'lt. 'A a. ..,.... lNOUST ffidr in M·l, 744 W. 'I! .. ,.. Uo,111 cuh '~~red SILVER male dog, part Ideal •ina:le ptt90n or cpt Tustin Ave.1.. CM. 64!J..'1237 per mo. 2135 ElMn Ave, l?th S (iitcuttd). '.For Immediate poodil? Vic. W. 19th St', SUS >r1Y IR. 5'8-2152 2 BEORM. ' "ath, E .... •~-...o C.M. Mar Apt. 6. l, Of. 3500 sq .rt, interview in your ere. tend C.M. 548-4721 Of &U-9682 ~ '"-IUllC\I $325 mo. 645-1133. Eve• dd · I BR Xlnt loc. Close to bt1.Y le garage. Sl50. 1605 "A" C.Of'. GENTLEMEN • beach pool, &l2-l47& name, a ttU and Phol1e u.lc for Mike :;.~~5,o. 4Ho94n, 6'15-7876 or iander 546-5327. t.nn~~·· entra.nbe. S85 NEW llldu.stiial bldg, 2500 sq, nwnD~~ri~~ Otvltlon "ro=u=ND-B_l_sc_k_...,. __ h_aired--.I 1 BR, clec: bit-ins, nr shop-mo. ft. 9e pet ft. 1639 Monruvla, P.O. Box SS male PJppy, hu wht on DECORATOR'S PAD, 1 &r. Sterto. color TV, nr bay. l.M. 208 43rd St., N.B. NEWER 2 Brt. )'Tly Jeaee, mG. c..D 615-7tM5. Avail. from 8123. 30 Y ll'dl to beach l·BR. · tU:m:-c1uplex. t Blk. OONcn .t: bay. $150 Yr17. utll. Pd! 3711 w. Bolboa Blvd. e WlltTER ~Al.S i wtl't11'l\ED L. ~ Agt:- . -·-· ping center, no chUdttn or Private 1'00m, ho.th, patio Of. 6'f3.-9017 Pomona Calif 917&9 <::~ & tip or ta.II. call pets. 646-6222 bclore 4 &. e.ntranoe. S65 month. -' · • "'L !;41.-1029 befr Ftl. DUPLEX 2 BR. y 1 rd, * 545-2486 * Lott 6100 BE INDEPIND!rT . 4RCE black A: white cat ..rage ··-t 1125 Work you own bowie, your w I seven toe• on oaeh fOOt. ' ..... ,... .s. ' I p 6000 OWt'I ... ,.,., ttnJ .. _., It 51fl...4418 ncome rOf!rty LO. Pi~ loJ In ..-~. V\:illlll em, Vic Santa Ana Ave A: 16th Wrl&htwood, C ml. to winter evel")'~. 111es. No comped· St. 6U-5308. 1 Q1t. or 2 BR, l'Ai Ba. Pool. 7 TIMES GROSS sports area. $6000 call .tlon, 100'"° pn:>fit. Automatic TAN ~--• ._._ ..... Quiet. 1884 Monrovia, apt 7, 6 Unlt• wlth a cood rental owner nuu.7393 Hpeat bustneaa. ABSOLUTE ""'™"e pup wl~. Costa Mea record. Ocean skie~ot Balboa • mlnJmum ae<::ured Jnvest· chain It Ota collll\1 VIC BACHELOR APT. Wvd. Nr. churcbi?i, O<!f•n A R..J VIEW lot• In booming ment. UrnltM tNinber o1 f-.trview near Tic Toe Mkl, 1 SJOO mo. st6-570I bay btache1. Good inve1t8 Yauna Ni,uel. F~ simple, tbtte rare oppr,s avaU1 .,,c.,.M,.,,. '4Wlll,_,'"'°_•,__=-..,...~r · mant. Askins $120,000. ~f..~ma. Box M867 Dall)' cail NOW. 60o60lll -SilWl . Fttl:We. Gnty q. N-rt -5200 BURR WHITE BA 1TERY REBUILDING Wiry !Wr. Vic. Adami • ' •;;k · > REALTOR HUGE ke aimp]e liot on PLANT.' Rel>tdl(IJna auto. M ~ 1 a Vttde Dr. ~ M'. l1lbee ' _ 4100 PE1ml:OUSE apt.. 1or la -2901. Newp)rt-mW-N:U:-tlqua, DOVER SHOTU:S. trucLlc. mar1M batteries. 5tl-86'm alt 6 p.m. . t BAatEL6R pl only Balbea e., Club. jlttutltul 61M630 813-""9 i:wa Owt>er. !j!..(IWJ SWamped" w/ordtn. <>-• PART BHale-. Br0'!" • turn. QUI ~-~~ mo' b&y ~~· $1.m:. l!"r 31 UNITS ,,, ., L . HALF bloclt to ocean 30x85' will col'l\ole.ttl¥ train buyer. Black. Vic, ~int A nnct, m!.ic2 A ~ . ™" ' Y4 ,. otin IV2 125 eth St. NB caU No ahllmk%1. ps,ooo full ,N,,.s., .. ,.,i;, ~:..;.:,;;.•·;....,.--~-1 I & ' BR. ap~. l\Jrh • un-$435;000 m.an1 · prle<. $1.000. down. OCBs.-!iEitMANSh<P&ii ~ l1~o l1!e '351 :ua r:. ':Jt)ls»l ~· sc:: =· ;:~ac.~= ~USIUI' markt~~.!!! SCT-41158. " feftlale1 I~ 6·JhOI,' 9ld. £1. · · -' . ' "'""" • El t;rm1. town. The l)XILYPILOT llNIQUE'"'*irltiutb>Jr ~ -... a:1llt Jll>r.--.--tt- l·BR. utH pd. ~~· t BLUJTS Extcutlve 2 Br. 2 FIRST PIONIER C111'Ded NCtlpn. Savt ~)Tl. Lo dn, will tine. P.O. SMAU. ~cee-.Tr ,Mull: no .pol• ~ llo,. 0.. oo baY> 511' -Hll. •.i" ~•Jt' ........ -a-· Looi llox 1111 CM. (MMlll_ Sp<Nll Vlj:. Pkllaad•1 ;rirl)'. 873o()laT tw•. Mo. 497 ... 1531 or 644-0837 ... ,..,.. now1!t Wh11e tllflUU! OlmM~IM Road. 5'f6-o1QliT • ' ' \ I l I ) I r··~·~·"-'~.:"" ...... ,,. """ .... , ... ~~-·-~ .............. ·"'l'·~·-.,,.-... -.,.-.. -.. ~~..--""' ... -~.o.r~:;,~.-_·,:,-~-;-;~;;;:~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;•;?;r;;~;:;:;~;.~.~-:::·~=·~-~-;::~::;~~~:!li=1:1=~!!'1~~~~~~~~~ __ , ·_f ... ·: ~-~: ....... ........... .... .. ......... -..,\··- • r l j • 11 I• . I I . Y PILOT 1 •• )\'<0"'*'1• Julj '· \'169 • W<d.....,, J'IJ 9, -1'169 PllOT·ADVERTISER JIJ ~ _. , ••• v1 . ICE .D!~IC:T~RY J~ & EMl'J,O'{lo\INT JQIS I" EMl'~OYMIHT ,JOIS·& llMl'LOYMQITJDIS·l IMPLOY • ~· & YMENT• •ul• & ~.o 'f ;..;.;.;;~--. a.l!Ji"!'.nt • 4SSO .H•nl!! ~ '730 lfO!p'.W...tM..Moi. 1200 llollf WanW, -noo Hai., Wanl9tl.-Mao nm...., w--1200 Help wanlM,,,,,.,. 1:100 11oi, W•-· ,,.,.. noo lf'"°~"'°°BABYSiTSNG,Myco.ti,1 &.0Haul~s.:a:.tc.1 .... ~· -,' 0 * .......................... ment,.,.,_ Y.GUNG .MEN • <Jo ct.flil. T/4 ,._>l>ome;-;G '"°""old A ~-I,.._ ~~ ~J,o. Pi!mllW ~~~ .. . • l'ART TIME EVl!S. Clslm0-.0.--lity ...... Rcll&bl<. 110, .w· H .......... .., ,135 , • ~-1:~rh WALL FURN1tu1r . $-a.· so 'er hr.':..~·=~: -• ~ ' · ... • 91' -• · ,. u.. tu11 lilm open1n,..1o. • f'°STALLIR '""only •,.. ........ • •• Pr•oetfpUO.)I KATURI! woman· will cool MADl'l'!l'UNCE • ""4<I> AUTOMoTIVI lliltVIC!lMEN ' ~ d•pend&ble. %30.W. \Yaroer, ~ .ic_ -Qub .,._ )'OUt ehllds'en IA JOOR Uol A -~"~ ' • , , •, " ~-.:!--, , ~ SIO '1!, &A. Put,,ii.11 • ..-HOOQ!d&y0tn'*'1t.1a.HT ·-.-"""· """ """'· R•ce•T4li¥11'11nce hr lubr~Ut,. brake ad-Ne~,._ llWI .t~. wta ancl deliver C.Qsii-mi • ' Slora Mana .. Tr. $500 T-4. f_Jtt1 r~ ,.&. 11.26/br. -~,., ',..,,I~-~-justttlenf .1\94 .w he el b!olanc\Qg required. ,lurnllure lor leading systems lumllure SALES MGMT-.::;:;:;; Exc<Uenl Mw-• tor rl&hl _••••Ile. vie.• ~·"*;r-6 MO'l)jEft. wlll IJOlifl!tc ''"' $A¥ijt ,,J;1~ Imo, CompeUtl•e slilary · arraogeineql, !op Qfght store. Mlltt b& • 1:'1'.o n f • bard.,..rthlg, H/S -"' cou .... Xiii/ man. <all o.n. ll1ercha•l< .:: .~---~' ,....,., '!!'.· --,, ~:><-°"'1<L-Xl<>l f-WOrkln~""8i!IOriJ-5il\lJ MWeil tand finest neat...a~ t...work-1~, , "'booetllt. To moo:··ca•t l'<rlOMel Ac-e·n~•c 214.1 h.. blk rlmm~ pertet!lltiion Crnter. ~Od ' 1hnt-2 ~ . Wk: ~-·.5l4t.c. 5CM.lll equipment. ~~. btnef.ltf.t including hos-sc~lit.ious, Bnd. rellpii., familUU' 1Jlth ~ """FnnJC Rand. MG-6005 ... ---•-Ymtcllf!-r>r:r·~ ..... 1 ..... Vli:ol..,.!'J'& a.ason. """· ..,__ , 1.-.,i.. ., •755 pllali•'llion, employee diacolllll -·and-prom han1 d tools~,-cal>~ble al, working all, day·"· COASTA( AGENCY sERV. srA. A:J'TNbNT . ,M.aanoUa, H8. ~~.,i 'vqL ba(Ytit ~.or two, . ,, , ·1 • ·) sharlngi ... 1.-... ~.., ~ , ~·v1 a -~n·e.f~,ii-Upe~ience nequsaey, but . A member ol Some machanlC.J e ~p . ,,.,.. """" . .,,...._. Ctm·ln my"'°""1a.,.. 'l)IONINC. l\l'l 110111E. " • ' wou.d' lill 1it!l~ful lf''bandy with.wood-&in~ S,,.Ulng Inc. o.,,. HARRY & PA;'S 'di;.' no collar. Vie &i<tt 6 -., $~?.I pet"°" 141!-2242. 2029 , , Apply in Per611n10 AM.to··l'M, -\'(Qrkillj: .lwLi. Worlfl Tuesday lhru Sat• 7790 II l!l.:·O>oJ. Me8> TEXACO 8-hw-at ·a Paularino, .......... 546-W IWIYSIT my -~ .w:r'l'· ""· • '• . Monday tlnii•Saturday un;ay. Plild"'b th aud ·IU~ ,lnsu~anc;e. SECURITY GUARD7' Garfield. F.V. 1MAN'S Woddlni Band, VIS!> ...... """' v~ Huloor, J I I I • 6790' -.. ENNEY'S FASHIO..-ISLllND Pm V.a<:auon, s I •,rl '500 .per lllODlh. u "' lo mt!. Pe""""'"-' l;oopp. Ce,...., IY?Ule aold Vi"°"' CM. G<;-1471 •n tor• Bqual 0p..,.•Uni1yoE1nplo.1"r . PlwJ>e 647.970 for apppintmenl. g am to "'°'"· l ~tion. Mu.1 "' Help W•nlM 7400 wf-diamond 646-8331 aft f BABYSITl'ING in my home WALLS \Vlndows,. floors * r , * 6 pm. -,.; • ntat, sober I.: have unUonn. _w'-'-o'-ma=•----- EMALE Silver po o_d l •, dAlly--"."· Hunt Beach. .,..,,.b, Com'"""" l INTERIOR 'SY""'""'lt' ' _Apply •! Guard Shack Part or full tlma 10 women m 1 n 1 at u r e \i'\c. -vie:. 7-7142 ~--.---ftltdentlal. --Dail)', WttUry ------------.. -• :\ -'---~ I ~mS -11,l_ ,Cke~ A e.Jil!.ta: Bcb. needrd lmmed. fOf' -chUd 1 toria..Jlarbolo call 6C--0'15I •BABYSITTING my borne and/ar Mo. m-1'350 Doritsftc"'IHelf' •, 7035 Ntlp Wtnttd, Men 7200 , t • , -~ bt;m the hrs &am4 'pm. care, aides or companlofts. SIBERlAN ll"'1<y. Blaek. on . F1ou.r. °"" Mea. Boy • 8eoci> Cleaning Serv • -" · · ' . ' •••• ,.............. "?AT CARP~ Ag• 21..S v.irl~ tnaJe 10 moe. ohl. Reliable. SU.'lllt ....... _ windOws. naon etc Chime uve-1-"'"~· ...,.. • •== 1 Exp d. in blab quali_ty-work. Sittln9_Pr~tty: Agency -.-~ .. • ' rriia.r:llliil -~~· ' 1 • HI W Good~ study ·Worlrand Membef.ofY..'e Sit Better, ~, 491--1 ... ,. ~ Brick,Ma1onry,atc. a..•eome-1.64&-1401 ,:;,,...;J;,~~; H·G.Gll fS •P •n11<1,Monnoo 11a1,w ............ n111> .i1 ~ ... !MlfSON lnc.Subs;dlaryo.aerber ~A ...... ·on ~r rvppy 6560 . -· _ -• ~· MAlt1NE. {See Cba_rles Prod Co 642.J274 Ave., C.d.M. Call 673-8544 1.: _ _P1.perhanging _ _ PllilllQS) 829 Production PL . ' ...,.,..,,._ 8UlLo, Remod•'· "'""" hlnt1119 "'° Ha1,-w......i,,,.,., nQO l'IEWlfORl'"lit.tc..--H1tC H tS · "-8 -TELLER. """ ""1· 1'rofil ~UNO.: rabbit Please ide& Bcick. block: c ~ n c re t e • PAINTING-Int&: Ext Lowest SALES, FoOd. National oo. f ..... · ' , · · •, ~ • ~%f.IP:TEO~T STORE MGR. ~':;i:·d~~:· .f:'tn.r:· l::i llfy. 642-9257 Costa Ml!SI... LCTPI nCotry.1 m JOb too ~5 contracted prit.-cs. Fully lrt'\. ~-~an ~ .... Orange Coun· 'he _. 1 , 1 r NEWPORT l&AC--ff.. •<ti $71 -r month & Part time Oerk Billie-. 54G-GOSS. MALE while husky 0-ta c. n r. · ~ Sa.Uah.cUoll &U&J . Free esl ~-kita':J'u:_~-~' &1 urrep ~ulJ"l!men 1 or ,. need.'! ~ ...... !.' r~ APPLY Jl).6 COASTAL AGENCY ?.1esa. ''ic. 19th St. 66-00Tl C nt • 6590 Jim Weeks 673-1166 ran ' ~-f ' • ,. • CITY OF Th• Tobacconist Inc. A member ol "") •rpe .... ~ NEAT, Exp. Pa.inlcr, 110 I. ~~·!!!~m~~(N~Y ·~ .• . swac.e. "' . NEWPORT BEACH Fuhion Island Snelling • Snelling Jne. Lost '""' CARPENTRY drinklrc. College studel}t. s nr . &:'s&lll · · •..,:.,. • ELECTR9-Newport 2790 Jtarbor Bl. Costa r.tesa P'or T't! l' 1' t ,-r'. ~ONOR-REPAIRS. No-Job L{IW-~ll S~v~ .. '2790 ~ .. ln-m.-:--,f9S'\ I~~ SCREW -~~J.i.RS --Empl!JYJitent ~nefif8'1nclode HELP ~.'1NTED WOMEN-WANTED, -Se.wing bnUwbi. !!potted male, 2 Too .small. Cabinet in car-PAINTING .~ 16 yn r · --.5:1 · MACHINE with, miril'mti!D of· one War tree !\ealth ind Dent~l' ID-maclline f!XP, to work on , ..fn. "Sam". Vic: Hnlini ages I: otber cabinets. tr Harbor area. Lie. &: .Nurse.r.y 5•111 Trnff or cadmiuni plating ~rl-gun.nee far ~mplo}'ec a.nd Boat Ca~nters shOe and handbq: <l'epair, ~it tracl. HB. Reward! 545-8175, U no IJlS'Wet leave bondf!d. Refs furn. 642--235& :So"'f.~~ Qr ep~atlonal OPERATORS · dependents, Matemlty bf!!ll!!· M who would like to learn ~,.-n'U,.,. at 6'fi.-'>'J72 H. 0 ba.C"&(lnlE'(I Jn horticulture. ence. ' ; fit -~· t --· ~ Lii 8odt echanics trade • will teach. Steady .....,... '"' ·-"J-o' • • EXT/Int. pntg. Aver nn._ $20, Xlnt o~ppty for )'Olln& man. .....,. .. , n ..... .,.., '""' e Apply Savannah Enterprlsea job, S or 6 day wll:. XR<l:I Bch ll&;ts, Laguna Ande'qlon + good pain!, ooat work ABILITIES • Please apply in person ~ ~ 4-~IF 176 W 16th St CM Anthony's Shoe Service, 3401 Bch. Shellie O:icktt mixed MASTER carpenter ,$4 per loc l"@U. Roy, 847-JJ58, ; UNLIMJTEO AGENC'l \Vilh Torno experience. Abll-• cowerqe. Rtquirel , ., E. Coast llwv. CdJ.L "--a · •-bl' 1 .__ 1.,_ hour Re ......... ,, ..... Re..,...., Jru to do own sellJPt ls de--H u G H E $ 3 )lean Shftt, Water, or CONS1'RUCJ'ION SUPER.IN· ~., J.'.!W.~ni._.,. W • OQq 1 ... c · .,~· ..--VETS Bonded Pa.lntlnc. 10 .-x. 17.lh~Sl.. "Suile..22i v Se\\·er FacUlty eonetrucuon ~· If found call 49f--O.l33 64U4ll9 or 536=3900 yn in area, lj.c'd .ii, insured. ·Costa MeU. .Ml--1470 sirable. Top dollars for top , , and Maintenance Experi-~~}lN'J' =~in ~v ! R~~:~ ~=':n ~ beJo~,5. QUALITY Ri!,PaJrs -~!er.lo 642--0427 Drafts.,,an/DHlgn men. NEWPORf BEACH enoe, inc:llJdlng l )'Hr of backgr"Ol.pl(i 'and s a I a r y hottest area • Huntington .ri:j:ed. Gny Wye: toy POOO. tions -New const. by bout $800 up. Some marine knowl· Ope.ning5 on Fin:! and g«. 500 Superio( Aven~ l\ghl or medlun1 Equlpment desired. Box M-634 The Beach. Call Phil r-.teNamee t,.E, 'male. Lost early Sat. or Contract. 646--Mtl Plun:ibif't 6890 edge, hobby ~ ok. Call ond Shilts. Newport_ Beach. Cali1. • Operation. Apply b!fore 5 Dally Pilot. 962-«n Village Real E!tate '9;c, 11th & Pomona C&l Dea . -Larry 546-StlO Equal opportunity P.M., Fridaj July 18, 1969 ;,.;;,'°'=====""'========= tcllar ·tap. REWARD . Cement,· C.oncrete 6600 • PATCH PLASI'ERING. 'J•son Best Re:location-uai'.sWice emp~r ~ M le F lo the hrsonnel Office. "2-.116i.~ All ~-"" eitimale. 171" -.... -• CO~-y,ijtX all t.aa ~ -Employment A&ency provided.-~ ~ ''~· __.__ ~OLE -smau · wblte types. Pool declts &: cuitom. PLUMBING ~AUL 212:1 So. M.ain."s.K~ ~ SALES EXEC m111i., _name Froety, Pahn Call 548-1324 Salesm1n $600 H u G H E S PAlNT~R Th SpmP k. Vie Baker. lr: No job too am&ll · · SlGN AND'PA'.INT · • sky ii the llmlt I Hrtir CM. C.oocl ~ftn:i! PATIOS, \YALKS, DRJV& e 6'J-3128 e Exp. wth office: equipment, SHOP HELPER International Olemical Corp 'sts-2MQ • \YAYS. Fr:tt ~lqnate. &ood ·future, call Loraine NE~PORT BE-.,~H · · needs Wes uecuttve with . T hi femal J. RAY ~st:-~O Remodel, ReP.irr 6940 Mtrcha.nts Personnel A.gen. $562·4$614, f)lr month leadership & tralnlnc abtl-~. ..::e::, e • CO.NCRETE fln,. patioa .• • . . ey, 2043 ·~estellU Dr., 64.S-500 SuperJor A~inue _. c1¥Y. 'oF ity. lf )lllU -an-sale• orient- ... -• N""'<1c.eonae-1e·&ollflojfl>' ..._~-... 2TIJL...:__~,----H_-.. -·•cir.Co, II':-.-_ N-E~WPOR""& ......... w -"''"-"'"'lc-admln-->-medlcal Atl'n. Vic. Bay ·& • W• ~nUn&: or rcpalfs, Call , '!'·'"'r-'' _, ''·. ' D~A"-•' tlve or manaiemtnLt,xpefi. ~~-Bh•l-• ...CM.-lloWard. !!:>ik.RW. Don.~· -Dl~im---S.:J0-14 . . ·~. -·"61 -, ,~ =. t«l'J-5518 or 673-14.34 . eCUSTO~ PAtfOS• . Carrier Rout Its Opeii -· ~uaf opPlortu~ltY Employment benefits -i~lud· th;"'man l;, · .. , •. Compen. I _, __ • .i or employer -M "' P. t';\f.'":ARD Whlle min. ppo,-ooncre e •·~ • remov S.wtni' 6960 · es free H~alth and DcntaJ u.tion commerwiurate wlth ~dk!, on N. Coast Hwy, State .Llc.•842-lOlt · _ -' Laifillll Beacb, So. l..a&una lnsurance-1or employee and abillly, Cati A frirla:e bene-~ n;scued by ear Jul)' * CONCRETE Work.. bond--EXPER}ENCEr;> Y 0 u n If . DAI~ .,_ dependents, Ma.tm\lty ben-Uta. Call -Mr. Gardner, n4- il, 494-2025 ed 11r: m:, Qmcrete·aawing. drea!lmaker-·Fast ·': elit p&yment, and'frtt LUe &38-2260, or n 4•962.rroo. $1AMESE Oat named Muriel Phlllipi11-Cemtnt..-~ Reasoria*bl~o: ~* JAMAICA INN BOTEJ, 2\Jl POLICE OFFICER Insurance to a-maximum EXECUTIVE .,,.,......,,., E. Coast HigbQ)'o\ Corona $711 -$172 Per month $25,000 coverage. Requires Har~plulk mUar. ~1 Child C .... 66'10 e Dreumaki""'. Alte.rationa dcl lilar, needs DESK FOR trainlng iJI Mecbanical SALES CAREER eeen 715 on Diamond St IN Cw;tom··•DHl.gng Cll.ERJ<, mldnighfto 8 A.M. CITY OF Drawing a.nd two yeani ex· Startil)i salary plWI com- -9'-n?s Reward WILL Do babfsitting, my • 646-6f.46 * Pay commensurate with NEWPORT BEACH periencC! in Sign Painling. misalon, First >"tat eamlnga ~sr: Man's Ha 11::1 i Ito n home by the Yt>ttk. no n . ability. Apply immediately to the of $12,000 plus possible 2 Watch. Vk. 30th Strttt, ends. Lge feooed in Y4-Alterations • '642-SUS -_ TOOL 4 MAKER . current opt!lln&• requires Persomel OUice before 5 year traini11£ Proeram, by N"1>0ri Beach • Reward! 542.90C11 Monte Vista School Neat, accurate, 20 yean e:icp. e EXperitrod in aluminum high school Graduate, mini· P.M .. Friday July 181 1969. century old national com· Sf6...'J81? after 6 pm. Dist. 6974 toolingJor vacuum fort"Qin::. mum a'9" and 150 tbs., 71 (n4l 673-6633. ::iz;__ Busineu or sales sm.ALL. ~haired White & • TILE, Ctr•mk Located near 605 F'N'Y & to lO yean old 20/30 unfur.. MACHINISTS c"6•uund helpful. No lra· Tan fem! dog. Vic Mesa Eleetr1cal 6640 * Verne nie Tile Man • A.londra. reeled' vision~ \vrltten test vel. Management opportun-.V~.'Rrwanl. M&-BM4. ELECTRICIAN no b ... iOO twl. \\~. l.pfl\ll "repa.i;s. lnl) 860-2.01 Wednesday, July 23, 6;30 itiesR:.~ Aps::.rh· ~ Black. female poodle &mall For p~pl 'trVice . 'No jo~ too small. Pla.slet FOUNDRY p.rn ., Oty Kall Council WANT. ED 127-7900 911 Ba.lboa Peninsula Point. call 545-46\4 pat.ch. Uak\112 1 h owe r e Experienced aJuminom <Elmbet's, for titrtber fn. Reward. 6'i>-O'l21 repair. 84?-&i7/~ IMJ\lttzer & floor moulder. fonnatlon contact !hie ·Per-Adm In A11t $12,000 up M •• ~ ~-·~ !min. CoU'"I Floo-"'5 Loeated near 605 ......,, ... & sonnel OU!c!, Cily H'all, 3300 Cl.a "A"&: "B"' Must have Fee pald. !Also fee. Johll · ~ .3fJCJU'C "" '.. vvu r-' • -6•10. ~ '"~ Newport Blvd., Ne,vport S! .--· A l o-. 0. -fott si~ 4th. l'lth &: Irvine, Tl'.'H~ .-rv1ce Alo.ndrt. _ _ Beach Cl)lforuia 92660 n 4 01\'n t~ and ._be caPJbl;e SS st.; u ::S. 1 of C's, faat.-NB-CM &«>-0301 Carpet Vinyl Tile . (213)'~2401 6.,., ...,.;.. 1 ' of making own setups. Good t!ft-growlnj" co'a.-Oji'ptY. ·10 • All s"'les · 1'.'Jd: colors JIM':5 Gardenin2 _I.: lawn ·~ . . _ . __ workiltg condilionS, overtime learn aJJ phases, Buie met-' "ST BJack s"n~. _A--, ~ ,..--, .• , ...... n ..... Res. & com-F1JU. Ume Skipper for EXECUTIVE I d' b"ib b~ nd "·nd _,., ,._..,.. .:r-Fl'tt est. Lie, contr, ...,_ "'" I and IDp benefits. a 11 "@ir · ~ re-:Whiti:: Paws ''Cinder" hC'No. 54().7262 ·:;,u;..u73 mertial, * 548-Mll mo or yacht. AvaU a! or SALES CAREER , swne or call Lall}', 546-S4W l~im.~~ll<~wml~~-~~~=,!-:''=;"":E":'.'·-cT·"::·~· . Aug: 1. 'For detai~ call J •-t ·• FSTATE· Maint Tree .Sc:rv (,13> ~. Mr. Cl\Jrles Starting Galary pJuw-.com· TASKER •son '"'' Pirlsonals 64o. 5 G1rdenfn• "'·'' .) 6610 Removal Ir; trlmml•. free :·ucrwarc1.' · miS!Jion. F1rst year earning! INIJUSTR1ES Employment Aa:ency 1----------'---I ·--,.-----,' ,___ estimate, Call 541-0088. 'EXP.; ln:>ru....U · "' or· su.ooo plus PQSSlble:-. 2 Ridfatrohics Div. 2120 So. Main, ·s.A. e COUPLES e ·! • • GARGiMfR . e· · , 1' .D. ·~---·1C. ·part year tra.lnlng program, by 1ssg·7ener Jtvenue SALES Jns Agent. ll/S ph111 , e SINGLES e Upholstery llJ90 i,.time,'..-Sa.t,~ BM:Sta{t.rnly century old nll"fiona1-rom-Newflorl."Beach:Calil. good oppty for young hard Ti~ of Bats, Mail~ Hi CO!t EXPERT JAPANESE ::.::===---...;..-19th. Corona de.I Mar. Apply pany. Buiine111 or &ales Fleld Tech Trainee mceh. Ytorking man. $7200. Call ·-. ... nuter clubs: JOIN THE M~~ena~ l..ahh<aand Oeanpingup 9uroKpeOSanKI'~ CU.Vl"ma, Unsp~. IHn~rson, JIOO E. Coast *klround ~ptul. No tra· in'" repa"ir elc of office Frank Rand, ~- .......... ... .. , ....... ... ...... "' •ur -.,. vel. Manqement opportuo-'"' . . . 1 COASTAL AGENCY FUN! TifE 'IN CROWD -MIKE l~C. . 100% fin! 642.-1454 EXP pastry cook & iUet. Equal opp. emplr. machines, Outside_ rct\l e A member of e:i;; raJ:'i:~:s~: ~~~c l---C~A~L~L='4.::2~..S~.1,,:96,:.-·-183.l Newport m .• C.M. Exp [ry cook, part Mr. Ron Gill ~:i ~·can Frank Snelling " Snelling, Inc. weekly partie! or seJect AU.EN BROS. w Id' 6995 time. 4M-f898 127.7900 co.6.sTAL AGENCY 2790 }l1rbor BJ .• Costa lifesa 'hem ••• , ........... •. le~·<." GARDENERS STUDENTS e 1n9 Bentcin's Co!tee Shop . s . u"" ......,. .. <UN 133 s Coast District Upirvtsor join 'FREEi Call Leah 1-9 working way thru colleee. \VELDING, Portable equip. . Hwy, LB p.m . ·G9320. Exp. Lie.-Reas. 646-4203 menl. Specializina: In ex-lit: EC H ANICS--Experienoed Janitorial Mairµena.nce A member or Snelling &. Snelling, Jnc. 2790 Harbor Bl., Costa Mesa • I TlAL Gardeiling & Cleanup. Melnyk 536-6782 sun and AJt sterndrives. Cail Anchor Bch Sales Trainff I< I BUSINESS " 1tESIDEN· ca:vating equip. S t c v e wtlnboards, outboards I.: lye • Ex 'd .,..., ......., Marine Repair. 644-454:;. Full or pt-lime. Hunt. ·' ., Expanding National eo, So. p .........,.,....... 4:30 Week days. bt\1.-n 9-5. .. Costa i\tesa, Garden Grow Calif area, Sl25 week + • 642-4766 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT -~--------' area: Salary, expenses, co:n· car + eXpenses. Call Larry Meet !hat special someone Reliable Lawn Maintenance PART TIME Doorman . mission, group lnsur, write ~S4.10 I.: begin to live. Gardening and Clean-up . Job Wanted, Lady 7020 ~rly man prerd. Apply Daily Pilot box M900, or J. B t fl 6 Po hone (213) 295-6617. ason e1 ' ·ORANGE CO. 547-6668 Reliable lawn service, eves. a · p.m. rt P Employment Agency 2'4 hour i'ffording mow, edge. trim. OFF·Duly teacher wants lo Theatre, Cofona del Mar. Mgmt Trainee. nat'I co. Call :.ll.20 So. Main, S.A. · LICENSED * 531-l«M'* baby sit In your home. Dal-SERVICE Sta. attend. exper. on dlrs &. lara:e stores in -- Spiritual Readings, advice 1"==~7""---~ ly wkly or-wk-end. Ref. full time day, Union ~ local area. Many benefits MAIN'fBIANCE MEN 1 on a(J matten. 312 N, El E...XPERT Japanese m~ 1--035-4292 Santa Ana l Palisades $5400. call Frank Rand, DINING ROOM -CAPTAIN - Apply in person Stuff Shirt Restaur.nt 6t&-505? for interview SALES: office Machines, acctg knowledge he:lpful. loc tenitory. To SOOCXJ. Call Frank Rand, ~. COASTAL AGENCY Catnino Real, San Oemente tenance H.B., F.V. area. I ~CO:.LLEO::,:,~E~g~;~ri-wi'cU~...i-1t Ave .. S.A. Height.Ii. 540-6055. -utwPOR""' INN , 492-9136, 4f1S.9507 Call lifack. 842-8442: mother wil.h beach care el FULJ..,Ume truck drivtr ex-COASTAL AGENCY "'" IU J.~"*•• Gor•-·r hild J '"Aug s~ "'"" A memher ol A member al 10 AM • 10 PM r--c ren. u..,-· · •.r~ per. pre(erred. Harbor Tow-Snielll "EEO ~·· 10 MellonneU-Exper, compl Yard service! WILL oo nous~•oRK · ,.. w l71h 51 c 'I Soelllng &. Snelling, Inc. Good benefits. Perm•· ng l Snelling, Inc. ·~H.s lrom 21st & Free est. 548-7951, 546-0'm BALBOA rSL.ANO''AftEA ~930 ·' " ·•• · !790 Harbor Bl ., Cost.a Me&a nent. For interview call: Z7:XI Harbor 81·• Costa Mesa Sanl>·Ana SI., C.M. Work-'CU!' & E<lte'lAwn MS.7507 , _EXP ___ D_CO_UNT--ERMA--N-I * DRIVERS * 6'44-1700 ext 575 e MULTllJGH, OU..t ...... 111 \ t Li Med ---36"·511"'. Didck g I a 1 er .lng hr&. 8 a.m. to 4:"2 p.m. a ri.enance,. _ce HOUSEWORK City Auto Parts N E · • .J Quality Con1 ;ol $600 operator. 642--2ss4 after 6 p.m. 548-4808166-23:10 aft 4 $2.50 Hr. 2072 Placentia. £.M. 0 xpenence Exp. aa production line aupv. .CAMERA f.ian & stripper . .Attractive Expert JIM'S Gardeoin& & fa,vn ===~-'""'~"-"-~--1 11.s. Grad. e1gcr 10 learn Necessary! 2 yn. college, eaJI LoraiDe, Marttt Rcprodu.::tions YOUNG WO~tAN maln~ena.nee. RM. & Com-1'.tOTHER'S Helper, 5 dicys a trade as COOK under good i\1ust have clean California Merchants Personnel Agen-e 64!>-ll41e danCer will teach )'OU all mercial. • 548-Mll • week. cxpe:r., please call chef Sir Georgl!'S 96&-2600 dr1vlng record. Apply ~ Westclill Dr .. N.B. -~P-.T~.::Genl Offic;- latest 111.apa. Call Ardell JAPANESE PJ:dener Qnnpl _a11=1"=.=''="=""="="=Sl=l=-"6<3=== I SERV. SfA. ATTN o NT , YELLOW CAB CO. I 11 lfire 11 ·-11 '13,: 591-45311 l·lO PM serv. Ex_..., de-ndahla. .i ARClllTE -gr 0 • sma PB.r•"' · ..... .... 7035 XI n t • a I a r I . d a y I • 186 E. 16th SL CTURAL Alp I:. A IR. good O?'l!alliU'r. RIDE Wanted OCC tt. Corona. free est. 642--4389 Dotneitle Help permanent. Ph.: 84z...3444 Costa Mesa DRAFTSMAN; MISS EXEC AGENCY 1 ~-•tar, eves. Will ~· JAPANESEand Garden l n & George Allen ~la!ld .Apney SERv. Sf'A. MECHANIC. PLACE )'OUt wwit ad where Tol~t7~!~~~~ts 410 w. Coast J{ij:.ti\YQ rJS..4235 aft 7 pm. ~~ maintenance. Employer Pa)'I Fee Salary pJus comm. Days, they lie locikina: -DA.ILY AIA, Hunt. H a r b o u r Newport Beach 646-3939 BAQI 5·r· 11ttk:: sincere girl ~~~uP.,,..12 e· . llX-B E. 16th, SA 54'1:.o395 permanent. PH.: SQ..3444 Pnm claaslned UZ-5618 o""' ...,,.., Trivel A-y u.., to 35 for fun ~ com-• .,.g..~ · · -~:::.=.·:..·------1 •· "'" · v to $750 pSrijonahlp. 492.-0386 e MOW • EOOE. * WEED. .oos . SER . SfA. SALESMAN. New Ort.nae Cowih• oUice Prof lawn maint ._ capabl~ S T R t ..., Part Ume. 01)e full yr, ex· . .., v ALCOHOLICS ... .,....,. • ., ~' ' "' G "''7E'W>",ft ¥_,' ol ••tab. L.A . .,,ncy. Call fbOM !IQ.?21T O&" Wi:lte to Coll~e studenta. Reaa!.. . ~·i' ~ .ra.~ ~ ~... per. Musl be neat ln a~ Larry, 546-54lD . .f.O. Boxl2230>!ita f.fesa. Kalina Bro~ ~1234 AlllS, Br~Yl.POLLAN . pcarance, See Jim. 2590 JisOn 8est ' : ---AL'S Gardenlng 1: LP'tl · ~ MA•.l ,1f. Y-Ooilr ActrilyGit• M SfhuJ~'rt,, Nev.'POrl Blvd. C.M. $enslt1vity G.roup Maintenance, Comtnercial. -h.o1, •. " Atcorcli11g to '"• St.~. 'V' oci-' i'-1,)~ 2 MEN-18 or older. Full t\~ E~~~n\ ~ncy ~.or ~2513 industrial Ii; reaidential. f 'To develop messoge for Thursdoy, 49-Si' · -Service Station Attendants: I--=::.::::.·.::::':::">-'.:·:::•::.· - ..:. _ .\' 1 .. •'&46-3m9 11-· !I ~1 rrodwords corrt"SpOndingtol'UTlbe~ 1.n.JJ .IX!ach area; good pay. Ca.11 Receptionist A-.incimenrs 0tt10 ~t•ttl~ i ofyourZodiocbirthsi~ __ 1 :,,;....,-~--Cl.£AN•UP c-.-..iall$i! f.low. scotr:~tO 675--0533 or al'Y'y 2801 E. Prestige co, heavy pho-• >..;: a a•.A .._... ..Ul,:)lt · 1 ToM, 31 RoOltl ,, A OCT U CO&.sl H CdM .... , f"IANU LESSONS lnC. ec$n&, .:cpd Jo l)1 . .iJAr.,. :I.A-.! :u.F... 62Sod "oi.11 ,vy, · JNb\lc eoot"ct. TYf>t' s..l,. ai..n.1111rw students pre.(, Reuenable. ~, 1 .• :..,:1._1 ·n. ~ l't-;~L ~ ~"r..,.,..i SERVICE Stll.tlon Attendant MISS EXEC AGENCY ~:,'<" -~ EXJit 1'--1 -·,c,..,... l5 2:~.. .,_ -· '-.. IS-l ' ·1 And ' "0 W C I H1-• '·,~,...c.1. Music M...,..r RIENCEO Japa"'" _. ~ ........ -·.. cxper. pr e . el'IOfl 1 "-. Ola ..,.way •... 1... '60....t. 360.ll;c.Jlt HSNol• u ... A··-· CM N .. h <H -· .i•'• ·c..n B .. -546-+118 -""""-•, •·Hab'·, .c:Jn .,.,.,. """,., •• -.,1u1 n\On, J a .......... ewport ac ......- Siii· ~. ........ ._._.,.... ~ le-·~·.. ?iltlAfll "7F•Otll-.-J'l'T• 67 ~ _,,, Vlcr DIRECTORY for,frtt omma_te_ • a YoUH 31P,.... 1>1 ~mi. "°' u fr,i 54(}..1ZJ6. EXPE'R. lubrication man. 1-;;:;;..:.:;:;•:_::,;;;:::;:..;_::,;;;;_1~======== . ; IJ11N11f 9Mftt 390.. 6t0.:...'1 t > -~(" IOH.i.l ..OGIM. "/OWO<f ~~r EXP'O. Auto MecbaJPc,-<rNn Salary plus comm~. lllr;satti"' 6550 Gun c.1..-· 67l0 1-2~.11-' •,tlLM .. 10....-7IFor 11/li tools for b;usY -a bop . Apply in permq 3100 E. 1"-'-""'-"-"'-----·l·=;;..;;.-="'I";._ __ ..:;;_ l ~Wll .. lC:t~ Olile 72Tto. 74.77= r...... ff CdM CAMCtl •1lWilh .&Jin 71 .._...J,. 548--tnT; 174'1 Anaheim A.'o-e • ..........,! wy, . ¥OTHER WlJI hllb71tt. l4y BROWNING Shotiun XI Ga., WMfflf 14""1 .i1.i1n., 7•A\frt CAll.ICOltM Cos1 .. Mesa YG Aaist. dJeL C.ountry 11bomc. Fel)Qfd y_a t d. u. Wl Aut9_._ Vent rib, i yrs. ' e:-Jt.Nl1r.a ::~ .:~.. ~~-. ~.: ~ SALESMAN_. tttltet', pert club, top ---Amo day ~ Nur Harbot Shop old • Ped. Cond. S 1 5 0 . 12 1 71"~ .. , ,or '1'1~ .... w'lhr 1,;.,,-~7 'Centtr. I mos "' 3 ~ -.SlSI . , l-_lG-21..3 tlMor 46o 71 ~ ~.Jr ti~ some piano/organ dillh , _._t6 '!"' lt n.. "'' t...... 7t r.,.. · ... "fL koowltd,t. Wallicb11. ask GARACi: JOO( )ftfttred. Sf day -~ hrly. "° . 70Cat 50Y-IOtia..'t AQllAIM Mr V Old oo:.an "'l'"' • ~tlmtoroecuional. Ex· Heutins ·> • ,e730 ~ Julrt> ~~~ r,~ =~=:,; iNl.M ~ · 111 en~""' operator-Field 1erviot men . .;;. .......... ~l.1!15 . GENl!RAL HAU.LI· NG ' ~,v/u ,,...,. ''" " ' M_Al.E Help W•nte.r. ~en-Top money.""""" .12.1~.. !~~-~. ,"',X."""" '.,'"',... ~~ .. ~ ... · lucky Flied Chicken 693 s. oLbEJt ~1an nl1ht clerk OOLLl!CE-o -.U· ' &c1r•~u" •• -~ --~ ,.,. ~-~n•·-· ''" Bch " u,.p..,a.r:,.,~.r.: :r.ljol"'n ~ • .JS-11 ·?•t1'1 !>t°"Y ~'&oil 10-6?-"-"'til•• "'I•~· · Jlof t/l\totcl expcJlence. lb~ .. c.ar. \V'eekl12~perJold.• •162"846 v11GO ~~ ~~f:.*"''' :;A+~ r1SCn EXP. Oardf!ntr. Good Pl'J', -°'="~61341~;:.:;lfl:,,..,_~--nlellfi.~ ~1..S.. ·YAib/aa.t· d. ili&lO\'C • 11Ar:,f' 11 2tM.t, Sth\.il!cw\ att:M. 11•; 1' }?').__ nloe Joe. For info call Au TO l\I o l' r v & L i ne ,.. ... 8tdo-5tJ.U7I litel l\I)', m : tr~iof..lUJI lfe~1~-:.1;!: ~ ~·~ '°~o "'"'·"'ii--~ P.fechnnlc. ExperiencM. f'.ri- Net M~tter What It Is -~q . .--• YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A D-AILY PILOT · WANT AD! 642-5678 DAIL'ift.OT'WANT ADii· *~"I:~•'-•: .. ·~ ~,., ,1.1....\S/~ \81",_ ,()NC'Utnl 6-ll·lf..~ nlE QUICKER YOU CALL. ply tn ~-Zl37 lt1t.rbor ~ u:M.~ -, _ , , _tl\:i>~.e-.·llhe . . . -_ . . l'HE QUfa<Ell YOU SELL ~Bl:!:vd!:_,~CM~, ~~~-· __ !,==.====.==========al l ft ) ) --· ---..L -- . ' ,., .. ' • . I ' 20 r1LOT-ADV,•TISU Wtdntsdoy, .i>J~ 9, \969 • • • · "WlditotU/, Jo17 9, •1969 ~ 'DAllV l"ILO\> Ju•• lo •MPLuYMERT JulS • ·-~L<JYMERT ~as 8 IMPLOYMINT .IOIS & 11•".LOVMINT MlllCHANOISl·FOll MlllCl'~ll!!C!lli f.':ttlllCMAIC>lll . . rw!' • • /: • ~ • ·, 1 .SA.LI AHDT,RA.O( ·lAL@AMO~. IALt ·ANOTUDl t SALE~:TUl)l 1 ... LllldlD Help Wonted Htlp Yf•ntld .... -Hiit> Weft.-• mtp.W•-• • . _ • , ...,......... • _ _ • Womlft 7400 Women 7400 Womtft F 7~ w-. 74oo ,~ • ail ~ . .... '""'lturo -~· ,..,,.1 ........ : • ·~~-· •. •·.I'. • · A1>11~1TYs11i1G ,(. Oill!ce ·-,~]'"'SAVESUSAVEUS!$AYi;s_.un.sq~ u~ ."6>tq.. Sicretar,Y/ r .~~,e~lries ·~j]~]lfil1[1)j™I ". · ·: ~AREHOU'SE $A~~1 , -., ~ c1.rts . . . Bookk~eper. Typists :-iicOIA~·w'wai•=---our Hutt 6,DOO · S..re ~.1,at111 ,II. !lit· se.s1 . udl<>."" ....i '°"'•hill· • Typists R11pons11111; 1op 1-1 ' • • ·~' ' DON'T~ SS· "P-.LllC·· '. · Ilea to till w"1Uor Jobs In • Secretaries "°'Ilion for w rp. l•k• Alt. OFFICE SKILLS • .!'f 1.1 l~_!~l!lllf'S· , , . ' -. • • . : 1. n !fl!. ; • '. ow... In __t!>o,.Q.n&_C.U.. .....:.=..;.;..">".;.;;......, __ ,..,.,.. 1lrl. ~--'~'."'-. . : -,_ • s.-..& _....._ r..o11.. ' , __ ---Cl!-~ A'·C I Ufiiil~·Pr).ol ,';: .,~ . tf ·~.........-.. . '"'--~oot-RlM--n~.-'"" rn<T. $>UU<-MOIW:WITll AU llAND NEW L ... wts•lk~•tf~.H• •-s..n . , :-~:p~;~11r JoBs :.tt.::"":.iul:;.""t..:I!! \. '. Ch1m!i1Jne ~ ~.'.i;o:;.;.-.~~~·· · SPANJSH ·:-.'fftDlTERRANEAJt:·" I. OFFICE WANTED" .. W1t111enl' • • ·: ~~=·~,. PER~~~1~,!~~~CE ~= =~:;·:::: Temiio11ry Help -1~ .... ~ •. ;;,:tp,:,'.'.=tl s1f'Q.:jj::5Y.j:"u~S~H~io'"'sJit,r ,·, L I <.. c I Mo .. c Ill ' knowl~ I • -• A decor1•or drMJll house on d1$p)ay,-3 s~ . ,,, -~ !.L-c ~ _,, • ' e 19• -retory ••• 1 • ' 00• 'lYP<-A ·-• • NEWPORT BEACH t' . S lsh. tu' '"~ (~ · 5 Pc·SpanlabDlnlnrRoom•el,8!1.1ola"'1pve•e•l.3bea")'l\1•11derrJneaa 642·7523 toa• ''°'"""'· 13». cau rooms o ·gorgeous pan m.v •. e "-style inatcblnc tabl ea, 5 Pc Spanish bedroom 1eL value lib Wa ~evu W. 'l ~",1',,i1:' t~~\. 1, .. ,..1 • ...,,. Moo. 11vu "C'l;l~.t.t'mNCY 3149 Birch 51'"1 reg. C 295.00 " , , . .. Im seen -don't mlss it!! .. .. ( . ·, · COME IN TODAY Fri. 8 a.m..to.5 p.m. A mim .... ,... ~NTA ANA s·a 11ra"E .... , ' . llANK J'INANC !NG,MAUER.tHARGE -1 - • -, ""'1lloe ~ ""'""" loc. U16'F; E. fO\lrth l'ftl! • • • • -. _._,....,.. T llANKAMERICA!ID , S~tJ-C11AROJ.._P_LAN I l11t1·"·r1rn. &[oaJ 0:;::::Z'."•""'' mi:;t;'E:iri'" · ~'~ · ~ .................... , ............ : __ , ... ,..., 74ppro'~.ed .·F..Urnlfure · · ~-=-:!~;:,, WAJTRfSSES Two Office Girb ·:..~., :flr.D ;, RJ~NITURE .<=.12.~·~.M,:.•:.,~~·~> · : Santa """· P..b. ~ Day & NI•"' Shltt ·""'LI• ...... able .. 4'1 ... SEC'FY .. p;.., ._....,. -1•~•-wport Blvd . ,.. 2065 c11ar1e st . Costa ·~ . Costa ~le1a 2700 Jlarbor for b~ colft.e sbop good skills.> Yni bou, beach U'l'I 111; , ........ lt.dl Behind "Harbor €ar Wash." En\;, on Hamilton or Bernard St. Equal Opportunity Ernploy'r APPLY · area. S52S. Call Ann Wil-~ 't . OFFICE MANAGER-MANNING'S 186 Eul 1'1h St., !lam" 540'6o55. . ".;.;ti, Mm only A.~11t11 Hard to Flnd.Bvt Worth "' ' ro1· medical oWt:e in New-COFFEE SHOP "' Costa Mesa COASTAL AGENCY ..... . • , -~ --1001 lttmi too Nu1Mrou1 to Mentkwi port Beach. All front ofUcc 2·lo.1i El Toro Rd. SECTY I Mktc. skilled w/ A member o1 r_.,MWit.f'fl'l -Wlll.,~!& , :'TJ~""~ _548 ~9660 , ' ' dutie1:1 Incl billing & med Laguna flills 8.11-1014 good phone JllP'90f\&lilJ', .di. Snellin& Ir SneUlng Inc. ft.... 9 9 D II Sund 10 ".5 ·.,, ----versified e.ngr firm. $495. 2190 Harbor at.' Cnlita MeA YMEN ., ...,...n to • Y -•y '-' -Miss.EXEC.AGENCY -dY't~;~e_TARY J"'LGloda..Ka> •• :;1~. -~-• JDBS_ .. , ,..rL~; ,...,,..! . ' . -'c ....... l!·!SS~-~S~A~YE~ .. !.SS~S~,!$A~·YE-<~.s~· $~.s~s~··~"~t"~.S~S~,$~,S~'Ai~N~-~-t~S~S.~ .. IA~YE~J~t==I "' w. 'l:'oast n=••Y '.n -.om, ... M· COllSTAl. 7iGENCY-• REUBElj'S • Joli• ...... ·w.n. -·Fvmiluro. ...... .. ----exec ex p, shtd Ute, som<:. A mem~, of ! !'I:!!'"~ _=.!· · , ' ' '-' ~' ' ~ewport Beach 646-3939 . "" I e ... ltu ~~ llMlli •pp'I•---' ' 1100 HI •1 ·1o s1...... 1210 dlctaphone-, heed exctutive Sncllin&: It. Snellins Inc, • ~ 41, • · Mf 1"""'n re· · .. , _,,., ., 11 ,._. . •r '"l tvne !It'""'. "l'Owt11 "'11enMI. 2790 ·Harbor Bl~Cotita Mesa C ta M FR" (I,.J. .. ~ . lJOUIDAJvwy Ancient Mariner MISS EXEC AGENCY '.·. ' OS esa I ~ . . DINlNG S>;[-jO" Round NORGE Autorilatlc w .... r. ""SOLID ............. ·410 w. Coa•t llir,...;, LYN & N~s Aids · FOR BANl(S.f'lNANCE CO'• tible With . > """' • late """"'" xlnt.'""'1 $65. '""" ,.,..., ,uo1o ""'"' 301 N. Tuatill Ave. Santi!. Ana. Calif, 542-1481 Ne-.vport Beach 646--3939 t..&rge progru1~e ECF needs -NOW > ESTATES-MODEL. HOMES m.tchlrc c~ and china * 8f'f...fll15 ln walnut , c:ooll'b. Take EXPERIENCED _ u. Qrl<ntatioaJ>rovlded 1ty, l_Nl.l;ll\ll f:.WJ HG Top wa ... ~'.'J!&"'"· bOr>. Q\111111>..d\irni-. -<lblne\.., M u J \Al vJ II" • I --II IO' over_.,..,....., or'"' WAITRESS tu11 ume, .m aervice. edu~-_ est, aoo wonwi cOnCl.itiol\I Can't 0tpogtt. FUtn. They Prmctna duilJI. Like ..,... "'"t qUM . cub balance· o1 ·fZ3.61'. Toking •pplic•tions foi to r. Operuna:s on all shifts. -WAITRESSES-lnai-ea~sltadlqa5restaf°i:,:_ Dem.and Ca&b!.·Rtp.rdlui 4!!3-3180 , ; l ( . credit Dept. 5J.5..,7289 , Olfferentlal pd Jo, swlnl:era Apply am to pm ot of Lou! Spaniab -lled.lter, LEAVING . town. must .. 111 ANTfQUE NE\V GE 'Qt .-FM, SttNo t LUNCH -Apply in Person &nite owla.OnlythCJ6ewho terv\ew'at t'aJIW\·,~ple, •. ~ Bedroom tit!, IOI&, dfik. SHOW AND-SALE NC. p!yr.; Ubn.r)' ol WAITRESS SURF lo SIRLOIN "",_,•PP!> at tll30 W. Apply ift porlOft MANNING'S •.,.,,,.,..!Ir!""....,,.-: work benc:h & many olher $2.IOO,oil °"""' """"'. $'85 vol<11, j"t Apply bet~n l pm & 5 pm 5930 Pat. Cst. ~wy. Warner. S.A. S4U450 1~ West Adi.ma, C.M. roo~~ ~ .01 any ~ items. 9S-8736 • Beverly Hilton Hetti $2'JS, 644--46'1i Nawport .Ba.ch G1naral Olllco $450. • ,.U. FFU ....... -COFFEE SHOP ""'-·= & m.ttttu,..,. ,9806.wn.fure.,Btvd. -"'cu"'R""ns"'·"""·ldi=,,..,b"'.,.,.'"'·""=" BKKPR, kcei> books for AAA ----Able to-1. .. ....tie ptMlnes and D "' ~ 24Clll n Toro Ra. tom: madi IOfu·l:-lOft·ett.ti. HouMholcl Goocri; -BewrJr Hi1h · tertal ttiiii' like en-: co, sed your bank boo k SECRE:Y-ARY ,........_... Lei!iw'e.World La.aunaijilla ~lte allllnc rooms l: JuJy 10 U •UJJ nmentcent,r, 'new grow too! Co pays irui. To Lcad.if1'" legal group Newport : a;tet c.:.~ 'Ai NEWPORT -.&37-1.014 • • ..... . hutcbet! Guarutted lrolt· DRAPE.S • DRAPES • 'J'hur .Fri kt i '10 io ixio or bttt auer. 611 1311. $550.CallBllUe,540-«)5.5. Beacl\. ,Le.gal .or corp char:·~ I -_ ·-me ·rdri(ei.19"1. eolo_r Room1~~1. Muttftt , ~lltq6. . ,_, .. COASTAL-AGE l;fCY bl<ii'riiJ. IOo>kllls. p1., ott·i '°"' w .. =--o.., N.e'. Now lo!Jrviewing BEAUTY "°-r; , TV'" tatemodelwuh<nl 1n ,..: Op 1o m. rm . .. ., " · Sporth.•t·Deod• A ~r ol Ices. 1 6'5-21'11J ADD. . d~rs ~all on &ale At aac-Mt-4413 . " .. , Ait-TIQUE •Cl.Oq(S for sale ;VRFBOAJU> 9'1" &ood ~ ~~~111n .. Inc. MISS EXEC -=¢.G,..-~_Y_ ;~ Intimate •rel .. -~Out 8u1Jn.11 , ·,·, ~lfif·nc;:~· n1E;ri;o SPANISH St,yle ~table.,;,.','~ ' -::: ditiOn $4S Call · alter ·~ ~~Bt:~ _ lli_,__.. ~~~ .: -~ '"----~ · ~-'"' · ~ ~ wl4rtbaitl•t1(IO -nYKe,,_ e-~,vt;~torla&~~~··;;·,~·~· ·~C~·~"t~~~~:~~~t-1 LEADING 1 i Nea;PQrt Beach 646'3939 fnUned ope.nl.Qi, xJ,nt &maD • I wrJy not make It youl'I too' 0 HO ......... --m eiectr1 :~..., I~ :.;):. -.9 • -oc.~~ -----..,-,,.. ~-c;o. -1r_i • __.,,~~ p•·¢h~~ Dreelfent;copl.panJ-·btnelitl \VOUlllD ·~art.wait. .:..._---1Ulfiliii . "I ;---ore c -.,-er, ·19WJ -MM~i'..tl20-, :· .... ,:;; .. -4 -~~ Mo d .. F 1..1. worklne: cond. Call Filee, -in&' lo purcb&te . " ast".111 e -~-· . E .i ' . ' -; J ·Misall•n~1\iii ·~F.I -part-lime typist with n a.y r~y ~ • · s · ' ' knowledge of 11hthnd. Co~ &per\,t'nccdJ:>r related back· S46-5-Q.~•son Btat Apply In person ~p~ .A Y 0 N AOK 0.rlfe S.le \ I022 1: ~~~;1~fu A WESl'EJtN , waaori,. w • tact Miss <.:Uidstone al ... -und ool.Y. Em••--1 A Inte-rvlewa· betwten QmneUca: and ..i... 77•• 0 ·'-0 Bl -; n nu ' -· ' t. ~ lichtlnr fixtures:-• 644-!230 equal opportunlcy -B·~NK. Of.·· AMER ICA _.,,, .. en 1eocy #1 FASHION ISLAND ...... '-'· •r919n rove • PRICES SLASHED EVERY· ton bolts, deatsna elc ... $5.25 ~,, n&lflab.)1:11! rec1btlria employer -"' . 2120 So. Main, s.A. SECTY. 11.)Jne data prtieelS CALL Wet tmlnJttr '{~' Block West ntING GOES. llalJ .Uta, rno. or,$36.00 cub.-~-chain. Doon • .., 1ft4.d'!_r 18691 Main St. SttTY "VttY: OOcl~ alillli bqmd-~t·aJdlla RtaJ~po. s.ro.1ou or ~ ~ of Bea_ch_ ~· ntar C'.G. pot belly !!!t'lt afomoltt . _ ..Arfificlal _ __Jlo_\i'fta. Mp.tile PUBUC Relatlorus, sharp. Huntington Beach finds~ an Xt!t opp{) fOl' tentiall"$500. Ctll0 Ann .WiJ· -l ~) ()fJen,1):$, SUMi.y, cheats, tallies, cha~ fOck: -~C1nmt;~-t125 lJ:ookcaa. Can · 10 r1·e~ ~le lrping,I lov~O\r:I~ Equal opportunity employer &dvtncernent! $500, Ca.ll Iiams, 540-6m5, ilnwinon . el's. delb, mlrron, old GUlTARJi AmPw;en. PA bietwttn i5 and t •p.m~ !'e'at ncent ve! ! 4 RECPT for Arctiltect, Girl Sally Ffart, ~. • COASTAL AGENCY .... ., j ' OVER -STOCKED 11.au. phlna, bric4·brac. (O'St~ :.r ubo cbainhet.: wttkday1 « ·a Dy t 1,m t Call Billie, 5.-t().6(65. w/ some art bkgrnd, light COASTAL AGENCY A member of persoRO• . CENTURY HOUSE :ANTI-Bnt Ofter! ~'l'Ol7 • •~kends:-~ • ' COASTAL AGENCY typing, plush ofc. $375. ~ A n1embcr of Snellinl: '-Snellina: Jnc. MUST SELLI QUES. 2Uf Newpo~ Blvd. • PLUSH l'.U'Jon ~t. ::,,NJ ~u~ n~l!~ru~ Joc. G~O~s~A·L~~NCY SneWna-& Snelling Jnc . 2700 Harbor m, Costa Mesa agency New 9 pc. corner arrana. CM C-JU:Sf. beYond 2ht St. • ~~~~~= =· • pe.d, apprux 100 811 )Ida c0 2190 Ha1·bor Bl. Costa r.1csa 2790 Harbor Bl, Costa Mru. cbol.ee -of dn. _rq. _$230, Watch 1o!' l'.lp;) Dealers 1·-I .,_ ,,,_ whl~c:oklr'. Yl·..Nlf~ ... ~ · A member of • SECRETARY * EXPERIENCED -Professlon•I Service now . S1491'0: Headbrds: wclcome. 642-6720 evuyday. ,__. "'cue .. .,,_,~ be M!t1! ln ~-.~~ P ersonnel Gal Snelling & Snelling Inc. • • for·the employer K\ngs, SJ,5., Queens $12.50, GARAOt. SALE 11 _ settl:v at 2D08 HaUd&y~i Top level position. private 2190 Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa with Real F.5tatc e NOTE TELLER ancl the •nnllcant Full. $10.50, ~ ·S3.9fl. MINK STOLE, beautltUJ, $50. Pll"°f & 9'1aN;. -N:B.·Ml-QllO f1Dr ... d office, Xlnt co. Call Bobbie GIRL .FRIDAY $415-• leue oll:perlence .PAR'.f llM~ W Dove ~ NI Truridlc tieu-tduo ~) w/ Kmmore wut)er, worttl $"LE oUen conl\d. "') '!. j 5-l6-5-llOJ. B 1 conveilleht C.M. ofcs. varie-ONLY. e . TELLER .; 6424171 r 5ct.i7G ~1'19P.~~~ ~ !1..~ ~!:5· Good ~ss ~Xlt In All JUL! .. ~ ~----Ii" 3.5 HP Rotary Mower. ason es t.Y of d'Uties, 8-4:30. Salary open. ...... ..iv. lW<4-·~....., ~ ....... .,.... cue ~ nt new • u.cu-r......,.~ $38 Craftamtn S Hp•~ Employment Agency ABILITIES Cail fifn. Jurich Po.slUon available w I lnn. 1princ matt. rtr· books: . Tet:&n.lcal, cLl.uic, Oleck our Pianos-first • •• •• • ~ ·~ Bowline bllt fl) 2120 So. Fifain. S./\. UNLIMITED AGENCY' 642-StTI UNITED for &n $59.50, now S39.5o, Full a. ~' etc, 2332 Colgate Wullture~eFiscber / " · SIJ . c'., CAL I FORNI A IANK sleepcr-eofa res. $239.50, now . Dr., C.M. ·.All w e'c k . ~tah . nG-1nteteit ierTn1 w cues.. ea. ...,. TECI-1 Seely, cxcptJ advcnit 488 E. 17th St., Suite 22i MARRIED? TOO MAN.Y. -· _ _ XPEftll!NCID" 1!S9.&0 .. New-beds:-Kin f SI"-......,. . ~-·"f"' a-....---!1f~c-C:ompany-underOounter · dlah'41bti .. ipol. Poised-;-good sklllii.' CO!tA--Y-ria &U=t4i0 -·0• ~ Q mu• repairable $25' 96S-U3Q P.R l''h '.-,. Start $400. RECPT/Scoty ......,.,,.,."" N•w· B I LLS ! Pennancnt-part 222 Ocean Ave., t.aruna Bell. -TELLER -199.50, Queena, $88.50, FuD G•••GE Sale· ~·-hold 20i5 No. Mail't. SA $4.7..Qi&l . , ~ · "" · · a•vn•-.. '" time. help wanted In anack 494-6546 $4,\~. Twins $39.50, fully "'"" · · ,........., "l · , -KIRBY vacuum cle a.n:er Colco' Ae;SuT;,A, """'L AG;sE. C port Rltr. Typing, shld, good bar. See nu,nagcr &fter 1:30 GI • M nhall Good• epportUnlty with ind&-juaran. Kini-tize spread•, ltem1 floot pol~r. pole JULY 1,. hc?l • bu.t 'i"tn• lownhavt .w/attacb, polish.tr .. XU.T N y on phone. Futui-e! Start $425 pin. Pa\llo Drive In Theater, OflG a ""ndent bank. Call f.holoe. of cbw. n:r $20.95, lamp, bed, chinli, bookl, the H~ INya: , . CODlt aftdt' ~· _,._y 116 A men1~1· of Call Gloiia Kay, 54Q.6055. 3051 Newport Blvd, CM. the leader in ~ ,£Qntrol "';'" , Dow112.99 SIES'l'A,.SLEEP paiptioP, S o I f cart, baby S~tnet, Con.ol'\: A. Gi'aixl ~nee ~ cil $3$.6? Q~r ··~ Snelling & Snelling Inc. COASTAL AGENCY salons', is aeeldna mature, Mn•Brown 5f0..211l SHOR~l927Harbor.a.Ml,Of .furn., .ma111. t a bl e. Plalpt: .• ~. & used ove~~nlL :Otdltnfpl; 2790 llarbor m, Costa Mesa A n1ember of SECT¥, Banker'• right~ alcnder attractive , women .,,. M5--fli0 datl)l:1N'Sat 104~ ~thlrt1;· 1adle1 10-1(, mens Bald~ -all on ~1289·' : •, ' DEN ~-..,.11. -... -n· ,.__ Toilch banking exper, g...... • In "-~ c::=:: · , · 1 l"-,........... July U.13 1251 dJe at ut prices. • · . • j TAL SE ... 1~J ARY :7': 1ng .... ~"" mg u,.;. Call .. ~11.. to counsel women U6U•<; LEAVmU for Ha..,.U 1 ;71 ~· · CO', ..• ...._._.· ITtM:I l\lanagement ability, maturt." tmO llarbor Bl, Costa Mesa skills. To $550, .,...._..,. rl. TELLER . · Baker, C.M,, rear. WARD'S BALDWJN'stUDJO ~·..._~ , : '1ce ~ 1 Hart, 540--6055. control. No e..'<Pf: ence neces-Bdrm . .et complete. 2 GOOD ... ~ cl ,i..., •·-1!19 Newp:iri C.M. M2-MM cream la.ble' A ebalrl, •Ovll l)', g.....,., pen;o.1111 ily. -ro-~ OPERA TORS COASTAL AGENCY SIU')'. \Ye will train. Plea• with at k &3t 2 Yl'• exPtrt-naupbyde t"OUCbet . Sold. ..-... .o .. .c,.· m-... ~ '' ' . &· W\\'11 relier, ~.iOl quired. Should kno'A· dental A member of ant surroundings I: &hor1 ence wllh bank or s&L. Alt Hl·fl ··marble cofiee table. ltem1, paUo rutn. beer kep, HAMMOND • St~l!!.w&Y ·!a• famoua me·n.·~ · I term.~. Call 847-5690, 11 to 3 Experienced on d re s s e s, working houn:. For inter-21--45. Salary commensurate ~ 1 hal , 3 bedlpread&, throw r u 11. maha • ntW Ir • plahol P~t & 1 to 9 Pf.f, C)(a?pt sports wear, zippers. Top Snell!~ Ir Snelline Ill('. vitw phone 642-3630, with expericnct F'llll time. c r, pc RC· cooler, ·toys, bottle of ill makes. Belt buys Lo 'DtuJ,JlA;TINCJ · r I Tues. Pay. Al!IO PRESSER. 2790 Harbor Bl,·Cmta Mesa Apply Downey . Savina;s Ir =·· 2~~ -0::::: 1te.rfUzrr. July 10.ll·U 6962 So. Ca.Ill. ~bl blftt, ·-l haW} qUal,i~, Jtet.vy ''!"":( .. LYN N1?roetl, nights, 11 to 863 Production Place YOUNG Lady-0Hk:e trainee, e e EXPERIENCED Loan 25866 Muiriandi Road, w/4 . Sold cbn. Wu.htt A Marilyn, 'HB 841--0397 or SCHMIDT MUSlC ~·• ~.~~Ill, ;ncb 3~1'. i 7 Afl.1. Nursing Hnme. . . Newport Beach. ii46-roDS ~ tim~ neat ;p~arlng, MlS!'ion Vtejo 837-49U Mr. dryer, refrig, 2 bttaktalt 841-99$2 ~N·:~· ' SU'O.,~ .. NURSES Aides, day shirt Secretary to $500 ~ 5fi.fiO So w ~· -TELLER-Lapp. chri. Stauffer red u.ctn1 GARAGE Sale S.t 9-3 10' ta • · C.OM·PL•ET'E • bar b•~ Experience pt'C'f'd. LablJna R.E. Bkg:md pref, e~pand· YJ>C · me expe nee SUBJECTS to bi--Au far n:.;.chlne.. ~filcl clothint, bool.t 4 motor, 4 Porta Cable VOX J•guar Oraan, Li~ :_t::pm't •&I 1"0<1ltdi .. P.1 '.I desirable. ~tu.'t have. car. ~ "'...;. Will .. ~ Beach Nur.iing II om e ing Ne1vjlort firm. Fee re· Could 11o·ork into full time. UNITED Pay ch ophytlolorlcal ex-11.za 10 A 8, ~.,. m1acl aklll &a.WI, Sbopsrolth; elec new. · ....,.t $50:!· -n .i .... • , ~ 494-8075 imb, also fee jobs.. ~mt . CALIFORNIA BANK perimenll IUO). Requlm: Items. 96WT.I) • :.·-.l'al'li:t "own, power la.wia ~t"e .. KOlnl ·to ....,..eae. _... t NURSES Aide, part time . .C ABILITIES Hixson iJelal Finishing 6 momlnp. Phone 63J-.Q93 SCRAM LETS maYt'Cr, misc klt, uteMI.t I: M'1-4P?S · · Quality kine bed, quilted, hr~. afternoons, or full lime UNLL\fITEO AGENcY 8Zl Production Pl, ND 6 l\1onarch Bay Plaza ext 188 btwn 12:30-4:30 p.m. · ". · · b0usehol4 tt~m•. 9192 )l,\RE • UmwW '$11.GO Complete. unu.aed $98; ~ P h Pv d E .fll8 E. 17th St .. Suite Zl4 South , --•"a , • . , Albany Circle, HB. ~ "_.. _ _.. Oanilh Tealniroocf I .$250, After 5 Oil -~ .f\f . s if!. t. uty . xp. Co M 000 1470 SECTY ·' """" •• Loi>,._. WAITERS, W a It re a a~ a, El ~·~·-, rcqd. NO i'EES. Apply sta esa .,..,... · rew exec ..,..,... 1"'· {TI4J 4!&-1361 Cuhlf:r-flosteu. E,; p • d . ANSW s U" SOLID oak: coffee table, Splnet.plano. Prtv. 64+.1600 , 847--0406 SALAD WOMAN Top skills, top pay, fu ture! _ ~ii'i;;;;;,:-=;-;~=:l Homemakers, In<'., 1638 E. T $500 Call Sally Hart Over 21, O or pf J}me. ApplJ , · claw feel, Mahoe. bruk· PRACMCE P. l • no,, ex-* FOLDING Bed JP.'. \allJ ~ 17t h SI., S.A. &17-6681 9R TRAINEE S:()..6055.· ' Bkgr. Recpt. to $500 Lagu.na Hotel; 1.aauna Bch. GoP,btt -Cress_ Ci'Own-. front, •mall "'1tll· chi.tr. o-, CQtlonal tonal qual .. f/'O et.aye $25. Call, al r 5 pm; DENTAL Recpt. &. assistant Working hours Mon thru Fri. COASTAL AGENCY Medical O!£fce l-ti beach area, TRACT SALESMAN Symbol _ SCENE!RY HQ11e tab 1e1, 111aiware, , 962--1248 · · 84i-'13A9 , , • for New Po rt Beach 1 10 3 PM. Previous exp. A member of take books to T&.8, handle Weekends new Jarge .ub-An optimist b..a man who hooked rup:, 21»? 8'Ja, , WAN:TED 3.Whl llaiiey frarne,'drawiftl Orthodonti111. Stale a i e, \\•ill be acknowledged. Call Snelling ii; Snelling Inc. front offi~. Call Lofll.i.ne, division Costa Mesa. 54M702 1ell trted by a lion. but en. EMtbJutl. -~ sPmETs tr GR.ANOS Ible, clothes etc. irioB OllVe qualifications & experlenoe ~Cn~~~:· Ask lor 2'79() I1arboi' Bl, Costa Mesa Merchants Pem~ .. 2043 SEMI·Retired couple t 0 ~· ~ SCENERY. • ANTIQI!E Ta b 1 e 1 , · COl'D· 638' 3620 · Apt A. H:B. ' •• · tc P.O. Box 16.SG ,N.B. 92flill SECRETARY • Experienced WestclW Dr Ive, N.B. R\llM.l'C apla. Dl:per. PO DAVENPORT 6: Match~ love ~· butter c h,u f n, P,IANO WANTE~i!.• , G-1. lf Oi'FSEt Pl'ihtlre URGENT NEED for a Oen-RECPT/~, Legal bkgnid, Shorthand. Preferably M5mO • • Box 2fi8, CM CJ!if. 92627 leaf, bronie Ir; p1d pattern, eeeretary. J>utlel, love llf'~t, (21.3) 117·1035 Pvt .P~ Cdilcount oo Order 200 A,over) ta! As!listant, oral surgery good skilb, plus Newport ovc:r 30. Good with ~. Secretify to $650. · Rev . .zippered culhlonl-lm· oval pie. tr.mes Ii: mllel. J7T H RIVeiUk .NB &o.Ot20 ofc. JC.Ray exp. a niuat. c;fc. _starts aL $600. Ca. Lt ----N:ti. Call Mr. I11111!'1--Top Co.m s.-A:reqUlre•Cood J~~~~rs:·-~~ mac. ·$150:'"~~ ... ~~1 ~ ~~· T....,lslon l205 BA'ITFJUES 6 ~ St.95 ~. U 548-1719 • Gloria Ka;v, ~. 642-33511 iklllsandtlectronicortech· LARCE ' CIVo di 'ti • . V1 .95 Ufno.D..u COASTAL AGENCY RECEPTIONIST . Book· nlcal i..i.-. co.;..,..;.. lht fee, Jor bfkecy,'&f2:431)3 ~· , me • ',ne e GARAGE Sale penonal I . l$5 ex. suari .. ...,. SARAH COVENTRY has A n1ember oI . ._, ..-..~ BEAUTY Optralar lull 0t .i.bl~--" &.mat_chini' chain. i.... ..... tmld -1 ... Items 150 . v $1.2f>.Old b&U. ~ three. tmmed. openings for Snelling 1 SneUltil Inc. keeper ?tltdical 0 1 t 1 c e. caJ1 Loraine. Mqcbants.Per· parl. Umt: com• Ha.Ir !~,.,,~-:.~Hon. Call -n;n,-~ 'Cir'Sat=sun, · &ti2 --~ICNOTL.OORR-TYIU ,_ 8. cosro~i u r ff) o'l.'t.if mgml. trainees. No exp. Refere~ Phone for In-IOMel Agency, 20«3 West-~ ... ..,,......... __, _ .. 1.~. 1 ~, k 2i90 Harbor Bl. Costa ;\fesa te-·~w·""';,;~ ., •• 1 cl"' On""'· N.B. ~2770 Faahion1.· 67S-338$. · • &: 13 • $9 Mon&&. J. .,.. •• ect oonu ...... ; year uw rx::c. Part lirpC flBles \YOr • ..... .....,.;n, Ill '"· i1~ETI'~ Frtntb Prov. · '" up S50 M7-659l also avail. ~5460 TYPIST : . (AlllO fee jobs) PART Time janitcrial help, dbl bed W/1:~ stands ,\ -• ALSO "=-=· ~=-,.,.,-=-,-.,-t • WArrn.ESSES e 40 Y\"I or older preferttd 'RECPT: Outstanding Irvine -SECRETARY male. or toople .. t>pendlble. ~ l ·Jdl table A 6 Appll1nce. 1100 ~FRiGERATORS •DOUBLE .~ •• crib, twln w:ilh strong background o~ Co, aood l)'p\st. attractive. EV1!ninp. ~ chain. ·Ms.:tmratt g »m-GE Au'-·Uc W b WAlifttRS. OR DRYERS bedt, US ea.ch •• TV S1,0, Excellent hours. !Bbl elr!etric Will ti-a.In on Start $425. Call Ann Wil· No 1htd, German !Jpealdrc . ~ , _ . . ........ a 1 e r , OPJ'ION TO BUY ~ , Co~ta ?tfesa Golf & Country . '..t . Iiams, 540-6005. preL Lovely 0.C. Allport SchoolMnltl'vcfloft :t600 nt...:;;;; TfM Bedrm S.e t. vtfy pod oondl.tion, . $35. , , r••·_.139 1.NEWPO.:.::=::R~T-llch.!..--7-...,,--0~,.·t 81 Club. lntcrvie?o-s 9-ll =nefnlt e ~~11:~ CO~Si'AL AG~NCY ores. ABJLrr~ · · . · 30 Ydl: u1eec1:!001 ~t· * 841:-WS • ~ lamily mtmbenhlp. ff».o a.m. malling tirm.·540-3005 Snell'~ n:ms.i:1 .... Inc. UNLIMITED'AGENCY ORGAN-PIANO ~ ~.tlm:I. REFRIGERATOR, ~. pa . bestofier. m-tooi att ·s TYPIST-Temp pos itio n . TELLER. new bank beach 2190H;~Bl.~;Mesa 483E.17thSt. SUlte224 LESSONS ·· · ·-dryers;:z5. · Hlfllr...,,..i 8210 3 PC Luap&e $10 Ta Mature, respoMible, ac· area. Oppty for ambitious Cosla Mesa ' '42-1470 Elementary A ~. AD · Auatib' k1qr bed. 'l\lllted, · ' * 536-1.0U * · ; 11' · f · • . w1fh 18111 ;Z. &:it curate, able to-UM -dtc. girl; variety. Start $400. Call Dental Recepl I: Bklqlr, _ SHA.RP GAL _ 'l'P'! of mlillc. YOllr holne ~P'ete, ~ Uf;. 'lloWfh KdiifQRE ••ab 1 r , ~ J(CA s~, .. Cf'terrY -:ood· ~~ 50c-$2.~1U-¥ laphone. 645-09'm' Ann WUllams, ~. Elp. c;ir~C:~· $45. Be1"1!en :116.35,.e~ army Studk>. ~ t:\'ft.'... $$._' Alter S Oil' wlmda ~iltnt con4 l t Ion. ·Q!.1' 1aokl A i6lmd1 llke nnr ... ~llt-"'-"""'""="':-:=--"'--'11 MAu.lE'S W1g &: Beauty COA$TAL AGENCY _,..._,.. 1n hi-.tashlon drt:Ae&• mt At~ESSORI Teactte"f <Mi-MIS'~~ -__.._ -.-. ~. -."1 $115 C~1i!CM>>.tJ6&;1589" ·, QIAR.Gg l'J'f s.,1~~'-d~~~sexHpal~~ls~ A me~~r,lngof WANTD>WI 1o' 1""'""'p1 women aporUweartoasgist m&eot ~~~ .. 1 .. ~Wl~, ~~~~ c· C O'N!.~~~~~_!t .~!.! F ~. • -·••-M.-; IOOOFurnlture· , ~IOOI w nou p1 .. ~ · .,, . &ielling &-'>("'--" Inc. w ni . earn. eaM •P-nm LOOK P'll:< ...... 'f ................. ......, couch A u1tc~:. "'"""•' 'l.v1-· _um1,uN \ , ;.i.,,,,...... , . oi· commissk»I .548-3446 219ctHarborBl,CoslaMesa ; _plyat 535 W.CoenterSt..CM. DRE.$ SHOP adva.~ OUte I: oboe: ft-t ,lbl ~li·mtdtc ,tpd tbL ' ' ~ ' ' ~tEOICAL Recpt/Sec.ty Jor SHIPPING CLERK WOMAN For dleaniilf hOUae 6444400 &12-09:>7 mall or AeD sep,'~ Dr 's oHice In H.B. Send .fO )'J'P; or older prelerrcd for one day a. week. ?.hut have HOUSEKEEPER Uve in. Educational Vac:aUon St~ MODERN redJv. rm. ttt. 2 re sume lo Daily PUot Box wrn,pping & labeling lite transp. ~ motherless ho~e. Beach crnden:' . • '. Sr Cltlttns end ~ea, aOttte -table. rir .m packages. Permanent poisl· PBX afll'N): ltt., exp'd Jftf. are,, 2 tttnagm. Woman\ Chllcoal 10 !Klon ~~~ ~ (b&Oode') . ..JlO~. PBX/ Admitt~. pru1 • lime t:Jon , #/ "mailing firm. Vtiied ahlfta, sleady work. with 1 small child OK. Pref. $chi. Trial LeAon.-r . ~ tn4 Pine, H.B. Wffk-cncb. l!osplial e~. ~ .: HBuea.f>36.M8'1 dder"5.5f2..7223 Mar,C.M.SCB-D ... • -~ " ~~ .. t--wtn onb'.Omtacf:M.&.t:lliott GIRL FRIDAY RELIEFoook,tulJorpartSPECIAL MACHINE PIANOLESSOHS ~ ~ '.!!;~. ~ 6Q..2'1M 1 Girl OUice-Typtng, lite • 1 me. Will tratn. 6CaM't. ~TORS. ~noed. BecinliliW ·~ '• nttf p«'t:I& -~M7-f31t . MOTE!. Flont de1k. Dp. .. .... A ..... td>IOI. 5...,,. .,... ofta 4 «Um. ~ . U.c.L """" llal<>r. Cill tdNC:iiOf: .... $S0. llll<in .,.Partrdu!f'i':..c;!; = wk·gOOd ....... Call foe WOMAN For kltoben ...... RN, port tlnle-~ far Bn>ee; """41f.' " t· . Inmo. $10.' ~'Oltl - appt, ~ n.u or pt. ti.mt. can bet 'll geomtl pncUonen .c;if1oe. SOUTR~ 0out-Sall.,. 'f'lfhl: MS. Hf..Qlt • _, • FRY ~OOK A> PM. GMlU ~ .• • -I.nm 1o .all • /II~ 'MIQUOl8E ·-s -e MAfi)s . Hotcl/Mofel Matutt. ex~ lady . -RAR.T-'nme JNMgCr for ilsJIEIU.TJ'E& llmt be 11 SbJp. SC>-~ . .~'$25.-'f'F oondldani , ~11Ce~0mur."":_ ~ %rev:~u11::; Conttua H~tr Fu~ or over. eaJi a1t 1:)1 JiM MlllC~Olll 'POtt -.. ~· 41 , • -.. .•_ l ===~c:;;;;:<'--..._ ca!J...,. p;,• .C:-a..,,-· 615-3315 MH710 . • SA.Cl AHO nA0r I GdLD -1n.-·-NEWPOR.TER JNN, ' .Pmt r . Part Tlme CASHIER Apply "' ~-"eoU., ti.bit: like dJw, hvy boanl, 2:30 pm to 11 pm MATURE ~'Ot.tAN for retail PORT 111.&A ..... c-"""" Joe. M•n Wotrt. •7500 Furniture ~. • -..1Tae 1 on!y 64t-1107 M14?1. RYAN HARDWARE •.•-... • v • • . -' uper. · 1024 1 .!'It N.'-&42.-U33 after S p.m., QIN, JQJN' Blir Ir; C:O. _ ~ ftr DECq11af1t1~Wb.. pr wlW1 MJSC. Hoqse,hiold fl4nliba't, OENT/rJ. ASST., exiirr. at Ask.'t«rv;,tui. WAITRESS out hair 1 lllW Opt:rlinc chn. rtcllner, Ja.tnpa. 11abt powft' mowtt: ~~~.&~"'~· Xlnt. ~ Event,... Shift ,,,,.. , ... •-~ 0.1 ...... "·I·_.. Oxln. Blufll. ·~ ·*LI W10$. •.,. · .:.. pornlllll[!>J"<t~ll _...~ BAflY~1;3!) 41)_j,•1$ .... ·-""' jll ,_ MMN• r v.•k day$ Rtliable m~.it OJI 5G--9ll&l Call Sun, Mon, -rue.. Wed, FOJ\ Lnnest 1-ne. lmportft) CllAJtMitlG ,~ ~ h 1,,, LIVE.JN lloolek"ll'!• ""1· ..joy-c!ili<t,,,n~ aJe1 e LIVE In 1Ml<pr~i)r -~1·111' 67S-123& ar ,,,_. fDmtoJ di\.frW• lablo, Jll!l''~ ~ liir'~•I. ... .. ' Sf~Ch=M~~':;·. ltl. T ... catUJt ~30~ alone. $100 tno~ C&1J w:.m; dt.ya. 213:'4MJ61'_ --pft. S6CX), '4A-01l3 . ~~ ~ ' I ·. J - I ' . •• • D.111.Y l'ILOf Wtdig...,, ~ •• 19'9 • Wldolldq, Ju~ 9, 19'9 l'llOT·AD'lfRTlSU !I .~.~~~~2i°"T"":.~:=;~t;:~?.]!!J!•114~L:!M~ST~~.!_ TIANSPOITATION f!WISPORTATION TRANSPORTATION !TUNSPORTATION TiliSfiolTAJION TRANSPORTATION IALI AHO ~· FREE .to :YOU Doto 11125 ...._,,_ Troller, Trovol 9425 JHP< 9510 Quno Buggl" ·9525 lmpor1od Au1oJ 9600 lmpor1od Al.Ito• ffOO Ml-ti•-'6oo AN lnt.W,..n~ be i"u f II u I rtusH ..,.., -g -Chlmra ton 12' Jl'Dll;RcL4ss b 0 d > , f -".""".~:":'.'==--I::::::-:...,..-~-,.,- 1----...,..--1 lolW~ ... .-s.m old. °""' ..... blood'. IJDo. • -""""'too Ibo; perl•d ... * lff7 BRONCO* DUNE J!Uily Sllow sai.. DATSUN <lht ii an ltl) Netds'a )ov.. JJCC 531.-. B~~ ~ VW • IZDaJl can. lee box, WaiorrHlrdtop, ml~ Wl\ite. Boc:t1c1 from f,149. Qwali f--------- q bome, Coll lits. 111111--. -l\O,.... ~~ local !:,.. -bulano ..-. lfnl<. dbl bod, 4 wbeol drive w I tocld"' "'°' pe, to Pu Dune man. IG¥1'0 between a S15 VfltY senllcl ~ ~U hrs ~ l}tnoat~new. 64M292. hubs. radJO, beater. rear BUQY Supermarket, 3623 a.m. ~ 5 p.m. 7115 alter I pm M9-0Tt4 .... * u r ,TERRY. alps 5. stove, seat. $1185. B'°8I w. W&tDer; SA. 546-4045 <11\'E.A.WAY Killel>o, luJI lee boo. Good e»nd. $650. '951 CAll • OVER picl<-up, :!Ell 9U wlabs. !Hi Sal .• 4-DOOR SEDAN ol clwm • pe119mli11<. Ll••tock 1840 M!>l>lle H-9200 54S-4lf!l6 , • ""'· .. w ..int lob, $850. .,,...,. ... ,.,, Whil< •Ide '67 DAtSUll FRIDAY+ 7130 P/il JULY 11 FIAT · 1'62 Fiat R.oadlter, Detda work. Good trana. $250. ·-· truw llt1t ~ l!ts " ?ifattreun. dlvul, occ ~rs. c~. TV ... dnks, '¢ottee ta~. Cfinettet-SJMln- ifth 'dtftlnc ~!t-'*-'4 dial hlmpa, commercial beer bar, Pt-psi Coaler, ratrtaerators. stoves, wu~ mlsc. and MUCH MO.RF.I ! ~ •• ~ .~ ... ":::: ALFAL~A HAY lS60. IB' STANLEY "'""""" 642-1617 ...... 61>S466 eve. I '1"'m"'·-=;:......,, =;,=A::\G'"""',=""= w"11 "" L lmm"ulate. JIEP ~· ~ ~-~ . MOllLLH-~ \11""'---dll""' """ ... .... ·-(T!il' i!j)) ·--. • --=== . -,,,, .. ci1l<O -...,-...,,, .... 1 2.as B•l~l'....Ton . -~=fl~·~-· .--~~~ 9s2o r~~;;i~lP';;:w;~r;.-+.:._. ___ 6t~95 ·-' __,_ ~66 ""= _ .. -~16 637 '843 • -.. ~ ~-~11., AUSTln, ~ ' ....... ,. ~ $10 000 TRAVEL TNUer Xlnt '°'"'· · w_.r. 4 -I drivt. · YOU'LL Uwe 'tbem-pleue TRANSPORTATION r $5{i0brandnew1tove&.oven C,AMPEI A ti H I ATl~S 91g 6, 1tlck, power a.teer- ''"' !hem -' bom,.! • , Kl • ••12 S I . R I I US n ~ ey Ina • Lie. No. SVE;ll. P!io-Movlnc-2 darling kitties, 7 lolt1 & Yachts ~ 9000 -OR -"""' ~ 11 -.., 1 1 SPE l!d•to sell! wks. mal e, fluffy . $]5 OOQ ) AQtboJ<u.d o..14 CIALS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH $1197 ', 548-«i!O 7/lO FI8ERCLASS Supply center r Tr1lltr1, Utl ity 9 450 Eldorado • Four Winds '67 Sprite • UKW619 2929 HARBOR BLVD. Best 0.elt Ar.·l 't DAlUJNG-Kitten, le pup e1 row In CM-NB •re a . FOR sale utility trailer, Scotsman • Barracuda 'ti6 3000 -R!tY400 COSTO_!nl~USAy •ti! IOSlf;.p.m!ro<. DEAN • LEWIS COME BROWSE AROUND WINDY'S AUCTION 3fl?S\O Newport ...... wm play tcgelber avail to E\ltrything Jar your boat, HOUSfl, ~ Pick-up Fieet Side 8' CaboYer Low As '&6 Sprite • XL'I325 ,,.... uoa .;..,.1 ,_,.__ ....,..,.. ~-•--&urfboard, 'car or home. b2d 6'x8' .._..., '1~"" f'l99 '56 Mst • JD. DATSUN Da-ain! '65 Sta ...,..e • .......,.. _, ~ Boet resin spec.1&1 now only · · """ .,..., ' 1'.fode! # 600 S.tt Oeals Are At .__.5 Behind irony'• Bldg. Mat'ls. Cos~ Meu * 646-8636 OPEN-DAILY 9 to 4 Ave., F .V, {Nr. Brkhnt le $3.95 pl retail. Wlnd •n' Come tn today and see tux-UTILITY tralle:r-use in trade DEAN· LEWIS Wag, 31,000 mt. New car Edin&f}. -1/ll Se•, 'lT.17 Superior, C.M. tQT'Uvtrc-ar down to earth tor atoriwe of trailer. Pttter -TlteodoN Watranty, like new from FREE To qua!. home W-"'17 pdces.Elpeciallyoowdur--<:Mu ... ......,..ns ROBINS FORD ori& owne" $995. Jonlan NEW DISCOVERY rivet bald men hAlr again! Not • painful transplant or elli- pel\51\>t hair weave, our new hairpitte 1rom n.nsparenl artificial i;kln def~ detec- tion. I: antiquatC. all olher methOds. Fin. avail. On.nge Co.. Halr Replacement Cntr. 433 N. Tustin, C>ran&e 6Jl.-04.Jl Lovable Shepherd mixed. , Ute our cle•rarict &alt on 2060 Bubar Blvd 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-Dl3 ~6'13-:=2430:=;====== -t.mal• ldo"1 kr 19 Glutr<>n, 221 '"·In. oom· all • ._ model>-...,.. .. Trucks 9SOO Costa Me• si>.ooio '61 SPRITE, roy"1 bl" ...,. -ENGU. SH FORD houae-• GenUe 548-®3 plttely ovtthauled, new top prtced to atll lmmediatel7. ---.,------f ood Col I ~-• 1110 1 full cover. 2 Live -bait p~..a... ava.ilab1-in all mu 1967 Kenwol'th COE l:!l~~!"!!!~""'~"""""I i.res., runs r · ng n ~-A 1 _....., ..... ,.. oe \V ANTED: Uaed <Am....,,. aervice, mw;l sell. $1350 ==~~~_,-,,-,"'I A\~, -.,.,........ &.y Harbor • ~ CWnmina .... .,.... &C2-3863 B'EAUT. Altered male tik>nde $2825 675-6595 Mobilo Homo ~-lei e J.S apdltoad R&.na:er 11hell for 1968 El Camioo. ======== (;ockft-tree to quaJ bomt -pr-et e r t11S"l"rg ra a-s • Hou5e pet. couple ~ olde; SNOWBIRD No. 42Q fr: hull, 1425 Baker SL • 2 axle Reasonable! 548--t537 after 6 childre.n. 538-3801 after 6 pm new board. $.1511. Gla.Mho~ % block East of Harbor Blvd. • large Sleeper 86°' 719 per T dinghy w/oar5, $200. on Baker e AC Ii: Slcreo Tape Dec:k -.:;;::-;;;;;:;-;;;;;;;;-iiii;,;;:;;;.I ~U~..t~l~oe~aro~n:C. 6~1'-!21!~''' ~ Costa Mesa fnt) 540-S410 • Air Suspension F~E Part Manx kittens to 18• G" 0 PAR Se 1 1 Sed • DeLuxe Jntl'rior fl'C'f!l tovma home. """"" . a a r a!'. GREENLEAF PARK 1961 Kenworth COE COLDSPOT retrig., hide-a· * 5'3-6'52 * Fully electrlC, 15 h.p. ~n-in clear, clean, cool C.O.la • 335 CUmm.lnl bed sofa, desk. divan, out. ,110 rude, elec:-ba.lt tank, full cov-Mesa. New 92 space adult • U ,pd ""d R• .. •• board motor, maple dinette, er, American trailer. 6~ p&rk. Models-"-Sa les..oUke ·• 2 axle ~ "'' =:;, Eic!'!:~• :: 20~~~ou ~g ~ ~LLCllb1~C?ulst'r' tedatPark.Open 9 AM e .LargeSleeper86" Metro van, 2481 Tustin, CM haul 60-3184 ~ 359 E 20th. 60 hp, McC:uUoch eng. Vtty to 6 PM. e AC &: Stereo Tape Deek fM...8033 C.M. ' ' ?/lll clean. $1400. Day1 s.rl-8717 ACCENT MOBILE e Air Su.speruk>n --------~ l iiiifci""hOiii;L'fit;tt;-;;~l~&:_:a!~te;•;S.~~~~-:,_~~ HOME ~ e De.IUXe interior (blk) OZARK'S Hickory cblpg ftlt LONG haired. Cutty CftY ·~ O\yENS 2S' OO hn like 1750 Whittler live. 546-0JJS pm. RENT·A·SHELL PAM· TOP 839-1800 1010 So. Harbor, Banta Ana 8' Cab over L<>veBird Jack stands_ & bou~-w_ays. $500. 837-7737 Camper Rint1l1 9S22 *EXPLORER* DATSUN 'ff DATSUN Big sedan, 96 hp, o~rhead cam, automatic. dlr. radio. heater, w/w Urea, loaded!. 3200 miles, under fact war- ranty •• Sal-.to f!.nc.--$1186. Take Sll.5 cash dels or old· er car. LB YHW146 • can Ken~ ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLJ'Sfl FORD DEALER SALES · SERVICE '69 MODELS Immediate deUvery LARGE SELECl'ION Theodore ROBINS lORD 2000 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa. 642-0010 FERRARI smoking• &a.Que. 3 111t-3 kit~ ,to responsible. lov-new. Dys t9'-sou, 'eves O>sta Mesa n4: MZ-1350 * SHELLj * By week or month. Luxuri- lb hap S2. Jnc:ludl!a delivery 1 n C h o m e. • on I Y . 494--0737 -aak for'Mr ·Garrity 10 x 55 PARAMOUNT _plus 2 , ous. Sleeps &.. ~If contain- cl\Jrp. Send cbfrck at M.0. £U..2B62 7110 -· · . hn cabana carport Adult -£1.lahUy dM\8& /cheap. ed. Lthilled f\Umber. C.all N~ Import& U d. Qr. to H.A. KomiJl&ine, 3l9 W. 2 PLAYFUL kit~ns., Black CLA~IC bay launch, lots of Park $6995.' 1500 P~ntia, 8J9.l800 today. 18835 Blach Blvd. ange County'• only author· ORANGE COUNTY'S NO. 1 DATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN FER~RI Carlton, Ontario, Ca1. 91761 and Bnnm/wbite. males, ~1~· ~1.5~ Balboa Newport Beach, Space C.ll. '62 C'ORVAIR Ranch-side PU LEISURE RENTALS lluntlngton Beach lztd deal~r. 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 ' 5'&3031 Ext. 66 or 67 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA OWN A carT Hand rubbed I en t I e w I c b 11 d re n ' . ~7081 or 331)...394]. Very Rood cond. $6 5 0 714) &U-6611. (n4l 837-3809 812-mt or 54Q.Mt2 . SALES-SERVICE-PARTS wuh I ·wax $12.50. Mon, ~ 7110 IS' GLASSPAR, 75 hp Mere. IN DRlFIWOOD BEACU ~Shown bet. ! tJ.m. PLACE )'Our •ant ad where ,69,-;D"A°'TSUN="""""~07t -,4-• .,.,-_""'N""o 3100 W. Coast Hwy. DIAL direct 642-5613, Owr&:e Wed, Fri only. BG~ 2 AOORABLE kllte.rts, boxed Fish &: SKI BOAT. $975. CLUB 1 & 2 bdr. crpis, DAILY l'll.Dl' WAJrIT ADS ~ are JOOking -DAILY cash. Just take .over lease. 6'2-~ewport Bea~0.1764 your ,d, then 51.t back and THE SUN NEVER SETS o. aassifled's action power. For an ad to 9f:J1 UOWld the clock, call 6Q..56TI St, Santa Ana Ha: t' • trained. 9 "°ftks old 1 540--69(.4 or 546-0370 drps. pool. 536-2131 BlµNG ~TS! PILOT classtned! 642-5618 Call eves 548-21169 Authoriit'd MG Deal!t Usten to the phone rin&! 54G--1J02/Crq. -maltese. 1 s Ir l.p ed. CHARACTER Boat? 20' tn-1iLA;=,(iG~.'-'iBchii.-"iM~o~bl~·1e;-;;bo;;m;;~; 1·=""i<=~d.====-l:=~~=====,J.·=========.!.:=======""::;!;::;:;:::;,=::::::::::::=,~=: D.&5KS, cha.In.. bookcues, 646-8405 7/11 board, grty marine. XLNT Ocean view, approx. 17x50. Ntw C.rs 9800 addlna: m11;~tn:,~· 2 SWEET Kittens, ready to cond.S1750.6'75-tQ3J Lbdr,lba.499-2191? . · typewriters, draf ... og taUICI>, Ii~ 1with )'OU; weaned. 1 10' Glaaspai' di1'\9hy ' waste t.aket&. 720 W, 17th beige, t iJ')'/wbL 545-4592 $150. * 6T.J.3622 . SL, CM. 5'8-3"5 Motorcyc1ff .: CARPETING~ CJX>4 110 B~CK sleek&: Streamlined S_!!lboata 9010 19'8 BSA ~oLm..-~R 1 ~ t to ----Motorcyc&.-703 Marigold Corona de.I ""''"'"'"ea I I 8 11 IIONG ;20" S IO O P • Im-Ohly 1,118 miles on this beaui a!•-~ ... ab$oluteb' tree. 201 30th ~tel¥ c:ared-.W ..:.Beat , .,-p..._ .. ,.__-=--~ ~ ..... ....... -r::::;.;;:-;:;:<~~="';;JJJ::;c::::::--1-~ B 71'/ll . • 'I'•" .... ..,,~ see. IU al'v~ .... O(l..,, rr LDUlS ROl'H ,SUITS ' available In the t I e_e t. Llc. No: 712509. Ocl.Y Sin! t2 rea:u1ar S25 $45 $50 RABBrTS, 1 buck & 2 tk>es, Choice $1,800. Slip available, $599 ' &u:-1.824J I: cqe. To N!tired couple S&illng les110na 1ree. tn new only. No children please. owntr. 66-2629 615-2445 7/ll VENTURE 21, Pulpit, Ufe : 6EAR'S Deluxe tent, lQxll' ' $25. Coleman 3 burner camp , &tow: $10. 646-4780 af.! 6 ;m. : PETER&>N Twin stroller . p). Foldiq: hlgh chaJr $1!1. MINIATURE Doxie, 4 mo. IJnf:I, cockpit, ralla:, 1td, dac Q ~. alttt -6 pm san,-+ club jib. chaJn/a.il 56-0744 7/10 locker, mah cabs, alps 4. Glrl'a bike $15. 847..QIS ONE P\itt wht one calico Eves 714: 5"45-4340 ' ur.... Wanted 8610 a:Q. home 836-f493 7110 4, galley. encloted head. k. I~==~------ADORABLE Cock • A . Poo Dacron &I.Ill, roUer reefing. ' ' -· WE PAY MORE CASH For fumlture, appllaboes. cokftd TV, steteOI and an. ...... blk fem. puppy. 7 wU.. Nik ou~. NICE! T R y ~ Ext 66 or 67 gd home. Sf3..71S 7/10 $2.100. Jerry 675-5087 1970 HARBOR BLVD. 3 KITI'ENS: Tiger is fulett, GREAT I ' sailing dingy, C'OSTA MESA Rascal ts atmnpst, Spoolc;y customized El Toro, hoist ;;1965=°"Y"AMAHA==~,.,"'""'a:°'"". ""v"•""'Y ts the clin)ber. 968-"397 9/lO Dae. saUa on as mast track """""' __ ,. , A mil ~==~~-.,-.,.=,..,..-1 ext.rag $3)(1 &0-2281 .. ......, ....,.,.., UJW eqe, KTITENS, 12 wka: old. Blkk, -~~=~~-~--luggage rack. Asking $300. very adorable, like kids. 17' DAY Sailer. Complete 548-5761 842-8681 7110 equlp_ment, Includes onshorecu o"°=sro°"'M~~H-.,.-1,-,-8~.,-....,.--, MALE. Shephmi/Collie, 3 ;a1~~lmooring . excellent cond., must sell mos, old, had ghol&. 8Jl..4CMr!ll-i.,.,-=~""""-~~~ k!aving for Vietnam! $900. Day or nl11:ht 636-3620 Owtt au Oranrt & LA Co'a 7/9 CAL 28. F\tlly equip~ raCe Call Bob 842-31.59 t ----------< or cruise. SIS radio. Will AOORABLE Black klt.tei;tt consider any reasooable of. wi th w blre mitte n s fer. Call 846-374 548-6641 f 7111 17' O'Day Day11ilcr '68 YAMAHA 305 Big Bear Scrambler Ptr!l!ct. Pd . $825. Sell $450. 523 Snug Harbor 54.S-74n . e WANTED. FURNITURE -TOP CASH IN 30 Minutf:t Qua.llty furniture, color 1V'a. 1tereoa, appliances, tool.I, otace equip. sERVEL Refrl&erator, work· Demo $1750 _ Used $1350 tna <Xllldltion. 14' O'D __ .. "r.M '64 Honda 673-2284 7/11 ay u"""" • ·· ·' •· • .,..,,,., Soper Hawk, $225. Fun Zone Boat Co. Balboa * 6'75-l77l * BLACK Kitten, 1n Siamese, 26' T-BIRD Sloop 3 sails, a: had ahots, tr a I n e d . I P I nnaker S.....AA"meter '68 Suzuki l.al 54&-4032 7ffi · Y..'"'"" ' 3650 miles, $715 531-1212 ~~~~--=-~-7."I Pulpit, 10 hp, eng. S3650. 5.J6...78l6 6 Frte ldttens., 5 wks. old, Bob Edward&, 642-.1403 I==~=====~ $ WE BUY $ lowly "'"' -· varlod LIDO 14 • l890. ' oalb ...... 11'-lo;! BRIDGESTONE 50 cokin. fil>.2901 7(11 hi&: equip at 8 ah I a :C, runs good. $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES 3 ·nEAimv clean kittens. c.orlnthlan YC. 213: 693-9195 f162....51fiei, F.V. c.a... tV't-"tttD"-St.r..'1 I rit et t r MM .. F111ll CASH IN 10 MINUTt$ Tabbies, 7 wks o Id . U4: 877-2317 '64 YAMAHA 250 491-1044 7/10 ~SABOT-~-8-.-l~l-boa-t.~B-.,.-.. ~ $175. KITI'ENS-7 "'ks old. ready new, compl ete. Needs paint. 662578 to leave r0olher for home of $125. 54U56S aft 6 P .M, '66 HONDA Scn.mbler S cc • 541 -4531 • WANTED: for re-sale on consignment. ladles. girls quality apparel; f u r s , casuals, cocktails, jewelry, by leading Oma: Cnl;y st.ore. 5'*9311 9:30-5:30. his own. 548-1591 7/11 30' Tahiti Ketch $2,200 perfect! $325. '65 Honda S 4 MO. old Terrier-Scotty. SAC. AS JS. 669 So. SI, Malo, 90, $1.50. 545-79'18 Hsbkrn, loves dtldrn. Some w. C.Ovina (213) 195-0069eve '67 BSA. Mk. Ill shots. 546--2569 7/10 *•KITE No. 421 * CHERRY! 64&-1"4 WANTED: Hand prinlina; press. call Mon. lhru Fri., 9 lo 5 96>-1759 TROOP 344 will accept any camping, hiking &:: cookinc equipment llfi2 Dorset Ln, C.M.""""' WANTED: Blacksm i th . Forge <blow type) • anvil, also used ttment mixer. MUl93 WANTED: Used camper ahell for lD68 El Cami.no, p refer fibera;las & 54M53'1 aft 6 pm. WANTED OLD TOY TRAINS MADE BEFORE J1M5. Phone 6G-03a2 FREE, Fuzzy kittens, 2 mo's tuUy equip, like new. trailer old, to gOod home. All. 11 $7!JO. 614-4341 a.m. 543-'786 7/10 COL. 22' Sloop, O.B. Head, KJ'ITENS, 3 males. 1 blk, 2 llte1, Dae. sails. $2950. eves. Ute, Call 646-2090 ot 175 E. 675-7388 . 2t<;t St.. C.M. 7/10 LIDO 14 _ 4 CUTE grey fluffy klttens, 7 New hand trlr. 673-6732 wia. '°""' all. 6 : 3 O CORONADO 25 646-'?346 7110 Extras Offer. 675-5846 DESPERATE! 3 kit l·e n s ·f==~·=======:­ house:broken, ~med. to gd. Power Crulnl'I 9020 home 646-1403 1no ------- BLUE Point Siamese kltteM. SKIPJACK 20 Open Crulse.r. sr<>-6383, after 5 OR ~MSS. SIS. All extns. Like new 7/11 co!KI. 548-6937 days only. TO GOOD home 9 Irish set· 5-....l_Ckf Boats 9030 ter-poodle pupp\el, 5 wksl_,.......--_______ _ old. 64&-8091 7/11 21' RAYSON Craft. Deep V KITrENS. 7 wkl old, trnd, hull, Campbell type d~k. ~9 711.:t Ideal for skiing or ovemlle PETS nd LIVESTOCK to .Catalina. Power Mere . • ct'ULSCr. Can be 11een at 7565 Machlft!f"Y, etc. 1700 Pett, General 8800 Acacia Sl., Garden Grove, ~ '----'~ fm.759< days, alt 6 545-6004 STEAM BOILER PIT BUUrT.....,., fom. 70 '""" Judh,. moa. ShotJ, pedigree $75. l 8 ' G L A S S P A R 1 n- 612-M79 bonrd/outboard 100 h p lDdustrlal Steam Boller, Par- Iker 10 h.p. Good workina: cordlUon, Work:U. fnUUJ"I! of 100 ......... ""' -C•h 1120 ~ 1964. Askiftl' nooo. f.=afl::'"'..:'C!P::m:.:·,......,,----1 SIAMESE ...W. pnt kittens, CASH Rq P11renta, kittens can be 16' FIBERGLASS ~T ANO TRAll.ER • tOr alt tools. air compres- ton. cut-oH AWll. power aw.. &enl!'raton. Oi.11 C.E. (Tia:• Car n4: 847-2684 FREE TO YOU "'· 548-1314 • 642-7017 • 1825 Boat Sl ip Mooring ALASKAN Malamutes. (&led SlJP A,,,all . for 40', rli;ht otC ~ pqp1), AKC. buuW"lll 05ut hwy. tm I mo. can OCllortng. lftll.l family dop, 67S-2717 OR.ANGE tiCtl" cat,, JOUl1I hie.ndJ¥, ~ eur io1'so=A~T~llock~-.,.-. N~wp-t~i.-,-. ,~, ttmalr. moYtna Ea al . traln.. Ptrtect show docs. er lea. U.50/ft/mo Year l64l1t 7111 aqxi for ' r e e d I D I , lie pre(. 2J.3..eG..Sl91 ' ---$125 . . iOXb: .r.m. -""· up. m.3S7l Boat S.rvlc.. 9037 _J1ee to cood ho m e TOY Poodl AKC Io..n --------- I0-101.f • 7111 '4t'b. M.i.~ :::Ot A ailVtt. YACIIT Skippttr want& work. I wb. o J d ~ Allo M A F. lM. J'l"I· CzWle er ~tenance. J9Ml51 T/10 f1S..63C,1 bet. 10:30 •fl 5 .. 548-3561 .. ~ CAT Cl(:. Kl'JTEN WHlTE Miniature: PooiJh:~s. Bot t· y acht ril -· SIG-'!'• 1m no-,._ 1 ""' okl. $25. Ch r1 iJ I iOil, -yocq, -S bik:; ' ~ lf'MM1 , I In bit W'9lb 'Whitt. fU.1764 7AO FOR 'SJ,le Doxie JIUPPkS * Fioo~t Selection, Power I booletnen, tem&lea. blvwn, So.II. Skipper optloMI. For t wtca oAd. ,..... Till ' 54l)..Oll'1 brochure call 54Ml91 ' •• Auto Services & Parts 9400 -JEEP 4 cyl engine. Good running cond. Complete $100 Must Sell 54.s-6565 aft 6. T railer, Travel 9425 A.tRSJ'REAM Trailer 1961, 26', Land Yacht. Sleeps 6. 64>--0057 White .tlerhants ! 9215 HEADQUARTERS. FOR MOTORHOMU ott llSNT Till 111 ID "DODGE "llPLORER" &tli ......... '#11111 ..... • --....-... wtll ... . ---1<1,&.&lflll. t1 ,oat, n '"''· tt 'o0T. 1 TIJ.111 "•"IC. 1111 Al A,.-llOYtt ClllllT. CHECK WITH US BEFORE YOU BUY No Better Prices Anywhere ! BRAND NEW 1969 LE SABRE Cu1to111 4 doot 400 \It l11rbo.hydr•111•lic, piiw•r 1t••rl11g l br•ktfi. r•dio, h••f•r, ,1,c • •nl•n"'· 11•r •••* •P•\ tr, 1p••d·1l1rt, t!"I• •d gl•u, Cordovtn lo1t~ '45'43,,CI0•5S BRAND NEW '69 BUICK Fully equipped Including V8, power 433179Zl12544 1tMrlng. $3996 IMMEDIATE DELIVER"i BIG-; BIG, BIG! DEMONSTRATOR SALE 25 TO CHOOSE FROM-ALL MARKED WAY DOWN! '69 WILDCAT '69 ELECTRA '69 SKYLARK '69 RIVIERA Cu1tom 4 dr. htrdiop. Auto. tr1 n1, pwr tl11r, pwr br•k11, f•clory •it, lh1t•d 9l1u. '46'4 43•9C I 00321. Cu1!0111 h•rdiop. Auto. frt111., fie· tory ,;,, pwr 1f11r, pwr br1k•1. 1i11t1d 1111111, 44'4J7,ZJ00401. C111tlo111 h1rdtop. f1ctory 1ir, pwt dt•r, pw1 br1k11, pwr window1, 1ulo tr1 111, si1r10. 4'417•H•261•. Cu1to111 cp1. A11lo, '''"'·• AM/FM t•dio, pwr 1!11r, pwr brt~tl, pwr wi11dow1, f•ctorv •ir, ti11!1d 91111. '48 457,H 1-4)136. MANY MOREi MANY MORE! MANY MOREi MANY MOREi AT SAVINGS YOU MUST SEE TO BELIEVE!! '67 R VIERA '61 DODGE '67 BUICK '66 YOLKS ' 66 '67 CAMARO f ,elory t lr, full power, Coro111! Coupe. Awlo. l1S •br1 ewllo111 1 Or. -4 1p11d, r•dio, h•tltr. Sptei•I. •-•o tr'"'-••· F1clory t ir eolHfitio11- t1dio, h •• ,.,. !TQV· Ir Int, power 1!11rin9. H.T. Full pwr., t it cond ., TRH 170. l ow, low dio l h1tt•r. TR K 155 . l"IJ• •ulo lr1n1, pow1r 19'1 XEV 739 I owner. ITVZ•0-41 Mil1t91. Ont owner. 1!11rin9, low mil••t•· $3695 $2495 S2695 . $1495 $1495 S2295 '65 MONZA '65 CORVAIR '61 CAPRICE '61 CADILLAC '63 IUICK '67 OPEL M•rdlop. A~lo. tr1111 ., Mon1t Cp•. Auto. lr1n1 H•rdto p Cp1. full pow· Std. 01Vill•. Full pow•r l1 S1br1. F1cl •ir con. R1llv1 Sport. 4 1p11d, i"""l•cult lt co11ditlo11. r•dio, h11t1r. TXJl76 t r, f1etory t ir. 011ly Itel. t ir. IMXS 7421, pow1r 1t.1r l bt1k11 . r1 dio, h1t l1r. VCJ 17• fTXJ 37•1' I 0,000 111il11. WXGS01 !HYM 4111 $1095 $1195 $2995 $795 $995 $1595 OUR OPEL PRICES NO BmER PRICES ANYWHERE JAGUARS START AT MAKE us LARGE SELECTION NEW· USED $1777 PROVE IT! Com~lete Sain and Serv ce Department Open Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. -Sat. 8 a.m. hi 6 p.m. -Sun. 10 a.f!!. to 6 p.m. AUTHORIZED-BUICK . OPEL-JAGUAR SALES l SERVICE • - ' I • . ... - • ------'=--- . . ~ PILOT..lbvunsu AliiSPORTATION , WtdlltSdq, .ltily-9,.l'169 ° ·~~~~Jotf~t~, l~M:.--=;;,....;·.:DA::JIL~V~Pl~LOT~ll!J TRANSPORTATION Tilt.ISPORT,t.TION TltANSPORTAT10N Tll.At.ISPOll.TATIO~ TRANSPOl\TATION · TRANSl'ORTATIOli TRANSPORTATION fllNIPORTATION ' Imported Autoi 9600 -. -.... lmpodod AUIM HOO Aulos tY1nttcl . , ·t7llo U..., C9ro . . 9'0G. U!!J !iprt . . ~ U..., C1r.1 . 'CfJ«lt> Us ... Cui , '900' Used c.'-.,.'"i----.:.....;.;9900..;;; Used Ciro 9900 .KARMANN GHIA vouc swAGEN __ YfF-PAY .. C!illYIOUT ~ MUSTANG ""--ol.DSt,toi1~ PL-YMOUTH-PONTIAC _roiii\c- ·t1 XLNT eon<1. ;,g1,,. •69 °fW'• CASH 65 CHEVROlfl '6:;.r,;;u~~atr.!~ n'ilt •. 8 '68 PLYMOUTH 11 PaiTIAC-·03z:,..mi:;lAv~;-~. o\/f!l'hauled, new tires & <Uac b ktJ. P/S:-10 tfei "' ' Rwa srut MO. 545-4911 uphoL Come "' to ,.. l!.lME~lATE DEL:JVERY for ..... can• lnldul J\111 CAPRICE l ll50 ~. J>{y. ~ ~'1; . PURY Ill C1t1llM Wagon preclate $8'.IS. • 831-7689 ,213 ~~: can us tot b'ft f'tltimt,te. va. autooiatic. •ac.tory .1r. a.m. (I~ w p.m .. · oniy. TORONADO , Door hardtop. vs. autom•· 3 seat, vs. autarQ.a.Ue, fie. GRolH CHEVROlfl power st«r., power braktt, ' t1e. radio, heater, poWfr tory air poWtt •teeiinl $4t.!l3 • 3G mo, , pJwer windows. radio, heat. 65 M UST ANG 2 + 2 ateerlnJ, ractocy air c:ondl-~ d. he ~ l'_!!~~~~~!!J!f:j -PIU1l~_.,· ,l·for--~ ------~· v-....-11--. ...... ~-1-,-~ ulhack.. 289-4_-a.p e.e.d. Uonlna:JVRB37S) ' ~ •· "'l!l .. a I· ··u Mk tor~ .. ,_ u---u ·, "Y~·'"I' ~~. ... .DLll.. 1'1.Sf.___. .. i __ ,, ............ -• . ~Cl",Wtilte 1''11"'•. IVl'JUQ) -.;; ~~I)' ':?~a~::-;· mil·iirrij, ".;,;:'-. $f695 -m;oo·....---•~ NEW & EXECUTIVE . . $2395 $3295 t l M MQTORS · Hun~ Beado · , FOR Ill• 16 MUllang, vleyl ONLY 6 ' m c...ien c ...... Blvd. ia "'3331 • ATLAS top, .,.,...., V-3 auto. "'·•· ATLAS . All •S-534-2284 at B<acll Bm$1 CONFIDl!N'llALLY ' 116. mo or sum. Call TO CHOOSE FROM K OPEN SUNDAY We I'..-MotO For CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH ~or ll'IWl4!. BIG SAV.INGSI CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH ClmYSL!.'R -PLYMOUTH LOVE BUG Foretgn Or Sports CatJ ~~HARBOR BLVD. '68 MUSTANG, blue. 8 cyl., u • .. •· 2929--HARBOR BLVD. -HARBOR BLVD. · '66 VW ""an, lovi""ty cared PAIO FOR OR NOT COSTA 111ESA 516.19'4 <lh. pla, plb. 11.0DO mil,., n1vers1ty CDSrA MqA 54&1934 COSTA MESA 546-1934 lo.. Sunroot, R~H. rood t!Jo-B. J. SPORTSCAR Open DaUy '" 10 p.m. good cotld. $ml. 5'!)-2484 Open Dally 'Ill lo p.m. Ope" Dally •itt lo p.m. RAMBLER J>RE.()Wllrn BJC slµ:Cl'IO!f '61 Tiillu '68'• ALL MOEJEl'...s FROM $291 • • • • BRAND Nl':l'I '69 11998 es.1!200. 6'73..1014 CHEVY '66 caprbe, 321 .,,1,. ---• 1967 PLY. WAGON ... yw !!.•! .. P.IUX< ITI!l!ld -CENTl!R . Fffi a]!', J>I!> plb, """''· 01,.D!SMOBIL.E 'Oldsmobr'le * Good "'""""" • C•an Sp-·clcil *Purc*ha·· -~ -· 111nroor. xurr c::ond. $12.\S.. ' 2l3i Har&Or Iilvd. top, utro ~&l, new tires, ---~ * ' pags4?nger Ii,; -__ .._,. 14&-9518 eo.... ....... -ong. OW1"" Xlnt """'· 1963, OLDS F-8:5 CUtlass V-3, * Air Qmd;t!oMd 1969 PONTIACS MG MG Sales. S!:rvlce', Parts Immediate Delivery, All Modob '60 V\V. Rfll. Gooct con-W'll Buy ~ ot make offer. auto, R/H, tact air, Io 2850 Harbor Costa Mesa *Power Brakes, Steering, P'll'IWUc Savtna:s T•llRD dilion. New engine $575 I 64'-0'lll tnlle1, XLNT cond. Must 54().9640 $2350. \Vill trade equity Very Low Miles '66 T-mRD. .C: and au + 646-629% aft 6 p.m. , , y ,. '"-·· ~ he 60 CH.EVY. Beautiful cond. ~~·1.!aving counlry 11:5. • • for work tar an1 ta~ OV• MO$t With Factory Alr Loaded! $m(I. I J1 rl.u µo rt ]l111µor1 s ' ..... Otll' vOU\lllwagen or ("ursc 28f cu In 4 Must sell' .....,... .._ --er ~~ta. S4&-0t5 aft 0. THE LA.ST -•~BJa..2131 * 66 vw SunrooI, l~ ~-& pay top dollars, Paid for See to a' ~te 543-6565 1965 OLDSMbBILE 0 le 3 P.M. . .Runs...greal. Ne\Y pa.1nt--10b. or not· €all Rftlph lilf_6 _PP $l.f00 Xlnt nd N ~ , _______ _O_f__T.HE YEAR • ..M._pJm_&tt $1075. 64·<0056 • 6,,,.,,, al 1 · 1 co • •w """----PONTIAC Grarnl Prix • llo"liovllle cond. Xl"t "'""· Prt ply. , ,..,.,.l"' ow m . l owner. Phone aft •64 M~ '"" H I•--•" e ~-b'~-_Cal· I••• _;6.. : " vw Bu.. 11100 :J69.A IMPORTS WANTED CHRYSLER 5:30, 5!6-0561 --~·~ olldo,y .,,.... ' ~ ·= ·~ ,·-· """"'- !rear) Locugt, Lagu na Oru&• OJuntie• ,65 oi.Ds 98 Lux bucket seats, auto. pow. '61 FIRES~. 4 lpd a:;o. IOI LOf.tGPRE ·57 T-Blrd. V-8 StiCk. Ve'l"I 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. Beach, alter 7 p.m. TOP $ BUYER · -1 ded 1 • lll'Y Sedan, steering, fact. a.it, &ood !tefM, clt'° PQ. M\llt _ , good C9~· 1st.~ take'! 642-i>J('; ' 540-1164 '65 VW Simroo!, RIH. BILL MAXEY TOYOTA '68 (HRYSlfR ;:rloet .,,:...::;.i ~"!.: t ""'<! .. "71. 6U-4!IT ot Mil, -overuu. PONTIAC Alt 6 pm, 5l&-8950 ' • Authorhed AfG Dealer 1 owner, iood cond. 18881 &acb mvd. 1~ IO-l'l'Tl · ~ -• 1 19«0 ~ e Westmtiiater ·i;f.BIRD Convert.Ible XLN'f flt!(?!·Sfl~4LS 11100. 518-16'17 H. e.ach. Ph 141-855> Town & Country Wagon SOCK rr TO Dll 15Xity PILOT WANT .\PSI Wiil« It • '111 lO:ID I'll :rot<o. 6.,,..!7 MO! 1133-25118 ,67 GT · UJD! 'S--1-Pass. -Sus wJIU1D'OOf, • 9 passenger. VS, automatic, Ntw C --..--"' -17 2,000 mi's., must seU. -.1t1nn. Auto le11lng 9810 radio, power steering, pow-· lrl -, 9_1DO Ntw .., .... , '67 ?.Jidget -WIC591 PH: 64,, """" ~ er brakes. Im maculate. (CE--c ·--c. ... -.. '66 J\IGB SAA984 ~ 805 '&lJ\IGB . -VZZ484 'li6 VW. SunrooL Bo1!Y & LIASE • RENT 46G l.522' '34 N.D RDSf -W9999 '"gZfop "'""' $13ill. Daya ALL POPULAR $3495 Best D•als Are At 546-9222, eves 5'&.5-4354 MAKES DEAN LEWIS ·~-;:me~;::""~ m~ AuJi~~~ZED ATLAS 1966 Harbor, c.M. 646-93D.1 *. · 613-9352 LEASING '68 VOLKSWAGEN SYSTEM CHRYSLER -PLU.10UTH 2929 HARBOR BLVD. MGA r.tG'A-'59 very gd. rond. XL.Ff interior. s:iQO att_ al 139 W. Balboa No. 7, NB. OPEL $1650 Get Our Compr-titive Rates * 54&-4CK5 * Theodor• ·53 vw au, wood ..,,.,,, '• ROBINS FORD rims l!1 r:, hedrs._M~L~_ _:MiQ_Ha.tbor Blvd._ __C_QRYAIR _ COSTA MESA 546-1934 Opep Daily 'til 10 p.m. $1400-best offer 548-3911 c.osta Mesa · 642-0010 '59 CHOPPED Dune Bug. '63 CORVAIR with slick, CHERRY! New seats. $500. ,,,; LEASE v" calholco6 "'p°"'M11!°.,'!· .~!5· call 646-lUI 1969 Cad Cpe de Ville, pwr ter · · .,.,,.,,..._. '61 2 DR. 4 '"''-•tick, """ '67 VW sedan, CLEAN I wi"", P< • dr Joe.,, tilt •tr COUGAR- be.ttery, seat rovers, R&JI, $1A50. 548-278.5 whl, 41.r-cond, Ml/F1if. I.st $995. Eves. 2459 Elden No. $165 mo. ' -------- --C, C,M;--. ---FORD "'"VPD;-radio;--w/w; 'trt COUGAR XR'l; I . , ' IT'S JHE GOING THING ••• AT THE(iOINEST PLACE IN TOWNI WE Aili OVERLOADED WIJH NEW 1969's AND THE NAME OF THE GAME IS • • • : · .. . · ~ ~ _; VOLVO . •;rtJ. pb;;,,., atr. i..e $109.,,, .. ,. iact .~. 12495. · "'" ---tt--· ~·-~ '., ----= -•-• SOUTH"COAST"' 1'ACIFIC'm1SI' 'MO'J'fll!S, ~~966-~ M"'t '""-vo.Lv:o-1UYS:7 . ,. ;qut-~AS1NG -i•oo1-Boac11,--1nster. . :sAYE _ · l T!ST-ORIVE _-~ • • 'l .,,~lft , . ~W·Ci,f~,lf8 ',..,,•,•· ~'-9t ... r PORSCHE _ "'-_;~· i:i.~~:.: Ym:c;,. .. '--· !'9 , DODGI .. • e "650365C >..'tnt-mech.-eoi'Jd.--I ::i4'-. -' -k~JZ :;ti; ~ , ·'-, 1a:::z __ _ ShMJ> •PP'"'"'"'· ,.dial 1fiir,1 !'•· WA333 ......... 6r-E " . tires, Butterfly rack, $3575 AutomAtle 'tr&IWnlulon, Jr s· PEc1· ~1·s ' llVllV. call ?.1r. Hauser 642--0722 · conditlo~in~. * A · CORONET SEDAN PORSCHE '62 Super 90 65 P.1800 , V8, automatic, radio, heat- Cabriolet ·new paint radial Sport C'Oupe. Lie. No PBl'SIJ 68 Datsun Rdstr .... $1995 er power steering low 1ow ply tire~ Ai.'1/FM' radio Volvo's fines1, '65 Le 1.1ans HT, 326, V-8, mites (RIG 885) ' ' fhrome \~his. reas. &12--0895 '63 P~8GO .~u}~1r'l!iie~~~~!a.~t!~~': , $1395 ,_,... ~-_SPc!rt_~pe. Lie. No 1ZW48J 6 cylinder --·=····~ ..• -$-Hf ~ --~ J. RENAULT Loo~ l1l1e new. '64 Corvair Cpe. 4 spd,.Jcw 57 544 2 Door miles, CLEAN !! ····-S 54it ATLAS Lie. No. FXP351. Lots of '63 F'aJcon, 2 cir, stick $ ••t goodfea. ---··--· -'62 Chev. Impala, I-IT, 283, CHRYSLER _ PLYMOUTH Best Deals Are lt V-B, aulo, ps ... _,,N $ 599 2929 HARBOR BLVD DEA S '61 Dodge 4 dr, V-8, .. $299 · N LEWI '61 Falcon, 2 dr, auto. s 21t COSI'A MESA 546-1934 1961 CARAVELkE 1 Convertible - • A 1-9~9 f.BIRD-FOR 24-HOURs-- I you're lhinking of buying a Thunderbird, we invite yllu to drive one of our '69's for 24 hours. See for yourself lhe su- periority of Ford's finest car then check the fantastic discounts we will give you on your choice of any model in our big Thunderbird inventory. Positive proof of the best buy in town! ENGLISH FORDS ANO~HER BOATLOAD JUST ARRMDI BEfO~E YOU BUY! CHECK OUR CLEARANCE SUPll SAVINGS· ON .11G FORDS, MUSTANGS, T-lllDS, FORD TRUCKS! over 200 NEW 1969'$ TO CHOOSE FROM ~ial Body by Renault. R~· built eng. Good !ires. Clean body. $375. 642·5769 SUBARU Subaru of Calif. lnc.-Retail Diy. $1297 POE '60 Corvair Cpe, auto. S 279 Open Daily 'ill 10 p.m. 1966 HAVrl:!PO_r. cL.MV. 0_~ ~:;;;:~~~:;;s~'!. ---'69 :DODGE _ -P;· -:::;::;;:;;;;;;;::::!!;!;;;;:;~!!i:l$i '63 Ford GaWde, 4 dr, SUPER BEE FREE 1,.,. Gr11t1r S1Yln91 on 26 low rntl1191 1969 t= _.,,... -·-·---·--- Opt equip $30. Freight $1-1.50 tlandling $49. Tlel. $1390.50 + Tax and License 1000 \V. Coast Hiway, N.B. 645-0050 * 5'10-2733 TOYOTA TOYOTA SPECIALS '69 Corolla \Vagon XSP996 '68 Corona TIT Cpc \VIG :ns Choice Ot 3 Best D · I An At ps, clean, sh8.I"[>! .. $699 V8, automatic, R&H, power , ea ~ '63 Rambler Amer, 8.uto, steering P.B. stereo tape ' DEAN LEWIS ··3"'0\~;:·••P<•s~M: :::.:~=~~~ ~ ·. . . ·~ auto. ''· pb ....... .... $299' s -RD'S -.. VIUN•' .................. . 1006 Hubor, C.M. ~93-03 '62 B"kk Special, V-t. d •Irv , '""-_, o;~J'.Y.J'_,._.. •: 4 '64 Volvo 544, 2 dr, Spt cpe .s'Ju~oh~.t.k4 ..... , ..... , .. , .... ,,1,,1' ATL. Al llMINAI · • · ~ $675 at wholesale blue book ... T ' Good condllion, &l~l •59 Rambler, 6 au.to 14' • '"" IM Dl1M WeM '59 Plymouth, ~ dr •• In ltfrAIM'I With Their '•med Dt19 C1r1 '61 VOLVO 122.S. air, radio, '-=======I CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH TUESDAY, JULY 1 Sth-7•,30 P.M. healer; new w/w; 4 Dr., ,... 2929 HARBOR BLVD. $1.695. 842-4953: 540-7408 MECHANIC'S ..SPECIAL COSTA MESA 546-1934 Fr .. Prix•• -Refrt1hmtnt1 '60 Sunbeam Alpine, o D · rdster, \Vire whls $179 ll~~"'~"~·~"''-""'ti"-1 .:;10'-'Pc;·m;;;._ '57 Chev. 2 Br. Bel-Air, MUST Sell '63 Charger bli\ck good body, net'ds eng. vinyl top. gold body, fully ............................. _. $ tt· autom. Aly equity $600. baJ SEE OUR BIG CAMPER DISPLAY! COMPlfTE CAMPllt PACKAGESll ORANGE coum·s OHL y AUTHORIZED ·DEALER! · Lorge lnnntory of New '69'1 For lmmedl1te Dtllnry. Three only-New 1968'1 Now Sl11hed For lmmedl1te Cl11r1neef '61 Corona 4 dr • TYX287 ·57 Crown Wagon .. TXS519 '67 Landcruiser • uoruo All Detailed And Ready Toro Best Deals Are At Anti9ues, Classics 9615 1941 Dodge Luxury Liner 4 dr. 73,lm Orig miles, r & h, all extras w o r k • lm· maculate, must see to ap- prcc. $600 or oilers. 6i5-053J or 49-J-3891 Race Cars, Rods 9620 Newporter Motors 2036 HARBOR BLVD. $2315.94. Purchaac Ii ale 14115. S40-tJ687 -- FALCON FALCON FUTURA 63 2-Door Clean f· I DO • f·260 • F·3&0 COMPER SPECIAL TRUCKS AND YOUR OHOICE OF 33 CAMPERS IN STOCK. RENT YOUR VACATION HOME ON WHEELS! DEAN LEWIS 1966 Harbor, C.r.t, &16-9303 BILL MAXEY !t!OlvlofT@ 18881 BEACH Bl VD. Hunt. Beach 847-8555 3 ml N. of Coast I-twy. Oll Bch TOYOTA 1 IEA.DQUAfiTERS ELMORE 15300 Beach Blvd. W&trnnslr Phone 894-3322 FREE FORD 'S TRAVELING PERFORMANCE SEMINAR ED TERRY and DICK WOOD Tn Person with Their FAMED DRAG CARS TUESDAY, JULY 15th 7:30 P.M. FREE PRlZ~REFRESHr.1ENTS THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 642-«llO COSTA MESA 548-5294 or 548-8511 Financing Available Open 9 to a Mon.-Fri, Sat. & Sun. 9 to 5 •••••••• BUICK • 673-4970 • FORD '68 LTD 4-<lr hardtop P/S, P/B, Fact air, R/H Brougham inlerior, 390 eng, Extra t'!lcan, low mileage S2995 firm. ~ '65 RIVIERA, all equ.ip., LIKE new 1963 Ford Galaxie very clean. Nds body wrk, 500, 4 DR. Good tires, tac $2100/b@sl. 642-8584 air._Jl..$, new auto trans.- * '55 Buick 2-Door '*: Pe.r1ect condition $125. 604 Clubhouse Ave. NB. CADILLAC $600,, Aft 6 pm or wknda. 8"1'--0135 '66 SUPER ford extehded Van : lo ml, xnll cond. Auto, etc. $1395. 534-1704 wkdys 9- 5. 'S7 Cadillac Lie Ville, 4 Dr. '63 !:'ORD, 2 dr Ga.laxlc, 500 fac air, full po\llt'l', recent XL. pOwcr windows, brakes, Mrhaul. Only SJ()(), PrY strg. Clean, good cond. $995. [T@YtQITIA] 1g1~~ ~ul~p vr:.~~: :.o.;".-co;,,·,,~=E-1:c-;-v-ill-.. -n-. -j>Wr-.1 ·=:::-=RD~""'~c·a1-.. -1-, -,~,-. -Po-.. -, Best Deals Ar• At engine & transmissMln; S650 air, Must Sac. $2295. only !ltceMne & seat. Radio, DEAN LEWIS" l~~ 3~le;~~~151 ext :m ~.~~ti:~ Ville ~~{45 new lires $450. '61 ECONOLINE PI U. ~nt motor, $315 '67 STATION Wag, 9 pu1, Yellow, blk naug Int. Big 642-1289 auto, alt. power, • 8 8 11 r c s -E vtrythlng New · acanalr eng., Jo ml. $2350. 1966 1-tarbor, C.M. 646-9303 1968 TOYOTA moo. 646-1341 CAMARO "' """"" Autos W•nted 9700 '66 CNTRY ~. 2 sit, pwr Lie. No. \VJF5i8 894-3320 Dir ·...o....c.-=""----" '!18 CAMARQ_PS, R/H. 6,000 st, dtc bl-kt, R.H. $1350 or un: PAY raru . m1. Xlnt "'"'· ""°° .. oo.t i...t. s3M28s "' \.A.In ~u:r. ~Vf· ocea:ntx.wit~ ••. 1'~AJJU.ANE Torino G.T. R ' · Jldtp. P/s, P/b, alr-cond. ·~ TRIA, BRG b I oc k fO YOUR CAR-* * '68, 321 '--"'" good "'"' 390 .... 23,0Dtl ml. ~11 lca1her. 'Radio, wire wttttl!I;, bur. bl u 0 , tram. J> I S FALCON Wa&"On 1984, red, Mf011'11n• Stehr<> '™"'"' CONNEtl. m " stripe. 64'-2463 '"""'· PIS. low lltl. $895. t.":'~/'Y.,,.,... =''!;: CHEVROLET CHEVROLET 641-4887, ".ta' So!O Hardtop Coupu $1695.00 M_any extr&lj. :J:i,O(X) ml. 2828 Harbor Blvd-MERCURY' ' 11995..549--1883 °"'4 M.,. 5'e-tl00 '62 QIEV. Impala convert l _ _.;~~=:.:..--. *'" TRMiPlf -SplWtt. WE PAY TOP ~:· :~ tlm; top .'64 MllCUilY .,.,, '<9"d· 1 """"· 1985 DO'LLAR . COLONY PARK !inn. !IS8-5830. for ..... clc.., ...,s ,.,.. 283 "' ]n, • op. M"t ,.ti! . B\.lSfEST-marketplace In all makes. See George Ray See to ~le 54s..6565 9 puaenger wagon, 1Ull pow· towh. Ti:. DAILY PILOT . Theodol'e Rob_tf!s Ford aft g er with air, cw.tfied "'11<>"• Sli"" 21l6tl Harbor Blvd. ·eo CHEVY :1-dr ...,.. 6-cy! $1299 .,~,..lfe«orll-1ook e. • "''®!' •"'-SPLENDID ' ..,.. ~mso•- DOW.!lt 'CW...dftttl ~i8, OJJ..rKt. _ $}.50 aftcr 5· ~ G2 Monr · , AJr, DAlLY · PJtoT Clauilled -">d:1f!tn cif--....r •Ji lHEV,:.$250 IS. PIB, ~ coiid ~ -!<OWi '"""° ..... ,,...,,. rfnlt 5'HllOI 'til S • * 816-USl ll ' •• 1 Choose your ,.rsonel r:cktg• for Yltttion & wttkend fun In th1 wW. open sp1e11. Long Term flntnclng 1v1U1b ton rtqu1st VACAJIQN_ SPECIALS . OVER 2 ACRES OF ROBINS RELIABLE USED CARS NOW AT SPECIAL-"SUMMER DISCOUNTS '67 Ch1Vrolot $) 795 f-(T, ~e_•I•_ ~-~r, _ ·- V-1, •ufo., P.S,, •ir, R&H, IUKU 117), * POLICE CARS * 4 to choo1• frolTI. All •1• fully r•- co11llition1d •11d ht¥• fr11h l'IOw p•int lobt. EXAMPLE1 '68 Ford Custom $) 795 VI, lll!'i, o ut~ .. ~90 VI, .POvttt ''''''"'' 149 19) Stock PllOI '67 Fiat 124 $)295 4·0r. Stdan, Full f••fory ol)[ufppt4. l•w ml"l••t•· ' !WF)f 291) ' '64 Chevrolot 8•1-Alr !!Q_r., Auto., R -,-H," FACf01tY AIR, IVTl ti I I '64 Do4go o.,, 170 2 Eciu ipp•d. 6 !f'IY 60!1 o .. c;yl., '67 Cortlno GT $) 595 ll•dio, vinyl roof, on• own•r. (Vfp 7001. '6$ Plymouth $795 , Sport fury l Dr. H,f, 6rotll •with ltl1ck 1111 • to r. VI, ouft.,, P.S. .Y)fS 4621 ;-.. • .. '63 P1lcon Fut~r~~ .. • Dr. S.J. A11lorn1tl,, r1cl!o, llH6 400) '67 PontlH $) 595 H.T, l••pHt c,.. to"'. A11to., PS., R&H. !TR.I OIJ) 12' Troller $)295 N•rth wttt Coe•h 1loop1 6, f11lly ·~~lppfll. o~. now. ($4121 ~?,,!.,~'~. FAC· $)195 TORY AIR, R l H, P. S., P. I. IYCU· 1501 - 2080 Hatbor rA•TS A SIRYICI HOURS n ... lo f , .... ,,-, .. en . ff f")311, , .... Fit '64 Ford C111_tom_4_Dr. s.d .. V·I, Allt CONO., •uto,, ll&H IYW$. •2•>. low mil••9•· '63 Pontfic. Gr•nd f'rl-. Auto., RlH, P.S., P.I., AIR COND. IJJV 9201 $ ' 9-95 '66 Mustang $)295 l, 1ficlr, ''dlo, ho••· •r. (SQA 69aJ ITATION WA•ONS Flnost 1•loctio11 of Fordt .~d Chov• ro leh, Country S•dt111 l Cou11try Stt11lr•1 2-'61'•· llAMf'U! '6-4 IOIO f f'~QIN•ll C••ltl'J s.4-v.1 Ol'l9i11.o, Cr11ito1t1•fic s1095 . l•on.ininio11, r•dio 011d hooter. !ORN 1441 • PAltTS OllL T .....,; .... ' ........ ' ., ' --· --~------------~ ___ ___,__ __ - I I -1 • L I ' . -~ ·-- -, . . -- ~ I • , • "'+-':• ! • , --.. ~-~,....--. - I \ ,~ .,.,.,, ,... \.·•~·_,~i \~ .J. .,. . '. ··JEMPEST! •• " • • • . , . . ' ---_, . , • • W«lnoldty Ju~ ,, 1?69 . '"' .. • ' 1, "'pt(oT-ADVER'!JSU BONNEVJt " AGON!· .... - Brand New 1969 Tempest Sport Coupe. Decor group, aU!omatic !ran•· mission, push button radio, power steering, white side wan tires, antique ' gold fin'ish with black interior. (233279R603220). $2895 '" . 'J! .. 111' r&I t GTO!. fHE INCOMPARABLE G~ND PR~X! Br1 nd new 1969 GTO. Verdoro 9r••n-with m1tchin9 green interior .Turbo hydr1m1.tic !r•nsmission, push button radio, console, power tt11ring. 1242l79Z l204141 _8r1nd New l,_69_Gro1nd Prix. Ch1mpagn._1xf1rlor with gold lc:nit vinyl In. ferior, turbo hydr1rn1ti c tr1nsmission, push button r1dio, remote outside mirror, custom wh11I discs, power steering, power disc br1kes, tinted gl•s•, power windows, AIR CONDITIONING, front floor m1ts, wh ite side will tiret, cordov1 top. 1276579P27 1'11 ~I r .. ' BONNEVILLE! Brand New 1969 Bonnevii. coupe.'tllnetight gree~: .,aj,'·9,.~n interior, cordova top, turbo hydramatic transmissioni push button radiO!, remot1 ·outside mirror1 deluxe beas, custom wheel discs, dual exhausts, power 1f;ering, ·power disc brakes, tinted glass, AIR CONDITIONING, front floor mats, white side weD tires. j262379C 122052) $4347 • I'' .. i'f ,,. I I. '''./'rt..\. -f • ''-' I ' .,,':..~;•&;,, 0 'f ·~ "'<r:;,t'; ,, " .·. • ' .•. 1-k l ... . .• ' •PRICES PLUS LIC. & TAX 1965 PQNTIAC GTO H1 rdlop. Jio, h••t•r, 11ifot11•lic, P.OW.r 1l••rin9, •l•yl top. 111.E}- 52]) .::i.· -~.-~l!l" ' I . ·1966" CHEVROLET 112TON Pic.11p truck. 6 cyli11der •n9i11•, r1dio, h••l•r, l 1p11d. l"ory in color. (f221155) --$2677 , 1966 BdNNEVILLE 4 Do .. h1rdlop. VI, t1,11bo hydr1"'11tic, pow•r 1f1•ri11g, power br1kt 1, l1clory 1ir. lro1n .. "' c•to;. :tl$1W 2961 ' · $2277 1967 CHEVROLET WAGON 1968 PLY.MOUTH BARRACUDA 1968 PQl\ITIAC GTO ,_1dio 111d l1t•l•r, 111tcitll1tJc. powiit tf•••i119, l1cto,.., 1i1 coltditionin9 . IWIC Ol71 .~ $3m~ YI. r1dio, h•tltr, 1wlom1tic lr111111i•lle11, ..-wer 1t11ri11f. Gr1111 ••· lt rior, IWAI 5111 . 0 . - ' ' . . , .AND WHAT ABOUT,· J.EASltjG? •• ••II MAN~;NSTAk~ ':!"~l\,.J!!~' NIW C~l HAS DISTINCT. Fl'!_~~~L ~D~A~TA~.~~:.~~j ~A.RYER ~N~~!-"N'f , .. •. MA .. ~·lilOP.fL,AUTOMOllLl. INCLUDI~· ~S ~OYi:I. 'UASING MAY 'IE FOl YOIJ. DROP ,lH •. _.i c A!ID I.IT'S TALK IT OVU. ASK FOl OUll,FL.-; S~ AND LIASINli MANAGER. JOE DAVISON. . .. t ' l ROY CARVE.R . PON-TIAC 2925 HARJIOR •-L:Y.D I C .0 -STA ~,., ..••• ~ . . ~ .. J, ..... ....... , • 0 I 0 .$ *""'"""-...,,,...., - 1 ' ' I \ . I - ' -• -. ' • • • . . ' • • • \ . - ,. , • .. .. ' • .. .. " 1.: • - • \ • . ' ' 11 'I I I ' . -~·--------·---------------------~~- ~ . llRll CIATll •llTAllf CllVBllPAI OUIHG. 47c 54" size, retain$ lleat. fir stea111 or •ry. ,38c .,.,., •• Jiits 11 ··-.. ntllJrMf ,utits lltftt I!? ..... _, ___ , ,, .. .,. • • ' • f • '"l1r:1 .. ~J.;,o.-.-c...r'-'-e;.._U hs1 I .. ._'-......_'~·"• •ifl••......,___,••U:a••• r 4,.:.._.....;..._~v.a., Diii ,,._ & M •"'-"' 1'\e Sw·T...,._, Seillll hr Diii!, .,__ & ... sci-.., 1'\eY....,t4-&0-... hit,-...,......,_......._, 0.,...C...~Net & W I rtMn, ,..,. f/10, IHf"' . • ''l''CB.L IATJBllES ll"Vlm IUCllAl.l Colorf1I, duable. fun to ,111 wi1' •an. 12!c. VAW'YWUT ......... C-.A"-•..calaft. -----OlllAllO 1111 .. _.._AWL ··--- • STOIE HOUIS• caa•-1....,...._ -"'"' -"'"' SATVIDAY 10 TO t SUNDAY 10 TO 7 . .... I- I L_ r I RITE FRUIT •on hair. e" p e ·rrl y hand craft- ed and in a big orroy of ;ust -right modes. 4'7 SAVEi FUllY STYlED _WIGS 100% human hoif' fashion wig, fully styled, weighs o mere5Y20L Vo riety of 1hodet; with head & cose. SAYE! DELUXE - WIGLRS ,_. 100% hu- man hair, extra long to pile high or let hang loo1e. In 36 shade1. 8'7 NAUGHTY ms EYEWHES 100% human hair; black 8 7C or brown, with co1e and od h.-siw. • SA VII SPICW WIG CASES Keeps your wig neat and clean; hondy for traveling. · Pa&a2 I' 597 COllPMI AT 11.H # -- PICI 'EM BY THE PAIRl . KNIT TOPS! MIDRIFFS! JAMAICAS! . . From One of America's Most Famous Makers ANY MIDRIFF OR JAMAICA $ IN THIS SPKIAL GROUP ••• YalMS from 1.99 to 2.99 elsewhere MIDRIFFS -Long sleeve prints thot button up front or floral print midriffs with elastic woilt ond neck. In color-happy Avrit<& ra yon and cotton; sizes 32 to 38. CLEARANCE! Better Knit Tops Sleevel"' knitl. Spked with imported nylon or ocrylic-co"on yorn1. Whet your fo1hion op· petite with choice aolids or 1triP". Mock or turtle neck dyles. Priced 2 $ 3 10 low you'll wont 1eod1. f OUI llG. 1. 97 TO 2. 97 IA. ~ FOR JAMAICAS in easy-care blends of cotton and nylon in the sunniest colors ever. Sizes 10 to 18. At this tiny price, you'll want to 1tock up o big play t ime wardrobe. ltt:lt£iitlK•r•141 2-Way Stretch Jamai~as Home grown (USA) 100% nylon for stretch-with· you comfort. Pull on waist, in-the·sun pastels, machine washable. Pick all your favorite colors and sovel Si1es 8 to 16. COMPARUnff E~ 2i $3 ( '. WHITE - FIOIT Pure cottons and no-iron cotton poJye.ter blends with button-down or 199ular sp-read collars. Solid colon, plaids, novelty patterns in the group in sizes small, medium, large and_~ la~~· OUR REGULAR LOW DlSCUUNTltWKI 2.11 and2.97 ACTIIN-ITYLBI IND a11TB Trim fit ivy league walk shorts, designed with slosh pockets and belt loops in permanent press blends of polyester and cotton. Excellent assortment of solid col- ors in waist sizes 30 to 38. OUR REGULAR LOW DISCOUNT PRICE ••••••• 2. 97 SWIM TllNI IELECTlll Pure cottons, or permanent press blends of Daaon poly- ester and cotton, os well as stretch nylon bits. Plaids and solid coloB available, in sizes small, atedium, large and extra large. . OUR REGULAR LOW DISCOU•T PllCI ••••••• 2. 97 YOUR CHOICE EACH ITALIAN LEATHBI THONG MEN'S LEATHBI MOC FAMILY BEACH THONG •Soft leather uppers • All-leather in· soles • Brass stud trim • In tan or white . •Sizes to 10 •Genuine hand-laced leather uppers •Hord rubber sole • Cushioned heel •Rawhide t~ • Ton, in sizes 6 V2 to 12 7201·T • Confetti-print plastic upp•n and sole• 79 C • Perbrated water-shed inne"°I• n•' & • Lavish flower trim In auorted colon WOMlll'I •Si zes for all -similar de1ign for men MD'199c Page3 I i l . I -o. Very Own Imports From ltalyl Honu Konul • -II DI .. For the woma_n who demands the unusual . . . our inspired collec- tion· of imports I Each-unique three-piece knit ... shell btouse, skirt and i<Jcket . . . was designed exclu.sively for White Front, in the dra: matic color combinations and arresting designs we specified. Re- markable for texture interest are the ottoman plaids and stripes. Numerous dressmaker detailings. Misses' sizes at savings. 3-PC: WOOL WALKING SUITS, many 1tyles in two and three color combination1 $35 t • UI I • Colgote ... •r 10-IN. =~~-.:WEST BEND SllU.O g; '1 IO-in. open skillet. Pol-2• ished aluminum, bake- -.;~ lite handle. Avocado, gold, poppy. ova ate. 3.97 _.:;;_ ______________________ ~~---- P•TDR·SILEX MOM ~'!?!!!'s!o!"~ 477 Height adjusts from 24" t~ 36 '. w.F. IEI. s.t1 Two thermos bottles and sandwich box fit neatly into tote bag of plaid-and-plain vinyl. ''I . -!-'·--- r"-•5 ] •• . ' •t --~ •• 'i I -WHITE FRiii VIHl1E FION16$ 3 rua -PICJUlf 11111 "AllANJr AT NO 01tA COsT· • 20,000 volt chassis • UHFtvHf . • Handcrafted circuitry • Bui It-in antenna *Pichre meastred diagonally WHITE FRONT'S 3 YEAR COLOR PICTURE TUBE • 25,000 volt '*'6- wired cbassis witti twin speaker sound •~l~I UHFNHF tunina witla 1.1 .. hted lndicltors ... WARRANTY AT NO lJU'!..A_COST • Waa.t wood cabinet · • . ' • Powerful solid state am- plifier plus solid state FM/ AM stereo FM tuner • 6-speaker stereo • Exclusive Micro-Touch 2G tone arm never mars records • Early American cabinetry I'' ... . . • • ? • Compact table model in walnut-grained cabinet • Pictwe tube with rare earUI phosphor • Twin<one speakers •Telescoping dipole an- tema '='----""--•_.......~-diaionaUy • Massive Mediterranean style cabinet • Solid state AM/FM-FM stereo tuner • 4-speed stero changer • Instant stereo sound I ft f M 4 YOI c I ' 7201T ·- -WRllE- FRlll. divider MAGIC CHEF 30" GAS RANGE w11 G.E. COMMERCIAL HIGH-SPEED cmmms etum 1111 llYBI J I I I •~ I I I II CLEAN WHIU YOUCOOKINEVER ----------1 CLEAN A DIRTY I OVEN AGAIN 1 I I I 7201T H > • Oven liner and bottom impregnated with special ingredient which continoously cleans during baking time. Never sc0tr again! • Lift-up, removable cook top and oven door for easy cleaning •Radiant broil •Oven control, Clock WHITE FRONT'S LOW DISCOUNT PllCI 229 97 .................... __ ..._ __ ................. -.. ............ _____________ ...... llilflm .... .._~~--__;___..:..:.•.!..:...J•• c.;:_• ... ~ Big capacity • Two temperature selections • Big lint trap is easy to clean •Friction door latch Page 7 ... . --.. . -• xn-•-... ~ t: a • : :::: • : I ~I I 1 ... • I I I ~WHllE- FROIT IPAUING OFFICIAL BASKETBALL wa -f If E .PIMPI- Nylon wound, Per· malite rubber cov· · ,.er_,.otfk.iaJ size and weight. #61· 262. BllNITIN 7-FT. Piil TABLE 3¥2 'x7'x31 ',steel underbraces, top grade green cotton billiard cloth, brush plated comers, end ball re- turn. #9719 -.-1ciia:11-=PC.-1oucm1 sn • 1 IRONS • 3 WOODS JACK NICKLAUS Maiest1c set. pro style woods: sandblasttd irons 1n new aerodynamic design. W1her grips. Multi-chrome step down steel shafts. ,, MIKE Hill set with aluminum shafts. all weather grips, lami· nated wood !leads, <Sandblasted faces. .. 44 • Page! I ., 1 I I I l I~----.. FAMOUS BRAND VALUES! JUST IN TIME FOR SUMMER! .:£ 1929 WHllE FRONT ~ lalles qines purP. 20 (I 30 weight. C.AIEAl&itt --------------llrml ~IP Page 10 • ... ,, _. .. Fuel additive reduces car· bon. raises compression, helps un-stick valves. 12 oz. can. # 7588 k'4oilll!•1• OUR REG. PRICE 78c 59c Featuring top performers from the famous Mercury-Phi lips roster of stars. Included are stereo best sellers by Horst Jankowski, Lesley Gore,. Paul Mauriat, Dusty Spring- field , Clebanoff Strings, Harry Simeone Chorale, Dave Dudley, Louis Armstrong, Dinah Washington, Sarah Va!lghan, Patti Page, Brook Benton, Jerry Byrd, The Plat- ters, Frankie Laine, Hugh Masekela . . . many others. Truly a great collection at an , even greater price! Give these a look-an- listen! ~ ·-------· ---.-.--....... .--.~---· • AM-F.M/FM stereo . OUR REGULAR 199 97 m11tiptex radir • • &-speaker system 9 7 • Be~utifll waln1t _ - • 4-speu changer. 16. 9 · ca~inet , -, CUH VINYl nn AU CAH '' .. SAVE SINCE 1929 ,. 20% ta ·50% WHITE FRiii _!HE~K THESE row, LOW PRICES! - SPECIAL PURCHASE! A\Vll•s •12-.,, a11.cam1PC. '4Atou. DllEm ACC! ~· ~ "111 1• RI EIXEI . rtit'" ~11!11 . 79-8 ___ ~· -_ICtil;E Low D TE FllONr llEG COMPARl AT 34.95 ;n~??i1rr'·SC-O;UN;1~4~.8~1~,~~~Yd~·~j COMPARE AT 119.95 . '••a THEY WON'T LAST ." •• SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS! . 'I 3 PIECE BElllllM IOI J..piece groups consisting of w111 $115 TO '3" double dresser, mirror and $138 $299 bed -prices slashed to clear. to ------------------~--------------------DINING -ams : All mlfl ••Al - . w11u220 TO $730 I Fine Spanish, French and Con-w111 $129 ro "" Spanish, Modem and Early I temporary style sofas in $ $ 9 American sets of five and $199 t $499 tweeds, damasks, tapestries. 98 to 14 · eight pieces. Great buys! o I Check these values! ----------~------+--------------------WEllEM-m:ll.R TMl.fl : Dlllm IEJI ClfAIAIEE Marble or parquet tops -as w111 $49 to $1n.t7 1 1 Customer cancellations;-dis-Witt 6t.t7 TO ut.97 much as l/:J off on many $39 $89 continued patterns -marvelous $39 $119 styles. Real finds! to I bargain~! to ------------------+-------------------~ IPll.ITllfl CIAla I I Elegant French, comfortable lounge and handsome contem- porary stylings. I I . . Wiii SJ9 TO$" I $48 t~ $68 : 7101·T AlmlED lemlM PllCO Odd maple finish, pine and w111 $46 TO $HS solid bin:h bedroom pieces -$29 $285 reduced almost 50% to P11111 ; I I I l SINCE \929 ·WHITE FRINT YOUR CHOICE •• "'=' . ..,,, .. ., 21 .. r· llrl Cl tr 111•11. fast, llJtrt Ur· 1lc1. ,,9,ffl lt'.s absolutely tree !~M Kobnng m coupon and roil of . dacolor film fo~eveTop . mg and printing - -" EXTRA aorius OFFER EXPIRES JUL y J 3 I I COMP.AT •.n Kl11 sin 91ri1t1 f rn 11• flnrlt1 aliMs. SS•• er 121 11141 fll•. COMP.AT$3.00 1191 6 F 1'8 COMPAU I 0 AT2.1t : R --------------------~----------------------E: IAVll111UE , flM Will PIKElllll ! llTAIY RAYi mA11Hn •eAmAME'CAW .-.....aw ............ _..._ .. _.. Plice includes film I and expert QCJ!m:_ I sing. Daylight or 11 type "A. II I I I I -I'' I OUI 111. 2.21 n4n smwmnm LOS ANlllU ...,,_ .......... mAllSTYMt ""'lftlll\ll:- ~ SM _., ... ...... ... , ................ -r.:= JI:.~-===:. Fits Sawyer tr l1i:t1H Silla Iii "11fact1n. h11t111 trlJ . #Kt• 111 UST lOS ANGIUS nn un on...c: • ., .. ............ ,_,... ,,,.,., .... , COYie& ''" _,. ADI& .... -=.~ .. '. I' 0 SAY£ UP TO $1 A Tiil Dff DUI IEC. $21 EA. 1M% NYLON NOVY Mm! 1-PlY UTINC s1z1s1 l.78X15 17" 6.51X11 IJ" 7.DIX15 19" 7 .IOX1 I 23" TUllWS VAWTWUT VAWTIAST ............ •Alli • ~ ........ -.... ~~ ....... -----___ ,, __ OllTAllO COSTA MBA 1m-.~•an. ·---... ·--------. _.._"" __ .... I I t I> . . . . . . llMD NEW! 1•% NYLON TillELESS TIRES Fer VW'S DATSUNS, TOYOTAS ltNAltlTS, tO•ACTS Sllt.S: 5.•H 1.21111--utafS .. 5.1115 5.•15 OUllll. 2'°".,., .-m-u r1Wr111111 ~ fmf Nil ._NCI MmM.ftl. ltsCmtPICI TOllMCI tlMMClaft.at ....._ .... DOWE ........ ,~ --=--:.:.... 21.99 9.99 3.50 35.48 . . . . • STOii HOUIS • c .... , ..... , ...,Stwa W.'11111 MltUltt SATUIDAY 10 TO 9 SUNDAY 10 TO 7 ~ -- i-. ¥=< ! -- Fashion Island's many wonderful stores celebrate mid-summer with thousands of specially priced WEDNESDAY THROUGH · SATURDAY-. . JULY 9 THROUGH 12 items of merchandise. Today through Saturday at Fashion Island : -Just minutes away. ·FASHIO~ J ISLA~D~a ~ NEWPORT OIJKTER f>gdflc Coast Highway between Jamboree and MacArthur, Freeway minutes away. I 1 ... -. ::o-- I - -. PAGE2 ~it it'su ~j SEll-Amtmf SALEI ~AVE UP TO 1/3 ..... ON FAMOUS NAME BRAND~ For Men: Florsheim, Roblee, Pedwin On11na//y 114 to 13.3.95 NOWT W 16.80 to 121.80 For Women : Naturalizer, Life Strid e, Miss Americ~ Flonheim, De Liao deb, P enaljo: Nina On1111ally 11.3 to 122 • NOW 16.97 10 116.97 WETHf:RBY -~·KAYSER 4 Fashion l s l11nd N •111p ort B•a cb , Californi 11 Use your ff•thnby K11ysn Cbarg•, &m.1.#urutricard or Ma4tn Ch•t• . t&.ar '°~ '01 .~ ~W ~(Q)lf ©~ ~Ml!Mlii!l ~fin~~ begins wed need a J~I.~ 9 • semi s ~ ljt.td'"~on all our famous brands including our own.Tall 'n Smart shoes. Tremendous values on handbags and hosiery plus clothes from our Something-Else boutique ~Jr/ l NEWPORT BEACH, 21 FHhlon h loncl • SANT A ANA, 17 Foahlon Squ•• PAGE 3 r I ' ONLY HAPPENS ONCE A Y·EAR • • • " IT'S THE IMPORTANT ONE AND IT'S HAPPENING NOW • • • DON'T MISS IT NEWPORT • #1 FASHION ISLAND • NEWPORT CENTER • 544-22• • MOii., THURS., FRI 10:08 TILL 9:30 • OTHER DAYS 11:11.TILL 5:11 PACE 1," • Xt's nice to have. an expert on your side! ----- IF YOU DON'T KNOW ALL THE ANSWERS ABOUT FUR ... It's nice to have an expert on your side. We are fur s pecialises. Every elegant coat, in our s alon has been designed and qafted in our own workshop. We pr~de ou rselves on collecting the c ream of magnificent skins fo r our customers. And we invite your inspection of our latest collection. It's among our most outstanding! FUR PRICES TO INCREASE THIS FALL as s tated 10 llnmait's Dllear i!laily and the Fur In formation & Fashion Council's Report of June, 1969. BUY NOW & SAVE UPTO 353 - FIND THE EXACT FUR . .. YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR Have an exclusive design ac no extra cost. Choose pelts, design, color, quality, and price. YOUR FUR WILL BE CUSTOM DESIGNED right here in our Fashion Island fur salon. • ' f , .......... ~,,,.,,_ .......... , COMPLETE FUR SERVICE • Certified Fur Storage • Remodeling • Repairing • Cleaning ¥ M.JACQUES 14 Fashion Island Newport Beach 644-4661 1 •. 'FASHION WISE' • HEAD FOR 1'HE °'!E SELL HAIR HUNTER COSMETICS BONUS HOURS Exte•drd Da vs ·. & Sunda ys 70 FA1HION ISLAND Newport Center 644-2151 95 TOWN & COUNTRY Orange 541-6641 store wide . Clearance Sale 1/3to1/2 off on all spring and summer merchandise including: coats, suits, dresses, sportswear, swimsuits and beach togs SALE STARTS TODAY LOS ANGELES, 6150Wllshlre Blvd. BEVERLY HILLS, • 9641 Wiishire Blvd. WESTWOOD VILLAGE 947 Westwood Blvd. SHEAMAN OAKS, 67 Fashion SQ. PALM SPRINGS, 116 So. Palm Canyon Or. NEW PORT CENTER, l!i Fashion I sland, Newport Beach JIE IAl.E 1111 ! (Y ~u can say that again!) THE .,. IS UNI if DESMOND'S 1071h·ANMIVERSARY SALE ••• one of only two storewide sales a year on men's, youg men's and women's quality apparel. rou CA# Nn#O ""' Entl,. stock not lndu~ Use ,.., DESllOllD'S CNAl8£ cm, IWTU CHMCE er IPUMEllCA.,. 'SAll ITEMS NOT AVAIL.AI U IN l'ALM Sl'lllNGI • PAGE 5 DESMOND'S 18 QUALITY STORES SERVING SOUTHERN CAUFOftHIA: 6UI s. eroecrwey ·.7th " Hooe 5~ Wlllhl,. • C'9nll'I-• Wettwood • Puedene • Lone ltuch • Sant• Ane • ~men Ollka Welt CO'tlne • Whittler • Venture • LMlewood • Torrence • Clendllle • S.nle a.rMr• • Newport Center .. • .. .... I I ~-·~~.-..----..... =-------,- --PAGE 6 ST ARTS WEDNESDAY, JULY 9 ! FUR SALON Natural mink coats • • • . . . . . . . . . . • •..••..... 1688.00 Natural mink strollers . . . . • . • . • • • •.•.••....••... 9&a.OO Natural mink stoles . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . • • , •.... 561.00 Dyed broadtal !·processed lamb jacket. natural or dyed mink trim .•..••.•.•......•.................. 268.00 fur products labeled lo show country of ortain of lmpo~td furs. DESIGNER COATS ANO SUITS All weather coat assortment. orig. 52.()()..90.00 . . . •.•• 37 .n Summer suits, costumes, orig. ...•....... 44.n 0£SIGNtt DRESSES Spring, summer dresses, orig. .•...•.• Yc·Y, Off PACEsrrnt DIESSES Summer styles. fabrics, colors, 6-12, .. 32.97·7'1.97 WOMtw'S DR£S$£S Dresses, costumes, broken sizes, orig. 60.00..136.00 •. Yc· ~ OFF MISSES' BITTER DRESSlS Summer dresses,. variety, orig. •..•• 34.47-78.97 HIDAl SALON , Bridal gowns: famous name designer gowns, white or ivory, 8·10, orig. 136.00.300.00 ......... YI·~ Off BITT£R SPORTSWEAR DRESSES, KNIT SHOP Famous Hawaiian shirt shifts, orig. 33.00 . . . . . . . . .... 19.99 Summer cottons and linens, orig. 28.0Q.44.00 .... 18.97·28.97 BITTER SPORTSWEAR Famous maker fashion, prop<irtioned pants, l 5.0(}.23.00 .. 10.99 Famous designer print pant tops, oria. 17.0o.23.00 •.... 10.99 Fame·name knits1 straight leg pants, sleeveless jackets ......................... 13.99·14.n fame-name shlfh with matching shorts, orig. 24.00 •.•. 15.n SPORTS SHOP famous maker wool sweaters. orig. 17.()()..28.00 .. 12.99·18.n famous maker summer shifts, orig. 18.00..30.00 ... 10.tt-19.99 Imported t·shirts, cotton or nylon, orig. .. 5.99-1.99 MILLINERY SALON l 00% Human hair wigs, stretch, pre-styled .....•• , .•• 33.00 Natural or dyed mink skin hats. matching boas; full skins In white, grey, cross-dyed black, each . . . ..... 55.00 HAT BAR Imported Italian lamb toques, pill boxes, berets, In White, black and others, orig. .•....•.. l .n YOUNG CALIFORNIAN DRESSIS Arne!• trlacetate jerseys, Jr .• ortg. 17.00..?3.00 ...•• l0.'9-14~" Summer sheers, rayon linens, jrs., petites, orig. . • . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10.99-18.99 YOUNG CALIFORNIAN COATS AND SUITS Spring ralnwear selection, orig. 26.0().28.00 .......••. 18.n Pea jacket, all wool, back-belted, navy or grey, 30.00 ...• 22.89 Famous-maker mini·wrap coats, fall color wools. 46.00 .. 29.99 Summer suit.pantsuit clearance, orig. 28.00-40.00 .... Y, OFF YOUNG CALIFORNIAN SPORTSWEAR Famous-name pants. asst., orig. 11.()()..13.00 . . . • . . • •.. 8.99 Sportswear separates: jackets, pants, skirts, tops, orig. ............................ .40% Off ROBINAIRE MISSES' DRESSES Fame-name knit dresses, orig. 36.00-44.00 ....... 19.99-22.99 Cocktail dresses, orig. 36.0().60.00 ...........• 16.67·39.97 ROBINAIRE SUITS ANO COATS Fame·name suits, orig. 38.00-40.00 ............. 24.99·29.n Cotton crochet coats, many to choose, orig. 40.00 ...... 29.99 Camel hair coats, orig. 69.99-80.00 .......•.... ,59.99-89.99 ROBINAIRt WOMEN'S ORESSlS Half site cottons, Dacron• polyester blends, orig. ........................ 14.99-19.99 Knits: half sizes, orig. 26.()().44.00 ..•• , ••• JUt·ll.99-22.n PATIO DRESSES Famous-name rayon skimmers, orig. ........ 9.n Asst. summer pantdresses, play shifts, town dres.ses, orig. .........••.•.••... e.n .12.n Jersey prints, acetate, Arne!• triacetate blends, orig. ......................•... 9.99· 13.99 Famous maker Dacron• polyester knits, orig. 28.00 ..... 19.99 D!l-ONAIRE Scooter length skirts, many styles, orig. .. 4.97·8.97 famous.make pant sale: solids. prints: cotton/ linen blends, orig. ....................... 4.97·9.97 Jr. and Jr. petite dresses, orig. t3.00.23.00 ...•... 7.97-15.97 WOMEN'S SHOES Paradise Kittens, orig. 20.00, now . . . . . . . . , , • 14.97 Florsheims, Amano's, orig., now .14.97·17.97 SHOE SALON Peacock's Artiste mid·heel classics. orig. 21.00.... 15.99 Andrew Geller's Charles, fo-heel pump in black patent; ' black, navy, white, bone calf, orig. 29.00, now . . 23.99 Camel nuvella calf, orig. 30.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24.99 Mademoiselle's Femina, low-heel pump, orig. 24.00 ..... 18.n Jose Pavel's Rosarita, leather weave. orig. 25.00 ....... 18.99 Andrew Geller's Bernice, black patent: black, white, bone calf: black. white peau de soie, orig. 29.00 ••.. 23.99 camel nouvella calf, orig. 30.00 ..•...••...•..... 24.99 Mldemolselle's Opera Pump, mid-heel, orig. 24.00 ....• 18.99 Andrew Geller's Metron, style and comfort, orig. 28.00 ... 19..99 Andrew Geller's Metron. neat bows, orig. 30.00 ... ,.. .11.n AYANflQU[ SHOES famous name clearance: spring styles in First Editions, Ceressas, Adllbs, fredelles Imports, orig. .1U7 Concertos Capezios, Et Ceteras, Sblccas, imporfs, orig. 13'.00.l 7 .00 . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . • , .. 11.97 CASUAL SHOES Famous-name casuals: Edith, Henry, Penaljo, Pacesetter, from our regular stock, orig. . . . . . . . . • t 1.97 YOUNC P£0Pl£'S $Jt0£S Assorted fas_hion :.;u>n by famous-name makers, for girls In chllds' misses' and teen sizes. Dress or play styles, orig. 10.()(H4.00 ......................... U7 ROBINAIRE SPORTSWEM Famous brand shifts: orig. l 7 .00.27 .00 , ......••...... 11.11 Famous maker assorted solid stmch f>anh, print pant tops in shirt styles and tunics; orig. •. 8.tM.91 lm~rted cable·ffont wool cardi,an ...............•. 1.99 An oW;.• t,~~ £~ts'. .t~P.~'. ~~i~~·. ~~~~t~'. .......... 2.tM." Assorted poJyester/cotton voiluhlt:ts, bright prints .... 11.99 flare.reg pants. assorted, solid, patterns .•...•..•..... &.n BLOUSES famous make no-iron shirts, short sleeve, sleeveless, 10..18; orig. 6.00-7.00 ..................... ._ ...... 3.99 Famous brand shifts, assorted easy-care fabrics, lined1 1().18: orig. 12.00 ............................... e.n FASHION ACCESSORIES Asst. sweaters, many styles, white, 34-40; orig. 14.00 .•.. 7.19 Siik twill scarves. 27" squares. Italian Imports; orig. Embroidered handkerchiefs, cotton and linen: orig. 1.25 .. 69C HANDBAGS Wicker and crochet straws; orig. 7 .()().11.00 ....... 3.tM.19 Wicker handbags; orig. 13.00 ....................... 8.99 Plastic and _plas.tic patent bags; orig. 7.00..14.00 .••.•••. 3.99 Monster-grain vinyl handbags; orig. 15.0().21.00 ......• 10.99 Group of leather and patent bags; orig. 5LOvtS Special purchase of leather novelty gloves, white, black, bone, brown, grey, 6-8 ..................... 8.49 Famous maker cotton gloves, asst lengths and colors, 6-8; orig. 4.00.S.OO . . . . . . . . . .. . • . • . . . . • . . ........•.. 2.59 re~W~~~.o~i~0~1~~~s.' -~~t: .'~~~~s-~~d .c.01·0·~·. ~~: ..•. ,,.99 HOSIERY Robins~n·s Actionwea~ panty hose, asst. colors, petite, medium, tall sizes: orig. 2.50 ...•....•............ 2.11 Robinson's Agilon• nylon panty hose, asst. colors. petite, medium, tall sizes; orig. 3.00 . . ................ , . 2.49 FASHION JEWELRY Famous maker baroque pearl jewelry; orig. .. 'It OFF Genuine ivory pins and earrin~s; orig. 4.00 .......... 'It OFF G,old-tone bangle bracelets; orig. 6.00 ............... 'It Off Fashion ropes, spectator colors: orig. 3.00 .........•. 'It Off filigree earrings, pierced and clip, orig, 3.00 . . . .•.. 'It OFF FINE JEWELRY Diamond cocktail rings: orig. 75.00.1,000.00 .......... v. OFF Diamond engagement. wedding sets; orig. 200:00.1,500.00 ........................ 114 Off Diamond earrings, pendants, brooches; orig, 50.00.1,000.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•. , . . . . . , V• Off COSMETICS Robinson's Own.Soap, hand soap; orig. 6 cakes, 3.50 .. 12(3.50 Bath soap; orig. 3 cakes, 3.50 .......•........•.. 6( 3.50 Robinson's Own Toilet Tissue. 3-ply, case of 100: orig. 25.00 •..........•....•......... ,. ......• 18;50 case of 50; orig. 12.50 ........................... 9.50 Robinson's Own Facial Tissue, 3·ply, 36 pa~; orig. 18.00 .. 14.75 24 pack; orig. 12.00, 10.00. 12 pack: orig. 6.00 ...• _ .. 5.25 Sonic Instant Hair Set; orig. 3.00 .................... 2.00 Protein Shampoo; orig. 2.25 ..................... , .. 1.75 Moisturizing Night Creme; orig. 3.00 .................. 1.75 Moisturizing Bath Oil; orig. 3.50 .....•....•.•.•••.•.. 1.75 FASHION FOUNDATION$ Soft lace cup bra, white, black, ecru, 32-36 A-8.C, 32-38 B·C: orig. ........•........... 3.49-3.99 Whirlpool cup bra, white, black, golden haze, blue, 32-36 A·B.C, 32-38; orig. 4.50 ...............•..•. 2.99 Vouthcraft panty girdle with bonus pair of hose, JacW:U':~ ~;:;~~e ~;t~r81'P8tt8iri.'stio'ri or '1ong .style: .t.n white. ~M-l·Xl: orig. .•........... 11.49-12.99 Hi·top side.zippered panty girdle, white, 27·34; orig. 22.50 15.00 Famous maker long leg panty girdle, white, S.M·l·Xl: Po:!,. ~~·ir~·1e: do~bie. controi ·a·t ~ide~: ;,;hite,·. . .... 9·49 / S.M·l·Xl; orig. .................. 7A9-10.99 Hi.top pull-on waistline girdle, whlte1 27·34: orig. 18.50 .. 13.99 Girdle in spandex floral lace, white. :>-M·l : orig. ........................... 8.49-9.49 All·ln-one boneless pull-on foundation, white, 34-40 B..C: orig. 19.50 ...•........•.•.......•...... , . , 13..99 IR. LINQERIE Lona seersucker robe, pink, blue, yellow, 7·15: orig. 20.00 12.99 LOUHIEWW Cotton dusters, &-18· orl(. ... ~ ....... 1.IN.tl lofll hostess, P·S.M-l; on&, 23.00 ••••••••••••......• n.n Short nylon quilt robe, 1().181 ori,. 17.00 .•• , .•••.....• 9.99 Long cotton quilt robes, S.lo: ong. 17.00 .....••...•.• e.n LINGERIE Waltz gowns, nylon tricot: orig. ......•. 5 .... 15.99 Cotton/ ~ylon sleepsh.irts, pink or blue; orig. 13.00 ...••. U9 Nylon tncot slips, white or colors\. orig. .•.. 3 .... 7.tl Nylon tricot half sli~. average, snort or short short sizes; orlg. ....... -•...••.•.•.•.•.•• 2.IM.99 flannel sleepwear, In daisy print of orange or lime; orig .. 9.00 .•........•.•....•............ , ...... 4.99 TM£ CAM"1S SHOP Crew socks, stretch white cotton, striped to'Ps, 10..13; orig. 1.00 pr ...............•...•........ l /UO No-Iron sport shirts. bottOrMtown1:0llars, asst. solids, S.L .. 3.99 Cottori knit crew neck shirts, plaids, ~ , ....... :-.•....• 3.91 TH£ IOYS' SHOP • • . Famous maker, assorted knit shirts, 8-20; l>rlg .. 3.00, 4.00 .. 2.29 Link cardigan, machine washable acrylic, 8-20 • • • .•.•. U9 Tennis sweater, acrylic, white, 'light blue, 8-20 .....•... U9 Asst. knit and stretch swimwear, S.M-l, stripes ........ 2.11 'True Merit' briefs, double seat, white, 8-20; orig. 3(2.60-2.80 ..................... , •••••. , .3(2.39 'True Merit' T-shirts, white, 8-201 orig. 3(2.95-3.10 .... 3/2.89 'True Merit' Orlone acrylic hose, 8-lO'n· orig. 1.00 pr ... 814.10 Cotton crew socks, white, 8-lOlh: orig. ]9¢ pr ....... , .8(3.90 NE-TUNS Assorted swimwear; orig. .............. 5.ft.7.99 Plaid jumpers, assorted, t~ll colors; orig, 12.00 ..•...... 7.99 Assorted fall sweaters: ong. 10.00-13.00 ....•..... 5.49-6.49 Acrylic plaid skirts, assorted: orig. 10.00 .......•...... 5.99 CIRLS' J.14 famous name, full.fashion nylon Jamaicas; orig. 4.00 ..... 2.79 Ass~rted bikinis in ~rlghf~loral prints; orig. 7.00 ......... 4.99 No,1.ron dresses, plaids: ong. 7.00.S.OO ...•.....•...•.. 5.99 Flare-leg pants, acetate bonded acrylic: orig. .. 5.99 Wool Melton pea,·ackets, double-breasted; oria. 20.00 ..• 12.99 Bright cotton shl ts for now and school; orig. 6.00 ...... 3." Cotton tee shirts, long sleeves, turtle necks; orig. 3.50 •.. 2.7t Tennis dresses, assorted fabrics, prints; orig. ••. UI CHILHEN'S 3-tJ For Glris Assorted hand-smocked school dresses, 3-6x; orig. 9.00 ... 6.49 Assorted, no-iron school dresses, 4-Sx; orig. 6.00 ....... 4.99 Famous maker knit shirts and shorts, asst.; 4-Sx .....• Yi Off Assorted 1-and 2-pc. swim wear, 4-SX; orig. 6.0Q.8.00 .... 4.49 Machine washable jumpers, green, gra~. 4-6x: orig. 7.00 .• 4.99 Assorted summer pantdresses, 4-St; ong. 4.00-6.00 .. 2.99-4.99 For Boys Summer pajamas, assorted 4, 6, 8: orig. 3.00-4.00 ........ 2.89 Cotton flannel plaid robes, 4-7; orig. 5.00 ............. 3.49 Underwear, T-shirts and briefs, white, 4, 6, 8; orig. 3/2.30 ................................. 3(1.89 Famous bfand assorted knit shirts, 4-7; orig. 2.50-4.00 ... 1.99 AssOrtf!!ent o~ pants, slim, regular, 3-!1 orig. 4.00, 5.00 .•• 2.99 Rain shckers rn safety yellow, 4-7; ong. 3.50 .•.••.••... 2.29 INFANT$ AND TOODURS Infants' 3·pc. hand-knitted sacque sets; orig. 6.00. . .... 4.29 Infants' boys' and girls' stretch play wear; orig. 2.25-4.50 .................•...•...•... 1.49-2.49 Todd~ers boys' cotton seersucker shortall, tab sides 2, 3, 4. 2.99 Cotton Pak·knit, shrink·resistant, whiteJ. pas.tel nursery prints: Slip-on shirts, 6 mos.-3 yrs., pkg. of L; ong. 1.59 ..•... 1.29 Gowns, drawstring bottom, mltten sleeves: orig. 1.89 ... 1.59 Sacque set, print, with ~ate11>roof pant: orig. 2.50 ..••. 2.19 Terry hooded towel, white with pastels: orig. 1.79 .... 1.-49 Acrilan• acrylic blanket sleeper, plastic soles, S.M-l·Xl .......•.............•...•... , .•.... 4.79 Our crib, traditional design, white with decal; orig. 60.00 . 45.99 Our own crib mattress, lnnerspring;_orig. 25.00 ........ 20.99 Dressing table, 4 compartments; ong. 26.00 .......... 21.n Play yard, nylon mesh with pad, folds; orig. 27 .00 ...... 22.n Folding high chair, foam-padded vinyl covered seat, back.14.99 Stroller by Strollee, adjustable back, canopy .....•.... 21 .99 GIRLS' ACCESSORIES :l!on stretch knee-hi, 7·11: orig. 1.15 .......•..••. 3/2.59 arm sleepwear, assorted, 4-14: orig. ........ 3.29 Cotton knit underwear, 4-141 orig. 75C ...•...•..... 3/1.85 Cotton socks, 6lfi·lO~j orig. 6~ ................. 3/1.29 Nylon stretch socks, 6'f.l· ll: orig.' 8~ .............. 3/ t.45 N{.lon tights, 6-14; orig. 2.69 ....................... 1.99 S eepi~ b!ankets; orig. 13.00 ....................... 9.99 FASHION FABRICS Machine wash polyester double knits: orig. •• 4.n yd. 100% Wool double knits; orig. 8.00 ............... 5.99 yd. Dacron• polyester( cotton printed voiles; orig.1.5().1.75 99$ yd. Acetate bonded rayon/ silk, linen-look weaves: orig. 3.00 1.n yd. ART NEEDLEWORK Swiss lm~rted mohair/acrylic yarn; orig. 1.00 ....... 49~ sk. Ripple a ghan kit, 5 color~ orig. 10.00 ...•.•.•....... 7.91 Machine washable Marvel 1 wist yarn: orig. l . 79 ...... 1.48 sk. l1Mlll0 OUAHflflH, 000 lOfS, llOKIN SIUS. MISCU~ANIOUS. NO lfTUINS, lllCHANOU 01 co.o 'S NO MAil 01 ,HONI OIOld . All rTlMS suaJ~C'I TO ,1101 SAU 'ltCIS OUOTfO FOi SIHOU ITEMS UNlUS OTHHWtSI NOTlO OllOINAHY MfANS TMl fllST ,llCl AT WHICH H41$ WAS MAllClO IN OUI $IOU . OH M•N'I' IUMS INlEIMtOIAH MAUOOWNS HAVf IUN TAKEN ROBINSON 'S NEWPORT CENTER • FASHION ISLAND • SHOP WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL 9:30 .. PAGE7 SPECIAL WEDNESDAY NIGHT OPENING~SHOP UNTIL 9:30 M£N'S CLOTHINC Readgate suits, all wool tropicals, orig. 100.00 ....... 82.50 H. Freeman suits, Dacron9 polyester/wool; - orig. 110.()()..135.00 ............................ 94.50 Roger Drake suits, all wooli orig. .119.50-149.50 Sport coats, all wool, blenas: orig. 60.00-65.00 ........ 41.50 Roger Drake sport coats, all wool; orig. ... 12.50 Readgate ~lacks, all rwo<>I and ble~s: orig. 25.00 .... 2/38:00 Reqate imported wool slacks; orig. 39.50 ..•.•.•. 2/ 50.00 ALUMNI SHOP Natural shoulder suits, all wool and Dacron• polyester and wool; orig. 85.()()..115.00 ........ U.50-14.50 Traditional trousers, all W®I; orig. 27.50 .......... 2/31.00 .Mllt'S VOITSWEM Cardigan sweaters, Or lone acrylic, S-M·L-~J orig. 17 .00. 11.90 Durable press wal.k shorts, orig. 7.00 & 8.00 ........ 2/11.50 Assorted sport shirts, s.#iC-L.~ orig. ..... 2/ 11..50 M£1f'S FVllflSHINCS • Medal!st durable press h~lf sleeve shirts, orig. 6.50 .. 3/15.00 Mectahst durabtepress pajamas, asst.; orig. 8.00 ....• 2HUO Medalist paj·amas, orig. 6.00 ...................... 2/1.00 Dacron• po yester neckwear; oal . 3.oo.4.00 ......... 3/7.00 All sll~ neckwear; orig. 5.00:S. . ................. 3/9.00 Medaltst boxer shorts, asst., 3 : orig. 2.50 ........ 3/5.50 Cotton brief, double seat, 30-44; orig. 3/3.75 ......•. 3/3.00 Cotto~ t·shlrt, crew or v·neck, s.M-L-n,; orig. 3/4.50 ... 3/3.50 Medalist over-the-alk hose~colors: Orti-LSO ........ 3/3.50 Dur own fish net knit nylon hose; orig .. 1.50 .......... 3/3.50 MEN'S SHOES Stetson's assor1ed colors, styles; orig. 38.()()..56.00 . 32JI0.46.00 Barty's, selected styles; orig. ....... Freeman's. Free·flex• construction, plain square toe: orig. 28.00 ................................... 22.00 LUGGlCE Atlan!ic 'Ganges', _rep.tile grained vin~I, gr 1 een or beige: 21 weekender, ong. 20.00, 15.95, 24! pullman: orig. 24.00, 18.95; 26" pullman; orig. 28.00, 21.95; 29" jumbo pullman; orif. 33.00, 25.15: men's val.pak; orig. 35.00, 27.95 CANDY AND QOUltMET Hooper's assorted hostess mints; orig. 1.79 ............ 1.41 Honey nut confection; orig. 2.00 ..................... 1.89 fancy salted mix,d nuts: orig. 2.50 .................. U9 l<jel~errs tiilftef cookies, 1 lb.1 orig._ 225 ........... :1 • JWR 1ams, preserves, marmalades; ong. 8~ . . . ..... 3/2.25 Wolferman's beef stew: orig. 1.25 .............•.... 2/2.20 STATIONEJtY ~agneti~ photo album; orig. 6.00 ..................... 4.49 Single·fhp photo album; orig. 4.50 ................... 3.21 Leather wallets and clutches; orig. 3.50 .....•......... 2.29 Parker pen 'Big Three'; orig. 5.90 .................... 4.49 High intensity l~mpf· orig. 10.95 ..................... 5.17 Canoga game; ong. 2 .00 ........................... 9.49 loose leaf address book; orig. 4.00 ................... 2.99 5-pc. card table set; orig. 73.75 ..................... 54.97 Eaton Loomlaid stationery; orig. 125 box ............ 2/1.59 Eaton L.Oomlaid envelopes; orig. 6~ pkg ............. 4/ 1.59 Bridgeasy table cover; orig. 3.95 ..................... 2.97 Crossword puule, roundj orig. 4.00 .................. 2.97 Oouble deck playing caras; orig. 2.00 ................. 1.39 Boxed stationery; orig. 5.00 ......................... 2.97 NOTIONS Zip ~r~ss bag; ~rig. 2.50 ........................... 1.95 Zip suit bag; ong. 225 ............................. 1.75 Nylon travel dress bag; orig. 7.00 .,. ........ , ........ ".6.00 Nylon trave l suit baa; orig. 6.00 ..................... 5.00 Quilted dish or cup keepers; orig. 5.00 ................ 3.99 Velvet hangers, box-ed set of 2; orig. 2.50 .............. t .97 Easy wash, qt.; orig. 3.50, 2.90; in gal.; orig. 6.50, 5.00: p l.: orig. 12.00, 9.IO Satin pillow cases: orig. 2.50 ........................ 1.t7 Pandora shoe box: orig. 2.00 ...................... 4/U9 Cotton terry robe; orig. 7.00 ........................ 4 .. Cotton terry 'Angel TreadsA'; oria. 2.50 pr ............. Ut SILVERWARE Crystal/ silverplate English jam jar; orig. 6.00 ........... 4.75 Set of 6 Rosewood steak knives: orig. 11.50 ........... a.n Silverplate gourmet salad tongs; orig. 10.00 ........... 7.t5 12" or 14" mahogany~or black formica tray, Sliver rims; orig. 11.50 & 14.50 ...................... UO & 12.00 BOOKS Large selection of juvenile books; orig. l.oo.4.95 .... 4"·2.49 Introduction to Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Tom Swift, Jr., first 3 vols. of each series; orig. 1.50 each ........ 99~ u . Cook book sale. save as much as 80% . . . . . . . . . . , l .00-4.H Bunker Hill print by Leo Politi, signed limited edition; orig. 7.50 .......•.............................. 5.00 GLASSWARE Imported 'lead Crystal' stemware, goblets, champagnes. wines ........................... 2.00 11. Nouveau glas.sware, goblets, sherbets, wines; orig. 1.50 11e 11. 3-initial monogram alassu. 3-week delivery, 8, 10 o.z. hi-ball 7 oz. old fashioned, 1'1>IY poly on-the-rocks or cocktail .. . ............................ US lltL CHINA 42-t>C. Norit.ake translucent china, service for 8, 1 patterns; orig. 705 .......................... st.95 l pattern: orig. 59.95. 44.95 4 patterns: orig. 54.95. 39.95 9-pc. snack set, 4 mugs, 4 trays with plate ...........•. U9 53-pc. 'SUMyvale' service for 8; orig. 49.95 .......... 39.15 NOUstWAIU Proctor ironing board w/ pad & cover: oria. 14.95 ....... , UI Mirro 4 qt. pressure cooker .................. '. ...... 9.89 Quaker 5 pc. TV tray set; orig. 15.95 ................ 10.49 Sunbeam decorator clock; orla. -39'95 ......•........ 1UI Time-All electric timer ............................ U9 Portable battery operated electric shaver ............. 4.99 A.O.G. 2·slice electric toaster ....................... t.95 A.D.G. portable hand mixer ......................... ua Salton cart w/d<>me; orig. 92.45 ......... · ........... 5U3 Salton patiomaster hotray w/dome; orig. 42.50 ....... 29.U Salton hotray; orlf. 14.95 ...............•. ,,. ... ..;:,..,...1.15. Ice Cube Tr•"· orig. 2.29 ........................ 2/2.99 Stainless steel salad bowl w/servers, orl1. 15.00 .... : .10.13 SO pc. stainless flatware, set for 8, orig. 30.00 ........ 1U9 Co$OO cook«it cart, oria. J0.00 . _ ..• -· ............ 11.Jl Cosco kitchen stool, orig. 14.50 .................... 112t Slant board, orig. 16.88 ........................... 12.88 32 Gal. trash cah -7 year guarantee ................. 8.'9 Stainless steel chafllli dish, orig. 22.95 .............. 15.85 50 pc. Golden bamboo (heavy gold plrted>, orig. 100.00 .• 59.97 DECOUTIYE FURICS Custom-made draperies, fabric and labor ..... t0"'-40" Off Custom slip.covers, fabric and labor .............. 10% Off Custom rt-t1pholstery, fabric and labor ............ 15% Off TOYS Gym Dandy space rocker, orig. 18.00 ............•... 14.99 Giant 2W' deluxe Gym Dandy gym set, orig. 50.00 ..... n.• De.luxe fold 'uoll p111a pong table, orig. 40.00 ........ tt".19 4-i>layer paddle set, net, balls, orig. !.00 •............. 5." 4-Seater sand box, orig. 23.00 ...................... 17.99 Samsonite juvenile metal folding furniture, orig. 25.00 .. 1Ut Deluxe double.faced easel! orig. 15.00 ............... 10.• Multl-f)Upose tyke plane p ayskool, orig. 18.00 ......... 13.99 Miniature peen house, orig. 8.00 .................... 8.99 4-Seater picnic table, orig. 13.00 .................... I." Pussycat doll layette, orig. 13.00 .....••...•.•......• t.• UNElfS CountrrSpun Tablecloth: 52Hx52N, orig. 5.00 .... 3.99 60~108" oblong o-nly 52Hx70'' oval/ oblong, orig. 14.00 ....... 11 .91 orig. 7 .00 .......... 5.tl 60" round, orig. 8.00 .. 6.99 60"x90" oval/oblong, Napkins, orig. 1.25 .... ate orig. 12.QO ..................................... 9.99 Looper place mats, orig. 1.00 ........................ 79~ Haiti St. Mary mats, sunflower, orig. 1.25 .............. ate Vera's Giant Daisy table cloth, cotton, machine wash, no-iron: 52".a701', ori1. 7.50 ...• 6.50 17" square napkins, 60"x84", orig. 12.00 ... 9.95 orig. 1.00 .......... 79~ 70'' rd., orig. 13.00 ... 10.95 60"x82" oval, orig. 12.00 U5 Vera's 8-pc. place mat set, Giant Daisy, orig. 7.00 ........ 5.95 Florentine, no-iron, stain resistant. SO"x70". orig. 10.00 .. 8.95 60"d08" oblong/oval 60"x90" oblong/oval, orig. 20.00 ........ 11.95 orig. 18.00 .... _ .. 14.95 60" round, orig. 12.00. :9.95 Napkins, orig. 1.50 ..... 1.00 IATM SHOP Fieldc.rest Royal Velvet towels: Bath, oriJ. 4.50 ...... Ut Wash cloth, orig. 90¢ .•. 714 Hand, orig. 2.30 ..... 1.99 Tip towel, orig. l.~.:/' . , .. Tub mat1 orig. 6.00 ... 4.99 Bath sheet, orig. 8.oo .. 8.99 Fieldcrest wstre towels: Bath, orig. 3.50 .............. 2.49 Hand, orig. 2.00 ..... 1. 71 Wash cloth, orig. 80¢ .... 69~ Tub mat, orig. 6.00 ... 4.99 Tip towel, orig. 90¢ .••• 79e Stevens Saxony rugs <match Nocturne): 27H rd., orig. 6.00 .... 3.15 21ux48", orig. 9.00 .... 8.95 24"x36"1prla. 7.00 ... 4.95 lid cover, orig. 2.95 .... 1.15 Fleldcrest voeue rugs: 24"x3611, orig. 14.00 .11.95 30"x54", ori,. 29.00 .. 2&.15 27"x48", orig. 19.00 .1U5 Ud cover, orig. 4.00 ... ~.U Imported beach towels: Mardi Gras she1red, orig. 8.00 ..................... U5 Monte Carlo non-sheared, orig, 8.00 ................. 1.15 la Condesa non-sheared, orig. 10.00 ................ 7.95 Rose Antique, oria. 10.00 ......................... 7.95 f1eldcrest Poppy Dot. mini shift, orig. 18.95 .......... 12.95 Stevens Queen's Taste robe, orig. 29.95 .............. 1~.85 Stevens King's last~ robe, orig. 29.95 ............... ti.ff Fieldcrest POP.PY Dot, In warm and cool colors: Bath,. o~g. ~O ...... 1.99 Wash cloth, orig. 7fJe ... Ot~ Hano, orig. 1.50 .. · .... 1.29 Beach towel, orig. 9.00 . 5.15 IEODIM5 Stevens Beauty Blend ~hlte no-iron sheets. Twin flat, orig. 4.50 ... 3.79 Twin fitted, orig. 4.50 .. 3.79 Full flat, orig. 5.50 ... 4.71 Full fitted, oria. 5.50 ... 4.79 King flat, oriJ. 11.50 .. t.• Kiili fltted, orig. 10.50 .. 9.41 Std. case, ong. 1.60 .. 1.31 Bolster case, orig. 1.90 .1.et Stevens no-Iron solid color pink. blue, yellow sheets. Twin flat or fitted, King Oat, orig. 12.50 .. 10.99 orig. 5.75 ........ 4," King fitted, orig.11.50 .. 9.19 Full flat or fitted, Std. case, oria. 1.90 ... 1.89 orig. 6.75 ......... 5.99 Bolster case, oria. 2.20 .1.19 Duchess Mattress Pads, Celacloud' acetate tilled. Twin flat, orig. 7.00 .. :8.00 full fitted, orig. 9.00 ... 1.00 Full flat, orig. 8.00 ... 7 .00 Kinr fitted, King flat, orig. 16.00 .14.00 orig. 18.00 . . . . ..• 18.00 Twi n fitted, orig. 8.00 ........................... 7.00 Wamsutta Supercale sheet. Plain hem. Flat or fitted . 72"x108", orig. 5.95 .. US 42"x381' case, orig. 1.80 1.50 81 "x108H N oric. 6.95 .. 4.H 42"x48" case, orig. 2.05 1.75 108"x12D • ong. 12.95 .............•........... 10.95 Madrid Pillows: goosedown In soft or firm standard size: soft In klna or queen •izes. Standard. orig.14.95 .................... 1Ut,2/23.00 Gueen,.orla. 21.95 ...................... 11.15, 2/39.00 Kil~. orla. 24.95 ....................•.. 21 .95, 2/ 43.00 Dacron• polyester· downproof cotton ticking. Standard size, 2M6H, orig. 5.95 ................ 2/10.00 Kina. 20x36", orta. 9.95 ........... , . . . . . . . . . . 21 t5.00 satln ~n• ~!ilWe.ts...J..colors: 'rWTn, oric. 14.95 .... 11.95 full, orig. 16.95 ... 13.95 Queen, ong. 21.95 . , .18.95 King, orig. 26.50 •... 19.95 BEDSPREADS Simon Zulll's Camille: all over floral , Avri1ic I totton. Twin, orig. 55.00 .... 39.15 King, orig. 80.00 .... 5U5 Full, ori~. 65.00 ..... 4U5 Simon Zulh's Garden of Flowers: floral print. Twin, orig. 24.95 .... 18.ff King, orig. ,49.95 ..... 24.95 full, orig. 29.95 ............................... 19.95 TllMSIONS Color portable TV, orig. 299.95 .................... 228.69 RCA color remote control1 orig. 499.95 .............. 398.89 Minlscreen transistorlzea TV, orig. 129.95 . . . . • . . ... 91.69 Portable stereo-phono, orig. 69.95 .................. 49.89 Pocket size transistor radio, orig. 11.95 ............... 8.89 Hoover upr:i&ht 't'acuum wl atachfT!.ents, orla. 82.95 ..... 59.69 Current hits of Glen Campbell and others, orig. 4.99 •..• 3.89 Record stand, holds 150 albums, orig. 12.95 . • . , . 9.89 St.UP SHOP Hotel-motel sets, twin, king, , orta. 100.00 & 190.00 ................... 89.15l141.15 Ortho-tie mattress -and foundation, twin or full, king, orig. l 00.00 & 200.00 .............. 79.95 l 189.95 latex foam rubber sets, twin, king, orig. 140.00 & 300:00 ................... "·95 & 219.15 r,tornlngdale tets, twin or full, klnf, orig. 140.00 &250.00 .................. ·"·95 & 1".95 _.Masterpiece beddlf1a, twin, twin ex-long, full, full ex-long, queen, king: orig. .. 89.95-119.95 Twi~ steel bed frame, ori1. 10.00 ......•............. US Hi-riser pop.up bed, orig. 130.00 ................... 9U5 Executive convertible sofa, orig. 239.95 ............ 179.95 Quilted houndstooth corner grouping, orig. 269.95 .... 199.95 DRAPOIH/ SNEADS Taffeta print spread, all sizes, orig. 24.95..39.95 .. 19.95-29.95 Victoria hand guided spread, all sizes, orig. 69.95-99.95 . :-:-...................... 59.15-89.95 Miniature pillows, antique satin, velvet, orig. 3.50 .... 2/5.00 Chaise lounge or chair and ottoman, orig. 149.95 .... 119.95 Cascade draperies, 21 colors, orig. 9.95-57.95 •...• 7.IS.52.95 Sh~;~. ~~t1:5' ~~~~~ ~~~~t~~-~~0.~1•8~'. •••.•••••• 2.25-4.95 Aberglas panels, 41 x 81 ", oria. 3.95 .•............... 2.95 F'lOOI COYOINQS Hi-lo all nylon pile, 8 colors, orif. 9.95 sq. yd ........... 7.00 Sheared nylon, 14 colors, orig. 2.00 sq. yd ............ 1.44 Shag plush Kodel• polyester, orig. 13.50 sq. yd ........ 10.00 Plush polyester shag, orig. 14.50 sq. yd .......•.....•. 11.00 Wool random sheared, orla. 14.50 sq. yd .•.....••..•.. fl.44 Tip-sheared wool pile, 15 colors, orig. 15.50 sq. yd ..... 12.44 All wool plush pile, orla. 17.50 sq. yd ................. 13.88 India rugs, all we.JI ........................ 82.50-351.00 Wall-to-wall bath c.rpet, 11 oolors ••..•.•.• , 10"·11% Off FU•NITUI£ ttallan bedroom set. orla. 407 .00 ................ , . 359.00 8-tt. 'Spring Down' seat and back sofa, orig. 599.00 ... 3".00 Wrooaht Iron faced bookcases, orig. 149.00 ...•...... 119.00 Glass top coffee tables, orig. 239.00 ........•...... 181.00 Game/ dinlna set, orla. 539.00 .................... 399.00 8-ft. Sofa, custom covered, orig. 359.00 ............ 299.00 La-Z-Boy& recliner, orig. 199.00 ................... 169.00 S.pc. Olnh11 set, oria. 240:00 ......•.. 4 ..•........ 1•.00 Unaerie chests, choice of style, color, orig. 149.00 ... 129.00 Drexel 'Esperanto' bectroom, dining, occasional .. SALE PRICED Heritage 'Madrlpl' bed'room s.et ......... , ...• SALE PRICED WfPS Group of small lamps, all metal flnlshed In antique bronze ..................... 14.15, 19.95, 21,15 Traditional lamps, sculpture bases finished In Celllni bronze, six styles ........................ 32.15 ART W.UIY Gallery mirrors and brushstroke reproductions. framed .. 11.15 Selection of discontinued paintings, local artists ..... th OFF ART-Gtm TV snack tables, king size: oria. 34.00 ............... 23.15 fondue set. 2qt. stainless with tray, orig. 18.50 ........ 10.ff ytastabaskets. orig. 12.00 .............•........... U5 llMITtO OUANTITIU. 000 LOTS, HOHN SlllS, llllSQUAN(OUS. NO 'OUINI. IXCHANOU 01C.O0.'S, NO MAI~ 0 1 PHONE OIOHS. All IHMS SUIJfCT TO ,.IOI SAU, PllCU OUOTID fOl SIHOLl lflMS UNUSS OTHllWISI MOllO. OllOIMAUT MEANS THI "Uf ,llCI AT WHICH THIS WAS M.UUO IH OUI STOii. ON MANT IJIMS INfHMlOIAU MAHOOWNS HAVI NIH IAJtfN, ROBINSON 'S NEWPORT CENTER • f.ASHION ISLAND • SHOP WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL 9:30 I I j I 11 I I l .. I ( I I .. PAGE 8 . . Fa.sh ion Island Its a value-packed storewide event! Seve 33 ,-e and more summer dress special examples: origina lly 10.99 & 13.99 n/7 sg Amazing savings! Wanted polyester·and-cotton voiles, knits, linen-look rayons for .your summer wardrobe. Dashing prints and solids. Misses', juniors', petites', youthful half sizes. Save 25 "• and more blouse and shirt ule regularly 3.99 to 6.99 '3 to'S Imagine! large savings right at the height of the season! Crisp cottons, light sheers, easy-care blends and crepes! Prints, stripes, white and popular colors. Sizes 32 to 38. Hurry. Save 22 "e to 30 ,-e swimsuit fashions examples: reg. 8.99 and 9.99 Our sun·drenched collection includes bikini, cage and many more one and two piecers. Gay prints, smashing dots, solid hues in the group. Sizes 6 to 18. Buy several for really big savings. Save 25 ,.e to 33 "e girls' summer dresses regularly 2.99 to 5.99 '2 to'4 Cottons and easy-care blends in the newest silhouettes ... including sleeve· less favorites, pant·dresses and minis in enchanting prints and solid-tones. In sizes 1 to 14. Hurry in for yours. Save 25 "• and 33 "e cool jamalca shorts regularly 2.99 and 3.99 '2 and'3 The fashion direction this summer takes to jamaica shorts. Come choose breezy cottons and blends, Some im· ports in the group. Solid-tones, prints, stripes and plaids. In sizes 6 to 18. S•v• 25 ,,e summer robe event regularly 3.99 '3 Special group of lightweight blends and cottons. Choose comfortable shifts, tents and dusters. Sunny solids and prints. Sizes 10 to 18. Don't miss this truly exceptional collection. Hurry in. Save 20,,e to 33,-e girls' sportswear examples: reg. 1.99 & 2.99 · 1.59 and'2 Timely savings! Come choose cool shorts, jamaica shorts, short and jamaica sets, sunsuits and skirts for spirited girls. In sizes 1 to 14 . . . don't miss this value-packed selection. Its easy to be f ashionable ... just charge it! r July Midsummer Sale Scandinavian Furniture Gifts and Accessories .. at Substantial Savings July 9 to 12 Only PLUMMER'S F ASIDON ISLAND Absolutely sandalous. this new wave of city sandals a la Roma Made in Italy just to lead free-thinking feet down some very interesting paths. Patent looks and leathers. SPECIAL ~---I:i:~!!t--. $4.SOr 5.( FASHION UL.AND, NEWPORT BEAOi Al .c> ot Horbor Center, Costa Mesa ( Acroaa the Green from The Broodwoy) 1 ... . -. -ICKWICK'S ANNUAL SUMMER CI,EARANCE .SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTIONS ON OUR IMTIU SUMMD STOC1C <EXCEPT SWl.MSUITS). COME IN N<:IN WHILE OUR STOCK IS WCST COMPLETE. 25% TI> 50% on DRESSES .: JR. PETITE DRESSES PANT DRESSES COATS SUITS PANTS SKIRTS BLOUSES '.TOPS SWEATERS ACCESSORIES ,. SELECTED SWIMSUIT~~ OFF I , , ··ALL C~KTAIL DRESSES ~ Offc: J USE YOUR PICX.WI CIC CtfARGE, BANKAMERlCAR1>, J.{ASTER-OIARGE-OR CASH. SORRY, NO LAY-AWAYS, HOLDS~ RETURNS, EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS. M.L SALES FJNAL ALL MD6E. SUBJECT TO PRIOR SAL.I 19"FASHIOM ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH . At.SO ....._ ______ ,_,,._SH•-oN_s_atJAftE ... s.._~.TA-~-"----........ """"'!!!!"~~ MATERNITY CLEARANCE ~-. > - # 2 8 Fash ion Island Newport Center NEWPORT BEACH Lil SALE THE TREE .CAT$ s34ts REALLY USE Pure Bred SIAMESE KITIENS with shots Ree. U9.95 Yl1tlte Zebra FINCH SALE S2~! yo11t , .. and your flOc:ketiiook Ree. S.42.50 $1~00 Mwc1'andlH FREE TROPICAL FISH ON SALE Every Week•ul U VE $$$ Every Week encl PET GREETING CARDS REG. SALE 1oe IS. 20• l»• 60• PAGE 9 PfMCO AQUARIUMS all sl:iea Reduced 25% Fthw Wool Ree. 29• 25t Oum:ool Rei. SSt '8' FLEA COLLARS 99~ 0vMOftteed 90 Oeya PUPPIES GALORE All A.ICC wllfl ahot e and Guerenteed Over 5Q Breeda ovollaltl,_ ... " Labroclor Re1. s 135.00 $97 .00 Dobeftfton Re9, $125.00 fl7.00 0.lhuohuo Ree. S95.00 $69 .00 Bonet Ree. S95.00 $69 .00. Bosenfl Ree. $125.00 $97.00 Poodle Ree. S95.00 $69.00 Cocker Ree. $95.00 $69.00 J HAMSTER & MOUSE FOOD I R ... 39• lb. SALE 25e TATTOO your DOG Sunclay July 13th Give Yovr Dog thla Permanent 0 1 $4 Poel;ive Identification. , I Y T~e Good Old Days 5~ Goldfisll wllfl ony pvrchoae WONDERFUL WORLD OF PETS 58 Fa-shion Island 644-0980 Acrou frOftl the ~oodway ' -.., ' 1 I PAGE 10 ... SHOE "I r 1. D 1 •• ft91!!! I bLtA 11111' Iii:! SA VE on famous-name brand shoes at Paul Allan's semi-annual shoe sale. llG. YO NOW Dominic Romano ................... 32.00 ·-•11 .............................. 29.00 .............. . ..................... 27 .00 Paul All•n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 .00 ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 25.00 Ya Ill ....................... ·: . . . . 21.00 c.p..Jo ............................ 20.00 Paul AH ............................. 19 .00 ~ 01c1 ... 1.. , ........................... 16.00 . . Cower Girt .......................... 15.00 22 90 17" 17 90 17" 14.!9 . 14" 13" 12" 10 90 8" ................................ GRIATLY RIDUCID • all soles final! • no exchanges! • no refunds! ANAHEIM WHma--- lilyeHe's new concept in bros lor the minus and oYeroge figure Secret FULFIUMENT Plunge Bra W.or it without pods for f19t1ffe CUf'Yfl, Wffh pods for high rocmded uplift. S.cr•t Fulfi llment by l llyetle odda glamour obove the bro for tne amoll, ln•be tween or overage figure. It 011ure1 you of the neat complete alie. Removable Foom Rubber Puah• up poda give you o fulfilled bosom for the moat daring decolletoge, Gouomer light wit*' wide off the ahoulder com I sole atropa ond o bock thot plunge• lower thon ever. Bon·lon loce ond Lycro Spond•a Powernet. Wh ite, Block, ond Postel colora. A cup 32·36; 8ondCcup32 •36, $7.50 FUllftl~NT IS THE ONE PAOOEO llA WITH ltlMOVAll.f PAOS. O!Mr boot of thlt type ore mode only with p«mo-mfy _,..j,, podt, Contequently, they require o lot19 t;me to ~ ond the podt deteriorote o~ .. 1......,. lound..i"9'-fUllflll.MfNT drlet ecuily -·nl9M liftCe Ifie podt con be •-wed befo-. -oM.v Tt..y '9qU1re no ott.< co•• .+.on e>«oti-1 ~ wl1h o doMp ~- 23 , .............. 4 M_,.rt~ ""°170 .......... .,., ..... tlOW 1M NOW t.n NOW tt.tt _.,. , .... .,. '"" llOW llM .. .,. _ llOW llM ._..._ •• 11trtc•·11mm1 ~ Save 20o/o .......... .. . llOW-......,,.rloe......... .. . .NOW 4.7' "'9u1at l'riot _,...-. . . . . . . MOW ... "-OWer Mee ..M9'.. .. . . NOW 7. tt l'leouiet !'rice .Mt6 . . . . . . NOW 7 ... CHOOel l"ltOlll °"" HUQI llUCTION CW IAU lllllACNANOIM, AU. IU&llCT TO"''°" SAL.I --Save 20% .......... fle9vlw Price I lM5" . . . • . . llOW ttUI 111eOUW l'floe )Utlr. • • • •• NOW tt.• "9guler Price )!Mir. . . . • llOW IS.ti .......... ~,,...... .,., ... ......., !'riot ,_-• NOW 41M ......., Price ,,_... • .. .,.. n.• lileOUW l'riot ..... • • • · ·..OW n.• lleguW "'loe J2WO" .... MOW 1-,.._ Mee J$NO" .•. NOW , ... lle9uW Mee jlMf". . .... .,.. , ..... ""9wlet Price 1l»MT . . . .. .,. , ... .... Mee ~-· •. : ... llOW .... lileOUler Price JliM" . , . . . *1fl Ja• llleOUiet Prloe ,.. .. .,.. ,,.. ... .... ... ...... lileOUW "'-........... • •• llOW .... ..,,_, b'ritlOt I .MIT. NOW I UI ...,.,.., ...... .... ............. ,.. °*"' 9rKelela.. . . .... ... .,. 4.7' "'9uw !'rice :z;5M:. . ..... llOW -WK "-** . . . . . . ..MS' ... NOW ... ...,.._Price ,lM8" .......... llOW a.• He.I,..._. ..... ,JO.llt ... NOW 1.7' ......., Ptlce .............. NOW MM , • ....,_, &tfint9 . JM9' . NOW ttM ........, Price ,_., .•••.• NOW ... "-!~... JMS" ... NOW , ... ZA1.ES· ~~~~ JBWBLBRS 17 f.ASHIOH ISLAND o,.,. Monday & Fr1'9y 'Tll 9:30 Plle11e 6444111 103 W. 4t11 Stffft, o.-.. -S...te M• 0,... M.114.y l.~'-Y 'Tll 9:00 SEMI-ANNUAL CLE E STORE-WIDE SAVINGS. AS MUCH AS o School Shoes o Dress Shoes o Sandals OUTSTANDING VALUES Childrens thru Teens 30 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT IEACH 6#-2464 • Semi-Annual QualiCraft nrea1aoce! 8.99-10.99 dress styks 2,,,:9 .,.. .. II!*· '4.IJ• . ~uala! most "1ere_4.99-7.99 2.99 Priced for plentiful pldingl Dress sfyfea in many hHI heights, daytime or playtime casuals with the fun IOC>L ... ,,. .. e~,• .. •••le• l.117 te 4.117 COSTA MESA SOUTH COAST PLAZA Hlil"TINGTOH 8 EAOt HUNTINGTON CENTER 1J3Ft.ClAr>W..A.-Y ·vouR CHOICE TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY ONLY 33.88 4 HEAVY DUTY SHOCK ABSORBERS INSTALLED • Our Mtt ... •-"" •.• e.-d .......... ..,,, ...... ~10111. • ...... .w.-.y 9114 liJMOlltl 1 latiJ1 ,...., a.o..c.. • ...,. -Clllf rtde and ,..oted _.,.., ........ .....,..,,,.. ....... COMPLETE BRAKE JOB ....... _..J. ............ ........ ............. .,.... ...... ..... . ,_ ... _ ..... ..... ................ .,....,,_ .. _ ........... •a... ..................... ....... . ...... ,.....,.,..,. •Mtoit ..... ,. .......... .... a..,.. ... ~c.,. ----. ,....._ NEW BALL JOINTS ............. wrp .............. .................................. ......... . • a.ct ... -•• 1P', -~-.... 55 FASHION ISLAND PAGE 11 -Fr• 11111115 " To SPEAI &• A M•t U11H1I SPORT SHOP 1 Pleat Colit ly AM l~ • • • . • Hand Carved Beare • Wine ~ine frOlll Spoin • French and Swedi.h Bllcinie • ln1tant Pop Up Comp Tente • Polpo Belly Boord• .... Propane CClll!f) Kitchen •Golf Balle that Go~ Yda. • Ice AxH and FreH• Dried Food • Kangaroo Tennie Aoc41et C.oven • Sport Jodcete that Keep Y04J Afloot • DD9 Train Kit for Hunting • Podc.t KnlvH that Cut Iron Bolts • Indian and Buth Hot1 • Fencing -Mo.Jes and Foil1 • Hand Pointed Fi lh GlouH • J.t Diving Fina - • One Mein Bou Boom Bcrtd • R•Usoble Ice Pillows • Throwint Kniwe • Mlnw and E1110tlc Sungla .... • 22 Blank Po-ed 59eor Gun• • Aelt About Boclt Pode S..lnan • Sl im 0 Motlc Waist Belt Join Our Fly Tying OouH Join Our Scuba Diving Oa1ae1 M !WPORT CENTER LI .. l. .. t L.•t 19'•4 D.d? -Te.re .. • •f Fllet .U..-t - v.1 Oacer? -a.1 ..... w Trewt? -,;ell, wfte 41e..,.•t111 n ... -4 ... , ••• •tlclttt •9"ea .,. aetV-4 1"111t •ltlata . ........................ . Lecet_. '" .._ ... ,. 111•4. lelt a.,.., I• • .,. "'• l••t • "It_. •' Leltatel' ,., ... ,..,. A aelMtf• •f twee,Y c.,...11, ".,.,_. •'"-• -•cc..,eal-4 ., lelt .. ,., '-• 1 Cr ... C.ner W .. -will Mtl 1fy •• -•UIRll•IHtl"f ,elete • MllE JODAN DUO EllTEIT AIMS lllGHRY ............. S.ttfft ... 37 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENTER .. ... ,. 8uffume & 8rHdw AMple Parking I I ; L I PAGE 12 'JOYS e HOH• • lll APOLLO LUNAR MODULE ~' ;Q.\ --~--.· Revell Plaetlc Medel. Easy to Aa- ;emble. Model ltlt of the Apollo 'Bug" that will land on 1.50 !he moon. Only 1 ......... . -----........ _ ..... ~~~-= 1.47 Sip •• Side-# • . . n.. -·'· •••• , ' ...... .._ ••••••• 1 1r.le.W .. J.11 fer ........ S.99 CASSlm I TIANSISTotl MICRO RADIO Complete w t t h carrying 1 t r a p, earphone, battery and gift box. aatbtt'y: One t volt battery. Dimensions: 2'fa"x2""x1!4.• 5 96 ONLY • LU6•A•I SYTU PORTAILE RADIO New powerful lolld ltate · AM/f'M AC/DC tuxurlou1 leatherette cabinet. Batte- ry: t ponlltea. 18 94 ONLY • -WOWl1'WIDI MutTitAND - 12 TRANSISfOlrRADIO AC/DC, AM/l'M/M a r Inf Band, lhort Wave, Twin antenna1. tone control, AFC, earphone jack, allde rule tuning. Cab· lnet of attractive eoft put· ded leather with mractable h a n d I •· C..n be played en houM current or batt1rlea. ONLY 29.96 TAPE IECOIDER WITH AM RADIO • Operate. Oft 4 .. C" Cell aatte,.IH • AC adapter jaclt • Llgl\tw9'ght., wtth pop-upoarrlftil handle • ftemote mike a n d mitt• stand • Level Indicator • Exten1lon 1poaker aftd auxlllary jack ~ • Dlmenslone: 10,l"xf"x.21" ~ IALE PRICE 39. 99 11 Ta.ANSIS TOI PORTAIL! RADIO Smartly at y I• cl 11 t .. an1l1tor Leather oovered. alldl rule '""n· Ing, lighted dial, .. rphone jaol(, lo09ln9 1 o a I e. Built-In AFC. AC/DC, AM/~M/'llHF /P8/IW. Can be played en hcu1e cur- rent er batter..._ 44 76 ONLY • NEWPORT BEACH 50 FASHION ISLAND Oppoahe 8rcfwy. Dept. Store 644-0981 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK TOY & HOBBY ·.-e-.,_· ~ .-~dt..--_ =-r-~·-_., .._.._.._.._..__._COUPON ..... ....-...-...-._.... MATCH IOX CARS ,,... .............. ................ .... lie, .... ~ 27c _. 0.. c..... -..... ,.,.. Pw .... ec..,.. V.W Aft.H ,,.,.,. ti -----..-------couPOH-----....-...-...-~ MAnEL HOT WHIR CAIS ...... , .... 01lll'I 6 7 c ... o..c...... ,_,.,..,. .... Cftfl'M 't'.W After .,..., l2 APOLLO SATURN = Monotram PlaaUo -Model 2!12 Ft. America's apace vefllole for fllghl to tt\e moon. All atagn Mparate and In perfM>t soale 5 47 detail. ·Only • MATTB. HOT WllB.S .... r eharger sprint rMla ellt K ..... 'eM raolrt9 non-6.67 .tepl Re9. t..87 ent)' CAROM GAME BOARD TIM ewr pepular 9arMI Aft ltleal eWt ler all ..... l'llllshwd In Mturaf ..... \vlU. '" & blaok .._,.,.._ S 97 c.tftplete wfth ..,1,me..t. ... ., ..... 111.00 Lie•. • .......... ....... ....................... ..... ~ ... , .... . ......._, ~ ..... . ~., ........... 1.a ....... °"'>' WESTCHESTER 6259 w .. 1 87tt. St. OR9.1131 LOS ANGELES 3674 W. S..,to 8arl.oto AX 2.2955 CANOGA PARK ' 674) Follt.rool. Ave. 34-3312 FOUR MAN IOAT With moto~ mount. Rubber- ized booat with 2 lneerted eeau, 1eparate air compart- menta, wood motor m04lnt. Paddles eirtra at 58.76 •·" pair-Only SURFWID A ....a ....... ! .... of .,.,...,.,, -...e ...... t I fW ~ .... a """"'*" f u 1t I ...,.,._,... ...,. 1.99 .... ...... dll I, .. 111e ..,..... that ev917 '• y ....... ., ........ , w ... ,.. ,.....,, ... , ... ,, ..... ,......,_r.,..,... 999 ...... ,,, "91ue ... ., • .............. llt1S.s7 _______ ....., ____________________ __ SNOOPY llADQUARlERS SNOOPY Astr.llt ............... ... ..... .. ...... r .... .. ............ ............. .... 3_95 PIANUIS PBINANTS l'ett Mati9rial. Avallable lft "' a 1t y ........ A tint 1Vxlr .a. ..._,,_, Glrta, A4IUftia ••• Per ~Uon Md part;r """ ~ 2.00 -.,........ 0.ty SWIMMING POOL ltrent platlo PoOI with po,... manent multf-ootor pleb.Ira. IALE PfttCIE 3.47 PLAY IOAT Heavy dU\y I oolor play boat fw waw fun. ~ 99 IALE PIUC£ ~. • --------------· • OPEN SUNDAYS ·---TOYS -HOlllES :..._STATIONER __ _ PRINTED BY SOUTl-iWEST COLOR PRE~ SAN DIEGO